DV"? SJ»i The AUj^stin Jaiy collection of portraits of eminent raen and -vvoiiien of the stage* THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES eminent Men and Women of the Stage Augustin Daly Collection ?;rf*Ki '■•*: M The Anderson Galleries Madison Avenue at Fortieth Street New York No. 50. PORTRAIT OF NELL GWYNN By Sir Peter Leiy (Attributed) The Augustin Daly Collection of Portraits of Eminent Men and U^onien of the Stage This Collection of Portraits was made by Augustin Daly and ex- hibited for many years in Daly's Theater, New York. They are now to be sold at unrestricted public sale by order of Messrs. KLAW AND ERLANGER On Wednesday Afternoon, November Twenty-seventh, Nineteen Hundred Twelve at the Anderson Galleries where they will be on exhibition from Saturday, November Sixteenth until the date of sale The Anderson Galleries Madison Avenue at Fortieth Street, New York • • t t « ct c' c t ' ' c c c c c c t J • « « * t e *- c c c < .* t * < c t c c t c t*^ t *■ t ( 1 t « ( .t t c c c c t t < t < T1/7 CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. All bids to be per lot as numbered in the Catalogue. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. He also reserves the right to reject any fractional or nominal bid which in his judgment may delay or injuriously affect the sale. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. 4. The lots to be taken away at the buyer's expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery, in default t^ of which The Anderson Galleries will not be responsible if the lot or lots i^!f be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settle- ment of purchases, no lot will be delivered during the sale. 6. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition in our Galleries before the date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and make no warranty whatever but will sell each in lot exactly as it is, without recourse. But upon receiving before the ^ date of sale expert opinion in writing that any lot is not as represented, o The Anderson Galleries will use every effort to furnish proof to the contrary, and in default of such proof the lot will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the owner or owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned by such declaration. d 7. Terms Cash. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions ^ any sum deposited as part paj-ment shall be forfeited, and all such lots ^ as remain uncleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the ■ J sale, will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as _1 The Anderson Galleries shall determine, without further notice, and i.f if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the ; ; defaulter at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby, n This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of The Anderson Galleries to enforce the contract with the buyer, without such resale. The Anderson Galleries will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. THE ANDERSON GALLERIES Madison .-Xvenue at Fortieth Street, New York Telephone Bryant 7990 CJ < 451883 INDEX Bell, Charles Fisher as Falstaff 67 Bernhardt, Portrait 60 Booth as Hamlet 51 Cibber, Mrs., Portrait 68 Clive, Kitty, Portrait 52 Cooke as Richard III 73 Coquelin as Mascarille 30 Cushman, Charlotte, Portrait 39, 46 Daly Company in Character (13) 40 Daly Reading a Play 53, 58 Davenport, Fanny, Portrait 23, 57 Dramatists, German 37 Dreher, Virginia 20 Drew, John as Petruchio 29 Drew, John in "The Passing Regiment" 15 Drew, John in Character 26, 34 Duse, Eleanor, Portrait 33 Engraved Portraits of Women 7 Falero, "The Double Star," Engraving 3 Fawcet as Touchstone 5 Fechter as Hamlet 61 Fechter in Character 69 Fisher as Falstaff 67 Forrest, Engraving by Sartain 5 Forrest, Portrait 56 Galland, Bertha, in Character 43 Garrick, Portrait by Reynolds 49 Garrick, Immortality of 4 Gilbert, Mrs. G. H., Portrait 14, 44 Gilbert, Mrs., as Dame Quickly 18 Guaccimanni, A., Portraits by 39, 33 INDEX- 6V^;///;///.W Gwynn, Nell, Portrait 50 Hackett, J. K. in Character 43 Hudson, Thomas, Portrait of Mrs. Cihber 68 Irving, Sir Henry, Portrait 64 Jackson, Portrait of Peg Woffington 54 Japanese Decorative Paintin2;s . . . . 