It i! I'lH Wll!l'i'i''l' ll'Pu IT lill A^ \m J ^^ — t •\ SSS ^^ 33 = =^ i; 5 ^ = o \ ^^ — ^ > 1 1 ^"^ .IS J = =^ 33 ) = -n J = 1 — — D n 1 The Vestry Minute-Book of the Parish of Stratford-on-Avon from l6l7 to 1699 A.D. "A I 690 ^92 ^75 *-. '^ mm iii'i'i'fiiK i'iilililCfiG m m II i. ill ' iifi I ! ft liit ' m THE VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK C'F THE PARISH OF STRATFORD-ON-AVON FROM 1617 TO 1699 A.D. Price, ss. nett. LONDON : PRINTED AT THE BEDFORD PRESS, 20 & 21, BEDFORDBURY. W.C. THE Li VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF THK PARISH OF STRATFORD-ON-AVON FROM I 617 TO 1699 A.D. \ Price, JJT. iictt. LONDON : PRINTED AT THE BEDFORD PRESS, 20 c^ 21, BEDFORDBURV, W.C. PREFACE. TH E following pages contain a Transcript of the Vestry Minute- Book which was in use in Stratford-on-Avon from 1617 to 1699. Although we ma}' regret that it does not begin a few years earlier, so as to cover the last years of the great Poet who has made Stratford famous, I think that nothing which lets us into the life of the Parish, in the Seventeenth Century, can be without interest to the English-speaking race. The men whose names appear on these pages were Shakespeare's contemporaries, and the words and spelling were those in use in his time ; so, although his name is not here, the interest which connection with him arouses may well be claimed for this Book. But, in addition to this, there are allusions to historical events which may instruct the reader. Take, for example, the fact that the Surveyors are called the Surveyors of the Kings Highways from 1642 to 1646, just when the King was in the neighbourhood ; or the fee for ring- ing for the victory at sea in 1692 ; or the change of title from Vicar to Minister in 1645, and back to Vicar in 1660. I trust that these few words will suffice to stimulate interest in my reproduction of this old Minute-Book, and I am sure that other points will reveal themselves to the careful reader. George Arbuthnot, Vicar of Stratford-on-Ai'on. VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF STRATFORD-ON-AVON. There was chosen churchwardens for the y[ere to] come, for the Borough, William Walford and [Anthony] Smyth, for the countrey John Earle and Averye Miller. The xiijth day of October 1 6 1 7. This day there was a severall Levye made for the Borough of Stratford for the some of twentye pounds towards the Repayre of the Church and alsoe there was a Leevye made the same day for the parrish for twentye pounds towards the Repayre of the Church, which doeth Rise to ijj-. \\\]d. the yarde Lande, with certayne other tenements which doeth amounte to xxix5. be side the fourty pounds. Yt was then Levyed that the parrish shoulde paye ijj-. \\\]d. [the] yarde Lande towards the Repayre of the Churche, And Ludington, and Bishopton shoulde pay xiiij^. because of there chappells of Ease. Witnese to this Levee, William Chandler, Bailiff Richard Hathaway Juliane Shawe Anthony Smyth John Roger, Vicar William Smyth Frauncis Smith, Junior Lewes Hicox William Walforde Richard Coulchester John Nash, gent. John Earle Arthur Caudry Avery Miller Frauncis Ainge Frauncis Bromly with divers others then present. B 2 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF 1648. Tythcs settled for the repairs of the Chancel Anno: 1650. The 7th daye of April/, 161 8. The account of WilHam Walforde and Anthony Smyth church wardens for the yeare paste for the Borrowgh of Stratford as followeth. Reseved as followeth. Thomas Quyney Mathcw Bayles Robert Warde Mary Shcffe . John Courte . Mrs. Ales Smyth widdoe Isackc Hitchcox Roljert Pahner Mr. Daniell Baker Richard Baker John Boyce . Mr. William Walford George Colchester Davie Ainge . . J^' John Smyth, P>aker . iii.T. \\\]d. Mr. Jno Wolmore . \]s. High Strete Ward. iiij.f. Roger Smyth . \\\s. 'iuyi. vjc/. Thomas Rogers \\\s. \\\yi. iij^. Mr. Henry Walker . X]S. \']d. Mr. William Chandlei vj^. s. v'yl. Joan Briges, widoe \\s. William Smyth \\\s. \\\]d. \\\]S. Mrs. Elizabeth Quyney ij^-. \]S. Mr. Henry Smyth vij^'. \s. Richard Castell iijj-. v\\]s. Margery Lorde VJrt'. iiiji'. John Gunne . \]d. iy. .Steven Slye . \s. vi.y. Richard Askewe \s. \']d. \]s. Thomas Courte \s. vjd. Nicholas Jevins Edward Caninge Richard Momford Mr. William Wiett Richard Daukes Leanord Edwards Richard Greene John Atwood . Raph Bernill . Robert Ballomie (?) Mrs. Ed. Wood warde William Tombes George Davis . Sheepst7'eete Warde. Jno. Jurdine . Oliver Sands . John Attwod ye yonger Phillipe Bridges George Badger Richard Nickoles Mr. Morris . Thomas Rutter Peter Mullinax vj^. iii.y. iiij-i". v\^]d. ij.y. y. v]d. \s. \\]S. vs. \s. \s. u\\d. WiUiam Hardinge £4 S 10 \s. Vujd. w]d. iiijc/. viijrt'. \s. \]d. \]s. \s. w']d. \]d. \\s. ^i 14 2 STRATFORD-ON-AVON. Chapell Streetc Warde. Thomas Swane iiji-. Lewes Rogers ijj. Mr. Watter Gibson iij.v. Thomas Griffin . \s. \]d. George Perrye VjV. Marye Tomlins j-y- Mr. Julian Shaw y>- Henry Norman iijj. Mr. John Haull viijj. Widoe Waterman \s. Richard Robins iiijj. Richard Moore \s. \']d. John Whood . \s. Mr. Courte and his sonn \]s. \']d. Thomas Parker \]s.^ x]d George Shakelton \s. Mrs. Frauncis Smyth the younger iijj-. Mr. John Sadler ijj. Mr. Leanord Kempson ij.y. Paule Bartlitt . Edward Wilkes Mr. Croftes . William Walker Robert Jonson Nickolas Tibbotes John Roges Thomas Clever Richard Mayoe Roger Massie William Morrell Mr. Alexander Aspinall Robert Cooke . Christopher Mace John Brookes Robert Hollis . George Hollis . William Moumforde \s. ij.y. \]s. \]d. \]S. V]s. ]S. \s. \'}d. is. iiij(/. vjd. vjd. ujs. iij^\ vj^. vjd. vjd. \s. viij^. iii^. 15 Bridg Streetc Warde. William Home ii^. \]d. Abraham Fisher is. John Perkins . \]s. Henry Markham . xid Mr. John Nash iiijj. Edward Noble vid. Arthur Coates. viijc/. Richard Colchester vid. William Emotes ijj'. \]d. Richard George vid. William Higgins ms. Anthony Miles mid. Robert Ingrum is. Simon Goodwin lis. John Samwell. v]d. John Cox iiij^/. Mr. Robert Butter YS. Richard Whitinge lis. \id. Mr. Henry Wilson \]s. \\\]d. Richard Sands is. iiijV/. Frauncis Ainge y]s. William Smarte is. Mr. Williams . \]S. \]d. John Yate is. lid. Tymothy Marshall ij-r. Robert Wilson js. Arthur Caudery \\]S. \\\]d. John Lupton . ijj. xid. John Caudery. \xd Richard Hathaway iiijj. Mr. Frauncis Smyth . Samuell Scriven xs. js. 'mjd. £3 iS 4 William. Ainge js. vjd B 2 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF William Smyth, sen. vjrtT. Thomas Walker Wjs. iiijc;'. Anthony Smyth iiijj-. Thomas Smyth \njd. Thomas Ainge }S. William Smyth ]s. iiijc/. Thomas Greene \'u}s. vjc/. Thomas Ramny ijx. Lewes Hicockes iiiji\ vj<^/. Henry Norman ij-*" Michaell Jonsons iij^y. Laurence Whyley ij.y. \']d. Henly Streete Warde. Richard Hiccockes John Whyley William Shawe Thomas Abbotes Richard Hewes Herkeles Herfoat Widoe Allen . John Nason . George Biker . Ghristopher Knight iijr. iiija^. ij^. iiijjT. ij^. vj Churchwardens. Clement Burman J Wm. Combe Wm. Wyat Wm. Chandler Tho. Wilson, vicar Danyell Baker Frauncis Smith 14 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OK Reed, for 7 strike of lime ..... iiij^-. \d. There is of the foresaid levy which cannot be gathered of Tho. Rutter, sen., 20^., of Mr. Yate is.^ of Tho. Rummy \s. The levy made for the parish was . . . xij//. o o Of which Clement Burman, Tho. Edwardes, together with ourselves gathered . . . . .9114 Ther Resteth ungathered . . . . .288 Of those whose names are in a note heerunto Anexed. So that our whole Receipts this yeire for the Towne and parishe . . . . . . . 24 04 i^/. The whole Remaineth to be gathered . . • Oj ^5 5 There hath beine layd forth by us . . . . ' 28 8 4 So that the Church Resteth indebted to the saide Rich. Baker and William Smith the some of . iiij//. iiijj. iij^. Of which there is dew to Rich. Baker . . . xlvji^. \\]d. The Rest dew to William Smith which is . . . xxxviijj'. Payments and Layeings out for the Repayre of the chtnxh per Rich. Baker and Wm. Smyth, churchwardens. Paid for the wrighting and sending the Register for the yen-e past to Worcester . . . . Wm. Smith was apoynted to goe to Hartlebury to my Lord about the Church and to Worcester his expenses were Payd the glasyer which the former churchwardens were indebted to him in . P'd far 4 wooden platters for to colect money in P'd for An hou'' glasse .... P'd at the Vicar's visytacion our fees for the country P'd for a flagon for the Sacrement . P'd for a scrue for the gilt cup and for mending yt P'd porter for sweepeng downe the wyndowes in the church P'd for a bell Rope for the great bell P'd for 9 plates, and ii speges (?) for the old lather P'd the glasyer at Mich. 1619 P'd Wm. Loch for 9 dayes worke at Church P'd Thomas Loche for x dayes worke there P'd Wm. More for 3 dayes and his father for ii dayes work .... P'd John the laborer for 8 dayes P'd for 4 stryke of lime P'd for 20 lb. Iron P'd Davy for i dayes worke P'd More for xi lb. Iron for the Clips oil 2S. 5.9. O O O O O O o o o O 2 o 10 o 9 IS. I o 5 7 5 o 4 9 4 10 o 6 o 6 o 6 o o o 10 10 o o o o o o 4 4 o 4 4 o 10 STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 15 P'd for joynts for the benches and for Iron for the feetc and for Iron for the Pulpit and for worke to Watton P'd for help up with the i^reate prop in the steeple P'd Watton more for work and for clips for the bells and for the prop .... P'd the glasyer for 5 1 //'. of lead for washers P'd him for 1 5 //. of sother . P'd him for 3 dayes worke and his sone P'd for I li. Candles for the workmen P'd for beere for the workmen and those that helped about the prop P'd Wareing for Tymber P'd Wm. Loche 9 dayes worke P'd for a matt for the pulpit P'd for a planke for the bench P'd for Iron and to Watton for worke more P'd Tho. Loch ^ dayes worke more P'd Wm. Loche 5 dayes .... P'd Mr. Smith for nayles and for a locke and to Mr Wilmore ..... P'd William Emott for i loads caredg to the church P'd for a planke in the steeple P'd for poynting in the south yle P'd for 2 stryke of lime more P'd for heire ..... P'd for ii matts for the Vicar's and Curatt's seats . P'd for a buckle for a balrige ... P'd John Strayne his wages P'd for Coping in the churchyard to Wm. Davis and Wm Young ...... P'd for wrighting the Register and sending yt in at Lady Day 1620 .... P'd Nixson his fee at the lord Bishop's visytacion P'd Davy for 3 dayes worke to mende the flore and other places against the lord Bishop came . P'd for i strike of lime .... P'd Tho. Loch for new hanging the bells and for help ther P'd for I rone work about the bells . P'd Ab. Alwaye his wages .... P'd for a balridg . . . ■ • P'd Loch for a new lather in the church & for Rounds fo the old lather . . . . • P'di 1 Top of page apparently cut away. //. s. d. 6 II 2 4 8 6 10 4 6 5 6 4 9 4 I 6 5 10 5 4 6 I 2 I I n 6 4 6 2 I 3 7 6 3 '^ i6 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF P'd Ducker for 5 load of stone . . . . P'd him for i load of fyre stone more P'd him in ernest for his worke for the buildmg of the 2 duble chimneys in the church house flore highe & is to fynd all the stone that is for the i duble Chimney only, we are to fynd Carridg for them 40s. P'd for 4 stryke lime & sand P'd for a Charger to colect for the poore P'd Ducker for stone more for the first chimny P'd him for workmanship in parte . P'd for help about getting the planks out of the howse P'd for 3 quarter and ij stryke lime . P'd for Ringing when the lo. Byshop came P'd Watten more for worke in September 1620 P'd for Iron ..... P'd for 2 mantletrees P'd for another balridg P'd for nayles .... P'd for 6 stryke sand. P'd at Worcester to Wm. Smith at the vysytacion in September 1620 P'd for my horse hire P'd our fees to Nixson P'd Watton more for worke of the Iron barrs for the lead P'd Davy for worke more P'd for heare. .... P'd Davy and his man for worke P'd for Covering a grave for Wm. Mountford P'd more to Dawes man for 4 dayes P'd Samwell Skryven for 27// of lead for washers P'd for 3// of sother .... P'd him and his sone for worke P'd Watton for mending the bell claper P'd more for Iron .... P'd for mending the churchyard gate P'd the 3 of November last when we were syted to Worcester, Rich. Baker & myself P'd Sam. Scriven his wages . P'd our fees to the Court P'd for falling ij trees & ssquaring them P'd for a stryke of coles P'd for wood ..... P'd Pace for sawing the timber & 536 feet bords P'd Lorh more for worke o o 5 'o I 2 6 2 8 4 8 4 6 16 1 6 •5 4 2 6 2 I 7 T 6 2 4 5 I •^ J 10 I 7 5 1 6 4 17 I 2 3 6 '7 4 n 8 3 4 I 6 2 3 '3 8 [O I 7 3 3 4 1 5 6 I 9 STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 17 P'd for wood for heating the Irenes. More Rich. Baker paid last yeire for his charges at Worcester & for a horse hyred thether P'd at Mr. Smithes for 48// Iron P'd more for i balridg P'd pr. Clement to the glasyer for lead, sother, & workc it then his wages .... P'd Tho. Loch for Tymber bords & worke . P'd at the Bishops visytacion P'd the bell Ringers then P'd Watton for worke P'd Davy Randle for help ... P'd more for Caridg 3 loads of Clay P'd for Caridg of stone P'd for help about the bells and spent P'd the glasyer this half yeire at Lady Daye 1621 P'd pr. Tho. Edwards our fees at the vysytacion and before at the Vicars Court P'd Watton for worke P'd Loch for worke & stufife . P'd Loch more for a lather & for help & worke P'd for a quire of paper P'd more for i bell Rope More paid for wrighting & sending the Register to Worcester for Lady Daye 1 62 1. P'd John Strayne & .\braham Alway ther wages P'd Thomas Greene which he spent at Worcester more then was gi\en him .... P'd Abraham Alwaye for diging a sawpit & filyng yt 7 8 2 4 3 5 10 10 I viij 2 3 6 2 I 2 2 10 2 4 10 3 10 8 10 7 4 3 4 ii XJ-. i \j(/. \-]d. The 3° of Aprill 1621 ther was elected & chosen Churchwardens for the whole parish of Stratford by the minister & other the inhabytants whose names are subscribed. ... Imprimis for the Burrough Richard Castell and Richard Tyler For ye Country Steven Burman William Court William Walford, Bayliffe Thomas Wilson, vicar George Quiney, curate C i8 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF J (or T) Hall Daniell Baker Fraunzys Smythe July Shawe William Chandler Bartholomew Hathaway Richard Burman John Sheffeild, and others Wm. Smyth Richard Baker John Court Clement Burman The Accompts of Rich. Baker & William Smith churchwardens for the Burrough of Stratford uppon Avon the third daye of Aprill, 1621 & also of Clement Burman and Thomas Edwards. The levy made for the Burrough to the Repayre of the Church was as is before specyfyd . . . xii//. Of which there hath beine by the said Churchwardens gathered the some of / 10 . 13 . 3 . . x//. xiiijj. iii^. There resteth ungathered of those whose names are in a note heeranexed the some of ^i . 6 . 9 . \li. \]s. ixd. Reed, this yeire for graves in the church for old Best 6s. 8e/. and for Rich. Mountford's wyfe 6-8 and for Mr. Woodard (?) .... more for John Earles grave Reed, for lop and wood this yeire sold for ofifall and chips ..... Reed, for placing of some in the church, viz. of Fisher 4d. of Rob. Bulting 4^. of Mrs. Wright of Giles wyfe 4d. .... Reed, of old Sands which he was behind of old Reed, of Abraham Alwaye for his Rent Reed, more of him at Lady Dye 1621 The Accounte of Richard Castell, Richard Tyler, Wm. Courte, jun. & Stephen Burman, churchwardens for the Borowe & parishe of Stratford uppon Avon the xxiijth dale of Aprill Anno Domini 1622 xxs. \js. \ujd. xixs. iiij^. vs. Mr. 4d. is. iiij^. iiij. xd. xs. Imprimis paied for a dinner at the Visitacion For the Courte Fees .... For a cheste ..... for the mendinge of ytt . for goinge to Worcester for a bage for the plate & Removinge & mendinge the Leades ....... xnijj'. us. viijj. viijj'. XX ij^. ijj. xvj^ STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 19 pad {sk) Richard Roodes for a balribe for one of the bells ....... paied to Samuell Scriven for mendinge of the glase in the Church ..... paied for a Table Cloth .... payed to a poore wooman by Mr. Bayliefes permission paied to William Burfatt for coveringe graves paied to Abraham Allawaye paied to John Straine Somme iijV/. ii \]s. ]d. Receved for a grave of Richard Muntford Receved for a grave for Ursele Loade Receved for a grave for Widoe Bromley Receved for a grave for Humfrie Wheler Receved for a grave for Raphe Smyth Receved for a grave for Mrs. Ayles .A.inge Receved for plasinge a wooman Somme . ii//. xs. Remayninge due to the Churchwardens iiijc/. \\d. \s. \W]s. \\']d. \\s. \\]s. \'\\]d. \']s. \\\]d. \']s. \\\']d. v]s. \''\\]d. \'']s. v\\']d. \]s. \-\'\]d. \]s. Y\V]d. \'']s. \\\]d. \\\']d. . \\\'\]s. ]d. The xxiijth daie of Aprill, Anno Domini 1622 there was elected and chosen churchwardens for the whole parishe of Stratford by the minester and other the inhabitants whose names are subscribed Imprimis for the Borowe of Stratford Nathaniell Duppa, William Smyth, haberdasher, Stephen Burman and John Hathaweye for the parishe, Sidmen for the Borowe Richard Tyler, Richhrd Castell, & for the parishe William Courte & Clement Burman. William Walford Juline Shawe Henry Smythe John Barber Avery Miller Wilcombe (W^illiam Combe?) Robert Butler William Wyatt Tho. Wilson Daniell Baker Frauncys Smythe Itt ys agreed uppon by the parishioners that all that do Refuse to pay to any Levyes for the Repayre of the church or Taxaccions made alredy or to be made herafter that they shalbe sued for the Recovery of the same by the churchwardens And there charges in Any suyte to be borne by the Parishioners. C 2 20 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF Also yt is Agreed uppon that there shalbe A Levy And Taxacion made within the Towne & Parrishe of the some of Twenty pounds for the Repaire of the church that is to say within the Burroughe Tenn Pounds and within the parishe without the Burrough the some of Tenn pounds by thees whose names are subscribed. To set up 2 galleries To provide 2 surplusses To cast 2 bells To provide j flagon i bason Wm. Smith Richard Castel Nathaniell Duppa Anthonye Smithe Tho. Wilson Daniell Baker Fraunzis Smythe William Walford Juline Shawe Henry Smythe William Courte, Jun. Wilcombe Robert Butler William Wyatt John W^olmer Steven Burman Avery Miller The xxijth of December 1622 yt was Agreed uppon by thees whose names are underwritten that all the trees in the churchyard shalbe solde by the Churchwardens & the mony layde forth for the Repaire of the Church, And yf yt shalbe proved herafter that the trees do belong to the Bayliff And Burgesses that then there shalbe A levy & Taxacion made throughout the whole parrishe of so much mony as the saide Trees shalbe solde for the which shalbe paide to the Bailiffe and Burgesses in satisfaction for them provided that all the lop uppon the Trees now unsold which are xv shalbe bestowed on the vicar. Mr. Wilson, vicar William Smith Nathanyell Dupa Mr. William Combe, Esqre. Mr. Bayliffe Mr. Alderman Mr Thomas Combe churchwardens Mr. Hall Mr. Francis Smith Richard Hathway Thomas Greene STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 21 Moreover yt is Agreed that the mony which Mrs. Loydc did give to the parrish being xi//. shalbc sued for. The xvth of Aprill 1623 the minister & churchwardens & parishioners did meete Togither to chose new church- wardens for the yeire to Come And they have chosen for this yeire For the Burrough Edward Rogers, Draper Richard Robbins For the Parrish without the Burroughe Mr Roger Barnett John Hathway William Walford Nathaniell Diippa Tho. Wilson Daniell Baker John Strayne, chosen, sexton Fraunzys Smythe till there ben cause to Julyne Shawe remove him. Henry Smythe the marke of John Wolmer John ^ Sheffeild Robert Butler the marke of Wm Smith Steven >j« Burman Richard Tyler Will. Shawe the marke of John ^ Hathway Tiie Accompts of WilHam Smith, Nathaniell Dupa Steven Burman and John Hathway, churchwardens for the yeire past made the xxviijth day of Aprill 1623 unto Richard Robins & Edward Rogers, churchwardens for the yeire to come. Imprimis they have Received By a Taxacion within the Burrough of x//. the some of . . . . ix//. xviiij. Item Received out of the parrish the Taxacion being also x/z. of which they Rec[eived] . . . . viii/z. vij.c Item they have Received for five graves . . '\lt. xiijj-. \\\]d. Item they Received of Abraham Alway for Rent . . xs. o Item they Received for Trees sold in the churchyard xxix//. \i\]s. x]d. Item they Received for xxii/z. of bell metle . . 1//. ijj-. o Som is L/z. x]s. \\]d. Item they have paide this yeire in Repaire of the Church As apeers by their Accompts . . • Lv/z. ijr. \\d. 22 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF So resteth due unto them namely unto William Smith above named who hath Laide out more than Received the some of .... . iiij//. xjs. \}d. More ovveing the paynters ..... iiij//. o. o oweing to Mrs Elizabeth Baker as apeers in the last Acompt ...... ii//. iiijj. \nd. Memorandum there is remainingein thehandes of William Smithe haberdasher a record of trees fallen forth of the churchyard in the three and thirtieth yeare of Henry the eight and the churchwardens at that time solde them to the value of xxviii.s'. and did also account for the same amongst other their accounts T/ie thirde dale of June, Ao. Dni. 1623. Yt is thes dale and yeare abovewritten by us whose names are subscribed, agreed on, That theere shalbe a Leavye and Taxacion made within the Towne and parishe for the repaire of the churche and paiments of debts due to the oulde churche wards viz. : a taxacion within the Boroughe of Tenne pounds, without the Boroughe in the parishe Tenne pounds more, in the whole 20//. Frauncis Ainge Richard Mountfort Fraunzys Smythe John Whithead Juline Shawe Richard Robyns \ Church- Rich. Tyler Edward Rogers /wardens The xxxth of March 1623. The day and yeare above saide Mr Wilson vicar and the Rest of the Inhabytants and Parishioners whose names are subscribed have elected and chosen Churchwardens for the yeire to come. For the Towne Christopher Smith Henry Norman For the country John Barber . Thomas Burnet The old churchwardens are sidemen. STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 23 Alsoe this day Charles Nason Executor to widow Lumly who was Administratrix To Ann Loyde hath paide To Christopher Smith Henry Norman John Barber & Thomas Burnet, churchwardens, the summe of Eleven pownds which Mrs Ann Loyde gave by her will to be by them set forth for the uses specyfied in the saide will. Surveyors of the highwayes for the Towne Edmund Townsend Edmund Hathwaye For the Country Jhon Cawdy Thomas Lock Fraunzys Smythe Roger Barnard Robert Butler Clement Burman Thomas Wilson, vicar Jhon Hathaway William Walford Robart Cawdry John Wolman The acompts of Richard Robins, Edward Rogers and Roger Barn[ard] and John Hathaway, churchwardens for this yeare last paste mad this 28th of Aprill, Anno Dom, 1624 unto Cristopher Smith, Henry Normand, John Barber and Tho. Burnill, churchwardens for the yeare to come. Imprimis, Reed, by a taxacion of x//. within the borrough the sum of .... . ix//. wns. vj' have chosen for the yeere folio winge Churchwardens for the Boroughe Mr. William Sinithe, the Hatter Mr. Richard Tyler 26 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF for the parishe John Rogers Sidesmen for the Boroughe Christofer Smithe Roberta Johnsons Henrye Newman for the parishe John Barbor The. Burnett Surveyours for the highewaies for the Towne William Greene Edmund Wakelande Henry Walker Thomas Wilson Surveyours for the parishe Thomas Watson John Stanlye At this meeteing Christopher Smith & the Rest of the churchwardens brought in Mr. Loydes mony, viz. Eleven pounds which was then delivered to Mr. Richard Tyler one of the Churchwardens predict' (aforesaid) to be set forth Mr. Loydes mony xj//. the use being at ibd. per //. xiiiji'. To be bestowed one a Sermon yerly on the Sunday before St. Thomas day ...... \s. \']d. To the Repaireof the Church yerly . . . . iij.y. vjji John Rogers WilHam Wyatt the ;js marke of John Hathawaye JuHe Shawe the marke >j« of John Barber Henry Smythe Steven Burman WilHam Chandler Thomas Greene "j Church- John Wolman Willyam Shawe / wardens Robert Butler Tho. Watkines Frauncis Ainge Richard Edwardes Arthur Cawdry The 27th of March 1627 the minister and churchwardens and other the Inhabitants and Parishioners whose names are heare subscribed mett together to choose church- wardens and other officers according to the canons and have chosen for the yeare to come these for officers following. Mr John Woolmore 1 , , , ^ „ n , „ ... \ churchwardens for ye Burrough Mr Francis Amge J i b T , ,, ,, !■ churchwardens for the parish John Mullenax J ^ The old churchwardens are chosen Sidesmen, viz. Mr Thomas Greene Thomas Watson William Shawe Richard Edwards STRATFOKD-ON-AVON. 3 1 Overseers for the poore Richard Robbins ^ Nathaniel Duppa L- .1 t, T- • iiT ,r , >for the BuiroiiL;h Prancis vValford ° Edmund Tousin J Thomas Pace of Shotterv 1 r , • , „ r> . in,r , f fo*" ^'^^ parish George Barten of Welcome J Surveyers for the highwayes William Wiatt junior 1 r .1 n 1 ,, . , , „ h for the Burroush Richard Smart J Thomas Gilbert a/s. Pace of Shotterv 1 r .1. • 1 ™ c-i . ■■ > for the parish 1 homas Silvester junior J Richard Hathaway, Baylifif Thomas Watsons marke Henry Walker >jc July Shawe Simon Trappe curate Robert Butler Robert Johnsons marke ^ Frauncis Ainge Richard Castell Tho. Greene Rich. Tyler Willyam Shawe Edw. Rogers Roger Barnard Clement Burman T/ie iSt/i of May 1627, The churchwardens Thomas Greene, William Shawe Richard Edwards & Thomas Watson passed theire accompts They hadd a Levy graunted to be Taxed & levyed the some of fforty pounds vizt. in the burrough and in the parish out of the Burrough They have Received of the inhabitants of the Burrough the some of xix//. xvijj. \]d. uppon the Taxacion They have Reed out of the Parish besides the Burrough . They have Reed for graves & for Mrs. Loydes mony They Reed of the Plummers for x/. leade , Reed, of Mr. Quyny for 5 yrs land duytis . They have paide this yeire as apeers uppon there accompt the some of ... . Paid William Smith part of his debt There is more due to him xx//. \x/t. 19 17 -7 15 4 5 I 9 4 15 41 5 7 10 41 13 10 I 8 4 32 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF This xxviij^. iiijrt^. is paid to Mr. William Smyth in Bell Mettell, accompted the 7th of Aprill 1629 There remaynes to be gathered in the Towne of the which John Smith Baker is to pay ijj'. & John Smith draper, ....