wbu^ University of California Berkeley Purchased from THOMAS W. STREETER BEQUEST [OENERAL ORDERS No. 27 Quartermaster General's Office, July 18, 1868. LISTS OF DISTANCES, COMPILED FOR THE INFOEMATION AND GUIDANCE OF OFFICERS DOING DUTY IN THE QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT IN MAKING PAYMENTS FOR MILEAGE. Approved by the Secretary of War July 8, 1868. "Hereafter mileage will be commuted by the shortest route usually travelled, according to official tables of distances, to be prepared by the Quartermaster General and approved by the Secretary of War. Mileage will be paid by the Isthmus routes for journeys to and from stations west of the Rocky mountains when either of these routes is designated in the orders for the journey. " Paragraph 1,111, Regulations of 1863, is modified in accordance with this order." (GENERAL ORDER No. 74, A. G. O., August 3, 1867.) WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1868. GENERAL ORDERS) QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, No. 27. ] Washington, D C., July 18, 1868. The following revised lists of distances, compiled from the latest information on file in this office, having been approved by the Secretary of War, in accordance with the provisions of General Order No. 74, Adjutant General's Office, 3d August, 1867, are published for the information and future guidance of officers doing duty in the Quartermaster's Department, in making payments of mileage, and are hereby substituted for those published in General Orders No. 66, Quartermaster Gen eral's Office, series 1867. In their compilation, the repetition of distances has been avoided, as far as practicable, by taking advantage of the alphabetical arrangement of the termini between which they are computed. Distances not embraced in this table which may be required by officers, will be furnished by the Quartermaster General upon their application. M. 0. MEIGS, Quartermaster Gen., Bv't Maj. Gen. U. S. A. INDEX OP PRINCIPAL POINTS FROM WHICH MILEAGE DISTANCES HAVE BEEN CALCULATED. Page. Albany, N. Y 9 Albuquerque, N. M 10 Alexandria, Va 10 Alexandria, La 10 Allegheny Arsenal, Pa 11 Alton, 111 11 Annapolis, Md 12 Apalachi cola, Fla -. 13 Astoria, Oregon 13 Atlanta, Ga 13 Augusta, Me 15 Augusta, Ga 16 Austin, Texas 18 Baltimore, Md 19 Bangor, Me 20 Bath, Me 21 Baton Rouge, La 22 Beaufort, N. C 23 Belton, Texas 25 Bluffton, Wells Co. , Ind . . . . 25 Boston, Mass 25 Brashear City, La 26 Brattleboro',Vt 27 Brazos Santiago, Texas 28 Brownsville, Texas 28 Bucks Harbor, Me 29 Buffalo, N. Y 29 Buffalo Springs, Texas 31 Burlington, Vt 31 Burlington, Iowa 32 Cairo, 111 33 Camp C. F. Smith, Oregon . 34 Camp Cooke, M. T 34 Camp Douglas, U. T 34 Camp Harney, Oregon 34 Camp Hudson, Texas 35 Camp Logan, Oregon 35 CampLyon, I. T 35 Camp Plummer, N. M 35 Camp Three Forks, I. T 35 Page. Camp Verde, Texas 35 Camp Warner, Oregon 35 Camp Watson, Oregon 36 Canon City, Oregon 36 Carlisle, Pa 36 Centralia, 111 37 Charleston, S. C 37 C harlestown, Ind 38 Chattanooga, Tenn 38 Chicago, 111 40 Cincinnati, Ohio 41 Cleveland, Ohio 42 Columbia, S. C 43 Columbus, Ohio 44 Columbus, Ga 45 Concord, N. H 45 Corinth, Miss 46 Council Bluffs, Iowa 47 Crawfordsville, Ind 48 Crestline, Ohio 48 Davenport, Iowa 49 David's Island, N. Y 50 Dayton, Ohio 50 Denver, C. T 51 Des Moines, Iowa 51 Detroit, Mich 52 Devall's Bluff, Ark 53 Dover, Del 53 Dover, Ark 54 Dubuque, Iowa 54 Elmira, N. Y 55 Erie, Pa 56 Evansville, Ind 56 Fernandina, Fla ,.. 57 Fort Abercrombie, D. T 58 Fort Arbuckle, C. N 58 Fort Bascom, N. M 59 Fort Bayard, N. M 59 FortBelknap, Texas 59 Fort Benton, M. T 59 6 INDEX. Fort Berthold, D. T 59 Fort Boise, I. T 59 Fort Brady, Mich 59 Fort Bridger, U. T 60 Fort Brooke, Fla 60 Fort Buford, D. T 60 Fort Casper, D. T 60 Fort C. F. Smith, M. T 60 Fort Chadbourne, Texas 60 Fort Clark, Texas 60 Fort Columbus, N. Y 60 Fort Colville, W. T 61 Fort Concho, Texas 61 Fort Craig, N. M 61 Fort Cummings, N. M 61 Fort Dalles, Oregon 61 Fort Davis, Texas 62 Fort Delaware, Del 62 Fort Dodge, Kan 62 Fort Ellis, M. T 62 Fort Fetterman, D. T 62 Fort Garland, C. T 62 Fort Gibson, C. N 62 Fort Griffin, Texas 62 Forts Hamilton and Lafay ette, N. Y 63 Fort Harker, Kan 63 FortHays, Kan 63 Fort Howard, Wis 63 Fort Independence, Mass... 64 Fort Inge, Texas 64 Fort Kearney, Neb 65 Fort Klamath, Oregon 65 Fort Knox, Me 65 Fort Lancaster, Texas 65 Fort Lapwai, I. T 65 Fort Laramie, D. T 65 Fort Larned, Kan 66 Fort Leavenworth, Kan 66 FortLyon, C. T 67 Fort McPherson, Neb 67 Fort McRae, N. M 67 Fort Mason, Texas 68 Fort Miffliu, Pa 68 Fort Mojave, A. T 68 Fort Monroe, Va 68 Fort Morgan, C. T 69 Fort Phil Kearney, D. T 69 Fort Pickering, Mass 69 Fort Popham, Me 70 Fort Ransom, D. T 70 Fort Reno, D. T 70 Page. Fort Reynolds, C. T 70 Fort Rice, D. T 70 Fort Ridgely , Minn 70 Fort Russell, D. T 71 Fort Sanders, D. T 71 Fort Schuyler, N. Y 71 Fort Sedgwick, C. T 72 Fort Selden, N. M 72 Fort Sewall, Mass 72 Fort Shaw, M. T 72 Fort Smith, Ark 72 Fort Snelling, Minn 73 Fort Stanton, N. M 73 Fort Stevenson, D. T 74 Fort Stockton, Texas 74 Fort Sullivan, Me 74 Fort Sully, D. T 74 Fort Sumner, N. M 74 Fort Union, N. M 74 Fort Vancouver, W. T 75 Fort Wadsworth, N. Y 75 Fort Wadsworth, D. T 75 Fort Wallace, Kan 75 Fort Warren, Mass 75 Fort Wayne, Ind 76 Fort Whipple, A. T 76 Fort Wilkins, Mich 76 Fort Wingate, N. M 76 Fort Winthrop, Mass 77 Fort Wood, N. Y 77 Frankford Arsenal, Pa 77 Frankfort, Ky 77 Fredericksburg, Va 78 Fulton, 111 79 Galesburg, 111 79 Galveston, Texas 79 Geneva, 111 79 Georgetown, Texas 80 Goldsboro 7 , N. C 80 Gordonsville, Va 80 Grand Haven, Mich 80 Grand River Harbor, Ohio.. 81 Grenada, Miss - -. 81 Hancock Barracks, Me 81 Harper's Ferry, W. Va 82 Harrington, Del 82 Harrisburg, Pa 82 Hartford, Conn 83 Hart Island, N. Y 84 Helena, M. T 84 Hilton Head, S. C 84 Houston, Texas 84 INDEX. Page. Humboldt, Term 85 Indianapolis, Ind 85 Indianola, Texas 86 Jacksboro', Texas 87 Jackson, Miss 87 Jacksonville, Ala 88 Jacksonville, Fla 88 Jefferson City, Mo 89 Jeffersonville, Ind 89 Joliet, 111 89 Kalamazoo, Mich 90 Kansas City, Mo 90 Keokuk, Iowa 90 Key West, Fla 91 Knoxville, Tenn 91 LaCrosse, Wis 91 Lafayette, Ind 92 Lanesville, Mass 92 Lansing, Mich 92 LaSalle, 111 93 Lawrence, Kan 93 Lawrenceburg, Ind 93 Lebanon, 111 93 Lewes, Del 93 Little Rock, Ark 93 Logansport, Ind 94 Louisville, Ky 94 Lynchburg, Va 95 McLeansboro', 111 96 Macon, Ga 96 Madison, Ind 97 Madison, Wis 97 Manistee, Mich 98 Marietta, Ohio 98 Marquette, .Mich 98 Memphis, Tenn 98 Michigan City, Ind 99 Milledgeville, Ga 100 Milwaukee, Wis 100 Mitchell, Ind 101 Mobile, Ala 101 Montgomery, Ala 102 Muskegon, Mich 103 Naples, 111 103 Nashville, Tenn 103 Natchez, Miss 103 Neponset, 111 104 New Braunfels, Texas 1 04 New Haven, Conn 104 New London, Conn 104 New Orleans, La 105 Newport, R. I 107 Page. New York, N. Y J07 Norfolk, Va 109 Odin, 111 110 Ogdensbtirg, N. Y 110 Omaha, Neb 110 Oswego, N. Y 112 Parkersburg, W. Va 112 Pensacola, Fla 113 Pentwater, Mich 113 Petersburg, Va 113 Philadelphia, Pa 114 Pittsburg, Pa 115 Plattsburg, N. Y 115 Port Huron, Mich 115 Portland, Me 115 Portland, Oregon 116 Portsmouth, N. H 116 Prairie du Chien, Wis 116 Providence, R. I 116 Quincy, 111 117 Raleigh, N. C 117 Reading, Pa 118 Richmond, Ind 118 Richmond, Va 118 Rock Island, 111 119 Rouse's Point, N. Y 119 Saint Cloud, Minn 119 Saint Joseph, Mich 119 Saint Joseph, Mo 119 Saint Louis, Mo 119 Saint Paul, Minn 121 Salt Lake City, U. T 122 San Antonio, Texas 122 Sandusky City, Ohio 122 Sandy Hook, N. Y 122 San Francisco, Cal 123 Santa Fe, N. M 123 Savannah, Ga 124 Sioux City, Iowa 124 Springfield, Mass 125 Springfield, 111 125 Stevenson, Ala 125 Syracuse, N.Y 125 Tallahassee, Fla 125 Terre Haute, Ind 126 Toledo, Ohio 126 Trenton, N. J 126 Troy, N.Y 126 Umatilla, Oregon 127 Union City, Tenn 127 Vicksburg, Miss 127 Virginia City, M. T 128 8 INDEX. Page. Waco, Texas 128 Wallula,W. T 128 Washington, D. C 128 Weatherford, Texas 131 Weldon, N. C 131 West Point, N. Y 131 Page Wheeling, W. Va 132 Willet's Point, N. Y 132 Wilmington, Del 1 32 Wilmington, N. C 132 Yazoo City, Miss 133 Yorktown, Va 133 LISTS OF DISTANCES. Albany, N. Y., to- Alton, 111 Annapolis, Md Atlanta, Ga Augusta, Me Augusta, Ga Austin, Texas Baltimore, Md Bangor, Me Bath, Me Baton Rouge, La Beaufort, N.C Boston, Mass Brashear City, La Brattleboro', Vt Brownsville, Texas Buffalo, N. Y Burlington, Vt Burlington, Iowa Cairo, 111 Carlisle, Pa Champlain Arsenal, Ver- gennes, Vt Charleston, S. C Chattanooga, Tenn Chicago, 111 Cincinnati, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Columbia, S. C Columbus, Ohio Concord, N. H Council Bluffs, Iowa Crestline, Ohio Davenport, Iowa Dayton, Ohio Des Moines, Iowa Detroit, Mich Dover, Del Dubuque, Iowa Elmira, N. Y Erie, Pa Evansville, Ind Fernandina, Fla Fort Howard, Wis Miles. 1,010 372 1,095 371 1,012 2,168 333 444 347 1,725 734 200 1,683 151 2,270 298 159 1,030 1,084 344 137 932 998 827 724 481 892 619 239 1,317 556 995 664 1,170 658 310 1,018 287 386 945 1,325 1,059 Fort Monroe, Va. Miles. 467 Fort Ridgely , Minn 1 , 386 Fort Snelling, Minn 1 , 267 Fort Wayne, Ind 687 Frankfort, Ky 853 Galveston, Texas 1 , 928 Grand Haven, Mich - 847 Harrisburg, Pa 326 Hartford, Conn 128 Houston, Texas 1 , 978 Indianapolis, Ind 763 Indianola, Texas 2,100 Jackson, Miss 1,420 Jacksonville, Fla 1, 298 Joliet,Ill 851 Keokuk, Iowa 1, 066 Knoxville, Tenn 886 LaCrosse, Wis 1,107 Lafayette, Ind 796 Lansing, Mich.... 708 Logansport, Ind 759 Louisville, Ky 850 Lynchburg, Va 552 Macon, Ga 1,133 Madison, Wis 958 Marietta, Ohio 675 Memphis, Tenn 1,227 Michigan City, Ind 786 Milwaukee, Wis 912 Mobile, Ala 1,456 Montgomery, Ala 1,270 Nashville, Tenn 1 , 035 New Haven, Conn. New London, Conn. 152 182 New Orleans, La 1,603 New York, N.Y 144 Norfolk, Va 482 Ogdensburg,N.Y 252 Oswego,N.Y 181 Parkersburg, West Va . . . . 688 Pensacola, Florida 1,424 Philadelphia, Pa 232 Pittsburg, Pa 534 Port Huron, Mich 714 10 LISTS OF DISTANCES Miles. Portland, Me 308 Prairie du Chien, Wis. ... 1,056 Providence, R.I 199 Quincy, 111 ... 1,069 Raleigh, N.C 658 Reading, Pa 272 Richmond, Ind 701 Richmond, Va 504 Rock Island, 111 993 Rome Arsenal, N. Y... 110 Rouse's Point, N. Y... 212 Saint Louis, Mo ... 1,026 Saint Paul, Minn ... 1,273 Sandusky City, Ohio.. 542 Savannah, Ga ... 1,036 Springfield, Mass 102 Springfield, 111 . . 955 Stevenson, Ala ... 1,036 Syracuse, N. Y 148 Tallahassee, Fla ... 1,298 Terre Haute, Ind 836 Toledo, Ohio 593 Trenton, N. J 202 Troy.N. Y '.. 6 Vicksburg, Miss ... 1,465 Washington, D. C 374 Weldon,N.C 561 West Point, N. Y 94 Wheeling, West Va... 574 Wilmington, Del 263 Wilmington, N. C 723 Winona, Minn 1,141 Albuquerque,^. Camp Plummer, N. M. M.,to 159 Fort Bascom, N. M 199 Fort Bayard, N. M. ... 293 Fort Craig, N. M 115 Fort Cummings, N. M. 252 Fort Garland, C. T 252 Fort McRae, N. M 147 FortSelden.N.M 199 Fort Stanton,N,M. .'.. 170 Fort Sunnier, N. M 196 Fort Union, N. M 165 Fort Wingate, N. M Santa Fe, N. M 85 63 Alexandria, Ta. , to Abingdon, Va 360 Appomattox, Va 195 Aquia Creek, Va 47 Miles. Burkeville, Va 176 Charlottes ville, Va 110 Cherrystone, Va 259 City Point, Va 153 Culpeper, Va 62 Danville, Va 263 Dublin, Va 276 P"airfax Court House, Va. 14 Farmville, Va 192 FortFoote, Md 2 Fort Monroe, Va 234 Fort Washington, Md 6 Franklin, Va 222 Fredericksburg, Va 62 Front Royal, Va 78 Gordonsville, Va 89 Hanover Court House, Va. 104 Harper's Ferry, W. Va . . . 1 10 Harrisonburg, Va 137 Hicksford, Va 187 Knoxville, Tenn 505 Leesburg,Va 38 Louisa Court House, Va.. 103 Lyuchburg, Va 171 Manassas Junction, Va .. 27 Marion, Va 331 Maitinsburg, Va 129 Milford, Va 84 Mount Jackson, Va 112 Norfolk, Va 225 Orange Court House, Va. 80 Petersburg, Va 144 Portsmouth, Va 225 Prospect, Va 203 Richmond, Va 122 Salem, Roanoke county, Va. 231 Sexton's Junction, Va 99 South Boston, Va 231 Staunton, Va 149 Strasburg, Va 88 Suffolk, Va 202 Warrenton Junction, Va.. 47 Washington, D. C 8 West Point, Va 181 Williamsburg, Va 217 Winchester, Va 142 Wytheville, Va 304 Woodstock, Va 101 Yorktown, Va 205 Alexandria, I^a., to Baton Rouge, La 230 LISTS OF DISTANCES. 11 Miles. Jefferson, Texas 440 Marshall, Texas 381 Mount Pleasant, Texas . . . 530 Mouth of Red river, La .. 150 Nacogdoches, Texas 190 Natchitoches, La 80 New Orleans, La 360 Shreveport, La 340 Sparta, La 267 Tyler, Texas 431 Vicksburg, Miss 340 Allegheny Arsenal, Pa., to- Carlisle Barracks, Pa 265 Fort Delaware, Del 395 FortMifflin, Pa 360 Frank ford Arsenal, Pa 358 Harrisburg, Pa 247 Philadelphia, Pa 353 Pittsburg, Pa 2 Washington, D. C 376 Alton, 111., to Anuapolis. Md 960 Atlanta, Ga 694 Augusta, Me 1, 381 Augusta, Ga 865 Austin, Texas 1,316 Baltimore, Md 940 Bangor, Me 1,454 Bath, Me 1,357 Baton Rouge, La 873 Beaufort, N . C : . . . 1 , 333 Boston, Mass 1, 210 Brashear City, La 831 Brattleboro',Vt 1,154 Brownsville, Texas 1,418 Buffalo, N. Y 712 Burlington, Vt 1,146 Burlington , Iowa 207 Cairo, 111 203 Carlisle, Pa 885 Charleston, S. C 1,002 Chattanooga, Tenn . 556 Chicago, 111 257 Cincinnati, Ohio 362 Cleveland, Ohio 529 Columbia, S. C 1, 008 Columbus, Ohio 427 Concord, N. H 1,239 Miles. 460 454 277 357 322 499 Council Bluffs, Iowa Crestline, Ohio Davenport, Iowa Dayton, Ohio Des Moines, Iowa Detroit, Mich Dover, Del 1,050 Dubuque, Iowa 341 Elmira, N. Y 858 Erie,Pa 624 Evansville, Ind 223 Fernandiua, Fla 1 , 277 Fort Howard, Wis 489 Fort Monroe, Va 1, 1 25 Fort Ridgely, Minn 728 Fort Snelling, Minn 607 Fort Wayne, Ind 340 Frankfort, Ky 367 Galveston, Texas 1,076 Grand Haven, Mich 363 Harrisburg, Pa 869 Hartford, Conn 1 , 138 Houston, Texas 1,126 Indianapolis, Ind 247 Indianola, Texas 1 , 248 Jackson', Miss 568 Jacksonville, Fla 1,250 Joliet, 111 Keokuk, Iowa .. Knoxville, Tenn. LaCrosse, Wis.. Lafayette, Ind... Lansing, Mich... Logansport, Ind . Louisville, 220 160 668 480 231 475 268 302 Lynchburg, Va 1,002 Macon, Ga 797 Madison, Wis 354 Marietta, Ohio 561 Memphis, Tenn 375 Michigan City, Ind 285 Milwaukee, Wis 342 Mobile, Ala 695 Montgomery, Ala 748 Nashville, Tenn 405 New Haven, Conn 1,128 New London, Conn 1,178 New Orleans, La 751 New York, N. Y 1,051 Norfolk, Va 1,140 Ogdensburg, N. Y 1 , 026 12 LISTS OF DISTANCES. Oswego N. Y Miles. H97 Brownsville Texas Mile,. . 1 966 Parkersburg, West Va... 568 Pensacola, Fla 807 Buffalo N Y 443 Burlington, Vt . 531 Philadelphia, Pa 975 Burlington, Iowa 1,001 Pittsburg Pa 620 Cairo 111 1 005 Port Huron Mich 555 Carlisle Pa 139 Portland Me 1 318 Charleston S C 629 Prairie du Chien, Wis Providence R I 405 1,209 Chattanooga Tenn 666 Chicago 111 840 Quincy 111 139 Cincinnati Ohio 609 Ealeigh, N. C 1,260 Cleveland, Ohio 513 Reading, Pa ...... .. 923 Columbia S C 560 Richmond Ind 316 Columbus Ohio 533 Richmond Va . 1 092 Concord N H 504 Rock Island, 111 275 Council Bluffs, Iowa 1, 230 Rouse's Point, N. Y.. 1,125 Crestline Ohio ...... 561 Saint Louis Mo 24 Davenport Iowa 996 Saint Paul Minn 615 Dayton Ohio 603 Sandusky City, Ohio. 487 Des Moines, Iowa ..... 1, 162 Savannah Ga ..... 987 Detroit Mich 691 Springfield Mass 1,112 Dover Del 156 Springfield, 111 72 Dubuoue, Iowa. ..... . .. 1,031 Stevenson, Ala...... 518 Elmira NY 294 Syracuse N. Y...... 862 Erie Pa 464 Tallahassee Fla 1,249 Evansville Ind 852 Terre Haute Ind 174 Fernandiua Fla 1 022 Toledo Ohio 434 1 072 Trenton, N. J . .. 1,005 Fort Monroe Va 223 Troy N Y 1,014 Fort Ridgely Minn 1 392 Vicksburg Miss 613 Fort Snelliug Minn 1 271 Washington, D. C... 962 Fort \Vayne Ind ...... 692 Weldon, N. C 1,178 Frankfort Ky 738 West Point NY. ... 1,103 Galveston Texas 1 624 Wheeling West Va 569 Grand Haven Mich 880 Wilmington, Del 1,003 Harrisburg Pa . 123 Wilmington. N. C ... 1,154 Hartford Conn 341 TVinona Minn 514 Houston Texas 1 674 Annapolis, Md. Atlanta Ga . to 763 Indianapolis, Ind . 713 Indianola Texas 1 796 Jackson Miss 1 136 Augusta Me 628 Jacksonville Fla 995 Augusta, Ga - 703 Joliet 111 866 Austin Texas 1 864 Keojtuk Iowa ...... ... . 1 037 Baltimore Md 38 Knoxville Tenn 554 Bangor Me 701 La Crosse W^is 1 120 Bath, Me 604 767 1 429 741 Beaufort N C 431 Logansport Ind 730 Boston Mass 457 Louisville Ky .... 751 Brashear City La 1 379 Lynchburg Va 220 Brattleboro', Vt . . 427 Macon, Ga,. 824 LISTS OP DISTANCES. 13 Miles. Madison, Wis 971 Marietta, Ohio 416 Memphis, Tenn 976 Michigan City, Ind 807 Milwaukee, Wis 925 Mobile, Ala 1,124 Montgomery, Ala 938 Nashville, Tenn 817 New Haven, Conn 305 New London, Conn 355 New Orleans, La 1,299 NewYork,N.Y 228 Norfolk, Va 238 Ogdensburg, N. Y 567 Oswego, N.Y 438 Parkersburg, West Va 403 Pensacola, Fla 1 , 092 Philadelphia, Pa 137 Pittsburg, Pa 372 Port Huron, Mich 747 Portland, Me 565 Prairie du Chien, Wis 1 , 069 Providence, R. 1 417 Quincy,Ill 1,040 Raleigh, N.C 340 Reading, Pa 154 Richmond, Ind 644 Richmond, Va 172 Rock Island, 111 994 Rouse's Point, N. Y 584 Saint Louis, Mo 950 Saint Paul, Minn 1, 279 Sandusky City, Ohio 574 Savannah, Ga 733 Springfield, Mass 367 Springfield, 111 926 Stevenson, Ala 704 Syracuse, N.Y 403 Tallahassee, Fla 995 Terre Haute, Ind 786 Toledo, Ohio 626 Trenton,.N.J 170 Troy, N.Y 378 Vicksburg. Miss 1,181 Washington, D. C 42 Weldon/N.C 258 West Point, N. Y .. 280 Wheeling, West Va 399 Wilmington, Del 109 Wilmington, N. C 420 Winona, Minn 1,154 Miles. Apalachicola, Fla., to- Columbus, Ga 370 Chattahoochee, Fla 150 Eufaula, Ala 295 Fort Gaines, Ga 260 Moccasin Slough, Fla 60 Neal's Landing, Fla 180 New Orleans, La 278 Rico's Bluff, Fla 80 Ridley ville or Bristol, Fla. 120 Rock Bluff or Ochesee,Fla. 135 Wood ville, Ala 220 Astoria, Oregon, to Camp C. F. Smith, Oregon. 790 Camp Harney, Oregon 475 Camp Logan, Oregon 420 Camp Lyon, I.T 612 Camp Three Forks, I. T. . 637 Camp Warner, Oregon 650 Camp Watson, Oregon... 340 Canon City, Oregon 400 Cape Dis appointment, W.T 15 Fort Boise, I. T -. 587 Fort Colville, W. T 612 Fort Dalles 220 Fort Lap wai , I. T 467 Fort Stevens, Oregon 8 Fort Vancouver, W. T . . . . 119 Portland, Oregon . . . 101 Umatilla, Oregon 317 Wallula, W.T 341 Atlanta, Ga., to Albany, N.Y Albany, Ga , Americus, Ga Anderson, Ga Athens, Ga Augusta, Me Augusta, Ga Austin, Texas Baldwin, Fla Baltimore, Md Bangor, Me Bath, Me Baton Rouge, La Beaufort, N.C Blakely, Ala 1,095 209 173 159 134 1,351 171 1,101 536 761 1,424 1,327 666 639 348 14 LISTS OP DISTANCES. Boston, Mass .. Miles, 1 180 Grand Haven Mich Miles. 876 Brashear City La 616 Greenville Ala 220 Brattleboro', Vt .. 1,150 Griffin, Ga 43 Brownsville, Texas . .. 1,203 Harrisburg Pa 840 Brunswick Ga 448 Hartford Conn 1 064 Buffalo, N.Y . . 1, 027 Houston, Texas 911 Burlington, Vt . . 1,254 Huntsville Ala.. ... 235 Burlington, Iowa 890 Indianapolis Ind 583 Cairo, 111 491 Indianola Texas 1 033 Carlisle Pa 862 Jackson Miss 458 Cedar Keys, Fla 653 Jacksonville, Ala 131 Charleston S C 308 Jacksonville Fla 556 Chattanooga Tenn 138 Joliet 111 796 Chicago, 111 770 Keokuk, Iowa 854 Cincinnati, Ohio . 616 Kingston, Ga 59 Cleveland Ohio 843 Knoxville Tenn 209 Cleveland, Tenn . 128 La Crosse, Wis . 1,050 Columbia, S C 314 Lafayette, Ind 647 Columbus, Ohio 734 Lake City Fla 496 Columbus Cta 139 Lansing Mich 898 Concord, N. H . 1,227 Lawton, Ga . . . 424 Council Bluffs, Iowa 1 107 Live Oak, Fla 473 Crestline, Ohio 768 Logansport Ind 659 Cuthbert, Ga 221 Louisville, Ky 474 Dablonega, Ga. 75 Lynchburg Va 543 Dal ton, Ga 100 Macon, Ga 103 Davenport, Iowa 885 Madison, Wis 901 Dayton, Ohio 664 Madison, Fla 500 Decatur, Ala . 259 Marietta, Ohio 815 Des Moines, Iowa 1 016 Marietta, Ga 20 Detroit, Mich 848 Memphis Tenn 448 Dover, Del 874 Michigan City Ind 737 Dubuque, Iowa 949 Milledgeville, Ga 133 Eatoutun, Ga 151 Millen Ga 214 Elmira, N. Y 1 017 Milwaukee \Vis 855 Erie, Pa 938 Mobile, Ala . 361 Eufaula, Ala . 246 Montgomery Ala 175 Evansville, Ind . 617 Monticello Fla 533 Fernandina, Fla 583 Nashville Tenn 289 Fort Gaines Ga 233 1 028 Fort Howard, Wis 1 002 New London, Conn . .. 1,078 Fort Monroe, Va. . 716 Newnan Ga 40 Fort Ridgely, Minn . 1, 329 New Orleans, La 536 Fort Snelling 1 , Minn 1,208 New York, N. Y 951 Fort Valley, Ga 131 Norfolk, Va 703 Fort Wayn^, Ind. 714 Ogdensburg, N. Y... 1 290 Frankfort, Ky 539 Opelika Ala 111 Gainesville, Fla 588 Oswego N Y 1 161 Gal veston, Texas . . . 861 Parkersburg, West Va 822 138 Pensacola, Fla 329 Gordon, Ga.. 123 Philadelnhia. Pa.. 860 LISTS OF DISTANCES. 15 Pittsburff Pa Miles. 927 Bath Me Milet. 46 Pollard Ala . 289 Baton Rouge, La . 2,017 Port Huron Mich 9JO Beaufort N. C 990 Portland Me 1 288 Boston Mass 171 999 Brashear City La 1 967 Providence R I 1 140 Brattleboro', Vt 261 Quincy, 111 ...... 833 2,554 Quincy Fla 580 Buffalo, N. Y 669 Raleigh N C 592 Burlington, Vt . 347 Reading, Pa . 877 1,401 623 Cairo 111 1 455 Richmond Va 668 Carlisle Pa 600 Rock Island, 111 883 Charleston, S. C 1,188 Rome Ga ..... 79 1,254 Rouse's Point N Y 1 301 Chicago 111 1,198 Saint Louis, Mo - 671 1,095 Saint Mark's Fla 577 Cleveland Ohio 852 Saint Paul Minn 1 216 Columbia, S. C 1,148 Sandusky City Ohio 802 Columbus Ohio 990 Savannah Ga 293 Concord N H 169 Selma Ala 256 Council Bluffs, Iowa 1,688 Springfield Mass 1 090 Crestline Ohio 927 Spring-field 111 734 Davenport Iowa 1 366 176 Dayton Ohio 1 035 Syracuse N Y 1 126 Des Moines Iowa ...... . 1,541 Tallahassee Fla 556 Detroit Mich 1 029 Talladega Ala 365 Dover Del 566 Terre Haute Ind 651 Dubuque Iowa. ..... .... 1,389 Thomasville Ga 493 East Gloucester Mass 149 Toledo Ohio 783 Elmira N Y 658 Trenton, N. J 893 Erie Pa 757 Trenton Ga 158 Evansville Ind 1 316 Troy N Y 1 101 Fernandina Fla 1 5H] Tuscumbia, Ala '302 Fort Andrew, Mass 209 Uniontown Ala 286 Fort at Clark's Point, New Vicksburg Miss 503 Bedford Mass 226 Washington D C 72] Fort at Salisbury Beach Warrenton, Ga .. . 132 Newburyport Mass 135 Weldon N. C 622 Fort Howard Wis 1 430 West Point N Y 1 003 Fort Independence Mass 173 West Point Ga 87 Fort Knox Me 43 Wheeling West Va 867 Fort Monroe, Va 723 Wilmington Del 832 Fort Phoenix Mass 227 Wilmington, N. C 460 Fort Popham, Me . 60 Winona, Minn 1,984 Fort Ridgely Minn 1 757 Fort Snelling, Minn .. 1,636 A. 11 gust a. Me. ^ to Fort Standish Mass 208 Augusta Ga 1 268 Fort Sullivan Me 198 Austin, Texas 2.452 Fort Warren, Mass . 179 Baltimore, Md 589 Fort Wayne, Ind 1,058 Baneror, Me... 73 Fort WinthroD, Mass . . , 173 16 LISTS OF DISTANCES. Frankfort Ky Milti. 1,224 2,212 1,218 582 191 295 2,262 1,134 2,384 1,724 1,554 1,222 1,437 1,142 1,478 1,167 1,079 1,130 194 1,221 808 1,389 1, 329 151 986 1,564 1,157 1,283 1,712 1,526 1,405 331 276 1,887 400 738 499 552 973 1,680 488 831 1,085 63 115 1,427 214 1,440 914 528 Richmond Ind ..... .... Miles. 1,072 760 1,364 381 1,397 1,644 155 913 1,292 269 1, 326 1,292 519 1,554 1,207 964 458 377 1,769 630 817 431 897 519 979 1,512 227 191 177 116 4 1,238 375 701 1,341 1,245 803 468 485 1,104 753 1,068 1,340 287 1,106 1,172 1,061 662 802 Richmond Va Rock Island 111 Harrisburg Pa Rouse's Point, N. Y Hancock Barracks, Me... Hartford Conn. .... Saint Louis Mo Saint Paul, Minn Indianapolis Ind Sandusky City, Ohio Savannah Ga Jackson Miss Jacksonville Fla Springfield, 111 Joliet 111 Stevenson Ala .... .... Keokuk Iowa ...... Knoxville Tenn Tallahassee, Fla La Crosse \Vis Terre Haute, Ind Lafayette Ind Toledo Ohio Trenton N J Troy N Y Long Point Batteries, Pro- Washington D. C . Weldon N C Lynchburg Va West Point, N. Y Macon Ga Wheeling West Va "Wilmington Del Marbleliead Mass ... Wilmington, N. C Marietta Ohio Memphis Tenn Augnsta, Ga., to Albany Ga .... ....... Michigan City Ind Milwaukee, \Vis . . Mobile Ala Amcricus Ga Montgomery Ala Anderson Ga Nashville Tenn Athens Ga New Haven Conn...... . Augusta Arsenal, Ga Austin Texas . ... New London Conn New Orleans La Baldwin Fla New York, N. Y Baltimore, Md Norfolk Va Bangor Me. .......... Ogdensburg NY Bath Me Oswego N Y Baton Rouge La Parkersburg, West Va..- Pensacola Fla Beaufort N C Blakely, Ala Philadelphia Pa Boston Mass ......... Pittsburg Pa Brashear City La Port Huron Mich Brattleboro' Vt Portland, Me Portsmouth, N. H . Brunswick, Ga. ......... Prairie du Chien, Wis Providence R I Buffalo N. Y Burlington Vt Quincy, 111 .. Burlington, Iowa . Raleigh N C Cairo 111 Reading-. Pa.. Carlisle. Pa. . LISTS OF DISTANCES. 17 Miles. Cedar Keys, Fla 492 Charleston, S. C 137 Chattanooga, Tenn 309 Chicago, 111 941 Cincinnati, Ohio 787 Cleveland, Ohio 1,014 Cleveland, Tenn 299 Columbia, S. C 143 Columbus, Ohio 905 Columbus, Ga 220 Concord, N. H 1,145 Council Bluffs, Iowa 1 , 278 Crestline, Ohio 939 Cuthbert, Ga 239 Dalton, Ga 271 Davenport, Iowa 1 , 056 Dayton, Ohio 835 Decatur, Ala 430 Des Moines, Iowa 1,187 Detroit, Mich 1,019 Dover, Del 702 Dubuque, Iowa 1,120 Eatonton, Ga 109 Elinira, N. Y 957 Erie, Pa 1,109 Eufaula, Ala 264 Evansville, Ind 788 Fernandina, Fla 422 Fort Gaines, Ga 251 Fort Howard, Wis 1 , 173 Fort Monroe, Va 545 Fort Ridgely, Minn 1 , 500' Fort Snelling, Minn 1 , 379 Fort Valley, Ga 149 Fort Wayne, Ind 885 Frankfort, Ky 710 Gainesville, Fla 427 Galveston, Texas 998 Girard, Ala 221 Gordon, Ga 101 Grand Haven, Mich 1,047 Greenville, Ala 357 Griffin, Ga 181 Harrisburg, Pa 786 Hartford, Conn 982 Houston, Texas 1,048 Huntsville, Ala 406 Indianapolis, Ind 754 Indianola, Texas 1,170 Jackson, Miss 595 Jacksonville, Fla 394 2 Miles. Joliet, 111 973 Keokuk, Iowa 1, 025 Kingston, Ga 230 Knoxville, Teun 380 LaCrosse, Wis 1,221 Lafayette, Ind 818 Lake City, Fla 335 Lansing, Mich 1,069 Lawton, Ga 263 Live Oak, Fla 312 Logansport, Ind 830 Louisville, Ky 645 Lynchburg, Va 548 Macon, Ga 121 Madison, Wis 1,071 Madison, Fla 339 Marietta, Ohio 986 Marietta, Ga 191 Memphis, Teun 619 Michigan City, Ind 908 Milled ge ville, Ga 91 Millen, Ga 53 Milwaukee, Wis 1 , 026 Mobile, Ala 498 Montgomery, Ala 312 Monticello, Fla 372 Nashville, Term 460 New Haven, Conn . 946 New London, Conn 996 Newnau, Ga 211 New Orleans, La 673 New York, N. Y 869 Norfolk, Va 532 Ogdensburg, N. Y 1 , 230 Opelika, Ala 248 Oswego, N. Y.-.- 1,101 Parkersburg, West Va-.- 993 Pensacola, Fla 466 Philadelphia, Pa 778 Pittsburg, Pa 1, 035 Pollard, Ala 426 Port Huron, Mich 1 , 081 Portland, Me 1,206 Prairie du Chien, Wis .... 1, 170 Providence, R. I 1 , 058 Quincy, 111 1,004 Quincy, Fla, 419 Kaleigh, N. C 421 Heading, Pa 817 Richmond, Ind 794 Richmond, Va 531 18 LISTS OF DISTANCES. Rock Island 111 Miles. 1,054 250 1,225 842 416 1,387 Carlisle, Pa ... Miles. 1,963 1,375 1,218 1,478 1,460 1,687 1,381 1,578 2, 328 1,729 1,612 1,507 1 , 508 Charleston S C Rouse's Point N Y Chattanooga Tenn Saint Louis Mo Chicago 111 Saint Mark's Fla Cincinnati Ohio Cleveland, Ohio 973 132 393 1,008 905 347 1,066 394 502 822 332 954 811 329 1,025 473 423 640 661 52 451 921 258 1,038 750 .289 1,255 1,862 2,524 2, 427 695 1,706 59 2,281 485 2,251 110 582 1,871 276 2,304 1,512 1,113 Columbia S C Savannah Ga Columbus Ohio Seloia Ala Concord N H Springfield Mass . . ... Council Bluffs, Iowa Springfield 111 Crestline, Ohio Stevenson Ala Davenport, Iowa ... Tallahassee Fla Des Moiues, Iowa 1,638 1,692 1,940 1,571 2,016 1,782 1,273 1,596 1,710 1,783 280 1,958 1,837 1,533 1, 383 240 26 1,584 1,941 2,165 190 1,427 402 748 243 1,569 1,450 1,476 1,310 1,710 1,424 1,686 1,461 1,318 j,644 1,117 1,584 1,659 Talladega Ala . Detroit Mich...... .... Terre Haute Ind Dover Del Dubuque Iowa Toledo Ohio . ... Elmira, N. Y Trenton N J Erie Pa Trenton Ga Evansville Ind Troy N Y Fernandina Fla Tuscumbia Ala Fort Howard, \Vis ... Fort Monroe Va Fort Belknap Texas Washington DC Fort Ridgely, Minn \Varrenton Ga Fort Snelling Minn...... Weldon N C Fort W^ayne Ind West Point N Y Frankfort Ky West Point Ga Galveston, Texas Wheeling West Va Georgetown Texas Grand Haven Mich Harrisburg Pa \Vinoiia Minn Austin, Tfexas, to Houston Texas Indianapolis Ind Indianola Texas Bath Me Jacksboro', Texas Jacksonville, Fla Beaufort, N. C... Joliet, 111 Knoxville Tenn . . . . . Brashear City La La Crosse, Wis Brattleboro' Vt Lafayette, Ind Buffalo N Y Louisville Kv ........ Buffalo Springs, Texas... Lynchbuvg Va Macon Ga Madison, Wis Cairo. 111.. Marietta, Ohio LISTS OF DISTANCES 19 Miles. Memphis, Tenn 958 Michigan City, Ind 1 , 494 Milwaukee, Wis 1 , 563 Mobile, Ala 740 Montgomery, Ala 926 Nashville, Tenn 1,173 New Braunfels, Texas 52 New Haven, Conn 2,129 New London, Conn 2,179 New Orleans, La 565 New York, N. Y 2,052 Norfolk, Va 1,770 Ogdensburg, N. Y 2, 185 Oswego, N. Y 2, 056 Parkersburg, West Va... 1,666 Peusacola, Fla 852 Philadelphia, Pa 1,961 Pittsburg, Pa 1 , 771 Port Huron, Mjch 1, 748 Portland, Me 2,389 Prairie du Chien, Wis 1 , 635 Providence, R.I 2, 24 1 Quincy, 111 1,455 Raleigh, N. C 1,659 Reading, Pa 1,978 Richmond, Iiid 1,467 Richmond, Va 1, 769 Rock Island,- 111 1,505 Rouse's Point, N. Y 2,284 Saint Louis, Mo 1 , 293 Saint Paul, Minn. 1 , 845 San Antonio, Texas 82 Sandusky City, Ohio 1 , 675 Savannah, Ga 1,307 Springfield, Mass 2,191 Springfield, 111 1,356 Stevenson, Ala 1,180 Syracuse, N. Y 2, 020 Tallahassee, Fla ] , 569 Terre Haute, Ind ] , 361 Toledo, Ohio 1,627 Trenton, N. J 1,994 Troy, N. Y 2,188 Vicksburg, Miss 793 Waco, Texas J01 Washington, D. C 1 , 822 Weatherford, Texas 203 Weldon, N. C 1,689 West Point, N. Y 2,104 Wheeling, West Va 1,711 Wilmington, Del 1 , 933 Miles. Wilmington, N. C 1 , 527 Winona, Minn 1,744 Baltimore. Md.. to Albany, N. Y Annapolis, Md Bangor, Me Bath, Me Baton Rouge, La Beaufort, N. C Boston, Mass Brashear City, La Brattleboro' Vt Brownsville, Texas Buffalo, N. Y Burlington, Vt Burlington, Iowa Cairo, 111 Carlisle, Pa Charleston, S. C Chattanooga, Tenn Chicago, 111 Cincinnati, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Columbia, S. C Columbus, Ohio Concord, N. H Council Bluffs, Iowa Crestline, Ohio Davenport, Iowa Dayton, Ohio Des Moines, Iowa Detroit, Mich Dover, Del Dubuque, Iowa Elmira, N. Y Erie, Pa Evansville, Ind Fernandina, Fla Fort Carroll, Md Fort Howard, Wis Fort McHenry, Md Fort Monroe, Va Fort Ridgely, Minn ...... Fort Snelliug, Minn Fort Wayne, Ind Frankfort, Ky Galveston, Texas Gettysburg, Pa Grand Haven, Mich Harrisburg, Pa 333 38 662 565 1,427 429 418 1,377 388 1,964 405 492 981 985 101 627 664 802 589 475 558 513 465 1,292 523 972 583 1,142 653 117 993 256 426 832 1,020 7 1,034 3 185 1, 361 1,240 654 718 1,622 76 842 85 20 LISTS OF DISTANCES. Hartford Conn Mites. 302 1,672 693 1,794 ],134 993 628 1,017 1, 101 552 1, 082 747 702 710 731 218 822 933 396 974 769 887 1,122 936 815 266 316 1,297 189 200 529 400 383 1,090 98 334 709 526 1,031 378 1,020 338 116 624 170 970 545 930 1,248 536 731 Springfield Mass . . Miles. 328 Houston Texas Springfield 111 . . 