THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS « \ r I GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF WATER RESOURCES AND AGRICULTURAL LANDS IN CALIFORNIA LEGEND Area of Rvin in Pn f mt of Area of Slate Agrkullural Lands in PrrCmlof Total of Slalf Water Reouires in Ptr Ctnl of TotaJ of Stale 3% ifiii. a^^^^ 35.1 9'> LAND ^^m 18.3 % MATER ■ 5.1 S • Sffiif f-r Mill-! i^D ■■lo.oit I ''i.'fci'^"^"^*!* ( ^ _-d^ ' I m ninl 1.4% \ | iJBB «.. »»i.'^ ,#>* V — T^i,™ .?? -»■ :\- -7 /■ o' STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PUBLICATIONS OF THE DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES EDWARD HYATT, State Engineer Reports on State Water Plan Prepared Pursuant to Chapter 832, Statutes of 1929 BULLETIN No. 26 SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 1931 80994 LIBRARY UNrVERSlTY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENT 18 ORGANIZATION 19 ENGINEERING ADVISORY COMMITTEE 20 SPECIAL CONSULTANTS 21 FEDERAL AGENCIES COOPERATING IN INVESTIGATION 22 STATE AGENCIES COOPERATING IN INVESTIGATION 21 CHAPTER 832, STATUTES OF 1929 -.', FOREWORD 2»; Chapter I INTRODUCTION, SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 27 Previous investigations 2;t Scope of present investigation 20 Summary 34 Water supply — -- .34 Agricultural lands — — 37 Irrigation development -- 37 Water requirements 38 Flood control -- 39 Navigation 41 Power development 42 Ultimate major units of State Water Plan 43 Coordinated operation and accomplishments of ultimate major units 45 Surplus water in Sacramento River Basin under conditions of ulti- mate development 51 Initial unit of State Water Plan in Sacramento River Basin 32 Selection of unit for initial development 56 Financial aspects of Kennett reservoir unit 53 Relation of State Water Plan to hydraulic mining 58 Riparian lands on Sacramento and American rivers 59 Conclusions 60 Chapter II WATER SUPPLY 63 Description of basin 03 l-'recipitation 66 Run-off 70 Full natural run-off 73 Ultimate net run-off ■..- 75 Present net run-off 75 Variation of run-off 75 Return water 78 Ground water 80 4 TAI5L1-; OF (ONTKNTS Chapter III Page AGRICULTURAL LANDS 83 Geology and soils 83 Land classification 84 Valley floor lands 85 Foothill lands — 87 Classification by counties 87 Gross agricultural areas 88 Present development in Sacramento Valley and adjacent foothills 89 Cropped areas 89 Areas under irrigation in 1929 91 I'^iture development of Sacramento River Basin 93 Chaptkk IV IRRIGATION DEVELOPMENT 96 History of Irrigation Development 96 Agencies furnishing irrigation service 99 The irrigation district 99 The public utility water company 1"'0 The mutual irrigation company 100 The United States Bureau of Reclamation 102 Reclamation districts 102 Individuals and private companies 103 Present irrigation development lO'J Mountain valleys lOu Foothills east of Sacramento Valley 103 Valley and Foothills — Redding to Red Bluff 104 Sacramento Va'.ley — West side 101 Sacramento Valley — East side 105 Sacramento Delta 106 Areas irrigated in 1929 106 Chapter V WATER REQUIREMENTS lOS Present use of water for irrigation 109 Mountain valleys 110 Foothills adjacent to Sacramento N'alley floor 110 Sacramento Valley floor 110 Sacramento-San Joaciuin Delta 114 Ultimate irrigation requirements 115 Mountain valleys and foothills 115 Sacramento Valley floor outside of Sacramento Delta 120 Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta 123 Total ultimate irrigation re(iuirements for Sacramento River Basin 124 Endurable deficiencies in irrigation supplies 120 Requirements for salinity control 127 Requirements for navigatinn 128 TABLE OF CONTENTS 5 Chapter VI Page FLOOD CONTROL _ 129 History of flood control in the Sacramento Valley 129 Methods of flood control 131 Sacramento flood control project 131 Size and frequency of flood flows 135 Flood flows at foothill gaging stations 135 Flood flows at points of concentration on valley floor 13G Control of floods by reservoirs 138 Utilization of reservoirs of State Water Plan for flood control 139 Increased degree of protection with flood control by reservoirs of State Water Plan 141 Effect of utilization of reservoirs of State Water Plan for flood control on uncoilipleted portions of Sacramento Flood Control Project 145 American River 145 Feather River 148 Sacramento River ^ 149 Flood control value of reservoirs of State Water Plan 151 Chapter VII NAVIGATION 154 Historical summarj- ; 155 Growth of navigation 156 Existing navigation project 160 Potential commerce 161 Improvement of navigation on Sacramento River above Sacramento 162 Effect of operation of units of State Water Plan on navigation 162 Economic value of improvement of navigation conditions 163 Chapter VIII POWER DEVELOPMENT xVND VALUES - 166 Present development -- 166 Distribution of present i)ower load 171 Growth of power load 176 Absorption of electric energj- output of plants of the State Water Plan 182 Value of electric energy output 184 Transmission of electric energy to load center 185 Value based on cost of electric energy from other hydroelectric plants — 187 Value based on wholesale price of electric energy as indicated by existing contracts 187 Value based on cost of electric energy from steam -electric plants 188 Price of fuel oil — 189 Steam-electric plant efficiencies 189 Estimated capital cost of steam-electric power plant 194 Capital cost of connecting transmission lino to steam-electric plant. 194 Annual cost of steam-electric power plants 195 Annual cost of connecting transmission line to steam-electric plant- 195 Cost of steam-electric energy delivered from terminal sul)Station 195 Computed value of hydroelectric energy based on steam-electric energy costs 196 Summary 20 J 6 TABLE OF COXTEXTS POWER DEVELOPMENT AND VALUES — Continued. Pa'ge Values of electric energy from units of State Water Plan for Sacra- mento River Basin 203 Effect of operation of power reservoirs on irrigation yield 204 Chapter IX MAJOR UNITS OF STATE WATER PLAN IX SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 208 Kennett reservoir on Sacramento River 218 Water supply 219 Reservoir site 223 Dam and power plant — 224 Yields of reservoir in water for irrigation and in hydroelectric energy — Reservoir operated primarily for irrigation 227 Yields of reservoir in hydroelectric energy and in water for irrigation — Reservoir operated primarily for generation of power- 228 Flood control 223 Cost of reservoir and power plant 230 Comparison of sizes of reservoir 231 Selection of capacity of reservoir 235 Capacity of unit for initial development 235 Ultimate capacity --_ 237 Keswick afterbay on Sacramento River 239 Reservoir site 240 Dam and power plant 240 Power output 24i Cost of reservoir and power plant 242 Kennett reservoir unit 242 Other reservoir sites in the upper Sacramento River Basin 243 Iron Canyon site -- , 243 Table Mountain site 244 Baird site 245 Oroville reservoir on Feather River — 247 Water supply 248 Reservoir site 251 Dam and power plant 252 Yields of reservoir in water for irrigation and in hydroelectric energy — Reservoir operated primarily for irrigation 255 Yields of reservoir in hydroelectric energy and in water for irrigation — Reservoir operated primarily for generation of power 25fi Flood control 25G Cost of reservoir and power plant 257 Comparison of sizes of reservoir 258 Selection of capacity of reservoir 261 Oroville afterbay on Feather River 262 Reservoir site 262 Dam and power plant 262 Power output 264 Cost of reservoir and power plant 261 Oroville reservoir unit 265 Narrows reservoir on Yuba River 265 Water supply 267 Reservoir site 269 Selection of capacity of reservoir 270 TABLE OV CONTENTS / MAJOR UNITS OF STATE WATER PLAN IN SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN — Continued. Page Dam and power plant 271 Yields of reservoir in water for irrigation and in hydroelectric energy — Reservoir operated primarily for irrigation 274 Yields of reservoir in hydroelectric energy and in water for irrigation- Reservoir operated primarily for generation of power 274 Flood control 275 Cost of reservoir and power plant 275 Camp Far West reservoir on Bear River 276 Water supply 277 Reservoir site 280 Selection of capacity of reservoir 280 Dam and appurtenant works 281 Yield of reservoir in water for irrigation 283 Flood control 283 Cost of reservoir -- 284 American River Unit 285 Water supply 286 Folsom reservoir on American River 287 Water supply 288 Selection of capacity of reservoir 288 Reservoir site 290 Dam and power plant 291 Yield of reservoir in water for irrigation 293 Flood control 293 Cost of reservoir and power plant 294 Folsom afterbay on American River 295 Reservoir site 295 Dam and power plant 295 Power output 297 Cost of reservoir and power plant 297 Auburn reservoir on North Fork of American River 297 Water supply 29S Reservoir site -- 299 Dam and power plant 299 Yield of reservoir in water for irrigation 302 Flood control 302 Cost of reservoir and power plant 303 Comparison of sizes of reservoir 304 Selection of capacity of reservoir 304 Pilot Creek reservoir on North Fork of American River 307 Water supply 307 Reservoir site 307 Dam and power plant 308 Power output — 309 Cost of reservoir and power plant 309 Coloma reservoir on South Fork of American River 310 Water supply 310 Reservoir site 311 Dam and power plant — 312 Yield of reservoir in water for irrigation 314 Flood control 314 Cost of reservoir and power plant 315 8 > TABLE OF CONTENTS MAJOR UNITS OF STATE WATER PLAN IN SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN — Continued. Page Comparison of sizes of reservoir 316 Selection of capacity of reservoir 319 Webber Creek reservoir on South Fork of American River 319 Water supply 320 Reservoir site 320 Dam and power plant 320 Power output — 321 Cost of reservoir and power plant 321 Operation and cost of American River unit 322 Water supply 323 Yields of unit in water for irrigation and in hydroelectric energy with unit operated primarily for irrigation 323 Yields of unit in hydroelectric energy and in water for irrigation with unit opei'ated primarily for the generation of power 324 Flood control 324 Cost of unit 325 Trinity River diversion to Sacramento River Basin 325 Water supply -- 326 Plan of development 329 Fairview reservoir 329 Power Plant No. 1 331 Lewiston reservoir 332 Diversion tunnel 332 Power Plant No. 2 332 Power Plant No. 3 333 Power Plant No. 4 333 Alternate plan 333 Yields of Trinity River diversion in hydroelectric energy and in water for irrigation — Diversion operated primarily for generation of power 333 Yields of Trinity River diversion in water for irrigation and in hydro- electric energy — Diversion operated under ultimate conditions of irrigation 334 Cost of reservoirs and diversion 335 Millsite reservoir on Stony Creek 338 Water supply — — 338 Reservoir site 341 Dam and appurtenant works 341 Yield of reservoir in water for Irrigation 342 Flood control 343 Cost of reservoir 343 Capay reservoir on Cache Creek 344 Water supply 344 Reservoir site 347 Dam and appurtenant works 347 Yield of reservoir in water for irrigation-- 348 Flood control 349 Cost of reservoir 349 Monticello reservoir on Putah Creek 350 Water supply 350 Reservoir site 352 Dam and apiiurtfnant works 353 TABLE OF COXTENTS 9 MAJOR UNITS OP STATE WATER PLAN IN SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN — Continued. Page Yield of reservoir in water for irrigation 354 Flood control 354 Cost of reservoir 354 Comparison of major units of State Water I'lan in Sacramento River Basin_ 355 Summary 360 Chapter X OPERATION AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF MAJOR UNITS OF STATE WATER PLAN IN GREAT CENTRAL, VALLEY UNDER CONDITIONS OF ULTIMATE DEVELOPMENT 362 Major units of State Water Plan in Great Central Valley 362 Objects to be accomplished 365 Operation and accomplishments 365 Surplus water in Great Central Valley 370 Surplus water in Sacramento River Basin 376 Additional regulated supplies 377 Chapter XI INITIAL UNIT OF STATE WATER PLAN IN SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN. 379 Immediate requirements 379 Possible initial units 380 Operation and accomplishments of Kennett reservoir and American River units as initial developments 381 Kennett reservoir unit 382 Complete American River unit 384 Partial American River unit 386 Surplus water 387 Comparison of Kennett reservoir unit and American River units as initial developments 399 Selection of unit for initial development 402 Financial aspects of Kennett reservoir unit 403 Distribution of releases from Kennett reservoir operated as an initial unit of the State Water Plan 405 Distribution of releases with stream flow dedicated primarily to irriga- tion along the Sacramento River 405 Distribution of releases with stream flow dedicated primarily to main- tenance of navigation on Sacramento River 410 Relation of releases, spill and waste 410 Chapter XII RELATION OF STATE WATER I'LAN TO HYDRAULIC MINING IN SACRA- MENTO RIVER BASIN 415 History of early hydraulic mining 415 Efforts to control movement of debris and restore hydraulic mining 417 Debris restraining works.. 417 Present status of hydraulic mining 418 Amounts and values of remaining workable gravels 419 Storage of hydraulic mining debris 420 Utilization of reservoirs of State Water Plan for debris storage 421 Summary 422 10 TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter XIII Page RIPARIAN LANDS ON SACRAMENTO AND AMERICAN RIVERS 423 Extent of riparian lands 424 Classification of lands riparian by contact with the Sacramento and Ameri- can rivers 425 Use of water on lands riparian by contact with the Sacramento and Ameri- can rivers 426 Present use of water 427 Ultimate water requirements 428 Appendix A GEOLOGIC REPORT ON KEXNETT, IRON CANYON AND TABLE MOUN- TAIN DAM SITES ON SACRAMENTO RIVER 431 Appendix B REPORT ON IRON CANYON, TABLE MOUNTAIN AND KENNETT DAM SITES ON SACRAMENTO RIVER 455 Appendix C GEOLOGY' OF THE SACRAMENTO RIVER CANYON BETWEEN COTTON- WOOD CREEK AND IRON CANYON 4G3 Appendix D GEOLOGIC REPORT ON FAIRVIEW DAM SITE ON TRINITY RIVER 471 Appendix E GEOLOGIC REPORTS ON DAM SITES IN SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 479 Appendix F GEOLOGY' AND UNDERGROUND WATER STORAGE CAPACITY OF SACRA- MENTO VALLEY 516 Appendix G DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT TYPICAL WELLS IN SACRAMENTO VALLEY IN FALLS OF 1929, 1930 AND 1931 533 Appendix H ADEQUACY OF INITIAL AND ULTIMATE MAJOR UNITS OF STATE WATER PLjVN IN SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN IN THE YEARS 1929. 1930 AND 1931 557 PUBLICATIONS OF THE DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES 579 TABLE OF CONTENTS , 11 LIST OF TABLES Table Page r Di.stril)iili- from Kennett reservoir development based on cost of energy from existing hydroelectric plants on Pit and Feather rivers — 187 53 Petroleum statistics, 1880-1929^ 190 54 Cost of steam-electric energy delivered from terminal substation 196 55 Analyses of steam-electric energy required to utilize maximum electric energy output of Kennett power plant 199 56 Value of hydroelectric energy from Kennett power plant, based on pro- duction by steam-electric plant 200 57 Comparison of values of electric energy output from Kennett power plant under different methods of operation, based on the cost of steam- electric energy under present conditions . 202 58 Value of electric energj- from units of State Water Plan in Sacramento River Basin 204 59 Existing power development reservoirs in the Sacramento River Basin 205 CO Increased irrigation yield at Oroville due to power reservoirs on Feather River ^ 206 61 Reservoir sites in Sacramento River Basin 210 62 Major reservoir units of State Water Plan in Sacramento River Basin 214 63 Net evaporation from reservoirs 215 64 Monthly demand for electric energy and irrigation water 216 65 Summary of unit costs used in estimates Opposite 218 66 Distribution of areas by range of elevation in upper Sacramento River drainage basin above Kennett dam site 219 67 Seasonal run-offs of Sacramento River at Kennett dam site, 1889-1929 221 68 Average monthly distribution of run-off of Sacramento River at Kennett dam site 222 69 Seasonal run-offs of Sacramento River at Red Bluff, 1889-1929 222 70 Areas and capacities of Kennett reservoir 224 71 Flood flows at Red Bluff and Colusa without and with flood control by Kennett reservoir 230 TABLE OF CONTENTS 13 Table Page 72 Cost of Kennett reservoir with flood control fiatures 230 73 Cost of power plant for Kennett reservoir with 420-foot dam 231 74 Cost of reservoir capacity and nnit yield of water fur irrip;ation from Kennett reservoir 233 75 Cost of Keswick afterhay and power plant 242 76 Existing storage reservoirs in the Feather River watershed above Oroville 249 77 Seasonal run-offs of Feather River at Oroville, 1889-1929 250 78 Average monthly distribution of run-off of Feather River at Oroville 250 79 Areas and capacities of Oroville reservoir 252 80 Cost of Oroville I'eservoir with flood control iValurfs 257 81 Cost of power plant for Oroville reservoir with 580-foot dam 258 82 Cost of reservoir capacity and unit yield of water for irrigation from Oro- vilk- reservoir 259 S3 Cost of Oroville afterbay and power plant 2(54 8 4 Distribution of areas by range of elevation in Yuba River drainage basin above Narrows dam site 266 85 Seasonal run-offs of Yuba River at Narrows dam site, 1889-1929 268 86 Average monthly distribution of run-off of Yuba River at Narrows dam site_ 269 87 Areas and capacities of Narrows reservoir 270 88 Cost of Narrows reservoir with flood control features^ 276 89 Cost of power plant for Narrows reservoir 276 90 Seasonal run-offs of Bear River at Van Trent, 1889-1929 -- 279 91 Average monthly distribution of run-off of Bear River at Van Trent 280 92 Areas and capacities of Camp Far West reservoir 281 93 Cost of Camp Far West reservoir with flood control features 284 94 Average monthly distribution of run-off of American River at Fairoaks 287 95 Seasonal run-offs of American River at Folsom dam site, 1889-1929 289 96 Areas and capacities of Folsom reservoir 290 97 Cost of Folsom reservoir with flood control features 294 98 Cost of power plant for Folsom reservoir 295 99 Cost of Folsom afterbay and power plant 297 100 Seasonal run-offs of North Fork of American River at Auburn dam site, 1889-1929 298 101 Areas and capacities of Auburn reservoir 300 102 Cost of Auluirn reservoir with flood control features 303 103 Cost of power plant for Auburn reservoir with 140-foot dam 303 104 Cost of reservoir capacity and unit yield of water for irrigation from Auburn reservoir 305 105 Cost of I'ilot Creek reservoir and po\\''r plant 309 106 Seasonal run-offs of South Fork of American River at Coloma dam site 1889-1929 311 107 Areas and capacities of Coloma reservoir 312 108 Cost of Coloma reservoir 316 109 Cost of power plant for Coloma reser\()ir witli 345-foot dam 316 110 Cost of reservoir capacity and unit yield of water for irrigation from Coloma reservoir 317 111 Cost of Webber Creek reservoir, and power plant 322 112 Summary of capital and annual costs of American River unit 324 113 Seasonal run-offs of Trinity lUver at I•^li^^iew dam site, 18S9-1929 328 114 Average monthly distribution of run-off of Trinity River at Fairview dam site 32s 115 Areas and capacities of l<'airview reservoir 330 116 Summary of capital and annual costs of Trinity liiver diversion into Sacra- mento River Basin 335 14 TABLE OF CONTENTS Table Page 117 Cost of Fairview reservoir 336 118 Cost of power plant No. 1 at Fairview dam 33S 119 Cost of Lewiston diversion dam and reservoir 336 120 Cost of diversion conduit from Lewiston dam to power plant No. 2 near Tower House, and power plant No. 2 337 121 Cost of conduit from power plant No. 2 to power plant No. 3 near Oak Bottom, and power plant No. 3 337 122 Cost of conduit from power plant No. 3 to power plant No. 4 near Keswick, and power plant No. 4 337 123 Seasonal run-offs of Stony Creek at Millsite dam site, 1889-1929 340 124 Average monthly distriljulion of run-off of Stony Creek at Millsite dam site 340 125 Areas and capacities of Millsite reservoir 311 126 Cost of Millsite reservoir __ 343 127 Seasonal run-offs of Cache Creek at Capay dam site, 1889-1929 346 128 Average monthly distribution of run-off of Cache Creek at Capay dam site 346 129 Areas and capacities of Capay reservoir — 347 130 Cost of Capay reservoir 349 131 Seasonal run-offs of Tutah Creek at Monticello dam site, 1889-1929 351 132 Average monthly distribution of run-off of Putah Creek at Monticello dam site 352 133 Areas and capacities of Monticello reservoir 352 134 Cost of Monticello reservoir 355 135 Cost of yjeld in water for irrigation from major reservoir units of State Water Plan in Sacramento River Basin (without power features) 356 136 Net cost for water for irrigation from major units of State Water Plan in Sacramento River Basin Opposite 360 137 Ultimate major units of State Water Plan in Sacramento River Basin 361 138 Major units of State Water Plan in Great Central Valley 363 139 Reservoir space required for controlling floods to certain specified flows 366 140 Flood flows in Great Central Valley without and with reservoir control 367 141 Annual water requirements and surplus in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and flow into Suisun Bay with major units of State Water Plan in Great Central Valley operated under Method I, 1918-1929 371 142 Monthly distribution of surplus water in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and flow into Suisun Bay with major units of State Water Plan in Great Central Valley operated under Method I, 1918-1929 372 143 Annual water requirements and sun^lus in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and flow into Suisun Bay with major units of State Water Plan in Great Central Valley operated under Method II, 1918-1929 373 144 Monthly distribution of surplus water in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and flow into Suisun Bay with major units of State Water Plan in Great Central Valley operated under Method II, 1918-1929 374 145 Annual water requirements and surplus in Sac ramento-SanJoaquin Delta and flow into Suisun Bay with major units of State Water Plan in Great Central Valley operated under Method III, 1918-1929 375 14 Monthly distribution of .surjilus watir in Sacramonto-Ran Joaquin Delta and flow into Suisun Bay with major units of State Water Plan in Great Central Valley operated under Method III, 1918-1929 376 147 Surplus water in Sacramento River Basin exclusive of Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta requiromtnts 377 148 Annual water requirements and surplus in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and flow into Suisun Bay with Kennett reservoir operated as an initial unit under Method II, 1919-1929 388 149 Monthly distribution of surplus water in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and flow into Suisun Bay with Kennett reservoir operated as an initial unit under Method II, 1919-1929 389 TABLE OF CONTENTS 15 Table Page 150 Annual water requirements and surplus in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and flow into Suisun Bay with Kennott reservoir operated as an initial unit under Method III, 1919-1929 390 151 Monthly distribution of surplus water in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and flow into Suisun Bay with Kennett Reservoir operated as an initial unit under Method III, 1919-1929 391 152 Annual water requirements and surplus in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and flow into Suisun Bay with complete American River unit oi>erated as an initial unit under Method II, 1919-1929 1 392 153 Monthly distribution of surplus water in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and flow into Suisun Bay with complete American River unit operated as an initial unit under Method II. 1919-1929 393 154 Annual water requirements and surplus in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and flow into Suisun Bay with complete American River unit operated as an initial unit under Method III, 1919-1929 391 155 Monthly distribution of surplus water in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and flow into Suisun Bay with complete American River unit operated as an initial unit under Method III, 1919-1929 395 156 Annual water requirements and surplus in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and flow into Suisun Bay with partial American River unit operated as an initial unit under Method I, 1919-1929 396 157 Monthly distribution of surplus water in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and flow into Suisun Bay with ])artial American River unit operated as an initial unit under Method I, 1919-1929 397 15S Annual water requirements and surplus in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and flow into Suisun Bay with partial American River unit operated as an initial unit under Method II, 1919-1929 398 159 Monthly distribution of surplus water in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and flow into Suisun Bay with partial American River unit operated as an initial unit under Method II, 1919-1929 399 160 Financial comparison of Kennett reservoir unit and American River units for various plans of operation 400 161 Capital and annual costs of Kennett reservoir unit — Immediate initial development 404 162 Distribution of total releases from Kennett reservoir operated as an initial unit of State Water Plan under Method III- -Stream flow dedicated pri- marily to irrigation 408 163 Distribution of releases of stored water from Kennett reservoir operated as an initial unit of State Water Plan under Method III — Stream flow dedicated primarily to irrigation , 4oa 164 Disti-ibution of total releases from Kennett reservoir oi)erated as an initial unit of State Water Plan under Method III — Stream flow dedicated primarily to navigation 412 165 Distribution of releases of stored water from Kennett reservoir operated as an initial unit of State Water Plan under Method III — Stream flow dedi- cated primarily to navigation 413 166 Relation of releases, spill and waste from Kennett reservoir operated as an initial unit of State Water Plan under Method III 414 167 Comparison of hydraulic mining in ISso and 1930 418 168 Amounts of workable gravels in Yuba, Bear, and American river basins 419 169 Amounts of gravels to be worked and yields in first twenty-year period 419 170 Debris storage resei'\'oir sites on Yuba, Bear and American rivers 420 171 Lands along the Sacramento and American rivers riparian by contact with the streams 424 172 Classification of lands along the Sacramento and American rivers riparian by contact with the streams 425 173 Use of water on lands along Sacramento River, Redding to Sacramento, riparian by contact with the stream 426 174 Irrigated acreage nf riparian lands in Sacramento Delta, Sacramento to CoUinsville 4 27 175 Use of water on lands along American River, Fairoaks to mouth, riparian by contact with the stream ; 428 176 Ultimate water requirements for irrigable Irinds along Sacramento and American rivers riparian by contact with the streams 42S 16 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF PLATES Plate Page Geographical distribution of water resources and agricultural lands in California Frontispiece I Geographical distribution of precipitation in California Opposite 66 II Forested area and stream gaging stations in California Opposite 70 III Agricultural lands and areas under irrigation in the Sacramento Valley and adjacent foothills Opposite 84 IV Classification of agricultural lands in the Secramento Valley Opposite 86 V Zones used for estimating net irrigable areas in the Sacramento Valley and adjacent foothills Opposite 94 VI Water service areas in the Sacramento Valley Opposite 122 VII Portion of Sacramento River Basin showing flood control system aurif- erous gravels and major units of State Water Plan Opposite 130 VIII Probable frequency of flood flows at foothill gaging stations on major streams of Sacramento River Basin Opposite 136 IX Probable frequency of flood flows at points of concentration on Sacramento Valley floor Opposite 138 X Reservoir space required to control floods on major streams of Sacramento River Basin Opposite 140 XI Plans for flood control on American River 146 XII Plans for flood control in Butte Basin 150 XIII Growth of commerce on Sacramento River 157 XIV Electric power production and transmission system in California Decem- ber 31, 1930 Opposite 166 XV Geographic location of electric power production and load in California, 1927 Opposite 170 XVI Installed electric power generator capacities in California, 1911-1929 178 XVII Electric power production in California, 1913-1929 180 XVIII Past and estimated future growth of electric power production in Cali- fornia, 1913-1950 181 XIX Petroleum production and unit values, 1895-192U 192 XX Petroleum production, storage, and unit values in California, 1895-1929 193 XXI Analysis of steam-electric power required to utilize the hydroelectic power output of Kennett reservoir 198 XXII Major units of state plan for development of water resources of California - Opposite 214 XXIII Kennett dam site on Sacramento River 22r. XXIV Kennett reservoir on Sacramento River Opposite 226 XXV Tost of reservoir capacity and unit yield or water for irrigation from Kennett reservoir 234 XXVI Keswick dam site on Sacramento River — 240 TABLE OK CONTENTS 17 I'late Page XXVII Oroville dam site on Feather River 253 XXVIII Oroville reservoir on Featlur River _ —.^^Op2)osite 254 XXIX Cost of reservoir capacity and unit yield of water for irrigation from Oroville reservoir 260 XXX Oroville afterbay dam site on Feather River 263 XXXI Narrows dam site on Yuba Rivei- 272 XXXII Narrows reservoir on Yuba Rivtr Opposite 272 XXXIII Camp Far West dam site on Bear Rivtr 282 XXXIV Camp Far West reservoir on Bear Riv. r Opposite 282 XXXV American River unit Opposite 286 XXXVI Folsom dam site on American River — 291 XXXVII Folsom afterbay dam site on American River 296 XXXVIII Auburn dam site on North Fork of American River 301 XXXIX Cost of reservoir capacity and unit yield of water for irrigation from Auburn reservoir 306 XL. Pilot Creek dam site on North Fork of American River 308 XL.I Coloma dam site on South Fork of American River 313 XLII Cost of reservoir capacity and unit yield of water for irrigation from Coloma reservoir — _- 3I8 XL.III Webber Creek dam site on South Fork of American River 320 XLIV Trinity River diversion into Sacramento River Basin Opposite 328 XLV Fairview dam site on Trinity River 330 XLVI Millsite dam site on Stony Creek 342 XLVII Millsite reservoir on Stony Creek Opposite 342 XLVIII Capay dam site on Cache Creek 348 XLIX Capay reservoir on Caclie Creek Opposite 348 L Monticello dam site on I'utah Creek 353 LI Monticello reservoir on Putah Creek Opposite 354 LII Capital cost of seasonal irrigation yield in new water from major reservoir units of State Water Plan in Sacramento River Basin 357 LIII Average annual cost of seasonal irrigation yield in new water from major reservoir units of State Water I'lan in Sacramento River Basin 359 LIV Distribution of releases from Kennett reservoir operated as an initial unit of State Water Plan under Metliod III. — Stream How deilicated pri- marily to irrigation 406 LV Distribution of releases from Kennett leservoir opeiated as an initial unit of State Water Plan under Method III. — Stream flow dedicated pri- marily to navigation 411 LVI Riparian lands on Sacramento and American rivers Op2JOsite_424 2 — 80994 ACKNOWLEDGMENT In the investigation of the ^Vriter resources of the Sacramento River Basin and in the preparation of a plan for their conservation, utiliza- tion and distribution, most valuable assistance and cooperation have been rendered by individuals and public and private agencies. Many individuals, irrigation and reclamation districts, mutual water companies and public utilities have furnished data and informa- tion which were particularly useful in the preparation of this report. Active and material aid in many phases of the investigation was received from departments of the Federal government. Several departments of the State have cooperated and rendered substantial assistance in making studies and reports on important spe- cial subjects. Special commendation is due the members of the Engineering Advisory Committee whose advice and assistance have been of ines- timable value throughout the investigation and in the preparation of the report. (18) ORGANIZATION Earl Lee Kelly Director of Public Works Edward Hyatt State Engineer This bulletin was prepared under the direction of A. D. Edmonston, Deputy State Engineer By T. B. Waddell, Hydraulic Engineer Principal Assistants Theodore Neuman G. F. Mellin E. W, Roberts A. M. Wells R. L. Wing Assistants E. M. Browder J. A. Case L. N. Clinton A. R. Codd A. W. De Yoe H. C. Kelly J. T. Maguire Thomas Lewis F. G. Montealegre, Jr. C. C. Osborne F. S. Robinson C. W. Roberts G. H. Stockbridge Delineators R. R. Ege Geologist Chester Marliave E. N. Sawtelle The study to determine the location and extent of the riparian lands along the Sacramento and American rivers was made under the immediate direction of Harlowe Stafford Hydraulic Engineer J. J. Haley, Jr. Administrative Assistant (19) ENGINEERING ADVISORY COMMITTEE This investigation was outlined and the report prepared with the advice of and in consultation with tlie following: committee of consult- ing: engineers : B. A. Etcheverry J. D. Galloway F. C. Herrmann AV. L. Huber J. B. LiPPINCOTT F. II. Tibbetts (20) SPECIAL CONSULTANTS Consulting geologists and engineers rendered reports on special features of the investigation as follows : George D. Louderback and Frederick L. Ransome, Consulting Geologists, made a detailed geologic investigation and rendered a report entitled "Geologic Report on the Kennett, Iron Canyon and Table Mountain Dam Sites on Sacramento River," which is presented as Appendix A. Dr. Louderback also made a geologic investigation and rendered a report entitled "Geologic Report on Fairview Dam Site on Trinity River," which is presented as Appendix D. Hyde Forbes, Engineer-Geologist, made geologic investigations of dam sites on the Feather, Yuba, Bear and American rivers and Stony, Cache and Putah creeks. His report, entitled "Geologic Reports on Dam Sites in Sacramento River Basin," is presented as Appendix E. ]\Ir. Forbes also made an investigation of the underground water con- ditions in the Sacramento Valley and rendered a report entitled ' ' Geol- ogy and Underground "Water Storage Capacity of Sacramento Valley, ' ' which is presented as Appendix F. Lester S. Ready, Consulting Engineer, rendered a special report on electric power development in California deeding particularly with the value of the electric energy which could be produced at the major units of the State Water Plan and with the problem of electric power absorption. That special report is the basis for the text of Chap- ter VTII. (21) FEDERAL AGENCIES COOPERATING IN INVESTIGATION WAR DEPARTMENT Thomas M. Robins, Lieutenant Colonel, Corps of Engineers, Division Engineer, Pacific Division J. K. D. Matheson, Major, Corps of Engineers, District Engineer, Sacramento District of Pacific Division W. A. WoQD, Jr., Captain, Corps of Engineers Tinder the general direction of Colonel Robins, the general super- vision of Major Matheson and the immediate direction of Captain Wood, the War Department carried out an investigation of the water resources of the Sacramento, San Joaquin and Kern rivers with a view to the formulation of general plans for the most effective improvement of navigation and the prosecution of such improvement in combination with the most efficient developments of potential water power and supplies for irrigation, and the control of floods, and rendered a report thereon. The investigation was made under authority of the River and Harbor Act of January 21, 1927, and in accordance with the pro- visions of House Document No. 308, 69th Congress, 1st Session. The investigations of the State and the War Department were coordinated effectively, resulting in no duplication of effort. The work of the War Department covered special important phases of the investigation, particularly flood control and navigation. Additional exploratory work also was done at the Kennett dam site and at a site on the Sacramento River near Table Mountain and a relocation survey was made for that part of the Southern Pacific railroad which would be flooded b}- the Kennett reservoir. DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR Bureau of Reclamation Elwood Mead, Director The Bureau of Reclamation assisted in the exploration of the Table ]\Iountain dam site. Records of explorations previously made by the Bureau at the Iron Canyon dam site also were of great assistance to the geologists during this investigation. Geological Survey, Water Resources Branch H. D. McGlashan, District Engineer Studies of the water supply of the Sacramento River Basin were aided by the cooperation rendered by Mr. IMcGlashan in furnishing advance information on stream flows in the basin and in im]iroving the installations of certain stream-gaging stations maintained for this purpose. Chemical analyses of the waters of several streams of the Sacramento River Basin also were made by this branch of the United States Geological Survey. (22) DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Public Roads, Division of Agricultural Engineering W. W. McLaughlin, Associate Chief Under cooperative agreement, the Division of Agricultural Engi- neering under the general direction of Mr. IMcLaughlin and the imme- diate supervision of Major 0. V. P. Stout, made detailed measurements of the consumptive use of water by crops and natural vegetation in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, covering a period of about six years. The results of these measurements played an important part in the investigation. *e5' Weather Bureau E. H. Bowie, in Charge of Western States The bureau cooperated in furnishing unpublished precipitation records whicli were of great value in the investigation. Bureau of Chemistry and Soils M. H. Lapham, hispcctor, District 5 The bureau furnished advance data on soil surveys which aided in tlie land classification. FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION F. E. Bonner, Executive Secretary E. W. Kramer, Regional Engineer, U. S. Forest Service, Representing the Commission in California In connection with the investigation of the War Department, Mr. Kramer and J. E. McCaffrey, Senior Hj^droelectric Engineer, made a study of the growtli of consumption of electric energy in California and the probable value of hydroelectric energy which could be gene- rated at several units of the State Water Plan. Some of the data collected for that study were used in a similar study made for this bulletin. (23) STATE AGENCIES COOPERATING IN INVESTIGATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS C. H. PuRCELL, State Highway Engineer Under the general direction of Mr. Purcell and the immediate supervision of F. J. Grumm, Engineer of Surveys and Plans, and H. S. Comly, District Engineer, the Division of Highways prepared estimates of tlie cost of relocating State liighways through reservoir sites on tlie Sacramento and Feather rivers. RAILROAD COMMISSION OF CALIFORNIA A. G. MoTT, Chief Engineer The Railroad Commission, through Mr. Mott and N. A. Wood, Assistant Engineer, prepared reports on the economics of the railroad relocations for the Kennett and Oroville reservoirs on the Sacramento and Feather rivers, respectively. The Commission, through A. V. Guillou, Assistant Chief Engineer, also furnished data on power production and distribution throughout the state and the costs of recent hydroelectric developments. STATE RECLAMATION BOARD A. M. Barton, Chief Engineer The Reclamation Board made available data on the classification of about a million acres of land in the Sacramento Valley, secured during the distribution of assessments for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Drainage District. (24) CHAPTER 832, STATUTES OF 1929 An act making an appropriaiion for work of exploration, investigation and preliminary plans in furtherance of a coordinated plan for the conservation, development, and utilization of the water resources of California including the Santa Ana River, Mojave River and all water resources of southern California. (I object to the item of ?450,000 in Section 1 and reduce the amount to $390,000. With this reduction I approve the bill. Dated June 17, 1929. C. C. Young, Governor.) The people of the State of California do enact as follows: Section 1. Out of any money in the state treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of four hundred fifty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated to be expended by the state department of public works in accordance with law in conducting- work of exploration, investigation and preliminary plans in furtherance of a coordinated plan for the conservation, development and utilization of the water resources of California includ- ing the Santa Ana River and its tributaries, the Mojave River and its tributaries, and all other water resources of southern California. Sec. 2. The department of public works, subject to the other pro- visions of this act, is empowered to expend any portion of the appro- priation herein provided for the purposes of this act, in cooperation with the government of the United States of America or in cooperation with political subdivisions of the State of California; and for the purpose of such cooperation is hereby authorized to draw its claim upon .said appropriation in favor of the United States of America, or the appropriate agency thereof for the payment of the cost of such portion of said cooperative work as may be determined by the department of public works. Sec. 3. Upon the sale of any bonds of this state hereafter author- ized to be issued to be expended for anj^ one or more of the purposes for which any part of the appropriation herein provided may have been expended, the amount so expended from the appropriation herein pro- vided shall be returned into the general fund of the state treasury out of the proceeds first derived from tlie sale of said bonds. (25) FOREWORD This report is one of a series of bulletins on the State Water Plan issued by the Division of Water Resources pursuant to Chapter 832, Statutes of 1029, directing? further investigjations of the water resources of California. The series includes Bulletins Nos. 25 to 36, inclusive. Bulletin No. 25, "Report to Legislature of 1931 on State Water Plan," is a summary report of the entire investigation. Prior to the studies carried out under this act, the water resources investigation had been in progress more or less continuously since 1921 under several statutory enactments. The results of the earlier work have been published as Bulletins Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 19 and 20 of the former Division of Engineering and Irrigation, Nos. 5, 6 and 7 of the former Division of Water Rights and Nos. 22 and 24 of the Division of Water Resources. The full series of water resources reports prepared under Chapter 832, twelve in number, are : Bulletin No. 25 — "Report to the Legislature of 1931 on State Water Plan." Bulletin No. 26 — "Sacramento River Basin." Bulletin No. 27 — "Variation and Control of Salinity in Sacra- mento-San Joaquin Delta and Upper San Fran- cisco Bay." Bulletin No. 28 — "Economic Aspects of a Salt Water Barrier Below Confluence of Sacramento and San Joa- quin Rivers." Bulletin No. 29 — "San Joaquin River Basin." . Bulletin No. 30— "Pacific Slope of Southern California." Bulletin No. 31— "Santa Ana River Basin." Bulletin No. 32— "South Coastal Basin." Bulletin No. 33 — "Rainfall Penetration and Consumjitive Use of Water in Santa Ana River Valley and Coastal Plain." Bulletin No. 34 — "Permissible Annual Charges for Irrigation Water in U])per San Joaquin Valley." Bulletin No. 35 — "Permissible Economic Rate of Irrigation Development in California." Bulletin No. 36— "Cost of Irrigation AVater in California." This bulletin presents inventories of the water supplies and agri- cultural lands of the Sacramento River Basin; estimates of the irrigable lands and water requirements of the basin; the present status of irriga- tion, flood control, navigation and power development ; the major units of a plan for the ultimate development and utilization of the water resources of the basin; and a rc'coinmendation of a first unit for (Con- struction in this development. (26) SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 27 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION, SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The Great Central Basin of California occupies more than one- third of the area of the entire state and comprises the northern and central portions lying between the crests of the Sierra Nevada and Cascade Range on the east and the Coast Range on the west, and also the drainage basin of the Pit River lying to the east of the Cascades. Its length and average width are approximately 500 miles and 120 miles, respectively, the length being about 65 per cent and the width 60 per cent of that of the state. The two principal streams of the Great Central Basin, the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers, form with their many tributaries the two largest stream systems of Cali- fornia. The Sacramento River draining the northern part of the basin, and the San Joaquin River draining the southern part, flow toward each other and through a common mouth into Suisun Bay and thence through San Francisco Bay into the ocean. The Sacramento River Basin has an area of 26,150 square miles and occupies about one-sixth of the area of the state and 45 per cent of that of the Great Central Basin. The Sacramento Valley which occupies the central portion of the Sacramento RiA^er Basin is bounded on the north and east by the Sierra Nevada and on the west by the Coast Range. Its area is about one-fifth of that of the entire Sacra- mento River Basin. The remaining portion of the basin is foothill and mountain lands with some smaller valleys. The Sacramento River Basin is devoted largely to agriculture and it is estimated that in 1930 the value of the land, buildings, equipment, and live stock utilized in the industry was about $572,500,000. Almost 6,500,000 acres of agricultural land or about 27 per cent of the total agricultural lands of the State lie in this basin. Conditions are suitable for the production of a large variety of crops among which are decid- uous and citrus fruits, olives, nuts, grapes, hops, nearly every variety of vegetable, grain, alfalfa and rice. Dairying and the raising of beef cattle, sheep, hogs and poultry also are important industries. The returns from crops and live stock products from the basin in 1929 amounted to a little over $100,000,000 or about 13 per cent of the total return from these industries in the state. While the Sacramento Valley in the early days of development was devoted largely to the raising of grain and cattle, the introduction of irrigation made possible the greater variety of crops. The area irri- gated in the Sacramento River Basin increased from less than 100,000 acres in 1880 to about 860,000 acres in 1929. The latter area is about 13 per cent of that of the total agricultural lands of the basin and one- fifth of the net irrigable area. About three-fourths of the total increase from 1880 to 1929 occurred in the last two decades, due largely to the increase in orchard and rice plantings. Further increase will be controlled largely by the development of water supplies through the storage of winter run-off from the mountains. \ 28 DIVISION OF WATKR RESOURCES Mauufactuiing in the Sacramento River Basin is second only to agriculture as a source of income and, if lumber is included in the manu- factured ])roducts, jiroduces more than Ilo per cent of the basic income from all industries i)i the basin. The most important manufactured l^roducts are lumber and canned and preserved fruits. The income in the basin from the value added by manufacture, in 1929, amounted to about $47,340,000 or 3.5 per cent of the total for the entire state. A large amount of both hydroelectric and .steam-electric energy is also produced in the Sacramento. River Basin. Some of this energj' is used within the basin and the remainder is transmitted to the area around San Francisco Bay and to the San Joaquin Valley. The poAver plants of the basin liave an in.stalled capacitv of about 600,000 kilovolt amperes and in 1929 produced about 2,480,000,000 kilowatt hours of electric energy or about 28 per cent of the total production of the state. Mining was largely responsible for the early development of the Sacramento River Basin but it has been surpassed in importance by many other industries. However, it is still an important source of income in many parts of the basin. In the early days, the principal form of mining was the working of auriferous gravels by the hydraulic process. This form of mining sent millions of cubic yards of debris down into tlie .streams of the valley and out over ad.jacent farm lands during the flood periods. To protect these streams for navigation and the agricultural lands from destruction, this form of mining was prac- tically terminated by a Federal court decision in 1884. Some hydraulic mining is now carried on behind dams to restrain the debris and there is considerable working of auriferous gra"^'els by gold dredgers. AVhile gold is still the most important mineral ])rodueed, co]"»per. silver, lead, quicksilver, building stone, limestone, pottery and brick clays, and several other minerals add to the income from the mining industry. The value of all of these mineral products from the Sacramento River Basin in 1929 amounted to about $13,000,000. The present population of the Sacramento River Basin is about 350,000, a little more than six per cent of that of the state. It can be classified as about half urban and half rural. The largest city in the area is Sacramento, the capital of the state, and the industrial and commercial center of the Sacramento Valley and its environs. It has a population of nearly 100,000. Chico, Roseville and Marysville, the next largest urban centers, have populations of only 7900, 6400 and 5800, resi)ectively. The population of the basin increased about 83,000 in the last decade, or 32 per cent, as com})ared to a 65 per cent increase for the entire state. The basin, especially the Sacramento Valley, is well served by transportation facilities. It is travei-sed from north to south by the Southern Pacific Railroad, which has two main lines through the Sacra- mento Valley, and by the combined Western Pacific and Great Northern railroads. The main line of the Western Pacific Railroad continues eastward by way of the Feather River Canyon across the Sierra Nevada and gives a tran.seontinental outlet to the One of the Southern Pacific Railroad's transcontinental lines also crosses the basin from east to west, crossing the Sierra Nevada between the American and Yuba SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 29 River basins. There are also numerous branches from the main line railroads into the mountains and different parts of the valley. An electric line, the Sacramento-Northern Railway, connects Sacramento, Chico, Oroville, Woodland and several otlier Sacramento Valley towns with the San Francisco Bay area, and another electric line connects Sacramento and Stockton. The only river on which navigation is feasible at the present time is the Sacramento. This stream is an important arterj^ of transportation below the city of Sacramento throughout the year and above that city for a part of each year. A network of improved highways throughout practically the entire basin also ])rovides facilities for rapid motor truck transportation, either for short or long hauls, and such transportation is now a competitor with that by both rail and water. Previous Investigations. Investigations of the water resources of the Great Central Basin with a view of utilizing the water for the greatest beneficial uses have been made at various times over a long period of years. Some of the more important of these are enumerated in the following paragraphs : In 1873 an investigation was made by the United States War Department and a plan was outlined for utilizing the water supply to the greatest advantage for irrigation purposes. The first effort of the State to launch a comprehensive investigation of its water resources and offer a solution of the problem concerning water utilization was made in 1878 and resulted in "an act to provide a system of irrigation, promote rapid drainage and improve navigation on the Sacramento and San Joaquin river. ' ' Under this act, investiga- tions were carried out by the State Engineer, William Ham. Hall. He, like the Army engineers in 1873, suggested that the water of the Great Central Valley be developed in a systematic manner. Several reports and maps were published by the State Engineer between 1880 and 1888. In 1900, the United States Department of Agriculture, Office of Experiment Stations, made an investigation of irrigation conditions and recommended certain changes in the water laws of tlie State. In 1906, a report on hydrographic investigations in the Sacramento Basin, California, was prepared by S. G. Bennett, engineer for the United States Reclamation Service. This report summarized data on irrigation and reclamation from other reports and described a number of reservoir sites and possible storage and irrigation jii-ojects in the basin. Another State investigation was made in 1911 through a special board called the "Conservation Commission," which issued a report on its findings. In 1912, the United States Department of Agriculture made an investigation and issued a bulletin dealing with the irrigation resources and their development. The State investigations known as "The California Water Resources Investigations" were initiated in 1921. These investigations were carried out under the direction of the State Engineer. Further investigations w-ere authorized by the Legislature of 1925. 30 DIVISION' OF WATER RESOURCES Scope of Present Investigation. Irrigation development of the lands in the Sacramento River Basin has now reached the point where in dry j'ears with present storage facilities there is insufficient water for full requirements. The impor- tant water problem in this and the upper San Francisco Baj' basins is the invasion of saline water into the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta channels and upper San Francisco Ba^*, which renders the water unfit for irrigation and industrial process uses. Also, flows in the upper Sacramento Kiver in some of the recent dry years have been so low that navigation on that stream has been impaired. These unfavorable conditions could be improved by the construction and operation of storage facilities above the valley floor. These storage facilities could also be utilized effectively to reduce flood flows that now menace pro- ductive and improved lands and urban centers in the valley. In the San Joaquin Valley, a very serious water situation now exists. Highly developed lands are overdrawing the water supplies which are naturally available to them. AYater must be obtained from an outside source if these lands are to be maintained in production. Furthermore, in the San Joaquin River Basin the total water supply is insufficient to meet the ultimate water requirements for full develop- ment- of that basin. There is and will be a deficiency in water supplies therein. In the Sacramento River Basin, on the other hand, the water supply if adequately regulated and conserved, is larger than will be required for ultimate development of that basin. The Sacramento River Basin, therefore, is the logical source of an additional supply for the San Joaquin River Basin. The present investigation, therefore, has been directed primarily toward the formulation of a plan for a system of works wliieh would conserve and make available water supplies for the present and ultimate needs of the Sacramento River Basin for all purposes and also for supplemental supplies for needs in the San Joaquin River and San Francisco Bay basins. Because of the close interrelation between the basins, they have been considered as one geographic division in the formulation of this State Water Plan for the Great Central Valley. In the formulation of the State Water Plan, studies were made covering the San Joaquin River Basin; the salinity and irrigation conditions in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and upper San Fran- cisco Bay Basin, including a study of the economy of constructing a barrier at some point below the lower end of the delta to prevent the invasion of saline water into it ; and the Sacramento River Basin. This bulletin presents for the Sacramento River Basin, the available water supply, an inventory of the agricultural lands, the present irrigation development and an estimate of the area of lands suitable for irrigation, the ultimate water requirements for all purposes, the present status of flood control and navigation and the effect of the State Water Plan on items, the present power development and the value of hydro- electric energy, the major units of an engineering plan for the ultimate development of the water resources of the basin, and the unit of the ultimate plan which should be initially constructed. A discussion of the relation of the State Water Plan to the resumption of hydraulic SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 31 mining and data on tho riparian lands along the Sacramento and American rivers also arc presented. The "water supply studies Avere niatle to estimate the ruu-offs at various points for the -AO-year period 1889-1929. These estimates were based on records of precipitation in the basin for the entire period and on stream flow measurements which were started as early as 1895 and which are available for about 25 years on streams contributing approximately 90 per cent of the run-off from the mountain areas. Estimates of full natural run-off s were made for all of the major streams and groups of minor streams. Full natural run-offs and those under present and ultimate conditions of development, at the dam sites of the major reservoir units in the Sacramento River Basin, also were estimated. The present and ultimate net run-offs, estimated for the 40-year period 1889-1929, were used in the reservoir studies. Studies also were made of the distribution of the run-off and the occurrence and distribution of return waters and ground water. In order to determine the water requirements of the entire Sacra- mento River Basin and especially those portions of the basin which could be served from the major reservoir units of the State Water Plan in the basin, a classification was made of all agricultural lands in the Sacramento Valley and adjacent foothills on the basis of their adapta- bility for irrigation. This classification covered an area of about 8,750,000 acres of which 7,750,000 acres were classified in the field, utilizing soil surveys, where available, as a guide. The other 1,000,000 acres were classified from data previously obtained by the State Reclamation Board. The areas of agricultural and irrigable lands in the mountain valleys were obtained from former surveys. Coincidently with the classification of the agricultural lands, a survey was carried on to determine the crops now grown on the lands classified. This survey was made for the purpose of determining the areas of the different kinds of crops, the locations in which they are grown and the adaptability of certain localities to the growing of dif- ferent types of crops. An independent survey also was made to determine the number of acres irrigated in 1929 in the Sacramento River Basin and the portions of this area which were irrigated from surface water supplies and from ground water, respectively. Data also were obtained on the water requirements for these irrigated lands by crops and the losses incident to the application of the water. Based on the data obtained from the foregoing surveys, estimates were made of the net areas suitable for irrigation in the Sacramento River Basin and the ultimate water requirements for the full develop- ment of these lands. The requirements were estimated for the moun- tain and foothill areas above the major reservoir units, for the area whicli would be served by each reservoir, for the lower Sacramento Valley area which could be served from both the Sacramento and Feather rivers, and for the entire Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. For each division, estimates wore made of the gross allowance or diversion, the not allowance or water delivered to the fields, and the net use of water or the amount from which no return would be available. Since the major reservoir units of the State "Water Plan would be strategically located for the conti-ol of floods, estimates were made of 32 DIVISION OF NVA'IKK RESOURCES maximum flood flows which might occur at certain intervals of time at tlie foothill iraginjr stations on the major streams and the effect of the reservoirs in reducing the sizes of these flows before the}' reach the valley floor. Estimates also were made of the effects of the reser- voirs in reducing the sizes of concentrated flood flows at certain points on the valley floor and the benefits to be derived from these reductions in decreasing the cost of works for flood control and in increasing the degree of protection now afforded by the works of the Sacramento Flood Control Project. Navigation on the Sacramento River is an important element in the transportation facilities in the Sacramento Valley. However, on account of the large upstream 'diversions and the recent abnormally low run-offs, navigation above Sacramento has been greatly impaired. Navigation conditions, above Sacramento, however, could be improved either by installing dams and locks in the river to form pools or by increasing the stream flows by releasing water stored in upstream reservoirs. Studies, therefore, were made to estimate the effect of the operation of the major reservoir units of the State Water Plan, and especially the Kennett reservoir, on the improvement of navigation b}^ the latter method. The production of electric energy in connection with the opera- tion of the major reservoir units of the State "Water Plan, and the use of the revenue from the sale of this energy to help defray the cost of the project are important elements in the economic feasibility of the ]jlan. Studies, therefore, were made to determine the amounts of energy which would be generated, the rate at which the energy could be absorbed by the power market, the unit value of the energy, and the returns from the reservoir units under different methods of operation. The major units of the State Water Plan for the Sacramento River Basin comprise eleven reservoirs, three afterbays, a diversion conduit from the Trinity River, power plants at some of the reservoirs and several power drops. Many studies were made to determine the best location for. and the most economic size of, each unit for inclusion in the State Water Plan. Topographic surveys were made of all reser- voirs and dam sites for which maps were not available and of conduit lines for the Trinity River diversion. Field examinations of reservoir sites were made to appraise the values of lands and improvements which would be submerged and these values were checked by com]iari- son with data from county assessors and other sources. Some of the dam sites were explored by shafts, tunnels and core drillings, ami geologic studies by competent geologists were made of all sites. From these geologic data, estimates were made of the depths of excavation necessary to obtain satisfactory foundations for the dams. Data also were obtained on unit costs of materials and all parts of the construc- tion work and on the probable length of time required for construction. Witli these data and the estimated quantities involved in different jiarts of the construction, estimates were made of the costs of the dams, reser- voirs, power plants and conduits. Data also were obtained on the co-sts of operation and maintenance of the different features of the units and with these data and assumed interest and amortization charges, esti- mates were made ol" annual costs. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 33 Studies were made to estimate the total seasonal irrigation yields and the yields in new water which would have been available from each major reservoir unit durination. domestic or other purposes, would return to the streams either as direct drainai^e or as intiow from the jrround water basins. The return waters from the mountain and footliill areas would be available for rerejrulation in the major reservoir units of the State Water Plan. The return waters from valley floor lands would enter the streams or artificial drains, from which they could be diverted for reuse on lands at lower elevation in the valley. All return waters not used in the Sacramento Valley would flow into the Sacra- mento-San Joaquin Delta where they would be avaihible for use or for exportation to otlier areas. Studies made of this return water indicate that about four-tenths of all water diverted for irrigation on the Sacramento Valley floor, under a condition of ultimate development, would reach the streams as return water. Tt also was estimated that 75 per cent of this return water would reach the valley streams during the irrigation months of April to October, inclusive, with a regimen that would approximatel}' s;sTichronize with the irrigation demand. The water returning at such times that it could be reused would be ('(piivalent to additional run-off in so far as water supply for lands on the lower reaches of the streams is concerned. I'luler conditiotis of ultimate development, the return waters which could not be regulated by the major re.servoir units wouhl amount to 4.190.000 acre-feet per year. Another .source of supply is water collected and stored in under- ground basins. It is estimated that in the Sacramento Valley there are aj^proximately 3.000,000 acre-feet of available storage space in such basins. In propoi'tioning th<^ physical works of a plan for the utiliza- tion (>\' the water rescnirces of the Sacramento Uiver Basin, however, no account was taken of the availability of the underground storage capacity in the basin. If the underground storage were oj)erated in conjunction with surface storage, a greater use could be made of the run-offs of the tributary streams since some of the water which would be wasted into the ocean in the winter season could be stored in these underground reservoirs and used in seasons or cycles of low surface run-off. • SACRAMENTO KIVER BASIN 37 Agricultural Lands. — Tlie agricultural lands in the Sacramento River Basin include about 28.6 per cent of those of the entire state. The classification of aj-ricultural lands on the basis of their adaptability for irrigation made during the present investigations covered those lands lying in the Sacramento Valley and adjacent foothills and also all of the lands in the entire Saeramento-San Joaquin Delta, the San Joaquin portion being included with the Sacramento Valley since a large part of the water supply for the entire delta naturally comes from the Sacramento River Basin. The lands were divided into five classes, the first four of which are considered as agricultural and the fifth as having no present or potential agricultural value. The character of the soil and topographic and surface features determined the class in which each parcel of land was placed. A certain percentage of each class of agricultural land was estimated to be capable of irrigation and these percentages applied to the areas of the respective classes of land in any tract, gave the irrigable area of that tract. The gross agricultural and net irrigable areas in the basin, estimated during this investigation, are shown in the following table : AREAS OF AGRICULTURAL AND IRRIGABLE LANDS Gross agricultural area Net irrig able area Section In acres Ir per cent of total In acres In rier cent of total Vallev floor .- 3,499,000 2,099,000 416,000 142,000 279,000 54.4 32.6 6.5 2.2 4.3 2,640,000 922,000 312,000 135,000 257,000 61.9 Foothill .irea - - --_-_ - 21.6 7.3 Sacramento Delta 3 2 San Joarjuin Delta 6.0 Totals. 6,435,000 100 4,266,000 100.0 A crop survey' which Wcls made of the classified area of the Sacra- mento Valley and adjacent foothills to determine the areas of different kinds of crops, the locations in which they are grown, and the adapta- bility of certain localities to the growing of different types of crops, showed that on the 2,222,000 acres planted in 1929 in the counties lying wholly or partly in the Sacramento River Basin, the crops were dis- tributed as follows: CitriKS and olives 0.7 per cent Deciduous orchard 13.7 percent Vines 3.1 per cent Grain 55.0 per cent Alfalfa and .sudan grass- 5.5 percent Fielil crops 5.5 per cent Cotton 0.5 per cent Truck 5.9 per cent Itice 10.1 percent The inventory value of all farm lands and buildings, farm imple- ments and machinery, and live stock, in the Sacramento River Basin in 1930 was estimated from the Fourteenth Cen.sus of the United States to be $572,551,000. The total value of crops and live stock products from the basin in 1929 was estimated from the same census to be $102,272,000. Irrigation Development. — Irrigation development in the Sacramento River Basin has increased greatly in the last two decades, about 6.") per cent of the area now irrigatod having been brought under irrigation 38 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES in that period. A survey and other data collected during the present investigation indicate that there were about 857,000 acres irrigated in 1929 in tlie Sacramento River Ba^in. These lands were distributed as follows: 550,000 acres on the valley floor outside of the Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta. 103.000 acres in the Sacramento Delta. 66.000 acres in the Sierra Nevada foothills adjacent to the valley, and 138,000 acres in the mountain valleys. The survey and study made to estimate the area irrigated on the Sacramento Valley floor and in the surrounding foothills showed that of the 719,000 acres irrigated in these areas in 1929. about 203,000 acres received water by pumping from underground supplies and the remainder received a water supply from surface streams. Irrigation water is furnished in the Sacramento River Basin by irrigation districts, public utility companies, mutual water companies, the United States Bureau of Reclamation, reclamation districts, indi- viduals and private companies. Water Bequirements. — While water is required in the Sacramento River Basin for domestic, municipal, irrigation, industrial, salinity control and navigation purposes, the use for irrigation does and probably will continue to predominate. It, therefore, was used as the principal basis in estimating the water requirements of the basin. A considerable amount of water, in addition to that u.sed for irrigation, would be required to maintain flows in the Sacramento River for navigation and to control salinity to the lower end of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. The requirement for salinity control would be a minimum con- tinuous flow of 3,300 second-feet Antioch into Suisun Bay, which would amount to 2,390,000 acre-feet annually. The requirement for navigation would be a minimum flow of 5000 second-feet in the Sacra- mento River. ULTIMATE SEASONAL WATER REQUIREMENTS OF IRRIGABLE LANDS IN SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN, INCLUDING THE SACRAMENTO-SAN JOAQUIN DELTA Section Net irrigable area, in acres Gross allowance, in acre-feet Net allowance, in acre-feet Net use, in acre-feet Total Average per acre Total .Average per acre Total Average per acre Mountain vf^lleys 312,000 922,000 2,640,000 135,000 257,000 936,000 2.305.000 9.033.000 376,000 824,000 3,00 2.50 3.42 (') (•) 562,000 1,383,000 6.025.000 376,000 824,000 1 80 1 50 2 28 (') (') 562,000 1.383,000 5.190.000 376.000 824,000 1 80 Foothill areas 1 50 Valley floor Sacramento Delta 1 97 (') Sar Joaquin Delta (') Totab 4.266,000 13,474,000 0,170,000 8,335.000 ' Value for net use per unit of area is not given since ultimate total requirements and use arp divided arnong irriiration use, evaporation from delta channels, transpiration from tules and other natural ve.;;etation and e.apor&tion from levees and uncultivated land surfaces. The estimated seasonal water requirements for irrigation use under a condition of ultimate development of all irrigable lands in the Sacra- mento River Basin and the entire Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, are SACRAMENTO RR^ER BASIN 39 given in the foregoing table. The different terms in the table covering allowances and use of water are defined as follows : "Gross allowance" designates the amount of water diverted at the source of supply. "Net allowance" designates the amount of water actually delivered to the area served. "Net use" designates the sum of the consumptive use from artificial supplies, and irrecoverable losses. "Consumptive use" in the foregoing definition designates the amount of water actually consumed through evaporation, and transpiration by plant growth. Flood Control. — A plan for flood control in the Sacramento Valley has been adopted by the State of California and the United States Govern- ment and is the one under which all flood control and protection works must now be constructed. Under this plan, flood waters are carried in the stream channels and in by-passes which are provided to carry flows in excess of the capacities of the natural channels. Levees along the natural channels and by-passes protect the lands which are subject to inundation. Works under this plan have been largely completed but some areas are still unprotected. Recent studies also indicate that the quantities of flow provided for in the plan may be exceeded on an average of two to seven times in 100 years in different parts of the system. Floods also may be controlled by storing flows in excess of channel capacities in reservoirs in the foothills and releasing the stored water after the flood crest has passed. This means of control also may be utilized to increase the degree of protection afforded by works already constructed or to be constructed under the adopted flood control project. The reservation and utilization of storage space for flood control are proposed in the Kennett reservoir and in each of the major reservoir units of the State Water Plan on the east side of the Sacramento Valley. These reservoirs, the space which would be reserved during the flood season and the control which would be obtained are shown in the following table : RESERVOIR SPACE TO BE RESERVED FOR CONTROLLING TO CERTAIN SPECIFIC AMOUNTS FLOODS Reservoir Stream Point of control Maximum reservoir space reserved, in acre-feet Controlled flow, in second-feet Number of times controlled flow would be exceeded on the average Kennett - Sacramento River Feather River — . Red Bluff Oroviile Smartsville Van Trent Fairoaks 512,000 521,000 272,000 50,000 '175,000 •125.000 100,000 70,000 20,000 '100,000 Once in 14 yesra Once in 100 years Oroviile Narrows . Yuba River... Caiup Fat West Foisom Bear River American River Once in 100 years One day in 100 years I Mean daily flow on day of flood crest. Floods would be controlled to 125,000 second feet maximum flow exceeded one* in 100 years on the average, except when this amount is exceeded by the uncontrolled run-ofi between KennHt reser- voir and Red Bluff. Flows greater than 125,000 second-feet would continue for only a short time. • With space reserved for flood control as follows: Foisom reservoir, 175,000 acre-feet; Auburn reservoir. 90,000 acre- feet; Coloma reservoir, 35,000 acre-feet; flows at Fairoaks could be controlled to 80,000 second-feet exceeded one day in 250 yean on the average, 40 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES The flows at six points of concentration in tlie Sacramento Valley, without and witli Hood control hy the reservoirs shown in the preceding table, would be as follows: FLOOD FLOWS IN SACRAMENTO VALLEY WITHOUT AND WITH RESERVOIR CONTROL Maxirrura mean daily flow, in second feet Number of times flow would be exceeded, on the average Stream and point of concentration Without reservoir control With rtser\'oir control .Sacramento River at Red Bluff 303,000 218,000 370,000 254,000 670,000 400,000 430,000 185.000 •187,000 '125,000 250,000 170,000 535,000 201.000 226,000 80,000 Once in 100 years Sacramerto River at Red niuff _ _ _ . Once in 14 vears Sacramento River and Sutter-Buttc By-pass opposite Colusa Sacramento River ard Suttsr-Butte By-pass opposite Colusa Sacramento Rivor at Sacramento and Yolo By-pass at Lisbon Feather River below confluence with Yuba River Once in 100 years Once in 14 years Once in 100 years Once in 100 years Feather River b'^low confluence with Bear River Once in 100 years Once in 250 years ' Floods would be controlled to 125,000 sceond-feet maximum flow exceeded in 100 years on the average, except when this amount is exceeded by the uiicontrolkd run-oi. between K'-nnett reservoir and Red Bluff. Flows greater than 125,000 second-feet would continue for only a short time. With flood flows controllod to the amounts shown in the second preceding table, the amounts of flow provided for in the flood control ])roject in tlie Sacramento Valley would be greatly reduced, or the average length of the period between their probable times of occurrence would be increased. The effect, at five points, of this reservoir control is shown in the following table : FREQUENCIES OF EXCEEDENCE OF SACRAMENTO FLOOD CONTROL PROJECT QUANTITIES Flood control project quantity, in secopJ-feet ^... Probable number of times quantity may be exceeded in 100 years on the average — Without reservoir control With reservoir control Points of concentration op Sacramento Valley floor Sacramento River and Sutter-Butte By-pass opposite Colusa 260,000 6.5 Less than once Sacramento River at Verona and Yolo By-pass at Fremont Weir 470,000 2.5 Less than once Sacramento River at Sacramerto and Yolo By-pass pt Lisbon 600,000 18 Lfs than once Feather River below confluence of Feather and "Yuba rivers 277,000 7.3 Less than once Feather and Bear rivers 295,000 6.3' Less than once It is estimated that with floods in the American River controlled 1o 100,000 second-Foot at Fairoaks, a chnnnol 1000 feet in width would be sufficient to protect the lands along the river from overflow, whereas, without control to this amount, a channel 2400 feet in width is required. The net saving in the cost of flood protection with the 1000-foot channel plan, taking into ncoount the cost of flood control works in the Polsom dam, would be about ^'J.'jO.OOO jiiid over 3300 acres more land would be protected. The control of floods to 100.000 second-feet by the Uroville reservoir would permit the con.struction of lower levees from Oroville to Marys^ SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 41 ville than are proposed in the Sacramento Flood Control Project, or if the project levees were eonstrneted, wonld give a greatly increased degree of protection to the lands along this section of the Feather River. This control also wonld increase the degree of protection of lands already protected by the works of the flood control project downstream from ]\Iar3's ville. The control of floods by the Kennett reservoir would increase the degree of protection of all lands in the Sacramento Flood Control Project along the Sacramento River and would permit the i)rotecti()n of the lands in Butte Basin at a reasonable cost. It is estimated that the operation of the Kennett reservoir for flood control would reduce the flood flows in the Sacramento River so that works for the protection of Butte Basin against these flows could be constructed at a cost $9,430,000 less than that for works required to care for the quantities proposed in the Sacramento Flood Control Project, with the same degree of protection to the lands in the basin. Navigation. — The Sacramento River is the only important navigable stream in the Sacramento Valley outside of the Sacramento Delta, but the Feather River and the lower mile or two of the American River also could be made navigable. The water-borne commerce of the Sacramento River Basin is large, and substantial investments have been made in floating equipment and in terminal facilities. However, on account of recent low run-off s and the development of irrigation in the Sacramento Valley, the navigability of the upper Sacramento River has been greatly impaired. Navigation above Sacramento can be improved in either of two W'ays, by ''canalization" or by ''stream floAv regulation." With the canalization method, the necessary navigable depths would be secured by the installation of dams across the stream channel to form pools. Locks would be incorporated into the dams to provide for the passage of vessels. The other method would be to supplement the stream flow by the release, of water stored in upstream surface reservoirs, in sufflcient amounts and at the proper time, to provide the required depths for navigation. With this latter method, some channel rectification also would be necessary. Under the stream-floAv regulation method, an opportunity is afforded to im])rove and restore navigation on the Sacramento and Feather rivers by the utilization of the reservoirs of the State Water Plan for that purpose. The reservoirs which could be so utilized are the Kennett on the upper Sacramento River, Oroville on the Feather River, Narrows on the Yuba River and Folsom, Auburn and Coloma on the American River. The American River reservoirs would be useful only in aiding navigation on the Sacramento River below the city of Sacramento and for a short distance up the American River. The Oroville and Narrows reservoirs could be utilized toward restoring navigation on the Feather River to a certain extent, and in aiding navigation on the Sacramento River below its confluence with the Feather River. The Kennett reservoir would be strategically located to improve the Sacramento River for navigation from its mouth upstream to Red Bluff, a distance of 249 miles. 42 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES The economic importance of maintaining? navigation on the Sacra- mento River is recognized generally by the local shippers, the State and the Federal Government. The latter agency, in accord with its well established policy, has expended substantial sums in maintaining and improving the navigability of this stream. A ten-foot depth is now maintained below the city of Sacramento but the low stream flows during recent years and increased irrigation diversions, have resulted in the reduction of depths above Sacramento in the summer and fall months to such an extent that there was no navigation on this section of the river during these months. Studies have recently been made by the Army engineers to estimate the economic value of further improve- ment of navigation on the section of the Sacramento River above Sacramento. The estimated economic value as published in a pre- liminary report * by the Division Engineer, Pacific Division, United States War Department, however, is believed to be too low and it is thought that further study will indicate a much greater value, probably as much as the cost of canalization of the river from Sacramento to Red Bluff. Furthermore, it is believed that the same improvement could be accomplished by the operation of the Kennett reservoir, combined with some open channel improvement, as by canalization and that the value of the reservoir for the improvement of navigation would be equal to the necessary expenditure for canalization from Sacramento to Red Bluff. Power Development. — It is feasible in connection with the operation of the major reservoir units of the State Water Plan, to develop hydro- electric energy, the sale of which would partially defray the cost of the project. Power plants are not proposed for construction in connection with all of the major reservoirs in the Sacramento River Basin but, for those plants which are proposed, studies were made to estimate the amounts of hydroelectric energy produced with different methods of operation of the reservoirs. It was estimated that the annual increase in requirements for electric energy in northern California would vary from 32-1,000,000 kilowatt hours in 1935 to 464,000.000 kilowatt hours in 1950. The esti- mated average annual output from the Kennett reservoir unit would vary with the method of operation from 1,285,000,000 to 1,622,800,000 kilowatt hours per year with the output for the immediate initial devel- opment averaging about 1,592,000,000 kilowatt hours. On account of the characteristics of this output, however, a market somewhat in excess of the estimated plant outputs would have to be developed to absorb them. The length of time required to absorb the output of the Kennett reser- voir unit would depend upon the year in which it is brought into pro- duction. It is believed that the period of absorjition would not be more than four to six years. The outputs from the other units in the Sacra- mento River Basin would bo considerably snuiller and the problem of their absorption, therefore, eorresjiondingly less. That the revenue from the sale of the energy produced might be estimated, studies also were made to estimate the unit value of this • House Document No. 791, 71st Congress, 3d Session. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 43 energy at each of the power plants. Three bases of estimating the value of energy from the proposed plants are available : 1. Cost of energy from other hydroelectric plants. 2. "Wholesale prices of energy as indicated by existing contracts. 3. Cost of energy from steam-electric plants. The analyses of values under each of these three bases required that consideration be given to relative characteristics of power from differ- ent sources and that adjustment be made to reflect transmission cost to a common or equivalent delivery point at or near the load center. Since the most important element affecting the present and future value of electric energy is the cost of that produced by steam, this basis was adopted for estimating the value of the energy from the major unit power plants of the State "Water Plan. The estimated values of the hydroelectric energy at the power plants, therefore, were based on the cost of producing an equivalent amount of electric energy of the same characteristics with a steam-electric plant located in the area of consumption, taking into account the cost of transmission from the point of generation to the load center, and are the lowest values result- ing from this or any of the other methods of evaluation. In estimating the cost of steam-electric energy, the present prices of fuel oil, or its equivalent in natural gas, and present efficiencies of steam plants were used. "With this method as a basis, the values of the hydroelectric energy which would be produced at the major unit power plants were estimated. These values would be fixed by the characteristics of the electric energy output, which in turn would- be determined by the method of operation of the reservoir. The estimated values for the different methods of operation, at the power plants, are as follows: VALUES OF ELECTRIC ENERGY Unit • Method of operation Value of electric energy per kilowatt hour at plant switchboard Ken nett reservoir - - - Primarily for generation of power JO 00272 Immediate initial development 00265 Complete initial development- .- .00242 Primarily for irrigation . . 00193 Oroville reservoir . . . . . . . Primarily for generation of power 00310 Primarily for irrigation ! 00225 Narrows reservoir Primarily for generation of power . 00298 Primarily for irrigation .... 00235 Trinity River diverfion . . Primarily for generation of power 00250 Complete American River . Primarily for generation of power - . 00327 Immfcdiate initial'development .00331 Complete initial development .00292 Primarily for irrigation . .... 00256 Partial American River Immediate initial development 00327 Complete initial development 00250 Ultimate Major Units of State Water Plan. — In the Sacramento River Basin, only surface storage reservoirs and the Trinity River diversion are included in the State Water Plan. It is considered that a distribu- tion sy.stem to convey water to the areas of use is a feature for local 44 DH'ISIOX OF WATER RESOURCES development. Also, the underground storage is not included in the present plan although it may in the future become an important means of holdover storage for use in dry cycles. Although all reservoirs eon- .structed and to be constructed are considered as ultimate units of the State "Water Plan, only those on the major .streams are included in the plan at the present time. The major reservoirs would be located ou the lower reaches of the streams near the edge of the valley floor. On account of their locations, the)' would be in positions to regulate the maximum water supply for uses on the valley floor. They would not interfere physically with power, irrigation or other developments on the upper reaches of the streams and iij this investigation it was a.ssumed that no water rights would accrue to the major reservoirs which would in any way interfere with these upper developments. The reservoirs could reregulate water returned to the streams by the upstream developments as well as the unused waters of the streams. They also would be ideally located to control floods at the point where they would debouch onto the valley floor, thereby reducing the cost of protecting lands which now have no protection and increasing the degree of protection afforded by the present flood control system. The ultimate major units for the Sacramento River Basin comprise ten storage reservoirs in the basin, one on the Trinity River, the Trinity River diversion to the Sacramento River Basin, three afterbays. power plants at some of the reservoirs, and several power drops. The storage reservoirs are Kennett on Sacramento River; Oroville on Feather River; Narrows on Yuba River ; Camp Far West on Bear River ; Folsom. Auburn and Coloma on American River; Millsite on Stony Creek; Capay on Cache Creek; Monticello on Putah Creek; and Fairview on Trinity River. Two power drops. Pilot Creek and "Webber Creek dams, are proposed on the American River. Afterbays are proposed at Kes- wick, below the Kennett dam, near Oroville, below the Oroville dam, and at Folsom, belo^v the Folsom dam. Power plants are proposed at the Kennett, Fairview, Oroville, Narrows, Folsom, Auburn and Coloma reservoirs, the Keswick, Oroville and Folsom afterbays, and the Pilot Creek and Webber Creek power drops, and three plants are proposed on the Trinity River diversion conJuit. All of the reservoirs, afterbays, power drops and power plants on the American River are considered to constitute the American River unit. The value of a reservoir in the lower canyon of the upper Sacra- mento River, near Red Bluff, in controlling the run-off of that stream, has long been recognized and diligent search was made during this investigation for a favorable dam site, but none was found. No reser- voir below Kennett. therefore, is included in the State Water Plan. Another reservoir site investigated in the upper Sacramento River Basin is one dam site is on the Pit River below the mouth of the McCloud River. It is designated the Baird site. This site lies within the area which would be flooded by the Kennett reservoir and could be developed only as an alternate for it. The principal advantage of the Baird reservoir over the Kennett reservoir would l)e that the relocation of the Southern Pacific railroad would be obviated. However, the uncertainty of constructing a safe dam at the Baird site to a height which would create a reservoii- of capacity adequate to meet immeriiate SACRAMENTO HIVER BASIN 45 and ultimate water requirements in accord witli the State Water Plan, together with other disadvantages, led to the conclusion that a reservoir at this site should not be considered as an alternate for the Kennett reservoir. Estimates of both the capital and annual costs were made for each reservoir and power plant, based on the costs of labor and materials as of 1929 and 1930 and on the assumption that each unit would be completely constructed in one step. These costs, and data pertaining to the reservoirs, are shown in the table on page 46. The estimated total yield in irrigation water, yield in new water and electric energy' output from each major unit of the State Water Plan for the Sacramento River Basin, under two methods of operation, are set forth in the tabic on page 47. The new water is the supply which would be available through the development of storage, over and above present possible uses from the stream, under an irrigation demand schedule. The data are shown for the unit operated primarily for the generation of power, where power plants are included, with the irriga- tion water yield being incidental to such operation, and with the unit operated primarily to supply irrigation water, with the production of electric energy being incidental to that operation. The average net annual cost of new water was obtained by deducting from the gross annual cost of the unit the estimated revenue from the sale of the electric energy produced. Comparing the major units on the basis of the cost of new water, tliey may be listed in the order of cost, from lowest to highest, as follows : Unit operating primarily for power Kennett reservoir unit .^m-erican River unit Trinity River diversion Narrows reservoir Oroville reservoir unit I'nit operating/ priinavily for irrigation Kennett reservoir unit American River unit Monticello reservoir Capay reservoir Narrows reservoir Millsite reservoir Camp Far West reservoir Oroville reservoir unit The Kennett reservoir unit, therefore, would yield the largest volume of new water at the lowest unit cost with either of the methods of operation. Tlie American River unit would be next lowest in unit cost but would be surpassed by the Oroville reservoir unit in the amount of new water. Irrigation yield from the latter unit, how- ever, would be higher in unit cost than that from any major unit in the Sacramento River Basin, undei- botli methods of 0])erati()n. Coordinated Operation and Accomplishments of Ultimate Major Units. — The Great Central Valley, including both the Sacramento and San Joaquin River basins, was considered as one geograjihic division in formulating the State Water Plan. In the San Joaquin River Basin there is insufficient water supply for the full development of all of the ii'rigable land, while in the Sacramento Rivei- r>asin there is a surplus of water over its ultimate needs. The logical source of an additional supply for the San Joaquin River Basin, therefore, is in the surplus water of the Sacramento River Basin. Both basins were analvzed as 46 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES oo O O _ _ - oc c oooc oooooooooo Soooooooco o o o o o o o o o cc" cc c^ oc — * o" ^ -n" c^ c^ o" cT r-^ OS rt ^ c^ oo ^ eca-co — •v^^o«o^oo»oc»Cioooo^^co^- cl_co -^_0_0 re O CC -^ O 00 "^^^ 03 -^ -^ C^ CO *^ _ _JOOOOOt >oooooooo5oo< >oo< IS8S OOOOOQOQQOOOOOOOOOO OOOQOOOOSOOCOOOOOOO 2 ^ rt g o =i.-"3.s a 0000000000000000300 oooooooo o =3 o c; o o o o^o^ooooo o o_oo^o^o_o_o_ o o o c-f O •^■-r o cT »i^ *r; »o o o lO O »0 lO OS QO ec •— (O O C^ QO C4 ^« CJ d .tl CQ O 0-3 Sic o o o c; o o oo_o CC CO o o TT r» o o s o O O CD O o_ o o_ o O »0 »0 i-'S r—oo —• CO o o « ; so o oo o o o o o o o o o C-ruOOO O iC •-■ t^ CO C5^HCO«-" tx3 o »o too Cs 1:000 CO co*o OOOTOOOtO ooQOCioC'^r^ ^ » S52 r^ > Im J: S; > > c ci c a »; « d ea u o o e - a o — ^ :r: w <^ t- t- u c _ U U C -'- C3 toco JSt-fc *-'_ ■♦^ -H _o ^ S».Pu>" e g; c> o SEES <:■<•<> o o o o C t. ,1- fefc-U. gooo -.:S^:S|^asEo|jl|l| EC ci o -ooozot».P«.<(Cots<^c3»-. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 47 < n o H z u < u <; V. o Oh 05 u f- < Ui < H W b O w H Z a: o —) < a < 2 1 ^ C^eo -^ O c^ »rt 00 -H cswco-^^ffor>-^oo -^ era c- 3^ o oo o o '-3 s-s o 1 s o o o o o S. o oo o o c^'-i oo ^ 11 &s^ '**' 2 ►- ,-H n oj a ca (N oo oo CO TT ^lO oo o >> C8 d O-^C^CDOOCSOO o c^C^ooooocso C3 ki o o o o o o_ o^ o o Q. 0) o CD OoTOCCI^iOtC C5 U) 0> r- 1 CO CO »0 t^ »0 05 S? .s & oo C» CO *-• «D i-< 00 C3 Uj a50s»ooi to -2 CO -^a^oi^ t~- «-" '"^ 2 o If3 C^ " C4 H •-* OQ oo»ot~^"«a'^oi^^-;r- ■s-s o ^ (M oo to t-t « 2 o =■- S §=^-3^ ^^_J _,^^^^^^ o C3 1^ 1m o a C> »oio i>r,-T -^j^ cf "rt OlifS -^ !>• . J- 1— '^, 1 ^1 .B •S.9 o OC5 o --^o-'-^c:^-^ 1 o o o o o C-o Z, w-!l> o '>. tT o o o o o o bo |l irf lO r^t^ 00 c4" □ -:3 CO -t« — (^ lO ira Of a- ^ O O ^ CO CO ■^ o wcT*-? CO tw H M M oooo-^o-:;^-^';;^ o .2-^ o •- 3«> o o o o'^^o^"''*^ o litis S a; o 5 3 ooo'cT c? CD O C: O O <0 o CO CJl >— ' CO -^ r-^ . W -a > C3 -TS (I 0315 48 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES a unit in order that the greatest use might be made of all of the avail- able water supply in the great Central Valley. The major units of the plan in both basins, including surface and ground water storage reservoirs and conduits to convey the surplus water from the areas in which it originates to those having a deficient supply, were used in the analysis. The major units for the San Joaquin River Basin are described in another report.* The operation of the units in the Great Central VaUey was analyzed under three methods, through the eleven-year period 1918 to 1929. This period was one of subnormal run-off and included the extremely dry season of 1923-24. The details, accomplishments and surplus water with one of these methods of operation, IMethod II. are given in the following summary. ^Method I is the same as IMethod II except as follows: In (e) under 3, there would have been a 35 per cent deficiency only in those areas dependent upon local supplies; in (g) under 3. a su]iply of only 520.000 acre-feet per season, with a deficiency of H per cent in 1924, would have been made available for the irrigation of 260,000 acres lying on the westerly slope of the upper San Joaquin Vallej'; and in (i) under 3, the supply of 323.000 acre-feet per season for irrigation use in the San Francisco Bay Basin would have had a deficiency of only 18.5 per cent in 1924. Method III is the same as Method II except that an additional supply of . 1,500,000 acre-feet annually, with a deficiency of 35 per cent in 1924, would have been made available in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta in accordance with a uniform demand and there would have been a maximum defi- ciency of 22 per cent in the suppl.y to^the Sacramento Valley. The operation and accomplishments under Method II are as fol- lows : 1. The amount of water utilizable for storage and regidation in the major reservoir units was obtained by deducting from the full natural run-otf of the streams entering the Great Central Valley, the net use of 2,283,000 acre-feet i^er seasoii for an adequate and dependable irrigation sup])ly for 1,439,000 acres of land, being the net irrigable mountain valley and foothill lands lying at elevations too high to be irrigated by gravity from the major reservoir units, thus ])roviding for the ultimate needs of these areas, and deducting from the flow of the Tuolumne River 448,000 acre-feet per year for the water supply of the city of San Francisco. An additional amount of 224,000 acre-feet per year also was deducted for the San Francisco Bay r>asin from Pardee Reservoir on tlie Mokelumne River. 2. Space in the jirincipal reservoirs would iiave been reserved for flood control. This space, operated in a specified man- ner, would matei'ialiy reduce flood flows on the major streams, resulting in an increased degree of ]u-()1ection to areas subject to overflow in both the SacraiiKMito and San Joaquin valleys and a in potential annual flood damages in these areas. The sizes of floods which ju-obably would be exceed(Hl on the average of once in 100 years (excej)t as noted), without aiul with the space reserved, at • Bulletin No. 29, "San Joaquin River Basin," Division of Water Resources, 1931. