Gilhoolevisms o07. r (3 r Gilhooleyisms GILHOOLEYISMS &YLOR{>. ifiifi. 1001 BY FKKDKinCK HKNKI SKV.Morii ill October, 19T-* G1LHOOLEY1SMS hough Truth is mighty .-it often emerges from contact with \ "sassiety" in a woefully \ bedraggled j r \ condition. J v he wise cat never waits for the second I* ' bootjack. ^ome people are so anxious to be good that they overshoot the mark, and instead of / being Christ-like, they are / 7 only cranky. \ he difference between a young woman and an old one is that the young woman is .1 i. I . " ff r ** \'^ 'v? 5 J'ou can't avoid -^1^ " *'' 0f*>*. trouble even by minding your own business. Look at the lobster! ho doesn't say anything to anybody; 1 yet he's always getting into hot water. past' is gone, the future ^ _~=- J) hasn't come, and the present is only a thing that is with you \ it should make you feel as if you should start for the wood-pile and get busy with your axe. f s not the "loudest arnens that get the Lord's ear the quickest. C~~^ ^~\-s. ^ - . Tie'unloveliness x of a bigoted^person_js because he thinks ( that everyone who do,es not agree with him sTiould either change .1 f ' 'Ms the devil's own plan jr anyone follows^vho tries to escape misery , , V<""~K- rf v ' ; ' *^^ by getting more of it,- ''^ >^ = 7 < % v ^ -like trying to 'drown trouble ^'v^^-: 1 with hard drink i'hen a young i j woman becomes a new woman x 'there's hope tor her; she [ I .may reform. when an old woman becomes a new woman, there's no hope. is a great difference between -*%$ the man who only wishes to say j|f ,v<; something Sf ''/ ,^$ f V w > ,, , y f/~.&'4 1tf*r^Il^1 P ^^, r /-.; | I r } F .'and the man who has something to say. | Sum the hose Li **" of ridicule on a man's enthusiasm, and it will wilt like a starched ^ bhirt-bosom in a shower. , c '. sy^-^&^V, en supply the K^??"; "X, \tfyH : ./fjtf^ :>, * world with the biggest ',' - // ^ i , . - jools; hut x | i. .. '- -/ 1 it has t.iken a woman to make each one of them. foolish for strong young men to damage I each other so in a f scramble over a bag of wind. /* NV// when they much some poor widow's " " ' < wood-pile. at Vrnan who can't sing but thinks he can is no bigger fool than the man who is always talking and saying nothing. P he * ; ''-\* greatest heraes' are unknown. "If lie re is no dog who loves to bite better than the dog that has no teeth. ome people with an idea are like an ass bearing a pole with a. wisp of hay hung in front of his nose- they will follow au; what they themselves carry, until they are lost he woe-begone Author! There's the trouble he has to write /, anything worth printing 14 and then to finti.ariy to publish it;l, : but worst of all is to get the people to read it pflihe colic that raises a ruction in the interior of a // 4'tDuke has i fmany points of S^, resemblance to the cramp in the newsboy who has \ been trifling with gVeen ^-N apples. -5'6'fi" Sf-\\ /f (' ; i"-.{#he hardest // *1f i- y[ y.^ J7 r - job a man ever tackled is to ^ fry to convincefa) & woman against \ - s .^ her will. ; music will cause . --;.- ;-the world to stop its ears jOme ^..^^ women never learn the great difference between conversation and talk. / vv f A N /ebt is the /T->, t ' disturbing a that perches on J* V^. the ridge-pole of your ^ 1-^" - ^ ^ - ""* ^ r - -~ /S house and crows loudest - '&,/' ' when you most want sleep he living of a life is the gaining of "* **' 'l experience; { "'. but the trouble is vl r - . v in the time you ** .vastc in gaining exi^enences that are needless. f((Cj,).ome people show great haste in parting with the innocence / of youth, but # ( ?"'':> great slowness / '( ' ^ in parting ^ 1 % with &4r ,&:;*/:, ..;,- .5%. : its " ;; " : - : tsl 1 L [5 foolishness \ you wish to nicct wiHi clisast(;r, try to joke with a stupid person ij*fE; r ~ 'V ' < '-' " - a woman X , .