BBD UNIVERSITY of CALIFOKNU it, ;'/;LES ELEMENTS THEOBY OF THE NEWTONIAN POTENTIAL FUNCTION, BY B. O. PEIRCE, PH.D., ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS IX HARVARD UNIVERSITY. BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY GIXX & COMPANY. 1886. 105460 Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1886, by GINN & COMPANY, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. J. 8. CUSHINO & Co., PRINTERS, BOSTON. T 3 PREFACE. THIS book is almost entirely made up of lecture-notes which from time to time during the last four years I have written out for the use of students who have begun I with me the study of what I have ventured to call, after ,4 Neumann, the Newtonian Potential Function. The notes were intended for readers somewhat familiar with the principles of the Differential and Integral Calculus, but unacquainted with many - ~ ** r The resultant attraction is . _ r .-, ~~ / - ~> ' Y 2 +Z*, [5] and its line of action makes with the axes angles whose cosines are respectively 1 1' and I ra 5. Attraction at a Point in the Produced Axis of a Straight Wire. Let ft be the mass of the unit of length of a uniform straight wire AB of length /, and of cross section so small that 4 THE ATTRACTION OF GRAVITATION. we may suppose the mass of the wire concentrated in its axis (see Fig. 2), and let P be a point in the line AB produced at a I HI Hr FIG. 2. distance a from ^1. Divide the wire into elements of length Aa;. The attraction at P due to one of these elements, Jf, whose nearest point is at a distance x from P, is less than ^ and ar greater than (z + Aa;) 2 The attraction at P due to the whole wire lies between Z^ and 7 ; but these quantities approach the ar L^(x -f- Aa;)- same limit as Aa; is made to approach zero, so that the attrac- tion at P is limit Ax = ( If the coordinates of P, .4, and B are respectively (a;, 0, 0) , (a?!, 0, 0), and (ccj + Z, 0, 0), this result may be put into the form _j 11 x l x x t . x + Ij [8] 6. Attraction at any Point, due to a Straight Wire. Let P (Fig. 3) be any point in the perpendicular drawn to the straight wire AB at A, and let PA = c, AB = Z, AM = #, and the angle ABP= 8. Let MN be one of the equal elements of mass (/^Aa 1 ) into which the wire is divided, and call PM, r. The attraction II y\ /y at P due to this element is approximately equal to ' , and r- acts in some direction lying between PM and PN. This attrac- tion can be resolved into two components whose approximate values are ^ ' in the direction PA. and ^ x ' - in the 2 (c 2 +ar z )i THE ATTRACTION OF GRAVITATION. direction PL. The true values of the components in these directions of the attraction at P, due to the whole wire, are, then, respectively : p t,cdx tf x 1 / Jo ((r'-f-ar)tJ c [ Vc^+^Jo c and [9] [10] FIG. 3. The resultant attraction is equal to the square root of the sum of the squares of these components, or and its line of action makes with PA an angle whose tangent is = tan ^ APB. cos 8 sin APB 2 sin | APB cos ^ APE That is, the resultant attraction at P acts in the direction of the bisector of the angle APB. From these results we can easily obtain the value of the attraction at any point P, due to a uniform straight wire B'B (Fig. 4) . Drop a perpendicular PA from P upon the axis of the wire. Let AB = Z, AB' = /', PA = c, ABP = 8, AB'P = 3', BPB'=0. The component in the direction PA of the attrac- tion at P is [9] ~ (cos 8+ cos 8'), 6 THE ATTRACTION OF GRAVITATION.. and that in the direction PL is -(sin 8' sin 8), so that the resultant attraction is FIG. 4. The line of action PKof R makes with PA an angle < such that sin 8' sin S cos 8 + cos 8 , ,<-,, x = tanks'- S); 1-10-1 [13] and It is to be noticed that PK bisects the angle 0, and does not in general pass through the centre of gravity or any other fixed point of the wire. Indeed, the path of a particle moving from rest under the attraction of a straight wire is generally curved ; for if the particle should start at a point Q and move a short distance on the bisector of the angle BQB' to Q', the attraction of the wire would now urge the particle in the direction of the bisector of the angle BQ'B', and this is usually not coincident with the bisector of BQB'. THE ATTRACTION OF GRAVITATION. 7 If q is the area of the cross section of the wire, and p the mass of the unit volume of the substance of which the wire is made, we may substitute for p. in the formulas of this section its value qp. If instead of a very thin wire we had a body in the shape of a prism or cylinder of considerable cross section, we might divide this up into a large number of slender prisms and use the equations just obtained to find the limit of the sum of the attrac- tions at any point due to all these elementary prisms. This would be the attraction due to the given body. 7. Attraction at a Point in the Produced Axis of a Cylinder of Revolution. In order to find the attraction due to a homo- geneous cylinder of revolution at any point P (Fig. 5) in the axis of the cylinder produced, it will be convenient to imagine the cylinder cut up into discs of constant thickness Ac, by means of planes perpendicular to the axis. Let p be the mass of the unit of volume of the cylinder, and a the radius of its base. Consider a disc whose nearer face is at a distance c from P, and divide it into elements by means of B B FIG. 5. radial planes drawn at angular intervals of A0 and concentric cylindrical surfaces at radial intervals of Ar. The mass of any element J/ whose inner radius is r is equal to pAc-A0[rAr + (Ar) 2 ], antl tne whole attraction at P due to M is approximately p - [ (Ar) ] iu a Une j omiug p with some point of J/. The component of this attraction in the direction PC is found by multiplying tbe expression just 8 THE ATTRACTION OF GRAVITATION. /> given by , the cosine of the angle CP/S, so that the /~2 i - 2 V c" + r attraction at P in the direction P(7, due to the whole disc, is approximately Ac - /27T x< = Ac I dO \ Jo Jo pcrdr 1 - . c L v?^ If the bases of the cylinder are at distances c and c + h from P, the true value of the attraction at P in the direction PC, due to the cylinder QQ', is limit X.^o A C r> C c + h f-> C \ 7 2wpAc 1 - = 2 ?rp I [1 )(ic [15] This is evidently the whole attraction at P due to the cylin- der, for considerations of symmetry show us that the resultant attraction at P has no component perpendicular to PC. [14] gives the attraction due to the elementary disc ABA'JB', on the assumption that the whole matter of the disc is concen- trated at the fape ABC. The actual attraction at P due to this disc may be found by putting c = c and h = Ac in [15]. If a, the radius of the cylinder, is very large compared with h and c , the expression [15] for the attraction at P due to the cylinder approaches the value 8. Attraction at the Vertex of a Cone. The attraction due to a homogeneous cone of revolution, at a point at the vertex of the cone, may be found by the aid of [14]. If Fig. 6 represents a plane section of the cone taken through the axis, and if PM= c, MM' = Ac, and MB = ?, the attraction at P due to the disc ABCD is approximately 27rpAc(l COS a), THE ATTRACTION OF GRAVITATION. and the attraction due to the whole cone is - COSa) AC = 2,rp(l - COSa) = 27rp(l-COSa).PZ. [16] The attraction at P due to the frustum ABKN is found by subtracting the value of the attraction due to the cone ABP from the expression given in [1C], The result is [17] and it is easy to see from this that discs of equal thickness cut out of a; cone of revolution at different distances from the vertex by planes perpendicular to the axis exert equal attractions at the vertex of the cone. FIG. 6. It follows almost directly that the portions cut out of two concentric spherical shells of equal uniform density and equal thickness, by any conical surface having its vertex at the common centre P of the shells, exert equal attraction at this centre ; but we may prove this proposition otherwise ^ as fol- lows : Divide the inner surface of the portion cut out of one of the shells by the given cone into elements, and make the perimeter of each of these surface elements the directrix of a conical surface having its vertex at P. Divide the given shells into elementary shells of thickness Arby means of concentric spheri- cal surfaces drawn about P. In this way the attracting masses will be cut up into volume elements. Let ML 1 (Fig. 7) represent one of these elements, whose inner surface has a radius equal to r ; then, if the elementary 10 THE ATTRACTION OF GEAVITAT1ON. cone APB intercept an element of area Aw from a spherical sur- face of radius unity drawn around P, the area of the surface element at MM' is i & Aw, and that at LL' is (r + Ar) 2 Aw. The attraction at P in the direction PJf, due to the element ML', is approximately P and the component of this in any direction Px, making an angle a with PM, is approximately p Aw Ar cos a. The attraction at P in the direction Px, due to the whole shell EDFG, is, then, ^-v X = lim ^ p Ar Aw cos a, where the sum is to include all the volume elements which go to make up the shell. If PF= r c , PG = r 1} PF'= r ', PG' = r/, and . = FG = X I c^r j cos adu pn | cosadw. The attraction at P in the same direction, due to the shell E'D'F'G', is X 1 = p I l dr I cosadw = pp ( cos adw. But the limits of integration with regard to w are the same in both cases ; .-. X= X', which was to be proved. If the shells are of different thicknesses, it is evident that they will exert attractions at P proportional to these thick- nesses. THE ATTRACTION OF GRAVITATION. 11 The area of the portion which a conical surface cuts out of a spherical surface of unit radius drawn about the vertex of the cone is called " the solid angle " of the conical surface. 9. Attraction of a Spherical Shell. In order to find the attraction at P, any point in space, due. to a homogeneous spherical shell of radii ?' and 1\, it will be best to begin by dividing up the shell into a large number of concentric shells of thickness Ar, and to consider first the attraction of one of these thin shells, whose inside radius shall be r. Let p be the density of the given shell, that is, the mass of the unit of volume of the material of which the shell is com- posed. Join P (Fig. 8) with by a straight line cutting the inner surface of the thin shell at J\ T , and pass a plane through PO cutting this inner surface in a great circle NLSL', which FIG. 8. will serve as a prime meridian. Using N as a pole, .describe upon the inner surface of the thin shell a number of parallels of latitude so as to cut off equal arcs on NLSL'. Denote by A0 the angle which each one of these arcs subtends at 0. Through PO pass a number of planes so as to cut up each parallel of latitude into equal arcs. Denote by A< the angle between any two contiguous planes of this series. By this moans the inner surface of the elementary shell will be divided into small quad- rilaterals, each of which will have two sides formed of meridian arcs, of length r-A'J, and two sides formed of arcs of parallels of latitude, of length rsin0-A< and r sin(#-f- A0)- A<, where 12 THE ATTRACTION OF GRAVITATION. G is the angle which the radius drawn to the parallel of higher latitude makes with ON. The area of one of these quadri- laterals is approximately r^sinO- A0- A<, and the thickness of the shell is Ar, so that the element of volume is approxi- mately ? <2 sin0- Ar- A0 A<. Let PMy, then the attrac- tion at P, due to an element of mass which has a corner at nr <- i P^ 2 sin0ArA0A . ,, ,. ,. M, is approximately f - , in the direction PM. This force may be resolved into three components : one in the direction PO, the others in directions perpendicular to PO and to each other ; but it is evident from considerations of symmetry that in finding the attraction at P due to the whole shell, we shall need only that component which acts in PO. This , , or 2 sin 6 Ar M A< cos KPM is approximately ; or, if PO = c, y The attraction at P due to the whole elementary shell is, then, approximately (truly on the assumption that the whole mass of the shell is concentrated at its inner surface), Ar f C J J pr * Sin e ( c ~ r cos y 3 and the true value at P of the attraction due to the iven shell is f ri Xdr Jr [20] If in the expression for X we substitute for its value in terms of y, we have, since y 2 = (r + y 2 2 crcos0, and hence . 2ydy = 2crsinOd9, X- Cc J [21] THE ATTRACTION OF GRAVITATION. 13 In order to find the limits of the integration with regard to y, we must distinguish between two cases : I. If P is a point in the cavity enclosed by the given shell, = r c and l = r + c ; 2 "] 0? ^ .. c 2 r + c r c and f ri Xtfr = 0; [23] so that a homogeneous spherical shell exerts no attraction at points in the cavity which it encloses. II. If P is a point without the given shell, y =c r and y l = c -f- r ; and From this it follows that the attraction due to a spherical shell of uniform density is the same, at a point without the shell, as the attraction due to a mass equal to that of the shell con- centrated at the shell's centre. If in [25] we make r = 0, we have the attraction, due to a solid sphere of radius i\ and density p, at a point outside the sphere at a distance c from the centre. This is 4 irp ,3 [2G] oir 10. Attraction due to a Hemisphere. At any point P in the plane of the base of a homogeneous hemisphere, the attraction of the hemisphere gives rise to two components, one directed toward the centre of the base, the other perpendicular to the plane of the base. AVe will compute the values of these com- ponents for the particular case where P lies on the rim of the hemisphere's base, and for this purpose we will take the origin 14 THE ATTRACTION OF GRAVITATION. of our sj'stem of polar coordinates at P, because by so doing we shall escape having to deal with a quantity which becomes infinite at one of the limits of integration. Denote the coordi- nates of any point L in the hemisphere by r, 0, <, where (Fig. 9) XPN= , IPL = 0, and PL = r. If r l be the radius of the hemisphere, PT = PNcos NPT = PX cos XPN- cos NPT = 2 r^ sin 6 cos <. V r> T IK IK cosXPL = - = = PL r ODT IL sin d> . a . , cos SPL = = - = 2- = sm# sin d>. PL r r The mass of a polar element of volume whose corner is at L is approximately p IL &$ PL &6 Ar or /3r 2 sin#ArA0A<, and this divided by r 2 is the attraction at P in the direction PL of the element, supposed concentrated at L. The components of this attraction in the direction PX and PI" are respectively psinflArAtfA^cosXPZ, and P s\u0^rM^cosSPL. The component in the direction Py of the attraction at P due to the whole hemisphere is, then, J f* 1t /2r, sinS co8 I dO I p shrO sincfrdr = [27] THE ATTRACTION OF GRAVITATION. 15 and the component in the direction Px is xr /"TT x2r! sinO cos I 2 cZ(| cZ0 I p sin- cos <(?>= fTrpTV [28] /0 /0 c/0 This last expression might have been obtained from [26] by making c equal to r and halving the result. 11. Attraction of a Hemispherical Hill. If at a point on the earth at the southern extremity of a homogeneous hemispheri- cal hill of density p and radius i\ the force of gravity due to the earth, supposed spherical, is gr,- the attraction due to the earth and the hill will give rise to two components, g ^pi\ down- wards, and f Trp^ northwards. The resultant attraction does not therefore act in the direction of the centre of the earth, but makes with this direction an angle whose tangent is FIG. 10. Let < (Fig. 10) be the true latitude of the place and (< ) the apparent latitude, as obtained by measuring the angle wh'mh the plumb-line at the place makes with the plane of the equator. Let a be the radius of the earth and , [3G] where the limits are to be chosen so as to include all the at- tracting mass. Since sin 2 0cos< can never be greater than 22 THE ATTRACTION OF GRAVITATION. unit} r , X is less than I I I pdrd6d(f>, which is evidently finite when p is finite, as it always is in fact. The corresponding expressions, Y= C C Cps'm 2 0s'mdrd0d, [37] and Z = C C Cpsiu0cosOdrdOd, [38] can be proved finite in a similar manner ; and it follows that X, Y, Z, and consequently R, are finite for all values of x, y, and z. As a special case, the attraction at a point P within the mass of a homogeneous spherical shell, of radii ?- and r 1? and of den- sity p, is where r is the distance of P from the centre of the shell. 16. Attraction between Two Straight Wires. Let AK and BK' (Fig. 13) be two sti-aight wires of lengths I and I' and of line-densities p. and /*' ; and let KB = c. Divide AK into K ............... B K' M M' FIG. 13. elements of length A#, and consider one of these MM', such that AM=x. The attraction of BK' on a unit mass concen- trated at M would be (Sections 2 and 5), pA --- - I If, therefore, the whole element MM' whose mass is /xA were con- centrated at Jif, the attraction on it, due to BK', would be [40] THE ATTRACTION OF GRAVITATION. 23 The actual force, due to the attraction of BK', with which the whole wire AK is urged toward the right, is limit X^'..fA,v.r 1 1 c-x = , pc i L. _v, Jo \x (i + i'+c) x (l + c )/ - ""'[kg * ~* '-i -~ C ]r ""' ' g ( 'c(i + r+J ' [41] 17. Attraction between Two Spheres. Consider two homo- geneous spheres of masses M and M' (Fig. 14), whose centres C and C' are at a distance c from each other. Divide the sphere M' into elements in the manner described in Section 9. The attraction due to M at any point P' outside of this sphere is, as we have seen, . and its line of action is in the direction PC. FIG. 14. Let P'=(r, 0, <) be any point in the sphere Jf', and let CP' = y. The attraction of M in the direction PC on an element of mass prsintfAr A0A supposed concentrated at P is component of this para ii e l to the line C'C is P- The force 24 THE ATTRACTION OF GRAVITATION. which the whole sphere M ' is urged toward the right by the attraction of M is, then, W C C Cp^^QdrdOdff)^ rcosfl) .- . 2 -, J J J y 8 where the integration is to be extended to all the elements which go to make up M' . It is proved in Section 9 that the M' value of this triple integral is , so that the force of attraction c 2 MM' between the two spheres is - 18. Attraction between any Two Rigid Bodies. In order to find the force with which a rigid body M is pulled in any direc- tion (as for instance in that of the axis of x) by the attraction of another body M' , we must in general find the value of a sextuple integral. Let M be divided up into small portions, and let Am be the mass of one of these elements which contains the point (x, y, z} . The component in the direction of the axis of x of the attrac- tion at (x, y, z) due to M' is p(x' x)dx'dy'dz' and this would be the actual attraction in this direction on a unit mass supposed concentrated at (#, ?/, z). If the mass A?>i were concentrated at this point, the attraction on it in the direc- tion of the axis of x would be Am C f f p(x'-x)dx'dy'dz' , ., JJJ \_( X <- x y+(y>-yy+(z>-zy-]i The actual attraction in the direction of the axis of x of M' upon the whole of M is, then, limit V A C C C P( X '~ ^dx'dy'dz' Am i THE ATTRACTION OF GRAVITATION. 25 If p' is the density at the point (#, ?/, z) , and if the elements into which M is divided are rectangular parallelopipeds of di- mensions A#, Ay, and Az, the expression just given may be written p'p (x 1 x) dx dy dz dx'dy'dz' p . . -, where the integrations are first to be extended over M' and then over M. EXAMPLES. 