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 49 several of the principal points in the Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys are as follows : Stream Sacramento River at Red Bluff Sacramento River at Red Bluff Sacramento River and Sutter Butte By-pass op- posite Colusa.. _ Sacramento River and Sutter Butte By-pass op- posite Colusa __ ... Sacramento River at Sacramento !ind Yolo By- pass at Lisbon Feather River below confluence with Yuba River Feather River below confluence with Bear River- American River at Fairoaks _ San Joaquin River below confluence with Merced River _. San Joaquin River below confluence with Tuol- umne River San Joaquin River below confluence with Stanis- laus River Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers at confluence. Maximum mean daily flow, in second feet Without reservoir control 303,000 218,000 370,000 254,000 670,000 400,000 430,000 185,000 70,000 103,000 133,000 780,000 With reservoir control "187,000 '125,000 250,000 170,000 535,000 201,000 226.000 80,000 50,000 64,000 82,000 596,000 Number of times flow would be exceeded, on the average Once in Once in Once in Once in Once in Once in Once in One day Once in Once in Once in Once in 100 years 14 years 100 years 14 years 100 years 100 years 100 years in250yrs. 100 years 100 years 100 years 100 years 3. -80994 ' Floods would be controlled to 125,000 second-feet maximum flow exceeded once in 100 years, except when this amount is exceeded by uncontrolled run-off between Kennett reservoir and Red Bluff. Flows greater than 125,000 second-feet would continue for only a short time. Stored water would have been drawn from the major surface reservoir units, and uiideraround basins, in such amounts and at such times as to supplement unregulated flows and return waters, to make water available for : a. A supply of 9,033,000 acre-feet per season, gross allow- ance without deficienc}^ available in the principal streams, for the irrigation of all of the net area of 2,640,000 acres of irrigable lands of all classes on the Sacramento Valley floor. b. A supply of 1,200,000 acre-feet per season, without deficiency, for the irrigation of all the net area of 392,000 acres of irrigable lands, and for unavoidable losses, in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. c. The improvement of navigation on the Sacramento River to Red Bluff. d. A fresh water flow of not less than 3300 second-feet past Antioch into Suisun Bay, which would have con- trolled salinity to the lower end of the Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta. e. A surface supply of 5,342,000 acre-feet per season, gross allowance, with a maximum sea.sonal deficiency of 35 per cent, for the irrigation of all the net area of 1,810.000 acres of irrigable land of all classes in the lower San Joaquin Valley, including 134,000 acres of foothills below the major reservoirs on the eastern side of the valley. The deficiency could have been reduced by the utilization of the available underground stoi*age capacity. 50 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES f. A supply of 4,700,000 acre-feet per season, without deficiency, for the irrigation of a net area of 2,350,000 acres of class 1 and 2 lands on the eastern and southern slopes of the upper San Joaquin Valley. This would have been accomplished by utilization of underground storage capacity in conjunction with the major reservoir and conveyance units proposed. g. A supply of 1,570,000 acre-feet per season, with a maxi- mum seasonal deficiency of 35 per cent, for the irriga- tion of all the net irrigable area of 785,000 acres of class 1 and 2 lands on the western slope of the upper San Joaquin Valley. h. A water supply and channel depth in the San Joaquin River sufficient to provide a navigable depth of six feet as far upstream as Salt Slough, nine miles above the Merced River. i. A supply of 403,000 acre-feet per season in the Sacra- mento-San Joaquin Delta, for use in the San Francisco Bay Basin. There would have been a deficiency of 35 per cent in 1924 in the 323,000 acre-foot portion of this supply allotted to use for irrigation. This amount of 403.000 acre-feet per season, togetlier with full prac- tical development of local resources and annual importa- tions of 224,000 acre-feet from the I\Iokelumne River and 448,000 acre-feet from the Tuolumne River, and an importation from the Eel River, would have given an adequate and dependable supply for the ultimate development of this basin. j. The generation of more than five billion kilowatt hours of electric energy, on the average, annualh\ With all of the major units of the State Water Plan in the Great Central Valley operated for the foregoing purposes, substantial amounts of water over and above the requirements Avould have wasted into Suisun Bay during the eleven-year period 1918-1929, as follows : Amount in Amount in Year acre-fcct Year acrc-fcct 1918 __ 3.885,000 1924 1,002,000 1919'"' IIII"II 4,112,(100 1925 2,860,000 1920 I- ~- 2,288,000 1926 2,925,000 192l"'~II "-' 8,071,000 1927 9.469.000 1922l"_ "' 8,431.000 1928 7,498,000 1923 2,934,000 . ^.-y nnn Avoi'ase. 4,862,000 The largest amounts of waste would have occurred in years of large run -off and in the winter months of other years. Part of the waste water would have been contributed by unregulated run-off and return water and part by spill from the reservoirs. During the summer months there would have been just sufficient water released from the reservoirs to care for all needs. The average monthly di.stribution of waste water for the period 1918-1929 would have been as follows: SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 51 Amou7it in Month acyre-feet January 722,000 February 1,320,000 March 1,486,000 April 167,000 May 219,000 June 113,000 Month July August September October Amount in acre-feet 33,000 November 328,000 December 474,000 Total---- 4,862,000 Part of the waste \\aters could have been conserved by reservoirs other than the major nnits of the State Water Plan or by larger major nnits. Studies showed, however, that these additional regulated waters would not have been necessary during the eleven-year" period 1918-1929, for the accomplishments set forth for Methods I, II, and III. Surplus Wafer in Sacramento River Basin Under Conditions of Ultimate Development. — The same analysis from which the foregoing results for Method II were obtained shows that by the utilization of the ph.vsical works proposed herein for the Sacramento River Basin, including the Trinity River diversion, regulated supplies, without deficiency in amount and dependable in time could have been made available in the principal streams to irrigate all of the 2,640,000 acres of net ii-rigable lands in the Sacramento Valley, after allowing a gross annual diversion of 3,241,000 acre-feet, wdth a net use of 1,945,000 acre- feet per year, for the irrigation of a net irrigable area of 1,234,000 acres of foothill and mountain valley lands in the Sacramento River Basin. The analysis also shows that there would have been a large surplus of water in every year, over and above these needs, in the basin above the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. A part of this surplus water would have been contributed directly by releases and spill from the reservoirs, a part would have been return water from irrigation on the valley floor and foothills at elevations higher than the reservoirs but draining directly to the valley floor, and a part would have been unregulated run-off. The portion of this surplus water not used in or diverted from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta M^ould have w^asted into the ocean. A large part of the surplus, however, could have been put to beneficial use in all years, except in winter months when a portion would have wasted. The following tabulation gives the amounts of water con- tributed by the reservoirs, the surplus available in the delta in the maximum and minimum years, and the average annual surplus for the eleven-year period 1918-1929. SURPLUS WATER IN SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN Exclusive of Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta requirements Amount of water, in acre-feet Maximum year, 1927 Minimum year, 1924 Average annual for poriod 1918-1929 Releases and spill from major reservoir units, and unregulated run-off. Gross requirements for lands on Sacramento Valley floor.. .. 19,837,000 9,033.(100 10,804,000 3,843,000 341,000 14,988,000 10,608,000 9,033.000 1,575,000 3,843,000 341,000 5,759,000 15,141,000 9 033 000 Surplus from releases and spi 1 1 and unregulated run-off (5,108,000 Return water- from vallcv floor 3,84 1,000 Return water — from foothills above reservoirs. . . . 341,000 Total surplus available in delta from Sacramento River Basin 10,292,000 52 DIVISION OF WATER RKSOURCES The ultimate average anuual retiuirements for the Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta and salinity control would amount to :}, 590,000 acre-feet. A ])ortion of this would be contributed by water from the San Joaquin Valley streams, but if the entire amount had been obtained from Sacramento Valley waters during the eleven-year period 1918- 1929, there still M'ould have been suri)luses in the maximum and minimum years of n,:!99,()0() and 2,1()4,0()() acre-feet respectively, and an average annual sur|)lus for the period of (j.702,000 acre-feet. Initial Unit of State Water Plan in Sacramento River Basin. — The greatest water problem in the Sacramento River Basin at the present time is that of invasion of saline water into the delta region. Although this is the principal immediate problem, others are quite important. During the summer and fall months of subnormal years, the flow in the Sacramento River has been so low that navigation has been greatly impaired and distance of navigability has been much reduced. Also, during several of the past dry years, particularly in 1920 and 1924, the irrigators drawing their supplies from the Sacramento River had hardly enough water for their needs and increased pumping costs resulted from the additional lifts caused by low discharge in the stream. An initial unit in the Sacramento River Basin should correct as many as possible of these conditions. It has been determined that only three units in the Sacramento River Basin, each by itself, would be able to meet the salinitj' control requirements in a year like 1924, with exi.sting irrigation and storage developments in the Sacramento and San Joa(iuin river basins. These are the Kennett and Oroville reservoirs and the American River unit. The cost per acre-foot of yield from the Oroville reservoir was found to be much greater than from the other two units and it, therefore, was eliminated as a possible initial unit. The Kennett reservoir for an initial development would have only a 420 foot dam and a cajiaeity of 2,940,000 acre-feet but the reservoirs in the American River unit would have their ultimate capacities. The Kennett reservoir unit would have advantages not possessed by the American river unit and vice versa. The Kennett reservoir unit, however, would be the only one which would improve navigation and irrigation conditions on the Sacramento River above the city of Sacramento. Both the Kennett reservoir unit (420 foot Kennett dam) and American River unit were analyzed under various conditions of opera- tion as initial units in the State "Water Plan. For the Aniei'iean River unit, analyses were made for a complete unit and for a partial devel- opment in which the Coloma reservoir and Webber Creek ])ower droj) were omitted. Two analyses were made for the Kennett reservoir unit and the complete American River unit for the 40-year period 1889- 1929 ; first, with the reservoirs operated primarily for the production of hydroelectric energy, designated Method I, and second, for making available the maximum irrigation supply, designated Method IV. Analyses also were made for the ten-year i)eriod 1919-1929, for the same two units and for the partial American River unit, under two other metliods, brief descriptions of which follow. Under the first of these melliods. designated Method IT for the Kennett reservoir and complete American River units and Method I for the partial American River unit, the r<'servoirs would have been operated to control floods. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 53 and water would have been released in sufficient amounts to supple- ment the flows from the unrej?ulated streams or those regulated by present developments, and return water, to provide a supply for the improvement of navigation on the Sacramento River (Kennett reser- voir only) ; a supply, without deficiency, for the present irrigation riglits along the river; a supply, without deficiency, for the present irrigation requirements of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta; suffi- cient flow to control salinity each year to the lower end of the delta; and a supply for the developed agricultural and industrial areas along the south shore of Suisun Bay in Contra Costa County. Also, a large amount of hydroelectric energy would have been generated, the sale of which would have helped to defray the cost of the project. Under the second of the two methods last mentioned, designated Method III for the Kennett reservoir and complete American River units and Method II for the partial American River unit, the units would have been operated to accomplish the same things just outlined and also to make available a supply for the San Joaquin Valley to supplement any unused or return waters in that valley and provide a supply for the irrigation of the lands suitable for growing crops now being served from the San Joaquin River above the mouth of the Merced River, thereby releasing the water now used on these lauds for exportation from the San Joaquin River at Friant. In this second method, 896,000 acre-feet of water, without deficiency would have been made available in each season with the Kennett reservoir unit or complete American River unit operated, but only 500,000 acre-feet, with a deficiency of 31 ])er cent in 1924, would have been made available annually with the operation of the partial American River unit. A financial comparison of the Kennett reservoir unit and the American River units operated under the various methods just described gives the following results : FINANCIAL COMPARISONS OF POSSIBLE INITIAL UNITS Unit Method of operation Average net annual cost not covered by revenue from the sale of electric energy' Kennett reservoir. _ _ _ . I II III IV I II III IV I II 5883,000 Complete American River Partial American River 1,079,000 1,471,000 2,817,000 1,043,000 1,205,000 1,705,000 2.183,000 809,000 1,474,000 ' No deductions made for revenues from sale of water. Ti-e advantages of the American River unit over the Kennett reservoir unit are : 1. The capital investment for partial development would be $34,- 000,000 less and for complete development $15,500,000 less. 2. It could be constructed progressively. 54 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES 3. The initial block of hydroelectric energy would be 48 per cent of that at Kennett, thus lessening the problem of power absorp- tion. 4. It would be in a position to control floods on the American River to a degree that would greatly benefit tlie project of the Amer- ican River Flood Control District and to a lesser extent the Sacramento Flood Control Project. With either the partial or complete unit, floods would be controlled to 100,000 second-feet or less, exceeded not oftener than one day in 250 years, on the average, whereas the crest flow of the March 25, 1928 flood was 184.000 second-feet. 5. Water would be released below all of the riparian lands in the Sacramento River Basin above the city of Sacramento. The riparian acreage along the American River is small. 6. No major improvements would be flooded and, therefore, there Avould be less interference with existing interests. 7. The partial development would have furnished a water supply, during the ten-year period 1919-1929, for present irrigation requirements in the Sacraraento-SanJoaquin Delta, for salinity control, and for immediate agricultural and industrial recjuire- ments along the south shore of Suisun Bay in Contra Co.sta County, at a net annual cost $270,000 less than the Kennett reservoir unit, if revenues from the sale of electric energj' alone had been credited against the annual costs, and there had been no contributions toward the costs of the reservoirs by the Federal and State governments or other interests or agencies. The advantages of the Kennett reservoir unit over the American River unit are : 1. It would be in a position to control floods on the Sacramento River,thus giving an added degree of protection to a large por- tion of the lands in the Sacramento Flood Control Project. Flows would be reduced to 125,000 second-feet mean daily flow on the daj^ of the flood crest, measured at Red Bluff, exceeded once in fourteen years, on the average. The controlled flow exceeded once in 100 years, on the average, would be 187,000 second-feet due to the uncontrolled run-off between Kennett reservoir and Red Bluff', but flows in excess of 125,000 second- feet would be of short duration. The maximum flood flow of record at Red Bluff was 278,000 second-feet on February 3, 1909. 2. It would improve navigation on the Sacramento River for 190 miles above the city of Saci-amento. 3. It would furnish a full water supply to lands along the Sacra- mento River above Sacramento now under irrigation or having water rights. There would have been over 700.000 acre-feet more water available, distributed in aecordance witli the irriga- tion demand, for these lands in 1924. The sale of that portion of this supply which would be new water made available by the operation of the Konnott reservoir would provide a revenue which would decrease the net annual cost of the reservoir. No SACRAMENTO RTVER BASIN 55 such revenue, or at least a veiy much smaller one, would be available to the American River unit from the sale of water along the American River. 4. It would have furnished a water supply, during the ten-year period 1919-1929, for present irrigation requirements in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, for salinity control, and for immediate agricultural and industrial requirements along the south shore of Suisun Bay in Contra Costa County, and would have made available 896,000 acre-feet more water for irrigation in the San Joaquin Valley, at $234,000 less net annual cost than the complete American River unit, if revenues from the sale of electric energy only had been credited against the gross annual cost and no contributions had been made toward the costs of the reservoirs by the Federal and State governments or other inter- ests or agencies. Revenues from the sale of water for the fore- going uses would have been the same for the Kennett reservoir and complete American River units and therefore do not enter into their comparison. 5. It would have furnished a water supply, during the ten-year period 1919-1929, for delta, salinity control and immediate upper San Francisco Baj^ requirements and would have made available 896,000 acre-feet of water for irrigation in the San Joaquin Valley, at a net annual cost of $1,471,000, as compared to $1,474,000 for the partial American River unit, if revenues from the sale of electric energy alone had been credited against the gross annual costs. While the Kennett reservoir would have made available 896,000 acre-feet of water, without deficiency, for irrigation in the San Joaquin Valley, the partial American River unit would have made available only 500,000 acre-feet, with a deficiency of 31 per cent in 1924. The amounts of water furn- ished for the other uses would have been the same. If revenues from the sale of water for the foregoing uses had been deducted from the gross annual costs, the net annual cost would have been even more in favor of the Kennett reservoir unit. If there were no demand for eleven years or more for water from the Sacra- mento Valley for irrigation in the San Joaquin Valley, the American River unit would be the economic unit to construct, but if the water would be required in less than eleven years, the Kennett reservoir unit Avould be the better. This period of deferment is based on capital costs without direct contributions, average annual costs for a forty-year amortization period and average annual revenues from power estimated for the 40-year period 1889-1929. 6. Both navigation and flood control benefits would be greater than with the American River unit. On account of these greater benefits accruing to the general public, it would be reasonable to expect larger direct contributions toward the cost of the Kennett reservoir unit in the interests of navigation and flood control, than toward the cost of the American River unit. 7. It would develop one and three-fourths times as much new water as the American River unit at three-fourths the cost per acre- foot, if the reservoirs were operated primarily for irrigation. 56 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Selection of Unit for Initial Development. — After careful consider- ation of all the foregoing advantages and disadvantages of each unit and in view of the possibility that water, in addition to that necessary for initial uses, would be required for exportation to the San Joaquin Valley during the earlier years of operation of the plan, and of the greater benefits that would accrue to the greater number of interests, particularly irrigation, navigation and flood control, from the construc- tion of the Kennett reservoir, it is believed the first development under the State Water Plan in the Sacramento River Basin should be the Kennett reservoir unit with a 420-foot Kennett dam. Financial Aspects of Kennett Reservoir Unit. — The foregoing financial analyses of the Kennett reservoir unit have been made on the basis of interest at 4i per cent per annum, amortization of capital investment in 40 years, and revenues from the sale of electric energy only. No allowances were made for possible direct contributions with- out repayment from the Federal and State governments, or possible revenues from the sale of stored water. It may be noted that on this basis the unit is not economically feasible. For the unit to be financially feasible, the annual cost must be reduced. This can be accomplished by lowering the rate of interest, extending the period of amortization of capital investment, or by obtaining such direct contributions to the cost of the unit, without repayment, as may be justified by National and State benefits, or the annual cost may be reduced by a combina- tion of these methods. It is possible that in financing the unit, funds could be borrowed at a lower rate of interest, particularly if arrangements were made for a loan from the Federal government. It is possible also that the State could obtain money at an interest rate less than 4^ per cent. For the purpose of illustrating the effect interest rates, both higher and lower than 4i per cent, would have on the capital and gross and net annual costs of the initial development of the Kennett reservoir unit, the table on page 57 has been prepared. The gross annual costs comprise amounts for operation and maintenance, depreciation, and amortization of the capital investment in 40 years on a 4 per cent sinking fund basis, in addition to those for interest. The effect of extending the amortization period from 40 years to 50, 60, and 70 years in reducing the annual costs also is illustrated by the figures presented in the table. The present legal limitation for State bond issues is 75 years. Direct revenues from the unit would be derived from the sale of hydroelectric energy and water. While it is uncertain as to the amount of stored water which could be sold immediately upon the completion of the project, and the price that could be obtained, it is estimated that a revenue of at least $400,000 annually should be obtained from the sale of this water in the Sacramento Valley and Saeramento-San Joaquin Delta alone. No deductions have been made for this possible revenue, however, in obtaining the net annual costs in the following table. The estimated average annual revenue from the sale of the electric energy at the switchboard, witli the unit operated under the conditions of the immediate initial development of the State Water Plan, would be $4,218,000. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 57 o o CO ^ o o u o a> ^" i' "" a Qj b **- i <^ fc.^ ^ X " — •H « 0.2 ? « n '^ E a o o ^*- Irs u rJ u . CO w o a o u '^ OJ a- ^ 4J ^1 r^ a L. •— o o i -> 4-* u CO o a o >. T) i-> .ti (U X 4-1 m at V w c u s lu ^ o oo CD O O o_ c^.o o cooo o ■ o^ 00 ^C4 oo M> :?; o o o OO o »ooo 00 s* o oo o o o oo o o o h-T ^-Tod »0 CO rH rM — «ci o oo o c? o o o_o^ CO oo oo CO •tjJ' oo CD o o^o^ c? oo" oo — ' o oo o oo o^ o^o^ o r-Tod O C*\'M -rjT to"-^ oo «• ,o o>o CD CD o o_o_ o »o od r-, CO -^ C> Oi CI o o o o> Ot o o oo ■TtT o od cq oo ■^ CI o o o CD O O o O tC odod 1 •- I-~ CI 0> CD o o CC 00 to --i CI CI o oo o oo o oo od cooo 00 oo »-« to ^^ •» cf '^jT CD<0 oo oo o o o oo oo o oo oo o o o ^oo" *-i 00 (M (M «» »-< CI o oo o o o o oo CD CD OCD oo i>rod d CI O O CD o o o CD O O od cdod CO CO T-H O '— ' C-1 o o o CD oo o oo^ ci" ^od CO CO ^ o_ ^^\ ci" CO ■^ o i a a . OS c> C3 .a a a 1-4 Ai ea -a a 91 U ^< c> " T3 bs a a a 3 'o. a o ■32 go Oi O , V 8 r - 1 « - ^^ "X. o« 03 o "a :?: C3 B a s: OJ (U "tn £ oJ "rt 11 ^ o a c B% a cs L. -*^ o " «J W^. 58 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES It is also anticipated that there would be direct contributions toward the cost of the unit by the Federal and State governments, of the amounts justified by National and State benefits. Due to the fact that it is not definitely known at this time what these contributions Avould be, no deductions have been made from the capital costs shown in the table in caleulatinw the annual costs. However, the Chief of Engineers, United States War Dei)artment, has recommended * that the Federal government contribute $6,000,000 to the cost of the Kennett reservoir unit in the interest of navigation and it is generally con- sidered that the State would relocate, at an estimated cost of $3,400,000, the State highway through the reservoir site without charge to the project. If these amounts were deducted from the capital costs, the annual costs shown in the table would be reduced by $323,000 to $663,000, depending upon the rate of interest and the amortization period. In calculating the net annual costs set forth in the table, deductions were made only for revenues from the sale of the hydroelectric energy. With this revenue only, the unit could be financed with an interest rate of four per cent and amortization in a 70-year period on a four per cent sinking fund basis. If there were direct contributions by the Federal and State govei-nments and deductions were made for revenues from the sale of water, the project could be financed on a higher rate of interest, a shorter period of amortization, or both. Relation of State Water Plan to Hydraulic Mining. — It has been esti- mated bj'' various mining authorities that there are remaining in the Feather, Yuba, Bear and American river watersheds more than 1000 million cubic yards of gold-bearing gravels which could be mined by the hydraulic process if adequate water supplies were available and facilities provided for the storage of the debris. The construction of certain major reservoir units of the State Water Plan on these streams would afford the facilities for this storage if such procedure should be proven warranted and economically justified. There are. however, other debris storage sites on some of the streams Avhich could be used in place of the State's major reservoir units. The major reservoir units of the State Water Plan are important primarily for^he regulation of the run-offs from the mountain water- sheds, to make as much of this water as is feasible available for irriga- tion and other uses in the Great Central Valley. Space used in each major reserv^oir unit for the storage of debris would impair the con- servation value of the reservoir to the extent that storage space for water would be occupied by the debris. The space occupied in a reservoir by the debris might not be equal to the volume of the gravels mined since some debris would be stored in the stream channels above the reservoir. A large proportion might eventually work down into the reservoir, however, and in cstimati)ig costs of storage for gravels which may be worked in the first 20 years, the California Deliris Com- mission has estimated storage space for the entire volume to be mined. If space in th-Dec. 1896 July 1871-June 1929 Jan. 1870-Oct. 1916 July 1894-June 1929 July 1894-June 1929 Jan. 1870-June 1929 Jan. 1907-June 1929 Sept. 1863-June 1929 Sept. 1870-Aug. 1880 Sept. 1872-June 1929 Jan. 1850-Mar. 1852 Jan. 1870-June 1929 Jan. 1879-June 1910 Jan. 1899-Dec. 1919 15 Adin Pit River (Clear Creek) - VA Pittvillp PitRiver 1 Pit River ..- lOJi Fall River Mills PitRiver . 51^ Hat Creek Pit River (Hat Creek). 8^ Pit River (Burncv Creek) SH Montffonierv Creek > Pit River (Montgomery Creek) . . ny2 McCloud McCloud River 18% Mt Shasta fSisson) 41 Diinsmuir Sacramento River 28 Delta Sacramento River .. 34^ Kennfitt Sacramento River .. 221^ Shasta - . Sacramento River 17 Sims Sacramento River .. 7 Sacramento River 54 Andprson Sacramento River .. 6^ Sacramento River .. 12!^ Sacramento River lOM Red Bluff Sacramento River 52 Knob - Sacramento River (Cottonwood Creek)... Sacramento River (Battle Creek) Butte Creek IH Mineral 2H Sierra Nevada— W4 De Sabla (Nimshew) Butte Creek 25H Butte Creek 15K West Branch Feather River . .- H% West Branch West Branch Feather River _. . IV-A Inskip Chester West Branch Feather River 221^ North Fork Feather River.. 19 North Fork Feather River 8H Nevis Prattville -- --- North Fork Feather River North Fork Feather River 1 2 North Fork Feather River - - North Fork Feather River North Fork Feather River North Fork Feather River North Fork Feather River North Fork Feather River North Fork Feather River North Fork Feather River North Fork Feather River North Fork Feather River North Fork Feather River Middle Fork Feather River Middle Fork Feather River Middle Fork Feather River 15J^ Greenville Butt Valley 2034 Quincy. ,_ 34^ Meadow Valley - .. 6)^ 13 MumfordHill 52^ T.!^q PIuT^a-** \W2 Cherokee 12>^ Cherokee Reservoir 6 Stanwood _ .. 17H Beckwith IH Portola --- 13M Sierraville - 20 La Porte South Fork Feather River Feather River 34M Thermalito 2H Oroville - Feather River Honcut Creek .. .. HH 24 Honcut Creek 9^ Dobbins . North Fork Yuba River 25H Colgate North Fork Yuba River 22\i Chute Camp (Head Dam) - Woodleaf North Fork Yuba River - 21Vi North Fork Yuba River 4 Camptonville -. - North Fork Yuba River North Fork Yuba River IV/i Downieville 21 North San Juan _ M iddle P'ork Yuba River ^Vx North RInnmfipM South Fork Yuba River - hWx Malakoff Mine South Fork Yuba River %i^ Rowman Dam South Fork Yuba River (Canyon Creek) . South Fork Yuba River 46 Cisco 46Ji Lake Spaulding . South Fork Yuba River 35 South Fork Yuba River 35 Summit No. 1 (Norden). South Fork Yuba River. Yuba River f Deer Creek) 58K Deer Creek 22^ Nevada City Yuba River (Deer Creek) 65»4 Smartsville Yuba River -- - 9^ Grass Valley ... Bear River (Wolf Creek) hhVi Camp Far W^.. Bear River W< Colfax North Fork American River . 59"^ Iowa Hill North Fork American River 313^ Gold Run... : North Fork American River.. 21 I SACRAMENTO RIVER BASlN 67 TABLE 2 PRECIPITATION STATIONS IN SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN Records Publrh ;d by United States Weather Bureau Station Stream basin Period of record Record available to June 30, 1929, in years Upper Sacramento River— PitRiver . Jan. 1904-Dec. 1919 April 1894-Aug. 1897 July 1909-July 1910 Jan. 1858-April 18G9 Jan. 1924-June 1929 Jan. 1921-.June 1929 Jan. 1910-June 1918 July 1908-Dec. 1919 Sept. 1910-June 1929 Mar. 1888-June 1929 Jan. 1889-Dec. 191f) July 1882-Sept. 191f) Jan. 1907-June 1929 July 1895-June 1912 Mar. 1888-Oct. 1894 Jan. 1875-June 1929 Feb. 1886-Dec. 1894 Jan. 1915-May 1927 Jan. 1894-Oct. 1904 July 1877-June 1929 Jan. 1909-Sept. 1910 Jan. 1927-June 1929 Jan. 1904-May 1918 Jan. 1904-June 1929 April 1914-June 1929 July 1903-May 1918 Jan. 1907-June 1929 Jan. 1907-June 1929 May 1910-June 1929 Feb. 1921-June 1929 Jan. 1913-Dec. 1913 Jan. 1911-Dec. 1912 Jan. 1914-June 1929 Jan. 1894-June 1914 Nov. 1903-Nov. 1912 Jan. 1895-June 1929 Jan. 1861-Mar. 1917 July 1892-June 1905 Jan. 1877-Aug. 1882 Jan. 1914-June 1929 Sept. 1871-Aug. 1884 Sept. 1873-Aug. 1879 July 1903-Oct. 1920 Feb. 1908-Dec. 1909 Mar. 1915-June 1929 July 1909-June 1929 April 1894-June 1929 Sept. 1898- July 1901 Sept. 1884-June 1929 Jan. 1891-Dec. 1914 Nov. 1919-June 1929 Jan. 1904-June 1929 Jan. 1907-June 1929 Jan. 1907-June 1929 Jan. 1906-Oct. 1910 Jan. 1907-June 1929 July 1908-June 1929 Jan. 1897-Dec. 1903 July 1870-June 1929 July 188()-Dec. 1896 July 1871-June 1929 Jan. 1870-Oct. 1916 July 1894-June 1929 July 1894-June 1929 Jan. 1870-June 1929 Jan. 1907-June 1929 Sept. 1863-June 1929 Sept. 1870-Aug. 1880 Sept. 1872-June 1929 Jan. 1850-Mar. 1852 Jan. 1870-June 1929 Jan. 1879-June 1910 Jan. 1899-Deo. 1919 15 Adin Pit River (Clear Creek). .-. 3H Pittville PitRiver.. 1 Fort Crook PitRiver WH Fall River Mills PitRiver 5y2 Hat Creek Pit River (Hat Creek) W2 Burney - Pit River (Burncv Creek) .- 8}4 Montgomery Creek i.- McCloud - - Pit River (Monteomerv Creek) n]4 McCloud River 18Ji Mt Shasta fSisson) Sacramento River 41 Oiinsmuir Sacramento River 28 Delta - - Sacramento River 34M Kennett Sacramento River -- 22)^ Sacramento River -- 17 Sims Sacramento River. . . 7 Sacramento River 54 Sacramento River 6^ Sacramento River . 12'^ Sacramento River -. W% Red Bluff Sacramento River . 52 Knob Sacramento River (Cottonwood Creek).. _ Sacramento River (Battle Creek) Butte Creek.. m Mineral 2H Sierra Nevada— Wi ButteCreek 25 J^ Butte Creek 15J4 West Branch Feather River H% West Branch Feather River - 22K I nskip Chester West Branch Feather River 221^ North Fork Feather River 19 North Fork Feather River SH Nevis North Fork Feather River 1 Prattville - North Fork Feather River 2 Canyon Dam Greenville North Fork Feather River - . 15>i North Fork Feather River. 20H Butt Valley North Fork Feather River _ _ _ 8H North Fork Feather River 34H Meadow Valley North Fork Feather River 6>i TTHmanton North Fork Feather River 13 Mumford Hill North Fork Feather River .- 5li North Fork Feather River 15J^ Cherokee North Fork Feather River 123-3 North Fork Feather River 6 Stanwood North Fork Feather River 17}^ Beckwith - - Middle Fork Feather River.- IH Portola Middle Fork Feather River 13 >3 Middle Fork Feather River ...■.._ 20 La Porte South Fork Feather River MH Thermalit^ Feather River W* Feather River H% Honcut Creek ... . .. . 24 Sierriterre Honcut Creek 9^ North Fork Yuba River 25H Colgate North Fork Yuba River - 22^ Chute Camp (Head Dam) _ - _ Woodleaf North Fork Yuba River 22}^ North Fork Yuba River 4 Camptonville North Fork Yuba River 22J^ Downieville North Fork Yuba River 21 North San Juan Middle P'ork Yuba River 6^ Nnrlh KlmnfipM South Fork Yuba River 51K South Fork Yuba River ZH Bowman Dam South Fork Yuba River (Canyon Creek) . South Fork Yuba River 46 Cisco 46Ji Lake Spaulding South Fork Yuba River 35 South Fork Yuba River 35 Summit No. 1 (Norden). - South Fork Yuba River 58K Deer Creek Yuba River f Deer Creek) 22H Nevada City . . Yuba River (Deer Creek) 65^ Smartsville Yuba River... 9^ Grass V'alley Bear River (Wolf Creek) 55!^ Camp Far West Bear River - 2^ Colfax North Fork American River 69J^ lowaHill North Fork American River.- - 31H Gold Run : North Fork American River 21 ( 68 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES TABLE 2 — Continued PRECIPITATION STATIONS IN SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN Records Published by United States Weather Bureau Station Sierra Nevada — Continued Alta Towle Blue Canyon Emigrant Gap Pilot Creek Georgetown Wire Bridge Twin Lakes Shingle Springs Eldorado - Placerville. Orangevale. Folsom Repressa Auburn Newcastle.. Rocklin Coast Range — Fruto Stony Gorge Little Stony East Park Fouts Springs Upper Lake Lakeport Lakeport (near Kono Tayee). Twin Valley. -.- Clear Lake Park Sulphur Banks Rumsey - -- Guinda. -- Brooks --- Esparto. Helen Mine. Middletown Winters --- Vacaville Elmira Valley Floor— Tehama Los Molinos. Corning Vina Orland Hamilton City... St. John Chico Durham Dodgeland Willows Princeton Biggs College City Gridley Colusa Williams Yuba City Marys ville. West Butte Wheatland Lincoln Nicolaus Duimigan. Knights Landing. Woodland Davis Sacramento Brighton Elk Grove Grand Island Rio Vista Stream basin North Fork American River North Fork American River North Fork American River North Fork American River Middle Fork American River Middle Fork American River. Middle Fork American River South Fork American River South Fork American River (Webber Creek) South Fork American River (Webber Creek) South Fork American River (Webber Creek)....... American River American River American River Auburn Ravine Auburn Ravine Auburn Ravine Stony Creek.. Stony Creek.. Stony Creek.. Stony Creek.. Stony Creek.. Cache Creek.. Cache Creek.. Cache Creek.. Cache Creek.. Cache Creek.. Cache Creek.. Cache Creek.. Cache Creek.. Cache Creek.. Cache Creek.. Putah Creek.. Putah Creek.. Putah Creek.. Alamo Creek. Alamo Creek. Sacramento Sacramento Sacramento Sacramento Sacramento Sacramento Sacramento Sacramento Sacramento Sacramento Sacramento Sacramento Sacramento Sacramento Sacramento Sacramento Sacramento Sacramento Sacramento Sacramento Sacramento Sacramento Sacramento Sacramento Sacramento Sacramento Sacramento Sacramento Sacramento Sacramento Sacramento Sacramento Valley Valley Valley Valley Valley Valley Valley Valley Valley Valley Valley Valley Valley Valley Valley Valley Valley Valley Valley Valley Valley Valley Valley Valley Valley Valley Vallov Valley Vallcv Valley Valley Valley Floor. Floor. Floor. Floor. Floor. Floor. Floor. Floor. Floor . Floor. Floor. Floor . Floor. Floor. Floor. Floor. Floor. Floor . Floor - Floor. Floor . Floor. Floor . Floor. Floor. Floor - Floor . I'loor - Floor. Floor. Floor Floor. Period of record Feb. July Jan. Mar. April Nov. Nov. June Sept. Dec. Jan. Aug. July Mar. Mar. Sept. Jan. Sept. Nov. Dec. Jan. Oct. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. July Aug. Jan. July Sept. July Nov. July Jan. Dec. Jan. Jan. July Oct. Jan. July Jan. Nov. Jan. Oct. Dec. Sept. Jan. July Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Nov. Dec. Jan. July Jan. Jan. Jan. Nov. July July Jan. Nov. Deo. 870-June 1885 885-June 1920 899-June 1929 870-Oct. 1924 894-Dec. 1914 872-Mar. 1923 893-Aug. 1902 919-June 1929 849-June 1912 888-Dec. 1904 874-June 1929 891-Mar. 1898 871-June 1929 893-June 1929 870-June 1929 891-.April 1911 870-June 1929 888-Dec. 1911 926-June 1929 884-April 1886 911-June 1929 885-Feb. 1913 88t)-May 1915 901-June 1929 874 -Sept. 1904 915-Mar. 1923 911-June 1929 911-Dec. 1917 888-Aug. 1893 893-June 1918 921-June 1929 888-Sept. 1894 900-June 1922 879-Sept. 1897 885-Dec. 1903 869- June 1929 885-Dec. 1903 871-June 1916 911-Dec. 1912 880-Dec. 1916 888-Aug. 1903 883- June 1929 927-June 1929 917-June 1929 870-June 1929 895-June 1920 918-Dec. 1922 878-Junc 1929 873-April 1887 899-Dec. 1916 883-Mar. 1887 884-Dec. 1917 871-June 1929 877-Dec. 1905 892-Dec. 1902 871-June 1929 879-Dee. 1894 886-Aug. 1917 899-Dec. 1899 877- June 1929 877-Dec. 1916 878-Junc 1929 873- June 1929 871-June 1929 849-June 1929 877-Doc. 1899 892-Dcc. 1899 896-June 1901 878-June 1029 Record available to June 30, .1929, in years 15 32«^ im 20^,3 504 2914 52^ 64 58 364 58H 17 57>4 23H 2H 14 1S14 124 294 28 214 8 15H 614 S14 2ZH 8 6 22 114 liH 594 164 45H 2 35 12-'s 46}^ 2 124 584 2S14 50H 124 17 24' 34 SO 29 lO'i 584 124 30«» 1 23 40 514 47 574' 80 204 24 374 SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 69 TABLE 3 INDICES OF SEASONAL WETNESS FOR SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN Season Index of wetness in divbion A B F G H J M 1871-72 81 75 71 62 73 197 84 81 150 181 121 74 158 119 165 118 91 116 162 95 89 128 93 100 116 113 67 71 93 102 85 77 118 80 99 131 73 102 77 113 65 80 123 62 86 88 58 69 60 108 80 70 52 82 75 87 80 63 111 53 85 51 154 69 182 92 107 127 75 75 98 58 124 60 55 104 198 66 77 117 92 125 120 97 60 68 112 102 131 108 144 121 117 123 85 147 82 100 76 81 140 130 106 76 66 86 48 119 72 75 39 116 77 134 89 68 116 63 120 82 112 60 142 78 91 83 65 70 99 54 , 125 64 66 91 177 93 92 138 80 149 117 110 54 80 110 108 129 95 126 141 132 119 75 126 83 110 61 79 156 143 105 81 66 94 57 133 87 101 55 136 104 124 97 70 126 74 106 66 122 61 96 104 123 107 95 80 113 77 116 63 64 100 180 77 103 125 89 125 131 106 66 74 117 114 107 95 140 109 130 153 73 136 87 126 59 77 130 99 99 83 58 80 54 105 84 74 42 83 81 106 85 56 141 74 118 72 124 63 98 105 125 112 88 79 112 92 114 72 54 73 182 77 83 121 95 136 125 111 60 84 109 106 95 94 139 103 133 138 71 130 99 127 60 72 120 101 104 87 61 85 64 112 100 83 43 94 75 115 86 60 120 75 100 64 124 62 93 104 125 108 103 82 118 73 115 75 68 76 169 77 90 123 104 128 114 110 59 86 111 112 100 99 137 100 138 150 71 124 95 129 60 67 120 111 104 89 67 91 70 110 105 103 44 98 76 116 84 66 124 1872-73 79 1873-74 101 1874-75 72 1875-76 --- 112 187fr-77 52 1877-78 143 1878-79 -- 100 1879-80 109 1880-81 - 111 1881-82 . 70 1882-83 - 83 1883-84 107 1884-85 -- 62 1885-86 128 1886-87 71 1887-88 73 1888-89 96 1889-90 - 195 1890-91 --- 85 1891-92 90 1892-93 - - --- 117 1893-94 — 96 1894-95 138 1895-96 115 1896-97 — 110 1897-98 62 1898-99 . 82 1899-00 -- 94 1900-01 105 1901-02 . 113 1902-03 95 1903-04 •- . -.- 128 1904-05 -.- 122 1905-06 122 1906-07 - 131 1907-08 — 73 1908-09 135 1909-10 - 85 1910-11.-- - 110 1911-12 - 59 1912-13 68 1913-14 .. 152 1914-15 - 128 1915-16 109 1916-17 75 1917-18 54 1918-19 99 1919-20 53 1920-21 - 107 1921-22 1922-23 85 96 1923-24 45 1924-25 126 1925-26 99 1926-27 --.- 1927-28 127 89 1928-29 66 The variation in mean seasonal precipitation is shown by Plate I, Avliich covers the entire state. On this map, each type of shading: represents areas having mean seasonal precipitation within the limits indicated in the legend. The climate of California is such that the year is divided into two fairly distinct seasons — the winter, or rainy season, and the summer, or dry season. The major portion of the precipitation occurs in the short winter season, from November to April, in the form of rain on the areas of lower elevation and as snow in the high mountain regions. 70 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES Run- off. The run-off from the mountainous area of the Sacramento River Basin is 34.8 per cent of tlie run-off from the total mountainous area of the state. It is exceeded in total amount and in water production in acre-feet per square mile of mountainous drainage area only by the North Pacific Coast Basin. Knowledge of the run-off in the basin is trained from stream flow measurements. The fii'st records of stream flow in California were those obtained by the State durinp: the time that William Ham. Hall was State Engineer, 1878-1888. The only station maintained in the Sacramento River Basin dni'iiig that period was at the mouth of the Sacramento River at Collinsville. Since the early nineties, stations have been established throughout the state by the United States Geo- logical Survey. These stations since 1903 have been maintained and operated by the Geological Survey in coopei-ation wuth tlie State. The first station in the SacramcMto River Basin was that estab- lished in 1895 at Jellys Ferry on the Sacramento River near Red Bluff In 1902, it was moved downstream to Iron Canyon at which point it has been maintained since that time. Continuous records of the run-off of the Sacramento River above Red Bluff, therefore, are available for a period of 34 years. Other stations were established throughout the basin from time to time, many of which, however, were discontinued after only a few years of operation. On September 30, 1929, there were 80 stations being maintained on practically all of the main streams and their tributaries. This number had been increased to 81 on Sep- tember 30, 1930. In addition to these stations maintained by, or from which records are available to, the United States Geological Survey, there are a number which are maintained on canals and streams by private and public agencies, which give valuable data on diversions. The records from those stations which were discontinued are of value in determining the characteristics of the run-off from certain areas. The stations of greatest importance in the studies for this report are those which are maintained at or near the line between the foothills and valley floor and at points near sites for major reservoir units of the State Water Plan. These stations are the ones at Kennett, Jellys Ferry and Red Bluff' on the Sacramento River; Oroville on the Feather River; Smartsville on the Yuba River; Van Trent on the Bear River, and more recently Wheatland, which replaces the Van Trent station; Fairoalcs on the Anu-rican River, and East Auburn, Colfax and Camino (formerly Placerville), on the ]\n(ldle. North and South forks of the American River, respectively; Simpson Bridge near Orland on Stony Creek ; Yolo on Cache Creek ; and Winters on Putah Creek. All available data, including the records of the United States Geological Survey and tlioso from other agencies. Avere used in the water supply studies for this rojjort. The United States Geological Survey gaging stations for which records are available, their tril)utary di-ainage areas where known, and the pf'riod of recfii-d arc shown in Table 4. The locations of the stations are shown on Plate 11, "Forested Area and Stream Gaging Stations in California." On this plate the solid red dots indicate stations at which records were being taken on September 30, 1929, and the red open circles those stations whicli had been discontinued. •j'^-i^-' f f •■ C Vs- .1 xt. . ■> ,^ FORESTED AREA "^ STREAM GAGING STATIONS CALIFORNIA SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN" 71 TABLE 4 UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY STREAM GAGING STATIONS IN SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN ESTABLISHED PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1929 Stream Pit River, South Fork- West Valley Creek Pine Creek Pit River Ash Creek.-- Pit River Horse Creek -- Bear Creek --- Mc.\rthur Drainage Canal - Fall River Fall River -- Pit River- Hat Creek Hat Creek. Hat Creek. Hat Creek. Hat Creek. Rising River - Hat Creek Pit River Burney Creek. Burney Creek. Burney Creek Pit River Pit River Flow Thru Pit No. 3 Power House. Kosk Creek Pit River Pit River Montgomery Creek Squaw Creek Pit River - McCloud River... McCloud River... Sacramento River Sacramento River Sacramento River Clear Creek Little Cow Creek Clover Creek... Cow Creek Bear Creek Moon Creek North Fork Cottonwood Creek . North Fork Cottonwood Creek. Sacramento River Sacramento River MillCreck MillCreek Thomas Creek Deer Creek Deer Creek Deer Creek Little Stony Creek. Stony Creek Stony Creek Stony Creek Stony Creek Sacramento River. Station name Near Ivy Near Likely.. Near Alturas- Near Canbv. At Adin Near Bieber . . At Little Valley near Pittville.. Near Dana At McArthur At Fall River Mills Near Glenburn At Fall River Mills At Hawkins Ranch near Hat Creek Near Hat Creek At Hat Creek At Wilcox Ranch near Cassel - - . At Browns Ranch near Hat Creek Near Cassell. Near Carbon Near Pecks Bridge- Above Burney Near Burney At Burney Falls Below Pit No. 4 Dam At Lindsay Flat At Lindsay Flat At Big Bend At Bi? Bend (Henderson) - Above Hatchet Creek .At Montgomery Creek Near Ydalpom Near Ydalpom Near Gregory AtBaird--. .AtCastella - At Antler At Kennett Near Shasta AtPaloCedro At Millville AtMillville Near Millville Near Ono- Near Ono At Ono Jellys Ferry- Near Red Bluff... Near Mineral Near Los Molinos. .At Paskcnta Deer Creek Meadows. Polk Springs Near Vina Near Lodoga Near Stony ford. Near Elk Creek. Near Fruto Near Orland At Butte City'.. Area of drainage basin, in square miles 91 140 31 1,460 252 3,086 203 600 "4", 152 265 "326 384 4,623 44 92 25 4,858 54 4,922 42 112 5,346 608 669 257 463 6,603 182 148 48 185 106 10 12 52 9,093 9,258 137 243 206 102 97 298 577 636 Period of stream flow record Jan. 11, 1904- Jan. 7, 1904- May 27, 1918- Dec. 26, 1903 Mar. 13, 1904 Jan. 22, 1904 Dec. 18, 1913 Sept. 12, 1921- Dec. 12, 1928 Mar. 31, 1921- May 14, 1921 Jan. 19, 1912 Jan. 4, 1922 Mar. 12, 1921 -Nov. 15, 1905 -Dec. 31, 1905 -Sept. 30, 1929 -Dec. 31, 1905 -Dec. 31, 1905 -Sept. 30, 1908 -Aug. 11, 1914 •June 30. 1927 -Sept. 30, 1929 -May 31, 1926 Sept. 30, 1929 .Aug. 10, 1913 -Sept.:?0, 1922 -Sept. 30, 1929 Aug. 15, 1911-Aug. 9. 1913 July 7, 1926-Sept. 30, 1929 Sept.21, 1910-July 2,1917 Aug. 1, 1921-Sept.30, 1922 June 10, 1926-Oct. 16, 1926 Aug. 15, 1911-Mar. 23, 1914 Mar. 16, 1921-Sept. 30, 1922 Mar. 7, 1921-Sept. 30, 1922 April 24, 1922-Aug. 7, 1924 Oct. 1, 1921-Nov. 7, 1922 Aug. 14, 1911-Aug. 9, 1913 Mar. 21, 1921-Sept. 30, 1922 Mar. 9, 1921-Nov. 30, 1922 July 20, 1927-Sept. 30, 1929 Nov. 1, 1922-June 21, 1927 1925-1927 Oct. 1, 1910-Aug. 31, 1616 Sept. 28, 1910-Sept. 30, 1929 Oct. 1, 1925-Sept. 30, 1929 Aug. 11, Wll-.^ur. 10, 1913 Oct. 4, 1911-.Aug. 10, 1913 Nov. 16, 1910-Sept. 30, 1929 Mar. 23, 1902-June 30, 1908 Dec. 22, 1910-Sept. 30, 1929 Oct. 15, 1910-Sept. 30, 1922 Nov. 19, 1910-Dec. 31, 1911 April 18, 1919-Sept.30, 1929 Nov. 19, 1925-Sept. 30, 1929 Aug. 31, 1911-Sept.30, 1913 Aug. 9, 1911-Jan. 31, 1914 Aug. 10, 1911-Jan. 15, 1914 Aug. 10, 1911-Mar. 31, 1914 Aug. 19, 1911-Mar. 31, 1914 Feb. 17, 1919-Dec. 31, 1919 Feb. 10, 1919-Dec. 31, 1919 Oct. 27, 1907-Dcc. 31, 1913 April 29, 1895-Junc 30, 1902 Jan. 28, 1902-Sept. 30, 1929 Oct. 1, 1928-Scpt. 30, 1929 Aug. 9, 1909-Aug. 29, 1913 Oct. 1, 1928-Sept.30, 1929 Jan. 2, 1921-Sept. 30. 1929 Oct. 1, 1928-Sept.30, 1929 Oct. 1, 1928-Sept. 30, 1929 Oct. 17, 1911-Dec. 31. 1915 Mar. 9, 1920-Scpt. 30, 1929 Feb. 20. 1907-Sept. 30, 1929 April 1, 1913-Dec. 31, 1914 Nov. 26. 1918-Dec. 19, 1920 Oct. 1, l£21-Scpt.30, 1929 May 1, 1919-Scpt. 30, 1929 Jan. 30, 1901-June 30, 1912 Jan. 1, 1920-Scpt. 30, 1929 April 21, 1921-Sept. 30, 1929 'Summer flow records only, SACRAMENTO RIVETl BASIN 71 TABLE 4 UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SLTRVEY STREAM GAGING STATIONS IN SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN ESTABLISHED PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1929 Stream Pit River, South Fork. West Valley Creek-... Pine Creek. Pit River Ash Creek.-- Pit River-..- Horse Creek Bear Creek Mc.\rthur Drainage Canal- Fall River Fall River - .- Pit River .- Hat Creek.. Hat Creek. Hat Creek. Hat Creek. Hat Creek. Rising River - Hat Creek Pit River Burney Creek. Burney Creek. Burney Creek... Pit River.. Pit River Flow Thru Pit No. 3 Power House. Kosk Creek Pit River Pit River Montgomery Creek Squaw Creek Pit River _ McCloud River... NIcCloud River. Sacramento River Sacramento River Sacramento River. Clear Creek Little Cow Creek Clover Creek Cow Creek Bear Creek Moon Creek North Fork Cottonwood Creek . North Fork Cottonwood Creek. Sacramento River Sacramento River Mil! Creek Mill Creek Thomas Creek Deer Creek Deer Creek Deer Creek Little Stony Creek. Stony Creek Stony Creek Stony Creek Stony Creek Sacramento River. Station name Near Ivy Near Likely.. Near .\lturas. Near Canbv. At Adin Near Bieber. . At Little Valley near Pittville.. Near Dana At McArthur At Fall River Mills Near Glenburn At Fall River Mills At Hawkins Ranch near Hat Creek -. Near Hat Creek At Hat Creek At Wilcox Ranch near Cassel - - . At Browas Ranch near Hat Creek-.- Near Cassell Near Carbon Near Pecks Bridge. Above Burney Near Burney At Burney Falls Below Pit No. 4 Dam At Lindsay Flat. At Lindsay Flat At Big Bend At Big Bend (Henderson) - Above Hatchet Creek .At Montgomery Creek Near Ydalpom Near Ydalpom Near Gregory At Baird--. .At Castella At Antler At Kennett-. Near Shasta At PaloCedro At Millville. AtMillville Near Millville Near Ono Near Ono At Ono Jellys Ferry. Near Red Bluff... Near Mineral Near Los .Molinos. .At Paskcnta Deer Creek Meadows. Polk Springs Near Vina Near Lodoga Near Stony ford. Near Elk Creek. Near Fruto Near Orland At Butte City*., .Area of drainage basin, in square miles 91 140 31 1,460 252 3,086 203 600 '4', 152 265 ""326 384 4,623 44 92 25 4,858 54 4,922 42 112 5,346 608 669 257 463 6,603 182 148 48 185 106 10 12 52 9,093 9,258 137 243 206 102 97 298 577 636 Period of stream flow record Jan. 11,1904 Jan. 7, 1904- May 27, 1918- Dec. 26, 1903 Mar. 13, 1904 Jan. 22, 1904- Dec. 18, 1913 Sept. 12, 1921- Dec. 12, 1928 Mar. 31, 1921 May 14, 1921 Jan. 19, 1912 Jan. 4, 1922 Mar. 12, 1921 -Nov. 15, -Dec. 31 -Sept. 30, -Dec. 31 -Dec. 31 -Sept. 30, -Aug. 11 -June 30 -Sept. 30, -May 31 Sept. 30 -Aug. 10 -Sept. SO, -Sept. 30 Aug. 15, 1911-Aug. July 7, 1926-Sept. 30, Sept.21, 1910-July 2 Aug. 1, 1921-SeFt.30 June 10, 1926-Oct. 16 Aug. 15, 1911-Mar. 23 Mar. 16, 1921-Sept. 30 Mar. 7, 1921-Sept. 30, April 24, 1922-Aug. 7, Oct. 1, 1921-Nov. 7, Aug. 14, 1911-Aug. 9 Mar. 21, 1921-Sept. 30 Mar. 9, 1921-Nov. 30 July 20, 1927-Sept. 30 Nov. 1, 1922-June 21 1925-1927 Oct. 1, 1910-.Aug. 31 Sept. 28, 1910-Sept. 30 Oct. 1, 1925-Sept. 30 Aug. 11, igil-.Aur. 10 Oct. 4, 1911-.Aug. 10 Nov. 16, 1910-Scpt. 30 Mar. 23, 1902-June 30 Dec. 22, 1910-Sept. 30 Oct. 15, 1910-Sept. 30 Nov. 19, 1910-Dec. 31 .\prill8, 1919-Sept.30 Nov. 19, 1925-Sept. 30 Aug. 31, 1911-Sept.30 Aug. 9, 1911-Jan. 31 Aug. 10, 1911-Jan. 15 .Aug. 10, 1911-Mar. 31 Aug. 19, 1911-Mar. 31 Feb. 17, 1919-Dec. 31 Feb. 10, 1919-Dec. 31 Oct. 27, 1907-Dec. 31 April 29, 1895-June 30 Jan. 28, 1902-Sept. 30, Oct. 1, 1928-Scpt. 30 Aug. 9, 1909-Aug. 29, Oct. 1, 1928-Sept.30 Jan. 2, 1921-Sept. 30, Oct. 1, 1928-Sept.30 Oct. 1, 1928-Sept.30 Oct. 17, 1911-Dec. 31 Mar. 9. 1920-Sept. 30, Feb. 20, 1907-Sept. 30, April 1, 1913-Dec. 31 Nov. 26, 1918-Dec. 19, Oct. 1, 1921-Sept. 30 May 1, 1919-Sept.30 Jan. .30, 1901-June 30 Jan. 1, 1920-Sept. 30 April 21, 1921-Sept. 30 1905 1905 1929 1905 1905 1908 1914 1927 1929 1926 1929 1913 1922 1929 1913 1929 1917 1922 1926 1914 1922 1922 1924 1922 1913 1922 1922 1929 1927 1S16 1929 1929 1913 1913 1929 1908 1929 1922 1911 1929 1929 1913 1914 1914 1914 1914 1919 1919 1913 1902 1929 1929 1913 1929 1929 1929 1929 1915 1929 1929 1914 1920 1929 1929 1912 1929 1929 'Summer flow records only, 72 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 4 — Continued UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY STREAM GAGING STATIONS IN SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN ESTABLISHED PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1929 Stream Sacramento River Sacramento River Hamilton Branch of Feather River. Feather River (North Fork) Feather River (North Fork) Butt Creek Indian Creek Spanish Creek Grizzly Creek Grizzly Creek Feather River, North Fork.. Feather River, North Fork.. Concow Creek Spring Valley Ditch Feather River, Middle Fork. Feather River, Middle Fork. Feather River, Middle Fork Feather River, South Fork Lost Creek .' Forbestown Ditch Feather River, South Fork. Palermo Land and Water Company's Canal Feather River, Middle Fork Feather River Yuba River (North Fork) N. Fork of N. Fork of Yuba River. Rock Creek Goodyear Creek Yuba River (North Fork) Yuba River (North Fork).... Yuba River (Middle Fork) Oregon Creek Yuba River (Middle Fork) Canyon Creek Jackson Creek Canyon Creek Bowman-Spaulding CanaL. Milton-Bowman Tunnel.. Yuba River. Yuba River Bear River Bear River Canal Bear River Bear River — Feather River. Sacramento River Clear Lake Cache Creek Cache Creek American River, North Fork Rubicon River 1 Rubicon River Little Rubicon River. - - . Little South Fork Rubicon River. Gcrle Creek Little South Fork Rubicon River. Little South Fork of Rubicon River. Little South Fork Ditch Pilot Creek Pilot Creek Pitch American River, Middle Fork Twin Lakes Outlet Station name AtColusa* At Knights Landing*. Near Prattville.. Above Prattville Near Prattville At Butte Valley Near Crescent Mills.. AtKeddie... Near Beckwith Near Portola At Big Bar... At Big Bend.... Near Yankee Hill Near Yankee Hill Near Clio At Sloat (Formerly at Crom- berg) - Near Nelson Point Near La Porte Near Clipper Mills Near Clipper Mills At Enterprise At Enterprise AtBidwellBar.. At Oroville Near Sierra City. At Downieville At Goodyear Bar At Goodyear Bar At Goodyear Bar North San Juan (near). At Milton.. Near North San Juan.. Near North San Juan.. Above Jackson Creek At mouth Below Bowman Lake At Intake.. At Outlet..... Near Sraartsville At Parks Bar Bridge Near Colfax Near Colfax At Van Trent... Near Wheatland At Nicolaus* At Verona'-- At Lakeport At Lower Lake At Yolo Near Colfax At Rubicon Springs Near Quintette Near Rubicon Springs At South Fork Sawmill near Quintette Near Rubicon Springs.- Below Gerle Creek near Quintette - At mouth near Quintette At Sawmill near Quintette Near Quintette Near Quintette Near Mast Auburn Near Kirk wood Area of drainage t>asin, in square miles 230 245 506 73 740 192 51 51 1,935 1,956 697 791 896 24 28 146 1,354 3,627 71 11 12 218 490 41 206 1.200 1,230 262 487 1,195 308 32 198 50 58 19 "m Period of stream flow record April 11 April 1 June 12, June 12 June 13 June 14 Jan. 1 Sept. 10 Oct. 22, Dec. 17, Oct. 1 Feb. 24 June 13 Oct. 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 1 Nov. 3 Dec. 13 Oct. 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 8, Oct. 8 Oct. 7, Jan. 1 Nov. 1 mentary to Dec. 21 Nov. 1 Oct. 30 Oct. 30, Oct. 31 July 1 Dec. 31 Oct. 28 July 1 Oct. 27 Jan. 1 Jan. 21 Jan. 5, Oct. 1 May 21 June 2 June 28, Jan. 1 Jan. 1 Oct. 8 Oct. 23 June 13 Oct. 1 Feb. 25 Jan. 1 Jan. 1 Aug. 16, Feb. 1 Nov. 21 Nov. 1 Feb. 1 July 12, Feb. 1 Dec. 1 June 7 Feb. 24 Feb. 25 Oct. 22 Sept. 19, 1921-Sept. 1921-Sept. 1905-July 1905-July 1905-Sept. 1905-April 1906-Dec. 1911-.Mar. 1911-Sept. 1905-Sept. 1925-Sepi. 1911-Sept. 1905- Dec. 1927-Sept. 19?7-Sept. 1925-Sept. 30. 1929 30, 1929 1, 1907 1, 1907 30, 1929 30, 1921 31, 1909 31. 1918 30, 1929 30, 1906 30, 1929 30, 1929 31, 1910 30, 1929 30, 1929 30. 1929 1910-Feb. 19. 1928 1923-Sept. 30. 1929 1927-Sept. 30, 1929 1927-Sept. 30. 1929 1927-Sept. 30, 1929 1911-Sept. 30. 1929 1911-Sept. 30, 1929 1911-Sept. 30. 1929 1902-Sept. 30, 1929 1911-1913 Frag- 1923-Sept. 30, 1910-Sept. 30 1910-Sept. 30 1910-Sept. 30 1910-Sept. 30. Sept. 30. 1900 1925-Sept. 30 1910-Scpt. 30 1900-Oct. 20, 1910-Sept. 30 1926-Sept.30 1926-Sept. 30 1927-Sept. 30 1927-Sept. 30 1928-Sept.30 1903-Sept.30 1900-Oct. 14 1912-June 30 1912-Sept.30 1904-Jan. 22 1928-Scpt.30 1921-Sept. 30 1926-Sept. 30 1913-Sept. 30 1901-Nov. 14 1903-Sept 30 1911-Sept. 30 1910-Sept. 28 19()9-June 8 1910-Aug. 31 1910-July 4 1910-April 2, 1910 1909 1910 1910 1910 1911 1922 June 21 Doc. 7 Nov. 30 -July 30 Jan. 31 Sept. 30, Sept. 30 1929 1926 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1900 192S 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1900 1917 1929 1928 1929 1929 1929 1929 1915 1929 1929 1914 1914 1911 1914 1914 1914 1911 1913 1914 1914 1929 1928 ' Summer flow record* only. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 73 TABLE 4— Continued UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY STREAM GAGING STATIONS IN SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN ESTABLISHED PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1929 Stream Station name Area of drainage basin, in square miles Period of stream flow record Twin Lakes Suillwav Near Kirkwood June 11, 1925-Sept.30, 1929 Silver Lake outlet Near Kirkwood Sept. 19, 1922-Sept. 30, 1929 Silver Fork of South Fork of American River Near Ky burz Aug. 16, 1924-Sept.30, 1929 At Kyburz April 11, 1906-NOV.30, 1907 April 19, 1922-Sept. 30, 1929 Aug. 31, 1907-Dec. 14, 1907 Medley Lakes Outlet Oct. 1, 1922-Sept. 30, 1929 Sept. 11, 1922-Sept. 30, 1929 Echo Lake Flume.. Aug. 23, 1923-Sept. 30, 1929 Eldorado Canal Near Ky burz - . Oct. 1, 1922-Sept. 30, 1929 Alder Creek Near Whitehall - . 23 7 28 83 Oct. 1, 1922-Sept. 30, 1929 Plum Creek •. Near Riverton __ At Ice House At Union Valley Below Silver Creek. Nov. 1, 1922-Sept. 30, 1929 South Fork Silver Creek July 5, 1922-Oct. 15, 1922 Silver Creek Oct. 23, 1924-Sept. 30, 1929 Oct. 1, 1924-Sept. 30, 1929 American River, South Fork Aug. 11, 1923-Dec. 16, 1923 Silver Creek Near Placerville. 176 Dec. 23, 192I-Sept.30, 1929 Finnon Reservoir Outlet . Near Placerville Oct. 1, 1922-Sept. 30, 1929 Western States Gas and Electric Go's. Flume.. .. . Near Camino Nov. 1, 1922-Sept. 30, 1929 American River, South Fork Below Silver Fork near Kyburz . Near Camino Feb. 25, 1906-Aug. 5,1906 American River, South Fork . . • _ 505 605 1919 Aug. 11, 1923-Dec. 16, 1923 Oct. 30, 1922-Sept. 30, 1929 American River, South Fork Near Placerville Aug. 11 1911-July 31, 1920 American River At Fairoaks . Nov. 3, 1904-Sep. 30, 1929 American River At Sacramento* July 13, 1921-Oct. 27, 1921 Sacramento River At Sacramento* June 19, 1921-Nov. 24, 1921 Putah Creek Near Guenoc At Winters 91 655 Feb. 12, 1904-July 30, 1906 Putah Creek Sept. 26, 1905-Sept. 30, 1929 At CoUinsville** Oct. 1878-Sept. 1885 * Summer flow records only. **Monthly estimates only. Full Natural Run-off. — The full natural run-off at any station is the flow as it would be if unimpaired by upstream diversions, uses and storage developments and not increased by importations of water into the watershed. It is the flow that would occur under natural con- ditions. The monthly full natural run-offs from each drainage basin during the period of stream discharge measurements were estimated by adding to the measured run-offs at the gaging .station the net amounts of water used in the basin for irrigation, by adding the amounts of water stored in and subtracting the amounts of water released from reservoirs in the basin, by adding any water diverted from the basin, and by subtracting the amount of any water diverted into the basin from other basins during the month. For the irrigation correction, the total areas of lands which were estimated to have been irrigated in certain sea.sons were listed and areas irrigated in other seasons were estimated by interpolation. The unit uses of water on the mountain and foothill lands were taken to be the same as those described for the ultimate uses on these lands in Chapter V. The monthly distribution of the total seasonal uses was taken to be the same as shown in a table in Chaj)ter V. The corrections for storage were made as far as i)Ossible from records of actual reservoir o|)erations. Where complete records were not available and water was known to have been stored, estimates were made of the amounts stored in those seasons for which no records 74 DIVISIOX OF WATER RESOURCES could be obtained, by comparison with those for which there were records, and by using the storage capacity known to have been utilized. The monthly distribution of the storage and release was assumed to be the same for years having no records as for those with records. The above method applies only to the correction of measured run-off records. The monthly full natural run-offs from a basin in the years liaving no stream flow records wore estimated from monthly prob- able run-off curves for that basin. These curves .show the relation between monthly run-off and a monthly factor of wetness and were constructed, one for each of the twelve months, such as -January for example, in the following manner: For each January of the period of sti'eam flow recoi'd, the monthly full natural run-oft" from the basin was plotted against the monthly factor of wetness for the ba.sin for the same January and a curve was drawn averaging all of the points so plotted. The monthly factor of wetness for each month of each year is a number representing the average precipitation over the basin dur- ing that month in that year divided by the mean precipitation for the month based on records of a number of years, weighted by different percentages of the factors of wetness of ]ireceding months. The full natural run-off for January in a year having no stream flow records was obtained from the January curve by taking from it the run-off corresponding to a factor of M^etness computed for that month from precipitation records. In a similar manner, curves were drawn for other months and run-oft's for those months in years having no stream flow records were obtained. This general method was used for all of the stations studied but some variations were necessary for certain gaging stations and dam sites as Avill be explained in more detail in Chapter IX in the descrip- tions of the methods of obtaining the Avater supply for each of the proposed major reservoir units of the State Water Plan in the Sacra- mento River Basin. The seasonal full natural run-offs from the minor stream groujis were estimated b}' means of probable run-otf curves, most of which are the same as those given for these groups in a previous report.* Very few stream flow records exist on these streams but the few that are available were used in estimating the relation between seasonal run-off and the index of seasonal wetness for the same season. For those streams or stream groups for which no records are available, the curves were drawn by comi)ari.son with those for adjacent streams or similar groups. The seasonal run-off for each stream or stream group was obtained by taking fi-om these curves the run-oft' corresponding to the index of seasonal wetness for that season in the precipitation division in which the stream or stream gi-ouj) lies. The .seasonal full natural run-oft's from the mountaiji and foothill drainage basins of all of the major and minor streams of the Sacra- mento River Basin, as obtained by the above methods, for tlie 40-year period 1889-1929, are shown in Table 5. It may be seen from the total mean seasonal ruji-offs in this table that only about 10 ]m^y ciMit of the total run-off from the entire mountain and foothill drainage area of the Sacramento River Basin is contiil)uted bv the minor streams. • Bulletin No. 5, "Flow in California Streams," Division of Engineering anfl Irrigation, 1923, I 2, 3, 1. I I TABLE 5 SEASONAL FULL NATURAL RUN-OFFS OF SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN STREAMS Stream or stream group MAJOR STREAMS— Sacramento River at Kennett dam site* Sacramento River at Red Bluff Feather River at Oroville Yuba River at Smarts^dlle ^Bear River at Van Trent .'.'...[]. ^American River at Fairoaks Stony Creelc at mouth of canyon, "^ache Creek at Capay dam site ^Putah Creek at WintetB Totals., MINOR STREAMS— Mill Creek flroup Butte Creek Group Honcut Creek Group Dry Creek Coon Creek Group Red Bank Creek Group.. Elder Creek Group Willow Creek Group Drainage area, in square miles 6.649 »,2SS 3.627 1.200 262 1.919 Run-off, in acre-feet 12.582.000 22,700,000 13.278.000 6.908.000 1.212.000 8.749,000 1.442,000 2.125.000 1.239,000 Totals.. )7.653,000 2,610,000 1.178.000 522.000 137.000 124.000 202.000 872.000 265.000 5.910,000 4.637.000 6.460,000 4.158.000 1.981,000 235.000 1,548.000 435.000 584.000 346,000 15,747,000 787.000 313,000 120.000 29,600 14,500 58.000 256.000 74.000 1.652.100 17.399.100 5.118.000 7,250,000 4,842,000 1.736,000 242.000 2.037,000 209,000 558,000 332,000 17,206,000 1.170.000 482,000 202.000 34.200 22.400 50.800 249.000 71.000 2.287,400 19,493,400 7,891.000 12.400.000 7.535.000 3.454,000 553,000 4.232.000 676.000 1.435.000 793.000 31.078.000 1,543.000 652.000 281.000 66.800 52.600 128.000 580.000 162,000 5.1- ^1 8,f (Ol !,000 i.OOO B.O00 1.000 B.000 1,000 7,000 1,500 ?,500 7.837.000 12.300.000 7.093.000 3.941.000 841,000 5.182.000 1.315,000 1.450.000 908.000 33.030.000 1.543.000 652,000 281,000 81,500 59.300 149,000 658.000 187.000 3.610.8 7,247.000 11.351.000 7,786,000 2,620.000 560.000 3.564.000 571.000 903.000 576.000 27.9 1.000 1.647.000 701.000 305.000 70,600 41.400 92.200 419.000 116.000 3.392,200 6,858.000 10,387.000 5.440.000 3.310.000 399.000 3.064.000 408.000 813.000 506.000 24.327.000 1.212.000 499.000 212.000 57.000 38.000 80.600 373.000 101.000 3.871.000 5.138.000 2.304.000 1.305.000 129.000 938.000 86,900 59,500 17,000 642.000 252.000 90.000 18.200 6.700 20.300 33,000 27.000 1.089.200 4.340.000 5.980.000 2.872,000 2,128,000 251,000 1.854,000 217,000 398,000 216,000 13.916,000 751.000 294.000 112.000 34.600 20.100 42.900 170.000 55.000 1.479.600 5.896,000 8,711.000 6,788,000 3.061.000 388.000 3.297,000 348.000 313.000 506.000 23.912,000 1.388.000 584.000 251,000 55.300 39.200 80,600 373,000 101,000 2.872.100 6.073.000 9.023.000 6,281.000 2.799.000 425.000 3,396.000 371.000 791.000 489,000 1.357,000 562.000 243.000 52.800 40.300 78.300 364,000 101,000 18,400 7,122,000 11.379,000 4,561,000 2,694,000 351,000 2,592.000 894,000 787,000 698,000 23.956.000 ,227,000 509,000 214,000 43.500 29.100 112,000 585.000 141,000 2.860,000 6.586.000 9.942.000 4.543.000 2.438.000 338.000 2.515.000 726.000 672.000 356.000 21.530.000 1.056,000 424.000 176.000 42,700 28,000 59,700 269,000 76,000 2,131,400 9,523,000 16,104,000 9.439,000 4.190.000 679.000 5,390.000 1.032.000 1.3ftl.000 663.000 38.807.000 1.812.000 783.000 341,000 85,300 70.500 107.000 436.000 132.000 3.816.800 7.038.000 10.782.000 4.594.000 2.489,000 375,000 2,174.000 618,000 1. 111,000 820.000 22.963.000 1.279.000 522.000 224.000 50,700 29.100 133,000 596.000 166.000 7.259.000 11.292,000 6,855.000 3,721.000 618.000 4.838.000 684.000 1,008.000 583.000 29.599.000 1.636.000 695.000 301.000 79.000 72,700 116,000 525,000 145.000 3.569.700 8.486.000 13.881.000 9.492.000 4.544,000 782.000 5.786.000 1.072.000 1,247,000 691,000 37.495.000 2,071.000 902,000 395,000 84.500 90.600 95.700 437.000 120.000 4.195.800 5,494,000 7,916,000 3.639.000 1.691.000 246,000 1,526,000 350.000 477.000 200.000 16,045,000 746,000 290,000 110,000 25,400 12,300 37,700 141,000 48.000 1.410.400 8.605.000 14.571.000 7.517.000 3.968.000 575.000 4.624.000 1,316.000 1,632.000 882.000 35,085,000 1,729,000 744,000 325.000 75.600 53.700 107,000 486,000 133,000 3,652,300 6,156.(.00 9.109,(00 4.633,000 2.750.(00 317.(00 3,614.ttl0 363.000 492.000 228.t00 21.517,C00 917,000 372.C0O 147.C0O 46.900 25.700 46.400 190.000 59.000 1.804,000 6.668.000 10.108,000 7,121.000 3,600.000 507.000 5,554,000 712.000 815.000 487.000 28.970.000 1.553.000 660.000 284.000 72.200 59.300 80.600 373.000 101.000 3.133.100 Stream or stream group Run-off, in acre-feet Mean run-off, in acre-feet, for period 1911-12 1912-13 1913-14 1914-15 19 16 1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 1920-21 1921-22 1922-23 1923-24 1924-25 1925-26 1926-27 1927-28 1928-29 1889-1929 1909-1929 1919-1929 1024-1929 MAJOR STREAIVIS- Saoramento River at Kennett dam site* 4.726.000 6.574.000 2.244.000 1.209.000 152.000 1.338.000 65.600 180.000 57.300 5.001.000 7,044,000 2.823.000 1.492.000 177.000 1.513.000 148.000 302.000 134.000 8.361.000 13.716.000 8.110.000 3.061.000 502.000 4.045,000 1,073.000 1.487,000 896,000 7.849,000 12.568.000 6.067,000 2.690.000 430.000 3,154.0(10 816.000 1.254,000 711.0UU 6.9 10,( 7.t 3,3 6 3.S 5 6 ,000 .000 1.000 1.000 .000 1.000 ,000 ,000 1.000 5.039.000 7.134.000 5.075.000 2.530.000 361.000 2.923.000 284.000 437.000 286.000 4.028.000 5.441.000 2.745,000 1,348,000 147.000 1.503.000 148.000 193.000 90.700 5.389,000 7.824,000 3.649.000 1. 976.000 318.000 2.229,000 266.000 531.000 318.000 3.294,000 4.217.000 2,203,000 1,298,000 145.000 1,467.000 69.400 93,800 45,000 7.396.000 11.476.000 6.038.000 3,168.000 486.000 3.204.000 641.000 959.000 513.000 4.769.000 6.666.000 5.076.000 2.972.000 437,000 3.279.000 259,000 488.000 232,000 3.994.000 5.347.000 3.070.000 2,073.000 363.000 2.751.000 221.000 523.000 280.000 2.691.000 3.294.000 1.296.000 603.000 66.100 543.000 42.800 76.300 41,200 5.427.000 8.078.000 3.152.000 2.123.000 268,000 2.717.000 509,000 756,000 352.000 3,921,000 5.674.000 3.174.000 1.606.000 243.000 1.386.000 307.000 681.000 350.000 7 T? 000 10.971.000 5.848.000 3.542.000 523.000 3.652.000 637,000 914.000 547,000 5.331,000 7,634,000 4,246,000 2.435.000 329.000 2.521.000 377.000 637.000 304.000 3.400.000 4.399.000 1.838.000 1.007,000 124,000 1,147.000 102.000 183,000 68.900 6,149.000 9,354.000 , 5.201.000 2.653.000 402,000 3.009,000 514.000 762.000 442.000 5.379.000 7.898.000 4.271.000 2,240.000 328,000 2.624.000 379.000 595.000 332.000 4.745.000 6.775.000 3.594.000 2.083.000 298.0110 2.267.000 316.000 531.000 273.000 5.060.000 7.351.000 3.652.000 2.143.000 298.000 Sacramento River at Red Bluff Feather River at Oroville '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Yuba River near SmartfiviUe Bear River at Van Trent American River at Fairt^ks Stony Creek at mouth of canyon Cache Creek at Capay dam site 386.000 Putah Creek at Wmters MINOR STREAMS— 11.819.900 570.000 214.000 74.000 18.200 7.800 25.500 66.000 34,000 13.633.000 787.000 313.000 120.000 26.200 10.100 41,700 166.000 53.000 32.890.000 1.636.000 423.000 301.000 65.900 48.100 162.000 711.000 206.000 27,690.000 1.118.000 478.000 189.000 48.600 39.200 137.000 609,000 172,000 27.6 1, 4.000 1.000 9.000 1,100 2.500 5^000 3.000 19.030.000 880.000 375,000 130.000 36,800 21.300 43,500 177.000 55.000 11.615.700 564,000 228,000 70,000 19,000 10.100 29.600 93.000 38.000 17,111.000 834.000 297.000 129.000 35.500 23.500 59.100 265.000 74,000 9.538,000 513,000 211,000 59,000 20.700 11.200 21.400 44.000 29.000 26.485.000 1.201.000 562,000 209.000 58,300 38.000 119.000 534.000 149.000 19.409.000 886.000 414.000 142.000 47.600 33.600 50,000 329,000 63,000 14.028.000 751,000 312.000 112.000 34.500 31.400 67.400 249.000 86,200 5,962.400 378,000 134,000 33.500 9.300 2.200 20.900 55.000 27.300 17.955,000 880.000 302.000 139.000 42.100 28.000 124.000 484.000 156.000 13,421.000 830.000 297.000 132.000 27.800 14.600 72.700 246.000 92,500 26,634,000 1,217.000 490.000 211.000 61.100 44.800 105.000 575.000 130.000 18.483.000 896.000 396.000 144.000 35.800 19.000 62.200 438.000 77.700 8,868.900 528.000 201.000 63.600 18,500 10.100 33.100 95.000 42.000 22.397.000 1.131.000 464.000 194,000 48,600 34,700 79,400 352.000 100,000 18.667.000 903.000 357.000 144.000 38.800 25.500 68.700 302.000 86,900 16.137,000 809.000 332.010 125.000 35.6(0 23.3(0 67.500 305.0CO 85.300 17.073.000 Butte Creek Group Honcut Creek Group Dry Creek 872.000 337,000 138,000 Coon Creek Group 37,100 Red Bank Creek Group 23.300 Elder Creek Group 7i,.300 368.000 Totals Grand totals , 99,600 1.009.500 1.517.000 3.553.000 2.790.800 30.480.800 2.3143.200 1.727.600 1.051.700 1.717,100 909.300 2.870,300 1,965,200 1.643.500 660.200 2.155.100 1,721.600 2.833.900 2.068.700 991,300 2.403.700 1,925,900 1.782.7C0 1.954.300 15.150.000 36.443,000 30.C137.200 20.757.600 12.667.400 18.828,100 10,447.300 29.355.300 21.374.200 16.27 1.500 6.622.600 20.110.100 15.142.600 29.467.900 20.551.700 9.860.200 24.800.700 20,.592,900 17.919.7C0 19.027.300 'The amounts shown for the drainage area and run-offs for the Sacran cento River a Kennett dam fA In r >.,»:,.:. • MILL CREEK GROUP BUTTE CREEK GROUP Streams included in group Mill Creek Deer Creek Antelope Creek Big Cnico Creek Little Chico Creek Sycamore Hollow Sheep Hollow Griizly Hollow Mud Creek Rock Creek Pine Creek Zimmershed Creek Camel Creek Rattlesnake Creek Singer Creek Brush Creek Rio de los Berrendos Butte Creek Little Dry Creek Clear Creek Cold Run Chambers Ravine Coal Canyon HONCUT CREEK GROUP North Honcut Creek South Honcut Creek Wyman Creek Wyandotte Creek Dry Creek COON CREEK GROUP RED BANK GROUP ELDER CREEK GROUP Coon Creek Auburn Ravine Antelope Creek Red Bank Creek Reeds Creek Elder Creek Thomas Creek Rice Creek WILLOW CREEK GROUP Hambright Creek Willow Creek Logao Creek Hunters Creek Funks Creek Stone Corral Creek Lurline Canal Glenn Valley Slough Freshwater Creek Salt Creek Spring Creek Cortina Creek Sand Creek e amounts are included in those for the Sacramento River at Red Bluff. 80994— Bet. pp. 74 and 75 SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 75 The full natural run-oifs from each drainage basin for the seasons 1929-30 and 1930-31 are given in Appendix H. Ultimate Net Run-off. — The monthly full natural run-offs for the 40-year period 1889-1929, at the principal foothill .imaging station and dam site or sites for the major reservoir or reservoirs of the State Water Plan on each of the larger streams were reduced to tlows that could have been expected under conditions of ultimate development in the drainage basin above these points. These modified flows or "ultimate net run-off s" are the flows as they would have been if impaired by diversions and storage for the ultimate irrigation developments and the present power developments upstream from the point under con- sideration. In obtaining these run-offs, estimates were made of the total net irrigable area above the station, tlie amount of water required to irrigate this area, the area which could be irrigated from natural stream flow without storage and tlie amount of storage which would be required to complete the irrigation requirements. In estimating the amounts of water which would be necessary for irrigation use, the requirements were obtained as explained in Chapter V under the heading "Ultimate Irrigation Requirements — ^Mountain Valleys and Foothills." For the Feather, Yuba, Bear and American rivers, allowances were made for diversions to lands outside of the watershed and for return water to the stream from lands irrigated by water from another stream. Correc- tions for storage in and releases from reservoirs required for the full irrigation of all of the irrigable lands to be supplied by the stream both inside and outside of its watershed were made by montlis. Corrections also were made by months for water stored in and releases from reser- voirs used primarily for power development purposes. The return water from irrigated lands in the watershed above any point was considered as available at that point, except from Sierra Valley on the upper Middle Fork of Feather River^ which, it is estimated, would contribute no return Avater. In making these estimates, it was assumed that some lands now irrigated by diversions from the major streams ultimately would be irrigated by diversions from minor streams so that as much water as possible from the major streams could be made available for regulation at the lowest points of control on those streams. Preaent Net Run-off. — The monthly full natural run-ofPs for the 40-year l)eriod 1889-1929, at each dam site for a major reservoir unit of the State Water Plan on the larger streams, were reduced to flows that could liave been expected under ])resent conditions of development in the drainage basins above these points. These modified flows or "present net run-offs" are the flows as they would have been if impaired by the uses and storage for the present irrigation and power developments upstream from the dam site. These flows were estimated in the same manner as the "ultimate net run-offs" except that present instead of ultimate conditions of irri- gation development were used. Variation of Run-off. — The run-offs from the watersheds of both the major and minor streams in the Sacramento River Basin show wide yearly, seasonal, monthly and daily variations. ] SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 75 The full natural run-offs from each drainage basin for the seasons 1929-30 and 1930-31 are given in Appendix H. intimate Net Run-off. — The monthly full natural run-offs for the 40-year period 1889-1929, at the principal foothill gaging station and dam site or sites for the major reservoir or reservoirs of tlie State Water Plan on each of the larger streams were reduced to flows that could have been expected under conditions of ultimate development in the drainage basin above these i)oints. These modified flows or "ultimate net run-offs" are the flows as they would have been if impaired by diversions and storage for the ultimate irrigation developments and the present power developments upstream from the point under con- sideration. In obtaining these run-offs, estimates were made of the total net irrigable area above the station, the amount of water required to irrigate this area, the area which could be irrigated from natural stream flow without storage and the amount of storage which would be required to complete the irrigation requirements. In estimating the amounts of water which would be necessary for irrigation use, the requirements were obtained as explained in Chapter V under the heading "Ultimate Irrigation Requirements — IMountain Valleys and Foothills." For the Feather, Yuba. Bear and American rivers, allowances were made for diversions to lands outside of the watershed and for return water to the stream from lands irrigated by water from another stream. Correc- tions for storage in and releases from reservoirs required for the full irrigation of all of the irrigable lands to be supplied by the stream both inside and outside of its watershed were made by months. Corrections also were made by months for water stored in and releases from reser- voirs used primarily for power development purposes. The return water from irrigated lands in the watershed above any point was considered as available at that point, except from Sierra Valley on the upper Middle Fork of Feather River^ whicli, it is estimated, would contribute no return Avater. In making these estimates, it was assumed that some lands now irrigated by diversions from the major streams ultimately would be irrigated by diversions from minor streams so that as much water as possible from the major streams could be made available for regulation at the lowest points of control on those streams. Present Net Run-off. — The monthly full natural run-offs for tlie 40-year l)eriod 1889-1929, at each dam site for a major reservoir unit of the State Water Plan on the larger streams, were reduced to flows that could have been expected under present conditions of development in the drainage basins above these points. These modified flows or "present net run-offs" are the flows as they would have been if impaired by the uses and storage for the present irrigation and iiower developments upstream from the dam site. These flows were estimated in the same manner as the "ultimate net run-offs" except that present instead of ultimate conditions of irri- gation development were used. Variation of Run-off. — The run-off's from the watersheds of both the major and minor streams in tlie Sacramento River Basin show wide yearly, seasonal, monthly and daily variations. 76 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES It has been shown previously that there is a wide variation in seasonal precipitation over the Saci-amcnto River Basin. Since run-off is dependent upon precipitation, it will have generall}- similar varia- tions. Run-off, however, is affected by the intensity and order of occur- rence of storms and its seasonal variation from normal, therefore, may not be exactly the same as the variation of the seasonal precipitation from its normal. The variation in seasonal precipitation over the Sacramento River Basin from year to year is shown b\' the indices of wetness in Table 3, and the variation in run-off from the watersheds of the major streams of the Sacramento River Basin is shown by the seasonal run-offs for these .streams friven in Table 5. The mean seasonal full natural run-offs for the eight major streams for the 40-year period 1889-1929, and the maximum and minimum seasonal run-offs in the same period, are given in Table 6. These quantities show that the maximum seasonal run-off varies from 243 to 301 per cent and the minimum from 4 to 35 per cent of the mean seasonal for the 40-year period. TABLE 6 VARIATION IN SEASONAL RUN-OFFS OF MAJOR STREAMS OF THE SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN, 1889-1929 Point of measurement Mean seasonal run-off, in acre-feet Maximum seasonal run-off in 40-year period Minimum seasonal run-off in 40-year period Stream In acre-feet In percent of mean seasonal run-off Season In acre-feet In per cent of mean seasonal run-off Season Sacramento River Feather River Yuba River Red Bluff Orovi Ic '... Smartsvilie. Van Trent Fair Oaks Mouth of canyon.. Capay dam site.. . Winters 9,354,000 5,201,000 2,653,000 402,000 3,069,000 514,000 762,000 442,000 22,700,000 13,278,000 6,908,000 1,212,000 8,749,000 1,442.000 2,125.000 1.239,000 243 255 260 301 285 281 279 280 1889-90 1889-90 1889-90 1889-90 1889-90 1889-90 1889-90 1889-90 3,294.000 1,296.000 603.000 66.100 543,000 42,800 59.500 17,000 35 25 23 16 18 8 8 4 1923-24 1923-24 1923-24 Bear River 1923-24 American River Stony Creek Cache Creek. 1923-24 1923-24 1897-98 Putah Creek... . 1897-98 The wide variation in monthly run-olt' is due to the occurrence of of the precipitation in the winter or rainy season, as previously mentioned. Most of the run-off from the rain which falls on the lower areas and valleys finds its way quickly into the .stream channels while the snow in the higher mountain regions usually does not melt and appear as run-off until the late spring or early summer. The latter run-off forms the greater part of the stream flows during this period. Since the rainfall runs off quickly, the streams in the Sacramento River Basin reach "their highest stages in the winter and early spring months. The run-off from the melting snow varies with the rate of melting and amount of the snow pack. This run-off, therefore, dimin- ishes gradually and the minimum flows occur in the late summer moDlhs when pi-actieall\- all of the snow has disappeared. The uneijual monthly disti'ibution of the seasonal run-olT from the drainage basins of the eight major streams of the Sacramento River Basin is shown in Table 7. The variation in run-off from the minor stream basins is even greater. Most of them lie at relatively low elevations and their SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 77 run-off is entirely from rainfall. They therefore have fairly large flows for a short time in the winter season and are entirely dry during most of the summer. TABLE 7 AVERAGE MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF SEASONAL RUN-OFFS OF MAJOR STREAMS OF SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN Based on full natural run-offs for 40-year period 1889-1929 Mean run-off of Sacramento River at Red Bluff Mean run-off of Feather River at Oroville Mean run Yuba H at Smart -off of ivpr iville Mean run-off of Bear River at Van Trent Month In acre-feet In per cent of seasonal total In acre-feet In per cent of seasonal total In acre-feet In per cent of seasonal total In acre-feet In per cent of seasonal total 304,000 505,000 748,000 1,250,000 1,541,000 1,465,000 1,166,000 846,000 540,000 387,000 312,000 290,000 3.25 5.40 8.00 13.36 16.47 15.66 12.47 9.04 5.77 4 14 3.34 3.10 116,000 226,000 284,000 477,000 628,000 828,000 1,001,000 848,000 423,000 173,000 108,000 89,000 2.23 4.35 5.46 9.17 12.07 15.92 19.25 16.30 8.13 3.33 2.08 1.71 36,800 93,600 153,000 285,000 331,000 412,000 461,000 484,000 271,000 74,700 26,500 24,400 1.39 3 53 5.77 10.74 12,48 15.53 17.37 18.24 10.21 2.82 1.00 0.92 8,000 13,000 33,910 76,400 87,100 78,300 51,100 25,200 13,600 6,000 4,600 4,800 1 99 November 3 23 December 8 43 19.01 Februarv 21 67 March 19 48 April - 12.71 May - 6.27 June - 3.38 July 1.49 1.15 September 1.19 Totals 9,354,000 100.00 5,201,000 100.00 2,653,000 100.00 402,000 100.00 Mean run-off of American River at Fairoaks Mean run-off of Stony Creek at mouth cf canyon Mean run-off of Cache Creek at Capay dam site Mean run-off of Putah Creek at Winters Month In acre-feet In per cert of seasonal total In acre-feet In per cent of seasonal total In acre-feet In per cent of seasonal total In acre-feet In per cent of seasonal total October. 31,400 68,000 138,000 294,000 349,000 487,000 558,000 637,000 383,000 111,000 25,100 17,.500 1.02 2.21 4.50 9.58 11.37 15.87 18.18 19.78 12.48 3.02 .82 .57 1,800 12,600 36,800 126,000 132,000 110,000 56,400 25,000 8,000 2,300 1,700 1,400 .35 2.45 7.16 24.51 25 , 68 21.40 10.97 4.87 1.56 .45 .33 .27 11,000 24,000 62,600 163,000 184,000 153,000 87,800 39,800 17,700 9,900 5,000 4,200 1.44 3.15 8.22 21.39 24.15 20.08 11.52 5.22 2.32 1.30 .66 .55 500 12,500 39,000 124,000 128,000 76,700 42,000 12,600 3,900 1,700 700 400 .12 November 2.83 December 8.82 28.06 Februarv 28.96 March 17.35 April 9.50 May 2.85 June -- .88 July .38 August .16 September .09 Totals - -- 3,069,000 100.00 514,000 100.00 762,000 100.00 442,000 100.00 Due to a short heavy precipitation, a more protracted lighter one, or warm rains on the snow packs in the mountainous regions during the winter or rainy season, a stream's flow may increase rapidly witliin a period of a few days from a very small amount to one of flood i)ropor- tions. On the other hand, during the late summer and fall months, flows in all streams become very low and some stream channels are entirely dry. The mean daily flows of the two larger streams, the 78 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Sacramento River at Red Bluff and the Feather River at Oroville, show variations from a few hundred or few thousand second-feet in the late summer months to between two and tliree hundred thousand second-feet during the winter floods. The maximum and minimum mean daily flows at the foothill gaging stations on the eight major streams in the Sacramento River Basin are shown in Table 8. Some of the low flows have been affected by releases from reservoirs but the maximum flows have been only slightly changed by eitlier storage in or releases from existing reservoirs. TABLE 8 MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM MEAN DAILY FLOWS IN MAJOR STREAMS OF SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN OagiiiK .station .Mean daily flows Stream .Maximum .Minimum In second-feet Date In second-feet Date Red Bluff 254,000 187,000 111,000 25,800 120,000 29,300 20,100 40,000 Feb. 3, 1909 Mar. 19, 1907 Jan. 15, 1909 Mar. 19, 1907 Mar. 25, 1928 Feb. 2, 1909 Feb. 3, 1909 Dec. 31, 1913 2,810 720 71 2 5 >1924 Oroville June 30. 1924 Yiiha Rivpr Smartsville July 30, 1924 Rpar River Van Trent Oct. 2, 1924 Fair Oaks >1924 St/inv Crppk Near Fruto _ (') Parhf f^roek Yolo 6 (•) Piitah Oreelc Winters (') ' Minimum flow occurred on several days in July and .\ugust. ' Summer flows affected by storage and irrigation diversions for Orland Project. > No flow for periods in nearly every year. * No flow during parts of 1912-1914 and 1918-1929. Return Water. In the Sacramento River Basin a large potential water supply is that from water which, once used for irrigation, domestic or other purposes, would return to the streams eitlier as direct drainage or as an inflow from the ground water basin. The return irrigation waters which would constitute a large percentage of all return waters would have their source in the losses from canals or other conduits during conveyance of water from the points of diversion on the streams to j)()ints of use, in the surface drainage from the land after irrigation and in seepage to the underground basin. A large portion of the return waters from the mountain and foothill region would be avail- able for .storage in the major reservoir units of the State Water Plan, 'in which tlicy could be regulated to a supply fonforming to the irri- gation demciud lor lands on the valley lk)or. The return waters from the valley floor hmds would enter the streams or artificial drains from which they could be again diverted for reuse on lands at lower eleva- tion in the valley. All return watei-s not used in the valley would How into the Sacramento-San Joatiuin Delta where they would be available for use or for exportation to other areas. The .suitability of this return water for reuse is an important clcmeut in the State Water Plan because the return water would con- stitute a substantial part of the total available water .supply. During in:U), the Water Resources Branch of the United States Geological SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 79 Survey chemically analyzed samples of water taken during the low water season on many of the principal streams of the state. Among these were analyses of the water in the Sacramento River during the low water season when practically the entire How was return water from irrigation. These analyses showed that the return water, under present conditions, is entirely satisfactory, chemically, for municipal, irrigation and industrial use and can be classitied as "good." The amounts and distribution of the return waters throughout the year also are important elements in making estimates of their reuse for water, supply. In order to determine these as accurately as pos- sible, measurements of diversions and return water have been made each 3'ear since 1924 by the Sacramento-San Joaquin Water Super- visor. Results of these measurements are given in a bulletin* of the Division of Water Resources. In the Sacramento River Basin, meas- urements were taken each year of the amounts of water diverted from the Sacramento, Feather, Yuba and American rivers and from borrow pits and canals which intercept drainage water. INIeasurements also were taken of the flow of the Sacramento River at Kennett, Red Bluff, Butte City, Colusa, Knights Landing, Verona and Sacramento; the Feather River at Oroville and Nicolaus; and the American River at Fairoaks and Sacramento. These stream measurements analyzed in conjunction with the records of diversions show the amounts of water which returned to the river channels between the points of measure- ment in the months during which the records were taken. Measurements were taken only during the irrigation season and an attempt was made to avoid any effect on the stream flow of natural run-off from valley floor lands. Since the measurements were taken during the irrigation season only, there is no definite information on the amount of irrigation water which returns slowly to the stream channels during the winter months. The determination of this amount would be difficult as it is combined with run-off from rainfall on the valley floor. The amounts of water which return during the winter season, therefore, must be estimated. In addition to obtaining the measurements of stream flow and diversions, a survey was made each year to determine the character and acreage of crops grown with the water from each diversion and comprised within the area contributing return water at each point of measurement. The crops were divided into two classes, rice and gen- eral, since the unit use of water for the irrigation of rice is consider- ably greater than for other crops and the rate of return of the unused portion is more rapid. The measurements covered seasons of both large and small total stream flow and the character of the season probably affected the per- centage of return water. There appears to be a tendency to divert large amounts of water in years of ample supply, and since only a definite amount is consumed by the crop, the return flow in these years represents a larger percentage of tlie total diversions. The records show that in the ]ieriod 1924-1029, the return water in the months from April to October, inclusive, in each year, varied from 20 to more than 40 per cent of the water diverted during the * Bulletin No. 23, "Report of Sacramento-San Joaquin Water Supervisor," Divi- sion of Water Resources, 1930. 80 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES same period. These data are for areas devoted to the growing of rice and general crops in different proportions and under different condi- tions of seasonal stream flow. An analysis of these data, therefore, gives a distribution and amounts of return water from areas having different proportions of the total acreage planted to rice. It is esti- mated, as shown in Chapter V, that when a condition of ultimate development has been reached in the Sacramento Valley, rice will occupy 10 per cent of the total irrigable area each season and all other crops 90 per cent. A study, therefore, was made, using the analysis of the data now available, to estimate the distribution of return water under the condition of ultimate development. The average requirement of water for rice culture is estimated to be 2.75 times as much as the average for all other crops. It is also believed that practically all the return water from the irrigation of rice reaches the main stream channels during the irrigation months, April to October, inclusive. From a study of the data obtained, it also is concluded that the return from general crops in the same irri- gation months is only about 65 per cent of the total annual return and it is believed that the remaining 35 per cent returns at about a uniform rate over the other five months. Therefore, by weighting the amounts and distribution of the return waters from these two types of crops, the average distribution by months for the entire Sacramento Valley under conditions of ultimate development are obtained, as shown in Table 9. TABLE 9 MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF RETURN WATER IN SACRAMENTO VALLEY Month January . February March... April May June Return water in per cent of total annual return 5 5 5 7 10 13 Month July August September, October... November. December. Return water in per cent of total annual return 13 13 11 8 5 5 it was estimated, as shown in Chapter V, that about 42.5 per cent of all water diverted for irrigation under a condition of ultimate development would reach the streams as return water. From Table 9, it may be noted that it is estimated that 75 per cent of tliis return water would reach the valley streams during the irrigation months of April to October, inclusive, witli a regimen that w'ould approximately synchronize with the irrigation demand and that tlie remainder would return about uniformly throughout the other months of the year. The water returning at such times that it could be reused would be equiva- lent to additional run-off in so far as water supply for lands on the lower reaches of the streams is concerned. Ground Water. Another source of supply is from water collected and stored in the underground l)asi)is. These basins are naturally charged by seep- age from rainfall and from w^ater applied for irrigation, and by SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 81 seepage from canals and natnral stream channels. Artificial charging or replenishment can be accomplished by spreading water over absorp- tive areas and holding it on the surface until taken into the underlying basin. Water so introduced to the underground basins is available for use by means of pumping unless it seeps back into the stream channels at lower elevation as return water, as above described. There are a number of advantages obtained by storing water in underground basins and w^here suitable storage of this type is avail- able and proper control of draft and replacement is exercised, it is a most flexible, efficient and economical means of conserving and uti- lizing water over a period of years. With this type of storage, evapo- ration is reduced to a minimum, the water which percolates under- ground is accessible for reuse, the water may be obtained by individual pumping plants which makes for flexibility of irrigation operations, and the underground basins may be naturally or artificially charged in periods of plentiful run-off and the waters so stored used in other periods of deficiency in surface supply. Although there are a number of highly developed tracts in the Sacramento Valley which obtain an irrigation supply by pumping from wells, underground storage is not used in this valley to as great an extent as in the San Joaquin Valley and in some other parts of the state. In proportioning the physical Avorks of a plan for the utiliza- tion of the water resources of the Sacramento River Basin, no account was taken of the availability of the underground storage capacitj- in this basin. If the underground storage were operated in conjunction with surface storage, however, a greater use could be made of the run- offs of the tributary streams since some of the water which would be wasted into the ocean in the winter season could be stored in these underground reservoirs and used in seasons or cycles of low surface run-off. A very general study of underground basins in the Sacramento Valley was made, in connection with the present investigation of the water resources of the Sacramento River Basin, b.y Hyde Forbes, engineer-geologist. The study was directed primarily toward deter- mining the locations and capacities of the potential underground reservoirs. No estimates of the yields from these reservoirs were made. Such yields would be dependent upon the replenishment, through natural and artificial means, of the water stored in the underground basins. The report on this study is included in this bulletin as Apjiendix F. At the end of the report, there is a tabulation of underground basin storage capacities which were estimated from data collected during a brief survey of field conditions, from data on well logs which are available, and from data collected during other investigations in some sections of the valley. The capacities given are necessarily rough approximations, because of the general nature of the study. However, they serve to indicate the possibilities of utilizing underground storage in the irrigation development of the Sacramento Valle.y. About 203,000 acres, or 28 per cent, of the irrigated lands in the Sacramento Valley and adjacent foothills in 1929 were .served by pump- ing from ground Avater. With the future growth and devolopmcnt of irrigation in the valley, the use of ground water may become nu)re extensive and therefore of more importance than at present. Through 6 — 80994 82 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES a greater utilization of underground storage, a more efficient use of the available water supplies could be effected. Because of the import- ance of this subject, it was deemed advisable to begin a general but systematic collection and compilation of data on ground water con- ditions in the Sacramento Valley. The depths to the ground w^ater table, therefore, have been measured each year, beginning with 1929, in about 200 wells distributed over the Sacramento Valley floor. These wells are located at approximately five-mile intervals in both north and south and and west directions. The depth from the ground surface to the water table in each well and the description of the well's location are given in Appendix G. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIIsT 83 CHAPTER in AGRICULTURAL LANDS The Sacramento River Basin has an area of about 26,150 scjuare mik^s, which is 16.8 ])er cent of tlie total land area of the state. Of this area, about 18 per cent lies in the Sacramento Valley 'and the remainder is mountains and foothills. Tliere are considerable areas of plateau and valley hmd distributed throughout the mountains, many of Avhich are suitable for ajiricnlturc and some of which ai'e now under cultivation. Based on the surveys of agricultural lands in the Sacramento and San Joaquin river basins, made durin^' this investigation, and the surveys made during a previous investigation,* it is estimated that the Sacramento River Basin contains 26.8 per cent of the agricultural lands of the state. These are distributed over the Sacramento Valley floor, in the foothills, and in the mountain valleys. The relation of the Sacramento River Basin to the remainder of the state in total area and the area of agricultural land is shown on the frontispiece. The locations of the agricultural lands in the basin are shown on Plate III, "Agricultural Lands and Areas Under Irrigation .in the Sacramento Valley and Adjacent Foothills." Geology and Soils. The Sacramento Valley is a great plain, extending approximately 150 miles from Red Bluflf to Suisun Bay and having a maximum width of about 40 miles, which has been built up with sediments brought down from the surrounding mountain ranges as the valley subsided and the mountain ranges rose. These changes have been gradual and have been taking place since early geologic time so that the depositions have been varied in time and character. Although the present configuration of the valley is due largely to the manner in which these sediments were deposited, some parts have been raised by faulting and folding and this uplift afforded ojiportunity for the streams to erode these parts and form hilly or rolling country. The valley comi)rises five divisions which are described in some detail in Appendix F of this report. These divisions are the ui)laiids of older alluvium, the low plains, the modern flood plain ridges, the flood basins, and the delta region. The ujilands of older alluvium lie along the rim of the valley and in i)laces extend well out into it. They have become indurated through age, drainage i)atterns have been developed through run-off erosion, and depressions and border lands luive been filled or cov(;red with a thin veneer of modern sediments reworked from the older alluvium. The low plains or modern alluvial fans of the major streams and combinations of fans of the minor streams extend from the uplands and mountainous borders on both the and west * Bulletin No. 6, "Irrigation Requirements of California Lands," Division of Engineering and Irrigation, 1923. 84 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES sides of valley toward its troufrh. The modern flood i)lain ridjres are broad alluvial deposits that have been l)uilt up along the Saeranu-uto and Feather rivers through recurrent ovei-flows. The overflow or flood basins are broad siialloAV troughs lying between the flood plain ridges or between these ridges and the low plains or upland areas. Their soils are the result of the processes of deposition but are heavier than those in the adjacent flood plain ridges and i)lains lands. The fiftli division is the delta region, much of which originally existed as a tule covered swamp. The soil on many islands is a ])eat formation and where not of this nature is light silts. The accumulated sediments in the valley are of great depth, several borings of over 2000 feet having failed to penetrate to consolidated materials. The soils, as just pointed out, are mostly the old valley- filling material and the recent alluvial-fan and alluvial material. In the foothills along the border of tlie valley, the soils are residual mate- rials from the disintegration and weathering in place of consolidated rocks. There is also a small amount of wind deposited material but this is relatively unimportant. Within these broader classifications of soils, there are a number of soil series in each of Avhich the soils have similar characteristics of color, of subsoil, or substratum, of parent material, and of mode of formation, but dififerences of texture or tlie proportions of the particles of differing sizes of which each type is composed. The soils in the valley and a considerable area of the adjacent foothills have been classified by the Bureau of Soils of the United States Department of Agriculture and the data from these surveys were a great help in classifying the lands. Land Classification. The lands in the Sacramento Valley and the agricultural areas in the adjacent foothills were classified on the basis of their adaptability for irrigation. No attempt was made to classify the mountain valleys or the foothills and mountains in the Sierra Nevada at elevations in excess of about 3000 feet. Lands in the Coast Range foothills were completely classified with the exception of those in the drainage basin tributary to Cache Creek above the outlet of Clear Lake. An area of 8,750,000 acres of land was classified. Of this total, about 7,750,000 acres w-ere classified from a field survey and about 1,000,000 acres from data used in making assessments for the Sacra- mento and San Joaquin Drainage District. In making the field survey, each area was visited and the detail classification of the land as actually obtained from inspection was plotted on a map. The maps of the Sac- ramento Valley ])ublished by the United States Geological Survey on a scale of two inches to one mile were used for the area which they cover. For other areas, enlargements of county maps. United States War Dejjartment maps, and other United States Geological Survey majis were used. TTs(; also was made as far as ])ossil)le of soil surveys published by the United States Dei)ai'tment of Agrieulture. All data obtainable, such as character of soil, kind and quality of crops grown on the land, topography, presence of alkali and har(li)an were given weight in detei'mininir the class in which ciieh tract of land was placed. PLrATlO II r PLATE III -. /■• 1 s x \ ANEVADAClTftt <-~X-, LI 3 A \ A /£ ^V' A- O A \ E L O 6 .J] A ^ / -t 1 7)^^ [JJLACERVILLE RElfiBLU ^ y rN.A^ -• w i^-:ry ''- '-^;i /V' -t' .rf- t."i.jgi.U BLUtLV r X ^v. '\ T \ / \ .\ .^>\ \\ "X / ^^j'i:^;,.. \b \ \ 'i^Jils-itSl^jftl* •FAIRFIELD / .,s^_ "^ LEGEND Agricultural lands I Areas under irrigation SCALE OF MILES 16 24 gg I ii.iJ \ k.- LAKEI'OUT • UKIAIl / AGRICULTURAL LANDS AREAS UNDER IRRIGATION IN THE SACRAMENTO VALLEY AND ADJACENT FOOTHILLS SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 85 Valley Floor Lands. — The Sacramento Valley lands were divided into five classes. The character of the land and the features which influ- enced in placinf? different tracts in each class are described as follows: Class 1. All lands were included in this class where soil texture, alkali or topography do not materially limit the feasibility of irrigation or crop yield. Thej' are lands capable of good crop yields at low cost of preparation. They include lands of all soil textures except those affecting crop yields on account of being too heavy or very coarse. Alkali is absent or too small in amount to be a factor. Level hardpan lands where hardpan is at sufficient depth, as evidenced by local observations other than borings, to allow of general cropping were included, as well as hardpan lands where development by blasting and leveling has removed the original deficiency of the land. All lands now successfully growing alfalfa, vines and trees wei^ included. It was the endeavor to place in this group all lands which will be first in their demand for water and in progressive development. The continu- ance of the use of water on these lands over successive irrigation periods would likewise remain most nearly constant once an irrigation supply were available. Considerable rolling land of good soil depth and free of heavy brush and timber gi'owth was placed in tWs group where all of it was of such topography as to be readily farmed. All lands were placed in Class 1 that anyone of fair-minded judgment could contend should fall in such grouping. lands are now generally settled in progressively farmed areas. Class 2. These lands are a deferred type both as to use of irriga- tion waters (where outside of present organized areas) and as to future settlement and development. The presence of alkali and hardpan, roughness, deficient soil texture, and heavy expense of removal of brush and timber, each and all, were contributing factors in the placing of lands in this grouping. Overflow lands which would otherwise be in Class 1 were included in Class 2 where such overflow is a constant factor limiting the adaptability of the land for permanent cropping and lessening the length of the period of irrigation upon the land. Recla- mation of lands subject to inundation is well advanced in the Sacra- mento Valley and large bodies of land now used for flood channels and subject to periodical overflow will probabh' remain permanently in this condition. For this reason, all lands permanently subject to over- flow were classed one groui)ing lower than their physical characteristics would place them if they were in an area capable of reclamation against floods. Lands in Class 2 whether in present organized and developed areas or not, can be expected to have a less continuous and uniform use of water than lands in Class 1. On account of their deficiencies, greater portions of these lands are likely to remain out of crop production in periods of depression of prices of farm products. Also, periods of lying fallow will be more extended than in Class 1. Lands in this grouping are more generally used for pasture at the in-esent time and, being less developed, are held in larger holdings than the better lands. Class 8. Extremely hummocky and hogwallow lands, lands with shallow soils, rough channel cut lands and lands of steeply rolling toi)ography (usually covered with timber and brush) were ]>laeed in this class. Alkali and hardpan and deficient soil texture to a greater SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 85 Valleif Floor Lands. — The Sacramento Valley lands -were divided into five classes. The character of the land and the features Avhicli influ- enced in placing: different tracts in each class are described as follows : Class 1. All lands were included in this class where soil texture, alkali or topography do not materially limit the feasibility of irrigation or crop yield. They are lands capable of good crop yields at low cost of preparation. They include lands of all soil textures except those affecting crop yields on account of being too heavy or very coarse. Alkali is absent or too small in amount to be a factor. Level hardpan lands where hardpan is at sufficient depth, as evidenced by local observations other than borings, to allow of general cropping were included, as well as hardpan lands where development by blasting and leveling has removed the original deficiency of the land. All lands now successfully growing alfalfa, vines and trees werje included. It was the endeavor to place in this group all lands which will be first in their demand for water and in progressive development. The continu- ance of the use of water on these lands over successive irrigation periods would likewise remain most nearly constant once an irrigation supply were available. Considerable rolling land of good soir depth and free of heavy brush and timber growth was placed in this group where all of it was of such topography as to be readily farmed. All lands were placed in Class 1 that anyone of fair-minded judgment could contend should fall in such grouping. These lands are now generally settled in progressively farmed areas. Class 2. These lands are a deferred type both as to use of irriga- tion waters (where outside of present organized areas) and as to future settlement and development. The presence of alkali and hardpan, roughness, deficient soil texture, and heavy expense of removal of brush and timber, each and all, were contributing factors in the placing of lands in this grouping. Overflow lands which would otherwise be in Class 1 were included in Class 2 where such overflow is a constant factor limiting the adaptability of the land for permanent cropping and lessening the length of the period of irrigation upon the land. Recla- mation of lands subject to inundation is well advanced in the Sacra- mento Valley and large bodies of land now used for flood channels and subject to periodical overflow will probably remain permanently in this condition. For this reason, all lands permanently subject to over- flow were classed one groui)ing lower than their physical characteristics would place them if they were in an area capable of reclamation against floods. Lands in Class 2 whether in present organized and developed areas or not, can be expected to have a less continuous and uniform use of water than lands in Class 1. On account of their deficiencies, greater portions of these lands are likely to remain out of crop production in periods of depression of prices of farm i)i-oducts. Also, periods of lying fallow will be more extended than in Class 1. Lands in this grouping are more generally used for pasture at the present time and, being less developed, are held in larger holdings than the better lands. Class 3. Extremely hummocky and hogwallow lands, lands with shallow soils, rough channel cut lands and lands of steeply rolling topography (usually covered with timber and brush) were ])laeed in this class. Alkali and hardpan and deficient soil texture to a greater 8G DIVISION OK WATER RESOURCES extent than for Class 2 lands also were contributing factors for placing lands in this class. Tender present conditions, where not now included in organized irrigation i)ro.)ects, these lands are likely to be long deferred in development and use of irrigation water unless included in the development of larger tracts containing mainly lands of better classification. These lands where in organized irrigation projects are largely devoted to rice culture and gun clubs. Except for this use, practically all of the Class 3 land is now used as pasture and range land in large undeveloped holdings. Any orchard or vine plantings previ- ously made have been abandoned. Tliis class of land is not adapted to grain production and if grain were grown, crop returns would be small. Class 4. Lands have been included in this classification which are of extremely dubious agricultural worth because of alkili or deficient soil conditions. They are now almost entirely used for pasture and gun clubs, although rice has been grown on some portions of flat alkali lands which are included in organized irrigation projects. Rice grow- ing has not been very successful on such heavily alkali lands and is not likely to continue except in periods of high prices. Gun clubs are established on a considerable area of land of this class where water is available. Class 5. These are lands of no present or potential agricultural value. Outside of the Sutter Buttes and river channels, the only areas on the valley floor which were placed in this class are those made per- manently nonusable by large drainage canals, levees and borrow pits. The locations of the lands in Classes 1 to 4 on the valley floor are shown on Plate IV, "Classification of Agricultural Lands in the Sac- ramento Valley." Class 5 land is not considered as agricultural and is not shown on the map. TABLE 10 CLASSIFICATION OF LANDS ON THE SACRAMENTO VALLEY FLOOR Class Sacramento Valley floor excluding Sacramento Delta Sacramento Delta Total Sacramento Valley floor Gross area Gross area Gross area In acres In per cent of total In acres In per cent of total In acres In iwr cent of tot^I I 1,735,000 943,000 573,000 24S,000 185,000 47.1 25.6 15 6 6.7 5.0 124,000 15,000 2,000 1,000 87 3 10.6 14 .7 1,859,000 958.000 575,000 249,000 185,000 4S 6 2 25 3 15.0 4 6.5 5 4.0 Totals 3,684.000 100 142.000 100 3,826,000 100.0 The areas of each of the five classes of hind, on the Sacramento Valley floor, are shown in Table 10. In tills table, the area of each class of land in that portion of the valley lying outside of the Sacra- mento Delta is shown .separateh' from the area of each class in that delta. The .southern boundary line of the Sacramento Valley, used in obtaining these areas, is shown by the lower end uf tiie colors repre- senting the different of land on Plate IV. From this map, it may be seen that the classification was carried to the Cosumnes River PliATE IV CLASSIFICATION OF AGRICULTURAL LANDS IN THE SACRAMENTO VALLEY PI/ATE IV CLASSIFICATION AGRICULTURAL LANDS IN THE SACRAMENTO VALLEY SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 87 on the east side of the valley. The boundary line separating the Sac- ramento Delta from the San Joaquin Delta is a line which approxi- mately divides lands which use water from, or drain to, the Sacramento River and the San Joaquin River or its tributaries, respectively. Its location is shown in detail in another report.* The other boundaries of the Sacramento Valley floor are the same as the outside boundaries of the "water service areas" as these areas are shown on Plate VI in Chapter V. Foothill Lands. — The foothill lands also were divided into five classes but these were not determined on strictly the same bases as those for the valley floor classes. For these lands, the classes were determined laro-ely by the amount or percentage of land wliich mip:ht come under irrigation at some future time. This percentage, in turn, was governed by topography ; soil depths, quality and areas ; and the feasibility of irrigation. Without regard to economics, it was determined before classifying any of these lands as agricultural, that it would be physi- cally possible to furnish them a water supply. No attempt was made to determine the area of Class 5 lands. In classifj'ing the foothill lands they were divided into two gen- eral groups: The first group includes all of the Sierra Nevada foothills, all of the valley floor and foothill lands north of Red Bluff and south of Redding, and the Coast Range foothills north of the Tehama-Glenn county line. This area is characterized by continuous commanding ridges which affect the feasibility of irrigation. The percentage of irrigable land in each class in this group is estimated to be as follows: 1 90 per cent Class 2 75 per cent Class 3 60 per cent Class 4 20 and 40 per cent The Class 4 land is mainly pasture land but it varies in type and therefore has been estimated to have different percentages of irrigable area according to its characteristics. One of the two values given above was used for each individual tract in this class. The other group includes the Coast Range foothills south of Tehama County, except those in the drainage basin tributary to Clear Lake on Cache Creek. This area is characterized by rounded knolls and disconnected ridges and the Class 3 and 4 lands will have smaller percentages of their areas susceptible of irrigation. The percentage of irrigable land in each class in this group is estimated to be as follows : Class 1 90 per cent 2 75 per cent Class 3 50 per cent Class 4 20 per cent The results of the classification of fhe foothill lands on the above bases are shown in Table 11. Classification hy Counties. — Although the same numbers are used for the classes of land in the foofhills as are used for valley floor lauds, it should be kept in mind in combining areas of lands under these classifications that they are on a somewhat dilferent basis. * Bulletin No. 27, "Variation and Control of Salinity in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and Upper San Francisco Bay." Division of W.Tter Resources, 1931 — Plate III. 1^ ^ -6 \ UtM 10 ai \ SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 87 on the east side of the valley. The boundary line separating the Sac- ramento Delta from the San Joaquin Delta is a line which approxi- mately divides lands which use water from, or drain to, the Sacramento River and the San Joaquin River or its tributaries, respectively. Its location is shown in detail in another report.* The other boundaries of the Sacramento Valley floor are the same as the outside boundaries of the "water service areas" as these areas are shown on Plate VI in Chapter V. Foothill Lands. — The foothill lands also were divided into five classes but these were not determined on strictly the same bases as those for the valley floor classes. For these lands, the classes were detennined largely by the amount or percentage of land which might come under irrigation at some future time. This percentage, in turn, was governed by topography; soil depths, quality and areas; and the feasibility of irrigation. Without regard to economics, it was determined before classifying any of these lands as agricultural, that it would be physi- cally possible to furnish them a water supply. No attempt was made to determine the area of Class 5 lands. In classifjdng the foothill lands they were divided into two gen- eral groups : The first group includes all of the Sierra Nevada foothills, all of the valley floor and foothill lands north of Red Bluff and south of Redding, and the Coast Range foothills north of the Tehama-Glenn county line. This area is characterized by continuous commanding ridges which affect the feasibility of irrigation. The percentage of irrigable land in each class in this group is estimated to be as follows: Class 1 90 per cent Class 2 75 per cent Class 3 60 per cent Class 4 20 and 40 per cent The Class 4 land is mainly pasture land but it varies in type and therefore has been estimated to have different percentages of irrigable area according to its characteristics. One of the two values given above was used for each individual tract in this class. The other group includes the Coast Range foothills south of Tehama County, except those in the drainage basin tributary to Clear Lake on Cache Creek. This area is characterized by rounded knolls and disconnected ridges and the Class 3 and 4 lands will have smaller percentages of their areas susceptible of irrigation. The percentage of irrigable land in each class in this group is estimated to be as follows : 1 00 per cent Class 2 75 per cent Class 3 50 per cent Class 4 20 per cent The results of the classification of the foothill lands on the above bases are shown in Table 11. Classification hy Counties. — Although the same numbers are used for the classes of land in the foothills as are u.sed for valley floor lands, it should be kept in mind in combining areas of lands under these classifications that they are on a somewliat different basis. * Bulletin No. 27, "Variation and Control of Salinity in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and Upper San Francisco Bay," Division of Water Re.sources, 1931 — Plate 111. 88 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 11 CLASSIFICATION OF AGRICULTURAL LANDS IN FOOTHILLS ADJACENT TO SACRAMENTO VALLEY FLOOR Gross area Class In acres In per cent of toUl 1 104,000 280,000 789,000 926.000 5 2 13 3 3.. 37 6 4 44 1 Totals... 2.099.000 100.0 Such a combination was made for Tabic 12 in wliich the total area of land in each of the first four cla.sses is shown for each county. Since no attempt was made to measure the Class 5 lands in the foot- hills, this classification was (miitted from the table and the total area shown for each county, therefore, is not the gross area of that county. TABLE 12 CLASSIFICATION OF AGRICULTURAL LANDS IN SACRAMENTO VALLEY AND ADJACENT FOOTHILLS, BY COUNTIES Gross area, in acres County Class Total 1 2 3 agricultural lands Butte - 218,000 228,300 6,600 231,200 1,300 1,700 12;60n 62,400 199,200 21,500 154,600 105.400 9,400 96,400 68,700 7,400 9,900 108,000 139,400 44,100 136,600 124.500 99,600 82,100 88,500 11,100 18,500 89,100 39,400 144,600 90.200 58.200 205,000 102,000 68,600 20.600 37,000 89,700 19,700 106.800 2,600 14,400 9,700 234.100 27.000 89.400 599,400 Colusa - , 516,400 El Dorado* 320,600 Glenn -- Nevada 511.700 227,100 Lake - - 40,800 Napa. Placer Sacramento** Shasta 78.00C 349,2C0 397,700 317,000 2,600 203,900 243,700 129,200 318.800 84,600 64,600 78,900 124,400 149,500 77,300 21,200 27,300 352,300 56,200 73,000 304,100 Sutter. Tehama 359.600 840,000 Yolo 551,500 Yuba 324,300 Totals 1,963,000 1.238,000 1,364,000 1.175.000 5,740,000 Lands in Sacramento Delta Included In above totals 50,000 29,000 45.000 1.700 9,600 3.700 1.700 200 100 53,400 1.000 39,800 Yolo 48,800 Totals 124,000 15.000 2.000 1,000 142,000 * Including 97,900 acres in San Joaqiin River Basin. ** Excluding lands in Sun Joaquin Delta and south of Cosumnes River. Oross Agrindlural Arenx.— \\\ Table V,\, the gross areas of agricultural lands in the Sacramento Kiver Dasin and in the entire Sat'ramento- San Joa(|uin Delta are presented by sections. All of the delta lands SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 89 are included since, althonph only about one-third of the delta lies in the Sacramento River Basin, a large part of the water supply for the entire delta naturally comes from this basin. Class 5 lands are not included in the areas shown in the table since this class is considered as having no portion which will ever be suitable for agriculture. TABLE 13 GROSS AGRICULTURAL AREAS IN THE SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN AND THE ENTIRE SACRAMENTO-SAN JOAQUIN DELTA Section Gross agricultural area In acres In per cent of total Vallev floor 3,499,000 2,099,000 416,000 142,000 '279,000 54 4 Foothill area _ 32.6 6.5 Sacramento Delta _ 2.2 San Joaquin Delta 4 3 Totals 6,435,000 100 'Includes 9300 acres of land formerly rejlaimed, flooded at time of survey of 1929, but subject to reclamation. Present Development in Sacramento Valley and Adjacent Foothills. During the investigations, surveys were made to determine the present agricultural development of the Sacramento Valley and adja- cent foothills. These surveys were made to ascertain both the use which was made of the land and the amount of land which was under irri- gation. Cropped Areas. — The survey to determine the crops which were grown was carried on coincidently with tlie classification of the agricultural lands. This survey was made for the purpose of finding the locations in which crops of different kinds were grown, the approximate number of acres planted to each of these crops, and the adaptability of certain areas to the growing of crops of different types. In making this survey, the crops were divided into groups, each of which was desig- nated by a number. The nymbers used and the crops represented by them are shown in the following tabulation : Number Crop or use of land represented by number 1. Citrus and olive orcliards. 2. Deciduous orchards, including figs and nuts. 3. Grape and hop vines. 4. Grain and srain land. 5. Alfalfa and sudan grass and land checked for alfalfa. 6. Field crops — under this classification there were included only such crops as are not used for human consumption such as field corn, maize, etc. 7. Cotton. 8. Pasture and uncultivated land. 9. Truck crops — including truck gardening, root and bush vegetables and fruits, such as beans, potatoes, sugar beets, melons, strawberries, etc. 10. Rice and land prepared for rice culture. The crop survey covered the entire area of land classification, including the area classified from data obtained from previous surveys. No effort was made in tlie crop survey to grade tlie crops but the quality of the crop was used as an aid in classifying the land. Practically every crop grown in California can be found in some part of the Sacramento Valley and its adjacent foothills. Citrus 90 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES fruits are grrown on the west side of the valley in the region west of Maxwell and in the vicinity of Corninp: and Orland. They also are jrrown on the east side of the valley in the vicinity of Oroville, near Lincoln, and near Fairoaks and Oran^^evale. Other scattering small groves may be found in other parts of the valley but the sections above mentioned are the most important for citrus culture. Deciduous orchards, including those of fig and nut trees, are quite generally distributed over the entire valley. There are, how- ever, certain sections where the land is more generally devoted to these orchards than to other crops. On the Avest side of the valley, the largest area of orchards is located in the section extending from Vaca- ville to Winters along the foothills of the Coast Range, and up the Capay Valley. In the vicinity of Arbuckle, there is a large area of almond groves. Orchards are also found along the Sacramento River north of Colusa and in the vicinity of Orland and Corning. On the east side of the valley, there are considerable areas of orchard around Chico and Paradise. The largest orchard section in the valley is the so-called "peach bowl" in Sutter, Butte and Yuba counties. This section extends from the vicinity of Nicolaus to Biggs and is devoted mainly to the grooving of canning peaches. Shipping fruits are grown in large quantities in the foothill fruit belt extending from Rocklin to Auburn and in scattering areas throughout the foothills from Auburn to Nevada City. Pears are now being planted over a considerable area in the foothills in the vicinity of Placerville and Camino. Ship- ping fruits are also grown in large quantities along the American River from Sacramento to Folsom and along the banks of most of the channels in the Sacramento Delta. Hops were formerly grown on large areas of the bottom lands of the American and Bear rivers and along the Sacramento River in Yolo County. In recent years, however, the hop vines have been removed from a large part of these areas and the land planted to other crops. Grapes of nearly all varieties are grown on scattering areas throughout most of the valley but the largest single area jilanted mainly to vines is in Sacramento Coujity between the American and Cosumnes rivers. In this section a considerable acreage also is planted to small fruits, principally strawberries. Alfalfa ])lantings are widely scattered throughout the valley and no single area can be said to be ])]anted mainly to this crop, except po.ssibly the Orland Project. Tiierc arc also a number of scattering large tracts i)lanted to alfalfa in Yolo County. Field crops, which include corn and maize, are grown mostly in the Sacramento Delta and in the trougli of the valley along the Sacra- mento River and the borrow pits in the Yolo l^asin, where water is available. The largest areas devoted to the growing of truck crops such as celery, asparagus, ])otatoes, beets and beans are found in the Sacra- mento Delta. Beans of the small varieties also are extensively grown in the flood basins of the Sacramento Valley and sugar beets are gro\m on several large tracts in the Yolo, Colusa and Sutter basins. During the past two decades, rice has become one of the principal crops grown in the Sacramento Valley. The area ]>lanted to this crop SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 91 in any season varies considerably with the price' and the amount of water available for irrigation. Practically no rice is grown south of the latitude of the city of Sacramento. The two largest rice growing areas are in the upper Colusa Basin from the vicinity of Colusa and Williams to Willows and in the upper Butte Basin from the Sutter Buttes to Durham. Other large areas, however, are found in the lower Colusa Basin, Sutter Basin, upper Yolo Basin, and the area along the Sacramento River between the American and Feather rivers. A few small tracts have been planted to cotton during the last few vears but it has not become an important crop in the Sacramento Valley. In the early days of agriculture in the Sacramento Valley, grain was the principal crop. As the valley has developed and land has come under irrigation, grain lands have become more valuable for other crops and the areas of grain plantings have been greatly reduced. Grain is still grown, however, in practically all sections of the valley and will probably always be one of the principal crops of the Sacra- mento River Basin. The areas of crops and land used for other purposes, under each of the ten classifications shown in the foregoing list, in that portion of each county covered by the land classification and crop survey, are shown in Table 14. The yields and values of agricultural and live stock products from the Sacramento River Basin and an inventory value of farms, equip- ment and live stock in the basin are shown in Table 15, by counties. These data were taken mainly from the Fifteenth Census of the United States and no means are available for determining what portion of the products and their values from counties lying only partially within the basin can be credited to it. For this reason, no data are included for Lassen, Siskiyou and Napa counties, the larger part of whose agricul- tural lands lie outside the Sacramento River Basin. To offset the losses on products and values from the portions of these counties lying in the basin, the products and values from portions of IModoc, El Dorado, Sacramento and Solano counties which lie outside of the basin are included with those for lands in these counties lying within the basin. It is believed, therefore, that the totals shown for the seventeen counties in Table 15 are not greatly different from those which would be obtained for the Sacramento River Basin area only. For comparison of the agricultural industry in the Sacramento River Basin with that of the entire state, totals are given in the last column of Table 15 for the yields and values of agricultural and live stock ])roducts and the inventory values from farms, equipment and live stock, for the state. Areas Under Irrigaiion in 1929. — Owing to the fact that i)art of the land classification and crop survey was made in the late fall and winter months, it was impossible to determine in connection with that survey the areas of some of the lands which were irrigated. An independent investigation was conducted, therefore, to ascertain as accui'ately as possible the total acreage of irrigated lands in the Sacramento Valley and foothills in 1029 in the same areas covered by the land classifica- tion and crop survey of that year. The method of conducting this investigation is described in Chapter IV, in which it is shown that the 92 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES OOOOOOO OOOOOO O O O I o ^O O O O O O O O CD O OC5 O O O O OS IC->^ — " »COO"-»OCO on e^ o ^ »o oo irf r lo CO to U) ^- — — , o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO C30 OO OOO 00C300 ^ 0O0 0OO0O0O00C30 00 O0C50 OOOOO -oocaooocs eO^OOiC.-'CCOOO^'OcOMOiOOO'^ ii^ o orj 1^ r^ r^ •'^ '*^i" ^ ca c-I »o *rs en (^ CO ^— C3»OriCCC05D.-"C5 CCOO^CTM* coc>iccooooooooo oo oo<^oooo ooooo t-.05 crs— ■lOiOC'l'^CO tOMC^^OO t^O CO —-co t-^oc-or-- o ooo^oooo^oooooooo C500ocr; OOtDOO CO ^ C5 — ■■ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC: <^ ^^ ^^ t__( |_^ %.^ ..^ ,^ _^ ^.^ y C5ocioooooo •t* »0 to »0 O O »0 »C OS o> r^ 00 to '^ 00 «-- M t'^ oo c^i ec «-• •-• CO eo ooooo OO o o> *c o oo M iff r-T CO M -^ CI CI -^ o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO oo o oo^ o^ o -^roc'i c^icso ^^-^co t <3 1 ?■?«; S ° 0!K c c Q. a kl S « ' ei kl 1 ' : uu ■^ 3Q c r - = ■0 — — .^i?.*-S SJj.S-o a'a; o 3 TABLE 15 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS OF SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN BY COUNTIES Item Unit Butte Colusa El Dorado Glenn Lake Modoc Nevada Placer Plumas Sacramento Shasta Sierra Solano Sutter Tehama Yolo Yuba Total for 17 counties Total for state Yield of agricultural products in 1929— 159,200 3,640 15,020 1,560 2,410 1,937,000 30,100 13,000 121,500 5,290 107,100 85 111,400 15,510 800 400 1,069,000 3,342,000 517,000 330,000 1,310,000 116,000 $2,423,000 3,518,000 435,000 661,000 18,000 164,000 550,000 139,000 393,000 116,000 30,000 495,000 513,000 371,000 2.500 4,890 220 2,200 3,081,000 35,100 5,600 19,400 7,130 30,400 26,400 50 300 447,000 2,982.000 779.000 16.100 475.000 23.300 $306,000 2,679,000 176,000 000,000 82,000 493,000 210,000 142,000 23,000 1,000 360,000 912,000 530,000 3 15,520 14 460 1,300 800 5,300 21,500 3,280 1,114,000 94,000 8,900 282,000 14,000 $1,135,000 1,000 86,000 41,000 173,000 26,000 93,000 66,000 1,000 324,000 96,000 29,000 62,000 250 6.800 180 280 2.616.000 50.300 8,500 121,100 20,210 400 1,018 9,800 100 420 200 590,000 5,143,000 1,517,000 210,000 910,000 71,300 $674,000 2,674 000 3,000 897,000 99.000 18,000 818.000 410.000 273,000 71,000 19,000 451,000 1,695,000 342,000 2 19,290 190 660 100 102,000 12,300 6.700 9,400 570 1,800 10,600 4,410 1,192,000 162,000 2,700 328,000 22,400 $1,293,000 101 000 14,000 319,000 37,000 121,000 175,000 45,000 105,000 80,000 158.000 159.000 54.000 420 288,000 27,200 84,100 100 10,500 20 16,000 45 15,000 2,375,000 492,000 18,900 187,000 12,300 $30,000 276 000 128,000 1,411,000 54,000 349,000 143,000 64,000 12,000 2,000 1,178.000 483.000 117.000 200 1 3,140 IS 380 400 1,800 4,700 1,700 18,300 8,820 400 1,145,000 81,000 4,200 259,000 1£,900 $246,000 2.000 94,000 38,000 186,000 23,000 85,000 20,000 202,000 75,000 28,000 10.500 190 48,190 23 6,200 203,000 1,700 5.000 4,700 10 188,000 110 1,290.000 227,000 4,900 917,000 71,000 $3,773,000 193,000 104,000 43,000 210,000 64,000 303,000 71,000 162.000 216.000 52.000 39 64,000 1,600 18,800 4,100 7,280 1,477,000 33,000 100 67,000 5,000 $4,000 58,000 259,000 16,000 239,000 10,000 19,000 5,000 223,000 28,000 29,000 101,200 1,500 32,330 190 41,000 810 1,363.000 56,100 27,100 133,400 14.930 241,900 1,903,200 10,200 28,720 3,269,000 629,000 43,000 7,434,000 208,000 132,000 5,658,000 477,000 $4,413,000 1,317,000 1,108,000 1,186,000 260,000 4,914,000 1,604,000 56,000 1,698,000 477,000 12,000 566,000 139,000 236,000 100 20 1,840 4 780 161,000 21,300 27,000 28,100 250 1,300 78,500 40 19,760 100 2,294,000 182,000 83,000 428,000 49,900 $108,000 197,000 6,000 695,000 163,000 332,000 51,000 145,000 60,000 10,000 780,000 189,000 343,000 1 2,000 800 11,800 600 2,640 641,000 7,000 100 33,000 2,400 $2,000 159,000 6,000 104,000 2,000 11,000 2,000 136,000 12,000 10,000 2,100 2 30,750 120 5,000 1,808,000 30,400 22,600 30,800 560 1,000 8,900 32,000 1,050 1,863,000 13,900 4,196,000 1,202,000 3,400 1,126,000 66,900 $2,364,000 1,439,000 10,000 764,000 224,000 2,123,000 771,000 326,000 338,000 67,000 438,000 1,082,000 140,000 1,100 30 31,060 530 11,600 81 2,964,000 25,800 8,400 33,300 5,280 232,400 188 22,600 67,300 3,450 170,000 818,000 3,659,000 491,000 31,800 828,000 59,800 $2,147,000 3,437,000 894,000 603,000 509,000 236,000 616,000 133,000 249,000 60,000 3,000 245,000 399,000 230,000 3,100 810 3,740 57 440 26 737,000 28,800 11,200 79,700 380 6,700 18 65,800 2,630 900 9,000 2,651,000 1,619,000 188,000 1,036,000 119,000 $297,000 637,000 27,000 605,000 8,000 84,000 360,000 437,000 311,000 119,000 19,000 780,000 1,395,000 375,000 2,700 130 10,120 420 6,390 400 4,116,000 74.400 15.200 29,600 13,310 175,600 88 4,700 55,300 98,030 276,000 16,000 578,000 6,246,000 986,000 70,000 923,000 52,200 $1,041,000 3,637,000 730,000 1,316,000 483,000 1,071,000 1,132,000 266,000 277,000 52,000 6,000 469,000 923,000 543,000 2,200 560 13,410 21 2,510 440 367,000 4,900 6,300 19,700 55,200 3 30,700 1,320 82,000 1,405,000 426,000 5,600 285,000 24,300 $887,000 397,000 232,000 161,000 97,000 37,000 242,000 115,000 86,000 24,000 1,000 289,000 369,000 81,000 346,900 7,038 236.660 3.544 80.212 1867 19,799,700 402,400 281,300 632,500 78,420 853,820 1,400 2,511,100 164,985 209,470 5,580,700 559,300 4,241,000 48,486,000 9,022,000 1,109,700 15,041,000 1,206,700 $21,141,000 20,665,000 3,763,000 9,820,000 1,725,000 9,210,000 8,253,000 2,456,000 4,592,000 1,316,000 104,000 7,236,000 8,585,000 3,510,000 53.803.000 Tons - 1.139.000 Tons Tons Hop3 Grain» Bushels . ..- 42.367.00 Hay and forage crops' Tons 3,171,400 Seed- Beans and peas (dry) Cotton -.- Bushels 6,589,200 253,900 21,736,000 Tons - --- 452,800 Bushels- -- Value in doll.irs - - - Value in doll.irs_.. Gallons - 445,630,000 18,747,000 5,476,000 Dozens- Number 159,422,000 13,861,000 Value of crops and live stock products in 1929— $296,242,000 43,040,000 28,779,000 66,863,000 30,629,000 71,926,000 96,367,000 5,192,000 51,519,000 14,699,000 523,000 43,808,000 19,646,000 14,475,000 Total value of crops and livestock pro- duct3inl929 $9,820,000 $48,303 000 2,804.000 2,917,000 $6,504,000 $33,798,000 1.778,000 2,758,000 $2,071,000 $10,608,000 551.000 1,197,000 $8,344,000 $38,230,000 2.350,000 4,453,000 $2,661,000 $18,084,000 773,000 837,000 $4,247,000 811,443,000 729,000 4,205.000 $999,000 $5,006,000 263,000 790.000 85,191,000 $25,088,000 1,142,000 1,197,000 $890,000 $3,738,000 167.000 703,000 $17,866,000 $76,560,000 4,070,000 3,447,000 $3,069,000 $14,734,000 699,000 2,736.000 $444,000 $1,445,000 81,000 354,000 $10,085,000 $45,107,000 2,544,000 3,506,000 $9,659,000 $57,300,000 3,608,000 1,888,000 $5,454,000 $30,078,000 1,368,000 5,189,000 $11,946,000 $67,574,000 3,671,000 3,455,000 $3,018,000 $16,710,000 900,000 1,615,000 $102,274,000 $503,806,000 27,498,000 41,247,000 $783,698,000 machinery, and livestock in 1930— $3 4M471 000 135,741,000 200,288,000 $54,024,000 $38,334,000 $12,356,000 $46,033,000 $19,694,000 $16,377,000 S6.059.000 $27,427,000 $4,608,000 $84,077,000 $18,169,000 $1,880,000 $61,157,000 $62,796,000 $36,635,000 $74,700,000 $19,225,000 $572,551,000 $3,755,500,000 Note: Data compiled from Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930, er.cept value of cattle, sheep and hogs sold. > Grapefruit, lemoni;, oranges and limes. ' Apples, apricots, cherries, figs, nectarines, peaches, pears, plums and prunes, and quinces. » Wheat, oats, barley, rye and mixed grains not separated in harvesting. • Corn silage, timothy, clovers, tame and wild grasses, small grains for hay, legumes for hay aod sorghum fodder. • Corn and sorghums harvested for grain. • Grass seeds, clover, alfalfa, sunflower, vetch, cottonseed, flower and vegetable seeds. T Blackberries, loganberriea, blueberries, gooseberries, strawberries, raspberries, currants and other fruits. The value of live stock sold was computed from the live sto^k inventory and e-stimate of value of live stock production by California Cooperative Crop Reporting .Service. 80994— Bet. pp. 92 and 93 SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 93 3stiinated area of irrigated lands in the Sacramento Vallej^ and adjacent foothills was 719,000 acres. Of this area, 515,600 acres were irrigated from surface supplies and 203,400 acres by pumping from ground water. In addition to the area given above, it is estimated that 138,000 acres of land were irrigated in the mountain valleys. '^'uture Development of Sacramento River Basin. A study was made to estimate the ultimate water requirements in the Sacramento River Basin, as explained in Chapter V. In order to estimate these ultimate water requirements, it was necessary to make an estimate first of the amounts of land that would be irrigated under the condition of ultimate deve]oi)ment. It was assumed that all of the arable land in the Sacramento River Basin ultimately will be brought into use and that all of the lands which are of sufficiently good quality and for which it is physically possible to furnish a water supply will be irrigated. It is not expected that this condition will be reached until a very distant date but allowances were made in all studies for water requirements for an ultimate development in the mountains and foothills and on the Sacramento Valley floor. For estimating the number of acres of the valley floor and foothill lands which are irrigable, the entire area was divided into eight zones which are shown on Plate V, ''Zones Used for Estimating Net Irrigable Areas in the Sacramento Valley and Adjacent Foothills." These zones are briefly described below. In each zone, varjang character- istics of topography, soil conditions and artificial works so affect the different classes of land that only certain percentages of each class are estimated to be irrigable within that zone. These percentages may vary for the same class of land in different zones. Class 5 land is con- sidered as having no portion which will ever be suitable for irrigation. The zones are briefl}' described as follows : Zone A. This zone includes all of the Sierra Nevada foothills and a portion of the valley floor lying along the base of these foothills, all of the valleys and foothills north of Red Bluff' and south of Redding, and the Coast Range foothills and plains lands along their base north of the Tehama-Glenn County line except the area designated as refractory Corning gravelly loams just north of the county line. In this 2one, the ])ercentage of the class of land which it is estimated will be irrigable is the same whether the land was classified under the foot- hill or valley method of classification. These percentages are estimated to be as follows : Class 1 90 per cent Class 2 1 75 per cent Class .3 GO per cent Class 4 20 and 40 per cent Class 4 land in this zone, as jireviously stated, is mainly pasture land, but it varies in type and therefore is estimated to have different percentages of irrigable areas according to its characteristics. The 4 land from Honcut Creek northerly on the east side of the Sacra- mento River is mainly lava overlain with shallow soil and is rock strewn. The Class 4 land west of the Sacramento River in this zone, while not overlying lava, is similar in type to that north of Iloncut SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 93 sstimated area of irrigated lands in the Sacramento Valley and adjacent foothills was 719,000 acres. Of this area, 515,600 acres were irrigated from surface supplies and 203,400 acres by pumping from ground water. In addition to the area given above, it is estimated that 138,000 acres of land were irrigated in the mountain valleys. '^'uture Development of Sacramento River Basin. A study was made to estimate the ultimate water requirements in the Sacramento River Basin, as explained in Chapter V. In order to estimate these ultimate water requirements, it was necessary to make an estimate first of the amounts of land that would be irrigated under the condition of ultimate develo])ment. It was assumed that all of the arable land in the Sacramento River Basin ultimately will be brought into use and that all of the lands which are of sufficiently good quality and for which it is physically possible to furnish a water supply will be irrigated. It is not expected that this condition will be reached until a very distant date but allowances were made in all studies for water requirements for an ultimate development in the mountains and foothills and on the Sacramento Valley floor. For estimating the number of acres of the valley floor and foothill lands which are irrigable, the entire area was divided into eight zones which are shown on Plate V, "Zones Used for Estimating Net Irrigable Areas in the Sacramento Valley and Adjacent Foothills." These zones are briefly described below. In each zone, varying character- istics of topography, soil conditions and artificial works so affect the different classes of land that only certain percentages of each class are estimated to be irrigable within that zone. These percentages may vary for the same class of land in different zones. Class 5 land is con- sidered as having no portion which will ever be suitable for irrigation. The zones are briefly described as follows : Zone A. This zone includes all of the Sierra Nevada foothills and a portion of the valley floor lying along the base of these foothills, all of the valleys and foothills north of Red Bluff' and south of Redding, and the Coast Range foothills and plains lands along their base north of the Tehama-Glenn County line except the area designated as refractory Corning gravelly loams just north of the county line. In this 2one, the ])ercentage of the class of land which it is estimated will be irrigable is the same Avhether the land was classified under the foot- hill or valley method of classification. These percentages are estimated to be as follows : Class 1 90 per cent Class 2 1 75 per cent Class ."? 60 per cent Class 4 20 and 40 per cent Class 4 land in this zone, as jn-eviously stated, is mainly pasture land, but it varies in type and therefore is estimated to have dilferent percentages of irrigable areas according to its characteristics. The 4 land from Iloncut Creek northerly on the east side of the Sacra- mento River is mainly lava overlain with shallow soil and is rock strewn. The Class 4 land west of the Sacramento River in this zone, while not overlying lava, is similar in type to that north of Iloncut 94 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Creek on the east side. The Class 4 laud on the lower foothills from Lincoln southerly to the American River is classified as "scab land" and is similar to that in the northern end of the east side of the valley. In all of the above areas, the Class 4 land is estimated to be 20 per cent in-igable. In the remainder of this zone, the Class 4 land is mainly classed as Aiken stony loam, which is a better type of soil than the scab land, and where this soil is of a superior type it is estimated to be 40 per cent irrigable. Zone B. The Corning Plains. This area is all Class 3 land. In it the Corning gravelly loam is of a particularly refractory type, and because of this fact the Class 3 land is considered as only 50 per cent irrigable. Zone C. Coast Range Foothills and West ^Side Plains Lands South of Tehama County. This zone includes the west side foothill lands previously described and also a considerable area of the higher valley floor lands along the base of the Coast Range. In this zone, also, the percentage of each class of land which it is estimated will be irrigible is the same whether the land is classified under the foothill or the valley method of classification. These perc^entages are estimated to be as follows : Class 1 90 per cent Class 2 75 per cent Class 3 50 per cent Class 4 20 per cent Zone D. The Montezuma Hills. While the soils in this zone are of a good type, the topography is such that it is estimated that only 75 per cent of the agricultural land will ever be irrigated. Zone E. The Sutter Buttes. Due to the isolated character of these buttes and the necessity of pumping water for an irrigation supply, it is assumed that the Class 4 lands in this zone will never be irrigated. The percentage of irrigable land in each of the other classes is estimated to be as follows : Class 1 90 per cent Class 2 80 per cent Class 3 70 per cent Zone F. The Valley Floor. Except where special conditions noted in Zones G and II exist, the i)ercentages of irrigable land in each class in this zone is estimated to be as follows : Class 1 90 per cent Class 2 80 per cent Class 3 70 per cent Class 4 20 percent Zone G. Orland-Willows Area (Valley floor citrus area). The Class 1 land in this zone is estimated to be 90 per cent and the Class 3 land 70 pvv cent irrigable. The Class '2 land in this zone is so rated on account of an excessive gravel content. It is estimated to be 90 per cent irrigable and probably will recjuire more water than Class 1 land to produce a crop. The 4 lancl is a gravel wasli area along Willow Creek. It is estimated to he only 20 jier cent irrigahh^ as the larger portion of its area proljahly will never be used for anytliing but a stream channel. PT.ATK V ZONES USED FOR ESTIMATING NET IRRIGABLE AREAS IN THE SACRAMENTO VALLEY AND ADJACENT FOOTHILLS SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 95 Zone H. Rice and Gun Club Area. Lands in this zone were graded mainly with reference to their alkali content. Large canals and drains will be necessary for the irrigation of these lands and the areas deducted from the better grades of land for rights of way for these structures will reduce their irrigable areas. The percentage of land irrigable in each class, therefore, will be more nearly uniform in this zone. The percentage of irrigable land in each class is estimated to be as follows : Clas.s 1 80 per cent Class 2 75 per cent Classes 3 and 4 70 per cent Reclaimed Area. — Where reclamation from inundation is necessary, the drain ditches and levees with their spoil banks and borrow pits will reduce the irrigable areas of the better lands. In this zone, the per- centage of each class of land estimated to be irrigable is as follows : Class 1 80 per cent Class 2 -- 75 per cent Classes 3 and 4 70 per cent By applying the foregoing percentages to the gross areas of lands of each class in the different zones, the net irrigable areas on the valley floor and in the foothills were computed. The net irrigable areas in the mountain valleys were estimated to be about 75 per cent of the gross agricultural lands. The net irrigable areas are presented in Table 16 by the same sec- tions as were used in showing the gross agricultural areas in the Sac- ramento River Basin in Table 13. TABLE 16 NET IRRIGABLE AREAS IN THE SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN AND THE ENTIRE SACRAMENTO-SAN JOAQUIN DELTA Se:tioii Net irrgable area In acres Ii 1 per cent of total Valley floor - _- -- ._ -- .__-- 2,640,000 922,000 312,003 135,000 257,000 61. g 21.6 Mountain valleys - - 7.3 Sacramento Delta - __ 3.2 6.0 Totals - ... 4,266,000 100.0 96 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES CHAPTER IV IRRIGATION DEVELOPMENT On account of climatological conditions in tlie Sacramento River Basin, dry farming has been more successfully carried on than in the San Joaquin Valley and southern California. Irrigation, therefore, has not developed as rapidly as in these latter sections. Nevertheless, during the last two decades the area irrigated has increased more than 500,000 acres, principally due to the increase in orchard and rice plantings. It is pointed out in Chapter V that although water is used in the Sacramento River Basin for practically all of the purposes for which it is required, the use for irrigation does and probably will continue to predominate. In this chapter, therefore, a brief history of irriga- tion development in the basin, a description of the agencies furnishing irrigation water, and the present .status of irrigation are given. History of Irrigation Development. One of the first areas in the Sacramento Valley to receive a supply of water dedicated principally to irrigation use is that lying in Yolo County west of the city of Woodland. A supply from Cache Creek was delivered to this area through a ditch constructed by James Moore in 1856. Nine years later a small ditch was constructed on Stony Creek by the Stony Creek Improvement Company. The paucity of authentic records on other streams makes it difficult to say with any degree of certainty when irrigation w^as first practiced on the larger streams. In the foothills of the Mother Lode counties, there was extensive construction of canals and reservoirs dating back as far as 1851. These were constructed mainly for mining purposes, both for hydraulic placer washing and to supply water for water-wheel operated mills which were in common use in the quartz mines, and also for domestic water supplies for the towns and mining camps. Doubtless water was available for irrigation in the early fifties and in all prob- ability some irrigated farming was carried on in Nevada, Placer, Yuba and El Dorado counties. The early agriculture on the valley floor was the growing of grain by dry farming methods and stock raising. It is probable that in areas adjacent to settled communities, there were some irrigated truck gardens even in the fifties but the small amount of data available indicate that there was little intei'ost in irrigated farming until 1804, which was a year of drought of uiiiirecedented severity. In the mountain valleys of tlie Pit and u])per Feather rivers it is probable that the flooding of meadows for ])a.sturage was prac- ticed ill the tif'ties. Early State interest in irrigation is evidenced by the passage of "An act to promote irrigation by the formation of irrigation dis- tricts," by the California Legislature of 1872. This act so far as SACRAMENTO lUVEK BASIX 97 accomplishment is concerned was of no importance and is only men- tioned to show that there was a state-wide interest in the subject. However, interest was probably keener in the southern part of the state and in the San Joaquin Valley than it was in the Sacramento Valley which was at that time being successfully dry farmed. Interest in the subject of irrigation in the state is also evidenced by an act of Congress in 1873 which authorized a commission com- posed of two engineer officers of the United States Army and one officer of the Coast Survey to examine and report "on a system of irrigation in the San Joaquin, Tulare and Sacramento valleys of the State of California." The report,* which was transmitted to Congress on March 23, 1874, contains no statistical information as to the area irrigated at that time in the Sacramento River Basin. Mention is made, however, of the fact that ditches in the foothills that were built originally for mining had become "more or less abandoned for mining and their water is now diverted to the irrigation of gardens, orchards and vinej^ards which betoken the permanent settlement and cultivation of these foothills." The State Engineer in his report to the Legislature of 1880 gave data on the areas irrigated in certain sections of the state. Complete statistics were evidently not available at that time as is shown by the following quotation from the report: "It will be seen that the total area of lands cultivated by irrigation prior to the present season of 1880, in the districts spoken of, is 292,885 acres, viz, San Bernardino and Los Angeles, 82,485 acres; San Joaquin Valley plains, 188,000 acres; Sacramento Valley (Cache Creek), 13,400 acres; in the foot- hill counties east of the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valley, 9000 acres. I have no means of estimating the extent of irrigation in other quarters." Also, "The fact has not been overlooked that there are other large and important districts in the State, where irrigation is practiced, having equal claim to consideration by this department but the means and time have, as yet, been inadequate to the extension of the investigation beyond its present limits." Among the areas then listed are "the mountain vaUeys of Plumas, Lassen and Shasta counties, where no small amount of progress has already been made in the arti- ficial use of water." Elsewhere in the same report there appears "In Shasta and Plumas, as well as in other counties, there are ditches constructed * * * expressly for irrigation purposes." From all information obtained, it appears that in 1880 there were probablj^ con- siderably less than 100,000 acres of irrigated land in the whole Sac- ramento River Basin. During the period of the seventies and eighties, there was great interest throughout the state in irrigation and much controversy over this subject. There appears to have been a great desire for develop- ment but the large land owners and owners of riparian riglits were not in sympathy with the agitation for community endeavor. During the latter half of 1880, the State Engineer made a further study of the subject of water riglits and irrigation and drew up pro- posed measures for ascertaining the extent and nature of valid claims to water, for providing for the control of streams and the regulation •House Document No. 29 0, 43d Congress, 1st session. 7 — 80994 98 DIVISION' OF WATER RESOURCES of the diversions therefrom, and for the promotion of irrigation, which were presented in his report to the Letrislatnre of 1881. In the act for the promotion of irrigation, lie outlined a plan for the formation and government of irrigation districts. No action on aiiy of the proposed measures was taken by the Legislature. From 1881 to 1887, attempts were made to enact some general irrigation law and to legislate against riparian owners. In 1887, an irrigation act known as the "Wright Irrigation District Act" was passed by the Legislature and remained on the books for 10 years with important amendments, drafted in the light of experience, adopted in 1889, 1891, 1893 and 1895. Under this act the following districts in the Sacramento Kiver Basin Avere formed : Orland and Central in 1887; Browns Valley, Colusa, Orland Southside and Kraft in 1888; and Happy Valley in 1891. Of these older districts only the Browns Valley is now active. The Central Irrigation District constructed about 40 miles of canal but ceased work on account of financial and legal difficulties and in 1903 leased its works to a private company. These works are now a part of those of the Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District. The original Happy Valley district accomplished nothing and was soon abandoned. It was reorganized in 1916 and constructed an irrigation system. The district defaulted and was dissolved in 1925 and the water system is now operated by a public utility water company. The other districts constructed no Avorks and were either dissolved or abandoned. In 1897 the Wright Act was rewritten, considerably eidarged, and reenacted as an entirely new law, variously known as the "Bridgeford Act," the "Irrigation" Act of 1897" and the "California Irrigation District Act." The latter name was definitely adopted by the Legis- lature of 1917. Many further amendments have been made from time to time, and numerous .supplemental acts have been passed, most of which deal with financial aspects or State control. In 1901, the Office of Experiment Stations. United States Depart- ment of Agriculture, published a report* on irrigation investigations in California. In the Sacramento River Basin, the Yuba River and Cache Creek areas are described in considerable detail. Stony Creek is mentioned but no report on that stream is included. In the dis- cussion of the use of water for irrigation, the statement is made that the irrigated lands in the drainage basin of the Yuba River are located principally in the Browns Valley Imgation District and near Smarts- ville, elsewhere being confined to small gardens and orchards in and adjacent to the small towns in the foothills and mountains. The areas in the water.shed, however, were insignificant when compared with the large area served with Yuba River water in the watersheds of the Bear and American rivers in the fruit belt between Colfax and Rose- ville. Only about 600 acres wore irrigated in the Browns Valley dis- trict but the irrigable area was estimated at 5000 to 8000 acres. Irrigation was reported as almost at a standstill due to reconstruction and litigation. The report does not state the total area that was irri- gated in 1900, only certain small farms being mentioned as examples of economic or usage conditions. •Bulletin No. 100, "Irrlpntlon Investigations In California." 1901. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 99 A special census taken by the United States in 1902 reports the area irrigated in the Sacramento River Basin as 206,300 acres. Another census was taken in 1909 but in the data given in the report, the areas of irrigated lands are given by counties and as some counties lie only partially in the Sacramento River Basin, it would be difficvilt to determine from the census data the area irrigated in the basin in that j^ear. Data on areas of irrigated lands also were secured by the Conservation Commission of California in 1911 and published in their report* of January, 1913. These data indicate tliat 312,000 acres were irrigated in the Sacramento River Basin at that time. The United States Census taken in 1919 reports an area of 641,000 acres irrigated in the Sacramento River Basin. This figure compared Avith the one published for the year 1902 — 206,300 acres — shows an increase of 210 per cent in the irrigated area from 1902 to 1919. Estimates made during the present investigation indicate that there were about 857,000 acres of irrigated lands in tlie Sacramento River Basin counties in 1929. These lands were distributed as follows : 550,000 acres on the valley floorj" outside of the delta, 103,000 acres in the Sacramento Delta, t 66,000 acres in the Sierra Nevada foothills adjacent to the valley, and 138,000 acres in the mountain valleys. The increase in the area irrigated between 1880 and 1929 is shown by the figures given in Table 17. TABLE 17 AREAS IRRIGATED IN SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN, 1880-1929 Year Irrigated area, in acres Authority 1880 Less than 100,000 206,300 312,000 641,000 857,000 Approximation based on State Engineer's report of 1880 1902 --.. 1911 United States Census. Conservation Commission of California.' 1919 -- United States Census. 1929 Estimate by State Engineer's office. '"Report of the Conservation CDmiri si^n cf CalifDrnia," January 1, 1913. Agencies Furnishing Irrigation Service. In California, the following types of enterprises furnish ii-rigation water : irrigation districts, public utilities, mutual water companies, contract companies, individuals, partnerships, associations, private com- panies. United States Bureau of Reclamation, United States Indian Service, water works districts, municipal improvement districts, water conservation districts and reclamation districts. Consideration will be given only to those which are most in use in the Sacramento River Basin, viz — the irrigation district, the public utility, the mutual water company, the United States Bureau of Reclamation, the reclamation dis- trict, the individual, and private companies. The Irrigation District. — The irrigation district is i)robably the most important agency or form of organization in California for the con- struction of irrigation works and the delivery of irrigation water. These districts are formed under the "California Irrigation District • "Report of the Conservation Commission of California," January 1, 1013. t For descriptions of boundaries of Sacramento Valley and Sacramento Delta, .see pages 86 and 87 in Chapter III. 100 DIVISION' or WATER RESOURCES Act," the history and adoption of which has previously been described. The districts have power to issue bonds to pay for their works and to levy and collect taxes, assessments and water tolls to amortize the cost of, operate and maintain their water systems. California irrigation districts are political subdivisions of the State and are organized under the jurisdiction of the county or counties in which they are located. While it is possible to organize an irrigation district and issue bonds with the consent of the board of supervisors of the county in which the district is located even if the district is not approved by the State Engineer, the bonds are not legal security for savings banks unless the plans and organization of tlie district are approved by the State Engineer and the bonds approved by the California District Securities Commis- sion. The affairs of the district are administered by a board of directors, assessor, tax collector, treasurer and secretary, all of whom are elected except the secretary, who is appointed by the board, and the plans for the district must be prepared by a competent engineer. There are now 23 active irrigation districts in the Sacramento River Basin and eight inactive ones. Their histories and statistics are given in detail in other publications.* Of the active districts only one, the Browns Valley Irrigation District, was in existence i)rior to 1914. The period of greatest activity in the formation of these districts was between the years 1915 and 1925. The year in which the greatest num- ber of districts throughout the state were organized was 1920. A tabulation of the districts in the basin, their sources of water sui)ply, the county or counties in which they are located, the years of their organization and their total and irrigated areas in 1929, is given in Table 18. The Public Utility Water Company. — The public utility water company has been defined by California statutes as any firm or private corpora- tion, or its representatives, which sells, leases, rents or delivers water, except when such private corporation or association is organized to deliver water at cost to its members only. Whenever any corporation or association organized to deliver water solely to its members or stock- holders at cost delivers water for compensation to other than its members or stockholders, it also becomes a public utility. All public utility water companies are subject to the jurisdiction and control of the Railroad Commission of California which has power not only to fix the rates charged by these companies, but also to regulate their manner of service and the general conduct of their business. A tabulation of the principal public utility water companies sup- plying irrigation water in the Sacramento River Basin, their sources of water supply, the county or counties in .which they operate and the areas irrigated in 1929, are given in Table 19. The Mutiml Irrigation Company. — According to California statutes, Avhenever any private corporation or association is organized for the purpose solely of delivering water to its stockholders or members at cost, and delivers water to no one excei)t its stockholders or members, such private corporation or association is not a public utility and is not subject to the jurisdiction, control or regidation of the Railroad Commission of California. The methods of organizing such mutual • T?ull- irrigated but not bj^ systems operated bj' the district orjranization. In<]ii'irh((ils and Privaie Cnmixinics. — In many cases, individiuds, or companies, who farm land outside of an orji'anized area, or who have an adequate water supply independent of organized agencies, divert in-iga- tion water from streams by gravity or by pumping, or pump ground Avater where the depth to the water table is favorable, for the irrigation of their own lands. Present Irrigation Development. The area irrigated in the Sacramento River Basin each year varies considerably on account of climatological conditions and the market for irrigated crops, especially rice. IMost of the irrigated lands receive their su])plies from unregulated streams, or from streams on which the I'egulation is primarily for power develo])ment purposes in the moun- tains. A relatively small acreage of irrigated lands has storage works for the regulation of its water supply, and as a consequence there is insufficient water for the full demands of all irrigated lands in dry 3'ears. A survey of the lands irrigated or under irrigation was made in 1929 in connection with this investigation. This survey covered only the valley floor and adjacent foothills but other data on the lands irrigated in the mountain valleys were available. The i)resent irriga- tion developments are described herein by mountain valleys, foothills and the valley floor. The method of estimating the area irrigated in 1929 also is given. Mountain VaUejjs. — The irrigable mountain valleys of the Sacra- mento River Basin lie principally within the drainage basins of the Pit River and its tributaries and the forks and tributaries of tlie upper Feather River. There are also a few small tracts on the upper Sacra- mento River. It is estimated that the area irrigated in these valleys in 1929 was about 138,000 acres, of which about 37,000 acres were within the Feather River watershed and the remainder in the Pit and u])])er Sacramento river watersheds. There is only one active irrigation district, the Hot Spring Valley District near Alturas, in these mountain valleys. This district stores water iu the Big Sage Reservoir, which has a capacity of 77,000 acre- feet. There are also a number of other storage reservoirs in the Pit River area owned by individuals or companies but a large part of the irritiation in all of the valleys is accomplished by the diversion of the natural stream flow or return flow from irrigation of lands on the upper part of the stream. A large portion of the irrigated land is used for pasture and is irrigated by wild flooding. Foothills East of Sacramento Valley. — It is estimated that tiiere were 66,000 acres of land irrigated in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada in 1929. This foothill area inchides the Paradise. D-roville-Wvandotte, 104 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Browns Valley, Nevada and El Dorado irrigation districts with a com- bined area of about 370,000 acres, of which only about 6 per cent "was irrigated in 1929. In addition to the area in these districts, a large body of land is irrigated in the Placer County deciduous fruit belt by water delivered by the Pacific Gas and Electric Company and some small areas are irri- gated with water obtained by purcliase from irrigation districts and water companies. Also, a small area in El Dorado County is served by the Diamond Ridge Water Comi)any. Tlie Paradise Irrigation District obtains its water supply from Little Butte Creek and the West Branch of North Fork of Feather River and has one storage reservoir. The Oroville-Wyandotte district obtains its supply from the South Fork of Feather River on which it has constructed the Lost Creek Reservoir. The Browns Valley district obtains its water supply by direct diversion from the North Fork of Yuba River. The Nevada district obtains its water supply from the Middle and South forks of Yuba River, Bear River and Deer Creek. The principal storage reservoir is Bowman Reservoir on Canj^on Creek, a tributary of the South Fork of Yuba River. The El Dorado district receives its supply from the South Fork of American River and Webber Creek, a tributary of that fork, on which the district has a storage reservoir. The water served by tlie Pacific Gas and Electric Comjiany to the Placer County area is obtained from the Yuba, Bear and American rivers and most of it is used en route for the generation of hydroelectric energy. The Diamond Ridge Water Company obtains its supply from the Cosumnes River. Valley and Foothills — Fedding to Red Bluff. — Tlie most imj^ortant body of irrigated land in this division of the Sacramento River Basin is the Anderson-Cottonwood Irrigation District. The district has an area of 32,000 acres, most of which is in Shasta County. The water supply for the district is obtained by direct diversion from the Sacramento River at Redding. There is also an area of about 1500 acres in Ilapj^y Val- ley, lying west of Anderson, which obtains a water supply from several small creeks through the Happy Valley Water Company. Several small tracts on Cow, Bear, Ash and Battle creeks receive irrigation sup- plies by direct diversion from these streams. Sacramento Valley — West Side. — Irrigation water for the lands west of the Sacramento River is obtained in-incipally from that river, although some lands are irrigated from tributary streams and some scattering tracts receive their supply from pumped ground water. The irrigation districts lying west of the river are the El Camino, Jacinto, Provident, Conipton-Delevan, Prineeton-Codora-Glenn, I\Iaxwell and Glenn-Colusa. All of these districts, except the El Camino, receive their water supply from the Sacramento River. The El Camino dis- trict pumps its supply from ground water. The aggregate area of these districts is almost 200,000 acres, of which only about 32 per cent was irngated in 1929. The Orland Project of the United States Bureau of Reclamation lies along Stony Creek, near the town of Orland. It has a total area of 20,750 acres, of which about 65 per cent is irrigated. The project SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 105 obtains its water supply from Stony Creek, on which it has constructed two storage reservoirs, East Park and Stony Gorge, witli an aggregate capacity of about 100,000 acre-feet. Other public or semipublic organizations supplying irrigation water are Reclamation District No. 108, Colusa Irrigation Company, Roberts Ditch Irrigation Company, Swinford Tract Irrigation Com- pany and Reclamation District No. 2035 (Conaway Ranch), which take water from the Sacramento River; the Clear Lake Water Com- pany, which supplies an area around Woodland with water from Cache Creek; Reclamation District No. 2068, which takes water from sloughs in the lower Yolo Basin ; and land colonies around Richfield and Corning, which obtain supplies from small tributaries of the Sacra- mento River or by pumping from ground water. Large diversions are also made from the Sacramento River and drains flowing into the river by individuals and companies for use on their own lands. These diversions are nearly all made by pumping and extend along the entire river from Sacramento to Redding and along drains in the Colusa and Yolo basins. Sacramento Valley — East Side. — The valley lands, east of the Sacra- mento River are irrigated from the Sacramento, Feather, Yuba, Bear and American rivers, small tributary streams and ground water. The irrigation districts supplying water in this area are Deer Creek, Richvale, Table Mountain, Thermalito, Cordua, Camp Far West, Citrus Heights, Fairoaks and Carmichael. These districts have a total area of 43,800 acres of which 50 per cent was irrigated in 1929. The Deer Creek district in Tehama County receives its water supply from the creek of the same name which is a tributary of the Sacramento River, tlie Richvale district uses Feather River water supplied by the Sutter-Butte Canal Company, the Thermalito and Table Mountain dis- tricts obtain their water from the West Branch of Feather River and have a storage reservoir, Lake Wilenor, with a capacity of 8000 acre- feet, on Concow Creek, the Cordua district obtains water from the Yuba River, the Camp Far West district's supply is obtained from the Bear River, and the other three districts obtain water from the American River. The largest public utility water company is the Sutter-Butte Canal Company which supplies lands in Butte and Sutter counties with water diverted from the Feather River. The Western Canal Com- pany also diverts water from the Feather River for the irrigation of between 10,000 and 13.000 acres in upper Butte Basin. The Natoraas Water Company and North Fork Ditch Company divert water from the American River to irrigate small areas in Sacramento County. Lands in the Los Molinos Colony in Tehama County are served with water from Mill and Antelope creeks by the Coneland Water Comi)any and lands in the Los Yerjeles Colony in Yuba County are served by the Los Yerjeles Land and Water Company with water from Dry Creek on which it has a storage reservoir. A considerable area is irrigated with water supplied by mutual water companies. Water is diverted from the Sacramento River by the Elkhorn, Natomas Central, Natomas Northern and Natomas River- side mutual water companies for irrigation in Reclamation District No. 1000 ; and by the Sutter and Improvement mutual water companies for 106 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES irrifration in Rpclamation Districts Xos. 1500 and 1660. Several mutual water companies furnish water from the Feather and Yuba rivers for irrigation in Reclamation District No. 784, in the Ilalhvood tract near Marysville, and in ISutter Basin. Water also is diverted from two of the smaller streams by mutual water companies. The Stanford Vina Ranch and Irnjjfation Company diverts water from Deer Creek for the irrigation of the Stanford \'ina Ranch in Tehama County and the settlers on the former Durham State Land Settlement have a mutual water company which diverts water from Butte Creek for the irriga- tion of their lands. In this area, as in that west of the river, large tracts are irrigated by individuals and private companies. The water is obtained by pumping from river channels, drains and borrow pits and to a large extent by pumping fr(mi underground water. This latter method of obtaining water is extensively used in Sutter County near Yuba City and in the territory east and south of the city of Sacramento. Sacramento Delta. — Irrigation in this area is fully covered in another report.* The entire area is reclaimed swamp and overflow land. Irri- gation water is obtained from the channels surrounding or adjacent to the various tracts either by pumping or syphoning and a large part of the area is naturally subirrigated. There were 103,000 acres irri- gated in the Sacramento Delta in 1029. Areas Irrigated in 1929. — An investigation was made in coiniection with the studies for this report to ascertain as accurately as possible the area of the lands in-igated in the Sacramento River Basin in 1920. The areas irrigated from surface supplies were determined from data collected from the reports of the Sacramento AVater Supervisor of the Department of Public Works, from irrigation districts and from com- panies furnishing irrigation water. All areas irrigated from surface supplies were accounted for and the data concerning them are con- sidered reliable. In addition to the laiuls irrigated from surface supplies, there are a number of areas which obtain their water supply by pumping from ground water. Very little direct information on these lands was available, so their areas were estimated from the horse power of electric motors connected to pumps. A study of a number of areas obtaining supplies from ground water shoAved that probably less than five per cent of the total pumping was done with power other than electric. An estimate of the total area irrigated froin ground water, therefore, ba.sed on connected electric motor ratings and neglecting other ]iower is believed to be reasonably correct since the horsepower of electric motors operating pumps on wells for domestic supply and for other farm uses will about balaiu-e the power of otlier kinds used for luimp- ing irrigation water. The hoi'sepower i-atings of connected electric motors were obtained from the power companies and were segregated into local districts in which the crops, soils, aiul pumjiing lifts are similar. A field canvass in each local district determined the average number of acres irrigated per horsepower of connected load. This factor was applied to the total connected load in the district to e.stimate • Bulletin No. 27, "VarlaUon and Control of Salinity In Sacramento-San Joa- quin Delta and Upper San Francisco Bay." Division of Water Resources, 19S1 SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 107 the number of acres irrigated. Tn some districts, the area irrigated from ground water has been determined by the power company and these data where available were used. The total acreage of lands irrigated in 1929 in the area included in the survey, segregated b.y counties where the data would permit, is shown in Table 21. TABLE 21 AREAS OF IRRIGATED LANDS IN THE SACRAMENTO VALLEY AND ADJACENT FOOTHILLS, BY COUNTIES, 1929 County Area in acres Surface supply Ground water Total Sacramento* 47,150 11,300 31,340 22,690 68,160 66,360 86,000 62,840 119,770 46,850 270 870 12,430 20,750 12,720 35,790 41,910 31.800 94,000 11 570 El Dorado Nevada and Placer . 32 210 Yuba 35,120 8S 910 Butte - Tehama and Sbasta .- . 79 080 Glenn and Colusa _. 121,790 104 750 Sutter Yolo and Solano 151,570 Totals - 515,610 203,390 719,000 •Excluding portion in San Joaquin Valley. In addition to these areas on the valley floor and in the foothills, it is estimated that there, were 138,000 acres irrigated in the mountain valleys, or a total for the whole Sacramento River Basin of 857,000 acres. The areas under irrigation in the Sacramento Valley and adjacent foothills are .shown on Plate III. 108 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES CHAPTER V WATER REQUIREMENTS The variety of uses of water in California probably exceeds that in any other state in the l-nion. These uses include domestic, munici- pal, irrif?ation, salinity control, industrial, navigration, power develop- ment, hydraulic mining and recreational. The Sacramento River and San Joaquin River basins are the only ones in the state in whicli the uses of water comprise all of those given above. The use of water for irrigation, however, does and probably will continue to predominate in the Sacramento River Basin. In this report, use is made of certain terms relating to the use of water which are defined as follows : "Irrigation requirement" is the amount of water in addition to rainfall that is required to bring a crop to maturity. This amount varies with the crop to be supplied and the point at which the water is measured. As related to the point of meas- urement, it is the "gross allowance," "net allowance," or "net use." These terms together with the term "consump- tive use, ' ' are defined as follows : "Gross allowance" designates the amount of water diverted at the source of supply. "Net allowance" designates tlie amount of water actually delivered to the area served. "Consum])tive use" designates the amount of water actually con- sumed through evaporation, and transpiration by plant growth. "Net use" designates the sum of the consumptive use from arti- ficial supplies and irrecoverable losses. A study of the irrigation requirements of California lands was made several j^ears ago by the Division of Engineering and Irrigation, Department of Public Works, and the results of the investigation were published in a previous report.* The study was made for the purpose of determining the monthly distribution of the need for irrigation water as well as the total amount of water required. Studies have been continued by the Division of Water Resources and other branches of the State government since the publication of this report and much information has been obtained on the water requirements of various crops. These studies have yielded information on the amount of Avatcr actually consumed by the crop, the amount of water which it is neces- sary to deliver to the field to care for evaporation, transpiration, return water and deep percolation to gi-ound wafer, and the probable losses in conveyance of the water from the ]ioint of su]iply to the fields where it is to be used. Records of the actual diversions of water from the main streams for use on the valley floor, the classes of crops using Avater from each diversion, and the amounts of water returned to the streams have been • Bulletin No. 6, "Irrlgrallon Requirements of Califo'rnia Ijand.';," Division of Engineering and Irrigation, 1923. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 109 obtained eacli year since 1924 by the Sacramento-San Joaquin Water Supervisor and were published for the period 1924 to 1928 in his report.* The uses of water for power and hydraulic mining may cause some alteration in the regimen of flow and some losses in the amounts of water reaching the valley floor, due to evaporation during storage, but will otherwise have very little effect on the total run-off from a stream basin. The uses of water for municipal, industrial and domestic purposes are similar, as they are confined largely to the more thickly populated areas and have a more uniform distribution throughout the year tlian the use for irrigation. It has been found that for cities the size of those in the Sacramento River Basin, the unit use of water for domestic service alone is practically the same as for irrigation. For industries, the unit use would be somewhat larger but, since the indus- trial use in this basin is small, no serious error results from also assum- ing this unit use the same as for irrigation. Uses for navigation and salinity control result in no actual consumption of water but, if they are to be maintained, certain amounts of flow in the streams will be required throughout the year. The use of water for irrigation, there- fore, was adopted as the basis for estimating the water requirements of the Sacramento River Basin. Allowances also were made for the additional amounts of water required to maintain flows sufficient for salinity control and navigation. Present Use of Water for Irrigation. There are in the Sacramento River Basin at the present time only a few irrigated areas which have storage works from which they obtain a regulated water supply. Some otlier areas use water supplies which are available from water released from mountain reservoirs operated primarily for poAver development purposes but most of the present use is from natural stream flow unregulated by any storage. The present use, therefore, varies to a large extent with the amount of stream flow. In years of plentiful water supply, there is a tendency to divert large amounts of water, much of which is in excess of the actual require- ments for irrigation and returns to the streams. In years of small run-off, on the other liand, irrigators either take, or are allowed, as small amounts as will serve their needs. Present uses of water, there- fore, must be carefully analysed in obtaining irrigation requirements. During the investigation covered by a previous report,** data were collected on the monthly distribution of the use of water as well as the total seasonal use. Since there is so little regulated flow, present monthly distributions of uses also are affected by the amounts of stream flow and the character of the season. In years of small precipi- tation, irrigation starts earlier and more water is used in the spring months to increase the moisture content of the soil, both on account of the deficiency caused by short rainfall and in anticipation of a sliortage in irrigation supply in later months. It was found, however, that under ordinar^^ conditions the irrigation season in the Sacramento River Basin 0})ens about tlie first of April and closes in October. The * Bulletin No. 23, "Report of Sacramento-San Joaquin Water Supervisor for the Period 1924-1928," Division of Water Resourcos, 1930. •* Bulletin No, 6, "Irrigation Requirements of California Lands," Division of Engineering and Irrigation, 1923. no DtVIRIOX OF WATER RESOURCES present monthly distribution is not ideal, except in the few sections where regulated surface supplies are available or the supplies are obtained by pum])infr from prround water, so that data obtained from present uses must be adjusted by careful analysis to estimate the desirable monthly distribution of the seasonal supply. Mountain Valleys. — The irrifrable areas on the upper Feather River, the Pit River and the Sacramento River above the Pit have been con- sidered in this investifration as the mountain valleys. lands lie at elevations from 2000 to oOOO foet and the areas now under irriga- tion are planted almost entirely to hay, grain or forage crops or are u.sed for pasture. Much irrigation is done by wild flooding and the water is used again after returning to the streams. Information collected during the previous investigation shows net uses ranging from 1.25 to two feet, with an average of 1.3 feet. Under present conditions, however, there is a shortage of water in the latter part of the irrigation season over much of these areas and the use is prob- ably not as large as it Avould be with better regulated supplies. Foothills Adjacent to Sacramento Valleij Floor. — All agricultural lands between the Sacramento Valley floor and an elevation of about 3000 to 4000 feet on both the Sierra Nevada and Coast Range sides of the Sacramento River Basin, except the mountain valleys, are included in the foothill group. Irrigation in tliis section is brieflv described in Chai)ter 1 V. This group of lands is well adapted to the growing of deciduous fruit and at present is planted largely to this crop. There are also some ])lantings of alfalfa and citrus fruits and some pasture lands are irrigated. In a previous investigation, quite complete data were collected, and are shown in the report,* on the use of water for irrigation in these foothill areas. The water supi)ly in practically all areas is now ample for all requirements throughout the season so that present uses are very nearly, if not exactly, equivalent to crop needs. These data show net uses ranging from one to 2.5 acre-feet per acre per season with an average for all data obtained of 1.47 acre-feet. Data for recent years were obtained during the present investiga- tion and are shown in Table 22. Sacramento Valley Floor. — The Sacramento Valley floor comprises the lands lying between the Sierra Nevada and Coast Range foothills south of Red Bluff and north of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. It actually includes the Sacramento Delta, but since irrigation conditions are considerably different in the delta than in otlier parts of the valley, the delta area is considered as a separate unit. Irrigation on the valley floor is described in Chapter IV. In a previous investigation, data were oljtained from irrigation disti-iets and individuals on the use of water for irrigation in the Sacra- mento Valley and these are tal)ulated in tiie report.* In only a few instances, however, are the uses given for individual crops, the others being for all crops collectively. • Btillftin N'o. fi, "IrriKatlon Reauirementa of Califurnia I.jinds," Division of Engineering and Irrigation, 1923. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 111 TABLE 22 PRESENT USE OF WATER FOR IRRIGATION IN FOOTHILL DISTRICTS OF SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN Unit Year Crop Area irri- gated, in acres Length of irri- gation season, in days Seasonal allow- ance in acre- feet per acre Con- vey- ance loss, in per cent Method of obtain- ing water supply Authority Gross Net Browns Valley Irri- gation District. '1928 1929 1929 1925 1920 1927 1928 1929 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1924 1925 1924 1925 Olives 645 82 470 770 1,980 3,060 2,00 2 00 1 50 1 50 2.00 2,30 2,00 '1,07 1.86 1,62 1,45 1,70 1.52 1.43 1 50 1 50 1 .50 1 50 1,50 1 50 1.50 1 50 1.50 1 30 1 30 n.30 «I,12 23 31 31 31 31 30 28 28 27 20 (■■') (') («) L. B.Guerney' Citrus Grapes . Deciduous fruits . . Field crops Pasture Total- Deciduous fruits. .. Olives 7,007 5,180 381 4,407 4,4.32 4,507 4,582 4,825 23,940 26,260 20,960 26,200 25,490 20,560 20,920 27.110 27,130 65 65 65 65 El Dorado Irrigation District Oroville-Wyandotte Irrigation District. 120 R. W. Browne' II. C. Tvler-' Mostly citrus and olives. Practically all in deciduous fruits and vines. Deciduous fruit _ . Deciduous fruit. . . Placer Countv fruit belt. 150 150 150 150 1.50 1.50 150 150 1,50 2,16 2,16 2,16 2 16 2,14 2 08 2 08 2 06 2 02 Pacific Gas and Electric Campany (') Taylor orchard CJ 1 Amounts were about the same for 1925, 1926, 1927 and 1929. ' District manager. > By gravity diversion from a stream and canal conveyance. * Measurements of water not very accurate and in some places there are considerable transportation losses beyond the points of mea-surement. r • • u •" 13 acre-inches applied, 25 per cent drained off, net application 9.75 acre-inches. Soil moisture deficit of six inches. Net use equal to 9.75 plus 6.0 or about 16 acre-inches or 1.33 acre-feet. ' By gravity diversion from a supply canal. ' "Some Studies of the Irrigation Requirements of Sacramento Valley Lands," by M. R. Huberty, Assistant Professor of Irrigation Investigations and Practice, University of California. (Not yet published.') •About one-tenth of water applied ran off. Soil moisture deficit amounted to six inches. In 1924, net use equal to .9 of 1.30 plus 0.5 or 1.67 acre-feet. In 1925, net use equal to .9 of 1.12 plus 0.5 or 1.51 acre-feet. Since 1924, records of the water diverted by gravity and pumped from the main channels in the valley have been obtained each year, during the irrigation season, by the Sacramento-San Joaquin Water Supervisor of the Division of Water Resources. A survey also was made each year to determine the character and acreage of crops grown with the water from eaeli diversion. The crops, however, were divided into only two classes, rice and general, and in only a few instances can the use of water for an individual crop be determined. The data for the years 1924-1928 are given in a report * of the Sacramento- San Joaquin Water Supervisor and data for years since 1928 are available from his office. Uses of water obtained from these data are shown in Table 23. * Bulletin No. 23, "Report of Sacramento-San Joaquin Water Supervisor for the Period 1924-1928," Division of Water Resources, 1930. 112 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES During recent years, experiments were made and data collected for the determination of the irrip:ation requirements of certain indi- vidual crops or types of crops in the Sacramento Valley. The experi- ments were carried on cooperatively by the Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of California ; the Division of Agricultural Engineering, United States Department of Agriculture; and the Divi- sion of Water Resources, California Department of Public Works. The uses of water bv rice, alfalfa and other crops are given in pub- lished l)ulletins.^' -■ =^' * The results of a five year, 192-1-1928, inclusive, study'^ of the use of water by orchards, vineyards and field crops are not yet publislied but were available for estimating water requirements during this investigation. The conclusions on the water requirements for different crops, drawn from all of the experiments and studies, are presented in the bulletins referred to above. A summary of these conclusions is as follows: Eice. — The following quotations with reference to the use of water for rice are talcen from the bulletin^ giving the report on the studies of 1914-1919. In these quotations, the term "total depth of water applied" and "net depth" are believed to correspond to the terms "net allowance" and "net use," respectively, as used in this report. "In 43 full-season measurement.s of 'the amount of water used in rice irrigation in Sacramento Valley, 1914 to 1918, the total depth of water applied ranged from 3.91 to 18.70 feet, and the net depth, after deducting measured or estimated waste, ranged from 3.91 to 13.43 feet." "In 32 full-season observations on clay and clay adobes of the Willows, Sacramento, Stockton, and Capay series the total depth of water ajiplied ranged from 3.91 to 10.09 feet, the net deptli from 3.91 to 9.11 feet, and the average depth from 3.94 to 5.72 feet." "The average net depth of water applied to 22,404 acres embraced in the 43 full-season observations mentioned, was 4.89 feet. Of this area 21,419 acres was clay or clay adobe of the Willows, Sacramento. Stockton, or Capay series." "A four-year record of use on 39. .5 acres of Stockton clay adobe near Biggs, well prepared and well irrigated, showed a range in depth of water applied of 4.27 to 4.87 feet and an average of 4.53 feet." "An annual depth of 5 feet of irrigation water for rice is sufficient for the principal rice soils of Sacramento Valley, viz : for the clays and clay adobes of the VVill()w.s, Stockton, Sacramento, Capay and Yolo series. Pervious loam soils require an excessive amount of irrigation water, and from a water stand- point are not suitable for rice growing." "About one-third of the water applied to rice fields is lost by evaporation from the surface of the standing water during submergence. This factor in the duty of water can not be controlled." The following quotation is taken from the report ^ on later experi- ments. The term "net duty" in this quotation is believed to correspond to the term "net use" in this report. "Studies carried on in 1924 and 1925 show that under the method of con- tinuous submergence the net duty of water for rice .should not amount to more tlian 5 acre-feet to the acre on the clay, clay adobe or adobe soils. On the loam .soils the net duty may amount to as much as 8 acre-feet to the acre." Experiment Station, l niversity <>i i aiiiornia, i:i-.