•■• For the country to gather up Off Mr. Hall for 4 yrs land . Of Mr. Chandler i yrs land & h Of Richard Burman of Shottery ij yrs land & ^ Of Widdow Smart i yrs Land Of Ludington Drayton William Kent behinde Richard Edw ards behinde for 4 yrs land Thomas Wilson (?) for i yrs land & half Of Yate half yrs land . Thisly closse 3^. & Mr. Lane's medow 2s/i. 6d. Mr. Tyler i yrs Land in Shottery Mr. William Combe for my Lord Carew's Land Mr. Ayng for the farme The mills both Mr. Combes & Mr. Aynge his mill \\]S. \s. \\\s. i\d. \'}s. ujd. ijj. vj^. 45-f- 4.$-. ixj. ujs. \y.d. \s. o. vs. yjd. ]}s. x]d. \]S. \]s. \]d. xs. Simon Trappe, curate Wm. Smith Richard Hathaway Henry Walker Francis Ainge Richard Tyler This 2^th dale of Februarie 162/. Yt is ordered that a hundred pounds shalbe raised out of the Towne and parishe towards a stocke for to sett the poore of the whole parishe to worke vizt. 50//. out of the towne and 50//. out of the rest of the parishe The said loo/z. Is spedilie to be levyed & collected and a house for to be taken for the Execucion therof, and officers are to be chosen for the same purpose by to {sic) the Inhabitants of the whole parishe. John Wolmar ^ Frauncis Ainge I John ^ Earle | Churchewardens Johannis ^ Mullineuxj All those whose names are subscribed to the orders for the Leavye of 13//. 6s. Sd. for the repair of the churche & STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 33 for the Sale of the churchehouse consented to the order above written for the colleccion of the said loo/z. The 25//' dale of Febriiarie 1627. Att a meetinge in the Chauncell the dale and }-eere above written yt is ordered and agreed that a Leavye shalbe made for the repairc of the Churche throughe the towne and parishe of Twentye markes, vizt the towne is to paye and be taxed att 6li. i^s. \d. and the parishe out of the towne att the Hke somme of 6//. I3j-. 4c/. Yt is ordered That the Churchwardens for the tyme beinge shall sell the churchehouse by the assistance and consent of Mr. Thomas Combe, Mr. Daniell Baker, Mr. John Wolmer, Mr. Hen. Smithe, Stephen Burman, Richard Edwards. The moneye that shalbe made of the Churchehouse shalbe made ^oli. by the Inhabitants of the Towne and parishe, to be imployed towards the repaire of Churche, the stocke is to be still kept whole, and the proffitt of the same to [be] bestowed on the churche, accordinge to a former order made the 30th of August 1624: to the like effect. Willcombe Julie Shawe, Baylefe Arthur Cawdry, chefe Aldermane Tho. Combe Daniell Baker Tho. Wilson Henry Smythe John Wolmer Frauncis Ainge Churchwardens signum Jo >|c Barker Richard Robins Rich. Tyler William ^ Wilson signum Johannis ^ Earle | Churche signum Johannis ^ MuUineuxj Wardens. Richard Hathaway Willyam Shawe Thomas Greene Edward Hunte Thomas Greene, Junior Thomas Ainge Simon Trappe The fifteenth day of x'\prill 1628 the minister & Church- D 34 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF wardens and other the Inhabitants & Parishioners whose names are heere subscribed mett together to choose Churchwardens and the other officers according to the Cannons and have chosen for the yeere to come these for Officers following ) Churchwardens for tlie Burrough. J ^ Churchwardens for the j Country. Mr. John Hall Mr. Anthony Smith George Barten John Smart, jun. The old churchwardens are elected Sidesmen Survcyers for the highwayes. > for the Towne Clement Rogers Thomas Hill Thomas Sheffield John Richarson Julie Shawe, Bayleffe Arthur Cawdry, Alderman Thomas Wilson Daniell Baker Henry Smythe John Wolmer Thomas Greene (~ for the Countrey. Wm. Smith Richard Robins Richard Mountfourd Rich. Tyler Nath. Duppa Frauncis Walford The Accomptsof John Woolmer, gent, Frauncis Ainge gent., John Earle, John Mullenux, Churchwardens for the yeare past made the 23th of June 1628 unto Mr. Hall and Mr. Anthon)- Smith, George Barten, now Churchwardens. There was Levied for the yeare past in the Towne and pari she ...... Whereof there is Receaved as appereth Ijy their accompt . There Remayncth now unpaid .due out of I5ridgtowne Land ••..... Item unpaid due out of Clopton Land Item unpaid due out of Rush wood Item unpaid due out of Luddington Land . Item Mr. John Hall oweth som unpaid due owte of his land x\d. and Mr. William Chaundler oweth unpaid due out of his land, xv^. & Rent of Drayton the som of the whole .... //. 13 12 o o o o s. 6 o 10 5 5 '5 8 I o o o o STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 35 There disbursments out of the 12//. os. \d. uhicli they Receaved is ..... mH. ^s. 6d.o/?. So there Remayneth in Mr. John Woollmer's his hands of the monie which they have Receaved in theire yeare, besides the debts which are unpaid abovesaid the just somm of . . . . . . xv.y. w]d. oh. This xv.y. \]d. ob. with other monies by Mr. Woolmer Receaved was paid over to Mr. Anthonie Smyth, the Suckceadinge churchwarden whoe accompted for the same Aprill 7th 1629 Item wee finde that Augustine Boyce is Indebted to the church, which hee hath Receaved for this jeare past more then was due unto hyni ; which is to bee deducted out of his wages for the next yeare follow- inge the som of . . . . . . iiij.v. \\d. This 4^-. ()d. above wrytten is deducted and Alowed to hym for that \\]s. \\\)d. which he should have had for his years wages due at Easter in Anno 1629 Item the Church is Indebted unto the Executors of Elizabeth Baker, deceassed, which was due to her husband Rychard Baker when hee was Church- warden, as appereth in this booke uppon his accompte and in other accompts sithence the som of . . 2//. 4.s-. ^d. Item it is Agreed that Augustine Boyce shall have for his wages yearlie for lookinge unto the bells, for the tyme to com but (jnlie iij.*". iiijc/. per annum And no more For this y. \d. .Augustinge Boyce had the 4.S-. ()d. alowed hym which he owed to the Church as is above wrytten Julie Shawe Henry Smythe Anthony Smith Simon Trappe, minister. Georg Barton ^ his marke Thomas Greene Daniell Baker The 7th clay of Aprill 1629 the minister and chiuxh- wardens and other the Inhabitant.s and Parishioners whose names are heere subscribed met together to choose churchwardens and other officers according to the Cannons and have chosen for the yeare to coine these for officers following D 2 36 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF Thomas Smith, Ironmonger ) Churchwarden?^ for John Courtt J the Burrough. Robert Earle | Churchwardens for WilUam Sniartt j the Countrey The old churchwardens are chosen sidesmen ■ Overseers for the poore (No names) Surveyers for the high \\'a\-es John Carelesse ) r *i t? i •' . . . V for the Burrough Wilham Hickockes J George Barten ) c .i. i^ ^ y for the Countrey John Hathaway ) Aprill yt/i, 1629. There was paid to Aug"ustine Boyce for his wages for the yeare past for lookinge to the Scollers in the Church in service tyme, iijj-. iiij^. And it is agreed that Augustine Boyce shall have yearlie for his wages for the tyme to com for lookinge to the Bells and to the Scollers in the churche for lookinge to the Leads — w]s. vVud. per animm. This mony was paid. Richard Castell hath in his hands xxxij//. of bell metall at ^d. per //. which he had from William Smith there being before in William Smithe's hand fowrscore and two pound for the other fyfty pound of metall William Smith hath acompted to the churchwardens and doth acknowleg the Receipt of xxviijj-. iiijV. due to him of a debt, as apeers in this bookc and he hath paid Mr. Anthony Smith vs. \\\]d. in full dischardg of the fifty pound of metall. 7 Api'ill predict'. At this meeteing Mr. Hall & Mr. Anthony Smith churchwardens passed there accompts. STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 37 Hiey Receaved this yeire as apeers by there acoinpts . 316 lob. And of William Smith . . . . .054 4 I 6 They have paide this yei re as apeers by there acompts , , 3 10 Payd. so there rests in there hands . . .011^ Samuell Scriven is apoynted to Receive the mony of Richard Castell for the 32//. of metall xxjx iiij^. the which Mr. Castell has paid him accordinghc. There is due to th'executors of Elizabeth Baker for her children the which is paid by John Eston to Mr. Baker, Fe. 1633 . . . .244 There is due owing to Mr. Thomas Greene the which is paid by George Barton 13 Fe. 1633 . . . xji\ o Henry Smythe Thomas Greene Ric. Hathaway Wm. Smithe J- Hall .Anthonye Smith Daniell Baker Edward Hunte John Wohner Samuell Scriven Thomas Wilson vicar 1630. The Accounts of Thomas Smith, John Courtt, WilHam Smart and Robert Urle, churchwardens for the yeare past made the 30th day of March 1630 unto the Townc and parish Imprimis layd out ..... iiij//. xix.5-. vj^. as appeareth by a particular Bill Item received ...... iij//. \]d. There remaynes due to the churchwardens . . \li. xixi-. \\\]d , Memorandum that in the yeare last past 1629 there was payd v\\]s. iiijV/. for Whitsun farthing and soe the parish is free to this time. The 30th day of March 1630 the minister & church- wardens and other the Inhabitants of the Towne and parish whose names are here subscribed mett together to 38 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF chuse churchwardens and other officers according to the Cannons and have chosen for the yeare to come these officers following William Chandler, gent. | churchwardens for the Tosvne Edmund RavvHns, gent. .' William Wilson j churchwardens for ye parish Stephen Sitch ) The old Churchwardens are chosen Sidesmen Tho. Greene, Baylife Frauncis Ainge John Woh-ner Symon Trappe, curate Tho. Wilson vicar Richard Castell J. Hall William Smart Daniell Baker Jo. Court Henry Smythe John Wheler Overseers for the highwayes Thomas Watson Richard Phillips The 26th of June 1630 the Elders of the Towne & Parish did meete in the parish church of Stratford and have disposed of the forty pounds for which the Church- house was sold in this manner as follovA-eth, vizt. that Mr. Henry Smith of the burrow of Stratford aforesayd shall have the sayd summe of forty pounds who shall by his land lying in Bishopton secure fifty shillings per annum for ever unto the church from Midsummer last past 1630 by such assurance as Mr. Dighton (?) shall advise. The ffeoffees to whom the assurance is to bee made are chosen. William Combe, Esqre. Daniell Baker, gent. Mr. Thomas Combe Thomas Greene, gent. Edward Greene, of Bishopton Frauncis Aynge, gent. Richard Quiney, of Drayton Richard Tyler Stephen Burman, of Shottery William. Smith. Alsoe yt is agreed that a Levy and taxacion shall be made in the Towne and Parish of xiijV/. ]s. viijV/. ffor the Repaire of the church and discharging of debt which is dtic to the old churchwardens and Mr. Baker's grand- STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 39 children and others that is to say xx nobles in the Townc and XX nobles in the parish Tho. Greene John Wolnier Daniell Baker Henry Smythe Anthonye Smithe Wni. Smith Richard Castell Nathaniel! Duppa Edward Hunte Thomas Greene Thomas ^ Ainge Roger Barnard The marke of John 5|s Roger The marke of WiUiam ^ Wilson Nicholas Riland Augustine Boyce Simon Trappe, curate The marke of Stephen ijc Burman A note of suche goods which Tho. Smithe, John Coiirte, Robert Earle and William Smarte the otild churchwardens delivered this 29th of June unto the newe Churchwardens theire Successors. 1630 Imprimis, a greate churche Bible Item Doctor Jewills woorkes Item the Paraphrase of Erasmus Item Two Comon Prayer bookes Item the Booke of Homilies Item, the Canon Booke Item, the Regester Item fower small prax'cr bookes for his ma'tics deliver- ance and the faste. Item the Two Comunion Cuppes and their covers Item one Pewter flaggon Item 4 woodden platters and a trencher Item a Carpet and a Comunion Table Clothe, a Table and frame Item two Surplusses a pulpitt Cushion and Hower glasse Item an ould booke of Accompts Item eighte lathers Item a bonde wherin Henrie Norman and Richard 40 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF Robins are bounde for an Eleaven poundes, bcinge money which Mrs. Anne Loyde gave. Item two chestes with 3 Keys apece The 2gt/i of June, 1630. Mr. Henrie Smithe receaved the fortie pounds for which the churchehous was sould accordinge to a former order in the sight and presence of Tho : Greene, Baylife Robert Butler John Wolmar John Courte Daniell Baker 12 April, 1631. The minister There is this 29 June 1635 2 hoods lined with silke. Att a meetinge or verstrie {sic) the 12 of Aprill 1631 : John Piston, mercer, \ are elected cliurchwardens Wm. Smithe, Apparitor J for the boroughe Stephen Burman and ) are elected churchwardens Wm. Wilson ) for the parishe Anthonye Smithe, Bayeliffe Edmund Rawlins Henry Smythe, Alderman Jo. Courte Thomas Wilson Roger Barnard Ric. Wright Clement Burman John Wolmer Daniell Baker Rich. Tyler The 1 6th day of October 163 1 there was chosen Clement Burman, of Shottery, Churchwarden in the place of Stephen Burman, deceased. Daniell Baker, Baylife Henr)- Walker Thomas Greene, Alderman Henry Smythe Thomas Wilson, vicar Antony Smithe December 21, 163 1. This day it was agreed by the churchwardens and others then present that there should bee a Levy made of twenty pounds, Ten pounds for ye Burrough and Ten pounds for STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 4 1 yc Parish for & towards the Repayres of ye Church and discharging of ye Church debts and also that ye Arrerages shall bee gathered up and in case they cannot bee gathered to be sued for. Uaniell Baker, Baylife Simon Trappe, curate John Eston William Smith William >K Willson his mark churchwardens. The 3d day of Aprill 1632 the Minister & Church- wardens and other the Inhabitants of ye Towne and Parish whose names are heere subscribed mett together to chuse churchwardens and other officers according to the cannons and have chosen for the yeare to come these officers following Thomas Walker John Eston William Wilson John Burman ^Churchwardens Sidesmen chosen for ye burrough Thomas Smith John Court Stephen Sitch \ r ■ u ^ \ for ye parish John Hathaway J Surveyors of ye high wayes William Parker | fo, ye Burrough William Hopkins J Thomas Miller \ ^^^ ^.^ ^^^^-^^ Robert Careles J Daniell Baker, Baylife Rich. Tyler Thomas Greene, Alderman Edward Rogers Thomas Wilson, vicar the marke of Frauncis Ainge Wm 5J« W'ilson Wm Smith the marke 5j« of Stephen Such Simon Trappe, curate -Church Wardens 42 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF August 17, 1632. This day it was agreed upon by the churchwardens and others then present that there should bee a Levy made of fourty pounds, twenty pounds for the Burrough and Twenty pounds for ye Parish for and towards the Repayres of the Church. Thomas Greene, Alderman Simon Trappe, curate \Vm Smith Thomas Walker John Eston William >fc Willson his marke John Burman Thomas Ainge Samuell Scriven Richard Smj'th The 23 day of Aprill 1633 the minister and church- wardens and other the Inhabitants of the Towne and Parish whose names are hccre subscribed mett together to choose churchwardens and other officers, according to the cannons, and have chosen for the yeare to come these officers following These are chosen churchwardens John Court 1 r .,, ■' > for ye 1 owne John Loch J Richard Edwards } r .u n • u ] for the Parish George Barten ) Whearas Mr Wilson hathe elected Mr John Hall to be Churchwarden for the parishe out of the boroughe, we whose names are subscribed doe accepte against Mr Hall because he liveth in the boroughe and yt is contrarye to the custome alwaies used in such case The following are chosen Sidesmen Thomas \Valker ] r ^j, ^ , ,^ 1- for ye 1 owne John Eston J William Wilson 1 ^ ■ , • , } for ye Parish Jc)hn Jjurman J STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 43 Surveyors of the hicrh wayes Frauncis Hopper 1 r ™ ' ' ■ for ye Towne 1 nomas Jakeman ' Thomas Watson Thomas Sheiffeild Richard Castell, Baylife Anthony Smith, Cheife Alderman Tho. Combe iJanicIl l>aker Thomas Wilson Henry Walker Clement Burman Henry Sniythe The marke of Frauncis Ainge Stephen ^ Such Thomas Greene the markc of Wm Smith John ^ Hathaway Rich. Tyler William ^ Wilson The Accounts of Thomas Walker, John Eston, William Wilson, John Burman for ye \'eare past made the 29th da)- of June 1633 unto ye Towne and parish for the yeire past. William Wilson Reed, as Apeers by his acompt for three yeres past ..... xxij/z. xiij.r. iiijV/. He laide out ihes 3 yeirs as apeers by his acompt . xix//. xiii.v. jiij<^/. Rest in his hands which he hath paid to George Barten . iii//. Out of which is John Stone for the Iron. . . .vs. To Samuell Scrixen ...... ix-v. To John Hornby for worke ..... vijjr. Soe rests in stock j//. xix.v. od. More it is agreed the clarke shall have for the halfe yere past for warneing to chatachizts . . . us. John Eston, churchwarden Receved for 2 xeires as apeers by his acompt ..... xiijVz. vjs. ujc/. He paid out as Apeers by his accompt . . xiii//. vs. \d. Rests 5^. which is paid Mr. Rawlins is to be called to make accompt for mony by him Receved as Churchwarden for divers graves, &c. There is no accompt for i yeire and halfe of Mr. Henry Smith for the churchhowse mony. Alsoe it is agreed that all the churchwardens Accompts shalbe be entred at large in this booke as yt hath beine heertofore 44 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF Thomas Walker, Churchwarden, Received this yeire past as Apeers by his acompt . . . ii//. viij^. iiiijV/. He paid this yeire as Apeers by his Acompt . . ij//. iiij^-. iij^. Rests in his hands .... iiijj'. id. Thomas Greene Thomas Wilson, vicar Wm. Smith Tho : Nashe John Courte J. Hall John Loch Daniell Baker Samuell Scriven Frauncis Ainge The xiiitJi day of July, 1633. A Levy & Taxacion was made graunted and Agreed unto for the Repaire of the Parish church of the some of Fourty pownds Throughout the whole parishe to be pre- sently collected, gathered and bestowed in Repayreing the north side He of the church. That is to say in the Bur- rough to "be levyed xx/z. And in the parish without the Burrough, xx//. Tho : Nashe William ^ Wilson Frauncis Ainyc John Burman Thomas Greene J. Hall Wm Smith Daniell Baker Thomas Walker Mr. William Smith one churchwarden for the towne. 1634. The 8th of Aprill 1634 the minesters and churchwardens and other of the Inhabettans of the Towne & Parish whose names are here subscribed mett together to chuse church- wardens and other officers according to the Cannons and have chesen for the yeare to come these officers following Richard Mounteforde \ Churchwardens for William Greene i the towne John Hatheway \ Churchwardens for the Edward Warde i parishe out of the tow ne John Courte 1 c j r .1 . j- Sydesmen for the towne John Loach e J Richard Edwardes 1 Sydesmen for the parishe George Barton / out the towne STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 45 William Shawe, Bailifife Richard Tyler Daniel Baker, Cheef Alder- Roger Barnard man Clement Biirman Thomas Wilson, vicar Nathan iell Duppa Henry Walker John Eston Henry Smythe William Lyndon John Wolmar Jau. 6, 1634. It is agreed that there shall bee a Leavie often poundes for the repayre of the church, and other moneys layd out by the churchwardens all readie for the use of the church, that is to say five poundes for the burrough, and five poundes for the parishe. Thomas Wilson, vicar John ^ Hathway Wm Smith his marke Jo. Courte Edward ^ Ward John Eston his marke John Loch the marke of Richard Mountfourt Richard ^ Edwards William Greene Richard Smyth Fed. 2, 1634. The new churchwardens have receaved of the old, John Court, John Loach, Richard Edwardes, George Barton, fortie sixe shillings foure pence in silver, whereof receaved of John Court and John Loache twentie six shilling and a pennie, and for Richard Edwards and George Barton the rest. More receaved of them 2s. 4-W. besides the farthings are not )'et sold. Secundo die Feb. 1634 John Court John Loache and O. Richardson church- wardens passed theire Accompts for the boroughe. The 31st of March 1635 the minister & churchwardens and others of the Inhabitants of the Towne and parish whose names are heere subscribed mett together to choose churchwardens and other officers according to the cannons 46 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF and have chosen for the yeare to come these officers following Richard Hunt \ churchwardens for ye Burrow Edward Hathaway J Roger Barnett | churchwardens for ye Parish Thomas Harris ) Richard Mumford^ Wilham Greene r , TT ,, -'Sidesmen John Hathaway Edward Ward Clement George \ Surveyors of ye high wayes Thomas Tredwell J for ye Burrow John Urle, ye Elder \ Surveyors of ye high wayes Richard Bartlett J for ye Parish Francis Ainge Thos Nashe Richard Castell Rich. Tyler Thomas Wilson John ^ Hathaway Daniell Baker his marke John Wolmer Edward ^ Ward Ric. Hathaway his marke J. Hall /ufif 29, 1635. The Receipts of )'e old chtirchwardens The old churchwardens of ye Towne and Parish Richard Mountford, William Greene, John Hathaway Edward Ward received the yeare last past the Summe of eighteene potmdes eight shillings foure pence halfpenny, 18//. Ss. ^d. oh. The old churchwardens above-named Richard Mount- ford Williain Greene, John Hathaway, Edward Ward have layd forth ye yeare last past as appeares by their accounts the summe of eighteene poundes five shillings and seaven pence, 18//. 5^'. jd. The New Churchwardens have received of ye old the summe of Twoe shillings Nine pence halfpenny Richard Mountford had d/i. back againe, so the new churchwardens had but 2s. 5c/. STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 47 Frauncis Ainge, Baylif William Greene Daniel Baker Richarde Walforde Wm Smith signum Richard Mountfourt John >j< Hathway Jtine 2C)t/i, 1635. At a meeting in ye parish church of Stratford ye day and yeare above written it was ordered and agreed upon yt a Leavy shall bee made for the repayre of the church and ye churchyard moundes where ye church house stood, through the towne and parish of Twenty poundes \izt. Ten poundes is to bee levied out of ye Burrough and Ten poundes out of the parish Frauncis Ainge, Baylif Edmd. Hathaway Daniell Baker Richard Hunt Simon Trappe, curate Thomas Harris Wm Smith " Richard Mountfourt Ric. Hathaway Richarde Walforde Roger Barnard William ( ireene The 19th day of Aprill 1636 the minister, churchwardens and others of the Inhabitants of the Towne and Parish whose names are heere subscribed mett together to choose churchwardens and other officers according to ye cannons and have chosen for the yeare to come these officers following John Woolmer [churchwardens for ve Burrough John Brookes I Henry Smith, jun. 1 , , , r d • 1 •^ . ' -^ -churchwardens tor ve rarish John Richardson J Richard Hunt \ Edmund Hathaway I . T-, J Ti J ,> Sidesmen Rodger Barnard Thomas Harris Thomas Lucas 1 Sui-veyors of ye high wayes Phillippe Budde J for ye Burrough John Hathaway ) Surveyors of \e high wayes Thomas Sheffeild J for ye Parish. . 48 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF Henry Walker, baylife Tho Greene Will. Shavve Wm Smith Thomas Wilson, vicar Roger Barnard Daniell Baker the marke of ^ John Earle John Wolnier John Burman Frauncis Ainge the marke ^ of John Hathaway Sexto die Julij Anno, 1636. The day and yeare abovesaid Richard Hunt, mercer, and Edmund Hatheway, churchwardens for the Burrow and Mr. Rorer Barnet and Thomas Harris, churchwardens 't> for the parrish accompted i Imprimis there was Levied in the Burrow and in the parrish . . . . . . . 20 o o Item for the graves which they Receaved in their yeare . 05 o o Item they Receaved of Mr Henry Smyth for half a years Rent for the Church howse monie, which was due at Christmas 1634 & other monies . . . 01 18 4 Item they Receaved that was in Areare in the owld church- wardens hands . . . . . . 00 2 5 Owt of which they have disbursed as appeereth by their accompt and som other small niatters they accompted for: Agreed uppon . . . . . 23 17 8 So their Remayneth in their Hands besides their de- ductions which was at that tyme payd to Samuell Scriven, glasier towards his debt . .177 Debts owinge. Their Remayneth due to the Church in Mr. Barnet his accompt as followeth I s. d. Imprimis that is due owt of Luddington . . .126 Item more that Remayneth unpaid owt of Bushwood . 076 Item that Rychard Ingram oweth for his levie . .026 Debts due in the Burrowe for the yeare paste £ s. a. Mr. William Smyth, Hatter . . . . .020 Wydow Tomblins . . . . . .012 Rychard Robbins . . . . . .008 John Lock . . , . . . ,004 STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 49 £ s. ^. u 2 8 o o 2 o I 8 o o 4 o o 6 o o 6 o o 2 o o 6 o o 6 o o 4 o o 4 o •4 o 5 O 8 I Mr Edmond Rawlins . Josias Barwell Mr. Edward Watkins David Abbey . Leonard Edwards William Dawkes & his Ihother William Byddel, scriant Houmfry Edkins Arther Coates Arther Brogden William Mayo a/s. Fletcher . Item they ovve for the use of Mrs Loydes monie for the yeare paste the som of . There remayneth due to Samuell Scriven of his demaunds At this tyme it is Agreed that the churchwardens now beeinge shall presently sue for all maner of debts and arrerages due to the churche, yff the debtors Refuse to pay, and the owld churchwardens to joine with them in the present month. Frauncis Ainge Roger Barnard Nathaniell Duppa John Courte At this vestrie or meetinge this 6th day of Julij 1636 yt is Agreed that theere shalbee presently a levie made of xx/z. viz. x//. for the Burrow and x//. for the parrish, for the Repayers of the Church, And for other uses Henry Walker Tho. Wilson, vicar Tho. Greene Daniell Baker Henry Walker Tho. Wilson John W^olmer '\ John Brooks > xj c -.u \ wardens Henry bmuh ; Frauncis Ainye Tho. Greene Nathaniell Duppa Jo. Courte Roger Barnard Richard Hunt Item Receaved of Richard the 14 of November the some of I 19 which was payed in to Hennery Smith hand, church- warden which clears all accounts betwixt Richard Hunt and the church. E 50 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF Atte a meetinge this 12 of Aprill 1637 John Wolmer ^ Churchwardens passed their John Brookes j Accompts Henrye Smithe i They receaved 29//. 