Whulsiii! ll1iiMiii|r!!!j:ij, : ;|n c::::ViTt] ^t ;!■ '- THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES Ex Libris Katharine F. Richmond and Henry C. Fall ffO ./:■> / ■^CiU^^'^^ /^.i-/^^'^ NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. IN THREE PARTS. PART I. A HISTORICAL SKETCH OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, FBOH ITS FIRST SETTLEMENT TO TUE ADOPTION OF THE FEDERAL CONSTITUTION IN 1788. PART H. A GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE; CONTAINING A PARTICULAR DESCRIPTION OF THE SEVERAL TOWNS, CITIES, VILLAGES, &c. ; REMARKABLE CURIOSITIES, MINERAL LOCALITIES, STATISTICAL TABLES i ALSO, THE BOUNDARY AND AREA OF TOE STATE ; A GENERAL VIEW OF THE COUNTIES, BOTH HISTORICAL AND TOPOGRAPHICAL. PART III. A GENERAL VIEW OF NEW HAMPSHIRE ; CONTAINING A DESCMPTION OF ITS SOIL, PRODUCTIONS, CLIMATE ; ITS GEO- LOGICAL AND JHNERALOGICAL FEATURES ; THE PRINCIPAL MOUNTAINS, LAKES, AND RIVERS j EDUCATION AND RELIGION ; BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF DISTINGUISHED MEN ; LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC, AND CHARITABLE ASSOCIATIONS ; BANKS, RAILROADS, NEWSPAPERS, uc. TOGETHER WITH THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE. COMPILED FROM NUMEROUS AUTHENTIC SOURCES, BY EDWIN A. CHARLTON. THIRD EDITION, REVISED, WITH AN APPENDIX. CLAREMONT, N. H. : TRACY AND COMPANY. 1856. TO THE SONS OF NEW HAMPSHIEE IS RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED, BY THE PUBLISHERS. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1855, by TKACY AND SANFORD, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of New Hampshire. STEREOTYPED AT THE BOSTON STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY. F, PREFACE. The present work was undertaken with the de- sign of furnishing as great an amount of reliable and important information 'coneerning the past history and the present condition of New Hamp- shire as the means at our command and the limits assigned us would allow. In the Historical Sketch we have aimed to give a brief synopsis of the leading events in the history of our state, from its first settlement to the adoption of the federal constitution. In this we have generally followed Dr. Belknap, not, however, without reference to other authorities, among which may be mentioned Barstow's History of New Hampshire; the New Hampshire Historical Col- lections ; Adams's Annals of Portsmouth ; together with various histories of the United States. The Gazetteer was prepared entirely by George Ticknor, Esq., of Claremont, to whose preface we would refer the reader for further information con- cerning that part of the work. The Third Part embraces a variety of subjects, which we deem it unnecessary to mention in detail. The principal authorities whicli we have consulted (3) iSSv^ PREFACE. in its preparation are Farmer and Moore's New Hampshire Gazetteer ; Hayward's United States Gazetteer ; Dr. Jackson's Geological Report ; Oakes's White Mountain Scenery; New Hamp- shire Compiled Statutes ; Life of Eleazar Whee- lock, founder of Dartmouth College ; Rev. N Bouton's Historical Discourse ; New Hampshire Annual Register, for the last forty years ; United States Census Report for 1850 ; together with various pamphlets and periodicals. To our friends and correspondents who have aided us in our labor, we tender our sincere thanks for their kind assist- ance and cooperation. The department of Biography is not so full as we could have wished ; yet to have given even a brief sketch of all deserving such a notice, would have increased both the ^ize and the price of our volume far beyond their prescribed limits. It has been our aim to form the plan of the work and to arrange the materials furnished us in such a manner as to produce an harmonious whole ; and though, from the nature of the case, we can lay no claim to literary merit or to origi- nality, yet we trust that our eftbrts to make a judicious selection and arrangement have not been wholly unsuccessful. With these remarks, the work is respectfully presented to the public. E. A. C. Haybrhill, N. H., Fdyruary 1, 1865. CONTENTS. PART I. HISTORICAL SKETCH. CHAPTER I. Introduction. — Captain John Smith's Exploration. — The Virginia Company. — The Plymouth Council. — Gorges and Mason. — Grant of Mariana and Laconia. — Settlements at Portsmouth and Dover. — "Wheelwright's Pur- chase. — Mason's new Patent. — New Hampshire. — Upper and Lower Plantations. — Neal's Expedition to the White Mountains. — Survey oi Portsmouth and Dover. — Discouragements. — Surrender of the Charter ol the Plymouth Council. — Death of Mason. — Reflections 9 CHAPTER II. HeUgious Intolerance. — Antinomiau Controversy. — Banishment of Wheel- wright. — Settlement of Exeter. — Formation of a Government. — Settle- mant of Hampton. — Affairs on the Piscataqua. — Wiggin visits England. — Erection of a Church. — Burdet's Exploits. — Morton abandons Ports- mouth. — Underhill's Administration. — Knollys and Larkham. — Dover and Portsmouth form Governments. — Union ■with Massachusetts. — Wheelwright flees. — Laws of Massachusetts and Character of the early Settlers. — Persecution of the Quakers. — Witchcraft 16 CHAPTER III. Mason's Efforts to recover his Estate. — The King sends Commissioners to New England. — Their Reception, Treatment, and Proceedings. — Jealousy of the Indians. — Passaconnaway. — Commencement of King Philip's War. — Attacks on various Places. — Death of Lieutenant Plaistcd. — The In- dians make Peace. — Death of King Philip, and Renewal of Hostilities at the East. — "tValdron seizes the Refugees at Dover. — The Mohawks are solicited to assist the English. — Captain Swett is defeated. — Conclusion of Peace. — Omens 24 (6) CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. Mason's renewed Efforts. — Randolph visits New England. — New Hampshire is erected into a royal Province. — The Commission is published. — Meeting of the Assembly and making Laws. — Waldron succeeds President Cutts. — _ Cranfield is appointed Governor. — His arbitrary Proceeding. — Gove's Re- bellion. — Mason institutes a Suit against Major Waldron. — "Weare is sent to England. — Persecution of Moody. — Fresh Usurpations of Power. — Resistance of the People. — Cranfield obtains Leave of Absence. — Barefoot succeeds him. — Treaty with the Indians 31 CHAPTER V. The Charter of Massachusetts forfeited. — Dudley appointed President of New England. — Succeeded by Andros. — His tyrannical Proceedings. — Revo- lution in England. — Temporary Union with Massachusetts. — Allen ap- pointed Governor and Usher Lieutenant Governor. — King William's War. — Attack on Dover. — Salmon Falls. — Expedition to Canada. — Temporary Peace. — Attack on Oyster River. — Conclusion of Peace. — Usher's Admin- istration. — Partridge supersedes him. — The Earl of Bellamont is appointed Governor, and visits New Hampshire. — Allen's Efforts. — Dudley appointed Governor 38 CHAPTER VI. Dudley holds a Conference with the Indians. — They commence Hostilities. — Various Attacks. — Defence of Durham. — Expeditions against Port Royal. — Death of Colonel Hilton. — Attempted Reduction of Canada. — Appoint- ment of Shute and Yaughan as Governor and Lieutenant Governor. — The latter is superseded by John Wentworth. — Progress in industrial Pursuits. — Settlement of Londonderry. — Incorporation of new Towns. — Governor Shute returns to England. — More Trouble with the Indians. — Causes of their Hostility to the English. — Attempt to capture Ralle. — Attack on Dover and other Places. — Expedition to Norridgewock and Death of RaUe. — Adventures of Captain Lovewell. — Ratification of Peace.... 45 CHAPTER VII. Controversy with Massachusetts. — Grants of Townships. — A new Assembly is chosen. — Burnet's short Administration. — Belcher succeeds him. -^ Death of Wentworth and Appointment of Dunbar. — Party Strife. — Set- tlement of the Boundary. — War with France. — Siege and Capture of Lou- isburgh. — Project to invade Canada. — Approach of a French Fleet. — Indian Hostilities. — Defence of Charlcstown. — The licit of Mason sells his Claim. — Controversy between Governor Wentworth and the Assem- bly. — Proposal to settle the CoOs. — Jealousy and Resentment of the In- di&DS 66 CONTENTS. 7 CHAPTER VIII. The "Old French War." — Indian Hostilities. — Expeditions against Crown Point. — Massacre at Fort Edward. — Rogers's Expedition against the St. Francis Indians. — Conquest of Canada. — Grants. — Settlement of the western Boundary. — The Stamp Act. — Meserve is appointed Distribu- tor. — His Resignation. — Demonstrations of the People. — Benning Went- worth is superseded by John Wentworth. — Taxes. — Dartmouth College. — Division of the Province into Counties. — The Tea sent to Portsmouth is reshipped. — Convention at Exeter. — Seizure of Gunpowder and Arms at Fort William Henry. — Attempts of Wentworth to maintain Peace. — Close of his Administration 63 CHAPTER IX. The Revolutionary War. — Forces raised by Nev/ Hampshire. — Preparations for Defence. — Treatment of the Tories. — Formation of a temporary Govern- ment. — Expedition to Canada. — Declaration of Independence. — Battle of Bennington. — Surrender of Burgoyne. — Sullivan's Expedition against the Seneca Indians. — Close of the War. — Adoption of a State Constitution. — Troubles with Vermont. — Distress and Rebellion. — Formation and Adop- tion of the Constitution of the United States. — Conclusion. 71 PABT II. GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. Page 85. PART III. GENERAL VIEW OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. Page SURFACE, 445 CLIMATE, 446 GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY, 453 MINERALS 456 SOIL AND PRODUCTIONS 459 LAKES, 461 RIVERS, 463 MOUNTAINS, 468 O CONTENTS. ROUTES TO WHITE MOUNTAINS, 477 EDUCATION 479 RELIGION «I BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, 500 SOCIETIES AND ASSOCIATIONS, 661 RAILROADS, 662 BANKS 666 NEWSPAPERS, 667 CONSTITUTION OF NEW HAMPSHIRE 666 NEW HAMPSHIEE AS IT IS. HISTORICAL SKETCH. CHAPTER I. Introduction. — Captain John Smith's Exploration. — The Virginia Company. — The Plymouth Council. — Gorges and Mason. — Grant of Mariana and Laconia. — Settlements aft. Portsmouth and Dover. — Wheelwright's Pur- chase. — Mason's new Patent. — New Hampshire. — Upper and Lower Plantations. — Neal's Expedition to the White Mountains. — Survey of Portsmouth and Dover. — Discouragements. — Surrender of the Charter of the Plymouth Council. — Death of Mason. — Reflections. The discovery of America in 1492 by Christopher Co- lumbus was one of the most remarkable events in the his- tory of the world. In itself considered, it was wonderful that an entire continent should now, for the first time, be made known to the civilized nations of Europe ; while the effects of this discovery on the destiny of the human race are incalculable. On these shores, untrodden as yet save by the wild son of the forest, multitudes of every rank and condition sought a home. Hither came the needy adven- turer, too idle or too proud to labor with his hands, hoping that by some turn of fortune he should amass wealth or gain power. Here, too, the stern, unyielding, yet upright Puritan sought a dwelling-place where he might worship (9) 10 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. his God agreeably to the dictates of his own conscience. Those bereft of all hope of bettering their condition at home deemed the wilds of the new world a fitting place to hide their sorroAvs in solitude or to attempt to retrieve their ruined fortunes. The lawless outcast, compelled "to leave his country for his country's good," could find no more congenial spot than the newly-discovered continent. At this time, too, there was an unusual degree of intel- lectual excitement among the nations. Europe, for centu- ries buried in a universal night, began at length to arouse from her torpor and to exhibit new signs of vitality. The invention of the art of printing, of gunpowder, and the mar- iner's compass were among the results of this activity. It is not strange that, under such circumstances, a spirit of adventure should pervade the public mind, and that any bold leader could induce many to follow him, either for conquest or discovery. But it Avas not until a considerable time had elapsed that New England attracted any great share of public attention. The tide of emigration, that commenced flowing almost at the first announcement of the discovery, took a more south- erly direction. The first thing sought for was the precious metals ; and these, being found more abundant in southern latitudes, drew thither the eager crowd of adventurers. And besides, a mild and genial climate and a fertile soil offered far more inducements than the bleak shores of the north. But in 1614 the renowned Captain John Smith, so well known from his connection Avith the early settlement of Virginia, explored the Atlantic coast from the Penob- scot to Cape Cod, trading Avith the natives. During this voyage the RiA'cr Piscataqua, Avith the harbor at its mouth, was discovered. On his return to England he presented a map of the country to the Prince of Wales, afterwards Charles I., who called it Ncav Enghuid. HISTORICAL SKETCH. 11 In the year 1606 King James had granted a charter, lim- iting Virginia between the tliirty-fourth and forty-fifth de- grees of north latitude. This large territory was divided between two companies ; the southern part being assigned to London adventurers, the northern to certain persons in Bristol, Exeter, and Plymouth. The members of the northern, or Plymouth Company, finding themselves liable to be encroached upon by their neighbors, petitioned for a new charter, which was granted in 1620. The corporation thus instituted was composed of forty " nobles, knights, and gentlemen," and Avas called " The Council established at Plymouth, in the County of Devon, for the planting, ruling, and governing of New England in America." Among the most enterprising members of this council M'ere Sir Ferdinando . Gorges and Captain John Mason. The former had been an officer in the navy of Queen Eliz- abeth and companion of Sir Walter Raleigh, and was withal a man of most daring and adventurous spirit. The latter was originally a merchant of London, afterwards governor of Newfoundland, and was scarcely inferior to his rival in enterprise and boldness. He soon procured from the council a grant of the land between the river of Naumkeag — now Salem — and the Merrimack, and ex- tending back to the head waters of each. This he called Mariana. The next year, 1622, he and Gorges conjointly obtained a grant of the territory extending from the Mer- rimack to the Sagadahock,* and back to the great lakes and the river of Canada — the St. Lawrence. This was named Laconia. These two grants comprise nearly all the present territory of New Hampshire, together with portions of the adjoining states and Canada. The same year they formed the "Company of Laconia," for the purpose of col- * The Ivenncbeck. 12 l^EW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. onizing their new possessions ; and in the spring of 1623 they sent over David Thompson, Edward and William Hilton, with several others, to carry out their designs. Thompson, with one division, landed near the mouth of the Piscataqua, on the southern shore, at a place to which they gave the name of Little Harhor. Here they erected salt works and established a fishery. The Hiltons went eight miles farther up the river, to Northam, afterwards called Dover. These were the first settlements M'ithin the present limits of New Hampshire. Thompson, however, became dissatisfied with his situation, and in about one year removed to an island in Massachusetts Bay afterwards called by his own name. But it does not appear that this place, Avhere he had erected salt works and dwellings, was entirely deserted. For several years these colonies on the Piscataqua pro- gressed but slowly. Unlike those who landed at Plymouth to seek a home where they might enjoy civil and religious liberty, the first settlers of this state were seeking gain. They hoped, by establishing fisheries and carrying on trade with the natives, to secure an abundant requital for all their labor. Influenced by such feelings, they for a time neg- lected agriculture — the only sure resource of a new country. Thus time passed away, presenting but few incidents worthy of note. No remarkable events occurred ; at least none have been recorded. Doubtless in their own little circle these pioneei's of the wildei'ness experienced the usual variety that falls to the human race. But what toils and suflTcrings they endured, neither history, nor tradition informs us. In 1629 Rev. John Wheelwright and others of the Mas- sachusetts Bay colony purchased of the Indians, for what they deemed a valuable consideration in " coats, shirts, and HISTORICAL SKETCH. 13 kettles," a considerable tract of land between the Piscata- qua and the Merrimack. The deed was signed by Passa- conaway, the chief sagamore of the Indian tribes in this part of New England, though exercising immediate juris- diction over the' Pennacooks living on the Merrimack in the vicinity of Concord. It was also signed by the chiefs of several other tribes. This land had been before granted to Gorges and Mason by the Plymouth Company ; but it must be admitted that the right conveyed by the original owners and occupants of the soil was f;ir better than that of a self-constituted company in a distant land or of a for- eign monarch claiming it by the right of discovery. Very soon after, Mason obtained a new grant from the Plymouth Council of this very same territorj' ; whence it has been conjectured that he and Gorges had made a mutual agreement to divide Laconia and take out new patents. This, from the county in England in which he had former- ly resided, he called New Hampshire. EdAvard Hilton also obtained a deed of the land occupied by himself and his associates in the vicinity of Dover. His patent includ- ed Dover, Durham, Stratham, and part of Newington and Greenland. The London adventurers, or those settled near the mouth of the river, secured a grant including Ports- mouth, Newcastle, and Rye, with part of Newington and Greenland. Thus we find that in 1631 there were two settlements, entirely distinct and independent of each other, commonly called the Upper and Lower Plantations ; the one composed chiefly of " west country adventurers," the other of those from London. Of the former. Captain Thomas Wiggin was appointed agent ; of the latter. Captain Walter Neal. Between the two, quarrels sometimes arose about disputed territory ; but they were finally settled without bloodshed. 14 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT 13. A desii-e to discover gold pervaded the minds of the col- onists. New Hampshire, being a mountainous region, was deemed likely to abound in the precious metals. Thus, though ostensibly formed for " trade, fishery, salt making, building, and husbandry," the companies early began to ex- plore the wilds in search of metallic treasures. Fabulous stories of beautiful lakes and rivers abounding in fish, of fertile i.-ilands with most delightful climates', were freely cir- culated, and to a great extent believed. At length Captain Neal started on foot, with one or two companions, on an expedition to discover these fair lands in the interior of La- conia. The El Dorado was not found ; but in the course of their journey they saw the White Mountains ; and, find- ing something there resembling crystal, they called them the Crystal Hills. For want of provisions they Avere compelled to retux'n, but not until they supposed they were within one day's journey of the wished-for spot. In 1633 Neal and Wiggin surveyed their respective pat- ents and laid out the towns of Dover and Portsmouth. They agreed with Wheelwright that his proposed town at Swampscot Falls should be called Exeter. Hampton was laid out the same year ; but neither of the last two places was settled until some time later. But in the mean time Avant, privation, and hardship were producing their accustomed effects. Agriculture, as al- ready observed, was neglected: while the hopes of valuable discoveries proved Mlacious. Vines were planted, but eamc to nothing. There was not a mill in the colony ; but " bread was either brought from England in meal or from Virginia in grain, and theii sent to the windmill at Boston to be ground." Iron mines were discovered, but not wrought. The chief sources of income were trade and the fisheries ; but even these yielded no return to those who had advanced capital. Meanwhile new supplies of pro- HISTORICAL SKETCH. 15 visions, clothing, and other necessaries were frequently sent over from the mother country. But, under such circum- stances, it is no wonder that many abandoned the enterprise. Some sold their interests to Gorges and Mason, who, more sanguine than the rest, persevered, with the hope of future success, and finally became almost the sole proprietors. They appointed Francis Williams goveruor, who is repre- sented as a discreet, sensible man, and very acceptable to the people. The Virginia Company had always viewed the Plymouth Council with jealousy and dislike, and in 1635 complained of their charter as a monopoly. Gorges appeared in person before the Parliament to defend it, but in vain. The char- ter was surrendered ; though Gorges and Mason secured for themselves a considerable interest in the territory. Mason had gained New Hampshire, and also purchased of Gorges a tract north-east of the Piscataqua, three miles in width ; but hi» death, which happened the same year, put an end to all his projects. Had he lived, it is not improbable that he might have recovered at least a part of the capital he had expended. Thus it will be seen that the objects which Gorges and Mason had in view in sending colonists to this state were never realized. No vast mineral treasures were found ; no flourishing vineyards enlivened the landscape. After years of toil, after expending vast sums of money, they had failed to accomplish what they desired and hoped ; but they laid the foundations on which others built; they sowed the seed while- others reaped the harvest. And, though we may perhaps regard them as having mistaken views of the true sources of national prosperity, we cannot too much honor the memory of the mcrchimt adventurers who labored so long and so perseveringly to colonize the infant state. CHAPTER II. Religious Intolerance. — Antinomian Controversy. — Banishment of Wheel- wright. — Settlement of Exeter. — Formation of a Government. — Settle- ment of Hampton. — Affairs on the Piscataqua. — Wiggin visits England. — Erection of a Church. — Eurdet's Exploits. — Morton abandons Ports- mouth. — Underhill's Administration. — Knollys and Larkham. — Dover and Portsmouth form Governments. — Union with Massachusetts. — Wheelwright flees. — Laws of Massachusetts and Character of the early Set- tlers. — Persecution of the Quakers. — Witchcraft. Most of the early settlers of Massachusetts had been drir- en from then* native land by the intolerance of their rulers ; but, when they were once freed from their depressed situa- tion and placed in authority, they allowed no such liberty to others as they had claimed for themselves. Indeed they did not seem to understand the true principles of re- ligious freedom. Believing themselves to have attained perfect truth, they could see nothing but error in the creeds of all who differed from them in opinion ; and this they could not conscientiously tolerate. The strong arm of the law was invoked to check the spread of doctrines which they believed would be dangerous to the best interests of the state. It was this spirit — the fault of the times rather than of the men themselves — that drove "Wheelwright, al- ready mentioned as having purchased land of the Indians at Swampscot Falls, to establish a new settlement. He be- longed to a party of the church called Antinomians, and for a time was engaged in a very bitter and violent contest, (16) HISTORICAL SKETCH. 17 in which the principal men of the colony participated ; but being at length overpowered, he, with several others, was banished from the territory of Massachusetts. At the time of making liis purchase he stipulated that a settlement should be commenced within ten years ; and, as this time was drawing to a close, he proceeded at once to establish a colony at Exeter. This was in 1638. As there was no general government in New Hampshire to which they could appeal for protection, they formed an independent system of their own. Their laws were based on the Bible. They had one chief magistrate and two assistants, chosen in an assembly of the people, and holding their offices one year. They were sworn to discharge their duty faithfully, while the people were sworn to obedience. The laws were enacted in a general assembly ; and in fact the whole organ- ization presents an example of a purely democratic form of government. About this time the Massachusetts colony empowered Richard Dumnier and John Spencer to commence improve- ments and to build a house at Hampton, called by the In- dians Winnicummet. What they most valued was an ex- tensive salt marsh, which bade fair to produce a supply of hay for their cattle. Soon after some persons from Norfolk county, England, had leave to settle here. The whole number was now fifty-six. The house first erected was long known as the Bound House. We must go back a little in the order of time to relate the condition of affairs on the Piscataqua. Portsmouth, having by the death of Mason lost her principal patron, was struggUng with difficulties. Nor was Dover entirely exempt from discouragements. In 1633 Captain Wiggin, the agent of the latter plantation, visited England to obtain new supplies. On returning, he brought with him from o * 18 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. the west of that country several families of considerable property and " of some account for religion." Among the number was William Leveridge, a pious and devoted clergyman. They proceeded to lay out a compact town on Dover neck, trade being their principal object. On an in- viting part of the eminence they erected a church, which for greater security they surrounded with an intrenchment and flankarts ; but, on account of insufficient support, Lev- eridge was compelled to seek a more favorable locality. After this they had a number of ministers, some of whom proved unworthy of their high calling. The first of ihese was one Burdet, who came among them in 1634. He was at length elected governor, to the exclusion of Wiggin ; but, being detected in some criminal acts, he made a precip- itate flight to the Province of Maine, whence he never re- turned. After the death of Mason, his widow and executrix sent over "William Norton as her agent, with full jDOwer to man- age her affairs at the Portsmouth plantation ; but after re- siding there some time, finding the expenses far exceeding the income, he abandoned the whole and gave up the im- provements to the tenants. Some removed, carrying pflF their goods and chattels ; wliile others remained, claiming the houses and other property as their own. But several of the buildings had been destroyed by fire ; so that at length nothing remained for the heirs of Mason excepting their interest in the soil. These events took place between 1638 and 1644. Captain John Underbill was banished from Boston during the Antinomian controversy, and took refuge at Dover. Having been elected governor in place of Burdet, he formed a church, and placed one Knollys over it. Afterwards Thomas Larkham came and preached, and by his superior HISTORICAL SKETCH. 19 eloquence gained the favor of the people, so that they chose him as their minister in place of KnoUys ; but, as he ad- mitted persons of immoral character to the church, and also assumed civil authority, they restored Knollys. Dissen- sions and strife arose between them, and finally Knollys returned to England ; while Underbill went back to Boston, and, on making a confession, was restored to favor. The people of Dover and Portsmouth had as yet no set- tled form of government, having no authority from the crown to form one. It will be .recollected that the first settlements were mere private enterprises managed by agents ; but, finding this system insufficient to meet their present wants, they formed a combination at each of these places like that at Exeter. At Dover, in 1640, a written instrument was drawn up and signed by forty-one persons, agreeing to abide by the laws of England and those enacted by a majority of their own number until they should learn the royal pleasure. The exact time at which a similar ar- rangement was entered upon at Portsmouth is unknown. We have thus briefly traced the rise and progress of the first four settlements made within the present limits of New Hampshire. Each was independent of the other, there be- ing no union between them save that arising from similar circumstances and common dangers. At length a proposal was made to unite with Massachusetts. To this the lattei colony Avas by no means averse. Indeed they already laid claim to a great part of the territory of New Hampshire, though they had never tried to enforce it. Accordingly Portsmouth and Dover put themselves under the jurisdic- tion of Massachusetts in 1641 ; and Exeter did the same about one year later. Hampton was considered as a part of that colony already. Wheelwright, being still under sentence of banishment, removed with some of his foUow- 20 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. eis to Wells, (Maine,) but was afterwards restored or making some slight acknowledgment. He subsequently preached at Hampton. On consummating this union the people of New Hamp- shire were allowed one remarkable privilege, considering the intolerance so prevalent at that time — which was, tha/ they might act in a public capacity without regard to thei," religious professions ; though by a previous law of Massa chusetts none but church members could vote on town af fairs or hold a seat in the General Court. For thirty-eight years, from 1641 to 1679, the history of New Hampshire becomes merged in that of the colony of which she became a constituent part. The laws of Massachusetts, which now took effect in our own state, were in many respects peculiar. Their social customs, too, were modified by their religious belief and by the circumstances in which they were placed. Inhabiting a new country, surrounded by a fierce and deadly foe, com- pelled to labor with all their poAver to supply their wants and to 'protect themselves from danger, they had but little inclination or opportunity to cultivate the :nilder graces and refinements of life. Every thing that had the appear- ance of levity was discarded. Their general design was to form a government with laws based on the Bible, and mod- elled, to a considerable extent, after the Jewish common- wealth. Their laws had reference to many things not usually regarded as coming under the jurisdiction of the civil magistrate. To quote Dr. Belknap,* " The drinking of healths and the use of tobacco were -forbidden j the for- mer being considered as a heathenish and idolatrous practice, grounded on the ancient libations, the other as a species of ♦ History of New Hampshire, vol. i. p. 67. # HISTORICAL SKETCH. 21 intoxication and waste of time. Laws were instituted to regulate the intercourse between the sexes and the advances towards matrimony. They had a ceremony of betrothing which preceded that of marriage. Pride and levity of be- havior came under the cognizance of the magistrate. Not only the richness, but the mode of dress and cut of the hair, were subject to state regulations. Women were forbidden to expose their arms or bosoms to view. It was ordered that their sleeves should reach down to their wrist and their gowns be closed around the neck. Men were obliged to cut short their hair, that they might not resemble women. No person not worth two hundred pounds was alloAved to wear gold or silver lace or silk hoods and scarfs. These pious rulers had more in view than the political good. They were not only concerned for the external appearance of sobriety and good order, but thought themselves obliged, so far as they were able, to promote real religion and en- force the observance of the divine precepts." But, notwithstanding some gloomy and forbidding traits, there is much in the character of the Puritans to command our admiration — much that is Avorthy of our approval and emulation. None could be more conscientious than they in the performance of what they regarded as duty. Their morals were of a high order. Intemperance and profanity were almost unknown. They early attended to the educa- tion of their youth, and for this purpose founded a college at Cambridge within a few years after their first settlement. They purchased land of the Indians which had already been granted by the crown. They regarded slavery as inconsist- ent with the natural rights of mankind, and by law forbade the buying and selling of slaves excepting those taken in war or reduced to this condition for crime. In 1645 the 22 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. General Court ordered a negro who had been kidnapped from Africa and sold at Portsmouth to be sent back. But their great error was in confounding ci"sdl and reli- gious authority — a fact to which we have already alluded. Their ministers took part in the public assemblies, while the civil magistrates had a controlling voice in the churches. Toleration was regarded as " the firstborn of all abomina- tions ; " and the right of the magistrate to employ force against heretics and unbelievers was strongly insisted on. The Quakers especially suffered the weight of their ven- geance. At first they were banished ; but this punishment proving insufficient to check them, they were whipped, im- prisoned, and in some instances put to death. In the win- ter of 1662 three Quaker women were sentenced to be publicly whipped through eleven towns, with ten stripes apiece in each town. The sentence was executed in Dover, Hampton, and SaHsbury ; but at the latter place they were fortunately released through the agency of Walter Bare- foot. The witchcraft delusion prevailed to some extent in New Hampshire. There is still on record an account of the trial of "Goodwife Walford " at Portsmouth in 1658. The complainant, Susannah Trimmings, testified as follows : * *' As I was going home on Sunday night I heard a rustling in the Avoods, which I supposed to be occasioned by swine ; and presently there appeared a woman, whom I apprehend- ed to be old Goodwife Walford. She asked me to lend her a pound of cotton. I told her I had but two pounds in the house, and I would not spare any to my mother. She said I had better have done it, for I was going a great journey, but should never come there. She then left me, * Adams's Annals of Portsmouth. HISTOKICAL SKETCH. 28 and I was struck, as with a clap of fire, on the back ; and she vanished towards the water side, in my apprehension, in the shape of a cat. She had on her head a white linen hood, tied under her chin ; and her waistcoat and petticoat were red, with an old gown, apron, and a black hat upon her head." Several other witnesses were examined ; but the case was not then decided, and was probably droi^ped at the next term of the court. Mrs. Walford afterwards brought an action for slander against Robert Coutch for saying that she was a witch and he could prove her one. The verdict was in her favor — five pounds and costs. These trials arc curious as illustra|ing the spirit of the times, as well as the kind of evidence on the strength of which the accused were often condemned. Some other cases occurred in New Hampshire ; but none were ever convicted. CHAPTER III. Mason's Efforts to recover his Estate. — The King sends Commissioners to New England. — Their Reception, Treatment, and Proceedings. — Jealousy of the Indians. — Passaconnaway. — Commencement of King Philip's War. — Attacks on various Places. — Death of Lieutenant Plaisted. — The In- dians make Peace. — Death of King Philip, and Renewal of Hostilities at the East. — Waldron seizes the Refugees at Dover. — The Mohawks are so- licited to assist the English. — Captain Swett is defeated. — Conclusion of Peace. — Omens. The civil dissensions that prevailed in England at this time prevented the making of any determined efforts by the heirs of Mason to recover the possession of the New Hamp- shire plantations. In 1652 Joseph Mason came over to look after the interests of the family, and commenced an action against Kichard Leader, who was occupying some of the lands at Newichwannock. The case Avas finally brought before the General Court, which caused a survey to be made. By this it was found that the charter of Massachu- setts included all that had been granted to Mason and nearly all that hud been granted to Gorges. The court decided that " some lands at Newichwannock, with the riv- er, were, by agreement of Sir Ferdinando Gorges and oth- ers, apportioned to Captain Mason, and that he also had right by purchase of the 'Indians, as also by possession and improvement." The agent left soon after, making no effort to recover the rest of the estate. (24) HISTORICAL SKETCH. 25 The first heir named in Mason's will died in infancy ; and Bobert Tufton, grandson of Captain John Mason, succeed- ed to the inheritance. The family had always been at- tached to the royal cause, and consequently had nothing to hope for during the protectorate of Cromwell. But on the restoration of Charles II., Tufton, Avho now took the sur- name of Mason, petitioned the crown for redress. The king referred the matter to his attorney general. Sir Geof- fry Palmer, who reported that Mason had a legal title to New Hampshire. Here the matter rested for some time ; but in KxG-i the king appointed four commissioners to visit the New England colonies and to examine and determine all matters of dispute. This was very offensive to the peo- ple of Massachusetts, as they regarded it as interferlng'tvith their liberties ; and accordingly they received the commis- sioners with great coldness. The latter, in their progress through the country, came to Portsmouth, but mad^ no settlement of the controversy. They told the citizens of that place that they would release them from the jurisdic- tion of Massachusetts, and took some measures to bring about such a result ; but most of the people preferred to re- main as they were. The commissioners returned, greatly incensed at the treatment they had received. For some time after this the foreign affairs of England so engrossed the attention of the royal government that they took no further action in regard to the claims of Mason. But now a greater danger threatened the colonies — which was an attack from the Indians. For many years the natives had been watching the growth and prosperity of the infant states with feelings of stifled jealousy. They saw their best hunting grounds encroached upon day by day ; they saw their new neighbors rapidly increasing in numbers 3 26 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. and wealth ; until it became evident that the white man, if not speedily checked, would become the sole possessor of the land which had been theirs from time immemorial. But for a time fear kept them in ' restraint. An English gen- tleman who was present . gives an account of a dance and feast held by the Pennacooks in 1660. The aged Passa- connaway, famed far and wide for his wisdom and cunning, reputed as a sorcerer, with power to make water burn and trees dance, was present, and made his farewell speech, ad- vising them to cultivate the friendship of the English. He warned them that it would prove their o^wn ruin should they take a contrary course. His counsels had so much effect that his son and successor, Wonolanset, on the break- ing out of the war fifteen years afterwards, withdrew to a remote part of the country to aA'oid being da-awn into the quarrel. Pliilip, of Mount Hope, son of the " good Massasoit," is commonly regarded as the instigator of this first general war; and it is supposed that he drew manj- of th.e neighbor- ing tribes into a combination to exterminate the English. The first attack was made on Swansey,* in June, 1675. The eastern Indians had some causes of their own to im- pel them to war. The wife of Squando, a noted sachem dwelling at Saco, was one day met by some sailors Avhile passing along the river in her canoe with her infint child. They had heard that the Indian children could swim as naturally as the young of beasts, and overset the canoe to try the experiment. The child was rescued by the mother, but died soon after, and its death was imputed to the treat- ment it had received. Squando now became a most bitter foe of the English, and used all his influence to excite a * Bristol county, Massachusetts. HISTORICAL SKETCH. 21 war against them. After the commencement of hostilities at Swanscy the war spread to other parts of the country. In September of the same year they made an incursion against Oyster llivcr, now Durham, where they burned two houses, killed two men, and carried away.two captives. They also killed one man, and took another prisoner, be- tween Exeter and Hampton. Soon after they attacked a house at Newichwannock in which fifteen women and chil- dren had taken refuge ; but a girl of eighteen saw them approaching, and stood against the door until they chopped it down with their hatchets. In the mean time all but two children escaped to a place of safety. The bold heroine was knocked down and left for dead, but finally recovered. The enemy now made their appearance on both sraes of the Piscataqua, burning houses and killing all ^\ ho fell in their way. Some young men of Dover took the licld against them and succeeded in killing two. All the Ifettle- ments of New Hampshire were now filled with alarm, and business was suspended. On the 16th of October an at- tack was made on Salmon Falls. Lieutenant Roger Plais- ted sent out seven men to search for the enemy ; but, foil- ing into an ambush, three were instantly killed, and the rest retreated. Plaisted then sent to Major Waldron for assistance, which the latter could not grant consistently with his own safety. The next day he ventured out with twenty men and a cart to bring in the dead bodies of the slain ; but, falHng into another ambush, his men deserted him. Plaisted himself, disdaining to yield or fly, was slain with one of his sons, while another son was mortally wound- ed. The gallant behavior of these men caused the Indians to retreat. The enemy still continued their predatory incursions^ 28 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. plundering and burning wherever they found the people off their guard. They made their appearance opposite Portsmouth, but were dispersed by a few cannon shot. In this way the autumn was passed until the close of November, when the whole number of the slain exceeded fifty. The Massachusetts colony, being fully occupied in de- fending their southern and western borders, could afford no seasonable aid. Finding the necessity of vigorous action, the colony resolved to send a force against the head quar- ters of the enemy ; but the winter, setting in early and with great severity, prevented. But this circumstance in- clined the Indians to peace, as they were now pinched with famflBH*" Accordingly they came to Major Waldron, ex- pressing their sorrow for what had been done and promis- ing j^ be quiet and friendly. Through his influence a peac^was concluded with the eastern Indians, which con- tinued until the next August. The captives 'which they had taken were restored. In August, 1676, King Philip was slain, which put an end to the war in the southern quarter. Some of his fol- lowers took refuge among the Pennacooks, others with the eastern Indians — the Ossipees and Pequaketts. Hostili- ties were renewed through the influence of these refugees, and at length two companies were sent from Boston to Do- ver. Here they found a large number of Indians at the house of Major Waldron, whom they regarded as their friend and father. The Boston companies had orders to seize all Indians who had been engaged in King Philip's war, and, recognizing such among the number, would have fallen upon them at once had they not been dissuaded by Major Waldron, who proposed to have a training and sham HISTORICAL SKETCH. 29 fight the next day in order to take them by stratagem. This having been done, they were all seized and disarmed. A separation was then made ; the Pennacooks and those who had made peace the autumn before were set at liberty ; while the refugees — the strange Indians, as they were called — were retained as prisoners to the number of two hundred. Seven or eight who were convicted of having killed Englishmen were executed. The rest were sold into slavery in foreign parts. After this two or three expedi- tions were made into the wilderness, but without producing any important results. In 1677 an effort was made to induce the Mohawks to take part against the eastern Indians. But they made no distinction between the friendly and hostile t]-il)^^"knd consequently they did more harm than good to the ]^^sh. In June of the same year. Captain Swett, of H^^Bon, went to the Kennebeck River with two hundred ^Jlian and forty English soldiers, but was defeated and slain with many of his men. The savages then took some twenty fishing vessels, the crews not apprehending any danger. In the month of August, Andros, the governor of New York, sent a sloop with some forces to build a fort at Pemaquid. The Indians then appeared friendly, and continued peacea- ble during the autumn and winter. In the spring of 1678 three commissioners were appointed to treat with Squando and the other chiefs of the eastern tribes. A treaty was concluded at Casco, now Portland, which put an end to this harassing war of three years' duration, of which the whole burden and expense were borne by the colonies themselves. They neither asked nor received any assist- ance from the royal government. The historians of that day have recorded many signs, 3* 30 KEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. omens, and predictions. Some imagined they heard guns and drums in the air ; others saw fiery swords and spears in the heavens. Even an eclipse was regarded as the fore- runner of some great event ; and, in short, every unusual appearance was considered as ominous. All this doubtless resulted from superstitious fear as well as from ignorance of the laws of Nature. f CHAPTER IV. Mason's renewed Efforts. — Randolph visits New England. — New Hampshire is erected into a ro)'al Province. — The Commission is published. — Meeting of the Assembly and making Laws. — Waldron succeeds President Cutts. — Cranficld is appointed Governor. — Plis arbitrary Proceeding. — Gove's Re- bellion. — Mason institutes a Suit against Major Waldron. — Weare is sent to England. — Persecution of Moody. — Fresh Usurpations of Power. — Resistance of the People. — Cranfield obtains Leave of Absence, —j^j^f^pot succeeds him. — Treaty with the Indians. 1 While the colonists were engaged in the India^Bar Mason again petitioned the king for redress. Sir WSHm Jones, his attorney general, and Sir Francis Winnington, his solicitor general, to whom he referred the matter, re- ported that Mason ''had a good and legal title to the lands." This was in 1675. Edward Randolph was then sent over to make inquiry into the state of the country. He reported on his return that he found the whole country complaining of the usurpation of the magistrates of Boston, though the people both of Dover and Portsmouth had pe- titioned that they might " continue in possession of their •rights lender the government of Massachusetts." The l^t-1; ■^ colony sent two agents to defend their, claims. Aft(5Mr RHl hearing before the lords chief justices of the King's Bench and Common Pleas, in 1677, it was decided that Massachusetts had no right of jurisdiction over New Hamp- shire, and that the four towns — Portsmouth, Dover, Exe- ter, and Hampton — did not belong to the former colony. 353 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. They also denied the right of go^^ernment to Mason. No opinion was given as to the right of the soil, there being no court in Ensjland that had cognizance of it. All this paved the way to a separation from Massachu- setts ; and accordingly, in 1679, a commission Wis issued, forming New Plampshire into a royal province. The gov- ernment was to be administered by a president and council appointed by the king. Laws were to be enacted by an as- sembly of representatives chosen by the people. The pres- ident was required to appoint a deputy to succeed him in case of his death or absence. The king reserved the right to discontinue the assembly of the people if inconvenience should arise therefrom. The form of government was sim- p^H^i, with this exception, as liberal as could have been Tnus a union that had subsisted for thirty-eight years wa|pdissolved, to the great regret of the people of New Hampshire, being satisfied as they were with the govern- ment which they already enjoyed. In order to make the change more acceptable, the king appointed some of the most popular men of the colony to office. The president, John Cutts, was a highly-esteemed merchant of Ports- mouth. William Vaughan, John Gilman, and Richard Waldron were of the council. The royal commission was brought to Portsmouth on the 1st of January, 1680. The persons therein named accept- ed their offices with great reluctance, and only through fear /^t, if they refused, others might be appointed wh 150,000. Cap- ital invested, $100,000. The number of men employed by Downing & Co. is 80 ; by Griffin, 30 ; by Ingalls, 25 ; by Titcombe, 5. The manufacture of boots and shoes is carried on to a considerable extent, but mostly by private individuals or small firms. The number engaged in this branch of in- dustry, as near as can be ascertained, is 200. The manufacture of musical instruments is an important branch of industrial pursuit in Concord. There are three firms engaged in this business — viz., Prescott & Brothers, 15 170 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. employing 20 men ; Liscombe & Dearborn, employing 14 men ; Charles Austin, who employs 18 men. BooJcbinding. — Messrs. Merrill & Merriam employ 6 men ; jMonill & Silsby employ 6 men ; Crawford & Co. employ 4 men. About a mile north from the city is the quarry from which Mas taken the stone for the construction of the State House. Several grand edifices in our southern cities have been constructed of granite taken from this quarry. Means have recently been taken to enlarge the business. * The nianufactui-e of cotton goods is carried on in the vil- lage of Fisherville, in the northern part of Concord. The woollen manufactory is in the West Parish. Distill (i-uished Men. — Rev. Timothy Walker came with the first settlers to Concord — then Pennacook — in 1726, and was the settled pastor of the Congregational church until his death. During the 52 years of his minis- try here his labors were attended with abundant success. He was possessed of more than ordinary intellectual pow- ers — was enterprising and active. Wise in his counsels, prudent iu his management, and full of the purest patriot- ism, he was eminently the man for his time and place. He lived to behold the triumph of American arms ; and when the news of the final defeat of the British at Yorktown was conveyed to him, he exclaimed, " It is enough ! ' Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace.' " Hon. Timothy Walki^h, son of the llev. Timothy Walker, was born in IT-JT, graduated at Harvard in 1756, was intrusted with various civil ofiices by his townsmen, and in 1776 was one of the committee of safety for the state. During the war he commanded a company of min- ute men, was subsequently paymaster of the state forces, and served in a campaign under General Sullivan. He was GAZETTEKR OF NEW HAMPSIIIllT:. 171 member of the convention which framed our constitution in 1784, was for several years afterwards a member of the legislature, and for a long period sustained the office of chief justice of the Court of Common Pleas. Ho died in 1822. Benjamin Thompson, afterwards known as Count Rum- ford, was for many years a resident of Concord, and majr- ried a daughter of Rev. Timothy Walker. In 1775 he went to England, and was a clerk in the office of an Eng- lish nobleman, who, pleased with his fidelity and capacity for business, procured for him a colonel's commission. He served in the British armies until 1784, when, his philo- sophical inquiries having attracted attention in foreign countries, he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant gen- eral of horse in the service of the Duke of Bavaria. Here he distinguished himself in effi^cting discipline and econo- my among the troops, and in his efforts in the public ser- vice accomplished much in behalf of the poor. On leav- ing the service, the duke honored him Mith the title of count. He afterwards visited England, where he received the honor of knighthood. He died in France in 1814. Hon. Isaac Hii.l came to Concord in 1808, and com- menced life as a journeyman printer. He soon became ed- itor of a political paper, and for many years wielded a pow- erful influence throughout the state. He filled the offices of state senator, senator in Congress, and governor of New Hampshire. Pie was an enterprising and benevolent man, contributing liberally to the various benevolent and reli- gious institutions of his adopted town. He died in 1850. Ex-Governor Kent, of Maine, who filled with great ability several important offices, was a native of Concord. The President of the United States, Fkanklin Piercb, had been, for many years previous to the time of his en- 172 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. tering upon the duties of his office as chief magistrate of this Union, a resident of Concord, and an active promoter of all its interests. Population. — Until some eight years past, the increase of population was gradu.al ; but since that time there has been a rapid advance, as will be seen by inspecting the census returns. In 1840 the population was 4987; in 1850, 8584 ; in 1854, it is estimated at 10,400. In March, 1853, the town of Concord adopted a city charter. This was long and violently opposed, principally from a belief that taxes would thereby be greatly increased. Experience, however, has proved otherwise, and the pru- dence of the measure is now almost universally admitted. Concord is one of the most healthy towns in the Union. Probably there is not another city of the same population whose bill of mortality would present so favorable an indi- cation of general health and longevity. This is doubtless owing to its beautiful location and the enterprise and in- dustry of the people. Conway, Carroll county. Bounded north by Chatham, east by Brownfield and Fryeburg, Maine, south by Eaton and Madison, and Avest by Madison and Albany. Area, 23,040 acres. Distance from Concord, 72 miles, north. Swift Iliver, a large and rapid stream, Pequawkett River, and a stream flowing from Walker's Pond, discharge them- selves into Saco River in this town. Saco River here is about 12 rods Avide, and on an average 2 feet deep ; its current is rapid and broken by foils. This river has been known to rise 27, and in a few instances 30, feet in 24 hours. The largest collections of water are Walker's Pond and Pequawkett Pond ; the latter is about 360 rods in cir- cumference. Pine, Rattlesnake, and Green Hills are the ^ GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 173 most considerable elevations in this town, situated on the north-eastern side of the river. On the southern side of Pine Hill is a detached block of granite, or bowlder, which is probably the largest in the state — an immense fragment, but which doubtless owes its present position to some vio- lent action of Nature. A spring near the centre of the town, on the bank of Cold Brook, discharges water strongly impregnated with sulphur, which has proved beneficial in some cases to invalids. Considerable quantities of magnesia and fuller's earth have been found in various localities. The soil is interval, plain, and upland. The interval along the river varies from 50 to 220 rods in width, and was originally covered with white pine and rock maple. The plain land, when well cultivated, produces abundant crops of corn and rye. The upland is rocky and uneven, and to cultivate it with success requires long and patient labor. There are in this town 5 hotels, 10 stores, 1 lathe man- ufactory, and 1 paper mill. The Congregational church was established here in 1778. Rev. Nathaniel Porter, D. D., was settled in October of the same year. The Bap- tist church was formed in 1796. Rev. Richard R. Smith was ordained in the same year. He was succeeded by Rev. Roswell Means in 1799. There is also a society of Free- will Baptists. This town was settled, in 1764, '65, and '66, by James and Benjamin Osgood, John Dolloff, Ebenezer Burbank, and others. On the 1st of October, 1765, Daniel Foster obtained a grant of this township on condition that each grantee should pay a rent of one ear of Indian corn annu- ally, for ten years, if demanded. Population, 1769. Number of legal voters in 1854, 458. Amount of inventory, $423,045. Value of lands, 15* 174 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. hnproved and unimproved, $171,597. Number of sheep, 1017. Do. neat stock, 1660. Do. horses, 267. Cornish, Sullivan county. Bounded north by Plain- field, east by Croydon, south by Claremont, and west by Windsor, Vermont. Area, 23,160 acres. Distance from Concord, 50 miles, north-west; from Newport, 13. This town is watered in its western limits by the Connecticut River, over which a bridge connects with Windsor. The soil is generally fertile, and adapted to the growth of the grains, fruits, and vegetables generally raised throughout the state. The town is hilly, with the exception of that part which lies on the river. On Bryant's Brook specimens of silver ore have been found ; also, on the bottom and along the margin of the brook, spruce-yellow paint is obtained in considerable quantities. Good limestone occurs in various locations. Crystals of red oxide of titanium have been discovered in this town. These are valued highly by jewellers, who sell them under the name of Venus hair stone. There arc in this town two hotels and two stores. The people are generally engaged in agricultural pursuits. Sever- al ferms in this town are under excellent cultivation. This town was granted, June 21, 1763, to Rev. Samuel McClin- tock and 69 others. It Avas settled in 1765 by emigrants chiefly from Sutton, Massachusetts. When the first settlers arrived they found a camp, known for many years as the "Mast Camp," from its having been erected for a company engaged in procuring masts for the royal navy. Captain Daniel Putnam, a citizen highly esteemed, and for many years clerk of the town, cume here in 1764. Cornish was one of the sixteen towns that sec^cdod from New Hampshire and joined Vermont in 1778. During lliis year a conven- GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 175 tion of delegates from seveval towns on both sides of the river met in this town. A Congregational church was formed here in 1768. Rev. James Welman was the first minister. He was suc- ceeded in 1800 by Rev. Joseph Rowell. A Baptist church was formed here in 1791, and Rev. Ariel Kendrick was ordained in 1801. An Episcopalian society was formed in 1793. This society was incorporated, in 1795, under the name of "Trinity Church." Popvilation, 1606. Number of legal voters in 1854, 386. Inventory, ^584,644. Value of lands, improved and unimproved, $274,124. Amount of school fund, $580. Number of sheep, 6605. Do. neat stock, 1822. Do. horses, 368. Croydon, Sullivan county. Bounded north by Gran- tham, east by Springfield and Sunapee, south by Newport, and west by Cornish. Area, 26,000 acres. Distance from Concord, 44 miles, north-west. This town is very hilly and uneven, and its surface is in many places covered with huge masses of granite. Croydon Mountain stretches across the western part of the town, and is the highest elevation in Sullivan county. This town is well watered. It contains several ponds, the largest of which are Long Pond, Rocky Bound, Governor's and Spectacle Ponds. The north branch of Sugar River crosses it in a south-west- erly direction, dividing the town into two nearly equal parts. On this stream and its tributaries are some excellent mill seats. The soil, excepting the alluvial bordering upon Sugar River, has generally been considered stubborn and unproductive ; it, however, produces excellent grass, pota- toes, and wheat. This town enjoys the reputation of furnishing the very best qualities of butter and cheese. 176 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. Croydon was granted by charter to Samuel Chase, Ephrahn Sherman, and 63 others, May 31, 1763. It was first settled, in 1T66, by emigrants from Massachusetts. When the revolutionary war broke out, the inhabitants of this remote and sterile township were not idle and unconcerned spectators. No less than 55 of its citizens served in the war, several of whom laid down their lives in defence of their country. A Congregational church was formed here September 9, 1778. In June, 1788, Rev. Jacob Haven was settled as pastor, who faithfully discharged the duties of his office until 1834. He died March 17, 1845, aged 82. Population, 861. Number of legal voters, 215. Valu- ation, $264,520. Value of lands, improved and unim- proved, $153,672. Acres of improved land, 13,400. Bushels of potatoes, 14,285. Pounds of wool grown, 15,735. Do. of butter made, 50,970. Do. cheese, 1072. Do. maple sugar, 17,120. Capital invested in manufactur- ing, $17,700. Number of sheep, 3833. Do. neat stock, 1297. Do. horses, 188. Dalton, Coos county. Bounded north by Lancaster, east by Whitefield, south by Whitefield and Littleton, and west by Lunenburg, Vermont. Area, 16,455 acres. Distance from Concord, 125 miles, north ; from Lancaster, 8. The Fifteen Mile Falls in Connecticut River com- mence in this town, and flow tumultuously along its north-western border. This town is also watered by John's River and several large brooks. The western and southern parts are very uneven and hilly. The land originally was covered with a deep, heavy growth of maple, beech, birch, and ash. Along the borders of John's River the white pine is abundant. The soil on the highlands is deep and fertile, GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 177 and in many places of easy cultivation. Blake's Pond lies at the south-east part of the town ; it was named for a famous hunter, Moses Blake, who, with Walter Bloss, and their families, were the first settlers, and for many years were the only inhabitants. There are two churches, — one Congregational and one Methodist, three hotels, two stores, and two saw mills, — one employing 20 men. This town Avas incorporated No- vember 4, 1784, and received its name from Hon. Tristam Dal ton, a grantee. Population, 750. Number of legal voters, 150. Valu- ation, 8161,094. Value of lands, $91,877. Number of sheep, 889. Do. neat stock, 804. Do. hcr-ses, 141. Danbury, Grafton county. Bounded north by Grafton and Alexandria, east by Alexandria and Hill, south by Hill and Wilmot, and west by Wilmot and Grafton. Area, 19,000 acres. Distance from Concord, 30 miles, north- west ; from Plymouth 16, south-west. The shape of this town is that of a diamond. It is generally hilly and un- even. Along Smith's River, the only stream of note, is some very good interval. The soil is generally cold and sterile. The Northern Railroad passes through this town near its south-western border. There is in this town one Congregational society and one Methodist. There are three stores and one hotel. There is also a high school ; average attendance, 60. This town was first settled in November, 1771. It M'as incorporated in 1795. The first settlements were very gradual, and made in the easterly part of the town. Population, 944. Number of legal voters, 251. Valu- ation, $217,031. Number of sheep, 2311. Do. neat stock, 1052. Do. horses, 146. » 178 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. Danville, Eockingham county. Bounded north by Poplin, east by Kingston, south by Hempstead, and west by Sandown. Distance from Concord, 33 miles, south-east ; from Exeter, 10. Area, 7000 acres. The surface is uneven ; the soil generally light, but in some parts excellent. Squamscot River passes through the north-west corner of the town, and is the only stream of importance. Long Pond lies in the east part, and Cub Pond in the west. This town was formerly a part of Kingston, and was incorporated, February 22, 1760, under the name of Roake, in honor of a British admii-al of that name. The first settlements were made in 1735, by Jonathan Sanborn, Jacob Hook, and others. Rev. John Page was ordained over the Congregational church here in 1763. He died of small pox January 29, 1782, aged 43 ; since that time no minister of that denom- ination has been settled. There is at present one Freewill Baptist society and one Methodist. This town received its present name in 1836. In 1775 it contained 300 more inhabitants than at any time since. Population, 614. Number of legal voters in 1854, 155. Valuation, $196,587. Value of lands, improved and un- improved, $89,976. Number of sheep, 304. Do. neat stock, 454. Do. horses, 82. Deerfield, Rockingham county. Bounded north by Northwood, east by Nottingham, south by Raymond and Candia, and west by Epsom. Area, 25,81*5 acres. Dis- tance from Concord, 18 miles, south-east ; from Portsmouth, 30, north-west. This town contains several ponds, which abound with fish. Pleasant Pond, a beautiful sheet of water, lies partly in this town and partly in Northwood. Its waters are very clear. Moulton's Pond, in the west part of the town, although small, is noted from the feet GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 179 that it lias no visible inlet ; its waters are supposed to be supplied by a subterranean passive. It has several times been sounded; but no bottom has yet been discovered. The outlets of this pond run in opposite directions — one in a northerly direction, discharging into Suncook Pond, in Epsom ; the other flowing into a branch of Limprey River, near the centre of the town. The surface of the town is uneven, diversified by large swells and intervening dales. The soil is durable se^^ fertile. The growth of wood con- sists mainly of rock maple, white maple, beech, birch, rod oak, and hemlock. This town took its name from the fact that it abounded with numerous herds of deer, many of which, in its early settlement, were slain ; and while the petition for the char- ter of the town was pending before the General Court, a large fat buck was killed, and presented to Governor Went- worth by a Mr. Batchelder, and thus secured the act under the name of Decrfield. This town was first settled in 1756 and 1758 by John Robertson, Benjamin Batchelder, and others. The Pawtuckaway Mountains, Ipng on the line between this town and Nottingham, the summits of which are in the latter, consist of three distinct eleva- tions, rising somewhat abruptly from the shores of Round Pond, in Nottingham, and are known as the Upper, Mid- dle, and Lower Mountains. They are based on mica slate, which is rapidly decomposing, owing no doubt to the pres- ence of large quantities of iron pyrites. The farms on which the Messrs. Meloons reside in Deerfield are noted for the richness and strength of their soils, which consist of the natural deposits of the wash from the mountains. The highest of these mountains is 893 feet above the level of the sea. Saddleback INIountain, situated on the line between Deerfield and Northwood, consists of mica slate. 180 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. and is elevated 1072 feet above the level of the sea. From the summit of this mountain, the ocean, which is 30 miles distant, may be distinctly seen with the naked eye in a clear day. It is a place of resort in the summer and fall montlis. Nottingham Movintain, bearing the name of ^le town from which Deerfield was taken, lies on the line be- tween this town and Epsom. On the southerly side of this mountain is a natural formation, foi* many years designated as "Indian Camp." It is a cave about 20 feet wide, 10 feet high, and 14 deep. In the back part is still another cavity, called the " Indian Oven," and is a refuge for wild animals. The sides of the camp are irregular, and the top is covered by a canopy of granite, projecting about 14 feet, and affording a shelter from the sun and rain. On the east side is a natural flight of stone steps, by which persons may easily ascend to the top of the ridge. There is a bed of iron ore in the south-easterly part of the town, which was formerly worked, but was found inadequate for practi- cal purposes. Iron ore, terra sienna, and particles of magnetic iron pyrites, disseminated in the rocks, are found in various localities, often rendering the management of the compass very difficult and perplexing. Near the shore of Pleasant Pond have been found fine specimens of black lead. In the town of Deerfield, for nearly twenty years past, there have been heard certain reports, or explopdons, which appear to be subterraneous, and apparently of a vol- canic or gaseous nature. Sometimes the sound resembles the blasting of rocks or the report of distant cannon ; at other times it is more like the rumbling of a carriage driven furiously over frozen ground, accompanied with a tremulous motion and shake of the ground, and passing with the dip of the stratified rock, which is fiRom a south- westerly to a north-easterly direction. In the fall of the GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPbHIRE. 181 year these sounds arc more frequent ; and sometimes fifteen or twenty reports may be heard during a single day, and as many in the night. An investigation of the causes of these strange phenomena is now being made by the Hon. E. Merriam, an eminent geologist from New York. The names of eighteen persons from this town who died in the revolutionary army are preserved. There are three religious societies in this to\^^l. The Congregational was formed in 1772, and Rev. Timothy Upham ordained. A Freewill Baptist society was formed in 1799. There is also a Calvinist Baptist society in this town. All these are in a flourishing condition. The sum of $1200 is appro- pricited annually for the support of common schools, in addition to the proportion of the literary fund. There are two hotels, ten stores, eight grain and sawmills. There are four shoe manufactories, with a capital of about $12,000, in which nearly 300 persons are employed. There is also a convenient Town Hall, in which a high school is kept. Population, 2022. Number of polls in 1854, 550. Do. legal voters, 537. Valuation, $555,251. Value of lands, improved and unimproved, $359,531. Number of sheep, 1345. Do. neat stock, 1974. Do. horses and mules, 368. Deering, Hillsborough county. Bounded north by Hillsborough and Henniker, east by Weare, south by Francestown and Bennington, and west by Antrim. Area, 20,057 acres. Distance from Concord, 23 miles, south- west ; from Amherst, 22, north-west. This town is diver- sified with hill and valley; is well watered by numerous streams — too small, however, for manufacturing purposes to any extent. The soil is strong and productive. Dudley's Pond, near the north line, is 140 rods long and 50 wide. Pecker's Pond, near the centre of the town, is 180 rods 16 183 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. long and 65 wide. In the north part of the town is a mine of plumbago, and supposed to be very valuable. There are one clothing mill, one store, one grist and two sawmills, two hotels, and three wheelwright shops. There is one Congregational society, established in December, 1789, by Rev. Solomon Moore and Rev. Jonathan Barns. Rev. Messrs. Gillett, C. Page, and D. Long preached here, but were never settled. A second Congregational church was formed in 1801, and Rev. William Sleigh ordained the same year ; he was dismissed in 1807. There is also a Baptist and a Methodist society here. This town was incorporated January 17, 1774. The name was given by the Hon. John Wentworth, in honor of his wife, whose name before marriage was Deering. The first permanent settlement was made in 1765, by Alexander Robinson. He was soon followed by William McKean, William Forsaith, Thomas Aiken, William Aiken, Francis Grimes, and others. Population, 890. Houses, 179. Families, 194. Farms, 132. Value of lands, $268,480. Stock in trade, |2000. Inventory, |396,510. Number of polls, 208. Do. sheep, 1089. Do. neat stock, 1499. Do. horses, 183. Derry, Rockingham county. Bounded north by Au- burn and Chester, east by Sandown and Hampltead, south by Salem and Windham, and west by Londonderry. Dis- tance from Concord, 25 miles, south-east; from Exeter, 18, south-west. This is an excellent township for grazing. The soil is productive, and well cultivated. This town contains some of the best farms in the region. The people are remarkable for their industry, general wealth, and longevity. The village in this town is pleasantly located, and presents a thriving, healthy appearance. Bea- GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 188" ver Pond in this town is a beautiful sheet of water, one mile in length by 160 rods in Avidth, nearly surrounded by gently rising hills, mostly covered with forest. There are in this town two academies — Pinkerton, with a fund of $16,000; and Adams Female Academy, with a fund of $•4000. There arc three religious societies in town, and as many meeting houses — one Presbyterian, one Methodist, and one Congregational. The Manchester and Lawrence Railroad passes through this town. It was incorporated July 2, 1827, and originally formed a part of Londonderry. Population, 1850. Number of legal voters in 1854, 450. Amount of inventory, $608,861. Value of lands, 1458,453. Number of sheep, 431. Do. neat stock, 1300v Do. horses, 278. DixviLLE, Coos county. Bounded north by Clarksville and grant to Gilmanton Academy, east by Dartmouth College grant and Wentworth Location, south by Millsfield and nngranted lands, and west by Columbia, Colebrook, and Stewartstown. Area, 31,023 acres. 146 miles north from Concord, and 40 north-east from Lancaster. This is a somewhat rugged and rocky region, but nevertheless con- tains some very good land. It is watered by numerous streams. Much of it yet remains uncultivated and covered with a dense forest. In this town is the Dixville Notch, a remarkable gap in the mountains, wild and interesting to the beholder ; and when this region becomes more widely known, it will constitute one of the most agreeable resorts for lovers of picturesque scenery. It is the pass through which teams go from Erroll to Portland. The direction of the pass is north-east and south-west, and is walled on both sides by towering ledges and calumns of mica slate, which stand nearly vertical, and rise to the height of 600 184 MEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. to 800 feet fiom the road. The rock in this region resem bles volcanic more than any other found in the state. On the north side of this road, some 40 rods distant, is the Flume, caused by the decay of a large trap dike. The chasm is 20 feet deep and 10 wide, and is the channel of a stream of water. This town was granted in 1805 to Colonel Timothy Dix, of Boscawen, who was the first settler. In 1820 there were only two inhabitants. Population, 8. DoKCHESTER, Grafton county. Bounded north by Went- worth, east by Groton, south by Canaan, and west by Lyme. Area, 23,040 acres. 50 miles north-west from Concord, and 23 south from Haverhill. The principal streams are the south branch of Baker's River, a tributary of the Mascomy, and Rocky Branch. There are several ponds lying wholly or partially in this town. Church, Island, and McCutcher Ponds form the head waters of the Rocky Branch ; Little, Norris, and Smart's Ponds form the head Avaters of the Mascomy River. Smart's Moun- tain, lying partly in this town, is a considerable elevation. From its summit a most delightful and extensive view is presented of the surrounding country, including the green hills of Vermont and the course of the Connecticut River for several miles. The soil in some parts is very fertile, espe- cially the intervals on the branch of Baker's River. The highlands are very uneven, and generally rocky. The manufacture of lumber is a considerable branch of business in this town. There are 1 1 sawmills, the aggregate capi- tal of which is f 28,000, wliich give employment to 40 or 50 hands. There are connected with several of these machinery for the manufacture of clapboards, shingles, copperas casks, &c. There is quite an establishment for GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 185 the manufacture of charcoal, with a capital of $4000, giv- ing employment to nine hands. On a hill near the centre of the town is a granite ledge, which seems to have been forced asunder, and the fissure, which is about 16 inches in width, is filled with basalt, in which there are impressions similar to the tracks of cattle, about five inches in width and two and a half feet apart. There are in this town two meeting houses — one belonging to the Congregational society, the other to the Baptist. The Baptist society was formed in 1819. The first two charters of this town were forfeited by a failure to fulfil fie conditions reqiured. The third was granted May 1, 1772, to 72 persons, about which time the actual settlement began. The first settlers were Benjamin Rice and Stephen Murch, from Hanover. Population, 711. Number of polls, 175. Inventory, $165,199. Value of lands, $102,579. Number of sheep, 2742. Do. neat stock, 674. Do. horses, 100. Dover, shire town of Strafford county. Bounded north by Somersworth, east by the Salmon Falls River, — which separates it from Elliot, Maine, — south by Madbury, and west by Rochester. 40 miles east from Concord, and 66 north from Boston. This is the oldest and one of the prin- cipal towns in the state. It is situated at the head of navi- gation in the Cocheco River, about 12 miles from the ocean, in the midst of a rich and fertile country. Passing through the town in any direction, the traveller finds no rugged mountains nor sterile plains ; but, occasionally ascending gradual swells of land, he beholds spread out before him a vast and beautiful picture of village, forest, stream, ver- dant dale, and cultivated field. In the south part of the town is a neck of land, about three miles in length and half a mile wide, between the Piscataqua River on one side, and 16* 186 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT I§. Bellamy, or Back, River on the other. The travelled road, from which the land gradually descends in both directions, commands an extensive and delightful prospect of bays, islands, and distant mountains. On this neck of land was commenced the first settlement of the town, in 1623, by a company in England styled the "Company of Laconia." The purpose of the settlement was to estabHsh a fishery around the mouth of the Piscataqua ; to accomplish which, Edward and William Hilton, fishmongers of London, were sent hither. These two men commenced their operations on the Neck, called by the Indians Winnichahannat ; but they named it at first Northam, afterwards Dover. For many years this spot included the principal part of the population of the tovrn. Here was erected the first meet- ing house, surrounded with entrenchments and flankarts, the remains of which are still pointed out. But in pro- cess of time the current of pojjulation began to change and settle around the Falls, four miles north of the Neck, where is now the beautiful and prosperous village of Dover. The descent of the falls in this place is very rapid, being 32 feet within a short distance. As this water power began to be developed a new vigor was added to business, and wealth rapidly followed. During the earlier periods of the settlement this town Avas much frequented by the Indians, and often suffered greatly from their sudden and repeated attacks. In 1675, ]\Iajor Waldron, by a stratagem, the justice and prudence of which have been questioned, suc- ceeded in securing about 200 Indians in Dover, who had at times betrayed signs of hostility. Seven or eight who had been guilty of some misdemeanor were immediately hung, and the rest were sold into slavery. Exasperated by this act, as the Indians termed it, of treachery, they swore against him unmitigated revenge. In 1689, after a lapse GAZETTEEll OF NEAV HAMPSIIIKE. 187 of 13 years, they determined to execute their project. Previous' to the fatal night, June 27, hints of impending danger were thrown out by the squaws, but were not heeded. The friendly Indians were suffered to sleep in the garrisons with the people as usual. In the quiet of night the doors of the garrisons were opened, and at a given signal the Indians arose from their secret places and rushed upon the unsuspecting and defenceless inhabitants. Major Waldron, although 80 years of age, made a gallant defence, but was at length overpowered by the superior numbers of his assailants, who literally cut him to pieces. In this onset 23 persons were killed and 29 made prisoners. In 1691 a young man in the woods near the settlement was fired upon by a party of Indians. A body of citizens went in pursuit, and killed or wounded nearly tlie whole party. In 169G they again made an attack upon the people as they were returning from church : three were killed, and several ■wounded and taken prisoners. In 1704 one Mark Giles was killed, and the* people waylaid on their way from meeting. In 1706 William Pearl and Nathaniel Tib- betts were killed, and in 1710 Jacob Garland met the same fiite. In the spring of 1711 and 1712 this town was attacked by Indians, who killed a INIr. Tuttle. In August, 1723, the Indians again made their appearance, and surprised the house of Joseph Ham, whom they killed, and carried off three of his children. The first settled minister in Dover was Eev. William Leveridge, a Congregationalist preacher, who came here October 10, 1633. His support being inadequate, he re- mained but two years, when he was succeeded by Rev. George Burdet, who was settled in 1637. The third was Hanserd Knolles, under whom was organized, in 1639, the " First Church," being the oldest but one in New Hamp- 188 XEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. shire. He was followed in 16-40 by Thomas Larkham, ■who remained in charge only a few months. Daniel Maud, fifth minister, was settled in 1643; died in 1655. John Reyner settled in 1655 ; died in 1669. He was succeeded in the same year by his son John, who died December 21, 1676. John Pike was the eighth minister, and was settled in 1681 ; died in 1709. Nicholas Sever was ordained at Dover in 1711; resigned in 1715. Jonathan Gushing was settled in 1717; died in 1769. During the last two years of his ministry he was assisted by Rev. Jere- my Belknap, D. D., the historian of New Hampshire, who succeeded him in 1769. Dr. Belknap was pastor until 1786, when he was followed by Robert Gray, whose connection as pastor of this church ceased in 1805. Rev. Galeb H. Shearman was prdained at Dover May 6, 1807 ; dismissed May 7, 1812. Rev. J. W. Glary Avas ordained May 7, 1812; dismissed August 6, 1828. Hubbard Winslow was ordained December 4, 1828 ; dismissed in November, 1831. David Root was ordained i^^ 1833; dismissed in 1839. J. S. Young was ordained November 20, 1839 ; dismissed September 4, 1843. Homer Barrows was in- stalled July 9, 1845; dismissed July 6, 1852. The present pastor, Benjamin F. Parsons, was installed January 12, 1853. An Episcopal church was established here at an early period in the history of the town. The Methodist society was incorporated in 1819. There is also one Uni- tarian society, one Calvinist Baptist, two Freewill Baptist, one Universalist, one Gatholic, and one Quaker, or Friends. A high school has recently been established on the sys- tem of classification. The entire cost of buildings, fur- niture, apparatus, &c., is f 15,067. The Gocheco Manufacturing Gompany is one of the old- est and most extensive corporations of the kind in the GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 189 county. It was incorporated in 1813, and amended in 1821. It commenced operations in 1822. Its capital is $1,300,000. The business of this company is divided into two departments — one, manufacture of cotton goods ; two, printing calicoes. In the manufacturing departmerit there are four mills, containing 47,312 spindles and 1200 looms. Amount of printing cloths manufactured per an- num, 10,000,000 yards — all printed into calico in the print works. Number of bales of cotton consumed annu- ally, 4300. Do. hands employed — males, 400 ; females, 800 ; total, 1200. Moses Paul, agent ; George Mathew- son, superintendent of print works. There is an extensive oil carpet manufactory owned by Abraham Folsom. It has been in successful operation about- five years. About 1000 yards of carpeting are man- ufactured daily. In this work abovit 40 men are em- ployed. These beautiful and substantial fabrics are sent to various parts of the country and the world. On Bellamy River, about a mile south-east from the vil- lage, is the Bellamy Machine Shop, where railroad cars, engine lathes, &c., are made. 20 men are employed. Au- gustus Pickerson, agent. F. A. & J. Sawyers's Flannel Manufactory consumes 60,000 pounds of wool per annum, produces 200,000 yards of flannel per annum, and employs 20 hands. About one fourth of a mile below Messrs. Sawyers, Messrs. Hale & INIoses have erected a factory for making flannel goods. It is estimated to do about the same amount of business as is done by Mqpsrs. Sawyers. Davis & Snow have a steammill, where they manufac- ture sashes, doors, &c., and employ 20 hands. * There are, besides, several small shops, in which various kinds of mechanical and manufacturing labor are per- 190 NEW IIAMrSHIKE AS IT 15. formed. There arc tTv-o hotels and thirty stores in this town. The village of Dover is well laid out and well built, the houses generally being two stories, neat, and some elegant. The houses of worship, the Court House, and other public buildings are handsome, and the factories massive and imposing in their structure. Dover is easily approached by the Boston and Maine Railroad, by the Cocheco Railroad, and by the Great Falls and Conway Railroad. Population, 8186. Number of polls, 1660. Valuation, $3,267,800. Value of lands, $1,527,500. Number of sheep, 413. Do. neat stock, 1557. Do. horses and mules, 412. Dublin,* Cheshire county. Bounded north by Nelson and Hancock, east by Peterborough, south by Jaffrey, and west by Marlborough and Roxbury. Area, 26,560 acres. Distance from Concord, 50 miles, south-west ; from Keeue, 10, south-east. Dublin is situated on the height of land between Merrimack and Connecticut Rivers. Its streams are small. There is a pond near the middle of the town, called Centre Pond, about one mile in length, and the same in width. A large portion of the Grand Monad- nock lies in the north-west part of the town, and near the centre is Breed's Mountain. Monadnock was formerly covered with small trees and shrubbery ; but numerous fires have laid bare its surface, wliich presents an uneven mass of ragged rocks. The soil is hard and rocky — much bett«fr adapted to grazing than tillage. A handsome Congregational meeting house, erected in 1818, stands on such an elevation that the rain dropping from the west • • Harrisville lies partly in this town. For description, see Nelson. GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 191 roof runs into the Connecticut River, and that from the east roof into the Merrimack. There is a Baptist meeting house in the north-Avest part of the town. The common schools in this town are well conducted. Several years since a bequest of $8000 was made by Rev. Edward Sprague for the support of the public schools. He also left the town $5000, the interest of which is to be applied annually for the support of a Congregational minister. This town, originally called Monadnock Number Three, was granted, November 3, 1749, to Matthew Thurston and others. It was incorporated March 29, 1771. The first settlements were made in 1762 by John Alexander, Henry Strongman, and William Scott, natives of Ireland, from the capital of which country this town received its name. The Congregational chiu-ch was formed June 10, 1772, and Rev. Joseph Farrer ordained at the same time. The Baptist church was organized November 5, 1785. Rev. Elijah Willard was ordained June 5, 1793. There is also a Methodist and Unitarian society in this town. Population, 1088. Number of polls, 262. Inventory, $454,492. Value of lands, $244,947. Number of sheep, 2191. Do. neat stock, 1349. Do. horses and mules, 206. DuMMER, Coos county. Bounded north by Millsfield and Erroll, east by Cambridge, south by Milan, and west by Stark and ungranted lands. Area, 23,040 acres. Dis- tance from Concord, 140 miles, north ; from Lancaster, 30, north-east. The principal rivers are the Androscoggin and the Little Ammonoosuc. In the latter are the Dummer, or Pontook, Falls. This town was granted, March 8, 1773, to Mark H. Wcntworth and others. It was left unoccupied, however, for many years. Its progress has been very slow, owing perhaps, in some degree, to the rocky and un- even surface of tlic land and the coldness of the soil. 192 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. Population, 171. Number of legal voters, 45. Com- mon schools, 8. Inventory, ^38,832. Value of lands, $24,027. Number of sheep, 206. Do. neat stock, 138. Do. horses, 5. DuNBARToN, INIerrirc^lc county. Bounded north by Hopkinton and Bow, east by Bow and Hooksett, south by GoffstoAvn, and Mcst by Weare. Area, 21,000 acres. Distance from Concord, 9 miles, south. The situation of this town is someAvhat elevated, though there are but few hills, and no mountains. Owing to its elevation, the air is pure and the water good. The soil is excellent, especially for the growth of corn, wheat, and fruit. Some of the finest specimens of apples are produced here. The farm- ers are generally industrious and successful husbandmen. The inhabitants are principally descendants of Scotch-Irish, so called from the fact that their ancestors emigrated from Scotland to Ireland. Arsenic, in the state of arsenical pyrites, is found in this town. Dunbarton was granted in 1751 to Archibald Stark, Caleb Page, and others, by the Masonian proprietors. It was first called Stark's Town, ia honor of the principal proprietor. Its present name is derived from Dunbarton in Scotland. The first settle- ment was made, about 1749, by Joseph Putney, James Rogers, William Putney, and Obadiah Foster. Captain Caleb Page was one of the first settlers. Archibald Stark resided in Manchester. He Avas a man of considerable in- fluence, and possessed a large landed property. James Rogers was from Ireland, and was father to Major Robert Rogers. He was shot in the woods, being mistaken for a bear. The Congregational church was formed here about 1789. Rev. Walter Harris was ordained August 26, 1789. GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. Population, 915. Number of legal voters in 1854, 230. Do. common schools, 10. Inventory, |387,984. Value of lands, .