>. * Bulletin 450, "Irrigation Investigations With Field Crops at Davis and at Delhi, California, 1909-1925," Agricultural Experiment Station, University of California, 192S. '""Some Studies of the Irrigation Requirements of Sacramento Valley I.Kinds," by M. R. Muberly, Assistant Professor of Irrigation Investigations and Practice and Associate Irrigation Engineer in the Experiment Station, ITniversity of California. (Not yet published.) SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 113 Grain. — Investigations of the irrigation of wheat, oats and barley were carried on at Davis over a period of eleven years, 1910 to 1921, and some of the conclnsions from tlio rojiort ' on these investigations are as follows : "Under Sacramento Valley conditions, with a seasonal rainfall of 17 inches or more, normally distributed, the increases in grain yields do not warrant irrigation." "Under conditions of extreme rainfall deficiency, such as 1010, ]!)12, and 1913, two irrigation.'-- of four to six acre-inches to the acre should lie suHicicnt to produce normal yields. Under conditions of partial drought, especially win re a deficiency of rainfall occurs in the late winter and early spring (March and April), satisfactory yields may be olitained llirough one irrigation." Corn and grain sorghinu. — Investigations of the irrigation of these crops were started in 1910 and carried througli 1915 at Davis. Another experiment was made in li)22. Tiie following conclusions as to ilie amonnts of water reqnired for these crops are taken from the report.^ In these conclnsions. tlie term "net irrigation requirement" is believed to correspond to the term "net use" in this report. "On medium soil ty.ies and in years of normal rainfall in the Sacramento Valley, the net irrigation reciuirement for full crop production should not exceed 12 acre-inches per acre, anplied in not more than three irrigations." "In years of deficient rainfall the net seasonal irrigation requirement for these crops should not exceed 18 acre-inches, applied in not more than four irrigations." Alfalfa. — Investigations of the use of water for the irrigation of alfalfa were made at the University Farm at Davis from 1910 to 1915, inclusive; on 54 Sacramento Valley alfalfa farms near Gridley, Los Molinos, Orland, Willows, Woodland, and Dixon, during 1913 and 1914; and on an experimental tract near Willows in 1915. The follow- ing quotations are taken from the report - on these investigations. It is believed that the term "water applied" in these quotations cor- responds to the term ' ' net allowance ' ' as used in this report. "Average annual depths of water applied were found to vary from 1.83 feet in the Willows area to 5.15 feet in the Los Molinos area, and on a single field the smallest annual application was 1.04 feet on a clay loam, as compared to !).5!t feet, on a gravelly loam, both of which were at Orland." " With the exception of the highly permeable Elder gravelly loams at Orland and the very impervious Tehama clays and clay loams at Willows, the results of the work, as a whole, are in agreement with the results of the six- year duty of water study at Davis. These have indicated that a depth of from 30 to 36 inches of water annually is the most desirable ciuantity of irri- gation water to apply under general Sacramento Valley conditions. Total depths of less than 24 inches annually, exclusive of rainfall, are iuHufficient for satisfactory yields as indicated by the Willows work, while application of depths of 48 or more inches per year do not produce corresponding increases in alfalfa yields." "Irrigation of alfalfa in Sacramento Valley is confined to the months March to October, inclusive, and in 1913 and 1914 it was confined to the months May to September, inclusive, at CIridley and W'illows, and May to October, inclusive, at Los Molinos. Considering the entire six districts in wliich the investigations were made, the average percentage of the total annual use that was applied in each month of th.e iirigation seasons of 1913 and l!tl4 was as follows: March, 5.18: April, 1.75; May, 20.21; June, 18.7(; ; July, 23.40; August, 15.3 4 ; September, 13.61; October, 1.75." ;tin 450, "Irrigation Investigations with Field Crops at Davis and at Delhi, 1909-1925," Agricultural Experiment Station, University of California, 1 Bulletin 450, California, 1928. = Bulletin No. 3, "Investigations of the Economical Duty of Water for Alfalfa m Sacramento Valley, California, 1910-1915," State Department of ICnginecring, 1917. 8—80994 114 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES The investigations were continued at Davis from 1918 to 1925, inclusive, and the following conclusions are taken from the report ^ covering both these investigations and those of 1910-1915. "At Davis, the average maximum yield and the average maximum profit were produced with total seasonal application of 36 acre-inches to the acre, but the difference between the yields produced by 30 inches and those produced by 36 inches is so slight that it is not significant; 30 acre-inches per acre, therefore, can be considered an economic seasonal application under the con- ditions present." "Total depths of less than 24 inches annually, exclusive of rainfall, are insufficient for satisfactory yields. Application of depths of 48 inches or more annually produce smaller yields than were obtained by applying 36 inches." "Variation in the number of irrigations (three to twelve), when a total seasonal depth of 30 inches was applied, caused only small differences in yield. The lighter applications given at more frequent intervals tended to produce the higher yields, but the increases in yields did not warrant the extra labor cost and the inconvenience of applying frequent light irrigations. In loam soils, under Sacramento Valley conditions, a total seasonal application of 30 inches applied in four irrigations represents good irrigation practice for alfalfa. Observations in other localities have shown that the very open or very imper- vious soils should be irrigated more than once between cuttings." Deciduous orchards. — Investigations for the determination of the use of water for the irrigation of deciduous orchards were made dur- ing the seasons 1924 to 1928 in orchards located near Woodland, Win- ters, Los Molinos, Vina, Chico, Red Bluff and at the University Farm at Davis. The following conclusions are taken from the report - cover- ing these investigations. "Including water stored by rainfall and applied in irrigation, the seasonal use by an orchard of large size and vigor would not be more than 36 acre- inches per acre." "On the deep soils of light texture three irrigations, totaling 18 inches in depth, will provide available moisture for the average orchard of the valley. Irrigations totaling 24 inches in depth would meet tlie demands of the large vigorous growing orchards." "The average mature orchard, growing on deep silt loam soil with the water table at a depth greater than 15 feet below the ground surface, will require a total depth of irrigation of about 18 Inches, applied in two irrigations." Vineyards. — A few investigations of the use of water by grape- vines were made at the same time as those for orchards. On two vineyards of four-year-old Thompson seedless grapes, the net use in 1925 on one was 1.08 acre-feet per acre and the net use on the other in 1926 was 1.5 acre-feet per acre. Data were collected during the investigations covered by this report on the use of water in certain irrigation districts and in areas served by some of the water companies. A summary of these data and those taken from the reports of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Water Supervisor, previously referred to, is presented in Table 23. Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. — The consumptive use of water by growing crops and natural vegetation in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta is based diiefly upon experiments with growing vegetation in tanks in the area. These experiments were conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture in cooperation with State agencies over a period of six years. The complete report of tlie uses determined in this way has not been prepared but a summary of tiie results of the measurements was made especially for this investigation. This sum- ' Bulletin 450, "Irrigation Investigations with Field Crops at Davi.s and at Delhi, California, l'.H)9-192r)," .\grierinient Station, I'nixersitv of California. 1928. » "Some Studies on the Irrigation Requirements of Sacramento Valley I.riinds" by M. R. Fluherty, Assl.stant Professor of Irrigation Investig-atlons and I'ractice and Associate Irrigation Engineer In the Experiment Station, University of California. (Not yet published.) SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 115 mary furnishes what may be considered reasonably close figures on the estimated water consumption by crops, vegetation, and evaporation in the delta. The unit consumptive uses over the entire Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta, as obtained from the summary, are shown in Table 24. These uses represent amounts of water consumed, irrespec- tive of the source, and therefore include amounts consumed from rain- fall. However, the greater part of both annual and seasonal consump- tion occurs in the dry months and hence the source of supply is chiefly from the delta channels. In estimating consumptive uses it was assumed that all vegetation on lands which lie below an elevation of five feet above mean sea level would consume water from the delta channels even though no artificial diversion of water were made for irrigation. This assumption was based upon the fact that the average water level in the delta is about 1.5 feet above mean sea level, reaching higher levels each day, and that the high water table in the islands resulting therefrom afi'ords an opportunity for the vegetation to obtain moisture without artificial diversions. Ultimate Irrigation Requirements. In estimating the amounts of water that would be required for irrigation in different parts of the Sacramento River Basin under a condition of ultimate development, estimates were made of the net area of land which could be irrigated in each division, the kinds of crops and the acreage of eacli that would be grown, and the unit uses of water for each crop. In making these estimates, the mountain valleys and the foothill areas were considered as one division of the Sacramento River Basin, since the use of water in both of these sections would affect the water suppl}" that would ultimately be available for irrigation use on the valley floor by regulation in the reservoirs of the State Water Plan. The Sacramento Valley floor outside of the delta, was considered as another division since the water for its irrigation would be that regu- lated by the reservoirs of the State Water Plan. The third division would necessarily be the Sacramento Delta, the only remaining part of the basin. The San Joaquin Delta has been included in this last division also, since the whole Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta would be dependent largely upon the Sacramento River Basin for its water supply under the condition of ultimate development of the Great Central Valley. In estimating the ultimate irrigation requirements in the Sacra- mento River Basin, it was assumed that all inugable laud would be furnished eventually with a water supply. Mountain Valleys and Foothills. — The estimated net irrigable areas in the mountain valleys and foothills are shown in Chapter III to be 312,000 acres and 922,000 acres, respectively. In the mountain valleys, the land now under irrigation is cropped almost entirely to hay and grain or is used for pasture and, on account of climatic and transportation conditions, it is believed tliat this char- acter of use will not change materially. The present seasonal net use of water averages about 1.3 acre-feet per acre but, taking into account that there is at present a shortage of water in the latter part of the 116 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES 3 o • o o o o c o o CCOOCOOCCOOOOO ' X X X, X X X X i.£.23.23.2S.^.i.i.£.i.22.£.5 2 ' *>">■>'>■>">"> >'>*>'>■>*>■>■>'>'>'>■>'>'> ; L. 1. I_ 1. L. L. 1. ■-1-t-l-L-A-k.UL.r.k.l.l.fc. ' ^K^K^ti. £.LEH.E^Lc.^C.Lc.Ed. I = 33 = =:='r = 5'5"=3'=3 ; V. -r. V. K 'r. -7. -r. X y, x X X v: v: v: X X X X X 72 I -.J-j-'-i i-i-1-t-t-i-;- CCC— 5^Vt.C.i,C- Ci.v^c.i.^c.:.bc:.:'^C> • .^•J..^*J*J^*^.^*^W-^*-*S^ , -llll -•-•■l'i"l-i 5535555 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ tf ^ ^ tf ^ ?^ tf ^ i^ •*^ c = £ = = EE|||= = = = = ='^ = C C' i^ t- t" Q C C^.^.^.— .^ i,33~ — """ .£.=.£. 2. 5 3 OO^^ R5 rt 5 I" 5 §"555 ^^S-S-S-r-SO OC CO cc 5e3555555rtS5rt55 ' i i i i i 2. ^ 3.S.SS.3.S. ^S^SSS ' -*; a: X X rjr. x £I£SC1C^ X X X X X X i* X X X* X -^ '^ X ' c; r: "^ "^ rt .£;-c.c^.j= ^~— c.;=-=ccc c-ccc t5tc:tH;ri:r"tu~s i C w :^ O O •~'-"Vi'Z.7i^'^£5SSSSH S£==£==H=H£S£S . t. fc« . . -— ■ « 5 rt - ^ - - aezczacs^czetctct^ciissi ' ■^."i"!"^." .i_£; . . . ai . i ^ i: - i; i i ■<<->: li-i; CO^Mi^s;-;xx:^:^:i?£'XXxxxx7:xxviv:xxxOT j "o Mi's- £££££ ^.^ ^^^^.-^^ ,^^^^^^^ ; r.»*...f.r.».^»f. C-^" -C^W ' •a-§ 3 O == X js'::: ■S -ii '■ CJ_o c- ::: o-g » yancc s, cent OOI-*CCO : ; : ! i : i i i i i i •c»o-^*o»o 1 f t « 1 1 1 I • ■ 1 • o 2 *- ^ o « ! ! ! ; i i I i i I ! ; o = O •- 1 1 > 1 1 1 : . • 1 > ) I • • c ocoocs c^ci-'f-^tOO^^OOkneoeccicccs — — O'vc *cc;aor-mcococ — ■*3 00 oo— o o- — " » :2; es ^ §5 «J 1 1 1 t 1 t 1 1 • 1 1 1 I 1 1 i£ CO GO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 O CJ O 1 1 1 1 t 2 C3 o ^ ■ 1 1 1 1 1 ' ' 1 * CO t « 1 1 1 o o o o o c:0'^-<*«t^'*00000»0*0 — c^^o (OO o t^h»r>- « «D !0 oo-^ • o — c o o ».-^C7i»r>ococoooooo3iccMCsr*».'3 00iO*«-^'^-*?c:C!!:o;ooooo ■ »^ o ^c i^ »o — -^cc cc c^i c» cs^-^ ^ -^ -^J r: « -^ ^ ^ t' i^ i' tr T T* T T T" ^^ ^* ^^ TT in C-J o 1- ^ O 1^ oc o t^QCt^aoc-cocit—occir^QOssi^ ooci r-ocdt^QOOst^occii^accs ■ s: C ^1 C-1 W M 9^S?*i:,'^?^31iS3^^^^^'^'U r» ra c: ^) ri m d c* ci ■* ' ' .1 1 a ^ la ; : § - i o 1 .1 |0 J! isu ; ; ; -a S- 3 -o 8 a -e > i fc !* ^J3 1 ; ^ tS r®. •o < L 1^ 1 T°| 1 1 "5 £ b el s S u: ^ d ^ ►^ < ra d o o SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 117 fc- fti- kl kl • »4 (4 fc.1 oooooooooooo .2 .2.S 22 m m so w >>>>>>>>>>>>; c. a c a ' o. a. o. 333^333333333 !:/^'j:izfiai'Ji'r^:/i:jizf^znai'Xi CC CO CO CO coco CO "^-ti-ecitoooa^ocJGJowo ■s^^^^-s-s-s ^l^«l j-> ,^ .^ ,^ !-• ti Ui T^ ^ "t:: "^ flj Qj a> c •-■ C S .^ .«» .«j &&-£-^lE£S^^g^-^S^g:^5:>S: -rt -o -c -o -o -o -TS TT -Gl^>l^t«- l-g-g-? ^ ^ ^ , ^^^^ E S S 5 5'3'3'3'='5'5'5'9'9 = a = .H.5.5.S.E.S.S.H £-3-3-3-3 .S.S.S.r: C3rtrt?3c3333 imilll lllfl 3_-3333_Z3 .-.^^ ^-. ^.^ fc— mmm-Ji c^- "Zo S«Sooooi4oc6oii ciCbcticeibCbCtictfit' 3£o66 6 bCMM M-g^-~-g^ O O 4 J i i § wscdKf=^'t-'fef^f^ 2S 2 JJJJJJh-;J6kc?:^^:^ JJjJKEKSXc^cc-J ■ ' b* »« CO :c c: 05 o; CO CO > • 00 O OOO QO -^ t^OO -^ 1 ' ' 00'<*'^f0'«' .1.. , t^ I-* ^ — r- ^1 if5 -M '<»< I I " iOir3r-?MCO>i«i '■ . ■* m lO C^ C^ CO »0 CO CO ' t ^-'-•M'MCCCOC^l^C^ ' ' ' ■s^.^^^ ;;;;;; 1 ;! 1 ! 1 Soiso:;;;;;;;;;;; "*<<<<:;;;!'::.'; ^ ' CiC^C^COCSIC^lC'1CC'-'C4CCCOCI(MCCfOrC(M .-«.— !-«,— .,-iT ^ i-H CI ■-<'-'—' cc c^» --^ '-^ \r^ x£, -^ \n \ri '^ -^ -^ -^ ^ -^ . c; 00 cs I'- GO :r^r^'^^-OOiOOC:C:OOOCO:^0 -"^ -C'^-^ccc50micccoc^i^t~^oo CR(0;£^-CJ^- tCCiOCOO^C — t^oo:Ct^oor^ooc:ii--QCO:t-'QD^. t'-ooc^ CJ cJ c^ CI o CI '^^ ^1 'M ^i ci ci •>> ci ci ci c-i c: Ci Ci — Ci c; cr: C-. c; d cr- c~- c. Ci c; r:. CTi i--occ^i^ocCTiooc^^oocrii;5 CJ C) CI CJ CI CI CI CI C) CI CJ CI CJ CI « i s ^ Su CO. ■a-fi- r: a = .2 c a •a 3 a. a v2 U Q. B O c a o C9 ^ -^ a. a o o o c: "5 3 ^ fe-g -§ "Si 3 ^ ■O B 3 o CO £ a <: J •«: ■-i «* ^ 3^ o cs •;; o o A -a si 8- z cocos. c a s o 3 SZ a o O "5 s a O a 118 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES .s Id >J < > O H Z Ui < a: u < Z o s 5 I ^ CQ S 3 o o o o OQ ^ V4 I'irf vj ^ij '?'>'>'>'>'^ U L. ^ O h. K. 01 O C k. o « a £. S.C. c. £. 3 3 = 333 CO cc c/; 03 tn w 2SS cs a c3 ^ C) ^ cs C3 :3 G C C C C C 'S'S's'S's's o- c- — 5" s- r- es es n « cs a B e c ca OS « CO ceo:' CBS V U 0) as a OS d a ee es es „ cs 03 o o o 5 ""S •~5 "^ CD CA c c c'S'S 09 C3 a o O ■»> -kA -^ c c C >* X o & o s c a a e « « e ssis u o o 5 5 a OS a = ° coccccOO ■S-if i o c e rt o Z OObOOOOtO O <4« c; ^ ^ n a «raoooo3> — o Oi O^ ^ Oi Oi Oi Oi O^ a •S 111 'itp.2 9 o. Q. •3 = ■5 ,si=S o ft ^ — « »i -" B 2: HOcci ^ 0-9 ^ » ^ fe ca ^* a >• <^ .J5 u iiS « !^^ ^ J3 _S rt bM ois s M.2 Bt3 '«» g^ "3 ^ Sf^ 0. ^u OS g e •sg 00 2 a a tS 09 3-3 S — a 0, B B s a a a.s li 0"° 09 11 ca en la a -P2 i:s i 0^ Is leg, n a > i^ . >^ >^ >t g 3 e 3 — -c-o 11^ 3 C j) c C fe.g,J.2.2.2 V B Bl _ > > > f m<<<5q'qS SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 119 < H 1-1 U Q O I z 14 <; u < H < o i H Z u 10 OD ^^ 00 »0 05 *0 O •-»'-• O !0 50 I o 00^ 00 rt c=*; CO C^ ^ (N ^ iM ^ r~* 'C to t^ 00 »fD t^ f^ t~» 0^0 t^ o 00 O ■— ' O O O O O O O O O O O O '-'CO o o OC^i^OOOr-r-oOt^OO OC^C»CCOOt-~"^CO»OOiO«C a-- OiOC CO o^^ c^ ^ o ^H eo — • o ^- *-' ^^ o — • '-' *-■ c^ ci ^H CO O*Cr^Oi0OC0'— 'i:00»0»00 -^ »OGO CO o^ iO*CCOMiM'^C^ S O .3 -a T3 C £ rtj 1 c _ o II Q.>- O) o I I t 1 ■a 1 •a 5b ^ a> a) ° " s s .2^ a a .2-3 J3ja S ■" &■>• Q|aa ■I a 8 a fg'i'i O ^ ioiintain valleys foothill aj-ras January . February Maroli 2 April : 3 2 May 14 15 June 24 20 July 26 22 21 20 September 12 13 October .i November 1 December Based on the above methods of estimating, the ultimate seasonal gross allowances and net uses of water for the net irrigable areas in the mountain and foothill portions of the drainage basin of each of the major streams of the Sacramento I\iver ]>asin, and in the lower foot- liill areas lying between these watersheds but above the valley floor, would be as shown in Table 25. This table also shows the estimated gross area of agricultural land and the net irrigable area in each water- shed. Sacramento Valleif Floor Outside of Sacramento Delta. — This iiortion of the basin includes all lands lying south of I\ed Bluff and l)etween the foothills of the Sierra Nevada and Coast Range, except tiie delta area, which it Avould be possible to serve with water regulated by the major reservoir units of the State Water Plan in the Sacramento River Basin, including the Trinity River diversion, described in Chapter IX. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 121 TABLE 25 ULTIMATE SEASON.^L WATER REQUIREMENTS OF IRRIGABLE LANDS IN MOUNTAIN AND FOOTHILL AREAS OF SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN Watershed Sacramento River above Red Bluff. Between Sacramento and Feather rivers Feather River above Oroville. - Between Feather and Yuba rivers Yuba River above The Narrows Between Yuba and Bear rivers Bear River above Camp Far West Dam Between Bear and American rivers-- American River above Folsom Between Sacramento River and Stony Creek — Stony Creek above Millsite dam site..- Putah Creek above Y'olo County line- Totals - - --- Gross agricultural area, in acres 883,000 112,000 225,000 164,000 157,000 62,000 128,000 147,000 316,000 140,000 42,000 139,000 2,515,000 Net irrigable area, in acres 525,000 46,000 90,000 82.500 82,000 24,000 72,500 91,000 119,000 58,000 13,500 30,500 1,234,000 Gross allowance, in acre- feet 1,443,000 115,000 250,000 206,000 205,000 60,000 182,000 227,000 298,000 145,000 33,000 77,000 3,241,000 Net use, in acre-feet 866,000 69,000 150,000 124,000 123,000 36,000 109,000 136,000 179,000 87.000 20,000 46.000 1,945,000 Since ouly about 21 per cent of the irrigable lands on the valley floor are now under irrigation, and since the proportion of the total area of the valley that Avould be planted to each crop under a condi- tion of ultimate development would be considerably different than under present conditions, an estimate was made of the kinds of crops and the percentage of the total area that would be planted to each kind, in different sections of the valley. To do this, the valley floor Avas divided into fifteen "crop groups" in each of which it is estimated that a certain percentage of the area would be used for each of the crops or uses shown in Table 26, under conditions of ultimate develop- ment. The area to be included in each group was determined by some predominating characteri.stics of soils, climatological conditions and present use for crops. The soil conditions and present use for crops were determined by the field surveys previously described in Chapter III. The percentage and area of the total irrigable lands which it was estimated, from a combination of the areas from all the crop groups, would be used ultimately, each year, for each class of crops or other use requiring water, are shown in Table 26. TABLE 26 AREAS OF CROPS AND GUN CLUBS EACH YEAR IN THE SACRAMENTO VALLEY UNDER CONDITIONS OF ULTIMATE DEVELOPMENT Crop or use Ultimate area In per cent of total irrigable area In acres 2 10 20 7 5 10 20.0 9.5 6.5 10 5 10.0 3.0 52,800 Olivp orchnrds . - - - 26.400 Deciduous orchards - - . 528,000 198,000 Grain _.__--__*,- - 264.000 528,000 Fif'ld crons _ - . . 2.50,800 Pasture - - 171.600 277,200 Rice - - . ' 264,000 Gun clubs - - 79,200 .... Totals 100.0 2,640,000 122 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES The unit net allowance and net use of water for the irrigation of each of the crops shown in Table 26 were estimated from the data on present uses previously referred to or given in this chapter. In fixing these unit uses, the opinions of consultants having considerable experi- ence in irrigation matters in the Sacramento Valley also were obtained. The aim was to allow a liberal but not an excessive use for each crop. In the ultimate irrigation of the Sacramento Valley, the water for the irrigation of most of the lands will have to be conveyed relatively long distances, whether the conveyance be by natural or artificial channels. Conveyance lo.sses, therefore, will be large and these were taken into consideration in fixing the gross allowances, or amounts of water to be drawn from the major reservoir units of the State Water Plan. For all crops or uses, a conveyance loss of one-third was allowed as this corresponds very well with present loses on large irrigation systems. This percentage of loss is probably liberal as, under condi- tions of ultimate irrigation development, most artificial channels prob- ably will be lined. The use of water for flooding ponds for gun clubs was obtained from consultants having experience with furnishing water for this purpose. The unit gross and net allowances and net uses of water for the different crops and for gun clubs are shown in Table 27. TABLE 27 UNIT ALLOWANCES AND USES OF WATER IN SACRAMENTO VALLEY UNDER CONDI- TIONS OF ULTIMATE DEVELOPMENT Acre -feet per acre per season Water used for Allowance Net Gross Net use Citrus orchards _ 3.75 3.00 2 63 2.25 2.63 1.50 4 50 7.50 2.63 1.88 3 00 9 00 2 25 2 50 2 00 1 75 1.50 1.75 1 00 3 00 5 00 1 75 1 25 2 00 6 00 1 50 2 12 Olive orchards 1 60 1.59 1 32 Vines, on shallow soils .. 1 34 Grain 80 Alfalfa and sudan grass— general Alfalfa and sudan grass — on gravelly soil _ 2 65 2.75 Field crops t -- 1.59 Pasture -- 82 Truck crops 1 85 Rice --- 5 05 Gun clubs -- 1 07 The estimated monthly distribution of the seasonal uses of irriga- tion water on the Sacramento Valley floor, in per cents of the seasonal total, is as follows : January February March 1 April 5 May 16 June 20 July 22 August 20 September 12 October 4 November December For purposes of estimating the amount of water required on the Sacramento Valley floor, from each stream, and the possibility of obtaining an adequate supply from the stream, the entire valley floor area was divided into "water service areas." The land in each area ri.ATi': VI LEGEND SERVICE SOURCE ARE* OF NUMBER SUPPLY \ Sacramento River 2 Fealtier River 3 Yobj R.ver 4 Beaf River t, American River 6 Tr.nily fl.ver 7 Stony Creeh e Cache Creek 9 Pulah Creeh 10 Sacramento and Feather Rivers J I Sicramenlo-San Joaqum Delta 4Pif Reicrvoir of State Water Plan SCALE OF MILES Mi \ OAKI.AM) WATER SERVICE AREAS IN THE SACRAMENTO VALLEY SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 123 is phj^sically feasible of irrigation from tlie stream to which it was allotted. To supply water to all of the land in these areas by gravity, canals, constructed at elevations as high as water could be diverted below the major reservoir units of the State Water Plan on the streams, would be necessary for conveying water along tlie rims of the valley. Some lands would be irrigated by direct diversion and pumping from the streams and artificial channels as at present. These "water service areas" are shown on Plate VI, "Water Service Areas in the Sacramento Valley." The area indicated as "Sacramento-Feather" is one which could obtain its water supply from a combination of the flows of the Sacramento and Feather rivers. The ultimate amount of water required in each "water service area" was estimated in the following manner: The average water alloAvances in acre-feet per acre per season in each "crop group" were estimated by multiplying the unit allowances for each crop by the percentage of that crop of the total of all crops in the group and divid- ing the sum by 100. The average unit net use was estimated in the same manner. Tlie net irrigable areas were estimated by means of the "zones" described in Chapter III, in each of which a certain percentage of each of the four classes of agricultural land is estimated to be irrigable. By superimposing the service areas, zones, and crop groups, the net irrigable area in that portion of each crop group within the boundary of the service area and the amount of water required for that group or portion of it were estimated. The summation of all of these requirements by groups within the service area gave the total water requirement for the area. Table 28 gives the areas and water allowances and uses under the condition of ultimate development, for each of the water service areas in the Sacramento Valley. TABLE 28 ULTIMATE SEASONAL WATER REQUIREMENTS OF IRRIGABLE LANDS IN SACRAMENTO VALLEY Water service area Gross agricultural area, in acres Net irrigable area, in acres Allowances in acre-feet Net use. Gross ■ Net acre-feet Sacramento River . 1,419,000 450,000 169,000 66,000 316,000 309,000 90,000 168,000 59,000 453,000 1,131,000 358,000 134,000 55,000 254,000 171,000 33,000 110,000 36,000 358,000 4,172,000 1,395,000 465,000 187,000 765,000 444,000 86,000 301,000 92,000 1,126,000 2,783,000 031,000 310,000 125,000 510,000 296,000 58,000 200,000 62,000 750,000 2 395 000 Feather River - 797 000 Yuba River - - 270 000 Bear River. ._ A raer ican River _ Trinity River 109,000 439,000 252 000 Stony Creek 48 000 Cache Creek 173,000 Putah Creek 54 000 Sacramento-Feather 6.53,000 Total Sacramento Valley _ 3,499,000 2,640,000 9,033,000 6,025.000 5,190,000 Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. — The ultimate uses of water in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta were estimated directly from present uses. The present unit consumptive uses in the delta are shown in Table 24. Because of the method of irrigation in the delta, it is a difficult matter to differentiate between gross allowance, net allowance and net use. Much of the land is below the level of the water surfaces in the 12-i DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES channels adjacent to or surrounding: the various islands or tracts and on account of the character of the soil is naturally subirrigated. Irricfation is accomplished mainly with water diverted by siphons or gates from tlie surrounding channels. For the higher lands, water is diverted by pumping. The tracts are relatively small so that the source of supply is located almost at the point of use and no long conveyance canals are required. The general method of irrigation on the lower delta lands is to use the same ditches for irrigation that are used for draining the lands and controlling elevations of the water table. The main ditches are filled and Mater tiierefrom is diverted to the fields through ditches about ten inches Mide and eighteen inches deep spaced from 70 to 200 feet apart. Water is held in these ditches at certain depths below the ground surface and allowed to seep into the adjoining fields which are thereby subirrigated. The water level under the fields is regulated by raising and lowering the level of the water in the ditches by means of the irrigation inlets and drainage pumps. On the higher lands in the delta area, the usual methods of surface irrigation are used. On lands adjacent to the channels and those on which deep-rooted crops are grown, natural seepage water contributes materially to the moisture consumed by the crops and natural vegetation. Any diverted water which is not consumed is returned to the main channels and is available for immediate reuse. Therefore, taking the delta area as a unit, tlie gross allowance, net allowance and net use are practically the same and all are actually the consumptive use. The consumptive use in the delta includes not only the use for growing crops but evapo- ration from the large areas of water surface in the channels, transpira- tion from tules and other natural vegetation, and evaporation from levees and uncultivated land surfaces. In estimating the ultimate use of water in the delta, it was assumed that lands now idle would be planted to the same crops that are now grown in the delta in the same proportions as under present conditions. It also was assumed that the unit consumptive uses of water would be the same as are shown in Table 24. Although the uses shown in Table 24 cover the entire year, it was estimated that only those from April to October, inclusive, need be considered as being drawn from stream flow since rainfall would normally care for the uses and losses during the winter months. Table 29 gives the estimated ultimate consum])tive uses of water in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta by months, and for tiie irrigation season and the calendar year. The total seasonal use of 1,200.000 acre- feet in the entire delta would be divided approximately :n6,0()0 acre- feet in the Sacramento Delta and 824,000 acre-feet in tlie San Joaquin Delta. Total Ultitnatc hrujaiion Rcquiremetifs for Sacramoifo River Basin. — The total estimated seasonal water requirements for the irrigation of all irrigable lands in the Sacramento River Basin, including the entire Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, are given in Table 30. In this table the requirements are shown separately for the mountain valleys, the foothills, the valley floor and the delta. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 125 0^ U OQ < Q o z < z u <: o < 05 u H O > (-< a, z o u u H < ~ rJ o H rt rt o o < o OOOOOOCOOOOOO I o O'-JOOOOOOOOOOO I o r- ^ ^ —_ QO »c -o oc — t^ c-j -^ -J I— ■vf ^f ^•t (r*^ l/^ ««■ 1*^ r*^ « «•« 'r^ ^S ■^*< vh oo oo c^ re oo I o o o ■< C^ ^ ce fM C^l ooooooooooooo OOOOOOOOCDOOOO c^ '^' O -^ c^i" o ■" o :rr oo oo t--^ o o oo o oo oooooo<=>oooooo ooooooooooooo r-iixro!:o»o»ccr. cC'^cTi'— oor- oo oo ^. ooooooooooooo oooooooooooo>o O •-^ oo "— c^ 04 --^o oo CT-^M* c~-^cc en rr o oo o o CO — vo '^ o o o o o o oo C3 ^H oo ,-.00 M ooooooooooooo OOOOOt—'OOOOOO'O o on c^ 05 oo o CO (M t— Oio c^ o 00 crco oT^^^e-r-^ oCco ,-^,-1" oo oo 3 -T3 (4 ooooooooooooo ooooooooooooo Oooc^po-*or^O-^cooo siO cococo— -"~c^'~'o cTf-r""^^ oo oo *r3 c-1 ooooooooooooo o>oooo ■^ 00 ci^ oo -r o i^ -^ oi — _ 00 Oi i^ 'T^COCO-^ C-l~CO~ — ^ """^ o oo o o o 03 2 Q. O §•9 ooooooooooooo ooooooooooooo o oo o o o •§fe« ooooooooooooo OOOOOiOOOOCSOOO oo c-1 ;c -^ :i: oo c-1 -rr c^i lO — oc -^r oo oo o a o 2 s 1- 2 »i > 1- c > .a C 1 h 3 CD v to > »2 tira cj-s fc- o rt-— 'jj*a sja -<:-«:aacaooooOii,&.c20 O) o -5 io ■3-2 a o . ■•-> (t •* rt - ft"? a-9 . " CO >. — "!;.=' 5 5.S o x; o 3 V £i fcc 6; • r^ fac o 126 DIVISIOX OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 30 ULTIMATE SEASONAL WATER REQUIREMENTS OF IRRIGABLE LANDS IN THE SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN AND THE ENTIRE SACRAMENTO-SAN JOAQUIN DELTA Net irrigable area, in acres GroHi allowance, in acre-feet Net allowance, in acre-feet Net use, in acre-feet Section Total Average per acre ToUl .\vcrage per acre Totel Average per acre Mountain vallej-s... Foothill areas Valley floor Sacramento Delta- San Joaquin Delta.. 312.000 922,000 2,ti40.000 135,000 257,000 936.000 2,305.000 9,033.000 376,000 824.000 3 00 2 50 3 42 (') 562,000 1.383.000 6.025.000 376,000 8:^4,000 1.80 1 50 2 28 (') (') 562.000 1,383.000 5.190.000 376,000 824.000 1.80 1 50 1.97 (0 (') Tola's -■ 4,266,000 13,474,000 9,170.000 8,335,000 ' Value for net use per unit of area is not given since ultimate total requirements and use are divided among irrigation use, evaporation from delta channels, traaspiration from tules and other natural vegetation and evaporation from levees and uncultivate-1 land surfaces. In obtaining the allowances and uses shown in Table 30, it was assumed that every acre of irrigable land in the Sacramento River Basin would be irrigated every year. The amounts in the table, there- fore, should be maxima. It is not believed, however, that there will ever be such a complete use since, even with ultimate irrigation develop- ment, some land must be fallowed each year. This is particularly true of land used for rice culture which be allowed to remain idle or be dry farmed on an average of about every fourth year. Therefore, about one-third as much rice land would not be irrigated eacli year as is planted. Water also was allowed for the irrigation of all grain each year but it has been found uneconomical to irrigate grain in years of ample rainfall. Grain, therefore, would require irrigation water in dry j'ears only. Also, since irrigation of grain is so seldom needed, many fields would not be provided with irrigation facilities and would never be irrigated. It also is likely that all pasture land would not be irrigated every year and that some of the other crops for which an irrigation allowance was made would be dry farmed. While such deductions would cause considerably less use of water than is indicated by Table 30, the amounts shown in this table were used as the Sacra- mento River Basin requirements in all studies made during this investi- gation. Endurable Deficiencies in Irrigation Supplies. The foregoing ultimate sea.sonal water requirements for the irri- gable lands in the Sacramento River Ba.sin are which would be needed for a supply without deficiency in any part of the basin. Expe- rience and investigations show, however, that jjlants and trees can endure an occasional deficiency in supply without permanent damage to the perennials and in many in.stances without material decrease in the annual ci'op yield. In general, however, there is a reduction in crop production with inadequate irrigation .supplies. A full irrigation supjily furnishes water not only for tlie con- sumptive use of the plant but also for evaporation from the .surface during application and from the ground surface, and for water wiiich is through percolation to depths beyond the reach of the SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 127 plant roots. Less water can be used in years of deficiency in supply by careful application and by more thorough cultivation to conserve the ground moisture. In these ways the plant can be furnished its full consumptive use with much smaller amounts of water than those ordi- narily applied and the yield will not be decreased. If the supply is too deficient to provide the full consumptive use, the plant can sustain life on smaller amounts but the crop yield will probably be less than normal. It is believed from a study of such data as are available that a maximum deficiency of 35 per cent of the fvill seasonal requirement can be endured, if the deficiency occurs only at relatively long intervals. It is also believed that small deficiencies occurring at relatively frequent intervals can be endured. Therefore, it has been assumed in the studies for this bulletin that the estimated seasonal irrigation yield of any reservoir could have a maximum deficiency of not more than 35 per cent and that the average seasonal deficiency over the 40-year period 1889-1929 used in the studies, should be not greater than two per cent. Requirements for Salinity Control. In addition to the consumptive uses in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta shown in Table 29, water also will be required to preA'ent the invasion of saline water into the delta channels. Two methods of salinity control were studied. One of these would be to construct a barrier somewhere below the confluence of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers and the other would be to maintain sufficient fresh water flow into Suisun Bay to repel the eifect of tidal action in advancing salinity. It was concluded * from studies made during the investiga- tions of 1929-1930 that a salt water barrier at any of the three best sites for such a structure is not necessary or economically justified as a unit of the State Water Plan. It also was concluded from the same studies that the control of saline invasion, so that water supplies now or hereafter made available in the delta from the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers could be maintained fresh and utilized for all purposes in the upper bay and delta region, could be provided without a barrier by means of fresh water releases from mountain storage reservoirs to supplement available stream flow. Other studies ** made during the investigation show that the practical degree of control by means of stream flow would be a control at Antioch sufficient to limit the increase of salinity at that point to a mean degree of not more than 100 parts of chlorine per 100,000 parts of water with decreasing salinity upstream. The same studies show that in order to effect a positive control of salinity at Antioch to this desired degree, a flow of 3300 second-feet throughout the year, in the combined channels of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers, past Antioch into Suisun Bay would be required. Tliis would amount to an average annual flow of about 2,390,000 acre-feet into the bay. Of this amount 800,000 acre-feet should pass through the channels in the Sacra- mento Delta and 1,590,000 acre-feet through the San Joaquin Delta channels. • Bulletin No. 28, "Economic Aspects of a Salt Water Barrier Below Confluence of Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers," Division of Water Resources, 1931. •* Bulletin No. 27, "Variation and Control of Salinity in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and Upper San Francisco Bay," Division of AVater Resources, 1931. 128 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Requirements for Navigation. It is pointed out in Chapter VII that the improvement of the upper Sacramento River for navigation could be effected by either of t"\vo metliods. One Avould be to secure tlie necessary navigable depths by the installation of dams across the channel to form pools. Locks would be incorporated into these dams to provide for the passage of vessels from each pool to the adjacent one. This method is termed "canalization." The other method would be to suiiplement the natural stream flow by the release of water stored in ujjstri'am reservoirs in amount sufficient to provide the required navigable depths. This method has been termed "stream-flow regulation." With the canalization method, some flow in the river would be required to care for the operation of the locks and for evaporation from the water surfaces. It has been estimated that if there were a con- tinuous flow of 500 second-feet in the river at a point just above the inlet of the Colusa Basin drain, at Knights Landing, tliere would be sufficient water for the operation of the system. This flow will prob- ably be available at nearly all times without the operation of the Kennett reservoir. If navigation is to be maintained by the stream-flow regulation method, a much larger flow in the river will be required. For the studies made during this investigation, it has been assumed that a minimum flow of 5000 second-feet, maintained at the point above Knights Landing, would provide the re(|uired de^iths for navigation as far upstream as Chico Landing, if combined with some open channel improvements. This flow also would improve navigation conditions in the river from Chico Landing upstream to Red Bluff. SACRAMExN'TO HW'KR BASIN 129 CHAPTER VI FLOOD CONTROL Before the beginning of agricultural development in the Sacra- mento Valley, a large part of its area, including the delta lands in Sacramento, Yolo and Solano counties and the basin lands lying between Ihe rivers and the uplands was subject to annual or periodical overflow by flood waters from the Sacramento River and its tributary streams. This great flood plain, irregular in outline and varying in width from about two to thirty miles, extended from the mouth of the Sacramento River almost to Red Bluff, a distance of about 150 miles, and comprised an area of land exceeding one million acres. On Plate VII, "Portion of Sacramento River Basin Showing Flood Control System, Auriferous Gravels and Major Units of State Water Plan," the approximate bound- ary of these overflow lands is shown by the heavy dash and dot red line. A considerable portion of this flood plain was covered by a dense growth of tule. Surrounding the tule lands lay belts of overflow lands known as the ''rim-lands." With the advent of agricultural develop- ment in the valley, these rim-lands were the first to come under cultiva- tion. The higher and more fertile lands extending from the river banks back to the tule, being less often flooded and more easily accessible to water transportation, -were the first to be settled. Here also flood control had its inception in the low levees, constructed along the banks of the streams by the farmers, to protect their crops from floods. The control of floods in the Sacramento Valley is closely associated v;ith the conservation features of the State Water Plan, as much of the land on the valley floor which ultimately would receive the regulated water supplies from the Sacramento River and its tributaries lies within the area which is subject to periodic inundation. These lands which will be developed through increased water supply and will have result- ing increased property values, must be protected from the flood hazard. With the large storage reservoirs of the State Water Plan constructed and operated for flood control, floods could be so reduced in volume that the present flood control plan could be modified to include areas for which no protection is now proposed. Furthermore, a substantial increased degree of protection also would be furnished to the areas now protected from inundation by existing works. Not only would the property owners be interested in such a procedure but also the Federal and State governments which have already contributed large sums of money for the construction of works in the Sacramento Valley in cooperation with the landowners. Therefore, it was highly important that inquiry be made to determine what added degree of flood protection could be afforded the affected area, what modification of the present flood control plan could be effected, and tlie resulting cost thereof, by Dieans of storage works proposed under the State Water Plan. History of Flood Control in the Sacramento Valley. Until the year 1850, ownership of the tule lands, designated as "swamp and overflow lands," was vested in the United States govern- ment. By tlie passage of the "Arkansas Act" on September 28, 1850, 9—80994 130 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES by the United States Congress, these lands were transferred to the State of California. Between 1855 and 18G8, legislation was enacted for the sale of these lands to individnals who were obligated to reclaim them either individually or by means of the formation of reclamation dis- tricts. Within a period of three years following the passing of the last act in 1868, practically all of the State's swamp lands had passed into private owner.ship, about one million acres being patented to individual owners. By 1894, the levees along stream channels had been extended for many miles, and some of the more favorably located lands had been formed into districts around which levees liad been constructed afford- ing a minor degree of protection from floods. With each additional area thus leveed, the degree of protection was decreased for it and all other areas, due to increased heights of flood plane. This unsystematic method of protection against floods of whose volumes and frequencies there was little conception, and no accurate knowledge, was carried on for many years. The problems of flood control arising out of reclama- tion were intensified by the choking of the river channels by the washing down by recurrent floods of millions of cubic yards of hydraulic mining debris from the mountains where this form of mining had been carried on between 1853 and 1884. Many commissions were formed, investigations and reports made, and laws enacted dealing with the reclamation, debris and flood control problems. Notable among the plans proposed for flood control and reclamation prior to 1910 were those of Manson and Grunsky in 1894 and the Dabney Commission in 1904. The former of these plans pro- vided for the use of the stream channels to carry flood waters up to their capacities, spillways to discharge water in excess of these capaci- ties into the basins adjacent to the rivers, and leveed by-pass channels through the basins to carry the spilled water back to the river channels at lower points. The "Dabney Plan" proposed the use of the stream channels only, by setting back the levees along the banks to provide additional capacity. Both of these plans were based on floods which had occurred prior to the dates of the reports. The floods of 1907 and 1909 proved that the projects proposed would have been inadequate. As far back as 1884, hydraulic mining had been practically termi- nated by court order. The tjnited States Congress had taken an interest in the conflict between the agricultural and mining interests and, follow- ing the injunction against hydraulic mining, appointed a commission of three officers of the Corps of Engineers, United States Army, to study the possibility of rehabilitating the mining industry, and the amount of damage to and the methods for improving and rectifying the navi- gable river channels. Following a report by this commission, congress on March 1, 1893, passed the "Caminetti Act" creating the California Debris Commission composed of three officers of the Corps of Engineers. United States Army, and making hydraulic mining illegal except with the ])('rmission of the commission and under conditions wiiich would safeguard the streams. The Debris Connnission began surveys of the Sacramento Valley streams in July, 1905, and a ])lan for the control of floods and the impi'ovement of the channels in the entire valley was prepared under the direction of Captain Thos. II, Jackson and submitted to congress in 1910. This plan was based on protection against floods similar to those PLATE VIT I ri.ATK VII SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN SHOWING FLOOD CONTROL SYSTEM, AURIFEROUS GRAVELS MAJOR UNITS OF STATE WATER PLAN f SACRAMENTO RIVKR BASIN 131 ■which had occurred in 1907 and 1909. The Debris Commission plan was adopted by the State Legislature in 1911 and, with some minor revision, by the United States Congress in 1917. Between 1910 and 1925, it became apparent that certain changes in the original plan would be advisable both for construction and financing. A revised plan was therefore submitted by tlie Debris Commission in 1925, after cooperative studies with the State. This revised plan was adopted by the State Legislature of 1925 and later by the United States Congress and is the plan in accordance with which all flood control works in the Sacramento Valley are now being constructed. With the adoption of the original Debris Commission flood control plan by the State Legislature in 1911, there came assurance of con- certed action to replace the chaotic conditions that had prevailed up to that time and a number of large districts were organized bringing within their boundaries the greater part of the unreclaimed swamp lands not reserved for by-passes. Methods of Flood Control. There are two general methods for controlling floods. One method is to convey the flood waters of the streams undiminished in volume past the overflow areas by means of leveed channels constructed either along the natural waterways or, where the natural waterways are inadequate in capacity, through leveed by-passes. The other method is to reduce the flood flows by retention in surface reservoirs of flows in excess of the capacity of the natural waterways and to later release the water from these reservoirs at a rate which does not exceed the natural channel capacity. The first method is the more common and is that used on the Mis- sissippi River and in tlie Sacramento Valley. The only examples of the second method in California are the Los Angeles County Flood Control Project and the city of Stockton project on the Calaveras River. The first method is usually the less costly. The second method, where the reservoirs are used solely for flood control purposes, is justified only where high property values make flood channels costly or undesirable and where the close settlement and values in the territory protected permit greater expenditures for this protection. Li most instances, liowever, even with the floods controlled by reservoirs, some leveed channels are required, so that control by this method generally resolves itself into a plan of reservoir control combined with levee systems. Sometimes this method of flood control is combined with the spread- ing of flood waters over absorptive areas to introduce these waters into the underground basin for storage. AVhere flood control by reservoirs can be combined with conservation, the cost chargeable to flood control is greatly reduced. Sacramento Flood Control Project. The plan for flood control in the Sacramento Valley is one by which protection is afforded by means of leveed channels. The adopted plan is generally called the "California Debris Commission Plan" or "Sacra- mento Flood Control Project," and has already been referred to under the history of flood control. The main features of this plan are shown on Plate VII. The plan provides for levees along the Sacramento River \ fl!0va333« V. SACRAMENTO KIVER RASIN 131 ^\•hicll had occurred in 1907 and 1909. The Debris Commission plan was adopted by the State Legislature in 1911 and, with some minor revision, by the United States Congress in 1917. Between 1910 and 1925, it became apparent that certain changes in the original plan would be advisable both for construction and financing. A revised plan was therefore submitted by the Debris Commission in 1925, after cooperative studies with the State. This revised plan was adopted by the State Legislature of 1925 and later by the United States Congress and is the plan in accordance with which all flood control works in the Sacramento Valley are now being constructed. With the adoption of the original Debris Commission flood control plan by the State Legislature in 1911, there came assurance of con- certed action to replace the chaotic conditions that had prevailed up to that time and a number of large districts were organized bringing W'ithin their boundaries the greater part of the unreclaimed swamp lands not reserved for by-passes. Methods of Flood Control. There are two general methods for controlling floods. One method is to convey the flood waters of the streams undiminished in volume past the overflow areas by means of leveed channels constructed either along the natural waterways or, where the natural waterways are inadequate in capacity, through leveed by-passes. The other method is to reduce the flood flow^s by retention in surface reservoirs of flows in excess of the capacity of the natural w^aterways and to later release the water from these reservoirs at a rate which does not exceed the natural channel capacity. The first method is the more common and is that used on the Mis- sissippi River and in the Sacramento Valley. The only examples of the second method in California are the Los Angeles County Flood Control Project and the city of Stockton project on the Calaveras River. The first method is u.sually the less costly. The second method, where the reservoirs are used solely for flood control purposes, is justified only where high property values make flood channels costly or undesirable and w^here the close settlement and values in the territory protected permit greater expenditures for this protection. In most instances, however, even with the floods controlled by reservoirs, some leveed channels are required, so that control by this method generally resolves itself into a plan of reservoir control combined wdth levee systems. Sometimes this method of flood control is combined with the spread- ing of flood waters over absorptive areas to introduce these waters into the underground basin for storage. "Where flood control by reservoirs can be combined with conservation, tlie cost chargeable to flood control is greatly reduced. Sacramento Flood Control Project. The plan for flood control in the Sacramento Valley is one by which protection is aiforded by means of leveed channels. The adopted plan is generally called the "California Debris Commission Plan" or "Sacra- mento Flood Control Project," and has already been referred to under the history of flood control. The main features of this plan are shown on Plate VII. The plan provides for levees along the Sacramento River ].'32 DIVISION OV WATKK RKSOURCES ehaiiiiel ; leveed by-pjusses thi'OU|jrh Slitter and Yolo basiiis; levees aloiifr the Feather, Yuba, Bear and American rivers set far enough back from the banks to give channel widths sufficient for the passage of floods; a relief by-pass from the Sacramento River at Tisdale Weir to the Sutter By-pass ; a relief by-pass from the Sacramento River at Brytes Bend to the Yolo By-pass, known as the Sacramento By-pass ; a spillway struc- ture or "Aveir" at each ])oint where water is allowed to escape from a river channel ; and the widening and deepening of the Sacramento River channel from Rio Vista to the mouth. On Plate VII, there are shown by different types of lines, the completed works, the partially completed works, and the proposed works not yet constructed. The quantities of flood flow provided for in the Debris Commission plan were based upon estimMed maximum discharges that occurred during the 1907 and 1909 floods, the largest floods of record at the time of preparing the plan. The quantities for which it Avas recommended in the original plan that provision be made in different parts of the system are published in House Document No. 81, 62d Congress, 1st Session. In the revised plan presented in 1925, another set of recom- mended quantities was presented, the changes being due to changes iji by-pass locations, omission of some of the works formerly proposed and further stud.y of flood concentrations. These quantities are tabu- lated in full in Senate Document No. 23, 69th Congress, 1st Session. In Table 31 there are listed for the more important sections of the Sacramento Flood Control Project, the revised quantities for the esti- mated total concentrations between certain latitudes and the division of flow between river channels and by-pass or overflow channels. At a special session of the legislature in 1911, the Debris Com- mission plan was adopted by the State for flood control in the Sacra- mento Valley. The same legislature created a Reclamation Board, consisting of three persons, which was empowered to pass upon and approve plans for flood control worlcs before such works could be legally constructed. The Legislature of 1913 increased the number of members to seven, enlarged the powers of the board, created the Sacramento and San Joaquin Drainage District containing about one and three-quarters million acres of land subject to inundation in the Sacramento Valley and the San Joaquin Valley as far south as Ilerndon and invested the management and control of said district in the Reclamation Board, The plans for the construction of flood control works in the Sacra- mento and San Joaquin valleys have been carried out largely by private agencies and reclamation and levee districts, with supervision and financial aid in recent years by the Federal and State govern- ments acting through their respective agencies, the California Debris Commission and the Reclamation Board. Financial participation of the Federal and State governments in the construction of flood conti'ol works also indicates their interest in and recognition of responsibility for file control of floods. Each of these agencies has made appropria- tions to date of over $10,000,000 toward the construction of the flood control works, and tlieir continued participation is assured l)y recent legislation. The cost of the original Sacramento Flood Control Project was esti- mated bv the Califoi-iiia D.'bris Connnission in 1910 to l)c' $33,000,000. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 133 TABLE 31 FLOOD QUANTITIES PROVIDED FOR IN CALIFORNIA DEBRIS COMMISSION PLAN FOR SACRAMENTO VALLEY Revised as of 1925 Section of flood control project Sacramento River — Red Bluff to Chico Landinp __._ Chico Landing to Butte-Glenn County Line.. Sacramento River and Butte Basin— Butte-Glenn County Line to Moulton Break. Moulton Break to Colusa Weir Colusa Weir to Butte Slough Sacramento River and Sutter By-pass- Butte Slough to Tisdale By-pass Tiodale By-pass to Nelson Bend Nelson Bend to Fremont Weir Sacramento River and Yolo By-pass— Fremont Weir to Knights Landing Cut Knights Landing Cut to Cache Creek Cache Creek to Sacramento By-pass Sacramento By-pass to American River American River to Putah Creek Putah Creek to Miner Slough _-- Miner Slough to Gcorgiana Slough Georgiana Slough to mouth of Cache Slough Sacramento River — Mouth of Cache Slough to Three-Mile Slough. Three-Mile Slough to Mayborry Slough Mayberry Slough to Collinsville Feather River— Orovillc to Yuba River Yuba Hivcr to Bear River.. Bear River to Nelson Bend. Miscellaneous— Yuba River ..,, Bear River American River Stony Creek Cache Creek Putah Creek Flow provided for, in second-feet Total 200,000 260,000-160,000 260,000 255,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 450,000 450,000 469,000 484,000 408,000 590,000 600,000 600,000 570.400 579.000 514,000 497,000 180,000 277,000 295,000 120,000 30.000 128,000 :iO,000 20,000 25,000 In river channel 260,000 260,000-160,000 160,000 145,000 65,000 72,000 33,500 33,500 107,000 107,000 107,000 '18,000 110,000 110,000 100,000 79,400 579,000 514,000 497,000 180,000 277,000 295,000 120,000 30,000 128,000 30,000 20,000 23.000 In or overflow channel 100,000 110,000 185,000 178,000 216,500 416,.500 343,000 362,000 377,000 480,000 480,000 490,000 500,000 500,000 ' Upstream. This project was adopted by congress by the Flood Control Act of March 1, 19,17, in which the Federal and State governments' shares in the cost were set at $5,600,000 each, witli the implication that the remainder of the $33,000,000 would be borne by the landowners. Tliis distribution of cost was followed until 1925. In the meantime, it became apparent that the project could not be completed under the terms of the Flood Control Act of 1917 and after an appeal to congress that body directed the Board for Rivers and Harbors to review the reports of 1910 with a view to determining whether any modification in the existing project was advi.sable. The report* on this modification was submitted to congress in December, 1925. In this report, it was pointed out that on account of increases of costs due to war conditions and the methods of financing, original estimated costs had been greatly exceeded and the cost of completing the proied would be about $20,000,000 in addition to the $31,000,000 which liad Senate Document No. 23, 69tli 1st Session. 134 DIVISION' OF WATER RESOURCES beeu spent up to that time. This made. the revised estimated cost of the project about $51,000,000 of which it was recommended that about one-third be borne by the Federal government and the remainder by the State and landowners. The State had obligated itself by an act passed in 1925 * to a total contribution not to exceed $17,700,000, and the Federal government by an act called the "Curry Bill" approved May 15, 1928, obligated itself to a total contribution of $17,600,000. The remainder of the $51,000,000 is the landowners' share of the total cost. The modified Sacramento Flood Control Project is estimated to be about 75 per cent completed with the major portions of unfinished work being along the American River opposite Sacramento, along the Feather River upstream from Honcut Creek, along the Sacramento River upstream from Colusa, where there is the largest body of unprotected lands, about 135.000 acres, in Butte Basin. The unpro- tected lauds are showTi by the areas in red shading on Plate VII. It may be noted that a considerable area of unprotected land is that reserved for and river overflow channels. Under the present plan, lands in these channels will never be protected. In addition to those protection works which are a part of the Sacramento Flood Control Project and which are to be paid for in equal parts by the Federal and State governments and the landowners, other works have been and will be necessary for the com- plete protection of the overflow lands. These works include levees which are not along the flood control channels, and drainage systems. The cost of these works is to be borne entirely by the landowners in addition to their share of the cost of the flood control project. It is estimated that of the original flooded area in that portion of the Great Central Valley lying north of the San Joaquin and ^Mokelumne rivers, about 830,000 acres, or 60 per cent, have been brought within levees and provided with some degree of protection against inundation. In accomplishing this work, it is estimated from all available records that about $98,000,000 have been spent. Of this amount, about 78 per cent has been expended by the landowners and 22 per cent, in almost equal parts, by the State and the United States government. It is evident from these figures that the protection of these lands has cost on the average in excess of $100 per acre. With any system of flood control by leveed channels, a large por- tion of the flood flow is carried above the natural surface of the ground and is confined to the channel by earthen levees. The safety of the system, therefore, is determined by the strength of the levees and the sufficiencj^ of the carrying capacity of the flood channels. The levees are subject to deterioration from settlement, cracking, and holes made by burrowing animals and, unless properly maintained, are subject at times of floods to breaks which would inundate all land protected by them. The channels also must be maintained at their full designed carrying capacity by being kept clear of all obstructive growths, or the levees may be overtopped by floods equal 1o or even less than the designed capacity. The Sacramento Flood Control Project is designed to accommodate floods such as occurred in 1907 and 1909 with certain allowances in freeboard on the levees to care for somewhat larger * Chapter 176, Statutes of 1925. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 135 amounts. Should larger floods than these occur or should the times of concentration of peak flows from several tributaries be such that more water would reach a certain section of the system than was allowed for in the design, tlie levees might fail and adjacent lands be inundated. This does not mean that the safety of the protection afforded by levees can not be made as great as that with any other system. Such safety, however, can be attained only by levees of ample cross section and height, well maintained, and channels of ample capacity, also well maintained. The protection afforded by the Sacra- mento Flood Control Project and the increased degree of protection resulting from controlling flood flows on the major streams by the reservoirs of the State Water Plan, are discussed later in this chapter. Size and Frequency of Flood Flows. To estimate the probable sizes of floods which may be expected in different sections of the basin and the frequency with which they may occur, analyses were made of all available data. Studies were made of the flood flows at the gaging station on each of the main streams near the foothill line and at five points of flood concentration on the valley floor. Studies also were made of the flows at certain reservoir sites which do not lie close to the foothill gaging stations but which would be suitable for flood control purposes. The data available for these studies were mainly the records of flood flows obtained b}^ the United States Geological Survey at its gaging stations. These data have been obtained for only a relatively short period when consideration is given to the size of floods that may occur at long intervals of time such as once in 100 and once in 1000 years. Also, it is difficult to obtain the amounts of flow at times of floods, and the peak and mean daily flows at the crest of a flood must often be estimated from extended rating curves or from stream cross sections and observed surface velocities. While the data, therefore, are not exact and a much longer period of record would be desirable, the studies have been based on these data and are believed to give the best results now obtainable. Flood Flows at Foothill Gaging Stations. — In estimating the probable amounts of flood discharge at specified frequencies at a gaging station, the total flood flows for one, two, three, four or more daj-s of record were tabulated in descending order of magnitude, thus giving the number of times of occurrence, or frequency, of a flood of any selected length and magnitude during the period of stream flow record. These frequencies were then converted into the probable number of times that the flow would have occurred in 100 years by multiplying the order of the frequency by 100 divided by the number of years in the period of record. These values were plotted on logarithmic paper with the vertical scale representing the frequency with which the flows would be exceeded in 100 years on the average and the horizontal scale the volume of the flow. Curves drawn to conform to the trend of these plotted points were extended to give the size of flood which may be expected to occur once in 250 years on an average. Curves drawn in this manner are shown for each of the stations studied, on Plate VIII, "Probable Frequency of Flood Flows at Foothill Gaging Stations on Major Streams of Sacramento River Basin." The curve 136 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES for tlie American River at Fairoaks is iiicluded in another report* and is not shown on Plate VIII. The sizes of floods which it is estimated may occur with certain frequencies at the foothill gaging stations on the major streams of the Sacramento River Basin are shown in Table 32. TABLE 32 PROBABLE FREQUENCY OF FLOOD FLOWS AT FOOTHILL GAGING STATIONS ON MAJOR STREAMS OF SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN .Stream and location of gage Sacramento River at Red Bluff-.. Sacramento River between Keonett and Red Bluff, at Red Hluff Feather Hirer at Oroville Yuba River at Smartsville Bear River at Van Trent. ,. Stony Creek near Orland - Cache Creek at Yo'o Putah Creek at Winters American River at Fairoaks Probable maximum mean daily flow, in second-feet, exceeded on average of once in: 10 ycirs 203.000 115,000 138.000 83,500 27,000 30.700 20,400 38,800 '104,000 M years 243,000 143,000 177,000 115,000 33.400 38,000 23.200 46,500 '126,000 50 years 274,000 164,000 204,000 142,000 38,200 42.300 25,000 51,600 '144,000 100 years 303,000 187,000 231.000 170,000 42,800 46,000 26.500 56,700 '162,000 250 years 348.000 217,000 267,000 212.000 48,500 51.200 28,000 62,500 •182,000 Flow exceeded on average cf one day in number of years at top of column. Flood Flows at Points of Concentration on Valley Floor. — Studies of flood concentrations at certain points on the Sacramento Valley floor were undertaken to estimate as nearly as possible the probable frequen- cies and volumes of flood flows at these points. The volumes of discharge used in these studies were those that would have occurred during the passing of the floods whose volumes of flow were recorded at the gaging stations at the edge of the valley floor, if the entire adopted Sacramento Flood Control Project had been in operation, Butte Basin had been reclaimed, and all works had operated without failure. The valley floor points chosen for these studies, the total mountain drainage area tributary to each point, and the division of these total areas into metered and umnetered areas are shown in Table 33. TABLE 33 AREAS OF MOUNTAIN DRAINAGE BASINS TRIBUTARY TO POLNTS OF CONCENTRATION ON SACRAMENTO VALLEY FLOOR Total drainage area', in square miles .Areas having recorded mejisured flows Unmetercd areas Point of concentration In square miles III In square milse In per cent of toUl Sacramento River at Sacramento and Yolo By-pass at 21.420 17,105 11,462 5,482 5,141 18.681 15,057 9.968 5,089 4,827 87 87H 87 93 94 2.739 3,138 1,494 393 314 13 .Sacramento River below Verona and Yolo By-pass at Fre- mont Weir -. .-.- l2Vk Sacramento River and Sutter-Butte By-pass opposite 13 Feather River below confluence of Feather and Bear riv- ers . Feather River below confluence of Feather and Yuba riv- ers - - 7 6 ' Arcan are from Bulletin No. 5, Division of F.ngineering and Irrigation, U23. • Bulletin No. 24, "A Proposed Major Development on American River," Division of Water Resources, 1930. i'LATK VI II » » OC PROBABLE FREQUENCY OF FLOOD FLOWS AT FOOTHILL GAGING STATIONS ON MAJOR STREAMS OF SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN M^ATE VIII Total flow in thousands of second-foot days lOOO - « Total flow in 100 thousar ds of second-foot days -■ ' 1 - - n 1/ - 1 1 it - ^ __ -^ — H -_ J- i- r- _ — - = ^- __ — 7 ~ -" 1 't ~ ~~ 1 /!!/ 1 ' i 1 ^ ; / / 1 ' - / / - . / - - / . ^ 1 1 - ■1 A f , '•' 1.1 in. / ? 'I 9 / r • LEGEND • 1 dM Too ~ • 2 8ay noo • 3 Day noo " 4 Illy (loo - o 6 day flooa / 'j y M l( 1 / J Tj] L L h /'ji/^t a 1 SI a si. J • 10 Oey nood _ II II -: liL I LAM^ >l ; Lr wUi FEATHER RIVER _, AT _: - T ' S ! }\F i ^ '"t- T '---ri'^Sri'f ■ n - 1 M,l — 1 ^ rri Total flow in thousands of second-foot days lOO r Total flow in thousands of second-foot days loo _ w 10 Total flow in thousands of second-foot days too T,0 -IN linTnll ' 1/ ' 1 ■ T T T — SACRAMENTO RIVER BETWEEN - KENNETT AND RED BLUFF - _ - K Mill LEGEND / / - V • 2d.ytl ' aaayfl * 4 /I / U^ - S2 ::zr ' rm' " 'rn >* ~ -- ''td b ' -'-^ O 10 c — 7 i E J / i Y 1 •5 f T' i / / 7 _- , "1 3 -- — ' t jj^ _ .._ T ~~ r^ jrf^ ~ — - - — --": - / 'ri E lOO -^ ~ = 1 — ~4 -- i{^ - : HfH Tott 1 fla\A. in thousan 10O ds of second-foot ays ' ' ' ' 7 ^ f -- 1- I i - 1 - 1 j y/ / / 7 / / /y / f/ / 1 // /// 1 4— / U/riJi i _ I / tljll ^ f 7 14 ^ / / *" - E- / — / j /^^^ 1 - / Hi '/f ,/ , / // LEG END ^ * > • 1 'pf'j • t day nood 1- 3 day nosd __ • * day flood 6 dtynoDd — ■ 8 day flood . • 10 day nood 1 1 1 1 1 1 * / 1 ' r h r r-V /, , l°pj-^ /j ^ __ / ~/ ''/J/y "-^ — 100 7~ i I TS7'3^ _._ - YUBA RIVER ^ ' SMARTSVILLE ~ ^- I 1,111 Ij--^ - Total flow m thousands of second-foot days lOO Total flow in thousands of second-foot days lOO - •y[ 1 - J - j^ ~ .. / \ i ] / f 11 ' , j / 1 / / 1 / , ' -i - , / / J / , - '— r- ^/s ^- I / ) / I 1 • //.,/ A LEGEND • I day flood • // ■/ > • S day flood • 3 day nood A y a 4 day flood ' . r /yj/ » V • 10 day nood - ;/ . ri < V r^ ' MM] / / ;' 'ff y ■" STONY CREEK ' —J^-Jfj'jf, 4f k— NEAR _: ^hrYf^ i^-i-j. J. 77 1 I 1 1 1 ,") , 1,1, iTI; - Y ' ' ~ L - [ - - "^ - - - //J ' II 1 j - ''tj - - L J - / / - 11 I M li \\v:i\m iff : iv^izmiU 1 l* ' Tl" T 4 day nood I _ r _ _. a day nood - ., ~ • 'MiH ' ^ ! ! 1 J- : - ,r* / /Jn^'j* PUTAH CREEK : '\ AT : WINTERS } . 4 1— f ri rffT^TTT — 1 LH :^ — c ^n en rmrM PROBABLE FREQUENCY OF FLOOD FLOWS AT FOOTHILL GAGING STATIONS ON MAJOR STREAMS OF SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN SO-JHi — p. 136 SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 137 In general, the passage of storms over the Sacramento River Basin is in a direction to favor low values of concentration at the lower valley floor stations. The order of concentration at the gaging stations of tlie major streams at the edge of the valley floor is usually from south to north. The distribution, duration and varying intensities of the storms are such that rarely are all the steams in flood flows of similar magnitude at the same time. The maximum concentration at a valley floor point, produced by any flood, is dependent upon: 1. The magnitude and duration of flows past the points of concen- tration of the several tributaries at the edge of the valley. 2. The relative times of occurrence of these concentrations. 3. The extent to which the several flood waves are flattened and reduced in volume by absorption in channel storage. 4. The variation in distances and rates of travel of the flood waves down the tributary channels. Rates of flood w^ave travel are not only different for different streams but vary with every flood and in different sections of the same stream. By the use of data on the rate of travel for floods of which there are records and by correcting these rates for the altered conditions U'ith the completed adopted Sacramento Flood Control Project, and Butte Basin reclaimed, the lengths of time required for floods of varying magnitude to travel from the different foothill gaging stations to the points of concentration on the valley floor were estimated. Hydrographs were prepared for each flood of record at each of the gaging stations. By applying the correction for the time of travel to these hydrographs and estimating the run-off from the unmetered areas, the times and amounts of flow, without reduction for channel storage, at each of the points of flood concentration were estimated. These flows were then corrected by the estimated amounts of reduction due to storage in the channels through which the flows would have passed. This correction was made by determining the ratios of the estimated flows, corrected for storage, to the combined uncorrected flows at the points of concentration, for the floods of 1907 and 1909 which had pre- viously been carefully analysed, and applying the factors thus deter- mined to the other floods of record. • Flood flows at the selected points of concentration, estimated as above described, were then analysed to estimate the probable sizes of floods which may be expected at the same points, and the frequency with which they may be expected to occur. The method used was the same as that used for the same purpose for the foothill gaging stations. The curves so derived are shown on Plate IX, "Probable Frequency of Flood Flows at Points of Concentration on Sacramento Valley Floor." and are in each case the right-hand curve for each station, indicated as the flows "without reservoir control." Table 34 shows the estimated maximum flows that would occur at the points of concentration, witli certain frequencies, with the Sacramento Flood Control Project com- pleted and Butte Basin protected and all works operated without fail- ures. tY«fc tOO^-^no r- *^- a << 3 eyab >oc SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 137 In general, the passage of storms over the Sacramento River Basin is in a direction to favor low values of concentration at the lower valley floor stations. The order of concentration at the gaging stations of the major streams at the edge of the valley floor is usually from south to north. The distribution, duration and varying intensities of the storms are such that rarely are all the steams in flood flows of similar magnitude at the same time. The maximum concentration at a valley floor point, produced by any flood, is dependent upon: 1. The magnitude and duration of flows past the points of concen- tration of the several tributaries at the edge of the valley. 2. The relative times of occurrence of these concentrations. 3. The extent to which the several flood waves are flattened and reduced in volume by absorption in channel storage. 4. The variation in distances and rates of travel of the flood waves down, the tributary channels. Rates of flood w^ave travel are not only different for different streams but vary with every flood and in different sections of the same stream. By the use of data on the rate of travel for floods of which there are records and by correcting these rates for the altered conditions u-ith the completed adopted Sacramento Flood Control Project, and Butte Basin reclaimed, the lengths of time required for floods of varying magnitude to travel from the different foothill gaging stations to the points of concentration on the valley floor were estimated. Hydrographs were prepared for each flood of record at each of the gaging stations. By applying the correction for the time of travel to these hydrographs and estimating the run-off from the unmetered areas, the times and amounts of flow, without reduction for channel storage, at each of the points of flood concentration were estimated. These flows were then corrected by the estimated amounts of reduction due to storage in the channels through which the flows would have passed. This correction was made by determining the ratios of the estimated flows, corrected for storage, to the combined uncorrected flows at the points of concentration, for the floods of 1907 and 1909 which had pre- viously been carefully analysed, and applying the factors thus deter- mined to the other floods of record. ■ Flood flows at the selected points of concentration, estimated as above described, were then analysed to estimate the probable sizes of floods which may be expected at the same points, and the frequency with which they may be expected to occur. The method used was the same as that used for the same purpose for the foothill gaging stations. The curves so derived are shown on Plate IX, "Probable Frequency of Flood Flows at Points of Concentration on Sacramento Valley Floor." and are in each case the right-hand curve for each station, indicated as the flows "without reservoir control." Table 34 shows the estimated maximum flows that would occur at the points of concentration, with certain frequencies, with the Sacramento Flood Control Project com- pleted and Butte Basin protected and all works operated without fail- ures. 138 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 34 PROBABLE FREQUENCY OF FLOOD FLOWS AT POINTS OF CONCENTRATION ON SACRAMENTO VALLEY FLOOR Without Reservoir Control Stream and point of concentration Probable maximum mean daily flow, in second- feet, exceeded on average of once in: 10 years 25 years 50 years 100 year- 250 years Sacramento River and Sutter-Butte By-pass opposite Colusa.-... Sacramento River below Verona and Yolo By-pass at Fremont Weir Sacramento River at Sacramento and Yolo By-pass at Liston Feather River l)elow confluence of Feather and Yuba rivers Feather River below confluence of Feather and Bear rivers 236,000 370,000 430,000 250,000 258,000 286,000 440,000 518,000 320,000 330,000 325,000 490.000 580,000 365,000 379,000 370 000 d4J,000 670,000 400,000 430,000 430,000 600.000 780,000 445,000 4SO,000 Control of Floods by Reservoirs. The control of floods by reservoirs has been a subject of intensive study by this office for some time. It has been believed by some that any reservoir constructed for power or irrigation purposes will diminish flood flows. Reservoirs utilized for these purposes only, however, are allowed to fill as rapidly as water is available and remain full as long as possible. They, therefore, are apt to have no reserve space, or only a small amount of space, available for controlling floods when they occur and dependence can not be placed upon them for this purpose. On the other hand, reservoirs constructed and operated for flood control pur- poses alone will usually make the cost of protection by this means greater than if it were obtained by leveed channels and by-passes. In such reservoirs, the entire space is dedicated to flood control and after the passage of a flood the reservoir is emptied and held empty in antici- pation of a succeeding flood. The control of floods by reservoirs was considered in 1910 by the California Debris Commission at the time it was formulating its plan for flood control in the Sacramento Valley. It, however, investigated the effect of reservoirs Avhieh were relatively small when compared with the major resei'voir units of the State Water Plan. The sites also were located at points well above the valley floor and control only a small portion of the drainage area. Since the reservoir capacity was small, the flood controlled Avas only a small portion of that at the valley floor line, and the reservoirs were considered to be used only for flood control purposes, the Debris Commission concluded that partial control by reservoirs was not economical and this feature was not included in its plan. It did include in its report,* however, the following statement: "While favoring the use of reservoirs as far as possible, and considering that f)ne of the advantages of the project herein proposed is that it lends Itself til future .storage nossihilities, the Commission believes that it is not economi- cal to construct reservoirs for flood control, but that such construction should he deferred until these reservoirs prove desirable for power and irrigation purposes." In the studies by this office of the control of floods by reservoirs, particular attention was given to the coordination of flood control with conservation in the utilization of reservoirs and a report** was ren- dered on this subject. It is demonstrated in this report that by utilizing • House Document No. 81, G2d Congress, 1st Session. •• Bulletin No. 14, "The Control of Floods by Reservoirs," Division of Engineer- Ins: and Irrigation, 1928. PLATL-: IX « >< O O lO ne day flow n thousands Ojiq^ j^ thousands of second-foot-days 100 ,oo 1.000 - SACRAMENTO RIVER J^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ gACRA ;_AND SUTTER-BUTTE BY-PAS ^^o ^ OPPOSITE COLUSA ^ ox/.dacc at i iRRON MM' ' MENTO -p t ^ t: I I - ] . . J Di-rii^• -■- 4h -- L- '' ■- — . — f— — ' - ~ " ~ ~ I - - — ^ - - _ _ '^ - lO - ■ — - - [A/it h r !S rvo ir control ' With reserv oir control Anl _ ; r Tfl Without 1 1 y/ reservoir control ' -^ — — — - - - _^ f - oo - i — I ZL. X jl X I -f- _ .1 UJ- illilil -^-TILj ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 m ■o V ■o a> i o o n,ol 1/1 Without I 1 1^ reservoir control f - - - - - - - 1 - 1 / - - 1 1 )f 1 One day flow in thousands of second-foot-days 100 I.OOO ■a zr 1 M 1 1 r ' 'IT 1 ! T T T n ^ FEATHER RIVER - / _ BELOW CONFLUENCE OF - - j / - 1 - - - - _ - I : r '- With re servolr conu " . J i Wllho ut rese ■vol cc ntrol f ■ - / - - f/ _ " --%- - - -^ — — — - -J — I — L_ Ll. 1 1 + One day flow In thousands of second-foot-days lOO I.OOO •g ' ~- -MM ll'ITI'ITI 1 '/ ' 1 1 I I ~— FEATHER RIVER ~ BELOW CONFLUENCE OF ^ FEATHER AND BEAR RIVER / - / ~ / - 1 _ f i / ' j - / - - - - i "1 - - / _ - f r _ 10 / W tn ervolrco ntrol /wi ho ut ese vol CO rtt 01 i^ / / / ' - - (J - - s/ _ - of ■ ~ — z ~ — -1 w ~ 100 t 1 -L. _L J_ J. X 1 1 1 1 \ t FLOWS AT EDGE OF VALLEY FLOOR WITH RESERVOIR CONTROL Eic(-ded once In 100 years on the average Sacramento Riverat Red Bluff - Feather River at Oroville YubaRivof atSmartsville - - Bear River at Vart Trent American Rlv^r at Fairoaks 125,000 secono 100.000 second-feel 70,000 second-feQi 20.000 second-feei 100.000 a< >nd-feel PROBABLE FREQUENCY OF FLOOD FLOWS AT POINTS OF CONCENTRATION ON SACRAMENTO VALLEY FLOOR W^ITH AND WITHOUT RESERVOIR CONTROL S0994— p. 13S SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 139 varying ainouuts of space in a reservoir, guided by the time of occur- rence of floods and the preceding climatological conditions, a substantial degree of flood control can be obtained on the larger streams of Cali- fornia without impairment of the conservation value of major reservoirs on these streams. A further study of the effect of flood control by reservoirs on the conservation values of these reservoirs was made in connection with a previous study of the American River project. A report * on the studies shows that with the reservoirs operated primarily for the genera- tion of power, there would be only a slight reduction in the total average annual amount of electric energy output if the reservoirs were operated also for flood control. It also shows that with the reservoir operated for irrigation with flood control, the seasonal yield would not be decreased but there would be slightly greater deficiencies in the sup- ply in some years. In neither case would the reduction in the value of the conservation features by the operation for flood control be more than a few per cent. Utilization of Reservoirs of State Water Plan for Flood Control. The major reservoir units of the State Water Plan in the Sacra- mento River Basin would be located near the line of the valley floor, have relatively large capacities compared to the run-off of the streams, and offer favorable opportunities for the reduction of flood flows on the major streams of the basin at the points where they would discharge onto the valley floor. This reduction would increase the degree of pro- tection already afforded by the works constructed under the Sacramento Flood Control Project or permit lower levees and smaller channels for the portions of the project not yet constructed. To obtain the greatest flood control value, the reservoirs should be operated for this purpose as one of their primary functions. If not operated specifically for flood control, they might absorb many of the medium and small floods but would fail to control the large floods which would occur in years of large run-off, since the reservoir would probably be filled or have insuffi- cient reserve space in such years. The sizes of flows indicated by the curves on Plate VIII and the right-hand curves on Plate IX for floods at the foothill gaging stations and valley floor points of concentration, respectively, are those that may be expected without any control except that provided by the levees and channels of the adopted Sacramento Flood Control Project and with Butte Basin protected. To control these flows to smaller amounts, the flood waters could be stored in the major reservoir units of the State Water Plan and released at a predetermined rate. The amounts of reservoir space required in the vicinity of each foothill gaging station to reduce floods at that point to certain controlled flows, and also the frequency with which these controlled flows may be exceeded, with the space reserved for this control, were estimated from studies made for that purpose. The amounts of reservoir space required to control floods that may be expected to occur with various frequencies at each of the gaging stations, to certain regulated flows, are shown ** on Plate X, "Reservoir * Bulletin No. 24, "A Proposed Major Development on the American River," Division of Water Resources, 1930. *♦ Curves for American River at Fairoaks are shown in Bulletin No. 24, "A Proposed Major Development on American River," Division of Water Resources, 1930. -1 OOI : e 1 ).r aY6b-}ooVbno398 Yo ebneeuortt oo r SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 139 varying amouuts of space in a reservoir, guided by the time of occur- rence of floods and the preceding climatological conditions, a substantial degree of flood control can be obtained on the larger streams of Cali- fornia without impairment of the conservation value of major reservoirs on these streams. A further study of the effect of flood control by reservoirs on the conservation values of these reservoirs was made in connection with a previous study of the American River project. A report * on the studies shows that with the reservoirs operated primarily for the genera- tion of power, there would be only a slight reduction in the total average annual amount of electric energy output if the reservoirs were operated also for flood control. It also shows that with the reservoir operated for irrigation with flood control, the seasonal yield would not be decreased but there would be slightly greater deficiencies in the sup- ply in some years. In neither case would the reduction in the value of the conservation features by the operation for flood control be more than a few per cent. Utilization of Reservoirs of State Water Plan for Flood Control. The major reservoir units of the State Water Plan in the Sacra- mento River Basin would be located near the line of the valley floor, have relatively large capacities compared to the run-off of the streams, and offer favorable opportunities for the reduction of flood flows on the major streams of the basin at the points where they would discharge onto the valley floor. This reduction would increase the degree of pro- tection already afforded by the works constructed under the Sacramento Flood Control Project or permit lower levees and smaller channels for the portions of the project not yet constructed. To obtain the greatest flood control value, the reservoirs should be operated for this purpose as one of their primary functions. If not operated specifically for flood control, they might absorb many of the medium and small floods but would fail to control the large floods which would occur in years of large run-off, since the reservoir would probably be filled or have insuffi- cient reserve space in such years. The sizes of flows indicated by the curves on Plate VIII and the right-hand curves on Plate IX for floods at the foothill gaging stations and valley floor points of concentration, respectively, are those that may be expected without any control except that provided by the levees and channels of the adopted Sacramento Flood Control Project and with Butte Basin protected. To control these flows to smaller amounts, the flood waters could be stored in the major reservoir units of the State Water Plan and released at a predetermined rate. The amounts of reservoir space required in the vicinity of each foothill gaging station to reduce floods at that point to certain controlled flows, and also the frequency with which these controlled flows may be exceeded, with the space reserved for this control, were estimated from studies made for that purpose. The amounts of reservoir space required to control floods that may be expected to occur with various frequencies at each of the gaging stations, to certain regulated flows, are shown ** on Plate X, "Reservoir * Bulletin No. 24, "A Proposed Major Development on the American River," Division of Water Resources, 1930. *• Curves for American River at Fairoaks are shown in Bulletin No. 24, "A Proposed Major Development on American River," Division of W^ater Resources, 1930. 140 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Space Required to Control Floods on .NLijor Streams of Sacramento River Basin." In deriving these curves, the data Avere taken from the flood frequency curves on Plate VIII. From the latter curves, the total volume of flow for one, two, three, four, etc., day floods were tabulated for some selected frequency, say a volume exceeded once in 100 years on the average. Using the amount of run-otf shown by this table for a one-day flood, a line representing the amounts of reservoir .space required to control the flow to amounts from zero to its full volume was drawn on the plate. This was repeated for total flows of two. three four, etc., days and a curve was drawn tangent to all of these lines. From this curve, the amounts of space required to control a flood of total volume exceeded once in 100 years on the average to various amounts of regulated flow can be obtained. By this same method, the curves for floods of other frequencies were derived. From the curves on Plate X, the amounts of reservoir space required to control floods that might be exceeded from once in 10 years to once in 250 j-ears oji the average, to certain controlled flows, can be obtained. Several con- trolled flows and the reservoir spaces required to prevent these con- trolled flows being exceeded oftener than at certain intervals are shown for the major streams in Table 35. TABLE 35 RESERVOIR SPACE REQUIRED TO CONTROL FLOODS ON MAJOR STREAMS OF SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN Stream and location of point of control Sacramonto River at Red Bluff Sacramento River between Kennett and Red Bluff, at Red Bluff Feather River at Orovillc ^ Yuba River at The Narrows near Smartsville... Bear River at Camp Far West dam. American River at FairoaksV S.tony ('reek near Orlanrl Cache Crock at Yolo Putah Creek near Winters Controlled flow, in second- feet 75,000 100,000 125,000 75.000 100,000 125,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 60,000 70,000 80.000 100,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 25.000 50.000 75,000 100,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 10,000 15,000 20.000 10,000 20,000 30,000 Reservoir space, in acre-feet, re<]uired to prevent con- trolled flow being exceeded on aver- age of more than once in: 10 years 546,000 310,000 180,000 82.000 47,000 24,000 210,000 110,000 58,000 4'.),000 36,000 25,000 11,000 24,000 l.i.500 9,500 600,000 285,000 125,000 15,000 3!l,.»00 2.'.000 12,.500 20,200 10,600 3.(00 79,000 37,.500 21,000 25 years 751,000 476.000 295,000 147,000 87,000 53,000 416,000 279.000 175,000 129,000 93,000 68,000 43,000 40,000 26,100 17,900 640,000 340,000 l!K),000 100,000 73,500 45,000 27.000 40,300 17,000 7.300 106,000 54,.5O0 34,500 50 years 928,000 608,00.0 410.000 207,000 126.000 83.000 .5.50,000 404,000 288,000 220,000 171,000 132,000 83.000 54.000 37.500 25,900 680,000 380,000 235,000 140,000 99,500 64,500 40,000 50,500 21.200 10,300 124.000 65,.500 43.500 100 years 1.080,000 737,000 512,000 283,000 178,000 123,000 678,000 521,000 399,000 342,000 272.000 219,000 142,000 69,200 50.000 35.800 720.000 430,000 270,000 175,000 121,000 82.000 55,000 60.000 25.700 13.000 143.000 78.000 53,500 250 years 1.338,000 924,000 649,000 395,000 262,000 184,000 870,000 695,000 558,000 577,000 470,000 385.000 206.000 90,000 66,200 49,800 780.000 490,000 320.000 235,000 148,000 103,000 73,000 71,500 29,700 15.900 168,000 92,500 64,500 ' RpHcrvoir »i)acr iH that required to prevent control IchI flow lieing rxccctird on average of more than one day in num- ber of yrarc Rhown at top of column. I L J . 1 1 oos P'.aeuuKj nir^M^Z ^\ov^9^^n -I — : — r O. A" n n — I — \ — . 03f\ QUA TT3MM3X i of '"'.2u<»iij II! aaede liovnszeR lu PI^TE X 300 Y s 1 1 \ ^CRAMENTO RIVE RED BLUFF R 7 A AHV 1^ ' yy \ ..UO \\ \ \ .. ».„ rtM gl5t> \'' \ \ //z: n KM tun \ y ^ \. X ///;:n °r- V V. V ^-- Sv> 1^ 5 ^ >; ^ i::^ ;h; 8 1 50 ■~~*- ::^ ;:::- s -~ ^- h- ~ == ^S ■* — ^ — -^_ —I 1 500 lOOO TSOO 2000 Reservoir space in thousands of acre-feet [~ 1 1 1 1 FEATHER RIVER £ 250 \ OROVILLE Iv \ \V ^K s 1 ISO ^^ \\ \ xV s \ ^ l.oo 1 X ,\ f<<) ^-"••f " ' ""* \ \ ^ rC^^-C^^^i 1 £ ^ ^ HC ^? K ^ ~ S 2 - o — - " ■ , KE 1 i 1 1 SACRAMENTO RIVER n £200 \ \ NNETTA ND RED BLUFfH \ \\ ^rn l\\ \ \ \\\^ \ VdH. ..CM a»« •~- " 3 120 U\ \ \ i 3*H.s. 100 ,Mt £ w ^ V \| A "** ™ i \^ ^ VI \ "^^^^ 1 _ \| s \ \ ^ L^^ ^ :; ^ -< c-P; ^ — ^ r::; U~- ^ --_ 1— LJ _ r ^'^~~ 1 r~~^-— ^ ■ ' ^===;=^ < a so 5 KJ 7E £ 100 1 500 1000 sservoir space in thousands of acre-feet YUBA RIVER \ SMARTSVILLE \ A \\ U ' V \v \ '0/,o.«,- so,..-. N \ \\ s^ kX .<-1 \^ C k-\^ r ■\ ^ ^""^j-—^ ^~~- S ^ ■ ~ r- c t- — - Reservoir space m thousands ot acre-feet 500 1000 1500 Reservoir space in thousands of acre-feet 1 1 1 BEAR RIVER - VAN TRENT i s s '" \ \ \\ c V^ k .0n»m3S0n.n = 20 ^^ \^ ^ ^ // X < ^ ^ f '' ' 1^ \ ^ ts ^^^^ri^ ~ ~1 = s S m ^^ s 100 200 300 Reservoir Space in thousands of acre-feet 1 1 1 STONY CREEK £50 ■0 ORLAND |\ IS gao S, /»-■-■"■•■- ,0-c..^ 10,.... \\ V \ / \ sN N ^ / 1 \ \ <^ ^ -^-. 1 X s ■^ "-^ -- ■^ ^^^ ^Ss =^ 100 ISO 200 Reservoir space in thousands of acre-feet RESERVOIR SPACE REQUIRED TO CONTROL FLOODS ON MAJOR STREAMS OF SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 100 200 Reservoir space in thousands of acre feet SACRAMENTO KIVKR BASIN 141 Studies also were made* to determine the period duriug which reserve space should be held in a reservoir and the amount of this space at different times throughout the period. From these studies the following rule has been formulated for use in operating the reservoirs of the State Water Plan in the Sacramento River Basin, in which floods would be controlled : Some space would be held in reserve for flood control from NoA^ember 1st to May 1st in each flood season whenever the total precipitation up to any date in the season is more than 50 per cent of the normal precipitation to the same date. The flood control reserve would be increased at a uniform rate from zero on November 1st to the maximum amount on December 1st. The maximum space would be held in reserve from December 1st to April ]st, except for the decrease during the control of flood flows, and then decreased at a uniform rate to zero on May 1st. While the above rule should give quite satisfactory operation of reservoirs on streams having watersheds rising to high elevations, since these reservoirs would have melting snow run-off to fill the space reserved for flood control, it might not give satisfactory irrigation conditions v.ith reservoirs dependent entirely upon rainfall run-off for a water supply. With reservoirs of this latter type, it is probable that the amount of reserve space should be varied with the conditions affecting run-off throughout the season. Increased Degree of Protection With Flood Control hy Reservoirs of State Water Plan. — By comparing the flood quantities provided for in the several sections of the adopted Sacramento Flood Control Proj- ect, as shown in Table 31, with the probable flood concentration quantities in these same sections with the flood control project com- pleted, as shown by the right-hand curves on Plate IX, it will be seen that the project provides protection against floods of varying fre- quencies at different points in the valley. Table 39 on page 144, gives the project quantities at each of the five points of concentration studied and the number of times on an average that these quantities may be expected 1o be exceeded in 100 years. From this table, it appears tlial the adopted project does not give an equal degree of protection to all of the reclaimed lands. To give equal protection by the leveed channel plan of flood control, the capacities of the channels in certain parts of the system would have to be increased by increasing the proposed heights of levees along these channels. Another method of increasing the degree of protection is by reduc- ing tlie flood flows at the foothill line to smaller amounts by means of storage of tlie peak flows in the reservoirs of the State Watrr Plan. Such control is proposed in the reservoirs of the plan on Ihe Sacra- mento River and streams on the east side of the Sacramento Valley. These reservoirs, the space reserved and the control obtained are shown in Table 36. • Bulletin No. 14, "The Control of Floorls by Uosi-rvoirs," nivision of EnKincfi- ing and Irrigation, 1928. ooe oas » I I I i i oa I, tii-'iji: . i L(c .lUvlsasH 1 ! 1 j 1 • ! ' ! ■ in ^ 1 1 1 1 Hi 1 i ! h ill \ ' 1 1 I i L 1 ! 11 tic9t 001 ni 00' J^ftVV 02 ni «?