UC-NRLF Ifl 5D7 THAT TEACHE^- ANOTHER 'EACHEST THOU NOT THYSELF?" RBI aBHfi RGOS ^'v fl BH REESE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. LIBRARY G \ PLATE I. III g. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 A COURSE IN EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY BY EDMUND C. SANFORD, PH.D. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF PSYCHOLOGY, CLARK UNIVERSITY. PART I: SENSATION AND PERCEPTION. BOSTON, U.S.A.: D. C. HEATH & CO., PUBLISHERS. 1897. 53 BIOLOGY LIBRARY G COPYRIGHT, 1894, BY EDMUND C. SANFOBD. TYPOGRAPHY BY C. J. PETEBS & SON, BOSTON. PBESSWOBK BY S. J. PABKHILL & Co., BOSTON. PBEFATORY NOTE TO EDITION OF ADVANCED SHEETS. THE portion of the course which follows will be found to treat of the senses only, and indeed not fully of them, for it still lacks a chapter upon some of the most interesting experiments in vision. The author's excuse for allowing the publication, even in this modest form, of so incomplete a work, must be the very extraordinary condition of experi- mental psychology at this time. Many laboratories have been opened, and many teachers of psychology are anxious to give their students the benefit of demonstrations and practice work, and yet there is absolutely no laboratory handbook of the subject to be had. At such a time half a loaf may be better than 110 bread at least, so a number of the author's professional friends have seemed to believe; and, since the completion of the whole must be still further delayed, he offers this half loaf. The course as planned consists of two parts : PART I on sensation and perception ; and PART II on more complex mental phenomena. PART I needs three chapters more to complete it : Chap- ter VII, on the Visual Perception of Extent, Distance, Direction, and Motion; Chapter VIII, On the Psycho- physic Methods and Weber's Law; and Chapter IX, On Apparatus for the Study of the Senses. PART II will con- tain chapters on the following topics : Eeflex and Voluntary iii iy PREFATORY NOTE. Movement, The Time Relations of Mental Phenomena, Association, Memory, Attention, and Emotion, so far as these subjects can be approached with experiments of mod- erate difficulty, together with a chapter on the apparatus necessary for such experiments. E. C. S. WORCESTER, July^ 1894. LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. CHAPTER I. The Dermal Senses. THE sense organs of the skin give us besides pain, tick- ling, shudder, and the like, the more special sensations of contact, heat, cold, and pressure. All these may be received passively when our members are at rest, or actively when our members are in motion, in which case special sensations of motion are blended with those just mentioned. We also assign to each sensation a more or less exact location. To examine some of these skin sensations is the purpose of this chapter. 1 SENSATIONS OF CONTACT. 1. The Location of Touches. Touch yourself in several places with the same object, and analyze out, as far as you can, the particular quality of the sensation by which you recognize the place touched. This quality of a sensation is known as its " Local Sign." Lotze, 2 A, 328 ff., 405 ff. ; J5, 39 ff. Stumpf. 1 As a general term for perceptions of touch in the widest sense, Max Dessoir (p. 242) suggests Haptics as an analogue of Optics and Acoustics. This he further divides into Contact-sense (including a, pure contact, and 6, pressure) and Psela- phesia, from i//T)AaT7 e'' ', a a! c" -sharp e" , or a c r e' c" , a c r f c" . If the attention is directed to the bass in the first example and to the alto in the second the whole mass of tone will appear to descend in the first case and to ascend in the second. If the attention is kept on the soprano part the illusion will not appear, as also when the observer examines his sensations critically. Cf. also Ex. 81 d, where beats of a partial tone are attributed to the whole compound tone. Mach, B, 126-127; Stuinpf, II., 393-395, 78 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. 92. Simultaneous Tones interfere somewhat with one another in Intensity. la. a. Play the groups of notes numbered 1, 2, and 3 and ob- serve the slight increase in the apparent intensity of the remaining tones as one after another drops out, making 1 sound like la, 2 like 2a, and so on. On the piano it will be well to play the notes an octave or two lower than they are written. b. Play the notes marked 4, and notice that the increase of loudness seems to affect the note (highest or lowest) that receives particular attention, making the effect in one case like 4a, in the other like 4&. Mach, J3, 126; Stumpf, II., 418-423. 93. Consonant and Dissonant Intervals, a. The conso- nant intervals within the octave are the unison, octave, fifth, fourth, major sixth, major third, minor third, and minor sixth. They will be found to decrease in smoothness about in the order given. Try them beginning with the octave and at c, as follows : c c', eg, cf,ca, c e, c e-flat, c a-flat. Try the last four intervals also in the octave of c" or c"' and notice that they are less rough than when taken in the SENSATIONS OF HEADING. 79 octave of c. Any other intervals within the octave are dis- sonant. Try c c-sharp, c d, c b, c b-flat, c f-sharp. The roughness is due to beating partial tones and in general is greater when these stand low in the partial tone series and are loud, and when they lie within a half-tone of each other. Work out for the tones of several of the intervals the series of partial tones up to the eighth. In general the extension of intervals into the second octave (taking the higher tone an octave higher or the lower tone an octave lower) does not change the fact of consonance or dissonance, though it may change the relative roughness. b. Those fitted by musical training to pronounce upon questions of consonance and dissonance hold that dissonance can be perceived between simple tones under conditions that exclude beats, and that consonance is something more than the smooth flowing of tones undisturbed by beats. The test is easy to make. Hold tuning-forks making the inter- val to be tested one before each ear, and if there are beats, carry the forks far enough away in each direction to make the beats inaudible. Only those of musical ear, however, can pronounce upon the result. Helmholtz, 179-197; Stumpf, II., 470, 460; Wundt, 3te Aufl., I., 439, II., 47 ff ; Mach, B, 129-130; Preyer, D, 44 ff. 94. Consonant and Dissonant Chords. In order to form a consonant chord, all the intervals among the tones must also be consonant. The only chords of three tones which fulfil this condition within the octave are represented by the following : Major c e g, cf a, c e-flat a-flat, minor c e- flat g, c f a-flat, c e a. Try these and for comparison any other chord of three tones having c for its lowest tone. Helmholtz, 211 ff.; Wundt, 3te Aufl., II., 61, 63 ff. 95. Major and Minor Chords. Compare the chords c" e" g" and c" e"-flat g". This unmistakable difference in effect 80 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. depends in part at least on the fact that in the major chord the difference tones of the first order are lower octaves of c" itself , while in the minor chord one difference tone is not such at all, and if taken in the same octave with the chord would be highly dissonant. For the major chord, when taken in the octave of c" ', the difference tones are c and c", for the minor chord c e-flat, A-flat. Try on a reed instru- ment the difference tones generated by c" e", e" g", c" e"-flat, e"-flat g", first separately ; and then, while c" and g" are kept sounding strike e" and e"-flat alternately. Helmholtz, 215-217; Stumpf, II., 335, 376 ff.; Wundt, 3te. Aufl., II., 61 ff., 67 ff. 96. Cadences. Modern music requires the prominence of the key note or tonic and of the chord in which it holds the chief place at the beginning of a piece of music and at the end. The feeling of the appropriateness of this close, and especially of the succession of chords in the cadences above, can hardly fail to appeal even to the unmusical. Helmholtz, 293. 97. The Absolute Time Eelations of music have much to do with its emotional effect. Have a familiar piece of music played in its proper time, then very slowly and very rapidly. SENSATIONS OF BEARING. 8l BINAURAL AUDITION AND THE LOCATION OF SOUNDS. 98. Unison Tones Heard with the Two Ears. a. Strike a pair of unison forks that will sound equally loud and vibrate an equal length of time, and hold one before each ear, three or four inches away ; a single tone of rather in- definite location will be heard. As the forks are brought nearer, their tone seems to draw by degrees toward the median plane ; and when they are very loud and near, the tone may seem to be in the head. Return the forks to their first position and then move one a little nearer or a little farther away, and notice that the sound moves to the side of the nearer fork. When the difference in distance has become considerable that fork alone will be heard. b. Bring the forks again into the positions last mentioned one near and one far, (or better, place one fork on a rub- ber tube one end of which has been inserted in the opening of the ear and hold the other fork before the other ear), and then with the free or more distant fork make slow rhythmical motions toward and away from the ear, or rotate the fork slowly about its long axis, attending meantime to the fork on the other side. Alternate variations in the intensity of the tone of this fork corresponding to the ap- proach and recession of the other and apparently unheard fork can be observed. c. Repeat b and notice that when the changes in intensity are considerable there is a simultaneous shifting of the place of the tone, towards the median plane when the tone grows stronger, and away when it grows fainter. These changes of place are, however, less marked than the changes in intensity and those accompanying slight changes in intensity gener- ally escape observation. Schaefer, J5; Thompson; Urbantschitsch, B. 82 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. 99. Beats Heard with Two Ears. a. Operate as in Ex. 98 a, with forks beating three or four times a second. b. Try with a pair of very slow beating forks (once in two or three seconds). Notice a shifting of the sound from ear to ear corresponding to the rate of beating. c. Try again with a pair of rapid beating forks (twenty or thirty a second), and notice that the beats are heard in both ears. Schaefer, A, B, and O; Thompson; Cross and Goodwin. 100. Difference of Location Helps in the Analysis of Simultaneous Tones. Compare the ease with which the tones of a pair of octave forks are distinguished when the forks are held on opposite sides of the head with the diffi- culty of analysis in Ex. 83 b. Stumpf, II. , 336, 363. 101. Judgments of the Direction of Sounds. These depend in general on the relative intensity of the sounds reaching the two ears, but there is pretty good reason to believe that other factors co-operate and that tolerably cor- rect judgments, both as to distance and direction, can some- times be made from the sensations of one ear. a. Let the subject be seated with closed eyes. Snap the telegraph snapper at different points in space a foot or two distant from his head, being very careful not to betray the place in any way, and require him to indicate the direc- tion of the sound. Try points both in and out of the median plane. Observe that the subject seldom or never confuses right and left but often makes gross errors in other direc- tions. Constant tendencies to certain locations are by no means uncommon. b. Have the subject hold his hands against the sides of his head like another pair of ears, hollow backward, and try the effect upon his judgment of the direction of the snapper. SENSATIONS OF HEARING. 83 c. Find approximately how far the snapper must be moved vertically from the following points in order to make a just observable change in location : on a level with the ears in the median plane two feet in front ; opposite one ear, same distance ; in the median plane behind the head, same distance. Find the just observable horizontal displace- ments at the same points. A convenient way of measuring these distances is to clamp a yard-stick to a retort-stand, bring it into the line along which measurements are to be made and hold the snapper over the divisions of the stick. Snap once at the point of departure, then at a point a little way distant in the direction to be studied ; again at the first point, so that the subject may keep it in mind, and then at a point a little more distant, and so on till a point is finally found which the subject recognizes as just obser- vably different. Eepeat, alternating snaps at the point of departure with those at a greater distance than that just found, decreasing the latter till a point is found where the directions can be no longer distinguished. Make a number of tests each way and take their average. d. Continuous simple tones are very difficult to locate. Place a tuning-fork on its resonance case at some distance in front of the subject (seated with closed eyes), another at an equal distance behind him. With the help of an assis- tant strike both forks, and after a little have one of them stopped and the mouth of its resonance box covered. Ee- quire the subject to say which has been stopped. His errors will be very frequent. Compare with this his ability to distinguish whether a speaker is before or behind him. On a, Preyer, B ; von Kries, A ; on c, Miinsterberg, B ; on d, Kay- leigh. 102. Intercranial Location of Sounds, a. Sounds origi- nating outside the head are not located in the head when heard with one ear. Hold a loud-sounding tuning-fork 84 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. near the ear, or place it on a rubber tube, one end of which is inserted in the opening of the ear, and notice that the sound when strong may be located in the ear, but does not penetrate farther. Insert the other end of the tube in the opening of the other ear and repeat. The tone, if loud, will appear to come from the inside of the head. Removing and replacing the fork several times will help to give definite- ness to the location. b. Repeat the experiment, but use a fork sounding as faintly as possible (e.g., set in vibration by blowing smartly against it), and notice that the location, when a single ear receives the sound, is not so clearly in the ear, and, when both receive it, not so clearly in the head, perhaps even outside of it. Cf. also Ex. 103 b. Both a and b may also be made with beating tones instead of a single one. See also Ex. 69 e. Schaefer, B. 103. Location of the Tones of Tuning-forks Pressed against the Head. a. Strike a large and loud-sounding tuning-fork, and press its stem against the vertex. The tone will seem to come from the interior of the head, chiefly from the back. While the fork is in the same position, close one of the ears with the finger, not pressing it too tight; the sound will immediately seem to concentrate in the closed ear. Have an assistant manage the fork, and close the ears alternately. Something of the same kind happens when a deep note is sung ; close first one ear and then both, and notice the passage of the tone from the throat to the ear and finally to the middle of the head. b. Have an assistant manage the fork, and close both ears. Notice that when the fork is pressed on so as to make the tone loud the intercranial location is exact, but when the pressure is relaxed and the tone is faint the location tends to be extracranial. SENSATIONS OF HEARING. 85 c. Try setting the fork on other places than the vertex. Notice that in the occipital and parietal regions the sound appears in the opposite ear, though closing the ear as in a may bring it back to the same side as the fork. d. Take a long pencil in the teeth like a bit and rest the stem of a vibrating tuning-fork vertically on it near one end and close the ear on the other side ; the sound will seem to be located in the closed ear. Then gradually tilt the fork backward toward a horizontal position, keeping it in contact with the pencil, till its tip is opposite the open ear. The tone will change its place from the closed to the open ear. On a and 6, Schaefer, B and C ; on c, Thompson. BIBLIOGKAPHY. BRUCKE: Ueber die Wahrnehmung der Gerausche, Wien., Sitzb. 3te Abth., XC., 1884, 199-230. VON BEZOLD: A. Schuluntersuchungen iiber das kindliche Gehoror- gan, Zcitsch.f. Ohrenheilkynde, XIV., 1884-85, and XV., 1885- 86; also in English translation in the Archives of Otology, XIV. This paper gives the results of numerous tests on Munich school-children, not only with the watch but also with the acou- meter of Politzer and with whispered speech. J5. Einige weitere Mitteilungen iiber die kontinuierliche Tonreihe, insbesondere iiber die physiologische obere und untere Ton- grenze, ibid., XXIII., 1892, 254-267; also in English translation, Archives of Otology, 1893, 216-225. CORRADI: Zur Priifung der Schallperception durch die Knochen, Archiv fur Ohrenheilkunde, XXX., 1890, 175-182. Review with extract in the Zeitschrift fiir Psychologic, II., 1891, 124. CHARPENTIER: Recherches sur 1'intensite comparative des sons d'apres leur tonalite, Archives de physiologic, normale etpatho- logique, 1890, No. 3, 496-507. 86 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. CROSS AND GOODWIN: Some Considerations regarding Helniholtz's Theory of Consonance, Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1891-92, 1-12. CROSS AND MALTBY: On the Least Number of Vibrations Neces- sary to Determine Pitch, ibid., 222-235. DOCQ: Kecherches physico-physiologique sur la fonction collective des deux organs de 1'appareil auditif. Memoir es couronnes de I' Academic royale de Belgique, XX5QV., 1870. EXNER: Zur Lehre von den Gehorsempfindungen, Pfluger's Archiv, XIII. , 1876, 228-253. HELMHOLTZ : Sensations of Tone, English translation by Ellis, 2d Ed., London, 1885. This is the great classic of the subject. HENSEN: Physiologic des Gehors, Hermann's Handbuch der Physio- logic, III., pt. 2, 1-137. HERMANN: Zur Theorie der Combinationstone, Pjluger's Archiv, XLIX., 1891, 499-518. HERROUN AND YEO: Note on the Audibility of single Sound Waves and the Number of Vibrations necessary to produce a Tone, Proc. Royal Soc., L., No. 305, 1892, 318-323. JAMES : Principles of Psychology, New York, 1890. KESSEL : Ueber die vordere Tenotomie, Archiv fur Ohrenheilkunde, XXXI., 1891, 131-143, Keviewed, Zeitschrift fur Psychologic, II., 1891, 398. KONIG: Quelques experiences d'acoustique, Paris, 1882. VON KRIES: A. Ueber das Erkennen der Schallrichtung, Zeitschrift fur Psychologie, I., 1890, 235-251, 488. B. Ueber das absolute Gehor, Ibid., III., 1892, 257-279. LANGE : Beitrage zur Theorie der sinnlichen Aufmerksamkeit und der activen Apperception, Wundfs Philosophiscfie Studien, IV., 1888, 390-422. LORENZ : Untersuchungen iiber die Auffassung von Tondistanzen, WundV s Philos. Studien, VI., 1890, 26-103. LUFT : Ueber die Unterschiedsempfindlichkeit fur Tonhohen. Wundfs Philos. Studien, IV., 1888, 511-540. MACH: Works cited with same letters in bibliography of Chap. II. SENSATIONS OF HEARING. 87 MAYEB: A. Kesearches in Acoustics, Amer. Jour. Science, 3d Ser. VIII., 1874, 241-255, IX., 1875, 267-269, also Phil. Mag., 4th Ser. XLIX., Jan.-June, 1875, 352. B. Kesearches in Acoustics, No. VIII., Amer. Jour. Sc., 3d Ser. XII!, 1876, 329-336, also Phil. Mag., Ser. 5, II. , July-Dec., 1876, 500-507. MUNSTERBERG: A. Schwanktmgen der Aufmerksamkeit, Beitrdge zur experimentellen Psychologic, Heft 2, 1889, 69-124. B. Raumsinn des Ohres, Ibid., 182-234. C. Vergleichung von Tondistanzen, Ibid., Heft 4, 1892, 147-177. PREYER: A. Ueber die Grenzen der Tonwahrnehmung, Sammlung physiologischer Abhandlungen, I., Jena, 1877, 1-72. B. Die Wahrnehmung der Schallrichtung mittelst der Bogen- gange, Pfluger's Archiv, XL., 1887, 586-622. C. Ueber Combinationstone, Wiedemann's Annalen, XXXVIII., 1889, 131-136. D. Akustische Untersuchungen, Sammlung physiologischer Ab- handlungen, II., Jena, 1882, 175-244. RAYLEIGH: Our Perception of the Direction of a Source of Sound, Nature, XIV., 1876, 32. See also Acoustical Observations, Phil. Mag., Ser. 5, III., Jan.-June, 1877, 456-458. RUTHERFORD : A Lecture on the Sense of Hearing, delivered before the British Association at Birmingham on Sept. 6, 1886, Lancet, 1887, i. 2-6. SCHAEFER: A. Ueber die Wahrnehmung und Lokalisation von Schwebungen und Differenztonen, Zeitschrift fur Psychologie, I., 1890, 81-98. B. Zur interaurealen Lokalisation diotischer Wahrnehmungen, Ibid., I., 1890, 300-309. C. Ein Versuch iiber die intrakranielle Leitung leisester Tone von Ohr zu Ohr, Ibid., II., 1891, 111-114. See also discussion of Schaefer, Scripture and Wundt, Ibid., IV., 348; V., 397; and WundV s Philos. Studien, VII., 630; VIII., 638, 641. SCHISCHMANOW: Untersuchungen iiber die Empfindlichkeit des In- tervallsinnes, Wundt 1 s Philos. Studien, V., 1889, 558-600. STUMPF: Tonpsychologie, Leipzig, 1883 and 1890. This work of Stumpf s is by far the most complete upon the Psychology of Tone. The two volumes so far published (the work is to be complete in four) cover the psychology of successive and of simultaneous tones. 88 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. THOMPSON, SYLVANUS P.: A. On Binaural Audition, Phil. Mag., Ser. 5, IV., July-Dec., 1877, 274-276; VI., July-Dec., 1878, 383-391; XII. , July-Dec., 1881, 351-355. B. On the Function of the Two Ears in the Perception of Space, Ibid., XIII., Jan.- June, 1882, 406-416. UKBANTSCHITSCH: A. Ueber eine Eigentiimlichkeit der Schallem- pfindungen geringster Intensitat, Centralblatt f. d. med. Wis- sens., 1875, 625-628. B. Zur Lehre von der Schallempfindung, Pflilger's Archiv, XXIV., 1881, 574-595. C. Ueber das An- und Abklingen acustischer Empfindungen, Ibid., XXV., 1881, 323-342. WUNDT: Work cited in bibliography of Chap. I., 3teAufl., I., 415 ff., II., 42 ff.; 4te Aufl., I., 443 ff. On the physics and physiology of sound, reference may be made, in addition to the works already mentioned, to Tyndall, On Sound; Blaserna, Theory of Sound in its Relations to Music; Zahn, Sound and Music; and Taylor, Sound and Music. The last is very simple and untechnical, and is perhaps the best for those approaching the subject for the first time. For the Stumpf-Wundt discussion on pitch distances consult the following: Stumpf, Zeitschrift fur Psychologic, I., 1890, 419; II., 1891, 266,426, 438; Engel, Ibid, II., 1891, 361; Wundt, Philos. Studien, VI., 1890-91, 605; VII., 1891, 298, 633; also Miinsterberg, C, above. THE MECHANISM OF THE EYE. 89 CHAPTER V. The Mechanism of the Eye and Vision in General. THE mechanism of the eye accomplishes two things : the projection of a sharp image on the retina, and the ready shifting of the eye so as to bring successive portions of the image into the best position for seeing. To the study of these mechanisms and other physiological phenomena of importance for the psychology of vision, this chapter is devoted. THE KETINAL IMAGE AND ACCOMMODATION. 104. The Eetinal Image. This is easily seen in the unpigmented eye of a pink-eyed rabbit. a. Chloroform the rabbit, remove the eyes, and mount them in clay for readier handling. The mounting is done as follows : Make a thick ring of clay with an internal diameter a little greater than that of the cornea of the rabbit's eye ; place the eye, cornea downward, in the ring ; lay a similar ring upon it to keep it in place, and press the edges of the rings together. The eye can now be handled easily and turned in any direction. Turn the cornea toward the window, and observe, from behind, the inverted image on the retina. Bring the hand into range and move it to and fro ; observe that the image of distant objects is more distinct than that of the hand. The dead eye is adjusted for distant vision. If convex and concave lenses are at hand (spectacle lenses will answer), bring them before the eye, and observe that the effect upon the 90 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. retinal image is similar to that seen subjectively when they are held before the observer's own eye, provided that that is normal. Reverse the eye, holding it retina side toward the win- dow, and observe the radiating and circular fibres of the iris. The eye must be fresh, for if long removed it loses its transparency. 