^. '.if"' calling herself ^yflthe epitaph that says a man did much good and, some ill, is much to be preferred to one ^ .' that says -U--J -^ - '. ";<; \-^ Ifte did nothing. \f-:'W .(u^ 1 ' ', % ;/ v i,VX?i \; . DKf -''V| v | 'i' <.;'/{ hat he - - = ; will not have to repent having eaten too much is no consolation to t is pleasant enough to endurefhe^tribulation that comes \ \ in the shape of a beautiful J would be fewer fo,Qls if HMf the thought were expended on fjljing fjjjj.J. the mind that there is in filling the ; regenerate ^ V- mankind on / and he himselt would bupply it. things come to him , v -/ NOTED ST. ^-^^\-%: ^ -/./''/ ,/-r:, ^w/^ ''&%<> 4^ MSp^^ ; .*^'S" ?x ?v >Xr ' ^WttfcyJ ' ft " ^ r , jT ^^' -^ 1; ' Tjjjffi/Ll ' I', - s~ "S c oud P ra V in g !, '* / , '.' : ""4. v,-. j * J - ! | '// and psalm-singing will not help your credit at the corner grocery . ryin8 " to (lrive {l ~' V wagon of life, with a ;r / -' single mule called "hope" won't get you there. .,"' / spent in thinking over the jnany things she doesn't want A man who can say V \ things in a \ T CM -I >< i >plt> u In i find thh> \voi Id -'> u i> kcd I fight the h.ii di -1 ,iu n It'avi ! ' 3^ ''f f od keep the home where it is (thought to r b;e, more ^necessary to have a ^,- piano than , good /food. ' ,^ /I loudest cries of hard luck | come from those who ffj " have destroyed ) their bodies with drink, " their reputations with disgrace, and their minds ^j"--.,. .:,.,..- j with want. here, are people who make themselves so ^--"'"ridiculous, living, that they are not forgotten when dead. hile thinking of the good times coming /^ that you 1 V may enjoy them all the sooner he reward of ill nature is the everybody laughs wht you slip on a banana peel i to whistle**^ every time they small rat will break up a sewing-circle as quickly bf f ftf as! a big elephant^ withthe ^ JSi v to jim-jams. generally hap'py. ';; :''he , i ( ' ' ii ' most tired people are x '. {< w & those who take the most 'here are - people who get so busy preparing for heaven that they neglect matters here ; b,e],o\v. of the greatest mistakes ever made are in forming an ."). " .opinion on too short an , .. ^ >> acquaintance, f. 5 ia- 'i I) 4 \ scandal-monger is as dangerous as a tiger;- \ appearance at a -7, /<.. x -~y :'""'-'? ~ -^ ^-^--^V^- W-i distance; when it i C-x^ JL - *c^, \ A man to make a mark in the world must have two educations: one he gets at school, the JSP,,,., ,/ *- : - - other trom u \ his fellow men. I n modern education every l / young-one's think-tank is I supposed to hold \ knowledge that can be poured into it. \hen a woman maintains for ten years that she is only thirty, \ out of respect for the age of \ the lie. it is i our duty to -believe it. discreet person will never interfere between man and wife-unless both are ', dead. f A :k l J^' % ; - MKM W *.-_ a fine world this would be. if people tried half as hard to get into heaven, as they do to get into society! ^ I he loud-talking man i-, like an a$s I into an rinp.ty barrel, who mistakes the noise he makes for p&ftififW^ ^ - , s :here are people oi, : -who thank the Lord for his good will in trying to make the world good, but prayerfully insinuate he is making a mess of it. *V : ^m^^&K:^ V '' ~1 '"-"".. ' J /L~ -."'.''" -l^pls a remarkably "%,^ self-contained man who can kick a hat with a brick in it. and limp away with a smile on his face. i: ItMi p, that thr land of Tullilmnit vt'l' t lit 1 d.i : k and !