EDDCiTIOH LIBR. H 1 # THE LIBRARY iM OF .J*iC PREAMBLE. SUMMER'S after- noon. Early in the summer, and late in the after- noon; with odors and colors deep- ening, and shad- ows lengthening, towards evening. Two gaffers gossiping, seated side by side upon a Yorkshire wall. A wall of sandstone of many colors, glowing redder and yellower as the sun goes down ; well cushioned with moss and lichen, and deep set in rank (8i) ''"'"■'^'SSi,, "iflll!!!,,,,.. 82 DADDY DARWIN's DOVECOT. grass on this side, where the path runs, and in blue hyacinths on that side, where the wood is, and where — on the gray and still naked branches of young oaks — sit divers crows, not less solemn than the gaffers, and also gossiping. One gaffer in work-day clothes, not unpictu- resque of form and hue. Gray, home-knit stock- ings, and coat and knee-breeches of corduroy, which takes tints from Time and Weather as harmoniously as wooden palings do ; so that field laborers (like some insects) seem to absorb or mimic the colors of the vegetation round them and of their native soil. That is, on work- days. Sunday-best is a different matter, and in this the other gaffer was clothed. He was dressed like the crows above him,j^^ excepted: the reason for which was, that he was only a visitor, a revisitor to the home of his youth, and wore his Sunday (and funeral) suit to mark the holiday. Continuing the path, a stone pack-horse track, leading past a hedge snow-white with may, and DARBY AND JOAN. 83 down into a little wood, from the depths of which one could hear a brook babbling. Then up across the sunny field beyond, and yet up over another field to where the brow of the hill is crowned by old farm-buildings standing against the sky. Down this stone path a young man going whistling home to tea. Then staying to bend a swarthy face to the white may to smell it, and then plucking a huge branch on which the blos- som lies like a heavy fall of snow, and throwing that aside for a better, and tearing off another and yet another, with the prodigal recklessness of a pauper ; and so, whistling, on into the wood with his arms full. Down the sunny field, as he goes up it, a woman coming to meet him — with her arms full. Filled by a child with a may-white frock, and hair shining with the warm colors of the sandstone. A young woman, having a fair forehead visible a long way off, and buxom cheeks, and steadfast eyes. When they meet 84 DADDY Darwin's dovecot. he kisses her, and she pulls his dark hair and smooths her own, and cuffs him in country fash- ion. Then they change burdens, and she takes the may into her apron (stooping to pick up fallen bits), and the child sits on the man's shoulder, and cuffs and lugs its father as the mother did, and is chidden by her and kissed by him. And all the babbling of their chiding and crowing and laughter comes across the babbling of the brook to the ears of the old gaffers gos- siping on the wall. Gaffer I. spits out an over-munched stalk of meadow soft-grass, and speaks : " D'ye see yon chap } " Gaffer II. takes up his hat and wipes it round with a spotted handkerchief (for your Sunday hat is a heating thing for work-day wear) and puts it on, and makes reply : " Aye. But he beats me. And — see there! — he's t' first that's beat me yet. Why, lad ! I've met young chaps to-day I could ha' sworn to for mates of mine forty years back — \:i\ What do they call Mm 9 ' 85 if I hadn't ha' been i' t' churchyard spelling over their fathers' tumstuns ! " "Aye. There's a many old standards gone home o' lately." " What do they call him f " "T'young chap?" **Aye." "They call him — Darwin." " Dar — win .<* I ^should know a Darwin. They're old standards, is Darwins. What's he to Daddy Darwin of t' Dovecot yonder.?" "He owns t' Dovecot. Did ye see t' lass.?" "Aye. Shoo's his missus, I reckon?" "Aye." "What did they call her?" " Phoebe Shaw they called her. And if she'd been my lass — but that's nother here nor there, and he's got t' Dovecot." "Shaw? They re old standards, is Shaws. Phoebe ? They called her mother Phoebe. Phoebe Johnson. She were a dainty lass ! My father were very fond of Phoebe Johnson. He 86 DADDY DARWIN's DOVECOT, said she alius put him i' mind of our orchard on drying days ; pink and white apple-blossom and clean clothes. And yon's her daughter ? Where d'ye say t 'young chap come from ? He don't look like hereabouts." "He don't come from hereabouts. And yet he do come from hereabouts, as one may say. Look ye here. He come from t' wukhus. That's the short and the long of it." ^^ The workhouse f "Aye." Stupefaction. The crows chattering wildly overhead. " And he owns Darwin's Dovecot ? " " He owns Darwin's Dovecot." " And how i' t' name o' all things did that come about } " "Why, I'll tell thee. It was i' this fashion." ******* Not without reason does the wary writer put gossip in the mouths of gaffers rather than of gammers. Male gossips love scandal as dearly THE LONG AND THE SHORT OF IT. ^y as female gossips do, and they bring to it the stronger relish and energies of their sex. But these were country gaffers, whose speech — like shadows — grows lengthy in the leis- urely hours of eventide. The gentle reader shall have the tale in plain narration. Note. — It will be plain to the reader that the birds here de- scribed are Rooks {corvus frugilegus). I have allowed myself to speak of them by their generic or family name of Crow, this being a common country practice. The genus corvus, or Crow, includes the Raven, the Carrion Crow, the Hooded Crow, the Jackdaw, and the Rook. SCENE I. NE Saturday night (some eighteen years earlier than the date of this gaffer-gossiping) the parson's daughter sat in her own room before the open drawer of a ban- dy-legged black oak table, bal- \3iP^^^ ancing her bags. The bags were money-bags, and the matter shall be made clear at once. In this parish, as in others, progress and the multiplication of weapons with which civiliza- tion and the powers of goodness push their conquests over brutality and the powers of (88) BAG-KEEPING V. BOOK-KEEPING. 89 evil, had added to the original duties of the parish priest, a multifarious and all but im- practicable variety of offices ; which, in ordi- nary and lai"c conditions, would have been performed by several more or less salaried clerks, bankers, accountants, secretaries, libra- rians, club-committees, teachers, lecturers, dis- count for ready-money dealers in clothing, boots, blankets, and coal, domestic-servant agencies, caterers for the public amusement, and preservers of the public peace. The country parson (no less than statesmen and princes, than men of science and of letters) is responsible for a great deal of his work that is really done by the help-mate — woman. This explains why five out of the young lady's money-bags bore the following inscriptions in marking-ink : " Savings' bank," " Clothing club," " Library," *' Magazines and hymn- books," ''Three-halfpenny club" — and only three bore reference to private funds, as — " House-money " — " Allowance " — " Charity." go DADDY DARWIN S DOVECOT. It was the bag bearing this last and greatest name which the parson's daughter now seized and emptied into her lap. A ten-shilling piece, some small silver, and twopence halfpenny jingled together, and roused a silver-haired, tawny-pawed terrier, who left the hearthrug and came to smell what was the matter. His mistress's right hand — absently caressing — quieted his feelings ; and with the left she held the ten-shilHng piece between finger and thumb, and gazed thoughtfully at the other bags as they squatted in a helpless row, with twine-tied mouths hanging on all sides. It was only after anxious consultation with an account- book that the half-sovereign was exchanged for silver ; thanks to the clothing-club bag, which looked leaner for the accommodation. In the three-halfpenny bag (which bulged with pence) some silver was further solved into copper, and the charity bag was handsomely distended be- fore the whole lot was consigned once more to the table-drawer. SATURDAY NIGHT. QI Any one accustomed to book-keeping must smile at this bag-keeping of accounts ; but the parson's daughter could never "bring her mind " to keeping the funds apart on paper, and mixing the actual cash. Indeed, she could never have brought her conscience to it. Unless she had taken the tenth for "charity" from her dress and pocket-money in coin, and put it then and there into the charity bag, this self-imposed rule of the duty of almsgiving would not have been performed to her soul's peace. The problem which had been exercising her mind that Saturday night was how to spend what was left of her benevolent fund in a treat for the children of the neighboring work- house. The fund was low, and this had decided the matter. The following Wednesday would be her twenty-first birthday. If the children came to tea with her, the foundation of the entertainment would, in the natural course of things, be laid in the Vicarage kitchen. The 92 DADDY DARWIN S DOVECOT., charity bag would provide the extras of the feast. Nuts, toys, and the like. When the parson's daughter locked the drawer of the bandy-legged table, she did so with the vigor of one who has made up her mind, and set about the rest of her Saturday night's duties without further delay. She put out her Sunday clothes, and her Bible and Prayer-book, and class-book and pen- cil, on the oak chest at the foot of the bed. She brushed and combed the silver-haired ter- rier, who looked abjectly depressed whilst this was doing, and preposterously proud when it was done. She washed her own hair, and studied her Sunday-school lesson for the mor- row whilst it was drying. She spread a colored quilt at the foot of her white one, for the terrier to sleep on — a slur which he always deeply resented. Then she went to bed, and slept as one ought to sleep on Saturday night, who is bound to be at the Sunday School by 9.15 on the following SATURDAY NIGHT. 