70 Jardiniere 76 Janauschek, Mme., Portrait 19 Jefferson, Joe., as Bob Acres 45 Keene, T. W., as lago 25 Kellogg, Clara Louise, Portrait 27 Kingdon, Edith, in Character 22 Lambden, J. R., After Sully 73 Lely (attributed), Portrait of Nell Gwynn 50 Leslie, Elsie, as Fauntleroy 8 Lewis, James, in "Charity" 35 Lewis, James, in "The Squire" 17 Lewis, James, Portrait 41 Lithograph and Engravings 6 Lotta, Portrait 66 Maeder, Clara Fisher, Portrait . 36 Marlowe, Julia, Portrait 48 Martial, Theatre du Vaudeville 2 McCuUough, John, as Virginius 72 Moliere Reading a Play to His Servant 71 Munden, J. S., Mezzotint by Reynolds ...,.,. 7 Neilson, Adelaide, as Juliet 59 Panels, Cherry Blossoms 1 Photographsof "As You Like It" 24 Playbill of Burton's Theater 9 Playbill of the Royalty Theater 10 INDEX— Continued Playbill of Drury Lane Theater 11, 12 Possart, Franz, Portrait 42 Proctor, C. E., McCullough as Virginius 72 Rehan, Miss, in Character 16 Rehan, Miss, in "The Recruiting Officer" 20 Rehan, Miss, as Katherine 32 Rehan, Miss, in "Love on Crutches" 22 Rehan, Miss, as Lady Teazle 21 Rehan, Miss, as Oriana 28 Reynolds, Portrait of David Garrick 49 Rosalind, Leather Panel 8 Salvini, Tommasso, Portrait 19 Seven Ages of Man, 6 Photographs 13 Shettle, John Drew in Character 26, 34 Shettle, Miss Rehan in Character 21, 28 Siddons, Mrs., Portrait 62 Sothern, E. A., Portrait 47 Spinet 75 Terry, Ellen, Portrait 65 Taming of the Shrew, Final Tableau 63 Unknown, Portrait of J. W. Wallack 55 Unknown, Portrait of E. A. Sothem 47 Unknown, Portrait of Kitty Clive 52 Unknown, Portrait of Clara Fisher Maeder .... 36 Vaudeville Theater, Paris 2 Wallack, J. W., Portrait 55 Wallack, Lester, as Benedict 31 Wallack, Lester, Portrait 38 Woffington, Peg, Portrait 54 Writing Desk 74 Wust, L., Wallack as Benedict 31 NOTE This collection, gathered years ago by Augustin Daly for the adornment of his Theater and now to be scat- tered forever, will awaken recollections of a varied sort in the minds of those who view them. For many they will call up visions of the theater of their youth and recall the voices that greet us no longer. They will bring recollections of an era of the New York stage whose splendor, in all that goes to make the theater an institution of culture, has not been surpassed. The collection includes not only portraits of members of the company which Mr. Daly kept together so many years, including Miss Rehan, Miss Davenport, Miss Dreher, Miss Kingdon, Mrs. Gilbert, Mr. Drew, Mr. Fisher, Mr. Lewis, but also many others conspicuous in the earlier history of the stage, such as " Kitty" Clive, Nell Gwynn, Mrs. Gibber, Mrs. Siddons, Garrick, Cooke, Wallack, Booth, Forrest, Salvini, Sothern, Mme. Janaus- chek, Adelaide Neilson, Charlotte Cushman and many others whose day is gone forever. Many of these por- traits deserve a place in the National Portrait Gallery which, sooner or later must be established, the Hall of Fame in which a nation records its gratitude toward its favorites. Eminent Men and Women of the Stage The Aug-ustin Daly Collection 1 TWO FRAMED PHOTOGRAPHS OF CHERRY BLOSSOM PANELS. Height, 21 inches; zvidth, 10 inches. A. MARTIAL 2 THEATRE DU VAUDEVILLE, PARIS. Etching. Small folio, framed. 