t^vN vV^\ AMERICAN BOOKoKEEJPER; COMPRISING ^ SYSXEM.OF BOOK-KEEMNG /^ ^riit OE •BY DOUBLE ENTRY: ROTII Ri' THEORF AND PRACTICE. WITH THE PRINCIPAIi AUXFLTARY BOOKS AININEXED. TOGETHER WITH A NEW METHOD OF POSTING AND PROVING THE DUOKS. ■CCCCfCC DESIGNED FOR THE USE OP SCHOOLS, ACAL'P.Af^K^ .Un^^J^T41<;>G' HOUSES, IN THR UNITED-STATES. m BY B. SFIEYS, ACCOUN'liANT. PRINTED AND SOI.l) V.Y COIiLINS AND CO. 181^, rEAUL-STREF.T. 1818, ^SOUTHERN DISTRrCT OF NEW- YORK, ss. ^ ' BE vf^mfbfM^ER'Et), That on thf tenth d^- *requisite to form the Morchart. After the learner has been employed some time in reading his native languiige, and proper care has been taken of his or- thography, and to inform him of the meaning of words, the next step is to initiate him in the rudiments of writing, in which the teacher will find sufHcient cause to exercise his vigilance against the ill hkbits his pupil will be apt to contract in this performance. Writing must always be regarded as a principal part of every day's employment, because the masterly and clerk-like mode of writing, lit for the ready dispatch of business, is not to be acquired by speculative notions, but by gradual prac- tice, under the din-ction of an able m.after ; nor can any other means be depended on to mijike tiie hand easy, bolr< and free. Arithmetic is next to be entereu upon 5 in the mercantile part of which the student must, at least, be well informed. — Computing bill^ of parcels, and such other examples as occur in practice, and which are of use to illustrate the practical rules, and apply them to business, are to be well attended to. Transcribing and computing invoices, and such other mer- cantile prc^iedents, with calculations of interest on notes, bonds and accounts current, will yield hini no less profitable exercise, and contribute, in a great measure, to the understanding the practice of book-keeping ; an art so universaily useful, that without keeping regular books, the Merchai»t risks an impro- vable fortune to negligence and chance ; the man in office is exposed to numberless difficulties ; and none can be a judge of mercantile concerns whose abilities, however considerable, are not aided by a knowledge and insight therein. Book-Keeping is an art of daily use in life, and of the great- est importance in all commercial transactions, both foreign and domestic. To be well acquainted with it, both in theory and practice, is a necessary qualification to every man of bu- siness, in which all persons are more or less concerned. It'. enables one readily, and at any time, to ascertain the exact state of his affairs; and also to make a just, precise, and equi- table adjustment of all his dealings. Success in trade prin- cipally depends on a complete knowledge of the art, and in a strict conformity to its rules. Ignorance and inattention in this department, are rocks upon which thousands hare split, and made shipwreck, not only of fortune, but of honesty and good conscience. There are many branches of education whose first princi- ples must be learnt in schools. If the foundation be not well laid in early life, it will excite sorrow in riper years. The art of book-keeping belongs to this class. A thorough knowledge of accounts will enable one at any time, the more easily to reckon, not only with others, but with himself ; it will greatly contribute to prevent some of the se- verest evils in life, such as vexatious lawsuits, perplexed arbitrations, loss of property, loss of friendthip and good fellowship. As the four principal difficulties in book-keeping are — 1. Journalizing; 2. Proving the books ; 3. Detecting errors ; 4. Closing accounts by all the various ways that occur in practice. Such rules and instructions, in the introductory pirt of thewurk, have been given, as will render the first of these obvious to any capacity, at least under the inspection of a teacher, who can give his pupil further elucidations on the subject by pertinent remarks. The second and third are com- pletely elucidated by the proof journal. The fourth, in the notes subjoined to the accounts in the ledger, annexed to the third set. The whole being the result, in part, of the lectures formerly exhibited by the author, when he taught this valuable and useful science. But to introduce them into this work in as full and copious a manner as when teaching, wouHl increase the book beyond its contemplated limits. Perhaps it may not be improper to observe, that to those into whose hands this work may happen to fall, that it was not written for the use of those who are well acquainted with the art of Book-keeping, but for the benefit of such persons as really want instruction, and have not an opportunity, or leisure to acquire it in any other way :* The several expla- nations it contains must not, therefore, be considered unne- cessary by adepts, for whom they were never designed. To conclude, the author is of opinion that any young man who has a competent knowledge of mercantile arithmetic, and writes a good hand, can make himself perfect master of all that is contained in this volume, by his own application, with- out any other aid ; for, where it was necessary, he has given the same instructions as if he was actually teaching the scholar, being induced to do so, as it is a known fact, that this invalu- able branch of education is almost totally neglected, or super- ficially taught, with (ew exceptions, in our schools ; and that it is not the fault of the teacher so much as that of the employ- er, who is always unwilling it should be made an extra charge. The author risks an opinion, that if the instructers of youth were to receive a proper compensation for their trouble, very few scholars would leave school unqualified for business. A CONCISE VIEW OP THE CONTENTS OF THIS WORK, 1. IT comprises an introduction to Book-keeping, with two sets of books on the theory of the art, in which the whole mystery of JournaUzing, a principal difficulty, is explained in the completest manner. The whole of this first part is replete with instructive notes, so as to render every thing contained therein obvious to any capacity, with the method of posting the books, closing the ledger, and opening the new books from the former balance account. 2o The third Set of Books, to which is annexed the In- yoice Book, Sales Book, Cash Book, Expense Book, Check Book and Bank Account Book, with their application to prac- tice, is founded on real business, and can be applied, with the greatest facility, to all mercantile transactions, both foreign and domestic. In the Ledger annexed to this Set, all the various ways of closing the accounts, which often occur in practice, are subjoined in explanatory notes ; likewise in the Day-Book, the manner of proving the Books, and detect- ing errors, by means of the proof Journal, is fully explained. < 3, The fourth Set of Books is designed for the whole sale and retail Store. The materials which compose this part of the work are taken froni actual business. The simplicity and accuracy of the plan renders it applicable to all sorts of do- mestic trade, which, on investigation, will be found correct. To this Set, none of the Auxiliary Books are annexed except the Cash Book, which can be dispensed with ; for, with the Invoice Book, every person in business must be acquainted ; and he is shown, with all other necessary requisites, how to use it, in conformity with this plan, in the intsructions prefix- ed to this part of the work. M VIU 4. As Banks have become numerous in all the States, and as several persons may be curious to know how the Books and business in them are conducted, as well as tho^e young gen- tlemen who might hereafter be employed therein, the author has subjoined, in miniature, the manner of keeping Bank Books, with their several uses in practice ; and has given a particular description of the Stock Ledger, vrith the method of opening, conducting and closing the same; and which will answer, with little variation, for any other incorporated body or mercantile company. Nothing of this kind having hitherto appeared. The whole of the work, interspersed wiih e:xplanatory notes and instructions, formed on the most simple plan, is designed for tlie use of Schools, Academics and Counting-Houses in the United States. AN INTRODUCTION TO BOOK-KEEPING, BY DOUBLE ENTRY, CONTAINING 2)EFINIT10N3 AND rRINCCPLES, WITH FARTICUf-AR RULES FOR THE TRUE STATING OF DEBTOR AND CRLCDITOR, IN ALL THE CASES THAT CAN OCCUR IN MERCANTILE BUSINESS, WHEREBY THE ^THOLE ART OF JOURNALIZING IS MADE PLAIN AND OBVIOUS. BOOK-KEEPING teaches how to record the transactions and dealings you have occasion to commit to writing, either for yourself or for the account of otht rs, and to dispose and adjust them, that you may know, at any future time, what sums ofmoneyaredue to you, or to yi>ur employer, and by whom and w-ien payable ; what goods you have purchased, what pareels andViuantitics have been sold, what remains on hand, with the gain or loss attending the sales thereof; what monej^, goods or debts are under the nianagement of Factors, Super- cargoes, or Trustees, and what remittanoes have beoia made you ; what commissi. >ns you have received as Factor, and how they are disposed of, what recjrris have been made to your employer, what part of hfs [j;oods remains unsold, what bills you have accepted, at svhat time and when payable, what re- mittances have been made you on that account, what bills you have drawn, in whose favor, ami when payable; what mortey or goods, as manager, the Company hive pat into your hands, how you have disposed of the one and applied the other, what capital, or original stock you possessed, and what increase or B decrease it underwent in the course of trade, what ships you have chartered, what insurance you have made on your own account, and what you have underwritten for others; and all other things that are proper for a Merchant to know relative to his own afFairs, or the aflltirs of others. Book-Keeping c-w, with propriety, be extended to the ac- counts of States, JManuftictCiries and Families; and when a per- son is well acquainted with its theoretical principles and the application thereif to any particular branch of business, the •transition to any other will not be difficult. In order to conduct business in the true Italian form, it h?iS been found by experience, that three general ])ooks will be necessary, viz : the Waste Book, Journal «ind Ledger, ex-. elusive of several auxiliary or aiding ones, where a variety of branches, or a multiplicity of business occurs in trade. Nvte, It is called Italian Bnok-Kecpins: from its being in- vented in haly. It was published first at Venice, in the Itali- an language, in the fifteenth cetJtur}^, about the year 149r>, by Lucas Paciolus, a Franeiscan Friar, commonly known by the name of /.wca5 cle Burgo Sancti Sepulchri, who likewise wrote several useful works on mathematical subjects ; and was the first publisher of Algebra in Europe. The Auxiliary, or Subsidiary Books, ARE, 1. Cash Book, r. Book of Charges or Ex- 2. Bill Book, pences. 3. Invoice Book, H. Copy Rook of Letters, 4. Sales Book, 9 Book 04 Postage of Letters, 5. Book of Accounts Cur- ?0. Book of Snip Accounts, rent, n. Ware-House Book, 6. Book of Commissions, 12. Check or Bank Acct. Book Some Merchants use more, some fewer, of these Subsidiary Books, according to their different ways of dealing. The Waste Book. The Waste Book contains an exact account of all the tran- sactions in trade, in the same order as they take place ; it be- gins with an inventory or account of all the money, goods and property of every kind, belonging to the Merchant or owner of the books, of the debts due to him, and of the debts he owes to others. It is carried on with a full relation of all the money received and paid by hira, of all the goods he buys or sells, and every occurrence in trade. Every transaction ought to be entered as soon as it takes place, and should be clearly expressed in the plainest language. The date of the Waste Book is written on the too of the page, together with the name of the place where the business is conducted. The articles are separated from each other by a line, in the middle of which is left a space for insejfting the day of the month, and sometimes the n^onth. In all tran.mctions in the Waste Book the following parti- culars are to be well observed, viz : 1. Tiie date, say iMarch 4, ISIT. 2. The transaction, the article purchased or sold being en- tered in form, and according to agreement. 3. The person, bought of A. B. or sold A. B. 100 yds. flan- nel. 4. The payments made or received, say 100. paid, or 100. received. ' 5. The quantity and quality of the goods bought or sold. 6. The price. Bought 100 yds. flannel, at 75 cents per yd- or sold ditto. Note, It is sometimes called the Day Book, because the several transactions tliat occur from day to day are therein en- tered, according as they happen, and in the order of their se- veral dates* Of the Inventory The Inventory consists of two parts, generally, viz. 1 . The Merchants ready money, with ail his other proper- ty, goods and effects, and the debts due to hira. 2. The debts due of him. FORM OF AN INVENTORY, New- York f January \st, 181 T, All Inventory of my whole properly, consisting of money, goods and debts, owing to and by me, A. B. taken this day, and is as follows, viz. 1 have i[i ready moite> jpi2r^M 75 6 pieces linen, 125 yds. .Jiff per yd. 46.87J ) 5 ditto 1-20 .50 60.00 ] 10« ft7^ lUL O 1 <> 100 bbls wheat flour 12.50 1250 00 50 firkins buttt r nt. wt. 4000lbs. .20 80(; OQ Moses Martin owes me per bond 13H« 50 Samuel Hall per account 550 25 John Vallens 250 75 Gross amount of my propert} inii m / am indebted as follows : ^I'o William Han way 256 37h T v) William Jackson 125 £5 To Abraham Wileox, at 3 months 27t 62i Amount of debts due of ra* 65^ .'5 Amount of my Property I7l\7.12h Debts due of me 658.25 Net of my estate, or what I am worth after paying. ray debts 1645f; 71 Note, I. It is ijot necessary thai the whole of a Merchant's prf)pprty should ^>ppt:-ir if> his books ; it is sufficient that they contain th;.* capital whicli he employs in trade. 2. Some begin their books without any Inventory, but we must suppose liiat th*:y possess no other property than a quan- tity of money, which they may insert in their Day Book, in one entry, thus : I have- in ready money to begin business, 12704.75 Specimen of a Waste Book. NeW'Yorky Januar?/ 1. I SIT. Sold 6 firkins of butter, nt. wt. 480!bs. at .25 Note, The thing received is Dr. to the thing delivered for it. Therefore as cash is re- ceived, and butter delivered, make Cash Dr. to butter 120.00 To Post this transaction into Ledger. 1. Debit cash, to butter received I'iO 00 2. Credit butter, by cash, at .25 per lb. fore firkins 4891b. 120.00 ^ 2 Bought of Richard llivers, at nine months, the ship Neptune, for Note. The thing received is Dr. to the. person from whom you receive it, wlien nothing is given for it in return, T \erefore as you bought the ship on credit, make Ship Neptune Dr. to Richard Rivers 10000.00 1. Debit ship Neptune to R. Rivers 10000.00 J, Credit R. Rivers, by ship Neptune 10000.00 Sold Thoracis Chailenor, at 4 months, 20 firkins of butter, nt. wt. 1 6001b. at .25 per lb. Note, The person who receives any thing from you is Dr. to whatever you deliver him, when you receive nothing for it in return. Therefore as you sold the butt^^r on credit, make Thomas Chailenor Dr. to butter 400.00 t. Debit Thomas Chailenor, to butter 400.00 2. Credit butter, by T. Chailenor, at .25 per lb. 20 firkins, 16001b. 400 00 4 Paid William llanway in full Note, The receiver is Dr. to whatever he re- ceives from you, when he delivers nothing in re^rn, as you was indebted to him, therefore make William llanway Dr. to cash in full 256.75 120 10000 400 256 00' 00 0(^ 75 NeiV'York, January 4. 1817 Received of Samuel Hall, on account ^0^^. — The payment made is Dr. to the person who makes it, when he receives nothing in return, as Hall was your debtor, you had no occasion to give any thing in return, therefore make Cash Dr. to Samuel Hall 250.00 Debic Cash, and Credit him 250.00 The Journal The Journal is a fair record of all transactions, compiled from the Waste Book, in the same order as they stand there; its use is to prepare the articles of the Waste Book for the Led- ger, so as to make the Ledger posts more easy and less liable to error. This preparation consists in shewing on every arti- cle the proper Debtors and Creditors, and to w hose account these are to be carried in the Ledger. The Journal should be written by a person who is complete master of Journalizing, in a fair hand, at leisure hours, and re- mote from noise. The narration should be complete, without referring to the Waste Book, and so plain that every person ac- quainted with the style of the Journal, may understand it with ease. Every entry in the Waste Book, when transferred in due form, and entered in the Journal, is called a Journal post. All entries are either simple or compound. A simple entry- has but one Dr. and one Cr. A compound or complex entry- is when one Dr. is balanced by two or more Crs. or two or more Drs. are balanced by one Cr. or when several Drs. are balanced by several Crs. then the entry is compound or com- plex in both terms. In all transactions in the Journal the following particulars are to be observed, viz. 1. The date, say March 4. 18ir. 2. The Debtor, A. B. Dr. to Cash, &c. ^ tJ. The Creditor, Cash Dr. to A. B. &c. 2. Personal, > Accounts. 3. Imaginary, or Fictitious ) Real Accounts are those of Effects or things which are a person's property, such as cash, linen, broad-cloth, houses, lands, &c. Personal Accounts are those of persons with whom we deal, as Thomas Johnson, Mary Williams, &c. Imaginary, or Fictitious Accounts, are those which have been invented to supply real ones, such as Stock which re- presents the Merchant or owner of the Books ; Profit and Loss, which represent his Gains or Losses ; Balance, which represents his real property, with the debts due to and by him, and fiuch other accounts as are subservient to Profit and Losf!, viz. Interest, Commission, Insurance, t^roper Expenses, Bottomry, &c. / GENERAL RULES FOR EXPLAINING Debtor and Creditor. L Every thing received, and every person accountable to us, is Dr. 2, Every thing delivered to us, and every person to whom •^e are accountable, is Cr. C 10 Kule ]. The person to whom any thing is delivered, is I)r> to the thinji^ delivered, when nothing is received in returOr Suppose you lend A. B. one hundred dollars : it is evident you delivered him that money, and received nothing in re- turn; tiierefore, make, A. B. Dr. to cash lent him, f 100. 1 . Debit A. B. to Cash lent him, $ 1 00, 2, Credit Cash, by A. B. paid, 100. Rule 2. A thing received is Dr. to the person from whom it is received, when nothing is delivered by you in return. Received of A. B. the sum of one hundred d%?S arsy whicb I lent him. Note, It is plain that you received that money, and deli- vered nothing in return, because he was indebted to you in that sum* Cash Dr. to A. B. received of him, $100.00. JiuU 3. A thing received is Dr. to the thing delivered- for it ; Therefore, goods bought for ready money are Dr. to Cash. When goods are sold for ready money, cash is Dr. to the goods. When goods are bartered, the goods received are Dr. to the goods delivered. Bought, for ready money, fifty gallons of brandy, at $2 per gallon, $100.00. Note. It is evident that brandy was received and money delivered ; Therefore, Brandy Dr. to Cash, jJS 100.00. Sold, for ready money, 100 gallons rum, at $1 per gal- lon, $100.00. Nole. It is plain that money was received, and rum de- livered ; Therefore, Cash received Dr. to Rum delivered, g1 00.00. Delivered A. B. in barter. Sugar to the value of ^100. and received of him in return. Brandy to the same amount. Note, The goods received must be Dr. to the goods de- livered; Therefore, Brandy Dr. to Sugar, glOO.OO. 1. Debit Brandy, to Sugar, §100. 2. Credit Sugar, by Brandy, 100. An imdginari/ account of Gain or Loss, is always Dr. when I lose and have no real or personal account to charge or debit. Suppose I lost one hundred dollars ; It is evident that I cannot charge any real or personal ac- count with the loss ; therefore, I substitute Profit and LosS) and debit it for the loss. Profit and Loss Dr. to Cash lost, $100.00. n Cfiven my son, as a doRatlon, $5000. to begin business. Note. It is plain that the son cannot be charged with it, as it is a donation, nor any other account ; Therefore, Profit and Loss Dr. to Cash, $5000.00. It is Cr. when I gain, and have no real nor personal account to discharge or credit. My uncle bequeathed me at fcis death, ^2000. which I have received from his Executor: now it is evident that I have no real or personal account to discharge or credit, for the uncle cannot be credited, as he is dead, and having made no entry with respect to the Executor ; Therefore, Cash Dr. to Profit and Loss, $5000.00 A. B. owes me a year's interest on g^lOOO. 70.00 A. B. or Cash, if I am paid, Dr. to Profit and Loss, or to Interest account, 70.00 Of Merchant's Business. The business of the Merchant may be reduced to the three following branches : 1. Proper Trade, which the Merchant carries on for himself. 2. Factorage, which he conducts for another, called his employer. 3. Partnership, which is managed by another, called a Manager or Trustee, in the name of the Company. Proper Trade is either domestic or foreign. Proper do- mestic trade is what a Merchant conducts for himself, without the help of a Factor. Proper foreign trade is the business that is carried on for a Merchant by his Factor. Proper domestic trade comprehends six things, viz. 1. The Inventory. 4. Buying Goods. 2. Receiving Money. 5. Selling Goods. 3. Paying Money. 6. Bartering. ■I ■ O ' ■! ■ ■ I »i ■ Of Proper Accounts. 1. DOMESTIC. Of Paying and Receiving Money, When an Inventory is taken of the ready Money, Goods, Voyages and Debts belonging: or owing to you, i. Debit the several pare Is and parties^ to Stock ; 2. Credit Stock, by sunlries for the whole amount. When an Inventory is taken of the debLs owing by you, 1. Debit Stock for the whole amount ; 12 2. Credit the several persons, by Stock for the sum due to each. When you receive of A. B. for the use of C. D. g 100.00 Note. The thing received is Dr. to the person for whose account you received it, when you gave nothing in return ; therefore, make Cash Dr. to C. D. received on his account of A. B. 100.00. Paid A. B. on account of C. I), one hundred dollars. Note, The person for whose account you p^y any thing, is Dr. to the thing you pay for him ; therefore, ' C. D. Dr. to Cash paid A. B. on his account, g 1 00.00. Borrowed of A. B. to pay in ten days, 100.00. Note. The thing received is Dr. to the person of whom you receive it, when nothing is delivered in return ; therefore, Cash Dr. to A. B. borrowed of him, to repay in ten days, ^100.00. Lent C. D. the sum of one hundred dollars, to be repaid in ten days. Note. The person to whom you deliver any thing, is Dr. to the thing delivered him, when nothing is given by him in return. C. D. Dj. to Cash lent him, to be repaid in ten days, J^IOO.OO. Received from I. K. the sum of one hundred dollars, for Interest. Note, The payments received are Dr. to the person who pays them, or to some fictitious account that is substituted ; therefore, Cash Dr. to I. K. or to Interest account, $100.00. When Interest becomes due and booked before you re- ceive it — A. B. Dr. to Interest due on his Bond, 1st inst. g50.00. When A. B. pays the fifty dollars due of him for Interest, Note. As you charged him before for interest money when due, now you must discharge or credit him when paid. Cash Dr. to A. B. received for Interest due on his Bond, g50.00. If you are indebted to A. B. one hundrerl dollars for inte- rest, and charge it in your books before it is paid — Interest Dr. to A, B. due to him on my Bond, Ist inst. BIOO.OO. When you paid A. B. one hundred dollars for interest due to him, for which you credited him before, A. B. Dr. to Cash paid him for Interest due on my Bond, ^100.00. Paid charges amounting to two hundred dollars on mer- chandize, 13 Merchandize Dr. to Cash paid charges thereon, g200.00. Paid 100. on petty disbursements in trade, charge, Merchandize Dr. to Cash paid, $100.00. Paid seventy-five dollars on house expenses. House Expenses Dr. to Cash paid for my family, ^75.00*. Purchased Stock in the Manhattan Bank, amounting' to gl 0000 00; Manhattan Bank Di-. to Cash paid for Stock, gl 0000.00. If you pay 10 per cent, on each Share of any Capital Stock, for the Shares are generally paid by instalments ; Manhattan Bank Dr. to Cash paid 10 per cent, on my Shares, 1000.00. When a dividend becomes due to you on Bank Stock, and booked before received ; V Bank Dr. to Profit and Loss, for dividend due, $500.00. When Bank pays you the dividend, after you have charged the same ; Cash Dr. to Bank, or Company, for dividend received, g500.00. When Bank, or Company, paid you your dividend, of which you made no entry until received ; Cash Dr. to Profit and IvOfs for dividend received of, 1.500.00. Suppose A. B, who was indebted to you 1^1400. has failed, ?^d that he has agreed to pay you 1 000. for the whole, which you accepted ; Note. It is plain that 1000. per agreement, will pay the i^bole debt, and that the money received and the loss sustain- ed are the debtors ; Sundries Dr. to A. B. received in full, 1400.00 Cash received in composition, 1000.00 Profit and Loss for the abatement, 400.00 When you compound with your creditor, and pay him a p^rt of the debt for the whole, suppose the above reversed. Note. A. B. must be debited, by agreem^it, for the whole debt, and the payments made him, viz. cash and gain, credited. A. B. Dr. to sundries paid him in full, 1400.00 To Cash paid him in composition, 1000.00 To Profit and Loss for ahatoment, 400.00 When a legacy of 4000. is bequeathed you by C. D. who gippoints A. B. his executor ; Note. It is evident that A. B. is to be debited, and that no real or personal account can be credited ; therefore, the fictitious account, profit and loss, must be substituted ; thus, A. B. Dr. to Profit and Loss gained by the will of C. D. 4000.00. 14 Wben A. B. pays you the legacy bequeathed ; Cash Dr. to A. B. received in full of the will of C. D^ 4000.00. If you receive the legacy before you make an entry in your books ; Note. Whatever is received is Dr. to the thing delivered ; and as nothing was given by you in return, it being a dona- tion, it is apparent that C. D. is not to be credited, for you cannot credit a person deceased ; therefore, debit cash, and credit profit and loss, for the gain. Cash Dr. to Profit and Loss, 4000.00. When you receive a legacy for the use of E. F. yourself being the executor ; Cash Dr. to E. F. When you pay him, E. F. Dr. to Cash. Of Faying and Receiving Money by an Order or Assignment Suppose you receive 1000. of C. D. by an order op assiga- ^lent of A. B. on him at sight ; Note, It is evident that the payment received is Dr. to the person on whose account you received it, when nothing was given by you in return ; and as you received the money of C. D. by an order of A. B. debit cash and credit A. B. Cash Dr. to A. B. received of C. D. per order, 1000.00. Note, A. B. will debit you and credit C. D. and C. D. will debit A. B. and credit cash. Suppose you give an order, or draw a bill of 500. on A. B. your debtor to C. D. your creditor, and the same is paid ; Note. The person in whose favor you draw a bill must be debtor to him on whom the bill is drawn for the amount, and as C. D. is the receiver and A. B. the acceptor; therefore, debit C. D. and credit A. B. C. D. Dr. to A. B. for my order favor C. D. for 500.00* Suppose A. B. refused paying or accepting the order ; Note, The person who refuses paying or accepting a bill, is Dr. to him in whose favor it was drawn, as the receiver was charged for its amount before ; therefore, debit A. B. ^nd credit C. D. A. B. Dr. to C. D. for nonpayment of my order, 500.00. If you receive of C. D. a note of A. B. of 400. and enter it in your books; Bills Receivable Dr. to C. D. for A. B's. Note, transferred to me, 400.00. When you deliver said note, afterwards, in payment to P. H. P. H. Dr. to Bills Receivable for A. B's. Note, transferred to him, 400.00. to Of buying Goods and Merchandize. WHEN you buy goods to the amount of 400. of A. B. and pay the money, Note. The tiding received is Dr. to the thing delivered. — Therefore, Goods or Merchandize, Dr. to Cash paid, 400.00 Bought one thousand dollars worth of Goods of A. B. at 90 ^zys credit. Note. The thing received is Dr. to the person from whom you receive it, when nothing is given in return. Therefore as the goods were bought on credit, make Merchandize Dr. to A. B. for amount of invoice, 1000.00 Required of A. B. an abatement of 300. on the above goods, for defect, which he allowed. Note. As you credited him before for the amount of goods purchased, of course you will charge him now for the defect allowed by him, therefore, A. B. Dr. to Merchandize or goods for defect allowed 300.00 If the account of Goods or Merchandize be closed, A. B. Dr. to Profit and Loss for abatement on Goods 300.00 Bought one thousand dollar's worth of Goods of A. B. paid bim 600. the remainder in 90 days. Note. The thing received is Dr. to the thing given in re- turn, and as you received the Goods for part money and part on credit, therefore, debit Merchandize for the whole amount, and credit Cash for the sum paid, and A. B. for what remains unpaid. Merchandize Dr. to Sundries, 1000.00 To Cash paid, 600.00 To A, B. to pay in 90 days, 400 00 Bought Goods of I. H. as per invoice, amounting to 3000. paid present money 1000. given an order C. D. at sight, for 1000. the remainder payable in 4 months. Note. The goods received are Dr. to the means by which they were acquired, and they were delivered by I. H. to you, by means of the money you paid him, the order you gave him, the Credit allowed. Therefore, debit the Goods for the value, and credit the several payments made. Merchandize Dr. to Sundries, 3000 00 To Cash paid, 1000 00 To C. D. for my order on him, favor I. H. for 1000.00 To I. H. to pay for Goods, at 4 months, 1000.00 Suppose you buy goods of your Dr. I. K. for a debt due to you, their value, per Bill of Parcels, amounting to more than It; the debt, the overplus repaid in money. The debt is 1000.00 the amount of the goods bought 1500. Note. The goods received are Dr. to the means by which they were acquired ; and, as they were sold by I. K. to liqui- date the debt he owed, and in consideration of the money paid him, therefore, debit the goods for their vaiiie, credit him for the sura due, and cash for the amount paid — 'HuJ^ Goods or Merchandize Dr. to Sundries^ 1500.00 To 1. K. for amount due to me, ^ 1000.00 To Cash paid the overplus * 500.00 Of selling Goods or Merchandize. Sold A. B. at 90 days sundpy goods, amounting, per Bill of Parcels, to eight hundred dollars. A. B. Dr. to Merchandize, sold by him at 90 days, for 800.00 Suppose you made an abatement of one hundred dollars on the above goods after they were charged in your books, on account of defect or damage. Note. It is evident as, in the above instance, you debited A. B. and credited the goods, that in the present case, you must either debit the goods, or profit and loss, and credit A. B. for defect, per agreement. Merchandize Dr. to A.B. abated for damage on Goods 100.00 Sold A. B. Merchandize, as per invoice rendered, which amounted to 2000. you owed him 1 500. and he returned the balance in money. Note, As the different payments made you, viz. the liquida- tion of your debt, and the money received for the overplus, were occasioned by the means rendered, (i. e.) the goods sold. Therefore the result is, that you must credit Merchandize or Goods for their value ; next debit A. B. for balance due to him, and Cash for the amount received Sundries Dr. to Merchandize, for amount sold, 200000 A. B. for the Balance of his Account, now paid, 1500.00 Cash for the overplus received of him, 500.00 Sold K. L. Merchandize or Goods, amounting to one thou- sand dollars, received of him the following payments, viz. Ready Money 400.00 An Assignment on C. D. for 400.00 The remainder to be paid in 90 days, 200.00 Sundries Dr. to Merchandise, sold to K, L. for 1000.00 Ciash received in part 400.00 C. D. for Iv. L's Assignment 400.00 K. L. to pay in 90 days, 200.00 Of Bartering Goods or Merchandize. Bartered or exchanged tobacco, to the amount of 1000. with A. H. for brandy of equal value. Mote. The thing received is Dr. to the thing delivered, Brandy Dr. to Tobacco, 1000.00. Delivered cotton, valued at 2000. to A. B. in barter ; re- ceived of him in exchange, indigo, value 1000. broad cloth, value 300. and accepted Bill on C. D. for 200. the remaining 600. to be paid in 90 days ; Mote. As the goods received with the payments remaining due, are the result or consequence of what you dilivered in return ; therefore, cotton delivered is to be credited for its value — indigo, broad cloth, C. D. and A. B. must be debited for their respective quantities and values, thus, Sundries Dr. to Cotton bartered, 2000.00 Indigo received in barter, value 1000.00 Broad Cloth, ^ 300.00 C. D. for A. B's. draft, my favor, for 200.00 A. B. to pay in 90 days, 500.00 Received of A. B. in barter, cotton valued at 2000. and delivered in return, indigo worth 1000. broad cloth worth 300. and paid him the balance in money. Note. The article received is Dr. to the payments made, or what is delivered in return ; therefore, cotton is Dr. and broad cloth, indigo and cash are Crs. : thus, Cotton Dr. to Sundries, received in barter, 2000.00 To Indigo, do. 1006.00 To Broad Cloth, do. 300.00 To Cash paid A. B. in barter, FOO.OO When several sorts of goods are bartered for several others of equal value ; / Delivered A. B. in barter, 1000 lbs. of Indigo, at 1.50 per lb. 6 Hhds. Tobacco, nt. wt. 6720 lbs. at .20 per lb. 10 Bales of Cotton, wt. 4480 lbs. at .20 per lb. 100 yds. Cassiniere, at 2. per yd. and received of him in exchange 5000 yds. Linen, at .50 per yd. 2160 yds. Check, at .50 per yd. 6 bbls. Brandy, 180 gallons, at 2. per gallon. ;>^^ Note. The several goods received, each for its quantity and value, are Dr. to the several goods delivered in return, eadhfor its quantity and value. Stttidries Dr. to Sundries. D 18^ Received the follawing goods of A. B. in barter, vi:^. Linen, for 5000 yds. at .50 per yd. 3500.03*^ Checks „ 2160 „ .50 „ 1080.0(> Brandy „ G bbls. 180- gall. 2. per gallon^ 369.00^ 3940.00 For the following, delivered him in return, viz. To Indigo, 1000 lbs. at 1.50 per lb. 1500.00 To Tobacco, 6720 „ .20 „ 1344.00 To Cotton, 4480 „ .20 „ 896.00 To Cassimere. 1 00 yds. at 2. per yd. 200.00 3940.0a O-r make, expressing particulars as above. Sundries Dr. to A. B. received of him in barter, Goods value 3940.00^ A. B. Dr. to Sundries delivered to him in barter. Goods value 3940.0Q If you Keep a general Acct. Merchandize Dr. to A. B, received in barter, Goods valued at, 3940 00 A. B. Dr. to Merchandize delivered him in barter 3940.00 Shipping. Bought the Ship Neptune of A. B. for 10000. ready money j J^ote. The thing received is Dr. to the thin^ delivered in return ; therefore, Ship Neptune Dr. to Cash paid A. B. for her, 10000 00 Paid D. L. 1000. for repairing the Ship Neptune, as per bill rendered ; Ship Neptune Dr. to Cash paid for repairs, 1000.00. Sold Ship Neptune to C. D. for 12000. receiv^ed his note aS 4 months for the amount ; Bills payable, or C. D. Dr. to Ship Neptune, 12000.00. Sold Sloop Trident to I. K. for 6000. and received the fol- lowing payments : 2000. in money, an assignment of 2000. on A. B. and the remainder in ninety days ; Sundries Dr. to Sloop Trident, 6000.00 Cash received, 2000.00 A. B. for the assignment, 2000.00 If. ]^. to pay in 90 days, 2000.00 ,19 Paying aiid receiving Freight: Paid 500. freight, for goods shipped to Savannah, and con- «igned to L. B. to sell for my account. Note. This being ah additional charge on the goods, the adventure or voyage must be debited for it. Adventure to Savannah Dr. to Cash paid freight 500 00 Received 3000. of C, D. for freight of my ship, called the Mary. Note. As the ship is always debited for all costs and char*- ges attending her, likewise, she must now be credited for the money, or return received — thus, Cash Dr. to Ship Mary, received of C. D. for freight 3000. 00 Bonds and Promissory Notes, If you buy a note of 1000. of A. B. which was given him by CJ. D. and that you wiis allowed an abatement of 50. on the «ame. Note. As you bought C. D^s. note at a discount, which iBust be a gain to you, if you receive the full amount ; there- fore, the thing received, (that is the Note) or C. D. is Dr. Cash delivered, and Profit and Loss Crs. Notes receivable Dr. to Sundries 1000.00 To Cash paid 950.00 To Profit and Loss gained by discount 50.00 Sold L. K's note of 1200. to F. H. for 1100. ready money„ Note. As you sold the note for less than its nominal value, consequently you sustained a loss of one hundred dollars, and as the things received are always debited to the things or arti- cle delivered, therefore. Cash and the loss received areDrs. to Bills Receivable delivered. Sundries Dr. to Bills Receivable 1200.00 Cash received for L. K's. note 1100.00 Profit and Loss, lost by abatement on the same 100.00 If you transfer the above note at its nominal value, and re- ceive the money, Ca§h Dr. to Bills receivable, received of P. H. for L. K's. joate. 