93 morning, with a clear mind on the Rudiments of the Faith, the history of the Prophet Elisha, and the destinations of each of the parish magazines. SCENE 11. ^-liT^"-^'; AT H E RL E S S — { vT^^^.'. motherless — home- iA-^ less ! A little work- house-boy, with a swarthy face and tidily- cropped black hair, as short and thick as the fur of a mole, was grubbing, not quite so cleverly as a mole, in the workhouse garden. He had been set to weed, but the weeding was very irregularly performed, for (94) A LITTLE WORKHOUSE BOY. 95 his eyes and heart were in the clouds, as he could see them over the big boundary wall. For there — now dark against the white, now white against the gray — some Air Tumbler pigeons were turning somersaults on their homeward way, at such short and regular inter- vals that they seemed to be tying knots in their lines of flight. It was too much ! The small gardener shame- lessly abandoned his duties, and, curving his dirty paws on each side of his mouth, threw his whale soul into shouting words of encourage- ment to the distant birds. " That's a good un ! On with thee ! Over ye go ! Oo — ooray ! " It was this last prolonged cheer which drowned the sound of footsteps on the path behind him, so that if he had been a tum- bler pigeon himself he could not have jumped more nimbly when a man's hand fell upon his shoulder. Up went his arms to shield his ears from a well-merited cuffing ; but fate was kinder 96 DADDY Darwin's dovecot. to him than he deserved. It was only an old man (prematurely aged with drink and conse- quent poverty), whose faded eyes seemed to rekindle as he also gazed after the pigeons, and spoke as one who knows. " Yon's Daddy Darwin's Tumblers." This old pauper had only lately come into "the House" (the house that never was a home !), and the boy clung eagerly to his flannel sleeve, and plied him thick and fast with questions about the world without the workhouse-walls, and about the happy owner of those yet happier creatures who were free not only on the earth but in the skies. The poor old pauper was quite as willing to talk as the boy was to listen. It restored some of that self-respect which we lose under the consequences of our follies to be able to say that Daddy Darwin and he had been mates together, and had had pigeon-fancying in com- mon " many a long year afore " he came into the House. GOD S POOR AND THE DEVIL S POOR. 9/ And so these two made friendship over such matters as will bring man and boy together to the end of time. And the old pauper waxed eloquent on the feats of Homing Birds and Tumblers, and on the points of Almohds and Barbs, Fantails and Pouters ; sprinkling his narrative also with high sounding and heteroge- neous titles, such as Dragons and Archangels, Blue Owls and Black Priests, Jacobines, Eng- lish Horsemen and Trumpeters. And through much boasting of the high stakes he had had on this and that pigeon-match then, and not a few bitter complaints of the harsh hospitality of the House he '* had come to " now, it never seemed to occur to him to connect the two, or to warn the lad who hung upon his lips that one cannot eat his cake with the rash appetites of youth, and yet hope to have it for the sup- port and nourishment of his old age. The longest story the old man told was of a "bit of a trip" he had made to Liverpool, to see some Antwerp Carriers flown from thence 98 ' DADDY DARWIN's DOVECOT. to Ghent, and he fixed the date of this by remembering that his twin sons were born in his absence, and that though their birthday was the very day of the race, his " missus turned stoopid," as women (he warned the boy) are apt to do, and refused to have them christened by uncommon names connected with the fancy. All the same, he bet the lads would have been nicknamed the Antwerp Carriers, and known as such to the day of their death, if this had not come so soon and so suddenly, of croup ; when (as it oddly chanced) he was off on another '*bit of a holiday" to fly some pigeons of his own in Lincolnshire. This tale had not come to an end when a voice of authority called for " Jack March," who rubbed his mole-like head and went ruefully off, muttering that he should "catch it now." "Sure enough! sure enough!" chuckled the unamiable old pauper. But again Fate was kinder to the lad than his friend. His negligent weeding passed un- (99) lOO DADDY DARWIN S DOVECOT. noticed, because he was wanted in a hurry to join the other children in the school-room. The parson's daughter had come, the children were about to sing to her, and Jack's voice could not be dispensed with. He ''cleaned himself" with alacrity, and taking his place in the circle of boys standing with their hands behind their backs, he lifted up a voice worthy of a cathedral choir, whilst varying the monotony of sacred song by secretly snatching at the tail of the terrier as it went snuffing round the legs of the group. And in this feat he proved as much superior to the rest of the boys (who also tried it) as he ex- celled them in the art of singing. Later on he learnt that the young lady had come to invite them all to have tea with her on her birthday. Later still he found the old pauper once more, and questioned him closely about the village and the Vicarage, and as to which of the parishioners kept pigeons, and where. CASTLES IN THE AIR. lOI And when he went to his straw bed that night, and his black head throbbed with visions and high hopes, these were not entirely of the honor of drinking tea with a pretty young lady, and how one should behave himself in such abashing circumstances. He did not even dream principally of the possibility of getting hold of that silver-haired, tawny-pawed dog by the tail under freer conditions than those of this afternoon, though that was a refresh- ing thought. What kept him long awake was thinking of this. From the top of an old walnut-tree at the top of a field at the back of the Vicar- age, you could see a hill, and on the top of the hill some farm buildings. And it was here (so the old pauper had told him) that those pretty pigeons lived, who, though free to play about among the clouds, yet condescended to make an earthly home — in Daddy Darwin's Dovecot. SCENE III. '^j^WO and two, girls and boys, the young lady's guests marched down to the Vic- arage. The school- mistress was anx- ious that each ^L^ should carry his and her tin mug, so as to give as little trouble as possible ; but this was resolutely declined, much to the children's satisfaction, who had their walk with free hands, and their tea out of teacups and saucers like anybody else. It was a fine day, and all went well. The children enjoyed themselves, and behaved ad- mirably into the bargain. There was only one suspicion of misconduct, and the matter was (102) THERE S KINSHIP IN TROUBLE. IO3 SO far from clear that the parson's daughter hushed it up, and, so to speak, dismissed the case. The children were playing at some game in which Jack March was supposed to excel, but when they came to look for him he could no- where be found. At last he was discovered, high up among the branches of an old walnut- tree at the top of the field, and though his hands were unstained and his pockets empty, the gardener, who had been the first to spy him, now loudly denounced him as an ungrate- ful young thief. Jack, with swollen eyes and cheeks besmirched with angry tears, was vehe- mently declaring that he had only climbed the tree to "have a look at Master Darwin's pigeons," and had not picked so much as a leaf, let alone a walnut ; and the gardener, " shaking the truth out of him " by the collar of his fustian jacket, was preaching loudly on the sin of adding falsehood to theft, when the parson's daughter came up, and, in the end, 104 DADDY DARWIN's DOVECOT. acquitted poor Jack, and gave him leave to amuse himself as he pleased. It did not please Jack to play with his com- rades just then. He felt sulky and aggrieved. He would have liked to play with the terrier who had stood by him in his troubles, and barked at the gardener; but that little friend now trotted after his mistress, who had gone to choir-practice. Jack wandered about among the shrubberies. By-and-by he heard sounds of music, and led by these he came to a. gate in a wall, divid- ing the Vicarage garden from the churchyard. Jack loved music, and the organ and the voices drew him on till he reached the church porch ; but there he was startled by a voice that was not only not the voice of song, but was the utterance of a moan so doleful that it seemed the outpouring of all his lonely, and outcast, and injured feelings in one comprehensive howl. It was the voice of the silver-haired terrier. there's kinship in trouble. 