1868. L. FALERO 3 THE DOUBLE STAR. Engraved by Eichens. Folio (foxed). R. CALDWELL AFTER G. CARTER 4 IMMORTALITY OF GARRICK. Line engraving with pencilled key below giving the names of the famous actors, including Mrs. Abington, Mrs. Yates, Miss Young, Mr. Baddely, Mr. King and others. Folio (lower margin damaged), framed. 11 5 TWO PORTRAITS. Bust portrait of Edwin Forrest, engraved by J. Sartain. Framed. Mr. Fawcet as Touchstone Unframed. Inscribed to Daniel Frohman. 6 LITHOGRAPH AND ENGRAVINGS. Rose Cherie as Mme. de Brienne. Lithograph by R. J. Lane after Chalon. "The Cat's Paw" by C. G. Lewis after Landseer (satined), Mme. Hading as Sapho and "Sunday Morning with Daudet." (In one frame.) Folio. (3 pieces.) 7 FIVE ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. Joseph S. Munden. Mezzotint by S. W. Rey- nolds after Opie. Folio. Framed. Mrs. Twistleton, Mrs. Gibbs, Miss O'Neill and Miss H. Kelly. 8vo. portraits in one frame. (2 pieces.) 8 FIGURE PANEL AND PHOTOGRAPH. Relief figure of Rosalind in stamped leather. Elsie Leslie in "Little Lord Fauntleroy." (2 pieces.) 9 PLAYBILL OF BURTON'S NEW THEATER. Presenting "A Serious Family" with Mr. Burton, Mrs. Hughes and others in the cast, June 4, 1857. Also "A Coroner's Inquisition." Narrow folio. Burton's Theater was opened in the Autumn of 1856, and had formerly been known as Laura Keene's Varieties. 12 10 PLAYBILL OF THE OPENING OF THE ROY- ALTY THEATER. Presenting "As You Like It" for the benefit of the London Hospital, June 20, 1787. Large foHo. Very rare. The opening of this Theater was attended by an incident that set London talking. Palmer opened without a license when the city magistrate, on the complaint of his rivals at Covent Garden and Drurj' Lane, summoned him before the court. The manager appeared, but pleading that he had left his license at home, left the room and quietly turned the key in the lock. When the door was broken open it was too late to interfere with the performance. This theater was burned twice, the last time in 1828, when known as the Brunswick, with great loss of life. 11 PLAYBILL OF THEATER ROYAL, DRURY LANE. Presenting "King Richard III." with Garrick and Mrs. Pritchard heading the cast, December 18, 1756. (Date added with ink.) Large folio. 12 PLAYBILL OF THEATER ROYAL, DRURY LANE. Presenting "The Stranger" with Mrs. Siddons and John Philip Kemble heading the cast, Novem- ber 8, 1789. Large folio. Kemble's engagement at Drury Lane lasted from 1783 to 1802, during which he played one hundred and twenty characters, many of which were supported by his sister Mrs. Siddons. 13 SIX FRAMED PHOTOGRAPHS. Six of a set of seven photographs representing Shakespeare's "Seven Ages of Man," made by Landyinl876. Height, 17 inches; width, 14 inches. 13 14 TWO PORTRAITS. Mrs. Gilbert and another woman member of Mr. Daly's Company. Photographic prints. Height, 25 inches; width, 20 inches. 15 JOHN DREW IN "THE PASSING REGIMENT. " Photograph tinted in water colors. Height, 14 inches; width, 11 inches. 16 MISS ADA REHAN IN CHARACTER. Photograph tinted in water colors. Signed Sarony. Height, 14 inches; width, 11 inches. 17 JAMES LEWIS AS GUNNION IN PINERO'S "THE SQUIRE." Photograph tinted in water colors. Height, 14 inches; width, 11 inches. 18 MRS. G. H. GILBERT AS DAME QUICKLY IN "THE MERRY WIVES." Photograph tinted in water colors. Height, 14 inches; zvidth, 11 inches. 19 TWO PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHS. Madame Janauschek and Tommasso Salvini. 20 ADA REHAN AND VIRGINIA DREHER IN "THE RECRUITING OFFICER." Photograph tinted in water colors. Height, 12 ijiches; width, 16 inches. 