1. Find the resultant attraction, at the origin of a system of rectangular coordinates, due to masses of 12, 16, and 20 units respectively, concentrated at the points (3, 4), ( 5, 12), and (8, 6). What is its line of action ? 2. Find the value, at the origin of a system of rectangular coordinates, of the attraction due to three equal spheres, each of mass m, whose centres are at the points (a, 0, 0), (0,6,0), (0, 0, c) . Find also the direction-cosines of the line of action of this resultant attraction. . 3. Show that the attraction, due to a uniform wire bent into the form of the arc of a circumference, is the same at the centre of the circumference as the attraction due to an}' uniform straight wire of the same density which is tangent to the given wire, and is terminated by the bounding radii (when produced) of the given wire. 4. Show that in the case of an oblique cone whose base is any plane figure the attraction at the vertex of the cone due to any frustum varies, other things being equal, as the thickness of the frustum. 5. Find the equation of a family of surfaces over each one of which the resultant force of atti-action due to a uniform straight wire is constant. 6. Using the foot-pound-second system of fundamental units, and assuming that the average density of the earth is 5.G, com- pare with the poundal the unit of force used in this chapter. 26 THE ATTIIACTION OF GRAVITATION. 7. If in Fig. 2 we suppose P moved up to A, the attraction at P becomes infinite according to [7], and yet Section 15 asserts that the value, at any point inside a given mass, of the attraction due to this mass is always finite. Explain this. 8. A spherical cavity whose radius is r is made in a uniform sphere of radius 2 r and mass ra in such a way that the centre of the sphere lies on the wall of the cavity, i^ind the attraction due to the resulting solid at different points on the line joining the centre of the sphere with the centre of the cavity. 9. A uniform sphere of mass m is divided into halves by the plane AB passed thi'ough its centre C. Find the value of the attraction due to each of these hemispheres at P, a point on the perpendicular erected to AB at (7, if CP= a. 10. Considering the earth a sphere whose density varies only with the distance from the centre, what may we infer about the law of change of this density if a pendulum swing with the same period on the surface of the earth and at the bottom of a deep mine ? What if the force of attraction increases with the depth at the rate of th of a dyne per centimetre of descent? n 11. The attraction due to a cylindrical tube of length h and of radii 72 and R^ at a point in the axis, at a distance c from the plane of the nearer end, is 27rp[Vc 2 +^ 1 2 -V^+^ 2 +V(c +70 2 +^o 2 -V(c +/0 2 +^i 2 ]- [Stone.] 12. A spherical cavity of radius b is hollowed out in a sphere of radius a and density p, and then completely filled with matter, of density p . If c is the distance between the centre of the cavity and the centre of the sphere, the attraction due to the composite solid at a point in the line joining these two centres, at a distance d from the centre of the sphere, is 13. The centre of a sphere of aluminum of radius 10 and of density 2.5, is at the distance 100 from a sphere of the same THE ATTRACTION OF GRAVITATION. 27 size made of gold, of density 19. Show that the attraction due to these spheres is nothing at a point between them, at a distance of about 26.6 from the centre of the aluminum sphere. [Stone.] 14. Show that the attraction at the centre of a sphere of radius r, from which a piece has been cut by a cone of revolution whose vertex is at the centre, is irpr sin 2 a, where a is the half angle of the cone. [Stone.] 15. An iron sphere of radius 10 and density 7 has an eccentric spherical cavity of radius 6, whose centre is at a distance 3 from the centre of the sphere. Find the attraction due to this solid at a point 25 units from the centre of the sphere, and so situated that the line joining it with this centre makes an angle of 45 with the line joining the centre of the sphere and the centre of the cavity. [Stone.] 16. If the piece of a spherical shell of radii r and i\, inter- cepted by a cone of revolution whose solid angle is w and whose vertex is the centre of the shell, be cut out and removed, find the attraction of the remainder of the shell at a point P situated in the axis of the cone at a given distance from the centre of the sphere. If in the vertical shaft of a mine a pendulum be swung, is there any appreciable error in assuming that the only matter whose attraction influences the pendulum lies nearer the centre of the earth, supposed spherical, than the pendulum does ? 17. Show that the attraction of a spherical segment is, at its vertex, , / f 1 1 l*h } -sVirJ' where a is the radius of the sphere and h the height of the segment. . 18. Show that the resultant attraction of a spherical segment on a particle at the centre of its base is 2irhp , [3 a 2 - 3 ah + h-- (2 a - h) 3 M] . 3 (a A) 1 28 THE ATTRACTION OF GRAVITATION. 19. Show that the attraction at the focus of a segment of a paraboloid of revolution bounded by a plane perpendicular to the axis at a distance 6 from the vertex is of the form ' 20. Show that the attraction of the oblate spheroid formed by the revolution of the ellipse of semiaxes a, &, and eccen- tricity e, is, at the pole of the spheroid, ( j 1 e- (. e and that the attraction due to the corresponding prolate spheroid is, at its pole, 47iy>a(l e' 2e ' 1-e 21. Show that the attraction at the point (c, 0, 0), due to the homogeneous solid bounded l>y the planes x = a, x = 6, and by the surface generated by the revolution about the axis of x of the curve y =/(#) , is 2 7r pf 5 jl -- ^^ - I y. i [(c-ao'+c/s) 8 ]*) dx. - 22. Prove that the attraction of a uniform lamina in the form of a rectangle, at a point P in the straight line drawn through the centre of the lamina at right angles to its plane, is i ab 4 //, sin where 2 a and 2 6 are the dimensions of the lamina and c the distance of P from its plane. [See Todhunter's Analytical Statics.'] THE NEWTONIAN POTENTIAL FUNCTION. 29 CHAPTER II. THE NEWTONIAN POTENTIAL JUNCTION IN THE CASE OP GRAVITATION. 19. Definition. If we imagine an attracting body M to be cut up into small elements, and add together all the fractions formed by dividing the mass of each element by the distance of one of its points from a given point P in space, the limit of this sum, as the elements are made smaller and smaller, is called the value at P of " the potential function due to 3f." If we call this quantity V, we have where A??i is the mass of one of the elements and r its distance from P, and where the summation is to include all the elements which go to make up M. If we denote by ~p the average density of the element whose mass is A??t, and call the coordinates of the corner of this ele- ment nearest the origin a;', y', z', and those of P, a, y, z, we may write Am = and = C C C J J J _ \_(x'-xy+(y'-y) 2 +(z'-zy]S where p is the density at the point (V, y', z'} , and where the triple integration is to include the whole of the attracting mass M. As the position of the point P changes, the value of the quan- tity under the integral signs in [47] changes, and in general V is a function of the three space coordinates, i.e., V=f(x, y,z). To avoid circumlocution, a point at which the value of the 30 THE NEWTONIAN POTENTIAL FUNCTION potential function is F is sometimes said to be "at potential F ." From the definition of Fit is evident that if the value at a point P of the potential function due to a system of masses M t existing alone is FI, and if the value at the same point of the potential function due to another system of masses M~ 2 exist- ing alone is F 2 , the value at P of the potential function due to M { and M z existing together is V= Fi + F 2 . 20. The Derivatives of the Potential Function. If P is a point outside the attracting mass, the quantity which enters into the expression for V in [47], can never be zero, and the quantity under the integral signs is finite every- where within the limits of integration ; now, since these limits depend only upon the shape and position of the attracting mass and have nothing to do with the coordinates of P, we may dif- ferentiate V with respect to either x, ?/, or z by differentiating under the integral signs. Thus : = f f f p(x'-x)a JJJ [(x'xy 2 +(y' x}dx'dy'dz' where the limits of integration are unchanged by the differen- tiation. The dexter integral in this equation is (Section 14) the value of the component parallel to the axis of x of the attraction at P due to the given masses, so that we may write, using our old notation, D,V=X, [49] and, similarly, D y V=Y, [50] D,V=Z. [51] The resultant attraction at P is 2 , [52] IN THE CASE OF GRAVITATION. 31 and the direction-cosines of its line of action are : D V D V D V cosa = *- , cos/3 = j^-, and cosy = * [53] UK R It is evident from the definition of the potential function that the value of the latter at any point is independent of the par- ticular system of rectangular axes chosen. If, then, we wish to find the component, in the direction of any line, of the attraction at any point P, we may choose one of our coordinate axes parallel to this line, and, after computing the general value of V, we may differentiate the latter partially with respect to the coordinate measured on the axis in question, and substitute in the result the coordinates of P. 21. Theorem. The results of the last section may be summed up in the words of the following THEOREM. To find the component at a point P, in any direction PAT, of the attraction due to any attracting mass M, ice may divide the difference betiveen the values of the potential function due to M at P 1 (a point beticeen P and K on the straight line PA") and at P by the distance PP'. The limit approached by this fraction as P' approaches P is the component required. "We might have arrived at this theorem in the following way : If X, I", Z are the components parallel to the coordinate axes of the attraction at any point P, the component in any direction PA" whose direction-cosines are A, /A, and v, is XX + p. V+ vZ = XD Z V+ p.D y V+ i'D, V. [54] Let x, y, z be the coordinates of P, and x -f A#, y -f Ay, z -\- Az those of P', a neighboring point on the line PA". If ^and V are the values of the potential function at P and P' respectively, we have, by Taylor's Theorem, V = V+ A* D Z V+ Ay .D, V+ \z - D, V + c, where e is an infinitesimal of an order higher than the first. 32 THE NEWTONIAN POTENTIAL FUNCTION but therefore, pQ = XD * V + t* D * and this (see [54]) is the component in the direction PK of the attraction at P : which was to be proved. 22. The Potential Function everywhere Finite. If P is a point within the attracting mass, the sum whose limit expresses the value of the potential function at P contains one apparently infinite term. That V is not infinite in this case is easily proved by making P the origin of a system of polar coordinates as in Section 15, when it will appear that the value of the potential function at P can be expressed in the form V P = C C C P rsin6drd0d', [57] and this is evidently finite. Although V P is everywhere finite, yet when we express its value by means of the equation [47], the quantity under the in- tegral signs becomes infinite within the limits of integration, when P is a point inside the attracting mass. Under these cir- cumstances we cannot assume without further proof that the result obtained by differentiating with respect to x under the integral signs is really D X V. It is therefore desirable to com- IN THE CASE OF GRAVITATION. 33 pute the limit of the ratio of the difference (A X F) between the values of V at the points P'=(:c-|- Az, ?/, z) and P=(a?, y, z), both within the attracting mass, to the distance (A#) between these points. For convenience, draw through P (Fig. 15) three lines parallel to the coordinate axes, and let Q = (#', y', z'). Let PQ = r, P*Q = r', and X'PQ = f. Then r' 2 = ^-^-(AiE) 2 2 r Aa cos i/^, np' /j* where cos \/ = , -, A...F C C rA 1\ pdx'dy ana = i | ( - Ax J J J \r' rj Ax m rcf(.=- J J J Vr'r 2 + rr'- Ax '2 ? Ax cos \l/ (Ax) *\ p dx' dy' dz' rr' 2 J Ax Therefore D F= ^ m ^ ; ' cos ^. [58] This last integral is evidently the component parallel to the axis of x of the attraction at P, so that the theorem of Article 21 may be extended to points within the attracting mass. It is to be noticed that p is a function of a:', y', and z', but not a function of x, y, and z, and that we have really proved that the derivatives with regard to x, ?/, and z of 34 THE NEWTONIAN POTENTIAL FUNCTION where F is any finite, continuous, and single-valued function of a;', ?/', and z', can always be found by differentiating under the integral signs, whether (x,y,z) is contained within the limits of integration or not. 23. The Potential Function due to a Straight Wire. Let fj. be the mass of the unit length of a uniform straight wire AS (Fig. 16) of length 21. Take the middle point of the wire for the origin of coordinates, and a line drawn perpendicular to the wire at this point for the axis of x. The value of the potential function at any point P (x, y) in the coordinate plane is, then, according to [47], =r J-i If r = AP = and r' = BP = whence y = ig 4J , we may eliminate x and y from [59] and express V P in terms of r and r'. Thus: It is evident from [GO] that if P move so as to keep the sum of its distances from the ends of the wire constant, V P will IN THE CASE OF GRAVITATION. 35 remain constant. P's locus in this case is an ellipse whose foci are at A and B. From [59] we get n y _ L-'* r P = - 1 *L cos 8 1 cos 8' = f cos 8 + cos 8' 1, asj_ J and this (Section G). is the component in the direction of the axis of x of the attraction at P. 24. The Potential Function due to a Spherical Shell. In order to find the value at the point P of the potential function due to a homogeneous spherical shell of densit}' p and of radii r and *!, we may make use of the notation of Section 9. C r f prsinB dr dQ d^ C C CP T d>/ d = JJJ y~ ~ = J J J 'c If P lies within the cavity enclosed by the shell, the limits of y are (r c) and (r-j-c), whence F=27rp(r 1 2 -r 2 ). [02] If P lies without the shell, the limits of y are (c r) and (c + y) 5 whence F=-7rp (ri3 ~ r 3) - [63] 3 c If P is a point within the mass of the shell itself, at a dis- tance c from the centre, we may divide the shell into two parts 36 THE NEWTONIAN POTENTIAL FUNCTION by means of a spherical surface drawn concentric with the given shell so as to pass through P. The value of the potential func- tion at P is the sum of the components due to these portions of the shell ; therefore 3 c [64] If we put these results together, we shall have the following table : c>r Q r dxd>,dz_ w _ -m* pp'dxdydzdtfdy'dz 1 CCCCCC pp = J J J J J J {.(*'-*)* W is called by some writers "the potential of the mass M' with reference to the mass J/" ; by others, the negative of ir is called "the mutual potential energy of Jfand M'." lu many of the later books on this subject, the word 42 THE NEWTONIAN POTENTIAL FUNCTION "potential" is never used for the A'alue of the potential func- tion at a point, but is reserved to denote the work required to move a mass from some present position to infinity. If V is the value of the potential function at a point P, at which a mass m is supposed to be concentrated, mV is the potential of the mass m. If we could have a unit mass concentrated at a point, the potential of this mass and the value of tlie poten- tial function at the point would be numerically identical. 28. Laplace's Equation. We have seen that the value of the potential function and the component in any direction of the attraction at the point P are always finite functions of the space coordinates, whether P is inside, outside, or at the surface of the attracting masses. We have seen also that by differentiating V at any point with respect to any direction we may find the always finite component in that direction of the attraction at the point. It follows that D X V, D y V, D Z V are everywhere finite, and that, in consequence of this, the potential function is everywhere continuous as well as finite. If P is a point outside of the attracting masses, the quantity under the integral signs in [48], by which dx'dy'dz' is multi- plied, cannot be infinite within the limits of integration, and we can find D^V by differentiating the expression for D X V under the integral signs. In this case Dj* V = C C p^'-ft) 2 -?^ dx'dy'dz', [69] and similarly, D? V = 3 (V ' ~?^P dx'dy'dz', [70] D* V = -~ P dx'dy'dz'. [71] Whence, for all points exterior to the attracting masses, =0. [72] This is Laplace's Equation. IX THE CASE OF GRAVITATION. 43 The operator (D x 2 + D* + Z>/) is sometimes denoted l)y the symbol V 2 , so that [72] may be written V 2 F=0. [73] The potential function, due to every conceivable distribution of matter, must be such that at all points in emptv space Laplace's Equation shall be satisfied. 29. The Second Derivatives of the Potential Function are Finite at Points within the Attracting Mass. If the point P lies within the attracting mass, F"aiid D X V are finite, but the quantity under the integral signs in the expression for D X V becomes infinite within the limits of integration, and we cannot assume that D/V may be found by differentiating D Z V under the integral signs. In order to find D?V under these circum- stances, it is convenient to transform the equation for D X V* Let us choose our coordinate axes so as to have all the attract- ing mass in the first octant, and divide the projection of the contour of this mass on the plane yz into elements (dy'dz'). Upon each one of these elements let us erect a right prism, cutting the mass twice or some other even number of times. Consider one of the elements cly'dz' whose corner next the origin has the coordinates 0, ?/', and z'. The prism erected on this element cuts out elements ds^ f?.*>, ds s , c?s 4 , ds 2n from the surface of the attracting mass and that edge of the prism which is perpendicular to the plane yz at (0, //', z') cuts into the surface at points whose distances from the plane of yz are n <*3i 5? " 2-i? an d out f the surface at points whose dis- tances from the same plane are a*, a, 6 , (t., n . At every one of these points of intersection draw normals towards the interior of the attracting mass, and call the angles which these normals make with the positive direction of the axis of .r, ,, cu, a 3 . 2n . It is to be noticed that a,, a n , a 5 , o 2n _! are all acute, and that a 2 , cz 4 , a 6 , cu,, are all obtuse. The element dy'dz' may be re- garded as the common projection of the surface elements 44 THE NEWTONIAN POTENTIAL FUNCTION dsj, ds 2 , ds s , ' ds 2n , and, so far as absolute value is concerned, the following equations hold approximately : dy'dz'= = ds 2 cosa 2 = ds s cosa 3 = = ds 2n cosa 2n . But cfa/'cZz', ds l5 ds 2 , ds 3 , etc., are all positive areas, and cosa 2 , cosa 4 , cosa 6 , etc., are negative, so that, paying attention to signs as well as to absolute values, we have dy'dz'= cosa 4 = etc. FIG. 20. Now J.