1200.00 ■20 Foreign Trade. SHIPPING GOODS ON YOUR OWN ACCOUNT. Shipped a cargo of goods, to the amount of 10000. to Fun- chal, in the Island of Madeira, on board the Brig Harriot, consigned to Francis Alcara, Merchant there, to sell on my account, which goods were entered before in my Books. Note, The adventure or voyage is always debited to the goods for all costs and charges attending them, if entered be- fore in the books, and credited for the net proceeds, or return received. Voyage to Madeira Dr. to Merchandize 10000.00 If the goods were bought for ready money, and no entry made of them in your books before they were shipped — Voyage to Madeira Dr. to Gash 10000.00 If the goods, shipped to Madeira, were bought of A. B. on credit, and not entered in the books before exportation, Note. The goods received are Dr. to the person from whom you receive them, when nothing is given in return — therefore, Voyage to Madeira Dr. to A. B. 10000.00 Shipped a cargo of goods value 16r96. the amount of 1 0000. was entered in books, the value of 6000. was purchased for ready money, the remainder was bought of A. B. at 4 months. The two last parcels not entered. Note, It is evident that the goods entered, as mentioned above, when shipped, must be credited for their cost to close account. It is also apparent that cash is to be credited for the amount purchased for ready money, as it is the thing delivered in return. And, also, that you must credit A. B. for the goods bought of him, as nothing was given to him in return. There- fore, Voyage to Dr. to Sundries, for amt. shipped, 16796.00 To Merchandize, for amt. entered in books, lOOOO.OO To cash for amt. purchased, expressing particulars, 6000.00 To A. B. for goods bought of him, 796.00 Received a drawback of one thousand dollars on the goods exported, Cash Dr. to Voyage to »—-, received a drawback of 1 000,00 Receiving advice from your Factor. If your Factor, F. A. advises you that he received the goods, but sold no part of them ; Note, Make no entry until you receive an account Sales, and if the Factor remits the net proceeds in cash or bill on W, B. of New- York, who paj'S it immediately, amounting to twenty thousand dollars ; As you debited the voypge for the value of the goods ship- ped, so now you must credit it for the net proceeds, or the returns received from Factor, in order to close the account, and to ascertain the gain or loss on the same ; therefore, Cash Dr. to Voyage to IMadeira, for net proceeds, 20000.00 If the bill be drawn at 90 days, and and acccpted-by W. B. W. B. Dr. to Voyage to Madeira, for iiiil accepted for ni. proc. 20000. When W. B. pays the amount of the bill accepted by him ; Note, As you debited him for amount of bill when ac- cepted, so now you must credit him when paid, in order to close the account ; Cash Dr. to W. B. rec'd. the amt. of his bill, 20000.00 If your Factor, F. A. advises you that the goods are all sold, and a cargo shipped in return, amounting to the net proceeds ; Voyage from Madeira Dr. to Voyage to Madeira, 20000.00. If your Factor advises you that he has overshipped the nt. proc. by your order, to the amount of 10000. ; Note, As the former voyage is to be credited for the net proceeds, in order to close it, so is F. A. to be credited, like- wise, for the value of the goods overshipped, as you delivered him nothing in return, and the homeward bound voyage de- bited for the wliole amount ; Voyage from Madeira Dr. to Sundries, 30000 00 To Voyage to Madeira, for nt. proc. 20000.00 To F. A. Factor, my acct. currt. due to him, 10000.00 If Factor advises you that he has undershipped the nt. proc, by five thousand dollars, Note, As the former voyage is to be credited for the nt. proc. when you receive an account sales, in order to close it, £0 is the homeward bound voyage to be debited for amount of goods shipped, and also the Factor for what remains due of him. Sundries Dr. to Voyage to Madeira for nt. proc. 20000.00 Voyage from Madeira, for amt. Goods Shipped, 15000.00 F. A. Factor, ray acct. currt, for the sum due of him, .5000.00 22 When the Ship arrives in port, and you pay a duty of sis thousand dollars on the cargo; Note. The voyage is to be debited for all costs and char- ges, and cash, or whatever was given to discharge the same, credited ; Voyage from Madeira Dr. to cash paid duty, 6000.00 If the duty be secured at the custom-house, to be paid at the usual time ; Note, The voyage, or merchandize, is to be debited, and the custom-house, to whom you are indebted for the duty, credited ; the same as the thing received is Dr. to the thing delivered, when nothing is given in return ; Voyage from Madeira Dr. to Custom-house for duty, 6000. When you pay the custom-house the amount secured to be fmid ; Note, As you credited the custom-house before for the duty, now you must debit them in order to close their acct. Custom-house Dr. to Cash paid in full, 6000.00 If you receive advice that the Ship was lost on her voyage to Madeira, and not insured ; Note, It is evident that no real or personal account can be charged with this loss, as the cargo was not insured ; there- fore, you must substitute profit and loss as your Dr. and also Cr. the voyage for the amount lost. Profit and Loss Dr. to Voyage to Madeira for my loss, 10000. But if the goods were insured by the Globe Insurance Company ; Note, It is apparent that you can charge the Insutince Company with the cargo insured, for the amount, as they are bound, by the policy delivered you, to cover all losses that may occur until the ship arrives safe at her destined port ; Globe Insurance Dr. to Voyage to Madeira, 10000.00. If F. A. advises you that he was obliged to make abatements, or pay some other unforeseen charges on your goods, amount- ing to five hundred dollars, * Note, The voyage, if it is open, must be debited for all losses sustained by sale of the goods ; if closed, as no other real account can be found in the transaction, profit and loss is substituted and charged for the loss, and factor credited. Voyage if open, if not Profit and Loss Dr. to F. A. Factor, Day Account Current 500.00 % 2» m Heceiving Payment, from your Factor^ in Bills. If you draw a Bill of 2000. on your Factor, I. S. favor A. B. "who pays you the amount of the Bill in money. Note. The payment received, is Dr. to the person on whose account you receive it, when nothing was delivered him in j-e turn, and asthe money received of A. B. was in consequence of your Bill given him on I. S. therefore cash is debited and I. S. credited. Cash Dr. to I. S. my Acconnt Current for my Bill on him favor A. B. for 2000.00 If you draw on your factor, I. S. favor A. B. a Bill of 1000. and do not receive the value of it until some future day, or if you are indebted to A. B. for that amount and give him a Bill on I. S. in payment. Note. The person in whose favor you draw a bill, when he gives nothing in return, or because you are indebted to him, is Dr. to him on whom the bill was drawn, and as nothing was delivered by you to I. S. in return, therefore A. B. is Dr. and I S. Cr. A. B. Dr. to I. S. my Act. Currt. for my Bill on him, favor A. B. of 1000.00 If your Factor I. S. remits you a bill of 2000. on D. K. pay- able in one month after sight, and said bill is accepted, Note. The thing received is Dr. to the person on whose account you receive it, when nothing is given him in return,^ and as the bill was received from I. S. without receiving any consideration from you, for the same at present ; therefore, Bills Receivable, or D. K. the acceptor, are Drs. and I. S, Cr. Bills Receivable, if you keep an account of Bills, if not, D. K. Dr. to I. S. my Act. Currt. for his Bill on D. K. my favor for 2000.00 Drawn a bill, on I. S. my Factor, of 1500. favor H. L. which Bill is returned protested. Note, When you gave H. L. the bill, you debited him for the amount, as nothing was recciv^^d in returii, and credited I. S. for the same reason. As the bill was not paid, but return- ed protested, you must now credit H. L. for its value, in order to close his account ; you must also, debit I. S. for the sum drawn, as payment was refused, and debit profit and loss for the protest money, and credit cash for the same. H. L. Dn to I. ^. for my Bill on him, favor H. L. of 1500,00 When the bill drawn by you on I. S. favor H. L. is return- ed by him proteste^'l, and that you pay hiiiiHhe protest money. I. S. my Act. Currt. Dr. to H. L. foEBj^paymcnt of my Bill ^^ 1500.00 Profit and Loss Dr. to Cash, paid for protesting I. S's. Bill, favor H. L. "^ 1.50 Note. It is presu^ned, that in debiting profit and loss, with the charges of protest, that I. S. has failed, otherwise the entry would be in the following matiner, viz. I. S. Dr. to Sundries for amt. Bill and protest 1501.60 To H. L. for amount Bill returned " 1500.00 1^ Cash, paid charges of protest 1,50 But if any person for the honor of I. S. paid you the amount of the bill, with the charges of prc^test. Note, . As I. S. was debited for amount of bill when return- ed, an^rofit and loss for charges of protest, now, as you are repaid the same, they must be credited for that sum, in order to discharge the former debit ; and the thing received, that is, cash, debited. Cash Dr. to Sundries* received from B. D. the amt. of I. S's. Bill, favor H. L. which was returned with charges of pro- test 1501.50 To 1. S. for amt. Bill returned and now paid 1500 00 To profit and loss, gained by protest repaid 1.50 Factorage. Factor?%e comprehends three things, viz. 1. The Receipt of your employer's goods. 2. The Sales of them. 3. The returns, or payments made employer. When you become Factor, and have goods consigned to you by your employer, A. B. and received them ; paid TOO. for charges of importation ; Note. In all cases yow are to charge employer's acct. of goods, with the expenses attending them, until you remit him the nt. proc and as cash is to be credited for the money paid, so is A. B's. sales to be debited for the same ; A. B. Sales Dr. to Cash paid charges of importation 700.00 Sold I.K. goods, expressing particulars, belonging to my em- ployer A. B. amounting to five thousand dollars. Note, As you received nothmg in return from I. K. for the goods sold him, therefore, you must debit him for their value, and credit A. B. sales for the same amount. 2^ 1. K. Dr. to A. B. sales, lor Goods sold him, amc mting to 5000. Closed A. B's. account of goods and sent him an account of sales, amounting to twenty thousand dollars. Note, As you credited your employer's account of goods for the sales, so now you must debit it for the charges and net proceeds, in order to close the same ; thus, A. Ks. Act. Goods, or A. B. Sales, Dr. to Sundries for the close 20000. To Cash for all charges paid thereon 500. To Commission, for your agency, 1500. To A. B's. Act. Curt, for net proceeds 18000. Note, The net proceeds is found by subtracting all char- ges from the total saies. ^ Received from I. K. the sum of 5000. for goods sold him the 20th ult. belonging to my employer A- B. Note. The thing received is Dr. to tlie person from whom you receive it, when nothing is deiiv^red in return, and as you had no occasion to ^ive ar:y in return to I. K. as he was, in* debted to you for your (employer's goods, theiefore, debit cash, and credit him, in (jrder to close his account. , C-ish Dr. to 1 K. for G )')ds, A. B. s'l^ssold him 5000. When, after a part of your t niployer's goods are sold, you hnd you carmot dispose of the rest on advantageous terms, and on th'tt account, by his order, either return what remains un- sold to himself, or bhip them to another of his Factors, Paid charges on thf same at exportation 1500. Note, The money n.:w paid, beinir only an additional charge on your emphiyer's goods, debit his act. of goods, if open, [f not, his act. curt, for the same, and credit cash ; thus, A. B. Sales Dr. to Cash, paid charges at exportation, 1500. Shipped goods to the amount of ten thousarsd dollars, on account of my employer A. B. and consigned to him, part of which I bought of C. D. at 4 i Mouths, amounting to 5000. My own goods amounting to 5000. Insured the same with the Globe Inturance, at 5 per cent. * 500. 10500. Note, A. B. on whose account you shipped the goods, is Dr. to the means by which they were obtained, and as the va* lue of 5000. was purchased before by you, and entered in your books, you must credit the account of goods or merchan- dize for that amount, in order to close it as far as respects thie E transaction, and also credit G. D. for the quantity boughiL oi time, and the Insurance offic.e for the money due to them*; thus, A. B. Dr. to Sundries for amount of goods shipped on hi» account, 10500. To Merchandize, my ownj 6000. To C. D. for amt. Goods, at 4 months?, 5000. To Globe Insurance, for insuring the same, at 5 per cent, 500. Received, per the ship Success, Johnson, master, 10 bales of Broad Cloth, consigned to me by Samuel Edwards, of Bristol,. to sell for his account. 2ihte» The following is the manner of closing the account taken from a Sales Book, where the particulars are specified at large, without any alteration, except a cliange of names, and is a plain and accurate form. Sundries Dr. to Sales, per the Success. For amount 10 Bales Broad Cloth, on account of Samuel Edwards, as per Sales Book, folio 5. Samuel Harris, for 2 bales, at 2 months, 6554.50 Oibson and Carr, for 4 bales, at 4 months, 8708. Cash for 4 bales^ sold for ready money, 11883.50 27146. Sale?, per the Success, Dr. to Sundries. To Cash paid charges, 2310. To Commission on the Sales 1900.15 To Samuel Edwards, for net proceeds of 10 bales Broad Cloth, as per Sale's Book, fol. 5. 22935.85 27146. J^ote. In ca«cs where the charges exceed the sales of the goods, you must credit the account Sales for the deficiency, by employer's account current, in the Ledger ; thus Samuel Edwards's account current Dr. to Sales per the Success, 1000. Notr, It may happen that the sales of the goods would not amoufit to the charges paid by the Factor on them, as they might be damaged at sea or otherwise injured ; therefore, he must debit the employer's account for the deficiency, and «sredit the account sales, in order to close it, for the same. 27 Insurance. Shipped goods value 20000. and insured them at the Glol^e Insurance Office, at a premium of 10 per cent, which I paid ; Note. The voyage is always charged wiih tiU expenses paM thereon, until the receipt of the net proceeds, and as this is an expense, Jt must be debited for the same ; Voyage to — Dr. to Cash paid Insurance, 2006, When you insure the goods, but do not pay the premium at the same time ; Note. This is similar to goods bought on time, where the thing received is Dr. to the person from whom you receive it, when nothing is given in return ; and as the office insured the goods, for which they have received no compensation as yet ; therefore, you must debit the voyage and credit the insurance company; Voyage to — Dr. to Globe Insurance, for goods in- sured, 2000. When you pay the premiums upon advice from your Factor that the goods are safely arrived ; Globe Insurance Dr. to Cash paid premium on Voy- age, 2000. If the above goods that were insured by the Globe Insurance are cast away at sea ; Note, As the Company became responsible for all losses that may happen to the goods until the ship arrived safe in port ; therefore, you must debit them now for the sum insured and credit the voyage for the same amount ; Globe Insurance Dr. to Voyage to — , i20000. If the goods were lost at sea, and not insured ; Note. In this case, as no real or personal account can be charged with the loss, as the goods were not insured; there- fore, profit and loss must be substituted and debited, and the voyage credited, in order to close it ; Profit and Loss Dr. to Voyage to — , for my loss, 20000. Suppose A. B. shipped goods, value ten thousand dollars, to New-Orleans, on board the brig Nancy, of New-York, which goods were insured by you as underwriter, at a pre- mium of 5 per cent, which was paid by A. B= when you de- livered him the policy ; the ship and cargo being lost, you be^ came indebted to him for the amount insured, which you im- mediately paid, on deduction of 2 per cent, for present pay- ment ; Note. As the underwriters are obliged to cover all losses JOTk the gQods insm^ by them, and as you are bound by the 28 teftns of the policy delivered to A. B. to repay him the sum insured ; and when you received the premium of him, you debited cash and credited the account of insurance : now as you have paid him the amount insured, you must debit insu- rance 10000. and credit cash for the amount paid, 9800. and profit and loss for the al)atement of »2 per cent. 1. Cash Dr. to Insur.mce, recM. of A. B. premiuip, 500. 2. Insurance Dr. to Sundries, 10000. To Cash paid A. B. for Insurance, 9800. To Profit and Loss for abatement of 2 per cent, on 10000. 200. Bills of Exchange. If you draw a bill of two thousand dollars on A. B. favor D. I. who paid you the amount, and you are allowed an exchange of 2 per cent, by him ; j\^te. The thing received is Dr. to the person on whose account you receive it, when nothing is delivered in return ; and as you received the money of D. I. by means of the bill on A. B. with a gain of 2 per cent on the exchange ; there- fore, debit cash received for the whole amount, credit A. B. for the value of the hill, and profit and loss for the exchange; Cash Dr. to Sundries, 2040. To A. B. for amount of the Bill, 2000. To Profit and Loss gained by Exchange, 40. If j^ou remit the above bill to A. B. and pay Exchange ; Sundries Dr. to Cash, 2040. A. B. for the value of the Bill remitted, 2000. Profit and Loss, lost by Exchange, 40. Or Exchange Acct. if that is open, for the loss. JVotc, If you employ A. B. to be your agent in the com- merce of bills, open exchange acct. with A. B. and debit it for all bills you remit him for sale, and credit said account for all remittances made by him to you. Keep inner columns in the account, to ascertain the exchange. If the inner columns of the Cr. exceed those of the Dr. side, there is a gain — and if ^fce Dr. columns exceed the Or. there is a loss. 29 Company Accounts. Company Accounts are of three kinds, viz. 1. Those which a trustee or manager has occasion to keep in his own Books, along with his private concerns, and relate to single adventures in company. 2. Those which a partner has occasion to keep in his own Books, in relation to his connection as a partner with-the com- pan}^. 3. Those of a fixed company, which a trustee or manager keeps in books appropriated for that purpose. Note, This last is usually denominated Partnership in separate Books. Case 1. The entries which the manager has to make, when he keeps the accounts of the company-adventure in his own books. When each partner advances an equal share of goods in company ; Note. It is evident that the voyage, adventure, or goods in company, must be debited for all costs and charges, as they are the receivers in a secondary way. It is also apparent that each partner, as well as the manager, must be credited for the value of the money or ^[oods advanced in company, as they are the deliverers ; for the thing rectived is Dr. to the thing delivered. Voyage in Co. Adventure in Co- or Merchandize in Co. with I. S. and B.I. Dr. to Sundries, 6000. To I. S's. Account in Co. for his ^ share advanced, 2000. To B. Ts. Account in Co. for his \ share advanced, 2000. To Cash, Merchandize, if booked, seller if 1 bought on credit, for manager's part advan- > 2000. ced, J When each partner advances a share more or less than his part, which is to be adjusted afterwards, so as to make the shares equal. Suppose I. S. advanced goods to the amount of three tkn>« sand dollars, in company, and that B. I. and the manager fur- nished each the value of fifteen hundred dollars ; Note. It is evident that if any partner advances a share more or less than his part, that he must be credited for the ex- cess, and debited for the deficiency, and the adventure debit- ed foF the whole amount ; Adventure in Co. with I, S. and B. I» each f Dr. to Suh- dries, 60001 30 / To I. S's. Account in Co. furnished by him, 30O0L To B. Vs. Account in Co. furnished by him, 1500. To Cash, or Goods, advanced by manag^er, 1500. When I. S. is paid the one thousand dollars he advanced more than his share, by B. I. and the manager ; Note. It is apparent that I. S. as he was credited for the money advanced a])ove his part, m.ust now be debited for the same when paifi^ in order to close or balance the account, and each partner credited for the sum paid by him ; I. S'fi. Acct. in Co. Dr. to Sundries in full, 1000. To B. Ts. Aoct. in Co. paid I. S. 500. To Cash paid by the manager, 500. The manner of adjusting the accounts and finding each partner's share : 6000—3=2000, each partner's share in company. 3000— 2000= 1000, what I. S. is to receive from partners. 2000—1500=500, what B. I. is to pay. 2000 — 1500=500, what manager has to pay. The foregoing transaction might be Journalized after the fallowing manner : Sundries Dr. to Sundries. Adventure in Co. for my, (manager's,) 1-3. 2000. I. S's. account in Co. for his 1-3. 2000. U. I's account in Co. for his 1-3. 2000. 6000. To Advetiture in Co. advanced by me, 1500. To T. S's. account in Co. advanced by him,. 3000. To B. I's. account in Co. advanced by him, 1500. 6000. Then, to adjust the accounts, the manager has but to sub- tract the Dr. side of I. S's account in Co. from the Cr. side and he will find what partners have to pay him ; also, to sub- tract the Cr. side of adventure in Co. and of B. I's. acct. in Co. from the Dr. sides, and he will see how much each has ta pay I. Sc I>EMONSTRATIONr- I. s. Adven. B.L €r. 3000. I>r. 2000. Dr. 2000. Dr. 2000. Cr. 1500. Cr. 1/iOO. lOOQ. 500. 500. Suppose you shipped ihe above ^oods, value six thousand dollars, in company with I. S. and B. L to Madeira, and con- signed them to Francis Alcara, Merchant there, for sales and returns, you insured them at the Globe Insurance office, at a premium of 5 per cent, to cover the adventure. In due time you received from your Factor an account of sales, with the value of the net proceeds, amounting to 12000. a statement of the whole transaction, until the accounts are finally closed, is required ; each partner having advanced his proportion. Note. When you shipped the goods, you debited the voy- age for cost and charges, and credited each partner for his share advanced, and mercliandize for your share. Next cre- dit the Insurance Company for the premium, as it remains un- paid, and debit voyage for that sum. With regard to your Factor, make no entry, as he rertkitted an account sales with the value of the net proceeds, before you received any advice with respect to the fate of the adventure. Then debit cash, and credit voyage for net proceeds. Also debit voyage and credit commission for your agency in the business. Then debit Voyage to Madeira to Sundries, for the close, which sum h partners gain ; and credit each of them for his share thereof, and profit and loss for your share. Finally credit Cash for the money paid partners, which is their stock and gain ; debit each of them for the sura paid him. Voyage to Madeira, in Co. Dr. to Sundries 6000. To I. S's. act. in Co. for amt. of Goods advanced 2000. To B. Ts. act. in Co. for amt. Goods advanced ^ 200O, To Merchandize for amt. advanced by Manager 2000. When you paid insurance, Voyage to Madeira Dr. to Cash, paid Insurance, 300v When you receive the net proceeds, Cash Dr. to Voyage to Madeira in Co. Keceived of my Factor, Francis Alcara, for net pro- ceeds, 12000. Voyage to Madeira, in Co. Dr. to Commission for my ageiacy; at^2J p^er cent*, on 12000. 30(>. 3^2 Closing V'oyage to Madeira, in Co. Voyage to Madeira in Co. Dr. to Sundries for the close 5400. Which sum is partner's gain. To I. S's. act. in Co. for his 1-3. gain 1800. To B. I's. act. in Go. for his 1-3. ditto. 1800. To Profit and Loss for my 1-3 ditto. 1800. Closing each Partners act. in Company, Sundries Dr. to Cash paid partners 7600. I. S's. act. in Co. paid in full of Stock and gain on Voyage to Madeira 3800. B. I's. act, in Co. paid in full of Stock and gain on Voyage to Madeira 3800. LEDGER DEMONSTRATION. VwcLgc to Madeira in Co. nitii I, S. and B. 7. 1-3. Dr. "^ Cr. To Sundries for amt. shipped 6000. By Cash 12000. To Insurance 300. To Commission 300. To Sundries for partner's gain 5400. 12000. 12000. Note. Each partner's gain is found by subtracting the a- mount of the Dr. side from the Cr. side, and dividing that sum by 3, equal the number of partners. 12000-.:.6600=5400-j-3=l 800, each partner's gain. Close partner's account in company. 7. 5. Account in Co, for 1-3 Goods Shipped to Madeira, Dr. Cr. To Cash in full of By Voyage to Madeira, Stock and Gain, 3800. 1-3 advanced, 2000. By do. do. 1-3 Gain, 1800. 3800. 3800. B. 7. Account in Co, for 1-3 Goods Shipped to Madeira, Dr. Cr. To Cash in full of By Voyage to Madeira, Stock and Gain, 3800. 1-3 advanced, 2000. By do. do. 1-3 Gain, 1800. 3800. 3800. 33 Note, If you were obliged to close the books before you received the proceeds from Francis Alcara, voyage in com- pany and each partner's account in company must be closed thus : 1. Credit the Voyage — By each partner's acct. Co. for his 1-3 remaining. By balance for your, manager's, 1-3 remaining. 2. Debit each partner's acct. in Co. To Voyage to Ma- deira, for his 1-3 remaining. • 3. Credit each of them in the next Books for Stock advan- ced ; also, for his share of net proceeds, when received, and debit him to Cash when paid, which closes the account. Case 2. When you sell goods in company, value four thousand dol- lars, to B. H. and receive of him the following payments, viz. Cash, in ready money, 1000. An Assignment on K. L. for 1000. The remainder in 90 days, 2000. Note. The things received are Dr. to the things delivered in return, and as you delivered goods in Co. with — , and re- ceived cash, an assignment on K. L. and B. H. to pay in 90 days ; therefore, they must be debited each for its value, and merchandize credited for the amount sold ; Sundries Dr. to Merchandize in Co. with — , 4000. Cash, received in ready money, 1000. Bills Receivable, or K. L. for the Assignment, 1000. B. H. to pay in 90 days, 2000. If partners, B. H. and L. D. withdraw their shares in com- pany each 1-3, the whole stock being twelve thousand dollars ; Note. It is evident that when the partners entered into company, each was credited for his share advanced, and goods in company debited for the amount in company, in order to ascertain the gain or loss. It is also apparent that when the stock is withdrawn, the partners must be severally debited for his part taken up, and adventure in company credited for the whole, to close it. Sundry Accts. Dr. to Goods, or adventure, in Co. withdrawn, 12000. B. H's. Acct. in Co. for his share withdrawn, 4000^ L. D's. Acct. in Co. for his share withdrawn, 4000. Merchandize retained by manager for his part, 4,000. I. S. has sold to D. K. his share of stock in company, a- mounting to six thousand dollars ; F 34 Note, When I. S. advanced or bought the stock in com- pany, he was credited for its amount : upon transferring it, he must be debited for the transfer, in order to close his account, and D. K. the purchaser, also, credited for the same -, J. S's. Acct. in Co. Dr. to B. K's. Acct. in Co. 6000. The former has transferred to the latter his stock in com- pany, amounting to six thousand dollars. When goods in company with H. H. L. D. and self, are sold, or voyage finished, and you want to close the account, the net proceeds amounts to twelve thousand dollars ; Note, When the company was instituted, and each partner advanced hiS proportion according to the terms of co-partner- ship, the goods in company were debited with the collective amount put in, with all other charges, and each partner credit- ed by the manager for the sales or returns made : now they must be charged with the gain, which closes the account, and each partner credited for his share thereof ; Goods in Co. with B. H. and L. D. Dr. to Sun- dries for the close, 12000. To B. H's. Acct. in Co. for his 1-3 of the gain, 4000. To L. D'g. Acct. in Co for his 1-3 do. 4000. To Profit and Loss for, (manager's) 1 -3 do. 4000. But if a loss attended the sales — Sundries Dr. to Goods in Co. for partner's loss, 12000. B. H's. Acct. in Co. for his share of the loss, 4000. I.. D's. Acct. in Co. for his 1-3 do. do. 4000. Profit and Loss for my share do. 4000. Of Company Accounts. Such as you are obliged to keep nhen your partner is manager. Case 1. If you give in exactly your share in Company, suppose four thousand dollars, A. B. (manager) my acct. in Co. Dr. to Cash advanced 4000. To Bills Payable, if your note is received, „ To Bills receivable, if another note, „ To D. L. if you give your draft on him and it is paid If you put into Company, above the value of your part, goods amounting to one thousand dollars, your share being four thousand, an Note, It is evident that your acct. in Co. with manager, is to be debited for your share, and his particulaV account, for what you overpaid, and that merchandize must be credit- ed for the whole amount, therefore, ^ Sundries Dr. to Merchandize 5000. A. B. (manager) my acct. in Co. for my share 4000. A. B. (manager's) particular acct. overpaid 1000. If you advance your partner's share, as well as your own, both shares being eight thousand dollars, either in money or Goods, Sundries Dr. to Merchandize, or to Cash, 8000. A. B. my acct. in Co. for my share advanced, 4000. A. B. for his share, paid by me, 4000. If your partner A. B. advances your share, in Company, which is four thousand dollars, Note. Debit your acct. in Co. with partner, for your share advanced by him, and credit his particular acct. for the isame sum. A. B. my acct. in Co. Dr. to A. B. for my share, advanced by him, 4000. N9te, The manager will debit your acct. in Co. to Mer- chandize, or to Cash, for your share, advanced by him. Case 2. If you receive advice of the goods in Co. being sold, your share of Stock and gain five thousand dollars ; capital advanc- ed four thousand. Note. When you advanced your share in Company, j^ou debited A. B. my acct. in Co. for the sum paid in, now, upon receiving an account Sales, you must debit partner's particu- lar acct. for Stock and Gain, and credit A. B. my acct. in Co. for that amount ; thus, A. B. (manager) Dr. to A. B. my acct. in Co. for my share, 5O00. Received of my partner, A. B. the sum of five thousand dollars, being my capital and dividend. ^ Note. As A. B. was debited for this sum, when you re- ceived an account Sales, now, as you are paid, you must cre- dit him for the same, which will close his account, .and debit cash. Cash Dr. to A. B. received principal and dividend, 5000. If you receive payment of your principal and dividend of A. B. when the goods were sold, and no previous entry made with respect to them, Note. It is evident that your acct. with Company, which 36 "was charged before with principal, when put into Company, must now be credited for your stock and dividend, in order to close the account and ascertain the gain thereon, and Cash re- ceived of A. B. debited for that amount. In this case the account is closed to Profit and Loss, for gain 1000. Cash Dr. to A. B. my acct. in Co. for principal and divi- dend, 5000. If only a state of the accounts is laid before the Company, but no dividend made, or if a copy of the account is transmitted to you. Note, Debit the manager for the principal and dividend, and credit your acct. with Co. for the capital, and profit and loss for the dividend ; thus A. B. (manager) Dr. to Sundries, for capital and divi- dend, 5000. To A. B. my acct. in Co. for capital unpaid, 4000. To Profit and Loss, for dividend due to me, 1000. If you sustained a loss of one thousand dollars on the adven- ture in Company, Note, It is evident, in this instance, that you cannot charge your partner, A. B. for the loss, which you could if th^re was a gain, nor any real account, and as A. B. my acct. in Co. was charged with the stock of 4000. advanced, which is now re- duced to 3000. as appears by the sales of goods in Co. there- fore, substitute profit and loss, and debit it for this loss, and credit my acct. with Co. for the same, which will close it when you receive your stock of A. B. thus. Profit and Loss, Dr. to A. B. my acct, in Co. for my loSs, 1000. If a dividend is made of the profits, and the capital continu- ed, and that each partner received his part. Note, As you received your dividend in money, you must debit Cash, and credit profit and loss for the amt. For the Cash received is Dr. to the gain delivered. Cash Dr. to Profit and Loss, for dividend received, 1000. If a dividend is made of the profits, of one thousond dollars, and the capital withdrawn, Note, As the capital and dividend were paid you by A. B. (the manager) in money, it is apparent that cash must be debit- ed for the whole amount, and A. B. my acct. in Co. credited for the Stock advanced, as it is now received, and profit and loss for the interest, in order to close the former and ascertain the gain on the latter. t. 37 Cash Dr. to Sundries, received of A. B. principal and divi- dend, 5000. To A.. B. my acct. in Co. for capital withdra^vn 400;?. To Profit and Loss, for inter<:st, or dividend re- ceived, 1000. 1. Debit Cash, to Sundries, received of A. B. Stock and Gain, 5000. 2. Credit A. B. my acct. in Co. By Cash for capital withdrawn 4000. 3. Credit Profit and Loss, By Cash, received of A. B. dividend, 1000. Correcting Errors in the Waste Book and Journal. Which are of six kindSf and may be corrected as follows : 1 . A whole post or entry may be omitted, which is correct- ed by writing it in a different place, with a reference to its proper place. 2. Some vvrords may be omitted, which can be supplied by interlinii| them, or writing them in the margin. 3. A whole entry may be repeated, which can be correct- ed by cancelling, or crossing the superfluous part. 4. If a word or sentence is repeated, cancel what is super- Hiious. 3o If a Misnomer, or wrong name, is entered, either erase or cross it with two lines intersecting each other, and put the true one at the top. 6. If the sum in any addition is wrong, or short extended, -cancel the false sum, and mark it right. To correct Errors in the Ledger. 1. When an article is quite omitted, it is to be corrected by- writing it on the proper side of the account, but not to crowd it in between two articles, where it should have stood ; write it after the last article. And though it stands out of its place, as the date will shew, that will plainly appear to have been an omission. d 38 2. When an article is placed or entered upon an account to which it does not belong, it is to be corrected by placing the same article or sum on the opposite side ; thus — To or By- Error, naming 'the account to which it is made debtor or cre- ditor, on f he other side and date. 3. When an article is placed upon the right account, but upon the wrong side, it is corrected by entering it twice on the opposite side ; once, to place what ought to be on that side ; again, to balance or extinguish what is wrong on the other side ; thus — To or By Error for the false charge or en- try. To or By Cash, &c. for the true charge. Errors might happen after the following manner. 1. By the entire omission of an article. 2. By twice posting an article. 3. By debiting or crediting a wrong account. 4. By carrying the credit to the debit side. b. By carrying the debit to the credit side. 6. By carrying an article to two debit or credit sides. 7 By the omission of a debit or credit. 8. By committing a mistake in the sum. Of the Balance of the Ledger. Before the Balance of the Ledger is attempted, you oui^ht to be convinced that there is no error therein that may hinder it. Though care may prevent errors, yet some mistakes may escape the most careful and expert; it is necessary to find out where those errors lie, and also to correct them when found out. In discovering errors, two methods have been heretofore used. 1. To prick or point-the Books. 2. To make a trial balance. How to point or prick the Books. Every week, or as often as convenient, compare what is posted of the Journal with the Waste- BooK> to see if the arti- cles be truly transferred, the sums correctly added, and the 39 calculations properly performed. If you find an error, rectify it immediately, before you proceed to another article. The corrections ought to be made on the article itself, if possible ; iftnot, refer it to the first vacant place, where a new article is to be formed, explaining the mistake, and true state of the affair. If you find an error in the article, or have corrected what was found wrong, set a dash or point ( . ) to the left of the re- ferring figure in the margin of the Waste-Book, to put you in mind that this article was examined and truly journalized. Continue to do the same through the whole of the Waste-Book and Journal. When you find the articles accurately journalized, and the postings truly made, prefix a dot, or point, ( . ) ^^ ^^^ referring figures in the margin of the Journal, which denotes that the transaction is now correct, and the posting truly performed. You must also carefully compare every other Book subser- vient to the Ledger. ^ Of the Trial Balance. Notwithstanding the greatest care is used in pointing the Books, efpue errors may escape notice, which may even affect the Balance of the Books, and give the book-keeper no small trouble, unless he makes a new Balance, before he begins a regular Balance. It is performed thus: On a separate paper add up the Dr. side as also the Cr. side of every account in the Ledger, in so many distinct sums. Next, add up all these suits ; if the two last totals agree—rthat is, if the sum of all the debits be equal to the sum of all the credits, there is no error in the Ledger to hinder the balance or closing of the BookiT. If they are not equal, the Books can- not be brought to a balance until the error is discovered, which is often a laborious performance. Of the General Balance OV THE WHOLE LEDGER, IN ORDER TO TRANSFER THE SAME INTO NEW BOOKS. For this purpose, prepare two sheets of paper, ruled with money columns, for dollars and cents, in the form of Dr. and 49 Cr. Write Profif and Loss as the title of one, and Balance as the title of the other. - Ad^l up l)oih sides of all tUv accounts in the TiedgfM?^)eginnii(g firsi with Cash, and the rt st in order ; omitting the accounts of Stock, Profit and Loss, •nd Balance, to the last. Subtract the lesser from the greater, place the difference on one of the sheets : if the difference appears on a real account to be a gain — that is, when the Cr. exceeds the Dr. place it on thp Cr. side of the Profit and Loss sheet ; but if a loss — that is, when the Dr. exceeds the Cr. enter it on the Dr. side. If it be a personal account, and a debt due to you — that is, when the Dr. exceeds the Cr. enter that difference on the Dr. side of the Balance sheet. If it be a debt due of you — that is, when the Cr. exceeds the Dr. plaoe that difference on the Cr. side of Balance. All accounts are balanced or closed either by Balance or by Profit and Loss, except accounts in company, which are bs^kriced by goods in partnership for partner's gain, or to those goods for his loss — that is, in closing an account of goods in company, between A. B. L S. and self, each 1-3, we suppose the Cr. exceeds the Dr. side three thousand dollars, which is the company's gain — close it thus : EXEMPLIFICATION. Goods in Co. with A. B. I. S. and self, each 1-3,^ Dr. to Sundries, 3000. To A. B's. Acct. in Co. for his 1-3 gain, 1000. To I. S's. Acct. in Co. for his 1-3 gain, 1000. To Profit and Loss for my, (manager's) 1-3 gain, 1000. Note. The manager will tran^r his share of gain to the credit side of Profit and Loss, and each oartner's share to the credit side of his acca loss, and as no real or personal ac- count can be charged — therefore, debit profit and loss, and credit wine for the value thereof. 9 Sold Thomas Shaw 17 Hhds. Wine, containing 1167 gall^ at 1.75 per gall. Received his bill on John Fine, at 3 days, for Cash, for the remainder, 2000.00 42.25 Note. — The things received are Dr. to the thing de- livered in return* As you was paid by Thomas Shaw for the wine, part in bill and part in money — therefore, debit bills receivable and cash for its amount, and credit wine for the whole value thereof. 2042 ^ 57 10 New- York, February 12, 1817. —_ ^ [10 10 10 10 Drawn my bill on John Nash, of Leghorn, favor John Chandler, for 2000 Piasters, at .55 each, value received of said Chandler in money, Note. — What J. Chandler paid you, was in conse- quence of the bill given him on J. Nash, and as ttie payment received is Dr. to the means by which it was acquired ; therefore, debit cash to John Nash, and credit him for the same amount. 14 Received a Bill of Exclvange from Moses Mirtir), of Hamburgh, on Dalton and Co. at 3 days, sight, for Note. — This transaction is similar to the above ; (i.e.) the payments received Dr. to the means by which they were acquired — as the bill was remitted to you by Moses Martin, debit bills receivable for iti value, and credit him for the same. If you made no entry until the money was paid by Dalton and Co. cash Dr. to Moses Martin. 16 i 1100 00 1000 00 10 Sold 20 Firkins of Butter, at 14. per Firkin, and received the amount, Note. — Debit cash for the money received,#and credit butter for the same. * 18 Received of Dalton and Co. forM. Martin's Bill, Note. — As you charged bills receivable for the a- mount of the bill when received, now, as you are paid, you must debit cash, and credit bills re- ceivablo^r its value, in order to clem ^^^ ac^ count of bills. r-i 20 Shipped oh board the Neptune, Ward well, for Leghorn, by order and for account of John Nash, Merchant there, the following goods, viz. 120 pieces of my Linen, 5000yds. at .75 3r50.«0" 20 do. bo't of Jos. Otis, at 10. 200.00 20 Hhds. Tobacco bo't of J. Selden, at 100. 2000.00 Paid charges on the same, 200.00 Paid Insurance on 6150. at 5 per cent, 306.50 My Commission at 5 per cent, on 6456. 322.82 280 1000 00 00 Jem'32 b\) i^n Nepj'York, February 20. 1817. 10 11 11 Note. — It it evident that Jolm Nash must be charged with the value of the cargo shipped, and all other charges attending it, as you received nothing in return. It is also apparent, that your own linen must be credited for its value, as it was entered before in your books, in order to clear the ac- count now of said charge — also, that J. Otis and J. Selden are to be credited each for amonnt of goods purchased of him, as it was on time ; like- wise, credit cash for insurance and charges paid, and commission for your agency in the business. 22 James Thornhill, who owed me 2240. has failed ; I have compounded the debt with him, at 20 per cent. \batedhin], 1792.00 Cash received, 448.00 Note. — As you agreed to take 20 per cent, for the whole debt, by which means you are, per con- tract, paid, you must credit J. Tjioruhill for a- mount due of him, in order to balance his ac- count ; likewise, debit profit and loss for the a- '^alement, Ail cash for the money received. 24 Sold 20 Firkins Butter, at 12. per Firkin, Note. — As the butter was sold for ready money debit cash for amount received, and credit butter for the value thereof. * 26 Received from Aidses Martin, of Hamburgh, an account sales of ray Tobacco and Spirits, consigned to him per the Columbia, nt. proc amounting to Note. — When the goods were shipped, you charged the voyage with the costs and charges thereof, now, as you received an account sales from M Martin, your Factor, you must debit him for the net proceeds, and credit the voyage for the same, in order to balance the account and ascertain the gain or loss tliereon. 2240 GO 240 00 12654 8^ ,59 112] New- York, February 27. 1817, Sold 50 Boxes of Soap, at 8. per Box, Note. — Debit Cash for the sum received, and credit Chandlery for the same amount. : 28 Sold 60 Boxes Candles, at 6. per Box, Paid Sundry charges, this month, as per Book ot House Expenses, Note. — All money paid for family use, &tc. is ac cosinted a loss, and, as no real or personal ac- count can be found in the transaction, you must debit Charges, or Profit and Loss, and credit Cash for the sum expended. END OF THE WASTE BOOK A. or No 1 400 360 ire 00 00 00 s THE FIRST SET OF BOOKS. JOURNAL A. or No. 1 THE PROPER^TY OF A. B. JANUARY Ut. 1817. 62 New-York, January 1. ISIT, Sundry accounts Dr. to Stock, for amount of pro- perty belonging to me. Cash in reaady money Tobacco, for 12 Hhds. nt. wt. ISfcwt. 