14 No. 54. PORTRAIT OF PEG WOFFINGTON By Jackson 21 ADA REHAN AS LADY TEAZLE. Photograph painted in oil colors. Signed. Height, 12 inches; width, 9 inches, 22 ADA REHAN AND EDITH KINGDON IN "LOVE ON CRUTCHES." Photograph tinted in water colors. Height, 12 inches; width, 16 inches. 23 PORTRAIT OF FANNY DAVENPORT. Crayon. Signed F. Finck and dated 1875. Height, 39 inches; width, 29 inches. 24 GROUP OF NINE PHOTOGRAPHS IN ONE FRAME. Showing a pastoral performance of "As You Like It" by Mr. Daly's Company at Lake Forest, 111., June 30, 1892. 25 PORTRAIT OF T. W. KEENE AS lAGO. Crayon and chalk drawing. Height, 23 inches; width, 18 inches 26 JOHN DREW IN CHARACTER. Photograph painted in oil colors. Signed. Height, 12 inches; width, 9 inches. 11 PORTRAIT OF CLARA LOUISE KELLOGG. Crayon. Signed Sarony and dated '71. Height, 32 inches; width, 21 inches, 16 28 MISS RERAN AS ORIANA IN "THE INCON- STANT." Photograph painted in oil colors. Signed. Height, 12 inches; width, 18 inches. 29 JOHN DREW AS PETRUCHIO IN "THE TAMING OF THE SHREW." Photograph tinted in water colors. Height, 21 inches; width, 18 inches. 30 COQUELIN AS MASCARILLE IN M0LI£RE'S "LES PRECIEUSES RIDICULES." Colored photograph by Sarony. Dated '88. Height, 20 inches; width, 17 inches. L. WUST 31 PORTRAIT OF LESTER WALLACK AS BENEDICT. Photograph painted in water colors. Signed. Height, 16 inches; width, 21 inches. 32 ADA REHAN AS KATHERINE IN "THE TAMING OF THE SHREW." Photograph tinted in water colors. Height, 21 inches; width, 18 inches. A. GUACCIMANNI 33 PORTRAIT OF ELEANORA DUSE. Pastel. Signed. Height, 19 inches; zvidth, 13 inches. 17 34 PORTRAIT OF JOHN DREW IN CHARACTER* Photograph painted in oil colors. Signed. Height, 12 inches; width, 8 inches. 35 JAMES LEWIS IN "CHARITY." The well known comedian in the character of Fitz Partington in W. S. Gilbert's play of "Charity" as given at Daly's Theater in 1874. Crayon. Signed Swain, N. Y. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches, UNKNOWN ARTIST 36 PORTRAIT OF CLARA FISHER MAEDER. Of life size, the subject dressed in white is seen at bust length. Canvas. Oval. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. 37 GROUP OF SEVEN PORTRAIT PHOTO- GRAPHS. Mr. Daly and six German dramatists: Von Moser, Hugo Burger, Paul Lindau, Von Schonthau, Adolph L'Arronge and Julius Rosen, each with autograph, mounted on plush and framed. 38 PORTRAIT OF LESTER WALLACK. Crayon. Signed "W. Kurtz." Oval. Height, 25 inches; width, 19 inches. A. GUACCIMANNI 39 PORTRAIT OF CHARLOTTE CUSHMAN. Pastel. Signed. Oval. Height, 20 inches; width, 14 inches. 18 40 THIRTEEN SEPARATE PORTRAITS. Ada Rehan, John Drew, Charles Fisher, James Lewis, Virginia Dreher, Mrs. Gilbert, and other members of Mr. Dale's Company in Shakespear- ean characters. Photographs tinted in water colors. Signed Saron}-. Height, 15 inches; width, 10 inches. 41 PORTRAIT OF JAMES LEWIS. Pastel. Signed " See & Epler, 1896." Height, 36 inches ; width, 24 inches. FRANZ LENBACH (After) 42 PORTRAIT OF ERNST POSSART AS JUSTINIAN. The eminent German tragedian is seen at half length, the head in profile, in the character of Justinian in "Theodora" by Sardou. Canvas. Signed "After Franz Lenbach, 1890." In- scription in upper left corner. Height, 25 inches ; width, 23 inches. 43 JAMES K. HACKETT AND BERTHA GALLAND IN "THE PRIDE OF JENNICO." Photograph tinted in water colors. Height, 41 inches ; width, 30 inches. UNKNOWN ARTIST 44 PORTRAIT OF MRS. G. H. GILBERT. The subject is shown of life size, in street costume, seated. Pastel made for Sarony. Signed J. D. 1892. Height, 34 inches ; width, 27 inches. 19 UNKNOWN ARTIST 45 JOSEPH JEFFERSON AS BOB ACRES IN "THE RIVALS." Pastel made for Sarony. Signed J. D. 1880. Height, 31 inches ; width, 25 inches. 