> ^ ^1) ^ ^ ^y5 > ^)\ >^ )JV '^ r' --' ^^ ■■ 13)'^'^ 13^ J)3 3 Dll)3 Dr> \4/i^ ,_^-i> .^ ^ ^^'^V^ %:• T^^'3 T) ' (/l^/../r/,_. f^u^/ZA. . . wv^' is J^Xh^ pu\A.lSS^ ^^^ without doubt erroneoufly. Advertisement, An. A Hand-bill notifying the Sale of " Pyes of falifburie vfe," beginning "If it plefe ony man fpirituel or temporel," &c., (5x7 inches). [1480 T\ (Oxford, The Bodleian.) 6 Books printed Msov. The Fables of ^Efop ; of Avian ; of Alfonfe ; and of Poge the Florentine. With Woodcuts. " Em- prynted by me William Caxton at Weftmynftre." Folio. 1484. Britifli Mufeum C. 1 1. c. 17. (Show Cafe viii.) Anelida and Arcyte. (See Chaucer.) Art and Craft to know well to die. (See Gerson.) Arthur, King of Great Britain. A Book of the noble Hiftories of King Arthur, and of certain of his Knights. " Enprynted in thabbey, weftmeftre." " Caxton me fieri fecit." Folio. 1485. (Earl of Jerfey , Ofterley.) Aymon. The Four Sons of Aymon. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1489?] (Earl Spencer, Althorp.) ^v^v^, LvU6--^ cr.^ dM^^^^ 2u^^tZ 'Jl^^l^^ by C ax ton. 7 Ballad, A. The fragment quoted by Dibdin in "Typographical Antiquities," Vol. I., p. 359, is a portion of Caxton's Firft Edition of the Canterbury Tales. Bartholomveus de PrOPRIETx\.TIBUS Rerum. Suppofed to have been printed by Caxton at Cologne, (See Dibdin's " Typographical Antiquities," Vol. I., p. xci.) No fuch impreffion has ever been found. Benet. The Rule of St. (See Ghostly Matters.) Blanchardin. The Hiftory of the vi6torious Prince Blanchardin, Son of the noble King of PVyfe, and of Eglantine, the proud Lady in Love. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1489?] Britifti Muleum Harl. MS. No. 5919, fol. 3 b.; A printed fragment. (Earl Spencer, Althorp). 8 Books printed BoETHius, A. M. T. S. De Confola- tione Philofophias, tranflated into Englifh by Geoffrey Chaucer. " I William Caxton have done my devoir to enprint it." Without Place 'or Date. Folio. \ante 1479-] Britith Mufeum C. 21. d. Anotlier copy C. II. c. 9. Another copy Gr. 10544. BoNAVENTURE, St. Speculum vit^ Chrifti. With Woodcuts. Firft Edition. " Emprynted by Wyllyam Caxton." Without Place or Date. Folio. [1488?] (Camlrldge, Public Lihrary AB. 10. 44.^ BoNAVENTURE, St. Spcculum vitas Chrifti. With Woodcuts. Second Edition. " Emprynted by Wyllyam Caxton." Without Place or Date. Folio. [1491?] Britilh Mufeum C. 41. f., on Vellum. (Show Cafe viii.) Another copy, C. 10. b. 15. Book of Courtefy. (See Lydgate.) Book of Fame. (See Chaucer.) by C ax ton, 9 Book of Divers Ghoftly Matters. (See Ghostly Matters.) Book of Good Manners. (See Legrand.) Book for Travellers. (See Voca- bulary.) BuRDEUx, John de. The Gouvernal of Health; and the Medicina Stomachi. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto. [1489?] (Earl of Dyj art, Ham Houfe, Surrey.) .t Ot/'}i^ v^ i^ /yij-tftU ^i^ oUJjt,^^ Canterbury Tales. (See Chaucer.) " Caoursin, Gulielmus. The Siege of Rhodes. Without Place or Date. (Printer's Name uncertain, but gene- rally attributed to Caxton). Folio. [1493 ••] Britilh Mufeum C. 21. d. Another copy Gr. 6209. I o Books printed Catherine. The Life of St. Kathe- rine and the Revelations of St. EUzabeth of Hungary. Without Place or Date. (Printer's Name uncertain). Folio. [1493?] Britilh Mufeum C. 10. b. 14. Another copy Gr. 10542. Catho. Parvus Catho ; and Magnus Catho. Firft Edition. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto. [_ante 1479.] (Cambridge, Public Library AB. 8. 48, 2.) Catho. Parvus Catho ; and Magnus Catho. Second Edition. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto. \_ante 1479.] (Duke of Devonjhire, Chatfworth.) Catho. Parvus Catho ; and Magnus Catho. With Woodcuts. Third Edition. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [148 1?] (Oxford, St. Johns College.) by C ax ton, 1 1 Caton. The Book called Caton. Tranflated by Caxton in 1484, from an extenlive French Glofs of the Parvus Catho and Magnus Catho. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1484?] Britifli Mufeum C. 10. b. 8. Cessolis, Jacobus de. The Game and Play of the Chefs, moralifed. Firft Edition. Tranflated by Caxton in 1474, and probably printed at Bruges, Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Foho. [1475?] Britifli Mufeum C. 10. b. 23. Gr. 10543. (Show Cafe viii.) Cessolis, Jacobus de. The Game and Play of the Chefs, moralifed. With Woodcuts. Second Edition. "Explicit per Caxton." Without Place or Date. Folio. [1481?] Britilli Muleum C. 10. b. i. (Show Cafe viii.) I 2 Books printed Charlemagne. The Life of the Noble and Chriftian Prince Charles the Great. " Explicit per William Caxton." Without Place. Folio. 1485. Britilli Mufeum C. 10. b. 9. Chartier, Alain. The Curial. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Foho. [1484?] Britilh Mufeum C. to. b. 17. Chastising. The profitable Book for man's foul, which book is called The Chaftiling of God's Children. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1491?] Britilh Mufeum C. 10. b. 21. Chaucer, Geoffrey. Queen Anelida and Falfe Arcyte ; The Complaint of Chaucer to his Purfe. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto. \ante 1479.] (Cambridge, Public Library AB. 8. 48. 8.; by C ax ton. 13 Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Book of Fame. " Emprynted by William Caxton." Without Place or Date. Foho. [1484?] Britilh Muieum C. lo. b. 13. Alio fragments in C. 18. e. 2, and Harl. MS. No. 5919. Art. 7. Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Canterbury Tales. Firft Edition. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1478?] Britilli Muieum C. 21. d. (Show Cale viii.) Another copy, Gr. 11585. Alio a fragment in C. 18. e. 25 and another fragment 643. m. Chaucer, Geoffrey, The Canterbury Tales. With Woodcuts. Second Edition, "By William Caxton." Without Place or Date. Folio, [1484?] Britiili Muieum C. 21. d. (Show Cafe viii.) Another Copy Gr. 11586. Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Temple of Brafs, or the Parliament of Fowls ; A Treatife which John Skogan fent unto the Lords ; The good Counfel of 1 4 Books printed Chaucer; The Ballad of the Village without painting ; The Envoy of Chau- cer. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto. [ante 1479.] {Cambridge, PitlTic Library AB. 8. 48. 6.) Chaucer, Geoffrey. Troylus and Crelide. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Foho. [1484?] Britilli Mufeum C. 11. c. 10. Another copy Gr. 1 1589. Chaucer. Tranflation of De confo- latione Philofophi«. (See Boethius.) Chefs. The Game and Play of. (See Cessolis.) Chivalry. The Order of Chivalry. PrefentedbyCaxtontoKingRichardlll. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto. [1483-85.] Britilli Mufeum C. 21. c. Another copy C. II. a. 19. by Caxton. 