3qrs. 161b. at 12.75 per cwt. Linen, for 120 pieces, 5000 yds. at .42 per yd. Duroy, for 6 pieces 180 yds. at .88 per yd. Muslin, for 16 pieces, at 11.50 per piece, Broad Cloth, for 10 pieces, 200 yds. at 2.50 pr. yd. Wine, for 20 Hhds. 1450 gallons at 1.2p per gall. Brandy, for 10 Barrels, 320 gall, at 1.40 per gall. Bills Receivable, for amount of Bills on hand, Israel Johnson owes me To Pj)St the First Part of the Inventory, ^ , 1. Coedit Sfooif, By Sundries, ' 22010.76 2. JJiebit Cash to Stock, for amt. in hand, 12976.00 3. Debit Tobacco to Stock, at 12. per cwt. for lOHhds. !27cwt 3qrs. 141b. 1630.4 4. Debit Linen, to Stock, at .42 per yd. for 120 pieces, qnt. 5000 yds. 2100.00 5. D.el)it ruiov, to Slock at 88 per yd. for 6 pieces, qnt. 180 yds. 158.40 6. Debit Muslin to Suck, at 11.50 per piece, for 16 pieces, 184 00 7. Debit Broad Cloth ti> do. at 2.50 p6r yd. for 10 pieces, 200 yds. 500.00 8. Debit Wine to Stock, at 1.25 per gal- lon, for 20 Hhds. 1550 gallons, 1812.50 9. Debit Brandy to Stock, at 1.40 per gallon, for 10 Barrels, 330 galls. 448.00 10. Debit Bills Receivable to Stock 1726.00 11. Debit Israel Johnson, to do. due of him, 475.25 00 76 C-- 63 New- York, Januar?/ 1. 1817. [ 22 1 Stock Dr. to Sundries, for amount of debts due of me. 3 To William Shellard, due to him, 1537 00 4 To Joseph Otis 3000 00 4 To Samuel Hay 756 00 4 To Bills Payable for ami. of Bills accepted by me ^ 3149 75 To Post the Second Eart of the Inventory/. 8492 75 r D.?bit Stock to Sundries 8492.75 2. Credit William Shellard, by Stock, due to him -^- 1587.00 • 3. Credit Joseph Otis By 3000.00 4. Credit Samuel H/iy By # 756.00 5. Credit Bills Payable By Stock, for • amt. due of me 3149.75 ab2 Wine Dr. to Cash : 1 For 10 Hhds. 1100 gallons at 1.45 per gallon 1. Debit Wine io Cash, at 1.45 per gall, for 10 Hhds. 11 00 gallons,. 1595.00 2. Credit Cash, By Wine, 1595.00 rl ^ 1595 00 bd 1 Cash Dr. to Wine: • rv Sold 2 Hhds. 220 gallons, at 1.75 pei^jj^ 2 gallon, 1. Debit Cash, to Wine, 385.00 2. Credit Wine, By Cash, at 1.75 per gall, for 2 Hhds. ^^O gallons, 385.00 ft '. 385 00 4 Shalloon Dr. to Joseph Selden : A For 600 yds. at .30 per yard. 180 00 r» 1 . Debit Shalloon to Joseph Seldon, 9 at .30 per yd. for 600 yards, 1 80.00 2. Credit Joseph Selden, By Shal- Joon, 180.00 64 [3] New-York y January 7, 1817. Chandlery Dr. to Phoenix Company : For 127 Boxes Candles, at 4.75 per 603.20 95 do. Soap, „ 5.50 522.50 1. Debit Chandlery, To Phoenix Co.^ 1125.75 2. Credit Phoenix Co. By Chandlery/ 1125.75 1 Cash Dr. to Is^rael Johnson: Received in full, 3 1. D "hit Cash, To Israel J. hnson, 475.25 2. Credit Israel Johnson, By Cash, o 47a»25 ab2 Sundries Dr. to Wine : ad3 Brandy, for 40 bangils, 1280 galls, at 1.25 per gall. 1600.00 5 Checks, for 20 pieces, at 16.25 per piece. Bartered 10 Hhds. Wine, 1100 galls> 3fi5.00 at 1,75 per gall, for the above of the same ) value. 1. Credit Wine, By Sundries, at 1.76 per gall, for 10 Hhds. 1100 galls. 1925.00 2. Debit Brandy to Wine, at 1.25 per gall, for 40bbls. 1280 galls. 1600.00 3. Debit 4^t3cks to Wine, at 16.25 per piece, for 20 pieces, 325.00 - 10 4 Sundries Dr. to ShallooA : 1 Cash received in part,^ 150.00 3 Israel Johnson, to paj in 3 months. Sold said Johnson 600yds. at .40 per 90.00 yard. 1. Credit Shalloon, By Sundries, at .40 per yd. for 600yds. 240.00 2. Debit Cash, To Shalloon, 150.00 3. Debit Israel Johnson, To Shalloon , 90.00 6.> Ne/v-York^ January 10. 1817 [4] Samuel Hay Dr, to Cash, Paid him in full, 1. Debit Samuel Hay, To Cash^ 2. Credit Cash, By Samuel Hay, 11 Joseph Otis Dr. to Cash, Paid him in full. 14 756.00 766.00 Samuel Hay Dr. to Sundries : To Muslin, for 16 pieces, at 12. ^ 192.00 To Duroy, for 6 pieces, 180yds.. at K 180.00 756 3000 100.00 200.00 Sundries Dr. to Samuel Hay .-^ Cash receivecnn part, ^ Bills receiyable, for a Bill on Dalton & Co. No. 267, due March 9jor 1. Debit Samuel Hay, To Sundries, 2. Credit Muslin, By Saniuel Hay, at 12. per pie>ce, for 16 pieces, 3. Credit Duroy, By Samuel Hay, at 1. per yd. for 6 pieces, 180yds. 4. Credit Samuel Hay, By Sundries, 5. Debit Cash, To Samuel Hay, 6. Debit Bills receivable. To Do. Or make. Sundries Dr. to Sundries : Cash receiyed, 100.00 Bills receiyable, 200.00 Samuel Hay for , 72.00 To Muslin, * • 192.00 To Duroy, 180.00 372.00 192.00 180.00 300.00 100.00 200.00 372 300 00 OO Oft Od Oli [5] Nc'JV-Yo7;k, January \Q, 1817. Bills receivable Dr. to Israel Johnson, Drawn on him for the balance of his account, who remitted me his Bill, at 3 months, for 1. Debit bills receivable. To I. Johnson, 90.00 2 Credit Israel Johnson, By Bills re- ceivable, 90^00 ir 3 I s H B T I Butter Dr. to William Shellard: For 50 Firkins bought of him, at the following prices^ 20 Firkins, at 8.25 per 165.00 JO do. 9.50 190.00 10 do. 10.75 10r.50 1. Debit Butter^ To William Shellard, 462.50 2. Credit William Shellard, By Butter, 462,50 r8 — Voyage to Hamburgh Dr. to Sundries : To Joseph Selden, for 60 hhds. Spi- rits, 6750 calls, at 1. per gallf|^ payable i)f3 months, 675000 To Tobacco, fv)r 10 Iiluis. nt. wt. 100 cwt. at 12 75 per cwt. 1275.00 To Cash paid charges and Insurarrce, 626.25 90 00 462 50 1. Debit Voj'age to Hamburgh, To Sundries, ^ 2. Credit J. SeTden, By Voyage to Hamburgh, 3. Credit Tobacco, By Voyage to do. at 12.75 per cwt. for 10 hhds. lOOcwt. 4. Credit Cash, By Voyage to do. 20 8651.25 6750.00 1275.00 626.25 Cash Dr. to Commission : Received of William Nelson, for the use of M. Martin, of Hamburgh, 4000. which I re- mitted him per Cnpt. Thorn, deducting § per cent, for Commission, 1. Debit Cash, To Commission, 20.00 2. Credit Commission, Bv Cash, 20.00 8651 25 20 00 r bi New- York) January 22 . 1818. [ 11 6 Merchandize Dr. to Joseph Otis, ^r - For the following Goods, at 3 months, viz. 4 16. Hhds. ifpirits, 1600 galls, at 1. per gallon, 1600:00 12. Hhds. Tobacco, 120cwt. at 12. p.er cwt. 1440.00 16. Bags Pepper, 10881b. at .50 pr. lb. 544.00 3584 00 1. Debit Merchandize to Joseph Otis 3584.00 2. fJredit Jos. Otis, By Merchandize, 4584.00 6 John Nash Dr. to Sundries : € To Merch^lidize, for amount of goods 3584.00 1 To Cash paid charges 157.00 6 To Commission on 3741.25, at 5. per cent 167.06 3908 31 Shipped the above goods to Leghorn, for the acct. anil risk of John Nash, Merchant there, and to him consigned. 1. Debit John Nash to Sundries 3908.31 ^. . • /• ' 2. Credit Merchandize,by John Nash 3584.00 3. Credit Cash by ditto 157.25 4. Credit Commission by ditto 167.06 OQ 4 Joseph Seldon Dr. to Cash — Paid film on account 80 00 1 oc 1 Cash Dr. to Profit and Loss — Received of the Executors of my Uncle, a 6 6 1 Legacy of 4000 50 00 Profit and Loss Dr. to Cash or GO Joseph Otis Dr. to Cash 1, Paid him in full 3584 00 (ili r^j New-York^ January 27. 1817. Cash Dr. to niterest . Joseph Otis has allowed me 2 months discount on the above sura, at 5. per cent Note. — In the. above Case it is supposed tliat Otis returned the interest after he recevied the prin- cipal, otherwise make, Joseph Otis Dr. to Sundries 3584.00 To Cash paid him 3539.G0 To Profit and Loss, for Discount 44.80 Goods on Account of John Nash, Dr. to Cash Received, per the Huron, from Leghorn, 12 pipes of Olive Oil, consigned to me, by John Nash, to sell on his account : paid charges at landing L Debit Goods, on acct. John Nash, to Cash 198.00 2. Credit Cash by Goods, on acct. of John Nash 198.00 •28- Sundries Dr. to Bills Receivable Cash received at the Bank 643.95 Profit and Loss, for discount allowed by me 6.50 ^ Discounted Dalton and Co.'s Bill, at the Mar hattan Bank Discount allowed by me on 650.45, for 2 months, at 6. per cent. L Credit Bills Receivable, by Sundries G50.45 2. Debit Cash to Bills Receivable 643.95 3. Debit Profit and Loss to ditto 6.50 — : 30 Bills Payable Dr. to Sundries To Cash paid by me 790.66 To Profit and Loss gained by Discount 9.34 Paid William Archer's Bill, No. 16, 800. Di& count allowed me, for 2 months, at 7, per cent. ^00 198 00 -^50 45 69 New- York, January ^\. 1817. [8] Charges Dr. to Cash : Paid Sundry charges this month, as per Book^ of House Expensf s, February 2. \^\7 /:<. Sundry Accounts Dr» to Goods on Account John Nash : Joseph Otis, for 6 pipes of Olive Oil, at 150. per pipe, sold him at 3 months, 900.00 Cash, for 6 pipes, at 148. per pipe, sold for ready money, 883.00 ^fr 1. Credit Goods on acct. John Nash, By Sundries, for 6 pipes, at 150. per — 6^ do. 148. per, •2. Debit Joseph Otis, To Goods on acct. John Nash, 3. Debit Cash, To Goods on acct. John Nash, Note. — The goods beiug all sold, close the ac- count by making the following entry : 1788.00 900.00 888.00 Goods on acct. John Nash Dr. to Sundries: To Commission on 1986. charges and sales, at 5 per cent. 99.^0 To John Nash, for net proceeds of 12 pipes of Olive Oil, 1490.70 I. Debit Goods on acct. John Nash, To Sundries, 2 Credit Commission, By Goods on acct. John Nash, 3. Credit John Nash, By Sales of Olive Oil, for nt. proc. t£l 1590 00 99.30 1490.70 Bills receivable Dr. to Cash ; Paid James Gabbet's Bill, No. 56, C Cash Dr. to Bills Receivable: Received the amt. of M. Rogers's Bill, No. "ip^^ 198 88 88 00 1590 00 1456 15. T5_ [9] New- York, February 4. 1817 BD sd2 1 3 Phoenix Company Dr. to Sundries : To Cash paid them, To Samuel Hay, for my Bill on him, their favor, for To Interest, for 6 months, on 1125.75, at 7 per cent, allowed me for prompt payment, 1. Debit Phcenix Company, To Sun- dries, 2. Cr. Cash, By Pha^nix Company, 3. Cr. Samuel Haj^ By^, do. 4. Cr. Interest, By du. 6 772.27 314.10 39.38 1125.75 772.-27 3i4.l0 39.38 James Thornhill Dr. to Brandy : For 40 barrels, 1280 galls, at 1.75 per 1. Debit J. Thornhill, To Brandy, 2. Credit Brandy, By J. Thornhill, at 1.75 per ,t2:ali. for 40 bbls. 1280 s;. 2240.00 gall. 2240.00 Profit and Loss Dr. to Wine : Bottled 1 hhd. 63 galls, at 1.25 per gall, for my own use, 1. Debit Profit and Loss, To Wine, 78.75 2. Credit Wine, By Profit and Loss, at L25 per gall, for 1 hhd. 63 g. 78.75 9 . Sundries Dr. to Wine : Cash, in ready money, Bills receivable, for a Bill on J. Fine, 42.25 2000.00 Sold Thomas Shaw 17 hhd?. Wme, 1167 galls, at 1.75 perg. for which he paid as above. 1. Credit Wine, By Sundries at 1.75 pergall. for 17 hhds. 1167 galls. 2042.25 2. Debit Cash, To Wine, 4-i.25 Debit Bills receivable, To Wine, 2000.00 1135 75 2240 GO 78 75 2042 25 n New- York, January' JO. 1817 [10] Cash Dr. to John Nash, Leghorn, Drawn my Bill on him, for 2000 piasters, at .55 per piaster, favor John Chandler, who paid me 1 4 Bills Receivable Dr. to Moses Martin, Received a Bill of Exchange, from Moses Mar- tin, of Hamburgh, on Dalton and Co. at 3 days, for 16 ___ Cash Dr. to Butter, For 20 firkins, sold at 14. per firkin m Cash Dr. to Bills Receivablej Recived of Dalton and Co. foi Bill . ^ ^^0 — Loses Martin's J')hn Nash Dr. to Sundries, To Linen, my own, 120 pieces, 5000yds. at .75 per yard / 3750.00 To Joseph Otis, for 20 pieces Linen, at 10. per piecf- 200.00 To Joseph Selden, for 20 Hhds. To- bacco, at 100. per Hhd. 20000.) To Cash, paid cJiarges and Insurance 506.50 To Commission on 6456.50, at 5. per cent. 322.82 Shipped the a!)ove Goods on board the Ntp- tnne, for Legliorn, consigned to John Nash for his acct. and risk. T. Debit John Nash to SurKJrios 6719/^2 2. Credit Linen, By John N;; m, at .75 , per yd. for MO pieces 5000 yds. 3750.00 3. Credit Joseph O is, by J- 4m Nash 1*00. 00 4. Credit Joseph Seldon, by ditto 2000.00 5. Credit Cash, by do.'paid charges &c. 506.50 6. Credit Commission, by ili'to 322 62 ,_- 22 . Sundries Dr. to J> To Shalloon, received in part 4 150 00 14 4 To Samuel Hay, received in part » 100 00 20 6 To Commission, received for remit- tance to Hamburp:h 6 20 00 25 6 To Profit & liOss, rec'd. a legacy of "H 4000 00 27 7 To Interest, rec'd. for discount 7 44 80 28 j» To Bills Receivable, rec'd at the bank 3 643 95 Feb. 2 8 To Goods on Acct. of John Nash 7 888 00 3 *» To Bills Receivable rec'd for No. 16. 3 475 75 9 9 To Wine, received in full 2 42 25 12 10 To J. Nasjv rec'd "f Jolm Chandler 6 1100 00 16 )» To Buttqrfteceived in full 5 280 00 18 ?> To Bills Receivable, rec'd. in full 3 1000 00 22 j» To James Thornhill ,7 448 00 24 11 To Butter 5 240 00 27 5> To Chandlery >> 400 00 28 1 Tod^ J7 360 24029 00 00 Tobacco, Dr. Jan. 1 To Stock, at 12.75 per cwt. for 12 hhds.— 127cwt.3qrs. 141b. 1 1630 1 H Ll Contra^ Cr. 1817. jp LF ' Jan. 1 1 By Sundry Accts. for amt. of my pn;- perty 2201d 76 Feb.28 By Profit and Loss, gained by two months tradi iig 6 10232 27 2 2 32243 03 1595 Contra^ Cr. Jan. 2 By Wine, paid in full 00 10 4 By Samuel Hay, paid in full 4 756 00 11 »♦ By Joseph Otis, paid in full » 3000 00 18 5 By Voyage, to Hamburgh, paid charges 5 626 25 22 6 By John Nash, paid charges 6 157 25 23 »> By Joseph Selden, paid in part 4 80 00 25 » By Profit and Loss, lost a bank note of 6 50 00 27 n By Joseph Otis, paid in full 4 3584 00 j> 7 By Goods on Acct. John Nash, paid charges 7 198 00 30 ») By Bills Payable, paid Wm. Archer's Bill, No. 14. 4 790 66 31 8 By Charges paid this month 7 198 88 Feb. 3 J) By Bills Payable, paid JLGabbeeg Bill, No. 66 mk 4 1456 75 4 9 By Phoenix Co. paid in full^ 5 772 27 20 10 By John Nash paid charges 6 506 50 28 11 By Charges paid this month 7 116 00 jj By Balance remaining in hands 8 10141 24029 44 00 5 — Contra, Cr. Jan. 18 By Voyage to Hamburgh, 12.75 per cwt. 10 hhds.— lOOcwt. 5 1275 00 Feb.28 By Balance, at 12.75 per cwt for 2 hhds.— 27cwt. 3qrs. 14lb. 8 355 1630 41 41 76 1817. Jan. 1 Feb.28 Linen Dr. Jan. 1 Feb.28 Jan. 1 reb.28 pes. yds. To Stock, at .42 per yd. for 120 5000 To Profit & Lobs gained hereby, Duroy, Dr, pes. yds To Stock, at .88 per yard, for 6 180 To Profit and Loss gained, Jan. 1 Muslin, Dr. pes. To Stock, at 1 1 .50 per piece for, 1 6 To Profit and Loss gained. Broad Gloth, Dr. pes. yds. To StocMpt 2.50 per yd. for 10 200 Jan. 1 2 Feb.28 Wine, Dr. hhds. galls, mrk To Stock, at 1.25 per gall, for , 20 1450 b d To Cash, at 1.45 per gall, for '. 10 1100 A B To Profit & L^oss, 30 2550 2100 1650 00 00 375e 00 158 21 40 60 180 00 184 8 00 00 192 500 00 00 6 1812 1595 1023 4431 50 00 50 00 Contra^ Or. L^J 1817. Feb. 20 10 Jan. 14 Jan. 14 Feb. 28 Jan. 4 9 Feb.6 9 pes. yds. By J. Nash, at .75 per yd. 120 5000 Contra, Cr, pes. yds. By Samuel Hay, at 1. per yd. for 6 180 Contra, Cr, By Samuel Hay, at 12. per piece, for pes, 16 Contra, Cr. pes. yds By Balance, at 2.50 per yard, for ip "SOO Contra, Cr. hhds. gal. m'k By Cash, at 1,75 per gall, for 2 2iO B D By Sundries, at 1.75 per gal. for 10 1100 a b By Profit Ik Loss, for my use, at 1.25 per g. 1 63 b d By Sundries, at 1.75 per gall. 17 1167 b d 30 2550 3750 00 180 192 500 385 1925 78 2042 4431 00 00 00 00 00 75 25 00 ^J Brandy, Di 1817. Jan. 1 9 Feb: 26 Jan. 1 14 16 Teb. 9 14 bbl. gal. mrk To Stock, at 1.40 per gal- lon 10 320 c I) To Wine, at 1.25 pr. gall. for 40 1280 a d To Profit and Loss gained 50 1600 Bills Receivable^ Dr. 10 Jan. 1 1 10 Feb. 28 To Stock, for amt. of Bills in hand To Samuel Hay, for his Bill on Dal- ton and Co. No. 247 To Israel Johnson, for his Bill, at 3 months To Wine, for Thomas Shaw's Bill, on John Fine To Moses Martin, for his Bill on Dalton and Co. Israel Johnson^ Dr, To Stock To Shalloon William Shellard, Dr. To Balance due to him 448 1600 640 2688 1726 200 90 2000 1000 5016 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 00 20 475 90 25 00 2049 50 51 Contra, Cr, L3] 1817. Feb. 6 28 Jan. 28 Feb. 3 18 28 Jan. 7 16 Jan. 1 17 I bbl. gal. mrk. 9, By J. Thornhill, at 1.75 per gallon, lor 40 1280 ad By Balance, at 1.40 per/ ^ gallon, for 10 320 c d 50 1600 Contra, Cr. By Sundries, Hiscoimted Dalton and Co.'s Bill, No. 44 By Cash, for Moses Roger's Bill, 16 By Cash, for Dalton and Co.'s Bill By Balance, for amt. Bills in hand Note, — The Bills remaining unpaid are at follows, viz. Wm. Raymond's Bill, No. 203—600. Dalton and Co.'s „ 247—200. Israel Johnson's „ 2 — 90. John Fine's „ 1-2000. Contra, Cr. By Cash, received in full By Bills Receivable Contra^ Cr, By Stock By Butter 2240 448 2688 650 475 1000 2890 00 00 00 5016 475 90 1587 462 2049 45 75 00 00 20 25 00 oa 50 50 80 L4J Joseph OtiSj Dr. Wu7 Jan. 1 1 27 Feb. 2 Jan. 10 14 Feb 28. Jan. 30 Feb. 3 28 Jan. 6 Feb.28 Jan. 23 Feb.28 To Cash paid in full, To Cash paidi* full, To Goods on acct. of John Nash, Samuel Hay Dr. To Cash paid in full. To Sundries, To Balance due to him, Bills Payable Dr. To Sundries paid William Archer's . Bill, No. X4>y To Cash Paid James Gabbet's Bill, No. 56, To Balance for amt. of Bills due of me, yotc. — The Bills remaining unpaid, No. 57, 648.25 „ 48, 244.75 Shalloon, Di To Joseph Selden, at .30 per yard, for 600yds. To Profit and Loss gained. Joseph Selden Dr. To Cash paid in part, To Balance due to him, 1 3000 00 3584 00 7 900 00 1 756 00 8 372 242 00 10 614 10 1 8 800 1456 893 00 75 00 3149 75 4 6 180 60 00 00 240 00 1 8 80 8850 oo 00 8930 00 u Contra^ Ct. IM i8ir. Jan. 1 22 Feb.20 28 Jan. 1 14 Feb. 4 By Stock By Merchandize By John Nash By Balance due of him, Jan. 1 Jan. 10 Jan. 6 Feb.20 Contra^ Cr. By Stock By Sundries By Phoenix Co. for my Bill on him, their favor, for Contra^ Cr. By Stock, for Amt. Bills due of me Contra^ Cr By Sundries, at .40 per yard, 600yds. Contra^ Cr. 2 By Shalloon 5 By Voyage to Hamburgh, consigned to Moses Martin 10 By JohifNash M 3000100 3584 00 200 '00 roooo 900 00 756 300 314 614 3149 240 OO OO lO lO 7S 00 180 6750 2000 8930 00 00 00 QP Chandlery^ Dr. 1817. Jan. 7 reb 28 Feb. 4 Saw. 9 Jan. 17 Feb. 28 To Phoenix Co. at 4.72 per Box, for 1::7 B.-ixes Candles To d(i. at 5.50 for 95 Boxes Soap To IVufit and Loss gained P/icenix Company, Dr, To Sundries paid in full Checks, Dr. Td Wine, at 16.25 per pee. 20 pes, Jan. IS Feb. '28 Butter, Dr- Price. Fir. Mrk. i 8.23 20 BS 165.00 To Will. SheUard, < 9.50 20 hb 190.00 ( 10.75 10 T 1 107.50 To Profit and Loss gained Voyage to Hamhurs;h, Dr. I'o Sundries consigned to M. Martin To Profit and Loss, gained 5 603 522 200 1325 1125 25 50 00 75 75 325 00 462 165 50 00 627 50 6 8651 4003 25 60 12654 65 JJ3 Contra^ Cr. 1817. Feb.2r 26 5> 11 j> 3 • 10 11 11 By Cosh for 50 Boxes Soap, a: 8. per By Cash for 60 do. Candlts, al, 6. By Balance 45 do. Soap, at 5.50 > 67 do.Cand!es 4.75 ^ 1 '^ 5 1 8 400 360 565 1325 00 00 75 75 1125 325 Contra^ Cr, Jan. r By Chandlery 75 Contra^ Cr, Feb^ By Balance unsold, 20 pieces • 00 280 240 107 Contra^ Cr, Fe6.16 28 Bv Cash, 14. per firk. for 20 firk. e s ;>y Cash, 12. per do. for 20 do. h b By Balance, 10.75 for 10 do, t f 00 00 50 6ir 12654 50 Contra, Or, Peb.26 By Moses Martin for net proceeds 85 r«] &4 Commission^ Dr. 1817 I Feb. 28 Jan. 2-^ Jan. 22 Feb.20 Jan. 25 2» Feb.e 2v To Profit and Loss gained by this acct. Merchandize, Dr. To Joseph Otis John Nashj Dr, • > Sundries Fo Sundries Pro^^ and Loss, Dr. To Cash, lost a Bank Note of To Bills Keceival)lc, lost by Disct. To Wine bottled for my own use To J. Thornhill, for an abatement To charges expended, 2 months past •Vmount of my loss, 2 months past To Stock, for my net gain on trade 6 609 4 3584 3908 678H 106^ 1 3 1 i 50 6 78 1792 314 2242 10232 12474 18 00 31 32 63 00 50 75 00 88 13 27 40 hj) Contra^ On L^i 1817. Jan. 20 22 Feb. 2 2b Jan. 22 Feb. 2 12 28 Jan. 25 30 Feb.28 By Cash received for a remittance to Hamburgh By John Nash for goods remitted him By Goods, on acct. John Nash By John Nash Contra, Cr. By John Nash, of Leh or n Contra, Cr. By Sales of Goods on his acct. for net proceeds By Cash received of John Chandler, for my bill on you By Balance due of him Contra, Cr. By Cash received, a Legacy of By Bills payable, gained by discount By Linen gained thereby By Duroy By Muslin By Wine By Brandy By Shalloon By Chandlery By Butter " By Voyage to Hamburgh By Commission By Interest Amt. of my gain, these 2 months past 1 20 6 ler 7 99 6 p22 609 e •85«4 7 1490 ! 8 1100 1068<' 1 4000 4 9 2 1650 5) 2l 1023 3 64a 4 60 5 200 >5 J5 165 4003 6 S09 7 84 i2474 00 6 30 32 18 00 70 00 93 63 00 34 00 60 00 50 00 00 00 00 60 18 18 8G t/^ J Charges, Dr. 1817. Ja»i. 31 Feb.28 To Cash paid Sundry Charges, this monrh To Cash paid Jan. 27 Feb. 2 Feb.28 Feb. 6 ^ b.26 Goods on Acct. /. Nash^ Dr. To Cash j)aid, Cliarges Fo Sundries, for closing the Acct. Interest, Di To Profit and Loss gained 9 11 James Thorn/iill, Di To Brandy Moses Martin, Hamburgh, Dr, To Voyage to Hamburgh, for net proceeds 198 116 31: 198 1590 1788 84 88 00 00 00 00 18 2240 12654 00 8d 87 Contra^ Or. lU 1817. F8b.28 Feb. 2 Jan. 27 Feb. 4 Feb.22 Feb. 14 28 10 10 By Profit and Loss, lost Contra, By Sundry Accts. Contra^ By Cash received for Discount By Phooenix Company, do. do. Contra, By Sundries Contra, By Bills Receivable By Balance 71: 314 88 1788 00 44 39 84 2240 1000 11654 30 38 18 00 00 85 88 [8] Balance, Dr. 1817. Feb. 28 To Cash remaining in hands 1 10141 44 » To Tobacco, 2hhds. 27cwt. 3qrs. 141b. 12.75 percwt. 355 41 9) To Broad Cloth, 10 pes. 200yds. 2.60 per 2 5dO 00 CD.,, To Brandy, iObWs. 320 galls. 1.40 per To Bills Receivable, foramt. Bills in hand 3 448 00 ?> ), 2890 00 J5 Joseph Otis, due to me 4 700 00 J) Chandlery, for 45 Bnxes of Soap, at 5.50 per 247.50 \ 67 ditto Candles 4.75 318.25$ 5 665 75 » Checks for 20 pieces, at 1 6.25 326 00 T. I. „ Butter for 10 firkins at 10.75 per 5J 107 50 » John Nash, due to me 6 8096 93 5> Moses Martin V Amt. my property, at closing these books 7 11654 85 35784 88 Dr. TRIAL Stock, 8492 75 Cash, 24029 00 Tobacco, 1630 41 Linen, 2100 00 Duroy, 168 40 Muslin, 184 00 Broad Cloth, 500 00 Wine, . • • 3407 50 Brandy, • • ^< 2048 00 ^ Bills Recivable • . • • 5016 20 — 47566 26 William Shellard, . . • • 0000 00 Joseph Otis, .. 900 00 Samuel Hay, ' 372 00 *» Bills Payable, .... 2256 75 Shalloon, • • • • - 180 00 Joseph Selden, • • • • . 80 00 Chandlery, 1125 75 Checks, 325 00 'j2'?Q 60 Butter, . • • • • 462 50 «/iO«7 Voyage to HambJft'gh, . • • • 8651 25 Commission, ' ' ' ' m 0000 00 John Nash, • ^ ' Profit and Loss," .... 10687 63 1927 25 ^^harges, ' m ' ' ' ' 314 88 000 00 • ^^^^es Martin, 12654 85 34698 36 ( 87504 12 89 Contra^ a. [B] 1817. Feb. 28 By William Shellard, due to him By Samuel Hay By Bills Payable, for amt. Bills due of me By Joseph Selden due to him Amount of Debts due of me Bly Stock, foF my net property 3 2049 4 242 >j 893 j> 8850 12034 1 23750 35784 50 10 00 00 60 2S BALANCE. Cr. Stock, 22010 76 Cash, 13887 56 Tobacco, 1275 00 Linen, ..:... 3750 00 Duroy, 180 00 Muslin, 192 00 ' Broad Cloth, . . . 000 00 Wine, ...... 4431 00 Brandy, 2240 00 Bills Receivable, .... 2126 20 50092 52 William Shellard, . • • . 2049 50 Joseph Otis, . . . . ♦ 200 00 Samuel Hay, .... 614 10 Bills Payable ..... 3149 75 Shalloon, 240 00 Joseph Selden 8930 00 Chandlery, ..... 760 00 Checks, ...... 000 00 15943 35 Butter, 520 00 Voyage to Hamburgh, 12654 85 Commission, . . ... 609 18 John Nash, 2590 70 Profit and Loss, . . . . - . | Charges, < f 4009 34 0000 00 Interest, 84 18 Moses Martin, .... 1000 00 21468 25 N 87504 12 THE MANNER OF CLOSING THE LEDGER. Amount Dr. side, Cash . . . 24029.00 Amount Cr. side 13887.56 Difference, By Balance 10 1 4 1 .44 Amount Dr. side Tobacco Amount Cr. side . . . 1630 41 127.').00 Diffa-ence, By Balance, unsold 335.41 Amount Cr. ride Linen Amount Dr. side . , 3570 00 2100 00 To profit and Loa, gained 1630.00 Ci edit side Duroy Debtor side 180 00 15840 To Profit ind Lois, gained 21.60 Credit side Mutlin Debtor Fide . . 192.00 184 00 To Profit and Low pained .00 Deb or «ide Bro:id Cloth By Balance unsold , . 500.00 500 00 Amount Cr. side Wine . Amount Dr. side 4431.00 3407 50 To Profit and Loss, gained 1023.50 Credit side Brandy .... By Balance, at 1.40 per gall, for 10 Barre's, 320 gallons . . . Amount Cr. side Brandy . . .Amount Dr. side .... 2240.00 448.00 2688 00 2048.00 To Profit and Loss, gained 64000 Amount Dr. side Bills Receivable Amount Cr. side 501620 2126 20 By Balance in hands 2890.00 ■\Vm. Shellard, arat. Cr. side . . 2049.50 To Balance due to him 2049.50 Joseph Otis, Dr. side . . . Credit side By Balance due of him 900 00 200.00 700 00 3amncl Hav, amt. Cr. side . . Debtor side ' 'M To Balance due lo him 614.10 372.00 242710 Bills Payable, Cr.'side Amount Dr. side 3149.75 2256.75 To Balance, for amt. due of me 893.00 Shalloon, Cr. side Debtor side To Profit and Loss, gained 240.00 180.00 60.00 Joseph Seldon, amoimt Cr. side 8930.00 Debtor side 80.00 To Balance due to him 8850.00 Chandlery, amonnt Cr. side . . 760.00 45 Boxes Soap, at 5.50 per Box . 247.30 67 ditto Candles, at 4.75 . . 318.23 By Balance, unsold 565.75 760.00 Amount Credit side .... 1325.75 Amount Debtor side . . . . 1125.75 To Profit and Loss, gained 200.00 Checks, Dr. side 325.00 By Balance, unsold, 20 pes. cost 325.00 Butter, Cr. sitle . ... 520 00 By Balance, unsold, at 10.75 per fir- kin, for 10 firkins . . . 107.00 627.50 462 M) Amornt Credit side Debtor side To Profit nnd Loss, gained by this account 165.00 Voyage to Hamburgh, Cr. side . 12654.8,'' Debtor side 865125 To Profit and Loss, gained by this account 4003.60 Commission Cr. side .... 609.18 To Profit and Loss, gained by this account 600.1? John Nash, amount Dr. side . Amount Cr. side ... By Balance, due of him 10687.6.'? 2590.70 8096.93 Charges, amount Dr. side . . . By Profit and Loss, lost 314.88 5M.88 Interest amount. Credit side . . 84.18 To Profit and Loss gained 84.18 Moses Martin, Dr. side Credit side Bv Balance due ofhim 12654.8:^ 1000.00 .1654.8.' THE SECOND SET OF BOOKS. WASTE BOOK, B. or No. 2. THE PROPERTY OF A. B. MARCH IsL 1817. 92 [1] New-York, March 1. 1817. Inventory of my ivhole Estate, consisting of Moneys Goods^ and Debts, owing to and by me, A. B, of Neiv-York, Merchant, as per Dr, side of Balance, Ledger Nu, 1. taken this day* 1 i have in ready in an^y, 2 hhds. Tobacco, nt. wt. 2rcwt. 3q. Ulbs. at 12.75 per cwt. 10 pieces Broad Cloth, 200yds. at 2.50 per yd. 10 bbls Brandy, 320 galis. at 1.40 per gall. 6F boxes Candles, at 4.75 per box, 318.25 45 do. Soap, 6.50 247.50 20 pieces Checks, at 1 6.25 per piece, 10 firkins Butter, at 10.75 per firkin, Bills Receivable, for the following bills in hand : No. 203, on William Raymond, due March 3, for No. 247 on Dalton & Co. due March 8, for No. 1, on John Fine, due April 6, for No. 2, on Israel Johnson, due April 16, for 600.00 200.00 2000.00 90.00 Joseph Otis owes me John Nash owes me Moses Martin owes me I am indebted as follows, viz. To William Shellard, To Samuel Hay, To Joseph Selden, Bills Payable, for the following bills accepted by me: No. 37, drawn by Thomas Shaw, due March 30, for 47, drawn by John Bradshaw, due March 30, for 10141 355 500 448 565 325 107 2890 700 8096 11654 35784 44 41 00 00 75 00 50 648.25 No, 244.75 2049 242 8850 893 12034 00 00 93 85 88 50 10 00 00 60 93 Neiv-York, March 1. ISlT". [2] Sold 2 hhds. Tobacco, nt. wt. 2rcwt. 3q. 141bs. at V2.75 per cwt. for ready money, Mote, — As the sales were for ready money, de- bit cash for the sum received, and credit Tobacco for tlie same amount. Sold Samuel Hay 20 pieces of Checks, at 15. per piece, Note. — As the goods were sold on time, debit Samuel Hay, and credit Checks for the value thereof. 3 Bought of Thomas Johnson 20 pieces of Broad Cloth, 500yds. at 2.50 per yard, payable on demand, liote. — Because the cloth was purchased on trust, debit it for the cost, and credit T. Johnson for its value ; for whatever is received by you is Dr. to the person from whom you re- ceive it, when nothing is given in return. — 5 Delivered John Vallens, to sell'for his account and mine, each one half, 30 pieces Bro id Cloth, roOyds. at 2.50 per yd. Note. — When you purchased the cloth, you charged it with the first cost ; now, as you entered it in company, you must credit it for the price it stands you in, by which means you will clear the account of the o- riginal charge. Next, open John Vallens my account in Company, and debit it for one half the value of the cloth, for your part, and John Vallens for the other half, as you advanced his ghare of goods in compa ny. 6 I have insured 2000. on the brig Mary, of New- York, bound to Lisbon, belonging to James Thornhill, and received the premium at 10 per cent. • Note.— Debit Cash, and c*edit Insurance for the money received. x 355 41 300 00 1250 00 1750 00 200 94 L^J NeiV'York^ March 7, 18i7 I have lent Thomas Shaw, on Bottomry of his ship, the Ontario, bound to Hamburgh, one thousand dollars, to be paid to Moses Mar- tin, my factor, on her safe arrival there, with 30. per cent. Interest for my risk. Note, — Debit Bottomry, and credit Cash for the money paid. 9 Received of William Raymond, for his Bill, No. *203, due the 3d inst. Received the amount of Dalton & Co.'s Bill, No. 247, Note, — Debit Cash, and credit Bills Receivable for amount of both the bills. 11 at Sold Thomas Johnson 10 Firkins of Butter, 12. per Firkin, Note, — Debit T. Johnson, and credit butter for the value thereof. 12 Received of John Vallens, in full for his half share of Broad Cloth in Co. Note. — As you charged John Vallens with the half of Broad Cloth in Co. which you ad- vanced for him ; now, as you are paid, de- bit cashi and credit him for the money re ceived. Lent Thomas Knowels, on Bottomry of his ship, the Juno, bound to Stockholm, two thousand dollars, to be paid me on her return to New- York, with 20 per cent. Interest for my risk, in pursuance of which contract, I have giv- en him my Bill on James Thornhill, at sight, for Note, — As the contract was performed by means of the draft which was paid T. Knowels, on sight, therefore, debit Bottomry, and credit J. Thornhill for the value of the bill. 1000 600 200 120 875 00 00 00 00 00 2000 00 95 Mew-York, March 13. 18ir. [4] Paid John Vallens for my half share of 1 2 hhds. of Tobacco, which he bought on our joirit acet. Note, — The Tobacco being purchased in Co. and paid, you must debit John Vallens my acct. Co. and credit cash. 15 . Sold Thomas Johnson 1 bbls. Brandy, 320 gals at \Jb per gall. Note* — The Brrndy being sold on time, debit T. Johnson, and credit Brandy for its value. The person to whom you deliver any thing is Dr. to the thing delivered him, when nothing is received in return. Bought of James Ward, TO pieces of Flowered Stuffs, at 8. per piece. Note, — Debit Stuffs, and credit James Ward, as you purchased the goods on time. 16 Bought of James Ward, for account of James Thornhill and self, each one half, 20 hhds. Spirits, containing 2058 gallons, at 1. per gal. payable on demand. Note 1. — As the spirits was purchased on trust, debit rum, in Co. with James Thornhill, and credit James Ward. 2. — The reason the manager does not charge James Thornhill with his half of the spirits, is, that he, alone, is answerable to James Ward for the same, and retains the whole of the sales ; he allows Thornhill, only, but his share of the profits. 18 John Vallens having disposed of our Broad Cloth and Tobacco in Co. has paid me my share of the net proceeds, as follows, viz. Cash, received of him, 400.00 50 pieces Linen, at 8. per piece, 400 00 Bill on Joseph Selden, at 3 months, for 600.00 400 0(!) 560 00 560 00 2058 00 1400 00 96 t5] New-Yorky March 18. 1817. 6 Note. — The things received, are Dr. to the raeans by which th'ey were acquired ; and as you received these payments of your partner, by means of your concerns in Co. with him, therefore, debit Cash, Linen, and Bills Re- ceivable, each for its value, and credit John Vallens my acct. iri Co. for the whole amount, in order to clear the account of the first cost, and ascertain the gain or loss thereon. Received of Moses Martin, of Hamburgh, his Bill on Israel Johnson, at sight, who paid me, being in full of said Martin's account, Note. — As the money was received by means of the bill on Johnson, consequently, you must debit cash, and credit Moses Martin. 20 Paid James Ward for amount of Stuffs, Note. — Debit James Ward, and credit Cash. Paid per Cartage and other charges on Rum in company with J. Thornhill. Note. — As the Goods are to be charged with all e>fpences, debit Rum in company with J. Thornhill and credit Cash. 21 '■ Bought of William Raymond, the Ship Endea- vour in company with J. Thornhill, each one half, I have paid him my half, 1500.00 ^James Thornhillhis half, 1500.00 Note. — The Vessel being purchased in com- pany and paid for, debit Ship Endeavour in company with J. Thornhill for her va- lue, credit him for his half, and Cash for your half. 11654 560 10 3000 85 00 50 50 New-York, March 23. ISIL [6] 144 00 6 James Thornhill has insured 2400. at 6 per cent, being the principal and premium of 2000 lent to Thomas Knowels on Bottomry of his Ship, the Juno, bound to Stockholm, N^ote, — James Thornhill having insured your contract with Thomas Knowels on the Ship Juno, for which you did not pay him at present, as the fate of the voyage was not known, you must debit Bottomry for the premium of Insurance, and Credit Thorn hill. If the ship arrives safe, hemust be paid ; therefore. Debit him, and Credit Cash 6 6 Sold 10 Hhds. of Spirits, in Company with James Thornhill, 1000 gal. at 1.50 per gal. Note*-^-The sales being for ready money, debit cash, and credit Rum, in Co. with James Thornhill. ^25 . Paid James Ward in full of Spirits, in Co. witl James Thornhill, N^ote. — Debit James Ward, and credit cash for the money paid. -26 r Paid Adam Brown, for rep-iirs on ship Endea- vour, in Co. with James Thornhill, N'ote, — Debit ship Endeavour in Co. and credit cash. Received from J(^hn Nash, of Leghorn, for thr Balance of his account, a Bill on Williani Shellard, at 3 months, who has accepted the same, ^ote. — As you are paid by the acceptance of the Bill remitted, if it be discharged when due, however, at present, debit Bills Receiva- ble, and credit John Nash. For the per- son who accepts a Bill, is Dr. to him who remits it to you. 07 , Samuel Hay has paid me the Balance of his ac- count, JSfote. — Debit Cash, and credit Samuel Hay. 1500 00 2058 100 00 00 8096 93 57 JO O 9a [7] Nen-York, March 20, 1817. Received of Joseph Otis, the amount of his ac coQiit in fall, 29 Sold Samuel Hay, the Ship Endeavour, in Co. with James Thornhill, for Note. — The vessel being sold on Cr. debit Sa muel Hay, and credit ship Endeavour in Co. 30 — Paid Thomas Shaw the amount of his Bill, No. 37, Note, — When you accepted the bill, you credit ed it for its value, now, as it is paid, debit bills payable , in order to balance the for mer entry, and credit Cash. Paid John Bradshaw for his Bill, No. 47, 31 8 Received certain advice that the ship Juno, be- longing to Thomas Knowels, is lost on her voyage to Stockholm, on Bottomry, of which I lent said Knowels 2000. to be re- paid with '20 per cent, premium, in case of her safe arrival there. James Thornhill has insured the above sum, at a premium of 6 per cent. Note — By the loss of the ship Juno, on her pas- sage to Stockholm, you forfeited the 2000. lent Thomas Knowels on the IxUtom or keel of said vessel, with the premium thereon ; James Thornhill having insured your risk is answerable for the same, therefore, debit him, and credit bottomry. Paid sundry charges this month, as per Book, of House Expenses, April 1, 1817. Sold 67 Boxes of Candles, at .5. per Box, Note. — Debit Cash, and credit Chandlery for the money received. 700 4100 648 00 00 25 244 75 2400 00 150 335 00 00 99 New- York, April 2, 18 IT. [8] Bought of Joseph Otis, 10 Hhds. of Brandy, con- taining^ 1000 galls, at 1.50 per gall, in pay- ment of which, I have given him my Bill on John Nash, of Leghorn, at 30 days sight, for N^oie, — Having purchased the Brandy of J. Otis, in consequence of the Bill drawn in his fa- vour, and as the thing received is Dr. to the means by which you acquired it, there- fore, debit Brandy, and credit John Nash. Sold 45 Boxes of Soap, at 6. per Box, Note, — Debit Cash, and credit Chandlery for the sum received. 3 Sold Joseph Seiden, 10 Hhds. Spirits in Co. with James Thornhfll, 1058 galls, at 1.50 per 'gall. Note, — The person to whom yon deliver any thing, is Dr. to the same, when he gives nothing in return, and as the spirits was sold on trust, debit J. Seiden, and credit Rum in Co. with J. Thornhill. — . . 4 , Sold John Bradshaw, 10 Hhds. of Brandy, 1000 galls, at 1.75 per gall, payable on demand, Note, — Debit John Bradshaw, and credit Bran 5 Received from on board the Eagle, Merchant- man, 40 chests of Florence Wine, and 40 do. of Oil, consigned to me by John Nash, of Leghorn, for my account. First cost of the Goods, per Invoice, 400.00 Duty and other charges here, 100.49 Sold said Goods immediately, to John Johnson, and received his Note, No. 5, payable at 6 months, for ■** Sales of the Goods, 1750.00 Cost and Charges, 500.49 Gained by the sales, 1249.51 1500 00 270 00 1587 00 1750 00 1750 00 r»j Ne^'Tork, April 5. IglT Note. — As the goods were sold immediately, be- fore you made an entry respecting them, to John Johnson, for which l.e gave his note, and consigned to you on your own ac- count, paid charges at landing, and ascer- tained the gain on the sales at the same time ; therefore, debit bills receivable, the thing received, for the value of the bill, cre- dit John Nash for amount of invoice, cash for charges, &c. and profit and loss for the gain. Received at the same time, per said Ship, 10 hhds. of Corsican Wine, consigned to me by John Nash, to sell for his account, paid duty and other charges, Note. — John Nash consigned the wine to you on his own account, and as your employer's goods must be charged with all expenses, debit goods on acct. of John Nash, and credit cash. Sold John Bradshaw 10 hhds. wine, on the acct. of John Nash, 800 galls, at 2. per gall. My Commission on the Sales, at 5 per cent. Note. — The wine being sold on trust, debit J. Bradshaw, and credit goods on acct. of John Nftsh for the value thereof. 175 00 1600 80 00 00 101 [10] 10 Shipped on board the Neptune, Samuel Johnson, master, the following goods, in Co. with S. Hay, J. Otis, and self, each 1-3 concerned, and consigned to James Walker, Merchant, at New-Orleans, to sell for our account, without due regard to our proportion, pur posing to t^just that with money hereafter. 300 Pieces Serge, at 5. per piece, furnished by Samuel Hay, 100 Pieces Swansdown, at 8. per ; 100 pieces of Flannel, at 5. per piece, furnished by J. Otis, 70 Pieces Stuffs, at 8. per piece, furnished by me, I have paid charges, I have also paid the Globe Insurance Co. for Insur- ing 3360. at 3 per cent, on the adventure, 1500.00 1300.00 560.00 30.00 100.80 -690.80 Note. — Debit the adventure for all costs and charges, credit Samuel Hay and Joseph Oris each for their sharesa dvanced, stuffs for its value, cash paid insurance, and charges, for your share. John Bradshaw has failed — I have compounded the debt with him, at 70 per cent. Received for myself, 1225.00 Received for John Nash, 1120.00 Allowed for myself, 525.00 Allowed for John Nash, 480.00 John Bradshaw owed me Ditto, for John Nash, 1750.00 1600 00 3350.00 3490 30 3350 00 n] 102 NenirYorky April 7, 181/, 11 11 Vbatenient on 1 750. at 70 per cent, is 525.00 Abatement on 1600. at 70 per cent, is 480.00 1750—525 = 1600—480= Proof, 1005.00 1-225.00 1120.00 3350.00 Note. — Although J. Bradshaw paid but 70 per cent, nevertheless, he must be credited for the amount due, as you agreed for the com position to grant him a fuU discharge ; therefore, credit him for the whole debt debit cash for the money received for self anc! employer, profit and loss for your a- batement, and John Nash for his abatement. Upon adjusting accounts with Samuel Hay and Joseph Otis, respecting adventure of New- Orleans, there ap{)ears due to both of them, from me, which 1 have paid, viz. To Samuel Hay, 336.40 To Joseph Otis, 136.40 Total amount of the adventure, 8490.80 This sum divided by 3, each partner's share is , 1163.60 Samuel Hay advanced goods to the a- mount of 1500 00 He advanced too much, by this sum, 336.40 Joseph Otis furnished, in Goods, His share of the adventure. 1300.00 1163.60 The money I must pay him, as it ex- ceeds his proportion, is 136.00 472 80 103 Nen-Yorhy April 7, 18 IT. [12] 12 12 12 13 I have advanced, in Money and Goods, 690.80 My share of the adventure, 1 1 6^>.t»0 This sum I must pay b ;th partners, 472.80 Paid Samuel Hay, Paid Joseph Otis, Proof, 336.40 136.40 472.80 8 Received of Samuel Hay, in full of Ship Endea vour, in Co. with James Thornhiil, Note. — Debit Cash, and credit Simuei Ha5\ Bought of Wiliiam Shellard, 500 Barrels of Beef at 10. per Barrel; Shipped said Beef on board the Harriot, Manning, for Lisbon, and consigned to Philip Jennings, Merchant, there, to sell for my account. First Cost of the Goods, 5000.00 Charges paid thereon, 300.00 Note. — The adver^ture must be charged with all expenses, therefore, debit voyage to Lis- bon for the Erst cost with the money paid thereon ; credit William Shellard for the va lue of the fteef, as nothing was given in re- turn, and cash for the charges. 9 Samuel Hay, Joseph Otis and myself, resolving to trade again in Co. have bought of George Wood, 30 tons of Train Oil, at 100. per ton, payable on demand, Note. — As the Oil was purchased, and nothing given in return, debit Oil in Co. and cre- dit George Wood for the value thereof. : 10 Received of John Fine, the amount of his Bill, No. 1, Note. — Debit Cash, and credit Bills Receivable. 4100 5300 3000 2000 00 00 00 00 [13] 104 New- York, April 10. 1817. 13 13 14 Samuel Hay, Joseph Otis and myself, have paid George Wood in full of Oil, in Co. as fol- lows, viz. Samuel Hay has given him goods to > j^^ ^^ the value of 5 - * Joseph Otis has allowed him in account, 1200.00 I have paid him in Money, 1 100.00 Note. — As George Wood was credited for the Oil when sold, you must now debit him for amount paid, credit Samuel Hay and Jo- seph Otis for the respective sums advanced by them, and Cash for the sum paid by you. Sold James Grant one ton of Oil, in Co. at 150 per ton, payable in 30 days, ^ Note. — Debit James Grant, and credit Oil in Co. for its value. 