15. A,d. John Richardson I They have paid 22//. i^. 9c/. Soe remaines in theire handes 6//. 19^. ^d. The nth day of Aprill 1637 the Minister, Church- wardens and others of ye Inhabitants of the Tovvne and Parish whose names are heere subscribed mett together to choose churchwardens and other officers according to the Cannons and have chosen for the yeare to come these officers following Timothy Marshall | churchwardens for ye Burrough Frauncis Smith J John Rogers | churchwardens for ye Parish Thomas Sheffield J The old churchwardens are Sidesmen. Rich : Tyler, bayliffe Simon Trappe Frauncis Ainge, Alderman John Wolmer, senior Thomas Wilson, vicarius Roger Barnard Ric. Wright Daniell Baker 30/// of Maic 1637 : Att a meetinge the daye and yeere above wrytten ytt is ordered that course shalbe taken by lawe against the Inhabitants of Luddington to enforce them to paye their dutyes towards the repair of the Churche. Richard Tyler, Bayliffe Simon Trappe Frauncis Ainge, chefe Alderman John Wolmer Thomas Wilson, vicarius Henry Smith Daniell Baker John Richardson Henry Smythe Richard Morrell John Wolmer, senior signum Nathaniell Duppa Tho : :^ Watson The 27th day of March anno Domini 1638, The minister, churchwardens and others the Inhabitants of the Towne and parish whose Names are heere subscribed mett to- STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 5 1 gether to choose churchwardens and other officers according to the Cannon in that case made and provided and have chosen for the yeare to come these officers following Itt ys ordered the day & yeare abovsaid that ther shalbe a levie made of xx/z. thatt is to say x/z. for the towne & x//. for the parish to be gathred by the succeeding church- wardens when they are sworne towards the repaire of the church and steeple. Timothy Marchall | Francis Smith 1 ^u u 1 ^ , ^ / Churchwardens John Roger r .Sidesmen. John Cottrell John Wohner John Brookes Henry Smith John Richardson j William Lawrence VSurveiors of ye highwayes for John Caudry J ye Burroughe John Barber j^ Surveiors of ye highwayes for Thomas Bird J ye parish At a meeting the day and yeare above written John Wolmer, John Brookes, Henry Smith, John Richardson churchwardens, the last yeare passed yr accounts. Their whole Receipts are — ..... Their Layings out are ..... So there remaines to the Church .... signum Tho : Ainge ^ in the presence of Richard Mountfourt, Balif. John Burman Henry Walker signum ^ John Earle Tliomas Wilson, vicarius signum ^ Robert Earle Daniell Baker John Courte Henry Smythe William Lyndon John Wolmar John Brookes Frauncis Ainge Memorandum thatt the 12th day of October 1638 mr John Wolmer, John Brooks, Henry Smith and John Richardson paid into the hands of Timoth}^ Marshall Francis Smith, John Rodgers, the summe of five pounds E 2 £ s. d. 1 1 14 7 6 10 ID 3 1 J 9 52 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF three shillings and nine pence according to their account one the other side which they are charged with, with a note of the church goods and a bond of Richard Robbyns and George Such for Mrs Loid's mony. Timothy Marshall Francis Smyth the mark of ^ John Rodger The i6th day of Aprill 1639 the Minister, Church- wardens and others the Inhabitants of the Towne and Parish whose names are heere subscribed mett together to choose churchwardens and other officers according to the Cannon in that case made and provided- and have chosen for the yeare to come these officers following ;- Churchwardens Surveiors Richard Smart Francis Smith John Rogers John Cottrell John Wolmer lohn Brookes I c-j -' . y Sidesmen Henry Smith John Richardson Thomas Smith Robert Washbrooke HiimfreyAlhn { "^^^ John Welles j highwayes It is ordrecl the day & yeare abovesayd that there shall bee a Levy made of xx/i. that is to say x//. for the Bur- rough and x/i for the parish to be gathered by the church- wardens when they are sworne towards the repayre of the church and steeple, to be veiwed by sufficient workmen. The day and yeare above written the churchwardens passed theire accounts for the last yeare £ s. d. Their whole Receipts are . 16 13 9 Their layings out are . . . . . .6198 So there remaines in their handes to the church . . 3 14 i STRATFORn-ON-AVON. Clement Burman John ^ Hathaway his marke John Burman Tho. Walker, Bayliffe Daniell Baker John Wolmar Simon Trappe, curate Will Shawe May 28, 1639. The Minister, Churchwardens and Elders of the Towne and parish mett together the day and yearc above written to consider of the decayes of the Church, And it was ordered that there shall bee a Levy made of Thirty poundes that is to say 15/?'. out of the Burrough and 15//. out of the parish to bee gathered by the churchwardens towards the repayres of the church and steeple Simon Trappe, curate the ^ marke of Edward Cottrell John ^ Rogers his marke Richard ^ Smart his marke Francis Smyth Thomas Greene Tho. Walker, ba)-liffe Rich : Tyler, cheife Alderman Daniell Baker Henry Walker John Wolmar Baldwin Brookes John Loch A prill J th, 1640. The Minister, Churchwardens and Elders of the Tcnvne and Parish mett together the day and yeare above written to choose churchwardens and. other officers according to the Cannon in that case made and provided and have chosen for the yeare to come these officers following John Bedom Hugh Taylor Hugh Millard William Harris Richard Smart Francis Smith John Rogers John Cottrell \ Churchwardens J for the Borough \ Churchwardens ) for the Parish 1 Sidesmen for ye Burrough \ Sidesmen for ye Parish 54 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF Nicholas Dawson Nicholas Atvvood James Ashurne John Richardson John Hathaway his ^ niarke Henry Smith John Burman Nathaniell Duppa, Bayliffe Surveiors of the high wayes for ye Burrough Surveiors of the High- waye for the parish Richard Mountfourt, Chefe Aldn. Daniell Baker Simon Trappe, ciu-ate John Wolmer John Brooks May 26, 1640. The day and yeare above written the old Church- wardens passed their accounts for ye yeare last past before the Towne and parish £ Their whole receipts weare . Their layings out weare in ye Burroughe . In the parishe .... In the churchwardens' hands of the Burrough In the churchwardens' hands of the parishe Wherof yet to collect In Luddington .... In Bridgtowne and Clopton In Bush wood .... Memorandum yt the xvWs. '\xd. above mencioned in the hands of the Burrough churchwardens was given by consent to Mr. Stevene and the messenger yt fetcht him . . . . . . . o 15 d. . 20 12 8 1 1 15 I . 00 17 9 . 04 16 7 I 13 . I 16 8 , I I II June the 20th, 1640. Memorandum yt ye sessment of Luddington Bridg- towne and Clopton and Bushwood remaines upon ye Account of John Rogers and ye rest. The dale and yeare last above written the ministers and Churchwardens of the Burrough and parishe of Stratford then mett in the Church with some of the elders and did agree that a Levye of xx//. should by the chuchwardens be collected vizt. x//. in the Burroughe and other x/z. in the STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 55 parishe for and towards the rcpaircs of the said parishc church in poyntinge the Steeple, Mending the leads and for prosecutinge of a suite against Luddington for not payinge to ye churche and other necessaries concerninge the same, As maie witnes our hands Nathaniell Duppa, Bayliffe Henry Smythe Richard Mountfourt, Cheffe John Rogers Aldn. Simon Trappe, curate Roger Barnard Hugh Taylor John Hathaway ^ signum Jo. J5eddome Hugh Millard jj« signum Ricardi Smarte Daniell Baker Richard ^ Smythe. Henry Walker Febru. 2, 1640. At a Vestry the day and yeare above written in the parish church of Stratford by the Minister, churchwardens and other Inhabitants of the Towne and Parish whose Names are underwritten it was then and there agreed that the suits commenced against the Inhabitants of Ludding- ton and Dodwell within the sayd parish for refusing to pay towards the repayres of the sayd parish church et aha, shall by the sayd churchwardens bee continued and prosecuted according to the directions of Mr. Cal- loway our Proctor And that the sayd Churchwardens viz Hugh Taylour, John Bedom, Hugh Millard and William Harris for prosecuting the sayd suite shall receive no dam mage. And it is further agreed that presently there shall bee a Levy made of xx/z. viz. x/z' for the Burrough and x//. for the parish for the following of the sayd suite and for the repayring of the steeple, church windowes and other decayes of the church. At this Vestrie it was also agreed that John Scriven the Glasier shall sett the glasse windows of the church in good repaire, and then to have xIj-. paid him, and shall have xxvjj-. viij^. after paid him yearlie by the Church- wardens for keeping the said windows in good and 56 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF sufficient repaire, vizt. a noble aquarter the first payday to becin at Miclsumer nexte and soe forwarde Baldwin Brooks, bailefe Tho : Nassh Henr. Twichet, vicar Daniell Baker Henry Smythe John Wolmar, senior Rich. Tyler Simon Trappe Joseph Bowles John Wolmer, Junior Henry Smith Hugh Taylour Jo. Beddome April ye 2yth, 1 64 1 . The minister, churchwardens and Elders of ye towne and parish mette together ye day and yeare abovewritten to choose Churchwardens and other officers according to ye cannon in yt case made and provided and have chosen for ye yeare to come these officers following Towne Parish Towne Parish Towne Parisli f ]\Ir. Richard Castle I Nicholas Ryland f Mr. Richard Tyler I Mr. Henr. Smith John Bedome Hugh Taylor William Harris Thorn: Owin alias Gos ward of Bushwood f William Bradley I John Perkins f John Earle I John Townsend Churchwardens Sidemen Surveyors for )'e H ighwayes Thomas Rushton Simon Trappe John Richardson Baldwin Brookes, bailefe Tho. Walker, Alderman Henry Twichet, vicar John Wolmar, senior William Lyndon John Brookes John Loch Octob. 17, 1 64 1. It is ordered at a .Vestry holden the day and yeare above written that there shall bee a Levy made, that is. Ten pounds .to bee ,payd out of the Towne and Ten pounds STRATFORD-ON-AVOX. 57 out of the Parish for the gayning of the moneycs due from the Inhabitants of Luddington and towards the repayre of the church Tho. Clopton John Richardson John Burman John jjs Earle his maike Thomas i{c Watsone his marke WilHam Home William Greene Rich. Tyler Richard Mountfoiut Roger Barnard John Wohiier, Bayhfe Tho : Nassh Baldwin Brookes Henr. Twichet, vicar John Wolmer, senior Frauncis Ainge • Tho. Rushton Richard iji Smarte his marke Thomas Greene Simon Trappe Willyam Shawe William Lyndon Tho. Walker John Brookes John Eston John ^ Smyth his marke Thomas Taylor Edward Lorde Thomas Home Richard Marrell Aprill ye 12th, 1642. The Minister Churchwardens and Elders of ye Towne and parish mette together ye day and yeare above-written to choose Churchwardens and other officers according to ye canon in yt case made and provided and have chosen for ye yeare to come these officers following Mr. Richard Tyler ^ John Smith Mr. Henr. Smith Robert Earle churchwardens for ye . towne and parish of Stratford upon A\on Mr. Richard Castle I sy^jg^^gj^ Nicholas Rylande ' Mr. William Shaw William Lyndon Frauncis Barnard John Rogers Surveyors for ye Kings highwayes. 58 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF John Wolmer, Baylife Thomas Lucus Hcnr. Twichet, vicar Clement Burman Will. Hawling-, curat' signum Thomas Greene John ^ Cotterell. signum Richard 5j« Smarte Aprill the, 1643. The Minister, Churchwardens and Elders of the Towne and Parish mett together the day and yeare above-written to choose churchwardens and other officers according to the Canon in that case made and provided and haue chosen for the yeare to come these officers following Mr. Richard Tyler 1 ^, , , ^ , ^ , _ . , Churchwardens for the John Smith .t- j • 1 r i. ^, r- • , y Towne and parish of Mr. Henry Smith ,, ^ , ^ „ , ^ , I Stratfoi-d upon Avon Robert Earle ' \ Sidemen Mr. Richard Castle Nicholas Rylands _, ., , C Surveyors for the Thomas Tibbetts ,,. ,,. , -' Kings Highwayes for the Towne William Hickes I John Barber 1 r ^, n • v ■' \ for the Parish John Smart J Thomas Greene, Baylife William Lyndon John Wolmar, senior William Hawling, curate Frauncis Ainge John Loch Rich. Tyler Nicholas Riland Richard Mountfourt John ^ Cottrill's marke Thomas Home April the 23, 1644. The Minister, Churchwardens and Elders of ye Towne and Parish mett together ye day and yeare above written to choose churchwardens and other officers according to ye canon in that case made and provided and have chosen for the yeare to come these officers following Churchwardens for f Mr. Baldwin Brookes I- /Mr. IWil the Burroughe I William Hiccockes STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 59 Churchwardens for / Richard Bartlet ye Parish I WiUiam Burman Sidemen for ye / Mr. Richard Tyler Burrough Ijohn Smith .Sidemen for ye f Mr. Henry Smith Parish 1 Robert Earle c, ^ ^ f r Robert MoUena.x 1 r t> 1 Surveyors for > for ye Burrough ^, ,^- Richard Smikms J the Kmgs - , ■ , John Burman "I ^ r, ■ ■, high wayes 1,, ^ > for ye Parish !^ 1 homas Rogers J Richard Smart, Bayleife John Wolmer, junior Thomas Greene, Alderman William Lyndon William Hawling, minister John Cawdry Richard Tyler April Wi, 1645. The Minister, Churchwardens and Elders of the Towne and Parish mett together the day and yeare aboiie written to choose Churchwardens and other officers according to ye canon in that case made and provided and have chosen for the yeare to come these officers following Churchwardens for f Mr. Thomas Home the Burrough I Henry Cawdery Churchwardens for ( Thomas Watson ye Parish I John Earle, junior Sidemen for ye / Mr. Baldwin Brookes Burrough I William Hiccockes Sidemen for ye ( Richard Bartlet Parish IW^illiam Burman Thomas Lucas j f^r ye Burrough Simon Cale J Surveyors of the Kings Highwayes j John Aigne \^ Fowke Lander Memorandum that Mr. Baldwine Brookes this daye passed his account having received for graves for Mr. Henry Walker, John Rutter's wife, John Brooks child, Michell Johnson's child, John Bellemys child, 5 in all, 01 13 04 6o VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF He paid to Mr. Wattkins nppon a bill of charges in Lud- ington sute as here in this booke apeares Pd for the coveringe of Mr. Walker's grave I 13 o 00 01 14 o Ther Remains due to him viij^?'. Memorandum, ther is to Receive of Mr. Tho. Dighton for a grave for his child . . . . . 00 06 08 Alsoe ther is to paye for his yeare out of Mr. Henry Smiths land . . . . . . 02 10 00 Richard Smart, Chefe Alderman Willim Hawling, minister Richard Mountfourt John Wolmer Tho. Greene Baldwin Brookes William Lyndon John Wolmer, senior John Burman Thomas Watson William Hiccokes March 31^-/, 1645. The Minister, Churchwardens and Elders of the Towne and Parish mett together the day and yeare above-written to choose Churchwardens and other officers according to the Canon in that case made and provided and have chosen for the yeare following these officers following Churchwardens for the Burrough Churchwardens for the Parish -! Sidemen for the Burrough Sidemen for ye Parish I Surveyors of the Kings Highwayes r William Miles Francis Aigne John Barber Stephen Such William Lyndon William Walker Richard Bartlet William Burman Henry Cawdery John Earle John Whitefoote !- for ye Burrough \ for the Parish It is agreed upon that a levy at Ten pounds, that is five pounds in the Towne and five in the parish together with the Arreares shall be collected and bestowed in ye repayre of ye church. It is agreed also that Richard Smith, STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 6l clerke, shall have the 48 shillings due to him payd out of this levy. This was never levied. Will. Hawling minister Richard Castcll, Alderman Richard Bartlet Rich. Tyler Henry Cawdry William Lyndon Rob. Wolmere John Loch Thomas Home, Baylif 13/// October 1646. Att a vcstrie holden the day and yeare aforesaid ytt was agreed upon thatt ther should be a levie made of xx/z.,towitt, x//. for the Towne and x/z. for the parish towards the repaire of the church and glazinge of the windows John Smith, Bailif William Lyndon Thomas Home, Alderman John Brook Richard Castell. ^ Richard Hunt Richard Tyler Francis Smyth Mr. Richard >i« Smartt's marke Fran. Barnard Itt is likewise ordered thatt the churchwardens shall buie a common cloth of some good stuffe and a linen cloth and a flagon. Jth May, 164^. Att a vestrie holden the day and yeare abovesaid Wm. Lyndon and Wm Walker, churchwardens for the yeare past have passed their accounts and have Received for 6 graves . . . . .■■.-. 200 And upon a levie formerly granted and made the 13th October out of the burrough onely as appeares upon their accounts and levie left with this booke . . 4 02 02 06 02 02 And have paid the Clarks wages due to Easter last past in full two pownds fourteene shillings and eightpence . 02 14 08 And for other repaires and expences belonginge to the church as likewise appeares upon their accounte and have cleared Robert Fossicar to Easter last . -0.3 o? 06 06 02 02 62 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF Memorandum thatt for the levie graunted one the otherside, the parish never made any levie nor brought in noe accounte nor mony, but the whole charge of the accounte abovesaid came out of the Burrough onely. And memorandum, Tho. Dighton for a grave formerly charged is paid in this account. Att this vestrie ther weare chosen churchwardens for the burrough, Edw. Rogers and Abraham Tibbotts and for the parish Francis Barnard Averie Edwardes Sidesmen | ^^^"^- ^indon | ^ ^ I Wm. Walker J c- A ( Richard Bartlett 1 r .u • i Sidesmen -^ „, > for the parish I Wm. Burman J f Thomas Home 1 r ..u i u I ^ > for the burrough I Henry Pratt J 1 Henry Tames 1 r .u • u ■' ■' V for the parish I John Smartt J Surveiors For as much as att this vestry itt doth appeare that the Leavie made and in part gathered for the Borrow doth amount'to xijV/. itt is alsoe agreed thatt the levie for the parish shall bee made for the Raysinge of the same some of xii//. xs. ixd. John Smith, BaiHfe Wm. Walker Frauncis Ainge John Brookes Thomas Greene Richard Hunt Baldwin Brookes Francis Smyth William Lyndon Richard Bartlet T/ie \2th of March, 1647. Att a vestrie holden the day and yeare abovesaid ytt is agreed that ther shalbe a levie made of forty pounds for repaires of the church that is to saye xxli. for the Burrough and xxli. for the parish. STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 63 John Eston, Bayliffe Steven Sutch junr. Frauncis Ainge Capl. Akin. William Lyndon John Brooks Michael Johnson John Jjc Earie Jo. Whitehand John 5|i Cottiell Edward Rogers Abram ^ Tibba„ Avery Edwardes J Abram ^ Tibbats - church wardens A,th of Aprill, 1648. The minester and Church wardens with the Elders of Towne and parish mett the day and yeare abouse {sic) wrighten and at the same tyme where chosen officers for this yeare to come as followeth Chosen churchwardens for the Buroueh Nicholas Ryeland Wm. Cawdwell for the parish John Hathaway Avery Edwardes Sidsmen for Burough Edward Rogers Abraham Tybbats Sidsmen for the parish Richard Bartlett Wm Burman Surveyers George Feild Simon Smart Edward Moris Edmund Such !- for the Burough j- for the parish John Eston, Baylife William Lyndon Frauncis Aing Cheif William Greene Alderman the marke ^ of John Cotterell A. Beane, minister Richard Smyth 21 October, 1648. The day and yeare abovesaid we have examined the books and all the accounts that are in the Church, concern- inge the mony due to the church from Mr. Henr}- Smith's 64 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OK estate and we fynde noe mony paid since the yeare 164.1 which yeare Mr. Richard Castle and Nicholas Riland weare churchwardens, soe there is due to the church to this day soe far as we can gather for 6 yeares and a half Michaelmas last which beinge 2//. los. a ycarc is 16//. 5^". O out of which must be deducted 4//. 2s. by a bill of charges Received from Mr. Thomas Dighton and delivered to Mr. Nicholas Riland for a suite formerly prosecuted against Luddington per Mr. Dighton, soe ther remaines to the church 12/i. 2,s. O. which we doe order the present church- wardens to gather upp of Mr. Henry Smith's land. Itt is now ordered that Edw. Rogers and Abram Tibbotts shall have notice given them to bring in their accounts upon Friday come sevenight as alsoe that the farmours of the tithes shalbe warned to come in to con- sider of the repaires of the Chancell. As alsoe that the Clark Richard Smith shall be paid xs. per the Churchwardens for this yeare ending at Easter next for warning to the Catachise. As alsoe that the Churchwardens for the Burrough shall prosecute against the Countrie churchwardens accordinge to the ordenance John Brooks, Bailiffe Thomas Greene William Lyndon, Chefe Nicholas Riland Alderman Richard Smyth 2rd Nov., 1648. At a Vestrie holden the day and yeare abovesaid upon vewing the decaies of the Chauncell by the churchwardens and others yfis agreed uj^on that a levie of xxx/z. be made to be levied upon the Farmors and owners of the tithes of I he parish of Old Stratford ratablie for the present repairs of the Chancell John Brooks, bailiffe Avery Edwards, chm-ch- William Lyndon, Cheife warden Alderman William Caudwell, Nicholas Rilond, church- churchwarden warden Wm. Walker STRATrORD-ON-AVON. 65 The i^tJi day of December, 1648. The day and yeire abovewritten the Owners and occupiers of the Tythes of the parrishe of Okie Stratford in the county of Warwick togitherwith the churchwardens of the saide Parishe considered of the decayes of the Chancell of the saide parrish church have agreed tiiat a kv}' be now made for the Repayres thereof uppon the owners and occupiers of the Tythes within the saide parrishe .Aiul the saide Tythes of every Township being Rated of a )'eirly valeu' as is heere after mencioned shall pay twelve pence for every pound Rent for and towards the saide Repaires Imprimis the Bayliff and Burgesses of the Burrough of . //'. s. d. Stratford for theire Tythes of corn in Oulde Stratford, Welcom and Bishopton beinge of the yeirly valew of One Hundred and fyfty pounds p. a. . . . 7100 The saide Bayliff and Burgesses for theire privey tythes being of the yeirly valew of Thirty pounds p. a. . 1 10 o Mrs. EHzabeth Nashe for Shottery corn tythes being of the yeirly \ale\\ of one hundred pounds p. a. . .500 Mr. Thomas Combe for Drayton tythes being of the yeirly valew of Twenty foure pounds p. a. . . .140 The Lord Con ways and his farmers or Tenants for Luding- ton tythes being of the yeirly \alew of Threescore and Tenn pounds p. a. . . . . • 3 'o ° Mr. William Combes for Ryen Clifford tythes being of the yeirly valew of Tenn pounds . . . . o 10 o The owners and occupyers of Bridgtown and Clopton tythes of the yeirly valew of Threescore and Tenn pounds p. a. . . . ■ • • 3 'o o The owners and occupiers of Litle-Wylmcott ty[th]es \li. p. a. . . . . ■ . o 10 o The owners and occupiers of Shottery and Brode medow tythes being fourteene pounds p. a. . . . o 14 o The owners and occupiers of Bush\\ood tythes being of the yeirly valew of Tenn pounds p. a. . . o 10 o Some Levyed. 24//. 8j-. o F 66 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF John Brooks, Bailifife Nicholas Riland, churchwai-den Thomas Greene the mark 5|< nf William Greene John Hathaway Willm. Caudwell • Avery Edwards. Att this vestric the pewe in the further He belongingeto Mr. Rainolds is by this vestrie granted to Mr. John Sadler and Mr. Richard Queny of London and to their assignes in consideracion of the summe of twenty shilHngs to be paid into the hands of ye present Churchwardens for the use of the church which summe of twenty shilHngs is now paid into the hands of Nicholas Riland and John Hathawa)' per Mr. Henry Harington (?). John Brooks, Bailiffe William Greene Tho. Greene William Lyndon, Alderman The rest of the hands that could not be sett upon the other side (page lOo). John ^ Hathawais marke Nicholas Riland Avery Edwards Churchwarden William Caudwell 27 March An/io Domini 1647. At a vestree the day and yeare above Righten the Minester and Churchwardens with the Elders of the towne parishe did meet together and at the same time where chosen officers for the yeare as folio weth Chosen Churchwardens for the Burrough Nicholas Ryland William Cawdwell For the parish John Hathaway A\ery Edwards Sidsmen for the burrough Edward Rogers Abraham Tibbits Sidsmen for the parish Richard Bartlet William Burman Surveiers for the highwayes / Arther Cawdree for the Borrow 1 Richard Ward jim. STRATFORD-ON-AVON. d"] Surveiers for the parish | "'""" Hawkines ^^ Ihomas Smith WilHam Lyndon, Alderman Richard Smyth Alex. Beane, minister Thomas Greene Thomas Greene Richard Bartlct Richard Castell sig-num John >|« Cottrell Robert Howes Thomas Rodgers Dcciuio sexto die ApHlis 1650. At a Vestrie the daie and yeare abovesaid the Minister and Churchwardens with the Elders of the townc and parrish did meete together and at the same time were chosen for the yeare as followeth Chosen Churchwardens for the Burroueh Francis Smith Richard Jackson Chosen Churchwardens for the parrish John Earle and Thomas Rogers Sidesmen for the Burrough Nicholas Riland William Caudwell Sidesmen for the parrish John Hathaway Averie Edwards Surveiors for the highwaies for the Burrough Julie Shawe Robert Howes Surveiors for the parrish Gyles Roberts Averie Milward Wm. Walker, Bayliffe Alex. Beane, minister Paid to Mr. Tho. Dighton the iSth of Jan. 1648 . . 4//. 