( ii bitldi; i \ t's the dog m ' that bites without growling, that hangs on the hardest. / I he least sinfulv^ x > ,- seem to be most in fear of the day of judgment. Qume reformers are like the big ^J bluebottle fly: buz/ing and threshing around until he's tangled in the curtain and bumps his head on the window, winding up on / S his back. \\.aving his leg'- m the~aTf ancFpraying torfielp i. Riches, Refinement, and Cpod ' ' : ' Clothes are the commencement of a gentleman; but they won't > prevent Idleness and Drink from '^ ^^^ being his finish. , people in this world J -\ couldn't take a joke if /'*: j J3 * l .1 -\ c'andal is like a ^teathe more you seek to locate it, ,% the more it V-^'/ will travel, and the harder it will bite. Tome *^%pedple will ask for advice. _.and then get mad if it doesn't suit them. J-Aig-; ' ,, 'J'JM^v en s P end the V*??/r, latter half or their lives, nursing ills brought upon them by their ignorance in the first half. u fft man can never gain the favor of a woman by arguing with her. who raise their voices in prayer to tell the Lord how insignificant are would y/V, be terribly worried if they thought they would be believed. o get a reputation, all you need is to do something that nobody else , o, has done, no matter <'-V hovv foolish. hat bird with the most doesn't always sing the sweetest. here is '. as much agony m the grief of ''a well thrashed schoolboy in that of a man who has lost his million* , here are people who _ d. 1 are only able , to see one side of a he old ( |abb]eg sitting on hotel verandahs "at the resorts are so worried about other people's faults that they \ ,have no time to think of :heir own. won't be in it with the -{-: .=*." A - h man who devises a way to put good advice ^- *" beneath the hides of people dying for the want of it. . - ,, the man in need - of plain advice, ;' sometimes a good beating will do * . more good than a sermon. -L / he man refusing to look at -<~~- the other side of a question, in an argument, is like a orie-eyed man trying to aim a gun with his blind eye. f ou will make an angry If'"; i<- woman madder by only listening to her than by answering her. he man who said that figures won't lie - never saw a society baseball team is an aggregation fSf^" - ' of illiterate gentlemen from all parts of the earth-to whom the local cranks delight to allude as "we." rt [llreaching is the art of 1-- rdispensing;. the - gospel in a ^manner to entert?LJn and, a-i same time, not to offend wealthy pew owners. \S p here are women, 1 who^remjnd , one -of angels- / because ( C ' N \ they are so different. how angry he is. when in a peck of : trouble:- -he thanks I the Lord the j peck is not a bushel, and climbs out. t is a bright woman ~*i knows when to stop l! talking but where will that jewel of the sex be " found that knows enough not to - t . a .. commence at all? as he who. alter carrying the hod mm. sun. ctt the behest of his ^41%^ mother-in-law walks the floor all night with the baby, without a protest rolling stone gathers no mossVbut it ^>^' may become beautifully M here is a note of w*W'V > anguish in the singing of si the singer who cannot sing-to the listener. X reserve us, from the bore who can't sing but who agonizes us by.',.. '. continually trying. It's an unhappy household where all the smiles are dispensed in society and'all the frowns' at home. ny man in society who can make a fool of himself in a new way will find call him great. /' JBSffe *= / , ^5* v*?