$250,349. Number of sheep, 1 145. Do. neat stock, 1323. Do. horses and mules, 170. Durham, Strafford county. Bounded north by Madbury, east by Little and Great Bays, south by Newmarket, and west by Lee. Area, 14,970 acres. Distance from Con- cord, 32 miles, south-east; from Portsmouth, 11, north- west. This town is situated on Oyster River, at the head of tide water. This river, so called from the abundance of oysters found at its mouth, takes its rise from Wheel- Avright's Pond, in Lee, and after winding nearly its whole course through Durham, and furnishing in its progress several excellent mill seats, falls into the Piscataqua. The soil of this town is generally hard and strong. On both sides of Oyster River is a deep, argillaceous loam, favorable to the growth of grasses, of which very heavy crops are cut eveiy year. The farmers devote much of their time to the production of hay for the Boston market. More than 1000 tens are annually exported. A chain of granite ledge extends through the town, which seems to be of primitive formation. There was formerly a large erratio bowlder of sienitic granite in the south-west part of the town, so carefully poised upon two other pieces of the same materiiil that it was visibly moved by the wind. This town was originally a part of Dover, and included in Hil- ton's patent, but soon after its settlement was formed into a distinct parish, by the name of Oyster River. This was a famous rendezvous of the Indians. The early inhabitants were greatly exposed to their assaults and depredations. In September, 1675, they made an attack on this place, burned two houses, killed several men, and carried away 17 194 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. , two captives. Two days after they made another attack, destroyed several houses, and killed two persons. In 1694, when a large number of the inhabitants had marched to the westward, the Indians, who were lurking in the woods about Oyster River, having carefully ascertained the number of men in the garrison, rushed upon them as they were going to their morning devotions, and, having cut off their retreat to the house, put them all to death except one, who fortu- nately escaped. They then assailed the house, in which were only two boys, besides the women and children. The boys kept them off for some time, and Avounded several of them. At length the Indians set fire to the house ; but even then the boys would not surrender until the Indians had promised to spare their lives. They, however, treach- erously murdered three or four children, one of whom they pierced with a sharp stake in the presence of its mother. The women and children were carried captive, but one of the boys made his escape the following day. The next spring the Indians narrowly watched the frontiers, to deter- mine the safest and most vulnerable points of attack. The settlement at Oyster River was selected for destruction. Here were twelve garrisoned houses, fully sufficient for the reception of the inhabitants ; but, not apprehending any danger, many of the families remained in their unfortified houses, and those Avho Avcrc in the garrison were by no means prepared for a siege, as they Avcre nearly destitute of powder. One John Dean, whose house stood near the Falls, happening to rise very early for a journey, was shot as he came out of his door. The attack was now commenced with vigor on all points where the enemy were ready. Of the twelve garrisoned houses five were destroyed — namely, Adams's, Drew's, Edgerly's, Mcader's, and Beard's. The Indians entered Adams's house without resistance, where GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 195 they killed fourteen persons, whose graves arc still to be seen. Drew surrendered his garrison on promise of safety ; but he was put to death. Thomas Edgerly, having hid himself in his cellar, preserved his house, though it was twice set on fire. The house of John Buss, the minister, together with his valuable library, was set on fire and con- sumed. In this onset the Indians killed and captured between 90 and 100 persons, and destroyed 20 houses. In 1703 they made another incursion, and killed one man. In 1704 several persons M'ere murdered by them. In 170o they assailed the house of John Drew, where they killed eight persons, and wounded several others. In 1707 they captured two persons, and murdered two others as they were on a journey to Dover. In September, same year, a party of MohaM'ks attacked a company of men who were at work in the woods under the direction of Captain Chesley. At the first fire the enemy killed seven, and wounded another. Chesley, with his few surviving com- rades, kept up a brisk fire, and for some time kept them at bay ; but they at length fell, overpowered by numbers. In 1724 the Indians made another attack upon this town, and killed several persons in ambush. The first preacher in this town was the Rev. John Buss, who died in 1736, aged 108. There is a Baptist society in this town, and one academy. jNIajor General John Sulli- van, of the revolutionary army, was a resident of this town, and died here January 23, 1795. He was a native of Ber- wick, Maine, and was a distinguished commander during the war ; was president of the state three years, and after- wards district judge of New Hampshire. Hon. Ebenezer Thompson was a native of this town. He held several offices during the war, and was an efficient legislator. Colonel Winborn Adams, of the revolutionary army, was a 196 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. citizen of Durham. Population^ 1500. Number of legal Yoters in 1854, 350. Do. common schools, 10. Inventory, $485,953. Value of lands, $335,782. Number of sheep, 417. Do. neat stock, 1000. Do. horses, 182. East Kingston, Rockingham county. Bounded north by Brentwood and Exeter, east by Kensington, south bv Southampton, and west by Kingston. Area, 2120 acres. Distance from Concord, 42 miles, south-east ; from Ports- mouth, 20, south-west. The surface is moderately uneven. The soil is of an excellent quahty, and well adapted to the growth of grains and grasses. Powwow River enters the" south-west part of this town, having its sources from ponds in Kingston. There are in tliis town one meeting house belonging to the Methodist denomination, two stores, one carriage manu- factory, one shoe manufactory, and two tanneries. The sum of $2000 was recently bequeathed to the town by the late Jeremiah Morrill, Esq., the interest of which is to be applied for the benefit of common schools. This town was incorporated November 17, 1738. Among the first settlers were William and Abraham Smith, who settled near the centre of the town. Rev. Peter Coffin was settled here in 1739, and was dismissed in 1772, since which time the Congregational society has had no regular preaching. Population, 532. Number of legal voters in 1854, 150. Do. common schools, 4. Inventory, $274,751. Value of lands, $186,137. Number of sheep, 236. Do. neat stock, 484. Do. horses, 72. Eaton, Carroll county. Bounded north by Conway, east by Brownfield, Maine, south by Freedom, and west by Tamworth. Area, 33,637 acres. Distance from Concord, GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 197 71 miles, north-east; from Ossipee, 22, north. The soil of the uplands, which are quite uneven, is good. The plains are a sandy loam, and were formerly covered with an excellent growth of pine. There are no streams of importance in this town. Six INIile Pond is about three miles in length and fi-om one half to a mile in width. There are several other smaller ponds in this town. Eaton was granted, November 6, 17(56, to Clement March and 65 others. A Baptist church was formed here in 1800. There are two Freewill Baptist societies in this town. There is a woollen factory, and several small mills for various purposes. Iron ore of good quality is found here. There is also a vein of sulphuret of lead, of considerable value. Zinc in large quantities is to be found here. Population, 1751. Number of polls, 308. Inventory, $276,227. Value of lands, $1-49,581. Number of sheep, 1178. Do. neat stock, 1659. Do. horses, 189. Effingham, Carroll county. Bounded north by Free- dom, east by Porter, Maine, south by Ossipee, and west by Ossipee. Area, about 30,000 acres. Distance from Con- cord, 60 miles, north-east ; from Ossipee, 5, north. There are several mountains of considerable elevation in this town. The Ossipee River is the only stream of note. Near this river is a pond, about 400 rods long, and 270 wide. Province Pond lies between this town and Wake- field. Effingham was settled but a few years before the revo- lution. It was first called Leavitt's Town. It was incor- porated August 18, 1778. Rev. Gideon Burt was the first settled minister, who entered upon his tluties as pastor of the Congregational Church in 1803, and was dismissed in 1805, since which time the church has been vacant. 17* 198 NEW HAMPSHIKE AS IT IS. At present there are two Freewill Baptist societies in the town. A Baptist society was formed here in 1808. The Effingham Academy was incorporated in 1819, and is a respectable institution. Population in 1TT5, 85 ; in 1850, 1252. Number of polls, 244. Inventory, $255,161. Value of lands, $109,415. Number of sheep, 407. Do. neat stock, 1227. Do. horses, 207 Ellsworth, Grafton county. Bounded north by "Wood- stock, east by Thornton, south by Rumney, and west by Warren. Area, 16,606 acres. 52 miles north from Con- cord, and 12 north from Plymouth. A mountainous terri- tory. The most prominent elevation is Carr's Mountain, situated in the north part, and extending to the centre of the town. A small stream issues from "West Branch Pond, in the south-east part of the town, and runs into the Pemigewasset, in Camptou. The soil, though in some parts sterile and rugged, produces wheat, rye, corn, oats, pota- toes, «S:c. This town was granted in 1769, under the name of Trecothick, to Barlow Trecothick. Large quantities of maple sugar are made here annually. There is one Free- will Baptist church and society in this town. There are also three common schools, five sawmills, and one gristmill. Population, 320. Number of legal voters, 75. Valua- tion, $44,344. Value of lands, $18,952. Number of sheep, 455. Do. neat stock, 292. Do. horses, 39. Enfield, Grafton county. Bounded north by Canaan, east by Grafton, south by Grantham, and west by Lebanon. Area, 24,060 acres. 42 miles north-west from Concord, with which it is connected by the Northern Railroad. The surface of this town is diversified with hills and valleys. GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 199 and watered by a variety of ponds and streams well stored with fish. Masconiy Pond, Avhich has received from travel- lers the name of Pleasant Pond, is indeed a beautiful sheet of water, about five miles in length, and on an average half a mile in width. Its eastern banks are covered with trees, which, with the ascending hill, gradually rise one above the other for some distance. Along the eastern shore the Northern liailroad extends for a considerable dis- tance. Mascomy River, which takes its rise in Dorchester, running through Canaan, discharges into this pond. This pond is supposed to have been at some former period much higher than at present, and the plain and villages south are supposed to have been the bed of it. This is evident from the ancient shore still remaining around the pond and about 30 feet above high water. Logs have been found 12 feet below the surface of the plain once flowed. Its foil appears to have been sudden, caused by an altera- tion of its outlet. On the eastern shore, about half a mile from the pond, is a pleasant and thriving village, known as North Enfield. There arc several stores and mills here, and one extensive tannery. This pleasant village has grown up within a few years. The soil is generally strong, though requiring considerable labor to make it productive. On the south-Avestern shore of the pond is situated the Shakers' village. This society own the land on the south-west bank, nearly the entire length of the pond. The village is located about midway between the two extremities of the pond, on an alluvial plain of great fertility and under a very high state of culti- vation. About 20 acres of this are devoted to horticulture, from A\hich large quantities of garden seeds and all the valuable varieties of botanic medicinal herbs and roots are produced. The buildings are neat and convenient, and 200 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. some on a large and splendid scale. In the village of the Middle Family is a large and beautiful stone edifice, four stories in height, surmounted by a cupola in which is a bell weighing about 800 pounds, remarkable for its sono- rousness and sweetness of tone. An immense and costly barn for cows has recently been erected. The location and •arrangement are admirable. It is built across a gentle ravine, opening from bank to bank, and is so constructed that teams laden with hay, grain, or straw may enter at either gable, precipitate the hay into the bay below, pass along, and make their egress at the other end. Such a location has enabled the owners to extend a cellar through its entire length for the reception of the manures, both solid and liquid, which are kept from filtration or otherwise escaping downwards by a plank floor laid upon a stratum of clay wrought as a bed of mortar. The descent of the ground upon the back part of the barn affords a passage to and from the cellar both convenient and easy for carrying pond mud and manure. The scafiblds above furnish space to deposit the littei', which is let down through a trap door in the rear of the cows. The manufactures of the Shakers consist mainly of wooden ware, such as pails, tubs, dry measures, brooms, &c. They also manufacture extensively woollen and flannel shirts and drawers, cassimeres, flannels, feeting, &c. They own about 2000 acres in the vicinity of their village, and considerable in adjoining towns. They are divided into thi-ee distinct families. The middle, or, as they term it, the first order, contains about 120 members. The second order, or family, resides about one mile south of the first, and contains about 80 members. The north family, or novitiate, is situated at the extreme north of the GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 201 vijlage, and contains usually about 60 members. Each of the families has one large and commodious building, which is called the office, where all the commercial affairs are transacted, and where all visitors are entertained. It is desirable that all visitors should first call at one of these offices. Trustees of the first order, C. M. Dyer and H. C. Baker ; of the second, Jason Kidder and William Wilson ; , of the north family, A. Bronson. The society in Enfield have but little water power ; but by means of artificial channels they have about 10 mills of different kinds. They usually keep about 100 cows. They take much pains in the improvement of stock. They have recently imported two small flocks of French merino sheep at an expense of .^200 to $500 apiece. The religious peculiar- ities * of this society are similar to those of the society at Canterbury, which have already been noticed. South of the Shaker Village, in the direction of Spring- field, are three flourishing villages, known as " North End," "Enfield Centre," and "Fish Market." The two latter are well supplied with water power, and con- tain several stores, mills, a woollen factory, two meeting houses, mechanics' shops, &c. In the eastern part of the town, situated at the foot of East Pond, — a beautiful sheet of water, abounding with pickerel and trout, — is Mill Village, a pleasant and thriving place, containing a , handsomely-built meeting house, stores, and shops of vai'ious kinds. This town was formerly called Relham, and was incorpo- rated and granted to Jedediah Dana and others July 4, 1761. First settlers, Nathaniel Bicknell, Jonathan Paddle- ford, and Elisha Bingham, Elias, son of the person last * See article upon Religion. 202 ^"EW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. named, was the first male child boru in this town. For th^ir first minister the Congregational society had Eev. Edward Evans, who was settled in December, 1799, and dismissed in 1805. A Freewill Baptist church was established here in 1816. There is also a Methodist society. Population, 1742. Number of polls', 376. Inventory, ► $506,9-l-i. 'Value of lands, ^289,473. Number of sheep, 8439. Do. neat stock, 1371. Do. horses and mules, 236. Epping, Rockingham county. Bounded north by Not- tingham and. Lee, east by Newmarket and Exeter, south by Brentwood and Poplin, and west by Raymond. Area, 12,760 acres. The soil in general is very good, and Avell adapted to the growth of the various productions of this climate. Lamprey River, at the west, receives the waters of the Patuckaway, and runs through the entire length of the town. Another river runs through the north part of the town, and is called North River. These streams af- ford a few convenient mill seats, which are occupied by three small woollen manufactories, in each of which from eight to ten persons are constantly employed. There are six stores, two hotels, and three meeting houses — one be- longing to the Congregational society, one to the Methodist, and one to the Freewill Baptist. There is also a small so- ciety of Friends, or Quakers. The late Hon. William Plumer, governor of New Hampshire, and one of her most distinguished sons, was a resident of this town. Hon. John Chandler, formerly rep- resentative and senator in the INIassachusetts legislature, member of Congress, and brigadier general in the army of tho United States in the war of 1812, was a native of Ep- ping. The Congregational society was first established here in 1747, when Rev. Robert Cutler was ordained. As GAZETTEER OV NEW HAMPSHIRE. 203 early as 1T69 a (Quaker society existed here. The Baptist society was formed here about 1776. A society of Metho- dists was established about 1800. Population, 16G3. Number of legal voters in 1854, 354. Valuation, $499,941. Value of lands, $302,803. Value of shares in banks and other corporations, $25,150. Number of sheep, 954. Do. neat stock, 972. Do. horses and mules, 181. Epsom, Merrimack county. Bounded north by Pitts- field, east by Northwood and Deerfield, south by Aliens- town, and west by Pembroke and Chichester. Area, 19,200 acres. Distance from Concord, 12 miles, east. The surface of this town is generally uneven. The prin- cipal eminences are called McCoy, Fort, Nat's, and Not- tingham Mountains. The soil is generally good, and well adapted to grazing or the raising of grain. Great and Lit- tle Suncook are the only rivers of any size. There are three ponds — Chestnut, Round, and Odiorne's. The min- eralogical features of Epsom are of some importance. Brown oxide and sulphuret of iron are found in various localities. Terra sienna, a valuable material for paint, is also found here. Arsenical pyrites, argentiferous galena, and hematite associated with quartz crystals, occur in sev- eral localities. Epsom was granted. May 18, 1727, to Theodore At- kinson and others. It received its name from Epsom in England. Rev. John Tucker was the first settled minister, and was ordained in 1761. Like other frontier towns, Ep- som was exposed, during the early period of its settlement, to excursions of the Indians ; no serious injuries, however, were sustained. In 1747, August 21, Mrs. McCoy was taken prisoner and carried to Canada, from whence she re- 204 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. turned after the close of the war. Depredations were after- wards committed upon the cattle, the inhabitants having pre- viously fled to the garrisons in I^ottingham. Major Andrew McClary, a native of this town, a brave and meritorious officer, fell, gallantly resisting the enemies of his country, at Bunker's (or Breed's) Hill, June 17, 1775. Immediately on receipt of the news of the massacre at Lexington, he left his plough in the field and hastened to the conflict. Population, 1365. Number of polls, 281. Inventory, i$349,589. Value of lands, $169,267. Number of sheep, 1122. Do. neat stock, 1350. Do. horses, 187. Erroll, Coos county. Bounded north by Wentworth's Location, east by Umbagog Lake, — a portion of which is within its limits, — south by Cambridge and Dummer, and west by Millsfield. Area, about 35,000 acres, 2500 of which are covered Avith water. Several considerable streams unite here Avith the Androscoggin, which passes thi'ough the north-east part of the toAvn. Upon this stream, in Erroll, have been expended quite recently more than ,f 100,000 in erecting dams, &c., for the purpose of hold- ing back the Avatcr, so as to enable the company engaged in the enterprise to drive logs from the upper lakes to market through the Avhole season. There are numerous ponds and small streams Avhich abound Avith trout. The soil in some parts is very good. A large portion of the toAvn is still covered Avith a thick, heavy groAvth of maple, beech, birch, and pine. Population, 138. Number of legal voters, 41. Com- mon schools, 3. Valuation, $44,752. Value of lands, $22,808. Number of sheep, 279. Do. neat stock, 178. Do. horses. 25. GAZETTEER OF NEW IIAMPSHIRE. 205 Exeter, the shire town of Rockingham county, is bounded north by Newmarket and Strathara, east by Stratham, Hampton, and Hampton Falls, south by Ken- sington and East Kingston, and west by Brentwood and Epping. The compact part of the town lies about the falls — which separate the tide ^-om the fresh water — of a branch of the Piscataqua, called by the Indians Squamscot, and now known by the name of Exeter River. On this river are several valuable mill privileges, many of which are now occupied. The town is pleasantly situated on the bank of the river. The soil is generally good, though including every variety, from the best to the poorest quality. The people are largely engaged in agricultural pursuits, in which great improvement has been made. Exeter owes much of her prosperity to the large number of her enterprising and in- telligent mechanics. The Exeter Manufacturing Company was incorporated in 18^8. Its capital stock amounts to $162,500. Dimensions of building, 175 feet long by 44 wide, and 6 stories high. It contains 7488 spindles and 175 looms. Manufacture number 25 cotton cloth, 36 inches wide. Annual consumption of cotton, 450,000 pounds. Number of yards of cloth produced per annum, 1,400,000. Do. operatives employed — males, 45; fe- males, 160 ; total, 205. During the past year the build- ing was thoroughly repaired. It is now lighted with gas, and heated by steam. John Low, Jr., agent and treas- urer. Orin Head, carriage manufacturer, has from $30,000 to .$40,000 capital invested. In this establishment over 200 carriages of all kinds are annually manufactured. A sad- dlery and harness shop is also connected with this concern. In both departments about 60 hands are employed. 18 206 ^-E^v Hampshire as it is. There arc, besides, a papermill, and several other shops of less extent where various articles are manufactured. Phillips Academy, a celebrated institution, was founded in 1T81 by the liberal donations of John Phillips, D. D., who, at his decease in 1795, left a large portion of his estate for the benefit of t^^is institution. It is under the control of a board of seven trustees, only three of whom can be resident in Exeter. A considerable portion of the fund is appropriated towards the support of the poorer class of students. Exeter has, during all periods of its history, contained among its citizens eminent and useful men. Some of the most distinguished jurists, statesmen, and scholars in the country received a part of their mental training in its lit- erary institution. Hon. Samuel Tenney was well knoAvn in his day as a man of science and learning. General Na- thaniel Pcabody was a member of the old Congress, a sen- ator in 1792, and speaker of the House in 1793. Hon. Nicholas Oilman was a member of the old Congress, a senator in 1804, president of the Senate, ^i^d a senator in Congress from 1805 to his death in 1814. General Nathaniel Folsom was a member of the old Congress, and a brave and valuable officer of the revolution. Hon. Jere- miah Smith, a native of Peterborough, was one of the first representatives under the federal government, was ap- pointed judge of the Supreme Court of New Hampshire, and in 1802 was chief justice, and continued such until 1809, when he was elected governor. Hon. John Taylor Oilman was an active supporter of the revolution, and for fourteen years, between 1794 and 1816, was governor of the state. The settlement of Exeter commenced in 1638 under John Wheelwright and others, Avho formed themselves into GAZETTEER Or NEW HAMPSHIRE. 207 a body politic, c•ll0^3c their magistrates, and bound them- selves by vote to sacred obedience. Their laws were made in popular assemblies, thus manifesting the true idea of a pure democracy. This organization lasted three years. In 1629 Wheelwright had purchased of the Indians the country between tlic Merrimack and Piscataqua, extending back about fifty miles. By reason of his Antinomian opinions he had been banished from the colony of Massa- chusetts, and sought refuge here. In 1642 Exeter was annexed to the county of Essex, Massachusetts ; and Wheel- wright, who was still under sentence of excommunication, was compelled and made to flee from the society of re- ligious bigotry. The early inhabitants suffered consider- ably from the depredations of the Indians. In 1675 one person was killed and another made prisoner, and other outrages were committed. In 1695 two men were killed. In 1697 the town was undoubtedly saved, as it were, by accident, from utter destruction. By an unintentional alarm, caused by the firing of a gun for the purpose of frightening a few women and children who had gone into the fields after strawberries contrary to the advice of their friends, the people were brought together under arms. A large party of Indians had laid in ambush for several days, secretly making preparations for a vigorous attack, and had fixed upon the following day to begin the assault. Hearing the report of the gun, and seeing the people as- sembled together, they supposed they had been discovered, and made precipitate retreat, killing one person, wounding another, and carrying away a child. The Indians gave the people no further trouble until 1707, when another per- son was killed. In the spring of 1709 William Moody, Samuel Stevens, and two sons of Jeremy Oilman were captured at Pickpocket Mill, in Exeter. In 1710 the 208 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. Indians killed Colonel Wintlirop Milton, a meritorious citi- zen, with two others, and took two prisoners. Soon after this they killed one John Magoon, and captured John Wedgewood and four children. In April, 1712, a Mr. Cunningham was killed, and depredations committed upon the property of the inhabitants. The first church in Exeter was probably the first formed in this state. It was founded in 1638 by Rev. John Wheel- wright, a brother-in-law of the celebrated Anne Hutchin- son, and a contemporary of Oliver Cromwell at the uni- versity. This church, after Wheelwright's banishment, was broken up, and a new one formed some time after, but at what precise period does not appear. Rev. Samuel Dudley was ordained in 1650. The Second Congrega- tional Church was formed in 1748, and Rev. Daniel Rogers, a descendant of the martyr John Rogers, was ordained. There arc at present two Congregational societies, one Methodist, one Freewill Baptist, one Calvinist Baptist, and one Unitarian. The town is divided into six school dis- tricts. In some of the districts are substantial and elegant school houses. Much has been done here towards the ad- vancement of the common school interest in this town. The Granite State Bank has a capital of ^125,000. President, Moses Sanborn ; cashier, S. H. Stevens. Population, 3329. Number of legal voters in 1854, 794. Amount of inventory, ^1,265,391. Value of lands, 1 195, 110. Do. factories and machinery, $48,000. Do. mills and carding machines, $20,400. Do. stock in trade, $90,356. Amount of money on hand, &c., $177,610. Number of sheep, 390. Do. neat stock, 777. Do. horses and mules, 228. Farmington, Strafford county. Bounded north by New GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. ^00 Durham and Milton, east by Milton and the State of Maine, south by Eochestcr and Strafford, and west by Strafford and New Durham. Area, 21,000 acres. Distance from Con- cord, 25 miles, north-east ; from Dover, 18, north-west. This township is somewhat broken, and the soil in many places is rugged, but very productive when carefully tilled. There is but little interval on the Cocheco River, which winds through the north-east part of the town. The Blue Hill, or Frost Mountain, extending nearly through the town in a north and south direction, is the highest eleva- tion of land in the county. From the summit of this mountain may be seen in a clear day Mount Washington, Monadnock, and hundreds of smaller hills in the distance ; while the ships in Portsmouth Harbor can be traced in their various motions, swayed hither and thither by a slight breeze. The Cocheco River ^s the only stream of note. A rock, weighing some 60 or 70 tons, formerly so nicely poised as to be moved easily by the hand, has within a few years been moved from its position by some persons, no doubt, wearing out for want of exercise. The school fund in this town is $3000. There are seven stores, and one hotel. The manufacture of shoes is. carried on quite extensively. About 560,000 pairs of shoes are manufactured annually. The amount of capital invested is $-475,000 ; 650 hands are employed. There is a bank in this town, with a capital of $50,000. Farming- ton was originally a part of Rochester, but was incorporated as a distinct town December 1, 1798. A Congregational church was formed here, about 1818, under the care of the Rev. James "Walker. There is also a Freewill Baptist society here. This town is divided into 16 school districts. Population, 1699. Number of legal voters in 1854, 483. Inventory. 651,335. Stock in trade, $21,530. 18* £10 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. Value of shares in bank, &c., $44,574. Do. of lands, $380,920. Number of sheep, 903. Do. neat stock, 1512. Do. horses and mules, 260. FiTzwiLLiAM, Cheshire county. Bounded' north by Troy and Jaffrey, east by Rindge, south by Royalston and Winchendon, Massachusetts, and west by Richmond. Area, 22,700 acres. Distance from Concord, 60 miles, south-west; from Keene, 13, south-east. It originally contained 26,900 acres ; but by an act of the legislature, June 23, 1815, 4200 acres were taken from it, and now form a part of Troy. Camp and Priest Brooks are the principal streams. There are several small ponds. The surface is hilly; the soil is hard, but very good for graz- ing. There is a considerable quantity of meadow land, which is very productive. Near the centre of the town is a considerable eminence, remarkable for the delightful prospect it affords. Gap Mountain lies partly in this town and partly in Troy. On its summit is found an excellent kind of whetstone. There is also a quarry of granite of superior quality, which is extensively wrought. The manu- facture of wooden ware of various kinds is a large item in the industrial pursuits of the inhabita;its. There are eleven different establishments in which this kind of labor is per- formed. There are also one carriage shop, one tannery, and a factory where enamelled leather is made. In these various departments 250 persons are employed. There are four stores, one hotel, twelve common schools, one Unitarian church, one Congregational, and one Baptist. Tliis town was originally called Monadnock Number Four, and was granted, January 15, 1752, to Roland Cotton and 41 others; but, the grantees having suffered forfeiture, it was regranted to Samson Stoddard and 22 others. The GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 211 first settlement was made, in 1760, by James Read, John Fassitt, Benjamin Bigelow, and others. It was incorporated May 19, 1773, when it was named in honor of the Earl of Fitzwilliam. The Congregational church was formed March 27, 1771, when the Rev. Benjamin Brigham was ordained. In 1816 an elegant church was erected at^an expense of $7000. On the night of January 17, 1817, it was struck by light- ning, and entirely consumed. The Cheshire Railroad passes through this town. Population, 1482. Number of legal voters in 1854, 300. Inventory, $468,637. Value of lands, $283,675. Stock in trade, $19,530. Number of sheep, 297. Do. neat stock, 1093. Do. horses and mules, 232. Francestown, Hillsborough county. Bounded north by Deering, east by Weare a'nd New Boston, south by Lyndeborough and Greenfield, and west by Greenfield and Bennington. Area, 18,760 acres. Distance from Concord, 27 miles, south-west; from Amherst, 12, north- west. The two south branches of the Piscataquog rise in this town ; the largest branch from Pleasant Pond, the other from Haunted Pond. These two ponds are consider- able collections of note ; the former being about 350 rods square, and the latter 300 in length by 225 in width. The land is uneven, and in many parts stony, but the soil is strong and productive. There are some small patches of interval which are very fertile. In the western part of the town the rock is mostly coarse granite; in the eastern it is sulphuric, easily crumbling. There is in the easterly part of this town a valuable quariy of soapstone, which has been extensively wrought for sizing rollers and other 212 - NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. purposes. In the north part of the town plumbago occurs in small quantities. This town was first settled, in 1760, by John Carson, a Scotchman. It derived its name from Frances, the wife of Governor Wentworth. It was not granted to proprietors, as most of the early to"tvnships were. It includes what was once called New Boston Addition and a part of Society Land, and was incorporated, on petition of the inhabitants, June 8, 1772. The titles were derived from the Masonian proprietors. A Congregational church was formed here, January 27, 1773, under the Rev. Samuel Cotton. Mr. James Woodbury was an active soldier in the French war of 1757. He was engaged by the side of General Wolfe when he was mortally wounded at the memorable siege of Quebec. He also belonged to the company of rangers under the immortal Stark. Population, 1114. Number of houses, 241. Do. families, 261. Do. farms, 128. Value of lands, $314,- 620. Stock in trade, $5050. Inventory, |53 1,982. Number of sheep, 1953. Do. neat stock, 1193. Do. horses and mules, 240. Do. polls, 244. Franconia, Grafton county. Bounded north by Beth- lehem, east by ungranted lands, south by Lincoln and Landaff, and west by Lisbon. Area, 32,948 acres. Dis- tance from Concord, 74 miles, north; from Haverhill, 28, north-east. A large portion of the town is mountainous. Its streams are branches of the Lower Ammonoosuc, and rise in the mountainous tracts on the east. Along these streams there is considerable interval — meadow land very fertile and productive. Near the "Notch" are two bodies of water ; the lower one, commonly called Ferrin*s Pond, is GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 213 half a mile long and q^uaiter of a mile Avide. It is the source of one of the principal branches of the Pemigewas- set River, and is known as the "Middle Branch." Echo Lake, about one mile in length and three quarters of a mile in width, lies at the foot of Mount Lafayette, almost entirely protected from violent winds by the lofty hills which surround it on all sides. The report of a gun fired upon its shores may be heard distinctly several times, in perfect imitation of successive discharges of musketry. The waters of this lake are discharged through the south branch into the Lower Ammonoosuc. The Notch, a narrow pass between Mount Lafayette and Profile Mountain, or Mount Jackson, is thought by many not inferior to the celebrated pass on the eastern flank of the White Mountain range. Those who visit the White Mountain Notch and scenery will not consider their visit complete until they have seen Franconia Notch. The grand and beautiful are so perfectly blended in its wild and rugged features that the visitor can hardly tell with which view he is most profoundly impressed. The Old Man of the Mountain has been declared to be the greatest natural curiosity in the state. On a bold and nearly perpendicular part of the rock which terminates one of the projecting cliffs of Mount Jackson, at the height of 1000 feet, in bold relief against the western sky, and surveying in calm majesty the wild and varied region stretching towards the south, is seen this wonderful profile of the human face, delineated with striking exactness and in gigantic proportions, wearing from age to age the same undisturbed expression of sovereign dignity and hoary wisdom. The profile is produced by a peculiar combina- tion of the surfaces and angles of five huge granite blocks. As the traveller reaches the point of observation from the 214 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. highway, he is directed to look in k northwardly direction, when he discovers in the distance the stern visage of the Old Man of the Mountain, The Basin is a deep excavation in granite, formed by the continual action of the falling waters of the Pemige- wasset, together with the whirling and grinding action of pebbles and masses of granite swept into the cavity by the force of the stream. The diameter of the Basin is about thirty feet, and its depth appears to be in such proportion as to form a huge bowl, always filled to the brim with clear, cold water. The Flume is about three fourths of a mile from the main road, on the right hand as you go towards Franconia Notch. A narrow pathway through woods leads to the spot. There are in the passage, numerous small streams, over which have been felled trees, which is the only bridge to be met with in this wild, romantic walk. " The Flume is a deep chasm, having mural precipices of granite on each side ; while a mountain torrent rushes through its midst, falling over precipitous crags and loose masses of rock. During the spring freshets and in early summer it is not practicable to walk in the bed of the Flume ; but late in the season but little water floWs, and the bottom of the river affords a good footpath. One of the most re- markable objects in the Flume is an immense rounded block of granite, which hangs a few feet overhead, supported merely by small surfaces of contact against its sides." To the traveller passing in the bed of the stream and under- neath this massive block, the appearance is, that it must instantly fall upon him. The trunk of a fallen tree lies across the top of the river, and furnishes a natural bridge for adventurous persons, though extremely dangerous, es- pecially for persons unaccustomed to such feats. GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 215 Franconia owes much of its prosperity to the existence and working of a rich vein of granular magnetic iron ore, the locality of which is within the present limits of the town of Lisbon. The ore is blasted out and conveyed to the furnace in Franconia. In December, 1805, a company was incorporated under the name of the New Hampshire Iron Manufactory. The buildings necessary for the prose- cution of the enterprise were erected on the south branch of the Lower Ammonoosuc, and consist of a large blast fur- nace, a cupola furnace, a forge, trip hammer shop, black- smith shop, and pattern shop. From 20 to 30 men are constantly employed. 250 tons of pig iron and from 200 to 300 tons of bar iron are produced annually. The ore is said to be the richest yet discovered. It yields from 56 to 90 per cent. A respectable business is also carried on in the manufacture of starch from potatoes, about 60 tons of Avhich are made annually. There is a bedstead fac- tory, in which eight men are employed, doing a business of about $8000 per annum. There are in Franconia three hotels of large dimensions, and handsomely finished and furnished, in which special regard is paid to the ease and enjoyment of the numerous travellers who visit Franconia for pleasure, scientific pur- poses, or business. This town was originally called Morristown, and was granted, February 14, 1764, to Isaac Searle and others. The first settlement was made in 1774 by Captain Ar- temas Knight, Samuel Barnett, Zebedcc Applebee, and others. There is a Congregational church consisting of 14 mem- bers, and a Freewill Baptist church of 138 members. Population, 584. Number of polls in 1854, 139. Do. legal voters in do., 132. Inventory, $; 174,549. Value of 216 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. lands, $95,226. Stock in trade, $15,945. Number of sheep, 567. Do. neat stock, 592. Do. horses and mules, 114. Freedom, Carroll county. Bounded north by Eaton, east by Parsonfield, Maine, south by Effingham, and west by Ossipee. Distance from Concord, 60 miles, north-east ; from Ossipee, 10, north. This is an uneven township, but contains some excellent land for grazing and tillage. Os- sipee Lake lies partly in this town. The only stream of importance is Ossipee Eiver, which affiards several excel- lent mill seats. The inhabitants are generally devoted to agriculture ; and the numerous highly-cultivated farms give evidence that labor is not unaccompanied by skill. There are two carriage factories, doing business on rather a moderate scale ; oue door, sash, and blind factory ; one planing and mortising factory ; two blacksmith shops ; one bedstead shop ; and four shoe shops. There is a re- ligious society of the Baptist faith ; one hotel, one high school, and ten common schools. This town was incor- porated June 16, 1831, and was formerly called North Effingham. Population, 910. Number of legal voters in 1854, 240. Inventory, $225,930. Value of lands, $131,202. Do. stock in trade, $3350. Do. sheep, $1916. Do. neat stock, $17,295. Do. horses and mules, $8087. Do. polls, $53,860. Franklin, Merrimack county. Bounded north by Hill and Sanbornton, east by Sanbornton and Northfield, south by Boscawen and Salisbury, and west by Salisbury and Andovcr. Distance from Concord, 19 miles, north. This pleasant and thriving town was taken from the towns of GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 217 Salisbur\^ Andovcr, Sanboruton, and NorthfielJ, and was incorporated December 24, 1828. It is small in extent, comprising probably an area of not more tlian 9000 acres. The soil is generally a sandy loam, in some parts very rich ; in others, especially the more elevated pine plains, it is somewhat sterile. Much attention has been paid to ag- riculture here, and some of the farms Avill compare with the best in the state. The celebrated Webster Farm, through a portion of which the Northern llailroad passes, is under high cultivation, and very productive. At this place is a way station called the Webster Place. There is in this town an extensive peat bog, including about thirty acres, which is two feet deep, with a hard clay be- neath it. The principal village is situated near the confluence of the Pemigewasset and Winnipiseogee Rivers, which, by their union, form the Merrimack. Its principal street is about one mile in length, running parallel with the Pemi- gewasset and Merrimack Rivers, at a distance of from 30 to 80 rods from their channels. The water pov\^er in this town is abundant and valuable. On the Win- nijiiseogee are several mills and Victories. The Frank- lin !R'liIls have recently commenced operations. Feeting, woollen undershirts, and drawers arc extensively manufac- tured here. The factory building is a large and massive stone structure, four stories in height. Connected with this are some tAvclve or fifteen tenements for the operatives. The method of manufiicturing such goods by machinery is comparatively a new enterprise, but promises well for those engaged in it. There is also a large paper manufactory, in which from 25 to 30 hands are employed. . H. Aiken's machine shop, where are manufactured " Aiken's patent brad awls " and tools of various kinds, is in this town. 19 ^18 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. There is also an iron foundery and a forge shop^ where a large business is carried on. In the principal village are two meeting houses, two hotels, seven stores, and one academy. The Northern Railroad passes directly in the rear of the principal street ; and the track being elevated considerably above a level with the tops of the houses, the traveller sees almost beneath his feet a beautiful village, teeming with life and activity ; while still farther eastward he beholds the noble river whose power gives motion to the greatest number of spindles and looms of any stream in the world. The two religious societies here are the Congregational and the Christian Baptist. The cemetery, situated on a plain elevated considerably above the village, and some 100 rods easterly from it, is indeed a lovely spot. All is quiet around ; and yet within its enclosure the visitor, with a siugle glance, may behold the distant and gradually rising hills towards the west, and the puffing locomotive, with its almost endless train ; while a short distance below is the union of the Pemigewasset with the Winnipiseogee, and before him the busy village ; the whole scenery, with its variety and beauty, presenting a striking contrast to the stillness of the sacred grounds, and forcibly reminding him that there is but a step between the abodes of the living and the city of the dead. Population, 1251. Number of polls, 282. Inventory, $463,635. Value of lands, $291,560. Stock in trade, $16,200. Money on deposit, &c., $37,980. Number of sheep, 1497. Do. neat stock, 909. Do. horses, 170. Gilford, shire town of Belknap county. Bounded north by Winnipiseogee Lake, east by Alton, south by Gilraanton, and west by Long Bay and Meredith. Area, GA/r.TTi;i:ii or m:\v hampsiiike. 219 23,000 acres. '.lo miles iiortli-eust from Concord. The soil is generally productive and under a high state of culti- vation. There are two ponds — Little and Chattleborough. Gunstock and Mile's Elvers, rising In Suncook Mountains, and flowing in a northerly direction into the lake, are the principal streams. Two islands in the lake, belonging to Gilford, are connected with it by bridges, one of which is 30 rods in length. Four bridges across the Winnipiseogee connect this town with Meredith. Gilford village and Meredith village are connected by a bridge across Winni- . piseogee River, and both are called Meredith Bridge ; (for a description of which, see Meredith.) The Suncook Moun- tains extend in a tOAvering pile tlu-ough the easterly part of tbe town, from Gilmanton nearly to the lake. This is a thriving town, and the village connected with the Meredith side is one of the most flourishing and pleas- ant villages in New Hampshire. This town, which was incorporated June IG, 1812, was formerly a part of Gil- manton. It was settled in 1778 by James Ames and S. S. Gilman. The Freewill Baptist society, formed in 1798 under Elder Richard Martin, was the first religious society established in Gilford. Elder Uriah Morrison was ordained over a Baptist society in 1808. Elder William Blaisdell was ordained over the Christian Baptist society in 1809. There are at present one Calvinist Baptist and three Free- will Baptist societies in this town. Population, 2425. Number of polls, 594. Inventory, $604,333. Value of lands, $357,148. Stock in trade, $9460. Value of mills and machinery, ,$7200. ]Money at interest, $29,407. Number of sheep, 2209. Do. neat stock, 1716. Do. horses and mules, 257. GiLMANTOX, Belknap county. Bounded north by Gil- 220 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. ford and Alton, east by Alton and Barnstead, south by- Canterbury and Northfield, and west by Sanbornton and Great Bay. Area, 63,500 acres. 25 miles north-east from Concord, and 8 south-west from Gilford. This town is watered by the Winnipiseogee, Suncook, and Soucook Kivers. The source of the Suncook is a pond on the top of one of the Suncook Mountains, 900 feet above its base. The water of this pond falls into another at the foot of the mountain, about one mile in length and half a mile in width ; flowing through this, it falls into another, covering about 500 acres, from which it winds through the town, receiving several streams in its course. Gilmanton is very hilly and rocky. The north part bounds upon Suncook Mountains, from which a chain of hills extends in a south- erly direction. The soil is hard, but fruitful, and has been brought to a very high state of cultivation. No part of the state presents a more pleasing and picturesque appear- ance to the eye of the agriculturist. Quartz crystals of considerable size are found near Shell Camp Pond. For- merly bog iron ore of a good quality was taken in large quantities from the bottom of Lougee Pond by means of long tongs. Porcupine Hill is a remarkably abrupt preci- pice of granite, gneiss, and mica slate rock, which form, by their overhanging strata and deep ravines, a pleasant and favorite resort of the students of Gilmanton Academy — an old and highly respectable institution of learning. Below this steep precipice is a deep and shady dell, thickly clad with dark, evergreen foliage of forest trees ; while the rocks are wreathed in rich profusion by curious and beautiful lichens, or mosses. Wild plants are abundant and various. Gilmanton Academy was incorporated October 13, 1762. This town was granted. May 20, 172T, to 24 persons named Oilman, and 152 others. The settlement was delayed and GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 221 interrupted by the frequent depredations of the Indians. In December, 1761, Benjamin and John Mudgett, with their families, settled here. Dorothy Weed, the first child, was born here October 13, 1762. A Baptist church was organized here November 16, 1773. Elder Walter Powers was ordained June 14, 1786 ; dismissed in 1806. The Congregational church was formed November 30, 1774, and Eev. Isaac Smith ordained. There are also Methodist and Freewill Baptist societies in this town. Hon. William Badger, formerly governor of this state, was a native and citizen of Gilmantou. Population, 3282. Number of polls, 704. Inventory, 1983,253. Stock in trade, $13,256. Value of lands, $556,600. Number of sheep, 3507. Do. neat stock, 3920. Do. horses and mules, 546. GiLSUM, Cheshire county. Bounded north by Alstead, east by Stoddard and Keene, south by Keene, and west by Surrey. Area, 9456 acres. 46 miles south-west from Concord, and 9 north from Keene. The surface is gener- ally uneven and stony. The soil is fertile ; and in many parts good arable land, free from stone, is to be found. Ashuelot River runs through this town, and aiFords several excellent Avater privileges. There is a small body of water in the north-east part of the town called Cranberry Pond. Near the house of Mr. Samuel Bingham there is a huge block of loose granite resting upon the crushed edges of a strata of mica slate. This immense bowlder has received the name of Vessel Rock, and appears to have been stranded upon the mica slate ledge, whither it was driven and depos- ited by the powerful drift current which passed over the country in ancient times. A large piece of this rock was split off from the mass by some external force in the winter 19* .^22 :>vEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. of 1817. The pnncipal block measures 26 feet long by 24 in width and 26 in height. There are in this town two stores, one hotel, and two woollen factories. In one, owned and occupied by Eben- ezer Jones, about 15,000 yards of choice broadcloth are manufactured annually. The number of hands employed is 20. Capital invested, ,^15,000. Ebenezer Jones pro- prietor. In the other are manufactured about 40,000 yards of flannel per annum. Number of hands employed, 12. Capital invested, $9000. There is also a factory for making bobbins, a chair factory, and a large tannery. Gil- sum was first granted, December 8, 1752, to Joseph Osgood, Jacob Farmer, and others, and was called Boyle. It w&s regranted, July 1-3, 1763, to Messrs. Gilbert and Sumner, and others. From the union of the first syllables of these two names is derived the name Gilsum. First set- tlement in 1764, by Josiah Kilburn. The Congregational church was established in 1772 ; incorporated in 1816. There are now two meeting houses — one owned by the Congregational, the other by the Methodist, society. Population, 666. Number of legal voters in 1854, 157. Inventory, $187,030. Value of lands, $76,531. Num- ber of sheep, 1413. Do. neat stock, 531. Do. horses and mules, 94. GoFFSTOWN, Hillsborough county. Bounded north by Dunbarton and Hooksctt, east by Ilooksett and Manchester, south by Bedford, and west by New Boston and Weare. Area, 29,170 acres. 16 miles south from Concord, 12 north from Amherst, and 6 north-west from Manchester. Merrimack River forms part of the eastern boundary. Piscataqua River runs through its centre. There are two considerable elevations in tliis town, which bear the •GAZETTEER OF NEW IIAMPSIIIIIE. 223 Indian name of Uncannunuc. Excepting those elevations, Goffstown is less broken and hilly /than the adjoining towns. On the rivers are large tracts of valuable interval. Back from the rivers are extensive plains, not so rich in soil, but easily and carefully cultivated. From the plains the land rises in large, but gradual, swells, rocky in some parts, but excellent for grazing. A Congregational society was formed here in 1771 ; a Baptist church was organized in 1820. This town was in early times a favorite resort of the In- dians, who found ample support in the abundance of fish in its limits. It was granted by the Masonian proprietors, in 1748, to Bev. Thomas Parker and others, of Dracut, Massachusetts. At present the Baptists are the only so- ciety who have a settled pastor. There arc nine sawmills ajid four gristmills, two hotels and eight stores, one factory for the manufacture of batting, one shoe manufactory, in which are employed 100 hands, two sash and blind facto- ries, two wheelwright shops, and six blacksmith shops. Population, 2270. Number of houses, 416. Do. fami- lies, 441. Do. farms, 272. Inventory, |658,509. Value of lands, $457,175. Stock in trade, $16,212. Number of sheep, 700. Do. neat stock, 1644. Do. horses and mules, 283. Do. polls, 424. GoRHAM, Coos county. Bounded north by Berlin, east by Shelburne, south by the northerly base of the White Mountains, and* west by Rtrndolph. Area, 18,140 acres. Distance from Concord, 96 miles, north ; from Lancaster, 20, east. It was formerly called Shelburne Addition. It is a rough, cold, and unproductive township. Several streams, swarming with trout, descend from the mountains into the Androscoggin River in this town. Population, 224. Number of polls, 51. Inventory, ii34 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. $65,230. Value of lands, $40,744. Number of sheep, 115. Do. neat stock, 100. Do. horses, 48. GosHEX, Sullivan county. Bounded north by Sunapee, east by Newbury, south by Washington, and west by Unity and Newport. Area, 12,023 acres. Distance from Con- cord, 42 miles, north-west ; from Newport, 10, south-east. From Sunapee Mountain, lying in the east part of this town, spring numerous small streams, which unite in form- ing Sugar River. Rand's Pond is in the north-east part of the town. The soil is particularly adapted to the growth of grass. Large quantities of maple sugar are manufac- tui'ed here annually. A plumbago vein of considerable extent and richness is wrought here. The varieties of rock are mica, slate, gneiss, and granite. A Congregational church was formed here in 1802, and a Baptist society in 1803. There is also a society called Christians. There are two stores and five common schools in this town. Go- sWi was formed of territory taken from Newport, Suna- pee, Newbury, Washington, Lempster, and Unity. It was incorporated December 27, 1791. The first settlement was made in that part then called Wendall, now Sunapee, by Captain Benjamin Rand, William Lang, and Daniel Grindlc, whose sufferings and hardships were very great. Their cro]is were often greatly injured, and sometimes en- tirely cut off, by early frosts. In such cases they were obliged to go to Walpole or Charlestowif for grain. Dur- ing a winter of great scarcity Captain Rand went to Wal- pole after grain ; and being detained by a violent snow storm, his family were obliged to live six days without provisions, during which time Mrs. Rand sustained one of her chil- dren, five years of age, by milk from her breast, her infant child having died a short time before. GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 225 Population, G59. Number of legal voters in 1854, 166. Inventory, $181,372. Value of lands, $92,476. Num- ber of sheep, 2744. Do. neat stock, 824. Do. horses, 143. GosPORT, Rockingham county. One of the Isles of Shoals, formerly called Af)pleton, and afterwards Star Isl- and. It contains about 150 acres. Gosport was early in- vested with town privileges. In 1728 the inhabitants paid £16 as their proportion of the province tax of £1000. Subsequently a meeting house and a fort were built on its west point. Since those times its business has been con- siderably diminished. "Within a few years, however, it has revived somewhat. The inhabitants are principally engaged in fishing. In this pursuit 50 men are engaged. The amount of capital invested in the cod fishery is $2000, mackerel fishery $2500, herring fishery $500. There is a school, which is kept most of the time during the year. There is a religious society of the Christian sect. There is also a large and convenient hotel on ^s island, constructed for the accommodation and comfort of pleasure seekers, visitors, and travellers generally. The Isles of Shoals are places of fashionable resort in the warm seasons, and are very healthy summer residences. Population, 103. Number of legal voters in 1854, 35. Grafton, Grafton county. Bounded north by Orange, east by Alexandria and Danbury, south by Springfield, and west by Enfield and Canaan. Area, 21,993 acres. Dis- tance from Concojd, 36 miles, north-west ; from Haverhill, 60 miles, south-east. Smith's River, a tributary of the Merrimack, i-uns throusfh this to^vn in a south-easterly di- rection. There are five ponds ; the largest, covering fi'om 200 to 300 acres, is called Grafton Pond. Isinglass Hill, in the north-west part of the town, contains a vein of 226 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS, mica, which is wrought during the summer season, and yields nearly 50,000 pounds of mica suitable for commerce. The view from this hill is picturesque. An abrupt preci- pice, too steep for ascent, on its north-east side, descends into a dark copse of woods ; while to the south is an exten- sive, and variegated picture of fountains and undulating hills, covered with green forest, and interspersed with a few cleared and fertile valleys. Beryls of large size are ob- tained from John's Hill, an eminence about one mile south- west from Glass Hill. There are two meeting houses — one belonging to the Freewill Baptist society, and the other to the Union Religious Society. Grafton was granted, August 14, 1761, to Ephraim Sherman and others. The first permanent settlement was made in 1772, by Captain Joseph Hoyt, from Poplin. A Baptist church was formed here in 1785. The Freewill Baptist chui'ch was formed in 1817. Population, 1259. Number of legal voters in 1854, 300. Inventory, $289,490. Value of lands, |166,390. Number of sheep, 2955. Do. neat stock, 1361. Do. hprses, 177. Grantham, Sullivan county. Bounded north by En- field, east by Springfield and Croydon, south by Croydon, and west by Plainfield. Area, 24,900 acres. Distance from Concord, 40 miles, north-west ; from Newport, 12, north. There are seven ponds, the largest of which is called Eastman's Pond, covering nearly 300 acres ; another, near the centre of the town, covers about 200 acres. The surface is broken and hilly in some parts. The soil is pro- ductive, and some of the farms «,long its southern and western borders are highly cultivated. Croydon Mountain extends in a direction from south-west to north-east through this town. Upon the summit is a pond, covering about 80 GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 227 acres. The more hilly parts are excellent for pasturage. It is well watered by numerous brooks, many of which abound with trout. In the north-west corner of the town is found in large quantities a substance which, being clarified, produces a paint similar to spruce yellow, or, being burned, to Spanish brown. Grantham was granted July 11, 1761 ; but the proprietoi-s not fulfilling the con- ditions of the charter, it was forfeited. In 1767 it was regranted to Colonel "William Symmes and 63 others under its present name. " The name was afterwards changed by the prefix "New," which was in a few years after dropped. The inhabitants upon the west side of the mountain are closely connected with Meriden parish, in Plainfield, in matters of general intercourse and business. On the eastern side of the mountain is a Methodist meeting house. Population, 784. Number of polls, 183. Inventory, $261,739. Value of lands, $150,053. Number of sheep, 5636. Do. neat stock, 1110. Do. horses, 186. Greenfield, Hillsborough county. Bounded north by Bennington and Francestown, east by Francestown and Lyndeborough, south by Lyndeborough, and west by Peterborough and Hancock. Area, 16,904 acres. Distance from Concord, 38 miles, south-west; from Amherst, 14, north-west. The surface is rough; the soil is various; the hills are generally good for grazing, and the valleys for tillage. A part of Crotched Mountain rises from the north part, and part of Lyndeborough Mountain from the south and east sections of the town. There are a few valuable meadows. In one of them have been found many Indian rehcs, thus indicating that this must have been a favorite resort of the sons of the forest. There are five ponds; 228 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. one about a mile in length, and one third of a mile in width. There are no streams of importance. The industry of the people is almost entirely agricultural. The first settlement was made, in 1771, by Captain Alexander Parker, Major A. Whittemore, and others. It was incorpo- rated June 15, 1791. Its present name was given by Major Whittemore. A Congregational church was formed in 1791. Population, 716. Houses, 149. Families, 160. Farms, 80. Value of lands, $180,691. Inventory, $248,483. Number of sheep, 863. Do. neat stock, 910. Do. horses, 166. Do. polls, 171. Greenland, Rockingham county. Bounded north by Green Bay and Newington, east by Portsmouth, south by North Hampton, and west by Stratham. Area, 6335 acres. Distance from Concord, 45 miles, south-east; from Ports- niouth, 5, west. The soil is remai'kably good, and under high cultivation. The orchards and gardens are valuable, and yield large profits to the farmers. Greenland is celebrated for its excellent fruit. This was originally a part of Ports- mouth, and was incorporated in 1703. Settlements com- menced early, and in 1705 there were 320 inhabitants. Kev. William Allen, the first minister, was ordained July 15, 1707; died September 8, 1760, aged 84. Rev. Samuel McClintock, D. D., a learned divine, active in the cause of his coimtry, and a chaplain in the revolutionary army, was a colleague of Mr. Allen, and his successor. The Methodist church was formed in 1809. There is a fund of $5000, the income of which is applied to the support of a Congregational minister and for missionary enter- prises. The Eastern Raihoad passes tlu'ough this town. Population, 739. Number of polls, 175. Inventory, i GAZETTEER OP NEW HAMPSHIRE. 229 $344,379. Value of lands, $225,830. Shares in corpo- rations, $20,602. Number of sheep, 469. Do. neat stock, 580. Do. horses, 121. Groton, Grafton covinty. Bounded north by Went- wprth and Rumney, east by Hebron, south by Orange, and west by Dorchester. Area, 16,531 acres. Distance from Concord, 45 miles, north-west ; from Plymouth, 10, west. The northerly part is watered by Baker's River ; and the southerly has several small streams, which flow into New- found Lake. Spectacle Pond lies about a mile, north-east, from Groton meeting house. There are ten sawmills, two gristmills, besides shingle and clapboard machines; there is also one store, and one meeting house. The Unive1:salist society is the largest of the religious societies. This is a somewhat cold, though healthy, township. The surface is uneven, but the soil is strong. Corn and potatoes are the principal crops. This town was granted, July 8, 1761, to George Abbott and others, under the name of Cocker- mouth; afterwards regranted to Colonel John Hale and others. The first settlement was commenced in 1770 by James Gould, Captain E. Melvin, Jonas Hobart, Phinehas Bennet, and Samuel Farley. In 1779 a Congregational society was formed, and Rev. Samuel Perley was ordained. He was succeeded, in 1790, by Rev. Thomas Page. Population, 776. Number of legal voters in 1854, 180. Inventory, $176,936. Value of lands, $100,112. Num- ber of sheep, 1979. Do. neat stock, 1008. Do. horses, 133. Hampsteat, Rockingham county. Bounded north by Sandown and Danville, east by Kingston and Plaistow, south by Plaistow and Atkinson, and west by Derry. Area, 20 230 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. 8350 acres. Distance from Concord, 30 miles, south-east; from Exeter, 12, south-west. This town lies partly on the height of land between Merrimack and Piscataqua Rivers. Most of the waters descend through Spiggot River, which flows from Wash Pond, near the centre of the to^vn. Angly Pond hes in the north-east part of the town, and is drained by the Powwow River. Island Pond contains a valuable farm of 300 acres. Hampstead is an irregular shaped town, its contour being varied by about 30 angles. The soil is haid and stony. The tract comprising this town was considered as a part of Haverhill and Amesbury, Massachusetts, until 1741. About 1728 Mr. Emerson made a settlement in the south part, near a brook ; and at that flme only a Mr. Ford and two Indians lived in the place. It was granted by Governor Penning Wentworth, January 19, 1749, and named by him after a pleasant vil- lage five miles north of London, in England. In the early settlement of the town a dispute arose between Kingston and Hampstead respecting certain grants made by Ames- buiy before the state line was established, which was settled by Hampstead papng £1000, old tenor. About 1750 a meeting house was erected, and Rev. Hemy True (Congregational) was ordained June 3, 1752 ; he was succeeded by the Rev. John Kelly in 1792. Hon. Jolin Calfe, for twenty-five years a justice of the Court of Common Pleas, and for the same number of years clerk of the House of Representatives, was a native of this town. There are eight common schools, one hotel, three stores, two blacksmith shops, four wheelwright shops, and one establishment for the manufacture of tools of various kinds. About 120 persons are engaged in making shoes. A lai-ge gristmill is in process of construction. Population, 789. Number of legal voters in 1854, 221 n GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 231 Inventory, f 302,974. Value of lands, |207,819. Num- ber of sheep, 89. Do. neat stock, 480. Do. horses, 107. Hampton, Rockingham county. Bounded north by North Hampton, east by the Atlantic, south by Hampton Falls, and west by Exeter. Area, 81^0 acres, 1800 of which are salt marsh, and 650 sand banks between the marsh and high-water mark of the ocean. Distance from Concord, 50 miles, south-east; from Exeter, 7, east. The surface is generally level, gradually descending towards the sea. The soil is excellent, well adapted to tillage and mowing, but there is not pasturage sufficient for grazing to any extent. It is pleasantly situated, its numerous eminences affording delightful views of the pcean. Isles of Shoals, and the sea coast from Portsmouth to Cape Ann. Hampton Beach has long been a celebrated resort for inva- lids and seekers of pleasure. There is an excellent hotel at this place for. the accommodation of visitors. Boar's Head is an abrupt eminence, of singular shape, which extends into the sea, and divides the two beaches, which otherwise would be continuous. At this point, a little distance from the shore, fishing is excellent, and cod are frequently taken in great abundance. Ship building is carried on to a con- siderable extent here. The Indian name of this town was Winnicummet. It was first settled, in 1638, by emigrants from the county of Norfolk, England. The first house was erected in 1636. Hampstead was incorporated in 1638, and then included North Hampton, Hampton Falls, Kensington, and Seabrook. In the same year a Congrega- tional church was estabUshed here, which was the second in New Hampshire. The first pastor. Rev. Stephen Bachelor, was ordained 1638. A Baptist society was incorporated in 1817. During the early period of its settlement, Hamp- 2S2 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS, stead was the scene of Indian depredations. On tlie 1 1th of August, 1703, a paity of Indians killed five persons, among whom was a widow Mussey, celebrated as a preach- er among the Quakers. There is a fund here of $12,000, the interest of which is devoted to the support of a Con- gregational ministet. Population, 1197. Number of polls, 287. Inventory, $494,613. Value of lands, $362,070. Stock in trade, $6860. Number of sheep,. 384. Do. neat stock, 842. Do. horses, 143. Hampton Falls, Rockingham county. Bounded north by Hampton, east by the Atlantic, south by Seabrook, and west by Kensington and Exeter. Area, 7400 acres. Dis- tance from Concord, 45 miles, south-east ; from Exeter, 7, east. The soil is similar to that of Hampton, of which it originally formed a part. It was incorporated in 1712, and the same year the Rev. Theophilus Cotton, the first minister, was ordained. There is also a Baptist and a Unitarian society here. Population, 640. Number of polls, 131. Inventory, $281,219. Value of lands, $187,690. Number of sheep, 392. Do. neat stock, 854. Do. horses, 79. Hancock, Hillsborough county. Bounded north by Antrim, east by Bennington and Greenfield, south by Pe- terborough, and west by Nelson. Area, 19,372 acres. Distance from Concord, 35 miles, south-west ;* from Am- herst, 22, north-west. The soil is various ; sandy, clayey, and rocky in the north and west, with fine meadows along the Contoocook River, which forms its eastern boun- dary. The west part of the town is mountainous, and affords excellent pasturing, besides some very good tillage. 4 GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. There are two ponds of considerable size — on«^ near the centre of the town, is called Norway Pond ; and the other, from its shape, is called Half Moon Pond. The meeting house is situated near the centre of the town, on a handsome plain, in a thriving and pleasant vil- lage. This meeting house was built in 1820, and the pews were sold in one day, at auction, for ^7000. The town bears little of the impress of change in opinions or customs. It is emphatically one of those good jald farming towns where any one would be proud to point out the home of his ancestors. The postmaster here has not been removed since his appointment forty-two years ago. The Congregational society has had but three ministers since its formation. Rev. Reed Page settled September 21, 1791 ; Rev. Archibald Burgess in 1822 ; Rev. Asahel Bigelow in 1850. Hancock was incorporated November 5, 1779. It was named in honor of Governor Hancock, of Boston, who was one of the original proprietors. The first settlement was begun in May, 1764, by John Grimes. Population, 1012. Number of polls, 199. Do. houses, 212. Do. fiimilies, 226. Do. farms, 35. Value of lands, $241,660. Inventory, $387,130. Stock in trade; $5430. Number of sheep, 1112. Do. neat stock, 1390. Do. horses, 245. Hanover, Grafton county. Bounded north by Lyme, east by Canaan, south by Lebanon, and west by Norwich, Vermont. Area, 27,745 acres. Distance from Concord, 52 miles, north ; from Haverhill, 30, south. There is in this town no considerable stream or river excepting the Connecticut. Mink Brook, Slate Brook, and Goose Pond Brook are the principal streams. Neither of these is suf- ficient for mill privileges. There are several small islands 20* 234 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. in Connecticut River within the Kmits of Hanover, the largest of which is Parker's Island, containing about 20 acres. The original growth of wood is maple, beech, birch, ash, bass, hemlock, spruce, and pine. When the town was first settled the largest proportion of forest trees was hardwood. The surface of Hanover is agreeably di^•^rsified with hills and valleys, and nearly all is very easily cultivated. The proportion of waste land is prob- ably less thjn in any other town in Grafton county. Some of the farms are. under a high state of cultivation. The soil is generally fertile. MoQse IMountain is a considerable elevation, extending across the town from north to south, at a distance of about five miles from Connecticut River. The principal village is in the south-west corner of the town, on a beautiful and extensive plain, about half a mile from Connecticut River, and 180 feet above the level of its waters. Vegetable substances have been found, in diflFerent parts of this plain, 50 and 80 feet below the surface. The Common, or Park, is a square, level area of about six acres, shaded by rows of thrifty maples, and sur- rounded by .streets of considerable width. On the north side is the residence of the president of the College, the residence of the late Hon. Mills Olcott, and the meeting house and chapel ; on the west is a street containing many beautiful residences and gardens; on the south is Dart- mouth Hotel, several stores, and the Tontine, a brick build- ing 4 stories high and 150 feet in length, besides several dwelling houses j and on the east is the College Yard, a spacious ground, including the college buildings, which, with the Observatory, are five in number. On College Street, a few rods north from the Park, is the Medical Building, a brick structure some CO or 70 feet in length and 3 stories in height. The College and Medical Build- GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 235 ings are spacious, convenient, and present a handsome and imposing appearance. This is one of the most desirable locations for the prose- cution of study in New England. The uniform tempera- ture of the climate, the pleasantness of the village, the healthiness of the situation, the beautiful and romantic scenery, the quiet which generally prevails, the seclusion from the bustle and confusion of city life, the many pleas- ant resorts, — all contribute to render it, in ever^ essen- tial, a seat of literature and science. Pine Grove, and the charming view from it of the majestic Connecticut, gliding its waters in placid stillness by verdant meadows and well-cultivated fields, and the gradually rising Green Hills of Vermont seen in the distance, furnish a picture not soon forgotten by those who have frequented the spot. For a more particular description of the College, see an- other part of tliis volume. Hanover was granted by charter, July 4, 1761, to 11 pel-sons of the name of Freeman, and 52 others, princi- pally from Connecticut. The first settlement was made in May, 1765, by Colonel Edmund Freeman, from INIansfield, Connecticut. In 1766 Benjamin Rice, Benjamin Davis, Gideon Smith, and Asa Parker settled here. In 1770 Dartmouth College was established by Dr. Whcelock. The Congregational church was organized in 1771. The first settled minister was Rev. Eden Boroughs, Avho was installed in 1772. There is a Baptist society and also an Episcopal chiu'ch here. Population, 2352. Number of polls, 451. Inventory, $698,996. Value of lands, |456,164. Stock in trade, $15,015. Money on deposit, &c., $33,125. Value of shares in corporations, $10,150. Number of sheep, 12,168. Do. neat stock, 1526. Do. horses and mules, 360. 286 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. Haverhill, Grafton county. Bounded north by Bath, east by Benton, south by Piermont, and west by Newbury, Vermont. Area, 34,340 acres. Distance from Concord, 70 miles, north-west. This is one of the shire towns of Grafton county. It is watered by OHverian Brook, run- ning through its southern part and discharging into Con- necticut River, and by Hazen Brook, running through the centre of the town and falling into the Connecticut near the "6rreat Ox Bow" in Newbury. This is a pleasant township. The soil is various, adapted to every species of cultivation common to the climate. There is consider- able interval, covered with a deep, rich loam. The plain at Haverhill Corner, which is the principal village, is covered mostly with alluvial soil. There is a beautiful Common in this village, laid out in the form of an oblong square, ornamented with trees, and enclosed by a hand- some fence. Around the Common stand the buildings, several of which, besides the meeting house, academy, and hotel, are large and well constructed. The location is a delightful elevation, overlooking the adjacent country for many miles in extent. From the street the ground slopes gracefully towards the river until it reaches the intervals. The county buildings are of brick, and, though not ex- pensively constructed, are neat and commodious. Haverhill is a thriving town. Its progress was con- siderably retarded by an extensive fire some years since, which consumed several buildings, besides other property of large amount. Granite in tabular sheets, of excellent quality and easily wrought, is found in great abundance on Catamount Hill. Veins of copper and iron pyrites, sulphurets of lead and zinc, arsenic, large crystals of garnet, and talc, or soapstone, are found here in several localities. About six miles GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. .237 north-easterly from the \'illage, on the west side of Black Mountain, is a bed of limestone of great dimensions. It is of a pure white color, and highly crystallized. It is of inestimable value. Bog iron ore of a superior quality ex- ists here. The Passumpsic Railroad passes along the western border of the town ; and the Boston, Concord, and Montreal Railroad passes through in a direction nearly north-west and south-east. The Haverhill Academy was incorporated February 11, 1794. This town was granted. May 18, 1764, to John Hazen aiid 74 others. The first settlement was made in the same year by Mr. Hazen, who built his encampment on the " Little Ox Bow," near a spot where formerly there had been an Indian fort and burying ground, from whence numerous skulls and relics of the aborigines have been taken. Several of the early settlers were from Haverhill, Massachusetts, from which place this town derived its name. Its original name was Lower Cohos. The first court was held here in 1773. The first minister was Rev. Peter Powers, the first male child born in Hollis, who was settled over Haverhill and Newbury, Vermont, in 1765 ; dismissed in 1784. The First Congregational church was organized in 1790. Rev. Ethan Smith was ordained January 25, 1792 ; dismissed in 1799. Rev. John Smith was ordained December 23, 1802 ; dismissed in 1807. The first newspaper was printed here April 21, 1808, and was called the Coos Courier. It has been pubhshed under different names. At present its title is the Democratic Republican. Hon. John Page, former governor of New Hampshire, a worthy and useful man, is a citizen of this town. The late Hon. Joseph Bell, a distinguished lawyer, who by his industry and abihty amassed a large property, was for many years a resident of Haverhill ; and here was the scene of his poverty, his labors, and success. 238. NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. Population, 2405. Number of polls, 569. Inventory, $699,442. Value of lands, |392,091. Stock in trade, $14,600. Number of sheep, 5631. Do. neat stock, 2069. Do. horses, 603. Hebron, Grafton county. Bounded north by Plymouth and Rumney, east by Plymouth, south by Orange, and west by Groton. Area, 13,350 acres, 1670 of which are cov- ered with water. Distance from Concord, 40 miles, north ; from Plymouth, 9, west. Newfound Lake lies mostly in this tpwn. There are no streams of importance. The people are generally engaged in agricultural pursuits ; and although the surface is in some parts rough and the soil hard, yet, by skill and industry, excellent wheat and potatoes are raised in considerable quantities. A large portion of He- bron was included in the grant of Hebron under the name of Cockermouth. The remainder was taken from Plym- outh. It was incorporated June 15, 1792. There is an academy, which is open during the spring and fall. There are two religious societies — one Congregational and one Methodist. Population, 565. Number of polls, 107. Inventory, $122,659. Value of lands, $71,695. Stock in trade, $2700. Number of sheep, 1697. Do. neat stock, 564. Do. horses, 61. Henniker, Merrimack county. Bounded north by Bradford and Warner, east by Hopkinton, south by Weare and Deering, and west by Hillsborough. Area, 26,500 acres. Distance from Concord, 15 miles, west. Contoo- cook River passes easterly through the centre of the town. Its course is winding, and in many places presents scenes of beauty and interest. There are several ponds of con- GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. siderable size. Long Pond, nearly two miles in length and about sixty rods in width, is situated about one mile north of the centre village. Craney Hill is the principal elevation, and includes a large trad#on the south side of the town. It is mostly under high cultivation. In its soil and productions, Henniker is inferior to no town in the county. The hills yield good wheat in large quantities, and the valleys are suitable for corn and grass ; besides, its water privileges are numerous and excellent. The River Railroad connects this place with Manchester. A woollen factory, where cassimeres, doeskins, tweeds, and satinets are manufactured to the yearly amount of 120,000 yards, is in successful operation. Name of company, Imri Woods & Sons. Agent, Imri Woods. Cost of buildings and ma- chinery, $6000. Number of hands employed, 12. There are, besides, several other mills, doing business on a mod- erate scale. The inhabitants are chiefly devoted to agri- culture. Henniker was granted, July 16, 1752, by the Masonian proprietors, under the name of Number Six, to James Wallace, Robert Wallace, and others. James Peters was the first settler, who erected a log hut here in 1761. It was incorporated November 10, 1768, and re- ceived its name in honor of John Henniker, Esq., a wealthy merchant of London, and a friend of Governor Wentworth, and who was also a member of the British Parliament at that time. The Congregational church was established here, June 7, 1769, under the charge of Rey. Jacob Rice. Hon. Robert Wallace, who filled the various offices of councillor, senator, representative, and associate justice of the Common Pleas, was one of the earliest set- tlers in this to^^^l. Population, 1690. Number of polls, 373. Inventory, 240 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. $601,434 Value of lands, $409,000. Stock in trade, $6580. Number of sheep, 1724. Do. neat stock, 2037. Do. horses, 327. Hill, Grafton county. Bounded north by Danbury, Alexandria, and Bristol, east by New Hampton and Sanborn- ton, south by Franklin and Andover, and west by Wilmot and Danbury. Area, about 20,000 acres. Distance from Concord, 24 miles, north ; from Haverhill, 44, south-east ; from Plymouth, 16, south. It is watered by Pemigewasset and Blackwater Rivers, besides several small streams. Eagle Pond is the only body of water of note. Ragged Moun- tain is a rugged elevation, but little inferior to Kearsarge in height. Looking from the summit of the surrounding hills, the surface of this town appears to be much broken and uneven ; still there arc many highly- cultivated farms. The soil is generally good, in some parts very fertile. Farming is almost the only employment. Trade, manu- facturing, and the mechanic arts are carried on to a very limited extent. Hill was granted, September 14, 1753, to 87 proprietors, who held their first meeting in Chester ; and as the greater part were from that place, the new town was called New Chester until January, 1837, wh,en it re- ceived its present name. The first settlement was made, in 1768, by Captain Cutting Favor and Carr Huse, Esq. It was incorporated November 20, 1778. The Congrega- tional society was incorporated December 11, 1816. At present there is one Calvinist Baptist society, one Chiistian Baptist, and one Methodist. Population, 951. Number of polls, 225. Inventory, $262,305. Value of lands, $151,065. Stock in trade, $3300. Number of sheep, 1532. Do. neat stock, 945. Do. horses, 145. GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. ^1 Hillsborough, Hillsborough county. Bounded north by Bradford, east by Henniker, south by Deering and Antrim, and west by "Windsor and Washington. Area, 27,320 acres. Distance from Concord, 30 miles, south- west ; from Amherst, 23 miles, north-west. This town is well Avatered. Hillsborough and Contoocook Rivers are the principal streams. The largest b(?dy of water is Lyon's Pond — about one mile in length, and two thirds of a mile in width. The surface is very uneven and rocky ; the soil is strong and productive. Plumbago is found here in a state of extraordinary purity. It occurs in narrow veins, which are wrought to a considerable extent. There are four meeting houses, five religious societies, sixteen stores, eight saAV and gristmills, three hotels, seven blacksmith shops, one iron foundery, five tanneries, eight Avheelwright and furniture shops, two sash and blind factories, one bobbin factory, tAvo harness makers' shops, two clothing stores, and one cotton factory. In the cotton factory about 20 hands are employed. The goods manuflictured consist mostly of yarn and tAvine. The village, and in fact the Avhole town, presents a picture of thrift and industry seldom equalled. Idleness finds but few patrons, contentment many. The two extremes of society so often to be observed elsewhere are not to be met with here. An elevated spirit seems to pervade the Avhole community, Avhich bespeaks not only intelligence, but also a high sense of honor and integrity. Hillsborough Avas formerly designated as Number Seven of the frontier towns. The first settlement Avas made in 1741, by James McCalley, Samuel Gibson, Robert McClure, James Lyon, and others. The wife of James McCalley Avas the only woman in town during the first year of the settlement. When the Cape 21 242 NEW HAMPSHIRE A3 IT IS Breton war broke out, in 1744, the settlement was aban- doned, and was not resumed until near 1757. In the^ mean time the town was granted, by the Masonian pro- prietors, to Colonel John Hill, of Boston, from whom it received its present name. It was incorporated Novem- ber 14, 1772. The Congregational church was organized October 12, 1769. In November of the same year Rev. Jonathan Barns was ordained. There are now two re- ligious societies of that denomination. A Baptist society was organized May 21, 1813. There is also a Methodist and a Universalist society, neither of which, however, has reg- ular preaching. To the town of Hillsborough is conceded an additional importance from the fact that, at the present time, one of her sons occupies the high position of chief magistrate of the United States, while another holds the office of governor of New Hampshire. The old farm house where President Pierce was born is situated on the old turnpike leading from Francestown through Hillsborough Upper Village, near the terminus of the Contoocook Val- ley Railroad. The old horse shed, in one end of Avhich a room was finished for a law office, where the future presi- dent first " set up in business," is yet standing, and shows from what humble stations the path of honor often starts. The birthplace of Governor Baker, like that of most of his predecessors, was a lowly farm, house, where green fields and growing crops constituted the show of splendor, and honest toil was the passport to promotion. Population, 1685. Ratable polls, 466. Legal voters, 423. Number of houses, 363. Families, 320. Farms, 200. Inventory, $rj()l,U)',]. Value of lands, $351,443. Stock in trade, $9075. Factories, $3200. Number of sheep, 1353. Do. neat stock, 2120. Do. horses and mules, 337. GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 243 Hinsdale, Cheshire county. Bounded north by Ches- . terfield, east by Winchester, south by Northfield, Massa- chusetts, and Avest by Vernon, Vermont. Area, 14,000 acres. Distance from Concord, 75 miles, south-west ; from Keene, 15, south-west. It is well watered with numerous sprin2[s and streamlets. Connecticut River laves its western border for a distance of nine and a half miles. The Ashuelot River passes through the principal village, and discharges into the Connecticut a short distance below the great bend called Cooper's Point. There are numerous excellent water jDrivileges on the Ashuelot. There are several islands in the Connecticut belonging to this tOAvn. On the north line of the town is West River Mountain, which extends from the bank of the Connecti- cut, in an easterly direction, across the entire width of the town. The highest peak is called ]Mine Mountain, and is about 900 feet above low-water mark. In several localities about this mountain are found iron ore, beds of silicate of manganese, and other minerals. Several years since there were signs of a volcanic eruption in this mountain, attend- ed by a discharge of a molten substance resembling lava. The intervals here are extensive and fertile. Stebbin's Hill is a large swell of land, under high cultivation. Be- tween the intervals and hills is a large tract of table land, well adapted to the growth of corn and rye. On the point of a hill not far from Connecticut River are still to be seen remains of an Indian fortification. Tradition, only, gives any account, and that uncertain, of this ancient structure. This region was evidently a favorite resort of the sons of the forest. In its early period this town was subjected to the dangers, privations, and depredations of Indian wars. The settlers were protected by Fort Dum- mer, Hinsdale's Fort, Shattuck's Fort, and Bridgman's 244 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. Fort ; but, not^yithstanding, they were ineffectually shield- ed from the hostile incursions of the savages. On the 24th of June, 1746, a party of twenty Indians suddenly appeared before the last-mentioned fort, and attacked with great fury a number of men Avho were at work in a meadow. Three persons were killed, two were wounded, and two were taken prisoners. One of the captives, Daniel How, in the struggle killed one of the Indians. In 1747 they de- stroyed Bridgman's Fort, killed several persons, and cap- tured others. In October of the same year one Jonathan Sawtell was taken prisoner. On the 3d of July they made an attack upon a gristmill, whither Colonel Willard, with a guard of twenty men, had gone for the purpose of grinding corn. Soon after he had stationed his guards the enemy commenced firing. The colonel gave such loud and repeated orders to make preparations for an onset upon the Indians, besides placing several old hats upon sticks, and raising them, as if platforms being erected for firing within the yard, that they fled with great precipitation, leaving behind their packs and provisions. June 16, 1748, while crossing from Colonel Hinsdale's to Fort Dummer, three persons — Nathan French, Joseph Richardson, and John Frost — were killed, and seven others were captured, one of whom soon afterwards died of his woimds. In 1755 they attacked a party at work in the woods, killed two persons, and took Jonathan Colby prisoner. In July of the same year they killed in ambush Caleb Howe, Hil- kiah Grout, and Benjamin Gaffield, as they were returning from labor in the field. The Congregational church was organized here in 1763. The Ikptist church was formed in 1808. There are at this time two churches, in addition to those already mentioned — namely, one Methodist and one Universalist. There are also two hotels, four stores, with GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 245 an aggregate capital of $12,200; two woollen factories, both of which manufacture cashmeretts, one employing 45 hands, with a capital of $50,000, the other employing 17 hands, with a capital of $20,000 ; two machine shops, with an aggregate capital of $22,000 ; number of hands employed in both, 23 ; one paper mill, capital, $20,000, number of hands employed, 12 ; one foundery, capital, $4000, number of hands employed, 5 ; one tannery, capi- tal, $8000, number of hands, 5 ; one edge tool manufac- tory, capital, $10,000, number of hands, 15 ; one bobbin and spool factory, capital, $5000, number of hands, 9 ; one pail factory, capital, $6000, number of hands, 10 ; one door, sash, and blind factory, capital, $6000, number of hands, 10. Population, 1903. Number of legal voters in 1854, 292. Inventory, $432,202. Value of lands, $263,587. Stock in trade, $14,500. Number of sheep, 289. Do. neat stock, 671. Do. horses and mules, 155. HoLDERNESS, Grafton county. Bounded north by Camp- ton, east by Sandwich, IMoultonborough, and Centre Har- bor, south by Centre Harbor and New Hampton, and west by Bridgewater and Plymouth. Area, 24,921 acres. Dis- tance from Concord, 40 miles, north by Boston, Concord, and Montreal Railroad ; from Plymouth, 6, east. The soil is hard, and hot easily tilled, but, when carefully cul- tivated, produces tolerably well. The Pemigewasset and Squam Rivers run through this town, and afford several good water privileges. A portion of Squam Lake lies along its southeasterly borders. Squam Pond, lying wholly in Holderness, is two miles long and half a mile wide. There are several large paper and straw board manufacto- ries in this town ; also a woollen factory. The route from 21* 246 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. Plymouth through this place to Centre Harbor is delight- ful, affording views wild, romantic, and beautiful. IJolderness was first granted, October 10, 1751, to John Shepard and others ; but the conditions of the charter not being complied with by the grantees, it was forfeited. It was regranted, October 2-1, 1761, to John Wentworth and 67 others. The first settlement was made, in 1763, by William Piper. An Episcopal church was established here about 1770 There is also a Freewill Baptist and a Methodist society here. Hon. Samuel Livermore settled in this town in 1765. He was one of the grantees, and, by purchase, became proprietor of about one half of the township. He was a graduate of Princeton College ; in 1769 was appointed the king's attorney general; was a delegate to the old Congress ; in 1782 was appointed chief justice of the Superior Court of New Hampshire ; and fi:om 1792 to 1802 he was United States senator. Population, 1744. Number of polls, 404. Inventory, $444,258. Value of lands, $257,866. Stock in trade, $6860. Value of mills, &c., $15,500. Number of sheep, 1321. Do. neat stock, 1530. Do. horses, 242. HoLLis, Hillsborough county. Bounded north by Mil- ford, Amherst, and Merrimack, east by Merrimack and Nashua, south by Dunstable and Pepperell, Massachusetts, and west by Brookline. Area, 19,620 acres. Distance from Concord, 36 miles, south ; from Amherst, 8, south. Nashua River waters the south-east part, and the Nisitissit crosses the south-western extremity. Here are four ponds and several small streams. The soil is various. On the Nashua are some excellent tracts of interval. The uplands are moderately fertile. Near the centre of the town, on a somewhat elevated site, is a pleasant and thriving village. GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 247 There are two meeting houses — one belonging to the Congregational society, and one to the Baptist. There are also two stores, four carpenters' shops, cloven saw and gristmills, five blacksmiths' shops, three wheelwrights, and sixteen coopers' shops. The original name of Hollis was Nisitissit ; it was afterwards called the West Parish of Dunstable. The first settlement was made, in 1731, by Peter Powers. His son, Peter Powers, was the first child born in town. This town was incoi-porated April 3, 1746. It received its name from the Duke of Newcastle, whose name was Hollis. The Congregational church was organ- ized in 1743. Population, 1293. Number of polls, 330. Inventory, $597,993. Value of lands, $370,432. Stock in trade, $7118. Number of sheep, 320. Do. neat stock, 1304. Do. horses, 219. HooKSETT, Merrimack county. Bounded north by Bow, Pembroke, and AUenstown, east by Candia and Auburn, south by Manchester and Goffstown, and west by GofFstown, Dunbarton, and Bow. Distance from Concord, 9 miles, south. It is situated on both sides of the Merrimack River. Near the centre of the town are the falls known by the name of Isle of Hooksett Falls. The descent of the water here is 16 feet in a distance of 30 rods. Prom Pin- nacle ISlountain, an eminence a short distance westerly, the view of the river above and below the fiills, the cultivated fields, and far-off hills furnish a view truly picturesque. The surface is diversified'with hill and valley. The soil is not generally of the most fertile character, though there are some excellent farms. Pinnacle Mountain consists of an immense mass of broken rocks, rising abruptly to the height of 200 feet from its base, covered with scattering ^8 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. trees and bushes. At the foot of the mountain, and on its western side, is a beautiful pond of water, of a bright- greenish tinge, remarkably clear, and of great depth. It has no visible outlet, and is supposed to have been the bed of the mountain, from which the latter, by some violent convulsion of Nature, was upturned. Fine specimens of lead and silver ore have recently been discovered here. A company has recently been formed for the purpose of working the mines, with a fair prospect of success. Hook- sett is noted for its numerous beds of valuable brick clay. There are seven brickmaking establishments here in vigor- ous operation ; about 125 hands are employed, and several million of bricks are annually made. There are in this town two meeting houses, — one belonging to the Congre- gational, and the other to the Methodist society, — two hotels, four stores, and one large cotton factory, in which 170 hands are employed, which is the property of the Amoskeag Company at Manchester. It was taken from Chester, Goffstown, and Dunbarton, and incorporated July 3, 1822. Population in 1854, about 1600. Legal voters, 300. Number of school houses, 9. Inventory, $483,117. Value of lands, $287,084. Do. mills, factories, &c., $49,900. Stock in trade, .