2s. o which was for suit of law Made even with Mr. Smith's land for the anuitie till the 25th of March 1649 The day and yeare abovesaid ye old Churchwardens for the Burrough gave up their account as followeth F 2 //. s. d. 21 8 05 9 9 02 6 8 OI OI lO 02 10 01 05 44 19 7 42 1 5 02 10 8 44 13 I 00 06 6 44 19 7 68 ■ VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF The leavie granted was ..... Rec. on a former leavie ..... Rec. for 7 graves ...... Rec. of Mrs. Walker which Mr. Hen. Walker gave to ye Church ....... Rec. from .Mr. Sadler for a pewe .... Rec. of Robert Howes for Mr. Dighton and Mr. Hickes land ....... Rec. of the parrish Churchwardens Rec. of Robert Howes more for Mr. Dightons land Disbursed as appeeres by accounts . In arreare as appeeres by particuler accounts In abatement as ma)- appeere Total Memorandum, it wa.s agreed upon )'t there shalbc a Leavy made for the gathering of x/z. vizt v//. for the towne and v//. for the parish to cast three nevve Belles and if it come to more that ye youth of ye towne and parish are to satisfy it. Avery Edwarde Richard ^ Smart R. Molineux William Lyndon William Higgins Richard Hunt Richard Phillips Avery Edwards John ^ P'rancis John ^ Earle Wm. Walker, Bayliffe John ^ Barlow T/i/s A^tJi day of June 1650. The old Churchwardens of the Parish gave up their accounts at the Vestry as followeth Inprimis the Levie granted was Item received in the first page Item received in the 2 page . . , . 25 14 7 //. .?. d. 32 16 II 8 9 1 1 STRATi'ORD-Ux\-AVON. 69 Item disljuist as appears by accounts in first page Item clisburst in the 2 page . Item disburst more to Tho. Hathaway //. X. d. '5 '4 I [ 8 6 5 5 8 24 7 Item we crave allowance for Ludenton . . . 2 12 3 Item we cra\-e allowance for Booshwood . . .128 Item we crave allowance for monys ungathered as appeers 018 9 Item we have lost in the gathering up which we are to give account for . . . . . .1117 Item thers in there hands as appears to be paid to the new churchwardens . . . . . .118 Item at this vestry it is ag'reed that Robert House of Bishopton is to be abated ys. of the next half year pay due next Michaellinas being overpaid more then due William Widker, Ikiylifife Francis Smvth | ,, , ,, , I 1 1- 1 ' ( Chui'chwardens Robert Larle Jolm l-.arle -' Robert Howes Avery Edwards Nicholas Riland Richard Hathaway William Caudwell T/ie 28/// /unt', 1650. Att a vestrie then holden \-tt was agreed that the seaverall Farmers of the Tithes of the parish of Old Strat- ford should be levied accordinge to the pounds rent of every one of the seaverall rentts after the rate of twelve pence in the pounde for and towrds the repaire of the Chancell, The Bailiffe and burgesses of the burrough of Stratford for the tithes of Corne in Old Stratford, Welcome and Bishopton being of the yearly valew of one hundred and fortye pounds . . • • . 07 00 o Mr. Barnard for Shottrie Corne tithes of the yeares valew of one hundred and twenty pounds . . 06 00 00 Mv. Tho. Coumbs for Draiton tithes of the yearly valew of 24//. per annum . . • . 01 04 o oo 10 00 03 10 00 00 10 00 00 14 00 00 10 00 24 00 00 70 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF The Lord Conway and his Farmers and tenants for Lud- dington tithes being of the yearly valew of fourscore pounds, I say 80/z'. . . . . . 04 00 o Mr. \Vm. Combes for Ryen Cliftbrd tithes being of the yearly [value] often pounds per annum The owners and occupiers of Bridgtowne and Clopton tithes of the yearly valew of seaventy two pounds The owners and occupiers [of] Little Wilmcote tithes ten pounds per annum ..... The owners and occupiers of Shottrie and Brode meadow tithes being foureteene pounds .... The owners and occupiers of Bushwood tithes beinge of the yearely valew of ten pounds per annum William Walker, Baylifife John Brooks, Cheef Alderman Thomas Greene Francis Smvth 1 ,,, , , Churchwardens Richard Jackeson ' William Caudwell T/ie 20th of Nov. 1650. At a Vestry then holden it was agreed by the Elders of the town and parrish together with the Churchwardens then present. Imprimis, agreed upon that Luddenton be taxed equally according to their proportion by the pownd rent : for and towards the repair of the parish church and if they refuse to pay their equall taxes they are to be dis- traind by the Churchwardens of town and parish joyntly which pownd rent is to be rated according to other land in the parish. Ittem it is furder agreed that if this said Luddenton shall commense a sute against the then present church- wardens for distreyning upon them or any of them for their equall taxes so refusing to pay that they shall then defend the sute at the charge of the said towne and parrish Equally. William Lyndon, Baylife William Walker, Cheife Alderman STRATFORD-ON-AVOX. 7 1 John Brooks Francis Smith ^ John jji Earle's markc - Churchwardens Tho. Rogers -' TJie First April I, 165 i. At a vestrie holden the day and yeare abovesaid the Minister and Churchwardens with the Elders of the town and parish did meete together and att the same tyme weare chosen for the yeare to come. Churchwardens for the burrough Francis Smith Richard Jackson Churchwardens for the parish John Earle Tho. Roggers Sidsemen ffor the burrough Nicholas Riland William Caudwell Sidsemen for the parish John Hathaway Avery Edwards thelder Surveiors for the tounc for the highwaies Tho. Cookesey Mathew Blackford Surveiors for the highwaies for the parish John Barlow Richard Hathaway At this vestrie yt is agreed upon that ther shalbe a levie granted of seaven pounds for the towne and seaven pounds for the parish, for the payment of the Church debts and other necessarie repaires of the church which said summe of fowerteene pownds is to make upp the levie granted the sixteenth of Aprill last the summe of twenty fower pownds soe that yt doe not take of any part of the former vestries order. A Beane, minister Abram Tibbotts WiUiam Lyndon, Baylyfe John j|« Hathaway Francis Smyth John ^ Barlow Ric. Jackson John Welles John Earle sjc [his marke] John jK Cottrill Richard ^ Smarte Thomas Hath way his marke Henrie Siche John Brooks n VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF This igth of Aprill 1652 At a vestry holdcn the day and year above written the Minister and Churchwardens together with the Elders of the town and Parrish did meet together and at the same time were choasen for the year to com the old church- wardens, because their accounts were not perfected Churchwardens for the town Francis Smyth Churchwardens for the Parrish John Earle Sidsemen for the Burrough Mr. Nicholas Riland Sidsemen for the Parrish John Hathaway Richard Jackson Tho. Rogers Wm Caudwell Avery Edwards the elder Survciors for the town for the hisjh waies Tho. Baylis Wm Benson Surveiers for the Parrish John Richardsone Rich Bartlet Thomas Taylor, Bayleffe signuni Alex. Beane, minister John ^ Cotterell William Lyndon signiim Francis Smyth Jo. ^ Barlo Richard Jackeson signum the maik of Tho. ijc Rogers Joseph ^ Phillips signum Thomas Hathway John ij< Earl Simon Smarte This I 2 /// of Aprill, 1653. At a vestrye holden the day and year above written the Minister and Churchwardens together with the Elders of the towne and Parrish did meet together and at the same time were chosen for the year to come these under written to be churchwardens. STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 71 Churchwardens for the towne or Burrough Wm. Green, Jun. Mich. Johnsons Churchwardens for the Parrish Mr. The. Smyth Avery Edwards, Jun. Surveiors for the Bur- Sidesmen for the Bur' rough Francis Smyth Rich. Jackson Sidesmen for the Parrish John Earl Tho. Rogers Surveiers for the Parrish rough Wm. Attwood Hanns Jo. Tombe Rich. Wain Nicholas Riland, Baihfe Thomas Taylor, Cheefe Al- William Lyndon Richard Jackeson derman Ale.x. Beane, minister Tho. Greene Richard Castell signiim Joseph -K" Phillips signum John ^ Cotterell Memorandum that Robert Howes made even for 50^-. a yeare at Lady day 1653. Rob. House pays 2//. los. yearly payable at Michaellmas and Lady Day. The 26th day of May 1653. At a Vestry holden the day and yeare above-written the BaylifTe and Cheife Alderman of the Burrough with the Churchwardens and others of the Towne and parish did agree upon a Leavy of Fifteene pounds to be raised out of the Towne and Parish towards the repaire of the church and new Casting of twoe Bells, (vizt) the 4th and ye 2d. And that a former Leavy made the 28th day of June 1650, at a Vestry then holden for thirty pounds towards ye repaire of the Chancell shall speedily be collected of the severall farmers of the tythes for the purpose aforesaid. The Intent of the same Vestr}' heerin is that ye said Fif- teene pounds shall bee equally aporcioned (vizt) the one moiety upon ye Burrough, and }-e other moiety on ye parish. 74 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF Nicholas Riland, Bailife Thomas Taylor, Alderman William Greene | churchwardens Michaell Johnson ' Thomas Smith | churchwardens Avery Edwards J Francis Smyth Thomas Scriven signum Richard Smyth John ^ Francis Att a vestry holden the xjth of January 1653 It was agreed by the persons heerunder named whoe (only) mett the churchwardens That in Regard uppon notice given the sabbath day before of the vestry aforesaid, and yt noe more mett the said parties doe approve under their hands yt the same churchwardens shall make and add five pounds to ye levy before graunted them as they have now agreed. Richard Smart John Brooks his ^ marke Richard Hunt, Baylife It is hereby declared that the intent of them whose names are hereto subscribed pd (?) forth of the xx//'. levy and forth of such monyes as the present Churchwardens have Receavd and are to receave. They shall distrayne upon the goods of such persons in Lodington (which is within this parish) as have Refused or shall refuse to pay theire parte of any levy to the church and that therewith the charges of the sute shalbe defrayed and It is hereby agreed that yf there shall not be sufficient forth of the monyes aforesaid to beare the charges of the said sute or sutes that then a new levy shalbe granted unto the new churchwardens or to their successors to gather soe much as will fully save them harmeles therein, Witnes our hands the xjth of January, 1653. Richard Hunt, Isaylife William Higgins Thos. Smith \ Church- Francis Smyth Will. Greene i wardens Robert Howes A\'ery Edwards Will. Caudwell Michaell Johnsons Ki-ancis Snn tli, sidesman STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 75 At a vestr\' holden the 28th day of March 1654 for the choyce of new officers to serve for the yeare to come, The Elders of the Towne and Parish then mett have chosen. Churchwardens for the Sidesmen for the Towne Towne P^-ancis Smith William Greene, Junior Richard Jacksons Michell Johnsons Churchwardens for the Sidesmen for the Parish Parish Thomas Rodgers Mr. Thomas Smith John Earle Aver)' Edwards Surveyors for the Towne Survayors for the Parish Francis Haddockes Joseph Phillips ) r cu„f{g,... Richard Pecockes John Wells J (Signed) Richard Hunt, Baylife. At the Vestry aforesaid the Accompt of the Church- wardens of the Parish for the yeare 1652 (beinge Thomas Rogers of Ould Stratford and John Earle of Shottery) beinge found very imperfect and wrongfull both to the Parish and Burrough, The present Churchwardens are ordered first to demaund the arreares due to the Parish in their hands, and upon refusal!, to take such course with them for the recovery thereof as the Lawe prescribeth, wherein the said present Churchwardens shall bee saved harmles and indempnified by the Burrough and Parish. Marc/i 28t/i, 1654. At the Vestry holden the day and yeare aforesaid it is further agreed and ordered concerninge the Inhabitants of Luddington who shall refuse to pay their proportion to any Levy which hath beene made for the repaire of the Parish church upon demaund made of what remayneth in arreare by the present churchwardens That the said churchwardens shall forthwith deale with such refusers for the recovery thereof as the Lawe prescribeth wherein they shall bee borne out by the Towne and Parish, And the VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF whole charge they shall bee at shall bee allowed to them in the way of Levy equally. Richard Hunt, Baylife Nicholas Riland, Chife Allderman Tho. Greene John Brooks WiUiam Lyndon Fra. Smyth Will. Greene Michaell Johnson John Woolmer, junior John Perkins Frauncis Haddock Tho. Greene Robert Howes Thomas Smith Avery Edwardes John Cale John ^ Hathawayes marke Joseph ^ Phillips marke John Tomes William Derham John Richardson John ^ Cotterell's marke John -5f Barlowes marke Walter Milward (?) Aprill 17, 1655. xAt a vestry holden the day and yeare aforesaid it is ordered and agreed that the persons heerunder named shall serve in the offices heerafter named for the yeare ensueinge. Churchwardens f Mr. Richard Aing and for the Towne IjohnWolmer Churchwardens \ Mr. Tyler and for the parish I Samuell Cox Sidesmen for the ( William Greene Burrough I Michaell Johnson Sidesmen for the ( Thomas Smith Parish I Avery Edwards Surveyors for the ( Mr. Nicholas Riland Towne I Mr. Francis .Smith, Ironmonger Surveyors for the ( Richard Hathaway, of Shottery parish I William Bradford, of Bridgtowne At this vestrie Mr. William Greene, draper, and Mr. Michaell Johnsons who weare Churchwardens for the two yeares last past have passed a just and true accountt for 10//. levie they had formerly granted to them for the STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 71 Burrough and all other monys that came to their hands, as appears by their accounte left i'the chest. Att this vestrie Mr. Francis Billing owes for two graves, one for his wives mother and another for his brother's child, which the subsequent churchwardens are to gather of him, xiii.5'. Afd. Memorandum that the Rent payable by the heyres of Mr. Henry Smith towards the repayre of tlie church is discharged to Michaellmas last beinge ii//. x.s-. per annum. William Greene, B; liliffe signum Thomas Greene Richard jjc Smart John Wolmer John Brooks William Greene, .Simon Gale Michaell Johnson signum Tho. Greene Henry ^ Hawk ns Francis Haddock signum signum John -^ Cottrel Joseph ^ i'hillips At a Vestry holden the 25th day of Aprill 1655 the mony payable by William Greene, junior and Michaell Johnsons upon their Accompt beinge Two pounds Fower shillings and Three pence was paid to the new churchwardens for the Burrough beinge Richard Ainge and John Wolmer, junior At the vestry aforesaid it appeareth that the ould Churchwardens of the parish beinge Mr. Thomas Smith and Avery Edwards stands accountable for 14/?. i8.y. o\d. out of which they have disbursed 13// ']s. "^d. The residue being they are still responsible for 1// \'}^s. ^d} William Greene Richard Hunt John Wolmer Will. Greene Michaell Johnson Richard Ainge signum Richard >{c Smart Fra. Smyth John Wolmer, junior Samuell Goxe Marginal Note.—'WiO. Smith paid this money to Tho. Scriven. 78 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF May tJie ^t/i, 1655. At a vestry holden the day and yeare aforesaid It is agreed and ordered concerninge the Inhabitants of Lud- dington whoe shall refuse to pay theire proporcion to any Leavy which hath beene, or shall be made for repayre of the parish church upon demand made of theire proporcions That the present Churchwardens shall foorthwith deale with such refusers for the Recovery thereof as the Law prescribeth wherein they shall be borne out by the Towne and Parish, And the whole charge they shall be at shall be allowed to them in the way of Leavy equally, And it is further agreed and ordered that a Leavy of Twenty markes shall be foorthwith made for repayre of the Church and other emergencies. At this vestery it is agreed yt the former Churchwardens for the parish shall make good their former accounts, as they are behind as appereth at the last vestry. signum William Green, Baylife Richard >|c Smarte Richard Hunt, Alderman William Lyndon Tho. Greene Francis Smyth Apr ill the first, 1656. Chosen this vestry by the Elders of the Burrough, Mr. John Brookes, Mr. John Eston, Mr. Will : Greene, senier are chousen overseeares of the Hyvvayes for the years to come for the Burroe lawfully Couse^ {sic) at the vesstry table. Will. Greene, Chifife Alderman Tho. Greene, junior Richard Mountfourt Francis Billinges Richard ^ Smart Simon Gale Nicholas Riland Robert Howes Francis Smyth John Wheler Chosen upon the day and yeare above wrighten, survey- ors of the Highwayes for the parish 1 ? for " chosen". S T R A T F () R D - O N - A VO N . 79 John Welles, Joseph Philhps, Robert Howes ofBushapton, Richard Hathway, William Bradford. The marke of >j< John Cotterill, the marke ^ of John Such (jiles Robartes, the marke -Jf of Samucll Barljcr. 8 April 1656. At a vestry holden the day and yeare aforesaid it is ordered and agreed that the overseers heere under named shall serve in the offices heerafter named for the yeare ensueing. Churchwardens for the (' Richard Ainge Burrough I John Wolmer Churchwardens for the ) Samuel! Coxe, of Drayton parrishe I John Richardson, of Shottery Sidesmen for the f William Greene, jun. Burrough I Michaell Johnson Sidesmen for the | Thomas Smith parrishe I A\ery Edwards The accompt of the former Churchwardens as appeeres by their account lefte in the Cheste is as followeth //. ,v. d. Item, they received of the churchwardens being Mr. William Greene, jun., and Michaell Johnson . . .243 Item, they received this yeare for graves . . .268 4 10 1 1 Wherof disbursed as appeeres by their accompt . .412 Remr. . . . .099 Moreover there resteth in Sam. Coxe's hands one of the parrish Churchwardens \\s. V\\]d. for a grave which hee received of Tho. Greene of Bishopton. There is due to the church for graves as followeth Mr. Billing, 3 graves ..... John Wheeler, i grave .... Tho. Home at Swan, i grave .... John Smart, of Shottery, i grave I 6 8 6 8 6 8 So VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF Robert Howes of Bishopton behind for i yeare and half at Lady Day last for Rennt for Mr. Henry Smith's land 3//. [5^. od. There is also a leavy granted for repaires of the Church to the value of 6//. iT,s.4.d. in the Burrough and 6//. 13J. 4^/. in the parrish. It is ordered that the present Churchwardens shall prosecute the former order against Luddington, and shall call upon the farmers of the tythes for moneys to repaire the chancell and get it repaired. At the aforesaid vestry it was agreed and ordered that forasmuch as divers persons have neglected to pay for graves made in the church and will not pay without suites of law, that henceforth there shall noe grave be made in the church untill they shall first deposite the money there- fore due, which is 6s. 8d. for every grave, into the hands of Richard Sm}'th, parrish clerke. William Hiccoxe, Bayliffe R. Molineux William Greene, Alderman John ^ Earle Alex. Beane, minister Thomas Smith Tho. Greene John Richardson John Brooks John Welles William Lyndon Thomas Scri\en Maje the lyth, 1656. Memorandum the day and yeare abovesayed agreed with- Thomas Scriven for the Repayringe of the church windows which hee hath promised to put in sufishent Repayre, and well lead them and hee is too have for doinge it eyght pounds ; also the Churchwardens have agreed with him to keepe them in repayre yearly for the which hee is to have Twenty six shillings eight pence by the yeare to which aggreement the sayed Tho. Scriven hath put his hand signed Thomas Scriven STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 8 1 Last of March 1657. At a vestry Holden the clay and yeare abovesaid it is ordered and agreed that the parties under mensioned shall serve in offises hearafter mentioned for the yeare inshuingc Church\\ardens for the Burrow [ I^'^hard Ainge I John Wolmer, junior Churchwardens for the Parish | J'^^"'" l^i^hardson I Samuell Cox Sidesmen for the Burrow | ^^'•"'^™ ^^^''^^"^^ J""'^'' (. Michaell Johnson Sidesmen for the Parishe j '^^^^^^ ''^"^'^^ V Avery Edwards Survaiers for the Survaiers for the Parrish Burroueh *t>' Mr. Richard Hunt Mr. John Cale, of Bushipton, sen. Thomas Hill Mr. Francis Barnerd, of Shottery Henry Collins Avery Millard, of Bridgtowne Att this vestry it [is] ordered that noe ground shall be broken up in the Church to bury in by the Clarcke without a not under one churchwarden's hand ether of towne or parish Francis Smith, Bayliffe Simon Cale William Hiccox, chief Alderman John Wohner Alex. Beane, minister Robert Howes Rich. Smarte Richard Hathaway John Eston Giles Robertes Thomas Taylor Will. Bratford Nicholas Johnson the marke ^ of John Tho. Greene, junior Cotterell April iT,th, 1658. At a vestry holden the day and yeare abovewritten it is ordered and agreed that ye parties under mencionel shall serve in the respective offices heerunder expressed for ye yeare ensueinge /"I 1 J r .1 Ti if Richard Ainge Churchwardens for the Lurrough \ ° I John Wolmer, junr. 82 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF Churchwardens for the parish Sidesmen of the Tknrough Sidesmen of the parish John Richardson Samuell Cox Surveyers for the Burrough Surveyers for the parish Will Greene, Bayhfife Frarcis Smyth, Alderman Alex. Beane, minister Saml Tyler Fran. Barnard {l ( William Greene, junr. I Michaell Johnson / Thomas Smith I Avery Edwards j Mr Procter - Edward Cowper and y Thomas Hanpatch j Humphrey Hu i William Ainge Edward Sitch rst Thomas Greene Tho. Greene Simon Cale Thomas Smith Johti Richardson.s this day hath received 6/8d. for a grave of Tho. Greene, Bushopton. 5/// 0/ A prill, 1659. Atta Vestry holden the day and yeere abovewritten yt is ordered and agreed upon that the Churchwardens for the yeere past shall have liberty to collect and gather the Leavy or assessment appointed to be gathered formerly for the repaires of the Church untill the 24th day of May next and if they shall have then gathered the said Leavy then to be dismissed from theire office and newe ones then to be elected or ells to continue in theire said office Michaell Johnson, Baylife Alex. Beane, minister Tho. Greene Sam : Tyler Rich ^ Smart Richard Ainge Tho. Greene, junior Simon Cale Jo : Barlowes ^ marke Giles Robertes John Welys Alsoe it is agreed at this vestry that Mr. Francis Watts and Mr, John Woolmer senior and William Home shall bee overseers of the poore parish for this yeare STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 83 Alsoe Thomas Shropshire "1 ,. ^ , ,,,,,,,' Surveyors of tlic John Wheler - ,,. , rid Highways. John Sharpe J ^ Surveyers for the Parish Robert Southcrne and Thomas Earle the mark of i|« Ed. Such. Aprill the 24°, 1660. Att a vestry holden the daye and yeare abovesayd the present churchwardens of the burough havinge made a complaynt of Samuell Coxe the present churchwarden of the parish of his neclect of his office in the exequson of his said office by reson wherof the Burough churchwardens arc much indemnefyed for want of their money, that they are out of purse, wee have thought it fitt too elect too other churchwardens for the parish and too continue the present churchwardens for the burough for the yeare too come, and doe further order the present churchwardens too call the sayed Samuell Coxe too render them an accounte of his leveye, and the money hee hath received, and in case of refusall too take shuch course as the Lawe prescribeth agaynst hime Churchwardens for the Churchwardens for the Burrough Parish Rich. Ainge John Wells John Woolmer Will. Burman, junior Survayers for the Surveyors for the Parish Burough Philipp Cale John Shuch of Shotery John Blicke Henry James John Smith, junior Overseers of the poore for the parish Thomas Rogers Will. Smith, of Bushopton Will Gofife of Drayton G 2 84 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF Michaell Johnson William Lyndon Thomas Taylor Francis Smyth John Sharpe the marke ot John ^ Cottrell lohn ^ Barlow Robert ^ Southarne John Wells, juner April the i6t/i, 1661. At a vestry Holden the day and yeare above written Mr. Thomas Grene, Junior and Mr. Symon Cale are chosen churchwardens for the Burough for the yeare to come Churchwardens for the parish ■! •' I Humphry Hust Sidesmen for the Borough Sidesmen for the parish Surveyors for the Burough .Surveyors for the parish Overseers for the pore of the parrish Tho. Greene, Bayliffe Richard Jackson, Chief Alderman Alex. Beane, vicar William Lyndon Francis Smyth Richard Ainge Simon Cale f Richard Ainge I John Wolmore, junior / Samuel Cox I William Burman, junior / William Derham I Thomas Edwards f Mr. Thomas Smith, sen. I John Low ' John Sutch of Shottery William Ainge, of Bishop. ton William Fletcher, of Dray- ton Fran. Barnard Humphry ^ Hust's marke William Smith John 5jc Barlow's marke William Gofife John ^ Cotteril's marke John Wells, juniar Desernber 1 otJi, 1 66 1 . At a vestree holden the day and yeare above written by the Churchwardens and Elders of the Towne and parish and agreed by these whose names are under written and ordered the Churchwardens of the Towne and Parish shall have a levy for the raising of twenty foare STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 85 pounds on halfe to be levied upon the Towne the other halfe to be levied upon the parish for the repaire of the Church and Church ornaments Richard Jackson, Bailieff Tho. (irceno, Alderman Tho. Greene 1 r-i u 1 r o 1 !■ Churchwardens for ye Hurrough Simon Cale ) Thomas Hill William Burman Thomas Smith John Wells \ Churchwardens for Humphrey Hurst J ye Parish Att a Vestry holden the ist day of Aprill 1662 by the Churehwardens and Elders of the Towne and parish of Stratford toe take the Accounts of Tho. Greene, Junier, and Symon Cale, churchwardens for the Burough and Jo. Wells and Humphry Hurst for ye parish, the Burough Churchwardens had a Leavy made them of i8/z. i6s., they received for 4 graves, viz. Jo. Walker, 6s. 8d. Mr. Oldfeld 6s. 8d. Widdow Greene, 6s. 8d. Widdow Ainge, 6s/i. 8d. soe their whole charge is in all 20//. 02s. 8d. s\jK^ mv-11 vviivjn- v-ijcii tiv.- 10 111 o-ix — \-/i- 1 . »^ j^o, *jt«-. //'. s. d. They have disbursed as appers one their account . 19 GO 01 In Arrers as appers Jo. Woolmer GO G4 GG Alexander Hornby GG GO g6 Symon Hornne the Chandler GG G2 00 Humphry Woods GO G3 04 Widdow Jackman GG 02 GO Edward Stapels GG G2 6 John Coplice 00 G I OG Richard Tue . . GI 01 GG William Tibbats GO G2 GG Mr. Edward Wagstafe GG 04 GG Widdow Hathaway . GG GG 06 Thomas Webb GG GG g6 Thomas Luccas GG G2 GG Mr. Richard Ainge . GO 03 6 Michell Palmer GG 01 GG 20 G9 II They Received but . Rest toe them . 20 G2 8 OG 07 03 86 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF Received Ijy the Churchwardens of the Parish 06 10 09 Disbursements to Thomas Scriven . . . 04 15 09 In charges at Worcester and Apariters Fees and a Journey to Alcester . . . • • . 