105. Accommodation. The sharpness of the retinal image depends on the adjustment of the crystalline lens, which must be such as to focus upon the retina the light from the object under regard. The lens must be thicker and rounder for near objects, thinner and flatter for more distant ones. These adaptations of the eye are known as Accommodation. The changes in the clearness of the retinal image are easy to observe subjectively. Hold up a pin or other small object six or eight inches away from the eyes. Close one eye and look at the pin with the other. The out- line of the pin is sharp, but the outlines of things on the other side of the room behind it are blurred. Look at these, and the outline of the pin becomes blurred. Notice the feeling of greater strain when looking at the nearer object. The experiment is somewhat more striking when the nearer object is a piece of veiling or wire gauze, and the farther, a printed page held at such a distance that it can just be read. On this and the next two experiments, see Helmholtz, A, 112-118, Fr. 119-126 (90-96). 106. Schemer's Experiment, a. Pierce a card with two fine holes separated by a less distance than the diameter of the pupil, say, a sixteenth of an inch. Set up two pins in corks, distant respectively eight and twenty inches from the eye in the line of sight ; close one eye, and holding the card close before the other with the holes in the same hori- THE MECHANISM OF THE EYE. 91 zontal line, look at the nearer pin; the farther pin will appear double. Look again at the nearer pin, and while looking, cover one of the holes with another card ; one of the images of the farther pin will disappear the left when the left hole is covered, and the right when the right is covered. Look at the farther pin or beyond it ; the nearer pin appears double. Repeat the covering ; closing the left hole now destroys the right image, and covering the right destroys the left. Why this should be so will be clear from the diagrams above. The upper diagram illustrates the course of the rays of light when the eye is accommodated for the nearer pin ; the lower diagram when it is accommodated for the farther pin. A and B represent the pins; S and S the pierced screen ; d and df the holes in the screen ; c and c the lens ; a' b a" and V a V the retinae ; A, A', B r and B" ', the positions of the double images. The solid lines represent the course of the rays from the pin that is accommodated for ; the lines of short dashes, the course of the rays from the other pin ; 92 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. the lines of long dashes, the lines of direction ; i.e., approxi- mately those giving the direction in which the images appear to the observer. In the upper diagram the rays from B are focused to a single retinal image at b, while those from A, being less divergent at first, are brought to a focus nearer the lens, cross over and meet the retina at a! and a", and, since each hole in the screen suffices to produce an image, cause the pin to appear double. Its two images are referred outward as all retinal images are, along the lines of direction (which cross a little forward of the back surface of the lens, in the crossing point of the lines of direction), the right retinal image corresponding with the left of the double images and vice versa. If now the right hole (d) in the screen be closed, the left retinal image and the right double image disappear. The case of accommo- dation for the farther pin will be clear from the lower diagram, if attention is given to the dotted and dashed lines. It will also be easy to explain why moving the card when looking through a single pin-hole causes apparent movements of the pin not accommodated for, and why in one case the movement seems to be with the card, and in the other case against it. b. Stick the pins into the corks so that they shall extend horizontally, and examine them with the card held so as to bring the holes one above the other. c. Arrange the holes thus : . . and observe that the triple image of the nearer pin (when the farther is fixated) has the reverse figure Schemer's experiment can easily be illustrated with any convex lens and a pierced screen of suitable size. 107. Range of Accommodation, a. Find by trial the nearest point at which a pin seen as in Schemer's experi- ment can be seen single. This is the near point of accom- THE MECHANISM OF THE EYE. 93 modation. For the short-sighted a far point may also be found, beyond which double images reappear. b. Find how far apart in the line of sight two pins may be, and yet both be seen single at one and the same time. Try with the nearer at 20 cm., at 50 cm., at 2 m. That portion of the line of sight, for points in which the same degree of accommodation is sufficient, is called the Line of Accommodation. The length of the line increases rapidly as the distance of the object from the eye increases. Helmholtz, A, 114, 119, Fr. 122 (93), 128 (97). 108. Mechanism of Accommodation. The change in the lens in accommodation is chiefly a bulging forward of its anterior surface. This may be observed as follows : a. Let the subject choose a far and a near point of fixation in exactly the same line of vision ; close one eye and fix the other upon the far point. Let the observer place himself so that he sees the eye of the subject in profile with about half the pupil showing. Let the subject change his fixation at request, from the far to the near point, and vice versa, being careful to avoid any sidewise motion of the eye. The observer will notice, when the eye is accommodated for the near point, that more of the pupil shows and that the farther side of the iris seems narrower. This change is due to the bulging forward of the front of the lens. If the change were due to accidental turning of the eye toward the observer, the farther edge of the iris should appear wider instead of narrower. Notice also that the diameter of the pupil changes with the accommodation. b. Purkinje's Images. The changes in the curvature of the lens may also be observed by means of the images reflected from its front and back surfaces and from the front of the cornea. Operate in a darkened room. Let the sub- ject choose far and near fixation points as^beJor^Let the 94 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. observer bring a candle near the eye of the subject at a level with it and a little to one sideband place his own eye in a position symmetrical to the candle on the other side of the subject's line of sight. Careful examination and some shifting about of the place of the candle and of the observer will show three reflected images of the flame : one on the side of the pupil next the light, easily recognizable, bright and erect, reflected from the surface of the cornea ; a second, nearer the centre of the pupil and apparently the farthest back of the three, erect like the first, but very indistinct (more like a light cloud than an image), reflected from the anterior surface of the lens ; and a third, a mere point of light, near the side of the pupil farthest from the flame, inverted and reflected from the posterior surface of the lens. When the observer has found these three images, the subject should fixate alternately the near and far points chosen. As he fixates the near point, the middle image will grow smaller, advance, and draw toward the corneal image ; when he fixates the far point, the image will enlarge, recede, and move away from the corneal image. The follow- ing diagram, after Aubert, illustrates the movement of the middle image ; the full lines indicate the posi- tions of the cornea and lens and the course of the rays of light when the eye is accommodated for the far point ; the dotted lines indicate the anterior surface of the lens and the direc- tion of the ray reflected from its surface when the eye is accommodated for the near point. Three images similar to those in question can be THE MECHANISM OF THE EYE. 95 observed on a watch glass and a double convex lens held in the relation of the cornea and crystalline. 1 Helmholtz, A, 131-141, especially 131-134, Fr. 142-154 (104-112), especially ,142-146 (104-107); Aubert, A, 444; Tscherning. 109. Dioptrical Defects of the Eye. Of these defects only two will be considered here : Astigmatism and Chro- matic Aberration. The first is an error in the form or set- ting of the refracting surfaces, which prevents their bringing parallel light to a focus in a single point. If the curvature of the lens, for example, (or of the cornea), is greater on the vertical meridian than on the horizontal, parallel light fall- ing upon the first will be brought to a focus nearer the lens than that falling upon the second. This makes it impossible for the astigmatic eye to see all parts of a plane figure with equal distinctness at the same time. Chromatic Aberration depends upon the different degrees of refraction which dif- ferent colored lights experience in traversing the lens ; those of short wave-length (violet and blue) are most re- fracted, those of long wave-length (red and orange) least, and the others in order between. The point at which paral- lel violet rays are brought to a focus is therefore nearer the lens than the point for red. In order, therefore, that the same degree of accommodation may serve to show a red lighted object and a violet lighted object at the same time and both with full distinctness, the red light must be less divergent than the violet ; in other words, the red lighted object must be somewhat farther away. a. Astigmatism. Make a fine pin-hole in a card ; hold it at arm's length against a bright background and accommo- 1 By using a magnifying-glass a second faint corneal image very close to the first can be seen, when the light strikes the cornea well toward one side. When this is counted, as it is by Tscherning, there are four Purkinje images, those from the front and back of the lens becoming the third and fourth in the enumeration, instead of the second and third. 96 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. date the eye for a nearer point, or put on convex glasses. The spot will not appear as a little circle of light, as it would if the lens and cornea were perfect in form, but as a more or less irregular star or flower-shaped figure in which portions of several images of the hole may be made out. Accommodate for a point considerably beyond the card and notice the change in the figure. These irregularities (phenomena of Irregular Astigma- tism) disappear, however, with exact accommodation, but another kind (Regular Astigmatism) is then to be observed. Close one eye and look with the other at the centre of the radiating figure below. Notice which lines appear with greatest blackness and distinctness. Try the effect of increasing and decreasing the distance. Try also the other eye. Something of the same kind is to be seen in the set of concentric circles ; also evidences of irregular astigmatism when accommodation is changed or when the distance of the diagram is increased or decreased. Notice especially the rayed appearance and the distortion of the inner circles when the eye is accommodated for a greater distance than THE MECHANISM OF THE EYE. 97 that of the diagram. On the latter peculiarity, see von Bezold. b. Chromatic Aberration. Bend a fine platinum wire into a ring half an inch in diameter, and heat it white hot in the flame of a Bunsen burner. Look at the ring through a pin-hole in a black card held at such a distance that the ring lies close to the edge of the field of the pin-hole all around. Accommodate the eye for the centre of the ring, and observe that the outer edge of the ring appears bright red, the inner edge blue or violet. Substitute for the card .a bit of blue glass, and accommodate first for the glass, then for a point some distance beyond the ring. In the first case the outer and inner edges of the ring (except as astig- matism interferes) will both be blue; in the second case they will be red. The ordinary blue glass allows both red and blue light to pass through it. Look at the edge of the window frame next the pane, and bring a card before the eye so that about half the pupil is covered ; if the card has been brought up from the frame side, the frame will be bordered with yellow ; if from the pane side, with blue. In ordinary vision these fringes do not appear, because the colors partially overlap and produce a practically colorless mixture. Yon Bezold's Experiment. Look at the parallel lines of the left figure in Ex. 118 with imperfect accommodation, e.g., through convex spectacles, and observe the aberra- tion colors. If a set of heavy concentric circles (separated by equal spaces, and beginning with a central black dot of a diameter equal to the width of the lines) is used instead of the straight line figure, it will be possible by changing its distance from the eye to find a position in which the aberration colors so overlap that dark and light seem to have changed places, and the central spot is light instead of dark. The spiral figure with Ex. 128 will show 98 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. something of the effect, but the central black spot is too large to show it completely. Both astigmatic differences and the aberration colors may at times influence judgments of distance. On a, Helmholtz, A, 169 ff., Fr. 187 (138) ft. On 6, Helmholtz A, 156-164, Fr. 172-179 (125-131); von Bezold; Tumlirz. ENTOPTIC APPEARANCES. 110. Floating Particles in the Media of the Eye and on its Surface; Muscce Volitantes. Fix a lens of short focus at some distance from a bright gas or candle flame. Set up- in the focus of the lens a card pierced with a very fine hole ; bring the eye close to the hole and look toward the light. The eye should be far enough from the hole to prevent the edge of the lens from being seen. The rays of light that now reach the eye are strongly divergent, and the crystalline lens does not bring them to a focus on the retina, but only refracts them to such a degree that they traverse the eye nearly parallel, and thus in suitable condition for casting sharp shadows upon the retina of objects on or in the eye. a. The lens will appear full of light, and in it will be seen a variety of shadings, blotches, and specks, single or in strings, the outward projection of the shadows just men- tioned. The figures in this luminous field will vary from person to person, even from eye to eye, but in almost every eye some will be found that move and some that remain fixed or only move with the eye. Of the moving figures some are due to particles and viscous fluids on the surface of the eye ; they seem to move downward, and &re changed by winking. Notice, for example, the horizontal bands that follow a slow dropping and raising of the upper lid. Such appearances as these, since their cause is not really in the eye but outside of it, have been called pseudentoptic by Laqueur. Others, the muscce volitantes, are frequently THE MECHANISM OF THE EYE. 99 noticed without any apparatus ; they appear as bright irregular threads, strings^ of beads, groups of points, or single minute circles with light centres. They seem to move downward in the field, but actually move upward in the vitreous humor where they are found. Of the per- manent figures, some are due to irregularities of structure or small bodies in the crystalline and its capsule (spots with dark or bright centres, bright irregular lines, or dark radiating lines corresponding probably to the radial structure of the lens) ; others of a relatively permanent character, it is said, can be produced on the cornea by continued rubbing or pressure on the eyeball. b. The rouncj spot of light in which these things are seen represents the pupil, and the dark ground around it is the shadow of the iris. Notice the change in the size of the spot of light, as the eye is accommodated for different dis- tances (cf. Ex. 108), or as the other eye is exposed to, or covered from, the light. The change begins in about half a second. It shows the close connection of the iris mechanisms of the two eyes, and is typical of the way in which the two eyes co-operate as parts of a single visual organ. Some of these entoptic observations may be made with a pierced card alone, or simply by looking directly at a broad expanse of clear sky without any apparatus at all. Helmholtz, A, 184-192, and Tafel I., which shows the appearance of several of these entoptic objects, Fr. 204-214 (149-156) and PL V., also 548-558 (419-427); Laqueur. 111. Eetinal Blood-vessels, Purkinje's Vessel Figures. a. Concentrate a strong light (preferably in a dark room), or even direct sunlight, with a double convex lens of short focus on the sclerotic in the outer corner of the eye of the subject, requesting him to turn the eye toward the nose 100 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. / and giving him a dark background to look toward. Mate the spot of light on the sclerotic as small and sharp as possible, and give to the lens a gentle to and fro or circular motion. After a little the subject will see upon the field, which the light makes reddish-yellow, the dark branching figure of the shadows of the retinal vessels. Notice that the spot directly looked at is partially surrounded, but not crossed, by the vessels. In this lies the yellow spot (macula luted) , the retinal area of clearest vision. The centre- from which the vessels radiate lies in the point of entrance of the optic nerve. In this form of the experiment the light radiates in all directions within the eye from the illumi- nated point of the sclerotic. b. Somewhat the same sort of image is to be secured by moving a candle about near the eye, below it and a little to one side. In this experiment some indication of the region of the yellow spot is to be seen. This time the light enters by the pupil, forms an image on a part of the retina some- what remote from the centre, and this retinal image is itself the source of the light by which the vessel shadows are cast. c. Look through a pin-hole in a card, held close before the eye, at the sky or some other illuminated surface, or at a broad gas-flame. Give the card a rather rapid circular motion, and the finer retinal vessels in the region of the yellow spot will readily be seen, among them also a small colored or slightly tinted spot (best seen, perhaps, by gas- light) representing the macula, and in its centre a shadowy dot (representing the fovea, the point of clearest vision), which appears to rotate when the motion of the card is circular. If the card is moved horizontally, the vertical vessels alone appear; if vertically, the horizontal vessels. Notice also the granular appearance of the macula; the granulations have been supposed to represent the visual THE MECHANISM OF THE EYE. 101 cones of that region. The finer retinal vessels can also be seen when looking at the vacant field of a compound micro- scope, if the eye is moved about rapidly. In ail cases it is important that the shadows be kept moving ; if they stand still, they are lost. The explanation is partly physiological (the portions of the retina on which the shadows rest soon gain in sensitiveness enough to com- pensate for the less light received) and partly psychological (moving objects in general arouse spontaneous attention, and those whose images rest continuously on the retina without motion are particularly subject to neglect). Once having become familiar with these vessel figures, it is often possible for the observer to see traces of them without any apparatus. Parts of them, with something of the yellow spot, may sometimes be seen for an instant as dark figures on the diffusely lighted walls and ceiling, or as light figures on the dark field of the closed eyes, when the eyes are opened and closed after a glance at the window on first waking in the morning, or as blue figures when looking at the snow and winking on a bright winter morning. Helmholtz, A, 192-198, 555,Fr. 214-221 (156-161), 528 (402). 112. Eetinal Circulation. Look steadily through two or three thicknesses of blue glass at the clear sky or a bright cloud, and observe the bright points darting hither and thither like bees in a swarm or snowflakes on a windy day. Careful observation will also establish that the bright points are followed by shadowy darker ones. Pick out a speck on the window to steady the eyes, and observe that while the movements of the points seem irregular the same lines are retraced by them from time to time. When several of their courses have been accurately determined for one of the eyes, repeat the experiment for demonstrating the finer retinal vessels (Ex. Ill, c), and notice that fine vessels 102 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. are found which correspond to the courses that the points seem to follow. These flying points can be seen without the glass by a steady gaze at an evenly lighted bright sur- face, and sometimes a rhythmical acceleration of their movements will be found, corresponding to the pulse. Helmholtz explains the phenomenon by a temporary clog- ging of fine capillary vessels by large blood corpuscles. The bright lines (the apparent tracks of bright points) are really the relatively empty capillary tubes ahead of the cor- puscles, which, after an instant, are driven onward by others crowding behind, which in turn give the shadow that ap- parently follows the bright points. Helmholtz, A, 198 f., Fr. 221 (837), 555 (425); Kood. 113. The Blind Spot. Mariotte's Experiment. The point of entrance of the optic nerve is unprovided with visual end-organs and is irresponsive to light. This insensitive- ness is easily demonstrated with the diagrams below. a. Close the left eye, and keeping the right fixed on the upper asterisk in the diagram move the latter toward the eye and away from it till a point is found where the black oval disappears. For the blind spot of the left eye, turn the diagram upside down and close the right eye. The blind spot may be demonstrated simultaneously in both eyes with the figure on the next page. The experi- menter should look at the asterisk while he holds a card THE MECHANISM OF THE EYE. 103 in the median plane of his head, to prevent each eye from seeing the other's part of the diagram. O O b. To draw the projection of the blind spot, arrange a head-rest opposite a vertical sheet of white paper, and 15 or 18 inches distant from it. Put a dot on the paper for a fixation point. Fasten upon the end of a light rod a bit of black paper about 2 mm. square or blacken the end of the rod with ink. Bring the face into position, close one eye, and fix the other upon the dot. Move the rod slowly so as to bring the little square over the part of the paper corre- sponding to the blind spot, dotting on the paper the points where the square disappears or reappears. Repeat at vari- ous points till the outline of the projection of the blind spot is complete. If the mapping is carefully carried out, the map will probably also show the points of departure of the large blood-vessels that enter with the nerve. Helmholtz, A, 250-254, Fr. 284-289 (210-214). 