906 Stevenson Ala 702 Indianola Texas Syracuse N. Y ...... . 365 Jackson Miss Tallahassee Fla 993 Jacksonville, Fla .... Terre Haute, Ind 766 Joliet 111 Toledo, Ohio 588 Keokuk Iowa Trenton N. J . 131 Key West Fla Troy N Y 339 Kuoxville Tenn Union, West Va 310 La Crosse ^^is Vicksburg, Miss ...... ... 1,179 Washington D. C 40 Weldon N C 256 Logansport Ind West Point, N. Y 241 Louisville Ky Wheeling, West Va... 379 Lynchburg, Va ...... 70 Macon Ga . Wilmington, N. C 418 Madison \Vis . \V^inona. Minn . . . .. 1,116 Marietta, Ohio . 15 n ii or, Maiiie, Bath Me to 115 Memphis, Tenn.. ... Michigan City Ind Milwaukee, Wis Baton Eouge, La .... . . . 2, 090 Mobile Ala Beaufort N C 1 069 Montgomery Ala Boston Mass 244 Nashville, Tenn Brashear City, La . ... 2., 040 New Haven, Conn . Brattleboro' Vt 334 New London, Conn . Brownsville Texas . 2 627 New Orleans La Buffalo N Y 742 New York, N. Y Burlington, Vt ...... . 420 Norfolk, Va Burlington Iowa .. ] 478 Ogdensburg N. Y . Cairo 111 1 528 Oswego N Y Carlisle Pa 673 Parkersburg, West Va . .. Pensacola, Fla . Charleston, S. C . 1,261 Chattanooga Tenu . 1 327 Philadelphia Pa Chicago 111 1 271 Pittsburg Pa 1 168 Port Huron, Mich Cleveland Ohio . . 925 Portland Me Columbia S C 1 221 Prairie du Chien, Wis.... Providence, E. I. ... Columbus, Ohio ... 1,063 Concord N. H 241 Quincy, 111 Council Bluffs Iowa 1 761 Ealeigh, N. C Crestline Ohio 1 000 Eeading, Pa . . Davenport, Iowa ... 1,439 Eichmond, Ind Dayton Ohio ...... . ... 1 108 Eichmond, Va . Des Moines, Iowa ... ... 1 614 Eock Island, 111 Detroit Mich 1 102 Eouse's Point, N. Y Saint Louis, Mo - Dover Del 639 DubiiQue, Iowa ...... . ... 1,462 Saint Paul, Minn . Elmira N. Y 731 Sandusky City, Ohio Savannah. Ga - . Erie Pa 830 Evansville. Ind.. 1.389 LISTS OF DISTANCES. 21 Miles. 1 , 654 1,503 796 1,830 1,709 1,131 1,297 2.285 1,291 655 368 2, 335 1,207 2,457 1,797 ,627 ,295 ,5JO ,215 ,551 ,240 ,152 ,203 ,294 881 ,462 ,402 ,059 ,637 ,230 ,356 ,785 ,599 ,478 404 349 1,960 473 811 572 625 1,046 1,753 561 904 1,158 136 1,500 287 1,513 987 Reading Pa Milts. 601 1,145 833 1,437 454 1,470 1,717 986 1,365 342 1,399 1,365 592 1,627 1,280 1,037 531 450 1,842 703 890 504 970 592 1,052 1,585 1,993 '966 147 1,943 237 2, 530 645 323 1,377 1,431 576 1,164 1,230 1,174 1,071 828 1,124 966 144 1,664 903 1,342 1,011 Fort Howard Wis Richmond, Ind ...... .... Fort Monroe Va Richmond Va .... . . Rock Island 111 Fort Snelling Minii Rouse's Point, N. Y Fort Wayne Ind Saint Louis, Mo Frankfort, Ky Saint Paul, Minn Galveston Texas Sandusky City, Ohio Grand Haven Mich Savannah Ga ...... Harrisburg, Pa Hartford Conn Springfield, III Houston Texas Stevenson Ala ...... .... Syracuse NY Tallahassee Fla Jackson Miss Terre Haute Ind Toledo Ohio Joliet III Trenton, N. J Keokuk Iowa Troy N. Y Knoxville Tenn Vicksburg Miss ...... La Crosse, Wis . Washington, D. C Weldon N C Lansing Mich West Point N. Y Logansport Ind ...... Wheeling, West Va Louisville Ky Wilmington. Del Lynchburg Va "Winona Minn Madison \Vis Bath, Maine, to Baton Rouge, La Marietta Ohio Memphis, Tenn ....... Michigan City Ind Beaufort N. C Milwaukee Wis Boston Mass Brashear City La Montgomery Ala Brattleboro' Vt Nashville Tenn Brownsville Texas New Haven Conn Buffalo N Y New London Conn ...... Burlington, Vt ...... .... New Orleans La ...... Burlington, Iowa ...... New York N Y Cairo 111 Norfolk Va Carlisle Pa Charleston S C Oswego N Y Chattanooga Tenn ...... Parkersburg, West Va Pensacola Fla . Chicago 111 Cincinnati, Ohio Philadelphia Pa Cleveland, Ohio Pittsburg Pa Columbia S. C Port Huron, Mich Columbus, Ohio Portland, Me Concord, N. H Prairie du Chien, Wis Providence R I Council Bluffs, Iowa Crestline Ohio Quiucy, 111 . . Kaleieh. N. C . . Davton, Ohio . . 22 LISTS OF DISTANCES. Des Moines Iowa ....... Miles. 1,517 1,005 542 1,365 634 733 1,292 L557 1,406 699 1,733 1,612 1,034 1,200' 2,188 1,194 558 271 2,238 1,110 2,360 ,700 ,530 ,198 ,413 ,118 ,454 ,143 ,055 ,106 ,197 784 ,366 ,305 962 1,540 1,133 1,259 1,688 1,502 1,381 307 252 1,863 376 714 475 528 949 1,656 464 Pittsburg Pa Miles. 807 1,061 39 1,403 190 1,416 890 504 1,048 736 1 340 Detroit Mich Port Huron Mich Dover Del Portland Me Dubuoue, Iowa Prairie du Chien, Wis Providence R I Elmira N. Y Erie Pa Ouincy 111 Evansville, Ind Raleigh N. C Fernandina, Fla ...... Reading Pa Fort Howard Wis Richmond Ind Fort Monroe, Va ... Richmond, Va ...... Fort Ridgely, Minn Rock Island, 111 Fort Snelling Minn Rouse's Point N Y 357 1,373 1,620 889 1,268 245 1,302 1, 268 495 1,530 1,183 940 434 353 1,745 '606 793 407 873 495 955 1,488 1,271 1,846 210 1,816 797 1, 428 1,861 1,069 670 1, 528 940 775 1,035 1,017 1.244 Fort Wayne, Ind Saint Louis, Mo Frankfort, Ky Saint Paul, Minn Galveston, Texas Sandusky City, Ohio Savannah Ga Grand Haven Mich Harrisburg Pa Springfield Mass Hartford, Conn ....... Springfield 111 Houston Texas Stevenson Ala Indianapolis, Ind Syracuse, N. Y Tallahassee, Fla Jackson Miss Terre Haute Ind Jacksonville Fla Toledo Ohio Joliet 111 Trenton, N. J . . Keokuk Iowa .... Troy N Y Knoxville Tenn Vicksburg Miss La Crosse "Wis Washington 1) C Lafayette Ind . Weldon, N. C . . Lansino" Mich ... West Point N. Y Logansport Ind Wheeling West Va Wilmington Del Lynchburg Va ... .... Wilmington, N C Macon Ga \Vinoiia Minn Madison \Vis Baton Rouge, La., to Beaufort N C Marietta Ohio . - .... Memphis Tenn Boston Mass Mobile Ala . . ..... Montgomery, Ala Brattleboro' Vt Nashville, Tenn New Haven Conn ..... Buffalo N Y Burlington Vt Burlington Iowa New York, N. Y Cairo 111 Norfolk, Va Carlisle Pa Ogdensburg N. Y ...... Charleston S C Oswego N Y Parkersburg, West Va Pensacola, Fla ...... .... Chicago, 111 Philadelphia, Pa... Cleveland. Ohio .. LISTS OF DISTANCES. 23 Miles. Columbia, S. C 946 Columbus, Ohio 1,135 Concord, N. H 1,893 Council Bluffs, Iowa 1,286 Crestline, Ohio 1,169 Davenport, Iowa 1 , 064 Dayton, Ohio 1/065 Des Moines, Iowa 1,195 Detroit, Mich 1 , 249 Donald sonville, La 50 Dover, Del 1,505 Dubuque, Iowa 1 , J28 Elmira, N.Y 1,573 Erie, Pa 1,339 Evansville, Ind 830 Fernandina, Fla 1,161 Fort Howard, Wis 1 , 267 Fort Monroe, Va 1,348 Fort Ridgely , Minn 1,515 Fort Snelliug, Minn 1 , 394 Fort Wayne, Ind 1 , 090 Frankfort, Ky 940 Galveston, Texas 455 Grand Haven, Mich 1,141 Harrisburg, Pa 1,512 Hartford, Conn 1,730 Houston, Texas..". 505 Indianapolis, Ind 983 Indianola, Texas 627 Jackson, Miss 305 Jacksonville, Fla 1 , 1 34 Joliet, 111 1,007 Keokuk, Iowa 1,033 Knoxville, Tenn 875 LaCrosse, Wis 1,267 Lafayette, Ind 981 Lansing-, Mich 1,241 Logansport, Ind . . 1,018 Louisville, Ky . . . - 875 Lynchburg, Va 1. 209 Macon, Ga. 682 Madison, Wis 1,141 Marietta, Ohio 1,216 Memphis, Tenn 515 Michigan City, Ind 1 , 071 Milwaukee, Wis 1, 120 Mobile, Ala 305 Montgomery, Ala 491 Mouth of Red river, La. . . 80 Nashville, Tenn 730 New Haven, Conn 1 , 694 Milts. London, Conn 1 744 New Orleans, La 130 New York, N. Y 1,617 Norfolk, Va 1,335 Ogdensburg, N. Y 1 , 742 Oswego, N. Y 1,613 Parkersburg. West Va . . . . 1 , 223 Pensacola, Fla 417 Philadelphia, Pa 1,526 Pittsburg, Pa 1,328 Port Huron, Mich 1, 305 Portland, Me 1,954 Prairie du Chien, Wis 1 , 1 92 Providence, R. 1 1,806 Quincy, 111 1,012 Raleigh, N. C 1,224 Reading, Pa 1,543 Richmond, Ind 1,024 Richmond, Va 1,334 Rock Island, 111 1,062 Rouse's Point, N. Y 1 , 84 1 Saint Louis, Mo 850 Saint Paul, Minn 1 , 402 Sandusky City, Ohio 1, 203 Savannah, Ga 872 Springfield, Mass 1 , 756 Springfield, 111 913 Stevenson, Ala 737 Syracuse, N.Y 1.577 Tallahassee, Fla 1 , 134 Terre Haute,. Ind 918 Toledo, Ohio 1,184 Trenton, N. J 1,559 Troy, N.Y 1,729 Vicksburg, Miss 260 Washington, D. C 1 , 387 Weldon, N. C. 1,254 West Point, N. Y 1,669 Wheeling, West Va 1 , 268 Wilmington, Del 1 , 498 Wilmington, N. C 1,092 Winona, Minn 1 , 301 Beaufort, N. C., to Boston, Mass 819 Brashear City, La 1,221 Brattleboro', Vt 789 Brownsville, Texas 1,808 Buffalo, N.Y 834 Burlington, Vt 893 Burlington, Iowa 1,392 24 LISTS OF DISTANCES. Miles. Cairo.Ill 1,130 Carlisle, Pa 530 Charleston, S C 388 Chattanooga, Teun 777 Chicago, 111 1,231 Cincinnati, Ohio 1,000 Cleveland, Ohio 904 Columbia, S. C 375 Columbus, Ohio 924 Concord, N. H 866 Council Bluffs, Iowa 1 , 721 Crestline , Ohio 952 Davenport, Iowa 1 , 387 Dayton, Ohio 994 Des Moines, Iowa 1 , 553 Detroit. Mich 1,082 Dover, Del 424 Dubuque, Iowa 1 . 422 Elmira, N. Y '685 Erie, Pa 855 Evansville, Irid 1 , 256 Fernandina, Fla. Fort Hatteras, N. C . 781 85 Fort Howard, Wis 1 , 463 Fort Macon, N. C 3 Fort Monroe, Va 268 Fort Ridgely, Minn ,790 Fort Snelling, Minn , 669 Fort Wayne, Ind ,083 Frankfort, Ky ,129 Galveston, Texas ,466 Grand Haven, Mich , 27 J Harrisburg, Pa 514 Hartford , Conn 703 Houston, Texas , 516 Indianapolis, Ind , 104 Indianola, Texas ,638 Jackson, Miss ,063 Jacksonville, Fla 754 Joliet, 111 ,259 Keokuk, Iowa , 428 Knoxville, Tenn 694 La Crosse, Wis 1,511 Lafayette, Ind 1 . 158 Lansing, Mich 1,132 Logausport, Ind 1,121 Louisville, Ky 1,113 Lynchburg, Va 360 .Macon, Ga 589 Madison, Wis 1,362 Miles. Marietta, Ohio 807 Memphis, Tenn 1,087 Michigan City, Ind 1 , 1 98 Milwaukee, Wis 1,316 Mobile, Ala 966 Montgomery, Ala 780 Nashville, Tenn 928 New Haven, Conn 667 New London, Conn 717 New Orleans, La 1,141 New York, N. Y 590 Norfolk, Va 254 Ogdensburg, N. Y 958 Oswego, N. Y 829 Parkersburg, West Va 794 Pensacola, Fla 934 Philadelphia, Pa 499 Pittsburg, Pa 763 Port Huron, Mich 1,138 Portland, Me 927 Prairie du Chieu, Wis 1, 460 Providence, R. 1 779 Quincy, 111 1,431 Raleigh, N. C 143 Reading, Pa 545 Richmond, Ind 1,035 Richmond, Va 259 Rock Island, 111 1,385 Rouse's Point, N. Y 946 Saint Louis, Mo 1,310 Saint Paul, Minn 1 , 677 Sandusky City, Ohio. .... 965 Savannah, Ga 492 Springfield, Mass 729 Springfield, 111 1,317 Stevenson, Ala 8J5 Syracuse, N. Y 794 Tallahassee, Fla 754 Terre Haute, Ind 1 , 177 Toledo, Ohio 1,017 Trenton, N. J 532 Troy, N. Y 740 Vicksburg, Miss 1,108 Washington, D. C 389 Weldon, N. C 173 West Point, N. Y 642 Wheeling, West Va 790 Wilmington, Del 47 1 Wilmington, N. C 179 Winona, Minn 1,545 LISTS OF DISTANCES. 25 Hdf on. Texas, to Miles. Elmira N. Y Miles. 487 Austin Texas 59 Erie Pa 586 Buffalo Springs, Texas 217 Evansville, Ind 1 145 Fort Belknap, Texas 221 Fernandina Fla 1 410 Georgetown Texas 33 Fort Andrew Mass 38 Jacksboro', Texas 184 Fort at Clark's Point New New Braunfels, Texas 111 Bedford, Mass 55 San Antonio Texas 140 Fort Howard , Wis 1 259 Waco, Texas 42 Fort Independence Mass 3 Weatherford, Texas 144 Fort Knox, Me 214 Fort Monroe, Va 552 Id 11 UK on . Wells Co., Fort Phoenix, Mass 56 1 ml., to Fort Popham, Me 161 Charlestown, Ind 278 Fort Ridgely, Minn 1,586 Fort Wayne, Ind . 26 Fort at Salisbury Beach, Walnut Township, Bureau county, 111 318 Newburyport, Mass Fort Snelling, Minn 36 1,465 Fort Standish, Mass 37 Boston, mass to Fort Sullivan, Me 369 Albany N Y 200 Fort Warren, Mass. 7 Annapolis, Md 457 Fort Wayne, Ind 887 Augusta, Me 171 Fort Winthrop, Mass 2 Baltimore Md^. 418 Frankfort, Ky . 1 053 Brashear City La 1 796 Galveston, Texas 2 041 Brattleboro', Vt 119 Grand Haven, Mich 1 047 Brownsville, Texas 2 383 Hancock Barracks, Me . . . 362 Buffalo, N. Y 498 Harrisburg, Pa 411 Burlington, Vt 251 Hartford, Conn 124 Burlington, Iowa 1 230 Houston, Texas 2 091 Cairo, 111 1 284 Indianapolis, Ind 963 Carlisle, Pa 429 Indianola, Texas 2 213 Carver's Harbor Me 168 Jackson, Miss 1 553 Champlain Arsenal Ver- Jacksonville, Fla 1 383 gennes Vt 212 Joliet,Ill 1 051 Charleston, S. C 1 017 Keokuk, Iowa 1 266 Chattanooga, Teun 1 083 Knoxville, Tenn 971 Chicago 111 1 027 La Crosse, Wis 1 307 Cincinnati Ohio 024 Lafayette, Ind 996 Cleveland, Ohio 681 Lansing, Mich 908 Columbia S C 977 Logansport, Ind 959 Columbus, Ohio 819 Long Point Batteries, Prov- Concord, N. H 72 incetown, Mass 123 Council Bluffs Iowa 1 517 Louisville, Ky 1 050 Crestline Ohio 756 Lynchburg, Va 637 Davenport Iowa 1 195 Macon, Ga 1 225 Dayton, Ohio '864 Madison, Wis 1 158 Des Moiues, Iowa 1 370 Marblehead, Mass 20 Detroit, Mich 858 Marietta, Ohio 815 Dover Del 395 Memphis, Tenn 1 393 Dubuque, Iowa. 1 218 Michigan City, Ind 986 East Gloucester, Mass . . 32 Milwaukee, Wis . . 1.112 26 LISTS OF DISTANCES. Mobile Ala Miles. 1 541 Brasfacjii* City. l>:i.. Milu. Montgomery, Ala .... .... 1,355 to Nashville Tenn 1,234 Brattleboro' Vt 1 766 New Haven Conu 160 550 105 Brenham Texas 375 New Orleans, La 1,716 Brownsville Texas 587 New York, N. Y 229 Buffalo, N. Y . 1 386 Norfolk Va 567 1 819 Ogdensburg, N. Y. ...... 404 Burling toil Iowa 1 027 Oswego, N. Y 381 Cairo 111 628 Parkersburg, West Va 802 Carlisle Pa . 1,478 Pensacola, Fla 1 , 509 Charleston S C 890 Philadelphia Pa 317 Chattanooga Tenn 733 Pittsburg, Pa. 660 Chicago 111 993 Port Huron, Mich 914 Cincinnati Ohio 975 Portland, Me 108 Cleveland Ohio 1 202 Portsmouth N. H 56 Columbia S C 896 Prairie du Chien, Wis 1,256 Columbus Ohio 1 093 Providence, R. I 43 Concord N H 1 843 8 1 244 Quincy 111 1 269 1 ]27 Raleigh N C 743 1 022 Reading Pa 357 1 023 Richmond Ind .... ... 901 1 153 Richmond, Va 589 Detroit Mich 1,207 Rock Island, 111 1,193 Dover Del 1 455 Rockport Mass 36 1 086 Rouse's Point, N. Y 286 Elmira N Y 1 531 Saint Louis Mo ....... 1 226 Erie Pa 1 297 1,473 Evansville Ind . . 788 16 1 111 Sandusky City, Ohio 742 Fort Howard Wis 1 225 Savannah Ga - ... . - 1, 121 1 298 Springfield Mass 98 1 473 Springfield 111 1 155 Fort Snelling Minn 1 352 Stevenson Ala ...... .... 1,121 'Fort \V^ayne Ind 1 048 Syracuse NY 348 Frankfort Ky 898 Tallahassee Fla 1 383 245 Terre Haute, Ind 1,036 Grand Haven Mich 1 099 Toledo Ohio 793 1 462 Trenton N J 287 1 680 Troy N Y 206 295 Vicksburg. Miss 1,593 Indianapolis Ind 942 Washington, D C 459 Indianola Texas 417 \Vatertovvn Arsenal, Mass. 5 263 Weldon N C 646 Jacksonville Fla 1 084 West Point, N. Y 260 Joliet 111 965 Wheeling, West Va 726 Keokuk Iowa 991 348 Knoxville Tenn 825 Wilmington N. C 808 1 225 Winona, Minn 1,341 Lafavette. Ind.. 939 LISTS OF DISTANCES. 27 Miles. Lansing, Mich 1,201 Logansport, Ind 976 Louisville, Ky 833 Lynchburg, Va 1, 159 Macon, Ga 632 Madison, Wis 1 , 099 Marietta, Ohio 1 , 174 Memphis, Tenn 473 Michigan City, Ind 1, 029 Milwaukee, Wis 1,078 Mobile, Ala 255 Montgomery , Ala 441 Nashville, Tenn 688 New Haven, Conn 1 , 644 New Iberia, La 66 New London, Conn 1,694 New Orleans, La 80 New York, N. Y 1,567 Norfolk, Va 1,285 Ogdensburg, N. Y 1,700 Opelousas, La 116 Oswego, N. Y 1 , 571 Parkersburg, West Va... 1,181 Pensacola, Fla 367 Philadelphia, Pa 1 , 476 Pittsburg, Pa 1, 286 Port Huron, Mich 1,263 Portland, Me 1,904 Prairie du Chien, Wis 1, 150 Providence, R.I 1 , 756 Quincy, 111 970 Kaeigh, N. C 1,174 Reading, Pa 1,493 Richmond, Ind 982 Richmond, Va 1,284 Rock Island, 111 1,020 Rouse's Point, N. Y 1 , 799 Saint Louis, Mo 808 Saint Paul, Minn 1 , 360 Sandusky City, Ohio 1,161 Savannah, Ga 822 Springfield, Mass 1,706 Springfield, 111 871 Stevenson, Ala 695 Syracuse, N. Y 1,535 Tallahassee, Fla 1,084 Terre Haute, Ind 876 Toledo, Ohio 1,142 Trenton, N. J 1,509 Troy, N. Y 1,687 Vicksburg, Miss 308 Miles. Washington, D. C 1 , 337 Weldon, N. C 1,204 West Point, N. Y 1,619 Wheeling, West Va 1,226 Wilmington, Del 1, 448 Wilmington, N. C 1, 042 Winona, Minn 1,259 Brattleboro', Vt., to Brownsville, Texas 2,353 Buffalo, N. Y 442 Burlington, Vt 144 Burlington, Iowa 1,174 Cairo, 111 1,228 Carlisle, Pa 399 Chauiplain Arsenal, Vt.. . '122 Charleston, S. C 987 Chattanooga, Tenn 1 , 053 Chicago, 111 971 Cincinnati, Ohio 868 Cleveland, Ohio 625 Columbia, S. C 947 Columbus, Ohio 763 Concord, N. H 95 Council Bluffs, Iowa 1, 461 Crestline, Ohio 700 Davenport, Iowa 1 , 1 39 Dayton, Ohio 808 Des Moines, Iowa 1,314 Detroit, Mich 802 Dover, Del 365 Dubuque, Iowa 1,162 Elmira, N. Y 431 Erie, Pa 530 Evansville, Ind 1,089 Fernandina, Fla 1 , 380 Fort Howard, Wis 1, 203 Fort Monroe, Va 522 Fort Ridgely, Minn 1 , 530 Fort Sue! ling, Minn 1 , 409 Fort Wayne, Ind 831 Frankfort, Ky 997 Galveston, Texas 2,011 Grand Haven, Mich 991 Harrisburg, Pa 38 1 Hartford, Conn 86 Houston, Texas . . . ." 2, 061 Indianapolis, Ind 907 Indianola, Texas 2, 183 Jackson, Miss 1, 523 Jacksonville, Fla 1, 353 28 LISTS OF DISTANCES Joliet, 111 Miles. 995 1,210 940 1,251 940 852 903 994 606 1,189 1, 102 784 1,363 930 1,056 1,511 1,325 1,179 122 140 1,686 196 537 315 325 772 1,479 287 630 .858 192 1,200 109 1,213 713 327 845 559 1,137 197 1,170 1,417 686 1,091 60 1,099 1,091 292 1,353 980 737 Trenton N J Miles. 257 157 1,568 429 616 210 696 318 778 1,285 435 37 305 355 153 630 J,973 2, 406 1,614 1,215 2,065 1,477 1,320 1,580 1,562 1,789 1,483 1,680 2,430 1,831 1,714 1,609 1,610 1,740 1,794 2,042 1,673 2,118 1,884 1, 375 1,698 1,812 1,885 2,060 Troy N Y Knoxville, Term Vicksburg Miss La Crosse, Wis Washington D C Lafayette, Ind Weldon N C Lansing, Mich West Point N Y Logausport, Ind . . Wheeling West Va Louisville, Ky . Wilmington Del Lynchburg, Va. . Wilmington N C Macon, Ga W^inona Minn Madison, Wis Brazos Santiago, Texas, to Brenham, Texas Marietta, Ohio Memphis, Tenn Michigan City, Ind Mobile Ala Brownsville, Texas Galveston, Texas "^flssTivillp TVnn Houston, Texas Indianola, Texas New Orleans, La New Orleans, La .... Brownsville. Tex as, to Buffalo, N. Y New York, N. Y Norfolk, Va Ogdensburg N Y Oswego, N. Y Burlington, Vt . Parkersburg, West Va . . . Pensacola Fla Burlington, Iowa Cairo, 111 Philadelphia, Pa Carlisle, Pa Pittsburg Pa Charleston, S C Port Huron Mich Chattanooga Tenn Portland , Me Chicago, 111 Prairie du Chien, Wis Providence R I Cincinnati, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Quincy 111 . Columbia S C Raleigh, N. C Columbus, Ohio Reading Pa Concord, N. H Richmond, Ind Council Bluffs, Iowa Richmond, Va .. Crestline, Ohio . Rock Island, 111 Davenport. Iowa Rouse's Point N Y Dayton Ohio Saint. Louis, Mo Des Moines, Iowa Saint Paul, Minn Detroit, Mich Sandusky City Ohio Dover Del Savannah Ga Dubuque Iowa Springfield Mass Elmira N. Y Springfield, IJ1 . .... Erie, Pa Stevenson, Ala Evansville, Ind ...... Syracuse N Y Fernandina Fla Tallahassee Fla Fort Howard Wis Terre Haute, Ind Fort Monroe, Va ... Toledo. Ohio . . Fort Ridsrely, Minn.., LISTS OF DISTANCES. 29 Miles. Fort Snelling, Minn 1 , 939 Fort Wayne, Ind 1 , 635 Frankfort, Ky 1 , 485 Galveston, Texas 342 Grand Haven, Mich 1, 686 Harrisburg, Pa 2, 049 Hartford, Conn 2, 267 Houston, Texas 392 Indianapolis, Ind 1,529 Indianoia, Texas 190 Jackson, Miss 850 Jacksonville, Fla 1,671 Joliet, 111 1,552 Keokuk, Iowa 1.578 Knoxville, Tenn 1,412 La Crosse, Wis 1,812 Lafayette, Ind 1,526 Lansing, Mich 1,788 Logansport, Ind 1,563 Louisville, Ky 1,420 Lynchburg, Va 1 , 746 Macon, Ga 1,219 Madison, Wis 1,686 Marietta, Ohio 1,761 Memphis, Tenn 1,060 Michigan City, Ind 1, 616 Milwaukee, Wis 1 , 665 Mobile, Ala 842 Montgomery, Ala 1 , 028 Nashville, Tenn 1 , 275 New Haven, Conn 2, 231 New London, Conn 2, 28 1 New Orleans, La 667 New York, N. Y 2,154 Norfolk, Va 1,872 Ogdensburg, N. V 2,287 Oswego, N. Y 2,158 Parkersburg, WestVa--- 1,768 Pensacola, Fla 954 Philadelphia, Pa 2, 063 Pittsburg, Pa 1,873 Port Huron, Mich 1 , 850 Portland, Me 2, 491 Prairie du Chien, Wis .... 1 , 737 Providence, R. I 2, 343 Quincy, 111 1,557 Raleigh, N. C 1,761 Reading, Pa 2, 080 Richmond, Ind 1,569 Richmond, Va 1,871 Rock Island, 111 1,607 Rouse's Point, N. Y , Saint Louis, Mo Saint Paul, Minn Sandusky City, Ohio Savannah, Ga Springfield, Mass Springfield, 111 Stevenson, Ala Syracuse, N. Y Tallahassee, Fla Terre Haute, Ind Toledo, Ohio Trenton, N. J Troy, N. Y Vicksburg, Miss Washington, D. C Weldon, N. C West Point, N. Y Wheeling, WestVa Wilmington, Del Wilmington, N. C Winona, Minn Buck's Harbor, Maine, to Carver's Harbor, Me Lanesville, Mass Buffalo, X. Y., to- Albany, N. Y Bingharnton, N. Y Bridgeport, Conn Burlington, Vt Burlington, Iowa Cairo, 111 Carlisle, Pa Charleston, S.C-., Chattanooga, Tenn Chicago, 111 Cincinnati, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Columbia, S. C Columbus, Ohio Concord, N, H Council Bluffs, Iowa Crestline, Ohio Davenport, Iowa David's Island, N.Y.... Dayton, Ohio Des Moines, Iowa Detroit, Mich Miles. 2,35 1,395 1,947 1,748 1,409 2, 293 1, 458 1,282 2, 122 1,671 1,463 1, 729 2,096 2, 274 895 1,924 1,791 2, 206 1,813 2,035 1,629 1,846 66 282 208 457 434 732 786 338 1, 032 889 529 426 183 963 321 527 1,019 258 697 445 366 872 360 30 LISTS OF DISTANCES. Dover Del Miles. 499 720 40 149 88 647 1,425 390 424 481 434 761 434 590 2 1,083 440 967 480 433 389 424 555 1,631 529 320 426 447 1,681 327 465 1,803 1,123 1 , 398 553 768 957 809 498 410 461 553 623 1, 130 660 351 930 488 614 1,250 1 . 202 Nashville Tenn ...... Milts. 738 432 388 450 480 1,306 586 443 423 605 314 185 364 1 356 Newark N J Dunkirk NY .... Newburg, N. Y Elmira N Y New Haven, Conn ...... Erie Pa New London Conn Evansville Ind . New Orleans, La Fernandina Fla Newport, R. I .. ....... Fishkill N Y New Rochelle, N. Y New York, N. Y Fort Columbus, N. Y Fort Griswold Conn Norfolk, Va Fort Hamilton N Y Osrdensburfir, N. Y . Fort Howard Wis Osweo-o N Y Fort Lafayette, NY Parkersburg, West Va . . . Pensacola Fla Fort Porter N Y Philadelphia Pa 424 236 421 416 606 758 497 771 743 366 404 575 69 695 188 413 254 728 975 85 244 443 1,136 281 400 657 851 492 150 1,398 538 295 405 302 1,168 303 445 Fort Ridgely Minn Pittsburf Pa Fort Schuyler N Y Plattsburg N Y Fort Snelling Minn Port Huron, Mich Fort Trumbull, Conn Fort Wadsworth, 'N. Y . . . Fort W^ayue Ind Portland Me Prairie du Chien, Wis Providence, R. I . Fort Wood N Y Quincy 111 Frankfort Ky Raleigh N C Galveston Texas - . . Reading Pa .. .... .... Grand Haven Mich Richmond Ind Richmond Va Rochester, N. Y Hart Island NY ... Rock Island 111 Houston Texas Rome N Y Hudson N Y Rouse's Point N Y Indianapolis Ind ........ Sackett's Harbor, N. Y Saint Louis, Mo Indianola Texas . - Saint Paul Minn Jacksonville Fla ...... Salamanca, N. Y .... Joliet 111 Sandusky City Ohio Sandy Hook, N. Y Savannah, Ga.. ......... Knoxville, Tenn ...... .. La Crosse Wis Schenectady, N Y ...... Lafayette Ind Springfield Mass gpnng-field 111 Louisville Ky Stonington Conn ...... Lynchburg Va Syracuse NY Macon Ga Tallahassee Fla Madison \Vis Terre Haute Ind Marietta, Ohio Toledo, Ohio Memphis Teun Trenton N J Michigan City Ind . Troy NY Milwaukee, Wis Vicksburg, Miss Mobile, Ala Water vliet Arsenal, N. Y . Washino-ton. D. C .. Monto-omerv. Ala. . LISTS OF DISTANCES. 31 Weldon N C Miles. 661 Evansville Ind Miles. 1 081 West Point, N. Y 392 Fernandina Fla 1,484 Wheeling, West Va 276 Fort Howard Wis 1 195 Whitehall Junction, N. Y. 342 Fort Monroe, Va 626 Willet's Point, N. Y 443 Fort Ridgely, Minn 1 522 William's Bridge, N. Y . 437 Fort Snelliug Minn 1 401 "Wilmington, l)el 452 Fort AVayne Ind 823 Wilmington, N. C 823 Frankfort, Ky .... 989 \Vinona Minn 843 2 064 Youngstown, N. Y 35 Grand Haven Mich 983 Harrisburg Pa 485 Buffalo Springs, Hartford Conn 230 Texas, to Houston, Texas 2, 114 Austin, Texas 276 Indianapolis, Ind 899 Belton, Texas 217 Indianola, Texas 2,236 Camp Verde Texas 405 Jackson, Miss . . ... ,556 .Fort Belknap Texas 70 Jacksonville Fla 457 Fort Chadbourne Texas 209 Joliet 111 987 Fort Griffin Texas 105 Keokuk, Iowa. ,202 Fort Mason Texas 322 ^[.noxville Tenn 045 Georgetown Texas 250 La Crosse Wis 243 Jacksboro', Texas .. 33 Lafayette, Ind , . . 932 New Braunfels Texas 328 Lansing Mu'h 844 San Antonio Texas 357 Logansport Ind 895 Waco, Texas J75 Louisville Ky 986 Weatherford, Texas 73 Lynchburg Va 711 Macon, Ga 1,293 JBui*liiigtoii, "Vt,. tc- Madison, Wis 1 094 Burlington, Iowa J,166 Marietta, Ohio 785 Cairo, 111 1 220 Memphis, Tenn 1 , 363 Carlisle Pa 503 Michigan City Ind 922 Champlain Arsenal, Ver- Milwaukee, Wis 1,048 gennes, Vt 22 Mobile, Ala 1 615 Charleston, S. C 1 091 Montgomery Ala 1 429 Chattanooga Tenn 1 157 Nashville Tenn 1 171 Chicago, 111 963 New Haven, Conn 266 Cincinnati, Ohio 860 New London, Conn ...... 284 Cleveland, Ohio 617 New Orleans La 1 739 Columbia S C 1 05J New York N Y 303 Columbus, Ohio 755 Norfolk, Va 641 Concord, N. H J79 Ogdensburg, N. Y 171 Council Bluffs Iowa 1,453 Oswego N Y 317 Crestline, Ohio 692 Parkersburg, West Va 798 Davenport, Iowa . J, 131 Pensacola, Fla 1 583 Dayton, Ohio .... 800 Philadelphia, Pa 391 Des Moines, Iowa . 1 , 306 Pittsburg, Pa 670 Detroit, Mich 794 Port Huron, Mich. 850 Dover, Del 469 Portland, Me 281 Dubuque, Iowa . 1,154 Prairie du Chien Wis 1 192 Elmira, N. Y 423 Providence R I 253 Erie, Pa... 522 Quincy, 111.. 1,205 . LISTS OF DISTANCES. Raleigh N C Miles. 817 Miles. 1 472 Reading, Pa ... 431 Fort Howard \Vis 392 Richmond Ind 837 Fort Monroe Va 1 166 Richmond Va 663 Fort Ridgelv Minn 604 Rock Island, 111 1 129 Fort Snelling Minn 483 Rouse's Point, N.Y. 53 Fort \Vayne Ind 343 Saint Louis, Mo 1,162 Frankfort, Ky 506 Saint Paul, Minn 1,409 Galveston Texas 1 272 Sandusky City, Ohio 678 Grand Haven Mich 317 Savannah Ga 1 195 Harrisburg Pa 910 Springfield, Mass 204 Hartford, Conn 1 158 Springfield, 111 1,091 Houston Texas 1 322 Stevenson, Ala...... 1 195 Indianapolis Ind 332 Syracuse, NY 284 Indianola Texas 1 444 Tallahassee, Fla 1,457 Jackson Miss 764 Terre Haute, Ind 972 Jacksonville Fla 1 445 Toledo Ohio 729 Joliet 111 188 Trenton N J 361 47 Troy, N.Y 153 Knoxville Tenn 864 Vicksburg Miss 1 601 La Crosse "Wis 356 \Vashington I) C 533 268 Weldon, N. C 720 Lansing Mich 443 West Point N Y 253 271 Wheeling West Va 710 441 "Wilmington, Del 422 Lynchbuvg Va 1 181 Wilmington N. C ... 882 Macon Ga 993 \Vinona Minn 1 277 266 Marietta Ohio .... .... 642 liiirliiigtoii low*!. Memphis Tenn ...... 571 to Michigan City Ind 253 Cairo 111 399 Milwaukee, Wis 296 Carlisle Pa 928 Mobile, Ala - 891 Charleston S C 1 198 Montgomery, Ala 944 752 Nashville, Tenn 601 Chicago Xll 211 New Haven, Conn 1,169 Cincinnati Ohio 443 1,212 549 New Orleans, La 947 Columbia S C 1 204 New York N. Y 1,092 468 Norfolk Va 1, 181 ] 259 Ogdensburg, N.Y 1,046 Q] 1 Oswego NY 917 Crestline Ohio 474 Parkersburg, WestVa... 649 92 1,003 Dayton Ohio 411 Philadelphia, Pa 1,016 161 Pittsburg, Pa . 661 Detroit Mich 48 538 Dover Del 1 091 Portland, Me 1,338 Dubuque, Iowa 215 Prairie du Chien, Wis 281 Elmira N Y 878 Providence, R.I 1, 229 Erie Pa 644 Quiucy, 111 ...... .... .... 91 Evansville. Ind . . 419 Raleigh, N. C . . 1,301 LISTS OF DISTANCES. 33 Miles. Reading, Pa 964 Richmond, Ind 378 Richmond, Va 1,133 Rock Island, 111 92 Rouse's Point, N. Y 1,145 Saint Louis, Mo 231 Saint Paul, Minn 491 Sandusky City, Ohio 492 Savannah, Ga 1,183 Springfield, Mass 1,132 Springfield, 111 175 Stevenson, Ala 714 Syracuse, N.Y 882 Tallahassee, Fla 1 , 445 Terre Haute, Ind 322 Toledo, Ohio 437 Trenton, N. J 1,046 Troy, N.Y 1,034 Vicksburg, Miss 809 Washington, D.C 1, 003 Weldon, N.C 1,219 West Point, N. Y 1,124 Wheeling, West Va 610 Wilmington, Del 1 , 044 Wilmington, N. C 1 , 350 Winona, Minn 390 Cairo, 111., to- Bowling Green, Ky 233 Carlisle, Pa 959 Charleston, S. C 799 Chattanooga, Tenn 353 Chicago, 111 365 Cincinnati, Ohio 396 Cleveland, Ohio 603 Columbia, S. C 805 Columbus, Ohio.. 501 Columbus, Ky 20 Concord, N. H 1,313 Council Bluffs, Iowa 616 Crestline, Ohio 528 Davenport, Iowa 394 Dayton, Ohio 431 Des Moines, Iowa 525 Detroit, Mich 579 Dixon, 111 352 Dover, Del.... 1,102 Dubuque, Iowa 458 Elmira, N. Y 932 Erie, Pa 698 E vansville, Ind 1 92 3 Miles. Fernandina, Fla 1, 073 Fort Howard, Wis 597 Fort Monroe, Va 1,018 Fort Ridgely, Minn 845 Fort Snelling, Minn 724 Fort Wayne, Ind 420 Frankfort, Ky 399 Galveston, Texas 873 Grand Haven, Mich 471 Harrisburg, Pa 943 Hartford, Conn 1,212 Houston, Texas 923 Indianapolis, Ind 321 Indianola, Texas 1 , 045 Jackson, Miss 365 Jacksonville, Fla 1 , 046 Joliet, 111 337 Keokuk, Iowa 363 Knoxville, Tenn 465 La Crosse, Wis 597 Lafayette, Ind 311 Lansing, Mich 571 Logansport, Ind 348 Louisville, Ky 334 Ly nchburg, Va 799 Macon, Ga 594 Madison, Wis 471 Marietta, Ohio 595 Memphis, Tenn 172 Mendota, 111 324 Michigan City, Ind 381 Milwaukee, Wis 450 Mobile, Ala 492 Montgomery, Ala 545 Nashville, Tenn 202 New Haven, Conn 1 , 202 New London, Conn 1,252 New Orleans, La 548 New York, N. Y 1,125 Norfolk, Va 1,003 Ogdensburg, N. Y 1,100 Oswego, N. Y 971 Paducah, Ivy 48 Parkersburg, West Va... 602 Pensacola, Florida 604 Philadelphia, Pa 1, 049 Pittsburg, Pa 694 Port Huron, Mich 635 Portland, Me 1,392 Prairie du Chien, Wis 522 Providence, R. 1 1,283 34 LISTS OP DISTANCES Quincy, 111 Miles. 342 Raleigh, N. C 1,068 Reading, Pa 997 Richmond, Ird 390 Richmond, Va 924 Rock Island, 111 392 Rouse's Point, N. Y 1,199 Saint Louis, Mo 180 Saint Paul, Minn 732 Sandusky City, Ohio 561 Savannah, Ga 784 Springfield, Mass 1,186 Springfield, 111 243 Stevenson, Ala 315 Syracuse, N. Y 936 Tallahassee, Fla 1,046 Terre Haute, Ind 248 Toledo, Ohio 514 Trenton, N. J 1,079 Troy, N. Y 1,088 Union City, Tenn 46 Vicksburg, Miss 410 Washington, D. C 977 Weldon, N. C 986 West Point, N. Y 1,177 Wheeling, West Va 643 Wilmington, Del 1 , 055 Wilmington, N. C 951 Winona, Minn 631 Camp C. F. Smith, Oregon, to Astoria, Oregon 790 Carnp Harney, Oregon . . . 290 Camp Logan, Oregon Camp Lyon, I. T 280 130 Camp Three Forks, I. T.. 100 Camp Warner, Oregon . . . 140 Camp Watson, Oregon... Canon City, Oregon 360 300 Fort Boise, I. T 195 Fort Colville, W. T 658 Fort Dalles, Oregon 570 Fort Lapwai, I. T 514 Fort Vancouver, W. T... 671 Portland, Oregon 689 Umatilla, Oregon 473 Wallula, W. T 449 Miles. 342 1,068 997 390 924 392 1,199 180 732 561 784 1,186 243 315 936 1,046 248 514 1,079 1,088 46 410 977 986 1,177 643 1 , 055 951 631 790 290 280 130 100 140 360 300 195 658 570 514 671 689 473 449 A Camp Cooke, M. T., to- Council Bluffs Iowa 1 riles. 954 60 920 672 095 121 385 958 390 855 124 939 680 843 600 768 575 849 784 512 457 654 028 475 290 95 190 220 130 140 75 170 647 255 502 356 374 352 376 Fort Beuton M T Fort Berthold D. T Fort Buford D T Fort Rice D T 1 , Fort Shaw M. T Fort Sully D. T 1, Omaha Neb 1, Saint Louis Mo 2 Sioux City Iowa 1 Camp Douglas, U. T.. to Fort Bridger U T Fort C. F. Smith, M. T.. Fort Fetterman, D. T Fort Kearney Neb Fort Laramie D T Fort McPherson, Neb Fort Morgan C T Fort Phil Kearney, D. T . Fort Reno D T Fort Russell D T Fort Sanders D T Fort Sedgwick C T Otnnha Neb 1 Camp Harney, Ore gon, to Astoria Oregon ......... Camp C. F. Smith, Oregon Camp Logan, Oregon Cfmin Lvon I T Camp Three Forks, I. T-. Camp Warner, Oregon ... Camp Watson, Oregon . .. Canon City Oregon Fort Boise I T Fort Colville W T Fort Vancouver, W. T . . . Portland Oregon Umatilla Oregon Wnllnlft. W. T .. LISTS OF DISTANCES. 35 Camp Hudson, Texas, to "PWf PI ark Texas Miles. 