11 with Samuel Hay has adjusted our Accounts respect to Oil in Co. by paying, To Joseph Otis, 200.00 And to me, 100.0<» Nolr,- Simuel Hay having paid »he balance 'kie i>f h m, with regard to mI ih C«». crr'ii iiim for ihv fiiiiount, debit J. Otis for the sum rr- ceivf^d, and c^ish for your part. 1000. — 700. = : 00 what 11. ly has to p"iy his part- ners, 00. — 1000 =200. what Otis is to receive, I 1 00. — '^00 =100. wliat I am to receive. Sv)ld John W jiston 9 tons of Oil in Co. at 150. per ton. Received in part, 450.00 Due on demand, 900 0' » Note. — Having sold the Oil, part paid and par unpaid, you must credit the same for thi value, debit cash for the part received, and John Whiston^for the remainder. 3000 00 150 00 300 00 1350 00 105 New-York, April 13. ISlf. [14] 14 Bartered the remaining 20 tons of Oil in Co. at 120. per ton, for 12 pipes of Canary wine, at 200. per pipe, of the like value, Note. — The Goods received are Dr. to the goods delivered ; therefore, debit Canary in Co. and credit Oil in Co. for their respective quantities and values. 14 Received of John . Whiston in full for Oil in Co. Note. — Debit cash and credit John Whiston for the money paid by him. 15 ( debit Oil in Co. to Profit and Loss for my Commission on the sales, 2900. at 3 per cent. S;3ld 6 pipes of Canary, in Company, at 150. per pipe, for ready money, 16 James Grant has failed — we have Compounded his debt at 40 per cent, for Oil in Co. The Composition I have received 60.00 The Abatement is • 90.00 Note. — By receipt of the composition money, and abatement allowed, James Grant has paifi the balance of his account ; therefore, you must credit him for the whole debt, debit cash for the money received, and oil in Co. for the sum abated. Received from Israel Johnson, Bill No. 2,' du^ this day. Note. — Debit cash, and credit bills receivable. \7 -,. . Discounted for John Shaw, a Biil drawn by John Brown, of Providence, on John Jackson, of New- York, due the 23d inst. which sdic! Jackson has accepted, for Cash paid by me, 970.00 Discount allowed me, 30.00 2100 00 900 00 iir 900 00 00 1. ( «0 90 )0 100* 00 [15] 106 New- York, April IT. ISIT. 16 lb 16 16 Note, — The bill received, was in consequence of thu money paid and the discount allowed — you must debit bills receivable for the va!ut', credit cash tbr the money paid, and projit and loss ior the interest allowed. vSamuel Hay, Joseph Oris, and myself, have divi- d(.'i the remaining 6 pipes of Canary, in Co. equally among us, at '200. per pipe, prime CMSt, Note. — The Canary being all sold by the divi- sion of the remainder among the partners, credit Canary in Co. for the amount divi- ded, debit Samuel Hay and J. Otis, each for his part, and Canary for your part retained I Debit Canary in Co. to Profit and Loss for my Commission on the total sales, 2100. at 3 per cent. 18 >)ne pipe of Cnary, at Note. — Debit J. Ward, and credit Canary for the value. 1 9 '- s .;d 'hi n mainifig pipe of Canary, at the advan red price of Note, — D« l)it cash, and credit Canary for the a- mount. 2 1 KrceiveJ advice from i^hiiip Jeniiuigs, of Lis- bon, that the Hcirriot had arrived safe, and that he had sold my Beef for ready money, the net proceeds amounting to 14^12. 500 Rees, at .70 per Mill Ree, comes to Note, — Voyage to Lisbon must now be closed, as you received an account sales from your factor, and as he is acc<»untable for the net pri'ceeds, debit Philip Jennings my account current for the value thereof, and credit the voyage for the same amount. 1200 63 150 220 10018 00 00 00 00 75 lor NeW'Yorh, April 1^. 1817. [16] n 17 17 17 John Jackson has paid me John Brown's Bill on him, favour John Shaw, for Note, — Debit cash, and credit bills receivable for the money received. Drawn on Philip Jennings, at 30 days sight, fa- vor Harris & Co. for 14312. 500 Rees, at .70 per Mill Ree, who paid me the value in money, Note.^As you charged your factor with the net proceeds of voyage to Lisbon when you re- ceived an account sales, and have drawn your bill on him for amount due, for whir!> you received payment in money ; therefore, debit cash, and credit Philip Jennings my account current for the value of the bill, which will balance his account. 25-- Remitted John Brown, of Providence, n^.y part- ner in Exchange, the following Bills, \o sell for our Account, each one half. Waller on Jones, at 30 days, for 1000.00 Warren & Fox, on Joseph Butler, at 20 days, 1500.00 Value paid at 1 . per cent. Exchange, 25.00 Note, — Debit John Brown, our Acct. Exchange in Co. and credit cash for the money paid for the bills remitted. 27 '- Remitted John Brown, my partner in Exchange, to sell for our Acct each one half. Taylor on Williams, at 40 days, value paid by an order on John Jackson, for Note, — As you received the bill from Taylor, by your order on Jackson, his favour, for the amount thereof, consequently, you must debit John Brown, our Acct. Exchange in Co. and credit John Jackson, for the value of said bill. 1000 10018 2525 2000 00 75 00 00 108 [in New-York, April 2B. 1817. 17 18 18 Remitted John Brown, ray partner in Exchange, to sell for our Acct. each 1-2, the follow- ing Bills, viz. Vailens, on Johnson, at 10 days, for 1500.00 lark, on Nightingale, at 20 days, for 2000.00 Value paid at par, Note. — Debit John Brown, onr Acct. Exchange in Co. and credit cash. 29 John Brown, my Tartner in Exchange, has re- mitted me in fiill of the following Bills, viz. Waller, on Jones, 1000.00 Warren and Fox, on J. Butler, 1500.00 Taylor, on Williams, 2000.00 Exchange, at 2 {rer cent. 90.00 Received said Brown's Bill, on Joseph Otis, at sight, who paid me the above amount. Note. — Partner's Account of Exchange in Co. being charged with all bills remitted him for sale, must now be discharged for amount of payment received, therefore, debit cash, and credit J. Brown, our Acct. Exchange in Co. for the Value of the bill. 30 Received of John Brown, my Tartner in h^x- change, in full of the following Bills, viz Vailens, on Johnson, 1500.00 Clark, on Nightingale, 2000.00 Exchange at 2 J per cent. 87.00 Remitted me his Bill, on Charles Lucas, for the above amount, which I transferred to John Jackson. 3500 00 4590 00 3587 50 109 NeiV'YorJc, April ^0, ISIT. [18] 18 Note, — As your Partner paid you for al! bills re- mitted to him, atid the last remittance, vrhicb was in full, beiiig transferred to John Jack- son ; therefore, debit him for the amount of said bill, and credit J. Brown, our Acct. Exchange in Co. for the value thereof, in order, finally, to close the Acct. and ascer- tain the gain or loss thereon. Paid Sundry Charges and Expenses, this month, as per Book of House Expenses, Note, — Debit charges, and credit cash. END OF WASTE BOOK, B. or No. 2. 121 00 THE SECOND SET OF BOOKS. JOURNAL B. or No. 2. THE PROPERTY OF A. B. MARCH 1. 1817. Ill New-York, March 1. 1817. [1] cd2 2 2 Tl3 s 3 4 4 .Sundry Accts. Dr. to Stock : For the amount of ray Property, as per Dr. side of Balance, Ledger No. 1, viz. Cash, for ready Money in hands, Tobacco, for 2 hhds. 2rcwt. 3q. 14lbs. at 12.75 per cwt. Broad Cloth, for 10 pieces, 200yds. at 2.50 per yard. Brandy, for 10 bbls. 320gails. at 1.40 per gall. ru».^A\ ^67 Boxes Candles, at 4. 75 per Box, 318.25 i^nanaiery, J45 ditto Soap, at 5.50, 247.50 Checks, for 20 pieces, at 16.25 per piece, Butter, for 10 firkins, at 10.75 per firkin. Bills Receivable, for amount of Bills in hands, Joseph Otis owes me, John Nash, Moses Martin, To Post the first part of the Inventory, 1. Credit Stock, Bv Sundries, 2. Debit Cash, To Stock, 3. Debit Tobacco, To ditto, at 12.75 per cwt. for 27cwt. 3q. I4lbs. Debit Broad Cloth, To do. at 2.50 per yd. for 10 pieces, 200 yds. Debit Brandy, To Stock, at 1.40 per gall, for 20 barrels, 320 galls. Debit Chandlery, To Stock, Debit Checks, To do. at 16.25 per piece, for 20 pieces, Debit Butter, To Stock, at 10 75 per firkin, for 10 firkins. Debit Bills Ilect-ivable, To Stock, Debit Joseph Otis, 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Debit John Nash, 12. Debit Moses Martin, 35784.88 10141.44 355.41 500.00 448 00 325.00 107.50 28^0.00 700.^0 809/.9:i 11654.85 10141 355 500 448 565 325 107 2890 700 8096 11654 35784 44 41 00 00 73 00 50 00 00 93 85 88 [2 112 New- York^ March 1 . "1 8 1 7 . Stock Dr. To Sundry Accounts: To Wm, She! lard, due to him To Saniuf.l Hay To Joseph Selden To Bills Payable, for amt. of Bills due of me To Post the second pari of the Inventory. 1. Debit Stock To Sundries, for amt. of debts due of me 12034.60 2. Credit Wra. Shellard By Stock due to him 2049.,'>0 3. Credit Samuel Hay, By ditto 242.10 4. Credit Joseph Selden, By ditto 8850.00 b. Credit Bills Payable By ditto, due of me 893.00 2 ^ C sh Dr. To Tobacco : Sold 2 hhds. nt. wt. 27cvvt. 3q. 141bs. at 12.75 per cwt. I. Debit Casl), To Tobacco, 355.41 Z, Credit Tobacco, By Cash, at 12.75 per cwt. tor 2 M ds. •J7,,.%I4lbs. 355.41 Saniut'l Hay Dr. To Checks: For 20 pieces, at 1 5. per piece, 1. Debit Samuel Hay, To Checks, 300. 2. Credit Checks, By Samut 1 Hay, at 15. per piece, for 20 pieces, 300. -: 3 Broad Cloth Dr. To Thomas Johnson : For 20 pieces, 500yds. at 2.50 per yd. 1. Debit Broad Cloth, To Thomas Johnson, at 2.50 yer yc^ for 20 pieces, 500 yds. l250. 2. Credit Thomas Johnson, By Broad Cloth, 1250. 2049 242 8850 893 12034 355 60 iO 00 00 60 41 300 1250 00 00 113 New- York, March 5, ISlf. [3] Sundries Dr. To Broad Cloth: John Vallens, my acct. in Co. for my half share » 875. John Vallens, for his half share 875. Delivered John Vallens, to sell for his account and mine, each one half, 30 pieces Broad Cloth, 700 yds. at 2.50 per yd. 3. Credit Broad Cloth By Sundries, at 2.50 per yard, for 30 pieces, 700 yards 1750. Debit John Vallens, my acct. in Co. for my half 875. Debit John Vallens for his half 875. C Cash Dr. To Insurance : Insured to James Thornhill, 2000 on his Brig Mary, bound to Lisbon, and received the premium, at 10. percent. Note. — You must suppose the Vessel arrived safe at Lisbon. If she was lost when you paid Thornhill the sum insured, Debit Insurance to Cash 2000. Insurance will be closed By Profit and Loss 1 800. 7 Bottomry Dr. To Cash : Lent Thomas Shaw, on Bottomry of his ship, the Ontario, bound to Hamburgh, 1000. to be paid to Moses Martin, my Factor, on her safe arrival there, with 30. per cent, interest, for my risk L Debit Bottomry To Cash TOOO. 2. Credit Cash By Bottomry 1000. Note 1.— If the Ship is lost, debit Profit and Loss To Bottomry 1000. 2. If you receive an account of her safe arrival at Hamburgh, and that Moses Martin received the principal and interest. 1. Debit Moses Martin To Bottomry 1300. When Moses Martin pays you, Debit Cash To Moses Martin 1300. 1750 00 200 00 1000 00 w 114 Nejd-York, March 9. 18 If. . 2 CD. Cash Dr. To Bills Receivable Received for No. 203, 247, 600.00 200.00 1. Debit Cash, To Bills Receivable, 2. Credit Bills Receivable, By Cash, 11 800. 800. Thomas Johnson, Dr. To Butter : For JO Firkins, at 12. per Firkin, 1. D^bit T. Johnson, To Butter, 120. 2. Credit Butter, By T. Johnson, at 12. per Firkin, for 10 Firkins, 120. 12 Cash Dr. To John Vallens : Received of him in full, of his half share of Broad Cloth in Company, Bottomry Dr. To James Thornhill : Lent Thomas Knowels, on Bottomry of his ship the Juno, 'JOOO. to be repaid with 20 per cent. Interest, on her safe return from Stockholm to New-York, in pursuance of which Contract, I have given him my Bill on James Thornhill, at sight for 13 John Vallens, my acct. in Co. Dr. To Cash Paid him for my half &!mre of 12 hhds. of To- bacco, which he has bought on our joint account, 1. Debit John Vallens, my acct. in Co. To- Ccish, 400.00 2 Cre.iit Cash, by J. Vallens, my acct. in Co. 400.00 \b Thomas Johnson, Dr. To Brandy : For 10 bbls. 320 gallons, at 1.75 per gall. 1. Debit Thomas Johnson, to Brandy, 560. 2. Credit Brandy, by T. Johnson, at 1.75 per gallon, for 10 bbls. 320 gallons, 560. Stuffs Dr. To James Ward : For 70 pieces, at 8. per piece, 800 00 120 00 Z7b 00 2000 400 00 00 660 00 560 00 115 JSfeiv-York, March 16. 1817. [•^] Rum in Co. with James Thornhiil, Dr. To James Ward : For iJO hhds. 2058 galls, at 1. per gall, bought of said Ward, for the acct. of James Thornhiil and self, each one half, 1. Debit Rum in Co. with J. T. to J. Ward, at 1. per gall, for 20 hhds. 2068 gal- lons, 2058". 2. Credit James Ward, by Rum in Co. with J. T. 2058. 18 Sundries Dr. to John Vail ns. My Acct. in Company : Linen for 50 pieces, at 8. per piece, 400. Bills Receivable, for No. 3. on Joseph Selden, at 4 months, 600. Cash, being in full, of my share of net proceeds of Tobacco and Bread, Cloth in Company, 400. 2058 00 1400 1. Credit J. Vallens, my acct. in Co. By Sundries, 1400. 2. Debit Linen, to J. Vallens my acct. in Co. at 8. per piece, for 50 pieces, 400. 3. Debit Bills Receivable to Ditto, 600. 4. Debit Cash, to Ditto, 400. Cash Dr. To Moses Martin ; Received of Israel Johnson, for Martin's Bill on him at sight, my favor, ^ 20 James Ward, Dr. To Cash : Paid himi the amount of Stuffs, 00 Rum in Co. with James Thornhiil Dr. To Cash, Paid for Carriage and ether Charges, on our Rum in Co. 11654 560 10 85 00 50 llti [6] JSrejV'Yorlc, March 21. 1817. 8 Ship Endeavour, in Co. with James Thorn- hill, Dr. to Sundries : 1 To Cash, for my half share paid, 1500. 6 To James Thornhill, for his half paid, 1500. 3000 00 Bought of William Raymond, the ship Endeavour, in Co. with James Thornhill, each one half, for which we paid as above. 1. Debit ship Endeavour in Co. To Sundries, , 3000. 2. Credit Cash, By ship Endeavour, in Co. 1500. 3. Credit J. Thornhill, By ship En- deavour, in Co. 1500. OQ 6 Bottomry, Dr. To James Thornhill : For Insuring 2400. at 6 per cent, being the 6 principal and premium of 2000. lent Tho- mas Knowels, on Bottomry of his ship the Juno, bound to Stockholm, 144 00 1. Debit Bottomry, To J. Thornhill, 144. 2. Credit J. Thornhill, by Bottomry, 144. 1 Cash Dr. To Rum, in Co. with J. Thorn- hill : 7 Sold 10 hhds. 1000 galls, at 1.50 per gall. 1. Debit Cash, To Rum, in Co. with J. Thornhill, 1500. 2. Credit Rum, in Co. By Cash, at 1.50 per gall, for 10 hhds. 1000 galls. 1500. ^5 1500 00 7 James Ward Dr. To Cash : Paid him in full for Spirits, in Co. with James 1 Thornhill, 2058 00 8 Ship Endeavour, in Co. with James Thorn- _ hill, Dr. To Cash* : 1 Paid Adam Brown, for Repairs on said ship, 100 00 iir Xe?V'York, March 2Q. 1817 [n 6 Bills Receivable Dr. To John Nash, of Leg- horn : Remitted rae his Bill, No. 4, at 3 months, on William She! lard, who accepted the same, for 1. Debit Bills Receivable, To John Nash, 8096.93 2. Credit John Nash, By Bills Receiv- able, 8096.93 ^ 27 Cash Dr. To Sampel Hay : Received of him, the Balance of his Account, 28 Cash Dr. To Joseph Otis : Re-ceived of him, the Balance of his Account, 29 Samuel Hay Dr. To Ship Endeavour, in Co. with James Thornhill : Sold him said Ship, for — . 1 30 Bills Payable Dr. to Cash : Paid Thomas Shaw, for No. 37, Paid John Bradshaw, for No. 47, 1. Debit Bills Payable, To Cash, 2. Credit Cash, By Bills Payable, 31 J. 648.25 244.75 893. 893. James Thornhill Dr. To Bottomry: For the principal and Inti^rest lent Thomas Knowels, on his ship, the Juno, bound to Stockholm, received certain account that the said ship is lost ; James Thornhill, who has insured 2400. on her, stands an- swerable for the said sum. Debit James Thornhill, To Bot- tomry, 2400. 2. Credit Bottomry, By James Thorn- hill, 2400. Charges Dr. To Cash : Paid sundry Charges and Expenses, this month, as per 6ook of House Expenses, 8096 93 57 700 4100 893 90 00 00 00 2400 00 150 00 [8 118 Neiv- York, Jpril 1 . 1 8 1 T Cash Dr. To Chandlery : Sold er Boxes of Candles, at 5. per Box 2 Brandy Dr. To John Nash : Bought of Joseph Otis, 10 hhds. 1000 gallons, at 1.50 per gallon, in payment of which 1 have given him my Bill, on John Nash, for the amount 335 00 1. Debit Brandy To John Nash, at 1.50 per gallon, for \0 hhds. 1000 gallons 2. Credit John Nash By Brandy 1500. 1500. Cash Dr. To Chandlery : For 45 Boxes Soap, at 6. per box 3 Joseph Selden Dr. To Bum, in Co. with James Thornhill : For 10 hhds. 1058 gallons, at 1.50 pfer gallon 1. Debit Joseph Selden To Rum, in Co. with James Thornhill ISSf. 2« Credit Hum in Co. By J. Selden, at 1.50 per gallon, for 10 hhds. 1058 gallons 158r. '. 4 John Bradshaw Dr. To Brandy : For 10 hhds. 1000 gallons, at 1.50 per gall. 5 Bills Receivable Dr. To Sundries, viz. To John Nash, for the first cost 400.00 To Cash paid Charges 100.49 To Profit and Loss, for the gain 1249.5 1 Received, from on board the Eagle Merchant- man, 40 Chests of Florence Wine, 40 do. Oil, consigned to me, by John Nash, of Leghorn, for my accountr 1500 00 2ro 1587 00 00 1750 OO 1750 00 1 1.9 New- York, April 5. U17. [9] Sold said Goods iiumediately to John Johnson and received his Note, No. 5, payabl e in six months, for the above sum. ir50.— 400.— 100.49=1249.51 Gain. 1. Debit Bills Receivable, To Sun- dries 1750.00 2. Credit John Nash By Bills Receiva- ble 400.00 3. Credit Cash By ditto 100.49 4. Credit Profit and Loss by ditto 1249.51 Or make Wares from Leghorn Dr. To Sundries : To John Nash, for the first cost 400.00 To Cash paid charges 100.49 And then on sale of the Go ods, Bills Receivable, or John Johnson : Dr. To Wares from Leghorn, 1750.00 Close the Wares, To Profit and Loss, 1249.51 But, as there was no entry made of the Goods prior to the sales, the first method is pre- ferable, as being more concise. Goods on Acct. of John Nash, Dr. to Cash : Received at the same time, per said Ship, 10 hhds. of Wine, consigned to me b) John Nash, of Leghorn, to sell for his Iccount, paid Duty and Charges at landing, : 6 John Braiishaw Dr. To Goods, on Acct. of John Nash : For 10 hhds. Wine, 800 galls, at 2. per gallon, sold him on Aect. of John Nash, Note. — The Goods being all sold, close the Acct. after the following manner. 175 1600 [10] 120 Nerv-York, April 6. ISlf. Goods on Account of John Nash Dr. to Sundries: To John Nash, for net proceeds of his wine, To Profit and Loss for my commis- sion on 1600. total sales, at 5 pep cent. 1345. 80. 1. Debit Goods on account J. Nash, To Sundries, 2. Credit J. Nash, By Goods on acct. do. for nt. proc. of wine, 3. Credit Profit and Loss, By Goods on acct. J. Nash, for ray commission thereon, Total Sales, Charges at landing, 175. Commission, 80. 1425. 1345. 80. 1600. -255. 1425 00 Net proceeds. 1345. 8 Adventure to New-Orleans, in Co. with S. Hay, J Otis and self, each 1-3 concerned, Dr. to Sundries: To Samuel Hay, for 300 pes Serge, at 5. per piece, advanced by hi:n, 1500. To Joseph Otis, for 100 pes. Swans- down, at 8. per piece ; 100 pes. Flannel, at 5. per piece, advan- ced by him, 1300. To Stuffc^ for ro pes. at 8. per piece, advanced by me, 560. To cash pnid Insurance by me, on 3360. at 3 per cent, to cover the adventure, 100.80 To cash paid charges by me, 30.00 130.80 Shipped the above goods in Co. on board tlu Neptune, Capt. Johnson, and consigned them to James Walker, Merchant at N. Orleans, to sell for our acct. each 1-3. 3490 80 12] New- York, April?. 18 If. un 1. Debit Adventure to New-Orleans To Sundries, 3490. 2. Credit Samuel Hay, By Adven- ture to New-Orleans, 1 500. 3. Credit Joseph Otis, By do. do. 1300. 4. Credit Stuffs, By Adventure to N. Orleans, at 8. per, for 70 pieces, 560. 5. Credit cash. By Voyage to New- Orleans, paid charges and Insu- rance, 130.80 Sundries Dr. to John Bradshaw : Cash received for myself, 1225. Do. for John Nash, 1120. Profit and Loss for my abatement, John Nash for his abatement, .2345. 525. 480. John Bradshaw has failed — I have compound- ed his debt, at TO per cent. Credit J. Bradshaw, By Sundries, 3350. Debit cash, To J. Bradshaw, 2345. Debit profit and loss, To do. 525. Debit J. Nash, To do. 480. Note. — I do not allow John Nash any share of the composition, because, in closing his ac- count of goods, I credited his account for the net proceeds, and do charge the same now, for the abatement made on Bradshaw. his account, to Sundries Dr. to Cash Samuel Hay, Joseph Otis, 336.40 136 45'. Paid them whit they advanced abov« thfeir proportion of Adventure to New-Orleans. The manner of aff justing the Accounts. L{490.80-H-i= 1 163.60, each prrtiier's share. 1500 — 1163.60=336.40, what Hay is to re- ceive. 1300-1163.60=136.40 whatOtisisto receive. 1163.60 — 690.80=472.80, what I am to pay both my partners. R 3350 00 80 [12] 122 New- York, April 8. 1817. Cash Dr. To Samuel Hay : Received of him in full, for ship Endeauvour, in Company with James Thorn- hill, Voyage to Lisbon, Dr. To Sundries : To William Shellard, for the first cost, 5000. Fo Cash^paid Charges, 300. 10 10 Bought of William Shellard, at 2 months, 500 barrels Beef, at 10. per barrel, which I , have shipped on board the Hariet, Man- ning, for Lisbon, and consigned to Philip Jennings to sell for my acct. 1. Debit Voyage to Lisbon, to Sun- dries, 6300. •.i. Credit William Shellard, by Voy- age to Lisbon, 5000. 3. Credit Cash, by Voyage to Lisbon, 300. Note 1. — If the Beef is entered in your Books, Voyage Dr. to Sundries : — To Beef for the first Cost, — To Cash paid Charges. 2. — If the Vessel is lost on the Voyage, Profit and Loss Dr. To Voyage to Lisbon, for the Cost and Charges. 3. — If she is Lost and Insured, Insurance Co. Dr. Voyage to Lisbon, per Cost, &.c. Oil in Company, Dr. To George Wood: Bought ^of said Wood, 30 tons of Train Oil, at 100. per ton, payable on demand, which Oil is in Company with Samuel Hay, Joseph Otis and self, each one third share, 1. Debit Oil in Co. to G. Wood, 3000. 2. Credit George Wood, by Oil in Company, 3000. 4100 00 5300 00 3000 00 123 New-York, April 10, 1811. [13] 1 3 10 11 10 4 Cash Dr. To Bills Receivable : Received of John Fine, per Bill No. 1, Note. — If you keep no acct. of Bills, make Cash to John Fine. George Wood, Dr. To Sundries : Samuel Hay, Joseph Otis and myself, have paid him in full, for Oil in Company, To Samuel Hay, To Joseph Otis, To Cash Paid by me. roo. 1200. 1100. 1. Debit George Wood, to Sundries, 3000. 2. Credit Samuel Hay, by G. Wood Paid, roo. 3. Credit Joseph Otis, by Ditto, 1200. 4. Credit Cash, by Ditto, 1 100. James Grant, Dr. To Oil in Co. For one ton, payable in 30 days, 11 Sundries, Dr. To Samuel Hay : Paid us what we advanced above our propor- tion of Oil in Co. Joseph Otis, paid him Cash paid me. 200.00 100.00 1. Credit Samuel Hay, by Sundries, to accounts for Oil in Company, 300. '2. Debit Joseph Otis to Samuel Hay, paid by him to even accounts do. 200. 3. Debit Cash to Samuel Hay, paid by him to even accounts ditto. 100. 2000 3000 150 3Q0 00 00 00 05 124 [14] NeW'Yorkf April 11. 18 IT. 10 11 10 1 11 10 9 1 11 11 1 10 Sundries l)r. To Oil in Co. Sold John Winston, 9 tons at 150. per ton, Cash received in part, 450.00 John Whiston, for Balance on demand, 900.00 1. Credit Oil in Co. By John Whis- ton, at 150. per ton, for 9 tons, 1350. 2. Debit Cash, To Oil in Co. 450. 3. Debit John Winston, To Oil in Co. 900. 13 Canary in Co. with Samuel Hay and Jo- seph Otis, Dr. to Oil in Co. with do. : Bartered with James Ward, the remaining 20 tons of Oil in Co. at 120. per ton, for 12 pipes of Canary Wine, at 200. per pipe, amounting to the same sum, 14 Cash Dr. To John Wliiston : Received of him, in full for Oil in Co. . 15 Oil in Co. Dr. to Profit and Loss : For my Commission on the total sales, 3900. at 3 per cent. Cash Dr. To Canary in Co. : Sold 6 pipes, at 150. per pipe, 16 Sundries Dr. To James Grant : Cash received in composition of his Debt, 60.00 Oil in Co. for the abatement, 90.00 James Grant has failed ; we have compound- ed his Debt for Oil in Co. at 40 per cent. 1350 00 2400 900 iir 900 00 00 00 00 150 00 12.5 [15] New-York, April 16. 1817. I Credit James Grant, By Sundries, 150. 2. Debit Cash, To James Grant, 60. 3. Debit Oil in Co. ditto, 90. Note. — If Oil in Co. is closed, credit J. Grant as above, and debit each of your partners to said Grant, for 1-3 of the composition mo- ney, Debit Profit and Loss for your 1-3. 30. 30. Cash Dr. To Bills Receivable : Received for Israel Johnson's Bill, No. 2. 1 r Bill Receivable Dr. To Sundries : To Cash paid John Shaw, 970.00 To Profit and Loss, for Discount al- lowed me on 1000. at 6 per cent, for 6 months, 30 00 Discounted for John Shaw, a Bill drawn by John Brown, of Providence, on John Jackson, of New-York, due the 23d inst. which Bill, said Jackson has accepted. Debit Bills Receivable, To Sun- dries, lOOO. Credit Cash, By Bills Receivable, 970. Credit Profit and Loss, By bills Re- ceivable, 30. Note. — If John Jackson has failed, and you did not receive the amount of the Bill, Debit J. Shaw to Bills Receivable, for the 1000. But, if you discount the Bill at your own risk, de- bit Profit and Loss, To Bills Receivable for the amount of the Bill if not paid. 90 00 1000 00 126 [16] NerV'Yorky April 17. 18ir. 11 4 3 11 11 9 7 11 1 11 12 10 Sundries Dr. To Canary, in Co. with Sam- uel Hay, and Joseph Otis : Samuel Hay for 2 pipes, taken to him- self, as his share of what remained unsold, 400. Joseph Otis, for 2 pipes taken to his share, 400. Canary, for 2 pipes taken to my share, 400. Divided between us, the remaining 6 pipes of Canary in Co. as above, valued at prime cost, viz. 200. per pipe. 1. Credit Canary in Co. By Sundries, at 200. per pipe for 6 pipes, divi- ded equally between the partners, 1200. 2. Debit Samuel Hay, To Canary in Co. 3. Debit Joseph Otis, To do. do. 4. Debit Canary, To Canary in Co. for my share of 6 pipes, at 200. per pipe. 400. 400. 400. Canary in Co. Dr. To Profit and Loss : For my Commission on the total sales, 2100, at 3 per cent, , 1 s: James Ward Dr. to Canary : For one pipe, at . 19 Cash Dr. to Canary : Sold one pipe for ready money, 21 Philip Jennings my acct. current Dr. to Voyage to Disbon, per the Harriot : Received advice from Philip Jennings, of Lis- bon, that the Harriot arrived safe, and that he sold my Beef for ready money, the net proceeds amounting to 14312. 500 Rees, at .70 per Mill Ree, 1200 63 150 220 00 00 00 00 10018 75 127 JSTen^York, April 23. 18ir. [17] 12 1 12 12 12 1 Cash Dr. To Bills Receivable: Received of John Jackson, for John Brown's Biil, ^.ivor J'»hn Shaw, discounted by me, .f-,s, my Acer, curreiit Cash Dr. To P. J< imm Drawn on said Jennings, at 30 days siirht, fa- vor Harris & Co. for 14*il2. oOO rees, at JO per milree, who paid me the value in ready money, 1. Debit Cdsh, To P. Jennings, my Acct. curreiit, 10018.73 2. Credit P. Jennings, my Acct. cur- rent by Cash, 10018.75 25 ^ J. Brown our Acct. Ex. in Co. Dr. To Cash : For the following Bills remitted him to sell for his account and mine, Qjich one half, Waller on Jones, at 30 Days, for 1000. Warren & Fox on Joseph Butler, at 20 days, for 1500. Value paid with 1 per cent. Exchange 25. !. Debit John Brown, our Acct. Ex- change in Co. To Cash, 2525. 2. Credit cash. By John Brown our acct. Ex. in Co. " 2525. John Brown our acct. Ex. in Co. Dr. to J. Jackson : Remitted him Taylor's Bill on T. Williams, at 40 days, value paid at par, by an order on John Jackson, for 1. Debit John Brown our acct. Ex. in Co. To John Jackson, 2000. 2. Credit John Jackson, By J. Brown our acct. Ex. in Co. 2000. 28 J. Brown our acct. Ex. in Co. Dr. to Cash : For the following Bills remitted him to sell for our^acct. in Co. each one half: Vallens on Johnson, at 10 days, for 1500. Clark on Nightingale, at 20 days, for 2000. Value paid at par, 5000 10018 2525 2000 3500 00 75 00 00 00 [18] 12« New-York, April 29. 18ir. 1 12 12 12 Cash Dr. to John Brown, our account of Exchange in Co. For his bill on Joseph Otis, at sight, being the amount of the following bills remitted by me to him, to sell for our acct. in Co. Waller on Jones, 1000. Warren h Fox on J. Butler, 1500. Taylor on Williams, 2000. Exchange, 2 per cent. 90. 30 John Jackson Dr. to John Brown, our acct. of Exchange in Co. For said Brown's biil on Charles Lucas, at 60 days, in full of the following bills, which bills I have transferred to J. Jackson, viz. Vallens on Johnson, 1500. Clark on Nightingale, 2000. Exchange, at 2^ per cent. 87. Debit J. Jackson, To J. Brown our account Ex- change in Co. Credit J. Brown our acct. Ex. in Co. By J. Jack- son, Note. — If Charles Lucas does when it becomes due, debit John Brown to sundries ; To John Jackson for the amount of the Bill, 358r 60 To Cash paid charges of |)rotesting, L7o S587.50 3.587.50 not pay the bill Charges Dr. to Cash: Paid sundry chari>es and expenses this month, as per Book of House Expenses, END OF JOURNAL, B. or No. 2. 4590 00 3587 00 121 00 Ledger, B. or No. 2. March 1. 1817. ALPHABET OR INDEX, TO THE LEDGER. A Adventure to New- Orleans, in Co 8 B Broad Cloth 2 Brandy 2 Butter 3 Bills Receivable ... 3 Bills Payable .... 5 Bottomry 6 Bradshaw John .... 8 Brown John o-a. Exchange in Co 12 Brown John . . . .12 Cash 1 Chandlery 2 Checks 2 Charges ...... 8 Canary in Co 11 Canary 11 Linen M Martin Moses N Nash John O Otis Joseph Oil in Co. ProJBt and Loss . R Rum in Co. Goods o-a. John Nash . 9 Grant James 11 H Hay Samuel 4 I Johnson Thomas ... 5 Insurance 6 Jennings Philip, m-a. curt. 12 Jackson John . , . . .12 Stock .... Shellard Wm. . Selden Joseph . Stuffs .... Ship Endeavour in T Tobacco . . . Thoriihill James . Vallens John, m-a. Vallens John Voyage to Lisbon W Ward James . Wood George VVhiston John Co in 3 10 Co. 5 . 6 . 10 r 10 IX 130 [1] Stocky Dr. 1817. Mar. 1 1 To Sundry Accounts 12034 60 Apr. 30 To Balance for my net estate - 13 31347 79 43382 39 1 Cash, Dr. 1 10141 Mar. 1 To Stock 44 2 2 I'o Tobacco, rec'd in full 2 355 41 6 3 To Insurance, rec'd in full 6 200 00 9 4 To Bills Receivable, rec'd in full 3 800 00 12 )j To John Vallens, rec'd in full 6 875 00 18 5 To John Vallens, m-a, in Co. rec'd in full 5 400 00 9) $) To Moses Martin, rec'd in full 4 11654 85 23 6 To Rum in Co. with J. Thornhill, rec'd in full 7 1500 00 27 r To Samuel Hay, rec'd in full 4 57 90 28 ij To Joseph Otis, rec'd in full 3 700 00 Apr. 1 8 To Chandlery, rec'd in full 2 336 00 2 jj To Chandlery rec'd in full ti 270 00 7 11 To John Bradshaw, rec'd in full 8 2345 00 8 12 To Samuel Hay, rec'd in full 4 4100 00 10 13 To Bills Receivable, rec'd in full 3 2000 00 11 >» To Samuel Hay, rec'd in full, to even accounts 4 100 00 ?) 14 To Oil in Co. rec'd in part 10 450 00 14 j9 To John Whiston, rec'd in full 11 900 00 15 9> To Canary in Co. rec'd in full J) 900 00 16 5} To James Grant, rec'd in full jj 60 00 ty 15 To Bills Receivable, rec'd in full 3 90 00 19 16 To Canary, rec'd in full 11 220 00 23 17 To Bills Receivable, rec'd in full 3 1000 00 3> » To Phillip Jennings, m-a. currt. rec'd in full 12 lOOlS 75 29 18 To John Brown, o-a. Exchange in Co, rec'd in full »> 4590 54063 00 35 13J, [1] Contra^ Or. 1817. Mar. 1 1 By Sundry Accounts 35784 88 Apr. 30 By Profit and Loss, gained by two months trade 9 7597 51 ' 43382 39 3 Contra^ Cr. 6 1000 Mar. 7 By Bottomry, paid Thomas Shaw 00 13 4 By J. Vallens m-a. m Co. pd. in full 5 400 00 20 5 By James Ward, paid in part 7 560 00 J5 51 By Rum in Co. with J, Tbornhill, paid charges , 10 50 21 6 By Ship Endeavour in Co. pd. in full 8 1500 00 25 »> By James Ward, paid him in full 7 •^Oo.S 00 26 }i By Ship Endeavour in Co. pd. charges 8 100 00 30 7 By Bills Payable, paid in full 5 893 00 31 ^« By Charges paid this month ?j 150 00 Apr. 5 8 By Bills Receivable, paid charges ;< 100 49 J) 9 By goods acct. J. Nash, paid charges 9 175 00 7 10 By Adventure to N. Orleans in Co. paid charges, &c. 8 130 80 9) 11 By Sundries, paid to even accounts 47-2 00 8 12 By Voyage to Lisbon, paid charges 10 300 00 10 13 By George Wood, paid in full for oil in Co, yy 1100 00 17 15 Bills Receivable, paid John Shaw 3 9ro 00 25 17 By John Brown, o-a. Exch. in Co. 12 2525 00 2« n1 By John Brown, o-a. Exch. in Co. *, 3500 00 30 18 By Charges, paid this month 8 121 00 53 By Balance, remaining in hand 13 3r996 76 54063 Z5 132 [2] Tobacco, Dr. 181f. Mar. 1 Mar. 1 3 Mar. 1 Apr. 2 30 Mar, 1 1 Apr. 30 Mar. 1 To Stock, at 12.75 percwtfor 2hhds. 27cwt. Iq. I4lb. Broad Cloth, Dr. To stock at 2.50 per yd. for 10 pes. 200 yds. To Tbonias Jolmson, at 250 pr. yd. 20 „ 500 „ ;iO 700 Brandy, Dr. bbls. hhds. gall, mrks To Stock, at 1.40 per gall, for 10 00 320 c. d, To J. Nash, at 1.50 per gall, for 00 10 1000 J. o, To Profit and Loss, gained 10 10 1320 Chandlery^ Di To Stock af 4.75 Candles, 5.50 Soap, for 67 Boxes Candles, and 45 Boxes Soap To Profit and Loss Checks, Df To Stock , at 16.25 per piece, for 20 pieces, I 355 41 1 5 500 1-250 00 00 1750 00 1 4 9 448 1500 362 00 00 00 1 2310 565 39 00 75 25 605 00 325 00 133 [2] c ont ra, or. 1817. Mar. 2 2 3 4 8 8 » 2 By Cash, at 12.75 per cwt. for2hhd3. 27cwt. Iq. I41b. ■ 1 5 8 1 ?> 4 9 355 41 1750 Contra^ Ci\ Mar, 5 By Sundries, at 2.50 per yard, for 30pcs. 700yds. 00 560 1750 Contra^ Cr, Mar.l5 Apr. 4 bbls. hhds. galls, mk. By T. Johnson, at 1.75 per gall, for 10 00 320 c. d. By J. Bradshaw, 1.75 „ 00 10 1000 j. o. 10 10 1320 00 00 2810 335 2ro 605 00 Contra^ Cr, Apr. 1 2 By Cash, at 5. per Box, for 67 Boxos of Candles By Cash, at 6. per Box, for 45 Boxes of Soap 00 00 00 300 25 Contra, Cr. Mar. 2 Apr. 30 By Samuel Hay, at 15. per piece, for 20 pieces By Profit and Loss, lost by this account 00 00 325 00 134 ^J Butter^ D) i8ir. Hr. MA:. Mar. 1 1 To Stcckat 10.75 pr firk. for 10 t i Apr. t^O To Profit and Loss 1 Bills Receivable^ Dr. Mar. 1. To Stock for Win. Raymond's Bill 203 March 3 5) Inhn Finp'T 1 Anril fi 3> Ismel Jonh-inn'n 1 Aoril 16 5» 18 5 To Vallens mv Acct. in Co. for J. Sflden-3 Bill 3 at sight. 26 7 To John Nash on Wm. Sbellard 4 3 months. Apr. 5 8 To Sundries for J. Johnson's Bill b 6 months. ir >5 ToSundiiesfor J. Jacksou'oBill 6 April 23 1 Joseph Otis, Dr. Mar. 1 To Stock Apr. 7 11 To Cash to adjust Accts. on Adven- ture to N. Orleanls 11 13 To SaiDuel Hay to adjust Accts. on Oil iii Co. ir 10 T . Ca ary in Co. 30 J) To Adventure to N. Orleans in Co. for 1-3 remaining J> To Canary in Co. for his 1-3 of the Loss ?) T(j Balance due to him Note.— This Acct. as well as that of , Samuel Hay, is not to be closed prior to Adventure to N Orleans in Co. fol. 8, tvnd Canary in Co. fol. 11; for as [they are your partners therein, the gain or loss on these must be ascertained, and placed on the proper side of their respective accounts before closed. 107 1-2 120 600 200 2000 90 600 8096 1750 1000 14336 700 136 200 400 1163 121 710 2731 50 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 93 00 00 93 00 40 00 00 60 00 00 00 135 Contra^ Or. [3] 1817. Mar.U Mar. 9 Apr. 10 16 23 30 Mar.28 Apr. 7 10 30 Fir. Mk. By Thomas Johnson at 12. per firkin, for 10 t i Contra, Cr. By Cash received for No. 203, .247 By Cash for 1 By Cash for 2 By Cash for 6 By Balance for No. 3, 4, 5, not paid Contra, Cr. By Cash By Adven. to N. Orleans in Co. for amt. Goods advanced By George Wood, paid him for Oil in Co. By Oil in Co. for his 1-3 Gain 120 800 2000 90 1000 10446 14336 700 1300 1200 231 2731 00 00 00 00 00 93 93 00 00 00 00 00 136 [4 John Nash, Di 1817. Mar. 1 1 11 1 2 7 IJ 16 To Stock To John RradshaNf for abatement To Balance 1 8 13 1 13 2 8 1 11 8 11 13 8096 93 Apr. 7 30 480 2765 3245 00 00 00 11654 Moses Martin^ Dr. k. Mar. 1 To Stock 85 r049 William Shellard, Di\ Apr. 30 To Balance 50 300 Samuel Hay^ Dr. Mar. 2 To Checks To Ship Endeavour in Co. To Cash to adjust accts. on Adven. to N. Orleans, To Canary in Co. To Adventure to N. Orleans, for his 1-3 remaining To Canary in Co. for his 1-3 of the loss To Balance 00 29 Apr. 7 17 30 4100 336 400 1163 121 710 6831 00 40 00 60 00 00 00 nsr [4] Contra, Cr. 1817. Mar.26 7 8 10 5 2 12 2 7 10 12 13 By Bills receivable By Brandy By Bills receivable By Goods per the Eagle, on your acct. for net proceeds 3 2 3 9 1 1 10 I 8 1 lO 10 8096 93 Apr. 2 5 5 1500 400 1345 00 00 00 3245 00 11654 Contra^ Cr, Mar. 18 By Cash in full 85 2049 5000 Contra^ Cr, Mar. 1 Apr. 8 By Stock By Voyage to Lisbon, for amount of Beef 50 00 7049 242 57 50 Contra^ Cr, Mar. 1 27 By Stock By Cash By Adven. to N. Orleans, in Co. for amt. Goods advanced By Cash for Ship Endeavour in Co By George Wood paid him for Oil in Co. By Sundries to adjust accounts for 'Oil in Co. By Oil in Co. for his 1-3 of gain 10 90 Apr. 7 8 10 11 30 . 300 1500 4100 700 30U 23V 00 00 00 00 00 00 6831 00 138 L'^J Joseph Seidell^ Dr. 1817 Apr. 3 30 Mar.30 Mar.l 1 15 Apr. 30 Mar. 5 13 Apr. 30 To Rum in Company To Balance Bills Payable^ To Casli paid, No 37 paid, A7 Thomas Johnson, To Butter To Brandy To Balance jDr. Dr John Fallens, m-a, in Co, Dr, To Broad Cloth, for my J share of 30 pieces To Cash paid for my i share of 12 hhds. of Tobacco To Profit and Loss i 13 3 13 1587 7263 8850 00 00 00 648 244 893 25 75 00 120 560 570 1260 00 00 00 00 875 400 125 1400 00 00 00 00 139 Contra^ Or. IS] i8ir. afar. 1 Mar. 1. Mar. 3 Mar. 18 By Stock 8850 00 Contra, Cr. By Stock, due to T. Shaw, No. 37, payable March 30 By Stock, due to John Bradshaw, No. 47, payable March 30 Contra, Cr, By Broad Cloth Contra^ Cr, By Sundries, for my net proceeds of Broad Cloth and Tobacco 648 244 893 25 75 00 1250 00 1400 00 1400 00 14^ John Vallens, To Broad Cloth, .for his 1-2 share of 2 30 pieces, Insurancey Dr, ro Profit aud Loss, Bottomry^ Dr To Cash lent Thomas Shaw, To James Thornhill lent T. Knowels, To James Thornhill for Insurance, To Profit and Loss Gained, James Thornhill^ Dt To Bottomry for Principal and Pre- mium, To Balance, Note. — This acct. is not to be closed prior to Rum in Co. fol 7, aud ship En (leavour in Co. fol. 3, for as Thornhill is your partner therein, the gain or loss on these must be ascertained, and placed on the proper side of his account before closed. 875 200 1000 2000 144 256 3400 2400 2^53 46.'>3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 25 141 Contra^ Or. [«J 1817. Mar. 12 Mar. 6 Mar.31 Apr.30 Mar. 12 21 23 Apr.30 By Cash for his 1 2 share of Bread, Ciuth in Co. Contra^ Or, 3 By Cabh received of James Ihorn- hill. Contra^ Of' By James Tliornhill fur Principal and Premium, of Insuring Knowels's C >ntract, By Balance for T. Shaw's Contract remaining, Contra^ Cr, l>y Bottoiniv tor my Bill on him, fa- vor T. Kr)ov» e!s, By Ship ErMi< avour in Co. paid his half, By Bottomry for Insurance, By Kum m ( ■:;. for his hah gain, H) ship Endeavour in Co. for his 1-^ gain, 87o 00 200 00 13 2400 1000 3400 00 00 00 2000 1 .0* ,009 500 4653 00 00 00 25 00 25 [^ 142 Stuffs, 1817. Mar. 15 4 To James Ward, at 8. per piece, for ?0 pieces, Mar.20 . 23 Apr.ia 16 James Ward, Dr. Mar.16 20 Apr. 30 To Cash To Cash, To Canary, Rum in Co, with J. Thornhill^ each one half. Dr. Mar.18 To James Ward, at 1. per gallon, for 20 hhds. 2058 galls. To Cash paid charges, To James Thornhill, for his J gain, To Profit and Loss, for my \ gain, 11 Linen, Dr, To John y a liens my acct. in Co. at 8, pep piece, for 50 pieces, Di 560 560 2058 2618 00 00 00 00 150 00 2058 10 509 509 3087 00 50 25 23 00 400 00 143 in Contra, Cf. 1817. Apr. 7 10 4 o 6 8 By Adventure to N. Orleans, in Co at 8. per piece, for 70 pieces, 8 7 13 1 5 13 560 560 2058 00 Contra, Cr, Mar. 15 16 By Stuffs, By Rum in Co. with J. Thornhill, By Balance, 00 00 Apr. 30 2618 150 00 00 1500 158r Contra, Cr. Mar.23 Apr. 3 By Cash, at 1.50 per gallon, for 10 hhds. 1000 galls. By Joseph Seiden, at 1.50 per gall. for 10 hhds. 1058 galls. 00 00 3087 400 GO Contra, Cr, Apr.30 By Balance, at 8. per piece, for 50 pieces, 00 [8] 144 Ship Endeavour (In Company with James ThornliiH, each one half.) Dr. 1817. Mar.21 •26 Apr. 30 jVIar.31 Apr. 30 Apr. 4 6 Apr. r 10 To Sundrif\'5, 1 i> C ish lor repairs, To J iiiK^s rhornhill for his § arain, lu Profit and Loss lor my i b^^"j Charges^ D?. To Cash paid sundry expenses this month, To Cash paid sundry expenses this month, John Bradshaio^ D, I'o Brandy, To Goods on acct. John Nash, Adventure to N, Orleans, D>, (In Co. with S. Hay, J. Oti$ ^i d self, each one third ) To Sundri^ s, per the Neptune, con signed to i. Walker, Note. — The one third of this Adven venture, 1163.60, which is placed on the credit side at closing the Books, you must charge each of your partners with, otherwise you would be indebted to tf»em for this sum, which you do not owe them until you receive the net proceeds. :jOuo 100 500 500 4100 00 00 00 00 00 150 121 271 1750 ItiOC 3350 00 00 00 00 00 00 3-490 80 14a Contra^ Or [8J 1817. I Mar.29 7 Apr. 30 Apr. 7 11 Apr. 30 By Samuel Hay, for her sale 4 Contra^ Or. By Profit and Loss Contrtty Cr, By Sundries Contra^ Or. By Samuel Hay, for his 1-3 reni'g. By Joseph Otis, for dit ditto By Balance, for niy 1-3 diito In the next set of Books, open the voy- age, and debit it to Stock, for yo'.r 1-3 remaining; also when you re- ceive the net proceeds, debit Cash to Sundries, viz. To Voyage in Co. for your 1-3 share. To each partner, for his 1-3 share. 4100 00 2n 00 3350 1163 1103 1163 3i:0 00 60 60 60 80 146 [9] Profit and Loss, Di ;>0 Apr. 5 6 Fo John Bradshaw, for abatement To Checks, lost thereby To Charges, „ To Canary in Co. „ Vo Canary, „ To Stock, for my net gain on two month's trade Goods o-a of John Nash, Dr. To Cash paid Charges To Sundries for closing the account 8 2 8 11 525 25 271 121 30 7597 00 00 00 00 00 51 8569 51 ir5 1425 1600 00 00 00 14? Contra, Cr. [9] 1817. Apr. 5 6 15 17 30 ?) 