\.V= 'dy'dz and in order to find the value of this expression by the use of the prisms just described, we are to cut each one of these prisms into elementary rectangular parallelepipeds by planes parallel to the plane of yz ; we are to multiply the values of every one of these elements which lies within the attracting mass by the value of pDJl j at its corner next V rJ the origin [i.e., at (a %/ , ?/', z')] ; and we are to find the limit of the sum of these as dx' is made smaller and smaller. We are then to compute a like expression for each of the other prisms, and to find the limit of the sum of the whole as the bases of the IN THE CASE OF GRAVITATION. 45 prisms are made smaller and smaller and their number corres- pondingly increased. Wherever the function is a continuous and finite function of a?', we have r r hence, if the elementary prisms cut the surface of the attracting mass only twice, x'= o a *=, and, in general, = f fdy JJ + C CC-DJpdx'dy'dz 1 [76] Zl Pi P PS COSajdtej-l -- -COSa.,C?S, [80] and the limit which this approaches as e is made smaller and smaller is evidently finite, for, if r = 0, the quantity under the integral sign is zero. Therefore, JSo D X V 2 = D X V= / cosads + fff^dx'dy'dz', [81] and [79] is true even when P lies within the attracting mass. Under the same conditions we have, similarly, ^dx'dy'dz', [82] and D z V= cos yds + dx'dy'dz 1 . [83] Observing that in these surface integrals r can never be zero, since we have excluded the case where P lies on the surface of the attracting mass, and that the triple integrals belong to the class mentioned in the latter part of Section 22, we will differ- entiate [81], [82], and [83] with respect to x, y, and z respec- tively, by differentiating under the integral signs. If the results are finite, we may consider the process allowable. Performin the work indicated, we have D*V= Cpcosa-D x (-]ds+ C J \rj J C C CD,( } -\ D,' p . dx'dy'dz'. [86] J J */ ' 48 THE NEWTONIAN POTENTIAL FUNCTION and by making P the centre of a system of polar coordinates and transforming all the triple integrals, it is easy to show that the values of D X V, D*V, D?V here found are finite whether P is within or without the attracting mass. This result* is important. 30. The Derivatives of the Potential Function at the Surface of the Attracting Mass. Let the point P lie on the surface of the attracting mass, or at some other point or surface where p is discontinuous. Make P the centre of a sphere of radius e, and call the piece which this sphere cuts out of the attracting mass T! and the remainder of this mass T 2 . Let Fi and V 2 be the potential functions due respectively to TI and T 2 ? then V=V i + V 2 , D x V=D x V i +D x V 2 , and the increment [A(Z> Z F")] made in D X V by moving from P to a neighboring point P', inside Tj, is equal to the sum of the corresponding increments [A^^Fi) and A(Z> X F 2 )] made in D x Vi and D,V 3 . With reference to the space T 2 , P is an outside point, so that the values at P of the first derivatives of F" 2 with respect to a;, y, and z are continuous functions of the space coordinates and Let d is not greater than 4?r, and the difference be- tween the limits of r is not greater than 2e. If, then, K is the greatest value which pa has in T^ It follows from this that if P' is a point within 7\ so that PP'< e, the change made in D x Vi by going from P to P' is far less than lG7r*e; but this last quantity can be made as small as we like by making small enough, so that limit \ / T\ -IT \ i\ p p / ^ A(Z> I F 1 ) = 0, whence limit A / T~> TT"V limit / T~ TT"\ i limit / T~ rr\ /~v A (D x F) = pp/=o A ( D * F + PP'^o A (A V*) = 0, and -D^F varies continuously in passing through P. In a similar manner, it may be proved that D y V and D Z V are everywhere, even at places where the density is discontinuous, continuous functions of the space coordinates. The results of the work of the last two sections are well illus- trated by Fig. 17. We might prove, with 'the help of a trans- formation due to Clausius,* that the second derivatives of the potential function are finite at all points on the surface of the attracting matter where the curvature is finite, but that these derivatives generally change their values abruptly whenever the point P crosses a surface at which p is discontinuous, as at the surface of the attracting masses. The fact, however, that this last is true in the special case of a homogeneous spherical shell suffices to show that we cannot expect the second derivatives of V to have definite values at the boundaries of attracting bodies. * Die Potentialfuncllon nnd das Potential, 19-24. 50 THE NEWTONIAN POTENTIAL FUNCTION 31. Gauss's Theorem. If any closed surface T drawn in a field or force be divided up into a large number of surface elements, and if each one of these elements be multiplied by the component, in the direction of the interior normals of the force of attraction at a point of the element, and if these products be added together, the limit of the sum thus obtained is called the '' surface integral of normal attraction over T" If any closed surface T be described so as to shut in com- pletely a mass m concentrated at a point, the surface integral of normal attraction due to m, taken over T, is 4?rm; and, in general, if any closed surface T bo described so as to shut in completely any system of attracting masses J/, the surface in- tegral over T of the normal attraction due to M is In order to prove this, divide T up into surface elements, and consider one of these ds at Q. The attraction at Q in the direction QO, due to the mass m concentrated at 0, is -^- = QO 2 r 2 The component of this in the direction of the interior normal is *w? cosa, and the contribution which ds yields to the sum whose m cos a ds Connect limit is the surface integral required is T~ every point of the perimeter of ds with by a straight line, thus forming a cone of such size as to cut out of a spherical surface of unit radius drawn about an element c?o>, say. If we draw about a sphere of radius r = OQ, the cone will intercept on its surface an element equal to r^-dta. This element is the IN THE CASE OF GRAVITATION. 51 projection on the spherical surface of ds ; hence d$cosa = rvicu, approximately, and the contribution of the element ds to our surface integral is mcZu>. But an elementary cone may cut the surface more than once ; indeed, any odd number of times. Con- sider such a cone, one element of which cuts the surface thrice in SL, S 2 , and S 3 . Let 0/5^ OS 2 , and OS S be called r 1? r 2 , and r 3 respectively, and let the surface elements cut out of T by the cone be dsi, eZs 2 , and cZs 3 , and the angles between the line S 3 and the interior normals to T at >Sj, S z , and S 3 be a 1? a 2 , a 3 . It is to be noticed that when the cone cuts out of T 7 , the corresponding angle is acute, and that when it cuts in, the corresponding angle is obtuse, aj and a 3 are acute, and a, 2 obtuse. If we draw about three spherical surfaces with radii r l5 r 2 , and r 3 respectively, the cone will cut out of these the elements rfdw, r.?dw. and r s -d seca 2 , and ds 3 = r^dta seca 3 , approximately, but ds. 2 and rdw are both posi- tive, being areas, and seca 2 is negative. Taking account of sign, then, cZs 2 = i" 2 dw sec a 2 , and the cone's three elements 3 - ield to the surface integral of normal attraction the quantity / ds, COS a, . d* COS ao . C^., COS a,\ , 7 , 7 , , (m - + - ) = m (aw w + aw) = m w. v -f >v v y However many times the cone cuts T, it will yield ??ic7o) to the surface integral required : all such elementary cones will yield then m ^ (7w = m-lw if T is closed, and, in general, ra0, when is the solid angle which T subtends at 0. If, instead of a mass concentrated at a point, we have any distribution of masses, we may divide these into elements, and apply to each element the theorem just proved ; hence our gen- eral statement. If from a point without a closed surface T an elementary cone be drawn, the cone, if it cuts T 7 at all, will cut it an even number of times. Using the notation just explained, the con- tribution which any such cone will yield to the surface integral taken over T of a mass m concentrated at is 52 THE NEWTONIAN POTENTIAL FUNCTION / dSi COS ci! . ds 2 COS a 2 , ds 3 COS a 3 , ds 4 COS a 4 \ ( 2 2 ' T2 ' 2 I " ' J \ 1 2 4 / = m( da) -j- dco dw + d and w', we have F, [101] r 2 and For points without the shell we have the same general expres- sions for F and V as for points within the cavity enclosed by the shell, namely, F=\ and F=-- + m, [103] r r but the constants are different for the two regions. Keeping in mind the fact that F and V are continuous, it is easy to see that we must get the same result at the boundary of the shell, where r= 5, whether we use [103], or [101] and [102]. This gives k = 3G9 TT\ and m = ; so that for all points outside the shell we have , -IT SGOvrA. n (i-i and V = 110-.)] r These last results agree with the statements made in Section 13, for the mass of the shell is 3GD-A. The values, at every point in space, of the potential function aud of the attraction due to any spherical distribution may be 58 THE NEWTONIAN POTENTIAL FUNCTION found by determining, first, with the aid of Gauss's Theorem, the general expressions for F and V in the several regions ; then the constants for the 'innermost region, remembering that there is no resultant attraction at the centre of the Sj'stem ; and finally, in succession (moving from within outwards), the con- stants for the other regions, from a consideration of the fact that no abrupt change in the values of either F or V is made by crossing the common boundary of two regions. This method of treating problems is of great practical im- portance. 34. Cylindrical Distributions. In the case of a cylindrical distribution about an axis, where the density is a function of the distance from the axis only, the equipotential surfaces are concentric cylinders of revolution ; the lines of force are straight lines perpendicular to the axis ; and every tube of force is a wedge. If we apply Gauss's Theorem to a box shut in between two equipotential surfaces of radii r and ? + Ar, two planes perpen- dicular to the axis, and two planes passing through the axis, " FIG. 26. we have, if ij/ is the area of the piece cut out of the cylindrical surface of unit radius by our tube of force, to = r'if/, CD' = (r + Ar) i/r, and for the surface integral of normal attraction taken over the box, F \(rR) r A0 Ar A^ r A< Ar . A fl (sin0 ) = 4irp .(vol. of box) ; [114] whence ^. M^) + _j_. A,^ + _J_. A,(sin^.@) r 2 Ar r sin A< r sin A0 vol. of box [U5] The force at P in the direction PP 5 is Z> r F, in the direction PPi is -- D& V. and in the direction PP 4 is --D 6 V; there- r sm r fore, as the element of volume is made smaller and smaller, our equation approaches the form = -4^ r 2 sin 6. [116] This equation, as well as that for cylinder coordinates, might have been obtained by transformation from the equation in rectangular coordinates. 36. Poisson's Equation in the Integral Form. In [109] X may be regarded as a function of x, ?/, 2, Ay, and Az, which ap- proaches Z^Fas a limit when Ay and Az are made to approach zero, and it may not be evident that the limit, when Aic, Ay, and Az are together made to approach zero, of the fraction - is ^jhtV D X 2 V. For this reason it is worth while to establish Poisson's Equation by another method. It is shown in Section 29 that the volume integral of the AA quantity D x ( - ), taken throughout a certain region, is the sur- IN THE CASE OF GRAVITATION. 63 face integral of ^coso. taken all over the surface which bounds r the region. In this proof we might substitute for - any other function of the three space coordinates which throughout the region is finite, continuous, and single-valued, and state the results in the shape of the following theorem : If T is any closed surface and U a function of x, y, and z which for every point inside T has a finite, definite value which changes continuously in moving to a neighboring point, then ff CD I U-dxdydz= Cl T cosads, [117] f f Cn y U- dx dydz=- Cucos fids, [11 8] f f CDJJ- dx dijdz = - ClJcosyds, [119] and where a, /?, and y ai-e the angles made by the interior normals at the various points of the surface with the positive direction of the coordinate axes, and where the sinister integrals are to be extended all through the space enclosed by T, and the dexter integrals all over the bounding surface. If we apply this theorem to an imaginary closed surface which shuts in any attracting mass of density either uniform or vari- able, and if for U in [ 1 1 7] , [118], and [H'J] we use respectively D^V, D y V, and D,V, and add the resulting equations together, we shall have fff WF+ D;V+ D?V)<>]) the surface integral of normal attraction taken over our imaginary closed surface, and this by Gauss's Theorem is equal to TT times the quantity of matter inside the surface, so that 64 THE NEWTONIAN POTENTIAL FUNCTION f C '('(D*V+D*V+ D;V) dxdydz = 4:* C C Cpdxdydz. [121] Since this equation is true whatever the form of the closed surface, we must have at every point XV V+ D y 2 V+D*V=-4; TT/). 9 For if throughout any region V Fwere greater than kirp, we might take the boundary of this region as our imaginary surface. In this case every term in the sum whose limit gives the sinister of [121] would be greater than the corresponding term in the dexter, so that the equation would not be true. Similar reason- ing shuts out the possibility of VF's being less than 4-irp. 37. The Average Value of the Potential Function on a Spheri- cal Surface. If, in a field of force due to a mass m concentrated at a point P, we imagine a spherical surface to be drawn so as to exclude P, the surface integral taken over this surface of the value of the potential function due to m is equal to the area of the surface multiplied by the value of the potential function at the centre of the sphere. To prove this, let the radius of the sphere be a and the dis- tance [OP] of P from its centre c. Take the centre of the sphere for origin and the line OP for the axis of x. Divide the surface of the sphere into zones by means of a series of planes cutting the axis of x perpendicularly at intervals of Ax % . The area of each one of these zones is 2-n-adx, so that the surface integral of is dx _ f" -2caj and the value of this, since the radical represents a positive ... . 47ra 2 m , . , ... quantity, is , which proves the proposition. IN THE CASE OF GRAVITATION. 65 The surface integral of the potential function taken over the sphere divided by the area of the sphere is often called "the average value of the potential function on the spherical sur- face." If we have any distribution of attracting matter, we may divide it into elements, apply the theorem just proved to each of these elements, and, since the potential function due to the whole distribution is the sum of those due to its parts, assert that: The average value on a spherical surface of the potential function due to any distribution of matter entirely outside the sphere is equal to the value of the potential function at the centre of the sphere. It follows, from this theorem, that if the potential function is constant within any closed surface S drawn in a region T, which contains no matter, so as to shut in a part of that region, it will have the same value in those parts of T which lie outside S. For, if the values of the potential function at points in empty space just outside S were different from the value inside, it would always be possible to draw a sphere enclosing no matter whose centre should be inside /5, and which outside S should include only such points as were all at either higher or lower potential than the space inside S ; but in this case the value of the poten- tial function at the centre of the sphere would not be the average of its values over its surface. The value of the potential function cannot be constant in un- limited empty space surrounding an attracting mass 37, for, if it were, we could surround the mass by a surface over which the surface interal of normal attraction would be zero instead of The average value on a spherical surface of the potential function [F], due to any distribution [J/"] of attracting matter wholly within the surface, is the same as if M were concen- trated at the centre of the space which the surface encloses. For the average values [T", and T^,-|-A r T',] of T" on con- centric spherical surfaces of radii r and r -f Ar may be written 66 THE NEWTONIAN POTENTIAL FUNCTION - ( Vds (or I FcZw, if d ; 47T*/ whence A r F = I A r V- do>, 4:TrJ and D r V = Now I D r V' a 2 do) is the integral of normal attraction taken over the spherical surface, whence, by Gauss's Theorem, ^ rr . n and F = +0, r since V = 0, for r = oo . 38. The Equilibrium of Fluids at Rest under the Action of Given Forces. Elementary principles of Hydrostatics teach us that when an incompressible fluid is at rest under the action of any system of applied forces, the hydrostatic pressure p at the point (cc, y, z) must satisfy the differential equation dp = P (Xdx + Ydy + Zdz}, [122] where X, Y, and Z are the values at that point of the force applied per unit of mass to urge the liquid in directions parallel to the coordinate axes. For, if we consider an element of the liquid [AaAyAz] (Fig. 27) whose average density is p and whose corner next the origin has the coordinates (&, y, z) , and if we denote by p x the average pressure per unit surface on the face PP 2 P 4 P 3 , by p x + A x p x the average pressure on the face P 1 P 5 P 7 P M and by X n the average applied force per unit of mass which tends to move the element in a direction parallel to the axis of x, we have, since the element is at rest, = (p x A , or Aa; IN THE CASE OF GRAVITATION. 67 If the element be made smaller and smaller, the first side of the equation approaches the limit pX, and the second side the limit D;P, where p is the hydrostatic pressure, equal in all direc- tions, at the point P. This gives us D x p = P X. [1 23] In a similar manner, we may prove that D y p = P Y, and D 2 p = pZ; whence dp = D x p dx -f D^p cly + D z pdz = p(Xdx + Ydy + Zdz} . If in any case of a liquid at rest the only external force applied to each particle is the attraction due to some outside mass, or to the other particles of the liquid, or to both together, X, Y, and Z are the partial derivatives with regard to x, y, and 2 of a single function F, and we may write our general equation in the form dp = p(D z V- dx + D y V- dy + D Z V- dz) = p. dV, whence, if p is constant, p = p V+ const., [124] and the surfaces of equal hydrostatic pressure are also equi- potential surfaces. According to this, the free bounding surfaces of a liquid at rest under the action of gravitation only are equipotential. EXAMPLES. 1. Prove that a particle cannot be in stable equilibrium under the attraction of any system of masses. [Earnshaw.] 2. Prove that if all the attracting mass lies without an equi- potential surface S on which V= c, then V= c in all space inside S. 3. Prove that if all the attracting mass lies within an equi- potential surface S on which V=C, then in all space outside AS the value of the potential function lies between C and 0. 68 THE NEWTONIAN POTENTIAL FUNCTION 4. The source of the Mississippi River is nearer the centre of the earth than the mouth is. What can be inferred from this about the slope of level surfaces on the earth? 