( OMl CK' 3 o U O CU Odf ^ o OS % « .tjnbsuorit ni sosqz liovnszsH .ll 05S 0»r .q — »«••) SACRAMENTO RIVKR BASIN 141 Studies also were made* to determine the period duriug which reserve space should be held in a reservoir and the amount of this space at diiferent times throughout the period. Prom these studies the following rule has been formulated for use in operating the reservoirs of the State Water Plan in the Sacramento River Basin, in which floods Avould be controlled : Some space would be held in reserve for flood control from November 1st to I\Iay 1st in each flood season whenever the total precipitation up to any date in the season is more than 50 per cent of the normal precipitation to the same date. The flood control reserve would be increased at a uniform rate from zero on November 1st to the maximum amount on December 1st. The maximum space w^ould be held in reserve from Deceinber 1st to April 1st, except for the decrease during the control of flood flows, and then decreased at a uniform rate to zero on May 1st. While the above rule should give quite satisfactory operation of reservoirs on streams having watersheds rising to high elevations, since these reservoirs would have melting snow run-off to fill the space reserved for flood control, it might not give satisfactory irrigation conditions v.ith reservoirs dependent entirely upon rainfall run-off for a water supply. With reservoirs of this latter type, it is probable that the amount of reserve space should be varied with the conditions affecting run-off throughout the season. Increased Degree of Protection With Flood Control hy Reservoirs of State Water Plan. — By comparing the flood quantities provided for in the several sections of the adopted Sacramento Flood Control Proj- ect, as shown in Table 31, with the probable flood concentration quantities in these same sections with the flood control project com- pleted, as shown by the right-hand curves on Plate IX, it will be seen that the project provides protection against floods of varying fre- quencies at different points in the valley. Table 39 on page 144, gives tlie project quantities at each of the five points of concentration studied and the number of times on an average that these quantities may bo expected to be exceeded in 100 years. From this table, it appears that the adopted project does not give an equal degree of protection to all of the reclaimed lands. To give equal protection by the leveed channel plan of flood control, the capacities of the channels in certain parts of the .system would have to be increased by increasing the proposed heights of levees along these channels. Another method of increasing the degree of protection is by reduc- ing the flood flows at tlie foothill line to smaller amounts hy means of storage of tlie peak flows in the reservoirs of the State Water Plan. Such control is proposed in the reservoirs of the plan on the Sacra- mento River and streams on the east side of the Sacramento Valley. These reservoirs, the space reserved and tho cojitrol ohtaino.l arc shown in Table 36. • Bulletin No. 14, "The Control of Flnorls by Rosi-rvoirs," Division r)r Kncineor- ing and Irrigation, 1928. 142 DIVISION OF WAIDil UKSOURCKS TABLE 36 SPACE TO BE RESERVED IN RESERVOIRS OF STATE WATER PLAN FOR CONTROLLING FLOODS TO CERTAIN SPECIFIC AMOUNTS Resen'oir Kennett Oroville Narrows Camp Far West Folsom Stream Sacramento River Feather River Yuba River Bear River American River.. Point of control Red Bluff.. Oroville Smarts ville. Van Trent.. Fairoaks Maximum space reserved, in acre-feet 512,000 521,000 272,000 50,000 '175,000 Controlled flow, in second-feet ■125,000 100,000 70,000 20,000 '100,000 Number of times controlled flow would be exceeded, on the average Once in 14 years Once in 100 years Once in 100 years Once in 100 years One day in 100 years ' Mean dailv flow on day of flood crest. Floods would he controllfd to 125,000 fpcond-feet maximum flow exceeded once in 100 years rfii the average, except when this amount is exceeded by the uncoii trolled run-<)ff between Kennett reser- voir and Red Bluff. Flows greater than 125,000 second-feet would continue for only a short time. « With an addi ional flO.OOO acre-feet of reserve space in Auburn reservoir, the controlled fiow could be reduced to 76,000 se-ond-fee ex ceded one day in iOO years on the avera-c. Wit^ an additional '.tO.OOO a:re feet of reser\e s; ace in Auburn reser.oir and 35,000 a-re-feetin Coloma reservoir, the controlled How could be reduced to 83,000 second-feet exceeded one day in 250 years on the average. In Table 36, the controlled flow on the American River is shown a,s 100.000 second-feet. This control could be obtained by the reserva- tion of 175,000 acre-feet of space in the Folsom reservoir alone. If 300,000 acre-feet of space were reserved in the Folsom, Auburn and Coloma reservoirs on the American River and its forks, the flow could be reduced to 80,000 second-feet at Fairoaks, exceeded one day in 250 years on the average. In the discussion in the remainder of this "chapter, however, a controlled flow of 100,000 second-feet at Fairoaks is used. If control of floods by the reservoirs on the major streams of the Sacramento River Basin listed in Table 36 had been in eft'ect during the period of stream flow record on streams, and if the flows had been controlled to the following amounts — Sacramento River at Red Bluff 125.000 second-feet Feather River at Oroville 100.000 second-feet Yuba River at Smartsville 70.000 second-feet Bear River at Van Trent 20,000 second-feet American River at Fairoaks 100,000 second-feet there would have been a reduction in the maximum mean daily flows of twenty floods on the Sacramento River, six on the Feather River, four on the Yuba River, six on the Bear River, and two on the American River. A constant discharge equal to the maximum roguhited flow would be maintained from the time the natural stream flow would reach this amount until the reservoir had been drawn down to reserve space level after the passage of the flood, at wliich time the natural flow would be less than the maximum controlled floAv. Tnder these conditions, there might be times when the maximum controlled flows would concentrate in full volume at the points of concentration. The maximum concentration with reservoir control, however, would usually be determined by the combination of the controlled flows with the flows from unregulated streams. Flood flows at the five valley floor points of concentration were estimated for tlie floods which have occurred during the period of SAf!RAMENTO UIVKR RASIN 143 stream flow record, with the flood flows at the gaging stations of five of the major streams controlled to the amounts stated in the paragraph above. With the values of concentrated flows thus obtained, frequency curves were drawn in the same manner as previously described for the foothill gaging stations. These curves are shown on Plate IX and are in each ease the left-hand curve for each station, indicated as the flows "with reservoir control." The amounts of flow at these five points on the valley floor, that would be exceeded with certain frequencies, are shown in Table 37. TABLE 37 PROBABLE FREQUENCY OF FLOOD FLOWS AT POINTS OF CONCENTRATION ON SACRAMENTO VALLEY FLOOR With Reservoir Control Stream and point of concentration Probable maximum mean daily flow, in second-feet, exceeded on average of once in: 10 years 25 years 50 years 100 years Sjvcramento River and Sutter-Butte By-pass opposite Colusa 168,000 337,000 385,000 178,000 210,000 175,000 370,000 450,000 190,000 218,000 180,000 392,000 490,000 195,000 221,000 186,000 Sacramento River below Verona and Yolo By-pass at Fremont Weir -.. Sacramento River at Sacramento and Yolo By-pass at Lisbon 410,000 535 000 Feather R iver below confluence of Feather and Yuba rivers 201,000 Feather River below confluence of Feather and Bear rivers 226,000 In Table 38, comparisons are made of the sizes of floods whicli it was estimated would concentrate at the five valley floor points witliout and with control by reservoirs, for floods which may be exceeded with various frequencies in 100 years, on the average. These flood flows were derived from computations based on mean daily flows for floods which have occurred during the period of record. FLOOD FLOWS TABLE 38 AT POINTS OF CONCENTRATION ON SACRAMENTO VALLEY Without and with Reservoir Control FLOOR Probable msxiraum mean daily flow, in second-feet, in: Freqiicncv with flood flows Sacramento River and Sutter-Butte opposite Col usa Sacramento River below Verona and Yolo By-pass at Fremont Weir Sacramento River at Sacramento and Yolo By-pass at Lisbon Feather River below confluence of: may be ex- ceeded- - times in 100 years. Feather and Yuba rivers Feather and Bear rivers on the average Without reservoir control 370,000 32.5,000 286,000 236,000 'With reservoir control 186,000 180,000 175,000 168,000 Without reservoir control 540,000 490.000 440,000 370,000 'With reservoir control Without reservoir control ti70.000 580,000 518,000 430,000 'With reservoir control ,535,000 490,000 4,50,000 385,000 Without reservoir control 400,000 365,000 320,000 250,000 'With reservoir control Withtut reservoir control 430,000 379,000 3.30,000 258,000 'With re.servoir control 1 '2 4 10 410,000 392,000 370,000 337,000 201,000 195,000 190,000 178,000 226.000 221.000 218,0(10 210,00(1 ' With fdllowinK controlled flows: .Sacramento River at lied Bluff, 125,000 second-feet; Feather Hiver at ()rovil|e. 100.000 seconil-fect; Yuba River at Smartsville, 70,000 second-feet; Hear Uiver at Van Trent, 20,000 second-feet; and .Vmerii-an River at Fairoaks, 100,000 sccond-fect. In Table 39, there are shown the quantities for which it has been recommended that works be provided in the adopted Sacramento Flood 144 DIVISION OF WATKK KESOURCES Control Project, and the number of times in 100 years, on the average, that these quantities would be exceeded without and with control by reservoirs. TABLE 39 FREQUENCIES W ITH WHICH QUANTITIES OF FLOW PROVIDED FOR IN THE ADOPTED SACRAMENTO FLOOD CONTROL PROJECT MAY BE EXPECTED TO BE EXCEEDED Without and with Reservoir Control Project quantity, in second-feet. . ... Probable number of times quantity may be exceeded in 100 years, on the average — Without reservoir control With reservoir control' Points of concentration on Sacramento Valley floor Sacramento River and Sutter-Butte By-pa .^ opposite Colusa 260.000 6.5 than once Sacramento River at Verona and Yolo By-pass at Fremont Wcir 470,000 Less than once Sacramento River at Sacraminto and Yolo By- Pass at Lisbon 600,000 1.80 Less than once Feather P.iver IxOow conflui'nci' of Feather and Yuba rivers 277,000 7.3 than once Feather and Bear rivers 295,000 6 3 Less than once 1 With following controlled flows: Sacramento River at Red Bluff, 125,000 second-feet; Feather River at Oro\-ille, 100,000 second-feet: Yuba River at Smarts-ville, 70,000 second-feet; Bear River at Van Trent, 20,000 second-feet; and .Vmerican River at Fairoaks, 100,000 second-feet. It may be seen from Table 39 that the operation of the reservoirs shown in Table 36 specifically for flood control, employing the reserve space assigned to each reservoir for the purpose of controlling floods to the specified flows, would result in a substantial reduction of floods and in an increased degree of protection to the areas subject to overflow. ])articularly those within the Sacramento Flood Control Project, and therefore, would decrease the potential annual flood damages in those areas. In the foregoing discussions, it has been assumed that floods would be controlled to 125,000 second-feet, at Red Bluff, exceeded once in 100 years, on an average. This control would be possible if the 512,000 acre-feet of storage space were available in the vicinity of Red Bluff. No site for a safe dam has been found so far in this vicinity, however, and therefore no reservoir near Red Bluff* is included in the State Water Plan. The reservation of space in the Kennett reservoir for flood con- trol is proposed, but about 28 per cent of the Avatershed of the Sacra- mento River above Red Bluff lies between Red Bluff and the Kennett dam site, and the Kennett reservoir, therefore, is not in a position to control flood flows originating in this area. It may be seen from the curves on Plate VIII that a flow of 187,000 second-feet, exceeded once in 100 years, on the average, may originate from the area between Red Bluff and Kennett. At the time of the passage of such a all flow from above the Kennett reservoir could be held at that point and the maximum flow at Red Bluff, exceeded once in 100 years on the average, with flood control in the Kennett reservoir, therefore, would be 187.000 second-feet. From the same curves on Plate VIII, it may be seen that a flow of 125,000 second-feet from the area between Red Bluff and Kennett would be exceeded seven times in 100 years or once in fourteen years, on an average. SACRAMENTO UIVER BASIN 145 Table 40 sets fortli, for various points on tlie Saeraniento Valley floor, the flood flows exceeded once in 100 years, on an average, except as noted, without and with reservoir control. These flows are those that would obtain with the completed adopted Sacramento Flood Control Project, the protection of Butte Basin, the control of floods in the Kennett reservoir to the amounts above stated and the control of floods in the other reservoirs listed in Table 36 to the controlled flows shown in the same table. TABLE 40 FLOOD FLOWS AT SEVERAL POINTS IN SACRAMENTO VALLEY Without and with Reservoir Control . Maximum mean daily flow, in second-feet Number of times Stream and point of concentration Without reservoir control With reservoir control flow would be exceeded, on the average Sacramento River at Red BIufF 303,000 218,000 370,000 254,000 670,000 400,000 430,000 185,000 '187,000 '125,000 250,000 170,000 535,000 201,000 226,000 80,000 Once in 100 years Sacramento River at Red Bluff _ . . Once in 14 years Sacramento River and Sutter-Butte By-Pass opposite Colusa .'Sacramento River and Sutter-Butte By-pass opposite Colusa Once in 100 years Once in 14 years Sacramento River at Sacramento and Yolo By-pass at Lisbon ..- Feather River below confluence with Yuba River Once in 100 years Once in 100 years Feather River below confluence with Bear River - - Once in 100 years .\merican River at Fairoaks Once in 250 years ' Floods would be controlled to 125,000 second-feet maximum flow exceeded once in 100 years on the average, except when this amount is exceeded by the uncontrolled run-off between Kennett restrvoir and Red Bluff. Flows greater than 125,000 second-feet would continue for only a short time. Effect of Utilization of Reservoirs of State Water Plan for Flood Control Uncompleted Portions of Sacramento Flood Control Project. on It has been stated in an earlier portion of this chapter that the major unprotected areas which it is feasible to protect, are those along the American River opposite Sacramento, along the Feather River upstream from Honcut Creek, and along the Sacramento River upstream from Colusa. Reduction in the size of flood flows in these streams by reservoir control would greatly facilitate the protection of these areas. American River. — The unprotected areas along the American River, while not large, include the city of North Sacramento and a considerable area of bottom land of excellent quality, and is crossed by one of the main state highways. The State Legislature of 1927, at the request of interested parties, created the American River Flood Control District, which comprises the above areas, the city of Sacramento and contiguous unincorporated areas. The boundaries of this district and the area inundated by the flood of 1928 are shown on Plate XI. "Plans for Flood Control on American River." Owing to the large volume of flood discharge from the American River watershed, only a portion of these lands can be protected under conditions of unregulated flows, the remainder being necessary for an overflow flood channel. The greatest interest in pro- tection from floods, therefore, centers in the urban districts of Sacra- mento and North Sacramento. While the city of Sacramento is well 10—80994 146 DIVISION' OF WATER RESOURCES protected under present conditions, North Sacramento has no protection whatever and consequently suffers various amounts of damage from inundation in every flood year. PLATE XI LEGEND f ,\'j\ £?~Z I-rvei-" for plan ■witlioul re<«-r%XHr rocititij i i:(ui> fuut rtianiirl |ilAnf " ■-■ I Constniftwl levee* PLANS FOR FLOOD CONTROL ON AMERICAN RIVER Plans were recently adopted * by the American River Flood Con- trol District for flood control works to protect lands along the south bank of the river from its mouth to a point opposite Mayhew, and on the north side of the river, the city of North Sacramento and its immediate vicinity, as shown on Plate XL This plan contemplates protection from unregulated flood flows and proposes a channel of 2400 feet minimum width with a capacity of 180,000 second-feet. During the flood of March 25, 1928, the estimated crest flow at Fairoaks gaging station was 184,000 second-feet and at Sacramento 160.000 second-feet, the ratio being 1.15 to 1. The ratio of the same crest flow. 184,000 second-feet. 1o mean daily flow, 120,000 .second-feet, at Fairoaks was 1.53 to 1. A flood of similar characteristics to produce a crest flow of 180,000 second- feet at Sacramento would have a crest flow at Fairoaks of 207.000 second-feet and a mean daily flow of 135,000 second-feet which, accord- ing to a curve shown in another report,** would be exceeded on an average of three days in 100 years, or one day in 33 years, on an average. • Since the completion of the manuscript for this bulletin, bonds have been voted and contracts let for the construction of the works of the district. •• Bulletin No. 24, "A I'roposed Major Dovelopment on American River," Division of Water Resources, 1930. SACRAMENTO UIVER BASIN 147 A very complete analysis of flood flows on the American River, the effect of the reservoirs of the State Water Plan in reducing the size of these flood flows, ;ind the effect of the use of the reservoirs for flood control on their conservation values, was made during a previous investigation and the results of these studies are given in another report.* These studies show that by utilizing 175,000 acre-feet of space in the proposed Folsom reservoir, all floods would be regulated to a maximum discharge of 100,000 second-feet at Fairoaks gaging station with the probability that this flow would not be exceeded on an average of more than one day in 100 j^ears. With the Auburn and Coloma reservoirs of the American River unit of the State Water Plan also constructed and operated for flood control, and with a total of 300,000 acre-feet of space reserved for flood control in these two reservoirs and the Folsom reservoir, the flow at Fairoaks could be controlled to 80,000 second-feet, exceeded on an average of one day in 250 years, or the 100,000 second-feet controlled flow could be maintained with the prob- ability that it would be exceeded considerably less often than one day in 250 years, on the average. With control of floods by the Folsom leservoir alone, the flood protection works along the American River could be designed for a capacity of 100,000 second-feet, which would require a flood channel with an average width of only 1000 feet, as shown on Plate XI, and would give lower flood plane elevations than would be reached by the 180,000 second-foot flow in the 2400-foot chan- nel. Also, with floods controlled by the Folsom reservoir, the protected lands would have an increased degree of protection since a flow of 180,000 second-feet might be exceeded on an average of three days in 100 vears without reservoir control and the flow of 100,000 second-feet, with reservoir control, would be exceeded only one day in 100 years, on an average. In addition to the increased degree of protection, the cost of the levees and channel would be less and, the flood channel being confined practically to the river channel, nearly all the overflow lands could be protected and urban development could be carried almost to both banks of the river. In the report to the Board of Trustees of the-American River Flood Control District on flood control of the American River, under date of December, 1929, costs are given for protection of the district with plans embracing either the 1000-foot channel or the 2400-foot channel, as follows : Total estimated costs with 2400-foot channel, 180,000 second-feet capacity $2,257,218 Total estimated costs with 1000-foot channel, 100,000 second-feet capacity 1,426.065 Difference in total costs in favor of 1000-foot channel plan $831,153 This saving of $831,153 by adopting the 1000-foot channel plan would be partly offset by the cost of flood control works in tlie Folsom dam, the net amount of whicli is estimated to be $590,000. The net saving in money, therefore, would be reduced to about $240,000. * Bulletin No. 24, "A Proposed Major Development on American River," Divi.sion of Water Resources, 1930. 148 DIVISION 01' wati:r uksources On the basis of cost per acre, the advantage is greatly in favor of the 1000-foot channel plan. Adding the cost of the district's works to the cost of the flood control works at the reservoir, the comparison becomes : Plan Total coat Acrea protected Avcraye coat per acre 2400-foot channel 1000-foot channel $2,257,218 2,016,065 6544 9883 $345 204 The saving in cost under the 1000-foot channel plan, therefore, would be about a quarter of a million dollars, or $141 per acre. An additional area of land of 3340 acres also would be protected and this land would be greatly increased in value. Feather River. — On no other stream in northern California is the peril of floods so great or so imminent as along the Feather River. On both banks of the stream from its junction with the Sutter By-pass to Oro- ville, the agricultural lands have been intensively developed to decidu- ous orchards and vineyards. From Mar'ysville downstream to the mouth of Bear River, the capacity of the existing flood channel does not exceed 175,000 second-feet, a volume of flood flow expected to be exceeded once in four years, on the average. As a consequence, frequent breaches of levees have occurred. In Table 39, it is shown that the existing flood control project for this section when completed will pro- vide protection only against a flood of a size expected to be exceeded on an average of once in fourteen years. Therefore, either under existing conditions or with the Sacramento Flood Control Project completed, the channel capacity may be exceeded at frequent intervals and the lands along both sides of the river endangered from overflow through the failure of the levees. On tlie other hand, with the flood control project completed and with flood flows controlled by the reservoirs of the State Water Plan on the Feather, Yuba and Bear rivers, the proba- bility of damage from floods is so slight as to be negligible, for, as may be seen from Table 39 and Plate IX, a flood of such size that it would exceed the design capacity of the channel would occur Avith a frequency of much less than once in 100 years, on the average. Upstream from Marysville, only a small portion of the levees has been raised to conform to the grade adopted in the Debris Commission plan while north of the Gridley bridge practically no levees liavc been constructed. No levees are proposed along the east bank north of Tfoncut Creek. Without levees on the west side, floods in excess of 300,000 second-feet will overtop the bank for a considerable dis- tance and flow westward across improved lands, some of the water finding its way into Butte Basin. It is probable that the levees pro- posed for the Sacramento Flood Control Project will be constructed along this section of the river before a reservoir suitable for flood control is built in the lower Feather River canyon. These levees according to the Debris Commission plan would provide a channel capacity from Oroville to Marysville of 180,000 second-feet. This capacity is not quite ecjuivalent to the maximum mean daily flow of rec- ord at Oroville which was 187,000 second-feet on March 19," lf)07. From SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 149 Plate VIII, it may be seen that a mean daily flow of 180,000 second- feet at Oroville may be exceeded on an average of 3.6 times in 100 years or once in 27.8 years. Plate X shows that if 521,000 acre-feet of storage space were reserved for flood control in a reservoir in the canyon just above Oroville, flood flows could be reduced to 100,000 second-feet exceeded once in 100 years, on the average. If the flood control project were completed and the Feather River channel above Marysville had a capacity of 180,000 second-feet, flows could be con- trolled to this amount, exceeded on an average of once in 100 years, by the reservation of only 100,000 acre-feet of storage space. By the reservation of 521,000 acre-feet, the project levees would give protec- tion against a flood that would occur with a frequency much less than once in 100 years, on an average. The control of floods by the Oro- ville reservoir, therefore, would permit the construction of lower levees from Oroville to Marysville or, if the project levees were con- structed, would give a greatly increased degree of protection. Sacramento River. — Plate VII shows that there is a large area of unpro- tected land along the Sacramento River above Colusa, most of which, about 135,000 acres, lies in Butte Basin. Tlie protection of the land in Butte Basin is not proposed jn the adopted Sacramento Flood Control Project since this would require the construction of a large by-pass through "the basin and the extension of the levee along the east side of the Sacramento River. A plan for such protection is .shown on Plate XIT. "Plans for Flood Control in Butte Basin." Such construction would be expensive and it was believed that the benefits would not be equivalent to the cost. If, however, the maximum flood flows were reduced by reservoir control on the upper Sacramento River, the cost of the Avorks necessary for the i)rotecti(m of Butte Basin would be reduced to a reasonable amount. A plan for protec- tion with the flows controlled by reservoirs also is shown on Plate XII. Table 39 shows that the flood control project channel capacity of 260.000 second-feet opposite Colusa would be exceeded once in fifteen years, on an average, without reservoir control. If the lands in Butte Basin were protected by a system of works designed for the project quantity of 260,000 second-feet, these works would be endangered by flows of a grater magnitude on an average of once in fifteen years. While these flows might not be large enough to overtop the levees, they would encroach on the freeboard and decrease the degree of pro- tection. The cost of the works for protecting the lands in Butte Basin against a flow of 260,000 second-feet, divided between the Sacramento River and the bv-pass through the basin, has been estimated to be about $12,680,000. Plate IX shows tliat with a reservoir on the upper Sacramento River constructed and operated for flood control, the expected flow at Colusa exceeded on an average of once in fifteen years, would be 170,000 second-feet. Protection works designed for this (|uantity. therefore, would give the same degree of protection as those designed for the adopted Sacramento P^'lood Control Project quantity. This volume of flow could be confined to the river flood channel as far south as Colusa, at which point the flow in excess of the river channel capacity downstream from Colusa could be diverted through a short by-pass channel into Butte Slough By-Pass, as shown on Plate XII. 150 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PLATE XII — ^ -"** IxrvcFs fyr plASi withuut reservoir cunlrwj — ^^ ^^" Levrcv tor plan with retervoip control '■' ■ S Lwees coastriurted MAKVSXIU.K PLANS FOR FLOOD CONTROL IN BUTTE BASIN SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 151 Under these conditions, the lands in Butte Basin could be protected with the degree of protection above set forth at a cost of about $3,250,000. This would ])ermit a total saving in the cost of pro- tection works of around $9,430,000 and would protect about 7000 acres more land than would be possible with protection against flood flows uncontrolled by reservoirs. Estimates made, indicate that the drainage area tributary to the Sacramento River downstream from Kennett and upstream from Colusa might produce a flood at Colusa almost equal to the Sacramento Flood Control Project quantity of 260,000 second-feet on an average of once in 100 years. The effect of flood control by use of Kennett reservoir, therefore, would be to increase the degree of protection afforded by works constructed for the flood control project quantities. Without tiie Kennett reservoir operated for flood control, the project quantity might be exceeded on an average of once in fifteen years, but with the reservoir operated for flood control, the quantity probably would not be exceeded oftener than an average of once in 100 years. Flood Control Value of Reservoirs of State Water Plan. In the foregoing paragraphs the benefits that would be derived from the construction and operation of the Folsom and Kennett reservoirs in reducing the cost of protection of unprotected lands along the Sacramento and American rivers, respectively, have been shown. The effect of the Oroville reservoir in facilitating flood control along the Feather Eiver above Honcut Creek and in increasing the degree of protection afforded by the works provided for in the Sacra- mento Flood Control Project also has been pointed out. The Corps of Engineers, United States Army, recently completed a very compreliensive study showing the flood damages in the Sacra- mento Valley and the value of the operation of the major reservoir units of the State Water Plan in the Sacramento River Basin for flood control, in increasing the protection of the lands protected by the Sacramento Flood Control Project. The methods employed by the Army engineers in estimating flood frequencies, flood damages and evaluation of the reservoirs for flood control have been made available by the Division Engineer, Pacific Division. The estimates of flood damages in the Sacramento Valley and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta were based on those resulting from a flood of the size that would be exceeded only once in 200 years on the average. For these estimates, it was assumed that the Sacramento Flood Control Project was 100 per cent completed and that all chan- nels would be maintained at full capacity. Butte Basin was assumed to remain unprotected as is proposed in the adopted flood control proj- ect. The Sacramento Valley and delta were divided into twelve zones in each of which it was assumed that the design capacity of the flood control project would be exceeded with certain frequencies at which flood damages would commence. The probable submerged area in the Sacramento Valley and delta resulting from a flood of 200 year fre- quency also was established and was divided into other areas of 100. 60 and 40 per cent damage from submergence, these factors being determined by the probable time the lands would remain submerged. 152 \ DIVISIOX OF WATER RESOURCES Consideration was also given to the losses that would accrue to several different kinds of development due to flooding. For cacli zone, estimates were made of the average annual damages to be expected with the adopted flood control project and the expected damages with the combined flood control project and flood control by reservoirs of the State Water Plan. The differences between the tAvo damages would be the value of flood control by reservoirs unless an equivalent added protection could be secured at lower cost by increas- ing flood channel capacities. Damages were estimated for the submerged area of the valley as of the year 1930. For some items it was assumed tiiat the damages would not increase and for others tliat they would become greater with increased development. Therefore, an estimate also was made of the damages as of the year 1950. The average of the estimated damages as of 1930 and 1950 was taken as the adopted damage for estimating values of further control of floods by reservoirs or enlarged leveed channels. In estimating the damages as of 1950, it was assumed that damages to railroads and levees and from erosion and costs of unwater- ing, would not increase. It also was assumed that urban damages and damages to live stock, highways and buildings would increase in direct proportion to the population increase in northern California. Damages to agriculture were estimated to increase, but not until after 1940 on account of the present state of agricultural development. In estimating the flood control values of the major reservoir units of the State "Water Plan, consideration also was taken of the cost of obtaining an equivalent increased protection by increased flood channel capacity, as previously mentioned. If the cost of obtaining the increased protection by levees and channels was less than the reduction in average annual flood damages capitalized at four per cent, the lesser cost was used as the flood control value of the reservoir. The flood control evaluation of the principal major reservoir units of the State Water Plan in the Sacramento River Basin, estimated as above described, are shown in Table 41, the data for which were made avail- able by the Division Engineer. TABLE 41 ESTIMATED FLOOD CONTROL VALUATION OF PRINCIPAL MAJOR RESERVOIR UNITS OF STATE WATER PLAN FOR SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN Estimate by Division Engineer, United States War Department Reservoirs Reduction in average annual flood damage 'Evaluation for flood control $163,994 305,548 53,984 $4,100,000 5,655,000 American River Unit (Folsom, Aul)urn and Coloma) 515,000 > Based on reduction in average annual flood damage, capitalited at 4 per cent, except when equivalent protection could be secured at a smaller figure by means of levees. In the latter case, estimated cost of levees is used. Wliilc tile valuations of the reser\'oirs for flood control shown in l';il)lc 41 are considerable amounts, they represent only under the conditions set forth in tlic foregoing paragraphs. No values have been added for the deereascd costs of protection along the American and Sacramento rivers that would be made possible by the operation of SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 153 • the reservoir units on the streams for flood control. The values also are based on conditions with Butte Basin remaining unprotected. If this basin were reclaimed, which is not at all unlikely in the future, the frequencies with which floods downstream from the basin would exceed the flood control project capacities would be increased and correspond- ingly the values of the reservoirs for flood control would be increased. The values also are based on the average damages that would result from flooding during the twenty-year period, 1930-1950. This is a relatively short period when compared to the lives of the reservoirs and it is probable that damages should be based on the increased values over a much longer period than twenty years. All of the benefits evaluated and those mentioned above are direct benefits. In addition to these there are certain indirect benefits, the values of which might amount to a considerable sum. These benefits should be evaluated and added to the direct benefits in arriving at the capitalized values of the flood control benefits from the operation of the reservoirs for this purpose. 154 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES CHAPTER VII NAVIGATION Navigation on the Sacramento River is an important element in the transportation facilities in the Sacramento River Basin and is closely related to tiie State Water Plan. The water-borne commerce in the basin is large and substantial investments have been made in floating equipment and in terminal facilities. However, through the development of irrigation in the Sacramento Valley and the effect of hydraulic mining in the Sierra Nevada, the navigability of the Sacra- mento River has been greatly impaired and transportation has been almost abandoned on its tributaries. The economic importance of maintaining navigation on the Sacramento River is recognized generally by the local shippers, the State and the Federal government. The latter agency, in accord with its well established policy, has expended sub- stantial sums in maintaining and improving the navigability of this stream. The low stream flow during recent dry years coupled with the increased irrigation diversions resulted in the reduction of depths in the Sacramento River above the city of Sacramento in the summer and fall months to such an extent that navigation was abandoned on this section of the river during these months. Such a condition is not desirable and points to the conclusion that the navigability of the Sac- ramento River, particularly above the city of Sacramento, should be improved. The improvement of the Sacramento River for navigation could be effected by either of two methods. One would be to secure the neces- sary navigable depths by the installation of dams across the stream channel which would form pools above the dams and by incorporating locks in the dams to provide for the passage of the vessels. This is termed "canalization." The other method would be to supplement the stream flow by the release of water stored in upstream surface reser- voirs in amounts sufficient at the proper time to provide the required depths for navigation. This method may be termed "stream-flow regulation." In the latter method, some dredging and wing dams M'ould be required in certain sections of the stream. If the river were canalized, little or no additional water supply would be required, except perhaps in unusually dry years. TJnder the stream-flow regulation method, an opportunity is afforded to impi-ove and restore navigation on the Sacramento and Feather rivers by the utilization of the reservoirs of the State Water Plan for that pin|)Ose. The reservoirs which could be .so utilized are the Kennett on the upper Sacramento River, Oroville on the Feather River. Narrows on the Yuba River and Folsom, Auburn and Coloma on the American River. The American River n^servoirs would be useful in aidnig navigation on the Sacramento River below the city of Sacramento and for a short distance up the American River. The Oroville and Narrows reservoirs could be utilized toward restoring navigation on the Feather River to a certain exieiit, and in aiding navigation below its confluence with tiie Sacramento River. The Kennett reservoir would be strate- gically located to improve the Sacramento River for navigation from SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 155 its mouth upstream to Red Bluff, a distance of 249 miles. Therefore, it was deemed desirable to inquire into the feasibility and practicability of operating the foregoing reservoirs in the aid and improvement of navigation on the Sacramento River, particularly when combined with irrigation, salinity control, flood control and the generation of power. Historical Summary. The early settlement and the development of both the mining and agricultural industries in the Great Central Valley of California Avere greatly facilitated by the navigability of the rivers. Prior to the dis- covery of gold, the total population was small and white settlers were few in number. Navigation on tlie rivers of the valley was almost non- existent. Early records indicate that the first large boat to use the Sacramento River was a thirtj^-ton schooner operated by Captain Sutter in 1840 between New Helvetia (Sacramento) and the Russian colony on the coast. Until 1848, it was the only boat regularly operated on the river. Following the discovery of gold, immigrants rushed into the State in large numbers. They came either across the plains in caravans, by sea around Cape Horn, or trans-shipped by the Isthmus of Panama. Just what percentage the overland travel was of the total is not definitely known, but it is believed that the larger number of immi- grants came by sea. The chief port of entry was San Francisco. While a great many disembarked at that place, a large number continued up the river to the inland ports in the same vessels that had carried thoni around Cape Plorn or up the coast from Panama. For many years, the rivers remained the main arteries of communication and traffic between the mining communities and the outside world. Hydraulic mining debris had not yet begun to accumulate in the valley floor stream chan- nels and there were no diversions of stream flows other than those for mining purposes, and these waters were returned to the rivers above the rim of the valley floor so that there was no impairment of the flow in the navigable channels. Under these conditions, ocean-going ships found easy access to the wharves and harbors of Stockton and Sacra- mento and even as far upstream as Marysville on the Feather River. River transportation also developed between San Francisco and Sacramento, Stockton, and Marysville which were the principal termi- nals for the stage and freight lines running into the mining districts of the Sierra Nevada and State of Nevada. The amount of tonnage carried in the '50s and '60s is not recorded but it must have been large. Early writers state that at times the river at Sacramento was so crowded with shipping as to make loading and maneuvering difficult and con- fused. Rates were high, operators had a practical monopoly of trade, and carried on a profitable business. In the early '70s water-borne commerce on the river began to suffer from competition by railroad lines. Rates were reduced, and the rail- road, by granting rebates was able in some cases, to entirel}^ eliminate river traffic. Coincident with the coming of railroad transportation was the descent of mining debris into the streams encumbering them with a deposit of sand and gravel amounting to a fill of over 7.5 feet at Sacramento and double that depth at Marysville. Subse(iuent to this time, for a number of j^ears, river commerce was of little importance. 156 DIVISION OI" WATER RESOURCES Traffic to Marysville ceased and has never been resumed to any great extent. Only the very light draft boats could reach Sacramento except for a few months of the year. Following close upon the incursion of mining debris came the closing down of the hydraulic mines which resulted in the falling off of commerce which was largely dependent upon the demands of the mining industry. Deep water vessels dis- ap])earod from the river and a desultory trade was left to the river boats plying between San Francisco and river ports. The first congressional recognition given to the Sacramento River was on March 3, 1875, when an appropriation was made for improving navigation by the removal of snags and the construction of brash jetties. Since that date several appropriations have been made and the navigation project variously revised. In 1893, congress passed "An act to create the California Debris Commission and regulate hydraulic mining in the State of California," which is sometimes called the "Caminetti Act." This act created the California Debris Commission with a membership of three officers of the corps of engineers, United States Army, and designated as some of the principal duties of the commission, the following : "That it shall be the duty of said commission to mature and adopt such plan or plans from examination, and surveys already made and from sucli additional examinations and surveys as it may deem neces-sary as will improve the navigability of all the rivers comprising said systems,* deepen their chan- nels, and protect their banks. "Such plan or plans shall be matured with a view of making the same effective against the encroachment of and damage from debris resulting from mining operations, natural erosion, or other causes, with a view of restoring, as near as practicable and the necessities of commerce and navigation demand, the navigability of said rivers to the condition existing in eighteen hundred and sixty, and permitting mining by the hydraulic process, as the term is under- stood in said State, to be carried on, provided the same can be accomplished without injury to the navigability of said rivers or the lands adjacent thereto." The most authentic e\'idence of what the condition of the Sacra- mento River had been was the survey of 1850 made by Commander Cadwalader Ringgold. In this year, the waterways from the Golden Gate to the confluence of the Sacramento and American rivers were survej^ed. From the charts made from this survey, it has been ascertained that the minimum depth in the Sacramento River belou Sacramento at lowest water was about 7 feet. This shallow depth was encountered at a point below the present site of Isleton. The existing project for the improvement of navigation on the Sacramento River Avas adopted by several acts of Congress. The first of these was that approved March 3, 1899, which provided for a depth of 7 feet below Sacramento. Another act of July 25, 1912, provided for work above Sacramento and an act of January 21, 1927, provided for a 10-foot channel depth below Sacramento. Growth of Navigation. The revival of navigation has been mainly dependent upon and lias kept pace with the growth of agriculture. Transportation from the areas bordering the rivers is furnished by floating equipment, railroads and trucks. The main lino railroads are located on the higher land well back from the rivers and mostly above the rim of the flood plane but in recent years branch lines have been extended into the territory? • Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 157 along the rivers. The cost of truck haul to the river bauks or railroad often determines whether the greatest economy of transportation is by rail or water. Good highways have been and are now being built into the areas bordering the rivers and much hauling of produce is done by trucks directly to the main centers of population. However, stimulated by transportation demands and protected from ruinous competition by State rate regulation, commerce on the Sacramento River has grown to proportions greater than ever before. This growth is shown by the upper graph on Plate XIII, "Growth of Commerce on Sacramento River," and by Table 42 which shows the number of tons of freight handled and its value, each year, as these data are given in the reports of the Chief of Engineers, United States Army. In this table and on the graph, it was attempted to eliminate all materials handled by the United States government for the improvement of the river channel jiTid all water transported as freight. PLATE XITI 1400 1200 V) c 3 1000 M c ro 5 800 o ■a ^ 600 •a c m x: f 400 200 On entire Sacramento River ,bn Sacramento River above Sacramento 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 Year 1920 1930 1940 GROWTH OF COMMERCE ON SACRAMENTO RIVER 158 niVISIONT OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 42 GROWTH OF COMMERCE ON SACRAMENTO RIVER Year Freight, in tons Value, in dollars 1878 - 202,930 1879 - -.. 1880 279,660 156,750 1881 1882 - - - 1883 - 1884 240.480 293,480 385,990 310,300 1886 - - 1886 1887 ■— .1 1888 - - - 1889 - - ---- 412,190 349,890 596,520 483,770 376,810 445,350 370,520 430,260 398,990 225,880 489,240 465,730 457,080 404,900 383,720 353,160 365,960 375,000 400,000 425,000 425,000 496,150 505,290 477,290 733,590 721,000 766,940 875,780 947,690 1,053,510 953,530 764,140 819,570 1,008,510 1,159,490 1,241,510 1,366,780 1,168,700 1,157,750 1,092,290 1,079,240 1890 - - ---- 1891 - - -.- 1892 -- - - - --- 1893 - - - 1894 - 1895 . - 1896 - - - - 1897 1898 - 1900 - - 1902 1903 - -. 1904 1905 1906 - 1908 $29,750,000 1910 .. -. .- 29,522,150 1911 32,139,050 1912 27,755,330 1913 .--- 35,856,790 1914 38,211,760 38,027,700 1916 46,908,090 96,820,990 1918 113,991,120 78,574,160 1920 53,279,490 51,856,940 1922 60,386,530 62,460,240 1924 ... 58,618,000 80,495.800 1926 .- 85,311,480 78,615,360 1928 77,745,190 74,084,050 The table shows that the peak year Avas 1925 when 1,366,780 tons of freight were handled. The value of the freight during this year, however, was not as great as in 1918 Avhen 1,053,510 tons with a value of $113,991,120, were handled. From 1890 to 1909, the tonnage did not increase, on the average. In 1912, the tonnage was only about 52,000 tons greater than in 1909 but from 1912 to 1918 there was a large increase aniouiiting to 576,000 tons per year. During the 10-year period, 1920-1929, inehisivo. the tonnage fluctuated between the high point of 1925 and tlie low point of 764,140 tons in 1920, the average for the period being 1,086,000 tons per year. In the same 10-year period, the values of the freight ranged from the high of $85,311,480 in 1926 to a low of $51,856,940 in 1921 with an nv(>riige value for the period of $68,285,500 per year. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 159 Very few ocean-goinp: ships navigate the Sacramento River as far upstream as the city of Sacramento and these only at times of high water. The commerce on the river is carried on mostly by means of vessels designed especially for river traffic but many of these are much larger than the ocean-going ships once commonly seen on the river. Much of the produce carried by these river vessels is transferred to ocean-going ships at San Francisco Bay ports or to rail carriers at river or bay ports and is carried by them to foreign markets or markets in other parts of the United States. The river commerce therefore is not only intrastate but also a unit of the foreign and interstate commerce of California. There are now over 40 individuals and companies operating freight-carrying vessels on the Sacramento River. Most of the vessels are stern-wheel steamers and small motor-driven screw tugs. Both of these are used to a large extent for the towing of barges. The largest steamer operating regularly below Sacramento has a length of 250 feet, a beam of 58 feet and a draft when loaded of 8 feet. Smaller steamers are used on the river above Sacramento, the largest being 150 feet in length with a beam of 33 feet and a draft when loaded of 3 feet. The barges have sizes up to a length of 232 feet with a 42-foot beam. In 1929, the total net registered tonnage of all steamers, motor vessels and barges on upstream trips was 2,145,840 and the total net registered tonnage for all vessels on downstream trips was 1,911,260. While the increase in commerce on the Sacramento River is notable, it is less than would have occurred had the development of the navigation project upstream from Sacramento been completed and channel conditions permanent and adequate for the class of navigation equipment operated on the river. In 1924, the following statement was made by the District Engineer, United States War Department, in his report* on the preliminary examination of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers : "The amount of freight available for carriage on the river between Colusa and the city of Sacramento has increased enormously in recent years and the only company operating vessels on this stretch for several years has had more freight offered than the available equipment could carry under existing cliannel conditions." i TABLE 43 GROWTH OF COMMERCE ON SACRAMENTO RIVER ABOVE SACRAMENTO Year Freight, in tons Value, in dollars 1915. 1916. 1917. 1918. 1919 1920. 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 146,720 168,160 323,000 443,050 237,900 94,570 139,750 145,650 192,010 109,160 163,560 212,090 195,210 208,370 223.570 34,928,030 49,229,620 19,805,500 5,454,250 5,878,360 5,188,840 6,341,770 3,517,920 8.505,020 8,297,720 9,165,870 8,043,630 9,032,320 * House Document No. 123, 69th Congres.s, First Session. 160 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES The annual tonnages of freight carried on the Sacramento River above Sacramento and the values of this freight, for the 15-year period 1915-1929, inclusive, are shown in Table 43. The variations in ton- nage are shown by the lower graph on Plate XIII. Existing Navigation Project. The existing project for the improvement of navigation on the Sacramento River extends from its moutii to Red Bluff, a distance of 249 miles. This project was adopted by a river and harbor act approved March 3, 1899, and two acts since that time. The controlling depths during the low water season are : Miles Minimum depth, in feet Mouth to Sacramento 59.0 10 Sacramento to Colusa 86.2 4 Colusa to Chico Landing 51.3 3 Beyond Chico Landing, 52.4 miles to Red Bluff, such depth is to be maintained as is practicable. The Feather River is a navigable stream to a point a short distance above the mouth of the Yuba River and the American River, with sufficient water, could be navigated for about tAvo miles above its mouth. Navigation on both of these streams, however, has been negligible for many years. Progress toward the completion of the Sacramento River project has been steady. Reclamation projects along the river have been of great assistance in the work as vast quantities of material have been dredged from the river channel and placed upon the levees. In addition to this benefit, the confining of flood flows to the channel has promoted scouring and the transportation of mining debris and the products of natural erosion downstream to the bay. The condition of the project as of the present date as given* by the Division Engineer. Pacific Division, United States War Department, is as follows : "Project depth has been secured in the new 10-foot channel to Sacramento, and this channel as a whole is about 90 per cent completed. Due to the amounts of water drawn from upper reaches for irrigation, and to the low natural flow, project depths are not maintained in summer above Sacramento. The con- trolling low water depth between Sacramento and Colusa is from 2 J to 3 J feet, dependent upon the season, between Colusa and Sidds Landing, 179 miles above the mouth (8 miles above Butte City) from 2 to 2 J feet. There is no regular navigation above Sidds Landing, and no maintenance work has been done above this point since 1921. Navigation is usually maintained, subject to considerable delay, to Colusa throughout the year. Above Colusa navigation has been sus- pended entirely from about the middle of June to the middle of August or September. "During the high water period from February to May considerably better than project depths usually obtain and boats drawing 4 feet can be taken to Red Bluff except when obstructed by snags above Sidds Landing. Wing dams have been built and maintained at practically all shoals below Sacramento and above Sacramento to the mouth of the Feather River. Dredging to supple- ment action of the wing dams and to maintain project depth in Sacramento Harbor is being done annually, also snagging below Sidds Landing." Large investments have been made in terminal facilities along the Sacramento River. Between the moutli of the river and Sacramento, excluding Rio Vista, there are seventeen large wharves, about thirty- six large; warehouses and many small warehouses and landings. At Rio Vista there are 1440 lineal feet of wharves with wareiiouse facilities, at Sacramento there are 4734 lineal feet of wharves with 2;{0,700 square • House Document No. 791, 71st Congress, Third Session. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 161 feet of warehouse space, and at West Sacramento tliere are 360 lineal feet of wharves and 108,560 square feet of warehouse space. There are no large wharves between Sacramento and Chico Landing but tliere are a number of small landings. Along this stretch of the river, tliere are 47 warehouses all close to the river bank. About one-half of these warehouses are between Sacramento and Colusa and half between Colusa and Chico Landing. Potential Commerce. Under existing conditions, river transportation is in competition with that by railroads and truck lines. The Sacramento River is paralleled by two lines of the Southern Pacific Railroad, and the Western Pacific Railroad and the Sacramento Northern (electric) Rail- way. The area tributary to the river is traversed by many improved highways over which motor trucks may be easily operated. The more direct routes of rail and highway carriers offer greater flexibility of operation particularly with reference to terminal facilities and gives them an advantage with present conditions of navigation, in competing for the transportation business of the area. An analysis of motor truck transportation was recently made by the Corps of Engineers, United States Army, and the conclusions* of the Division Engineer, Pacific Division, are as follows : "In recent years the development of motor Lrm^k irausiJorUilion in Cali- fornia has been rapid and at the expense of both tlie railway and the waterway. A careful analysis of the situation, however, leads to the conclusion that while the motor truck has undoubtedly come to stay, the present volume of its traffic in the Great Central Valley is stimulated by rates less than actual transporta- tion costs and can not be maintained, After the inevitable nadjustment, tin- railroad will remain the principal Competitor of the waterway in tlic movement of the bulk commodities." Since navigation on the Sacramento River below the city of Sac- ramento is now well maintained, discussion will be confined to further improvement of the section of the river above Sacramento. On this section of the river, navigation facilities should be improved. The past and present tonnage carried on this portion of the river has been shown in Table 43. Excluding the years 1920 and 1924, which were seasons of low run-off and in which navigation on the upper Sacramento River was greatly impaired by low stream flow, the tonnage carried in the other years during the past decade indicate a growth in commerce of about 75 per cent during the period. Data collected and made avail- able by the Division Engineer, United States War Department, show that railroads competing with transportation by water carried about 367,000 tons of freight in 1928 into and out of the counties of Sutter, Colusa, Butte and Glenn, and that in addition to this there Avere 208,000 tons carried on the river, or a total for both means of transportation of 575,000 tons moving on and parallel to the river, into and out of the area. The Division Engineer estimates that if there were a dependable six foot depth of channel -from Sacramento to Chico Landing, the water- way Avould now be carrying at least one-half of the total commerce of the area. He also forecasts that the commerce on the river would increase at the rate of 50 per cent per decade up to 1960, that • House Document No 791, 71st Congress, Third Session. 11—80994 162 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES the potential commerce on the Sacramento River upstream from Sacra- mento would be as follows : 1930—280,000 tons 1940^20,000 tons 1950—630,000 tons 1960—945,000 tons and that the average annual tonnafj:e for tlie 30-vear period would be 570.000 tons. Improvement of Navigation on Sacramento River above Sacramento. Navigation above Sacramento can be improved in either of two ways, by "canalization" or by "stream-flow regulation," as these terms have been defined near the beginning of this chapter. The Corps of Engineers, United States Army, has made prelimi- nary studies to determine the cost of canalization features of the Sac- ramento River between Sacramento and Chico Landing and the results of these studies are shown in a recent report* bj' the Division Engineer. He estimates that canalization for the maintenance of a six-foot channel depth would require the construction of six movable dams, with locks incorporated into them for the passage of vessels. The locks would be 56 feet wide and 360 feet long and would have lifts of 14 to 21 feet. The estimated capital cost of canalization of this section of the river, including the necessary levees and dredging, is $7,400,000. The annual costs were estimated to be $350,000. The Division Engineer also estimates that a dependable channel depth of six feet could be provided in -the Sacramento River between the city of Sacramento and Chico Landing by the method of stream-flow regulation. To maintain this depth he estimates that few or no addi- tions to the present contraction works would be necessary as far upstream as Colusa but that from Colusa to Chico Landing several channel contractions and dykes and some dredging and snagging would be required. It was estimated by him that the work between Colusa and Chico Landing would have an initial cost of $330,000. He also estimated that to maintain the channel from Sacramento to Chico Landing would cost $55,000 per year, which is the same as the present cost of maintenance of the section from Sacramento to Sidds Landing, which is not as far upstream as Chico Landing. Effect of Operation of Units of State Water Plan on Navigation. The operation of the Kennett reservoir on the upper Sacramento River to maintain a flow of not less than 5000 second-feet in the Saera- menlo River, if combined with the contraction, dredging, snngging and maintenance worlc jn-oposcd by the Army engineers, would ])i'ovide required depths for navigation as far upstream as Chico Landing and would im])rove present depths upstream to Red Bluff. Tt would also effect a considcvribh^ icdnction in the cost of maintaining the ten-foot project channel depth l)elow Sacramento. The Oroville and Narrows reservoirs on the Feather and Yuba rivers, respectively, would have some effect in improving navigation • House Document No. 791, 71st Congress, Third Session. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 163 conditions on the Feather River but would only improve those on the Sacramento River below tj^e mouth of the Feather River. The Army- engineers believe that such an improvement would not affect the Sac- ramento River far enough upstream to have any real value in rate reductions and therefore no material navigation benefit on the Sacra- mento River would result from these reservoirs. The American River reservoirs, Folsom, Auburn and Coloma, if operated for salinity control, navigation, and to supply irrigation water to the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta or San Joaquin Valley, would increase the low water flows in the American River and in the Sacra- mento River below Sacramento. This would have some effect in improving navigation conditions on the lower American River and, if navigation on the upper Sacramento River were not improved by the operation of the Kennett Reservoir, would have some effect in reducing the maintenance costs for navigation below Sacramento. These reser- voirs would have no effect on the Sacramento River above Sacramento. Economic Value of Improvement of Navigation Conditions. As previousl}^ stated, the reservoirs of the American River unit and the Oroville and Narrows reservoirs would effect some reduction in the present annual cost of maintaining the ten-foot depth of channel in the Sacramento River below Sacramento and the latter two reser- voirs would improve conditions between Sacramento and the mouth of the Feather River. However, since Kennett reservoir, if operated for the improvement of navigation as one of its principal functions, also would accomplish these same benefits, the value of the American River, Oroville and Narrows reservoirs for the improvement of naviga- tion on the Sacramento River would be small, if anything, with Ken- nett reservoir in operation. No values in dollars have been placed on the improvements that would be effected by reservoirs other than the Kennett. The effect of navigation conditions on the Sacramento River above Sacramento is reflected by the freight rates on shipments by water. Comparative freight rates for rail and water transportation on certain bulk commodities between San Francisco and three points in the Sacra- mento Valley, as quoted by the Railroad Commission of California, are given in Table 44. It may be seen from this table that the rates by water to Colusa on most commodities are either almost equal to, or higher than, the rates by rail, and that to Butte City, the rates by water are higher on all items. These higher rates may be accounted for by the inadequate channel depths and the intermittent eliaracter of navigation. The difference in the rates, however, is actually not quite as extreme as is indicated by the table since the water rates in some cases include a handling charge which is not included in the rail rate. In arriving at the value of the benefits that would result from further improvement of navigation on the Sacramento River above Sacramento, the Army engineers in recent studies that have been made available by the Division Engineer, have based their estimates on the savings in transportation costs on freight that would be moved on this improved section of the waterway only. Their method of estimating 164 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES the i)i' and future tonnage of freight wliieh would be moved over an improved waterway into and out of the area which they considered tributary to the river above Sacramento has already been given under "Potential Commerce." The tributary area was taken as the counties of Colusa, Sutter, Butte and Glenn, which extend only as far north as Chico and Stony Creeks, and does not include any of Yolo County. In estimating the present tonnage of freight movements no allowance was made for shipments by motor trucks, which are undoubtedly con- sidci'ablc ;imr)uiits. TABLE 44 RAIL AND WATER FREIGHT RATES Rates, per ton, between San Francisco and — Commodity Sacramento Colusa Butte City Rail Water Rail Water Rail Water 90.3 miles 108. 1 miles 134.3 miles 194.4 miles 147 miles 220 Smiles Cauned food products $2 50 3 00 2 30 2 40 2 10 2 00 3 70 $2 10 2 30 2 10 2 10 2 10 3 40 2 10 $7 fiO 4 30 3 60 4 60 3 60 3 50 3 60 $5 90 3 85 5 90 5 90 3 50 4 05 3 50 $5 00 4 60 3 60 4 60 3 60 3 20 3 60 $7 50 Fruits, dried. . . Fuel oil (lasoline . 5 20 7 50 7 50 (iraiti 4 10 Hay H ice (paddy)..- , 4 05 4 10 From a study of present transportation costs and freight rates and those which should exist after the improvement of navigation on the Sacramento River above Sacramento, the Army engineers estimated tiiat the average saving in transportation costs on freight moving over the improved waterway should be at least 50 cents per ton. Using their method of applying this 50 cents per ton saving to the estimated average annual tonnage of freight moved on the Sacramento River above Sacramento, the average of 570,000 tons per year for the next thirty years would give a total average annual saving of $285,000 for the same period. This amount capitalized at four per cent gives $7,125,000 as the value of the proposed improvement of the Sacra- mento River from Sacramento to Chico Landing, in the interest of navigation. No detailed study has been made by this division of the economic value of the improvement of navigation on the Sacramento River. It is believed, however, that certain changes should bo mado in the method used by the Army engineers in obtaining such values, and that witli such changes considerably greater values would result. In determining the value of improvement in navigation conditions on other rivers thi'oughout the United States, the stream has been considered by the Army engineers as a whole and has not been divided, as has been done on the Sacramento River, into .separate units. If this were done for the Sacramento River, shipments to and from the entire Sacramento Valley, instead of those from four counties, would be considered as a unit in estimating the value of the im])roved naviga tion. Also, the potential water-borne commerce is likely to be drawn SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 165 not only from those counties actually bordering on the river but from some of the more distant foothill and mountain areas as well. Con- siderable freight is }iow shipped by motor truck between the San Francisco Bay area and Sacramento and these mountain sections, and much of this commerce, with adequate navigation facilities, would be carried by water for part of the distance. In estimating the value of improved navigation conditions in reducing freight rates, the Army engineers have applied a saving of 50 cents per ton to the potential water-borne tonnage on the Sacra- mento River above Sacramento only. The reduction in rates on freight transported by water, wliich would undoubtedly follow tiie improvement of navigation conditions and might be even much greater than 50 cents per ton, would also probably compel a corresponding reduction in rates by competitive rail and truck transportation facili- ties. The benefit value of improved navigation in reducing transpor- tation costs therefore should not be confined to shipments by water only, but should be applied to all freight moving into and out of the entire Sacramento Valley which is capable of being moved over the waterway. While the Army engineers have based their estimated value or the improvement of navigation above Sacramento on the potential shipments in the 30-year period 1930-1960, it is believed that a longer period is justified. The use of a longer period would probably give an increased average annual tonnage and an increased saving in trans- portation costs. By incorporating all of the above changes into the method of estimating the value of improved navigation on the Sacramento River above Sacramento, this value undoubtedly would be much larger than that obtained by the Army engineers. It is even probable that the value would be at least equal to the cost of improA'ement of navigation by the canalization of the river from Sacramento to Red Bluff. If these same improved navigation conditions could be obtained with the Kennett reservoir operating for that purpose, and it is believed at this time that they could be so obtained with some addi- tional channel improvement, the value of the reservoir for the improve- ment of navigation would be equal to the cost of canalization of the river less the cost of open channel improvements with stream regulation. 166 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES CHAPTER VTII POWER DEVELOPMENT AND VALUES In the State Water Plan for the Sacramento River Basin, it is proposed that hydroelectric power plants be installed where the gene- ration of hydroelectric energy is economically feasible. The power resource is a valuable one. The revenues which could be obtained from the sale of electric energy would be of substantial assistance in financ- ing the projects because in most instances the potential energy output is large. Therefore, it is important and desirable not only to estimate the amount of electric energy which could be generated at each par- ticular project but also to studj'' and determine, as nearly as possible, the rate at which the electric energy output could be absorbed in the available power market, the total time required for such absorption under certain conditions and the unit values of the energy outputs at the points of generation. The studies and analyses of the power out- puts for the several units are described in Chapter IX. The other items are discussed in this chapter, preceded by a general discussion of the electric power development in California. Present Development. The electric power sj'stem of California as of December 31, 1930, included 113 hydroelectric plants, total capacity 1,725,635 kilovolt amperes, and 28 steam-electric plants, total capacity 1,113,195 kilovolt amperes, or a grand total of all plants of 2,838,830 kilovolt amperes; and extensive interconnected transmission and distribution systems serving all except the sparsely settled portions of the State. The loca- tions of the hydroelectric and steam-electric plants, main transmission lines and main substations as of December 31, 1930, are shown on Plate XIV, "Electric Power Production and Transmission Systems in California, December 31, 1930." The proposed power plants of the State Water Plan also are shown. The features shown on the plate are listed, with their index numbers or letters, in Table 45. TABLE 45 EXISTING POWER PLANTS AND MAIN SUBSTATIONS IN CALIFORNIA, DECEMBER 31, 193 0, AND PROPOSED POWER PLANTS OF STATE WATER PLAN EXISTING POWER PLANTS Capacitjj Index in kilovolt Group System Company and plant Claaaiflcation number amperes Northern I CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER CO. Fall Creek Hydroelectric 1 2,750 Copco No. 1 Hydroelectric 2 25,000 Copco No. 2 Hydroelectric .*? 30,000 Shasta River Hydroelectric 4 360 Headlight . Hydroelectric 5 **1 -, N 9 I-T.ATK XIV /;■>. / \ ^tt. / \V \ LEGEND SVSTEM l-Pacif>c Gai A OeclfC Compao, ano cooiolmaiec) and conneeimo STSTEM ll-Souihem Colitom.a Eaison Company. Lta.,and CHy of Los Anoeles STATE WATER PLAN ic power plants m system Transmission hnes-75XlOO volts and over rn system color. Transmission Imes under 75,000 volts m system color. ■^N'"V, '^■'— V,-- 5i^ M. '*^ ^^ ■. ,/ ^ A- (. ' - ^. /: XX. ~X-, ,/ / V 7 -L..^--^^:. '~\^'^ / -- ----A.-^ ■u ^ . / V ■ / i ■'•'iCsi / c^:::^'" ELECTRIC POWER PRODUCTION TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS IN CALIFORNIA DECEMBER 31, 1930 SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 167 TABLE 45 — Continued EXISTING POWER PLANTS AND MAIN SUBSTATIONS IN CALIFORNIA, DECEMBER 31, 1930, AND PROPOSED POWER PLANTS OF STATE WATER PLAN Cdljuviljj Index in kilovult Classification mimber amperes (Jroup System Nortlioni I Northern Xortlicrii Xortlif'TU N'orthf rn Xortlu rn Xorth(-rn Northern Coinintiiij (iiid titdiil PACIFIC GAS AND EbKO- TRIC CO. AND ITS SUB- SIDIARY COMPANIES Pit No. 1 Pit No. 3 Hat Creek No. 1 Hat Creek No. 2 Eureka Junction City Kilarc Cow Creek Volta Coleman In.skip _■ South De Sabla Centerville Lime Saddle Coal Canyon Bullards Bar Colgate Spaulding No. 1 and No. 2 Spauhling No. 3 Deer Creek Drum Alta Halsey Wise El Dorado American River Folsom Sacramento, Station "P."_ Blectra Spring Gap Stanislaus Phoenix JNIelones Stockton North Beach San Francisco, Station "A" Oakland, Station "C" Monterey Salinas Potter Valley CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO Cherry Creek Moccasin Creek EAST BAY MUNICJPATi UTILITY DIST. Pardee UTICA MINING CO. Murphy Angels — COAST COUNTIES GAS AND ELECTRIC CO. Big Creek (Swanton) WEST SIDE LUMBER CO. Tuolumne SIERRA PACIFIC PO"V^^ER CO. Farad GREAT WESTERN POWER CO. OF CALIFORNIA Caribou Bucks Creek Las Plumas North Beach Phelan Bush Oakland Hunters Point Hydroelectric 6 Hydroelectric 7 Hydroelectric 8 Hydroelectric 9 Steam-electric 10 Hydroelectric 11 Hydroelectric 12 Hydroelectric 13 Hydroelectric 1 4 Hydroelectric 1.') Hydroelectric 1 6 Hydroelectric 1 7 Hydroelectric IS Hydroelectric lit Hydroelectric 20 Hydroelectric 21 Hydroelectric 22 Hydroelectric 23 Hydroelectric 24 Hydroelectric 24-a Hydroelectric 2.5 Hydroelectric 26 Hydroelectric 27 Hydroelectric 28 Hydroelectric 20 Hydroelectric 'iO Hydroelectric 31 Hydroelectric 32 Steam-electric 33 Hydroelectric 34 Hydroelectric 3") Hydroelectric 36 Hydroelectric 37 Hydroelectric 3 8 Steam-electric 39 Steam-electric 40 Steam-electric 41 S'team-electric 42 Steam-electric 43 Steani-electric 43-a Hydroelectric 4 6 Hydroelectric 44 Hydroelectric 45 Hydroelectric 3 4 -a Hydroelectric 47 Hydroelectric 4S Hydroelectric 4 9 Steajn-electric 52 Hydroelectric 53 Hydroelectric 54 Hydroelectric 55 Hydroelectric 56 Steam-electric 57 Steam-electric 58 Steam-electric .59 Steam-electric 60 Steam-electric 60-a 70,000 81,000 12,500 12,500 9,000 1,970 3,000 1,500 7,000 16,500 6,000 4,000 13,000 6,400 2,000 1.000 8,125 15,575 11,750 7,000 6,875 55,000 2,000 12,500 12,500 25,000 6,105 3,750 17,500 20,000 7,500 34,000 1,875 27,000 1,500 27,000 80,000 62,000 1,000 30 9,000 3,000 80,000 18,750 1,500 650 990 1.500 66,670 50,000 65,000 16.000 1,500 5.000 10,500 43.750 SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 167 TABLE 45 — Continued EXISTING POWER PLANTS AND MAIN SUBSTATIONS IN CALIFORNIA, DECEMBER 31, 1930, AND PROPOSED POWER PLANTS OF STATE WATER PLAN Index in kilovolt Groni) Sifsteni Company (nul i)l iij -' '7 ■^ c:=::::P GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION OF ELECTRIC POWER PRODUCTION AND LOAD IN CALIFORNIA 19 27 SCALL OF MILCS 10 c JO '.n to PLATE X\* \ Electric power production • 25000,000 k.Iowall hours < Less then 25.000.000 kilowaU nours Electfc power load • 25,000.>X>0 ktlowall hours < Lew Ihan 25.000,000 hilowaU houra A ,«V';^> " / ./.•■•: £0 ../" -> /V~ 4:1:)^ 4v GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION ELECTRIC POWER PRODUCTION AND LOAD IN CALIFORNIA 1927 SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 171 System I includes the Pacific Gas and Electric Company and its subsidiary companies, Great Western Power Company of California, San Joaquin Light and Power Corpora- tion, and Midland Counties Public Service Corpo- ration ; the California-Oregon Power Company ; Coast Counties Gas and Electric Company ; City of San Francisco ; Modesto and Turlock Irrigation Districts ; Merced Irrigation District; and East Bay Municipal Utility District. System II includes mainly the Southern California Edison Com- pany, Ltd., City of Los Angeles and City of Pasadena. System III includes Los Angeles Gas and Electric Corporation, the Southern Sierras Power Company and San Diego Consolidated Gas and Electric Company. System I, as indicated on Plate XIV, extends from the Oregon line to Bakersfield and supplies practically all of the electric energy requirements of California north of Tehachapi and west of the Sierra Nevada with the exception of parts of Fresno, Tulare and Kern counties. Its transmission system is in reasonable proximity to the proposed power plants of the State Water Plan in the Great Central Valley, shown on Plate XIV, and it is the only system serving an electric power market economically served by these developments. It is this system and the market served by it w^hich must absorb the electric energy to be generated as a by-product in connection with any water storage development in northern and central California. Systems II and III serve the power market of southern California. That market is too far removed from the contemplated developments of the State Water Plan in the Sacramento River Basin to be considered available for utilization of electric energy produced by the units of the plan in that basin. Furthermore, the construction of Hoover Dam and power plant on the Colorado River will furnish a large block of energy for absorption by the southern California market. Distribution of Present Power Load. Plate XV, "Geographic Location of Electric Power Production and Load in California, 1927," shows for that year the geographic distribu- tions of the electric power production and the load or market. Since 1927, the trend has been toward increased production of electric energy by steam-electric plants. At present a greater proportion of the out- put than that indicated on Plate XV would be represented as coming from steam-electric plants located in the San Francisco Bay area and near Los Angeles. The distribution of the market, however, remains relatively the same as shown on this plate. Table 46 sets forth the energy production for the years 1927, 1928 and 1929, and also the load, as indicated by substation output, for the year 1927, distributed among the companies. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 171 System I includes the Pacific Gas and Electric Company and its subsidiary companies, Great Western Power Company of California, San Joaquin Light and Power Corpora- tion, and Midland Counties Public Service Corpo- ration ; the California-Oregon Power Company ; Coast Counties Gas and Electric Company ; City of San Francisco; Modesto and Turlock Irrigation Districts; Merced Irrigation District; and East Bay Municipal Utility District. System II includes mainly the Southern California Edison Com- pany, Ltd., City of Los Angeles and City of Pasadena. System III includes Los Angeles Gas and Electric Corporation, the Southern Sierras Power Company and San Diego Consolidated Gas and Electric Company. System I, as indicated on Plate XIV, extends from the Oregon line to Bakersfield and supplies practically all of the electric energy requirements of California north of Tehacliapi and west of the Sierra Nevada with the exception of parts of Fresno, Tulare and Kern counties. Its transmission system is in reasonable proximity to the proposed power plants of the State Water Plan in the Great Central Valley, shown on Plate XIV, and it is the only system serving an electric power market economically served by these developments. It is this system and the market served by it which must absorb the electric energy to be generated as a by-product in connection with any water storage development in northern and central California. Systems II and III serve the power market of southern California. That market is too far removed from the contemplated developments of the State Water Plan in the Sacramento Kiver Basin to be considered available for utilization of electric energy produced by the units of the plan in that basin. Furthermore, the construction of Hoover Dam and power plant on the Colorado River will furnish a large block of energy for absorption by the southern California market. Distribution of Present Power Load. Plate XV, "Geograpliic Location of Electric Power Production and Load in California, 1927," shows for that year the geographic distribu- tions of the electric power production and the load or market. Since 1927, the trend has been toward increased production of electric energy by steam-electric plants. At present a greater proportion of the out- put than that indicated on Plate XV would bo represented as coming from steam-electric plants located in the San Francisco Bay area and near Los Angeles. The distribution of the market, however, remains relatively the same as shown on this plate. Table 46 sets forth the energy production for the years 1927, 1928 and 1929, and also the load, as indicated by substation output, for the year 1927, distributed among the companies. 172 niVISIOX OF WATER RESOURCES V) 0. o u >- ea Q < s ^ . * V Z o c CO frl _] H 03 U c <: UJ ,0 H Q ■— § 6 0. >- OS u o u c — 2S USM I 1-" o o a s 2 o o o CI C O Q O O O ooo o'oo" ooo M* O - i2 3 O J3 w c3 a a o o •a B a S 5 a 3 s o ooo ooo ooo oo'o" ooo iC (O ^ rCod ^jT — OiO ooo OOO ooo oc>o" ooo co>o_«o C>4 0> CD oo oo oo at CD o CO s o o o § •H — mooej o o •^ 04 b ■^OOOOC^MCOO C^^iOriC^CDC^CDCfl oooooe^cocib ooooooooo ocooooooo ooooooooo (SQOOOOOOO ooooooooo c*ooeo-^'*oooopoc> o o o o oo oo oc o"o' oo cc o oo"' ooo o ooo o o oo ooo ooooooo o' o o" o c> cT cs ooooooo ^T "^ ^^ ^^ a OS CO "" irT «-J 00 O f^ r^- 1'^ -^ eo O CO o o o o o o ooo ooo o_oo ooo CO •^•'S^ oo t^o CD CDkO ooooooo oooc ooo ooooooo o" o" c' o' o' =" o" ooooooo ^ c^ o CD ac_ -^ ;d '>i -^ ^ '^ t^ oo ro CD ^^ CO c^ 00 lO rt oo o o o o o"o oo CO h- o o c o" s S e o c (^ A * a 8 3 o a q I. S-" (^ • - M 3 o 6^ .- c.S JJ2 c SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 173 ooo ooo ooo 0*0*0 ~5CDO ,-1 CD ^ g? 000 000 000 o"oo 000 ■^ !0 •-• fe a — ^ o H"0'r O o a c « SO o -*» 2 l-a » HM 00 a ^ -5 ^ 5 C/D ii Wrt H a> Oi a 2 o 174 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Table 47 sets forth the electric energy requirements by counties. In this table, the substation output is given for 1927, and for 1929 a figure is shown which is the sales or substation output in each county corrected for losses to give the equivalent energy output at the power plants to supply the use in the county. The figures for 1929 were developed by the United States Forest Service office at San Francisco. TABLE 47 ELECTRIC ENERGY REQUIREMENTS BY COUNTIES Group, district and county Northern group- District 1: Butte Colusa Del Norte.. Glenn Humboldt.. Lake Lassen Mendocino. Modoc Napa Nevada Placer Plumas Shasta Sierra Siskiyou Sonoma Sutter Tehama Trinity Yolo Yuba Sub-totals, District 1. District 2: Alpine Amador Calaveras El Dorado... Sacramento.. San Joaquin. Solano Stanislaus Tuolumne... Sub-toUls, District 2. District 3: Alameda Contra Coeta.. Marin. Santa Clara... San Francisco. San Mateo Sub-totals, District 3. District 4: Monterey... San Benito. Santa Cruz. Sub-totals, District 4 Totals, Diatricta 1 to 4, inclusive . Substation output — year 1927 Kilowatt hours 35,516,000 20,175,000 21,161,000 14,451,000 5,535.000 4,884,000 33,901,000 19,858,000 31,523,000 16,162,000 20,584,000 24,30li,000 22,230,000 8,351,000 6,899,000 21,683,000 52,313,000 359,538,000 22,846,000 12,802,000 2,449,000 172,146,000 123,287,000 68,792,000 67,451,000 18,824,000 Per cent of Group total 11.2 488,597,000 449,920,000 244,397,000 32,073,000 131,575,000 685,775,000 91,031,000 1,634,771,000 50,271.000 20,823,000 50,591,000 121,685.000 2,604,501.000 15.3 State toUl Energy output prorated to counties— 1929' Kilowatt hours 6.0 51.1 3 8 81.4 8.1 27.1 2 43 2 37,303.000 24.295,000 441.000 24.660.000 20.889.000 5.578.000 2.071.000 6.690,000 603,000 20,391.000 37.150.000 31.997,000 33,454,000 21,774,000 2,936,000 28,047.000 53,599,000 21,648,000 14.501,000 1,334,000 32,826,000 62,004,000 484,191,000 22,473,000 40,072,000 3,655,000 237,793,000 186,615,000 57,232,000 61.069.000 20.947.000 631.056,000 640,403.000 394,018,000 52,978,000 263,030,000 939.966,000 122,157.000 Per cent of Group total 2,412,552,000 100,447.000 38.064,000 57.829,000 196,340,000 3,724,139.000 10.5 State total 5.S 13.8 52.7 4.3 81.3 7.2 27.4 2.2 42.3 I Substation output or sales corrected for losses to give equivalent output at generating point. Developed by United States Forest Service office at San Francisco. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN TABLE 47— Continued 175 Substation output- year 1927 - Energy output prorated to counties— 1929' Group, district and county Kilowatt hours Per cent of Kilowatt hours Per cent of Group tota State total Group total State total Northern group— Continued District 5: Fresno . 171,885,000 256,869,000 43,863,000 33,457,000 3,000,000 09,341,000 16,423.000 286,579,000 321,493,000 86,663,000 53,423,000 5,413,000 77,685,000 25,709,000 Kern Kings Madera Mariposa _ . Merced . San Luis Obispo - .. . Sub-totals, District 5 594,838,000 18.6 9.8 856,965,000 18.7 9.8 Totals, Northern group 3,199,429,000 8,188,003 100.0 53.0 4,581,104,000 45,003,000 1,615,000 95,581,000 273,960,000 100 52 1 Southern group- District O.- Inyo.. Mono Santa Barbara - 57,766,000 157,694,000 Tulare= Sub-totals, District 6- . , District 7: Los Angeles . 223,648,000 1,859,426,000 138,361,000 56.814.000 7.9 3.7 416,159,000 2,921,411,000 179,023,000 120,339,000 9.9 4.7 Orange . . . Ventura . Sub-totals , District 7 . 2,054.601,000 40,257,000 132,809,000 239,016 000 126,801,000 72.3 34 3,220,773,000 51,466,000 107,182,000 248.160,000 167,804,000 76.5 36 7 Districts: Riverside - _ San Diego Sub-totals, District 8... .. 538,883.000 19.0 8.9 574,612,000 13.6 6.5 Not segregated 22.295.000 0.8 0.4 Totals, Southern group.. . - - . . 2,839,427,000 100.0 47.0 4,211,544,000 100.0 47 9 Grand totals , entire state 6,038,856,000 100.0 8,792,648,000 100.0 > Sulwtation output or sales corrected for losses to give equivalent output at generating point. States Forest Service office at San Francisco. » Served almost entirely by Southern California Edison Company. Developed by United The counties are grouped approximately on the same basis as the sys- tems in Table 46. Tulare County is included in the southern group since it is served by the Southern California Edison Companj'. Parts of Kern and Fresno counties also are served by the Soutlieni California Edison Company, but, to offset this, part of Santa Barbara County is served by the San Joaquin Light and Power Corporation system. It may be seen from Tables 46 and 47 that System I, which serves the territory that must absorb the electric energy' outputs of the power plants of the major units of the State Water Plan in the Sacramento River Basin, produced almost 4,600,000,000 kilowatt hours of electric energy or more than 50 per cent of the entire production in California in 1929. This amount was about 630,000,000 kilowatt hours or 16 per cent greater than the production in 1927. Approximately 50 per cent 176 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES of the electric energy consumed in tlie territory served by the system is used in an area 50 miles in radius from the San Francisco Bay district. Growth of Power Load. To illustrate the growth of electric power development in Cali- fornia, tables and diagrams are given to show the annual increase in the installation of electric power generators and in the amount of electric energy generated. Table 48 sets forth for the northern and southern groups and the entire state, the installed capacities in kilovolt amperes of hydroelectric and steam-electric plants as of December 31st of each year from 1911 to 1929. These data are depicted graphically on Plate XVI, "Installed Electric Power Generator Capacities in California, 1911-1929." Table 49 sets forth the electric power production in kilowatt hours for the northern and southern groups and for the entire state for the period 1913 to 1929 and Plate XVII, "Electric Power Production in California, 1913-1929," shows graphicalh' the average power produc- tion, by months, in kilowatts, for the same years for the same grouping of systems. Table 50 and Plate XVIII, "Past and Estimated Future Growth of Electric Power Production in California, 1913-1950," set forth in figures and graphicallj'', respectively, the actual growth of load for the years 1913 to 1929, and the estimated growth from 1930 to 1950, for the northern and southern groups and the entire state. It may be noted from the table that the load growth of the northern group, or System I, is estimated to increase at a rate of a little over 5 per cent per year from 1930 to 1940 and at a rate of about 4 per cent per year from 1940 to 1950. The load growth is estimated to be at a rate of 324,000,000 to 406,000,000 kilowatt hours per year from 1935 to 1940 and at a rate of 326,000,000 to 464,000,000 kilowatt hours per year from 1940 to 1950. The total electric energy production in 1940 is estimated to be 1,802,000,000 kilowatt hours per year greater than in 1935 and the production in 1950 is estimated to be 3,914,000,000 kilowatt hours per year greater than in 1940. The load growth of the northern group excluding tlie market served by the San «Toaquin system* which is somewhat distant from the power producing units of the State Water Plan in the Sacramento River Basin, is estimated to be at about the same percentage rates as for the entire group. The load growth for this portion of the northern group is estimated to be at a rate of 265,000,000 to 334,000,000 kilowatt hours per year from 1935 to 1940 and at a rate of 267.000,000 to 380,- 000,000 kilowatt hours per year from 1940 to 1950. The total electric energy production in 1940 is estimated to be 1,476,000,000 kilowatt hours per year greater than in 1935 and the production in 1950 is estimated to be 3,203,000,000 kilowatt hours per year greater than in 1940. * San Joaquin Lif;ht and Power Corporation, Midland Counties Public Service Corporation, Turlock and Modesto Irrigation Districts and Merced Irrigation District. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 177 9< i X o Q Z u H < < U z g ^ 2 U a E CO 4-) > _o c en ^^ a 4005C^'*0 fM 3 O <-« lO iC C*3 O "^OO t't.CO ■^'^^O t» l^M GO !;D CO Oi OOOOiOO'— 'i— ti-Hi-HOOCOtO^Tf^j^asCTiO C^00^CCiO00MQ0ci'--<^C0OC0»O»O •-HC0CT100 000003'— «•— '•^C^C0'^C t^ O CO to O lO Ol CO 00 O cjeoeoo5030"^io»ooioc^ooiocoo0'— "r-to «-Ht-tM(Mc^eocceQCOco»oiO'COoOi030'-'co OOOCOOOOi'-OcOC^OOt^i— 'COt-^ CO_OS O CD o o;Si^'*j<'TP'^»r3iO»0»oi^Cscor^^H^ooc:Di-* r— r--oo^-0':D40*ooi0505coc^"^ ^'^'^'t^ i^ *o oo oS CO c^ "^ "^ t^ CO '^ "rf c-i c^ c- <— i ,-( ,-, rH 1-H (T] C^) CI iM CO CO -^ -^ »0 »0 »0 *-0 O 0>OiOSCT>t— lOh-QO'— 'OO^rtC^OiOi"^!^*— 'CO CDC-^OOCOOSOOC^ICM-^'^iOQOira "^^20 ■^'^^^ 00>rsOiu^iOOOCOGOTrcOOi"OMr40T-.cO'— 'O COCOCO-^^«^**'^lOi0^t^QOGOO'-''— 'C^CO »/5»OiO»0*«00000000»/5iOiO»OkOO OcDC^'MOSCQC^'— <— icD^COC^OiOCSCTl'^OO ^ O Oi ■T)^ 00 O Oi oT rji" '^ w CO^ oT CS C-1 cf C^l O CO Ococoiotoio»oi0t--O0'— 'c^fM-^-^TfTrr-..— t ^^^^^^^H,-ii-iT-.,-.C^C^(MC^'MCS^'-^*-0'— t'-^c^QO»o'--*-D f--<'M'^:OCOOi«— -^OiOt^COC^U^-- '— "-^ C^C^(NC^C^C^COCOCOeO"^iOW3<£>00000100 <-o?or-.oooso— *c^co^»o«ot^ooa» _ _ ,-. — ^- .-« T-* 1— . .-I TI C) -M C^* CI C'l (M Tl CI -M 0> C>0>0^0^0^0>OSO^O)000)0>C^ O OS c^ o 12—80994 178 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PLATE XVI 1400r— 1200-- 1000 — 800 600 - 400 200 NORTHERN GROUP COMPANIES IN NORTHERN GROUP C»iilo"f» Oregon Power Comoeny Pictfic G«« and Eieclf'C Compsr^y Great Weilern Power CotrtpBny of C«i>forniB Stn Joeaud Power Corporal. on C'tif o' Sart FraAciaco Coaat Courtiiea Gas artd Electric CorT>pany UtiCa Mining Company Modeito-Twrioch Irrigation Districts Merced Irrigation District United States National ParK Service 1400 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 SOUTHERN GROUP 1929 u III a « u 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 '923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 ENTIRE STATE 1929 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1321 1922 1923 1924 I9J-3 192b 19. INSTALLED ELECTRIC POWER GENERATOR CAPACITIES IN CALIFORNIA 1911-1929 HYDROELECTRIC INSTALLATION STEAM ELECTRIC INSTALLATION SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 179 0^ < 2 O z o H U D Q O o; a. 0^ ^ w o 3 a .*3 t^t^*oc^oo-Hcor*co^«oeoeooiC^oco ■^■^o-^t-cooiOoocooocceot^oaiOtN^ o A.2 CO »-H i-H ,-H 1-1 C-l (M CO T-H ^ ^H ir '-H »-^ r-i o o o o o o o o o o o_ o_ o o_ o o_ o_ o H CO r^ oo CO t^ oo oo --r -4" »c' t--*" -jiT -r ^' ri o^ o <:oooir3co^*OQO*«*'r-^ooo«-T'c:>'^c:> «> 0ii-"C0'0000000w>00000 i-H^OiO'^oioor-'OO-ri-^ococo « 00 C^ 05 ''f 00 O O (M O O 'Tl 1 - O C-1 ->0 O CO coeoeoco'^r-oi'-'t— »oo5co_05(McD»-H^'^ ^ r-T oT 1-H ^-Td" o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO* ■*-> OOOOOOCDOOOOCDOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOCDOOOOO J o" o' o" o' o" o* o~ o' o' o' o' o* o" o' o' o" o" OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO § o^oo^o_ooo 0_0_0 0_0 0_0__0_0_ -a cJ'^ooodcococo'^'^'oooc-) r-^oo oco OOcD^OOOCOOC^C^l'tOiO^''^^"— 'C^'^t^t— >> -CO a ^T^^oSc^c^cScSeoco-^c^tfSiO'S^^ 0S00C0t^C001t^0000OC0iCt^OO«M00 a 1 S oooor^-^c^c^'-tOMcocococO'-tooO"<*< s a n ^r-(^Hi-HW(MCOCOC^»-l000000000000000 ooo oo o o o_o o o o o o_o o o i^^»-4'ijo-Hco', cot— OOt^OOOOOOOi ^^OiO O O ^t-^iO CO w •-H ^ i-T 1-H ci" M c4" ci" c4^ ■S A.2 t— C0OO5^*M00t-C^C^t-00a>C^Oil>.0> io<-«cocOi«cor-o»ococ^ior^r-o^^H -^ oi c^ c 1-4 »-7 i-T .^ i-i" ^ ^ C^ CS CS C^ CO CO CO CO TT^ '^~ o ooooooooooooooooo ^ "C ooooooooooooooooo 8 ooooooooooooooooo o' o' o' o" o' o* o* o* o" o' o' o' o" o o* o* o" oo^ooooo>oooooooooo "v o o o o o^ o_ o o o o_ o o o o o o o o' t- o' o' t" o V co' 'p o' — •" o* I - -^'" •^' -^ in — ' --f ':m -^ lO -^ m oc lO **• '-0 ■^ o r-- CO t'- -^ M CO ^Oi C^ M ■'TiO rococo CO '-^C-IC^ »o u ooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo 8 OOOOOOOOOOOQOOO o'o ooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo s ■S iC lO I- CO -M O Ci O C") '^ CS) O r- »0 •:D 'XS CO Oi— ■looco-oco-^rr-^oo-.r — o-Moo-^ >1 CO ^^«-^-^'«r lO Oi^c^-^r o ^»o CI -- o W ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ,-^ -T ^ C^ CJ C^f CO CO CO Tf" M*" lij co-^i^ot— oooso— *r— ooa> s ,-,^^^^^_HC|C'JC^^C^'MC^C^C'J1 030^0>030CdO^C>dC30ia>00>0)0>0 180 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PLATE XVII NORTHERN GROUP ■-1 • ■ : r : 600 400 - 200 HT^IJIMMi ft « M Vi tit Iff, I, It tl tlfl. Ml tl ft 'A 'It II fl fiJIJIIIi 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 SOUTHERN GROUP 'llhhXu.u.A / .. v,'f.;.i.,,t,f /, • tvi uXX _1 1— i- 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 E ;i'Mr4^:-l:H{,;{i 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 Nil RE STATE 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 I3".6 1927 ELECTRIC POWER PRODUCTION IN CALIFORNIA 1913-1929 POWER PRODUCED BY HYDROELECTRIC PLANTS POWER PRODUCED BY STEAMELECTRIC PLANTS SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 181 1 'T. ATE XVIII NORTHERN GROUP 10.000 5,000 n ^ ^ ^ i ^ n ^ .-■ ..'" ^ J ^^ - .^ ■ r — r F" ^ -'- ^ ^ «• „ „» .^ ^ .m f^ 1915 1920 1925 1930 1935 1940 1945 1950 SOUTHERN GROUP ions of kilowatt hours S 8 -g o o c o o c " --•- *' ,m • • — ... -- »• ^ ' " ^ .^ - 1* rf' ^ ^ »» ^ ^ ^ — —' — _j _ — , — — — — — — — — — Electric power production in ml! S 8 S 8 S 8 o o o o o o ) O O O O O CO 19 15 1£ 2C ) 19 25 E N Tl 19 R 30 E SI A TE 19 35 u 19 40 1945 1950 . X ^ ^ ^ " « ' > • ' /• X ^ ^ ^ 4 ^ ^ f" ,^ •' > ,«(• ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ •* - ,^ u 1915 1920 1925 1930 1935 1940 1945 1950 PAST AND ESTIMATED FUTURE GROWTH ELECTRIC POWER PRODUCTION IN CALIFORNIA 1913-1950 E s- ritt ^A 11- TE :d E LE :c TF IC p ^( P R< 3D u CT 10 N FC 3R F Ul •u RE . V E *R = 1 182 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 50 ELECTRIC ENERGY PRODUCTION IN CALIFORNIA. 1913-1950 Actual output of California plants, 1913-1929. ELstimated output rcquirefnents. 1930-1950 Kilowatt hours Year Northern group Southern group Entire state 1913 1,205,000.000 1,262.000,000 1,377,000,000 1,513,000,000 1,686,000,000 1,900,000,000 1,993,000.000 2,223,000,000 2,326,000,000 2,584.000,000 2.850,000,000 3.180,000.000 3,384.000,000 3,776,000,000 3,962,000,000 4.260.000,000 4,591,000,000 4,822,000,000 5,074,000,000 5,340,000,000 5.618,000.000 5.912.000.000 6.220,000,000 6,544.000.000 6.884.000.000 7,616.000.000 8,022,000.000 8,348.000.000 8,687,000.000 9.408.000,000 9.788.000.000 10,186.000.000 10,598,000.000 11.026,000.000 11,472,000,000 11,936,000.000 758,000,000 925,000,000 981.000.000 920.000,000 1,031,000,000 1,158,000,000 1,295,000.000 1,421,000,000 1.545.000.000 1.731.000.000 2.300.000.000 2.730.000.000 3.065,000.000 3.347.000.000 3.709,000,000 4.215,000.000 4.589.000,000 5.068.000,000 5.502.000.000 5.933,000.000 6.406.000,000 6.875,000.000 7.630.000.000 8.329.000.000 8.695,000,000 9.319.000.000 9.605,000.000 9.889.000,000 10.126.000,000 10.361.000.000 10.636.000,000 10.909.000.000 11.091,000.000 11,357.000,000 1 963 000 000 1914 - 2,187.000 000 1915... 2,358,000,000 1916 2,433,000.000 1917 2.717.000.000 1918 1919 1920 3.644.000.000 1921 :. ... 3.871.000.000 1922. 4,315.000,000 1923 5,007.000.000 1924 5.486.000.000 1925... 1926 6.841.000.000 1927 7.309.000.000 1928 7,969,000,000 1929 8,806.000,000 1930> 9,411,000.000 19311... . . 10,142.000.000 1932 10.842.000.000 1933 11,551.000,000 1934 12,318,000.000 1935 1936 13.798.000,000 1937 14.514.000.000 1938.. - 15,243,000,000 1939 15,945,000,000 1940 16,717,000,000 1941 17,379,000,000 1942 18.006,000,000 1943 18.645.000.000 1944 9.297,000,000 1945 19,914,000,000 1946 20,547,000,000 1947... 21,234,000.000 1948 21,935,000,000 1949 22,563.000.000 1950 . . 