77 263 121 99 190 202 420 280 95 180 210 230 80 20 160 592 200 447 301 319 297 321 - 612 130 190 180 30 240 260 200 65 480 392 336 493 511 M "RVvrf "Rflvnrd W 1VI lies. 456 274 411 200 306 358 285 276 196 244 96 637 100 220 210 30 270 290 230 90 536 417 392 518 536 320 296 405 335 196 83 388 40 372 62 650 140 130 230 240 270 270 "Prirt Oraiiy N M 7 ort Cummings, N. M Fort Garland, C. T Fort Davis, Texas Fort Inge Texas Fort McRae, N. M Fort Lancaster, Texas FortSelden, N. M Fort Stanton, N. M Fort Stockton, Texas Fort Sumner, N. M San Antonio, Texas Camp togan, Ore gon, to Fort Win gate N. M Santa F6 NM ... Camp Three Forks, I. T., to- Camp C. F. Smith, Oregon Camp Harney, Oregon . . . Camp Lyon IT Camp C. F. Smith, Oregon 3arnp Harney, Oregon . - - Carnp Logan, Oregon Gamp Three Forks, I. T.. Camp Warner, Oregon ... Camp Watson, Oregon... Canon City Oregon ... Carnp Warner, Oregon... Camp Watson, Oregon . . . Fort Boise IT Fort Colville, W. T Fo r t Dalles, Oregon TPrvrf "Rnico T TT Fort Lapwai, I. T - - Fort Vancouver, W. T . . Portland, Oregon Fort Dalles, Oregon Umatilla Oregon -. - ort .Lapwai, i. i Fort Vancouver, W. T . . . Wallula, W. T Camp I^yon, I. T., t Wallula W T Camp Verde, Texas, to Buffalo Springs, Texas Fort Belknap Texas Camp C, F. Smith, Oregon Camp Hamey, Oregon ... Camp Logan, Oregon Camp Three Forks, I. T . . Camp Warner, Oregon . . . Camp Watson, Oregon - ., Canon City Oregon -- Fort Chadbourne, Texas.. Fredericksburg, Texas . - - Fort Colville W. T Fort Dalles Oregon .... Fort Lapwai IT Camp Warner, Ore gon, to Fort Vancouver, W. T . . . Umatilla, Oregon 295 27 15 27 Wallula W T Camp C. F. Smith, Oregon Camp Harney, Oregon ... Camp Logan, Oregon PflninLvon T T Camp Plummer, N. M., to - Camp Three Forks, I. T.. Camp Watson, Oregon . . . Fort Bascom. N. M .. LISTS OF DISTANCES. Miles. Canon City , Oregon 210 Fort Boise, I. T 300 Fort Colville, W. T 720 Fort Dalles, Oregon 430 Fort Lapwai, I. T 574 Fort Vancouver, W. T .. . 531 Portland, Oregon 549 Umatilla, Oregon 527 Wallula, W. T 551 Camp IVatsoii, Ore gon, to Astoria, Oregon 340 Camp C. F. Smith, Oregon 360 Camp Harney, Oregon ... 140 Camp Logan, Oregon 80 Camp Lyon, I. T 260 Camp Three Forks, I. T.. 290 Camp Warner, Oregon . . . 270 Canon City, Oregon 60 Fort Boise, I. T 240 Fort Colville, W. T 512 Fort Dalles, Oregon 120 Fort Lapwai, I. T 367 Fort Vancouver, W. T . . . 221 Portland, Oregon 239 Umatilla, Oregon 217 Wallula, W.T 241 Canon City, Oregon, to Astoria, Oregon 400 Camp C. F. Smith, Oregon 300 Camp Harney, Oregon. .. 75 Camp Logan, Oregon 20 Camp Lyon, I. T 200 Camp Three Forks, I. T.. 230 Camp Warner, Oregon ... 210 Camp Watson, Oregon ... 60 Fort Boise, I. T 180 Fort Colville, W. T 572 Fort Dalles, Oregon 180 Fort Lapwai, I. T 427 Fort Vancouver, W.T 28 1 Portland, Oregon 299 Umatilla, Oregon 277 Wallula, W.T 301 Carlisle, Pa., to Allegheny Arsenal, Pa ... 265 Charleston, S. C 728 Chattanooga, Tenn Chicago, 111 Cincinnati, Ohio. .. Cleveland, Ohio ... Columbia, S. C Columbus, Ohio... Concord, N. H. Miles. 765 735 580 408 659 460 476 Council Bluffs, Iowa 1, 225 Crestline, Ohio 456 Davenport, Iowa 907 Dayton, Ohio 530 Des Moines, Iowa 1 , 082 Detroit, Mich 585 Dover, Del 199 Dubuque, Iowa 926 Elmira, N.Y 189 Erie, Pa 358 Evansville, Ind 823 Fernandina, Fla 1,121 Fort Delaware, Del 1 66 Fort Howard, Wis 9(57 Fort Mifflin, Pa 131 Fort Monroe, Va 286 Fort Ridgely , Minn ] , 294 Fort Suelling, Minn 1,173 Fort Wayne, Ind 587 Frankford Arsenal, Pa ... r>9 Frankfort, Ky 709 Galveston, Texas 1 , 723 Grand Haven, Mich 774 Harrisburg, Pa 18 Hartford, Conn 313 Houston, Texas ] , 773 Indianapolis, Ind 640 Indianola, Texas 1 , 895 Jackson, Miss 1,235 Jackson ville^Fla 1,094 Joliet, 111 763 Keokuk, Iowa 964 Kuoxville, Tenn 653 LaCrosse, Wis 1,015 Lafayette, Ind 694 Lansing, Mich 635 Logansport, Ind 657 Louisville, Ky 720 Ly nchburg, Va 319 Macon, Ga 923 Madison, Wis 866 Marietta, Ohio 397 Memphis, Tenn 1 , 075 Michigan City, Ind 702 LISTS OF DISTANCES. 37 Milwaukee Wis Miles. 820 Miles. 171 MnhHp A]o 1 223 Keenville 111 33 1 037 La Salle, 111 197 905 Odin, 111 9 277 68 New London Conn 327 Walnut Township, Bureau 1 398 County, 111 237 New York N Y 200 Norfolk, Va 301 Charleston, S. C'., O^densburg N. Y ....... 462 to Oswefo N Y 333 Aiken S C 120 Parkersburg West Va 384 Albany N Y 932 Pensacola Fla 1 191 Anderson S C 257 Philadelphia Pa 124 Annapolis Md .... ... 629 Pittsburg Pa 267 Atlanta Ga 308 Port Huron Mich. 641 Baltimore Md 627 Portland Me 537 1 017 Prairie du Chien AVls . . 964 Buffalo N Y 1,032 Providence R I 389 Cairo 111 799 Quincy 111 967 Castle Pinckney S C 2 Raleigh N C -. -- 439 Charlotte N C 239 Reading Pa 72 Chattanooga Tenn. 446 Richmond Ind 571 Chester S C 194 Richmond, Va ...... .... 271 Chicago 111 1,078 Rock Island III 905 Cincinnati Ohio 924 Rouse's Point NY .. 5h6 Cleveland Ohio 1,102 903 Columbia S C 130 Saint Paul Minn .... 1 181 Columbus Ohio .. . 1 , 042 Satidusky City Ohio 469 Concord N H 1,064 Savannah Ga 832 Council Bluffs Iowa 1 415 Springfield Mass . .. 339 Crestline Ohio ... 1,076 Sprino-field III 853 Darlington S C 112 Stevenson Ala 803 1,193 Syracuse, N. Y 298 Dayton Ohio ......... 972 Tallahassee, Fla 1 094 Des Moines Iowa .... 1,324 Terre Haute Ind 713 Detroit Mich 1, 156 Toledo Ohio 520 Dover Del 622 Trenton N J 154 1 257 Troy, N.Y 350 Elmira NY 883 Vicksburg Miss . - . 1 280 Erie Pa 1 , 053 "Washington D C 141 Evansville Ind 925 Wei don N C 357 Fayetteville N C 329 West Point NY 252 Fernandina Fla 393 "Wheeling 1 \Vest Va 333 Fort Howard Wis 1,310 Wilmington Del 171 Fort Johnson S C 2 Wilmington, N. C 519 Fort Macon, N. C ... 391 \Vinona, Minn ... 1 049 Fort Monroe Va 465 Fort Moultrie S C 4 Centralia, 111., to Fort Ridgely, Minn 1,637 Cairo, 111 112 Fort Snelling, Minn 1,516 Cincinnati, Ohio. . 284 Fort Surnter, S. C 3 38 LISTS OP DISTANCES. Fort Wayne, Ind Miles. I, 022 847 1,135 90 293 1,184 332 712 901 62 1,185 891 1,307 732 366 1,110 1,162 517 1,358 955 1,206 967 782 535 258 1, 209 I, 005 756 1,045 1,163 228 635 449 363 597 177 352 865 915 8/0 630 788 452 1,156 T, 027 992 603 697 961 1,212 1,125 Prairie du Chien, Wis Providence, R.I Miles. 1,307 977 1,141 341 743 931 457 1,191 1,144 979 1,524 282 1,110 104 927 1,042 484 129 992 366 959 1,091 730 938 195 777 48 587 371 840 ' 988 669 209 1,392 272 221 13 16 9 347 311 297 272 674 486 586 Frankfort, Ky Georgetown S C Raleigh N: C Goldsboro' N C Reading Pa . ........ Richmond Ind Richmond Va Harrisburff Pa Rock Island 111 ... Rouse's Point NY Hilton Head S C Saint Louis Mo Houston Texas Saint Paul, Minn Indianapolis Ind Salisbury N C Indianola Texas Sandusky City. Ohio Savannah, Ga . Jackson Miss Jacksonville Fla Springfield, Mass........ Joliet 111 Springfield, 111 ....... . Keokuk Iowa Stevenson, Ala. Knowjlle Tenn Sumter, S. C La Crosse \Vis Syracuse, N. Y ...... .... Lafayette, Ind . Tallahassee, Fla Lansing Mich Terre Haute, Ind Logausport Ind Toledo, Ohio Trenton N J Troy N Y Macon Ga Unionville, S. C Madison \V^is Vicksburg, Miss Marietta Ohio . . . Walterborough, S. C Memphis Teun Washington, D. C Weldon N C Milwaukee \Vis West Point, N. Y Milledgeville, Ga Wheeling, West Va Wilmington, Del Mobile Ala Montgomery Ala Wilmington, N. C Morganton N C AVinona, Minn ...... ... Nashville, Tenn Charlestown, Ind., to- Columbia, Ind . New berry S C Newberne, N. C Folsonville, Ind New Orleans La New York, N. Y., (water) . New York, N Y New Albany Ind Chattanooga, Tenn to- Albany Ga Norfolk Va Ogdensburg, N. Y Oswego N Y Parkersburg, West Va . .. Pensacola, Fla . Anderson, Ga . ...... Philadelphia Pa Athens Ga ... Pittsburg Pa Baldwin Fla Port Huron Mich Blakely Ala Portland, Me... Brunswick, Ga . . LISTS OF DISTANCES. 39 Miles. Cedar Keys, Fla 791 Chicago, 111 632 Cincinnati, Ohio 478 Cleveland, Ohio 705 Cleveland, Tenn 30 Columbia, S.C 452 Columbus, Ohio 596 Columbus, Ga 277 Concord, N. H 1,130 Council Bluffs, Iowa 969 Crestline, Ohio 630 Cuthbert, Ga 359 Dalton, Ga 38 Davenport, Iowa 747 Dayton, Ohio 526 Decatur, Ala 121 Des Moines, Iowa 878 Detroit, Mich 710 Dover, Del 782 Dubuque, Iowa 811 Eatonton, Ga 289 Elmira, N. Y 920 Erie, Pa 800 Eufaula, Ala 384 Evansville, Ind 479 Fernandina, Fla 721 Fort Gaines, Ga 371 Fort Howard, Wis 864 Fort Monroe, Va 665 Fort Eidgely, Minn 1,191 Fort Snelling, Minn 1 , 070 Fort Valley, Ga 269 Fort Wayne, Ind 576 Frankfort, Ky 401 Gainesville, Fla -726 Galveston, Texas 1.78 Girard,Ala 276 Gordon, Ga 261 Grand Haven, Mich ..'.... 738 Greenville, Ala 358 Griffin, Ga 181 Harrisburg, Pa 749 Hartford, Conn 967 Houston, Texas 1,028 Huntsville, Ala 97 Indianapolis, Ind 445 Indianola, Texas 1 , 1 50 Jackson, Miss 470 Jacksonville, Fla 694 Joliet, 111 658 Keokuk, Iowa 716 Kingston, Ga Knoxville, Tenn. La Crosse, Wis.. Lafayette, Ind... Lake City, Fla.. Lansing, Mich .. Lawton, Ga Live Oak, Fla... Logansport, Ind. Louisville, Ky. .. Lynchburg, Va.. Macon, Ga Madison, Wis - . . Madison, Fla Marietta, Ohio... Marietta, Ga Miles. 79 112 912 509 634 760 562 611 521 336 446 241 763 638 677 118 Memphis, Tenn 310 Michigan City, Ind 599 Milledgeville, Ga 271 Millen, Ga 352 Milwaukee, Wis 717 Mobile, Ala 499 Montgomery, Ala 313 Monticello, Fla 671 Nashville, Tenn 151 New Haven, Conn 931 New London, Conn 981 Newnan, Ga 178 New Orleans, La 653 New York, N. Y 854 Norfolk, Va 650 Ogdensburg, N. Y 1 , 193 Opelika, Ala 249 Oswego, N.Y 1,064 Parkersburg, West Va-.. 684 Pensacola, Fla 467 Philadelphia, Pa 763 Pittsburg, Pa 78.9 Pollard, Ala 427 Port Huron, Mich 766 Portland, Me 1,191 Prairie du Chien, Wis 861 Providence, R.I 1,043 Quincy, 111 695 Quincy, Fla 718 Raleigh, N. C 715 Reading, Pa 780 Richmond, Ind 485 Richmond, Va 571 Rock Island, 111 745 Rome, Ga 99 40 LISTS OF DISTANCES. Miles. Rouse's Point, N. Y 1,204 Saint Louis, Mo 533 Saint Mark's Fla 715 Saint Paul, Minn 1, 078 Sandusky City, Ohio 664 Savannah, Ga 431 Selma, Ala 394 Springfield , Mass 993 Springfield, 111 596 Stevenson, Ala 38 Syracuse, N.Y 1,029 Talladega, Ala 503 Tallahassee, Fla 694 Terre Haute, Ind 513 Thomasville, Ga 631 Toledo, Ohio 645 Trenton, N. J 796 Trenton, Ga 20 Troy, N.Y 1,004 Tuscumbia, Ala 1 64 Uniontown, Ala 424 Vicksburg, Miss 515 Washington, D. C 624 Warrenton , Ga 270 Weldon.N.C 633 West Point, N. Y 906 West Point, Ga 225 Wheeling, West Va 729 Wilmington, Del 735 Wilmington, N. C 598 Winona, Minn 946 Chicago, 111., to Albany, N.Y Annapolis, Md .. Atlanta, Ga Baltimore, Md. 827 840 770 802 Boston, Mass 1, 027 Buffalo, N.Y 529 Cairo, 111 365 Charleston, S. C 1 , 078 Cincinnati, Ohio 289 Cleveland, Ohio 346 Columbia, S.C 1,084 Columbus, Ohio 314 Concord, N. H 1,056 Council Bluffs, Iowa 490 Crestline, Ohio 279 Davenport, Iowa 174 -Dayton, Ohio 257 Des Moines, Iowa 349 Miles. Detroit, Mich 284 Detroit Arsenal, Mich 274 Dover, Del 898 Dubuque, Iowa 191 Elmira, N. Y 675 Erie, Pa 441 Evansville, Ind 325 Fernandina, Fla 1,352 Fort Brady, Mich 425 Fort Gratiot, Mich 347 Fort Howard, Wis 232 Fort Mackinac, Mich 330 Fort Monroe, Va 987 Fort Ridgely, Minn...... 559 Fort Snelling, Minn 438 Fort Wayne, Ind 148 Frankfort, Ky 361 Galveston, Texas 1,238 Grand Haven, Mich 106 Harrisburg, Pa 717 Hartford, Conn 955 Houston, Texas 1,288 Indianapolis, Ind 187 Indianola, Texas 1,410 Jackson, Miss 730 Jacksonville, Fla 1, 325 Joliet, 111 37 Keokuk, Iowa 247 Knoxville, Tenn 744 La Crosse, Wis 280 Lafayette, Ind 123 Lansing, Mich 245 Logansport, Ind 117 Louisville, Ky 296 Lynchburg, Va 1, 020 Macon, Ga 873 Madison, Wis 131 Marietta, Ohio 488 Marquette, Mich 403 Memphis, Tenn 537 Michigan City, Ind 55 Milwaukee, Wis 85 Mobile, Ala 857 Montgomery, Ala 9JO Nashville, Tenn 481 New Buffalo, Mich , . . 65 New Haven, Conn 976 New London, Conn 1,009 New Orleans, La 913 New York, N.Y 899 Norfolk, Va 1,002 LISTS OF DISTANCES, 41 Ogdensburg, N. Y Oswego, N. Y Parkersburg, West Va . . . Pensacola, Fla Philadelphia, Pa Pittsburg, Pa Port Huron, Mich Portland, Me Prairie du Chien, Wis Providence, R. I Quincy, 111 Raleigh, N. C Reading, Pa Richmond, Ind Richmond, Va Rock Island, 111 Rouse's Point, N.Y Saint Joseph, Mich Saint Louis, Mo Saint Paul, Minn Sandusky City, Ohio Savannah, Ga. : South Haven, Mich Springfield, Mass Springfield, 111 Stevenson, Ala Syracuse, N. Y Tallahassee, Fla Terre Haute, Ind Toledo, Ohio Trenton,N. J Troy, N.Y Vicksburg, Miss Washington, D. C Weldon, N. C West Point, N. Y Wheeling, West Va Wilmington, Del Wilmington, N. C Wiuona, Minn Cincinnati, Ohio, to Albany, N.Y Annapolis, Md Atlanta, Ga Baltimore, Md Boston, Mass Buffalo, N.Y Cairo, 111 Camp Nelson, Ky Miles. ^43 Carrolton Ky Miles. 80 714 Ceredo West Va 158 495 Charleston, S. C , 924 969 Chicago 111 289 823 Cleveland, Ohio 243 468 Columbia S C 930 340 Columbus Ohio 120 1,135 Concord, N. H 953 229 Council Bluffs, Iowa 777 1,026 Crestline Ohio 168 265 Davenport, Iowa 438 1,140 Dayton, Ohio . .......... 60 771 Des Moines Iowa 604 224 Detroit Mich 267 972 Dover, Del 707 172 Dubuque Iowa. 480 942 Elmira N Y 572 62 Erie Pa 338 281 Evansville, Ind...... 243 446 Fernandina Fla 1,198 289 Fort Howard Wis 521 1 063 Fort Monroe Va 774 75 Fort Ridgely, Minn 848 929 Fort Snelling Minn 727 185 Fort Wayne Ind 190 594 Frankfort Ky 129 679 Galveston Texas 1,220 1,325 Grand Haven Mich 395 216 234 Guyandotte, West Va Harrisburg Pa 165 562 853 Hartford Conn 857 831 Houston Texas 1,270 775 Indianapolis, Ind .... .... 115 842 Indianola Texas ...... 1,392 1,058 Jackson Miss 712 921 Jacksonville Fla 1,171 456 Joliet 111 326 851 466 1 , 220 KnoxvillO) Tenn ........ 590 314 La Crosse \Vis ... 569 Lafayette Ind 179 Lansing Mich 317 Lexington, Ky ....... .. 100 724 Logansport Ind 172 609 Louisville Ky 142 616 Lyiichburg Va 789 589 Macon, Ga . .. .. 873 924 Madison Ind ... ... 91 426 Madison \Vis 420 396 Marietta Ohio 199 118 Memohis. Tenn . . 519 42 LISTS OP DISTANCES. Michigan City, Ind Miles. 265 374 839 791 327 141 821 871 895 1 744 789 740 611 481 206 945 668 313 323 1,032 518 933 452 909 616 70 741 436 839 341 735 211 909 826 338 440 576 1,171 188 202 698 728 757 63 611 827 796 251 660 989 603 Cleveland, Ohio, to Milwaukee \Vis Mobile Ala . . Columbia S C Montgomery, Ala Columbus Ohio Nashville, Tenn Concord N H New Albany Ind. .... New Haven, Conn Crestline Ohio New London, Conn New Orleans, La ...... .. Newport Barracks, Ky New York, N. Y Des Moines lows. Detroit Mich Norfolk, Va Dover Del Oswego N Y Elmira N Y Paducah, Ky Erie Pa Parkersburg, West Va Pensacola Fla Evansville, Ind Philadelphia Pa Pittsburg Pa Port Huron Mich ...... Fort Ridgely Minn Portland Me Prairie du Chien, Wis Providence R. I - ..... Fort Wayne Ind Frankfort Ky Quincy 111 ... ... Raleigh N C Grand River Harbor, Ohio. Harrisburg" Pa Richmond Ind ...... ... Richmond Va .. ... Hartford Conn Rock Island 111 Rouse's Point, N. Y Indianapolis Ind Sandusky City Ohio Savannah Ga ...... .... Joliet 111 Springfield Mass ..... Keokuk Iowa Springfield 111 Lafayette Ind Tallahassee Fla Toledo Ohio Trenton N J Troy N Y Macon Ga . . . - - Madison "Wis .... \V"arsaw Ky Marietta, Ohio AVashinffton D C Weldon N C West Point N Y Milwaukee \Vis ... ... Wheeling West Va Mobile Ala ...... Montgomery Ala Wilmington' N C Nashville, Tenn New Haven, Conn.. Winona. Minn . . Miles. 1,033 138 710 836 75 514 183 C89 177 571 537 329 95 464 1,425 578 660 905 784 206 372 1,447 366 32 390 609 1,497 282 1,619 939 1,398 370 585 817 626 315 227 278 369 693 946 477 2] 4 746 305 431 1,066 1,018 554 633 LISTS OF DISTANCES. 43 Miles. New London, Conn 663 New Orleans, La 1 , 1 23 New York, N. Y.. 572 Norfolk, Va 675 Ogdenslmrg, N. Y 497 Oswego, N. Y 368 Painesville, Ohio 29 Parkersburg, West Va... 227 Pensacola, Fla 1,172 Philadelphia, Pa 496 Pittsburg, Pa 141 Port Huron, Mich 233 Portland, Me 789 Prairie du Chien, Wis 575 Providence, R. I 680 Quincy, 111 588 Raleigh, N. C 813 Reading, Pa 444 Richmond, Ind 220 Richmond, Va 645 Rock Island, 111 512 Rouse's Point, N. Y 596 Saint Louis, Mo.. 545 Saint Paul, Minn 792 Sandusky City, Ohio 61 Savannah, Ga 1,136 Springfield, Mass 583 Springfield, 111 474 Stevenson, Ala 667 Syracuse, N. Y '. 333 Tallahassee, Fla 1,398 Terre Haute, Ind 355 Toledo, Ohio 112 Trenton, N. J 526 Troy, N. Y 485 Vicksburg, Miss 984 Washington, D. C 515 Weldon, N. C 731 West Point, N. Y 575 Wheeling, West Va 139 Wilmington, Del 524 Wilmington, N. C 893 Winona, Minn 660 Columbia, S. C., to Aiken, S. C 126 Anderson, S. C 127 Ashville, N. C 297 Charlotte, N. C 109 Chester, S. C 64 Clumbus, Ohio 1,048 Concord, N. H 1,023 Miles. Council Bluffs, Iowa 1, 421 Crestline, Ohio 1 , 081 Darlington, S. C Davenport, Iowa 1 , 199 Dayton, Ohio 978 Des Moines, Iowa 1 , 330 Detroit, Mich 1,162 Dover, Del 609 Dubuque, Iowa 1, 263 Elmira, N. Y 814 Erie, Pa 984 Evansville, Ind 931 Fayetteville, N. C 316 Femandina, Fla 523 Fort Howard, Wis 1,316 Fort Macon, N. C 378 Fort Monroe, Va 452 Fort Ridgely, Minn 1 , 643 Fort, Sneiling, Minn 1 , 522 Fort Wayne, Ind 1,028 Frankfort, Ky 853 Galvestou, Texas 1,141 Georgetown, S. C 171 Goidsboro', N. C 280 Grand Haven, Mich 1,190 Greensboro', N. C 202 Harrisburg, Pa 643 Hartford, Conn 861 Hilton Head, S. C 192 Houston, Texas 1, 191 Indianapolis, Ind 897 Indianola, Texas 1,313 Jackson, Miss 738 Jacksonville, Fla 496 Joliet, III 1.116 Keokuk, Iowa 1,168 Knoxville, Tenn 523 La Crosse, Wis 1,364 Lafayette, Ind 961 Lansing, Mich 1,212 Laurenceville, S. C Logansport, Ind 973 Louisville, Ky 788 Lynchburg, Va 405 Macon, Ga 264 Madison, Wis 1,215 Marietta, Ohio 936 Memphis, Tenn 762 Michigan City, Ind 1 , 051 Milwaukee, Wis 1,169 Mobile, Ala 641 Montgomery, Ala 455 44 LISTS OF DISTANCES. Morgan ton, N. C Miles. 234 603 47 339 825 875 816 748 439 1,087 958 923 609 657 892 1,218 1,085 1,313 937 1,147 281 674 937 388 1,197 1,103 985 1,530 152 1,094 .234 887 1.048 '490 49 923 496 965 1,097 690 898 65 783 518 358 800 919 629 196 1,398 fioliimlms, Ohio, to- Concord N H Nashville, Tenn Newberry, S. C Newberne, N. C ... . Council Bluffs, Iowa Crestline Ohio ..... New Haven, Conn Davenport Iowa New Orleans, La Dayton Ohio New York, N. Y Norfolk, Va Detroit Mich Ogdensburg, N. Y Dover Del Oswego, N. Y DubuQue Iowa Parkersburg, West Va . . . Pensacola, Fla Flmira N Y Erie Pa Philadelphia, Pa Evansville Ind ....... Pittsburg, Pa Fernandina Fla Port Huron, Mich Fort Howard Wis Portland Me Prarie du Chien, Wis Fort Ridgely Minn Providence, R. I Fort Snellino* Minn. Quincy 111 Fort Wayne Ind Raleigh N C Reading, Pa Gralveston Texas Richmond, Ind.. Grand Haven Mich Richmond Va Rock Island, 111 Hartford Conn ... Rouse's Point, N. Y Houston Texas Saint Louis, Mo Saint Paul Minn Salisbury, N. C Jackson Miss ...... Sandusky City, Ohio Jacksonville Fla Savannah, Georgia Joliet 111 Springfield Mass Springfield 111 Stevenson, Ala . La Crosse W'is Sumter, S. C Lafayette Ind Syracuse N Y Tallahassee, Fla Logansport Ind Terre Haute Ind Louisville Ky Toledo Ohio Trenton N J Troy, N. Y Madison "Wis ...... ..... Unionville, S. C Marietta Ohio . . ... Vicksburg Miss Memphis Tenn Washington D C Michigan City Ind Weklon, N. C Milwaukee, Wis West Point, N. Y Mobile Ala ...... ...... . Wheeling, West Va Montgomery, Ala...... . "Wilmington, Del Nashville Tenn Wilmington N. C New Haven Conn \Vlnona Minn New London Conn New Orleans, La ...... .. Miles. 848 804 63 463 70 629 216 623 505 467 233 362 1,316 546 698 873 752 175 249 1,338 405 442 737 1,388 180 1,510 830 1,289 340 504 708 594 234 266 197 260 713 837 445 209 637 272 399 957 909 445 701 751 1,013 LISTS OF DISTANCES, 45 New York, N. Y Miles. 624 713 635 506 222 1,063 548 193 272 927 543 813 507 833 496 111 665 461 734 443 760 113 1,027 721 393 558 471 1,289 253 151 578 623 875 535 751 676 142 576 913 628 149 113 99 273 532 265 444 649 267 Cuthbert, Ga Norfolk, Va Dalton Ga Ogdensburs* N. Y . Decatur Ala Oswego N~Y Eatonton Ga Parkersburg, West Va Pensacola, Fla Eufaula, Ala . Fernaudina Fla Philadelphia, Pa Fort Gaines, Ga Pittsburg, Pa Fort Valley, Ga Port Huron, Mich Gainesville, Fla Portland, Me Girard Ala Prairie du Chien, Wis Providence, R. I Gordon, Ga T . . .. Greenville, Ala Quincy, 111 Griffin Ga Raleigh N C Huntsville Ala Reading, Pa Jacksonville, Fla . . Richmond, Ind Kingston Ga Richmond Va, Lake City Fla Rock Island 111 Lawton Ga Rouse's Point, N. Y Live Oak, Fla Saint Louis, Mo . . Macon Ga Saint Paul Minn Madison FJa Sandusky City, Ohio Marietta, Ga . Savannah, Ga Milledgeville, Ga Springfield Mass Millen Ga Springfield 111 Mobile Ala Stevenson, Ala Montgomery, Ala ...... Svracuse, N. Y . . .. Monticello Fla .... Tallahassee Fla Newnan Ga Terre Haute, Ind . Opelika, Ala . Toledo, Ohio Ponsacola Fla Trenton, N J Pollard Ala Troy, N. Y Quincy, Fla Vicksburg, Miss Rome, Ga ............ . Washington, D. C Savannah Ga Weldon, N. C St Mark's Fla West Point N Y Selma Ala Wheeling, West Va Stevenson, Ala ...... Wilmington, Del Talladega Ala Wilmington N. C Tallahassee, Fla "Winona Minn Thomasville Ga Columbus, Ga., to Albany, Ga Trenton, Ga Tuscumbia, Ala . Uniontown, Ala Americus Ga Anderson Ga West Point, Ga Athens, Ga Concord, N., H., to- Council Bluffs, Iowa Crestline, Ohio Baldwin, Fla .. ... Blakely, Ala Brunswick, Ga Cedar Keys, Fla Davenport, Iowa . Cleveland, Tenn ... Davton, Ohio... Miles. 161 239 398 147 186 579 173 71 584 1 119 137 159 374 552 198 492 420 469 99 496 159 129 210 278 92 529 99 28 246 206 576 218 289 573 173 314 282 552 489 297 441 203 271 52 1,546 785 1,224 893 LISTS OF DISTANCES. Miles. Des Moines, Iowa 1 , 399 Detroit, Mich 887 Dover, Del 442 Dubuque, Iowa 1,247 Elmira, N. Y 516 Erie, Pa 615 Evansville, Ind 1, 174 Fernandina, Fla 1,457 Fort Howard, Wis 1, 288 Fort Monroe, Va 599 Fort Ridgely, Minn 1,615 Fort Snelli ng, Minn 1 , 494 Fort Wayne, Ind .... 916 Frankfort, Ky 1,082 Galveston, Texas 2, 088 Grand Haven, Mich 1 , 076 Harrisburg, Pa 456 Hartford, Conn 163 Houston, Texas 2, 1 38 Indianapolis, Ind 992 Indianola, Texas 2, 260 Jackson, Miss 1,600 Jacksonville, Fla 1, 430 Joliet, 111 1,080 Keokuk, Iowa 1,295 Knoxville, Term 1,018 LaCrosse,Wis 1,336 Lafayette, Ind 1 , 025 Lansing, Mich 937 Logausport, Ind 988 Louisville, Ky 1, 079 Lynchburg, Va 684 Macon, Ga 1, 266 Madison, Wis 1,187 Marietta, Ohio 845 Memphis, Tenn 1,440 Michigan City, Ind 1,015 Milwaukee, Wis 1,141 Mobile. Ala 1,587 Montgomery, Ala 1,401 Nashville, Tenn J , 264 New Haven, Conn 199 New London, Conn 156 New Orleans, La 1,763 New York, N. Y 273 Norfolk, Va 614 Ogdensburg, N. Y 332 Oewego, N. Y 410 Parkersburg, West Va 849 Pensacola, Fla 1,555 Philadelphia, Pa. 364 Pittsburg, Pa , Port Huron, Mich Portland, Me , Prairie du Chien, Wis . . , Providence, R. I Quincy, 111 Raleigh, N. C Reading, Pa , Richmond, Ind Richmond, Va Rock Island, 111 Rouse's Point, N. Y Saint Louis, Mo Saint Paul, Minn Sandusky City, Ohio. .. Savannah, Ga Springfield, Mass .. Springfield, 111 Stevenson, Ala Syracuse, N. Y Tallahassee, Fla , Terre Haute, Ind , Toledo, Ohio Trenton, N. J Troy, N. Y , Vicksburg, Miss Washington, D. C Weldon,N.C West Point, N. Y Wheeling, West Va Wilmington, Del Wilmington, N. C., Winona, Mian Corinth, Miss., to- Bolivar, Miss Brookhaven, Miss Cairo, III Calhoun, Miss Chattanooga, Teiin Columbus, Miss Goodman, Miss Grand Junction, Tenn... Greensboro', Miss Grenada, Miss Hernando, Miss Holly Springs, Miss Jackson, Miss- Lake, Miss Lauderdale, Miss Louisville, Ky Miles. 705 943 105 1,285 115 1,298 790 402 930 636 1,222 214 1,255 1,502 771 1,168 137 1,184 1,168 377 1,430 1, 065 822 334 194 1,645 506 692 298 771 395 855 1,370 298 308 163 237 217 122 202 41 191 143 115 66 253 235 176 368 LISTS OF DISTANCES. 47 Macon, Miss Magnolia, Miss Memphis, Term Meridian, Miss Mobile, Ala Natchez, Miss New Orleans, La Oxford, Miss Pascagoula, Miss Pass Christian, Miss Panola, Miss Pittsburg Landing, Tenn. Port Gibson, Miss Tupelo, Miss Vicksburg, Miss Winchester, Miss Woodville, Miss Yazoo City, Miss Council Bluffs, Iowa, to Camp Cooke, M. T Crestline, Ohio Davenport, Iowa Dayton, Ohio Des Moiues, Iowa Detroit, Mich Dover, Del Dubuque, Iowa Elrnira, N. Y Erie, Pa Evansville, Ind Fernandiua, Fla Fort Benton, M. T Fort Berthold, D. T Fort Buford, D. T Fort Howard, Wis Fort Monroe, Va Fort Kice, D. T Fort Ridgely, Minn Fort Shaw, M. T Fort Snelling, Minn Fort Sully, D. T Fort Wayne, Ind Frankfort, Ky Galveston, Texas Grand Haven, Mich Harrisburg Pa Hartford, Conn Houston, Texas Indianapolis, Ind Miles. 131 338 93 194 329 418. 436 95 329 379 152 22 354 50 298 251 559 251 1,954 769 323 747 150 774 1,388 350 1,165 931 632 1,689 2,014 1,034 1,282 617 1,477 859 738 2,075 617 569 638 780 1,489 621 1,207 1,445 1,539 675 Miles. Indianola, Texas 1,661 Jackson, Miss 981 Jacksonville, Fla 1,662 Joliet, 111. Keokuk, Iowa. 494 312 Knoxville, Tenn 1, 081 La Crosse, Wis 491 Lafayette, Ind 613 Lansing, Mich 735 Logans port, Ind 607 Louisville, Ky 715 Lynchburg, Va 1,415 Macon, Ga 1,210 Madison, Wis 492 Marietta, Ohio 976 Memphis, Tenu 788 Michigan City, Ind 545 Milwaukee, Wis 536 Mobile, Ala 1,108 Montgomery, Ala 1,161 Nashville, Tenn 818 New Haven, Conn 1,466 New London, Conn 1 , 499 New Orleans, La 1,164 New York, N. Y 1,389 Norfolk, Va 1,492 Ogdensburg, N. Y 1, 333 Omaha,Neb 4 Oswego, N.Y 1,204 Parkersburg, West Va 983 Pensacola, Fla 1,220 Philadelphia, Pa '... 1,313 Pittsburg, Pa 958 Port Huron, Mich 830 Portland, Me 1,625 Prairie du Chien, Wis 416 Providence, R. 1 1,516 Quincy, 111 338 Raleigh,N. C 1,630 Reading, Pa 1,261 Richmond, Ind 714 Richmond, Va 1,462 Rock Island, 111 325 Rouse's Point, N. Y 1,432 Saint Louis, Mo 436 Saint Paul, Minn 625 Sandusky City, Ohio 779 Savannah, Ga 1,400 Sioux City, Iowa 99 Springfield, Mass 1,419 Springfield, 111 440 48 LISTS OF DISTANCES Stevenson Ala Miles. 931 Jacksonville, Fla Joliet 111 Miles. 1,323 311 510 742 559 240 203 203 294 741 871 410 251 671 246 364 991 943 479 697 738 1,047 620 723 572 443 264 1,097 544 189 209 864 508 755 513 861 492 145 693 453 671 470 725 50 1,061 '658 399 592 408 1,323 280 Syracuse, N, Y 1 169 Tallahassee, Fla .. 1,662 Keokuk, Iowa... .. Terre Haute, Ind 580 Knoxville Tenn Toledo, Ohio 724 La Crosse W'is Trenton, N. J .. 1,343 Lafayette, Ind . Troy, N Y 1 321 Vicksburg, Miss .. 1,026 Logansport Ind Washington, D. C . . 1 , 332 Louisville Ky Weldon, N. C . 1 548 Lynchburg Va West Point, N. Y .. 1,411 Macon, Ga . , Wheeling West Va 946 Madison \Vis. .... Wilmington , Del .. 1,341 Marietta Ohio Wilmington, N C 1 567 Memphis Tenn "Winona Minn 525 CrawfordsYille, Ind., to ?i Milwaukee \Vis Mobile Ala Montgomery, Ala Nashville, Tenn 70 New Haven, Conn Lafayette Ind 28 New London, Conn 170 New Orleans, La .. Terre Haute Ind f\K. New York, N. Y Walnut Township, Ind. Crestline, Ohio, Davenport, Iowa, 8 to 455 Norfolk Va Ogdensburg N Y Oswego N Y Parkersburg, West Va.- . Dayton, Ohio 108 PhilarlplnVnn Pa Des Moines, Iowa 630 Detroit, Mich 153 Dover, Del 619 Dubuoue Iowa 470 Prairie du Chien, Wis Elmira, N. Y 404 Erie, Pa 170 E vansville, Ind 389 paloirrli "VT ri Fernandina, Fla .. 1,,350 Fort Howard, Wis 511 Fort Monroe, Va 708 Fort Ridgely, Minn 838 T?nrk "Rlflnrl Til Fort Snelling, Minn 717 T?nnsp'i veil port, Iowi, Ogdensburo* N. Y 1 Oil to Oswego N Y 882 Dayton, Ohio 406 Parkersburg, West Va 644 Des Moines Iowa 175 Pensacola, Fla 998 Detroit, Mich 438 Philadelphia, Pa 999 Dover, Del . . 1 074 Pittsourg, Pa 644 Dubuoue Iowa 118 Port Huron, Mich 494 Elmira, N. Y 843 Portland, Me 1,303 Erie, Pa 609 Prairie du Chien, Wis 184 Evansville, Ind 414 Providence, R. I 1 194 Feruandina Fla 1 467 Quincy, 111 .. . 183 Fort Howard Wis 302 Raleigh N C 1 310 Fort Monroe, Va 1 157 Reading, Pa 947 Fort Ridgely, Minn 507 Richmond, Ind 373 Fort Snelling Minn 386 Richmond Va 1 142 Fort Wayne, Ind 324 Rock Island, 111 2 Frankfort, Ky 501 Rouse's Point, N. Y 1 110 Galveston, Texas 1,267 Saint Louis, Mo 301 Grand Haven, Mich 280 Saint Paul, Minn 394 Harrisburg, Pa. 893 Sandusky City, Ohio 457 Hartford, Conn . 1 123 Savannah, Ga . . 1 178 Houston, Texas 1 317 Springfield Mass 1 097 Indianapolis Ind 327 Springfield 111 205 Indianola, Texas 1 439 Stevenson, Ala . .. 709 Syracuse N Y 847 Jacksonville Fla 1 440 Tallahassee, Fla 1 440 Joliet 111 144 Terre Haute Ind 317 Keokuk, Iowa 139 Thorndale, Can 558 Knoxville, Tenn 859 Toledo, Ohio 402 La Crosse Wis 259 Trenton, N. J . . . 1 029 Lafayette, Ind 263 Troy, N. Y 999 Lansing, Mich 399 Vicksburg, Miss 804 Lebanon, 111 . 313 Washington, D. C 998 Logansport Ind 266 Weldon, N. C 1 228 Louisville, Ky 436 West Point, N. Y 1,089 Lynchburg, Va 1 190 Wheeling, West Va 605 McLeansboro', 111.. 334 Wilmington, Del .. 1.027 50 LISTS OF DISTANCES. Wilmington, N. C Winona, Minn ... David's Island, N. Y., to Albany, N. Y Binghamton, N. Y Bridgeport, Conn Buffalo, N. Y Dunkirk, N. Y Elmira, N. Y Fishkill, N. Y Fort Columbus, N. Y Fort Griswold, Conn Fort Hamilton, N. Y Fort Lafayette, N. Y Fort Schuyler, N. Y Fort Trumbull, Conn Fort Wadsworth, N. Y... Fort Wood, N.Y Hartford, Conn Hart Island, N. Y Hudson, N.Y Newark, N. J Newburg, N. Y New Haven, Conn Newport, R.I New Rochelle, N. Y New York, N. Y Providence, R. I Rochester, N. Y Rome, N. Y Salamanca, N. Y Sandy Hook, N. Y Schenectady, N. Y Stonington, Conn Syracuse, N. Y Trenton, N. J Troy, N.Y Watervliet Arsenal, N. Y. West Point, N. Y Whitehall Junction, N. Y. Willet's Point, N. Y Williams' Bridge, N. Y. .. Dayton, Ohio, to- Des Moines, Iowa Detroit, Mich Dover, Del Miles. 1,345 293 148 237 40 445 482 377 82 23 109 33 33 6 108 32 23 94 2 137 31 82 58 197 2 22 170 377 258 437 42 165 120 296 80 154 155 74 225 42 8 572 207 693 DubuQiie Iowa Miles. 448 512 278 292 1,246 489 Elniira, N. Y ... Erie Pa . . Evansville Ind Fernandina, Fla Fort Howard, Wis. Fort Monroe Va 768 816 695 130 189 1,268 363 512 792 1,318 110 Fort Ridgely, Minn Fort Snelling, Minn Fort Wayne, Ind Frankfort Ky Galveston, Texas Grand Haven, Mich Harrisburg Pa Hartford, Conn Houston, Texas Indianapolis, Ind ...... Indianola Texas . 1,440 760 Jackson Miss Jacksonville, Fla 1,219 294 Joliet 111 Keokuk Iowa 447 Knoxville, Tenn . 638 La Crosse, \Vis . 537 Lafayette Ind 174 Lansing, Mich 257 Logansport, Ind 140 Louisville, Ky 190 Lynchburg Va 783 Macon Ga 767 Madison, Wis 388 Marietta Ohio . 228 Memphis, Tenn 567 Michigan City, Ind 215 Milwaukee, \Vis...... 342 Mobile Ala 887 Montgomery, Ala 839 Nashville, Tenn 375 New Haven Conn . . 771 New London Conn 821 New Orleans La 943 New York, N. Y 694 Norfolk, Va 783 Ogdensburg N. Y 680 Oswego NY. 551 Parkersburg, West Va . . Pensacola, Fla 235 993 Philadelphia, Pa 618 Pittsburg Pa .. .. 263 Port Huron Mich 263 Portland. Me.. 972 LISTS OF DISTANCES. 51 Prairie du Chien, Wis Providence R I Miles. 