5. If in [59] x be made equal to zero, V becomes infinite. How can you reconcile this with what is said in the first part of Section 22? 6. Are all solutions of Laplace's Equation possible values of the potential function in empty space due to distributions of matter ? Assume some particular solution of this equation which will serve as the potential function due to a possible dis- tribution and show what this distribution is. 7. If the lines of force which traverse a certain region are parallel, what may be inferred about the intensity of the force within the region ? 8. The path of a material particle starting from rest at a point P and moving under the action of the attraction of a given mass Mis not in general the line of force due to M which passes through P. Discuss this statement, and consider separately cases where the lines of force are straight and where they are curved. 9. Draw a figure corresponding to Figure 17 for the case of a uniform sphere of unit radius surrounded by a concentric spherical shell of radii 2 and 3 respectively. 10. Draw with the aid of compasses traces of four of the equipotential surfaces due to. two homogeneous infinite cylinders of equal density whose axes are parallel and at a distance of 5 inches apart, assuming the radius of one of the cylinders to be 1 inch and that of the other to be 2 inches. 11. Draw with the aid of compasses meridian sections of four of the equipotential surfaces due to two small homogeneous spheres of mass m and 2m respectively, whose centres are 4 inches apart. Can equipotential surfaces be drawn so as to lie wholly or partly within one of the spheres ? What value of the potential function gives an equipotential surface shaped like the fio-ure 8 ? Show that the value of the resultant force at the O point where this curve crosses itself is zero. EN THE CASE OF GRAVITATION. 69 12. A sphere of radius 3 inches and of constant density p. is surrounded by a spherical shell concentric with it of radii 4 inches and 5 inches and of density fir, where r is the distance from the centre. Compute the values of the attraction and of the potential function at all points in space and draw curves to illustrate the fact that V and D r V are everywhere continuous and that Z> r 2 Fis discontinuous at certain points. 13. A very long cylinder of radius 4 inches and of constant density /A is surrounded by a cylindrical shell coaxial with it and of radii 6 inches and 8 inches. The density of this shell is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the axis, and at a point 8 inches from this axis is p. Use the Theo- rem of Gauss to find the values of F, D r V, and D r 2 V at differ- ent points on a line perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder at its middle point. If the value of the attraction at a distance of 20 inches from the axis is 10, show how to find p. 14. Use Dirichlet's value of D X V, given by equation [78], to find the attraction in the direction of the axis of x at points within a spherical shell of radii r and TI and of constant den- sity p. 15. Are there any other cases except those in which the density of the attracting matter depends only upon the distance from a plane, from an axis, or from a central point, where sur- faces of equal force are also equipotential surfaces? Prove your assertion. 16. Prove that if a mass MI be divided up into elements, and if each one of these elements be multiplied by the value at one of its own points of the potential function F 2 due to another mass 3/ 2 , the limit of the sum of these infinitesimal products will be equal to the limit of the sum extended over 3/ 2 of the product of the masses of its elements by the corresponding values of the potential function due to 3/j. That is, show that F 2 .fLV, = f .' where the sinister integral is to embrace all J/i and the dexter all Jf 2 . [Gauss.] 70 THE NEWTONIAN POTENTIAL FUNCTION 17. Two uniform straight wires of length I and of masses m^ and m 2 are parallel to each other and perpendicular to the line joining their middle points, which is of length y. Show that the amount of work required to increase the distance between the wires to y 2 by moving one of them parallel to itself is " 72 1 ?/ VZ 2 + 2/ 2 Hog - - I ' ' [Minchin.j y Jy=vi 18. Show that if the earth be supposed spherical and covered with an ocean of small depth, and if the attraction of the par- ticles of water on each other be neglected, the ellipticity of the ocean spheroid will be given by the equation, _ The centrifugal force at the equator 9 19. A spherical shell whose inner radius is r contains a mass m of gas which obeys the Law of Boyle and Mariotte. Find the law of density of the gas, the total normal pressure on the inside of the containing vessel, and the pressure at the centre. 20. If the earth were melted into a sphere of homogeneous liquid, what would be the pressure at the centre in tons per square foot ? If this molten sphere instead of being homo- geneous had a surface density of 2.4 and an average density of 5.6, what would be the pressure at the centre on the supposition that the density increased proportionately to the depth? 21. A solid sphere of attracting matter of mass m and of radius r is surrounded by a given mass M of gas which obeys the Law of Boyle and Mariotte. If the whole is removed from the attraction of all other matter, find the law of density of the gas and the pressure on the outside of the sphere. 22. The potential function within a closed surface S due to matter wholly outside the surface has for extreme values the extreme values upon S. 23. If the potential functions V and V due to two systems of matter without a closed surface have the same values at all points on the surface, they will be equal throughout the space enclosed by the surface. IN THE CASE OF GRAVITATION. 71 24. The potential function outside of a closed surface due to matter wholly within the surface has for its extreme values two of the following three quantities : zero and the extreme values upon the surface. 25. Prove that if R is the distance from the origin of coordi- nates to the point P, and if V P is the value at P of the potential function of any system of attracting masses within a finite dis- tance of the origin, the limit as R is made infinite of V P -P is equal to M, the whole quantity of attracting matter. 72 THE POTENTIAL FUNCTION CHAPTER III. THE POTENTIAL FUNCTION IN THE CASE OP KEPULSION. 39. Repulsion, according to the Law of Nature. Certain physical phenomena teach us that bodies ma}' acquire, by electrification or otherwise, the property of repelling each other, and that the resulting force of repulsion between two bodies is often much greater than the force of attraction which, ac- cording to the Law of Gravitation, every body has for every other body. Experiment shows that almost every such case of repulsion, however it may be explained physically, can be quantitatively accounted for by assuming the existence of some distribution of a kind of" matter," every particle of which is supposed to repel every other particle of the same sort according to the " Law of Nature," that is, roughly stated, with a force directly propor- tional to the product of the quantities of matter in the particles, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centres. In this chapter we shall assume, for the sake of argument, that such matter exists, and proceed to discuss the effects of different distributions of it. Since the law of repulsion which we have assumed is, with the exception of the opposite direc- tions of the forces, mathematically identical with the law which governs the attraction of gravitation between particles of pon- derable matter, we shall find that, b}~ the occasional intro- duction of a change of sign, all the formulas which we have proved to be true for cases of attraction due to gravitation can be made useful in treating corresponding problems in repulsion. IN THE CASE OF REPULSION. 73 40. Force at Any Point due to a Given Distribution of Repelling Matter. Two equal quantities of repelling matter concentrated at points at the unit distance apart are called " unit quantities" when they are such as to make the force of repulsion between them the unit force. If the ratio of the quantity of repelling matter within a small closed surface supposed drawn about a point P, to the volume of the space enclosed by the surface, approaches the limit p when the surface (always enclosing P) is supposed to be made smaller and smaller, p is called the "density" of the repelling matter at P. In order to find the magnitude at any point P of the force due to any given distribution of repelling matter, we may suppose the space occupied by this matter to be divided up into small elements, and compute an approximate value of this force on the assumption that each element repels a unit quantity of matter concentrated at P with a force equal to the quantity of matter in the element divided by the square of the distance between P and one of the points of the element. The limit approached by this approximate value as the size of the elements is diminished indefinitely is the value required. FIG. 30. Let Q (Fig. 30), whose coordinates are x', ?/, z', be the corner next the origin of an element of the distribution. Let'p be the density at Q and Ax-'A^/'Az' the volume of the element; then the force at P due to the matter in the element is approxi- 74 THE POTENTIAL FUNCTION f) ^VT* &.1I A 2i mately equivalent to a force of magnitude " acting in ftf the direction QP, or a force of magnitude ^ _ acting Ptf in the direction PQ. If the coordinates of P are cc, y, 2, the component of this force in the direction of the positive axis of x p Ace' Aw' Az' (#' x) 18 FT-i - V* , / , va . / f xv 1a and the f orce at P parallel [('-z) 2 + (y'- y) 2 + (' ) a ]i to the axis of a; due to the whole distribution of repelling matter is '''' -, where the triple integration is to be extended over the whole space filled with the repelling matter. For the components of the force at P parallel to the other axes we have, similarly, Y= - C C C p(y'-y)dx'dy'dz' r J J J i (x >- x y+ (y <-yy +(z <- z yy and 7= CCC p(z'-z)dx'dy'dz' r .-, <>< If we denote by V the function pdx'dy'dz' which, together with its first derivatives, is everywhere finite and continuous, as we have shown in the last chapter, it is easy to see that X=-D.V, Y=-D y V, Z = -D M V, [127] Y, [128] and that the direction-cosines of the line of action of the re- sultant force at P are -'-' and - IN THE CASE OF REPULSION. 75 It follows from this (see Section 21) that the component in any direction of the force at a point P due to any distribution M of repelling matter is minus the value at P of the partial derivative of the function V taken in that direction. The function Fgoes by the name of the Newtonian potential function whether we are dealing with attracting or repelling matter. In the case of repelling matter, it is evident that the resultant force on a particle of the matter at any point tends to drive that particle in a direction which leads to points at which the poten- tial function has a lower value, whereas in the case of gravita- tion a particle of ponderable matter at any point tends to move in a direction along which the potential function increases. 41. The Potential Function as a Measure of Work. It is easy to show by a method like that of Article 27 that the amount of work required to move a unit quantity of repelling matter, concentrated at a point, from P l to P 2 , m face of the force due to any distribution J/ of the same kind of matter, is V 2 FI, where V l and F 2 are the values at P l and P., respec- tively of the potential function due to M. The farther P l is from the given distribution, the smaller is Fi, and the less does F 2 F! differ from F 2 . In fact, the value of the potential function at the point P 2 , wherever it may be, measures the work which would be required to move the unit quantity of matter by any path from " infinity" to P 2 . 42. Gauss's Theorem in the Case of Repelling Matter. If a quantity m of repelling matter is concentrated at a point within a closed oval surface, the resultant force due to m at any point on the surface acts toward the outside of the surface instead of towards the inside, as in the case of attracting matter. Keeping this in mind, we may repeat the reasoning of Article 31, using repelling matter instead of attracting matter, and sub- stituting all through the work the exterior normal for the in- terior normal, and in this way prove that : 76 THE POTENTIAL FUNCTION If there be any distribution of repelling matter partly within and partly without a closed surface T, and if M be the whole quantity of this matter enclosed by T, and M' the quantity out- side T, the surface integral over T of the component in the di- rection of the exterior normal of the force due to both M and M' is equal to 4 irM. If V be the potential function due to M and Jf', we have 43. Poisson's Equation in the Case of Repelling Matter. If we apply the theorem of the last article to the surface of a volume element cut out of space containing repelling matter, and use the notation of Article 35, we shall find that in the case of rectangular coordinates the surface integral, taken over the element, of the component in the direction of the exterior normal is [130] A?/ Az where X is the average component in the positive direction of the axis of x of the force on the elementary surface AyAz, and where Y and Z have similar meanings. It is evident that if the element be made smaller and smaller, X, Y", and Z will approach as limits the components parallel to the coordinate axes of the force at P. These components are D X V, D y V, and D,V; so that if we divide [130] by AxAyAz and then decrease indefinitely the dimensions of the element, we shall arrive at the equation V 2 F=-47r/>. [131] By using successively cylinder coordinates and spherical co- ordinates we may prove the equations [132] and sin sin 0, [133] IN THE CASE OF REPULSION. 77 so that Poisson's Equation holds whether we are dealing with attracting or repelling matter. 44. Coexistence of Two Kinds of Active Matter. Certain physical phenomena may be most conveniently treated mathe- matically by assuming the coexistence of two kinds of "matter" such that any quantity of either kind repels all other matter of the same kind according to the Law of Nature, and attracts all matter of the other kind according to the same law. Two quantities of such matter may be considered equal if, when placed in the same position in a field of force, they are subjected to resultant forces which are equal in intensity and which have the same line of action. The two quantities of matter are of the same kind if the direction of the resultant forces is the same in the two cases, but of different kinds if the directions are opposed. The unit quantity of matter is that quantity which concentrated at a point would repel with the unit force an equal quantity of the same kind concentrated at a point at the unit distance from the first point. It is evident from Articles 2, 14, and 40 that m units of one of these kinds of matter, if concentrated at a point (a, ?/, z) and exposed to the action of m^ ? 2 , m 3 , ... m k units of the same kind of matter concentrated respectively at the points (x^ 1/1, zj, (a? z , ?/ 2 , z 2 ), (* 3 , y 3 , z a ), ... (* t , y t , z*), and of m i+1 , w t+2 , ... m n units of the other kind of matter concentrated respectively at the points (x k+l , y t+1 , z* + i), (**-j-2 2/*+2' * + *)> (#n V^ O will be urged in the direction parallel to the positive axis of x with the force * + mV^i^, [134] where r t is the distance between the points (*, y, z) and (a:,., ?/,., z,.) . If we agree to distinguish the two kinds of matter from each o ^ other by calling one kind " positive " and the other kind " neg- ative," it is easy to see that if every m which belongs to positive 78 THE POTENTIAL FUNCTION matter be given the plus sign and every m which belongs to negative matter the minus sign, we may write the last equation in the form X=-', The result obtained by making m in [135] equal to unity is called the force at the point (#, y, z). In general, m units of either kind of matter concentrated at the point (#, y, z) , and exposed to the action of any continuous distribution of matter, will be urged in the positive direction of the axis of x by the force n*ri ; [136] in this expression, p. the density at (V, ?/', z') , is to be taken positive or negative according as the matter at the point is positive or negative : m is to have the sign belonging to the matter at the point (x, y, z) : and the limits of integration are to be chosen so as to include all the matter which acts on m. With the same understanding about the signs of m and of p, it is clear that the force which urges in any direction s, m units of matter concentrated at the point (#,?/, z) is equal to in -D 8 V, where Fis the everywhere finite, continuous, and single-valued function r f r p (x 1 - *) dx' dy' dz' J J J [(x'-x and that mV measures the amount of work required to bring up from " infinity" by any path to its present position the m units of matter now at the point (#, y, z) . If we call the resultant force which would act on a unit of positive matter concentrated at the point P "the force at P," it is clear that if any closed surface T be drawn in a field of force due to any distribution of positive and negative matter so as to include a quantity of this matter algebraically equal to Q, IN THE CASE OF REPULSION. 79 the surface integral taken over T of the component in the direc- tion of the exterior normal of the force at the different points of the surface is equal to 4?rQ. It will be found, indeed, that all the equations and theorems given earlier in this chapter for the case of one kind of repelling matter may be used unchanged for the case where positive and negative matter coexist, if we only give to p and m their proper signs. It is to be noticed that Poisson's Equation is applicable whether we are dealing with attracting matter or repelling mat- ter, or positive and negative matter existing together. EXAMPLES. 1. Show that the extreme values of the potential function outside a closed surface S, due to a quantity of matter algebrai- cally equal to zero within the surface, are its extreme values on S. 2. Show that if the potential function due to a quantity of matter algebraically equal to zero and shut in by a closed sur- face S has a constant value all over the surface, then this con- stant value must be zero. 80 SUKFACE DISTRIBUTIONS. CHAPTER IV. SUEPACE DISTRIBUTIONS. -GEEEFS THEOEEM. 45. Force due to a Closed Shell of Repelling Matter. If a quantity of very finely-divided repelling matter be enclosed in a box of any shape made of indifferent material, it is evident from [127] and from the principles of Section 38 that if the vol- ume of the box is greater than the space occupied by the repel- ling matter, the latter will arrange itself so that its free surface will be equipotential with regard to all the active matter in existence, taking into account any there may be outside the box as well as that inside. It is easy to see, moreover, that we shall have a shell of matter lining the box and enclosing an empty space in the middle. That any such distribution as that indicated in the subjoined diagram is impossible follows immediately from the reasoning of Section 37. For ABC and DEF are parts of the same equipotential free surface of the matter. If we complete this surface by the parts indicated by the dotted lines, we shall enclose a space void of matter and having therefore throughout a value of the potential function equal to that on the bounding GREEN'S THEOREM. 