3) M ry By Bills Receivable, gained by Wine and Oil By Goods o-a, John Nash, gained by Commission By Oil in Co. gained by Comnns^ion By Bills Receivable, gained by dis. By Canary in Co. gained b^ Com- mission By Brandy, gained thereby By Chandlery, By Butter, By J. Vallens, m-a* in Co By insurance. By Bottomry, By Run u\ Co. „ >y Ship Endeavour in Co. „ >v Voyag*^^ to Lisbon in Co. „ By Oil in Co. „ By J. Brown, o.a, Exc. in Co Contra^ Cr. i3y John Bradshaw, at 2. per gall, for 10 hhds:Wine, 800 gallons 'J o U 2 »■> 5 6 J? 7 8 10 j» 12 1249 )> 3ir 6li 362 39 12 125 200 256 509 500 4718 231 76 8569 00 00 25 50 00 00 00 25 00 75 00 25 51 1600 00 ]4r. [lOj Voyage to Lisbon^ Di 1817 Apr. 8 12 30 Apr. 9 le so Apr. 10 12 To Sundries, consigned to PhiK^ Jennings To Profit and Loss Oil in Company^ Dr. (With S. Hay, Jwpph Otis, and self, each 1-3 ) Yi) George Wood, at for 30 tuns 100. per tun. 13 To Vn^fi & Loss forniy Con-.niissioi. To James Grant, abatr'd him To Samuel Hay, for lis 1-3 gain To Joseph Otis, for his 1-3 gain To Profit and I.oss, for my 1-3 gain George Wood^ Dr, To Sundries in full 5300 4718 10018 GO r5 3000 iir 90 231 231 231 3900 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3000 00 149 Contra, Ct. [lu i8ir. Apr. 21 Apr. 10 11 13 16 B) Philip Jeninngs, my acct. currt. for net proceeds Contra^ Cr. By James Grant, at 150. per tun, for one tun By Sundries, at 150. per tun for nine tuns By Canary in Co. at 120. per tun, for twenty tuns Apr. 9 12 Contra, Cr. By Oil in Company 11 11 11 10 lOOU 150 1350 24 0«' 3900 3000 75 00 00 00 00 00 1 .j9 11 J James Grants Dr. 181 r. Apr. 10 Apr. 11 Apr. 13 17 Apr. 17 Vi 14 16 To Oil in Company, •10 John Whiston, Dr, To Oil in Company, Canary Dr, (In Co. with Haj, Otis, and self, each one-tliird.) To Oil in Co. at *J00. per pipe, for 12 pipes, To Profit and Loss for my Commis- sion on sales, Canary^ Dr. To Canary in Co. at 200. per pipe, for 2 pipes. 10 11 160 900 2400 63 2463 00 00 00 00 00 400 00 lil [11] Contra^ Or. 1817. Apr. 16 14 14 14 16 16 By Sundries, 1 1 4 3 9' 7 I 150 900 00 Contra^ Cn Apr. 14 By Cash, GO 900 1200 121 121 ' 121 2463 Contra^ Cr. Apr. 15 \7 30 By Cash, at 150. per, pipe, for 6 pipes, By Sundries, at 200. per pipe, for 6 pipes, By S. Hay, for his 1-3 of the loss, By J. Otis, for his 1-3 of the loss. By Profit and Loss, for ray 1-3 of the loss, 00 00 00 00 00 00 150 220 :iO Contra^ Cr. Apr. 18 19 30 By J. Ward, at 150. per pipe, for 1 pipe. By Cash, at 220. per pipe, for 1 pipe, liy Profit and Loss lost, 2 pipes, 00 00 00 400 00 152 [12] Philip Jennings^ m-a, currU Dr. 1817. Apr- 21 Apr. 25 27 28 30 Apr. 30 Apr. 30 17 18 To Voyage to Lisbon, for net proceeds John BrOlVn o-a. Ex. in Co. each 1-2, Dr, To Cash for Waller on Johnson, 30 days Ditto, Warren and Fox on J. Butler, at 20 days Ditto, Exchange at 1. per cent. To John Jackson, for Taylor on Wil- liams, at par To Cash, for Vallens on Johnson, at 10 days, par Ditio, Clark on Nightingale, 20 days, par To John Brown, for his 1-2 the gain To Profit and Loss for my 1-2 the gain 10 John Jackson, Dr. To John Brown, o-a. Exch. in Co. John Brown, Dr, To Balance due to him NoTE.-This account is not in the Waste Book or Journal, but opened here in the Ledger, in order to place his share of the gain on our acct. of Exchange in Co. to his credit. 12 13 10018 1000 1500 25 2000 1500 2000 76 76 8177 3587 50 75 00 00 00 00 00 00 25 25 50 76 25 153 Contra^ Cr. [12] i8ir. Apr. 23 ir Apr. 29 18 30 Apr.2r 30 Apr. 30 17 By Cash for my Bill on him, favour Harris & Co. Contra^ Or. By Cash, for Waller on Jones, Warren & Fox on J.Butler, Taylor on Williams, Exchange at 2 per cent. By J. Jackson for Vallens on Johnson Clark on Nightingale, Exchange at 2| per cent. 12 Contra, Cr. By John Brown our acct. Exchange in Co. By Balance, Contra^ Cr, By our acct. Exchange in. Co. for his J gain, 12 10018 1000 1500 2000 90 1500 2000 sr 8i7r 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 50 2000 1587 3:>8r 76 00 50 ^5 [13] 154 Balance, Dr, 1817. Apr. 30 To Cash remaining in hand, To Bills Rec. No. 3, on J. Vallens, 4, on Wm. Shellard, 5, on J. Johnson, To Bottomry, for T. Shaw's contract, remaining. To James Ward, due of him, To Linen, for 50 pieces, at 8. per piece, To Adventure to N. Orleans, for my third remaining. To John Jackson, due of him, 1 37996 3 600 8096 1760 6 1000 7 150 400 10 1163 12 1587 52744 76 00 93 00 00 00 00 60 50 79 155 Contra, Cr. [13] 1817. Apr. 30 By Joseph Otis, due to hiirij By John Nash, „ By William Shellard, „ By Samue! Hay, „ , By Joseph Seidell, „ By Thomas Johnson, „ By James Thornhill, „ By John Brown, „ By Stock for my net Estate, 3 710 4 2765 7049 710 5 7263 570 6 2253 12 76 1 31347 52744 00 00 50 00 00 00 25 25 79 79 TRIAL BALANCE, Dr. Cr. 12034 60 Stock, 35784 80 54063 35 Cash, 16066 69 1948 00 Brandy, 2310 00 665 75 Chandlery, 606 00 325 00 Checks, 300 00 107 50 Butter, 120 00 14336 93 Bills Receivable, 3890 00 736 40 Joseph Otis, 2500 00 480 00 John Nash, 3245 00 William Shellard, - . . . 7049 50 4836 40 Samuel Hay, 6600 00 1587 00 Joseph Selden, - - - - - 8860 00 680 00 Thomas Johnson, 1250 00 1275 00 John Vallcns, my acct. in Co* 1400 00 Insurance, 200 00 3144 00 Bottomry, 2400 00 2400 00 James Thornhill, 3644 00 150 GO James Ward, 2068 50 Rum in Co. with J. Thornhill, 3087 00 400 00 Linen, 3100 00 Ship Endeavour in Co. - - - - 4100 00 271 00 Charges, 3490 80 Adventure to New- Orleans, - 525 00 Profit and Loss, 1639 61 6300 00 Voyage to Lisbon, - . - . 10018 76 3207 00 Oil in Company, 3900 00 2463 00 Canary in Company, - - - - 2100 00 400 00 Canary, - - - - - 370 00 8025 00 John Brown our acct. exchange in Co*' - 8177 50 3587 50 73 John Jackson, - - - - - 2000 00 131507 131607 73 THE MAimER OF CLOSING THE LEDGER Amount Dr. side, Cash . Amount Cr. side . . By Balance in hand, 54063.35 16066.59 37996.76 54063.35 Credit side Brandy .... Debtor side To Profit and Loss, gained, 2310.00 1948.00 362 00 2310 00 Credit side Chandlery . . . 605.00 Debtor side 565.75 To Profit and Loss, gained 39. Z"* 605.00 Debtor side Checks .... 325.00 Credit side 300.00 «» By Profit and Ijoss, lost 25.00 325.00 Credit side Batter . . . . 120.00 Debtor side 107.50 To Profit and Loss, gained, 1 2 . 50 120.00 Debtor side Bills Receivable . 14336.><3 Credit side 3890.00 By Balance unpaid, 10446.93 14.^36.P3 Credit side Joseph Otis . Debtor side To Balance due to him, 2731.00 2021.00 710.00 2731.00 Credit side John Nash . . . 3245.00 Debtor side To Balance due to kirn 480.00 2765.00 3245.00 Credit side William Shellard . 7049.50 To Balance due to him. 7049.50 Credit side Samuel Hay . 6836.00 Debtor sidn To Balance due to him . 6126.00 710.00 8850.00 I C redit s ide Joseph Selden Debtor side 1587.00 To Balance due to him 7263.00 8850.00 i5H36.00 Credit side Thomas Johnson Debtor side .... To Balance due to him 2250.00 680.00 570 00 1250.00 Cr. side John Vallen?, m-a. in Co. 1400.00 Debtor side 1275.00 To Profit and Loss, gained, 125.00 1400.00 Credit side Insurance .... 200.00 To Profit and Loss, gained, 200.00 Credit side Bottomry . . . By Balance, for T. Shaw's > contract, unsettled, ) Amount Credit side Bottomry Debtor side Bottomry . . To Profit arid Loss, gained 2400.00 1000.00 3400.00 3144.00 256.00 3400.00 Credit side James Thornhill Debtor side To Balance due to him. 4653.25 2400.00 2253.25 4653.25 Debtor side James Ward . . 150.00 By Balance due of him 150.00 3087.00 Credit side Rum in Co. with ^ James Thornhill, each 1-2 <» Debtor .Mde 2068.50 To J Thornhill, for \-2gttin, 509.25 To Profit and Loss, for my 1-2 ga tw, 509.2.^> 3087.00 400.00 400.00 Debtor side Linen .... By Balance unsold at 3. peri piece, for 50 pieces, < 4100.00 Credit side Ship Endeavour, in Co. with James Thornhill each one half , . Debtor side .■ 3100.00 To J. Thornhill for his 1-2 gam 500. 00 in ) 148 To Profit und Loss/or my 1-2 gain 50000 4100.00 Debtor side Charges . . By Profit and Loss, lost. 271.00 271.00 Debtor side adventure to New- Orleang, in Co. with Samuel Hay, Joseph Otis and self( each one third .... 3490.00 CLOSED THUS By S. Hay, for his 1-3 remaining By J. Otis, for his 1-3 remaining By Balance for my 1-3 remaining llG3.tJ0 1163.60 1163.60 3490.80 C I edit side voyage to Lisbon . Debtor side To Profit arid Loss, gainedy 10018.75 5300.00 4718.75 1G01H.75 3900.00 Credit side Oil in Co. with S. ) Hay, J. Otis & self, each 1-3 $ Debtor side 3207.00 To S. Hay, for his 1-3 of the gain, 2:^1 .00 To J. Otis, for his 1 3 of the gain, 231.00 To Profit and Loss, for my 1-3 do. 231.00 3900.00 Debtor side Canary in Co. with ) S. Hay, J. Otis, and self 1-3. i Credit side ByS. Hay, for his 1-3 of Loss, By J. Otis, for his 1-3 of ditto, By Profit and I>.oss, for my 1-3 do. 2463.00 2100.00 121.00 121.00 121.00 2463.00 Debtor side of Canary . . Credit Mde . * . . . By Profit and Loss, lost. 400.00 370.00 30 00 400.00 Creditside John Brown, a. Ex oi-** <^ in Co. ea.hl-2 . . . . \ »»'7-^ Debtor side 802.7.00 To J. Brown, for his 1-2 gain 76.25 1 o Profit and Loss, for my 1-2 gain, 76.25 8177.50 Uebtor side John Ja^ikson Credit side .... By Balance due to me, 3587.50 2000.00 1587.50 3587.50 Credit side John Brown To Balance rfwe to him. r6.25 76.25 THE SUBSIDIARY BOOKS? COMPRISING THE INVOICE BOOK, SALES BOOK, CASH BOOK, EXPENSE BOOK, BILL BOOK, CHECK BOOK, AND BANK ACCOUNT BOOK, AVITH THEIR SEVERAL USES IN PRACTICE. THE INVOICE BOOK THE Invoice Book in Inland Trade, contains a copy of the Invoices or Bills of Parcels of the goods which the merchant buys or purchases on his own account. The Invoice Book in Foreign Trade, contains copies or duplicates of all the Invoices of Goods, which the merchant ships off to sea, or receives from abroad; either on his own account, in gartnesliip, or for others on commission. Invoices of Goods received, to be sold on commission, are copied into the Sales Book, to which the subsequent charges are added. An Invoice is a paper sent off with goods exported, the pre- amble containing the name of the ship, master, place of destin- ation, and of the person to whom the goods are consigned. An account is next given of the quantity and amount of the goods, which are generally charged at prime cost. The ship- ping charges are added to the value of the goods, and upon this sum, if they are shipped on account of another, the mer- chant charges his commission. The amount of the several Invoices, can be transferred im- mediately, from the Invoice Book into the Ledger, without any previous entry in the Day Book, debituig the several ac- counts in the Ledger to which they belong, for their respec- tive sums, referring to the page of the Invoice Book, where entered, with these references placed near the money columns in the Ledger, viz. I. B. A. P. i. e. Invoice Book A. &c. page — But, in teaclfing, this is not the best method, nor in prevent- ing errors, for the Ledger ought to be posted from one book, to which it should have immediate reference, and to no other. The Invoice Book which contains the copies of all Invoices sent off, is sometimes called the Invoice Book outward, to dis- tinguish it from the Invoice Book inward, which contains co- pies or duplicates of all Invoices received from abroad. But this book might be dispensed with, by preserving the originals, either filed, in pigeon holes, or pasted in a Blank Book fitted for that use. Invoice Book A. or No. 1. Invoice of Sundries, shipped on hoard the Mary, John Ray, Master, for Barbadoes, consigned to Wm. Thompson, merchant there, to sell for my account. New-York, January 1. ISlf. \v. T. 200 Barrels of Beef, at 10. per bbl. 2000. 100 „ Herrings, 4. „ 400 1200 Bushels Indian Corn, 1. per 1200. Cash paid Charges of Shipping and Insurance 350. Entered in Day Book, page 3. Or put the figure, referring to the Ledger, if the amount is transferred thereunto, in the margin of the Invoice Book, opposite the se- veral Invoices. 3950 00 162 [2] Invoice of Sugar, shipped on board the Nancy, IVm. Lawrencty master, for Naples, by order of Edward Franklin^ merchant th&e, and to him consigned, for his account and risk. New- York, January 3. 1817. E. F. No. 1 to4 No, Cwt. ^r. lb. Cwt. ^r. lb, 1 Gross 9 1 20 Tare 1 1 11 2 9 25 1 27 3 9 2 17 1 1 00 4 9 1 26 112 Gross . . Tare . , 37 3 4 5 12 5 12 Net 32 2 20 M U.percnt. CHARGES. Debenture Entry Cost of Hhds. Cartage, Wharfage, he. 6.50 15.00 8.23 Commission on 389.4 at 5 per cent. Insured, at the Globe Insurance, 378. at 4 per cent, to cover the above sugar Entered in the Day Book, page 3. 359 29 19 15 423 2^ 75 45 12 61 J 611 [3] Invoice of Goods, shipped on board the Sivan, Charles Mills, master, for Bilboa, by order of Wm. Blount, merchant there, Jor his account and risk, and to him consigned. New-York, January 12. 1817. w. B. No. 1 to 14 No. I to 8 — 8 Bags Pepper, containing net 18961b. at .20 per lb. 379.20 9 — 1 Bale, containing: 28 pieces of printed Calicoes 763yds. at .50 per yd. 381.50 10 — 1 Bale, containing 37 pieces of fine Bengal Muslins, amt'g. as per Bill of Parcels, to 673.75 II to 14 — 3 Bales of Irish Linen, a- mounting, as per Bill of Parcels, to 868.50 CHARGES. Paid for packing, cartage, &c. 12.25 Entry Bond, Bills of leading, and o- 13.50 ther Charges Commission on 2328 70, at 5 per cent, insured, with the Globe Insurance C.>. 2560.63, at 6 per cent, to cover the above Entered in the Day Book, page 4. :^;i02 25 116 15: 95 2598 75 43 63 76 164 [4] Invoice of Iron^ skipped on hoard the Betsy ^ Broivn, master^ for Leghorn^ by order, and for account of John Collins, and to him consigned. New- York, January 16. 1817. 400 Bars of Iron, weighing 234cwt. 3qrs. at 6. per cwt. CHARGES. Cartage, &c. Bills of Lading ^c, paid 1 7.50 Cash paid Insurance on 1434.30 at 7 per cent. 100.40 Commission on 1366. at 5 per cent. Entered in the Day Book ^ page 5. 1348 117 68 1534 50 90 30 70 165 L^j Invoice of sundry Goods shipped onboard the Huron^ Wardivell, for Leghorn, by order of John Nashy Merchant there, for his acct, and risk, and to him consigned, marked and numbered as per margin. New-Yokk, February 3. 1817 1. N. No. 6 to 13 8 Hhds. Sugar, weighing net 103 cwt. at 15. per cwt. 1445. No. Cost of Hogsheads, 16. 1 to 12 12 Casks of Bottled Ale, 133 doz. at 3. per dozen, 399. No. Casks, 15. 1 to 5 5 Bales Broad Cloth: 115 yards, at 3.50 per yd. 105 do. 4.25 „ 108 do. 3.r5 „ 110 do. 5.00 „ 112 do. 3.25 „ Wrappers and Cordage, One chest of Cutlery, amounting, as per enclosed bill of par- cels, with chest, to 402.50 446.25 405. 550. 363. 4.50 256.50 4302 75 CHARGES. Packing, Cartage, &c. 6.25 Shipping charges, 12.75 19 00 Commission on 4321.75, at 5 per cent. 216 8 Insured with the Globe Insurance Company, 4537.83, at 6 per cent. 272 4810 27 10 _ Entered in the Day Book, pc tge 14. " 16t> w Invoice of Six Hogsheads Tobacco, shipped on board the brig Betly, Winsiow, for Stockholm^ on the account and risk of Charles Chambers, Merchant there, and to him consigned. NttW-YoRK, February 8. 18ir. c.c. 1 to 6 No, Cwt, Qr. lbs. 1 la 1 10 Tare, 2 19 2 19 •2 12 3 5 3 18 1 10 2 6 4 18 1 14 2 21 5 1-2 3 26 1 6 6 U 3 b 1 15 Gross, 100 1 21 9 1 16 Tare, 9 1 16 Xet, 91 5()r lOloribs. at.lOperlb. CIIAKGES. Bonds and Custom House entry, Cost of erapt) H >gsheadF, l/>adinp: aii(i small charges, Bills of Ijadinc:, Brokage on 1019.70, at h per cent. 2 50 18.00 4,-25 .75 5.98 Commission on 10.'>I.18, at 5 per cent. Insured with the Globe insurance Company, 1101.15, at 6 percent. Entered in the Day Book, page 15. 101 ;4 31 52 66 1169 70 48 56 6 80 ler ni Invoice of Eight Hogsheads of Sugar ^ shipped on hoard i the Neptune^ J, Smith, Master, for Hamburgh, on account of Wm. Chulmley, said place, and to him consigned. New York, February 15, IBlT. w. c. No. No, Cwt. ^r, lbs. 6 to 13 6 14 2 16 Tare, 1.3 8 r 13 1 20 1 2 19 8 16 3 00 2 13 9 14 3 14 1 3 12 10 15 1 24 13 U n 12 2 14 1 3 21 12 15 3 16 12 8 13 13 2 14 1 1 20 lir 1 6 14 1 6 14 1 6 1133 Net, 103 at 11 per cent. 00 CHARGES. Bond and Custom House Entry 2.50 Bills of Lading 0.15 Warehouse Rent, Loading and Cartage 8.50 11 7b 23 Commission on 1144.75, at 5 per cent. Due to the Globe Insurance Company, for insuring the above Sugar 105 99 # 1305 97 Entered in the Day Book, Page 18. 1 J6( [8 Invoice of Sundries^ shipped on hoard the Sarah, for Barbadoes, co7isis^ned for sales and returns to Wil- Ham Thompson, Merchant there, on acct. and risk of said Thompson and the Shipper, each one half share, Nkw York, February 25. 1817. 50 M White Oak Staves, at 18. per M 900 40 hhds. Indian Corn, containing 320 bushels, at 1 .25 per bushel 200 bundles, conta'ing 10 M Long- wood Hoops, at 20. per M 6 Cables, ) As per inclosed Bill 26 Coils of Rope, S °f P^^^^^i^ 400. 200. 1291.50 CHARGES. Paid for Cartage, Wharfage and Load- ing 20.00 Shipping Charges and Bills of Lading 14.50 Commission, on 2826. at 5 per cent. Premium of Insurance, insured with the Globe Insurance Company, 2967. at 6 per cent. to cover the above Entered in the Darj Book, page 22. 2791 34 141 178 3145 50 50 30 32 169 [9] Invoice of Sundries shipped on board the JunOy Willimn Tredwell, Master, for Jamaica, on the proper ac- count and risk of Thomas Shaw and Co, of Lon- don^ consigned to Johri Home and Co, Merchants in Kingston, for sa^es and returns to said Shaio and Co. contents , costs and charges as under. New-York, February 27. 1817. I. H. &Co. 30 Firkins of best Butler : No. lbs. lbs. No. lbs. lbs. No. lbs. lbs. 1 61 Tare 11 11 62 Tare 10 21 63 Tare U 2 60 13 12 65 11 22 64 16 3 64 11 13 63 13 23 65 15 4 67 14 14 60 li 24 67 11 5 61 14 15 67 12 25 61 10 6 63 13 16 66 11 26 60 12 7 65 15 17 64 13 27 61 13 8 61 11 18 61 11 28 67 11 9 60 11 19 61 16 29 64 15 10 60 14 20 67 17 30 63 11 . 1 622 127 636 622 ' 635 1893 :i80 125 635 128 125 127 380 Net, 1513 at .30 per lb 80 Barrels of Beef, at 10. per bbL 60 do. Pork, 14. „ Charges paid on the above, CoiiiQiission on 2093.90, at 4 per cent. Entered in the Day Book, page 23. Z 453 800 840 209a 63 83 90 00 00 90 75 75 40 iro INDEX TO THE INVOICE BOOK. INV^BpEof suDflries fihipped on board the Mary, con- signed to Williani Thompson on my own account, 1 of Sugar shipped on board the Nancy, for Naph^s, on acct. of Ed. Franklin, - 2 of sundries shipped on hoard the Swan, for ^ Bilboa, on acct. of Wm. Bh^unt, - 3 ^|L^. V • • of Iron shipped on board the Betsey, for ^^ Leghorn, on acct of John Collins, - 4 • •...••••• of sundries shipped on board the Huron, for Leghorn, on acct. of John Nash, - 5 of TobLU'Co shipped on board the Betty, for Stockholm, on acct. Chas. Chambers, t> of Sugar shipped on board the Neptune, for Hamburgh, on acct. of Wm. Chulmley, 7 > of Goods shipped on board the Sarah, for Baibidoes, consigned to Wm. Thomp- son, on acct. of said Thompson and the shipper, ------ 8 . •^ of sundries shipped on board the Juno, for Jamaica, on acct. Thomas Shaw & Co. of London. . . - - > SALES BOOK, A. or No. 1 This book is used to find the net proceeds of any cargo or consignment, sold on commission. An account of sales comraordy occupies two pages, with a preamble over both, setting forth the names of the goods, ship, and person from whom the consignment is received. The left hand page comprizes an account of the several charges, incurred by the transactions, such as freight, and all other ex- pences attending the goods until they are sold, together with Brokage, if any. Factor's Commission, and sometimes Insu- rance from Fire. The right hand page contains an account of the quantity, price, and amount sold, with the buyers name, if purchased on credit, also the time of payment. The difference between the sales of the goods and charges is the net proceeds, for which the Factor credits his employer, and sends him a copy of the account sales, to which he usually signs his name, with the place of his residence, and the words errors excepted. Note I. — The net proceeds of the several accounts of sales, can be immediately placed from the Sales Book, to the credit of the respective owners in the Ledger, with these reference letters placed near the money columns, S. B. A. F. (i, e,) Sales Book A fol 2. — If the net proceeds of any of the sales be settled or dis- charged, before they are transferred to the credit of their re- spective accounts in the Ledger, mark i\iempaid in the margin of the Sales Book, also in that of the Day Book if entered there, which will be a sufficient proof that they are settled, or liqui- dated. It is presumed, that in this instance, the Factor has no ac- count opened, with his Correspondent, in the Ledger. 172 1] Dr. Sales of 500 pieces of Linen, received per Jan.Sri Jan. 29 CHARGES. To Cash paid Duty, „ Freiglit, at .20 per piece, „ Cartage, poftcrage, &c. „ Warehouse rc^nt, „ Insurance from fire, „ Postage of Letters, 360.25 100.00 11.25 50.00 38.00 1.25 „ Interest on 560.75, money advanced, 20 days, at 7 per cent. „ Commission on 7112.50 total sales, at 5 per cent. To William Martin his acct. for net proceeds when collected, Note, — The Charges, 560.75 Interest on money advanced, 2. 1 8 Commission on the total sales, 355.62 918.55 This sum subtracted from the sales, gives the net proceeds : thus, Total sales, 7112.50 Charges, 918,55 Net proceeds. 6193.95 560 2 355 918 6193 7112 75 18 62 55 95 50 ir3 [1] the Diana, fro7n Dublin^ on accU Win, Martin. Cr. I8ir. Jan. 26 27 29 SALES. By Cash at public Sale : 50 pieces at 1 1.75 per piece, 50 „ 13.75 „ 50 „ 15.75 587.50 687.50 787.50 By James Yielding, sold him at 2 months, 150 pieces, at 14. per piece, By John Vallens, sold him at 3 months, 200 pieces, at 14.75 per piece. Entered in the Day Book, page 7. •2062 2100 2950 7112 50 00 00 50 ir4 [2J Dr. Sales of 20 hhds. Sugar received per the 18ir. Feb. 3 11 CHARGES. Cwt. To Duty at 2.80 per ct. 233 „ Freight at 8. per hhd. „ Landing and Weighing, „ Wharfage, „ Warehouse Rent, „ Cooperage, 2 lbs, 15 654.1 r 160.00 6.50 3.75 16.00 1.75 „ Interest for 30 days on 842.17, charges paid on the consignment, at 7. per cent. „ Commission on the total sales, at 5. per ct. To William Roberts, for net proceeds when collected, Entered in the Day Book, page 16. 842 4 151 2038 30;i7 17 91 86 29 23 175 [2] Neptune from Jamaica on acct. of Wm. Roberts- Or, i8ir. Feb. 11 SALES. By George Qninton, sold him 20 hhds. Sugar, payable in 3 months. No, Cwt, 2r, lbs. No. Cwt. Br. lbs. 1 12 1 2 13 2 12 14 3 13 2 14 1 12 2 11 10 9 8 11 9 7 8 13 9 14 10 15 11 12 12 U 13 12 14 13 8 10 11 18 19 21 00 93 1 93 No, Cwt, Br, lbs. 15 10 2 18 16 12 1 10 17 12 2 19 18 12 3 17 19 13 2 10 20 12 1 19 74 2 93 1 93 9 9 3 260 3 27 1 21 6 Gross, Tare, Net, 233 2 15 at 13. per cwt. 3037 22 176 [3] Dr. Sales of 24 Bags Cotton^ received per the Mercu- 1817. Feb. 4 reb, 2 CHARGES. To Duty paid on the consignment, 212.94 „ Freight, do. do. 168.00 „ Wharfage, cartage and weighing, 6.75 „ Mending for delivery, picking damage and making merchanta- ble, 14.50 „ Advertising for sale and catalogues, 3.00 „ Sale-room charges, 4.00 „ Insurance from fire, 20.00 „ Warehouse rent, 12.00 „ Interest for 10 days on 441.19, at f per cent. „ Commission on 2288.55 total sales, at 5 per cent. To William Roberts for net proceeds when collected, 441 114 1732 19 85 42 9 2288 55 vr [3] ry, fVilUamSj from Jamaica J 071 aecL Wm* Roberts, Cr. 1317, Feb,21 Sales. By Cash for 24 Bags, sold for ready money : Lot l- -8 Bags. Lot2- -8 Bags. Vo. Cwt dr. lbs. No. Cwt Qr. ibs. 1 2 2 12 9 2 2 12 2 2 1 26 10 2 2 18 3 2 2 10 11 2 2 20 4 2 2 16 12 1 1 24 5 2 3 10 13 2 3 16 6 3 1 7 14 2 1 24 7 2 2 16 15 2 3 18 8 ..2 3 19 16 2 2 26 Gross, 22 4 Tare, 2 18 20 1 18 3 12 Net, 21 1 14 19 2 Lot 3- -8 Bags, No. Cwt Qr. lbs. 17 2 1 ir 18 2 3 19 19 3 9 20 2 2 16 21 3 22 2 1 19 23 2 3 10 24 2 2 19 21 3 25 3 26 20 3 27 21 1 14 19 2 6 61 3 19 or 69351bs. at .33 per lb. Entered in the Day Book, page 19. 2288 A a, 178 INDEX TO THE «ALES BOOK. SALES of Linen, per the Diana, from Dublin, on acct. of William Martin, 1 of Sugar, per the Neptune, from Jamaica, on acct. of William Roberts, - - - - 2 of Cotton, per the Mercury, from Jamaica, on acct. of William Roberts, . - - - 3 CASH BOOK, A. or No. i. The Cash Book contains an account of all money transac- tions, it is kept in folio form like the Ledger, with the Dr. marked on the left hand page, and the Cr. on the right. On the Dr. side is entered all the money received, and on the Cr, side all the money paid. The excess of the Dr. above the Cr. side, will always be the money on hand ; the proper entries with respect to the Cash Account being made. The amount of these receipts and disbursements, are generally carried to the proper side of the Cash Account, in the I^edger, ever/ month. The Cash Book may also be abridged by the help of a pet- ty Cash Book, containing an account of small charges on Mer- chandize, of Family, and other incidental expences. Or, put a quantity of money into a purse or drawer, and when that is ex- pended in such small disbursements as you are obliged to make^ credit the Cash Account for that sum. All the money you receive, daily, for goods sold &c. can be entered in one entry on the Dr. side of the Cash Account, keeping an account of the same through the day, on a slate or separate paper, or counting it from the Till, after the busi- ness of the day is closed. All the money paid for the pur- chase of Goods &c. can be entered on the credit side of tire Cash Account, after the same manner. The form of keeping a Cash Account, exhibited in the fol- lowing Cash Book, is entering the Cash on hand, at opening the Books in the Cash Account in the Ledger, and transferring the monthly amount from the Cash Book thereunto, and balan- cing that account when the Books are closed. For the second /orm^ see Cash Book annexed to Ledger No. 4. [1] 181 Jan. Cash. 7. 5 15 ^j 27 2» 29 31 180 Fo Interest, received, „ Hills Receivable/ „ „ Bills Kectivable, „ ' „ Farm in Jersey, „ „ Ship Mary, „ „ Sales per the Diana, „ „ Debentures, „ Received this Month. Du LF 14 4 6 1000 28^6 5 300 3 256 15 2062 5 204 ' 6683 [2 fiash^ Dr. 1817\|DP Feb. ^13 9 12 17 18 21 22 28 To Bills Receivable, „ do. „ do. „ do. „ Interest, „ Sales per the Mercury, „ Bills Receivable, do. Received this month, 658 460 650 400 270 2288 1462 867 7056 181 LI Cont ra, 6V. 1817. PD LF Jan. 1 -} By Voyage to Barbadoes, paid, 12 350 00 3 Hy Echvard Franklin, >j 8 29 75 5 4 By Bills Payable, j> 11 89- 00 8 By Voyage to BarbadoCF, J) 12 332 56 12 4 By William Blount, j> 8 25 75 b By Bills Payable, 5) 11 1500 00 16 By John Collins, 3> 16 117 90 26 6 By Bills Payable, J> 11 1100 00 29 8 By Sales per the Diana, J> 15 560 75 30 By Sundries. J> 1504 00 31 By House Expenses, Paid this Month; )) 16 256 75 6669 46 1 ContrUy Or. [2] 1817. Feb. 3 4 5 8 10 11 14 15 17 19 21 22 24 25 27 28 22 23 By John Nash, paid charges, By Brandy, „ By Bills Payable, By Lottery Tickets, By Charles Chambers, By Bills Payable, By Sales per the Neptune, By Adventure to Glasgow, By William Chulmley, By Bills Payable, By Adventure from Jamaica, By Globe Insurance, By Bills Payable, By Sales per the Mercurv, By Bills Payable, By Sundries, By Adventure to Barbadoes, By Thomas Shaw, By Sundries, Paid this Month. LF 17 18 11 19 20 11 15 20 15 11 19 13 21 15 11 21 19 350 800 11 31 967 842 700 11 600 1000 500 800 441 800 1618 34 63 486 10076 00 00 00 00 48 00 17 00 75 00 Ot) 00 00 19 00 44 50 75 31 59 BOOK OF HOUSE EXPENSES House Expenses Dr. To Cash, 1817. Jan. 1 10 15 20 26 28 29 30 Feb. 2 6 10 16 20 25 26 27 n 3) Paid for2 bbls.Flouratr.; Beef,n4 lb. at .6 „ Quarter Mutton, 16 1b. at .6 per — Sugar, 14 lb. at .12 1-2 per, „ Hat, 4.— Silk Coat for Mrs. S. 15.— 1 pair Boots, 8. „ 3 Heads Cabbage, .20 — 2 pair Shoes, 4. —7 lb. Rice, .30, „ 1 piece Linen, 12.50 — 1 cwt. RyeFlour, 2.50. „ 40 lb. Butter, .25 per — 8 yds. black silk lace, .63 per, „ 2 bushels Potatoes, 1.50 — 1 cwt. Indian Meal, 2. „ 2 Chaldron Coals 32.— 4 Cords Wood,20 Paid for a Horse, Bridle and Saddle, Entrrediji the Dai/ Book^ Page 8. raid lor Mutton, 2. — Beef, 1 50 lb. at .6 per — Onions^. 1 6, „ Turnips, .50 — Cabbage, Jb — Black smith's Bill, 4. „ Greens, .40 — Fruit, .50 — Cheese, 4.— Porter, 3. „ 1 bbl. Cider, 2.50—1 do. Beer, 4.— Turkey, Jb^ Paid the Nurse, „ 1 box Candles, 5.25— Rusk, .25— Tea, 1.75, „ the Taylor's Bill, 10.— Eggs, .60, „ the Milkman, 3. — Cotton Yarn, 3. — Hose, 3.75, * „ Butter, 2.25— Veal, 1 .25— Oysters, .75, „ Onions, .25 — Muslin, 5.50, Entered in the Day Book page 23. F\D or THE BOOK OF HOUSE EXPENSE?. 20 2 27 4 15 15 3 52 116 256 11 5 7 7 50 7 10 84 71 00 50 00 04 50 00 16 75 16 25 90 '25 25 25 50 119 75 25 75 31 BILL BOOK, No. 1 The Bill Book is a register of Bills, whether payable or re- t^eivable. Bills Receivable, are those which you receive in payment of some debt or contract. Bills Payable, are those which are drawn upon you, and, if accepted, must be paid when due. Or they are notes which you give to another in payment of something received in re- turn. When Bills Receivable come to hand, the several remitters might be credited in the Ledger, immediately, from the Bill Book, without any previous entry in the Day Book, for the amount of Bills remitted by each of them, prefixing these refer-, ences near the money columns, viz. B. R. 1. B. 1. P. i, e. Bills Receivable No. 1 &c. Bill Book No. 1 or A page When Bills Payable are accepted, the several drawers might be debited in the Ledger, immediately, from the Bill Book, Avithout any previous entry in the Day Book, for amount of Bills drawn by each of them on you ; prefixing their refer-* ences near the money columns in the Ledger, viz. B. P. T. B. r. P. i, e. Bills Payable No. 7 &c. Bill Book No. 1, or A. page At the end of every month,Bills Receivable can be charged in the Ledger with the amount of Bills received, to be paid for that month, thus : To Sundries for amount received to be paid this month ; and when the value of all the Bills for that month 13 received. Credit them By Cash for their amount received that month. At the end of every month, Bills Payable might be credited in the Ledger, from the Bill Book, for the amount of Bills ac- cepted, to be paid by you that month, and when the amount of Bills for that month is paid, debit the account of Bills Payable To Cash, for the amount of Bills paid that month. When the several Bills Receivable are paid you, debit the Cash Account for that sum, without making any second entry, as the account of Bills Receivable in the Ledger, is to be cre- dited monthly, for the amount of Cash received by you for Bills that month. When the several Bills Payable are paid by you, credit the Cash Account, at the time of payment, for the sum paid, with- out making any second entry, as the account of Bills Payable in the Ledger is to be debited, monthly, for the amount of Bills paid by you for that month. 00 O Q a M 2 w o y. > t4 < O c c o g o <3> § CI '--:. l^ o 1 § §" -^ § f2 § s i s i to g oo 1^ g "0« 1 § CO 8 1 I f*» . • . n «9 »3 «,- "O eg « 2 i I 1 1 t ;^ 5; s § o o o 5c ^ & is H H H H ^ J 5 i- S 2 H H H 2 § il ^ 8 :== li S i? I- i I I J I ^ 3 I 5 Q m S5 Q Q S -^ 4 I 53 2: « -• 1 -S 5 i S "ti ^ & « ^ cS ^ S 1 c 3 1 1 1 1 !5 J 1 1 1 ?R u § •a fx >^ 4) s 9 2 6 6 s o 5 5 3 3 1 1 ■3 •-> 1 5 ^ H o S5 W X M 3 < ° < a o C: p: Q > fcl -J 2 S g £ s 05 CD ► '^ .« IT< rt! S r* ^ ?5 ?5 gJ g5 §5 '- '■ N 1-1 ^ rj< 1 1 o. 1 s . - - '^ J 5 5 i e 2 o S 5 3 ^ a 2 2 1^ f» CHECK BOOK Manhattan Bank, ]317. Jan. 2. Cash Deposited, 4. No. 1, 6. No. 2, No. 3, 600.00 75.00 7. Deposited, 8. Nole collecled T. Saunders, 9. No. 4, 12. Dis.T.Bakewell's Note, 1000.00 Dis. 63 days, 10..')0 13. No. 5, 20. No. 6, No. 7, 312.50 45.00 Cash deposited, Bal. carried forw'd 6746 694 6052 67^ 5377 1000 6377 1200 7577 675 6902 989 7892 987 6905 357 6547 516 7064 No. 1. Hones & Town, for Goods purchased at auction, Jan. 4, 1817. No. 2. For our Note to Boggs &£. Thompson, in the PiKjenix Bank, Jan. 6, 1817. No. 3. Bhick Smitli's work, paid D. Adams, Jan. 6, 1817. No. 4. W. Tliompson, for 1 Bale Linens, Jan. 9, 1817. No. 5. Paid A. &. N. Brown, for repairs of the Ship Neptune, No. 6. J. Taylor, for House- rent, Jan. 20, 1817. No. 7. Petty Cash, Jan. 20, 1817. 694 15 600 76 675 00 00 00 987 312 45 00 50 00 lar Manhattan Bank. 1817. No. 8. , Jan. For my Note to Cush- 20. Balance bro't for- . man &l Falconer, in ward, 7064 25 the Bank of Amer. 658 66 24. No. 8, 658 6405 66 59 Jan. 24, 1817. No. 9. 26. A. B.'s Note Dis- For Carpenter's work, counted, 500.00 paid C. Trinder, 112 75 Dis. off 33 days 2.75 4Q7 S/i Jan. 2S, 1817. Tt«7 1 Ar«/ No. 10. 6902 84 Tripler, Craig Sl Allen, 28. No. 9, 112.75 for Goods purchased No. 10, 1500.00 at auction, 1500 00 No. 11, 68.00 Jan. 28, 1817. 1680 7^ 1 if No. 11. 5222 9 Petty Cash, 68 00 30. Deposited, 2768 75 Jan. 28, 1817. Balance in Bank, 7990 84 What is the discount on a Note of 1000. that has 63 days to run, To find the Bank Dis- count on Notes that have in the Bank, at 6 per have 33, 63, or any num- cent.? ber of days to run, inclu- ding 3 days grace : 1000. RULE. 63 Multiply the amount of the Note by the num- 6,000)63,000 ber of days it has to run, and divide that product 10.50 .^ns. by 6000 ; the quotient will be the discount re- quired. 360+ lOO-H- 6=6000 EXAMPLE. What is the discount on a Note of 500. that has 33 days to run, in the Bank, at 6 per cent. ? 500. 33 6,000 ) 16,500 2.75 Ans, BANK ACCOUNT BOOK. Dr. Merchant- s Bank, Cr. 1817. Jan. 1 To Cash deposited, I 456 75 1817. Jan. 3 By Casli withdrawn 300 00 2 Do. do. 614 80 6 Do. 760 85 3 Do. do. 714 00 7 Do. 100 00 5 Note collected, 479 30 9 Do. 1344 00 6 Cash deposited, 874 30 10 Do. 375 60 7 Do. do. 456 75 12 Do. 676 86 8 Discount, 674 50 15 Do. 876 00 9 Notes collected, 1766 25 17 Do. 275 86 10 Cash deposited, 1450 00 19 Do. 275 33 11 Do. do. 999 75 20 Do. 1380 00 13 Discount, 665 50 23 Do, 84 9 15 Cash deposited, 2000 00 24 Do. 1840 10 16 Do. do. 1244 25 25 Do. 90 75 17 Do. do. 314 66 26 Do. 111 00 20 Discount, 700 00 27 Do. 375 66 22 Notes collected, 1400 00 29 Do. 274 00 26 ' Cash deposited, 375 50 30 Do. 644 00 27 Do. do. 484 90 Balance 29 Discount, 876 55 n-a fol. 7357 96 30 Note collected, 584 17132 30 6 17132 6 Dr, Merchant'^ s Bank. « CV. 1817. 1817. ToBal. from o-o fol. 7357 96 Feb. 2 By Cash withdrawn 4000 00 Feb. 6 Cash deposited. 466 84 6 Do. 375 00 10 Discount, 844 90 8 Do. 674 56 15 Cash deposited. 640 46 10 Do. 900 00 22 Note collected. 456 75 20 Do. 640 00 24 Cash deposited. 600 00 24 Do. 866 75 26 Do. do. 756 45 28 Do. 6000 00 27 Discount, 170 75 28 Cash deposited, Bal. n-a fol. 490 1671 13456 75 45 31 13456 31 • Note. — The Account was over- drawn on the last day of tlie month, 1671.31, which sum ought to be de- positetl in tlie Bank next day, as soon as it was opened, in order to save the drawer^ credit. 189 Dr. Merchant's Batik Or. 1817. Mar. 1 4 6 12 14 10 20 '22 24 26 28 29 31 To Cash deposited Do. Do. Discount, Note collected Cash deposited Do. do. Do. do. Discount Cash depositee! Do. do. Do. do. Discount Note collected Deposited > t 1817. J671 45 • 650 00 1 Mar. 6 4000 00 1 9 600 00 1) 87.^ 88! 14 675 80! 16 450 00 20 1000 00 24 648 75 25 600 00 26 400 00| 27 600 00; 28 872 75! 29 500 ^0 30 11871 18 )j By Balance frura o-a. !671 By Casii wilbdrawu Do. 600 55-0 Do. 390 Do. 400 Do. 875 Do. 196 Do. 400 Do. 250 Do. 19 Do. 33 Do. 100 Do. 644 Do. 350 Bal. n-a fol. 7061 11871 45 75 25 00 40 20 00 00 63 25 00 00 00 70 18 The above plan of keeping an account with the Banks, is ac- curate and obvious, (i. e.) charge the several Banks with the daily deposits, discounts and notes collected, and credit them for the money withdrawn ; then open an account for each Bank you have dealings with, in the Ledger, and transfer the month- ly amounts from the Bank account Book, to their respective accounts there. This is preferable to the method commonly practised, of a.dd- ing and subtracting the sums deposited and withdrawn, in the margin of the Check Book, and will afford this additional satis- faction to the merchant or dealer, of shewing him in twelve lines, in the Ledger, the annual extent of his dealings with the several Banks, and will prevent the overdrawing of his account, the practice of which is always injurious to credit. Let the accounts in this book be penciled daily in the va- cant spaces below, by the person who keeps it, for it ought al- ways to be kept by the same, if possible, by which means it will be impossible to overdraw without his knowledge. THIRD SET OF BOOKS : BEING 9i ^v^ttm of Booft'licepinff, FOUNDED ON REAL BUSINESS. DAY BOOK No. 3. or C. THE PROPERTY OF A. B. JANUARY 1. 1817. [IJ 192 New- York, January 1. 1817 Inventory of ray whole estate, consisting of mo- ney, goods and debts, owing to and by me, A. B. transferred from the balance account of a foriiier Ledger. I have in Specie and Bank Notes Funded Property, in the 6 per cents, 6000. at 9» 3-4 House in Broad-street worth Ship Mary do. Farm in Jersey do. Household Furniture do. Merchandize, for Balance in hand Debentures for Balance due at the Custom- House Bills Receivable, for the following bills in hand as per former Bill Book iVb. 197. On Warren and Fox, 207. On Samuel Grecnhill, 218. On Ditto, 110. On Hamilton .^ Co. 257. On William Johnson, 261. On Ditto, 107. On Ditto, Debts due to A. B. Francis Beal, owes Chas. Pitfield, do. William Blunt, do. James Parsons, do. Thomas Harrison, do. Edward Franklin, do. John Blackwood, do. Due. Jan. 1.5. „ 25. Feb. 1. „ \5. „ 22. „ 28. 1000.00 1600.00 1256.75 658.25 400.00 1462.50 867.00 24758 5925 15000 4000 6000 2000 18000 1500 .0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7244 1148 648 1698 1567 540 1450 1296 92775 50 75 00 00 00 00 00 00 7j 193 New-York, January 1, 1817, [2] I owe as follows : Taylor and Co. Warren and Smith, Newman and Co. Thomas Allen, Home and Jones, William Vincent, Samuel Harris, Thomas Winter, Thomas Morris, Bills Payable for the following Bills accepted by me, as per former Bill Book, No. Drawn by due 126. Wm. Raymond, Jan. 12. 134. Samuel Hay, „ 26. 204, Jacob Romaine, „ 26. 124. Benjamin Helme, „ 30. 148. Ralph Thurman, „ 30. 210. Henry Barlow, Feb. 4. 227. William bhaw, „ 10. 1500.00 r>00.00 600.00 787.75 456.25 892.00 967.00 Gross Amount of ray Property, 92775.75 Amount of Debts dueofme, 15525.50 Net of my Estate, or what 1 am worth, Note, — ^The several entries in the following Day Book, are in Journal form for it is pre- sumed, that to those who have studied the introductory part of this work, with the two first sets, a blotter or waste book will be unnecessar}^. 1650 1480 678 1496 1056 856 450 65 H 1498 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 5703 15525 77250 00 50 50 Cc 194 [I ] New- York, January/ 1 , 181?. 1 Sundries Dr. To Stock: For the amount of my property, as per Dr. side of Balance Ledger, 31st ultimo transferred. 2 Cash for Balance in hand, 24758 50 2 Funded Property, 6000. at 98 3-4 in the 6 per cents. 5^25 00 3 House in Broad-street, 15000 00 3 Ship Mary, 4000 00 5 Farm in Jersey, 6000 00 4 Household Furniture, 2000 00 4 Merchandize, for balance in hand. 18000 00 5 Debentures, for Balance due at the Custom- house, 1500 00 6 Bills Receivable, for amount of Bills due tome. 7244 50 7 Francis Beal, 1148 75 7 Charles Pitfield, 64S 00 8 William Blount, 16^-6 00 8 James Parsons, 1567 00 8 Thomas Harrison, 540 00 8 Edward Franklin, 1450 00 9 John Blackwood, Note. — Open an account in the Ledger, for each 1296 00 92775 75 of the above particulars. . To Post the first part of the Inventory : L Credit Stock, by Sundries, 92775.75 2. Debit Cash, to Stock, 24758.50 3 Debit Funded Property, „ 5925.00 4. Debit House in Broad-st. „ 15000.00 5. Debit ship Mary, „ 4000.00 6. Debit Merchandize, „ 18000.00 7. Debit Household Furniture, „ 2000.00 8. Debit Farm in Jersey, „ 6000.00 9. Debit Debentures, „ 1500.00 10. Debit Bills Receivable, „ 7244.50 Debit each person who owes you, To Stock, for the sum due of him. i9r> Ken- York, January 1, IBlT. [2] 9 9 9 10 10 40 10 10 11 11 Stock Dr. To Sundries : For amount of Debts due of me, as per credit side of balance of Balance Ledger, 31st ultimo transferred. To Taylor and Co. To Warren and Smith, To Newman and Co. To Thomas Allen, To Home and Jones, To William Vincent, To Samuel Harris, To Thomas Winter, To Thomas Morris, To Bills Payable for my acceptances unpaid, Note, — Open an account in the Ledger, for each of the above persons. To post the second part of the Inventory, 1. Debit Stock, to Sundries, 1552.'5.50 2. Credit each person, as well as Bills Payable, by Stock for the several sums due to them. 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 50 [3] 196 yeiv-Torki January 1. 1S17 12 10 11 6 7 4 1 13 13 Voyage to Barbadoes, Dr. To Sundries, for amount of Invoice on my own account consigned to William Thomson, for sales and returns, as per Invoice Book .. A, page 1. To Merchandize, • 3600.00 To Cash, paid charges, Insurance, &c. 330.00 To Post this transaction : 1. Debit Voyage to Barbadoes, to Sun- dries, 3950.00 2. Credit Merchandize, by Voyage to Barbadoes, 3600.00 3. Credit Cash, by ditto, 350.00 William Vincent Dr. To Bills Paj^ahle : Accepted his Bill No. 1, favor John Shaw, due Feb. 5 for 1. Del)it Wm. Vincent, to Bill Payable, KOO.OO 2. Credit Bilis Payable, by ^v m. Vincent JJOO.OO : — 3 Bills Receivable Dr. To Charles Pitlield : llec'd from him, Jones on C •-'* i^'^'^i" March 6. No. I, for 1. Debit Bills lleceivable, to Liuirics z'lt- field, 400.00 2. Credit Charles Pitfield,by Bills Receiv- able, 400.00 Edward Fraifklin Dr. To Sundries: For Amt. of Invoice of Sugar, per vhe T^^ancy, for Naples, as per Invoice Book A, page 2. To Meri:hai)dizc, 359.29 To Cash, paid charges on JMcrchandize, 29.75 To Commission, 19.45 To Globe Insurance Co. for Insuring the same, 15.12 1. Debit E. Franklin, to Sundries, 423.61 2. Cedit iMerchandize, by E. Franklin, 359.29 3. Credit Cash, by E. Franklin, 29.75 4. Credit Commission, by do. 19.45 5. Credit Globe Insurance, by do. 15.12 3950 00 800 00 400 00 423 61 197 New-York^ January 5, 181 T. [ iJ 11 Rills Payable Dr. to Cash. 1 Paid Heiiry Barlow's Bill No. 210, for 892 00 1. Debit Bills Payable, To Cash, 89i>.00 2. Credit Cash, By Bills Payable, 892.00 1 Cash Dr. to Interest. — Received Discount for the above Bill for iiO 14 days at 6 per cent, 1, Debit Cash, To Interest, 4.46 2. Credit Interest, By Cash, 4.46 o 4 46 12 Voyage to Barhadoes Dr. to Cash. — Paid the following Bills and Sums of money on 1 the outfit of the ship Mary : To William Barber, Carpenter, 20.50^ „ Amos Beklen, Sail-maker, 110.00 „ Andrew Martin, Anchor smith, 31.56 „ John Lawrence, tpr Beef and Pork, 42.25 ,*, Ji>hn Brown, for Flour and Biscuit, 63.00 „ Williiuii N orris, for Cooperage, 21.25 „ John Saunders, for Wine and Spirits, 44.00 332 ^^ / • 1. Debit Voyage to Barbadoes, To Cash, 332.56 2. Credit Cash, By Voyage to Bar- badoes, 332.56 8 William Blount Dr. to Sundries. For Amount of Invoice per the Swan for Bil- boa, as per Invoice Book A, page 3. 