486 863 447 903 566 41 735 404 779 373 703 151 957 766 333 488 516 1,219 183 142 648 668 805 605 821 746 212 646 983 571 56 140 186 43 20 76 168 65 284 128 325 153 67 480 350 390 225 137 Fort Harker Kan Miles. 401 330 378 230 100 189 197 114 31 88 585 210 602 246 9 102 613 1,249 293 1,018 784 545 1,598 477 1,327 682 561 499 667 1,398 455 1,068 1,298 1,448 493 1,570 890 1,571 319 162 990 434 429 574 432 602 1,324 Fort Hays, (new, ) Kan . . Fort Kearney, Neb Quincy, 111 Raleigh N. C Fort Laramie D T Reading Pa Fort Morgan C T Richmond Ind Fort Wallace Kan Richmond, Va Goose Creek, C. T Rock Island 111 Hugo Springs C. T Rouse's Point N Y Kiowa C T Saint Louis, Mo . . Lake Station, C. T Saint Paul Minn Nebraska City, Neb Sandusky City Ohio Pond Creek Kan Savannah Ga Salt Lake City U T Springfield, Mass . . Smoky Hill, Kan Springfield 111 Toll Gate C T Stevenson Ala Willow Springs, C. T.... Des Moines, Iowa, to Detroit Mich Syracuse, N. Y Tallahassee, Fla Terre Haute Ind Toledo Ohio Trenton, N. J Troy, N. Y Dover Del Vicksburg Miss Dubuque Iowa Washington, D. C Elmira, N. Y Weldon, N. C Erie Pa West Point N. Y Evansville Tnd Wheeling WestVa Fernandina Fla \Vilniino % ton Del Fort Howard Wis Wilmington N. C Fort Monroe Va . "Winona Minn Fort Ridgely Minn Denver, C. T., to Benham Springs, C. T Big Springrs C T Fort Snelling, Minn ...... Fort W^ayne Ind Frankfort Ky Galveston, Texas Big Timber, C. T Harrisburg Pa Bijou, C. T Hartford Conn Box Elder C T Houston Texas Cedar Point, C. T Indianapolis, Ind ....... Cheyenne Wells, C.T.... Colorado City C T. ... Indianola Texas Jackson Miss - Coyote Kan Jacksonville Fla David's Wells C T Joliet 111 Deer Creek D. T Keokuk, Iowa . Deering's Wells, C. T.... Fairmount C T Knoxville Tenn La Crosse \Vis Fort Bridger, U. T Lafayette, Ind .. .. Fort Casper, D. T Lansing, Mich . . ... Fort Connor D T Logans port Ind Fort Garland C T Louisville Ky FortHalleck, D. T .. Lynchbursr, Va.. 52 LISTS OP DISTANCES. Macou Ga . ........... Miles. 1, 119 351 803 697 384 395 1,017 1,070 727 1,322 1,352 1,073 1,250 1,342 1,186 1,057 810 1,129 1,174 819 669 1,478 359 1,369 206 1,462 1,122 539 I r 294 177 1,285 346 569 632 1,309 1,272 290 840 I r 022 1,571 456 577 1,204 1,174 935 1,164 1,380 1,264 771 1,202 1,476 468 Detroit, Michigan, to Albany N Y Miles. 658 691 848 1,019 653 858 360 579 1,156 284 267 10 748 471 506 372 470 1,430 350 62 421 312 837 780 658 159 3 642 396 1,452 189 209 567 786 1,502 290 1,624 944 1,403 294 517 822 469 268 106 231 374 870 951 370 Madison Wis Marietta Ohio Annapolis Md ....... Michigan City Ind. Atlanta Ga Milwaukee \Vis Augusta Ga Montgomery Ala ..... Boston Mass . ..... ... Nashville Tenn Buffalo N Y New Haven Conn Cairo 111 Charleston, S. C New Orleans La Chicago 111 New York N Y. Cincinnati Ohio Norfolk Va Detroit Arsenal, Mich Dover Del Ogdensburg N. Y. ...... Oswego NY. Dubuque Iowa - ... Parkersburg, WestVa... Pensacola Fla ........ . Elmira N Y Philadelphia Pa Evansville Ind ..... Pittsburg p a Fernandina Fla Port Huron Mich Fort Brady Mich Portland Me Fort Gratiot Mich. . Prairie, du Chien, Wis... Providence R I .... Fort Howard "Wis Fort Mackinac, Mich Quincy 111 Fort Monroe, Va. ..... Raleigh N C Fort Ridgely Minn .... Reading, Pa. ... ... . .. Richmond Ind Fort Wayne, Ind Richmond Va Rock Island 111 Fort Wilkens, Mich Rouse's Point N Y Frankfort Ky - - Saint Louis Mo Galveston, Texas Saint Paul Minn Grand Haven, Mich Sandusky City, Ohio. Grand River Harbor, Ohio. Savannah, Ga ... Hartford Conn Springfield 111 Houston Texas - .... Stevenson, Ala ...... .... Indianapolis, Ind Syracuse NY Tallahassee Fla Terre Haute Ind Toledo Ohio Joliet 111 Trenton N J Keokuk Iowa Troy N. Y Knoxville, Tenn Vicksburg Miss La Crosse, W^is ...... .... Washington D C Lafayette Ind ..... Weldon, N. C Lansing, Mich West Point, N. Y Logansport, Ind Wheelino- West Va Louisville, Ky - ...... . ^Wilinino'ton Dei Lynchburg, Va ...... Wilmington N C Macon Ga Winona. Minn. , LISTS OF DISTANCES. 53 Miles. Marietta, Ohio 391 Marquette, Mich 502 Memphis, Tenn 751 Michigan City, Ind 229 Milwaukee, Wis 274 Mobile, Ala 1,071 Montgomery, Ala J,023 Nashville, Tenn 559 New Haven, Conn 810 New London, Conn 840 New Orleans, La 1,127 New York, N. Y 749 Norfolk, Va 852 Ogdensburg, N. Y 674 Oswego, N. Y 545 Parkersburg, West Va 404 Pensacola, Fla 1,177 Philadelphia, Pa 673 Pittsburg, Pa 318 Port Huron, Mich 62 Portland, Me 966 Prairie du Chi en, Wis .... 468 Providence, R. 1 857 Quincy, 111 541 Raleigh, N. C 990 Reading, Penn 621 Richmond, Ind 225 Richmond, Va 822 Rock Island, 111 436 Rouse's Point, N. Y 773 Saint Louis, Mo 517 Saint Paul, Minn 649 Sandu sky C ity , Ohio 120 Savannah, Ga 1,141 Springfield, Mass ... 1 760 Springfield, 111 427 Stevenson, Ala 672 Syracuse, N.Y 510 Tallahassee, Fla 1,403 Terre Haute, Ind 361 Thorndale, Can 120 Toledo, Ohio 65 Trenton, N. J 703 Troy, N.Y 662 Vicksburg, Miss 989 Washington, D. C 692 Weldon, N. C 908 West Point, N. Y 752 Wheeling, West Va 316 Wilmington, Del 701 Wilmington, N. C 1,070 Winona, Minn 503 Miles. Devall's Bluff, Ark., to Camden, Ark 148 Dover, Ark 148 I>oTer, Del., to Dubuque, Iowa 1,089 Elmira, N. Y 352 Erie, Pa 521 Evansville, Ind 949 Fernandiua, Fla 1,015 Fort Howard, Wis 1,130 Fort Monroe, Va 157 Fort Ridgely, Minn 1 , 457 Fort Snelling, Minn 1 , 336 Fort Wayne, Ind 750 Frankfort, Ky 836 Galveston, Texas 1,700 Grand Haven, Mich 937 Harrisburg, Pa 181 Hartford, Conn 279 Houston, Texas 1,750 Indianapolis, Ind 803 Indianola, Texas 1 , 872 Jackson, Miss 1, 252 Jacksonville, Fla 988 Joliet, 111 930 Keokuk, Iowa 1,127 Knoxville, Tenn 669 LaCrosse, Wis 1,178 Lafayette, Ind 857 Lansing, Mich 798 Logansport, Ind 820 Louisville, Ky 849 Lynchburg, Va 336 Macon, Ga 823 Madison, Wis 1,029 Marietta, Ohio 513 Memphis, Tenn 1,092 Michigan City, Ind 865 Milwaukee, Wis 983 Mobile, Ala 1,200 Montgomery, Ala 1,014 Nashville, Tenn 933 New Haven, Conn 243 New London, Conn 293 New Orleans, La 1 , 375 New York, N.Y 166 Norfolk, Va 172 Ogdensburg, N. Y 519 Oswego, N.Y 420 Parkersburg, WestVa.... 500 54 LISTS OF DISTANCES. Pensacola Fla Miles. 1,168 75 430 804 503 1,127 355 1,J30 348 133 734 288 1,072 522 1,048 1,344 632 726 305 1,016 820 385 988 876 683 108 316 1,297 158 251 218 496 47 413 1,212 200 866 632 478 1,531 279 1,178 389 268 339 552 1. 331 Miles. 282 908 1,146 1,381 378 1,503 823 1,504 208 262 923 141 314 421 308 487 1,211 1,052 153 679 630 246 197 950 1,003 660 1,167 1,200 1,006 1,090 1,193 1,034 905 686 1,062 1,014 659 530 1,326 66 1,217 306 1,331 Philadelphia, Pa Harrisburg, Pa Pittsburg, Pa Hartford Conn Port Huron, Mich Houston, Texas Portland, Me Indianapolis Ind Prairie du Chien, Wis Proridence, R.I Indianola, Texas . . Jackson, Miss . Quincy, 111 Jacksonville Fla Raleigh, N. C Joliet 111 Reading, Pa . Keokuk Iowa Richmond Ind Knoxville Tenn Richmond, Va. . La Crosse Wis Rock Island, 111 Lafayette Ind Rouse's Point, N. Y Lansing, Mich . Saint Louis, Mo Logansport, Ind . Saint Paul, Minn Louisville Ky Sandusky City, Ohio Lynchburg, Va Macon, Ga Springfield, Mass Madison, Wis Springfield, 111 . Marietta Ohio Stevenson, Ala Memphis, Tenn Syracuse N Y Michigan City Ind Tallahassee, Fla Milwaukee Wis Terre Haute, Ind Mobile Ala Toledo, Ohio Montgomery Ala Trenton N J Nashville Tenn Troy, N. Y New Haven Conn Vicksburg, Miss New London Conn Washington, D. C. New Orleans La Weldon, N. C New York N Y West Point, N. Y Norfolk. Va Wheeling, West Va Ogdensburg N Y \Vilmington, Del Oswego N Y Wilmington, N C Parkersburg, West Va . . . Pensacola, Fla Winona, Minn . . I>orer, Ark., to*- Camden, Ark Philadelphia, Pa Pittsburg, Pa Port Huron, Mich IMibuque, Iowa, to- Elmira N Y Portland, Me Prairie du Chien, Wis Providence, R. I Erie Pa Quincy, 111 Evansville, Ind Raleigh, N. C Fernandina, Fla Fort Howard Wis Reading, Pa ... 962 415 1,163 116 1,133 365 276 480 Richmond, Ind Fort Monroe Va Fort Ridgely Minn Rock Island, 111 Fort Snelling, Minn .. Rouse's Point, N. Y Fort Wayne Ind Saint Louis, Mo Frankfort, Ky Saint Paul, Minn Galveston. Texas . . Sandusky City, Ohio. . , LISTS OF DISTANCES. 55 Savannah, Ga Springfield, Mass . . Springfield, 111 Stevenson, Ala Syracuse, N. Y Tallahassee, Fla ... Terre Haute, Ind . . Toledo, Ohio Trenton, N. J Troy,N.Y Vicksburg, Miss ... Washington, D. C. Weldon, N. C West Point, N.Y.. Wheeling, West Va Wilmington, Del .. Wilmington, N. C . Winona, Minn Elmira, IV. Y., to Erie, Pa Evansville, Ind Fernandina, Fla Fort Howard, Wis Fort Monroe, Va Fort Ridgely, Minn Fort Snelling, Minn Fort Wayne, Ind Frankfort, Ky Galveston, Texas . Grand Haven, Mich Harrisburg, Pa Hartford, Conn Houston, Texas Indianapolis, Ind Indiauola, Texas Jackson, Miss Jacksonville, Fla Joliet, 111 , Keokuk, Iowa Knoxville, Tenn La Crosse, Wis Lafayette, Ind , Lansing, Mich Logansport, Ind Louisville, Ky Ly nchburg, Va Macon, Ga Madison, Wis Marietta, Ohio Miles. 1,242 1,120 269 773 870 1,504 381 425 1,044 1,022 868 1,033 1,249 1,112 647 1,042 1,409 175 234 793 1,276 907 441 1,234 1,113 535 701 1,776 695 171 387 1,826 611 1,948 1,268 1,249 699 914 808 955 644 556 607 698 474 1,078 806 431 Memphis Tenn Miles. 1,075 634 760 1,378 1, 192 883 351 401 1,451 274 456 303 174 444 1,346 275 290 562 595 904 463 917 594 217 549 426 841 402 874 1, 121 390 987 389 803 958 139 1,249 684 441 256 291 1,313 296 512 249 356 303 674 989 Michigan City, Ind Milwaukee, Wis . Mobile Ala Montgomery, Ala Nashville, Tenn New Haven, Conn New London Conn New Orleans, La New York, N. Y Norfolk Va Ogdensburg, N. Y . Oswego, N. Y Parkersburg, West Va Pensacola Fla Philadelphia, Pa Pittsburg Pa Port Huron, Mich . Portland, Me Prairie du Chien, Wis . .. Providence R I Quincy 111 Raleigh, N. C Reading Pa ... Richmond Ind Richmond, Va Rock Island, 111 Rouse's Point NY Saint Louis, Mo Saint Paul, Minn ...... Sandusky City Ohio Savannah Ga Springfield, Mass Springfield, 111 . . .. Stevenson Ala Syracuse N Y Tallahassee, Fla Terre Haute, Ind Toledo Ohio Trenton, N. J Troy, N.Y Vicksburg, Miss Washington D C Weldon, N. C West Point, N. Y Wheeling West Va Wilmington, Del Wilmington, N. C W^inona, Minn 56 LISTS OF DISTANCES. Miles. Erie, Pa., to Evansville, lud 559 Fernandina, Fla 1,520 Fort Howard, Wis 673 Fort Monroe, Va 611 Fort Ridgely, Minn 1 , 000 Fort Snelling, Minn 879 Fort Wayne, Ind 301 Frankfort, Ky 467 Galveston, Texas 1 , 542 Grand Haven, Mich 461 Harrisburg, Pa 340 Hartford, Conn 514 Houston, Texas., 1,592 Indianapolis, Ind 377 Indianola, Texas ],714 Jackson, Miss 1,034 Jacksonville, Fla 1,493 Joliet, 111 465 Keokuk, Iowa 680 Knoxville, Tenn 912 LaCrosse, Wis 721 Lafayette, Ind 410 Lansing-, Mich 322 Logansport, Ind 373 Louisville, Ky 464 Ly nchburg, Va 644 Macon, Ga 1,041 Madison, Wis 572 Marietta, Ohio 263 Memphis, Tenn 841 Michigan City, Ind 400 Milwaukee, Wis 526 Mobile, Ala 1,161 Montgomery, Ala 1,113 Nashville, Tenn 649 New Haven, Conn '538 New London, Conn 568 New Orleans, La 1,217 New York, N. Y 486 Norfolk, Va 626 Ogdensburg, N. Y 402 Oswego, N. Y 273 Parkersburg, West Va . . . 276 Pensacola, Fla 1, 267 Philadelpi .ia, Pa 446 Pittsburg, Pa 148 Port Huron, Mich 325 Portland, Me 694 Prairie du Chien, Wis 670 Providence, R. I 585 Quincy, 111 Raleigh, N. C Reading, Pa Richmond, Ind Richmond, Va Rock Island, 111 Rouse's Point, N. Y. Saint Louis, Mo . - . Saint Pavfl, Minn Miles. 683 764 386 315 596 607 501 640 887 Sandusky City, Ohio 1 56 Savannah, Ga 1,231 Springfield, Mass 488 Springfield, 111 569 Stevenson, Ala 762 Syracuse, N.Y 238 Tallahassee, Fla 1 , 493 Terre Haute, Ind 450 Toledo, Ohio 207 Trenton, N.J 462 Troy, N.Y 390 Vicksburg, Miss 1 , 079 Washington, D. C 466 Weldon, N.C 682 West Point, N. Y 480 Wheeling, West Va 188 Wilmington, Del 474 Wilmington , N. C 844 Winona, Minn 755 Evansville, Ind., to Fernandina, Fla 1,199 Folsonville, Ind 28 Fort Howard, Wis 557 Fort Monroe, Va 1,017 Fort Ridgely, Minn 865 Fort Snelling, Minn 744 Fort Wayne, Ind 311 Frankfort, Ky 246 Galveston, Texas 1,033 Grand Haven, Mich 431 Harrisburg, Pa 804 Hartford, Conn 1,073 Houston, Texas 1 , 083 Indianapolis, Ind 182 Indianola, Texas 1,205 Jackson, Miss 525 Jacksonville, Fla 1,172 Joliet, 111 351 Keokuk, Iowa 383 Knoxville, Tenn 591 La Crosse, Wis 605 LISTS OF DISTANCES. 57 Miles. 202 482 239 181 925 720 456 442 332 292 410 652 705 328 1,063 1,113 708 986 1,032 961 832 144 449 764 910 555 526 1,253 542 1,144 362 1,152 858 251 984 412 1,060 196 752 422 910 1,047 263 441 797 1, 172 109 405 940 949 570 Miles. 51 854 1, 070 1,038 494 903 1,077 639 586 550 536 538 47 844 251 164 711 579 598 683 842 488 623 3 610 1,584 858 1,912 1,791 508 1,296 1,121 99 1,356 580 460 1,458 712 540 1,105 1,294 1,406 818 1, 165 1,528 953 67 65 Weldon, N. C West Point N.-Y Wheeling West Va Wilmington N C "Winona Minn Memphis Tenii. .... .... Fernandina, Fla., to Michigan City Ind Mobile Ala Montgomery Ala Americus Ga *.-....... Nashville Term Anderson Ga New London Conn ...... Baldwin Fla New Orleans La Blakely Ala New York N Y Norfolk Va Cedar Keys Fla Ogdensburg NY . . ... Cleveland Tenn ..... Oswego NY Columbus Ga Cuthbert Ga Parkersburg, West Va - . . Pensacola Fla Dalton Ga Philadelphia Pa Eatonton Ga . Pittsburg Pa Eufaula Ala Fort Clinch Fla Portland Me Fort Gaines Ala Prairie du Chien, Wis Providence R I ... Fort Howard Wis Ouincy 111 - ... Fort Rid gely Minn .... Raleigh N C Fort Snelling Minn Fort Valley Ga Richmond, Ind ...... Fort \Vayne Ind ...... .. Richmond Va Rock Island 111 Gainesville Fla Rouse's Point N Y Galveston Texas Girard Ala Saint Paul Minn ... Gordon Ga .... ...... Sandusky City Ohio Grand Haven Mich .... Greenville Ala Griffin Ga Springfield' 111 Harrisburg, Pa ...... .... Stevenson Ala Hartford Conn . Houston Texas Tallahassee Fla Huntsville Ala Terre Haute Ind Indianapolis Ind . ... Toledo Ohio Indianola Texas Trenton N J Jackson Miss Troy, N.Y Jacksonville, Fla., (rail) . Jacksonville, Fla., (water) Vicksburer, Miss.. 58 LISTS OF DISTANCES. Miles. Joliet, 111 1,378 Keokuk, Iowa 1,436 Kingston, Ga 642 Knoxville, Tenn 791 La Crosse, Wis 1,632 Lafayette, Ind 1, 229 Lake City, Fla 87 Lansing, Mich 1,480 Lawton, Ga. 159 Live Oak, Fla 110 Logansport, Ind 1,241 Louisville, Ky 1,056 Ly nchburg, Va . . J , 928 Macon, Ga 480 Madison, Wis 1,483 Madison, Fla 137 Marietta, Ohio 1, 397 Marietta, Ga 603 Memphis, Tenn 1,030 Michigan City, Ind 1,319 Milledgeville, Ga 470 Millen, Ga 369 Milwaukee, Wis 1,437 Mobile, Ala 857 Monticello, Fla 170 Montgomery, Ala 667 Nashville, Tenn 871 New Haven, Conn 1,258 New London, Conn 1,308 Newnan, Ga 611 New Orleans, La 1,031 New York, N.Y 1,181 Norfolk, Va 845 Ogdensburg,N.Y. 1,549 Opelika, Ala 607 Oswego, N.Y 1,420 Parkersburg, West Va . . - 1, 385 Pensacola, Fla 821 Philadelphia, Pa 1, 090 Pittsburg, Pa 1,354 Pollard, Ala 781 Port Huron, Mich 1 , 486 Portland, Me 1,518 Prairie du Chien, Wis 1, 581 Providence, K. 1 1,370 Quincy, 111 1,415 Quincy, Fla 217 Raleigh, N. C 734 Reading, Pa 1 , 136 Richmond, Ind 1, 205 Miles. Richmond, Va 602 Rock Island, 111 1,465 Rome, Ga 662 Rouse's Point. N. Y 1 , 537 Saint Louis, Mo 1,253 Saint Mark's Fla 214 Saint Mary's, Fla 10 Saint Paul, Minn 1 , 799 Sandusky City, Ohio 1 , 384 Savannah, Ga 29o Selrna, Ala 748 Springfield, Mass 1,32() Springfield, 111 1,316 Stevenson, Ala 75g Syracuse, N.Y 1,385 Talladega, Ala 85y Tallahassee, Fla 193 Terre Haute, Ind 1 , 233 Thomas ville, Ga 22s Toledo, Ohio 1,365 Trenton, N. J 1,123 Trenton, Ga 74^ Tuscumbia, Ala 885 Uniontown, Ala 77g Vicksburg, Miss 99s Warrenton, Ga 474 Washington, D. C 98Q Weldon, N.C 76 4 West Point, N. Y 1,23 3 West Point, Ga 63 1 Wheeling, West Va l,38j Wilmington, Del 1 , 06 2 Wilmington, N. C 60 2 Winona, Minn l66g Fort Al>ercroml>ie, . T., to- Fort Ransom, D. T 75 Fort Wadsworth, D. T 76 Saint Cloud, Minn 170 Saint Paul, M inn 245 Sauk Center, Minn Ill Fort Arbuckle, C. N ., to Camden, Ark 455 Devall's Bluff, Ark 403 Dover, Ark 272 Fort Gibson, C. N 161 Fort Smith, Ark 185 LISTS OF DISTANCES. 59 Fort Bascom, IX. M Miles. Cow Island M T Miles. 115 to Fort Berthold, D. T 980 Albuquerque, N. M 199 Fort Buford, D. T 732 Camp Plummer N M 274 Fort Rice D T 1 155 Fort Bayard, N. M.. 445 Fort Shaw, M. T 61 Fort Craig, N. M 294 Fort Sully, D. T 1 445 Fort Cummin gs, N M 400 Omaha Neb 2 018 Fort Garland, C. T 298 Saint Louis, Mo 2 450 Fort McRae, N M 326 Saint Paul, Minn 1 583 Fort Selden N M 347 Sioux City Iowa 1 915 Fort Stanton, N M 204 Walla Walla, W. T 628 Fort Sumner N M 80 Fort Union, N. M . 145 Fort Berthold, D. T i Fort Wingate, N M 286 to Santa Fe, N.M 178 Camp Cooke M. T 920 Council Bluffs, Iowa 1 034 Fort Bayard, N. M., Fort Benton, M. T 980 to Fort Buford D. T 248 Albuquerque, N M 293 Fort Rice, D. T 175 Camp Plummer N M 456 Fort Shaw, M. T 1 041 Fort Bascom, N. M 445 Fort Stevenson, D. T 18 Fort Craig, N. M 182 Fort Sully, D. T 465 Fort Cummings N M 45 Omaha, Neb 1 038 Fort Garland C T 549 Saint Louis, Mo 1 470 Fort McRae N M 1^6 Saint Paul Minn 603 Fort Selden, N. M 98 Sioux City, Iowa . 935 Fort Stanton, N. M . 241 Fort Sumner, N M 365 Fort Boise, I. T., Fort Union, N. M 448 to- Fort Wingate N M 364 Astoria, Oregon 587 Santa Fe, N. M 360 Camp C. F. Smith, Oregon 195 Fort Belkiiap, Texas to Camp Harney, Oregon . . . Camp Logan, Oregon Camp Lyon I T 170 160 65 Austin, Texas * 280 Camp Three Forks, I. T.. 90 Belton, Texas 221 Camp Warner, Oregon.. .. 300 Buffalo Springs, Texas . . . Camp Verde, Texas . 70 335 3amp Watson, Oregon - . . 240 180 Fort Chadbourne Texas 139 Fort Colville W. T 455 Fort Griffin, Texas 35 Fort Dalles, Oregon 367 Fort Mason Texas 253 Fort Lapwai, I. T 311 Georgetown, Texas . 254 Fort Vancouver, W. T 468 Jacksboro' Texas 37 ^ortland Oregon 486 New Braunfels Texas 332 Jmatilla, Oregon .. 270 San Antonio Texas 361 Wallula, W. T 246 Waco, Texas. . 179 Weatherford, Texas 77 Fort Brady, Mich., Fort Benton, M. T., to Chicago, 111 425 to- Detroit, Mich... 350 Camp Cooke, M. T . 60 QK Council Bluffs, Iowa 2 ,014 Fort Wilkins, Mich.. 292 60 LISTS OF DISTANCES. Marquette Mich . . Miles. 152 361 222 38 9 124 815 556 719 476 .644 451 725 660 388 333 530 904 130 578 9 672 1,282 732 248 423 793 713 1,286 1,718 1,183 424 301 939 252 815 259 Fort Kearnev Neb Milwaukee, Wis Fort Laramie D T Portage, Mich Fort McPherson, Neb Fort Morgan, C. T White Fish Point, Mich .. Fort Bridger, U. T to Camp Douglas U T Fort Phil Kearney, D. T.. Fort Reno, D. T .. Fort Russell D T Fort Sanders, D. T Fort C. F. Smith, M.T... Fort Fetterman, D. T Fort Kearney, Neb . . Fort Sedgwick, C. T Omaha, Neb Fort Chadbonrne, Texas, to Buffalo Springs, Texas . . . Camp Verde, Texas. ... Fort Laramie, D. T Fort McPherson, Neb Fort Morgan, C. T Fort Phil Kearney, D. T.. Fort Reno D T Fort Belknap, Texas Fort Russell D T Fort Davis, Texas . . Fort Sanders D T Fort Griffin, Texas Fort Sedgwick C T Fort Mason, Texas Omaha, Neb . Fort Stockton, Texas Fort Brooke, Fla., to Cedar Keys, Fla Jacksboro', Texas . . . San Antonio, Texas . Fort Clark, Texas, to Camp Hudson, Texas Fort Davis, Texas New Orleans, La Fort Buford, . T. to Camp Cook, M. T Fort Inge, Texas Fort Lancaster, Texas Fort Stockton, Texas San Antonio, Texas Council Bluffs, Iowa Fort 1-lpntnn TVT T Fort Berthold, D. T Fort Columbus, W. Y.. to Albany, N. Y Fort Rice, D. T Fort Shaw, M. T Fort Sully D T Omaha Neb Binghamton, N. Y Bridgeport, Conn Buffalo, N. Y Fort Casper, 1>. T., to Camp Douglas, U. T David's Island, N. Y Dunkirk, N. Y .. Elmira N. Y Fishkill N. Y Fort Bridger, U. T T^nrf "PTpmiltrvn N" V Fort C. F. Smith, M. T., to Camp Douglas, U. T Fort Benton, M. T Fort Lafayette, N. Y Fort Schuyler, N. Y Fort Trumbull, Conn Fort Wadsworth, N. Y . .. Fort Wood N Y Fort Bridger, U. T Hartford Conn Fort Fetterman, D. T . . Hart Island, N. Y . . Miles. 762 339 687 494 90 155 429 484 573 947 209 196 139 266 104 113 192 176 229 77 340 44 175 266 126 145 216 59 424 23 461 275 61 128 12 12 18 127 11 2 113 25 LISTS OF DISTANCES. 61 J Hudson N. Y tiles. 116 10 61 77 164 21 1 189 373 255 416 21 162 139 293 59 151 152 53 222 21 15 612 658 647 592 480 536 720 512 572 455 392 210 493 511 295 271 7 243 47 232 160 158 Fredericksburg, Texas Miles. 203 276 115 274 294 182 137 367 32 84 2-^7 351 260 182 95 178 252 411 400 45 137 504 111 53 196 320 403 319 315 220 570 255 200 392 417 430 120 180 367 392 504 Newark N J Newburg N Y Fort Craig, W . if., to New Haven Conn Newport R. I ... New Rochelle NY New York, N. Y Camp Plurnmer, N. M Fort Bascom N M Providence R. I ..... Rochester NY . Fort Bayard N M Rome N Y Fort Cummings, N. M Fort Garland C T ScllrllllHllCH N. Y. ..... Sandy Hook, N. Y Fort McRae N M Schenectady NY Fort Selden N M Fort Stanton N M Fort Sumner N M Trenton N J Fort Union N M Troy N. Y Fort Wingate N M Watervliet Arsenal, N. Y.. West Point, N. Y Los Pinos N M Santa Fe N M Whitehall Junction, N. Y. Willet's Point N Y Fort Cummings, N. M., to Albuquerque N. M Williams' Bridge, N. Y... FortColYille,W.T., to Astoria Oregon Camp Plummer, N. M Fort Bascom, N. M Fort Bayard, N. M Camp C. F. Smith, Oregon. Camp Harney, Oregon Camp Logan, Oregon Camp Lyon I T Fort Craig N. M Fort Garland C T Fort McRae, N. M Fort Selden N. M Camp Three Forks, I. T.. Camp Warner, Oregon ... Camp Watson, Oregon Canon City Oregon Fort Stanton N M Fort Sumner N M Fort Union, N. M Fort Wingate N M Fort Boise I T Santa Fe N M Fort Dalles Oregon Fort Dalles, Oregon, to Astoria Oregon Fort Lapwai I. T Fort Vancouver, W. T . . . Umatilla Oregon .... .... Camp C. F Smith, Oregon. Camp Harney, Oregon . . . Camp Logan, Oregon Camp Lyon, I. T Wallula W T ... .. Fort Coneho, Texas, to Carnp Concho, Texas Camp Verde Texas Camp Three Forks, I. T.. Camp Warner, Oregon . . . Camp Watson, Oregon . . . Caiion City Oregon Fort Chadbourne, Texas.. Fort Davis Texas Fort Boise, I. T Fort Mason Texas Fort Colville, W. T ...... Fort Stockton, Texas Fort Klamath, Oiegan 62 LISTS OF DISTANCES. Fort Lapwai, I. T Fort Vancouver, W. T... Portland, Oregon Um tilla, Oregon Wallula, W. T Fort Davis, Texas, to Camp Hudson, Texas Fort Clark, Texas Fort Inge, Texas Fort Lancaster, Texas Fort Stockton, Texas Fredericksburg, Texas . . . San Antonio, Texas Fort Delaware, Del., to Allegheny Arsenal, Pa Baltimore, Md Carlisle Barracks. Pa Fort Miffliu, Pa Frankford Arsenal, Pa Harrisburg, Pa Philadelphia, Pa Pittsburg, Pa Washington, D. C Fort Dodge, Kansas, to Fort Hays, Kansas Fort Leavenworth, Kansas Fort Union, N. M Fort Ellis, M.T., to Camp Cooke, M. T FortC. F. Smith, M. T .. Fort Hall, I. T Fort Shaw, M. T Helena, M. T Muscle Shell River, mouth of,M.T Salt Lake, U. T.. Fort Fetterinan, D. T., to- Camp Douglas, U. T Fort Bridger, U. T Fort C. F. Smith, M. T... Fort Kearney, Neb Fort Laramie, D. T Miles. 247 101 119 97 121 263 340 384 165 74 422 466 395 129 166 49 47 148 42 397 181 80 367 423 311 175 278 181 103 325 475 680 556 259 503 HO Fort McPherson, Neb Fort Morgan C T Miles. 428 235 169 104 170 225 314 688 252 200 225 298 549 367 504 451 225 738 166 399 93 451 360 301 153 337 84 189 335 283 152 161 297 164 65 105 300 35 104 217 72 333 Fort Phil Kearney, D.T.. Fort Reno, D. T Fort Russell, D T Fort Sanders D T Fort Sedgwick C T Fort Garland, C.T., to Albuquerque N M Carnp Plurnmer. N. M Denver C T Fort Bascom N M . ... Fort Bayard N M Fort Craig N M Fort Cummings, N. M Fort Hays Kan Fort Laramie D T Fort Leavenworth, Kan . . Fort Lyon C T ... Fort McRae N M Fort Reynolds C T Fort Selden N M Fort Stanton N M Fort \Vinffate N M Pueblo C T - - Santa Fe N M Fort Gibson, C. ST., to- Camden Ark Devall's Bluff Ark Dover Ark ...... ... Fort Arbuckle C N Fort Leavenworth, Ks ... Fort Scott Ks Fort Smith Ark Fort Griffin, Texas, to Buffalo Springs, Texas ... Camp Verde Texas Fort Belknap, Texas Fort Chadbourne, Texas.. Fort Mason Texas Sa.n Antonio. Texas.., LISTS OF DISTANCES. 63 Miles. Forts Hamilton and Lafayette, IV. Y., to Albany, N.Y 155 Binghamton, N. Y 226 Bridgeport, Conn 69 Buffalo, N.Y 434 David's Island, N. Y 33 Dunkirk, N.Y 471 Elmira, N.Y 285 Fishkill, N.Y 71 Fort Columbus, N. Y 12 Fort Griswold, Conn 138 Fort Schuyler, N. Y 28 Fort Trurabull, Conn 137 Fort Wads worth, N. Y 21 Fort Wood, N. Y 12 Hartford, Conn 123 Hart Island, N. Y 35 Hudson, N.Y 126 Newark, N.J 20 Newburg, N.Y 71 New Haven, Conn 87 Newport, R. I 174 New Rochelle, N.Y 31 New York, N.Y 11 Providence, R.I 199 Rochester, N.Y 383 Rome, N. Y 265 Salamanca, N. Y 426 Sandy Hook, N.Y 31 Schenectady, N. Y 172 Stonington, Conn 149 Syracuse, N.Y 303 Trenton, N.J 69 Troy, N.Y 161 Watervliet Arsenal, N. Y. . 162 West Point, N. Y 63 WhitehallJuuction, N. Y. 232 Willet's Point, N. Y 30 Williams' Bridge, N. Y. . . 25 Fort Harker, Kan., to Crossing Arkansas river. Bent's old Fort .' 355 Denver, C. T 401 Fort Hays, Kan 71 Fort Lamed, Kan 73 Fort Leavenworth, Kan.. 216 Fort Riley, Kan 82 Fort Union, N.M.. Fort Wallace, Kan. Pond Creek, Kan . . Saint Louis, Mo... Santa Fe", N.M.... Miles. 574 212 216 503 674 Fort Hays, Kan., to Alburquerque, N. M ...:.. 666 Camp Plunimer, N. M 699 Coyote, Kan 46 Crossing Arkansas river, Bent's old Fort 302 Denver, C. T 330 Fort Bascom, N. M 648 Fort Bayard, N. M 951 Fort Bliss, Texas 910 Fort Craig, N. M 763 Fort Cummings, N. M 900 Fort Dodge, Kan 80 Fort Garland, C. T 451 Fort Harker, Kan 71 Fort Leavenworth, Kan . . 287 Fort Lyon, C. T 285 Fort Marcy, N. M 603 Fort McRae, N. M 795 Fort Reynolds, C. T 358 Fort Riley, Kan 154 Fort Selden, N. M 853 Fort Stanton, N. M 710 Fort Sumner, N. M 651 Fort Union, N. M 503 Fort Wallace, Kan 141 Fort Wingate, N. M 753 Kansas City, Mo 290 Saint Louis, Mo 573 Santa Fe, N.M 603 Fort Howard, Wis., to Escanaba, Mich 96 Fort Leavenworth, Kan . . 742 Fort Monroe, Va 1,219 Fort Ridgely, Minn 550 Fort Snelling, Minn 428 Fort Wayne, Ind 380 Frankfort, Ky 593 Galveston, Texas 1, 470 Grand Haven, Mich 332 Harrisburg, Pa 949 Hartford, Conn 1,187 Houston, Texas 1 , 520 64 LISTS OF DISTANCES. Miles. Indianapolis, Ind 419 Indianola, Texas 1,642 Jackson, Miss 962 Jacksonville, Fla 1,557 Joliet, 111 269 Keokuk, Iowa 435 Knoxville, Tenn 976 LaCrosse, Wis 239 Lafayette, Ind 355 Lansing, Mich 371 Logausport, Ind ... 349 Louisville, Ky 528 Lynchburg, Va 1, 252 Macon, Ga 1,105 Madison, Wis 175 Marietta, Ohio 720 Marquette, Mich 171 Memphis, Tenn . .' 769 Menekaunee, Wis 60 Michigan City, Ind 287 Milwaukee, Wis 147 Mobile, Ala 1 , 089 Montgomery, Ala 1 , 142 Nashville, Tenn 713 New Haven, Conn 1, 208 New London, Conn 1,241 New Orleans, La 1,145 New York, N.Y 1,131 Norfolk, Va 1,234 Ogdensburg, N.Y, 1 , 075 Oswego, N.Y 946 Parkersburg, West Va . . . . 727 Pensacola, Fla 1,201 Philadelphia, Pa 1 r 055 Pittsburg.Pa 700 Port Huron, Mich 483 Portland, Me 1,367 Prairie du Chien, Wis 273 Providence, R. I I y 258 Quincy, 111 489 Raleigh,N.C 1.372 Reading, Pa IJ003 Richmond, Ind 456 Richmond, Va 1,204 Rock Island, 111 300 Rouse's Point, N. Y 1,174 Saint Louis, Mo 513 Saint Paul, Minn 419 Sandusky City, Ohio 521 Savannah, Ga 1,295 Springfield,, Mass 1, 161 Miles. Springfield, 111 417 Stevenson, Ala 826 Syracuse, N.Y 911 Tallahassee, Fla 1 , 557 Terre Haute, Ind 448 Toledo, Ohio 466 Trenton, N. J 1,085 Troy, N.Y 1,063 Vicksburg, Miss 1,007 Washington, D. C 1,C74 Weldon,N.C 1,290 West Point, N. Y 1,153 Wheeling, West Va...... 688 Wilmington, Del 1 , 083 Wilmington, N.C 1,452 Winona, Minn 273 Fort Independence, Mass., to Augusta, Me 173 Boston, Mass 2 East Gloucester, Mass 34 Fort Andrew, Mass 41 Fort at Clark's Point, New Bedford, Mass 57 Fort at Salisbury Beach, Newburyport, Mass 38 Fort Knox, Me 216 Fort Phoenix, Mass 58 Fort Popham, Me 163 Fort Standish, Mass 40 Fort Sullivan,. Me 371 Fort Warren r Mass 4 Hancock Barracks, Me.. . 364 Long Point Batteries, Pro v- incetown, Mass 125 Marblehead, Mass 22 Portland, Me 110 Portsmouth, N. H 58 Salem, Mass 18 Springfield, Mass 100 Fort Inge, Texas, to Camp Hudson, Texas 121 Fort Clark, Texas 44 Fort Davis, Texas 384 Fort Lancaster, Texas 219 Fort Stockton, Texas 310 San Antonio, Texas 82 LISTS OF DISTANCES. 65 Fort Kearney, Neb., to Camp Douglas, U. T Deer Creek, D. T Denver, C. T Fort Bridger, U. T Fort Casper, D. T FortC. F. Smith, M. T .. Fort Connor, D. T Fort Fetterman, D. T Fort Laramie, D. T Fort McPherson, Neb Fort Morgan, C. T Fort Phil. Kearney, D. T. Fort Reno, D. T Fort Russell, D. T Fort Sanders, D. T Fort Sedgwick, C. T LaBonta, D. T Omaha, Neb Salt Lake City, U. T,... Valley Station, C. T Fort Klamath, Ore gon, to Fort Dalles, Oregon Fort Vancouver, W. T... Portland, Oregon Umatilla, Oregon Wallula, W. T Fort Kiiox, Maine, to Augusta, Me Boston, Mass East Gloucester, Mass Fort Andrew, Mass Fort at Clark's Point, New Bedford, Mass Fort at Salisbury Beach, New bury port, Mass Fort Independence, Mass. Fort Phoenix, Mass Fort Popham, Me Fort Standish, Mass Fort Sullivan, Me Fort Warren, Mass Fort Winthrop, Mass Hancock Barracks, Me... Long Point Batteries, Prov- incetown", Mass Hies. 843 473 392 7J9 498 762 538 503 423 91 297 672 607 335 3^8 195 448 195 843 260 504 403 385 601 625 43 214 182 252 269 237 216 270 53 251 155 221 216 148 337 Marblehead Mass Miles. 194 106 158 198 312 99 175 165 219 91 301 467 514 502 447 336 392 574 367 427 311 210 247 348 366 150 126 9 528 48 160 600 476 120 339 160 80 225 423 348 155 249 184 Portland Me Portsmouth N H Springfield MESS .... .... Fort Lancaster, Texas, to Camp Hudson, Texas Fort Clark Texas Fort Davis Texas Fort Inge Texas . ..... Fort Stockton, Texas San Antonio Texas Fort Lapwai, I. T., to Astoria Oregon . . ... . Camp C. F. Smith, Oregon Camp Harney, Oregon... Camp Logan, Oregon Camp Lyon I. T Camp Three Forks, I. T.. Camp Warner, Oregon... Camp Watson, Oregon. .. Canon City Oregon .... Fort Boise I T Fort Colville W T Fort Dalles Oregon . ... Fort Vancouver, W. T... Portland, Oregon .... .... TJmatilla Oregon . ... Wallula W T Fort Laramie, 1>. T to Boseman City M T Bridger's Ferry, D. T.... Camp Collins C T Camp Douglas U. T. . Fort Bridger U T . . Fort Casper D T FortC. F. Smith, M.T... Fort Connor D. T . Fort Fetterman, D. T Fort Garland C T Fort Kearney, Neb Fort McPherson, Neb Fort Morgan C T Fort Phil. Kearney, D. T. Fort Eeno, D. T. . 66 LISTS OP DISTANCES. Fort Russell D T Miles. 90 Council Bluffs Iowa Miles. 180 Fort Sanders, D. T 145 Crestline, Ohio...... 766 Fort Sedgwick, C. T La Bonta, D. T 234 70 Crossing Arkansas river, Bent's Old Fort 589 Omaha Neb 608 Davenport, Iowa 436 Virginia City, M. T 588 Dayton, Ohio ... 686 Denver C T 617 Fort Yjcis'tBcilf K.in. Des Moines Iowa 459 to Detroit, Mich 794 Bent's Old Fort crossing Dover, Del 1 361 Arkansas river 283 Dubuque Iowa 559 Fort Dodffe Kan 61 Elmira N Y 1 170 Fort Harker Kan ..... 