00 1 5 02 (Then follow lists of persons in arrear at Shotteiy, Bridg- towne, Clopton, Old Strat' Severals, Drayton, Little Wilm- cote, Rhyen Clifford, Bushwood and Luddington, subse- quently erased.) Officers chosen for the yeare 1662 are as follows „, , , r .1 T> 1 1 Mr. John Brook Churchwardens for the iiurrough } . ^ ■' ^ ) Robert Ingram Churchwardens for the Parish. WiUiam Burman, senr. Rob. Southorne Overseers of the Poore for ther Parish John Cale Josiah Bickerton WilHam Iiradford John Cleever Surveyers of the High way es Humfrey Allen Foulk Sandy Richard Jackson, Bailiffe Tho. Greene, Alderman Alex. Beane, vie. John Woolmer, junior Thomas Greene Thomas Ainge Sydesmen Tho. Greene Symon Cale o. Wells Humphry Hurst Sui veyors for ye Burrough Steephen Edkins Edward Staples Symon Cale John Hammond Thomas Edwards William Burman John Welles Humfrie Hurst At a vestery holden the 31th August 1662 by the Church- wardens and the elders of the Towne and parish it is agreed that the Churchwardens shall have a Leavy made of Tenne pownds that is 5// for the towne and 5 // for the STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 8/ parish too bee layed forth towards the repayre of the church and ornaments also the Churchwardens have desired toe gather upp the Arreres yt are behind both in Towne and parish and for want of payments toe take course with them for recovery of the same Att a vestry holden at Stratford 21th day of x\prill 1663 before the Elders of the Towne and parish. Mr. John Brooke and Mr. Robert Ingram, Church- wardens for the last yeare are now chosen againe to serve the same office for the Burrough of Stratford upon Avon for the yeare ensueing William Burman th'elder and Giles Roberts the like for the parish Thomas Greene & Mr. Symon Cale \ yi^eg^ig,-, Humphrey Hurst and John Wells / Thomas Greene and Edward Smith, overseers of the High- wayes for the Burrough. Jonathan Buckingham and Francis Barnett for the parish. Robt. Southerne churchwarden for the last yeare did passe this Accompt following For a Comon prayer booke For Killing an Urchin For his oath at the Visitacion . For the Visitacion Dinner This accompt allowed Mr. Thomas Smith th'elder of Old Stratford, John Slatter of Bishopton and John Cotterell of Shottery, overseers for the poore for the parish John Wolmer, Baylife John Ward, vicar Nicholas Riland, Altherman Simon Home William Lyndon William Goffe John Brook Hugh Millward Ch. Smithe 8 2 4 I 4 5 14 10 88 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF Receved upon Christmas day and the Saboth day fowloing the sum of At the sacrements . . . o//. 1 3^-. od. April the 12///, 1664. Att a vestry holden then by the Inhabitants and Elders of the Burrough of Stratford upon Avon and parish of Old Stratford. It is ordered and Agreed that Mr John Brooke one of the churchwardens for the said Burrough shalbe reimbursed the summe of wli. I'^s. o 00 1 5 o charge upon then- lands \\\ Bishopton ■ J Of Mr. Richard Court for a grave . . . . 00 6 8 & And that the said John Wells paying the abovemencioned 2.5.5 hath cleered his Accompts for the tyme of his late office of Churchwardenshipp. Also then Ordered that if any Inhabitant shall desire to bury his, her, or their dead either of the Burrough or parish that he her or they shall pay to the parish Clarke for the tyme being the sum of six shillings and eight pence for every Grave that shalbe [digged and made within the parish church of Old Stratford before the ground there shalbe] broken for which the said parish Clark shall forth- with accompt and pay the same to the churchwardens for the time being. At this Vestery these officers are chosen for the parish for the yeare too come Churchwardens for the Churchwardens : parish Burough Thomas Hill Avery Mil ward Bernard Jonnes William Gofife STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 89 Sidse men Sidsemcn Rob. Ingrham (?) William Burman John Brooke Gyles Roberts Their is chosen at the vestery as on the othersiclc chosen overseers for the poore for the parish for the yeare too come Mr. Francis Barnard, William Home of Rushop- ton and John Milward of Bridgtovvne Mr. Tho. Smith the old Towne. Surveyors for the hyghway for the Burough Christopher Smith Samuel Philipps Survayers for the parish John Cleuer John Weels At this vestery there is a levy granted to the new churchwardens of 40//. uppon the towne and parish by equall proportion, and they are to allow Mr. John Woolmer thirteene pounds and twelve shillings being mony due to him when he was churchwarden and they are likewise to pay to Thomas Scriven three pounds eighteene shillings and tenn pence, which John Brooke the late churchwarden ingaged to pay and to buy all ornaments necessary for the church. John Woolmer, Baylifife William Burman John Woolmer, senior John Cottrell Thomas Taylor John Wells Michaell Johnson the marke of Simon Cale Humphrey ^ Hurst John Brooke the marke of John ^ Lowe March 28///, 1665. At a vestry holden by the inhabitants and Elders of the borrough of Stratford upon Avon and the Parish of Old Stratford, These officers are chosen for the yeare following 90 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF Churchwardens for the Churchwardens for ye Burough Parish William Higgins Richard Hathaway Richard Philipps Mr. Francis Wates. Sidsmen for the Burough Sidsmen for ye Parish Mr. Tho. Hill Avery Milward Mr. Benjamin Jonnes William Gofife Survayers for the Hyghwayes Mr. Henry Cale William Burman, junior William Lacy Samil Barber Overseirs of ye poore William Burman senior, Shotrey. Humphry Hurst Richard Spyers Att a vestry holden the day and yeare abovesaid Mr. Jonns and the late Churchwardens havinge brought in their accounts for their receivings and disbursments the parish havinge veiwed them thinke it not fitt to alowe them at this time and doe desire that they will bringe them in agayne this day month and then to bee further considred of Simon Cale, maior Michaell Johnson John Woolmer, junior Benjamin Jones John Ward, vicar John ^ Hill his mark William Lyndon William Home Aprill II 1665. Benjamin Jones hath delivered up m Court unto the new Churchwarden Mr. Watts his accompts & 15^-. 9c/. due therupon and Avery Milward likewise delivered to Mr. Watts \2s. \d. together with his accompt, likewise they delivered into the new Churchwardens hands one boxe with lock and key containing 2 gilte challices with covers and a damaske tablecloth 3 yardes long and 2 yardes broad, and also a pulpit cloth and cushion a carpit for the STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 91 Comunion table and a hearse cloth and a great chest and a Flagon. Fra : Watts Richard Phillips Att a vestery holden the 2nd of May 1665 Mr. Jonnes and Avery Millvvard the old churchwardens beinge at a former vestery desired too bringe in an account of the 40//. leavy formerly grauntcd too them have as yet fayled too doe it too the vestery accordinge to the usall custom of the parish. It is therfore now ordered that the clarke shall give them as also Mr. Hill and William Goffe notice that without aney further delay they bringe in an account too bee taken heere uppon the Wensday after Trinety Sunday next. Simon Cale, niaior Michaell Johnson John Woolmer, senior Thomas Taylor Henry Smith Thomas Hill John Woolmer junior John Alillard At A Vestry holden the 17th day of Aprill 1666 by the Elders of the towne and parish doe accordinge to the usall Custome make choyse of these officers folowinge for the yeare to come Churchwardens for ye Churchwardens for the Burough parish Mr. Thomas Taylor William Bratford Stephen Edkins, junior Avery Edwards Sidesmen for the Burough Sidesmen for ye parish William Higgins Mr. Francis Watts Richard Philipps Richard Hathaway Surveyers of the hygh- Overseers for ye poore wayes Symon Home of Bishopton Matthew Blackford William Burman, junr. Daniell Masson Robert Souther ne Surveyers of the highwayes John Richardson Richard Bartlet 92 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF John Wolmer, senior Samuell Cox Michaell Johnson the marke of John Woohner junior John ^ Barlow the marke of the marke of Thomas ^ Baylis Humphry ^ Hurst William Burman John Wells John Cottrell At a vestry holden the fourth day of May 1666 by the Elders of the towne and parrish of Stratford upon Avon it was agreed and concluded that the churchwardens yt were for the last yeare shall bring in a full and perfect accompt of what moneys they have received and paid for the use of the church both those that were for the towne and those that were for the parrish, upon Wednesday in whitsun weeke next coming at the vestry table. Simon Cale Richard Phillips John Woolmer Simon Home William Lyndon Fra. Watts Thomas Taylor William Burman William Higyins At a vestry holden the Third day of July 1666 It is agreed that the sum of Sixteene Pounds shall bee levyed that is to say Eight Pounds upon the Burrough, And the other Eight Pounds upon the Parish for the settinge upp the Kings Armes, the Tenn commandements, Creed and Lords Prayer in this church and for such other necessary uses as the Churchwardens are usually charged with. John Clopton William Lyndon John Ward, vicar Will. Greene John Woolmer Michaell Johnson Henry Smith Beniamin Jones Richard Hunt Math. Blackford Att a vestery holden the 9th day of Aprill 1667 accordinge too the usall Custome doe make choyce of these ofifiiecers ffolowinge too searve for the yeare to come STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 93 Churchwardens for the Burough Mr. William Greene Richard Hands Sidsmen Mr. Tho. Taylor Stephen Edkins Survaiers for the hygh- wayes Richard Philipps. John Carlis Overseers Poore Jonathen Buckingham William Jvans Thomas Hill, maior John Woolnier John Ward, vicar William Lyndon Thomas Tavlor Churchwardens for the Parish Thomas Rodgers John Richardsons Sidsmen William Bratford Avery Edwards Surv'rs hyghwayes Mr. Tho. Smith Tho. Turner Richard Bartlett iunior (?) Michaell Johnson John Woolmer junior Stephen Edkins the marke of Thomas ^ Baylis At a vestry holden ye 13 of November, it was agreed yt a Leavy bee graunted of Twelve pound for necessarie uses in Repairing ye Church viz. Six pound uppon ye Burrough and six pound uppon ye parish Thomas Taylor Thomas Hill John Woolmer John Ward, \icar Richard Hands John Richardson Thomas Scriven Memorandum yt Mr. Tho. Taylor and Steven Edkins Churchwardens for the Burrough the yeare last past have made perfect their account which stands as followeth, vizt. Received by way of leavy ..... Reed from Bishopton ..... For graves in the church ..... For three pallibeames ..... 14 16 8 //. s. d. 9 14 2 10 2 6 8 6 94 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF //. .V. d. Payments amounted to . . . . .1607 liis o\\ ne pay . . . . . .020 Soe out of purse . . i i 1 1 Also William Bradford and Avery Edwards church- wardens for the parrish the yeare last past have made perfect their accompt which stands as followeth Reed by way of leavy Disbursements //. s. d. 9 I o (This account is not continued.) At A vestry holden the 24th day of March 1667 Accordinge to the vsall custome the parish doe make choyce of these officers to serve for the yeare Enshuinge Churchwardens for ye Churchwardens for ye , Burough Mr. Thomas Home William Hiccox Sidsmen Richard Hands Survayors for ye high- way es Samuell Scriven Jonathen Nubery Survayers for ye hyghwayes Mr. Francis Watts. Thomas Taylor Thomas Hill John Woolmer Will. Greene John Woolmer, Junior ■ Samuell Cox William Smith Richard Bartlet Thomas ^ Roggers his marke John Cottrell Simon Cale parish Thomas Baylis John Cottrill Sidsmen Tho. Rogers John Richardsons Oversers of the Parish Samiell Barber Hugh Milward Avery Milward Thomas Home Richard Hands Stephen Edkins John Ward, vicar Humphry ^ Hust his mark Thomas Ange John Richardson Thomas Smith the marke of Robert jjc Sowtharne William ^ Jones STRATFORD-ON-AVON, 95 Memorandum yt the xxixth of Aprill 1668 Richard Hands, Churchwarden for the Burrough the yeare last past hath cleered his accompts which stand as followeth, vi/.t. Recei\ed by way of Lea\)- . . . . . 06 00 00 Reed from Bishopton, 255'. and for graves 4o,s-. . . 03 05 00 Reed of the Parish churchwardens . . . . 00 02 03 09 07 03 His disbursements amount to . . . . 09 09 10 out of purse . 00 02 07 Aprill ye 13 : 1669. hX. a vestrie then holden, according to ye usual manner for ye Choise of Officers for ye Towne and parish, these persons following were accordingl}' elected for }-e succeed- ing yeare For ye parish : For ye Towne. Hugh Millward \ Church- Thomas Wotton \ Church- Samuell Kox J wardens Daniel Mason J wardens Overseirs for the pore Mr. Tyler & Mr. Quiney & WiUiam Home of Bishopton &, Rich. Harris Supervisors of the Highwayes Richard Hathaway & Thomas Spires Sirvaers for the Hyewayes Edward Stapulls Roger Dadly (?), for this yeare Wilham Lyndon Richard Hande Thomas Taylor Hugh Millward John Woolmer, senior Thomas Ainge Tho. Home Thomas Smith William Hiccox John Cottrell Thomas Hicco.x Memorandum ye 25 of January 1669 ye accounts of Thomas Home, Thom. Bayliss, William Hiccox and John 96 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF Cotercl church-wardens for y^ yeer 1668 were at a Court ye same day holden, given upp and approved. They rcmaine out of purse 16 10. John Ward, vicar. ^th April, 1670. Att a vestry then holden according [to] the usuall manner for the choyce of officers for the yeere ensuyeng for the towne and Parrish theise persons followeing are accord- ingly Elected. Churchwardens for the burrough Mr. Michaell Johnsons Mr. Francis Haddocke Sidesmen Mr. Thomas Wooten Mr. Daniell Mason Churchwardens for the parish Edward Hathaway of Shottery John Mihvard of Bridgetowne Sidesmen Hugh Mihvard Samuell Cox Surveyors of the highways for the Burrough Arthur Lane Christopher Waring Overseers of the Poore / Avery Edwards I Thomas Ainge c f tT u- 1 f Jo: Barber .Surveyors 01 the Highwayes \ ■' I Thomas Rodes Benjamin Jones, mayor John Woohner John Ward John Woolmer junior Tho. Home WilHam Hiccox Sam. Tyler Rich. Quyneye Averie Mihvard At A vestry holden the 17th day of Aprill Anno Dom'i 1 670. Thomas Wooten and Daniell Masson the late Church- wardens for the Burough brought in their Accounts as viz. STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 97 //. s. d. Their Receyts by their Leavyes weere . . . 06 13 7^ Reed by 3 graves . . . . . . 01 00 o Reed by Bishopton money . . . . 02 10 o 10 03 7i Their disbursments are . . . . . 06 17 5 They crave alowance for . . . . . 00 05 6 07 02 II Their Remaynes to Balance their acount . . . 03 00 08 At this Vestery Mr. Michell Johnsones bein^e at the last vestery chosen Churchwarden for the yeare to come hath shewed sume resons to us that is satisfactory why hee shuld bee spayred this yeare and therforc wee have thought fitt to exquse him and by a generall consent have elected George Southerne to serve the saied office in his place for the next yeare. William Lyndon Thomas Wootton Thomas Taylor William Hiccox John Woolmer, junior Dan. Mason Tho. Home Thomas Scriven Tho. Hiccox At \ vestry holden the i6th day of December Anno Domini 1670 Samuell Coxe one of the late parish Churchwardens brought in his accounte, his Levey that hee had was 04//. \os. 6d. £ s. d. His dursbmts \sic\ was but . . . • . 03 02 o Hee paid to Ed. Hathaway . . . • . 01 03 9 and to Jo. Cotrell yt hee was behind . . . 00 04 9 04 10 06 wherof 23^,-. ^d} Ed. Haihaway is to accounte for. At this vestery it is agreed that their shalbe a Leve}- made 1 Altered fnim 9. H 98. VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF in the Towne and parish for Thirty povvnds wherof eyghtene pownds is to be leavyed in the parish and Twelve pounds uppon the burough, the reson why 1 8//. is uppon the parish is because it doth appere to us that the parish hath not paid soe much as the burough hath done by sixe powndes for too yeares last past. John Clopton John Woohner, junior Wm. Combe Francis H[a]ddock William Hiccox Thomas Hiccox Sam. Cox John Cottrell Tho. Home Edmand Hathaway John Woolmer, senior George Sothern Thomas Taylor Att a vestry holden the 25th of April! 1671. Wheras Daniell Mason and Thomas VVootton, Church- wardens for the Burrowe in the yeire 1670 weare indebted by their account the last yeare 3//. They have this day by mony in Mr. Mayor's hands and other disbursments dischardged the said some. Likewise wheras yt doth appeare there is Twelve pownds due to the Churchwardens upon account of the suite against Mr. Watts payable to mr. Thomas Home Mayor and William Hiccox and Twelve pownds payable to Thomas Baylis, deceased, and John Cottrell yt is agreed that wheras there is loli. 9 lOc/. in the Hands of Mr. Mayor Mr. Haddock and Goorge Southern the whole some shalbe paid into Mr. Mayor's hands and himselfe to receive one halfe and to pay the other halfe to William Hicox : And wheras there is gli. \^s. o in the hands of Edward Hath way and Jo : Milward yt is herby ordered that they pay the mony equally to Jo. Cotterell Issabel Baylis widd. and wheras there is 2//. i.},s. unpayd upon the Parrish Leavy and Twelve shillings unpaid of the Burroughe Leavy what can be collected betweene this tyme and the 19th day of May being appointed to receive their full account and to devid the mony between the Towne and Parrish shalbe then brought in and the Accounts cleered. STRATFORD-ON -AVON. 99 the 2^th of Apfill, 1671. The Churchwardens for the Burroughe Mr. Larans Harrod John Smith Sydesmen Mr. Haddocke George Southern Overseers of the High- wayes Richard Smart William Hicks Survayors of Highwayes Jo. Wells Tho. Home Sam. Tyler John Woolmer, senior Michaell Johnson Fran. Barnard Simon Cale PVancis Haddock Tho. Hiccox William Hiccox For the Parrish Church- wardens Walter Milward Steven Lowd (?) Sydesmen for the Parrish Edward Hathway and Jo. Milward Overseers of the poore Samuell Cox Jo. Richardson Robt. Southern John Cottrell Jon Millard George Southerne William Home Thomas Ainge Edmund Hathaway Avery Edwards Tho. Spyers Sam well Barber At a Vestry holden the 19th day of May 167 1 All accounts and demaunds made by Mr. Thomas Home mayor and William Hiccox Jo. Cotterell & Issabell Baylis Churchwardens for the yeere 1668 were cleered except twelve shillings demaunded by the said Mr. Thomas Home and the said William Hiccox and \li. 6s. to be gathered and devided between the said Mr. Home, William Hiccox, Isabell Baylis and Jo. Cotterell. Sam. Tyler Tho. Home John Woolmer, junior jQbn Ward - ^- -- Francis Haddock Dan. Mason John Cottrell William Hiccox II 2 lOO VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF 9/// A prill, 1672. Att this vestry yt is agreed betvveene the Inhabitants of the Burroughe and Parrish That the churchwardens for the yeere past have cleered theire Accounts except that the churchwardens for the Parrish have 13^. A^d. in hand which they promise to pay Thomas Scryven the glasier, and \\s. jd. which they promise to pay the succeeding Church- wardens. \ Memorandum there is in arreare from Mr. Watts for the 2 years past to the lepairs of the Church returned'- iSj'. <^d. by Ed. Hathway . . . . .j From Mr. Thomas Home . . . . .01 From John Cotterell . . . . .01 Churchwardens for the Burrough Mr. Matthewe Blackford Will. Hicks. Churchwardens for the Parrish Samuell Barber Mr. Thomas Smith Surveyors for Burrough Richard Lambert Michell Palmer, juriior Francis Haddock, mair John Ward, vicar Tho. Home John Woolmer, junior John ^ Barbers niarke Walter Milward Edmund Hathaway Overseers of the poor for the Parish Mr. Symon Cale for his land att Bishopton, and Roger Fletcher, of Drayton. Surveyors of the High- ways for Parish Ed. Such and Luke Barlowe Samuell Cox John Wells, junior Thomas ^ Spiers marke Sam. Tyler Rich. Quyney Fran. Barnard At this vestry Mr. Thomas Smith being at the last vestry chosen Churchwarden for the yeare to come hath sheweth {sic) some reasons satisfactory to us why he should STRATFORD-ON-AVON. lOI be spared and have elected William Jones to serve the said office in his stead for this yeare. Fra. Watts Walter Milhvard marke of Edmund Hathaway Robt. ^ Southerne March ye 3^/, 1672. At a vestrie then holden (warning being first given in ye church to ye purpose) a Leavie was agreed uppon of tenne pounds to be gathered in ye Towne and parish towards ye reparation of ye church for ye present year John Ward, vicar. Itt is allso agreed yt James Straine shall have \li. 6s. Sc/. per annum to bee paid him by equal portions half N^eerly for repairing ye church-windows beginning att our Lady Day 1673 : Michael] Johnson Stephen Edkins Walter Milhvard I A prill 1673. Att a Vestry then Holden it was agreed that in respect the Churchwardens of the Borrough and parrish have not collected theire Leavyes They shall compleate theire accounts this day three weeks in this place, in order wherunto Mr. Ward received I \s. yd. till the said account be made. Churchwardens for the yeere aforesaid for the BonoLgh Mr. Thomas Hiccox and Steven Such For the Parrish Steven Lowe and | Churchwardens John Cireenhill J Surveyors of the Highewayes for the Borroughe Thomas Spires, Mr. Francis Bernard Overseers for the Parrish Richard Hathway and Thomas Rogers J02 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF Lawrence Horwood, mayor Tho. Hiccox Francis Haddock Sam: Tyler" ' Sam : Tyler Franc. Barnard Michael) Johnson John Cotterell Thomas Cotton Att a veastuer {sic) holden the 8 Aprill 1673 it was agreed that thease perssouns are elected overseurs of the hye wayes for the yeare too coume for the Burrow. Mr. John Woolmer, junior Mr. Thomas Hornne Mr. Thomas Hill Lawrence Horwood, mayor Tho. Greene John Woolmer, senior Tho. Edwards Thomas Taylor Memorandum yt at a vestrie holden in ye parish-church of Stratford July ye 9, 1673 ye accounts of ye old Church- wardens were passed, and there remained due to Mr. Mathew Blackford and Mr. William Hicks ye summ of Zsh. '^d. which is to bee reimbursed them by ye new Churchwardens. Memorandum yt ye parish Leavie for ye yere last past was too short of ye towne Leavie oli. ^s. od. which is to be advanc't in ye parish-Leavie this yeare John Ward, \icar Thomas Hicco.x Sam: i|i Barber Sthepn >js Sush his marke his marke John Greenhill « Aprill ye loth, 1674. Memorandum yt att a vestrie then holden in ye parish- church of Stratford, a Leavie was graunted of lo/z. os. od. viz. 4//. \os. od. on ye Towne and 5//. os. od. on ye Parish in consideration yt ye parish were eight shillings short of ye Towne ye laste yeer for their leavie Richard Jackson, mayor Sthepen Sush John Ward, vicar Steephen Lowe Thomas Hiccox John Greenhill STRATFORD-ON-AVON. IO3 Att a vestrie holden in ye parish-church of Stratford uppon Avon, April ye 24th 1674 these persons following were chosen officers Churchwardens for \ William Greeneway ye Borough / Thomas Hanpatch Churchwardens for\ William Burman ye Parish i Robert Southorne Overseers for the poore of \ Tho : Home of Bishopton the parish / Hughe Miller of Drayton Overseers of the Highwayes) Mr. Bernard and for the Parrish J Tho. Spires Overseers of the Highwayes\ Edward Smith for the Borrough ) Henry Freeman Richard Jackson, mayor Steephen Lowe John Woolmer Sam. Tyler Thomas Taylor Fran. Barnard Simon Cale Richard Hathaway Thomas Hiccox Sam ^ Barber's marke. Thomas Home Maye ye 26, 1674. Memorandum yt att a vestrie holden in ye parish-church of Stratford uppon Avon ye day above-written ye accounts of ye old Church-wardens were passed }'e debt due to Mr. Mathew Blackford and Mr. William Hicks was dis- charged and eleven shillings and four pence remained which was left in ye hands of Mr. William Grecnoway. John Ward, vicar Stephen Edkins William Hickes William Borman William Greeneway Robert Sotharn Thomas Hunpach Januaire ye 22t/i, 1674. Memorandum )'t at a vestrie yn holden in )-c parish- church of Stratford super Avon a Lea\ie was grauntcd of twentie four pounds, viz. twelve pound on ye Borough and twelve pound on ye parish towards ye repair of ye said church, and discharging other expences which ye church- 104 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF wardens have been att uppon ye parish-account for ye year John Ward, vicar Robert Southarn William Greeneway Thomas Hunpach William Burman Att a Vestry holden in the Parrish Church of Stratford the sixth day of Aprill 1675 the persons underwritten are chosen officers for the yeere followeing Churchwardens for f Mr. William Hunt, draper the Burrough I Mr. Henry Izod Churchwardens for f James Southam the Parish \ John Wells Overseers of the poore / William Bradford of Bridgetowne for the parrish I Mr. Bornand of Shottery Overseers for the High- ( Humphry Whood wayes forthe Burrough I Edward Faux Overseers of the Highe- ( Sam. Barber wayes for the parish I Richard Bartlett John Ward Edmund Hathaway Sam. Tyler Thomas ^ Spires John Woolmer his marke Simon Cale Att a court and vestrie holden in ye parish-church of Stratford super Avon May ye 18 : 1675 ye accounts of ye Church-wardens of ye former yeer were taken and past ; and all accounts betwixt ye old and new church-wardens being cleered there remamed one shilling and ninepence in ye new Churchwardens hands : and thirtie four shillings of the last leavie yet ungathered. The churchwardens for the present f t 1 m,t i ^ -J John Ward, vicar yeer were sworne ye same day I William Hunt Hen. Izod James Sowtham At a Court holden April ye 7, 1676, Mr. William Greene- way informs yt Thomas Hanpatch affirms yt Mr. William STRATFORD-ON-AVON. I05 Hunt did receive ye one shilling and nine pence charg'd upon ye new Churchwardens in ye account above- writen : Memorandum yt goody Miles paid one shilling for her Leavie which remains in ye hands of Mr. William Greene- way. March ye 14, 1675. Att a vestrie holden in ye parish-church of Stratford upon Avon ye day abovesaid a Leavie was graunted of twelve pound viz. six pound on ye Borough and six pound on ye parish towards ye discharging of ye churchwardens charges on ye parish account for ye yeer aforesaid John Wooimer, mayor Hen. Izod John Ward, vicar James Sowtham William Hunt John Wells Att a vestry holden for the Borrowe and Parrish att the Parrish Church of Stratford upon Avon the Eight and Twenteth day of March 1676 the persons heerunder written were chosen Officers for the yeere ensueinge. Churchwardens for f Robert Knight the Borrowe \ Mr. Richard Smart Churchwardens for the Parrish John Millward Steven Borman Overseers of the Highewayes for the Borrowe Richard Bromly John Burman Overseers of the poore for the Parrish William Home of Bishopton John Barber Surveyours of the Highwayes for the Parrish John Earle and John Such John Wooimer, mayor Fran. Barnard Thomas Hiccox Simon Cale Sam. Tyler William Hunt Rich. Quyney I06 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF The 2 of May, 1676. At a vesteiy then holden in the parish church of Strat- ford super Avon the Accompts of the old churchwardens ware Alowed and past, there remains dew to the church- wardens of parish three shillings and to the churchwardens of the Burrough eight shillings six pence wich is ordered to be paid by the suckseding churchwardens. At the same Vestry a levey was granted to church- wardens for the Burrough to rase seven pound Ten shillings and the Churchwardens of the parish to raise seven pounds ten shillings being in the whole fiftene pounds for the repaire of the church for this present yere 1676. John Ward, vicar William Greenevvay William Hunt James Sowtham Hen. Izod 1677, Aprill the 1 9//^ Att a vesterie holden for the burow of Stratford upon Avon to chuse officers for the parish of Stratford upon (Avon). This day and yeere aforesaid, The persons under- written are chosen for the yeere ensueing Churchwardens for the Borrough John Freeman William Baker Churchwardens for the parish John Earle Richard Harris Overseers for the Highways for the Borrowe Mr. Thomas Greene Mr. Thomas Edwards Overseers for the poore of the Parrish William Mosely of Drayton Avery Millward Overseers of the Highways for the parrish Jo. Barber Steven Lowe Att a Vestry holden the 17th of Aprill 1677 yt was agreed that the Churchwardens for the two yeers past haveing STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 107 not perfected theire accompts shall clcere and perfect the same att a vestry nowe appointed to be holden upon Wednesday in Whitsun Weeke. Math. Blackford Richard ^ Spiers John Woohiier Robartt ^ Southornc The. Greene , Sam. Tyler John Millard William Home John ^ Siche At a Vestery holden the 5th of June 1677, Robert Knight and Richard Smarte the late Churchwardens brought in their Accounts for the Burough as, viz. Their receyts are but . • 13 6 5 Their disbursements weere . . . . . 