y,CrNRLF ^<^ ib? fl57 III ! "iHlii ! I ! Hi? ! Ill < i I ;l! (5! !!!!!!! I {llljiiilllll I Iiiiiiiiiiillliil '"liiilliliill ' pi'! I'll", iiiii illiiii lilllilililllliiilt! jiij!! i f flii j j ! iiiii iiiiiil ii;;!;; i!ii!iiii; ;i mv,\ V ,' :; It iiiii |i ii'Jiiiilliilii i ii I ■' ! 1: Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/GalendarofpapersOOIibrrich 1^5. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 11 CALENDAR OF THE PAPERS OF FRANKLIN PIERCE PREPARED FROM THE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS IN THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS BY W. L. LEECH WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1917 i i^ -3^ L. C. card, 17-26003 'feis Volume is for Sale by thh Superintendent op Documents Government Printing Office Washington, D. C. Price, 40 cents. ^^i?i\. PREFATORY NOTE The papers herein calendared were obtamed from the Hon. Kirk D. Pierce, of Hillsboro, New Hampshire, in 1905. They are that portion of the papers of President Franklin Pierce that survived destruction by fire many years ago and, with the exception of scattered docu- ments in other hands, form the only collection of Franklin Pierce papers now in existence. While few in number they are rich in politi- cal information and contain much of historical value especially con- cerning the inside workings of the Democratic Party in New Hamp- shire and other States. The tension of the period preceding the Civil War and the efforts of the peace advocates are shown in the correspondence; but the greatest value of the papers is biographical. The picture they present of Franklin Pierce the man is a picture worthy of place in the gallery of our Presidents. The prehminary work and general carding of these papers was done by Mr. Wihner Ross Leech, now in the Manuscript Department of the New York PubUc Library; the Calendar was completed, revised, edited, and indexed by Mr. John C. Fitzpatrick, First Assistant in the Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress. Gaillard Hunt, Chief, ManiLscript Division. Herbert Putnam, Librarian of Congress, 3 36520O CALENDAR 1807 Davis, Jonathan. Hillsborough, N. H. Indenture of land Oct. 3 transfer to Ezekiel Davis. Copy. 2 pp. 1838 Boylston, R. Amherst, New Hampshire. To Pierce, Apr. 15 Concord, N. H. Speech made by Pierce's father. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1838 linn, Elizabeth A. R. St. Genevieve, Mo. To Mrs. Jane Sep. 6 Pierce. Personal and family gossip. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1842 Duncan, "William H. Hanover, N. H. To Pierce. Pierce Mar. 14 appointed orator for Phi Beta Kappa anniversary. A. L. S. 1 p. 1842 Bnrke, Edmund. Washington, D. C. To Pierce. Burke's May 16 letter on corporations; state politics; Pierce's legal practice. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1842 Tyler, John. Voucher to Edward Stubbs for expendi- July21 tures for the diplomatic service. Copy attested by Stubbs. 2 pp. 1843 Johnson, Richard M. Frankfort, Ky. To Pierce. De- Feb. 7 sires news of Pierce and state politics. A. L. S. 1 p. 1843 Tyler, John. Voucher to Edward Stubbs for sum ex- July21 pended; expenditures for the diplomatic service. Copy attested by Stubbs. 2 pp. 1843 Pierce, Franklin. Concord, N. H. To H. D. Pierce, Nov. 14 HiUsboro. Death of Franklin Pierce, jr. A.L.S. 1 p. 1843 Atherton, Mary. Amherst, N. H. To Mrs. Jane Pierce. Nov. 17 Condolences on death of her son. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1844 Pierce, H. D. HUlsboro, N. H. Promissory note to Jan. 16 Franklin Pierce and memoranda respecting same. A. D. of Franklin Pierce. 1 p. 1844 Webber, John and Sarah. Watertown Arsenal. To Jan. 31 Pierce. Condolences on death of Pierce's son. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1844 Fairfield, John. Saco, Maine. To Pierce. His candi- Nov. 22 dacy for office of Secretary of the Navy; asks Pierce's aid. A. L. S. 2 pp. /.'-, ) (y : LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS 1844 Hale, John P. Washington, D. C. To Pierce. Asks if Dec. 3 Pierce would accept cabinet office or foreign mission if tendered liim. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1846 Atherton, C[harles] G[ordon]. Washington, D. C. To Jan. 13 Pierce. [John P.] Hale's agitation of the slave ques- tion; his nomination as representative to Congress; state pohtics. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1845 Atherton, C[liarles] G[ordon]. Washington, D. C. To Jan. 15 Pierce. [John P.] Hale's nomination. A. L. S. 1 p. 1845 Felton, N. B. Haverhill, N. H. To Pierce. John P. Jan. 17 Hale; pohtics, A. L. S. 1 p. 1845 lane, Charles. Meredith Bridge, N. H. To Pierce. State Jan. 17 politics ; [John P.] Hale's nomination. A. L. S. 1 p. 1845 Moses, Nehemiah. Portsmouth, N. H. To Pierce. John Jan. 18 P. Hale's letter to his constituents. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1845 Parker, John P. Washington, D. C. To Pierce. His Jan. 18 stand on the Texas question. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1845 Bachelder, Nat. Epping, N. H. To Pierce. Asks for Jan. 20 convention to nominate a representative to Congress in place of John P. Hale. A. L. S. 1 p. 1845 Dearborn, S[tephen] W. Exeter, N. H. To Pierce. Nomi- Jan. 22 nation of another representative to Congress in place of John P. Hale. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1845 Pierce, Fr[anklin]. Concord, N. H. To [Jolm Parker Jan. 24 Hale]. Hale's stand on the Texas question. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1845 Atherton, C[har]es] G[ordGn]. Washington, D. C. To Jan. 25 Pierce. Favors calling convention to nominate a representative to Congress in place of John P. Hale; Hale's actions. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1845 Woodbury, Levi. Washington, D. C. To Pierce. Thanks Jan. 25 Pierce for the ' ' cheering news' ' ; state politics. A. L. S. Ip. 1845 Morton, Marcus. Boston. To Pierce. Recommends Na- Dec. 18 thaniel Hawthorne foi appointment as survej'or of customs at Salem. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1846 Smith, Joseph Poinsett. Corpus Christi, Texas. To W. D. Feb. 12 Smith. Mihtary service of private Weatherby. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1846 Nov. 21 1846 Nov. 21 1846 Dec. 2 1847 Feb. 18 1847 Feb. 25 1847 Mar. 6 1847 Mar. 6 1847 Mak. 22 1847 Mab. 24 1847 Mar. 25 1847 Mar. ,25 1847 Mar .25 1847 Mar .28 PAPERS OF FRANKLIN PIERCE 7 Ball, Nehemiah. Middlesex county, Mass. Warrant for arrest of John G. Ciogston. Copy. 2 pp. Enclosed in Hayden to Pierce, 1848, Sep, 15. Stark, Kodney G. Complaint against John G. Ciogston. Copy. 2 pp. Enclosed in Hayden to Pierce, 1848, Sep. 15. Ball, Nehemiah. Middlesex county, Mass. Record of case against John G. Ciogston; discharge of Ciogston from arrest. Copy. 3 pp. Enclosed in Hayden to Pierce, 1848, Sep. 15. Marcy, W[illiam] L[earned]. War Department. To Pierce. Notification of his appointment as colonel of infantry. Printed form filled out and signed. 1 p. Gushing, C[aleb]. Boston. To Pierce. Pierce's appoint- ment; the New Hampshire regiments. A. L. S. 2 pp. Jones, R[oger]. Washington, D. C. To Pierce. Encloses commission as brigadier general. Printed form filled out and signed. 1 p. Jones, R[oger]. Washington {D. C] To Pierce, Ports- mouth, N. H. Orders to turn over command of the 9th infantry to his successor; Pierce's commission as brigadier general. L. S. 1 p. Marcy, W[illiam] L[earned]. [Washington, D. C] To Pierce [Concord, N. H.] Orders to hasten embarka- tion of troops to Mexico. L. S. 1 p. Pierce, Franklin. Concord, N. H. To William L[earned] Marcy. Embarkation of troops for Mexico. Copy. Ip. [Pierce, Franklin.] Concord, N. H. To Adj. Gen. R[oger] Jones [Washington, D. C] Recruiting and embarka- tion matters. Copy. 1 p. Pierce, Franklin. Concord, N. H. To William L[earned] Marcy, Washington, D. C. Lieut. Leslie Chase's qualifications for regimental quartermaster. Copy. 1 p. Pierce, Franklin. Concord, N. H. To Lt. Col. Abner B. Thompson, Brunswick, Maine. Troops to be has- tened to Mexico. Copy. 1 p. Pierce, Franklin. Concord, N. H. To Major T[homas] H. Seymour, Hartford, Conn. Troops to be hastened to Mexico. Copy. 1 p. 8 LIBBABY OF CONGRESS 1847 Pierce, F[rank]in]. Concord, N. H. Francis J. Parker -A^K. 6 [Boston]. His application ; no vacanc}" in the New England regiment. A. L. S. 1 p. 1847 Gushing, C[aleb]. Matamoras, Mexico. To Pierce [New- May 4 port, R. I.] Description of Matamoras ; military mat- ters. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1847 Eansom, T[nieman] B[ishop]. Fort Adams, Mass. To Mat 10 Pierce [Newport, R. I.] Embarkation of troops for Mexico. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1847 Godfrey, J. Boston. Bill of lading for forage shipped to May 11 Fort Adams, R. I. Printed form , filled out and signed. 1 p. Enclosed in following entry. 1847 Alvord, B[enjamin]. Bostcn, Mass. To F[ranklin] Pierce, May 12 Newport, R. I. Forage forwarded. A. L. S. : C. A. Eastman for B. Alvord. 1847 Mason, J[ohn] Yfoung]. Washington, D. C. To Pierce May 13 [Newport, R. I]. DisquaUfication of Dr. T. E. Hatch. L. S. 1 p. 1847 [Pierce,] Frank[lin]. Barque -KepZer at sea. To Mrs. Jane May 31 Pierce, Concord, N. H. Account of the voyage; a business matter. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1847 Pierce, Franklin. Payroll for himself and three servants. June 1 Printed form, filled out. 2 copies, also ms. memoran- dum of same. 1847 Minot, J[osiah]. Concord [N. H.] To Pierce, Vera Cmz. June 12 State politics and personal mentions, A. L. S. 4 pp. 1847 Burke, Edmund. Washington, D. C. To Pierce [Vera June 21 Cruz]. National poHtics and the war with Mexico. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1847 Pierce, Franklin. Camp near Vera Cruz. To J[ohn] JuLYl Y[oung] Mason, Washington, D. C. Recommends WilHam Henry Wilson for midshipman ; military mat- ters. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1847 Dimond, F[rancis] M. Vera Cruz. To Pierce [Vera Cruz]. July 1 Invitation to speak at the [4th of July] celebration of the 78th anniversary of independence. A. L. S. 1 p. 1847 Dimond, F[rancis] M. Vera Cruz. To Pierce [Vera Cruz]. July 6 Requests Pierce's influence; his compensation under the temporary tariff. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1847 Wilson, Henry. Vera Cruz. To Pierce [Vera Cruz]. July? Reports his command much weakened by sickness. Attested copy. 1 p. PAPERS OF FEANKLIN PIERCE 9 1847 Smith, H[enry]. Vera Cniz. To Major [Samuel] Woods, July 7 Vera Cruz. Minor military matter. A. L. S. 1 p. 1847 Wilson, H[enry]. [Vera Cruz.] To Pierce [Vera Cruz]. Julys Complaints of a Mexican. A. L. S. 1 p. 1847 Worth, W[illiam] J[enkins]. Puebla, Mexico. To [Wil- JuLY 14 liam Learned Marcy, Washington, D. C] Recom- mends Lt. Col. [James] Duncan for gallantry. At- tested copy. 2 pp. 1847 Bonham, M[illedge] L[uke]. Camp, Santa Fe, Mexico. To July 17 Pierce [Vera Cruz]. Military matters. A. L. S. 1 p. 1847 Smith, Larkin. Toloma Nueva [Mexico]. To Maj . S[amuel] July 19 Woods [Mexico]. Report of a skirmish. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1847 Cadwallader, Fanny. Philadelphia. To Pierce [Mexico]. July 21 Gratitude [for news of her husband]. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1847 [Pierce, Franklin.] "Extracts from my daily journal — July 21-22 on no account to he puhlisJiedJ' Copy. 12 pjp. 1847 Hayden, David. New Orleans. To Pierce [Mexico]. Sends July 22 newspapers. A. L. S. 1 p. 1847 Sanchez, Jose R. and Joaquin Gucoara. Jalapa, Mexico. July 26 To the commander of the forces of the United States [Pierce]. In reply to note requiring them to furnish supplies to the United States troops. D. S. 3 pp. (In Spanish.) 1847 Bonham, M[Llledge] L[uke]. Jalapa, Mexico. To Major July 27 "A." [Samuel?] Woods. Report of the engagement at the National Bridge, Mexico. Copy. 3 pp. 1847 Solon, Yoaquin. Banderilla, Mexico. To Pierce. Offers July 28 his services. A. L. S. 1 p., in Spanish. 1847 Mason, Mary. Boston. To Mrs. Jane Pierce, Concord, July 31 N. H. Reported iUness of Pierce; personal matters. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1847 Jones, R[oger]. Washington, D. C. To Pierce, Puebla, Aug. 4 Mexico. Military matters. L. S. 1 p. 1847 Scott, H[enry] L[ee]. Puebla, Mexico. General Orders Aug. 5 No. 246. March of the army. Printed form signed. 2 pp. 1847 Wilson, Henry. Vera Cruz. To Pierce, Puebla, Mexico. Aug. 6 Sends whiskey. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed as having been captured by guerrillas; letter returned by Santa Anna, but not the whiskey. 10 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1847 [Chase, Leslie.] On board the Alabama, Gulf of Mexico. Aug. 10 To Pierce. Encloses clipping from the Washington Union; [Zachary] Taylor; politics. A. L. 3 pp. 1847 Appleton, Robert. Boston. To Pierce [Mexico]. Per- AuQ. 13 sonal and family matters. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1847 Pierce, Franldin. Mexsoque, Mexico. To Capt. J[oseph] Aug. 22 Hooker. Report of operations of his brigade in the engagements of the 19th & 20th Aug. near the City of Mexico. L. S. 5 pp. With a return of killed, wounded & missing. 8 pp. 1847 Scott, H[enry] L[ee], Tacubago, Mexico. To Pierce Aug. 22 [Mexico]. Appointment as one of the commissioners to settle terms of armistice between armies of United States and Mexico. A. L. S. 1 p. [1847] [Pierce, Franklin.] [Mixsoqu, Mexico.] To [Mrs. Jane [Aug. 23- Pierce, Concord, N. H.] Long personal narrative of ^•' ■' happenings in the army. Account of events. Auto. copy. 3 pp. only. (Portion including Aug. 23-30 missing.) 1847 Scott, H[enry] L[eej. Tacubaya, Mexico. General Orders Aug. 24 No. 262. Terms of the armistice. Printed form signed. 5 pp. 1847 Pierce, Franklin. Mixsoque, Mex. To [Mrs. Jane Pierce, Aug. 26 Concord, N, H.] Account of events. A. L. 4 pp. (Latter portion missing.) 1847 Gardner, John L. Coyoacan [Mexico]. To Brig. Gen. Aug. 26 P[ersifor] F. Smith. Complains of injustice done the 4th Artillery in the report of the assault on Contreras and memorandum of "points of exclusive merit for the 4th Arty, indicated," Copy. 4 pp. On same ms. with Canby to Gardner, 1847, Aug. 29. 1847 Pierce, Franklin. Mexoque, Mex. To Robert Appleton Aug. 27 [Boston]. Narrative of events in Mexico. Copy by Appleton. 6 pp. 1847 Wolfe, H. D. Camp [Mexico]. To Pierce. Asks justice; Aug. 27 statement of his case. A. L. S, 1 p. 1847 Canby, Edward R. S. Contreras [Mexico]. To Maj. Aug. 29 John L. Gardner. Complaint of injustice done [the 4th Artillery] in report of the assault on Contreras; directs that complaint be made official. Copy. 1 p. PAPERS OF FRANKLIN PIERCE 11 1847 Gardner, John L. Coyoacan, Mexico. To Capt. E[dward] Aug. 30 K,. S. Canby [Contreras]. Complaint of injustice done the 4th Artillery in report of assault on Contreras; channel of the complaint. Copy. 3 pp. On same ms. with Canby to Gardner, 1847, Aug. 29. 1847 Canby, Edward K. S. Memorandum on Maj. [John L.] Aug. 31 Gardner's letter of Aug. 26. Ccpy. 3 pp. With Gardner's remarks en same. L. S. 13 pp. On same ms. with Canby to Gardner, 1847, Aug. 29. [1847] [Gardner, John L.] Sketch map [of action at Contreras, [Aug. 31] Mexico]. 1 p. 1847 Ransom, T[rueman] B[ishop]. College Oliver, Mexico. To Aug. 31 Pierce. Santa Anna fortifying city of Mexico in vio- lation of the armistice. A. L. S. 1 p. 1847 Pierce, Franklin. Tacabaya, Mexico. To Capt. J[oseph] Sep. 15 Hooker. Report of operations of his brigade Sep. 7th and 8th at Molino del Rey. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1847 Burke, Edmund. Washington, D. C. To Pierce [Mexico]. Sep. 17 The news from Mexico; peace; politics; the Demo- cratic party's chance of success. A. L. S. 4 pp. [1847] Carroll, Caroline E. Tamworth, New Hampshire. To Sep. 17 Mrs. Jane Pierce [Concord, N. H.]. Personal and family matters. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1847 Pierce, Franklin. City of Mexico. To Robert Appleton, Sep. 23 Boston. Narrative of events in Mexico. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1847 Ledward, R. O. Papers relative to his claim for tobacco Sep. 23 seized by the United States. Letters to Quitman, Scott and consul [E. C] Mackintosh. Copies. 6 pp. 1847 Burke, Edmund. Washington, D. C. To Pierce [City of Oct. 3 Mexico]. News from Mexico ; peace ; poUtics. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1847 Wood, A[llen] and others. City of Mexico. To Pierce. Oct. 22 Complain of the 12th Infantry being overlooked in the distribution of cigars. L. S. 8 signatures. 1 p. 1847 Worth, W[iUiam] J. [City of Mexico.] To Pierce. Asks Oct. — him to call. A. L. S. 1 p. 1847 Rowe, Theodore T. Leave of absence for three months Nov. 5 Copy. 1 p. 1847 Fitzgerald, Edward H. City of Mexico. To Pierce. State- Nov. 20 ment of his military services. A. L. S. 1 p. 12 LIBRABY OF CONGRESS 1847 Pierce, Franklin. Calle de Cadena, Mexico. To Mrs. Nov. 21 [Lewis Fields] Linn, Missouri. Her son William. Auto, draft. 2 pp. 1847 [Pierce, Franklin.] Memorandum for Maj. [Edwin Vose] Nov. 22 Sunmer. Dates of reports of operations. 1 p. 1847 Smith, Larkin. City of Mexico. To Pierce. Sketch of his Nov. 24 military services. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1847 Fitzgerald, Edward H. City of Mexico. To Pierce. Nov. 25 Change in officers' uniforms desired. A. L. S. 1 p. 1847 Pierce, Franklin. Pay roll lor himself and servants. Nov. 30 Printed form filled out. 2 pp. 1847 Jones, R[oger]. Washington, D. C. Annual report as ad- Nov. 30 jutant general of the army. Printed pamphlet. 24 pp. [1847] Brooks, Horace. [City of Mexico ?] To Pierce. Sketch of [Nov. — ] his military services. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1847 Jones, Roger. Washington, D. C. General Orders No. 36, I^Ec. 4 announcing and giving list of promotions, appoint- ments, casualties, etc. Printed pamphlet. 19 pp. 1847 Kirby, E[dmund]. City of Mexico. To Pierce, City of Dec. 6 Mexico. Appointment of F. B. Nimocks to the army. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1847 Kirby, E[dmund]. City of Mexico. To Pierce. Appoint- Dec. 7 ment of Nathan W. Brown in the army. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1847 Beauregard, [Pierre] G[ustavus]T[outant]. City of Mexico. I^Ec. 7 To Pierce. Recommending [John R.] Grymes and [Judah P.] Benjamin. A. L. S. 1 p. 1847 Beauregard, [Pierre] G[ustavus]T[outant]. City of Mexico. Dec. 7 To John R. Grymes, New Orleans, La. Introducing Franklin Pierce. A. L. S. 1 p. 1847 Beauregard, [Pierre] G[ustavus]T[outant]. City of Mexico. Dec. 7 To J[udah P.] Benjamin, New Orleans, La. Litro- ducing Franklin Pierce. A. L. S. 1 p. 1847 Irwin, James R. City of Mexico. To Pierce. Appoint- Dec. 8 ment of Wiley Pierson to West Point. A. L. S. 1 p. 1847 Kirby, E[dmund]. City of Mexico. To F. B. Nimocks, Dec. 8 Tampico. Pierce will use his influence for Nimocks. Extract. 1 p. Enclosed in Nimocks to Pierce, 1848, Mar. 31. PAPERS OF FRANKLIN PIERCE 13 1847 Todd, F. Walton. City of Mexico. To Pierce. Bega Dec. 8 Pierce's influence for his appointment as surgeon to the 15th Infantry. A. L. S. 1 p. 1847 Higson, W. F. City of Mexico. To Pierce [City of Mexico]. Dec. 9 Asks protection for muleteers. A. L. S. 1 p. 1847 Gardner, John L. City of Mexico. To Pierce, City of Dec. 9 Mexico. Recommends Lieut. A[lbion] P[arris] Howe to vacancy of assistant adjutant general. A. L. S. 1 p. 1847 Anderson, Samuel Smith. City of Mexico. To Pierce, Dec. 13 en route to Vera Cruz. Pierce's financial indebted- ness. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1847 Smith, Pei-sifor F[razer]. City of Mexico. To Pierce Dec. 13 fV^era Cruz ?] Mexico and the war. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1847 Trist, N[icholas] P. Mexico. To Pierce [Vera Cruz?]. En- Dec. 17 closes letter to "Mr. B[uchanan]" at Washington. A. L. S. 1 p. 1847 Willey, James. North Conway, N. H. To Pierce. Fate Dec. 20 of Capt. James W. Thompson; state politics. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1847 Haskell, Clarissa. Rushville, Ills. To Pierce. Inquires Dec. 22 about her son, Chauncey P. Haskell. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1847 Porter, J[ohn] B. Vera Cruz, Mexico. To Pierce. His Dec. 23 court of inquiry. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1847 [Pierce,] Frank[lin]. Boston. To Mrs. Jane Pierce [Con- cord, N. H.]. Personals. A. L. S. 1 p. 1847 Scott, Winfield. Extracts of reports of the battles of Con- treras and Churubusco, Mexico. A. D. of Pierce. [1847?] Twiggs, D[avid] E[manuel]. To Pierce. Inquires for documents accompanying the sword presented to him by Congress ; desires to purchase the cannon captured by him at Churubusco. A. L. S. 2 pp. Price, John M. [Kentucky.] To Pierce, Louisville. In- tention to give Pierce a salute. A. L. S. 1 p. Van Bokkelen, W[illiam] K[emble]. City of Mexico. To Pierce [Kentucky?]. Requests Pierce's influence. A. L. S. 1 p. Fitzgerald, Charles H. Norfolk, Va. To Pierce, Washing- ton, D. C. Requests Pierce's influence for an appoint- ment in the army. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1848 Jan. 7 1848 Jan. 14 1848 Jan. 18 14 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1848 Gorgas, J[osiah]. Vera Cruz, Mexico. To Pierce [Wash- Jan. 19 ington, D. C.]. Requests Pierce's influence to obtain a brevet. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1848 Wambangh, A. B. Columbus, Ohio. To Pierce. Per- Jan. 21 sonal matters; politics. A. L. S, 2 pp. 1848 McCollock, N. Z. Bellefontain, O. To Franklin Pierce Jan. 27 [Concord, N. H.]. Recommends Ezekiel M. Shelby for appointment in the army. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1848 Mason, Sarah R. P. Lawrence [Mass.] To Pierce, Concord, Jan. 27 N. H. Verses and note accompanying same. A. L, S. Ip. 1848 Smith, Morrill B. Wakefield, N. H. To Pierce [Concord, Jan. 27 N. H.]. Requests information of his brother Lt. Joseph P. Smith who died in Mexico. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1848 Wolfe, Henry D. Uxbridge, Mass. To Pierce [Concord, Jan. 28 N. H.]. Complains of favoritism in the army; his serv- ices. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1848 Homer, Peter T. Boston. To Pierce [Boston]. Arrange- Feb. 1 ments for a public meeting in honor of Pierce. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1848 Smith, Persif or F[razer]. City of Mexico. To Pierce [Bos- Feb. 2 ton]. The treaty with Mexico ; charges against PiUow and Worth; mortahty among troops; the Wilmot Pro- viso and ratification of the treaty. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1848 Baldwin, Samuel C. Plymouth, Mass. To Pierce, Boston. Feb. 3 Requests recommendation for appointment as as- sistant purser in the navy. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Arnold, J. W. Boston. To Pierce [Concord, N. H.]. Feb. 7 Bodies of Cols. [Trueman Bishop] Ransom and [Mar- tin] Scott. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1848 Chase, L[eslie]. New Orleans, La. To Pierce [Concord, Feb. 7 N. H.]. Personal matters; Pierce's resignation; Chase's camp-bed. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1848 Allen, Albert G. [Washington, D. C] To Pierce [Concord, Feb. 16 N. H.]. Pierce's Concord speech; politics ; advice as to Pierce's poUtical conduct. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1848 Stimson, Alba. Norwich [N. H.] To Pierce, Lowell, Mass. Feb. 24 Pierce's expense in connection with the body of Col. Ransom. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Smyth, William. Washington, D. C. To Pierce, Washing- 'Mar. 2 ton, D. C. Requests visit from Pierce. A. L. S. 1 p. Mar. 4 1848 Mar. 5 1848 Mar. 11 1848 Mar. 13 1848 Mar. 14 1848 Mar. 20 1848 Mar. 23 1848 Mar. 28 1848 Mar. 31 1848 Apr. 7 1848 Apr. 12 1848 Apr. 12 1848 Apr. 21 PAPEBS OF FRANKLIN PIERCE 15 Chase, Francis R. Conway, N. H. To Pierce [Washing- ton, D, C] Funeral expenses of the late Capt. James [W.] Thompson. A. L. S. 2 pp. Winship, 0[scar] F[ingal] Puebla [Mexico] To Pierce [Washington, D. C] Satirical account of his services; peace prospects; the court of inquiry r A. L. S. 3 pp. Rogers, Henry B., and others. Boston. To Pierce [Con- cord, N. H.] Invitation to a dinner to a committee of Congress by city of Boston. Printed circular. 1 p. Grrayson, John B. Mexico. To Pierce, Concord, N. H. Horse loaned Pierce; the court of' inquiry. A. L. S. Ip. Parsons, WilUam. Boston. To Pierce, Concord, N. H. His account against the United States. A. L. S. 2 pp. Jones, R[oger] Washington, D. C. To Pierce, Concord, N. H. Pierce's resignation accepted. Printed form signed. 1 p. Dimond, F[rancis] M. Vera Cruz [Mexico]. To Pierce [Con- cord, N. H.] Opinion in Mexico of Pierce; the general situation. A. L. S. 1 p. Jones, R[oger] Washington, D. C. To Pierce, Concord, N. H. Maj. gen. Gideon PiUow's request that Pierce be ordered as a witness before the court martial. L. S. Ip. Nimocks, F[rankUn] B. Tampico, Mexico. To Pierce [Con- cord] N. H. Requests Pierce's influence for appoint- ment in the army. A. L. S. 1 p. Cooper, Saunders W. Lancaster [N. H.] To Pierce [Con- cord, N. H.] Hatred of James M. Rix; efforts to ob- tain Cooper's removal from office; requests Pierce to represent him as attorney before the legislature. A. L. S. 3 pp. Chatterton, John F. New Haven [Conn. ?] To Pierce [Con- cord, N. H.] Wants a commission in the army; serv- ices and claims; requests Pierce's influence. A. L. S. 2 pp. Marston, Jeremiah M. South Barre, [Vt. ?] To Pierce [Con- cord, N. H.] Requests his land warrant. A. L. S. 1 p. lawton, P. Salmon Falls, N. H. To Amos A. Lawrence. EstabHshment of a post office at Salmon Falls. Copy. 4 pp. 16 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1848 Mason & Lawrence. Boston. To Pierce, [Amherst, N. H]. Apr. 22 Post office at Salmon Falls, N. H. L. S. 1 p. En- closed in Mason & Lawrence to Pierce, 1848, May 26. 1848 Hayden, William. Nashua, N. H. To Pierce [Amherst, Apr. 27 N. H.] Trial of John [G.] Clogston; expense, fees, etc. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1848 Whipple, T. J. Wentworth, N. H. To Pierce, Concord, Apr. 30 N. H. His removal to Portsmouth; Pierce's aid; urges him to remain in pubhc life. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1848 Woodman, C. W. Dover, N. H. To Pierce, Concord, N. H. May 5 Requests Pierce to act as attorney in the interests of the Cochecho Railroad before the next legislature. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Henry, J. Ward. New York. To Pierce [Concord, N. H.] May 3 Requests Pierce's aid to obtain appointment in one of the mounted regiments of the army. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Brewster, A. O. Hanover, N.H. To Pierce [Concord]. In- May7 vitation to deliver an address at the anniversary of Norwich University. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1848 Ayer, Samuel H. Hillsborough, N. H. To Pierce [Con- May 8 cord]. Urges Pierce to be a candidate for the United States Senate. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1848 Dnncklu, J. & J. Boston. To Pierce [Concord]. Their May 9 claim against Saunders W. Cooper and Nelson & Burt. L. S. per O. Marland. 1 p. 1848 Cooper, Saunders W. Lancaster [N. H.]. To Pierce, Con- May 10 cord. Retains him to defend him in such matters as may come before the next Legislature. Pierce to act as his attorney ; asks advice as to circulating petitions and obtaining signatures ; [James M.] Rix's activities. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1848 Emery, George F. Boston. To Pierce, Concord. His suit May 10 for damages for injuries received in railroad collision; desires Pierce as a witness and also as attorney to as- sist in his case. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 [Butler, William O.] Mexico. Orders No. 90. Proceed- MayH ings of court of inquiry on Col. M. L. Bonham. Broadside leaflet. 1 p. Signed in ms. L. Thomas, asst. adj. gen. Enclosed in Bonham to Pierce, 1848, May 16. 1848 Pierce, Frank[lin]. Lowell [Mass.]. To Samuel H. Ayer, May 12 Hillsboro, N. H. Reasons for declining to be a can- didate for United States Senator. A. L. S. 2 pp. PAPERS OF FRANKLIN PIERCE 17 1848 Jackson, John H. Pachuca, Mexico. To Henry C. Weath- May 14 erby, New Market, N. H. News of his son [Ephraim B. Weatherby] who is serving in Mexico. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Bonham, M[illedge] L. Mexico. To Pierce, Concord. En- May 16 closes copy of proceedings of his court of inquiry. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Ayer, Samuel H. Hillsborough, N. H. To Pierce [Con- May 17 cord ?]. Suit against Abraham by Mrs. Dodge. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1848 Magruder, J. Bankhead. Charlottesville, Va. To Pierce, May 19 Concord. His station at Charlottesville; news from Mexico. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1848 Warland, J. H. Letter from the City of Mexico. See Gill May 24 to Pierce, 1848, Aug. 10. 1848 Foster, H. Manchester, N. H. To Pierce, Lowell, Mass. May 26 Albert P. Colby wishes to engage Pierce as his attor- ney in suit against Samuel A. Way. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Mason & Lawrence. Boston, Mass. To Pierce, Lowell, May 26 Mass. Establishment of a post of&ce at Salmon Falls, N. H. A. L. S. Ip. 1848 [Polk, James Kncx.] [Washington, D. C] To Pierce June 3 [Washington]. Invitation to dinner. A. L. in 3d per- son. 1 p. 1848 Tompkins, D[aniel] D. New Orleans, La. To Pierce June 9 [Washington, D. C.]. Minor business matter. A. L. S. Ip. 1848 Buirk, D. G. New Orleans. Receipts (3) to D[aniel] D. June 9 Tompkins. D. S. 1 p. Enclosed in Tompkins to Pierce, 1848, June 9. 1848 Chase, Leslie. New Orleans, La. To Pierce [New York]. June 11 Feeling among the officers in the army for Pierce; peace with Mexico; the next presidential election; the court of inquiry and quarrels over credit. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1848 Merritt, JohnC. New York. To Pierce [New York]. Sends June 12 one of [Mathew] Carey's pamphlets and a memorial to Congress, for the construction of a government owned railroad between New York and Philadelphia, for sig- natures. A. L. S. 1 p. 84106°— 17 2 18 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1848 June 16 1848 June 22 [1848] June 23 1848 June 26 1848 June 26 1848 June 27 1848 June 30 [1848] [June — ] 1848 July 7 1848 July 10 1848 July 14 Butler, B[enjaimn] F. New York. To Pierce, Concord. Desires to nominate Pierce for tlie Democratic candi- date for President at the Democratic Convention at Utica ; requests an answer. A. L. S. 1 p. Mason & Lawrence. Boston. To Pierce, Concord. Inhabit- ants of Somersworth, N. H., wish separation from Great Falls, and want Pierce's aid; the post office. A. L. S. 1 p. Abbot, Daniel. Nashville. To [Pierce]. Desires Pierce's legal services for the Wilton Raihoad company. A. L. S. 1 p. French, W[illia]m H[enry]. Jalapa, Mexico, To Pierce. His brevet; services. A. L. S. 4 pp. McCalla, John M. Washington, D. C. To Charles Henry Peaslee [Washington]. Certifying that Frank- lin Pierce is not indebted [to the United States] and has no unsettled accounts in the office of second auditor of the Treasury. L. S. 1 p. Peaslee, C[harles] H[azen]. [Washington, D. C] To Pierce. Enclosing certificate from the second auditor of the Treasury. A. L, S. 1 p. Halloway, E[dmunds] B. Bourbon County, Ky. To Pierce, Concord. Pierce's indebtedness; destination of the regiment; his wound. A. L. S. 2 pp. Memorial to the Senate and House of Representatives for the construction and operation by the government of a railroad between New York and Philadelphia. Broadside. 2 pp. Enclosed in Merritt to Pierce, 1848, June 12. [Pierce, Franklin.] Concord, N. H. To [Charles Gordon Atherton]. Necessity of increase in the army ; hard- ship to officers; Maj. [Samuel] Woods' case. A. Df. 2 pp. Peaslee, C[harles] H[azen]. [Washington, D. C] To [Pierce, Concord.] Pierce's personal affairs; govern- ment of territory acquired from Mexico; pohtics in the south. A. L. S. 3 pp. Goer.C.F. Nashville [N. H?] To Pierce [Concord]. De- sires Pierce's legal services for the Wilton Railroad company. A. L. S. 1 p. PAPERS OF PEANKLIN PIERCE 19 1848 Dustin, D. H., and others. Boston. To Pierce. Invita- JuLY 18 tion to reception of the first regiment of Massachu- setts Volunteers on its return from Mexico and dinner at Faneuil Hall. Printed circular. 1 p. with ticket of admission to the dinner. 1848 Heaton & Read. Montpelier, Vt. To Pierce [Concord], July 21 Land warrant for Jeremiah W. Marston. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Palmer, Alpheus T. Belfast, Maine. To [Pierce, Concord]. July 25 Wishes to be retained in the army; asks Pierce's in- fluence. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Woodman, C. W. Dover [N. H.] To [Pierce, Concord]. July 25 Acknowledges receipt of Pierce's bill, for legal services, against the W[ilton] Railroad [Company]. A. L. S. Ip. 1848 Chase, LesHe. New Orleans, La. To [Pierce, Concord]. July 29 Personal matters; repayment of Pierce's loan to Smythe; the court of inquiry; apathy in politics. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1848 Pike, Austin J. Franklin, N. H. To [Pierce, Concord]. July 31 Wishes his services as attorney for Moses S. Mom. A. L. S. 1 p. [1848] Gill, Thomas. Boston. To Pierce [Concord]. Sends copy Aug. 10 of [The Boston] Atlas; extract of [J. H.] Warland's letter of May 24, 1848: complaints caused by unde- served appointments or promotions of officers. Gill's letter an A. L. S. 1 p., the extract in a different hand. Plummer, S[amuel] M[oses]. Washington, D. C. To Pierce, Concord. Asks for letter of recommendation promised; requests the promised letter of approval of his services at Vera Cruz. A. L. S. 1 p. Prentiss, Addison. Worcester, Mass. To Pierce, Concord. Conduct of Samuel Thompson; rights of the widow of Capt. [James W.] Thompson. A. L. S. 3 pp. Sanborn, Thomas J. Sanbornton, N. H. To Pierce, Gil- ford. Account of Jacob Hersey. A. L. S. 1 p. French, William H[enry]. New York. To Pierce, Con- cord. Minor miHtary dispositions. A. L. S. 2 pp. Hayden, William. Boston. To Pierce, Concord. The John G. Clogston case. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1848 Aug, .19 1848 Aug, ,30 1848 Sep. 6 1848 Sep. 14 1848 Sep. 15 20 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1848 lally, Folliot Thornton. Gardiner [Nlame]. To [Pierce, Sep. 21 Concord]. Requests Pierce's influence for appoint- ment as commissioner for demarkation of Mexican Boundary. A. L, S. 1 p. 1848 Strong, A. L. Northampton [Mass.]. To Pierce [Concord]. Sep. 21 Upsetting of stage-coach; witnesses, etc. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1848 Pierce, FrankUn. Concord, N. H. To James K[nox] Polk Sep. 23 [Washington, D. C] Recommends FoUiot T. Lally for appointment as Commissioner for the demarka- tion of the Mexican boundary. A. Df. 2 pp. 1848 Barnard, M[oses] J. Boston. To [Pierce, Concord]. Asks Sep. 26 Pierce's influence to obtain a consular appointment. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1848 Wentworth, Tappan. Lowell, Mass. To Pierce, Concord. Sep. 28 Legal business matters. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1848 Mason & Lawrence. Boston. To [Pierce, Concord]. Es- OcT. 14 tabhshment of post ofl[ice at Salmon Falls, N. H. ; • change of candidates proposed for postmaster. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Brown, Titus. Francestown, N. H. To Pierce [Concord]. Oct. 20 Miscellaneous legal business. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1848 Emerson, J. P. Sabnon Falls, N. H. To Mark Noble, Oct. 31 Great Falls. Establislmaent of post office at Salmon Falls; his candidacy for appointment as postmaster. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1848 Noble, Mark. Great Falls, N. H. To Pierce, Concord. Oct. 31 Withdrawal of J. P. Emerson and substitution of Hiram R. Roberts as candidate for postmaster at Salmon Falls; reasons why this should not be done. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1848 Watson, J. D. Sabnon Falls, N. H. To Mark Noble, Great Oct. 31 Falls. Character of J. P. Emerson, candidate for postmaster. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1848 lally, F[olliot] T[homton]. New York. To Pierce [Con- Nov. 1 cord]. His candidacy for appointment as Commis- sioner to adjust the Mexican boundary. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1848 Gilmore, Joseph A. Concord, N. H. To Pierce [Concord]. Nov. 3 Necessity of his presence in behalf of the Contoocook VaUey Railroad. A. L. S. 1 p. PAPERS OF FEANKLIN PIERCE 21 1848 Crosby, N. Lowell [Mass.] To Pierce, Concord. Legal Nov. 8 matters. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 O'Neill, Thomas. Boston. To Pierce, Concord. Per- Nov. 11 sonal affairs. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1848 Barstow, George. Manchester [N. H.] To Pierce, Con- Nov. 13 cord. Legal matters. A. L. S. 1 p. [1848] Huntington, C. P. Northampton, N. H. To Pierce, Con- Nov. 13 cord. [A. L.] Strong's suit. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Dimond, F[rancis] M. Bristol, E,. I. To Pierce, Concord. Nov. 14 His allowance under the temporary tariff [in Mexico]; [Zachary] Taylor's election. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1848 Strong, A. L. Easthampton [N. H.] To Pierce, Concord. Nov. 15 His suit. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1848 Barstow, George. Manchester [N. H.] To Pierce, Con- Nov. 18 cord. Legal business. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Johnson, C[ave]. [Washington, D. C] To Pierce, Con- Nov. 20 cord. The question of establishing a post office at Salmon Falls, N. H. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Winship, 0[scar] F[ingal]. Troy, N. Y. To Pierce, Con- Nov. 20 cord. Requests Pierce's influence in obtaining a brevet; his Mexican service. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1848 Lally, F[omot] T[hornton]. New York. To Pierce, Con- Nov. 21 cord. Personal matters. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Mason & lawrence. Boston. To Pierce, Concord. Pierce's Nov. 22 legal services desired in movement to divide the town of Somersworth; the post-office at Salmon Falls. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Amory, W[iniam]. Boston. To Pierce, Concord. Pierce's Nov. 22 services in getting the bill increasing the capital stock of the Amoskeag Manufacturing Company through the New Hampshire Senate. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Hatch, Albert R. Concord. To Pierce, Concord. Sends Nov. 24 accounts as requested. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Sumner, James B. Dalton [N. H.] To Pierce, Concord. Nov. 25 Comparative advantages and disadvantages of the proposed Connecticut valley and Amonoosuc river railroad routes. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1848 lawrence, Amos A. Boston. To W. T. Gibbs P3over, Nov. 29 N. H.] Article published in [The Dover Gazette] con- cerning the death. of a girl employed by the Salmon Falls Company. Copy. 2 pp. Sent to Pierce. 22 LIBKAJIY OF CONGRESS [1848] [Parker, .] Memorandum of capital stock, etc., of [Nov.?] various manufacturing companies, mills, etc., in New England. 1 p. 1848 Wheaton, Henry S. Norwich Universit}^ [N. H.] To Dec. 1 [Pierce, Concord]. Norwich University, its aims, etc. L. S. 3 pp. Endorsed by Pierce: " Jany. 9-49 ansd. and office of Trustee resigned." 1848 Amory, W[illiam]. Boston. To Pierce, Concord. Thanks Dec. 9 for exertions in obtaining passage of bill [for increas- ing the capital stock] of the Amoskeag I^Ianufactur- ing Company. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Read, Kobert. Manchester [N. H.] To Pierce, Concord. Dec. 9 Objections to the ten hour bill before the legislature; begs Pierce to oppose it. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1848 WinsMp, 0[scar] F[ingal]. Troy, New York. To Pierce, Dec. 11 Concord. Thanks Pierce for his promotion ; has the ill will of the "powers that be" [at Washington]; changes in division commanders. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1848 Thorn, James. Derry[N. H.] To [Pierce, Concord]. Stock Dec. 14 in Manchester & Lawrence Railroad ; charter for Derry bank ; tax on bank stock ; Pierce's kindness to George [Thom]. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1848 Pinkham, Henry P. West Amesbur}?^ [Mass.] To Pierce Dec. 15 [Concord]. Inability to go to see Pierce. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Jones, R[oger]. Washington [D. C] To J. McNab, Bos- Dec. 18 ton. Orders to turn over balance of regimental fund of the 9th Infantry to Maj. WiUiam Chapman. Copy. 1 p. Enclosed in McNab to Pierce, 1849, Apr. 18. 1848 Bartlett, John H. Chicago, Ills. To Pierce [Concord]. Dec. 19 Has opened a law office in Chicago; congratulates Pierce on his conduct in the war. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1848 Earle, John, jr., & Co. Boston. To Pierce, Concord. Ac- Dec. 25 count against Pierce. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Davis, Reuben. Cornish [N. H.] To Pierce, Concord, Dec. 28 Wants Pierce's objections to the nomination and election of Harry Hibbard to Congress. A. L. S. 1 p. 1848 Hazelton, H[orace] L. Boston. To [Pierce, Concord]. The Dec. 28 Farnsworth case ; Judge Wells' bias ; has attached Famsworth real estate to secure Pierce's fee. A. L. S. 2 pp. PAPERS OF FEANKLIN PIERCE 23 1849 Thorn, James. Derry [N. H.] To Pierce, Concord. Check Jan. 10 for Pierce's fee for services in obtaining amendment to charter of [Derby] bank from the legislature ; Pierce's report to [Maj.] Gen. [Winfield] Scott of George [ThomJ's march to Scott's support at the National Bridge. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1849 Pinkham, Henry P. West Amesbury [Mass.] To Pierce, Jan. 12 Concord. His health. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Woods, S[amuel]. Fort Snelling, Iowa. To Pierce, Con- Jan. 13 cord. His brevet rank; [Zachary] Taylor and the Presidency; discovery of gold in California; Pierce and civil life. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1849 Putnam, Albert Sumner. Lowell [Mass.] To Pierce, Con- J^N. 3 cord. Is about to sail for California and wiU transact any business Pierce sees fit to entrust to his care. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed by Pierce: "My orderly in Mexico. Ansd." 1849 Thorn, James. Derry [N. H.] To Pierce, Concord. Pur- J^N. 6 chase of Pierce's stock in the Manchester & Lawrence Railroad. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Dimond, F[rancis] M. Washington, D. C. To Pierce, Con- Jan. 14 cord. Treasury's demand on Dimond to refund hi«! allowance under the temporary tariff in Mexico ; will resist and desires Pierce to act as his attorney; com- missioners on Mexican claims; the negro question in Congress ; slavishness of Congressmen. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1849 Lally, F[clliot] T[hornton]. Gardiner [Maine]. To Pierce Jan. 14 [Concord]. Prospects for appointment on commission to settle Mexican boundary; [Thomas Hart] Sey- mour's correspondence with the Mexican lady; [Charles N.] Bodfish has the California fever, and minor personal mention. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1849 Peaslee, C[harles] H[azen]. Washington, D. C. To [Pierce, Jan. 16 Concord]. Establishment of a post office at Salmon Falls, N. H. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1849 George, A. M. Nashua, N. H. To Pierce [Concord]. Re- Jan. 16 quests legal advice respecting his patent right. A.L.S. 1 p. Also copy of letter, 1848, Nov. 30, from the Pat- ent Ofl&ce to George. 1849 Shirley, P. M. Manchester, N. H. To Pierce, Concord. Jan. 18 Partial payment of his debt to Pierce. A. L. S. 1 p. 24 LIBBARY OF CONGRESS 1849 Abbot, Daniel. Nashville [N. H.l To Pierce, Concord. Jan. 22 Proprietors of the First Baptist Meeting House wish to retain Pierce as counsel in suit against HiUsboro Mutual F[ire] Ins[urancel Co. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Thorn, James. Derry [N. H.] To [Pierce, Concord]. Ap- Jan. 22 predates kindness to George [Thorn] ; resolve of legis- lature presenting Pierce a sword. A, L. S. 1 p. 1849 Mason & Lawrence. Boston. To Pierce, Concord. Post Jan. 23 office and postmaster at Salmon Falls, N. H. ; division of the town [of Somersworth] ; Dr. J. E. Tyler. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Ayer, Samuel H. Hillsborough [N. H.] To [Pierce, Con- Jan. 24 cord]. Report on collection of notes. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1849 O'Neill, Thomas. Boston. To Pierce, Concord. [Albert Jan. 27 Sumner] Putnam has sailed for California; O'Neill's land warrant ; presentation of sword to Pierce by New Hampshire. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Peaslee, C[harles] H[azen]. [Washington, D. C] To Jan. 29 Pierce. Pension claim of WiUiam S. Stevens; [J. A.] Webber's claim. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1849 Thorn, George. Washmgton [D. C] To [Pierce, Concord]. Jan. 28-29 MiHtary matters; Pierce's favorable mention of him in report to [Maj.] Gen. [Winfield] Scott; brevets for himself and other officers; personal mentions; Thom's services on the N[ew] E[ngland] boundary commission and failure to have those services recognized. A. L. S. 8 pp. 1849 Carpenter, H. Chesterfield [N. H.] To Pierce, Concord. Jan. 30 Pierce's suits against him. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1849 Chamberlain, Levi. Keene [N. H.] To [Pierce, Concord]. Feb. 1 Willingness to aid Pierce obtain office under the in- coming administration; Chamberlain's political in- fluence. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1849 lawton, P. Sahnon Falls [N. H.] To Pierce, Concord. Feb. 9 Estabhshment of post office at Salmon Falls ; John P. Emerson appointed postmaster; new petition for separation of the town of Somersworth. A. L. S. of J. D. Watson for Lawton. 1849 Bowers, Jesse. Nashua [N. H.] To Pierce, Concord. Feb. 14 Meeting with Pierce; the right and equity of his case. A. L. S. 1 p. PAPERS OF FRANKLIN PIERCE 25 1849 Neill, Mary. Wallingford, Berks County, England. To Feb. 17 George O'Neill, Boston. Family news and personal mentions. A. L. S. 4 pp. Enclosed in: O'Neill to Pierce, 1849, Mar. 26. 1849 Burke, Edmund. Washington [D. C] To Pierce [Con- Feb. 24 cord]. Major [J. A.] Webber's claim in Congress ; mat- ters concerning President [Zachary] Taylor and the cabinet; expects to be removed from office in April. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1849 Foster, William L. Keene [N. H.] To [Pierce, Concord]. Feb. 27 The Henderson matter and other legal business. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1849 Cogswell, WilUam. Gilmanton [N. H.] To Pierce, Con- Feb. cord. Requests Pierce to furnish a biographical sketch of his father [Benjamin Pierce]. A. L. S. 1 p. Written at bottom of printed circular requesting bio- graphical data for publication in Oilman's Repository. 1849 Clark, Daniel. Manchester [N. H.] To Pierce [Concord]. Mar. 2 Pierce's fee in case of George C. Kimball vs. Theodore French. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Hallett, B. F. Boston. To Pierce [Concord]. Elisha Mar. 3 Morrill withholding land warrants ; criticises Presi- dent Polk. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Hibbard, Harry. Bath [N. H.] To Pierce [Concord]. Dr. Mar. 4 McNab's case; politics. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1849 Grove, C.F. Nashville [N. H.] To Pierce, Concord. The Mar. 9 Concord and Portsmouth railroad; consohdation; purchase price, difficulties, etc. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1849 Towie, George W. Portsmouth [N. H.] To Pierce, Con- Mar. 12 cord. BUI against Pierce for serving a writ. A. L. S. Ip. 1849 Webber, J. A. To Pierce, Concord. Fortunate issue of his Mar. 14 claim; politics. A. L. S. 2 pp. [1849] Chamberlain, Levi. Keene [N. H,] To Pierce, Concord. Mar. 15 Henderson case. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Moulton, Mace. Manchester, N. H. To Pierce, Concord. Mar. 15 Wishes to retain Pierce as counsel against the Man- chester Bank. A. L. S. 1 p. [1849] Pinkham, Henry P. Dover [N. H.] To Pierce, Concord. Mar. 16 Disappointment in not receiving a present from Pierce. A. L. S. 1 p. 26 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1849 O'Neill, Thomas. Boston. To Pierce, Concord. Employ- Mar. 26 ment. A. L. S. 2 pp. [1849] Aiken, John. Francestown P^. H.] To Pierce, Concord. [Mar. 27] Requests his aid as assistant counsel in a legal case. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Gilman, George W. Manchester [N. H.] To Pierce, Con- Mar. 29 cord. Pierce's claim against his father's estate for fees for legal services. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Farnsworth, C. B. Pawtucket [R. I.] To Joseph Low. Mar. 30 Testimony of witnesses in case of the Home Paint Company against the Bowditch M[utual] F[ire] In- surance Company. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1849 Danforth, Timothy. Amherst [N. H.] To Pierce, Concord. Apr. 2 SoHcits his aid as counsel. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Rolfe, H[enry] P. Concord. To Pierce [Concord]. Wishes Apr. 6 Pierce to write out, for pubhcation, his argument, be- fore the judiciary committee of the State legislature, in defense of the Shakers. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Cohen, W[ilham] H. New York. To Pierce, Concord. Apr. 7 Health of Pierce's brother. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1849 Cross, David. Manchester, N. H. To Pierce, Concord. Apr. 7 Desires his presence at Manchester in a law case. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Cross, David. Manchester [N. H.] To Pierce [Concord]. Apr. 10 Legal business, various cases. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1849 Ingalls, Gardner. Sanbornton [N. H.] To Pierce, Con- Apr. 10 cord. Legal business. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Woods, S[amuel]. Fort Snelling, I[ndian] T[erritory]. To Apr. 15 [Pierce, Concord]. Position of the various commands ; gold in CaHfornia; organization of ^linnesota terri- tory; Zachary [Taylor] and the Presidency; personal mention. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1849 McNab, Sarah. Boston. To Pierce, Concord. Her hus- Apr. 18 band [J. McNab] 's indebtedness to the regimental fund of the 9th Infantry. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1849 Mower, T[homas] G[ardner]. New York. To Col. I[cha- Ape. 20 bod] B[ennet] Crane, New York. Physical condition of Lt. col. [Benjamin Kendrick] Pierce; need of his friends maldng provision for him. L. S. 1 p. PAPERS OF FRANKLIN PIERCE 27 1849 Apr. 25 1849 Apr. 25 1849 Apr. 30 1849 MayI 1849 May 6 1849 May? 1849 May 28 1849 June 7 1849 June 16 1849 June 18 1849 June 29 1849 July 7 Crane, I[chabod] B[ennet]. Fort Columbus, N. Y. To Pierce, Concord. Physical condition of Lt. col. [Ben- jamin Kendrick] Pierce; placing him in an asylum. A. L. S. 2 pp. Slocum, John S. Washington, D. C. To Pierce, Concord. Partnership with Lewis Carr in an agency for prose- cuting claims against the Government. A. L. S 2 pp. O'Neill, Thomas. Boston. To Pierce, Concord. Position in the Boston Custom House. A. L. S. 1 p. Lally, F[oniot] T[hornton]. Portland [Maine]. To Pierce, Concord. [John H.] Warland's attack in the Lowell Courier; question of a reply to same; Pierce's as- sistance. A. L. S. 2 pp. With copy of a reply to same. 6 pp. Warland, John H. Lowell [Mass.] To Pierce, Concord. Introducing Mons. Elena and his children, musical performers. A. L. S. 1 p. Grove, C. F. Nashville [N. H.] To Pierce [Concord]. Railroad matters; requests his aid in behalf of the Wilton Railroad; the line to Amherst; change of route. A. L. S. 1 p. Caskie, John S., and others. Richmond, Va. To Pierce, Washington [D. C] Invitation to barbecue celebra- tion of recent Democratic victory in Virginia. 1 p. Smith, T. L. Washington [D. C] To Pierce, Concord. Offering to prosecute Pierce's claim against the Gov- ernment. A. L. S. 1 p. Seymour, Thomas H. Hartford [Conn.] To Pierce, Con- cord. Presentation of sword to Pierce. A. L. S. 3 pp. Parker, William. Francestown [N. H.] To Pierce, Con- cord. Case of Jonathan Dustin; requests Pierce to draft a petition to be presented to the governor and council. A. L. S. 3 pp. Copy of Dustin's commit- ment enclosed, 1847, Oct. term. Printed form, filled out. Cohen, W[illiam] H. New York. To [Pierce, Concord]. Health of Pierce's brother. A. L. S. 1 p. Farns worth & Shaw. Boston. To Pierce, Concord. Re- quest Pierce's legal aid in obtaining a new trial of their case. A. L. S. 1 p. 28 LIBEAEY OF CONGRESS 7 1849 [Pierce, Franklin.] Concord. To Col. [Samuel] Cooper. July 16 Pierce's claim for extra pay for military service. A. Df . 4 pp. Also a copy, 4 pp. 1849 [Pierce, Franklin.] Concord. To Maj. Gen. N[athan] July 16 Towson. Pierce's claim for extra pay for military service. A. Df . 1 p. Signature cut off. 1849 Tappan, M. W. Bradford [N. H.] To Pierce, Concord. July 16 Desires Pierce's assistance in a breach of promise suit. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1849 Fessenden, W. P. Portland [Maine]. To Pierce [Concord]. July 21 Requests a letter of introduction for his brother who is going to California. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Cooper, S[amuel]. Washington [D. C] To Pierce, Con- July24 cord. Pierce's claim for extra pay for military service ; Cooper and the inspector generalship. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Towson, N[athan]. [Washington, D. C] To Pierce [Con- JuLY 25 cord]. Will authorize payment of Pierce's claim for extra pay if he certifies that he resigned because of ill health. L. S. 2 pp. 1849 [Pierce, Franklin.] Concord. Maj. Gren. [Nathan] Tow- July 29 son. Cannot certify that he resigned because of ill health; reasons for his resignation. A. Df. 2 pp. 1849 Pierce, Franklin. Concord. To Col. [Samuel Cooper]. July 30 Sends copy of his letter to Maj. Gen. Nathan Towson in claim for extra pay; Pierce's resignation. A. Df. S. 2 pp. 1849 Howe, James. East Washington [N. H.] To Pierce, Con- AuG. 2 cord. Facts in the case of Bailey's suit against him. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Nurse, Brown. Troy [N. H.] To Pierce, Concord. Ches- AuG. 14 hire R. R. Co. ; The town of Troy desires Pierce's legal aid in suit against the Cheshire Railroad company. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Poor, Noyes. Goffstown [N. H.] To Pierce [Concord]. Aug. 18 New Hampshire Central Railroad agents have vio- lated contracts with Poor; desires Pierce's legal as- sistance. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Kraitser, Charles. Boston, Mass. To Pierce, Concord. Aug. 22 Asks for money to aid the Hungarians. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1849 Vose, Frederick. Walpole, N. H. To Pierce, Concord. Aug. 25 Time of trial of case of Troy vs. Cheshire Railroad. A. L. S. 2 pp. PAPERS OP FRANKLIN PIERCE 29 1849 Osgood, N. H. Concord [N. H.] To Pierce, Concord. Ac- Sep. 1 cedes to Pierce's proposition. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Nurse, Brown. Troy, N. H. To Pierce, Concord. Asks if Sep. 10 he will act as assistant counsel for town of Troy vs. Cheshire Railroad Corporation, A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Vose, Frederick. Keene [N. H.] To Pierce [Concord]. Sep. 12 Postponement of case of the town of Troy vs. Cheshire Railroad. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Chase, Isaac. Sag Harbor [N. Y.] To Pierce, Concord. Sep. 17 Inquires as to possibility of extra session of [New Hampshire ?] legislature ; amendment of divorce laws. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Sawyer, Ebenezer. Hartford [Vermont]. To Pierce, Con- Sep. 29 cord. Hearing on a railroad case. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Hazelton, H[orace] L. Boston. To Pierce, Concord. Suit Oct. 2 for fees against Asa Farnsworth ; Pierce's biU. A. L. S. Ip. 1849 Dodge, John G. Goffstown [N. H.] To Pierce, Concord. Oct. 5 Payment of witnesses and referees. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Alcock, Lewis W. Hancock [N. H.] To Pierce, Concord. Oct. 17 Suit ever property. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Hazelton, H[orace] L. Boston. To Pierce, Concord. Suit Oct. 19 for fees against A[sa] Farnsworth ; Pierce's bill. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Wilder, Marshall P., and others. Boston. To [Pierce, Oct. 25 Concord]. Invitation to Festival of the Sons of New Hampshire on Nov. 7 at Boston. Printed form with signatures facsimiled. 1 p. Also complimentary ticket of admission. Chase, Isaac. New York. To Pierce [Concord]. Amend- ment of divorce law; extra session of legislature. A. L. S. 1 p. Bridge, H[oratio]. Portsmouth [N. H.] To Pierce, Con- cord. Effect of the [Mexican] war upon Europeans; [Nathaniel] Hawthorne; political effect of his dis- missal. A. L. S. 3 pp. Cohen, W[iUiam] H. New York. To Pierce. Health of Pierce's brother. A. L. S. 2 pp. Cross, David. Manchester [N. H.] To Pierce [Concord]. Invited to deliver a lecture in the Manchester Lyceum course. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Oct. 27 1849 Nov. 4 1849 Nov. 12 1849 Nov. 12 30 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1849 Ayer, Samuel H. Hillsborough [N. H.] To [Pierce, Con- Nov. 14 cord]. Requests letters of recommendation for Eras- tus Wilson. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Cohen, W[illiam] H. New York. To Pierce [Concord]. Nov. 14 Health of Pierce's brother; desires to borrow $200 to establish a small business. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Cross, David. Manchester [N. H.] To Pierce [Concord]. Nov. 16 Pierce's bills for various legal services. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Parker, Eugene S. Clarendon, Vermont. To Pierce, Con- Nov. 17 cord. Asks aid for John Morway. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Varnum (Mrs.) Jeremiah. Dracut [Mass.] To Pierce, Nov. 21 Concord. Needs Pierce's legal assistance in effort to break her father's will. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1849 Howard, John D. Salem [N. H.] To [Moses] Norris [Wash- Nov, 24 ington, D. C] Has been dismissed, for political resi- sons, from office of naval officer of Salem and Beverly district; character of his successor, William Brown; ask Norris' assistance. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1849 Howard, John D. Salem [N. H.] To Pierce, Concord. Nov. 25 Asks Pierce's aid; his dismissal from office of state naval officer. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1849 Foster, H. Manchester, N. H. To Pierce, Concord. Nov. 26 Wishes to retain Pierce as counsel in a suit. A. L. S. Ip. 1849 Simons, George. Oil Mill Village, N. H. To Pierce, Con- Nov. 27 cord. His case in court. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Cutter, Edward S. Peterborough, N. H. To Pierce [Con- Dec. 3 cord]. Wishes him to take case of Jewett vs, Goodale, appealed to the Superior Court; drafting of the plea. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Hobbs, Josiah H. Wakefield [N. H.] To Pierce, Concord. Dec. 4 Wishes his assistance as counsel. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Walker, James. Manchester [N. H.] To Pierce, Concord. Dec. 5 Will of Mrs. Harris's mother. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Cohen, William H. New York. To Pierce, Concord. Im- Dec. 12 provement in health of Pierce's brother. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1849 Jenness, Richard. Portsmouth [N. H.] To Pierce [Con- Dec. 32 cord]. Abner Greenleaf's claim. A. L. S. 2 pp. PAPERS OP FEANKLIN PIERCE 31 1849 De Wolfe, H[enry]. Millville [Mass.] To Pierce, Concord. Dec. 16 Injury received at Contreras ; desires Pierce's testi- mony as to his military service; pension. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1849 Williams, Catharine K. Brooklyn, N. Y. To Pierce, Con- Dec. 16 cord. Pension claim of Henry De Wolfe; participa- tion in Dorr's rebelhon; his Mexican war services. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1849 George, Austin. East Wilton [N. H.] To Pierce, Concord. Dec. 18 Legal matter. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 King & Harding. Springfield [Mass.] To Pierce, Concord. Dec. 21 Request information of character of William Walker of Concord, N. H. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Glidden, E. J. Unity [N. H.] To Pierce [Concord]. De- Dec. 24 sires his assistance as counsel in sundry legal cases. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1849 Poor, Franldin U. Goffstown [N. H.] To Pierce, Concord. Dec. 24 Acknowledging receipt of land warrant for Alfred Noye. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Stark, Frederick G. Manchester [N. H.] To Pierce [Con- Dec. 27 cord]. Pay of referees in a law case. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 Dearborn, S[tephen] W. Exeter [N. H.] To [Pierce, Con- Dec. 28 cord]. Difficulty between R[ichard] Jenness and W. P. Hill. A. L. S. 1 p. 1849 locke, G. E. Lowell [Mass.] To Pierce, Concord. Web- Dec. 29 ster's suit against the town of LoweJl; instructs Pierce to proceed. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1849 Pierce, Fr[anklin]. Concord. To Austin George, East Dec. 31 Wilton, N. H. George's claim against Pierce. At- tested copy by S. C. H. Bailey. 1 p. [1849?] Camel Transportation Company. Prospectus: Routes from Corpus Chris ti [Texas] to San Francisco and across the Isthmus of Panama. Printed circular. 2 pp. Mailed to Pierce from Boston. [1849?] Peck, O. S. X. Business circular. Broadside. 1 p. 184- United States, Navy. ''Information for persons desirous of entering the medical department of the navy." Broadside. 1 p. 1850 Pierce & Minot. Concord. To the directors of the New Jan. 7 England Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Claim of [Franklin] Clay & Co. Copy. 1 p. 32 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1850 Prescott, William C. Concord. To Franklin Clay & Co. Jan. 7 Vote of Board of Directors of New England Mutual Fire Insurance Company on their claim. A. L. S. 1 p. 1850 Chatterton, John F. New Haven [Ccnn.l To [Pierce, June 9 Concord]. Recalling Pierce's kindness in Mexico; has named his son after Pierce. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1850 Slocnm, John S. Washington, D. C. To Pierce, Concord. July 14 Pension granted [Henry] De Wolfe; reported that it was obtained on Pierce's certificate; Slocum's conduct in the aifair. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1850 Pierce, Franklin. Concord [N. H.] To John S. Slocum, July 20 Washington. Did not furnish certificate to [Henry] De Wolfe; his disability. A. Df. S. 2 pp. 1850 De Wolfe, H[enry]. Millville [Mass.] To Pierce, Concord. Sep. 20 His pension has been suspended ; is informed that Pierce has joined the prime movers of this business. A. L. S. 1 p. 1850 Pierce, Franklin. Concord. To H[enry] De Wolfe. Has Sep. 21 had nothing to do with the suspension of his pen- sion. A. Df. S. 2 pp. [1850] Wheeler, Luther H. West Point, N. Y. To [Pierce, Con- Dec. 17 cord]. Wishes Pierce's legal aid in getting out of the army. A. L. S. 1 p. 1851 Pierce, Franklm. Concord. To Col. H. D. Pierce, Hills- Feb. 2 boro, N. H. Pohtics; opinion of [John] Atwood as candidate for governor; note due [Josiah] Minot; sub- scribers to " The Union Democrat " and discontinuance of Goodale's paper. A. Df. S. 3 pp. 1851 Pierce, Franklin. Concord. To Col. H. D. Pierce, Hills- Feb. 10 boro, N. H. State pohtics. Baptist support of [John] Atwood; subscribers for "The Union Demo- crat" and discontinuance of Goodale's paper. A. Df. S. 2 pp. 1852 Burke, Edmund. Washington [D. C] To Thomas Ritchie. Mae. 29 Political matters. Ritchie's correspondence with the Democratic young men of Georgia in 1841; the Vir- ginia Resolutions of 1798. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1852 Pierce, Franklin. Account against J. M. Harper & Ben- Mj^- jamin Sanborn for legal services from 1849, March 6, to 1852, March. 1 p. Endorsed: "Settled." PAPERS OF FRANKLIN PIERCE 33 1852 Apr. 9 1852 Apr. 13 1852 June 5 1852 June 5 1852 June 6 1852 June 8 1852 June 10 1852 June 14 1852 June 17 1852 June 24 84106 <^ Burke, Edmund. Washington [D. C] To Pierce [Con- cord]. Reviews the candidates for Presidential nomi- nation, Cass, Buchanan, Douglas, and others; asks Pierce to allow his name to be used as a compromise candidate. Copy. 5 pp. [Pierce, Franklin.] Concord. To Edmund Burke, Wash- ington, D. C. The nomination for the Presidency. Copy. 3 pp. Burke, Edmund, Baltimore [Md.] To [Pierce, Concord], Has great hopes of nominating Pierce for President as 'Hhe thing is about ripe." A. L. S. 3 pp, Burke, Edmund, Baltimore [Md,] To Pierce [Concord], The Presidential nomination will be given Pierce* wants material for a biography to be published at once. A, L. S, 4 pp, Burke, Edmund, Baltimore [Md.] To Pierce [Concord]. Reviews the results of the deliberations of the Na- tional Democratic Convention; [William R.] King on the ticket [for Vice President]; Pierce's chances of election; date of Senatorial elections in New Hamp- shire can wait on Pierce; use of [Louis] Kossuth's in- fluence. A. L. S, 4 pp, Burke, Edmund, Washington [D. C] To Pierce [Con- cord]. Has heard of political hostility of Pierce to- wards him; Burke's candidacy for United States Senator. A. L. S. 7 pp, Burke, Edmund. Washington [D. C] To Pierce [Con- cord]. Pierce's letter of acceptance of the Presiden- tial nomination; the west and Pierce's attitude on the Rivers and Harbors bill; [Democratic] ratification meeting in Washington ; securing the foreign vote for Pierce. A. L. S. 4 pp. Pierce, Franklin. Concord, To [Edmund Burke, Wash- ington, D, C] The alledged pohtical hostility be- tween Burke and himself; ["The Democratic ]Union." Two copies. 3 pp, each. Concord. To Col. J. F. H. Claiborne, His nomination. A. Df. S, 1 p, Washington [D. C] To Pierce [Con. cord]. The alledged political enmity between Pierce and himself; editorship of "The [Democratic] Union"; -17 3 Pierce, Franklin, New Orleans, Burke, Edmund, 34 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Burke's attitude; quarrel between "The Argus" and "The Patriot"; nomination of [Winfield] Scott; Democratic campaign preparations; Scott's support- ers; [Pierre] Soule's complimentarj^ remarks of Pierce; Dr. Hebbe and his influence with the foreign vote; "ideas" on which the campaign is to be fought; pubr lished biographies of Pierce. A. L. S. 8 pp. 1862 Hebbe, G. C. Washmgton, D. C. To Edmund Burke July 13 [New Hampshire]. Blunders of the [Democratic] Central Committee; difficulty in soothing [Louis] Kossuth; the Scandinavian and German voters; opinion of the Democratic principles. A. L. S. 4 pp. Hammote ( ?) S. A. New York. To George Bowers. Po- litical leanings of various newspapers; [Winfield] Scott's chances of election; his qualifications, etc. A. L. S. 4 pp. Pierce, Fr[anklin]. Rye Beach, New Hampshire. To J[ohn] F. H. Claiborne, New Orleans, La. Hopes of seeing him and Beauregard ; article on the fisheries in "The Patriot." A. L. S. 2 pp. Eitchie, Thomas. Washington, D. C. To R[ufus] King. Ritchie' proposed change in method of obtaining Presidential electors; disorganized state of Democrats in Georgia; Pierce's election. A. L. S. 3 pp. Pierce, Franklin. Concord. To Jefferson Davis [Missis- ; sippi]. Desires to talk with him concerning the South I and formation of his cabinet; correspondence to be I through Col. C. G. Greene to avoid idle speculation and surmise. Copy. 3 pp. 1852 Bennett, James G[ordon]. Paris. To Franklin Pierce, Dec. 15 Concord. Congratulations on his election; "The New York Herald's" success; does not need patronage; but desires a diplomatic appointment to last about a year as an answer to Bennett's calumniators and de- tractors. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1852 United States, Finance. "Pajnnents out of the fund for Contingent Expenses of Foreign Litercourse on the certificate of the President," under the administra- tions of John Qumcy Adams to Millard Fillmore in- clusive. 1 p. 1853 Bancroft, George. New York. To Pierce [Concord]. Let- Jan. 7 ter of condolence on loss of his son. A. L. S. 2 pp. July 21 1852 Aug. 22 1852 Aug. 26 1852 Dec. 7 /^ 1853 Jan. 12 1853 Jan. 17 1853 Feb. 7 1863 Feb. 13 1853 Feb. 18 1853 Sep. 12 PAPERS OP FEANKLIN PIERCE 35 Pierce, Franklin. Andover, Mass. To Jefferson Davis, Brierfield, Miss. Death of Pierce's son; time of his visit to Washington ; friendly relations between Davis and himself. Copy. 2 pp. Parris, Albion K[eith]. Portland, Maine. To Pierce, Concord. The Christian religion ; begs Pierce to make a public profession of Christianity. A. L. S. 5 pp. Greene, Charles G. Boston, To Jefferson Davis, Palmyra, Miss. Requesting him to be in Washington on Feb- ruary 15. Copy of telegram. 1 p. Davis, Jefferson. Brierfield [Miss.] To Col. Charles G. Greene, Boston. Time of visit to Washington. Copy of telegram, 1 p. Greene, Charles G. Boston. To Jefferson Davis [Brier- field, Miss.] Asks Davis to meet him in Washington as soon as possible. Copy of telegram. 1 p. [Marcy, WiUiam L.] Washington [D. C] To I. D. An- drews [Washington]. Instructions for his confiden- tial mission to the British North American colonies to obtain information relating to trade and commerce. Draft. 5 pp. 1853 Keefee, J. P. Montreal, Canada. Receipt to I[srael] D. Dec. 2 Andrews for traveling expenses in connection with the fisheries in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. A. D. S. 1 p. [1853] [Pierce, Franklin.] [Washington, D. C] Annual message. [Dec. 5] to Congress. A. Df. 5 pp. (incomplete). 1853 Coggswell, George. St. John, New Brunswick. Receipt to Dec. 21 I[srael] D. Andrews for traveling expenses. A. D. S. Ip. 1854 Seymour, Thomas H. London. To Mrs. [Jane Appleton] Jan. 31 Pierce. Presents her with a brooch. A, L, S. 1 p. 1854 Train, Enoch, and others. Boston. To [Pierce, Washing- Mar. 31 ton, D. C] Are authorized to collect funds for de- fraying expenses attending negotiations of recent treaty of Reciprocity with North American Colonies ; Boston will contribute toward relieving Israel D. Andrews of embarrassments incurred in the negotia- tion; Andrews in jail for debt; hope that Congress will appropriate for his relief. L. S. 3 pp. 1854 Hill, George N. Halifax. Receipt to I. D. Andrews. Apii. 18 A. L, S. 1 p. 36 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1854 Noble, William. Halifax. Receipt to I. D. Andrews for Apr. 21 pay for services as messenger. D. S. 1 p. 1854 Andrews, I[srael] D. Receipt to the United States for ■Aj-b. expenses incurred as confidential agent in the British North American colonies. A. D. S. 1 p. 1854 Andrews, I[srael] D. Receipt to the United States for MayI sums expended on a confidential mission [to the British North American colonies]. A. D. S. 1 p. [1854] Andrews, I[srael] D. Receipt to the United States for ex- [May 1] penses for confidential services of WiUiam Mackay. A. D. S. 1 p. [1854] [Pierce, Franklin.] [Washington, D. C] Message to the [May3J Senate: Veto of "an act making a grant of pubUc lands to the several States for the benefit of indigent insane persons." Draft, partly in Pierce's handwrit- ing. 41 pp. Printed in Richardson's Messages and Papers. V, 247. 1854 MacKay, William. St. John [Canada]. Receipt to May 10 I[srael] D. Andrews on account of services and to be expended. A. D. S. 1 p, [1854] Andrews, I[srael] D. Receipt to the United States for ex- [May?J penses incurred as confidential agent in the British North American colonies. A. D. S. 1 p. 1854 Pierce, Franldin. Washington [D. C] Message to Con- JuLY 31 gress. On the seizure of the Black Warrior hj Spain. A. Df. (except the last paragraph). 6 pp. 1854 Fillmore, Millard. Skaneateles, N. Y. To Pierce, Wash- AuG. 11 ington. Thanks Pierce for his sympathy. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1854 National Hotel. Washington [D. C] Account against Sep. 30 I. D. Andrews. A. D. S. Geo. M. Gay, clerk. 1 p. 1854 Andrews, Israel D. Account against the United States for Nov. 21 expenses incurred on a confidential mission to the British colonies in North America in connection with the treaty of reciprocity. With remarks on the various items. D. S. 14 pp. Also with receipt, dated Nov. 1854, for payment of the amount. [1854] [Pierce, Franklin.] [Washington, D. C] [Message to Con- [Dec. 4] gress] (second annual). Draft, partly in Pierce's handwriting. 187 pp. Printed in Richardson's Mes- sages and Papers, V, 273. PAPERS OF FRANKLI]^ PIERCE 87 [1854] [Pierce, Franklin.] [Washington, D. C] [Message to Con- [Dec. 30] gress: Veto of "An act malting appropriations for tlie repair, preservation and completion of certain public works heretofore commenced under the authority of law."] A. Df. 53 pp. Printed in Eichardson's Mes- sages and Papers, V, 257. 1855 Atherton, Anne. Washington [D. C] To Pierce [Wash- Feb. 19 ington, D. C] Wounded by Pierce's action; the legacy to him from her husband. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1855 Atherton, Anne. Washington [D. C] To Pierce [Wash- Feb. 19 ington]. Wishes to see Pierce ; legacy to him from her husband. A. L. S. 3 pp. [1855] [Pierce, Franklin.] [Washington, D. C] Message to the [Mar. 3] House of Representatives: Veto of ''Act making ap- propriations for the transportation of the United States mail by ocean steamers and otherwise during the fiscal years ending the 30th of June, 1855, and the 30th of June, 1856." A. Df. 15 pp. Printed m Richardson's Messages and Papers, V, 322. 1855 Pierce, Franklin. Washington [D. C] To Charles E. Mar. 13 Stuart [Washington]. Reasons for not signing the bill for deepening channel over St. Clair flats and in the St. Mary's river, Michigan, and signing that for improving the Savannah river; constitutional power of the President to sign bills after the adjournment of Congress. A. Df. S. 7 pp. 1855 Marcy, W[illiam] L[earned]. Department of State [Wash- May 11 ington, D. C] To [Pierce, Washington]. Requests authorization to use the contingent fund for expenses in case of United States vs. Kinney. D. S. 1 p. Au- thorization signed by Pierce at bottom of page. [1856] [Pierce, Franklin.] [Washington, D. C] [Message to Con- [Jan.?] gress: The Kansas situation.] Outline draft (not used ?) A. Df . 3 pp. Cf . Message of Jan. 24, 1856, in Richardson's Messages and Papers, V, 354. [1856] [Pierce, Franklin] [Message to Congress on the Kansas [Jan.?] difficulties]. A. Df . 45 pp. (not used). Cf. Message of Jan. 24, 1856, in Richardson's Messages and Pa- pers, V, 352. [1856] [Pierce, Franklin.] [Washington, D. C] [Proclamation [Feb. 11] against disorders in Kansas.] Df. 6 pp. Printed in Richardson's Messages and Papers, V, 390. 38 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1856 Mar. i 1856 May 22 1856 June 14 1856 June 20 1856 June 23 1856 Aug. 22 1856 Dec. 8 1856 Dec. 22 [1856?] Campbell, James. [Washington, D. C] To Arthur S. Nevitt, New Orleans. Employment of persons in the New Orleans post office who are hostile to the Demo- cratic party; desires a report. Draft by Pierce. 2 pp. McKeon, John. Washington [D. C] Account against the United States for expenses incurred in case of United States vs. Kjnney. Approved and countersigned by Pierce, C[aleb] Gushing and W. L. Marcy. 1 p. En- dorsed with McKeon's receipt. Stubbs, Edward. [Washington, D. C] To W[iniam] L. Marcy [Washington]. Transmits two orders of the President for disbursements. A. L. S. 1 p. Fairbanks, Erastus, and others. [Boston?] Committee report to the directors of the Connecticut & Passump- sic Rivers Railroad Company on plan for meeting the pajTiient of bonds. Broadside. 1 p. Enclosed in Lovering to Pierce, 1857, June 12. Barry, Annie. Cincinnati, Ohio. To Pierce [Washington]. Presents him with two volumes, "The ballad of Ire- land" and ''The Hamiltons" in gratitude for Pierce's kindness to her father. A. L. S. 1 p. Abbott, F[rancis] A. New York. To Franklin Pierce. Latest from Kansas; Lecompton not taken; defended by citizens and troops. Telegram. 1 p. [Meigs, Montgomery C] [Washington, D. C] To Mrs. Page. Price of [Hiram] Powers's statue of "America." Extract. 2 pp. Geary, John W. Lecompton, Kansas. To Pierce [Wash- ington, D. C] Public approval of Pierce's removals from office in Kansas; mismanagement in Kansas due to criminal complicity of public officers; Geary's opinion of abolitionism and its course in Kansas; origin of the Kansas trouble ; prominent actors therein ; Pierce deceived by his friends as to the truth of affairs in Kansas ; conspiracy to seize the Shawnee reserve ; thanks Pierce for his support ; invites him to visit Kansas. A. L. S. 5 pp. [Pierce, Franklin,] Address to the citizens of Charlottes- ville [Virginia] and the authorities of the University of Virginia. A. Df. 7 pp. PAPERS OF FRANKLIN PIERCE 39 1857 Geary, John W. Lecompton, Kansas. To Pierce [Wash- Jan. 12 ington, D. C] Pierce's approval of his conduct; re- moval of Judge [Samuel D.] Lecompte; necessity of impartial state officers; meeting of the ''Free State" legislature ; arrest of several Free State men in effort to cause a disturbance; efforts to reorganize Kansas as a territory; ''Topeka" movement a farce; the lead- ers of the disturbing element ; the Leavenworth Con- vention; meeting of the legislature; intends to pre- serve the peace. L. S. 13 pp. 1857 Geary, John W. Lecompton, Kansas. To Pierce [Wash- Jan. 19 ington, D. C] Recommends appointment of WiUiam P. Fain if Spencer is not confirmed by the Sen- ate. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1867 Whittlesey, Elisha. [Washington, D. C] To [Pierce, Jan. 22 Washington]. Efforts with [John Quincy] Adams not to object to passage of the usual resolutions by the House of Representatives on the death of Jona- than Cilley in 1838. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1857 Pierce, Josiah, jr. St. Petersburg, Russia. To Pierce Jan. 28- [Washington, D. C] Pierce's administration. A.L.S. Feb. 9 3 pp. [1857] [Gushing, Caleb.] [Washington, D. C] To [John McKeon, [Feb. 4] New York]. The President [Pierce] desires only the truth; has no wish regarding the production or non- production of any papers in the pending trial. Copy of telegram. 1 p. 1857 McKeon, John, New York. To Caleb Cushing [Washing- Feb. 4 ton, D. C] Attorney-general Fabens' evidence of letter from Sidney Webster over the frank of the President [Pierce] purporting an interest in Nicara- guan lands. Copy of telegram. 1 p. 1857 Everett, Edward. Boston. To [Pierce, Washington, Feb. 23 D. C] Contract for [Hiram] Powers' statue of "America." A. L. S. 4 pp. Endorsed by Pierce in pencil: "I do not understand this note, will Capt. Meigs explain?" 1857 Meigs, Montgomery C. Washington [D. C] To Pierce Feb. 25 [Washington]. Hiram Powers' statue of "America." A. L. S. 2 pp. 40 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1857 Arnold, Richard D. Savannah [Georgia]. To Pierce, Feb. 26 Washington [D. C] Democrats of Savannah wish to present him with a silver dinner service. Carbon manifold of A. L, S. 1 p. 1857 Vaux, Richard, and others. Philadelphia. To Pierce Feb. 27 [Washington, D. C] Invitation to public dinner by citizens of Philadelphia. L. S. 104 signatures. 5 pp. 1857 Wilkins, F. G., and others. Columbus, Georgia. To Feb. 27 [Pierce, Washington, D. C] Invitation to visit the city of Columbus. 2 pp; 1857 Andrews, Henry B., and H. Stnart. Washington [D. C] Mar. 2 To Pierce [Washington]. Ask for copy of Pierce's re- marks to the committee on behalf of the citizens of Texas. A. L. S. of Andrews, signed also by Stuart. Ip. Miles, John D. Philadelphia. To Pierce [Washington, D. C] Resolution of the Select and Common Council proffering the use of Independence Hall for his recep- tion. A. L. S. 1 p. Whittlesey, Elisha. Washington [D. C] To Pierce. Thanks for kindness and confidence shown him during his administration. A. L. S. 1 p. Vroom, Peter D. Berlin. To Pierce [Concord]. Pierce's administration; his kindness to Vroom. A. L. S. 4 pp. Honcnre, J. C, and others. Fredericksburg [Virginia]. To Pierce [Washington, D. C] Invitation to public supper by the citizens of Fredericksburg. L. S. 1 p. Ewing, U. E., and others. Louisville [Kentucky]. To Pierce [Concord?] Invitation to pubUc dinner in honor of James Guthrie. 1 p. Nicholson, A[lfred] O. P. Columbia, Tennessee. To [Pierce, Concord]. Financial business ; Pierce's kind- ness ; politics. A. L. S. 3 pp. Warren, G. Washington, and others. Charlestown, Massa- chusetts. To Pierce [Concord]. Invitation to cele- bration of 82d anniversary of the battle of Bunker Hill and "inauguration" of a statue of General War- ren. Printed circular. 1 p. Mar. 5 1867 Mar. 9 1857 Mar. 10 1857 Mar. 11 1857 Mar. 18 1857 Mar. 27 1857 Apr. 7 PAPERS OF FEANKLlN PIERCE 41 1857 Apr. 11 1857 Apr. 16 1857 Apr. 24 1857 May 5 1857 May? 1857 May 26 1857 May 29 1857 June 3 1857 June 6 Ward, Townsend. Philadelphia. To Pierce [Philadel- phia]. Invitation to attend formal presentation of the Penn treaty belt to the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. A. L. S. 1 p. Quarles, W. A., and others. Nashville, Tennessee, To Pierce [Concord?] Invitation of the Democratic State Convention to visit Tennessee. 3 pp. Cantwell, Edward. Raleigh, N. C. To L[awrence] 0'B[rien] Branch [North Carolina]. Encloses news- paper account of the Democratic district convention to be forwarded to Pierce. A. L. S. 2 pp. Dobbin, J[ames] C[ochrane]. Fayettesville [N. C] To Pierce [Concord]. His health; joint letter to Pierce from his cabinet; [Caleb] Cushing's speech. A. L. S. 4 pp. McClelland, Robert. Detroit, Michigan. To Pierce [Con- cord]. Health of James C. Dobbin; personal men- tions; [Caleb] Cushing; the people's growing appre- ciation of Pierce's administration ; enemies of [Lewis] Cass and [James] Buchanan ; lack of harmony in the Democratic party ; emigration to the west ; invitation to Pierce and Mrs. Pierce to visit Michigan ; indecision as to the work to take up. A. L. S. 7 pp. Sontbwortli, S[ylvester] S. New York. To Pierce, Boston. Apology for not calling when Pierce was in New York. A. L. S. 1 p. Smith, Larkin. Ft. Davis, Texas. To Pierce [Concord]. Requests Pierce's recommendation for appointment as paymaster in the army. A. L. S. 1 p. Endorsed by Pierce: "Ansd and letter sent to Wm. S. Barton." Nicholson, A[lfred] O. P. Washington [D. C] To Pierce, Boston. President Buchanan's manner; office seek- ers; [John W.] Forney and the Liverpool consulate; ["The Democratic] Union" management; the Ten- nessee elections ; the governorship ; [Gideon J.] Pillow, Nicholson's antagonist for United States senator. A. L. S. 4 pp. French, F. O., and G. Gorham. Cambridge, Mass. To [Pierce, Boston]. Will ' ' receive their friends on Class- Day, June 19th." Invitation to reception on Class- Day [at Harvard University]. Engraved card. 1 p. 42 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1857 Winslow, Isaac. Washington [D. C] To Pierce [Boston]. June 9 Failure of the Senate to confirm his nomination as agent for the Pottowatomie Indians; asks statement from Pierce to aid in settlement of his accounts. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1857 Robertson, Wyndham. Washington [D. C] To Pierce, June 10 Concord. Buchanan has refused to appoint him as consul to Trieste; intends to practice law at St. Paul, Minnesota; asks permission to use Pierce as a refer- ence.. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1867 Felton, C[ornelius] C. Cambridge [Mass.] To Pierce [Con- JuNE 12 cord]. Invitation to hear [Edward] Everett deUver his oration on the character of Washington. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1857 lovering, N[athaniel] P. Boston. To Pierce [Concord]. June 12 Purchase of railroad stock; recommends purchase of bonds. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1857 Fish, Julia K. New York. To Pierce [Concord]. Thanks June 16 him for introduction to [Nathaniel] Hawthorne and [George Champlin?] Mason; preparations for trip to Europe; personal mentions. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1857 Slarin, Peter. Washington, D. C. To Pierce, Concord. June 17 Has appointment as night watchman in the Patent Office; personal mentions. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1857 Rice & Hart. Philadelphia. Receipt from Adams Ex- June 26 press Company for box addressed to Franklin Pierce, Concord, New Hampshire. Printed form filled out. Ip. 1857 Cleveland, Perkins. Boston. To Pierce [Concord]. Asks . June 26 for letter recommending George W. Bently, who is a bidder for making stamped envelopes for the United States Post Office. A. L. S. 3 pp. [1857] Conger, A. B. Waldberg, N. Y. To Pierce [Concord]. [June 26] Transmits invitation of citizens of Rockland county to attend laying of cornerstone of monument to [An- thony] Wayne's storm of Stony Point. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1857 De Noyelles, John L. Haverstraw, N. Y. To Pierce, Con- JuNB 26 cord. Invitation to deliver the oration at laying of cornerstone of monument in commemoration of the storming of Stony Point, by [Anthony] WajTie. A. L. S. 2 pp. Enclosed in Conger to Pierce, 1857, June 26. PAPERS OF FRANKLIN PIERCE 43 1857 Rice & Hart. Philadelphia. To Pierce [Concord]. For- JuNE 26 wards a copy of the "National Portrait Galler}'." A. L. S. 1 p. 1857 Macey, George W., jr. Cincinnati, O. To Pierce, Con- JuNE 29 cord. Pierce's administration. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1867 [Pierce, Franklin.] Andover, Mass. To John L. De Noy- JuNE 30 elles [Haverstraw, N. Y.] Regrets inabihty to be present at celebration of the battle of Stony Point. A. Df. 3 pp. 1857 Brady, M[atthew] B. New York. To Pierce [Concord]. July 1 Asks return of an imperfect photograph. A. L. S. Ip. 1857 Upton, George B. Boston. To Pierce [Concord]. Requests July 1 Pierce's influence with [Isaac] Toucey. A. L. S. 1 p. 1857 Campbell, James. Philadelphia. To Pierce [Concord]. July 6 Death of [Wilham Learned] Marcy ; illness of Camp- bell's wife; Pierce's letter to his Cabinet; [John W.] Forney and his new journal ''The Press"; sale of "The Pennsylvanian." A. L. S. 2 pp. 1867 Aiken, W[illiam] Appleton. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. To July? Pierce [Concord]. Family matters. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1857 Hoover, J[onah] D. Washington [D. C] To Pierce [Con- July7 cord]. Pierce's place of residence ; Hoover's retention of office ; will not give the President [James Buchanan] the chance to reject his application; [John W.] For- ney and establishment of ''The Press" in Philadel- phia, the south, [Gov. Robert J.] Walker's removal and Kansas; [William Learned] Marcy's death. A. L. S. 7 pp. 1857 Mansfield, Giles. New Haven [Conn.] To Pierce [Con- JuLY 8 cord]. Asks Pierce's influence to obtain a consulship for his son. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1857 Law, John. Vincennes, Indiana. To Pierce, Concord. July 9 Death and character of [William Learned] Marcy; suggests a western trip for Pierce; thanks for his aid to Law's son. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1857 Whitney, James S. Springfield [Mass.] To Pierce, Con- JuLY 11 cord. Regrets his absence when Pierce visited Springfield. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1857 French, B[enjamin] B[rown]. Syracuse, N. Y. To Pierce July 12 [Concord]. Deaths of [Wilham L.] Marcy and [James] Bell. A. L. S. 3 pp. 44 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1867 French, John F. North Hampton [N. H.] To Pierce. JuLT 13 Price of hia horse. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1857 Ricketts, Avoostine. Greenwich, Conn. To Pierce [Con- JuLY 13 cord]. Family matters. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1857 Butterfield, Wilham. Concord, N. H. To Pierce [An- July20 dover]. Returns letter of [Benjamin B.] French; af- fairs in Kansas; [Gov. Robert J.] Walker's course; New Hampshire people's neglect of their own affairs "while giving themselves much unnecessary trouble in regard to negroes and the affairs of other commu- nities." A. L. S. 3 pp. 1857 Benson, Samuel P. Nantucket [Mass.] To Pierce [Con- JuLY 21 cord]. Returns money for railroad tickets purchased by Pierce; bonds. A. L. S. 1 p. 1857 Brewster, A. O. Hanover, N. H. To [Pierce, Concord]. July 21 Invites Pierce to visit him. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1857 Brewster, Susan B. Hanover [N. H.] To Pierce [Con- JuLY 22 cord]. Invites Pierce to visit her. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1857 Davis, Jefferson. Brierfield, Mississippi. To Pierce [Con- July23 cord]. lUness of his son; his part in opposition to resolution in state convention censuring R[obert] J[ohn] Walker, Buchanan, and Pierce for Kansas ac- tion; substance of his speech; thanks Pierce for speech in Faneuil Hall. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1857 Wilder, Marshall P[inckney]. Boston. To Pierce [Con- JuLY 23 cord]. Invitation to be present at the 5th Exhibition of the United States Agriculture Society at Louisville, Kentucky, and a speech at the banquet. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1857 [Pierce, Franklin.] Concord, N. H. To James Shields Jtjly 28 [Minnesota]. Introducing Col. Benjamin Grover and asks that he be shown the land purchased for Pierce. Copy. 1 p. 1857 [Pierce, Franklin.] Copies of promissory notes, in favor of July 29 Pierce, of Wilham Eayres, Sep. 27, 1854, and E. B. Hammond, Dec. 3, 1852. ''Originals sent to Mark GiUis, Nashua [N. H.] for coUection July 17, 1857. Wrote again, July 29." A. D. 1 p. 1857 Winslow, Warren. Fayetteville, N. C. To [Pierce, Con- AuG. 4 cord]. Death of James C. Dobbin. A. L. S. 1 p. PAPERS OF FRANKLIN PIERCE 45 1857 Jones, George W. Dubuque, Iowa. To Pierce, Concord. Aug. 6 Invites Pierce to visit him ; Pierce's lands ; political appointments in Iowa; resignation of [Augustus C] Dodge. A. L. S. 7 pp. 1857 McLean, Washington. Cincinnati, O. To [Pierce, Con- AuG. 8 cord]. Ohio elections; defeat of Pierce's critics; invi- tation to visit Ohio. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1857 Campbell, James. Philadelphia. To Pierce [Concord]. Aug. 12 Acknowledges Pierce's condolences on the death of his wife. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1857 Foster, Jolin S. Boston. To Pierce [Concord]. Invita- AuG. 13 tion to deliver a lecture before the IVIerchantile Li- brary Association. A. L. S. 1 p. 1857 Bellows, A. Herbert. Concord, N. H. To H[enry] Aug. 14 A [dams] Bellows. The Mason farm at Walpole, N. H. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1857 Guthrie, James. Louisville [Kentucky]. To [Pierce, Con- AuG. 17 cord]. Democratic victory in Kentucky ; Guthrie pro- posed for Speaker [in the Kentucky legislature] ; is no longer ambitious poHtically; his friends wish him to be United States Senator; the history of Pierce's ad- ministration; Guthrie's health; Pierce's visit to Ken- tucky. A. L. S. 6 pp. 1857 Grover, Benjamin. Concord, N. H. To Pierce [Andover ?]