73 Erie Pa .... 936 Fort Lyon (new) C T 245 Evansville Ind < 509 Fort Lyon (old) C T 266 Fernandina Fla 1 566 Fort Union, N. M 484 Fort Bascom, N. M 935 Fort Zarah Kan 32 Fort Bayard N M ... 1 238 Fort Bliss Texas 1 197 Fort JLeavenwortli, Fort Craig, N. M 1,050 Kan., to Albany N Y 3 322 Fort Cummings, N. M ... Fort Dodge Kan 1,187 367 Albuquerque N M 953 Fort Garland C T 738 Alton 111 337 Fort Gibson, C. N 297 Annapolis Md --. 1 263 Fort Harker Kan 216 Atlanta Ga 984 Fort Hays (new) Kan 287 693 Fort Howard \Vis 742 Augusta, Ga .... .... , 155 Fort Larned, Kan 289 Austin Texas ...... 606 Fort Lvon, (old) C. T 551 Baltimore Md 243 Fort Lyon (rew) C. T 572 Bangw Me 766 Fort Marcy N M 890 Bath Me 669 Fort McRae N M 1 082 Baton Rouge, La . .... , 163 Fort Monroe, Va 1,428 Beaufort N C 623 Fort Reynolds C T . 645 Boston Mass 522 Fort Ridgely Minn 948 121 Fort Riley Kan 133 Brattleboro' Vt. ,466 Fort Scott Kan 133 Brownsville Texas . .... 1 708 Fort Selden N. M 1 140 Buffalo N Y 1 024 Fort Smith Ark 362 J 458 Fort Snellinff Minn 827 344 Fort Stauton N M 997 Cairo 111 493 Fort Sumner N. M 938 Camp Plummer N M 986 Fort Union N M 790 Carlisle Pa 1 216 Fort Wallace Kan 428 Charleston, S. C 1,292 Fort Wayne, Ind 635 Chattanooga, Tenn ...... 846 Fort Wingate, N. M 1,040 Chicago 111 - - .. .... 518 Frankfort Ky 657 Cincinnati Ohio 654 Galveston Texas 1 366 Cleveland Ohio 841 Grand Haven Mich 624 Columbia S C \ 298 Harrisbursr Pa 1 198 Columbus Ohio ' 756 Hartford, Conn 1, 450 Concord. N. H .. 1.551 Hilton Head, S.C.. 1,327 LISTS OF DISTANCES. 67 Houston Texas Miles: 1,416 576 1,538 858 1, 539 Saint Joseph, Mo Miles. 50 313 835 183 784 890 1,277 1,424 367 808 1,174 1,539 495 729 65 903 ,265 ,479 ,416 898 ,314 ,444 700 17 166 73 218 94 318 768 644 687 428 91 348 222 597 532 260 311 120 276 147 306 Indianapolis Ind . Saint Louis, Mo ... .. Indianola Texas Saint Paul Miiin Salina Kan Sandusky City, Ohio Joliet 111 495 29 297 958 700 526 750 36 3 563 592 1,292 1,087 580 116 853 665 560 603 1,117 985 1,038 695 1,457 1,504 1,041 1,380 1,443 1,338 184 1,209 860 1,097 1,304 949 850 1,630 625 1,521 253 1,561 1,252 645 1,395 436 1.437 Santa Fe, N. M Savannah Ga Keokuk Iowa ' Knoxville Tenn Sprino-field, 111 La Crosse, \Vis Lafayette Ind Syracuse, N. Y Lansing Mich Tallahassee, Fla Terre Haute Ind Toledo Ohio Logansport Ind Topeka, Kan Vicksburg Miss Lvnchburs* Va Washington, D. C Macon Ga Weldon, N. C Madison \Vis West Point, N. Y Manhattan, Kan. Wheeling, West Va Marietta Ohio Wilmington, Del Memphis Tenn Wilmington, N. C Michigan City Ind \Vinona Minn Milwaukee \Vis Fort I^yoii, C. T., to- Bent's Old Fort, C. T Fort Garland, C.T Milledo-eville Ga Mobile Ala Fort Reynolds, C.T Fort Union, N. M Pueblo, C.T Santa F6, N. M New York N Y Fort McPherson, Neb., to Pnmn Unno-lsm IT T 1 Norfolk, Va Ogdensburg, N. Y PPnrt Rrirlrrav TT T Oswego NY FortC. F. Smith, M.T... Fort Fetterman, D. T Parkersburg, West Va Philadelphia, Pa Pittsburg, Pa T?r\rf Mrvnfln P T 1 Fort Phil. Kearney, D. T.. T^nrf T?pnn T) T^ Portland, Me Prairie du Chien, Wis Providence, R. I Quincy, 111 Fort Russell, D. T Fort Sanders, D. T . T^nrf Spflwiolr O T 1 Raleigh, N. C Reading, Pa .. Fort McRae, N. M., to Albuquerque N M Richmond, Ind Richmond, Va . Rock Island, 111 Rouse's Point. N. Y.., Camn Plummer. N. M_. 68 LISTS OF DISTANCES. Fort Bascom, N. M Fort Bayard, N. M Fort Craig, N. M Fort Cummings, N. M Fort Garland, C. T Fort Selden, N. M Fort fetanton, N. M Fort Sumner, N. M Fort Union, N. M Fort Wingate, N. M Santa F6, N. M Fort Mason, Texas, to Buffalo Springs, Texas . .. Camp Verde, Texas Fort Belknap, Texas Fort Chadbourne, Texas.. Fort Griffin, Texas Jacksboro', Texas San Antonio. Texas Fort Mifflin, Pa., to Allegheny Arsenal, Pa Carlisle Barracks, Pa Fort Delaware, Del Frankford Arsenal, Pa Harrisburg, Pa Philadelphia, Pa Pittsburg, Pa Fort MojaTe, A. T., to Fort Whipple, A. T San Francisco, Cal Fort Monroe, Ta., to Abingdon,Va Alexandria, Va Appomattox, Va Aquia Creek, Va Burkeville, Va Camp Hamilton, Va Charlottesville, Va Cherrystone, Va City Point, Va Culpeper, Va Danville, Va Dublin, Va Farmville, Va Miles. 326 Fort Ridgely, Minn Miles. 1,546 156 Fort Suelling, Minn t 425 32 Fort Wayne, Ind 839 111 Frankfort, Ky . 903 399 Franklin Va 52 58 Fredericksburg, Va . . 178 201 Front Royal, Va 308 325 Galveston, Texas 1 543 299, Gordonsville, Va 188 9,14 Grand Haven, Mich. 1 027 210 Hanover C. H., Va Harper's Ferry, W. Va . . . Harrisburg, Pa . 130 266 270 Harrisonburg, Va.. 273 322 Hartford, Conn 436 83 Hicksford, Va 139 253 Houston, Texas 1 593 113 Indianapolis, Ind 878 217 Indianola Texas 1 715 289 Jackson, Miss 1 135 116 Jacksonville, Fla 831 Joliet,Ill.. 1 013 Keokuk, Iowa 1 202 360 Knoxville, Term 553 La Crosse, Wis. 1 267 40 Lafayette, Ind 932 12 Lansing, Mich 888 272 7 Logansport, Ind 895 362 Louisa C. H., Va Louisville Ky 174 916 Lyuchburg, Va 219 Macon, Ga 666 i titi Madison, Wis 1 118 Joo 771 Manassas Junction, Va. .. Marietta, Ohio 250 581 Marion, Va. 379 Martinsburg, W. Va 285 Memphis, Tenn 975 408 Michigan City, Ind . 954 234 Milford, Va 150 195 Milwaukee, Wis 1 072 187 Mobile, Ala 1 043 148 Montgomery, Ala . . 857 3 Mount Jackson, Va. 346 209 Nashville, Tenn 816 25 New Haven, Conn 400 105 New London, Conn 450 215 New Orleans, La . 1 218 235 New York, N. Y 323 324 Norfolk, Va.. 15 LISTS OF DISTANCES. 69 Ogdensburg, N. Y Orange C.H.,Va Oswego, N. Y Parkersburg, West Va Pensacola, Fla Petersburg, Va Philadelphia, Pa Pittsburg, Pa Port Huron, Mich . Portsmouth, Va Portland, Me Prairie du Chien, Wis Prospect, Va Providence, R. I Quincy, 111 ... Raleigh, N. C Reading, Pa Richmond, Ind Richmond, Va Rock Island, 111 Rouse's Point, N. Y Saint Louis, Mo Saint Paul, Minn Salem, RoanokeCo., Va.. Sandusky City, Ohio Savannah, Ga Sexton's Junction, Va South Boston, Va Springfield, Mass Springfield, 111 Staunton, Va Stevenson, Ala Strasburg, Va Suffolk, Va Syracuse, N. Y Tallahassee, Fla Terre Haute, Ind Toledo, Ohio Trenton, N. J Troy, N. Y Vicksburg, Miss Warrenton Junction, Va.. Washington, D. C Weldon, N. C West Point, N. Y West Point, Va Wheeling, West Va Wilmington, Del Wilmington, N. C Williamsburg, Va Winchester, Va Miles. 714 Miles. 1,301 197 Woodstock Va 335 585 Wytheville Va 352 568 Yorktown Va- ..... .... . 29 1,011 96 232 519 Fort Morgan, C.T., to Camp Douglas U T 575 894 Fort Bridger U T 451 15 660 1 216 FortC. F. Smith, M. T .. Fort Fetterman, D. T 494 235 297 175 Fort Laramie D T 155 512 1,205 191 Fort McPherson, Neb Fort Phil. Kearney, D. T.. Fort Reno D T 222 404 339 301 Fort Russell D T 65 809 Fort Sanders D T 120 118 Fort Sedgwick C T 102 1 155 482 679 1,115 1,433 279 Fort Phil. Kear ney, I>. T., to Camp Douglas U T 849 721 Fort Bridger U T 725 569 135 203 FortC. F. Smith, M. T... Fort Fetterman, D. T Fort Kearney Neb 90 169 672 462 Fort Laramie, D. T 249 1,091 Fort McPherson Neb 597 248 Fort Morgan C T 404 703 Fort Reno, D. T 65 370 Fort Russell D T 339 38 Fort Sanders D T 394 550 Fort Sedgwick, C. T 483 831 Omaha, Neb . .......... 857 951 773 265 473 Fort Pickering, Mass., to Augusta Me 155 1,180 Boston, Mass . 16 237 226 East Gloucester, Mass Fort Andrew Mass 16 54 94 375 Fort at Clark's Point, New Bedford, Mass . . 71 53 564 204 256 Fort at Salisbury Beach, Newbiu-yport, Mass Fort Independence, Mass. Fort Knox, Me . . 20 18 198 41 Fort Phoanix Mass 72 298 Fort PoDham. Me... 145 70 LISTS OF DISTANCES. Fort Standish, Mass Fort Sullivan, Me Fort Warren, Mass Fort Winthrop, Mass Hancock Barracks, Me.. . Long 1 Point Batteries, Pro v- incetown, Mass Marblehead , Mass Portland, Me Portsmouth, N. H Springfield, Mass Fort Popliam, Me., to Augusta, Me Boston. Mass East Gloucester, Mass Fort Andrew, Mass Fort at Clark's Point, New Bedford, Mass Fort at Salisbury Beach, Newburyport, Mass Fort Independence, Mass. Fort Knox, Me Fort Phoenix, Mass Fort Standish, Mass Fort Sullivan, Me Fort Warren, Mass Fort Winthrop, Mass Hancock Barracks, Me... Long Point Batteries, Prov ince town, Mass Marblehead, Mass Portland, Me Portsmouth, N. H Salem, Mass Springfield, Mass Fort Ransom, I>. T.,to Fort Totten, D. T Fort Reno, J>. T., to- Camp Douglas, U. T FortBridger, U. T FortC. F. Smith, M.T... Fort Fetterman, D. T Fort Kearney, Neb Fort Lararnie, D. T Fort McPherson, Neb Miles. 53 Fort Morgan H T Miles. 339 353 23 Fort Phil. Kearney, D. T.. Fort Russell D. T 65 274 18 Fort Sanders D T 329 346 Fort Sedgwick C T 418 Omaha Neb 792 139 Virginia City, M. T 411 4 92 40 114 Fort Reynolds, C. T., to Fort Union, N. M 209 Fort Hays, Kansas 358 Fort Garland, C T 93 Fort Lyon C T 73 60 161 129 199 Fort Rice, . T., to Camp Cooke, M. T 1,095 Council Bluffs Iowa 859 216 Fort Benton M T 1 155 Fort Berthold, D. T 175 197 Fort Buford D T 423 163 Fort Shaw M T 1 216 53 Fort Sully, D. T 290 217 Omaha Neb - 863 198 St Louis Mo 1,295 208 Sioux City Iowa 760 168 163 201 Fort Ridgeley, Minn., to Fort Suelling 1 Minn 122 284 Fort \Vayne Ind 707 141 Frankfort Ky 920 53 Galveston Texas ...... .. 1,718 105 Grand Haven Mich. 591 145 Harrisburg Pa 1 276 259 1 514 Houston Texas ...... .... 1,778 Indianapolis Ind . 746 Indianola Texas 1 890 133 1 210 Jacksonville Fla .. .... 1,884 Joliet 111 596 651 784 Knoxville Tenn 1 303 fifiO La Crosse A\ 7 is . - - - 311 IRK Lafayette Ind ...... 682 730 fif)7 676 184 855 532 Lvuchburff. Va.. 1,579 LISTS OF DISTANCES. 71 Miles. Macon, Ga 1,432 Madison, Wis 421 Marietta, Ohio 1,047 Memphis, Tenn 1,017 Michigan City, Ind 614 Milwaukee, Wis 506 Mobile, Ala 1,337 Montgomery, Ala 1 , 390 Nashville, Tenn 1 , 040 New Haven, Conn 1 , 535 New London, Conn 1,568 New Orleans, La 1,393 New York, N. Y 1,458 Norfolk, Va 1,561 Ogdensburg, N. Y 1,402 Oswego, N. Y 1,273 Parkersburg, West Va . . . . 1 , 054 Pensacola, Fla 1,449 Philadelphia, Pa 1,382 Pittsburg,Pa 1,027 Port Huron, Mich 842 Portland, Me 1,694 Prairie du Chien, Wis 323 Providence, R. I 1,585 Quincy, III 695 Kaleigh, N. C 1,699 Reading, Pa 1,330 Richmond, Ind 78c Richmond, Va 1,531 Rock Island, 111 505 Rouse's Point, N. Y 1 , 501 Saint Louis, Mo 752 Saint Paul, Minn 131 Sandusky City, Ohio 848 Savannah, Ga 1,622 Springfield, Mass 1 , 488 Springfield, 111 656 Stevenson, Ala Syracuse, N. Y Tallahassee, Fla Terre Haute, Ind . . . Toledo, Ohio Trenton, N. J Troy, N. Y Vicksburg, Miss Washington, D. C-- Weldon, N. C West Point, N. Y... Wheeling, West Va. Wilmington, Del ... Wilmington, N. C . . . 153 238 ,884 775 79 ,41 ,39 ,25 ,40 ,61 ,48 ,01 ,41 ,77 Milet. Winona, Minn 277 Fort Russell, I>. T., to- Camp Douglas, U. T 51 2 Fort Bridger, U. T 388 Fort C. F. Smith, M. T .. 429 Fort Fetterman, D. T 170 Fort Kearney, Neb 335 Fort Laramie, D . T 90 Fort McPherson, Neb 260 Fort Morgan, C. T 65 Fort Phil. Kearney, D. T. 339 Fort Reno, D. T 274 Fort Sanders, D. T 57 Fort Sedgwick, C. T 146 Omaha, Neb 520 Fort Sanders, D. T., to Camp Douglas, U. T 457 Fort Bridger, U. T 333 Fort C. F. Smith, M. T .. 484 Fort Fetterman, D. T 225 Fort Kearney, Neb 388 Fort Laramie, D. T 1 45 Fort McPherson, Neb 311 Fort Morgan, C. T 120 Fort Phil. Kearney, D. T. 394 Fort Reno, D. T 329 Fort Russell, D. T 57 Fort Sedgwick, C. T. .... 197 Omaha, Neb 573 Fort Scliuyler, N. Y., Albany, N. Y 146 Binghamton, N. Y 232 Bridgeport, Conn 46 Buff!lo,N.Y 440 David's Island, N. Y 6 Dunkirk, N. Y 477 Elmira, N. Y 291 Fishkill, N. Y 77 Fort Columbus, N. Y Fort Griswold, Conn 115 Fort Hamilton, N. Y 28 Fort Lafayette, N. Y 28 Fort Trumbull, Conn 114 Fort Wads worth, N. Y . . . 27 Fort Wood, N. Y 18 72 LISTS OP DISTANCES. Hartford Conn. .... Miles. 100 4 132 26 77 64 203 8 17 176 375 256 432 37 163 126 294 75 152 153 69 223 37 6 654 530 573 314 195 234 120 102 483 418 146 197 380 199 358 347 98 84 53 451 58 143 Fort Sumner, N. M Miles. 267 350 266 262 151 20 20 58 75 26 22 194 76 141 57 349 27 22 342 143 88 44 4 118 i> 121 2,075 61 1,041 793 1,216 1,506 2,079 2,511 1,976 03 270 218 87 65 185 Hart Island N Y Fort Union, N. M Hudson N Y Fort Wingate, N. M Newark N J Santa Fe- N M Newburg N. Y Fort Sewall, Mass., to New Haven, Conn Newport, R. I - New Rochelle N Y New York, N. Y Boston Mass Providence, R.I .... East Gloucester, Mass Fort Andrew Mass Rochester N. Y Rome, N. Y Fort at Clark's Point, New Bedford Mass Salamanca N. Y Sandy Hook NY Fort at Salisbury Beach, Newburyport, Mass Fort Independence, Mass . Fort Knox Me Schenectady NY Stonington, Conn Syracuse N. Y ... Trenton N J Fort PhoBnix Mass Troy, N. Y Fort Pophain, Me Watervliet Arsenal, N. Y. West Point N Y Fort Standish Mass Fort Sullivan Me Whitehall Junction, N. Y. Willet's Point, N. Y Fort Warren, Mass Fort \Vinthrop, Mass Williams' s Bridge, N. Y.. Fort Sedgwick, C. T., to Camp Douglas, IT. T..... Hancock Barracks, Me . . . Long Point Batteries, Prov- incetown Mass Portland Me Fort Bridger, U. T FortC. F. Smith, M.T... Fort Fetterman, D. T Fort Kearney Neb ... . Springfield, Mass ...... . Fort Sliaw, M. T., t< Fort Laramie, D. T Fort McPherson, Neb Fort Morgan, C. T Council Bluffs, Iowa Fort Phil. Kearney, D. T. Fort Reno, D. T Fort Berthold D T Fort Russell, D. T TT'nvf T?ipp T) T 1 Fort Sanders, D. T Omaha, Neb Fort Seldeii, N. M., to Albuquerque, N. IVI ... St. Louis, Mo Sioux City Iowa Fort Smith, Ark., to- Bates ville, Ark ......... Camp Plummer, N. M Fort Bascom N IVI Fort Bayard N M Fort Craig N M Camden Ark ... ...... Fort Cummings, N. M Fort Garland C T Devall's Bluff Ark . . Dover Ark Fort McRae N M Fayetteville Ark Fort Stanton. N. M . . Fort Arbuckle, C. N .. LISTS OF DISTANCES. 73 Miles Fort Leaveuworth, Kan . . 362 Helena, Ark 484 Jerome, Mo 295 Jonesboro', Texas 140 Little Rock, Ark 170 Madison, Ark 584 Memphis, Tenn 564 Monticello, Ark 270 Pine Bluff, Ark 270 Princeton, Ark 245 St. Louis, Mo. 480 Vicksburg, Miss 616 Washington, Ark 290 Washington, D. C 1 , 498 Fort Swelling, Minn., to Fort Abercrombie, D. T . . 254 Fort Rice, D.T 534 Fort Ripley, Minn 136 Fort Wads worth, D. T... 334 Fort Wayne, Ind 586 Frankfort, Ky 799 Galveston, Texas 1, 597 Grand Haven, Mich . 469 Harrisburg, Pa 1,155 Hartford, Conn 1,393 Houston, Texas 1,657 Indianapolis, Ind . 625 Indianola, Texas 1,769 Jackson, Miss 1,089 Jacksonville, Fla 1 , 763 Joliet, 111 475 Keokuk, Iowa 530 Knoxville, Tenn 1, 182 LaCrosse, Wis 189 Lafayette, Ind 561 Lansing, Mich 608 Logansport, Ind 555 Louisville, Ky 734 Lynchburg, Va 1,458 Macon, Ga 1,311 Madison, Wis 300 Marietta, Ohio 926 Memphis, Tenn 896 Michigan City, Ind 493 Milwaukee, Wis 384 Mobile, Ala 1,216 Montgomery, Ala 1 , 269 Nashville, Tenn 91.9 New Haven, Conn 1, 414 Miles. New London, Conn 1,447 New Orleans, La 1 , 272 New York, N.Y 1,337 Norfolk, Va 1 , 440 Ogdensburg. N. Y 1 , 281 Oswego,N.Y 1,152 Parkersburg, West Va 933 Pensacola, Fla 1 , 328 Philadelphia, Pa 1 , 261 Pittsburg, Pa... 906 Port Huron, Mich 720 Portland, Me 1,464 Prairie du Chien, Wis 202 Providence, R.I ...' 1,464 Quincy, 111 574 Raleigh, N. C 1,578 Reading, Pa 1,209 Richmond, Ind 662 Richmond, Va 1, 410 Rock Island, 111 384 Rouse's Point, N. Y 1,380 Saint Louis, Mo 631 Saint Paul, Minn 9 Sandusky City, Ohio 727 Savannah, Ga 1 , 501 Springfield, Mass 1 , 367 Springfield, 111 535 Stevenson, Ala 1, 032 Syracuse, N.Y 1,117 Tallahassee, Fla 1 , 763 Terre Haute, Ind 654 Toledo, Ohio 672 Trenton, N. J 1,291 Troy, N.Y 1,269 Vicksburg, Miss 1 , 1 34 Washington, D. C 1 , 280 Weldon, N. C 1,496 West Point, N. Y 1 , 359 Wheelin g, West Va , 894 Wilmington, Del .... 1 , 289 Wilmington, N. C 1 , 658 Winona, Minn 155 Fort Stanton, X. M., to Albuquerque, N. M 170 Camp Plummer, N. M 285 Fort Bascom, N. M 204 Fort Bayard, N, M 241 Fort Craig, N. M 227 Fort Cummings, N. M 196 74 LISTS OF DISTANCES. Fort Garland, C. T. . Fort McRae, N. M . . FortSelden, KM... Fort Stunner, N. M . Fort Union, N.M... Fort Wingate, N. M. LaCruces, N.M.... Santa Fe, N.M Miles 360 201 143 124 207 255 138 191 Fort Stevenson, I>. T., to Fort Berthokl, D. T 18 Fort Rice, D. T 157 Fort Totten, D. T 1 32 Saint Paul, Minn 585 Fort Stockton, Texas, to Camp Hudson, Texas 190 Camp Verde, Texas 388 Fort Chadbourne, Texas.. 192 Fort Clark, Texas 266 Fort Davis, Texas 74 Fort Inge, Texas 310 Fort Lancaster, Texas 91 San Antonio, Texas 392 Fort Sullivan, Me., to Augusta, Me 198 Boston, Mass 369 East Gloucester, Mass 337 Fort Andrew, Mass 407 Fort at Clark's Point, New Bedford, Mass 424 Fort at Salisbury Beach, Newburyport, Mass 392 Fort Independence, Mass . 371 Fort Knox, Me 1 55 Fort Phoenix, Mass 425 Fort Popham, Me 208 Fort Standish, Mass 406 Fort Warren, Mass 376 Fort Winthrop, Mass 371 Hancock Barracks, Me... 119 Long Point Batteries, Prov- incetown, Mass 477 Marblehead, Mass 349 Portland, Me 261 Portsmouth N. H.. 313 Salem, Mass Springfield, Mass Miles. 353 467 Fort Sully, I>. T., to Camp Cooke, M. T Council Bluffs, Iowa Fort Benton, M. T Fort Berthold, D. T Fort Buford, D. T Fort Rice, D. T Fort Shaw, M. T Omaha, Neb St. Louis, Mo Sioux City, Iowa Fort Sunnier, ]V. M., to Albuquerque, N. M Camp Plummer, N. M Fort Bascom, N.M Fort Bayard, N. M Fort Craig, N.M Fort Cummings, N. M Fort Garland, C. T Fort McRae. N. M ....... Fort Selden, N.M Fort Stan ton, N. M Fort Union, N.M Fort Wingate, N. M Santa Fe, N.M Fort Union, IV. M., to- Albuquerque, N. M Camp Plumrner, N. M Fort Bascom, N. M Fort Bayard, N. M Fort Bliss, Texas Fort Craig, N. M Fort Cummings, N. M ... Fort Dodge, Kan Fort Garland, C. T Fort Hays, Kan Fort Leavenworth, Kan . . Fort Marcy, N. M Fort McRae, N. M Fort Reynolds, C. T FortSelden, N. M Fort Stanton, N. M Fort Sumner, N. M 1,385 569 1 , 445 465 713 290 1,506 573 1,005 470 196 276 80 365 351 320 301 325 267 124 148 281 180 165 196 145 448 407 260 403 423 153 503 790 100 292 209 350 207 148 LISTS OF DISTANCES. 75 Fort Wingate, N. M . Los Finos, N. M Santa Fe, N. M Fort Vancouver, W. T., to- A storia, Oregon Camp C. F. Smith, Oregon. Camp Harney, Oregon Camp Logan, Oregon Camp Lyon, I. T Camp Three Forks, I. T.. Camp Warner, Oregon Camp Watson, Oregon Canon City, Oregon Fort Boise, I. T Fort Colville, W. T Fort Dalles, Oregon Fort Klamath, Oregon Fort Lapwai, I. T Portland, Oregon Urnatilla, Oregon Wallula,W.T Fort Wadsworth, I. Y., to Albany, N. Y Binghamton, N. Y Bridgeport, Conn Buffalo, N. Y David's Island, N. Y Dunkirk, N. Y Elmira, N. Y Fishkill, N. Y Fort Columbus, N. Y Fort Griswold, Conn Fort Hamilton, N. Y Fort Lafayette, N. Y Fort Schuyler, N. Y Fort Trurnbull, Conn Fort Wood, N. Y Hartford, Conn Hart Island, N. Y Hudson, N. Y Newark, N. J Newburg, N. Y New Haven, Conn Newport, R. I New Rochelle, N. Y New York, N. Y Providence, R. I Miles. 250 165 100 119 671 356 301 493 518 531 221 281 468 493 101 403 348 18 198 222 154 225 68 433 32 470 284 70 11 137 21 21 27 136 11 122 34 125 19 70 86 173 30 10 198 an*. Rochester, N. Y 382 Rome, N. Y 264 Salamanca, N. Y 425 Sandy Hook, N. Y 10 Schenectady,N.Y 171 Stonington, Conn 148 Syracuse, N. Y 302 Trenton, N. J 68 Troy, N. Y 160 Watervliet Arsenal, N. Y. . 161 West Point, N. Y 62 Whitehall Junction, N. Y. 231 Willet's Point, N. Y 30 Williams^ Bridge, N. Y . . . . 24 Fort Watls worth, . T., to Fort Abercrombie, D. T . . 76 Fort Ransom, D. T 65 Fort Ridgely, Minn 169 Saint Paul, Minn 300 Sauk Centre, Minn 136 Fort Wallace, Kail., to Coyote, Kan., 95 Denver, C. T 212 Fort Harker, Kan 212 Fort Hays, Kan 141 Fort Leavenworth, Kan . . 428 Fort Warren, Mass., to Augusta, Me . 179 Boston, Mass 7 East Gloucester, Mass 39 Fort Andrew, Mass 45 Fort at Clark's Point, New Bedford, Mass 62 Fort at Salisbury Beach, Newburyport, Mass 43 Fort Independence, Mass. 4 FortKnox, Me 221 Fort Phoenix, Mass 63 Fort Popham, Me 168 Fort Standish, Mass 41 Fort Sullivan, Me 376 Fort Winthrop, Mass 4 Hancock Barracks, Me.. . 369 Long Point Batteries, Prov- incetown, Mass 130 76 LISTS OF DISTANCES. Marblehead, Mass. Portland, Me Portsmouth, N. H. Salem, Mass Springfield, Mass . Miles. 27 115 63 23 105 Fort Wayne, I sid., to Columbia, Ind 19 Frankfort, Ky 305 Galveston, Texas 1, 293 Grand Haven, Mich 254 Harrisburg, Pa 569 Hartford, Conn 815 Houston, Texas 1,343 Indianapolis, Ind 131 Indianola, Texas 1 , 465 Jackson, Miss 785 Jacksonville, Fla 1 , 269 Joliet,Ill 174 Keokuk, Iowa 379 Knoxville, Tenn 688 La Crosse, Wis 428 Lafayette, Ind 109 Lansing, Mich 209 LaSalle, 111 252 Logansport, Ind 72 Louisville, Ky 240 Lynchburg, Va 872 Macon, Ga 817 Madison, Wis 279 Marietta, Ohio 358 Memphis, Tenn 592 Michigan City, Ind 315 Milwaukee, Wis 233 Mobile, Ala 912 Montgomery, Ala 889 Nashville, Tenn 425 New Haven, Conn 828 New London, Conn 869 New Orleans, La 968 New York, N.Y 751 Norfolk, Va 854 Ogdensburg, N. Y 703 Oswego,N.Y 574 Parkersburg, West Va 365 Pensacola ; Fla 1,024 Peru, Ind 56 Philadelphia, Pa 675 Pittsburg, Pa 320 Port Huron, Mich 215 Portland, Me 995 Miles. Prairie du Chien, Wis .... 377 Providence, R. I 886 Quincy, 111 382 Raleigh, N. C '992 Reading, Pa 623 Richmond, Ind 148 Richmond, Va 824 Rock Island, 111 316 Rouse's Point, N. Y 802 Saint Louis, Mo 364 Saint Paul, Minn 594 Sandusky City, Ohio 149 Savannah, Ga 1,007 Springfield, Mass 789 Springfield, 111 268 Stevenson, Ala 538 Syracuse, N.Y 539 Tallahassee, Fla 1,269 Terre Haute, Ind 202 Toledo, Ohio 94 Trenton, N. J 705 Troy, N. Y 691 Vicksburg, Miss 830 Washington, D. C 694 Weldon,N. C 910 West Point, N. Y 781 Wheeling, West Va 315 Wilmington, Del 703 Wilmington, N. C 1,072 Winona, Minn 462 Fort Wliipple, A. T., to Fort Mojave, A. T 155 San Francisco, Cal 934 Fort Wilkiiis, Mich., to Chicago, 111 543 Detroit, Mich 642 Escanaba, Mich 215 Fort Brady, Mich 292 Fort Howard, Wis 311 Marquette, Mich 140 Milwaukee, Wis 458 Portage, Mich 70 Fort Wingate, N. UI., to Albuquerque, N. M 85 Camp Plummer, N. M 244 LISTS OF DISTANCES. 77 1 Fort Bascom N. M tiles. 286 364 182 319 337 214 266 255 281 250 148 f. : 173 2 34 41 57 38 216 58 163 40 371 4 364 125 22 111 58 18 100 145 216 59 424 23 461 275 61 2 128 12 12 18 Fort Trumbull, Conn Fort Wads worth, N. Y Hartford, Conn . . Miles. 127 11 113 25 116 10 61 77 164 21 1 189 373 255 416 21 162 139 293 59 151 152 53 222 21 15 358 129 47 12 111 5 360 1,143 467 691 986 1, 193 174 1,315 635 1,094 393 521 513 641 Fort Bayard N. M Fort Craig, N. M Fort Cummings, N. M Fort Garland C. T Hart Island, N. Y Hudson N Y Fort McRae N M Newark N J Fort Selden, N. M Newburg,N.Y . Fort Sumner N M Newport R I Fort Union, N. M New Rochelle, N. Y Santa F6 N. M New York N. Y Fort Whit Iirop, Mass, to Augusta Me Providence, R. I Rochester, N. Y Rome,N Y Salamanca N Y Boston, Mass Sandy Hook, N. Y East Gloucester, Mass Fort Andrew, Mass Schenectady, N Y Stouington Conn Fort at Clark's Point, New Bedford, Mass . ... Syracuse N Y Trenton, N. J Fort at Salisbury Beach, Newburyport, Mass.... Fort Knox, Me Troy NY Watervliet Arsenal, N. Y. . West Point, N. Y Fort Phoenix, Mass Whitehall Junction, N. Y . Willett's Point N. Y Fort Popham Me Fort Standish Mass Williams' Bridge Fort Sullivan, Me . Frankford Arsenal, Pa., to Allegheny Arsenal, Pa Carlisle Barracks, Pa Fort Delaware Del Fort "Warren, Mass ... Hancock Barracks, Me . . . Long Point Batteries,Prov- incetown Mass Marblehead Mass Portland Me Fort Mifflin Pa Portsmouth, N. H Harrisburg, Pa . . Salem, Mass Philadelphia Pa Springfield Mass Pittsburg Pa Fort Wood, N. Y., to Albany NY Frankfort, Ky., to Galveston, Texas Binghamton N Y Grand Haven, Mich Bridgeport Conn Harrisburg Pa Buffalo N Y Hartford, Conn . David's Island N. Y Houston, Texas Dunkirk N. Y Indianapolis, Ind Elmira N Y Indianola Texas Fishkill, N Y . . Jackson, Miss Fort Columbus, N. Y Fort Griswold, Conn Fort Hamilton, N. Y Fort Lafayette, N. Y FortSchuvler.N.Y.. Jacksonville, Fla . Joliet 111 Keokuk, Iowa. Knoxville, Tenn . ... 78 LISTS OF DISTANCES. Lafayette Ind Miles. 238 446 29 250 65 847 642 492 328 442 328 446 762 714 250 950 1, 000 818 873 918 869 740 335 868 797 442 452 1,161 590 1,062 507 1, 038 745 199 870 499 968 344 807 340 832 1,012 393 363 705 1,094 242 331 827 857 680 Washington D C Lansing, Mich Weldon N C. Lexington, Ky ....... West Point N Y Logansport Ind Wheeling West Va Louisville Ky Lynchburg 1 , Va. Wilmino-ton N C Macon, Ga \Vinona Minn Madison \Vis Freclericksfourg, Va., to Marietta, Ohio Memphis Tenn . Abmgdon, Va Milwaukee, Wis Alexandria, Va . Mobile, Ala . .... ... Appomattox Va Montgomery Ala Aquia Creek Va Nashville, Tenn Burkeville, Va . New Haven, Conn ...... Charlottesville Va New London Conn Cherrystone Va New Orleans, La City Point, Va New York, N. Y Culpeper Va Norfolk Va .... Danville Va Ogdensburg N Y Dublin Va Osvvego, N. Y Farmville, Va ... Parkersburg, West Va Pensacola Fla Fort Monroe, Va Franklin Va Philadelphia, Pa Front Royal, Va Pittsburgh Pa . Gordonsviile Va Port Huron Mich . Hanover C H Va Portland Me Harper's Ferry, W. Va ... Harrisonburg, Va Prairie du Chien, Wis Providence, R. I Hicksford, Va Quiucy, 111 Kuoxville Tenn Raleigh N C Leesburg Va Reading, Pa Louisa C. H., Va Richmond, Ind ...... Lynchburg, Va Richmond Va Manassas Junction, Va.. . Marion, Va Rock Island, 111 Rouse's Point, N. Y Martinsburg, \V. Va Saint Louis Mo .... Milford Va Saint Paul Minn Mount Jackson Va Sandusky City Ohio Norfolk Va Savannah, Ga Orange C.H., Va Petersburg Va Springfield, Mass Springfield, 111 Portsmouth Va Stevenson Ala . Prospect Va Syracuse N Y Tallahassee, Fla Salem, Roanoke Co., Va.. Sexton's Junction, Va South Boston Va Terre Haute, Ind Toledo, Ohio Trenton N J Staunton Va Troy N Y Vicksbursr, Miss . . Suffolk, Va .. Miles. 740 956 925 380 789 999 675 374 62 161 15 114 106 197 91 112 201 290 130 178 160 140 85 47 173 J99 125 519 100 71 185 89 345 192 22 174 163 94 82 163 141 60 245 37 169 145 150 140 LISTS OF DISTANCES. 79 Warrenton Junction, Va.. Washington D C Miles. 102 70 119 155 224 3J8 163 143 136 354 78 182 J82 38 297 46 165 141 40 110 199 1,344 1,707 1,925 50 1,187 162 508 1,329 1,210 1,236 1,070 1,470 1,184 1,446 1,221 1,078 1,404 877 1,344 1,419 718 1,274 1,323 500 Montgomery Ala Miles. 686 933 1,889 1,939 325 1,812 1,530 Nashville Tenn West Point Va New Haven Conn William sburg, Va New London, Conn . ^Vinchester Va - .. New Orleans La Wytheville Va New York N Y Woodstock, Va Norfolk, Va Yorktown Va Ogdensburg, NY 1,945 1,816 1,426 612 1,721 1,531 1,508 2,149 1,395 2,001 1,215 1,419 1,738 1,227 1 529 1,265 2,044 1,053 ,605 ,406 ,067 ,951 ,116 940 ,780 ,329 ,121 ,387 ,754 1,932 553 237 ,582 ,449 ,864 ,471 ,693 ,287 ,504 36 63 2 Fulton, 111., to Chicago, 111 Oswego N Y Parkersburg, West Va Pensacola Fla . ... Council Bluffs, Iowa Philadelphia, Pa Dubuque, Iowa Pittsburg, Pa Milwaukee, Wis Port Huron Mich Nevada Iowa Portland Me Rock Island, 111 Prairie du Chien, Wis Providence, R. I Saint Louis, Mo Galesburg, 111., to Burlington, Iowa Chicago, 111 Joliet, 111 Quincy 111 Raleigh N C Reading, Pa Richmond, Ind Neponset, 111 Quincy, 111 Reynolds, Ind Rock Island, 111 Rouse's Point, N. Y Saint Louis, Mo . Galvestoii, Texas, to- Grand Haven Mich Saint Paul, Minn Sandusky City, Ohio Savannah, Ga ... Harrisburg, Pa Springfield, Mass Hartford, Conn Springfield, 111 Houston, Texas Stevenson, Ala . Indianapolis Ind Syracuse N Y Indianola, Texas . Tallahassee, Fla Jackson, Miss Terre Haute, Ind Jacksonville Fla Toledo Ohio Joliet, 111 Trenton N J Keokuk Iowa Troy N Y Knoxville, Tenn . Vicksburg, Miss La Crosse, Wis Waco Texas Lafayette Ind \Vashington D C Lansing, Mich Weldon, N. C Logansport, Ind West Point, N. Y . .. Louisville Ky Wheeling, West Va Lynchburg Va \Vilmington, Del Macon, Ga Wilmington, N. C Madison, Wis Winona, Minn .... Marietta, Ohio Geneva, 111., to Chicago, 111 .. .. Memphis, Tenn Michigan City, Ind Milwaukee, Wis Mendota, 111 Mobile, Ala... Saint Charles, 111 . . 80 LISTS OF DISTANCES. Georgetown, Texas, to Austin, Texas Belton, Texas Buffalo Spring, Texas Fort Belknap, Texas Jacksboro', Texas New Braimfeis, Texas San Antonio, Texas Waco, Texas Weatherford, Texas ., Goldsboro', \. ., to Aiken, S. C Anderson, S. C Charleston, S. C Charlotte, N. C Chester, S. C Columbia, S. C Darlington, S. C Fayetteviile, N. C Fort Macon, N. C Georgetown, S. C Greensboro', N. C Hilton Head, S. C Morehead City, N. C Morganton, N. C Newberry, S. C Newberne, N. C Raleigh, N. C Salisbury, N. C Sumter, S. C Unionville, S. C Wilmington, N. C Gordonsville, V:i., to Abingdon, Va Alexandria, Va Appomattox, Va Aquia Creek, Va Burkeville, Va Charlottes ville, Va Cherrystone, Va City Point. Va Culpeper, Va Danville, Va Dublin', Va Farniville, Va Fort Monroe, Va lies. Franklin Va Fredericksburg Va 96 Front Royal, Va 33 250 9,54 Hanover C. H.,Va Harper's Ferry, W. Va . . . Harrisonburg, Va . . 917 Hicksford Va 79 Knoxville Tenn 108 Leesburg, Va 75 177 Louisa C. H., Va Lynchburg, Va Manassas Junction, Va. .. Marion, Va Martinsburg, Va 356 Milford Va 407 Mount Jackson Va 993 Norfolk, Va 993 Orange C. H. Va 268 Petersburg Va 280 Portsmouth Va 901 Prospect, Va ...... . 204 Richmond Va 98 274 130 Salem, (Roanoke Co.) Va. Sexton's Junction, Va South Boston Va 355 Staunton Va 95 Strasburg, Va. 969 Suffolk, Va 327 59 Warrenton Junction, Va.. Washington D. C 48 West Point, Va 180 Williamsburg, Va 230 \Vinchester Va 345 Wytheville, Va 84 Woodstock, Va Yorktown, Va . . .. 271 89 106 Grand Haven, Mich., to- Black Lake Harbor, Mich. Grand Rapids Mich 100 Harrisburg Pa 130 Hartford, Conn ... ...... 21 Houston, Texas ...... 213 Indianapolis Ind 107 Indianola Texas 27 Jackson 'Miss 217 Jacksonville, Fla 187 Joliet 111 137 Keokuk Iowa 188 Knoxville. Tenn. . Miles. 176 85 113 58 199 85 141 416 127 14 82 62 242 218 63 110 179 9 98 179 126 76 142 48 185 60 123 156 49 96 135 171 231 215 121 159 26 31 756 975 1,394 293 1,516 836 1,431 143 353 850 LISTS OF DISTANCES. 81 Miles. LaCrosse, Wis 280 Lafayette, Ind 229 Lansing, Mich 139 Logansport, Ind 223 Louisville, Ky 402 Lynchburg, Va 1,060 Macon, Ga 979 Madison, Wis 181 Marietta, Ohio 580 Memphis, Tenn 643 Michigan City, Ind 161 Milwaukee, Wis 85 Mobile, Ala 963 Montgomery, Ala 1, 016 Muskegon, Mich 15 Nashville, Tenn 587 New Haven, Conn 999 New London, Conn 1, 029 New Orleans, La 1,019 New York, N. Y. 938 Norfolk, Va 1,042 Ogdensburg, N. Y 863 Oswego, N. Y 734 Parkersburg, West Va 593 Pensacola, Fla 1 , 075 Philadelphia, Pa 862 Pittsburg, Pa 507 Port Huron, Mich 251 Portland, Me 1,155 Prairie du Chien, Wis 279 Providence, R. 1 1, 046 Quincy, 111 371 Raleigh, N. C 1,180 Reading, Pa 810 Richmond, Ind 330 Richmond, Va 1,0)2 Rock Island, 111 278 Rouse's Point, N. Y 962 Saint Louis, Mo 387 Saint Paul, Minn 460 Sandusky City, Ohio 309 Sav nnah, Ga 1, 169 She a oygan, Wis 88 Springfield, Mass 949 Springfield, 111 291 Stevenson, Ala 700 Syracuse, N. Y 699 Tallahassee, Fla 1, 431 Terre Haute, Ind 322 Toledo, Ohio 254 Trenton, N. J 892 6 Miles. 