$36,780. Number of sheep, 342. Do. neat stock, 529. Do. horses, 151. HoPKiNTON, Merrimack county. Bounded north by Warner and Boscawcn, east by Concord, south by Bow, Dunbarton, and Weare, and w*est by Henniker. Area, 26,967 acres. Distance from Concord, 7 miles, west. Contoocook River winds through' this town in a north-east- erly direction, and falls into the Merrimack in Concord, in its course it receives the waters of Blackwater and GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 249 Warner Rivers, besides several small streams. The inter- val and meadow lands along these streams are valuable on account of their fertility. The village is pleasantly situated on a gentle eminence, about seven miles from the State House in Concord. This is a good agricultural town, and is somewhat noted for its delicious fruit. Large quanti- ties of lumber are manufactured here, and transported on the railroads to various markets. There are six religious societies — one Episcopal, one Congregational, one Bap- tist, one Freewill Baptist, one Univcrsalist, and one New Jerusalem, or Swedcnborgian ; nine stores ; one woollen factory, with a capital of $7000, and employing twelve hands ; one tannery and curriers' shop, with a capital of $6000 ; and nine sawmills. Contoocookville, the junction of the Merrimack and Connecticut River Railroad and the Contoocook Valley Railroad, is an active and thriving vil- lage. Hopkinton was granted by ISIassachusetts, January 16, 1735, to John Jones and others, and was called Num- ber Five, afterwards New Hopkinton. The first settlement was in 1740. When the French and Indian war broke out the inhabitants were compelled to leave, and did not return until the war had closed. The inhabitants suffered considerably from Indian depredations. On the 22d of April, 174G, six Indians broke into a garrison and took eight persons while in their beds, and hurried them away. On the loth of April, 1753, while Abraham Kimball, the first male child born in town, was going from Kimball's Garrison to Putney's, he was seized by the Indians, who took at the same time Samuel Putney. On the third day after the capture, while the Indians were on the hills west of Boscawen plains, they were so unexpectedly attacked by some of the inhabitants of Boscawen that they fled, leaving Putney behind. Kimball escaped by the help of a 250 . NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. dog, which seized an Indian while in the act of drawing his tomahawk to kill him. In 1756 Henry IMiller and others received a grant of Ilopkinton, which was the occa- sion of long and bitter disputes. The difficulties were, however, settled by an act of incorporation granted Janu- arv 11, 1765. The Congregational society was organized November 23, 1757. The Baptist society was formed May 8, 1771. The Episcopal society was established, under the name of Christ's Church, in 1803. Population, 2169. Number of legal voters in 1854, 594. Inventory, $532,505. Value of lands, $402,2 li. Stock in trade, $8205. Value of mills, &c., $9070. Number of sheep, 2657. Do. neat stock, 2103. Do. horses, 332. Hudson, Hillsborough county. Bounded north by Litch- field and Londonderry, east by Windham and Pelham, south by Tyngsborough, Massachusetts, and west by Nashua. Area, 17,379 acres. Distance from Concord, 38 miles, south ; from Amherst, 17, south-east. The land is of easy culture, consisting of a rich sandy loam. On the river are large intervals of a deep and fertile soil. Distant from the river the surface is hilly and uneven. There are two ponds, — the Little Massabesick and Otter- nick, — both covering about 300 acres. There are three religious societies — the Congregational, established No- vember 30, 1737; the Baptist, formed in 1805; and a Methodist. There are two saw and two gristmills, one store, two blacksmiths' shops, and one plane manufactory. This town was included in the grant of Dunstable, now Nashua, and was settled in 1710. It was incorporated as a separate town, July 5, 1746, under the name of Not- tingham West, which it retained until 1830. The first GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. settlements were made on the banks of the river, where the Indians had made cleai'ings for the cultivation of corn. The first inhabitants lived in garrisons. A few Indians lingered in the vicinity for a short time after the settlements began, and, in times of peace, jnade frequent visits here, representing that it was once a favorite resort to them and their ancestors. Near the old Indian cornfields have been found cinders like those produced in blacksmiths' Avork. Population, 1312. Number of polls, 269. Houses, 238. Families, 284. Farms, 153. Inventory, $437,060. Value of lands, .$280,043. Stock in trade, $6104. Num- ber of sheep, 333. Do. neat stock, 973. Do. horses, 176. Jackson, Carroll county. Bounded north and Avest by Pinkham's Grant, east by Chatham, and south by Bartlett. Area, about 31,908 acres. Distance from Concord, 90 miles, north. The surface is uneven and rocky ; the soil generally rich and productive. Ellis River is the most important stream. There are several brooks and rivulets in various parts of the town. The principal elevations are Double Head, Thorn, Bleak, and Baldface Mountains. The latter is situated on the line between this town and Bartlett. On this mountain iron ore, of a quality une- qualled in this country, exists in inexhaustible quantities. Veins of tin ore, of rich quality, and apparently of con- siderable extent, were discovered by Dr. Jackson, state geologist, on the same mountain. This is considered as the first vein of this kind of metal that has been discovered in the United States. The ore yields from 30 to 50 per cent, of pure tin. Arsenical pyrites are found in several localities. Limestone is abundant. Agriculture is the chief employment. There is a small fund, the interest of which, amounting to $400, is appropriated in equal per- 262 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. tions for the support of the gospel and common schools. There are two meeting houses, two stores, and one tavern. A Freewill Baptist society was formed here in 1803. This town was first settled, in 1779, by Benjamin Copp, who, with his family, endured the solitude of the Avilderness 14 years before any other person settled here. It was incor- porated, December 4, 1800, under the name of Adams. At the request of the inhabitants, its name was changed to Jackson in 1828. Population in 1854, about 600. Inventory, $112,888. Value of lands, $40,778. Stock in trade, $700. Num- ber of sheep, 885. Do. neat stock, 771, Do. horses, 81. Number of polls, 119. Jaffrey, Cheshire county. Bounded north by Dublin, east by Peterborough and Sharon, south by Rindge and Fitzwilliam, and west by Troy and Marlborough. Area, 25,600 acres. Distance from Concord, 46 miles, south-west ; from Keenc, 15, south-east. Monadnock Mountain lies most- ly in this town. Near the summit, which is about 300 feet above its base, only a few dwarfish shrubs grow in the crevices of the rocks. Its sides are covered with blueberry, which af- ford an abundance of delicious fruit. There are several caves in various parts of this mountain, which seem to have been formed by large fissures made by extensive strata thrown from their primitive position. Several streams issue from its sides, the largest of which rises about 100 rods from its summit, and forms the principal source of the Contoocook River. About one and a half miles from the mountain, in a south-easterly direction, is Monadnock Mineral Spring ; the waters are slightly impregnated with carbonate of iron and sulphuret of soda. Where it issues from the earth, yellow ochre collects in considerable quantities. So even 1 GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 25$ is the temperature of the water that it has never been seen frozen over. It is not affected by drought or heavy rains. There are four meeting houses — two Congregational, one Baptist, and one UniversaHst ; one academy, with a small fund, the interest of which is applied to the purchase of apparatus ; four stores ; one hotel ; five saw and three gristmills ; two cotton factories, capital ^20,000, number of hands employed 80 ; A. Bascom & Co. proprietors ; one carding machine ; two wooden ware shops, employing 10 hands ; and two tanneries. The Monadnock Bank has a capital of $50,000. The proprietors of the Mason title granted this town, in 1749, to 40 persons. The first set- tlement was made, in 1758, by one Grout and John Davi- son. It was uicorporated in 1773, and received its name from George Jaffrey, Esq., of Portsmouth. Its former name was Middle Monadnock, or Number Two. The Congregational church was formed in 1780. Population, 1497. Number of legal voters in 1854, 330. Do. common schools, 13. Inventory, $574,542. Value of lands, $325,304. Stock in trade, $8094. Value of mills, factories, i&c, $22,738. Number of sheep, 1349. Do. neat stock, 1514. Do. horses, 254. Jefferson, Coos county. Bounded north by Lancaster, east by Kilkenny, south by White Mountain region and Carroll, and west by Whitefield. Area, 26,076 acres. Distance from Concord, 98 miles, north ; from Lancaster, 10, south-east. The surface is rough and uneven. On the south-west side of Pliny Mountain are several excellent farms of a rich and productive soil, which command an extensive and beautiful view of the White Mountains. At its base is fine grazing and tillage land. The western por- tion of the town is low, wet, and cold. Cherry and Safety f^. 254 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. Ponds are the largest bodies of water. Israel's River is the only stream of note. There are two stores, two meet- ing houses, — one Baptist and one Methodist, — two starch mills, and eight common schools. It was granted, under the name of Dartmouth, October 3, 1765, to Colonel John GofFe, and regranted, June 26, 1772, to March H. Went- worth and others. It was first settled by Colonel Joseph "Whipple, Samuel Hart, and others, about 1773. It was incorporated December 8, 1796. During the war of the revolution Colonel Whipple was captured here in his house by a party of Indians, headed by a white man. By stratagem he succeeded in making his escape. The party plundered the house and retired. Population, 629. Number of legal voters in 1854, 170. Inventory, $131,672. Value of lands, .$54,410. Num- ber of sheep, 662. Do. neat stock, 680. Do. horses, 128. Keene, shire town of Cheshire county. Bounded north by Westmoreland, Surrey, and Gilsum, east by Sullivan and Roxbury, south by Swanzey, and west by Chesterfield and Westmoreland. Area, about 22,040 acres. Distance from Concord, 55 miles, south-west. The surface is gen- erally level or moderately swelling. The soil consists of three varieties — viz., interval, light, sandy plain, and up- land. The latter includes the outskirts of the town, bovmdlng on the east, west, and north ; the flat, or valley, consisting of the first and second varieties. The valley is separated into two nearly equal portions by the Ashuelot River, and from the unusual extent of level surface which it presents, variegated by cultivation, affords a pleasing prospect to the traveller. The Ashuelot River has its source in a pond in Washington. GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 256 Keene is pronounced by Dr. Dwight. in his travels, one of the pleasantest inland towns he had ever visited. The principal village is s^ituated on an extensive plain, about midway from the Ashuelot on the west, and the uplands on the east. The width and uniform level of its streets, the beautiful shade trees, behind which many splendid residences and beautiful gardens are seen, its large and well-constructed hotels, its handsome stores, and general thrifty appearance render it both pleasant and attractive. The main street extends one mile in length in a straight line, and is of uniform width, and almost a perfect level. Keene is a place of large business. Its facilities for trade, owing, in a great measure, to its location in relation to the adjacent toM-ns, are numerous, and secure to its mercantile interests valuable advantages. What can be said of but few country villages may with truth be said of this — viz., that its business has been directly benefited and perma- nently increased by the railroad enterprise. There are three large and commodious hotels. The Cheshire House is a noble structure, its rooms airy and convenient, and the internal arrangements are in full keeping Avith the inviting appearance of its external form. The Emerald House and the Eagle are pleasant hotels, and each affords a comfortable home for the traveller. The Town Hall is a large and handsome edifice of impos- ing structure. The office of the Ashuelot Mutual Fire Insurance Company is in this village. Manufactories. — A. Davis & Co., iron foundery. Cap- ital, $6000. Business per iinnum, $10,000. Employ 12 hands. '* J. M. Reed, manufacturer of patent jack screws and boot forms. The screw is used for raising buildings and other heavy burdens. One turn of this screw performs S56 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS, the same amount of labor that two will in others. Capital, 12000. Hands employed, 10. Falkner & Colony, manufacturers of flannels. Capital iiivested, $50,000. Employ 40 hands. $100,000 worth are manufactured per annum ; also $6000 worth of lum- ber. William S. Briggs (successor to Eliphalet Briggs, who carried on the business of cabinet making for 40 years) manufactures all kinds of cabinet M'ork. ' S. D. Osbum also manufactures cabinet work. The Cheshire Railroad Company have a large repair shop here, where about 25 hands are employed. There is in operation a large sash and blind manufac- tory, driven by a 25 horse power engine. Foster & Felt, manufacturers of organs, jEolian sera- phines, Woodward & Brown's piano fortes, &c., employ from 8 to 12 hands. H. Pond & Co., hat and cap manufacturers, employ 12 hands, have several branch stores in this and adjoining states, and are doing an extensive business. There are two large establishments for the manufacture of clothing. South Keene. — J. A. Fay & Co., manufacturers of planing, mortising, tenanting, sash, sticking, moulding, and various other machines ; also an iron foundery con- nected. Amount of capital, $40,000. Amount of busi- ness, $50,000. Number of hands employed, 50. Build- ing, 160 by 40 feet, wood, two stories high, with an ell, 55 by 30 feet, two stories high, separate from the same, and a forge shop and iron foundery building. There are two banks — the Ashuclot, with a capital of $100,000 ; and the Cheshire Bank, with a capital of $100,- 000. Also one Savings Bank. GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 257 There arc four meeting houses — one Congregational, one Unitariarf, one "Baptist, and one Methodist. The Congregational church was organized October 18;, 1738. Since that time it has had only six different ministers. The present pastor, lie v. Zedekiah S. Barstow, D. D., was ordained July 1, 1818. The Baptist church was formed in 1816, with Rev. Ferris Moore as pastor. The Uni- tarian church was organized on the 18tli of March, 1824. This town is divided into 14 school districts. Number* 1, 2, 10, and the centre districts have united under the Somersworth Act, which provides for a graduated system, by which the pupil ascends from the simplest rudiments to those higher branches usually taught in academies. For an historical account of the newspapers published in this town the reader is referred to another part of this volume, under the appropriate head. Keene was originally granted by Massachusetts. Its first settlement began about the year 1734, by Jeremiah Hall, Elisha Root, Nathaniel Rockwood, Setli Heaton, Josiah Fisher, Nathan Blake, and others. Its original name was Upper Ashuelot. It was incorporated under its present name April 11, 1753. The name was given in honor of an English nobleman, Sir Benjamin Keene. In 1736 a meeting, house was erected, and two years later a minister was settled. Like all other frontier settlements, it received its full share of Indian depredations and cruelty. In 1745 the Indians killed Josiah Fisher, a deacon of the church ; and in the year following they attacked the fort, the only safe retreat of the inhabitants. They were discovered by Captain Ephraim Dormau just in time to prevent their taking it. He was attacked by two Indians, but boldly defended him- self against them, and reached the fort in safety. A furious assault followed, in v^^hich John Bullard was killed. A 22* 26S NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. woman named McKenny, being out of the fort, was brutal- ly stabbed, from the effects of which "she soon died. Na- than Blake was captured and taken to Canada. He remained in confinement two years. The Indians burned all the buildings in the settlement, including the meeting house. The inhabitants continued in the fort until April, 1747, when they abandoned the place. In 1753 they re- turned and recommenced their settlements. In June, 1755, the Indians again attacked the fort in great numbers. The onset was furious, accompanied by screams and terrific yells. By the vigilance and bravery of Captain Syms, they were repulsed. After burning several buildings, killing a large number of cattle, and committing other depredations, they departed. In July they returned and made another violent attack upon the fort, but with as little success as before. Colonel Isaac Wyman, an influential man and a brave soldier, led the first detachment of men from this town in the war of the revolution, and was present at the battle of Bunker (Breed's) Hill. This company consisted of 30 men. The list of the foot company in Keene at this time numbered 126 men, the alarm list 45. This town is the residence of the Hon. Samuel DInsmoor, who was governor of New Hampshire during a term of three years ending June, 1852, and was deservedly one of the most popular men among all parties who have ever filled that high office. Keene is connected by the Cheshire liailroad with Groton Junction and Boston, and by the Ashuelot Railroad with Springfield, Massachusetts. Population, 3392. Number of legal voters in 1854, 767. Inventory, $1,562,228. Value of lands, $809,598. Stock in trade, $77,400. Value of mills and factories. GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 259 $26,400. Money on deposit or at interest, $186,697. Value of shares in banks and other corporations, $224,100. Number of sheep, 1520. Do. neat stock, 1512. Do. horses, 370. Kensington, Rockingham county. Bounded north by Exeter, east by Hampton Falls and Seabrook, south by South Hampton, and west by East Kingston. Area, 7045 acres. Distance from Concord, 40 miles, south-east ; from Exeter, 6, south. The surface is generally even. There is no stream worthy of note, and but one small pond, called Muddy Fond, from the turbid appearance of its waters. The soil is moderately good. There are two stores, one small tannery, and one boot and shoe establishment, where 25 hands are employed. There are two meeting houses — one belonging to the Universalist society and one to the Christian Baptist. A Congregational church was established here in 1737. This town was settled at a veiy early period, and was originally a part of Hampton, from which it was detached and incorporated April 1, 1737. It contained more inhabitants at the commencement of the revolution than at present. Population, 700. Number of legal voters in 1854, 166. Inventory, $255,027. Value of lands, $134,200. Stock in trade, $2000. Number of sheep, 385. Do. neat stock, 800. Do. horses, 106. Kilkenny, Coos county. Bounded north by Stark, east by Milan, Berlin, and Randolph, south by ungranted lands and White Mountain territory, and west by Jefferson and Lancaster. Area, 15,906 acres. Distance from Con- cord, 120 miles, north ; from Lancaster, 15, north-east. This is a poor township — rough, rocky, cold, and sterile. NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. Along the southern border of the town is a narrow strip of land which is productive and easily cultivated. Pilot and Willard's Mountains include a large portion of the terri- tory of this town. These eminences are so called from the fact that a man named Willard was lost while hunting, and his dog Pilot, which he observed left each day, and, as he supposed, in pursuit of game; but, being nearly ex- hausted with hunger and fatigue, he determined to follow his dog at his next departure, and was conducted by his faithful companion in safety to his camp. This town was granted, June 4, 1774, to Jonathan Warner and others. Population, 19. Kingston, Rockingham county. Bounded north by Brentwood, east by East Kingston, south by Newton and Plaistow, and west by Hampstead and Danville. Area, 12,188 acres, 800 of which are covered with water. There are several ponds in this town, the largest of which is Great Pond, whicli covers about 300 acres. Near the centre of the town is a large plain, on which is situated the principal village. The soil is generally a loam, resting on a bed of sand, or coarse gravel. In some parts the soil is clayey. The plain land is rich and very fertile. The rocks are mostly gneiss and mica slate, intersected by trap dikes, containing carbonate of lime. Moulding sand of a very fine quality is found here. There are three meeting houses,- — one Congregational, one Methodist, and one Baptist, ■ — two hotels, four stores, four carriage factories, and one large tannery. The inhab- itants are mostly engaged in agric\ilture. The charter of Kingston was granted, August 6, 1694, by Lieutenant Governor Uslier, to James Prescott, Ebene- zer Webster, and others, from Hampton. It included East GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 261 Kingston, Danville, and Sandown. Soon as the grant wgp,»'' obtained the proprietors erected garrisons and began to cultivate the lands. They were, however, discouraged by the dangers and difficulties of Indian hostilities. In 1707 Stephen and Joel Gilinan were ambushed between Exeter and Kingston, but fortunately escaped. In 1712 Stephen Oilman and Ebenezer Stevens were wounded, and the former taken and put to death. In September, 1724, Jabez Colman and son were killed while at work in the field. Four children were taken at the same time ; one escaped, the others were afterwards redeemed. Ancient French coins, Indian implements, such as jasper and quartz arrow heads, axes, gouges, and hammers of various kinds have been ploughed up in the vicinity of the ponds. The Congregational society was organized about 1725. Distance from Concord, 38 miles, south-east; and 6, south, from the Kailroad Depot in Exeter. Population, 1192. Number of legal voters in 1854, SOO. Inventory, $401,208. Value of lands, |252,622. Stock in trade, $7350. Number of sheep, 346. Do. neat stock, 682. Do. horses, 135. Lancaster, shire town of Coos county. Bounded north by Northumberland, east by Kilkenny, south by Jefferson, Whitefield, and Dalton, and west by Guildhall, Vermont. Area, about 23,480 acres. Distance from Concord, 116 miles, north. The Connecticut River, which is very deep and about 22 rods in width at this place, washes its north- eastern border for a distance of 10 miles. Israel's River flows through the centre in a north-westerly direction. There are also several small streams, which abound with trout. There are several ponds, the largest of which is Martin Meadow Pond, named from one Martin, a hunter. i86£ NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. 'There are numerous mountains in the neighborhood of Lancaster ; but it is not itself mountainous excepting in the south-east part, where the surface is hilly and unfit for cultivation. The soil along the Connecticut is alluvial ; the meadows extend back nearly three quarters of a mile, and at the mouth of Israel's River much farther. The meadows are bordered by pine lands, varying in width, which are easily cultivated, and are highly productive when properly tilled. Limestone is found here. The soil is peculiarly adapted to the growth of wheat and the other small cereal grains, which are produced in great abundance. The village contains three meeting houses ; the Court House, Jail, and other county buildings ; one academy ; seven stores ; two hotels ; and two carriage manufactories, with a capital of ,^15,000 each. The amount of school fund is $600. This is a remarkably healthy as well as pleasant location. Lancaster, with several other towns in this state and Vermont, were formerly designated by the name .of Coos — an Indian name, signifying crooked. It was granted, July 15, 1763, to Captain David Page and others. He, with his family, Edward Buckman, and Em- mons Stockwell, made the first settlement in the autumn of the same year. The war of the revolution impeded the progress of the settlement. Every person but Stockwell left the new town and fled for safety to the older settle- ments ; he resolutely determined to stay and abide the consequences, and by his example induced others to return. The Congregational church was organized in July, 1794. There is also a Methodist and a Unitarian society here. The Lancaster Bank has a capital of $50,000. The Coos County Democrat, a weekly newspaper, is pub- lished here. From its first settlement to the present time. GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 268 Lancaster has been advancing with healthy progress in wealth and population. Population, 1559. Number of legal voters in 1854, 320. Inventory, $408,521. Value of lands, $242,053. Stock in trade, $14,438. Money at interest or on deposit, $17,800. Number of sheep, 2843. Do. neat stock, 1543. Do. horses, 328. Landaff, Grafton county. Bounded north by Lisbon and Franconia, east by Lincoln, south by Benton, and west by Bath. Area, 29,200 acres. Distance from Concord, 90 miles, north-west. Wild Ammonoosuc runs through the south part of the town, and the Great Ammonoosuc through the north-easterly extremity. Landaff Mountain in the east part, Cobble Hill in the centre, and Bald Hill in the west are the principal elevations. The soil in some por- tions of the town is very fertile. In Cobble Hill veins of magnetic iron ore have been discovered. The inhabitants are chiefly engaged in farming. Large quantities of maple sugar are made annually. Landaff was granted, January 3, 1764, to James- Avery and others; but the grantees neglecting to fulfil the conditions of the charter, it was declaimed to bo forfeited. It was then granted to Dart- mouth College. After the revolution the original grantees set up their claim, on the ground that the adjudication of the forfeiture was irregular. Several cases were tried by the court, and the claims of the grantees were sustained. A Baptist church was formed here in 1788. There is also a Methodist and a Freewill Baptist society. Population, 948. Number of polls, 207. Inventory, $247,096. Value of lands, $138,454. Stock in trade, $1600. Money on deposit, &c., $21,750. Number of sheep, 1900. Do. neat stock, 1086. Do. horses, 220, Sfi^4 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. I4ANGDON, Sullivan county. Bounded north by Charles- town, east by Acworth, south by Alstead and Walpole, ^d west by Walpole and CharlestoAvn. Area, 9891 acres. Pistance from Concord, 50 miles, west; from Newport, 18, south-west. The soil is generally productive, and is usually under excellent cultivation. The inhabitants are chiefly engaged in farming. There is considerable fruit of a delicious quality raised here. Langdon has for several years been famous for its large, handsome cattle. Indeed, nearly every thing from the agricultural department of this town bears strong marks of the patient labor and the rich rewards of the farmer. A large branch of Cold River passes in a southerly direction through the entire extent of the town. This town was incorporated January XX f 1787, and named in honor of Governor Langdon. The first settlers "were Scth Walker, Nathaniel Rice, and Jonathan Willard, in 1773. A Congregational church was formed in 1792. There }& also a Universalist society, consisting of but few persons. Population, 575. Number of polls, 131. Inventory, $327,665. Value of lands, 1 188,529. Stock in trade, $5519. Money on deposit, $51,321. Number of sheep, 2001. Do. neat stock, 697. Do. horses, 149. Lebanon, Grafton county. Bounded north by Hanover, east by Enfield, south by Plainfield, and west by Hartford, Vermont. Area, 23,000 acres. Distance from Concord, 65 miles, north-west, by the Northern Railroad ; from Dartmouth College, 4, south ; from Haverhill, 28, by the Passumpsic Railroad. Besides the Connecticut, which laves its western border, it is watered by the Mascomy River, which runs in a westerly direction through its centre, and affords several valuable mill seats and water GAZETTEER OF NEW IlAMPSHIllE. privileges. Its source is Mascomy, or En£cld, Pond, by which a constant supply of water is secured. Its tributa- ries are Stony and Great Brooks. Over this river, from East Lebanon to White River Junction, a distance of nine miles, the Northern Railroad Company have erected four- teen bridges. The soil is generally alluvial. The inter- vals on the Connecticut are about half a mile in width. There is also considerable good interval along the Masco- my. On the uplands the soil is strong, deep, and fertile, and, with proper care, produces abundantly. Excellent fruit, in considerable quantities, is raised here. In the east pai't of the town is a small village, called East Lebanon, containing a depot, a hotel, a store, and a large sawmill, besides dwelling houses, shops, &c. The village at West Lebanon, near W^hite River Junction, is indebted largely for its present flourishing condition from the fact that it is situated at the terminus of the Northern Railroad. Since that road was opened, its progress in wealth and population has been rapid. There are several large and handsome dwelling houses, sevex'al large buildings owned by the Northern Railroad Company, several stores, a new and elegant meeting house, a public house, a sawmill, grist- mill, &c. On an elevated and beautiful location, a few rods from the main street, a large brick building is in pro- cess of erection, and is designed for a female academy. It is named after a Mr. Tilden, a wealthy citizen of New York city, formerly of this town, who contributed ^5000 towards its erection. Its entire cost is estimated at $12,000. The principal village is situated on a plain near- the cen- tre, at the head of the Mis of Mascomy River. The depot is conveniently located a few rods westerly from the Com- mon. The Common is a square, level area, containing 10 23 266 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. or 12 acres. Several of the houses surrounding it are elegant and costly structures. All are handsome, and mostly two stories in height. The streets are spacious, and shaded with maple and elm. The whole presents a picture of neatness, beauty, and thrift seldom surpassed. There arc three houses of religious worship, — one Con- gregational, one Methodist, and one Universalist, — one academy, two hotels, and about twenty stores ; also tai- lors', tin M^are, and blacksmiths' shops. Tlie manufacturing interest is quite extensive. Some of the principal establishments are worthy of particular notice. Iron Foundery — Simons, Durant, & Co.. Capital stock, about ^20,000. Manufacture stoves, ploughs, mill and machinery castings, trimming machines, &c. Number of hands employed, 20. Phillips, Messer, & Colby — Scythe Factory ; A. S. Mes- ser agent. Capital stock, ^5000. Amount manufactured per annum, 1600 dozen. Number of men employed, 12. M. & J. H. Buck & Co., manufacturers of wood-work- ing machinery, mill irons, portable and stationary steam engines, and planing and mortising machines. Capital stock, about $40,000. Amount manufactured per annum, ,i^50,000. Number of hands employed, 50. The mem- bers of this firm are active, enterprising, and intelligent. Their work is widely celebrated. They have received orders from the British government for some kinds of ma- chinery manufictured by them. Sturtevant & Cole, manufacturers of doors, sashes, and blinds. Capital stock, about $15,000. Number of hands employed, 18. The manufacture of chairs and cabinet work is carried on to a considerable extent. GAZKTTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 267 There is also a large gristmill, constructed on the prin- ciples of modern improvement. The people are enterprising and industrious. Society is refined and agreeable. The capital of the Bank of Lebanon is $100,000. The Granite State Whig, a weekly newspaper, is pub- lished here. The farmers^ are generally independent, owing much of their prosperity to the early introduction of sheep on quite an extensive scale, and to careful selections of the best grades. This is a remarkably healthy township. Galena bog iron ore, arsenical pyrites, brown epidote, and haematite iron are found in various localities. The fiicilities for trade and mercantile enterprise are sur- passed by but few country towns. Notwithstanding its extent and variety of business, Lebanon has long been noted for its very slight encouragement to gentlemen of the legal profession. It was granted, July 4, 1761, to 62 proprietors. The first settlers were William Downer, Wil- liam Dana, Levi Hyde, Charles Hill, Silas Waterman, and Nathaniel Porter. It was the first town settled on Con- necticut River north of Charlestown. The first settlers were a brave, hardy people, tenacious of their rights; many of them possessed of strong minds, and well educated. The Congregational society was established in 1771, the Universalist society in 1813, and the Methodist society about 1836. The second Congregational society was or- ganized in 1850. Thomas Waterman was the first male child born in Lebanon. Population in 1854, 2336. Number of legal voters, 500. Do. school districts, 15. Inventory, $846,608. Value of mills and fixctories, $23,000. Stock in trade, ^25,350. Money on deposit, at interest, &c., in 1852, 268 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. $42,300. Value of lands, $470,788. Number of sheep, 13, 1 15. Do. neat stock, 1223. Do. horses and mules, 304. Lee, Strafford county. Bounded north by Barrington and !Madbury, east by Durham, south by Newmarket and Epping, and west by Nottingham and Barrington. Area, 11,625 acres, 300 of which are covered with Avater. Dis- tance from Concord, 31 miles, south-east ; from Dover, 12, south-west. In the north part is Wheelwright's Pond, covering 165 acres, and forming the source of Oyster River. This pond is memorable on account of a battle fought on its shores, in 1690, between a party of Indians and two companies of rangers imder Captains Floyd and Wiswall. Lamprey, Little, North, and Oyster Rivers are the princi- pal streams. The soil is generally hard, and requires con- siderable cultivation to render it productive. In some parts, however, it is very fertile. Agriculture is almost the only employment. This town was originally a part of Durham, and was incorporated January 16, 1766. Population, 863. Number of polls, 216. Inventory, $309,928. Value of lands, $199,660. Stock in trade, $1506. Value of mills, &c., $4242. Number of sheep, 1130. Do. neat stock, 959. Do. horses, 174. Lempster, Sullivan county. Bounded north by Unity, east by Goshen and Washington, south by Marlow, and west by Acworth. Area, 21,410 acres. Distance from Concord, 40 miles, west; from Newport, 12, south. The surface is mostly uneven, and in the eastern part moun- tainous. The soil is moist and cold, and better adapted to grass than grain. It is well watered, but by small streams. Near the western boundary is a pond, 320 rods long and 80 in width. Sand Pond, lying in this town and Marlow, GAZETTKER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 269 w 420 rods long and 70 wide. Dodge's Pond, near the centre, covers about t50 acres. The surface is hilly, and in some parts rocky. It is an excellent growing town. There are two meeting houses, one hotel, three stores, and a large shoe manufactory, in connection with which is an extensive tannery, where common hair-tanned leather and patent hair-tanned leather are made. The amount of cap- ital invested is $25,000. Number of hands employed, 70. Alvah Smith & Sons, proprietors. Lempster was granted by charter, October 5, 1761, to Richard SparroAv and Gl others. In November of the same year a Congregational church was organized. There is also a Methodist society here. Population, 906. Number of polls, 200. Inventory, $292,376. Number of sheep, 2446. Do. neat stock, 1029. Do. horses, 198. Lincoln, Grafton county. Bounded north by Franconia, east by Thornton and ungranted lands, south by "Woodstock, and west by I«ind;ifF. Area, 32,456 acres. Distance from Concord, 70 miles, north ; from Haverhill, 20, east. The middle tract of the Pemigewasset passes nearly through the centre of the town. There are several ponds, the most important of which are Bog, Fish, and Loon Ponds. There are many elevations ; Kinsman's Mountain is the highest. This is a rough township, and the soil is poor. The crops are often injured by early frosts. Wild animals are abundant. There are numerous instances of land slips in this vicinity. They commence near the top of the mountain, and consist of vast avalanches of earth and mas- sive rocks, which slide downwards to its base, forcing their way against every impediment. This town was granted, January 31, 1764, to James Avery and others, but was not 23* 270 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. settled until the close of the revolution. Its population has increased but slowly. Many portions of the town seem to have been designed by Nature as a residence for creatures of habits different from those of man. Population, 57. Number of polls, 19. Inventory, $21,158. Value of lands, |14,016. Lisbon, Grafton county. Bounded north by Littleton, east by Franconia, south by LandaiF, and west by Lyman. Area, 29,130 acres. Distance from Concord, 89 miles, north ; from Haverhill, 20, north-east. It is watered through its whole extent by the Lower Ammonoosuc River, which runs in a south-west direction, and by several other small streams. Mink Pond, in the southern part, affords a few good mill seats at its outlet. The interval along the Ammonoosuc is very productive. The plain land has a light, tliin soil, unproductive unless enriched with frequent dressing with manure. The upland is a strong, deep soil, aflfording many valuable farms for tillage and grazing. Blueberry Mountain is the principal elevation. Most of the iron ore which supplies the Franconia furnace is taken from veins in the south-eastern part of this town. Lime- stone exists in numerous localities, and in great abundance. Large quantities of maple sugar are made here annually. Lisbon was first granted, August 6, 1763, to Joseph Burt and others, under the name of Concord. It was aftcrAvards granted to Leonard Whiting and others, November 20, 17G8, under the name of Gunthwaite. Its former name was again resumed, and retained until 1817, when it re- ceived its present name. Population, 1882. Number of polls, 372. Inventory, $436,285. Value of lands, $243,425. Stock in trade, $1 1,400. Number of sheep, 2818. Do. neat stock, 1839 Do. horses, 358. GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 271 LiTCHFiETiD, Hillsborough county. Bounded north and east by Londonderry, south by Hudson, and west by Mer- rimack Area, 842G acres. Distance from Concord, 30 miles, south ; from Amhdrst, 8, east. This is a small but remarkably fertile township. There is yet remaining con- siderable timber land of great value. Farmilig is almost the sole employment. The Merrimack washes its entire western border. This town was taken from Nashua, (then called Dunstable,) and incorporated by Massachusetts, in 1734. It was chartered by New Hampshire in 1749. It was formerly known by the name of Natticott. The set- tlement commenced in 1720. A Congregational church was formed in 1741. A Presbyterian church was organ- ized in 1809, which is, at the present time, the only re- ligious society having a settled pastor. Population, 447. Houses, 81. ' Families, 89. Farms, 55. Stores, 1. Mills, 3. Inventory, $229,303. Value of lands, $110,516. Stock in trade, $7290. Number of sheep, 249. Do. neat stock, 422. Do. horses, 56. Do. polls, 96. Littleton, Grafton county. Bounded north by Dalton and Waterford, Vermont, east by Dalton and Bethlehem, south by Libbon and Lyman, and west by Concord, Ver- mont. Area, 26,000 acres. Distance from Concord, 100 miles, north-west ; from Haverhill, 30, north. Connecti- cut IJiver extends along the western border for 15 miles ; and so rapid is its course that it is impossible to ascend or descend in boats with safety. For several miles the water rushes almost like a cataract, foaming and dashing with fury over its rocky bed. Ammonoosuc River waters its southern part ; and along its banks are small patches of excellent in- terval. This river affords many very fine mill seats, sev- eral of which are occupied. The surface is in many parts « 272 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. uneven and rocky, but a large portion of the^town is well adapted to tillage or grazing. Black, Iron, Palmer's, and Raspberry Mountains are the most considerable elevations. Large quantities of limestone are fo^t:! in various locali- ties. Novagulite, or oilstone, is found in abundance. The oilstones are^'wrought and ground into proper shape, and sold for 25 cents per pound. It is a greenish and blue compact slate, with a fine siliceous grit. The quarry fur- nishes several kinds suitable for sharpening fine instru- ments and carpenters' tools of all kinds. It is very exten- sive, and of great value. The inhabitants are generally devoted to agriculture ; and many fine farms furnish un- mistakable proof that this pursuit is attended with skill and^ perseverance. Considerable attention is paid to manufactures. There is a large Avoollen factory, in which about 75 operatives are employed ; an iron foundery and two machine shops, where 22 men are employed ; two sawmills, in which 10 men are employed ; one chair factory, cabinet, and carriage shop, in which IG men arc employed ; one sash and blind factory, furnishing employment for 10 men ; and one bedstead fac- tory, where 7 men are employed. There are also thirteen stores, ten blacksmith shops, one extensive tannery, two meeting houses, and three hotels. The White Mountain House, recently erected, is a spacious, well-arranged, and handsomely finished building. The traveller may rest assured that here he will find a comfortable home, ^t is commodiously located on the route usually taken by visit- ors to the White Mountains and Fianconia. H. S. Thayer proprietor. The territory, including Littleton, was first granted, November 17, 1764, under the name of Chiswick. It was regranted, January 18, 1770, by the name of Apthorp, GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 278 and included Daltou. la November, 1784, it was divided, and the towns of Littleton and Dalton incorporated. A Congregational church was organized in 1803. There is also a Methodist society, numbering about 125 members. The White Mountain Railroad terminates here, and adds greatly to the mercantile facilities of this town, as well as to its general thrift and prosperity. Population in 1854, 2148. NuMpbor of legal voters, 501. ^'aluation, $472,144. Value of lands, $267,296. Stock in trade, !^14,450. Do. mills, factories, and ma- chinery, $1G,50Q. Number of sheep, 2081. Do. neat stock, 1757. Do. horses, 353. LoxDOXDEURY, Rockingham county. Bounded north by Manchester and Auburn, east by Derry and Windham, south by Hudson, and west by Litchfield. It originally included 64,000 acres ; but several towns have since been taken from it. The largest stream is Beavers' River, issuing fi'om Beavers' Pond — a beautiful sheet of water, nearly cir- cular in form, and about 300 rods in diameter. This town contains but very little waste land. The soil is unusually fertile and easy of cultivation. There are no high hills, ex- tensive plains, swamps, or^tagnant waters of. any consider- able extent. Its surface is varied by gentle swells and intervening vales. The healthfulness of its location is indicated by the longevity of the inhabitants. The village is very plcasimtly located on a slight elevation. There are three meeting houses, — belonging respectively to the Pres- byteriaai. Baptist, and Methodist societies, — six stores, and two shoe manufactories. This town was settled, in 1719, by a colony of Presby- terians from Londonderry, in the north of Ireland, whither their ancestors had emigrated from Scotland about tlic year £74 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. 1616. Ou the 11th of April, 1719, sixteen families, with the Eev. James McGregore, their pastor, took possession of this township, which was then called Nutfield. In 1720 they purchased a tract of land from Colonel John Wheel- wright, whose ancestor had purchased the same, together with other lands, from the Indians. Although this was long a frontier town, the inhabitants were never molested by the Indians. The ptoprietors of Londonderry received a grant of the tract on Avhich they had located, and a charter of incorporation, June 1, 1722. The early settlers were generally farmers — intelligent, prudent, and of sound judg- ment. None were rich, but most were possessed of suf- ficient property to enable them to make an easy start and rapid progress in the improvement of their lands. They introduced the culture of the potato, a vegetable hitherto unknown in New England; and it was not until many years after this that, if a farmer laid by three bushels of potatoes for his winter stock, he regarded this meagre quantity, as wc should now term it, as more than sufficient for his wants. They also introduced the manufocture of linen cloth, which was for many years a source of no small profit. A company of 70 men fi-om tfcis town, under the com- mand of Captain George Reid, were in the battle at Bunker's Hill ; and about the same number were in that at Benning- ton, where Captain David McClary, one of their leaders, a brave and noble-hearted officer, was killed. The celebrated Major General John Stark and Colonel George Reid, officers of the revolutionarj'^ army, Avere natives of this town. Joseph M. Keen, D. ])., the first president of Bowdoin College, Arthur Livermore, Jonathan Steele, and Samuel Bell, judges of the Superior Court, the latter of whom GAZETTEER OF NEVS' HAMPSHIRE. 276 was governor of New Hampshire from 1819 to 1823, were also natives of Londonderry. Among the descend- ants of the early settlers are Hon. Jeremiah Smith, chief justice of the Superior Court ; Generals Miller and McNeil, distinguished officers in the war of 1812; Mat- thew Thornton, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence; and John Prentice, for several years attor- ney general of the state. Population, 1731. Number of legal voters in 1854, 453. Do. common schools, 11. Inventory, ^557,150. Value of lands, '^215,055. Stock in trade, $3400. Money on deposit, &c., .$29,701. Number of sheep, 328. Do. neat stock, 1200. Do. horses, 220. LouDOX, Merrimack county. Bounded north-west by Canterbury, north-east by Gilmanton, south-east by Chi- chester, and south-west by Concord. Area, 28,257 acres. Distance from Concord, about 10 miles, north-east. Sou- cook River, running in a southerly direction through this town, affords several valuable mill privileges. There is considerable good interval along its banks. The soil is various. The natural growth of timber is maple, beech, pine, oak, and chestnut. Soucook village is the seat of the principal business. London was formerly a part of Canterbury, from which it M'as taken and incorporated January 23, 1773. Settlements had been made, in 1760, by Moses Ordway and Abraham and Jethro Bachelder. A Congregational society was established here in 1784. There is also a Methodist and a Freewill Baptist society. Population, 1553. Number of polls, 411. Inventory, 1590,890. Value of land^, $276,741. Stock in trade, $4500. Money on deposit, &c., $34,551. Number of sheep, 1830. Do. neat stock, 2074. Do. horses, 302. Ji«b NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. Lyman, Grafton county. Bounded north by Littleton, east by Lisbon, south by Bath, and west by Monroe. Dis- tance from Concord, 90 miles, north ; from Haverhill, 13, north. There are several ponds in this town, through the largest of which Burnham's River flows. The lower por- tion of the Fifteen Mile Falls is in Lyman. The soil is generally good for the grains and grass. The inhabit- ants are a sober, industrious, and enterprising people. This town was granted, November 10, 1761, to several individuals, among whom Daniel Lyman was conspicuous. From him the township received its name. From the first three families that settled here were 20 sons, 19 of whom lived to a great age. Population, 1442. Inventory, $357,229. Number of polls, 305. Lyme, Grafton county. Bounded north by Orford, east by Dorchester, south by Hanover, and west by Thetford, Vermont. Area, 28,500 acres. Distance from Concord, 54 miles, north-west ; from Haverhill, 20, south. There are three small streams passing through Lyme, and dis- charging into the Connecticut River, upon one of which has been erected within a few years a large and valuable gristmill. Scarcity of water is provided "against by several large reservoirs, built at great expense, by means of which abundance of water is obtained in the dryest seasons. The soil is different from that of other towns on Connecticut River in the proportion of interval, which is far less, the lands adjacent to the river l^eing similar to those of other parts of the town. The most considerable elevation is Smart's Mountain, in the north-east part. Beds of lime- stone, of the granular, crystalline variety, are found in sev- eral locations, associated with which are large quantities of GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSIIITIE. 277 massive garnet, with crystals of hornblende. Some of these beds are six feet in thickness. A very curious mixture of granular quartz with carbonate of lime has been discovered. It exists in exhaustless quantities, and is highly valuable for the manufacture of plate or window glass. Very hand- some specimens of black tourmaline, or crystallized sulphu- ret of antimony, have been found in different parts of the town. Between the east and west villages is an extensive deposit of clay marl, of inestimable value for agricultural purposes. Lyme is a very fine farming town. It has been celebrated for many years for its large wheat crops and its numerous and superior flocks of sheep. The people are industrious, and generally independent. The principal village, which is pleasantly situated, is remarkable for the neatness and order which generally prevail. Lyme was incorporated, July 8, 1761, and granted to Theodore Atkinson and others. It was settled. May 20, 1764, by Walter Fairfield, John and William Sloan, and others. The Congregational church was organized in 1772. Population, 1618. Number of polls, .362. Inventory, .$591,615. Value of lands, |352,210. Stock in trade, $12,650. Value of mills, $7125. Money on deposit, $51,615. Number of sheep, 13,176. Do. neat stock, 1414. Do. horses, 317. Lyndeborough, Hillsborough county. Bounded north by Greenfield, Francestown, and New Boston, east by Mount Vernon and Milford, south by Milford, Wilton, and Temple, and west by Temple and Greenfield. Area, 20,767 acres. Distance from Concord, 35 miles, south; from Amherst, 10, west. This is an elevated township. A mountain range of considerable height divides it from east to west. The soil is stony, but deep and strong. For . 24 ^ 378 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. grazing, it is doubtless unequalled by any town in the county. The streams are small, originating mostly from springs within the town. The village, though small, is pleasantly situated on the banks of Piscataquog River. Lvndeborough was originally granted, by Massachusetts, to Captain Samuel King and 59 others, who were engaged in the Canada expedition in 1690. It was then called Salem Canada, from the circumstance that many of those belonging to the expedition were from Salem. In 1753 Benjamin Lynde, Esq., purchased a considerable portion of the township and adjoining lands. It was incorporated April 23, 1764, and received its name from him. It was settled in 1750. A Congregational church was formed here in 1757. There is also a Baptist society, which has occasional preaching. Population, 968. Houses, 199. Families, 203. Farms, 123. Inventory, $385,083. Value of lands, $204,946. Stock in trade, $5755. Number of sheep, 483. Do. neat stock, 1065. Do. horses, 171. Do. polls, 227. Madbury, Strafford county. Bounded north-east by Dover, south-west by Durham and Lee, and north-west by Barrington. This is a small, triangular-shaped town, con- taining about 12 square miles. Distance from Concord, 36 miles, south-east ; from Dover, 3, south. Its extreme easterly point extends to the tidewater of a branch of the Piscataqua. The soil is generally productive. In the valleys it consists of a proportion of clay, on the uplands of a mixture of sand and loam. Bog iron ore and red and yellow ochre exist in several localities and in considerable quantities. Bellamy Bank River is the only stream of im- portance, and Barbadoes Pond the only considerable body of water. This town originally constituted a part of Dover, GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIUE. 279 but was set off from it and incorporated May SI, 1755. Agriculture is almost the only industrial pursuit. Population, 484. Number of polls, 117. Inventory, $180,978. Value of lands, |120,150. Do. mills, $300. Money on depobit, ^c, $11,499. Number of sheep, 338. Do. neat stock, 537. Do. horses, 88. Madisox, Carroll county. Bounded north by Albany, east by Conway and Eaton, south by Freedom, and west by Tamworth. Distance from Concord, 64 miles, north- east ; from Ossipee, about 20, north. The surface is uneven, and in some parts rocky ; the soil is generally good. Six Mile Pond is the largest body of water. There is one meeting house, which belongs to the Freewill Bap- tist society. There are four stores and one hotel. This town was formerly a part of Eaton, and was set off from it and incorporated December 17, 1852. It is divided into nine school districts. Population, about 840. Number of legal voters, 200. Manchester, Hillsborough county, lies on the east side of Merrimack River, which forms its western boundary for a distance of nine miles ; Hooksett touches it upon the north, Auburn upon the east, and Londonderry upon the south. Massabesick Lake lies partly in this town and partly in Auburn. This is a beautiful sheet of water, studded with islands, and affording some of the finest pros- pects in this part of the state. It is divided into two nearly equal parts by a narrow strait, which is crossed by a bridge ; each of these parts is about three miles long by one wide. It is a favorite resort as well with strangers as with those living in its vicinity. The soil is generally lights sandy, and unproductive. Had Manchester depended 280 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. for its prosperity upon its agricultural resources, instead of enjoying tlie honor of having the largest and most flourish- ing city in the state within its limits, its rank would have been -with the lowest class of towns. But while such astonishing progress has been made within a few years through the impulse given to almost every department of business, that attention which agriculture justly merits, as the foundation of every other enterprise, has by no means been forgotten. The Amoskcag Falls, between Manchester and Goffs- town, are the largest on the Merrimack. In the ordinary stage of the water, the fall to the foot of the locks is 47 feet, and the whole fall in the space of a mile is 54 feet, furnishing power sufficient to run several hundred thousand spindles. This almost incalculable force is the nurse of the vigorous city which, though still in its youth, is the first in the Granite State ; the largest in population ; the most varied, extensive, and prolific in productive industry ; and among the cotton manufacturing districts in New England, it staiids second only to Lowell. At the head of the Amoskeag Falls a stone dam has been constructed, on the east side of which guard gates of the most substantial masonry are built, through which the water passes into a spacious reservoir, or basin, connected with the upper canal, for the use of the mills, and with the Amoskeag Canal, which was built in 1816 for the purposes of navigation. The upper canal is 4950 feet long, 75 wide at the reser- voir, from which it is gradually diminished to 45 feet, is 10 feet deep, and is walled throughout with stone. The lower canal, which is the old Amoskeag Canal, is 7500 feet in length, corresponding in its other dimensions and construction with the upper canal. The fall from the upper canal into the lower is 20 feet ; from the lower to OAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 281 the river, from 20 to 30 feet. The water power thus secured is estimated to be sufficient to drive 216^000 spin- dles, together Avitli all other machinery necessary to com- plete the manufacture of cloth. The rapid fall of the river below prevents all obstructions from backwater. The falls are truly a curiosity of Nature. The width of the river is greatly increased, and is divided into several streams by numei'ous small islands. The water rushes through the various channels over a rugged bottom with great velocity, and the sound it produces is heard at a great distance. At the upper part, near the greatest fall, circu- lar holes of various sizes have been Avorn pcrjicndicularly into the solid rock several feet, some of which are neJlrly 10 feet in diameter. It is said that the Indians, in time of war, concealed their provisions in these holes. Various kinds of tools used by the aborigines, such as axes, chisels, arrowheads, gouges, &c., have been discovered in the vicinity ; also skeletons and parts of the human frame have been dug up here, rendering it probable that the spot was a frequent resort of the Indians. Manchester was incorporated, September 3, 1751, under the- name of Derrylicld. It was taken from Londonderry, Chester, and a portion of a tract called Harrytown. It received its present name in 1810. In 1822 its population amounted to 761 ; in 1830, it was 887 ; in 1840, 3325 ; in 1850, 13,933 ; in 1854, 19,897. The city of Manchester was incorporated in June, 1846. Its present mayor is Frederic Smyth ; city clerk, George A. French. The city proper is divided into six wards. Its coui^il and officers generally are the same as those in similar coijiorations. It is laid out in nearly square form, being the longest from north to south. The streets are 24 * 282 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. regular and broad. The western portion is built almost exclusively of brick ; while the eastern abounds in wooden structures, many of which are elegant and tasteful resi- dences. It is situated on a plain, about 90 feet above the river, the boarding houses of the corporations occupying the slope towards the canals. 'Che pi'incipal street, (Elm,) which may be termed the Broadway of Manchester, is 100 feet in Nvidth, extends more than a mile north and south, and presents an attractive and lively aspect. Four large squares have been laid out in different parts of the city, handsomely enclosed, and decorated with trees. In two of them are ponds of considerable size, which serve the 'double purpose of ornament and as reservoirs in case of fires. More particular notice will be given of the squares under the appropriate head. The public cemetery, called the Valley, includmg an area of 25 acres, and situated a short distance from the city, is truly a beautiful spot. Notwithstanding its vicinity to the city, yet such is the natural formation of the adjacent grounds that a solitude both agreeable and appropriate, and which tends rather to impress the mjnd of the visitor with a sense of the intimate relations of the departed with the living, pervades its charming though sacred walks, and, for the time, shuts out from the not unwilling heart all consciousness of the bustle and activity of the gay and crowded streets. The surface iis somewhat broken, afford- ing a pleasing variety of plain, woodland, laM'u, and sloping declivity. A deep valley divides the enclosure, at the bot- tom of which a running stream winds its way, with gentle lullaby, to the busy waters of the noble Merrimacic. It it laid out with winding paths and broad avenues, richly adorned with shade trees and shrubbery. It is always a GAZETTEER OV NEW HAMP3HIUE. 283 place of resort, and is justly a source of pride to those who have so admirably succeeded in clothing with beauty and attraction the last home of mortals. Religious Societies. — First Methodist Episcopal society — organized in 1829 ; house in Manchester Centre ; Rev. Elijah F. Wilkins pastor. Elm Street Methodist society — chapel on Elm Street; cost $16,000; Elisha Adams pastor. Univcrsalist society — organized in 1839; house on Lowell Street; cost $11,000; B. M. Tillotson pastor. First Congregational society — incorporated in 18-39; house on Hanover Street ; cost $6500 ; C. W. Wallace pastor. First Baptist society — organized in 1839; house on Man- chester Street ; cost $7000 ; Isaac Sawyer pastor. Free- will Baptist society — organized in 1839; house on Merri- mack Street ; cost $5000. Unitarian society — organized in 1840 ; house on Merrimack Street, corner of Union ; Francis Le Barron pastor. Saint Michael's Church, Epis- copal — organized in 1841; church on Lowell Street, corner of Pine ; L G. Hubbard rector. Franklin Street Church, Second Congregational society — organized in 1844; house on Franklin Street; cost $11,000 ; Samuel C. Bartlett pastor. Second Baptist society — house on Elm Street ; cost $8000 ; J. M. Coburn pastor. Catho- lic church — erected in 1850 ; house on Union, corner of Merrimack Street ; cost $16,000. Wesleyan Methodist society — organized in 1849 ; meetings in Patten's Hall ; Thomas Latham pastor. Free Church — house erected by City Missionary Society in 1851 ; cost $2000 ; T. P. Sawin pastor. Schools. — There are nine school districts in the city, in each of which is only one house, except in number two, which includes the most thickly-settled portion. In this district are four spacious brick edifices, containing fourteen 284 NEW hampshir:e as it is. schools, and six smaller buildings, containing ten schools. The board of instruction is divided into four departments — the High School, in which are a principal whose salary is $1000 per annum, and two assistants ; the South Gram- mar School, having a principal whose salary is $600 per annum, and two assistants ; the North Grammar School, with teachers, a principal whose salary is $600 per an- num, and two assistaiits ; and the Intermediate School, having teachers, a principal whose salary is $500 per annum, and two assistants. There are, besides, two un- classed schools, seven middle, and twelve primary. A free school is open four evenings in the week, and is at- tended by about 200 members. Instruction is given in reading, spelling, writing, geography, grammar, and arith- metic. Although, in glancing at the educational resources of the city of Manchester, we find no richly-endowed acad- emies or time-honored seats of literature, yet we discover a system which, for vigor and efficiency in reaching the masses and scattering the light and treasures of knowledge in those dark and obscure places, — scores of which maybe found in any city, which a more general, and perhaps, at first, more attractive, plan of instruction would entirely overlook, — is not only deserving of universal approval, but also reflects great credit upon those who were able to conceive and carry it to practical results. Manchester AthetKCum. — Incorporated in 1844. The library contains 3100 volumes. An extensive reading room is connected with it. Rooms in Patten's Building. The Fire Department consists of a chief, nine assistant engineers, six engine companies, two hose do., and one hook and ladder do. Newspapers. — Manchester American and Messenger ; GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 286 J. Abbott editor, Manchester Democrat ; John H. Good- ale editor. Granite Fanner and Visitor. Manchester Daily Mirror ; John B. Clarke editor. Dollar Weekly- Mirror ; by the same. Union Democrat ; Campbell & Gilman editors. Railroads. — Nine railroads centre in Manchester — the Concord, Northern, Montreal, Vermont Central, (in- cluding Vermont, Canada, and Ogdensburg,) Passumpsic, Merrimack and Connecticut River, jVIanchester and Law- rence, Contoocook Valley, and New Hampshire Central. The New Hampshire Central and Concord and Claremont are merged into one, under the name of the Merrimack and Connecticut River Railroad. Banks. — Amoskeag Bank; capital, ^150,000; incor- porated in 18-48. City Bank, incorporated in 1853 ; capital, $100,000. Manchester Bank, incorporated in 1845 ; cap- ital, $145,000. Amoskeag Savings Bank ; amount of de- posits January 1, 1854, $153,626. Manchester Savings Bank, incorporated in 1846 ; amount of deposits, .f! 100,000. Public Houses. — Manchester House, Elm Street, cor- ner of Merrimack, by William Shepherd. Franklin Hotel, by J. Goodrich, Manchester Street. City Hotel, by Frank- lin Tenney, Elm, corner of Lowell Street. Elm Street House, by D. T. Norris, Elm, corner of Concord Street. Piscataquog Hotel, Piscataquog, by J. B. Leavitt, south end of Main Street. Quimby's Hotel, by Benjamin B. Quimby, head of Granite Street. Amoskeag Hotel, by N. & J. B. Quimby, in the village of Amoskeag. By a recent act of the legislature, the villages of Amos- keag and Piscataquog have been annexed to Manchester. Squares. — Concord, betAveen Amherst and Concord Streets, is laid out with gravelled walks, ornamented with trees, and contains a circular reservoir, walled in with stone. 286 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS, Area, 4| acres. Hanover contains 4 acres of land, and has a large open reservoir. Merrimack, between Merrimack and Central Streets, contains a large open reservoir, and includes an area of 5| acres. Tremont, between Bridge and High Streets, is laid out with gravelled walks, and has a covered reservoir. Area, 2^ acres. The Park is a very pleasant plot of ground, situated between Park and Cedar Streets, and contains 3^ acres. The Compajiy^s Reservoir is situated about one mile, in a north-easteily direction, from the City Hall. It is a rec- tangular cistern, 484 by 234 feet at the top ; depth of water, 18 feet; capacity, 11,000,000 gallons. The height above the river is 150 feet. The object is to supply the mills and boarding houses with water. In addition to the ponds and reservoirs mentioned above, there are, besides, fourteen other cisterns and reservoirs located in various parts of the city. Manufacturing Companies. — Amoskeag Manufacturing Company ; capital, $3,000,000 ; incorporated in July, 1831 ; commenred operations in 1837. The business of this company is divided into three departments — viz., 1st, land and water power ; 2d, manufacturing cotton goods ; 3d, machine shop — each department having a separate agency. Land and water power — E. A. Straw agent; J. Knowlton clerk. Manufacturing department, Amoskeag New Mills — David Gillis agent ; Charles liichardson clerk. Four mills are in operation. ■Mill number 1 contains 8960 spindles and 234 looms : number 2, 8832 spindles and 250 looms ; number 3, 20,478 spindles and 545 looms ; number 4, 24,576 spindles and 63() looms; total, 62,846 spindles and 1665 loom ■:. A fifth mill is in process of erection, and will be completed, with its machinery, the coming winter. This mill will contain 20,000 spindles and 480 , GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 287 looms for the manufacture of fine goods. This company has a mill for the manufacture of batting. They have also a mill in Hooksett, containing 8000 spindles. The goods manufactured consist of seven descriptions of tickings, a great variety of striped denims, drillings, sheetings, and cotton flannels. Number of yards produced annually, 19,000,000. Do. pounds of cotton consumed annually, 8,000,000 ; do. indigo, 35,000 ; do. potash, 80,000 ; do. copperas, 44,000 ; do. madder, 65,000 ; do. tons potato starch, 150 ; do. cords Avood, 9000 ; do. gallons sperm oil, 10,000. Amount annually paid out at the mills, $600,000. Xumber of hands employed — males, 600 ; females, 1900 ; total, 2500. To this company was award- ed the prize medal at the World's Fair, in London, for the best sheetings, drillings, tickings, and cotton flannels there exhibited. There is connected with this department a savings in- stitution, where those employed by the company may de- posit their surplus earnings, and receive five per cent, interest per annum. The amount thus deposited January 1, 1854, was $153,626.86, payable at seven days' notice. Amoskeag Machine Shop — Oliver W. Bailey agent ; Edward Kendall clerk. Machinery for cotton and woollen mills, locomotives, &c., are manufactured here. There are three shops, and one foundery. 500 men are constantly employed. There are consumed annually 2000 tons pig iron, 800 tons bar iron and steel, 100 tons copper, 40 tons brass castings, 250 tons boiler iron, 600 tons Lehigh .coal, 600 tons Cumberland coal, 4000 bushels charcoal, 4000 gallons oil, and 700 cords wood. They manufiicture from three to four locomotives per month, and pay annually $200,000. The average sura paid as wages, per month, is 288 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. $12,000, which is distributed among the workmen at the rate of from $40 to $75 per month. Manchester Print Works — incorporated in 1839 ; cap- ital, $1,800,000. There are two department::. The man- ufacturing department consists of two mills. Waterman Smith agent; J. S. Shannon clerk. In both mills are 56,000 spindles and 1450 looms. Number of hands em- ployed — males, 400 ; females, 1200 ; total, 1600. Num- ber of yards produced per annum, 14,000,000. The goode manufactured consist of mousseline de laines, cashmeres, Persian cloths, barege de laines, and cotton printing cloths. Number of pounds of wool consumed annually, 1,300,000; do. cotton, 1,800,000 ; do. cords wood, 2000 ; do. tons coal, 1000 ; do. gallons sperm oil, 5000 ; do. gallons olive oil, 2000 ; do. pounds oil soap, 80,000 ; do. tons starch. 60. Amount annually paid out, .$450,000. Printing de- partment — Charles II. Dalton superintendent ; A. N. Baker clerk. These works were destroyed by fire Septem- ber 22, 1853. Loss, $250,000. Rebuilding was com- menced immediately. Printing started in the ne\\ works June 12, 1854, being 8 months and 21 days from the date of the fire. Number of printing machines, 12. Do. hands employed — males, 350 ; females, 30 ; total, 380. Do. yards printed per day, 45,000, consisting of mousseline de laines, cashmeres, Persian cloths, barege de laines, and madder cotton prints. Value of drugs consumed annually, $400,000. Number of tons of coal consumed annually. 3000. Pay roll and incidental expenses per annum, $180,000. Stark Mills — i*hineas Adams agent ; William B. Web- ster clerk. Incorporated in 1838 ; commenced operations in 1839. Capital, $1,250,000. There are two mills. Num- GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMfSHIRE. ber 1 mill contains 21,400 spindles, and 460 looms for sheetings, and 126 for seamless bags. Number 2 mill contains 19,564 spindles, and 550 looms for sheetings and drillings. The goods manufactured consist of sheetings, drillings, and seamless bags. Number of males employed, 200 ; do. females, 950. Amount of money paid at mills per month, $30,000. Consume annually 1,000,000 cubic feet of gas, 5880 gallons oil, 75 tons starch, 1000 tons coal, and 6,000,000 pounds cotton. Manufacture annu- ally 1,320,000 bags, 8,000,000 yards sheetings, and 500,- 000 yards drillings. Blodgett Edge Tool Company — incorporated in 1853 ; capital stock, $100,000; J. G. Cilley agent. Manufac- ture all kinds of edge tools. Employ 125 hands. Dimen- sions of building, 160 feet long, 50 wide, and three stories high- Manchester Iron Company. Capital stock, $20,000 ; president, J. N. B. Fish ; treasurer, J. T. P. Hunt ; clerk, David Hill. Commenced operations in October, 1853. The ii.din building is 75 feet long by 50 wide, with an engine house, pattern shop, &c., adjoining, 40 feet long by 60 broad. The engine is of 40 horse power. Located near the gas works and the Manchester and Lawrence Rail- road. Manufacture all sorts of castings for mills and other purposes. Blodgett Paper Company. Capital, $300,000 ; manu- facture 15,000 rolls .paper hangings per day, 16 tons paper per week ; employ 175 hands. Dimensions of building — 200 feet long by 50 wide, five stories high, with an ell 65 by 55 : second building — 200 feet long by 30 wide ; all brick. An additional building, 100 feet long by 30 wide, and three stories high, is in process of erection. B. F. Martin's Paper Mill. Dimensions of building, 290 NPW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. 50 feet long by 90 in height ; 3 stories high ; built of brick. Manufacture 300 tons paper annually. Value, $82,500. Number of hands employed, 20. Manchester Gas Light Company. Capital, f 90,000. President, Robert Read ; superintendent, J. T. P. Hunt ; clerk, H. Foster. Incorporated in 1851; commenced oper- ations in September, 1852. These works are situated in the southerly part of the city, near the Manchester and Lawrence Railroad. The main buildings are of brick, with slated roofs. The retort house is 105 feet in length, 30 feet in width, and 18 feet in height. It contains 12 benches, each having 3 retorts, with a corresponding num- ber of coolers and washers. The purifying house is 65 feet in length by 25 feet in width ; it contains purifiers, meters, offices, &c. The gasometer is 87i feet in diameter, 25 feet in height, and is of sufficient capacity for the sto- rage of 150,000 cubic feet of gas. The tank is 90 feet in diameter, 25 feet deep, and is substantially built of brick and cement, with counter forts. Over the gasometer has been erected a building 97 feet square and 27 feet in height. The coal shed is so located that the coal is dumped from the cars directly through the roof. Ten miles of pipe, varying from 14 to 2 inches in diameter, have been laid, extending to different parts of the city. By means of the works now in operation, the company are able to furnish 150,000 cubic feet of gas in every 24 hours, though the pipes are of sufficient capacity and strength to distribute double that quantity. 1100 tons of Pictou, Cannel, and Hillsborough coill have been consumed during the past year, producing in that time 8,837,000 cubic feet of gas, about one half of which is consumed by the various manufacturing establishments and mills. These use 4705 burners, besides 40 street lamps ; diffisrent indi- GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 391 viduals, 2717 burners ; and the city authorities furnish 25 street lamps. Coke — whicli is coal deprived of its volatile principle — is sold at about five dollars per chal- dron. About 1500 bushels of the hydrate of lime are sold fram these works per annum, at eight cents per bushel, which is made from oyster shells, and, by its connection with ammonia in the process of purification, becomes far superior to common lime for land dressing, and is eagerly sought after by agriculturists. The gas is sold at the rate of $3.50 per 1000 cubic feet. The gasworks were constructed under the direction of Mr. J. T. P. Hunt, then and now superintendent ; and, in beaiity of architecture, substantial finish, and skilful ar- rangement of machinery for the ends proposed, are consid- ered as superior to any similar works in New England. There are also about 350 stores, groceries, and shops of various kinds within the limits of the city. The rapidity of the growth of the city of Manchester — which is as healthy as it is rapid — is unparalleled, at least in New England. Figures and statistics which to- day are a true representation of its condition, are not so to-morrow ; and it is, indeed, of but little consequence to record them, excepting that they may serve as milestones, to guide the stranger from the obscure hamlet and the times of small things to the flourishing city and the period of magnificent prosperity. Marlborough, Cheshire county. Bounded north by Roxbury, east by Dubliii and JafFrey, south by Troy, and west by Swanzcy and Keene. Area, about 13,000 acres. Distance from Concord, 55 miles, south-west; from Keene, 6, south. There are several ponds, which are the sources of some of the branches of the Ashuelot. The surface is 292 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. broken ; the soil rocky, but excellent for grazing. Various branches of manufacturing are carried on to some extent here. There are four pail factories, in which 35 hands are employed ; one box and measure factory, eight hands ; one machine shop, 16 hands ; one box and tray factory, five hands ; one chair factory, four hands ; one earthen ware shop, four hands ; one faucet manufactory, four hands ; and one yarn factory, five hands. There are also two stores, three meeting houses, and one hotel. Marlborough was granted, April 29, 1751, to Timothy Dwight and 61 others. By reason of the breaking out of the French and Indian war the conditions of the charter were not seasonably fulfilled ; the first charter was forfeited, and a second granted September 21, 1754. First settlers, Wil- liam Barker, Abel Woodward, Benjamin Tucker, Daniel Goodenough, and one McAlister. A Congregational church was formed in 1778. At present there is also a Baptist and a Universalist society. Population, 887. Number of legal voters in 1854, 225. Inventory, $321,156. Value of lands, $179,374. Stock in trade, $4441. Value of mills, factories, &c., $12,225. Money on hand, &c., $40,830. Number of sheep, 608. Do. neat stock, 804. Do. horses, 152. Marlow, Cheshire county. Bounded north by Acworth and Lempster, east by Washington and Stoddard, south by Gilsum, and west by Alstead. Area, 15,937 acres. Dis- tance from Concord, 45 miles, south-west ; from Keene, 15, north. Ashuelot River passes through nearly the whole length of the town, in a south-westerly direction. The soil is moist, but productive. On the Ashuelot and other streams are large tracts of valuable interval. The sm-face is gener- ally uneven. This town was gi-anted, October 7, 1761, to GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 393 William Noyes and 69 others. First settlers, Joseph Tubbs, N. Royce, N. Miller, Nathan Huntley, Solomon Mack, Solomon Gee, Eben Lewis, Samuel and John Gustin, and others. The first town meeting was held in March, 1776. The first inhabitants were Baptists ; they formed a church, and settled Eev. Caleb Blood, in January, 1778. There is at present only a Methodist society. Population, 708. Number of polls, 190. Inventory, $290,308. Value of lands, $151,497. Do. mills, fac- tories, &c., $4675. Stock in trade, $9423. Money on hand, at interest, &c., $45,466. Number of sheep, 1839. Do. neat stock, 847. Do. horses, 179. Mason, Hillsborough county. Bounded north by Tem- ple and Wilton, east by Milford and Brookline, south by Ashby, Massachusetts, and west by New Ipswich. Area, 18,860 acres. Distance from Concord, 43 miles, south ; from Amherst, 15, soiith-west. This is a hilly and healthy township. There are no swamps or stagnant pools, and only one small pond. The soil is good. In the south and east parts of the town chestnut and pine abound. Souhe- gan River is the principal stream, and affords many fine mill sites. It is divided into nine school districts, and supports ten schools. Education receives considerable attention. There are four religious societies — viz., two Congregational, one Christian, and one Baptist. The prin- cipal village is situated in the north-west part of the town, on the Souhegan. Here are some of the best water privi- leges in this section of the state. The water at this place falls 80 feet in a distance of 80 rods, and is easily made available for manufacturing purposes. There is already a large cotton factory in operation, and another is to be erected M'ithin a few months. A large portion of the water 25* 294 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. power is yet unappropriated. Natural facilities, together with the disposition now evinced to develop them, render it highly probable that this will soon be a place of consid- erable business. The village is the present terminus of the Peterborough and Shirley Railroad. The railroad bridge just below the village is one of the most splendid and substantial structures of the kind in New England. The scenery about the village is beautifully picturesque. The Columbian Manufacturing Company, Mason Vil- lage — Robert B. Williams president ; Stephen Smith agent. Capital stock, $200,000. Number of shares, 200; par value, $1000. Do. spindles, 6200. Do. looms, 175. Do. hands employed — males, 106; females, 130; total, 236. Amount of stock consumed annually, 750,000 pounds. Number of yards produced per annum, 1,950,000. Kind of goods, colored cottons. Number yarn, 14. Asher Peabody, manufacturer of shoes, employs 25 hands. Amos Scripture, agent, manufacturer of japanned tin- ware. First established in 1833. Number of hands em- ployed, 12. There are two gristmills, five sawmills, two hotels, five stores, two blacksmith, and two cabinet shops. This town was granted August 26, 1768. It was for- merly known by the name of Number One. The first eftbrt to settle here was made in 1751 ; and in the following year Enoch Lawrence made a permanent settlement. The Congregational church was formed in 1772 ; the Baptist society was organized in 1786. Population, 1626. Number of legal voters in 1854, 335. Do. houses, 313. Do. families, 346. Do. farms, 168. Inventory, $483,256. Value of lands, $262,606. Stock in trade, $17,700. Number of sheep, 254. Do. neat stock, 1069. Do. horses, 173. GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 295 Meredith, Belknap county, liounded north by Cen- tre Harbor, east by Winnipiseogee Lake, south by a river of the same name and Sanbornton, and west by Sanbornton Bay and New Hampton. Distance from Con- cord, 29 miles, north, by the Boston, Concord, and Mon- treal Railroad. It was incorporated December 30, 1768, and was first called New Salem. This is a very large township, covering an area of near- ly 13 square miles. Several pleasant and thriving villages are scattered over its limits. At Meredith Village there are four meeting houses, five stores, one hotel, and several shoe shops. On a small stream which flows through this place from Mcasley Pond into Winnipiseogee Lake are a large tan- nery, a gristmill, sawmill, and a manufactory v.here the wood- work of pianos is prepared, in which about 50 hands are employed. At Meredith Centre are u meeting house belong- ing to a Freewill Baptist society, one saw and gristmill, and three stores ; and about a mile distant is a Baptist meeting house. Lake Village, pleasantly situated at the foot of Long Bay, which at the Wicrs forms the outlet of Winnipiseogee Lake, is a thriving manufacturing district, containing about 1500 inhabitants. Here is a large cotton warp manuflictory ; Robert Thompson agent. Number of spindles, 2200. Do. pounds manufactured per annum, 78,000. Do. pounds consumed annually, 100,000. Do. hands employed, 30. Knitting and Hosiery Manufactory — Lyman B. Pulce- fer president. Number of spindles, 500. Do. pounds of goods manufactured annually, 25,000. Do. pounds of raw material consumed per annum, 40,000. Do. hands employed, 12. Iron Foundery and Machine Shop — Cale, Davis, & Co. Capital stock, $40,000* Manufiicture ploughs, stoves. NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. machinery, and castings. Number of men employed, 60. Levi Stevens, coppersmith and brass founder. There are also three meeting houses, eight stores, one hotel, four shoe factories, two carriage shops, and one bed- stead manufactory. Yarn Manufactory — Moses Sargent president ; J. M. Sai-gent clerk. Capital stock, ^7000. Goods manufac- tured, knitting and hosiery yarn. Has 1000 spindles. Number of pounds of goods manufactured annually, 50,000. Value of stock consumed annually, 1580,000. Hands em- ployed, 25. There ai'e also connected with this establish- ment three sets of woollen cards. Meredith Bridge is the principal village. It is connect- ed by a bridge over the Winnipiseogee River with Gilford Village, and both are called Meredith Bridge. This is a flourishing manufacturing village, and the seat of much business. On the Meredith side are a large, well-constructed, and handsome hotel ; a meeting house, belonging to the Con- gregational society ; a large car factory, in which are em- ployed about 75 men ; a ptxil and bedstead factory ; a cotton mill, in which 70 operatives are employed, the pro][iei"ty of which is estimated at $30,000 ; a woollen factory, in which 30 hands are employed ; capital, |> 10,000. There are also ten stores, two jewellers' shops, and two furniture warehouses. The county of Belknap has recently pur- chased a large farm on the Meredith side, and has erected upon it spacious and convenient buildings, at a cost of about ."