114. The Filling-out of the Blind Spot is of considerable psychological interest. The mind supplies what is lacking in the sense, and in doing so is influenced both by the sensa- tions of the parts of the retina surrounding the spot and by previous experience. In ordinary two-eyed vision the blind spot of one eye corresponds to a seeing spot in the other, and this with the movements of the eyes amply sup- plies the defect. The spot, furthermore, lies so far out of the range of clear vision that its existence is habitually overlooked, even in monocular vision. a. When the image of the oval in a of the last experi- 104 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. ment is brought wholly upon the spot, the paper seems an unbroken white, because the adjacent parts of the retina are stimulated with white. When, however, the diagram is held a little nearer so that the edge of the black oval can be seen, the filling is part black and part white. b. The effect of experience appears when the oval is replaced by such a figure as that below, or any other in which the bars stand out well from one another and the background. When the image of the middle of this diagram falls upon the blind spot, one bar will seem to cross completely over the other. Bars that cross are so much more frequent in experience than those that are mitered together that the sensations of the adjacent parts are thus interpreted. Skill in observation in indirect vision seems to hinder this filling-out process somewhat, probably by aiding in more exact distinguishing of the character of the sensations received. Both Helmholtz and Aubert find themselves unable to determine how the parts of the figure resting on the blind spot are related. Helmholtz, A, Fr. 734-745 (574-583); Aubert, A, 595. THE MECHANISM OF THE EYE. 105 115. The Yellow Spot, the Macula Lutea. The projection of the yellow spot in the visual field can be made visible in several ways. Two have already been mentioned in Ex. Ill ; Others are as Jj^ws : Close the eyes for a few seconds and then loolMHough a flat-sided bottle of chrome alum solution at a brightly lighted surface or at the clear sky. In the blue-green solution a rose-colored spot will be seen which corresponds to the yellow spot. The light that comes through the chrome alum solution is chiefly a mixture of red and green and blue. The pigment of the yellow spot absorbs a portion of the blue and green and transmits the rest, which makes a rose-colored mixture, to the visual organs behind it. The same can be very beautifully de- monstrated with violet or purple gelatine sheets. Helmholtz, A, Fr. 548-551 (419-421); Maxwell; Sachs; Hering, C. 116. Intermittent Illumination. Tl^ region of the yel- low spot can be seen, together with^many other curious figures and patterns, when the illumination of a single eye is made intermittent by moving the spread fingers rapidly to and fro before it. Something may be seen when the open eyes are fixed on a uniformly lighted surface, but more when they are turned with closed lids toward a bright sky or the sun itself. The figures probably differ in different eyes and some are beautiful and elaborate. Sometimes with steady fixation the figures give place more or less completely to a general streaming of fine particles, suggesting the flying specks of Ex. 112, but finer and of less regular course. Vierordt credited the appearance to the circulation of the blood in the retinal vessels ; Helmholtz is inclined to think the fine particles lymph corpuscles rather than blood corpus- cles. Similar phenomena are to be observed with black and white disks when rotated at less speed than that required for uniform mixing of the black and white. Helmholtz, A, 532 f., Fr. 502 (381) f.; Exner, F. 106 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. 117. Acuteness of Vision, Minimum Visibile. a. Place the parallel line diagram used in Ex. 118 in a good light and walk backward from it till the lines can just no longer be distinguished as separate. If ti^^perimeiiter's eyes are not normal, he should use glasse^^Blt fit his eyes for dis- tinct vision at the distance requireor Measure the distance between the eye and the diagram, and calculate the angle whose apex lies in the crossing point of the lines of direc- tion (about 7.2 mm. back of the cornea and 15.6 mm. in front of the retina) and whose base is the distance from the middle of one line of the diagram to the middle of the next; in this diagram 1.6 mm. This angle measures the least visible extent when discrimination is involved ; the least luminous extent that can still impress the retina is far smaller, as witness the visibility of the stars. On the sup- position that if the sensations of two cones are to be separ- able they must be s^arated by an unstimulated cone, or at- least by a less stimulated one, it has generally been consid- ered that the cones could not subtend a greater angle than that found in this experiment, 60" 90", represent- ing 0.004 0.006 mm. on the retina, and this agrees well with microscopical measurements. But as Helm- holtz notices (Phys. Opt., 2d ed., p. 260), this experiment does no more than prove that there are on the retina rows of sensitive elements, the middle lines of which are sepa- rated by the angular distance found in the experiment. The elements themselves, if properly arranged, may be somewhat larger. Calculation of the number of such ele- ments in a sq. mm. of the retina, based on this view of the experiment, agrees well in the case of Helmholtz's own determination with the result of microscopical counting. b. The discriminative power of the retina falls off rapidly in all directions from the fovea more rapidly above and below than in a horizontal direction. Arrange a head-rest THE MECHANISM OF THE EYE. 107 and perpendicular plane as in Ex. 113, b (or if a perimeter is at hand use that). Place upon the end of the rod used in that experiment a card on which have been made two black dots 2 mm. in diameter and 4 mm. from centre to centre. Move the card horizontally toward the fixation point, begin- ning beyond the point at which the two dots can be dis- tinguished and moving inward till they can just be distinguished. Measure the distance from the fixation point, and repeat several times both to the right and left of the fixation point, holding the card so that both dots are in each case equally distant from that point. Try the same for the vertical meridian. Helmholtz, A, 255-264, Fr. 291-301 (215-223); Uhthoff. On a, Aubert, A, 579-585; on 6, 585-591. On 6, see also Exner, D, 242 ff. 118. Bergmann's Experiment. Place the left hand dia- gram in a good light, and look at it from a distance of a yard and a half or two yards. Observe the apparent bending and beading of the lines. This is believed by Helmholtz to be due to the mosaic arrangement of the visual cones. The cones that are touched by the image of one of the white lines are stimulated in proportion as they are more or less touched. Those that are much stimulated furnish the sensation of the white line and its irregularities; those that are little 108 LABOEATOEY COUESE IN PSYCHOLOGY. stimulated join with those that are not touched at all to give the image of the black line and its irregularities. This is schematically represented in the right hand cut. Von Fleischl, on the other hand, has made experiments to show that the bending and beading of the lines is not con- nected with the retinal mosaic, but rather with movements of the eyes that sweep the point of fixation backward and forward across the lines. Further than this his explanation does not go. Helmholtz, A, 257-258, Fr. 293 294 (217-218); von Fleischl. 119. Mechanical Stimulation of the Retina, a. Phos- phenes. Turn the open or closed eye as far as possible toward the nose and press on the eyelid at the outer corner with the finger or the tip of a penholder. On the opposite side of the visual field will be seen a more or less complete circle of light surrounded by a narrow dark band, outside of which again is a narrow band of light. Notice the color of the light seen. Get phosphenes by pressure at other points of the eyeball. b. Press the eye moderately with some large object, say, the angle of the wrist when the hand is bent backward, and continue the pressure for a minute or two. Peculiar palpi- tating figures will be observed and strange color effects. The former Helmholtz compares to the tingling of a mem- ber that is " asleep." c. Standing before a window, close the eyes and turn them sharply from side to side. As they reach the extreme position in either direction, observe immediately in front of the face a sudden blue spot surrounded by a yellow band. A second fainter spot farther from the centre in the direc- tion of motion may also be seen. The appearance of the first spot is due to a mechanical stimulation of a portion of the retina at the edge of the blind spot in the eye that turns THE MECHANISM OF THE EYE. 109 inward. The second spot belongs to the corresponding area in the other eye. Helmholtz, A, 235-239, Fr. 266-270 (196-200), 744 (583) f. 120. Idio-retinal Light, Light Chaos, Light Dust. a. Close and cover the eyes so as to exclude all light, taking care not to press them, or experiment in a perfectly dark room. Let the after-effects of objective light fade away, and then watch the shifting clouds of retinal light. The cause of the retinal light is not altogether clear, but it is supposed to be a chemical action of the blood on the nervous portion of the visual apparatus. Aubert estimates its brightness at about half the brightness of a sheet of paper illuminated by the planet Venus when at its brightest. b. When awake in the night time in a room that is almost perfectly dark (e.g., in which the form of the window and the large pieces of furniture cannot be made out), notice that the white clothing of the arms can be seen faintly when they are moved about, but not when they are still. In the last case the very faint light they reflect is not sufficient to make them distinguishable from clouds of idio-retinal light. Helmholtz, A, 242-243, Fr. 274-275 (202-203). On 6, Helm- holtz, jB. 121. Electrical Stimulation of the Visual Apparatus. Moisten thoroughly with salt water both the electrodes and the portions of the skin to which they are to be applied. Place one of the electrodes on the forehead (or on the edge of the table and lay the forehead upon it), the other on the back of the neck ; or, if the current is strong enough, hold it in the hand or lay it on the table with the hand upon it. At each opening or closing of the circuit, a bright flash will be seen, whether the eyes are closed or open. With the eyes closed and covered, the effects of the continuous current 110 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. may be observed. In this case it is well to apply the elec- trode slowly and carefully so as to avoid as much as possi- ble the flash caused by the sudden closing of the circuit. When the positive electrode is on the forehead, the nega- tive on the back of the neck, a transient pale violet light will be seen distributed generally over the field and forming a small bright spot at its centre. Sometimes traces of the blind spot also appear. The violet light soon fades, and on opening the circuit there is a notable darkening of the field, with a momentary view of the blind spots as bright disks. When the negative electrode is on the forehead, the positive on the back of the neck, the phenomena are in general reversed, the darkening occurring on closing the cir- cuit, the violet light on opening it. Helmholtz sums up these and other experiments in the following law : " Con- stant electrical circulation through the retina from the cones toward the ganglion cells gives the sensation of darkness ; circulation in the contrary direction gives the sensation of brightness." (Phys. Opt., 2d ed., p. 247.) That the blind spot should appear as a disk of different color from the rest of the field seems to be due to the fact that the sensitive parts of the retina immediately surrounding it are somewhat shielded from the electric current, and as usual their condition is attributed to the blind spot also. The experiment is not altogether a pleasant one, on account of the feeling which the current produces in the head, the " electrical taste " in the mouth, and. the reddening of the skin under the electrodes. Helmholtz, A, 243-248, Fr. 275-281 (203-207), 744 (583). RETINAL FATIGUE AND ADAPTATION. 122. Eetinal Fatigue. Stare with perfectly fixed and motionless eyes at a selected spot on a variegated carpet or wall paper, and notice the levelling effect of fatigue. The THE MECHANISM OF THE EYE. Ill differences in color and pattern gradually disappear, and the whole field becomes a nearly uniform cloud. The parts of the recina that are strongly stimulated are brought down to the general level ; those that are little stimulated are built up to it. Every wink or slight movement of the eyes causes a general brightening up of the field and restoration of vision. The experiment is particularly easy to make when looking at a uniform surface with faint shadows lying on it. Helmholtz, A, 508, 555 ff., Fr. 478 (362), 527 (402) ff.; Fick, B, 222; Treitel; Hering, C. See also the discussion on this topic by A. E. Fick and Hering. 123. Adaptation of the Eye. a. The adjustment of the eye to the intensity of its illumination is effected partly by change in the size of the pupil, and partly by changes in the retina itself. The first is of common observation, and the connection of the two eyes in this respect has been noticed in Ex. 110, b. The effects of going from a dark room into a light room and vice versa, and the gradual im- provement of vision on remaining in one or the other, are also familiar. b. It has not, however, been so generally observed that adaptation to very weak lights is much more favorable to the perception of colorless light than to colored. This may easily be observed in a dark room with single flashes of a rather faint Geissler tube. Before the room is darkened, and for a short time after, the colors of the light are readily perceived. After some time, however, they nearly or quite fail, seeming to be lost in the increased brilliancy of the white light. It is important that there should be an inter- val between the flashes sufficient to allow all the effects of one to disappear before another is given. If the room is not completely dark, the head of the observer and the tube 112 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. must be covered closely with an opaque cloth to allow full adaptation. Aubert, A, 483 f., B, 25 ff. ; Charpentier, A, 154 ff. ; Treitel; Bering, C. On 6, Hillebrand. AFTER-IMAGES. After-images, Accidental or Consecutive Images. After- images in which the relations of light and shade of the original object are preserved are called Positive After-images. Those in which these relations are reversed (as in a photo- graphic negative) are called Negative After-images. Posi- tive after-images are of various colors, but most important to notice here are those of the color of the object (like- colored), and of the complementary color (opposite-colored). Negative after-images, so far as observed, are always oppo- site-colored. All after-images, especially the positive, can best be observed in the morning when the eyes are well rested. 124. Negative After-images, a. Look steadily for a minute at a fixed point of the window, then at a white screen or an evenly lighted, unfigured wall ; the dark parts of the win- dow will now appear light and the light dark. b. Get a lasting after-image and look at a corner of the room, or at a chair or other object of uneven surface ; notice how the image seems to fit itself to the surface upon which it rests. After a little practice it is also possible at will to see the image floating in the air instead of lying on the background. c. Look steadily at a bright-colored object or some bits of colored paper, then at the screen ; observe that the colors of the after-images are approximately complementary to the colors of the objects producing them. d. Negative After-images upon a Background faintly Tinged with the Stimulating Color. Fasten upon the color-mixer a THE MECHANISM OF THE EYE. 118 white disk upon which has been painted a six rayed star of red. Set the disk in rapid rotation, bring the eyes within eight or ten inches of the disk, and after half a minute sud- denly withdraw them to thirty or forty inches. As the head is drawn back the complementary color will be seen to press in upon the disk from all sides while the red con- tracts. When the head is again approached to the disk the red will enlarge and the blue-green disappear. The cause of the rushing in of the blue in the first case is the contrac- tion of the retinal image, which of course decreases in size as the head is drawn back, and is thus brought upon parts of the retina that have been more strongly stimulated. When the head approaches the disk the retinal image enlarges and its outer portion lies on a fresh area. 1 Negative after-images are sometimes very lasting, and for that reason are those most frequently noticed in ordinary experience. They are phenomena of retinal fatigue (Helm- holtz), or of retinal restitution (Hering). 125. Positive After-images. These images are not diffi- cult to see, if after a brief stimulation the eye is shielded from further action of light. Thus, when the gas is sud- denly turned off in a dark room, the positive image of the flame and the burner is very easily seen. a. Look for an instant (one-third of a second) at the win- dow, then close and cover the eyes. Notice that the after- image is like the window in distribution of light and shade, bright panes and dark bars, and at first like it also in color. After some practice it is also possible to see, for a small fraction of a second, the positive after-image of almost any bright object on suddenly turning the eyes from the object to some other part of the field, especially if the latter is dark. The positive after-image is of short duration and less readily observed than the negative. It has generally 1 For a still simpler experiment, see Mind, Ser. 2, IT., 1893, 485, note. 114 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. been considered a phenomenon of retinal inertia, a prolon- gation of the original retinal excitation, and such a prolonga- tion does undoubtedly exist. Charpentier and Hess, however, in experiments with very brief stimulation, have found a transient negative image coming between the original impression and the ordinary positive after-image observed with longer stimulation. The full series would then be : 1. Prolongation of the original stimulus ; 2. First Negative Image ; 3. Ordinary Positive After-image ; 4 Ordinary Negative After-image. b. Colored Positive After-images. Look for an instant at a gas flame through a piece of red glass, then close and cover the eyes and observe the red image ; repeat the exper- iment, continuing the fixation of the " flame for half a min- ute ; the resulting after-image will be bright as before but of the opposite color. c. After-images on Dark and Light Backgrounds. Get an after-image of the window of not too great intensity, and project it alternately on a sheet of white paper and the dark field of the closed and covered eyes ; it will be found nega- tive on the white background and positive on the dark. Some observers find a periodic reappearance of positive after-images, or an alternation of positive and negative images, without a change of background. d. Sequence of Colors. Get a good after-image of the window, and observe with closed and covered eyes the play of colors as the image fades. Try several times and observe that the order of succession is the same. According to Hering, this play of colors would not take place if the origi- nal stimulus were absolutely colorless. On Exs. 124 and 125, consult the following: Helmholtz, A, 480 ff., 501 ff., Fr. 446 (338), 471-500 (357-380); Wundt, A, 3te Aufl., I., 472-476, 4te Aufl., I., 512 ff.; Hess; Charpentier, B. See also ref- erences given in Chap. VI. for Successive Contrast. THE MECHANISM OF THE EYE. 115 126. Effect of Eye-motions on After-images. Get a mod- erately strong after-image of the window ; look at the wall and keep the eyes actively in motion. The image will be seen with difficulty while the eye is in motion ; when, how- ever, the eye is brought to rest, it will soon appear. In general, any visual stimulus that moves with the eye is less effective than one that does not. Exner, A. 127. The Seat of the After-image. An after-image due to stimulation of one eye may, under proper conditions, some- times seem to be seen with the other. From this it has been inferred that the seat of after-images is central, not peripheral ; that is, in the visual centres of the brain, higher or lower, not in the retina. The following experi- ments show, however, that the after-image is really seen with the eye first stimulated, and so render the hypothesis of a central location unnecessary. a. Look steadily for a considerable time at a bit of red paper on a white ground, using only one eye, say the right, and keeping the other closed; when a strong after-image has been secured, remove the paper, close the right eye, open the left, and again look steadily at a fixed point on the white ground ; after a little the field will darken and the after-image will reappear. If the red does not produce a sufficiently lasting image, substitute for it a gas flame or some other bright object. b. That we have really to do with the eye originally stimulated (its present dark field suppressing the light one of the other eye), appears from such experiments as the fol- lowing : Get the after-image as before ; then open both eyes and bring a bit of cardboard before the eyes alter- nately. Bringing it before the left eye rather brightens the image ; bringing it before the right dims or abolishes it. 116 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. The image is thus chiefly affected by what affects the right eye. c. Get the after-image again, and close and cover both eyes ; observe the color of the after-image, as projected on the dark field ; then open the left eye, letting the right eye remain closed and covered. The after-image will be seen, not in the color it has when the right eye is open and the image is projected in the light field, but in that which it has in the dark field of the closed eye. These experiments prove that after-images belong to the stimulated half of the visual apparatus, but they do not show whether the images belong to the retina of that half or to the nervous centres connected with it. Other consid- erations, such, for example, as the fact that the image fol- lows every motion of the eye, even those that are usually unconscious, is affected by pressures exerted on the eyeball and by electric currents sent through it, together with Ex- ner's direct experiments on retinal and optic nerve stim- ulation, support the retinal location, in favor of which current opinion is practically unanimous. Some observers, however, have been able to get a binocular after-image of a somewhat different character ; see binocular section of Chap. VI. Delabarre ; Exner, D, 246 ff. and E ; Fick and Giirber, 296 ff. 128. After-images of Motion. These after-images can be secured from almost any continuously moving object. They are often unpleasantly striking after looking at the water from the deck of a vessel or at the landscape from a car window. In the experiments below, variations of one of the laboratory methods of producing them are given. a. Fasten upon the rotation apparatus a disk bearing a large number of equal black and white sectors ; set it in slow rotation and gaze fixedly at it. The rate must not TlfE MECHANISM OF THE EYE. 117 be fast enough to blur the outlines of the sectors very much. After a moment or two of steady fixation, bring it suddenly to rest and observe its slow illusory backward movement. b. Fasten on the apparatus a disk like that in the accom- panying cut, and get an after-image as before, fixating the centre. Bring the disk suddenly to rest, or look away from it to a page of print or into