. Aug. 19 Opinion of treatment of Pierce [in western land pur- chase]; Grover's action in the matter. A. L. S. 1 p. 1857 Smith, Larkin. Ft. Davis, Texas. To Pierce [Andover]. Aug. 20 Thanks for Pierce's interest and aid. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1857 Woodman, Benjamin P. Meredith Village, N. H. To Aug. 20 Pierce [Andover]. Requests information as to per- jury charge against Mark W. Boynton, for use in his suit with Boynton, A. L. S. 1 p. 1857 Evans, Eastwick. Washington [D. C] To Pierce [An- AuG. 22 dover]. Requests Pierce's influence to obtain ap- pointment in one of the Government departments. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1857 Herbert, Samuel. Romney [N. H.] To Pierce [Andover]. Aug. 24 Asks Pierce's influence to aid in obtaining office of district attorney for New Hampshire. A. L. S. 1 p. 1857 Atlee, Samuel Yorke. Washington [D. C] To Pierce Aug. 27 [Andover]. Explains his political course; desires Pierce's influence [to obtain office]. A. L. S. 4 pp. 46 ' LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1867 Taney, R[oger] B[rooke]. Wliite Sulphur Springs [Vir- AuG. 29 ginia]. To Pierce [Concord]. Personal matters; con- fidence that his judicial act [the Dred Scott decision] will stand the test of time; regrets the adoption of principle of rotation in office by the present adminis- tration ; its disastrous consequences. A. L. S. 4 pp. [1867] Steedman, Charles. Washington [D. C] To [Pierce, Con- •A^uG- cord]. Sends wine presented to Pierce by Purser [Edward C] Doran. A. L. S. 3 pp. [1857] Gilclirist, J[olm]J[ames]. Charlestown [N. H.] To Pierce, Sep. 2 Portsmouth. Judge [Benjamin Robbins] Curtis has resigned; asks Pierce's influence to succeed him on the United States Supreme Court. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1867 Cox, Samuel S. Columbus, 0[hio]. To Pierce [Concord]. Sep. 3 Sends sketch of his address at Providence [Rhode Island]. A. L. S. 1 p. 1867 Munn, Thomas B. Oxford [Conn. ?]. To Pierce [Concord]. Sep. 4 Invitation to address the Connecticut River Valley Agricultural and Industrial Association. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1867 Stevens, Oliver. Boston. To Pierce. Invites Pierce to Sep. 4 address the "Young Men's Democratic Club of Bos- ton." A. L. S. 2 pp. 1867 Dickins, A[sbury]. Washington [D. C] To Pierce [Con- Sep. 7 cord]. Holds 100 copies of Pierce's last annual mes- sage to Congress, at his disposal. A. L. S. 1 p. 1867 [Pierce, Franklin.] Portsmouth, N. H. To [John S. Fos- Sep. 14 ter, Boston]. Dechnes invitation [to lecture before the Mercantile Library Association]. A. Df. 2 pp. 1867 Atlee, Samuel Yorke. Washington [D. C] To [Pierce Sep. 14 Portsmouth]. His connection with the "Know Knotliing" party after his dismissal from the Treas- ury. A. L. S. 4 pp. [1857] Gilclirist, J[ohn] J[ames]. Charlestown [N. H.] To Pierce Sep. 16 [Portsmouth]. His chance of appointment to the United States Supreme Court. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1867 Hill, Silas H. New York City. To Pierce [Portsmouth]. Sept. 17 His Eastern and Northern tour; meeting with [Mar- tin] Van Buren ; poUtics. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1857 Boardman, H[enry] A[ugustus]. Philadelphia. To Pierce, Sep. 19 [Portsmouth]. Personal; advantages of living in Philadelphia; religion. A. L. S. 4 pp. PAPERS OF FRANKLIN PIERCE 47 1857 Merrill, R. E. Boston. To Pierce [Portsmoutli]. New Sep. 21 Hampshire politics. A. L. S. 3 pp. [1867] Seamans, A[ugustus] G. Washington [D. C] To Pierce, Sep. 22 Portsmouth. Efforts to secure [public] documents for Pierce. A. L. S. 1 p. 1857 Thornton, James S. Nashua, N, H. To Pierce, Ports- Sep. 22 mouth. Thanlvs for Pierce's kindness ; his reappoint- ment into the navy. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1857 Meader, Jonathan W. Manchester [N. H.] To Pierce, Sep. 23 Portsmouth. Aslcs Pierce's influence toward obtain- ing a government appointment. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1857 Smalley, D. A. Burlington [Vermont]. To Pierce [Ports- Sep. 23 mouth]. Sends a box of pears. A. L. S. 3 pp. Also express company's receipt for the box. 1857 Curtis, J[ames] L. New Yorli. To Pierce [Portsmouth]. Sep. 25 Queries as to the plumbago mine in New Hampshire. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1857 Pierce, Thomas P. Manchester. To Pierce [Portsmouth]. Oct. 1 Desires priviledge to use his name as reference for a company which has leased the National Hotel at Washington, D. C. A. L. S. 1 p. 1857 Snow, W. R. [Washmgton, D. C] To Pierce [Ports- OcT. 4 mouth]. Difficulties of his position at the White House ; intends changing his position. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1857 Pierce, F[ranklin]. Portsmouth, N. H. To J[ame9] L. Oct. 5 Curtis, New York. The plumbago mine at Goshen, New Hampshire. A. Df. S. 4 pp. 1857 Hamilton, James A. Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. To Pierce [Ports- OcT. 5 mouth]. Has arrived home; health. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1857 Hubbard, Jolin. Bangor [Maine]. To Pierce [Portsmouth]. Oct. 6 Requests Pierce's influence to obtain appointment as Register of the Land Office at Faribault, Minnesota. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1857 Tarlton, S. H. Newburyport [Massachusetts]. To Al- OcT. 8 bert P, Hatch. Sale of his farm to Pierce. A. L. S. Ip. 1857 Broadhead, John M. Washington [D. C] To Pierce Oct. 9 [Portsmouth]. His removal from office; interview with the President [James Buchanan]; the adminis- tration's antagonism to Pierce's friends ; succeeded by J[ames] M. Cutts; desires to be New Hampshire dele- gate to Democratic Convention. A. L. S. 19 pp. 48 LIBRABY OF CONGRESS [1857] McClelland, Robert. [Detroit?, Mich.] To Pierce [An- [OcT. 21] dover]. [Caleb] Cusliuig's speeches and ability; in- tends to read law; interest in politics; personal men- tions ; invites Pierce to visit him ; chances of going to Washington. A. L. S. Last 3 pp. only. 1857 Toucey, Isaac. Washington [D. C] To Pierce [Andover]. Oct. 21 By direction of the President offers passage to Pierce and Mrs. Pierce to Madeira in the U. S. frigate Pow- Tmtan. L. S. 2 pp. 1857 March, Charles W. New York. To [Pierce, Portsmouth]. Oct. 23 President Buchanan's offer of the [U. S. S.] Powhatan to take Pierce and his wife to Madeira. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1857 Pierce, Franklin. Andover, Mass. To Isaac Toucey Oct. 26 [Washington, D. C] Postpones acceptance of passage in the U. S. Frigate Powhatan to Madeira. A. Df . S. 3 pp. 1857 Hall, Joseph. Custom House, Boston. To Pierce [An- OcT. 28 dover]. Requests Pierce's influence to obtain posi- tion as Deputy Collector and Inspector of Customs at Camden, Maine. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1857 Brady, M[atthew] B. [New York.] To Pierce [Andover ?] Nov. 6 Offers to sell three finished impressions of Pierce's photograph. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1857 Mason, J[ames] M[urray]. Selma, near Winchester, Va. Nov. 16 To Pierce [Andover]. Health of Mrs. Pierce; their intended voyage to Madeira; the Richmond En- quirer's fight against [Robert M. T.] Hunter's election to the Senate. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1857 Brooks, Edward. Washington, D. C. To Pierce [An- Nov. 20 dover]. Gratitude for kindness shown his son. A. L. S. 3 pp. [1857] Boston, Democrats. Address to Pierce. 1 p. 1858 Dodge, A. C. Madrid [Spain]. To Pierce [Madeira]. In- Feb. 18 vites Pierce to visit him in Spain; personal mentions; Dodge's resignation; Pierce's administration. L. S. 7 pp. 1858 De Leon, Edwin. Alexandria, Egypt. To J. T. Marshall, Mae. 10 Alexandria. Translation of a paper ; Dr. J. W. Gor- ham's assistance to De Leon at Jerusalem. A. L. S. 2 pp. PAPERS OF FRANKLIN PIERCE 49 1868 Davis, Jefferson, Washington, D. C. To Pierce. Davis' Apr. 4 health; minor administration news, confirmations, etc.; Pierce's friends in Buchanan's administration; latter's disclaimer of discrimination; the political outlook. L. S. 7 pp. Postscript from V[aruia] Davis to Mrs. Pierce. Society in Washington. A. L. S. 1 p. 1858 O'SuIlivan, Susan. U. S. Legation, Lisbon. To [Mrs. Jane July 6 Pierce, Spain]. Sends books; adieux and personal mentions. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1858 Dodge, A[ugustus] C[aesar]. Valencia [Spain]. To Pierce July 19 [Switzerland]. Failure to see Pierce; delay in arrival of Dodge's successor. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1868 McClelland, R[obert]. Detroit, Michigan. To Pierce Sep. 3 [Italy]. Buchanan's policy toward Kansas; Demo- cratic troubles; [Charles E.] Stuart and [Stephen A.] Douglas; former's nomination for governor; [Abra- ham] Lincohi and Douglas; slavery and slaves; Bu- chanan's conduct; difficulties in obtaining appoint- ments; Pierce's administration; [Jefferson] Davis' speeches, ability, and patriotism; personal mentions. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1858 Minot, J[osiah]. Concord [N. H.] To Pierce [Italy]. Po- Sep. 6 Utical conament; financial arrangements for Pierce; Personal mentions. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1858 Campbell, James. Philadelphia. To Pierce. Pierce's Sep. 20 travels; the Democratic situation in New Hampsliire; reelection of [Stephen A.] Douglas; feeling against the administration; [John] Slidell and [Jesse D.] Bright; former's actions ; fight between [John W.] Forney and the administration; New York democracy; personal mentions. A. L. S. 7 pp. 1868 Cnshing, C[aleb]. Newburyport [Massachusetts]. To Oct. 2 Pierce [Rome]. Personals; confirmation of Judge [Nathan] ChfFord [as associate justice of United States Supreme Court] and appointment of [Sidney] Web- ster ; impression made on New England by [Jefferson] Davis during his summer at Portland; Democratic prospects; [Stephen A.] Douglas' breach with the ad- ministration; his chances of success; he is embar- rassed financially and pohtically; no example of a leader overcoming a President of his own party ; can- not hope to succeed where Hamilton, Clay, Calhoun, 84106°— 17 4 50 LIBEABY OF CONGRESS 1858 Oct. 6 1858 Nov. 18 1858 Nov. 1858 Dec. 6 1858 Dec. 23 1859 Jan. 17 1859 May 23 1859 June 12 1859 June 18 and others failed; [John W.] Forney's attitude; Demo- cratic representatives from Maine and New Hamp- shire; feehng of Buchanan and Cabinet against ''our set" amended; Democratic Presidential movements; New York's plan; South jealous of its own leaders; Repubhcan indications point to Seward and Chase. A. L. S. 4 pp. Noble, Mason. Washington [D. C] To Pierce, Rome, Italy. Personal mentions; religion. A. L. S. 4 pp. Ardison, A. Rome [Italy]. To Pierce [Rome]. Encloses letters. A. L. S. 2 pp. (In French.) Viollier, Louis W. Geneva [Switzerland]. To Pierce, Florence. Mrs. Pierce's health; fails of re-appoint- ment as United States consul at Geneva; stiU hopes. A. L. S. 4 pp. Hill, Clement. Washmgton [D. C] To Pierce [Europe]. Appreciation of Pierce's kindness to his son ; personal mentions; pohtics. A. L. S. 4 pp. Harris, J. George. U. S. S. Wahash, Genoa. To Pierce. [President] Buchanan's letter to the Fort Duquesne Committee, and French and English newspaper com- ment thereon. A. L. S. 4 pp. Davis, JefF[erson]. Washington, D. C. To [Pierce, Eu- rope]. The pohtical situation; Davis' New England tour ; sectional differences of opinion among the people less than Davis supposed ; personal mentions. A. L. S. 4 pp. Gushing, C[aleb]. Boston. To Pierce [Europe]. Attitude of the New York Herald and other newspapers toward [President] Buchanan and Pierce; personal mentions; [Jefferson] Davis' speech at Faneuil HaU; distracted state of both Democratic and Repubhcan parties; Pierce's personal influence in securing harmony at the Charleston [S. C, Democratic] Convention. A. L. S. 3 pp. KTewell, G. W. Washington, D. C. To Pierce [Europe]. Has endeavored to revive the question [of belligerent property rights under a neutral flag]; United States entitled to the privileges of the Declaration [of Paris, 1856]. A. L. S. 2 pp. Stockton, P. A. Dresden [Saxony]. To Pierce [Europe]. Sends plans of a house admired by Pierce in the suburbs of Dresden. A. L. S. 2 pp. PAPERS OP FRANKLIN PIERCE 51 1869 [Fair, Elisha Y.] Brussels. To the royal mar^chal of June 21 Belgium. Pierce's appreciation of invitation to visit King; Mrs. Pierce's health. Contemporary copy of draft, in French, 2 pp. 1859 Vandervoort, James. Carlsbad [Bohemia]. To Pierce June 22 PBrussels]. Mrs. Pierce's health; personal mentions. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1859 Billiny, . Paris. To [John Young Mason, Paris]. June 28 Arranging an audience for Pierce with the Comte Walewski. A. L. S. 2 pp. (In French.) 1869 Mason, J[ohn] Y[oung]. Paris. To Pierce [London]. July 5 Pierce's charge that Mason never wrote to any one; forwards letter. A. L. S. 2 pp. Endorsed by Pierce: "Last letter ever rec'd from him by me." 1859 Dalton, C. H. Boston. To Pierce. Acknowledges con- JuLY 11 tribution to the Chelmsford Monument; his letter published in ''The Boston Post." A. L. S. 2 pp. 1859 Tucker, Beverly. Liverpool, England. To Pierce, Lon- JuLY 19 don. State rooms for Pierce and his wife on the Cunarder Ganada ; invites Pierce to visit him. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1859 Campbell, Hugh. Philadelphia. To Pierce [Boston?] Aug. 29 Welcomes him back to his native land ; invitation to visit St. Louis. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1859 Anderson, S. R. NashvUle, Tennessee. To Pierce [Con- Sep. 2 cord]. Invites Pierce to the [Democratic] jubilee cele- bration in Nashville. A. L. S. 1 p. 1859 Davis, Jeff[erso]n. Oakland, Maryland. To Pierce [Can- Sep. 2 cord ?] Pierce's return to America ; health ; use of Pierce's name in the Charleston [Democratic] Con- vention for the Presidential nomination; opposition to him would make the issue between abolitionists and friends of the Constitution distinct; political fic- tion that the South desires to reopen the slave trade; chicanery of certain Presidential aspirants. A. L. S. 4 pp. [1869] Hoover, J[onah] D. Philadelphia, Pa. To [Sidney] Web- [Sep. 2] ster [Boston]. Contemplated visit to Boston ; inquires [as to Pierce]. A. L. S. 1 p. 1859 Shugert, Samuel T. [Washington, D. C] To Pierce, Con- Sep. 2 cord. Sends copies of certain Government reports. A. L. S. 1 p. 52 LIBBARY OF CONGRESS 1859 Smith, G, P., and others, Nashville, Tennessee. To Sep. 2 Pierce, Concord. Invites Pierce to the [Democratic] jubilee celebration in Nashville. L. S. 1 p. 1859 Whittlesey, Elisha. Canfield, Ohio. To Pierce, Concord. Sep. 2 Gratified to hear of Pierce's return to the United States; family matters. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1859 Hill, Clement. Prince Georges County, Maryland. To Sep. 5 Pierce, Concord. Congratulations for his safe return; appreciation of Pierce's kindnesses. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1859 Shorter, Eli S. Eufaula, Alabama. To Pierce, Concord. Sep. 7 Alabama prefers Pierce as Presidential nominee; the Kansas question ; [Stephen A.] Douglas' position ; at- titude of the Southern Democracy on the extension slavery through new states ; asks for a statement from Pierce; confidential reply wiU be respected. A. L. S. 4 pp. Reed, WiUiam B. Philadelphia. To Pierce [Concord]. Welcomes him back again; personal mentions; poli- tics. A. L. S. 3 pp. loring, George B. Salem [Massachusetts]. To Pierce, Concord. Hopes to meet him at Agricultural Fair in Charles town, N. H. A. L. S. 1 p. Abbot, G[eorge] J. Washington [D. C] To Pierce [Con- cord]. Forwarding a letter. A. L. S. 1 p. Smith, John C. Washington [D. C] To Pierce, Concord. Welcome to his native land; personal mentions. A. L. S. 3 pp. Appleton, William. Brookline, Massachusetts. To Pierce, Concord. Hopes he will be present at the "inaugura- tion" of the Webster statue; invites him to dine and spend the night. A. L. S. 1 p. Minot, J[osiah]. Concord. To Pierce, Portsmouth. House for Pierce ; appointment of an associate trustee for the B[ritish] C[olumbia] & Montreal Railroad bonds. A. L. S. 2 pp. Hamilton, James A. Dobbs Ferry [New York]. To Pierce, Concord. Congratulations on his return from abroad. A. L. S. 3 pp. Hamilton, James A. Dobbs Ferry [New York] . To Mrs. [Franklin] Pierce, Concord. Congratulations on re- turn from Europe. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1859 Sep. 7 1859 Sep. 8 1859 Sep. 9 1859 Sep. 9 1859 Sep. 11 1859 Sep. 11 1859 Sep. 12 1859 Sep. 12 PAPERS OF FRANKLIN PIERCE 53 1859 Jewett, Jedediah. Portland, Maine. To Pierce [Concord]. Sep. 14 Invitation to public banquet and ball on occasion of arrival of the Great Eastern at Portland. Printed cir- cular with steel engraving of view of Portland at top, addressed in MS. to Pierce. . 1 p. 1859 Dodge, Frederick. Hanover, N. H. To Pierce [Concord]. Sep. 16 Invitation to address the two literary societies at Dartmouth College. A. L. S. 1 p. 1869 March, Clement. Portsmouth, N. H. To Pierce [Con- Sep. 16 cord]. Purchase of Capt. Salter's place for Pierce. A. L. S. 1 p. 1859 Coleman, Ann Mary. Paris [France]. To Pierce [Concord]. Sep. 17 Requests Pierce's influence to obtain a commission in the army for her son J[ohn] C[rittenden] Coleman. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1859 Breed, Z. Weare, N. H. To Pierce [Concord]. Invitation Sep. 19 to a "farmers gathering" near North Weare. A. L. S. Ip. [1869] Foster, S. B. Northampton [N. H.] To Pierce [Concord]. Sep. 19 Mrs. Moses Steele desires to see Pierce. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1869 Gushing, C[aleb]. Washington [D.C.] To S[idney] Webster Sep. 20 [Boston]. Cushing's going to the [National Demo- cratic] Convention is regarded as a move by the "Pierce men." A. L. S. 2 pp. 1869 Towner, Noble. New Haven, Connecticut. To Pierce, Oct. 3 Concord. Barbadoes as a health resort; offers use of his bark to Pierce for the voyage thither. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1869 Cady, Heman M. New York. To Pierce [Concord]. Re- OcT. 17 quests a letter of introduction from Pierce for busi- ness use on the Pacific coast. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1859 Boardman, H[enry] A[ugustus]. WiUiamsport, Pa. To Oct. 20 Pierce [Concord]. Letter introducing Rev. Mr. Par- ker; cutting of the Choctaw mission a costly holocaust to the demon of Abolitionism; the Harper's Ferry wickedness [John Brown's raid]. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1859 Comstock, Elon. New York. To Pierce, Concord. Pierce's Oct. 24 introduction to [Sen. Benjamin] Fitzpatrick and [Sen. Jefferson] Davis; employment on "The Journal of Commerce;" Pierce's administration; use of his name as Presidential nominee in the Charleston [Demo- 54 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS cratic] Convention; [Daniel Stevens] Dickinson's Presidential aspirations; [Horatio] Seymour and [Stephen A.] Douglas. A. L. S. 3 pp. [1869] Coleman, Ann Mary. New York. To Pierce [Concord]. Oct. Pierce's influence in obtaining an army ccmmission for her son J[ohn] Crittenden Coleman. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1859 Stickney, G. W. Lowell [Massachusetts]. To Pierce [Con- Nov. 1 cord]. Mrs. Pierce's dividends. A. L. S. 1 p. 1859 Boyd, E. Holmes. University of Virginia [Charlottes- Dec. 5 ville]. To Pierce [Concord]. Invitation on behalf of the Jefferson and Washington societies of university to address them at the close of the session, July 4, 1860. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1859 Pierce, Franklin. Concord. To William Appleton and oth- Dbc. 7 ers [Boston]. The aspect of affairs; [the John Brown raid]; spirit in New England, Middle, and Northwest- ern states; duty of sustaining the Union; time to dis- regard party politics; the flag; advises calmness; the Virginia trouble [John Brown's raid] and the teach- ings responsible for it; appeals to sectional prejudice; urges broadmindedness between North and South; the Constitution; denies the doctrine of the "irre- pressible conflict;" faith in the efforts of the meeting [of Union citizens of Massachusetts] ; faith in the ''God of our fathers" ; regrets inability to attend the meet- mg. A. Df. S. 18 pp. 1859 Barlow, Samuel L. M., and Wilson G. Hunt. New York. Dec. 16 To Pierce [Hartford, Connecticut]. Invitation to at- tend the Union meeting at the Academy of Music. Galley proof. 1 column. 1859 Pierce, Franklin. Hartford, Connecticut. To S[amuel] Dec. 17 L. M. Barlow and Wilson G. Hunt, New York. Re- grets inability to attend the [Union] meeting at the Academy of Music; union sentiment; justice and ful- filment of the obligations of the Constitution. A. Df. S. 9 pp. Also galley proof of same on same docu- ment with Barlow and Hunt to Pierce, 1859, Dec. 16. 1859 Barnard, D. D. Albany. To Samuel L. M. Barlow [New Dec. 17 York]. Regrets inability to attend union meeting at the Academy of Music; critical situation; sectional- ism and necessity of stopping "the eternal warfare of words." A. L. S. 2 pp. PAPERS OF FEANKLIN PIERCE 55 1869 Dickinson, D. S. Binghamton {New York]. To Samuel Dec. 17 L. M. Barlow [New York]. Inability to attend the union meeting at the Academy of Music in New York; sectionalism ; rights of the Southern States; [the Fugi- tive Slave Law] in New York; the church's attitude on the slave question; methods of the anti-slavery advocates; John Brown's raid at Harper's Ferry; character of his crime; constitutional rights of the South; duty of the Federal Government; result of sec- tional strife. L. S. 7 pp. 1859 Pierce, Franklin. New York. Tc H. D. Pierce. In- I>Ec. 21 tended trip to New Providence, Bahamas ; serious dangers threatening the Union ; countermand of mer- cantile ordei-s by the Southern people; business dis- turbance ; effect on New England ; political control in the hands of fanatical sectionalism; effect of the spring elections in New Hampshire and Connecticut on the South; advises him to retrench and bring his business into a narrow compass and perfect security; letter is confidential. A. Df . S. 7 pp. 1859 Sanborn, A., and others. Bangor, Maine. To Pierce [New Dec. 22 York]. Invitation to speak at Anti-Abolitionist meeting of citizens of Bangor. L. S. 2 pp. 1859 Worston, A. He Copal [North Carolina]. To Pierce [New Dec. 29 York?] Approves Pierce's letter of Dec. 7 to Boston Union meeting committee; growth of the disunion sentiment; Southern feeling based on Northern elec- tion results ; belief that no reconciliation is now possi- ble; non-slave holding states should cease their war against slavery; estrangement among the churches of North and South; antagonism of state governments of North against the South; bitter feeling in the South; planters refuse to buy northern goods ; no possibiUty of any northern men being able to avert the danger [of disunion] ; crisis wiU come in the presidential elec- tion of 1860. A. L. S. 6 pp. 1860 Pierce, Franklin. [New York.] To Jefferson Davis, Wash- Jan. 6 ington, D. C. [Ether] Shepley's and Thomas H. Sey- mour's opinions of Davis as the Democratic nominee for President; the Democracy in the North; secession and abolitionism ; believes there will be fighting in the North; necessity of overthrowing political abolition- ism at the polls. Facsimile of A. L. S. 4 pp. 56 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1860 Davis, Jefferson. [Washington, D. C] To Pierce [Baha- Jan. 30 mas]. Talking in the Senate and wrangling in the House; divided Democracy; christening of his son; speeches on "that over which we have no control, slavery of the negro"; Davis "will stand by the flag and uphold the Constitution whilst there is possibihty ... to preserve . . . the government;" trusts in Providence. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1860 McNeil, John. Hillsboro [N. H.] To Pierce [Bahamas]. Jan. 31 Family mentions; P. R. George's disappointment in not being elected delegate to the Charleston [Demo- cratic] Convention ; [abohtion] fanaticism of the north. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1860 George, John H. Concord. To [Pierce, Bahamas]. State Jan. 31 poUtics ; Democratic chances in New Hampshire ; the "rum" issue and attitude of the clergy; dishonesty of Republicans; excitement over the postmaster ap- pointment; personals. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1860 Sannders, Daniel, jr. Lawrence [Massachusetts]. To Feb. 18 Pierce [Bahamas]. Pierce's contribution for the re- lief of the injured in the Pemberton mill accident; ex- tent of the calamity. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1860 Hoover, J[onah] D. Washington [D. C] To Pierce [Baha- Feb. 25 mas]. Organization of the House of Representatives ; demoralization of the RepubHcans ; Democratic can- didates for presidential nomination; [Stephen A.] Douglas' prospects; [John C] Breckinridge; [Jeffer- son] Davis and others; Pierce's nomination; Samuel Houston's reported intention to invade Mexico ; [Sid- ney] Webster ; hope to do something for New Hamp- shire in Washington. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1860 Cnshing, C[aleb]. Boston. To Pierce [Bahamas]. The Feb. 25 presidential nomination at Charleston [Democratic Convention]; [Stephen A.] D[ouglas'] manoeuvers; Democratic prospects; campaign funds. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1860 Mason, G[eorge] M. Boston. To [Pierce, Bahamas]. Per- Feb. 28 sonal and family mentions ; [House of Representa- tives] committee on the [John Brown] invasion; strike among the shoemakers of Lynn, Natick, and other places. A. L. S. 4 pp. PAPERS OF FRANKLIN PIERCE 57 I860 Potter, C[liandler] E[astman]. Jersey City [N. J.] To Mar. Pierce [Bahamas]. The presidential nomination, etc.; personals; politics; [Stephen A.] Douglas; [Jefferson] Davis' resolutions [of Feb. 2 in the Senate] ; [WiUiam H.] Seward's speech ; delegates elected [to the Charles- ton Democratic Convention]; P. R. George and others. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1860 Helm, Charles J. Havana [Cuba]. To Pierce, Nassau Apr. 10 [Bahamas]. Capture of the Mexican steamers Mar- quess de la Habana and Miramon has aroused no re- sentment ; friendly intercourse with Serrano [y Domin- guez]; Spanish sympathy for the church-Miram6n party [in Mexico]. A. L. S. 3 pp. [Pierce, Franklin.] Nassau [Bahamas]. To Josiah Minot, Charleston [S. C] Introducing Col. J. Winthrop Jones; Pierce's name utterly out of the question as Democratic nominee for the Presidency. Extract by Pierce. 1 p. Chase, William H. Pensacola [Florida]. To Pierce, Con- cord. Nomination of Pierce as Democratic candidate for the Presidency at the Charleston [S. C] Conven- tion. A. L. S. 3 pp. Wilkins, Wilham D. Detroit, Michigan. To Pierce [Con- cord]. Requests that he indorse an application for the pardon of a soldier. A. L. S. 1 p. Marriott, J. C. New York. To Pierce, Concord. Is to join in the establishment of a Democratic paper in New York and desires Pierce's endorsement. A. L. S. 2 pp. Hallett, B[enjamin] F. Baltimore. To Pierce [Concord]. Conditions in the Democratic convention in Balti- more; fight against his seat; the seceders from the Charleston Convention; New York's power; HaUett's efforts to compose the warring elements. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1860 Smart, E[phraim] K. Portland [Maine]. To Pierce [Con- JuNE 27 cord]. Division of the Democratic party ; feeling in Maine for [Stephen A.J Douglas ; Smart's nomination for governor ; corruption among the Republicans ; aid of the press in Smart's campaign; asks Pierce's aid. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1860 Apr. 11 1860 Apr. 21 1860 May 24 1860 May 25 1860 June 21 58 LIBKARY OP CONGRESS 1860 Smart, E[phraini] K. Portland. To Pierce, Concord. June 27 Thinks Col. [Charles Gordon] Greene of the Boston Post would support Smart if Pierce would suggest it to him. A. L. S. 1 p. 1860 Pierce, Franklin. Hillsboro, N. H. ToB[enjamin]F[rank- JuNE 29 Im] Halle tt, Boston. Rejection of Hallett as delegate by the Democratic National Convention at Balti- more ; nominations [of Stephen A. Douglas and Her- schel V. Johnson] lack the binding tie of party fealty; desires Democrats to unite on [John C] Breckinridge and [Joseph] Lane ; is principle to be sacrificed to per- sonal ambition ? ; lack of harmon}'- among men opposed to principles and policy represented by [Abraham] Lincoln and [Hannibal] Hamlin ; a method of obtain- ing Democratic unanimity; praises attitude of Col. [Charles Gordon] Greene and the Boston Post. A. Df. S. 7 pp. [1860] [Pierce, Franklin.] Resolves [suggested for adoption at [June?] the Democratic National Convention at Baltimore: Harmony, the Constitution, etc.] A. Dfs. 4 pieces. 1860 Fuller, H. New York Hotel [Boston ?] To Pierce [Con- JuLT 12 cord]. PubUcity given Pierce's financial assistance to Fowler; no chance of defeating [Abraham] Lincoln unless the Democrats unite or [Charles] Sumner's vio- lence produces a reaction. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1860 Stevens, Isaac I[ngalls]. Washington, D. C. To [Pierce, July 26 Andover]. Removal of postmasters in New Hamp- shire urged as a Democratic measure ; the administra- tion will remove partisans only; inquires as to Ed- mund Burke's status in New Hampshire; the fusion idea. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1860 Pierce, Franklin. Andover, Mass. To [Isaac I, Stevens, July 30 Washington, D. C] Pohtical madness in removal of certain New Hampshire postmasters; [Edmund Burke's] intention in so recommending; confidential nature of this letter. A. Df. 4 pp. 1860 Scull, Gideon. Staten Island [N. Y.] To Pierce, Concord. Aug. 2 Personals; has been appointed Secretarj^ to the Medi- terranean Squadron. A. L. S. 6 pp. 1860 Davis, G. Malin. Natchez, Mississippi. To Pierce, Con- AuG. 8 cord. Requesting Pierce's influence in behalf of Judge [Samuel S.] Boyd succeeding the late [Peter V.] Daniel [as justice of the United States Supreme Court]. A. L. S. 2 pp. PAPERS OF FRANKLIN PIERCE 59' 1860 Means, Robert. Sioux City [Iowa]. To Pierce, Concord. Aug. 13 Asks Pierce's influence to obtain an appointment of purser in the navy. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1860 Hatch, Albert R. Portsmouth [N. H.] To Pierce [Con- AuG. 17 cord]. New Hampshire Democrats following Pierce's suggestion ; malcontents ; Gideon H. Rundlett and his influence over the [New Hampshire] Gazette ; difficul- ties of the poHtical situation. A. L. S. 4 pp. Boyd, Samuel S. Niagara Falls, N. Y. To Pierce [Con- cord]. Desires appointment to vacancy in the Supreme Court of the United States; his politics; principles of Democratic states' right. A. L. S. 4 pp. Gushing, C[aleb]. Newburyport [Massachusetts]. To Pierce [Concord]. Requests loan of $500. A. L. S. Ip. Eastman, Arthur M. Manchester, N. H. To Pierce [Con- cord]. Wishes to buy plumbago mine owned by Pierce. A. L. S. 2 pp. Merritt, I[saac] J. Nassau, New Providence. To Pierce [Concord]. The Presidential election; wreck of a slaveship and method adopted to provide for the slaves on board; personal mentions. A. L. S. 4 pp. Beck, James B., and others. Lexington, Kentucky. To Pierce [Concord]. Inviting him to be present at a national mass meeting of Constitutional Democrats. L. S. 1 p. March, Charles M. Biarritz [France]. To [Pierce, Con- cord]. Personal mentions; political situation in the United States; [Stephen A.] Douglas' actions; asks Pierce's aid in a business matter [renewal of lease of public stores buildings in New York]. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1860 Bigelow, E[rastus] B[righam]. Boston. To Pierce, Con- AuG. 30 cord. Extension of his patent rights on power looms for weaving Brussels carpets and other fabrics. A. L. S. 13 pp. 1860 March, Charles. Biarritz [France]. To [Pierce, Concord]. Aug. 30 Asks Pierce's assistance in obtaining a renewal of lease of public stores buildings in New York. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1860 Woods, Samuel. Concord, N. H. To Pierce, Concord. Sep. 13 Regret at not seeing him ; personal matters. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1860 Aug. 18 1860 Aug. 19 1860 Aug. 22 1860 Aug. 24 1860 Aug. 25 1860 Aug. 28 60 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS I860 loring, George B. Salem, Massachusetts. To Pierce, Con- Sep. 14 cord. Has heard of serious injuries to Pierce; hopes story is exaggerated; poHtics; personals. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1860 March, Charles. Biarritz [France]. To [Pierce, Concord]. Sep. 18 His uncle offers his house at Madeira to Pierce for the winter ; fusion in New York between the Douglas and Union men ; personal mentions ; fusion of all opponents of Lincoln; his election will overthrow the repubhc; opinion of French newspapers in consequence of tri- umph of the Repubhcan party; personals. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1860 Sever, James W. Boston, Mass. To Pierce [Concord], Sep. 23 The ' ' Order of the Society of the Cincinnati ' ' made at the request of Juhus Elson is ready for dehvery to Pierce. A. L. S, 1 p. I860 Lettrus, John A., and others. Florence, Kentucky. To Sep. 25 Pierce [Concord]. Invitation to a mass meeting of the National Democracy of Northern Kentucky to ratify the nomination of Breckinridge and Lane. L. S. 3 pp. 1860 Dudley, J., and others. Frankfort, Kentucky. To Pierce, Oct. 2 Concord. Invitation to mass meeting of the Breck- inridge and Lane Democracy at Florence. L. S. 2 pp. 1860 Bigelow, E[rastus] B[righam]. Boston. To Pierce, Con- OcT. 4 cord. Extension of his patent rights; has been ten- dered the Democratic nomination for Congress from the Fourth district by the Bell-Everett party and the Douglas wing of the Democracy; the Breckinridge party wiU concur in it ; asks advice as to the propriety of accepting. A. L. S. 3 pp. Hatch, Albert R. Portsmouth. To Pierce [Concord]. The call for a convention [of National Democrats]; the [Democratic] situation; opposes the separation idea [in New Hampshire's democracy]. A. L. S. 3 pp. Hawthorne, Nath[aniel]. Concord. To Pierce [Concord]. Health of his daughter Una; appUcation of electricity. A. L. S. 2 pp. Bigelow, E[ra3tus] B[righam]. Washington [D. C] To Pierce, Concord. Extension of his patent rights; will apply to Congress; Pierce's professional aid; expects united support for his nomination. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1860 Oct. 9 1860 Oct. 9 1860 Oct. 13 PAPERS OF FRANKLIN" PIERCE 61 1860 Pierce, Franklin. Concord. To James Campbell, Phila- OcT. 17 delphia. Could not allow use of his name as Presi- dential candidate ; danger to union from Lincoln's elec- tion; if Breckinridge and Douglas would withdraw in favor of Guthrie and Seymour sectionalism could be defeated; behef that such a course would save the country. Contemporary copy. 3 pp. 1860 I[iigersoll], C[olin] M[acrae]. New Haven [Connecticut]. Oct. 18 To [Thomas] H[art] Seymour, [Hartford], Sends thanks to the Ex-President [Franklin Pierce] for invi- tation to visit New Hampshire ; would like to serve on Pierce's staff against the Abolitionists when they go to war with our Southern friends. A. L. S. 1 p. Enclosed in Seymour to Pierce, 1860, Oct. 20. 1860 Seymour, Thomas H. Hartford [Connecticut]. To [Pierce, Oct. 18 Concord]. Has written to [CoUn Macrae] IngersoU in- viting him to visit Pierce; Sidney Webster's wife; [Democratic defeat in] Pennsylvania; [John W.] For- ney and [Stephen] A. Douglas; abolitionism in the North and West; lack of poUtical virtue in New York ; craze for office ; action of the state's delegation at Baltimore [Convention]; Douglas men hate [Na- tional Democrats] worse than the Republicans do. A. L. S. 4 pp 1860 Seymour, Thomas H[art]. Hartford. To Pierce [Concord]. Oct. 20 Encloses a letter from [Cohn M.] IngersoU; will ar- range for a visit to New Hampshire ; Black RepubU- cans in Boston had negroes at their meeting. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1860 Campbell, James. Philadelphia. To Pierce [Concord]. Oct. 22 Has made known Pierce's views on the campaign; madness and selfishness rule the hour; this state [Pennsylvania] will go for Lincoln ; state pohtics ; the Democratic situation; Lincoln's inability to accom- plish with House and Senate against him; influence of Pierce in the South; urges him to speak. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1860 Kittridge, George W. Newmarket [N. H.] To Pierce, Oct. 22 Concord. His action at the [Democratic] meeting at Concord; asks advice as to the coming election. A. L. S. 2 pp. 62 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS 1860 Blanchard, W. New York. To Pierce [Concord]. Loss of Oct. 31 position in the Interior Department and her son's loss of position in the War Department; asks aid in ob- taining a position for him in New York. A. L. S. 3 pp. Endorsed by Pierce: "Ansd. — declined to in- terfere." 1860 Sprague, W. B. Albany, N. Y. To Pierce [Concord]. De- Nov. 3 sires a letter from Pierce on the Hfe and character of Rev. Zenas Caldwell to be printed in the "Annals of the American Pulpit." A. L. S. 3 pp. 1860 Bigelow, E[rastus] B[righam]. Boston. To Pierce [Con- Nov. 7 cord]. The extension of his patent rights. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1860 Pierce, Franklin. Lowell, Massachusetts. To Jacob Nov. 26 Thompson, Washington, D. C. The crisis now upon us; no wise man can dream of coercion; apprehension in the public mind an imperfect one; belief that could we gain a httle time matters might be adjusted ; hopes the South will show moderation. A. Df . 5 pp. Sig- nature cut off. 1860 Pierce, Franklin. Andover. To Horatio King [Washing- Nov. 28 ton, D. C] Apprehensions of existing conditions; Pierce's letter to [Jacob] Thompson; if anything can be done it must be done at the North; coercion will drive every slave state out of the Union ; importance of temperate action in coming Congress. A. Df. S. 3 pp. 1860 Wright, WilHam. Newark, New Jersey. To Pierce [Con- Dec. 3 cord]. Encloses an invitation to deliver one of a course of lectures, before the citizens of Newark, on the Constitution of the LTnited States. L. S. 2 pp. 1860 King, Horatio. Washington [D. C] To Pierce, Concord. Dec. 8 Pierce's letter shown to the Cabinet ; the Black Repub- Ucans ; evidence of change of sentiment in the North ; King's labors with Southern men; efforts to induce South Carolina to pause; pressure of extreme North and South upon the center; LTnited States Tre^ury has partially suspended ; balance of late United States loan will not be paid; responsibility of citizens of free states who persist in meddling with domestic con- cerns of their neighbors ; encloses letter from [Joseph] Holt. A. L. S. 4 pp. PAPERS OF FRANKLIN PIERCE 63 1860 Shepley, George F. Portland [Maine]. To Josiah Minot, Dec. 11 Concord, The price of stocks; South Carolina and secession; the future. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1860 Campbell, J[ohn] A[rchibald]. Washington [D. C] To Dec. 19 Pierce [Concord]. Has urged the President [James Buchanan] to send commissions to the various con- ventions [of the Southern] states that are to meet in January; hysterical excitement in the South; effect of Lincoln's election; Pierce's influence in Ala- bama ; asks if he would attend the convention in that state; a settlement of the slavery question must be had ; agitation cannot be carried any farther without a civil war. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1860 Pierce, Franklin. Andover, Massachusetts. To J[olm] Dec. 24 Archibald] Campbell, Washington, D. C. State of his health forbids his accepting Campbell's invitation; gloom of the situation; only hope is in the people; evidences of change of opinion in Massachusetts and Connecticut; South should remember the defense of its rights by hundreds of thousands in the North; Pierce does not ask the South to endure further ag- gressions upon its constitutional rights but not to im- peril the union by inconsiderate haste of action ; North should be given a few months time to cast out fanati- cism and reen throne reason ; if this cannot be done a frank admission will be made that the Constitution cannot be upheld. A. Df. S. 4 pp. I860 Palmer, Alpheus T. Brewer, Maine. To Pierce, Concord. I^Ec. 28 Invites Pierce to visit his farm; secession of South Carolina; bravery of the old Palmetto Regiment in Mexico. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1860 Campbell, J[ohn] A[rchibald]. Washington [D. C] To Dec. 29 Pierce [Concord], Pierce's letter to Campbell of Dec. 24 to be published in Alabama; President [James Bu- chanan] nervous and hysterical; secession in Ala- bama; organization of the secessionists; connection with Quitman's Cuban scheme, Walker's Nicaragua attempt, and the reopening of the slave trade; inca- pacity of Congress; disloyalty; imbecility of the ad- ministration has aided the violent party; Campbell's opinion; control of the Republican party; disturb- ance of communities by the slavery controversy; rumors and results. A. L. S. 6 pp. 64 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS [1860] Anonymous. Kesolve [suggested for adoption at the New Hampsliire Democratic State Convention]; ap- pointment of a state committee. 1 p. 1861 Pierce, Franklin. Boston. To Samuel Dinsmoor, Con- Jan. 7 cord. Is in Boston for medical treatment; regrets in- ability to attend public meeting in Concord ; encloses extract of letter [of Dec. 24, 1860, to John A. Camp- bell]. A. Df. S. 2 pp. 1861 Pierce, Franklin. [Boston.] To Jane [Pierce, Concord]. [Jan. 10?J Improvement in his cough; [President] Buchanan's correspondence with the S[outh] C[arolina] Commis- sioners; resignation of [Jacob] Thompson; ill advised action of sending The Star of the West to Charleston ; Pierce's efforts to ward off the present situation. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1861 Lawrence, Amos A. Washington [D. C] To Pierce, Con- Jan. 27 cord. Movement to have all the Ex-Presidents of the United States assemble in Washington to exert their influence for the preservation of the Union. A. L. S. Ip. 1861 Gordon, O. H. Concord. To [Pierce, Concord]. Renewal Jan. 30 of acquaintance with Pierce. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1861 Latham, J^iilton S[cott]. Washmgton [D. C] To Pierce, Feb. 6. Andover. RepubUcan leaders in Washington seem blind to the situation; secession a grand joke; if bor- der states remain firm and question can be gotten before the people, beheves permanent guarantees will be conceded to the South and seceding states brought back. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1861 O'Snllivan, J. L. New York. To Pierce [Concord]. Is Feb. 7 about to go abroad; the disgraceful failure of Bu- chanan's Presidency; only way to bring about reunion is to annihilate this wicked and crazy Republicanism in the fall elections; suggests Pierce's stumping New Hampshire. A. L. S. 2 pp. Tarleton, James M. Mobile [Alabama]. To [Pierce, Con- cord]. Is settled for hfe in Mobile; the united Confed- eracy. A. L. S. 2 pp. Pierce, Franklin. HiUsboro. To . Ordering pay- ment of a note. A. L. S. 1 p. Woodman, Horatio. Boston. To Pierce [Concord]. Asks Pierce's influence in retaining Jolin H. Jackson in the Custom House. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1861 Feb. 10 1861 Mar. 11 1861 Mae. 18 PAPERS OF FRANKLIN PIERCE 65 1861 Potter, C. E. Saginaw City, Michigan. To Pierce [Con- Mar. 18 cord]. Offering cheap lumber if Pierce is to build in Portland ; New Hampshire willing to endorse the policy that is destroying the union. A. L. S. 1 p. 1861 Rand, Henry S. Kjttery, Maine. To Pierce. Two boxes Mar. 20 of wine directed to Pierce are in store at the Kittery Navy Yard. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1861 Pierce, Franklin. Andover, Massachusetts. To Horatio Mar. 26 Woodman, Boston. Services of Capt. [John H.] Jackson and Sergt. Thomas O'Neill in the Mexican war; hopes they can be retained in the customs service. Contemporary copy by Woodman. 1861 March, Charles. Paris [France]. To [Pierce, Concord.] Mar. 28 Has withdrawn his investments in America and in- tends living in Europe; is ashamed of the name of American; personal mentions; New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont are tributaries to Massachu- setts; foreign investment in United States; [Samuel] Houston's opposition to secession [of Texas]; regrets he was not nominated instead of Bell by the Con- stitutional Convention. A. L. S. 4 pp. Stickney, G. W. Lowell, Massachusetts. To Pierce [Con- cord]. Thanks for walking stick from the plank of Old Ironsides. A. L. S. 2 pp. Patton, Benjamin. Philadelphia. To Pierce, Concord. Suggests a meeting of Ex-Presidents of the United States; outlines a plan of agreement between North and South; national convention. L. S. 3 pp. Chase, Carlton. Claremont [N. H.] To Pierce [Concord]. Pierce's speech at Concord; acquaintance with his father. A. L. S. 3 pp. Tracy, Albert. Jefferson Barracks, Missouri. To Pierce [Concord]. Secession; holds it his duty to stand by the Union; is guarding Government stores. A. L. S. 4 pp. Carmichael, Richard B. Belle Une? [Maryland]. To Pierce [Concord]. Pierce's recent speech at Concord; his plea to stand by the Union; disappointment at his stand ; responsibility for war lies with the North; asks for confumation as to the speech. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1861 Jackson, Jolm H. Boston. To Pierce [Hillsboro]. Capt. May 5 [George] Bowers and command of a New Hampshire regiment; Jackson's command. A. L. S. 2 pp. 84106°— 17 5 Mar. ,28 1861 Apr. 17 1861 Apr. 22 1861 Apr. 30 1861 May 5 66 LIBRABY OF CONGRESS 1861 Pierce, Franklin. Hillsboro. To Carlton Chase, Clare- May6 mont, N. H. Condition of the country due to the wrong and persistent moral aggression of the North and the arrogant rashness of the South; Pierce's feel- ing. Contemporary copy. 2 pp. 1861 Parsons, Mary E. Antrim [N. H.] To Pierce [Concord]. May 14 Asks Pierce's influence for Dr. WUhams, who has offered his services to the governor as surgeon for the 3d New Hampshire regiment. A. L. S. 1 p. 1861 Lecompte, Samuel D. Leavenworth, Kansas. To Pierce May 14 [Concord]. The Ex-Presidents of the country should assemble and endeavor to arrest the pending civil strife. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1861 Potter, F. McW. Saginaw City [Michigan]. To [Pierce, May 15 Concord]. Asks Pierce's influence to obtain a heu- tenancy for her son. A. L. S. 1 p. 1861 Curtis, James Langdon. New York. To Pierce, Concord. May 16 Is raising four regiments for the service of the govern- ment and desires Pierce's aid in obtaiuing a briga- dier's commission. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1861 Norris, Samuel. Bristol, R. I. To Pierce, Concord. Do- May 21 sires a position under the government that would be pleasant and lucrative. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1861 IngersoU, J[oseph] R. Philadelphia. To Pierce [Concord]. May 23 Pierce's willingness to recognize the seceding States ; question of United States' and northern property in the South. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1861 [Pierce, Franklin.] Extract from the "Forty fifth annual May 28 report of the Directors of the American Education Society": Freedom and slavery; the united North. A. D. 2 pp. 1861 Sargent, D. M. Hazlewood, Mississippi. To Pierce [Con- May 28 cord]. The union; Republican responsibUity; calls on Pierce to exert his influence for peace ; abihty of the North to conquer the South. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1861 March, Charles. Paris [France]. To [Pierce, Concord]. May 30 Has read Pierce's speech at Concord; hopes he wiU take a command; believes in coercion; meeting of Americans in Paris to purchase cannon for the Fed- eral government; March not informed; objects to the pubhcity given the affair; [Wilham H.] Seward's in- instructions to [William L.] Dayton and declaration PAPERS OF FEANKUN PIERCE 67 respecting recall of ministers has aroused ill-feeling in France; New Hampshire troops and commands; danger to American merchant ships from privateers; subscription to send Beverley Tucker home; [Charles James] Faulkner's and Dayton's tobacco spitting and French; the American breakfast at the Hotel de Louvre; Dayton's, [Clement M.] Clay's and other speeches; personal matters. A. L. S. 6 pp. 1861 Shepley, George F. Portland, Maine. To Pierce [Con- May30 cord]. Inability to see Pierce in Boston; change in form of government. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1861 Seymour, Thomas H. Hartford, Connecticut. To Pierce June 2 [Concord]. Lieut. [John] Glackin's state of health. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1861 Holey, Abel. Wolfborough [N. H.] To Pierce [Concord], June 3 Plan to settle the country's difficulties; Democratic duty. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1861 West, WiUiam H. Bellefontaine, Ohio. To Pierce [Con- JuNE 3 cord]. Asks Pierce's influence to obtain a captain's commission for John B. Miller, who served in Mexico. A. L. S. 1 p. 1861 [Spence, Carroll.] Baltimore. To [Pierce, Concord]. His June 5 health; Pierce's courageous stand; conditions in Bal- timore and in the State; Democrats, Unionists, and Know-Nothings ; ignorance of the country people; number of Union men in the State; strength of the Southern troops and feeling in the South; Spence and the candidacy for Congress. A. L. 8 pp. 1861 lunt, George. Boston. To Pierce [Concord]. Prospect Junes of his paper [the "Courier"]. A. L. S. 3 pp. [1861] Webster, Sidney. New York . To Pierce [Concord]. Asks June 8 Pierce's aid in obtaining more active service for his brother Warren. A. L. S. 4 pp. [1861] [Webster, Sidney.] Suggested draft of a letter [from Pierce [June 8] to Simon Cameron] : Transfer of Dr. Warren Webster to more active service. A. D. 2 pp. (In pencil.) Enclosed in preceding entry. [1861] Webster, Sidney. New York. To [Pierce, Concord]. The June 9 Sanitary Commission ; requests Pierce to write recom- mending his brother [Warren]. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1861 Aiken, W[illiam] A[ppleton]. Boston. To [Pierce, Con- JuNE 14 cord]. Requests a business meeting. A. L. S. 1 p. 68 LIBEABY OF CONGRESS 1861 Cliurchill, Jolrn C. Oswego, N. Y. To Pierce [Concord]. June 18 Requests Pierce's influence to obtain an appointment as paymaster in the army for Charles J. Sprague. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1861 Pierce, Franklin. Andover. To T[homas] H. Seymour, June 22 Hartford, Connecticut. Frightful condition of the country; the Democracy of the Hartford "Times"; unfortunate speeches of [Leroy P.] Walker and [Alexander H.] Stephens on armed aggression against the North ; Pierce refuses to countenance or support a war of subjugation brought on by "the foul schemes of Northern Abolitionism." A. L. S. 4 pp." 1861 Greene, C[harles] G. Boston. To Pierce [Concord]. Will JuLT 1 comply with his request if possible ; is sick in body and mind. A. L. S. 2 pp. [1861 ?] Wood, H. Portsmouth, N. H. To Pierce [Concord]. Per- July5 sonal matters; asks Pierce's influence in obtaining a commission for liis son John T. in the army or a clerk- ship in the government departments. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1861 Mason, Jolm Thomson. Annapolis, Maryland. To Pierce JuLT 10 [Concord]. Sends plan for adjusting poUtical diffi- culties of the country. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1861 ]!I[ason, John Thomson]. Annapolis, Maryland. To Pierce July 10 [Concord]. Plan for adjusting political troubles; grant the right of secession but postpone the time of same. A. L. S. 3 pp. Enclosed in preceding entry. 1861 March, Clement. Greenland [N. H.] To Pierce [Concord]. July 18 Cannot find papers desired ; appointment of his cousin in the Marine Corps ; opinions as to the duration of the war ; personals. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1861 Seymour, T[homas] H. Hartford, Connecticut. To Pierce July 19 [Concord]. Family matters; calamity of civil war; military despotism; Lincoln's character; his advisers; the administration and the situation; Connecticut politics ; feeling in city and country; chance of Demo- cratic success in the spring. A. L. S. 12 pp. 1861 Mason, John Thomson. Annapolis, Md. To Pierce [Con- July29 cord]. His ideas on method of settlement of the country's troubles; lack of a specific peace issue; be- lief in existence of a desire for peace. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1861 Mason, W. Charlestown [Massachusetts]. To [Pierce, Aug. 8 Concord]. Wishes Pierce's opinion of Nassau, Ba- hama Islands, as a health resort. A. L. S. 2 pp. PAPERS OF FRANKLIN PIERCE 69 1861 Parsons, Wiiliam M. Antrim, N. H. To Pierce [Concord], Aug. 8 Requests Pierce's influence to obtain appointment of surgeon in 3d New Hampshire regiment. A. L. S, 1 p. [1861] Bayly, C. J. Nassau, Bahamas. To Pierce [Concord]. Aug. 27 Personals; new hotel; wreck of a slave ship; disposi- tion made of the slaves. A. L. S. 6 pp. 1861 Guthxie, James. Ijouisville [Kentucky]. To Pierce, An- Sep. 14 dover. Thanks for wine ; personal mentions. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1861 O'Neill, Thomas. Boston. To Pierce, Andover. Is again Oct. 16 in the army ; requests a letter from Pierce regarding O'Neill's Mexican War services. A. L. S. 1 p. 1861 Merritt, I[saac] J. New York. To Pierce, Andover. Per- OcT. 28 sonals ; may seek reinstatement [as United States con- sul] at Nassau, Bahamas; requests statement from Pierce as to his conduct as consul; arrest of Capt. [Hamilton L.] Shields. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1861 Dow, Neal. Portland, Maine. To [Pierce, Concord]. His Nov. 4 petition for the abohtion of the spirit ration in the Navy. A. L. S. 1 p. [1861] Ingersoll, C[olin] M[acrae]. New Haven, Connecticut. To [Nov.] Pierce [Concord]. Family and personal mentions. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1861 Hibbard, H[arry]. Plymouth, Massachusetts. To Pierce Dec. 1 [Concord]. Family mentions. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1861 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Concord. To Pierce [Concord]. Dec. 3 O'Sullivan's copper mine. A. L. S. 1 p. [1861] [Pierce, Franklin.] [Concord.] To [Samuel D. Bell, Ex- eter]. Reasons why Bell should accept the nomina- tion for Congress. A. Df. 3 pp. 1862 Pierce, Franklin. Concord. To James A[lfred] Pearce, Jan. 15 Washington, D. C. Approves Pearce's position on arrests by lettres de cachet; [Seward's] official note to Pierce; danger to liberty; necessity of combating the procedure. Two A. Dfs. S. 5 pp. 1862 McClelland, R[obert]. Detroit, Michigan. To Pierce Jan. 15 [Ccncord]. Charge of the Secretary of State [Seward] against Pierce ; comments on the condition of affairs of the country ; McClelland's opinion of Seward ; advises publishing the correspondence; imprisonment of sus- pects; approves resistance; gain of Democratic ideas; expects a revolution in sentiment if armies fail to gain 70 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS a victory within sixty days ; democratic difficulties; must be the blackest of Black [Hepublicans] or else be suspected; personal messages. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1862 Pierce, Franklin. Concord. To James Albert] Pearce, Jan. 17 Washington, D. C. Letter from the Secretary of State caUing on Pierce for an explanation of an anonymous charge of disloyalty; "not enough in this section of the Country ... to be loyal to the Con- stitution ... to escape censure must be loyal to a particular party platform ;" Pierce's reply. A. Df. S. 3 pp. 1862 Bayman, Robert. Madeira. To [Pierce, Concord]. Re- Jan. 23 moval of [Jolin H.] March as [United States] consul at Madeira; the Trent affair; Bayman's winter residence; personals. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1862 Boyd, (Mrs.) Linn. Paducah, Kentucky. To Pierce [Con- Feb. 10 cord]. Begs Pierce to combine with the other Ex- Presidents to bring about peace. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1862 Jones, J. W. Ellsworth [Maine]. To [Pierce, Concord]. Feb. 10 Change of front in Democratic leaders since secession ; conduct of [Ephraim K.] Smart and the Union party men; recognition of the South by European nations; declined appointment in the 15th Maine regiment: personal mentions. A. L. S. 7 pp. 1862 Campbell, James. Philadelphia. To Pierce [Concord]. Feb. 12 Pierce's letter to Senator [James A.] Pearce should be published; servility of the American people in sub- mitting to the lettres de cachet; prejudice against the Democratic party; [Willard] Saulsbury's speech on [Jesse D.] Bright's expulsion [from the United States Senate]; pereonal mentions. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1862 Coryell, Lewis S. New Hope. To Pierce [Concord]. The Feb. 18 condition of the country. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1862 Cox,S[amuel]S[ullivan]. Washington, D.C. To Pierce [Con- Feb. 24 cord]. Devilish machinations of the AboUtionists in the House of Representatives; Cox's opportunity to vindicate Pierce's Administration in the report on neutral rights; personal mention. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1862 Pierce, Franklin. Andover, Mass. To John H. Steele, Mar. 21 Peterborough, N. H. Perverted pubUcation of their interview; sectionalism and corruption in Northern States; people must pay the price. A. Df. S. 3 pp. PAPERS OF FRANKLIN PIERCE 71 1862 Webster, Sidney. New York. To [Pierce, Concord]. Pub- Mar. 22 lication of {William H.] Seward's charges against Pierce; wants the matter pushed; Pierce's friends want justice done him. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1862 Pierce, Franklin. Concord. To Milton S. Latham, Wash- Mar. 24 ington, D. C. Encloses article in ''Boston Journal" reviving charge [of disloyalty] against Pierce; corre- spondence on file in State Department ; asks Latham to introduce a resolution in the Senate calling for this correspondence. Copy. 3 pp. 1862 Stark, George. Boston. To Pierce, Andover [Concord]. Mar. 24 Urges publication of [William H.] Seward's corre- spondence with Pierce ; desires congratulations on hia own non-election. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1862 Stinson, A. P. St. Joseph, Michigan. To Pierce [Concord]. Mar. 24 Personal reminiscences ; politics ; the Democratic party the national conservative party and the only hope for bringing the country back to where it was before this ''one idea" party obtained control. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1862 Pierce, Franklin. Concord. To Milton S. Latham, Mar 25 Washington, D. C. Enclosed article in "New York Evening Post"; "official source" of the anonymous letter ; blanks filled in connecting Pierce with disloyal designs; [WiUiam H.] Seward's conduct; passage of Pierce's suggested resolution in the Senate should not prove troublesome. A. Df. S. 3 pp. (middle portion missing) . 1862 Webster, Sidney. New York. To Pierce [Concord]. Arti- Apr. 2 cle in the "Tribune"; Pierce's correspondence with [William H.] Seward is either before the Senate or the State Department furnished facts to the Associated Press ; malignant article in the " [New York] Evening Post." A. L. S. 2 pp. 1862 Brewster, A. O. Boston. To Pierce [Concord]. Approves Apr. 4 Pierce's letter in the pubhshed correspondence with [William H.] Seward. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1862 Carmichael, Richard B. Belle Une [Maryland]. To Pierce Apr. 7 [Concord]. Approves Pierce's letters in the published correspondence with [William H.] Seward; latter'a impudence and falsehood. A. L. S. 1 p. 1862 Eiggs, George W[ashington]. Washington [D. C] To Apr. 26 Pierce [Concord]. Bonds held by Pierce ; hopes for a government by men who look to the general welfare, "not to the success of any one idea"; personals. A. L. S. 4 pp. 72 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1862 McNab, John. Grenada, Kansas. To Pierce, Concord. May 3 His dismissal from the army; loyalty to the govern- ment. A. L. S. 1 p. 1863 Hooton, Isaac T. Boston. To Pierce, Concord. Personal Jan. 1 mentions. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1863 Hoover, J[onah] D. Washington [D. C] To [Pierce, Con- Jan. 5 cord]. The Plumbago Company; [George B.] McClel- lan's chances as candidate for President; doesn't like him but beheves any change will be for the better; suggests that Pierce visit the Northwest about the time of the Democratic Convention in Chicago. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1863 March, Charles. Paris, France. To [Pierce, Concord]. Feb. 6 Death of John Howard March. A. L. S. 3 pp. En- dorsed by Pierce: "His last letter to me." 1863 Gurley, P[hineas] D[ensmore]. Washington [D. C] To Mar. 31 Pierce [Concord]. Asks aid for Rev. H. M. Painter. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1863 Bridge, H[oratio]. Washington [D. C] To Pierce [Con- May 21 cord]. Assignment of [Purser Caleb J.] Emer}^ to the Portsmouth navy yard. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1863 Lord, N[athan]. Dart[mouth] Coll[ege, Hanover, New Julys Hampshire]. Declines invitation to attend [peace meeting] at Concord [July 4th]; his position; ap- proves Pierce's intended speech; the situation of the country. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1863 Seymour, Thomas H. Hartford [Connecticut]. To Pierce Julys [Concord]. Recent celebration at Concord [meeting of July 4th]; defeat of Lee and the fall of Vicksburg; personals. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1863 Comstock, Elon. New York. To Pierce, Concord. Ap- JuLYlO proves Pierce's recent speech; Gov. [Horatio] Sey- mour; subscribers to the ''Argus" from New Hamp- shire. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1863 W[ebster,] S[idney]. New York. To [Pierce, Concord]. July 10 Inability to go to Concord; compliments Pierce's speech; family matters. A. L. S. 1 p. 1863 Loring, George B. Salem [Massachusetts]. To Pierce, July 13 Andover [Concord]. Pierce's 4th of July speech; Lor- ing's reason for declining to speak at the meeting. A. L. S. 4 pp. PAPERS OF FRANKLIN PIERCE .73 1863 Pierce, Jane M. Pigeon Cove [Massachusetts]. To Na- Sep. 30 thaniel Hawthorne [Concord]. His new book ["Our Old Home"]; personal mentions. Copy by Franklin Pierce. 3 pp. Endorsed by Pierce: "Originals sent to Mrs. Sidney Webster with a letter in relation to Hawthorne's last days." Carter, Ezra, jr. Portland [Maine]. To Pierce, Concord. Legal matters ; sympathy for his loss [death of Jane M. Pierce.] A. L. S. 1 p. Wright, (Mrs.) Chicago, Ills. To Pierce [Concord]. Re- quests his autograph. A. L. S. 1 p. Hoover, J[onah] D. Washington [D. C] To Pierce, Con- cord. Personal; sympathy [on the death of Jane M. Pierce]. A. L. S. 2 pp. ^ March, Clement. Philadelphia. To Pierce, Andover [Con- cord]. Annuity for Dr. [Nathan] Lord ; personals and politics. A. L. S. 2 pp. Lord, N[athan]. Boston. To Pierce [Concord]. Raising of his annuity; its publication. A. L. S. 3 pp. Yoder, OUver B. Harrisburg [Pennsylvania]. To Pierce, Concord. Requests his autograph. A. L. S. 1 p. Wright, Edward H. Washington [D. C] To Pierce [Con- cord]. Annuity for Dr. [Nathan] Lord. A. L. S. 2 pp. Webster, Sidney. New York. To Pierce [Concord]. Sends photograph of his son; his brother [Warren] has been court martialed and desires Pierce's aid; medical department approves his brother; trouble is personal maliciousness of [Maj. Gen. John A.] Dix. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1864 Dearborn, A[ ] D. Chfton Dale, Massachusetts. To Feb. 5 Pierce [Concord]. Family matters. Personals ; Siym- pathy [for death of Mrs. Pierce]. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1864 Lord, W[illiam] H. MontpeUer [Vermont]. To Pierce Feb. 11 [Concord]. Appreciation of kindness shown his father [Dr. Nathan Lord]; his own difficult position because of political bigotry. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1864 Hoover, J[cnah] D. Washington [D. C] To [Pierce, Con- Feb. 16 cord]. Opinions of Pierce expressed by eminent men in Washington; New Hampshire politics; Demo- cratic chances in the Presidential election ; disposition of all sides to accept [George B.] McClellan as a neces- sity; personals. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1863 Dec. 19 1863 Dec. 21 1864 Jan. 1 1864 Jan. 10 1864 Jan. 14 1864 Jan. 16 1864 Jan. 19 1864 Jan. 20 74 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1864 Hoover, J[onah] D. Washington [D. C] To [Pierce, Con- Mar. 10 cord]. Result of New Hampshire election; asks Pierce's advice for future and suggests him as Presi- dential candidate; breach in the RepubUcan party and Democratic chances; personals. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1864 Hawthorne, Sophia. Concord, Massachusetts. To Pierce Mar. 13 [Concord]. Family gossip; [Nathaniel] Hawthorne's health; arrangements for a journey with [George] Tichnor and Pierce; his objection to meeting people; Mrs. Fremont's desire to meet Hawthorne and her opinion of Pierce; painting and illustration work done by the children ; illuminating and other artwork done by herself; Tennyson's "In Memoriam." A. L. S. 8 pp. 1864 "Way, John M. Boston. To Pierce [Concord]. Requests Mar 15 a copy of Pierce's speech of July 4th [1863]. A. L. S. Ip. 1864 Cox, S[amuel] S[ullivan]. Washington [D. C] To Pierce Mar. 17 [Concord]. Discouraged at Democratic prospects; damper of the New Hampsliire election results. A. L. S. 2 pp. [1864] Hillard, G. S. [Concord?] To Pierce [Concord]. Wishes Mar. 21 to talk about Gen. [George B.] McClellan with Pierce. A. L. S. 1 p. 1864 Eussell, Thomas. To R. S. Spofford. Would like Pierce Mar. 21 to visit the school ship. A. L. S. 1 p. 1864 Jackson, James. Boston. To Pierce [Concord]. Thanks Mar. 24 for Madeira wine; personals. A. L. S. 3 pp. [1864] Viele, Teresa. New York. To Pierce [Concord]. Re- [Mar. 6] quests his autograph. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1864 lord, N[athan]. Hanover, N. H. To Pierce [Concord]. Apr. 12 Pierce's intended visit to Hanover; desired his criti- cism of an article on "The Issue between the North South"; approves Pierce's article in the "Patriot;" has lost faith in man's ability to govern himself and in the "enjoyment of Scriptural, regulated liberty"; expects a revolution in the north; distrusts any type of people organized only by the sword; the future con- ditions can only be overcome by the Almighty; the Democratic party; no union possible that is not founded on the Bible and the Constitution ; should not fight against the seceded states; the political and philosophical God an idol, etc. A. L. S. 8 pp. 1864 Apr. 13 1864 Apr. 16 1864 Apr. 17 PAPERS OP FBANKLIN pieece 75 McClelland, Robert. Detroit [Michigan]. To Pierce [Con- cord]. Acloiowledges "The record of a month"; Pierce's letter to [Jefferson] Davis; his predictions fast coming true. A. L. S. 1 p. Shirley, John M[ilton]. Andover, N. H. To Pierce, An- dover, Mass. Thanks him for photograph; Pierce's services to the nation. A. L. S. 3 pp. Steele, J[ohn] H. Petersboro, N. H. To Pierce, Andover, Mass. Dark prospect before the nation; danger of ad- hering to the Constitution or questioning the infalli- bility of the President; annuity to [Nathan] Lord; thanks for "The record of a month." A. L. S. 3 pp. 1864 Voorhees, D[aniel] W[olsey]. Washington, D. C. To Apr. 18 Pierce, Concord. Praises Pierce for his conduct in the affairs of the Union; insanity of the present hour; nearly distrusts Providence and lost hope in the re- pubUcan form of government; miUtary despotism; Voorhees' speech of March 5; Pierce's "Record of a month"; his administration; sympathy [for death of Mrs. Pierce]. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1864 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Concord. To Pierce [Concord]. May? Arranging meeting; his health. Copy by Pierce. 1 p. 1864 Noble, Mason. [Annapolis, Maryland]. To Pierce, Con- May27 cord. Sympathy on death of Nathaniel Hawthorne; personal mentions. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1864 Taylor, John J. Oswego, N. Y. To Pierce [Concord]. Ap- JuNE 9 pointment as delegate to [the Democratic National Convention at] Chicago; would Uke Pierce's views; impossible political conditions. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1864 Spofford, R. S. Boston. To Pierce. Forwards reminis- JuLY 21 cences of a trip to Concord. A. L! S. 1 p. 1864 Lawrence, W. B. Newport [R. I.] To Pierce [Concord]. Oct. 17 Pierce's visit; army vote would secure Lincoln's re- election; disapproved availability principle as danger- ous to Democrats; mistake of McClellan's friends alienates true Democrats ; suggestion that [George H.] Pendleton withdraw from the ticket; fate of the na- tion. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1864 Lord, N[athan]. Hanover, N. H. To Pierce [Concord]. Nov. 2 Personals ; the McClellan movement; church and state subverting the foundations of government; looks for judgment; would like to talk with Pierce on the theological bearings of our political affairs. A. L. S. 4 pp. 76 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1864 loring, George B. Salem, Massachusetts. To Pierce, Con- Nov. 2 cord. Has expressed his views on national affairs in a public letter ; speeches and slipshod uncertainty of the McClellan movement; the wdsest Democrats agree with Loring. A. L. S. 4 pp. Endorsed by Pierce: "not answered." 1864 Snowden, James Ross. Philadelphia. To Pierce, Con- Nov. 3 cord. His book on the Coins of the Bible. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1864 Hull, A. M. H. Philadelphia. To Pierce [Concord]. Per- Nov. 23 sonal and family mentions. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1865 Pierce, Franklin. Concord. To Robert Patterson, Phila- Feb. 16 delphia. Patterson's narrative of "The Shenandoah Valley Campaign"; his vindication; Pierce's health. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1866 Pierce, Franklin. Boston. To Joseph Dixon, Jersey City Feb. 23 [New Jersey]. Plumbago from the mine at Goshen, N. H.; Dixcn's privilege to purchase and his share in the property. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1865 Cleveland, Orestis. Jersey City, N. J. To Pierce, Concord. Feb. 25 Purchase of plumbago for Joseph Dixon. A. L. S. Ip. 1865 Pierce, Franklin. Concord. To Joseph Dixon, Jersey Feb. 27 City, N. J. Purchase of the product of the Goshen plumbago mine. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1866 Dixon, Joseph. Jersey City [N. J.] To Pierce [Concord]. Mar. 3 Reason for unwillingness to purchase the product of the Goshen plumbago mine. A. L. S. 2 pp. [1865] McGregor, Leshe. [Boston?] To Pierce [Boston]. Thanks Mar. 5 for present of a vase. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1866 Vose, Henry. Lenox, Massachusetts. To Pierce [Con- Mar. 13 cord]. The Revolutionary service of Lieut. Benjamin Pierce. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1865 Aiken, Charles A. Hanover [N. H.] To [Pierce, Concord]. Apr. 18 Rumors of riot at Concord; Pierce's courageous speech; family news and personal mentions. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1865 Aiken, John F. New York. To [Pierce, Concord]. His Ap^. 28 recent lecture; success in the legal profession; asks a loan from Pierce. A. L. S. 5 pp. Endorsed by Pierce: "Sent in a subsequent note $100." PAPERS OF FRANKLIN PIERCE 77 1865 Healy, Stephen W. Brookl}Ti, N. Y. To Pierce [Concord]. Apr. 28 Admiration for Pierce's latest speech; past history of the country; sjTnpathy for Pierce's bereavement [death of Mrs. Pierce]. A. L. S. 6 pp. [1865] McGregor, James. Boston. To Pierce [Concord], Finan- [June] cial matters; purchase and exchange of stocks; per- sonal messages. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1865 O'Conor, Ch[arles]. New York. To Pierce, Concord. Pre- July5 paring for an intellectual combat; would be glad to enjoy a rest with Pierce at Saratoga or Lake George; communication with [Jeiferson] Davis offering his services in his defense. L. S. 1 p. 1865 O'Conor, Ch[arles]. Saratoga, N. Y. To Pierce [Concord]. July 15 Would like Pierce to act on a "counsel-board" to pre- pare against whatever course the government may adopt [in the trial of Jefferson Davis]. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1865 Van Buren, J[ohn]. Stowe, Vermont. To Pierce [Con- JuLYl7 cord]. Trip through the White Mountains; invites Pierce to join them, A. L. S. 4 pp. 1865 O'Conor, Ch[arles]. Saratoga, N, Y, To Pierce, Concord. July 18 Correspondence with the Departments affords no satisfactory grounds of conjecture of the intentions of the Government concerning Jefferson Davis; has in- vited Pierce and four others to a consultation; is pro- vided with a fund to pay the expenses. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1865 Van Buren, J[ohn]. White Mountains. To Pierce [Con- JuLY 26 cord]. Description of his journey with E[dwin] W[al- lace] Stoughton. Stoughton, E[dwin] W[allace], To Pierce. Invites Pierce to visit him. A. Ls. S. 5 pp. 1865 Marble, Manton. New York. To Pierce, Concord. His Oct. 29 election as an honorary member of the Manhattan Club, A. L, S. 2 pp. 1865 Clark, Lewis W. Manchester, N. H. To Pierce, Concord. Dec. 5 OU property; financial matters. A, L, S. 3 pp. 1865 O'Conor, Ch[arles]. [New York,] To [Sidney] Webster Dec. 9 [New York]. Legal matters; health of Franklin Pierce. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1865 Davies, Thomas F. Portsmouth, N, H. To Pierce [Con- Dec. 18 cord], Pierce's recovery; his public profession of faith. A. L. S. 3 pp. [1865] Cooper, S[amuel]. To Pierce [Concord]. Congratulates [Dec] Pierce on his recovery. A. L. S. 1 p. 78 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1866 McClelland, K[obert]. Detroit CNIichigan]. To Pierce [Con- Jan. 5 cord]. Family news; rumor that [James] Guthrie is one of the President [Andrew Jolmscn]'s advisers; conflict of the President with Congress; his character; schemes of the ultras violent and unconstitutional; Johnson will win on an appeal to the people; [Lewis] Cass' attitude during the war; McClelland's work; personal mentions. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1866 Brown, George WiUiam. Baltimore [^laryland]. To Jan. 10 Pierce, Concord. Personals; congratulates Pierce on liis recovery; fund for expense in trial [of Jefferson Davis] ; Brown's wish to withdraw from the case ; un- certainty; [Salmon P.] Chase's objection to holding court in Richmond ; Carroll Spence. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1866 Curtis, George T. New Yorls:. To Pierce, Concord. Is Jan. 14 writing a life of [Daniel] Webster; queries as to the Webster family and the town of Franklin, N. H. A. L. S. 2 pp. [1866] Pierce, Thomas P. Manchester, N. H. To Pierce, Con- Jan. 19 cord. Partial payment on his note. A. L. S. 1 p. 1866 Gnthrie, James. Washington [D. C] To Pierce [Concord]. Feb. 4 The "Joint Conmaittee of 15" antagonistic to the President and will carry all their measures; will con- tinue themselves in power for another four years; [Repubhcan] majority in Senate and House; Southern states will not be admitted to representation in Con- gress for many years ; Freedmen's bureau bill and bill for governing the Southern States; attempt will be made to grant suffrage [to the negro] by act of Con- gress; President [Johnson] has no party or friends; unless the country supports liim the "15 Ruling dic- tators" will have it all their own way; fiercest of the radicals are deserters from Democratic ranks; Demo- cratic opposition in Congress to the "15 dictators." A. L. S. 2 pp. 1866 Clark, Lewis W. Manchester [N. H.] To Pierce, Concord. Mar. 5 Desires to delay pa\Tnent of a note. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1866 Macdonald, J[ames] M[adison]. Princeton, N.J. To Pierce Mab. 20 [Concord]. Pierce's profession of faith; [James] Bu- chanan's attendance at communion; Prof. [John F.] Aiken appointed to a chair at Princeton. A. L. S. 4 pp. PAPERS OF FRANKLIN PIERCE 79 1866 Mar. 26 1866 MayI 1866 May 10 1866 May 29 1866 June 27 1866 July 2 1866 July 5 1866 July 14 Wood, Fernando, New York. To Pierce [Concord]. Pierce's duty to give the country advice; invites him to speak [in New York]. A. L. S. 2 pp. Dixon, Jame?. Washington [D. C] To Pierce [Concord]. Pierce's approval of his speech; report of the recon- struction committee [of the Senate] proves that the design was to prevent the restoration of the union. A. L. S. 2 pp. Eobertson, John. Mt. Athos, Virginia. To [Pierce, Con- cord]. Desires a copy of Pierce's speech of July 4, 1863, and permission to republish it; condition of affairs. A. L. S. 1 p. Wood, Fernando. New York, To Pierce [Concord]. Mass meeting to be held Sep, 1 ; present perils of the coun- try demand Pierce's counsel ; Democratic prospects in New York, A. L, S, 2 pp, Webster, Sidney, New York, To Pierce [Concord], Arti- cle printed in a Norfolk paper alluding to Pierce; re- quests Pierce's influence with [James W,] Nesmith; is counsel for Spanish government in the Meteor case. A. L, S. 4 pp. Black, J[eremiah] S[ullivan]. York [Pennsylvania]. To Thomas D, Pierce, Absence from home on legal business. A. L, S, 2 pp. Bxurke, Edmund. Newport, N. H. To Pierce [Concord]. Pierce's letter and consequent interview with the President [Andrew Johnson] on the state of affairs in New Hampshire; cooperation with Democratic party needed to save the state from the Disunion Party; use of patronage ; the President's satisfactory reply ; Dem- ocrats will be appointed before radical Republicans; President's suggestion that Democratic delegates be sent to the Philadelphia Convention [of National Union Conservatives]; candidates for the district judgeship; the President opposed to appointing a radical Republican; postmaster appointments ; names of those available to be sent to the Philadelphia Con- vention. A. L. S. 4 pp. Brown, George William. Baltimore [Maryland]. To [Pierce, Concord]. Visit to Jefferson Davis; his treat- ment; prospect of his being tried; radicals hope to make political capital out of it; inconsistent con- scientious scruples of the chief justice [Salmon P. Chase] against holding court in Virginia; Dr. Craven'a book. A. L, S, 6 pp. 80 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS 1866 Bridge, H[oratio]. [Washington, D. C] To Pierce [Con- JuLY 16 cord]. Pierce's health ; his appointment ; efforts of his enemies; thanks for Pierce's endorsement. A. L. S. 4 pp. 1866 Porter, F[itz] J[ohn]. New York. To Pierce, Concord. Sep. 15 ' His court martial; petition to the President to revise the proceedings of the court; asks Pierce's support in a letter to the President. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1866 Porter, F[itz] J[ohn]. New York. To Pierce [Concord]. Sep. 21 Thanks for Pierce's letter to the President in his behalf. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1867 Snow, W. R. Washington, D. C. To Pierce [Concord]. Mar. 23 Payment of his note. A. L. S. 3 pp. 1867 Thornton, James S[hepard]. Portsmouth Navy Yard. To Dec. 28 Pierce, Concord. His command of the Kearsarge; Pierce's health. A. L. S. 2 pp. 1868 Pierce, Franklin. Concord. To J[onah] D. Hoover, Wa&h- ^ Apr. 22 ington, D. C. Pierce's estimate of services of [George H.] Pendleton, [Thomas H.] Seymour, [Thomas A.] Hendricks and [James R.] Doolittle in defense of the Constitution; acquaintance with [Winfield S.] Han- cock and [IVIarcus A.] Reno; importance of the ap- proaching [Democratic] Convention; guilt or inno- cence of President [Andrew] Johnson is not the ques- tion, but that he is in the way under the tyrant's "plea of state necessity" ; names [of Democratic Presi- dential nominees?]; main idea of the [Democratic] Convention should be the good of the country; de- tails can be ignored. A. Df . S. 8 pp. [1868?] [Pierce, Franklin.] Speech delivered at Baltimore, Mary- land: The patriotism of the citizens of Maryland. A. Df. 5 pp. O'Conor, Ch[arles]. Ft. Washington [N.Y.?] To Pierce. [June 30] Invites Pierce to spend a day with him. A. L. S. 3 pp. [ ] [Pierce, Franklin.] List of " Kittridges Cattle & Horses in Pasture at Washington." A. D. 2 pp. [ ] [Pierce,] Jane [Means]. Saturday morning. To [Pierce]. Personal family matters. A. L. S. 2 pp. INDEX Abbot, Daniel, letters, 18, 24. Abbott, Francis A., letter, 38. Abbott, George J., letter, 52. Abolitionism, 53; anti meeting, 55; fanat- icism, 56; in Kansas, 38; in North and West, 61; Pierce's opinion of schemes, 68; political, 55; war brought on by, 68. Abolitionists, 61; issue with friends of the Constitution, 51; machinations in House of Representatives, 70. Abraham, , suit against, 17. Academy of Music, New York, Union meeting, 54, 55. Adams, John Quincy, 34, 39. Adams Express Co., 42. Adjutant General, U. S. Army, Annual report, 12; assistant, 13. Agency, for claims against the Govern- ment, 27. Agricultural Fair, at Charlestown, N. H., 52. Aiken, Charles W., letter, 76. Aiken, John, letter, 26. Aiken, John F., appointment, 78; letter, 76. Aiken, William Appleton, letters, 43, 67. Alabama, Pierce's influence in, 63; prefers Pierce as Presidential nominee, 52; secession of, 63. Alcock, Lewis W., letter, 29. Allen, Albert G., letter, 14. Alvord, Benjamin, letter, 8. "America," Hiram Powers' statue of, 38, 39. America, North, British colonies, con- fidential mission to and reciprocity treaty with United States, 35, 36. American breakfast at the Hotel de Louvre, 67. American Education Society, annual report, 66. Amherst, New Hampshire, railroad to, 27. Amonoosuc River, New Hampshire, railroad route, 21. Amory, William, letters, 21, 22. 84106°— 17 6 Amoskeag Manufacturing Co., 21, 22. Anderson, Samuel Smith, Capt., 2d U. S. Artillery, letter, 13. Anderson, S. R., letter, 51. Anonymous, letter, attack on Pierce, 71; resolve, 64. Andrews, Henry B. and H. Stuart, letter, 40. Andrews, Israel D., confidential mission, accounts, etc., 35, 36; letter to, 35. "Annals of the American Pulpit," 62. Appleton, Robert, letter, 10; letters to, 10, 11. Appleton, William, letter, 52; letter to, 54. Appointments, 49, 80; Army, 12; in Government departments, 45; political 45; postmasters, 56, 79. Appropriations, act, vetoed, 37. Ardison, A., letter, 50. Argus, The, 72; quarrel with The Pa- triot, 34. Armistice, in Mexican War, 10; violated by Santa Anna, 11. Army, adjutant general's annual report, 12; appointments, 12, 19; armistice with Mexican army, 10, 11; courts of inquiry, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19; courts- martial, 15; division commanders, 22; embarkation of troops for Mexico, 7, 8; favoritism in, 14; Fourth artillery, 10, 11; General orders, 9, 12; increase of, 18; inspector general, 28; military matters, 8, 9, 19, 24; Ninth Infantry, 7, 22, 26; mortality, casualties, etc., in Mexico, 10, 12, 14; movements in Mexico, 9, 10, 12; . Officers, brevets, 24; complaints, 19; feeling for Pierce, 17 ; hardships, 18; quarrels, 17; pay rolls, 8, 12; Pierce's brigade at Molino.del Rey, 11; position of various commands, 26; promotions, 12, 19; recruiting, 7; supplies, 9; Twelfth Infantry, 11; uniforms, 12; victory needed, 70; vote would secure Lin- coln's election, 75. 81 82 INDEX. Arnold, J. W., letter, 14. Arnold, Richard D., letter, 40. Arrests, by lettres de cachet, 69. Artillery, 4th U. S., in assault on Con- treras, 10, 11. Associated Press, the, facts furnished to, 71. Atherton, Anne, letters, 37. Atherton, Charles Gordon, letter, 6; letter to, 18. Atherton, Marj', letter, 5. AtLee, Samuel Yorke, letters, 45, 46. Atwood, John, Pierce's opinion of, 32. Ayer, Samuel H., letters, 16, 17, 24, 30; letter to, 16. B. Bachelder, Nat, letter, 6. Bailey, S.C.H., 31. Bailey, , 28. Baldwin, Samuel C, letter, 14. Ball, Nehemiah, 7. "Ballad of Ireland," 38. Baltimore, Maryland, Democratic Na- tional Convention at, 57, 58, 61; Pierce's speech at, 80; political con- ditions, 67. Bancroft, George, letter, 34. Bangor, Maine, anti-AboUtionmeeting,55. Bank, charter for, 22, 23. Baptist Meeting House, at Nashville, N. H., 24. Barbadoes, West Indies, 53. Barbecue, 27. Barlow, Samuel L. M., letter, 54; letter to, 55. Barlow, Samuel L. M., and Wilson G. Hunt, letter, 54; letter to, 54. Barnard, D. D., letter, 54. Barnard, Moses J., letter, 20. Barstow, George, letters, 21. Bartlett, John H., letter, 22. Barton, Williams., 41. Barry, Annie, letter, 38. Bayly, C. J., letter, 69. Bayman, Robert, letter, 70. Beauregard, Pierre Gustavus Toutant, Capt., Engineers, U. S. Army, 34.- let- ters, 12. Beck, James B., and others, letter, 59. Belgium, Royal Mar^chal of, letter to, 51. Bell, John, nomination, 65. Bell, Samuel D., chief justice of New Hamp- shire, letter to, 69. Bell-Everett Party, 60. Belligerent property rights under neutral flag, 50. Bellows, A. Herbert, letter, 45. Bellows, Henry Adams, letter to, 45. Benjamiii, Judah P., letter to, 12. Bennett, James Gordon, letter, 34. Benson, Samuel P., letter, 44. Bentley, George W., 42. Bible, coins of, 76; and the Constitution, 74. Bigelow, Erastus Brigham, nomination to to Congress, 60; patent, 59, 60; letters. 59, 60, 62. Billiny, , letter, 51. Black, Jeremiah Sullivan, letter, 79. Black Republicans, 62, 70; meeting, 61. Black Warrior, seizure, Pierce's message on, 36. Blanchaxd, W., letter, 62. Boardman, Henry Augustus, clergyman, letters, 46, 53. Bodfish, Charles N., 23. Bonds, 42, 44. Bonham, Milledge Luke, Col.; 12th U. S. Infantry, court of inquiry on, 16, 17; letters, 9,17. Boston, Massachusetts, black Republicans meeting, 61; ■will contribute to the re- lief of Andrews, 35; customhouse, 27 Democrats address to Pierce, 48 dinner to a committee of Congress, 15 festival of Sons of New Hampshire at 29; meeting in honor of Pierce, 14 Mercantile Library Association, 45, 46 Union meeting, 55; Young Men's Dem- ocratic Club, 46. Boston Atlas, The, 19. Boston Journal, The, articlein, 71. Boston Post, The, 51; political attitude, 58. Boundary commissions. New England, 24; Mexican, 20, 23. Bowditch Mutual Fire Insurance Co., 26. Bowers, George, Capt., 9th United States Infantry, 65; letter to, 34. Bowers, Jesse, letter, 24. Boyd, E. Holmes, letter, 54. Boyd, Mrs. Linn, letter, 60. Boyd, Samuel S., Judge, 58; letter, 59. Boyleston, R., letter, 5. Boynton, Mark W. , perjxiry charge against, 45. Brady, Matthew B., letters, 43, 48. Branch, Lawrence O'Brien, letter to, 41. INDEX. 83 Breach, of promise suit, 28. Breckinridge, John C, nomination for President, 56, 58, 60, 61; political party of, 60. Breed, Z., letter, 53. Brewster, A. 0., letters, 16, 44, 71. Brewster, Susan B., letter, 44. Bridge, Horatio, letters, 29, 72, 80. Bright, Jesse D., United States Senator from Indiana, 49; expulsion from the Senate, 70. British Columbia and Montreal Railroad, bonds, 52. Broadhead, John M., letter, 47. Brooch, presented to Mrs. Pierce, 35. Brooks, Edward, letter, 48. Brooks, Horace, Capt., U. S. Artillery, letter, 12. Brown, George William, in the Jefferson Davis case, 78, 79; letters, 78, 79. Brown, John, raid at Harpers Ferry, 53^ 54, 55; congressional committee on, 5o; Dickinson on, 55; Pierce on, 54. Brown, Nathan W., 12. Brown, Titus, letter, 20. Brown, "William, naval officer, Salem and Beverly district, character, 30. Brussels carpets, weaving patent, 59. Buchanan, James, Secretary of State and President, 13, 42, 43, 47; administration, 49; administration adopts rotation in office principal, 46; administration an- tagonistic to Pierce's friends, 47, 49; Douglas' breach with administration, 49; failure of administration, 64; feel- ing against administration, 49; Forney's fight against, 49 ; administration's imbe- cility, 63; attendance at communion, 78; conduct, 49; correspondence with South Carolina commissioners, 64; di- rects that offer be made to Pierce of pas- sage on U. S. frigate, 48; enemies, 41; feeling against Pierce's following, 50; Kansas action censured, 44; Kansas policy, 49; letter to Ft. Duquesne committee, 50 ; manner, 41 ; nervous and hysterical, 63; New York Herald's attitude toward, 50; presidential nomi- nee, 33; urged to send commissions to Southern States, 63. Buirk, D. G., receipts, 17. Bunker Hill, battle, anniversary cele- bration, 40. Burke, Edmund, U. S. Commissioner of Patents, 34, 58; candidate for IT. S. Senator, 33; letters, 5, 8, 11, 25, 32, 33, 79; letters to, 33. Business, disturbance of , 55. Butler, Benjamin F., letter, 18. Butler, William O., Maj. Gen., Volun- teers, orders, 16. Butterfield, William, editor of " The New Hampshire Patriot,'^ letter, 44. C. Cabinet, Presidents, see President of the United States, Cabinet. Cady, Heman M., letter, 53. Cadwallader, Fanny, letter, 9. Caldwell, Zenas, clergyman, 62. Calhoun, John C, 49. California, gold in, 23, 26. Camden, Maine, collector of customs, 48. Camel Transportation Co., prospectus, 31. Cameron, Simon, Secretary of War, letter to, 67. Campbell, Hugh, letter, 51. Campbell, James, Postmaster General, let- ters, 38, 43, 45, 49, 61, 70; letter to, 60. Campbell, John Archibald, letters, 63; letter to, 63. Canada, Cunard steamship, 51. Canby, Edward R. S., Capt, Asst. Adj. Gen., U. S. Army, letter, 10; letter to, 11. Cannon, captured at Cherubusco, 13; purchased by Americans in Paris, 66. Cantwell, Edward, letter, 41. Carey, Mathew, pamphlet, 17. Carmichael, Richard B., letters, 65, 71. Carolina, North, Democratic district con- vention, 41. Carolina, South, commissioners, Buchan- an's correspondence with, 64; efforts to induce her to pause, 62; troops, bravery of Palmetto regiment in Mexico, 63; secession, 63. Carpenter, H., 24. Carpets, see Brussels carpets. Carr, Lewis, 27. Carroll, Caroline E., letter, 11. Carter, Ezra, jr., letter, 73. Caskie, John S., and others, letter, 27. Cass, Lewis, attitude during the war, 78; enemies, 41; presidential nominee, 33. Casualties, U. S. Army, 12. Chamberlain, Levi, letters, 24, 25. 