$5000, for the support and employment of county paupers. A county jail, to be built of granite throughout, is also in process of erection on the same grounds. The Belknap Gazette and the New Hampshire Demo crat, weekly newspapers, are published here. GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. On the Guilford side are a large cotton mill, where tick- ings are manufactured ; capital, $40,000 ; number of hands employed, 60 ; a peg factory, in which 30 hands are employed ; a sculptor's shop, a court house, two meeting houses, two stores, two hotels, one saw, and one gristmill. As a farming town, Meredith is surpassed by but few towns in the state. The soil is generally deep, fertile, and easily cultivated. Within a few years past, considerable attention has been paid to agricidture. In many places the scenery is beautiful and romantic. As the traveller passes along the road leading through the north-Avesterly j^art of the toAvn, he beholds spread out before him a lovely picture of Nature. On the east and south-east, the placid waters of the largest lake in New Hampshire, with its countless islands, arrest the eye, stretching in a south-easterly direc- tion beyond the reach of vision. On the north-east, Ossipee rises majestically from its rugged base ; while towards the north is seen Red Hill — an eminence Avell known to travellers. In the vicinity of the lake Indian relics are often found. Meredith Bridge is one of the pleasantest villages in the state. Many of the houses are large, and handsoiup in structure. The cemetery is one of those charming spots that always attract the eye and elicit the admiration of the stranger. It is beautifully located be- side the Winnipiseogee River, and is laid out with taste and care. The population of Meredith, at present, is about 3800. Number of legal voters, 929. Inventory in 1852, $899,851. Value of lands, $532,972. Do. factories, mills, &c., $21,600. Money on hand, at interest, &c., $32,972. Value of shares in banks and other corpora- tions, $29,600. Number of sheep, 2100. Do. neat stock, 2133. Do. horses, 376. NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. Merrimack, Hillsborough county. Bounded north by Bedford, east by Litchfield, south by Nashua, and west by Amherst. Area, 19,361 acres. Distance from Concord, 27 miles, south ; from Amherst, 6, east. Merrimack River laves its entire eastern border, and affords communication by water with Boston ; which, however, is of but little impor- tance, since the Nashua and LoAvell Railroad passes through the town, parallel with the river. The Souhegan, after winding through this town in an easterly direction, dis- charges its waters into the Merrimack, affording in its course many valuable mill privileges, some of the best of which are unoccupied. The surface is generally level, broken by a few moderate swells. The soil in many parts is very fertile, especially the intervals along the river. Merrimack claims the honor of having first discovered the art of making Leghorn bon- nets. Some of the first manufacture were sold at the price of $50 apiece. The manufacturing interest is here exhib- ited on a moderate scale, it being almost wholly confined to two carpet factories, which in themselves arc truly de- serving of great credit. The energetic spirit which has recently manifested itself in efforts for improven»ent and progress in education is highly praiseworthy. There are four stores, four sawmills, two gristmills, three wheel- wrights' shops, four blacksmiths' shops, and two meeting houses. This town was first called Souhegan East. It was incorporated April 2, 1746, though it had already been settled 13 years. The first house in town was erected several years before any permanent settlement was made, and was occupied as a place of traffic with the Indians. It was called Crom- well's House, being owned by John Cromwell, from Eng- land. For a long time he carried on a profitable trade **» GAZETTEEK OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 299 with the Indians in the purchase of their furs, -weighing them with his foot in the opposite scale, until the latter, having discovered his trick, and chagrined at the deception practised upon them, formed the determination to kill him. This design was made known to Cromwell, who buried his ill-gotten wealth and made his escape. Within a short time after his flight a party of the Pcnnacook tribe made their appearance, and, not finding him, burned his house. The name of the town is derived from the river on which it is situated. It was originally written Monnomoke, and Merramake, which latter is the term used by the Pennacook tribe, and in the Indian language signifies sturgeon. Fish of this kind were formerly abundant in this stream. A Congregational church was organized here September 5, 1772. Population, 1250. Number of polls, 313. Inventory, $501,840. Value of lands, $298,190. Do. stock in trade, $34,138. Do. mills, factories, &c., $9150. Money on hand, at interest, &c., $22,800. Number of sheep, 368. Do. neat stock, 802. Do. horses, 141. MiCDLETOX, Strafford county. Bovinded north by Brookfield and Wakefield, east by Milton, south by Mil- ton and New Durham, and west by New Durham. Area, 9840 acres. Distance from Concord, 40 miles, north-east ; from Dover, 25, north-west. This is a very level township. There are no elevations excepting a part of ^Nloose, or Bald, Mountain, which separates it from Brookfield. There are no ponds or rivers of note. The soil is rocky and sterile. There are one meeting house, owned by the Freewill Bap- tist sociefy, two stores, and one hotel. It was incorporated March 4, 1778. Population, 476. Number of legal voters in 1854, 130. 300 ♦ NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. Inventory, $128,512. Value of lands, $78,305. Num- ber of sheep, 273. Do. neat stock, 524. Do. horses, 83. Milan, Coiis county. Bounded north by Dummer, east by Success, south by Berlin, and M'est by Kilkenny and Stark. Area, 31,15-1 acres. Distance from Concord, 150 miles, north-east ; from Lancaster, 22, north-east. The Androscoggin River passes through the eastern part. Its tributaries here are the Chickwalneppee, Leavett, and Stearns Rivers. There is but one pond of any consider- able size, which is called Cedar Pond. The surface is un- even, and in some parts rocky, though there are no moun- tains. The soil is various. There are seven sawmills in this town, in four of which 40 hands are employed; ag- gregate capital, $51,000. There are three stores, one hotel, and one meeting house, which is owned by the Methodist society. It was granted, December 31, 1771, to Su- William Mayne and others, under the name of Pauls- burg, which name was retained until 1824. Population, 493. Number of legal voters in 1854, 153. Inventory, .$106,346. Value of lands, $54,416. Do. mills, &c., $2400. Stock in trade, $1600. Number of sheep, 707. Do. neat stock, 617. Do. horses, 80. ' MiLFORD, Hillsborough county. Bounded north by Lyndeborough, Mont Vernon, and Amherst, east by Am- herst and Hollis, south by HolHs and BrOokline, and west by Mason and Wilton. Area, 15,402 acres. Distance from Concord, 31 miles, south; from Amherst, 5, south- west. Milford lies on both sides of the Souhegan River, which runs in an easterly direction, affording tnany fine water privileges. The intervals along its course are about half a mile in width, and are very fertile. Large quan- GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 301 titles of excellent fruit are produced here annually. The surface is moderately uneven ; the soil is productive. On account of improvements made in its water power, it has recently grown into considerable importance. The inhab- itants are noted for sobriety, thrift, and industry. The Souhegan Manufacturing Company were incorporat- ed in June, 184G. Capital stock, $150,000. Number of spindles, 5000. Do. looms, 128, The kind of goods man- ufactured is ticking. Number of yards manufactured per annum, 1,100,000. Eaw material consumed per annum, 480,000 pounds cotton. Number of hands employed, 160. The machinery is driven by steam and water power. Moses French agent ; D. S. Burnham clerk. The Milford ^lanufacturing Company were incorporated in 1810. Capital, $30,000. Number of spindles, 900. Do. looms, 30. The kind of goods manufactured is tick- ing. Number of yards produced per annum, 250,000. Do. pounds cotton consumed, 100,000. Do. hands em- ployed, 40. There is also a sawmill connected with this establishment,, in which 400,000 feet of lumber are man- ufactured per annum. Hiram A. Daniels agent and clerk. The Milford Plane Company employ 50 hands. Year- ly business amounts to $50,000. The celebrated eagle plane is manufactured here. There are also two tinware manufactories, one employ- ing 15 hands, and the other 2 ; three boot and shoe man- ufactories, where about 75 hands are employed ; two car- riage shops, one employing 20 hands, and the other 8 ; one iron foundery, in which are engaged 35 hands ; two tanneries, employing 12 hands ; one manufactory of agri- cultural implements, in which 35 hands are employed ; one furniture shop, employing 6 hands ; two tailors' shops, employing 14 hands ; and one printing and bookbinding 26 302 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. establishment. There are also seven stores, one hotel, and two meeting houses — one Congregational, organized in 1788 ; and one Baptist, organized September 5, 1809. Milford was incorporated January 11, 1794. The first » settlers were John Burns, William Peabody, Benjamin Hopkins, Caleb Jones, Nathan Hutchinson, Andrew Brad- ford, Captain Josiah Crosby, and William Wallace. Cap- tain Crosby was a revolutionary officer. Population, 2159. Number of legal voters in 1854, 529. Inventory, |884,960. Value of lands, $493,365. Do. mills, fiictories, &c., $75,000. Do. stock in trade, $46,750. Money on hand, at interest, &c., $55,493. Number of sheep, 139. Do. neat stock, 989. Do. horses, 277. MiT.LSFiEi-D, Coos county. Bounded north by Dixville, east by Errol, south by Dummer, and west by ungranted lands and Dixville. Area, 23,200 acres. Distance from Concord, 150 miles, north; from Lancaster, 35, north- east. Clear Stream waters its northern extremity, and Phillips River and other small streams its other parts. There arc several ponds, the largest of which is 300 rods long and 140 wide. Its northern portion is mountainous. The surface is generally uneven, and the soil strong, but , somewhat cold. This town was granted, March 1, 1774, to Sir Thomas Mills, George Boyd, and others. Population, 2. Mii.TON, Strafford county. Bounded north-west by Middlcton and Wakefield, east by Salmon Falls lliver, which separates it from Lebanon, Maine, and south-west by Farmington and New Durham. Area, 25,000 acrea. Distance from Concord, 40 miles, north-east ; from Dover, G.\ZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 30^ 20, north-west. Salmon Falls River washes its whole east- ern border for a distance of 13 miles. A branch of this river passes through its northern extremity. Milton Pond lies at the foot of Tencriffe Mountain — a bold and rocky elevation, which extends along its eastern section. The soil is generally good, the surfice somewhat broken, and affords excellent pasturage. The inhabitants are mostly engaged in farming. Milton !Mills — John Townsend proprietor ; capital, $50,000 ; manufacture flannels ; have 18 looms and 1200 spindles. Amount manufactured per annum, {^90,000. Do. stock used per annum, 120,000 pounds wool. Num- ber of operatives, 35. This town was formerly a part of Rochester, from which it was taken and incorporated June 11, 1802. There are two meeting houses — one Congregational, and one Chris- tian. Population, 1629. Number of polls, 406. Inventory, $414,982. Value of lands, $236,265. Do. mills and factories, $8500. Do. stock in trade, $10,730. Money at interest, &c., $12,939. Number of sheep, 708. Do. neat stock, 1264. Do. horses, 189. MoxKOE, Grafton county. Bounded north by Littleton, east by Lyman, south by Bath, and west by Barnet, Ver- mont. This town formerly constituted the western portion of Lyman, from which it was separated and incorporated July 13, 1854. The surface is broken, and in some parts hilly, and affords excellent grazing. The soil is generally good, and produces, with proper cultivation, the grasses and grains in abundance. The Avestern slope of Gardner's Mountain produces excellent grass and wheat. There is considerable interval. Within the limits of tliis town are 304 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. the Narrows, at which place the river is only five rods in width, being confined by walls of slate. The scenery is grand and picturesque. Near the north-Avestern extremity of the town, at the confluence of the Connecticut and Pas- sumpsic Rivers, the former assumes the shape of a dia- mond, its greatest width being about one mile, encircling 20 islands, and affording a delightful landscape. There are several sawmills here, at some of which an extensive business is carried on. In one of these, during the month of June, 1854, were manufactured 724,141 feet of lumber, &c. Number of hands employed, 35. There are also a carriage factory and machine shop, where a large business is carried on. Bog iron ore and zinc and copper ore are found here in various localities. There are two stores, one hotel, and one meeting house. Population in 1854, about 750. Number of legal voters, 156. Mont Vernon, Hillsborough county. Bounded north by New Boston, east by Amherst, south by Amherst and Milford, and west by Lyndeborough. Area, 7975 acres. Distance from Concord, 28 miles, south ; from Amherst, 3, north-west. There is but one stream of any note. It rises in the northern part of the town, and passes into Am- herst, near the eastern extremity of the plain. That part of the stream near its mouth was called by the Indians Quohquinapassakessanannagnog. The soil is strong and productive — well adapted to the growth of the various grasses and grains. The situation is elevated, and the sur- face uneven. The village is located upon the highest ele- vation, and is healthy and pleasant. It was originally a part of Amherst, from which it was scpnrated and incorpo- rated December 15, 1803. GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMP8HI11E. 305 The Congregational church was organized here in 1780. There are four stores, two hotels, and twelve shops and mills of various kinds. Tliere is a writing desk and fancy- box manufactory, owned by Messrs. Bragg & Conant, in which 30 hands are employed. Population, 122. Number of polls, 1T6. Inventory, $262,256. Value of lands, 1 107,026. Stock in trade, $7200. Money at interest, &c., $11,764. Number of sheep, 86. Do. neat stock, 624. Do. horses, 89. MouLTONBOROUGii, Carroll county. Bounded north by Sandwich and Ossipee, east by Ossipec, soiitli by Tufton- borough and Lake Winnipiseogee, and west by Centre Harbor and Squam Lake. Distance from Concord, 50 miles, north ; from Ossipee, 12, east. The surface is much broken by mountains, lakes, and ponds. Great Squam Pond lies in the western part, and Squam and Long Ponds in the south, the latter of which is terminated by a neck of valuable land, extending for some distance into Winnipi- seogee Lake. Red Hill, which rises about 2000 feet above the level of the sea, is composed of a bcautifid sienite, in which the feldspar is of a gray ash color. Near the sum- mit, where the ledges of rock arc exposed to the action of the air, the rock is of a reddish hue. It is covered with uvae ^usi, the leaves of which are turned into a brilliant red by the early frosts. Great numbers of visitors, attract- ed by the unrivalled grandeur and beauty of the scenery of the surrounding country, ascend this mountain in the summer months. On a clear day, the vicN\' from its summit is extensive. Mountains, lakes, islands, forests, and culti- vated fields are here presented in a single vicM'. On the south side of the mountain is a spring of pure cold Avater, about' sixteen feet in diameter, from the centre of which 26* 306 NEW HAMPSHIKE AS IT IS. the water, impregnated with small particles of a fine white sand, is constantly thrown up to the height of two feet above the surface of the spring. It affords water sufficient to di"ive saw or gristmills. On the stream, about a mile below, is a beautiful cascade and waterfall of 70 feet per- pendicular. Descending the mountain on the left of the fall, you soon come to a cove, in which charcoal and other substances are found, giving rise to the belief that this was once a place of concealment for the Indians. Many In- dian implements and relics have been found in this town. In 1820, on a small island in the Winnipiseogee, was found a curiously wrought gun barrel, much decayed by rust and age, enclosed in the trunk of a pine tree sixteen inches in diameter. About the year 1817, on the north line of the town, near the mouth of Melvin Kiver, a gigan- tic skeleton, apparently that of a man seven feet in height, was found buried in the sand. The Ossipee tribe once lived in this region ; and several years ago a tree was standing, on which was carved in hieroglyphics a history of their deeds and expeditions. There are three stores, seventeen common schools, one hotel, and three meeting houses, two of which belong to the Congregational society, and one to the Methodist and Universalist societies, who occupy it alternately. This town was granted, November 17, 1763, by the Masonian proprietors, to Colonel Jonathan Moulton and 61 others. The first house of public worship was erected in 1773, and was blown down by a violent east wind in 1819. The Congregational church was formed March 12, 1777. Population, 1748. Number of legal voters in 1854, 420. Amount of local funds for schools, $1910. Inven- tory, $337,764. Value of lands, $200,078. Do. mills, GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 307 |2115. Stock in trade, $2225. Money at interest, &c., |557G. Number of sheep, 1426. Do. neat stock, 1595. Do. horses, 208. Nashua, Hillsborough county. Bounded north by Mer- rimack, east by TJtchfield and Hudson, south by Tyngs- borough and Dunstable, Massachusetts, and west by Hollis. Area, 18,878 acres. Distance from Concord, 35 miles, south by the Concord Railroad, which terminates here. The soil has considerable variety. It is easy of cultivation', and generally productive. 'J'hc eastern portion of the town (now city) of Nashua, lying upon the river, presents a very even surface ; the western part is more broken and hilly, though by no means mountainous. It is watered by Salmon Ihook ; also by the Nashua River — a fertilizing stream, which rises in Massachusetts. The valley of the Nashaway, or, in modern phrase, Nashua, sheltered one of the earliest settlements in New Hampshire. The tribe of Indians bearing the name iden- tical with that of this river had its head quarters in the present town of Lancaster, Massachusetts, through which the Nashua flows. The settlement, though commenced some years previously, received its charter in 167o. Its name was Dunstable, and its territory was much greater than the present city of Nashua, embracing in addition Dunstable, Tyngsborough, and parts of Groton, Townsend, and other towns in Massachusetts, and Hollis, Rrookline, Milford, Hudson, parts of Amherst, INIerrimack, liitchiield, and sections of other towns in New Hampshire. More romance of history clusters around this locality than at- taches to most others in the state, filling with poetry the memory of those days of "war's alarms," — I ^1^ 308 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. • What time the noble Lovewell came, With fifty men from Dunstable, The cruel Pequ'at tribe to tame, With arms and bloodshed terrible.' The names of Lovewell, Weld, Blan chard, Waldo, Cum- ings, French, Farrell, Lund, and Coburn are cherished as belonging to some of the first inhabitants. For a long time it was a frontier town, exposed to Indian depredations, and annoyed by wars and sudden onsets of the relentless foe. In the spring of 1702 a party of Indians made an assault upon the settlement and killed several persons, among whom was the Rev. Thomas Weld, the first minis- ter. In Lovewell's war, the company from this town, under the noble captain Avhose invaluable services give name to the campaign, acquired imperishable fame. The Congregational church was organized in 1685. The village (now city) of Nashua may properly date back to 1803, when a post office was established, houses built, a canal boat launched, and, with much parade, chris- tened " The Nashua," and " Nashua Village " substituted for "Indian Head." A tavern, a store, and two or three dwelling houses were at that time the principal buildings. The following table exhibits the movement of population in Nasliua : — In 1800, 862 1810, 1049 1820, 1142 1830, 2417 1840, 5960 1850, (and Nashville,; 8942 The present population is probably something more than GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 309 10,000. It will be noticed that its growth was quite gradual until subsequent to 1820, when manufacturing enterprises were undertaken upon an extensive scale. In 1822-1823 the land now owned by the Nashua Manu- facturing Company was secured for manufacturing pur- poses, in 1824 a charter was obtained, and in 1825— 1826 the mills went into full operation. The works of the Jackson Company went into operation in 1826. In 1837 the thriving village so far eclipsed the ancient town as to give its name, Nashua, to the old township of Dunstable. In 1842, in consequence of the hasty action of the legislature, instigated by some of the participants in a foolish quarrel about the location of the new Town House, (which the majority had located near the bridge, on the south side of the river,) that portion of the town north of the river, with a small section south of it, near its mouth, and north of the Nashua and Lowell Railroad, (it including a portion of the property of the Jackson Com- pany,) was incorporated with the name of Nashville. In 1853 a charter was granted and accepted, by which the original town became a unit under a city government. Nashua, in 1854, presents an aspect gratifying to the pride of her sons, and indicative of that indomitable spirit of intelligent enterprise for which the descendants of the Pilgrims are so distinguished. For variety and perfection of mechanical skill she yields the palm to none of her sister- hood of the Granite State cities ; and in point of population she claims the second rank. Cotton manufacture, though important, does less for her than the combined benefits of other manufactures. Artificers in wood and iron, in cards, paper, and leather ; builders of ponderous or curious ma- chines ; makers of edge tools, locks, and shuttles ; forge- men, founderymen, and artisans of every degiee and multi- 310 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. farious callings, — together swell the sum of her benefits, until the cup of her prosperity runs over. Few places of similar growth and pursuits wear so at- tractive an appearance. The placid Nashua flows through the midst of the city; grateful shade of grand old for- est trees is each year thickening in the principal streets ; and the hand of taste is yearly becoming more apparent in architecture and gardening. In morals, like all other portions of " Paradise Lost," the" trail of the serpent is visible upon a landscape where virtue and charity are ever-blooming floAvers, though frail, and far too few. In morals, Nashua will compare fa- vorably with the great multitude of New England cities of 10,000 inhabitants. There are eight religious societies with houses for wor- ship. The First Congregational church. Rev. Daniel March ; Olive Street Congregational, Rev. Austin Rich- ards ; Pearl Street Congregational, Rev. E. E. Adams ; Baptist, Rev. D. D. Pratt ; Unitarian, Rev. M. W. Willis ; Universalist, Rev. C. II. Fay ; Lowell Street Methodist Episcopal, Rev. Elihu Scott ; Chestnut Street Methodist Episcopal, Rev. Jarcd Perkins. Prosperous Sabbath schools, with ample libraries, exist in each, and the amount paid in furtherance of various objects of Christian benevolence and philanthropy is quite respectable. In one of them, during the past year, between |2000 and $3000, in contributions and legacies, have been contributed. Few towns in the state have made more substantial prog- ress, during ten years past, in the cause of popular edu- cation. The schools arc now more systematically and ju- diciously graded, furnished with better houses and educa- tional helps, and supplied with teachers of more experi- ence and success than the great majority of public schools GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 311 throughout the state. The people have been educated, by lectmes, and discussions, and by the local press, till a more just and discriminating idea of the wants and value of right education now prevails. A great revolution in the popular miud by such means secured the High School House and apparatus, in district number 4, at a cost of $15,000. The state may be challenged to produce abetter house or better school. The whole number of districts is 11, occupying 23 school rooms, and employing between 30 and 40 teachers even in winter, most of whom are females. The nucleus of a public library was created by the in- stitution of the Union Athena;ura July 23, 1851. It is yet in its infancy, numbering but 795 volumes. An annu- al course of winter lectures is given under the auspices of the Athenaeum. The Pennichuck Waterworks have been constructed during the present year, (1854.) The Pennichuck has its rise in a pond near the north-western boundary of the city, is fed by many never-failing springs of soft, pure water, and falls into tiie Merrimack. The Avater is taken, at a point just above the Concord road, from an artificial pond of 26 acres, and forced by a jonval turbine wheel of eighty-horse power into a reservoir half a mile north of the City Hall, 110 feet above the street level at that point, and of a capacity of 1,250,000 gallons. The number of hydrants is 32 ; the pipe to the receiving reservoir is eight inches in diameter ; from the reservoir the pipe is fourteen inches. E. P. Emerson is siiperiutendent of the works, and Russell E. Dewey clerk. Few places have better railroad facilities. The Nashua and Lowell loads to Boston and the east ; the Concord to Canada and the western lakes ; the Nashua and Worces- ter to Albany and New York ; and the Wilton road pierces 3 lis NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. Hillsborough county north-westwardly. The Nashua and Epping, a projected air line to Portland, much needed to straighten the route from the British provinces, via Port- land, to New York, has already been surveyed. Manufacturing Establishments. — Nashua Manufactur- ing Company. The following statistics of the Nashua Manuflictuiing Company are taken from the County Record, published, in the fall of 1853, by Dodge & Noyes : Daniel Hussey agent ; John A. Baldwin clerk. Incorpo- rated in June, 1823. Capital, 1 1,000,000. Number 1 mill is 155 feet long, 45 feet wide, and 5 stories high. In December, 1824, the machine shop was completed, and in December. 1825, number 1 mill went into partial opera- tion. It contains 6784 spindles and 220 looms, and man- ufactures 30 inch drills and number 14 yarn. Number 2 mill was built in 1827 ; is 155 feet long, 45 feet wide, and 6 stories high; runs 12,170 spindles and 315 looms; and makes 28 inch printing cloth, 30 inch jeans, and numbers 20 and 24 yarn. Number 3 mill was erected in 1836 ; is 220 feet long, 50 feet wide, and 5 stories high ; operates 9088 spindles and 270 looms ; and produces 37 inch sheet- ings and number 14 yarn. Number 4 mill was built in 1844 ; is 198 feet long, 50 feet wide, and 5 stories high ; runs 9408 spindles and 278 looms ; and produces 37 inch sheetings and number 13 yarn. Besides these mills, there are a machine shop, 308 feet long, and 1 and 2 stories high, rented for various purposes ; forty tenements for over- seers and boarding-house keepers ; and two brick houses for agent and clerk. The company employ 1000 hands — 850 females and 150 males. The female operatives average from ^2 to ^2.25 per Aveek, besides board. An addition to number 1 mill is now in progress — 108 feet long, 48 Avide, and three stories high. It will accommo- k GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 313 date about 3000 spindles. The company Avill then have in operation more tlian 40,000 spindles. An operatives' library and savings institution are con- nected with this company. The Jackson Company employ about 450 hands, use 4000 bales of cotton, and make about 5,000,000 yards of cloth yearly. The present agent is Pliny Lawtou ; R. W. Lane clerk. Incorporated in 1830. Mill number 1 has 6656 spindles and 206 looms, and manufactures number 14 sheeting, 37 and 46 inches wide. Mill number 2 is also employed in the manufacture of sheetings and 30 inch shirtings, and runs 5888 spindles and 188 looms. There are thirty-seven tenements for boarding purposes and for the agent and clerk. The company have an ample saw and gristmill connected with their dam, rented by Roby, McQuestcn, & Co. An extensive improvement is now being made by this company. A new mill, 3 stories high, and 284 by 48 feet, is in progress of erection. It is to be used for -weaving and dressing. Another building, now nearly completed, will be divided into a counting room, re- pair shop, and cloth room. It will be 200 by 40 feet, and 2 stories high. The Nashua Iron Company commenced operations in 1848. Daniel H. Dearborn superintendent ; Franklin Munroe clerk. Capital, ^100,000. This company carry on the forging business, and manufacture car axles, shaft- ing, bowling locomotive tires, and all kinds of wrought- iron shapes. Employ 75 hands. Edge Tool ( 'ompany — G. W. Underbill superintendent of works ; T. G. Banks, Jr., clerk. Manufacture all kinds of edge tools. The works are operated by a new wheel of 100 horse power, called the jonval turbine. Employ 70 1 27 314 tiBW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. hands. Located on Salmon Brook, one mile and a half from the City Hall. Nashua Gaslight Company. In the autumn of 1853 the gasworks went into operation. The buildings are sit- uated near the Concord Railroad, south of the river. The entire works are built in a thorough and substantial style. ,Capital, 175,000. W. D. Clerk agent ; Henry O. Winch clerk. Bobbin and Shuttle Manufactory — Josephus Baldwin proprietor. Manufacture all kinds of bobbins and shut- tles. Number of hands employed, 200. Universal Screw Chuck — newly invented, and manu- factured by E. B. "White. This is so constructed as to be applicable in centric or eccentric work, and is pronounced a valuable improvement. Machinists' Tools — J. H. Gage, D. A. G. Warner, and G. W. Whitney proprietors ; J. P. S. Otterson clerk. Manufacture tools, steam engines, &c. Employ 60 hands. . Nashua Iron Company — Williams, Bird, & Co. pro- prietors. Commenced operations in 1845. Capital, $40,- 000. Furnish castings of every description. Employ 60 hands. Consume 1500 tons of iron and 500 tons of coal per annum. Sewing Machine Manufactory — T. W. Gillis and A. Taylor proprietors. Employ 100 hands. Stove Foundery and Tinwai-e Manufactory — Hartshorn, Ames, & Co. proprietors. Employ 50 hands. Bedstead Manufactory — E. G. Sears & Co. Employ S5 hands. Plain, Enamelled, Colored, Card, and Fancy Paper Man- ufactory — Gage, Murray, &, Co. proprietors. Employ f25 hands. GAZETTEER OF NKW HAMPSIURE. 315 Door, Sash, and Blind Manufactory — S. N. Wilson & Co. proprietors. Employ 35 hands. Na'shua Lock Company — Manufacture mortise locks, rim locks, door knobs, bell pulls, &c. Employ 110 hands. Platform, Scales, and Wrench Manufactory. Employ six hands, Alexander proprietor. Melodeon Factory — B. F. Tobin & Co. Employ 12 hands. Machine Sliop — Kclsey, Mack, & Co. Employ \2 hands. Brush Factory — Joseph Goodwin. Paper Staining — Thomas G. Banks. Ticking Factory — T. W. Gillis. Note Paper Embossing — W. F. Blanc. Bed and Mattress Manufactory — Thomas Tolman. The largest bedding manufactory in New England. Employ 40 hands. Capital, $150,000. The spring mattresses manufactured here are unequalled. Stove and Tinware Manufactory — Reuben Goodrich, Employ 10 hands. Tin and Sheet Iron Working — Dodge, Boynton, & Co. Iron Working — Jonathan Dustin ; Strong & Crafts ; E. B. White. Steam Sawmill. John D. Kimball — Run saws, plan- ing, and shingle machines. Employ 26 hands. Doors, Sashes, and Blinds — J. & S. C. Crombie. Man- ufacture 1,000,000 feet of lumber per annum. Emjjloy 40 hands. Palmleaf Hat Manufactory — F. S. Rogers, H. C. Rogers, and E. A. Ilaskins. Manufacture 30,000 dozen yearly. Employ 1.'2 hands in shop, and 3000 in various parts of the state. Lumbering and Sawing — Luther A. Roby, Cyrus T. Roby, and Samuel McQuesten. Employ 30 men. 316 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. Gristmills — Roby, McQuesten, & Co. ; J. D. Kimball. Sawmill — John and James Eayrs. Jib Hanks — J. H. Everett. Spring Bedstead Factory — Wesley E. Merrill and Free- man Tupper. This is a recent invention of the proprie- tors, and seems destined, and deservedly, to supersede all others. It can be taken apart and put together in a few seconds, admits of no retreat for vermin, requires no cords, screws, or mortises to hold it together, and stands firmly, and is not likely to become loose or rickety. A slight examination is sufficient to discover its merits and superiority. The mechanical department of Nashua is varied and extensive, reaching into almost every branch of industry, and furnishing unquestionable vouchers for its future and peniKinent prosperity. There are besides 202 stores and shops of various descriptions. Fire Department. — There are five engines, one hook and ladder, and one hose company. The reservoirs are capacious, substantially built, and conveniently located. Hotels. — Pearl Street House, O. Bristol, Main Street; Nashua House, A. Longley, Chestnut Street; Little's Tavern, J. Little, South Nashua. Ncvjspapers. — Three newspapers are published in this city — viz., the Nashua Gazette and Hillsborough County Advertiser, the New Hampshire Telegraph, and the Oasis. The Cemetery is beautifully located and enclosed. It is situated in a quiet and pleasant grove in the rear of the Unitarian church, including about two acres. About .$5000 have been expended in the purchase of the grounds, construction of fences, walks, &c. The City Hall is a spacious and splendid edifice, erected at considerable expense. GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 317 Many of the residences in this city are fine specimens of architectural skill.* Nelson, Cheshire county. Bounded north by Stoddard, east by Antrim and Hancock, south by Dublin and Rox- bury, and west by lloxbury and Sullivan. Area, 22,875 acres. Distance from Concord, 40 miles, south-west ; from Keene, 8, north-east. Situated on tlie height of land be- tween Merrimack and Connecticut Rivers. The surface is hilly, but good for grazing. The soil is generally hard, but productive. There are seven ponds-, covering a surface of 1800 acres. Long Pond, the largest body of water, is four miles in length ; from this issues a branch of the Contoocook River. Several excellent mill privileges are furnished by streams flowing from these ponds. Plumbago is found in large quantities here. The mines yield on an average 220 tons annually. The inhabitants are princi- pally farmers, of industrious habits. Within a few years considerable attention has been paid to manufactures, which have added much to the growth and prosperity of the town. The cotton factory owned by Alvan Munson has 640 spindles and 12 looms. The capital stock is valued at $12,000. Manufacture L^ cotton sheetings; number of yarn, 20 ; number of operatives, 20. Harrisville, a pleasant and thriving village, is situated partly in Nelson, and partly in Dublin. It is named from Bethuel Harris, an active and enterprising man, who, in 1820, commenced business here without funds save his energy and perseverance. The village now contains a meeting house, school house, a store, public house, and a large wooden ware shop. It has a population of 350 • The valuation, &c., of the several cities in New Hampshire will be given in a separate table in a subsequent part of the Gazetteer. • . 27* 318 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. inhabitants. The -woollen factory of Messrs. Harris & Hutchinson, also that of Milan Harris, Colony, & Sons, are widely known for the fine doeskins, of a truly superior quality, manufactured here. The capital stock of Messrs. Harris & Hutchinson is valued at $20,000 ; number of spindles, 300 ; do. looms, 7 ; do. operatives, 18. 30,000 pounds of fine avooI are consumed annually. Agent, Charles C. P. Harris, There is also a chair factory, in Avhich 10 hands are employed. Besides these already named, there are in Nelson two meeting houses, one store, three shoe manufactories, one tannery, and one blacksmith's shop. This town was foi-merly called Monadnock Number Six. It Avas granted by the Masonian proprietors February 22, 1774. The first settlers Avere Breed Batchelder and Dr. Nathaniel Breed, who came here in 1767. The Congrega- tional church was organized January 31, 1781. Population, 751. Number of legal voters in 1854, 180. Common schools, 8. Inventory, $252,100. Value of lands, $142,296. Do. mills and factories, $6550. Stock in trade, $2730. Money at interest, &c., $23,595. Number of sheep, 3832. Do. neat stock, 740. Do. horses, 117. New Boston, Hillsborough county. Bounded north by Weare, east by Goffstown and ]3cdford, south by Mount Vernon and Lyndcborough, and west by Lyndeborough and Francestown. Area, 26,536 acres. Distance from Concord, 22 miles, south ; from Amherst, 9, north. This town is watered by several streams, the largest of which is the south branch of Piscataquog Biver. 'I'hc soil is strong and fertile. The surface is uneven, affording excellent tillage and grazing. The scenery is varied and picturesque, partaking largely of the alpine character, with rocks piled GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 319 on rocks, and hills on hills. There are two villages, the lower and principal of which lies in a deep and narrow valley, through which the noisy Piscataquog winds its way. Overlooking it, on a level and grassy niche in the steep hillside, stands the other village, from wliich a tall church spire points skyward. There are in this town 18 sawmills, four gristmills, three stores, one seraphine factory, one door, sash, and blind factory, one edge tool factory, one tannery, two coopers' shops, two blacksmiths' shops, three cabinet shops, one hotel, and two meeting houses. New Boston was granted, January 14, 1736, by Massachusetts, to inhabitants of Boston. It was incorporated by New Hampshire February 18, 1763. It was first settled, in 1733, by persons named Cochran, Wilson, Caldwell, McNeil, Ferson, and Smith. The Presbyterian church was formed about 1768. There is also a Baptist society here. Population, 1476. Number of polls, ,'298. Inventory, .$561,656. Value of lands, .$379,975. Stock in trade, $18,387. Value of mills, $8326. Number of sheep, 982. Do. neat stock, 1682. Do. horses, 277. Newhury, Merrimack coimty. Bounded north by New London and Sunapcc Lake, east by Sutton, south by Brad- ford, and west by Goshen and Sunapee Lake. Area, 19,332 acres. Distance from Concord, 35 miles, west by north. A considerable part of Sunapee Lake lies within the limits of this town; » Although it is well watered, yet there is no stream of noticeable size. Todd Pond, Ijang in the south-east part, is 500 rods in length and 60 in width. In the western portion the surface is hilly, and well adapted to grazing. The land is generally mountainous, and the soil hard and rocky. It was originally called Dantzic. In 320 NEV.' HAMPSHIRE AS IT 13. 1778 it received the name of Fishersfield, from John Fisher, one of the first proprietors. In 1837 its name was changed to NeAvbury. Zephaniah Clark Avas the first set- tler, in 1762. There are tlii'ee Freewill Baptist societies here. Population, 738. Number of polls, 168. Inventory, $236,630. Value of lands, $154,668. Stock in trade, $500. Number of sheep, 2541. Do. neat stock, 1152. Do. horses, 161. New Castle, Rockingham couniy. A rough and rocky island, situated in Portsmouth Harbor, and formerly called Great Island. A handsome bridge connects it "svith Ports- mouth. It is a frequent resort for fishing, which is pur- sued with great success. The soil among the rocks, being of good quality, is made to produce abundantly. On this island is Fort Constitution and a lighthouse. It was in- corporated in 1693, and contains 458 acres. Hon. Theo- dore Atkinson, for many years chief justice of the Province of New Hampshire, and secretary and president of the Council, was born at New Castle, December 20, 1697. Population, 891, Number of polls, 167. Inventory, $144,919. Value of lands, $12,194. Do. vessels, $21,- 399. Stock in trade, $2150. Money at interest, &c,, $20,589, New Durham, Strafford county. Bounded north-west by "Wolfborough and Alton, east by Brookfield and Mid- dleton, south-east by Farmington, ^ind south-west and west by Alton. Area, 23,625 acres. Distance from Concord, 35 miles, north-east ; from Dover, 32, north-west. The surface of this town is very uneven, and a portion of it is so rocky as to be unfit for cultivation. The soil is generally moist and well adapted for grazing. There are "' VC GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 321 five ponds, the largest of which — Merry Meeting Pond — is about 10 miles in circumference. A copious and perpet- ual stream issues from it, and discharges into Merry Meet- ing Bay, in Alton. Ela's River flows from Coldrain Pond, affording several fine water privileges. Mount Betty, Cropple Crown, and Straw's Mountain are the principal eminences. On the north-easterly side of the latter is a remarkable cave, the entrance of which is three feet wide and ten feet high. The first, or outer, apartment is 20 feet square. Those adjacent grow smaller, until at the distance of 50 feet from the first they are too small to admit of examination. The sides of the galleries and the rooms are solid granite. There is a fountain, over which a part of Ela's River passes, which is regarded as a curiosity. By sinking a small vessel into it, water may be obtained ex- tremely pure and cold. Near the centre of the town is Rattlesnake Hill, the south side of which is perpendicular and 100 feet in height. Agriculture is the chief employ- ment. Excellent fruit is raised here. This town was granted, in 1749, to Ebenezer Smith and others. It was incorporated, December 7, 1762, luider its present name. A Congregational church was established here in 1773. Elder Benjamin Randall, the founder of the sect of Freewill Baptists, commenced his labors here in 1780 and organized a church. Population, lO-iS. Number of polls, 269. Inven- tory, 1299,284. Value of lands, $176,306. Stock in trade, $7263. Value of mills, $7725. Money at inter- est, &c., $7250. Number of sheep, 402. Do. neat stock, 990. Do. horses, 160. New Hampton, Belknap county. Bounded north by Holderness, east by Centre Harbor and Meredith, south by S^S NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. Sanbornton and Hill, and west by Bridgewater and Bristol, Area, 19,422 acres. Distance from Concord, 30 miles, north-west ; from Guilford, 15, north-west, Pemigewasset River is the only stream of magnitude in this town. Over it is the bridge which connects with Bristol. There is a remarkable spring on the west side of Kelley's Mountain, from which issues a stream of sufficient power to carry sev- eral mills. It is never affected by rains or droughts. The surface is broken and uneven. The soil is generally re- -markably fertile, though in some parts it is dry and sandy. In tlire south part of the toAvn is a high hill of conical shape, which may be seen, in any direction, a distance of 10, and even 50, miles. The Academical and Theological Institution in this town was established, about the year 1820, under the pat- ronage of the Baptist denomination. The Female Seminary Avas widely known and celebrated as one of the best institutions in the county, as well on account of its retired and healthy location as for the thor- ough and extended course of study pursued, including nearly all the various branches taught in our colleges. The Theological Institution was finely located on a pleasant eminence about half a mile from the principal village. Within a short time past, both departments have been located in Vermont ; but, through the enterprise of the inhabitants, a flourishing and permanent academy has al- ready been established. The village of New Hampton is pleasantly situated on a large plane, surrounded by hills and mountains. The scenery, especially in the warm season, is picturesque. New Hampton was incorporated November 27, 1777. The first settler Avas Samuel Kelley, who moved here in 1775. The first religious society was the Baptist church. OAZKTTKKlt OF NKW II VMPSIIIUK. 323 formed in 1783. A Congregational church was organized in 1800, but was dissolved in 1816. There are three meeting houses, four stores, and one hotel. Population, 1612. Number of polls, 307. Inventory, $382,344. Value of lands, i|244,042. Stock in trade, $2350. Money at interest, $11,230. Number of sheep, 1444. Do. neat stock, 1430. Do. horses, 220. Newingtox, llockiugluuu county. Bounded north-east by the Piscataqua River, east by I'ortsmouth, south by Greenland, and west by Great and liittle Bays. Area, 5273 acres. The soil is generally sandy and unproductive, excepting near the shores, where it yields heavy crops of grain and grass. At Fox Point, in tlic north-westerly part of the town, Piscataqua Bridge extends over the river to Goat Island. This bridge was erected in 1793, is 2600 feet long, and 40 wide. Its original cost was ,$65,401. Newington was formerly a part of Portsmouth and Do- ver, and was early settled. The surface is underlaid with clay slate, which rests upon sicnitic granite. Large blocks of this rock are often found ; and being a handsome and durable building material, it is quarried for underpinning and other purposes. The centre of the town is about 150 feet above the sea. This town m as incorporated in July, 1764. Rev. Joseph Adams, the first minister of Newington, was oi'dained here in 1715. Since 1810, with the exception of occasional preaching, the Congregational society have been destitute of a minister. There is a large and flour- ishing society of Methodists here. This town, like most of the new settlements, was ex- posed to the ravages of the Indians. In ^lay, 1690, a party of Indians, under a chief called Iloophood, attacked Fox Point, destroyed several houses, killed fourteen per- 32-i NEW HAMPSHIKE AS IT IS. sons, and captured six others. They were immediately piu'- sued by the inhabitants, who recovered some of the cap- tives and a portion of the plunder after a severe conflict, in which Hoophood was wounded. Population, 472. Number of polls, 129. Inventory, .$182,533. Value of lands, $122,532. Money at interest, $11,251. Number of sheep, 272. Do. neat stock, 493. Do. horses, 76. New Ipswich, Hillsborough county. Bounded north by Sharon and Temple, east by Mason, south by Ashbumham, Massachusetts, and west by Rindge. Area, 20,860 acres. Distance from Concord, 50 miles, south-west ; from Am- herst, 18, south-west. Souhegan River is the principal stream, though it is avcII watered by numerous small rivu- lets. The soil is a clayey loam, very productive compared with that of most of the towns in the county. The water is good, and the water privileges abundant and valu- able, supplied chiefly by the Souhegan. A cotton factory was put in operation here in 1803, either the first or second in the state. The New Ipswich Academy, a respectable and flourish- ing institution, was incorporated June 18, 1789. The principal village is in the centre of the town, in a pleasant and fertile valley, containing foiu' meeting houses, the Town House, and Academy. The public houses are finished in a handsome style. ISIany of the dwelling houses are of brick, and present an elegant and substantial appearance. There are forty stores and shops of various kinds, two hotels, five sawmills, and one gristmill. Brown's Ticking Mills have 1952 spindles, 54 looms, and furnish employment for 50 operatives. Manufacture 270,000 yards per annum, and consume 140,000 pounds raw cotton. E. Brown proprietor and agent. GAZETTEKK OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 325 Mountain Mills — Hiram Smith agent. Number of spindles, 2232. Do. looms, 54. Do. hands employed, 66. Manufacture drillings. Number of yards manufac- tured, 44,000 per month. Do. pounds cotton consumed per month, 12,000. Pay roll per month, for labor, |980. Columbian Manufacturing Company — Stephen Smith agent. Match Factory — Stephen Thayer proprietor. This es- tablishment splits a cord of second growth pine into matches daily. New IpsAvich Avas first granted by Massachusetts. It was settled, before 1749, by Reuben Kiddei', Archibald White, Joseph and Ebenezer BuUard, Joseph Stephens, and eight others. It was regranted in April, 1750, by the Masonian proprietors, and was incorporated September 9, 1762. This town sent 65 men to Bunker Hill. A Con- gregational church was gathered here in 1750. Population, 1877. Number of legal voters in 1854, 408. Inventory, $736,429. Value of lands, $437,546. Do. mills and factories, $75,720. Stock in trade, $25,124. Money at interest, &c., $24,620. Number of sheep, 208 Do. neat stock, 1089. Do. horses, 226. New London, ^Icrrimack county. Bounded north by Springfield and Wilmot, east by Wilmot, south by Sutton and Newbury, and west by Sunapee Lake and Sunapee. Little Sunapee Pond, in the west part, and Harvey's and Messer's Ponds, near the centre of the town, are the only considerable bodies of water. The two latter are the prin- cipal sources of Warner River, and are separated only by a bog, which in many places rises and falls with the water. The population of New London is principally concentrated on three large swells of land extending through the town in OS 326 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS a north-westerly direction. On these swells the soil is deep and fertile. In the north part the surface grows more un- even and hilly. In some localities it is rocky, though there is but very little land unfit for cultivation. Its location is healthy, and its scenery delightful. The inhabitants are chiefly devoted to agriculture, and there are some very productive farms. There is a large establishment where scythes are extensively manufactured by Messrs. Phillips, Messer, & Colby, whose reputation as manufacturers of these implements of husbandry is world wide. A literary institution has recently been established here under the patronage of the Baptists. New London was incorporated June 25, 1779, under the name of Heidleburg. A Bap- tist church was formed October 23, 1788. A violent whirlwind passed through this region September 9, 1821. The damage sustained by the inhabitants was estimated at $9000. An immense block of granite, 100 feet long, 50 wide, and 20 high, was rent asunder, the two pieces being thrown a distance of 20 feet from each other. Population, 945. Number of polls, 236. Inventory, |327,957. Value of lands, $194,491. Stock in trade, $6350. Money at interest, $30,600. Number of sheep, 2732. Do. neat stock, 1003. Do. horses, 170. New Market, Rockingham county. Bounded north by Lee and Durham, east by Great Bay, south by South New Market, and Avest by Epping. Area, 4882 acres. Piscas- sick River flows through this town in a northerly direction. Lamprey River washes its north-eastern, and the Swamscot its south-eastern boundaries. These strcamj aflc)rd numer- ous fine water privileges. The surface is generally even, and the soil excellent. The pursuits of agriculture are crowned with abundant success. The soutL western portion GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. is somewhat hilly. The villages are pleasant and thriving. The houses are neat — many of them are of handsome structure. The New Market Manufacturing Company — John Web- ster agent — were incorporated in 1823. Cotton sheetings and shirtings are manufactured here. Number of spindles, 18,000. Do. looms, 52<5. Do. yards of cloth manufac- tured per annum, 4,500,000. Do. bales of cotton con- sumed per annum, 4000. Do, operatives, 450. The manufiicture of machinery of various kinds is exten- sively carried on here. New Market is a very busy town. Mechanical labor, in its various departments, is quite ex- tensively pursued. Mrs. Fanny Shute, who died here in 1819, will be re- membered, not only for her excellent qualities, but for her youthful adventures. When 13 months old, she was taken by a party of Indians, carried to Canada, and sold to the French. She was educated in a nunnery, and, after remaining 13 years in captivity, was redeemed and restored to her friends. The Boston and Maine Railroad passes through the east- ern portion of this town, and connects with the Ports- mouth and Concord Railroad at the junction in South New Market. New Market was originally a part of Exeter, and was separated and incorporated December 15, 1727. In 1849 a large portion of its territory was detached and erected into the township of South New Market. The Congregational church was established here in 1730. There is also a Methodist and Freewill Baptist society, each containing respectable numbers. »> Population, 1937. Number of polls, 409. Inventory, $784,112. Value of lands, $345,806. Do. mills and 328 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. factories, $231,000. Stock in trade, $52,950. Money at interest, $45,330. Number of sheep, 344. Do. neat stock, 599. Do. horses, 121. Newport, shire town of Sullivan county. Bounded north by Croyden, east by Sunapee and Goshen, south by Unity, and west by Claremont. Area, 25,267 acres. Dis- tance from Concord, 39 miles, by the Merrimack and Con- necticut River Raih-oad. The central position of this town, and its vahiable water privileges, together with the fact that it is the county seat, render it a place of considerable business and importance. Its surface is diversified with hills and valleys. The soil may be classified by three di- visions — viz., the alluvial, or the borders of the different branches of Sugar River, forming rich and fertile meadows, from one fourth to half a mile in width, on either side of the streams ; the dry and gravelly, or the low lands in other parts of the town ; and the moist and cold in the more elevated parts. In general the soil is productive. Many farms in this town are under high cultivation. Sugar River fiows through the town, its three branches uniting near the village, whence it passes through Clare- mont to the Connecticut. The village is one of the pleas- antest in the state. Its principal street is broad, and some- what more than a mile in length. It is nearly surrounded by hills, which are themselves overtopped by lofty eleva- tions and mountains in the distance, rendering the scenery in Avinter wild and sublime, in summer romantic and charming. The houses are well built — some are elegant residences, adorned with beautiful yards and gardens. The Court House is a large brick edifice, standing on a gentle rise a few rods from the principal street. The county build- GAZETTEER 6t NEW HAMPSHIRE. 329 ings are conveniently located, and are substantially built. There are four meeting houses, all of which are situated on the principal street — the Baptist at the northern ex- tremity, and the Congregational, a massive brick structure, at the southern extremity. The Methodist chapel, a new and handsome edifice, and the Universalist meeting house are situated in the more central part. There are two pub- lic houses, large and convenient, where the best accommo- dations are always provided. These houses are a frequent resort of travellers iu the summer season, attracted hither by the healthiness of the place and the opportunities for hunting and fishing afforded by the surrounding country. There are also eight stores, some twenty shops of various descriptions, three woollen factories, where quite an exten- sive business is done, tMO very extensive tanneries, and one machine shop, where various articles of merchandise are manufactured. At Northville, a busy place a few miles from the principal village, are a scythe flxctory and numerous other departments of mechanical labor. The in- habitants are industrious and persevering ; and as idleness is a stranger among them, so is poverty. Newport was incorporated October 6, 1761. The first effort towards a settlement was made, in the fall of 1763, by Jesse Wilcox, Ebenezer Merrit, Jesse Kelsey, and Samuel Kurd. The Congregational church was formed in 1779. The Baptist church was organized the same year. The Argus and Spectator is published here ; for history of which, see another part o:^ this volume. The Sugar River Bank was incorporated January 7, 1853. Capital stock, $50,000. Population, i2020. Number of polls, 479. Inven- tory, $682,156. ^'alue of lands, $383,904. Do. mills 28* 300 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. ,f and factories, $13,700. Stock in trade, $21,950. Money at interest, $33,050. Number of sheep, 2753. Do. neat stock, 2180. Do. horses, 399. Newton, Rockingham county. Bounded north by Kingston, east by South Hampton, south by Amesbury, Massachusetts, and west by Phiistow. Area, 5250 acres. Nearly one third of Country Pond Hes in this town. The soil is fertile — suitable for the growth of grain and grass. Joseph Bartlett first settled in this town in 1720, and was followed in a few months by several others. Twelve years previous to his settlement here he had been taken by the Indians in Haverhill and conveyed to Canada, where he remained four years. A Baptist church was formed here in 1755, which is the oldest religious society of that de- nomination in the state. A Congregational church was organized about 1759. There are four stores, several shoe shops, employing nearly one third of its inhabitants, and one hotel. The Boston and Maine Railroad passes through the town in a north-easterly direction, adding much to the prosperity of the town. Population, 685. Number of legal voters in 1854, 210. Common schools, 6. Inventory, $231,713. Value of lands, $115,230. Stock in trade, $1000. Money at in- terest, $11,850. Number of sheep, 119. Do. neat stock, 387. Do, horses, 58. Value of shares in banks, $1250. NoRTHFiELU, Merrimack county. Bounded north by Sanbornton and Gilmanton, past by Gilmanton, south by Canterbury, and west by Franklin. Area, about 19,000 acres. Distance from Concord, 17 miles, north, by the Boston, Concord, and Montreal Railroad. The surface is uneven, and in some parts hilly. The soil is generally GA.ZETTEE11 OF NEW IIAMPSHIRBF 331 good; thut of the richest quality lies in tl\e two ridges extending through the town, on which are several excelleiit farms. Chestnut and Sondogardy Ponds arc the largest collections of water. It is watered by the Winnipiseogee River and several small streams. The New Hampshire Conference Seminary, a lail^e and flourishing literary insti- tution under the patronage of the Methodist denomination, is pleasantly located on a gentle eniinence some 20 or 30 rods from Winnipiseogee River, and about 50 rods from the depot at Sanbornton Bridge. It has a valuable philo- sophical and chemical apparatus, and its collection of minerals is quite extensive. The first settlement in this town was made, in 1760, by Benjamin Blanchard and others. A Methodist church was formed here in 1806. It now numbers about 500 communicants. There are two factories here — one woollen and one cotton. Northfield was incorporated June 19, 1780. Population, 1332. Number of polls, 285. Inventory, ■ |428,090. Value of lands, |293,067. Stock in trade, $1250. Do. mills and factories, $8000. Money at in- terest, &c., $15,114. Number of sheep, 1750. Do. neat stock, 1168. Do. horses, 197. North Hampton, Rockingham county. Bounded north by Greenland, east by Rye and the ocean, south by Hamp- ton, and west by Stratham. Area, 8465 acres. Distance from Concord, 47 miles, south-east; from Portsmouth, 9, south by the Eastern Railroad, Little River rises in the low grounds in the north part of the town, and, by a wind- ing course, reaches the sea between Great and Little Boar's Head. This township formerly con^titutcd the parish known as North Hill, in Hampton. On Little River are three sawmills and one gristmill. There are two meeting ■i-C; 5 332 ^ NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. houses, two stores, and one hotel in the principal village. The settlements here date back to a very early period in the history of this state. The first Congregational meet- ing house Avas erected in 1738. The early settlers were much exposed to the ravages^f Indians. Garrisons were erected, to which they resortal in times of danger. In the year 1677 several persons were killed within the limits of this town. North Hampton was incorporated Novem- ber 26, 1742. Population, 822. Number o'f legal voters in 1854, 210. Inventory, !^3 15,438. Value of lands, $;242,320. Do. mills, $1160. Stock in trade, $1050. Money at interest, $4751. Number of sheep, 341. Do. neat stock, 723. Do. horses, 126. Northumberland, Coos county. Bounded north by Stratford, east by Stark, south by Lancaster, and west by Maidstone, Vermont. Distance from Concord, 130 miles, north ; from Lancaster, 7, north-east. The soil along the Connecticut is very prfsductive, free from sand and gravel, and easily tilled. The original growth of wood was butternut. A considerable portion of the upland is excellent for tillage. Cape Horn, a rugged eminence, which lises abruptly from its base, is situated near the centre of the town. Its northern base is separated from the Connecticut by a narrow plain, and the Upper Ammo noosuc washes its eastern side. Here the meadows are extensive, and are annually flowed by the spring freshets, presenting the appearance of a large lake. The scenery is wild and beautiful. The inhabitants are chiefly devoted to agriculture, and are somewhat noted for raising excellent stock, although they do not excel in the extent of their herds. The first settlers were Thomas Burnside and Daniel GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. Spaulding, who, with their families, moved here in June, 1767. Near the river, on the plain situated north of Cape Horn Mountain, are the remains of a fort, erected during the revolutionary war, and placed under the command of Captain Jeremiah Eames, a man well known for his useful- ness and social disposition. This toAvn was incorporated November 16, 1779. Population, 429. Number of polls, 128. Inventory, $146,369. Value of lands, $59,434. Stock in trade, $10,325. Value of mills and factories, $3500. Number of sheep, 698. Do. neat stock, 628. Do. horses, 142. NoRTHWOOD, Rockingham county. Bounded north by Strafford, east by Nottingham, south by Nottingham and Deerfield, and west by Epsom and Pittsfield. Area, 17,075 acres. There are six ponds in this town — Suncook Pond, 750 rods long, and 100 wide ; Jenners' Pond, 300 rods long, and 150 wide ; Long Pond, 300 rods long, and 50 wide ; Harvey's Pond, 200 rods long, and from 40 to 80 wide ; and Pleasant and Little Bow Ponds. A part of Great Bow Pond also lies in this town. The north branch of Lamprey River has its source near Saddleback Moun- tain, a high ridge between this town and Deerfield. On the east side of this ridge crystals and crystalline spar of various colors and sizes are found. Plumbago occurs in small quantities, but of superior quality. The position of Northwood is elevated, commanding an extensive . and delightful view of the ocean and the intervening country. The soil is generally moist, and suitable for grazing ; in mild seasons excellent crops of corn and wheat are raised. A large number of the inhabitants are engaged in the man- ufacture of fehoes. There are three meeting houses, seven stores, and one hotel. The Baptist church was organized 334 NEW HAMPSHTRE AS IT IS. in 1119, the Congregational church in 1781. The, Free- •vnll Baptist society was incorporated in 1832. Northwood originally constituted a part of Nottingham. It was settled, March 25, 1763, by Moses Godfrey, John and Increase Bachelder, and Solomon Bickford. It was incorporated February 6, 1773. Population, 1308. Number of legal voters in 1854, 320. Inventory, .^392,063. Value of lands, $250,765. Stock in trade, $8300. Money at interest, &c., $27,050. Number of sheep, 634. Do. neat stock, 1079. Do. horses, 212. NoTTiXGiiAM, Rockingham county. Bounded north by Northwood and Barrington, east by Lee, south by Epping and Raymond, and west by Deerfield and Northwood. Area, 25,800 acres. Distance from Concord, 25 miles, east; from Portsmouth, 20, west. There are several ponds, most of which are small. Little River and several small streams have their sources in this town, and North River passes through it. The centre of the town (Nottingham Square) is pleasantly situated on an eminence, about 450 feet above the sea level. The northern and north-western parts are quite I'ocky and uneven, but in general the soil is well adapted to pasturage, and is in a good state of cultivation. The Patuccoway Mountains, lying on the line between Nottingham and Deerfield, consist of three distinct eleva- tions, rising abruptly from the vicinity of Round Pond, and arc designated as the ITpper, Middle, and Lower Mountains. On the latter is a dike of g3»eenstone trap, which crosses its summit, and divides it into two nearly equal parts. This dike is columnar, and on the face of a bate ledge, inclined about forty-five degrees ; it assumes the form of steps, fifteen or sixteen in number, and about n GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 336 nine inches in height, and are familiarly called the " Stairs." Near the centre of the town is a large ledge of white granular quartz, which affords an inexhaustible supply of this valuable material. The mountainous parts of the town were formerly the haunts of beasts of prey. Nottingham was incorporated May 10, 1722, and settled, in 1727, by Captain Joseph Cilley and others. A Congregational church was formed in 1742. During the last Indian war, in 1752, a Mr. Beard, ]Mrs. Folsom, and Mrs. Simpson were killed by the Indians. General Joseph Cilley and Hon. Thomas Bartlctt were distinguished for their services in the revolu- tionary war. General Henry Butler was also an officer in the continental army. Population, 12G8. Number of polls, 254. Inventory, $368,54'8. Value of lands, |248,310. Stock in trade, $2505. Value of mills, |10,151. Money at interest, $'19,105. Number of sheep, 897. Do. neat stock, 1153. Do. horses, 168. Orange, Grafton county. Bounded north by Dorches- ter, Groton, and Hebron, east by Hebron and Alexandria, south by Grafton, and west by Canaan. Area, about 16,000 acres. Distance from Concord, 40 miles, north- west, by the Northern Railroad, which passes through its south-western corner ; from Haverhill, 50, south-east. This is a cold, rugged township, affording some excellent pasturage and good lumbw. Many mineral substances are found here, such as lead and iron ore. In the south-east part of the town is a small pond, from which is taken a species of paint resembling spruce yellow. Chalk, inter- mixed with magnesia, has been found in the vicinity of this pond. Yellow ochre, of a quality superior to that imported, is found in great abundance in various localities. 4> {■'-■■ ^ 336 XEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. Clay, of an excellent quality, exists in different parts of the town. On the summit of the elevated land which divides the waters flowing into the Connecticut from those which flow into the Merrimack, a series of deep pit holes occur in the solid rock, one of which, from its great depth and perfect regularity, is called the " Well." It is near the track of the Northern Railroad. One side has been broken away, so that a concave section of a semi-cylinder is seen. Measuring from the top on this side to the bottom, the perpendicular depth is eleven feet. The stones found in it were rounded and polished, indicating a violent action of water here at some period in the existence of this planet. This summit is about 1000 feet above the waters of the Connecticut and Merrimack. The rock is hard, and on its surface occur the scratches usually referred to the ancient drifl epoch. Orange was granted, under the name of Cardigan, February 6, 1769, to Isaac Fellows and others. It was first settled, in 1773, by Silas Harris, Benjamin Shaw, Da- vid Eames, Colonel Elisha Bayne, and Captain Joseph Ken- ney. Cardigan Mountain lies in the east part of the town. Population, 451. Number of polls, 102. Inventory, $98,285. Value of lands, $53,351. Do. mills, $3150. Stock in trade, $2550. Number of sheep, 1049. Do. neat stock, 364. Do. horses, 56. Orford, Grafton county. Boyndcd north by Piermont, east by Wentworth, south by Lyme, and west by Fairlee, Vermont. Area, 27,000 acres. Distance from Concord, 62 miles; from Haverhill, 12. This is a valuable farming town. The soil is generally fertile. The large interval farms on the Connecticut are well tilled, and, with the beautiful village, afford a charming and delightful prospect. GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 99t On the west side of Cuba Mountain there are several beds of vahiablc limestone, some of Avhich have been wrought fof 25 years. The limestone is granular, but does not crumble in burning. Specimens of quartz, containing acicular crj'stals of oxide of titanium, exist in the region of this mountain. Near Sunday Mountain is a bed of tai- cose slate, Avhich answers well for soapstone, and is wrought to a considerable extent. Copper pyrites, black sulphuret of copper, green carbonate of copper, magnetic iron ore, sulphuret of molybdena, and galena are found in various localities. Kyanitc, in large bladed crystals of a pale-blue color, is also abundant. The situation of the village is both pleasant and re- markable. It stands on a beautiful plain, bordered by in- tervals on the west. Here the river seems to recede towards the Vermont shore, leaving a rich expansion of fer- tile meadow on the New Hampshire side. On both sides of the river the hills approach each other near the- centre of the expansion, so as to leave only a narrow strip of land be- tween them ; and such is the similarity in form of the lands at either end of the narrow strip, or neck, that the whole to- gether has very much the appearance of the figure 8. The greatest width of each division is one and a half miles, and the length of each about two and a half miles. On the west side of the river there is barely space for the rail- road between the waters and the terminus of the bluff, which rises almost perpendicularly to a considerable height. T'he village contains three meeting houses, — of wliicli the ( 'ongregational is a new, costly, and splendid edifice, — one aeademy, — which is a large and handsome building of brick, — six stores, and one hotel, which is in every sense a home for the traveller. The dwelling houses, sur- 29 . 338 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. rounded by spacious yards and charming gardens, pre- sent the appearance of elegance, comfort, and wealth. The pursuits of agriculture are crowned with abundant success. Orfordville, a pleasant and flourishing village, is situated about two miles above the principal village. It contains, besides several dwelling houses, an extensive tannery, a chair factory, sash, blind, and door factory, starch fac- tory, planing shop, clapboard, shingle, lath, and carding mills, and one valuable gristmill. There are also ten saw- mills in various parts of the town. Orford Mill River passing nearly through the centre of the town, furnishes most of the water power. The religious societies are two Congregational and one Universalist. Orford was granted, September 25, 1761, to Jonathan Moulton and others. It was settled, in June, 1765, by General Israel Morey, John Mann, Esq., a Mr. Caswell, and one Cross. The Congregational church was formed August 27, 1770. Population, 1406. Number of legal voters in 1854, 347. Do. common schools, 16. Inventory, $631,574. Value of lands, $389,088. Do. mills and factories, $13,600. Stock in trade, $18,190. Money at interest, $77,296. Number of sheep, 6094. Do. neat stock, 1591. Do. horses, 289. OssiPEE, shire town of Carroll county. Bounded north by Tamworth, north-east by Freedom and Effingham, south-east by Wakefield, and west by Wolfborough, Tuf- tonborough, Moultonborough, and Sandwich. Distance from Concord, 60 miles, north-cast. This is an uneven, and, in some parts, rocky and mountainous township, af- fording excellent pasturage. The soil is strong and deep. GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 98^' Wheat and potatoes of excellent quality are raised here. Ossipee Lake, a beautiful sheet of water, lies mostly in this town. Its form is elliptical, and covers about 7000 acres. Ossipee River is its outlet. Pine and Bear Camp Rivers flow through the western and north-western parts. There are also several ponds, of which Bear Pond, in the south- cast part, has no visible outlet. Ossipee Mountain, situated about four miles north-easterly from Winnipiseogee Lake, is composed of several distinct peaks, the most lofty of which is 2361 feet above the sea level, and is well wooded to its summit. The rock is gneiss, covered with numerous fragments of trap, of a dull bluish color. Near the foot of the mountain is a beautiful little cascade, which attracts numerous visitors. Near the Avestern shore of Ossipee Lake is a circular mound, about 50 feet in diameter and 10 feet in height, from which have been taken several entire skeletons, hatchets, tomahawks, &c. Ossipee was incorporated February 22, 1785. Population, 2122. Number of polls, 420. Inventory, ,f 390,938. Value of lands, |2 11,389. Stock in trade, $7570. Value of mills, |4955. Money at interest, $9800. Number of sheep, 969. Do. neat stock, 1872. Do, horses, 285. Pelham, Hillsborough county. Bounded north by Windham, east by Salem, and by LaAvrence, Massachusetts, south by Dracut, Massachusetts, and west by Hudson. Distance from Concord, 37 miles south. Beaver River is the principal stream, on Avhich, and its tributaries, is much valuable interval. The uplands are good for grazing and the cultivation of fruit. The proximity of this town to Lowell, Lawrence, and Haverhill, particularly to Lowell, which is only six miles distant, affords a ready and conven- 340 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. ie»t market for produce of all kinds. All the varieties of fruit common to this latitude are raised here in great abun- dance. Granite of a superior quality is found in inex^ haustible quantities here. It is taken to Nashua, LoweU, Lawrence, and Haverhill, for building purposes. There are two meeting houses, one academy, two wool- len factories, where 30 hands are employed, two stores, one hotel, one wheelwright and carriage shop, three blacksmith shops, and one manufactory of pruning shears. The first settlements in this town were made in 1722, by Jolin Butler, William Richardson, and others. It was formerly included in Wheelwright's purchase and Mason's patent. The town was incorporated July 5, 1746. At the time of the revolutionary war, Pelham contained 700 inhabitants, and 87 of the citizens were enrolled on the li^ts of the army. A Congregational church was formed November 13, 1751. Population, 1071. Number of legal voters in 1854, 244. Inventory, $501,279. Value of lands, |33 1,950. Do. mills and factories, $10,700. Stock in trade, $4792. Money at interest, $39,475. Number of sheep, 218. Do. neat stock, 1008. Do. horses, 152. Pembroke, Merrimack county. Bounded north-east and east by Cliichester and Epsom, south-east and south by Allenstown and Hooksett, south-west by Bow, and north- w.est by Concord. Area, 10,240 acres. Distance from Concord, six miles. This town is well watered. The Suncook, on the south-eastern boundary, affords several valuable Avater privileges. The main street extends in a straight course, nearly parallel with the Merrimack, about t\\xe& miles, and,, with its fertile fields and neat residences, presents a very handsome appearance. On this street are GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 8l41 situated two academies, two meeting houses, one hotel, And two stores. The soil is various, and generally productive. On the rivers are small but valuable tracts of interval ; and from these the land rises in extensive and beautiful swells, Avhich yield abundantly when properly cultivated. It is connect- ed with Portsmouth and Concord by the railroad named after these towns. The Chelmsford Glass Company manufacture glass here. Suncook Village, an active and thriving place, is the seat of considerable business. Quite recently its growth has been much retarded by a destructive fire. The Pembroke Mills, situated on the Suncook Riv^r, contain 10,985 spindles and 300 looms. 240,000 yards of sheetings and printing goods are manufactured annually, and 552,000 pounds of cotton consumed in the same time. Number of hands employed, 250. The Indian name for this territory was Suncook. It was granted under this name in May, 1727, by Massachu- setts, to the brave Captain John Lovewell and his faithful comrades, in consid^ftition of their services against the In- dians. The whole number was 60, 46 of whom accom- panied Lovewell in his last march to Pequawkett. The settlements increased slowly in consequence of the frequent alarms from the Indians, who committed many depredations upon the property of the inhabitants. James Carr, killed May 1, 1748, was the only person in this town who lost his life by the Indians. It was incorporated by its present name November 1, 1759. This town was deep- ly concerned in the tedious dispute maintained by the pro- prietors of Bow against the grantees of lands in this vicin- ity. A Congregational church was organized here Marcli 1, 1737. 29* S42 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. Population, 1732. Number of polls, 335. Inventory, #583,470. Value of lands, $317,946. Do. mills and factories, $62,750. Stock in trade, $13,250. Money at interest, $71,240. Number of sheep, 506. Do. neat stock, 977. Do. horses, 184. Peterborough, Hillsborough county. Bounded north by Hancock and Greenfield, east by Greenfield and Temple, south by Sharon, and west by JafFrey and Dublin. Area, 23,780 acres. Distance from Concord, 40 miles, south- west ; from Amherst, 20, west. This town lies in a north- east direction from the Grand Monadnock, and is bounded on the east by a chain of hills called Pack's Monadnock. Contoocook River runs in a northerly direction through the centre of the town, affording several valuable water privi- leges. The North Branch River, originating from several ponds, affords a constant supply of water. On this stream are some of the best waterfalls in the state. Above these falls are extensive and valuable meadows ; the soil through- out the town is highly productive. The surface is beauti- fully diversified with hills, vales, meadows, broad swells, brooks, rivulets, and rapidly -flowing rivers. The air and waters arc pure, and the inhabitants are remarkably healthy. Notwithstanding the high rank of Peterborough as a farming town, it owes its importance and prosperity chiefly to its manufacturing facilities. It has long been a manufacturing town, a cotton mill having been put in oper- ation as early as 1808. The Phoenix Factory was incorporated in 1820, although it had already been in operation several years. Capital, $100,000. Goods manufactured, drillings and sheetings. Number of spindles, 4224. Do. looms, 100. Number of yarn, 28 in sheetings, 18 in drillings. Width of sheetings. GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 34S 48 to 100 inches. Number of pounds of cotton consumed annually, 200,000. Do. operatives, 100. Frederic Lir- ingston agent. Peterborough Manufacturing Company — incorporated in 1823. This is the old Peterborough Cotton Manufactur- ing Company, which was incorporated in 1808. Capital, $50,000. Number of spindles, 1604. Do. looms, 41. (ioods manufactured, sheetings ; width, 84 inches. Num- ber of yarn, 18. Do. pounds cotton consumed per annum,' 115,000. Do. hands, 50. This company also have a separate mill for making batting. Frederic Livingston agent. Union Manufacturing Company — J. W. Little super- intendent. Capital, $100,000. Number of spindles, 2792. Do. looms, 75. Kind of goods, sheetings and shirtings. Number of yarn, 40. Do. povmds cotton con- sumed per annum, 100,000. Do. hands employed, 75. North Factory Company. Capital, 1 10,000. Number of spindles, 984. Do. looms, 20. Kind of goods, drillings. Number of yards manufactured per annum, 256,000. Do. hands, 25. Eli S. Hunt agent. Woollen Factory, South Village — Noone & Cochran proprietors. ^lanufacture flannels. Number of yards manufactured per annum, 147,256, principally twilled flannels. Capital, |24,000. Number of hands, 24. .James Gallop superintendent. David Clark, manufacturer of mahogany tables. Num- ber of hands employed, 8. Yearly amount of business, S5000. J. F. Johnson, sash, door, and blind maker. Iron Foundery — John Smith, 2d. Paper Mill — A. P. Morrison. There are also thirty-one stores and shops of various •544 SEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. descriptions, five meeting houses, one academy, and two hotels. The Peterborough Bank was incorporated July 15, 1854. Capital, .$50,000. The Peterborough Transcript, a weekly journal, is pub- lished in this town. This town was granted in 1738, by the government of Massachusetts, to Samuel Hey wood and others. The first settlers were much exposed to the ravages of the Indians, as will appear from the following petition, the original of which was found among the Massachusetts state papers : — " To His Honour, Spencer Phips Esqu Lieutenent Governor, and Commander in Chief in and over his Majes- ty's Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England. The Hon^'^ the Council and Hon'''*' House of Representa- tives of said Province in General Court assembled at Bos- ton September 26 1T50. The Petition of the Subscribers, Proprietors and Inhabitants of a Township called Petterboro' for themselves, and the. other Proprietors and Inhabitants of said Township. Most Humbly Show, That the said Township lyes Exposed to the Indians it being a Frontier Town and but about Six Miles North from the line parting this Government and that of New Hampshire And Several Indians have appeared in said Township and last Sabbath day some of them broke open a House there and none of the family being at home RifHed the same and Carried dway many things And the Inhabitants are put in Great Fear and Terror of their lives by the Indians, so that they must be Obliged to leave the Town, which is now very Considerably Settled Unless they can have some Relief from the Great Goodness of Your Honours. And for as much as the said Township is so Situated That if the In- GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 345 habitants should leave it, Townsend, Hollis Lunenburg Leominster and Lancaster would be Exposed to the Cruel- ty of the Indians and •would become an easy prey to them But if your pet"" can be protected by Your Honours, and have a Number of Men sent to their AssisUvnce and a few Block houses or a Fort built for them, they make no doubt, with the Blessing of God, they shall be able to Defend the said Township and to keep the Indians from making any Attempts on the Towns aforementioned which are all Surrounded by said Peterborough Your pet"" there- fore Most humbly pray Your Honours would be pleased to take their Distressed Circumstances into Consideration and Allow them Liberty at the Charge of the Government to Build Block houses or a Fort and supply them with fifteen or Twenty men for such men for such a length of time as your Honours shall think proper that so they may defend the said Township against the Indians and by that means Serve the Province by Securing the other Towns aforesaid from falling into the Indians hands Or that Your Honours would Grant them such other Relief as in your Great Wis- dom shall seem meet. And as in duty Bound they will ever pray, «S:c. Boston Oct, 4''* 1T50. thomas Morrison John white John Hill Alexe Babbe James Gordon William Scott Jjimes michel John Smith thomas Vender william Robb. In council, Oct. (J, 1750. Read and Sent down." The first settlers were Scotch Presbyterians from Ireland. Being wholly unaccustomed to clearing and cultivating wild lands, they suftered great privations. Their nearest gristmill was in Townsend, a distance of 25 miles ; their only road a line of marked trees. Peterborough has fur- 346 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT 16. nished a large number of worthy and distinguished men, who have adorned the bench, the pulpit, the bar, the halls of Legislature and of Congress, and the chair of state. This town was incorporated January 17, 1760. The Con- gregational church was organized October 23, 1799. Population, 2222. Number of legal voters in 1854, 494. Inventory, |900,950. Value of lands, |467,651. Do. mills and factories, $108,900. Stock in trade, $37,030. Money at interest, |107,232. Number of sheep, 789. Do. neat stock, 1694. Do. horses, 337. PiERMONT, Grafton county. Bounded north by Haver- hill, east by Warren, south by Orford, and west by Brad- ford, Vermont. Area, 23,000 acres. Distance from Con- cord, 75 miles, by the Passumpsic and Northern Railroads ; from Haverhill, 8, south. The surface is somewhat hilly, though the soil is strong, affording excellent pasturage. The interval on the Connecticut is extensive, and under high cultivation. Excellent Avheat is raised in this town. The plains adjoining the interval are composed of a sandy loam, in which, in some places, marl predominates. Iron Ore Hill contains inexhaustible quantities of specular and magnetic iron ore, of a very superior quality. The veins are from 10 to 15 feet in width. This is now extensively wrought. From the summit of this hill a picturesque view of the surrounding country is obtained. A layer of rocks extending through the town in a direction north and south is extensively quarried, and manufactured into scythe stones. Peaked and Black Mountains are the principal elevations. Eastman's Brook, flowing from a pond of the same name, is a large mill stream, on which are three saw- mills, one gristmill, two shingle mills, and other works. In the principal village are two meeting houses, two stores, GAZETTEEK OK NEW HAMPSHIRE. 347 one hotel, and one tinware manufactory. The inhabitants are chiefly engaged in agriculture. Piermont was granted, November G, 1764, to John Temple and 59 others. The first settlement was in 1770. A Congregational church was formed in 1771. There is also a society of Methodists and Christians. Population, 948. Number of legal voters in 1854, 200. Common schools, 13. Inventory, ^334,147. Value of lands, $231,350. Stock in trade, $1300. Money at in- terest, $12,218. Number of sheep, 4082. Do. neat stock, 1137. Do. horses, 199. Pittsburgh, Coos county. Bounded north by the high- lands that divide the waters of the St. Lawrence from those that fall into the Connecticut, east by the State of Maine, south by Connecticut River, and west by Hall's Stream. The area is over 200,000 acres. This is the northernmost, as well as by for the largest, town in the state. The soil is well adapted to grazing. Indian corn, buckwheat, and the English grains are extensively and successfully cultivated. The forests are finely timbered with spruce, birch, beech, sugar and rock maple, and a small growth of white pine. The face of the country is broken and uneven, excepting along the banks of the streams, which in many places are spread out into large tracts of interval. Indian Stream, Hall's Stream, and Perry's Stream are within the limits of this town, and in the early part of the warm season, as well as in the fall, timber may be floated upon them for several miles. Connecticut Lake lies in the north-east part of the town, is nearly four miles long and three wide, and is the source of Connecticut River. Second Lake lies about four miles above Connecticut Lake, and is connected with it by a considerable stream. It is about two miles 348 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. and a half in length and one and three fourths in width. Third Lake lies about two miles above Second Lake, and covers about 200 acres. It is situated near the highlands, separating New Hampshire from Canada. Moose, deer, and sable, &c., are found here in great abundance. The lakes and streams swarm with pickerel, trout, eels, suck- ers, &c, while the otter, mink, and muskrat are found along the banks. Pittsburg includes that formerly known as the Indian Stream Territory, and was the seat of the celebrated Indian Stream war. llic jurisdiction of the county Avas in dispute between the British and American governments, which was settled by the Webster and Ash- burton treaty of 1842. It also embraces Carlisle grant, Colebrook Academy grant, and about 60,000 acres of the public lands belonging to the state. Among the first set- tlers were General Moody Bedel, who rendered his coun- try faithful service in the war of 1812, John Haines, Esq., Rev. Nathaniel Perkins, Jeremiah Tabor, Ebenezer Fletcher, and about 50 others, who claimed to hold their lands — 200 acres each — by proprietary grants, which, however, were repudiated by the state ; but considering the hardships and privations endured by these settlers, the state reinvested them in their possessions. Pittsburg was first settled about 1810. There are two religious societies, — Methodists and Christians, — seven common schools, one store, one potato starch factory, four sawmills, two flouring mills, and one rake manufactory. Its present population is about 500. Number of legal voters, 100. Inventory, ,^7(5, (503. Value of lands, |40,530. Do. mills, $1550. Money at interest, |1700. Number of sheep, 662. Do. neat stock, 497. Do. horses, 69. It was incorporated December 10, 1840. GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. S49 PiTTSFiELD, Merrimack county. Bounded north-east by Barnstead, south-east by Strafford and Northwood, south- west by Chichester and Epsom, and north-west by Loudon. Area, 14,921 acres. Distance from Concord, 15 miles, north-east. The surface is uneven and rocky, but the soil is fertile. Suncook River passes through this town in a southerly direction, affording several excellent water privi- leges. Catamount Mountain extends across the south-east part of the town. It is 1415 feet above the level of the sea, which may be seen from its summit. Monadnock, Kearsarge, Moosehillock, and the White Mountains, also, are visible from its top ; thus rendering the prospect varied, extensive, and grand. Berry's Fond, about half a mile in length and fifty rods in width, is on this mountain. In Wild Goose Pond large masses of bog iron ore have been found. A short distance north-east from the village ia a chalybeate spring, impregnated with sulphur. Black tourmaline and magnetic iron ore are found in a few locali- ties. Peat bogs are numerous, several of which have been reclaimed, and yield three and a half tons of hay to the acre. The village is pleasantly situated, and contains three meeting houses, one academy, nine stores, one hotel, and one cotton manufactory, with a capital of $160,000, where 150 hands are employed. There is a society of Friends here, who have also a house of worship. Pitts- field was incorporated March 27, 1782. The Congrega- tional church was organized in 1789 ; the Baptist church in 1801. There is also a large society of Freewill Baptists. Population, 1828. Number of legal voters in 1854, 460. Common schools, 10. Inventory, $566,592. Value of lands, $359,206. Do. mills, $4675. Stock in trade, $13,725. Money at interest, $26,189. Number of sheep 700. Do. neat stock, 1163. Do. horses, 239. 