105 He was sitting in the porch, his nose up, his ears down, his eyes shut, his mouth open, bewaiUng in bitterness of spirit the second and greater crook of his lot. To what purpose were all the caresses and care and indulgence of his mistress, the daily walks, the weekly washings and combings, the constant companionship, when she betrayed her abiding sense of his inferiority, first, by not letting him sleep on the white quilt, and secondly, by never allowing him to go to church ? Jack shared the terrier's mood. What were tea and plum-cake to him, when his pauper- breeding was so stamped upon him that the gardener was free to say — "A nice tale too ! What's thou to do wi' doves, and thou a work' us lad ? " — and to take for granted that he would thieve and lie if he got the chance ? His disabilities were not the dog's, however. The parish church was his as well as another's, and he crept inside and leaned against one of I06 DADDY DARWIN's DOVECOT. the stone pillars, as if it were a big, calm friend. Far away, under the transept, a group of boys and men held their music near to their faces in the waning light. Among them towered the burly choirmaster, baton in hand. The parson's daughter was at the organ. Well accustomed to produce his voice to good pur- pose, the choirmaster's words were clearly to be heard throughout the building, and it was on the subject of articulation and emphasis, and the like, that he was speaking ; now and then throwing in an extra aspirate in the energy of that enthusiasm without which teach- ing is not worth the name. "That'll not do. We must have it alto- gether different. You two lads are singing like bumble-bees in a pitcher — border there, boys! — it's no laughing matter — put down those papers and keep your eyes on me — inflate the chest — " (his own seemed to fill the field of vision) "and try and give forth those A CHOIR PRACTICE. lO/ noble words as if you'd an idea what they meant." No satire was intended or taken here, but the two boys, who were practising their duet in an anthem, laid down the music, and turned their eyes on their teacher. "I'll run through the recitative," he added, "and take your time from the stick. And mind that Oh." The parson's daughter struck a chord, and then the burly choirmaster spoke with the voice of melody : "My heart is disquieted within me. My heart — my heart is disquieted within me. And the fear of death is fallen — is fallen upon me." The terrier moaned without, and Jack thought no boy's voice could be worth listening to after that of the choirmaster. But he was wrong. A few more notes from the organ, and then, as night-stillness in a wood is broken by the nightingale, so upon the silence of the I08 DADDY DARWIN's DOVECOT. * church a boy-alto's voice broke forth in obe- dience to the choirmaster's uplifted hand : ^* Thefiy I said — I said " Jack gasped, but even as he strained his eyes to see what such a singer could look Hke, with higher, clearer notes the soprano rose above him — "Then I sa — a — id," and the duet began : "Oh that I had wings — O that I had wings like a dove ! " Soprano. — " Then would I flee away." Alto. — "Then would I flee away." Together. — "And be at rest — flee away and be at rest." The clear young voices soared and chased each other among the arches, as if on the very pinions for which they prayed. Then — swept from their seats by an upward sweep of the choirmaster's arms — the chorus rose, as birds rise, and carried on the strain. It was not a very fine composition, but this final chorus had the singular charm of fugue. And as the voices mourned like doves, "Oh REQUIEM ETERNAM DONA EIS ! IO9 that I had wings ! " and pursued each other with the plaintive passage, " Then would I flee away — then would I flee away ," Jack's ears knew no weariness of the repetition. It was strangely like watching the rising and fall- ing of Daddy Darwin's pigeons, as they tossed themselves by turns upon their homeward flight. After the fashion of the piece an'd period, the chorus was repeated, and the singers rose to supreme effort. The choirmaster's hands flashed hither and thither, controlling, inspiring, direct- ing. He sang among the tenors. Jack's voice nearly choked him with longing to sing too. Could words of man go more deeply home to a young heart caged within workhouse walls ? **0h that I had wings like a dove! Then would I flee away — " the choirmaster's white hands were fluttering downwards in the dusk, and the chorus sank with them — *' flee away and be at rest ! " SCENE IV. ACK MARCH had a busy little brain, and his na- ture was not of the limp type that sits down with a grief. That most memorable tea- party had fired his soul with two dis- tinct ambitions. First, to be a choirboy ; and, secondly, to dwell in Daddy Darwin's Dovecot. He turned the matter over in his mind, and patched together the following facts : The Board of Guardians meant to apprentice him. Jack, to some master, at the earliest (no) (Ill) 112 daddV darwin's dovecot. opportunity. Daddy Darwin (so the old pauper told him) was a strange old man, who had come down in the world, and now lived quite alone, with not a soul to help him in the house or out- side it. He was '* not to say mazelin yet, but getting helpless, and uncommon mean." A nephew came one fine day and fetched away the old pauper, to his great delight. It was by their hands that Jack despatched a let- ter, which the nephew stamped and posted for him, and which was duly delivered on the fol- lowing morning to Mr. Darwin of the Dovecot. The old man had no correspondents, and he looked long at the letter before he opened it. It did credit to the teaching of the workhouse schoolmistress : " Honored Sir, " They call me Jack March. Fm a workhouse lad, but, Sir, Fm a good one, and the Board means to 'prentice me next time. Sir, if you face the Board and take me out you shall never regret it. Though I says it as shouldn't I'm a handy lad. I'll clean a floor with any one, and am will- ing to work early and late, and at your time of life you're DO WELL AND DOUBT NOT. II3 not what you was, and them birds must take a deal of seeing to. I can see them from the garden when I'm set to weed, and I never saw nought like them. Oh, sir, I do beg and pray you let me mind your pigeons. You'll be none the worse of a lad about the place, and I shall be happy all the days of my life. Sir, I'm not unthankful, but, please God, I should like to have a home, and to be with them house doves. " From your humble servant — hoping to be — "JACK MARCH. " Mr. Darwin, Sir. I love them Tumblers as if they was my own." Daddy Darwin thought hard and thought long over that letter. He changed his mind fifty times a day. But Friday was the Board day, and when Friday came he "faced the Board.". And the little workhouse lad went home to Daddy Darwin's Dovecot. SCENE V. HE bargain was oddly made, but it worked well. Whatever Jack's parentage may have been (and he was named after the stormy month in which he had been born), the blood that ran in his veins could not have been beggars' blood. There was no hopeless, shift- less, invincible idleness about him. He found work for himself when it was not given him to do, and he attached himself passionately and proudly to all the belongings of his new home. (114) HAE YE GEAR, HAE YE NANE. II5 "Yon lad of yours seem handy enough, Daddy; — for a vagrant, as one may say." Daddy Darwin was smoking over his garden wall, and Mrs. Shaw, from the neighboring farm, had paused in her walk for a chat. She was a notable housewife, and there was just a touch of envy in her sense of the improved appearance of the doorsteps and other visible points of the Dovecot. Daddy Darwin took his pipe out of his mouth to make way for the force of his reply: " Vagrant ! Nay, missus, yon's no vagrant. He s fettling up all along. Jack's the sort if he finds a key he'll look for the lock ; if ye give him a knife-blade he'll fashion a heft. Why, a vagrant's a chap that, if he'd all your maester owns to-morrow, he'd be on the tramp again afore t* year were out, and three years wouldn't repair the mischief he'd leave behind him. A vagrant's a chap that if ye lend him a thing he loses it ; if ye give him a thing he abuses it " Il6 DADDY DARWIN's DOVECOT. '*' That's true enough, and there's plenty servant-girls the same," put in Mrs. Shaw. " Maybe there be, ma'am — maybe there be; vagrants' children, I reckon. But yon little chap I got from t' House comes of folk that's had stuff o' their own, and cared for it — choose who they were." "Well, Daddy," said his neighbor, not with- out malice, *' I'll wish you a good evening. You've got a good bargain out of the parish, it seems." But Daddy Darwin only chuckled, and stirred up the ashes in the bowl of his pipe. '' The same to you, ma'am — the same to you. Aye ! he's a good bargain — a very good bargain is Jack March." It might be supposed from the foregoing dialogue that Daddy Darwin was a model householder, and the little workhouse boy the neatest creature breathing. But the gentle reader who may imagine this is much mistaken. Daddy Darwin's Dovecot was freehold, and HAE YE GEAR, HAE YE NANE. 11/ when he inherited it from his father there was still attached to it a good bit of the land that had passed from father to son through more generations than the church registers were old enough to record. But the few remaining acres were so heavily mortgaged that they had to be sold. So that a bit of house property elsewhere, and the old homestead itself, were all that was left. And Daddy Darwin had never been the sort of man to retrieve his luck at home, or to seek it abroad. That he had inherited a somewhat higher and more refined nature than his neighbors had rather hindered than helped him to prosper. And he had been unlucky in love. When what energies he had were in their prime, his father's death left him with such poor prospects that the old farmer to whose daughter he was betrothed broke off the match and married her elsewhere. His Alice was not long another man's wife. She died within a year from her wedding-day, and her husband married again within a year Il8 DADDY DARWIN's DOVECOT. from her death. Her old lover was no better able to mend his broken heart than his broken fortunes. He only banished women from the Dovecot, and shut himself up from the coarse consolation of his neighbors. In this loneliness, eating a kindly heart out in bitterness of spirit, with all that he ought to have had — To plough and sow And reap and mow — gone from him, and in the hands of strangers ; the pigeons, for which the Dovecot had always been famous, became the business and the 'pleasure of his life. But of late years his stock had dwindled, and he rarely went to pigeon- matches or competed in shows and races. A more miserable fancy rivalled his interest in pigeon fancying. His new hobby was hoard- ing ; and money that, a few years back, he would have freely spent to improve his breed of Tumblers or back his Homing Birds he now added with stealthy pleasure to the store behind TINE HEART, AND AS GANE. I IQ the secret panel of a fine old oak bedstead that had belonged to the Darwyn who owned Dove- cot when the sixteenth century was at its latter end. In this bedstead Daddy slept lightly of late, as old men will, and he had horrid dreams, which old men need not have. The queer faces carved on the panels (one of which hid the money hole) used to frighten him when he was a child. They did not frighten him now by their grotesque ugliness, but when he looked at them, and knew which was which^ he dreaded the dying out of twilight into dark, and dreamed of aged men living alone, who had been murdered for their savings. These growing fears had had no small share in decid- ing him to try Jack March ; and to see the lad growing stronger, nimbler, and more devoted to his master's interests day by day, was a nightly comfort to the poor old hoarder in the bed-head. As to his keen sense of Jack's industry and carefulness, it was part of the incompleteness of Daddy Darwin's nature, and the ill-luck of his I20 DADDY DARWIN S DOVECOT. career, that he had a sensitive perception of order and beauty, and a shrewd observation of ways of living and quahties of character, and yet had allowed his early troubles to blight him so completely that he never put forth an effort to rise above the ruin, of which he was at least as conscious as his neighbors. That Jack was not the neatest creature breathing, one look at him, as he stood with pigeons on his head and arms and shoulders, would have been enough to prove. As the first and readiest repudiation of his workhouse ante- cedents he had let his hair grow till it hung in the wildest elf-locks, and though the terms of his service with Daddy Darwin would not, in any case, have provided him with handsome clothes, such as he had were certainly not the better for any attention he bestowed upon them. As regarded the Dovecot, however. Daddy Darwin had not done more than justice to his bargain. A strong and grateful attach- ment to his master, and a passionate love for A RAGGED COLT MAY MAKE A GOOD HORSE. 121 the pigeons he tended, kept Jack constantly busy in the service of both ; the old pigeon- fancier taught him the benefits of scrupulous cleanliness in the pigeon-cote, and Jack "stoned" the kitchen-fioor and the doorsteps on his own responsibility. The time did come when he tidied up himself. SCENE VI. "^y^ADDY DARWIN had made the first breach in his solitary life of his own free ' will, but it -^ , was fated to widen. The . parson's § f Li? ^=^^^^>9ic There was once an old man whom Fortune (whose own eyes are bandaged) had deprived of his sight. She had taken his hearing also, so that he was deaf. Poor he had always been, and as Time had stolen his youth and strength from him, they had only left a light burden for Death to carry when he should come the old man's way. But Love (who is blind also) had given the Blind Man a Dog, who led him out in the morn- ing to a seat in the sun under the crab-tree, and held his hat for wayside alms, and brought him safely home at sunset. The Dog was wise and faithful — as dogs often are — but the wonder of him was that he (165) l66 THE BLIND MAN AND THE TALKING DOG. coifld talk. In which will be seen the difference between dogs and men, most of whom can talk ; whilst it is a matter for admiration if they are wise and faithful. One day the Mayor's little son came down the road, and by the hand he held his playmate Aldegunda. "Give the poor Blind Man a penny," said she. "You are always wanting me to give away my money," replied the boy peevishly. "It is well that my father is the richest man in the town, and that I have a whole silver crown yet in my pocket." But he put the penny into the hat which the Dog held out, and the Dog gave it to his master. " Heaven bless you," said the Blind Man. "Amen," said the Dog. " Aldegunda ! Aldegunda ! " cried the boy, dancing with delight. " Here is a dog who can talk. I would give my silver crown for him. Old man, I say, old man ! Will you sell me your dog for a silver crown ? " THE NEST OF A BLIND BIRD. 167 " My master is deaf as well as blind," said the Dog. *' What a miserable old creature he must be," said the boy compassionately. " Men do not smile when they are miserable, do they } " said the Dog ; " and my master smiles sometimes — when the sun warms right l68 THE BLIND MAN AND THE TALKING DOG. through our coats to our bones ; when he feels the hat shake against his knee as the pennies drop in ; and when I Hck his hand." " But for all that, he is a poor wretched old beggar, in want of everything," persisted the boy. " Now I am the Mayor's only son, and he is the richest man in the town. Come and live with me, and I will give the Blind Man my silver crown. I should be perfectly happy if I had a talking dog of my own." **It is worth thinking of," said the Dog. " I should certainly like a master who was perfectly happy. You are sure that there is nothing else that you wish for.?" "I wish I were a man," replied the boy. "To do exactly as I chose, and have plenty of money to spend, and holidays all the year round." "That sounds well," said the Dog. "Per- haps I had better wait till you grow up. There is nothing else that you want, I suppose .? " " I want a horse," said the boy, " a real black WHAT WE HAVE WE PRIZE NOT. 1 69 charger. My father ought to know that I am too old for a hobby-horse. It vexes me to look at it." "I must wait for the charger, I see," said the Dog. " Nothing vexes you but the hobby- horse, I hope .? " "Aldegunda vexes me more than anything," answered the boy, with an aggrieved air; "and it's very hard when I am so fond of her. She always tumbles down when we run races, her legs are so short. It's her birthday to-day, but she toddles as badly as she did yesterday, though she's a year older." " She will have learned to run by the time that you are a man," said the Dog. " So nice a little lady can give you no other cause of annoyance, I am sure ? " The boy frowned. "She is always wanting something. She wants something now, I see. What do you want, Aldegunda ? " " I wish — " said Aldegunda, timidly, " I I/O THE BLIND MAN AND THE TALKING DOG. should like — the blind man to have the silver crown, and for us to keep the penny, if you can get it back out of the hat." ** That's just the way you go on," said the boy angrily. "You always think differently from me. Now remember, Aldegunda, I won't marry you when you grow big, unless you agree with what I do, like the wife in the story of 'What the Goodman does is sure to be right.' " On hearing this, Aldegunda sobbed till she burst the strings of her hat, and the boy had to tie them afresh. " I won't marry you at all if you cry," said he. But at that she only cried the more, and they went away bickering into the green lanes. As to the old man, he had heard nothing ; and when the dog licked his withered hand, he smiled. Many a time did the boy return with his play- mate to try and get the Talking Dog. But the Dog always asked if he had yet got all that he wanted, and, being an honorable child, the boy WHILES WE ENJOY IT. I /I was too truthful to say that he was content when he was not. "The day that you want nothing more but me I will be your dog," it said. ** Unless, in- deed, my present master should have attained perfect happiness before you." " I am not afraid of that," said the boy. In time the Mayor died, and his widow moved to her native town and took her son with her. Years passed, and the Blind Man lived on; for when one gets very old and keeps very quiet in his little corner of the world, Death seems sometimes to forget to remove him. Years passed, and the Mayor's son became a man, and was strong and rich, and had a fine black charger. Aldegunda grew up also. She was very beautiful, wonderfully beautiful, and Love (who is blind) gave her to her old play- mate. The wedding was a fine one, and when it was over the bridegroom mounted his black charger 1/2 THE BLIND MAN AND THE TALKING DOG. and took his bride behind him, and rode away into the green lanes. "Ah, what delight!" he said. "Now we will ride through the town where we lived when we were children ; and if the Blind Man is stil] alive, you shall give him a silver crown ; and if the Talking Dog is alive, I shall claim him, for to-day I am perfectly happy and want nothing." Aldegunda thought to herself — " We are so happy, and have so much, that I do not like to take the Blind Man's dog from him ; " but she did not dare to say so. One — if not two — must bear and forbear to be happy even on one's wedding day. By-and-bye they rode under the crab-tree, but the seat was empty. " What has become of the Blind Man ? " the Mayor's son asked of a peas- ant who was near. "He died two days ago," said the peasant. " He is buried to-day, and the priest and chant- ers are now returning from the grave." " The bridegroom mounted his black charger and took his bride behind him, and rode away into the green lanes."