the f a,ce of a bystander and notice the apparent shrinking or swelling, reversing the previous motion of the spiral. Illusions of increase or decrease of distance sometimes accompany those of motion with this disk. Eepeat the experiment, but this time instead of looking at some object, close the eyes and turn them toward the sky or other source of bright light. The apparent motion will be observed again in the red-yellow field. c. Hold over half of the disk while in rotation a piece of cardboard, fixate the centre of the disk, and get the after- image. Observe that the after-image is limited to the portion of the retina stimulated. d. Get a monocular after-image of the spiral, with the right eye, for example. Then close the right eye and open the left ; the after-image of motion will be projected like that of color in Ex. 127. e. Hold just above the spiral disk a larger disk of paste- board, cut with a radial slot an inch or two wide. When the spiral is now revolved a narrow strip will be seen in 118 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. which the motion is in one direction only. Get a strong after-image and observe it with closed eyes as in b above. It will sometimes be possible, at least for a short time, to get a reversal of the previous illusion ; the part of the image corresponding to the slot will appear to stand still while the adjacent parts move, or both will appear in motion in op- posite directions. This experiment is apparently easier to get with the antirrheoscope, where the moving field is larger. With that instrument the effect mentioned can be seen in the ordinary projected after-image. When a strong after-image is projected upon a set of straight lines at right angles to the direction of movement, some observers have seen the lines more or less distorted by it (Budde saw them thus affected when the lines did not cross, but only entered the moving part of the field) ; others have found the lines entirely unaffected. It seems prob- able that the breadth and distinctness of the lines have something to do with this difference of results. Exner, who believes in the retinal seat of color after- images, is inclined to give a more central location to these of motion. In his opinion such experiments as those above indicate also that our knowledge of such motions is a sensa- tion, not a perception. After-images of motion have been explained by actual, though unconscious, movements of the eyes, like the ap- parent movements of objects in dizziness. This is certainly incorrect ; for in b it would seem necessary that the eyes should move in all directions at once, and c shows that the effect is limited to a portion of the field, which would be impossible if it were due to actual eye motions. The same was demonstrated by Dvorak by means of a disk with three concentric spirals, the inner and outer ones being drawn in the same way, (right-handed spirals, for example), while that between was drawn in the reverse direction. How far THE MECHANISM OF THE EYE. 119 some psychical representation of ocular motions co-operates in the illusion would be hard to say. Helmhojtz, A, Fr. 766-769 (603-605); Bowditch and Hall; Mach, A, 59-61 (see also 61-65 for yet another kind of after-image), and I?, 65-67; Exner, B and O, 440 ff.; Dvorak; Budde; von Fleischl; Heuse; Zehfuss. MOVEMENTS OF THE EYES. The eye is a moving as well as a seeing member ; and its motor functions are of great importance for psychology, es- pecially for the theory of the visual perception of space. The experiences of the eye in motion have a controlling influence upon its perceptions even when at rest, as will appear in some of the experiments of Chap. VII. All motions of the eye may be conceived as rotations of greater or less extent about one or more of three axes : a sagittal axis, corresponding nearly with the line of sight ; a frontal axis, extending horizontally from right to left ; and a vertical axis. Theoretically all these intersect at right angles in the Centre of Rotation of the eye. As a land- mark from which to measure eye-movements, that position (approximately) is taken which the eyes assume when the head and body are erect and the eyes are directed forward to a distant horizon. This is known as the Primary Posi- tion of the eyes (or the lines of sight) ; any other is a Secondary Position. The point on which the eyes are fixed when in the primary position is the Primary Fixation Point, or Principal Point of Regard. The Field of Vision is the extent of space that can be seen with the eye at rest. The Field of Regard is the extent of space that can be seen when the eyes are moved. In the following experi- ments the word Rotation, except in the expression " centre of rotation," is reserved for turnings about the sagittal axis. 120 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. 129. Reflex Movements of the Eye. Of the first impor- tance among eye movements is the constant reflex tendency of the eye to move in such a way as to bring any bright image lying on a peripheral part of the retina, or any to which attention is directed, into the area of clearest vision. Many evidences of this tendency will be found in the ordinary course of vision. By way of experiment, try to study attentively a musca volitans or a negative after-image that is just to one side of the direct line of sight. The apparent motion of the object measures the energy of the reflex. 130. Associated Movements of the Eyes. The two eyes form a single visual instrument; and even when one eye is closed, it follows to a considerable degree the movements of its open companion. Movements upward or downward in normal vision are always performed simultaneously by the two eyes. a. Close one eye, and, resting the finger-tip lightly on the lid, feel the motions of that eye as the other looks from point to point of the field of regard. b. Get a monocular after-image, as in Ex. 127, and when it seems visible to the open eye, notice that it accom- panies the fixation point of that eye as it moves from point to point of the field of regard. Aubert, A, 651 ff. ; Bering, A, 519 ff. 131. Motions of the Eyes when the Lines of Sight are Parallel. The movements here considered are somewhat simplified for easier exposition. a. Donders's Law ; the Law of ^Constant Orientation (Helmholtz) ; the Law of Like Position with Like Direction (Hering). It is evident that when the eye is fixed upon some point of its field, e.g., ten degrees upward and fifteen degrees to the right of the primary position, it is not thereby fixed THE MECHANISM OF THE EYE. 121 as regards its sagittal axis, but might conceivably assume an indefinite number of positions by different degrees of rota- tion about, that axis. It might also, if not entirely free in its rotation, rotate now through one angle and now through another, depending on the direction in which the line of sight had moved to reach the position in which it is then found. As a matter of fact, however, it does not assume an indefinite number of positions, but one and only one, no matter by what movements the line of sight has come to that point. This is Donders's Law; and the fact that it expresses is of importance for sure and easy recognition of directions in the field of regard, and for deciding whether or not objects in the field have moved when the eye itself has been moved. The correctness of this law is easy to demonstrate. Cut in a sheet of black cardboard two slits an eighth of an inch wide and four or five inches long, crossing at right angles. Set the cardboard in the window or before some other brightly lighted surface. Arrange a head-rest at a considerable distance, and when the head is in position, get a strong after-image of the cross, fixating its middle point. Then, without moving the head, turn the eyes to different parts of the walls and ceiling. The image will suffer various distortions from the different surfaces upon which it is projected, but each time the eye returns to the same point the image will lie as before. If the wall does not offer fig- ures by which this can be determined, have an assistant mark the position of the image upon it. The after-image is of course fixed on the retina and can move only as the eye moves. b. Listing's Law. This law goes beyond Donders's Law, and asserts that the position is not only fixed, but that in movements from the primary position there is no rotation at all about the sagittal axis. In other words, the final posi- 122 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. tion is such, as the eye would assume if it were moved from its primary position to the position in question by turning about a fixed axis standing perpendicular at the centre of rotation to both the primary and the new position of the line of sight. To show this requires a little more care than the last experiment. The observer must be placed at a distance of twenty-five or thirty feet from an extensive wall space, with a suitable head-rest as before. The lines of sight are, of course, not strictly parallel at this distance, but the difference may be neglected. On the wall stretch dark-colored strings as indi- cated in the accompanying diagram. The cross at the lower right hand corner should be approximately in the primary position for the observer. The longer vertical and horizontal strings should be twelve or fifteen feet long, the inclined one eighteen or twenty feet. The angle that the last makes with the others is not important so long as it is not too small with either. Fix- ation points of black cardboard or some other conspicuous substance should be affixed as indi- cated by the little circles. The cross in the corner may be made by pasting strips of bright-colored paper half an inch wide and a foot long on a disk of white c a r d- board, or (better still) it may be made by the line of junction of four colored sectors, two red arid two blue, for example. The disk in either case must be so arranged that it can be turned about its centre and one of its diameters TEE MECHANISM OF THE EYE. 123 be made to coincide with the oblique string. When all has been arranged make the following tests : Exact determination of the primary position. For most observers this is somewhat depressed below the horizontal position. Let the observer fixate the centre of the disk till he has secured a strong and clear-cut after-image of it and then turn his eyes, taking care not to move his head, to the fixation marks on the horizontal and vertical strings. If the corresponding lines of the after-image coincide with the strings, the head is in the required position. If not, the head must be moved a little to right or left if the error is with the vertical bar, and up or down if with the hori- zontal. The primary position differs a little from observer to observer, and even with the same observer at different times. Having found the primary position, have an assistant turn the cross disk so that one of its diameters coincides with the oblique string. Get a clear after-image of it, and look at the fixation point on that string. Again the bar of the cross will lie exactty upon the string, thus showing that no rotation of the eye about the line of sight has taken place. The same would be true for any other direction of motion from the primary position, provided the movement were not of extreme extent. There is then a set of lines, radiating from the primary fixation point, along which the eye can move, so as to bring all parts of the same line suc- cessively on the same part of the retina. Direct examina- tion of such a line and comparison of its parts is easy. Restore the cross disk to its first position, incline the head forward or backward, or turn it to right or left before getting the after-image (thus bringing the eye into a sec- ondary position), and repeat the experiments just made. Notice that the bars do not now coincide with the strings, showing that the eyes have suffered a certain amount of 124 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. rotation. Such a rotation appears for all secondary posi- tions (except when the fixation point both at starting and ending lies in a straight line passing through the primary fixation point) , but the extent of it is small in the ordinary movements of the eyes, and extreme movements are usually avoided by simultaneous movements of the head. With the cross on the disk vertical as in the cut, get an after-image and fixate the mark on the oblique string. In- stead of being rectangular as before, the after-image cross now appears somewhat distorted, like an oblique X. The after-image on the retina of course remains rectangular. The distortion of the image on the wall is the result of the interpretation now placed upon it by the mind. The short string cross at the same centre is known to be rectangular, and if the after-image cross fails to agree with it, the only harmonization of the two is that the latter is not really rectangular. Oblique crosses in such a position in previous experience have given rise to rectangular retinal images so often that this interpretation is immediate, and seems wholly a matter of sensation. For a fuller account of Listing's Law see Appendix I. Cf. Helmholtz, A, Fr. 601-609 (462-469), 621 (479) ff., 702 (548) ff.; Aubert, A, 653 ff. ; Wundt, A, 3te. Aufl., II., 94 ff. ; Hering, J5, 248 ff. ; Le Conte, 164-177. 132. Actual Movements of the Eyes. Wundt-Lamansky Law. Rapid motions of the eyes when they move freely and do not follow strongly marked lines in the field of re- gard, are not executed exactly according to Listing's Law, though that gives correctly the end positions reached. The axis about which the eye turns is not always constant, and the paths of the fixation point as it moves in the field of re- gard are therefore not all straight. This is easy to observe as follows. In a dark room turn down the gas till it burns in a very small flame. Then using this as a distant point THE MECHANISM ^FjfjHB^YE. J 125 of departure in the primary position, look suddenly from it to other points of fixation in various directions about it, and notice the shape of the long positive after-images that result from the' motion of the image of the flame over the retina. These will probably have the 'shape of the radii in the left hand figure below, the vertical and horizontal being nearly straight, and the oblique curved. These, however, do not show immediately the track of the fixation point. The newest part of the after-image is that next the light, the oldest, part is that next the fixation point at a in the diagram. If the points of the after-image curve are now interpreted in the order of time (taking the oblique curve to the right and upward, for example), it appears that the eye at first moved rather rapidly toward the right, but rather slowly upward, while at last it moved rather slowly toward the right and rapidly upward. Plotting a curve in accord- ance with this interpretation, we get that given in B, which shows the true track of the fixation point. By similar plot- ting the other tracks may be found. It is said that for some eyes the after-images, though curved, do not coincide with those figured in A. Wundt, B, 139 ff., 201-202; Bering, A, 450-451; Lamansky. 133. Convergent Movements of the Eyes. The laws of Ex. 131 do not hold for convergent motions of the eyes. 126 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. When the lines of sight converge in the primary position, both eyes rotate outward ; as the lines of sight are elevated, the convergence remaining the same, the outward rotation increases ; as they are depressed, the rotation diminishes and finally becomes zero. On' a sheet of cardboard draw a series of equidistant parallel vertical lines one or two inches apart and eight or ten inches long, drawing the left half of the group in black ink, the right half in red. Cross both sets midway from top to bottom by a horizontal line, red in the red set, and black in the black set. Fasten the card- board flat upon a vertical support, and arrange the head rest in front of it. The horizontal line of the diagram should be on a level with the eyes. a. If the operator is unable to control the degree of con- vergence voluntarily, he should fasten a bit of wire vertically between his eyes and the diagram in such a way that it can be moved to and from the eyes. If he is able to control the convergence voluntarily, the wire is unnecessary. Bring the head into position and converge the eyes, giving atten- tion to the diagram. It will be seen that the red and black lines are not quite parallel (or do not quite coincide), and that they are less nearly so as the convergence is increased. The red lines (seen by the left eye) seem to incline a little toward the right, and the black lines (seeji by the right eye) toward the left. When the convergence is great, the hori- zontal lines also will show the rotation. This apparent rotation of the lines is not, as in the case of the after-image, a sign that the corresponding eye has rotated in the same way, but that it has rotated in the opposite way. b. Repeat this with the head much inclined forward (the equivalent of elevating the eyes) and with it thrown far back (equivalent of depressing the eyes), taking care that the same degree of convergence is maintained. In the first case the apparent rotation of the lines is increased, and THE MECHANISM OF THE EYE. 127 in the second decreased to zero, or even transformed into rotation in the opposite direction. Helmholtz, A, Fr. 609-610 (469-470); Le Conte, 177-191; Hering, A, 496 ff. ; Aubert, A, 658 ff. 134. Involuntary Movements of the Eyes. Lay a small scrap of red paper on a large piece of blue. Fixate some point on the edge of the red. After a few seconds of steady fixation, the color near the line of separation will be seen to brighten, now in the red and now in the blue, thus be- traying the small unintentional movements of the eyes. Helmholtz, A, 539, Fr. 511 (389). BIBLIOGRAPHY. AUBERT: A. Grundziige der physiologischen Optik, Leipzig, 1876. This work, though obtainable separately, forms a part of the second volume of v. Graefe and Saemisch's Handbuch der gesammten Augenheilkunde. It contains in its three hundred pages a very large amount of matter stated with great brevity and clearness, and is in every way excellent. B. Physiologic der Netzhaut, Breslau, 1865. VON BEZOLD: Ueber Zerstreuungsbilder auf der Netzhaut, v. Graefe's Archiv, XIV., 1868, ii., 1-29. BOWDITCH AND HALL: Optical Illusions of Motion, Journal of Physiology, III., 1881-82, 297-307. BUDDE: Ueber metakinetische Scheinbewegungen und iiber die Wahrnehmung der Bewegung, Du Bois-Eeymond' 1 s Archiv, 1884, 127-152. CHARPENTIEK : A. La lumiere et les couleurs, Paris, 1888. B. Keaction oscillatoire de la retine sous F influence des excitations lumineuses, Archives de Physiologic, Ser. 5, IV., 1892, 541-553, 629-639. Essential points of the same, Comptes rendus, CXIIL, 1891, 147-150, 217-219. See also Nature, XL VIII., 1893, 380. DELABAERE : On the Seat of Optical After-images, American Jour- nal of Psychology, II., 1888-89, 326-328. 128 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. DVORAK: Versuche iiber die Nachbilder von Keizveranderungen, Sitz.-ber. d. k. Akademie d. Wiss. i. Wien, math.-nat. Classe, LXL, 1870, Abth., ii. 257-262. EXNER : A. Das Yerschwinden der Nachbilder bei Augenbewegung- en, Zeitschriftfur Psychologic, I., 1890, 47-51. B. Einige Beobachtungen iiber Bewegungsnachbilder, Central- blattfur Physiologic, L, 1887, No. 6, 135-140. C. Ueber optische Bewegungsempfindungen, Biologisches Cen- tralblatt, YIII., 1888, No. 14, 437-448. D. Ueber die Functionsweise der Netzhautperipherie und den Sitz der Nachbilder, v. Graefe's Archiv, XXXII., 1886, i., 233- 252. E. Ueber den Sitz der Nachbilder im Centralnervensystem, Rep. der Physik, XX., Protokoll d. chem. phys. Ges. in Wien, 18 Marz, 1884. F. Ueber einige neue subjective Gesichtserscheinungen, Pfluger's Archiv, I., 1868, 375-394. FICK, A.: A. Dioptrik und Nebenapparate des Auges, Hermann's Handbuch der Physiologic, III., i. 3-138. B. Die Lehre von der Lichtempfindung. ibid., 139-234. FICK, A. E., AND GURBER: Ueber Erholung der Netzhaut, v. Graefe's Archiv, XXXVI., 1890, ii., 245-301. See also Bering's critique, Fick's reply, Hering's rejoinder, and Fick's second reply. ibid., XXXVII. and XXXVIII. VON FLEISCHL: Physiologisch-optische Notizen (2te Mittheilung), Sitz.-ber. d. k. Akademie d. Wiss. i. Wien, math.-nat. Classe, LXXXVL, 1882, Abth. iii., 8-25. HELMHOLTZ: A. Handbuch der physiologischen Optik, 2te. Aufl., Hamburg und Leipzig, 1886-1892. Of this second edition of Helmholtz's work but seven parts have so far appeared. The latest complete edition is the French translation by Javal and Klein (Optique physiologique, Paris, 1867) . The references following the experiments are given when possible for both the second German edition and the transla- tion. The figures in parentheses following those for the trans- lation are the pages of the first German edition taken from the double paging of the French version. Having been taken thus at second hand, they may sometimes be in error by a page or THE MECHANISM OF THE EYE. 129 two, but it seemed better to run that risk than to omit them altogether. It is hardly necessary to add that this work is above all others the masterpiece of physiological and psycho- logical optics. B. Die Stoning der Wahrnehmung kleinster Helligkeitsunter- schiede durch das Eigenlicht der Netzhaut, Zeitschrift fur Psychologic, L, 1890, 5-17. HERING : A. Der Raumsinn und die Bewegungen des Auges, Hermann's Handbuch der Physiologic, III., Th. i., 343-601. B. Beitrage zur Physiologic, Leipzig, 1861-64. C. Ueber den Einfluss der Macula lutea auf spectrale Farben- gleichungen, Pfluger's Archiv, LIV., 1893, 277-318. HESS: Untersuchungen iiber die nach kurzdauernder Reizung des Sehorgans auftretenden Nachbilder, Pfluger's Archiv, XLIX., 1891, 190-208. HEUSE : Zwei kleinere Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der physio- logischen Optik, v. Graefe's Archiv, XXXI Y., 1888, ii., 127- 134. HILLEBRAND: Ueber die specifische Helligkeit der Farben (mit Vorbemerkungen von E. Hering). Sitz.-ber. d. k. Akademie d. Wiss.i. Wien,math.-nat. Classe, XCVIII., 1889, Abth. iii., 70- 120. LAMANSKY: Bestimmung der Winkelgeschwindigkeit der Blick- bewegung, respective Augenbewegung, Pfluger's Archiv, II., 1869, 418-422. LAQUEUR: Ueber pseudentoptische Gesichtswahrnehmungen, v. Graefe's Archiv, XXXYI., 1890, i., 62-82. Contains historical references. LE CONTE: Sight, New York, 1881. MACH: A. and 5., works cited with same letters in bibliography of Chap. II. MAXWELL: On Color-vision at Different Points of the Retina, Report of the British Association, 1870; or Maxwell's Scientific Papers, Cambridge, 1890, Yol. II., 230. ROOD : On a probable means of rendering visible the Circulation in the Eye, American Journal of Science, 2d Ser., XXX., 1860, 264. Additional observations on the Circulation in the Eye, ibid., 385. 130 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. SACHS: Ueber die specifische Lichtabsorption des gelben Fleckes der Netzhaut, Pfluger's Archiv, L., 1891, 574-586. SCHWAKZ: Ueber die Wirkung des constanten Stroms auf das normale Auge, Archivfilr Psychiatric, XXI., 1890, 588-617. TREITEL: Ueber das Yerhalten der normalen Adaptation, v.Graefe's Archiv, XXXIII., 1887, ii., 73-112. TSCHERNING: Beitrage zur Dioptrik des Auges, Zeitschrift fur Psychologic, III., 1892, 429^92. TUMLTRZ: Ueber ein einfacbes Verfahren, die Farbenzerstreuung des Auges direkt zu sehen, Pfluger's Archiv, XL., 1887, 394. UHTHOFF: Ueber die kleinsten wahrnehmbaren Gesichtswinkel in den verscbiedenen Teilen des Spektrums, Zeitschrift fur Psy- chologic, I., 1890, 155-160. Contains bibliographical notices on minimum visibile. WOLF : Ueber die Farbenzerstreuung im Auge, Wicdemanri's An- nalen, XXXIII., 1888, 548-554. WUNDT : A. Work cited in bibliography of Chapter I. B. Beitrage zur Theorie der Sinneswahrnehmung, Leipzig, 1862. ZEHFUSS: Ueber Bewegungsnachbilder, Wiedemanri 1 s Annalen, IX., 1880, 672-676. The works of Helmholtz and Aubert mentioned above contain full bibliographies for the earlier literature of all the subjects con- sidered in this and the next two chapters. SENSATIONS OF LIGHT AND COLOR. 