30 * 360 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. Plainfield, Sullivan county. Bounded north by Leb- ■inon, east by Grantham, south by Cornish, and west by Hartland, A^ermont. Area, 23,221 acres. Distance from Concord, 60 miles, north-west ; from Newport, 17, north- west ; from Dartmouth College, 12, south. Connecticut Kiver touches its western border, along which are extensive tracts of valuable interval. In other parts there are many fertile meadows. A small stream, which has its source in Croydon jNIountains, waters the town. There is no water power of any considerable importance. The surface is varied. The soil is generally strong and fertile ; in a few localities it is hard and stony. This is an excellent town for grazing and the raising of stock. Limestone of good quality is found in the western portion, in several places. Plainfield Plain is a small but pleasant village, situat- ed on the banks of the (Connecticut, and contains two meet- ing houses, a post office, two stores, and several shops. East Plainfield contains a few houses, and a meeting house, erected several years since by the Baptist society, but which has been unoccupied for some time. The soil in this vicinity is somewhat cold and rugged. Meriden is a pleasant and healthy village, situated on a gentle eminence, upon the top of which is a handsome school house, a meeting house, two stores, a large hotel, sev- eral dwelling houses, and Kimball Union Academy, a wide- ly-known and distinguished literary institution. It was endowed with a permanent fund of $40,000, a liberal bequest of the late Hon. Daniel Kimball. Of the income of this fund, $150 is annually applied towards the support of a preacher ; the remainder in aid of young men wlio contemplate entering upon the duties of the ministry. A few years since an appropriation of $12,000 was made by the widow of Mr. Kimball towards the establishment of a CxAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, 351 female department, and the erection of suitable buildings for that purpose. A large, beautiful, and substantial edifice was built, upon the lower floor of which are the chapel, a spacious and well-finished room, and a reading room. On the second floor are recitation rooms, the room contain- ing the library and mineral cabinet, and a few rooms for the use of students. The upper or third story is divided into apartments for students. This new structure is joined at right angles with the old building, which is used for lecture rooms, laboratory, apparatus room, &c. The board of instructors is large, and made up of permanent and ex- perienced teachers. The modes of instruction, and the suc- cess which has hitherto attended the efforts of the trustees and teachers of this institution, are too generally known to admit of description. Suffice it to say that no efforts are spared to promote the health and advancement, both moral and intellectual, of the student. It was incorporated June 16, 1813. On the " Flat," about half a mile east of the Academy, is the Baptist meeting house, a handsome edifice, containing a bell, which for sweetness and sonorousness is seldom equalled. The village contains many pleasant residences. Plainficld was granted August 14, 1761, and was settled in 1764, by L. Nash and J. Russell. A Congregational church was organized in 1765. The Baptist church was formed in 1792. Population, 1392. Number of polls, 300. Inventory, $521,759. Value of lands, $330,710. Do. mills, $1700. Stock in trade, $2900. Money at interest, $39,901. Number of sheep, 9860. Do. neat stock, 1256. Do. horses, 283. Plaistow, Rockingham county. Bounded north and M^ NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. uorth-east by Kingston, east by Newton, soutb by Havei"- hiil, Massachusetts, And west by Atkinson. Area, 6839 acres. Distance from Concord, 36 miles, south-cast ; from Portsmouth, 30, south-west. The soil is good, being a mixture of black loam, clay, and gravel. In the north- Avest part the surface is rocky and uneven. Various min- eral substances have been discovered in this section. Clay of a very good quality is found in great abundance near the centre. The village is pleasantly located, and contains two meeting houses, two stores, and one hotel. The inhabit- ants are chiefly engaged in farming, and the many thrifty farms attest their industry and skill. Plaistow "was formerly a part of Haverhill, and included in the Indian purchase of 1642. Its settlement com- menced early, but the precise date is not known. Among the first settlers were Captain Charles Bartlett, Nicholas White, Esq., Deacon Benjamin Kimball, and J. Harriman. The Congregational church was organized December 2, 1730. Deacon J. Harriman is said to have been the first man in New Hampshire who embraced the Ikxptist persua- sion. After this town was annexed to New Hampshire, it was incorporated, February 28, 1749. Population, 748. Number of legal voters in 1854, 202. Do. common schools, 4. Inventory, $236,878. Value of lands, $167,862. Stock in trade, |32e50. Value of mills, $1200. Money at interest, $3552. Plymouth, one of the shire towns of Graftoh county. Bounded north by Ilumney and (Jampton, east by Hol- derness, south by Bridge water, and west by Hebron and Rumney. Area, 16,256 acres. Distance from Concord, 51 miles, north, by the Boston, Concord, and Montreal Rail- GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 353 road. This town is well watered by numerous small streams in various parts, as well as by Pemigewasset and Baker's Rivers, both of which arc of considerable impor- tance. Baker's River is about 30 miles in length. The surface is beautifully diversified Avith hill and valley, mead- ow and plain. The soil is good. Several farms in this town are under a high state of cultivation. The village is one of the pleasantest in New Hampshire. It is well or- namented with trees, and the roads leading towards it from various directions are shaded by graceful and venerable elms. The dwelling houses are large, and many of them elegant in structure. Its facilities for trade, owing to its convenient location with respect to the surrounding towns, are great and valuable. Especially is this true s-ince the construction of the Boston, Concord, and Montreal Rail- road. The public house is large and well constructed. The ■ grounds around it are beautifully arranged, and the whole presents an inviting appearance to the traveller. The Court House is a handsome building, of brick. There are two meeting houses here, besides several stores and shops. Plymouth AAas granted, July 15, 176o, to Joseph Blan- chard and others. The first settlement was made in August, 1T64, by Zachariah Parker and James Hobart. In the following autumn they were joined by Jotham Cumings, Josiah Brown, Stephen Webster, Ephraim Weston, David Webster, and James Blodgett. The Congregational church was organized in 1765. A Methodist church was formed in 1803. The intervals in this town were doubtless favor- ite resorts of the Indians for hunting. At the mouth of Baker's River, according to tradition, they had a settle- ment. Indian graves, bones, gun barrels, stone mortars, pestles, and other utensils have been found here. At this place the Indians, it is said, were attacked by Captain 30* 354 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. Baker, with a party of men from Haverhill, Massachusetts, who routed them, killed a large number, and seized a great quantity of furs which they had collected. Deacon Noah Johnson, one of Lovewell's men, died here in the 100th year of his age. Population, 1290. Number of polls, 297. Inventory, $311,658. Value of lands, $172,902. Stock in trade, $14,788. Money at interest, $19,448. Number of sheep, 1106. Do. neat stock, 1047. Do. horses, 182. Poplin, — name changed to Freemont in 1854, — Rockingham county. Bounded north by Epping, east by Brentwood, south by Danville and vSandown, and west by Chester and Eaymond. Area, 10,320 acres. This town is watered by Exeter River and several small streams. The surface is mostly even, and is either plain or rises in moder- ate swells. The soil is of a good quality, and in general is well cultivated. The chief pursuit of the inhabitants is farming, which abundantly repays the efforts of honest toil. The superfluities of wealth are not coveted, neither are the miseries of poverty endured ; but competency, the happiest condition of man, is a blessing widely enjoyed. This town was incorporated June 22, 1764. The date of its first settlement is not known. A Methodist church was organized at an early period. Population, 509. Number of polls, 127. Inventory, $189,554. Value of lands, $123,652. Stock in trade, $2750. Value of mills, $2816. Money at interest, $3700 Number of sheep, 419. Do. neat stock, 437. Do. horses, 73. Portsmouth, seaport, and half shire town of Rocking- ham county. In connection with its wealth and other ad- GAZErrEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 366 vantages, the fact that Portsmouth is the only seaport in the state, and its harbor one of the safest and most commo- dious in the country, renders it, perhaps, the most impor- tant town in Ncav Hampshire. It is situated on a peninsu- la on the south side of Piscataqua River, three miles from the ocean. Its location is pleasant and healthy — the land sloping by a gentle declivity towards the harbor. In the central or business part of the city the streets are mostly paved. The buildings are of brick, and of a style somewhat antiquated ; but there are many well-constructed and elegant mansions. " As for antiquity, the city of Portsmouth is one of the earliest discovered and first set- tled places in New England. In the beginning of the seventeenth century, some merchants of Bristol, England, having formed a private company for the investigation of this country, employed for that service Captain Martin Pring, of Bristol, a skilful navigator, and much praised by Gorges. They placed under his command two vessels, aus- piciously named the Speedwell and the Discoverer. In the year 1603 ho set sail for America, and was enabled to speed so locll as to be the first discoverer of New Hamp- shire. Just 250 years ago (i. c., from 1853) he entered the channel of our river, and explored it for three or four leagues. He landed on this shore, and doubtless, with his companions, trod upon the soil of this city ; for he came in search of sassafras, then esteemed in pharmacy a sover- eign panacea. The city of Portsmouth, therefore, just- ly boasts of her antiquity of 350 years, and of being the first soil in New Hampshire that was touched by the feet of Englishmen. In 1614 the celebrated John Smith, saved from death by the Indian girl Pocahontas, examined and extolled the deep waters of the Piscataqua. In 1623 the Company of Laconia, in England, consisting S5& NEW HAMPSHIRE A3 IT IS. of Gorges and Mason, and many eminent, noble, and ta- terprising merchants of London and other cities, selected some choice persons, and sent them to establish a plantation on this river. They came here for trade and commerce, were high-minded men, and had enlarged views of gov- ernment, religion, and religious toleration. They were not of the Puritan party, for Gorges and Mason had not the same religious views with the Massachusetts planters. John Mason, the London merchant, member of the Plym- outh Company for the planting, ruling, and governing of New England, and first governor of this province, ad- vanced a large sum of money for the welfare of this place, and may be said to have laid the foundation of its commer- cial prosperity. David Tomson, a Scotchman, who seems to have been prominent among the planters, who first set- tled in this town, built a house at Odiorne's Point, a few rods north of the evident remains of an ancient fort. It was built the very year of his arrival here, was the first house erected on this plantation, and was afterwards called Mason Hall. It was not until almost eight years after- wards that Humphrey Chadbourne built the Great House, which was situated on the bank of the river at the corner of Court and AVater Streets. It was afterwards occupied by Warnerton and Richard Cutts. The review of their ancestry, the contemplation of their enlightened character, noble enterprise, and Uberal views cannot fail to awaken in the sons of Portsmouth a laudable and elevating pride." On the 28th of May, 1653, this plantation, " which was accidentally called Strawberry Bank, by reason of a bank where strawberries were found," was allowed by the General Court at Boston, on the petition of Brian Pendleton and others, to be called Portsmouth, " as being a name most suitable for this place, it being the river's mouth, and as GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 357 good as any in the land." It was also the name of the English city in which John Mason was bom. The number of families was then between 50 and 60. •' The line of the township was ordered to reach from the sea by Hamp- ton line to Wynnacot River." 0ur planters were so indus- trious and successful as to be able to send corn to the early sufferers at Plymouth. The first edifice erected here for public worship was an Episcopal church. It was built, at least as early as 1639, on what is now called Church Street, and formerly Church Lane, northerly of the Court House. A parsonage house, erected at the same time, was situated in Pleasant Street, a few rods north of the Universalist meeting house. The parishioners made choice of Richard Gibson, an Episcopa- lian clergyman, as their pastor, being the first minister that was settled in this town, and the worship was according to the ritual of the English church. In the year 1634, Fran- cis Williams was appointed governor of the plantation. He was a discreet and sensible man, accomplished in his manners, and acceptable to the people. He collected about him many valuable men, whose example and influence were of the best order. These circumstances gave a high char- acter to the town. Its reputation was so great that it was always selected, in the days of the colonial government, as a most desirable place of residence, and for many years it was the home of the royal governors and the king's coun- cil. " It has been distinguished for men of patriotism. Here lived William Vaughn, who claimed to be the pro- jector of the siege of Louisburg, under Pepperell ; Dr. Cutter, who was a surgeon in that expedition ; Colonel Meserve, who Avas one of its mightiest spirits ; Major Hale, who was an officer in one of the regiments ; and the Rev. Samuel Langdon who was the chaplain of the New Hamp- 1 36t8 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. shire forces. General Whipple, who resided here for the largest portion of his life, was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Governor Langdon was al- ways a devoted friend to his country ; went to Bennington as a volunteer in the armyv after the capture of Cornwallis, and was at Khode Island with a detachment while the British troops were there stationed. He, Avith General Sullivan, seized, at the fort in the mouth of the harbor, 100 barrels of gunpowder, and so promptly conveyed them to Bunker Hill that they were of valuable service on the memorable 17th of June. He had the honor of presiding in the Senate when General Washington was elected presi- dent of the United States. He and John Pickering and Pierce Long were delegates to the convention for the adoption of the Federal Constitution, and most thoroughly supported it, long commanded a regiment in the revo- tionary war, and was a member of the old Congress." Portsmouth has enjoyed largely the citizenship of litera- ary men, statesmen, scholars, and jurists. She points to a Buckminster, a Haven, a Sewall, a Penhallow, a Langdon, a Cutts, a Mason, a Bartlett, a Webster, — who here devel- oped and published his colossal powers to the world, — a Brown, Alden, Pickering, Sherburne, Woodbury, and Wentworths, and a host of others, who live in history, and whose memories are cherished by the gratitude and admira- tion of their posterity. Among the living she points with pride to the once penniless orphan, but now eminent schol- lar and sweetest of poets, James T. Fields. Its schools have always been of a high order, and at present are not sur- passed by those of any other city. The Athcna^'um, instituted about 37 years ago, contains 8000 volumes of choice, valuable, and expensive books. Portsmouth has long been celebrated for the skill of its GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. S^9 naval architects, as well as for its abundance of fine white oak timber and other materials for ship building. The merchant service, as well as the United States navy, is supplied from the ship yards here with many of the finest first-class vessels. It has always been noted for its enter- prise and commercial spirit, and is the immediate centre of an extensive trade, which, by reason of its increased fa- cilities by railroad communication, is rapidly enlarging. Market Square is situated in the central pa^t of the city, and is the principal seat of the country trade. Portsmouth is remarkable for its noble, safe, and ca- pacious harbor. It contains forty feet of water, at low tide, in the channel, and is protected by islands and headlands from storms. The river opposite the city is three fourths of a mile wide ; its current is more than five miles per hour ; its depth, at low water, seventy feet. The tide rises here ten feet, and is so rapid as to keep the harbor free from ice, as well as the river for several miles above the town. Its great breadth and its delightful banks, in connection with all its other advantages, render it one of the most important and interesting naval stations in the country. The city is remarkable for the beautiful scenery with which it is surrounded. On every elevation is pre- sented a magnificent landscape. The rides are charming, always presenting objects of interest and delight. The climate is salubrious. Great crimes are rarely committed, and no execution has taken place since the year 1768. In- telligence, sound morality, and excellent manners pervade the community. There is also an agreeable harmony among the various religious denominations. The fields are generally well cultivated, and much attention is paid to the study of agriculture. Portsmouth has sufiered much from fires. In December, 1802, 102 buildings were burned ; in December, 1806, 14, including St. John's 360 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. Church; and in December, 1813, 15 acres of the to-vwi were burned over, destroying 397 buildings. Among the public buildings in Portsmouth are seven hand- some churches, two market houses, an Academy, the Athenaeum, and an Almshouse. The Custom House is situated at the corner of Penhallow and Daniel Streets. There are four lighthouses attached to this district — viz., New Castle, White's Back, White Island, and Boon Island. Fort Constitution is situated on the north-west point of Great Island, and nearly opposite is Fort McClay, in Kittery, Maine. It is connected with this latter place by a bridge, and also with the Island of New Castle. The Navy Yard is situated on Navy Island, on the east side of the river, within the limits of Maine, and has every convenience and facility for the construction of vessels of the largest class. It is about three fouiths of a mile south- easterly from the city. The territory embraced within its limits is about 65 acres, a large portion of which is en- closed with permanent quay walls of dimension-split gran- ite. At the wharves abundant depth of water is afforded for government ships of the largest class. The great ra- pidity of the tides has worn the channel very deep, so that the formation of bars is improbable, if not impossible. On the yard arc three ship houses, one of which is 300 feet long, 131 wide, and 72 high from floor to ridge; six timber sheds, 200 by 60 feet each, built of stone ; mast house and rigging loft, also of stone, 250 feet long by 70 wide ; a machine shop smithery, in which is a steam en- gine ; an engine house for woodwork, in which are a saw- mill, planing machines, circular saws, &c., of the most approved descriptions. In this building is a double steam engine of 50 horse power, of excellent workmanship and the best material, finished, fitted, and set up by workmen GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 361 in the government shop. Convenient and desirable quar- ters are provided for the commander, lieutenant, purser, surveyor, and sailing master, and also quarters for boat- swain, gunner, sailmaker, carpenter, and ordinary seamen. A corps of marines, with their officers, is stationed here, for whom barracks are provided. The magazine is a fine stone structure, well adapted to the purpose for which it was erected. The floating balance diy dock is an in- genious and costly piece of work. A basin for moving the dock is constructed of stone with hammered face, of rec- tangular form, 300 feet in length, 125 in width, the walls six feet thick at the base, abating to three feet, and 14 in height. The floor, as well as the walls, rests on 3000 piles, driven with a ram weighing 3500 pounds, 25 feet run. These piles are three feet from centre to centre, capped with timber, "and covered with six-inch plank. Five courses of stone are laid lengthwise of the basin, and the spaces between them concreted six inches in depth. The dock is 350 feet long, 115 in width, and the side walls 38 feet in height. These walls are seven feet in thickness, in which are partitions forming chambers on both sides the entire length of the dock. On these walls and amidships of the dock on fcach side are steam engines of ten horse power for operating twelve pumps each. When a ship is to be received, the dock is floated from the basin into deep water, one of the end gates removed, the sinking gates opened, and the dock allowed to sink, if necessary, 32 feet, by adding to the specific gravity of the dock by filling the chambers with Avatcr, for which purpose the pumps are put in operation. The ship is then taken into the dock, received on the cradle, centred, and shored. The process of raising is now commenced. The end gate is replaced, the discharging gates opened, and the pumps 31 362 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. again put in operation, and as the water is discharged the dock rises. When the water is removed from the cham- bers, the end gate opposite the one before spoken of is re- moved, and the dock returned to the basin and moored. During this operation some fifty gates are used in sinking, raising, and balancing the dock. The pumps by which the water is raised are 24: in number, three feet stroke, and the boxes 20 inches square. These pumps are capable of dis- charging 1,200,000 gallons of water per hour. At the head of the dock basin is a railway, on an inclination of one inch in ten feet, on which the ships may be draAvn by an hydraulic machine, operated by steam. The ship, after being drawn upon this railway, is securely shored on a stone foundation laid for the purpose. After the ship has been duly repaired, she may be put afloat ; and the same means are used as in raising, the order of operation being simply reversed. The cost of the dock and appendages has been about $800,000. The facilities for ship building in this yard are not ex- celled by any other. The buildings, (some of the most important having been above mentioned,) together with the location, depth of water, and accessibility at all times of the year, — the terms On which competent mechanics can be obtained, (whose skill is proverbial in naval archi- tecture,) — render this station entitled to more consider- ation than it has heretofore received. The sloop of war Portsmouth, the steamer Saranac, and the frigate Con- gi'css, built here, do credit to the station, to the builders, and to the government. At the present time, however, more than 400 mechanics are employed in preparing the frigate Santee for launching, and reconstructing the ship of the line Franklin, which will be a screw propeller, and when completed will be the largest war steamer in the world. GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 363 Table of Vessels built in the District of Portsmouth since 1800. Year. Veisela. Sbipa. 5 Barks. Brig.. 12 Schn. Sloops. Tom. 1800 18 1 3403 1801 14 9 I 4 2925 1802 11 5 3 2 1 2045 1803 14 9 3 2 2796 1804 18 10 1 7 3288 18^5 16 11 5 3258 1806 13 8 3 2 2702 1807 10 4 2 4 1608 1808 11 5 6 1666 1809 9 3 2 2 2 1514 1810 . 1811 • 10 8 1 1 2800 15 10 5 4375 1812 4 1 1 2 626 1813 1 1 21 1814 11 1 3 7 1315 181.5 13 2 3 8 2057 1816 14 2 2 9 1 1612 1817 7 2 5 594 1818 20 3 6 10 1 2733 1819 13 3 1 9 . 1626 1820 9 3 2 3 1 1450 1821 7 3 2 2 1379 1822 9 4 1 4 1656 1823 10 4 4 2 2429 1824 12 5 3 4 2650 182.5 15 5 3 7 2874 1826 6 .4 1 1 1977 1827 11 4 2 1 4 2402 1828 10 5 1 4 2113 1829 10 1 9 916 18.30 7 2 5 1308 1831 3 2 1 993 1832 7 3 2 2 1798 1833 8 5 1 2 2630 1834 8 4 1 3 2348 183.5 9 4 2 1 2 2813 1836 8 6 1 1 3853 1837 5 5 2982 1838 9 5 3 1 29.59 1839 6 4 1 2603 1840 8 4 1 3 3243 1841 5 4 1 2667 1842 1 1 526 1843 8 1 2 841 1844 5 3 1 1 2280 184.5 7 3 1 2 1 2720 1846 9 4 1 1 3 4113 1847 12 7 3 2 6822 1848 9 4 2 3 4277 1849 10 5 2 3 6010 18.50 7 5 2 6857 1851 13 8 1 4 9977 1852 12 11 1 10271 18.53 11 9 2 10708 1854 12 534 10 256 2 86 12797 20 165 7 170.207 364 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. Number of vessels belonging to the district of Ports- mouth on the 1st day of October, 1850, 92 — ships, 17 ; bark, 1 ; brigs, 3 ; schooners, 70 ; sloop, 1. Ton- nage, 16,-448. In addition to this list, there are several small vessels, from 5 to 20 tons, used for fishing, &c., and a number of packets which ply between Portsmouth and places at the head of the river — such as Dover, Berwick, Exeter, &c. Banks. — Eockingham Bank — incorporated ra Novem- ber, 1813 ; rechartered December 17, 1852. Capital^ $160,000. Mechanics and Traders' Bank — incorporated in Decem- ber, 1844. Capital, $120,000. Piscataqua Exchange Bank — incorporated in 1844. Capital, $200,000. Portsmouth Savings Bank — incorporated in. 1823. Amount of deposits, $422,676.55. This institution is es- tablished for the benefit of all classes of individuals. De- posits are received in sums from $3 upwards, $300 being the largest sum that can draw interest. Insurance Companies. — Portsmouth Mutual Fire In- surance Company — incorporated June 20, 1839. Icha- bod Rollins president ; John Salter secretary and treas- urer. Railroads. — Eastern Railroad in New Hampshire — incorporated in June, 1836. Capital, $500,000. Eastern Railroad — incorporated in Massachusetts. Cap- ital, $3,850,000. Portland, Saco, and Portsmouth Railroad — incorporated in Maine, 1841. Capital, $1,500,000. Portsmouth and Concord Railroad — incorporated in July, 1845. Capital, $800,000. Factories. — Portsmouth Steam Factory — William GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 365 Stearns agent. Capital, |530,000. Erected in 1846. The present building is 204 feet long by TO in width, and 6 stories high, with two L's, each 100 feet by 30, and 2 stories high. It runs 27,000 spindles, 450 looms, and manufactures lawns from yarns number 70 and 90. The machinery is driven by a high pressure steam engine of 200 horse power. 2,900,000 yards of lawn are manufac- tured annually. 1500 tons of anthracite coal and 395,000 pounds of cotton are consumed annually. Number of hands employed — males, 150 ; females, 230 ; total, 380. Bridges. — Portsmouth Bridge — incorporated in June, 1819. Capital, |64,000. Piscataqua Bridge — built in 1794 ; original cost, $65,000. New Castle Bridge — incorporated in 1821. Maine Railway — incorporated in July, 1833. Capital, $100,000. Portsmouth Pier Company — incorporated in 1795. Hotels. — Rockingham House, 97 State Street, by S. A. Coburn. Franklin House, 43 Congress Street, Wil- lis Barnabee. Piscataqua House, 9 Pleasant Street, Josiah G. Hadley. Market Street House, 114 Market Street, Charles W. Walker. Fire Department. — The Fire Depaitment of Ports- mouth have under their charge six engines, five of them (Suction, with apparatus complete, and about 2000 feet of hose. Portsmouth Aqueduct Company — incorported in 1798. By means of this aqueduct the town is supplied with wa- ter from a spring about two and a half miles from Market Square, which is conducted through wooden logs into most of the streets, and into dwelling houses. Newspapers. — New Hampshire Gazette, Daily and 31* 366 NFAV HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. Weekly Chronicle, Portsmouth Journal of Literature and Politics, the Pockingham Messenger, and the American Ballot. Religious Societies. — St. John's Church, Episcopal ; or- ganized about 1638 ; rector, Rev. Charles Borroughs, D. D. The North Church — Congregational ; organized in 1671 ; pastor, Eev. Pufus W. Clark. The South Congregational Church and Parish — organ- ized in 1713 ; pastor. Rev. Andrew B. Peabody. Universalist Society — founded, in 1774, by Rev. John Murray ; pastor, Rev. S. S. Fletcher. Methodist Episcopal Society — incorporated in 1808; pastor, S. Kelley. Pleasant Street Christian Society — organized October 12, 1802, under the name of " The First Baptist Society in Portsmouth." In 1840 the corporate name was changed to " The Pleasant Street Christian Society." Middle Street Baptist Church — incorporated July 3, 1827 ; pastor, William Lamson. Hanover Street Chapel — Elder D. I. Robinson, a Second Advent preacher. No regular society has yet been formed. Cemeteries. — The Auburn Street Cemetery, or "Pro- prietors' Burying Ground," is situated on two gentle swells of land at the foot of Auburn Street. It covers about 13 acres. In the centre is a beautiful artificial pond, sur- rounded by an extensive lawn, ornamented with trees and shrubbery. The remainder of the ground is laid out in lots of various dimensions, divided by gravel walks, and the whole surrounded by a substantial stone fence, along which are rows of elm and maple trees. A large portion of the lots which have been taken up is enclosed by handsome and durable iron fences, and contains tasteful and elegant monuments. H GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 367 Harmony Grove Cemetery is in the rear of, and an addi- tion to. Auburn Street Cemetery. The city of Portsmouth was incorporated July 6, 1849. It is 54 miles north-east from Boston, the same distance south-west from Portland, 45 miles east-south-east from Concord, and 489 miles from the city of Washington. It is situated in latitude 43'' h' north, and longitude 70° 41' west from Greenwich, or 6° 23' east from Wash- ington. The population in 1790 was 4720 ; in 1800, 5339; in 1810, 6934; in 1820, 7327; in 1830, 8032; in 1840, 7887 ; in 1850, 9700. The wealth of the city is very considerable, and its present condition decidedly prosperous. The cleanliness of the streets, the neatness of the houses, the number of trees which ornament the streets, and the many fine gardens scattered throughout the town, give the place a pleasant and inviting appearance, while its quietness and proximity to the sea and neighbor- ing beaches render it a delightful summer resort. From 1623 until 1641, Portsmouth, including Kittery, Dover, and Exeter, was an independent republic. It then, with Exeter, placed itself under the jurisdiction of Massachu- setts. This connection continued until 1679, when New Hampshire was formed into a separate province. It was incorporated, with its present limits. May 28, 1643. Area, 9702 acres. Randolph, Coos county. Bounded north by Berlin, east by Gorham, south by White Mountains, and west by Kil- kenny. This is a cold and rugged township, situated at the northern base of the White Mountains. Area, about 26,680 acres. In some parts the soil is good ; but its pop- ulation has increased very gradually. Branches of Moose and Israel's Kivers are the only streams of importance, though there are numerous brooks well stored with trout. 4 368 p NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. The sources of these two rivers are so near that a person of ordinary size may lie with his feet on the brink of one and drink out of the other. Moose River runs in an easterly direction, and Israel's in a westerly. This town was granted, August 20, 1772, to John Du- rand, and others from London, under the name of Durand. It received its jjresent name in 1824. Distance from Concord, 120 miles, north ; from Lancaster, 20, south- east. Population, 11-3. Number of legal voters in 1854, 26. Do. common schools, 3. Hotel, 1. Inventory-, ^31,670. Value of lands, .f 23, 224. Number of sheep, 114. Do. neat stock, 95. Do. horses, 17. E-AYMOiSfD, Rockingham county. Bounded north by Deerfield and Nottingham, east by Epping and Freemont, south by Sandown and Chester, and west by Chester and Candia. Area, 16,317 acres. Distance from Concord, 28 miles, south-east ; from Portsmouth 25, south-west, by the Portsmouth and Concord Railroad. The principal streams are two branches of Lamprey River, and the Patuckaway. The surface is generally ^ven ; the soil is various. The meadows are productive, and under high cultivation. In the north part of the town, near the sum- mit of a hill about 100 feet in height, is a cave, or fissure, in a ledge, which, from the appearance of its mouth, is called the Oven. It is a regular arch, about five feet in height and the same in width, and extends into the hill about fifteen feet. Raymond was originally that part of Chester called Charming Fare. In 1762 it was made a distinct parish ; it was incorporated May 9, 1765, by its present name. The names of 24 of the inhabitants of Raymond are found enrolled among the soldiers of the revolution ; besides. GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 369 numbers of the militia were engaged for short periods. Four were killed or died in the service. The Congregational church was organized about 1800. There is also a Methodist and a Freewill Baptist society. There are ten common schools, three stores, one hotel, and one shoe manufactory. Population, 1256. Number of legal voters in 1854, aOO. Inventory, $269,958. Value of lands, $178,928. Stock in trade, $1350. Number of sheep, 670. Do. neat stock, 931. Do. horses, 139. Richmond, Cheshire county. Bounded north by Swan- zey, east by Troy and Fitzwilliam, south by Warwick and Royalstou, Massachusetts, and west by Winches- ter. Area, 23,725 acres. Distance from Concord, 70 miles, south-west ; from Keene, 12, south. It is w^atered by branches of Ashuelot and Miller's Rivers, which fall into the Connecticut. The surface is generally level ; the soil is favorable for the grains and grasses. Soapstone of a good quality is found here in considerable quantities. In the quarry from which the soapstone is taken are found quartz, felspar, phosphate of lime, pinite, rutile, iron py- rites, garnets, calcareous spar, and hornblende crystals. In the hornblende rock occur very perfect crystals of black tourmaline. lolite of great beauty is found in the quartz, rhis is a rare mineral, and is highly valued. Richmond contains three meeting houses, three stores, one hotel, twelve sawmills, two gristmills, four pail manu- factories, one wooden ware manufactory, and in the village at the " Four Corners ■ ' is a large steam mill, or shop, which is used for various purposes. This town was granted, February 28, 1752, to Joseph Blanchard and others. The first Baptist church was' formed I 870 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. in 1768 ; the second in 1776. There are also societies of Quakers, .Universalists, and Unitarians. Population, 1128. Number of legal voters in 1854, 300. Inventory, $308,662. Value of lands, $185,376. Do. mills, $7750. Stock in trade, $5716. Money at interest, $13,589. Number of sheep, 403. Do. neat stock, 1048. Do. horses, 190. RiNDGE, Cheshire county. Bounded north by JafFrey and Sharon, east by New Ipswich, south by Winchendon, Massachusetts, and west by Fitzwilliam. Area, 23,838 acres Distance from Concord, 50 miles, south-west ; from Keene, 20, south-east. The surface is very rocky, but the soil is in most parts deep and rich. There are 13 ponds, the largest of which are called Manomonack, Emerson, Perley, Long, Grassy, and Bullet. The three first discharge their waters by Miller's River ; the three last are drained into the Contoocook River. These ponds abound with fish, and are a fixvorite resort of anglers. There is a small ridge of land here, from which the waters issuing from one side flow into the Merrimack, and those on the other side into the Connecticut. Rindge was originally granted by Mas- sachusetts, and was called Rowley, Canada, or Monadnock Number One. It received its present name from one of its proprietors at the time of its incorporation, August 11, 1768. It was settled, in 1752, by Jonathan Stanley, George Hewitt, and Abel Platts. Rev. Seth Dean was ordained over the Congregational church in 1765. Population, 1274. Number of polls, 300. Inventory, $515,413. Value of lands, $322,542. Stock in trade, $15,124. Money at interest, $49,050. Number of sheep, 415. Do. neat stock, 1164. Do. horses, 194. t ■ GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 371 Rochester, Strafford county. Bounded north-east by Berwick, Maine, south-east by Somersworth and Dover, south-west by Barrington, and north-west by Farmington. Area, 22,000 acres. Distance from Concord, 40 miles, east ; from Dover, 10, north, by the Cocheco Raihoad, which connects it with the Portsmouth and Concord and the Great Falls Railroads. Besides Salmon Fall River, which separates this town from Berwick and Lebanon, in Maine, the Cocheco River runs nearly the whole length of the town in a south-easterly direction, while the Isinglass River crosses its southerly corner just before its conflu- ence with the Cocheco. Both Salmon Fall and Cocheco Rivers aftbrd several valuable water privileges ; on the latter is situated the principal village. The soil is gener- ally excellent. There arc many fine and well-cultivated farms. The surface is uneven, rising in numerous swells, the principal of which is Squamanagonnick Hill. Upon it are several valuable farms. Considerable attention is paid to manufactures and the mechanic arts. In the village called Gonic is a large wool- len factory, owned by N. V. AVhitehouse & Co. The cap- ital stock is $75,000. Kind of goods manufactured, flan- nels, printers' blankets, and printers' lapping. Number of spindles, 1760. Do. looms, 25. Do. yards manufac- tured per annum, 264,400 yards flannels, and 7884 yards printers' blankets. Do. pounds mooI consumed per an- num, 110,000. Do. operatives, 50. The capital of the Rochester Bank, in this town, is $120,000. James Bean, manufacturer of woollen yarn — consumes about 1200 pounds wool per month. Number of hands, 6. This place makes healthy progress in wealth and popu- lation, which is owing, in a great measure, to its valuable 3?r8 ^ ivNEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. water power. Rochester was granted by Massachusetts to several proprietors, in 127 shares. Its area then consisted of 60,000 acres. Since that time 38,000 acres have been taken to form other towns. It was incorporated May 10, 1T22. Captain Timothy Roberts moved into this town with his family December 28, 1728, and was the first per- manent settler. He was soon followed by Eleazar Ham, Benjamin Frost, Joseph Richards, Benjamin Tibbets, and others. Until Canada was taken, in 1760, by the British and American forces, it remained a frontier town ; the people were poor, and often distressed, but not discouraged. When war broke out with the Indians they were obliged to move their families into garrisons, and to watch night and day ; nor could they cultivate their little patches of cleared land but at the hazard of their lives, protecting themselves with such numbers as they could muster from their feeble settlement. The men were bold, hardy, and industrious, and their sons were early trained to the use of arms. They soon became a terror to the Indians, and did not suffer so much from depredations as many other towns whose situations were far less exposed. In June, 1746, Jo- seph Heard, Joseph Richards, John Wentworth, and Ger- shora Downs were killed, and John Richards wounded, captui'cd, and carried to Canada, whence he soon returned. Jonathan Door, a boy, was also carried captive to Canada. In May, 1748, the wife of Jonathan Hodgdon was killed on a Sunday morning by the Indians, because she refused to accompany them to Canada. A few years after the set- tlement of the town a Congregational church was gathered. There are also societies of Methodists and Freewill Bap- tists. Many of the inhabitants took an active part in the revolutionary war. The names of Captains John Brewster toad David Place, Colonel John McDuflfee, Hon. John GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 37t Plummer, James Knowles, Dr. James How, and John P. Hale, Esq., •will not soon be forgotten by the people of Rochester. Population, 3006.. Number of polls, 664. Inventory, $934,860. Value of lands, |502,902. Stock iu trade, 139,860. Value of mills and factories, $26,550. Money at interest, $56,002. Shares in banks, |93,700. Num- ber of sheep, 1264. Do. neat stock, 1810. Do. horses, 305. RoLLiNSFORD, Strafford county. Bounded north by Somersworth, east by South Berwick, Maine, and south and west by Dover. Distance from Concord, 45 miles, south- east ; from Dover, one mile, by Great Falls Railroad, which connects it with the Portsmouth and Concord and the Co- checo Railroads. This is a very small township, taken from Somersworth, and incorporated July 3, 1849. Salmon Fall River washes its western boundary, and affords many val- uable water privileges. The soil is excellent, and well adapted to the various kinds of grain and grass. The Great Falls Bank, in this town, has a capital of $150,000. Manufacturing is carried on quite extensively. Population, 1862. Number of polls, 345. Inventory, $792,459. Value of lands, $291,956. Stock in trade, $51,400. Value of factories, $260,577. Money at in- terest, $30,138. Number of sheep, 113. Do. neat stock, 430. Do. horses, 96. RoxBURY, Cheshire county. Bounded north by Sulli- van and Nelson, east by Nelson and Dublin, south by Marlborough, and west by Keene. Area, about 6000 acres. Distance from Concord, 50 miles, south-'west ; from Keene, 5, east. This is a small but fertile township, the 32 $74 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. surface of which is rough and uneven, rising into consider- able swells, and affording excellent pasturage, besides the various productions common to the climate. The north branch of the Ashuelot, which forms il^e boundary between this town and Keeue, is the principal stream. Roaring Brook, on which are several valuable meadows, waters the south part, and affords a few moderate water privileges. The inhabitants are chiefly devoted to agriculture, although the mechanic arts, in the several branches, are pursued to some extent. It formerly constituted a part of Keene, Marlborough, and Nelson ; from which towns it was dis- annexed, and incorporated December 9, 1812. A Congre- gational church was formed August 15, 1816, Population, 260. Number of polls, 58. Inventory, $95,873. Value of lands, |61,599. Do. mills, |600. Money at interest, ^8565. Number of sheep, 1311. Do. neat stock, 334. Do. horses, 58. RuMNEY, Grafton county. Bounded north by Ells- worth, east by Campton, south by Plymouth, Hebron, and Groton, and west by Wentworth. Area, 22,475 acres. Distance from Concord, 51 miles, north-west; from Plym- outh, 8, north-west. It is connected with both these towns by the Boston, Concord, and Montreal Railroad. It is watered by Baker's River and its tributaries. Stinson's Brook is the outlet of a pond of the same name. The pond is in the north part of the town, and is 400 rods long and 200 wide. The surface is uneven ; the soil is gener- ally fertile. There is much excellent farming and timber land here, the value of which has been greatly increased since the construction of the Boston, Concord, and Mon- treal Railroad, which passes through the southerly par* of the town. The principal elevations are Rattlesnake GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 375 "Webber's, ancl Stinson's Mountains. The latter received its name from the fact that, on the 28th of April, 1752, Daniel Stinson, while on a hunting excursion with General Stark and others, was killed here by the Indians. From this lamentable occurrence, the brook, pond, and mountain will long perpetuate the name of Stinson. Rumney waa granted first to Samuel Olmstead ; afterwards, on the 18th of March, 1767, to Daniel Brainard and others. It was first settled in October, 1765, by Captain Jotham Cum- n»ngs, Moses Smart, Daniel Brainard, James Heath, and others. A Congregational church was organized here Oc- tober 21, 1767. A Baptist church Avas formed in 1780. At present the Congregational church is destitute of a pastor. Population, 1109. Number of polls, 234. Inventory, $303,562. Value of lands, |158,292. Do. mills, $3485. Stock in trade, |6200. Money at interest, $44,933. Number of sheep, 1200. Do. neat stock, 1060. Da horses, 174. Rye, Rockingham county. Bounded north and west by Portsmouth, and south by North Hampton. Its eastern border for a distance of six miles is sea coast. Area, 7780 acres. Distance from Concord, 50 miles, south-east ; from Portsmouth, 6, ^outh. The soil is naturally hard and stubborn ; but, by considerable pains in enriching and till- ing, it has been made quite productive. There is a small harbor near Goss's Mill, into which vessels of 70 or 80 tons burden may enter at high water. Fishing is carried on to a considerable extent, and with fair profit. On the shore are three large and pleasant beaches, — Wallis's, Sandy, and Jenness's, — which have become widely cele- brated as places of summer resort. About a quarter of a 876 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. mile from the meeting house, in the midst of a white pine grove, is an extensive granite quarry, from which abundant supplies are taken for building and other purposes. Breakfast Hill, in the western part of the town, was so named from an incident which occurred on its summit at the time of the Indian invasion of 1696. The savages had been down to the sea shore for the purpose of fishing ; and returning to the top of this hill, they sat down and pre- pai'ed their morning meal. While thus engaged they were surprised by a party of rangers, and captured. The inhai)- itants .suffered much in early times from the Indians. In 1694 John Locke was killed while reaping grain in his field. In 1696, at Sandy Beach, 21 persons at one time were killed or captured by them. In the French or Canada war 14 persons belonging to this town were killed or died in service ; and in the revo- lutionary war 38 of its inhabitants lost their lives in service at sea or on the land. Rye was taken from Portsmouth, Greenland, Hampton, and New Castle.' It was settled as early as 1635, but was not incorporated until 1719. A Congregational church was organized July 20, 1726. There is at present a Methodist and a Freewill Baptist society. There are also four stores and five* hotels, viz., the Ocean House, the Atlantic, the Washington House, the Union House, and the Sagamore House ; all of which are opened for the accommodation of visitors in the warm season. Population, 1296. Number of legal voters in 1854, 300. Inventory, $388,736. Value of lands, $257,364. Stock in trade, $450. Value of mills, $795. Money at interest, $13,698. Number of sheep, 234. Do. neat stock, 900. Do. horses, 149. ^^■o GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 377 Salem, Rockingham county. Bounded north by Derry, north-east by Atkinson, east and south by Lawrence, Mas- sachusetts, south-west by Pelham, and west by Windham. Area, 15,600 acres. Distance from Concord, 40 miles, south ; from Exeter, 20, south-east. Spiggot River, pass- ing through this town in a southerly direction, receives in its course numerous branches, and affords several excellent mill privileges. The surface is uneven, affording a fair proportion of interval and upland. The soil is fertile. Th^re are several factories, mills, mechanics', and machine shops. The inhabitants are intelligent, industrious, and enterprising. Salem was incorporated May 11, 1750. The Congregational church was formed about 1740. There aie also societies of Methodists and Freewill Baptists. Population, 1555. Number of polls, 341. Inventory, |523,335. Value of lands, $366,204. Stock in trade, $9170. Value of mills and factories, $25,125. Money at interest, $17,300. Number of sheep, 107. Do. neat stock, 956. Do. horses, 186. Salisbury, Merrimack county. Bounded north by An- dover and Franklin, cast by Franklin, south by Boscawen and Warner, and west by Warner. Area, about 26,000 acres. Distance from Concord, 16 miles, north-west. Blackwater River waters this town, flowing nearly through the centre. The surface is uneven ; the soil of the upland is strong, deep, and loamy. The more hilly portion affords some fine tracts for tillage, but is mostly excellent pas- turage. On Blackwater River is considerable very fertile interval. The prevailing rock is granite. A considerable portion of Kearsarge is within the limits of Salisbury. The prospect from the summit of this mountain is magnifi- cent and beautiful. Salisbury will always be celebrated 32* M 378 NEW HAMPSHIKE AS IT IS. as the native town of the late Hon. Daniel Webster. On a pleasant eminence, near the centre village, stands the house in which he was born — a humble edifice, and somewhat dilapidated. The late Hon. Ichabod Bartlett, Hon. Thom- as H. Pettingill, and Hon. Charles B. Haddock, for many years professor in Dartmouth College, and present charge, d'affaires to Portugal, were, natives of this town. It was originally granted by Massachusetts, and was known as Bakerstown. It was afterwards granted, October 25, 1749, by the Masonian proprietors, and called Stevenstown. • It was incorporated by New Hampshire under its present name March 1, 1768. It was settled, in 1750, by Philip Call, Nathaniel Meloon, Benjamin Pettingill, John and Ebenezer Webster, Andrew Bohonnon, Edward Eastman, and others, mostly from Kingston. The early settlers suffered much from the inroads of the Indians. On the 16th of May, 1753, Nathaniel Meloon was captured, with his wife and three children. They were taken to Canada, where himself and Avife weie sold to the French in Montreal. The children were kept by the Indians, one of whom returned after an absence of nine years. In August, 1753, the wife of Philip Call was killed, and on the same day Samuel Scribner and Robert Barber were captured and taken to Canada. The Congregational church was organized November 17, 1773. The Baptist society was formed May 25, 1789. Hon. Ebenezer Webster, the father of the " illustrious Daniel," was one of the first settlers, a patriot of the revo- lution, an officer of the militia, for several years senator in the legislature, and a judge of the Court of Common Pleas. Population, 1228. Number of polls, 254. Inventory, $433,101. Value of lands, $270,793. Do. mills, $2100. GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 379 Stock in trade, $10,400. Money at interest, $35,841. Number of sheep, 6337. Do. neat stock, 1321. Do. horses, 191. Sanbornton, Belknap county. Bounded north by Mere- dith, east by Gilford, south by Gilmanton, Noithfield, Franklin, and Hill, and west by New Hampton. Distance from Concord, 17 miles, by the Boston, Concord, and Montreal Railroad, which also connects it with Meredith Bridge. The bays and rivers encircling this town ^neas- ure 30 miles in extent ; the bay between Sanbornton and Meredith is three miles in width. The Winnipiseogee runs along its eastern and southern limits, affording many excellent mill seats. It is the only stream of note. Sal- mon Brook, passing through the north-west part, affords sufficient water power to drive one or two sawmills and a gristmill during a portion of the year. The surface is gen- erally uneven, but not mountainous, the highest hills, with one or two exceptions, being suitable for cultivation. The soil is almost universally good, and well rewards indus- trious toil. Two or three miles from Sanbornton Bridge, on the " Gulf Road," is a gulf extending nearly a mile through very hard, rocky ground, 38 feet in depth and from 80 to 100 feet in width. Such is the corresjiondence of the sides, that the beholder is strongly impressed with the belief that they were sundered by some natural con- vulsion. In the declivity of a neighboring hill is a cavern, which may be entered in a horizontal direction some 25 or 30 feet. This town was once the residence of a powerful tribe of Indians, or, at least, a place of common resort. At the head of Little Bay are still to be seen the remains of an an- cient fortification. It consisted of six walls — one extend- ^? 880 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. ing along the river and across a point of land into the bay, and the others in right angles, connected by a circular wall in the rear. Within the fort have been found numer- ous Indian i-elics, such as implements of war, husbandry, cooking utensils, Sec. When the first settlers of Sanborn- ton arrived, these walls were breast high, and within the enclosure large oaks were growing. Sanbornton Square was the first settled part of the town. It contains two meeting houses^ and several dwelling houses. For Several years, however, the business of the town has been confined to Sanbornton Bridge, a pleasant and thriv- ing vilhige, situated on the northerly side of the Winnipi- seogec River, and about three and a half miles south-west- erly from Little Bay. This village is partly in Northfield and partly in Sanbornton. It contains two meeting houses, four common schools, the New Hampshire Conference Sem- inary and Female Collegiate Institute, five stores, one sati- net factory, employing 32 hands, one tweed do., employing 30 hands, one cotton do., employing about 50 hands, one box manufactory, in which 10 hands are employed, and one piano-forte do., employing 15 hands. There is also one hotel, situated but a few rods from the depot. It is large, commodious, and Avell managed. The Citizens Bank was incorporated in 1853. Capital, $50,000. There are in the town of Sanbornton eight meeting houses, two of which belong to Congregational, three to Baptist, two to Freewill Baptist, and one to Methodist, societies. There are also twenty-eight common schools, eight stores, and two hotels. . This town was granted by the Masonian proprietors, in 1748, to several persons by the name of Sanborn, and was settled in 1765, by John Sanborn, David Duston, Andrew GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 381 Rowen, and others. It was incorporated March 1, 1770. About this time the Congregational church was organized. The first Baptist church was formed in 1793. Population, 2(J95. Number of legal voters in 1854, 712. Inventory, $823,423. Value of lands, |5 13,403. Stock in trade, $10,215. Value of mills and factories, $17,600. Money at interest, $45,005. Number of sheep, 3326. Do. neat stock, 2636. Do. horses, 373. Sandown, Rockingham county. Bounded north by Chester and Freemont, east by Danville, south by Ilamp- stead, and west by Derry and Chester. Area, 8532 acres, 200 of which are covered with water. Distance from Concord, 31 miles, south-east; from Portsmouth, 26, south-west. The surface is uneven, but the soil is produc- tive. Phillips's Pond, lying in the south part, is 340 rods long and 200 wide. It is the largest body of water in the town. Swamscot River flows from this pond, and pursues a level course for nearly two miles, when another stream unites with it. From this point, whenever the waters are raised by sudden freshets, the current runs back towards the pond with great force. The settlement of this town was commenced in 1736, by Moses Tucker, Israel and James Huse, and others. A Congregational church was organized in 1759. A Meth- odist church was formed in 1807. Sandown was originally a part of Kingston, and was in- corporated April 6, 1756. Population, 566. Number of polls, 125. Inventory, $236,629. Value of lands, $123,760. Stock in trade, $1650. Value of mills, $4150. Money at interest, $20,310. Number of sheep, 257. Do. neat stock, 461. Do. horses, 81. 382 NEAV HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. Sandwich, Carroll county. Bounded north by Water- ville, east by Tamworth, south by Moultonborough, and west by Holderness, Campton, and Thornton. Distance from Concord, 52 miles, north ; from Ossipee, 22, north- west. Area, 64,000 acres. It was originally granted by Governor Benning Wentworth, October 25, 1763, and contained an area of six miles square. In September of the following year, an additional grant was made called Sand- wich Addition. The Sandwich Mountains are a lofty range, extending in a north-eastei'ly course, and terminat- ing Chocorua Peak in Albany. Squam Mountain extends from Holderness, though a corner of Campton, into Sand- wich. Bear Camp and Red Hill Rivers are the largest streams. About one fourth of Squam Lake lies in the south- west corner of this town, and in connection with the sur- rounding and distant mountains affords a beautiful prospect. Sandwich is a fine farming town ; its mountain pastures are excellent, and are seldom affected by drought. It is celebrated for its fine horses and cattle. Great efforts are constantly made to improve the stock. There are two hotels, eight stores, and quite a number of shoe manufactories, two Congregational, one Methodist, and two Freewill Baptist meeting houses, and a large society of Quakers or Friends. It has one academy and twenty-one common schools. (^1658 have been expended the present year for scliools. Population, 2577. Number of legal voters in 1854, 710. Inventory, $503,425. Value of lands, |262,824. Stock in trade, $6770. Value of mills, $3610. Money at interest, $16,803. Number of sheep, 1975. Do. neat stock, 2772. Do. horses, 384. Seabrook, Rockingham county. Bounded north by GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. Hampton Falls, east by the Atlantic, south by Salisbury, Massachusetts, and west by South Hampton and Kensing- ton. It is located in the south-east corner of the state, 15 miles south from Portsmouth, 8 south-east from Ex- eter, and about 45 south-east from Concord. It lies on the great eastern route from Boston to Portland. The Eastern Railroad passes nearly through the centre of the town. The southerly part was formerly included within the limits of Massachusetts. The old line from the " Bound Rock," at the mouth of the river, on Avhich is yet observ- able the inscription, "A. I^. 1657, H. B.," can still be traced to a rock near the " Brick School House," marked *' B. T.," thence inland. The remainder of the territory was a part of " Old Hampton." The west part of the town is undulating. The middle and eastern portions are comparatively level. The soil is light, but productive. Extensive tracts are covered with a heavy and valuable growth of wood and timber. Theie are also large plains of salt marsh. Cam's Brook, rising in Salisbury, Massachusetts, passes through the south-east part of the town, and affords a few water privileges of moderate power, which are occupied by saw and gristmills. Near its mouth is a valuable tide mill, formerly known as Walton's — now Robbins's — mill. Several small streams risinsr in this and adjacent towns, and uniting in the broad marsh along the eastern border forms Seabrook River, which, in its course to- wards the ocean, unites with Hampton River. The beach is a favorite resort in the warm season. Titcomb's Hill, partly in this town and partly in South Hampton, and Grape liill, in the south-west part of the town, lying partly in Massa- chusetts, are fine elevations, which afford extensive aa.4 beautiful prospects of the surrounding country. A portion of the inhabitants are engaged in agricultural pursuits, S84 NKW HAMPSHIRE VS IT IS. whose highly cultivated farms yield abundaiit crops. Boat building is carried on more extensively here than in any other town in the state. Several of the inhabitants are engaged in seafaring pursuits. The fishing business is very lucrative, though laborious. The manufacture of shoes is by no means a small item in the industrial accouut of this town. Dearborn Academy, founded in 1851, is located in Sea- brook. A substantial brick edifice, 54 feet by 40, was erected in 1853. An endowment of $15,000 was made by the late Dr. Edward Dearborn, an eminent physician and a distinguished citizen. It has a pleasant and salu- brious situation in Seabrook Village, commanding exten- sive views of neighboring villages, distant mountains, and the broad Atlantic. There are four meeting houses in this town. The Old South meeting house, near the centre of the town, was erected in the year 1763, and was occupied by Presby- terian and Congregational societies. The Friends' meeting house was built about 1765, and is situated in the north part of the town. The Methodist chapel was built in 1835. The Evangelical Congregational meeting house was dedicated July 6, 1836. A fund of $4000 was left by the late Dr. Dearborn, the income of which is to be used for the support of the gospel forever in this place. The early settlers of this town were mostly from Massa- chusetts. They suffered considerably from the depreda- tions of the Indians. On one occasion a man by the name of Dow, living near a swamp thickly covered with trees and shrubs, observed to his brother that he was fearful that the Indians were lurking near by, being satisfied that they had been prowling about his house the night previous. He was advised to go into the bushes and watch. He did so, and soon perceived them making their way from the GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 385 swamp. He then ran through the street, crying, "In- dians ! " A Mr. Gove, who lived in the house now owned by David Gove, hearing the cry, jumped upon a stump, and counted thirty-two, as they issued from their place of concealment, crawling upon their hands and knees. They first killed a widow named Hussey, who was passing by the swamp ; they led her into the bushes, and beat out her brains with a tomahawk. She was greatly lamented by the society of Friends, among whom she had been very prom- inent as a speaker. An earthen vessel which she Avas then carrying is now in the possession of Jonathan Gove. They next killed Thomas Lancaster, who was on his way to mill. His cries were heard by some men who were build- ing a garrison near by ; they ran to his assistance, but finding the Indians superior in numbers they fled. A friend who was with Lancaster stopped, on his way, at the house of the late EdM'ard Gove, to " drink a syllabub," and thus escaped. They next slew Jonathan Green, beating his head ^\"ith the buts of their guns, and mangling him in a horrible manner. A widow, living where the house of Benjamin Brown now stands, left her child with two young women while she went into a field to pull flax. When the Indians came the girls fled, leaving the child behind, which followed after ; but, while endeavoring to climb over a fence, an Indian seized it, and dashed its head against a plough standing near. They killed and scalped Nicholas Bond in his own house. Among the early settlers were Christopher Hussey, Jo- seph Dow, and Thomas Philbrick. Meshech Weare, the first chief magistrate of New Hampshire after the revolu- tion, settled, it is believed, within the limits of this town. His grandfather, Nathaniel "Weare, was an agent for the colony, and spent considerable time in England to prose- 33 386 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. cute the complaints of the colonists against the royal govern- or, Edward Cranfield. His son, Nathaniel Weare, father of Meshech Weare, was much engaged in public business. Both lived within the present limits of Seabrook. Edward Gove distinguished himself by his opposition to the British government. He was at length arrested, con- victed of high treason, and confined in the Tower of Lon- don. After three years of imprisonment he was released, and returned to his home in New England. The order for his pardon is still preserved, of which the following is a copy : — ** James E.. " Where as Edward Gove was neare three years since apprehended, tryed & condemned for High Treason in our Colony of New-England, in America, and in June 1683 was committed prisoner to the Tower of London, we have thought fit hereby to signify our Will and Pleasure to you, that you cause him, the said Edward Gove, to be inserted in the next general Pardon that shall come out for th« poor Convicts of Newgate, without any condition of trans- portation, he giving such security for his good behavior as you will think requisite. And for so doing, this shallbe your Warrant. Given at our Court at Windsor the 14 day of September 1685, in the first year of our Reign. " ]3y his Maj. his command. " Sunderland. *' To our Trusty and Welbeloved the Recorder of our Citty of Jjondon, and all others whom i|; my concerne. " Edward Gove to be inserted in ye General Pardon." The following letter, directed to him during his confine- ment, is interesting on account of its antiquity at least : — GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 387 Superscription : " for my honoured father Edward Gove. In the tower or elsewhere. I pray deliver with Care." " From hampton The 31 of ye first month 1686. " deare and kind father, througli gods good mercy hav- ing this opportunity to send unto ye hoping in ye Lord yt ye art in good health — deare father my desire is yt God in his good mercy would bee pleased to keep ye both in body and soul. Loving father it is our duty To pray unto god That hoe would by his grace give us good hearts to pray unto him for grace and strength to support us so yt ye Love of our hearts and souls should bee always fixed on him, whereby we should Live A heavenly Life while wee arc upon ye earth so yt gods blessing may be with us always, as our Savior Christ says in ye world ye shall have Troubles but in mee ye shall have peace so in ye Lord Jesus Christ ye true light of yee world There is peace & joy & love and strength and power & truth to keep all those yt trust in him. so deare father I hope god in his good mercy will bee pleased to Bring us together Againe to his glory and our good. — intrcet ye Let us heare from ye all oppertunities as may bee — for it is great joy to us to heare from ye father. I have one Little daughter — my husband is troubled with a could — hee Remembers his duty to ye — So no more at present. I Eest thy duti- ful son and daughter " Abraham Clements & " Hannah Clements." Seabrook was granted, June 3, 1768, to Jonathan "Weare and others. Settlement commenced here in 1638. The society of the Friends Avas formed in 1701. A Presbyterian church was organized in 1764. Population, 1393. Legal voters in 1854, 325. Inven- 388 XEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. tory, $312,168. Value of lands, $136,520. Money at interest, $18,050. Number of sheep, 65. Do. neat stock, 474. Do. horses, 70. Sharon, Hillsborough county. Bounded north by Pe- terborough, east by Temple, south by New Ipswich and Kindge, and west by Jaffrey. Area, 10,000 acres. Dis- tance from Concord, 48 miles, south-west ; from Amherst, 18, west. The surface is uneven, and in some parts moun- tainous. It has no village, no tavern, and no store. There is in the south-easterly part of the town a spring strongly impregnated with iron and sulphur, and is in high repute for its medicinal virtues. Sharon was incorporated June 24, 1791. Population, 226. Inventory, $124,885. Value of lands, $73,114. Stock in trade, $1300. Number of sheep, 87. Do. neat stock, 401. Do. horses, 46. Do. polls, 45. Shelburne, Coos county. Bounded north by Success, east by Riley and Gilead, Maine, south by White Moun- tain region, and west by Gorham. Area, 18,140 acres. Ameriscoggin River passes through the centre of this town, into which fall the waters of Rattle River and several small streams. The soil on both sides of the river is excellent, producing grain, grass, and potatoes in abundance. A short distance from the river the land becomes broken by mountains, and is unfit for cultivation. Mount Moriah, an elevated peak of the White Mountains, lies in the south part of the town. Moses' Rock is a huge mass of granite, 60 feet high, 90 long, very smooth, and rising at an angle of 50°. In 1775 David and Benjamin Ingalls commenced a settlement here. In August, 1781, a party of Indians visited this town, killed one man, captured another. GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 389 plundered the houses, and returned to Canada in triumph. The Atlantic and St. Lawrence Railroad passes through the southern part of the town. Shelburne was incorporated December 13, 1820. Population, 480. Number of polls, 70. Inventory, $101,832. Yalue of lands, $65,130. Stock in trade, $980. Value of mills, $200. Money at interest, $4400. Number of sheep, 541. Do. neat stock, 415. Do. horses, 70. SoMERSWORTH, StrafFord county. Bounded north-east by South Berwick, Maine, south by Rollinsford, south-west by Dover, and north-west by Rochester. Distance from Concord, 45 miles, east ; from Portsmouth, 12, north-west. Since the separation of Rollinsford, this town is very small in area, including only about 5760 acres. It is situated on the Salmon Fall River, and is one of the most important towns in the county of Strafford. Here centre the Great Falls and ConAvay Railroad, a branch of the Boston and Maine Railroad, the Great Falls and South Berwick Branch Railroad, which connects with the Eastern Railroad. Here also is the terminus of the York and Cumberland Rail- road. Most of the inhabitants of this town reside in the village of Great Falls, which has grown up since 1823. Prior to that time the only buildings in the vicinity were a saw and gristmill, and two dwelling houses. In 1823 the Great Falls ^lanufacturing Company was chartered, and commenced operations, with a capital of $500,000. This company have now upwards of 75,000 spindles, and are now erecting another mill, which will increase the number of spindles to 83,000, being a larger number than are in oper- ation by any other corporation in the United States. The goods manufaptured are cotton, consisting of sheetings, 33* 390 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. shirtings, and drillings, the number of yards manufactured annually amounting to 17,000,000, valued at $1,300,000. About 5,000,000 pounds of cotton are consumed in the same time. Number of operatives, 2000. Amount paid monthly for labor, $33,000. There are also consumed per annum 100 tons of starch, valued at $9000 ; 3500 cords of wood, $14,000; 300 tons of coal, $3000; 300,000 feet of lumber, $4000 ; 6000 gallons of sperm oil, $9000 ; 200 tons of iron, $1750; leather for belting and other pur- poses, $3000. This company also have a bleachery, where 8,000,000 yards of cotton cloth are bleached annually. The Great Falls Machine Company employ 80 men ; consume 4,500,000 pounds of iron per annum, and 600 tons of coal ; manufacture machinery, gas pipe, stove and all other kinds of castings. Value of products per an- num, about $150,000. There is also a machine shop owned by several individ- uals, whose annual business is $50,000. The Great Falls Bank has a capital of $150,000. Somersworth Savings Bank — deposits $175,000. The Great Falls Gaslight Company — capital, $60,000. The streets and principal buildings are lighted with gas. The town of Somersworth has recently purchased a tract of 40 acres, about a mile from the village, for a cem- etery. The sum of $3000 has already been expended in enclosing, laying out, and ornamenting the grounds. The location is retired, but inviting and beautiful. Great efibrts have been made in this town for the .ad- vancement of common schools. The Somersworth Act, so called, which provides for the union of several school districts for the purpose of establishing high schools, on a graduated system, had its origin here. The excellence of this system has been most satisfactorily proved in this and GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 391 other towns. The school house in this village is in all respects one of the best constructed in the state. Here the scholar may obtain as complete an education as is general- ly acquired in the academies of New England. Number of scholars in the high school, 80. Do. in all the depart- ments, 800. The Manufacturers and Village Library Association has 3500 well-selected books. There are five meeting houses — one Congregational, one Baptist, one Freewill Baptist, and two ]Methodist. The village is named from the im- mense waterfall in Salmon Fall River at this place. Its descent within a very short distance is 100 feet, furnishing some of the most valuable mill privileges in the countiy. The various departments of industry, especially the me- chanical and mercantile, are actively pursued, and impart a healthy vigor to the whole community. Somersworth was settled between 1650 and ITOO, by William Wentworth, John Hall, William Stiles, and others. On the 7th of October, 1675, George and Maturin Rick- er were surprised and killed by a party of Indians lying in ambush about half a mile north-cast from Yarney's Hill. They were then stripped of their arms and garments. In 1724, Ebenezer Downs, a Quaker, was taken by the Indians, and carried to Canada. He was grossly in- sulted and abused because he refused to dance with the other captives for the amusement of the savages. He was redeemed in the following year. Jabez Garland was killed in the summer of 1710, on his return from public worship. Gershom Downs was killed by the Indians in 1711, in the marsh between Varney's and Otis's Hills. The first meet- ing house was erected in 1729. The present population of Somersworth is about 6000. Number of legal voters, about 1200. Inventory, 392 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. $1,726,253. Value of lands, $212,579. Stock in trade, $101,390. Value of mills and factories, $591,000. Money at interest, $43,592. Money in banks, &c., $112,200. Number of sheep, 96. Do. neat stock, 404. Do. horses, 172. South Hampton, Rockingham county. Bounded north by East Kingston and Kensington, east by Seabrook, south by Amesbury, Massachusetts, and west by Newton. Dis- tance from Concord, 50 miles, south-east ; from Portsmouth, 18, south-west. The surface is uneven, but not rough. The land rises in moderate swells, and affords excellent pasturing and tillage. The inhabitants make but little pre- tensions, excepting in their skill in agriculture ; and their enterprise, industry, and success justly entitle them to greater credit than they claim. Powow River passes through the western portion of the town, affording a few mill seats. The most valuable priv- ileges on this stream are in Amesbury, Massachusetts. There are, one meeting house belonging to the Baptist society, one hotel, two stores, and an academy, with a fund of $4200, a bequest of the late Hon. Benjamin Barnard, for the es- tablishment of an English High School, free to all the chil- dren in the town over seven years of age. This town was incorporated May 25, 1742. A Congre- ' gational church was organized in 1743. Population, 472. Number of legal voters in 1854, 115. Inventory, $268,496. Value of lands, $201,018. Stock in trade, $3445. Money at interest, $7150. Shares in banks, &c., $13,500. Number of sheep, 223. Do. neat stock, 422. Do. horses, 69. South Newmarket, Rockingham county. Bounded north by Newmarket, east by Strathara, south by Exeter, GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 393 and west by Epping. Distance from Concord, 36 miles, south-east ; from Portsmouth, 12, south-west. This was originally a part of Newmarket, from which it was sev- ered, and incorporated June 27, 18-i9. Its territory is small, comprising not more than 6000 acres. It contains two meeting houses, — one Methodist and one Congregational, — four stores, and one hotel. The Swamscot Machine Company employ 90 men ; man- ufacture gas pipe, steam boilers, steam engines, and ma- chinists' tools of all descriptions. Capital $52,000. There is also an iron foundery, in which 30 men are em- ployed. The junction of the Portsmouth and Concord and the Great Falls Branch Railroads is in this town. The principal streams are the Swamscot and the Piscas- sic Rivers, which afford several valuable mill privileges. The soil of this township is good and well cultivated. Population, 516. Number of legal voters in 1854, 166. Inventory, $104,556. Value of lands, $120,244. Stock in trade, $13,460. Value of mills and factories, ,$3516. Money at interest, $16,172. Number of sheep, 200. Do. neat istock, 309. Do. horses, 66. Springfield, Sullivan county. Bounded north by Grafton, east by Wilmot and New London, south by New London and Sunapee, and west by Croyden and Grantham. Area, 28,330 acres, 2300 of which are covered with water. Distance from Concord, 38 miles, north-west ; from New- port, 13, north-east. A branch of the Sugar River has its source in this town, also a branch of the Blackwater Riv- er, the former discharging into the Connecticut, and the latter into the Merrimack. There are several ponds scat- tered through the town. The land is rough and stony, but 394 NE-W HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. not mountainous. The soil is strong, and produces -well. There are two meeting houses belonging to societies of the Christian order, thirteen common schools, three stores, one planing mill, and several factories. There are still large tracts of excellent wood and timber land here. In the east part of the town is an excellent quarry of granite. Population, 1270. Number of legal voters in 1854, 300. Inventory, ^269,591. Value of lands, $146,714. Stock in trade, $1500. Value of mills, $3325. Money at interest, $12,857. Number of sheep, 4637. Do. neat stock, 1326. Do horses, 166. Stark, Coos county. Bounded north by Stratford and uugranted lauds called " Odell," east by Dummer and Mi- lan, south by Kilkenny, and west by Northumberland, Area, 20,000 acres. Distance from Concord, 135 miles, north ; from Lancaster, 10, north-east. In the north-east part of the town, the north and south branches of the Ammonoosuc form a junction. Nash's Stream falls into this river, in the north part of the town. The surface is much broken and hilly. In the valleys are some valuable farms. Near Mill Mountain is a ledge, which on its southern part breaks abruptly into a precipice of nearly 300 feet, while on the north cattle may be driven to its top. This town was settled in 1788, by Caleb and Benjamin Smith. It was incorporated December 28, 1832. Previ- ous to this time it was called Piercy. Population, 418. Number of polls, 93. Inventory, 96,213. Value of lands, $50,935. Do. mills, $3075. Stock in trade, $220. Money at interest, $5615. Number of sheep, 648. Do. neat stock, 579. Do horses, 62. Stewaetstown, Coos county. Bounded north by GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 395 Clarksville, east by Dixville, south by Colebrook, and. west by Canaan, Vermont. Area, about 23,040 acres. Dis- tance from Concord, 150 miles, north ; from Lancaster, 40, north-east. Connecticut Kiver passes along the west- ern border. It is also watered by Bishop's Brook, Dead- water, and Mohawk Rivers. Little and Great Diamond Ponds are the principal ponds ; both of these are well stored with salmon trout. In the north-east part of the town is an extensive tract of land, unsettled, Avhich fur- nishes great quantities of excellent timber. There are five sawmills in operation here. There are in this town two meeting houses, — one Con- gregational and one Christian, — one hotel, three stores, one woollen factory, one gristmill, one iron foundery, and one starch factory, at which a very large quantity of starch is annually manufactured. Stewartstown was incorporated in December, 1T99. It was settled prior to the revolution, but after the war broke out it was abandoned. The original grantors were Sir George Cockburn, Sir George Coleman, John Stewart, and John Nelson. During the war of 1812, a blockhouse or fort was erected here, and occupied until 1814. On the site of this fort the American and British surveyors and as- tronomers met to ascertain the 45th degree of north lat- itude, between the two nations, according to the terms of the treaty of Ghent. Population, 747. Number of legal voters in 1854, 180. Inventory, $153,598. Value of lands, $74,940. Do. mills and factories, $3775. Stock in trade, $2200. Money at interest, $8235. Number of sheep, 1385. Do. neat stock, 1148. Do. horses, 167. Stoddard, Cheshire county. Bounded north by Wash- NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. ington, east by Windsor and Antrim, south by Nelson and Sullivan, and west by Gilsum and Marlow. Area, 35,925 acres, 1100 of which are covered with water. Distance from Concord, 42 miles, south-west ; from Keene, 14, north-east. It is situated on the height of land between the Connecticut and Merrimack Rivers. Such is the loca- tion of some of the houses, that the rain falling upon one side of the roof runs into the former river, while that fall- ing upon the other side runs into the latter. The soil is deep, underlaid with clay. It is well adapted to grazing. The south branch of Ashuelot River has its source near the centre of the town. Long Pond, lying partly in this town and partly in Washington, is a pleasant sheet of water, abounding with various kinds of fish. Island Pond includes about 300 acres, and is studded with small islands. Branch River affords many valuable mill privileges. There are in this town two hotels, three stores, five saw- mills, one gristmill, five shingle and clapboard mills, and one pail factory, furnishing employment for 20 men. There are two glass factories, each of which contains eight pot furnaces, which are kept constantly heated during six months in the year. The value of products amounts an- nually to about $10,000, and consists of window glass and glass ware of various kinds. The whole number of hands employed in the glass works, including both sexes, is 200. There are also tlii'ee rake manufactories, two extensive tan- neries, and three blacksmiths' shops. Granite of a very fine grain is abundant, and is used largely for building and other purposes. There are two religious societies — one Congregational and one Universalist — about equal in numbers and wealth. The former was organized September 4, 1787. The late Isaac Robinson, D. D., was ordained January 5, 1803, and GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 397 continued his labors here until July 9, 1854, the time of his death. He was a man of remarkable mental powers, of untiring energy and perseverance. Although he en- joyed but very slight advantages for education, yet by close and unremitted application he became a sound and learned divine, as well as a scholar of unusual attainments in the various departments of science and literature. He was universally beloved, and his death was deeply regretted. This town was formerly called Limerick. It was incor- porated November 4, 1774, when it received the name of Stoddard from Colonel Samson Stoddard, to whom, with others, it was granted. It was settled in June, 1769, by John Taggard and others. The hardships of the first set- tlers were very great. Population, 1105. Number of legal voters in 1854, 250. Inventory, $399,408. Value of lands, $242,936. Stock in trade, 1 13,006. Value of niiJls, $3200. Money at interest, $36,348. Number of sheep, 4107. Do. neat stock, 1056. Do. horses, 200. Strafford, Strafford county. Bounded north-east by Farmington, south-east by Barrington, south-west by Northwood and Pittsfield, and north-west by Barnstead. Area, about 29,000 acres. Distance from Concord, 30 miles, north-east ; from Dover, 15, north-west. The sur- face is uneven, and in the north-west part mountainous. The soil is generally good. Bow Pond lies in the south- west part of the towu, is 650 rods long and 400 wide, and is the source of one of the principal branches of Isin- glass River. "Wild Goose Pond lies between this town and Pittsfield, and Trout Pond is west of the Blue Hills, which cross the north-west part of the town. The inhab- itants are chiefly engaged in agriculture. Great attention 34 398 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. is paid to the raising of stock. Straflford furnishes some veiy fine horses and cattle. There are two Freewill Bap- tist societies here, one Christian and one Methodist. Straf- ford was originally a part of Barrington, and was severed from it and incorporated June 17, 1820. Population, 1920. Number of polls, 470. Inventory, $491,505. Value of lands, $302,661. Stock in trade, $3-1:00. Value of mills, $3608. Money at interest, $12,510. Number of sheep, 1460. Do. neat stock, 2092. Do. horses, 333. Stratford, Coos county. Bounded north by Columbia, east by imgranted lands, called " Odell," south by Stark and Northumberland, and Avest by Brunswick, Vermont. This is a large township, extending along the Connecticut River a distance of ten miles. The intel*val is very fertile, and varies from one fourth to one mile in width. The soil, except along the river, is rocky, gravelly, and cold. The " Peaks," two mountains of a conical form, situated in the south-east part of the town, are seen at a great distance. There are several streams, the largest of which are Bog Brook and Nash's River. Stratford was incorporated No- vember 16, 1779. First settlers, Isaac Johnston, James Curtis, James Brown, Josiah Lampkins, and Archippus Blodgett. Population, 552. Number of polls, 183. Inventory, $146,233. Value of lands, $71,603. Stock in trade, $3788. Value of mills, $2770. Number of sheep, 517. Do. neat stock, 678. Do. horses, 204. Stratham, Rockingham county. Bounded north and east by Greenland and North Hampton, south by Exeter, and west by Exeter and Great ]3ay. Area, 10,120 acres. AZETTEEK OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 899 Distance from" Concord, 43 miles, south-east ; from Exeter, 3, north-east. The land is even, and well calculated for agricultural purposes. Fruits of all kinds are raised in greater abundance here than in any other town in the state. Stratham is celebrated for its extensive nurseries of fruit trees. From the summit of Stratham Hill, in this town, a beautiful and extensive prospect is afforded of the surrounding country, including the White Mountains, Great Bay, and the ocean. This toAvn was a part of the Swamscot Patent, or Hilton's Purchase. In 31697 there were 35 families in the place. It was incorporated March 20, 1716. A Congregational church was organized at a very early date. First settled preacher, Rev. Henry Rust, ordained in 1718. There are at present two Baptist societies, and one Congregational. Population, 843. Number of legal voters in 1854, 200. Inventory, $378,629. Value of lands, $185,137. Stock in trade, $150. Value of mills, $2330. Money at inter- est, $26,257. Number of sheep, 659. Do. neat stock, 735. Do. horses, 134. Success, Coos county. Bounded north by Cambridge, east by Grafton and Riley, Maine, south by Shelburne, and west by Berlin and Milan. Area, about 30,000 acres. This is a rough and rugged township. In the south part it is mountainous. The soil is hard and difficult of cul- tivation. It was granted, February 12, 1773, to Benjamin Mackay and others. Distance from Concord, 143 miles, north-east ; from Lancaster, 30, east. Sullivan, Cheshire county. Bounded north by Gilsum and Stoddard, east by Stoddard and Nelson, south by Rox- 400 XEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. bury and Keene, and west by Keene and Gilsum. Area, 12,^12 acres. Distance from Concord, 43 miles, south- west ; from Keene, 6, east. The south-east part of the town is watered by Ashuelot River. There are two small ponds, the one called Bolster, the other Chapman's Pond. The surface is generally even. The soil is very produc- tive, and well cultivated. The inhabitants are chiefly formers, and are intelligent, industrious, and, for the most part, independent. In 1854 there was not a person as- sessed for his poll vv'ho was not taxed, besides, for property of more or less value — a circumstance, at least, of rare occurrence. There is one religious society — the Congre- gational. Sulhvan was incorporated September 27, 1787, and received its name from President Sullivan, the chief magistrate of New Hampshire at that time. Population, 468. Number of legal voters in 1854, 107. Inventory, $213,718. Value of lands, 1 135,776. Stock in trade, $1605. Value of mills, $2500. Money at in- terest, $23,704. Number of sheep, 2784. Do. neat stock, 714. Do. horses, 101. SuNAPEE, Sullivan county. Bounded north by Spring- field, east by NeAv London and Newbury, south by Goshen, and west by Newport and Croyden. Area, 15,666 acres, 3000 of which are covered with water. Distance from Concord, 35 miles, north-west ; from Newport, 7, east. By far the larger portion of Sunapee Lake lies within the limits of this town. It is a beautiful sheet of water — abounding with fish — which, with the surrounding country, afibrds a charming prospect. This is the principal source of Sugar River, which flows through the centre of the town, through Newport and Claremont into the Connecti- cut, affording in its course numerous excellent water privi- I GAZETTEER OF NEW HAMPSHIKE. 