13 6 6 See their remaynes due to them . . . . o 10 i John Milward and Stephen Burman Accounts are as, viz. Their receyts weere . . . . . 08 01 4 Their disbursements are . . ■ . . . 07 07 3 Remay[n]es in their hands . . 00 14 1 Wherefore thay paid Rob. Knight ios/l the other 4S/1. id. is too bee paid too John Earle and Richard Harris of Clopton the present Churchwardens. It is now Agreed that the parish shall leavy forty shillings more than the Burough the next leavy, it appeeringe the last Leavy of the Burough was soe much greter than the parish. Also their is dew too James Strayne 26s. 8c/. for his last )'eares wagges. Math. Blackford Robert Knight John Woolmer Richard Smart Thomas Taylor John Millard John Woolmer, junior . John Wells Benj. Jones Stepen Burman William Hiccox Io8 VESTRV MINUTE-BOOK OF Feb. 22th, 1677. Att a vestere holden the day above written it is agreed that a levey of sixteene pound shall be made by the churchwardens of the towne and parish of Stratford whereof nine pounds to be leveyed of the parish and seven upon the Burrough it being agreed by a former vestery the parish should be levied forty shilings more then the Burrough for the present yere John Ward, vicar John Earle John Freeman Richard Harris WiUiam Baker T^to Aprill, 1678. Att a Vestry then holden the officers for the Borroughe and the Parrish of Stratford upon Avon were chosen as followeth Churchwardens for the Borrough Peter Holland Henry Tomhns Churchwardens for the Parrish John Bartlett Will. Gofife Overseers of the Highwayes for the Borrowe Giles Harris John Smith Overseers of the Highwayes for the Parrish William Burman Lenard Court John Woolmer, maior Fran. Barnard Sam Tyler Simon Cale John Woolmer William Hunt Thomas Taylor 4 (?) Aprill, 1678. Yt is agreed by a Vestry then holden that the Church- wardens of the borrough for the yeere ensuinge shall receive forthwith \li. ^s. from Bishopton who should this day have paid the same to the Churchwardens of the parrish for the yeere past in parte of 40^". due too the Churchwardens of the Borrough and 15^". more within the STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 109 space of Twelve months by the Churchwardens of the Parrish. John Woolmcr, major Sam. Tyler Overseers of the poore for the Parrish for the yccre 1678 Wilham Home, the younger of Bishopton and Thomas Herbigt (?) of Wclcombe. Sam. Tyler John Erie Richard Hathaway John Wells Fran. Barnard Memorandum that at the meeting of the Burrough and the parish in the Chansell of Old Stratford the 7th day June 1678 the accounts of the Burrough and Parrish for the levy made 1677 for the Repairs of the church ware given up. And it apeares their remaines due to the \ old Churchwardens as is cleard by - i//. 2s. i u/. their accounts . . . .J March ye 28///, 1679. At a Vestry then Holden it is agreed that a Levy of sixteen pownds ten shillings shall bee made by the Church- wardens of the Townc and parrish of Stratford upon Avon eight pownd ten shillings to bee Icvyed on the Burrough and eight pownds tenn shillings to be Levyed one the Parrish. Timothy Rainbow John Bartlett Peter Holland William Goffe Henry Tomlins Att a Vestry holden the 22th day of Aprill 1679 the Officers for the Parrish and Burrough are chosen as fol- io weth. Churchwardens for the Borrough Edward Smith, Ironmonger, and Mr. Robert Fadom Churchwardens for the Parrish William Attwood Avery Milward I lO VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF Overseers of the Poore for the Parrish Steven Burman John Milward Overseers of the Highways for the borrough Tho. Clever Richard Etheridge Overseers of the Highways for the Parrish John Buller Ed. Such Simon Gale WilHam Hiccox John Woohner Avery Edwards Sam. Tyler. James Sowtharn Fran. Barnard William Gofife Memorandum there is 25^-. nowe due from Bishopton to the Burrough and 2^s. due to the Parrish and for six graves which the present Churchwardens have not accounted for this vestry the 22th of Aprill but are to account for the same att another vestry, and in the meane tyme to continue in theire offices till their account be perfected for perfecting wherof they desire a moneths tyme. Att this vestry the 22th of Aprill 1679 yt is agreed that where Mr. Henry Smith hath given Twelve pence a weeke to be delivered to Twelve poore people in the Parrish Church of Stratford for the yeere to come it is agreed that the overseers of the poore of the parrish in the Church- wardens for the Parrish or one of them shall deliver the same Twelve pence in bread every Lords day to Twelve poore people of the Parrish as they shall thinke fitt. June ye 27, 1679. Memorandum yt John Bartlet, Peter Holland, and William Goffe have promised to give in their accounts (as churchwardens) for the yeare past on July ye 9th next. July gth, 1679. At a vestry then holden in the Parish Church in Strat- ford Super Avon the Accompts of the old Churchwardens ware allowed and past and they payd to the new Church- wardens 14^-. /(I and their remaines in the hand of Richard STRATFOKD-ON-AVON. HI Spiers \li. 5^-. o wich should have bin payd to the old Churchwardens last Easter, wich 2 summes the present Churchwardens are to account for. Timothy Rainbow, curate Edward Smith Richard Jackson Will. Attwood At a Vestry holden the 29th day of March Anno Domini 1680 it is this day agreed that a Leavy shalbe made for Tenne pownds Towards the repayres of the church and other Charges wherof five pownds is too bee Leavyed uppon the Burough and five pownds uppon the parish for the yeare past. John Ward, ^'ical■ Jo. Woolmer, junior Simon Cale William Hunt John Woolmer Richard Spiers Richard Jackson Memorandum att a V^estry holden the 13th dayof Aprill 1680 the officers for the Borrough & Parrish were chosen as followeth. Churchwardens for the Borrough Fulke Sellers and Frauncis Mullineux Churchwardens for the Parrish John Barber and Hughe Millward of Drayton Surveyors of the Higheways for the Borrowe Thomas Browne and William Wright Overseers of the poore for Parrish Richard Spires and John I5artlett Overseers of the Hiijhewaves for the Parrish John Wells and Sam. Barber John Woolmer John Clopton John Ward Sam. Tyler John Woolmer, jun. Joseph Hunt Tho. Greene William Hunt Memorandum att a vestry holden the 13th day of Aprill 1680 it was agreed that whecreas William Attwood 112 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF and Avery Millard have not collected the fyve pownds agreed upon att a Vestry made the 29 day of March last that they shall have liberty to collect and gather by a Leavy the said some of fyve pounds within the space of three weekes, and if there be any surplus more then what hath beene expended the last yeere shall pay the same to the succeeding Churchwardens. Juhn Clopton Tho. Greene Sam. Tyler Joseph Hunt John Ward Memorandum att a Vestry holden the 30th day of Aprill 1680 the Churchwardens for the Burrough and Parrish clecred theire accounts and then it appeared, there was in the hands of the said old Churchwardens two pownds, eighteene shillings and Two pence which some was then deposited into the hands of Mr. Ward to the end hee should pay the same, the one halfe to the succeeding Churchwardens for the Burrowe and the other halfe to the succeeding Churchwardens for the Parrish. Alsoe it is then agreed that the Churchwardens for the Burrough shall not charge the Churchwardens of the Parrish for any mony given by them upon the account of Losses by fire passen- gers (.5-/^) or any accident of that nature. And that the churchwardens of the Parrish shall not charge the like upon the Borrough. And alsoe it appered that the BorroUgh churchwardens had collected i6s. more then the Churchwardens for the parrish which i6s. is to be advanced by theire next Leavy. Sam. Tyler Averie Mill ward John Ward Robert Fawdon Will, .'\ttwood Foulke Sellar At a visitation held in this church June 29, 1680, the 218 2d. which was deposited in ye hands of Mr. Ward was repaid to ye present Churchwardens. Foulke Sellar John ^ Barber Francis :^ Molineux his marke. his marke. STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 113 Memorandum att a Vestry holdcn the first day of Decem- ber 1680, it is agreed that WiUiam Castle shall have and enjoy the office of sexton for one whole yeere from the day of the date aforesaid upon his good behavior in his said office, and it is further Agreed that William Castell shall for the time that hee continues in that place take nor exact aney moore fees then what is under mencioned as also too observe shuch further rules as is hearcafter expressed that is to say For Ringinge at a V'isetation . the 5° November the 29th May and uppon Chrismas day for makinge a grave in the Churchc for gra\e with a cofin in Churchyard for a grave buryed their without a Cofen It is Also Agreed that the Sexton for the futtuar shall deliver out the hersse cloth toe aney person either of the Towne or parish that requires the same toe laye over a Corpps toe Church and toe receive it in agayne and toe see that it bee kept cleane without receivinge any reward for the same, and that the Churchwardens doe appoynt Ringers. s. a. . 08 00 05 00 05 GO 05 OG 02 00 00 g8 en GO c6 Sam. Tyler Tho. Home John Woohner, senior Fr. >jc Mulenex his marke Tho. Greene John Clopton John Combe WilHam Hiccox, mayor John Woolmer, junior Fulke Sellar Hugh Milhvard the marke of John Barber Memorandum that at a Vestrie holden in the Parish Church of Stratford super Avon on ye 2 2d of March 1680, a Leavie was graunted of five pound on ye towne, and five on ye parish, towards ye repairs of ye church for ye yeer 1680. 1 114 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF John Ward, vicar Hugh Millward Foulke Sellar John ^ Barber Francis ^ Mulinax his marke his marke Memorandum att a Vestry holden the 5th day of Aprill 168 1, the Officers for the Borrowe and Parrish for the yeere ensueing are chosen as followeth. Churchwardens for the Borroughe Mr. Michell Johnson and Thomas IVIason Churchwardens for the Parrish John Such and Robert Southerne Survey ers for the Highewayes for the Burroughe Jo. Berry and Nathaniell Rofe The Churchwardens are allowed a moneth to clere theire accounts. Surveyors of the Highwayes for the Parrish John Cotterell and John Buller Overseers of the poore for the parrish WilUam Burman of Shottery and Mr. Robert Harris of Bridgtowne WilUam Hiccox, mayor Richard Hathaway Tho. Home John Bartlett John Woohner, senior Thomas Home John VVoolmer, junior St. liurman Sam. Tyler John Wells Fran. Barnard May ye 10 : 1681. Memorandum yt at a Vestrie then holden in the Chancel of ye parish-church of Stratford ye old Church-Wardens accounts were passed only it appears yt ye parish are in arrears to ye Borough Eleven shillings two pence for this last yeer, in regard they made their Leavie soe much short of ye borroughs leavie. Besids it appears they were in arrears to ye Borough sixteen shillings more which sums of eleven shillings and STRATFORD-ON-AVON. I i 5 two pence and sixteen shillings are to bee advanc't by ye parish in their next Leavie over and above their equal itie with the Borough for ye next yeer. Allsoe it appears yt ye Church-Wardens for ye Borough are out of purse thirteen shillings and three pence, which summe is to bee paid to them by ye new Churchwardens. William Hiccox, mayor Foulkc Sellar John Ward, vicar Hugh Millward Francis >js Molinox John Jjc Barljer his mark his mark Memorandum att a vestry holden the eighteenth day of Aprill 1682 the officers for the Burrough and Parrish were chosen as followeth for the ensueing yeere. Churchwardens for the Burrough Thomas Edwards and John Sharpe Surveyors of the Highways for the Burrowe Edward Baker the Shoemaker and John Wake Memorandum the parish Churchwardens paid all thcirc arreares to the Churchwardens of the Burroughe being i/. ys. 2d. and then the last yeer's Churchwardens did agree to cleere theire accounts on Tewsday next being 25 of Aprill instant. x'\nd alsoe then the last yeere Churchwardens paid the I3jr. mencioncd on the other side to the Churchwardens that served the yeere before them. Churchwardens for the Parrish Samuell Barber and John Kitchen Overseers of the poore for the Parrish Hughe Milward of Drayton and Mr. Michell Johnson's estate of Bishopton Surveyors for the Higheways of the Parrish Jo. Smart and James Tysoe Daniell Mason, mayor Thomas Mason William Hiccox Sam. Tyler John Woolmer, junior Robert Southern his ^ marke Tho. Home John ijc Sutch his marke I 2 //. s. d. 05 07 10 OI 07 T 02 00 00 08 15 00 07 01 06 01 13 06 06 07 6 01 05 07 12 6 05 17 J tl6 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF Alsoe yt is (att the vestry aforesaid) agreed that John Izod shall repaire the church windowes for the yeare ensueing and shall have for soe doeing paid him by the Borrowe and Parrisii i/z. 6s. 8d. At a vestery Holden the 25"' Aprill 1682 The BuroLigh Churchwardens Leavy caine too Thay received of the old Churchwai dens Received for graves ..... Their disljursments come too Remaynes in their hands The Parish churchwardens Leavy came toe. They received from Bishopton Their disbursnients came too Remaynes in their hands . . . 01 13 3 Thir is also dew from Richard Spyers of Bushopton for his last yere's rent 25/8 Dan Mason, mayor Benj. Milward, curate pro tempore William Hiccox John Sharpe John Woolmer, junior Memorandum att a Vestry holden Tewsday the Tenth of Aprill 1683 The Officers for the Borrowe were chosen as followcth for the ensueing yeere as alsoe the officers for the Parrish were att the same time Elected. Churchwardens for the Borroughe Mr. John Taylor and Mr. John Hunt Surveyours of the Highwayes for Borroughe William Morris and Thomas Cale, shoomaker George Southerne John Woolmer Churchwardens for the Parrish Tho. Spiers and John Wakefield John Trapp, vicar STRATFORD-ON-AVON. II7 Memorandum yt is likewise agreed by the Vestry afore- said, That the Interest of the Eleven pownds formerly given by Mrs. Anne Loyde shalbe accounted for and allowed for the tyme past and payd for the Tymc to come according to hir last Will and Testament mencioned loth page and allowed to be payd by the Borroughe Church- wardens 1630 as likewise appeares by this booke in that yeere. Overseers of the Poore for the Parrish John Barber of Shottery, and Robert .Southerne Overseers of the Highwayes Edward Sandes and Jo: Such John Clopton Richard Hathaway Edward Clopton William Hurman Sam Tyler Memorandum it is agreed att the said Vestry that the overseers of the poore for the Parrish shall every Sunday after morninge sermon, distribute Mr. Henry Smithe's charity. Sam. Tyler John Wells Richard Hathaway Samuell Barber William Burman Memorandum Att a vestry holden on Tewsday the first day of Aprill 1684 the officers for the Borrovve and Parrish were chosen as followeth It is agreed by the saide Vestry that Mr. John Taylor, Mr. John Hunt and Thomas Spires the churchwardens for the yeere past shall continue in theire office for the yeere ensueing for the convenience of stating theire account which cannot at this t)'iTie be clcered John Trapp, vicar Regin. Forster Tho. Rawlins Sam. Tyler Overseers of the poore of the Parrish William Smith, of Bishopton and A\ ery Edwards Overseers of the Higheway, Richard Hathwav and Steven lUninan Il8 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF Sam. Tyler Thomas ^ Spiers his marke Thomas Home William Smith John Wells Memorandum att a vestry holden for the Burrowe and Parrish Tewsday in Easter weeke being the 21 day of Aprill 1685 the officers for the yeere ensueing were chosen as followeth. And att the same Tyme yt was ordered that the old Churchwardens shall cleere theire Accounts on Tewsday in Whitsun-weeke next Churchwardens for the Burrough Thomas Wootton and Joseph Smith Churchwardens for the Parrish Avery Milward and Mr. Frauncis Bernard Ric. Croft, vicar Surveyours of the Highewayes for the Burrowe Henry Freeman and Jo : Wilkins Surveyors of the Highewayes for the Parrish Leonard Court and Edward Wells William Baker, mayor John Woolmer Overseers of the poore Jo. Buller and Jo. Cotterell Sam. Tyler Tho. ^ Spires his marke Richard Hathaway Avery Edwards John Bartlett William Smith Stephen Hurman John Wells Att a Vestry holden for the Burrough & Parish August 1 8th 1685 to consult about Repaires in the Parish Church, And it was agreed uppon that the Leads uppon the north He part of them should be taken up and the timber work and leads put in good Repayer, Item that the church porch and within the church should be now paved with Broadstone, Item yt A pew should be made of the two next seates to the pew where the Aldemens wives do sit. Item that a pew should be made out of Mr. Browne's Pew and part out of the Christneing pew. Item the seate STRATFORD-ON-AVON. II9 next to Mr. Mayor's seat over against Mr. . . . enyes should be made larger and other necessary Repayers uppon the Leads and in the church. John Hunt Henry Tomlins May ye \^t/i, 1686. Memorandum that ye 6//. 2s. mencioned on ye other leafe to bee paid to ye Old Churchwardens was paid to them by Mr. VVootton & Mr. Joseph .Smith the day and and year above written R. Croft, vicar. Att a Vestry holden the 9th day of June 1685 for takcing the Accounts of the Churchwardens for the 2 last years as followeth, that is to say, then past theire accounts at which tyme it did appeare that Thomas Spires had in his hands 8//. ten shillings which is to be paid to the old Church- wardens for the Borrowe and it is alsoe agreed that the newe churchwardens for the borrowe shall advance in theire next Leavy seaven pownds more then the Parrish and alsoe to reimburse the old churchwardens 6//. 2s. which they are more out of purse. And wheras there are severall persons have refused to pay theire proporcions towards the repaires of the church for 2 yeers past wee doe agree that the Churchwardens for the tyme aforesaid shall take all legal 1 course for Recover- ing the same att the publicke charge of the Burrowe and Parrish John Woohner Ric. Croft, vicar Joseph Hunt Sam. Tyler Edward Elderton Alsoe att the Vestry aforesaid the Churchwardens for the yere 1682 past theire accounts which were then Accepted Alsoe it is agreed that the Bell Ringers shall have for theire paynes in Ringeing att Visitacions Tenne .shilling and other appointed tymes seaven shillings I20 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF John Woolmer John Taylor R. Croft, vicar Joseph Hunt Sam. Tyler Feb. i6: 85 Att a Vestry then holdeii It is Agreed that a Levy of sixtey seven poundes five shillings be raised, thirty seven poundes for ye Burough and thirty pounds 5 sJi. for ye parish for and towardes ye Repaires of ye Chirch. Thomas Wotton Foulke Sellars, mayor Joseph Smith, churchwarden for ye Thomas Hiccox Burrough John Taylor Averie Milward Robert ^ Southern Francis Barnard his mark May ye i^t/i 1686 Memorandum that the day and year abovewritten all accounts were settled and made even betwixt ye Church- wardens of the Burrough and parish, only 25^-//. was left in ye hands of Mr. Crofts which is yett in dispute whether itt shall bee paid to ye new Churchwardens of ye Towne or parish. Rich. Croft, vicar. This money Mr. Croft hath paid. Att a Vestry holden the 6th day of Aprill 1686 the officers for the yeere ensueing are as followeth. Churchwardens for the Burrowe Mr. Harrod, Mr. John Wolmer, tobacconist Siu'veyors of the High wayes for the Burrough Mr. Newman and John Walker Foulke Sellars, mayor Tho. Spires ^ his marke John Woolmer John Wells Churchwardens for the Parrish William Burman Rich. Harris, of Clopton Rich. Croft, vicar John Taylor STRATFOKD-ON-AVON. I 2 [ Overseers of the poore of the Parrish Mr. Henry Smith of I5ishopton Henry Blakmore, of Drayton Surveyers for the Highwayes for the Parrish Sam. Tarbitt, of Shottery, and Tho. Hopkins of Welcombe Att the Vestry the Churchwardens for this yeere past their accounts att which tyme the Churchwardens for the Parrish were allowed a moneth to collect 6//. 5^-. 4^/. to the old Churchwardens of the Borrough and likewise \li. ^sli. which is to be payd to the newe Churchwardens of the .Burrowe from Tho. Home of Bishopton. Foulke Sellars, mayor Sam. Tyler John Woohner Rich. Hathaway Henry Smith Stephen Burman Allsoe it is agreed that Robert Wootton shall have 30.V. paid him by the newe overseers for two greatc cures upon two poore men. At a vestry No. \2tk, 1686. Agreed yt a Beam in ye North He be Repayred and ye Leads set in order with Church Gates and all other need- full Repairs and ye matts be provided for ye chancel for communicants to kneel upon. Robert Fawdon, mayor his Foulke Sellars Thomas >{c Spiers Rich. Croft, vicar mark John Bartlett John Wooler At A vestry holden the iith day March 1686 The Churchwardens of the Towne and parish of Stratford have brought in their expences for the repa}'res of the Church and other disbursments beinge with the rccayts that they have received will amount toe the smne of Eyghtene pownds and therfore its Thought fitt and soe ordrcd at this vestery that a Leaveyof Eyghtene pownds shalbe raysed out of the Burough and parish that is to say nine pownds one the Burough and Nine pownds in the parish to reim- burse the saycd Churchwardens. 122 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF Robert Fawdon, mayor R. Croft, vicar John Woolmer, senior Henery Smith Joseph Smith William Home Att a vestry holden the 29 Marcij 1687 the ofificers for the yeere Ensueing are as followeth. Churchwardens for the Rurrowe Mr. Elderton and Mr. Matthewe CoUett Surveyours of the Highwayes for the Burrowe William Samon and William Smith, dyer Robert Fawdon, mayor Rich. Croft, vicar John Woolmer, senior Thomas Hiccox Churchwardens for the Parrish Robert Southern and Mr. Maris. Overseers of the poore for the Parrish John Burden and John Such Surveyours of the Highewayes for the Parrish Tho. Spiers and John Wells. Sam Tyler Tho. ^ Spires his marke Henery Smith Richard iji Gibbs his marke Henery Blackmor John Wells At a Vestery holden the 4th day of October Anno Domini 1687. Lawrence Horwood and John Woohner Tobacconest William Burman and Richard Harris Late Churchwardens have passed their Accounts and are axcepted and their remaynes in the parish Churchwardens hands Three pownds fiftene shillings which money the parish Churchwardens have paid into the hands of Robt. Sowtharn and William Harris the present Churchwardens and it is agreed the next Leavy that is made for the repayre of the church the parish shall leavy moore then the Burough Three pownds fiftene shillings too Balence. Besids Robt. Sowtharn and Will. Marris have received STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 1 23 i^s. gd. moore of Will. Burman and Rich. Harris which thay are likewise too Accounte for. Robert Fawdon, mayor The inarke of Rich. Croft, vicar Robt. J|c .Sowiharn John Woohncr, senior .Matthew Collett William liurman John Woolmer The marke of Thomas sjc .Spyers At A vestry holden ye 27th day of March 1678 {sic) The Churchwardens of the Town and Parish of Stratford have Brought in their expences for Repaires of ye Church and other Disbursments, Being with the Receipts they have Received will Amount to ye sume of 25 i 9, And therefore it is thought fit and soe ordered at this Vestry yt a Levy of 25/z. ois. gd. Be raysed out of Burrough and Parish, vizt. the Burrough 10//. 13.^. ^d. And the Parish 14 08 05 being to advance 3//. i-^s. o according to ye Record on ye fore- goeing Page. Henry Tomlins, mayor William Maris Rich. Croft, vicar Edw. Elderton John Taylor Matthew Collett Rob. Southern Att a Vestry holden the 17th day of April! 