81 surface. But in this case all points which can be reached from by paths which do not cut the repelling matter must be at the same potential as 0, and this evidently includes all space not actually occupied by the repelling matter ; which is absurd. Let us consider, then (see Fig. 32), a closed shell of repelling matter whose inner surface is equipotential, so that at every point of the cavity which the shell shuts in, the resultant force, due to the matter of which the shell is composed and to am- outside matter there may be, is zero. Let us take a small portion w of the bounding surface of the cavity as the base of a tube of- force which shall intercept an FIG. 32. area Von an equipotential surface which cuts it just outside the outer surface of the shell, and let us apply Gauss's Theorem to the box enclosed by w, o>', and the tube of force. If F' is the average value of the resultant force on ' = 4 TT??I, where m is the quantity of matter within the box. If we multi- ply and divide by o>, this equation may be written jp" = i^.^. [137] If . .If a;, 0, are the coordinates of the point P, #', y', z' those of a point of one of the elements of the area shut in by the closed line, and a the angle which the normal to the surface at this point makes with the axis of x, the size of the surface element is approximately - , where w 2 = 2 /2 -f ?/' 2 , and the cosa value at P of the potential function due to that part of the sur- face distribution shut in by the closed line is The quantity (ru a- sec a cos a -v(x x') 2 + u? u J is always finite, for, whatever the value of the quantit\- under the radical sign in the last expression may be when a;, a;', and u are all zero, it cannot be less than unity, and therefore Vi must be finite even when P moves down the axis of x to the surface itself. If V and V 2 are the values at P of the potential functions due respectively to all the existing acting matter and to that GREEN'S THEOREM. 8-3 part of this matter not lying on the portion of the surface shut in by our closed line, we have F= Vi + V 2 , and, since P is a point outside the matter which gives rise to F 2 , the latter is finite ; so that V is finite. The reader who wishes to study the properties of the deriva- tives of the potential function, and their relations to the force components at points actually in a surface distribution, will find the whole subject treated in the first part of Riemanu's Schwere, Electricitiit and Magnetismus. Using the notation of this section, it is easy to write down definite integrals which represent the values of the potential function at two points ou the same normal, one on one side of a superficial distribution, and at a distance a from it, and the other on the other side at a like distance, and to show that the difference between these integrals may be made as small as we like by choosing a small enough. This shows that the value of the potential function at a point P changes continuously, as P moves normally through a surface distribution of finite super- ficial density. If matter could be concentrated upon a geo- metric line, so that there should be a finite quantity of matter on the unit of length of the line, or if a finite quantity of matter could be really concentrated at a point, the resulting potential function would be infinite on the line itself, and at the point. 47. The Normal Force at Any Point of a Surface Distribu- tion. In the case of a strictly superficial distribution on a closed surface where the repelling matter is free to arrange itself at will, the inner surface of the matter (and hence the outer surface, which is coincident with it) is equipotential, and the resultant force at a point B just outside the distribution is normal to the surface and numerically equal to 4 ^ times the surface density at B. This shows that the derivative of tho potential function in the direction of the normal to the surface has values on opposite sides of the surface differing by 4 -a-, and at the surface itself cannot be said to have any definite value. 86 SURFACE DISTRIBUTIONS. It is easy, however, to find the force with which the repelling matter composing a superficial distribution is urged outwards. For, take a small element to of the surface as the base of a tube of force, and apply Gauss's Theorem to a box shut in by the surface of distribution, the tube of force, and a portion to' of an equipotential surface drawn just outside the distribution. Let F and F' be the average forces at the points of / on the Application of Mnthf mntiral Analysis to lite Theories of Elect ricitj and Maynetism. Nottingham, 1828. 88 SURFACE DISTRIBUTIONS. any one of these prisms cuts T, t/i, U^ U 3 , ... U 2n respectivel} 1 ; the angles which this edge makes with exterior normals drawn to T at these points, a l5 03, a 3 , ... cu n Vand the elements which the prism cuts from the surface T, ds^ ds. 2 , ds s , ...ds 2n . It is evident that wherever a line perpendicular to the plane yz cuts into T, the corresponding value of a is obtuse and its cosine negative, but wherever such a line cuts out of T, the correspond- ing value of a is acute and its cosine positive. Keeping this in mind, we shall see that although the base of a prism is the common projection of all the elements which it cuts from T, and in absolute value is approximately equal to an} T one of these multiplied by the corresponding value of cos a, yet, since dxdy, ds^ ds 2 , etc., are all positive areas and some of the cosines are negative, we must write, if we take account of signs, If the indicated integration with regard to x in the left-hand member of [140] be performed and the proper limits introduced, we shall have / /+ U. A +L\ -],[141] where the double sign of integration directs us to form a quan- tity corresponding to that in brackets for every prism which cuts T, to multiply this bj- the area of the base of the prism, and to find the limit of the sum of all the results as the bases of the prisms are made smaller and smaller. Since we may substitute for dydz any one of its approxi- mate values given above, we may write the quantity within the brackets U\ cos ai dSi + U 2 cos a. 2 ds 2 + U 3 cos a 3 ds s + , and this shows that the double integral is equivalent to the sur- face integral, taken over the whole of T, of 7 cos a, whence we may write CCCD x U'dxdydz=Cucosads, [Hi] GREEN'S THEOREM. 89 where the first integral is to be taken all through the space shut in by T, and the second over the whole surface. Let P(x, y, z) be anj point of T, a, /?, and y the angles which the exterior normal drawn to ? at T> makes with the coordinate axes, and P' a point on this normal at a distance An from P. The coordinates of P' are x 4- An cos a, y -\- An cos/?, z 4- An cos y, and if W=f(x, y, z) be any continuous function of the space coordinates, IF" f(f 11 y\ " p J \- K i Ui z ) ? W P ' =f(x-\- An cos a, ?/ + An cos/?, z 4- An cosy) =/(#, y, z) + An cos a D z f+ An cos/? D y f and 4-AncosyZ) z /+(An) 2 Q, ~\V W * , p = cos a A/4- cos /? A/+ cos 7 ' -D./+ AH Q, whence 1 i m = D n Wp = cos a D x f+ cos ft D y f-\- cos y D 2 f. [143] If, as a special case, W= x, we have Z> n x=cosa; so that [142] may be written fffPxU- dxdydz = CuD n 'x da, [144] which we were to prove.* Green's Theorem, which follows very easily from this result. may be stated iu the following form : If U and V are any two functions of the space coordinates which together with their first derivatives with respect to these coordinates are finite, continuous, and single-valued throughout the space shut iu by any closed surface T, then, if n refers to an exterior normal, * This theorem has been virtually proved already in Sections 29 and .'JO. 90 SURFACE DISTRIBUTIONS. = Cu- D n V- ds - C C Cu- V 2 F- dxdydz [145] = Cv-D n U-ds- C C Cv-V 2 U-dxdydz, [146] where the triple integrals include all the space within T and the single integrals include the whole surface. Since D X U- D X V=D X (U- D X V)-U-D X 2 V, we have J I I D x U'D X V- dx dydz = C CCD X (U' D x V)dxdydz- C C Cu-D x 2 V- dxdydz; but, from [144], CC CD x (U-D x V)dxdydz= Cu-D x V> D n x-ds, whence C C C(D X U-D X V) dxdydz = Cu- D x V-D n x-ds- CCCU'D*V-dxdydz. [147] If we form the two corresponding equations for the deriva- tives with regard to ?/ and z, and add the three together, we shall obtain an expression which, by the use of [143], reduces im- mediately to [145], Considerations of symmetry give [146]. If we subtract [146] from [145], we get f ff ( U- V 2 V- V- V 2 U) dxdydz [148] In applying Green's Theorem to such spaces as those marked T in the adjoining diagrams, it is to be noticed that the walls of the cavities, marked S' and S", as well as the surfaces, GREEN S THEOREM. 91 marked S, form parts of the boundaries of the spaces, and that the surface integrals, which the theorem declares must be taken FIG. 35. over the whole boundaries of the spaces, are to be extended over S' and S" as well as over S. We must remember, how- ever, that an exterior normal to T at S' points into the cavity C'. 49. Special Cases under Green's Theorem. I. If in [148] V be the potential function due to any distribution either of repelling matter or of positive and negative matter existing together, whether this matter is within or without T 7 , and if U= 1, we have and 47T CCC P dxdydz= f[-D M F]<7s. [149] The triple integral on the left-hand side of the equation is the whole amount of matter (algebraically considered, where we have both positive and negative matter) within 7\ and the dexter is the surface integral taken over T of the force in the direc- tion of the exterior normal; so that [14D] expresses Gauss's Theorem. II. If in [145] we make U equal to F, and let this represent as before the potential function due to any distribution of actual matter within or without 7\ we shall have |" C Cffdxdydz = fv- D n Yds + 4* f ffp Vdxdydz, [150] where 11 is the resultant force at the point (x, y, z) . 92 SURFACE DISTRIBUTIONS. III. If in [145] we make U= V= u, any function which within the closed surface T satisfies the equation V 2 w = 0, we shall have C C (\(D x u}-+(D y uY+(D,uy-\dxdydz = fu-D n u.ds.[\5\-\ IV. If in [148] Fis the potential function due to two distri- butions of active matter, M { inside the closed surface T and M 3 outside it, and if U= - where r is the distance of the point (#, ?/, z) from a fixed point 0, we must consider separately the two cases where is respectively without T and within T. A. If is without T 7 , V 2 f - ] =0 for points within the sur- w face. Also, V V= 47iy>, so that ds - JV- D n () ds = - FIG. 36. The triple integral is evidently equal to the value at the point of the potential function due to M 1 alone. If we call this Fi, siud notice (see [143]) that D n r at any point of T is the cosine of the angle 8 between r and the exterior normal to J 7 , we have D n V , FcosS , If 7 1 is a surface eqnipotential with respect to the joint action of 3/j and J/2, and if we denote by V, the constant value of V on T 7 , we have ""cos 8 , ds = GREEN'S THEOREM. 93 and it is easy to show, by the reasoning used in Section 31, that j - ds = 0, whence J r V l = --LC*>sZd8. [153] B. If is a point inside 7 1 , whether or not it is within M^ and -if T is equipotential with respect to the action of M l and J/ 2 , we will surround by a small spherical surface s' of radius r', and apply [148] to the space lying inside T and with- out the spherical surface. In doing so, it is to be noticed that s' forms part of the boundary of the region we are dealing with, and that an exterior normal to the region at s' will be an interior normal of the sphere. FIG. 37. we have 2/l\ Since for all points of the region we are considering V [ - 1 = 0. W ave f^T*- C* M _ r./WlW f r D ,,(Tw J r J r 1 J \rj J \r' J = _47r C C C^dxdydz; [154] or, since ds' = r' 2 d B (T\ ds - f^ ds, [159] J \rj J r if is within T, and f^ds= CvD H (}d8, [160] J r J \rj if is outside T. GREEN'S THEOREM. 95 50. Th? Surface Distributions Equivalent to Certain Volume Distributions. Keeping the notation of IV. in the last article, let T be a closed surface equipotential with respect either to the joint action of two distributions of matter, M l inside T and J/2 outside it, or (when M 2 equals zero) to the action of a single distribution within the surface ; and let Fj, F" 2 , and V be the values of the potential functions due respectively to M l alone, to M 2 alone, and to 3/i and M. 2 existing together. If a quantity of matter were condensed on T so as to give at every D V point a surface density equal to - , the whole quantity of 4?r matter on the surface would be and this, by [149], is equal in amount to J/i. Let us study the effect of removing MI from the inside of T and spreading it in a superficial distribution J/,' over 2\ so that the surface density D V ut every point shall be In what follows, it is assumed 4 TT that we have two distributions of matter, one inside the closed surface and the other outside. It is to be carefully noted, how- ever, that by putting 3L equal to zero in our equations, all our results are applicable to the case where we have an equipotential surface surrounding all the matter, which may be all of one kind or not. The value, at any point 0, of the potential function due to the joint effect of J/ 2 and the surface distribution J//, would be 4 ir If is an outside point, we have, by [153], F = F 2 + F 1 , so that the effect at any point outside an equipotentinl surface of a quantity J/, of matter anyhow distributed inside the Mir- face is the same as that of an equal quantity of matter dis- tributed over the surface in such a way that the superficial 96 SURFACE DISTRIBUTIONS. density at ever}- point is "- , where V is the value of the 4 - potential function due to the joint action of M l and any matter (M 2 ) that may be outside the surface. If is an inside point, we have, by [157], F =F 2 + F,-F 2 = F., [161] which shows that the joint effect of M 2 and M is to give to all points within and upon the surface the same constant value of the potential function which points upon the surface had before M t was displaced by MJ. If, therefore, Jf/ and M 2 exist without .Mi, there is no force at any point of the cavity shut in by T; or, in other words, the force due to M alone is at all points inside T equal and opposite to that due to M 2 . If M! and M 2 exist without J/i', the cavity enclosed by T is, in general, a field of force. MI acts as a screen to shield the space within T from the action of M 2 . The surface of MI is equipotential with respect to all the active matter, so that there is no tendency of the matter com- posing the surface distribution to arrange itself in any different manner upon T. 51. The potential function F, due to any distribution of matter whose volume density p is everywhere finite, satisfies the following conditions : (1 ) F and its first space derivatives are everywhere finite and continuous, and are equal to zero at an infinite distance from the attracting mass. (2) If R is the distance from the origin of coordinates to the point P, limit / T7 - -n\ -it- R = ( F P'- R ) = - af ' where M is a definite constant. (3) Except at the surface of the attracting mass, or at some other surface where p is discontinuous, . V 2 F=-47rp, where p is to be put equal to zero outside of the attracting mass. GREEN'S THEOREM. 97 It is easy to show from Green's Theorem that for a given value of p as a function of x, y, and z, only one function which will satisfy these three conditions exists. Suppose, for the sake of argument, that there are two such functions, Faiid F', and put u = V V. It is evident that u satisfies conditions (1) and (2), and that V~(M) = except where p is discontinuous. Parallel to each surface of discontinuity, and very near to it, draw two surfaces, one on each side, so as to shut in the places where Vu is not zero, and draw a spherical surface about the origin, using a radius R large enough to O ' ~ O ~ enclose all the surfaces of discontinuity. If now we apply [151] to that part of the space inside the spherical surface and not shut in by the barriers which we have drawn, and if we notice that each pair of parallel barriers to- gether yields nothing to the surface integral, we shall have f f f[(A) 2 + (D, uY + (>^) 2 ] dxdydz = Cu -D n u- ds, where the dexter integral is to be extended over the spherical surface only. If dw is the solid angle of the infinitesimal cone which inter- cepts the element ds from the spherical surface, we have I uD n uds = R 2 f uD R ud) must, however, yield a value of Q which though positive, is so small that no other one can make Q smaller. Let h be an arbitrary constant to which some value has been assigned, and let iv be any function which satisfies condition (1) and is equal to zero at all parts of $, then U=v-+-hw will satisfy conditions (1) and (3), and conversely, there is no function which satisfies these two conditions which cannot be written in the form U= v -\- hw, where h is an arbi- trary constant, and iv a function which is zero at S and which satisfies condition (1). Call the minimum value of Q due to v, Q c , and the value of Q due to U, Qv, then ( C C( (D x v D z w +D y v-D y w + D,v - D f ic) dxdydz + h? [( D * w Y + ( D v w Y + ( A') 2 ] dxdydz, which, since iv is zero at the boundary of the region, may be written, by the help of Green's Theorem, Q v - Q t = -2/t C C Cw Now since Q v is the minimum value of Q, no one of the infi- nite number of values of Q U Q, formed by changing h and w under the conditions just named can be negative ; but if V s u were not everywhere equal to zero within Z/. it would be easy to choose v: so that the coefficient of '2h in the expression for Qu Q v should not be zero, and then to choose h so that Qv Q should be negative. Hence V 2 v is equal to zero through- 100 SURFACE DISTRIBUTIONS. out L, and there always exists at least one function which satis- fies the three conditions stated above. There is only one such function ; for if beside v there were another u = v + hw, we should have, since the coefficient of h is zero when V 2 (w) = 0, and, that Q u may be as small as Q v , JiQ must be zero, whence either h = or O = 0, and if O = 0, w is zero. Therefore, u = v, and there is only one function which in any given case satisfies all the three conditions given above. By applying the same reasoning to the space outside a closed surface S and inside a spherical surface of large radius R which is finally made infinite, it is easy to prove that there always exists in the space outside a closed surfaced one and only one function v which (1) has a given value at every point of $, (2) satisfies the equation V 2/ y = 0, (3) together with its first derivatives, is finite and continuous outside $, and (4) is such that the limit, as R becomes infinite, of Rv is a definite, finite constant. These theorems help us to prove other theorems, of which two are of considerable interest for us. I. If a function v=f(x,y,z), together with its first space derivatives, is finite and continuous in all space outside a sur- face $, and outside this surface satisfies the equation V 2 t> = 0, and if v\ r x? + y 2 + z 2 approaches a definite, finite, constant limit as .the point (x, y, z) moves away from the origin to in- finity, then this function may be considered to be the potential function of a surface distribution of matter upon S. In order to prove this, we will first apply [160] to v', the function which has on S the same value as v, which inside S is, with its first derivatives, finite and continuous, and which satisfies the equation V 2 v'= ; and use the space inside S as our region. This gives f J where n refers to the exterior normal of S. GREEN'S THEOREM. 