401 leges. The surface of the to^vn is uneven, and in some parts rocky and mountainous. The soil is strong and pro- ductive, if carefully cultivated. It was granted, November 7, 17(58, to John Sprague and others, under the name of *Saville. It was settled, in 177^, by emigrants from Rhode Island, and was incorporated April 4, 1781, when it re- ceived the name of Wendell from one of the principal pro- prietors, John Wendell. It received its present name in 1850. A Congregational society was incorporated June 24, 1819. There are at present two religious societies — one Christian and one Methodist. Population, 787. Number of polls, 191. Inventory, $203,533. Value of lands, $125,451. Stock in trade, $1550. Money at interest, $4770. Number of sheep, 1402. Do. neat stock, 1061. Do. horses, 13^. Surrey, Cheshire county. Bounded north by Walpole an < Hi n 00 ^ 00 oo ^ »f.- i4>- >f> s ^ 2 CO to o CO 00 ^ 05 (N ^ ch «-l Ch «-l =H «H C-l «H c-( c c c c P ff P c g cw 3 o <^ ^ "-< (I) Maximum Tern. i to CO ^ & CO ^ CO ^ to CO perature. CO CO CO CO CO CO CD coV CO to to to Oi ^ )*-■ O) tf^ COK «H sh «-4 M ^T\ ch ►tI •tI « «-l P p p fl> a p re a s a p p- a- 3 cr cr r' Uinimnm Tem- to 03 g 05 CO tl^ ^ CD to ^ perature. b3 ■• "* " " '^ ■* ^ " "* "? O. to lO CO to CO to to to CO to CO CO •*- to o >^ >(>■ 4^ kF>- rf^ >f>- ►&- i^- 4^ 4^ ^« *. CO CO CO to >f^ 4^ ri^ Mean. o Ol CO CO If^ CO CO "-^ CO o CO CO to CO M CO CO CO to to CO o b CO '►P' CO b CO C3 b b PS" Amount of Bain. to K>- CO >«>■ 00 CO '-' o Ol CO CO 1 f^ i_i 00 Oi o *. CO 00 •-J 00 CO l—f CO to 00 o CO CD Ol ci;>H Amount of Snow. t_( Ox -A & o o Ol o O Oi o.° to o Oi o o o o o o o 1^ a^ >;>- hf^ o ^4 05 ^J o ^a CO Oi 05 -a Oiw Whole Precipi- >»■ O Ol o 05 00 CO o CO 05 U^? tation. CO CO Ci o C3 *. 00 CO 00 CO to ^> CO s 00 CD CO 00 Thunder Storms. ^ CO CO CO h-i ^ ^ Days when Bain ^a CO CO to *- CO or Snow fell. «3 OS o CO CO 00 00 i Oi -^ -J o C3 o> ^1 00 ^ b CO ^ S; o 05 05 82 ;2 g; 2 en o ^ a ^ to ,_, CO ^ CO I— ^ P en CO »J ^^ o OJ 05 to o Oi o ^ CO l(^ to to ►- en 00 to --a OS i 05 TO ^ ■^ CO o> lf>- Crt 00 w^ w M t) bo ^ Cn 00 CO to to ;& 1^ to CO en o ^1 CO CO § bO CO Ol *-> to ^ ^. to Oi ^ ^ to ^ CO o to o to to CT> Oi o 00 «» ^ i CO - en CO CO a> OJ 05 en i^ a> ■- 00 >(>- CO o 1*^ o< ~J CO CD CO CO CO ^ £5 c* >(>■ to >«>■ •^ ss CO oo :& >f>- ^ k 00 ^ to to 00 ^J CJl oo CO to ^ ^ to !_, l_ h-- H- § ^ !_, ^ Weeks of Blel»h- CO k»- ^a ing. GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY. 468 GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY. A correct knowledge of the geological formation and mineral resources of the several states which constitute our confederacy is now deemed of the utmost importance. Nor is this surprising when we consider the amount of hidden treasure thus brought to light, or the vast amount of wealth expended with the expectation of realizing hopes which the least knowledge of the science of geology would have shown, at once, to be utterly vain. The first settlers of Virginia are not the only persons who have rejoiced at the sight of a mass of yellow mica or iron pyrites, supposing that they had found " the land of Ophir, where there is gold." Until within a very few years the whole subject of mining, metallurgy, and mineralogy was involved in ig- norance and superstition ; and the only wonder is, that man, amidst such gross folly and error, really accomplished so much. All knowledge is so remarkable, each new fact is so sur- prising, and every new science discloses so many wonders, that for a time it is condemned as false. Such, in a re- markable degree, has been the fate of the science of geol- ogy. Sharp has been the conflict and severe the ordeal through which it has passed before it could be received into the inner temple of the older and accredited sciences. Until within a recent period there was no information concerning the geological structure and the mineral charac- teristics of New Hampshire, excepting that which was col- lected by private and individual research, and which was, of course, limited and defective. But in June, 1839, a law was passed, authorizing the governor to appoint a state geologist, in order to make " a thorough geological and min- eralogical survey of this state." The state geologist, "by 4S4 NEW HAMPSHIRE A8 IT IS. and with the consent of the governor and council," was re- quired to appoint an assistant for the purpose of analyzing such rocks, ores, soils, and other substances as should be presented to him for that purpose. The sum of $2000 annually for three years was appropriated to carry out the provisions of the law, and in 1842 an additional sum of $3000 was voted to continue the survey. Agreeably to the provisions of this act. Governor Page appointed Charles T. Jackson, Esq., of Boston, state geologist, under whose directions the survey was commenced in 1840, and com- pleted in 1843. The final report was made in 1844. This report imbodies a large amount of useful and impor- tant information, and has served to diffuse much light in regard to the agricultural and mineral resources of New Hampshire ; Avhile, at the same time, it has checked ex- travagant hopes and a spirit of la^dess speculation. Probably no portion of this continent, (or perhaps of the world,) of equal area, furnishes more numerous or more convincing illustrations of the principles of geology than the " Granite State," having a formation peculiarly its own, while those of the states both east and west of it are different, and similar to each other. The anticlinal axis passing nearly north and south through the entire state proves conclusively a remarkable upheaval to have taken place in this region at some time during the countless ages of the past. This, moreover, is confirmed (did it indeed need confirmation) by the fact that the rock is almost en- tirely granite, long since proved to be one of the lowest primitive rocks, only appearing upon the surface in conse- quence of being forced up through thousands of feet of superincumbent strata. From its granitic formation, in- deed, does the state derive its appellation of "Granite State," although, in the southern portion, the mica slate GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY. 455 predominates in several of the mountains, and also, to more or less extent, in other parts of the state. The many and great changes which the surface of this state has evidently undergone have given a varied, wild, and picturesque appearance to its mountains and mountain scenery. The drift epoch has left its witness in almost every part of the state, scratches being found upon the surface of the rocks, and extending usually in a direction nearly south, showing that the great flood of waters, fiom Avhatever source it might arise, had its origin in a direction almost due north. But, besides these, a discovery was made a few years since which is accounted of great value to the science of geology. In the construction of the railroad from Concord to Lebanon it was found necessary to make a deep cut in the town of Orange, near what is termed the Summit, it being the highest land between the Connecticut and Merrimack Rivers, over 900 feet above the bed of those streams, and dividing the streamlets Avhich flow into them. On this height of land were discovered, in the solid granite, pot holes over four feet in diameter at the top, two feet at the bottom, and eleven feet in depth. These were worn smooth, like those at Bellows Falls, and in them stones rounded and polished similar to those found in pot holes formed in our own times. One of these, which is now in the museum at Dartmouth College, is over two feet in length, and nearly in the form of an egg, worn and polished very smooth. Now, there can be but one solution to this prob- lem. These pot holes must have been formed by a great stream of water flowing for centuries. But in order that a stream should flow through this gap, there must have beea an entirely different configuration from that which now exists, and this region must have been, at least, one thou- 456 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. sand feet lower than at present, compared with the beds of the Connecticut and Merrimack Rivers ; since which time it has been elevated by subterranean causes. The time re- quired for the forming of these can hardly be estimated. " The rock is as hard as that at Bellows Falls, where it is rare to find pot holes more than three feet deep ; and yet those falls have been in operation from a period long an- terior to the creation of man." MINERALS. As might be expected in a formation like that of New Hampshire, minerals in great variety and abundance are found in almost every part of the state. These are val- uable generally rather for utility than for their rarity, and are consequently an important item in the wealth of the state ; while the mineralogist will find ample scope for in- vestigation and research. Some of the principal minerals found in this state are the following : — Granite is, of the quarry stones, the most, abundant, and is indeed so common that but little value is attached to it, though its value is now rapidly increasing with the increasing facilities for transportation. Excellent quarries are found in almost all parts of the state. SiENiTE, which is a building stone about equal to gran- ite, abounds in Diuham, Moultonborough, and Sandwich. Gneiss, which is very similar to granite, is extensively used in building on account of its splitting more easily in one direction than another. Mica Slate is composed of parallel layers of mica, in- termixed with fine granular quartz, and is highly valued, when it splits true, for certain economical purposes. It is scattered throughout the state, and most of the minerals occurring here are found in this rock. I MINERALS. 457 Talcose Rock, or Soapstone, is an invaluable material for certain purposes, being wrought into a great variety of useful articles. The principal quarries are in Francestown and Orford, the most valuable quarry in this country having been accidentally discovered in the former place ;n 1794. AiiGiLLACEOUS Slate is found on the borders of the Connecticut River, on the western, and at Portsmouth, Somersworth, and Bartlett, on the eastern side of the state. The compact variety has been wrought for tombstones in the north-west corner of Unity, in Claremont, at Dalton, Cornish Flat, and several other places. Granular Quartz, on account of the facility with which its grains may be separated by the crushing wheel, or even by the stones of a common gristmill, is used for sandpaper, polishing powder, and many other purposes of like charac ter ; also in the manufacture of common window glass It occurs most abundantly in Acworth, Unity, and Win- chester. Limestone is found in beds apparently inexhaustible, especially in Haverhill, Lisbon, and Lyme, where quarries have been wrought with great success. Novaculite, or Oilstone, is abundant in the town of Littleton, and of a veiy good quality. It is quarried and wrought extensively. Felspar is one of the components of granite, and abounds throughout the state, but is most easily obtained from the mica quarries of Alstead, Grafton, Springfield, and Wilmot. Mica abounds in the towns of Alstead and Grafton, where it is quarried extensively for the market. Fluor Spar, used for etching on glass and on agate, occurs in Westmoreland and in Jackson. 39 458 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. Sulphate of Barytes i« found in Piermont in the specular iron ore. Beryl is found in Grafton, Orange, and Danbury in its purest form, some of the crystals being almost equal, in transparency and brilliancy, to the diamond. The largest crystals are found in Acworth, but are distinguished rather for their size than their piirity. Garnet. — The principal locations of this mineral are Haverhill, Amherst, and Planover. Black Lead, or Graphite, is of considerable value, the most extensive and profitable mines being in Goshen and Antrim. Iron. — The ores of this metal are scattered throughout the state ; but the two most valuable localities, all things considered, are probably in Piermont and Bartlett. Zinc. — An important vein of this metal occurs in Eaton. Copper. — The most important localities of copper ores are in Warren, Bath, and Unity. Lead. — The principal locations arc in Eaton and Shel- burne, where it is also associated with silver in consider- able quantities. Tin occurs in Jackson, its discovery a few^ years since being deemed of considerable importance, as the ore was before unknown in the United States. Silver is found in nearly all the lead ores of New Plampshire in sufficient quantity to warrant its extraction from the reduced lead, especially the ores of Eaton and Shelburne. Gold is found in very small quantities in Grafton and Canaan. Molybdenum occurs in great abundance in the town of Westmoreland. SOIL AND PRODUCTIONS. 459 Manganese is found in various parts of the state, es- pecially in Gilmanton, Grafton, Winchester, and Hins- dale. Chrome is found in minute quantities in the soil of Dublin. Titanium is a rare ore, but found comparatively abun- dant in Merrimack and Unity. Cadmium is found in all the ores of zinc, but most abun- dant in the black blende of Shelburne. Cobalt is found in Franconia, but is rare. Arsenic is very abundant, both native and in the state of arsenical pyrites. In Haverhill it is found in the former, and in Jackson, Epsom, and Dunbarton in the latter state. Tungsten is found in the tin ores of Jackson. Uranium occurs in Westmoreland, but is very rare. It will be seen by the above list that New Hampshire has a remarkable variety of minerals, containing a greater number of metals than any other state in the Union. Iron, zinc, lead, copper, and silver are the most important, and the mining of these may yet become a leading branch of industry. SOIL AND PRODUCTIONS. The soil of New Hampshire is not generally distin- guished for its fertility, though by patient industry it is made to yield very abundant and valuable products. As the soil is formed from the detritus of the rock, — the granite, in general, greatly predominating, — much labor is required for. successful cultivation, though in the south- ern portions a lighter and more fertile soil is found upon the slate formations ; and upon the banks of the large riv- ers, as the Connecticut and the Merrimack, the alluvial de- 460 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. posit has formed some of the finest and most fertile meadow lands in the world. The peat bogs, which abound es- pecially in the towns of Dublin, Littleton, Northumber- land, Lancaster, Rochester, Warner, and Franklin, are of immense advantage to the farms upon which they are found. Many of these by draining become excellent grass meadows, while all furnish an almost inexhaustible supply for enriching the upland fields. It is to be hoped that greater attention will be given to this subject, leading to an analysis of such accumulations wherever found, and to a more general use of this natural deposit, which, being composed of vegetable matter, partially disorganized and decomposed, becomes, when mingled with lime, a valuable fertilizing agent. Agriculture is the leading pursuit of the people of New Hampshire, and most of the products common to v the lati- tude are successfully cultivated. Wheat, Indian corn, oats, rye, &c., are raised in large quantities. The most common fruits are apples, pears, plums, and cherries. Peaches are also raised to some extent in the southern part of the state. Some of the principal forest trees are the birch, beach, chestnut, sugar or rock maple, oak, hemlock, pine, cedar, and spruce. A part of these are used for building pur- poses and cabinet work ; others are chiefly valuable for fuel. A variety of the maple, called birdseye maple, is much prized for its beauty. The white pine is still abundant, though vast quantities of it have already been sent to the market. The largest and best of these trees are used for the masts of vessels. From the rock maple large quantities of sugar are made annually. LAKES. 461 LAKES. Connecticut Lake, the principal source of Connecticut River, is situated in the ungranted land in the northern part of the state. It is about five and a half miles in length and two and a half in width. A few miles above this is a smaller body of water, commonly called the Sec- ond Lake, and still farther north is the Third Lake. The latter is about five miles from Canada line. OssiPEE Lake is situated in the townships of Ossipee and Effingham. It is of an oval form, having an area of about 7000 acres. Its waters are clear and beautiful. The scenery in the vicinity is remarkably fine! The Ossi- pee Indians are supposed to have had their head quarters in the neighborhood of this lake. Squam Lake, in Holderness, Sandwich, Moultonbor- ough, and Centre Harbor, is described as " a splendid sheet . of water, indented by points, arched with coves, and stud- ded with a succession of romantic islands." Its length is about six miles ; its greatest width about three. Its area is estimated at from 6000 to 7000 acres. Its w^aters are discharged into the Merrimack by Squam River. Sunapee Lake borders on New London, Newbury, and Sunapee. It is about nine and a half miles in length, and from one half to one and one half miles in width. Its outlet is Sugar River, which empties into the Connecticut. It was once contemplated to unite the Connecticut and Merrimack Rivers by a canal passing from the mouth of Sugar River to the head waters of the Contoocook. A sur- vey was made in 1816, by which it was found that this lake is 820 feet above the level of the sea, and consequently that the proposed canal was impracticable. This lake is 39» NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. situated so near the height of land that a slight excavation would carry its waters to the Merrimack. Umbagog Lake is situated partly in Maine and partly in the township of Errol. Its form is quite irregular. Its outlet is the Androscoggin River. WiNNiPiSEOGEE Lake. — This is the largest body of wa- t€r in New Hampshire. It is situated in Belknap and Carroll counties, environed by the pleasant towns of Moul- tonborough, Tuftonborough, Wolf borough, Centre Harbor, Meredith, Gilford, and Alton. Its form is irregular. At the west end are three large bays ; on the north is a fourth, and at the east end are three others. The greatest length is about 25 miles ; the width varies from one to ten. Its height above the level of the sea is 472 feet. Its out- let is the river of the same name. In the summer, steam- boats, sloops, and smaller vessels navigate its waters, and in the winter it presents a beautiful icy expanse. The .Indian name — Winnipiseogee — is said to mean "the smile of the Great Spirit." Doubtless the aborigines were not insensible to the charms of Nature, here so profusely exhibited. The waters of the lake are clear and pellucid, and in some places of great depth. Its surface is studded with islands, which, like those of Lake George and Casco Bay, are said to be three hundred and sixty-five in number. Some of them arc of considerable size, and possess soil of great fertility. The faciUty with which this beautiful lake is reached by the various routes from the large cities on the sea coast causes it* to be much frequented during the summer months. Steamboats connecting with the railroads ply regularly be- tween the principal places bordering upon it. The follow- ing extract, from a description written many years since by Dr. Dwight, may not be uninteresting : — " The prospect of this lake and its environs is enchant- RIVERS. . 468 ing, and its beauties are seen with great advantage from a delightful elevation a little distance from the road towards Plymouth. The day was remarkably fine. Not a breath distuibcd the leaves, or ruffled the surface of the waters. The sky was serene and beautiful. The Winnipiseogee was an immense field of glass, silvered by the lustre which floated on its surface. Its borders, now in full view, now dimly retiring from the eye, were formed by those flowing lines, those masterly sweeps of nature from which art has derived all its apprehension of ease and grace, alternated, at the same time, by the intrusion of points, by turns rough and bold, or marked with the highest elegance of figure. In the centre, a noble channel spread out 22 miles before the eye, uninterrupted even by a bush or a rock. On both sides of this avenue a train of islands arranged themselves, as if to adorn it with the finish that could be given only by their glowing verdure and graceful forms. That the internal and successive beauties of the Winnipiseogee strongly resemble and nearly approach those of Lake George, I cannot enter- tain a doubt. That they exceed them seems scarcely credible. But the prospect from the hill at the head of Centre Harbor is much superior to that of Fort George. The Winnipiseogee presents a field of at least twice the extent. The islands in view are more numerous, of finer forms, and more happily arranged. The shores are not inferior. The expansion is far more magnificent, and the grandeur of the mountains can scarcely be rivalled." RIVERS. Ammonoosuc River. — There are two rivers of this name, distinguished as Upper and Lower. The Upper Ammonoosuc has its source in the town of Milan, and empties into the Connecticut, near the centre of Northum- 464 . NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. berland. Its course is somewhat circuitous, but generally in a westerly direction. Its length is about fifty miles. Its most considerable tributary is Phillips River. The Lower Ammonoosuc rises on the west side of the White Mountains, near the Notch, flows in a south-wester- ly direction about fifty miles, and falls into the Connecticut in the southern part of Bath. Two miles from its mouth it receives the Wild Ammonoosuc, a rapid and turbulent stream, especially when swollen by freshets. Androscoggin River receives the waters of Umbagog Lake, and also of the Magalloway River, which unites with it about two miles below the lake. From this junc- tion it pursues a southerly course, until it reaches the vicinity of the White Mountains, where it passes into Maine. It then bends to the east and south-east, passes over the falls at Brunswick, not far from Bowdoin College, and finally empties into the Kennebec. AsHUELOT Ri\t<;r has its source in a pond in Washing- ton. It flows in a south-westerly direction, and falls into the Connecticut in Hinsdale, three miles from the state line. Connecticut River. — The principal sources of this river are among the highlands in the northern part of the state. It extends along the western border of New Hamp- shire about one hundred and seventy miles, its western shore forming the boundary between this state and Ver- mont. Its general course is south. Passing through the western part of Massachusetts and tlj^ centre of Connecti- cut, it empties into Long Island Sound ; its total length oeing about four hundred and fifty miles. There are many rapids in the Connecticut, the most celebrated of which are Bellows Falls, in Walpole. The most important tributaries of the Connecticut • RIVERS. 466 in New Hampshire are the Upper and Lower Ammo- noosuc, Israel's, John's, Mascomy, Sugar, and Ashuelot Rivers. The intervals arc generally spread out on one or both sides of the river, and extending from one half a mile to five miles in breadth, tliough in some places the banks are rocky and precipitous. The valley of the Connecticut is justly admired for the unsurpassed beauty of its scenery, while the river itself is unquestionably the finest in the Eastern States. The ancient orthography of the Indian name was Quonehtiquot, signifying Long River. CoNTOOcooK River Avaters most of the towns in the western part of Hillsborough county. It has its origin from several ponds in Jaffrey and Rindge. In its course northward it receives numerous tributaries. In Hills- borough it takes a north-east and easterly direction, and, after meandering through Concord, falls into the Merri- mack between Concord and Boscawen. Hall's Stream rises in the highlands that separate this state from Canada, and forms the north-western boundary of the state from its source to its junction with the Con- necticut at Stcwartstown. Israel's River, in Cods county, receives the waters from the northern part of the White Mountain range, and, fiowing north-west, empties into the Connecticut in Lancas- ter. It received its name from Israel Glines, a hunter, who, with his brother, frequented these regions long before the settlement of the country. John's River, named from John Glines, has its princi- pal source in Pondicherry Pond in Jefferson. It falls into the Connecticut in Dalton. Magalloway River rises among the highlands near the boundary line between New Hampshire and Maine, and. 466 JfEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. after receiving the waters of Dead and Diamond Rivers, empties into the Androscoggin two miles from the outlet of Umbagog Lake. ^ Mascomy Rn^ER is composed of several branches which have their sources in Lebanon, Enfield, and Canaan. These unite and fall into Mascomy Lake in Enfield. From thence the river pursues a westerly course thi'ough Lebanon, and empties into the Connecticut. Merrimack River is composed of two branches. The north branch, called the Pemigewasset, has its sources among the White and Franconia Mountains, and flows south, receiving the waters of Baker's and Mad River, until it unites with the Wiunipiseogec in Franklin. The latter branch is the outlet of Winnipiseogee Lake. From this junction the river is called the jNIerrimack, originally written Merramacke and Monnomake, which in the Indian language signifies a sturgeon. The river pursues a south course seventy-eight miles to Chelmsford, INIassachusetts, and thence flows east twenty-eight miles, emptying into the sea at Newburyport. Some of its principal tributaries are the Contoocook, Avhich empties into it near the north line of Con- cord ; the Soucook in Pembroke ; the Suncook, between Pem- broke and Allenstown ; the Piscataquog in Bedford ; the Sou- hegan in Merrimack ; and a beautiful stream called the Nashua River in Dunstable. The Merrimack, whose fountains are nearly on a level Avith those of the Connecticut, is much shorter than the latter, and, of course, has a more rapid descent to the sea. Hence the intervals bordering on it are less extensive, and the scenery less beautiful, than on the Connecticut. It is, however, a noble river; and on its borders are some of the most flourishing towns in the state. Its width varies from fifty to one hundred rods, and at its mouth it presents a beautiful expanse of water, half a mile RIVERS. 467 in •width. This river, with Lake Winnipiseogee as a reser- voir, affords an immense water power, which has given rise to several flourishing man uflxcturing villages and cities. PiscATAQUA River, the only large river which is wholly in New Hampshire, is formed by the junction of several streams, which unite in a broad channel, hollowed out partly by them and partly by the tide. The names of the tributaries, beginning at the north-east, arc Salmon Fall, Cocheco, Bellamy Bank, Oyster, Lamprey, Swamscot, and Winnicut Rivers. The last five unite their waters in Great Bay, which resembles a lake more than a river, lying be- tween Durham and Greenland. The waters from this bay unite with the Salmon Fall and Cocheco Rivers a few miles below Dover. After this junction they proceed in a direct course to the south-east, and join the ocean a short distance below Portsmouth, imbosoming several islands in their course, and forming one of the best harbors in the country. Although the Piscataqua makes an imposing appearance, most of its tributaries are small ; the Salmon Fall furnish- ing more water than all the rest. This river is called Newichawannock from the falls in Berwick to its junction with the Cocheco. Saco River rises near the Notch of the White Moun- tains, within a few rods of the sources of the Lower Am- monoosuc. It flows in a south-east course, receiving several tributaries from the mountains, the principal of which is Ellis's River, and passes through Conway into Maine, and from thence to the ocean. Its whole length is estimated at one hundred and sixty miles. This river rises and overflows very suddenly in rainy weather, and subsides rapidly on the cessation of the rain. Its ordinary rise in the spring freshets is from ten to fifteen feet, but in some instances it has been known to exceed twenty feet. • « 468 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. Sugar River is the outlet of Sunapee Lake. It flows west, and empties into the Connecticut in Claremont. In Its rapid descent it affords a large amount of water power, which is now improved to a considerable extent. WiNNiPiSEOGEE RivER. — See Merrimack River. MOUNTAINS. Blue Hills is the name commonly applied to a range of mountains in the eastern part of the state, commencing in Nottingham, and extending in a northerly direction through Strafford, Farmington, and Milton. The several peaks are known as Teneriffe, Saddleback, Tuckaway, &c. Camel's Rump. — This mountain is situated near the boundary line betAveen New Hampshire and Canada. It was ascended, in 1840, by Messrs. Whitney and Williams, the assistants of Dr. Jackson in the geological survey of the state. They estimated its height at 3615 feet above the sea level. "Its geological character is peculiar. The specimens wdiich we obtained from the mountain consisted of amorphous masses of horustone, of various hues of color, from a light apple-green to almost black. The mountain is covered with a low and tangled undergrowth, with stunted fir-balsams and spruce. Although the ascent was difficult, we were amply repaid by the magnificent extent of the view which was displayed before us. In the north, a series of high hills, stretching beyond each other for five or ten miles, divides the waters flowing into the St. Lawrence from those of the Magalloway and Connecti- cut, beyond which, as far as the eye could reach, lay the extended table lands of Canada, unbroken by any abrupt elevation ; to the east, the lofty granite ranges of Maine, Mount Bigelow, and Mount Abraham ; farther south, the MOUNTAINS. 469 numerous large lakes near Umbagog, and the Diamond Hills ; while in the farthest distance were seen the lofty peaks of the "White Mountains ; and to the west lay the lakes and tributary streams of the Connecticut, and the rolling ranges of the Green Mountains." Cape Horn is an abrupt mountain of about 1000 feet in height, situated near the centre of Northumberland. Its north base is separated from the Connecticut by a nar- row plain, while the Upper Ammonoosuc passes near the eastern base. Cardigan Mountain is situated in the eastern part of Orange. It is composed of porphyritic granite. Its height is about 1500 feet. Carr's Mountain is in Ellsworth. It is composed of granite, overlying mica slate. Its height is 3381 feet above the level of the sea. Carter's Mountain lies between Jackson and Chat- ham. Catamount Hills. — The highest of these hills, situat- ed in Pittsfield, is 1415 feet above the level of the sea. Chocorua Mountain is in Albany. Its height is 3358 feet above the level of the sea. Gunstock Mountain, in Gilford, consists of three dis- tinct peaks, the highest of which is 2447 feet above the level of the sea. From the most southerly peak there is a magnificent view of Winnipiseogee Lake. Kearsarge Mountain is a conspicuous elevation in Warner. Its sides are thickly covered with trees, which renders the ascent difficult, but the top is a bare rock. It is composed of mica slate. The height of the mountain is 3067 feet above the level of the sea. Mount La Fayette is a lofty conical mountain of gran- ite in Franconia. The view from its summit is regarded as 40 470 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. not infeiior to that from Mount Washington. Its height is 5 067 feet above the level of the sea. MoxADXOcK Mountain, commonly called the Grand Monadnock, is situated in JafFrey and Dublin, 22 miles east from Connecticut River. Its height is 3718 feet above the level of the sea. The rocks near the summit consist of a hard variety of gneiss. The plants are gener- ally of an alpine character ; only a few dwarfish spruce trees grow in the crevices of the rocks. The scenery, as viewed from the top of the mountain, is extremely fine. The surrounding country appears like a level plain, studded with numerous villages and ponds. Of the latter, some thirty are visible, some of them of considerable size. It is said that evidences of volcanic action have been observed here. MoosEHiLLOCK is a noble eminence in the south-east part of Benton. Its height is estimated at 4636 feet above the level of the sea, thus giving it rank among the highest mountains in New England. Moose INIountain is the name given to an elevation in Hanover, and to another between Brookfield and Mid- dleton. OssiPEE Mountain, in Ossipee, is about four miles from the eastern shore of Winnipi'seogee Lake. It consists of several distinct peaks, the highest of Avhich is 2361 feet above the level of the sea. It is well wooded to the sum- mit. The rock is gneiss. Pequaket Mountain is situated in Bartlett. Its height is 3367 feet above the level of the sea. The view of the surrounding country from its summit is truly magnificent. Pilot Mountain. — See Gazetteer, Kilkenny. Profile Mountain. — See Gazetteer, Franconia. Ragged Mountains, so called from their rough appeal"- THE AVHITE MOUNTAINS. 471 ance, are situated between Andover and Hill, extending about ten miles from the Pemigewasset to the vicinity of Kearsarge. It is a bleak and precipitous range. The northern portion is about i3000 feet in height. The White Mountains. — The White Mountain range is in Coos county, and extends about twenty miles from south-west to north-east. The width of the range is various, but hardly exceeds in any place more than nine or ten miles. Here arc found the highest elevations in New ' England, and, with a single exception, the highest in the United States east of the Rocky Mountains. The unsur- passed magnificence and grandeur of the scenery attract multitudes of visitors annually, and give to New Hamp- shire the well-deserved appellation of the " Switzerland of America." According to Dr. Belknap the Indian name of the mountains was Agiocochook. An ancient tradition pre- vailed among them that a deluge once occurred, which swept away every human being except a single Powwow and his Avife, who fled to the mountains, and were there preserved. From them the earth was repeopled. They had, moreover, a superstitious dread of ascending the sum- mits, which their imagination peopled with invisible beings, who sometimes manifested their power in storms and tem- pests, over Avhich they were supposed to hold absolute control. But though the savages never attempted the ascent, believing success impossible, they frequented the surrounding country and the mountain defiles, and propa- gated many marvellous tales of what they alleged could there be seen. Among other things, they gave accounts of immense carbuncles far up the steep and inaccessible sides of the mountains, which shone in the night Anth the most brilliant and dazzling splendor. # 472 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT 13. The first visit of white men to these regions was made by Neal, Jocelyn, and Field in 1632. They were urged partly, no doubt, by curiosity, and partly by the hope of finding mineral treasures. They gave a glowing account of their adventures, and of the extent and grandeur of the mountains, which they called the Crystal Hills. vSince then they have frequently been visited by hunters and men of science ; and within a few years they have become one of the most fashionable places of summer resort in the United States. The geological characteristics of the White Mountains are chiefly interesting from the fact that they exhibit the operations of Nature on a grand scale. The rock is gener- ally granite, sometimes capped, as ou the summit of Mount Washington, with coarse mica slate. No minex'als of much value or rarity have been found here, and no evidences of volcanic action have been discovered. It is altogether probable that the mountains have for ages exhibited the same unvarying appearance. The sides of the mountains, as well as most of the sur- rounding country, are thickly covered with trees, which in autumn present a most beautifully variegated appearance. The summits of the higher elevations are destitute of vege- tation, excepting a few mosses and plants of alpine spe- cies. For eight or ten months in the year they are covered with snow, giving them thyt bright and dazzling appearance from which they derive their name. Many of the finest rivers of New England originate among these highlands. The Saco flows from the east side of the mountains, the tributaries of the Androscoggin from the north, the Ammonoosuc and other branches of the Connecticut from the west, and the Pemigewasset from the south. The fountain of the latter is near that of the Saco. THE WHITE MOUNTAINS. 473 The height of the mountains has been variously estimat- ed. The Rev. Dr. Cutler, who, with several others, visited the mountains and made a series of observations in 1784, fixed the height of Mount Washington at 10,000 feet, which Dr. Belknap supposed would prove too low an esti- mate. Other and later computations have given results much less than this. Dr. Jackson, while engaged in the geological survey of the state, made a series of observa- tions under favorable circumstances, from which he calcu- lated it to be 6226 feet above the high water mark in Portsmouth Harbor. The height of several of the other summits is estimated as follows : Mount Adams, 5759 feet ; Mount Jefferson, 5657 ; Mount Madison, 5415 ; Mount Monroe, 5349 ; Mount Franklin, 4850 ; Mount Pleasant, 4715. Of these Mount Washington is easily known by its su- perior elevation, and by its being the southern of the three highest summits. Mount Adams is known by its sharp ter- minating peak, and by its being the second north of Mount Washington. Mount Jefferson is situated between these two. Mount ]\ladison is the eastern peak of the range. Mount Monroe is the first south of Mount Washington. Mount Franklin is the second south, and is known by its level surface. Mount Pleasant is known by its conical shape, and by its being the third south of jNlount Wash- ington. The ascent of the mountains, though fatiguing, is by no means difficult or dangerous. There are two or three points from which the summit of Mount Washington can be ascended by horses. The prospect from Mount Pleas- ant, over which one of these routes passes, though inferior in extent and grandeur to that from Mount Washington, is in some respects more satisfactory, as the objects viewed 40* ^4 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. are generally nearer and more distinct. The top of this mountain is smooth, and gradually slopes away in every direction from the centre. It is every where covered with short tufts of grass, interspersed here and there with moun- tain flowers, which give life and beauty to the scene. From this point the summit of Mount Washington is in full view to the north-east, being distant about three miles in a straight line. To the north-west are seen the settlements in Jefferson ; Avest, the courses of the Ammonoosuc, as though delineated on a map ; to the south-west the Moose- hillock and Haystack are visible ; south, Chocorua Peak ; south-east, the settlements and mountains in Bartlett; while to the east are seen only dark mountains and forests. Pass- ing from this place over Mount Pranklin and the eastern part of Mount Monroe, the traveller reaches a plain of consid- erable extent at the foot of Mount Washington. There are here several ponds and springs, the largest of which is a beautiful sheet of water of an oval form, covering about three fourths of an acre. The waters are clear and pleas- ant to the taste. The pinnacle of Mount Washington, ele- vated 1500 feet above this plain, stands in majestic gran- deur, like an immense pyramid, or some vast Kremlin in this city of mountains. The view from Mount Washington has been well de- scribed by a traveller as follows : — " From the summit, if the day be clear, is afforded a view unequalled, perhaps, on the eastern side of the North American continent. Around you in every direction are confused masses of mountains, bearing the appearance of a sea of molten lava suddenly cooled whilst its ponderous waves were yet in commotion. On the south-east horizon gleams a rim of silver light ; it is the Atlantic Ocean, 65 miles distant, laving the shores of Maine. Lakes of all i THE WHITE MOimTAINS. UNTA m sizes, from Lake Winnipiseogee to mere mountain ponds, and mountains beneath you, gleam misty and wide." Far off to the north-east is Mount Katahdin. In the western hori- zon are the Green Mountains of Vermont, and to the south and south-west are Mount Monadnock and Kearsarge, while the space between is filled up with every variety of land- scape — mountain and hill, plain and valley, lake and river. The Notch of the White Mountains is the name applied to a very narrow defile extending two miles in length be- tween two huge cliffs, apparently rent asunder by some convulsion of nature. The mountain, otherwise a contin- uous range, is here cleft asunder, affording a passage for the waters of the Saco. Through this defile a road has been constructed, following the course of the stream. At the so\ithern extremity the mountain Avails on each side are regular and parallel, but towards the north they become irregular and much lower. The road gradually ascends from the south, and the passage grows narrower until it terminates at its northern extremity in the Gate of the Notch. The distance between the perpendicular rocks on each side of the chasm at this point is only 22 feet, af- fording barely sufficient room for the river and the road. About half a mile below the northern entrance of the Notch is seen a most beautiful cascade, issuing from a mountain eight hundred feet above the subjacent valley, on the right as you ascend from the south. The stream passes over a series of rocks nearly perpendicular, with a course so little broken as to preserve the appearance of a uniform current, and yet so much disturbed as to appear perfectly white. When swollen by rains it presents a magnificent ap- pearance. It was called by Dr. Dwight the Silver Cascade. Further up on the road, to the left, is a smaller branch of the Saco, falling over three precipices some 250 feet. ^.*« *-^ 476 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. The Notch was once the scene of a fearful catastrophe, which resulted in the destruction of an entire family. The old Notch Tavern, now called the Willey House, stood on the westerly side of the road in the Notch, at the foot of an abrupt elevatiou 2000 feet in height. Adjoining the house were a barn and wood house, in front was a beavitiful little meadow, and along the eastern precipice flowed the Saco. This house was occupied, in 1826, by Captain Sam- uel Willey and his family, consisting t)f his wife, five chil- dren, and two men named Nickerson and Allen. In the month of June an avalanche, or slide, came down from the mountain, and crossed the road, a few rods north of the house, which led Captain Willey to prepare a place of refuge to which they might flee in case there should be signs of another slide. On the 28th of August, af- ter several successive days of rainy weather, there were closing showers, in which the rain poured down in tor- rents, raising the rivers to an unusual height, and caus- ing numerous slides among the mountains. A traveller, passing through the Notch a day or two after, found the house deserted. An immense slide, coming down directly in the rear of the house, had been divided by a huge block of granite about five rods distant, and passing on each side of the house had again united in front. The barn and other out-buildings were destroyed ; the house alone es- caped unharmed. But the family had left this, the only place of safety, and in attempting to flee were overwhelmed by the moving mass. The bodies of six of them were dis- covered not long after. The house which they occupied is still standing, in a good state of repair. The meadow was covered with stones and gravel, and the road, together with the valley, was elevated for a considerable distance. The course of the river was changed. KOUTES TO THE WHITE MOUNTAINS. 477 ROUTES TO THE WHITE MOUNTAINS, PUBLIC HOUSES, &c.« 1. Boston, Concord, and Montreal Railroad. — This railroad, with its various connections at Concord, presents a favorable route to those who Avish to enjoy the beautiful scenery in the vicinity of Lake Winnipiseogee. Leaving the cars at the Weirs, thirty-three miles from Concord, visitors take the steamboat " Lady of the Lake," and pro- ceed ten miles, to Centre Harbor. From this place the distance to the White Mountain Notch, via Conway, is sixty-two miles. The route from Centre Harbor to Con- way by stage is extremely pleasant, commanding a view of much fine scenery. At the latter place is a first-class hotel, called the " Conway House," under the charge of Mr. Fabyan, proprietor of the "Mount Washington House." Twenty-four miles from Conway is the " Mount Crawford House," or "Old Crawford's," the late residence of Abel Crawford, the " Patriarch of the Mountains," who died here at an advanced age in 185 L The house is kept by Mr. Davis, who married a daughter of Mr. Crawford. It is a favorite resort of anglers and sportsmen. Horses can be obtained here to ascend Mount Crawford, and from its summit, over a range of hills, to the top of Mount Wash- ington. Six miles farther on is the " Willey House," a large and well-conducted hotel, located near the. old " Notch Tavern," previously described. The " Crawford House," or " Tom Crawford's," is two miles from this place, near the Gate of the Notch. From this place is a bridle path to the summit of Mount Washington, passing over Mount Pleasant, &c., as mentioned in the preceding article. This house is admirably conducted by Mr. J. S. Gibb. It com- • Se« White Mountain GvitU. 41^8 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. " mands a view of the Notch, and of most of the principal mountains in the range. Fabyan's well-known " Mount Washington House " is four miles farther on. It is a large, well-conducted, and spacious hotel, commanding an impos- ing view of Mount Washington, which is ascended from this point, there being two bridle paths a part of the way. White's Hotel is a neat and comfortable public house, half a mile distant, where horses and a guide may be obtained to ascend the mountains. Those who wish to pass through Franconia before visit- ing the White Mountains can take the cars for Plymouth, fifty-one miles, and from thence by stage twenty-four miles to the "Flume House," an excellent hotel, kept by Mr. Taft. In this vicinity are the " Flume," " Pool," and " Ba- sin." Six miles farther on is the "Lailiyctte House," a good hotel, kept by Mr. Cobleigh, in the immediate vicinity of which are the Profile, or " Old Man of the jNIountain," and Echo Lake. The hoiise is romantically situated • near the entrance of the Franconia Notch. At this place, as well as at the Flume House, horses can be obtained t© ascend Mount Lafayette, which is only some five hundred feet loAver than Mount Washington. For a description of these curiosities, see Gazetteer, under Franconia. The distance from Gibb's to Fabyan's is about twenty miles, the road, passing through Bethlehem. 2. Connefiticut and Passumpsic River and White Moun- tain Railroads. — Visitors passing up the valley of the Connecticut by the former road and its connections take the cars of the White ^lountain llailroad, at Wells River, and proceed to Littleton. The remainder of the distance — to Fabyan's — is accomplished by stage. The road follows the course of the Ammonoosuc. 3. Atlantic and St. Lawrence Railroad. — Visitors from EDUCATION. 479 Portland and Boston by way of this route usually stop at the "Gorham Station House," a large, commodious, and well-managed house, kept by Mr. J. R. Hitchcock. From this place a road has been laid out to the summit of Mount Washington, on the north side of the mountain. 4. Cocheco Railroad and Winnipiseogee Lake. — There is a route from Dover to Alton Bay by the Cocheco Rail- road, from thence to Wolfborough by steamboat, from that place to Conway by stage, and so on as in the first- mentioned route. EDUCATION. Common School System. — The people of New Hamp- shire early turned their attention to the subject of educa- tion. The General Court of Massachusetts passed a law, in 1647, establishing a system of public schools. This law extended to the inhabitants of NeAv Hampshire, which was then united to that colony. It does not appear that the interests of learning were ever lost sight of, though the poverty and distress of the people, occasioned, or at least increased, by their many severe conflicts with the Indians, prevented the full accomplishment of their laudable de- signs. The first law relating to schools passed by New Hampshii'e after it became an independent province was enacted in 1693, in the midst of a bloody struggle with the French and Indians. This law provided for the estab- lishment of a school in every town, subjecting those to a penalty of ten pounds which should fail to comply with its requirements. Other laws relating to this subject were passed from time to time, as the exigencies of the public seemed to demand. " The old laws of New Hampshire," says Dr. Belknap, 480 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. writing in 1792, " required every town of one hundred inhabitants to keep a grammar school, by which was meant a school in which the learned languages should be taught, and youth might be prepared for admission to a university. The same preceptor was obliged to teach reading, writing, and arithmetic, vmless the town Avere of sufficient ability to keep two or more schools, one of which was called a gram- mar school, by way of distinction." But these laws were not always carried into effect. Sometimes the frontier towns, on account of the great exertions they were com- pelled to make for self-defence, were exempted, by a special act of the Assembly, from the obligation to maintain a grammar school ; and instances were not wholly unknown in which there was a culpable neglect of duty on the part of other towns, either by evasion, or by direct violation of the statutes. Still, when we take into consideration all the circumstances of the case, the small number of inhabitants, their poverty, their exposed situation, and their numerous contests with a deadly foe, we are the more astonished that they should have accomplished so much. The present public school system of our state is well devised, and is calcidated to give every one an opportunity to acquire a good common education. The laws require each town to raise at least "one hundred and thirty-five dollars for every dollar of the public taxes apportioned to said town, and so for a greater or less sum," which is to be appropriated to the purpose of supporting the schools of the town. Each town may divide itself into school districts, and apportion the money among them according to its own pleasure. The town is also required to elect at its annual meeting a superintending school committee, con- sisting of one or three persons, whose duty it is to exercise a general supervision over the schools of the town, to I EDUCATION. 481 visit and examine them, and to examine teachers. No teacher is allowed to commence a school until he shall have been examined and approved by the superintending com- mittee. The district is required to choose a prudential committee, whose duty it is to employ teachers, and to exercise a general supervision over the interests of the dis- trict. The branches ordinarily taught in the common schools aie reading, writing, English grammajf arithmetic, and geography. Any district wishing to support a higher grade of schools can do so by adopting the " Somersvrorth Act," * so called. This takes the control of the school entirely from the hands of the town committee, and gives the district power to choose their own superintending as well as pru- dential committee — the former to consist of not less than five nor more than seven persons. Any district adopting this act may establish and maintain one or more high schools, and if they have not less than one hundred scholars, may raise ■ money at their discretion for the support of such schools. Any two or more contiguous districts may unite for the purpose of supporting a high school or schools, or any sin- gle district in which the number of scholars exceeds one hundred, may establish such schools. This last provision is not intended to interfere with those which may adopt either of the other acts. In large districts much advantage is derived from a suitable gradation and classification of the scholars, even though a regular high school may not be established. In addition to the amount raised by a public tax for the support of schools, every banking corporation in the state • A law passed in ISiS, a;iviiig a certain district in Somersworth power to establish a hi^li school, and aftcrward-s amended so as to apply to any district which should adopt the same. 41 482 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. 18 required to pay to the state treasurer a sum equal to one half per cent, of its capital stock, for the same purpose. This is called the Literary Fund, and is divided annually among the several towns, according to the number of schol- ars reported as having attended school, during the year preceding the time of division, not less than two weeks. The several towns are required to appropriate a sura equal to three per cent, of the amount by law required to be raised for the support of common schools, which is to be expended bj the county cojnmissioner for the support of Teachers' Institutes within the county. The governor and council are required to appoint annu- ally a commissioner of common schools in each county in the state, who, in their associate capacity, constitute a board of education, with power to choose a chairman and secretary. It is the duty of each commissioner to spend not less than one day in the course of the year in each town in his county, for the purpose of advancing the in- terests of education, by addresses, inquiries, and other means that circumstances may require. It is also his duty to take charge of any Teachers' Institutes that may be lield in the county, and to make report of his doings to the sec- retary of the boai'd. The board of education have power to recommend school books, and methods of instruction and discipline suitable to be pursued in common schools. They are re- quired to make a report annually embracing such infor- mation and suggestions as may seem to them useful. From the report for 1854, made through the secretary, Hon. Hall Roberts, the following statistics are copied : — Number of school districts reported, 2294. Do. schol- ars, 87,825. Average monthly wages of male teachers, exclusive of board, $16.42 ; do. females, $7.18. Number EDUCATIOJJ. 468 of male teachers in the summer schools, 43 ; ilo. females, 2077. Number of male teachers in the winter schools, 1153 ; do. females, 1127. Amount raised by taxes for schools, $166,973.88 ; do. contributed in board, fuel, &c.. $12,376.68; do. of income from school funds, $8519.53 ; do. of railroad tax for schools, .$4827.68 ; do. of literary fund, $15,576.23; do. raised for Teachers' Institutes, $4050.00. Total raised for schools during the year, $212,324.00. Academies and Private Schools. — The number of incorporated academies in the state, as reported by the board of education, is 46. Many of these arc in a flour- ishing condition and well sustained. The oldest, and one of the most prosperous, is Phillips Academy at Exeter, founded and endowed by Plon. John Phillips, LL. D. It was incorporntod in 1781. Some of the most distinguished men which our country has produced received their early training at this institution. Its funds amount to $70,000. New Ipswich Academy was incorporated in 1789. It has received large donations from the late Hon. Samuel Appleton, and is now called, in honor of him, the New Ipswich Appleton Academy. Kimball Union Academy, established at Plainfield in 1813, has funds amounting to $40,000, principally the donation of the late Hon. Daniel Kimball, the income of which is devoted chiefly to the support of indigent young men preparing for the ministry. Gilmanton Academy, at Gilmanton, incorporated in 1794, has a fund of $7000. The New Hampshire Conference Seminary, at North- field, is under the control of the Methodist denomina- rion. The New London Literary and Scientific Institution ha? 484 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. been recently established at New London. It is under the direction of the Baptist denomination. In addition to these, there is a large number of unincor- porated institutions and private schools, many of which do good service in the cause of education. Some of them are kept in operation the entire year, others only for a short period of time. Dartmouth College. — This institution of learning was founded in 1769, by Eleazar Wheelock, a clergyman of Lebanon, Connecticut. Believing that much might be done for the Indians by giving them the means of acquir- ing an education, he received into his family, for the pur- poses of instruction, several native youth, among whom was Samson Cecum, of the Mohegan nation. Occum proved to be a person of superior abilities, which encour- aged Dr. ^Vlieelock to persevere in his efforts to spread the gospel among the savages. But finding that it was difficult to accomplish this by means of white missionaries, he conceived the plan of founding a school at which he might receive Indian boys, and prepare them for mission- aries and teachers. In pursuance of his design, he re- ceived into his family, in 1754, two boys of the Delaware nation. The school soon began to attract the attention of the public, and to receive the aid of the charitable. In 1763 the General Court of Massachusetts voted that they would bear the expense of the education, board, and clothing of six children of the Six Nations for one year. They were accordingly selected, and admitted to the school. Among the early benefactors of the school was Mr. Joshua Moor, of Mansfield, Connecticut, who gave a school house and about two acres of land. In honor of him, the institution was named Moor's Indian Charity School. EDUCATION. 485 Meanwhile the school continued to prosper. Many emi- nent men and benevolent societies both in Great Britain and America made liberal donations to it ; but the increased expenses called for new exertions on the part of its friends. For the purpose of gaininj^ more assistance, Dr. Wheelock sent Occum, with the Rev. Nathaniel Whitaker, of Nor- wich, to Great Britain. Occuin was the first Indian min- ister who had ever visited that country, and, as might have been expected, attracted considerable attention. He preached in all the principal cities of England and Scot- land with great success. Between 9000 and 10,000 pounds sterling were collected, and a board of trustees ap- pointed to receive the funds, tt) be drawn by Dr. Whee- lock, as he should have need. Of this board the Right Hon. William Lcgge, Earl of Dartmouth, was president. Dr. Wheelock now determined to establish a college in connection with his school. But as there was already a flourishing institution of that kind in Connecticut, it was deemed expedient to locate it elsewhere. Moreover, the progress of civilization had driven the Indians from his immediate vicinity, and it was thought that by removing to the wilderness he might more successfully carry out his views. After listening to various proposals, and consult- ing the trustees in England, he fixed upon the western part of New Hampshire as the most suitable locality for the infant college, though he did not then decide upon the precise spot. The next step was to obtain a charter, which was granted by John Wentworth, the royal governor of the province, in the name of George III., ordaining "that there be a college erected in our said province of New Hampshire, by the name of Dartmouth College, for the education and instruction of youth of the Indian tribes in this land in 41* 486 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. reading, writing, and all parts of learning which shall appear necessary and expedient for civilizing and Christian- izing children of pagans, as well as in all liberal arts and sciences; and also of English youth and any others." This was dated December 13, 1769. In the same instru- ment Dr. Wheelock was appointed president. A grant of five hundred acres of land in Hanover had been previously given to the college, and at this time the entire township of LandafF was also granted to it. Other donations, both of land and money, were made by various individuals in New Hampshire and in the eastern part of Vermont, then called the New Hampshire Grants. In the spring of 1770,' Dr. Wheelock, with two com- panions, set out on an exploring tour, in order to choose the most eligible place for the college and school. After visit- ing sevei'al proposed localities, he finally selected Hanover ; and in the autumn of the same year he removed thither with his family and pupils, making in all about seventy persons. There were no accommodations, excepting two or three log houses. The location was an extensive plain, shaded with a growth of lofty pines. Upon a few acres the trees had been felled previously to his arrival. They immediately set to work to build dwellings, and also a col- lege edifice ; but the autumnal rains setting in early hin- dered their progress. During the winter they were exjjosed to many hardships ; yet it is stated that, " in this secluded retreat, and in these humble dwellings, this enterprising colony passed a long and dreary winter. The students pursued their studies with diligence; contentment and peace were not interrupted even by murmurs." During the next summer various improvements were made, and the wilderness soon began *' to bud antl blossom like the rose." EDUCATIOM. 48T The first commencement was held in August, 1771, when four young men received the first honors of the col- lege. For some years, in addition to Indians in the school and college, a number of English youth were supported wholly or in part by the funds, with the understanding that they should go as missionaries when they had com- pleted their course of study. But the difficulties that sprang up between America and the mother country pre- vented the accomplishment of their benevolent purposes, as the Indians relused to admit them to their territory. But few of the Indians educated by Dr. Wheelock became missionaries, though many of them proved useful as teachers and interpreters. In the mean time the commencement of hostilities be- tween Great Britain and her American colonies seriously embarrassed the operations of the college by depriving it of its expected support. But in this extremity, Hon. John Phillips, of Exeter, made a liberal donation. The Continent- al Congress also made a grant of ^500. From these and other sources sufficient means were obtained to keep the college in operation during the war. But Dr. Wheelock did not live to see the return of peace. He died on the 24th of April, 1779, in the sixty-ninth year of his age. He was succeeded by his son, John Wheelock, then a colonel in the United States army. On the cessation of hostilities President Wheelock re- solved to visit England to solicit aid for the institutions un- dej: his care. In this he met with a tolerable degree of success. In 1785 the legislature of Vermont granted the entire township of Wheelock to the college and school. The next year a new college building ^vas commenced. After the revolutionary war it was found that the title of the college to the township of Landaff, which had been 488 NE^' HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. granted to it by Governor Wentworth, was precarious. It had been previously granted to others by a former govern- or; but, as they did not fulfil the conditions of the charter, it was declared forfeited, and afterwards granted to the college. But after the war the first grantees renewed their claim, and finally recovered possession of this township. The state, however, made other grants to the college, which more than compensated for the loss. The college continued under the care of President Whee- lock until 1815, when he was removed by the trustees, with whom he had been having difficulties for a considera- ble time. In the mean time a committee had been ap- pointed by the legislature to examine into the state of af- fairs at the college, and report accordingly. This was done in 1816, and an act was then passed altering the charter of the college, increasing the trustees from twelve to twenty- one, appointing a board of overseers, and changing the name of the institution to Dartmouth University. A majority of the trustees, however, together with President Brown, the successor of John Wheelock, and Professors Shurt- lefF and Adams, refused to comply with the requirements of the act, and appealed to the judicial tribunals. Mean- while the university was organized, and took possession of the buildings and apparatus ; but the officers of the college continued their instructions in private rooms. In 18 IT the case was decided in the Superior Court of New Hamp- shire in favor of the university. The case was then car- ried to the Supreme Court of the United States, which, on the 2d of February, 1819, reversed the whole proceed- ings, and declared the act of the state null and void, thus placing the college in a firm position by relieving it from the fear of legislative interference. The New Hampshire Medical Institution was established, EDUCATION. 489 in connection with the college, in 1797, and is still in suc- cessful operation. The annual course of lectures begins on the Thursday succeeding commencement, and continues 14 weeks. The Chandler Scientific School was founded by Abiel Chandler, Esq., late of Walpole, who bequeathed to the trus- tees of the college the sum of ^50,000, in trust, " for the establishment and support of a permanent department, or school of instruction, in the college, in the practical and useful arts of life." This department was organized and put into operation in 1852. Moor's Charity School was long kept in operation in connection with the college, and under the direction of the president ; but it is at the present time suspended. The institution is now in a prosperous condition. With- in the last year (1854) a fine observatory has been erected and furnished with instruments, through the munificence of George C. Shattuck, LL. D., late of Boston. The va- rious libraries connected with the college contain upwards of 30,000 volumes. The ilxculty of the institution, in- cluding the medical department, consists of the president and 14 acting professors. Number of the alumni, 2825. Do. medical graduates, 844. Do, undergraduates in 1854, 252. Do. medical students, 63. Do. in the Chandler de- partment, 38. Commencement is on the last Thursday in July. SUCCESSION OF PRESIDENTS. Accessus. Exitus. 1769. Eleazar Wheelock, D. D., 1779. 1779. . John Wheelock, LL. D. 1815. 1815. Francis Brown, D. D. 1820. 1820. Daniel Dana, D. D. 1821. 1822. Bennett Tyler, D. D 1828. 1828. Nathan Lord, D. D. 4^ NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. We cannot close our brief sketch more appropriately than by quoting a few extracts from the speech of Profess- or Brown, made at the second festival of the Sons of New -Hampshire, celebrated in Boston, November 2, 1853. Referring to Dartmouth College, he says,* — " She was not founded for New Hampshire alone. Es- tablished with no seclusive policy or purpose, and conse- crated as she was, from the beginning, to the two great ob- jects of being a handmaid of religion and a mistress of learning, that both might be diffused, each moving in har- mony with the other, she has gathered her sons from various regions, and invigorating their bodies by the fresh air of the mountains, and their minds by the discipline of her studies, she has sent them forth in due time, east, west, north, and south, through every state, all over the world. She might ask you to accompany her, as with a mother's pride she followed one and another in his path through life. She would take you beyond the seas, and point you to some standing before kings as the representatives of their country ; to others on the shores of the Bosphorus, in India, in China, and the Sandwich Islands, laboring with a man's energy in the noblest of moral enterprises, solving the grandest of problems, to make a Christian and intelli- gent nation out of a people superstitious, ignorant, and degraded. She would point you to still others establishing the schools and incipient colleges, and directing the print- ing presses of Oregon and California. Leading you back from the great circuit, she would pause in every state in the Union, and name the writers, the jurists, the senators, in whose breeding she had some share ; and, finally, end- ing where she began, she would take you, in her sorrow and pride, every 24th of October, down to the sea side, * Second New Hampshire Festival, p. 96. • RELIGION. 4^1 that you might bend in reverent aflection, and meditate be- side the grave of her greatest son." RELIGION. The constitution of New Hampshire guaranties to every individual the right to worship God according to the dic- tates of his own conscience, provided he does not disturb the pubUc peace, or disturb others in their religious wor- ship. In July, 1819, the memorable act called the tolera- tion law was passed by the legislature, which provides that no person shall be compelled to join, or support, or be classed with, or associated to, any church or reHgious soci- ety, without his express consent first had and obtained, and that any person may withdraw from a society of which he is a member by leaving a written notice with the clerk of the same. The following notices comprise accounts of all the prin- cipal denominations found within the limits of our state : — • (Orthodox) Congregationalists* — The organization of the first Congregational church in New Hampshire was in 1638, 18 years subsequent to the landing of the Pilgrim Fathers at Plymouth. It is an unsettled question whether the first church was that at Exeter, of which the celebrated John Wlieelwright was pastor, or that at Hampton, of which the Rev. Stephen Bachilor was pastor. Both doubt- less were formed in 1638 — the latter in the fall of that y^ar. Settlements had previously been begun at Dover and Portsmouth. In the former place a meeting house was erected as early as 1633, and William Leverich, *' a worthy and able Puritan minister," was engaged as a preacher. * From Historical Discourse by Ret. Mr. Bouton. 492 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. To him succeeded one Burditt, and then Hanserd Knollys, or Knowles, both unworthy men. But a church was not formed in Dover till 1639, and no pastor was regular- ly settled till 1642. However it maybe a question wheth- er Wheelwright of Exeter or Bachilor of Hampton was first in the order of New Hampshire pastors, it should be acknowledged that the oldest church now in existence in the state is that of Hampton, the first Exeter church be- ing dispersed on the removal of Wheelwright, about four years afterwards, to Wells, in Maine. The only towns in the province in which ministers had been settled previous to 1670, a half centuiy from the landing of the Pilgrims, were Hampton, Exeter, .and Dover. Of the seven that had been pastors in those towns, only two Avere then in office, viz., Samuel Dudley, of Exeter, and Seaborn Cotton, of Hampton. In 1671 a chiu-ch was organized, and Rev. Joshua Moody settled the same day, the first minister of Portsmouth, though he had preached there since 1658, and occasional preaching had been enjoyed since 1640. The fifth church organized was at Dunstable, under the jurisdiction of Massachusetts, now the first church in Nashua, and a minister settled in 1685. Subsequently other towns bordering on the sea coast, as New Castle, Newington, Stratham, Durham, Kingston, and Rye, had ministej-s. Thence, very gradually, settlements were made in the interior, and ministers settled, in Londonderry, (1719,) Concord, (1730,) Chester, Winchester, Pembroke, Hudson, and Keene. In the latter place Rev. Jacob Ba- con was settled in 1738, a century after the settlements at Exeter and Hampton. He was the 55th pastor in order settled in the state. But at the formation of the conven- tion in 1747, there were only about 30 ministers living. The progress of settlements continued slow, extending into RELIGION. 493 the interior, averaging, till after the revolutionary war, only about four annually in tlie whole state ; but subsequent- ly the growth was more rapid. The number of pastors living at different periods in the history of the denomina- tion, is as follows : — In 1670, 2 ; 1700, 5 : 1747, 30 ; 1776, 65 ; 1800, 76 ; 1820, 90; 1847, 117. At the present time the General Association reports as follows : — Number of churches, 187. Do. ministers, 158. Do. communicants, 20,309. Total value of church property in 1850, $527,340. The Congregational Journal, a weekly paper published at Concord, is devoted to the interests of thi^ denomination. Episcopalians. — This denomination was among the earliest established in the state. A church -was erected at Portsmouth prior to 1638, and Rev. Richard Gibson was the first minister, who remained until 1642. Number of parishes, 11. Do. rectors, 7. Do. commu- nicants, 572. Do. Sabbath school children. 364. Total value of church property in 1850, $41,100. Christians. — Number of churches in 1850, 24. Ag- gregate accommodations, 7240. Total value of church property, $30,350. Baptists. — The tirst Baptist church in this state — indeed, the first north of Boston — was organized in New- ton, Rockingham county, in 1755. The members were separatists for " conscience sake " from the Congregational church, and were the fruit of the " great awakening " un- der Whitefield and others in 1740. Walter Powers be- came pastor at its organization. The centennial celebration will take place in October, 1855, in connection with the meeting of the Baptist State Convention. 42 4ji4 NEW IIAMFSHIKE AS IT IS. The first Baptist communicant known in the state was Rachel Thuibiir, of Rehoboth, Massachusetts, who became Mrs. Scammon, and moved to Stratham, 1720. It was the result of her labors that Dr. Samuel Shepherd became con- nected with the denomination in 1770, under whose inde- fatigable labors the Brentwood church and its branches were organized, in connection with which he lived to intro- duce more than 600 members. More than a century before any Baptist church existed in this state, Hanserd Knollys came to this state, and after- wards became an eminent Baptist. Mr. Knollys was grad- uated at Cambridge College, England, and ordained by the Bishop of Peterborough in 1629. Becoming afterwards a Puritan minister, he came to this country, and to Dover, in this state, in 1638. He organized the first Congregational church in Dover, being the second in the state. In 1641 he returned to England, and organized a Baptist church in London, where he was eminent as a pious and useful minister till his death in 1691. A denominational publish- ing society exists in London, called by his name. Number of Baptist churches is this state in 1755, 1 ; 1780, 9 ; 1800, 26 ; 1853, 96. Do. ordained ministers in 1853, 90. Do. communicants, 8376. • About ^2000 are annually expended for domestic mis- sions. Freewill Baptists. — The first church in New Hamp- shire of this denomination was founded at New Durham, in 1780, by Elder Benjamin Randall. This denomination was recognized as a distinct sect by an act of the legisla ture, December 7, 1804. The following statistics are given as reported in the Freewill Baptist Register for 1854 : — Number of churches iu New Hampshire, 132. Do. RELIGION. 495 ordained ministors, 1S5. Do. licentiates, 12. Do. com- municants, 9751. Amount contributed for missions dur- ing the year, $1644.28. The Freewill Baptist printing establishment is located at Dover, by which are issued The Morning Star, a weekly paper, and The INIyrtle, a semi-monthly Sabbath school pa- per. The profits of the publications of this establishment are devoted to the interests of the denomination. Friends, or Quakers. — The Friends made their appear- ance in New Hampshire at an early date, and at first suf- fered severe persecution. They have now several small societies, but no regular ministers. A society was formed at Seabrook in 1701. Number of churches in 1850, 15. Aggregate accom- modations, 4700. Total value of church property, 115,200. Methodists. — In July, 1791, Jesse Lee preached the first Methodist sermon in New Hampshire, at Portsmouth. On the 26th of August of the same year he preached in a private house in Greenland. Two weeks after this time he again preached in Portsmouth, standing upon the Court House steps. He also visited, the same year, Rindge, Marlborough, Chesterfield, Dublin, and some other towns. In 1794 Joshua Hall was appointed to preach in New Hampshire, but the folloAving year the appointment was withheld. On the 1st of January, 1795, Mr. Lee again visited Portsmouth, and preached to an audience of four persons. The first Methodist society in New Hampshire was or- ganized at Chesterfield, in the latter part of 1795. At the conference of 1796, this society reported 68 members, and became a regular circuit. Philip Wager was the first stationed preacher, and reports his circuit " more than fifty miles square." 496 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. The number of members reported in the state in 1797 was 92 ; in 1798, 122. The Methodists were recognized by law as a distinct religious sect June 15, 1807. The New Hampshire Conference was organized and held its first session at Barre, Vermont, June 23, 1830. The Vermont Conference was separated from the New Hamp- shire Conference in 1845. The New Hampshire Conference Seminary, at Northfield, was established the same year. The Methodist General Biblical Institute went into opera- tion at Concord, April 1, 1847, having an endowment of $37,000. In May, 1854, Methodism reports itself as follows : — Preachers' appointments, 102. Travelling preachers, 82. Superannuated preachers, 24. Local preachers, 98. Mem- bers in society, 9352. Probationers, 1782. Number of Sabbath schools, 123. Do. Sabbath school teachers, 1487. Do. Sabbath school scholars, 9683. Do. Bible classes, 498. Do. scholars in infant classes, 512. Raised for benevo- lent objects, (i. e. missions, Bible classes, &c.,) $5119.78. Total value of church property in 1850, $175,590. Roman Catholic. — Number of churches m 1854, 4. Aggregate accommodations in 1850, 1450. Total value of church property in 1850, $20,000. Unitarian. — Number of churches in 1850, 13. Ag- gregate accommodations, 8380. Total value of church property, $72,800. Umversalists. — The Universalists were recognized by law as a distinct religious sect June 13, 1805. The first society of this denomination was formed at Portsmouth as early as 1781. Number of societies, 70. Do. meeting houses, 56. Do. preachers, 27. Total value of church property in 1850, $83,100. RELIGION. 497 Shalcers. — " New Hampshire contains two societies of those curious and interesting people called Shakers, or United Believers — one situated in Canterbury, Merri- mack county, and the other in Enfield, county of Grafton. These two societies contain usually from 250 to 350 mem- bers each. " There are now in the United States eighteen societies of these people, containing about 7000 members. An epit- ome of the principal features of the two societies in New Hampshire will give a very general representation of the whole, as their religious opinions and practices, as well as their internal regulations, are identical,, whether in Ken- tucky, New York, or New Hampshire. *' They are the followers of Ann Lee and her associates, who came to this country from England in 1774. " The religious and domestic polity of this singular order of people presents many peculiar and highly distin- guishing characteristics. Their church government may be called Episcopal, or vested in bishops and elders, after the order of the primitive church. The central or lead- ing spiritual authority devolves upon a succession of min- istry, or order of bishops, residing alternately at New Leb- anon and Watervliet, in the State of New York. " In New Hampshire, the religious princijjles, as first inculcated by Ann Lee, were adopted by several families in the before-mentioned and several of the surrounding towns in 1782 ; but in 1792 these families associated them- selves together in a joint interest, in all their temporal and spiritual concerns, under the supervision of a ministry, or order of bishops, appointed by, and subject to, the head authority in New York. The societies in New Hampshire have continued under the episcopal jiuisdiction of a suc- 4«* 498 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. cession of ministry alternately residing at Canterbury and Enfield. " The most striking of their peculiar religious dogmas are the following : — *< That the Deity is composed of two great and funda- mental essences, viz., povver and wisdom, or male and female principles. For proof of this they quote Rom. i. 20. " That Christ has made, not only his first, but his sec- ond appearing. That these are both to be considered as emphatically spiritual manifestations ; the first as seen in and through the mission of Jesus of Nazareth, and the second as seen in the same manifestations through Ann Lee. Through these two manifestations they recognize a spiritual parentage, or the father and mother of the new creation. " That the object of these two appearings of Christ — first in the male, and secondly in the female — was to make an end of sin, and to bring in everlasting righteous- ness ; to make an end of the world, or order of the flesh, perfected in the first Adam and Eve, that all who would might come into the order or dispensation of the new creation, through regeneration, or the spiritual parentage of the second Adam and Eve. Through this agency, they believe a new heavens and a new earth are being insti- tuted, as seen in their order. Hence celibacy is rigidly and tenaciously observed in every instance. " That the resurrection concerns the soul or spiritual body only, and can have nothing to do with the natural. " In short, the above leading points of doctrine would seem to indicate a foundation, with no borrowed material, since Christ, or the declension of the primitive church. " However objectionable these dogmas may appear to RET.TGION. 499 the casual observer, the foot cannot be disguised, that this doctrine, as a foundation for practical holiness, possesses many decided advantages. And that the isolated position in which they stand to the world without should expose them to much scandal and reproach, is not astonishing. But when scandal and reproach become the cause of re- ligious persecution, they should become a source of uni- versal regret. Indeed, several unsuccessful attempts have been made to procure legislative enactments, in New Hamp- shire, ostensibly and specially designed to oppress this peaceable and quiet class of people, and tending to destroy many of those sacred privileges now so faithfully guaran- tied to every good citizen by our constitution. May special legislation, and every species of religious intoler- ance, never find a stronger foothold in the old Granite State than they already possess, " The Shakers take no part in political affairs, believing themselves subjects of another kingdom, although they cheerfully yield all their constitutional obligations for their privileges secured in return. " That they constitute the only successful attempt for an institution, or association, for a community of joint inter- ests, and that they have gained for themselves a character for honesty, industry, temperance, neatness, and sobriety, have become universally proverbial. Their villages pre- sent a spectacle of thrift, order, and cleanliness nowhere else to be found. " At Enfield, for 61 years, or since the society there was first founded, they have had but 201 deaths. The average age of all these lives has exceeded, a trifle, 52 years. The society at Canterbury, in these particulars, is very nearly the same. This is worthy of great consid- eration. OOO NEW HAMPSHIRE A3 IT IS. " Agriculture, horticulture, and the various mechanic arts claim their constant attention, all of which they pursue with much profit and success. By means of their indus- try and frugal habits, their honesty and punctuality in all their business transactions, they have accumulated a respec- table property; and after bestowing much for charitable purposes, they live quiet, peaceful, and happy lives." BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. DANIEL WEBSTER* The family of Daniel Webster was of Scottish origin, though it was established in America at a very early peri- od. Thomas Webster, the remotest ancestor in this coun- try, settled at Hampton, New Hampshire, in the year 1636, or sixteen years after the landing of the Pilgrims at Plym- outh ; and from him the descent has been definitely traced in the records of Hampton, Kingston, and Salisbury. Ebenezer Webster, the father of Daniel, is represented as having been a man of " striking personal appearance," tall, erect, and athletic, a man of great energy of character and indomitable courage. He rendered important services both in the French war and the revolution ; was at West Point at the time of the discovery of Arnold's treason ; at the battle of White Plains, and at the battle of Bennington, be- ing, in the latter, a major under General Stark. After the decease of his first wife he married Abigail Eastman, who became the mother of Ezekiel and Daniel Webster, like • See plate. rilOfcfllAPHICAL SS^ErfCHES. 5^1 the tfibthers df most men of distinction, she was possessed of superior intellect and great energy of character. She lived, like every true mother, for the good of her children, and looked forward to the time when they should rise above the humble position in which their lot was cast. The distinction which they afterwards attained is no doubt attributable, in a great measure, to her early precepts and instructions. Daniel Webster was born on the 18th of January, 1782, In Salisbury, New Hampshire, a place at that time on the very borders of civilization, and subject to all the diffi- culties and dangers of a frontier settlement. In this place he passed the days of his childhood, receiving his first im- pressions from the wild and picturesque scenery which there abounds, and his first instructions from his pious and devoted mother, who, on account of his feebleness when a child, always treated him with special kindness, and proph- esied even then that he would become eminent. Yes, New Hampshire was the place of his birth, the birthplace of so many men of renown. In this, indeed, she acknowledges no superior among her sister states. Of her it may be said, as Homer said of Ithaca, " Rugged is her surface and unprolificis her soil, but she is the nursing mother of great men." Here was he born who was ap- pointed to be the guardian of the Union, the great ex- pounder of the constitution, as Mount Washington seems keeping guard over the land of his birth. Here he im- bibed that dignity, that freedom of thought, and that in- tellectual vigor which left so indelible a mark on his ora- tory and his public career. ** It may well be supposed that his early opportunities for education were very scanty." He was obliged to walk two and a half miles to school in midwinter, when quite youngs 602 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. His first masters were Thomas Chase and James Tappan, whom he always regarded with the most profound respect and esteem. In the year 1796 he was taken by his father to the Academy in Exeter, where he remained for a few months only, but sufficiently long to give his mind a most powerful impulse. Strange as it may seem, there appear to exist in all possessed of true genius a spirit of distrust, a want of confidence in their own ability to perform that for which they appear, in after life, to have been specially created. Perhaps this arises from a greater appreciation of excellence, and a consequent shrinking from attempting any thing which must at first Ml so far short of it. Be that as it may, it is a fact attested by Mr. Webster himself, that he found declamation the most difficult of all his exercises. He says, " I believe I made tolerable progress in most branches which I attended to while in this school. But there was one thing I could not do. I could not make a declama- tion. I could not speak before the school. The kind and excellent Buckminster sought especially to persuade me to perform the exercise of declamation like other boys, but I could not do it. Many a piece did I commit to memory, and recite and rehearse in my own room, over and over again ; yet when the day came, when the school collected to hear declamations, when my name was called, and I saw all eyes turned to my seat, I could not raise myself from it." By determined will and repeated trials, he, however, at length overcame this extreme diffidence, and began very soon to be distinguished for his oratorical powers. The following anecdote is related of him while connected with this school. After a month his instructor, Mr. Nich- olas Emery, said to him one morning, " Webster, you will lUOGUAPIIlCAL SKETCHES. 508 pass into the other room, and join a higher class ; " at the ^ 'Same time adding, addressing his classmates, " Boys, you will take your final leave of Webster ; you will never see him again." He remained here but a few months, when "he was placed by his father under the Rev. Samuel Wood, the minister of the neighboring town of Boscawen," with whom he remained from February till August, 1797. He was now fifteen years of age, and it was on their journey to Mr. Wood's that his father first disclosed to him the de- sign of sending him to college. Says Mr.