— Page 171. (173) 174 THE BLIND MAN AND THE TALKING DOG. " And the Talking Dog ? " asked the young man. " He is at the grave now," said the peasant ; "but he has neither spoken nor eaten since his master died." " We have come in the nick of time," said the young man triumphantly, and he rode to the churchyard. By the grave was the dog, as the man had said, and up the winding path came the priest and his young chanters, who sang with shrill, clear voices — " Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." " Come and live with me, now your old mas- ter is gone," said the young man, stooping over the dog. But he made no reply. "I think he is dead, sir," said the grave-digger. " I don't believe it," said the young man fretfully. " He was an Enchanted Dog, and he promised I should have him when I could say what I am ready to say now. He should have kept his promise." BLESSED ARE THE DEAD. 1 75 But Aldegunda had taken the dog's cold head into her arms, and her tears fell fast over it. " You forget," she said ; " he only promised to come to you when you were happy, if his old master were not happier first ; and, per- haps, " " I remember that you always disagree with me," said the young man, impatiently. "You always did do so. Tears on our wedding-day, too ! I suppose the truth is that no one is happy." Aldegunda made no answer, for it is not from those one loves that he will willingly learn that with a selfish and imperious temper happiness never dwells. And as they rode away again into the green lanes, the shrill voices of the chanters followed them — "Blessed are the dead. Blessed are the dead." " so-so. 3j«=:c E sure, my child," said the widow to her little daughter, "that you always do just as you are told." " Very well, Mother." " Or at any rate do what will do just as well," said the small house-dog, as he lay blinking at the fire. " You darling ! " cried little Joan, and she sat down on the hearth and hugged him. But he got up and shook himself, and moved three turns nearer the oven, to be out of the way ; (177) 178 ''so-so." for though her arms were soft she had kept her doll in them, and that was made of wood, which hurts. " What a dear, kind house-dog you are ! " said little Joan, and she meant what she said, for it does feel nice to have the sharp edges of one's duty a little softened off for one. He was no particular kind of a dog, but he was very smooth to stroke, and had a nice way of blinking with his eyes, which it was soothing to see. There had been a difficulty about his name. The name of the house-dog before him was Faithful, and well it became him, as his tombstone testified. The one before that was called Wolf. He was very wild, and ended his days on the gallows, for worrying sheep. The little house-dog never chased anything, to the widow's knowledge. There was no reason whatever for giving him a bad name, and she thought of several good ones, such as Faithful, and Trusty, and Keeper, which are fine old- fashioned titles, but none of these seemed quite A VERY NICE SOFT NAME. 1 79 perfectly to suit him. So he was called So-so ; and a very nice soft name it is. The widow was only a poor woman, though she contrived by her industry to keep a decent home together, and to get now one and now another little comfort for herself and her child. One day she was going out on business, and she called her little daughter and said to her, " I am going out for two hours. You are too young to protect yourself and the house, and So-so is not as strong as Faithful was. But when I go, shut the house-door and bolt the big wooden bar, and be sure that you do not open it for any reason whatever till I return. If strangers come. So-so may bark, which he can do as well as a bigger dog. Then they will go away. With this summer's savings I have bought a quilted petticoat for you and a duffle cloak for myself against the winter, and if I get the work I am going after to-day, I shall buy enough wool to knit warm stockings for us both. So be patient till I return, and then we will i8o ''so-so." have the plum-cake that is in the cupboard for tea." ''Thank you, Mother." " Good-bye, my child. Be sure you do just as I have told you," said the widow. "Very well, Mother." Little Joan laid down her doll, and shut the house-door, and fastened the big bolt. It was very heavy, and the kitchen looked gloomy when she had done it. " I wish Mother had taken us all three with her, and had locked the house and put the key in her big pocket, as she has done before," said little Joan, as she got into the rocking-chair, to put her doll to sleep. " Yes, it would have done just as well," So-so replied as he stretched himself on the hearth. By-and-bye Joan grew tired of hushabying the doll, who looked none the sleepier for it, and she took the three-legged stool and sat down in front of the clock to watch the hands. After awhile she drew a deep sigh. PARLEYING WITH EVIL. l8l "There are sixty seconds in every single minute, So-so," said she. " So I have heard," said So-so. He was snuffing in the back place, which was not usually allowed. "And sixty whole minutes in every hour. So-so." " You don't say so ! " growled So-so. He had not found a bit, and the cake was on the top shelf. There was not so much as a spilt crumb, though he snuffed in every corner of the kitchen, till he stood snuffing under the house-door. " The air smells fresh," he said. " It's a beautiful day, I know," said little Joan. "I wish Mother had allowed us to sit on the doorstep. We could have taken care of the house " "Just as well," said So-so. Little Joan came to smell the air at the key- hole, and, as So-so had said, it smelt very fresh. Besides, one could see from the window how fine the evening was. i82 "so-so." " It*s not exactly what Mother told us to do," said Joan, "but I do believe " " It would do just as well," said So-so. By-and-bye little Joan unfastened the bar, and opened the door, and she and the doll and So- so went out and sat on the doorstep. Not a stranger was to be seen. The sun shone delightfully. An evening sun, and not too hot. All day it had been ripening the corn in the field close by, and this glowed and waved in the breeze. "It does just as well, and better," said little Joan, "for if anyone comes we can see him coming up the field-path." "Just so," said So-so, blinking in the sun- shine. Suddenly Joan jumped up. " Oh ! " cried she, " there's a bird, a big bird. Dear So-so, can you see him ? I can't, because of the sun. What a queer noise he makes. Crake ! crake ! Oh, I can see him now ! He is not flying, he is running, and he has gone ONLY THREE OF US. I83 into the corn. I do wish I were in the corn, I would catch him, and put him in a cage." "I'll catch him," said So-so, and he put up his tail, and started off. " No, no ! " cried Joan. *' You are not to go. You must stay and take care of the house, and bark if anyone comes." "You could scream, and that would do just as well," replied So-so, with his tail still up. "No, it wouldn't," cried little Joan. "Yes, it would," reiterated So-so. Whilst they were bickering, an old woman came up to the door ; she had a brown face, and black hair, and a very old red cloak. "Good evening, my little dear," said she. "Are you all at home this fine evening.^" " Only three of us," said Joan ; " I, and my doll, and So-so. Mother has gone to the town on business, and we are taking care of the house, but So-so wants to go after the bird we saw run into the corn." i84 "so-so." "Was it a pretty bird, my little dear?" asked the old woman. " It was a very curious one," said Joan, "and I should like to go after it myself, but we can't leave the house." "Dear, dear! Is there no neighbor would sit on the doorstep for you and keep the house till you just slip down to the field after the curious bird ? " said the old woman. "I'm afraid not," said little Joan. "Old Martha, our neighbor, is now bedridden. Of course, if she had been able to mind the house instead of us, it would have done just as well." " I have some distance to go this evening," said the old woman, " but I do not object to a few minutes' rest, and sooner than that you should lose the bird I will sit on the doorstep to oblige you, while you run down to the cornfield." " But can you bark if anyone comes ? " asked little Joan. " For if you can't. So-so must stay with you." THEY DID NOT CATCH THE BIRD. 1 85 ** I can call you and the dog if I see anyone coming, and that will do just as well," said the old woman. " So it will," replied little Joan, and off she ran to the cornfield, where, for that matter. So-so had run before her, and was bounding and barking and springing among the wheat-stalks. They did not catch the bird, though they stayed longer than they had intended, and though So-so seemed to know more about hunting than was supposed. *'I dare say Mother has come home," said little Joan, as they went back up the field-path. " I hope she won't think we. ought to have stayed in the house." "It was taken care of," said So-so, "and that must do just as well." When they reached the house, the widow had not come home. But the old woman had gone, and she had taken the quilted petticoat and the duffle cloak, and the plum-cake from the top shelf away with i86 *' so-so." her ; and no more was ever heard of any of the lot. " For the future, my child," said the widow, " I hope you will always do just as you are told, whatever So-so may say." "I will. Mother," said little Joan. (And she did.) But the house-dog sat and blinked. He dared not speak, he was in disgrace. I do not feel quite sure about So-so. Wild dogs often amend their ways far on this side of the gallows, and the Faithful sometimes fall ; but when anyone begins by being only So-so, he is very apt to be So-so to the end. So-sos so seldom change. But this one was very soft and nice, and he got no cake that tea-time. On the whole we will hope that he lived to be a Good Dog ever after. THE TRINITY FLOWER. A LEGEND. 