o -n r r o S HS 1043 C3A34 1881 J BANCROFT LIBRARY THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA MODEL BY-LAWS . PREPARED BY THE COMMITTEE OF THE Uvitnii .iodide, af Salifaraia, * I. O. O. F. SAN FRANCISCO. 1881 WiNTERBURN & CO'S PRINT. Sfc rns\ BY-LAWS y\Sl L 3A& MEETINGS. ' V j Sec. 1. The regular meetings of this Lodge shall be on evening of each week, at . o'clock from to , both inclusive, and at o'clock from first to thirty- first, both inclusive. Sec. 2. Special meetings may be called by the Noble Grand at his discretion, and shall be called by him when so required by a vote of the Lodge, or the request in writing of five members. Notice of all special meetings shall be given, and no business shall be transacted at special meetings except such as is specified in the notice. QUOBUM. Sec. 3. At all meetings five members, one of whom must be qualified to preside, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Sec. 4. If a quorum do not attend within .... minutes after the time for opening, the E. S., or in his absence some brother present, shall make a memorandum of the facts and of the names of the brothers present; such memorandum shall be de- livered to the Lodge at the next meeting, and en- tered on the minutes. membership. Sec. 5. All applications for membership must, in addition to the constitutional requirements, be BY-LAWS. accompanied by the requisite fee, and a certificate of the physical condition of the applicant, from a physician approved by the Lodge. Sec. 6. Should a candidate fail to appear with- in six weeks after his election and notice of the fact, the election shall be null and void, and the advance fee shall be returned, unless further time be granted by the Lodge. Sec. 7. No candidate shall be initiated on the night of his election, except by a two-thirds vote of the members present. Every person admitted to membership shall sign the Constitution and By- Laws, inform the Permanent Secretary of his place of residence, and on changing it, shall immediately give notice of such change to the Lodge. ADMISSION FEES. Sec. 8. Persons admitted to membership shall pay the following fees, to wit: By Initiation, A.O. F. and Dismissal Certificate: If . . years or under $ From . . to . . years, add $ . . for each addi- tional year From . . to 50 years, add $ . . for each addi- tional year Over 50 years, add $ . . for each additional year By Deposit of Card: If . . years or under $ And shall also be the same additional, ac- cording to age, as a candidate for initiation. Non-beneficial member $ By Reinstatement: After expulsion $ BY-LAWS 5 Sec. 9. Ten dollars shall be charged for each of the First and Second Degrees, and for the Third, five dollars. DEGREES. Sec. 10. Degrees shall not be granted to a m em- ber indebted to the Lodge, or against whom there are charges undecided. If the degrees be refused a brother, no application shall be again received from him within three months. Sec. 11. The fee for Visiting Cards shall be $ The fee for Withdrawal Cards shall be $ Sec. 12. Each member (except non-bene- ficial) shall pay as dues, per quarter (or month) $. Non-beneficial member, per quarter ASSESSMENTS AND FINES, WHEN DUE. Sec. 13. Assessments and fines shall be due and payable on the next regular meeting after being levied and imposed. FUNDS. Sec. 14. The funds of the Lodge shall be invested only in or upon the security of real estate or bonds of the United States or State of California, or de- posited at interest in savings banks; but no more than two-thirds of the entire funds shall be placed or remain in any one of such investments. Sec. 15 Investments made in conformity with Section . . shall not be changed by the Lodge, ex- cept by a two-thirds vote, after the motion for that purpose has been laid over for weeks. b BY-LAWS. Sec. 16. Benefits due, and the current expenses of the Lodge, may be paid by a majority vote at any meeting, but no money shall be otherwise paid out in an amount exceeding $25 to any one person or for any one purpose, except by a two-thirds vote; and in amounts exceeding $50, except by resolution, which shall be laid over at least one week, and be adopted by a two-thirds vote. Sec. 17. Funds shall in no case be loaned to members. BENEFITS. Sec. 18. Benefits paid by this Lodge in case of sickness or disability shall be as follows: For and during the first two weeks: Initiates $ Member of the First Degree $ Member of the Second Degree $ Member of the Third Degree $ And for and during the remainder of such sickness: Initiates $ Member of the First Degree $ Member of the Second Degree $ Member of the Third Degree $..... Provided, that no benefits shall be paid for a part of a week's sickness, or for any sickness caused by intemperance, improper or immoral conduct. Sec. 19. Benefits are in no case to be paid for more than one week anterior to a report being made to the Lodge, an elective officer thereof, or to a member of the Visiting Committee, if the brother resides within the jurisdiction of this Lodge, but if out of such jurisdiction, and within the jurisdic- tion of some other Lodge or Belief Committee, to such Lodge or Relief Committee. The Visiting BY-LAWS. Committee must in every instance report on a case before payment of benefits. Sec. 20. Any brother sick while absent from the jurisdiction of this or any other Lodge or Relief Committee, claiming benefits, shall present to the Lodge a certificate of a physician, or if on a vessel without a physician, of the master thereof, stating the cause and nature of such disability, which cer- tificate shall be verified before some competent officer ; and such a certificate shall be furnished for each weeks for which benefits are claimed. Initiates shall not be entitled to benefits for the first six months, and other brothers for the first three months, of membership or of reinstatement. Sec. 21 The widow of a brother who at the time of his death was entitled to sick benefits, so long as she remains a widow and maintains a good character, if disabled by sickness or accident from earning a livelihood, shall receive from the Lodge such sums as the Lodge may think proper to do- nate, not exceeding dollars per month. FUNERALS. Sec. 22. On the death of a brother, the sum of dollars shall be appropriated and paid to- ward defraying his funeral expenses, and no further expense shall be incurred except such as may be necessary for the accommodation of the Lodge^m attending the funeral. If no funeral expenses are incurred by the Lodge or dependent relatives by the death of a brother, no appropriation shall be made. Sec 23. On the death of a brother the N. G., aided by the other officers, shall prepare for the fu- neral and summon the members to attend bv notice. $ BY-LAWS. Sec. 24. At the funeral, before leaving the Lodge-room, the Recording Secretary shall issue to each member reporting, a check, under seal and numbered, and shall enter in a book the name of each brother receiving such check, numbered to correspond with the check . Sec. 25. After the funeral and at the place of burial, each brother shall deliver, in person, his check to the marshal, who shall, at or before the next meeting, return the same to the Permanent Secretary. Each check so returned shall entitle the brother to a credit of $ Checks shall only be delivered and ^returned in the manner and at the times provided in this section. FUNERAL ASSESSMENTS. Sec. 26. At the next regular meeting, the Noble Grand shall declare levied, a funeral assessment of $ . . . . upon each member of the Lodge, to be charged to his account. PENALTIES. Sec. 27. A member in arrears more that thir- teen weeks, either for dues, assessments, or fines, shall not be entitled to speak or vote on any ques- tion before the Lodge. He shall not be entitled to benefits on account of any disability that may accrue while so in arrears; nor for weeks after pay- ing the same. Sec. 28. A member of the Visiting Committee neglecting his duty, or a brother neglecting or re- fusing to watch with the sick, after notification by the N. G. or Visiting Committee, shall be fined not exceeding $ BY-LAWS. Sec. 29. Any member accepting an appoint- ment on a committee and failing to attend to the duties thereof, shall be fined not exceeding $ BALLOTS AND ELECTIONS. Sec. 30. When balloting the ballot-box shall be placed in full view of the Noble Grand The mem- bers shall advance singly and deposit their ballots, which shall be inspected by the Noble Grand and his Supporters, and the result declared by the Noble Grand. Sec. 31. At elections for officers and represen- tatives, the Warden (with two tellers appointed by the Noble Grand) shall receive, canvass the votes and declare the result to the Noble Grand, who shall announce it to the Lodge. Members shall vote as their names are called by the Permanent Secretary. A majority of the votes cast shall be necessary to elect. If on the second ballot there be no choice, the third shall be taken between the two brothers having the most votes. OFFICERS AND THEIR DUTIES. Sec. 32. Official duties are prescribed by the obligations and charges of office, the general