84 INDEX. Chapman, William, Maj., 9th U. S. In- fantry, 22. Charleston, South Carolina, Democratic convention at, 50, 51, 53-54, 56, 57; Star of the West sent to, 64. Charlestown, N. H., Agricultural Fair, .52. Charlottesville, Vii^nia, Pierce's address to, 38. Chase, Carlton, letters, 65, 66. Chase, Francis R., letter, 15. Chase, Isaac, letter, 29. Chase, Leslie, Capt., Asst. Qvwtennaster, U. S. Army, qualifications, 7; letters, 10, 14, 17, 19. Chase, Salmon P., Chief Justice United States Supreme Court, inconsistent scruples, 79; objection to trial of Jeffer- son Davis in Richmond, 78; presiden- tial candidate, 50. . Chase, William H., letter, 57. Chatterton, John F., letters, 15, 32. Chelmsford Monument, 51. Cheshire Railroad Co., suit against, 28, 29. Chicago, IlUnois, Democratic national convention in, 72, 75. Choctaw mission, 53. Christianity, 35. Church, attitude on slave question, 55; subverting foundations of government, 75. Churchill, John C, letter, 68. Churubusco, Mexico, battle of and cannon captured at, 13. Cigars, distribution among troops, 11. Cilley, Jonathan, New Hampshire Repre- sentative in Congress, death, 39. Cincinnati, Society of the. Order for Pierce, 60. City of Mexico, fortifications, 11; opera- tions of Pierce's brigade and losses near, 10. Civil War, 63; Cass' attitude during, 78; brought on by abolitionism, 68; dura- tion of, 68; responsibility for, 65; stoppage of imj>ending, 66. Claiborne, John F. H., letter to, 34. Claims against the U. S., agency for, 27; Mexican, 23; pensions, 24; Pierce's, 27, 28. Clark, Daniel, letter, 25. Clark, Lewis W., letters, 77, 78. Clay, Clement M., 67. Clay, Franklin & Co., claim, 31, 32; letter to, 32. Clay, Henry, 49. Cleveland, Orestis, letter, 76. Cleveland, Perkins, letter, 42. Clergy, attitude of, 56. Clifford, Nathan, associate justice, United States Supreme Court, confirmed, 49. Clogston, John G., arrest, 7; trial, 10; case, 19. Cochecho Railroad, 16. Coggswell, George, receipt, 35. Cogswell, William, letter, 25. Cohen, William H., letters, 26, 27, 29, 30. Coins, of the Bible, 76. Colby, Arthur P., 17. Coleman, Ann Mary, letters, 53, 54. Coleman, John Crittenden, 53, 54. Columbus, Georgia, invitation to Pierce, 40. Commerce, confidential mission of United States regarding, 35. Commissioners, Mexican claims, 23. Comstock, Elon, letters, 53, 72. Concord, New Hampshire, Democratic meeting at, 61; peace meeting at, 72; Pierce's speeches at, 14, 65, 66; postmas- ter appointment, 56; public meeting at, 64; reminiscences of a trip to, 75; riot, 76. Concord & Portsmouth Railroad, 25. Confederate States of America, 64; recogni- tion by European nations, 70; strength of troops, 67. Conger, A. B., letter, 42. Congress, act appropriating for public works, 37; act granting public land to States, 36; adjournment, 37; Andrews' relief, 35; bill for Freedmen's bureau, 78; biU for governing Southern States, 78; candidate for, 67; claims in, 25; committee dinner to, 15; conflict with President Johnson, 78; Democratic Representatives from Maine and New Hampshire, 50; Democratic Represen- tative from Massachusetts, 60; to grant Negro suffrage, 78; House of Representatives, against Lincoln, 61; committee on John Brown's raid, 56; machinations in, 70; memorial to, 18; organization of, 56; Republican majority in, 78; reso- lutions on the death of Oilley, 39; wrangling in, 56; INDEX. 85 Congress, incapacity of , 63; joint committee on reconstruction's antagonism to the President and power to carry all measures, 78; memorials to, 17, 18; New Hamp- shire Representative, 6; nominees, 6, 22, 69; Pierce's messages to, 35, 36, 37, 46; representation not to be granted to Southern States, 78; resolve calling for correspondence between Pierce and Seward, 71; Senate, committee on reconstruc- tion, report, 79; confirmations, 39, 42; election of Hunter to, 48; expulsion of Bright, 70; Jefferson Davis's reso- lutions, 57; memorial to, 18; Pierce's candidacy for, 16; Republican ma- jority in, 78; talking in, 56; veto message to, 36; slavery question in, 23; slavishness of, 23; sword presented to Twiggs, 13; temperate action necessary, 62; talk in, 56. Connecticut, change of opinion in, 63; delegation at Baltimore Democratic convention, 61; elections, 55; politics, 68. Connecticut & Passumpsic Rivers Rail- road Company, committee report on bonds, 38. Connecticut River Valley Agricultural and Industrial Association, invitation to Pierce, 46. Connecticut Valley, railroad route, 21. Conservatives, National Union conven- tion, 79. Constitution, United States, 54, 74; dan- ger to adherents, 75; defense of, 80; friends of, 51; lectures on, 62; Pierce on, 54; rights of the South under, 55. Constitution, U. S. S., cane from plank of, 65. Constitutional Democrats, convention, 65; national mass meeting, 59. Consuls, United States, 42, 50, 69; ap- pointments, 20; removals, 70. Contingent fund, see United States, State Department, contingent fund. Contoocook Valley Railroad Company, Pierce as attorney, 20. Contreras, Mexico, assault on 10, 11 ; bat- tle of, 13, 31; map of, 11. Cooper, Samuel, former adj. and inspector general, Confederate Army, letters, 28, 77; letters to, 28. Cooper, Saunders W., letters, 15, 16. Copper mine, 69. Corporations, 5. Corpus Christi, Texas, camel route to San Francisco, 31. Coryell, Lewis S., letter, 70. Courier, The, 67. Court of Inquiry, U. S. Army, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19. Court-martial, 15. Cox, Samuel Sullivan, letters, 46, 70, 74. Crane, Ichabod Bennet, Col., U. S. Army, letter, 27; letter to, 26. Craven, — , physician, book, 79. Crosby, N., letters, 21. Cross, David, letters, 26, 29, 30. Cuba, Quitman's scheme against, 63. Gushing, Caleb, Col., Massachusetts volun- teers; Atty. Gen., United States, 38, 41; ability, 48; speeches, 41, 48; letters, 7, 39, 49, 50, 53, 56, 59; letter to, 39. Customs, U. S. collector, 48; surveyor, 6. Customhouse, Boston, 27. Curtis, Benjamin Robbins, justice, United States Supreme Court, resignation, 46. Curtis, James Langdon, letters, 47, 66; let- ter to, 47. Curtis, George T., letter, 78. Cutter, Edward S., letter, 30. Cutts, J. Madison, 47. D. Dalton, C. H., Ifetter, 51. Danforth, Timothy, letter, 26. Daniel, Peter V., associate justice, U. S. Supreme Court, 58. Dartmouth College, New Hampsliire, lit- erary societies at, 53. Davies, Thomas F., letter, 77. Davis, Ezekiel, 5. Davis, G. Malin, letter, 58. Davis, Jefferson, United States Senator from Mississippi; President, Confederate States of America, 53; ability, 49; de- fense of, 77, 78, 79; Democratic nom- inee for President, 55; friendship with Pierce, 35; funds for expense of trial, 78; impression made on New England by, 49; New England tour, 50; patriot- 86 INDEX. ism, 49; political attitude, 56; as presi- dential nominee, 56; resolutions in Senate of Feb. 2, 1860, 57; on sectional differences of opinion, 50; speeches, 44, 49, 50; treatment and trial, 79; letters, 35, 44, 49, 50, 51, 56; letters to, 34, 35, 55, 75. Davis, Jonathan, 5. Da\"is, Reuben, letter, 22. Davis, Varina (Mrs. Jefferson Davis), 49. Dayton, William L., United States minis- ter to France, 67; instructions to, 66. Dearborn, A. D., letter, 73. Dearborn, Stephen W., letters, 6, 31. De Leon, Edwin, letter, 48. Democracy, the Breckinridge and Lane, 60; of the Hartford Times, 68. Democratic Club of Boston, Young Men's, 46. Democratic Party, 71, 74; availability principle dangerous to, 75; Bell-Ever- ett wing, 60 ; campaign preparations, 34; candidates for presidential nomination, 56; central committee blunders, 34; chances in New Hampshire, 56 ; chances in presidential election, 73, 74; chance of success, 11, 68; Conventions, 18, 47; at Baltimore, 57, 58, 61; call for, 60; at Charleston, •S.C, 50,51,53,56,57; at Chicago, 72, 75; main idea of, 80; move by the Pierce men, 53; results, 33; seceders from the Charleston convention, 57; defeat in Pennsylvania, 61 ; delegates to National Union Conservatives conven- tion, 79; deserters, 78; difficulties, 49, 70; distracted state of, 50; district con- vention, 41; divided, 56, 57; duty, 67; harmony, 41, 50, 57, 58; hated by Doug- las men, 61; ideas gain, 69; jubilee cel- ebration at Nashville, 51, 52; leaders' change of front, 70; McClellan's candi- dacy, 73 ; meeting at Concord, 61 ; meet- ing in Kentucky, 60; in New Hamp- shire, 60, 64, 79; in New York, 49; news- paper, 57 ; nominees for President and Vice President, 18, 55, 56, 58, 60, 80; in the North, 55 ; opposition in Congress to committee on reconstruction, 78; Pierce as presidential nominee, 57, 74; Pendle- ton's withdrawal from presidential ticket suggested, 75 ; post-office employ- ees hostile to, 38; prejudice against, 70; presidential movements, 50; principles, 34; principles of states rights, 59; pros- pects, 49, 56; prospects in New York, 79; removal of postmasters urged as party measure, 58; Representatives in Congress, 50, 60; ratification meeting, 33; situation, 49, 60, 61; southern atti- tude on slavery in new States, 52; State conventions, 41, 64; troubles, 49; vic- tories, 27, 45; warring elements, 57. Democratic Union, The, see Union Demo- crat, The. Democrats, 59, 67, 70; address to Pierce, 48; alienated by McClellan's friends, 75; disorganized, 34; present Pierce with silver dinner service, 40; Ritchie's correspondence with, 32; see also Constitutional Democrats. De Noyelles, John L., letter, 42; letter to, 43. Derry, New Hampshire, bank, charter, 22, 23. Despotism, military, in United States, 68, 75. De Wolfe, Henry, letters, 31, 32; letter to, 32. Dickins, Asburj^, letter, 46. Dickinson, Daniel Stevens, presidential aspirations, 54; letter, 55. Dimond, Francis M., letters, 8, 15, 21, 23. Dinner, pubUc, to Pierce, 40. Dinner service, presented to Pierce, 40. Dinsmoor, Samuel, letter to, 64. Diplomatic fund, see United States, foreign intercourse fund. Diplomatic service, expenses, 5. Disloyalty, 63. Disunion Party, in New Hampshire, 79. Disunion sentiment, 55. Divorce, laws, 29. Dix, John A., Maj. Gen., U. S. Army, maliciousness of, 73. Dixon, James, United States Senator from Connecticut, letter, 79. Dixon, Joseph, letter, 76; letters to, 76. Dobbin, James Cochrane, Secretary of the Navy under Pierce, death, 44; letter, 41. Dodge, Augustus Caesar, United States Minister to Spain, resignation, 45, 48; letters, 48, 49. Dodge, Frederick, letter, 53. Dodge, John G., letter, 29. Dodge, , Mrs., 17. INDEX. 87 Doolittle, Jamea R., United States Sena- tor from Wisconsin, Pierce's estimate of services of, 80. Doran, Edward C, purser, U. S. Navy, 46. Dorr's Rebellion, 31. Douglas, Stephen A., 49, 54, 57, 61; actions, 56, 59; and Lincoln, 49; breach with the administration, 49; feeling for, 57; fusion with Union men, 60; party's hatred for National Democrats, 61; position, 52; aa presidential nominee, 33, 56; reelection, 49; wing of democ- racy, 60; withdrawal from race for presidency, 61. Dover Gazette, The, 21. Dow, Neal, letter, 69. Dred Scott decision, Taney's opinion of, 46. Dresden, Saxony, 50. Dudley, J., and others, letter, 60. Duncan, James, Lt. Col., U. S. Army, 9. Duncan, William H., letter, 5. Duncklu, J. & J., letter, 16. Dustin, D. H., and others, 19. Dustin, Jonathan, case of, 27. E. Earle, John, Jr., & Co., letter, 22. Eastman, Arthur M., letter, 59. Eastman, C. A., 8. Eayres, William, promissory note, 44. Elena, , Mons., 27. Elections, 41, 45, 48, 74; effect of northern on South, 55; Lincoln's by army vote, 75; Lincoln's dangerous to Union, 61; Pierce's views on, 61; presidential, 17, 21, 33, 34, 55, 59, 61, 73; to overthrow political abolitionism, 55. Electors, presidential, 34. Electricity, 60. Elson, Julius, 60. Emerson, John P., appointed postmaster, 24; letter, 20. Emery, Caleb J., purser, U. S. Navy, 72. Emery, George F., letter, 16. Emigration, to West, 41. England, newspaper comment on Bu- chanan's letter, 50. Envelopes, stamped, 42. Europe, recognition of Confederacy by, 70. Everett, Edward, oration, 42; letter, 39; see also Bell-Everett Party. Evans, Eastwick, letter, 45. Ewing, U. E., and others, letter, 40. Ex-Presidents of the United States, sug- gested meeting to preserve the Union, 64, 65, 66, 70. Fabens, , 39. Fain, William P., 39. Fair, Elisha Y., United States minister to Belgium, letter, 51. Fairbanks, Erastus, and others, letter, 38. Fairfield, John, letter, 5. Fanueil Hall, Boston, Jefferson Davis' speech in, 50; Pierce's speech in, 44; reception at, 19. Faribault, Minnesota, land office, 47. Farm, sold to Pierce, 47. Farmers gathering, at North Weare, N. H., 53. Farnsworth, Asa, case of, 22, 29. Famsworth, C. B., letter, 26. Farnsworth & Shaw, letter, 27. Faulkner, Charles James, 67. Felton, Cornelius C, letter, 42. Felton, N. B., letter, 6. Fessenden, W. P., letter, 28. Fifteenth U. S. Infantry, 13. Fillmore, Millard, 34; letter, 36. First Baptist Meeting House, Nashville, N. H., 24. Fish, Julia K., letter, 42. Fisheries, 34; in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 35. Fitzgerald, Charles H., letter, 13. Fitzgerald, Edward H., Capt., U. S. Army, letters, 11, 12. Fitzpatrick, Benjamin, United States Senator from Alabama,-53. Flag, The, 54. Florence, Kentucky, Democratic meet- ing at, 60. Forage, 8. Foreign vote, see Votes, foreign. Forney, John W., 41, 43, 61; attitude, 50; fight against Buchanan's administra- tion, 49. Fort Adams, Rhode Island, 8. Fort Duquesne, Pennsylvania, commit- tee; letter to, 50. Foster, H., letter, 17, 30. Foster, John S., letter, 45; letter to, 46. Foster, S. B., letter, 53. Foster, William L., letter, 25. Fourth of July, see Independence Day. 88 INDEX. Fowler, , Pierce's financial assist- ance to, 58. Franklin, New Hampshire, 78. France, feeling aroused in by recall of U. S. minister, 67; newspaper comment on Buchanan's letter, 50; newspaper com- ment on triumph of Republicans in U. S., 60. Fredericksburg, Virginia, citizens, pub- lic supper to Pierce, 40. Free States, citizens, meddling with con- cerns of others, 62. Freedmen's Bureau bill, 78. Fremont, , Mrs., 74. French, Benjamin B., 44. French, F. O., and G. Gorham, letter, 41. French, John F., letter, 44. French, Theodore, 25. French, William Henry, Lt., U. S. Artil- lery, letters, 18, 19. Fugitive slave law, in New York, 55. Fuller, H., letter, 58. G. Gay, George M., 36. Gardner, John L., Maj., 4th U. S. Artil- lery, sketch map, 11; letters, 10, 11, 13; letter to, 10. Geary, John W., Governor of Kansas, let- ters, 38, 39. Geneva, Italy, United States consul at, 50. George, Austin, letter, 31; letter to, 31. George, A. M., letter, 23. George, John H., letter, 56. Geoi^e, P. R., 56, 57. Georgia, Democrats, disorganized, 34; Ritchie's correspondence with, 32. German voters, 34. Gibbs,W.T., letter to, 21. Gilchrist, John James, letters, 46. Gill, Thomas, 17; letter, 19. Gillis, Mark, 44. Gilman, George W., letter, 26. Gilman'a Repository, 25. Gilmore, Joseph A., letter, 20. Glackin, John, 67. Glidden, E. J., letter, 31. Godfrey, J., Mate of merchant schooner "Kepler," 8. Goer, C. F., letter, 18. Gold, discovery in California, 23, 26. Goodale, , paper discontinued, 32. Gordon, O. H., letter, 64. Gorgas, Josiah, Lieut., U. S. Army, letter, 14. Gorham, G., see French, F. O., and G. Gorham. Gorham, J. W., U. S. consul at Jeru- salem, 48. Goshen, New Hamp8hire,plumbago mine, 47, 76. Grayson, John B., Capt., U. S. Army, letter, 15. Great Britain, North American colo- nies, trade, 35; confidential mission to, 35, 36. Great Falls, New Hampshire, separation from Somersworth, 18. Great Eastern, steamship, arrival at Port- land, 53. Greene, Charles Gordon, 34; political at- titude, 58; letters, 35, 68. Greenleaf, Abner, claim, 30. Grove, C. F., letters, 25, 27. Grover, Benjamin, 44; letter, 45. Grymes, John R., letter to, 12. Gucoara, Joaquin, see Sanchez, Jos^ R., Joaquin Gucoara. Gulf of St. Lawrence, fisheries, 35. Gurley, Phineas Densmore, clergyman, letter, 72. Guthrie, James, 61; adviser of Andrew Johnson, 78; public dinner in honor of, 40; letters, 45, 69, 78. H. Hale, John P., letter, 6; letter to, 6. Hall, Joseph, letter, 48. Hallett, Benjamin Franklin, rejected as delegate to Democratic convention, 58; letters, 25, 57; letter to, 58. Halloway, Edmunds B., letter, 18. Hamilton, Alexander, 49. Hamilton, James A., letters, 47, 52. Hamlin, Hannibal, principles and policy represented by Lincoln and, 58. Hammond, E. B., promissory note, 44. Hammote (?), S. A., letter, 34. Hancock, Winfield S., Maj. Gen., U. S. Army, 80. Harper, J. M., account against, 32. Harpers Ferry, Virginia, John Brown's raid at, 53, 55. Harris, J. George, letter, 50. Harris, , Mrs., mother's will, 30. Hartford Times, The, democracy of, 68. Harvard University, class day, 41. INDEX. 89 Haskell, Clarissa, letter, 13. Hatch, Albert P., letter to, 47. Hatch, Albert R., letters, 21, 59, 60. Hatch, T. E., physician, 8. Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 42; death, 75; dis- missal from office, 29; health, 74, 75; recommended for appointment, 6; let- ters, 60, 69, 75; letter to, 73. Hawthorne, Sophia, letter, 74. Hawthorne, Una, 60. Hayden, David, letter, 9. Hayden, William, 7; letters, 16, 19. Hazelton, Horace L., letters, 22, 29. Healy, Stephen W., letter, 77. Heaton & Read, letter, 19. Hebbe, G. C, -physician, letter, 34. Helm, Charles J., United States consul at Havana, letter, 57. Henderson, , 25. Hendricks, Thomas A., United States Senator from Indiana, Pierce's estimate of services of, 80. Henry, J. Ward, letter, 16. Herbert, Samuel, letter, 45. Hersey, Jacob, 19. Haskell, Chauncey P., 13. Hill, Clement, letter, 52. Hibbard, Harry, 22; letters, 25, 69. Higson, W. F., letter, 13. Hill, Clement, letter, 50. Hill, George W., receipt, 35. Hill, Silas H., letter, 46. Hill, W. P., 31. Hillard, G. S., letter, 74. Hillsboro Fire Insurance Co., suit against, 24. Hobbs, Josiah H., letter, 30. Holey, Abel, letter, 67. Holt, Joseph, Postmaster General, 62. Home Paint Company, case of, 26. Homer, Peter T., letter, 14. Hooker, Joseph, Capt. and Asst. Adj. Genl., U. S. Army, letters to, 10, 11. Hoover, Jonah D., letters, 43, 51, 56, 72, 73, 74; letter to, 80. Hooton, Isaac T., letter, 72. Horse, loaned Pierce, 15. Hotel de Louvre, Paris, American break- fast at, 67. Houston, Samuel, intention to invade Mexico, 56; opposition to secession of Texas, 65. Howard, John D., letters, 30. Howe, Albion Parris, Lieut, and Adju- tant, 4th U. S. Artillery, 13. Howe, James, letter, 28. Hubbard, John, letter, 47. Hull, A. M. H., letter, 76. Hungarians, aid for, 28. Hunt, Wilson G., see Barlow, Samuel L. M., and Wilson, G. Hunt. Hunter, R. M. T., fight against, 48. Huntington, C. P., letter, 21. Ignorance among the country people in the United States, 67. "In Memoriam," Tennyson's, 74. Independence Day anniversary celebra- tion at Vera Cruz, 8; Pierce's speech, 72, 74, 79. Independence Hall, Philadelphia, use for reception to Pierce, 40. Ingalls, Gardner, letter, 26. Ingersoll, Colin Macrae, letters, 61, 69. IngersoU, Joseph R., letter, 66. Insane, indigent, public land grant to States for, 36 Inspector General, U. S. Army, 28. Insurance companies, Bowditch Mutual Fire, 26; Hillsboro Fire, 24; New En- gland Mutual Fire, 31, 32. Iowa, political appointments, 45. Irwin, James R., Capt. and Asst. Quarter- master, U. S. Army, letter, 12. Irrepressible conflict doctrine. Pierce on, 54. "Issue between the North and South," article 74. Isthmus of Panama, see Panama. J. Jackson, James, letter, 74.. Jackson, John H., Lt. Col., 3d New Hamp- shire Regiment, 64; letters, 17, 65. Jefferson Society, University of Virginia, 54. Jenness, Richard, 31; letter, 30. Jewett, Jedediah, Mayor of Portland, Maine, letter, 53. Jewett vs. Goodale, case, 30. Johnson, Andrew, President of the United States, advisers, 78; antagonism in "Congress to, 78; character, 78; conflict with Congress, 78; lacks friends and party, 78; interview with, 79; is in the way, 80; suggests New Hampshire dele- gates to National Union Conservatives convention, 79; victory on an appeal to the people prophesied, 78. 90 INDEX. Johnson, Cave, Postmaster General, letter, 21. Johnson, Herschel V., nomination for Vice President, 58. Johnson, Richard M., letter, 5. "Joint Committee of 15," see Congress, Joint Committee on Reconstruction. Jones, George W., United States Senator from Iowa, letter, 45. Jones, J. Winthrop, Maine delegate to National Democratic Convention at Charleston, S. C, 57; letter, 70. Jones, Roger, Col. and Adj. Gen., U. S. Army, annual report, 12; general orders, 12; letters, 7, 9, 15, 22; letter to, 7. Journal of Commerce, New York, 53. Judges, district, New Hampshire, 79. Elansas, abolitionism in, 38; actions of Walker, Buchanan, and Pierce cen- svured, 44; affairs in, 44; Buchanan's policy towards, 49; disorder in, 37, 38, 39; free State party, 39; governor, 43; legislature, 39; Pierce's message on, 37; public officers, 38, 39; question, 52; re- movals from office, 38. Kearsarge, U. S. S., command of, 80. Keefee, J. P., receipt, 35. Kentucky, Democratic meeting in, 60; Democratic victory in, 45; legislature, speaker, 45; politics, 5; United States Senator, 45. Killed and wounded, see Army, opera- tions. Kimball, Geoi^e C, case of, 25. Kimball vs. French, 25. King, Horatio, letter, 62; letter to, 62. King, Riifus, letter to, 34. King, William R., nominee for vice Pres- ident, 33. King & Harding, letter, 31. Kinney, , see United States vs. Kinney. Kirby, Edmund, Col., U. S. Army, letters, 12. Kittery, Maine, navy yard, 65. Kittridge, George W., letter, 61. Know Nothing Party, 46, 67. Kossuth, Louis, difficulty in soothing, 34; political influence, 33. Kraitser, Charles, letter, 28. Labor, death of employee, 21; strikes, 56; ten-hoiir day opposed, 22. Lake George, New York, 77. Lally, Folliot Thornton, recommended, 20; letters, 20, 21, 23, 27. Land, purchased for Pierce, 44, 45,; trans- fer, 5; warrants, 15, 19, 24, 25, 31. Lands, Nicaragua, 39; public, grant to States, 36. Land Office, register, 47. Lane, Charles, letter, 6. Lane, Joseph, nomination for Vice Presi- dent, 58, 60. Latham, Milton Scott, United States Sen- ator from California, letter, 64; letter to, 71. Lawrence, Amos A., letters, 21, 64; letter to, 15; see also. Mason & Lawrence. Lawrence, W. B., letter, 75. Lawrence, Massachusetts, mill accident, see Pemberton Jtlill. Lawton, P., letters, 15, 24. Leavenworth, Kansas, Convention, 39. Lecompte, Samuel D., chief justice of Kansas, removal from office, 39; letter, 66. Lecompton, Kansas, defense of, 38. Ledyard, R. O., claim against the United States, 11. Lee, Robert E., Lt. Gen., Confederate States Army, defeat, 72. Lettres de cachet, arrests by, 69; servility in submission to, 70. Lettrus, John A., letter, 60. Liberty, danger to, 69. Lincoln, Abraham, President of the United States, advisers, 68; administration, 68; and Douglas, 49; chance of defeating, 58; character, 68; election, 60; election by Army vote, 75; election dangerous to Union, 61 ; effect of election on South, 63; fusion of all political opponents, 60; inability to accomplish with House and Senate against him, 61; Pennsylvania for, 61; principles and policy repre- sented by, 58. Linn, Elizabeth A. R., letter, 5. Linn, Lewis Fields, Mrs., letter to, 12. Liverpool, England, L'nited States con- sulate, 41. Locke, G. E., letter, 31. INDEX. 91 Looms, weaving, 59. Lord, Nathan, annuity for, 73, 75; letters, 72, 73, 74, 75. .Lord, William H., letter, 73. Loring, George B., letters, 52, 60, 72, 76. Louisville, Kentucky, United States Ag- riculture Society exhibition, 44. Levering, Nathaniel P., 38; letter, 42. Low, Joseph, letter to, 26. Lowell, Massachusetts, suit against the town, 31. Lowell Courier, The, 27. Lunt, George, letter, 67. Lynn, Massachusetts, strike at, 56. M. McCalla, John M., second Auditor, U. S. Treasury, letter, 18. McClellan, George B., Maj. Gen., U. S. Army, 74; as candidate for President, 72,73; friends mistakes, 75; movement 75, 76. McClelland, Robert, Secretary of the Inte- rior under Pierce, letters, 41, 48, 49, 69, 75, 78. McCoUock, N. Z., letter, 14. Macdonald, James Madison, letter, 78. Macey, George W., jr., letter, 43. McGregor, James, letter, 77. McGregor, Leslie, letter, 76. Mackay, William, 36. McKeon, John, United States district attor- ney/or southern district of New York, ac- count against U. S., 38; letter, 39; let- ter to, 39. Mackintosh, E.G., British consul in Mex- ico, letters to, 11. McNab, John, indebtedness, 26; letter, 72; letter to, 22. McNab, Sarah, letter, 26. McNab, , Physician, 25. McNeil, John, letter, 56. McLean, Washington, letter, 45. Madeira Islands, 60; Pierce's voyage to, 48; U. S. Consul at, 70. Madeira wine, 74. Magruder, J. Bankhead,Cap<., U. S. Ar- tillery, letter, 17. Mail, subsidy act, vetoed, 37. Maine, Democratic Representatives in Congress, 50; feeling for Douglas in, 57; governor, 57; tributary of Massachu- chusetts, 65; troops, 15th regiment, 70. Manchester, New Hampshire, Bank, case against, 25; lyceum's invitation to Pierce, 29. Manchester & Lawrence Railroad Co., stock, 22, 23. Manhattan Club, The, honorary member- ship to Pierce, 77. Manufactories in New England, 22. Manufacturing company, Amoskeag, 21, 22. Marble, Manton, letter, 77. March, Charles, letters, 60, 65, 72. March, Charles M., letter, 59. March, Charles W., letter, 48. March, Clement, letters, 53, 68, 73. March, John Howard, removed from office, 70; death, 72. Marcy, William Learned, Secretary of War, 38; death, 43; letters, 7, 35, 37; letters to, 7, 9, 38. Marland, O., 16. Marquess de la Habana, Mexican steam- ship, captured, 57. Marriott, J. C, letter, 57. Marshall, J. T., letter to, 48. Marston, Jeremiah W., 19; letter, 15. Maryland, candidate for Congress, 67; number of Union men in, 67; patriot- ism of citizens, 80; political conditions in, 67. Mason, George Champlin, 42. Mason, George M., letter, 56. Mason, James Murray, letter, 48. Mason, John Thomson, letters, 68. Mason, John Young, Secretary of the Navy, United States Minister to France, letters, 8, 51; letters to, 8, 51. Mason, Mary, letter, 9. Mason, Robert M., see Mason & Lawrence. Mason, Sarah R. P., letter, 14. Mason, W., letter, 68. Mason & Lawrence, letters, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 24. Mason Farm, Walpole, N. H., 45. Massachusetts, change of political opin- ion in, 63 ; fourth congressional district, Democratic Representative in Con- gress, 60; New Hampshire, Maine, and Vermont tributaries of, 65; strikes in, 56; troops, First Regiment of Volun- teers, 19; Union citizens meeting, 54. Matamoras, Mexico, description of, 8. Meader, Jonathan W., letter, 47. 92 INDEX. Means, Robert, letter, 59. Mediterranean squadron, U. S. Navy, 58. Meigs, Montgomery C, Capt., U. S. Engi- neers, letters, 38, 39. Memorials, to Congress, 17, 18. Mercantile goods, purchase refused and orders countermanded by Southern planters, 55. Mercantile Library Association, Boston, 46; invitation to Pierce, 45. Merrill, R. E., letter, 47. Merritt, Isaac J., letters, 59, 69. Merritt, John C, 18; letter, 17. Meteor, case of, 79. Mexico, army, armistice with TJ. S. forces, 10; boundary commission, 20, 23; Chiu-ch-lkliram6n party in, 57; claims commissioners, 23; embarka- tion of troops for, 7, 8; events in, 10, 11; Houston's invasion of, 56; march of U. S. Army in, 9; mortality among troops in, 14; news from, 11, 17; Pal- metto Regiment in, 63; peace with, 11, 15, 17; supplies for U. S. troops in, 9 territory acquired from, 18 ; treaty with U. S., 14; troops retiiming from, 19 U. S. tariff, 21, 23; war with, 8, 13; armistice, 10 dates of rej)orts of military operations in, 12; effect on Eiu-opeans, 29 Pierce's joiUTial, 9; skirmishes, 9. Michigan, 41; governor nomination, 49. Midshipman, U. S. Navy, 8. Miles, John D., letter, 40. ^Military despotism, 75. Miller, John B., 67. Mills in New England, 22. Mine, copper, 69; plumbago, 47, 59, 76. Minnesota territory, organized, 26; land purchased by Pierce, 44, 45. Minot, Josiah, 32; letters, 8, 49, 52, 57; letters to, 63. Miramdn, Miguel, Provisional President of Mexico, church party in Mexico, 57. Miramon, Mexican steamship, capt\u"ed, 57. Mississippi State convention censures Walker, Buchanan, and Pierce, 44. MoUno del Rey, Mexico, Pierce's brigade at, 11. Moncure, J. C, and others, letter, 40. Morn, Moses S., 19. Morrill, Elisha, 25. Morton, Marcus, letter, 6. Morway, John, 30. Moses, Nehemia, letter, 6. Moulton, Mace, letter, 25. Mower, Thomas (Gardner, letter, 26. Muleteers, Mexican, protection for, 13. Mmm, Thomas B., letter, 46. N. Natick, Massachusetts, strike at, 56. National Bridge, Mexico, 23; engage- ment at, 9. National Hotel, Washington, D. C, 36, 47. "National Portrait Gallery," 43. National Union Conservatives conven- tion, at Philadelphia, 79. Nashville, Tennessee, Democratic jubi- lee celebration, 51, 52. Nassau, Bahamas, 68, 69. Navy Medical Department Circular, 31; Mediterranean squadron, 58; purser, 14; Secretary of the, 5; spirit ration, 69. Navy yard, Portsmouth, N. H., 72. Negro suffrage, 78. Negro question, see Slavery. Negroes at meeting of Black Republicans at Boston, 61, see also Slaves. Neill, Mary, letter, 25; see also O'Neill, Thomas. Nelson & Burt, 16. Nesmith, James M., United States Senator from Oregon, 79. Neutral flag, belligerent property rights under, 50. Neutral rights, report on, 70. Nevitt, Arthur S., United States postmas- ter at New Orleans, letter to, 38. New England, boundary commission, 24; effect of business disturbance on, 55; impression made by Jefferson Davis on, 49; Jefferson Davis's tour in, 50; manufactures, 22; regiment, 8; spirit in, 54. New England Mutual Fire Insurance Co., directors, vote, 32; letter to, 31. New Hampshire, appointments in, 79; clergy's attitude on the mm issue, 56; condition of affairs in, 79 ; delegates to Democratic convention, 47; Demo- cratic chances in, 56; Democratic Party in, 60, 79; Democratic Repre- sentatives in Congress, 50; Democratic situation in, 49; Democratic State INDEX. 93 committee and convention, 64; Demo- crats, 59; district judge, 79; disunion party in, 79; divorce law, 29; elec- tions, 33, 55, 74; endorses policy that is destroying the Union, 65; governor candidate, 32; legislature, 23; extra session, 29; judiciary committee, 26; Pierce to act as attorney before, 15, 16; pre- sents a sword to Pierce, 27; ten-hour labor day bill before, 22; patronage in, 79; people interfere with concerns of others, 44 ; Pierce to stump, 64; plumbago mine in, 47, 59, 76; politics, 5, 6, 8, 13, 33, 47, 56, 73; post- mafiters, 58, 79; prohibition, 56; Rep- resentative in Congress, 6; Republi- cans in, 79; Senate, 21; subscribers to The Argus, 72; superior court, 30; tributary to Massachusetts, 65; troops, 65, 67; raising of, 66; regi- ments for Mexican War, 7.; Third Regiment, 66, 69; United States district attorney for, 45. New Hampshire Central Railroad, agents, 28. New Hampshire Gazette, The, 59. New Hampshire, Sons of, see Sons of New Hampshire. New Orleans, Louisiana, post office, 38. New Providence, Bahamas, Pierce's trip to, 55. New York, Democratic newspaper in, 57; Democratic prospects in, 78; Democ- racy, 49; fugitive slave law in, 55; political plan, 50; political power, 57; political \irtue in, 61. New York City, mass meeting, 79 ; Pierce invited to speak in, 78; public stores building, 59; railroad to Philadelphia, 17, 18; Union meeting, 54, 55. New York Evening Post, The, article in; 71. New York Herald, The, attitude, 50, success, 34. New York Tribune, The, article in, 71. Newark, New Jersey, citizens, 62. Newell, G. W., letter, 50. Newspapers, Democratic, 57; political leanings of, 34. Nicaragua, lands, 39; Walker's attempt on, 63. Nicholson, Alfred O. P., letters, 40, 41. Nimocks, Franklin B., Lt. U. S. Volun- teer Cavalry, letter, 15; letter to, 12. Ninth Infantry, U. S. Army, 7, 22, 26. Noble, Mason, clergyman, letters, 50, 75; letters to, 20. Noble, William, receipt, 36. Nomination for President, 18. Norfolk, Virginia, article in newspaper in, 79. Norris, Mosetf, United States Senator from New Hampshire, letterto, 30. . Norris, Samuel, letter, 66 North America, see America, North. North Carolina, see Carolina, North. North Weare, New Hampshire, farmers gathering at, 53. Norwich University, New Hampsnire, 16, 22. Noye, Alfred, 31. Nurse, Brown, letters, 28. 