3>»iC Break forth, my lips, in praise, and own The wiser love severely kind : Since, richer for its chastening grown, I see, whereas I once was blind." The Clear Vision, J. G. Whittier. 'N days of yore there was once a certain y hermit, who dwelt, in a cell, which he had fashioned for himself from a natural cave in the side of a hill. Now this her- mit had a great love for flowers, and was moreover learned in the virtues of herbs, and in that great mystery (187) 1 88 THE TRINITY FLOWER. of healing which lies hidden among the green things of God. And so it came to pass that the country people from all parts came to him for the simples which grew in the little garden which he had made before his cell. And as his fame spread, and more people came to him, he added more and more to the plat which he had reclaimed from the waste land around. But after many years there came a Spring when the colors of the flowers seemed paler to the hermit than they used to be ; and as Summer drew on, their shapes became indistinct, and he mistook one plant for another; and when Autumn came, he told them by their various scents, and by their form, rather than by sight ; and when the flowers were gone, and Winter had come, the hermit was quite blind. Now in the hamlet below there lived a boy who had become known to the hermit on this manner. On the edge of the hermit's garden there grew two crab trees, from the fruit of MY MASTER HATH A GARDEN. 1 89 which he made every year a certain confection, which was very grateful to the sick. One year many of these crab-apples were stolen, and the sick folk of the hamlet had very little conserve. So the following year, as the fruit was ripen- ing, the hermit spoke every day to those who came to his cell, saying : — " I pray you, good people, to make it known that he who robs these crab trees, robs not me alone, which is dishonest, but the sick, which is inhuman." And yet once more the crab-apples were taken. The following evening, as the hermit sat on the side of the hill, he overheard two boys dis- puting about the theft. " It must either have been a very big man, or a small boy to do it," said one. " So I say, and I have my reason." *' And what is thy reason. Master Wiseacre.-*" asked the other. *' The fruit is too high to be plucked except IQO THE TRINITY FLOWER. by a very big man," said the first boy. "And the branches are not strong enough for any but a child to climb." ** Canst thou think of no other way to rob an apple tree but by standing a-tip-toe, or climbing up to the apples, when they should come down to thee ? " said the second boy. ** Truly thy head will never save thy heels ; but here's a riddle for thee : Riddle me riddle me re, Four big brothers are we ; We gather the fruit, but climb never a tree. Who are they ? " ''Four tall robbers, I suppose," said the other. "Tush ! " cried his comrade. "They are the four winds ; and when they whistle, down falls the ripest. But others can shake besides the winds, as I will shew thee if thou hast any doubts in the matter." And as he spoke he sprang to catch the other boy, who ran from him ; and they chased WHICH FAIR FLOWERS ADORN. I9I each other down the hill, and the hermit heard no more. But as he turned to go home he said, *' The thief was not far away when thou stoodst near. Nevertheless, I will have patience. It needs not that I should go to seek thee, for what saith the Scripture ? Thy sin will find thee out." And he made conserve of such apples as were left, and said nothing. Now after a certain time a plague broke out in the hamlet ; and it was so sore, and there were so few to nurse the many who were sick, that, though it was not the wont of the hermit ever to leave his place, yet in their need he came down and ministered to the people in the village. And one day, as he passed a certain house, he heard moans from within, and entering, he saw' lying upon a bed a boy who tossed and moaned in fever, and cried out most miserably that his throat was parched and burning. And when the hermit looked upon his face, behold it was the boy who had given 192 THE TRINITY FLOWER. the riddle of the four winds upon the side of the hill. Then the hermit fed him with some of the confection which he had with him, and it was so grateful to the boy's parched palate, that he thanked and blessed the hermit aloud, and prayed him to leave a morsel of it behind, to soothe his torments in the night. Then said the hermit, " My Son, I would that I had more of this confection, for the sake of others as well as for thee. But indeed I have only two trees which bear the fruit whereof this is made ; and in two successive years have the apples been stolen by some thief, thereby rob- bing not only me, which is dishonest, but the poor, which is inhuman." Then the boy's theft came back to his mind, and he burst into tears, and cried, " My Father, I took the crab-apples ! " And after awhile he recovered his health ; the plague also abated in the hamlet, jnd the hermit went back to his cell. But the boy REU, DES HERZENS ARZNEI. I93 would thenceforth never leave him, always wishing to shew his penitence and gratitude. And though the hermit sent him away, he ever returned, saying, *' Of what avail is it to drive me from thee, since I am resolved to serve thee, even as Samuel served Eli, and Timothy ministered unto St. Paul?" But the hermit said, "My rule is to live alone, and without companions ; wherefore be- gone." And when the boy still came, he drove him from the garden. Then the boy wandered far and wide, over moor and bog, and gathered rare plants and herbs, and laid them down near the hermit's cell. And when the hermit was inside, the boy came into the garden, and gathered the stones and swept the paths, and tied up such plants as were drooping, and did all neatly and well, for he was a quick and skilful lad. And when the hermit said. 194 THE TRINITY FLOWER. " Thou hast done well, and I thank thee ; but now begone," he only answered, " What avails it, when I am resolved to serve thee?" So at last there came a day when the hermit said, " It may be that it is ordained ; wherefore abide, my Son." And the boy answered, "Even so, for I am resolved to serve thee/' Thus he remained. And thenceforward the hermit's garden throve as it had never thriven before. For, though he had skill, the hermit was old and feeble ; but the boy was young and active, and he worked hard, and it was to him a labor of love. And being a clever boy, he quickly knew the names and properties of the plants as well as the hermit himself. And when he was not working, he would go far afield to seek for new herbs. And he always returned to the village at night. Now when the hermit's sight began to fail, the boy put him right if he mistook one plant ROSEMARY FOR REMEMBRANCE. I95 for another ; and when the hermit became quite blind, he rehed completely upon the boy to gather for him the herbs that he wanted. And when anything new was planted, the boy led the old man to the spot, that he might know that it was so many paces in such a direction from the cell, and might feel the shape and texture of the leaves, and learn its scent. And through the skill and knowledge of the boy, the hermit was in no wise hindered from pre- paring his accustomed remedies, for he knew the names and virtues of the herbs, and where every plant grew. And when the sun shone, the boy would guide his master's steps into the garden, and would lead him up to certain flow- ers ; but to those which had a perfume of their own the old man could, go without help, being guided by the scent. And as he fingered their leaves and breathed their fragrance, he would say, " Blessed be God for every herb of the field, but thrice blessed for those that smell." 196 THE TRINITY FLOWER. And at the end of the garden was set a bush of rosemary. *^For," said the hermit, "to this we must all come." Because rosemary is the herb they scatter over the dead. And he knew where almost everything grew, and what he did not know the boy told him. Yet for all this, and though he had embraced poverty and solitude with joy, in the service of God and man, yet so bitter was blindness to him, that he bewailed the loss of his sight, with a grief that never lessened. "For," said he, "if it had pleased our Lord to send me any other affliction, such as a con- tinual pain or a consuming sickness, I would have borne it gladly, seeing it would have left me free to see these herbs, which I use for the benefit of the poor. But now the sick suffer through my blindness, and to this boy also I am a continual burden." And when the boy called him at the hours of prayer, saying, " My Father, it is now time for the Nones office, for the marygold is closing," THE JOY THAT MIXES MAN WITH HEAVEN. I97 or, '' The Vespers bell will soon sound from the valley, for the bindweed bells are folded," and the hermit recited the appointed prayers, he always added, " I beseech Thee take away my blindness, as Thou didst heal Thy servant the son of Timaeus." And as the boy and he sorted herbs, he cried, "Is there no balm in Gilead ? " And the boy answered, " The balm of Gilead grows six full paces from the gate, my Father." But the hewnit said, " I spoke in a figure, my Son. I meant not that herb. But, alas ! Is there no remedy to heal the physician ? No cure for the curer ? " And the boy's heart grew heavier day by day, because of the hermit's grief. For he loved him. Now one morning as the boy came up from the village, the hermit met him, groping pain- fully with his hands, but with joy in his coun- 198 THE TRINITY FLOWER. tenance, and he said, " Is that thy step, my Son ? Come in, for I have somewhat to tell thee." And he said, " A vision has been vouchsafed to me, even a dream. Moreover, I believe that there shall be a cure for my