23,293,000,000 ^ Since the preparation of this manuscript, the actual outputs, in kilowatt hours, for 1930 and 1931 have become available and are: Northei-n Southern Eyitire Year group group state 1930 4,769,742,000 4,287,194,000 9,056,936,000 1931 4,739,463,000 4,226,318,000 8,965,781,000 Absorption of Electric Energy Output of Plants of the State Water Plan. Potential outputs of electric energy from all of the power plants proposed in connection with the major reservoir units of the State Water Plan in the Sacramento River Basin were estimated for two plans of operation, one on the basis of reservoir operation primarily for tlie production of power and the other with reservoir ojiera- tion primarily for irrigation. The methods used in making these estimates are described in Chapter IX. The average annual amount of energy produced would generally be less with the reservoir operated primarily for irrigation than for power. Lessened flexibility of operation and the resulting characteristics of energy output also would be such as to reduce the value of energy produced below the value witli power requirements controlling. The primary object of any of the major reservoir units, however, is to regulate the run-oft' to make it available for irrigation, salinity SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 183 control and navigation and to control flood flows. Power must be considered as a by-product. All of the reservoirs would not be operated for all of the above uses but all would ultimately be operated primarily for irrigation, or irrigation and salinity control combined. The reservoirs on the larger streams also would be operated for flood control and the Kennett reservoir, located on a navigable stream, would be operated to improve navigation. As previously stated, studies were made for all of the proposed power plants to estimate the electric energy output under the condi- tions of reservoir operation primarily for the generation of power and primarily for irrigation. It is believed, however, that the first unit to be constructed in the Sacramento River Basin would be operated to control floods; to supply water for the irrigation of lands along the river on which it is located and the lands in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta ; to furnish water for salinity control ; and, if on a navigable stream, water to improve navigation. As a second step in the operation of an initial unit, the reservoir would be operated for the above uses and also to furnish a supplementary irrigation supply to lands in the San Joaquin Valley. Under both of these methods of operation of an initial unit, electric energy would be generated inci- dental to the other uses. The amount of energy so generated was estimated for the Kennett reservoir unit and the American River unit. The full supply of water from units constructed after the initial unit would probably not be needed for irrigation, or irrigation and salinity control, immediately upon the completion of the reservoir. The initial operation of such units, therefore, may be expected to approach the condition of operation primarily for the generation of power. The annual electric energy output from the Kennett power plant or power plants constructed in connection with other major units of the State Water Plan is sufficient in amount under any method of operation to require coordination of the development with the program of construction to be carried on by the power producing agencies serving the market, if the output is to be absorbed readily. In the following text, Kennett power plant will be used as an example in the discussion of different factors involved in absorbing and evaluating the electric energy output. These same factors would apply to any other major unit of the State Water Plan. It has been stated in another section of this chapter that the estimated grovti:h of load or market requirements, in the northern group would be at a rate of 324,000,000 to 406,000,000 Icilowatt hours per year in the 5-year period 1935-1940. The total load in 1940 is estimated to be 1,802,000,000 kilowatt hours per year greater than in 1935. The growth of load in the same area for the 5-year period 1940- 1945 is estimated to be at a rate of 326,000,000 to 380,000,000 kilowatt hours per year and the total load in 1945 is estimated to be 1,766,000,000 kilowatt hours per year greater than in 1940. The growth of load in the 5-year period 1945-1950 is estimated to be at a rate of 398,000,000 to 464,000,000 kilowatt hours per year and the total load in 1950 is estimated to be 2.148,000,000 kilowatt hours per year greater than in 1945. 184 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES It is estimated that the average annual output of the Kennett reservoir and Keswick afterbay power plants, described in Chapter IX, in the 40-year period 1889-1929, when operated primarily for the generation of power, would have been 1,622,800,000 kilowatt hours per year. On account of the characteristics of this output, however, a market somewhat in excess of the estimated plant outputs would have to be developed to absorb them fully. The length of time required to absorb tlie outputs of the Kennett and Keswick plants, therefore, would depend upon the year that they are brought into production. It is believed that the period of absorption would not be more than four to six years. Upon completion of the Kennett reservoir unit, assuming it to be the initial development and 1940 as the earliest date of completion, the additional supply of energy would enter the market of the northern group where the estimated load then being served would be about eight billion kilowatt hours annually. The demands of tlie territory at that time would of necessity be fully served by the existing agencies. From the standpoint of economic absorption of electric energy output of plants such as those proposed for the Kennett reservoir unit, the amount of steam-electric energy produced at the time of completion of the project is important. The tendency at the present time in Cali- fornia is for the power companies to install steam-electric rather than hydi'oclectric plants, owing to increased efficiency of stoam-electric generation and decreased cost of fuel. It is essential that the develop- ment by the State and by the power producing agencies be so coordinated that a material increase in steam-electric produced energy will have occurred by the time the Kennett development is completed. By this procedure, and provided definite contracts are entered into, it would be possible for the existing power-producing agencies to so adjust their progress in development that the load could be absorbed readily. The output of the Kennett and Keswick power plants could be utilized upon completion of the plants to carry the load being carried by steam-electric plants. By discontinuing steam-electric development to take care of the following year's growth of load prior to bringing in the first unit at Kennett, and the completion of the Kennett and Keswick plants in one j-ear thereafter, only about three- fifths of the output would actually be competing with the fuel price of steam-electric energy. Within about four years after completion of the Kennett and Keswick plants, the entire output would be absorbed by load growth and Avould justify full compensation. Conditions of absorption of the output of other plants would be similar. The electric energy output of the Kennett and Keswick power plants would represent approximately 20 per cent of the load of System I in 1940. Much more extreme problems than the absorption of this output have been faced and overcome by power companies in the past. In 1921, the Great Western Power Company brought in on its own system a power development representing more than 40 per cent of its then existing load. In 1925, the Pacific Gas and Electric Company did likewise. With tiie reasonable coordination of State development with that of the power companies and municipalities, the electric energy output of any of the units of the State Water Plan could be readily absorbed. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 185 Value of Electric Energy Output. The value of the energy output from the plants contemplated in connection with the State Water Plan depends upon its characteristics, point of delivery and cost of energy from other and competitive sources. The energy from a power plant with a dependable kilowatt and kilo- watt hour output in dry years, especially in the late summer months of such years, is more valuable than the energy from plants where failure of output occurs in critical years. The electric power market available to plants in the Sacramento River Basin is largely in or near the San Francisco Bay area and energy produced or delivered nearest the load center will be the most valuable, other things being equal. Study of the load served by System I, excluding the San Joaquin system.* indicates the load center to be in Contra Costa County near Concord. Three bases have been used in estimating the value of energy from the proposed plants. These bases are the same as those used in a report,** published in 1929, on the Kennett development. They are: 1. Cost of energy from other hydroelectric plants. 2. Wholesale price of energy as indicated by existing contracts. 3. Cost of energy from steam-electric plants. The analyses of values under each of these three bases require that consideration be given to relative characteristics of power from dif- ferent sources and that adjustment be made to reflect transmission cost to a common or equivalent delivery point at or near the load center. Delivery to the main transmission system near the load center would appear the most reasonable assumption to make in a comparison of relative values of energy from hydroelectric and steam-electric plants. There is now located near Antioch, Contra Costa County, a main substation, and delivery at this point Avill be used for comparison of values since it is approximately at the load center of the northern California market. This substation is 200 miles transmission distance from Kennett dam and power plant. Transmission of Electric Energy to Load Center. — The electric energy that would be produced at Kennett or other proposed plants could be transmitted to the load center, which is assumed in these studies to be Antioch, and there delivered wholesale, or, as an alternative, it could be sold at the power plant. In either case, transmission lines and sub- stations must be constructed adequate to deliver the output at Antioch. In the instance, the lines would be constructed by the producer and in the second, by the agency purchasing the energy at the power plant. A greater dependability would be obtained by interconnection with existing transmission circuits. The Kennett plant would require a 220,000 volt double circuit tower line, 200 miles long, to deliver its output to Antioch. Other plants of the State Water Plan would require different transmission distances and line capacities. The capital cost of a transmission system from the Kennett plant to Antioch was previously ** estimated to be $6,000,000 for transmission line and $3,600,000 for "terminal substation, or a total of $9,600,000. * San Joaquin Light and Power Corporation, Midland Counties Public Service Corporation, Turlock and Mode.sto Irrigation Districts and Merced Irrigation District. •• Bulletin No. 20, "Report on Kennett Reservoir Development," Division of Engineering and Irrigation, 1929. 186 DIVISION" OF WATER RESOURCES Some addition would appear advisable to cover the cost of a special river crossing at Antioch and interconnections to existing transmission lines. A revised estimate of caj)ita] cost of $10,150,000 is shown in Table 51. In this table, it also is shown that the annual cost of the transmission line from Kennett power plant to Antioch and the neces- sary substations, if these were constructed and operated by some private agency, would be $1,027,000. The value of the energy to the agency, delivered to it at the Kennett power plant, therefore, would be $1,027,- 000, annually, less than the value if delivered at Antioch, due to the transmission cost. Based on the average annual amount of electric energy delivered at Antioch from the Kennett power plant alone, for the 40-year period 1889-1929, Avith the Kennett reservoir operated jirimarily for the generation of power, this would amount to about 0.88 of a mill per kilowatt hour at the terminal substation. If the transmission line and substation were constructed and operated by the State, and it is assumed that the cost of construction would be the same as shown in Table 51, that interest on investment would be 4.5 per cent per year, and that the cost of the line would be amortized in 40 years with a sinking fund at 4 per cent interest, the total annual cost to the state Avould be $789,000, and the cost of transmission per kilowatt hour based on the average amount of electric energy delivered at Antioch from the Kennett plant would be 0.68 of a mill. TABLE 51 COST OF TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRIC ENERGY FROM KENNETT POWER PLANT TO ANTIOCH INVESTMENT COST. Transmission line. 200 miles, 220,000 volt, double circuit tower line ?6,000,000 Added cost of river crossings (Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers) 350,000 Total ?6. 350, 000 Substation and interconnections. Interconnections to existing' transmission lines 200,000 Terminal substation (220,000 kilowatt capacity) 3,600,000 Grand total fl0,150,000 BASIS OF ANNUAL COST. Development by private agency Per cent of capital cost Interest or return 7.5 Depreciation annuity 1.0 Operation, maintenance and general expense — Transmission line .75 Substation 2.00 Federal taxes .40 ANNUAL COST. Transmission line. Interest or return $476,000 Depreciation annuity 64,000 Operation, maintenance and general expense 48,000 Federal taxes 25,000 Subtotal $613,000 Substation. Interest or return $285,000 Depreciation annuity 38,000 Operation maintenance and general expense 76,000 Federal la.xes 15,000 Subtotal -. . $414,000 Total annual cost $1,027,000 COST PER KILOWATT HOUR. Cost per kilowatt hour of energy from Kennett power plant deliv- ered at terminal substation (1,322,800,000 kilowatt hours x 88 per cent= 1,164,000,000 kilowatt hours) . $00088 SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 187 Value Based on Cost of Electric Energy from Other Hydroelectric Plants. — In Table 52, the values of electric energy at the Kennett power plant switchboard are estimated from the costs of electric enerp;y from the existing Pit and Feather river hydroelectric plants. In estimating the values at Kennett, the costs of the electric energy from the Pit and Feather river plants, delivered at Antioch, taking into account trans- mission losses and costs, were first estimated. The cost of transmission, as shown in Table 51, and costs due to transmission losses, from Kennett power plant to Antioch, deducted from these values gave the value of electric energy at Kennett power plant based on the costs of electric energy from the Pit and Feather river plants. In these estimates, the transmission losses were taken at 6 per cent per 100 miles of transmis- sion distance. This method, although general in application, is con- sidered reasonably accurate for determination of relative values. It is to be noted that when due consideration is given to differences in energy costs and transmission distances, the costs of electric energy delivered at the terminal substation from the Pit and Feather river plants are almost equal. Estimates for future power developments on these rivers indicate costs approximately 0.25 of a mill per kilowatt hour loAver than shown in Table 52. The costs, however, are based on preliminary surveys only and may be increased. TABLE 52 VALUE OF ELECTRIC ENERGY FROM KENNETT RESERVOIR DEVELOPMENT BASED ON COST OF ENERGY FROM EXISTING HYDROELECTRIC PLANTS ON PIT AND FEATHER RIVERS Estimated cost at plant switchboard, per kilowatt hour' Transmi-ssion distance, in miles Transmission losses at 6 per cent per 100 miles, in per cent.. Production cost, per kilowatt hour of terminal substation delivery Transmission cost, per kilowatt hour delivered to substation Cost, per kilowatt hour, of substation delivery from existing hydroelectric plants on Pit and Feather rivers Transmission cost from Kennett plant, per kilowatt hour Cost of substation delivery less transmission cost, per kilowatt hour Resultant value at Kennett plant switchboard, per kilowatt hour, with transmission losses at 12 per cent. Feather River plants $.00314 150 9.0 $.00345 .00061 .00406 .00088 .00318 .00280 >BuIletiii No. 20, "Report on Kennett Reservoir Development," Division of Engineering and Irrigation, 1929, page 41. It, therefore, may be concluded that the value of electric energy from the Kennett power plant with the Kennett reservoir operated primarily for power so that the output would have characteristics com- parable to those of the outputs of the existing plants on the Pit and Feather rivers, would be $0.00280 to $0.00287 per kilowatt hour at Kennett, based on the costs of electric energy from these latter plants. With the reservoir operated primarily for irrigation or irrigation and other uses, the power characteristics would be poorer and lower values would result. Value Based on Wholesale Price of Electric Energy as Indicated hy. Existing Contracts. — The market price of electric energy as determined from existing contracts has been quite fully covered in a previous 188 DIVISION OV WA'IEK RESOURCES report.* Little change has occurred in the prices paid under these con- tracts as they are to run for long terms and the prices are not subject to revision. Only one important new contract has been entered into recently. This a five-year agreement between the East Bay Municipal Utility District and the Great Western Powder Company. The contract provides for the sale of approximately 100,000,000 kilowatt hours of electric energy per year from the .])ower plant at the Pardee lleservoii' of the district at a price varying throughout the year, but averaging approximately 3.7 mills per kilowatt hour. The load factor of opera- tion is relatively high and the power characteristics somewhat better than where reservoirs are operated primarily for irrigation. If consideration is given to the relative cost of energj^ from other hydroelectric and steam-electric plants at the time the contracts were entered into and also at present, it appears that the average of con- tract prices as indicated in the previous report referred to above is approximately 0.5 of a mill per kilowatt hour higlier tlian would be obtained at present, other conditions being the same. This reduction would result in an indicated value of approximately three mills per kilo- watt hour at Kennett power plant. Value Based on Co&i of Electric Energy from Steam-electric Plants. — An important element affecting present and future value of electric energy is the cost of steam produced electric energy. The economic changes in steam-electric power production during the last several years have caused practically a cessation of development of water power in both northern and southern California. The only recent water power dovolojimont of importance in northern California is that of the Pacific Gas and Electric Company on the Mokelumne River. In the south, no hydroelectric plants are being constracted in this state but a large hydroelectric plant will be built at Hoover Dam on the Colorado River. just outside of the state, which will generate electric energy for delivery into southern California. During the past few years, extensive developments of natural gas have occurred in the Kettleman Hills district. Gas transmission lines were constructed and natural gas made available in the San Francisco Bay area and several other sections oT northern California. Owing to the extent of the Kettleman Hills fields, the large sizes of the holdings and the method of development, it appears that a relatively largo amount of natural gas will be available as a by-product of oil produc- tion in northern California for some time to come. The effect of this development has been to reduce the price of fuel oil, or its gas equiva- lent, for steam-electric plants in northern California and to assure for a considerable period the continuance of the lower cost of fuel. The permanence of the supply is not subject to accurate estimate. The fact that the Pacific Gas and Electric Company and the Standard Oil Company have expended large sums in pipe lines is proof of their confidence of an available supply for a relatively long period. The question of the cost of steam-electric energy involves probable future price of fuel and the efficiencies of, investments in. and operating costs of steam plants. • Bulletin No. 20, "Report on Kennett Reservoir Development'" Division of KnpinprTlnp and Irrigation, 1929. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 189 Price of Fuel Oil. — The fuel used in steam-electric production for a number of j^ears in the future probably will be natural gas. How- ever, for clarity of analysis, costs on a basis of equivalent price per barrel for fuel oil will be used. To give some idea of the past history of fuel production and price, Table 53 and Plate XIX, "Petroleum Production and Unit Values, 1895-1929" and Plate XX, "Petroleum Production, Storage and Unit Values in California, 1895-1929," are included in this report. Plate XIX shows the annual production of crude petroleum in California, mid-continent. United States and the world through 1929, together with the estimated values of crude petroleum for the United States and California. Plate XX shows the comparison of the crude petroleum production with pipe line and tank farm stocks in California, and the average prices of fuel oil per barrel at San Francisco and crude petroleum values at wells in California. These data were obtained mainly from the United States Bureau of Mines. The quoted price of fuel oil in 1930 was $0.89 per barrel barge delivery on San Francisco Bay. Natural gas for large plants was being sold at the same time at a price equivalent to $0.77 to $0.80 per barrel of fuel oil. Attempts have been made with some success to control wastage of gas and indirectly, oil production. This should tend to stabilize both production and price. It docs not appear possible to make any definite estimate of future fuel prices. It would be reasonable, however, in any consideration of power values for the next ten or fifteen years to base estimates on fuel prices of from $0.80 per barrel (approximate present oil equivalent of natural gas price) to $1.00 per barrel. Steam-electric Plant Efficiencies. — Efficiency in steam-electric plant operation has been increased fairly rapidly in the last fifteen years. The efficiency of Long Beach No. 1 plant, constructed prior to 1916 by the Southern California Edison Company, was approximately one barrel of oil per kilowatt per j^ear for standby and 265 kilowatt hours of output per additional barrel of oil used. The efficiency of Long Beach No. 2 plant, constructed in 1924—25, is approximately one barrel per kilowatt per year for standby and 433 kilowatt hours of output per additional barrel of oil used. Long Beach No. 3 plant, one of the more recently constructed steam-electric plants in California, is operated on a basis of approximate!}'' .55 barrel per kilowatt per year for standby and 500 kilowatt hours of outynit per additional barrel of oil used. For plants operating at 400 pounds boiler pressure, an efficiency, based on net plant output, of approximately .55 barrel of oil per kilo- watt per year for standby and 500 kilowatt hours of output, switch- board delivery, per additional barrel, may be considered reasonable. For future steam-electric plants at 1200 pounds boiler pressure, an efficiency of .55 barrel of oil per kilowatt per year for standby and 540 kilowatt hours of output per additional barrel appears obtainable. The above figures assume installations at tidewater or points where adequate condensing water would be available. 190 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES o-oT? c 2 rt •=: 2 £.2 o-° •- * Jl^OOiOOO^^OaOOCiOOOt^t*!^ I. ° g o 2 m « a .J < o 00 u H 00 H <; H CO H 0< 3 o 3 S * > ^ 13 03 . f M' I Q " 2 m « Vu 4) g M o^ t: ^ m « », ° « rt-S S C _ m 3 O m^ -^ -H M CO -Heo*^-^ «-«!£>« CO -^c^ieo i-if-tiOOOO^w5oor~-ootN-or^co^-^fOtC'^ 1 00 00 -^ r^ u5 cc o • 00 ^< 00 Ci iC CM O t CO CO iO -V -^ 00 O > «-" 1-H C^ (M C^ C^ C^ CS C^ ^^ «-" ^^ «-" ^^ -"^ ^» t* *S • — "S -S 0, ;_,c«-2 C^-^'^COi-^-OOOOcO^»^^C<»-«I~-00-^C«CS^r^«OOCO*-« If i-< -^ ^ c^" ci Vt^ V ■^ or-^ c^o 00 ^^ C^ 04 CO CO -^ -^ 8 ] CO <«• u> to h* c 0006 0000 a6c > OO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 GO 00 < SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 191 «-H0i0se00i!O0i00O05O^|^'-HO r^ o 05 tOOC'10000U5ClCCO»CTl'-'0'^OCOTrcCTt*'^C^ hC^COCOCDCO^^^ 0'-*.-i^tcocs'-^»rt'Tr "^t^oo •-* -^w^ CO oTo c^oo lo ^-To lO lood M c^t-^c^cc CO o ti; ^*£2 oooc^c^Tfcooooeoiot— '^t^"5cO'— '"^r^ooo I— "C^c^c<)(N(MC— lOtocooooico'^or-'^O'^iOCTi io_05 0o oo t-^O co■^^>^--*^^^0■^^-^o^05coiOC^MC■folr^co^»C"^ 1— i'-<(M{Mi-i,-i(N(M(M r-osooasu300s05coo>coto»r3-H^jieocoi-HOio coeo^toosGOio»-»t>-T-i.-icocoi>>w3^'r*ocO'-' 00e0C^'<*-'C^oci'-'r^co»o^H CO— ■Cir-'MClOlfOOOO'^'— tOOi'Ot^CO'-OO'MiO GOC3iO''5*05C5C^OiiOCO^^'— •'^CJS-^'^COOOO-^t~^ oocDic ^r^coto'cooTcoo'oo'oooio ■«*''" cor-Tco-^" "-'•--— «^-l,-l^^^C^^cOCOCO"<*•■^^0^0^0 OSOOO'— '000i0i»0'^»ftOOC000Ot^fM'**'^'^0s oioocot^t— i^cooicoio-yuoot^c^ocoTrooooo -^0100t^0JO0C'*--00— ^COOiOC^JOC^-^COOl oo-H^j*ciotN-'^0'^or^coooooos»-^»o»-it^t^O C^ C^l CI IM ^I (M iM oaO'-'C'Jeo^fifttor-ooajo--'; S--^^^^ — -^ — ^^TIMC) 192 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PLATE XIX 4.00 ID a. 3.00 M ™ 2.00 "o 0) m > 1.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VALUE OF PETROLEUM AT WELLS IN CALIFORNIA AND UNITED STATES I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I 1895 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 1930 1600 1400 1200 ID ;S 1000 o (/I c o = 800 I 600 o TJ O CRUDE PETROLEUM PRODUCTION 400 200 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I /' I I I I /- / - / 1895 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 1930 PETROLEUM PRODUCTION AND UNIT VALUES 1895-1929 SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 193 PLATE XX 2.00 (0 SI « 1.50 Q. 1.00 o 0) o ■a c .50 (0 I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I VALUE OF PETROLEUM I I I I I I I I Fuel oti average prtce per barrel at San Francisco Richmond I I I i ■ ' ■ I I I I "Crude oil- value per barrel at wells I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1895 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 1930 PETROLEUM PRODUCTION AND STORAGE c s. K_ 10 o M C o E c « Ol (D 1- o v> ■o c 10 c o o TJ O 320 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ^80 - h /: 240 - \ / " \ ^ / - \^' - - 200 - - - - - - 160 - - - _ 1 _ - / / 120 - Crudr 01 1 production / / f 1 1 - — ' 80 - / Pipe li stocks ie and tank far on December - 40 - / ^ / / / - - / / f / / - n .l_L--t-4— -n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1895 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 1930 PETROLEUM PRODUCTION, STORAGE AND UNIT VALUES IN CALIFORNIA 1895-1929 13—80994 1*)4 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Estimaicd Capital Cost of Steam-electric Pawer Plant. — The cost of a stoam-olcetric power plant, ineludin? eonnoctinjr transmission lines, was estimated in a previous report^ to be $110 i)er kilowatt of plant eapaeity. This included a])proximately $90 for steam-eleetrie power plant and $20 for substation and transmission line connection. Analysis of costs of plants recently constructed indicate that the cost per kilowatt varies within wide limits, depending upon size, local conditions, the extent to which the plant was completed to ultimate capacity, and the efficiency desired. For an entirely new plant, future l)rices for the plant alone of $85 per kilowatt at tidewater on the basis of 400-pound boiler pressure and $90 for 1200-pound pressure appear reasonable. Capital Cost of Connecting Transmission Line to Steam-electric Plant. — An important cost involved in determining the comparative value of hydroelectric and steam-electric energy is that of necessary transmission from steam-electric, as well as hydroelectric plants, to the main system supplying the market. It has been held by some that conditions in northern California require a minimum of trans- mission lines from steam plants, the main load being concentrated near the San Francisco Bay area where the steam plants are located. The 220,000-volt ti-ansmission lines from the mountains concentrate at points near Antioch and Newark, with 110,000-volt lines running into the bay area. Approximately 56 per cent of the electric energy requirements of northern California, excluding the market served by the San Joaquin system,** or 46 per cent including that system, are located in San Francisco, San Mateo, Alameda and Contra Costa counties. The effect of supplying the present growth of power load requirements of northern California by adding steam-electric plants at San Francisco will be to release hydro-generated electric energy for supply of upcountry loads. This will tend to reverse flow of energy on incoming transmission lines. Supply for load growth Mill thus be obtained without proportionate addition of transmission lines. The conditions existing at present lend themselves especially well to this method of added service without important increase in transmission lines. In the study of the electric energy from Hoover Dam power plant for soutfiern California, it was generally agreed that transmission line capacity would be required for delivery of energy from a comparable steam-electric plant to the market. The report of engineers of the United States Bureau of Reclamation provides for a terminal sub- station and transmission line from a steam-electric plant to a trans- mission terminal costing $18.80 per kilowatt. Engineers representing the city of Los Angeles include $22.50 per kilowatt for these features. The Southern California Edison Company's estimates include a total of approximately $16.57 to $17.25 per kilowatt for transmission. These costs cover 25 miles of transmission line aiid a terminal sub- station. • BuUttln No. 20, "Roport on Kennett Reservoir Development," Division of EnglneerinK and IrriKation, 1929. •• San Joaqnin J^-iglU and I'ower Corporation, Midland Counties Public Service Corporation, Turlock and Modesto Irrigation Districts, and Merced Irrigation Dis- trict. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 195 In northern California, sonic additional electric energy from steam-electric plants could be absorbed, as noted above, without mucli additional couneetino' transmission line. TIoAvever, -when consideration is given to the supply that would be available in amounts of 100,000 to 200,000 kilowatts or more from Kennett power plant or other units of the State Water Plan, allowance must be made for transmission circuits and substations necessary to deliver the output of comparative steam- electrie plants to the main transmission network. This is necessary in order that the cost of steam-electric energy delivered will be on a basis comparable with that from hydroelectric plants delivered to Antioch, the approximate load center. An allowance of $20.00 per kilowatt of steam-electric plant cflpacity, for transmission circuits and substation, has been made in the following estimates. On this basis the total cost of steam-electric plant and transmission to be used in estimating the value of the hydro- electric energy delivered to the general system would be approximately $105 to $110 per kilowatt. Annual Costs of Steam-electric Power Plants. — In all of the studies made for this report to estimate the value of hydroelectric energy based on the cost of producing an equivalent amount of electric energy of the same characteristics with a steam plant located in the area of consumption, taking into account the cost of transmission from point of generation to load center, it was assumed that the steam- electric plant would be constructed and operated by a private agency. In all computations of annual costs, therefore, a return of 7.5 per cent per annum on the capital investment was assumed. . From a study of recent developments, it would appear that on account of the advances in design and construction, longer lives and lower rates of depreciation than those formerly used Avould be justified. Therefore, for estimating annual steam-electric plant costs, a depre- ciation annuity of two per cent was allowed. The tendency of the last ten years has been toward a reduction in operating costs per kilowatt with increasing size of steam-electric plants and units. Recent studies" indicate that operation and mainte- nance expense, including general costs, should be taken at this time at $2.65 per kiloAvatt of capacity. An allowance of 0.4 per cent of capital cost for federal taxes also was made. Annual Cost of Connecting Trnnsmission Line to Steam-clcctric Plant. — The rate of return on transmission line investment would be the same as on steam-electric plants. Depreciation on long transmis- sion lines is estimated for private development to be 1 per cent of the capital investment. Allowance for a short transmission line and sub- station, owing to a higher rate on the latter, should be 1.25 per cent, for private development. A reasonable amount for maintenance and operation of transmission facilities from an equivalent steam-electric plant in determining the value of hydroelectric energy would be $0.25 per kilowatt of plant capacity, per year. Cost of Steam-electric Enerqy Delivered from Terminal Suh- station. — Based on the estimated capital costs, operating efficiencies 196 DIVISION' OF WATER RESOURCES and annual costs for a steam-electric plant and connecting transmission line heretofore set forth. Table 54 shows the cost of steam-electric energy delivered from the terminal substation. Estimates are pre- sented on two bases; first, under present conditions and efficiencies with oil at $0.80 per barrel, and second, with probable future condi- tions with higher efficiencies and using a i)rice of $1.00 per barrel for oil. TABLE 54 COST OF STEAM-ELECTRIC ENERGY DELIVERED FROM TERMINAL SUBSTATION Investment per kilowatt of capacity: Steam-electric plant Transmission line and substation.. Total Estimated efficiency: Standby oil in barrels per kilowatt per year -.. Output in kilowatt hours per additional barrel of oil. Price assumed per barrel for fuel oil Cost of energy: Fixed costs per kilowatt per year: Steam plant — Return or interest at 7.5 per cent Depreciation at 2.0 per cent . Operating expenses at $2.65 per kilowatt. .. Standby oil Federal taxes at 0.4 per cent Subtotal. Transmission — Return or interest at 7.5 per cent Depreciation at 1.25 per cent Operating expenses at S0.25 per kilowatt. Federal taxes at 0.4 per cent... Subtotal Total fixed costs of steam plant and transmission, per kilowatt per year. Output cost per kilowatt hour of plant deliverj' - " Total costs of substation delivery on basis of 2.5 per cent loss in transmission: Fixed costs per kilowatt per year Output cost per kilowatt hour Recommetided unit costs of substation delivery: Fixei costs per kilowatt per year Output cost per kilowatt hour Average cost per kilowatt hour at 60 per cent annual load factor. Present conditions S85.00 20 00 $105 00 55 500 $0 80 $6 375 1 700 2.650 .440 340 $11,505 $1.50 .25 .25 .08 $2 08 $13 585 $0 00160 $13,933 00164 $13 95 .00165 $0 00430 Probable future ^ conditions $90.00 20 00 $110.00 .55 540 $1 00 $6 750 1.800 2 650 .550 .360 $12 110 $1 50 .25 .25 .08 $2.08 $14,190 $0.00185 $14,554 .00190 $14 55 .00190 $0.00467 For estimating the values of the energy outputs of hydroelectric l)huits, the fuel prices, efficiencies and recommentled unit costs of sub- station delivery for steam-electric plants given in Table 54, were used. Computed Value of Ilifdroclcctric Energy Based on Sieani-clcctnc Energy Costs. — In estimating the value of hydroelectric energy based on the cost of steam generated electric energy, the electric energy requirements having characteristics of the market supplied by System I SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 197 and sufficient to utilize the full output of the hydroelectric plant in question in a maximum year were first determined. This load would require some steam produced electric energy to supply the energy in excess of the hydroelectric plant output in months when the market demand exceeded the hydroelectric plant output. Second, the average annual amount of steam produced electric energy necessary to make uj) the full requirements was estimated and also the monthly maximum auxiliary steam plant output for the year of lowest hj^droelectric energy output. Plate XXI, "Analysis of Steam-electric Power Required to Utilize the Hydroelectric Power Output of Kennett Reservoir," sets forth graphically the monthly relation of total load and steam-electric and hydroelectric output for maximum and minimum hydroelectric output years. This is set up for Kennett reservoir operating primarily for the generation of power and also operating for the combined uses of flood control ; supplying water for the irrigation requirements of lands along the Sacramento River and in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, for salinity control and for the improvement of navigation on the Sacra- mento River ; and the generation of electric energy incidental to the other uses. The former operation is that designated as Method I and the latter as Method II, in Chapter XI. It may be noted from the graphs that the total load with the reservoir operating primarily for the generation of power would have been much less than when operating for the combined uses outlined above, indicating that the annual steam produced electric energy neces- sary to utilize the maximum hydroelectric energy output would be less when the plant is operated in the former manner. This extra amount of steam produced electric energy in the second case would be necessary to absorb the hydroelectric output when hydroelectric plant load factor was unity. Based on these data and on the effective capacity character- istics of the hydroelectric plant, the size of an independent steam- electric plant, located near the load center, necessary to sui)ply the entire load, and the auxiliary steam-electric plant capacity required to suppl}^ the kilowatts and kilowatt hours in excess of those from the hydroelectric plant during critical months, were calculated. The annual cost of supplying the total load from an independent steam-electric plant was estimated, and from this was deducted the average annual cost of the auxiliary steam-electric plant necessary in conjunction with the hydroelectric plant. The amount remaining rep- resented the value of the hydroelectric energy delivered at Antioch substation. Deduction of the annual cost of the transmission system from the hydroelectric plant to Antioch gave the value of the average annual output of the hydroelectric plant delivered direct from the plant. Table 55 sets forth the monthly energy outputs of Kennett power plant in the years of maximum and minimum production with the reservoir operated under Methods I and II, as above described, together with tlie kilowatt liours of the total load required to absorb tliese oul- l)uts. Tlie data in the table are .shown graphically on Plate XXI. 198 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PLATE XXI OPERATING FOR POWER OPERATING FOR SACRAMENTO VAL- LEY AND SACRAMENTO-SAN JOAQUIN DELTA IRRIGATION SUPPLY, FLOOD CONTROL, SALINITY CONTROL AND NAVIGATION 240 i2 200 O m o 160 c o = 120 E c 3 Q. -5 80 o c o 40 ANALYSIS OF STEAM-ELECTRIC POWER REQUIRED TO UTILIZE THE HYDROELECTRIC POWER OUTPUT OF KENNETT RESERVOIR i^:i: Steam-electric power required In mcximum year of hydroelectric power output :^^> >5^^^''^ Steam-electric power required in minimum i/,'A I — 1 1 , i 1 year of hydroelectric power output SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 199 TABLE 55 ANALYSIS OF STEAM-ELECTRIC ENERGY REQUIRED TO UTILIZE MAXIMUM ELECTRIC ENERGY OUTPUT OF KENNETT POWER PLANT Installed capacity, 275.000 kilovolt amperes or 220,000 kilowatts Reservoir operated primarily for generation of power (Method I, Chapter X!) Total load Month Energy output of Kennett hydroelectric plant in Northern California load, in on hydro- electric and steam-elec- tric plants required to F^nergy output of hydroelectric plant in Maximum output required from steam- electric utilize maxi- minimum maximum per cent of mum hydro- year, 1924, auxiliary year, in millions of kilowatt hours annual total electric plant out- put, in mil- lions of kilo- watt hours in millions of kilowatt hours plant, in millions of kilowatt hours January 122.7 7.36 124.2 79.9 44.3 February _ 114.7 6.79 114.7 73.7 41.0 March 122.7 118.7 7.63 7.79 128.7 131.4 - 82.9 84 6 45 8 April 46.8 May 122,7 8.93 150.7 97.0 53.7 June 118.7 122.7 8.95 9.65 151 162.8 97.2 104,8 53 8 July.... _. 58 August 122.7 9.84 166,0 106,8 59,2 September 118.7 8.78 148,1 95,3 52,8 October . 122.7 118.7 122.7 8.65 7.74 7.89 145 9 130 6 133 1 93.9 84.0 85.7 52 November 46 6 December 47.4 Totals 1,448.4 100.00 1,687.2 1,085.8 601.4 Average annual output of Kennett power plant alone=l, 322, 800,000 kilowatt hours. Reservoir operated to control floods and to supply water for irrigation demands along Sacramento River and in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, navigation and salinity control, with inci- dental power (Method II, Chapter XI) Month January... February.. March.. April May June July August September. October November. December. Totals. Energy output of Kennett hydroelectric plant in maximum year, in millions of kilowatt hours 122.7 110.8 122.7 118,7 130 9 117,2 155,8 148,5 112,0 83,4 61,9 65.2 1,349.8 Northern California load, in per cent of annual total 7.36 6.79 7.63 7.79 8.93 8.95 9,65 9,84 8.78 8.65 7.74 7.89 100.00 Total load on hydro- electric and steam-elec- tric plants required to utilize maxi- mum hydro- electric plant out- put, in mil- lions of kilo- watt hours 164.9 152.1 170 9 174,5 200 200 5 210,2 220,4 190,6 193,8 173,4 176.7 2,240.0 Energy output of hydroelectric plant in minimum .year, 1924, in millions of kilowatt hours 58.9 54.3 61 62. 94, 103 122, 101 70.3 69.2 61.9 63.1 922.9 Maximum output required from steam- electric auxiliary plant, in millions of kilowatt hours 106 97.8 109 8 112.2 105 6 97 93 118 126 124 111 1 9 7 3 6 5 113.0 1,317.1 Average annual output of Kennett power plant alone= 1,297,000,000 kilowatt hours. 200 DIVISION' OF WATER RESOURCES Table 56 sets forth the computation of the value of electric energy output from Kennett power plant on the basis of cost of steam gen- erated electric energy from a modern steam-electric plant. The value is set in two ways; tirst, witli present i)rice of oil and steam-electric plant efficiency and, second, witii probable future conditions of oil price and plant efficiency, as shown in Table 54. The value of the electric onergy has been computed for the reservoir operating under the two methods previously mentionetl, that is, primarily for the generation of power, and primarily for the combined uses of irrigation, salinity con- trol, flood control and navigation. Under both methods of operation, the reservoir would have been drawn down to approximately half head at the end of 1924, a condition reducing the plant capacit)^ materially. In the case of operation primarily for power, the draft on the reservoir could be adjusted to eliminate this effect or added generator capacity installed. In the case of the operation for the combined uses, some loss in net capacitv must be experienced under conditions similar to those of 1924. TABLE 56 VALUE OF HYDROELECTRIC ENERGY FROM KENNETT POWER PLANT, BASED ON PRODUCTION BY STEAM-ELECTRIC PLANT Reservoir Ofjerated primarily for the generation of power (\1ethoJ I, Ciiapter XI) Plant capacity 220,000 kilowatts Transmission distance 200 miles Energy output measured at Kennett hydroelectric plant : Total load to utilize hydroelectric output in maxi- mum year 1,087,200,000 kilowatt hours Hydroelectric plant output — average year 1,322,800,000 kilowatt hours Steam-electric plant output required — average .'564,400,000 kilowatt hours Energ>' output — terminal substation measurement : Total 1.484,700,000 kilowatt hours Hydroelectric plant output — average year 1,1 r.4, kilowatt hours Steam-electric plant output required — average 320,600,000 kilowatt hours Maximum month — au.xiliary slt^am-electrit- plant output reduced to terminal substation nua.'ment _ 52,100,000 kilowatt hours All-steam-electric plant peak to serve load at 60 per cent annual load factor 282,500 kilowatts Auxiliary steam-electric plant peak required to supply demand in maximum month 89,000 kilowatts Value of Hydroelectric Energy Probable Present conditions future conditions Fuel oil — price per barrel $0.80 $1.00 All-steam-electric plant cost Fixed cost 3,941,000 4,110,000 Output cost L', 450, 000 2.S21,00(i Total 6,391,000 6,931,000 Auxiliary steam-electric plant cost Fixed cost 1,242,000 1,29.">,000 Output cost J. 529,000 609.000 Total 1,771,000 1,904.000 Resultant valui- of hydroelectric energy at terminal substation Total 4,620,000 5.027,000 IVr kilowatt hour .00397 .00432 Transmi.s.sion 1,027,000 1,027,000 Hosiiltant valuo of hydroelectric energy at power plant switchboard Total .„ . 3,593,000 4,000,000 Per kilowatt hour .00272 .00302 SACUtA.AJEXTO KIVER BASIN 201 TABLE 56 — Continued Reservoir operated to control floods and to supply water for irrigation demands along Sacramento River and in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, navigation and salinity control, with incidental power (Method II, Chapter XI) Plant capacity 220,000 kilowatts Transmission distance 200 miles Energy output measured at Kennett hydroelectric plant: Total load to utilize hydroelectric plant output in maximum year 2.240.000,000 kilowatt hours Hydroelectric plant output — average year 1,297,600,000 kilowatt hours Steam-electric plant output required — average 912,400,000 kilowatt hours Energy output — terminal substation measurement : Total 1,971,200,000 kilowatt hours Hydroelectric plant output — average year 1,141,900,000 kilowatt hours Steam-electric plant output required — average 829,300,000 kilowatt hours Maximum month — auxiliary steam-electric plant output reduced to terminal substation measurement- 111,100.000 kilowatt hours All-steam-electric plant peak to serve load at GO per cent annual load factor 375,000 kilowatts Auxiliary steam-electric plant peak required to supply demand in maximum month 1 190,000 kilowatts Value of Hydroelectric E^iergy Probable Present conditions future conditions Fuel oil — price per barrel $0.80 $1.00 All-steam-electric plant cost Fixed cost 5,231,000 5,456 000 Output cost 3,252,000 3,7451000 Total 8,483,000 9,201,000 Auxiliary steam-electric plant cost Fixed cost 2,650,000 2,764,000 Output cost 1,368,000 1,576,000 Total 4,018,000 4,340,000 Resultant value of hydroelectric energy at terminal substation Total 4,465,000 4,861,000 Per kilowatt hour .00391 .00426 Transmission cost 1,027,000 1,027,000 Resultant value of hydroelectric energy at power plant switchboard Total 3,438,000 3,834,000 Per kilowatt hour .00265 .00293 Transmission cost from the Kennett plant to Antioch has been included as indicated in Table 51. If the transmission line and sub- station were constructed aiid operated by the State, the transmission cost per kilowatt hour Avould })e less on account of financing with money at a lower interest rate. Tliis would increase the value of the enerj;y at the power plant. In this report, however, values have been used which are based on the sale of electric energy to private carriers at the plant, which results in a lower and more conservative annual return from the sale of the energy in estimating the total revenue from the Kennett project. It may be noted from Table 56 that a decrease in value of output would occur if operation primarily for the production of power were modified in order to make water available for irrigation demand, navigation and salinity control and to control floods. As re((uirements for irrigation and other uses would increase and the operations of the respective developments would be modified to meet these requirements, the value of the energy output would be reduced. The value of the energj' outi)ut. therefore. woiiUl depend (piite definitely upon conditions imposed by water requirements of the Great Central Valley. 202 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Table 57 shows the electric energy outputs and their values with several method.s of operation of the Kennett reservoir. The basis of estimatinj; the values was steam-electric energy costs under present con- ditions. The table also siiows the changes in the characteristics of power i^lant output under the different methods of reservoir operation. TABLEi57 COMPARISON OF VALUES OF ELECTRIC ENERGY OUTPUT FROM KENNETT POWER PLANT UNDER DIFFERENT METHODS OF OPERATION, BASED ON THE COST OF STEAM-ELECTRIC ENERGY UNDER PRESENT CONDITIONS Plant capacity of Kennett power plant, in kilovolt amperes. 275.000; in kilowatts. 220.000. Plant capacity of Keswick power plant in kilovolt ampere-s. 50,000; in kilowatts. 40.000. Transmission line length in miles, 200; capital cost, $10,150,000. Method of operation I' II« in» IV Energ>' output, hydroelectric plant measurement: Total load to utilize hydroelectric output, in kilo- watt hours, - 1,687.200.000 1.322.800.000 364,400,000 1,484,700,000 1,164.100,000 320.600,000 52.100.000 282.500 89.000 193,500 2,240.000.000 1,297,600,000 942,400.000 1.971,200.000 1.141.900.000 829,300,000 111,100.000 375.000 190.000 185,000 2,826,000,000 1,289,000.000 1,537,000.000 2,486,900.000 1.134.300.000 1,352,600.000 182.200,000 473.000 310.000 163.000 2,657,000,000 Hydroelectric output in average year, in kilowatt hours -- -- 1,055.400.000 Steam-electric output required, average in kilowatt 1.601.600,000 Energy output, terminal substation measurement: Total load to utilize hydroelectric output, in kilo- 2.338.200.000 Hydroelectric output in average year, in kilowatt hours . -- - 928.800.000 Steam-electric output required, average in kilowatt hours - - - 1,409,400,000 Maximum month— auxiliary steam-electric energy output equated to terminal substation measure- ment, in kilowatt hours All-steam-elcctric plant peak to serve load at 60 per cent annual loud factor, in kilowatts 455.000 Auxiliary steam-electric plant peak required to supply demand in maximiim month, in kilowatts All-steam-electric plant peak minus auxiliary steam- electric plant peak or resultant steam-electric kilo- watt value of hydroelectric plant, in kilowatts 345.000 110.000 Annual cost of above resultant capacity: Fixed cost - $2,699,000 1,921,000 4,620,000 1,027,000 3,593,000 $0.00272 $2,581,000 1,884,000 4,465.000 1.027.000 3,438.000 $0.00265 $2,274,000 1,872,000 4,146.000 1,027,000 3,119,000 $0.03242 $1,534,000 Output cost . 1.533.000 Value of hydroelectric energy output at substation 3.067.000 Annual cost of transmission - 1.027,000 Value of hydroelectric energy at power plant switch- board -- - 2,040,000 Value of hydroelectric energy per kilowatt hour of plant output $0.00193 Combined average annual hydroelectric energy out- put of Kennett and Keswick power plants, in kilo- watt hours - Resultant value of combined Kennett and Keswick hydroelectric energy at power plant switchboards.. 1.622.800.000 $4,414,000 1,591,800,000 $4,218,000 1,581,100.000 $3,826,000 1.285,000.000 $2,480,000 ■ Method I is deacrilied on page 382. Chapter XI. ' Method II is described on page 3S2. Chapter XI. • Method III is described on page 383. Chapter XI. ' Method IV is doscril>cd on page 384, Chapter XI. Under irrigation o])eration for maximum irrigation yield, ^letliotl IV, IK) walcr would hi- released from the reservoir from November to February except when spilling, resulting in no power lu-oduction in these months in many years. Under tlies(> conditions, the value of the electric energy i)rodueed would approach practically that oi' fuel cost SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 203 for steam-electric energy less transmission cost. In the computations for this operation, it was assumed that sufficient water would be released to operate the plant to one-half of its capacity to supply the peak demands of the power market during the winter months. Such opera- tion would require limited water withdrawals which would affect the irrigation yield only in critical years such as 1920 and 1924. The last two lines of items at tlie bottom of the table show the combined hydro- electric energy outputs, and the values of these outi)uts, respectively, from the Kennett i)()wer i)laiit and tlie Keswick afterbay power plant. In making the estimates of value, it was assumed that the electric energy from both plants would have the same unit values. Summary. — In the foregoing paragraphs, estimates of the valu'; of the electric energy output from the Kennett power plant, delivered at the plant switchboard, with the reservoir operated primarily for the generation of power, are given for three bases of estimating. These bases, and the value obtained by each, are summarized as follows : Value of electric Basis of valuation enerr/y, in mills per kiloivatt hour Cost of hydroelectric energj' from other developments 2. SO to 2.87 Prices in existing contracts, discounted for economic changes 3.00 Cost of steam-electric energy 2.72 A comparison of these figures shoAvs that the lowest value is that resulting from the basis of the cost of steam produced electric energy. This basis, therefore, since it gives the conservative values, has been used in estimating the revenue from tlie electric energy generated at the Kennett po^^■er plant. The values of the electric energy generated at the Kennett power plant with the other methods of operation of the Kennett reservoir also were estimated on the basis of the cost of steam-produced electric energy using present prices of oil and present efficiencies of steam - electric plants. Values of Electric Energy from Units of State Water Phni for Sacramento River Basin. — In the foregoing discussion, details have been given of the methods used in estimating the value of elec- tric energy from the Kennett power plant. The values of the electric energy from the other major units of the State Water Plan in the Sacramento Basin, for which power plants are proposed, also were estimated on the basis of the cost of producing an equivalent amount of electric energy of the same characteristics with a steam-electric ])lant located in the area of consumption, taking into account the cost of tran.s- mission from point of generation to the load center. For the American River unit, values of electric energy were esti- mated for four methods of operation which are similar to the four methods for the Kennett reservoii-. Values also were estimated for two methods for tlie coordinated operation of the Folsom, Auburn and Pilot Creek reservoirs and Folsom afterbay, with their power plants, called the "Partial American River unit." These four methods of operation for the comjilete American River unit and the two methods for the partial American River unit are described in detail in Chapter XI. 204 DIVISION' OF WATEK RESOURCES For the Trinity River diversion, values of electric energy were estimated only for the system operated primarily for the generation of power. For the Oroville reservoir and afterbay and for tlie Narrows reservoir, values were estimated for the reservoirs operated primarily for the generation of power and primarily for supplying irrigation water with the incidental generation of power. The average annual amounts of electric energy generated and the values of tliis energy from all of the power plants of the State Water Plan in the Sacramento River Basin, are shown in Table 58. TABLE 58 VALUE OF ELECTRIC ENERGY FROM UNITS OF STATE WATER PLAN IN SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN Average Value of Average annual electric electric energy annual Unit Method of energy output, per kilowatt revenue from operation in kilowatt hour, at pant electric hours switchboard energy Kennett reservoir and Keswick afterbay !• 1,622,800,000 $0 00272 $4,414,000 n» 1,591,800,000 .00265 4,218,000 III ' 1,581,100,000 .00242 3,826,000 IV * 1,285,000,000 00193 2,480,000 Oro\-ille reservoir and afterbay... i« 1 409,100,000 .00310 4,368,000 IV • 1,172,200,000 .00225 2,637,000 Narrows reservoir I ' IV' 570,300,000 528,100,000 .00298 .00235 1,699,000 1,241,000 Trinity River diversion I ' 1,063,900,000 .00250 2,660,000 Complete American River unit.. I » 1,052,400,000 .00327 3.441.000 II » 972,500,000 .00331 3,219,000 111" 951,700,000 .00292 2,779,000 IV u 898,800,000 .00256 2,301,000 Partial American River unit In 702.500.000 .00327 2,493,000 II" 730,000,000 00250 1.828.000 ' Method I is described on page 382, Chapter XI. ' Method II is described on page 382, Chapter XI. • Method III is described on page 383. Chapter XI. ' Method IV is described on page 384. Chapter XI. ' The reservoir wou!d be oi)erated in such a manner as to obtain the greatest possible revenue from the production of electric energy, all other of the water being incidental. • The reservoir would be operated in such a manner as to make available a maximum possible irrigation supply at Oroville dam site. ' The reservoir would be operated in such a manner as to make available a maximum possible irrigation supply at Smartsville. ^ • Method I is described on page 384, Chapter XI. A • Method II is described on page 384, Chapter XI. '» Method III is described on page 385, Chapter XI. " Method IV is described on page 3'6, Chapter XI. "Method I is described on page 386, Chapter XI. " Method II is described on page 388, Chapter XI. Effect of Operation of Power Reservoirs on Irrigation Yield. from the sites for some of the reservoirs of the State Water Plan in the Sacramento River Basin, there are reservoirs now constructed and in operation for the development of hydroelectric energy. In addition to these, there are many favorable reservoir sites which could be developed in the future for the same purpose. In the studies of the yields of the reservoirs of the State Water Plan, account was talcen of the inodifieation of the regimen of tlie streams, in each instance, due to the existing power reservoirs. However, no account was taken of an.v modification for possible future development of other reservoir sites suitable for power juirposes. Therefore, it was deemed (lesirabh^ to a.scertain, at least relatively, the additional irrigation yield, if any, which would b<> obtainable through such ujxstream development. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 205 A general inquiry was made of the entire situation and a rather detailed study was made on one particular stream, the Feather River. The value of any power development reservoir located in the moun- tains, in improving the irrigation conditions at lower elevations on the stream on which it is located, is dependent upon the size of the drain- age area tributary to it, the size of the reservoir, and the method of its operation, that is, whether the storage is cyclic or annual. An exam- ination of the records of the existing power reservoirs in the basin discloses that the drafts from storage to meet the power demands usually begin in the summer months and extend into the late fall, and early winter months in some years. The drafts, therefore, synchronize only in part with the irrigation demand because the irrigation season in the Sacramento Valley practically terminates in October, whereas power released from storage may extend into January in years of subnormal precipitation. Such late releases would not be utilizable directly for irrigation purposes. With the exception of Lake Almanor on the Feather River, a Great Western Power Company development, most existing power reservoirs are filled, if possible, and emptied each year. No cyclic operation is attempted. On the other hand, Lake Almanor, having a eapacitj^ of 1,300,000 acre-feet and capable of storing nearly two years normal run-off from above its dam, is operated cyclically, storing water in years of abundant run-off for years of scant supply. The existing reservoirs which are used primarily for the storage of water for the generation of power, and the storage capacity of each reservoir, are shown in Table 59. TABLE 59 EXISTING POWER DEVELOPMENT RESERVOIRS IN THE SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN Stream Reservoir Storage capacity, in acre-feet Upper Sacramento River Basin- Pit River . Feather River Basin — West Branch North Fork Hamilton Branch.. Butt Creek Bucks Creek.. . Yuba River Basin — North Fork Dobbins Creek. South Fork Fordyce Creek. American River Basin- North Fork South Fork Silver Fork. Britton. Round Valley Philbrook Almanor Mountain Meadow. Butt Valley Bucks Creek BullardsBar Lake Francis Lake Van Norden. Lake Spaulding Lake Fordyce Lake Valley... Medley Lakes. Echo Lake Twin Lakes... Silver Lake... 32,200 1,280 5,060 1,300,000 36,000 50,000 103,000 '14,080 2,400 5,870 74,450 46,660 8,130 5,400 2,000 21.400 6,200 > Effective storage. The results of .studies made to estimate the effect of certain present and future power development reservoirs on the North Fork of the 206 DIVISION' OF WATER RESOURCES Feather River, on the irri}?ation yield of the entire Featlier River at Oroville. are summarized in Tabh' 60. Tliese studies were made for the period 1909-1926, and the irrijration yields are based on this period. The monthly distribution of the seasonal irrigation draft was assumed to be the same as that for the Sacramento Valley floor. There are other reservoirs on the West l^ranch of the North Fork which are used for the storage of water for power development purposes, but this water is diverted from the watershed above Oroville and the releases from these reservoirs do not affect the flow at this point. A list of the existing power reservoirs on both the North Fork and the West Branch is given in Table 59. The Indian Valley reservoir site is situated on Indian Creek, a tributary of Spanish Creek which flows into the North Fork. TABLE 60 INCREASED IRRIGATION YIELD AT OROVILLE DUE TO POWER RESERVOIRS ON FEATHER RIVER Storage development None Lake Almanor'- Butt Valley Bucks Creek Lake .\lmanor' Butt Valley... Bucks Creek... Indian Valley.. Capacity of reservoir, in acre-feet 1,300,0001 50,000 1 103,000) 1,300,0001 50,000 103,000 688,000 Aggregate capacity of reservoirs, in acre-feet 1,453,000 2,141,000 Method of operation Power Power Seasonal irrigation yield' for period 1909-1926, in acre-feet 336,000 574,000 702,000 Increased irrigation yield, in a -re- fect, with reser- voirs operated primarily for generation of power 238,000 366,000 ' Yield would have an average seas3nal deficiency for the period of two per cent. » Mountain Meadows reservoir lies above Lake Almanor and its releases are reregulated by the latter reservoir. The seasonal irrigation yield of 336,000 acre-feet from the Feather River unregulated by any storage, for the period 1909-1926, is only about 7.8 per cent of the average and 25.9 per cent of the minimum annual full natural run-otf for the same period, at Oroville. The added annual yield with the existing power development reservoirs is 238,000 acre-feet or 71 per cent of the yield without any storage. If the Indian Valley reservoir also were constructed and operated ])riniarily for the generation of power, the irrigation yield at Oroville wouhl be increased 366,000 acre-feet, or 109 per cent, over the yield without any storage. The power development reservoirs, therefore, cause a considerable increase in the irrigation yield available from unregulated stream flow. The oi)eration of a reservoir to supply water primarily for the generation of power may cause annual, monthly, weekly and diurnal modiflcations in the natural flow of the stream on which it is located. The annual and monthly modifications ar(> usually benefieial to the irrigation uses of the stream flow since water stored in seasons or months of ample run-off is released for power development in the dry years or months and increases the amounts of water available for irri- gation at these times. In most cases, the effect of the power reservoirs SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 207 in changing the total annual flow is very limited since veiy lew reser- voirs are operated for cyclic storage. The largest reservoir which is operated in this way is Lake Ahuanor, and it has been very elt'ective in improving stream How conditions in the Feather Kiver in several recent dry years by releasing Avater stored in previous years of ample run-off. This same elfect would be obtained from other i)Ower reser- voirs in the mountains if large enough to be operated for cyclic storage. The most economic operation of hydroelectric developments having reservoirs requires the releases of stored water at varying rates through- out the week and the day. This is due to most systems having light power loads from Saturday to Monday, and during the night hours, and heavy peak loads during other hours of the day. During the days and hours of light load, the amounts of water passed through the power plants are small, or nothing, and these amounts gradually increase as the load increases until they reach a maximum at the peak load. These vai'ying rates of release of water from the reservoir would naturally cause a changing rate of stream flow if some means were not available for its reregulation. This reregulation can be very etfec- tively obtained by an afterbay installed downstream from the power plant. In this afterba.y, flows in excess of a uniform rate can be store;l and so released that there will be uniform flov>', which is best suited to irrigation use, in the stream below it. The major reservoir units of the State Water Plan would act as after])ays for the power developments in the mountains above them and would regulate the stream flows for irrigation uses on the Sacramento Valley floor. It is concluded, therefore, that power reservoirs, and especially the larger ones, located on a stream or its tributaries in the mountains above the major reservoir units of the State Water Plan, would be etfective in increasing the irrigation vield that could be obtained from the stream either with or without the major reservoir unit. The calculated yields from these reservoirs, which are given in Chapter IX, therefore, probably would be somewhat increased by the future construction of power reservoirs. 208 DIVISIOX OV WATKR RESOURCES CHAPTER IX MAJOR UNITS OF STATE WATER PLAN IN SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN Under prosent conditions of stroam flow and regulation in the Sacra- mento River Basin, practically all of the water in the streams during the summer months is used for irrigation. A study of these flows and present demands indicates that with the present monthly and seasonal distribution of these flows, a dependable supply is not available for the present nses and appropriations and that further development depend- ent upon the present stream flows would be impracticable without storage facilities. A revicAV of the data contained in Chapter II reveals the wide variation of stream flow from one season to another, from month to month, and even from day to day. In some years, large amounts of water waste to the ocean and in nearly all years some water is wasted which, with proper storage facilities, could be put to a beneficial use. Any project to utilize the water resources of the Sacramento River Basin to the greatest degree would require a much more dependable supply than one having these wide variations. To regulate the water supplies so that approximately the same amounts would be available in each season, would require adequate reservoir capacity to store the excess flows in seasons having more run-off than can be economically used, for use in seasons having run-off insufficient for the requirements. Even if the run-off had an equal seasonal distribution, the greater part of that in each season occurs in the winter when practically no water is required for irrigation and the streams reach their lowest flows in the late summer when there is the greatest demand for water for irrigation, power development, navigation and salinity control. Reservoirs, therefore, also are needed to store the winter and spring flows and make them available to meet the demands for use in the summer and fall months. A comparison of the water supply available in different sections of the Great Central Valley of California with the irrigation require- ments for ultimate development of the land in those sections shows that there is an unetpial geographic distribution of water supply as related to irrigation requirements. In order to overcome this unequal distribution of water supply with relation to its needs, both as to the time of occurrence and as to locality, so that all parts of the Great Central Valley would receive a supply dependable in time and ade- quate in amount, physical works must be provided. The necessary works to accoiiii)lish this are designated as the State Water Plan. They comprise storage reservoirs to equalize the seasonal run-offs of the streams and to give Ihem the proper monthly distribution, and conduits to carry the stored water from areas of surplus to areas of deficient supply. The entire plan is described in another bulletin* and that for • Bulletin No. 25. "Report to Legislature of 1931 on Slate Water Plan," Division of Water Resources, 1930. SACRA :mi:xto river basin 200 the San Joaquin River IJasin portion of the Great Central Valley is described in more (]etail in tlir I'cp'^i'f * <^" t'l''^ l)asin. The nnils of the plan in the Saeramento River Basin are descril)ed in this eha|)ter. Reservoiis' eonslructed on the major streams for the conservation of M'ater for irrigation and other purposes also could be used to reduce the maximum mean daily or fllood flows to certain specified amounts, if the reservoirs wero operated specifically for that purpose. There are in the mountains and foothills of the Sacramento River Basin a large numl)er of reservoir sites, many of wliicli are now fully or partially developed. The development of storage began many years ago when reservoirs were built to store Avater for use in hydraulic mining operations. Other reservoirs were later developed for irriga- tion or power use, or a combination of the two, and some of the old mining reservoirs have been converted to these uses. With the beginning of the State's present water resources investi- gations in 1921, it was realized that large storage reservoirs would be necessary in the Sacramento River Basin to fully, or even partially, develop its water resources. Surveys were started, therefore, to deter- mine all available sites, their capacities, the character of dam most suitable for each site and the approximate cost of each reservoir. This information has been added to in succeeding years until at the present time a large amount of information is available covering practically every site in the basin. As stated above, many of these sites have been developed and in these cases information was obtained from the owners. Other sites had been investigated by public or private agencies, and data are available from their investigations. A reconnaissance was made by the State directed toward finding other sites and especially those at strategic locations at which large storage could be obtained at reasonable cost. Preliminarj- topographic surveys were made of a large number of reservoir and dam sites and, in many cases, pre- liminary geological investigations of the dam sites were made to deter- mine the suitability of the formations for the foundation for a dam of some standard type. During the investigations, several sites have been found on the major streams near the edge of the valley floor, in addition to those Avhich were already known to exist, in which large storage could be developed. In general, the reservoir sites in the mountains are of small capacity as compared to the foothill sites and are suitable primarily for power development and irrigation in the mountain and foothill areas and should be reserved for these purposes. Some sites, however, such as Big Valley and Fall River Valley on the Pit River and Big Meadows or Lake Almanor on the North Foi-k of the Feather lliver have storage capacity in excess of a million acre-feet. Other sites range in size from this capacity down to a few hundred acre-feet. Tlie smaller sites are usually relatively expensive. Some of the mountain reservoirs have been constructed for power development purposes but in most cases the water, after passing through the power plants, is used for irrigation in the low mountains or foothills or on the valley floor. • Bulletin No. 29, "San Joaquin River Basin," Division of Water Resources, 1931. 14—80994 210 DIVISION (»J' W.VTER RESOURCES TABLE 61 RESERVOIR SITES IN SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN Name of reservoir site Location . Drainage Stream Section Town- ship Range area, m square miles Sacramento River Wagon Valley. - .Sims 29 18 35 35 36 7 15 5 and 8 27 29 27 4 1 36 5 17 and 8 11 18 22 7 32 6 9, 10, 15 25 18 and 19 21 27 31 18 31 12 2 5 1 SO 33 15 29 17 1 33 9 and 16 6.7,8 2 4 31 16 and 17 23 and 26 8 16 14 22 5 33 21 21 and 28 1 7 11 31 25 3 16 10 31 16 1 3 30 13 7 22 40 N. 37 N. 36 N. 35 N. 40 N. 39 N. 38 N. 37 N. 37 N. 35 N. 34 N. 35 N. 34 N. 44 N. 42 N. 42 N. 39 N. 39 N. 44 -N'. 43 N. 40 N. 42 N. 41 N. 41 N. 38 N. 39 N. 37 N. 36 N. 35 N. 37 N. 32 N. 32 N. 35 N. 33 N. 37 N. 34 N. 33 N. 33 N. 32 N. 33 N. 32 N. 31 N. SON. 31 N. 31 N. 31 N. SON. 29 N. 27 N. 26 N. 25 N. 29 N. 23 N. 29 N. 28 N. 26 N. 25 N. 24 N. 23 N. 24 N. 23 N. 17 N. 18 N. 18 N. 20 N. 20 N. 21 N. 22 N. 26 N. 25 N. 24 N. 24 N. 24 N. 22 N. 20 N. 4 W. 4W. 5W. 5W. 1 W. 1 W. 2W. 2 W. 3 W. 3W. 4W. 2 W. 3W. 13 E. 13 E. 13 E. 14 E. 14 E. 12 E. 12 E. 12 E. HE. 9E. 7E. HE. 9E. 7E. 9E. 8E. 5E. 4E. 4E. 4E. 2E. 3E. 4W. 5W. 5W. 5W. 2W. 1 W. 2W. 3 W. 4W. 2E. 7W. 6W. 3E. 2W. 6 W. 6W. 4E. 6 W. 5E. 5E. 5E. 3E. 4E. SE. 4E. 3E. 6W. 6 W. 6W. 6W. 6W. 6W. 6 W. 5K. 4 E. 5E. 4E. 5E. 4E. 3E. 117 287 Sacramento River ......... Delta 390 Sacramento River Gregory McCloud River Old Bartle 58 McCloud River Upper Falls . 309 McCloud River Rinckle 415 McCloud River Whittier Squaw Valley EUerv 435 McCloud River 577 McCloud River 619 McCloud River Lower .McCloud Squaw Creek Modin Winni Bulli 39 Squaw Creek 85 North Fork Pit River Joseph Creek 73 .North Fork Pit River Cubalo . 103 Between Pine and Parker Creeks Dorris* 6 South Fork of Pit River - Jess Valley 91 Tributarv to South Fork of Pit River W^est Valley 142 Tributary to Rattlesnake Creek Big Dobe North* 17 Rattlesnake Creek Big Sage* 104 Crooks Canyon Crooks Canyon 34 Clover Swale Essex* .. . ... 12 Pit River Warm Springs Valley Stone Coal Valley 1,500 Pit River 1,461 Ash Creek Ash Valley . 134 Ash Creek. RniinH Valley 265 Pit River Big V'alley 3,086 Coyote Creek... Coyote Flat* 30 Horse Creek . . Dixie Valley 91 Pit River Fall River 4,151 Hat Creek Big Springs 98 Hat Creek Lake Logan 6 Hat Creek Cassel . Burnev Creek Tamarack 62 Pit River . . . Lake Britton* .... 4,821 Pit River Baird. 6,037 Sacramento River Kennett 6.649 Sacramento River . . . Coram 6.660 Sacramento River Keswick 6,690 Little Cow Creek Ingot -- 54 South Cow Creek Wagoner Can von 67 South Cow Creek MillviUe 94 Cow Creek Palo Cedro 443 Stillwater Creek StUI water Thatchers Mill 41 South Fork Bear Creek 6 Cottonwood Creek. '. Misselbeck* 12 Cottonwood Creek Cottonwood Battle Creek Meadows Antelope Creek 97 South Fork Battle Creek 25 .\ntelopc Creek 129 Red Bank Creek . .. Red Bank 14 Elder Creek.. Gallatin 146 MillCreck Morgan Springs 21 Thomas Creek Thomas Creek 211 Deer Creek Wilson Lake 2 Deer Creek Deer Creek Meadows Butte Creek House.. Griizly (Julch ... 58 Butte Creek 29 Butte Creek.. , 44 Tributarv to Butte Creek Clear Lake Little Butte Creek De Sabia Ranch 67 Little West Branch Feather. .. Long (lulch Butte Creek Magalia* . . 11 Little Stony Creek East Park* 102 Stony ('reek . Stonyford Stony Creek . . Rockville Briscoe Creek Stony Creek. Stony Creek.. Stony Creek.. Bri.scoe Stony (Jorge*. MilLsite Ncwville. . . Hound Valley*. Philbrook* Kiiashaw Uotien Kock Oeek 43 275 507 53 Philbrook Creek 5 West Branch Feather R!vi>r North Valley Creek..,. 12 Concow Creek .... Butte Creek... Uikc Wilenor*. . Dry Creek ... 16 9 15 49 •Constructed. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN TABLE 61— Continued RESERVOIR SITES IN SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 211 t^tream Yellow Creek Butt Creek Hamilton Branch North Fork of Feather North Canyon. Last Chance Creek Clover Creek Indian Creek Spanish Creek Spanish Creek Bucks Creek. . _ Bucks Creek French Creek Berry Creek Little Last Chance Creek Middle Fork Feather River Grizzly Creek. -- -- M iddle Fork Feather River Frazier Creek. (iray Eagle Creek Middle Fork Feather River .Middle Fork Feather River M iddle Fork Feather River. Middle Fork Feather River South Fork Feather River Lost Creek Lost Creek Feather River Feather River --. South Fork Feather River Wyandotte Creek South Honcut Creek South Fork Honcut Creek Dry Creek -- I ndian Creek Tributary to Dry Creek Dry Creek Tributary to Dry Creek Tributary to Dry Creek Slate Creek Canyon Creek East Fork of North Fork Yuba River.. . Sardine Creek North Fork of North Fork of Yuba River North Fork of West Fork Yuba River. . . South Fork of West Fork Yuba River.... North Fork Yuba River North Fork Yuba River... North Fork Yuba River... North Fork Yuba River Middle Fork Yuba River Middle Fork Yuba River Middle P'ork Yuba River Middle Fork Yuba River Canyon Creek Canyon Creek Canyon Creek. Fordyce Creek South Fork Yuba River South Fork Yuba River South P'ork Yuba River. South Fork Yuba River South F'ork Yuba River South Fork Yuba River South Fork Yuba River Yuba River Deer Creek Clear Creek Deer Creek Reeds Creek Dry Creek South Wolf Creek Bear River Bear River Bear River Bear River Name of reservoir site Humbug Valley Butt Valley* Mountain Meadows* Lake Almanor' Round Valley* Last Chance. Clover Valley Indian Valley. American Valley Spanish Ranch Bucks Creek Diversion* Bucks Creek* French Creek Berry Last Chance Portola Grizzly Valley Clio Gold Lake Long Lake Nelson Point Bald Rock Indian Bar BidwellBar Little Grass Valley Lost Creek* Lost and Sly Creek Oroville Afterbay No. 1 Palermo Wyandotte Creek Browns Valley I. D Jones Flat New York Flat. New York House Oregon House Virginia Ranch Long Bar... California Slate Creek Canyon Creek GoldVaUey Sardine Flat Bassett -. Lincoln Valley Hay Press Valley Sierra City Shady Flat Indian Valley BullardsBar* English Dam Jackson Meadows M ilton Freemans Crossing Dead Horse Flat Bowman Lake* French Lake* Lake Fordyce* Lake Van Norden* Rattlesnake Lake Spaulding* Washington Gov. Stephens Lake Norton Canyon Jones Bar Narrows... ScottsFlat Gassaway Anthony House Indian Springs Cabbage Patch South Wolf Creek Bear River Parker Van Gie8en* Combie Crossing Location Section 18 13 13 28 15 9 10 34 6 13 29 33 27 33 17 2 26 16 6 16 11 32 31 24 20 land 2 8 33 22 18 25 25 30 2 and 10 21 13 24 11 17 26 3 and 10 11 15 4 28 32 18 24 32 18 12 and 13 32 25 5 and 8 17 35 23 17 and 30 20 11 8 13 31 14 and 23 2 2 20 22 33 25 22 and 23 30 Town- ship 26 N. 26 N. 28 N. 27 N. 26 N. 26 N. 24 N. 26 N. 24 N. 24 N. 24 N. 24 N. 22 N. 21 N. 24 N. 23 N. 23 N. 22 N. 21 N. 21 N. 23 N. 21 N. 20 N. 22 N. 20 N. 20 N. 19 N. 19 N. 19 N. 18 N. 18 N. 18 N. 19 N. 19 N. 17 N. 17 N. 16 N. 16 N. 21 N. 21 N. 21 N. 20 N. 20 N. 20 N. 19 N. 20 N. 20 N. 19 N. 18 N. 19 N. 19 N. 19 N. 18 N. 18 N. 18 N. 18 N. 18 N. 17 N. 17 N. 17 N. 17 N. 17 N. 17 N. 17 N. 16 N. 16 N. 15 N. 16 N. 15 N. 15 N. 15 N. 15 N. 14 N. 13 N. 13 N. Range 7E. 7E. 8E. 8E. 9E. 13 E. 13 E. 9E. 10 E. 8E. 7E. 7E. 5E. 5E. 16 E. 14 E. 13 E. 12 E. 12 E. 12 E. 10 E. 6E. 5E. 9E. 7E. 8E. 4E. 4E. 4E. 4E. 6E. 5E. 6E. 7E. 6E. 6E. 5E. 5E. 9E. 10 E. 11 E. 12 E. 12 E. 13 E. 13 E. 12 E. 11 E. 9E. 7E. 13 E. 13 E. 13 E. 8E. HE. 12 E. 13 E. 13 E. 14 E. 13 E. 12 E. 10 E. 11 E. 9E. 8E. 6E. 9E. 7E. 7E. 7E. 6E. 8E. 9E. 9E. 8E. 8E. Drainage area, in square miles 34 79 152 497 15 109 740 31 28 93 597 45 694 9 '905 1,113 1,352 23 31 3,613 23 71 4 17 8 1.30 314 484 "39 44 180 20 29 55 30 12 57 120 150 140 1,108 58 "80 13 102 130 134 1.32 Constructed. 212 DIVISION OF WATEK RESOURCES TABLE 61— Continued RESERVOIR SITES IN SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN Name of reservoir site Location Drainage Stream Section Town- ship Range area, m square miles Bear River Camp Far Westt 21 7 35 33 25 31 25 and 36 30 6 16 4 33 33 11 34 20 13 19 1 20 and 29 15 19 32 29 8 and 17 28 30 24 35 18 19 15 4 6 5 and 6 21 3 29 14 N. 13 N. 17 N. 17 N. 15 N. 13 N. 15 N. 12 N. 13 N. 14 N. 13 N. 14 N. 13 N. 12 N. 12 N. 11 N. 12 N. 11 N. 11 N. 12 N. 12 N. 10 N. ION. 11 N. ION. 11 N. 11 N. ION. 10 N. ION. ION. UN. 14 N. 12 N. ION. UN. ION. 8N. 6E. 7E. 12 E. 14 E. 10 E. 9E. 13 E. 17 E. 16 E. 14 E. 15 E. HE. 9E. 8E. 8E. 8E. 9E. 12 E. 14 E. 14 E. 14 E. 18 E. 17 E. 15 E. 15 E. 9E. 9E. 7E. 7E. 12 E. HE. 1 W. 6W. 6W. 2W. 6 W. 5W. 2W. 282 Coon Creek - Coon Creek Lake Valley* 42 Tributary North Fork of North Fork American River . .. 5 Palisade Creek High Sierras 4 Shirt Tail Canycn Brimst(rtie North Fork American River Clipper Creek 339 French Meadows 47 iSoutti For'>: Ameri an River Medley Lakes' 28 Tributary Rubicon River Rocktou nd Lake Tributary Rubicon River . Lower Hell Hole 115 Gerle Creek _ Middle Fork A merican River Loon Lake Ox Bow 12. 52S Middle Fork American River.. Poverty Bar 609 North Fork American River Auburn .. 965 Pilot Creek North Fork American River Whiskey Bar 983 Greenwood Creek Greenwood 8 South Fork American River Slab Creek . . . North Fork Silver Creek Silver Creek No. 3 34 Silver Creek Silver Creek No. 2 Silver Creek No. 1 Twin Lakes* 82 South Fork Silver Creek 29 13 Tributary Silver Fork Silver Lake* 15 South Fork American River Slippery Ford. 196 Alder Creek Alder Creek 18 South Fork American River . . Holnmn 708 South Fork American River Webber Creek American River Folsom 1.875 American River Folsom Afterbay . Webber Creek.. Webber Creek 9 Webber Creek Webber Creek* Tributary to Willow Creek Oat Valley Cache Creek Little Indian Valley Clear Lake* 120 Cache Creek 470 Cache Creek . . . Capay . . . 996 Putah Creek... Guenoc .. 120 Putah Creek Putah Creek Monticcllo 620 • Constructed. t Existing reservoir to be enlarged i n State Water Plan. There is ^iven in Table 61 a list of known reservoir sites in the Sacramento River Basin which could be developed to capacities in excess of five thousand acre-feet. These sites are considered part of the State Water Plan for the ma.ximum use of the water resources for the development of power; furnishing: an adequate supply of water for domestic, industrial and irrifjation uses; the improvement of naviga- tion ; the prevention of the invasion of saline water into the Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta; and for the prevention of damage from excessive flood flows. Ten of these sites, however, strategically located near the edge of the valley floor, are of major importance. These sites are Kennett on Sacramento River, Oroville on Feather River, Narrows on Yuba River, Camp Far West on Bear River, Folsom, Auburn and Coloma on American River. Millsite on Stony Creek. Capay on Cache Creek, and Monticello on Putah Creek. They lie below practically the entire mountain watershed of the streams on which they are located. They are in positions to control the natural run-ofF, to reregulate water released from the higher reservoirs for power and the return water from irrigation in the mountains and foothills, and to make the maxi- mum amount of all water from the mountainous areas available for SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 213 irrigation use on the valley floor. Also, being situated at the points where the floods originating in the mountains debouch onto the valley- floor, they are ideally located to control these flows to such amounts as can be safely cared for by the existing flood control works or new works wliicli could be constructed to protect additional lands, at reason- able cost. These reservoirs, being the lowest sites for storage on the streams, can properly function without any interference with power development in the mountains. The area tributary to these ten sites contains 15,740 square miles. This is 60 per cent of the total Sacramento River Basin and 74 per cent of the mountain and foothill area, which is the principal source of the basin's run-off. The drainage area tributary to these ten sites yields, on an average, 76.5 per cent of the total run-off from the entire foothill and mountain area of the basin. An additional 12.9 per cent originates between the proposed reservoir site on the Sacramento River near Kennett and the foothill line at Red Bluff. Considerable beneficial use of this water would be made possible by the proper operation of the Kennett reservoir. In addition to the waters of the Sacramento River Basin which may be regulated for all uses by means of reservoirs, other waters could be imported into the basin from watersheds in which there is a surplus over the ultimate future water requirements in those watersheds. The streams from which it is physically possible to divert a part of the flow into the Sacramento River Basin are the Eel River; the upper Klamath River ; and the Trinity River, a branch of the Klamath River. The Eel River water could be diverted into Clear Lake which is on Cache Creek, a Sacramento River Basin stream. Two plans for this diversion are physically feasible. One plan Avould be to convey surplus water to the Snow Mountain Water and Power Company power plant in Potter Valley by means of existing works and to construct a canal and tunnel to convey it from the power house to Clear Lake. The other plan would be to develop a larger supply by diverting some of the run-offs of the Middle Fork of Eel River, Black Butte River, and numerous small creeks into Lake Pillsbury by means of a collecting canal and tunnel to Salmon Creek. From Lake Pillsbury a tunnel would convey the Avater to Middle Creek, a tributary of Clear Lake. The water from either diversion could be stored in Clear Lake or in the Capay reservoir of the State Water Plan. There are three possible routes for the diversion of the Klamath River water to the Sacramento River Basin. Under two of the plans water would be diverted from the river just below Upper Klamath Lake whicli would be used as a storage reservoir. One route for the diversion would be by way of Tule Lake and the Modoc Lava Beds with a discharge into Fall River in the Sacramento River watershed. The other route for the diversion wouhl be by way of the rim of Shasta Valley and through a tunnel into the headwaters of the Sacramento River near Mount Shasta. Under the third plan of diversion, water would be diverted from the Klamath River about seven miles upstream from Fall Creek at an elevation about 1000 feet lower than with the first two plans. The route of this conduit also would be by way of the rim of Shasta Vallev and tiience Ihi'ough a tunnel into the headwaters 214 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES of the upper Sacramento River. The conduit for each plan would have considerable lengrth and several miles would be in tunnel. The Trinity River diversion is the most feasible of all the diversions into the Sacramento River Basin and water from it will be required to furnish a sui)ply to lands on the western side of the upper Sacramento Valley which it is not feasible to serve from any other source. It, therefore, was adopted as one of the major units of the State Water Plan. Til is diversion, in addition to furnishing a large and dependable supply of new water which may, with adequate storage on the Trinity River, be drawn upon as desired, has large power possibilities. The diversion is described in some detail near the end of this chapter. The major units of the State "Water Plan in the Sacramento River Basin are surface storage reservoirs and the Trinity River diversion conduit. Distribution conduits from the reservoirs within the basin are not included as they are considered to be features for local development. In connection with some of the reservoirs, power plants and afterbays are proposed where the generation of electric energy would be economi- cally feasible. The eleven reservoir units considered to be of major importance in making the water supply of the Sacramento River Basin and a portion of the Trinity River available for use in the Great Central Valley of California are shown in Table 62 and are delineated on Plate XXII, "^lajor Units of State Plan for Development of Water Resources of California." This table also shows the area of the drainage basin and the full natural run-off tributary to each of the major reservoir units in the basin. TABLE 62 MAJOR RESERVOIR UNITS OF STATE WATER PLAN IN SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN Stream Tributary drainage area Full natural run-off, 40-year mean. 1889-1929 Reservoir In square mies In per cent of . mountain and foothill area of Sacramento River Basin In acre-feet In per cent of run-off of mountain and foothill area of Sacramento River Basin In per cent of run-off of Sacramento River Basin plus Trinity River diversion Kennett Sacramento River... Feather River Yuba River 6,649 3,613 1.108 282 1,875 >965 ■708 597 906 620 31.1 16.9 5 2 13 8.8 •4 5 '3 3 2 8 4.7 2.0 6,149,000 5,201.000 2.553,000 402,000 3,049,000 •1.830,000 ■1.054,000 432.000 762.000 420,000 24 8 21.0 10 3 16 24 Oroville 20.3 10 Camp Far West Fobom Bear River 16 American River American Hiver American River Stony Creek Cache Creek Putoh Creek 12 3 11.9 Auburn'. •7 4 ^7.1 ro|nin« 1 , , •4 2 17 3 1 1.7 '4.1 Miilaite 1.7 Capay 3 Monticcllo . 1.6 ToUk Totals for mountain and mento River Ha.iin. . . Fair\icw n-M-rvoir on Trii Totals for mountain and mento River Basin |)lui flion foothiil area of Sacra- iity River 15,740 21.369 667 73 7 100.0 18.968.000 24,800,700 •796.000 76 5 100 74 1 96.9 3.1 foothill area of Sacra- 1 Trinity River diver- 22.036 25,596,700 100.0 i ■ Amounts for Auburn and Coloma re.-servoirs are included in tlio<< for FoLer year. The mean aiinunl full natural run-off at F;iir\ irw ilam site was 1,201,000 acre-feet. PLATE XXIT ^ ^ r MAJOR UNITS OF STATE PLAN \ FOR ELOPMENT OF WATER RESOURCES OF CALIFORNIA PLATR XXII S^ A '-^'^'^SJ LEGEND Units for initial development Units for ultimate development ..-<^' r^' r--0M.: / / < / ■il ,iU-' ^?^. / o 'hi - I MM 1./^ \j X ^^'j •.yih.J0A'6i ^' / 'A'ys>j:'',^ \ MENDOTA-WEST SIDE Jf \ • _PUMF^ SYSTEM ^1. «/ r/ i/ 4/ 1:.-^- tSthVUlRo .,\ V / ..\ »^- ^' ,/i MAJOR UNITS OF STATE PLAN FOR DEVELOPMENT OF WATER RESOURCES OF CALIFORNIA SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 215 In order to estimate the yield of a reservoir, it is first necessary to know the amount of the water supply available at the dam, and the rate of losses by evaporation from the reservoir surface. The full natural, present net and ultimate net run-offs at the dam site for each major reservoir unit, therefore, were estimated by the methods described in Chapter II. The net evaporation from the surfaces of the major reservoir units were estimated from the best data available. The total annual net amounts in feet and the distribution by months are shown in Table 63. It is estimated that during the months in which no evapo- ration is shown the rainfall would compensate for the evaporation losses. TABLE 63 NET EVAPORATION FROM RESERVOIRS Reservoir Month Kennett Oroville Narrows Camp Far West Folsom Auburn Coloma Fairview Millsite Monticello Capay Depth in feet Per cent of seasonal total Depth in feet Per cent of seasonal total Depth in feet Per cent of seasonal total January . 0.32 0.44 0.52 0.02 0.58 0.45 0.34 0.23 9.2 12.6 15.0 17.8 16.6 12.7 9.6 6.5 0.23 0.32 0.37 0.44 0.42 0.32 0.24 16 9.2 12.8 14.8 17.6 16.8 12.8 9.6 6.4 0.37 0.51 60 71 0.66 0.51 0.38 26 February . March April 9.3 May 12.7 June _ - _ . 15.0 July August 17.8 16.5 September October _ November . . 12.7 9 5 6 5 December Totals 3.50 100.0 2.50 100.0 4.00 100.0 Studies were made to estimate the seasonal irrigation yield that would have been available from each unit during the 40-year period 1889-1929. In making those studies the reservoir was assumed to have been full at the end of the extremely wet winter season of 1889-90 and the reservoir operation was carried by months through the entire 40-yt'ar period. The water supply to the reservoir was taken as the ultimate net run-off. The seasonal irrigation yields determined were those that would have been obtained witli deficiencies not to exceed 35 per cent in the year of maximum deficiency or an average not to exceed two per cent over the entire 40-year period. The irrigation draft was assumed to be distributed through the season in accordance with the schedule for use on the Sacramento Yalh'v floor as determined by previous studies.* This distribution is shown in tiie last column of Table 64. Studies also were made to estimate the seasonal irrigation yield that could have been obtained from the unregulated run-off during the 40-year period as it would have been if impaired Ity nltimate * bulletin Xn. fi, 'IrriKfitlon Rcriuirements of Calironiia I^.tihIk,' gation anil EiiKineerliie, 19i;3. Division of Trri- SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 215 In order to estimate the yield of a reservoir, it is first necessary to know the amonnt of the water supply available at the dam, and the rate of losses by evaporation from the reservoir surface. The full natural, present net and ultimate net run-offs at the dam site for each major reservoir unit, therefore, were estimated by the methods described in Chapter II. The net evaporation from the surfaces of the major reservoir units were estimated from the best data available. The total annual net amounts in feet and the distribution by months are shown in Table 63. It is estimated that during the months in which no evapo- ration is shown the rainfall would compensate for the evaporation losses. TABLE 63 NET EVAPORATION FROM RESERVOIRS Rcser\-oir Month Kennett Oroville Narrows Camp Far West Folsom Auburn Coloma Fair view Millsite Monticello Capay Depth in feet Per cent of seasonal total Depth in feet Per cent of seasonal total Depth in feet Per cent of seasonal total January 0.32 0.44 0.52 0.62 0.58 0.45 0.34 0.23 9.2 12.6 15.0 17.8 16.6 12.7 9.6 6.5 0.23 0.32 0.37 0.44 0.42 0.32 0.24 16 9.2 12.8 14.8 17.6 16.8 12.8 9.6 6.4 0.37 0.51 0.60 71 0.66 0.51 0.38 0.26 February March April 9.3 May 12.7 June Julv _... 15.0 17.8 August . .. 16.5 September 12 7 October . 9.5 November 6 5 December Totals . 3.50 100.0 2.50 100.0 4.00 100 Studii's were made to estimate the seasonal irrigation yield that would liave been available from each unit during the 40-year period 1889-1929. In making these studies the reservoir was assumed to have been full at the end of the extremely wet winter season of 1889-90 and the reservoir operation Avas carried by months through the entire 40-year period. The water supply to the reservoir was taken as the ultimate net run-off. The seasonal irrigation yields determined were those that would have been obtained with deficiencies not to exceed 155 per cent in the year of maximum deficiency or an average not to exceed two per cent over the entire 40-year period. The irrigation draft was assumed to be distributed through the season in accordance with the schedule for use on the Sacramento Valley floor as detenu inod by previous studies.* This distribution is shown in the last colnnin of Table 64. Studies also were made to estimate the seasonal irrigation yield that could have been obtained from the unregulated run-off during the 40-year period as it would havo been if impaired l)y nltimatc * Bullolin No. »;, "IiriKatJon Roriuiiemonts of Califoinia Lands," Division of Irri- gation and Engineerinic:, 1923. 21(5 DIVl.SIO.X OK WATKK HIISOURCES upstream uses. This jaeld was determined at the same point and with the same monthly distribution and the same limits of deficiencies as that with reservoir regulation. The difference in irrigation yield between that which could be obtained from the unregulated stream and from the stream with reservoir control will be called ' ' new water. ' ' The initial major reservoir unit in the Sacramento River Basin would be operated to control floods ; to furnish water for the irrigation of lands along the .stream on which it is located and the lands in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta ; to furnish water for salinity control ; to improve navigation, if the stream on which it is located is navigable; to furnish water which is surplus to these uses for exportation to lands having a deficiency in supply ; and to generate hydroelectric energy incidental to all of the other As each of the other large major reservoir units of the State Water Plan is built, there would be a certain period before its entire irrigation yield could be absorbed. During this period, the reservoir might be operated j^rimarily for the generation of power or for power development combined with other uses. The water discharged from the reservoir when operated in this manner would furnish considerable new water for irrigation require- ments. As the irrigation demands increased, the reservoir would be operated to furnish irrigation water to keep pace with these demands and eventually it would be operated primarily to water for irrigation use or for irrigation combined with other uses. Studies, therefore, were made of the major units having power plants, operated jjrimarily for the generation of power. Witli the reservoirs operated for this purpose, it was assumed that the minimum head on the plants at the dams would never have been than 50 ])er cent of the maximum head ol)tainablp. As in the irrigation studies, the reservoir was assumed to have been full at the end of the 1889-90 winter season. The water supply to the reservoir, however, was taken as the present net run-off. The distribution of the demand for electric energy was assumed to be in accordance with ])res(Mit re(]uiremeuts in northern and central Cali- fornia. This distri])ution, together with that for water for irrigation use, is given in Table 64. TABLE 64 MONTHLY DEMAND FOR ELECTRIC ENERGY AND IRRIGATION WATER Month Electric energj- consumption in northern California, in per cent of annual total Irrigation water consumption on Sacramento Valley floor, in per cent of annual total .lanuary February . 7.36 6.79 7.63 7.79 8.03 8.95 9.65 9.84 8.78 8.65 7.74 7.89 March .................................. . 10 April . . . 5.0 Nay 1 16.0 June. .. ........ ...................... 20.0 July 22 Auxuit .. 20 September October N'ovemJicr Dpcomber .... 