- Webster, " I remember the very hill which we were ascending, through deep snows, in a New England sleigh, when my father made known this purpose to me. I could not speak. How could he, I thought, with so large a family, and in such narrow circumstances, think of incurring so great an ex- pense for me. A warm glow ran all over me, and I laid my head on my father's shoulder and wept." Many a son of New England, many a poor New Hampshire boy, who, when looking on the spires of old Dartmouth, has turned away and wept because poverty forbade him to be num- bered in those halls, can appreciate his emotions at that time. After remaining six months with Mr. Wood, he entered college. That his preparation was imperfect there is no doubt. That it was far superior to that of many a child of wealth and luxury who has spent years in irksome study, there is also no doubt. Spurred on by the threefold incen- tive, poverty, duty, and ambition, what is not the human mind able to accomplish ? It has never yet been tasked to its capacity. The example of perseverance amid difficulties which Daniel Webster has left to the youth of our country is alone sufficient to render his name immortal. There is a great disposition on the part of the indolent 504 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. Students in our literary institutions to prove tlfet idleness and dulness in college have distinguished most men of genius ; and this is said of Daniel Webster. A greater mistake could not be made ; and certainly in this pai'ticular ca$e a greater falsehood could not well be told. Professor Shurtleff, who alone survives of the faculty connected with the college when Webster was a student, declares that no one was more diligent and studious than he, and that he even then stood preeminent among his classmates, as he has since among men. Graduating in August, 1801, he immediately entered the office of Mr. Thompson, near his father's, as a student of law, where he remained until 1804, with the exception of teaching an academy in Fryeburg, jVIaine, for a season, for ^e purpose of obtaining money to prosecute his own profes- sional studies, and to assist his brother Ezekiel in his college course. " In July, 1804, he took up his residence in Bos- ton. Before entering upon the practice of his profession, he enjoyed the advantage of pursuing his legal studies for six or eight months in the office of the Hon. Christopher Gore." He first commenced the practice of his profes- sion in Boscawen, near his father's residence ; but in Sep- tember, 1807, he removed to Portsmouth, where he be- came at once associated with the most distinguished law- yers of New England. Here he commenced that brilliant career which so soon placed him at the head of his profes- sion. It is said that, when asked why he chose the profes- sion of law, and if he was not aware it was already crowd- ed, he replied, "There is room enough up high." His style of pleading at the bar was peculiarly his own. Leav- ing the minor technicalities of the law, he soared aloft, and grasped the great principles of eternal truth and justice, of which the written law is but a feeble and partial im- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 506 bodiment, and in arguing a single case decided a hun- dred. The commencement of Mr. Webster's pubHc life was in 1813, when he first took his seat in Congress ; and his maid- en speech was on the 10th of June, upon a series of res- olutions moved by himself relative to the repeal of the Berlin and INlilan decrees. This is said to have taken the house by surprise ; and it is declared by a person present that " no member before ever riveted the attention of the Louse so closely in his first speech." His history, from this time forth, " the world knows by heart," and the speeches of him who once dared not de- claim in a small school are familiar as household words to every boy in our land. Though beyond question one of the first of orators, his style was different from that of any other man that ever lived. He had not the fire and energy of Demosthenes, nor the brilliancy of Cicero, but a certain measured, logical progress, which no power could resist or gainsay. And yet his language was by no means destitute of ornament ; nothing more beautiful, indeed, can be found in the English language ; but the embellishments are like the structure itself — ricli and massive, intended for all time. The following comparison between the two great states- men. Clay and Webster, drawn by Mr. Preston, of Ken- tucky, in his eulogy upon Mr. Webster, will probably give a very just idea of his style of oratory : " Clay — bold, brilliant, and dashing, rushing at results with that intuition of common sense that outstrips all the processes of logic — always commanded the heart and directed the action of his party. Webster seemed deficient in some of these great qual- ities, but surpassed ]fim in others. He appeared his natu- ral auxiliary. Clay — the most brilliant parliamentary lead- er, and probably unequalled, save by the Earl of Chatham, 43 506 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. whom he resembled — swept with the velocity of a charge of cavalry on his opponents, and often won the victoiy be- fore others were prepared for the encounter. Webster, with his array of facts, his power of statement and logical deductions, moved forward like the disciplined and serried inii\ntry, with the measured tread of deliberate resolution, and the stately air of irresistible power," Mr. Webster removed to Boston in 1816, that he might find a wider field for his professional pursuits, and in 1822 was elected to Congress from that city by a large majority, and in 1827 he was first elected a member of the United States Senate. On the election of General Harrison to the presidency, he was appointed secretary of state, but resigned this office soon, after the commencement of President Ty- ler's administration, and in 1845 returned to the Senate. His speeches, both in the Senate and on special occasions, are among the most remarkable and most valuable produc- tions, not only in this country, but of any age or country. Men may differ with regard to his political views and pub- lic measures, but all must acknowledge him the greatest intellect of his age. Nor was he less esteemed in private life than honored in public station. Kind and cheerful in the domestic circle, he won the affection of all who knew him ; and when, on the 24th of October, 1852, he peace- fully departed this life, in the seventy-first year of his age, the nation mourned his loss. His last words, " I still live," are true throughout the civilized world, and so they shall remain while history endures. ^f.t*^ lUOftUAPinCAI- HKKTCHE8. 507 MARSHALL TINCKNEY WILDER, OF DORCHESTER, MASSACHUSETTS* This distinguished gentleman was b#rn in Rindge, New Hampshire, September 22, 1798. He was the eldest child of Samuel Locke Wilder, Esq., a worthy merchant and farmer in that town, and its representative several years in the legislature of this state. His father moved there, in early life, from Lancaster, Massachusetts. His paternal ancestors performed important services in the Indian and revolutionary wars, in the suppression of Shays's rebellion, and in the organization of the state and national govern- ments. " Of all the ancient Lancaster families," says the Worcester Magazine, " there is no one that has sustained so many important offices as that of the Wilders." Having given him the advantages of the common school, his parents sent him, at twelve years of age, to New Ips- wich Academy, and subsequently placed him under the instruction of a private teacher, for the study of the clas- sics. When he had nearly completed his preparation for college, they discovered that his inclination was not for sedentary, but for active life. Partly for the confirmation of their own opinion, and partly also for the exercise of his sense of personal responsibility, they gave him his choice, either to continue his studies and prepare for one of the learned professions, to enter the store with his father and fit himself for mercantile pursuits, or to go on to the farm with the workmen and become an agricul- turist. At first he chose the latter ; but Providence soon called him from the farm to the store, where he served an ap- • See plate. 508 JTEW HAMPSHIRE AS Iff IS. prenticeship till he reached his majority. Then he was admitted into the firm, called S. L. Wilder & Son. In this connection he transacted a large and lucrative business for several years, andj^in addition, discharged the duties of postmaster in that place. His first marriage was December 31, 1820, to Miss Tryphosa Jewett, of that town, by whom he had six chil- dren ; and his second August 29, 1833, to Miss Abby Baker, of Franklin, Massachusetts, by whom he also had six children. Of his offspring, seven still survive, and five are not, for God has taken them, together with his two wedded companions. In 1816, when he was only eighteen years of age, he exhibited a partiality for military tactics, and received an appointment in the staff of the twelfth regiment of New Hampshire militia, in connection with which he remained till 1820, when he took command of the Eindge Light Infantry, a new independent company, raised and equipped mainly by his exertions. After two years he was promoted to the office of lieutenant colonel, and the next year to that of colonel of the regiment ; but he resigned the office the succeeding spring, on account of his removal to Boston, being then in the line of rapid promotion to the highest military honors. Upon the transfer of Mr. Wilder's family and trade to Boston in 1825, he engaged in the West India goods busi- ness as a wholesale merchfyit, and subsequently as an im- porter ; but in 1827 he entered a large commission house, in which he still continues. The firm is at present called Parker, Wilder, & Co., and sustains the reputation of one of the most active and reliable houses in New England. It owns and transacts the business of a large number of cotton and woollen mills. BIOGRAPHICAL ^ETCHES. 509 He and his senior partner, Isaac Parker, Esq., brother of Hon. Joel Parker, late chief justice of this state, rank among the merchant princes of Boston. They sustain official relations to several monetary institutions of that city. Upon the death of Mr. Wilder's first wife, he sought the retirement of the country, and moved into his present residence in June, 1832. It is the first house in Dor- chester on the road from Eoxbury to Milton Hill. It is called " Hawthorn Grove," standing back from the street, and surrounded Avith shades and hedges in variety. All its buildings are convenient and tasteful. On either side, and in the rear of the house, are gardens and nurseries. His conservatories rank among the best in the country. Amateurs pronounce his collection of trees and plants the best that can be found. Plis library contains the most rare and valuable works on his favorite art. He usually devotes the morning and evening to study ; the rest of the day to the superintendence of his workmen at home, and to his mercantile business in Boston. This plan, long continued, has enabled him to make large and various literary acquisitions. He was one of the early members of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, of which he was elected president in 1840. He had previously submitted to that body a resolution, which separated from it the Mount Auburn Cemetery Association, and which secured the annual pay- ment, by the latter to the former, of one quarter of the receipts from the sale of lots, in consideration of the soci- ety's relinquishment of its claim to those consecrated grounds. This arrangement has proved, in a high degree, beneficial to both organizations. It has enabled the asso- ciation to adorn its grounds, and to erect its beautiful temple and observatory, and also the society to offer more 43* > 510 NEW HAifrSHIRE AS IT IS. liberal premiums, to make numerous and important ad- ditions to its library, and to construct its commodious hall in School Street in Boston. During Mr. Wilder's presidency of that society, it greatly increased its funds and its number of members. At the laying of its corner stone, and the dedication of its hall, he delivered appropriate addresses, reported in its Transactions and in the periodicals of that day. Under his energetic and wise administration, its triennial festivals rose to the highest rank among the gala days in Massachu- setts. They assembled the refined and fashionable of both sexes, from city and country, who crowded the old Cradle of Liberty to its utmost capacity. On these occasions Faneuil Hall was tastefully decorated, and its tables were crowned with flowers and fruits in abundance and in variety. Mr. Wilder's sentiments and speeches at these festivals, together with the responses of the distinguished cultivators and of the chief masters of eloquence, fill a large space in the society's Transactions. In 1848, when he resigned the office, the society acknowl- edged its obligations to him in a vote of thanks, accom- panied Avith magnificent pieces of silver plate, and inscribed with his name and in testimony of his " zeal and success in the cause of horticulture and floriculture." During this period of eight years he also did much for the promotion of pomology, by large annual importations of fruit trees, by the growth of seedlings, and by his encouragement of nurserymen throughout the country. On the termination of his official relation to that society, he headed a circular for a national organization foi a kindred purpose. This is now known as the American Pomological Society, and Mr. Wilder was elected its first president — an office which he now fills. .:^^ BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 511 At the biennial meeting of this association in 1852, he delivered, by appointment, a eulogy on the life and charac- ter of Andrew Jackson Downing, Esq., Avho perished by the conflagration of the steamer Henry Clay on the Hud- son. He closed with these graphic words : " Downing is dead ! But the principles of artistic beauty and pro- priety, of rural economy and domestic comfort, which he revealed, await a more full and perfect development ; and as they advance towards a more glorious consummation, grateful millions will honor and cherish his name. His memory shall live for ever. ^^ At the late meeting of this society in Boston, he deliv- ered a scientific and yet practical address on pomology,* which called forth the strong and unqualified commenda- tion of its members. Its session of three days closed with a levee, which he gave at the Revere House, and with a vote of thanks for his " able lecture," for his sumptuous entertainment, and for the dignity and fidelity with which he had presided over their deliberations. Mr. Wilder 's knoAvledge of horticulture well qualified him for a leader in enterprises for the promotion of agri- culture. He commenced his operations in this department in his own county of Norfolk, IMassachusetts, where he joined in a call for a convention, that organized an agri- cultural society, of which he was elected and still con- tinues president. At its first exhibition in Dedham, Sep- tember 26, 1849, he delivered an address on agricultural education. He was followed by Governors Briggs, Lin- cold, Reed, and Hill, by Hon. Daniel Webster, Edward Everett, Robert C. Winthrop, Horace Mann, Charles F. Adams, Josiah Quincy, and others, in a strain of kindred eloquence. • Tr.insactions for 1854. r > 512 NirSV HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. Then and there commenced a new era in the history of American agriculture. Kindred associations sprang up m other sections, and the cause was subsequently advocated by him in lectures before the agricultural societies in Berk- shire, Bristol, and Hampshire counties, and before the agri- cultural society in this state. Before the latter of these bodies, he closed with this beautiful apostrophe : " My country, let the eagle of thy liberty, which so lately stood upon the cliff of thine At- lantic coast, but which stands to-day upon the lofty height of thy rocky mounts, stretch her broad wings from shore to shore, and continue to shelter the happy millions of thy sons. And from those wings, from year to year, may her young eaglets fly to other lands, till the reign of universal freedom shall introduce a universal jubilee. My country, MY COUNTRY ! glorious prospects are before thee — union, wealth, and power ; intelligence, virtue, and immortal re- nown ! " In 1850 Mr. Wilder was elected from his county to the Senate of the commonwealth, a body of which he was chosen president, and during its session submitted a plan, which was cordially adopted, for a. board of commissioners to examine and report to the next legislature on the con- dition and the means of promoting agriculture in that state. Of this commission he was chairman, and, with Rev. Dr. Hitchcock, of Amherst College, submitted an elaborate and invaluable report. From this body arose the Massa- chusetts State Board of Agriculture as a distinct and per- manent department of the government — a board of which he is still an acting member, which has its secretary and commodious rooms in the capitol, and which promises to do for agriculture what the board of education has ac- complished for the system of instruction in that common- wealth. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 518 Mr. Wilder uext undertook the formation of a kindi*ed national society. In the spring of 1851 he headed a call for a convention of delegates of state agricultural socie- ties at Washington, District of Columbia, June 24, to con- cert measures for their mutual advantage, and for the promotion of American agriculture. This convention was fully attended by gentlemen from all parts of the country, and by members of Congress. It organized the United States Agricultural Socj^ty, Avhich elected him for its president — an office which he still holds. It held its first exhibition, which was confined to that noble animal the horse, in Springfield, Massachusetts. It was attended by twenty thousand people, and many thou- sand dollars were awarded in premiums. Never before were so many rare specimens of the different breeds of that noble animal brought together. The sight of them, mounted or driven in the vast amphitheatre, was truly a sublime spectacle. The second exhibition of this society was held in Spring- field, Ohio, and confined to neat cattle. In this depart- ment it was a scene of equal interest with the former. Many thousands of dollars were distributed in premiums. The speeches of Mr. Wilder, on each of these occasions, are fully and faithfully reported in the society's Trans- actions. In the autumn of 1819 an association Avas formed in Boston, called the Sons of New Hampshire. It consists of the many hundreds of emigrants from that state in and around that commercial metropolis of New England. Of this body Daniel Webster was the first president, and the subject of this narrative the second. At its first festival, ^Ir. Wilder renders this grateful tribute to their native state : " She has raised men, great men ; and had 514 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. she performed no other service, this alone were suificient to associate her name with that of Sparta and of Athens in the history of mankind. Her Stark was a modern Leonidas, and among her orators [pointing to Mr. Web- ster] none would hesitate to point out a Demosthenes/^ (Great applause.) The death of Mr. Webster he noticed on four different public occasions. On the first of these, when he met the New Hampshire legislature and executive at the Fitchburg Depot, at the head of the Sons of New Hampshire, to re- ceive them as their guests, on the occasion of his obse- quies, he said, " The loss to us, to the country, and to the world is irreparable. The whole nation mourns." On the second of these occasions he closed with this apos- trophe : " Sainted patriot ! there, in those celestial fields, where the sickle of the great reaper shall no more cut down the wise and the good, we hope at last to meet thee — there, in those pure realms where the rainbow never fades, where thy brilliant star shall shine with pure efful- gence, and where the high and glorious aspirations of thy soul shall be forever realized." The third was when he was elected to fill the place of Mr. Webster as president of the association, and the fourth was at the second festi- val of that voluntary society. Mr. Wilder is yet in the vigor of his manhood, and on the flood tide of success. He has, we are informed, works in the course of preparation on his favorite arts, which promise to be of great value to the world. His numerous Bpeeches and addresses, if collected* and published in a uniform edition, would make a handsome and valuable royal octavo volume. None have contributed more to promote American horticulture and agriculture. His affa- ble, yet dignified manners, his appropriateness on all occa- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 516 sions, and his long and valuable services render him a favorite with the common people, and also with the elite of society. Long may he live to serve his generation and his Creator. EDMUND BURKlv Although Mr. Burke is not a native of New Hampshire, yet his long residence in this state, the important offices which he has filled, and the high position which he occu- pies as a public man and citizen, entitle him, in our judg- ment, to a place among our sketches of the eminent public characters of our state. The subject of this sketch was born in the town of West- minster, Vermont, on the 23d day of January, 1809. His father was a farmer, not wealthy, but possessed of a com- petency quite sufficient for the support of himself and a numerous family. His circumstances, however, required that he should labor with constant industry, — the lot of most New England farmers, — and bring his family up to the same habits of active toil. The subject of this notice was not exempt from the salutary training and discipline in the habits of robust and health-giving labor, from which but few of the sons of the tillers of the soil are exempt. He labored with his father from the time his age and strength would permit until he was fifteen years of age, gping to the common school of the village in which he was born, during the summers in the tenderer years of his life, and during the winters when he had arrived at an age when his services were valuable and necessary upon the farm. At the age of fifteen, his father, unable to give him an academical education, but desiring that he should have every advantage in his power to give him a respectable position in society, proposed that he should make an effiart 516 XEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. t© become a member of one of the learned professions, oflfering to give him his time, and promising to extend to him such aid as might be in his power, if he would ac- cept the generous offer of his parent. He readily em- braced the opportunity, and immediately commenced the study of Latin, with the view of pursuing the study of the law. He continued the study of that language with great industry for six months, under the tutorship first of William F. Hale, Esq., formerly of Bellows Falls, Ver- mont, and recently a clerk in one of the departments at Washington, and subsequently of Henry A. Bellows, Esq., now of Concord, in this state ; and at the end of that time, being then in his sixteenth year, he entered as a student at law in the office of the Hon. William C. Bradley, of Westminster, then and for a long time one of the most eminent counsellors and jurists of the state. Mr. Bradley was also distinguished as a politician as well as lawyer, and possessed conversational powers of most remarkable eloquence and brilliancy. It is not strange that he should insinuate his opinions and principles (which were of the democratic school of politics) into the mind of a susceptible and impressible young man. To this circumstance, and also to the hereditary principles of his family, enforced by the precept and example of his father, who was a de- voted disciple of the Jeffersonian school, and was also a man of extensive reading for one in his station in life, and pos- sessed of a strong mind, Mr. Burke undoubtedly owes the very decided political cast of his character. Plaving followed his professional studies during the period of nearly five years, the term required of students who had not the advantage of graduation at a college, Mr. Burke was admitted to the bar of Windham county, in that state. He was soon after admitted in Cheshire county, in BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 517 this state, and in the spring following (April, 1830) he emigrated to Coos county. He first settled in the town of Colebrook, but subsequently removed to Whitefield, where he made a permanent location. Mr. Burke le- mained in Whitefield, in the practice of his profession, until the fall of 1833, when he removed to Claremont, in Sullivan county, in order to take the editorial charge of a newspaper published in that town, called the Argus. It is proper here to remark, that Mr. Burke has been often heard to obsei-ve that he never spent three years of his life so profitably as those he spent in the town of Whitefield. He says he went into Coos county with the impression that the people were less informed than those who lived in re- gions longer settled ; but he soon found his error. On the contrary, he says he has never met with a community of men generally more intelligent, more imbued with strong common sense, more patriotic in sentiment, and more gen- erous in their feelings than he found in Coos county. Among these people he laid in a large store of practical knowledge both of men and things. But to resume the thread of our narrative. His connec- tion with the Argus was Mr. Burke's first introduction to the editorial profession, and perhaps the foundation of his subsequent political career. Of course, the Argus, under his control, was a political paper, democratic in its poli- tics, and of very decided character. After publishing the Argus in Claremont till the autumn of 1834, Mr. Burke was induced to remove with his paper to the neighboring town of Newport, where, with the exception of a residence of five years at Washington, District of Columbia, he has ever since resided, and now resides. A short period after his removal, the Argus was united with the New Hamp- shire Spectator, another democratic paper pubhshed in 44 518 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. Newport, the new paper assuming the title of Argus and Spectator, and being also under the editorial control of Mr. Burke. Our space Avill not permit us to comment particularly on Mr. Burke's career as an editor while in charge of the Argus and Spectator. It is sufficient to say, that, under his control, that journal advocated with great zeal the radical doctrines of the party to whose interests it was devoted, and, Ave believe, to the very general satisfac- tion of its patrons. It is due to Mr. Burke to say, that he started some doctrines in the columns of the Argus and Spectator which were regarded by some of his own sup- porters as rather novel and startling at the time, but which have since become cherished articles of faith in the demo- cratic creed. So industriously and ably had Mr. Burke conducted his paper, that at the end of three years he had acquii-ed a reputation as a political writer, which induced the late Ex-President Polk and the late Felix M. Grundy, then United States senator, of Tennessee, to oifer Mr. Burke the editorship of the Union, the leading democratic or^an of that state, published at Northville, at a high salary. Mr. Burke accepted the offer, and published his valedic- tory in the Argus and Spectator, preparatory to his mi- grating to Tennessee. But many of his patrons, hearing of his intention, proposed to him to remain ; and as an in- ducement, they offered him the nomination for Congress, then, by the usages of his party, due to Sullivan county. This high and ^unexpected compliment an aspiring and ambitious yoimg man could not decline. He accordingly permitted his name to be used, and succeeded in obtaining the nomination. This was in the summer of 1838. In the election of March, 1839, Mr. Burke, with his col- leagues on the democratic ticket, was elected a representa- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, 519 tive for New Hampshire iu the twenty-sixth Congress of the United States, being then but thirty years of age. He took his seat in that body at the commencement of the session of 1839—40, and was subsequently twice reelect- ed, making, in the whole, a congressional terra of six years. In referring to his congressional career, we think we do Mr. Burke no more than justice to say that it was credit- able to himself and honorable to the state. He was a true party man, and the few speeches made by him while he was a member were devoted to the support of the prin- ciples and measures of the democratic party. They secured to their author great popularity with his party. His speech upon the independent treasury, and also his speech upon the tariff, are monuments of intellectual labor, of which any man may be proud. They bear the marks of profound and critical research. But there is one speech, delivered by Mr. Burke while a member of Congress, which com- manded the applause of all his constituents, without dis- tinction of party. We allude to his eloquent and beautiful defence of our state against the rude and unprovoked at- tack of a Mr. Arnold, a member from Tennessee. We have seldom read a retort so condensed, conclusive, and overwhelming. This effort alone entitles Mr. Burke to the gratitude and praise of every true son of New Hamp- 4 shire, and fully justifies his claim to the high regards of the native-born citizens of the Griuaite State. While a member of Congress he was also an active, industrious, and efficient member of important committees. At the close of Mr. Burke's congressional career, which was in the spring of 1845, his party having been successful in the preceding presidential election, he was, without so- licitation or knowledge on his part, tendered, by Mr. Folk, 520 NEW HAMPSHIRE ^IS IT IS. the new president, the office of commissioner of patents, which he accepted, and upon the duties of which he en- tered on the 5th day of May, 1845. He continued to perform the duties of that office until the accession of Gen- eral Taylor to the presidency, when he was superseded by Mr. Ewbank, of New York. In the discharge of the du- ties of this office, Mr. Burke displayed the same indefat- igable habits of industry, and the same close and critical research which had distinguished him in other positions. His reports, while commissioner of patents, embraced a vast amount of valuable information, gathered from a wide field of investigation, and presented in a form which made them both acceptable and popular with the country. Under Mr. Burke's administration the patent office assumed a position and importance which it had never before enjoyed, and contributed its full share to the popularity of Mr. Polk's administration. But while Mr. Burke held the office of commissioner of patents, his labors were not altogether confined to the mere duties of his office. During that period he wrote those papers upon the tariff" entitled the Bundelcund Essays, originally published in the Washington Union, but subse- quently in pamphlet form, and circulated by tens of thou- sands in every state in the republic. Eeferring to these papers, a writer in the Democratic Review says, " After the close of the session of 18-14 and 1845, when some of our timid friends began to express doubts as to the pro- priety of attempting to carry out the ])ledge of the Balti- more Democratic Convention upon the question of the tariff, Mr. Burke, appreciating the danger which this hesi- tation threatened to the policy of the democratic party, boldly stepped forward as its champion, and contributed to the columns of the Union the well-known series of essays BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 521 on, or rather against, the protection system, published over the signature of Bundelcund. Nothing before emanating from his fruitful pen had so served to spread his fame ; for they were immediately republished, wholly or in part, in nearly every democratic paper in the Union, and from their appearance until the final vote on the tariff in 1846, were the object of incessant and virulent attacks from the opposition. The democratic party, with few exceptions, planted themselves firmly on the principles there laid down by Mr. Burke, which, being adopted by the committee of ways and means of the House of Representatives, and by the treasury department, were made the basis of the rev- enue law so triumphantly passed on the 30th of July, 1846." After Mr. Burke retired from the patent office, he formed a connection with the late celebrated Thomas Ritchie, by which he became a joint editor of the AVash- ington Union. He remained connected with the Union one year, during which he contributed a large amount of the editorial matter Avhich appeared in its columns. He had also, while he was at the head of the patent office, been a liberal contributor to that paper, as well to its edi- torial columns as in the shape of communications. And we may truthfully add, that he has, for the last twenty years, been an industrious and fertile writer, as the col- umns of many newspapers can attest, and has achieved, by his labors in connection Avith the press, a high position among the editorial profession. The term of Mr. Burke's connection with the Washing- ton Union having expired, he, in the summer of 1850, returned, with his family, to his residence in Newport, in this state, Avhcre he now remains, in the practice of his profession, and employing hiniseU' in those literary pur- 44* ^ 522 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. suits congenial to a man of taste, and necessary to an active mind imbued with a desire for the accumulation of knowl- edge. Mr. Burke is now in the very vigor of his facul- ties, and we trust has many years of active and useful life in store for him. In conclusion we will add, that Mr. Burke is truly a self-made man. In the outset of his career, he had no friends possessed of wealth and influence to aid him. He had to depend upon himself alone. The writer of this has heard him remark that he graduated at a common village school, having never attended an academy or col- lege a day in his life, and having had no other assistance or tuition than that which he received while acquiring a sufficiency of Latin preparatory to entering upon his legal studies. And he has informed us that he ceased to attend the village school at the age of fourteen, having never at- tended any school subsequent to that period. His success in life is a bright example of industry, perseverance, and energy, which we commend to the youth in humble cir- cumstances who has the ambition to aspire to the higher positions of usefulness and honor in society. CHARLES G. ATHERTON. Hon. Charles G. Atherton was born in Amherst, July 4, 180-4. His father was Hon. Charles H. Atherton, Avho had served as representative to Congress in 1815 and 1816, and for many years held the office of register of pro- bate for the county of Hillsborough. The subject of this sketch entered Harvard University at the age of fourteen years, and graduated with high honors in 1822. Immediately after his admission to the bar in 1825, he took up his residence in Dunstable, now mOCRAPIIICAL SKETCHES. 523 Nashua. la 1827 he was appouited solicitor for Hillsbor- ough county. In 1831 he was elected representative to the state legislature from Dunstable, and again four years in succession, (183-3, ''i4:, 'So, and '36,) in each of which years he was elected speaker. In 1834, at his election as speaker, he had all the votes cast in the house except thirteen ; in 1835 he had them all but five ; and in 18136 all but three. In 1837 he was elected representative in Congress from New Hampshire, and held his seat in the house for three terms in succession. In 18-13 he was elected by the legis- lature United States senator, which office he held till March 4, 1849. In 1850 he was elected a delegate, from the late town of Nashville, in the New Hampshire Constitutional Convention. At the fall session of the legislature in 1852, he was elected United States senator from this state, and took his seat on the 4th of March following, which office he held at the time of his death. As a lawyer, Mr. Athertou had no superior in the state. His attainments in the common law, as well as in equity jurisprudence, were very extensive and thorough. In the management of a case he showed most masterly and con- summate skill ; and in presenting the strong points to a jury, he had few equals. He was an accomplished advo- cate ; in which character he exhibited a power of com- manding, at the instant, all the resources of his mind, and a dexterity of applying them seldom exceeded. As a sen- atorial orator, his claims were of a high order. During the administration of Mr. Polk, he was chairman of the committee on finance — one of the most important com- mittees in the Senate, particularly during Mr. Polk's ad- ministration, which was occupied with the successful con- duct of a foreign war. In opposition were Mr. Webster, then in the very acme of his intellectual strength, vigor. 524 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. and experience, as well as other formidable opponents. In all the contests and opposition which these distinguished opponents of the administration brought to bear against the policy of the administration, Mr. Atherton, in his defence of the financial policy of President Polk, acquitted himself with consummate ability, prudence, and skill. His literary attainments were of a high order. Few, if any, in this country, had a more thorough and minute knowledge of American and English history and statesmen than he. He was thoroughly conversant with English literature and poetiy, particularly with that of Queen Anne's time — the golden age of English literature, in whose gorgeous and captivating creations he delighted. He died November 15, 1853. LEWIS CASS. Lewis Cass was born in Exeter, New Hampshire, on the 9th day of October, ITiSS. His father. Major Jona- than Cass, was a soldier of the revolution, who enlisted as a private the day after the battle of Lexington. He served in the army till the close of the war, and was in all the important battles in the Eastern and Middle States, where he was distinguished for his valor and good conduct, and attained the rank of captain. He Avas afterwards a major in Wayne's army, and, after a life of usefulness and honor, died at an advanced age, at his residence near Dres- den, in Muskingum county, Ohio. His son, Lewis Cass, the subject of this biography, emigrated, at the age of seventeen, to the then North-western Territory, and settled first at Marietta, in the county of Washington. He was thus, as he was recently called by the Convention of Ohio, one of the " early pioneers " of that immense western re- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 526 gion, which has already risen to such a niaguitude in our own days, and is destined to attain one so much greater hereafter. The country north of the Ohio then contained one territory and about 20,000 people. Mr. Cass bore his full share in the toils, privations, and dangers to which the defence of a new country, and its conversion from a primitive forest to the happy abodes of civilized man, are necessarily exposed. He read law at Marietta, and was admitted to the bar ])efore the close of the territorial government. He commenced the practice, and, as was the custom then, visited the courts in a large district of country, travelling on horseback, and encounter- ing many difficulties unknown to the members of the bar at the present day. In 1806 he was elected a member of the legislature of Ohio, and during the session he took his part in the busi- ness of the day. He draughted the law which arrested the traitorous designs of Burr, and introduced an address to Mr. Jefferson, which was unanimously adopted, express- ing the attachment of the people of Ohio to the constitu- tion of the United States, and their confidence in that illus- trious man. In March, 1807, he was appointed by Mr. Jefferson marshal of Ohio. He took an active part in the war of 1812, and held the rank of colonel under General Hull. Just previous to the surrender of Detroit by General Hull, Colonels Cass and McArthur had been sent, with a small detachment, a few miles distant, ostensibly for the purpose of obtaining pro- vision, and before their return Detroit was surrendered without the firing of a gun. So disgraceful, as well as humiliating, did this act appear, in the mind of Colonel Cass, that, when ordered to deliver up his sword, he indignantly shivered it in pieces, and, strewing the fragments upon the 526 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. ground, declared that in like manner should his body be divided and scattered before he would in any way assent to so ignoble an act. At the battle of St. Thomas he bore a conspicuous part, and was highly complimented by General Harrison. In 1813 he was appointed by President Madison governor of Michigan, at that time one of the most important offices with- in the gift of the executive. As superintendent of Indian aflfairs, he rendered vast and important services to his coun- try, having formed twenty-one treaties with various Indian tribes, thus extinguishing their title to nearly one million acres of land. In 1831 General Cass was called upon by President Jackson to take charge of the war department — a position for which he was eminently fitted, and the du- ties of which he discharged with energy and general satis- faction to the country. In 1836 he was appointed minister to France, and immediately resigned his position as secre- tary of war. The position which he took in 1841 in rela- tion to the question of the famous quintuple treaty will long be held in remembx'ance by his countrymen. In 1848 he received the nomination of the democratic national con- vention for president of the United States. In 1850 he was once more elected senator of the United States for Michigan. His long and useful services in .public life have rendered him world-renowned as a statesman, while his fame as a scholar is scarcely less limited. Plain and un- assuming in his manners, kind and social in his intercourse with his fellow-men, he will always stand prominent in the records of history as a true patriot, an able statesman, and a worthy citizen. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 527 LEVI WOODBURY* Levi Woodbury, the eldest son of Hon. Peter Wood- bury, was born in Francestown, New Hampshire, in the early part of the year 1790. His ancestors were among the first settlers of Salem, Massachusetts, which Avas one of the earliest plantations of that colony. From his child- hood he was trained to those habits of industry and rigid economy which so generally characterize the people of New England. His early education was acquired at the district school in his native village during the winter months, when the labor of agriculture is suspended. While but a mere boy, he distinguished himself for his unremitted application to study, and even then exhibited that zeal in the pursuit of knowledge, readiness of apprehension, sound sense, and decision of character which so emphatically marked the whole course of his life. At nineteen years of age he graduated at Dartmouth ^ College, with a high reputation for talents and acquire- ments, and immediately applied himself to the study of the legal profession. He passed one year at the law school in Litchfield, Connecticut, and divided the residue of his pre- paratory term between Boston, Exeter, and his native town. In 1812 he was admitted to the bar. By diligent atten- tion to the duties of his profession, he soon obtained an extensive and reputable practice, and acquired for himself a rank at a bar at which lawyers who are among the most distinguished in the Union have practised. Even while a student, Mr. Woodbury's ardent tempera- ment would not suffer him to remain an inactive spectator of the political struggles that then agitated the country • See plate. 528 >'E"SV }IAMPSHIKE AS IT IS. with more intensity, probably, than at any other period of its history ; and, accordingly, we find him mingling in the strife, and taking part upon the side of democ- racy. In 1816^ the political character of the state became changed. Mr. Woodbury was invited to the seat of gov- ernment, to discharge the duties of secretary of the Senate, and at the commencement of the following year was ap- pointed judge of the Superior Court. Promoted to a seat in the highest judicial tribunal of the state at an earlier age than any former precedent, some ap- prehension was felt lest his legal learning and experience should prove inadequate to the creditable discharge of its du- ties. The result, however, more than realized the expecta- tions of his most sanguine friends. His patience, firmness, familiarity with legal principles, and suavity of manners made him a most acceptable and popular judge in jury trials, and the first two volumes of the New Hampshire Re- ports bear ample testimony to the diligence, great research, and accurate discrimination which he brought to beax in the preparation of his judicial opinions. In 1819 Mr. Woodbury removed to Portsmouth, where he resided during his life, except while a member of the cabinet under the administrations of Jackson and Van Buren. In 1823 he was elected governor of the state, and the year following he resumed the practice of his profession. Plis legal erudition and forensic talents secured him clients from all parts of the state, and placed him at once in a lu- crative practice. His fellow-citizens were not content, hoAvever, to suffer him long to remain in the quiet of professional life ; and in 1825 they sent him a representative to the legislature of BIOOUAPHICAL SKETCHES. 5^ the state ; and ut the commencement of the session, having never befo/c been a member of a legislative body, he was chosen speaker of the house, and at the close of the session was selected to fill a vacancy in the United States Senate. His reputation for learning and talents had gone before him, and on taking his seat in the United States Senate, Mr. Woodbury was regarded as the principal organ for the democracy of New England in that body ; and during the administration of President Adams, on more than one oc- casion he stood* forth in bold and able vindication of his party and its principles, from the attacks of the opposition, particularly in the discussion upon Foot's resolution re- specting the public lands. At the second session of Mr. Woodbury'^ term, his name appears as chairman of the committee on commerce, and as member of several other important committees. In the course of his senatorial career, many able reports emanated from his pen, and his speeches upon a variety of subjects are fine specimens of varied learning, comprehen- sive reasoning, and sound logic. During the vacations his time was occupied in the care of his family, and in the management of important causes in the Superior Court of his own state. But the annual ab- sence from his family, and his professional duties, exposed him to great sacrifices, and at the expiration of his term he transmitted a letter to the governor, declining a reelec- tion. A few days after he was chosen L^tate senator ; and ere the reorganization of the cabinet in April following, the office of secretary of the navy was tciidered to him and accepted. His industry, and his prompt und methodical manner of doing business, were soon felt in this department of the gov- ernment, and the general satisfaction which he gave in the 45 ^0, Ng^ ^4^PSHIRE A8 IT IS. ^isfliarge of its various and perplexing duties is suJSicieiit e'^idence of the ability with which they were performed. In 1833 the nomination of Mr. Taney for secretary of the treasury by President Jackson having been rejected by the Senate, Mr. Woodbury received the nomination, and was confirmed without opposition. Placed at the head of the financial affiiirs of the country, in the heat of that fierce struggle Avhich grew out of the mismanagement of the national bank, and the consequent removal from it of the government deposits, Mr. Wood- bury found himself in a situation which the most masterly abilities seemed inadequate to sustain. The i;equel, howev- er, affords another proof of the consummate knowledge of human nature and accurate estimate of character displayed by President Jackson in the selection of his officers. The indomitable energy, the never-failing firmness of purpose, the comprehension, sagacity, and unwavering fidelity to the public interests which had previously charac- terized Mr. Woodbury, shone nov/ even more conspicuously, and triumphantly sustained him for the period of seven years in the discharge of the arduous duties of this office. The official reports of Mr. Woodbury during this period are replete with important statistical information and able reasoning upon the various subjects of national policy. , In 1838, when the labors of his department were bear- ing heavily upon him, the office of chief justice of the Supreme Court of his native state was tendered him. Not insensible to this honorable tribute from those who best knew him, Mr. Woodbury was not the man to consult his ease when duty reqiiTred him to remain at the post of public labor, however onerous it might be, and therefore waived his own predilections for that dignified station, and d,pclined it. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 531 At the expiration of Van Burcn's administration, he re- signed his office of secretary, and on the following day took his seat in the United States Senate, to which he had been elected by the legislature of Ne\V Hampshire. Soon after the inauguration of President Polk, it is gen- erally understood, Mr. AVoodbury Avas invited to represent our government at the court of St. James ; but family con- siderations led him to decline the honor. A vacancy hav- ing occurred on the bench of the Supreme Court by the death of Judge Story, the appointment Avas offered to Mr. "Woodbury and accepted, which office he continued to hold until his death, September 4, 1851. FRATSKLIN PIERCE* Was born in Hillsborough, New Hampshire, November 23, 180-1. At the period of his birth, Hillsborough county could reckon among its sons many who had already attained the highest distinction, besides nuuiy others who were des- tinigd to occupy the highest lanl; in public life. General Stark, Daniel Webster, Levi Woodbury, Jei-emiah Smith, General James Miller, General McNeil, the late Hon. Charles G. Atherton, were natives of this county. General Ben- jamin Pierce, father of the subject of this sketch, was one of the first settlers of the town of Hillsborough, and con- tributed much to the growth and prosperity of his adopted town and county. He was born in Chelmsford,' now Low- ell, Massachusetts, iu the year 1757. When the news of the battle of Lexington reached him, he was laboring at the plough ; and immediately loosening the ox chain, leaving the plough in the furrow, he took his uncle's gun and equipments, and hastened to the scene of action. • See plate NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. He at once enlisted in the army, was present at the battle of Bunker Hill, and after serving through the whole revo- lutionary war, after an absence of nearly eight years, re- turned to his home a thorough soldier, and commander of a company. In 1785 he purchased a fifty acre lot in the present town of Hillsborough, and in the spring of the fol- lowing year built a log hut, commenced clearing and cul- tivating his tract, and in 1787 was married to Elizabeth Andrews, who died within a year after their union. In 1789 he married Anna Kendrick, who bore him eight children, the sixth of whom Avas the future president of these United States. At the opening of the war of 1812 Franklin Pierce was nearly eight years of age. Two of his brothers were connected with the army, and Major McNeil was about this time married to his eldest sister, the daughter and only child of the first wife, Elizabeth Andrews. His fiitlier was active and energetic in his sup- port of the war, and engaged with patriotic zeal in the discussion of those exciting questions which then wholly absorbed the public mind. . His son Franklin was a fre- quent and earnest listener to these discussions. No mode of education could be better adapted to imbue him with the principles of true democracy, the nature and spirit of republican institutions. His father had felt through life the disadvantages of a defective education, and determined, if possible, that his children should enjoy more largely of these blessings than had fallen to his lot. Franklin was se- lected as the one to receive a collegiate education. Accord- ingly we find him, while a mere boy, at the academy in Han- cock; next at that in Francestown ; and in 1820, at the age of 16, a student in the freshman class of Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine. Duiing the first two years of his college life he was so inattentive to his studies, that, at the commencement of the junior year, he found his position in BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 533 scholarship below that of any of his classmates. Deeply mortified by this humiliating proof of self-injustice, he de- termined to close his college career at once, and according- ly absented himself from all recitations for several days, hoping that suspension, or even expulsion, might be the result of such continued and systematic neglect. The fac- ulty, however, wisely, as well as leniently, paid no atten- tion to this conduct ; and at lust, stimulated by reflection, and moved by the earnest entreaties of a few college friends, he resolved to return to his duties, observing to his companions, "If I do so, you shall see a change." There was indeed a change. For three months afterwards he rose at four in the morning, and closely applied himself to his studies, allowing himself only four hours for sleep. He never suflfered himself after this to go into the recitation room -without a thorough knowledge of the subject in con- sideration ; and notwithstanding the low standard of his scholarship during the first half of his college course, he at last graduated as the third scholar in his class. In this rigorous discipline he acquired that full command over his intellectual faculties, that power of concentrating all his mental energies at once upon the object to be gained, and that perfect self-control, so essential to success, which have since characterized, to say the least, ail his greater eflforts, both as a lawyer and politician. He commenced the study of law in the oflSce of the late Judge Woodbury, the last two years of professional study being spent at the law school in Northampton, Massachusetts, and in the of- fice of Judge Parker, in Amherst. In 1827 he was ad- mitted to the bar, and began the practice of his profession in his native town. Here, also, his first effort was, as is generally expressed, a failure. In more appropriate terms, he was unsuccessful so far as the interest of his cUent was 45* &84 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. involved. This defeat, however, only served to arouse hi« latent energies, and, on the whole, was doubtless more beneficial to him than the most brilliant success would have been. That* he was possessed largely .of that firmness and perseverance which overcomes all obstacles, and welcomes disappointment in a worthy cause, as a noble incentive to vigorous and unwearied action, is evident in the reply to a friend who, fearing lest he might be discouraged, sought to raise his spirits with bright prospects in the future. " I do not need that," he answered; "I will try nine hun- dred and ninety-nine cases, if clients will continue to trust me, and, if I fail just as I have to-day, will try the thou- sandth. I shall live to argue cases in this court house in a manner that will mortify neither myself nor my friends." It was not, however, until after several years of toil that he attained a position of eminence at the bar. His progress was gradual, but sure. In 1829 he was chosen representa- tive to the state legislature from his native town. He was a member of that body four years, the two latter of which he was speaker of the house. He was endowed, in an eminent degree, with capacities adapted to the arduous du- ties and responsibilities of that station — courtesy, firmness, accuracy of judgment, clearness and quickness of percep- tion, that readily separated truth from error, and unravelled the complicated texture of long and exciting debate. His merit as a presiding oflflcer was generally acknowledged. Pie was elected a member of Congress in 1833, at the age of 29 years — young indeed for the station, as he always has been for every public position which he has occupied. His congressional life, though destitute of brilliant but empty show, was full of labor and usefulness. He was a member of the judiciary and other important committees Avhere the most valuable services are generally attended with the least BIOGRAPHICAL SKtrCMfiS. 58B display. He was ardently attached to President JackitfOftj ;md entered with zeal and ability into the support b!f the administration. He was a member of the House m Representatives four years. In 1837, when he scarce had attained the age required by law for such elevatidn^ hfe was elected to the Senate of the United States. Afe thfe youngest member of that body, he took his seat among the greatest of American statesmen, orators, and scholart. Webster, Clay, Calhoun, Benton, Silas Wright, WoodbOry, Buchanan, and Walker were his peers. In that august body Iiis counsels were characterized hf so thorough a knowledge of human nature, by so much solid common sense, and by such devotion to democratic princi- ples, that, although the youngest of the senators, it was deemed important by the leaders of his party to submit their plans to his judgment. In 1842 he resigned his seat as senator for the quiet, but to him attractive scenes of private life, in the circle of his old friends and neighbors, and in the bosom of his home. In 1838 he removed frotli Hillsborough, and took up his residence in Concord, thfe capital of New Hampshire. On retiring from the Senatfe he returned to the practice of law, which soon became very extensive. As an advocate he was unrivalled. Courts listened to him with admiration, and juries hung with iscp- ture upon his lips. The earnestness with which h6 eAi- gaged in the cause of his client, his complete success ih. making it his own, his honorable bearing, his ability' tb .convince the hearer of his earnest desire to arrive at &ii& establish the truth, are doubtless the secret of his powtft. His labor, also, in the preparation of his cases was unretnJf- ting. In 1846 he was offered, by President Polk, the officfc df attorney general of the United States, Which offer he f^ 936 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. spectfully declined, alleging, as the chief reason, his ** fixed purpose never again to be voluntarily separated from his family for any considerable length of time, except at the call of his country in time of war." The existence of the Mexican war he regarded as such call, and at once laid aside his long-cherished plans of spending the remain- der of his life in a private station. He enrolled himself among the first in a company of volunteers raised in Con- cord, and went through the regular drill as a private. Soon after he received the appointment of colonel of the ninth regiment, and in March, 1847, was commissioned brigadier general in the army, his brigade being made up of regiments from the extreme north, the extreme west, and the extreme south of the Union. He was present at the battle of Contreras, and all those severe contests which preceded the entry of General Scott, with his victorious army, into the city of Mexico ; and although, in the battle of Contreras, he suffered a severe and painful injury by the felling of his horse, yet he acquitted himself with so much ability as to gain the full confidence of his distinguished leader and afterwards unsuccessful rival in the presidential campaign. After the battle of Churubusco, Santa Anna having sent a flag of truce with proposals for negotiating for peace, General Pierce was appointed, by the commander- in-chief, one of the commissioners to arrange the terms of the armistice. Among officers and soldiers he Avas re- spected and beloved for his humanity, his independence, firmness, and promptitude, and his readiness to encounter any danger, or submit to any exposure of life or sacrifice of personal comfort. After his return to his native state, in accordance with an act of the legislature, he was pre- aented with a valuable sword, as a testimonial of his valor and warlike conduct. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 587 In June, 1852, the Democratic National Convention met in Baltimore to select a candidate for the presidency, and continued its session during four days. Several gen- tlemen of known and distinguished ability were prominent before that body, and received the zealous and unflinching support of their respective friends. Thirty-five ballotings were held, and it noAv became certain that no one of those hitherto supported could receive the nomination. At the thirty-sixth ballot the name of General Franklin Pierce was first brought forward in that convention by the dele- gation from Virginia. At the forty-ninth ballot the votes for General Pierce were two hundred and eighty-two against eleven for all other candidates. In November fol- lowing he was elected to the highest office within the gift of the i:)eople by an overwhelming and unprecedented ma- jority. At the time of his election he was forty-eight years of age, lacking a few days, being younger than any of his predecessors. The news of his election was received throughout the country with unusual demonstrations of joy and satisfaction. And even among his political oppo- nents in New England, and especially in his native state, not a few were proud to acknowledge the distinguished elevation of one of New Hampshire's most favorite sons. The condition of things at home and abroad render it quite probable that his present term of office will be one of the most eventful and important of any that has yet transpired. It is but just to hope, that in the records of history, as well as in the estimation of posterity, his name may stand high among those of his illustrious predecessors,, as well as of those who mav come after him. 5$S NEW HArtPSHIRE AS it IS. JOHN STARK. Major General John Stark was born in Londonderry, New Hampshire, August 28, 1728. His father was a na- tive of Glasgow, in Scotland, and removed to this country, it is believed, about the year 1719. In 1736 he settled in Derryfield, now Manchester. In 1752 young Stark, while on a hunting expedition, was captured by a party of St. Francis Indians, known also as the Abenaqui, and carried to Canada. He was redeemed, by a friend in Boston, for the sum of one hundred and three dollars. To pay this he went on another hunting expedition on the Androscoggin. During the French and Indian war, he served in Rogers's company of rangers, and was appointed captain in 1756. Hearing the news of the battle of Lexington, he immediate- ly repaired to Cambridge, where he received a colonel's commission, and on the same day enlisted eight hundred men. He fought bravely at the battle of Bunker Hill, his regiment forming a portion of the left of the American line — its only defence being a rail enclosure covered with hay. He went to Canada in the spring of 1776, and in the attack at Trenton commanded the van of the right wing. He was also in the battle of Princeton, where he exhibited that coolness and daring so peculiar to himself, and whicli never failed to inspire his men with indomitable courage. In March, 1777, he resigned his commission, and retired to his farm. This was owing to the fact, that, when prep- arations were making to form a new army in the Eastern States to resist the progress of Burgoyne, Congress had promoted several junior officers, while he was left out of the list. The aggravation of this neglect was greatly heightened by the dcgiading position in which he knew he I BIOGRAPHICAL ^KEtCttlfi. 88^ Iftttat be placed in the eyes of liis brother officers, as well as the soldiers. The main army had gone into winter quar- ters in Morristowu, and Avhile many of the officers were enjoying their ease, he returned to New Hampshire to pro- cure recruits ; and having filled his regiments, he returned to Exeter to await orders. Although he chose to be wholly divested of military authority rather than suffer the mortification of supersedure, he nevertheless determined not to desert his country in the hour of peril. lie was active and popular, and the Assembly of New Hampshire regarded him as a pillar of strength in upholding the con- fidence and courage of the militia of the state. The As- sembly, notwithstanding the provisions of Congress, offered him the command of its oAvn forces, which he accepted, and once more girded on his sword, and marched to the battle field, stipulating, however, that he should not be obliged to join the main army, but that he might hang upon the wing of the enemy on the borders of his state, strike Avhen opportunity should offer, according to his own discretion, and be accountable to no one but the Assembly of New Hampshire. Joy pervaded the hearts of all when it was known that he had been appointed to the command. The militia cheerfully flocked to his standard, which was first raided at Charlestown, and then at Manchester, twenty miles north of Bennington. There he met General Lin- coln, who had been sent by General Schuyler to conduct him and his recruits to the Hudson. Stark positively re- fused to go, and exhibited the written terms upon which he had consented to enter the field in any capacity. His refusal was communicated to Congress, and that body re- solved that the instructions of the Assembly of New Hamp- shire were " destructive of military subordination, and highly prejudicial to tlie common cause ; " and the Assembly 540 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. ij^Vas requested to "instruct General Stark to conform him- self to the same rules to which other general officers were subject whenever they were called out at the expense of the United States." The Assembly, however, and Gen- eral Stark, remained Jirm in the position they had taken ; and the sequel proved that what had been termed military insubordination was productive of great benefits to the country. General Stark was acting under no selfish mo- tives. He had been long experienced in the sudden and unlooked-for movememts of frontier war ; he was perfectly familiar with the country ; he knew better than Congress possibly could what measures, under the circumstances, were most conducive to the public welfare ; and all his acts were regulated in strict accordance with such knowl- edge. The battle of Bennington was fought on the 16th of August, 1777. During the day previous, the fain had fallen in torrents ; but at the dawn of this eventful day, the clouds dispersed, and all nature lay smiling in the warm sunlight of a fresh summer morning. Early in the morning both armies were in motion. General Stark had arranged a plan of attack, and, after carefully reconnoi- tring the enemy at the distance of a mile, proceeded to act upon it. A body of two hundred men, under Colonel Nichols, was sent forward to attack the enemy's left in the rear, while another detachment of three hundred, under Colonel Hcrrick, Mere directed to fall upon the rear of the right wing, and to effect a junction with Nichols before making a general attack. Another body was ordered to march toAvards the right front of the enemy, in order to draw the attention of Colonel Baum, the commander of the British forces, to that point. The action commenced at three o'clock in the afternoon, by Colonel Nichols, who I BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 541 marched up through a deep-wooded ravine, and fell vigor- ously upon the rear of the enemy's left, which consisted of a body of Hessians strongly intrenched. At the moment of the first firing from Nichols's detachment, the other por- tions of the American army advanced to the attack, and General Stark, who, with the main body, was awaiting the movement of Nichols, now threw himself upon his horse, and shouted to his men to advance. They at once pressed forward towards the hill, where a body of tories was in- trenched, and having gained its summit, the whole field of action was within their view. The heights were wreathed in the smoke of the cannon and musketry, and along the slopes and upon the plain the enemy was forming into battle order. * It was at this moment that General Stark uttered that laconic speech, so familiar to all our readers. " See there, men," said he ; " there are the redcoats. Be- fore night they are ours, or Molly Stark miist be a widow." These words brought forth a mighty shout of applause from the eager troop, which greatly disturbed and terrified the loyalists in their works below. The Americans displayed the most undaunted courage. With their rusty firelocks, scarce a bayonet, not a single piece of cannon, they ven- tured to attack five hundred well-trained regulars, fur- nished with two pieces of artillery, in an advantageous position, completely equipped, and aided by one hundred Indians. Scarce had the Americans gained tlie field before a reenforcement of the British arrived, and again the con- flict was renewed. But success followed the American arms. Seven hundred of the enemy were captured, among whom was Colonel Baum, their leader. Four pieces of brass cannon, two hundred and fifty dragoon swords, several hundred stand of arms, eight bass drums, and four ammu- nition wagons were taken. Two hundred and seven of the 46 54^ KKW IIAMrSHlRK AS IT IS. British were slain. Of our men, one hundred were killed, and about as many Avounded. The horse of General Stark was killed under him, but himself was not injured. The total loss of the enemy, in killed, woiinded, and prisoners, was nine hundred and thirty -four, including one hundred and fifty-seven tories. This victory was hailed with joy throughout the country. It was an effectual check to the boasted progress of Bur- goyne, weakened his strong arm, and revived the spirits of the Americans. The conduct of General Stark was fully vindicated. He had earned the reputation of a wise, able, and successful commander. The voice of the country was loud in his favor, and even forced Congress to bestow upon him the honors which had heretofore been, at least, un- wisely withheld. On the 4th of October a vote of thanks to him and his brave army was passed, and he was ap- pointed a brigadier general in the army of the United States. He also served in Rhode Island in 1778 and 1779, and in New Jersey in 1780. In 1781 he had the command of the northern division of the American army. In 1818 Congress voted him a pension of sixty dollars a month. He died May 8, 1822, aged ninety-three. He was buried in Manchester, and a costly monument now marks the place of his rest. He was a true patriot and a worthy citizen. When his country was out of danger, he sheathed his sword, and quietly retired to the private walks of life, refusing all public offices and employments ; thus teaching, by his example, that the spirit of patriotism and military greatness does not necessarily seek political eminence and renown. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 54i HORACE GREELEY.* Horace Greeley was born in Amherst, New Hampshire, on the 3d day of Februai-y, 1811, and therefore is now about forty-four years of age. Like many Americans, he is of mixed descent. His father's ancestors were English, and his mother, whose maiden name was Mary Woodburn, was a descendant of a Scotch-Irish family, the head of which, John Woodburn, settled on a f^vrm in Londonderry, New Hampshire, about A. D. 1720. The Scotch-Irish wei*e descended from Scotch Presbyterians who had settled in Ireland, and were of that party which opposed James II., and vigorously defended the town of Derry against the Stuart forces during the civil commotions which attended the English revolution in 1788—9. The early days of Horace Greeley, like those of the great body of American children, were passed in toil. His father was poor, and could not afford " the luxury of idle children." The con- sequence was, that Horace enjoyed but very few advantages for education. After he had attained his seventh year, he was a constant laborer upon the not very productive farm of his father, attending the common school two or three months of the year during the winter season. " As a stu- dent, he never saw the inside of any academy, seminary, or select school." But in spite of these disadvantages, young Greeley, when at the age of fifteen he entered a Ver- mont printing office, was probably far better fitted for the calling than most boys who have enjoyed the privileges of a regular education. By his own exertions he had sur- mounted difficulties which to many would have seemed insuperable. At the age of eleven he made application to 544 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. "be admitted, as an apprentice, in a j^rinting office in White- hall, New York, but was refused on account of his youth, and lack of strength adequate to the position. Four years later he became an apprentice in the same business in Poultney, Vermont, where he remained until June, 1830, when the paper was discontinued. In August, 1831, then a i'ew months short of his majority, young Greeley arrived in the city of New York, where, in the course of a few vears, he was destined to play so important a part in the great drama of life, the closing scene of which is by no means yet enacted. Few who saw the raw and indigent youth, poor and coarsely clad, with but a few pence in his pocket, as he landed from a towboat at the foot of Broad Street, would have imagined that they were looking at one who was to control great parties and masses of men, over whose writings myriads of people were daily to pore, and whose opinions and suggestions were to be matters of the greatest consideration to presidents, cabinets, senators, authors, and all who aim at playing leading parts in the game of life. It is not often that fame and wealth have stajted from smaller or more humble beginnings. For about eighteen months he worked as a journeyman printer in the city of New York. His labors were un- steady, for it was not his good fortune to find constant em- ployment. In the spring of 1833 he went into the printing business with another young printer named Storey. In a short time after Storey Avas drowned, and his place was supplied by a Mr. Winchester. The business, under this firm, was very successful. In 1834 Mr. Greeley added to the establishment a newspaper called the New Yorker. Though it commenced with only ten subscribers, it in time reached to a circulation of nine thousand. Mr. Gree- ley's political life may be said to have commenced in 1834, ^ BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 545 when the country was convulsed by the difficulties and embarrassments which grew out of the removal of the de- posits from the United States Bank. In the discussions of these all-absorbing topics, Mr. Greeley bore a prominent part ; and although himself a radical of the most decided stamp, yet his views were conservative on this as well as — until recently, at least — upon all political questions. When the great contest of 1840 was opened, Mr. Greeley was found among the foremost in the formidable phalanx of whig laborers. To a weekly paper, the publication of which he com- menced in New York, he gave the name of the Log Cabin. Considering all the elements which entered into the spirit of this contest on either side, no better name for a "cam- paign paper " could have been devised. It had an im- mense circulation, and its influence was almost unbounded. In the spring of 1841, just as the whig party had estab- lished their leader in the chair of state, Mr. Greeley resolved to commence the publication of a cheap daily journal in New York city. The first number of this paper, styled the New York Tribune, was issued on the 10th of April, 1841 — by a singular coincidence, the very day which was observed as one of public mourning in New York on account of the death of President Harrison. From that time to this the circulation of this paper has been immense, so that it now justly stands as one of the leading journals cf the world. In 1848 Mr. Greeley was an ardent sup- porter of Henry Clay for the presidential nomination, and came into the support of General Tayloi", who received that nomination, with a good deal of reluctance. In the autumn of that year he was chosen a representative to Con- gress, to fill a vacancy which had occurred in the district of which he was a resident. His efforts at reform, especially 46* 546 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. on the mileage question, were too direct and earnest to se- cure to him great popularity, insomuch as legislators are generally conservative upon all questions of retrenchment. In social matters Mr. Greeley is thoroughly radical, and subscribes to some of the views of the celebrated Charles Fourier, respecting the division of labor, &c. The great moral reforms of the day have found in him a sincere and zealous advocate ; and it would Hot, indeed, be surprising if, at times, his zeal should overpower his discretion — a failing common to men who to honesty of purpose unite warmth of head and heart. The amount of labor which he performs from week to week is almost incalculable, as will readily appear to any who knows any thing of the New York Tribune — to say nothing of the large portion of his time taken up in lecturing in various parts of the country, in attending great political meetings, &c. To pass a final judgment upon his peculiar views or writings at the pres- ent time, when great and unforeseen changes are the fixed law of social existence, would be as unfair as to submit a case to the jury without giving the defendant an oppor- tunity to state the grounds of his defence. To judge of this man correctly, his mission must have been fully closed, his pen must have written its last word, and the immortal must have separated from its mortal habitation. JOHN P. HALE* John P. Hale was born in Rochester, New Hampshire, on the 31st day of March, 1806. His father bore the same Christian name, but was born in Portsmouth, Rock- ingham county, just previous to the declaration of inde- * Sec plate. * 4 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 547 pendence. He held a lieutenant's commission in the army, at the hands of General Washington, 'I'he middle name, Parker, came from his father's maternal progenitors. His mother was Lydia Clarkson O'Brien, only child of William O'Brien, an immigrant Irishman, who died a prisoner of war at the early age of twenty-three. He was of the heroic stock from which sprang William Smith O'Brien. William O'Brien and his brother will bo found honorably mentioned in Cooper's Naval History, as performing a daring feat of volunteer heroism in the capture of a Eiitish vessel, which had seized a lot of lumber at Machias, Maine, and Avhich it was carrying off without leave or license. In 1834 the subject of our sketch was united in marriage with Lucy H. Lambert, by Avhom he has two living chil- dren, both daughters. John P. Hale, the father, was a lawyer. He died at Rochester, in the height of his professional usefulness, at the early age of forty- four. Fortunately, the mother of our subject survived her husband, and was permitted to watch over and direct the development of her son, until she had the pleasure of not only seeing him enter successfully upon a career of professional usefulness, but also into political life, under circumstances well calculated to gratify maternal ambition, as the subsequent facts of our sketch will indi- cate. She died in 1832, at the age of fifty-two years. Mr. Hale's primary education was partly obtained at the common schools of New England — those nurseries of a natural democracy, in which the children of the rich, from reading the same lesson from the same book, seated side by side in the same unostentatious school room, come to regard the children of the poor as the equals they really are in a common fatherhood, and to retain that regard in after years. 548 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. Subsequently, and after the death of his father, Mr. Hale entered Exeter Academy, then under the charge of Dr. Abbott, "who died in 1838, after occupying that position of usefulness for fifty years. Thus prepared, he entered the venerable college of Bow- doin, where he graduated in 1827. Among his college mates were Franklin Pierce, now president of the United States, and Nathaniel Hawthorne, the biographer of the nation's chief, and consul at Liverpool. He studied law at Rochester and Dover, in his native state, finishing his studies at the latter place, in the office of Daniel M. Chris- tie, who stands among the ablest lawyers of the state. Young Hale soon found himself in a large and agreeable practice, the more welcome because affording him frequent opportunities for the display of a degree of power before juries in criminal trials, which showed itself, in the prog- ress of the celebrated government cases in Boston, known as the " Shadrach trials," to be of rare attainment. But he was not less successful iu the department of civil law, especially when before the jury, where his remarkable keenness in discerning the points at issue, and his adroit- ness and promptitude in meeting them, were early dis- played to great advantage. Among those with whom he occasionally met, either as associates or opponents, was Mr Pierce, who also has enjoyed a fine reputation in New Hampshire as a jury advocate. Mr. Hale entered political life in 1832, as a member of the New Hampshire House of Representatives. He was called into it by an independent workingman's movement — an incident which may be regarded as a presage of his future services in the same direction ; for his congressional speeches and votes will clearly indicate that his fellow- citizens did not mistake their man in choosing him as the BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 549 champion of their neglected interests. The same year he * was selected as a member of the nominating state con- vention of the democratic party, and thenceforward he be- came distinctively identified with tlieir organization. In 1834, though only twenty-eight years of age, he had al- ready attracted the attention of the then president, General Jackson, in a way Avhich induced his appointment tp the responsible position of United States district attorney for New Hampshire. In 1843 he was elected to Congress on a general ticket, with Messrs. Burke, Norris, and Reding. It was during this Congress that the Texas struggle began. Mr. Hale took a fearless stand against annexation, and immediately addressed a letter to his constituents, fully and candidly explaining his motives, and denouncing the project as, in his opinion, a scheme for strengthening slavery by extend- ing it into territory from which it had been excluded by the laws of Mexico. This bold step was censured by the state convention assembled in February, 1845, where his nomination for reelection, previously made with una- nimity, was reconsidered. In 1846 he was chosen a mem- ber of the state legislature from Dover, and at once made speaker of the House of Representatives. During this ses- sion he was chosen United States senator for the term of six years dating from March 4, 1847. On returning to the Senate chamber, he found himself associated with four members of that body who had been pupils at Exeter Acad- emy, viz., Daniel Webster, Lewis Cass, Alpheus Felch, and John A. Dix, all of whom had been trained under the venerable Dr. Abbott, who often observed, with apparent self-gratulation, that he had " five boys in the Senate, and pretty good boys, too." Mr. Hale's career in that august body is too well known to his countrymen to need descrip- 550 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. tion here. Suffice it to say that he on. all occasions showed himself a fearless champion of liberty, according to his views, and an uncompromising foe to the encroachments of slavery, manifesting the utmost patience and good humor under all the severe, and sometimes violent attacks made upon his pecuUar principles by political opponents. In his replies to his " pitted antagonist," Mr. Foote, occur many passages which, for eloquence, wit, and good nature, yet withering sarcasm, are seldom surpassed. As a public speaker he is prompt, energetic, and direct. He is never profound, but eminently practical, forcible, and methodical in his own way, which is founded neither upon established rules nor precedents ; the attempt to follow which would involve any one but himself in inextricable difficulties. His oratorical powers are unquestionably great. He gains that cont)ol over his audience which changes aversion into breathless attention, and the antipathy which, at the outset, would denounce him as a fanatic, into generous sym- pathy. He Avorries his opponent into petulance and con- fusion, and at the same time shoAvs toAvards him the utmost kindness and good Avill. The firmness, constancy, and ability Avith which he de- fended his position against his southern opponents, gained for him the confidence and esteem of the " free soil " par- ty ; and at a convention held in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, on the 11th day of August, 1852, he Avas unanimously nomi- nated for the presidency of the United States, notAvith- standing his positive refusal to stand as candidate for that high office. At the close of his senatorial term, in March, 1853, he removed to Ncav York city, Avhere he still resides, and is now actively engaged in the practice of his profes- sion, in company with a distinguished gentleman of the New York bar. SOCIETIES AND ASSOCIATIONS. 551 SOCIETIES AND ASSOCIATIONS. Our limits will allow us to make mention of but few of the various literary and benevolent societies which are found in our state. The following are the most important of those of which we have been able to obtain reliable in- formation : — New Hampshire Medical Society. — This society was incorporated February 11, 1791. It was formed for the purpose of diffusing a knowledge of medical science in this state, and for discouraging empiricism and quackery. It has a library of considerable value, which is divided among the district societies. This society has a close con- nection with the Medical School^t Dartmouth College. Its influence upon the profession has been most salutary. New Hampshire Historical Society. — This society was incorporated June 13, 1823. The library and cabinet are located in the hall over the Merrimack County Bank, at Concord. The society has published six volumes of col- lections, containing a large amount of interesting and val- uable matter. New Hampshire Bible Society. — The object of this so- ciety, as set forth in its constitution, is " to promote the more extensive distribution of the Holy Bible, by procur- ing and distributing gratuitously among the needy and des- titute, or selling at reduced prices, according to the dis- cretion of the board of directors, Bibles and Testaments in the English language." It was established in 1811. The total amount of receipts from that time to the present is $110,986.22. The receipts for the year ending August 23, 1854, were $6947.49. New Hampshire Missionary Society. — This society wm 662 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. instituted in September, 1801. It was designed "to fur- nish preaching and religious instruction to destitute churches in New Hampshire." The total amount raised in the state from 1802 to 1851, inclusive, was |170,403.18. Of this sum upwards of .^141,000 were expended in New Hampshire and vicinity, and the remainder in the great west. Independent Order of Odd Fellows. — The first lodge of the order in this state was instituted at Nashua, September 11, 1843, under the name and title of Granite Lodge No. 1. The Grand Lodge of New Hampshire now embraces under its jurisdiction forty subordinate lodges. There are also six Encampments and a Grand Encampment. The following abstract of the returns made by the subordinate lodges for the year ending June 30, i854, will exhibit the condition of the order at that time : — Number of contributing members, 2240. Amount paid for relief of brothers, $2674.42 ; do. widowed families, $75.04 ; do. burying the dead, $667.51. Total amount paid for relief, $3416.97. Free and Accepted Masons. — This order reports in New Hampshire one grand chapter, one grand lodge, four royal arch chapters, and twenty-four subordinate lodges, with 931 members. Number initiated during the year ending June, 1854, 191. RAILROADS. The Ashuelot Railroad extends from Hinsdale to Keene, 23j miles. It is at present leased to the Connecticut River Railroad Company, which keep it in repair, and pay a year- ly rent of $35,000. Whole cost of the road, exclusive of its equipments, $499,681.17. RAILROADS. - 553 The Atlantic and St. Lawrence lliiilroad extends from Portland, Maine, to Island Pond, Vermont, entering this state just north of the White Mountains, and following the courses of the Upper Ammonoosuc River until it reaches the Connecticut. The length of that part of the road which is in this state, is 54^ miles. The Boston, Concord, and Montreal Railroad, incorpo- rated in 1844, extends from Concord to Wells River, Ver- mont, 92| miles. The first section was opened in 1848. Whole cost of road and equipments, $'2,313,286.78. The Boston and Elaine Railroad, incorporated in 1835, extends from Boston, through Exeter, Dover, and other places, and unites with the Portsmouth, Saco, and Portland Railroad. Whole length, 14^ miles, of which 37f miles are in this state. Whole cost of- construction and equip- ments, .$4,180,960.91, of w^hich the sum of $825,660.68 was expended in this state. The Cheshire Raihoad, incorporated in 1844, extends from Fitchburg, Massachusetts, to Bellows Falls, Vermont, 53i miles, 43 miles of its entire length being in this state. Whole cost of road and equipments, .$3,119,510.03. The Cocheco Railroad extends from Dover to Alton Bay, at the southern extremity of Winnipiseogee Lake, 28 miles. Incorporated in 1847. Total cost of road and fixtures, .$767,360.93. The Concord Riiilroad, incorporated in 1835, extends from Nashua, up the Merrimack, to Concord, 34j miles. Opened for travel September 1, 1842. Cost of the road, including equipments, $1,412,576.91. The Contoocook Valley Railroad, incorporated in 1849, extends from Contoocookville, in Ilopkinton, to Hillsbor- ough Bridge, 14^ miles. Total expenditures, $259,609.62. The Eastern Railroad, incorporated in 1836, extends 47 554 KEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. from Boston to Portsmouth, 54 miles ; 16| miles in New Hampshire. The Great Falls and Conway Railroad, incorporated in 1844, extends from Great Falls to Milton, 12^ miles. When fully completed, it will extend to Wakefield line, 8 miles farther. Total expenditures up to April, 1854, $308,222.23. The Manchester and Lawrence Railroad extends from Manchester to Lawrence, Massachusetts, 27 miles. In- corporated in 1847. The ^lerrimack and Connecticut River Railroad, incor- porated January, 1853, includes the New Hampshire Cen- tral and the Concord and Claremont Railroads. Distance from Manchester to Hillsborough Bridge, 33 miles ; from Bradford to Concord, 25. The Nashua and Lowell Railroad extends from Nashua to Lowell, Massachusetts about 15 miles. Incorporated in 1835. Cost of the road and furniture, $651,214.88. The corporation have leased the Wilton Railroad for five years fnvn April 1, 1853. The Northern Railroad extends from Concord to West Lebanon, 69 miles. The lower section was opened for travel in 1846. Incorporated in 1844. The Franklin and Bristol Railroad, running from Franklin to Bristol, 12^ miles, is now united with this. The latter was incorporated in 1846. The Peterborough and Shirley Railroad, from Groton, Massachusetts, to Mason Village, in Mason, 23 miles. The Portsmouth and Concord Railroad extends from Portsmouth to Concord, 47 miles. Incorporated in 1845. Cost of road and equipments, ^1,075,575.56. The Sullivan Railroad extends from Bellows Falls to Windsor, Vermont, 26 miles. Incorporated in 1846. KAILKOADS. 