851 881 882 WeldonTN. C 1,098 Troy, N. Y Vicksburg, Miss. .. Washington, D. C. West Point, N. Y. Wheeling, West Va. White River, Mich. . Wilmington, Del. 941 505 30 890 Wilmington, N. C 1,259 Winona, Minn 314 Grand River Harbor, Ohio, to Cleveland, Ohio 32 Erie,Pa 69 Painesville, Ohio 3 Grenada, Miss., to Bolivar, Miss 305 Brookhaven, Miss 164 Cairo, 111 255 Calhoun, Miss 94 Columbus, Miss 303 Corinth, Miss 143 Goodman, Miss 59 Grand Junction, Tenn 102 Greensboro', Miss 48 Hernando, Miss 78 Holly Springs, Miss 77 Jackson, Miss 110 Lake, Miss 164 Lauderdale, Miss 223 Macon, Miss 268 Magnolia, Miss 195 Memphis, Tenn 100 Meridian, Miss 205 Natchez, Miss 275 Oxford, Miss 48 Panola, Miss 41 Pascagoula, Miss 244 Pass Christian, Miss 194 Port Gibson, Miss 211 Tupelo, Miss 189 Vicksburg, Miss 155 Winchester, Miss 262 Woodville, Miss 416 Yazoo City, Miss 108 Hancock Barracks, Me., to Augusta, Me 191 82 LISTS OF DISTANCES s Boston Mass . Hies. 362 Milford Va Miles. 195 East Gloucester, Mass 330 Mount Jackson, Va.----. 74 Fort Andrew Mass 399 Norfolk Va 281 Fort at Clark's Point, New Orange C. H., Va 190 Bedford, Mass 417 Parkersburg, West Va 309 Fort at Salisbury Beach, Petersburg, Va .... 955 Newburyport Mass 326 Portsmouth Va 281 Fort Independence Mass 364 Prospect Va 313 Fort Knox, Me 148 Richmond, Va . 933 Fort Phoenix Mass 417 Salem, Roanoke Co. Va 341 Fort Popham Me 201 Sexton's Junction Va. 209 Fort Standish, Mass 399 South Boston, Va 349 Fort Sullivan Me 119 Stauntou, Va.----. ... . 959 Fort \Varren Mass 369 Strasburg Va 50 Fort \Vinthrop Mass 364 Suffolk Va 304 Long Point Batteries, Prov- incetown Mass 485 Warrenton Junction, Va.. Washington D. C 157 103 Marblehead Mass 342 West Point Va 292 Portland Me 254 Wheeling West Va 298 Portsmouth N. H ... 308 307 Salem Mass 346 Winchester Va ... 32 460 \Voodstock Va 63 Wytheville Va 414 I B :i i'|M k i*'s Ferry j T^Fost Yorktown Va - - - 995 Va., to Abingdon Va ..... 470 Harrington, Del.; to Alexandria Va no Milford, Del . .. 9 Appomattox Va 305 \Vilmington Del 64 157 Baltimore Md ...... 81 Harrisburg', Pa., to Burkeville Va - 287 Allegheny Arsenal, Pa... 947 Charlottesville Va 220 Fort Delaware Del 148 Cherrystone Va 291 Fort Mifflin Pa 113 City Point Va 264 Frankford Arsenal, Pa.. . 111 Culpeper Va 172 Gettysburg Pa ....... 69 Danville Va 373 Hartford Conn 995 Dublin Va 386 Houston, Texas 1 ,757 Farmville Va 302 Indianapolis Ind .. .... 699 Fort Monroe Va 266 Indianola Texas . . . 1 ,879 318 Jackson Miss - 1 ,9iq 173 Jacksonville Fla 1 078 199 Joliet 111 743 Hanover C H Va 214 946 99 Knoxville Tenn .... 637 Hicksford Va 298 La Cvosse W^is 997 Leesburg Va 148 676 Louisa C H Va 213 617 Lynchburg Va 281 Logansport, Ind ... ..... 639 137 Louisville Ky .... 709 Marion Va ........ 441 Ly Qchburg, Va 303 Mnrtinfthiiro-. West Va. . 19 Macon. Ga.. 907 LISTS OF DISTANCES. 83 Madison ^ T is . ... Miles. 848 390 1,059* 684 802 1,207 1,021 887 259 309 1,382 182 285 444 315 403 1,175 106 249 623 519 946 371 949 423 54 553 255 891 538 885 1,163 451 816 321 835 787 '280 1,078 695 502 136 332 1,264 125 341 234 315 134 503 1.031 Hartford, Conn., to Houston, Texas Miles. 1,975 891 2,097 1,436 1,267 979 1,194 854 1,235 924 836 887 978 520 1,103 1,086 685 1 , 276 914 1,040 1,424 1,238 1,117 36 61 1,600 110 451 48 380 309 698 1,392 201 544 842 232 1,184 90 1,197 627 241 829 472 1,121 283 1,154 1,401 670 Marietta Ohio Memphis, Term Michigan City, Ind...... Indianapolis Ind Milwaukee \Vis Indianola Texas Mobile, Ala - Jackson, Miss Montgomery, Ala Jacksonville, Fla Nashville Tenn JolJet 111 New Haven Conn Keokuk Iowa New London, Conn Knoxville, Tenn . . . New Orleans La * La Crosse \Vis New York N Y Lafayette Ind Norfolk, Va Lansing, Mich . .... ... Ogdensburg N. Y . Logans port Ind Oswego N Y Louisville Ky Parkersburg, West Va Peusacola Fla ... Lvnchburs* Va Macon Ga .... Philadelphia Pa Madison \Vis Pittsburg Pa Marietta Ohio Port Huron, Mich Memphis Tenn Portland Me Michigan City Ind Prairie du Chien, Wis Providence, R. I .... Milwaukee, Wis Mobile Ala Quincy. 111. Montgomerv Ala Raleigh N C Nashville Tenn Reading Pa Richmond, Ind New London Conn Richmond Va New Orleans La Rock Island, ifl New York, N. Y Rouse's Point N. Y Norfolk Va Saint Louis Mo Norwich Conn Saint Paul, Minn Ogdensburg, N. Y...... - Sandusky City, Ohio Savannah Ga Oswego N. Y Parkersburg, West Va Peusacola Fla Springfield Mass Springfield, 111 Philadelphia Pa Stevenson, Ala Pittsburg Pa . . ... Syracuse N. Y Port Huron, Mich Portland, Maine Tallahassee, Fla Terre Haute, Ind Prairie du Chien, Wis Providence R. I Toledo, Ohio Trenton N J Quincy 111 Troy, N. Y Raleigh, N. C Vicksburg Miss Reading Pa Washington D C Richmond Ind Weldon, N. C Richmond, Va West Point, N Y Rock Island 111 Wheeling, West Va Rouse's Point, N. Y Wilmington, Del. Saint Louis, Mo Wilmington, N. C Saint Paul, Minn ... Winona, Minn . . Sanduskv Citv. Ohio . . . 84 LISTS OF DISTANCES. Savannah, Ga Springfield, Mass ... Springfield, 111 , Stevenson, Ala Syracuse, N. Y Tallahassee, Fla.... Terre Haute, Ind... Toledo, Ohio Trenton, N. J Troy, N. Y Vicksburg, Miss Washington, D. C.. Weldon, N. C West Point, N. Y... Westport, Conn.... Wheeling, West Va. Wilmington, Del Wilmington, N. C .. Winona, Minn Hart Island, N. Y., to Albany, N.Y Binghamton, N. Y Bridgeport, Conn Buffalo, N.Y David's Island, N. Y Dunkirk, N.Y Elmira, N Y Fishkill, N. Y Fort Columbus, N. Y Fort Griswold, Conn Fort Hamilton, N. Y Fort Lafayette, N. Y Fort Schuyler, N. Y Fort Trumbuil, Conn Fort Wadsworth, N. Y.. . Fort Wood, N. Y Hartford, Conn Hudson, N. Y Newark, N. J Newburg, N. Y New Haven, Conn Newport, R. I New Rochelle, N.Y New York, N.Y Providence, R. I Rochester, N. Y Rome, N. Y Salamanca, N. Y Sandy Hook, N.Y Miles. 1 005 Schenectady N Y Miles. 167 26 Stonington, Conn . 122 1,083 298 1,004 Trenton, N. J . ... 82 276 Troy N Y 156 1,267 964 Watervliet Arsenal, N. Y.. West Point, N. Y 157 76 721 171 Whitehall Junction, N. Y. Willet's Point, N. Y 227 44 134 1,481 343 530 Williams' Bridge, N. Y... Helena, M. T., to Camp Cooke, M. T 10 214 164 Fort Ellis, M. T 103 64 Fort Shaw, M. T 84 610 232 Muscle Shell River, mouth of, M. T 300 692 1,269 Hilton Head, S. ., to Aiken, S. C 182 Anderson, S C 319 150 Baltimore Md 689 239 Charleston, S. C 62 42 Charlotte, N. C 301 447 Chester S C 256 2 Columbia S. C 192 484 Darlington, S. C 174 298 Fayetteville, N. C . . 391 84 Fort Macon, N. C 453 25 Georgetown S C 152 111 Greensboro', N. C 394 35 Goldsboro', N. C 355 35 Morganton, N. C 425 4 New berry S C 239 110 New Berne, N. C 414 34 New Orleans, La ...... 792 25 New York N Y 850 96 Raleigh N C 403 139 Salisbury, N. C 344 33 Savannah, Ga ........... 50 84 Sumter S. C 19J 60 Unidnville S. C 257 199 Washington DC 649 4 Wilmington N C 271 24 172 379 Houston, Texas, to Brenham, Texas . 80 260 Indianapolis Ind 1 237 439 Indianola Texas 212 44 558 LISTS OF DISTANCES. 85 Jacksonville Fla ...... Miles. 1,379 1,260 1,286 I', 120 ,520 ,234 ,496 ,271 ,128 ,454 927 1,394 Toledo, Ohio Miles. 1,437 1,804 1,982 603 187 1,632 1,499 1,914 1,521 1, 743 1,337 1,554 181 90 70 73 63 295 82 150 106 252 44 39 1,359 679 1,138 108 213 347 557 467 64 340 76 109 891 686 318 314 486 154 272 806 758 Joliet 111 Trenton N. J Keokuk Iowa Troy NY Knoxville Tenn Vicksburg, Miss . La Cross6 \Vis Waco Texas Lafayette, Ind . Washington, D. C Lansing, Mich . ... Weldon, N. C Logansport Ind West Point, N. Y.. .. Louisville, Ky Wheeling, WestVa Lynchburg, Va....... Wilmington, Del Macon Ga Wilmington, N. C Madison, Wis Marietta, Ohio ... .. 1,469 768 1,324 1,373 550 736 983 ,939 ,989 375 ,862 580 Humboldt, Trim.. to Bowling Green Ky Memphis Tenn Michigan City Ind Milwaukee Wis Mobile Ala Cairo, 111 Montgomery, Ala Columbus, Ky ..... ... Nashville Tenn Corinth Miss New Haven, Conn . Grand Junction, Tenn Louisville, Ky ....... .. New London, Conn New Orleans La Memphis Tenn New York, N. Y Nashville, Tenn Norfolk. Va . ... Paducah, Ky . .. Ogdensburg N Y ,995 ,866 ,476 662 ,771 ,581 1,558 2,199 1,445 2,051 1,265 1.469 1,788 1,277 1,579 1,315 2,094 1,103 1,665 1,456 1,117 2,001 1,166 990 1,830 1,379 1.171 Stevenson, Tenn ...... Oswego N Y Union City Tenn Parkersburg, West Va .... Pensacola, Fla Indianapolis, Ind., to Greencastle, Ind Philadelphia, Pa Pittsburg, Pa Port Huron Mich Indianola, Texas . . Portland Me Jackson Miss . Prairie du Chien, Wis Providence, R. I Jacksonville, Fla Jeffersonville, Ind Quiucy, 111 Joliet 111 Raleigh N C Keokuk Iowa Reading Pa Knoxville Tenn Richmond, Ind La Crosse, Wis Richmond Va . .... Lafayette, Ind ...... .... Rock Island 111 Lansing Mich . .... Rouse's Point N Y Loo*ansport Ind Saint Louis, Mo . Louisville, Ky . Lvnchbursr, Va . . . Sandusky City Ohio Macon, Ga Savannah Ga Madison \Vis Springfield, Mass Marietta, Ohio SpriDgfield 111. Memphis, Tenn Stevenson Ala Michigan City Ind Syracuse N Y Milwaukee \Vis Tallahassee Fla Mobile Ala Terre Haute, Ind . . Montgomery, Ala 86 LISTS OF DISTANCES. Miles. Nashville, Tenn 294 New Haven, Conn 881 New London, Conn 93] New Orleans, La 862 New York, N. Y 804 Norfolk, Va 893 Ogdensburg, N. Y 779 O.vsvego, N. Y 650 Parkersburg, West Va 321 Pensacola, Fla 912 Peru,Iud 75 Philadelphia, Pa 728 Pittsburg, Pa 373 Port Huron, Mich 346 Portland, Me 761 Prairie du Chieu, Wis 416 Providence, R.I 962 Quincy, 111 337 Raleigh, N. C 1,OJ3 Reading, Pa 676 Richmond, Ind 69 Richmond, Va 845 Rock Island, 111 325 Rouse's Point, N. Y 878 Saint Louis, Mo 263 Saint Paul, Minn 633 Sandusky City, Ohio 240 Savannah, Ga 876 Springfield, Mass 865 Springfield, 111 223 Stevenson, Ala 407 Syracuse, N. Y 615 Tallahassee, Fla 1,138 Terre Haute, Ind 73 Toledo, Ohio 225 Trenton, N. J 758 Troy, N. Y 757 Vicksburg, Miss 724 Warren, Ohio 327 Washington, D. C 7J5 Weldon, N. C 931 West Point, N. Y 856 Wheeling, West Va 322 Wilmington, Del 756 Wilmington, N. C 1,093 Winoua, Minn 501 Indianola, Texas, to Corpus Christi, Texas 105 Jackson, Miss 680 Miles. Jacksonville, Fla 1,501 Joliet, 111 1,382 Keokuk, Iowa 1,408 Knoxville, Term 1 , 242 La Crosse, Wis 1 , 642 Lafayette, Ind 1,356 Lansing, Mich 1,618 Logansport, Ind 1,393 Louisville, Ky 1,250 Lynchburg, Va 1,576 Macon, Ga 1,049 Madison, Wis 1,516 Marietta, Ohio 1 , 59 1 Memphis, Tenn 890 Michigan City, Ind 1 , 446 Milwaukee, Wis 1 , 495 Mobile, Ala 672 Montgomery, Ala 858 Nashville, Tenn 1 , 1 05 New Haven, Conn 2,061 New London, Conn 2, 1 1 1 New Orleans, La 497 New York, N. Y J,984 Norfolk, Va 1,702 Ogdensburg, N. Y 2, 117 Osvvego, N. Y 1,988 Parkersburg, West Va .. 1,598 Pass Cavallo, Texas 10 Peusacola, Fla 784 Philadelphia, Pa 1,893 Pittsburg, Pa 1,703 Port Huron, Mich 1 , 680 Portland, Me 2,3*1 Prairie du Chien, Wis 1 , 567 Providence, R.I 2, 1 73 Quincy, 111 1,387 Raleigh, N. C 1,591 Reading, Pa 1,910 Richmond, Ind 1,399 Richmond, Va 1,701 Rock Island, 111 1,437 Rouse's Point, N. Y 2, 216 Saint Louis, Mo 1, 225 Saint Paul, Minn 1, 777 San Antonio, Texas 156 Sandusky City, Ohio 1, 578 Savannah, Ga 1,239 Springfield, Mass 2, 123 Springfield, 111 1 , 288 Stevenson, Ala 1,112 Syracuse, N.Y 1,952 LISTS OF DISTANCES. 87 Tallahassee, Fla Terre Haute, Ind . . . Toledo, Ohio Trenton, N. J Troy, N. Y Vicksburg, Miss Washington, D. C - . Weldon, N. C West Point, N. Y... Wheeling, West Va. Wilmington, Del ... Wilmington, N. C . . Winona, Minn to Austin Texas Belton, Texas Buffalo Springs, Texas Camp Verde, Texas Fort Belknap, Texas Fort Chadbourne, Texas.. Fort Griffin, Texas Fort Mason, Texas Georgetown, Texas New Braunfels, Texas San Antonio, Texas Waco, Texas Weatherford, Texas , Jackson, Miss., to- Bolivar, Miss Brookhaven, Miss Calhoun, Miss Columbus, Miss Corinth, Miss Goodman, Miss Grand Junction, Tenn Greensboro', Miss Grenada, Miss Hernando, Miss Holly Springs, Miss Jacksonville, Fla Joliet, 111 Keokuk, Iowa Knoxville, Tenn La Crosse, Wis Lafayette, Ind Lake, Miss Lansing, Mich Lauderdale, Miss Miles. 1,501 1,293 1,559 1,926 2,104 725 1,754 1,621 2,036 1,643 1,865 1,459 1,676 243 184 33 372 37 176 72 289 217 295 325 142 40 240 54 16 193 253 51 212 112 110 188 187 926 702 728 582 962 676 54 936 113 Miles. Logansport, Ind 713 Louisville, Ky 570 Lynchburg, Va 916 Macon, Ga 474 Macon, Miss 158 Madison, Wis 836 Magnolia, Miss 85 Marietta, Ohio 9J 1 Memphis, Tenn 210 Meridian, Miss . 95 Michigan City, Ind 746 Milwaukee, Wis 815 Mobile, Ala 230 Montgomery, Ala 283 Nashville, Teun 425 Natchez, Miss 165 New Haven, Conn 1,401 New London, Conn '.. 1,451 New Orleans, La 183 New York, N. Y 1,324 Norfolk, Va........ 1,120 Ogdensburg, N. Y 1,437 Oswego, N. Y 1,308 Oxford, Miss 158 Panola, Miss 351 Parkersburg, West Va .. . 918 Pascagoula, Miss . . .' 308 Pass Christian, Miss 258 Pensacola, Fla . , 342 Philadelphi a, Pa 1 , 233 Pittsburg, Pa 1,023 Port Gibson, Miss 101 Port Huron, Mich 1 , 000 Portland, Me 1,654 Prairie du Chien, Wis .... 887 Providence, R. I 1,513 Quincy, 111 - 707 Raleigh, N. C 1,016 Reading, Pa 1,250 Richmond, Ind 719 Richmond, Va 1,041 757 1,536 545 Saint Paul, Minn 1,097 Sandusky City, Ohio 898 Savannah, Ga 664 Springfield, Mass 1 , 463 Springfield, 111 6G8 Stevenson, Ala 432 Syracuse, N. Y 1, 272 Rock Island, 111 Rouse's Point, N. Y .... Saint Louis, Mo 88 LISTS OP DISTANCES. Tallahassee, Fla ... Miles 926 613 879 1,266 1,424 239 45 1,094 1,046 1,418 963 1,205 884 152 996 306 72 52 148 559 523 509 511 20 817 224 137 684 552 571 656 815 461 205 596 67 583 481 72 553 433 685 513 791 1.351 Keokuk Iowa Miles. 1,409 615 764 1,605 1,202 60 1,453 132 83 1,214 1,029 901 452 1,456 110 33 15 1,370 576 200 1,003 1,292 443 342 1,410 829 643 143 1,191 844 1,231 1,261 584 1,004 . 1, 154 818 1,522 580 1,393 1,358 794 1,063 45 75 1,327 754 1,459 1,491 1,554 1,343 1.388 Terre Haute Ind Kingston Ga Toledo, Ohio Knoxville, Tenn Trenton, N. J La Crosse \Vis Troy N. Y . Lafayette Ind Tupelo Miss Lake City Fla Vicksburg, Miss . Lansing, Mich Washington, D. C Lawton Ga Weldon N. C Live Oak Fla West Point, N. Y Logansport, In d . Wheeling, West Va Louisville Ky TVilmington Del . Lynchburg Va Wilmington N C Macon Ga Winchester, Miss Madison, Wis Madison Fla \Voodville Miss Magnolia Fla Yazoo City, Miss Mandarin, Fla Jacksonville, Ala., to- Home, Ga ............ Marietta, Ohio Marietta Ga Mellonville, Fla Memphis, Tenn ...... Selma, Ala . Michigan Oity, Ind Milledgeville, Ga Jacksonville, Fla., to Albany, Ga Millen, Ga Milwaukee \Vis Mobile Ala Americus Ga Montgomery Ala Anderson, Ga . . - Monticello, Fla Athens, Ga Napoleon Ark ...... Baldwin, Fla. Nashville Tenn .... Blakely Ala New Haven Conn Brunswick, Ga . New London, Conn. .. Cedar Keys, Fla Newiian Ga ...... ...... Cleveland Tenn New Orleans La . Columbus Ga New York N Y Cuthbert, Ga Norfolk, Va Dalton, Ga Ogdensburg N. Y Decatur Ala Opelika Ala Eatonton Ga Oswego N Y Enterprise, Fla . . Parkersburg, West Va .. . Pensacola Fla ...... Eufaula Ala Fernandina Fla Philadelphia Pa Fort Gaines Ga Picolata Fla Fort Valley, Ga . Pilatka, Fla Gainesville, Fla .... Pittsburg Pa Girard, Ala . . Pollard Ala Gordon Ga . Port Huron Mich . Greenville, Ala Portland, Me Griffin, Ga Prairie du Chien, Wis Providence R I . Huntsville, Ala Joliet. 111.. Ouincv. 111.., LISTS OF DISTANCES. 89 Miles, Quincy, Fla 190 Raleigh, N. C.. 707 Reading, Pa 1,109 Richmond, Ind 1,178 Richmond, Va 575 Rock Island, 111 1,438 Rome, Ga 635 Rouse's Point, N. Y 1,510 Saint Augustine, Fla 70 Saint Louis, Mo 1,226 Saint Mark's, Fla 187 Saint Paul, Minn 1 , 771 Sandusky City, Ohio 1, 357 Savannah, Ga 262 Selma, Ala 721 Springfield, Mass 1,293 Springfield, 111 1,289 Stevenson, Ala 731 Syracuse, N. Y 1,358 Talladega, Ala 830 Tallahassee, Fla 166 Terre Haute, Ind 1 , 206 Thomasville, Ga 201 Toledo, Ohio 1,338 Trenton, N. J 1,096 Trenton, Ga 714 Troy, N. Y 1,304 Tuscumbi a, Ala 858 Uniontown, Ala 751 Vicksburg, Miss 971 Warrenton, Ga 447 Washington, 1). C 953 Weldon, N. C 737 West Point, N. Y 1,206 West Point, Ga 604 Wheeling, West Va 1, 354 Wilmington, Del 1, 035 Wilmington, N. C "575 Winona, Minn 1,639 Jefferson City, Mo., to Kansas City, Mo 157 Saint Louis, Mo 125 Warrensburg, Mo 93 Jeffersonville, Ind., to Cincinnati, Ohio...- 141 Indianapolis, Ind 108 Louisville, Ky 1 New Albany, Ind. Osgood, Ind Seymour, Ind Versailles, Ind ... Vevay, Ind Miles. 4 84 49 88 70 Joliet, 111., to Keokuk, Iowa 223 Knoxville, Tenn 770 LaCrosse, Wis 317 Lafayette, Ind 149 Lansing, Mich 255 Logansport, Ind 143 Louisville, Ky 322 Lynchburg, Va 1,046 Macon, Ga 899 Madison, Wis 168 Marietta, Ohio 525 Memphis, Tenn 509 Michigan City, Ind 65 Milwaukee, Wis 122 Mobile, Ala 829 Montgomery, Ala 882 Nashville, Tenn 507 New Haven, Conn 1 , 002 New London, Conn 1,033 New Orleans, La 885 New York, N. Y 925 Norfolk, Va 1,028 Ogdensburg, N. Y 867 Oswego, N. Y 738 Parkersburg, West Va .. . 532 Pensacola, Fla 941 Philadelphi a, Pa 849 Pittsburg, Pa 494 Port Huron. Mich 350 Portland, Me 1,159 Prairie du Chien, Wis 266 Providence, R. 1 1,050 Quincy, 111 242 Raleigh, N. C 1,166 Reading, Pa 797 Richmond, Ind 250 Richmond, Va 998 Rock Island, 111 1 42 Rouse's Point, N. Y 966 Saint Louis, Mo 244 Saint Paul, Minn 483 Sandusky City, Ohio 313 Savannah, Ga 1,089 Springfield, Mass 953 90 LISTS OF DISTANCES. Springfield 111 . Miles. 148 620 703 1 351 Madison, \Vis ...... Miles. 309 661 535 288 332 855 908 565 1,205 1,248 911 1,128 1,217 1,082 953 668 967 1,052 697 573 1,374 328 1,265 44 1,337 1,000 414 1,169 139 1,181 184 538 528 1,147 1,168 128 678 918 1,409 294 473 1,082 1,070 773 1,039 1,255 1,160 646 1,080 1,314 437 Stevenson Ala Marietta Ohio. Syracuse N. Y...... Memphis, Tenn Michigan City, Ind ...... Terre Haute Ind 222 258 879 855 747 868 1,064 945 489 877 1,246 351 144 50 105 85 146 620 220 290 29 137 431 40 120 228 283 387 893 68 828 403 287 478 307 456 1, 162 957 Milwaukee \Vis Toledo Ohio Mobile Ala Trenton N. J Montgomery, Ala .... .... Troy N Y Nashville, Tenn Vicksburg Miss New Haven Conn AVashinffton D C New London Conn Weld on N C New Orleans, La West Point N Y New York N. Y Wheeling West Va Norfolk Va \Vilmington Del Ogdensburg, N. Y . Wilmington N C Oswego N Y.--.-. TVinona, Minn. ...... .... Parkersburg, West Va . . . Pensacola Fla Kalamazoo, Mich., to Philadelphia, Pa ... Pittsburg Pa ... Port Huron, Mich Portland, Me Lansing Mich Prairie du Chien, Wis Providence, R.I Quincy, 111 Kansas City, Mo., to Denver, C. T Raleigh N. C Reading Pa Richmond Ind Richmond, Va ...... .... T?nr>k Tsland Til Fort Harker, Kan l?nnp'2 Fort Gratiot Mich Fort Mackinac, Mich Marietta Ohio Marquette, Mich...,. . Memphis, Term. .... Michigan City Ind Milwaukee, Wis Mobile, Ala Nashville, Tenn New Haven Conn New London Conn - New Orleans La New York, N.Y Norfolk Va Ogdensburg N Y Oswego N Y Parkersburg, West Va . . . Pensacola Fla Philadelphia Pa Pittsburg Pa Port Huron Mich . ... Portland Me Prairie du C Men, Wis.... Providence R I Quiucy 111 Raleigh N C Reading Pa . . Richmond Ind Richmond, Va .... Rock Island 111 Rouse's Point NY Saint Louis Mo - Sandusky City Ohio Savannah, Ga ... Springfield, Mass . .. Springfield, 111 .. .. Stevenson Ala Syracuse N Y Tallahassee, Fla. Terre Haute, lad Toledo Ohio Trenton, N. J Troy, N.Y Vicksburg, Miss Washington D C Weldon,N.C West Point, N. Y .. 98 LISTS OP DISTANCES. Wheeling, West Va. Wilmington, Del ... Wilmington, N. C... Winona, Minn Manistee, Mich., to Pere Marquette, Mich White Biver, Mich Marietta, Ohio, to Memphis, Tenn Michigan City, Ind Milwaukee, Wis Mobile, Ala Montgomery, Ala Nashville, Tenn New Haven, Conn New London, Conn New Orleans, La New York, N. Y Norfolk, Va Ogdensburg, N. Y Oswego, N. Y Parkersburg, West Va . .. Pensacola, Fla Philadelphia, Pa Pittsburg, Pa Port Huron, Mich Portland, Me Prairie du Chien, Wis Providence, R. I Quincy, 111 Raleigh, N. C Reading, Pa Richmond, Ind Richmond, Va Rock Island, 111 Rouse's Point, N. Y Saint Louis, Mo Saint Paul, Minn Sandusky City, Ohio Savannah, Ga Springfield, Mass Springfield, 111 Stevenson, Ala Syracuse, N. Y Tallahassee, Fla Terre Haute, Ind Toledo, Ohio Trenton, N. J Troy, N. Y Miles. 594 Vicksburg Miss 982 Washington, D. C ],351 Weldon, N. C 207 West Point, N. Y Wheeling West Va Wilmington, Del .. . 31 Wilmington, N. C .. .. 79 Winona, Minn . 718 464 Marquette, Mich., to Detroit, Mich 573 Escanaba, Mich ..... 1,038 Fort Brady, Mich 990 Fort Howard, Wis 526 Fort Wilkins Mich 663 Milwaukee, Wis 713 Portage, Mich 1,094 586 596 665 536 White Fish Point, Mich .. Memphis, Tenn., to Brookhaven Miss 13 Bolivar, Miss . . 1,144 495 Calhoun Miss 141 Devall's Bluff Ark 447 Dixon, 111 923 Fort Smith, Ark 717 775 Grand Junction, Tenn Greensboro' Miss 651 Goodman, Miss . 716 Helena, Ark 444 Hernando, Miss 569 Holly Springs Miss 548 Lake, Miss . 635 Lauderdale, Miss 764 Little Rock Ark 540 Macon Miss 934 Madison, Ark 275 Magnolia, Miss..--.. . . 1 108 Meridian, Miss. ... 725 Michigan City Ind 537 Milwaukee, Wis . 639 Mobile Ala 501 Montgomery, Ala .... 1,370 387 Mouth of Arkansas river, Ark 326 528 Mouth of White river, Ark. Nashville, Tenn 679 Natchez, Miss - . Miles. 956 418 634 638 76 467 796 802 502 75 152 171 140 318 70 114 264 213 215 194 345 524 564 52 148 159 90 22 77 264 269 394 224 180 295 287 553 622 422 475 190 169 232 375 LISTS OF DISTANCES. 99 Miles. New Haven, Conn 1, 241 New London, Conn 1,291 New Orleans, La 393 New York, N. Y 1,164 Norfolk, Va 960 Ogdensburg, N. Y 1, 244 Oswego, N. Y 1,115 Oxford, Miss 106 Panola, Miss 59 Parkersburg, West Va . . . 725 Pascagoula, Miss 472 Pass Christain, Miss 468 Pensacola, Fla 534 Philadelphia, Pa 1,073 Pine Bluff, Ark Pittsburg, Pa.. Port Gibson, Miss Port Huron, Mich 370 830 324 807 Portland, Me 1,501 Prairie du Chien, Wis 694 Providence, R. I 1,353 Quincy, 111 5J4 Raleigh, N. C 1,025 Reading, Pa 1,090 Richmond, Ind 526 Richmond, Va 881 Rock Island, 111 564 Rouse's Point, N. Y 1,343 Saint Louis, Mo 352 Saint Paul, Minn 904 Saudusky City, Ohio 705 Savannah, Ga 741 Springfield , Mass 1 , 303 Springfield, 111 415 Stevenson, Ala 272 Syracuse, N. Y 1,079 Tallahassee, Fla 1,003 Terre Haute, Ind 420 Toledo, Ohio 686 Trenton, N.J 1,106 Tupelo, Miss. Vicksburg, Miss... Washington, D. C. Weldon, N. C. 143 255 934 943 West Point, N. Y 1,216 Wheeling, West Va 770 Wilmington, Del 1,045 Wilmington, N. C Winchester, Miss Winona, Minn Woodville, Miss YazooCity, Miss 908 344 803 526 375 Michigan City, Ind., to Detroit Arsenal, Mich Milwaukee, Wis Mobile, Ala Montgomery, Ala Nashville, Tenn New Haven, Conn New London, Conn New Orleans, La New York, N. Y Norfolk, Va Ogdensburg, N. Y Oswego, N. Y Parkersburg, West Va Pensacola, Fla Philadelphia, Pa Pittsburg, Pa Port Huron, Mich Portland, Me. Prairie du Chien, Wis Providence, R. I Quincy, 111 Raleigh, N. C Reading, Pa Richmond, Ind .. Richmond, Va Rock Island, 111 Rouse' s Point, N. Y Saint Louis, Mo Saint Paul, Minn Sandusky City, Ohio Savannah, Ga Springfield, Mass Springfield, 111 Stevenson, Ala Syracuse, N. Y Tallahassee, Fla Terre Haute, Ind Toledo, Ohio Trenton, N. J Vicksburg, Miss Washington, D. C Weldon, N. C , West Point, N. Y Wheeling, West Va Wilmington, Del Wilmington, N. C Winona, Minn Miles. 219 140 873 912 448 938 968 929 866 969 802 673 471 985 790 435 285 1,094 294 985 307 1,105 738 200 937 207 901 309 501 248 1 03Q 888 213 561 638 1,292 183 193 820 791 807 1, 023 880 414 818 1 185 369 100 LISTS OF DISTANCES. Milleclgeville, Ga., to Albany, Ga Americus, Ga Anderson, Ga Athens, Ga Baldwin, Fla . Blakely, Ala Brunswick, Ga Cedar Keys, Fla Cleveland, Tenn Cuthbert, Ga Dalton, Ga Decatur, Ala Eatonton, Ga Eufaula, Ala Fort Gaines, Ga Fort Valley, Ga Gainesville, Fla Girard, Ala Gordon, Ga Greenville, Ala Griffin, Ga Huntsville, Ala Kingston, Ga Lake City, Fla Live Oak. Fla Madison, Fla Marietta, Ga Millen, Ga Mobile, Ala Montgomery, Ala Monticello, Fla... Newnan, Ga New Orleans, La . New York, N. Y.. Opelika, Ala Pensacola, Fla ... Pollard, Ala Quincy, Fla Rome, Ga Saint Mark's Fla . Savannah, Ga Selma, Ala Stevenson, Ala ... Talladega, Ala Tallahassee, Fla.. Thomasville, Ga.. Trenton, Ga Tuscumbia, Ala.. Miles. 136 100 86 113 423 394 325 540 261 148 233 392 18 173 160 58 475 130 10 266 90 368 192 383 311 360 387 153 101 407 222 420 161 582 960 158 376 336 467 212 464 180 303 308 412 343 380 291 435 Uniontown Ala Miles. 333 752 39 181 223 110 361 336 147 266 458 33 193 80 318 942 995 99 566 150 1,061 1,094 998 984 1,087 928 799 580 1, 054 147 162 908 553 336 1,220 194 1,111 350 23 1,225 856 309 1,057 218 1,027 147 366 375 Washington, D. C Warrenton, Ga West Point Ga Milwaukee, Wis., to Aux Bees Scies, Mich Black Lake Harbor, Mich Fort Brady, Mich Fort Gratiot Mich Fort Howard, Wis Fort Mackinac, Mich Fort Wilkins, Mich Kenosha, Wis Manistee, Mich Manitowoc, Wis Marquette, Mich Mobile Ala Montgomery, Ala Muskegon, Mich Nashville Tenn New Buffalo, Mich New Haven, Conn New London, Conn New Orleans, La New York, N. Y Norfolk, Va . Ogdensburg N. Y Oswego N Y Parkersburg, West Va . . . Pensacola, Fla Pentwater, Mich Pere Marquette, Mich Philadelphia, Pa Pittsburg, Pa. Port Huron Mich Portland, Me Prairie du Chien, Wis Providence R. I Quincy 111 Racine W^is Raleigh, N. C Reading, Pa Richmond Ind Richmond Va Rock Island, 111 Rouse's Point, N. Y.. Saint Joseph, Mich Saint Louis Mo Saint Paul, Minn . . LISTS OF DISTANCES. 101 Sandusky City, Ohio Savannah, Ga Sheboygan, Wis , South 'Haven, Mich Springfield, Mass Springfield, 111 , Stevenson, Ala , Superior City, Wis , Syracuse, N. Y , Tallahassee, Fla Terre Haute, Ind Toledo, Ohio , Trenton, N. J , Vicksburg, Miss Washington, D. C Weldon, N. C West Point, N. Y Wheeling, West Va , White River, Mich , Wilmington. Del Wilmington, N. C Winona, Minn Mitchell, Ind., to Cairo, 111 Cincinnati, Ohio Indianapolis, Ind Lafayette, Ind Louisville, Ky New Albany, Ind Saint Louis, Mo Vincennes, Ind Mobile, Ala., to Albany, Ga - Americus, Ga Anderson, Ga Athens, Ga Baldwin, Fla Bladen Springs, Ala Blakely, Ala Bruns\v ick, Ga Cedar Keys, Fla Cleveland, Tenn Cuthbert, Ga Dalton, Ga... Decatur, Ala Demopolis, Ala Eatonton, Ga Eufaula, Ala Fort Gaines, Ala Miles. 374 1,148 55 160 1,014 270 679 533 764 1,410 301 319 938 860 927 1,143 1,006 541 114 936 1,305 229 269 127 99 137 64 61 214 65 427 391 377 495 810 145 13 722 927 489 439 461 424 250 425 464 30 Fort Gaines Ga Miles. 451 30 349 323 862 277 397 141 392 448 420 770 698 747 774 381 488 186 807 45 546 1,389 1,439 321 175 1,312 1,030 1,651 250 1,522 1,045 112 1,221 1,150 72 1,127 1,649 1,014 1,501 834 854 l>19 1,238 846 1,029 884 440 1,668 672 857 1,224 Fort Morgan, Ala . Fort Valley, Ga Gainesville, Ala Gainesville, Fla Girard, Ala . Gordon, Ga Greenville Ala Griffin Ga Kingston Ga Lake City Fla Lawton, Ga . .. . Live Oak Fla Madison Fla Marietta Fla Millen Ga Montgomery Ala Monticello Fla Mount Vernon Arsenal, Ala Nashville Tenn New Haven Conn New London, Conn . . . *. . Newnan Ga . . ... New Orleans, La New York N Y Norfolk, Va Ogdensburg N Y Opelika Ala Oswego, N. Y Parkersburg, West Va Pensacola Fla Philadelphia Pa Pittsburg, Pa Pollard Ala - . . Port Huron Mich Portland Me Prairie du Chien, Wis Providence R. I ...... Quincy 111 Quincy Fla Raleigh. N. C. Reading Pa ........ ... Richmond Ind Richmond, Va Rock Island, 111 Rome, Ga Rouse's Point N Y Saint Louis, Mo. . Saint Mark's, Fla Saint Paul. Minn.. 102 LISTS OF DISTANCES. Sandusky City, Ohio Miles. 1,025 567 242 1,451 735 508 1,487 376 830 740 767 1,006 1,254 519 413 381 297 275 446 1,082 949 1,364 274 1,090 1,193 787 1,123 241 205 191 309 620 173 536 742 303 253 275 434 240 278 265 163 672 91 ' 211 45 206 Huntsville, Ala ... . Miles. 410 234 580 508 557 588 195 302 186 621 464 1,203 1,253 135 361 1,126 844 1,465 64 1,336 997 154 1,035 1, 102 114 1,079 1,463 1,067 1,315 887 668 733 1,052 798 843 937 254 1,482 725 665 1,277 977 381 81 1,265 735 351 1,301 190 643 793 Kingston, Ga . Lake City Fla Springfield, Mass Lawton, Ga. Springfield, 111 Live Oak, Fla Stevenson, Ala . Madison, Fla Svracuse, N.Y..... .... . Marietta Ga Talladega, Ala Millen Ga Tallahassee, Fla. . Mobile, Ala . Terre Haute, Ind Monticello, Fla Thomas ville, Ga Nashville Tenn Toledo Ohio . . New Haven Conn Trenton N J Trenton, Ga Newnan Ga . New Orleans, La New York, N.Y Norfolk, Va . Vicksburg, Miss. ... Ogdensburg N Y Opelika, Ala .. Oswego, N.Y Weldon, N. C Parkersburg, West Va Pensacola Fla West Point NY. - West Poiril Ga Philadelphia Pa Wheeling, West Va Pittsburg Pa "Wilmington, Del ... .. Pollard Ala Wilmington, N. C .. Port Huron, Mich . Portland, Me Montgomery > Ala., to Prairie du Chien, Wis Providence, R. I . Quincy, 111 . .. Quincy, Fla Americus, Ga ......... Raleigh, N. C Anderson Ga Reading Pa Richmond, Ind... Baldwin, Fla Richmond, Va Blakely Ala Rock Island 111 Brunswick Ga Rome Ga Cedar Keys, Fla Rouse's Point, N. Y Cleveland, Tenn . Saint Louis Mo Cuthbert Ga Saint Mark's Fla Dalton Ga Saint Paul Minn Decatur, Ala Sandusky City, Ohio . Eatonton, Ga Savannah, Ga ....... .... Eufaula, Ala Selma Ala . . Fort Gaines Ga Springfield Mass Fort Valley Ga Springfield 111 Gainesville, Fla . . . Stevenson, Ala Girard, Ala . Syracuse, N. Y Gordon Ga Talladega, Ala .... Greenville Ala Tallahassee Fla Griffin, Ga.. Terre Haute, Ind . . LISTS OF DISTANCES. 103 Thomasville Ga . Miles. 581 Providence RI ...... Miles. 1,194 544 866 931 334 722 594 1,151 382 927 513 582 1,144 445 113 887 844 367 494 947 1,039 515 775 784 1,057 578 886 749 795 310 65 181 358 418 216 377 277 275 330 352 165 219 278 323 70 260 270 323 316 Toledo Ohio 958 Quincy 111 Trenton, N. J . 1,068 Raleigh,N.C 333 Reading Pa Troy N Y 1 276 Richmond Ind Tuscuinbia Ala 434 Richmond Va Uniontown, Al.i 111 Rock Island, 111 Vicksburg Miss 328 Rouse's Point N Y \Varrenton Ga 260 Saint Louis Mo Washington, D. C 896 Saint Paul, Minn Weld on N C 763 Sandusky City Ohio West Point N Y 1 178 Savannah Ga West Point, Ga . 88 Springfield, Mass . Wheeling, West Va . 1 042 Springfield 111 Wilmington Del 1 007 Stevenson Ala Wilmington, N. C 601 \Vinona, Minn ...... 1 176 Tallahassee Fla . . Muskegon, Mich., White River, Mich to 15 Terre Haute Ind Toledo Ohio Trenton, N. J Naples, 111., to Alton, 111 89 Troy, N Y Vicksburg Miss Washington, D. C Keok.uk Iowa . 80 Weldon N. C ... Pittsford, N. Y 790 West Point, N.Y Quincv, 111 66 Wheeling, West Va Rochester N. Y 782 "Wilmington, Del ...... Springfield 111 56 Wilmington N C Nashville, Tenii., Bowling Green, Ky to 71 "Winona Minn Natchez, Miss., to Bolivar Miss Camp Nelson Ky 297 Columbus, Ky .. ... 