4 To Merchandize, 2302.95 I „ Cash paid Charges, 25.75 13 „ Commission, 116.43 13 „ Globe Insurance, 153.63 2598 76 1. Debit Wm. Blount, To Sundries, 2598.76 2. Credit Merchandize, By Wm. Blount, 2302.95 3. Credit Cash, By Ditto. 25.75 4. Credit Commission, By Ditto. 116.43 6. Credit Globe Insurance, By Ditto. 153.63 198 L5] New- York, January 12, I8l7. 11 14 4 1 13 Bills Payable Dr. to Cash. Paid William Raymond's Bill No. 126, 1. Debit Rills Payable to Cash, 1500. 2. Credit Cash, By B'lls Payable, 1500. 1 5 — : Cash Dr. to Bills Receivable. Received of Warren and Fox the Amount or their Bill, No. 197, 1. Debit Cash, To Bills Receivable, 1000. 2. Credit Bills Receivable, By Cash, 1000. 16 John Collins Dr. to Sundries. For amount Invoice ot Iron per the Betsey for Leg^horn as per Invoice Book A, page 4. To Merchandize, 1 348.50 To Cash paid Charges and Insurance, 1 1 7.90 To Commission, 68.30 14 11 4 14 1. Debit John Collins, To Sundries, 1534.70 2. Credit Merchandize, By Jn. Collins, 1348.50 3. Credit Cash, By Ditto. • 117.90 4. Credit Commissfon,»By Ditto. 68.30 Gibson and Carr Dr. to Bills Payable. Accepted their Hill No. 2, favor John Yeomans, payable Feb. 17. for 1. Debit Gibsim and Carr, To Bills Payable, 600. 2. Credit Bills Payable, By Gibson and C;irr, 600. 1 8 Merchandize Dr. to Samuel Lightfoot. For amount of Goods bought of him as per Bills of Parcels, 1500 00 1000 00 1534 70 600 00 6000 00 199 Nem-Yorkj January 1^. [6] 6 15 14 11 Bills Receivable Dr. to Wm. Chulmley : Received of him two Bills, No. 2, due Feb. 9, for 460.00 3, „ „ 12, „ 650.00 1. Debit Bills Receivable, To William Chulmley, 1110.00 2. Credit Wm. Chulmley, By Bills Re- ceivable, 1110.00 21 Samuel Liglit.foot Dr. to Bills payable : Accepted 2 bills drawn by him, No.3, payable to J.Andrews, Feb.22, for 800. No. 4, payable to Ellis & Co. March 27, for 900. 1. Debit S. Lightfoot, To Bills Payable, 1700. 2. Credit Bills Payable, By S. Lightfoot, 1700, 25 Bills Receivable Dr. to Wm. Blount : Received of him three Bills, viz. No. 4, payable to E. Ingram, due March 28, for 650.25 No. 5, payable to Wm. Scott & Co. due March 28, for 750.75 No. 6, payable to Wm. Raymond, due March 28, for 814.50 Cash Dr. to Bills receivable : Received of Samuel Greenhill, for two bills, No. 207, 218, 1600.00 1256.75 1. Debit Cash, To Bills Rec. 2856.75 2. Credit Bills Rec. By Cash, 2856.75 26 Bills Payable Dr. to Cash: Paid S. Hay's Bill, No. 134, J. Romaine's Bill, 204, 600.00 500.00 I. Debit Bills Payable, To Cash, 1100.00 2 Credit Cash, By Bills Payable, 1100.00 1110 00 170< 00 2215 2856 50 75 1100 00 200 CM New-Yorlc^ January^ 27, 1817. 1 •5 1 3 Cash Dr. to Farm in Jersey : Received from mv Steward, for produce thereof 1 28 Cash Dr. to Ship Mary : Received for Freight, 29 - Taylor & Co. Dr. to Bills Payable : Accepted three bills drawn by them on me, No. 5, due Feb. 21, for 800.00 6, xMarch 3, , .567.75 jMarch 3, 456.00 1. Debit Taylor & Co. To Bills Payable, 1823.75 ^. Credit Bills Payable, By Tay- lor & Co. 1823.75 Sundries Dr. To Sales per the Diana : For Amount of 500 piecesof Linen, on Account of William Martin of Dublin, as per Sales Book A, fol. 1, Cash, for 150 pieces sold at vendue, 2062.50 James Yielding, for 150 pieces at two months, 2100.00 John Vallens, for 200 pieces at three months, 2950.00 Credit Gen. Acct. Sales, by Sun- dries, 7112.50 2. Debit Cash, to sales per the Diana, 2062.50 3. Debit J. Yieldinc:, to ditto, 2100.00 4. Debit J. Vallens, to ditto, 2950.00 Note. — As 150 pieces of the Linen, were sold at auction on the 56th inst. as appears by the Sales Book, it is presumed the money was not entered in the Cash Book, until the sales are transferred in the Day Book as above. The best method is to enter it in a memorandom Kov)k, before it is insert- ed here, but if it be posted from the ac- count of Sales into the Cash Account, it must not be posted from this place, for then it would be posted twice, which must not be done. 300 256 00 1623 75 7112 50 •201 New- York J January 29, 1817. [B] 15 1 14 13 16 3 U 16 Sales per the Diana, Dr. To Sundries : To Cash, paid charges, 560.75 To Interest for money advanced, 2.18 To Commission, 355.6*2 To William Martin, for net proceeds of 500 pes. of Linen, as per Sales Book A, fol. 1, 6193.95 1. Debit Gen. Acct. Sales, to Sun- dries, 711-2.50 2. Credit Cash, by sales per the Di- ana, 560.75 3. Credit Interest, by ditto, 2.18 4. Credit Commission, by ditto, 355«6"2 5. Credit Wm. Martin, by ditto for 61 93-95 30 Sundries Dr. To Cash 1504.00 Ship Mary, paid for Repairs, 260.00 Bills Payable, paid Benjamin Helme's Bill, No. 124, 787.75 Ralph Thurman's No. 148, 456.25 K Credit Cash, by Sundries Paid, 1504. 2. Debit ship Mary, to Cash, 260. 8. Debit Bills Payable, to ditto, 1244. 3 1 Debenture Dr. to Merchandize : For Drawbacks Received this month, 1. Debit Debentures to Cash, 450.25 2- Credit Merchandize, by Debentures, 450.25 Cash Dr. To Debentures : Received for Drawbacks this month, 1. Debit Cash, to Dtibenturps, 204. 2. Credit Debentures, by Cash, 204. House Expenses Dr. I'o Cash : Paid Sundry Charges ,this month, as per Book of House Expenses, D d *i02 Explanation of the Proof Journal. How to Journalize the preceding moiUli, by the concise and unerring; method of a Proof Journal, whereby the books are proved from tiie Day Kook, before they are posted ; and the posting, if posted from the Proof Journal, rendered so con- cise and expeditious, that the twelfth part of the space is not occupied in the Ledger, as by the common niethod, and so plain that it is obvious to any capacity. By this method the accountant, when posting, carries the test of his accuracy along with him ; for, when his month's posting is finished, if he pencils the additions of the Dr. and Cr. sides of each account in the Ledger, in the vacant spaces below on both sides of the money columns, and comparing those with the debits and credits of the same account in the Proof Jour- nal for that month, if they agree he is imfallibly right, if not, the error or ommission, must be in either of the dates annex- ed to the account in the Proof Journal ; but by referring to the several dates in the Day Book, as directed by the Journal, the error is immediately detected, and the particular account known to which it belongs. To collect the several Debtors, Begin with the first debter in tlie month, which in this is that of Cash, collect the several charges incurred b)^ the trans- action, for that month, on a slate or seperate paper, annexing the dates on which each happened, enter these debtors in their order in the Proof Journal, with their respective amounts in the money columns. The several creditors are collected, after the debtors are inserti d in the Journal, in the same manner. This process can be iK^rformed daily, weekly or monthly, a? best suits the purp.)se ; whiTCiis, by the common mode of Trial Ba a-c . il the Dr and Cr. fides of all the accounts in the Ledger, when added, be similar in their amounts, we conclude Iht vvork right, ''therwise wrong ; and the difficulty of finding the error is best known to those who have been engaged in the arduous task ; for, after several Iruitless trials, i; has often been relinquished as iinpracticable to be found ; or to what account it belongs ; by nieans of the Proof Journal it can be immedi- ately developed, and the particular account to which it he- longs, be knomi with the greatest facility. 203 Horn to expedite the work of collecting the Debtors cmdCr edi- tors. When the Accountant begins to enter the monthly trans- actions in the Day Book, let him open the Proof Journal, with the names of the several Debtors and Creditors, annexing the dates on which each debit and credit happens, taking care not to open an account but once for any of them, that month, in the Journal. When the month is ended, the Proof Journal can be filled up with the greatest ease and expedition, as the annexed dates are a sufficient relVrence to the Day Book, where the particular articles are entered. I will venture to assert, that a better method of proving, and detecting errors, in Books kept by double entry, has not been pubUshed since the invention of Book-keeping ; nor in my opinion could a better be devised. The use of this does not hinder the Accountant to keep the Books on the most sim pie plan ; and it can be adopted daily, weekly, or monthly, with the greatest facility — and, above all, certainty of cor- rectness. Also, at the annual closing of the Books, by adding the twelve debit and twelve credit totals, transferred from the re- spective sides of the twelve months in the Proof Journal, on a Slate or scrap of paper, it will be known in a few minutes that the Books will infallibly prove; and if the balances of the several accounts be placed on the proper sides of the Balance and Profit and Loss sheets, there Aviil be no difficulty in clos- ing Books of any magnitude, for which the plainest directions are given in the instructions prefixed to this system. Note I. The Books can be posted daily, if found con- venient, the dates inserted in the Proof Journal as they occur, and their amounts placed monthly in the money columns. When the month's posting is finished, by comparing the posts of the debit and credit sides of the several accounts in the Ledger, for that month, penciled in the vacant spaces below, with the same in the Journal — if they agree, it will be conclu- sive that the work is right — if not, the error is easily detected by referring to the Day Book, as directed by the dates in the Journal. 2. If the Books be posted from the Proof Journal, the transfers can be made with the greatest facility and expedition. The year and month only, without the days of the month, are to be written in the margin of the Ledger. 5. It will not be amiss for the learner to prove the Books, ijkewise, by the Trial Balance, as it will make him more per- ect in a knowledge of addition, which is always essentially necessary for an Accountant. ^ 104 Proof Journal for Jcmnary, 1817. Drs. Sundries Dr. to Sundries : Dates. Cash, To Sundries, 6, 15, -2.5, 27, 28, 29, 31. 31442 46 Funded J'roperty T o Stock, 1 . 592.0 00 House in Broad-st, ?> '• 15000 00 Ship Mary, Sundries, 1, 3. 4260 00 Household Furniture, Stock, 1. 2000 00 Merchandize, Sundries, I, 18,2?. 24000 m Farm in Jersey, Stock, 1. 6000 00 Debentures, Sundries, I, 31. 1950 25 Bills Receivable, „ 1,3,19,25. 10970 00 Francis Bnal, Stock, 1. IMS 75 Charles Pit field, i> ' • 648 00 William I^lount, Sundries, 1, 12. 4296 76 James Parson?, Stock, 1 . 1567 OO Thomas Harrison, }j •* • .040 00 Edward Franklin, Sundries, 1, 3. 1873 61 John Blackwood, Stock, 1. 1206 00 Slock, Sundries, 1. 15.025 50 Voyage to Bar])adoes. 1. 8. 4282 56 William A~incent, Bills payable, 2. 800 00 Bills Payable, Cash, />, 12,26,30. 4736 00 John Collins, IMerchandize, 16. 1534 70 Gibson & Carr, Bills Payable, 16. 600 00 Samuel Light foot, ., ' 21. 1700 00 Taylor c^ Co. 29. 1823 7[> James Yielding, Sales per Diana, „ 2100 00 John Vallens, »♦ n :j 2950 00 General Acct. Sales, Sundries, „ 7112 50 House E^priiFes Cash, 31. 256 75 ■ 156339 59 \ \ ! '20:j Proof Journal for January^ 1817. Crs, SundriesDr. ToSundries By Sundries, ,, Stock, Stock, Taylor and Co. Warren a»id Smith, N^<^'wnian and Co., Thomas Allen, Home and Jones, VV'illiam Vincent, Samuel Harris, Thomas Winter, Tnomas Morris, Bills {Payable, Merchandize, Crish, 1.3. Charles Pitfield, Commission, Globe Insurance, Inserestj Kills llvceivable, Sa.nuel liij2;htfoot, William Chu'.mley, Wiilia 11 Blount, Ftirni in Jersey, Ship Mary, General Acct.Saks, „ Sundries, Dates. 1 2. \e. 21. 29 „ Sundries, 1.3. 12. 16.81 5. 1^. 12. j6. 26.29. 30. 31 }]y Bills Payable, 3 „ Sundries,' 3. 12. 16. 29 » » 3. 12 )) „ •>. 29 „ M 15.25 18 „ IMerchandize, „ Bills Receivable, „ Cash, William Martin, Debentures, 19 19 21 28 29 Net proceeds Linen, „ Cash, 31 92rr5 1650 1480 1496 10 6 856 450 1498 10626 8060 6669 400 559 168 6 3856 6000 lilO 2215 300 256 ni2 6193 156339 75 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 75 99 46 00 80 7D 64 r5 00 00 50 00 25 50 95 00 59 [IS] 106 New- York, February 1. 1817. 16 17 17 15 16 17 17 16 13 6 8 William Martin Dr. To Insurance : For the Cost of Insurance, by his order and for hi> account, Goods per th(^ Diana, Thompson, from Londou to New-York, Capital Insurrd, 1-JOOO. at 7. per cent. 1, Debit William Martin, to Insurance, 840. 2. Credit Insurance, by William Martii., 840. Next Dc bit Insuranc< , and Credit thtf under writers, by makins; the f- allowing entry. Insurance Dr. To Sundries : T> James Yielding, To John Vallens, T G r^e Quinton, To William Ford, 1. Debit Insurance, to Sundries, 840. 2. Credit each of the four under\friters for 210. being the premium of the sum insured by him. 3000. 210.00 3000. 210.00 3000. 210.00 3C00. 210.00 William Martin Dr. To Coumiission : For my Commission on the premium, 840. at 5. per cent. Bills Receivable Dr. To Edward Franklin : Received of him 2 Bills. No. 7, due March 4, for 8, \0. 750.00 167.00 Cash Dr. To Bills Receivable; Received for Hamilton & Go's Bill No. 110. 207 New-York^ February 3, 181T. 14] n 4 2 23 J 3 18 17 2 11 2 19 John Nash Dr. to Sundries : For amt. of Goods per (he Huron, for Leghorn, as per Invoice Book A, page 5 To Merchandize, To Cash paid Charges, To Commission, To Globe Insurance, for Insuring, 4302.75 19.00 216.8 272.27 1. Debit J. Nash, to Sundries, 4810.10 2. Credit Merchandize, by J. Nash, 4302.75 3. Credit Cash, by ditto, 19.00 4. Credit Commission, by do. 216.08 5. Credit Globe Insurance, by do. 272.27 4 Brandy Dr. To Sundries : For the Cost of 100 hhds. received per the Har- riet, Jones, from Bordeaux, for my own acct. To John Nash, received from his Factor per his order, for amount of Invoice, 7»00.00 To Cash paid Charges at landing, 350.00 1. Debit Brandy, to Sundries 7850. 2. Credit J. Nash, by Brandy 7500. 3. Credit Cash, by ditto paid Charges, 350. Bills Payable Dr. To Cash: Paid William Vincent, Bill No. 1, 1 Debit Bills i'avable, to Cash, 2. Credit Cash, by Bills Payable, 800. J500. Lottery Tickets Dr. To Cash : Bought No. 20325 in Baltimore College Lot tery, for 4810 10 7850 00 800 00 11 00 •208 [15J New- York, February Q. 1817. 19 20 13 17 11 Adventure from Jamaica in Co. with George Quinton, John Vallens, and self, each one- third concerned, Dr. to Sundries : To Wm. Roberts, for amt. Invoice Sugar, 10000.00 To Globe Insurance for Insuring the same, 500.00 Received advice from Wm. Roberts, of Kings- ton, in Jamaica, that he has, according to my order, shipped on ])oard the Nancy, Pendleton, 100 hhds. Sugar, at 100. per hhd. which sugar is in Co. with George Quinton, John Vallens and self, each 1-3, and who are to allow me b. per cent, on the sales as manager, 1. Debit Adventure from Jamaica, to Sun- dries, 10500. 2. Credit Wm. Reberts, by Adventure from Jamaica, 10000. 3. Credit Globe Insurance, by ditto, 500. 7 20 4 o 13 13 John Nash Dr. To Hills Payable : Accepted 4 Bills drawn by him, No. 8 Payable to John Shaw, due March 10, for 800.00 9 Payable to Thomas Fruen, April 10, for 700.00 10 do. to Wm. Wallace, do. 10, for 900.00 1 1 do. to Joseph Howe, do. May 10 for 684.75 1. Debit J. Nash, to Bills Payable, 3084.75 2 Credit Bills Payable, by J. N.ish, 30 84.75 _ 8 Charles Chambers Dr. To Sunt.ries: For Amount of Invoice of Tobacco, per the Betsey, Winlow, for Stockholm, as per In- voice Book, page 6, To IMerchandize, 1 1 9.70 To Cash paid Charges, 31.48 To Conmiission, 52.56 To Globe Insururance for Insuring the same, 66.6 209 Nejv-York, February 8. ISlT. C16] 1. Debit C. Chambers, To Sundries, 1169.80 2. Credit Merchandize, By C.Cham- bers, ioi9.ro 3. Credit Cash, By do. 31.40 4. Credit Commission, By do. 52.56 5. Credit G. Insurance, By do. Q 66. 6 2 Cash Dr. to Bills Receivable : 6 Received for Wm. Chulmley's Bill, No. 2, 10 11 Bills Payable Dr. to Cash : 2 Paid William Shaw's Bill, No. 227, 1 1 17 George Quinton Dr. to Sales Sugar, Neptune : per the 15 For amt. 20 hhds Sugar sold him, at 3 months, | as per Sales Book, fol. 2, 1. Debit G. Quinton, To Sales per the Neptune, 303r.23 2. Credit general acct. Sales, By G. Quinton, 3037.23 15 Sales of Sugar, per the Neptune, Dr. dries : to Sun- 2 To Cash, paid charges, 842.17 14 To Interest for money advanced. 4.91 13 To Commission, 151.86 20 To Wm. Roberts, for net proceeds of 20 hhds. Sugar, as per Sales Book, fol. 2, 1. Debit gen. acct. ^ales, To Sundries, 2038.29 3037.23 2. Credit Cash, By Sales per Neptune, 842.17 3. Credit Interest, By do. 4.91 4. Credit Commission, By do. 151.86 5. Credit Wm. Roberts, By do. 2038.29 2 Cash Dr. to Bills Receivable: 6 Received for Wm. Chulmley's Bill, N o. 3, 460 967 3037 00 00 23 3037 23 650 00 Ee [in 210 New-York y February 12. 1817 Home & Jones Dr. to Brandy : For ami. of 60 hhds. at liO. per hhd. sold them, at \i months, 1. D( bit Home 8c Jones, To Brandy, 7200.00 2. C'r'dit Brandy, By Home & Jones, at 120. per hhd for tJO hhds. 7200.00 14 William Martin Dr. to Bills payable : Accepted two Bills drawn by him on me, No. 12, payable to J. Walker, due March 17, for 1200.00 No. 13, payable to Wm. Bell, due April 17, for 1350.00 1. Debit Wm. Martin, To Bills Payable, 2550. 2. Credit Bills Payable, By Wm. Martin, 2550. Adventure to Glasgow Dr. to Sundries : To Daniel Allee, advanced by him, To John Thorn, advanced by him, To Cash, advanced by me. 500. 600. 700. The above partners having advanced the re spective sums annexed to their names to Capt. James Carter, of the brig Nancy, bound to Glasgow, to purchase Linen on our joint ac counts, which Linen, on the return of the said brig, is to be sold by me, and the profits arising from the sales thereof, after deducting all charges and the Captain's Commission, to be divided between me and said partners, in proportion to each man's stock in Co. 1. Debit Adv. to Glasgow, To Sundries, 1800. 2. Credit D. Alice, By Adv. to Glasgow, 500. 3. Credit J. Thorn, By do. 600. 4. Credit Cash, By do 700. 7200 00 2550 00 1800 00 211 Neiv^ York, Feb ruary 15, 1 8 1 f , tl8] U 4 2 13 13 11 2 2 6 14 11 William CLulmley Dr. to Sundries : For Amount of Invoice of Sugar, per the Nep- tune, for Hamburgh, as per Invoice Book, page r. To Merchandize 1133.00 To Cash, paid charges 11.76 To Commission 55.23 To Globe Insurance, for insuring 105.99 1. Debit Wm. Chulmley, To Sundries 1305.97 2. Credit Merchandize, By Wm. Chulm- ley 1133.00 3. Credit Cash, By ditto 11.75 4. Credit Commission, By ditto 55.23 5. Credit Globe Insurance, By ditto 105.89 17 Bills Payable Dr. to Cash: Paid Gibson and Carr's Bill, No. 2. Cash Dr. to Bills Receivable : Received for Wm. Johnson's Bill, No. 257. Gibson and Carr Dr. to Bills Payable : Accepted their Bill on me. No. 14, payable to Edward Wood, due March 21, for 1. Debit Gibson and Carr, To Bills Pay- able 800.00 2. Credit Bills Payable, By Gibson and Carr 800.00 18 Cash Dr. to Interest, 270. Received half year's Dividend, at the United States's Bank, on 6000. at 9. per cent, per annum 1. Debit Cash To Interest 2. Credit Interest By Cash 270.00 270.00 1305 97 600 400 800 00 00 00 270 00 ItDJ 212 New- Ycrk, February 18. 1817. Bills Receivable Dr. To Sundries : For the following Bills received of the follow- ing persons, viz. To James Yielding, To John Yallens To George Quinton To William Ford To Thomas Winter No. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 422.11 1625.08 i5:i4.ro 800.00 900.00 19 Adventure from Jamaica in Co. Dr. To Cash Paid Duty, Freight, kc. on Sugar in Co. Arrived the Nancy, Pendleton, from Jamaica, with 100 hhds. Sugar from Wm, Roberts, which I ordered in Co. with George Quin ton and John Vallens. 1. Debit Adventure from Jamaica, in Co. To Cash Credit Cash, by Jamaica 1000.00 Adventure from 1000.00 Globe Insurance Dr. to Cash : Paid them for Insuiiig our Adventure from Ja- maica ..^ 20 — - Thomas Winter Dr. to Sundries : To Merchandize, for the prime cost of goods sold him, as per Hill of Par- cels To Profit and Loss for the gain on said goods 6000.00 500.00 1. Debit T. Winter, To Sundries 6500.00 2. Credit IMerchandize, By T. Winter 6000.00 3. Credit Profit and Loss, By ditto ^ 500.00 Note. — These Goods are not entered in the Sales Book, therefore the gain is ascerlained at the time the sales were made ; for nothing is en- tered on the credit side of Merchandize but the prime cost of the goods. If the goods sold, were entered there, with the gain added or loss substracted on the sales, the Balance of goods on hand could not be known without taking Stock. 5281 1000 89 00 500 00 6500 00 213 A>W' York, February 21, 1 8 1 f [20] 11 2 2 15 15 o 14 13 20 Bills Payable Dr To Cash : Paid Taylor & Go's. Bill No. 5, Cash Dr. To Sales of Cotton, per the Mercury : For acnuunt of 24 Bales sold at vendue, for Cash, as per Sales Book, folio 3, 1 . Debit Cash, -I'o sales, per the Mer- cury, 2288.55 2. Credit Gen. Acct. Sales, by Cash, 2288.55 Sales, per the Mercury, Dr. To Sundries: To Cash, paid Charges, 441.19 To Interest for Money Advanced, 000.85 To Commission, 114.42 To William Roberts, for net proceeds of 24 bales Cotton, as p^r Sales Book, fol. 3, ir32.09 1. Debit Gen. Acct. Sales to Sundries, per the Mercury, 2288.55 2. Credit Cash, by sales, per the Mercury 441.19 3. Credit Interest, by do. do. 000.85 4. Credit Commission, by do. do. 114.42 5. Credit William Roberts, by sales, per the Mercury, 1732.9 22 Cash Dr. To Bills Receivable : Received for Wm. Johnson's Bill No. 261, Bills Payable Dr. Ti. Cash: Paid Samuel Li^htfoot's Bill, No. 3, 24 James Yielding Dr. To Advtnture from Ja- maica : For Amount of 100 hhds. Sugar in Company sold him, weight net, as per account ren- dered, 1126 cwt. 3 qrs. 14 lb. at 13. per cwt. 1. Debit James Yielding, toadven.from Jamaica, 14649.37 2. Credit Adven. from Jamaica, by J. Yielding, 14649.37 The Sugar in Company being all sold, close the Adventure after the following manner. 800 00 2288 b5 2288 1462 800 55 14649 50 00 37 [21] 214 New-York, Feb mart/ '24. 1817. 19 13 17 16 21 Adventure from Jamaica in Co. Dr. to Sun- dries : To Commission on 14649.37 total sales, at 6 per cent. 732.47 To George Quinton, for his 1-3 gain 805.63 To John Vallens, for his 1-3 gain 805.63 To Profit and Loss, for manager's gain 805.64 1. Debit Adven. from Jamaica, To Sund. 3149.37 2. Credit Commission, by Advn. from Jamaica 732.47 3. Credit George Quinton, By do. do. 805.63 4. Credit John Vallens, By do. do. 805.63 5. Credit Profit and Loss, By do. do. 805.64 To find each partner's gain. Sales of Sugar in Coniany 14649.37 First cost of the Sugar 10000.00 Insurance 500.00 Duty, Charges, &c. at landing 100000 Commission on the Sales 73J.47 12232.47 Total gain, divided by 3) 24 1 6.00 «05.tj3 If the Sugar in Company be entered in the Sales Book, and all sold, close the Adventure after the following manner, viz. James Yielding Dr. to Sales of Sugar in Co. For amount of 100 hhds. of Sugar in Co. sold him, as per Sales Book folio — . Sales of Sugar in Co. Dr. To Sundries 14649.37 To Adventure from Jamaica, for the first cost of the Sugar, and Insu- rance thereon lO.OOO.OO Ti> Cash, paid Chirges at landing 1000 00 To Commission on the Sales 732.47 To Geo. Quinton, for his share of gain 805.63 To John Vallens, for his share of gain 805.63 To Profit and Loss, for manager's gain 805 64 3149 37 14649 14649 37 37 215 New-Yorlc^ February 24. 1817, [22] 2 10 14 Sundries Dr. to Cash: Thomas Allen, paid him the balance of his account, 1496.00 interest, for three months, at 7 per cent, on the above sum, 26.19 Household Furniture, purchased per bill, 96.25 To Post this transaction, 1. Credit Cash, By Sundries, 1618.44 2. Debit T. Allen, To Cash, 1496.00 3. Debit Interest, To do. 26.10 4. Debit H. Furniture, To do. 96.25 25 21 21 4 2 13 18 Sundries Dr. to Sundries : For amount of sundry Goods shipped onboard the Sarah, for Bridgetown, Barbadoes, and consigned to William Thompson, merchant there, on the account of said Thompson and the shipper, each one half, as per In voice Book, page 8. Adventure to Barbadoes, in Co. with Wm. Thompson, for ray half, 1572.66 Wm. Thompson, for his half, 1572.66 To Merchandize, To Cash paid charges, To Commission, To Globe Insurance Co. for insuring the same, To post this transaction, 1. Debit Adv. to Barbadoes, To Sun- dries, for my half, 2. Debit Wm. Thompson, To Adv. to Barbadoes, for his half, 3. Credit Merchandize, By Adv. to Barbadoes, 4. Credit Cash, By do. 5. Credit Commission, By do. 6. Credit G. Insurance, By do. 2791.50 34.50 141.30 178. 2 1572.66 1572.66 2791.50 34.50 141.30 178. 2 1618 44 3145 32 3145 32 [23] 16 New- York, February 27. 181/ 21 4 2 13 4 10 2 3 21 16 Thomas Shaw Dr. to Sundries: For amt. of Invoice of Merchandize, per the Juno, for Jamaica, on his account and risk, as per Invoice Book, No. 1. page 9. To Merchandize, 2093 90 To Cash paid charges, 63.75 To Commission, 83.75 1. Debit T. Shaw, To Sundries, per the Juno, 2241.40 2. Credit Merchandize, By T. Shaw, 2093.90 3. Credit Cash, By do. 63.75 4. Credit Commission, By do. 83,7.:) Merchandize Dr. to Home & Jones : Bought of them sundry Goods, at 4 months, a- mounting, as per bill of parcels, to 1. Debit Merchandize, To H. & J. 15800.00 2. Credit H. & J. By Merchandize, 15800.00 Note, — The Goods ought to be entered in the Invoice Book. 28 Cash Dr. to Bills Recefvable : Received for Wm. Johnson's Bill, No. 107, Sundries Dr. to Cash : House in Broad-st. paid for repairs, Profit and Loss, paid taxes, House Expenses, paid this month, 167.00 200.00 119.31 END OF THE DAY BOOK. 2241 15800 867 486 40 00 00 31 Captain James Carter having returnedjfrom Glasgow, who was em- ployed to purchase Linen in Co. witli Daniel Allee, John Thorn and Manager, each in proj)ortion to his capital advanced, was paid 600. Money (hsbursed by the captain, for expences attending the adventure and his commission. The Linen purchased at Glasgow being sold here, amounted to 5000. An adjustment of the concern is exhibited in the plainest manner. 1. The Manager upon advancing the money to Capt. Carter debited the adventure 1 800. being the sum of the stock advanced, and credited cash for his share, and each partner for his respective capital. 2. Upon the return of the Brig Nancy from Glasgow, he debited the adventure 600. and credited Cash for the same, money advanced by Capt. Carter for the Company, which Manager now paid him. 3. The Manager disposed of the Linen in Co. for 5000. for which he debited Cash, and credited the adventure. 4. The Debtor side of the adventure 1800.00 -f- 600.00 subtracted from the credit side, i.e. 5000.— 2i00, the difference 2600. the gain, is divided betvreen each partner in proportion to his stock in Co. thus : Stock, G-iin, Stock. As 1800 : 2600 : : 500. : 722.22f A's gain, 600. : 866.661 T's gain, 700. : 1011. llf Manager's gain. 2600.00 The adventure is charged with this sum which closes it. The sales of Linen in Co. 5000. — 600 the money paid Capt. Carter, leaves 4400. in the hands of the Manager to pay himself and each partner his stock and gain, thus : 500. -f- 722. 22|-= 1222.221- AUee's stock and gain, 600.+ 866.66|=i466.66| Thome's stock and gain, 700.+ 1011.1li=17Il.ll^ Manager's stock and gain. 4400.00. Proof. Note. When the Manager ascertained the gain on Linen in Co. he credited each partner for his share, anil Profit and Loss for his share. When he pays them their stock and gain, their accounts will stand balanced or closed. r f 218 Proof Journal for February^ 1817. Drs, Sundries Dr. to Sundries. William Martin, To Sundries Insurance, „ „ Bills Receivable, Cash, John Nash, Bills Payable, Brandy, „ „ LiOttery Tickets, Cash, Adventure from Jamaica in Co. Sun- Date. 1,14. 2,18. 2,9,12,17,18,21,22,28. 3, r. „ 5, 10, ir, 21, 22. 4. 5 6, 19, 24, dries, Charles Chambers, „ 8. George Quinton, Sales per Neptune II. General Acct. Sales, Sundries, 11, 21. Home & Jones, Brandy, Adven. to Glgsaow in Co. Sundries, William Chulmley, „ Gibson and Carr, Globe Insurance Co. Thomas Winter, James Yielding Thomas Allen, Interest, Household Furniture 12 14 15 17. 19. 20. Bills Payable, Cash, Sundries, Adven. from Jamaica, 24. Cash, 24. 24. 24. Adven. to Barbadoes, Sundries, 25. William Thompson, 'Adven. to Barbadoes, 25. Thomas Shaw, Sundries, 27. Merchandize, Home and Jones, 27. House in Broad Street, Cash, 28. Profit and Loss, „ 28. House Expences, „ 28. 3432 840 6998 7056 7894 3967 7850 II 14649 1169 3037 53£5 7200 1800 1305 800 500 6500 14649 1496 26 96 1572 1572 2241 15800 167 200 119 118279 OO 00 89 30 85 00 00 00 37 80 23 78 00 00 97 OO 00 00 37 00 19 25 68 66 40 00 00 00 31 19 Proof Journal for February^ 1817. Crs. Sundries Dr. to Sundries : Daks. Insurance, By William Martin, 1. James Yielding, Sundries, 1, 18. JohnVailens, „ 1,18,2/1. George Quinton „ I, 18, 24. William Ford, „ 1, 18. Commission, 1, 3, 8, 11, 15 21, 24, 25, i?. Edward Franklin, Bills Rt ceivable, 2. Bills Receivable, Cash, 2, 9, 1 2 17, 22, 28. Cash, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 14, 15, IT, 19, 21, 22, 24,25, 2r, 2a. Merchandize, Sundries, \i, 8, \b^ 20, 25, 27. Globe Insurance, „ John Nash William Roberts, Bills Payable, General Acct. Sales, Interest, Brandy, Daniel AUee, John Thorn, Thomas Winter, Profit and Loss Adven. from Jamaica, Home and Jones, 3,6,8,15,25. Brandy, 4. Sundries, 6, 11,21. 7,14,17. > 11,21. 11,18,21, Home and Jones, 1 1 . Adven. to Glasgo^y 14. 14. Bills receivable, 18. Sundries, 20, 24. James Yielding, 24. Merchandize, 27. 840 632 2640 2550 1010 1589 1717 4497 10076 17340 1122 7500 13770 6434 5325 275 7200 500 600 900 1305 14649 15800 1 1 8279 00 11 71 33 00 &7 00 75 59 85 34 00 38 75 78 76 00 00 00 00 64 ar 00 LEDGER, G. or No. 3. January 1. 1817. ALPHABET OR INDEX, TO THE LEDGER. A • 1 Allen, Thomas .... 10 Adventure from Jamaica in I Interest 14 Insurance 17 Co 19 Adven. (o Glasgow in Co. 20 Allee, Dani( 1 .... 20 L Lightfoot, Samuel . . 14 Lottery Tickets . . .19 Bills Receiva])le, ... C Beal Francis, .... 7 Blount, VVilUcim ... 8 Blackwood, John ... 9 Bills Payable . . . . 11 Biandy .18 M Merchandize .... 4 Morris, Thomas ... 11 xMartin, William ... 16 N Newman 8c Co. . . . 9 Nash, John ..... 17 C Cash 2 Commission ... .13 Collins, John .... 14 Chulmlev, William . . 1.^ P PitGeld, Charles ... 7 Parsons, James ... 8 Profit and Loss ... 21 Chambers, Charh s . .20 Qiiinton, George ... 17 % L) Debentures 5 Jl Roberts, William ... 20 F Funded propeirty ... 2 Farm in Jersey ... 5 Franklin, P^dward . . 8 Ford, William, ... 17 S Stock 1 Ship Mary 8 Shaw, Thomas ... 21 T G Globe Insurance ... 13 Taylor & Co 9 Thorn, John .... 20 Gibson & Carr ... 14 General Acct. Sales . .15 V Vincent, William ... 10 Voyage to Barbadoes . 12 Vallens, John .... 16 . H House in Broad-street . 3 Household Furniture . 4 Harrison,.Thomas . . 8 Home & Jones . . .10 Warren & Smith ... 9 Winter, Thomas ... 10 Harris^ Samuel ... 10 House Expenses . . . 16 Y Yielding. James . . . ]-» •79-2 m Stocky i8ir. Jan. Feb. To Sundries, To Balance for uiy net Estate, NoT^. — This account, which is fictitious or imaginary, for it represents the owner of the Books, contains, on the Dr. side, the amount of all the debts, if any, which he owed, when the Books were opened, and on the Cr. side, the amount of ready mo- ney, goods, debts, and property of every kind, belonging to him ; the balance shows what his net stock is, or, in case of Bankruptcy, how much his debts exceed his effects. — There is no more entered in this ac- count until the books are closed, and then, if the trade has brought a profit, that gain is entered on the Cr. side, if there has been a loss, it is entered on the Dr. side. Different ways of closing this Ac- count. 1 . To Profit and Loss, for my loss on trade, which happens when the Dr, side of Profit and liOss exceeds the Cr. side, for then Profit and Loss is closed on the Cr. side, By Stock for my Loss, and that difference or loss is carried to the Dr. side of this account — Thus : To Profit and Loss for my loss on trade. Di 50 re 26 223 Contra^ 1817. Jan. Feb. By Sundries, By Profit and I.oss, 2. By Profit and Loss, for ray gain on Trade, when the Credit side of Profit and Loss exceeds the Dr side, for then Profit and Loss is closed to stock for the gain, and that gain is carried to the credit side of this account, as in the pre- sent case. 3. To Balance for my net estate, and that happens when the Dr. side of Balance exceeds the Cr. side, for then Balance is closed By Sfock, for my net estate or capital, and that difference is placed on the Dr. side of Stock, as in the present in- stance. By Balance for my becoming Bankrupt, which happens when the Cr. side of Balance exceeds the Dr. side, for then Balance is closed to Stock for my insolvency, which difference is carried to the Cr. side of Stock — Thus: By Balance, for my* Insolvency, say Cr. [1] 51 26 10000 oa ii] Cdsh^ 1817. Jan. Feb. Jan. To Stock, : To sundry Accts. rec'd this month, I To sundry Accts. rec'd this month, NoTB. — This is a real account. By real accounts, we understand the ac- counts of property, of whatever kind it may be, such as ready mo- ney, goods, houses, lands, ships, shares in public companies, and the like. On the Dr. side of this ac- count, the maney in hands, at o- pening the bfioks, is entered, and afterwards, all the money received, until the books are closed. The Ci*. side contains all the money J)aid oot, and the balance shows how much ousjht to be on hand, (i. e.) there ought to be as much as the Dr. ex- ceeds the Cr. side ; the proper en- tries with respect to the cash ac- count being made. Different ways of clo^in^ this account, 1. Close it, when the Dr. exceeds the Cr. side, — By Balance for the dif- ference, as in the present case. 2. When you have more money in hands than is enterrtl in the books, — By Balance for the dilference, and — To Protrt and Loss for the gain arising from the excess of Ihe money foun(l. Funded Property^ Dr, To Stock, Note. — This is a real account. — Vari- ous ways of closing it, 1. By Balance, for the whole of the Stock remaining on hand, valuing it at the first cost, as in the present case. 2. By Balance, for what remains unsold, and By Profit and Loss on the sum sold, if sold for less thau*the first cost. Dr. 50 96 30 76 59'Jh 00 Contra, 225 Or. [2] 1817. Jan. 31 Feb. 2n By sundry Accts. paid this month, By sundry Accts. paid this month, By Balance remaining in hands, 3. When you have more money enter- ed in the account than the sum in hands — By Balance for the difference of its sides, and — By Profit and Loss, for the diiference between the cash in Till and the sum in Books. 4. When you receive light gold or de- preciating paper money, and pass them as current — To Profit and Loss, for the gain. 5. When you receive current money, and pass it under par — By Profit and Loss, for the loss. 6. Suppose you receive money from your debtor unexpectedly, with whom there is no account opened at present, the man having failed or absconded at some former peri- od, make — Cash Dr. to Profit and Loss, for the payment received, as it must now be considered a gain. DP Feb. '28 Contra, Cr. By Bdlance, 3. By Balance for what remains unsold, and — To Profit and Loss for the gain on the part sold, if sold above the original cost. 4. To Profit and Loss, when all is sold with a gain. 6. By Profit and Loss, when all is sold with a loss. 226 [3] House in Broad- Street, Dr. 1817. Jan. Feb. Jan. To Stock, To Cash paid repairs, Note 1 . — This account is closed here — By Balance for the real value, with the repairs added to it. 2. — It can be closed — By Balance for the first cost, and — To Profit and Loss for the sum gained by rent, a- bove the repairs. 3. — By Balance for the first cost, and — By Profit and Loss for the money expended in repairs. Ship Mary^ Dr. To Stock, To Cash paid repairs, Note. — Accounts of Ships, or shares of Ships, contain, on the Dr. side, the value of the ship, or what she cost you, with all expenses laid out on her ; on the Cr. all freights recei- ved. Various n'aijs of closing this account. 1. — By Balance for her intrinsic value, or what she is worth. 2 By Balance for her intrinsic value, and — To Profit and Loss for the excess of the freight above the charges for repairing her. 3. — By Balance for her intrinsic value, and — By Profit and Loss if the charges expended on her exceed the freight, as in the present in- stance. 4. — By Profit and Loss, if you sell her with a loss, or if she is lost, for her real value. 5. — To Profit and Loss, if you sell her with a sain. DP 1 23 15000j00 167100 1516ri00 4000 00 260 100 4260 00 227 [3] Contra, Cr. 1817. DP Feb. 28 By Balance, i5ur 00 ' 4. — If you sell the house for more than the first cfst, make — Cash Dr. to House in Broad-street, and close the account — To Profit and Loss for the gain. 5. — If you sell it for less than the origi- nal cost — Cash Dr. to House in Broad-street, and close the ac- count—By Profit and Loss for ^^the deficiency. •28 Contra^ Or, 7 256 Jan. By Cash for freight, 25 Feb. 28 By Balance for the intrinsic value, 4000 00 By Profit and Loss, Q.— With a double Profit and Loss, (i. e.) 3 75 4260 00 in case she cleared herself by freight, and more, she is fitted out for a voyage, and you received cer- tain advice that she was captured by an armed vessel or privateer, or otherwise lost, close the ac- count— L By Profit and Loss for her intrinsic value-2. To Profit and Loss gained, for the excess of the freight above her real value. 7.— With a double Profit and Loss, and with Balance, (i. e.) in case she was ransomed, close the account— 1 . By Profit and Loss for the ran- som money— 2. By Balance for her value -3. To Profit and Loss for the excess of the Cr. above the Dr, side. •220 L4j Household Furniture] Di 1817. Jan. Feb. To Stock, To Cash, Note 1. This account is closed, By ba- lance for the amount of the Dr. side, as in the present case. 2. It can be closed. By balance, and To profit and loss, i. e. a part sold and a part unsold and a gain on the part sold. Jan. Teb. Merchandize^ D 200 96 i096 GO •25 To Stock, To Samuel Lightfoot, To Home and Jones, Note 1. The account of Merchandize, contains on the Dr. side the value of the goods contained in the In- Tentory, when the books were opened, also the amount of all the Invoices purchased since that time. The credit side exhibits the sales, together with the value of the goods remaining in hand at (Closing the Books. Merchandize, if all be sold, will close or balance itself, when it is only an account of goods purchased on commission, and charged on both sides at prime cost, whence neither gain nor loss arises, but if any of the goods remain on hand, at clo sing the books, tnen it must be closed, B> Balance for amount of goods reijiaining on account of your emploj^ers/' All the goods on the credit side of this account were charged at prime cost, therefore it is closed, By ba- lance for amount of, goods re maining unsold as per inventory taken. 18000 6000 15800 39800 00 00 00 00 229 [43 Contra^ ' Cr. • -♦ I8ir. Feb. 2a By Balance, 2096 00 3. By Balance for the ralue of the fur- — niture rernainii g: unsold, and by Profit and Loss for the loss on the quantity sold, i. e. a part sold and a part unsold, and a loss on the part sold. 4. To Profit and Loss, all sold with a gain. 5. By Profit and Loss, all sold with a 1 loss. 3 3600 Contra, Cr. Jan. By voyage to Barbadoes, 00 :j By Eduard Franklin, jj 359 29 12 By William Blount, 4 2302 95 16 By John Collins, 5 1348 50 30 By Debentures, 8 450 25 Feb. 3 By John Nash, 14 4302 75 8 By Charles Chambers, 15 1019 70 15 By VVilliam Chuhuley, 18 ll;i3 00 20 By Thomas Winter, 19 6000 00 25 By Adventure to Barbadoes, 22 2791 50 27 By Thomas Shaw, 23 2093 90 28 By Balance unsold. 14398 16 4. If the gain was not ascertained on the — goods sold Thomas Winter, at the 39800 00 time the sales were made, the ac- , count would be closed here. 1. By Balance for amount of goods unsold, 14398.16 2. To Profit and Loss gained. 500.00. 5. Whenever you wish to ascertain the state of your affairs, take an inven- tory of the goods that remain in the store, valuing them at prime cost. credit merchandize. By Balance for amount of goods unsold, next add both sides of the account, and debit it To Profit and Loss for the dif- ference, which is your gain. 230 [5 Farm in Jersey, Dr. i8ir. Jan. Feb. Jan. To Stock, To Profit and Loss, Note. — This Account is closed at pre- sent, By Balance for its intrinsic value, and To Profit and Loss for the gain arising from the sale of Produce. 2. It can be closed, By Balance for its real value, and By Profit and Loss, if the expenses of fencing &lc. ex- ceed the returns by produce or rents. Debentures^ Dr To Stock, To Merchandize, Note. — This account is of the same kind as Bills Receivable account It is debited for all Debenture Cer lificates the Merchant receives for Drawbacks from the Custom-House, and credited for what they produce, or the transfers made of them. It is closed By Balance, for amount of those that remain unpaid. 