131 CHAPTER VI. Sensations of Light and Color. THE aim of the following experiments is not to settle conflicting color theories, but rather to present the most im- portant experimental facts which all color theories nmst take into account. 1 Authoritative statements of theories may be found as follows : Young-Helmholtz theory ; Helm- holtz, A, 344-350, Fr. 380-387, 424-425, 484 (290-294, 320-321, 367) ; B, 249-256. Bering's theory ; Bering, A, 70-141 ; M, 76-79. Hering has not yet made a general state- ment of his theory in its later developments, and his present views must be gathered in more or less fragmentary con- dition from his numerous special articles. The theories of Helmholtz and Hering are the most prominent of current theories ; and something on them, especially on the first, will be found in the physiologies generally, and in some works on color in the arts. Of other theories there are a considerable number ; see, for some of them, von Kries ; Wundt, A, and B; Bonders, A and B\ Christine Ladd Franklin, A and B ; Ebbinghaus, A. Most color theories attempt to simplify the multiplicity of ordinary color sensations by considering them as com- pounds of a small number of simple or primary sensations. The number of primary colors is different in different theories ; red, green, and violet (or blue) are selected by 1 For concise statements of these facts, see Wundt, A, 3te Aufl., I., 487, 501, 4te Aufl., I., 529; and Christine Ladd Franklin, A. 132 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. the supporters of the Young-Helmholtz theory ; red, green, yellow, and blue by Hering, Mach, and others; while Wundt is indisposed to make any particular colors more original for sensation than the rest. The selection has generally been dictated by considerations of physics, or the results of introspective analysis of the sensations ; but efforts have lately been made to settle the question by careful examination of the color-blind, and by calcula- tions based upon careful experiments. On the first, see the literature on color-blindness below ; on the second, see Helmholtz, A, 456 if., D, and Konig und Dieterici, A. White is unquestionably a sensation, and Helmholtz and Hering agree in holding the same with reference to black ; though Fick and some others disagree, regarding it rather as the absence of sensation. A given color sensation may be changed in three ways : in color-tone, in saturation, and in intensity, or, to use Maxwell's terms, in hue, tint, and shade. Changes in color- tone are such as are experienced when the eye runs through the successive colors of the spectrum. Changes in satura- tion are such as are produced by the addition or subtrac- tion of white ; when much white light is added, the color is a little saturated. Changes in intensity are changes in the brightness of the color. Changes in saturation and in intensity, if excessive, involve some change of color-tone also. Hering' s theory does not admit changes in the inten- sity of light and color sensations in any ordinary sense of the word. Colors that by others are said to be of low in- tensity are regarded by Hering and his school as mixed with a large proportion of black ; similarly those of high intensity are mixed with much white. In Hering's theory the possible changes are then reduced to two ; changes in color-tone and in saturation" the latter including admixtures of both white and black (Hillebrand; Hering, A, 51 if.). SENSATIONS OF LIGHT AND COLOR. 133 In this group of experiments it has seemed best to follow the better known terminology, though Hering's conception of the matter ought not to be disregarded. LIGHT AND COLOR IN GENERAL. 135. Color-Blindness, Holmgren's Method, a. Spread the worsteds on a white cloth in good daylight. Pick out a pale green (i. e., a little saturated green) that leans neither toward the blue nor the yellow ; lay it by itself and require the person under examination to pick out and lay beside it all other skeins that are colored like it, not confining him- self, however, to exact matches, but taking somewhat darker and lighter shades also, so long as the difference is only in brightness and not in color-tone. Do not tell him to pick out "the greens" nor require him to use or understand color words in any way ; simply require the sorting. If he makes errors, putting grays, light browns, salmons, or straws l with the green, he is color-blind ; if he hesitates over the erroneous colors and has considerable difficulty, his color- vision is probably defective, but in a less degree. b. If the experimentee makes errors, try him further to discover whether he is " red-blind " or " green-blind " by asking him to select the colors, including darker and lighter shades, that resemble a purple (magenta) skein. If he is red-blind, he will err by selecting blues or violets, or both ; if he is green-blind, he will select green or gray, or both, and if he chooses any blues and violets, they will be the brightest shades. If he makes no errors in this case, after having made them in the previous case, his color-blindness is incomplete. Violet-blindness is rare. See also ExI 141 b. Complete certainty in the use of even such a simple l It is difficult to give the tints accurately in words. The experimenter should consult the colored charts given in the works of Jeffries mentioned in the bibli- ography, and in Rayleigh, B. 134 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. method as this is not to be expected without a full study of it and experience in its application. Helmholtz, Hering, Konig, Kirschmann, and others give exact methods for determining the particular colors that are lacking in the vision of the color-blind. On color-blindness and methods of testing for it, see Helmholtz, A, 357-372, 456-462; Fr. 388-399, (294-300, 847-848); Holmgren; Jeffries, A and B; Rayleigh, A and B\ Bering, H, I, N y Hess, B; Abney, A- Abney and Festing; Konig, B and C; Brodhun, A and J3; Konig und Brodhun; Konig und Dieterici, A\ Schuster; Preyer; Donders, (7; Kirschmann, A' Pole. 136. Vision with Peripheral Portions of the Eetina: Perception of Light. A very faint light often appears brighter when its image lies not in the fovea, but a few degrees away from it. If no increase of brightness is ob- served, it is at least difficult to trace any decrease in bright- ness till the image is many degrees from the fovea. This experiment is most easily made at night with faint stars. In the laboratory it may be made with the dark box. On the rear wall of the box place in a horizontal line three bits of white paper of equal size, at such distances that the line of sight moves through an angle of ten degrees in turn- ing from the middle one to either of the outer ones. Make a pin-hole above and below the middle piece, distant from it about an inch, and cover the holes on the outside with paper till the holes are barely visible after the eye has been some time adapted. These bright points serve to steady the eye. The eye should not, however, 'be directly fixed upon them, but at a point midway between them. Reduce the illumination of the box to a minimum (e. g., to the amount of light that would enter through a pin-hole cov- ered with one or more pieces of porcelain or translucent cards), wrap the head and the end of the box in an opaque cloth, and allow the eyes to become adapted to the darkness, SENSATIONS OF LIGHT AND COLOR. 135 looking from time to time for the shimmer of the papers at the back of the box. Full adaptation requires a long time, but fifteen minutes is sufficient in this case. By degrees, if the illumination is of the right intensity, the papers will be seen very faintly. If the eye is turned directly towards one of them, it often disappears in the retinal light while the others brighten. Fixate each of them successively, and compare its brightness with the others ; fixate also other points in the field so as to bring the images upon different quadrants of the retina. Close the eyes from time to time to renew the adaptation, and avoid observations when the retinal light is strongly concentrated in the centre of the field. On the results of such experiments as this, and on the explana- tion of the phenomenon observed, experimenters are somewhat at variance, but see Helmholtz, A, 268; Aubert, A, 495, B, 89 ff.; A. E. Fick, B\ Kirschmann, B; Treitel, and the literature cited by them. 137. Vision with Peripheral Portions of the Retina: Perception of Color. The distribution of the sensibility of the retina for color is unlike that for light. At the very centre the pigment of the yellow spot itself interferes some- what with the correct perception of mixed colors (see Ex. 115). In a zone immediately surrounding this all colors can be recognized. Outside of this again is a second zone in which blue and yellow alone can be distinguished, and at the outermost parts not even these, all colors appearing black, white, or gray. The zones are not sharply bounded, but blend into one another, their limits depending on the intensity and area of the colors used. The fixing of the boundaries of the zones of sensibility is known as perimetry or campimetry. a. With the apparatus at hand, find at what angles from the centre of vision on the vertical and horizontal meridians 136 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. of the eye the four principal colors, red, yellow, green, and blue, can be recognized; try white also. Keep the eye steadily fixed on the fixation mark of the instrument, and have an assistant slide the color (say a bit of colored paper 5 mm. square pasted near the end of a strip of black card- board an inch wide) slowly into the field from the outside. It will be well to move the paper slowly to and fro at right angles to the meridian on which the test is made, so as to avoid retinal fatigue. Take a record of the point at which the color can first be recognized with certainty. Repeat several times and average the results. The size of the colored spot shown should be constant for the different colors, and the background (preferably black) against which the colors are seen should remain the same in all the experiments. b. Repeat the tests with colored squares 20 mm. on the side, and notice the earlier recognition of their color as they approach from the periphery. c. Try bringing slowly into the field (best from the nasal side) bits of paper of various colors, especially violet, pur- . pie, orange, greenish yellow, and greenish blue ; or better, hold the bit of paper somewhat on the nasal side of the field and turn the eye slowly toward it, beginning at a con- siderable angle from it. If the paper is held before a back- ground containing a line along which the eye can approach the paper, the eye will be assisted in making the approach gradual ; the apparatus used in Ex. 113 b can easily be adapted for this purpose. Observe that on the outer parts of the retina these colors first get their yellow or blue com- ponents, and only later the red or green. If the range of choice is sufficiently large, it may be possible to find a red (inclined toward red-purple) and a green (inclined toward the blue), which, like pure blue and yellow, change only in saturation and not at all in color-tone as they move inward SENSATIONS OF LIGHT AND COLOR. 137 toward the centre of the field. These four colors are the Urfarben or primary colors of Hering. Helmholtz, A, 372-374, Fr. 399-400; Hess, A; Hering, <2, ; A. Fick, A,^B, 206 ff. ; A. E. Fick, J5, 479 ff. ; Aubert, A, 539-546, B, 116 ff. ; Kirschmann, C. 138. Changes in Color-Tone. In the spectrum, change of wave-length, if not too small, is accompanied by change of color-tone. The change is most rapid in the yellow- green and blue-green regions of the spectrum, less rapid toward the ends, and at the extreme ends the only changes are those in brightness. With the spectroscope and day- light find the characteristic Fraunhofer lines D, E, F, G, and ff. The D line lies in the golden yellow, F in the greenish blue, and H at the end of the violet. Between D and F the wave-length changes from 589.2 to 486.1 pp. (from 5.092 X 10 14 to 6.172 X 1C 14 vibrations per second), and the color runs through yellow and green to blue, while from F to ff with the nearly proportional change in wave-length from 486.1 to 393.3 fjLft, (from 6.172 X 10 14 to 7.628 X 10 14 vibrations per second) the change is only from greenish blue to violet. Notice the region from near the line G to the end of the spectrum which shows little change in color-tone and a simi- lar region of uniform color-tone at the red end. Notice also the tendency of the succession of spectral colors to return upon itself, shown in the resemblance of the violet and red. Helmholtz,^, 289,320, Fr. 319 (237); Wundt, 3te Aufl., L, 449 f., 4te Aufl., I., 485 f. ; A. Fick, B ; Aubert, A, 530 f. On just observ- able changes in color-tone, see B. O. Peirce, Jr., Konigund Dieterici, B, Brodhun, -4, and the literature there cited. 139. Changes in Saturation. These are easily shown on the color-mixer. Make a succession of mixtures of red and white, beginning with a proportion of white that just changes the red, and increase the proportion till no effect of red remains. At first use a small disk of red laid on 138 LABORATOET COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. over the larger disks as a sample with which to compare the mixtures. Toward the end of the experiment exchange the red for a small white disk. Notice the changes of color- tone that are to be observed, especially when the amount of color is small. Try similarly with the other chief colors. According to Rood, who worked with the color-mixer, yellow- green and violet are unchanged; Helmholtz's results with spectral colors are somewhat different. Changes in saturation can also be made by adding gray of any shade instead of white. The whole range of mix- tures can be shown on a single disk, like that in Ex. 141, by painting the star upon a white or gray ground, or by past- ing a star of colored paper on such a ground. With white, however, the rays of the star must be given a leaf shape, or the color will fall off too rapidly from the centre. Helmholtz, A, 322, 470-471, Fr. 369 (281); Aubert, A, 531-532; Kood, A, 39-40, 194-201; Nichols, A. 140. Changes in Intensity : Black and White. Black and white are the extremes of intensity in the series of grays. The ordinary black and white of conversation are, however, considerably short of these extremes. a. Compare a bit of black velvet or of black cardboard with a still deeper black by holding it in front of the open- ing in the dark box. Compare, also, ordinary white paper in diffused light with the same in direct sunlight, or with a brightly illuminated white cloud. b. Just observable differences with medium intensities. Prepare a disk like that shown in the accompanying cut by drawing along a radius of a white disk a succession of short black lines of equal breadth. Let the breadth of the line correspond to about one degree on the edge of the disk. Since the breadth of the line is everywhere the same, it will occupy a relatively greater angle as it nears the centre. SENSATIONS OF LIGHT AND COLOR. 139 When the disk is set in rapid rotation, each short line will give a faint gray ring, those at the outer edge being very faint, those nearer the centre, darker. Find which is the faintest ring that can be seen, and calculate the proportions of black and white in it. 1 The ratio of black to white measures approximately the just ob- servable decrease in in- tensity below the general brightness of the- disk. The results of Helmholtz and Aubert are respec- tively : Helmholtz, 1 : 117 to 1 : 167, Aubert, 1 : 102 to 1 : 186, the differences depending on the intensity of the general illumination of the disk. Some wandering of the eyes is helpful, but too rapid motions which tend to break up the even gray of the rings must be avoided. It is absolutely essential that the rotation be very rapid and perfectly free from vibration so rapid that with moderate motions of the eyes the uniform gray of the rings is not disturbed. If great rapidity is impossible, replace the single black line by two of proportionately less breadth on opposite sides of the disk, or by four at 90. c. With these very faint rings a disappearance and reap- pearance is to be observed somewhat like that found for 1 The formula for the amount of black, assuming that the radial line is abso* lutely black, and taking some arbitrary point, e.g., the middle, for calculation, is of course - . where b is the breadth of the radial line, and r the distance of the 27r r chosen point from the centre of the disk. The black of the lines is not quite abso- lute, even when the blackest black paint is used. The differences in sensation are therefore smaller than those shown by the calculation. 140 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. just audible sounds in Ex. 61 b. The observation is most conveniently made, according to Pace, on a disk of the fol- lowing dimensions : diameter of disk, 20 cm., width of radial line, 5 mm., length of the short lines, 5 mm., spaces between the short lines, 8 mm., distance of innermost short line from the centre of the disk, 17 mm. Helmholtz, A, 384-393; Fr. 411-419 (310-316); Aubert, A, 487- 492 ; on c, Pace. For references on the just observable difference of intensity with different standard intensities, see the chapter on Weber's Law below. 141. Changes in Intensity : Colors. At their maximum intensity all colors tend toward white or yellowish white. Red, however, hardly gets beyond the yellow ; green be- comes first yellow, then white, while blue and violet easily reach it. At their minimum intensity all colors appear gray or black. a. The maximum intensity may be observed with spec- tral colors, though not entirely homogeneous ones, with a prism placed in the sunlight so that it throws an extended spectrum on the wall. Hold a card, pierced with a pin-hole, before the eye, and bring the eye successively into the dif- ferent colors, looking meanwhile at the prism. Something of the same kind may be seen by looking through pieces of colored glass at the disk of the sun behind a cloud (in which case the portions of the cloud seen at the sides of the glass afford a means of comparison), or at the image of the sun reflected from an unsilvered glass plate, or by concentrating light from colored glass on white paper with a convex lens. b. The minimum intensity with spectral colors may be observed with a spectroscope. Adjust the instrument so that the chief Fraunhofer lines can be seen, and then place, as a source of light, at a little distance from the slit of the instrument, a screen covered with dark gray paper or black velvet. Though no color remains, a little light can be made SENSATIONS OF LIGHT AND COLOR. 141 out brightest in the region before occupied by the green. The observer must envelop his head and the ocular of the instrument in an opaque cloth, and allow time for the adap- tation of his eye. This colorless spectrum probably repre- sents what is seen by a totally color-blind eye. Von Bezold, with whom this experiment originates, ob- served with gradually decreasing intensity a falling out of the yellows and blues before the final stage of colorlessness was reached. Konig doubts whether the red ever loses its color entirely. With pigment colors a convenient way is to paste equal squares of colored papers upon a piece of cardboard, and then to place the whole in the dark box, and gradually reduce the illumination, or starting with the illumina- tion at zero, gradually in- crease it. Try with both black and white cardboard as background. For dem- onstrational purposes a disk like that in the accompany- ing cut (in which the shaded part stands for color, and the solid black for black) may be used and the whole series of intensities shown at once. 1 Helmholtz, A, 402-444 ; A. Fick, B, 200-202 ; Aubert, ^1,532-536 ; Rood, A, 181-194 ; C. S. Peirce. On cr, Helmholtz, A, 284-285, 465-466, Fr. 315 (234); Brodhun, B. On 6, Helmholtz, A, 469, 471- 1 Since the black of the disk is really a very dark gray, and would thus make a change in saturation, this is not an absolutely pure experiment, but is sufficiently exact for showing the general effect of darkening. If a practically perfect black is desired, it may be had, following Rood, by making the colored star rotate before an opening into a dark room or a suitable dark box. 142 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. 472; von Bezold, A] Ebert; Abney and Testing; Konig, A, 354 ff., where other literature is cited. For measurements of the just observable difference of intensity for different colors, see Helmholtz, -4, 402-415; Aubert, A, 531; A. Fick, A, 177; and the references given by them. 142. Purkinje's Phenomenon. In a light of moderate brightness choose a bit of red paper and a bit of blue paper that are of about equal intensity and saturation, carry both into full sunlight and notice which appears brightest ; carry both into a darkened room, or place them in the dark box and compare them again. If a dark room or box is not at hand, observe them through a fine pin-hole in a card, or even with nearly closed eyes. Helmholtz, A, 428-430, 443-444, Fr. 420-425 (317-321); Hillebrand; Konig, A-, Charpentier, A, 227 ff., 335 ff.; Hood, A, 189 ff. 143. Size of the Colored Field. When the retinal area stimulated is very small, colored surfaces appear colorless, with ordinary intensities of illumination. When somewhat larger they may appear colored, but not necessarily in their true color-tone. The background against which they are placed is also important. a. On pieces of black and white cardboard, paste small squares of several kinds of colored paper, one series 5 mm. square, one 2 mm. square, and one 1 mm. square. Walk backward from them and notice their loss of color. Ob- serve also the changes in color-tone. b. A number of retinal impressions, even when not con- tiguous, are mutually supportive in color effect. This is conveniently shown in the indirect field. In a two-inch square of black cardboard, punch sixteen holes arranged in the form of a square, four rows of four holes each. The holes should be an eighth or three-sixteenths of an inch in diameter, and be separated by spaces of the same extent. Paste upon the back of the square a piece of red paper of SENSATIONS OF LIGHT AND COLOR. 143 sufficient size to cover the holes, thus making of them six- teen little red circles. Prepare also another piece of black cardboard of such shape that it may be laid over the square and cover all the holes except one of the corner ones, and again when necessary may easily be removed. With the apparatus used in Ex. 137, find the point on the nasal half of the retinal horizon where the single red circle can just no longer be seen in its true color. In making this determination, the square should be so held that the diag- onal to which the uncovered circle belongs is horizontal. When the point has been found, uncover the remaining fifteen circles (all farther toward the periphery), and notice that the color of the group can be seen distinctly. Fatigue in fixing the limit at which the circle can be seen should be avoided. On a, Helmholtz, A, 374-375, Fr. 399-400 (300); Aubert, A, 536- 539; Bering, R, 18. On 6, A. E. Tick, A and B (especially 451-452). 