182 Franklin, Ky 51 Calhoun Miss Gallatin Tenn 26 Columbus Miss New Haven Conn 1 082 Corinth Miss New London Conn 1 132 Goodman Miss New Orleans La 608 Grand Junction, Tenn Greensboro' Miss New York N Y 1 005 Norfolk Va 801 Grenada Miss Ogde"ns burg, N. Y 1, 052 Hernando, Miss . Oswego N Y 923 Holly Springs, Miss...... Paducah Ky 184 Jackson Miss Parkersburg, WestVa.. Pensacola, Fla 533 618 Lake Miss Lauderdale, Miss . . Philadelphia Pa 914 Macon, Miss Pittsburg Pa fiSft Magnolia Miss Pittsburg Landing, Tenn . 175 Port Huron, Mich - 615 Meridian Miss Portland, Me Prairie du Chien. Wis.. .. 1,342 710 Oxford, Miss .. . 104 LISTS OF DISTANCES. Pascagoula Miss Miles. 425 375 73 45 404 120 317 346 240 125 40 102 7 66 52 111 328 332 79 295 29 154 255 50 1,564 74 4J5 63 404 333 650 1, 357 165 508 86G 268 1,208 1J2 1,208 591 205 812 Richmond, Va .. . .... Miles. 437 1,144 316 1,144 1,422 694 969 62 1,094 969 300 1,231 954 745 135 158 1,446 307 494 128 28 574 196 656 1,293 9 182 341 68 480 108 520 400 186 127 1 137 137 J14 1 136 127 61 110 176 135 186 50 1,614 Pass Christian Miss Rock Island 111 Port Gibson, Miss Rouse's Point, N. Y St Joseph La ...... Saint Louis, Mo Tupelo Miss Saint Paul, Minn . .... . Vicksburg Miss Sandusky City, Ohio .. .. Savannah Ga \Voodville Miss . Springfield, Mass . Yazoo City Miss Springfield, 111 Neponset, 111., to Chicago 111 Stevenson Ala Syracuse N Y Tallahassee, Fla Gfllp Til Terre Haute, Ind Tnlipt Til Toledo, Ohio Oppnln Til Trenton, N. J..1 T?nr>lr Tclnnrl Til Troy, N.Y New Braunfels, Texas, to Austin, Texas Vicksburg Miss Washington D C Weldon, N. C West Point, N. Y Belton, Texas Buffalo Springs, Texas ... Fort Belknap, Texas Wilmington N C Georgetown, Texas Jacksboro', Texas New London, Conn to Albany N Y San Antonio, Texas "Waco Texas Weatherford, Texas New Haven, Conn., to New London Conii Binghamton, N. Y Bridgeport, Conn ...... . Buffalo, NY. ... David's Island N Y New Orleans, La Dunkirk, N.Y New York, N. Y Elmira, N.Y Norfolk, Va Fishkill N Y Norwich Conn Fort Columbus N Y Ogdensburg N Y Fort Griswold Conn Oswego, N. Y Fort Hamilton, N. Y Parkersburg, West Va Pensacola Fla Fort Lafayette N Y Fort Schuyler N Y Philadelphia Pa Fort Trumbull Conn Pittsburg, Pa Fort Wadsworth, N. Y .. . Fort Wood N Y Port Huron, Mich Portland, Me Hartford Conn Prairie du Chien, Wis Providence R I Hart Island N Y Hudson N Y Quincy , 111 . Newark, N. J Raleigh, N. C New burg N Y Reading, Pa New Haven Conn New Orleans, La . . LISTS OF DISTANCES. 105 Miles. Newport, R.I 89 New Rochelle, N. Y 1 06 New York, N.Y 124 Norfolk, Va 465 Ogdensburg, N. Y 434 Oswego, N.Y 363 Parkersburg, West Va . . . . 700 Pensacola, Fla 1, 407 Philadelphia, Pa 215 Pittsburg, Pa 558 Port Huron, Mich 896 Portland,Me 213 Prairie du Chien, Wis . . . . 1 , 238 Providence, R.I 62 Quincy, 111 :. 1,251 Raleigh, N. C 641 Reading, Pa 255 Richmond, Ind 862 Richmond, Va 487 Rochester, N. Y 411 Rock Island, III 1,175 Rome, N.Y 292 Rouse's Point, N. Y 337 Saint Louis, Mo 1,194 Saint Paul, Minn ;. 1,455 Salamanca, N. Y 541 Sandusky City, Ohio 724 Sandy Hook, N. Y 146 Savannah, Ga 1,019 Schenectady, N. Y 199 Springfield, Mass 80 Springfield, 111 1,137 Stevenson, Ala 1 , 019 Stonington, Conn 12 Syracuse, N.Y 330 Tallahassee, Fla 1,281 Terre Haute, Ind 1 , 004 Toledo, Ohio 775 Trenton, N.J 185 Troy, N.Y 188 Vicksburg, Miss 1 , 496 Washington, D. C 357 Water vliet Arsenal, N. Y . 189 Weldon, N. C 544 West Point, N. Y 178 Wheeling, West Va 624 Whitehall Junction, N. Y. 239 Willet's Point, N. Y 146 Williams' Bridge, N. Y. . . 112 Wilmington, Del 246 Wilmington, N. C 706 Winona, Minn 1,323 Miles. New Orleans, La., to Aiken,S.C 690 Albany, N.Y 1,603 Alexandria, La 360 Amite, La 68 Anderson, S. C 943 Annapolis, Md 1,299 Apalachicola, Fla Atlanta, Ga 278 536 Augusta, Me 1,887 Augusta, Ga 673 Austin, Texas 565 Baltimore, M 1, 297 Bangor, Me 1,960 Bath, Me 1,863 BatQn Rouge, La 130 Bayou Sara, La 160 Beaufort, N.C 1,141 Boston, Mass 1,716 Brashear City, La 80 Brattleboro', Vt 1,686 Brazos Santiago, Texas .. 630 Brenham, Texas 455 Brownsville, Texas 667 Buffalo, N.Y 1,306 Burlington, Vt 1, 739 Burlington, Iowa 947 Cairo, 111 548 Carlisle, Pa 1,398 Cedar Keys, Fla. Charleston, S.C Charlotte, N.C Chattanooga, Tenn Chester, S.C Chicago, 111 Cincinnati, Ohio 448 810 925 653 880 913 895 Cleveland, Ohio 1 , 122 Columbia, S. C 1 - 816 Columbus, Ohio 1,013 Concord, N. H 1,763 Council Bluffs, Iowa 1 , 1 64 Crestline, Ohio 1, 047 Darlington, S. C 864 Davenport, Iowa 942 Dayton, Ohio 943 Des Moines, Iowa 1 , 073 Detroit, Mich 1, 127 Donaldsonville, La 80 Dover, Del 1,375 Dubuque, Iowa 1,006 Elmira, N. Y 1,451 Erie, Pa 1,217 106 LISTS OF DISTANCES. Evansville, Ind ... Miles. 708 1,082 578 1,145 60 829 936 1,041 95 25 1,144 1,218 40 1,393 60 1'*, 272 968 818 325 900 1,046 480 1,019 1,015 1, 382 Monroe La Fayetteville, N. C Montgomery, Ala Fort Brooke, Fla Montgomery La Fort Howard, Wis Morganton, N. C Fort Jackson, La Mouth of Red River, La.. Nashville, Tenn Fort Jefferson,Fla. 5 ^e^. Fort Leavenworth, Kan.. Fort Livingston, La Fort Macomb, La . . Newberry, S. C New Berne, N. C New Haven, Conn New London Conn Fort Macon, N. C New York, N. Y Fort Monroe, Va Norfolk Va Fort Pike La * Ogdensburgf N Y Oswego N Y Fort St. Philip La Parkersburg, West Va. .. Fort Snelling Minn Fort Wayne, Ind Pensacola, Fla. wl 1 -" Philadelphia Pa Frankfort, Ky Galveston, Texas Pittsburg, Pa . . . Georgetown, S. C. ....... Port Huron Mich Goldsboro', N. C Portland Me Grand Ecore La Prairie du Chien, Wis Proctorsville La Grand Haven, Mich Providence R I Harrisburg, Pa Hartford Conn 1,600 792 375 862 497 183 6 1,004 885 911 765 872 745 1,145 859 1,119 896 753 1,079 552 1,019 1,094 393 929 998 175 Raleigh N C Hilton Head, S. C. . . . Reading Pa . . . Houston, Texas Richmond Ind Indianapolis, Ind Richmond, Va . . Indianola, Texas . . .. Rock Island, 111 Jackson, Miss . Rouse's Point N Y Jackson Barracks, La Jacksonville, Fla Saint Louis Mo Saint Mark's, Fla. j ^' Saint Maurice La Joliet, 111 Keokuk, Iowa . Key West, Fla. | J&;;" Knoxville, Tenn Saint Paul, Minn Salisbury, N. C San Antonio Texas La Crosse, Wis Sandusky City Ohio Savannah, Ga . Lansing, Mich . Ship Island, Miss Logansport, Ind Shreveport La Louisville, Ky Springfield Mass Lynchburg, Va . Springfield, 111 Stevenson, Ala . Madison, Wis Sumter S. C Marietta, Ohio... Syracuse NY ... , Memphis, Tenn Tallahassee, Fla. J w * ter * ( ran. . . Terre Haute, Ind Michigan City, Ind Milwaukee, Wis. . Mobile. Ala. . Toledo. Ohio . . Miles. 490 361 436 1,050 210 608 863 1,105 1,564 1,614 1,487 1,205 1,620 1,491 1,101 287 154 ,396 ,206 ,183 ,824 ,070 26 1,676 890 1,094 1,413 902 1,204 940 1,719 728 353 1,025 459 1,280 968 647 1,081 742 75 700 1,626 791 615 815 1,455 374 1,004 796 1,062 LI&TS OF DISTANCES. 10? Miles. Trenton, N J 1,429 Troy, N. Y 1,607 TTnionville, S. C 881 Vicksburg, Miss 228 Vidalia,La_. 270 Washington, D. C 1, 257 Waterloo, La 655 Weldon, N. C 1,124 West Point, N. Y 1,539 Wheeling, West Va 1, 146 Wilmington, Del 1 , 368 Wilmington, N. C 962 Winona, Minn 1,179 Newport, R. I., to Albany, N. Y 226 Binghamton, N. Y 378 Bridgeport, Conn.... 157 Boston, Mass 67 Buffalo, N. Y 586 David's Island, N. Y ..... 185 Dunkirk, N. Y 623 Elmira, N. Y 437 Fishkill, N. Y 214 Fort Adams, R. 1 1 Fort Columbus, N. Y 1 64 Fort Gris wold, Conn 90 Fort Hamilton, N. Y 174 Fort Lafayette, N. Y 174 Fort Schuy ler, N. Y 180 Fort Trumbull, Conn 89 Fort Wadsworth, N. Y. .. 173 Fort Wood, N. Y 164 Hartford, Conn 117 Hart Island, N. Y 187 Hudson, N. Y 220 Newark, N. J 172 Newburg, N. Y 223 New Haven, Conn 139 New Rochelle, N. Y. . . . :. 183 New York, N. Y 163 Norwich, Conn 79 Providence, R.I 27 Rochester, N. Y 455 Rome, N. Y . 336 Salamanca, N. Y 578 Sandy Hook, N. Y 183 Schenectady, N. Y 243 Stonington, Conn , 77 Syracuse, N. Y 374 Trenton, N. J 221 Miles. Troy, N. Y .............. 232 Watervliet Arsenal, N. Y . . 233 West Point, N. Y ........ 223 Westport, Conn ......... 167 Whitehall Junction, N. Y. 236 Willet's Point, N. Y ...... 183 Williams' Bridge, N. Y. . . 177 New York, N. Y., to Aiken, S. C ............. 852 Albany, N. Y ............ 144 Alexandria, La .......... 1,709 Anderson, S. C .......... 875 Annapolis, Md .......... 228 Atlanta, Ga ............. 951 Augusta, Me ............ 400 Augusta, Ga ............ 869 Austin, Texas ........... 2,052 Baltimore, Md ........... 189 Bangor, Me ............. 473 Bath, Me ............... 376 Baton Rouge, La ........ 1,617 Beaufort, N. C .......... 590 Binghamton, N. Y ....... 215 Boston, Mass ......... ... 229 Brashear City, La ....... 1,567 Brattleboro', Vt ......... 196 Brazos Santiago, Texas ... 2,117 Brenham, Texas ......... 1,942 Bridgeport, Conn ........ 58 Brownsville, Texas ...... 2, 154 Buffalo, N. Y ......... ... 423 Burlington, Vt .......... 303 Burlington, Iowa ........ 1 , 092 Cairo, 111 ................ 1,125 Carlisle, Pa ............. 200 Charleston, S. C. Charlotte, N. C . . - ...... Chattanooga, Tenn ...... Chester, S. C ............ Chicago,. Ill ............. Cincinnati, Ohio ......... Cleveland, Ohio ......... Columbia, S. C .......... Columbus, Ohio ......... Concord, N. H .......... Council Bluffs, Iowa ..... Crestline, Ohio .......... Darlington, S. C ........ Davenport, Iowa ........ 642 854 684 899 744 572 748 624 273 1, 389 620 696 1,075 108 LISTS OF DISTANCES, Miles. David's Island, N. Y 22 Dayton, Ohio 694 Des Moines, Iowa 1,250 Detroit, Mich 749 Dover, Del 166 Dubuque, Iowa 1,090 Dunkirk, N. Y 460 Elmira, N. Y 274 Erie, Pa 486 Evansville, Ind 986 Fayetteville, N. C 699 Fishkill, N. Y 60 Fort Adams, E. 1 163 Fort Columbus, N. Y 1 Fort Griswold, Conn 125 Fort Hamilton, N. Y. .... 11 Fort Howard, Wis 1, 131 Fort Lafayette, N. Y 11 Fort Leaven worth, Kan . . 1 , 380 Fort Macon, N. C 593 Fort Monroe, Va 323 Fort Porter, N. Y 425 Fort Ridgely, Minn 1 , 458 Fort Schuyler, N. Y 17 Fort Snelling, Minn 1, 337 Fort Trurnbull, Conn 124 Fort Wadsworth, N. Y. .. 10 Fort Wayne, Ind 751 Fort Wood, N. Y I Frankfort, Ky 873 Galveston, Texas 1, 812 Georgetown, S. C 769 Gettysburg, Pa 228 Goldsboro', N. C 495 Grand Haven, Mich 938 Harrisburg, Pa 182 Hartford, Conn 110 Hart Island, N. Y 24 Hilton Head, S. C 850 Houston, Texas 1,862 Hudson, N. Y 115 Indianapolis, Ind 804 Indianola, Texas 1,984 Jackson, Miss 1,324 Jacksonville, Fla 1,154 Joliet, 111. 925 Keokuk, Iowa 1,128 Key West, Fla 1,276 Knoxville, Tenn 742 LaCrosse, Wis 1,179 Lafayette, Ind. .. Lansing, Mich. .. Logansport, Ind. Louisville, Ky. .. Lynchburg, Va.. Macon, Ga. Miles. 858 799 82! 884 408 990 Madison, Wis 1,030 Marietta, Ohio 586 Memphis, Tenn 1,164 Michigan City, Ind 866 Milwaukee, Wis 984 Mobile, Ala 1,312 Montgomery, Ala 1,126 Morganton, N. C 681 Nashville, Tenn 1 , 005 Newark, N. J 9 Newberry, S.C 795 New Berne, N 554 Newburg, N. Y 60 New Haven, Conn 74 New London, Conn 124 New Orleans, La 1,487 New Rochelle, N. Y 20 Norfolk, Va 338 Ogdensburg, N. Y 396 Oswego, N.Y 328 Parkersburg, West Va . . . . 573 Pensacola, Fla 1,280 Philadelphia, Pa 88 Pittsburg, Pa 431 Plattsburg, N.Y 388 Port Huron, Mich 805 Portland, Me 337 Prairie du Chien, Wis 1, 128 Providence, R. I 186 Quincy, 111 1,131 Raleigh, N. C 514 Reading Pa 128 Richmond, Ind 735 Richmond, Va 360 Rochester, N. Y 372 Rock Island, 111 1,067 Rome, N. Y 254 Rouse's Point, N.Y 356 Sackett's Harbor, ISf. Y... 335 Saint Louis, Mo 1,067 Saint Paul, Minn 1 , 345 Salamanca, N. Y 415 Salisbury, N. C 556 Sandusky, City, Ohio 633 LISTS OF DISTANCES. 109 Sandv Hook N Y Miles. 20 6,110 5,225 892 161 136 1,017 892 136 725 295 1,154 877 684 58 150 813 1,369 230 151 417 52 497 221 20 14 119 579 1,213 458 393 225 180 178 133 200 40 90 206 220 309 149 15 37 163 299 179 Hanover C. H., Va Harper's Ferry, W. Va... Harrisonburg Va San Francisco, Cal., via Panama . . San Francisco, Cal., via Tehuantepec Hicksford, Va. .. ... Leesburg, Va Savannah, Ga. . . . Louisa C. H., Va Lynchburg, Va. . Schenectady, N. Y Springfield, Mass Manassas Junction, Va... Marion, Va Springfield 111 Stevenson, Ala Martinsburg, W. Va Stonington, Conn Milford, Va Sumter, S. C Mount Jackson Va Syracuse, N. Y . Tallahassee, Fla Orange C. H., Va Terre Haute Ind Oswego, N. Y Toledo Ohio Parkersburg, West Va Pensacola, Fla... Trenton, N. J Troy, N Y Petersburg, Va ... Unionville S C Philadelphia Pa Vicksburg, Miss . Pittsburg, Pa Washington, D. C Port Huron, Mich . Watervliet Arsenal, N. Y.. Weldon N C Portland, Me Prairie du Chien, Wis Prospect, Va ...... West Point, N. Y Wheeling. West Va Providence, R. I Whitehall Junction, N. Y. Willet's Point, N. Y Quincy, 111 Raleigh, N. C Williams' Bridge, N. Y... "Wilmington Del Reading, Pa . . . . Richmond Ind Wilmington, N. C ^^inona, Minn ...... Rock Island, 111 Youngstown N. Y Rouse's Point, N Y Norfolk, Va., to Abingdon, Va Saint Louis Mo Saint Paul. Minn Salem, Roanoke Co., Va.. Sandusky City Ohio Alexandria Va Appomattox Va Savannah Ga Aquia Creek, Va Sexton's Junction, Va South Boston, Va . . Burkeville, Va Charlottesville Va Springfield, Mass Cherrystone Va Springfield 111 City Point, Va Culpeper Va Stevenson, Ala?..... Danville Va Strasburg Va Dublin, Va Suffolk, Va Farmville, Va . ... Syracuse, N. Y Fort Monroe Va Tallahassee, Fla Franklin Va Terre Haute Ind Fredericksburg Va Toledo Ohio Front Royal, Va Trenton, N. J Gordons ville, Va.. Trov. N. Y.. Miles. 121 281 264 124 263 165 204 241 364 300 141 337 721 188 592 583 998 81 1 247 534 909 675 1,231 160 527 1,220 178 316 824 103 1,170 694 1,130 1,448 284 736 556 126 188 477 1,106 239 688 361 23 557 818 966 . 788 280 488 110 LISTS OF DISTANCES. Vicksburg, Miss Warrenton Junction, Va. Washington, D. C Weldon, N. C West Point, N. Y West Point, Va Wheeling, West Va Wilmington. Del Wilmington, N. C Williamsburg, Va Winchester, Va Winona, Minn Woodstock, Va Wytheville, Va Yorktown, Va Odin, 111., to- Cairo, 111 Cincinnati, Ohio Lafayette, Ind LaSalle, 111 Saint Louis, Mo Terre Haute, Ind... Vincennes, Ind to Oswego, N. Y Parkersburg, West Va. . Pensacola, Fla Philadelphia, Pa , Pittsburg, Pa Port Huron, Mich , Portland, Me Prairie du Chien, Wis..., Providence, R. 1 Quincy, 111 Raleigh, N. C , Reading, Pa Richmond, Ind Richmond, Va Rock Island, 111 Rome Arsenal, N. Y Rouse's Point, N. Y...... Saint Louis, Mo Saint Paul, Minn Sandusky City, Ohio Savannah, Ga Springfield, Mass Springfield, 111 , Stevenson, Ala Miles. 1,165 Syracuse, N. Y Miles. 164 228 Tallahassee Fla 1 522 233 Terre Haute, Ind . . 852 81 Toledo, Ohio 609 390 Trenton N. J 441 68 Troy N Y 256 579 Vicksburg, Miss - 1,482 219 Washington, D. C ... 569 243 Weldon, N. C 785 56 West Point, N. Y 346 313 Wheeling, West Va 590 1 316 \Vilmington Del 562 326 Wilmington N C 947 337 Winona, Minn 1 157 44 Omaha, Neb., to Albany, N. Y 1.321 121 Alton, 111 464 275 Annapolis, Md ,334 190 Atlanta, Ga . . . ,111 195 Augusta Me 692 66 Augusta Ga 282 127 Austin, Texas ...... ,733 83 Baltimore Md ,296 Bangor Me 765 Bath, Me. ,668 Baton Rouge La ,290 129 Beaufort N C 1 725 678 Beauvais Neb 363 1,619 Boston, Mass .......... 1,521 471 Brashear City La 1,248 550 Brattleboro' Vt 1 465 730 437 Bridger's Ferry, D. T Brownsville, Texas ...... 616 1,835 1 072 Buffalo NY 1 023 424 Burlington Vt 1 457 1,085 Burlington, Iowa ... .... 315 867 Cairo 111 620 443 Camp Collins C T 586 718 Camp Cooke M T 1 958 699 1 009 Camp Douglass, U. T Camp Mitchell Neb 1,028 490 142 Carlisle Pa 1 229 118 Charleston, S. C 1,419 1 042 973 1 289 Chicago 111 494 558 Cincinnati Ohio 781 1 260 Cleveland Ohio 840 354 Colorado City C T 692 971 Columbia S. C 1, 425 1.165 Columbus. Ohio . . 808 LISTS OF DISTANCES. Ill Concord, N. H Council Bluffs, Iowa Crestline, Ohio Davenport, Iowa Dayton, Ohio Deer Creek, D. T Denver, C. T Des Moines, Iowa Detroit, Mich Dover, Del Dubuque, Iowa Elmira, N. Y Erie, Pa E vansville, Ind Feruahdina, Fla Fort Benton, M. T Fort Berthold, D. T FortBridger, U. T Fort Buford, D. T Fort Caspar, D. T FortC. F. Smith, M.T... Fort Connor, D. T Fort Fetterman, D. T Fort Howard, Wis Fort Kearney, Neb Fort Laramie, D. T Fort Leavenworth, Kan .. Fort McPherson, Neb Fort Monroe, Va Fort Morgan, C. T Fort Phil. Kearney, D. T. Fort Reno, D. T Fort Rice, D. T Fort Ridgely, Minn Fort Russell, D. T Fort Sanders, D. T Fort Sedgwick, C. T Fort Shaw, M. T Fort Snelling, Minn Fort Sully, D. T Fort Wayne, Ind Frankfort, Ky Galveston, Texas Grand Haven, Mich Harrisburg, Pa Hartford, Conn Hilton Head, S. C Horse Shoe, D. T Houston, Texas Indianapolis, Ind Indianola, Texas Miles. 1,550 4 773 327 751 660 627 154 778 1, 392 354 1,169 935 636 1,693 2,018 1,038 904 1,286 711 947 719 688 621 195 608 184 276 1,481 482 857 792 863 743 520 573 380 2,079 622 573 642 784 1,493 625 1,211 1,449 1,454 643 1,543 679 1,665 Miles. 985 1,666 498 316 1,085 495 615 739 611 719 1,419 1,214 496 980 792 549 1,535 1,244 540 1,112 1,165 1,731 822 1,470 1,503 1,168 1,393 1,496 1,337 1,208 987 1,224 1,317 962 834 1,629 420 1,520 342 1,634 1,265 718 1,466 329 1,436 134 440 630 1,030 783 Jacksonville Fla Joliet 111 Knoxville Tenn La Crosse AVis Lafayette, Ind ....... Lansing, Mich ... . Logansport Ind LouisviTle Ky Lynch burg, Va Macon Ga Madison \Vis Marietta, Ohio ... . Memphis, Tenn Michigan City Ind Milk River, mouth of, M. T ^lilledgeville Ga Milwaukee \Vis Mobile Ala Montgomery Ala Muscle-shell River, mouth of, M. T Nashville Tenn New Haven Conn . New London Conn New Orleans, La . . .... New York N. Y Norfolk Va Ogdensburg N Y Oswego N. Y Parkersburg, West Va Pensacola Fla . Philadelphia, Pa Pittsburg Pa Port Huron Mich Portland Me Prairie du Chien, Wis Providence R. I .... Quincy 111 Raleigh N C Reading, Pa . .. Richmond, Ind.. Richmond Va Rock Island, 111 Rouse's Potnt, N. Y.. Saint Joseph Mo Saint Louis Mo Saint Paul, Minn . . . Salt Lake City, U. T Sandusky City, Ohio 112 LISTS OF DISTANCES. Miles. 1,404 Toledo, Ohio Miles. 480 Sioux City, Iowa 103 Trenton N J 312 Springfield, Mass I 423 Troy N Y 185 Springfield, 111 . 444 1 353 Stevenson, Ala . 935 Washington D. C 440 Syracuse, N. Y . . ... 1 173 Weldon N C 656 Tallahassee, Fla 1 666 West Point N Y 275 Terre Haute, Ind 584 Wheeling West Va ... . 461 Toledo Ohio 728 373 Trenton, N. J 347 Wilmington N C 818 Troy, N. Y. . .. 325 \Vinona Minn 1 028 Vicksburg, Miss ,030 Youngstown N. Y . . . 200 Washington, D. C. ... .. 336 Weldon, N. C . . 552 * irk* 1 ratlin re 1 ^V*>1 West Point, N. Y ,415 Va., to Wheeling, West Va 950 Ceredo West Va 130 Wilmington, Del 345 Guyandotte \Vest Va 128 Wilmington, N. C ,571 Pensacola, Fla ... 1,151 Winona, Minn . 529 Philadelphia Pa 482 Yellowstone River, mouth Pittsburg Pa 154 of, D. T 1 288 Port Huron Mich 460 Portland, Me 910 Oswego, N. Y., to Fort Porter N Y 187 Prairie du Chien, Wis Providence R I 724 762 Parkersburg, West Va. .. 549 Quincy, 111 658 Pensacola Fla 1,490 Raleigh N. C . 703 Philadelphia Pa 342 Reading Pa 457 Pittsburg Pa 421 Richmond Ind 276 Plattsburg N Y 236 Richmond Va 535 Port Huron Mich 601 Rock Island 111 642 Portland Me 491 Rouse's Point N. Y 777 Prairie du Chien \Vis 943 Saint Louis Mo 547 Providence R I 380 Saint Paul Minn 941 Quincy, 111 956 Sandusky City, Ohio. 288 Raleigh N C 738 Savannah Ga 1 096 Reading Pa 314 Springfield Mass 712 Richmond Ind 589 544 Richmond Va .... 570 Stevenson, Ala ...... 646 Rock Island 111 880 Syracuse N. Y 514 Rouse's Point N Y 228 Tallahassee Fla 1 358 Sackett's Harbor, N. Y... Saint Louis Mo 69 913 Terre Haute, Ind Toledo Ohio 394 339 Saint Paul Minn 1 160 Trenton N. J 515 Sandusky City Ohio 429 Troy NY 692 Savannah Ga 1 131 Vicksburg Miss 963 Springfield, Mass 283 Washington, D. C 405 Springfield, 111 842 Weldon N. C 621 Stevenson, Ala 1 036 West Point, N. Y 625 Syracuse N. Y 35 Wheelino- West Va 89 Tallahassee Fla 1 393 "Wilmington Del 454 Terre Haute, Ind . . 723 Wilmington, N. C 783 809 LISTS OF DISTANCES. 113 Pensacola, Fla., Albany Ga Miles. to 395 Saint Louis Mo Miles. 784 819 1,336 1,131 535 235 1,419 847 505 1,455 344 797 852 735 1,112 1,222 487 1,430 493 265 387 414 1,050 917 1,332 242 1,196 1,161 755 1,235 15 33 312 144 99 97 52 119 121 9 12) 139 228 68 96 78 Saint Mark's Fla Arnericus Ga 359 Saint Paul Minn Anderson, Ga ...... ... 345 Sandusky City, Ohio. Athens Ga . ... 463 Savannah Ga Baldwin Fla 774 Selrna Ala Blakely, Ala 99 Springfield, Mass . Brunswick, Ga 690 Springfield, ID Cedar Keys Fla 896 Stevenson Ala Cleveland, Tenn 457 Syracuse, N. Y Cuthbert, Ga 407 Talladega, Ala Dalton Ga 429 Tallahassee Fla Decatur Ala 536 Terre Haute Ind Eatonton Ga 394 Thomasville Ga Eufaula, Ala 432 Toledo Ohio Fort Barrancas Fla 8 Trenton N J Fort Gaines, Ga 419 Trenton, Ga. . Fort Pickens, Fla 9 Troy N. Y Fort Valley Ga 317 Tuscumbia Ala Gainesville, Fla 826 Uniontown, Ala Girard, Ala .. 245 Vicksburg, Miss. .. .. Gordon, Ga 365 ^^arrenton Ga Greenville, Ala 109 Washington D C Griffin Ga 360 Weldon N C Hunts ville, Ala 560 West Point N. Y Kingston, Ga 388 West Point Ga Lake City Fla 734 Wheeling West Va 662 \Vilmington Del .... Live Oak, Fla .... 711 Wilmington N C Madison, Fla 742 \Vinona Minn Marietta, Ga 349 Pent water, Mich., to Pere Marquette, Mich White River Mich Millen, Ga 456 Monticello, Fla 775 Newnan, Ga 289 Opelika Ala 218 Philadelphia, Pa. . . 1 189 Petersburg, Va., to Abingdon Va Pittsburg, Pa 1 256 Pollard Ala 40 Port Huron, Mich 1,233 Portland, Me .. 1 617 Appomattox Va ... Prairie du Chien. Wis . . Providence, R I .. 1,126 .. 1,469 Aquia Creek Va Burkeville, Va Quincy , 111 .. 946 Charlottesville, Va Quincy, Fla. 822 Cherrystone Va Raleigh, N. C 887 City Point, Va Reading Pa 1 206 Culpeper Va Richmond, Ind 952 Danville, Va Richmond, Va 997 Dublin, Va Rock Island, 111 996 Farm ville, Va . Rome, Ga. . 408 Fort Monroe Va Rouse's Point, N. Y 1 630 Franklin. Va 8 114 LISTS OF DISTANCES. Fredericksburg, Va Miles. 82 Detroit Mich Miles. 673 Front Royal Va 218 Dubuque Iowa 1 014 Gordonsville Va 98 Fort Delaware Del 42 HauoverC. H., Va 40 Fort Monroe Va 232 Harper's Ferry, West Va . Harrisonburg, Va 255 183 Frankford Arsenal, Pa Gettysburg, Pa 5 134 Hicksford, Va 43 Harrisburg, Pa . 106 Knoxville, Tenn . . 457 Indianapolis Ind 728 Leesburg Va 182 Jackson Miss 1 233 Louisa C. H., Va 84 Knoxville, Tenn 651 Lynchburg., Va . . 123 Louisville Ky. . .. 808 Manassas Junction Va 160 Lynchburg Va 317 Marion Va 283 Mobile Ala 1 221 Martinsburg, West Va 274 Montgomery, Ala ... 1,035 Milford Va 60 Nashville, Tenn 914 Mount Jackson Va 256 New Orleans La 1 396 Norfolk Va 81 New York N Y 88 Orange C. H., Va 107 Pittsburg, Pa 355 Portsmouth Va 81 Port Huron Mich 729 Prospect Va 79 Portland Me 425 Richmond, Va.. ........ 22 Prairie du Chien, Wis 1,052 Salem Roanoke Co., Va 183 Providence R. I . 277 Sexton's Junction Va 45 Quincy Mass 309 South Boston, Va 107 Quincy, 111 . 1,055 Staunton Va ...... ...... 158 Raleigh, N C 423 Strasburg Va . ... 280 Reading Pa 58 Suffolk Va 58 Richmond Ind 659 W^arrenton Junction Va 147 Richmond Va 269 Washington, D. C- 152 Rock Island, 111 . ... 997 Weldon N. C 64 Rouse's Point N. Y 444 West Point Va 81 Saint Louis Mo 991 Williamsburg, Va . 117 Saint Paul, Minn 1,269 Winchester, Va 287 Sandusky City, Ohio 557 Wytheville Va 256 Savannah Ga . 801 Woodstock Va 245 Springfield Mass 227 Yorkto wn, Va 105 Springfield, 111 941 Stevenson, Ala ... 801 Philadelphia, Pa** Syracuse N Y 307 to Tallahassee Fla 1, 063 Albany, N. Y 232 Terre Haute, Ind 801 Allegheny Arsenal Pa 353 Toledo Ohio 608 Annapolis Md 137 Trenton N J 30 Atlanta Ga 860 Troy N Y 238 Baltimore, Md . 98 Vicksburg, Miss . 1,278 Boston, Mass . ...... 317 Washington, D. C . 139 Buffalo N. Y 424 Weldon N C 326 Cairo 111 1 049 West Point N Y 140 Charleston S C 697 Wheeling West Va 421 Chicago 111 823 Wilmington Del 28 Cincinnati, Ohio...... 668 Wilmington, N. C 488 Council Bluffs, Iowa... 1.313 Winona, Minn.. 1.137 LISTS OF DISTANCES. 115 Pittsburgh Pa., to Allegheny Arsenal, Pa . . Miles. 2 Prairie du Chien, Wis Providence R. I Miles. 530 913 Fort Delaware Del. 397 Quincy 111 597 Fort Mifflin, Pa 362 Raleio-h, N. C 1,046 Frankford Arsenal, Pa... 360 Reading, Pa . . 677 Port Huron Mich .... 374 Richmond Ind 281 Portland Me 768 Richmond Va 878 Prairie du Chien, Wis ... 697 Rock Island, 111 492 Providence, R. I 620 Rouse's Point NY 829 Quincy 111 700 Saint Louis Mo 573 Raleigh, N. C 672 Saint Paul, Minn 711 Reading, Pa . 303 Sandusky City, Ohio . . 176 Richmond Ind 304 Savannah Ga 1,197 Richmond Va 504 Springfield Mass 816 Rock Island, 111 642 Springfield, III 483 Rouse's Point, N. Y 649 Stevenson Ala 728 Saint Louis, Mo . 636 Syracuse N Y 566 Saint Paul, Minn 914 Tallahassee, Fla 1,459 Sandusky City, Ohio 202 Terre Haute Ind 417 Savannah, Gra 1 065 Toledo Ohio 121 Springfield Mass 570 Trenton N J 759 Springfield, 111 586 Troy N. Y 718 1 036 Vicksburg Miss . 1,045 Syracuse NY 386 Washington D C 748 Tallahassee, Fla .... 1,327 Weldon, N. C 964 Terre Haute, Ind 446 West Point, N. Y 808 Toledo, Ohio 253 Wheeling West Va 372 Trenton N J 385 \Vilmington Del 757 Troy N Y 538 Wilmington N C 1 126 Vicksburg, Miss ...... 1,068 ^V^inona Minn 565 Washington D. C 374 Weldon N C 590 Portland* I?I<*M to West Point, N. Y 483 Augusta Me 63 Wheeling, West Va 66 Boston Mass 108 V^ilmington Del 383 East Gloucester Mass 76 Wilmington N C 752 146 "Wlnona Minn 782 Fort at Clark's Point New Bedford Mass .... 163 Plattsburgr, N. Y., to Buffalo, N. Y 421 Fort at Salisbury Beach, Burlington Vt 25 Newburyport, Mass 144 Fort Porter, N. Y 423 Fort Independence. Mass . . 110 Iftfi Ogdensburg, N. Y 126 IRA. Oswego, N.Y 236 CO Rome Arsenal, N. Y 249 Fort Preble, Me 2 Sackett's Harbor, N.Y... 9ji 188 Fort Scammel, Me Fort Standish Mass 2 145 436 Qfil l'rfl lliai'oaa IVYifli 115 to Portland, Me.., 1,022 Fort Winthrop, Mass Hancock Barracks, Me.. 110 254 116 LISTS OF DISTANCES. Lono* Point Batteries, Prov- Miles. Fort Lapwai I T Miles. 366 incetown Mass 231 Fort Vancouver W T 18 Marblehead Mass 88 216 Portsmouth, N. H 52 Wallula, W. T 240 Prairie du Chien, Wis Providence R I 1,364 151 Portsmouth, N. H., Quincy, 111 1,377 to Raleigh, N. C 851 Boston Mass 56 Reading Pa 465 Concord N H 59 Richmond Ind 1 009 Fort Constitution N H 3 Richmond, Va . 697 Fort McClary Me 6 Rock Island 111 1 301 Portland Me 52 Rouse's Point N Y 3J9 Saint Louis, Mo 1 334 Prairie du Cliien, Saint Paul, Minn...... 1 581 Wi*. to Salem Mass 92 Providence R I 1 255 Sandusky City, Ohio 850 Quincy, 111 . ......... 372 Savannah, Ga 1 229 Raleigh N C 1 369 206 Reading Pa 1 000 Springfield 111 1 263 453 Stevenson, Ala 1 229 Richmond Va 1 201 Syracuse, N. Y 456 Rock Island 111 182 Tallahassee Fla 1 491 Rouse's Point N Y 1 171 Terre Haute, Ind 1 144 Saint Louis, Mo 429 Toledo, Ohio 901 Saint Paul Minn 210 Trenton, N. J 395 Sandusky City Ohio 518 Troy N Y 314 1 292 Vicksburg, Miss 1 706 Springfield Mass 1 158 Washington, D. C . 567 Springfield 111 333 Weldon N. C 754 Stevenson Ala 823 West Point, N. Y 368 Syracuse, N. Y ....... 908 Wheeling, West Va 834 Tallahassee Fla J 554 \Vilmino~ton Del 456 Terre Haute Ind 445 Wilmington N C 916 Toledo Ohio 463 Winona, Minn ... 1 449 Trenton N J 1 082 Troy, N. Y 1,060 Portland, Oregon, Vicksburg, Miss 932 to Washington D C 1 071 Astoria, Oregon 101 Weldon N C 1 287 Camp C. F. Smith, Oregon. 689 West Point, N. Y 1, 150 Camp Harney, Oregon 374 Wheeling West Va 685 Camp Logan, Oregon 319 Wilmington Del ... 1 080 Camp Lyon, I. T 511 Wilmington N C 1 449 Camp Three Forks I T 536 109 Camp Warner, Oregon Camp Watson, Oregon Canon City Oregon . 549 239 29 Providence, R. I., in Fort Boise I. T 486 Norwich Conn 52 Fort Colviile, W. T 511 Quincy 111 . ...... 1,268 Fort Dalles, Oregon . . . 119 Raleigh N. C 703 Fort Klamath, Oree-on.. 385 Reading. Pa.. 3J7 LISTS OF DISTANCES. 117 Miles. Richmond, Ind 900 Richmond, Va 549 Rock Island, 111 1, 192 Rouse's Point, N.Y 306 Saint Louis, Mo 1, 225 Saint Paul, Minn 1 , 472 Sandusky City, Ohio 741 Savannah, Ga 1,081 Springfield, Mass 97 Springfield, 111 1,154 Stevenson, Ala 1,081 Syracuse, N. Y 347 Tallahassee, Fla 1 , 343 Terre Haute, Ind 1 , 035 Toledo, Ohio 792 Trenton, N. J 247 Troy, N. Y 205 Vicksburg, Miss 1 , 558 Washington, D. C 419 Weldon, N. C 606 West Point, N. Y 240 Wheeling, West Va 686 Wilmington, Del 308 Wilmington, N. C 768 Winona, Minn 1,340 Quincy, III., to Kansas City, Mo 228 Raleigh, N. C 1,340 Reading, Pa 1,003 Richmond, Ind 406 Richmond, Va 1,172 Rock Island, 111 183 Rouse's Point, N. Y 1 , 1 84 Saint Joseph, Mo 208 Saint Louis, Mo 163 Saint Paul, Minn 582 Sandusky City, Ohio 531 Savannah, Ga 1,126 Springfield, Mass 1,171 Springfield, 111 114 Stevenson, Ala 657 Syracuse, N. Y 921 Tallahassee, Fla 1, 388 Terre Haute, Ind 242 Toledo, Ohio 476 Trenton, N. J 1,085 Troy, N.Y 1,073 Vicksburg, Miss 752 Washington, D. C 1 , 042 Weldon,N.C 1,258 Miles. West Point, N.Y. 1 1,163 Wheeling, West Va 649 Wil mington, Del 1 , 083 Wilmington, N. C 1,293 Winona, Minn 447 Raleigh, N. ., t< Aiken, S. C Anderson, S. C Ashville,N.C Charlotte, N. C Chester, S. C Darlington, S. C Fayetteville, N. C FortMacon, N. C Georgetown, S. C Goldsboro', N. C Greensboro', N. C Hilton Head, S. C Morganton, N. C Newberry, S. C New Berne, N. C . Reading, Pa Richmond, Ind Richmond, Va 410 411 277 175 220 342 252 146 322 48 82 403 214 331 107 454 944 168 Rock Island, 111 1,308 Rouse's Point, N.Y 870 Saint Louis, Mo 1 , 248 Saint Paul, Minn 1,586 Salisbury, N. C 132 Sandusky City, Ohio 874 Savannah, Ga 445 Springfield, Mass 653 Springfield, 111 1 , 226 Stevenson, Ala 753 Sumter, S.C 278 Syracuse, N.Y 703 Tallahassee, Fla 707 Terre Haute, Ind 1 , 086 Toledo, Ohio 926 Trenton, N. J 456 Troy, N.Y 664 Unionville, S. C 349 Vicksburg, Miss 1,061 Washington, D. C 298 Weldon, N.C 97 West Point, N. Y 566 Wheeling, West Va 699 Wilmington, Del 395 Wilmington, N.C 1 32 Winona, Minn 1, 454 118 LISTS OF DISTANCES, Reading, Pa., to Miles. 607 286 945 484 939 ,217 505 847 267 889 818 279 ,109 749 556 88 278 ,295 156 372 180 369 86 534 ,085 776 371 817 332 670 179 916 803 292 447 553 ,178 142 160 689 705 764 646 862 787 253 687 ,024 538 Richmond, Va., to Abingdon Va Miles. 314 504 122 372 ]01 75 170 589 54 457 97 137 972 31 103 141 822 230 70 118 100 60 196 76 18 233 255 161 65 160 62 125 138 285 252 38 234 103 85 22 103 81 1,126 716 1,082 1,418 185 706 313 23 Albany N Y Rock Island 111 Alexandria Va...--. Rouse's Point N Y Annapolis Md . Saint Louis Mo Appornattox, Va Saint Paul Minn 1 Aquia Creek Va ...... .. Sandusky City Ohio Baltimore Md Boston Mass Burkeville Va Springfield' 111 Charleston, S. C Stevenson Ala ....... .. Syracuse NY Cherrystone, Va Tallahassee Fla 1 Chicago, 111 ............. Terre Haute Ind City Point Va . Toledo Ohio Culpeper Va Trenton N J Danville, Va . Troy N Y Detroit Mich Dublin Va Washington DC Farm ville, Va Weldon N C Fort Monroe Va West Point N Y Franklin Va Wheeling West Va. . .. \Vilmington Del Front Royal Va Wilmington N C Gordonsville Va ^Vinona Minn . 