555 The White Mountains luiih-oad extends from Wells River to Littleton, about 20 miles. The Wilton Railroad extends from Nashua to Wilton, Ibj miles. It is leased to the Nashua and Lowell Railroad Company. The Worcester and Nashua Railroad, from Worcester, Massachusetts, to Nashua, 45 miles, of which distance only 6^ miles are in this state. Total cost, $1,352,045.79.. Expended in New Hampshire, $116,058.51. S V 556 ■NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. A STATEMENT Of the condition of the several Banks in New Hampshire, as they existed on the first Monday of December, A. D. 1854, as furnished by the Secretary of State. NAMES OF BANKS. Araoskeag, Ashuelot, Belknap County, Cheshire, City, Claremont, Citizens, Connecticut River, Cocheco Carroll County, Dover, Francestown, Granite State, Great Falls, Indian Head, Lake, Lancaster, Lebanon, Mechanics Merrimack County,. . . . Manchester, Mechanics & Traders,., Monadnock, Nashua, New Ipswch Piscataqua Exchange,. Pittsfield, Rochester, Rockingham, Salmon Falls, State Capital, Strafford Sugar River, Warner, Winchester White Mountain, Total,. Manchester,..., Keene, Meredith Brida Keene, Manchester,..., Claremont, .. . Sanbornton, . . Charles town,.. Dover , Sandwich, Dover, Francestown,., Exeter Somers worth,. Nashua, Wolfborough,. Lancaster,. ... Lebanon, Concord, Concord, Manchester,.., Portsmouth,.. .Taffrey, Nashua, New Ipswich,. Portsmouth,. . Pittsfield, Rochester,. .. . Portsmo\ith,. . Rollinsford,... Concord, Dover, Ne\vport, Warner, Winchester,... Lancaster ■2s 200,000 100,000 80,000 100,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 90,000 100,000 50,000 100,000 60,000 125,000 150,000 150,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 80,000 12.5,000 141,000 50,000 125,000 100,000 200,000 50,000 80,000 200,000 50,000 150,000 120,000 50,000 50,000 100.000 50,000 3,626,000 5,819.61 5,739.58 3,969.15 4,455.54 2,107.42 4,075.03 2,822.85 3,615.86 4,148.57 2,654.16 2,791.72 2,334.21 5,464.49 3,666.10 6,486.56 3,683.60 114.48 9,588.93 6,173.83 13.260.00 5,137.36 5,276.87 3,606.00 10,100.47 4,444.31 9,401.69 2,703.77 6.340.66 12,231.66 2,328.67 4,693.34 3,137.68 2,633.16 2,974.00 5,108.07 3,345.33 176,4.34.73 3 B ? a fi 169,822 76,536 79,168 76,345 115,162 88,000 47,128 60,379 94,779 46,909 93,469 58,356 115,226 130,331 140,000 38,936 3,304 90,767 74,611 79,693 114,298 139,542 49,32-5 107,235 80,121 151,669 47,057 80,000 145,648 45,480 113,019 99,882 49,717 49,668 78,520 49,446 3,079,548 NEWSPAPERS. 557 NEWSPAPERS. " The NcAV Hampshire Gazette," Portsmouth. The first number of this paper was issued in October, 1756, by Daniel Fowle, who owned and published it until 1784. It was the pioneer newspaper in New Hampshire, and is the oldest existing one in the United States, having contin- ued the even tenor of its way, without interruption, for the space of one hundred years. Fowle was succeeded by John Melcher, who conducted it until 1802, when he sold out his interest to N. S. and Washington Pierce. The subsequent proprietors were Messrs. Hill and Gardner, Hill, Hill and Pierce, William Weeks, Beck and Foster, Beck and Greenleaf, Laighton and Greenleaf, Virgin and Moses, S. W. Moses, William P. Hill, and Gideon H. Rund- lett. The present editor and proprietor, Mr. Edward N. Fuller, commenced its publication in 1852. It is demo- cratic in politics. " The Portsmouth Journal of Literature and Politics." The publication of this venerable journal was commenced June 4, 1793, under the title of " The Portsmouth Ora- cle," and was issued semiweekly, by Charles Peirce editor and proprietor, until January, 1796. It was then enlarged and published weekly. Its subsequent proprietors were W. Mason and Daniel Treadwell, who sold their interest in the establishment, September 25, 1813, to Charles Tu- rell, when it received its present title. In July, 1821, it was transferred to N. A. Haven, Jr., who conducted it un- til July 1, 1825, when it was purchased by T. H. Miller and C. W. Brewster. In July, 1832, Mr. Brewster be- came sole proprietor, by whom it has been owned end pub- lished from that time to the present. " The New Hampshire Sentinel " was established in 558 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. March, 1799, in Keene, by John Prentiss, and was managed by him as editor and proprietor until the close of the year 1847, a period of 48 years. In January, 1848, John W. Prentiss became proprietor, and conducted the paper until June, 1853, when it passed into the hands of Albert God- frey, who is the present editor and proprietor. The Sen- tinel was " federal " in politics, and advocated the doc- trines of Washington, the elder Adams, and John Taylor Gilman, and maintained its character as a federal paper until the period of Monroe's administration, Avhen party names fell into disuse. It supported John Quincy Adams, and has been devoted to the interests of the whig party since its formation to the present time. "The Parmer's Cabinet" was established at Amherst, November 11, 1802, by Joseph Gushing, Esq., and was managed by him until October 10, 1809, when he removed to Baltimore, and was succeeded in the establishment by the present senior editor, Richard Boylston, Esq., who has been connected with it for 45 years. During most of this long period the paper was under his entire charge ; he was unaided by a single '•' dollar's worth " of hired or gratuitous editorial. He labored constantly with his own hands in preparing the paper for the press, in directing the printed sheets for delivery, besides attending to the transient job work of the office, keeping the accounts, and attending a bookstore — an example of industry worthy to be followed by some of his younger brethren of the quill. In January, 1849, the proprietorship was assumed by Edward D. Boyl- ston, his son, who has since been its principal manager, although the name of the father has been associated as co- editor. In politics the tone of the paper is mild ; it is chiefly devoted to moi;al and religious subjects. " The New Hampshire Patriot and State Gazette." This 47* NEWSPAVEr..s. 559 journal was established in Concord, in i809, by Isaac Hill, and was managed by him several years. It is now published weekly by William Butterfield, This for many years had an extensive circulation in New Hampshire, and is one of the leading democratic papers in the st.ate. ** The Congregational Journal," a religious paper, pub- lished in Concord, was established in 1819, and was at first called " The New Hampshire Depository," afterwards " The New Hampshire Observer," and " The Fanoplist." The present editor is Rev. Benjamin P. Stone, D. D. " The Dover Enquirer," a whig journal, established in Dover, was first published in February, 1828. Editor and proprietor, George Wadleigh. " The Dover Gazette and Strafford Advertiser," a demo- cratic paper, published in Dover. The first number was issued December 14, 1825. Editor and proprietor, John T. Gibbs. " The Exeter News Letter," a weekly paper, published in Exeter, was established in 1831. Editor, Franklin Lane, M. D. "The Democrat" was first published in April, 1843. It is established in Manchester, and is an advocate of '^ free soil " principles. John H. Goodale editor. " The Cheshire Republican," a democratic paper, pub- lished in Keene. It was ^rst established in "Walpole, about 30 years ago. Horatio Kimball editor. " The IManchester Daily Mirror," established at Man- chester, October 28, 1850. John B. Clarke editor and proprietor. " The Dollar Weekly Mirror " is published at the same oftice, under the same editorial charge. The first number was issued February 1, 1851. Both papers are independent in politics. " The Daily Chronicle " was established in Portsmouth, 560 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. August 2, 1852. " The Weekly Chronicle " was first is- sued January 1, 1853. Both papers are mdependent in politics and religion. Published by Millers and Gray. " Nashua Gazette and Hillsborough County Advertiser," founded upon the " Nashua Constellation," a whig paper, started in 1827, by Brown and Wiggin, and afterwards published by Thayer and Wiggin, and by Andrew E. Thayer. It then passed into the hands of Israel Hunt, Jr., who changed its politics, and assumed for it its present name. It has since been published by Merrill and Dinsmore, C. P. Danforth, W. H. Hughes, W. Butterfield, and B. B. and F. P. Whittemore. It is now under the successful management of the Messrs. Whittemore. " The New Hampshire Telegraph " was founded in 1832, by Alfred Beard, who was succeeded by his brother, Albin Beard, the present publisher. This paper is whig in politics, enjoys a well-earned reputation and extensive patronage. " The Oasis " was established in January, 1843, by O. D. Murray, and A. I. Sawtelle. During the same year Mr. Sawtelle sold his interest to Horatio Kimball. In 1849 Mr. Murray was succeeded by J. E. Dodge ; and in 1851 Mr. Kimball retired, giving place to S. H. Noyes. Since January, 1851, it has been conducted by Dodge and Noyes. It early attained the largest local circulation as an independent family journal, and commands a respectable and increasing patronage. " The New Hampshire Statesman," Concord. This is a weekly journal, and was established in January, 1823, by Luther Roby, who conducted it for several years. It is now published by Messrs McFarland and Jenks. It is the leading whig paper in the state, and aside from its politics, contains a large variety of agricultural, moral, and religious matter. NEWSPAPERS. 561 "The National Eagle." This paper was established in Claremont, in October, 1834, under the direction of a committee chosen at a whig convention for Sullivan coun- ty, the year previous. The first number was issued by John H. Warland editor, and Samuel L. Chase printer. In 1830 the establishment was purcliascd and managed by Messrs. Warland and Joseph Weber. In 1843 Mr. Weber became sole proprietor, and conducted the paper until Oc- tober, 1846, Avhen Messrs. Charles Young and John S. Walker purchased the entire establishment, Mr. Walker taking charge of the editorial department. In 1849 Mr. Walker sold his interest to Mr. J. H. Brewster, who man- iged the paper in connection with Mr. Young, until April, 1854, when the establishment passed into the hands of Mr. Otis F. R. Waite, its present proprietor. It is devoted to the interests of the whig party. '* The Farmer's jNIonthly Visitor " was first published in Concord, January 15, 1839, under the charge and propri- etorship of the late Governor Hill. After his decease the establishment was sold and located in Manchester, under the editorial charge of C. E. Potter, who continued its publication during the years 1852 and 1853. On the 1st of January, 1854, this paper was united with " The Granite Farmer," under the title of " The Granite Farmer and Vis- itor." " The Coos County Democrat," Lancaster, was estab- lished September 11, 1838, and was published about two years and a half by James M. Rix and James R. AVhitte- more. Afterwards Mr. Whittemore became sole proprie- tor, and so continued until April 5, 1842, when James ^I. Rix purchased the establishment, and has continued sole editor and proprietor xmtil the present time. The paper is democratic in politics. 562 >:E\V HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. "The New Hampshire Argus and Spectator," Newport. This paper is now in the 31st volume of its pubHcation. Its predecessors were "The Newport Spectator " and " The New Hampshire Argus," both of Avhich journals were merged into one under the title above given. " The Spectator " was originally established in Claremont, in January, 1823, by Cyrus Barton, but was soon after located in Newport, -Vrhich town was about to be made the county seat of the new county of Sullivan. A short time after the removal to Newport, Mr. Dunbar Aldrich became a partner vv'ith Mr. Barton. Afterwards the partnership consisted of Messrs. Barton, Benjamin French, and Cyrus Metcalf. Subse- quently, the paper was conducted by Messrs. French and Metcalf during the space of a year or more, when Mr. Metcalf retired, and was succeeded by Simon Brown. " The Argus " was established in Claremont in 1833, removed to Newport in 1834, and was edited by Edmund Burke. The papers 'Were united in July, 1835, and managed by Mr. Burke until January, 1838, when he was succeeded by H. E. Baldwin and William English. Mr. English, soon leaving, was succeeded by Samuel C. Baldwin, and the establishment thus continued until 1840, when it was transferred to Messrs. Carlton and Harvey, its present ed- itors and proprietors, who have conducted the paper for nearly sixteen years. It is democratic in politics. " The Belknap Gazette." The publication of this paper was commenced by .Charles Lane, at Meredith Bridge, Au- gust 5, 1840, as an organ of the democratic party. March 1, 1847, the establishment was purchased by a company of gentlemen, when the politics of the paper midcrwent a change. Since that time it has been devoted to the inter- ests of the whig party. The present editor and proprietor is R. C. Stevens, Esq. ■' The Belknap Gazette " was the NEWSPAPERS. 563 only whig paper in the state which openly sustained the views of Mr. Webster in relation to the compromise meas- ures of 1850. " The Granite State Whig," established in Lebanon, about the year 184G. It was formerly called " The White Mountain JEgis," and was published in Lancaster. It was afterwards establislied in Haverhill under the title of the "Whig and ^gis." From this place it was re- moved to Lebanon, when it received its present name. George S. Towlc editor and proprietor. It is whig in pol- itics. " The Northern Advocate," Claremont, established in 1848. Joseph Weber editor and proprietor. Politics, republican. " The Rockingham Messenger," published in Ports- mouth. First number issued October 7, 1847. Politics, free democratic. Thomas J. Whittemore editor. " The Union Democrat," Manchester. A democratic paper, first issued in 1851. Campbell and Gilmore pub- lishers ; J. M. Campbell editor. " The Great Falls Weekly Journal " Avas established at Great Falls in 1847. Independent in politics. James T. Furber editor and proprietor. " The Morning Star," a religious journal, published in Dover, by the Freewill Baptist Printing Establishment. It was first published in Limerick, Maine, and was located in Dover in 18o4. William Burr agpnt. "The New Hampshire Phoenix," established at Con- cord, January 1, 1854. Devoted to temperance, educa- tion, and news. Rev. Daniel Lancaster editor and propri- etor. " The American News," published in Keene. Devoted to temperance, education, agriculture, and general miscel- 564 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. lany. In politics, republican. S. Woodward editor and proprietor. " The New Hampshire Democrat " was established at Meredith Bridge, January 1, 1849. It was published by Messrs. Keach and Seaver, and edited by the late Jere- miah Elkins, Esq. Mr. Elkins continued in the editorial department but a short time. May 23, 1850, Mr. Seaver sold out, and Mr. Keach became sole proprietor. January 1, 1851, the establishment was purchased by Mr. Samuel C. Baldwin, who conducted the establishment alone until November 12, 1851, M'hen David A. Farrington purchased half the establishment. It is democratic in politics. " The Ammonoosuc Reporter," Littleton, established in July, 1852, by F. A. Eastman, who conducted it until September, 1854, when it passed into the hands of Messrs. Bass and Churchill, its present proprietors. Politics, dem- ocratic. " The Semi- Weekly State Capital Reporter " was estab- lished in Concord, by Cyrus Barton, January 1, 1852. In May, 1853, Amos Hadley was associated with Mr. Barton, and in July, 1853, " The Weekly Reporter " and « The Old Guard " were united, and Hon. Edmund Burke be- came an extensive contributor. In politics this paper is democratic, though it is opposed to the administration of President Pierce. " The Baptist Observer," established in Concord, in April, 1852, by Ervin B. Tripp publisher and proprietor, and Rev. Edmund Worth editor. Until January, 1853, it was issued semi-monthly. It was afterwards enlarged, and issued weekly. In March, 1854, Messrs. Norton and Crawford became proprietors and publishers, and in October the firm was changed to Crawford and Chick. The pres- ent editor is Rev. William Lamson, of Portsmouth. NEWSPAPERS. 565 " The Independent Democrat," established in Concord, in May, 1845, as an independent democratic paper, in op- position to the annexation of Texas. From its commence- raent to the present time it has been under the editorial charge of George G. Fogg, Esq. " The Democratic Republican," Haverhill. This paper vras established in July, 1828, by Hon. John R. Reding editor and proprietor. It was first called " The Democrat- ic Republican and General Advertiser," the latter portion of the title being dropped after a year or two. Mr. Red- ing continued in charge of the paper until April, 1841, when he was succeeded by Mr. H. AV. Reding, the pres- ent editor and proprietor. It is devoted to the interests of the democratic party, " The American Ballot," a weekly journal, established in Portsmouth, in the summer of 1854, and devoted to the interests of the American party. " The Stars and Stripes," established in Manchester, in October, 1854, under the charge of Messrs. Tenney and Stevens. An organ of the American party. 48 CONSTITUTION OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, APPROVED BY THE PEOPLE, AND ESTABLISHED IN CONVENTION, FIFTH OF SEPTEMBER, 1792.* PART FIRST. BILL OF RIGHTS. AsiTCLE 1. All men born free ; all govern- ment originates from the people. Art. 2. Natural rights of men. Art. 3. Natural rights when surrendered. Art. 4. Some rights unalienable, as those of conscience. Art. 5. Religious freedom recognized. Art. 6. The support of the ministry. Art. 7. Sovereignty of the state. Art. 8. All officers are servants of the people. Art. 9. No office to be hereditarj-. Art. 10. Government for the benefit and under the control of the people. Art. 11. Freedom of elections. Art. 12. Rights and duties of citizens. Property taken for public uses. Laws when binding. Art. 13. Exemption from bearing arms. Art. 14. Every person ought to find a certain and speedy remedy at law. Art. 15. Rights of persons prosecuted for crime. Art. 16. No jierson to be tried after ac- quittal for the same offence, nor for a capital oflence except by a jury. Art. 17. Trial to be in the county where offence committed. Art. 18. Penalties to be proportioned to offences. Art. 19. ReRul?.tion of search and seizure. Art. 20. Trial by jury regulated. Art. 21. Jurors to be carefully selected and fully paid. Art. 22. The liberty of the press. Art. 23. Retrospective laws prohibited. Art. 24. Importance of the militia. Art. 2o. Standing armies dangerous. Art. 26. The military subject to the civil power. Art. 27. Soldiers, how quartered. .\rt. 28. All taxes to be levied by the people. Art. 29. Laws suspended by the legisla- ture only. Art. 30. Freedom of speech and debate. Art. 31. Object of the assembly of the legislature. Art. 3-?. Right of the people to assemble. Art. 33. Excessive bail and fines and cru el punishments forbidden. Art. 34. Martial law, when exercised. Art. 35 The judiciary system. Art. 36. Economy enjoined. Art. 37. The executive, legislative, and judicial powers to be kept separate. Art. 38. Recurrence to fundamental prin- ciples. PART SECOND. FOllM OF aOVERNMENT. 1. Declaration of sovereignty. GENERAL COURT. 2. Legislative power, how vested 3. Meeting of the legislature. • The fonner constitution, having been approved by the people, was established by coi vention, SIst October, 1783, and took effect on the first Wednesday of June, 1784. (566) CONSTITUTION OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 567 4. Power fo constituto courts. 5. Power to establish lawfi. 6. Valuation, when and how taki^n. 7. No member to be of counsel. 8. Doofd of galleries to be open. HOUSE OF EEPRE8ENTATIVES. 9. Representation to b« equal. 10. Towu'^ may be classed. 11. Special iMjtliority may be given. rj. Election to be held in March. 13. Qualification of voters. 14. Q.ualificutions of rcpre^sontaiivefe'. 15. Members to bo paid. 16. Vacancits, how filled. 17. Power of inipeachitiont. 16. Money bills to ori|;iiiatc in house. 19. Power to adjourn. 20. What is a quorum. 21. Exeniptiuu from arrest i2. House to be judge of its own proceed- ings. 23. Imprisonment for contcnipi. '24. Journals and laws to bo published. — Yeas and nays and protect eiitored on journal. si:nat);. 25. Senate, how constituted. 28. Senatorial districts made. 27. Election to be held in March. 28. Mode of election. 29. Qualifications of senatom. 30. Who is an inhabitant. 31. Rights of inhabitants of places. 32. .Mode of conductinj; elections. 33. Votes, how examined, and senatora no- tified. 34. Vacancies, how filled. 35. Senate to be judges of their own re- turns. ;)6. Power to adjourn. ,37. Mode of proceeding and quorum. 38. To be a court to try impeachments. 39. Power of punishment. 40. When the governor is impeached. EXECUTIVE POWER. GOVERNOR. 41. Title of the eovernor. 42. Governor, how chosen. 43. Governor may adjourn legislature, or alter place of session. 44. Laws to be approved by him. 45. Resolve? be approved by him. 46. Officers to be appointed by tlie execu- tive. 47. Ap|)ointments, how made. 48. Captains, Slc, how commissioned. 49. Vacancy in oflico, how supplied. 50. Governor may prorogue the legislature. 51. Governor to be con)mander-in-chief. 52. Power of p.irdon. 5:<. Removal of officers on address. 51. Military officers, how appointed. 55. Division of the militia regulated. 5<;. Money, how drawn from the treasury. 57. Account of public properly rendered. fi8. Compensation of governor and council. 59. Judge.-* to have permanent salaries. CbUNCIL. CO. Five councillors to be elected. 61. Election, how determined. C2. Vacancy, how filled. 63. Members may be impeached. 64. Records of ;.'roceedings kept. 65. Council di^itricts regulated. 60. Elections, when completed. SECItETARV, TREASURER, COMMISSASr GENERAL, &C. 67. OtTicers, how chofen. C8. Duty of secretaiy. C9. Secretary to have deputy. 70. Secretary to give bond. COUNTY TREASURER, iScC. 71. To bo elected by the people. 72. Counties may be divided. JUDICIARY POWER. 73. Tenure of office. 74. Opinion of S. J. C. may be required. 75. Judge may be removed. 76 Jurisdiction of divorce, probate ippeilo, &,c. 77. Jurisdiction of justices of the peace. 78. Term of office ceases at seventy. 79. Judge lU't to be of counsel. 80. Probate jurisdiction. 81. Judge nor register to be of counseL CLERKS or COURTS. 82. Appointment and duties of clerks. ENCOURAGEMENT OF LEARNING, fcO.' 83. Encouragement of learning. 568 NEAV HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. OATHS, WRITS, AND GENERAL PRO- VISIONS. &4. Oaths of office, form, &c. 85. Oaths, by whom administered. 86 Form of commissions. 87 Form and requisites of writs. 88. Conclusion of indictments. 89. No deodand or forfeiture allowed. 90. Common law in force. 91. Privilege of habeas corpus. 92. Enacting style declared. 93. Governororjudgetohold nootherofBce. 91. Offices which are incompatible. 95. Officers which are incompatible. 96. Bribery excludes from office. 97. Computation of money. 98. When constitution to take effect. 99. Revision of the constitution. 100. Sense of the people to be taken ever}- seven years. 101. Constitution to be enrolled, and pub- lished with each edition of the laws. PAET FIRST. BILL OF RIGHTS. Article 1. All men are bom equally free and independent; therefore all government of right originates from the people, is founded in consent and instituted for the general good. 2. All men have certain natural, essential, and inherent rights ; among which are, the enjoying and defending life and liberty — acquiring, pos- sessing, and protecting property — and, in a word, of seeking and obtaining happiness. 3. When men enter into a state of society, they surrender up some of their natural rights to that society, in order to insure the protection of others ; and without such an equivalent the surrender is void. 4. Among the natural rights, some are in their very nature unalienable, because no equivalent can be given or received for them. Of this kind are the RIGHTS OF CONSCIEXCB. 5. Every individual has a natural and unalienable right to worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience and reason ; and no sub- ject shall be hurt, molested, or restrained in his person, liberty, or estate, for worshipping God in the manner and season most agreeable to tlie dictates of his own conscience, or for his religious profession, sentiments, or persua- sion ; provided he doth not disturb the public peace, or disturb others in their religious worship. 6. As morality and piety, rightly grounded on evangelical jirinciples, will give the best and greatest security to government, and will lay in the hearts of men the strongest oliligations to due subjection ; and as the knowledge of these is most likely to be propagated through a society by the institution of the public worship of the Deity, and of public instruction in morality and religion ; therefore, to promote those important purposes, CONSTITUTION OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 569 the people of this state have a right to empower, and do hereby fully em- power the legislature to authorize from time to time the several towns, par- ishes, bodies corporate, or religious societies within this state, to make adequate provision, at their own expense, for the support and maintenance of public Protestant teachers of piety, religion, and morality : Provided, notwithstandimj, That the several towns, parishes, bodies cor- porate, or religious societies shall at all times have the exclusive right of electing their own public tcacliers, and of contracting with tlicm for their support and maintenance. And no person of any one particular religious sect or denomination shall ever be compelled to pay towards the support of the teacher or teachers of another persuasion, sect, or denomination. And every denomination of Cliristians demeaning themselves quietly, and as good subjects of the state, shall be equally under the protection of the law ; and no subordination of any one sect or denomination to another shall ever be established by law. And nothing herein shall be understood to affect any former contracts made for the support of the ministry ; but all such contracts shall remain and be in the same state as if this constitution had not been made. 7. The people of this state have the sole and exclusive right of govern- ing themselves as a free, sovereign, and independent state, and do, and for- ever hereafter shall, exercise and enjoy every power, jurisdiction, and right pertaining thereto, which is not or may not hereafter be by them expressly delegated to the United States of America in Congress assembled. 8. All power residing originally in and being derived from the people, all the magistrates and officers of government are their substitutes and agents, and at all times accountable to them. 9. No office or place whatsoever in government shall be hereditary — the abilities and integrity requisite in all not being transmissible to poster- ity or relatiojis. 10. Government being institnted for the common benefit, protection, and security of the whole community, and not for the private interest or emol- ument of any one man, family, or class of men, therefore, whenever the ends of government are perverted, and public lil)crty manifestly endangered, and all other means of redress are ineflectual, the people may, and of right ought to, reform the old or establish a new government. The doctrine of non-resistance against arbitrary power and oppression is absurd, slavish, and destructive of the good and happiness of mankind. 11. All elections ought to be free, and every inhabitant of the state, hay- ing the proper qualifications, has equal right to elect and be elected into office. 12. Every member of the community has a right to be protected by it 48* 570 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. in the enjoyment of his life, liberty, and property ; he is therefore bound to contribute his sliare in the expense of such protection, and to yield his per- sonal service when necessary, or an equivalent. But no part of a man's property shall be taken from him, or applied to public uses, without his own consent, or that of the representative body of the people. Nor are the in- habitants of tliis state controllable by any other laws than those to which they, or their representative body, have given their consent. 13. No person who is conscientiously scrupulous about the lawfulness of bearing arms shall be compelled thereto, provided he will pay an equivalent. 14. Every subject of this state is entitled to a certain remedy, by hav- ing recourse to the laws, for all injuries he may receive in his person, prop- erty, or character, to obtain right and justice freely, without being obliged to purchase it; completely, and without any denial ; promptly, and without any delay ; conformably to the laws. 15. No subject shall be held to answer for any crime or offence until the same is fully and plainly, substantially and formally, described to him, or be compelled to accuse or furnish evidence against himself. And every subject shall have a right to produce all pi-oofs that may be favorable to himself, to meet the witnesses against him face to face, and to be fully heard in his defence by himself and counsel. And no subject shall be arrested, imprisoned, despoiled, or deprived of his property, immunities, or privileges, put out of the protection of the law, exiled, or deprived of his life, liberty, or estate, but by the judgment of his peers or the law of the land. 16. No subject shall be liable to be tried, after an acquittal, for the same crime or offence. Nor shall the legislature make any law that shall subject any person to a capital punishment (excepting for the government of the army and navy, and the militia in actual service) without trial by jury. 17. In criminal prosecutions, the trial of facts in the vicinity where they happen is so essential to 'the security of the life, liberty, and estate of the citizen, that no crime or offence ought to be tried in any other county than that in which it is committed ; except in cases of general insurrection in any particular county, when it shall appear to the judges of the Superior Court that an impartial trial cannot be had in the county where the offence may be committed, and upon their report, the legislature shall think proper to direct the trial in the nearest county in which an impartial trial can be obtained. 18. All penalties ought to bo proportioned to the nature of the offence No wise legislature will affix the same punishment to the crimes of theft, forgery, and the like, which they do to those of murder and treason : where CONSTITUTION OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 571 the same nndistingaishing scyerity is exerted against all offences, the peo- ple are led to forget the real distinction in the crimes themselves, and to commit the most flagrant with as little compunction as they do the lightest offences : for the same reason a multitude of sanguinary laws is both im- politic and unjust ; the true design of all punishments being to reform, not to exterminate mankind. 19. Every subject hath a right to be secure from all unreasonable search- es and seizures of his person, his houses, his papers, and all his possessions. Therefore all warrants to search suspected places, or arrest a person for ex- amination or trial, in prosecutions for criminal matters, arc contrary to this right, if the cause or foundation of them be not previously supported by oath or affirmation, and if the order in a warrant to a civil officer to make search in suspected places, or to arrest one or more suspected persons, or to seize their property, be not accompanied with a special designation of the persons or objects of search, arrest, or seizure ; and no warrant ought to be issued but in cases and with the formalities prescribed by law. 20. In all controversies concerning property, and in all suits between two or more persons, except in cases in which it has been heretofore other- wise used and practised, the parties have a right to a trial by jury ; and this method of procedure shall be held sacred, unless in cases arising on the high seas, and such as relate to mariners' wages, the legislature shall think it necessary hereafter to alter it. 21. In order to reap the fullest advantage of the inestimable privilege of the trial by jury, great care ought to be taken that none but qualified persons should bo appointed to serve ; and such ought to [be] fully com- pensated for their travel, time, and attendance. 22. The LIBERTY OF THE PRESS is csscntial to the security of freedom in a state ; it ought, thcrefori', to be inviolably preserved. 23. Retrospective laws are highly injurious, oppressive, and unjust. No such laws, therefore, should be made, either for the decision of civil causes or the punishment of offences. 24. A well-regulated militia is the proper, natural, and sure defence of a state. 25. Standing armies are dangerous to liberty, and ought not to be raised or kept np without the consent of the legislature. 26. In all cases, and at all times, the military ought to be under strict sabordination to, and governed by, the civil power. 27. No soldier in time of peace shall be quartered in any hoasfl Trithont 572 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. the consent of the owner ; and in time of war, such quarters ought not to be made but by the civil magistrate, in a manner ordained by the legis- lature. 28. No subsidy, charge, tax, impost, or duty shall be established, fixed, laid, or levied, under any pretext whatsoever, without the consent of the people, or their representatives in the legislature, or authority derived from that body. 29. The power of suspcHding the laws, or the execution of them, ought never to be exercised but by the legislature, or by authority derived there- from, to be exercised in such particular cases only as the legislature shall expressly provide for. SO. The freedom of deliberation, speech, and debate, in either house of the legislature, is so essential to the rights of the people, that it cannot be the foundation of any action, complaint, or prosecution in any other court or place whatsoever. 31. The legislature shall assemble for the redress of public grievances, and for making such laws as the public good may require. 32. The people have a right, in an orderly and peaceable manner, to assemble and consult upon the common good, give instructions to their representatives, and to request of the legislative body, by way of petition or remonstrance, redress of the wrongs done them, and of the grievances they suffer. 33. No magistrate or court of law shall demand excessive bail or sureties, impose excessive fines, or inflict cruel or unusual punishments. 34. No person can in any case be subjected to law martial, or to any pains or penalties by virtue of that law, except those employed in the army or navy, and except the militia in actual service, but by authority of the legislature. 35. It is essential to the preservation of the rights of every individual, his life, Ifberty, property, and character, that there bo an impartial interpre- tation of the laws, and administration of justice. It is the right of every citizen to be tried by judges as impartial as tlie lot of humanity will admit. It is therefore not only the best policy, but for the security of the rights of the people, that the judges of the Supreme Judicial Court should hold their offices so long as they behave well ; subject, however, to such limitations, on account of age, as may be provided by the constitution of the state ; and that they should have honorable salaries, ascertained and established by Btanding laws. CONSTITDTION OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 573 36. Economy being a most essential virtue in all states, especially in a young one, no pension should be granted but in consideration of actual ser- vices ; and such pensions ought to be granted with great caution by the legislature, and never for more than one year at a time. 37. In the government of this state, the three essential powers thereof, to wit, the legislative, executive, and judicial, ought to be kept as separate from and independent of each other as the nature of a free government will admit, or as is consistent with that chain of connection that binds the whole fabric of the constitution in one indissoluble bond of union and amity. 38. A frequent recurrence to the fundamental principles of the constitu- tion, and a constant adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, industry, frugality, and all the social virtues, arc indispensably necessary to preserve the blessings of liberty and good government ; the people ought, therefore, to have a particular regard to all those principles in the choice of their oflBcers and representatives ; and they have a right to require of their law- givers and magistrates an exact and constant observance of them in the formation and execution of the laws necessary for the good administration of government. PART SECOND. FORM OF GOVERNMENT. 1. The people inhabiting the territory formerly called the Province of New Hampshire do hereby solemnly and mutually agree with each other to form themselves into a free, sovereign, and independent body politic or state, by the name of the State of New Hasipshire. t GENERAL COURT. 2. The supreme legislative power within this state shall be vested in the Senate and House of Representatives, each of which shall have a negative on the other. 3. The Senate and House shall assemble every year on the first Wednesday of June, and at such other times as they may judge necessary ; and shall dissolve and be dissolved seven days next preceding the said first Wednesday of June, and shall be styled the General Court of New Hampshire. 4. The General Court shall forever have full power and authority to erect and constitute judicatories and courts of record, or other courts, to be 574 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. holden in the name of the state, for the hearing, trying, and determining all manner of crimes, ofl'ences, pleas, processes, plaints, actions, causes, matters and things whatsoever arising or happening within this state, or between or concerning persons inhabiting or residing or brought within the same, whether the same be criminal or civil, or whether the crimes be capital or not capital, and whether the said pleas be real, personal, or mixed, and for the awarding and issuing execution thereon. To which courts and judica- tories are hereby given and granted full power and authority, from time to time, to administer oaths or affirmations, for the better discovery of truth in any matter in controversy, or depending before them. 5. And further, full power and authority are hereby given and granted to the said General Court, from time to time, to make, ordain, and establish all manner of wholesome and reasonable orders, laws, statutes, ordinances, directions, and instructions, either with penalties or without, so as the same be not repugnant or contrary to this constitution, as they may judge for the benefit and welfare of this state, and for the governing and ordering there- of, and of the subjects of the same, for the necessary support and defence of the government thereof; and to name and settle annually, or provide by fixed laws, for the naming and settling, all civil officers within this state ; such officers excepted the election and appointment of whom are hereafter in this form of government otherwise provided for ; and to set forth the several duties, powers, and limits of the several civil and military officers of this state, and the foi-ms of sucii oaths or affirmations, as shall bo respec- tively administered unto them for the execution of their several offices and places, so as the same be not repugnant or contrary to this constitution ; and also to impose fines, mulcts, imprisonments, and other punishments ; and to impose and levy proportional and reasonable assessments, rates, and taxes upon all the inhabitants of and residents within the said state, and upon all estates within the same, to be issued and disposed of by warrant under the hand of the governor of this state for the time being, with the advice and consent of the council, for the public service, in the necessary defence and support of the government of this state, and the protection and pres- ervation of the subjects thereof, according to such acts as are or shall be in force within the same. 6. And while the public charges of government, or any part thereof, shall be assessed on polls and estates in the manner that has heretofore been practised, in order that such assessments may be made with equality there shall be a valuation of the estates within the state taken anew once in every five years at least, and as much oftener as the General Court shall order. 7. No member of the General Court shall take fees, be of connsel, or act CONSTITUTION OF NKW ilAMFSHIRE. 576 as advocate in any cause before cither branch of tlie legislature ; and upon due proof thereof, such member shall forfeit his seat in the legislature. 8. Tlie doors of the galleries of each house of the legislature shall be kept open to all persons who behave decently, except when the welfare of the state, in the opinion of either branch, shall require secrecy. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. 9. There shall be in the legislature of this state a representation of the people annually elected and founded upon principles of equality; and in order that such representation may be as equal as circumstances will admit, every town, parish, or place entitled to town privileges, having one hundred and fifty ratable male polls of twenty-one years of age and upwards, may elect one representative ; if four hundred and fifty ratable polls, may elect two representatives ; and so proceeding in that proportion, making three hundred such ratable polls the mean increasing number for every additional representative. 10. Such towns, parishes, or places as have less than one hundred and fifty ratable polls, shall be classed by the General Court for the purpose of choosing a representative, and seasonably notified thereof. And in ever}- class formed for the above-mentioned purpose, the first annual meeting shall be held in the town, parish, or place wherein most of the ratable polls reside, and afterwards in that which has the next highest number, and so on annually by rotation, through the several towns, parishes, or places form- ing the district. 11. Whenever any town, parish, or place entitled to town privileges as aforesaid, shall not have one hundred and fifty ratable polls, and be so sit- uated as to render the classing thereof with any other town, parish, or place very inconvenient, the General Court may, upon application of a majoritj' of the voters iu such town, parish, or place, issue a writ for their electing and sending a representative to the General Court. 12. The members of tlie House of Representatives shall be chosen aa- nually, in the month of March, and shall be the second branch of the legislature. 13. All persons qualified to vote in the election of senators shall be entitled to vote, within the district where they dwell, in the choice of repre- sentatives. 14. Every member of the House of Representatives shall be chosen by ballot, and for two years at least next preceding his election shall have been an inhabitant of tliis state, [shall have an estate within the district 676 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. which he may be chosen to represent, of the value of one hundred poundt, one half of which to be a freehold, whereof he is seized in his own right;] * shall be at the time of his election an inhabitant of the town, parish, or place he may be chosen to represent ; shall be of the Protestant religion, and shall cease to represent such town, parish, or place immediately on his ceas- ing to be qualified as aforesaid. 15. The members of both houses of the legislature shall be compen- sated for their services out of the treasury of the state, by a law made for that purpose ; such members attending seasonably, and not departing with- out license. 16. All intermediate vacancies in the House of Representatives may be filled up from time to time, in the same manner as annual elections are made. 17. The House of Representatives shall be the grand inquest of the state, and all impeachments made by them shall be heard and tried by the Senate. 16. All money bills shall originate in the House of Representatives, but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other bills. 19. The House of Representatives shall have power to adjourn them- selves, but no longer than two days at a time. 20. A majority of the members of the House of Representatives shall be a quorum for doing business ; but when less than two thirds of the rep- resentatives elected shall be present, the assent of two thirds of those mem- bers shall be necessary to render their acts and proceedings valid. 21. No member of the House of Representatives or Senate shall be arrested or held to bail on mesne process, during his going to, returning from, or attendance upon the court. 22. The House of Representatives shall choose their own speaker, ap- point their own ofiicers, and settle the rules of proceedings in their own house, and shall be judge of the returns, elections, and qualifications of its members, as pointed out in this constitution. They shall have au- thority to punish by imprisonment every person who shall be guilty of dis- respect to the House in its presence, by any disorderly and contemptuous behavior, or by threatening or ill treating any of its members ; or by ob- itructing its deliberations ; every person guilty of a breach of its privileges in making arrests for debt, or by assaulting any member during his attend- ance at any session ; in assaulting or disturbing any one of its oflicers in • See Amenlilncnt.^■. CONSTITUTION OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 577 the execution of any order or procedure of the House ; in assaulting any witness or other person ordered to attend by and during his attendance of the House, or in rescuing any person arrested by order of the House, know- ing them to be such. 23. The Senate, governor, and council shall have the same powers in like cases ; provided that no imprisonment by either, for any offence, ex- ceed ten days. 24. The journals of tlie proceedings, and all public acts of both houses of the legislature, shall be printed and published immediately after every adjournment or prorogation ; and upon motion made by any one member, the yeas and nays upon any question shall be entered on the journal ; and any member of the Senate or House of Representatives shall have a right, on motion made at the same time for that purpose, to have his protest or dissent, with the reasons, against any vote, resolve, or bill passed, entered on the journal. 25. The Senate shall consist of twelve members, who shall hold their o£Sce for one year from the first Wednesday of June next ensuing thei^r election. 26. And that the state may be equally represented in the Senate, tiie legislature shall, from time to time, divide the state into twelve districts, as nearly equal as may be, without dividing towns and unincorporated places : and in making this division they shall govern themselves by the propor- tion of direct taxes paid by the said districts, and timely make known to the inhabitants of the state the limits of each district. 27. The freeholders and other inhabitants of each district, qualified as in this constitution is provided, shall annually give in their votes for a sena- tor, at some meeting holden in the month of March. 28. The Senate shall be the first branch of the legislature ; and the sena- tors shall be chosen in the following manner, viz.: every male inhabitant of each town and parish with town privileges, and places unincorporated, in this state, of twenty-one years of age and upwards, excepting paupers and persons excused from paying taxes at their own request, shall have a right. at the annual or other meetings of the inhabitants of said towns and par ishes, to be duly warned and holden annually forever in the month of March, to vote in the town or parish wherein he dwells, for the senator in the district whereof he is a member : 29. Provided, nevertheless, That no person shall be capable of being 49 5CtH, NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT ISi elected a senator who is not of the Protestant religion [and seized of a free- hold estate in his own rights of the value of [a] two hundred pounds, lying within this state,] * who is not of the age of thirty years, and who shall not have been an inhabitant of tlus state for seven years immediately preceding his election, and at the time thereof he shall be an inhabitant of the district for which he shall be chosen. 30. And every person qualified as the constitution provides shall be con- sidered an inhabitant for the purpose of electing and being elected into any office or place within this state, in the tovra, parish, and plantation where he dwelleth and hath his home. 31. And the inhabitants of plantations and places unincorporated, qual- ified as this constitution provides, who are or shall be required to assess taxes upon themselves towards the support of government, or shall be taxed therefor, shall have the same privilege of voting for senators in the planta- tions and places wherein they reside, as the inhabitants of the respective towns and parishes aforesaid have. And the meetings of such plantations and places for that purpose shall be holden annually in the month of March, at such places respectively therein as tlie assessors thereof shall di- rect; which assessors shall have like authority for notifying the electoi-s, col- lecting and returning the votes, as the selectmen and town clerks have in their several towns by this constitution. 32. The meetings for the choice of governor, council, and senators shall be warned by warrant from the selectmen, and governed by a moderator, who shall, in the presence of the selectmen, (whose duty it shall be to attend,) in open meeting, receive the votes of all the inhabitants of such towns and parishes present, and qualified to vote for senators ; and shall, in said meet- ings, in presence of the said selectmen, and of the town clerk, in said meet- ings, sort and count the said votes, and make a public declaration thereof, ' with the name of every person voted for, and the number of votes for each person ; and the town clerk shall make a fair record of the same at large in the town book, and shall make out a fair attested copy thereof, to be by him sealed up and directed to the secretary of the state, with a superscrip- tion expressing the pui7)ort thereof : and the said town clerk shall cause such attested copy to be delivered to the sheriff of the county in which said town or parish shall lie thirty days at least before the first Wednesday of June, or to the secretary of the state at least twenty days before the said first Wednesday of June : and the sheriff of each county, or his deputy, shall deliver all such certificates, by him received, into the secretary's office, at least twenty days before the first Wednesday of June. * See AraendmenU. CONSTITUTION OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 579 33. An^ that there may be a due mectitij; of senators on the first Wednes- day of June, annually, the governor and a majority of the council for the time being shall, as soon us may be, examine the returned copies of such records; and fourteen days before the first Wednesday of June, he shall is- sue his summons to such persons as appear to bo chosen senators by a ma- jority of votes, to attend and take their scats on that day : provided, never- theless, that for the first year the said returned copies shall be examined by the president and a majority of the council then in office ; and the said pres- ident shall in like manner notify the persons elected to attend and take their seats accordingly. 34. And in case there shall not appear to be a senator elected by a ma- jority of votes for any district, the deficiency .shall be supplied in the follow- ing manner, viz.: the members of the House of Representatives, and such senators as shall be declared elected, shall take the names of the two per- sons having the highest number of votes in the district, and out of them shall elect, by joint ballot, the senator wanted for such district : and in this manner all such vacancies shall be filled up in every district of tlic state ; and in like manner all vacancies in the Senate, arising by death, removal out of the state, or otherwise, shall lie supplied as soon :is may be after such vacancies happen. 35. The Senate shall be final judges of the elections, returns, and quali- fications of their own members, as pointed out in this constitution. 36. The Senate shall have power to adjourn themselves, provided such adjournment do not exceed two days at a time : Provided, nevertheless, That whenever they shall sit on the trial of any impeachment, they may adjourn to such time and place as they may think proper, although the legislature be not assembled on such day, or at such place. 37. The Senate shall appoint their ])resident and other officers, and de- termine their own rules of proceedings. And not less than seven members of the Senate shall make a quorum fordoing business ; and when less than eight senators shall be present, the assent of five, at least, shall be neces- sary to render their acts and proceedings valid. 38. The Senate shall be a court, with full power and authority to hear, try, and detci-mine all impeachments made by the House of Representatives, against any officer or officers of the state, for bribery, corruption, malprac- tice, or maladministration in office, witli full power to issue summons or compulsory process for convening witnesses before them ; but previous to tlie trial of any such impeachment, tli'e members of the Senate shall respec- tively be sworn truly and im|inrrir,lly to try and determine the charge in 580 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. question according to evidence. And every officer impeached for bribery, corruption, malpractice, or maladministration in office, shall be served with an attested copy of the impeachment and order of Senate thereon, with such citation as the Senate may direct, setting forth the time and place of their sitting to try the impeachment; which service shall be made by the fiherifF, or such other sworn officer as the Senate may appoint, at least four- teen davs previous to the time of trial ; and such citation being duly served and returned, the Senate may proceed in the hearing of the impeachment, giving the person impeached, if he shall appear, full liberty of producing witnesses and proofs, and of making his defence, by himself and counsel, and may also, upon his refusing or neglecting to appear, hear the proofs in support of the impeachment, and render judgment thereon, his non-appear- ance notwithstanding ; and such judgment shall have the same force and effect as if the person impeached had appeared and pleaded in the trial 39. Their judgment, however, shall not extend further than removal from office, disqualification to hold or enjoy any place of honor, trust, or profit under this state ; but the party so convicted shall nevertheless be lia- ble to indictment, trial, judgment, and punishment, according to the laws of the land. 40. Whenever the governor shall be impeached, t}ie chief justice of the Supreme Judicial Court shall, during the trial, preside in the Senate, but have no vote therein. EXECUTIVE POWER. GOVERXOR. 41. There shall be a supreme executive magistrate, who shall be styled governor of the State of New Hampshire, and whose title shall be his ex- cdlency. 42. The governor shall be chosen annually in the month of March ; and the votes for governor shall be received, sorted, counted, certified, and returned in the same manner as the votes for senators ; and the secretary shall lay the same before the Senate and House of Representatives on the first Wednesday of June, to be by them examined, and in case of an election by a majority of votes through the state, the choice shall be by them declared and published. And the qualifications of electors of the governor shall be the same as those for senators ; and if no person shall have a majority of votes, the Senate and House of Representatives shall by joint ballot elect one of the two per- sons having the highest number of votes, who shall be declared governor. And no person shall lie eligible to this office unless at the time of his elec- tion he shall have been an inhabitant of this state for seven years next pw- CONSTITUTION OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 581 ceding, and unless he shall be of the age of thirty years ; [and unless he shall at the same time have an estate of the value of Jive hundred pounds, one half of which shall consist of a freehold in his own rigiit, within this state;]* and unless he shall be of the Protestant religion. 43. In cases of disagreement between tlie two houses, with regard to the time or place of adjournment, or prorogation, the governor, with advice ol council, shall have a right to adjourn or prorogue the General Court, not ex- ceeding ninety days at any one time, as he may determine the public good may require. And he shall dissolve the same seven days before the said first Wednesday of June. And in case of any infectious distemper prevail- ing in the place where the said court at any time is to convene, or any other cause whereby dangers may arise to the liealtli or lives of the mem- bers, from their attendance, tiie governor may direct the scs.>ion to be holden at some other, the most convenient place within tlie state. 44. Every bill which shall iiave passed both houses of tlie General Court shall, before it become a law, be presented to the governor ; if he approve, he shall sign it ; but if not, he shall return it with his objections to that house in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the objections at large on their journal and proceed to reconsider it ; if after such reconsideration two thirds of that house shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, together with such objections, to the other house, by which it shall likewise be recon- sidered, and if approved by two thirds of that house, it shall become a law. But in all such cases the votes of both houses shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the persons voting for or against the bill shall be entered on the journal of each house respectively. If any bill shall not be returned by the governor within five days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall be a law in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the legislature, by their adjournment, prevent its return, in which case it shall not be a law. 45. Every resolve shall be presented to the governor, and before the same shall take eft'ect, shall be approved by him, or, being disapproved by him, shall be repassed by the Senate and House of Representatives, accord- ing to the rules and limitations prescribed in the case of a bill. 46. All judicial oflicers, the attorney general, solicitors, all sheriffs, cor- oners, registers of probate, and all oflicers of the navy, and general and field oflicers of the militia, shall be nominated and appointed by the gov- ernor and council ; and every such nomination shall be made at least three days prior to such appointment, and no appointment shall take place unless a majority of the council agree thereto. ♦ See Amendments. 49* 582 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. 47. The goveraor and council shall have a negative on each other, both in the nominations and appointments. Every nomination and appointment shall be signed by the governor and council, and every negative shall be also signed by the governor or council who made the same. 48. The captains and subalterns in the respective regiments shall be nom- inated and recommended by the field officers to the governor, who is to is- sue their commissions immediately on the receipt of such recommendation. 49. Whenever the chair of the governor shall become vacant by reason of his death, absence from the state, or otherwise, the president of the Senate shall, during the vacancy, have and exercise all the powers and authorities which by this constitution the governor is vested with, when personally pres- ent : but when the president of the Senate shall exercise the oifice of gov ernor, he shall not hold his ofiice in the Senate. 50. The governor, with the advice of council, shall have full power and authority, in recess of the General Court, to prorogue the same from time to time, not exceeding ninety days in any one recess of said court ; and during the sessions of said court, to adjourn or prorogue it to any time the two houses may desire, and to call it together sooner than the time to which it may be adjourned or prorogued, if the welfare of the state should require the same. 51. The governor of this state, for the time being, shall be commander- in-chief of the army and navy, and all the military forces of the state, by sea and land ; and shall have full power by himself, or by any chief com- mander, or other oflicer or oflScers, from time to time, to train, instruct, exercise, and govern the militia and navy ; and for the special defence apd safety of this state, to assemble in martial array and put in warlike posture the inhabitants thereof, and to lead and conduct them, and with them to encounter, repulse, repel, resist, and pursue, by force of arms, as well by sea as by land, within and without the limits of this state; and also to kill, slay, destroy, if necessary, and conquer by all fitting ways, enterprise, and means, all and every such person and persons as shall, at any time here- after, in a hostile manner attempt or enterprise the destruction, invasion, detriment, or annoyance of this state ; and to use and exercise over the ar- my and navy, and over the militia in actual service, the law martial in time of war, invasion, and also in rebellion, declared by the legislature to exist, as occasion shall necessarily require : And surprise, by all ways and means whatsoever, all and every such person or persons, with their ships, arms, am- munition, and other goods, as shall in a hostile manner invade, or attempt the invading, conquering, or annoying this state: And, in fine, the gov- ernor hereby is intrusted with all other powers incident to the ofiice of cap- tain-general and commander-in-chief, and admiral, to be exercised agreea- CONSTITUTION OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 5S^ bly to the rnlos and regulations of the constitution, and the laws tffthe land : provided, that the governor shall not at any time hereafter, by virtue of any power by this constitution grunted, or hereafter to be granted to him by the legislature, transport any of the inhabitants of this state, or oblige them to inarch out of the limits of the same, without their free and volun- tary consent, or the consent of tiie General Court, nor grant commissions for exercising the law martial in any case, w ithout the advice and consent of the council. 52. The power of jjardouing offences, except such as persons may be convicted of before the Seuate by impeachment of the House, shall be in the governor, by and with tlic advice of council : but no charter of pardon granted by the governor with advice of council, before conviction, shall avail the party pleading the same, notwithstanding any general or particu- lar expressions contained therein, descriptive of the offence or offences in- tended to be pardoned. 53. No officer duly commiisioned to command in the militia shall be re- moved from his office but by tiie address of both houses to the governor, or by fair trial in court martial, pursuant to the laws of the state for the time being. 54. The commanding officers of the regiments shall appoint their adju- tants and quartermasters : the brigadiers their brigade majors : the major gen- erals their aids ; the captains and subalterns their non-commissioned officers. 55. The division of the militia into brigades, regiments, and companies, made in pursuance of the militia laws now in force, shall be considered as the proper division of the militia of this state until the same shall be altered by some future law. 56. No moneys shall be issued out of the treasury of this state, and dis- posed of, (except such sums as may be ajjpropriated for the redemption of bills of credit or treasurer's notes, or for the payment of interest arising thereon,) but by warrant under the hand of the governor for the time being, by and with the advice and consent of the council, for the necessary support and defence of this state, and for the necessary protection and preservation of the inhabitants thereof, agreeably to the acts and resolves of the General Court. 57. All public boards, the commissary general, all superintending officers of public magazines and stores, belonging to this state, and all commanding officers of forts and garrisons within the same, shall once in every three Inonths, officially, and without requisition, and at other times when required by the governor, deliver to him an account of all goods, stores, provisions, «iDmunitu)n, oannon with their appendages, and all small arms with their 584 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT 13. accoutrements, and of all other public property under their care respective- ly, distinguishing the quantity and kind of each as particularly as may be, together with the condition of such forts and garrisons ; and the command- ing officer shall exhibit to the governor, when required by him, true and exact plans of such forts, and of the land and sea, or harbor or harbors, ad- jacent. 58. The governor and council shall be compensated for their services, from time to time, by such grants as the General Court shall think reason- able. 59. Permanent and honorable salaries shall be established by law for the justices of the Superior Court. 60. There shall be annually elected by ballot five councillors, for advis- ing the governor in the executive part of government. The freeholders and other inhabitants iu each county, qualified to vote for senators, shall some time in the month of March give in their votes for one councillor ; which votes shall he received, sorted, counted, certified, and returned to the secretary's office, in the same "manner as the votes for senators, to be by the secretary laid before the Senate and House of Ecpresentatives on the first Wednesday of June. 61. And the person having a majority of votes in any county shall be considered as duly elected a councillor ; but if no person shall have a ma- jority of votes in any county, the Senate and the House of Representatives shall take the names of the two persons who have the highest number of votes in each county, and not elected, and out of those two shall elect by joint ballot the councillor wanted for such county ; and the qualifications for councillors shall be the same as for senator. 62. If any person thus chosen a councillor shall be elected governor, or member of either branch of the legislature, and shall accept the trust ; or if any person elected a councillor shall refuse to accept the office ; or in the case of the death, resignation, or removal of any councillor out of the state, the governor may issue a precept for the election of a new councillor in that county where such vacancy shall happen ; and the choice shall be in the same manner as before directed ; and the governor shall have full power and authority to convene the council from time to time, at his discretion ; and with them, or the majority of them, may and shall, from time to time, hold a council for ordering and directing the affairs of this state according to the laws of the land. 6.3. The members of the council may be impeached by the Hotiae, CONSTITUTION OF NEW HAMI'SIIIKI-:. 585 and tried by the Senate, for bribery, corruption, malpractice, or maladmin. istration. 64. The resolutions and advice of the council shall be recorded by the secretary in a re^'istcr, and sifjned by all the members present agreeing thereto ; and this record may be called for at any time by either house of the legislature, and any member of the council may enter liis opinion contrary to the resolution of the majority, with tlie reasons for such opinion. 65. The legislature may, if the public good shall hereafter rc(iuire it, divide the state into five districts, as nearly equal as may be, governing themselves by the number of ratable polls and proportion of public taxes ; each district to elect a councillor ; and in case of such division, the manner of the choice shall be conformable to the present mode of election in counties. 66. And whereas the elections appointed to be made by this constitution on the first Wcilnesday of June annually, by the two houses of the legisla- ture, may not be completed on that day, the said elections may be ad- journed from day to day until the same be completed. And the order of the elections j^hall be as follows : the vacancies in the Senate, if anj-, shall be first filled up ; the governor shall then be elected, provided there should be no ('hoice of him by the people, and afterwards the two houses shall proceed to fill up tiie vacancy, if any, in the council. SECRETARY, TKEASLREU, COJTMISSARY GENERAL, &C. 67. The secretiiry, treasurer, and commissary general shall be chosen by joint ballot of tlie senators and representatives assembled in one room. 68. The records of the state shall be kept in the office of the secretarA* ; and he shall attend the governor and council, the senate and representatives, in person or l)y deputy, as they may require. 69. The secretary of the state shall at all times have a deputy, to be by him appointed, for whose conduct in oftice he shall be responsible ; and in case of the deatli, removal, or inability of the secretary, his deputy shall exercise all the duties of the office of secretary of state until another shall be appointed. 70. The secretary, before he enters upon tlie business of his office, shall give bond with sufficient sureties, in a reasonable sum, for the use of the state, for the punctual performance of his trust. • 5S6 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. hi COUNTY TBEASUREE8, &C. '^'^ 71. The county treasurers and registers of deeds shall be elected by the inhabitants of the several to\vns in the several counties in the state accord- ing to the method now practised, and the laws of the state : Provided, nevertheless, The legislature shall have authority to alter the man- ner of certifying the votes and the mode of electing those officers, but not so as to deprive the people of the right they now have of electing them. 72. And the legislature, on the application of the major part of the in- habitants of any county, shall have authority to divide the same into two districts for registering deeds, if to them it shall appear necessary ; each district to elect a register of deeds ; and before they enter upon the business of their othces, shall be respectively sworn faithfully to discharge the dutife thereof, and shall severally give bond with sufficient sureties, in a reasona- ble sum, for the use of the county, for the punctual performance of their respective trusts. JCDICIAKT POWER. 73. The tenure that all commissioned officers shall have by law in their offices shall be expressed in their respective commissions. All judicial officers, duly appointed, commissioned, and sworn, shall hold their offices during good behavior, excepting those concerning whom there is a different provision made in this consXi\Mi\or\: provided, nevei-thcless, the president,* with consent of the council, may remove them upon the address of both houses of the legislature. 74. Each branch of the legislature, as well as the governor and council, shall have authority to require the opinions of the justices of the Superior Court upon important questions of law and upon solemn occasions. 75. In order that the people may not suffer from the long continuance in place of any justice of the peace, who shall fnil in discharging the impor- tant duties of his office with ability and fidelity, all commissions of justices of the i)cacc shall become void at the expiration of five years from their respective dates ; and upon the expiration of any commission, the same may, if necessary, be renewed, or another person appointed, as shall most conduce to the well being of the state. 76. All causes of marriage, divorce, and alimony, and all appeals from * Ofivemor in former printed editions, but president in the originaL CONSTITUTION OF NEW HAMPSHIUE. '587 the respective judges of probate, shall be hoard and tried by the Superior Court, until the legislature shall by law make other provision. 77. The General Court are empowered to give to justices of the peace jurisdiction in civil cau.sos, when the damages demanded shall not exceed four pounds, and title of real estate is not concerned ; but with right of ap- peal to either party to some other court, so that a trial by jury in the last resort may be had. 78. No person shall hold the office of judge of any court, or judge of probate, or sheriff' of any county, after he has attained the age of seventy years. 79. No judge of any court, or justice of the peace, shall act as attorney, or be of counsel to any party, or originate any civil suit, in matters which shall come or be brought before him as judge or justice of the peace. 80. All matters relating to the probate of wills and granting letters of administration shall be exercised by the judges of probate in such manner as the legislature have directed, or may hereafter direct: and the judges of probate .shall hold their courts at such place, or places, on such fixed days as the conveniency of the people may require, and the legislature from time to time appoint. 81. No judge or register of probate shall be of counsel, act as advocate, or receive any fees as advocate or counsel, in any probate business which is pending, or may be brought into any court of probate in the county of which he is judge or register. CLERKS OF COURTS. 82. The judges of the courts (those of probate excepted) shall appoint their respective clerks, to hold their office during pleasure ; and no sucb clerk shall act as an attorney, or be of counsel in any cause in the court of which he is clerk, nor shall he draw any writ originating a civil action. ENCOORAOEMENT OF LITLRATURE, &C. 83. Knowledge and learning, generally diffused through a community, being essential to tlie preservation of a free government, and spreading .the opportunities and advantages of education tlirough the various parts of tjhe country being highly conducive to promote this end. it shall be the duty of the legislators and magistrates, in all future periods of this govern- 588 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. ment, to cherish the interest of literature and the sciences, and all semina- ries and public schools, to encourage private and public institutions, re- wards and immunities for the promotion of agriculture, arts, sciences, com- merce, trades, manufactures, and natural history of the country ; to coun- tenance and inculcate the principles of humanity and general benevolence, public and private charity, industry, and economy, honesty and punctuali- ty, sincerity, sobriety, and all social aflfections, and generous sentiments among the people. oaths and subsckiptions. exclusion from offices. commissions. Vkits. confirmation of laws, habeas corpus, the enacting STYLE. continuance OF OFFICERS. PROVISIONS FOR A FUTURE revision of THE CONSTITUTION, &C. 84. Any person chosen governor, councillor, senator, or representative, HLilitary or civil officer, (town officers excepted,) accepting the trust, shall, before he proceeds to execute the duties of his office, make and subscribe the following declaration, viz. : — I, A B, do solemnly swear that I will bear faith and true allegiance to the State of New Hampshire, and will support the constitution thereof. So help me God. I, A B, do solemnly and sincerely swear and affirm, that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform ail the duties incumbent on me as according to the best of my abilities, agreeably to the rules and regulations of this constitution and the laws of the State of New Hamp- shire. So help me God. Any person having taken and subscribed the oath of allegiance, and the same being filed in the secretary's office, he shall not be obliged to take said oath again : Provided always. When any person chosen or appointed as aforesaid shall be of the denomination called Quakers, or shall be scrupulous of swearing, and shall decline taking tiic said oaths, such person shall take and subscribe them, omitting the word '• swear,'' and likewise the words '• so help me God," subjoining instead thereof, " This I do under the pains and penalties of per- 85. And the oaths or affirmations shall be taken and subscribed by the governor, before the president of the Senate, in presence of both houses of the legislature, and by the senators and representatives first elected under this constitution, as altered and amended, before the presi- dent of the state and a majority of the council then in office, and forever CONSTITUTION OP NEW HAMPSHIRE. 589 afterwards before the governor and council for the time being ; and by all other officers, before such persons and in such manner as' the legislature shall from time to time appoint. 86. All commissions shall be in the name of the State of New Hamp- shire, signed by the governor, and attested by the secretary, or his deputy, and shall have the great seal of the state affixed thereto. 87. All writs issuing out of the clerk's office in any of tlie courts of law, shall be in the name of the State of New Hampshire ; shall be under the seal of the court whence they issue, and bear test of the chief, first, or senior justice of the court; but when such justice shall be interested, then the writ shall bcur test of some other justice of the court, to which the same shall be^ returnable, and be signed by the clerk of such court. • 88. All indictments, presentments, and informations shall conclude against the peace and dignity of the state. 89. The estate of such persons as may destroy their own lives shall nov for that offence be forfeited, but descend or ascend in the same manner as if such persons had died in a natural way. Nor shall any article which shall accidentally occasion the death of any person be henceforth deemed a deo- dand, or in any wise forfeited on account of such misfortune. I 90. All the laws which have heretofore been adopted, used, and approved in the Province, Colony, or State of New Hampshire, and usually practised on in the courts of law, shall remain and be in full force until altered and repealed by the legislature ; such parts thereof only excepted as are repug- nant to the rights and liberties contained in this constitution ; provided, that nothing herein contained, when compared with the twenty-third article in the bill of rights, shall be construed to affect the laws already made respecting the persons or estates of absentees. 91. The privilege and benefit of the habeas corpus shall be enjoyed in this state, in the most free, easy, cheap, expeditious, and ample manner, and shall not be suspended by the legislature, except upon the most urgent and pressing occasions, and for a time not exceeding three months. 92. The enacting style in making and passing acts, statutes, and laws shall be — Be it enacted by the Senate and TToitse of Representatives in General Court convened. 93. No governor, or judge of the Supreme Judicial Court, shall hold any office or place under the authority of this state, except such as by this constitution they are admitted to hold, saving that the judges of the said court may hold the offices of justices of the peace throughout the state ; 50 590 NBW HAMPSHIRE AS IT ISv nor shall they hold any place or office, or receive any pension or salary, from any other state, government, or power whatever. 94. No person shall be capable of exercising at the same time more than one of the following otfices in this state, viz., judge of probate, sheriff, register of deeds : and never more than two offices of profit, which may be held by appointment of the governor, or governor and council, or Senate and Iljuse of Representatives, or Superior or Inferior Courts : military of- fices and offices of justice of the peace excepted. • 95. No person holding the office of judge of any court, except special judges, secretary, treasurer of the state, attornej' general, commissary gen- eral, military officers receiving pay from the continent or this state, except- ing officers of the militia, occasionally called forth on an emergency, regis- ter of deeds, sherifl', or officers of the customs, including naval officers, col- lectors of excise and state and continental taxes, hereafter appointed and not having settled their accounts with the respective officers with whom it is their duty to settle such accounts, members of Congress, or any person holding any office under the United States, shall at the same time hold the office of governor, or have a seat in the Senate, or House of Representa- tives, or Council ; but his being chosen and appointed to and accepting th6 same shall operate as a resignation of their seat in the chair, Senate, or House of Representatives, or Council, and the place so vacated shall be filled up. No member of tiie Council shall have a seat in the Senate or House of Representatives. 96. No person shall ever be admitted to hold a seat in the legislature, or any office of trust or importance under this government, who, in the due course of law, has been convicted of bribery or corruption in obtaining an election or appointment. 97. In all cases where sums of money are mentioned in this constitution, the value thereof shall be computed in silver at six shillings and eight pence per ounce. 98. To the end that there may be no failure of justice or danger to the state, by the alterations and amendments made in the constitution, the Gen- eral Court is hereby fully authorized and directed to fix the time when the alterations and amendments shall take effect, and make the necessary ar- rangements accordingly.* 99. It shall be the duty of the selectmen and assessors of the several towns and places in this state, in warning the first annual meetings for the choice of senators, after the expiration of seven years from the adoption of this constitution as amended, to insert expressly in the warrant this pmr- pose among the others for the meeting, to wit: to take the sense of the • 8«« act of December 14, 1792. CONSTITUTION OF NBW HAMPSHIRK. 591 qualified voters on the sultjcct of a revision of the constitution : and the meeting being warned accordingly, and not otherwise, the moderator shall take the sense of tlic qualified voters present as to the necessity of a revis- ion ; and a return of the numhcr of votes for and against such necessity shall be made by the clerk, sealed up and directed to the General Court at their then next session ; and if it shall appear to tiie General Court by such retnrn, that the sense of the people of the state has been taken, and that in the opinion of the majority of the qualified voters in the state present and voting at said meetings, tiiere is a necessity for a revision of the constitu- tion, it sliall be tlie duty of the General Court to call a convention for that purpose ; otherwise tlie General Court shall direct the sense of the people to be taken, and then proceed in the manner before mentioned. The dele- gates to be chosen in the same maimer, and proportioned as the representa- tives to the General Court : provided, that no alterations shall be made in this constitution before the same shall be laid before tiie towns and unincor- porated places, and approved by two thirds of the qualified voters present and voting on the subject. 100. And the same method of taking the sense of the people as to a revision of tlie constitution, and calling a convention for that purpose, shall be observed afterwards, at the expiration of every .seven years. 101. This form of government shall be enrolled on parchment, and de- posited in the secretary's office, and bo a part of the laws of the land, and printed copies thereof shall be prefixed to the books containing the laws of this state, in all future editions thereof. IN CONVENTION, Hbld at Concord, the Sth Day of September, Anno Domini, 1792. The returns from the several towns and unincorporated places being ex- amined, and it appearing that the foregoing bill of rights and form of gov- ernment, as amended by the convention, were approved by more than two thirds of the qualified voters present in town meetings, and voting upon the question, the same are agreed on and established by the delegates of the peojile in convention, and declared to be the civil constitution of the state of New Hampshire. SAMUEL LIVERMORE, President of the Convention. Attest — JOHN C^\XFE, Secretary. 598 NEW HAMPSHIRE AS IT IS. AMENDMENTS. PROCLAMATION. Executive Department, i Concord, September 16, 1852. ) Be it knmcn. That I, Noah Martin, governor of the State of New Hamp- shire, in obedience to the request of the constitutional convention, do here- l)y proclaim to the people of this State, that the constitution of the same is amended, by striking from it, in part 2d, section 14th, the words "shall have an estate tcithin the distiict where he may he chosen to represent, of the value of one hundred pounds, one half of u-h.irh to he a freehold ichereof he is scired in his own right ; " and from section 20th. the words " and seized of a freehold estate in his oicn right of the value of a hundred pounds, heing within this state ; " and section 42d, the words. " and unless he shall at the same time have an estate of the value of five hundred pounds, one half of which sliall coti' sist of a freehold in his own right, within this state.'' The foregoing property qualifications are stricken out. and the constitu- tion is thus amended by the suffrages of more than two thirds of the legal voters present in town meeting and voting upon the questions. [L. S.] Given under my hand, and the seal of the state affixed, at the council chamber, September the sixteenth, A. D. 1852, and of the independence of the United States of America the seventy- seventh. NOAH MARTIN. By the governor. JOHN L. HADLEY, Secretary of Stale. STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, Secretary of State's Office, ) Concord, January 27, 1853. J A true copy of the original. Attest — JOHN L. UADLV^Y, Sea-etary of State. APPENDIX. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. FOR THE GAZETTEER. Charlestown. — In the description of Charles- town a ridge of land is spoken of as extending nearly through the entire length of the town, on its " westerly " limits, — -it should read " easterly." Clare^iont. — The number of communicants connected with Trinity Church is about 125. The cost of the edifice recently erected by this Society for a house of worship, exclusive of land, was about ^7.,500. The Methodist Episcopal Society of this town is in a flourishing condition, numbering^ about 350 members, under the pastoral care of Rev. F. A. Hewes, who is now on his second con- ference year. They now worship in a spacious new edifice, erected about two years since, at a cost of about ^7,000. The new church is 50 by 74 ft, and will seat comfortably a congregation of 700 ; is thoroughly built, and like most of the churches of this denomination, convenience and accommo- dation for a large congregation were more consult- ed in its construction than mere ornament; though the building in its interior finish is exceedingly neat, and externally, — being located upon elevated ground on Central street, — presents a fine and im- posing appearance. t 2 Dublin. — A large portion of the Grand Monad- nock lies in the southwest part of the town. GiLMANTON. — The Academy in this town was incorporated in 1794, and was endowed with j^5,- 500, and one-fourth of a township of land. Hampton. — Ship-building, which formerly con- stituted a large item in the business of the inhabi- tants, has not been carried on to any extent for several years. Laconia. — At- the June session of the New Hampshire Legislature, 1855, a new town was in- corporated, composed of the easterly part of Mere- dith and the village heretofore known as Meredith Bridge, and called Laconia. Littleton. — The North Village is a pleasant and flourishing part of the town. There is in this town a Scythe manufactory which does an exten- sive business. Peterboro'. — The North Branch Kiver is known by the name of Goose Brook. There are 4 meeting houses in this town instead of 5, as formerly stated. The names of the petitioners to the Lieut. Governor of Mass., in 1750, are as iol- lows : thomas Morrison, John white, John Hill, Alexe Robbe, James Gordon, William Scott. James michell, John Smith, thomas Vender, William Robbe. LIST OF BANKS IN OPERATION IN IN JUNE, 1855. Amoskea-f Hank, Manchester, Asliuelot Bank, Kecne, Belknap Couiiiy Bank, Meredith, Carroll County Bank, Sandwich, Cheshire Bank, Keen?, Citizens' Bank, Sanbornlon Bridge, City Bank, Manchester, Claremont Bank, Cocheco Bank, Dover, Connecticut River Bank, Charlesiown, Dover Bank, Dover, Farmington Bank, Farmington, Francestown Bank, Francestown, Granite State Bank, Exeter, Great Falls Bank, Somersworib, Indian Head Bank, Nashua, Lake Bank, VVolfboro' Lancaster Bank, Lancaster, Langdon Bank, Dover, Bank of Lebanon, Lebanon, •* Manchester Bank, Manchester, Mechanics' Bank, Concord, Mechanics' and Traders' Bank, Portsmouth, Merrimack County Bank, Concord, Monadnock Bank, Jaffrey, Nashua Bank, Nashua, New Ipswich Bank, New Ipswich, Pawtuckaway Bank, Epping, Petetboro' Bank, Peterboro,' Piscataqua Exchange Bank, Portsmouth, Pittsfield Baok, Pittsfield. NEW HAMPSHIRE Capital $150,CC0 K 100,000 '« 80,000 (( 50.000 It 100,000 tl 50,000 (( 150,000 .( 100,000 • t 100,000 tl 100,000 « 100,000 l< 50,000 (( 60,000 t( 125,000 i( 150,000 u 100,000 U 50,000 «( 50,000 (( 100,000 IC 100,000 It 125,000 If 100,000 II 141,000 II 80,000 i( 50,000 l( 125,000 50 000 t( J50 000 (( 130,000 It 50,000 n 50.000 n 50,000 n 50 000 li 100000 Rochester Bank, Rochester, Rockinjham Bank. Poristnouth, Salmon Falls Bank, Roliinsfind, Slate Capitol Bank, Concord, Strafford Bank, Dover, SujTar River Bank, Ne-vport, Warner Bank, Warner, Weare Bank, Hampton Falls, White Mountain Bink, La.icasler, Winchester Bank, Winchester, The following Banks were chartered during the session of the Legislature in June 1855 : The Souhegan Bank, Milford ; The Pittsfield Savings Bank, Pittsfield ; The New Market Bank, New Market ; The Cheshire County Bank, Keene ; The Somersworth Bank, Somersworth ; The Con- cord Savings Bank, Concord ; The Bank of New- Hampshire, Portsmouth ; The Plymouth Bank, Plymouth; The Exeter Bank, Exeter ; The Mer- rimack River Bank, Manchest T ; The Ashuelot Savings Bank, Winchester ; The J3erry Bank, Derry ; The Pennachuck Bank, Nashua. t r UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 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