15 Christine de Pisan. The Moral Proverbs of Chriftine. Tranflated by Earl Rivers. " Enprinted by Caxton. At Weftmeftre." Folio. 1478. (J'he Miller Library, Britwell, Berks.) Christine de Pisan. The Faits of Arms and of Chivalry. " Per Caxton." Without Place. Folio. 1489. Britifh Mufeum C. 21. d. Another copy C. 10. b, II. Another copy Gr. 10546. Chronicles, The, of England. (See England.) Cicero, Marcus Tulhus. Tully of Old Age ; of Friendfhip ; the Declama- tion of Nobleffe. " Enprynted by me fymple perfone William Caxton." With- out Place. FoHo. 148 1. Britilh Mufeum C. 21. d. Another copy C. 10. b. 6. Confeffio Amantis. (See Gower.) 1 6 Books prmted Cordial, The. (See Memorare NovissiMA.) Curia Sapientiae, or The Court of Sapience. (See Lydgate.) Curial, The. (See Chartier.) D'AiLLY, Pierre, Cardinal. Medi- tacions fur les fept Pfeaulmes peniten- ciaulx. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Probably printed at Bruges. Foho. [1477 •'] Britilh Mufeum C. 21. d. (Show Cafe viii.) De Fide et Cantu, &c., attributed to Caxton by Ames in "Typographical Antiquities," p. 71, is a portion of the " Curia Sapientiae." Deguilleville, Guillaume de. The Pilgrimage of the Soul. " Emprynted at Weftmeftre by William Caxton."' Folio. 14^3- Britilh Muleum C. 21. d. A fragment in Harl. MS. No. 5919, Art. 190. by Caxton, 17 Defcription of Britain, The. (See England.) DicTES AND Sayings of the Philo- sophers. Firft Edition. " Emprynted by me William Caxton at Weftmeftre." Folio. 1477- Britilh Mufeum C. 21. d. Another copy marked alfo C. 21. d. DiCTES AND Sayings of the Philo- sophers. Second Edition. "Emprynted by me William Caxton at Weflmeftre." Folio. Dated alio 1477, but printed about 1480. [1480?] Britilli Mufeum C. 10. b. 2. Dictes and Sayings of the Philo- sophers. Third Edition. "Emprynted by me William Caxton at Weftmeftre.'" Folio. Dated alio 1477, but printed about 1490. [1490?] (Camhridge, Public Library AB. 10. 29.^ I 8 Books printed DiRECTORiuM Sacerdotum, feu Pica Sarum. Firft Edition. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto. [1480?] (St. Allans, Edward VI. Grammar School. A fragment.) DiRECTORiuM Sacerdotum, una cum Defenforio ejufdem ; item Tradlatus qui dicitur Crede mihi. Firft Verfion of the Second Edition. Per WiUiam Caxton, apud Weftmonefterium. Without Date. Foho. [1487?] Britilli Muleum C. 10. b. 16. DiRECTORiuM Sacerdotum, una cum Defenforio ejufdem; item Tra Status qui dicitur Crede mihi. Second Verlion of the Second Edition. " Impreflum per Willelmum Caxton apud W eftmonefte- rium prope London." Without Date. Foho. [1489?] Britifti Mufeum. A fragment in Harl. MS. No. 5919, Art. 2. (The Bodleian, Oxford.) by C ax ton, 19 Doctrinal. The Doctrinal of Sapience. Woodcuts. "Caxton me fieri fecit." Tranflated 1489. Without Place or Date. Folio. [1489?] {Camhridge, Pul-iic Lil-ranj AB. lo. 52.) Edward the Confessor, Life of. Erroneoufly attributed to Caxton in Ames's " Typographical Antiquities," Vol. I., p. 70. Elizabeth, St. (See Catherine.) Eneydos. (See Virgil.) England. The Chronicles of Eng- land. Firft Edition. " Emprynted by me William Caxton, in thabbey of Weftmynftre." Folio. 1480. {Caml-ridgn, Pullic Library AB. 10. 32. 2.) England. The Chronicles of Eng- land. Second Edition. "Enprynted by me William Caxton, in thabbey of Weftmeftre." Foho. 1482. Britilh Mufeum C. 21. d. Another copy C. ID. b. 4. 