46 PORTRAIT OF CHARLOTTE CUSHMAN. Crayon. Signed "Gutekunst." Height, 26 inches ; width, 21 inches. UNKNOWN PAINTER 47 PORTRAIT E. A. SOTHERN. Canvas. Height, 30 inches ; zvidth, 25 inches. 48 PORTRAIT OF JULIA MARLOWE. Crayon. Signed "Sands & Brady." Height, 36 inches ; zvidth, 27 inches. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS 1723-1792 49 PORTRAIT OF DAVID GARRICK. Wearing a red coat with lace stock and white wig, the celebrated actor is seen at bust length with head turned to the right. Canvas. Height, 27 inches ; width, 21 inches, (See Illustration) 20 No. 49. PORTRAIT OF DAVID GARRICK By Sir Joshua Reynolds SIR PETER LELY (Attributed) 1617-1680 50 PORTRAIT OF NELL GWYNN. Dressed in white with a blue overdress and a blue scarf falling from her right shoulder, the celebrated actress is seen seated in a rocky niche, beyond which stretches a landscape. Her hair dressed with pearls falls loosely on her neck, and a large pearl hangs from her ear. Canvas. Height, 46 inches ; zvidth, 38 inches. (See Frontispiece) UNKNOWN ARTIST 51 PORTRAIT OF EDWIN BOOTH AS HAMLET. Pastel made for Sarony. Height, 31 inches; zvidth, 25 inches. UNKNOWN PAINTER 52 PORTRAIT OF KITTY CLIVE. The eminent English actress is seen seated wear- ing a low cut white dress with a blue scarf falling from her left shoulder. Canvas. Height, 48 inches; zvidth, 36 inches. 53 MR. DALY READING A PLAY. Show^s Mr. Daly with members of his company seated around him. Crayon from a photograph. Signed Sarony. Height, 34 inches; zvidth, 49 inches. 22 JACKSON 54 PORTRAIT OF PEG WOFFINGTON. This portrait of the Irish actress shows her as a young woman, wearing a green mantel trimmed with lace and a green hat which sets lightly over a lace cap above her brown hair. The backgroimd shows a landscape. Canvas. Height, 30 inches; "width, 25 inches. (See Illustration) UNKNOWN PAINTER 55 PORTRAIT OF J. W. WALLACK. The eminent actor is seen at bust length and three-quarters view, wearing a black coat and high collar. He has black curling hair and side whiskers. Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. (See Illustration) 56 PORTRAIT OF EDWIN FORREST. Crayon. Signed "Gutekunst." Height, 26 inches; width, 21 inches. UNKNOWN ARTIST 57 PORTRAIT OF FANNY DAVENPORT. Of hfe size and bust length, the subject looks directly at the spectator. Pastel made for Sarony. Signed J. D. 1880. Height, 31 inches; width, 26 inches. 23 58 MR. DALY READING A PLAY. Surrounded by members of his company, Mr. Daly is seen seated reading from a manuscript. Crayon from a photograph. Height, 34 inches; width, 49 inches. 59 PORTRAIT OF ADELAIDE NEILSON AS JULIET. Crayon and chalk drawing. Signed Sarony. Height, 60 inches; width, 38 inches. UNKNOWN ARTIST 60 PORTRAIT OF SARAH BERNHARDT. Pastel made for Sarony. Signed J. D. 1880. Height, 28 inches; width, 22 inches. 61 PORTRAIT OF CHARLES FECHTER AS HAMLET. Crayon. Signed Sarony. Height, 29 inches; width, 22 1-2 inches AFTER THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH 62 MRS. SIDDONS. Head and bust from the well known portrait in the National Gallery, London. Canvas. Height, 26 inches; width, 24 inches 63 SCENE FROM "THE TAMING OF THE SHREW." The final tableau of the play as presented at Daly's Theater in 1887. Crayon. Signed Sarony. Height, 34 inches; width, 49 inches. 24 No. 55. PORTRAIT OF J. W. WALLACK By an Unknown Painter UNKNOWN ARTIST 64 PORTRAIT OF SIR HENRY IRVING. Of life size, the subject is seen seated, looking directly at the spectator. Pastel made for Sarony. Signed J. D. 1888. Height, 42 1-2 inches; width, 34 1-2 inches. UNKNOWN ARTIST 65 PORTRAIT OF ELLEN TERRY. Of life size, the subject is seen seated, the head turned toward the right with the face in profile. Pastel made for Sarony. Height, 42 1-2 inches ; width, 34 1-2 inches. 