1688 the officers chosen for the yeere ensueing are as follovveth. ,,, , , r iU T) 1 r Edward Elderton Churchwardens for the Burrousrh -f I Mathew Collett ^,, V J r ,, I) • u r William Maris Churchwardens for the Parrish -! I Robert Sowtherne Surveyors of the highwayes for the ( John Harrison Burrough \ Richard Maunder .Surveyors of the highwayes for the | Edward Staples Parrish \ John Barber Overseers of the Poore for the ( William Gibbs, Bishopton Parrish I A\ery Mills, of Drayton Sam. Tyler Robert Fawdon Joseph Hunt At A vestery holden the 17th day of Aprill, Anno Domini 1688. 124 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF Mr. Edward Elderton, Mathewe Colett, Robt. Sowtharne and William Marris, Churchwardens, Brought in sume Accounts but the parish Churchwardens beinge not per- fected its thought fitt that they shall have tell the i6th Maye next too perfect them : and in respect that the present Churchwardens both for the Towne and parish have dis- bursed moneyes for the repayre of the Chancell and have not as yet colected their moneyes too reimburse them It's thought fitt and soe Agreed that the said Mr. Elderton Mathew Colett, William Marris shall continue Church- wardens for theyeare Enshuinge too Indempnifye them- selves and by Reson Robt. Sowtharne is weake and not abell too undergoe the officce their is chosen another but since the old churchwardens have a desier that Robt. Sowtharn sbuld continue with them and promised too ease him as much as may bee it is agreed and soe ordred that the saied Robt. Sowtharn shall continue in the saied officce for the yeare Enshuinge. Surveyours for the hyewayes for the Burough Richard Maunder John Harrison Richard Croft, vicar John Hunt John Clopton Thomas Wotton ^ Tho. RawHns John Walker John Woolmer, senior Robert Fawdon Joseph Hunt John Taylor Att this Vestry held the xvijth Aprill 1688, Itt is agreed by the Inhabitants of the Towne and Parrish That the Accounts of the Present Churchwardens of the Towne and Parrish and all other Accounts that shall bee made by the Churchwardens for the Towne and Parrish for the future shall be entred att large in the Vestr}' booke after they are allowed and that Two shillings a peece shall bee allowed to the said Churchwardens for each Account for the charge of such Entry And the Totall some of all levyes collected by such Churchwardens shall bee alsoe entred in the said Booke. STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 125 Riclid. Croft, \icar John Clopton Tho. Rawlins John Woohner, senior Sam. Tyler Robert Fawdon Henery Smith Edw. Elderton William Hurman John Colrell Thomas >|c Spiers his marke Joseph Hinit The accompts of Edward iLlderton & Mathew Collet churchwardens for the said liurrough^ from Easter 87 to Easter 1688 hnprimis, Fayd to Mr Mayor for two urchins Pd for Ringing ye 29th of May July 27" Pd for our Oathes at ye visitation. Spent ye same day . ... zs. =,s. Aug. ji surplice, ;r Pd ye Parator Clark & for washing ye &c Spent )'e same day .... Payd Wallton & Lea their years Pay Spent at ye Crown after a Vestry 8'ber. 14th. Paid for Ringing on ye King's Birthday Deer. 6th Paid for Washing ye Surplice at Xmas Pd ye Parator for 2 Books & a Proclamation Pd Poole for washing ye 2 lies & Bellfree& part of church Pd. for Cleansing ye Top of ye Pulpit Pd. Jo. Lock for Poynting the Leads Apll. 13" Paid Mr. Mayors Bill Paid ye Carpenters Bill . Paid ye Clarke .... Paid Joshua Bell his Bill Paid him more for a Grave Stone Paid Edward RustelFs Bill . Pd. Tho. Cap for mending A Bell clapper iS; A Loc Paid for two Bell ropes Pd. John Wake for A Table . Paid for makeing ye Levies & spent at ye same time Paid for A Transcript of ye Weddings, Christnings, &c. Paid for Matts ..... Pd for writeing our accounts & Entreing yem in ye Book Paid for hayr & for .A Brush to clean ye church Summe totl. . . . . 14 i; 00 00 08 00 05 00 00 02 02 00 05 00 00 08 03 00 18 00 01 00 o 00 or o 00 07 o o o o 6 o 6 GO 02 GO G3 GI 15 00 00 00 G3 CO 05 03 19 00 00 02 00 00 10 06 01 00 GG GO 08 00 GO 02 02 GO 05 06 01 05 GO GO 05 06 GO 05 GO GO G I 02 00 02 GO 00 01 06 I I ^ Stratford Burrough. 126 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF Reed for ii Graves Reed by Leavies Received in all II 04 7 14 17 ir May 29. 88 allowed Remayning in hand (signed) Rich. Croft, vicar Edw. Elderton Matthew Collett 14 13 II . 00 04 00 Robert Sowthern William Maris John Bartlett I68|. The accts. of Robert Southern and WilHam Mayres Churchwardens from ye Parish of Old Stratford from Easter '87 to Easter 1688. Imprimis paid for Eight Urchins .... July 7^ Pd. for our Oathes at ye visitation . Spent ye same day ...... i^. ^s. IS. 2)ii- ^Augst 31 Pd. ye Parator Clark & for washing ye surplice, &c Spent ye same day .... Paid for Three Bellropes Nov. 5° Paid for Ringing Dec. 6th Paid and spent at ye Bishop's visitation Paid for Ringing on Xt'mas Day Feby 6th Pay ye Ringers ... Pd. ye ringers for ringing at ye ist visitation being July 7th Paid ye Plummers Bill Paid for Glaseing ye Churchwindows Paid Air. Fawdon for A Napkin 2s. 6d. Pd. for makeing A Levy & spent at ye same time ApU 1 3" Spent after A Vestry Pd for writeing my accts & entring ym in ye book //. S. d. 00 02 8 00 G2 ^ 00 05 G 00 08 3 00 18 00 08 3 00 07 G GO I I 6 GO 07 G GG 07 G OG 13 4 12 03 GI IG G GO 06 6 00 03 6 GG 03 00 02 ^ In all 18 18 2 1 ? Parator should be 2s to make total correct. //. s. (i. 4 8 3 15 II 2 19 19 5 18 18 2 01 01 3 cx> 05 STRATFORD-ON-AVON. " 12^ Reed of ye Old Churchwardens Received by Levy ..... In all reed .... Disbursed .... I crave allowance for loss in collecting ye Lcvie Remaincing in my hand . . . . . 00 16 3 May 29 . 88. at the vestry then held these accounts were allowed Rich. Croft, vicar Matthew Collett Edward Elderton Rol^ert Sowthern John Bartlett Att ye Vestrv aforesaid May ye 29th, '88. As it Appears by ye Foregoing Accompts of ye Burrough And Parish, ye Parish haveing Payd more than the Burough The Burrough is to Advance in their Levys' more then ye Parish two pounds and two shillings ye next year. Rich. Croft, vicar John Bartlett Edward Elderton Robt. .Sowthern Matthew Collett William Maris Att a Vestry held the Plrst day o March 1688 The Churchwardens of ye Burrough of Stratford and Parish of Old Stratford Brought in then their Accompts of what money they had Laid out upon ye Repairs of ye church, and other necessary Expences, And ye said Charg Amounts unto ye Sume of ;^I4 18 6 for ye year Past. And it is agreed at ye said vestry yt there be Levies made for Rayseing the said summe upon ye Burrough & Parish, to reimburse them their said charg Edward Elderton, mayor Robert ^ Sowthern his marke Matthew Collett William Maris 1689. Att A vestry held ye second day of Aprill Anno Dom: 128 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF 1689 there were chosen ofificers for the \'ear ensucing as followeth. ,.,1 1 r r> 1 ( Samll Case & Cnurcnwarclens tor ye burrouyn - " I Phillip Wilkins r-i 1 1 e ^^ 1) ■ ^ I ^^^'- fo. Bartlet L hurcnwardens tor the l^arish -^ I John Wells Surveyors of ye highways for ( Robert Wootton the Burrough i Henry Churchill Surveyors of the highways for ( Francis Barnard ye Parish I James Southam Johnathan Hentz Clem Pane (?) Edward Elderton, mayor John Smith Sam. Tyler Joseph Smith Richd. Croft, vicar Matthew Collett John Woolmer, senior John Ikirman The Accompts of Robert Sovvtherne & William Mayres churchwardens of the Parish of Old Stratford, From Easter 1688 to Easter 1689 //. s. d. 12 04 8 June 1st Spent on the Visitation day and Paid ye Ringers Pd for A Fox, A Badger & Eight Urchins 2s. 6rf. Paid at ye Unicorn at Mr. Crofts visitacion for our Oathes, 2s. gd. ^s. ye Proctors Fees, ye Clarks Wages & other expenses . i 09 lys. 4s. 6d. 8'ber 12th Spent at ye last Visitation And paid in Fees Pd for Matts & spent at Dides (sz'c) on ye workmen . Pd. John Hemmings Bills for worke done att ye church Pd Edw. Rustell Bill for work done to ye Bells Paid Thomas Cale's Bill Pd. for A Transcript of Christnings & Burialls Paid ye Pentecostalls due al Whitsuntide last for 2 years Pd for Lime & Stone used about ye Church, &c. Pd towards Whiteing ye Church &c. . Paid for makeing one Leavy & Spent at ye same time Pd for Entring my accts in ye Church Book . Spent at Mr Elderton's when wee Pd ye workmen . Spent at makeing up my Accts. I crave allowance for collecting my Levy I 01 6 04 I 02 6 I 01 8 08 •-> 03 02 8 15 05 03 6 02 04 03 ot; 8 08 8 STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 129 In arrears in our hands ye last year Reed by Levy this year Received in all . Paid in all . Remains in hand //. s. d. o 16 o 8 00 o 8 16 o 8 08 8 o 07 4 John Bartlett John Wells Memorandum the day and yeare abovcsd. the Townc and Parish are even in their Leavyes. Edw. Elderton, mayor John Woolmer The Account of {sic) and Mathew Colctt Churchwardens from Easter 1688 Two Easter, 1689. li. s. (i. Pd. at the Visitacion for the Oathes the parters {sic) fees Clarices wagges .... Pd in expences for meate and drinke Pd Joseph Woolmer for nayles, &c. Pd for 14 urchins 4 foxes one badger Pd at Mr Taylors in expences Pd. for vvashinge the surplice sixe times Pd the Ringers for 7 dayes one severall ocasions I June pd. at the visetacion in expenses Pd the parter for 5 Bookes . 12° Pd the parter fees and other fees Pd in expences for ordinaryes then . Pd. Walton and Lee their yeres pay. Pd. Jo Cole and Minchinge for worke done Pd for cleaning and whitinge the church Pd Mr Philipps for worke done too the bells Pd Shapper Hartt his bill Pd the pareter for another booke Pd for 3 Bell Roppes . Pd for Glasinge the windovves Pd. for writinge the Leavyes . Pd William Salmonds Bill . Pd as gave too poore men by Mr Crofts order Pd as spent in the makinge upp the Accounts Pd as spent after the last vestry in Ester weeke Pd for entringe the Accounts 00 10 GO 01 03 00 00 og 07 00 09 08 00 01 10 00 06 00 02 09 00 00 04 01 00 07 06 00 04 06 00 17 06 01 00 00 00 06 04 00 08 00 GO 05 GG 01 10 GG OG 01 06 GG g6 06 01 12 06 GG 03 GG OG 13 00 00 01 g6 00 G3 GG 00 G2 06 GG G2 00 13 17 06 K I30 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF Reed by Leavey . . . . lo 02 oo Reed from Eishopton . . . 2 10 00 Reed for graves . . 1 . 01 08 04 Reed. . ; . . 14 00 04 Pd. . . . . 13 13 06 Rest to Balenc. : . . . 00 02 10 Memorandum the day and yeare abovesd. the Towne and Parish are even in their Leavyes. Edward Elderton, maior John Wells John Woolmer John Bartlett At A Vestry holden the 15th day of October for the Towne and Parish Anno Domini, 1689 Wheras their hath bine some discourse at this Vestry of settinge upp Chimes in this church it is Thought fitt by the whole vestry that they are altogether unnecesary and that as well the Churchwardens themselves as others have agreed too it, And that itt is further Agreed that this Agrement shall stand without Razinge of it, Att a vestry holden Aprill ist Ann. Dom. 1690 notice being given thereof ye Sunday before, after morning prayer as the Law in yt case directs, The Churchwardens of the town and parish of Stratford have brought in their expences for repaires of the church and other disbursments which with their receipts they have or shall produce will amount too the sum of Three- score one pound and five shillings 6150 and therefore it is thought fitt and soe ordered att this vestry yt A Leavy of 61 5 00 be raised out of the Burrough and parrish, viz., yt the Burrough and parrish be equall proportions 30//. 12 6 Apeece. Rich. Croft, vicar Samll Case his Phillip Wilkins Robert ^ Sowthern John Bartlett marke John Wells his Thomas ^ Harbridge mark STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 131 At A vestery holden the 22th Aprill 1690 The church- wardens of the Townc and parish brought in their dis- bursments beinge sixty one powndes Three shilHngs Tene pence but did not bringe in their recayts in respect thay say thay have not reed the money soe that this vestery doe give them Leave tell this day month too complet their Accounts. x^t this vestery are chosen officcers for the yeare Enshuinge. Churchwardens for the Churchwardens for ye Burough Parish Joseph Woolmer John Cottrill George Hands Thomas Bickerton Sur[ve]yours of the hyewayes for the Burrough John Sale Richard Fletcher Sur[ve]yours of the Parish William Shuch William Burman, senior Overseers of the poore for the Parish James Sowtham, Welcombe Samuell Ball John Smith, mayor Joseph Hunt John Woolmer ' John Wake Thomas Hiccox Richard Croft, vicar Memorandum that att the Vestry held the 22th of Aprill within mencioned Itt was agreed that noe churchwardens either now elected or for the future shall expend above ffive pounds towards repaires of the church unless a Vestry bee first called And the cause of such repaires as shall exceede the said five pounds bee made knowne, and agreed to by such vestry. John Smith Rich. Croft, vicar John Woolmer Henry Smith Thomas Hiccox Thomas Home Joseph Hunt Thomas >|c Spiers John Wake John >|« I5arber K 2 132 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF Memorandum that att the vestry held the 23th of May 1690. //. s. d. The Burrough Churchwardens Leavyes came to . . 31 03 09 For Bishopton money . • . . . 01 05 00 4 Graves . . . . . . , 01 06 08 In all . . 34 15 05 Their disbursements came to . . . . 34 03 03 Rests in their hands . . . 00 12 03 The Parish Churchwardens Leavyes came to For Bishopton money. 4 graves .... Their disbursements came to Rests in their hands John Bartlett John Wells Sam! Case John Cotrell March 30///, 1691. Att a vestry then held ye churchwardens Brought in their accounts of Moneys Laid out for ye Repairs of ye Parish Church of Old Stratford wch Amounted unto ;^43 & upwards, But they haveing about £"] In hand it was Agreed yt ye Towne & Parish shall Rayse ^^40 more to pay ye sd Charge and defray other necessary charg yt may Ensue & be accountable for the same. John Taylor Ric. Croft, vie. John Smith Joseph Woolmer Edw. Elderton George Hands Thomas Bickerton Churchwardens e to 35 08 07 • • • 01 05 00 . 01 06 08 38 00 03 • • • 33 12 II . 04 07 04 Rich. Croft, vicar Tho. Woolmer Joseph Woolmer The marke of Tho. ^ Spyers > STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 1 33 Att a vestry held the 14th day of Aprill 1691 the church- wardens of the Townc did bringe in thcire Accounts for repaires of the Church and other disbursments which were allowed, And there remaines due to the churchwardens of the Burrough sixteene shillings wch is to bee paid by the next Churchwardens, And the churchwardens of the Parish not haveing their Accounts readdy they have a fortnights time allowed them to perfect them, And the churchwardens both of the Towne and Parrish are to enter theire Accounts in this booke within a fortnight from henceforth, And the officers to serve for the Towne & Parrish for the yeare ensueing were chosen as follows Churchwardens for the Churchwardens for the Burrough parrish Mr John Burman William Mosely, of Drayton Mr John Walker John Hathway, of Shottery Surveyers of ye Highways for the Burrough Samuel Tant John Smith, jun. Surveyers for the Parrish William Maris Leonard Court Overseers of the Poore for ye Parrish Stephen Burman Francis Barnard Richard Gibbs John Barber John Taylor Ric. Croft, vicar John Smith John Bartlett Joseph Woolmer Thomas Bickerton George Hands John Cotrell Joseph Hunt Att the Vestry aforesaid itt was ordered that wheras by an order made att a vestry held in this parrish Church the 15th day of December 1648 for the Consideration therein Mentioned there was Graunted to Rich. Oueeny and John Sadler, Gent, deceased & theire Assignes a pew or seate scituate In the South He in the parish church of Old Stratford, Now in the occupation of Adrian Quiney, 134 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF Gent, since which time the Title of the said John Sadler descended and came to John Sadler his son and heire, the said John Sadler the son hath conveyed all his Right Title and Interest in the said pew to Mr. Joseph Hunt it is Therefore ordered and Agreed att this Vestry yt the Churchwardens of the parish Church for the time Being or Hereafter to bee Elected or some or one of them shall upon Request of the said Joseph Hunt put him into the possession of the said pew or seat to hold the same pur- suant to the said first graunt Made to the said Richd. Queeny & John Sadler deceased. Thomas Home John Smith Overseer Joseph Woohner Churchwarden Thomas Bickerton Tho. Edwards Churchwarden John Bartlett James Sowtham John Cotrell Overseer poore Churchwardin Tho. ^ Harbich the marke of his marke Jno. ^ Heally The Accounts of Joseph Woolmer and George Hands Church Wardens of the Burrough of Stratford Begining att Easter 1690 & ending att Easter 1691 li. s. d. 00 02 00 GO 02 02 00 05 00 01 04 09 00 eg 06 paid the Aparatour his fees . paid for our Oathes . paid the Clarke Expended att the Visitation paid for 3 Bell Ropes pd. for Washing the Table Cloth «S: 2 Surplices . . 00 03 06 pd. for Matts for the pulpitt & Bells . . . 00 05 06 paid Tho. Walton & Jams Lee theire Wages . . 01 00 00 pd. for 2 Urchins . . . . . . 00 00 08 Gave the Ringers to drinke 8th July . . . 00 02 00 pd. for 2 Stock. Locks for the Church Doores, i Hinge \ ^ for the Ringing Loft .... J pd. for I Box Locke & Hinge . . . . 00 00 08 pd. Tho. Mills for 3 Bookes . . . . . 00 03 00 pd. Mary Boyce for Cleaning the seats . . . 00 00 06 STRATFORD-ON-AVON. '35 pd. for Ringing att the Kings Return from Ireland pd. our parts of the phimcrs Bill pd. Widdovv Pane for drawing the Lead pd. our part of the Carpenters Bill . pd. for Nailes Hookes & Hinges i Stock Lock & 4 Bolts pd. Tho. Mills for 2 Bookes & a Ploclamation {sic) Spent att the Visitation pd. Tho. Mills his fees pd. for I Ewe tree & 7 Elven (?) trees paid Peter Taylor for halfe a days work pd. Tho. Cap a Bill .... pd. for Washing & Mending the Surplice paid as spent after a Vestry . pd. for Making the Levyes . paid for a Transcript of the Wedings, Burialls and Christenings .... pd. as Expended at severall times . I crave allowance for Abatements for our Levyes pd. for a Mop & 2 women to clean the church pd. for Entering our accounts //. s. d. 00 07 00 10 02 06 00 02 06 04 05 00 GO 14 01 00 03 00 00 17 02 00 02 00 00 07 00 00 00 04 00 13 04 00 02 03 00 02 06 00 02 06 00 05 GO GO 05 GO GO 08 07 00 01 08 GO C2 00 23 g8 02 The Accounts of John Cotterill & Thomas Churchwardens for the parish from Easter 1690 1691 paid att the Visitation pd. Tho. Mills his fees 25-. for our Oathes 2/2 paid the Clarke pd. for 12 Urchins & 5 Foxes paid for Mending a Bell Claper paid for 3 Bell Ropes . paid our parts of the Glasiers Bill pd. our part of the Carpenters Bill . pd. Mr. Walkers fees Spent att the Visitation paid Tho. Mills his fees pd. for Ringing 5th November pd. for 16 strike Lyme & i Loade Sand paid John Moore & his man 5 days worke paid for Ringing att Christmas paid Will. Rutter A Bill Bickerton to Easter //. s. d. . 01 04 09 . GO 04 02 . 00 05 GO . GO 09 00 . GO GO g6 . 00 09 g6 . IG G2 06 . 04 05 GO . 00 02 06 . GO 17 G2 . GO 02 GO . GO 07 GO . GO 10 06 . 00 10 00 . 00 07 GO . GI 15 00 1^6 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF pd. Sam. Phillips for washing & cleaning the Church Colloring the Christening seat pd. Joshua Smith for covering the 3 Books of Martars Stamping the donors Name pd. for Ringing i ith Aprill . pd for Making the Leavyes . Expended at severall times . for our Jorney to Bushwood . pd. for Wrighting our accounts pd. more for a Fox pd. for Entring these accounts //. S. d. .l 00 12 00 n 00 12 GO GO 07 GG 00 G2 06 GO G5 GO GG 04 GG GG GI GO OG 01 GO OG G2 GG 23 18 GI Memorandum that at a Vestry held the 13th May 1691 //. s. d. The Burrough Churchwardens Levy came two . . 20 g6 03 Reed. Mr. Case late Church Warden . . . go 12 go Reed. Thomas Veale, Bishopton More Reed, for a Grave Theire Disbursments are . See Remaynes dew to them The Parish Church Wardens Levyes came two Reed. Mr. Bartlett, late Church Warden Reed. Tho. Home Bishopton Money Theire Disbursments are Rest In theire hands John Taylor Joseph Woolmer George Hands John Cotterill Thomas Bickerton GI 05 00 GO 06 08 22 09 II . 23 g8 02 . GO 18 03 . 18 II g6 . 04 07 GO . 01 05 00 24 03 g6 • 23 18 01 . 00 05 05 Ric. Croft, vicar John Hathaway The Mark of William ^ Moesley. At a Vestry held for the parish of Old Stratford & Stratford upon Avon the i8th day of September 1691 Agreed & ordered that the Chauncel of the said parish STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 1 37 church being much out of Repayrc in the Loads and Glasse that a Leavy of eight pownds bee made for the repayre thereof and that the impropriators of the grand and small tythes of the said parish bee chardgcd therwith John Bartlett Tho. Rawlins Joseph Woohner Ric. Croft, vicar The mark of John Hathaway Thomas >jc Spiers The mark of John Walker John ^ liurman the marke of William ^ Moseley Also at the said Vestry agreed and ordered that the Church being out of Repayre for the leads and that foure sheets need to bee taken up & recast & that the present Churchwardens do what is absolutely necessary in other repayre of the said church. Ric. Croft, vicar Tho. Rawlins John Bartlett Joseph Woolmer the Mark ^ of John Walker John Burman John Hathaway The mark of ^ The mark ^ of William Moseley Thomas Spiers At A Vestry held the First day of March 1691 It appearing by the Bills brought in by the Churchwardens of the Towne & Parish yt the Charg of the Last year for the Repaires of the Church will Amount unto four and fourty Pounds or thereaboutcs. It is therefore Agreed yt a Levy be made upon the Burrough & Parish for Raiseing the said Summe, vizt, i^22 o o upon the Burrough & ^22 o o upon the Parish John Walker Tho. Rawlins John Burman Ric. Croft, vicar his John Bartlett William >js Moseley Edw. Elderton marke John Hathaway John Cotrell It is Likewise ordered yt A Levy be made upon the 138 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF owners & occupiers of ye tithes of ye Parish of Old Stratford for the Raiseing of Six pounds or there- abouts wch the said Churchwardens have Laid out in repairs upon the Chancell Ric. Croft, vicar Tho. Rawlins John Walker Edward Elderton Willm. Moseley John Bartlett John Cotrell John Burman John Hathaway At a Vestry held for the Parish of Old Stratford and Stratford upon Avon on Tuesday after the feast of Easter it being the 29th day of March Anno Domini 1692 It is agreed & ordered that whereas severall parishioners refuse to pay their due parts of the levyes made for repayre of the parish church and have been therefore cited into the ecclesiasticall court of Worcester within which diocese the said church is and so farre it is ther proceeded that some of them stand excommunicate for their contempt and refusall of payment, wee do therefore order and desire the Churchwardens to proceed in the said cause and to procure the lord Bishop's certificat thereof that so a writt of Excommunicato capiendo may bee taken out against such contemptuous persons and they punished according to their demerits and wee shall allow the Churchwardens the chardge of such prosecucion, And that as oft as such delinquents offend in the premises, prosecucions bee con- tinued against them respectively Mem. that no workmans bills for ye church work shall bee paid in full till after a vestry allowes them Item that the old churchwardens hold on the office for another yeare and that they give up their accounts before Wednesday in VVhitsun weeke next. Ric. Croft, vicr. John Clopton Thomas Hiccox Tho. RawHns Edw. Elderton John Bartlett Sam. Case STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 1 39 March ye 2gth, 1692. Att the same vestry it was Agreed yt the 2 seats where the Aldermen & Burgesses wifes sit shall be Divided equally into 3 Parts & yt Mr Serjeant Rawlins & his Lady shall be seated in the upermost of them next unto Sr Jo. Clopton's Seat, & soe to continue to him for his use and his Posterity. But Mr Serjeant Rawlins is to be at whole charge of Altering of them, & to leave ye Aldermens and Burgesses wifes seates as handsome & convenient as they now are. Ric. Crofc, vicar John Clopton Thomas Hiccox Edward Elderton John Bartlett Samll Case John Walker Henry Smith John Wake Jo. Burman -v Henry Freeman Will. Mosely i Church- John Cotrill John Hathaway J ^^'^^lens Thomas Edwards John Wells John Burman jun. Will. Home Tho: Spiers Tho: Veale Jo. Barber Thomas Home William Maris Richd Gibs John Hintly Joshua Smith John Sutch Thomas 15ickerton Sam. Phillips Overseers of the poore elected for ye ensueing year 1692 Samuell Ball, of Bishopton Tho. Bickerstaff of Bridgtowne Surveyors of the highwayes John Smith 1 r ■' J- for ye towne John Smart J John Berry 1 r • v ■' ^ > tor ye parish John Welles ) ^ ^ At A vestry held for the Parish & Burrough of Strat- ford May the i8th 1692. John Burman & John Wallker, Churchwardens of the Burrough, Brought in their accounts and are entred as followeth. I40 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF May 1 2th Spent at the Visitation & Pd. for our Swearing- Paid Thomas Mills his fees & Will. Castell his years pay . Pd. Rich. Chamberlin for 6 Bell Ropes Pd. Wallton & Lee their years wages Pd. ye Proctors fees and charges at the Visitation in October '91 ..... . Pd. Thomas Mills his ffees ..... Pd. Jos. Smith for A Comon Prayer Book . Payd the Ringers when the King came out of Ireland Spent on the Ringers when Limerick was surrendred Paid for 7 urchins & 4 foxes ..... Pd Hull for cariag of Lead & expended at severall times . Pd. for was[h]ing the Surplice &: for 2 Books & procla- mation ....... Pd. Mr Fawdon for A burying cloth .... Novbr. 