laws and usages of the Order, the Constitution and these By-Laws. NOBLE GRAND. Sec. 33. The Noble Grand shall require officers and members of committees to perform their duties; appoint committees not othewise provided for; give the casting vote only, except at elections and on applications for membership ; sign orders drawn by the Kecording Secretary on the Treasurer for moneys legally voted; previous to closing require the Permanent Secretary to read the receipts of the evening, and ask the Treasurer if he has received 10 BY-LAWS. the same. He shall also, on the evening of in- stallation, appoint a Finance Committee to serve for the term, consisting of three members, not hav- ing charge of Lodge funets. VICE GRAND. Sec. 34, The Vic 3 Grand shall preside in the absence of the Noble Grond, and shall perform such other duties as are prescribed in the laws and usages of the Order. RECORDING SECRETARY. Sec. 35. The Recording Secretary shall have charge of the seal of the Lodge, and affix the same to official docments when so directed by the proper authority. He shall keep accurate minutes of Lodge proceedings, sign or attest, as the case may be, cards certificates, drafts, and official documents. endorse and file all papers pertaining to Lodge trans- actions. Number serially and rile all communica- tions from the Grand Master and Grand Secretary. and enter an abstract thereof, and the number, on the minutes: keep the Black Book, in which shall be recorded the suspensions, rejections, expulsions. and reinstatements in this jurisdiction, stating date and cause; give the notice required by Article VII. Section 8 of the Constitution, and perform all other duties required by law and usage. PERMANENT SECRETARY. Sec. 36. A Permanent Secretary sha.l,be elected annually at the last regular meeting in and receive such compensation as the Lodge shall from time to time determine. He shall keep in a regular set of books, including Ledger. Journal. Receipt and Cash Books, and "such others as may be re- quired by the Lodge and the laws and usages of BY-LAWS. 11 the Order, all the accounts of the Lodge with its members or others. He shall also keep a book in which the residence of each member is recorded, and in which he shall note any change of the same. He shall receive and receipt for all money due the Lodge, and pay the same to the Treasurer at each Lodge meeting. He shall give the notices required by Section 1 of Article VII of the Constitution, and shall keep a copy of the same, or the substance thereof, with the date, on a stub, to be retained by him in a book prepared for that purpose; keep a f the names of members elected to degrees, with the date and number; endorse cards of visit- ors; during the months of June and December of year, and previous to the last meeting in said months, notify each member who is in any way in- debted to the Lodge, of the state of his account; assist the Becording Secretary in making his term reports, and render to the Lodge at the close of each term an abstract of all accounts on Lodge books, together with the receipts and expenditures of the term. He shall also furnish at each election a list of the members entitled to vote to the N. G., under his direction call the same, and perform such other duties as may be required by the Lodge, and the laws and usages of the Order. TREASURES. Sec. 37. The Treasurer, prior to installation, shall give a joint and several bond, payable to the Trustees in trust for the Lodge, in such sum as required, with two or more sureties for the faithful performance of his duty; reecive from the Permanent Secretary, each Lodge-night, the money in his hands; pay all orders drawn on him by the Noble Grand by authority of the Lodge, and attested by the Becording Secretary under the seal thereof; give, when requested by the Noble Grand or Lodge, a 12 statement, in writing, of money on hand; report, at the first meeting of each month, receipts and ex- penditures of the preceding month, with balance on hand; at the last meeting of each term, report the term receipts and expenditures, and exhibit vouchers ; and have his books written up for examination by the Finance Committee within twenty-four hours thereafter. TRUSTEES. > Sec. 38. The Trustees of this Lodge shall con- sist of three members in good standing, to be so elected that the term of office of but one shall ex- pire semi-annually. At each regular election of officers one Trustee shall be elected by ballot, to serve for eighteen months. Sec. 39. The said Board of Trustees shall Jiold in trust all