101 If we now apply [159] to the function v, using as a field the space outside S and within a spherical surface S 1 of large radius M, drawn about the point as centre, we shall have s- (T^ f?s + _L fvds' + JL CD a v J r R-J RJ where n is made to refer to the same normal as before bv a change of sign in the first two integrals. If now we combine the two equations just obtained, and make R infinite, so that tbe last two integrals of the second equation shall vanish, we shall have VO = + -T f(AX-A^) , <7rJ r which is the value at an outside point of the potential function due to a superficial distribution of surface density (D n v' D n v) 4ir spread upon S. It is to be noticed that the letter r refers to a point without S in each of the last three equations. Instead of one closed surface we might have several, as it is eas}- to prove by intro- ducing as many Dirichlet's functions as there are surfaces. We will state the second theorem, leaving the proof, wh/ch is almost identical in form with the one just given, for the reader. II. If a function v' = F(x,y,z} satisfies the equation V 2 f'= throughout the space enclosed by a closed surface , and within this space, together with its first derivatives, is everywhere finite and continuous, it may be considered to be the potential function within this space of a surface distribution on S. The superficial density of this distribution will be found to be J-(D n t,'-A,v), where v is the function which has the same value on S that ? has, and outside S satisfies the equation v~('-') = an< -l tnc other conditions given above. It follows, from these theorems, that we may assign any con- tinuously arranged arbitrary values to the potential function at 102 SURFACE DISTRIBUTIONS. the different points of a closed surface , make these values the common values on the surface of the functions v and v', and assert that a distribution of matter on S of surface density o- = (D n v' D n v) would give rise to a potential function 4?r having the chosen values on S. In this case v and v' would be the values in regions respectively without and within S of the potential function due to this surface distribution. It is, then, always possible to distribute matter in one and only one way upon a given closed surface so that the value of the potential function due to the matter shall have given values all over the surface. EXAMPLES. 1. Prove that there always exists one, but no other than this one, function, v, which, together with its first space derivatives, is finite, continuous, and single-valued everywhere within a given region L, has values at the boundary of the region equal to those of an arbitrarily chosen, finite, continuous, and single- valued function, f(x, y, 2), and satisfies at every point in L the equation D X (K- D x v) + D y (K- D tj v} + D,(K> D z v^ = 0, where K is a function positive within L. 2. If the potential function due to a certain distribution of matter is given equal to zero for all space external to a given closed surface S and equal to <(#, ?/, z), where < is a continu- ous single-valued function zero at all points of S, for all space within S ; there is no matter without $, there is a superficial dis- tribution of surface densit upon S, and the volume density of the matter within S is A?*]. [Thomson and Tait.] ELECTROSTATICS. 103 CHAPTER V. ELEOTEOSTATIOS. 53. Introductory. Having considered abstractly a few of the characteristic properties of what has been called "the New- tonian potential function," we will devote this chapter to a very brief discussion of some general principles of Electrostatics. By so doing we shall incidentally learn how to apply to the treat- ment of practical problems many of the theorems that we have proved in the preceding chapters. In what follows, the reader is supposed to be familiar with such electrostatic phenomena as are described in the first few chapters of treatises on Statical Electricity, and with the hypoth- eses that arc given to explain these phenomena. Without expressing any opinion with regard to the physical nature of what is cnlled electrification, we shall here take for granted that whether it is due to the presence of some sub- stance, or is only the consequence of a mode of motion or of a state of polarization, we may, without error in our results, use some of the language of the old "Two Fluid Theory of Elec- tricity " as the basis of our mathematical work. The reader is reminded that, among other things, this theory teaches that : (1) Every particle of a body which is in its natural state con- tains, combined together so as to cancel each other's effects at all outside points, equal large quantities of two kinds of elec- tricity with properties like those of the positive and negative " matter" described in Section 44. (2) Electrification consists in destroying in some way the equality between the amounts of the two kinds of electricity which a body, or some part of a body, naturally contains, so that there shall be an excess or charye of one kind. If the 104 ELECTROSTATICS. charge is of positive electricity, the body is said to be posi- tively electrified ; if the charge is negative, negatively electrified. Either kind of electricity existing uncombined with an equal quantity of the other kind, is called free electricity. (3) When a charged body A is brought into the neighborhood of another body B in its natural state, the two kinds of elec- tricity in every particle of B tend to separate from each other, one being attracted and the other repelled by A's charge, and to move in opposite directions. In general, a tendency to separation occurs in all parts of the body, whether it is charged or not, where the resultant electric force (the force due to all the free electricity in existence) is not zero. This effect is said to be due to induction. In our work we shall assume all this to be true, and proceed to apply the principles stated in Section 44 to the treatment of problems involving distributions of electricity. We shall find it convenient to distinguish between conductors, which offer prac- tically no resistance to the passage of electricity through their substance, and nonconductors, which we shall regard as prevent- ing altogether such transfer of electricity from part to part. 54. The Charges on Conductors are Superficial. When elec- tricity is communicated to a conductor, a state of equilibrium is soon established. After this has taken place, there can be no resultant force tending to move any portion of the charge through the substance of the conductor, for, by supposition, the conductor does not prevent the passage of electricity through itself. Moreover, the resultant electric force must be zero at all points in the substance of a conductor in electric equilibrium ; for if the force were not zero at an_y point, electricity would be produced by induction at, that point, and carried away through the body of the conductor under the action of the inducing force. From this it follows that the potential function V, due to all the free electricity in existence, must be constant throughout ELECTROSTATICS. 105 the substance of any single conductor in electric equilibrium, whether or not the conductor be charged, and whether or not there be other charged or uncharged conductors in the neigh- borhood. Different conductors existing together will in general be at different potentials, but all the points of any one of these conductors will be at the same potential. Wherever V is constant, y~I"=0, and hence, by Poisson's Equation, p = 0, so that there can be no free electricity within the substance of a conductor in equilibrium, and the whole charge must be distributed upon the surface. Experiment shows that we must regard the thickness of charges spread upon conductors as inappreciable, and that it is best to consider that in such cases we have to do with really superficial distributions of electricity, in which the conductor bears a rough analogy to the cavity enclosed by the thin shells of repelling matter de- scribed in the preceding chapter. The surface density at any point of a superficial distribution of electricity shall be taken positive or negative, according as the electricity at that point is positive or negative, and the force which would act upon a unit of positive electricity if it were concentrated at a point P without disturbing existing distribu- tions shall be called "the electric force" or "the strength of the electric field at P." It is evident, from Sections 45 and 4G, that the electric force at a point just outside a charged conductor, at a place where the surface density of the charge is /,z) would be in equilibrium, for it would give everywhere the poten- tial function ( I * = T , and this is constant wherever T', J r is constant. Only one distribution of the same quantity of electricity J/on the same conductor, removed from the influence of all other electricity, is possible ; for, suppose two different values of sur- face density possible, cr 1 =j\(x, y, z) and (x*y,z), then o- 2 = f->(x*y*z) is a possible distribution of the charge ^F. Superpose the distribution o- 2 upon the distribution o-, so that the total charge shall be equal to zero ; then the surface density at every point is rr l o- 2 , and this must be zero by what we have just proved, so that o- : = S' 1 = Q 1 and 0-282 = Q%, whence Si=Q, [163] where FI and F 2 are the average values, over Si and S respec- tively, of the normal force taken in the same direction (that in which V decreases) in both cases. In other words, the flow of force across all equipotential sections of a tube of force con- taining no electricity is the same, or the average force over an equipotential section of an empty tube of force is inversely pro- portional to the area of the section. When a tube of force encounters a quantity m of electricity (Fig. 39), the flow of force through the tube on passing this 110 ELECTROSTATICS. electricity is increased by 4-jrm. If, however, the tube encoun- ters a conductor large enough to close its end completely, a charge m will be found on the conductor just sufficient to reduce to zero the flow of force (/) through the tube. That is, m = - 47T It is sometimes convenient to consider an electric field to be divided up by a system of tubes of force, so chosen that the flow of force across any equipotential surface of each tube shall be equal to 4?r. Such tubes are called unit tubes; for wherever one of them abuts on a conductor, there is always the unit quan- tity of electricity on that portion of the conductor's surface which the tube intercepts. In some treatises on electricity the term " line of force" is used to represent a unit tube of force, as when a conductor is said to cut a certain number of " lines of force." It is evident that m unit tubes abut on a surface just outside a conductor charged with m units of either kind of electricity, if the superficial density of the charge has everywhere the same sign. These tubes must be regarded as beginning at the con- ductor if m is positive, and as ending there if m is negative. If a conductor is charged at some places with positive elec- tricity and at others with negative electricity, tubes of force will begin where the electrification is positive, and others will end where the electrification is negative. It is evident that no tube of force can return into itself. FIG. 40. 57. Hollow Conductors. When the nonconducting cavity, shut in by a hollow conductor K (Fig. 40), contains quantities ELECTROSTATICS. Ill of electricity (ra^ w 2 , m 3 , etc., or ^ ?n) distributed in any way, but insulated from A", there is induced on the walls of the cavity a charge of electricity algebraically equal in quantity, but oppo- site in sign, to the algebraic sum of the electricity within the cavity. Call the outside surface of the conductor S and its charge 3/ , the boundary of the cavity , and its charge 37,., and sur- round the cavity by a closed surface , etc., to different positions, the distribution of J/j-on S ( will in general be changed, although its value" remains unchanged. If K has received no electricity from without, its total charge must be zero ; that is, If a charge algebraically equal to M be given to A", 3f o = J/_J/.. The combined effect of ^ (m ), the electricity within the cavity, and MI, the electricity on the walls of the cavity, is at all points without Si absolutely null. For, if we apply [!">'>] to S, any sur- face drawn in the conductor so as to enclose .\. we shall have />,.!' everywhere zero, since the potential function is constant within the conductor; this shows that 1'j, the potential function due to 112 ELECTllOSTATICS. all the electricity within , must be zero at all points without S ; but S may be drawn as nearly coincident with S { as we please. Hence our theorem, which shows that, so far as the value of the potential function in the substance of the conductor or outside it, and so far as the arrangement of M and of M ', any free electricity there may be outside K, are concerned, M ( and N (m) might be removed together without changing anything. The potential function at all points outside S t is to be found by con- sidering only M and M' . If Si happens to be one of the equipotential surfaces of ^ (m) considered by itself, M i will be arranged in the same way as a charge of the same magnitude would arrange itself on a con- ductor whose outside surface was of the shape $ if removed from the action of all other free electricity. The potential function ( F 2 ) due to M and M' is constant everywhere within S ; for if we apply [157] to a surface , drawn within the substance of the conductor as near S as we like, we shall have F S -F = 0, whicli proves the theorem. The potential function within the cavity is equal to F" 2 + Fi, where Vi is the potential function due to M t and ^ (w) Of these, F" 2 is, as we have seen, constant throughout K and the cavity (Section 31) which it encloses, while V\ has different values in different parts of the cavity, and is zero within the substance of the conductor. Suppose now that, by means of an electrical machine, some of the two kinds of electricity existing combined together in a conductor within the cavity be separated, and equal quantities (g) of each kind be set free and distributed in any manner within the cavity. The value of Fi within the cavity will probably be different from what it was before, but F" 2 will be unchanged ; for the ELECTROSTATICS. 113 quantity of matter in the cavity is unchanged, being now, alge- braically considered, so that M t is unchanged, although it may have been differently arranged on <, in order to keep the value of Fi zero within the substance of the conductor. If now a part of the free electricity in the cavity be conveyed to S t in some way, the sub- stance of the conductor will still remain at the same potential as before. For, if I units of positive electricity and n units of negative electricity be thus transferred to S { , the whole quantity of free electricity within the cavity will be N (m) l + n, and that on S { will be M { -\-l-n: but these are numerically equal, but opposite in sign, and the charge on S t , if properly arranged, suffices, without drawing on M to reduce to zero the value of Fi in K. Since M and M' remain as before, Y 2 is unchanged, and the conductor is at the same potential as before. So long as no electricity is introduced into the cavity from without K, no electrical charges within the cavity can have any effect out- side S^ Most experiments in electricity are carried on in rooms, which we can regard as hollows in a large conductor, the earth. Fg, the value of the potential function in the earth and the walls of the room, is not changed by anything that goes on inside the room, where the potential function is V V l + V 2 . Since we are generally concerned, not with the absolute value of the poten- tial function, but only with its variations within the room, and since Fo remains always constant, it is often convenient to dis- regard F, altogether, and to call 1\ the value of the potential function inside the room. When we do this we must remember that we are taking the value of the potential function in the earth as an arbitrary zero, and that the value of I", at a point in the room really measures only the difference between the values of the potential function in the earth and at the point in ques- tion. When a conductor A in the room is connected with the 114 ELECTROSTATICS. walls of the room by a wire, the value of V\ in A is, of course, zero, and A is said to have been put to earth. 58. Induced Charge on a Conductor which is put to Earth. Suppose that there are in a room a number of conductors, viz. : AI charged with M 1 units of electricity, and A 2 , A 3 , A, etc., connected with the walls of the room, and therefore at the po- tential of the earth, which we will take for our zero. If the potential function has the value p l inside A^ every point in the room outside the conductors must have a value of the potential function lying between pj and 0, else the potential function must have a maximum or a minimum in empty space. If 2h is posi- tive, there can be no positive electricity on the other conductors ; for if there were, lines of force must start from these conductors and go to places of lower potential ; but there are no such places, since these conductors are at potential zero, and all other points of the room at positive potentials. In a similar way we may prove that if 2h is negative, the electricity induced on the other conductors is wholly positive. Now let us apply [158] to a spherical surface, drawn so as to include A l and at least one of the other conductors, but with radius a so small that some parts of the surface shall lie within the room. If we take the point at the centre of this surface, we shall have 47rF 2 = - fD r V-ds + ~ Cvds. [165] aJ o?J If M is the whole quantity of electricity within the spherical surface, there must be a quantity M outside the surface, either on the walls of the room or on conductors within the room. The value at of the potential function, V 2 , due to the elec- M tricity without the sphere, is less in absolute value than , for it could only be as great as this if all the electricity outside the sphere were brought up to its surface. By Gauss's Theorem, ELECTROSTATICS. 