12 4 (1 Totals 100.00 100.0 SAfRAMENTO KIVER BASIN 217 Studies also were made to estimate the amounts of electric enerjiy that could have been developed by the releases from the reservoirs operated primarily for irrigation use, and the characteristics of this energy. It was assumed that Avhen operated for this use the reservoir would never have been drawn down so that the minimum head on the l^ower plant would have been less than 50 per cent of the maximum liead. It also Avas assumed that the power plant would have had the same installed capacity as with the reservoir operated primarily for the generation of power. Some of the reservoirs could be operated for controlling flood flows in addition to their use for other purposes. The value of storage in reservoirs in the control of floods has been discussed in Chapter VI. The regulation of floods to certain controlled flows which would not be exceeded oftener than a definite number of times in a specified period would require the reservation of storage space in the top portion of the reservoir, in which run-off in excess of the regulated flow would be stored. The amounts of storage space to be reserved in each reservoir for controlling floods to certain specified amounts are given in Chapter VI. In that chapter, a rule also is given for the determination of the period during which reserve space should be held in the reservoir and the proportionate amount of this space at different times throughout the period. A somewhat detailed description of each major unit, and estimated capital and annual costs, are given in this chapter. While it is not likely that designs for these units at the time they are constructed would exactly follow the descriptions given, the plans presented were developed after considerable study and are those on which the estimates of cost are based. Estimates were made of the costs of dams and reservoirs, power plants, afterbays and power drops. These estimates were based on the costs of materials and labor as of 1929 and 1930. The unit costs used for the principal items are given in Table 65. The estimates also Avere based on the assumption that each unit would be constructed in one step. If based upon the assumption of progressive development, the cost would be substantially greater. Excavation quantities have liocii based on depths of stripping as determined from explorations l)y boring and tunneling and where these were not available, from geological reports and field examinations. Field examinations also were made in the vicinity of the dam sites to determine the nearest and best sources of aggregates for concrete. The construction period for each reservoir was estimated by comparison with that on similar projects and interest during this period, based on an interest rate of 4.5 per cent compounded semiannually, Avas included in the capital cost of the project. Annual costs including those for interest and amortization on bonds, depreciation, operation and maintenance also were estimated for each unit. The bases for estimating the ajinnal costs are as follows: Interest, in per cent 4.5 Amortization of capital investment (40-year bonds on 4 per cent sinking fund basis) in per cent of capital cost 1.05 218 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Depreciation — Lands and improvements flooded, in per cent of capital cost 0.0 Dam, in per cent of capital cost OM Power plant, spillway gates, flood control gates and appurtenances (40-year sinking fund basis at 4 per cent) in per cent of capital cost 1.05 Operating expenses and maintenance — Dam and reservoir, lump sum $5,000 to $100,000 Power plant $10,000 plus $0.65 per kilovolt ampere of installed capacity. The values of the electric enei'gy outputs from each jjower i)lant when operated primarily for the generation of power and also primarily for yield in irrigation water, were estimated by the methods discussed in Chapter VIIT. The estimated values at the power plants Avere based on the cost of })roducing an equivalent amount of electric energy of the same characteristics with a steam-electric plant located in the area of consumption, taking into account the cost of transmission from the point of generation to the load center, and using the present price of fuel oil and present steam-electric plant efficiencies. In the following pages, each major unit is briefly described and its cost and accomplishments are given. Kennett Reservoir on Sacramento River A major reservoir unit of the State "Water Plan on the upper Sacramento River is required in the plan for the development of the water resources of the Sacramento Tiiver Basin for the iri'igation of the lands l.vinir in the Sacramento River water service area described in Chapter V. Much of this area can be served from no other stream and the remainder can be served more economically from the Sacra- mento River than any other source of supply. Also, since the Sacra- mento River has the largest run-off of any stream entering the Sacramento Valley, the major reservoir unit on the stream will be roquired to regulate the water surplus to the needs for irrigation in the Sacramento Rivei- water service area for irrigation sup])li('s for lands in the Sacramento Valley having no local supplies or insufficient supplies of their own for their full development, for salinity control and irrigation in the Sacramento-San Joafpiiii Delta, for the inainte- iiance of navigation on the Sacramento River, and for exportation to the San Joaquin Valley and San Francisco Bay Basin to supple- ment local supplies in those areas for irrigation and industrial uses. Studies indicate that all water that can be economically developed in the Sacramento River Basin by the operation of the State Water Plan will ultimately be recpiired and that a considerable i)ortion of the water for the foregoing uses outside of the Sacramento River water ser\'ice ai'ca should be dci-ived from tlu^ reservoir on the Sacramento liiver. Several dam and reservoir sites on the river above Red Bluff were investigated and the Kennett site was selected as being the most satis- factory. The dam site for the Kennett reservoir is located in Section 15. Township 'Mi North. Kange 5 West, M. 1). 1>. and M.. and is the same TABLE 65 SUMMARY OF UNIT COSTS USED IN ESTIMATES I'nit Tnit cost ' Kennett Kefiwick afterbay Ororille reservoir OroviUe afterbay -Narrows reservoir Camp Par West reservoir Auburn Pilot Creek power drop Coloma reservoir Webber Creek power drop Folsom reservoir Fokom afterbay MiUsite Capay reservoir Montioello reservoir Trinity River diversion II cm Fairview reservoir and power plant No. 1 Uwist«n Conduit and power plant No. 2 Conduit and power phnt No. 3 Conduit and power plant No. 4 Cubic ard SI OO 2 50 5 00 tl 00 2 50 5 00 9 50 S2 00 2 50-3 50 5 00 6 50-7 50 SI 00 2 50 SI 00 2 50 5 00 f2 00 1 50 5 00 7 00-10 00 Cubic yard Cubic yard Cubic yard . . , Cubic yard Cubicyard tl 50 i 00 i; 00-8 00 a ha 5 00 6 50-8 SO S2 50 5 00 6 50-9 50 J2 50 5 00 6 00-7 00 12 SO 5 00 6 50-9 50 12 50 5 00 7 50-fl 50 $2 50 5 00 7 50-9 50 12 50 5 00 7 50-9 50 «2 50 5 00 7 00 $1 SO 5 00 Se 50-S14 50 111 00 1 20 SO 00-9 SO SI 20 1 00-1 20 7 00 16 00 24 00 10 50 12 50 12 50-24 00 7 00 16 00 24 00 19 5(1 6 85 15 50 24 00 19 50 6 85 15 50 24 00 6 36 15 00 23 50 16 50 12 00 12 00-23 50 6 7S 15 50 24 00 19 50 5 50 15 00 23 50 18 50 6 SO 6 50 15 00 23 50 18 50 6 50 6 30 15 00 23 50 18 50 6 30 15 00 6 50 6 50 15 00 23 50 18 50 11 50 15 00-23 SO 9 00 19 00 27 50 22 50 16 00 16 00-27 50 17 50 8 00 Conorete, reinforced— 2150 15 00 9 00 Cubioyard _._ 12 50-24 00 12 50-24 00 12 50^24 6b 15 5^-21 00 12 00-23 50 12 00-23 50 12 00-23 50 12 00-23 50 14 50-23 50 9 00 12 00 20 00 3 50 11 50 20 00 8 50 11 50 20 00 Cubic yard SO 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 23 SO 23 50 17 00 23 50 :■;) 5U 17 00 Walls-benched canal section 22 00 19 00 Pen*tock cradles 12 50 12 60 12 50 12 50 12 50 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 16 00 15 00 4 25 3 00 Lineal foot of hde Lineal foot of hole Cubicyard... 4 25 3 00 4 2G 3 00 4 25 3 00 4 26 3 00 4 25 3 00 4 26 3 00 50 4 25 3 00 4 25 3 00 4 25 3 00 4 25 3 00 4 25 3 00 50 4 25 3 00 4 25 3 00 4 25 3 00 4 25 3 00 Earth ai...__ 50 RockfiU in coffer dams Cubioyard... 75 1 26 76 1 25 75 1 25 75 1 25 75 1 25 75 1 25 75 I 25 75 1 25 75 1 25 75 75 Cubioyard Sheet piling Ton 75 00 10 05H OSH 22H 13 28 10 70 00 75 00 10 05M 08H 22Mi 75 00 10 05H 08H 13 13 28 75 00 10 05!ii 08H 22h 13 28 10 ''"1 06 09 33 135 285 105 70 00 10 OSH OBH 22!^ 13 28 10 70 00 10 08^ 22).i io" om 22L^ 13 28 10 70 00 10 05W 08i^ 22H, io" 70 00 10 22,14 13 28 10 70 00 10 05H 08H 22« 13 28 10 io 28 10 70 00 10 22H 10 05H am 22H 13 28 10 70 00 10 22M 10 105 ioS" ReJnforcmg Bte«l Pound Riveted Btecl pipe Pound ns >15 )15 Cateniillar type sluice gates Pound SUdegut« _ Pound. -__ Pound Segmental steel drum gates Pound 10 70 00 10 70 00 10 70 00 10 70 00 10 70 00 Tunnel timbenng Thousand board feet 70 00 70 00 Flump hnrHwnrP 11 11 110 00 36 50 11 11 110 00 30 00 Flump mptnl T.umSpr Power plant building and equipment Kitovolt ampere 21 50 35 SO 21 50 54 00 23 00 26 00 35 00 32 50 35 00 25 00 54 00 30 00 29 50 -SOOiM— Bel. pp. 218 and 219 SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 219 site as that formerly selected* for a dam for a reservoir to develop the water resources of the Sacramento River. It is about 2.1 miles south of the town of Kennett and about 13 miles upstream from the city of Redding. Water impounded by this dam would back up the Sacramento River, the Pit River, the McCloud River, Squaw Creek and many smaller creeks, jjiving a reservoir with many long narrow arms and capa])le of development to large storage capacity. The Avaterslied above tlie site has an area of about 6649 square miles which is about 72 ])er cent of the total Sacramento River drainage area above Red Bluff and about 31 per cent of the total mountain and foothill area of the Sacramento River Basin. The Pit, McCloud and upper Sacramento rivers join within the reservoir area to form the main Sacramento River. The drainage basin above the dam site is bounded on the east and west by mountains which rise to elevations of 9000 feet or more, while to the north this basin is separated from that of the Klamath River by a range which culminates in Mount Shasta having a crest elevation of 14,161 feet. To the east and south of Mount Shasta is an extensive plateau varying from four to five thousand feet in elevation. With the exception of this plateau and some valleys along the Pit River, most of the area is mountainous. Along the Pit and upper Sacramento rivers there are 367,000 acres of agricultural land, much of which is irrigated. Elevations within the basin vary from 14,161 feet on Mount Shasta down to about 600 feet at the dam site. The distribution of the area for three ranges of elevation is given in Table 66. TABLE 66 DISTRIBUTION OF AREAS BY RANGE OF ELEVATION IN UPPER SACRAMENTO RIVER DRAINAGE BASIN ABOVE KENNETT DAM SITE Drainage area Elevation above sea level In square miles In per cent of total drainage area Below 2,.500 feet . ...... 469 3,857 2,323 7 Between 2,500 feet and 5,000 feet 58 Above 5, 00 feet 35 Totals 6,649 100 Water Supply.- — The tributary drainage basin above the Kennett dam site is one of the most productive of run-off of any in the state. The rate of run-off from tJie ujjper Sacramento and McCloud rivers is exceeded in California by only a few small streams on the north Pacific Coast. Information on the run-off was obtained from stream measure- ments at the Jellys Ferry and Red Bluff gaging stations of the United States Geological Survey, over a period of 34 years and at the Kennett station for a period of four years. Precipitation data are availabh' for a number of stations throughout the basin for a longer period and * Bullilin No. !i, ".Siii))j]omcntal Ucport on Water Rosourccs of Califoi-nia," divi- sion of KiiuiiiofcrinK anil liriKatioii, ]!t25. T.ullctin No. 12, ' Siininiary Report on the Water Resources of California and a Coordinated Plan for Tlieir Dovclopmont," Division of Rngineerinc; and Irrig-ation, 1927. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 219 site as tliat formerly selected* for a dam for a reservoir to develop the water resources of the Sacramento River. It is about 2.1 miles south of the town of Kennett and about 13 miles upstream from the city of Reddinj?. "Water impounded by this dam would back up the Sacramento River, the Pit River, the McCloud River, Squaw Creek and many smaller creeks, giving a reservoir with many long narrow arms and capable of development to large storage capacity. The watershed above the site has an area of about 6649 square miles which is about 72 per cent of the total Sacramento River drainage area above Red Bluff and about 31 per cent of the total mountain and foothill area of the Sacramento River Basin. The Pit, McCloud and upper Sacramento rivers join within the reservoir area to form the main Sacramento River. The drainage basin above the dam site is bounded on the east and west by mountains which rise to elevations of 9000 feet or more, while to the north this basin is separated from that of the Klamath River by a range which culminates in Mount Shasta having a crest elevation of 14,161 feet. To the east and south of Mount Shasta is an extensive plateau varjdng from four to five thousand feet in elevation. With the exception of this plateau and some valleys along the Pit River, most of the area is mountainous. Along the Pit and upper Sacramento rivers there are 367,000 acres of agricultural land, much of which is irrigated. Elevations within the basin vary from 14,161 feet on Mount Shasta down to about 600 feet at the dam site. Tlie distribution of the area for three ranges of elevation is given in Table 66. TABLE 66 DISTRIBUTION OF AREAS BY RANGE OF ELEVATION IN UPPER SACRAMENTO RIVER DRAINAGE BASIN ABOVE KENNETT DAM SITE Drainage area Elevation above sea level In square miles In per cent of total drainage area Below 2,500 feet 469 3,857 2,323 7 Between 2,500 feet and 5,000 feet 58 Above 5, 00 feet 35 Totals .. 6,649 100 Water Supply. — The tributary drainage basin above the Kennett dam site is one of the most productive of run-off of any in the state. The rate of run-off from the upper Sacramento and McCloud rivers is exceeded in California by only a few small streams on the north Pacific Coast. Information on the run-off was obtained from stream measure- ments at the Jellys Ferry and Red Bluff gaging stations of the United States Geological Survey, over a period of 34 years and at the Kennett station for a period of four years. Precipitation data are available for a number of stations throughout the l)asin for a longer period and * Bulletin No. !t, ".SiipplPinonlal Report mi Wati-r Rcsoiircfs of California," Divi- sion of EiiKiiiocrinK ami Irrigation, i;t2.'). Rullotin Xo. ] 2, "Snmtnary Report on the Water Resources of California and a Coordinated Plan for Their Developmeni," Division of Engineering- and Irrigation, 1927. 220 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES were used to determine the probable rnu-offs for the years prior to the period of stream measurements. Rainfall within the watershed varies from a mean of 15 to 65 inches per year. The full natural run-ofiFs at the dam site were obtained for the period of record at Kennett p:apring station by increasing the full natural run-offs at the gaging station by the estimated run-offs from the area between it and the dam site. The monthly full natural run-offs at Kennett gage for the period of record were obtained by adding the estimated net uses of Avater on 96.000 to 145,000 acres of irrigated land above the gaging station and by adding or subtracting, respec- tively, the amounts of water known or estimated to have been stored in or released from reservoirs in the basiii above the station. The monthly full natural run-offs for the period from 1889 to 1925 were obtained from curves of relationships of the monthly full natural run-offs at the dam site and at Red Bluff using the monthly full natural run-offs at the latter point as indices. The monthly ultimate net run-offs were obtained from the monthly full natural run-offs bv deducting the estimated ultimate net uses of water for irrigation above the dam site and adding water released from and deducting water stored in reservoirs now in use or required for ultimate development of the irrigated lands in the watershed above the dam site. The present net run-offs by months were estimated in the same manner as the ultimate net except that present instead of ultimate uses and storage were used. The seasonal full natural, ultimate net and present net run-offs at the Kennett dam site are shown in Table 67. The run-oft' from this basin is more evenly distributed throughout the year than that from most basins on account of the al)sorptive lava formations lying to the east and south of ]\Iount Shasta, which act as a natural reservoir. Even with these natural conditions favoring the water supply from this basin, there is still a large variation in the run-off from season to season and also within the season. The data in Table 67 show the variations in the full natural, the present net, and the ultimate net seasonal run-offs from the area above the Kennett dam site for the 40-year period 1889-1929. From this table it may be seen that the maximum seasonal full natural run-off was 12,582.000 acre-fe(>t in 1889-90 and the minimum was 2,691,000 acre-feet in 1923-24, a variation of from 205 per cent to 44 per cent of the mean seasonal i-un-off for the 40-year period. The average monthly distribution of the run-off as determined from llie niontlily Full natural run-oil's at Kennett dam site during the 40-year period 1889-1929 is shown in Table 68. That there is also a wide variation in the mean daily flows is indi- cated by the iiiaxiimim discliarge of 254,000 second-feet on February 3, 1909, with a peak of 27.S.()00 second-feet, and a minimum discharge of 2810 second-feet which occurred in August, 1924. Both of these flows occurred at Red P.liiff but iiuHcate the variation that may oecui- at till' K'eniH'tt dam site. Since the Kennett reservoir is in a jiosition to control only about two-thirds of the run-off of the Sacramento River drainage basin above Red Bluff, a mueli larger yield in wafer for irrigation or other uses SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 221 could be obtained by releasing water from the reservoir to supplement natural run-ofif from the area between it and Red Bluff. The run-off from this area, therefore, is an important item in any study of the yield of Kennett reservoir. The seasonal full natural run-offs at the Red Bluff gaging station Iiave been shown in Table 5. The ultimate net and present net run-offs at this station also have been estimated and the seasonal amounts, together with the seasonal full natural run-offs, are shown in Table 69. The run-offs from the area between Kennett dam site and the Red Bluff gaging station are equal to the differences between the amounts shown in Tables 69 and 67, for cor- responding seasons and means. TABLE 67 SEASONAL RUN-OFFS OF SACRAMENTO RIVER AT KENNETT DAM SITE, 1889-1929 Season 1889-1890 .- 1890-1891 1891-1892 1892-1893 1893-1894 1894-1895 1895-1896 1896-1897.. .- 1897-1898 -.. 1898-1899 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-1902 - 1902-1903.. 1903-1904 1904-1905 1905-190JS 1906-1907 1907-1908.. _. 1908-1909. 1909-1910 1910-1911 1911-1912 1912-1913 1913-1914 1914-1915... 1915-1916 1916-1917 1917-1918 1918-1919 1919-1920 1920-1921 1921-1922 1922-1923 1923-1924 1924-1925 1925-1926 1926-1927 1927-1928 1928-1929 40-year means, 1889-1929 20-year means, 1909-1929 10-year means, 1919-1929 5-year means, 1924-1929 Full natural run-o£F, in acre-feet 12,582,000 4,637,000 5,118,000 7,891,CJ0 5,895,000 7,837,000 7,247,000 6,858,000 3,871,000 4,340,000 5,896,000 6,073,000 7.122,000 6,586,000 9,523,000 7,038,00fl 7,259,000 8,486,000 5.494,000 8.605,000 6,156,000 6,668,000 4.726,000 5,001,000 8,361,000 7,849,000 6,924,000 5,039,000 4,028,000 5.389.000 3,294,000 7,396,000 4,769,000 3.994,000 2,691,000 5.427.000 3,921,000 7,222,000 5,331.000 3.400,000 6,149,000 5,379,000 4.745.000 5,060.000 Present net run-off, in acre-feet 12,396,000 4,451,000 4,932.000 7,706.000 5.709,000 7,651,000 7,061,000 6,672,000 3,685,000 4,154,000 5,710,000 5,887,000 6.936,000 6,400,000 9,337.000 6,852,000 7,073,000 8,300,000 5.308,000 8,419,000 5,970,000 6,482,000 4,540,000 4,815,000 8,174,000 7,663,000 6,738,000 4,853,000 3,842,000 5.203,000 3.108,000 7,209,000 4,583,000 3.8J8,000 2,505,000 5,241,000 3,735,000 7.036.000 5.145.000 3,214,000 5,963,000 5,193,000 4,558,000 4.874,000 Ultimate net run-off, in acre-feet 11,823,000 4,397.000 4,687,000 7,225,000 5,595,000 7,332,000 6,698,000 0,406,000 3,690,000 3,976,000 5,341,000 5,559,000 6.748,000 6,222,000 8,982,000 6,670,000 6,687,000 7,942,000 5,258,000 8,016,000 5,860,000 6,023,000 4,558,000 4,560,000 7,835,000 7,653,000 6,413,000 4,565,000 3,830,000 5,058.000 3,030,000 6,771.000 4,347,000 3,661,000 2,342,000 5,021,000 3.550,000 6,679.000 4,924,000 3.068,000 5.725,000 4,987,000 4,339,000 4,648,000 909 DIVISION Ul' WATER UESOURCES TABLE 68 AVERAGE MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF RUN-OFF OF SACRAMENTO RIVER AT KENNETT DAM SITE Moiilh January... February.. March April May June July August September. Octol>er. .. November. Di-comber. ToUls Average full natural run-off In acre-feet 754,000 906,000 883,000 744,000 570,000 394,000 300,000 249,000 235,000 243,000 368,000 503,000 6,149,000 III per cent of mean seasonal 12 26 14 74 14.36 12 10 9 27 6 41 4 88 4.05 3.82 3.95 5.98 8.18 100 00 TABLE 69 SEASONAL RUN-OFFS OF SACRAMENTO RIVER AT RED BLUFF, 1889-1929 Season 1889-1890 .. 1890-1891... 1891-1892... 1892-1893... 1893-1894 . . 1894-1895... 1895-1896 -. 1896-1897... 1897-1898 .. 1898-1899. . . 1899-1900... 1900-1901... 1901-1902... 1902-1903... 1903-1904-.. 1904-1905 .. 1905-1906.. . 1906-1907... 1907-1908... 1908-1909... 1909-1910... 1910-1911... 1911-1912... 1912-1913... 1913-1914... 1914-1915... 1915-1916... 1916-1917... 1917-1918 1918-1919... 1919-1920... 1920-1921... 1921-1922... 1922-1923 . 1923-1924 .. 1924-1926... 1925-1926. . 1926-1927. . 1927-1928... 1928-1929... 40-ycar mcarw, 1889 1929 20-ve»r mraiw, 1909 1929 . . 10-ycar mcaai. 1919 1929 . 5-year mcann, 1924 1929 . . . Full natural run-off, in acre-feet Present net run-off, in acre-feet 22,700,000 6,460,000 7,250,000 12,400.000 8,640,000 12,300,000 11,351,000 10,387,000 5,138.000 5,980,000 8,711,000 9,023,000 11,379,000 9,942.000 16.104,000 10,782.000 11.292.000 13.881,000 7,916,000 14,571,000 9,109.000 10.108.000 6.574,000 7,044,000 13,716,000 12,568.000 10.697,000 7,134,000 5,441,000 7,824,000 4,217,000 11.476.000 6.666,000 5,347,000 3,294,000 8,078,000 5,674,000 10.971,000 7.634.000 4.399,000 9.354,000 7,898,000 6,775,000 7.351,000 22,422,000 6,182,000 6,972,000 12,122,000 8,362.000 12,022,000 11,073,000 10,109,000 4,860,000 5.702,000 8.433,000 8,745,000 11,101,000 9,664,000 15,826,0(K) 10,504.000 11,014.000 13.603.000 7,638,000 14.293,000 8.831,000 9,830,000 6.296.000 6,766.000 13.438,00)» 12,290.000 10.419.00:i 6,856.000 5.163,000 7,546,000 3.939.000 11,198.000 6.388.000 5.069.000 3.016.000 7.800,000 5.396,000 10.69:1,000 7,356.000 4,121,000 9,076,000 7,620.000 6,498.000 7.073.000 Ultimate net run-off. in acre-feet 21.221,000 5,993,000 6.435,000 11.305.000 7.988,000 11,366,000 10,406,000 9,606,000 4,784,000 5.349.000 7.576,01HI 8.121,000 10,576.000 9.256,000 15.083,000 10.ia3,000 10,243,000 12.996,000 7,382,000 13.555,000 8,5(t2.00O 9.013.000 6.0<*3.(KKI 6.242.0(KI 12,735.000 11.981.000 y.863.lNH) 6.289.000 5.039.(H)O 7.033.0(Ki 3,S31,00) 24 DIVISION or WATEU HESOURCES Sacramento liivor and rejoin llie jnesent line near Delta. The line would be ;{2.() miles loii<; and wonld require 2(5.."? miles of open track, :i().:{4() feel of lunnel and seven brid«res ajiG0 feet in lentrtli. The State hi^iiway alonj;- the i^it and INIcClond rivers, Salt Creek and the Sacramento liiver near Pollock would liave to be relocated. This would involve heavy gradinjr and the construction of larj,'e bridges over the I'it and Sacramento rivers. The estimated cost of this work was ba.sed on data furnished by the Division of Highways, Department of I'nblic AVorks. There are also a few other roads and other improvements that would be flooded includinfr the I'nited States fish hatchery at Baird on the McCloud River. A topographic snrvey of the Kennett reservoir site for a depth of water of 615 feet at the dam site was made by the State in 11)24 and a map was drawn from this survey at a scale of one inch equals 1000 feet, with a contour interval of 25 feet. The w-ater surface areas meas- ured from this map and the capacities of the reservoir computed from them are shown in Table 70. TABLE 70 AREAS AND CAPACITIES OF KENNETT RESERVOIR Height of dam, in feet (5-foot freeboard, 'Water surfsice elevation of reservoir, in feet Area of water surface, in acres Capacity of reservoir, in acre-feet 100 680 900 30,000 120 700 1,260 52,000 140 720 1,800 82,000 160 740 2,460 124.000 180 760 3,250 181,000 200 780 4,200 257,000 220 800 5,490 353,000 240 820 6,590 471,000 260 840 7.780 618,000 280 860 9,060 785,000 300 880 10,500 983,000 320 900 12,370 1,209,000 340 920 14,150 1,476,000 360 940 16,110 1,774,000 380 960 18,230 2,122,000 400 980 20,500 2,510,000 420 1,000 23,030 2,940,000 440 1.020 25,810 3,430,000 460 1,040 28,700 3,980,000 480 1,060 31,650 4,578,000 .500 1,080 34,700 5,242,000 520 1,100 37.820 5,967,000 540 1,120 40,920 6,759,000 500 1,140 44,080 7,600,000 680 1,160 47,390 8,516,000 600 1,180 60.800 9,501,000 620 1,200 54,430 10.555,000 ■ .Southern Pacific Railroad datum. Dam and Power Plant.— A survey of the dam site was made by the State in 1924. A topographic maji drawn from this survey at a scale of one inch equals 400 feet, with a contour interval of 25 feet, was used in laying out and estimating the cost of the Kennett dam and power plant. The site for the dam is topographically favorable for a dam somewhat over 600 feet in height. The stream channel is ab(mt 150 feet wide and at G15 feet above low water surface, the canyon width is ;}6()() ftM't. rrcliiuinary explorations of the site to determine the SACRAMEN^TO RIVER BASIN 225 foiiiKlation conditions were made by means of core drillings and explora- tion tunnels. A total of 4299 feet of holes were drilled and 1415 feet of tunnels were excavated. These drill lioles and tunnels, as well as the surface exposures, indicated the character of the foundation rock, the depth to Avhich it has been weathered and oxidized, and the amount of surface material that it would be necessary to remove to obtain a good firm rock foundation. Tiie site was studied by two eminent geologists, Drs. George D. Louderback and Frederick L. Ransome, whose report may be found in Appendix A. The foundation rock is described by the geologists as a metaandesite or ' ' greenstone ' ' and is declared by them to be a suitable foundation for a high dam of any tvpe. PLATE XXIII Kennett Dam Site on Sacramento River Only the gravity concrete and rock-fill types of dam were con- sidered. A sufficient quantity of suitable rock for the latter type can be obtained in the vicinity but comparative estimates indicate that on account of the additional cost of the outlet works and spillways for this type of dam, it would cost about the same as a gravity concrete dam. The latter type was used in making the estimates for this report. Sand and gravel for use in the construction of a concrete dam are available in the vicinity of Redding. E.stimates were made for the Kennett dam and reservoir for five heights of dam from 220 to 620 feet at hundred foot intervals. The detailed estimate and layout for only one of these heights, 420 feet, are shown in this report. The features for this height are typical of those for other heights and are described herein for illustration. The layout for the 420-foot dam is sliowu on Plate XXIV, "Kennett Reser- voir on Sacramento River." 15—80994 226 DIVISION- (»F WATKR HESOURCES The dam Moukl be of the gravity concrete type, slightly arched in i)Iaii so as to better fit the topography of the site. It would rest on good firm rock Avhich Avould require the removal of eonsideral)le amounts of decomposed surface rock to obtain a suitable foundation. There would be a cut-off wall at the upstream toe, beneath which the rock would be sealed by grouting. The foundation also would be drained by a row of drainage wells, just downstream from the upper cut-off wall, which would be connected to a gallery in the dam. Diversion of the stream flow during the excavation for the founda- tion and tiie construction of the lower portion of the dam would be accomplished by means of rockfill coffer dams with earth blankets, placed above and below the excavation in the stream bed. The diverted water would be conveyed around the excavation by a concrete lined horseshoe shaped tunnel which would have a capacity of 15.000 second- feet. This tunnel would be plugged and backfilled after it was no longer required for diversion purposes. The spillway would have a capacity of 125,000 second-feet and would be divided into two equal parts with one at each end of the dam. Each section would have 200 feet of clear opening with the fixed crest 20 feet below the flow line of the reservoir and 25 feet beloAv tlie top of the dam. The flow over the spillway would be controlled by eight hydraulieally operated steel segmental drum gates 20 feet in height set in the crest. These gates would be 50 feet in length and would be separated by 10-foot piers in which the operating mechanism would be located. The overflow water from the spillways would be intercepted in reinforced-concrete lined spillway channels which would convey it to the stream channel about 250 feet downstream from the dam. An ample freeboard would be allowed on these channels to care for entrained air and turbulent flow. Twenty-eight outlets would be provided through the dam for the release of water for flood control and irrigation. The flood control outlets would have a capacity' of 125,000 second-feet with the water in the reservoir drawn down a sufilicient depth to give the reserve storage space required for controlling floods to this amount. These outlets would be fourteen feet square, would be spaced at thirty foot intervals, and would be located at a distance of 45 feet below the top of the dam. Flow through each opening Avould be controlled by a caterpillar tyjx' self-closing sluice gate at tlie upstream face of the dam, operated from tlie top of the dam and protected by steel trash racks set in semicircular concrete structures extending to the top of the dam. The outlets to serve as sluiceways and for the release of irrigation water would be located in the section of the dam over the stream channel. These outlets Avould be steel lined and 130 inches in diameter. Five of these outlets would be placed 235 feet below the top of the dam and tlie other two would be 150 feet lower. Flow through each outlfl would be controlled by a caterpillar type .self-closing sluice gate at the upstream face of the dam, which would be protected by steel trash racks set in a semicircular concrete structure and would be operated from the top of the dam. \u a concrete cju'loscd gate well (Extending to the top of the dam. Further control on each outlet would be provided by an auxiliary slide valve operated from a chamber inside of the dam a short distance below its upstream face. Also, in order to obtain a more PLATE XXIV ;; E 1000 £ -3 .= -o 800 I ■=; % CE 600 ^ W 40O ._i ZZI —J S 3 looo GENER-( O 41 KENNE POWER PLANT AND FLO' KENNETT RESERVOIR OH SACRAMENTO RIVER 80994 — p. 226 PLATE XXIV A'i 2 ? 1200 S E 1O0O c -3 800 g cc ■? tr 600 ^ to 400 200 i 1 I ilJ J J J J _j >v; j 1 1 i_ W S .1*. 1000 r„i-^ K..».„0.„-, i^^ <,! .-— r--"r— — -"'-^sfe;-;-^ -=---_ _-_-^ .;^---=r-^---^;i^^^:?i.-=.-— -:;— :>-i^^:^- fQD*l5ft. 1 ^ J Po-cOrooflStl r<^ W S .1.. S85 i»( -^ 1 P.. n „'->" — y^ ---,a,.,.£;;;^1cJ^^aua^^|^ ^Sicr.mBnta B.«- „ 1 1 SB«.-c™«r> 1^1^" r^ p£= F=i— ^ 1 1 1 I I j "*n 1 — . KENNETT RESERVOIR CapicOT i.040,000 *c'>-l»l KESWICK AFTERBAY CiDoo'r 14.000 -'cel Y 1 1 1 M 1 i i 1 Distance in miles PROFILE OF RESERVOIR « ^ 100O c -3 c tC 80O ^ DC I C 600 400 TT '"1 h-i'l |-^§«l 1'" j^ h- " ^--^t^.. .,...• • ^ M r>-~- " ■** —I- -r-rn !>>„<■•' 1 1 1 1 M M 1 1 1 1 1 1 I l:^ 1 1 II II 1 M 1 1 III dOO BOO 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 Length in feet PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM GENERAL PLAN KENNETT DAM POWER PLANT AND FLOOD CONTROL FEATURES ,|.^v..^-=H/ " % 600 p^ Vj^ l I " ^ V a. 20O > 400 Length In feet PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM GENERAL PLAN joo aoo KESWICK AFTERBAY DAM POWER PLANT i0994 — p. 226 KENNETT RESERVOIR ON SACRAMENTO RIVER SACRAINIENTO KIVER BASIN 227 accurate regulation of the irrigation releases, one of the lower outlets Avould be equipped Avith a l:50-iiieh l)alanc('d Jieedle valve at its dis- charging end. Water discharged from both the flood control and irrigation outlets would be collected in concrete lined channels along the toe of the dam and carried to a concrete lined stilling pool in the bottom of the canyon. The power house would be located on the right bank of the stream about two thousand feet below the dam. Water would be conveyed to it from the reservoir by two concrete lined horseshoe shaped tunnels 20 feet in diameter. At a point opposite the power house, each tunnel would divide into foui" steel pipe penstocks, 10.5 feet in diameter, each of which would carry water to a turbine in the power house. These steel penstocks would be laid in separate concrete lined tunnels 14.5 feet in diameter. Water would enter each main tunnel through a concrete gate tower ovei- a vertical concrete lined shaft. AVater would enter the tower through several openings, flow through which would be controlled by caterpillar type sluice gates operated from the top of the tower. These gates would be located 220 feet below the maximum elevation of the water surface in the reservoir, would be protected by steel trash racks and would be operated in concrete enclosed gate wells. Studies to estimate the economic installation of generating equi))- ment for this plant indicate that with a load factor of 0.75 and a power factor of 0.80, the total installed generator capacity should be 275,000 kilovolt amperes. This would be divided equally among eight genera- tors, each of which w^ould be direct connected to a vertical shaft variable head reaction turbine. The power house would be of steel and concrete construction. Transformers and protective equipment would be of the outdoor type. Yields of Reservoir in Water for Irrir/aiion and in Hydroelectric Energy — Reservoir Operated. Prhnarily for Irrigation. — Analyses were made to estimate the maximum ainiual amounts of water that would have been made available during the 40-year period 1889-1929, at the Red Blufif gaging station, for irrigation use, by the construction of dams of several heights at the Kennett dam site and the operation of the reser- voir primarily for supplying irrigation water, and the amounts of these yields that w'ould have been new water. These studies were made by the method described in the fore part of this chapter. In making these studies, the entire capacity of the reservoir was utilized in the years of deficiency in supply. The drafts from the Kennett reservoir were those which would have been necessary to supplement the natural run- off from the area between Kennett dam and Red Bluff to give an irrigation supply, distributed in accordance with the demand in the Sacramento Valley, at the latter point. The total yields, and the yields in new water for five heights of dam, as shown Isy these studies, ai-e given in Table 74. A similar study was made for the reservoir having the 420-foot height of dam operating i)rinuirily for irrigation with incidental power during the same 40-year period 1889-1929. This study differed from the previous one in that the entire capacity of the reservoir was not utilized. It was assumed that the reservoir would luive been ojierated so that the minimum head for power develoi)ment would have been PIC lonq r/!.- I/IAJ MAC SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 227 accurate regulation of tlie irrigation releases, one of the lower outlets would be equipped with a i;50-ineh balauced needle valve at its dis- charging- end. Water discharged from both the Hood control and irrigation outlets would be collected in concrete lined channels along the toe of the dam and carried to a concrete lined stilling pool in the bottom of the canyon. The power house would be located on the right bank of the stream about two thousand feet below the dam. Water would be conveyed to it from the reservoir by two concrete lined horseshoe shaped tunnels 20 feet in diameter. At a point opposite the power house, each tunnel would divide into four steel pipe penstocks, 10.5 feet in diameter, each of which would carry water to a turbine in the power house. These steel penstocks would be laid in separate concrete lined tunnels 14.5 feet in diameter. Water would enter each main tunnel through a concrete gate tower over a vertical concrete lined shaft. Water would enter the tower through several openings, flow through which would be controlled by caterpillar type sluice gates operated from the top of the tower. These gates would be located 220 feet below the maximum elevation of the water surface in the reservoir, would be protected by steel trash racks and would be operated in concrete enclosed gate wells. Studies to estimate the economic installation of generating equip- ment for this plant indicate that with a load factor of 0.75 and a power factor of 0.80, the total installed generator capacity should be 275,000 kilovolt amperes. This would be divided equally among eight genera- tors, each of which would be direct connected to a vertical shaft variable head reaction turbine. The power house would be of steel and concrete cofistruction. Transformers and protective equipment would be of the outdoor type. Yields of Reservoir in Water for Irrigation and in Hydroelectric Energy — Reservoir Operated Friniarihj for Irrigation.— AnalyneH were made to estimate the maximum annual amounts of water that would have been made available during the 40-year period 1889-1929, at the Red Bluff gaging station, for irrigation use, by the construction of dams of several heights at the Kennett dam site and the operation of the reser- voir primarily for supplying irrigation water, and the amounts of these yields that would have been new water. These studies were made by the method described in the fore part of this chapter. In making these studies, the entire capacity of the reservoir was utilized in the years of deficiency in supply. The drafts from the Kennett reservoir were those which would have been necessary to supplement the natural run- off from the area between Kennett dam and Red Bluff to give an irrigation supply, distributed in accordance with the demand in the Sacramento Valley, at the latter point. The total yields, and the yields in new water for five heights of dam, as shown by these studies, are given in Table 74. A similar study was made for the reservoir having the 420-foot height of dam operating jjrimarily for irrigation with incidental power during the same 40-year period 1889-1929. This study differed from the previous one in that the entire capacity of the reservoir was not utilized. It was assumed that the reservoir would have been o]ierated so that the minimum head for power develo{)ment would hav(> been 228 DIVISION' OF WATER RESOURCES 50 per ceut of the maximum obtainable. It also was assumed tliat the power plant would have had the same installed capacity as if it had been installed primarily for the generation of power. With this method of operation, the seasonal yield in irrigation water, with deficiencies corresponding to those for the reservoir operated primarily for irriga- tion without power, would have been 4,340,000 acre-feet, of which 2,850,000 acre-feet would have been new water. The electric energy would have had a low value on account of there being some months in each year when none Avould have been generated. However, by a slight modification of releases so that some water would have been available for power development in the months when none was released for irrigation uses, the irrigation yield would have been practically the same as with the former method of operation and the power value would have been substantially increased. The average annual electric energy output with this modified operation would have been 1,055,400,- 000 kilowatt hours. The value of this energy at the poAver plant based on the cost of producing an eqnivalent amount of electric energy of the same characteristics with a steam-electric i)lant in the area of con- sumption, taking into account the cost of transmission from point of generation to load center, as shown in Chapter VIII, was estimated to be $.()01f):} ])er kilowatt hour. The average annual revenue at this value would have been $2Sy.]l,000. A similar study for a reservoir having a 520-foot dam, shows that with this siz(^ reservoir the seasonal yield in irrigation water would have been 5,386,000 acre-feet of which 3,896,000 acre-feet would have been new water. The average annual electric energy outjiut would have been 1,277,500,000 kilowatt hours. The average annual revenue from this energy, if it had been sold at the same rate as the energy developed by the power plant Avith a 420-foot dam, would have been $2,466,000. Yielda of Reservoir /?? Jlifdroelertric Energy and in Water for Irriqa- flon — Bcaervoir Opernfed Priwarihi for Geyirrafion of Power. — A study also Avas made to estimate the amount of power that would have been developed in the 40-year period 1889-1929 with the reservoir having a 420 foot dam operated primarily for this purpose, and the amount of new water that Avould have been made available with this method of operation of the reservoir. The power plant would have had an installed capacity of 275.000 kilovolt amperes. This plant operated on a load fac- tor of 0.75 and Avith a poAver factor of 0.80 would have ]iroduced an average annual output of 1,322,800.000 kiloAvatt hours. The output in the minimum year Avould have been 1,085. 8()(),()0() kiloAvatt liours and in the maximum j'car 1,448,400,000 kiloAvatt hours. The value of this elec- tric energy was estimated to be $0.00272 per kiloAvatt hour. The aver- age annual return at this value Avould have been $3,598,000. The i-eservoir Avliile ojierating ]>rimarily for the generation of power Avould have made available an annual yield of 2,085,000 acre-feet of water Avhicli Avould have been available for irrigation, diverted in accordance Avifh the demand for irrigation Avater. This yield Avould have had a ma.ximum seasonal deficiency of 9.6 per cent and an average for the 4()-ycar period 1SS!)-1!)2!), of Iwo per cent. This yield amounts SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 229 to 46 per cent of that -with the reservoir operated primarily for irriga- tion. Of this yield, 595,000 acre-feet would have been new water. This is nineteen per cent of the yield in new water with the reservoir operated primarily for irrigation. Flood Control. — The value of the Kennett reservoir for controlling flood flows at the point where the river debouches into the Sacramento Valley near Red Bluff is not as great as if it were located nearer this poiut. Curves on Plate VIII and data in Table 32 in Chapter VI show the probable frequencj' of occurrence of flood flows at Red Bluff and from the area between Red Bluff and the Kennett dam site. These curves and data show that a flood may originate between Kennett dam site and Red Bluff which may exceed 187,000 second-feet mean daily flow on an average of once in 100 years. A mean daily flow of 125,000 second-feet from this area may be exceeded on an average of once in fourteen years. The curves on Plate X and data in Table 35 in Chapter VI show the reservoir space required to control floods at Red Bluff, both from the total area above that point and from the area between Ken- nett dam site and Red Bluff, to certain controlled flows which w'ould be exceeded with different frequencies. These Curves and data indicate that 512,000 acre-feet of space would be needed at Red Bluff to control the total flow to 125,000 second-feet exceeded once in 100 years on the average and that 323,000 acre-feet would be required at the same point to give the same degree of control for floods from the area between Kennett dam site and Red Bluff. This would indicate that 389.000 acre-feet of reserve space in Kennett reservoir would be required to control flows to 125,000 second-feet exceeded once in 100 years on the average if 123,000 acre-feet more space could be provided on the river near R<'d Bluff. If, however, the latter space is not provided, flows would exceed 125,000 second-feet mean daily flow on an average of once in fourteen years and would exceed 187,000 second-feet mean daily flow on an average of once in 100 years. Since no reservoir is now proposed on the river near Red Bluff, the 512,000 acre-feet of space would be reserved in the Kennett reservoir and the entire flow from above Kennett would be stored as long as the run-off from the area between the reservoir and Red Bluff was exceeding 125,000 second-feet. As soon as the run-off from the area between Kennett dam site and Red Bluff no longer exceeded 125,000 second- feet, or at any time the flow from this area did not equal this amount, water would be released from the Kennett reservoir in such amounts that the flow would not exceed 125,000 second-feet at Red Bluff. The reservoir would be operatetd and space reserved in accordance with the rule given in Chapter VI. The control of floods with the Kennett reservoir would considerably reduce those that might be expected without control. The effect of this control is shoAvn by Table 71 which shows the reduction in flows at Red Bluff' and with Kennett reservoir operated for flood con- trol. The effect of the control of floods by the Kennett reservoir on the Sacramento Flood Control Project, and its effect in reducing the cost of the protection of Butte Basin, have been discussed in Chapter VI 230 DIVISIOX OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 71 FLOOD FLOWS AT RED BLUFF AND COLUSA WITHOUT AND WITH FLOOD CONTROL BY KENNETT RESERVOIR Maximum mean daily flow, in second feet Number of times Point of flow Without reser- voir control With reser- voir control flow would l>e exceeded on the average Ked Bluff . Red Bluff 303,000 218.000 370,000 254.000 ■187,000 '125,000 250.000 170,000 Once in 100 years Once in 14 years Colusa Once in 100 veara Colusa. . . Once in 14 years ' Floods would be controlled to 125,000 second-feet maximum flow exceeded once in 100 years on the average except when this amount is exceeded by the uncontrolled run-off between Keniiett reservoir and Red Bluff. Flows greater than 125,000 second-feet would continue for only a short time. Cost of Reservoir and Power Plant. — Estimates of the cost of the Ken- nott rosorvoir were prepared for the five heights of dam previously mentioned. Tliese estimates were made as generally outlined in the fore part of this chapter and include all of the items, except the power plant, which have been briefly described in the foregoing paragraphs. The costs are listed in Table 74. In estimating tlie cost of the re.ser- ^'oir for each height of dam, the costs of relocating the Southern Pacific Railroad and the State highway to clear the maximum water surface in that reservoir were estimated for, and included in, the cost of that reservoir. A somewhat detailed estimate is given for the reservoir having a 42()-foot dam in Table 72. In this estimate, however, the cost of relocat- ing the railroad to a height sufficient to clear a r)20-foot dam is included since it is assumed that the dam would eventually be raised to that height and no other relocation would then be necessary. The items included under miscellaneous in the cost estimates are a short railroad spur to the gravel pit, a permanent camp, and cleaning up after construction. The same items and similar unit |)rices were used in esti- mating tiie co.sts for reservoirs with oilier heiglits of dam. TABLE 72 COST OF KENNETT RESERVOIR WITH FLOOD CONTROL FEATURES Height of dam. 420 feet. Capacity of reservoir, 2,940,000 acre-feet. Capacity of spillway, 12."), 000 .second-feet. Capacity of fiood-control outlets, 125,000 second-feet. Diversion of ri\or during construction $270,000 Clearing reservoir site 460,000 Excavation for dam, 1,433.000 cu. yds. at $1.50 to $4.00 $2,309,000 Mass concrete, 3,139,000 cu. yd.s. at $7 21,973,000 Reinforced concrete, 4,000 cu. yd.s. at $16 to $24 74,000 Spillway gates 250,000 Spillway channel 583,000 Irrigation outlets and sluiceways 032,000 Flood control features 797,000 Drilling and grouting foundation 61,000 26,679,000 I.iands and Improvements flooded 17,680.000 Miscellaneous 100,000 Suhtntnl $45,189,000 Administration and engineering, 10 per cent 4,519,000 Contingcnclts, 15 per cent 0,778,000 Interest during construe! ion based on a rate of 4.5 per cent per anniuii 8,514,000 T..t,il .-..St of dam and reservoir - . $o.-,nnn,ooo SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 231 The estimated cost of the Keniiett reservoir with a 520-foot dam, the estimated ultimate height, is $100,500,000. The estimated cost for the 275,000 kilovolt ampere power plant })revioiisly described in connection with the 420-foot dam is shown in Table 73. It is estimated that the cost of a 400,000 kilovolt ampere power ]-)lant to be constnictod in connection with a 520-foot dam would be $16,500,000. TABLE 73 COST OF POWER PLANT FOR KENNETT RESERVOIR WITH 420-FOOT DAM Installed capacitv, 275,000 kilovolt amperes. Power factor = 0.80. Load factor =: 0.75. Intake structures $424,000 Penstocks 3,(576,000 Building and equipment 5,984,000 Subtotal $10,084,000 Administration and engineering, 10 per cent 1,008,000 Contingencies, 15 per cent 1,513,000 Interest during construction based on a rate of 4.5 per cent per annum 895,000 Total cost of power plant $13,500,000 The total estimated capital cost of the Kennett reservoir, with a 420-foot dam, and its power plant would be $78,500,000. The estimated cost for the same features for the reservoir with a 520-foot dam would be $117,000,000. The annual cost for each of the five sizes of reservoir previously referred to, without a poAver plant, was estimated on the bases shown in the fore part of this chapter and is given in Table 74. The annual co.sts of the Kennett reservoir witli a 420-foot dam, and its 275,000 kilovolt ampere power plant, based on the capital co.sts given in Tables 72 and 73 were estimated to be $3,820,000 and $1,081,000 respectively, or a total of $4,901,000. The annual costs of the reservoir witli a 520-foot dam, and its 400,000 kilovolt ampere power plant, were estimated to l)e $5,877,000 and $1,359,000 respectively, or a total of $7,236,000. Comparison of Sizes of Reservoir. — Many considerations must enter into the selection of the capacity of a reservoir to be constructed at the Kennett site. The reservoir should have an ultimate capacity large enough to yield at least sufficient water for the irrigation of the area dependent entirely upon the Sacramento River for its supply. It also should develop sufficient additional supply to improve and maintain navigation on the upper Sacramento River and, together with the other major reservoirs of the State Water Plan, should furnish water for the control of salinity and for an irrigation supply in the Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta and additional water supplies for exportation to supplement the Avater supplies of areas in the Great Central Valley and the San Francisco Bay basin having insufficient local water sup- plies for their ultimate needs. Since the upper Sacramento River has the largest run-off of any stream entering the Sacramento Valley, a large storage capacity on this stream would be desirable ultimately for as complete utilization of this water as is economically justified. 232 DIVISION' OF WATKK UESOUItCES Although the demands for navigation and salinity control would vary somewhat from those for irrigation use and tlie costs per acre-foot of water for these purposes would bo slightly different, they are com- parable as to relative costs of regulated water from the reservoir. Reservoirs of different capacities, therefore, may be compared on the basis of the cost of irrigation yield when operated primarily for that purpose. romi)arisons of reservoirs of different capacities at the Ken- nett site, were made on the bases of the cost of storage, the cost of the total seasonal irrigation yield and yield in new water, the cost of the reservoir per acre-foot increase in each of these items, and the annual cost for irrigation water for both the total yield and the yield in new water. These items are given in tabular form in Table 74 and are shown graphically on Plate XXV, "Cost of Reservoir Capacity and Unit Yield of Water for Irrigation from Kennett Reservoir." The capital costs do not include the costs of power features and the annual costs are gross costs from which no deductions were made for revenue from the sale of electric energy. The average annual revenue from the sale of electric energy generated at the Kennett reservoirs with the 420-foot and 520-foot dams and the Keswick afterbay, when operated jirimarily for irrigation with incidental power, and the average net annual costs not covered by revenue from the sale of this electric energy, are set forth in Table 136. That table shows that the average net annual costs per acre-foot of total seasonal irrigation yield and yield in new water are considerably reduced b}" the revenue from tlic sale of electric energy. The data in Table 74 and the curves on Plate XXV show that with the reservoir operated primarily for irrigation, the cheapest water could be obtained with a dam 320 to 350 feet in height. A reservoir with this height of dam, liowever, would not yield sufficient Avater for the ultimate requirements for irrigation in the Sacramento River service area, shown on Plate VI, which amount to 4,172,000 acre-feet l^er season, the yield of a reservoir with a 320-foot dam being only 3,386,000 acre-feet per season. This yield also is onlj' 39.5 per cent of the average seasonal ultimate net run-oft" of the Sacramento River above Red Bluff, which is a small degree of control of the water avail- able from the stream. Heights of dam up to 520 feet would give reasonable capital and annual costs per acre-foot of irrigation yield. The cost of yield in new water at this height would be $1.47 per acre-foot per season and the annual cost of the total yield would be only $1.07 pev acre-foot. In the following pages of this chapter, estimates of cost and yield are given for the otiier major reservoir units of the State Water Plan in the Sacramento River Basin. Tables similar to Table 74 and plates similar to Plate XXV are given for the Oroville, Auburn and Coloma reservoirs and the estimated yields and costs are given for one height of dam Tor the Narrows, Camp Far West, Folsom, ]MilIsite, Capay and Monticello reservoirs. Near the end of this chapter, comparisons are made of all of the major resei-voir units of the State Water Plan in the Sacramento River Basin. Two j)lates. Nos. LIl and LIII, also arc given, wliieh show the com|)arisons gra]>hically. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 233 < r ^^ M r^ 1^ _, ■T3 V 00 ^ oja tw '^ ^ CI 0) >» O O r^ ^ fl ^^2 c^ « ■^•r: C4 K a (M CO en I^ 00 ScS " Si 32 o CO o o o Irt < 0.2 «» H >> 1^ !o 'o lo lo r3 > ■CO ■ t^ i r^ 1 1-1 a. 2 1 ^H > w^ 1(M lir> 3x. 1 «» • CA ■ -^ ' CO 2 = u CO (3 ■a £ ce; lo lo 'O lo .2 S a M ►■^ t-, ■a2 o.S ;co 1 1—1 ■ t- ■ IM ■ t^ iCl 1 tP 1 >o ' CO H ^ > M I w-t Oco z S M z -4^ o t2 OJ.S o O o o o ^■o ^ 3 Z is 1^ OS 00 00 C35 CI CO -7-1 V s >< CI o 2 (3 CJ CO OS p. .9 I t^ b to *-*3 O o o o o 05 O 00 c o bfl T-H w -* CO *-( oo V ►i; ■ o o CO 1— 1 oo r-4 c> ii 4-) ■*s 1 H ^ m < c o '3. O 1 t- o 0) li ! o ■ 00 lo ■ r^ lo 'O lo U cs 2 >. ^ o I -^ 1 tH ■CO Ico T* w K I w» ■ 1 ^ 1 ^ Sa »— 1 a -.3 1 § 3 ■ o o o O o .21 b JZ -4^ CS C3 ■^ 00 o ' CO c» r^ CO rt 2 to i« C ec •o oo CO Q 'o > 13 < m c-f CO tn o> _] 0, «-s u ai r^ NH >* L> 1 c o o o o o .§1 o o o o o •w « U ^ ^ o o o_ o o ./>W R o OS o o o o" o" 2 O ■^ C3 o o o <3 CJ t« Q. Ol o o in kO ^ E s: ■^^ CO o o CO t-t D Z •» *-H 1— t •^ 35 ^ ■p. t- < a.-<-3 ?: ^ o o o O o 3 ■*-' >- ^ CJ o o O o 2 sM o o o o_ o c c H "a s^ o o \n »r5 *> 1 ^ £; r^ ai CO Oi CO < t^ oo o_ CO co" C (3 .5i o a iS.S tC3 < c i. 1 4i S u o o o o o ^ X £ o o o o o 'o_4J o o' o CO o o o o > c >. i sa 00 >ra oo CI II ■m" CO CO •-1 . U •Oct: u IP q: o o o o o --S S o o o o o O M £ o tn o oi o o o o CO o_ «n H 8 CO IM_ 05 o o o o o .-S M « n o S; SS C5 o o o o oo Ol o CI a'a o «-5 f» 5.H «l^ ^i:? o o o o o CI CI Ol CO C-I I" CI CI to ■S-o- ~ «n i X o- 3 3 T' 1 aS 234 DIVISION' OF WATIiR RESOURCES PLATE XXV 600 I Cost per acre-foot in dollars 80 Average coat of new water 120 Cost of each acre-foot increase tn total yield, or new water COST OF SEASONAL IRRIGATION YIELD Cost per acre-foot in dollars COST OF RESERVOIR CAPACITY AND UNIT YIELD OF WATER FOR IRRIGATION FROM KENNETT RESERVOIR SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 235 Selection of Capacity of Reservoir. — It may be noted from Plate LII that the capital cost per acre-foot of seasonal yield in new water for irrigation from Kennett reservoir with a 2,940,000 acre-foot capacity (420-foot dam) is less than the cost of water from any reservoir excei)t the Kennett reservoir with smaller capacities, and the Folsom reservoir. The Kennett reservoir with a 820-foot dam yields water at a lower capital cost per acre-foot bnt its seasonal yield is only 1,896,000 acre- feet of new Avater per season and that from the Folsom reservoir is only 666,000 acre-feet, as compared to 3,065,000 acre-feet from the Kennett reservoir with the 420-foot dam. Plate LIIT shows that the same relation holds true when gross and net annual unit costs instead of capital costs are compared. Capacity of Unit for Initial Development. — The most important immediate water problem in the Sacramento River Basin in need of solution is the invasion of saline water into the Sacramento-San Joa- quin Delta. In months of low water flow from the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers, saline water from the lower bay has, due to tidal action, invaded the upper reaches of Suisun Bay and far up into the many channels of the delta. Attendant with this situation, the flow in the Sacramento River during the summer months of subnormal years has been so low that navigation has been greatly hampered and distance of navigability has been much reduced. Also, during several of the past dry years, particularly in 1920 and 1924, there was insuffi- cient flow in the river to supply the present rights of the irrigators along the river and increased pumping costs resulted from the low level of the water in the stream. All of these problems — salinity in the delta and upper San Francisco Bay regions, navigation, and insufficient irri- gation supply along the Sacramento River, are closely allied. Although salinity control is the immediate primary function of a reservoir in the Sacramento River Basin and the two allied problems are important, other requirements also should have consideration. Attendant with the control of salinity, a dependable water supply is needed for the present irrigation requirements in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and for a fresh water supply for the developed agricul- tural and industrial areas along the south shore of Suisun Bay in Contra Costa County. It also would be desirable to reduce the floods in the Sacramento Flood Control Project thereby increasing the degree of protection of lands in this project. Also, it is most important to furnish water for the relief of areas in the San Joaquin Valley having insufficient supplies for their needs. Under the plan for immediate initial development, described in Chap- ter XI, it is contemplated that water for the relief of the upper San Joaquin Valley would be obtained by purchase of the water now used on the "grass lands" along the San Joaquin River, and from the surplus waters of tiiat stream. In the plans for the complete initial develo])- ment, liowever, the diversion of practically the entire flow of the San Joaquin River at Friant is contemplated. This would necessitate the importation of water from the Sacramento River Basin to supply the "crop lands" along the San Joaquin River above the Merced River now being served from the former river at Mendota. Therefore it is assumed that in selecting the capacity of a reservoir in the Sacramento 236 DIVISIOX OF WATER RESOURCES River Basin for an initial development, provision would be made for meeting: the irrigation demands of the lower San Joaquin Valley under conditions of complete initial development. These demands would require makinp: 896,000 acre-feet of water per year available in the delta for exportation to the San Joaquin Valley. The desirable accomplishments of an initial unit on the Sacra- mento Iviver, tiierefore. would be to control floods to a maximum flow of 12r),000 second-feet at Red Bluff, except when this amount is exceeded by the run-off from the area between Red Bluff and the Ken- nett dam site, and to furnish water to supplement unregulated flows from the Sacramento River Basin and inflows to the San Joaquin Delta from the San Joaquin Valley streams, to : 1. Su])ply the irrigation demands along the Sacramento River above Sacramento, in accordance with the monthly distribution of requirements in the Sacramento Valley, up to 6000 second- feet maximum draft in July. 2. Supply the full present irrigation requirements of the lands in the entire Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. 3. Furnish sufficient water to maintain a fresh water flow of not less than 3300 second-feet past Antioch into Suisun Bay to con- trol salinity to the lower end of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. 4. IMaintain a navigable depth of five to six feet in the Sacramento River from the city of Sacramento to Chico Landing and sub- stantially improve the depths from that point to Red Bluff. 5. Make available in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta a water supply for the developed agricultural and industrial area along the south shore of Suisun Bay in Contra Costa County. 6. Make available in the Sacramonto-San .loaciuin Delta an irriga- tion supply sufficient in amount to fully supply the "crop lands" now being served from the San Joaquin River above the mouth of the Merced River. This water would be conveyed to lands by the San Joaquin River pumping system and would make po.ssiblc the exportation of all the available supply in the San Joaquin River at Friant if the "grass land" rights on the San Joaquin River above the mouth of the Merced River were purchased. The smallest reservoir which would have met these requirements without deficiency in supply through the period 1919-1929 would have a capacity of 2,940,000 acre-feet. The height of dam would be 420 feet. With a combined installed capacity of 325,000 kilovolt amperes at the Kennett and Keswick jyower plants, the yield in power output would have been 1,581,100,000 kilowatt hours annually, on the average, during the period 18S9-1929, with an estimated value at the power plant of 2.42 mills per kilowatt hour. ]\Iany factors in addition to the accomi)lislunent of the foregoing re(|uii'ements enter into the selection of the size of reservoir. include, among others, finaiicing and the rate of absoi-ption of the water and electric enei"j;v vields. A larirer reservoir than oik^ with a 420-foot SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 237 dam would have a larger eai)ital cost and would produce more water and power, requiring: longer periods for utilization. It therefore is concluded at this time, after consideration of all factors, that the 420- foot dam is the economic and i)raotical one for initial construction. Ultimaic Capacify. — ^In selecting the ultimate capacity of the Ken- nett reservoir, several factors controlled. The minimum ultimate capacity would be that which would supply the ultimate water require- ments of the Sacramento River service area, as this area is described and these requirements are shown in Chapter V. The maximum ulti- mate capacity would be tixed by many factors, namely, the ultimate requirements of its own service area, requirements for a supplemental supply for other service areas in the Sacramento River Basin having insufficient supplies from their local streams, recjnirements for irriga- tion and salinitj^ control in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, the ultimate requirements for a supplemental supply for the San Joaquin Valley and San Francisco Bay Basin, and the relative cost of the yield in water from the reservoir as compared with the cost of yield from the other major reservoir units. It is shown in Table 28 in Chapter V that the gross allowance of water for the ultimate irrigation of the net irrigable acreage of the Sacramento River service area, which is dependent upon the run-otf of the Sacramento River above Red Bluff for a supply, is 4,172,000 acre- feet per season. The water for this area would be obtained by regulat- ing the run-off of the Sacramento River with the Kennett reservoir. A small amount of water would be available from the Trinity River diversion in some months but during the months of June, July and August no water would be available from this source under conditions of ultimate development, as it would all be used on the Trinity River service area. The return water from the Sacramento River service area also would be largely unavailable for reuse in this service area as it would not return to the river within the area. It is shown in Table 74 that the Kennett reservoir with a 420-foot dam would have yielded during the 40-year period 1889-1929, a total .seasonal irrigation supply of 4,555,000 acre-feet available at Red Bluff, with a maximum seasonal deficiency of 35 per cent, if the reservoir had been operated for irrigation yield only. The minimum seasonal yield would have been about 2,960,000 acre-feet and if the Sacramento River service area could endure a maximum deficiency of about 29 per cent, this reservoir would have sufBcient yield to supply that area. The minimum ultimate capacity of reservoir for the Komett site therefore would be one with a 420-foot dam if the 29 per cent deficiency were permissible, and one somewhat larger if it were not. For the ultimate development of the Great Central Valley, surplus water from the Sacramento River Basin reservoirs is required for the uses outlined in the third preceding paragraph. Since the upper Sac- ramento River above Red Bluff has the largest run-off O'f any stream entering the Sacramento Valley, as large a portion of this surplus as is economically justified should be developed on that stream. The run-off in itself is sufficient to justify the development of a reservoir at Ken- nett larger than one having a 420-foot dam since the yield of 4,555,000 acre-feet at Red Bluff from the upper Sacramento River regulated by 238 DIVISION' OF \VAii;i; ijksources this reservoir is only 53.2 per cent of the uieau seasonal ultimate net ruii-otl: of 8,567,000 acre-feet for tlie period 1880-1929, at the same point. Tile data in Tahh' 74 and on i'late XXV siiow tliat by increasing the cai)acity of the Kennett reservoir from 2,940,000 aere-feet (420- foot dam) to 5,967,000 acre-feet (520-foot dam) the yield of the reser- voir would have been increased 926,000 acre-feet pei- season during the 40-year period 1889-1929, and tiiat on this basis the average capital cost per acre-foot of increase in yield would have been $42.70. Com- pared to this cost, water in excess of the requirements for its ovm service area from the F'eather River regulated l)y the Oroville reser- voir would have a capital cost of more than $56 per acre-foot and the surplus water from the Yuba River regulated by the Narrows reservoir would have an average capital cost of more than $47. It therefore would be more economical to develop surplus water with a dam 520 feet high at Kennett than to develop it in either the Oroville or Narrows reservoir. From Plate LIJI, it also may be seen that the average annual cost, either gross or net, per acre-foot of irrigation yield in new water from the 5,967,000 acre-foot (520-foot dam) Kennett reservoir would be less than from the American River unit or any of the other major reservoir units in the Sacramento River Basin. The yield of the Kennett reservoir would have been increased about 444,000 acre-feet per season during the 40-year period 1889-1929, by increasing the height of dam from 520 feet to 620 feet. The aver- age capital cost of each acre-foot of this increased yield, however, as shown in Table 74, would have been $135.10. This cost, as shown by Plate LIT, would be greater than the average capital cost per acre-foot of yield or increase in yield from any other major reservoir unit in the Sacramento River Basin. This increase in height of dam at Kennett, therefore, would not be justified unless more water w'ould ultimately be needed from the Kennett reservoir, irrespective of cost. That the Kennett reservoir with a capacity of 5.967,000 acre-feet (520-foot dam), as well as the other major reservoir units with the capacity selected for each, would be required for the regulation of the Avater re(iuired for the ultimate develojnnent of the Great Central Valley is shown by studies made of the coordinated operation of all units of the State Water Plan in this valley. The other reservoirs and Iheir selected capacities used in making these studies are shown in Table 138. The studies which were carried thrf)Ugh the jieriod 1918- 1929 show tiiat during this pei-iod the following aceomplishnu'iits. which are given in greater detail under Method II in Chapter X, could have been ol)tained : 1. The irrigation of every acre of irrigable land in the Sacramento Valley and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta without deficiency in sui)|)ly. 2. A fi-csli water How of 3300 second-feet, irHJioiit dcficieiuif, past Antioch into Suisun Bay for the control of Salinity to the lower end of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. 3. The irrigation of 2.350,000 acres of land on the eastern and southern slopes of the upix-i- San Joa(|uiii Valley, without drji- ciemii in supply. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 239 4. The iiTigation of 1,810,()(H) iiL-ws ol irrij^ablt' laiul in llic \nwvv San Joaquin Valley; 785,000 acres of class 1 and 2 lands lying on the Avestern slope of the upper San Joaquin Valley; and a water supply of 323,000 acre-feet for the irrigation of lands in the San Francisco Bay Basin. The water supplies for these three areas, however, would have had a maximum seasonal defi- ciency of 35 per cent in one year during the period studied. While the above accomplishments coukl have been obtained with the 5,967,000 acre-foot (520-foot dam) Kennett reservoir and the other reservoirs having the capacities shown in Table 138, a smaller reser- voir at Kennett, or at any of tlie other sites, would have caused defi- ciencies in the Sacramento River Basin or delta supplies or a deficiency beyond the endurable 35 per cent per season in the San Joaquin Valley or San Francisco Bay Basin supplies. The conclusion, therefore, is drawn that, since 926,000 acre-feet more water, most of which would be surplus to the requirements for the Sacramento River water service area, could be obtained each season for other requirements in the ultimate development of the Great Central Valley b}' raising the dam for the Kennett rese'Vvoir from 420 feet to 520 feet; since this supply could be obtained at less cost from the Kennett reservoir than from the Oroville or Narrows reservoirs, both of which as well as the Kennett reservoir are required for ultimate development ; since the average cost of each acre-foot of the 444,000 acre-foot increase in irrigation yield from the Kennett reservoir obtained by increasing the height of dam from 520 feet to 620 feet would be greater than the average cost of irrigation yield from tlie other major reservoir units in the Sacramento River Basin ; and since a reservoir at Kennett with a dam lower than 520 feet would cause deficiencies in the water supplies for the ultimate developments in the Sacramento River Basin or Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, or increase the deficiencies in supplies for the ultimate development in the San Joaquin Valley beyond the endurable 35 per cent per season, the ulti- mate height for the Kennett dam should be 520 feet, Keswick Afterbay on Sacramento River. During the search for dam sites on the Sacramento River, one was found near the old town of Keswick about five miles above Redding and 8.7 miles below Kennett dam site. This site was not considered to be as suitable for a high dam as the Kennett site. It is, however, an excellent site for a low dam to create an afterbay for the Kennett power plant and also an additional power drop. The reservoir would not be used for storage, except for the small amount required to regulate the irregular releases from the the Kennett power plant to a uniform flow so that there would be no large daily fluctuations in the river below this site. The capacity required for this would be only a portion of that of the reservoir contemplated, however, as additional capacity Avould be created by the construction of a dam high enough to develop the full available power drop. The construc- tion of the higher dam for power development purposes was shown by studies to be economically justified. 240 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Reservoir Site. — The dam would be constructed liigli t'liouj^h to back water up to the tail race of the Kenuett power plant. The reservoir therefore would be 8.7 miles lon^ but oidy about 600 feet wide as ihe fioodcd area would nearly all lie in the bottom of the Sacramento Kiver canyon. A survey of the reservoir site was made by the State in 1921 and a map of it was drawn at a scale of one inch equals 1000 feet, with a 25-foot contour interval. The lands that would be flooded are rough, rock canyon of little value. The Southern Pacific railroad now runs alonjr tiie bottom of the canyon through the entire length of the reser- voir site. The relocation of the railroad for the construction of the Kennett reservoir would entirely remove it from this site, however, and there are no other improvements of any value within the flooded area. Dam and Power Plant. — A survey of the dam site also was made by the State in 1921. A topographic map drawn from this survey at a scale of one inch equals 100 feet, with a contour interval of 25 feet was used in laying out and estimating the costs of the dam and power plant. The site for the dam is topographically favorable for a dam higher than the one proposed. The stream channel is about 150 feet wide and at elevation 590 feet, thertop of the proposed 95-foot dam, the canyon is only 500 feet wide. A geological examination of the site was made and the foundation conditions were found suitable for a gravity concrete dam. The rock is exposed over practically the entire foundation area of the dam and is similar to that found at the Kennett dam site. It is weathered in some places and it would be necessary to remove this material to obtain a good firm foundation rock. PLATE XXVI Keswick Dam Site on Sacramento River The dam would be of the gravity concrete overflow type with spillway gates on the crest for practically its entire length. The foun- dation would be sealed by grouting and would be drained by wells drilled just downstream from the ujjstream toe of the dnm and con- nected with drainage tuniu'ls in the dam. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 241 The stream flow would be diverted during construction in a nuiinicr similar to that described for the Kennett dam. The diversion tunnels at this site, hoAvever, would be used after the completion of the dam in connection with the power plant. The spillway would have a capacity of 225,000 second-feet. The flow over it would be controlled by seven hydraulically operated steel segmental drum gates 50 feet long and 30 feet deep set in the crest. These gates Avould be separated by 10-foot piers in which the operating mechanism would be located. The water passing through the spillway gates would flow over the downstream face of the dam into the bedrock channel which would require no protection. As the spillway capacity of 225,000 second-feet would not be sufficient to care for flows which might pass the Kennett dam, additional outlets would be required. These would be provided for a capacity of 25,000 second-feet. There would be five openings eight feet wide and fifteen feet high w^ith the centers located 80 feet below the top of the dam. Flow through these outlets would be controlled by caterpillar type self-closing sluice gates operating in wells built within the piers of the spillway structure. Each opening Avould be protected by a steel trash rack. The outlets could be used also to pass the regulated flows from the Kennett reservoir if the power plant were not in operation. The layout for the dam and power plant is shown on Plate XXIV. The power house would be located on the left bank of the river about 800 feet below the dam. A rockj^ point at the left abutment of the dam offers an opportunity for a power plant well protected from the water passing over the dam and connected with the reservoir by short tunnel penstocks. The two main tunnels would be 21 feet in diameter, horse- shoe shaped and concrete lined. At a point near the power house they would divide into eight steel penstocks laid in horseshoe shaped tunnels. "Water would enter each main tunnel through a concrete gate tower over a concrete lined shaft. Water would enter the tower through openings which would be closed by caterpillar type sluice gates operated from the top of the tower and protected by steel trash racks. The power house would be a steel and concrete structure housing eight generators of 6250 kilovolt ampere capacity, each direct connected to vertical shaft reaction turbines. This plant, on account of the use of the reservoir for reregulating power releases from Kennett power plant to uniform flow, would operate on a unity load factor. Power Output. — The only yield of this afterbay would be in power out- put from the reregulated water. The seasonal and monthly variations of this power would be dependent upon the Kennett reservoir releases since water from this afterbay would be used for the generation of power without holdover storage of more than one or two days. With the Kennett reservoir, 420-foot dam, operated primarily for the generation of power, the Keswick power plant would have produced an average annual output during the 40-year period 1889-1929, oi" 300.000,000 kilowatt hours. The value of energy at Kennett power plant was estimated to be $.00272 per kilowatt hour and it is believed that energy from the Keswick plant would have the same value. This would have yielded an average annual return of $816,000. If. — S0094 242 DIVIRIOX OK WATER RrSOURCES With the same size reservoir at Kennett operated primarily lor irrigation yield, the Keswick power plant would have produced an average annual output in the 40-year period of 229,600,000 kilowatt hours. This energy at a value of $.00193, which is the value of energy from Kennett power plant with the same method of operation, would have yielded an average annual return of $443,000. Cost of Reservoir and Power Plant. — The costs of the Keswick afterbay and power plant were estimated by the methods generally outlined in the fore part of this chapter and are shown in Table 75. TABLE 75 COST OF KESWICK AFTERBAY AND POWER PLANT Height of dam, 95 feet. Installed capacity of power plant, 50,000 kili>vi)lt amperes. Power factor = 0.80. Load factor :^ 1.00. Dam and Reservoir Exploration and core drilling $10,000 Diversion of river during construction 150, OOn Clearing reservoir site lU.OOo Excavation for dam, 74,000 cu. yds. at $2.50 to $5 $267,000 Mass concrete, 62,500 cu. yds. at $7 438,000 Reinforced concrete, 3700 cu. yd.s. at fl5 to $24 62,000 Spillway gates 385,000 Sluiceways 150,000 Drilling and grouting foundation 12,000 $1,314,000 Lands 13,000 Permanent camp and clean-up after construction 50,00u Subtotal $1,547,000 Administration and engineering, 10 per cent 155,000 Contingencies, 15 per cent 232,000 Interest during construction based on a rate of 4.5 per cent per annum 66,000 Total cost of dam and reservoir $2,000,000 Power Plant Intake structures $187,000 Penstocks 650,000 Building and equipment 1,870,000 Subtotal $2,707,000 Administration and engineering, 10 per cent 271,000 Continetncies, 15 per cent 406,000 Interest during construction based on rate of 4.5 per cent per annum 116.000 Total cost of power plant $3.500.000 Total cost dam, reservoir and power plant $5, 500,000 The annual of Keswick dam and poAvcr i>laiit cominited on the bases outlined in the fore part of this chapter would be $396,000. Of this total amount, the annual cost for the dam and reservoir would be $122,000 and for the power plant $274,000. Kennett Reservoir Unit. The Kennett reservoir unit would comprise the Kennett reservoir and power jilant and the Keswick afterbay and power ]>lant. The capital costs of the unit with 420 and r)20-foot dams for Kennett reservoir would be: With kZO-foot With SiO foot Kennett dam Kennett dam Kennett reservoir $65,000,000 $100,500,000 Kennott power plant 13.500.000 16.500.000 Keswick afterbay 2.000.000 2.000.000 Keswick power plant 3.500.000 3,500,000 ^P Potal $84,000,000 $122,500,000 SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 243 The nnnnal costs of llio unit Avitli the same hoiohts of clam for Kennett reservoir Avonld be : Kemiett reservoir $3,820,000 $5,877,000 Kennett power plant 1,081,000 1,359,000 Keswick afterbay 122,000 122,000 Keswick power plant 274,000 274,000 Total $5,297,000 $7,632,000 Other Reservoir Sites in the Upper Sacramento River Basin. No reservoir in the lower canyon of the upper Sacramento River near Red Bluff is included in the State Water Plan. The value of a reservoir in this location has long been recognized as it would be in a position to control the entire run-off of the upper Sacramento River, about one-third of wliich originates below Kennett reservoir. Diligent search for a favorable dam site was made prior to and during the ])resent investigation by both Federal and State agencies. Pour sites, including three at Iron Canyon immediately above Red Bluff and one at Table Mountain about ten miles further upstream, were explored by drifts, shafts and core drilling. Information developed at the sites thus far explored indicates that the foundation conditions are unsatis- factory for a masonry dam and doubtful for an earth fill or rock fill dam. Furthermore, the desirability of a large earth or rock fill dam impounding 1,000,000 to 3,000,000 acre-feet of water on the main Sacra- mento River above the entire Sacramento Valley is open to serious question. Iron Canyon ISite. — The three dam sites in Iron Canyon which were studied are located between points 4.5 miles and 7.75 miles above the Sacramento River bridge at Red Bluff. A preliminary investigation was made in 1904—1905 by the United States Reclamation Service. In 1913, the Reclamation Service, in cooperation with local interests, made a further investigation of Iron Canyon, a report* on which was ren- dered in October, 1914. The dam site investigated and reported upon is located at the upper end of the canyon above the mouth of Paynes Creek. In 1919 a more thorough investigation was made by the Reclama- tion Service. The Paynes Creek site and two other sites below Paynes Creek were investigated. Exi)loratiou work was carried out and reported upon by geologists and a board of engineers in 1919 and 1920. The locations are known as I, II and III. The original dam site above Paynes Creek is known as Location I, the intermediate site as Loca- tion II and the lowest site, about one-half mile below the United States Geological Survey gaging station, is known as Location III. The geo- logical investigations were made by Andrew C. Lawson and Homer Hamlin. The conclusions of these two geologists are published m another report.** On May 7, 1920, a board of engineers and geologists, the personnel of which was D. C. Ilenny, A. J. Wiley, Homer Hajnlin, W. F. McClure, J. L. Savage and II. J. Gault, reported** on the Iron • "Report on Iron Canyon Project" by the office of the U. S. Reclamation Service at Portland, Oregon, October, 19H. *• "Rf'port on Iron Canyon Proj»H't, California" by Homer J. Gault and W. I''. McClure, Department of the Interior and State of California, 1920. 244 DIVISIOX OF WATER RESOURCES Cauyoii (lam sites. This board selected Location III as the most favorable of the three sites investigated for the construction of a dam. In the water resources investigations of 1929 to 1931, further study was made of the Iron Canyon dam sites, particularly Location III. Investigations were made by two geologists, Drs. George D. Loud- erback and Frederick L. Ransome, and the Engineering Advisory Com- mittee for the Sacramento River Basin Investigation. The report of the geologists may be found in Appendix A and that of the Engineering Advisory Committee in Appendix B. With reference to the site at Location III, which is the best one in Iron Canyon, the geologists con- cluded that the site is unfavorable for the con.struction of a concrete dam and also that the doubt wliether leakage around and under a dam at thi.s locality could effectively be prevented or controlled makes it unsatisfactory for any type of dam. The Engineering Advisory Com- mittee expressed the opinions that a masonry dam built at Location III would be dangerously unsafe and that it would be dangerous to build any form of earth or rock fill dam at the site. Table Mountain Site. — ^When it became apparent that a satisfactory- dam site could not be found in Iron Canyon, attention w^as turned to finding one at some other point in the lower Sacramento River Canyon. The section of the stream from Location III in Iron Canyon to a point near the mouth of Cottonwood Creek was reconnoitered and geologized. The most satisfactory sites discovered were in the vicinity of Table Mountain between the Bend and Jellys ferries. After a preliminary geological investigation of the camion between these two ferries, one site was selected as being the most favorable both topographically and geologically and was given further study. The selected .site is located in Sections 2, 4, 5, 9, 10 and 11, Town- ship 28 North, Range 3 West, ]M. D. B. and M., at a point about sixteen miles by river above the Red Bluff bridge, and has been designated the Table Mountain site. A dam 175 feet high at this site would create a reservoir of 3,000,000 acre-feet capacity. Such a reservoir would flood the towns of Anderson and Cottonwool, the greater portion of the Anderson-Cottonwood Irrigation District and parts of the State highway and Southern Pacific railroad. The foundations at the dam site were explored by drill lioles, tun- nels and shafts. Nine vertical holes with a total length of 1000 feet were drilled. Two of these holes, each 150 feet deep, were located on eillH-r side of the stream bed on the line of the dam. One tunnel, 40 feet in length, was excavated in the agglomerate on the left bank of the stream and another tunnel was excavated 20 feet into the tuff on the right abutment. Seven pits also were sunk, one on each abutment adjacent to the stream channel, four others on the left abutment and one at the base of the steep slope on the right abutment. The results of the explorations, and the general geology in the vicinity of the dam site, were studied by the same geologists who studied and reported upon the Iron Canyon site and their i-eport on this site also is given in Appendix A. They found that the formations were much the same as at Iron Canyon, that there is irregular variation in the cementation of the agglomerate, that there are weak and permeable in the agglomerate, and that very pervious layers occur above and below the SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 245 agglomerate which make it doubtful whether leakage could be cut off around and under a dam. On account of these conditions, they con- cluded that the site is unfavorable for the construction of a concrete dam and also that the doubt whether leakage around and under a dam at this locality could effectively be prevented or controlled, makes it unsatisfactory for any type of dam. This site Avas studied also by the Engineering Advisory Committee for the Sacramento River Basin Investigation and their report and conclusions may be found in Appendix B. The Committee expressed the opinions that a masonry dam built at this site would be dangerously unsafe and that it would be dangerous to build any form of earth or rock fill dam at this site. Before the exploration work was completed, an estimate of cost for a ;i()()(),{)()() acre-foot reservoir (ITfj-foot dam) at this site was made. The cost of this reservoir including the cost of relocating the highway and railroad was estimated at $36,800,000. The total estimated cost of the reservoir and dam, a power plant at the dam and an afterbay at Iron Canyon is $45,000,000. It should be noted, however, that this estimate Avas prepared on the assumption that the foundations were capable of supporting safely a concrete dam of the height proposed and it was prepared for the purpose only of making a financial com- parison with Kennett reservoir. This reservoir would meet the requirements of an initial unit in the Sacramento Kiver Basin, as set forth in Chapter XI. The amount of electric energy which could be generated at a power plant at the dam would be about one-half of that for a 420-foot dam at Kennett reservoir. Although the capital cost, so estimated, of the Table Moun- tain reservoir is only slightly more than one-half that of the Kennett reservoir, the net annual cost is practically the same as that for Ken- nett because of the lesser power revenue obtainable. If it were possible to construct a safe dam at Table Mountain, there would be two advan- tages over Kennett, first, the financing of the project might be simpli- fied because of the lesser capital investment required and, second, the power absorption problem would be less because of the smaller amount of electric energy which could be produced at the dam. However, since the foundation conditions at the Table Mountain site are found by both the geologists and the advisory engineers to be unsatisfactory for the construction of a safe dam, no dam at this site is included in the State Water Plan. Following the rejection of the Table Mountain site a further geological reconnaissance of the lower Sacramento River Canyon was made to determine whether any other more promising site might exist. The report on this investigation is given in Appendix C, together witli an areal geological map of the canyon from the lowest Iron Canyon site to Cottonwood Creek. This investigation showed that the forma- tions throughout the entire area are similar in character to those in Iron Canyon and at the Table Mountain dam site, and no site better than the Table Mountain was revealed. Baird Silc. — Another reservoir site investigated in the uppei- Sacra- mento River Basin is one whose dam site is on the Pit lvi\'er below tlie mouth of the McCloud River. It is designated the l>aird site. This' 246 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES reservoir site lies within the area wliich would be flooded In* a dam constructed at the Kennett site and is therefore not an auxiliary reser- voir thereto. Its advantage over the Kennett site is that the large cost of rolocatinji' tlic Southern Pacific railroad would be obviated. Its disadvantage is that, being located on the Pit River, it would not be in a position to control the run-off from the Sacramento River and several minor streams, which constitute 20 per cent of the run-off tributary to the Kennett reservoir, and furtliorniore would have much less value than the Kennett reservoir for controlling Hoods in the Sacramento River below Red Bluff. This site is favorable for the formation of a reservoir up to a capacity of approximately 1,500,000 acre-feet with the construction of a main dam only. For a larger reservoir an auxiliary dam would be required. Due to the fact that the Baird site is located on Pit River, it is not in a position to control as much run-off as the Kennett site and a larger reservoir would be necessary to meet the requirements under the State Water Plan. A study shows that a reservoir at this site should have a capacity of 3,175,000 acre-feet to meet the requirements of a complete initial development in the Sacramento River Basin, as these requirements are given in Chapter XI. Such a reservoir would require a main dam 420 feet high and an auxiliary dam 90 feet high. A reser- voir at this site with a capacity approximately equal to that of the ultimate capacity of the Kennett reservoir would require a main dam 520 feet high and an auxiliary dam 190 feet high. A geological investigation of this site indicates that the founda- tion conditions at the main dam site are favorable but that those at the auxiliary dam site are not so favorable. The site has not been explored by core drilling or other means but it is estimated that in order to secure a suitable foundation for a concrete dam on the auxiliary site, perhaps as much as 100 feet of material would have to be excavated. In support of this estimate a highAvay cut crossing the site shows decomposed material to a depth of about 50 feet. With this depth of excavation the auxilary dam would have heights of from 190 to 290 feet. The advisability of constructing dams of these heights along the crest of a ridge is open to serious question. A combination of a reservoir at the Baird site with one in the lower canyon of tlie Sacramento River near Red Bluff might be more attrac- tive than the Kennett reservoir if it were definitely proven that safe dams could be constructed at the Baird and Table Mountain or Iron Canyon sites. The luieertainty of constnu-ting a safe dam at tlu^ I>aird site to a height that would create a reservoir of capacity adccjuate to meet inunediate and ultimate water requirements in accord with the State Water Plan in the Sacramento River Basin, the infeasibility of eooi'dinating the two develoj^ments because of overlaj)ping of tile two sites, the fact tiiat the Iron Canyon and Table ^lountain sites have been rejected by geologists and the Engineering Advisory Committee, and tlie I'iict that loundations at tin' Kennett dam site have been proved to be most s;it isfaelory for the construction of a masoin-y dam to heights proposed, lead defiiiilely to the conclusion that the r)aird reser- voir on the Pit River should not be considered as an alternate for the Kennett reservoir. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN' 247 Oroville Reservoir on Feather River. A major reservoir unit of the State Water Plan is required on the Feather River to regulate water for the irrigation of the Sacramento Valley lands in the Feather River water service area described in Chapter Y. Also, since the Feather River above Oroville has the second largest run-off of any stream entering the Sacramento Valley, and more than is required for its own service area, the major reservoir unit will be required to regulate the run-off of the stream not only for use in its own service area but also to aid in supplying water for irrigation to areas in the Sacramento Valley having no local supplies or insufficient supplies of their own for full development, for irrigation and salinity control in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, and for supplemental supplies for irrigation and industrial uses in the San Joaquin Vallej' and San Francisco Bay Basin. Studies indicate that all of the water that can be economically developed in the Sacramento River Basin by the operation of the State Water Plan will ultimately be required for the full development of the Great Central Valley and that a con- siderable portion of the water for these ultimate uses should be derived from the reservoir on the Feather River. Three dam sites on the Feather River between Oroville and the junction of the Xorth and ^liddle forks, together witli the reservoirs formed by them, were studied before selecting the site included in the State Water Plan. The lowest site is located in the northAvest corner of Section 3, Township 19 North, Range -t East. M. D. B. and M., and is the one formerly proposed for the Coordinated Plan* for the develop- ment of California's water resources. It is also the site designated as the "Lower dam site" in a former report** on a comprehensive plan for the development of the state's water resources. A 300-foot dam at this site would create a reservoir of 345,000 acre-feet capacity, but such a reservoir would require two auxiliary dams between 50 and 60 feet high, one to the north and the other to the south of the main dam. This site would have the advantage that the 300-foot dam would not flood the Las Plumas power plant of the Great Western Power Com- pany. Its principal disadvantage would be that the reservoir capacity created by this height of dam would be too small to properly regulate the run-oft* of the Feather River for ultimate development and the construction of a dam high enough to create a storage capacity large enough for this purpose would be difficult, if not impossible, on account of the long, high auxiliary dams along the crests of ridges which would be required. The dam site farthest upstream is the one referred to in the former report** on a comprehensive plan as the 'Tpper dam site." It is located in Section 36, Townshij) 20 Xorth, Range 4 East, M. D. B. and I\I., about one-half mile below the junction of the Xorth and Middle forks of Feather River. It is not the site selected for the Oro- ville reservoir of the State Water Plan, which is referred to in the geological report in Appendix E as the "Upper Oroville site." While • P.ullftin No. 12, "Summary Itei)ort on the Water Resources of California and a Coordinated Plan for their Development," Divi.sion of Engineering and Irrigation, 1927. ** Bulletin No. 9, "Supplemental Report on Water Resources of California," Division of Engineering and Irrigation, 192.5. 248 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES much larger storage capacity could be obtained with a dam at this site than one at the lower site, there is a still better site about one and one-quarter miles doAvnstream where a dam could be constructed to create a larger storage at a lower unit cost. This latter site, which has been selected for the dam which would create the Oroville reservoir of the State Water Plan, is located in Sections 1 and 2, Township 19 Xortli, Range 4 East, IM. 1). H. and M. The site is better geologically than the lowest site and a dam built on it could store more than five times as much water as a 300-foot dam at that site. This storage capacity would give a relatively good control of the run-off of the Feather River, which, as previously stated, is not possible Avith 345,000 acre-foot storage capacity at the lowest site. That a large storage capacity in the Oroville reservoir is desirable is pointed out in the discussion of the selection of the capacity of this reservoir for the State Water Plan. The North, Middle and South forks of the river unite within the reservoir site to form the main river and water impounded in the reservoir would back up each of these branches and also up the West Branch of the North Fork. The drainage basin tributary to the selected site has an area of about 3613 square miles which is only 14 square miles or 0.4 per cent less than the area above the United States Geological Survey gaging station at Oroville. This area is about 17 per cent of the total mountain and foothill area of the Sacramento River Basin. The drainage basin lies on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada which reach elevations within the basin in excess of 10,000 feet, the highest point being at the summit of Mount Lassen. The elevation of the stream bed at the dam site is about 200 feet. The distribution of the area above the Ora\'ille gaging station for three ranges of elevation is shown in Table 1 in Chapter II. The watershed contains Iwth rugged mountains and large valleys at high elevations. This condition is particularly favorable for a hydroelectric development in the mountain areas because storage reservoirs could be developed in these valleys at reasonable cost and water stored therein could be utilized through several thousand feet of j)ower drop before entering the Oroville reservoir. Some of these reservoir sites have already been utilized for both power and irrigation developments. A large area. Sierra Valley, at the eastern edge of the drainage basin contains considerable agricultural land but has a water sup|)ly inadequate for its own needs. This area, therefore, contributes very little to the run-off of the Middle Fork on which it is located. Water Supply. — The general methods of determining the full natural, the present net, and the ulliinate net run-offs at the gaging stations have been given in Chapter II. These same methods were used in determining these run-offs at the Oroville gaging station. Since there is such a small area between the Oroville dam site and Oroville gaging station and since the run-off from this area is small, tiie run-off at the dam site was assumed to be the same as that at the gaging station. Information on the run-off was obtained from the records whiob have been kept by the United States Oeolo^Mcal Survey at Oroville for a ]>eriod of 27 years and from reeortls of st(»rage and diversions which have been kept by other agencies. Precipitation (iat;i arc available for a number of stations within the watershed for a loncrer period and SACKA.MEXTO KlVKlt BASIN 249 were used for estimating the probable niii-offs for the years prior to the period of stream flow records. Precipitation within the watershed varies from an average of seventeen inches to an average of about ninety inches per season. The lowest precipitation occurs in Sierra Valley and the highest in the headwaters of the West Branch of the North Fork near Round Valley and Philbrook reservoirs. The records at Oroville as kept by the United Stafes Geological Survey do not show the full natural run-offs unimpaired by upstream storage and diversions. To obtain these run-offs, the measured flows were corrected for storage in and releases from the power and irriga- tion reservoirs shown in Table 76, for the net use of water for irrigating from 23,000 to 37,000 acres of land, and for diversions outside of the watershed for power developments and irrigation by the Hendricks, Dewey, Miners and Upper Miocene canals from the West Branch and the Palermo and Forbestown canals from the South Fork. All of these canals are estimated to divert about 110,000 acre-feet annually. TABLE 76 EXISTING STORAGE RESERVOIRS IN THE FEATHER ABOVE OROVILLE RIVER WATERSHED Reservoir Location Capacity, in acre-feet Use West Branch -- - 1,280 5,060 8,600 1,300,000 36,000 .10,000 103,000 5,200 Power Philbrook _- West Branch Power Lake Wilenor West Branch Power and irrigation L&ke Almanor North Fork Power North Fork Power Butt Valley North Fork Power Bucks Creek North Fork . I'ower Lost Creek South Fork Irrigation Total 1,509,140 The monthly ultimate net run-offs were obtained from the monthly full natural run-offs by deducting the ultimate net irrigation require- ments within the watershed above Oroville; by deducting the ultimate gross diversions outside of the watershed for the irrigation of the area lying southeast of the waterslied including the Oroville-Wyandotte Irri- gation District; by deducting the ultimate gross diver.sions from the watershed for the development of ])ower and for the ultimate irrigation requirements in the area lying north of Oroville and west of the water- shed boundary, comprising four individual areas which can be served best by diversions from above the Oroville reservoir ; and by adding or deducting respectively water released from or stored in all reservoirs now constructed, or which are necessary for complete future irrigation development. In estimating the present net run-offs by months, the method was the same as the preceding except tli;it iireseiit instend of ultimate uses. diversions and storage were u.sed. The seasonal full natural, ultimate net, and present net ruu-offs at the Oroville gaging station are sliown in Table 77. The wide variations in tlic si'msotui from the Feather Kiver are shown by the 77 shows that the maximum scnsoiwd full iwitural ruu-oif in monthly and dail\' run ('llowing comparisons. "' -offs ral)lc he 40-vear 250 DIVISION OF WATER KESOURCES TABLE 77 SEASONAL RUN-OFFS OF FEATHER RIVER AT OROVILLE, 1889-1929 Season 1889-1890 1890-1891 1891-1892 1892-1893 1893-1894 1894-1895 1895-1896 1896-1897 1897-1898 1898-1899 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-1902 1902-1903 1903-1904 1904-1905 1905-1906 1906-1907 1907-1908 1908-1909 1909-1910 1910-1911 1911-1912 1912-1913 1913-1914 1914-1915 1915-1916 1916-1917 1917-1918 1918-1919 1919-1920 1920-1921 1921-1922 1322-1923 1923-1924 1924-1925 1925-1926 1926-1927 1927-1928 1928-1929 40-year means, 1889-1929 . 