20 Books printed ExGLAXD. The Delcription of Bri- tain. "Fynyfhed by me William Cax- ton." Without Place. Folio. 1480. Britilh Muieum C. 10. b. 24. England. The Statutes of Henry VII. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1489?] Britifh Muieum Gr, 6002. Fayts of Arms. (See Christine.) Feftial, or Feftival, The. (See MiRKus, John.) Fifteen Oes, The. (See Prayers.) Gerson, John. The Art and Craft to know well to die. Tranflated by Caxton in 1490. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1491?] Britilh Muieum C. lo. c. 8. Ghostly Matters. A Book of Divers Ghoftly Matters, containing: — The Seven Points of True Wildom, by C ax ton, 21 or Orologium Sapientiac ; The Seven Profits of Tribulation ; The Rule of St. Benet. " Wyllelmfi Caxton. Emprynted at Weftmynftre." Without Date. Quarto. [1490?] (Camhidge, PuL-lic Library AB. 4. 64.) Godfrey of Boloyne, The Hiftory of Godfrey of Boloyne ; or the Con- queft of Jerufalem. Printed in the Abbey of Weftminfter by William Caxton. Folio. 1481. Britilh Mufeum C. 11. c. 4. Golden Legend. (See Voragine.) Gouvernal of Health. (See Burdeux.) GowER, John. Confeflio Amantis, " Enprynted at Weftrneftre by me WiUiam Caxton." Folio. (Dated erroneoufly 1493.) 1483- Britilh Muleum C. 21. d. Another copy C. II. c. 7. Another copy Gr. 11627. Guilleville, de. (See Deguilleville.) 2 2 Books printed HiGDEN, Ralph. Polycronicon, " Imprinted by me William Caxton." Tranflated in 1482, but without Place or Date of Printing. Folio. [1482?] Britifli Muleum C. 21. d. Another copy C. 10. b. 7. Another copy Gr. 6011-6012. Hilton, Walter. The Scale of Perfection is erroneoufly afcribed to Caxton in 1484 by Bagford and Palmer. HoR/E AD usuM Sarum. Firft Edition. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Octavo. [1478?] (Oxford, The Bod/eiaji. A fragment.) HoRiE AD USUM Sarum. Sccond Edition. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto. [1480?] ^5^. Allans, Edward VI. Grammar School. A fragment.) HoR^ AD USUM Sarum. With Woodcut. Third Edition. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Octavo. [1490?] Britilh Muieum C. 35. a. A fragment. by C ax ton. 23 Horfe, the Sheep, and the Goofe. (See Lydgate.) IxDULGExcEs. An Indulgence granted by Pope Sixtus IV. for allift- ance againft the Turks at the Siege of Rhodes. Firft Verfion. Printed on a flip of parchment. 1480. Britilh Muleum C. i8. e. 3. IxDULGENCES. An Indulgence granted by Pope Sixtus for affiftance againft the Turks. Second Verlion. Printed on a flip of parchment. 1481. (St. Allans, Edward VI. Grammar School.) Indulgences. An Indulgence granted by Pope Sixtus IV. for aihft- ance againft the Turks. Third Verfton. Printed on a flip of parchment. [1481?] {The Bedford/hire General Liirary, Bedford). Infancia Salvatoris. Hie incipit Tradlatus qui intitulatur Infancia Salva- toris. W^ithout Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto. [1478''] (Gottingen Un'iverjity.) 24 Books printed Jafon, The Life of, and Les fais du. (See Lefevre.) Jerufalem, the Conqueft of. (See Godfrey of Boloyne.) Knight of the Tower. (See Latouk Landry.) Latour Landry, Geoffrey de. The Book which the Knight of the Tower made to the Enfeygnement and Teaching of his Daughters. " Em- prynted at Weftmynftre the fyrft yere of the regne of Kynge Rychard the th^Td." Foho. 1484. Britilh Mufeum C. 11. c. 6. Anotlier copv C. 21. d. Lefevre, Raoul, Les Fais et Proueffes du noble et vaillant Chevalher Jafon. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Probably printed at Bruges. Foho. [H77-'] (Eton College.) by Caxton, 25 Lefevre, Raoul. The Hiftory of Jafon. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. FoUo. [1477?] Britifh Muleum C. lo. b. 3. Lefevre, Raoul. Le Recueil des Hiftoires de Troyes. Compofe en Tan de Grace 1464. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Probably printed at Bruges. Foho. [1476?] Britifti Muleum C. 21. d. (Show Cafe viii.) Another Copy C. j 2. c. Lefevre, Raoul. The Recuyell of the Hiftories of Troy. Tranflated 1469-71. Without Place or Date. Probably printed at Bruges. Folio. [1472-74?] Britifli Muleum C. 11. c. i. (Show Cafe viii.) Legrand, Jacques. The Book of Good Manners. "Explicit per Cax- ton." Without Place. Folio. 1487. (Cambridge, Public Library AB. 10. 29.^ Liber Feftivalis. (See Mirkus.) 2 6 Books printed Life of our Lady. (See Lydgate.) Liturgies. (See Horje and Servi- TIUM.) LoMBARDY, The Hiftory of. Erro- neoufly attributed to the Prefs of Caxton by Ames in "Typographical Antiquities," p. 71. Lord's Prayer, Belief, Command- ments, &c.. An ExpoHtion of the. Erroneoufly afcribed to the Prefs of Caxton by Ames in "Typographical Antiquities," p. 71. Love. A Treatife of Love. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1492?] {Cambridge, Public Library AB. 4. 13.) Lucidarye, The. A little Treatife, in Quarto, erroneoufly attributed to Caxton by Dibdin in " Typographical Antiquities," Vol. L, p. 343. by C ax ton, 27 Lydgate, John. The Book of Courtefy, or Little John. Firft Edition. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto. \ante 1479.] (Cambridge, Public Library AB. 8. 48. "].) Lydgate, John. The Book of Courtefy, or Little John. Second Edition. " Enprynted atte Weftmofter." Without Printer's Name or Date. Quarto. [149 1?] (Oxford, The Bodleian. A fragment.) Lydgate, John. The Chorle and the Bird. Firft Edition. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto. [ante 1479.] (Cambridge, Public Library AB. 8. 48. 3.^ Lydgate, John. The Chorle and the Bird. Second Edition. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto. \_ante 1479.] (York, Cathedral Library.) 2 8 Books printed Lydgate, John. Curia Sapientiae ; or the Court of Sapience. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Foho. [148 1?] (Oxford, St. John's College.) Lydgate, John. Tlie Horfe, the Sheep, and the Goofe — Various Stanzas — The proper appUcation of Nouns and Verbs. Firft Edition. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto. ^ante 1479.] (Cainl-ridge, Public Lilrary AB. 8. 48. 4.) Lydgate, John. The Horfe, the Sheep, and the Goofe — Various Stanzas — ^The proper application of Nouns and Verbs. Second Edition. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto. \_ante 1479.] (York, Cathedral Library.) Lydgate, John. The Life of our Lady. " Enpryntyd by Wyllyam Cax- ton." Without Place or Date. Folio. [1484?] Britilli Mufeum C. 10. b. 18. by C ax ton, 29 Lydgate, John. Stans Puer ad Menfam ; Moral Diftichs ; and Salve Regina. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto, \cinte 1479.] {Camlr'idge, Pullk Lilrary AB. 8. 48. i.) Lydgate, John. The Temple of Glals. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto. [c/tite 1479.] (Camlridge, Pullk Lilrary AB. 8. 48. 5.