stocks, securities, investments, property and funds 'belonging to this Lodge, and transfer, exchange or deposit the same or any part thereof, when required by the Lodge so to do ; and shall also keep the funds invested, for the best in- terests of the Lodge, in such stocks, bonds and mortgages, or other securities, as shall be approved of by a two-thirds vote of the members present at a regular meeting, or deposit the same in some sav- ings bank. Sec. 40. Before entering upon the duties of his office, each Trustee shall give a bond, with not less than two approved sureties, in such sum and upon such conditions as the Lodge may require. Sec. 41. It shall be their duty to have the gen- eral supervision of the widows and orphans of de- ceased members of the Lodge, and render them such assistance as the Lodge may direct, or the rules and usages of the Order may require. 13 Sec. 42. On the expiration of their term of of- fice or removal therefrom, they shall deliver to their successors in office, or such persons as shall be ap- pointed, all the books, papers, bonds, or other property they may have in their hands belonging to the Lodge. Sec. 43. They shall keep a full and correct ac- count of all money received, expended, or invested, and at the close of each semi-annual term, make a full report in writing, of all business transacted by them during the term, together with a particular statement of the funds and investments belonging to the Lodge. Sec. 44. The member having the shortest term to serve shall act as President. Sec. 45. The Warden shall canvass votes, when directed by the Noble Grand, and perform the other duties of his office. OUTSIDE GUARDIAN. Sec. 46. The Outside Guardian in addition to the duties of his office, shall, under the Warden, take care of the regalia and the Lodge-room, re- ceiving such compensation as the Lodge votes. CHAPLAIN. Sec. 47. The Noble Grand may appoint a Chap- plain, who shall open and close regular meetings with prayer, and perform such other appropriate duties as the Lodge directs. JUNIOR PAST GEAND. Sec. 48. The Junior Past Grand shall attend all regular meetings, deliver the Past Grand's 14 BY-LAWS. charge, and act as Outside Conductor when required by the Noble Grand. STANDING COMMITTEES. Visiting Committee . Sec. 49. The Visiting Committee shall con- sist of the Noble Grand, Vice Grand, Treasurer, ...., ..; , , They shall visit each brother reported sick within twenty- four hours thereafter, and see that he is properly cared for during his sickness or disability. They shall visit each sick brother each week, and at such times and in such order as the committee may deem proper, or as the Lodge shall have prescribed. They shall see that watchers are provided a brother, whfin necessary, from among the members; or in case of contagious disease, that nurses are employed •under direction of the Lodge. Finance Committee. Sec. 50. The Finance Committee shall examine and report on all claims and accounts; audit, at the end of each term, the accounts of the officers or committees having charge of Lodge Funds or prop- erty, and report thereon at the first regular meeting in each term, or when required by the Lodge. Belief Committee. Sec. 51. The Relief Committee shall consist of the Noble Grand and Vice Grand, unless otherwise ordered subject to the laws of the General Belief Committee. COMMITTEES OF INVESTIGATION. Sec. 52. Whenever a committee has been ap- pointed to investigate the character of a candidate for admission, it shall be their duty to first examine 15 the Black Book, then ascertain the candidate's age, health, profession, residence and general character, and make a faithful report in writing at the next regular meeting. NOTICES. Sec. 53. A notice to a member by the proper Secretary shall be a legal notice if sent through the post-office addressed to him at his last known resi- dence, except where personal or other notice is required by law. EEPOETS OF COMMITTEES. Sec. 54. Keports of committees, except Visiting Committees, shall be in writing, and signed by a majority thereof. EXPLANATION OF WOEDS. Sec 55. Whenever the word "member" or "members," "brother" or "brothers," is used in these By-Laws, it means " of this Lodge." Sec. 56. The phrase " two-thirds vote " means two-thirds of those present and entitled to vote. AMENDMENTS, ETC. Sec. 57. No part of these By-Laws shall be altered, amended or repealed, except by resolution offered at a regular meeting, laid over at least one week, and adopted by a two-thirds vote. Sec. 58. All former By-Laws and Kules are hereby repealed.