26th Pd for Ringing the thanksgiveing day Paid for Writeing the Leaves. .... Spent at the makeing of them .... Pd. for leather for the Claprs & for matts Paid Jo. Heming for tyme and work Paid for goeing to Budbrook & Tho. Feild for work Pd. Jos. Woolmer & Geo. Hands late Churchwardens Pd. Richard Walton's Bill Paid Geo. Sowthern's Bill ..... Paid Joshua Bell's Bill ..... Paid Mr Tomlins for Lockes and Nailes Wee crave allowance for abatements in our Leavies //. s. d. 01 06 6 00 09 01 01 G 01 GO 01 04 6 GO 02 G 00 12 G 00 07 G GO 03 G GO g6 4 00 G7 6 GO 05 01 15 GG G7 00 G2 6 GO 06 00 03 2 00 G2 2 GG 07 00 18 G 07 11 04 03 6 GO I I 6 GO 12 G 00 09 10 24 12 6 Reed upon leavies & otherwise Disburst as appears above 23 G7 6 24 12 6 Out of Pocket John Hunt, mayor John Taylor Edward Elderton Henry Tomlins Joseph Woolmer Richard Izod I 05 o Ric. Croft, vicr John Walker John Burman Wm Moseley John Hathaway The Accounts of Wm Moseley & John Hathaway Churchwardens of the parish STRATFORD-ON-AVON. [41 1 8/// May, 1692. Spent att Visitation & paid for Swearing Pd Tho. Mills & Wm Castell. pd. for 8 Urchins & 4 foxes .... pd. & spent att makeing the Levey . pd. for 6 urchins ..... pd for Mending A Seate & other Worke pd. the Proctors Fees & spent att Visitation pd Tho. Mills his fees. .... pd the Ringers 5th No. & expended at several! times pd the Ringers att Christmas pd the the plumers Bill .... pd as spent when Reed Bushwood Money . pd. for Wrighting our Accountes I crave allowance for money Ran. Hicks should have pd £ s. d. 01 06 06 00 09 00 00 06 08 00 03 06 00 02 00 00 03 00 01 04 06 00 02 00 00 12 00 00 07 00 18 17 00 00 01 00 00 01 GO CO 03 09 Reed per our Levey Reed Tho. Home .... Reed Wm Burman, A grave Reed Jno. Cotterill, late Churchwarden . I s. d. 22 10 GO 01 05 00 GG g6 08 GO 05 OG 23 18 II 24 06 g8 23 18 II In pockett . . . gg 07 09 Disburst by the Burrough churchwardens . Disburst by the Parish churchwardens 24 12 6 23 18 II Pd. more by the Burrough John Hunt, mayor John Taylor Edward Elderton Henry Tomlins Joseph Woolmer Richard Izod 00 13 7 Ric. Croft, vicr John Walker John Burman Wm Moseley John Hathaway Att a vestry held this loth day of March 1695. Itt Appeares by the Accounts Brought In by the Church 142 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF Wardens of the Tovvne and parish that there is Disburst for the last yeare ;^24 or there aboutes, it is Therefore Agreed yt the Churchwardens shall make thiere Levyes for ;^I2 a peice to Reinburse them. Thomas Hiccox, mayor Ric. Croft, vicar Will. Baker John Burman Foulke Sellar John Hathaway Joseph Woolmer William Maris John Walker Wm Moseley At a Vestry held the i8th day of Aprill 1693 An acct. of the Officers Chose for the year ensuing^ Churchwardens for | j^ ^^^^ ^ Michael! Edwards the Burrough J Churchwardens for | ^j^^ Edwards & John Barber the Parish J Thomas Hiccox, mayor Tho. Rawlins John Hunt Ric. Croft, vicr John Taylor Joseph Hunt ' Kicn. iyei Overseers of the poore for the year John Bartlett ensueing John Burman j^ Burgman th'elder of Shottery John Walker j^^^ Samuell Sharpe Bridgtowne Thomas Southam ^^^^ j^^^^^^^^ Will. Moseley ^^^ ^^^^.j^^ ^ ^^ John Cotreel g^^^ . g^jj Thomas Bickerton John Cotrell Rich Gibs Jo : Sutch The Accounts of John Burman & John Walker, Church- wardens for the Burrough of Stratford In the year 1692 Imprs out of Purse the last year .... Pd for our oathes & Expences at the Visitation Pd. the Proctor for ye Whitson farthings Paid Mr. Mills his fees ..... Pd. for A Transcript and washing the Communion Table Cloth ... ... Expences at the last visitation .... //. s. d. I I 5 7 6 2 2 6 I STRATFORD-ON-AVON. '43 Pd. Mr. Mills his Fees and Wm. Castle his wages Pd. the Proctors Fees .... Pd. for Ringing at the Victory at Sea and November 5 Pd. Lea andWallton their years wages Pd. for Bellropes and washing the Surplice Pd. for two Bookes and A proclamation Pd. for 2 Foxes one Badger and 3 urchins . Pd. for Ringing on the thanksgiveing day . For leather for the Bells and for work done to ym. To Thomas Mills for Carrieing the transcript Expences at the Makeing our Leavies Paid Geo. Sowthern and Jo. Wake for mending a lock and seat .... Paid Mr. Tomlins for A Scuttle and Lime Expences att severall times in the year Pd. for Ringing at the visitation More for Ringing Pd. for 2 books and A Proclamation Pd. for Glaseing the church Pd. Jo. P>eeman as appears by Bill Pd. for mending the Leads . Wee crave allowance for money ungathered Paid for entring our accts. in the boock Reed by Levies 11 19 9 of ye Parish 5 16 3 And for graves 2 00 o In all . . . - . 19 16 00 //. s. < 7 6 2 6 14 I GO I I 04 04 07 05 4 02 6 05 02 G 01 2 05 13 4 2 8 3 01 12 6 07 03 7 00 05 00 08 ^7 GO 02 19 03 II Thomas Hiccox, mayor Ric. Croft, vicar Edward Elderton Joseph Woolmer In pocket . John Wake John Freeman Mich. Edwards Thomas Nason o 12 The Accts of John Hathaway and William Mosely Churchwardens of Old Stratford In the year 1692. Inprs. Pd. for takeing our Gates {sic) & spent at ye visitation ....••• Paid the Proctor the Whitson Farthings Paid Mr. Mills his Fees and William Castell his Wages . Expences at the Last Visitation .... I o o I 7 o 144 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF Pd. Mr. Mills his Fees and the Proctor his Fees . Pd. for Ringing at Xtmas and for Washing the Surplice Paid to Thomas White for Bell Ropes Pd. for 4 foxes 2 Bagers and 9 urchins Pd. for writeing our Levies and expences the same time Paid Jos. Bell as appears per Bills . Pd. Wm. Castell for A transcript for the last year and for Washing ...... Expences at several! times in the year Pd. for entring our accts. in the Book Payd to the Burrough Churchwardens Pd. in all Reed, by Lev 1239 and for Graves 2 o o In all Remaining in our hand the last year Tot. reed. Tot. Paid . In Pocket //. s. d. . 5 . 8 10 09 05 I 10 06 05 02 6 17 5 16 2 3 12 13 5 14 03 00 07 9 9 14 II 12 13 6 5 I iS Thomas Hiccox, mayor Ric. Croft, vicr. Edward Elderton Joseph Woolmer Thomas Edwards Jo. Barber Jo. Hathaway Willm. Mosely Memorandum John Hathaway Pd. ye Glasiers 2s. 6d. more then his due for the chancell windows & there is 5^-. due from Mr. Tyler wch. if Jo. Hathaway doe not receive it must be allowed him. At a Vestry held for ye parish of Old Stratford and Stratford upon Avon this 28th day of March 1694 it was then agreed as followeth. Imprimis yt a Levy be granted (and it is hereby granted) of twenty nine pounds to be equally divided between ye Town & Parish and raised for ye Repair of ye Church. Item yt ye great West Window be forthwith repaired and decently glazed at ye Discretion of ye present Church- wardens. STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 145 John Taylor Thomas Edwards John Wake John Harber ^ his marke Ric. Croft, vicar WilHam Maris Mich. Edward Att A vestry held the loth day of Aprill Anno Dom : 1694. Att this vestry it is ordered yt John Wallkcr Richard Bromley and severall other Persons yt doe refuse to Pay to the church Levy have a Citation given them to appear at Worcester Court to answer the same. It is likewise ordered yt ye old Churchwardens shall have A Moneth's time to gather Levies & to perfect ye worke to be done about ye Church repaires & to Give up their accts. And they are likewise to continue in the year ensueing. Churchwardens for the Burrough ■ { " ' ^ I Mich. Edwards _, , , - n • I. f John Barber & ■Churchwardens for ye Parish 1 ™, t-j j I Tho. Edwards ^ ^,Ti r.uD-uf Rich. Mosley & Overseers of the Poore for the Parish \ J I Tho. Harbidge It is likewise ordered yt the great West windows be new Glazed all w'th new Glas ye best yt can be got & the Strongest lead yt can be made for that Purpose and all the painted glas Placed by it self at the Top of the window And yt they, Mr. Croft & the Churchwardens consider of A convenient place to for (s/c) Mr. Hunt and to build him A seat in the church. John Clopton Rich. Croft, vicr Tho. Rawlins Samll. Case, mayor John Bartlett Thomas Hicco.x John Wake Joseph Hunt Mich. Edwards Edw. Elderton John Barber Thomas Edwards John Hathaway 146 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF Apr ill the loth, 1694. It was likewise agreed at the Vestry afores'd yt the Overseers of the Poore of the Parish shall at the next Sessions & thence forwards defend the Parish ag'st the Inhabitants of Bushwood in all matters & controversies yt may Arrise or are now in being concerneing the poor at the Publique Church of the Parish, & the s'd officers for the time being & and for the future shall be saved Harmeles by the Parish of Old Stratford. Tho. Rawlins John Bartlett Joseph Hunt Stephen Burman Jo. Barber Jo. Burman Tho. Spiers John Bury Thomas Edwards Will. Mares John Burman Symon Ball John Wells At A vestery /widen the ist day of March, Anno Dom. 1694. It is at this vestery Agreed that their shalbe A Levey made of Twenty pownds That is to say Tene pownds for the Burrough and Tene pownds for the parish. Ric. Croft, vicar John Woolmer, mayor Edw. Elderton Thomas Hiccox Matthew Collet Will. Baker Tho. Rawlins Att a Vestry held ye 26th of March 1695 being Easter Tewsday ye officers for ye yeare ensueing were elected as followeth Churchwardens i -^ ... ., I for ye Burrough \ Mr. William Wright J ^ " i Richard' Gibbs 1 r n • u \ ■ J- for ye Parish I Stephen Burman J At ye said Vestry it was agreed yt ye old Churchwardens have a fortnights time to gather up their respective Leavies and to give up their Accounts for ye 2 years last past STRATFORD-ON-AVON. '47 Ric. Croft, vicar Samll. Case John Wake Joshua Edwards Thomas Hiccox John Barber Thomas Edwards Francis Barnard John Burge I 3 5 1 6 o8 17 13 5 6 I 05 I2 19 10 17 14 GO The acc'ts of the Churchwardens of the Burroucfh of Stratford for the year 1693 Given in at A Vestrey held the 22th day of Aprill 1695. //. s. d. Their Receipts for the year 1693 were . . . 28 6 6 Their disbursm'ts were for the s'd year . . . 29 9 1 1 Soe yt they were out of Purse for yt year . Their Receipts for the year 1694 were Their disbur[se]ments were for the s'd year Soe yt they are out of purse for yt year . Parish Churchwardens acct's Their receipts for the year J693 were Their disbur[se]ments were for the said year Soe yt there Remains in their hands They crave an allowance for Bushwood money and w't other money they cannot collect Remaining in their Hands Their Receipts for the year 1694 were Their disbursments were for the said Soe that there Remains in their hands . Which they are to Pay to the PHurough Churchwardens besides i 15 9 more. In all 5 2 6 To make their acc'ts even the Burr. Churchwardens paying more yn they ought to haue p'd by the s'd sume of five pounds two shilling sixpence Soe that they will be then out of Pocket I 09 10 '5 14 10 10 07 '5 08 03 6 3 6 9 2 6 I i: L 2 148 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF Aprill the 22tli, i6g$. Att the s'd Vestry John Burman made it appear yt there was due to him 4^-. And also there is due for entring the acc'ts for ye two years ^s. in all twelve shillings which will make each of them out of Pocket more six shillings. The Burrough Churchwardens out of Purse . . . 2 14 6 The Parish Churchwardens out of Purse in all . .171 The Burrough Churchwardens Crave allowance for ?>s. 2>d.\ which they cannot Gather . . . J- 3 3 2 Soe yt they will be then out of Purse . . .1 Memorandum yt there is due to the Glasiers i 19 O for Glaseing the Chancell for the 2 years last past. Ric. Croft, vicar John Hathaway Edward Elderton John Wake Jo. Burman Thomas Edwards Tho. Nason Jo. Barber Wm. Wright Mich. Edwards John Noble Att a Vestery Jieald this 2d of September Anno Dovimi 1695. Whereas itt appeares as A record att A Vestery holden the first day of December 1680 that William Castle ujDon severall misdemeanors and upon submission to the Inhabi- tants of the towne & parish hi,s masters was continued his office for one yeare, upon his good behavior w'ch since hee hath severall tymes brocken and doth acknowledge the same, that hee hath behaved himself insolently & negly- gently and promiseth amendment for the future, Nowe wee whose names arc hereunto subscribed acceptinge of his presente submission and in consideracion of his great age and infermityes doe continue him in his office upon his good behaviour and noc Longer or otherwise to bee turned out att pleasure. STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 149 John Woolmer, mayor Tho. Rawlins Rich. Tyler Thomas Hiccox Will. Baker Foulke Sellar Robert P'awden Joseph Woolmer John Wake Matthew Collit George Hands Phillip Wickins William Maris John Huckell John Walker Mich. Edward I William Castle parish Cleark and Sexton do acknowledge myself w'th all submission to have justly offended in many grievous particulars and doe under my hand promise better obedi- ence to my masters & superiours for the future. Witness my hand his marke Wm. Jjs Castle Wm. Wright 1 ^, ,,, , '^ Ch. W ard. John Noble J Josh : Smith Att a Vestry held ye 3d of Aprill 1696 Wm. Wright & John Noble being Churchwardens for ye Burrough & Stephen Burman & Richard Gibbs Churchwardens for the Parrish Memorandum, itt was then agreed that a Lcav}- bee granted to ye sayd Churchwardens for ye raiscing of Threescore pounds, viz. Thirty pounds upon ye Burrough and Thirty pounds upon the parish Will. Baker Richard Izod Henry Churchill John Barber Ric. Croft, vicar John Woolmer Thomas Hiccox Thomas Woolmer Tho. Hiccox, junr. Thomas Edwards Mich. Edwards Att a Vestry held ye 14th of Aprill 1696 Wm. Wright & John Noble being Churchwardens for the Burrough & Stephen Burman and Richard Gibbs, Churchwardens for ye Parish Memorandum the Disbursements of the Burrough Churchwardens came to . . • • Receipts of the same Churchwardens Rests due to ye Churchwardens of the Burrough I s. 34 17 03 01 1 1 08 33 05 06 150 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF £ s. d. Memorandum ye Disbursements of the parish Church- wardens came to . . . . . 27 10 04 Receipts of the same Churchwardens . . . 01 18 04 Rests due to ye Churchwardens . . 26 01 00 M'd itt is agreed att this Vestry that ye Churchwardens of the Burrough and parish shall have a moneth to collect their Leavyes & make upp their Accounts The Churchwardens elected for the Burrough for ye year ensueing Mr. Tho. Hiccox, junr. and Thomas Cale, Shoemaker. The Churchwardens for the parish Michaell Evotts & Jonathan Hently Thomas Woolmer Ric. Hohries John Taylor WilHam Cole Joseph Smith Ric. Croft, vicr Richd Izod John Woohiier Tho. Nason Edw. Elderton R. Mason Att a Vestry held the 2d of May 1696 Wm Wright & John Noble being Churchwardens for the Burrough & Stephen Burman and Richard Gibbs Churchwardens for the parish Memorandum the whole disbursements of the towne £ s. d. Came to . . . . . . . 35 05 06 Receipts . . . . . . . 33 02 og Rests due to ye Churchwardens of the Ikurough . . 02 02 og Memorandum the whole disbursem'ts of the parish came to . . . . . . . . 28 06 05 Receipts . . . . . . . 37 08 og Rests in their hands . . . . . . og 03 04 Out of which they must pay to the Churchwardens of the Burrough . . . . . . 04 1 1 02 £2 2s. od. to bee pd. to Churchwardens^ & the rest to be paid to ye old Churchwardens Mr Wake & Mich. Edwards 1 Md. 5J-. bd. due to Wm Izod for repairs of ye Chancell windows. STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 151 Ric. Croft, vicr Saml Hollam, mayor Ric. Holmes John W'oolmer John Wake Thomas Hiccox Mich. Edwards Thomas Woohncr Stephen Barman Joseph Woohner The marke of Wm Wright Richard :^ Gibbs John Noble Att A vestry held the 12th day of May 1696 Thomas Cale and Thomas Hiccox being Churchwardens for ye Burrough and Michaell Evetts and Jonathan Hently Churchwardens elect & publisht for the parrish being present butt ye Vestry was call'd by Wm Wright & John Noble who were ye late Churchwardens of the Burrough without the consent or knowledge of Stephen Burman and Richard Gibbs who were ye late Churchwardens of the Parrish. Itt is ordered by the Inhabitants of the Towne and Parrish that the Accounts of the late Churchwardens of the Towne being upon examinacion found unjust & un- reasonable & that the sd Accounts upon search beinge not to be found in the Chest where the Records and Papers relateinge to the Towne and parish are kept but are supposed to bee privately taken away by the Church- wardens of the Towne WilliaiTi Wright and John Noble or one of them, wee the Inhabitants of the sd Towne and Parrish doe at this Vestry enter our protestacion against the said Accounts and doe order that the said Accounts both of the Towne & Parrish be within a weeke from henceforth product and entred togeather with the Levyes that have beene made by the said Churchwardens there- upon And that for the future All the Accounts oi the Churchwardens both of the Towne and Parish & the levyes made by them shall from time to time & yearely & every yeare bee entred into this booke or other Register booke hereafter be made for the said Towne & Parrish allowing Clerkes fees as formerly (vizt) Two shillings 152 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF Ric. Croft, vicr Mich. Evettes Tho. Hiccox The ^ marck of Jonthan Hently Christoph Skering (?) Ed. Logg Rolle De (?) Joseph Casle Joseph Hunt Samuell — Rich. Tyler Foulke Sellar Ricd. Holmes John Hunt Tho. Cale Thomas Capp Tho. Farraine Att a Vestry held ye ^th of Angt, 1696. Thomas Hiccox ye younger & Thomas Cale Shoomaker being Churchwardens for ye Burrough & Michaell Evetts & Jonathan J-Icntly Churchwardens for ye Parish itt is ordered & agreed upon as followeth First that a convenient seate bee made for Mr Foulke Chernock and his family att his owne proper charge of about foure foote wide in ye middle Isle next to ye seate of Mr Browne Thomas Hiccox Ric. Croft, vicr. Will. Baker Tho. Hiccox \ r\, v, Foulke Sellar Tho. Cale \ , Thomas Woolmer Mich. Evettes J John Bartlett Jonath. ^ Hentley Tho. Nason his mark Thomas Capp Stephen Burman Joseph Freeman Att a Vestry held ye i6th of March 1696 Thomas Hiccox the younger and Tho, Cale Shoomaker being Church- wardens for the Burrough & Michael Evetts & Jonathan Hently Churchwardens for the parish itt is order'd as followeth. Inprimis, itt is order'd that a Leavye of thirty pounds being granted to ye Churchwardens of the Burrough and parish towards the reimbursing of them their last year's disbursement. Order'd that Mr Richard Watts of Ryhen Clifford shall have liberty to erect att his owne charge a convenient seate in the South Isle of this Church to adjoyne exactly STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 1 53 to the pulpitt staiers Westward according as itt is now marked & sett forth. Tho. Hiccox, junr Rich. Taylor Tho. Case Church- Tho. Wooliner Michaell Evettes -wardens Tho. Challoner The marke ^ of Jona- N. Mason than Hently ^ Joseph Woohiier Ric. Croft, vicr John Noble Thomas Hiccox Richard Watts Joseph Hunt John Cotrcl Fulk Chernock Att a Vestry held the Sixth day of Aprill 1697 Thomas Hiccox the younger and Thomas Cale, Shoe maker bcinge Churchwardens for the Burrough & Michael Evettes & Jonathan Hently Churchwardens for the Parrish itt is ordered as followeth : //. s. d. Memorandum the disbursmts of the Burrough Church- wardens come to . . . . . 17 06 iij Receipts of the same Churchwardens . . . 18 03 10 Soe that there remaines in the hands of the Churchwardens of ye Burrough . . . . . 00 1 7 97 Allow'd for money they cannot collect ^s. 9^/. So rests in theire hands \os. Memorandum the disbursmts of the Churchwardens of the Parrish are . . . . . 16 16 05 Receipts of the same churchwardens . . . 17 16 o Soe remaines in the hands of the churchwardens for ye Parrish . . . . . . 01 00 05 Churchwardens ellected for the Burrough are John Wilkins Henry Churchill — Churchwardens ellected for the Parish, Mr. Francis Barnard, William Maris. Overseers of the Poore of the Parrish John Morris & Samuel Sharpe Itt is agreed that the Chimeinge on Sunday shall be continued & \Os. shall be allowed wch shall be pd equally by the Burrough & Parrish Henry Smith John Hathaway 154 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF Att this Vestry itt's ordered that the money collected at the severall sacraments for the yeare next ensueinge shall be kept in the hands of the Churchwardens till Easter next & soe from yeare to yeare hence forward & shall [be] imployed to such uses & purposes as shall bee thought fitt & agreed on at the Vestry to be held at Easter yearly, the money to bee collected from time to time siiall be putt in the chest and there kept till Easter. The Churchwardens oftheTowne& Parish are allowed a mounthes time from henceforward for collectinge theire Levycs. The severall matters mencioned on the other side are agreed to by us Will. Baker, mayor Ric. Croft, vicr John Woolmer Tho. Hiccox •\ Thomas Hiccox Tho. Cole V Joseph Hmit Michaell Euett J '^^^'^^"^• Joseph Smith Francis Barnard Thomas Southam John Rury Ric. Holmes John Noble Att a Vestry held ye nth of March 1697^ Henry Churchill & John Wilkins being Churchwardens for the Burrough & Era. Barnard & Wm. Maris Churchwardens for the Parish itt is order'd as followeth Att this Vestry Wm. Castle declared that hee was willing to resigne upp his sexton's place. And at the same Vestry there was new eleccion and the candidates for the said place were John Gray and Richard Smith als. Bucke & the Parrishioners proceeded a pole and there were for the said John Gray Threescore voices & for Richard Smith als. Bucke there were Threescore and Twelve voices & the sd. Richard Smith als. Bucke haveing the majority is declared to be Sexton for the said Parrish of Old Stratford. Att this Vestry 'twas agreed that the Churchwardens 1 Stratford Burrough. STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 1 55 of the Towne and Parrish shall place Mrs. Susannah Edwards & her son Avery Edwards in the seate in the South He where mr. Richard Watts of Ryen Clifford now sitt being the Ancient seate wherein her husband formerly had a kneeling place. And shee the said Mrs. Edwards shall pay Mr. Richard Watts for charges about the Erectinge a New seate in that place, six shillings & eight pence. At this Vestry the Churchwardens doe crave an Allow- ance for money by them disburst wch they say besids theire receipts amounts to about Thirty Eight pounds, but in regard they have broken a former order whereby it appeares the Churchwardens are not to expend above five pounds in repaires of the church with {sic) the consent of a Vestry. Itt is therefore agreed that the Churchwardens of ye Towne & Parrish shall have a levy for Thirty-eight pounds and the offence committed ag'st the sd order shall be considered upon the settling and bringing in theire Accounts. John Woolmer Foulke Sellar John Taylor Robert Favvdon Henry Churchill Francis Barnard John Willkins William Maris ' Joseph Woolmer Alt a Vestry ye 26th of Aprill, 1698. Allowed then to ye Churchwardens for the Repaires of the Church A Leavey of Forty pounds for glazeing & other reparacions done, wch money so disbursed by the Burrough & Parish and equally to be borne and wee doe allowe ye church wardens A monthes tyme to gather upp theire money & cleere theire Accounts. Officers for the yearc ynsueinge (1698) Churchwardens for the Burrough Henry Churchill John Wilkins continued 156 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK OF Churchwardens for ye Parrish Francis Barnard William Maris continued Overseers of ye Poore for this paste yeare (98) for the Parrish Thomas Weale of Bishopton and John Morris of Shottery. Att this Vestry pursuant to a former order made to the purpose It was agreed that noe Churchwardens either of the Towne or Parrish shall expend in repaires either upon the church or chancell any some of money on the repaires in generall exceeding the some of five pounds unlesse such further repaires bee first allowed at a Vestry. And every such churchwarden shall forfeite the some of Twenty shillings apeece for every such offence to be paid to the next churchwardens. Thomas Hiccox Tho. Rawlins John Taylor Joseph Woolmer Edw. Elderton John Woolmer John Hunt Joseph Hunt July 22, 98. Memorandum yt at a Vestry it was agreed yt a Levey be raised upon ye owners and Occupiers of ye Tythes of ye Parish of Old Stratford to repair ye Chancel at ye rate of sixteen pence halfpenny per pound ye whole coming to Thirty Three pounds eleven shillings & threepence. 20 16 I Ric. Croft, vicr 19 07 5 Henry Churchill John Wilkins I 8 8 William Maris Mar. 31, 99. At a Vestry held March ye 31, 1699 Mr. Henry Churchil & John Wilkins Ch. Wardens for ye Burrough & Will'ni Marice & Francis Bernard Ch. Wardens for ye Parish, it was agreed upon and ordered as followeth. STRATFORD-ON-AVON. 1 57 That a Leavy of Nine pounds be granted to yc Ch. Wardens of ye Burrough towards ye reimbursing their necessary charges & Expenses, and a Levy of Nine pounds to ye Ch. Wardens of ye Parish. Ric. Croft, vicr Matt. Collett, mayor Thomas Cale John Woohner Henry Churchill WilHam Maris Att a vestry held the i \th day of April I, Anno Dom. 1699. The accts of Henry Churchill & John Wilkins church- wardens of ye Burr, of Stratford and Francis Bernard and William Mayres churchwardens of the Parish of Old Stratford were then Entred as followeth. Their Receipts for the year 1697 were . . . 45 04 01 Their Disburstments in ye same year were . . 44 19 01^ In purse . Receipts more ..... In Purse . Their Receipts for the year 1698 were Their Disbursmts in the same year were . Out of purse The Churchwardens for both years are in Purse . Matt. Collett, mayor Ric. Croft, vicr John Woolmer Edward Elderton Foulke Sellar Memorandum, It was agreed on att this vestry yt the order made in Aprill 1697 for disposall of the Sacrament money shall be observed and yt Mr. Croft and the Church- wardens for every succeeding year shall consider of ye best way to dispose of the same yearly for the future. GO 05 I 8 8 I 13 8 21 12 1 23 00 09 I 8 8 5 158 VESTRY MINUTE-BOOK. Tho. Veale Ric. Croft, vicr Jo. Morris Joseph Hunt Tho. Spiers John Bartlett Wm, Home Edward Elderton Jo. Burman 1699. The Church\varden.s for the Burrough & Parish of Old Stratford for the year abovesaid are as follovveth. „ T^ ro^^rj r Joshua Smith & For ye Burr, of Stratford \ ■' . I Richard Izod For ye Parrish of Old Stratford -! P •- I Thomas Burman „ r.i r. r r-, ■ i, i Stephen Burman Overseers of the Foore for ye Parish < . ^ I Richard Marshall Matt. Collett, mayor Ric. Croft, vicr John Woolmer Thomas Hiccox Rich. Tyler John Taylor Foulke Sellar Edw. Elderton John Hunt Joseph Hunt Francis Barnard Henry Churchill Tho. Spiers John Wilkins Tho. Veale & 1 ^ -' \ Overseers William Maris Jo. Morris J Att a Vestry Held June 5th Anno Dom. 1699, by ye Churchwardens & other Inhabitants & allowed their dis- bursments £ s. d. since Easter to be . . . . . . 3 14 6 they having in their hands at Easter . . .050 soe there remaines due to ym . . . -396 Henry Churchill John Willkins William Maris Josh. Smith Samuell Baker ^ ::p 1 A. o \o i „.m,n.9,l^J"^"^ REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY "||I||||III|{|||I|I|IM AA 000 241 657 6 i