144. Duration of Illumination. Fechner's Colors. The retinal inertia is different for different colors. In the ex- periments on after-images (Ex. 125 eZ), it was observed that the after-image of a white surface faded away through a succession of colors ; a succession of colors appears also to result from a very brief vision of a white surface. This can be seen upon almost any slowly rotating disk of black and white ; those used in Exs. 128 b and 145 c show the colors well, and that in Ex. 145 a shows something of the dependence of particular colors upon particular rates of recurrence. Rotate any of these disks with less rapidity than that required for a uniform gray, and, keeping the eyes steadily fixed upon some point of its surface, notice both the advancing and the retreating edges of the white portions of the disk. The colors may not appear instantly, but are not difficult to get with attentive gazing. Very striking and beautiful effects can be obtained by 144 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. substituting for the black and white disk a black one from which narrow sectors have been removed. This pierced disk is rotated before a brightly lighted background, e. g., a sheet of white cardboard in full sunlight, a bright cloud, or the clear sky, and the eye is brought very close to the disk. Helmholtz, A, 530-533, Fr. 500-504 (380-383) ; Fechner, A ; Briicke ; Exner; Aubert,^!, 560; Kood, A, 92 ff., B\ Nichols, jB; Charpentier, B and C. 145. Rate of Rotation Required for a Uniform Blending of Black and White. All blending of colors by rotation depends on the phenomenon of positive after-images (Ex. 125). A disturbance once set up in the retina does not at once subside, but continues an instant after the removal of the stimulus. If stimuli follow in sufficiently rapid succes- sion the disturbances fuse, and the result is the same as if the stimuli had been mixed before reaching the retina. A rough determination of the rate required for uniform blend- ing may be made with the color-mixer and a metronome. a. Place the color-mixer in such a position that the disk (like that in the margin) shall be illuminated by diffused daylight only. Turn the driving-wheel slowly and ascertain, by counting, how many turns of the disk correspond to one turn of the driving-wheel. Start the metronome, and turn the driving-wheel in time to its beats, making a turn every one. two or four beats. Notice which of the rings, if any, is just blended into a uniform gray. If none is just blended, change the rate of SENSATIONS OF LIGHT AND COLOR. 145 the metronome a little, and repeat the trial till such a one is found. From the rate of the metronome, the number of turns of the driving-wheel, and the number of white sectors in the just blended ring, find the number of stimuli per second required. The experiment is easier when two observers work together, one giving his attention to the regular driving of the color-mixer, and the other to watch- ing the disk. The driving-belt of the instrument must be tight enough not to slip, and the metronome should be kept well wound up. Its scale should also be verified by counting with a watch. The observer must of course avoid eye motions which break up the uniformity of the gray. b. Eepeat the determination with the disk in direct sun- light ; also in a partially darkened room or at twilight. c. A disk like that in the margin shows mixtures of several different proportions of black and white at once. If such a disk is brought slowly to the rate just neces- sary to give a uniform gray at the centre, a little flickering can still be traced in the outer rings. Care should be taken not to fixate the middle of the disk ex- clusively, for with mod- erate illumination the per- iphery of the retina requires a little greater speed for uniform blending than the centre. Helmholtz states that little dif- ference is to be observed in the rate at which the flickering ceases with the somewhat similar disk shown at the left in OF THE UNIVERSITY )) JJ 146 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. Ex. 152 d, but with that given here, it is believed that careful observation will not fail to show a difference. Helmholtz, A, 488 ff., Fr. 453 (344) ff.; Aubert, A, 517; A. Fick, J3, 211-222; Nichols, J5; Bellarminow and the literature cited by him. 146. The Talbot-Plateau Law. This law may be stated as follows : When once the rate of rotation is sufficient to give a uniform sensation, the color and brightness of any given concentric ring of the disk are the same that they would be if all the light reflected from it were evenly dis- tributed over its surface, and no further increase in rapidity produces any effect upon its appearance. Rotate the disk used in Ex. 145 a, and increase the rapidity till the inner- most portion gives a uniform gray. When this appears, the rate of recurrence in the outermost ring is 32 times more rapid than in the innermost, and yet no difference in shade is to be seen. To show that the gray is actually of the same brightness that would come from an even distribution of the light reflected from the whole surface of the ring, prepare a disk with many equal black and white sectors 32 or more of each. Place the disk on the color-mixer, and look at it when at rest through a double convex lens of short focus (e.g., 1 in.), held at such a distance from the eye and disk that no distinct image is formed, but the field of the lens appears an even blur of gray. Now put the disk in rapid rotation and notice that the gray remains un- changed. The result of these experiments would be the same were other colors substituted for black and white. Helmholtz, A, 482-485, Fr. 446-450 (338-341); Aubert, A, 515-516; Talbot; Plateau. 147. Brticke's Experiment. When the rate of rotation is insufficient to produce an even blending, the brightness SENSATIONS OF LIGHT AND COLOR. 147 of the disk is influenced by the rate. Set the disk used in Ex. 145 a in rapid enough rotation to blend the innermost ring, and then let it gradually come to rest. As it turns more and more slowly, there will be observed in one ring after another, beginning with the innermost, just as it loses its uniform character, a notable brightening. The white sectors now have opportunity to produce their full effect upon the retina before they are succeeded and their impres- sion cut off by the black sectors. Helmholtz, A, Fr. 455-456: Exner; Aubert, A 9 510. COLOR MIXING. 148. Mixed Colors. Experiments upon this subject can- not be regarded as entirely satisfactory except when made with pure (homogeneous) spectral colors. The colored papers with which the following experiments are made show anything but homogeneous colors, as can easily be seen by looking at scraps of them on a dark background through a prism. They produce the same mixture effects, however, that spectral colors of the same tone, intensity, and satura- tion would produce ; and the great facility of their manipu- lation on the color-mixer recommends them for preliminary experiments and for illustrative purposes. Three colors properly selected serve to produce by their mixtures all the intermediate colors (though in most cases in less saturation) with purple and white (i. e., gray) in addi- tion. The colors generally selected are red, green, and blue or violet. Green cannot be mixed from colors that them- selves do not resemble it ; i.e., it can be mixed from yellow- green and blue-green, but not from yellow and blue, and not in anything like full saturation. The general facts of color mixing, together with the method of representing them in a two dimensional diagram, were first discovered by Newton, and are sometimes desig- 148 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. nated by the general term of Newton's Law. For the methods of constructing such diagrams, see, among others, Helmholtz, A, 334 ff., Aubert, A, 524 ff., and Rood, A, 218 ff., 224 ff. a. Mix a yellow from red and green on the color-mixer. The yellow produced will be dark, and, as a test of its hue, should be matched with a mixture of yellow and black made with smaller disks set on above the first. In the same way mix a blue from green and violet that shall match a mixture of blue and black (or blue, black, and white). b. From red and violet or blue, mix several purples be- tween violet arid red. c. From red, green, and violet, mix a gray that shall match a mixture of black and white on the small disk. In such a case as this it is highly probable that the gray appears, because the combined colors furnish among them light of all wave-lengths in about the proportions in which they occur in ordinary white light. With the homogeneous red, green, and violet of the spectrum, the case would of course be different. To avoid troublesome after-images, the adjustment of the disks should be left to an assistant, or the observer should wear dark glasses, except when the disks are in revolution at full speed. If the colored disks used in these experiments are not opaque, several should be used at once instead of a single one. ^ For demonstrational purposes mixtures of two colors in different proportions can be shown on a single disk of the star form (see Ex. 141) by painting the star in one color and the ground of the disk in another (or by pasting colored papers instead of painting), but in either case some trial will be necessary to determine the proper shape for the rays. SENSATIONS OF LIGHT AND COLOR. 149 Helmholtz, A, 311-316, 320-322, 325-333, 375, 376-473, 485, Fr. 359-365, 367-369, 450 (272-277, 279-281, 341); Aubert, A, 521-524- Bering, Jf; Maxwell, A and #; Kood, A, 124 ff. 149. Complementary Colors. The combination of* red, green, and violet mentioned in the last experiment is not the only combination that gives white or gray. For every color there is another or complementary color, which, mixed with it, gives a colorless combination. Some of these pairs are red and blue-green, yellow and indigo-blue, green and purple, blue and orange, violet and yellow-green. a. Try several of these pairs upon the color-mixer, match- ing the resultant gray with a mixture of black and white on the small disk. It will probably be found in some cases that no possible proportions of the colored papers at hand will give a pure gray. In that case a little of the color complementary to that remaining in the gray must be added. Suppose the red and blue-green papers, when com- bined, give gray with a tinge of brown (i.e., dark orange) ; a certain amount of blue must then be added to compensate. For example, with certain papers 180 of blue-green -f- 36 indigo-blue + 144 red make a gray that matches 90 white + 270 black. To see the true complement of the red used, it is then necessary to prepare a disk carrying green and indigo in the proportions of 180 and 36; i.e., 300 blue- green, 60 indigo. In the same way the complement of the" blue-green used is a bluer red than that of the red paper, and may be seen by itself by mixing 288 red with 72 indigo. It is very important here, and in all cases where a resultant white or gray is to be observed, to have some undoubted white or gray in the field to prevent mistake in very faint tinges of color. The criticism made upon Ex. 148 c applies here with equal force. To be conclusive, the experiment must be made with far simpler colors than those of colored papers. 150 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. b. Negative after-images, when projected on a white sur- face, are seen in colors approximately complementary to those that give rise to the after-images. Compare comple- mentary colors found in this way with those found on the color-mixer. Helmholtz, A, 316-319, Fr. 365-367 (277-278) ; Aubert, A, 521- 524; Konig und Dieterici, A, 284 ff. ; Kood, A, 161 ff. 150. Other Methods of Mixing Colored Lights, a. Lam- bert's Method. The Reflection Color-Mixer. This is the simplest of all the methods. The colors to be mixed are placed on a suitable back- ground (e. g., a smooth sur- face of black velvet), on op- posite sides of a vertical glass plate. The eye is brought into such a position that the reflected image of the color on one side appears to overlie that seen by transmission on the other side. The glass must of course be of good quality and clean. The relative intensity of the colors can be varied by varying their distance from the glass. Bringing the colors near the glass, or raising the eye, strengthens the reflected and weak- ens the transmitted light. Strips of colored paper placed with their ends next the glass, provided the illumination is equal, will show an even blending of the colors through a considerable range of intensities, one color predominating at one end of the combined image, the other at the other end. By substituting a bit of glass on a black background for one of the colors, and then placing the instrument so that a portion of clear sky may be reflected in the glass, it is possi- ble to mix sky-blue with its complement, or with any other color. SENSATIONS OF LIGHT AND COLOR. 151 To mix two colors in equal proportions, arrange them with black and white, as in the diagram below. Adjust the glass (or the position of the eye) till the grays made by the black and white at the ends exactly match ; the colors will then be mixed in equal proportions. b. Mixture by Double Kefraction. Colored areas placed side by side appear mixed when regarded through a double refracting prism. The prism doubles both fields, and causes a partial overlapping. In the overlapped portion the colors are mixed, each color being present in the mixture at ap- proximately half its original brightness. The prism should be achromatic. c. Mixture of Spectral Colors. Fine mixtures may be ob- tained with a prism and Figs. 1, 2, and 3 of Plate I. ; or, still better, from figures shaped like these, but in white upon a black ground. Since a prism refracts different kinds of light in different degrees, it produces a multitude of partially over- lapping images of a bright object, which appear to the eye as colored fringes. (Observe through a prism held horizon- tally, an inch square of white paper on a black background.) These overlapping images may be illustrated by the follow- ing diagram, in which the horizontal lines stand for the 152 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. images, and the capital letters for the colors of the light producing them. a b rr TT" d c In the area a b c d all the images overlap and the white of the paper is still seen. Toward the left from a, however, the different kinds of light gradually fail, beginning with the red. The successive colors from greenish blue to violet result from the mixture of what remains. At the other end a similar falling away of the colors gives the succession from greenish yellow to red. In Fig. 1, the spectra seen on the upper and lower edges of the inch square of white paper are brought side by side ; on one side red, orange, and yellow, and on the other greenish blue, blue, and violet. The colors that stand side by side are complementary pairs, both in tone, intensity, and saturation; for the greenish blue is the white of the paper less the red, and the blue the same less the red, orange, and yellow, and so with the rest ; and if the two spectra be exactly superposed, as can be done with an adaptation of the method, of b above, they will make precisely the white from which they originated. If a very narrow strip of white upon a black ground is looked at through the prism, the images overlap less and another color appears ; namely, green, as may be seen in Fig. 2 on the narrow white band between the black bars. WJien, on the other hand, a narrow black band on a white ground is taken, the spectrum of the white surface above and of that below partially overlap, and give another set of mix- tures. If the diagram is held near the prism at first, and SENSATIONS OF LIGHT AND COLOR. 153 then gradually withdrawn from it, the advance and mixing of the spectra can easily be followed. Besides the greenish yellow at one end and the greenish blue at the other, there are a rich, purple, complementary to the green beside it, and a white between the purple and the greenish yellow. The last is a white produced by the mixture of the blue of one spectrum with the complementary orange-yellow of the other. Fig. 3 shows a number of color mixtures with different proportions of the constituents. In the spectra from the white triangle appear mixtures of each color in the spectrum seen on the white band in Fig. 2, with every other color found there. Upon the black triangle the spectra from the white edges above and below show mixtures similar to those on the black band in Fig. 2. The diagram should be placed at such a distance that a little of the white and black triangles can still be seen. Helmholtz, A, 350-357, 485, 491-493, Fr. 402-407, 450, 458-461 (303-306, 341, 347-349); Aubert, .4,521-524 ; Maxwell, A\ Rood, A, 108 ff., 124 ff.; Hering, O; von Bezold, B, 77 ff. On a and c, Ben- son. On refined methods of mixing spectral colors, see especially the first reference to Helmholtz. CONTRAST. The effect of one color on another, when not mixed with it, but presented to the eye successively, or simultaneously in adjacent fields, is known as contrast. Two kinds are distinguished, Successive contrast and Simultaneous contrast. The color that is changed or caused to appear upon a color- less surface, is known as the induced color ; the color that causes the change is called the inducing color. Successive con- trast is largely a matter of negative after-images, and their projection upon different backgrounds, and is universally regarded as a matter of physiology. Simultaneous contrast, on the contrary, has been regarded by Helmholtz and his 154 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. supporters as a matter of psychology, as a sort of mis- judgment. The studies of the last few years, however, chiefly those of Hering, have demonstrated that simultane- ous contrast also in most, and probably in all cases, is physiological, a phenomenon of the retina (and its central connections), not of mistaken inference. 151. Successive Contrast, a. Prepare a set of colored fields of the principal colors, including white, black, and gray, say 3x5 inches in size, and some small bits of the same colors, say 1 cm. square. Lay a small square on the black field, get a strong negative after-image, and project it first on the white and then on the other fields. Notice that the color of the after-image spot is that of the field on which it is projected, minus the color that produced the spot ; e. g., the after-image of red projected on violet looks blue, and on orange looks yellow. Or, to say the same thing in other words, the color of the spot is a mixture of the color of the after-image with the color of the ground upon which it is projected. Thus a blue-green after-image when projected on violet, gives blue ; when projected on orange, gives yellow. Notice that when the image is pro- jected on a field of the inducing color it causes the spot on which it rests to look dull and faded ; but when it is pro- jected upon a field of complementary color, it makes the spot richer and more saturated. Indeed, it is only by first fatiguing the eye for one color and then looking at its com- plement that the most saturated color sensations can be produced. In general, colors that are complementary, or nearly so, are helped in appearance by contrast ; those that resemble each other more nearly are injured. b. These effects, in even greater brilliancy, can be seen by laying the small square of color directly on the larger colored surface, staring at it a few seconds, and then sud- denly puffing it away with the breath. See also Ex. 134. SENSATIONS OF LIGHT AND COLOR. 155 c. This contrast effect may be so strong as actually to overcome a moderately strong objective color. Place a small piece of opaque orange paper in the middle of a pane of red glass and look through the glass at a clear sky or bright cloud. The strength of the induced blue-green will be sufficient to make the orange seem blue. See also Ex. 124 d. Helmholtz, A, 537-542, Fr. 510-515 (388-392); Hess, C ; Rood, A, 235 ff. 152. Mixed Contrasts. When special precautions are not taken to exclude successive contrast, both successive and simultaneous co-operate in the general effect. Some of the results are striking and beautiful. a. Colored Shadows. Arrange two lights so that they shall cast a double shadow of a pencil or small rod upon a white surface. The daylight will answer for one light if it is not too strong, but it must not be forgotten that unless the light comes from an overcast sky it will be blue. In- troduce different colored glasses one after another before one of the lights, and notice the beautiful complementary color that immediately appears in the shadow belonging to that light. The brightness of the two lights should be so regulated that the shadows shall be about equally dark when the colored glass is introduced before one of the lights. See also Ex. 155. Use a blue glass, and adjust the relative intensities of the lights so that the yellow shadow appears at its brightest, and notice that it seems as bright as the surrounding blue, or even brighter. As a matter of fact, however, it receives less light than the surrounding portions ; for in order to be a shadow, it must be a portion of the field from which the light is partly cut off. b. Mirror Contrasts. Eagona Scina's Experiment. Place upon the horizontal and vertical surfaces of the instrument 156 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. white cards carrying black diagrams. 1 The diagrams being in place, hold between the two at an angle of 45 a pane of colored glass, say green, and observe that the black of the horizontal diagram seems tinged with the complementary color, that is, purple. This contrast color may often be im- proved by slightly altering the inclination of the glass, or by changing the relative illumination of the diagrams by interposing a colorless screen between one or the other of them and the source of light, or by shifting the whole in- strument. This experiment will be readily understood after a consideration of the accompany- ing cut. The glass plate is repre- sented by C D, the black portion of the vertical diagram by the projection opposite A, that of the horizontal diagram by the projec- tion at B. The light reaching the eye from the white portion of the horizontal diagram is colored green by the glass ; that from the white portion of the vertical diagram is reflected from the upper surface of the plate, and is therefore uncolored. 2 The mix- ture of the two gives a light green field. For simplicity, we may assume that no light comes from the black portions of the diagram. Then in the portion of the light green 1 Any black spot will answer. For this experiment diagrams made up of sets of heavy concentric black rings, lines a quarter of an inch wide, separated by white rings of triple width, give an excellent effect. The diameters should be so chosen that a black ring on the horizontal diagram shall correspond to a white one on the vertical and vice versa, and shall appear to lie in the midst of the white when the diagrams are combined in the way described above. A pair of diagrams made up of parallel black bars, a quarter of an inch wide, separated by quarter inch spaces, and so placed in the instrument that they give a checker- board pattern when combined, are useful for keeping in the field a true black with which the changed colors can be compared. 1 As a matter of fact, a small portion is also reflected from the lower surface of the glass, and contributes a minute amount of green. SENSATIONS OF LIGHT AND COLOR. 