blindness." Then the boy was glad, and begged of the hermit to relate his dream, which he did as follows : — " I dreamed, and behold I stood in the garden — thou also with me — and many people were gathered at the gate, to whom, with thy help, I gave herbs of healing in such fashion as I have been able since this blindness c^me upon me. And when they were gone, I smote upon my forehead, and said, 'Where is the herb that shall heal my affliction ? ' And a voice beside me said, * Here, my Son.' And I cried to thee, * Who spoke ? ' And thou saidst, ' It is a man in pilgrim's weeds, and lo, he hath a strange flower in his hand.' Then said the Pilgrim, 'It is a Trinity Flower. Moreover, I suppose that when thou hast it, thou wilt see clearly.' Then SAW DISTANT GATES OF EDEN GLEAM. I99 I thought that thou didst take the flower from the Pilgrim and put it in my hand. And lo, my eyes were opened, and I saw clearly. And I knew the Pilgrim's face, though where I have seen him I cannot yet recall. But I believed / him to be Raphael the Archangel — he who led Tobias, and gave sight to his father. And even as it came to me to know him, he vanished ; and I saw him no more." " And what was the Trinity Flower like, my Father ? " asked the boy. " It was about the size of Herb Paris, my son," replied the hermit. ** But instead of being fourfold every way, it numbered the mystic Three. Every part was threefold. The leaves were three, the petals three, the sepals three. The flower was snow-white, but on each of the three parts it was stained with crimson stripes, like white garments dyed in blood." ^ Then the boy started up, saying, " If there be such a plant on the earth I will find it for thee." 1 Trilliwji erythrocarpum . North America. 200 THE TRINITY FLOWER. But the hermit laid his hand on him, and said, " Nay, my Son, leave me not, for I have need of thee. And the flower will come yet, and then I shall see." And all day long the old man murmured to himself, "Then I shall see." *' And didst thou see me, and the garden, in thy dream, my Father .-* " asked the boy. "Ay, that I did, my Son. And I meant to say to thee that it much pleaseth me that thou art grown so well, and of such a strangely fair countenance. Also the garden is such as I have never before beheld it, which must needs be due to thy care. But wherefore didst thou not tell me of those fair palms that have grown where the thorn hedge was wont to be ? I was but just stretching out my hand for some, when I awoke." "There are no palms there, my Father," said the boy. " Now, indeed it is thy youth that makes thee so little observant," said the hermit. "How- AND DID NOT DREAM IT WAS A DREAM. 20I ever, I pardon thee, if it were only for that good thought which moved thee to plant a yew be- yond the rosemary bush ; seeing that the yew is the emblem of eternal life, which lies beyond the grave." But the boy said, *' There is no yew there, my Father." " Have I not seen it, even in a vision ? " cried the hermit. " Thou wilt say next that all the borders are not set with heart's-ease, which indeed must be through thy industry ; and whence they come I know not, but they are most rare and beautiful, and my eyes long sore to see them again." ''Alas, my Father!" cried the boy, "the borders are set with rue, and there are but a few clumps of heart's-ease here and there." " Could I forget what I saw in an hour ? " asked the old man angrily. " And did not the holy Raphael himself point to them, saying, ' Blessed are the eyes that behold this garden, where the borders are set with heart's-ease, and 202 THE TRINITY FLOWER. the hedges crowned with palm ! ' But thou wouldst know better than an archangel, for- sooth." Then the boy wept ; and when the hermit heard him weeping, he put his arm round him and said, " Weep not, my dear Son. And I pray thee, pardon me that I spoke harshly to thee. For indeed I am ill-tempered by reason of my infirmities ; and as for thee, God will reward thee for thy goodness to me, as I never can. Moreover, I believe it is thy modesty, which is as great as thy goodness, that hath hindered thee from telling me of all that thou hast done for my garden, even to those fair and sweet everlasting flowers, the like of which I never saw before, which thou hast set in the east border, and where even now I hear the bees humming in the sun." Then the ' boy looked sadly out into the garden, and answered, " I cannot lie to thee. There are no everlasting flowers. It is the THEN I SHALL SEE. 203 flowers of the thyme in which the bees are rioting. And in the hedge bottom there creep- eth the bitter-sweet." But the hermit heard him not. He had groped his way out into the sunshine, and wandered up and down the walks, murmuring to himself, " Then I shall see." Now when the Summer was past, one autumn morning there came to the garden gate a man in pilgrim's weeds ; and when he saw the boy he beckoned to him, and giving him a small tuber root, he said, " Give this to thy master. It is the root of the Trinity Flower." And he passed on down towards the valley. Then the boy ran hastily to the hermit ; and when he had told him, and given him the root, he said, " The face of the pilgrim is known to me also, O my Father ! For I remember when I lay sick of the plague, that ever it seemed to me as if a shadowy figure passed in and out, and 204 THE TRINITY FLOWER. went up and down the streets, and his face was as the face of this pilgrim. But — I cannot deceive thee — methought it was the Angel of Death." Then the hermit mused ; and after a little space he answered, " It was then also that I saw him. I remem- ber now. Nevertheless, let us plant the root, and abide what God shall send." And thus they did. And as the Autumn and Winter went by, the hermit became very feeble, but the boy con- stantly cheered him, saying, " Patience, my Father. Thou shalt see yet ! " But the hermit replied, *' My son, I repent me that I have not been patient under afflic- tion. Moreover, I have set thee an ill example, in that I have murmured at that which God — Who knowest best — ordained for me." And when the boy ofttimes repeated, " Thou shalt yet see," the hermit answered, *' If God will. When God will. As God will." THY WILL BE DONE. 205 And when he said the prayers for the Hours, he no longer added what he had added before- time, but evermore repeated, " If Thou wilt. When Thou wilt. As Thou wilt ! " And so the Winter passed ; and when the snow lay on the ground the boy and the hermit talked of the garden ; and the boy no longer contradicted the old man, though he spoke continually of the heart's-ease, and the ever- lasting flowers, and the palm. For he said, *' When Spring comes I may be able to get these plants, and fit the garden to his vision." And at length the Spring came. And with it rose the Trinity Flower. And when the leaves unfolded, they were three, as the hermit had said. Then the boy was wild with joy and with impatience. And when the sun shone for two days together, he would kneel by the flower, and say, '' I pray thee. Lord, send showers, that it may wax apace." And when it rained, he said, " I pray Thee, send sunshine, that it may blossom speedily." For he knew not what to 206 THE TRINITY FLOWER. ask. And he danced about the hermit, and cried, ** Soon shalt thou see." But the hermit trembled, and said, "Not as I will, but as Thou wilt ! " And so the bud formed. And at length one evening before he went down to the hamlet, the boy came to the hermit and said, " The bud is almost breaking, my Father. To-morrow thou shalt see." Then the hermit moved his hands till he laid them on the boy's head, and he said, " The Lord repay thee sevenfold for all thou hast done for me, dear child. And now I pray thee, my Son, give me thy pardon for all in which I have sinned against thee by word or deed, for indeed my thoughts of thee have ever been tender." And when the boy wept, the hermit still pressed him, till he said that he forgave him. And as they unwillingly parted, the hermit said, **I pray thee, dear Son, to remember that, though late, I conformed my- self to the will of God." I SEE THE END AND KNOW THE GOOD. 20/ Saying which, the hermit went into his cell, and the boy returned to the village. But so great was his anxiety, that he could not rest ; and he returned to the garden ere it was light, and sat by the flower till the dawn. And with the first dim light he saw that the Trinity Flower was in bloom. And as the her- mit had said, it was white, and stained with crimson as with blood. Then the boy shed tears of joy, and he plucked the flower and ran into the hermit's cell, where the hermit lay very still upon his couch. And the boy said, " I will not disturb him. When he wakes he will find the flower." And he went out and sat down outside the cell and waited. And being weary as he waited, he fell asleep. Now before sunrise, whilst it was yet early, he was awakened by the voice of the hermit crying, ''My Son, my dear Son!" and he jumped up, saying, ''My Father!" 