115 therefore, f Fds = 47ra[Jtf +aF 2 ]. [166] Now, if MI is positive, the integral is positive, for all parts of the spherical surface within the room yield positive differentials, and all other parts zero, so that the second side of the equation is positive. But a V. 2 is of opposite sign to M, and is less in absolute value ; hence, M is positive, and the total amount of negative electricity induced on the other conductors within the spherical surface by the charge on A^ is numerically less than this charge, unless some one of these conductors surrounds A s ; in which case the induced charge comes wholly on this conduc- tor, while the other conductors, and the walls of the room, are free. Some of the tubes of force which begin at A l end on the walls of the room, provided these latter can be reached from AI without passing through the substance of any conductor. 59. Coefficients of Induction and Capacity. If a number of insulated conductors, A^ A M A^ etc., ai - e in a room in the pres- ence of a conductor A l charged with J/j units of electricity, the whole charge on each is zero ; but equal amounts of positive and negative electricity are so arranged by induction on each, that the potential function is constant- throughout the substance of every one of the conductors. Let the values of the potential functions in the system of con- ductors be PJ, 2hi Pzi P\i etc- Since each conductor except A\ is electrified, if at all, in some places with positive electricity, and in others with negative electricity, some lines of force nni-4 start from, and others end at, every such electrified conductor. so that there must be points in the air about each conductor at lower and at higher potentials than the conductor itself. But the value of the potential function in the walls of the room is zero, and there can be no points of maximum or minimum poten- tial in empty space ; so that PI must be that value of the poten- tial function in the room most widely different from zero, and Pzi PAI P^ e tc-, must have the same sign as p t . The reader may show, if he likes, that both the negative part 116 ELECTHOSTATICS. and the positive part of the zero charge of any conductor, ex- cept An is less than J/i. Letp u be the value of the potential function in a conductor A L charged with a single unit of electricity, and standing in the presence of a number of other conductors all uncharged and insulated. Then if Pui Pizt Pu-> etc., are, under these cir- cumstances, the values of the potential functions in the other conductors, A^ A^ A, etc., the potential functions in these conductors will be M l p 12 , M 1 p l3 , M^pu, etc., if A l be charged with Mi units of electricity instead of with one unit. This is evident, for we may superpose a number of distributions which are singly in equilibrium upon a set of conductors, and get a new distribution in equilibrium where the density is the sum of the densities of the component distributions, and the value of the resulting potential function the sum of the values of their potential functions. If A! be discharged and insulated, and a charge 3/ 2 be given to A 2 , the values of the potential functions in the different con- ductors may be written etc. If now we give to A l and A 2 at the same time the charges J/i and M., respectively, and keep the other conductors insulated, the result will be equivalent to superposing the second distribu- tion, which we have just considered, upon the first, and the con- ductors will be respectively at potentials, MiPii + MaPsLj MiPu + M 2 p. 4irrlo!f so that the charge on the unit of length of the cylinder is F F ! - -, and the charge on the corresponding portion of the 2 log!! r t inner surface of the shell is the negative of this. We may find the capacity of the unit length of the cylinder by putting F" = and Fj = 1, whence capacity = -- 2 log 1 r t If r in tins expression is made very large, the capacity of the cylinder will be very small. In the case of a fine wire connecting two conductors, r, will be very small, and there will be no conducting shell nearer than the walls of the room, so that the capacity of such a wire is plainly negligible. 65. Specific Inductive Capacity. In all our work up to this time we have supposed conductors to be separated from each other by electrically indifferent media, which simply prevent the passage of electricity from one conductor to another. We have no reason to believe, however, that such media exist. in nature. Experiment shows, for instance, that the capacity of a given spherical condenser depends essentially upon the kind of insulating material used to separate the sphere from its shell, so that this material, without conducting electricity. modifies the action of the charges on the conductors. Insu- lators, when considered as transmitting electric action, are sometimes called dielectrics. Whatever may really be the physical natures of the sub- stances, such as glass, parafline, ebonite, etc., which we com- monly use as insulators, it has been shown that their behavior would be fairly well accounted for on the supposition that they 126 ELECTROSTATICS. are made up of truly insulating matter in which are imbedded, at little distances from one another, small, conducting par- ticles. It is evident that every such particle, if lying in a field of force, would be polarized ; that is, one part would be charged positively by induction, and the part most remote from this would be charged negatively, and that these induced charges would have some influence in determining the values of the potential function at points in the dielectric and in the conductors adjacent to it. Using the notation of Section 62, let the part A of a spheri- cal condenser be charged with m units of positive electricity and separated from the part .B, which is put to earth, by a spherical shell of radii r and r t made up of a given dielectric. Let us first ask ourselves what the effect of the dielectric would be if it consisted of extremely thin concentric conducting spheri- cal shells separated by extremely thin insulating spaces. It is evident that in this case we should have a quantity m of elec- tricity induced on the inside of the innermost shell, a quantity -\-m on the outside of this shell, a quantity m on the inner surface of the next shell, a quantity +m on the outside of this shell, and so on. If there were n such shells in the dielectric layer, and n + 1 spaces, and if 8 were the distance from the inner surface of one shell to the inner surface of the next, and AS the thickness of each shell, the value, at the centre of A, of the potential function due to the charges on these shells, would be 1 1 1 1 y'=m\ A r A3 + 8 r + 28 r- 1 1 r -AS + 28 1 1 r + ?iS i_ r AS + rtSj (r AS-f 8) (r+28)(r AS+28) This quantity lies between t-n ELECTROSTATICS. 127 2 g but these differ from each other by less than e = TO AS ^-^ , so that mA I , which is easily seen to lie between Jr y? G and //, differs from F/ by less than e. If, then, 8 is very small in comparison with r and r i5 F a ' differs from m\(- -} Vi r J by an exceedingly small fraction of its own value. This shows that the effect, at the centre of A, of such a system of conducting shells as we have imagined would be practically the same as if a charge m A were given to the inner surface of the dielectric, and a charge +?A to its outer surface, while the charges on the surfaces of the thin shells within the mass of the dielectric were taken away. That is, the value of the potential function in A would be m(l A)( ] instead of V r 'J Such a system of shells introduced into what we have hitherto supposed to be the electrically inert insulating matter between the two parts of a spherical condenser would increase the capa- city of the condenser in the ratio of 1 to 1 A. It is to be noticed that A is a proper fraction : A = and A = 1 would correspond respectively to a perfect insulator and to a perfect conductor. As Dr. E. II. Hall has suggested to me, the result given above might be easily obtained by computing* the amount of work done in moving a unit particle of electricity (supposed to be concentrated at a point, and not to disturb existing dis- tributions) from A to B. It is easy to see that the force at any point in the mass of one of the thin conducting shells would be zero, and that the force at any point in the space between two shells would be exactly the same as if then' were no shells in the dielectric. We have no reason to think that there are any such differences between the values of the force at contiguous points in the dielectric as this would indicate, and the conception of the thin shells has been introduced only * Mascart et Joubert, Lemons sur I'Elcctricite, 124. 128 ELECTROSTATICS. because the effect of these shells can be more easily computed thau that of a number of discrete particles. "When, however, the dielectric between the parts of a spheri- cal condenser is supposed to contain not a system of continuous shells, but a number of separate conducting particles, these are often regarded as forming a series of concentric layers, and it is assumed that the sum of the charges induced on the inner sides of the particles in the innermost layer is A'm, where A' is a proper fraction, larger or smaller in different dielectrics according as the particles are nearer together or farther apart, and that the inner surfaces of all the other layers have each the same charge, and the outer surface of every layer the cor- responding positive charge -f- X'm. The effect of this kind of dielectric, if made to replace a perfect insulator in our calcu- lations, would be to increase the capacity of the condenser in the ratio 1 to 1 p., where p. = A/A, and it is evident that the same effect might be produced by a charge p.m on that surface of the dielectric which touches A, and a charge + p,m on that surface which is in contact with B. Experiment shows that dielectrics used to separate and to surround charged conductors behave, in many respects, as if every surface in contact with a conductor had a charge opposite in sign to that of the conductor, and in absolute value p. times as great, p. being less thau unit}*, and constant for any one dielectric. That is, if the dielectric separating from each other a number of conductors be displaced by another, the capacities of all the conductors will be changed in the same ratio, depend- ing only upon the natures of the two dielectrics. The ratio of the fraction , in the case of any dielectric to 1 A* the same fraction in the case of 'air, for which p. is very nearly the same as for what we call a vacuum, is called the specific inductive capacity of the dielectric in question. This ratio is greater than unity for all solid and liquid dielectrics with which we are acquainted. The specific inductive capacity of a perfect conductor would be infinite. ELECTROSTATICS. 129 The following very clear statement of the effect produced by changing the dielectric which envelops the parts of a condenser made of two plates, is due to Dr. Hall, and is copied with his permission : "The fundamental fact concerning static electrical induction as observed by Faraday is this,* that if the two plates of a condenser, separated by air, receive respectively e l and e., units of electricity when charged to a certain difference of potential, e.g., by connection with the poles of a battery of many cells in series, the same two plates would, if anv other medium were substituted for the air, other conditions remaining unchanged, receive respectively Ke l and Ke units of electric- ity, K being some quantity greater than unity. This quantity .fiT is called the specific inductive capacity of the second medium. " Now, since the difference of potential between A and B is the same in these two cases, the 'electromotive intensity, 'f ?.e., the force exerted upon unit quantity of electricity, is the same in the two cases at any given point lying in the region through which the change of dielectric extends. If we were to attempt to determine the surface densities of the charges of the conduc- tors by means of the equation \ the values obtained would be the same for both cases. These would be the actual values of the surface densities if air were used, but would evidently not be the actual surface densities for the other case. For this latter case, the values thus found are called the 'apparent' surface densities, and bear to the true densities the ratio 1 to A'. " We must not conclude from this that A and 7? with charges Ke { and I\e.> respectively in the second medium would act, * Max well's Treatise on Flectn'riti/ and ^f^/}neti.nn, Art. f>2. t Maxwell's Treatise nn Electricity and Magnetism, Art. 44. t Maxwell's Treatise on E/ertriciti/ and Magnetism, First Edition, Art. 83. See, also, Section 47 of this book. 130 ELECTROSTATICS. in all electrical respects, like the same bodies with charges e^ and e 2 in air. Two spheres, A and -B, in air, with centres at distance r from each other, and having charges e x and e 2 respectively, would attract each other with a force 1 2 , whereas is m l m 2 V = --- where ^ = A 1 P and r 2 = A 2 P. 1\ T 2 It is easy to see that if m 1 is greater than w 2 , so that ?% = Xm 2 where A > 1 , V will be equal to zero all over a certain sphere which surrounds A z . If (Fig. 46) we let A^=a, A 1 = 8 1 , A 2 = 8 2 , OD = r, it is eas to see that X 2 a, a . 8. A charge of M units of electricity is communicated to a composite conductor made up of two widely-separated ellipsoidal conductors, of semiaxes 2, 3, 4 and 4, 0, 8 respectively, con- nected by a fine wire. Show that the charges on the two ellip- soids will be -M and - 37" respectively. [Stone.] a ;"> 9. Can two electrified bodies repel each other when no lines of force can be drawn from one body to the other? 10. Two conductors, A and B, connected with the earth are exposed to the inductive action of a third charged body. Do A and B act upon each other? If so, how? 11. Show that two equal conductors similarly placed with re- spect to each other always repel each other if raised to the same potentials and insulated ; but that if the volume of the potential function within the conductors differ never so little from each other, they will repel each other at great distances, hut at very near distances (supposing no spark to pass) they will attract each other. [Cummings.] 12. The superficial density has the same sign at all points of a conducting surface outside which there is no free electricity. 13. Show that r-i-B of the unit tubes of force proceeding 138 ELECTROSTATICS. from an electrified particle, at a distance 8 from the centre of a conducting sphere of radius r, which is put to earth, meet the sphere if there are no other conductors in the neighborhood, and that the rest go off to "infinity." 14. A charged insulated conductor A is so surrounded by a number of separate conductors _B, (7, Z>, , which are put to earth, that no straight line can be drawn from any point of A to the walls of the room without encountering one of these other conductors : will there be any induced charge on the walls of the room? See Section 37. 15. Two uniform straight wires of equal density, each two inches long, lie separated by an interval of one inch in the same straight line. Find the equation of the equipotential sur- faces due to these wires, and find what must be the density of a superficial distribution of matter on one of these surfaces which at all outside points would exert the same attraction as the wires do. 1C. An insulated conducting sphere of radius r charged with m units of positive electricity is influenced by ra units of posi- tive electricity concentrated at a point 2r distant from the cen- tre of the sphere. Give approximately the general shape of the equipotential surfaces in the neighborhood of the sphere. Give an instance of a positively electrified body whose poten- tial is negative. 17. A conductor, the equation of whose surface is ^. + id + *1 = i 25 16 9 is charged with 80 units of electricity ; what is the density at a point for which x = 3, y 3? If the density at this point be a, what is the whole charge on the ellipsoid ? 18. Prove that the capacity of n equal spherical condensers when arranged in cascade is onlv about -th of the capacitv of n one of the condensers ; but that if the inner spheres of all the ELECTROSTATICS. 139 condensers be connected together by fine wires, and the outer conductors be also connected together, the capacity of the com- plex condenser thus found is about n times that of a single * O one of the condensers. 19. Prove that if the charges of a system of conductors be increased, the increment of the energy of the system is equal to half the sum of the products of the increase in the charge first conducted into the sum of the values of the potential function within it at the beginning and the end of the process, or to half the sum of the products of the increment of the value of the potential function in each conductor into the sum of the original and final charges on that conductor. [Maxwell.] 20. Prove that if the charges of a fixed system of conductors be increased, the sum of the products of the original charge and the final potential of each conductor is equal to the sum of the products of the final charge and the original potential. [Max- well.] 21. Discuss the following passage from Maxwell's Elementary Treatise on Electricity : ' Let it be required to determine the equipotential surfaces due to the electrification of the conductor C placed on an insu- lating stand. Connect the conductor with one electrode of the electroscope, the other being connected with the earth. Elec- trify the exploring sphere,* and, carrying it by the insulating handle, bring its centre to a given point. Connect the elec- trodes for an instant, and then move the sphere in such a path that the indication of the electroscope remains zero. This path will lie on an equipotential surface." '2'2. Prove that the coefficients of potential (;>) and induction ((j) treated in Article f>l> have the following properties : (1) The order of the suffixes of any p or any / can be inverted without altering the value of the coefficient, or. in other words, Pu = Pu< and v = 7tt- * A very small conducting sphere fitted with an insulating handle. 140 ELECTROSTATICS. (2) All thep's are positive, but p lk is less than either p a or J9 M . (3) Those q's whose two suffixes are the same are positive ; the others are negative. That is, q kk and q tt are positive ; but q u is negative and is, moreover, numerically less than either of the others. 23. Prove that the following theorems (Maxwell's Elemen- tary Treatise on Electricity) are contained in the statements of the preceding problem : (1) In a system of fixed insulated conductors, the potential function in A k due to a charge communicated to A t is equal to the potential function in A l due to an equal charge in A k . (2) In a system of fixed conductors connected, all but one, with the walls of the room, the charge induced on A k when A l is raised to a given potential is equal to the charge induced on AI when A k is raised to an equal potential. (3) If in a system of fixed conductors, insulated and origi- nally without charge, a charge be communicated to A k which raises it to potential unity and A l to potential n, then if in the same system of conductors a charge unity be communicated to An and A k be connected with the earth, the charge induced on A k will be n. 24. A condenser consists of a sphere A of radius 100 sur- rounded by a concentric shell whose inner radius is 101 and outer radius 150. The shell is put to earth, and the sphere has a charge of 200 units of positive electricity. A sphere B of radius 100 outside the condenser can be connected with the condenser's sphere by means of a fine insulated wire passing through a small hole in the shell. B is connected with A ; the connection is then broken, and B is discharged ; the connection is then made and broken as before, and B is again discharged. After this process has been gone through with five times, what is A's potential? What would it become if the shell were to be removed without touching A? 25. Suppose the condenser mentioned in the last problem in- sulated and a charge of 100 units of positive electricity given to ELECTROSTATICS. 