157 field corresponding to the black of tlie vertical diagram, the white component will be wanting and the green will appear undiluted ; in the portion corresponding to the black of the horizontal diagram, the green component will be wanting and the faint white (i. e., gray) should appear by itself. It does not, however, because of the contrast color induced upon it. As a matter of fact, the black portions are not absolutely black ; the small amount of light that comes from them tends on one hand to make the green image (im- age of the black of the vertical diagram) a little whiter, and on the other hand to counteract the contrast in the purple image by adding to it a little green. Try the experiment with other glasses than green. Another form of the mirror contrast experiment is as follows. Place a mirror where the sky or a white surface of some kind will be seen reflected in it. Lay upon its sur- face a plate of colored glass (green for example), and hold a little way above it a narrow strip of black cardboard or a pencil. Two images will be seen : one a vivid green, the other a complementary purple. The green image belongs to the surface reflection of the colored glass, as may be proved by observing that when the strip of cardboard touches the surface, the green image touches it also. The purple image belongs to the reflection from the back of the mirror. It is easy, by substituting a gray strip for the black, to show that contrast can suppress a weaker objective color actually present. 1 c. Meyer's Experiment. Lay on a large colored field a small piece of gray or even black paper (e.g., 1 cm. wide by 2 cm. long), and cover the whole with a piece of semi- transparent white paper of the same size as the colored field. The contrast color will appear on the gray paper. 1 For fuller explanation with diagram, see American Journal of Psychology t V., 1892-93, 407, and von Bezold, 154 f. 158 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. If thin tissue paper is used, more than one thickness may be needed for the best result. Paper mats, woven one way of gray paper and the other of colored, show this contrast beautifully. They may easily be made from kindergarten materials. d. Mixed Contrasts with the Color-mixer. Disks made on the pattern of the cut at the left show beautiful contrasting grays. The disk used in Ex. 145 c shows a longer series, but requires a more rapid rate of rotation. The same can be shown also by laying a number of small sheets of tissue paper over one another in such a way that they partially overlap, making a portion where there is but a single thick- ness, and next it a portion where there are two thicknesses, and next that again one of three thicknesses, and so on. When the whole is held up to the light, the contrasts of adjacent portions are very easily seen. Contrast colors can be shown finely with disks like that in the cut at the right, in which the shaded portions repre- sent color, the black portions, black, and the white, white. A little care is necessary in fixing the proportions of the color to white and black in the disks, but in general the SENSATIONS OF LIGHT AND COLOR. 159 brightness of the gray should be about that of the color. When the contrast color has been satisfactorily obtained, bring near it a piece of white cardboard (e.g., 3 x 5 in.), so held with reference to the source of light that it appears about as bright as the contrast ring. Hold the card so that its shadow does not fall on the disk, or at least is out of sight. Notice the retreat of the contrast color from its edges. On such experiments as this much stress is laid by Helrnholtz and the supporters of the psychological explana- tion of contrast. Contrasts with two colors at once can be shown by mak- ing the inner portion of the colored sectors of one color, the outer portion of another. A temporary disk for showing contrast effects may be arranged by putting on the spindle of the color-mixer first a large colored disk (e.g., 20 cm. . in diameter), then smaller combined disks of black and white (e.g., 12 cm. in diameter), and finally a still smaller colored disk (e.g., 10 cm. in diameter). Helmholtz, A, 542 ff., Fr. 515-546 (392-417); Hering, j; Aubert, 496 if., 546 ff.; von Bezold, 144-171; Rood, 241-272; Mayer. For particular experiments, see the following: on a (second part), von Bezold, B, 153-154; on b (second part), Dove; on c, Meyer. For quantitative measurements of contrast in grays, see Ebbing- haus, B ; Lehmann; and Kirschmann, D. 153. Some of the Conditions that Influence Contrast. a. Contrasts are stronger when the colors are near to- gether. Lay a bit of white paper on a black surface, e.g., a piece of black velvet, and notice that the paper is whiter and the velvet blacker near the margin of the paper than elsewhere, notwithstanding that the eye moves about freely. This has received the name of " Marginal contrast " (Rand- contrast). On a piece of gray paper, the size of a letter-sheet, lay two strips of colored paper close side by side (e.g., pieces of 160 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. red and yellow or of green and blue, 1 cm. wide by 4 cm. long). Below them to the right and left, as far apart as the paper will permit, lay two other strips of the same size and color, red on the red side of the former pair, yellow on the yellow side. Notice the effect of the difference in distance on the contrasting pairs. Contrast of this sort is at a maxi- mum when one color entirely surrounds the other. b. Effect of size. When the area of the inducing color is large and that of the induced color is small, the contrast is shown chiefly on the latter ; when the two areas are of about equal size, as in a above, the effect is mutual. Try with large and small bits of paper upon a colored field. c. Borders and lines of demarcation that separate the contrasting areas tend to lessen the effect by excluding mar- ginal contrast ; and (since the eye tends to move along rather than across strongly marked lines), by hindering such motions of the eye as would bring about successive contrast. Eepeat Ex. 152 c, using two slips of gray paper 5 mm. wide by 2 cm. long, and substituting a piece of moderately trans- parent letter-paper for the tissue paper. When the contrast color has been observed, trace the outline of one of the slips with a fine ink line upon the paper that covers it, and notice that the color nearly or quite vanishes. A disk like that in the cut accompanying Ex. 152 d, when provided with a second contrast ring, marked off on both its edges with a firm black line, shows a weakening of the induced color in the bordered ring. This experiment and others like it play an important part in the psychological, as opposed to the physiological, expla- nation of simultaneous contrast ; see Helmholtz, A, 543 ff., 559 f., Fr. 533 f., 539, 542, (406 f., 411, 414). Such a black border will, however, also make a weak objective color invisible. d. Saturation. Contrast effects are generally most strik- SENSATIONS OF LIGHT AND COLOR. 161 ing with little saturated colors. Compare the effect of increasing, decreasing, and extinguishing the second non- colored light in the colored shadow experiments. It is necessary, however, to see to it that reflected light from the walls and surrounding objects does not complicate the ex- periment. Compare the intensity of the contrasts in Meyer's experi- ment (Ex. 152 c) before and after the application of the tissue paper. Notice also the part played by the white light mixed with the colored light in the mirror contrast experiments above. Try the effect of introducing white or black or both into the largest and smallest disks in the arrangement mentioned at the end of Ex. 152. Powerful contrasts with the most saturated colors can be observed, however, when the proper conditions are fulfilled. e. Colors, induced upon gray fields are stronger when the. gray has about the same brightness as the inducing color. Eepeat Meyer's experiment, using white paper instead of the gray or black. With the three disk arrangement try the effect of making the intermediate disk all white and all black. Eood finds that grays slightly darker than the inducing color are advantageous when the inducing color is red, orange, or yellow, and slightly lighter when the inducing color is green, blue, violet, or purple. On conditions in general, see Helmholtz, A, 540-541, Fr. 513-514, (390-391), Kirschmann, D. In Hering, E, will also be found much on the effect of various conditions. On ft, Exner, B. On c, Helmholtz, A, 546-547, Fr. 539-542 (411-414). On d, Helmholtz, A, Fr. 523-524 (399-400). On e, Hood, A, 261. 154. The Halo or Lichthof of Hering. Contrast is often to be seen in negative after-images. That observed in after- images of white objects on a dark ground has been adduced by Hering as an argument against the psychological expla- nation of contrast. Some of the simpler experiments are 162 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. as follows ; for his development of them consult Hering, A. a. Lay a half inch square of white paper on a large sheet of black cardboard (or better of black velvet), and put a small dot at its centre. Stare with unmoved eyes at the dot for from 15 to 30 seconds or more, then close and cover the eyes. There will then be seen, neglecting incidental color effects, the dark after-image of the paper surrounded by a halo of light, brightest next the paper and gradually falling off in brilliancy toward the periphery. This is ex- plained on the psychological theory as due to contrast with the deep black of the after-image of the square. When, however, the converse of the experiment is properly made (a black square on a white ground), the dark halo which would be expected by contrast is not found, though the after-image of the black square is very bright. b. Lay two white squares side by side two or three milli- meters apart on the dark ground and between them a minute clipping of paper for a fixation point. Secure the after-images as before. . The halos qf the two squares coincide in the narrow space between and give a much brighter band in the after-image. Under favorable circum- stances this bright band may remain visible while the after- images of the squares themselves are temporarily invisible. In both these experiments it is better to use both eyes than a single one. The explanation of the halo as a matter of false judgment, especially in the last mentioned case, is not easy. Hering, A. 155. Simultaneous Contrast with Colored Shadows. The effects of simultaneous contrast are almost always lost in the more powerful ones of successive contrast. The first requi- site, therefore, of an experiment on the first, is the exclusion of the second. This is not difficult for colored shadows. a. Place a good-sized piece of white paper on a table in such a position that it may be illuminated at the same SENSATIONS OF LIGHT AND COLOR. 163 time from a window (if the day is overcast) and from a gas- jet. Set upon it a small block or other object (about 5 cm. by 10 cm. in size) ; something black in color is best. Light the gas and observe the two shadows, one cast by the light from the window, the other by the gas. The first will appear yellowish, the second clearly blue. 1 Adjust the dis- tance and position of the block with reference to the light so that the shadows shall appear about equally dark, and the blue shadow shall be as sharply bounded as possible, and for that purpose it is well to have the shadow cast by the edge rather than the flat side of the flame. The color of the yellowish shadow is objective and due to the yellow of the gas-flame, that of the blue is due to the contrast, but largely, as yet, to successive contrast. Put a dot in the centre of the blue shadow, to serve as a fixation-point, and another on the edge. Fasten a paper tube (preferably blackened inside) so that it can easily be shifted from one dot to the other. Cut off the gas-light by holding a card between it and the block ; adjust the tube so that the dot in the middle of the shadow may be fixated without any of the field outside of the shadow being seen. Wait until all of the blue has disappeared from the shadow, and then, still looking through the tube, remove the card. The field remains entirely unchanged and appears, as before, a color- less gray. The former blue color is thus shown to be sub- jective and due to contrast with the yellow lighted area in which it lies. 1 This setting of the experiment succeeds best when the daylight is weak, as, for example, just before the lights are usually lighted in the evening. If the ex- periment is to be made in broad day, the light must be reduced by curtains or otherwise; if at night, there must be two lights, one corresponding to the win- dow and one to the gas, and the latter must shine through a pane of colored glass. If yellow glass is used, the colors will be the same as those in this experiment, the free flame taking the place of the daylight. If the sky is clear, its light is itself blue, and would complicate the experiment somewhat. Its light may, however, be passed through colored glass or gelatine, but then the orange color of the gas-light must be regarded. 164 LABOEATOllY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. b. Cut off the gas-light again and adjust the tube so that the dot in the edge of the shadow may be fixated. Taking great care not to move the eye, withdraw the card. The part of the field of the tube filled by the shadow will ap- pear bluish, that of the remainder reddish yellow. After a little time of steady fixation, cut off the gas-light once more and observe the instant reversal of the colors. The shadow now appears in reddish yellow, the rest of the field blue. The color of the shadow, both before and after the final interposition of the card, is due to simultaneous con- trast, in the first case with the reddish yellow light, and in the second with its after-image. Helmholtz and his supporters explain all cases of simul- taneous contrast as errors of judgment ; in the case of the colored shadow, for example, we mistake the yellow of the gas-lighted field for white, and consequently find the shadow which is really gray to be bluish. In the case of this par- ticular experiment, Hering and Delabarre have shown this psychological explanation unnecessary and a physiological one all sufficient, and Hering has done the same for other forms of experiments. On simultaneous contrast in general, see Helmholtz, J., 542 ff., Fr. 515-547 (392-418) ; Hering, A and E. On colored shadows see Helmholtz, A, 551-553, Fr. 517-519 (394-396) ; Hering, E ; Delabarre. On Helmholtz's theory see Helmholtz, J., 543 ff., Fr. 516, 533-538 (392, 407-411); Hering, E ; Rood, A, 252 ff.; von Bezold, B, 146 ff. For quantitative measurements of simultaneous contrast under various conditions, see Kirschmann, D. 156. Simultaneous Contrast. Hering's Binocular Method. a. Set a red glass in the right frame of the binocular color-mixer, a blue glass in the left. Look fixedly through the colored glasses at the cork ball below, bringing the eyes close to the glasses and the nose between them. Adjust the side screens till the white ground below appears in a uni- SENSATIONS OF LIGHT AND COLOR. 165 form light violet from the binocular mixture of the red and blue (see Ex. 167). The narrow strip of black paper on the white is seen double, the right hand image bluish, the left yellowish. b. The possibility of successive contrast, however, is not yet excluded. Lay a sheet of black paper over the whole of the white field and its black strip ; rest the eyes ; and finally, when everything is in readiness, and the eyes again fixed on the ball, swiftly draw away the black paper, keep- ing the eyes motionless. The contrast colors are seen on the instant, before any motions of the eyes that might intro- duce successive contrast have been made. Hering argues that this experiment is conclusive against the psychological explanation of simultaneous contrast, unless a separate unconscious judgment is to be made for each eye ; for that which is seen is a light violet field, and the contrast color to that should be a greenish yellow, and both images of the strip should be alike, whereas, actually, the images appear in different colors, neither of which is the color required. Hering, J. 157. Induction of a Like Color. An effect the reverse of the ordinary contrast effects sometimes appears, the in- ducing color reappearing in the induced field. a. Place close side by side a large piece of black paper and an equal sized piece of white. Make a dot as a fixation point at the middle of their line of junction, and stare fixedly at it for half a minute. After a few seconds the white will appear decidedly darker and the black decidedly lighter, the effect becoming more marked as fixation is continued. See also Ex. 122. b. A darkening or brightening of a colored ground is often to be observed when a figure in black or white is placed 166 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. upon it. This is a method of obtaining shades and tints often used in polychromatic decoration. Observe the effect in Fig. 4 of Plate I. The same may be observed occasion- ally in plaid fabrics, and is shown very satisfactorily in kindergarten mats woven in checker-board pattern of col- ored and gray papers. If a set of graded grays is used so that the strips may range evenly from a black at one side to a white at the other, the corresponding shading of the colored paper is striking. On a, Helmholtz, A, 554 ff., Fr. 527 ff. (401 ff.); Hering, A, 36 ff. On &, von Bezold, I?, 182-183 and Plate Y. For what is perhaps a related phenomenon, see Briicke, 424 ff . ; Helmholtz, A, 549, Fr. 520 (396); Aubert, A, 549 f. 158. Influence of Experience in Visual Perception. While in the previous experiments a physiological explanation seems sufficient for the facts, psychical action is not ex- cluded, even by Hering, from a considerable share in sense perception. In the following experiments experience co- operates in the result. a. Place upon the color-mixer a short-pointed star of white cardboard, or even a square ; when in sufficiently rapid rotation, it appears as a white central circle sur- rounded by a more or less transparent ring. While in this condition bring behind it a broad strip of black cardboard of somewhat greater length than the diameter of the star from point to point. As the edge of the card advances, it can be seen not only behind the transparent ring, but, appar- ently, also behind the opaque central circle, and the portions of the latter in front of the black card seem darkened by its presence. The illusion holds, though with a lightening instead of a darkening effect, when a white card is moved behind a black star. The illusion fails by degrees if the card is kept motionless, but may be observed to a certain extent when the star is at rest, or even on a square of card- SENSATIONS OF LIGHT AND COLOR. 167 board held in the hand while another is moved to and fro behind it. In all cases the latter card should often be wholly withdrawn, so that its edge can be clearly seen. b. Cover a piece of black cardboard smoothly with tissue paper, and notice that it seems at first blacker (because its color is well known) than it afterwards proves to be on com- parison with other grays. c. In mixing colors by reflection (Ex. 150 a), notice the tendency to see one color through the other, instead of see- ing the mixture of the two. This tendency may be so strong at first as to interfere, to a certain extent, with the success of the experiment. See also Ex. 164. Helmholtz, A, 312, 323 f., Fr. 360 (273); Kirschmann, E. On the difficulty of judging small differences in the color of surfaces that present other small unlikenesses, see Hering, E. SOME PHENOMENA OP KOTATING DISKS. 159. The Munsterberg-Jastrow Phenomenon, a. Set a black and white disk, e.g., that used in Ex. 145 a, in rapid enough rotation to give a uniform gray; pass rapidly before it a thin wooden rod or thick wire, and notice the multitude of shadowy images of the rod that appear on the disk. The number of images is greatest in the portion of the disk having the most frequent interchange of black and white. b. Replace the disk by one carrying two or more colors. Notice the repetition of the phenomenon, and that the colors of the images are the colors (otherwise completely blended) which the disk actually carries. The explanation of the phenomenon is not altogether clear, but the sudden changes of the background against which the rod is seen seem to have an effect not unlike that of a stroboscopic disk or of intermittent illumination, and thus show the rod at rest in its successive positions. Jastrow. 168 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. 160. Eetinal Oscillation. Prepare a disk of black card- board 25-30 cm. in diameter, and paste upon it a sector of white of 90 extent. Put the disk in slow rotation (one turn a second), fixate the middle of the disk, and notice that the retreating edge of the black is always followed by a narrow shadowy sector in the white. Under favorable conditions more than one may be seen. The retina on first being stimu- lated with white, apparently reacts in the direction of black (see Ex. 125), then swings again toward white, and so on. Charpentier, B. 161. Perception of Flicker with Different Parts of the Eetina. Place upon the color-mixer a black and white disk in which the sectors are complete from centre to circumfer- ence ; those used in Ex. 145 will not answer here. Eotate the disk at such a rate as to give a lively flicker, fixate its centre and slowly increase the rate. With care a point will be found where the sectors are blended for the central parts of the retina, but still flicker for the periphery. Try also looking at one edge of the disk while giving attention to the centre or opposite edge. This is in accord with the general principle that peripheral after-images are of shorter duration than those of the retinal centre. Too bright illumination should be avoided, for with intense light the difference be- tween the centre and periphery is less, or even quite reversed. Bellarminow. On rotating disks and their phenomena in general, see Helmholtz, A, 480-501, Fr. 445-471 (337-357). BINOCULAR PHENOMENA OF LIGHT AND COLOR.* 162. In general the two eyes co-operate to bring about a single visual result, but the union of the impressions upon the two retinae is influenced by a number of circumstances. 1 The experiments that follow can all be made with the stereoscope, but prac- tice will enable the experimenter to combine the diagrams with free eyes, either by crossing the lines of sight (fixating a point nearer than the diagram), or by making them parallel or nearly so (fixating a point beyond the diagram). This SENSATIONS OF LIGHT AND COLOR. 169 a. If the stimulus to one eye is considerably stronger than that to the other, the sensation in the latter is in most cases totally suppressed. Close one eye and look at a sheet of white paper with the other, letting the open eye move about ffeely. There is no tendency for the darkened field of the closed eye to assert itself. b. When, however, the effect of the stimulus in the open eye is somewhat weakened by steady fixation, such a ten- dency is to be observed, and the whole of the field of the open eye, except a small area about the point fixated, may be suppressed from time to time by the dark field of the closed eye. A slight motion will, however, instantly re- store the first. See also Ex. 127. c. A field that contains sharply marked objects or con- tours will generally triumph over one that does not. Try combining the letters below in such a way that the B's are superposed. In this diagram the white field of either eye, which corresponds to A or C in the other eye, will generally not triumph over the letter. AB BC Helmholtz, A, Fr. 964 ff. (767 ff.); Hering, P, 380-385; Aubert, A, 550-553; Wundt, A, 3te Aufl., II., 183 ff., 4te Aufl., II., 209 ff. 163. Fechner's Paradoxical Experiment. Hold close be- fore one eye a dark glass, such as is used in protecting the eyes, or a piece of ordinary glass moderately smoked over, or even a black card with a good-sized pin-hole in it, allow- ing the other eye to remain free. It is easy to see that the skill the experimenter should try to acquire. In these experiments it is impor- tant that the eyes should be of approximately equal power; and if the poorer eye cannot be helped with lenses, the vision of the other must be somewhat reduced by the interposition of a sufficient number of plates of ordinary glass. 