^ Lyndewode. Lyndewodi Gulielmi Conftitutiones Provinciales. Erro- neoufiy afcribed to Caxton's Prefs by Ames in " Typographical Antiquities," p. 71. Medicina Stomachi. (See Burdeux.) Meditacions fur les fept Pfeaulmes. (See D'AiLLY.) Memorare Novissima. Cordyale, or the Four laft things. With Printer's Name, but without Place. Folio. 1479. Britiih Muleum C. 11. c. 2. 3 o Books printed Memorare NovissiMA. Les quatre derrenieres chofes qui font aduenir. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [H77'0 Britifh Mufeum C. 2J. d. (Show Cafe viii.) MiRKUS, John. The Feftial. Firft Edition. "Enprynted at Weftmynfter by Wyllyam Caxton." Foho. 1483. Britifh Mufeum C. 11. c. 5. MiRKus, John. The Feftial. Second Edition. "Caxton me fieri fecit." Without Place or Date. [1491 ?] Britilh Mufeum C. 21. d. MiRROUR OF THE WoRLD. With Woodcuts. Firft Edition. Tranflated by Caxton in 1481, but Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. 1481. Britilh Mufeum C. 10. b. 5. Another copy C. 2i.d. by Caxton. 31 MiRROUR OF THE WoRLD. With Woodcuts. Second Edition. Tranilated by Caxton in 1481, but without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Foho. [1490?] (Camlridge, Public Library AB. lo. ^;;^.) Morte d' Arthur, Le. (See Arthur.) Order of Chivalry. (See Chivalry.) Orologium Sapientias. (See Ghostly Matters.) Ovid. The Metamorphofes, Trans- lated by Caxton in 1480, but only a manulcript copy is known. Paris. The Hiftory of the noble right valliant and worthy knight Paris, and of the fair Vienne. " Explicit per Caxton." Weftminfter. Foho. 1485. Britiih Mufeum C. lo. b. lo. Pilgrimage of the Soul. (See Deguilleville.) 3 2 Books printed Polycronicon. (See Higden.) Prayers. Death-Bed Prayers. A Folio Broadlide. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. [i484r] * (Earl Spencer, A/thorp.) Prayers. The Fifteen Oes and other devout Prayers. With Woodcut Frontifpiece. " Printed by William Caxton." Without Place or Date. Quarto. [1490?] Britilh Muleum C. 25. c. (Show Cafe viii.) Profitable Book for a man's Soul. (See Chastisixg.) Propofitio Johannis Ruffell. (See Russell.) Psalms. Pfalterium, &c. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto. [1480-83?] Britilh Muleum C. ;^^. e. Quatre derrenieres chofes. (See Memorare Novissima.) by C ax ton, 33 Recueil, Le. (See Lefevre.) Recuyell, The. (See Lefevre.) Reynard. The Hiftory of Reynard the Fox. Firft Edition. Tranflated at Weftminfter by Caxton in 1481, but without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. FoHo. [148 1?] Britifh Mufeiim C. ii. c. 3. Another copy Gr. 10545. Reynard. The Hiftory of Reynard the Fox, Second Edition. Tranflated at Weftminfter by Caxton in 1481, but without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. [1489?] fCawlridge, The Pepyjian Lilrary.) Rhodes, Siege of. (See Caoursin.) Royal Book. The Royal Book, or Book for a King. With Woodcuts. Tranflated by Caxton in 1484. With- out Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Foho. [1487?] Britilh Muleum C. 10. b. 22. (Show Cafe viii.) 34 Books printed Roye, Guy de, The Doctrinal of Sapience. (See Doctrinal.) Russell, John. Propolitio clariflimi Oratoris Magiftri Johannis Ruflell. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto. [1478?] (Earl of Leicester, Holk/iam.) Saona, Gul. De. Fratris Laurentii Gulielmi de Saona Margarita Eloquen- tiae caftigatae ad eloquendum divina accommodata. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1479-80?] {Cambridge, Corpus Chrijii College.) Sermons. Four Sermons. (Quatuor Sermones.) Firft Edition. "Enprynted by Wylliam Caxton at Weftmeftre." Folio. [1483?] Britilh Muleum C. 11. c. 5. Sermons. Four Sermons. (Quatuor Sermones.) Second Edition. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1491?] Britilli Muleum C. 21. d. by C ax ton. 35 Servitium de Transfiguratione Jhesu Christi. With Woodcut. " Caxton me fieri fecit." Without Place or Date. Quarto. [1491?] Britilh Mul'eum C. 35. a. Servitium de Visitatione Beat^e Marine Virginis. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto. [1481-83?] Britilh Mufeum C. 21. c. Seven Points of True Wifdom, The. (See Ghostly Matters.) Seven Profits of Tribulation, The. (See Ghostly Matters.) Speculum vitae Chrifti. (See Bona- VEXTURE.) Stans Puer. (See Lydgate.) Statutes. Statuta Regis Ricardi tercii. Herbert attributes this to Caxton inftead of Machlinia. See Dibdin's " Typographical Antiquities," Vol. I., p. 2>hh- (foirCdAh. 1^ tM^-^^-^i^t- «.n*n 3 6 Books printed Statutes of Henry VII. (See England.) Sufo or Souabe, Orologium Sapientiise (See Ghostly Matters.) Temple of Brafs. (See Chaucer.) Temple of Glafs. (See Lydgate.) Travellers, Book for. (See Vocabu- lary.) Troylus and Crelide. (See Chaucer.) TuUy of Old Age, Friendlhip, &c. (See Cicero.) Virgil. Eneydos. Tranflated by Caxton in 1490. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1490?] Britilh Muleum C. 21. d. Another copy C. 10. b. 12. Another copy Gr. 9723. Vocabulary. A Vocabulary in French and Enghfh, (entitled by Dib- din A Book for Travellers.) With- out Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. 1^83?] (Ripon, Cathedral Lilrary) by Caxton. 37 VoRAGiNE, Jacobus de. The Golden Legend. With Woodcuts. Firft Edition. " Fynyfhed at Weftmeftre," in 1483, "By me Wyllyam Caxton." (Large type for the head hnes of the pages.) Large Foho. [1484?] Britiih Muleum C. [i.d. 8. (A portion of this copy is from the Second Edition.) VoRAGiNE, Jacobus de. The Golden Legend. W^ith Woodcuts. Second Edition. " Fynyfhed at Weftmeftre," in 1483, "By me Wyllyam Caxton." (Smaller type for the head lines of the pages.) Large Folio. [1487?] Britiih Muleum C. Ji. d. 8. (A portion of this copy is froni the Firll Edition.) VoRAGiNE, Jacobus DE. The Golden Legend. With Woodcuts. Third Edition. " Fynyfshed at Weftmeftre," in 1493, " ^y "^^ Wyllyam Caxton." Folio. ^493- Britiih Mufeuni C. 21. d. 3 8 Books pr lilted Winifred. The Life of the holy and bleffed Virgin St. "V^'enefryde. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [14^5?] Brifilli Muleum C. 10. b. 19. Werkes of Sapience, or Curia Sapienti^. (See Lydgate.) W^ydeville, Anthony, Earl Rivers. (See DiCTES.) MAR 2 2 1962 '' I r\ ^ ^ A T%A"V TTCi: RETURN LIBRARY SCHOOL LIBRARY TO"^ 2 South Hall 642-2253 LOAN PERIOD 1 \ ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS DUE AS STAMPED BELOW APR '^'^ ly// ~% :ri,j"rary I JNIV. OF CALIF., NOV 3 1977 INTER-U SRARY L OAN NOV 16 MAY 1 1 1384 iJtC^O 1988 BERK. mi_ SENfTONriL KHFH NOV 1 h 1397 'Lu lariUV .../ iL^M UL€-BHR?CEity C ^ MAR 2 1981 FORM NO. DD 18, 45m, 6'76 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY BERKELEY, CA 94720 4^ ^- CCi 9 ^ U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES ICC ir-cmc ccaccc ( c ^ /-: r rv^V^ Yc r'a r^rr'cT'