208 THE TRINITY FLOWER. But as he spoke the hermit passed him. And as he passed he turned, and the boy saw that his eyes were open. And the hermit fixed them long and tenderly on him. Then the boy cried, " Ah, tell me, my Father, dost thou see.?" And he answered, ^^ I see now f' and so passed on down the walk. And as he went through the garden, in the still dawn, the boy trembled, for the hermit's footsteps gave no sound. And he passed be- yond the rosemary bush, and came not again. And when the day wore on, and the hermit did not return, the boy went into his cell. Without, the sunshine dried the dew from paths on which the hermit's feet had left no prints, and cherished the spring flowers burst- ing into bloom. But within, the hermit's dead body lay stretched upon his pallet, and the Trinity Flower was in his hand. THE KYRKEGRIM TURNED PREACHER. A LEGEND. T is said that in Norway every church has its own Niss, or Brownie. They are of the same race as the Good People, who haunt farm houses, and do the maids' work for a pot of cream. They are the size of a year-old child, but their faces are the faces of aged men. (209) 2IO THE KYRKEGRIM TURNED PREACHER. Their common dress is of gray home-spun, with red peaked caps ; but on Michaelmas Day they wear round hats. The Church Niss is called Kyrkegrim. His duty is to keep the church clean, and to scat- ter the marsh-marigold flowers on the floor before service. He also keeps order in the con- gregation, pinches those who fall asleep, cuffs irreverent boys, and hustles mothers with cry- ing children out of church as quickly and decorously as possible. But his business is not with church-brawlers alone. When the last snow avalanche has slipped from the high-pitched roof, and the gentian is bluer than the sky, and Baldur's Eyebrow blossoms in the hot Spring sun, pious folk are wont to come to church some time before service, and to bring their spades, and rakes, and watering-pots with them, to tend the graves of the dead. The Kyrkegrim sits on the Lych Gate and overlooks them. " But there was one fat farmer who slept during the sermon, and do what the Kyrkegrim would, he could not keep him awake." — Page 212. (211) 212 THE KYRKEGRIM TURNED PREACHER. At those who do not lay by their tools in good time he throws pebbles, crying to each, '^ Skynde dig!'' (Make haste!), and so drives them in. And when the bells begin, should any man fail to bow to the church as the custom is, the Kyrkegrim snatches his hat from behind, and he sees it no more. Nothing displeases the Kyrkegrim more than when people fall asleep during the sermon. This will be seen in the following story. Once upon a time there was a certain country church, which was served by a very mild and excellent priest, and haunted by a most active Kyrkegrim. Not a speck of dust was to be seen from the altar to the porch, and the behavior of the con- gregation was beyond reproach. But there was one fat farmer who slept during the sermon, and do what the Kyrkegrim would, he could not keep him awake. Again and again did he pinch him, nudge him, or let in a cold draught of wind upon his neck. The JUDGE NOT THE PREACHER. 213 fat farmer shook himself, pulled up his neck- kerchief, and dozed off again. "Doubtless the fault is in my sermons," said the priest, when the Kyrkegrim complained to him. For he was humble-minded. But the Kyrkegrim knew that this was not the case, for there was no better preacher in all the district. And yet when he overheard the farmer's sharp-tongued little wife speak of this and that in the discourse, he began to think it might be so. No doubt the preacher spoke somewhat fast or slow, a little too loud or too soft. And he was not "stirring" enough, said the farmer's wife ; a failing which no one had ever laid at her door. " His soul is in my charge," sighed the good priest, " and I cannot even make him hear what I have got to say. A heavy reckoning will be demanded of me ! " "The sermons are in fault, beyond a doubt," the Kyrkegrim said. "The farmer's wife is 214 THE KYRKEGRIM TURNED PREACHER. quite right. She's a sensible woman, and can use a mop as well as myself. " " Hoot, hoot ! " cried the church owl, pushing his head out of the ivy-bush. "And shall she be Kyrkegrim when thou art turned preacher, and the preacher sits on the judgment seat ? Not so, little Niss ! Dust thou the pulpit, and leave the parson to preach, and let the Maker of souls reckon with them." " If the preacher cannot keep the people awake, it is time that another took his place," said the Kyrkegrim. " He is not bound to find ears as well as arguments," retorted the owl, and he drew back into his ivy-bush. But the Kyrkegrim settled his red cap firmly on his head, and betook himself to the priest, whose meekness (as is apt to be the case) encouraged the opposite qualities in those with whom he had to do. " The farmer must be roused somehow," said he. " It is a disgrace to us all, and what, in all A STIRRING SERMON. 21 5 the hundreds of years I have been Kyrkegrim, never befell me before. It will be well if next Sunday you preach a stirring sermon on some very important subject." So the preacher preached on Sin — fair of flower, and bitter of fruit ! — and as he preached his own cheeks grew pale for other men's perils, and the Kyrkegrim trembled as he sat listening in the porch, though he had no soul to lose. '/Was that stirring enough.?" he asked, twitching the sleeve of the farmer's wife as she flounced out after service. "Splendid!" said she, "and must have hit some folk pretty hard too." "It kept your husband awake this time, I should think," said the Kyrkegrim. " Heighty teighty ! " cried the farmer's wife. " I'd have you to know my good man is as decent a body as any in the parish, if he does take a nap on Sundays ! He is no sinner if he is no saint, thank Heaven, and the parson knows better than to preach at him." 2l6 THE KYRKEGRIM TURNED PREACHER. ''Next Sunday," said the Kyrkegrim to the priest, " preach about something which con- cerns everyone ; respectable people as well as others." So the preacher preached of Death — whom tears cannot move, nor riches bribe, nor power defy. The uncertain interruption and the only certain end of all life's labors ! And as he preached, the women sitting in their seats wept for the dead whose graves they had been tend- ing, and down the aged cheeks of the Kyrke- grim there stole tears of pity for poor men, whose love and labors are cut short so soon. But the farmer slept as before. "Do you not expect to die?" asked the Kyrkegrim. "Surely," replied the farmer, "we must all die some day, and one does not need a preacher to tell him that. But it was a funeral sermon, my wife thinks. There has been bereavement in the miller's family." " Men are a strange race," thought the Kyrke- NEW DISHES BEGET NEW APPETITES. 21/ grim ; but he went to the priest and said — "The farmer is not afraid of death. You must find some subject of which men really stand in awe." So when Sunday came round again, the preacher preached of judgment — that dread Avenger who dogs the footsteps of trespass, even now! That awful harvest of whirlwind and corruption which they must reap who sow to the wind and to the flesh ! Lightly regarded, but biding its time, till a man's forgotten follies find him out at last. But the farmer slept on. He did not wake when the preacher spoke of judgment to come, the reckoning that cannot be shunned, the trump of the Archangel, and the Day of Doom. ** On Michaelmas Day I shall preach myself," said the Kyrkegrim, ** and if I cannot rouse him, I shall ^ive up my charge here." This troubled the poor priest, for so good a Kyrkegrim was not likely to be found again. Nevertheless he consented, for he was very 2l8 THE KYRKEGRIM TURJTED PREACHER. meek, and when Michaelmas Day came the Kyrkegrim pulled a preacher's gown over his homespun coat, and laid his round hat on the desk by the iron-clamped Bible, and began his sermon. ** I shall give no text," said he, ** but when I have said what seems good to me, it is for those who hear to see if the Scriptures bear me out." This was an uncommon beginning, and most of the good folk pricked their ears, the farmer among them, for novelty is agreeable in church as elsewhere. "I speak," said the Kyrkegrim, "of that which is the last result of sin, the worst of deaths, and the beginning of judgment — hard- ness of heart." The farmer looked a little uncomfortable, and the Kyrkegrim went bravely on. **Let us seek examples in Scripture. We will speak of Pharaoh." But when the Kyrkegrim spoke of Pharaoh the farmer was at ease again. And by-and-bye ' OGNUNO ALL ARTE SUA. 219 a film stole gently before his eyes, and he nodded in his seat. This made the Kyrkegrim very angry, for he did not wish to give up his place, and yet a Niss may not break his word. "Let us look at the punishment of Pha- raoh," he cried. But the farmer's eyes were still closed, and the Kyrkegrim became agi- tated, and turned hastily over the leaves of the iron-clamped Bible before him. "We will speak of the plagues," said he. " The plague of blood, the plague of frogs, the plague of lice, the plague of flies — " At this moment the farmer snored. For a brief instant, anger and dismay kept the Kyrkegrim silent. Then shutting the iron clamps he pushed the Book on one side, and scrambling on to a stool, stretched his little body well over the desk, and said, "But these flies were as nothing to the fly that is coming in the turnip-crop ! " The words were hardly out of his mouth 220 THE KYRKEGRIM TURNED PREACHER. when the farmer sat suddenly upright, and half rising from his place, cried anxiously, "Eh, what sir ? What does he say, wife ? A new fly among the turnips ? " ** Ah, soul of clay ! " yelled the indignant Kyrkegrim, as he hurled his round hat at the gaping farmer. ** Is it indeed for such as thee that Eternal Life is kept in store ?" And drawing the preacher's gown over his head, he left it in the pulpit, and scrambling down the steps hastened out of church. ■^ ^ ^ ^ ^ As he had been successful in rousing the sleepy farmer the Kyrkegrim did not abandon his duties ; but it is said that thenceforward he kept to them alone, and left heavier responsi- bilities in higher hands. ^^^p 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED EDUCATION-PSYCHOLOGY LIBRARY This book is due oq the last date stamped below, or on the date to whidb renewed. 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