*^ . ^ 'it any sacrifice rather %^S,*^ ^1^'kJp than deny themselves momentary c./^*" enjoyment, find '.hat the future 1i,is !on!v trouble in store for them fairly tearing his'n'ails out to make money for some worthless son to i^waste' should be punished in the hereafter \ by being compelled to twist a rope of hay for a jackass to eat as fast as twisted. f]t often happens l ! tS * that-you'll accuse IT 1 : someone else of fooling ,you When you are only deceiving yourself. fool can do more harm to himself with a pen ..than with poison. ^irie raiment and jewels serve very well to certify to the refinement of some women, so long as they ) ) ' don't speak y //- // '> $ $ t '"'f*-*<-:-4$^ '"' ^ im ; ^w\i Vwill cryywith dismay at %fe p woman ' f f ' > seeing an insect destroyed, and then calmly x-T-, l 1 ff keep a lover on the gridiron of doubt" for a week - rooding over trouble won't lighten it; the best thing to do is to go to the(cornfie|dj and hoe: till your mind clears itself. 'r^^^r^fc.s ^x ^f&---^--- - - I >v|f you feel obliged ; to say anything, say it ''-'* before; the words that />, r ^/~, M . come after are K ot no $[' : ~ '-^\ ' T-> --, : ^ account. \.i fc ome of the biggest asses in the world "are to be found among the rich: the only use they make of their wealth is to convert \ themselves / into ^J^^l^r^X^ any a man has strained his constitution v \*?r \/ x K x / ; hi'. ^ for ten years to get a reputation for character, . and lost it all in ten minutes'^ in an ill-natured \ row with a woman, V m full 'piQp'se and \ an empty head soon " ' change conditions. "a good fallow" into "a poor devil." ot the early riser, but he who gets the best sleep, wins the worms. Tr Jj,ying is a fault children are licked for when < 'N N ,;. young, &N^V- ' ;1 u ^ and an art which they cultivate when old. ;p' a man commences to toboggan down the slide, of misfortune- his neighbors will 'greasB the way, and kfirrd strangers will assist his relatives to give him a plgsjai. & m. , \>^ '/^ '.^ --m* .4 ,' 'vfj reserve us from the > bore who \" discourses to .*" --w us upon his iljs-just where his aches are. and just what his pills. T* here are pe< ^sarcasm is a sword & without a handle. She who wields it must have a care that she herself be not cut po be a great man ik not like .where \ \ '' there's 'only k 'X ) and no ants to gel in; the V. d> 'i-\ jjo starve^t a well-filled table; to have music seem ''tedious, and / ,._ Vconversation tiresome; to have wealth become a fool enough to labi/se it. . - /ill;/// " P i people ' % '" " are like soap *-*w bubbles-attractive when first seen; but when you try to , x ;grasp them! '!_|' here are about ^ ^-i JW twenty-eight I'll 7 fill' GRH'l'E *.--- hundred 3i kinds of disease ,;,l< for you to die of; and U each one has a favorite microbe to get a waiting whack at you. ?; he genius does one th'ing too welliand other 1 'things not well enough. realize that they turn their religion into a gloomy farce by depriving it of its cheerfulness. does not know rnuch it is well - hen a man confesses he to boasting of their ignorance. ,_ -^.1 je quick, but don't hurry! ij ( >';"' ;/Remember, when f / 5 just the condition of the -* ^ _ N >_ cook's mind here are plenty of sharp men, but there is none that ever lived that ! Jf - i.U'V;/ 1 ;li^ '-IP ' L" j "V Ljfe^Mw. o ,. / -*^ (/ am.'-:^. -*~ _-' /*' there is many a ^ -v ;< -marTin this world// // of whom you , ;,^'/ - can say that the , jy V only value he ~/w' ~^~~ f; >V ,; \ / /1_J ^'' V; \ has, is to make/.// a crowd. ometimes the ill will 4^ ^x V'"*"^ favor of a wise man. J- ''blessings come to as misfortunes I hey say * v the lastVhmg a'woman does before getting into bed is to look under it- yet if she finds^something i ^ __55r 3 she is not only disappointed but surprised. c;^ : *-.,.. ,^V-:V^ ^'%tffp ^ r"~ #*-" x I n^omen are tine linguists- H ~\"' t ' \ V ,