1 6000 300 00 00 6,;oo 00 1 8 1500 450 1950 00 '2b 25 ' 231 Contra^ Cr. [5] 1817. Jan Feb Jan. Feb. By Cash By Balance, 3i To Profit and Loss for the gain, when sold for more than first cost. 4. By Profit and Loss, for the Loss sus- tained, when sold for less than the original cost. 5. By Balance for the real value ; this happens before you receive any rent, or lay out any expenses on the farm. Contra^ Cr. By Cash, received for drawback, By Balance, 300 6000 6300 OO 00 00 204 1746 1950 00 25 25 [6J 23: Bills Receivable^ Dr. i8ir. Jan. Feb. I 3 19 18 To Stock for Amt. Bills due to me, To Charles Piifield, for No. 1, To VViliiaiij Cl.ulmley, 2, 3. To William Blount, 6, 5, 6, To Edward Franklin, 7, 8, To Sundries 9, 10,12,11, 13, Note. This is a substituted personal ac- count. When in the course of business a mul- titude of Debts are due to us by Bills, Notes, or Bonds, in order to save the trouble of opening an ac count for each Debtor of this sort, a general account is kept for them all, under the title of Bills or Notes receivable. All Bills or Bonds due to me are entered on the Dr. side when received and on the Cr. side when paid or other- wise disposed of The Balance shews the amount of Bill* on hand. There are various ways of closing this account, all of which will occur in practice. The Dr. side shews the number of Notes that came into your hands. The Cr. the number paid, passed or discounted. 1. By Balance for the amount of Bills on hand at closing the Books, as in the present case. 2. By Balance for amount of Bills re- maining and to Profit and Loss for the gain on what you passed of them on being allowed discount. 3. By Balance for what remains unpaid at closing the Books, and By Profit and Loss for the loss sustained on the part you transferred or passed them of, by allowing discount or sel- ling them under par. 4. To Profit and Loss for the gain, if all is passed and a discount allowed you. 7244 400 1110 1/17 5:181 !79bi> 50 00 00 50 00 89 89 J33 Contra, Or. [6] 1817. Jan, Feb. Bv Cash received for No. 197, By Cash, By Cash, By Cash, By Cash, By Cash, By Cash, By Cash, 20r, 218, I 6 110, 2, 3, 25r, 261, lor, By Balance for Amt. Bills due to me. 5. By Profit and Loss, if all is passed with a loss, by allowing discount, or not receiving the Amount of one or more of the Notes or Bills occa- sioned by the failure of those who were bound to pay the same — 6. With a double Profit and Loss, i. e. when you are closing the Books, and missed one of the Notes, close it, By Profit and Loss for Amount of the Note lost ; the gain that at- tended the rest, by the discount al- lowed you, were more than the loss sustained by the Note that was mis- laid, then close the account. To Profit and Loss for that gain — 7. With Balance and a double Profit and Loss — suppose you advertised your Bill or Bond lost, so much for finding it, close the account. By Profit and Loss for the advertising money, By Balance for the amount of the Bill, if found,~And To Pro fit and Loss for the gain on the whole of the Notes passed with discount — 00 75 25 00 00 00 50 00 39 86 H h •234 [^J Francis Bealy 1)1 lair. Jan. Jan. contain, on the To Stock, Note. — This is a Personal account Pergonal accounts Dr. side, all the debts due to us when the books were opened, or contracted during the course of tlic Business; whether arising from goods sold, money lent or otherwise also the payments made by us of debts which we owed. On Ihe Cre Contra^ [32J 1817. Feb. •28 By Balance remaining, 6. With a double Profit and Loss, that is, when the sales are all furnished to a small part, and that your Factor fail- ed close the account.- 1. By Profit and Loss, for amount of the loss sustained by that failure ; but the gain that attended tiie part sold, was more than this loss, then close the account — 2. To Profit and Loss for that gain. 7. By Balance — By Profit and Loss — and- -To Profit and Loss ; that is, when your Factor compounded with you, allowing him an abate- ment, close the account,— ]. By Balance for what remains unsold^ valued at prime Cost— 2. By Profit and Loss, for the abatement.--3. To Profit and Loss, for the gain on the part that was sold. 4. Voyage Dr. To Profit and Loss, when all the sales are furnished with a gain. — See fourth way of closing. 5. Profit and Loss Dr. To Voyage, when all the sales are furnished with loss. 6. Profit and Loss Dr. To Voyage for the loss, and Voyage Dr. To Profit and Loss for the gain. This is with a dou ble Profit and Loss — See sixth way of cloeing. 7. Profit and Loss Dr. To Voyage for the loss,- -Balance Dr. To Voyage for the part unsold, Voyage Dr. To Pro fit and Loss for tlie gain on the part sold. This is By Balance-By Profit and Loss, and— To Profit and Loss See seventh way of closing. [13] 146 Commission^ Dr. 1817. Feb Feb. To Profit and Loss 2,"ained, DP 1149 47 Note. — This account contains, on the credit side, all your Commission, or what is due to you for transacting business for otliers. Globe Insurance, Di To Cash paid on Adventure from Jamaica, To Balance due to the Conjpany, Note. — This Account is closed similar to other personal accounts, for which, see Francis Beal, fol. 7. 2149 47 19 500 791 00 9 1291 24r [13 Contra^ Or. ♦1817. DP 1 Jan. 3 By Edward Franklin, 3 19 45 12 By William Blount, 4 116 43 16 By John Collins, 5 68 30 29 By Sales per the Diana, i\ 355 62 Feb. 1 By William Martin, 13 42 00 3 By John Nash, 14 216 8 8 n 15 21 24 Bj Charles Chambers, By Sales per the Neptune, By William Chulmley, By Sales per the Mercury, By Adventure from Jamaica, 15 16 U 20 2* ,0^ 151 114 732 56 86 23 42 47 25 By Adventure to Barbadoes, 22 141 30 27 By Thomas Shaw, 23 83 75 2149 47 There are no entries on the Dr. side ex- cept you make an abatement to your employer, and then Commis- sion is Dr.* to A. B. for the allow- ance made him ; otherwise it isal- wajs closed — To Profit and Loss for the amount of the Or. side, as in the present case. 3 Contra^ Cr. 3 15 Jan. By Edward Franklin, 12 12 By William Blount, 4 153 63 Feb. 3 By John Nash, 14 27i 27 6 By Adventure from Jamaica, 15 500 00 8 Bv Charles Chambers, 66 6 J5 By William Chulmley, fS 10.^ 99 25 H^y Adventure to Barbadoes, 22 178 2 1291 9 14J Jnteresi , Di 3 8ir. Feb. Jan, Jan. Feb. Jan. Feb. 16 T<3 (]asli, To Profit and Loss, Note. — This is an imagioary or ficti tious account, and subservient to Profit and Loss. The Dr. side contains the sums paid by you to others, for interest , the Cr. side the sums received or become due to you of others for the same. John Collins, Dr, To Sundries, Gibson and Carr^ Dr. To Bills Payable, To ditto, Samuel Lightfoot, Dr. To Bills Payable, Fo Balance, '2z 26 256 2S2 1634 600 800 14O0 1700 4o00 19 21 40 70 bOOO 00 00 00 00 00 00 •249 Contra^ Cr. [14] i8ir. Jan. Feb. Feb. I 5 1 By Cash, 291 By Sales, per tlie Diana, 1 i By Sales, per the Neptune, 18 By Cash, lor dividend, 21 By Sales, per the Morcur}', 1. Close the accouiit....To Profit and Loss, when you have received more interest than you paid, as iu the present case. 2. By Profit and Loss, for the excess of the Dr. above the Cr. side, i. e. when you pay more interest than you have received, or is due to you. 28 Feb. Jan. 28 Contra, Ci By Balaiice, 4 o 16 20 4 2 4 2ro 282 46 \Z 9r 00 85 40 1534 ro Contra^ Or. Bv Balance, 18 Contra^ Cr \\y Merchandize. 1400 00 6000 GO Kk '25^ [16] William Chulmley, Dr. 1817. Feb. Jar. Feb. 1.5 Jan. Feb. lo Sundries, General Acct. Sales Di To Sundries, per the Diana, To Sundries, per the Neptune, To Sundries, per the Mercury, NoTF. — This account balances itself, being only a transcript of the gene- ral result of the accounts m the sales Book, where the particulars are specified at large. James Yielding^ D r. To Sales, per the Diana, To Adventure from Jamaica, 18 1305 7112 3037 2288 12438 2100 14649 16749 97 50 23 55 28 00 37 37 151 Contra, Cr. [15] 1817. Jan. Feb. Jan. Feb. Feb. By Rills Receivable, By Balance, Contra^ Cr. By Sundries, By George Quiiiton, By Cash, Contra, Cr. By Insurance, By Bills Receivable, By Balance. 1110 195 1305 7112 3037 2-288 2438 210 422 161 i7 16749 00 97 97 50 23 55 28 00 n 26 37 [1' John Vallens, Di Jan. I'd). Jan. Feb. 11 To Salt's pv:T t!ie Diaiw, William Martin y To Insiirancif, To Cuinjiiission, To I 'ills i'ayable, To Halancf, House Expenses^ lo Cash, To Cash, Dr DP •29.S0 Dr, 840 4 6193 256 :i76 00 00 00 00 95 95 31 J53 Contra^ Feb. 18 '24 Jan. 29 Feb. By Insurance, By Bills Rtceivable, By Adv. from Jamaica, 1-3 By Balance, ;ain, Contra^ Or. By Sales per the Diana, for nt. pruc Contra^ Cr. By Pfufit and Loss, CV. 210 1G25 309 [16] 2950 619;i 3r6 00 B 63 29 00 95 \d4 Lin Insurance. Di 1817. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. To Sundries, Note. This is an imaginary or fictitious account, for it represents the mer chant or owner. It contains on the Cr. side the premiums received for making insurances ; and on the Dr. side the losses sus tained on the same. The money paid by you to the person who in- sures your goods, is called a pre- mium, and is so much per cent. The instriiment lie delivers you, is named a policy. The Balance show the gain or loss which arises from insurance — 11 28 George Quinton. D) To Sales per the Neptune, William Ford, Dr. To Balance, John Nash, Dr, To Sundries, To Bills Payable, 13 16 00 3037 23 1010 00 7894 10 75 85 Contra^ 1817. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 123 By William Martin, In the case before us there is no insu- rance made on your own account, but on that of William Martin ; con- sequently neither gain nor loss can ensue, except by the failure of the person for whom you etfected the insurance — 1. Close the* Acct. To Profit and Loss, for the excess of the Cr. above the Dr. side, for then the premiums re ceived were more than the losses sustained — 2. By Profit and Loss, for as much as the Dr. exceeds the Cr. side, for the Losses sustained were more than the premiums received. Contra^ By IiisTirmce, By Bills Receivable, By Adv. from Jamaica, 4 gain, •iy Balance, Contra^ Cr. B ' fn?iirance, By Bills Receivable, Contra^ Cr. By Brandy, By Balance, Cr. Lin 00 13 18 19 21 \.) 19 840 210 1534 805 486 3037 210 800 1010 I 4 7500 394 7894 00 70 63 90 23 00 00 00 00 85 85 •236 18 Brandy, Dr, 1817. Feb. To Sundries for To Profit and Loss on the sale of 100 Hhds.JH gained bO Hlids. Note.-- This is a real Account. The Accounts of Goods, such as Bran- dy, TobaccQ, Winfe, Broad Cloth, &c. have inner columns for entering the quantities. When the Books are opened, the goods on hand are entered on the Dr. side of the several accounts, the quanti- ties are put in inner columns, and their values in the money columns. Goods bought are entered] in the same manner. The costs and charges of all goods, with their quantilies'on the Dr. side, and the sales thereof on the Cr. side. If the sums of the inner columns on the Cr. are equal to the sums of the in- ner columns on the Dr. side, the goods are all sold, and the balance of the money columns shows the gain or loss. If the sum of the Cr. side is greater, there is a gain ; if the Dr. side is greater, there is a loss on the sale of the Goods. If the sum of (he inner columns on the Dr. side is greater, it shews that a part of the goods are unsold, and their value, at prime cost, must be added to the sum of the Cr. side in order to show their gain or loss. DiJfWcnl 'iT 14 1 i By Adventure from Jamaica By salf s per the Neptune, By sales per the Mercury, 1 ConUa^ Cr. By Balance, €o7itra^ o..\ By Balance for my shnre remaining, By Daniel Allec, for ditto, ditto, By John Thorn, for ditto, ditto, Contra^ Cr. By Adventure to Glasgow, Contra^ Cr. By Adventure to Glasgow, dp! 20 17 :oooo 20:iii ir.32 1169 700 600 tiOO 1800 300 600 00 9 38 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 [21] 262 Profit and LosSy Dr. IS17 Feb. eb, Feb. Feb. 25 '27 T:. Cash paid Taxes, Co Ship Mary, To House Expenses, To Lottery I'ickeis, To Stock for my nett gain, Note. This is an imapnary or fictitious account and subservient to Stocli, It contains on the Cr. side all your gain, and on the Dr. side ail your losses. This account is partly ' omposed of matters that happen while the Books are open ; for example, legacies, or other bounties are entered on the Cr side, good? consumed for my own use, or otherwise destroyed on the Dr. side — The rest of the articles are, those of gain or loss, arising from the Balances ordifferencesofthe Accounts which are closed. To or By Profit and Los, and placed each on their pro per side — 23 Adventure to Barbadoes, D?'. (In Co. Willi Wm. Thompson— my half.) To Sundries for my half goods per Sarah, 22 William Thompson^ Dr. lo Suruiries tor hall goods per thi Sarah, Thomas ShaWy D To Sundries, 23 200 3 370 11 59i0 ()503 00 15 06 00 51 12 1572 157'> 2241 66 66 40 Contra^ 1817. Feb. Feb. Feb, Feb. •J63 •20|By Thomas Winter, gained, 24 1 Hy Adven. from Jamaica, „ 28 By Farm in Jersey, „ Ky Comndssion, „ Hy Interest, „ By Brandy, J, Di-fferent ivni/s of closing this account. 1. To Stock, for the excess of the Cr. above the Dr. side, which is your nett gain on trade, or what you have gained, from opening until closing the Books. This difference must be placed on the Cr. side of Stock, to close it, as in the present case. 2. By stock for my loss on trade when the Dr. exceeds the Cr. 'ide, which difiference must be carried to the Dr side of Stock to close that ac- count. Cr. [21 J 28 28 28 Contra^ .Cr, By Balance, remaining, Contra, Cr. By Balance due of him, Contra, Cr. By Balance due, 500 ii06 300 2149 •256 2490 6.501 1572 00 ^4 00 47 21 00 32 66 1572 2241 66 40 [22 •264 Balance, Df, 1817. Feb To Cash, for ready money in hands, „ Funded Property, „ House in Broad Street, „ Ship Mary, for her value, „ Household Furniture, „ Merchandize remaining, „ Farm in Jersey, „ Debentures, „ Bills Receivable, for Amt. Bills due to me, „ Francis Beal, due of him, „ Charles Pitfield, „ „ William Blount, „ „ James Parsons, „ „ Thomas Harrison, „ „ Edward Franklin, „ „ John Blackwood, „ Taylor and Co. ,, Thomas Winter, „ Voyage to Barbadoes, remaining, John Collins, due of him, Gibson and Carr, „ William Chulmley, „ James Yielding, „ „ John Vallens, „ „ Georj2;e Quinton, „ „ John Nash, „ „ Brandy for 40 hhds. at 7850. for 100 hhds. „ Charles Chambers, due of him, „ Adventure to Glasgow for my share remaining. Adventure to Barbadoes, William Thompson, due of him, „ Thomas Shaw, „ Note. — This is an imaginary or fictitious account, s von. iLF 2 21752 j» 5925 3 15167 »» 4000 4 2096 5J 14398 5 6000 )j 1746 6 9614 7 1148 }j 248 8 2081 » 1567 »» 540 ?) 156 9 1296 ?> 173 10 4942 12 4282 14 1534 » 1400 15 196 )j 16117 16 309 17 486 M 394 18 3140 20 1169 J 700 21 1572 »} 1572 5) 2241 127971 71 00 00 00 25 16 00 25 39 75 00 26 00 00 61 00 75 00 56 70 00 97 26 29 90 85 00 80 00 66 66 40 18 •i6/> Contra, By Warren & Sniith, due to them, B) Newman & Co. „ By Horije & Jones, „ By Wlliani V ncent, due to him, B\ S muei Harris, „ ':Jy TilfsmasiVr rris, „ By Bills Payable, for amt. Bills due of me, By Globe Insurance, due to them, By Samuel Lightfoot, due to him By VViliiam Martin „ B> William Ford, By William Roberts, „ By Stock for the net of my Estate, But if it be a real Account, to whom Balance 13 made Di'. then yoii must insert thnqti tntity and q lality of these arlicles, together with the price per yard, hundred, lb, ^c. they stand you in, that you ni:iy be the better enabled to ojien your next Book?, which mist be ilways done fiom the fonner Ba- lance Sheet. Every \< coinit th it is closed, (To Balance^) hv tliat difference placed on the Credit side. If you keep a General Account of Merchamlize, as in the present case, then Bal.ince is made Dr. to Mer- chandize fo the whole amount of your reil pro- perty, in jioods unsold. The rmnntr of closing this Account. 1. By Stock for the n«*tof my Estate, or property, which is always as much as the Dr. exceeds the Cr side of Balance. This difference is placed .m the Dr. side of Stock, to close that account, as in the pre:5ent instance. To Stock for my insolvency. That happens when the Ci. side f Balance e ce»ds the Dr. .side ; for then ray debts exceed my projiei ty. This Balance, or difference, is placed on the Credit side of Stock, to close that account : thus, By Balance for my Insolvency, say The manner of Journal Closing it. I Stock Dr to Balance, for my net Estate. 2. Balance Dr. to Stock, for my insolvency. I \ Cr. 1480 678 9656 56 450 1498 8358 r9i 4300 2761 1010 1 770 83160 [22] 1279ri 20000 00 00 50 00 00 00 50 9 00 95 00 ;?8 76 IB 00 M ra '2m Neil -York, March 2, 18 IT An Inventory of my whole Estate or Property, con- sisting; of money, goods, and debts, owing to and by me, A B. transferred from the Balance Account of Ledger No. 3. I have in ready money. Funded Property in the Bank of the United States, House in Broad street, worth Ship Mary, for her value, Household Furniture, Merchandize, r<*maining unsold, Farm in Jersey, Debentures, for Balance due to me at the Custom House, Bills Receivable, for the following Bills in hand, as per former Bill Book : No. 1. On James Carr, due March 4. On George Grey, 5. On William Burwell, 6 On William Cornell, 7. On John Day, 8. On Charles Holt, J). Oil George Wells, 10. On Thomas White, 1 1 On William Perry, 12 On William Smith, 13. On James Bland, 28. 28. 28. 6. 10. 20. 22. 23. April 20. 20. 400.00 650.25 750.75 814.50 750.00 967.00 422. 1 1 1625.08 1534.70 800.00 900.00 Francis Beal, Charles Pitiield, William Blount, James Parsons, Thomas Harrison, E 1000 00 5(ro 00 500 00 1000 00 1000 00 600 00 , .',74 75 574 5 400 00 3475 00 795 •25 1000 00 1000 00 084 50 684 50 10705 25' 600 3475 0') 400 795 00 25 4. The statement account, in which (he first Teller enters all the money in the Bank, viz. Specie, Bullion, and Bank Notes. The Money received by the second and third Tellers on the preceeding day is delivered, on the following morn- ing, to the first teller, which he enters in this account or book, to meet such drafts or checks, as are daily drawn in the Bank. If the amount of Checks, drawn that day, agrees with the amount of money in the drawer, previous to the opening of the Bank, adding thereto what money remains aftjsr it closes, the first teller is right, otherwise wrong : 1. An Error may happen in adding the columns of check lists, by the Chrck Clerks. 2. By their omitting to enter some check or checks. 3. By entering some checks over or under their value. 4. In adding the colunns of the statem.mt account, and some other omission therein. 5. By paying some person over what was just. 5. The Check Lists kept by the Check Clerks, who enter in them the amount, in figures, of each check, so as to enable the first Teller to ascertain the sum total, paid by him that day. The name of every person, with the amount of Checks drawn by him, is entered daily, by the Check Cierks, in the several Cish B jokf?, belonsfing to the Book-keepers, according to their Letters, so as to enable them to d.bit each drawer for the sum paid him. 6. The 'jffering Hooks, kept hy the Disc )unt Clerks, where the several notes lodged in the Bank for Discount are enter- ed, on the day previous to the meeting of the Directors, for discounting. Such notes as are discounted, or accepted, have the letter (a) annexed to them ; such as are not discounted, or rejected, have the letter (r) annexed. The first Discount Clerk keeps a book, in Ledger form, wherein are entered the names of such persons as have notes discounted for them, with their several amounts. This book is always laid before the Directors, at their meeting, for inspection, and by it are gene- rally governed in apportioning discounts between the several applicants. 7. There are generally four Book-keepers intheBmk, each of whom has the charge of a Ledger, and who are de- nominated the first, second, third and fourth Book-keepers. The letters of the alphabet are divided into four parts, to each Book-keeper belongs so many letters, that is, ^»ll the sur- names of those persons th^t be^in with A. B. C D. E F. and do business, or keep accounts in the Bank, are in charge of one Book-keeper ; th'^t is, he credits them in his Ledger, for their Discounts, Deposits, and Notes collected, and debits them for their Drafts or Checks on the Bank. And so of the other Book-keepers, according to their letters. All accounts in these Ledgers, being personal, are closed To or By Ba- lance. Every 6 months they prove their books by a Trial Balance ; that is, by adding the Dr. and Cr. sides of their LiCdgers, if the amount of both sides be equal, all is supp >sed risjht, if not, er- roneous, and iUst be minutely examined until the error is found. The Tellers must prove their books every day. ♦ The Books kept by the Cashier^ arey 1. The Journal, or Day Book; it begins by debiting a committee, or some other person appunted by the Board of I^irectors, viz. To the President and Directors, for receiving the first instalment, of so many dollars and cents. Next, the committee is credited for the whole, or any part refunded by them, of said instalment, and the President and Nn 274 Directors debited for the game : or if any other committee be appointed to purchase property for the company, as a Bank, &c. the former committee is credited, if they advance money for the same, and the latter debited. After the committee have received the several instalments, and p,iid tlie same to the President and Directors, which do- S'.'S the account, the next entry in tins Bdok is that of Expen- ses, in which the salaries of thr Presidein*: and Cashier, the wages of the Clerks, &c. are entered, in the following man- ner, viz. Nnvnnherl, 1817. Expenses Dr. to Sitndries : To M. D. President, for 6 month's salary, K D. Cashier,* do. T. L. first Teller, do. I. S. second do. do. R. L. third do. do. • R. S. first Book-keeper, do. 'J\ T. second do. do. L. B third do. do. D. P. fourth do. do. 1500 00 125000 TOO 00 500|00 400,00 50000 iOOiOO 400 00 400 lOO The entry respecting all expenses is made in this Book, in the above manner, by the Cashier, every six months, when a dividend is declared by the Board of Directors. This account is closed — By Profit and I.oss — and taken from the dividend, or surplus fund. Suppose the Stockholder's dividend, or pro- fits, by discounting for the last six months, to be TOCOO. and that 60000. of this sum is required to pay said dividend, or 2.50 on each share of 50. the remaining 10000. is the surplus fund, out of which all expenses are taken for that time ; and when this fund, after deducting the semi-annual expenses, increases to 60000. a further dividend is declared by the Board, in be- half of the Stockholders, and paid to them, or their respective attorneys. 2. The Transfer Book, which is always opened for trans- ferring Stock, is closed some days previous to the dividend being declared, and until opened again, no transfer can be made. The form of transferring is printed in this Book, and the blanks filled up by the" Cashier, with the names of the par- ties, and the number of shares transferred or sold, to which the seller affixes his signature to the right, and the purchaser to the left hand. D. L. Jcceptecl. A. B. 127^ 5. The Statement Book, which is laid, by the Cashier, be- fore the Directors, when they meet, which is twice every week, in order to discount the notes offered, and ascertain the state of the funds from this Book. 4. The Stock Ledger, wherein every Stockholder's ac- count is opened, and credited for his shares of stock, and de- bited for his transfers. , Form of the Statement Book, Bills and Notes discounted, Specie in. vaults, Notes of other Banks, Banking House, Expenses paid. Drs, 1550545.76 205789.82 569(6.00 30000 00 770.18 1843621.76 Capital Stock, Notes in circulation, Discounts received. Surplus fund, Deposits, -Crs, 1200000.00 405520.00 . 42792.64 21740.98 173568.14 1843621.76 The whole of the above statement generally varies, except the value of the Banking House and Capital, which is always fixed, if not increased or diminished by an act of the Legisla- ture. It is evident, from the above statement, as far as respects the property of the Stockholders, with the Directors, that their debits and credits must always be equal ; that is — 1. The Directors debit the Stockholders with the amount of Bills and Notes discounted since the establishment of the Bank. 2. With the Specie in vaults at the time this statement was laid before them. 3, With the Notes of other Banks whicli they accepted as deposits, and are yet unredeemed. 4, With the Banking House, at prime cost. 5. With Sundry contingent expences paid since last divi- dend. They Credit them at the same time, 1. With the Capi- tal Stock. 2. With the Notes in circulation issued by the Bank. 3. With the discounts received since the last dividentj 276 was declared. 4. With the amount of tlie surplus Fund as it stood at that time. .'>. With the deposits received since the last meeting of the Directors. The statement B(»ok used by the first Teller is the same in for.n arid substance is that fe})t by the Oashier ; except in that under the direction of the former, the particulars are specified at large. There is a Committee of three Directors with the President, appointed evtry three month?, to examine the Bank concejns, "when all the Specie, Biink Notes, Bullion and Foreign Gold, are counted, and a true state of tlie whole laid before the Board, at a special m( cing appointed for that purp(»se. The manner (»f ascertaining the several D vidt nds. As the total number of Shares is to the total gain or Dividend for that time, so is each Stockholder's shares, to his particular Di- vidend to be paid him at tht same time. When you have a nr,te discounted in the Bank all t^at is done respecting it : the Book Kec per to wliose letter it belongs, Credits you from the oflering Book, for the net amount of the Note. When the Notes are deposited in the Bank for collection there is no eritry made respecting them, except by the Runner and third Teller, until the money is coll* cled, when the Book- Keeper to t\hose letter it bt h^ngs, credits the Depositer from the Note Book, for the amount of said N>»le. All the Books in the Banks are numerically numbered, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, &c. and are unconnected with each other, except as far as respects the Book-keepers, Tt Hera and Discount Clerks; that is, all persons who keep accounts in the Bank, are Credited by the Book-Keepers in their Ledgers ; for their Discounts, taken from the ofTering Books kept by he Discount Clerks ; for their Notes Collected, taken from tht Note Book kept by the third Teller ; for their Deposits, taken from the Deposit Book kept by the second Teller ; and debited for their drafts or checks which are delivered to the Book-Keepers by the first Teller, who is the person appointed, with the consent of the Cashier, to pay all legal demands on the Bank. Practical Instructions. On opening the Stock Ledger, if a Stock Account be kept, make L Stock Dr. To Sundries, 1200000. To each Stockholder for the total number of shares subscri- bed by him, 2. Sundries Dr. To Stock, 1200000. 277 Each Stockholder for the number of shares subscribed by him. Thus will the Stockholders be Debited and Credited in or- der to close the Slock Account at opening the Books. When Notes are discounted in the Bank, n)ake, 1. B Us discounted Dr. Ti; Csh, for net amount paid by the Ba k. When the Notes are taken iip or paid, 2. Cash Dr. to Bills discounted for amount of the Notes paid to the Bank, or to Sundries^ viz. To Bills Discounted for the sum paid by the Bank for the Note when first discounted. To Discount Account, if that be opened, for the discount. When the Bank puts money at Interest to A. B. A. B. Dr to Cash loaned him, say, 20000. When A. B. pays the Bank the sum formerly borrowed with Interest, Cash Dr. to Sundries, 24200. To A. B. for the sum lent and now paid, 20000. To Interest Acct. for 3 years Interest at 7 per cent. 4200, When a transfer of shares is made, or stock sold, Seller Dr. to Buyer for amount of such transfer. If a dissolution of the Bank takes place. Each Stockholder Dr. to Cash for amount of his shares re- funded. In case any Stockholder forfeits his shares by the non-pay- ment of the remainder, his account must be closed, To Profit and Loss for amount of the shares paid by him, and he is no longer considered as a Stockholder. A. B. Dr. To Profit and Loss per Shares forfeited. n 27% New-York, May 1st. 181 7. Sundries Dr. to Stock in Company : Wra. Hewson, for 6000. shares, at 60. per share, subbcnbed in tlie Bdfik, 300000. John Carey, (or 6000 shares at 60. per share, siihscribed by him in the Bonk. 300000. Thomas Shaw, for 6000 shares, at 50. per share, subscribed in the Bank, 300000. Wm. Hill, for 6000 shares, at 50. per share, subscribed in the Bank, 300000. 1. Credit Stock in Co. By Sun- dries for amt. Capital * 1200000. 2. Debit Wm. Hewson, To Stock in Cvunpany, 300000. 3. D bit J. Carey, To ditto, 300(»00 4. D( bit T. Shau', To ditto, 300000. 5. Debit W. Hill, To ditto, 300000 Stock in Co. Dr. To Sundries; To Wm. Hewson, for 6000 shares, at 50. per share, subscribed in the Bank, 300000. To John Carey, for 6000 shares, at 50. per share, subscribed in the Bank, 300000. To Thomas Shaw, for 6000 sliares, at 50. per share, subscribed in the Bank, 300000. To William Hill, for 6000 shares, at 50. per share, subscribed in the Bank, 300000. 1200000 00. 1 200000 00 279 New-York, May 1. 18ir. [2] Debit Stock in Co. To Sundries for amt. Crxpital, 1200000. Credit Wm. Hewson, By Stock in Co. 300000. Credit J. Carey, By ditto, 300000. Credit T. Shaw, Bv ditto, 30 0. Credit VVm. Hill, by ditto, 300000. June 6. Cash Dr. To Sundries To William 'Hewson, paid 6000 shares, at 60. per share, 300000. To John Carey, paid 6000 shares, at 50. per share, 300000. To T. Shaw, paid 6GO0 shares at 50. per share, 300000. To Wm. Hill, paid 6000 shares, at 50. per share, 300000. 1. Debit Cash To Sundries, for for tht Company's Capital, 1200000. '2. Credit Wm. Hewson, By Cash paid 6©00 shares, 300000. 3. Credit J. Carey, By do. do. 300000. 4. Credit T. Shaw, By do. do. 300000. 5. Credit Wm. Hill, By do. do. 300000. August 3. S^vs\. Hewson Dr. To Thomas Ashley : For transfer of Stock, said Hewson having transferred to said Ashley, his share of Stock in Company, 6000 shares, at 50 per share, 1. DebitWm. Hewson, to T.Ash- ley for transfer of Stock, 6000 shares at 50. per share, 300000. 2. Credit T. Ashley, by W. Hew- son, for Stock transferred to him, 6000 shares, at 50. pep 300000. 1200000 300000 00 00 V^] 280 Nets-Yorjc, November 1. 181 f Cash Dr. To Bills discounted, 60000.00 Received the last 6 months, for Discounts, which" is the first dividend, 1. Debit Cash, To Bills Discount- ed, for first dividend, 60000. 2. Credit Bills Discounted, By Cash, for first dividend, 60000. Bills Discounted Dr. To Profit and Loss For Amt. of first dividend, gained by disct. 1. Debit Bills Discounted To Pro- fit and Loss, 60000 2. Credit Profit and Loss, By Bills Discounted, 60000. Profit and Loss Dr. To Sundries : To J. Carey, for his first dividend, 15000. To Thoc, Shaw, for ditto, 15000. To Wm. Hill, for ditto, 15000. To Thomas Ashley, for ditto, 15000. 1 . Debit Profit and Loss, To Sun- dries, or to each Stockholder for his dividend, 60000. 2. Credit J. Carey, By Profit and Loss, for dividend, 15000. 3. Credit T. Shaw, By ditto, ditto, 15000. 1. Credit W. Hill, Bv ditto, ditto, 15000. 5. Credit T. Ashley, By ditto, 150CO. 60000 60000 00 00 60000 00 281 New- York, November l, 16lf- [SJ Sundries Dr. to Cash, John Carey paid him his first divi- dend, 15000. Thomas Shaw paid him first divi- dend, 15000. William Hill, paid him first divi- dend, 15000. Thomas Ashley paid, him first di- vidend, " 15000. 1. Credit Cash, By Sundry Accts. paid Stockholders first divi- dend in full, 60000. •2. Debit J. Carey to Cash, paid him first dividend, 15000. 3. Debit T. Shaw, to ditto, ditto, 15000. 4. Debit W. Hall, to ditto, ditto, 15000. 5. Debit T. Ashley, to ditto, ditto, 15000. Balance Dr. to Cash, For Stockholder's Capital remaining in Bank, 1. Debit Balance, to Cash for Ca- pital remaining, I'iOOOOO. •2. Credit Cash, by Balance for Capital remaining, 1200000. Sundries Dr. to Balance, For Stockholder's Capital remaining in Bank, John Carey, for 6000 shares re- maining, 300000. Thomas Shaw, for 6000 shares do. 300000- William Hill, for 6000 shares do. 300000, Thos. Ashley, for 6000 shares do. 300000. 60000 1200000 1200000 00 00 Oo t4] ^82 Ifew-Yorlc^ November 1, 1817. 1. Credit Balance, by Sundries tor the Company's Capital reiuaining in Bank, 1200000.- Or by each Stockholder for his Stock re maininp in Bank. 2. Debit J. Carey, to Balance for Stock in Bank, 300000. 3. Debit T. Shaw, to ditto, ditto, 300000. 4. Debit W. Hill, to ditto, ditto, 300000. 5. Debit T. Ashley, to ditto, ditto, 300000. End of the Day Book or Journal STOCK LEDGER, No. 1. CAPITAL 1200000. NEW-rOMK, MAY I, 18ir. rij '2?,4 Stock in Co, Dr. 1817. May 1 May 1 To Sundries for capital advanced, NoTK 1. Slock is here debited for tJie wiiole capital, and each Stc>ckliolder credited for the number of shares subscribed by h:m. 2. If a stock account be not opened, oach Stockholder murt be crotlilcd for the number of shares «ib?crib«d by him, but th«ir value need not he extenied to the money column^ until liic whole amount is paid into the Bank ; and so they remain to his crefiit until he sells or transfers thrni, when he is debited for the number of shares transferred, and the purchaser credi- ted in the Ledger for the same. William Hewson^ D^ To Stock in Co. for GOOO shares, at 50. per share, Aug. 1 To Thomas Ashley for transfer of Stock, 6000 shares, at 50. per share, Note 1. The share* arc always transferred in tlie Led^r at their original value. 2. As the Stockholders generally advance by instalments, at sul)sequent periods, their respective sljares — upon each payment, debit casli— To Stockholder, for the sum then paid hy Itim ; thus, .ifter he lias paid all his shares, his stock will appear twice on tlie credit side of his account, viz. May 1, and June 6. May 1 Nov. 1 John Carey^ Dr, To Stock in Co. for 6000 shares, at 50 , per share. To Cash paid first Dividend, To Balance for Stock remaining in Bank, Note 1. John C»ry is debited and credited toand by Stock, on May 1, in o.der to close the stock account. 2. He is debited, Nov. I, Tn Cash, for dividend paid him, and— To B.ilance, ff»r his iStock remaining in the Bank, which closes the account— and so are the other Sto.k- bolders. 1200000 300000 00 300000 300000 00 00 15000 300000 315000 00 00 00 00 •28J Contra, Cr. in 1817. May 1 May 1 June 6 May 1 June 6 Nov. 1 By Sundries for the Company's Capital in Bank, 3. Stock in Co. is credited for the whole capital, and each Stockholder debited for t!je number of shares subscri- bed by liiin : thus AviH tlie Stockholders be debited and credited, to close the stock account at opening the books. Contra^ Or. By Stock, for 6000 shares, at 50. per share, By Cash paid 6000 shares, at 50. per share. 3. It was placed there to close the stock adCount, in behalf of the Co. or Bank. 4. It was placed there in order that his stock may appear visible in his behalf, and so to remain until a transfer is made of it, or dissolution of the Bank takes place — when he is debited, To Cash for stock refunded. Contra^ Cr. By Stock in Co. for 6000 shares, at 50' per share, By Cash, for 6000 shares, at 50. per share, By Profit and Loss, for his first dividend. 3. He 18 credited for his shares paid in the Bank, and — By Profit and Loss for his gain, or dividend. 1*200000 300000 300000 300000 300000 15000 315000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 [2] 286 Thomas ShaWy Dr. 1817. May 1 Nov. 1 To Stock in Co. for 6000 shares, at />0. per share, To Cash paid first dividend, To Balance, for Capital rem'g in Bank, May 1 Nov. 1 June 6 Nov. 1 William Hill Dr. To Stock in Co. for 6000 shares, at 50. per share, To Cash paid first Dividend, To Balance for Stock remaining in Bank, Cash in Co, Dt To Sundries, for Stockholders' Capital, paid in full, viz. 24000 shares, at 50. per share. To Bills Discounted, received for the first dividend, Note. — This Account is debited for the whole of the Stockholders' Shares, or Capital, paid by them in full ; also, for the amount of the first dividend, receiv- ed for Discounts, in the Bank, the last six months. ■ 300000 15000 300000 315000 300000 15000 300000 31^000 1200000 60000 1260000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 287 Contra, 1817. May 1 By Stock, for 6000 shares, at 50. per share, June 6 By Cash, paid 6000 shares, at 50. per Nov. 1 By Profit and Loss, for his first dividend Mayl June 6 Nov. 1 Nov. 1 Contra, Cr. By Stock in Co. for 6000 shares, at 50. per share. By Cash, paid 6000 shares, at 50. per By Profit and Loss, for first dividend, Contra, Cr, By Sundries, paid Stockholder's first divi dend. By Balance for Stockholders* Capital re- remaining in Bank, Note 2. — The Account is credited for amt of the first dividend, paid to the Stock- holders, and By Balance for Capital remaining to their credit. Cr, [2] 300000 00 300000 15000 315000 300000 300000 15000 315000 60000 1200000 1260000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 iS7 a] Profit and Loss in Co. Dr. i8ir. Nov. 1 To Jolm Carey for his first dividend, To Thomas Shaw, ditto, ditto, To Wiiiiajii lliil, ditto, ditto, Tu Thomas Ashley, ditto, ditto, Nov. Nov.l Nov. 1 Thomas Ashley, Dr. To Cash paid first dividend. To Balance for his Stock remaing in Bank, Bills Discounted^ Dr. To Profit and Loss gained by discounts' Balance in Co. Dr. To Cash for Stockholders Capital re- maining Id Bank, 15000 15000 15000 15000 60000 00 00 00 00 00 15000 300000 315000 60000 1200000 00 00 00 00 00 •289 Contra^ By Bills discounted gained thereby, Note. This account is Credited for the first dividend and Debited at the same time to each Stockholder for his share of gain, which is placed to his Credit, or it might be Debited to Sundries for amount of the first dividend. Contra, Cr. By William Hewson for Transfer of Stock, 6000 Shares at 50. per share, By Profit and Loss for his first dividend. Contrttj Or. By Cash received for Discounts last 6 months. Contra^ Cr. By John Qarey (or 6000 shares in Bank, By Thomas Shaw, ditto, ditto, By William Hill, ditto, ditto, By Thomas Ashley ditto, ^ ditto, PP Cr. [3] 60000 300000 15000 315000 60000 300000 300000 300000 300000 1200000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2»0 Thus 1 have given a detail of the several Books kept in the Banks, with the manned of using them in practice, and particu- larly oi the Stock Ledger, with the method of opening, con- ducting,*and closing it, if ever closed ; which method will an- swer with little variation, for any other incorporated body or mercantile company ; but it mUst be remembered that none of thg Books are connected with the Stock Ledger, though I have done it in miniature in the preceding specimen, to shew the learner that it could be done, a id to give him a general idea of the whole ; for that Book is uholiy appropriated to the use of the Stockholders, and nothing is entered in it, after the several instalments that compose the Bank Capital, but transfers from tht? Transfer Book, not even the dividends ; for these are enter- ed in a book named the Dividend List, and numbered, first, se- cond, third and fourth Dividend, (1,2, 3, 4, &lc.) which book is divided into three spaces, or columns, wherein the Stockhold- er's names are alphabetically entered; the first column for their names, the second for their Dividend, and the third for their signature, or receipt ; and is thus proved, viz. If the number of Dividends collectively added, be equal to the total of the Dividend declared by the Board of Directors at that time, the whole is right. 1. An error might happen in adding the dividend or money columns of this list. 2. By entering some dividends over or under their value* 3. By the omission of some dividend. Note — The Stock Ledger is never closed except when a dissolution of the Bank takes place, as was the case with the United States' Bank, in the year 1810, when their Charter ex- pired—and was not renewed until 1816. INVOICE AND SALES BOOK, Partnership in Separate Books. Note. — The form of the following Invoice and Sales Book precludes the necessity of taking stock. The several Invoices might be numbered in the margin when enter- ed, and upon the sale of goods after entering theamountj only, in the Day Book, enter them in full in a separate bor)k prepared tor that purpose ; thus, when sold'on cre- dit — A. B. Dr. to Merchandize, Invoice No. 1. &c. or part of Invoice No. 1. say 1000. If for ready money or bills — Cash, or Bills receivable. Dr. To Merchandize, 1000. Collect these several sales weekly or monthly, from this book, and enter them, with their dates, in the opposite Sales Book, specifying the articles. Or they can e bcollected from the Day Book, if entered there in full, with equal facility, by numbering the Invoices there, in the whole or in part, referring from thence to the Invoice Book for the quantity purchased, or to the Sales Book for the part sold. This method is practicable when goods are dis- posed of by packages or parts thereof [1] 292 Invoices, — First Cost. 18ir. June30 New- York, June 1, 1817. Bought for ready money, 25 pieces Bn^ad Cloth, 1000. yards, at 4. per yd. To Profit and Loss, gained by this Invoice, New- York, June 2, 181 f. Received of Nicholas Lowe, my partner, the following goods towards his pro- portion of Stock, in Co. viz. 90 pes. Linen, 2250 yds. at 1. per 2250.00 800 pes. Broad Checks, at 15. per 1500.00 4000 600 4600 6750 00 00 00 00 293 Sales. [1] 1817. June 1 1 14 15 June30 By James Thompson, delivered /)C5. in bartfr, at 5. per yd. 10 By Thus. Nexen, at 5. per yd. 5 By Joseph May, consigned on him o-a. at 4. per yd. 7/ds, 400 200 10 400 25 1000 200( 1000 160( 4600 E C P L ^f/ds By Balance unsold, at 1 . pr yd. 90 2?.r>0 Ditto, ditto, at 15. per piece. 