66 PORTRAIT OF LOTTA. Crayon. Signed "Sarony '73." Height, 35 inches ; width, 25 inches. HILLARY BELL Contemporary American Painter 67 CHARLES FISHER AS FALSTAFF IN "THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR." As presented at Daly's Theater in 1886. Canvas. Signed and dated '86. Height, 35 inches ; width, 35 inches. 26 t^maM'fc- No. 68. PORTRAIT OF SUSANNA MARIA GIBBER By Thomas Hudson THOMAS HUDSON 1701-1779 68 PORTRAIT OF SUSANNA MARIA CIBBER. The celebrated English actress, wife of Theo- philus Cibber, the comedian, is seen front view, wearing a light silk gown cut low in the neck and seated in a red arm chair. Her black hair has a red ribbon bow at the back, and another adorns her corsage. In her right hand she holds an open letter. Pearls encircle both wrists and are seen in her hair. The artist was for several years the best known and most fashionable portrait painter of his time, in whose studio Reynolds and many other emi- nent painters of the time acquired their training. Canvas, Relined. Height, 40 inches ; width, 32 inches. (See illustration) 69 PORTRAIT OF FECHTER IN CHARACTER. Crayon and chalk drawing. Signed "Sarony, '73." Height, 54 inches; width, 32 inches. 70 TWO JAPANESE PAINTINGS. Oriental mythological subjects of figures, clouds and landscapes decoratively treated. Painted on silk and set in ornamental lacquer frames. Height, 45 inches ; width, 69 inches. 28 UNKNOWN PAINTER 71 MOLIfiRE READING A PLAY TO HIS COOK. Standing before a window in a richly furnished room, Moliere, with paper in his right hand and his left arm extended, is testing the effect of his play on the domestic who sits before him with rapt expression. Canvas. Height, 63 inches; width, 47 inches. This picture was bought by IMr. Daly from Sypher & Co. who acquired it in Florence. C. E. PROCTOR Contemporary American Painter 72 JOHN McCULLOUGH AS VIRGINIUS. The subject is seen at three-quarters length wearing a Roman toga. Canvas. Signed and dated 1886. Height, 54 inches; width, 36 inches. J. R. LAMBDEN after THOMAS SULLY 73 GEORGE FREDERICK COOKE AS RICHARD III. This popular English tragedian came to this country in 1810 when fifty-five years old. He died in New York in 1812 from the effects of drink to which he had been long addicted, and was buried in St. Paul's churchyard. Sully painted him five times, the original of this work being the only large portrait in character, which he finished in 1812 and sold to the Penn- sylvania Academy for three hundred dollars, where it still hangs. Canvas. Height, 96 inches ; width, 59 inches. 29 74 LADY'S MAHOGANY WRITING DESK. With cabriole legs and duck feet. Two small drawers in front and letter boxes on top. Lengthy 34 inches ; zvidth, 19 inches. 75 MAHOGANY SPINET. With three drawers below the keyboard ; deco- rated with satin wood inlays and painted floral devices. William Rolf & Sons, London, makers. Somewhat damaged, and sold not returnable. Length, 66 inches; width, 25 inches ; height, 33 inches. 76 FRENCH PORCELAIN JARDINIERE. Of urn-shape, white and gold, fluted bod}', over- laid with three panels painted with amorini, flowers and trophies, signed Eugene Pointevin and supported by a bronze tripod ending in three loop handles, elaborately decorated with garlands, fruit and leaves. It rests on a tri- angular cherry base with fluted sides, carved corners and paw feet. Height, 66 inches. 30 kHCniUJI OiHR HDTT 00 TTNTVERSITY of GAUl^OI^lA L S ANGELES LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Tnl- - 5950 The Au-ustin D17 Tc, 1 n.nl "^ p> ction cf portr<^jts of emi nfin-h_mp>p_ and v7omen of Z 5950 D17 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY f '^L^ILIIY AA 000 485 371 9