141 the shell. "What will be the potential of the sphere? of the shell? If we then connect the sphere with the earth by a flue insulated wire passing through the shell, what will the charge on the shell be ? What will be the potential of the shell ? If next A be insulated, and the shell be put to earth, what will be A's potential ? What will be its potential if the shell be now wholly removed ? 26. A spherical conductor of radius r is surrounded by a con- centric conducting spherical shell of radii T^ and 7? , and the outer surface of this shell is put to earth. If the inner conduc- tor be charged, show the effect at all points in space of moving the conductor so that it shall be eccentric with the shell. How is the capacity of the system changed by this ? 27. Prove that if the spherical surfaces of radii a and 6, which form a spherical condenser, are made slightly eccentric, c being the distance between their centres, the change of elec- . .~ ,. . , ,. ... - trification at any point of either surface is where is the Angular distance of the point from the line of centres, and where the difference between the values of the potential function on the two surfaces is unity. 28. Show that if an insulated conducting sphere of radius a be placed in a region of uniform force (X), acting parallel to the axis of , the function X x\ 1 + C satisfies all the X x\ 1 L r J _ conditions which the potential function outside the sphere must satisfy, and is therefore itself the potential function. Show that the surface density of the charge on the sphere is - . [Watson and Burbury.] 142 ELECTROSTATICS. MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS. 1. Prove that the attraction due to a homogeneous hemi- sphere of radius r is zero, at a point in the axis of the hemisphere g distant r approximately from the centre of the base. 2. Show that the attraction at the origin clue to the homo- geneous solid bounded by the surface obtained by revolving one loop of the curve r 2 = a? cos 20, is -| -n-a. 3. If the earth be considered as a homogeneous sphere of radius r, and if the force of gravity at its surface be $, show that from a point without the earth, at which the attraction is - g, the area 27rr 2 l - on the surface of the earth n will be visible. 4. A spherical conductor A, of radius a, charged with M units of electricity, is surrounded by n conducting spherical shells concentric with it. Each shell is of thickness a, and is separated from its neighbors by empty spaces of thickness a. Show that the limit approached by V A as n is made larger and M larger is (nat. log 2), and that for a finite number of shells a y M_ C ll+x ' n+l dx. [Stone.] a Jo l+x 5. If two systems of matter (M and M'), both shut in by a closed surface S, give rise to potential functions ( V and F') , which have equal values at every point of S, whether or not S is an equipotential surface of either system, then V cannot differ from V at any point outside $, and the algebraic sum of the matter of either system is equal to that of the other. [See Section 52, and Watson and Burbury's Mathematical Theory of Electricity and Magnetism, 60.] 6. Show that if two distributions of matter have in common an equipotential surface which surrounds them both, all their equipotential surfaces outside this will be common. ELECTROSTATICS. 143 7. Prove that if V be the potential function clue to any dis- tribution of matter over a closed surface /S', and if a-' be the density of a superficial distribution on /S', which gives nse to the same value of the potential function at each point of S as that of a unit of matter concentrated at any given point 0, then the value at O of the potential function due to the first distribution is I V-u-'-dS. ||KSS of gtrbich Boston. 'S3 Peirc,'s Three and Four Place Tables of Loga- rithinic anil Trigonometric Functions. By JAMKS Mn.i.s PKIRCE, University Professor of Mathematics in Harvard University. Quarto. Cloth. Mailing Trice, 45 cts. ; Introduction, 40 cts. Four-place tables require, in the long run, only half as much time + five-place tables, one-third as much time as six-place tables, and one-fourth as much as those of seven places. They are sufficient for the ordinary calculations of Surveying, Civil, Mechanical, and Mining Engineering, and Navigation; for the work of the Physical or Chemical Laboratory, and even for many computations of Astron- omy. They are also especially suited to be used in teaching, as they illustrate principles as well as the larger tables, and with far less expenditure of time. The present compilation has been prepared with care, and is handsomely and clearly printed. Elements of the Differential Calculus. With Numerous Examples and Applications. Designed for Use as a College Text-Book. By W. E. BYERLY, Professor of Mathematics, Harvard University. 8vo. 273 pages. Mailing Price, $2.15 ; Intro- duction, 2.00. This book embodies the results of the author's experience in teaching the Calculus at Cornell and Harvard Universities, and is intended for a text-book, and not for an exhaustive treatise. Its peculiarities are the rigorous use of the Doctrine of Limits, as a foundation of the subject, and as preliminary to the adoption of the more direct and practically convenient infinitesimal notation and nomenclature; the early introduction of a few simple formulas and methods for integrating: a rather elaborate treatment of the. use of infinitesimals in pure geometry : and the attempt to excite and keep up the interest of the student by bringing in throughout the whoie book, and not merely at the end, numerous applications to practical problems in geometry and mechanics. James Mills Peirce, Prof, of Math., H'irvard I'uiv. (From the Har- is general without being superficial ; limited to leading topics, and yet with- vard Register) : In mathematics, as in in its limits; thorough, accurate, and other branches of study, the need is , practical ; adapted to the communica- now very much felt of teaching which tion of some degree of power, as well '59 as knowledge, but free from details which are important only to the spe- cialist. Professor Byerly's Calculus appears to be designed to meet this want. . . . Such a plan leaves much room for the exercise of individual judgment ; and differences of opinion will undoubtedly exist in regard to one and another point of this book. But all teachers will agree that in selection, arrangement, and treatment, it is, on the whole, in a very high degree, wise, able, marked by a true scientific spirit, and calculated to develop the same spirit in the learner. . . . The book contains, perhaps, all of the integral calculus, as well as of the differential, that is necessary to the ordinary stu- dent. And with so much of this great scientific method, every thorough stu- dent of physics, and every general scholar who feels any interest in the relations of abstract thought, and is capable of grasping a mathematical idea, ought to be familiar. One who aspires to technical learning must sup- plement his mastery of the elements by the study of the comprehensive theoretical treatises. . . . But he who is thoroughly acquainted with the book before us has made a long stride into a sound and practical knowledge of the subject of the calculus. He has begun to be a real analyst. H. A. Newton, Prof, of Math, in Yale Coll., Xcw Haven : I have looked it through with care, and find the sub- ject very clearly and logically devel- oped. 1 am strongly inclined to use it in my class next year. S. Hart, recent Prof, of Math, in Trinity Coll., Conn.: The student- can hardly fail, I think, to get from the book an exact, and, ;it the same time, a satis- factory explanation of the principles on which the Calculus is based; and the introduction of the simpler methods of integration, as they are needed, enables applications of those principles to be introduced in such a way as to be both interesting and instructive. Charles Kraus, Techniker, Pard- ubitz, Bohemia, Austria ; Indem ich den Empfang Ihres Buches dankend bestaetige muss ich Ihnen, hoch geehr- ter Herr gestehen, dass mich dasselbe sehr erfrcut hat, da es sich durch grosse Reichhahigkeit, besonders klare Schreibweiseund vorzuegliche Behand- lung des Stoffes auszeichnet, und er- weist sich dieses Werk als eine bedetit- eride Bereicherung dermathematischen Wissenschaft. De Volson 'Wood, Prof, of Math., Stevens' hist., Hoboken, ~N.J.: To say, as I do, that it is a first-class work, is probably repeating what many have already said for it. I admire the rigid logical character of the work, and am gratified to see that so able a writer has shown explicitly the relation between Derivatives, Infinitesimals, and Differentials. The method of Limits is the true one on which to found the science of the calculus. The work is not only comprehensive, but no vague- ness is allowed in regard to definitions or fundamental principles. Del Kemper, Prof, of Math., Hampden Sidney Coll., I 'a. : My high estimate of it has been amply vindi- cated by its use in the class-room. R. H. Graves, Prof, of Math., Univ. of Jvorth Carolina: I have al- ready decided to use it with my next class ; it suits my purpose better than any other book on the same subject with which I am acquainted. Edw. Brooks, Author of a Series of Math. : Its statements are clear and scholarly, and its methods thoroughly analytic and in the spirit of the latest mathematical thought. i6o Syllabus of a Course in Plane Trigonometry. By W. K. BYEKI.Y. 8vo. 8 pages. Mailing Price, 10 cts. Syllabus of a Course in Plane Analytical Geom- etry. By \V. E. BYERLY. 8vo. 12 pages. Mailing Price, 10 cts. Syllabus of a Course in Plane Analytic Geom- etry {Advanced Course.) By W. E. BYERLY, Professor of Mathe- matics, Harvard University. 8vo. 12 pages. Mailing Price, 10 cts. Syllabus of a Course in Analytical Geometry of Three Dimensions. By W. E. BYERLY. 8vo. IO pages. Mailing Price, 10 cts. Syllabus of a Course on Modern Methods in Analytic Geometry. By W. E. BYERLY. 8vo. 8 pages. Mailing Price, 10 cts. Syllabus of a Course in the Theory of Equations. By W. E. BYERLY. 8vo. 8 pages. Mailing Price, 10 cts. Elements of the Integral Calculus. By \V. E. BYERLY, Professor of Mathematics in Harvard University. 8vo. 204 pages. Mailing Price, $2.15; Introduction, $2.00. This volume is a sequel to the author's treatise on the DitYerential Calculus (see page 134), and, like that, is written as a text-book. The last chapter, however, a Key to the Solution of Differential Equations, may prove of service to working mathematicians. H. A. Newton, Prof, of Math., Yale Coll. : \Ve shall use it in my optional class next term. Mathematical Visitor : The subject is presented very clearly. It is the first American treatise on the Cal- culus that we have seen which devotes any space to average and probability. Schoolmaster, Lcndcn : The merits of this work are as marked as those of the Differential Calculus by the same author. Zion's Herald : A text-book every way worthy of the venerable University in which the author is an honored teacher. Cambridge in Massachusetts, like Cambridge in England, preserves its reputation for the breadth and strict- ness of its mathematical requisitions, and these form the spinal column of a liberal education. A Short Table of Integrals. To accompany BYE JULY'S INTEGRAL CALCULUS. By B. O. PEIRCE, JR., Instructor in Mathematics, Harvard University. 16 pages. Mailing Price, 10 cts. To be bound with future editions of the Calculus. Elements of Quaternions. By A. S. HARDY, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics, Dartmouth College. Crown, 8vo. Cloth. 240 pages. Mailing Price, $2.15; Introduction, The chief aim has been to meet the wants of beginners in the class-room. The Elements and Lectures of Sir W. R. Hamilton are mines of wealth, and may be said to contain the suggestion of all that will be done in the way of Quaternion research and application : for this reason, as also on account of their diffuseness of style, they are not suitable for the purposes of elementary instruc- tion. The same may be said of Tail's Quaternions, a work of great originality and comprehensiveness, in style very elegant but very concise, and so beyond the time and needs of the beginner. The Introduction to Quaternions by Kelland contains many exer- cises and examples, of which free use has been made, admirably illustrating the Quaternion spirit and method, but has been found, in the class-room, practically deficient in the explanation of the theory and conceptions which underlie these applications. The object in view has thus been to cover the introductory ground more thoroughly, especially in symbolic transformations, and at the same time to obtain an arrangement better adapted to the methods of instruction common in this country. PRESS NOTICES. Westminster Review : It is a remarkably clear exposition of the sub- ject. The Daily Review, Edinburgh, Scotland : This is an admirable text- book. Prof. Hardy has ably supplied a felt want. The definitions are models of conciseness and perspicuity. The Nation : For those who have never studied the subject, this treatise seems to us superior both to the work of Prof. Tail and to the joint treatise by Profs. Tail and Kelland. New York Tribune : The Qua- ternion Calculus Is an instrument of mathematical research at once so pow- 162 erful, flexible, and elegant, so sweeping in its range, and so minutely accurate, that its discovery and development has been rightly estimated as one of the crowning achievements of the century. The time is approaching when all col- leges will insist upon its study as an essential part of the equipment of young men who aspire to be classified among the liberally educated. This book fur- nishes just the elementary instruction on the subject which is needed. New York Times : It is especially designed to meet the needs of begin- ners in the science. ... It has a way of putting things which is eminently its own, and which, for clearness and force, is as yet unsurpassed. ... If we may not seek for Quaternions made easy, we certainly need search no longer for Quaternions made plain. Van Nostrand Engineering Magazine : To any one who has labored with the very few works ex- tant upon this branch of mathematics, a glance at the opening chapter of Prof. Hardy's work will enforce the conviction that the author is an in- structor of the first order. The book is quite opportune. The subject must soon become a necessary one in all the higher institutions, for already are writers of mathematical essays making free use of Quaternions without any preliminary apology. Canada School Journal, To- ronto : The author of this treatise has shown a thorough mastery of the Qua- ternion Calculus. London Schoolmaster : It is in every way suited to a student who wishes to commence the subject ab initio. One will require but a few hours with this book to learn that this Calculus, with its concise notation, is a most powerful instrument for mathe- matical operations. Boston Transcript : A text-book of unquestioned excellence, and one peculiarly fitted for use in American schools and colleges. The Western, St. Louis: This work exhibits the scope and power of the new analysis in a very clear and concise form . . . illustrates very finely the important fact that a few simple principles underlie the whole body of mathematical truth. FROM COLLEGE PROFESSORS. James Mills Peirce, Prof, of Math., Harvard Coll. : I am much pleased with it. It seems to me to supply in a very satisfactory manner the need which has long existed of a clear, concise, well-arranged, and logi- cally-developed introduction to this branch of Mathematics. I think Prof. Hardy has shown excellent judgment in his methods of treatment, and also in limiting himself to the exposition and illustration of the fundamental principles of his subject. It is, as it ought to be, simply a preparation for the study of the writings of Hamilton and Tail. I hope the publication o/ this attractive treatise will increase the attention paid in our colleges to the profound, powerful, and fascinating cal- culus of which it treats. Charles A. Young. Prof, of Astronomy, Princeton Coll. : I find it by far the most clear and intelligible statement of the matter I have yet seen. i6 3 Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus. With Examples and Applications. By J. M. TAYLOR, Professor of Mathematics in Madison University. 8vo. Cloth. 249 pp. Mailing price, $1.95; Introduction price, $i.So. The aim of .this treatise is to present simply and concisely the fundamental problems of the Calculus, their solution, and more common applications. Its axiomatic datum is that the change of a variable, when not uniform, may be conceived as becoming uniform at any value of the variable. It employs the conception of rates, which affords finite differen- tials, and also the simplest and most natural view of the problem of the Differential Calculus. This problem of finding the relative rates of change of related variables is afterwards reduced to that of finding the fimit of the ratio of their simultaneous increments ; and, in a final chapter, the latter problem is solved by the principles of infinitesimals. Many theorems are proved both by the method of rates and that of limits, and thus each is made to throw light upon the other. The chapter on differentiation is followed by one on direct integra- tion and its more important applications. Throughout the work there are numerous practical problems in Geometry and Mechanics, which serve to exhibit the power and use of the science, and to excite and keep alive the interest of the student. Judging from the author's experience in teaching the subject, it is believed that this elementary treatise so sets forth and illustrates the highly practical nature of the Calculus, as to awaken a lively interest in many readers to whom a more abstract method of treat- ment would be distasteful. Oren Root, Jr., Prof, of Math., Hamilton Coll., N.Y.: In reading the manuscript I was impressed by the clearness of definition and demonstra- tion, the pertinence of illustration, and the happy union of exclusion and con- densation. It seems to me most admir- ably suited for use in college classes. I prove my regard by adopting this as our text-book on the calculus. C. M. Charrappin, S.J., St. Louis Univ. : I have given the book a thorough examination, and I am satis- fied that it is the best work on the sub- ject I have seen. I mean the best work for what it was intended, a text- book. I would like very much to in- troduce it in the University. (Jan. 12, 1885.) University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 HIH^ydMe^ufi i Angeles, CA 90024-1388 tuf n tbif/qater.ial to the library rrfl.was borrowed. OCT261993 RECEIVEC SEP 2 8 1993 EMS LIBRARY QA825P35e EDUCATION LIBRARY ULMV: '"ORNL. Unh S