1 Hanover C. H., Va Richmond, Iiid., to Harper's Ferry, West Va. Harrisburg, Pa Bock Island, 111 Harris onburg Va Eouse's Point, N. Y Leesburg, Va Saint Paul, Minn Louisa C H Va . ... Sandusky City, Ohio . Manassas Junction, Va. . . Marion, Va Savannah Ga fepriDgneld, Mass Springfield, 111 Martinsburg \V Va TVlMf J \r Stevenson, Ala Syracuse NY , Mount Jackson, Va Norfolk Va Tallahassee, Fla 1 Orange C. H., Va Terre Haute, Ind Toledo Ohio Portsmouth, Va np v - -vr -y Prospect, Va Vicksburg, Miss Rock Island 111 Washington, D. C . . Saint Louis, Mo 'WolHnn "NT P 1 "Woof Pnint "NT V Saint Paul, Minn Wheeling, West Va Salem, Roanoke Co., Va . Sandusky City, Ohio Wilmington, Del Wilmington, N. C 1 Winona. Minn .. Sexton's Junction, Va LISTS OF DISTANCES 119 South Boston, Va. Springfield, Mass Springfield, 111 Staunton, Va Stevenson, Ala Strasburg, Va Suffolk, Va Syracuse, N. Y Tallahassee, Fla Terre Haute, Ind Toledo, Ohio Trenton,N. J Troy, N.Y Vicksburg, Miss Warrenton Junction, Va.. Washington, D. C Weldon, N. C West Point, N.Y West Point, Va Wheeling, West Va Wilmington, Del Wilmington, N. C Williamsburg, Va Winchester, Va Winona, Minn Woodstock, Va Wytheville, Va Yorktown, Va Rock Island, 111., to House's Point, N. Y Saint Louis. Mo Saint Paul, Minn Sandusky City, Ohio Savannah, Ga Springfield, Mass Springfield, 111 Stevenson, Ala Syracuse, N. Y Tallahassee, Fla Terre Haute, Ind Toledo, Ohio Trenton, N. J Troy,N.Y Vicksburg, Miss Washington, D. C Weldon,N.C West Point, N.Y Wheeling, WestVa Wilmington, Del Miles. 109 Miles. Wilmington N C 1 343 499 Winona, Minn 291 1,058 136 609 258 Rouse's Point, N. Y., to Saint Louis Mo 1 141 80 Saint Paul Minn 1 388 535 575 Sandusky City, Ohio 657 Savannah Ga 1 248 918 Springfield Mass 257 758 Springfield, 111 1 , 070 302 Stevenson, Ala 1,248 510 Syracuse N Y 263 1,086 Tallahassee, Fla 1,510 125 Terre Haute, Ind 951 130 Toledo Ohio . 708 86 Trenton N J 414 412 Troy, N.Y 206 59 Vicksburg Miss . 1,581 531 Washington D C 586 241 Weldon N C 773 248 West Point N. Y 306 95 Wheeling West Va . 689 265 Wilmington, Del 475 1,286 Wilmington, N. C 935 223 AVinona Minn ...... 1 , 256 258 83 Saint Cloud, Minn., to Fort Ripley, Minn 50 Saint Paul Minn 75 Sauk Centre Minn 59 1,108 299 392 Saint Joseph, Mich., to , South Haven Mich 30 455 1,176 1, 095 Saint Joseph, Mo., to Council Bluffs, Iowa 130 203 Kansas City, Mo . 72 707 Leavenworth, Kiin. . 46 845 Quincy, 111 208 1,438 Saint Louis, Mo 306 315 400 1 027 Saint Louis, Mo., to Albany NY 1 026 997 Alton, 111 24 802 Annapolis, Md 950 996 Atlanta, Ga 671 1 212 Augusta Me 1 397 1,087 Augusta, Ga 842 603 Austin, Texas 1 , 293 1,025 Baltimore. Md , . 930 120 LISTS OP DISTANCES. Bangor, Me Bath, Me Baton Rouge, La Beaufort,N.C Boston, Mass Brashear City, La Brattleboro', Vt Brownsville, Texas Buffalo, N. Y Burlington, Vt Burlington, Iowa Cairo, 111 CampCooke, M. T Carlisle, Pa Charleston, S. C Chattanooga, Tenn Cheyenne.D.T Chicago, 111 Cincinnati, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Columbia, S. C Columbus, Ohio Concord, N. H Council Bluffs, Iowa Coyote, Kan Crestline, Ohio Davenport, Iowa Dayton, Ohio Denver, C. T Des Moines, Iowa Detroit, Mich Dophan's Rapids, M. T. .. Dover, Del Dubuque, Iowa Elmira, N.Y Erie, Pa Evansville, Ind Fernandina, Fla Fort Benton, M. T Fort, Benton, M. T., (over land) Fort Berthold, D. T Fort Buford, D. T Fort Harker, Kan Fort Hays, Kan Fort Howard, Wis Fort Leavenworth, Kan .. Fort Monroe, Va Fort Randall, D,T Fort Rice, D. T Fort Ridgely, Minn Miles. 1 470 Fort Shaw M T Miles. 2 511 1,373 Fort Smith, Ark 480 850 Fort Snelling, Minn ...... 631 1,310 Fort Sully D T 1 005 1 226 Fort Union N M 1 076 808 Fort Wayne, Ind 364 1, 170 Frankfort Ky 344 1 395 Fulton 111 297 728 Galveston, Texas 1,053 1,162 Grand Haven, Mich . 387 231 Granville Ohio 474 180 Harrisburg Pa 885 2,390 Hartford, Conn 1,154 903 Hilton Head S. C . 1 014 979 Houston Texas 1 103 533 Indianapolis, Ind 263 955 Indianola, Texas 1,225 281 Jackson Miss 545 341 Jacksonville, Fla 1,226 545 985 Jefferson Barracks, Mo . . . Jefferson City Mo 10 125 443 Joliet 111 244 1 255 Kansas City, Mo 283 436 Keokuk Iowa 184 619 Knoxville Tenn 645 470 La Crosse, Wis 504 301 Lafayette Ind 249 373 Lansing Mich 499 903 346 Leavenworth City, Kan .. Little Rock Ark 309 746 517 Logansport, Ind 286 2 313 Louisville Ky 279 1 048 Lynchburg Va 979 365 Macon, Ga 795 874 Madison, \^ T is . ... 378 640 Marietta Ohio 540 196 Memphis, Tenn 352 1 253 Michigan City, Ind 309 2,450 Milk River, mouth of, M. T Milledgeville Ga 1,975 804 2 416 Milwaukee, Wis 366 1 470 Mobile, Ala . 672 1 718 Montgomery, Ala .... 725 503 573 Muscle-shell river, mouth of M T 2 171 513 Nashville Tenn 382 313 Nevada, Iowa ...... .... 479 1 115 New Haven Conn...... 1,144 680 New London Conn . . 1 194 1 295 New Orleans, La 728 752 New York, N. Y.. 1,067 LISTS OF DISTANCES. 121 Norfolk Va Milet. 1, 130 1,042 440 913 547 784 991 636 573 1,334 429 1,225 163 1,248 939 332 1,082 299 1,141 639 503 964 535 1,128 96 236 495 878 1,470 1,176 1,226 190 458 1,021 1,030 590 590 952 1,166 1,119 585 1,001 1,131 538 1,728 1,273 1,279 1.216 Austin Texas Miles. 1,845 1,248 1,402 1,473 975 732 1,523 1,524 446 735 1,530 394 276 245 1,583 603 851 1,433 320 131 125 1,644 9 585 453 300 807 1,605 633 1,097 538 1,190 180 742 1,466 934 904 1,349 1,224 1,277 927 1,280 1,345 630 941 1,336 1,269 914 1,586 1,418 75 Baltimore, Md . ... Omaha Neb ...... ...... Baton Rouge La Oswego N Y Boston Mass Parkersburg, West Va . .. Pensaeola, Fla .. . Buffalo, N. Y Cairo, 111 Philadelphia Pa Camp Cooke M. T Pittsburg Pa Charleston S C Port Huron, Mich . . Chicago, 111 Portland Me Cincinnati Ohio Prairie du Chien, Wis Providence R I Columbia S C Davenport Iowa Quincy 111 Raleigh N. C . ... Fort Abercrombie, D. T . . Fort Benton M T Reading Pa Richmond, Ind .. Fort Berthold, D T Richmond, Va ..... Fort Buford D T Rock Island 111 Fort Monroe Va Rouse's Point, N. Y Fort Ransom, D. T Saint Paul, Minn Fort Ridge ly, Minn. Sandusky City, Ohio Fort Ripley Minn Savannah, Ga Fort Shaw M T Sioux City, Iowa .... Fort Snelling, Minn Springfield, Mass ...... Fort Stevenson D T. Springfield 111 Fort Totten D T Springfield Mo Fort Wadsworth, D. T... Frankfort Ky Stevenson, Ala . Syracuse, N. Y Galveston Texas Salt Lake City, U. T Santa F6, N. M Indianapolis, Ind Jackson, Miss Tallahassee, Fla Keokuk Iowa Terre Haute, Ind Knoxville, Tenn . Toledo Ohio La Crosse AVis Louisville Ky ...... Troy, N. Y Lynchburg Va Vicksburg, Miss Marietta Ohio ^^arren Ohio . Memphis Tenn Washington, D. C Milledgeville, Ga Weldon, N. C Mobile Ala . . West Point, N. Y Montgomery Ala Wheeling West Va Nashville Tenn Wilmington, Del .. New Orleans La ... Wilmington, N. C New York N. Y \Vinona Minn Omaha Neb Yellowstone river, mouth of,D.T Parkersburg, West Va Pensacola, Fla ...... Saint Paul, Minn., t< Albany, N. Y Philadelphia Pa Pittsburg, Pa Raleigh, N. C Annapolis, Md Richmond Va . ... Atlanta, Ga . . Saint Cloud. Minn.. 122 LISTS OF DISTANCES. Saint Louis, Mo. Miles. 639 New Braunfels Texas Miles. 29 Sandusky City, Ohio .. 735 New Orleans, La 647 Sauk Centre, Minn . 134 Waco, Texas 183 Savannah, Ga 1,509 "Weatherford Texas 285 Springfield, Mass 1 375 Springfield, 111 543 Sandusky City, Ohio Stevenson, Ala 1,040 to ' Syracuse, N. Y 1,125 Savannah, Ga 1, 095 Tallahassee Fla 1 771 Springfield Mass 644 Terre Haute, Ind 662 Springfield 111 417 Toledo, Ohio 680 Stevenson Ala 626 Trenton N. J 1 299 Syracuse N Y 394 Troy, N. Y 1,277 Tallahassee, Fla 1 357 Vicksburg, Miss 1,142 Terre Haute Ind 313 Washington, D. C 1,288 Toledo Ohio 55 Weldon, N. C 1,504 Trenton, N. J 587 West Point, N. Y 1,367 Troy N. Y 546 Wheeling, West Va 902 Vicksburg Miss 943 \Vilmington Del 1 297 Washin o-ton D C 576 Wilmington, N. C 1, 666 Weldon N C 792 Winona, Minn ... . . 146 West Point N. Y 636 Wheeling, West Va 200 Salt Lake City, U. "Wilmington, Del 585 T., to Wilmington N. C 954 Denver, C. T 602 AQ Fort Bridger U. T 124 Fort Kearney Neb 843 Omaha, Neb 1,030 Sandy Hook, IV. Y., San Francisco, Cal 854 to 1K1 San Antonio, Texas, Binghamton, N. Y . . 235 to Bridgeport, Conn ... 78 82 Buffalo N Y 443 Belton Texas 140 David'? Island, N. Y 42 Buffalo Springs Texas 357 Dunkirk, N Y 480 202 Elmira NY 294 62 Fishkill N Y 80 Fort Belknap, Texas 361 Fort Columbus, N. Y 21 Fort Bliss, Texas 674 Fort Griswold, Conn 147 Fort Chadbourne Texas 229 Fort Hamilton N. Y 31 Fort Clarke Texas 126 Fort Lafayette, N. Y 31 Fort Davis Texas 466 Fort Schuyler, N. Y 37 Fort Griffin, Texas 333 Fort Trumbull, Conn 146 Fort Inge, Texas 82 Fort Wadsworth, N. Y . . . 10 301 Fort Wood N Y 21 Fort Mason Texas 116 132 Fort Quitman Texas 595 Hart Island, N. Y 44 Fort Stockton Texas 392 Hudson N. Y 135 Fredericksburg Texas 69 Newark N J 29 108 Newburg N Y 80 Indianola Texas 156 New Haven, Conn 96 Jacksboro'. Texas .. 325 Newnort. R. I . . 183 LISTS OF DISTANCES. 123 New Kochelle N Y Miles. 40 Camp Winfield Scott Nev Miles. 505 New York, N. Y 20 Camp Wright Cal 225 Providence R I 208 Cape Disappointment W T 701 Rochester, N. Y 392 Fort Boise, I. T 707 Rome N. Y 274 Fort Churchill Nev 309 SfiluniHiica N Y 435 Fort Colville W T 1 298 Schenectady N Y 181 Fort Crook Cal 350 Stonington, Conn 158 Fort Hoskins Oregon 790 Syracuse N. Y 312 Fort Klamath Oregon 484 Trenton N J 78 Fort Lapwai I T 1 153 Troy, N. Y 170 Fort Mojave, A. T 771 Watervliet Arsenal N. Y 171 Fort Point Cal. 5 West Point N Y 72 Fort Ruby Nev 584 Whitehall Junction, N. Y. Willet's Point N. Y 241 40 Fort Steilacoom, W. T... Fort Stevens Oregon 871 694 Williams' Bridge N. Y 34 Fort Vancouver, W. T . .. Fort Yuma Cal . 805 769 SIB 11 Francisco, Ccil* 9 Humboldt Cal 240 to Kenai Alaska 1 330 Alcatraz Island, Cal 3 Kodiac, Alaska . . 1,200 Angel Island Cal 6 La Paz A. T 741 Astoria, Oregon 686 Maricopa Wells, A, T 941 Benicia, Cal . 28 New York, (via Panama) - 6,110 Camp Bi dwell Cal 473 New York (via Tehuante- Camp Bowie A T 1 149 Dec} 5,225 Camp Cady, Cal . ... 632 2 Camp C. F. Smith, Oregon. 510 Portland Oregon ...... 787 Camp Crittenden A T 1 131 Rock Springs Cal 724 Camp El Dorado A T 784 Sacramento Cal 116 Camp Gaston, Cal 275 Salt Lake City, U. T 854 Camp Goodwin A T 1 194 San Diego Cal 580 Camp Grant, A. T 1 033 San Juan Island, W. T .. 768 Camp Halleck Nev 654 Sitka Alaska 1 200 Camp Harney Oregon 663 Tongass Alaska ...... 1,320 Camp Independence Cal 504 Tubac AT 1,089 Camp Lincoln A T 994 Victoria VI 750 Camp Lincoln, Cal . 307 Virginia City, Nev . 284 Camp Lowell (Tucson ) Walla Walla W T 1,078 A. T 1 041 Willow Grove A T 846 Camp Lyon I T 642 \Vilmington Cal 480 Camp McDermit Nev 540 "VVrangell Alaska ..... 1,458 Camp McDowell, A. T . .. Camp McGarry, Nev, 993 450 Ssifita Fe, N. JWI., to Camp McPherson A. T t 974 Albuquerque, N. M ...... 63 Camp Owyhee, (Three Forks ) I T 672 Camp Plummer, N. M.... Fort Bascom N M 96 178 Camp Reading Cal 268 Fort Bayard N M 360 Camp Reno, A. T 1 063 Fort Bliss Texas 325 Camp Wallen A T 1 131 Fort Craig N M 178 Camp Warner, Oregon . . . Camp Whipple (Prescott ) 533 Fort Cummings, N. M Fort Garland C T 315 189 A. T.. 934 Fort Havs. Kansas. ., 603 124 LISTS OF DISTANCES. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas Fort McRae, N. M FortSelden, N. M Fort Stan ton, N. M Fort Sumner, N. M Fort Union, N. M Fort Wingate, N. M Los Finos, N. M Savannah, Ga., to Albany, Ga Americus, Ga Anderson, Ga Athens, Ga Baldwin, Fla Blakely, Ala Brunswick, Ga., (rail) Brunswick, Ga., (water).. Cedar Keys, Fla Cleveland, Tenn Cuthbert, Ga Dalton, Ga Darien, Ga Decatur, Ala Eatonton, Ga Eufaula, Ala Fernandina, Fla., (rail) .. Fernandina, Fla., ( water ). Fort Gaines, Ga Fort Jefferson, Fla FortPulaski, Ga Fort Valley, Ga Gainesville, Fla Girard, Ala Gordon, Ga Greenville, Ala Griffin, Ga Huntsville, Ala Key West, Fla Kingston, Ga Lake City, Fla Lawton, Ga Live Oak, Fla Madison, Fla Marietta, Ga Millen, Ga Monticello, Fla Mouth of Indian river, Fla Newnan, Ga Opelika, Ala Miles. 889 Pollard Ala . . Miles. 495 210 287 262 Rome Ga ...... 372 191 Saint Augustine, Fla 200 180 Saint Mark's Fla 284 100 Saint Mary's Fla ...... 200 148 Selena Ala 462 79 Springfield Mass 1 031 Springfield 111 1 027 Stevenson Ala ...... 469 Syracuse NY 1 096 296 Talladega Ala 571 260 Tallahassee, Fla 262 246 Terre Haute Ind 944 248 Thomasville Ga 200 243 Toledo Ohio 1,076 554 Trenton N. J 834 155 Trenton Ga 451 170 Troy, N Y 1,042 360 Tuscumbia Ala . 595 421 Uniontown Ala 492 308 Vicksburg Miss 709 393 AVarrenton, Ga ...... .... 184 120 Washington D. C . 691 552 Weldon N C 475 198 West Point N Y 944 333 West Point Ga 341 290 Wheeling West Va 1,092 143 Wilmington Del 773 320 Wilmington N C 313 764 1,377 15 218 295 290 170 Sioux City, Iowa, to Camp Cooke M T 1 855 426 Chicago, 111 545 250 Council Bluffs Iowa ..... 99 528 7CO Dophan's Rapids, M. T... Dubuaue Iowa 1,778 405 352 Fort Beiiton M T 1,915 203 Fort Berthold D T 935 Fort Buford D T ] 183 180 Fort Dakota D T 86 207 Fort Rice D T 760 313 Fort Shaw M T 1 976 79 Fort Sully D T 470 240 Milwaukee Wls ...... .. 591 400 Omaha Neb 103 321 Saint Louis Mo 535 317 Washington. D. C . . 1.387 LISTS OF DISTANCES. 125 Springfield, Mass., to Augusta ~M.fi . .......... Miles. 269 98 130 136 153 134 100 312 154 259 135 467 105 100 460 221 118 206 154 114 1,057 1,031 250 1, 293 938 695 197 108 1,508 369 556 361 636 258 718 1,243 558 807 1,289 166 362 971 959 653 Washington D C Miles. 928 1,144 1,049 535 969 1,194 442 1,000 731 475 607 834 1,042 477 662 671 944 691 773 636 908 262 38 1,358 688 445 277 152 1,317 405 621 242 426 338 783 993 559 523 519 511 146 817 214 Weldon N C West Point, N. Y Boston Mass Wheeling, West Va East Gloucester, Mass Fort Andrew Mass AVilmington Del Wilmington N C Fort at Clark's Point, New Bedford Mas^s "Winona Minn Stevenson, Ala., to Syracuse N Y Fort at Salisbury Beach, Newburyport, Mass Fort Independence, Mass. Fort Knox Me Tallahassee, Fla Terre Haute Ind Fort Phoenix Mass Toledo Ohio Fort Popham Me Trenton, N. J . . - Fort Standish Mass Troy NY Fort Sullivan Me Vicksburg Miss ^^ashington D C Fort ^Winthrop Mass Weldon N. C Hancock Barracks, Me . - . Long Point Batteries, Pro v- incetown Mass West Point NY. ... Wheeling West Va Wilmington, Del Marblehead Mass Wilmington N. C Portland Me AVinona Minn Portsmouth, N. H Syracuse, N. Y., to Champlain Arsenal, Ver- gennes Vt Salem Mass Springfield 111 Syracuse N. Y Rome Arsenal, N. Y . Tallahassee Fla Tallahassee Fla Terre Haute Ind Terre Haute Ind Toledo Ohio Toledo, Ohio Trenton N J Trenton N J Troy N Y Troy N Y Vicksburg, Miss Vicksburg, Miss Washington, DC. ... Washington, D. C Weldon N C Weldon N C West Point N Y West Point N Y Wheeling West Va Wheeling West Va "Wilmington, Del ... . "Wilmington, Del . .... Wilmington N C Wilmington N C . "Winona Minn \Vinona Minn Springfield, 111., to Stevenson Ala Tallahassee, Fla., to Albany Ga Syracuse N Y Tallahassee, Fla ... Americus, Ga .. Terre Haute, Ind Anderson Ga .... Toledo, Ohio Athens Ga Trenton N J Baldwin Fla Troy, N. Y Blakely, Ala Vicksburg, Miss.., Brunswick. Ga . . 126 LISTS OF DISTANCES. Cedar Keys Fla Miles. 263 Winona Minn Miles. 1 639 Cleveland Term 684 Cuthbert Ga 571 Tei'l'G ?n9IlJl* IllCl* Dalton, Ga . 656 to Decatur Ala 815 Toledo Ohio 298 Eatonton, Ga 461 Trenton, N. J 831 596 Troy, N Y 840 Fort Gaines Ga 583 Vicksburg Miss 658 Fort Valley Ga 481 Washington D C 788 Gainesville, Fla 198 Weldon N C 1,004 Girard, Ala . 553 West Point N Y 929 Gordon Ga 433 Wheeling West Va 395 Greenville Ala 689 829 Griffin, Ga 513 Wilmington N C 1 166 Huntsville Ala 791 \Vinona Minn 530 Kingston Ga . 615 Lake City, Fla 106 Toledo, Oliio, to Lawton Ga 132 Trenton N J 638 Live Oak, Fla 83 Troy N'Y 597 Madison, Fla _ . 56 Vicksburg Miss 924 Marietta, Ga . . 576 Washington D C 627 Millen Ga 342 Weldon N C 843 Monticello Fla 31 West Point N Y 687 Newnan, Ga 584 Wheeling West Va 251 New Orleans, La. , (rail and \Vilmington, Del . .... . 636 water) 374 Wilmington N C 1,005 New Orleans, La., (rail).. 1,004 Winona, Minn 548 Opelika, Ala . . 580 Pollard, Ala 758 Quincy, Fla 24 Trenton, N. J.,to rp r -vr -y OfiQ Rome, Ga 635 Vicksburg, Miss 1,311 Selma, Ala AY 725 Washington, D. C Weldou N C 172 359 Talladega, Ala Terre Haute, Ind 830 1 206 West Point, N. Y 110 Thomasville, Ga Toledo, Ohio 201 1,338 Wheeling, West Va Wilmington, Del Wilmington N C 451 61 521 Trenton, N. J Trenton, Ga Troy, N. Y . . 1,096 714 1 304 Winona, Minn 1,167 Tuscumbia, Ala 858 Troy, N. Y., to Uniontown, Ala ... 751 Champlain Arsenal, Ver- Vicksburg, Miss 971 gennes Vt 131 Warrenton, Ga . 447 Rome Arsenal N Y 114 Washington, D. C 953 Vicksburg, Miss 1,469 Weldon, N. C 737 Washington, D. C . . . . 380 West Point, N. Y 1 206 \Vatervliet Arsenal N Y 1 West Point, Ga 604 Weldon N C 567 Wheeling, West Va. 1 354 West Point N Y 100 Wilmington, Del 1 035 Wheelino-, West Va 578 Wilmington, N. C.., 575 Wilnrine'ton, Del .. 269 LISTS OF DISTANCES. 127 Wilmington, -N. C Miles. 729 1,145 317 473 352 297 295 320 527 217 277 270 295 97 601 150 198 216 24 46 44 301 37 156 62 1,465 1,181 503 1,179 195 1 598 Devall's Bluff Ark \Vlnona Minn ...... Fayetteville Ark . Umatilla, Oregon, to Astoria, Oregon Fort Monroe, Va .... Fort Smith Ark . . Galveston Texas Goodman, Miss CampC. F. Smith, Oregon. Camp Harney, Oregon Camp Logan, Oregon Grand Junction, Miss Greensboro' Miss Harrisburg, Pa Camp Lyon, I. T Helena, Ark . Camp Three Forks, I. T.. Camp Warner, Oregon . . . Camp Watson, Oregon Canon City, Oregon Hernando Miss Holly Springs, Miss . Jackson, Miss. Knoxville Tenn Fort Boise I. T Lake Miss Fort Colville W T Lake Providence La Fort Dalles, Oregon . Lauderdale, Miss Fort Klamath, Oregon . . . Fort Lapwai I T Little Rock Ark Louisville Ky Fort Vancouver, W. T... Portland, Oregon . . Macon, Miss ... . Magnolia Miss . Wallula W. T . Memphis Tenn Union City, Tenn., to Cairo 111 Meridian, Miss . Milwaukee, Wls Mouth of Arkansas River, Ark Humboldt, Tenn . Mouth of White River, Ark. New Orleans La Louisville, Ky McKenzie Tenn New York N Y Nashville, Tenn Oxford, Miss ... . Paducah, Ky Panola Miss Vicksbiirg, Miss., to Pascagoula, Miss .. Pass Christian, Miss Philadelphia, Pa Albany, N. Y Pine Bluff Ark Annapolis Md Port Gibson Miss Atlanta Ga Richmond La Baltimore Md Bolivar, Miss . . Saint Louis Mo . ... Savannah Ga Brookhaven Miss . 100 1,168 410 61 546 777 775 757 238 804 989 Tupelo Miss Buffalo, N. Y Washington, D. C... Cairo, 111 Weldon, N. C Calhoun Miss . West Point N. Y Camden Ark Wheeling West Va Charleston, S. C Wilmington, Del Chicago, 111 Wilmington, N C Cincinnati Ohio Winchester Miss Columbus Miss \Vinona Minn Woodville, Miss Detroit, Mich.. Yazoo Citv, Miss.. Miles. 398 628 1,180 616 553 96 257 197 1,264 310 210 232 45 627 99 75 158 446 615 203 130 255 140 860 210 222 228 1, 369 203 168 365 303 1,278 290 56 22 67 590 709 284 1,139 1,091 1,463 1,008 1,250 929 197 1,041 261 120 128 LISTS OF Miles 12 245 107 101 42 162 175 179 75 142 154 183 102 341 449 376 321 271 296 551 241 301 246 271 121 625 126 222 31 240 24 374 8 ,479 553 375 458 962 42 721 601 DISTANCES. Auburn N. Y Miles. 414 630 661 1,822 40 703 498 606 1,387 389 673 600 453 415 552 325 459 846 1,119 1,337 429 1,887 1,712 290 652 431 382 232 1,924 445 533 1, 003 977 365 141 1,061 5J1 587 624 1,851 842 611 515 594 518 535 957 963 506 841 1.332 Virginia City, Ttt.T., to Fort Benton, M. T Augusta Me Augusta, Ga Austin, Texas Baltimore Md Helena, M. T Bangor Me Waco, Texas, to Austin, Texas . Bamstable, Mass Bath, Me Baton Rouge La Belton, Texas Beaufort N C Brenham, Texas Belfast Me Buffalo Springs, Texas Fort Belknap, Texas Bellefontaine, Ohio Bellows Falls Vt Georgetown, Texas . Bennington Vt Biddeford, Me New Braunfels, Texas San Antonio, Texas Binghamton N Y Boston Mass Weatherford Texas Bowline Green Ky Wallula, W. T., to Astoria Oregon Bowling Green, Mo Brashear City, La Brattleboro' Vt Camp C. F. Smith, Oregon. Camp Harney, Oregon Camp Logan, Oregon Brazos Santiago, Texas.. . Brenham, Texas Bridgeport Conn Camp Lyon, I. T Bridgeport, Ala ...... Camp Three Forks, I. T.. Camp Warner, Oregon ... Camp Watson, Oregon . .. Canon City, Oregon Bristol R. I Bristol Tenn Brooklyn, N. Y Brownsville, Texas . Fort Boise, I. T Buffalo, N. Y .. Fort Colville, W. T Burlington Vt Fort Dalles, Oregon Burlington Iowa Fort Klamath, Oregon Fort Lapwai, I. T Cairo, 111 Canandai^ua, NY Fort Vancouver, W. T . . . Fort Walla Walla, W. T. Portland Oregon Carlisle Pa Cedar Rapids Iowa Champlain Arsenal, Vt... Charleston S. C Umatilla, Oregon Washington, 3>. ., to Chattanooga Tenn Cheyenne D T Albany, N. Y Cinciunati Ohio Alexandria, Va Cleveland Ohio .... Alexandria La 1 Cleveland Tenn Alfred Me Columbia S C Allegheny, Pa Columbus, Ohio ...... .... Alliance, Ohio Columbus Ky....... ... Alton 111 ... Columbus Miss ...... Annapolis Md Concord N H Atlanta Ga Corinth, Miss Council Bluffs. Iowa . . Auburn. Me.. , LISTS OF DISTANCES. 129 Coyote Kaos Miles. 1,571 563 200 300 998 605 702 1,855 1,164 692 527 158 1,033 482 205 826 296 466 854 509 980 485 1,009 231 10 4 241 1, 525 1,074 461 1,317 .673 241 1, 265 226 1,112 475 1,297 620 447 1,401 247 479 1,498 1,280 3 828 2,028 466 14 694 3 Fort Winthrop, Mass Crestline Ohio - ........ Frankford Arsenal, Pa Frankfort Ky Frederick Md Galena 111 ...... Galveston Texas Denver C T Gettysburg, Pa -*'. Des Moines Iowa Goldsboro', N. C Detroit Mich Grand Haven, Mich. Dover N. H Grand Junction, Tenn Grand Rapids, Mich Dover Del Greenfield, Mass Dunkirk N Y Grenada Miss ...... Easton Pa Hancock Barracks, Me... Harper's Ferry, West Va. Harrisburg, Pa ...... ... Eastport Me Elmira N Y Erie Pa Hartford Conn Evansville Ind ... Hart Island, N. Y Exeter N H Fernandina Fla Hilton Head, S. C Florence S C Hollidaysburo* Pa . . . Horicon ^Vis Fort Columbus N Y Fort Foote Md Hudson, N. Y FortGreble Md Fort Hamilton N Y Indianola Texas Fort Hays Kan Iowa City, Iowa ........ Fort Howard Wis Jackson Mich ..... ... Fort Independence, Mass . Jackson Miss Jackson Tenn Fort Knox 'Me Jacksonville, Fla Fort Lafayette N Y Fort Leavenworth, Kan.. . Jeffersonville Ind Joliet 111 Fort Pickering Mass Kansas City, Mo Fort Pike La Kennebunk Me ...... Fort Porter N Y Keokuk Iowa Fort Ridjrel' 17 Minn Kingsville S C Fort Schuyler N Y Knoxville Tenn ... .... La Crosse ^Wis Fort Smith Ark Lafayette Ind Lawrence Mass Fort Union N M Leavenworth City, Kan. .. Fort Washington, Md Litchfield, Conn ..... Little Rock Ark Fort WhiDDle, Va.. Miles. 461 144 740 84 963 1,014 1,582 116 294 882 882 849 405 984 821 103 125 343 254 1,024 649 265 979 1,632 345 715 1,754 1,066 705 1,094 953 1,077 752 868 773 1,235 442 544 1,039 543 512 1, 122 769 742 788 485 1,261 711 339 1,328 130 LISTS OF DISTANCES. Lockport, N. Y Logausport, Ind Louisville, Ky Lowell, Mass Lynchburg, Ya Macon, Ga Madison, Ind Madison, Wis Manchester, N. H Marietta, Ohio Marshall, Texas Matteson, 111 Mattoon, 111 Memphis, Tenn Mendota, 111 Meridian, Miss Michigan City, Ind Middletown, Conn Milled geville, Ga Millen, Ga Milwaukee, Wis Minneapolis, Minn Mobile, Ala Monroe, Mich Montgomery, Ala Montpelier, Vt Morehead City, N. C Morristown, N. J Mound City, 111 Mount Vernon Arsenal, Ala Muscatine, Iowa Nashville, Tenn Nashua, N. H Natchez, Miss Newark, N. J Newark, Ohio New Bedford, Mass New Berne, N. C Newburg, N. Y Newburyport, Mass Newcastle, Del New Haven, Conn New London, Conn New Orleans, La Newport, R. I Newport Barracks, Ky New York, N.Y Niagara Falls, N. Y Norfolk, Ya Norristown, Pa Northampton, Mass Miles. 450 732 753 484 178 782 702 973 487 418 1,860 853 844 934 927 1,035 807 343 752 714 927 1,287 1,082 651 896 567 389 243 981 1,127 1,024 775 469 1,259 221 502 431 353 291 495 117 307 357 1,257 392 612 230 443 233 156 383 Miles. Norwalk. Conn 376 Norwich, Conn 370 Ogdensburg, N. Y 569 Omaha, Neb 1, 336 Oswego, N. Y 440 Ottumwa, Iowa 1, 078 Owosso, Mich 770 Parkersburg, West Ya 405 Paterson, N. J 245 Pensacola, Fla 1,050 Peoria, 111 904 Petersburg, Ya 1 52 Philadelphia, Pa 1... 139 Pilot Knob, Mo 1,039 Pittsburg, Pa 374 Pittsfield, Mass 388 Plattsburg, N. Y. 558 Plymouth, Mass 472 Port Huron , Mich 748 Portland, Me 567 Portsmouth, N. H 515 Prairie du Chien, Wis 1 , 071 Providence, R.I 419 Quincy, 111 1,042 Raleigh, N. C 298 Reading, Pa 156 Richmond, Ind 646 Richmond, Va 130 Rochester, N. Y 394 Rock Island, 111 996 Rocklaud, Me 661 Rome, N.Y 443 Rome, Ga 682 Rouse's Point, N. Y 586 Rutland, Vt 465 Sackett's Harbor, N. Y 509 Saint Albans, Vt 566 Saint Johnsbury, Yt 564 Saint Joseph, Mo 1,245 Saint Louis, Mo 952 Saint Paul, Minn 1 , 288 Salem, Mass 475 Salisbury, N. C 369 Salt Lake City, U. T . . . . 2, 366 San Antonio, Texas 1 , 904 Sandusky City, Ohio 576 Sandy Hook, N. Y 250 Santa Fe, N. M 2,128 Savannah, Ga 691 Schenectady , N. Y 388 Scranton,-Pa . 263 LISTS OF DISTANCES. 131 Ship Island Miss Miles. 1 332 Jacksboro' Texas Miles. 40 Shreveport La 1 8J9 New Braunfels Texas 255 Sioux City, Iowa 1,387 San Antonio, Texas 285 Spartanburg, S. C 611 Waco, Texas. ... 102 Springfield, Mass 369 Springfield, 111 928 Weldon, IV. C., to Staunton, Va 156 Plymouth, N. C . . 144 Steubenville Ohio 423 West Point, N. Y 469 Stevenson Ala 662 Wheeling West Va 617 Sykesville, Md 53 Wilmington, Del 298 Syracuse, N. Y 405 Wilmington, N. C 162 Tallahassee Fla 953 \Vinona, Minn 1 372 Taunton, Mass 426 Terre Haute, Ind 788 \Vest Point, N. Y., t< > Toledo, Ohio . 627 Albany, N. Y 94 Topeka Kan 1 303 Annapolis, Md 280 Trenton N J 172 Atlanta, Ga 1 003 Troy, N. Y 380 Baltimore, Md 241 Urbana Ohio 582 Binghamton, N. Y 192 Utica N Y 458 Boston, Mass 260 Vancouver W T via Pan Bridgeport Conn 110 ama ...... .......... 7,145 Buffalo, N. Y 392 Vicksburg, Miss ] 139 Cairo, 111 1 177 Vincennes Ind 803 Charleston S. C 840 \Vaterburv Conn 322 Chicago 111 921 \Vatertown Arsenal, Mass. 464 Cincinnati, Ohio 796 Watervliet Arsenal N. Y 381 Davenport, Iowa 1 089 Weldon N C 216 David's Island N. Y 74 West Point N Y 282 Detroit Mich 752 Wheeling West Va. 401 Dunkirk, N. Y 437 Whitehall "N". Y 453 Elmira, N. Y 251 Willet's Point S" Y 250 Fishkill N. Y 10 Williamsport, Pa 218 Fort Columbua, N. Y . . 53 "Willimantic, CODU . . 374 Fort Griswold, Conn 179 \Vilmington, Del 111 Fort Hamilton, N. Y 63 Wilmington, N. C 378 Fort Lafayette, N. Y 63 Winchester, Va 135 Fort Monroe, Va 375 Winona, Minn . 1 156 Fort Schuyler, N. Y 69 Woodstock Vt . 506 Fort Trumbull, Conn 178 ^Vorcester Mass 423 Fort Wadsworth N Y 62 Xenia, Ohio 590 Fort Wood, N. Y 53 York, Pa 97 Galveston, Texas. 1 864 Youngstown N. Y 480 Harrisburg, Pa 234 Zanesville Ohio 476 Hartford Conn 364 Hart Island, N. Y ... 76 Weatlierfoi'l, Texa< S}y tO Hudson, N. Y 65 Austin, Texas 203 Knoxville, Tenn 794 Belton, Texas 144 Louisville Ky 936 Buffalo Springs, Texas. .. 73 Memphis, Tenn 1,216 Fort Belknap, Texas 77 Milwaukee, Wis 1,006 Georgetown, Texas .. 177 Newark, N. J . . 61 132 LISTS OF DISTANCES New bur o 1 , N. Y Miles. 12 Fort Trumbull Conn Miles. 146 New Haven Conn 128 Fort W^adsworth N Y 30 Newport R I 223 Fort Wood N Y 21 New Rochelle, N. Y 72 Hartford, Conn 132 New Orleans, La 1 , 539 Hart Island, N. Y 44 New York N. Y 52 Hudson N Y 135 Philadelphia, Pa 140 Newark, N. J . 29 Providence, R. I 240 Newburo* N. Y 8< > Rochester N. Y New Haven Conn 96 Rome N Y 204 Newport R I 183 Saint Louis, Mo . J,119 New Rochelle, N. Y 40 Saint Paul, Minn 1 381 New York, N. Y 20 Salumanca N. Y 392 Providence R I 208 Sandy Hook N Y 72 Rochester N Y 392 Savannah Ga 944 Rome N Y 274 Scheuectady, N. Y. 111 Salamanca N. Y 435 Stonington Conn 190 Sandy Hook N Y 40 Syracuse, N. Y 242 Schenectady, N. Y 181 Trenton, N. J 1)0 Stonington, Conn.. ... 158 Trov N. Y 100 Syracuse N Y 312 Washington, D. C 62 Trenton, N. J . 78 Walervliet Arsenal, N. Y Jul Troy, N. Y 170 Wheeling, West Va 549 W^atervliet Arsenal, N. Y 17 J Whitehall Junction N Y 171 West Point N Y 72 Willet's Point, N. Y . . . . 72 Whitehall Junction, N. Y. 241 Williams' Bridge, N. Y... \Vilrnington, Del 66 171 Williarns, Bridge, N. Y.. 34 Wilmington N. C 631 ^Vilfiiaiaig'tosa, B)d* 9 Wiuona, Minn 1 , 235 to Wilmington, N. C 460 "WBseeBJasg", West W T inona Minn ... 1,165 Va., to Wilrnino-ton, Del 450 WilmiBigtoii* N. C., Wilmington, N. C 779 to \Vinona Minn . 770 Aiken S. C 272 Anderson S C 323 Willet's Point, W. Charlotte N C 307 Y., to Chester, S. C 260 Albany N Y 164 Darlington S. C 117 Binghamton N Y 235 Fayetteville N C 120 Bridgeport Conn 78 Fort Caswell N C 35 Buffalo, N. Y. 443 Fort Fisher, N. C 33 David's Island N. Y 42 Fori Johnson, N. C ...... 32 Dunkirk N Y 480 Fort Macon N. C 182 Elinira N Y 9 94 Georgetown S C 190 Fishkill, N. Y SO Goldsboro', N. C 84 Fort Columbus N Y 21 214 Fort Griswold Conn 147 Hilton Head, S. C 271 Fort Hamilton N Y 30 Morgantou N. C 346 Fort Lafayette N Y 30 Newberry S C 243 Fort Schuvler. N. Y 37 New Berne. N. C .. 143 LISTS OF DISTANCES 133 Salisbury, N. C.. Sumter, S. C.... Unionville, S. C. Winona, Minn... Yazoo City, Miss., to Bolivar, Miss Brookhaven, Miss Calhoun, Miss Columbus, Miss Corinth, Miss Goodman, Miss Grand Junction, Tenn Greensboro', Miss Grenada, Miss Hernando, Miss Holly Springs, Miss Jackson, Miss Lake, Miss Lauderdale, Miss Macon, Miss Magnolia, Miss Meridian, Miss Natchez, Miss Oxford, Miss ^.. Panola, Miss Pascagoula, Miss Pass Christian, Miss Port Gibson, Miss Tupelo, Miss Winchester, Miss Woodville, Miss Yorktown, Va., to Abingdon. Va , Miles. 264 146 261 1,534 315 219 56 358 251 49 377 75 108 186 185 72 219 278 323 157 260 240 156 149 380 330 176 301 317 381 397 Alexandria, Va Appomattox, Va Aquia Creek, Va Baltimore, Md Burkeville, Va Charlottesville, Va City Point, Va , Culpeper, Va , Danville, Va , Dublin, Va Farmville, Va Fort Monroe, Va Fredericksburg, Va Front Royal, Va Gordonsville, Va Hanover C. H., Va Harper's Ferry, West Va Knoxville, Tenn Leesburg, Va Louisa C. H., Va Lynchburg, Va Manassas Junction, Va.. . Martinsburg, West Va Norfolk, Va.. Orange C. H., Va Petersburg, Va Portsmouth, Va Prospect, Va Richmond, Va Sexton's Junction, Va Staunton, Va Suffolk, Va Warrenton Junction, Va . Washington, D. C West Point, Va Winchester, Va Miles. 205 184 158 214 137 180 114 186 224 313 153 29 143 279 159 101 295 542 243 145 208 221 314 44 168 105 44 164 83 106 219 67 208 213 23 327 (JS17