300 00 0000 '2260 4500 67 ;0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 x^i SS4 Invoices, — First Cost, lBi7. New- York, Jufte 3, 18 IT. Received of Thomas Gilbert, my partner, the following Goods towards his pro- portion of Stock in Co« viz. 100 pieces broad cloth, 4000 yards, at 3. per yd. 12000.00 80 pieces Shalloon No. 1. 1600 yards at .40 per yd. 640.00 60 pieces ditto. No. 2. l.:00yds..52 624.00 40 ditto ditto, No, 3. SOO*^ yds. at .50 400.00 90 pieces Kerseys at 15. per piece, 1350 00 320 lb. Silk at 7. per lb. 2240.00 JuneSO To Profit and Loss gained by this Invoice, Neni-York, June 4, 1817. Joseph Hopkins, the manager, has advan- ced towards his share of Stock in Co. viz. Hardware to the Amount of 17254 2716 19970 2000 00 00 00 :295 Sales. (2] i8ir June 6 11 30 By William Johnson sold him at 6 months, 100 pieces Broad Cloih, 4000 yds. at 3.50 per yd. 14000.00 90 ditto Kerseys at 16. per piece, 1450.00 •200 lb. Silk, at ii, per lb. lf>00 00 By William Roberts Sl'.ipped on his Acct. 1-20 lb. Silk, at 8 per lb. • 9ti0..00 80 pieces Shalloon, No. 1. 1600 yards at .60 per yard. 960.00 f?y James Thompson delivered in Barter, 60 pieces Shalloon, No. 2. 1-00 yds. at .50 per yard. By Balance for 40 pieces Shalloon, No. 3. 800 yards at .50 per yard, remaining, By Voyage to Cadiz per the Joseph, con- signed to Edward Hall, to sell for our Account, Hardware to the Atnt. of 7050 1920 600 400 r.970 12000 00 00 00 00 00. 00 [3 296 Invoices, — First Cost Nfiv.Yorky Jvne 8, 1817. B> night of John Seaton, at :i months, 40 hhds. Tobacco, at 100. per hhd. NrW'Yorh, June 10, 1817. Bought of John Seaton, at 6 months, 60 pieces Broad Cloth, No. 3, qnt. 2400 yards, at 4. per yd. 4000 00 9600 00 Ne?v- 1 ork, June II, 1817. Received of James Thompson, im barter, the following Goods, viz. 5 Dozen China Tea-pots, at 40. per dozen, 200.00 60 Dozen Cups and Saucers, at 5. perdoz. 300.00 30 Cwt. Sugar, at 12.50 per cwt. 375.00 875 00 i8ir. June 8 June30 Junel5 29r Sales, By Voyage to Cadiz, per the Joseph, 40 hhds. Tobacco, at 100. perhhd. Consigned to Edvvaird Hall, to sell for our account. [3] By Balance remaining unsold, 60 pieces Broad Cloth, No. '3, 2400 yds. at 4 per yd. By Joseph May, o-a Goous, consij^ned to him to sell for our account, the oppo- site wares amounting to 4000 00 9600 00 S75 00 Qq 29« Partnership in Separate Books. liSSTRUCTIONS. Case 1, When the Company give in their Stocks at opening the Books. Cash in Compdny Dr. To Sundries for Capital advanced, 60000. To N. L's. Acct. in Co. for his \ share paid, 20000. To T. G's. Acct. in Co. for his \ share paid, 20(^00. To T. H's Acct. in Co. for his ^ thare paid. 20000. Case 2. If all the partners or any of them do not immediately pay their share of Stock in Co. suppose T. G. does not pay at present, 1. T. G. partner's Acct. proper Dr. To Stock in Co. 20000. 2. Stock in Co. Dr. to T. G's. Acct. in Co. for his share,20000. When T. G. pays his shar< of Stock or Capital. T. G's. Acct. in Co. Dr. To T. G's. Acct. proper, 20000. Case 13. If any partner takes a certain time to pay his Stock, for which he is charged Interest, T. G. partner's Acct. proper Dr. To Interest or To Profit and Loss in Co. for 3 months Inter- est at 7. per cent on 20000. 350. When partner pays the Interest, Cash in Co. Dr. To T. G's. Acct. proper, 350. Suppose 1. M. pays the Interest for him, 1. Cash in Co. Dr. To T. G's. Acct. proper, 350. 2. T. G's. Acct. proper Dr. to I. B's. Acct. proper, 350. Case 4. If any partner sells his share of Stock in Co. or any part thereof, T. G. seller's Acct. in Co. Dr. to C. D. buyer's Acct. in Co. 1 0000. T. G. has transferred to C. D. out of his Stock in Co. 10000. Or enter it thus, viz. 1. T. G's. Act. in Co. Dr. To Stock in Co. for transfer, 10000. 2. Stock in Co. Dr. To C. D's. Acct. in Co. 10000. If the partner who transfers, owes that sum, or any part of it to the Company, upon the Company having agreed to this transfer, make C. D. new partner's Acct. proper, Dr. to T. G's. Acct. proper j 10000 2'99 Case 5. If the Company takes in one or more partners afterwards, ma- king, thereby, an addition to ihfA? capital, Suppose they take into Company I. K. and L. B. each with a Capital or Stock of twgity thousand doUars. Cash in Co. or Merchandize in Co. if that is advan- ced, Dr. To Sundries, 40000. To I. K's. Acct. in Co. for liis share advanced, 20000. To L. B's. Acct. in Co. for his share advanced, 20000. If they do not pay the whole of their Stock at the time they join the Company, I. K's. Acct. proper Dr. to I. K's. Acct. in Co. say, 10000. L. B's- Acct. proper Dr. to L. B's. Acct. in Co. 10000. For deficiency in advancing their share of Stock in Company, If they pay at the same date and time, the sums due of them to the Company, Cash in Co. Dr. To Sundries, 20000. To I. K*s. Acct. proper, 10000. To L. B's. Aoct. proper, 10000. If they agree to pay a premium for being taken into partner- ship, Sundries Dr. To Profit and Loss in Co. say, 4000. I. K's. Acct. proper for premium, 2000. L. B's. Acct. proper for ditto. 2000. When they pay that premium. Cash in Co. Dr. To Sundries, 4000. To I. K's. Acct. proper for premium paid 2000. To L. B's. ditto, ditto, ditto, 2000. ir they paid that premium when taken into Company, Cash in Co. Dr. To Profit and Loss in Co. 4000. OF PARTNERSHIP IN SEPARATE BOOKS. DAY BOOK, D. or No. 4 THE PROPERTY OF A. B. New- York, June 1, 1817. [1] New-York, June 1, 18ir Nicholas Lowe, Thomas Gilbert, and Joseph Hopkins, resolving to trade in Co. with a fixed stock of sixty thousand dollars, each one-third concerned, have put the whole under the direction of Joseph Hopkins, who is to be ailoAved at the rate of three per cent, per annum, for his commission on the capital. Nicholas Lowe, 20000.00 Thomas Gilbert, 20000.00 Joseph Hopkins, 20000 00 Sundry Accounts Dr. to Stock in Co, Nicholas Lowe, Thomas Gilbert, Joseph Hopkips, 20000.00 20000.00 20000 00 lincl-riff, Stock in Co. Dr. to Sundries : To Nicholas Lowe's acct. in Co. To Thomas Gilbert's acct. in Co. To Joseph Hopkins's acct. in Co. ^ 20000.00 20000 00 20000.00 Note 1. — Stock in Co. is credited for the whole capital, and each partner's account proper de- bited for his share ; next, Stock in Co. is de- bited for the capital, and each partner's account in Co. is credited for his part, in order to close the stock account at opening the books. Stock in Co. is closed — To Balance in Co. at closing the hooks, for capital remaining in trade, as the balance account is closed — By each part- ner's account in Co. for his share of gain or dividend, and — By Stock in Co- for his capital. 2. — It is presumed that N. Lowe and T. Gilbert live remote from the establishment, or take no concern in the business, which is the reason that J. Hopkins is appointed sole conductor ; but if each partner transacts the company con- ecrnF, as occasion requires, then no commission will be allowed, as no manager is appointed. 60000 60000 00 00 ,*i03 New-York^ June 1, 1817. [2. Sundry Accts. Dr. to Nichulas Lowe : Cash in Co. 16000 <« Merchandize, as per Invoice Book, page 1. 6750.0- Said liowe bavins; advanced the abovp as h; share of Stock in Co. the overplus to bt repaid him. Merchandize Dr. to Cash, in Co. : For Goods purchased, as per Invoice Book, page 1. Note. — The Goods are entered in the Invoice Book annexed to tiiis set, and their amouni, only, transferred into the Dny Book, as above. The forms of the Invoice and Sales Book the author presuniies will answer the eiu\ proposed : for their uses are obvious. But he does not pret6nd to say that better cannot be devised, as it is possible there might, by those ingenious gentlemen who are extensively versed in the practice of this art. 3 Merchandize Dr. To Thomas Gilbert : For Goods advanced by him towards hi^ share of Stock in Co. as per Invoice Book, p. 2. The deficiency to be pnd hereafter. ^- Sundry Accts. Dr. to Joseph Hupkins: Ship Mermaid for her value 6000.00 Voyage to Barbadoes, * for a Cargo on board of said ship, consigned to George Gordon, merchant there, to sell for our account, the value of the cargo is Merchandize, as per page 2. Invoice Book, 12000 00 2000.00 Having advanced the above in full of his share of capital. 21750 4000 17254 20000 00 GO 00 00 [3] 304 Nen- York, June 5, 1817. M.inhattan Bank Dr. To Thomas Gilbert : Rt'ceived his draft on said Bank in full of his share of stock in Co. Note 1 .—It is supposed the check was deposited in \hv Bank before an entry was made respect in the transaction. 2. U you received the Cash immediately from the Bank— Cash Dr. to Thos. Gilbert, 2746.00 G Wm. Johnson Dr. To Merchandize : For amoiHit of Goods, at 6 months, as per Sah s Book, page 2. X ^ — William Roberts Dr. To Sundries : To Merchandize, as jjer Sales B;>ok, page -i. 1920.00 To John Ellis, for 1*2 tons Pearl Ashes, at -200. per ton, at 90 days, 2400.00 To C.sh pud charges, 100.00 To Commisaon, at [). per cent, on 2400. vide of the ashes, 120.00 Shipped the above on hoard the Dinna, Caldu ell, by order and for account o: Wm. R-'berts merchant, in Kingston, Jamaica, and to I ini consigned. ; 8 IMerchandizc Dr. To John Seaton : For amt. of Tobacco, at 3 months, as per In- voice Book, page 3. 2746 00 17050 4540 4000 00 00 00 305 Ncjv-York, June o, l8lT. [4] Voyage to Cadiz Dr. To Sundries : To Merchandize, as per Sales look, pages 2. 3. 6000.00 To Cash paid Charges and Insurance,* 500.00 Shipped the above goods on board the Joseph, Thomas Williaais, ^ master, and consigned to Edward Hall, to sell for our account. 9 Nicholas Lowe Dr. To Sundries : To Manhattan Bank, for our check on ^ said C >mpany, his favor, for 1000.00 To Cash in Co. 750.00 Being in full of what he overpaid of Stock in Company. 10 .^ Merchandize Dr. To John Seaton : For amount of Broad Cloth purchased of him, at 6 months, Invoice Book, page 3. H r— Sundries Dr. To Merchandize, viz : Merchandize, for China received in barter of James Thompson, In- voice Book, page 3. 875.00 James Thompson, due of him, 1725.00 Received of said Thompson the above China in lieu of Merchandize delivered him in return. Sales Book pages 1 . 2. 1. Credit Merchandize, By Sundries, 2600.00 2. Debit Merchandize, to Merchan- dize. 875.00 3. Debit James Thompson, to ditto, 1725.00 6500 00 1750 00 9600 00 2600 00 R r [5] 306 Netv-York, June 12, 18ir. Note John Seaton Dr. To Sundries : To Cash in Co. paid him, ' 9312 00 To Profit and Loss, fo^dist. allowed me on 9600. for 6 months at 6. pr. ct. 288.00 13 John Seal on Dr. To Sundries: To J.Brown, of London, for my fiill *on him, fivor said St ahin, at one month's si^hr, for £ul60 sterling is9600.00 To Profit and Luss, for 2. per cent. gained on the exchange, 192.00 -C2160 X 4 X 4 -f- 9 = £3840 Curren cy X 20 -T- 8 = 9600 dollars. — 14 Thomas >iexef) Dr. Ti» jMeichan(iize : For Amt. Broad Cloth, at 6 months, Sales Book, page 1, 1^ , Joseph May, "-«• d' Goods Or. To Merchandize: For Amt. of Broad Cloth and China, Sales Book page 1.3. Shipped the above goods on board the Neried, Capt. Horton, for Boston, and consigned to Joseph May, merchant there, to sell for our account. Debit J. May o-a. Goods To Mer- chandize, 2476. 2. Credit Merchandize, By J. Blay o-a. Goods, 2475. 1 6 J. May o-a. Goods Dr. To Sampson & Spurrier, of Amsterdam : '^ Received advice that they have shipped, per our order, on board the Juno, Capt. Jack- son, for Boston, and consigned to J.May. for our account, sixty pipes of best Holland gin, the prime cost, including all other charges and their commission, as per in- voice received, amounts to 12675 guilders, cxchpinge at .40 per guilder amounts to 9600 00 9792 00 1000 247/: 00 00 5060 00 SQ7 NeW'Yorky June 16, 18ir. Cash 111 Co. Dr. To John beatori Received of him, 17 Joseph May, o-a. Goods, Dr. To Sundries: To John White, of Charleston, 1000 00 To Jackson and Co. of Wihuington, l-Ot .00 Being the amount of goods consigned by Siiit White, Jackson and Co. to said May, by our order and for our account, as per in- voices remitted us. la Sundries Dr. To Jamt s Tiiompson : Bills Recqjvable, for his Bill on Thos. Wils6n, No. 1. our favor at 30 days sight, for 1000,00 Cash in Co. received of him in full, fi/) 00 -19 Wine in Co. Dr. To Edward Hail of Cadiz : For amounLpf Wine, per the Swan, The Swan Gas arrived from Cadiz, and brought from said Hall, on our account, 25 pipes of Wine, containing 26*25 gallons, at 1 . pr. gallon. ^ 20 — Wine in Co, Dr. To Casn, in Co. : Paid duty and other charges on our Wine, perl the Swan. [6} Note. — J. May has advised the manager of the re- ceipt of the Gin, otherwise he could not be charged with its value. 2. If the Gin was lost at sea, therefore May could not receive it. Profit and Loss Dr. To Sampson and Spurrier. 9792 00 2200 00 11-25 2625 00 CO 625 75 in New-York^ June 20, 1817. 6 Sundries Dr. to Wine in Co. Sold George Fisher 13 pipes of our Wine, per the Swan, 1365 galls, at 1.75 per gall, ana received the following payiuents : Cash in Co. . • 2000.00 Bills Rec. for his Bill, No. 2, at 60 days, 388.^ 5 21 Cash in Co. Dr. to Wine in Co. Sold the remaining 12 pipes of our Wine, per the Swan, 1:^60 galls, at 2. per gall. 1 L 21 George Gordon our acct. currt. Dr. to Voyage to Harbadoes, per the Mermaid : Received advice from said Gordon, that he' has sold our Goods, per the INIennaid, tbc net proc. as per account sales, amounting to 23 Goods, per the Mermaid, V)t. to George Gor don our acct. currt. 7lReceived from said Gordon, por said Ship, for our account, 40 puncheons Rum, contain- ing 4400 galls, c-it ?'• !>'^r gall, amounting to 3300. 160 Cwt. Cotton, at 10 per cut. 1600.^ Mis Commission and other charges, 300. 24 Sundry accounts Dr. to Cash in Co. Goods, per the Mermaid, paid duty and other charges thereon, 1230. Ship Mermaidj paid the master and men in full, 500. 25 J. May, o-a cum. Dr. to do. our acct. G^ods ; Received advice from said May, that he ha< sold our Goods consigned to him — the net proceeds, as per account sales, amoui|fs to 1. Debit J. May, our acct curt. To J. May our ace . Goods, 12000. 2. Credit J. May our acct. Goods, By J. May our acct. currt. 12000. 238 B 2520 16000 ►200 •1730 12000 75 00 00 00 00 00 309 NejV'York, June 25, 181? [«] Sundry accts. Dr. to Goods, per the JVL^maid. Cash in Co. 6000. Manhattan Bank, for James Oiiphant's Check on thrin, my favor, which I have deposited for 1700. Sold said Oliphant our 40 piinchf-ons Rum, per the Mermaid, containing 4400 galls, at J. 75 per gal!, and received of him- the above payments. 26 ' Sundry accts. Dr. to J. May our acct. curr?. Vlanhattan Bank, for his Chrck on said Company, which I deposited, for Bills Receivable, for his Bill on John Scaton, No. 3, at 30 !ays, for Bills Receivable, for his own Bill, 2000 4000. No. 4, at 2 months, for 4000. r.Cr. J. May o-a cnrrt. By Sundries, 10000. 2. Debit Manhattan Bank, To J. May our acct. currt. 2000. 3. Debit Bills Receivable, To J. May our acct. currt. 8000. 27 ■ Cash in Co. Dr. to Manhattan Bank: Received of S')ifi Co. the amount of Oliphant and May*8 Checks, Cash in Co. Dr to Ship Mermaid : Received of sundry persons, for freight in said Ship, from Barbadoes, Or, as both transactions are entered the same date, LJfsh in Co. 'Dr to Sundries, 6700. To Manhattan Bank, for amt. of Checks, 3700. To Ship Mermaid, for freiirht, 3000. : 28 ^ -^ Edward Hail, Cadiz, Dr. to Voyage to Cadiz, per the Joseph. Said Hall has transmitted to us an account sales of our consignment to him, per said* Ship — the net proceeds amount to 7700 00 10000 3700 3000 10000 00 00 00 00 19] 310 New-York^ June 28, 18 If. 2 Cash in Co. Dr. To Edward Hall, Cadiz. -[Received from said Hall his Bill on John Sea- ton, who paid me on demand 29 Sugar in Co. Dr. To Geo. Gordon o-a currt. For 130 Hhds. weighing net, as per acct. ren dered, 1360 cwt. at lO. per cwt. consigned to us by said Gordon for our account, re ceived per the Swallow, C tpt. Martin, from Barbadoes, amounting to 30 • Sugar in Co. Dr. To Cash in Co. Paid charges on our Sugar from Barbadoes, Charges Dr. To Cash in Co. Paid Sundry charges this month, on our Cooipa- ny concern, as per Book of House Ex- penses Profit and Loss in Co. Dr. To Jos. Hopkins. My Commission this month at 3 per cent on our capital is 60000. X 3. -r- 100 -^ 12 = 150. End of the Day Book, Note 1. Wine, Goods per the Mermaid, and Su gar, are not included in the general account of Merchandize, as it might be necessary to as- certain the gain or loss, on particular articles. 2. There is no column in the annexed Lgdger, re- ferring to the pages of the Day Book, from which the articles or entries there are posted, as the days of the month, are a sufficient re- ference. 6000 13600 460 210 150 31 Proof Journal for June^ 1817. Drs, Sundries Dr. To Sundries. Dates. Nicholas Low, to Sundries, 1, 9. Thomas Gilbert Stock in Co. 1. Joseph Hopkins's ditto, ' 1. Stock in Co. Sundries, 1. Merchandize ditto, 1 , 2, 3, 4, 8, 1 0, 1 1 . Cash in Co. 2, 16, 18,20, 21,25,27,28. Ship Mermaid J. Hopkins, 4, 24. Voyage to Barbadoes, ditto, 4. Manhattan Bank, Sundries, 4, 24. William Johnson, Merchandize, 6. William Ro])erts, Sundries, 7. Voyage 'to Cadiz, ditto, 8. James Thompson, Merchandize, 11. John Seaton, Sundries, 12, 13. Thomas Nexen, Merchandize, 14. Joseph May o-a Goods, Sundries, 15, 16, 17. Bills Receivable ditto, 18, 20, 26. V/ine in Co. ditto, 19, 20. George Gordon o-a currt. Voyage to Bar- badoes, 22. Goods per Mermaid, G. Gordon o-a cur. rent, 23, 24. Joseph May o-a currt, do. o-a Goods, 25. Edward Hall, Voyage to Cadiz, 28. Sugar in Co. Sundries, 29, 30. Charges Cash ii: Co. 30. Profit and Loss in Co. J. Hopkins, 21750 00 20000100 20000; 00 60000 ;oo 44479 00 00 00 48737 6500 12000100 6446100 17050|00 4540100 00 00 00 00 00 75 75 00 6430 00 12000 00 10000 00 14050 00 21000 150 00 6500 1725 19392 1000 9735 9388 3250 16000 371333 50 ai2 Proof Journal for Jime^ 1817. Crs. Sundries Dr. To Sundries, 1. Stock in Company By Sundries, N. Lowe's At'ct. In Co. Stock in Co. „ 1\ Gilbert's Acct. in Co.. ditto, „ Jos. Hopkins Acct. in Co. ditto, „ Cash in Co. Sundries, 1,7,8,9, 12,20,24,^0. Nicholas Lowe, ditto, 2. Tliomas Gi^be^t, Merchandize, 3, 5. Sundries, 4, 30. Jos. Hopkins, Merchandize, Ji)hu Kllis, W. Roberts, Commission, ditto, Jolm Seaton, Sundries, M aib-dttan Bank, ditto, Profit and Loss in Co. ditto. ditto, 6,7,8, 11,14, 15. 7. 7. 8, ID, 16. 9, •:?. 12, 13. John Bi own, London, J, Seaton, 13 Sampson &£ Spurrier, J. May o-a Goods, 16. John White, ditto, 17. J ickson & Co. ditto, 17. James Thompson, Sundries, IJ?. •Vine in Co. „ 20, 21. Kdward Hall, Cadiz, „ . 19, 28. Voyac^e to Barbadoes, G. Gordon o-a cur- rent - 2J. George Gordon o-n currt. Sundries, 23, v'O. Jos. May o-a Goods, do. o-a currt. Goods per Mermaid, Sundries, Jos. JMay o-a curt, ditt o, Ship Mermaid, Cash in Co. Voyage to Cadiz, E. Hall o-a currt. 25. 26. 27. 28. 60000 20000 20000 20000 17677 21750 •20000 20150 31045 2400 uo 2339- 47(J0 480 960(» 50e:0 1000 1200 1725 4908 8625 16000 18800 12000 7700 10000 3000 10000 371333 00 00 00 00 75 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 LEDGER, D. or No. 4 June Ij 1817. Alphabet, or Index to the Ledger. B Brown, John, London. . . 5 Bilis Receivable, ... 6 M Merchandize, . . . . 2 Manhattan Bank, . . ; . 3 May, Joseph o-a Goods; . 5 May, Joseph o-a currt. . 7 C Cash in Co. ..... 2 Commission, .... 4 N ' Nexen, Thomas .... 5 E Ellis, John 4 R Roberts, William ... 8 G Gilbert, Thomas ... I his Acct. in Co. 2 Gordon, George o-a currt. f Goods per the Mermaid, 7 S Stock in Co 1 Saip Mermaid, .... 3 ieaton, John .... 4 Sampson h Spurrier, . . 5 Sugar in Co 7 11 Hopkins, Joseph 1 his Acct. in Co. 2 Hall, Edward, Cadiz, . . 6 T Thompson, James ... 4 I Johnson, William ... 3 Jaekson & Co. Wilmington, 6 V Voyage to Barbadoes, . . 3 Voyage to Cadiz, ... 4 L Lowe, Nicholas ... 1 W White, John, Charleston, 6 Wine in Co 6 314 C«] Stock in Co. Dr. lair. June 1 30 To Sundries for Capital, To Balance in Co. for our Capital, re- maining in trade, 60000 00 60000 • 20000 1750 00 Nicholas Loive^ Dr. June 1 9 To Stock in Co. i Capital, To Sundries in full. 00 00 21750 oa Thomas Gilbert^ Dr. 20000 June 1 To Stock in Co. for 7 Capital, 00 20000 150 Joseph Hopkins^ Dr. June 1 30 To Stock in Co. i Capital, To Balance lor Commission, 00 00 20150 00 20000 6783 Nicholas Loioe, Acct, in Co, Dr. June 80 To Stock in- Co. for | CapiUl, To Balance in Co. ^ Dividend, 00 00 26783 00 3lJ Contra, Cr. im 1817. Juoe f 30 »> 5> By Sundries for our Stock, By N. Lowe's Acct. in Co. for his f Ca- pital remaining, By T. Gilbert's Acct. in Co. for his i Ca- pital remaining, By J. Hopkir e's Acct. in Co. for his f Ca- pital remaining, 60000 00 20000 20000 20000 00 00 00 60000 00 Contra, ' Cr. 21750 June 1 By Sundries, 00 17254 2746 Contra, Cr, June 3 5 By Merchandize, By Manhattan Bank, 00 00 20000 00 20000 150 Contra^ Cr, June 4 80 By Sundries, By Profit and Loss for ray Commission this month, 00 00 20150 00 20000 6783 Contra^ Cr* June 1 30 By Stock in Co. t Capital, By Profit and Loss, f Gain, 00 00 26783 00 316 [2] Thomas Gilbert^ Acct. in Co. Dr. 1817. 1 June 30 To Stock in Co. for 1-3 Capital, 20000 00 June 30 To Balance in Co. 1-3 dividend, 6783 00 •^6783 00 20000 Joseph Hopkins, AccL in Co, Di\ To Stock in Co. 1-3 Capital, 00 June 1 To Balance in Co. 1-3 dividend, 6783 00 26783 00 15000 Cash in Co. Dr. To N. Lowe, received of him, 00 16 To John Seaton, „ 9792 00 \ ^S To J. Thoinj)son, „ 72o 00 \ 20 To Wine in Co. „ 2000 00 \ 21 To ditto, ditto, „ 2520 00 ■ \25 To Goods, per Mermaid „ 6000 00 \27 To Manhattan Bank, „ 3700 00 •j To Ship iMermaid, 3000 00 28 June 1 To Edward Hall, 6000 00 48737 00 6750 Merchandize in Co. Dr. To Nicholas Lowe, 00 2 To Cash in Co. 4000 00 3 To Thomas Gilbert, 17254 00 4 To Joseph Hopkins, 2000 00 8 To John Seaton, 4000 00 10 To ditto, ditto. 9600 00 11 To Merchandize, 875 00 30 To Profit and Loss gained, as per Sales m Book, 3316 00 47795 m 317 [2i Contra^ Cr. i8ir. June 1 By Stock in Co. 1-3 Capital, 20000 00 30 B> Profit and Loss^ 1-3 gain, 6783 00 2^78 00 ' 20000 Contra^ Cr. June 1 By Stock in Co. 1-3 Capital, 00 30 By Profit and Loss, 1-3 gain, 6783 00 26783 00 4000 Contra^ Cr June 2 By Merchandize, paid. 00 7 By U^illiam Roberts, „ 100 00 8 By Voyage to Cadiz, „ 500 00 9 By Nicholas Lowe, „ 750 00 12 By John Seaton, „ 9312 00 20 By Wine in Co. „ 625 75 24 By Sundries, „ 1730 00 30 By Sugar in Co* „ 450 00 s> B> Charges paid this month, 210 00 By Balance remaining, 31059 25 48737 00 Contra^ Cr, 17050 June 6 By Wra. J »hnson, 00 7 By VVm. Roberts, 1920 00 8 By Voyage to Cadiz, 6000 00 11 By Sundries, 2600 00 14 By Thos. Nexen, 1000 00 16 By J. May, o-a. Goods, 24?5 00 30 By Balance unsold, as per Invoice Book 16750 00 47795 00 ais fs] Ship Mermaid^ Dr. i8jr. June -4 24 30 To Toseph Hopkins, IV) Cash in Co. paid To Profit and Loss, 6000 500 2.'»00 00 00 00 9000 00 12000 4000 Voyage to Barhadoes^ Dr, June 4 30 T . Joseph i^opkins, I'o Profit and Loss, 00 00 10000 00 2746 1700 2000 Manhattan Bank, Dr. June 5 25 26 To Thomas Gilbert, To Goods, per Mermaid, To J. May, o-a. Currt. 00 00 00 6446 00 17050 William Johnson^ Dr June 6 To Merchandize, 00 4540 William Roberts, Dr. June 7 To Sundries, • 00 1 319 [31 Cantrciy Cr. i8ir. June 27 30 By Cash for freight, By Balance for her value, ' 3000 6000 oo 00 9000 00 16000 Contra^ Cr, June 22 By Geo. Gordon, o-a, Gurrt. 00 1000 3roo 1746 Contra, Cr, June 9 27 30 Bv Nicholas Lowe, By Cash in Co. By Balance, oo 00 00 6446 00 irodo Contra, Cr, June 30 By Balance, oo 4540 Contra, Cr, June 30 By Balance, 00 f4] 02© John Ellisy. Dr. 1817. June 30 To Balance, 2400 oe 120 Commission in Co, Z)/. June 30 To Profit and Loss, i 00 9fi00 979-i -1000 John Seaton, Dr. June 12 13 30 To bunciries, To do. To Balance, 00 00 00 ^3392 00 6500 3500 Voyage to Cadiz^ Dr. June 8 30 To Sundries, To Profit and Loss, 00 00 10000 00 1725 James Thompson^ Dr. June 11 I o Merchandize, . 00 , 321 Contra, Cr. [4J iai7. June 7 By William Roberts, 2400 GO 120 Contra, Or. ^une 7 By William Roberts, ■ 00 4000 9600 9792 Contra, Cr. ^fune 8 10 16 By Merchandize, By do. By Cash in Co. 00 00 00 23392 00 10000 Contra^ Cr. June 28 By E. Hall, for net proceeds, 00 1725 Contra, Cr. June 18 By Sundries, 00 T t 322 13} Profit and Loss, th- 1817. June 30 To J. Hopkins, for Commission, To Charges, To N. Lowe's acct. in Co. 1-3 gain, To G. Gilbert's acct. in Co. 1-3 gain, To J. Hopkins's acct. in Co. 1-3 gain, Note. — To find each partner's shafe of gain or dividend — 20709.-300=20349^3 = 6783. = each partner's share of the gain. 150 210 6783 6783 6783 00 00 00 00 00 • 20709 00 9600 1000 John Brown, London, Dr. June 30 To Balance, 00 Thomas J\''eaen, Dr. June 14 To Merchandize, 00 2475 5060 2200 2265 Joseph May, o-a. Goods, Dr. June 15 16 17 30 Fo Merchandize, To Sampson & Spurrier, To Sundries, To Profit and Loss, 00 00 00 00 12000 00 5060 1 Sampson fy Spurrier, Dr. June 30 To Balance, 00 3^3 Contra, Cr. [5] i8ir. Jane 12 18 10 By John Seaton, gained, By do. By Merchandize, „ By Ship Mermaid, „ By Voyage to Barbadoes, „ By Cimimission, „ By Voyage to Cadiz, „ By J. May o-a Goods, „ By Wine in Co. „ By Goods per Mermaid, „ 288 192 3316 2600 4000 1^0 3600 2266 1668 2870 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20r09 00 Contra, Cr. 9600 June 13 By John Seaton, 00 1000 Contra, Cr, June 30 By Balancea 00 12000 Contra, Cr, June 25 By J. May, o-rt Currt. 00 5060 Contra, Cr, June 16 By J. May, o-a Goods, 00 324 [6] Johtt White, Charleston, Dr. 1817. June 30 To Balance, 1000 00 1200 Jackson k, Co. Wilmington :, Dr. June 30 To Balance, 00 1000 388 8000 Bills Receivable, Dr. June K^ 20 26 To James Thompson, No. J . To Wine in Co. 2. To J. May, o-a. Currt. 3. 4. 00 75 00 938H 75 2625 625 1658 tVine in Co. Dr. June 19 20 30 To Edward Hall, 2625 galls. To Cash in Co. To Profit and I^oss, 00 75 00 4908 75 10000 Edward Hall, Cadiz, Dr. June 28 To Voyage to Cadiz, net proceeds, 00 325 Contra, Cr. «j lair. June 17 June U June 30 June 20 2i June 10 28 30 By J. May, o-a. Goods, Contra, Cr. B> J. May, o-a. Goods, Contra, Cr, By Balance not paid, No. 1. 2. a. 4. Contra, Cr, By Sundries at 1.75, 1365 galls. By Cash, at 2. 1260 galls. Contra, Cr. By Wine in Co. By Cash in Co. By Balance, 1000 1200 9388 2388 2520 4908 2625 6000 1375 10000 00 00 75 00 75 00 OO 00 00 in 3-26 Geome Gordon, o-a* CurrL Dr. 1817. June 22 To Voyage to Barbadoes, 30 To Balance, June 23 24 30 Jane 25 June 29 30 June 30 Go'dsjperthe Mermaid, Dr. To G. G'»r«ion o-a. dirrt. 40hhds. Rum, 4400 grills. »60ivvt Ci>ttoi), To Casii in Co. paid charges, To Profit and Loss, Joseph Mm/, o-a. Curri, Dr. To ditto o-a. Goods, Sugar in Co. Dr. To Geo. Gordon, o-rt. Currt. for 1360ct. 10. per To Cash in C.-. paid charges, Charges^ Dr. To Cash paid this Month, 16000 2800 18800 00 00 00 5200 1230 28/0 9300 1-2000 13600 450 00 00 00 00 00 14060 210 00 00 00 OO ^27 Contra, Cr. tn isir. June 23 29 By Goods, per Mermaid, By Sugar, per the Swallow, 520 1.5600 00 00 18800 00 rroo IHOO Contra, Cr. June 25 30 By Su' .^ries, 1 75 per, 4400 galls. By Balance at 10. 160 cwt. Cotton, 00 00 9300 00 JOOOO •;ooo Contra, Cr. June 2B 30 By Sundries, By Balance, 00 00 12000 00 14050 Contra, Cr, June 30 By Balance, charges included, at 10. per, 1360cwt. 00 210 Contra, Cr June 30 By Profit and Loss, • 00 D, {328 Balance in Co. Cr June3t) To Cash in Co. reinaia'g 310J9 i 1817. 25 jJune:i0 By J. Hopkins, for com- To Merchandize, nnsold, 1G730 m mission, 150 00 To Ship Mermaid, for By J. Ellis, due to him, 2400 00 her value, eooo 00 By John Seaton, „ 4000 00 To Manhattan Bank due By John Brown, ,, 9C00 00 to us, I74f) 00 By Sampson and Spurrier 50i}0 00 To Wm. Johnson, „ 17050 00 By J .hn White, „ 1000 00 To Win. Roberts, „ 4.'jW 00 By Jackson ^ Co. „ 1200 00 ToThos. Nexcn, „ To Bills Receivable, „ 1000 • 9388 00 75 ByG. Cordon, „ Ami. debts due by us. 2800 00 2C210 00 To Edward Hail, „ 1 37 J 00 By N. Lowe, acct. in Co. Goods, per tlie Mermaid, 1-3 dividend, G783 00 lOOcwt. Cotton, at 10 By T.Gilbert o-a. in Co. per IGOO 00 1-3 ditto. 6783 00 To Jos May, o-a. currt. -000 00 By J. Hopk ins's acct. in ToSugar, KiGOcwt.atlO. Co. 13 ditto. 6783 00 per, chaiges included, 1-1050 00 By Stock in Co. N. Lowe 1-3 CajHtal, 20000 00 By Stock in Co. T. Gil- bert 1-3 Capital, 20000 00 By Stock in Co. J. Hop- 106559 00 kins 1-3 Capital, 20000 GO 106559 00 ^ Aen)-York,Julylsl. 1817. Partners having inspected the Books, find the net profits of last month anaount to 20349 ddlars, and the Cash in hands 31059 dollars, out of which they have paid Joseph Hopkins for hi^ month's Coinmission, and divided the profits among themselves, and by their sereral signatures, hereunto annexed, they discharge each other. N. LOWE, T. (ilLBERT, J. Hopkins. KoTfi 1-The debts due of the Company with their several dividends and stock in Company, must be equd to the Cash in hands at closing the Books, the debts due to them, and their other rteal property. 2. The Cash in hands at closing the books was 31059.25, out of this sum the partners were paid their several dividends, or 20349. and the manager his Commission 150. Therefiwe, 31059.— 20349 — I50.=10560.25=the Cash io hands at opening the next set ©f Books. ^ # M^ The two following pages exhibit the manner of Closing the Books, when each Partner's Dividend is added to the former Stock, in order to increase their Capital. All the other Accounts are supposed to have been Closed as in the preceding Books, excepting the fol- lowing Accounts, inserted in this specimen. Uii 33a Stock in Co. Dr. 1817. June 1 To Sundries for our first Capital, To Balance in Co. present Capital, 60000 00^ 30 80349 GO * 2678^ Nicholas Loice Acct. in Co. Dr. June 30 To Stock in Co. for IiistKapital, 00 •J6783 Thomas Gilbert Acct. in Co. Dr. June 30 To Stock in Co. for his y Capital, 00 26783 Joseph Hopkins Acct. in Co. Dr, Juue 30 To Stock in Co. for his ^ Capital, 00 36r 678,1 6783 6783 Profit and Loss in Co. Dr. June 30 To Sundries for their loss, To N. Lowe's acct. in Co. t gain, To T. Gilbert's acct. in Co. ^^ gain, To J. Hopkins's acct. in Co. 3^ gain, 00 00 00 00 •ioroy 00 Balance in Co. Dr. — •> 106559 June 30 To Sundries for our property, oa Note. The sum of 80349. which is placed here on the Credit side of Balance, is found by subtracting 26210. the Company's debts, from 10655^ their property at closing the Books; the remainder 80349. divided by 3, gives 26783 ; equal to each Partner's Stock for the last month, aud his gain or dividend mi €on tm^ Cr. i8ir. June 1 30 By Sundries for former Capital, By Sundries for Capital reniaiuinsc, Note. The three sums of 26783. on the Dr. side of each partner's acct. in Co. being added together, is placed here^ and amounts to 80349. their present Capital. 60000 80349 00 00 20000 6783 Contra, ^^ Cr.\ June 1 30 By Stock in (Wl Capital, By Profit and Loss in Co. f gain, 00 OQ 26783 00 Contra^ Cr. 20000 678;^ June I 30 By Stock in Co. 1 Capital, By Profit and Loss in Co. j gain, 00 00 26783 00 Contra, Cr. 20000 6783 June 1 30 By Stock in Co. f Capital, By Profit and Loss in Co. f gain, 00 00 26783 00 Contra, Cr, 20709 June 30 By Sundry Accts. for the Co.'s gain, 00 26210 80349 Contra, Cr, June 30 By Sundries for debts due of us, By Stock in Co, for our Capital, 00 00 106559 QO for the present month or year; that is, equal to 20000. and 6783. which, added together, amounts to 26783, which sunt iniist be placed on the Dr. side of each partner's acct in Oo. 332 The inanner of Closing the Books with a Loss, Stockln Co, Dt\ 1817. June 1 30 To Sundries for first Capital, To Balance in Co. present Capital, 60000 00 39651 00 Nicholas Loice^s Acct. in Co. Dr, 6783 1321 r June 30 To Profit and Ivoss for ^flLJoss, To Stock in Co. for y Cclflpi 00 00 20000 00 Thomas Gilberts Acct, in Co. Dr. 678 13217 June 30 Vo Profit and Loss for his i loss, To Stock in Co. for i Capital, 00 00 20000 6783 13217 00 Joseph Hopkins's AccU in Co. Dr^ June 30 1 o Pn^fit and Loss for his } loss, To Stock in Co. for j Capital, 00 00 20000 00 Profit and T/)ss in Co, Dr. 20709 June 30 To Sundries, for the Company's loss i 00 86210 ^ Balance in Co, Dr. ^une 30 To Sundries for the Co.'s property, 00 HoTE. When the Company was first instituted, tlieir Capital was 60000. biit their gain, when closed with a loss, amounts to no more than 31)0. and their loss to 20349. that is20709.— 3G0-- 20;i49. theirnetloss. '' heir pre.=enl Stock, therelore, is 39651. which is found by subtracting 20349. their los.s from 60000. their orii^inal Stook. Now as the BoOi(8 are closed with a loss, .»nd that loss is supposed to amount to what their former gain was, the Dr. side of Balance is 86210. and that happens by the Company's loss at present, for their former projierty at closing the Books 106559. —20349. = 80210. The Credit side of Balance 26210. the Company's debts 20349. their loss, 39651. their rrf*sent stock add'^'' tnrr,.t),rr. ic mn,,! Sundries for the Co.'s debts, By Sundries for their loss. By Stock in Co. for their Capital, cv Cr, Cr, 6000 39851 20000 •20000 00 00 00 00 CV. Cr. Cr- 20000 360 20349 20709 00 FINIS. 26210 20349 39651 86210 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 COLLINS & CO. PRINTERS, BOOKSELLERS, AND STATIONERS, No. 189, Pearl-Street, New-York, HAVE FOR SALE, The latest American Editions of^hirray^s " English Reader y'^^ and of his other j^Kmcai ions, viz. 1. A First Book for Children, 18 nio. Price 6 J cts 2. An Engmsh Spelling-Book ; wilh Readinf: Lessons adapted to the capacities of Children : In Three Parts. Calculated to advance the Learner? bj natural and easy gradations; and to teach Orthography and Prouuncialion together. {Stereotype Edilion.) Price bound, 25 cts. >. An Abridgment of Murray's English Grammar. With an Appendix, containing Exercises in Orthography, in Parsing, in Syntax, and in Punctuation. Designed for the younger Classes of Learners. {Stereotype Editio7i.) 18mo. Price, bound, 20 cts. 4-. An Introduction to the English Reader : or, A Selection of Pieces, in Prose and Poetry ; calculated to improve the younger Classes of Learners in Reading; and to imbue their mind^ with tlw love of virtue. To whirli are added, Rules and Observations for assisting Children lo read with Propriety. {Stereotype Edition.) 12mo. Price, bound, 62^ cts. 5. The English Rf.adkr : or, Pieces in Prose and Poetry, se- lected from the best Writers. Designed to assist young Per- sons to read with propriety and et!Vct ; to improve their language and sentiments; and to inculcate some of the most important principles of piety and virtue. With a few pre- liminary Obsi rvationi> on the Principles of good Reading. {Stereotype Edition.) 12mo. Price, bound, 76 cts. €. Sequel to the English Reader : or, Elegant Selections io Prose and Poetry. Designed to improve the highest class of learners, in reading ; to establish a taste for just and accurate Composition ; and to promote the interests of piety and virtue. {Stereotype Edition.) }2mo. Price, bound, 7.5 cts. 7. Introduction au Lecteur Frangois : ou, Recueil de Pieces Choisies ; avec I'explication des idiotismes, et des phrases difficiles, qui s'y trouvent. The 2nd edition. Price, bound, 87 ct?, S. Lecteur Franqois: ou, Recueil de Pieces, en Prose et en Vers, Tirees des MeiHeurs Ecrivains. Pour servir a perfec- tionner les jeunes gens dans la lecture; a entendre leur connoissance de la Lan«;ue Francois ; et a leur inculquer des principes de vertu et de piete. 3d edition. Price, bound, ^1 25 cts. 9. The Power of Rlligion on the Mind, in Retirement, Afflic- tion, and at the approach of Death ; exemplified in the Testimonies and Experience of Persons distinguished by their greatness, learning, or virtue. " 'T)3 iTi.mortality,— 'tis tliat alone, *•. Amidst life's pains, abasements, emptiness, "The soul can comfort, elevate, and till." young. The 4th edition. Price, bound, ^1 Becommendations of " The Power of Religionon the Miiid.^' ** The examples which Mr. Murray has here selected, and the judicious reflections which accompany them, are such as can scarcely fail to make the best impressions, and to produce the best effects, on all who read them with attention. The present edition of this excellent publication, which has been long known and commended, is enlaro;ed by the addition of twenty-two new characters, filling nearly one hundred pages." Anti jacobin Review, January j 1804. " That ' examples draw where precepts fail,' is a truth which has been acknowledged in all ages and nations ; and on the strength of this principle, Mr. Murray has had recourse to experience, in evincing the power and importance of religion. He has thus furnished an interesting collection of testimonies ; and we wonder not, that a work so instructive and amusing, as well as impressive, should have been generally patronized It is a book which may be read with profit, by persons in all situations : and, with the rising generation, it may answer the double purpose, of improving ^.hem in biography and in virtue." Monthly Review, August, 180f. Ill addliioit to the characters tuhich have been gicat of the GraiU- mar, ^c. in the Reviews^ the following favourable notices, ex- ir acted from other imblications, are ojjered for the render*^ inspection. ^- Mr. Murray's Grammar, ancJ Selection of Lessons for reading, are the best in the English language." ]Valker's Elements of Elocution. Secotid Ediiiwi . " Since the first edition of our work, we have seen with pleasure^ An English Grammar — English Exercises — and a Key to the En- glish Exercises by Mr. Lindley Murray." Edgeworth's Practical Education. Second Edition, " For a full and easy explanation of the Figures of Speech, the reader is referred to Mr. Lindley Murray's excellent English Grammar." EJgenorth^s Poetry Explained. " Murray's Englisli Grammar. This is the most complete gram- mar of our language. My opinion is confirmed by that of the public, as this work now appears in the Fourteenth edition." KetVs Elements of General Knowledge. Sixth Edition. " By Grammar you have been taught the nature, power, and construction of the English language ; and that, not in a superfi- cial manner, but by the most comprehensive system now extant, the larger Grammar of Mr. Lindley Murray ; in which the delica- cies, refinements, and peculiarities of our language, are inculcated and exemplified. — The unwearied exertions of this gentleman have done more towards elucidating the obscurities, and embeU lishing the structure, of our language, than any other writer on the subject. Such a work has long been wanted ; and, from the success with which it is executed, cannot be too highly appre- ciated " Dr. Abercromhie^s Charges to tlie Senior Class of thf, Philadelphia Jlcademy,— published 1804 and 1806, '•Murray's Grammar, together with his English Exercises and Kej', have nearly superseded every thing else of the kind, by concentrating the remarks of the best authors on the subjects Tliey are pieces of inestimable utility." Evan^s Essay on tlie Edmaiton of Yaulfi. '*The best English Grammar now extant, is that written by Mr. Lindley Murray ; who, by this publication, and by several others connected with it, and designed as auxiJiaries to its princi- pal purpose, has become entitled to the gratitude of every friend to English literature, and to true virtue." Dr, Miller's Retrospect of the Eighteenth Cenium, tlHKATA. Btbjuary 3, page S, Joutiiai A. BiHs lieceivahle Dr. to Cash, "^slKUjid be Bills P03/C- >le Dr. to Cash. The cliarge against John iSash, in Lfdgcr A. folio 6, Feb. 1;^ should be 6779.32— And » the same date, on the Cr. side of Commission, ihe entry in t% place of 20. ought to be i22.82. Ledgfr B. folio 2, tho entry in the account of Tobacco, on the Dr. and Cr. sides, should ie 27cwt. 3q:s. I4lbs. Page 2, March 3, Journal B. the rt ference figures to the Ledger are omitted, which .ught to be 2—5. Waste Book B. page 17, April 30, Exchange 87.50, the 50 cents is omitted, as well as in he Jonrnal entry of the same date. Check Book, page 187, multiply 360 by 100, and divide that product by 6, pves 6000 he divisor. Page 20, Feb. 24, the reference figures to the Dr. wnd Cr. in the Led|[er are omitted, ind should be 15 — 19. • In the. addition of the Dr. side of Profit and Loss ac^ouot, folio 21, it should be 6501.32 equal lo the Cr. side. Ledger D. folio 7, date June 23, on the Cr. ?ide of George Gordon, 520. should be 5200. Note. — The Fourth Set of Books, designed for the Whole- sale and Retail Store, (as mentioned in the " Concise View of this WorJc,'^) is not inserted in this system, as the author con- ceived it better to substitute Partnership in Separate Books* 14 DAY USE RETUKN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. ^0E& '60RT nrrj'D I » JANES m M^ 54C1 I ^*^c. LD NOV2 0'64-9AIK :apr 2 1975 ^ 3 lEC. eiR. MW 21-IS LD 21A-50m-4.'60 (A9562sl0)4T6B General Library UoiversiCT of California Berkeley Cf". w ityfUu/^ ^J^^'y\ry / ODio