29. O. O 'Conor, Charles, offers his services to Jefferson Davis, 77; letters. 77, 80. Office, craze for, 61; dismissals from, 30, 38, 39, 47, 58, 70; rotation in, 46; seek- ers, 41. Officers, Army, brevets, 24; complaints of appointments and promotions, 19; feeling for Pierce, 17; hardships, 18; quarrels over credit, 17; uniforms, 12. Ohio, elections, 45. Oil property, 77. "Old Ironsides," see Constitution. O'Neill, George, letter to, 25. O'Neill, Thomas, miUtary services, 65; letters, 21, 24, 26, 27, 69. Orders, general, U. S. Army, 12, Osgood, N.H., letter, 29. O'Sullivan, J. L., letter, 64. O'Sullivan, Susan, letter, 49. O'Sullivan, , 69. "Our old Home," by Nathaniel Haw- thorne, 73. P. Page, , Mrs., letter to, 38. Painter, H. M., clergyman, 72. Palmer, Alpheus T., Lt., 9th U. S. In- fantry, letters, 19, 63. Palmetto Regiment, bravery in Mexico, 63. Panama, Isthmus of, camel route across, 31. 94 INDEX. Paris, France, Americans in, to pvtrchase cannon for government, 66; declaration of, U. S. privileges under, 50. Parker, Eugene S., letter, 30. Parker, Francis J., letter to, 8. Parker, John P., letter, 6. Parker, WiUiam, letter, 27. Parker, , 22, 53. Parris, Albion Keith, letter, 35. Parsons, Mary E., letter, 66. Parsons, WiUiam, letter, 15. Parsons, WiUiam M., letter, 69. Patents, 23, 59, 60, 62. Patent Office, U. S., 42. Patronage, in New Hampshire, 79. Patriot, The, Pierce's article in, 74; quar- rel with The Argus, 34. Patterson, Robert, letter to, 76. Patton, Benjamin, letter, 65. Pay rolls, Army, 8, 12. Peace, desire in the country for, 68; meet- ing at Concord, 72; with Mexico, 11, 15, 17. Pearce, James Alfred, United States Sena- tor from Maryland, letters to, 69, 70. Peaslee, Charles Hazen, New Hampshire Representative, U. S. Congress, letters, 18,23,24; letter to, 18. Peck, O. S. X., 31. Pemberton MiU, Lawrence, Massachu- setts, accident, 56. Pendleton, George H., Ohio Representa- tive in Congress, nominee for Vice Presi- dent of U. S., Pierce's estimate of serv- ices of, 80; withdrawal from Demo- cratic ticket suggested, 75. Perm treaty belt, presentation to Penn- sylvania Historical Society, 41. Pennsylvania, Democratic defeat in, 61; will go for Lincoln, 61. Pennsylvania, Historical Society of, 41. Penney Ivanian, The, 43. Pensions, 31, 32; claims, 24. Phi Beta Kappa, orator, 5. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 46; citizens' public dinner to Pierce, 40; National Union Conservatives Convention at, 79; "the press" in, 43; railroad to New York, 17, 18; select and conunon coimcil resolution, 40. Pierce, Benjamin, Lieut., Ist Massadiu- selts Regiment, Continental Army, 25; speech, 5; Revolutionary service of, 76. Pierce, Benjamin Kendrick, Lt. col., U. S. artillery, health, 26, 27, 29, 30. Pierce, F^nkUn, acceptance of presi- dential nomination, 33; accounts, 31; accounts against, 21, 22, 25; address, 38; administration, 39, 41, 43, 45, 48, 49, 53, 70, 75; administration vindicated, 70; aid requested, 18, 72, 76; anonymous at- tack on, 71; appointed brigadier gen eral> 7; appointed colonel, 7; Army officers feeUng for, 17; attitude on rivers and harbors bill, 33; audience with Comte Walewski, 51; biography, 33, 34; bonds, 71; Boston meeting in honor of, 14; bri- gade operations near the city of Mexico, lOjbrigade opera tionsatMoUnodelRey, 11; brother, see Pierce, Benjamin Kend- rick; Buchanan administration antago- nistic to friends of, 47, 49, 50; Cabinet, 34, 41,43; candidacy for President, 33; candidacy as U. S. Senator urged, 16; claim against U. S., 27, 28; Concord speech, 65, 66; conductin Mexican War, 22; contribution to injured in Pember- ton Mill accident, 56 ; courageous stand , 67; critics of, 45; declines candidacy for U. S. Senator, 16; defense of Jefferson Davis, 77; difficulty with Seward. 69, 70, 71; dinner service presented to, 40; duty to advise coimtry, 79; election, 33, 34; European trip, 48, 50, 51; farm sold to, 47; fees, 22, 23, 25, 26, 29, 30, 32; financial arrangements, 49; foreign vote for, 33; friendship with Jefferson Davis, 35; health, 64, 76, 77, 78, 80; honorary member of the Manhattan Club, 77; indebtedness, 13, 18; influence for harmony at Democratic convention, 50; influence for peace, 66; influence re- quested, 5, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 30, 31, 41, 43, 45, 46, 47, 49, 53, 57, 58, 59, 62. 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 72, 79, 80; in- fluence in the South, 61, 63; iUness, 9; interview with Steele, 70; invited to attend Alabama convention, 63; in- vited to Democratic meetings, 52, 59, 60; invited to speak, 8, 16, 29, 42, 44, 45, 46, 53, 54, 55, 62, 78; invited to visit the King of Belgium, 51; journal, 9; jour- ney with Hawthorne, 74; Kansas ac- tions censured, 44; kindness, 22, 32, 38, 40, 47, 48, 50, 52, 73; land purchase, 44, 45; l^acy to, 37; legal practice, 5; l^;al assistance requested, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 60; Ust of cattle, horses, etc.. INDEX. 95 80; loan, 19; loss of his son, 5, 34, 35; loss of his wife, 73, 75, 77; loyalty ques- tioned, 70, 71; messages to Congress, annual, 35, 36, 37, 46; message to House of Representatives, 37; message to Senate, 36; New York Herald's attitude toward, 50; newspaper article referring to, 79; offer of house in Madeira to, 60 on power of President to sign bills, 37 opinion of by men in Washington, 73 orator for Phi Beta Kappa, 5; passage on U. S. frigate offered, 48; payment of a note, 64; personal affairs, 18; political aid to, 24; political suggestions, 59; pre- dictions coming true, 75; presidential candidate, 61, 74; presidential nominee, 18, 51, 52, 53, 56, 57; proclamation, 37; promissory note in favor of, 44; public dinner to, 40; purchase of a place for, 53; reception, 40; "record of a month," 75; religious profession of faith urged on, 77, 78; remarks, 40; residence, 43; resignation from Army, 14, 15, 28; resignation as trustee in Norwich University, 22; return to America, 51, 52; services to the Nation, 75; Society of the Cincinnati order, 60; speeches, 14, 44, 65, 66, 72, 74, 76, 77, 79, 80; stock, 23; suggests resolves for adoption at the Baltimore Democratic national convention, 58; suits, 24; sword pre- sented to, 24, 27; use of his name at Charleston Democratic convention, 51; use of his name as presidential candi- date, 61 ; vetoes, 36, 37; views, desired, 75; visit to the Bahamas, 55, 56; visit to Spain, 48; wine for, 46, 65; witness in Pillow court-matial, 15. Pierce, Franklin, Jr., death, 5. Pierce, H. D., letter, 5; letters to, 5, 32, 55. Pierce, Jane Appleton (Mrs. Franklin Pierce), 41, 48, 49; death, 73, 75, 77; dividends, 54; health, 48, 50, 51; let- ters, 73, 80 ; letters to, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 35, 49, 52, 64. ' Pierce, Josiah, Jr., letter, 39. Pierce, Thomas D., letter to, 79. Pierce, Thomas P., letter, 47. Pierce & Minot, letter, 31. Pierson, Wiley, 12. Pike, Austin J., letter, 19. Pillow, Gideon J., Maj. Gen., Volunteers, 41 ; charges against, 14 ; court-martial, 15. Pinkham, Henry P., letters, 22, 23, 25. Planters, southern, refuse to buy northern goods, 55. Plumbago Company, 72. Plumbago mine, 47, 59, 76. Plummer, Samuel Moses, CapL, Ist U.S. Infantry, letter, 19. Poetry, 14. Politics, 10, 11, 14, 25, 32, 33, 40, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 57, 60, 61, 71, 73; aboli- tion, 55; apathy in, 19; aspect of, 54; bigotry, 73; Buchanan's administration antagonistic to Pierce's friends, 47, 49; campaign funds, 56; capital to be made out of Jefferson Davis' trial, 79; Con- necticut, 68; Democratic campaign preparations, 34; dismissals from office, 30; effect of Hawthorne's dismissal, 29; fusion of Douglas and Union men and all opponents of Lincoln, 60 ; impossible conditions, 75; Iowa appointments, 45; Kentucky, 5; national, 8; New Hamp- shire, 5, 6, 8, 13, 33, 47, 56, 73; New York, 61; the New York plan, 50; newspaper leanings, 34; partisan, 54, 58; Pierce on, 32; Pennsylvania, 61; sectionalism in control, 55; the situa- tion, 50, 59, 62, 63; in the South, 18; theological bearings, 75. Polk, James Klnox, President, criticised, 25; dinner invitation, 17; letter to, 20. Poor, Franklin U., letter, 31. Poor, Noyes, letter, 28. Porter, Fitz John, letters, 80. Porter, John B., Maj. and surgeon, U.S. Army, court of inquiry, 13. Portland, Maine, arrival of the Great Eastern at, 53 ; Jefferson Davis' siunmer at, 49. Portsmouth, New Hampshire, navy yard, 72; purchase of a place for Pierce at, 53. Post office, employees, 38; at Great Falls, 18; at Salmon Falls, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 23, 24; stamped envelopes, 42. Postmasters, New Hampshire, appoint- ment, 56, 79; removals, 58; at Salmon Falls, 20, 24. Potter, Chandler Eastman, letters, 57, 65. Potter, F. McW., letter, 66. Potto watomie Indians, agent, 42. Powers, Hiram, statue of "America," 38,. 39. Powhatan, U. S. S., 48. Prentiss, Addison, letter, 19. Prescott, William C, letter, 32. 96 INDEX. President of the United States, adminis- trations, Buchanan's, antagonism to Pierce's friends, 47, 49; breach with Douglas, 49; feeling against, 49; For- ney's fight against, 49 ; imbecility of, 63 ; Pierce's 70; advisers, 78; antagonism in Con- gress to, 78; Cabinet, 25, 34; feeling against Pierce's followers, 50; letter from, 41; letter to, 43; Pierce's letter shown to, 62; position in, 6; candidates for, 33, 51, 61, 72, see nominees infra; conflict with Congress, 78; Democratic chances, 73, 74; Democratic moves toward, 50; Democratic nominees for, 51, 56, 74; elections, 17, 34, 55, 59, 61, 73, 74; electors, 34; in the way, 80; infallibility of, 75; messages to Con- gress, 35, 36, 37, 46; nomination, 18; nominees, 34, 51, 52, 53, 55, 57, 58, 60, 74, 80; power to sign bills after adjourn- ment of Congress, 37; proclamation, 37; Republican indications, 50; urged to send commissions to January conven- tions of Southern States, 63; see also Ex-Presidents. Prejudice, sectional, 54. Press, The, 43. Price, John M., letter, 13. Princeton College, New Jersey, 78. Privateers, danger to American mer- chants' ships from, 67. Proclamation, presidential, against disor- ders in Kansas, 37. Prohibition, in New Hampshire, 56; in U. S. Navy, 69. Promissory note, 5. Promotions, U. S. Army, 12. Property, belligerent's rights under neu- tral flag, 50. Providence, Rhode Island, Cox's address at, 46. Public works, appropriation vetoed, 37. Purser, U. S. Navy, assistant, 14. Putnam, Albert Sumner, 24; letter, 23. Q. Quarles, W. A., and others, letter, 41. Quitman, John A., Maj. Gen. and mili- tary governor of Mexico, Cuban scheme, 63; letters to, 11. R. Radicals, deserters from Democratic ranks, 78. Railroads, 27; Government owned, 17, 18; New Hampshire, 21; stock, 42; smts, etc., 28, 29. Ransom, Trueman Bishop, Col., V. S. Infantry, body, 14; letters, 8, 11. Read, Robert, letter, 22. Reed, William B., letter, 52. Reciprocity treaty; between United States and British North America, 35, 36. Reconstruction, Joint Committee of Con- gress on, 78. Recruiting, 7. Religion, 46, 50, 78. Reno, Marcus A., Maj., 7th U. S. Cavalry, 80. Republican form of government, 75. Republican Party, breach in, 74; control of, 63; corruption, 57; defeat needed, 64; demoralized, 56; dishonesty of, 56; distracted, 50; hatred of national Demo- crats, 61; leaders blind to the situation, 64; majority in Congress, 78; presiden- tial indications, 50; responsibility, 66; triumph, 60. Republicans, in New Hampshire, 79; opposition to appointment of radicals, 79; see also Black Republicans. Returns, of killed and wounded in Mexi- can War, 10. Rice & Hart, receipt, 42; letter, 43. Richmond, Virginia, trial of Jefferson Davis in, 78. Richmond Enquirer, The, 48. Ricketts, Avoostine, letter, 44. Riggs, George, letter, 71. Riot, at Concord, N. H., 76. Ritchie, Thomas, correspondence with young Democrats of Georgia, 32; letter, 34; letter to, 32. Rivers and Harbors bill, 33. Rix, James M., 15, 16. Roberts, Hiram, 20. Robertson, John, letter, 79. Robertson, Wyndham, letter, 42. Rockland County, New York, citizens' invitation, 42. Rogers, Heruy B., and others, letter, 15. Rolfe, Henry P., letter, 26. INDEX. 97 Rowe, Theodore T., Capt., 9th U. S. Infantry, 11. "Rum" issue, see Prohibition. Rundlett, Gideon H., 59. Ruseell, Thomas, letter, 74. St. Clair Flats, Michigan, veto of bill to deepen channel, 37. St. Loids, Missouri, 51. St. Mary's River, Michigan, veto of bill to deepen, 37. St. Paul, Minnesota, 42. Salem, New Hampshire, Customs sur- veyor, 6. Salem and Beverly, New Hampshire, district, naval officer, 30. Salmon Falls, New Hampshire, post office at, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 23, 24. Salmon Falls Company, 21. Salter, Capt., his place purchased for Pierce, 53. San Francisco, California, camel route from Texas, 31. Sanborn, A., and others, letter, 55. Sanborn, Benjamin, account against, 32. Sanborn, Thomas J., letter, 19. Sanchez, Jos6 R., and Joaquin Gucoaja, letter, 9. Sanitary Commission, 67. Santa Anna, Antonio Lopez de, 9; vio- lates armistice, 11. Saratoga, New York, 77. Sargent, D. M., letter, 66. Saulsbury, Willard, United States Sen- ator from Delaware, speech, 70. Saunders, Daniel, Jr., Mayor Lavorence, Massachussetts, letter, 56. Savannah, Georgia, Democrats, 40. Savannah River, Georgia, improvement of, 37. Sawyer, Ebenezer, letter, 29. Scandinavian, votes, 34. School ship, 74. Scott, Henry Lee, Asst. Adj. Gen., U. S. Army., appointed commissioner to settle armistice, 10; orders, 9; letter, 10. Scott, Martin, Lt. Col., 5th U. S. Infantry, body of, 14. Scott, Winfield, Maj. Gen., U. S. Army, 23, 24; chances of election, 34; nomina- ted for President, 34; reports of battles of Contreras and Churubusco, 13; letters to, 11. 84106°— 17 7 Scull, Gideon, letter, 58. Seamans, Augustus G., letter, 47. Seceded States brought back into the Union, 64; should not be fought against, 74. Secession, 63, 65, 68; change of front of Democratic Party leaders on, 70; con- sidered a joke, 64; and South Carolina, 63. Secretary of the Navy, see Navy, Secre- tary of the. Sectionalism, 55, 61 ; in control of politics, 55; in Northern States, 70. Senators, U. S., election in New Hamp- shire, 33. Serrano y Dominguez, Francisco, Cap- tain General of Cuba, 57. Servants, 8, 12. Sever, James W., letter, 60. Seward, William H., Secretary of State, charges against Pierce, 69, 70, 71; instructions, 66; -as presidential candi- date, 50; speech, 57. Seymour, Horatio, Gov. New York, 54, 72. Seymour, Thomas Hart, Major, U. S. Infantry, 23; Pierce's estimate of serv- ices of, 80; letters, 27, 35, 61, 67, 68, 72; letters to, 7, 61. Shakers, Pierce's defense of, 26. Shawnee Reserve, conspiracy to sieze, 38. "Shenandoah Valley Campaign", 76. Shelby, Ezekiel M., 14. Shepley, Ether, Justice, Maine Superior Court, on Jefferson Davis's candidacy, 55. Shepley, George F., letters, 63, 67. Shields, Hamilton L., arrest of, 69. Shields, James, letter to, 44. Shirley, John Milton, letter, 75. Shirley, P. M., letter 23. Shoemakers, strikes, 56 Shorter, Eli S., letter, 52. Shugert, Samuel T., letter, 51. Sickness, see Health. Simons, George, letter, 30. Slarin, Peter, letter, 42. Slave law, fugitive, see Fugitive slave law. Slave ship, wreck, 59, 69. Slave States, will be driven out of the Union by coercion, 62. Slave trade, reopening of, 51, 63. 98 INDEX. Slavery, 66; agitation, 6; anti methods, 55; churcli's attitude on, 55; controversy disturbing to communities, 63; move- ment against, 55; in new States, 52; question in Congress, 23; settlement of question, 63; and slaves, 49; speeches, 56. Slaves, 49; disposition of those from a wrecked slave ship, 59, 69; New Hamp- shire people's interference with, 44; see also under Negro. Slidell, John, United States Senator from Louisiana, actions, 49. Slocum, John S., letters, 27, 32; letter to, 32. Smalley, D. A., letter, 47. Smart, Ephraim K., 70; letters, 57, 58. Smith, G. P., and others, letter, 52. Smith, Henry, Maj. and quartermaster of Volunteers, letter, 9. Smith, John C, letter, 52. Smith, Joseph Poinsett, Lieut., U. S. Army, 14; letter, 6. Smith, Larkin, Capt., 8th U. S. Infantry, letters, 9, 12, 41, 45. Smith, Morrill B., letter, 14. Smith, Persifor F., Brig. Gen., U. S. Army, letters, 13, 14; letter to, 10. Smith, T. L., letter, 27. Smith, W. D., letter to, 6. Smyth, WilUam, letter, 14. Smythe, , Pierce's loan to, 19. Snow, W. R., letters, 47, 80. Snowden, James Ross, letter, 76. Society, in Washington, D. C, 49. Solon, Yoaquin, letter, 9. Somersworth, New Hampshire, division of town, 18, 21, 24. Sons of New Hampshire, festival, 29. Soul^, Pierre, compliments Pierce, 34. South, see United States, Southern States. South worth, Sylvester S., letter, 41. Spain, counsel for, in Meteor case, 79; sym- pathy for the chiu*ch — Miram6n party in Mexico, 57; Pierce invited to visit, 48; seiziu-e of the Black Warrior, 36. Spence, Carroll, 78; letter, 67. Spencer, , 39. Spofford, R. S., letter, 75; letter to, 74. Sprague, Charles J., 68. Sprague, W. B., letter, 62. Stagecoach, accident, 20. Stamped envelopes, 42. Star of the West, merchant steamship, sent to Charleston, 64. Stark, Frederick G., letter, 31. Stark, George, letter, 71. Stark, Rodney G., complaint, 7. States, grant of public land to, 36; new, extension of slavery in, 52; rights, 59; slave will be driven out of the Union, 62. Steedman, Charles, letter, 46. Steele, John H., letter, 75; letter to, 70. Steele, Mrs. Moses, 53. Stephens, Alexander H., speech, 68. Stevens, Isaac Ingalls, letter, 58; letter to, 58. Stevens, Oliver, letter, 46. Stevens, William S., pension, 24. Stickney, G. W., letters, 54, 65. Stimson, Alba, letter, 14. Stinson, A. P., letter, 71. Stockton, P. A., letter, 50. Stocks, 63, 77; bank, 22; in manufactories in New England, 22; raikoad, 22, 23, 42. Stony Point, New York, monument, 42, 43. Stores, Government, 65. Strong, A. L., letters, 20, 21. Stuart, Charles E., United States Senator from Michigan, nominated for governor, 49; letter to, 37. Stuart, H., see Andrews, Henry B., and H. Stuart. Stubbs, Edward, agent, U. S. State De- partment, expenses, 5; letter, 38. Suffrage, negro, 78. Sumner, Charles, violence of, 58. Sumner, Edwin Vose, Maj., 2d U. S. Dra- goons, 12. Sumner, James B., letter, 21. Supplies, for troops in Mexico, 9. Supreme Coiu"t, United States, 46, 49; vacancy in, 58, 59. Surgeon, U. S. Army, 13. Sword, presented to Pierce, 24, 27. Taney, Roger Brooke, Chief Justice, United States Supreme Court, confi- dence in his Dred Scott decision, 46; letter, 46. Tappan, M. W., letter, 28. Tariff, U. S. in Mexico, 21, 23; at Vera Cruz, 8. Tarleton, James M., letter, 64. INDEX. 99 Tarleton, S. H., letter, 47. Tax, on bank stock, 22. Taylor, John J., letter, 75. Taylor, Zachary, Maj. Gen. U. S. Army, President of the United States, 10, 23, 25, 26; election, 21. Tennessee politics, 41. Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, "In Memo- riam," 74. Territory, acquired from Mexico, 18. Texas, annexation, 6; Pierce's remarks to citizens committee, 40; secession, 65. "TheHamiltons,"38. Thorn, George, 22, 23, 24; march to Scott's support, 23; letter, 24. Thorn, James, letters, 22, 23, 24. Thomas, Lorenzo, Asst. Adj. Gen., U. S. Army, 16. Thompson, Abner B., Lt. Col, U. S. Infantry, letter, to, 7. Thompson, Jacob, Secretary of the Interior, resignation, 64; letter to, 62. Thompson, James W., Capt., 9th U. S. Infantry, death, 13; funeral expenses, 15; widow, 19. Thompson, Samuel, conduct, 19. Thornton, James Shepard, Capt., U. S. Navy, letters, 47, 80. Tichnor, George, 74. Tobacco, seized by U. S., 11. Todd, F. Walton, letter, 13. Tompkins, Daniel D., Maj. and Quarter- master, U. S. Army, letter, 17. Topeka movement, Kansas, 39. Toucey, Isaac, Secretary of the Navy, 43; letter, 48; letter to, 48. Towle, George W., letter, 25. Towner, Noble, U. S. consul, Bermuda, letter, 53. Towson, Nathan, Maj. Gen., U. S. Army, letter, 28; letters to, 28. Tracy, Albert, letter, 65. Trade, see Commerce. Train, Enoch, and others, letter, 35. Treasury Department, see United States Treasury Department. Treaty, Mexico and the United States, 14. Trent, British merchant steamship, affair, 60. Trieste, Italy, United States consul at, 42. Trist, Nicholas P., United States Commis- sioner to Mexico, letter, 13. Troy, New Hampshire, suit against Che- shire Railroad Co., 28, 29. Tucker, Beverly, United States Consul, Liverpool, 67; letter, 51. Twelfth U. S. Infantry, 11. Twiggs, David Emanuel, Brig. Gen., U. S. Army, letter, 13. Tyler, John, President, 5. Tyler, J. E., Physician, 24. U. Uniforms, U. S. Army officers, 12. Union citizens, meeting, Massachusetts, 54. Union Democrat, The, 32, 33, 41. Union meeting. New York, 54, 55. Union Party, 70. Unionists, in Maryland, 67. United States, account against, 15, 36, 38; border States' position, 62, 64; see also Middle States infra; boundary commis- sion with Mexico, 20, 23; broadminded- ness between North and South, 54; business disturbance, 55; cannon pur- chased by American citizens in Paris for, 66; church and State subverting Government of, 75; Central States pressed by extreme North and South, 62; see also Middle States infra; change of sentiment if victory is not soon, 69- 70; cities' feeling, 68; claims against, 11, 27, 28; condition of the country, 68, 69, 70, 79; confidential mission to Brit- ish North American colonies, 35, 36; consuls, 42, 50, 69, 70; country popula- tion 's feeling, 68 ; danger from Lincoln 's election, 61; dangers threatening, 55; destruction of Union, 65; difficulties and plan to settle, 67, 68; diplomatic ministers recalled, 67; diplomatic post, 34; diplomatic service, see Diplomatic Service; district attorney, 45; dis- union sentiment, 55; ex-Presidents' meeting to perserve the Union, 64, 65, 66, 70; fate of, 75; finance, 34; foreign intercourse fund, 34; foreign invest- ments in, 65; good of the, 80; Govern- ment change, 67; Government depart- ments appointments, 45; Government departments, rotation in office princi- ple, 46; Government's duty, 55; Gov- ernment's intention concerning Jeffer- son Davis, 77; ignorance among the country people, 67 ; insanity of the hour in the, 75; loan balance unpaid, '62; mail subsidy vetoed, 37; merchant 100 INDEX. Bhipa' danger from privateers, 67; Mexi- can boundarj' commission, 20, 23; Mid- dle States, 54, 62, 64; military despo- tism, 68; national affairs, 76; New England States 'spirit, 54; North, ability to conquer the South 66; abolitionism, in, 61; antagonism of State governments to the South, 55; armed aggression against, 68; change of sentiment in, 62; defense of rights of the South by, 63; given time to cast out fanaticism, 63; persistent moral aggression of, 66; pressure upon Central States, 62; responsibility for war, 65; revolution expected in, 74; united, 66; North and South, issue between, 74; plan of agreement, 65; Northern States, aboUtion fanati- cism in, 56; antagonism to South, 55; corruption in, 70; goods refused by southern planters, 55; prospect of fighting in, 55; sectionalism in, 70; Northwestern States, spirit in, 54; overthrow by Lincoln's election, 60; Patent Office, 23; payments out of dip- lomatic fund, 34; peace with Mexico, 11, 15, 17; people's serviUty, 70; Pierce's efforts to ward off the situation, 64; Pierce on condition of, 68; Pierce's services to, 75 ; policy that is destroying, 65; political situation, 68, see also Con- dition of, supra; poUtics, 8; presiden- tial election, 17, 34, 55, 59, 61. 73, 74; prevention of restoration of union, 79; privileges under the declaration of Paris, 50; property in the South, 66; prospect before, 75; public land grant to States, 36; railroad, 17, 18; receipt to, 36; reciprocity treaty with British North American colonies, 35, 36; se- ceding States, 64, 66; servility of peo- ple, 70; situation in, 64, 66, 72; South, arrogant rashness of, 66; bitterness in, 55; constitutional rights, 55; countermands mercantile orders in North, 55; defense of rights by people in the North, 63; effect of Lincoln's election on, 63; effect of New Hampshire and Connecticut elections on, 55; feeling in, 55, 67; guarantees to, 64; hysterical excite- ment in, 63; labors with men of, 62; North's ability to conquer, 66; not asked to endure further aggres- sion, 63; Pierce's hope that modera- tion will be shown by, 62; Pierce's influence in, 61; pressure upon Cen- tral States, 62; the press in, 43; United States property in, 66; urged not to take hasty action, 63; Southern democracy's attitude, 52; Southern States, 34; antagonism of State governments of the North to, 55; bill for governing, 78; conventions, 63; desire to reopen slave trade, 51; jealous of their own leaders, 50; poU- tics in, 18; rights, 55; will not be ad- mitted to representation in Congress, 78; State Department, contingent fund 37; correspondence of Pierce and Seward on file in, 71; furnishes facta to Associated Press, 71; stores, 65; sustaining the Union, 54; tariff with Mexico, 21, 23; territory ac- quired from Mexico, 18; Treasury De- partment, demands refund, 23; Treas- ury Department partially suspends, 62; treaty with British North American Colonies, 35, 36; treaty with Mexico, 14; the Union, 54, 66, 79; Vice Presi- dent, 33; war with Mexico, 8, 13; west- ern aboUtion, 61; western emigration, 41; western Pierce sentiment, 33. United States vs. Kinney, case of, 37, 38. United States Agriculture Society, exhi- bition, 44. University of Virginia, Jefferson and Washington societies, 54; Pierce's ad- dress to, 38. Upton, George B., letter, 43. Utica, New York, Democratic convention at, 18. Van Bokkelen, WilUam Kemble, Lt., Sd U. S. Infantry, letter, 13. Van Buren, John, letter, 77. Van Buren, Martin, 46. Vandervoort, James, letter, 51. Varnum (Mrs.), Jeremiah, letter, 30. Vaux, Richard, and others, letter, 40. Vera Cruz, Mexico, Independence Day celebration at, 8; U. S. tariff at, 8. Vermont, tributary of Massachusetts, 65. Verses, see Poetry. Veto message, 36. INDEX. ■lOl' Vice President, nominee, 33, 60. Vicksburg, Mississippi, fall of, 72. Viele, Teresa, letter, 74. Viollier, Louis W., letter, 50. Virginia, 54; Democratic victory in, 27; objection to trying Jefferson Davis in, 79; Senatorial election fight, 48. Virginia resolutions, the, 32. Virginia University, see University of Virginia. Voorhees, Daniel Wolsey, Indiana Repre- sentative, U. S. Congress, speech, 75; letter, 75. Vose, Frederick, letters, 28, 29. Vose, Henry, letter, 76. Votes, Army, 75; foreign, 33, 34. Vroom, Peter D., letter, 40. W. Walewski, , Comte, audience with Pierce, 51. Walker, Jones, letter, 30. Walker, Leroy P., Secretary of War, Con- federate States of America, speech, 68. Walker, Robert J., governor of Kansas, Kansas actions censured, 44; removal of, 43. Walker, William, 31; attempt on Nica- ragua, 63. Wambaugh, A. B., letter, 14. Ward, Townsend, letter, 41. Warland, John H., 17, 19; letter, 37. Warren, Joseph, statue, 40. Warren, G. Washington, and others, let- ter, 40. Washington, George, Everfett's oration on, 42. Washington, D. C, society in, 49. Washington society, University of Vir- ginia, 54. Washington Union, The, 10. Watson, J. D., 24; letter, 20. Way, John M., letter, 74. Way, Samuel A., 17. Wayne, Anthony, monument at Stony Point, 42. Weatherby, EphraimB., 17. Weatherby, , military service of, 6. Weaving, carpets, 59. Webber, J. A., Maj., U. S. Army, claim, 24, 25; letter, 25. Webber, John and Sarah, letter, 5. Webster, Daniel, life of, 78; statue, 52. Webster, Sidney, 39, 49, 56; wife, 61; letters, 67, 71, 72, 73, 79; letters to, 53, 77. Webster, Mrs. Sidney, 73. Webster, Warren, Asst. surgeon, U. S. Army, 67, court-martial, 73. Webster, , suit, 31. Webster family, 78. Wells, John S.?, judge, 22. Wentworth, Tappan, letter, 20. West, William H., letter, 67. West, see United States, Western States. Wheaton, Henry S., Prest., Norwich Uni- versity, letter, 22. Wheeler, Luther H., letter, 32. Whipple, T. J., letter, 16. Whiskey, 9. White House, Washington, D. C, 47 White Mountains, New Hampshire, 77. Whittlesey, Elisha, letters, 39, 40, 52. Wilder, Marshall Pinckney, letter, 44. Wilder, Marshall P., and others, letter, 29. Wilkins, F. G., and others. Mayor of Co- lumbus, Ga., letter, 40. Wilkins, William D., letter, 57. Willey, James, letter, 13. Williams, Catherine R., letter, 31. Wilmot Proviso, 14. Wilson, Erastus, 30. Wilson, Henry, Lt. Col., 1st U. S. In- fantry, letters, 8, 9. Wilson, William Henry, 8. Wilton Railroad, 27. Wilton Railroad Company, 19; Pierce's legal services desired by, 18. Wine, 69; Madeira, 74; for Pierce, 46, 65. Winship, Oscar Fingall, Maj., and Asst. Adjt. Gen., U. S. Army, letters, 15, 21, 22. Winslow, Isaac, letter, 42. Winslow, Warren, letter, 44. Wolfe, Henry I>.,Lt., 9th U. S. Infantry, letters, 10, 14. Wood, Allen, and others, letter, 11. Wood, Fernando, letters, 79. Wood, H., letter, 68. Wood, John T., letter, 68. Woodbury, Levi, U. S. Senator, from New Hampshire, letter, 6. Woodman, Benjamin P., letter, 45. Woodman, Horatio, letter, 64; letter to, 65. 102 INDEX. Woodman, C. W., letters, 16, 19. Woods, Samuel, Maj., 15th U. S. Infantry, case, 18; letters, 23, 26, 59; letter to, 9. Worston , A., letter, 55. Worth, William Jenkins, Maj. Gen., U.S. Army, charges against, 14; letters, 9, 11. Wright, Edward H., letter, 73. Wright, William, letter, 62. Wright, , Mrs., letter, 73. Yoder, Oliver B., letter, 73. Young Men's Democratic Club of Boston, invitation to Pierce, 46. o 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. IM ^^^%7= ^^cn LP 3EC13 1975 6 7 jc. f^ ny^ ^Pff 31358 i£& j;;lft.»Wl>'^^ 6 0ct>