170 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. binocular field is darkened by the interposition of the dark glass. If, however, the eye behind the glass is closed, or the light wholly cut off from it by holding a black card in front of the glass, the field appears decidedly brighter ; that is to say, cutting off a portion of the stimulus received by the total visual apparatus, has caused an increased intensity of sensation. The experiment fails for very dark and very light glasses. Several explanations have been given, but that of Aubert (according to which the sensations of the two retinae blend in a sort of average result when the dif- ference is not too great, but one wholly suppresses the other when the difference is very great) seems to be the most satisfactory. Fechner, B, 416 ff. ; Helmholtz, A, Fr. 993-994 (790-791) ; Bering, Q, 311 f.; Aubert, A, 499-503. 164. Rivalry. When the two retinae are stimulated at the same time separately with strong light of different colors, or are confronted with otherwise incongruous fields, i.e., fields that cannot be given a unitary interpretation, there results a peculiar instability and irregular alternation of the colors over part or the whole of the combined fields of vision. This apparent struggle of the fields is known as Retinal Rivalry. Hold close before one eye a piece of blue glass, before the other a piece of red glass, and look toward the sky or a brightly lighted uniform wall. The struggle of colors will at once begin. The same may be observed with a stereoscope when the usual paired photo- graphs are replaced by colored fields, or even with no ap- paratus at all, when both eyes are closed and turned toward a bright sky and one of them is covered with the hand. Lcng looking generally tends to quiet the rivalry. Rivalry has been explained as due to fluctuations of attention, and some observers find that it can be more or less controlled by attention (Helmholtz). Fechner discusses the attention OF THR UNIVERSITY SENSATIONS OF LIGHT theory, and finds it insufficient. Von Bezold thinks rivalry associated with changes in accommodation which follow attention. Hering and others regard the changes as of more purely jphysiological .origin. See also Ex. 165 b. Helmholtz, A, Fr. 964 ff. (767 ff.), 974 ff. (775 ff.); Hering, P, 380-385, Q, 308 ff.; Aubert, A, 550 ff.; Wundt, A, 3te Aufl., II. , 185 ff., 4te Aufl., II., 211 ff.; Chauveau, C. 165. Prevalence and Rivalry of Contours. By contours is here meant lines of separation where fields of one color border upon fields of another color. a. Combine stereoscopically the two bars below, and notice that it is the contours that suppress the solid parts of both the black and white. This figure gives excellent results also when colors are substituted for the black and white. Notice a similar triumph of the contours of the cross in the left-hand figure below, or, better still, in an enlargement of it. b. Notice the rivalry of the contours in all of these figures. 172 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. c. The last two pairs of diagrams are suitable for the study of the part played by attention in rivalry. While it is doubtful whether mere attention to one field or the other can cause it to predominate, it yet seems possible by indirect application of attention to cause it to do so. If attention is given to an examination of the lines and small squares in the left-hand figure, or if one of the sets of lines in the right-hand figure is counted, both will appear to be somewhat assisted in their struggle with the cross or the other set of lines. d. A printed page has a decided advantage. Try a dia- gram in which a printed page is put in rivalry with a field of heavy cross lines. The lines will be found- .to yield -to* the print, at least at the point at which the reader is look- ing at the instant. Two printed pages, however, become hopelessly mixed ; and it is hard to say how much of the advantage, when a single one is used, is due to its superior power as a holcler^ of ^attention, and how much to its excel- lence as a set of contours. A portion of the power of contours is probably to be explained by the mutual intensi- fication of both the black and the white by contrast j but a part is perhaps due to a strong tendency, observable in other cases also, for the eyes (and attention) to follow lines, and especially outlines. Helmholtz, A, Fr. 964 ff. (767 ff.); Bering, P, 380-385, Q, 314: Wundt, A, 3te Aufl., II., 183 ff., 4te Aufl., II., 209 ff. 166. Luster. Sheen. When one of the rival fields is white and the other colored (especially when one is white and the other is black), there results, besides the rivalry, a curious illusion of shine or polish, known as binocular lustre. a. Examine in the stereoscope a diagram made like the accompanying cut, and notice the graphite-like shine of the SENSATIONS OF LIGHT AND COLOR. 173 pyramid. The explanation seems to be that polished sur- faces, which at some angles reflect light enough to look white, and at others appear in their true color, have often in previous experience given rise to such differences of sen- sation in the two eyes, and from this difference it is inferred that the object seen in the diagram is shiny. b. A species of monocular lustre (or transparence) is to be observed when black or white or colors are combined by means of the reflection color-mixer, especially when the inclination of the plate is so changed that one color ap- pears to be reflected in the surface of the other, or to be seen through and behind it. The experiment works well when real objects are reflected in the surface of the glass, the reflecting power of the latter appearing to be trans- ferred to the horizontal surface on the opposite side. Helmholtz, A, Fr. 983 ff. (782 ff.); Bering, P, 576-577; Aubert, A, 550 ff.; Wundt, A, 3te Aufl., II., 177 ff., 183 ff., 4te Aufl., II., 204 ff., 209 ff. 167. Binocular Color Mixing. The result of simultane- ous presentation of different colors to the two eyes is not always rivalry or lustre. If the colors are not too bright and saturated, and the fields are without fleck or spot to 174 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. give one the predominance, a veritable, though somewhat unsteady, mixture of the colors may result. a. Place a red and a blue glass of equal transparency in the binocular color-mixer, and adjust the side screens till the proper amount of white light is mixed in with that transmitted from below. The mixture will then be seen on the white field below. Try also with other combinations of glasses. Mixtures obtained in this way are not always the same in appearance as the monocular mixtures studied above, and some observers have great difficulty in getting them satisfactorily. Long^juid-steady -gazing, which inter- feres with rivalry, favors binocular color mixing. b. The same effect may be conveniently obtained with a stereoscope, from which the middle partition has been removed. Try with equal areas of dull colors of little satu- ration. Hering recommends two squares of red and two of blue, set at equal distances in a horizontal line, the two reds on one side, the two blues on the other. When the middle pair are combined stereoscopically, they show a mixed color, while the unmixed colors can be seen for comparison beside them. He also suggests the use of lenses to prevent sharp focusing of the eyes upon the contours, which interferes with the mixture. Complementary colors are said to be more difficult to fuse than those standing nearer in the color scale. The same is true of colors differing greatly in brightness ; see Ex. 163. Helmholtz, A, Fr. 976 ff. (776 ff.); Hering, P, 591-600; von Bezold, C; Chauveau, A; Aubert, A, 550 ff.; Wundt, A, 3te Aufl., II., 183 ff., 4te Aufl., 209 ff. 168. Binocular Contrast. The Side- Window Experiment. Stand so that the light from the window falls sidewise into one eye, but not at all into the other. Place in a convenient position for observation a strip of white paper on a black surface. The paper when looked at with both eyes appears SENSATIONS OF LIGHT AND COLOR. 175 perfectly colorless. On looking now at a point nearer than the strip of paper (e.g., at the finger held up before the face), double images of the strip will be seen. The two images will be different in brightness and slightly tinged with comple- mentary colors. The image belonging to the eye next the window (which may be recognized by its disappearance when that eye is closed) will appear tinged with a faint blue or blue-green color, the other with a very faint red or yellow. The light that enters the eye through the sclerotic is tinged reddish yellow, and makes the eye less responsive to that color ; the white of the paper strip therefore appears bluish. It appears darker partly for a similar reason, and perhaps also, as Fechner suggests, because it lies in a field which, for the eye in question, is generally bright. The reddish color of the other eye's image of the strip is ex- plained as due to contrast with the first , but whether this contrast color is a psychical matter, or whether it is to be explained by the action of the stimulus in the first eye upon the second, as there seems some reason to think, is as yet uncertain. Its greater brightness is probably due to the fresher condition of the eye to which it belongs, and to contrast with its less brilliant field. The same thing is often to be noticed when reading with the lamp at one side, or even when one eye has been closed for a short time while the other has been open. The double images are in no wise essential ; simple alternate winking will show decided differences in the condition of the two eyes. Fechner, B, 511 ff.; Brucke, 420 ff.; Bering, P, 600-601; Helm- holtz, A, Fr. 987 ff. (785 ff.); Chauveau, B\ Titchener; Wundt, A, 3te Aufl., II., 183 ff., 4te Aufl., II., 209 ff. 169. Binocular After-images. Lay a bit of orange-colored paper on a dark ground, and provide two white cards. Hold one of the cards close to the left eye, but a little to one side, so as not to hide the bit of paper. Hold the other 176 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. eight or ten inches from the right eye in such a way as to hide the paper. Look at the paper for a few seconds with the left eye, then bring the card before it. A faint, washy, orange-colored positive after-image will appear on the card before the right eye. The image is by no means easy to observe. It is supposed to belong to the right eye's half of the visual apparatus, possibly to the central, i.e., cerebral, part. Ebbinghaus, C ; Chauveau, B ; Titchener. BIBLIOGRAPHY. ABNEY: A. On the Examination for Colour of Cases of Tobacco Scotoma and of Abnormal Colour Blindness, Proc. Roy. Soc., XLIX., 1891, 491-508. B. On the Limit of Visibility of the different Rays of the Spec- trum, ibid., XLIX., 1891, 509-518. C. The Sensitiveness of the Eye to Light and Colour. Nature, XL VII., 1892-93, 538-542. ABNEY AND FESTING: Colour Photometry, iii., Phil. Trans., CLXXXIIL, 1892, A, 531-565. ALBERT : Ueber die Aenderung des Farbentones von Spectralf arben und Pigmenten bei abnehmen der Lichtstarke, Wiedemanrfs Annalen, XVI., 1882, 129-160. AUBERT: A and B. Works cited with same letters in bibliography of Chap. V. BELLARMINOW: Ueber intermittirende Netzhautreizung, von Graefe's Archiv, XXXV., 1889, L, 25-49. BENSON: Manual of the Science of Colour, London, 1871. VON BEZOLD: A. Ueber das Gesetz der Farbenmischung und die physiologischen Grundfarben, Poggendorff's Annalen, CL., 1873, 71-93, 221-247. B. The Theory of Color in its Relation to Art and Art Industry, Boston, 1876. SENSATIONS OF LIGHT AND COLOR. 177 C. Ueber binoculare Farbenmischung, Poggendorff's Annalen, Jubelband [1874], 585-590. Cites earlier literature. BRODHUN: A. Ueber die Empfindlichkeit des griinblinden und des normalen Auges gegen Farbenanderung im Spektrum, Zeit- SQhriftfur Psychologie, III., 1892, 97-107. B. Die Gliltigkeit des Newton' schen Farbenmischungsgesetzes bei dem sog. griinblinden Farbensystem, ibid., V., 1893, 323- 334. Cites literature. BRUCKE: Untersuchungen iiber subjective Farben, Poggendorff's Annalen, LXXXIV., 1851, 418-447. CHARPENTIER : A and B. Work cited with same letters in bibliog- raphy of Chap. V. C. Sur le retard dans la perception des divers rayons spectraux, Comptes rendus, CXIV., 1892, 1423-1426. CHAUVEAU: A. Sur la fusion des sensations chromatiques per- cues isolement par chacun des deux yeux, Comptes rendus, CXIII., 1891, 358-362. B. Sur les sensations chromatiques exercitees dans 1'un des deux yeux par la lumiere coloree qui eclaire la re tine de 1'autre ceil, ibid., 394-398. C. Sur la theorie de 1'antagonisme des champs visuels, ibid., 439- 442. CHEVREUL: The Principles of Harmony and Contrast of Colours, London, 1859. DELABARRE: Colored Shadows, American Journal of Psychology, II., 1888-89, 636-643. DODDERS: A. Ueber Farbensysteme, von Graefe's Archiv, XXVII., 1881, i., 155-223. B. Noch einmal die Farbensysteme, ibid., XXX., 1884, i., 15-90. C. Farbengleichungen, DuBois-Rey monads Archiv, 1884, 518-552. DOVE: Versuche iiber subjective Complementarfarben, Poggen- dorff's Annalen, XLV., 1838, 158-162. EBBINGHAUS: A. Theorie des Farbensehens, Zeitschrift fur Psy- chologie, V., 1893, 145-238. Full statement of matter pre- sented in outline before the Psychological Congress in London, 1892, Proceedings, 101-103. 178 LABORATORY COURSE IN B. Die Gesetzmassigkeit des Helligkeitseontrastes, Sitz.-ber. der Akademie zu Berlin, 1., Dec., 1887. C. Ueber Nachbilder im binocularen Sehen und die binocularen Farbenerscheinungen uberhaupt, Pfluger's Archiv, XLVI., 1890, 498-508. EBEBT: Ueber den Einfluss der Schwellenwerthe der Lichtempfin- dung auf den Charakter der Spectra, Wiedemanrts Annalen, XXXIII., 1888, 136-155. EXNER: A. Bemerkungen iiber intermittirende Netzhautreizung, Pfliiger's Archiv, III., 1870, 214-240. B. Ueber eine neue Urtheilstauschung im Gebiete des Gesichts- sinnes, ibid., XXXVII., 1885,520-522, (this part also in Biol. Centralbl, VI.) ; XL., 1887, 323-330. FECHNER: A. Ueber eine Scheibe zur Erzeugung subjectiver Far- ben, Poggendorff's Annalen, XLV., 1838, 227-232. B. Ueber einige Verhaltnisse des Binocularen Sehens, Abhl. d. k. sacks. Ges. d. Wiss., VII., 1860, 339-564. FICK, A. : A. Zur Theorie des Farbensinnes bei indirektem Sehen, Pfluger's Archiv, XL VII., 1890, 274-285. B. Work cited with same letter in Chap. V. FICK, A. E. : A. Eine Notiz iiber Farbenempfindung, Pfluger' l s Archiv, XVII., 1878, 152-153. B. Studien iiber Licht- und Farbenempfindung, ibid., XLIII., 1888, 441-501. FRANKLIN, Christine Ladd: A. Eine neue Theorie der Lichtem- pfindung, Zeitschriftfur Psychologic, IV., 1892, 211-221. Ab- stracts of this paper may be found in Proc. Congr. Exper. Psy., London, 1892; Johns Hopkins University Circulars, XII., No. 106, June, 1893, 108-110; Science, XXII., July 14, 1893, 18-19. B. On Theories of Light Sensation, Mind, Ser. 2, II., 1893, 473- 489. HELMHOLTZ: A. Work cited with same letter in bibliography of Chap. V. B. Popular Scientific Lectures, First Series, New York, 1885. C. Versuch einer erweiterten Anwendung des Fechnerschen Ge- setzes im Farbensystem, Zeitschrift fur Psychologic, II., 1892, 1-30. SENSATIONS OF LIGHT AND COLOR. 179 _D. Yersuch das psychophysische Gesetz auf die Farbenunter- schiede trichromatischer Augen anzuwenden, ibid., III., 1891, 1-20. E. Kiirzeste Linien im Farbensystem, ibid., 108-122. An extract from Sitz.-ber. der Akademie zu Berlin, 17, December, 1891. HERiNG: 1 A. Zur Lehre vom Lichtsinne, Wien, 1878. Keprint of six communications to the Vienna Academy, 1872-74. For an extended abstract of this work, made by Dr. William Pole, see Nature, XX., 1879, 611-613, 637-639; XXI., 1879-80, 14-17. B. Zur Erklarung der Farbenblindheit aus der Theorie der Gegen- farben, Prag, 1880. Keprint from Lotos, Neue Folge, I., 1880. C. Ueber individuelle Yerschiedenheiten des Farbensinns, Lotos, Neue Folge, VI., 1885. D. Beleuchtung eines Angriffes auf die Theorie der Gegenf arben, Pfluger's Archiv, XLL, 1887, 29-46. E. Ueber die Theorie des simultanen Contrastes von Helmholtz, ibid., XL., 1886-87, 172-191 (Die farbigen Schatten); XLL, 1887, 1-29 (Der Contrastversuch von H. Meyer und die Yer- suche am Farbenkreisel) ; 358-367 (Der Spiegelcontrastversuch) ; XLIIL, 1888, 1-21 (Die subjective Trennung des Lichtes in zwei complementare Portionen "). F. Ueber die von v. Kries wider die Theorie der Gegenfarben erhobenen Einwande, ibid., XLIL, 1888, 488-506; XLIIL, 1888, 264-288, 329-346. G. Ueber die Hypothesen zur Erklarung der peripheren Farben- blindheit, v. Graefe's Archiv, XXXV., 1889, iv., 63-83; XXXVL, 1890, L, 264. H. Zur Diagnostik der Farbenblindheit, ibid., XXX VI., 1890, i., 217-233. J. Die Untersuchung einseitiger Storungen des Farbensinnes mit- tels binocularer Farbengleichungen, ibid., XXXVI. , 1890, iii., 1-23. J. Beitrag zur Lehre vom Simultankontrast, Zeitschrift fur Psy- chologic, L, 1890, 18-28. 1 Herlng's work upon color has not yet been gathered into one consecutive whole. It has seemed well, therefore, to insert here, in addition to the titles of papers bearing directly on the experiments of Chap. VI., such other titles on light and color as came to hand. 180 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. IT.. Eine Methode zur Beobachtung des Simultancontrastes, Pfluger's Archiv, XLYII., 1890, 236-242. L. Priifung der sogenannten Farbendreiecke mit Hiilfe des Farben- sinns excentrischer Netzhautstellen, ibid., XLYII., 1890, 417- 438. M. Ueber Newton's Gesetz der Farbenmischung, Prag, 1887. Reprint from Lotos, VII., 1887. N. Untersuchung eines total Farbenblinden, Pfluger's Archiv, XLIX., 1891, 563-608. O. Eine Vorrichtung zur Farbenmischung, zur Diagnose der Far- benblindheit und zur Untersuchung der Contrasterscheinungen, Pfluger's Archiv, XLII., 1888, 119-144. P. Work cited with reference letter A in the bibliography of Chap. V. Q. Work cited with reference letter B in the bibliography of Chap. V. R. Ueber Holmgren's vermeintlichen Nachweis der Elemen- tarempfindungen des Gesichtssinns, Pjluger^s Archiv, XL., 1887, 1-20. S. Kritik einer Abhandlung von Bonders, Lotos, Neue Folge, II., Prag, 1882. T. Ueber Sigmund Exner's neue Urtheilstauschung auf dem Gebiete des Gesichtsinnes, Pfliiger's Archiv, XXXIX., 1886, 159-170. U. Ueber den Begriff Urtheilstauschung " in der physiologi- schen Optik und iiber die Wahrnehmung simultaner und suc- cessiver Helligkeitsunterschiede, ibid., XLL, 1887, 91-106. HESS: A. Ueber den Farbensinn bei indirectem Sehen, v. Graefe's Archiv, XXXV., 1889, iv., 1-62. B. Untersuchung eines Falles von halbseitiger Farbensinnsstorung am linken Auge, ibid., XXXVI., 1890, iii., 24-36. C. Ueber die Tonanderungen der Spektralfarben durch Ermiidung der Netzhaut mit homogenem Lichte, ibid., XXXVI., 1890, i., 1-32. HILLEBRAND : Work cited in bibliography of Chap. V. HOLMGREN : Color-blindness in its Relation to Accidents by Rail and Sea. Translation by M. L. Duncan, Smithsonian Report, 1877, 131-195. SENSATIONS OF LIGHT AND COLOR. 181 JASTBOW: A Novel Optical Illusion, American Journal of Psy- chology, IV., 1891-92, 201-208. JEFFRIES: A. Color-blindness, its Dangers and its Detection, Bos- ton, 1879. This work contains a seventeen-page bibliography on .color-blindness and kindred topics. B. Color-blindness, Article in the Keference Handbook of the Medical Sciences, New York, 1886, II., 241. KIRSCHMANN: A. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Farbenblindheit, WundVs Philos. Studien, VIII., 1892-93, 173-230, 407-430. B. Ueber die Helligkeitsempfindung im indirecten Sehen, ibid., V., 1889, 447-497. C. Die Farbenempfindung im indirecten Sehen, Erste Mittheilung, ibid., VIII., 1892-93, 592-614. D. Ueber die quantitativen Verhaltnisse des simultanen Hellig- keits- und Farben-Contrastes, ibid., VI., 1890, 417-491. E. Some Effects of Contrast, American Journal of Psychology, IV., 1892, 542-557. KONIG: A. Ueber den Helligkeitswert der Spektralfarben bei verschiedener absoluter Intensitat, Beitrage zur Psychologic und Physiologic der Sinnesorgane (Helmholtz Festgruss), Ham- burg und Leipzig, 1891, 311-388. B. The Modern Development of Thomas Young's Theory of Colour Vision, Report of British Association, Birmingham Meeting, 1886, 431-439. C. Zur Kenntniss dichromatischer Farbensysteme, Wiedemann's Annalen, XXII., 1884, 567-578. KONIG UND DIETERICI: A. Die Grundempfindungen in normalen und anomalen Farbensystemen und ihre Intensitatsverteilung im Spektrum, Zeitschrift fur Psychologie, IV., 1892, 241-347. B. Ueber die Empfindlichkeit des normalen Auges fur Wellen- langenunterschiede des Lichtes, Wiedemann's Annalen, XXII., 1884, 579-589. VON KRIES : Die Gesichtsempfindungen und ihre Analyse, Du Bois- Reymond's Archiv, 1882, Supplement-Band, 1-178. A care- ful summary and discussion of the whole subject. LEHMANN : Ueber die Anwendung der Methode der mittleren Abstu- fungen auf den Lichtsinn; die quantitative Bestimmung des Lichtcontrastes, WundVs Philos. Studien, III., 1886, 516-528. 182 LABORATORY COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY MAXWELL : A. On the Theory of Compound Colours, and the Relation of the Colours of the Spectrum, Phil. Trans., CL., 1860, 57-84. B. On Colour Vision, Proc. Royal Institution of Great Britain, VI. These two papers are also to be found in Maxwell's Scientific Papers, Cambridge, 1890, I., 410-440, II., 267-280. MAYER: Studies of the phenomena of Simultaneous Contrast-Color; and on a Photometer for measuring the intensities of Lights of different colors, American Journal of Science, Ser. 3, XLVL, 1893, 1-22; also Phil. Mag., Ser. 5, XXXVI., 1893, 153-175. MEYER: Ueber Contrast- oder Complementarfarben, Poggendorff's Annalen, XCV., 1855, 170-171; also Phil. Mag., Ser. 4, IX., Jan.-June, 1855, 547. NICHOLS: A. On the Sensitiveness of the Eye to Colors of a Low Degree of Saturation, American Journal of Science, Ser. 3, XXX., 1885, 37-41. B. Duration of Color Impressions upon the Retina, American Journal of Science, Ser. 3, XXVIII. , 1884, 243-252. PACE: Zur Frage der Schwankungen der Aufmerksamkeit nach Versuchen mit der Masson'schen Scheibe, Wundfs PMlos. Studien, VIII., 1892-93, 388-402. PEIRCE, B. O., JR. : On the Sensitiveness of the Eye to Slight Differ- ences of Color, American Journal of Science, Ser. 3, XXVI. , 1883, 299-302. PEIRCE, C. S. : Note on the Sensation of Color, American Journal of Science, Ser. 3, XIIL, 1877, 247-251. PLATEAU: Betrachtungen iiber ein von Hrn. Talbot vorgeschla- genes photometrisches Pr'mcip,Poggendorff's Annalen, XXXV., 1835, 457-468. POLE: Further Data on Colour-Blindness, P/i^.Jfa Dickens, Thackeray, Robert Browning, Mrs. Browning, Carlyle, George Eliot, Tenny- son, Rossetti, Arnold, Ruskin, Irving, Bryant, Hawthorne, Longfellow, Emerson, Whittier, Holmes, and Lowell. A separate pamphlet on each author. Price 5 cts. each, or per hundred, $3.00; complete in cloth $1.00. Scudder's Shelley's Prometheus Unbound. With introduction and copious notes. 70 cts. George's Wordsworth's Prelude. Annotated for high school and college. Never before published alone. 8 1.25. George's Selections from Wordsworth. 168 poems chosen with a view to illustrate the growth of the poet's mind and art. $1.50. George's Wordsworth's Prefaces and Essays on Poetry. Contains the best of Wordsworth's prose. 60 cts. George's Webster's Speeches. Nine select speeches with notes. $1.50. George's Burke' s American Orations. Cloth. 65 cts. George's Select Poems Of Burns. n8 poems, with introduction, notes and gloss- ary. $1.00. 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