20-year means, l!l0!i-1929 . 10-year means, 1919-1929 . 5-year means, 1924-1929 . Full natural run-off, in acre-feet 13,278,000 4,158.000 4,842,000 7,535,000 3,589,000 7,093,000 7,786,000 5,440,000 2,304,000 2,872,000 6,788,000 6,281,000 4,561,000 4,543,000 9,439,000 4,594,000 6.855,000 9,492,000 3,639,000 7,517,000 4,638,000 7,121,000 2,244,000 2,823,000 8,110,000 6,067,000 7.006.000 5,075,000 2.745,000 3,649,000 2,203,000 6.038.000 5,076.000 3.070,000 1,296,000 3,152,000 3,174,000 5.848.000 4.246.000 1.838,000 5,201.000 4,271.000 3.594,000 3,652,000 Present net run-off, in acre-feet 11,945,000 4,047,000 4,639,000 7.013.000 3.545,090 6,637,000 7.197.000 5,170.000 2.377.000 2.922,000 6,346.000 5,887.000 4,408,000 4.368,000 8,614,000 4,414,000 6,446,000 9,141,000 3,502,000 7,143,000 4,3.34,000 6,481,000 2.462,000 2,984,000 7,225.000 5,715,000 6.422,000 4,828,000 2,800,000 3,570,000 2,319,000 5,137,000 4,726,000 2,846,000 1,737,000 2,846,000 2,896,000 5.283,000 4.001.000 2,043,000 4.910,000 4,0.33,000 3.383,000 3,414,000 Ultimate net run-off, in acre-feet 11.474,000 3.827,000 4.344.000 6.714,000 3,305,000 6,327,000 6,886.000 4,919,000 2,207,000 2,713.000 5.948.000 5,601.000 4.148,000 4.105,000 8,313.000 4,175,000 6.101,000 8.830,000 3.279.000 6,840,000 4.109,000 6,132,000 2,311,000 2,796,000 6,851.000 5.426,000 6,146.000 4,537,000 2,625,000 3,337.000 2,139,000 4.780,000 4,419.000 2.626,000 1.642.000 2,611,000 2,714,000 4,957,000 3,764,000 1.902.000 4,647,000 3.791,000 3,155,000 3.190,000 TABLE 78 AVERAGE MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF RUN-OFF OF FEATHER RIVER AT OROVILLE January.. Fcliruary. March April May June July. AuRuat Si'plemliiT OctolxT . NovenilK-r. Decemlx'r . Totals . .Montli .\verage full natural run-off In acre-feet In per cent of mean i-e.isonal 477,000 9 17 638.000 12 07 828,000 15.92 1,001.000 10 25 848,000 16 30 423,000 8 13 173,000 3 33 108,000 2 08 89.000 1 71 116,000 2 23 226.000 4 35 284.000 5 46 fi.201.000 100 00 SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 251 period 1889-1929 was 13,278,000 acre-feet in 1889-1890, and the minimum was 1,296,000 acre-feet in 1923-1924, a variation of from 255 per cent to 25 per cent of the mean seasonal full natural run-off for the period. The averap-e monthly distribution of the run-off as deter- mined from the monthly full natural run-oft's at Oroville during the same 40-year period is shown in Table 78. The variation in mean daily flows is indicated by the maximum discharges of 187,000 second-feet which occurred on Marcli 19, 1907, and 143,000 second-feet witli a peak of 211,000 second-feet on March 26, 1928; and a minimum discharge of 720 second-feet on June 30, 1924. Reservoir Site. — The lands tliat would have to be acquired for the Oro- ville reservoir are mostly steep, rough and mountainous and of very little agricultural value. The assessed values over the entire area are low, ranging from $1.50 to $25 per acre, the greater part being assessed at $2 to $4 per acre. There are three small settlements within the area, namely, Bidwell Bar, Las Plumas, and Enterprise. An allowance was made in making the cost estimates to take care of the flooding of these improvements. The other improvements that would be affected by the construction of the reservoir are the Western Pacific, Hutchinson Lumber Company and Swain Lumber Company railroads, the Las Plumas power plant, the State Feather River highway, the Palermo Ditch of the Oroville- Wyandotte Irrigation District, the Oroville-Quincy county road and several miles of wood pole power line and telegraph and telephone lines. The flooding of the Las Plumas power plant would require its recon- struction at an elevation high enough to clear the highest flow line for the reservoir and the compensation of the power company for the loss in electric energy caused by tlie decrease in head on the plant. Several routes for the relocation of the Western Pacific railroad were studied and one of these was selected as the best and was surveyed. The relocated line Avould cross the Feather River about a half mile above Oroville and run northerlj^ and easterly near the towns of Pentz and Cherokee joining the present main line at a point near the diver- sion dam of the Great Western Power Company near the upper end of Big Bend. This line would be 20.3 miles in length and would require sixteen miles of open track, 18,850 lineal feet of tunnel and four bridges aggregating 3590 feet in length. The relocation of the Hutchinson Lumber Company railroad would require 17 miles of new line including a bridge 690 feet in length. The relocation of the Swain Lumber Com- pany railroad would require 10 miles of new line and rebuilding the mill at a new location. The Feather River highway now under construction, along the side of the main river and Xorth Fork, would bo flooded from the dam site to near Las Plumas power plant. An estimate of the of removing this highway to a higher elevation was furnished bj' the State Division of Highways. The Oroville-Quincy road, which now crosses the South P^rk at Bidwell Bar, would be flooded for such a distance that it Avould have to be relocated from a point on the present county road west of Enterprise to a point near the settlement of IMoseley. This would require 24.5 miles of relocation and thf cmistruftion of 600 feet of highway bridge across the South Fork. 2-32 DIVISION OK WATER RESOURCES The Palermo Ditch -would have to be reconstructed from a new diversion on the South Fork at a point about 6 miles east of the town of Enterprise to the location of the Oroville dam, a distance of 17.5 miles. At the dam the water would be dropped back into the present canal. Relocation of power lines and telegraph and telephone lines are of minor importance, requiring 5 miles of new power line construction and 20 miles of telegraph and telephone line. A topographic survey of the Oroville reservoir site to elevation 700 feet Western Pacific Railroad datum was made by the State in 1925, and a map was drawn from this survey at a scale of one inch equals 1000 feet, with a contour interval of 25 feet. The water surface areas measured from this map and the capacities of the reservoir computed from them are shown in Table 79. Areas and capacities for elevations from 700 to 800 feet, shown in the table, were estimated from a maj) of the Feather River Canyon made by the United States Geological Survey and from extensions of the area and capacity curves drawn with the use of the data computed from the State map. TABLE 79 AREAS AND CAPACITIES OF OROVILLE RESERVOIR HeJKht of dam. 'Water surface elevation in Area of water Capacity of in feet (5-foot surface, reservoir. freeboard) reservoir, in feet in acres in acre-feet 125 320 440 17,000 150 345 590 29,000 175 370 790 46,000 200 395 1,010 69,000 225 420 1,270 97,000 250 445 1,570 131,000 275 470 1,900 174,000 300 495 2,280 227.000 325 520 2.660 289.000 350 545 3.110 360.000 375 570 3,630 445,000 400 595 4,150 544,000 425 620 4,740 652,000 450 645 5.420 779,000 475 670 6,090 923,000 500 695 6.730 1,084,000 525 720 7.380 1,258,000 550 745 8.000 1,450,000 675 770 8.660 1,664.000 580 775 8,800 1,705,000 600 795 9,310 1,888,000 605 800 9.440 1,933,000 ■ Western Pacific Railroad datum. Dam and Power Plant. — A survey of the dam site was made by the State in 1928. A topographic map drawn from this survey at a scale of one inch equals 200 feet, with a contour interval of 25 feet, was used in laying out and estimating the cost of the Oroville dam. A geological investigation of the dam site was mad(> and the report cover- ing it will be found in Appendix F. No exi)loi-ations of this site by borings or tunnels have been made. The stream at the dam site has cut a deep stream bed through the massive amiihil)olite which is exjiosed in the channel and J'or a considerable heiglit above the low water sur- face on each side. This rock lies in bands but the joints ;ire close and. according to the geologist, it is unlikely that they would cause uplift SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 253 on the base of the dam or allow leakage under it. They ^\ ould probably be easily sealed with a small amount of grouting. Above the exposed rock in the stream bed the surface is covered by a top soil and disintegrated rock. There are, however, rock outcrops indicating the character of the underlying foundation material. This depth of soil covering probably increases at the higher elevations and a liberal allow- ance was made in the estimates for the excavation of this material. PLATE xxvrr Ornville Dam Site on Feather River The only type of dam considered for this site is the gravity con- crete dam. Gravel for use in the construction of such a dam could be obtained in the vicinity of Oroville about nine miles downstream and coulfl be hauled to the site over the present track of the Western Pacific railroad. Estimates of cost were made for tlie Oroville dam and reservoir for four lieights of dam ranging from 45o to 605 feet. The detailed esti- mate and layout for only one of these heights, 580 feet, are given in this report. The features for this dam are typical of tliose for other heights and are described herein for illustration. The layout for this dam is shown on Plate XXVIII, "Oroville Reservoir on Feather River." The dam would be slightly arched in plan to fit the topography of the site. All overlying soil and decomposed rock would be excavated so that the dam would rest on a good clean rock foundation. There would be a cut-off wall at the upstream toe, beneath which the rock would be sealed by grouting. The foundation would be drained by a row of drainage wells, just downstream from the upper cut-off wall, which would be connected to a gallci-y in the dam. The stream flow would be diverted during the excavation for the foundation and the construction of tlie lower portion of the dam by 254 DIVISION OF WATKU KESOUKCES means ol' rock-fill coIIVt dams with earth blankets i)laced above aiul l)elo\v the exeavation. The watei- would be conveyed around the excava- tion by a con('i'et(! lint'd h(ji-seshoe shaped tunnel which would have a capacity of 5000 second-feet. This tunnel would l)e i)lu^'^ed and backfilled after the completion of the dam. The spillway would be located in the main section of the dam near its rijijht end. It would be of the gravity concrete overflow type designed for a depth of 20 feet of water over its crest and would have a discharging capacity of 200,000 .second-feet. The flow over the spill- way would be controlled by twelve 50-foot hydraulically operated steel segmental drum gates set in the crest. These gates would be sei)a rated by concrete piers 10 feet in width and 25 feet high in which the operating mechanism for the gates would be located. It is believed that the character of the rock at the dam site is such that no protection from flowing water would be required and therefore no channel would be provided to carry the water from the spillway to the stream channel. Twenty outlets would be })rovided in the dam near its left end for the conti-ol of floods. They would have a cai)acity of 100,000 second- feet with the water in the reservoir drawn down a sufficient depth to give the reserve space required for controlling floods to this amount. The outlets would be 14 feet square, would be spaced 30 feet center to center, and would be located at a distance of 90 feet below the top of the dam. Flow through each outlet would be controlled by a cater- pillar type self-closing sluice gate at the upstream face of the dam, which would be protected by steel trash racks set in a semicircular concrete structure and would be operated, from the top of the dam, in a concrete enclosed gate well extending to the top of the dam. No channel for the water discharged from these outlets would be provided as it could flow over the bed rock to the stream channel without damage. Outlets also would be provided in the section of dam over the stream channel to serve as sluiceways and to release water for irriga- tion. There would be eight of tliese openings each 94 inches in diameter, lined with steel. Six of the outlets would be at a depth of 305 feet below the top of the dam and two Avould be at a depth of 500 feet. Flow through each opening would be controlled by a caterpillar type sluicegate, at the upstream face of the dam, which would be pro- tected by steel trash racks set in a semicircular concrete structure and would be o])erated, fi-om the toj) of the dam, in a gate well extendinir to the top of the dam. Further control on each outlet would be provided by an auxiliary slide valve, a short distance from the upstream face, oi)erated from a chamber inside of the dam. One of the lower outlets would be provided also with a 94 inch balanced needle valve at its o\it- let end to give more accurate regulation of irrigation releases. The power house would be located on the right baidv of the stream about 4400 feet below the dam. Water would be conveyed to it from the reservoii- by two horseshoe sha|)ed concrete lined tunnels IS.l feet in diameter, each of which at a point opixtsile the power house would divide into five steel pipe penstocks 102 inches in diameter which would carry the water to the turbines in the power house. These steel pen- stocks would be laid in separate concrete lined tunnels of horseshoe shape, 12.5 feet in diameter. Water would enter each of the main tunnels through a concrete gate towin- over a vertical concrete lined shaft. Water would enter the tower through several ojienings, flow PLATE XXVIII U £ S ■ OROVILLE RESERVOIR Capacity 1,705,000 acre-f«e( ■3S I 1 1 1 W. S. •(•vation 775 f«€t-v "p^ — ^^». South Fork -^^^ [^O,-'-''*'^ _->=^ ^•^■^];Z^--''<^.dclie F o'k ^,.-— CtT-^ ^Weit Branch ^__^.^ , ^^ 1 ■ '^North Fork 4 6 8 Distance in miles 12 14 16 18 'ROFILE OF RESERVOIR Yuba County LOCATION MAP SCALE OF MILES O d 8 • I I I I I SO" OROVILLE RESERVOIR FEATHER RIVER PLATE XXVIII 800 s^^ — "'■'■ vi-r s ECT ON "■ *~ ECT ON "0 "• » 1 ¥f "'"'"' ■-"™. -^i r- p--p,..^ ^ - ■ "^ E!^>w ""**** r^ ^ - — 1 / n ^, i ■>_^-»^^ -J OROVILLE AFTERBAY SSJ: o Cipaeity 7 700acre-lecl " * " " 5 OROVILLE RESERVOIR C*D>cii| 1.705.000 •cre-««ei 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 4000 Length in feet PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM OROVILLE DAM POWER PLANT AND FLOOD CONTROL FEATURES 800 's OROVILLE DAM ^ Y 1 w.S- »?.•"= „s,„,' nfeet datum 8 LLC .Fiewe** 1 — Power moD 585 (efi So Ih Fork ->__------''';|0---'''^^ — ^ .^-S^ _ -"-'''^^^^^..^ *^M dd'c Fori. .-.'-'^ -'■^ Weil SrancK g = 400 i a-' 200 ■^5 r-T ' -=1 "^^N rtn Fork r""^ ^— 1 — 1 r" 10 12 14 16 ; 400 .S "D S "- 200 t^ o ELEv laa FEEr O 40O 800 Length in feet PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM GENERAL PLAN OROVILLE AFTERBAY DAM POWER PLANT Distance in miles PROFILE OF RESERVOIR 80994 — p. 251 OROVILLE RESERVOIR ON FEATHER RIVER SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 255 through each of which Avould be controlled by a caterpillar type sluice- gate operated from the top of the tower. Each gate would be pro- tected by steel trash racks and would bo operated in a concrete enclosed gate well. Studies made to estimate the economic installation of generating equipment for this power plant indicate that with a load factor of 0.75 and a power factor of 0.80 tlie total installed generator capacity should be 280,000 kilovolt amperes. This would be divided equally among ten generators, each of which would be direct connected to a vertical shaft variable head reaction turbine. The poAver house would be of steel and concrete construction. Transformers and protective equi])- ment would be of the outdoor type. Yields of Reservoir in Water for Irrigation and in Hydroelectric Energy — Reservoir Operated Primarily for Irrigation. — Studies were made to estimate the amounts of water that would have been made avail- able annually during the 40-year period 1889-1929 at the Oroville dam site f(n- irrigation use. with the reservoir operated primarily for supply- ing irrigation water, and the amounts of these yields that would have been new water. These studies were made for the four heights of dam shown in Table 82 by the method described in the fore part of this ehai)ter. In making these studies, the entire capacity of the reservoir was utilized in the years of deficiency in supply. Tlie total yields and the yields in new water for these four heights of dam, as shown by these studies, are given in Table 82. These yields would have been obtained with a maximum seasonal deficiency not exceeding 35 per cent, or an average for the 40-year period not exceeding two per cent. A similar study was made for the reservoir having the 580-foot height of dam operating primarily for irrigation with incidental power during the same 40-year i)eriod 1889-1929. This study differed from the previous one in that th^ entire reservoir capacity was not utilized, it being assumed that the reservoir would have been operated so that the minimum head for power development would have been 50 per cent of the maximum obtainable. It was assumed also that the power l)lant would have had the same installed cai)acity as that for tiie reser- voir operating primarily for the generation of power. With this method of operation, the annual yield in irrigation water would have been 2,480,000 acre-feet, with a maximum seasonal deficiency of 34.3 per cent and an average of two per cent for the period, of which 1.91 (),()()() acre-feet would have been new water. The electric energy would have had a low value on account of there being some months in each year when none would have been generated. However, by a slight modifica- tion in releases so that some water would have been available for power in the months when none was released for irrigation uses, the irrigation yield would have been practically the same as with the former method of operation and the power value would have been substantially increased. The average annual electric energy output with this modi- fied operation would have been 1,043,900,000 kilowatt hours. The value of this energy at the power i)lant, based on the cost of protlucing an equivalent amount of electric energy of the same characteristics with a steam-electric plant located in the area of consumption taking into account the cost of transmission from point of generation to load 1 \ - ■ ■ I t.m r-ZT ^ * 008 -jf!Tc-»iU ^- i/l30 SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 255 through each of which would be controlled by a caterpillar type sluice- gate operated from the top of the tower. Each gate would be pro- tected by steel trash racks and would bo optM-Mtcfl in a concrete enclosed gate well. Studies made to estimate the economic installation of generating equipment for this power plant indicate that Avith a load factor of 0.75 and a power factor of 0.80 the total installed generator capacity should be 280,000 kilovolt amperes. This would be divided equally among ten generators, each of which would be direct connected to a vertical shaft variable head reaction turbine. The power house would be of steel and concrete construction. Transformers and protective equip- ment would be of the outdoor type. Yields of Reservoir in Water for Irrigation and in Hydroeteciric Energy — Reservoir Operated Primarily for Irrigation. — Studies were made to estimate the amounts of water that would have been made avail- able annually during the 40-year period 1889-1929 at the Oroville dam site for irrigation use. with the reservoir operated primarily for supply- ing irrigation water, and the amounts of these yields that would have been new water. These studies were made for the four heights of dam .shown in Table 82 by the method described in the fore part of this chai)ter. In making these studies, the entire capacity of the reservoir was utilized in the years of deficienc}' in supply. The total yields and the yields in new water for these four heights of dam, as shown by these studies, are given in Table 82. These yields would have been obtained with a maximum seasonal deficiency not exceeding 35 per cent, or an average for the 40-year period not exceeding two per cent. A similar study was made for the reservoir having the 580-foot height of dam operating primarily for irrigation with incidental power during the same 40-year period 1889-1929. This study differed from the previous one in that the entire reservoir capacity was not utilized, it being assumed that the reservoir would have been operated, so that the minimum head for power development would have been 50 per cent of the maximum obtainable. It was assumed also that the power plant would have had the same installed capacity as that for the reser- voir operating primarily for the generation of power. With this method of operation, the annual yield in irrigation water would have been 2,480,000 acre-feet, with a maximum seasonal deficiency of 34.3 per cent and an average of two per cent for the period, of which I.!*! 0,000 acre-feet would have been new water. The electric energy would have had a low value on account of there being some months in each year when none would have been generated. However, by a slight modifica- tion in releases so that some water would have been available for power in the months when none was released for irrigation uses, the irrigation yield would have been practically the same as with the former method of operation and the jiower value Avould have been substantially increased. The average annual electric energy output witli this modi- fied operation would have been 1,043,900,000 kilowatt hours. The value of this energy at the power ])lant, based on the cost of producing an equivalent amount of electric energy of the same characteristics with a steam-electric plant located in the area of consumption taking into account the cost of transmission from point of generation to load o )G DIVI^^IOX or WATER RKSOIIRCES center, as shown in f'liai)1ei' VIII. was estimated to be $.00225 per kilowatt lioui". Tlic jivt'T-aj;*' annual rcvontio at tliis valiic would have been $2,349,000. Yields of Reservoir in Hydroelectric Energy and in Water for Irriga- tion — Reservoir Operated Primarily for Generation of Power. — A study also was made to estimate the amount of electric energy whicli would have been developed in the 40-year period 1889-1929, with the Oro- ville re.servoir operated primarily for this purpose, and the amount of new water which would have been made available with this method of operation of the reservoir. The study was made by the method described in the fore part of this chapter and was made only for the reservoir having a 580-foot dam and a power plant of 280,000 kilovolt ampere capacity. This plant operated on a load factor of 0.75 and with a power factor of 0.80 would have produced an average annual output of 1,254,100,000 kilowatt hours. The output in the minimum year would have been 880,700.000 kilowatt hours and in the maximum year 1,455,700,000 kilowatt hours. The value of this electric energy was estimated to be $.0031 per kilowatt liour. The average annual revenue at this value would have been $3,888,000. The reservoir, operated primarily for the generation of power, would also have made available an annual yield of 1,117,000 acre-feet of water for irrigation, distributed in accordance with the irrigation demand. This yield would have had a maximum seasonal deficiency of 9.2 per cent and an average for the 40-year period 1889-1929 of two per cent. This yield amounts to 43 per cent of that Avitli the reservoir operated primarily for irrigation. Of this yield, 547.000 acre-feet would have been new water. This is 27 per cent of the yield in new water witli the reservoir operated primarily for irrigation. Flood Control. — Studies were made to estimate the value of the Oro- ville reservoir in controlling floods to specified flows at the Oroville gaging station. Tlie method of making these .studies and the curves derived for .showing the probable frequency of occurrence of flood flows of certain amounts at Oroville, and the reservoir space required at this point to control floods which may be expected to occur at certain inter- vals of time to definite regulated flows, are set forth in Chapter VI. Although the Oroville reservoir would not be located at the gaging .station, the control by it would be practically the same as if it were located at this point on account of the small drainage area which would not be controlled. Curves on Plate VI II and data in Table 32 in Chapter VI show the prol)ahle frequency of occurrence of flood flows of certain amounts at the Oroville gaging station. The reservoir spaces required to control flows below Oroville to certain specified amounts are sliown by the curves on Plate X and the data in Table 35, in the same cha]iter. It is believed that the control of flows at Oroville to 100.000 .second- feet, exceeded not oftener than once in 100 years on the average, would provide a sufficient degree of ])rotection to flood control works on the Feather River if similar control were provided on the Yuba and Bear rivers. This control also would be of material aid in reducing flood SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 257 flows in the lower Sacramento Valley. This control, as shown in Table 35, would require 521,000 acre-feet of storage space, which would be held in reserve in accordance with the rule given in Chapter VI. The reserve space would be held in tlie top portion of the reservoir and would occupy the upper 65 feet of the reservoir having a 580-foot dam. The effect of holding this space in the reservoir for controlling floods is best illustrated by showing its effect on two of the largest floods of record. The largest flood, that of March 19, 1907, with a maximum mean daily discharge of 187,000 second-feet could have been controlled to a flow not exceeding 100,000 second-feet at any time by the use of oOO.OOO acre-feet of the reserve storage space. The second largest flood, that of March 26, 1928, with a mean daily discharge of 143,000 second- feet and a peak discharge of 211,000 second-feet would have required only 169.000 acre-feet of storage space for its control to 100,000 second-'feet. The effect of this control on the worlcs aloug tlie Feather River has been discussed in Chapter VI. Cost of Reservoir and Power Plant. — Estimates of the cost of the Oro- ville reservoir were prepared for the four heights of dam shown in Table 82. These estimates were made as generally outlined in the fore part of this chapter and include all of the items except the power plant, which have been briefly described in the foregoing paragraphs. The costs are listed in Table 82. A somewhat detailed estimate is given in Table 80 for the reser- voir having a 580-ifoot dam. In this table, the items included under miscellaneous are a construction railroad and siding, a permanent camp and cleaning up after construction. The same items and similar unit prices were used in estimating the costs for reservoirs with other heights of dam. TABLE 80 COST OF OROVILLE RESERVOIR WITH FLOOD CONTROL FEATURES Height of dam, 580 feet. Capacity of resex'voir, 1,705,000 acre-feet. Capacity of overflow spillway, 200,000 second-feet. Capacity of flood control outlets, 100,000 second-feet. Exploration and core drilling $30,000 Diver.sion of river during construction 185,000 Clearing reservoir site 425,000 Excavation for dam, 2,452,000 cu. yds. at $2.50 to $5 $6, 58.'^, 000 Mass concrete, 7,838,000 cu. yds. at $6.85 5:!, 090,000 Reinforced concrete, 8400 cu. yds. at $15.50 to $24 145,000 Spillway gates 379,000 Tiiigation outlets and sluiceways 625,000 Flood control features 577,000 Drilling and grouting foundation 96,000 62,095,000 Lands and improvements flooded 25,208,000 Miscellaneous 100,000 Subtotal $88,043,000 Administration and engineering, 10 per cent 8,804,000 Contingencies, 15 per cent 13,206,000 Interest during construction based on a rate of 4.5 per cent per annum 16,347,000 Total cost of dam and reservoir $126,400,000 Tlic estimated cost for the 280,000 kilovolt ampere power i)]ant previously described in connection with the 580-foot dam is shown in Table 81. 17—80994 258 DIVISION' OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 81 COST OF POWER PLANT FOR OROVILLE RESERVOIR W ITU 580-FOOT DAM Installed capacity, 280,000 kilovolt amperes. Power factors 0.80. Load factor ^ 0.75. Intake .structures $540,000 Penstocks 5,535,000 Huilding and equipment 6,054,000 Subtotal $12,129,000 Admiiiistratii)n and engineering, 10 per cent 1,21:5,000 r<>ntinj?fiu-ies, 15 per ot-nt 1, Slit, 000 lni«Tfsi (hiring construction based on a rate of 4.5 per cent per annum l,o;{H,000 Total cost of power plant $1<;, 200,000 The total estimated capital cost of the Oroville re.servoir, with a 580-foot dam, and its power plant, wonld l)e $142,600,000. The annual eost for each of the four .sizes of reservoir previously referred to, without a power plant, was estimated on tiie bases shown in the fore part of this chapter and is given in Table 82. The annual costs of the Oroville reservoir and power plant, based on the capital costs given in Tables 80 and 81, are estimated to be $7,380,000 and $1,261,000 respectively, or a total of $8,641,000. Comparison of Sizes of Reservoir. — The principal use of the Oroville reservoir would be for the regulation of water for irrigation and salinity control. Although the salinity control demand would vary somewhat from that for irrigation, the relative cost of regulated water from reservoirs of different capacities may be compared on the basis of the of irrigation yield when operated primarily for that purpose. Comparisons of reservoirs of different capacities at the Oroville site therefore were made on the bases of the cost of storage, the cost of the total seasonal irrigation yield and yield in new water, the cost of the reservoir per acre-foot increase in each of these items, and tiie annual cost for irrigation water for both the total yield and the yield in new water. These items are given in tabular form in Table 82 and are shown graphically on Plate XXIX, ''Cost of Reservoir Capacity and Unit Yield of Water for Irrigation from Oroville Reservoir." The capital costs do not include the costs of power features and the annual costs are gross costs from which no deductions have been made for revenue from the sale of electric energy. The average annual revenue from the sale of electric energ\^ generated at the Oroville reservoir with the 580-foot dam and the Oroville afterbay, when operated pri- marily for irrigation with incidental i)ower, and the average net annual not covered liy revenue from the sale of this electric energy, are set forth in Table VMi. This table shows that the average net annual costs per acre-foot of total sea.sonal irrigation yield and yield in new water are considerably reduced by the revenue from the .sale of electric energy. The data in Table 82 and the curves on l*late XXIX indicate that the cost per acre-foot of yield in irrigation water from the Oroville re.servoir would increase as the height of dam, or size of reservoir, is increased. They also show that for heights above r)25 feet the rate of in costs would IxH'ome greater, while from this height down to 455 feet the unit costs would remain practically constant. This would indicate that about 525 feet is probably the most economical height to which a dam could be built. The total seasonal irrigation '!->'■ SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 259 00 U CO < O > U Ui en (1) > o Oi o o b z o H O O b M H < b O Q >J M J" H Z D Q Z < H O < < u u u u. o 8 c o U TD O O E r^ t^ r'l o C^ CI CO oo fe 3 a-^^ CO CO CO CO o o c z & a.o o — • ■— S P ■« CO m CO c^ "3-3 o.Si (M ^ oo o ci CI c^ CO •* H >. lo lo lo ! . I_i ,co j^ |»^ ; 2 "1 lo IcO 'OO I a ** >kO 'C» lO - ';^ ?. <^ 1 11-11 a> =2 CJ g.2 fe-S !o lo lo I CM .CO '^ «t^ 1 ce2 .t , 1 CO >0O 1 0.2 . lO 1 Oi 1 O 1 ^>> i«« • '^ ; ^ 1 I 1 1 o .2 o o o o o d 2 t- 0> O > «« 'a OJ O it !o !o io 1 ■ ifi I :0 '*0 1 1 O ■ Oa .1-1 ( . (O ' ^ H>- ' s^ < «» 1 1 < (-iC ■ III o o o o CO OO »-< GO ^ « -* UD -«t* CO O o OO I^ t^ I>- E-2 w» OT o o o o <=> o o o ^_ o o o o C3 O ■ 6» Ix o o o o o o o o o 1 "cS o o o o o o o o o o o o o 'o. O CO ■<*' t^ a Oo' W3 -O CM O CO Ci CM rji «♦ ^^ 1-t Sf" o o o o o o o o 2 l-s o o o o -m' e-5" o" O & £ CM CD -^r" 05 >> c feS C) t-- o ^ .-H »-H cm" CM*" o GJ ^ '■S ;5.= C3 bo ■£ o o o o 2« o o o o o o o o es .2^ a ^ CO o o o >^ a> Oi t^ I-" CO n l>-^ CM CO !>- C3 31 »-^ CM CM CM M ^.s o o o o <-. c o o o o o— ^ o o o o - CI >• t- M r^ oo" lo CO pacit ervoi cre-fi O IO O CO 00 CJ^ t^ C3S^ ^ ^ *-4 a VI es at 1 Eleva- tion of water surface, in feet © O iC o iO CM t-. O CO h- t^ 00 Sat lO »0 O U5 lO N 00 O t»a S •^ lO to ':a ■S-o — K o — 03 o o* CO .4A ^ 611 ^ ty C o fe X O '^ cc O M ^ "a J; a o C .£3 >» n n ID () O V3 m -n rn fi) >. s B F* -n rt o 01 •a 3 C9 .13 O e >H « 1-4 V 5« ta o •S.H 260 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PI.ATK XXIX Cost in millions of dollars Cost per acre-foot in dollars | ( 3 5 10 15 60 80 1 100 ! 120 600- Annu il cos / t / 600" Coi each a incf in St -550- (1) c E CO T3 >^ O a) X / 1 i / 0) c E ID •D O SI o> 0) I tof ere -foot 1 1 1 ,^ Average coat of ttorage 1 1 -550- Anr ual coal / / / / Zaplui :ost >rage \ 1 \ / / / \ 1 / / / / / 1 I 500- 1 1 500- / / / 1 / 1 \ \ ( 1 1 / CO RES ST ERV( F DIR \ 1 1 1 UNIT COST OF STORAGE 1 1 1 Capit al cos ; C ) 50 100 1 150 1 Cost per acre-foot in dollars Cost per dollars | c ) 40 / 80 / 12 t > I i d 1 1 ( 5 / 1 Average cost of new water / 1 Averagi cost of total yie d / \ ' ' 1 1 1 Cost of toUl yie V 1 ^oal of n iw wata f -^ 0) v *♦- c E IB TJ «•- O ? '« I 550- / 1 1 / / / ' 0) « c £ ID -D *•- O '5 I 550- / i 1 / / / / r / f 1 500- 1 1 l Cost of increase xch acn in total ew watc e-foot yield, r 500- / f or n 450- s IRRK COS EAS( 3ATIC roF DNAL )N Yl ELD 450- 1 ' AN OF RRIC NUAl SEAS 5ATIC . COJ JONA )N Yl 5T L ELD CO ST OF RE SEF ^VO IR ( 3AF '/> ^C Wator Resources of California and a Coordinated I'lan for Their I)eveloi)m«nt." Division of Engineering: and Irritration, SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIK 267 in the Deer Creek drainage basin. The main river is formed by three main forks, the North, Middle and South, vs'hich unite above the dam site. rise in tlie hiirli Sierra Nevada at elevations as high as 8000 feet. Elevations within the watershed vary from 290 feet at the dam site to a maximum of about 9100 feet at the crest of the mountains. The distribution of this area for three ranges of elevation is given in Table 84. Most of the area within the watershed is rough mountainous land. However, there are some lands, particularly on San Juan Ridge between the Middle and South forks, which are classified as agricultural and are partially irrigable. Water Supply. — The full natural and net run-offs were estimated at both the United States Geological Survey gaging station and the Nar- rows dam site. The general methods used in making these estimates are the same as described in Chapter II, in which chapter the seasonal full natural run-offs are tabulated for the gaging station. The stream discharge records which were obtained by the United States Geological Survey at the gaging station in The Narrows for the 26-year period 1903-1929, and records of diversion and storage obtained by other agencies were used in estimating the full natural run-offs. Estimates of run-off for the period prior to stream flow record were made from precipitation data which are available for a number of stations in the watershed, some of which have long records. Rainfall within the watershed varies from an average of 35 inches in one por- tion to an average of 80 inches per season in another. The monthly full natural run-offs at the gaging station for the period of record were obtained from the measured flows by adding the estimated net use of water for irrigation on the San Juan Ridge, in the areas near Sierra City and Goodyear Bar and in what is now the Nevada Irrigation District ; by adding the monthly diversions from the watershed bv the Drum and Brown 's Vallev Irrigation District canals : by adding the diversions to the Boardman Canal, and the losses from the South Yuba Canal ; and by adding water stored in and subtracting water released from the Bullards Bar, Spaulding and other Pacific Gas and Electric Company reservoii*s on tlie South Fork, and the Bowman and French reservoirs of the Nevada Irrigation District. The monthly ultimate net run-offs at the gaging station were obtained from the monthly full natural run-offs by deducting the ultimate net irrigation needs in the watershed above the gaging sta- tion ; by deducting the gross diversions to serve the ultimate irrigation requirements in the Bear River and Dry Creek watershed areas which would be served by Yuba River water; by deducting the diversions tlirough the Drum Canal ; and by deducting water stored in and adding water released from reservoirs now in use for both irrigation and power development and those which would be necessary for complete future irrigation development in the basin above the gaging station. The monthly present net run-offs were estimated in the same way as the ultimate except that present instead of ultimate uses were used. The estimated full natural and ultimate and present net run-offs at tlie dam sito wore o])taiiiod from the same ostimated run-offs at the gaging station by subtracting from the latter the estimated full natural and ultimate and present net run-offs, respectively, of the total Deer Creek drainage area. 268 DIVISION' OF WATER RESOURCES The seasonal full natural, ultimate net, and present net ruu-offs at the clam site are shown in Table 85. TABLE 85 SEASONAL RUN-OFFS OF YUBA RIVER AT NARROWS DAM SITE, 1889-1929 Season Full natural run-off, Ld acre-feet Present net run-off, in acre-feet Ultimate net run -off, in acre-feet 1889-1890 1890-1891 1891-1892 1892-1893 1893-1894 1894-1895 1895-1896 1896-1897 1897-1898 1898-1899 •— .. 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-1902 1902-1903 1903-1904 1904-1905 1905-1906 1906-1907 1907-1908 1908-1909 1909-1910 1910-1911 — 1911-1912 1912-1913 1913-1914. 1914-1915 1915-1916 1916-1917 1917-1918 1918-1919 1919-1920 1920-1921 1921-1922 1922-1923 1923-1924 1924-1925 1925-1926. 1926-1927 1927-1928 1928-1929 40-year means, 1889-1929 . 20-year means, 1909-1929 . 10-ycar means, 1919-1929 . 5-year means, 1924-1929 . 6,657,000 1,917,000 1,671,000 3,306,000 2,270,000 3,747,000 2,480,000 3,204,000 1,271,000 2,062,000 2,954,000 2,686,000 2,602,000 2,347,000 4,038,000 2,386,000 3,570,000 4,366,000 1,624,000 3,847.000 2,669,000 3,472,000 1,169,000 1,445,000 2,945,000 2,584,000 3,158,000 2,433,000 1,308,000 1,893,000 1,259,000 3,040,000 2,861,000 1,974,000 586,000 2,050,000 1,541,000 3,415,000 2,354,000 974,000 2,553,000 2,157,000 2,005,000 2,067,000 6.340,000 1,608,000 1,354,000 2,970,000 1,968,000 3,411,000 2,166,000 2.897.000 968,000 i.742,000 2,629,000 2,370,000 2,290,000 2,028,000 3.713.000 2,080,000 3,234,000 4,052,000 1,327,000 3,516,000 2,370,000 3,135,000 872,000 1,125,000 2,618,000 2,271,000 2.833.000 2,125,000 1.000.000 1,583.000 934,000 2,715,000 2,539,000 1,660,000 481,000 1.665,000 1.234,000 3,074,000 2,064,000 631,000 2,240,000 1,846,000 1,700,000 1,734.000 6,132,000 1,400,000 1,146,000 2.762,000 1,760,000 3,203,000 1,957,000 2,689,000 760,000 1,534.000 2,421,000 2,162,000 2,082,000 1,820,000 3.505,000 1,872,000 3,026,000 3,844,000 1,119,000 3,308,000 2,161,000 2,926,000 663,000 918,000 2,410,000 2,063.000 2,625,000 1.917.000 791,000 1,375,000 730,000 2,506,000 2.331,000 1,452,000 263.000 1,456.000 1,026,000 2,866,000 1,855,000 440.000 2,032,000 1,639.000 1,492,000 1,529,000 The wide variations in the seasonal, monthlv and dailv run-offs from the Yuba River are shown by the followin<; comparisons. Table Mf) .sliows that the maximum seasonal full natural run-olf in the 40-year period 188f)-l!>29 was G,(i57,000 acre-feet in 1889-1890 and the mini- mum was 586,000 acre-feet in 192:5-1924, a variation of from 261 per cent to 2:} per cent of the mean seasonal full natural run-off for the period. The average monthly distribution of the run-olf as determined from the estimated monthly full natural run-otfs at the Narrows dam site during the same 40-year period, is shown in Table 86. The varia- tion in the moan daily flows is indicated by the nuiximum discharges of 111,000 second-feet on Jainuiry 15, 1909', and 100,000 .second-feet on March 19, 1907, and a minimum discharge of 71 second-feet on Julv 30. 1924. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 269 TABLE 86 AVERAGE MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF RUN-OFF OF YUBA RIVER AT NARROWS DAM SITE Month January... February.. March April May June July August September. October.. - November. December. Totals Average full natural run-off In acre-feet In per cent of mean seasonal 208,000 10.50 310,000 12.14 392,600 15.38 447,000 17.51 477,200 18.69 207,600 10.48 73,200 2.87 25,400 0.99 23,200 0.91 34,800 1.36 90,300 3.54 143,700 5.63 2,553,000 100.00 Reservoir Site. — The lands which would have to be acquired for the Narrows reservoir are mostly steep and rougli and lie in the bottom and along the sides of the canyons of the main Yuba River and the Middle and South forks. There are small tracts of agricultural land and a few buildings in this site, principal among which is the small settlement at Bridgeport. The remainder of the lands are suitable only for grazing and are not particularly good for this purpose. The principal improvement that would be affected by the construc- tion of the reservoir is the Colgate power plant of the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, located on the Middle Fork near the upper end of the reservoir. A dam built to the proposed height of 580 feet would flood the present plant to a depth of 330 feet. It therefore would be neces- sary to reconstruct the power house at an elevation above the highest water level in the reservoir and an allowance was made in the cost estimates for constructing a modern plant of 7000 kilovolt ampere capacity, using the penstocks and flume which now carry water to the plant. An allowance also was made for compensation to the power company for the loss in energy on account of the decreased head on this plant. Credit was taken, however, for the estimated cost of moderniz- ing the present plant to make it comparable with the proposed new plant. The only other improvement which would be affected is a short length of wood pole power transmission line Avhich would have to be moved. No survey of the Narrows reservoir site was made during this investigation but the United States Geological Survey made a topo- graphic map of the site and vicinity in 1909. This map is published as the Parks Bar sheet and has a scale of two inches equals one mile and contour interval of 25 feet. It is believed to be of sufficient scale and accuracy for estimating reservoir capacities and was used for estimating those of the Narrows reservoir site. The areas measured from this map and the computed capacities of liie reservoir are given in Table 87. 270 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 87 AREAS AND CAPACITIES OF NARROWS RESERVOIR Height of dam, 'Water surface elevation of Area of water Capacity of in feet (5-foot surface. reservoir. freeboard) reservoir, io feet in acres in acre-feet 290 50 335 100 2,300 76 360 150 5,200 100 385 200 9,700 125 410 290 16.000 150 435 400 24.800 175 460 490 35,900 200 485 580 49,200 225 510 680 64,900 250 535 830 84.100 275 560 1,000 107,000 300 585 1,210 134,500 325 610 1,430 167,500 360 635 1,630 205,900 375 660 1,850 249,400 400 685 2,060 298,100 425 710 2,300 352,600 460 735 2,600 414,200 475 760 2,870 482,500 600 785 3,120 557,200 625 810 3,460 639,400 650 835 3,830 731.000 676 860 4,220 831.500 680 865 4,290 853.000 ' United States Geological Survey datum. Selection of Capacity of Reservoir. — An analysis of the operation and yields of the Narrows reservoir shows that any reservoir at this site with a reasonable height of dam would be unable to meet salinity control requirements in a year like 1924 with the existing irrigation and storage developments in the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River basins. If perfect salinity control would not be required, then the Narrows reservoir would be capable of meeting the situation. Although salinity control is one of the principal requirements of an initial unit in the Sacramento River Basin, the unit also should be capable of improving irrigation conditions in the Sacramento Valley and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and furnishing a supplemental water supply to the San Joaquin Valley and the industrial area along the south shore of Suisun Bay in Contra Costa County. Since the Narrows reservoir could not even accomplish perfect salinity control it is apparent that it could not accomplish these other desirable features in addition. It also is shown near the end of this chapter that a regulated water supply could be obtained more cheaply from other major reservoir units in the Sacramento River Basin tlian from the Narrows reservoir. This reser- voir, therefore, has not been considered for an initial development. It, however, would be one of the important major units for the ultimate development of the water resources of the entire Great Central Valley. As a unit in the ultimate developmont, the reservoir should have sufficient capacity to yield at least the amount of water required for the supply for the Yuba River water service area, which is given in Chapter V as 46r),0n0 acre-feet per season. Since, however, the mean soasonnl ultimate net run-off of tlie Yul)a River at the Narrows dam site would Jiave been over 2,000,000 acre-feet for the 40-year period 1880- 1929, and about 1,500,000 acre-feet for the ten-year dry period 1919- 1929, the greatest possible yield in excess of that necessary for the SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN . 271 Yuba River service area should be developed for other requirements in the ultimate development of the Great Central Valley. These requirements are irrijiation supplies for areas in the 8acramento Valley having insufficient supplies from their local streams, water for irriga- tion and salinity control in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, and water for supplemental supplies for the San Joaquin Valley and the San Francisco Bay Basin, both of which areas have insufficient local supplies for their full development. The Narrows dam site is topographically and, from indications, geologically favorable for a dam 580 feet high. It is shown hereinafter that the yield of the reservoir with this height of dam, when operated primarily for irrigation, would have been, during the 40-year period 1889-1929, 1,064,000 acre-feet per season with a maximum seasonal deficiency of 35 per cent. The minimum seasonal yield, therefore, would have been about 692,000 acre-feet which is more than is required for a perfect supply for the Yuba River service area. The surplus yield would be used for the other requirements for the ultimate. devel- opment of the Great Central Valley, stated above. While a reservoir with a 580-foot dam would have yielded 1,064,000 acre-feet per season during the 40-year period 1889-1929, distributed in accordance with the irrigation demand, this yield is only 52.4 per cent of the mean ultimate net run-off for the same 40-year period. This percentage is somewhat lower than that for some of the other reservoirs, which would indicate that a larger reservoir would be desirable. A dam somewhat higher than 580 feet could be built but this latter height appears to be most suitable for the topography of the site. That a reservoir with a dam of this height would have been required to obtain the desired accomplishments under a condition of ultimate development in the Great Central Valley, during the period 1918-1929, is shown by the discussion for the selection of the ultimate capacity of Kennett reservoir in this chapter, as this discussion also applies to the Narrows reservoir. A height of 580 feet, therefore, was selected for the dam for the Narrows reservoir as one of the major units of the State Water Plan. Dam and Power Plant. — A survey of the dam site was made by the State in 1930. A topographic map drawn from this survey at a scale of one inch equals 200 feet, with a contour interval of 10 feet, was used in lay- ing out and estimating the cost of the Narrows dam and power plant. No core drillings or other explorations were made at the site but a detailed geological examination was made, the report on whicli may be found in Appendix E. This examination determined the character of the foundation rock to be a massive diabase. The left abutment is a relatively steep cliff to a point about 200 to 300 feet above the stream bed. Above this clitf the outcropping rock is considerably jointed. Good sound rock for a dam foundation would be obtained by removing the decomposed rock at the surface and the soil overburden. A dam of the height proposed would require the construction of an auxiliary dam, which would be used as a spillway, in a saddle about one-fourth of a mile east of the main dam. Rock foundations also are available for this dam. 272 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PLATE XXXI Narrows Dam Site on Yuba River On account of the great height of this dam, the only type con- sidered is the gravity concrete. A sufficient quantity of suitable gravel and sand for the concrete for such a dam could be obtained in the river channel a short distance below the dam site. The laj'out for the dam, power plant and auxiliary dam is shown on Plate XXXII, "Narrows Reservoir on Yuba River." The main dam Avould be slightly arched in plan to fit the topog- raphy of the site. As previously stated, a reasonable amount of excava- tion would uncover a good firm rock foundation for the dam, capable of withstanding the pressures developed by it. There would be a cut-off wall at the upstream toe, beneath which any seams in the rock would be sealed by grouting. The foundation would be drained bj^ a row of drainage wells, just downstream from the upper cut-off wall, which would be connected to a gallery in the dam. Diversion of the stream floAv during the excavation for the founda- tion and construction of the lower portion of the dam in the stream channel would be accomplished by rock fill dams with clay blankets, above and below the limits of the toes of the dam. The water would be conveyed around tlie excavation by a concrete lined horseshoe shaped tunnel which would have a capacity of 5000 second-feet. This tunnel would be i)lugged and back-filled after the completion of the dam. The spillway, as previously stated, would be constructed in the auxiliary dam. The spillway section of this dam would be of the gravity concrete overfloAv type with an over-all length of 650 feet and would have a discharging capacity of 185,000 second-feet. The total length of the auxiliary dam would be 1260 feet and the maximum height 35 feet above the ground level. The two abutment sections would be of the gravity concrete type. Water j)assing over the spillway would be carried through an excavated channel, i)artially concrete lined, into a gulch leading into Deer Creek and through it back into the Yuba River, PI.ATK XXXII NARROWS RESERVOIR ON YUBA RIVER WITH POWER PLANT AND FLOOD CONTROL FEATURES t.o;»y.j_. PLATE XXXII 1000 r 8£i 2f9\ U-OU Ul O tJ o <" o w CREST ELEV. 870 FEET-^ -1 800 N^ ■ r--^ X ^ 600 N / s Ns * * / / 400 K A / ^ Pt* r1 / 200 r\ _ ■^SPILLWAY SECTION CREST ELEV. - 870 FEET— ^ 1/ 845 FEET 80O 600 400 200 l_iL| to d -i 4) C C o 400 80O 1200 Length in feet PROFILE OF DAM LOOKJNG UPSTREAM 160O 2000 400 SCO 1200 Length in feet PROFILE OF AUXILIARY DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM GENERAL PLAN OF DAM FEET 40O aoo !sii;i;i4 — p. 272 NARROWS RESERVOIR ON YUBA RIVER WITH POWER PLANT AND FLOOD CONTROL FEATURES SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 273 The flow over the spillway would be controlled by eleven hydraulieally operated steel sefrmental drum g:ates 50 feet long and 20 feet high set in the crest. These gates would be separated by ten-foot concrete piers in which the operating mechanism would be located. Outlets through the dam would be provided for controlling floods. These outlets would have a capacity of 70,000 second-feet with the Avater in the reservoir drawn down a sufficient depth to give the reserve storage space required for controlling floods to this amount. There Avould be 24 openings, each ten feet square, spaced 20 feet center to center, at a distance of 100 feet below the top of the dam. Flow through each outlet would be controlled by a caterpillar type self-closing sluice gate, at the upstream face of the dam, which would be protected by steel trash racks set in a semicircular concrete structure, and would be operated, from the top of the dam, in a concrete enclosed gate well extending to the top of the dam. Discharge from these outlets would flow over the downstream face of the dam into the river channel below. Outlets at a lower elevation also would be provided for the dis- charge of irrigation Avater and for draining the reservoir. There would be four of these outlets, each 82 inches in diameter, lined with steel. Two of these outlets would be located about 300 feet, and the other two about 520 feet, below the top of the dam. Flow through each outlet would be controlled by a caterpillar type self-closing sluice gate at the upstream face of the dam, which would be protected by steel trash racks mounted in a semicircular concrete structure and would be operated in a concrete enclosed gate well extending to the top of the dam. Additional control on each outlet would be provided by a slide valve located a short distance from the upstream end and operated from a chamber within the dam. One of the lower outlets would be provided also with an 82-inch balanced needle valve at its outlet end to give more accurate regulation of irrigation releases. The power house would be located on the left bank of the stream about 1200 feet below the dam. Water would be conveyed to it from the reservoir through a concrete lined horseshoe shaped tunnel 19 feet in diameter. At a point opposite the power house, the tunnel would divide into five steel pipe penstocks, 106 inches in diameter and 600 feet in length, which would carry the water to the five turbines in the power house. These steel penstocks would be laid in separate concrete lined tunnels 12.8 feet in diameter. Water would enter the main tunnel through a concrete gate tower over a vertical concrete lined shaft. Water would enter the tower through several openings, flow through each of which would be controlled by a caterpillar type sluice- gate operated from the top of the tower. Each gate would be protected by steel trash racks and would operate in a concrete enclosed gate well extending to the top of the tower. Studies to estimate the economic installation of generating equip- ment to be placed in the power house indicate that with a load factor of 0.75 and a power factor of 0.80, the generators should have a total capacity of 160,000 kilovolt amperes. This would be divided equally among five generators each of which would be direct connected to a vertical shaft variable head reaction turbine^^ Jhe power house would 18—80994 -| ooo« I ■J 008 W M ,mi^. liBO SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 273 The flow over the spillvray would be controlled by eleven hydraulically operated steel sejjmental drum gates 50 feet long and 20 feet high set in the crest. These gates would be separated by ten-foot concrete piers in which the operating mechanism would be located. Outlets through the dam would be provided for controlling floods. These outlets would have a capacity of 70,000 second-feet with the water in the reservoir drawn down a sufficient depth to give the reserve storage space required for controlling floods to this amount. There would be 24 openings, each ten feet square, spaced 20 feet center to center, at a distance of 100 feet below the top of the dam. Flow through each outlet would be controlled by a caterpillar type self-closing sluice gate, at the upstream face of the dam, which would be protected by steel trash racks set in a semicircular concrete structure, and would be operated, from the top of the dam, in a concrete enclosed gate well extending to the top of the dam. Discharge from these outlets would flow over the downstream face of the dam into the river channel below. Outlets at a lower elevation also would be provided for the dis- charge of irrigation water and for draining the reservoir. There would be four of these outlets, each 82 inches in diameter, lined with steel. Two of these outlets would be located about 300 feet, and the other two about 520 feet, below the top of the dam. Flow^ through each outlet would be controlled by a caterpillar type self-closing sluice gate at the upstream face of the dam. which would be protected by steel trash racks mounted in a semicircular concrete structure and would be operated in a concrete enclosed gate well extending to the top of the dam. Additional control on each outlet would be provided by a slide valve located a short distance from the upstream end and operated from a chamber within the dam. One of the lower outlets would be provided also with an 82-inch balanced needle valve at its outlet end to give more accurate regulation of irrigation releases. The power house would be located on the left bank of the stream about 1200 feet below the dam. Water would be conveyed to it from the reservoir through a concrete lined horseshoe shaped tunnel 19 feet in diameter. At a point opposite the power house, the tunnel would divide into five steel pipe penstocks, 106 inches in diameter and 600 feet in length, which would carry the water to the five turbines in the power house. These steel penstocks would be laid in separate concrete lined tunnels 12.8 feet in diameter. Water would enter the main tunnel through a concrete gate tower over a vertical concrete lined shaft. Water would enter the tower through several openings, flow through each of which would be controlled by a caterpillar type sluice- gate operated from the top of the tOAver. Each gate would be protected by steel trash racks and would operate in a concrete enclosed gate well extending to the top of the tower. Studies to estimate the economic installation of generating equip- ment to be placed in the power house indicate that with a load factor of 0.75 and a power factor of 0.80, the generators should have a total capacity of 160,000 kilovolt amperes. This would be divided equally among five generators each of which would be direct connected to a vertical shaft variable head reaction turbine^^ Jhe power house would 18—80994 274 DIVISION OE' WATER RESOURCES be of concrete and steel construction. Tlie transformers and protective equipment would be of the outdoor type. Yields of Reserruir in Water for Irrigation and in Hydroelectric Energy — Reservoir Operated Primarily for Irrigation. — A study was made to estimate the amounts of water that would iiave been made avail- able at the Narrows gaging station, for irrigation use, in each of the years from 1889 to 1929, with the reservoir operated primarily for supplying ii-rigation watei-, and tlie amount of this yield that would have l)een new water. Tiiese studies were made by tiie methods described in the fore part of this chapter. In making this study, the entire capacity of the reservoir was utilized in the 3'ears of deflciencj^ in supjily. The drafts from the reservoir were those that would have been necessary to sui)i)]ement the run-off from the area between the dam and the gaging station to give an irrigation draft at the latter point distributed in accordance with the demand in the Sacramento Valley. These studies indicate that a seasonal irrigation draft of 1.064,000 acre-feet would have been obtainable with a )naximum deficiency of 35 per cent in the driest year and an average of a little less than two per cent for the period. The seasonal yield in new water would have been 958,000 acre-feet, with corresponding deficiencies. A similar study was made for the reservoir operating primarily for irrigation with incidental power during the same 40-year period 1889-1929. This study differed from the previous one in that the entire capacity of the reservoir was not utilized, it being assumed that the reservoir would have been operated so that the minimum head for power development would have been 50 per cent of the maximum obtainable. It also was assumed that the power plant would have had the same installed capacity as that for the reservoir operating primarily for the generation of i)ower. With this method of operation, the annual yield in irrigation water, with deficiencies corresponding to those for the reser- voir operated primarily for irrigation without power, would have been 975,000 acre-feet, of which 869,000 acre-feet would have been new water. The electric energy would have had a low value on account of there being some months in each j^ear when none would have been generated. However, by a slight modification in releases so that some water would have been available for power in the months when none was released for irrigation uses, the irrigation yield would have been practically the same as with the former method of operation and the power value would have been substantially increased. The average annual electric enei-gy output with this mo(lified op(M-;ition would have been 52HJ ()(),()( K) kilowatt hours. The value of this eni-rgy at the power plant, based on the cost of producing an e(iuivalent amount of electric energy of the same characteristics with a steam-electric plant located in the area of consumption, taking into account tiie cost of transmis- sion from the point of generation to the load center, was estimated to be $.00235 per kilowatt hour. The average annual revenue at this value would have been $1,241,000. Yields of Reservoir in Ilydroelectt-ic Energy and in Water for Irriga- tion — Reservoir Operated Primarily for Generation of Power. — A study also was made to estimate the amount of electric energy that would iiave been developed in the 40-year jx'riod 1889-1929 with the reservoir operated primarily for this purpose, and the amount of new water that SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 275 would have been made availal)le with this method of operation of the reservoir. The study was made by the method described in the fore part of this chapter. Tlie 160,000 kilovolt ampere plant operated on a load 'factor of 0.75 and with a power factor of 0.80 would have pro- duced an average annual output of 570,300,000 kilowatt hours. The output in the minimum year would have been 33:5,000,000 kilowatt hours and in the maximum year 695,600,000 kilowatt hours. The value of this electric energy was estimated to be $.00298 per kilowatt hour. The average annual revenue at this value would have been $1,699,000. The reservoir while operating primarily for the generation of power, would have made available an annual yield of 377,000 acre-feet of water which would have been availal)le for irrigation, distributed in accordance with the irrigation demand. This yield would have had a maximum seasonal deficiency of four per cent and an average for the 40-year period of two per cent. This yield amounts to 35 per cent of that with the reservoir operated primarily for irrigation. Of this yield, 271,000 acre-feet would have been new water. This is 28 per cent of the yield in new water with the reservoir operated primarily for irri- gation. Flood Control. — The reservoir could be used to control flows to certain specified amounts at the Narrows gaging station the same as if the dam were located at that point. This could be accomplished by releasing water at such a rate that the controlled flows would not exceed these amounts. Curves on Plate VIII and data in Table 32 in Chapter VI show the probable frequency of occurrence of mean daily flood flows of certain amounts at the gaging station. The reservoir spaces required at this point to control flood flows which are expected to occur at different intervals of time, to certain specified amounts below the gaging station, are shown by the curves on Plate X and the data in Table 35, in the same chapter. The selected controlled flow at the gaging station is 70,000 second- feet, exceeded once in 100 years on an average. It is believed that this control would give sufficient protection to the lands and flood control works along the Yuba River. It also would materially aid in reducing the flood flows in the Feather and lower Sacramento rivers, thereby increasing the degree of protection afforded by the flood control works along these streams. This control would require 272,000 acre-feet of reserve storage space, which wouhl he held in reserve in accordance with the rule given in ('hapter VI. Th(> reserve space would occupy the upper 73 feet of the reservoir. The effectiveness of the reservation of this amount of space 'for controlling floods is illustrated by showing its effect on two of the largest floods of record. The largest flood, that of January, 1909, with a maximum mean daily discliarge of 111,000 second-feet, would have been controlled to a flow not exceeding 70,000 second-feet by the iLse of 155,000 acre-feet of the reserve storage space. The flood of March, 1907, with a maximum mean daily discharge of 100,000 second-feet, would have required only 89,000 acre-feet of storage space for its control to a maximum flow of 70,000 second-feet. Cost of Reservoir and Power Plant. — Estimates of the costs of the Nar- rows dam, reservoir and power plant were made as generally outlined 276 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES in the fore part of tliis cliapter and include all of tlie items which have been briefly described in the foregoing paragraphs. These estimates are shown in Tables 88 and 89. The items included under miscel- laneous, in the cost estimate in Table 88 are a construction railroad, a short railroad spur to the gravel pit, a permanent camp and cleaning up after construction. TABLE 88 COST OF NARROWS RESERVOIR WITH FLOOD CONTROL FEATURES Tloight of dam, 580 feet. Capacity of reservoir, 853,000 acre-feet. Capacity of overflow spillw^ay, 185,000 second-feet. Capacity of flood control outlets, 70,000 second-feet. Exploration and core drilling $30,000 Divcr-sion of river during con.struction 235,000 Clearing reservoir site 215,000 Excavation for dam 1,010,000 cu. yds. at $2.50 to $5 $2,844,000 Mass concrete, 4,044,000 cu. yds. at $6.35 25,679,000 Keinforced concrete, 6,500 cu. yds. at $15 to $23.50 109,000 Spillway gates 330,000 Spillway channel 240,000 Irrigation outlets and sluiceways 294,000 Flood control features 362,000 Drilling and grouting foundation 76,000 29,934,000 Lands and improvements flooded 1,406,000 Miscellaneous 1,033,000 Subtotal $32,853,000 Administration and engineering, 10 per cent 3,285,000 Contingencies, 15 per cent 4,928,000 Interest during construction based on a rate of 4.5 per cent per annum 4,534,000 Total cost of dam and reservoir $45,600,000 TABLE 89 COST OF POWER PLANT FOR NARROWS RESERVOIR Installed capacity, 160,000 kilovolt amperes. Power factor = 0.80. Load factor = 0.75. Intake structure $226,000 Penstocks 1,671,000 Building and equipment 3,703,000 Subtotal $5,600,000 Administration and engineering, 10 per cent ." 560,000 Contingencies, 15 per cent 840,000 Interest during construction based on a rate of 4.5 per cent per annum 400,000 Total cost of power plant $7,400,000 The total estimated capital cost of the Narrows reservoir with a 580-foot dam, and its power plant, is $53,000,000. The annual costs for the reservoir and power plant, estimated on the bases given in the fore part of this chapter and the capital costs given in Tables 88 and 89, would be $2,761,000 and $603,000 respec- tively, or a total of $3,364,000. Camp Far West Reservoir on Bear River. Since the run-off of the Bear River is relatively small, there would be very little, if any, yield from a reservoir constructed on it in excess of the irrigation requirements of its own water service area described in Cliapter V. The need for a major reservoir unit of the State Water Plan on the Bear River, therefore, would be principally to regulate as large a portion of the run-off of the stream as practicable for this pur- pose, thereby conserving water which might be obtained for the area SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 277 from major reservoir units on other streams for use in areas in the Great Central Valley where there is no local water supply or an insuf- ficient supply for full development. There are two reservoir sites on the Bear River which could be developed to about the same capacity. The site formerly included in the Coordinated Plan* for the development of the water resources of California was the Parker site about five miles upstream from the Auburn-Grass Valley State highway crossing. That site, however, does not offer as good an opportunity for control of the run-off from the entire watershed as the Camp Far West site about six miles northeast of the town of Wheatland. Furthermore, the Parker site probably will be utilized for developing a water supply for the lands in the foot- hill area. In these investigations and studies, it has been so utilized in evolving a plan for the ultimate irrigation development of these lands. For these reasons, the Camp P^ar West site was selected for the major reservoir unit in the State Water Plan on the Bear River. The site for the dam for the Camp Far West reservoir is located in Section 21, T. 14 N., R. 6 E., M. D. B. and M. There is a concrete dam at this site at the present time, which is used by the Camp Far West Irrigation District to store about 5000 acre-feet of water. The site is satisfactory, however, for a dam which would create a much larger reservoir. The area of the drainage basin above the Camp Far West site is about 282 square miles, which is 20 square miles more than the area above the United States Geological Survey gaging station at Van Trent. This additional area lies mostly in the watershed of Rock Creek which enters the river within the reservoir site. The drainage basin contains only about 1.3 per cent of the total mountain and foothill area of the Sacramento River Basin. The Bear River watershed is a narrow basin lying between the Yuba and American river basins and does not reach the crest of the Sierra Nevada. The stream heads at an elevation of about 5300 feet, just south of Lake Si)aulding, and the elevation of the stream bed at the Camp Far West dam site is a little less than 150 feet. The distribution of the area by three ranges of elevation is given in Table 1 in Chapter II for the basin above the gaging station and this is practically the same distribution as at the dam site. The drainage basin is all mountain and foothill land but it is not as rugged as the upper watersheds of the adjoining major streams. There is very little forest cover in the basin. A large ])ortion of the watershed lies at low elevation and snow that falls in the basin disappears in the early spring. A considerable area of the foothill land is suitable for agriculture and some of this land is now included in the Nevada Irri- gation District. Water Supply. — Although the watershed above the dam site is slightly larger than above the gaging station at Van Trent, the additional area lies at low elevation and is not productive of much run-off. The run- off at the dam site, therefore, has been assumed to be the same as at the gaging station. Information on flie run-off at the dam site wa.s obtained from stream flow records kept by the United States Geological Survey at the * Bulletin No. 12, "Summary Report on the Water Re.source.s of California and a Coordinated Plan for their Pevelonment," Division of Engineering and Irrigation, 1927. 278 DFV'ISIOX OF WATER RESOURCES Van Trent station from October, 1904, to January, 1928, a period of about 28j years. The construction of the present Camp Far West reservoir interfered with the flow measurements at this station, so in October, 1928, a new station was established near Wheatland and after that date the dlscliarge records at this latter station were used to estimate the run-off at the dam site. Water is diverted into the Bear River water.shed above the Van Trent gafrinjr station from both the Yuba and American rivers. The diversion from the Yuba River is made by the Drum Canal which heads at Lake Spaulding; and conveys water to the Drum Power House on Bear River. The diver.siou from the American River Avas formerly made through the Towle Canal but this canal has been abandoned and the diversion is now made through the Lake Valley Canal which flows into the Drum Canal. Diversions of water from the watei-shed above the Van Trent gaging .station are made by the Boardman, Bear River and Gold Hill canals, all of which head on the south side of the river. The Board- man Canal diverts water from both the Bear River and Drum Canal. The Bear River Canal diverts Avater from the river some distance below the Drum Power House and therefore may take both Bear River water and that imported from the Yuba and American rivers. Tiie water diverted through both of these canals is used for the genera- tion of power and for irrigation and domestic use. The Gold Hill Canal diverts water at a point about due north of the city of Auburn for irrigation in the areas northwest of Auburn and Newcastle. Records of flow in these canals at different points, and in the Bear River at the intake of the Bear River Canal, were available for this investigation and were used to estimate past, present and future diversions into and out of the drainage basin. The general methods of estimating the full natural, the present net, and the ultimate net run-offs at gaging stations and other selected points have been given in Chapter H, in wliich chapter the seasonal full natural run-offs are tabulated for the gaging station. Estimates of run-off for the period prior to obtaining stream flow records were iiiadc from jirocipitation data for stations within the watershed. Tliese data wei'e available for sevci-al stations having records of con- siderable length. Precipitation within the watershed, as shown by the records at the precii)itation stations varies from a mean of 26 inches per season in one ])ortion to 72 inches in another. The monthly full natural run-otfs at the gaging station for the l)eriod of recoi'd, were obtained from the measured flows by adding the diversions out of the watershed by the Gold Hill. Bear River, and canals; by subtracting the diversions into the watersiied by the Drum, Towle, and Lake Valley canals; l)y adding water stored in and subtracting water released from the Bear Valley and Van Giesen reservoirs during the time that they were in operation; and by adding the estimated net amounts of water used for irrigation above the station. The monthly idtimate nt't run-offs at the gaging station w'ere obtained from the montldy lull natural runoffs by adding the dis- charges from tlic Drum and Lake Valley canals; by subtracting the diversions from the water.shed by the Be;ir River Canal ; bv subtract- SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 279 ing water stored in and adding water released from the proposed Parker reservoir ; by subtracting the gross diversions for irrigation both within the watershed and in the area between the Bear and American rivers watered by Bear River water ; and by adding the return flow from the areas irrigated Mdthin the watershed. The seasonal full natural and ultimate net run-offs at the Van Trent gaging station, whieli are assumed to be the same as at the dam site, are shown in Table 90. TABLE 90 SEASONAL RUN-OFFS OF BEAR RIVER AT VAN TRENT, 1889-1929 Season 1889-1890-. 1890-1891 1891-1892 1892-1893 1893-1894 1894-1895 1895-1896 1896-1897 1897-1898 1898-1899 1899-1900 __ 1900-1901 1901-1902 1902-1903. 1903-1904 1904-1905 1905-1906-.. 1906-1907 1907-1908. 1908-1909 1909-1910 1910-1911 1911-1912 1912-1913 1913-1914 1914-1915 1915-1916 1916-1917 1917-1918 1918-1919 1919-1920 1920-1921 1921-1922... 1922-1923 1923-1924 1924-1925 1925-1926 1926-1927. 1927-1928 1928-1929.. 40-year means, 1889-1929 20-.vear means, 1909-1929 10-ycar means, 1919-1929 5-year means, 1924-1929 Full natural Ultimate net run-off, run-off, in acre-feet in acre-feet 1,212,000 1,116,000 235,000 240,000 242,000 190,000 553,000 519,000 336,000 306,000 841,000 792,000 560,000 524,000 399,000 387,000 129,000 131,000 251,000 192,000 388,000 345,000 425,000 394,000 351,000 319,000 338,000 310,000 679,000 626,000 375,000 341,000 618,000 570,000 782,000 757,000 246,000 220,000 575,000 548,000 317,000 285,000 567,000 523,000 152,000 141,000 177,000 154,000 502,000 456,000 430,000 384,0011 605,000 565,000 361,000 332,000 147,000 138,000 318,000 272,000 145,000 135,000 486,000 437,000 437,000 388,000 363,000 320,000 66,000 101,000 268,000 209.000 243,000 218,000 523,000 479,000 329,000 304,000 124,000 129,000 402,000 370,000 328,000 299,000 298,000 273.000 297.000 268,000 Like the other .streams in tlie Sacramento River Basin, the Bear River has wide variations in its seasonal, montlily, and daily run-offs. The variations in the full natural and ultimate net seasonal run-offs at tlie gaging station are shown by the amounts given in Table 90. From that table it will be seen that the maximum seasonal full natural run-off in the 40-year period 1889-li>29 was 1,212,000 acre-feet in 1889-1890. and that tlie minimum was 66,000 acre-feet in 1923-1924, a variation of from 302 per cent to 16 per cent of the mean seasonal full natural run-off for the period. The average monthly distributioa 280 DIVISION' OF WATER RESOURCES of the run-off as determined from the estimated monthly full natural run-offs at the gaging station, during the same 40-year period, is shown in Table 91. The variation in the mean daily flows is indicated by the maximum discharge of 25.800 second-feet on March 19, 1907, and 25,300 second-feet, with a peak discharge of 29,600 second-feet, on January 14, 1909; and a minimum mean daily discharge of 1.8 second-feet on October 2, 1924. TABLE 91 AVERAGE MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF RUN-OFF OF BEAR RIVER AT VAN TRENT Month January... February.. March April May June July August September. October... November. December. Totals Average full natural run-off In acre-feet 76,400 87,100 78,300 51,100 25,200 13.600 6,000 4,600 4,800 8,000 13,000 33,900 402.000 In per cent of mean seasonal 19.01 21.67 19.48 12.71 6.27 3.38 1.49 1.15 1.19 1.99 3.23 8.43 100.00 Reservoir Site. — The lands required for the Camp Far West reservoir are mostly unimproved low foothill lands along the Bear River and Rock Creek. There are no towns or settlements in the site and very few buildings and improvements. A part of the area is now flooded by the present Camp Far "West reservoir. The principal improve- ments which would be flooded are the old Dairy Farm Mine, which has not been in operation for a number of years, and several miles of county roads. The roads could be relocated readily so that there would be no interference with travel. A topographic survey of the Camp Far West reservior site to an elevation of 225 feet was made by the Camp Far West Irrigation Dis- trict in 1922. This survey Avas extended to elevation 320 feet by the State in 1930 and a map was drawn from both surveys at a scale of one inch equals 500 feet with a contour interval of ten feet. The water surface areas measured from this map and the computed capacities of the reservoir are shown in Table 92. Selection of Capacity of Reservoir. — An analysis of the run-offs of the Boar River watershed and of the operation and yields of the Camp Far West reservoir sliow that no reservoir at this site could supply sufficient water to control salinity conditions in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, which is one of the principal requirements of an initial unit in the Saeramonto River Basin. The unit cost of the yield in water from the Camp Far West reservoir which could be used for salinity control or irrigation also is greater tiian that from any other major unit in the Sacramento River Basin except the Oroville reservoir. This reservoir, SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 281 therefore, was not considered for development as an initial unit but is included in the State Water Plan as one of the major units for ultimate development. TABLE 92 AREAS AND CAPACITIES OF CAMP FAR WEST RESERVOIR Height of dam, 'Water surface elevation of Area of water Capacity of in feet (5-foot surface. reservoir. freeboard) reservoir, in feet in acres in acre-feet 145 20 160 70 50O 30 170 100 1,400 40 180 140 2,500 50 190 180 4,200 60 200 260 6,500 70 210 380 9,800 80 220 480 14,000 90 230 600 19,400 100 240 730 26,100 110 250 890 34,200 120 260 1,060 43,900 130 270 1,260 55,500 140 280 1,500 69,300 150 290 1,750 85,600 160 300 2,020 104,400 170 310 2,330 126,100 180 320 2,620 151,000 ' United States Geological Survey datum. As a unit in the ultimate development, the Camp Far West reser- voir should have sufficient capacity to yield at least the amount of water required for the supply for the Bear River water service area, which is given in Chapter V as 187,000 acre-feet per season, gross allowance. Studies of the irrigation yield of the reservoir with a 180- foot dam show that it would have been 192,000 acre-feet per season during the 40-year period 1889-1929, with a maximum seasonal defi- ciency of 23 per cent. This shows that a reservoir of this size would have been large enough to furnish sufficient water for the entire service area in seasons of full supply but that there would have been a defi- ciency in other seasons, with a maximum of 39,000 acre-feet. It would be desirable, therefore, to have a reservoir larger than that created by a 180-foot dam, but since the dam site is not topographically favorable for a higher structure and since deficiencies in irrigation supply for the Bear River v.ater service area could be made up from the Narrows reservoir on Yuba River, the 180-foot height was selected for the Camp Far AVest dam. Dam and Appurtenant WorlxS. — A survey of tlie dam site was made by the state in 1930. A topographic map drawn from this survey at a scale of one inch equals 200 feet, with a contour interval of ten feet, was used in laying out and estimating the cost of the Camp Far West dam. A dam 180 feet in height at this site Avould have a length of 7720 feet but a large portion of this length would be a low dike not exceeding 30 feet high. The only explorations at the dam site are a few borings made in the center of the river by the Camp Far West Irrigation District, to determine the depth of the gravel fill. A geo- logical examination of the site, however, was made during this investi- gation. The report on this examination may be found in Appendix E. 282 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES According to the greologist, the entire dam could be founded on rock with a reasonable amount of excavation of the overlying soil and decom- posed surface rock. PLATE XXXIII Camp Far West Dam Site on Bear River The dam would consist of three sections. The main section across the river channel and up the slopes on both sides would be of the gravity concrete type. This section Avould be 2120 feet in length. At each end of this concrete section there would be an earth fill section extending along the ridge to an elevation 10 feet above the maximum water surface in the reservoir. The section at the right abutment would be 4500 feet in length and the one at the left abutment would be 1100 feet in length. The layout for the dam is shown on Plate XXXIV, "Camp Far "West Reservoir on Bear River." The main section of the dam would have a curved alignment at the right abutment to fit the topography of the site. The central por- tion of tile dam across the stream channel would contain the spillway section and would be of the gravity concrete overflow type. The entire concrete dam would rest on firm rock which would require excavation of all th(» overlying soil and the decomposed rock. There would be a cut-otf Avail at the upstream toe, beneath which the foundation rock would be sealed by grouting. The foundation also would be drained by a row of deep drainage wells, just downstream from upper cut-off wall, which would be connected to a gallery in the dam. (iravel for tiie concrete for the dam could be o])tained from dredge tailings in the cliannel downstream from the dam, and sand couI SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN" 283 Diversion of the stream flow during the excavation for the founda- tion in the stream channel could be accomplished by the use of the present dam as an upstream coffer dam with pipe extensions of the present outlets to carry the Avater below a coffer dam downstream from the excavations for the new dam. The si)illway as previously stated, would be located in the section of the dam across the stream channel. It would have an over-all length (if 140 feet and a capacity of 40,000 second-feet. Flow over it would be controlled by three hydraulically operated steel segmental drum gates 40 feet in length and 20 feet high, set in the crest. These gates would be separated by ten-foot concrete piers in which the operating mechanism would be located. The water from the spillway would flow over the doAvnstream face of the dam into the main river channel which, on account of the rock formation, would require no protection. Outlets through the dam would be provided for controlling floods. These outlets would have a capacity of 20,000 second-feet with the water in the reservoir drawn down a sufficient depth to give the reserve storage space required for controlling floods to this amount. There Avould be seven openings ten feet square, spaced 20 feet center to center and located 50 feet below the top of the dam. Flow through each outlet would be controlled by a caterpillar type self-closing sluice gate, at the upstream face of the dam, which would be protected by steel trash racks mounted in a semicircular concrete structure extending to the top of the dam. Two other outlets would be provided at a depth O'f 125 feet below the top of the dam to be used for sluiceways and the discharge of irri- gation water. These outlets would be 50 inches in diameter and would be lined with steel. Flow through each outlet would be controlled by a caterpillar-type sluice gate, at the upstream face of the dam, and also by an auxiliary slide valve, near the inlet, operated from a chamber within the dam. One outlet also would be provided with a 50-inch balanced needle valve at its outlet end to give more accurate regulation of the releases. Each caterpillar gate would ])e protected by steel trash racks set in a semicircular concrete structure and would operate in a concrete enclosed gate well extending to the top of the dam. Yield of Beservoir in Water for Irrigation. — A study was made to esti- mate the amounts of water that would have been made available at the dam site for irrigation, with the reservoir operated primarily for this use, in each of the years from 1889 to 1929, and the amount of this yield that Avould have been new water. The study was made by the methods described in the fore part of this chapter. In making it the entire ca])acity of tlie reservoir was utilized in the years of deficiency in supply. The study indicates that a seasonal irrigation draft of 192,000 acre-feet M'ould have been obtainable with a maximum deficiency of 23 per cent in the driest year and an average of two i)er cent for the period. The seasonal yield in new water would have been 1)^0,000 acre- feet, with corresponding deficiencies. Flood Control. — Flood control on the Bear River is not of as great importance as on the other major streams along the east side of the Sacramento Valley as its peak flows are not as large. Some damage to Ihe lands and flood control works along flic l'»eai- Kivcr occurs from 284 DIVISION" OF WATER RESOURCES maximum floods, however, and control to smaller amounts, therefore, would benefit lands adjacent to the river and also would have some effect in increasinj? the degree of protection along the lower Feather and Sacramento rivers. Curves on Plate VIII and data in Table 32 in Chapter VI show the probable frequency of occurrence of flood flows of certain amounts at the Van Trent gaging station, which is practically the same location as the Camp Far West dam site. The reservoir spaces required at that point to control flood flows which are expected to occur at different intervals of time, to certain specified amounts below the dam, are shown by the curves on Plate X and the data in Table 35, in the same chapter. The control of floods to a flow of 20,000 second-feet below the dam, exceeded once in 100 years on the average, would require 50,000 acre- feet of reserve storage space, which would be held in reserve in accord- ance with the rule given in Chapter VI. The effect of holding this reserve space for controlling floods is best illustrated by showing its effect on two of the largest floods of record. The flood of March 19, 1907, with a maximum mean daily dis- charge of 25,800 second-feet, would have been controlled to 20,000 second-feet flow by the of 11,500 acre-feet of reserve storage space. The flood of January 14, 1909, wdth a maximum mean daily discharge of 25,300 second-feet and a crest of 29,600 second-feet, would have required 15,300 acre-feet of storage space for its control to 20,000 second- feet. It may be seen, therefore, that the space which would be reserved would control floods much larger than any of w^hich there is definite knowledge. Cost of Reservoir. — An estimate of the cost of the reservoir was made as generally outlined in the fore part of this chapter and includes all of the items which have been briefly described in the foregoing para- graphs. The items included under miscellaneous in the cost estimate are a construction railroad from the Southern Pacific railroad to the dam site, a railroad spur to the gravel pit. a permanent camp, and cleaning up after construction. No ])ower plant is proposed in connec- tion with this reservoir. The estimated cost of the reservoir is shown in Table 93. TABLE 93 COST OF CAMP FAR WEST RESERVOIR WITH FLOOD CONTROL FEATURES Height of dam, 180 feet. Capacity of re.servcir, 151,000 acre-feet. Capacity of overflow spillway, 40,000 second-feet. Capacity of flood control outlets, 20,000 second-feet. Exploration and core drilling $20,000 Diversion works utilizing existing dam 10,000 CltarinR reservoir site 130,000 E.\cavation for dam, 245,000 cu. yds. at $1 to $5 1676.000 iioiurete, 465,000 cu. yds. at $6.75 to $9 3,157,000 KarthliU, 280,000 cu. yd.s. at $0.50 140.000 Hoiiiforced concrete, 10,300 cu. yds. at $12 to $24 135,000 Spillway gates 72.000 Irrigation outlets and sluiceway .Tfi.OOO Flood control features 96.000 Drilling and grouting foundation 50.000 — ^^^-^— ^— 4,o0i.000 I^nds and improvements flooded o^K'ftnn Miscellaneous 245,000 Subtotal - '''•?S3'Snn Administration and engineering. 10 per cent ari nnn Contingencies. 15 jum- cent o a n Interest during construction based on a rate of 4.5 per cent per annum 214,000 Total cost of dam and reservoir . $6,500,000 SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 285 The annual cost of the dam and reservoir estimated on the bases given in the fore part of this chapter and the capital cost given in Table 93 would be $403,000. American River Unit. Unlike the plans of development for the other major streams of the Sacramento River Basin, three major reservoirs on the American River are proposed in the State Water Plan for the development of its water resources. In former plans * for the development of the water resources of the Sacramento Valley, only the Folsom reservoir was needed to regulate the amount of water required from the Amer- ican River. The Folsom site, however, due to topographic conditions, can not readily be developed to a size adequate to regulate the propor- tion of the stream's run-off required for the development of the Great Central Valley under the State Water Plan, and two other storage reservoirs higher on the stream are required. The storage reservoirs would be located on the main stream near Folsom, on the North Fork near Auburn, and on the South Fork near Coloma. They are called the Folsom, Auburn, and Coloma reservoirs, respectively. There are in addition to the storage reservoirs, sites for two power drops, one below each of the two upper reservoirs, which could be developed in connec- tion with the storage projects, and a site for a reregulating afterbay below the Folsom reservoir. One power drop would be located on the North Fork below the mouth of Pilot Creek, and the other on the South Fork below the mouth of Webber Creek. Each was named for the creek which it would be near. The Folsom afterbay dam would be located just above the highway bridge at Folsom. The locations of the reser- voir and power features are shown on Plate XXXV, ''American River Unit." A report ** on the proposed development of the American River was made in 1929 for the Joint Legislative Committee of 1927 on Water Resources, and the State Department of Finance. This report analyzed the proposed hydroelectric project of the American River Hydro- electric Company and showed the service obtainable from the develop- ment in flood control, salinity control and irrigation. The present report analyzes the American River unit of the State Water Plan without reference to any development proposed by other interests. The first requirement of the major storage reservoirs on the Amer- ican River would be to supply water for the irrigation of the lands lying within the American River water service area described in Chap- ter V. This supply, however, would be only about one-third of the ultimate net run-off of the stream and, therefore, since studies that were made indicate that all of the water which can l)e economically developed in the Sacramento River Basin by the operation of the State Water Plan will ultimately be required for the full development of the Great Central Valley, the three major storage reservoirs on the American River will be required to develop as large a proportion of * Bulletin No. 9, "Supplemental Report on Water Resources of California," Division of Engineering and Irrigation, 1925. Bulletin No. 12, "Summary Report on the Water Resources of California and a Coordinated Plan for their Development," Division of Engineering and Irrigation, 1927. *• Bulletin No. 24, "A Proposed Major Development on American River," Division of Water Resources, 1929. 286 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES the water resources of the stream as practicable for this purpose. The water regulated by these reservoirs which would be surplus to the irri- gation supply for the American River water service area would be required for a supplemental irrigation supply for the Dry Creek and Cosumnes, Mokelumne and Calaveras River water service areas which would have insufficient supplies from their local streams, for salinity control and irrigation in tlie Sacramento-San Joatjuin Delta, and for exportation to the San Joaquin Valley and San Francisco Bay Basin to sui)i)Icment local supplies in those areas for irrigation and industrial uses. Water Supply. — The gaging station having the longest record on the American River is located at the highway bridge at P'airoaks. Dis- charge records have been obtained at this station by the Ignited States Geological Survey since October, 1904. A brief description of the watershed above this station is given in Chapter II. Other principal gaging stations are maintained by the Geological Survey near East Auburn, Colfax and Camino on the Middle, North and South Forks of the American River, respectively. Discharge records obtained at these stations and records of diversions and storage obtained by other agencies, were used in estimating the full natural run-offs at these gaging stations during the period of stream discharge records. In estimating these run-offs, the methods described briefly in Chapter II were used. The monthly full natural run-offs at the Fairoaks gaging station for the 25-year period of record, 1904-1929, were obtained from the recorded run-offs by adding the estimated diversions by the Pilot Creek, Towle or Lake Valley, El Dorado, Webber Creek, Nigger Hill, North Fork, and Natomas ditches and the Alder Creek pumping plant ; by adding water stored in and subtracting water released from the Twin Lakes, Silver Lake, IModley Lakes, AVebber Creek and Lake Valley reservoirs; by subtracting water diverted into the watershed from Echo Lake; by subtracting water diverted into the river from the tail- race of the "Wise power plant ; and by adding estimated return flow to the river. The seasonal full natural run-oft's at the Fairoaks gaging station are given in Table 5 in Chapter II. The monthly full natural run-offs of the North Fork above its junction Avith the Middle Fork were estimated from the records obtained l)y tlie United Slates (Jeological Survey at the gaging station near Colfax for tlie IS-year period 1911-192!). The montldy full natui-al run-oft's for the period of record were estimated from tlie nu^a.sured run-oft's by a(hling water stored in and subtracting water released from Lake Valley reservoir, and adding the net diversion from the watershed by the Towle oi- Lake \'alley canal during the pei-iod eaeh was in operation. The monthly full natural run-offs of the IMiddle Fork above its junction \\\\\i the North Foi-k were estiinatcMl from the records obtained by the United States Geological Survey at the gagijig station near East Auburn, which is at the (puirry of the Pacific J'ortland Cement Coiiijiany, for the IH-year period 1911-1929. The monthly full natural run-otTs for the period of record were estimated from the measured run-offs by adding the estiiualed amount of water div(>rted ])y the Pilot Creek Ditch. 'toitasf jLii« ■:>Ol»h ooo» OOde OOS; > \ ^ M ; S P MAO 10 ajROflS MABHTeSU OMIMOOJ ♦.lAj'i ^ArijUJJ PLATE XXNV COLOMA flESERVOIR UeURN RESERVOIR Hi folsom ,.■■'»- — FOLSOM RESERVOIR heekN OIR COLOUl DIU ^f^^ ^ s^ "•- -5= ^__ _^^ ^ ^ ^^ majsiss .^i^ ^^ S ^S ^ :»s^ ^ss. ^ =A ■^^^^ ^^ ■=^ ^?5 =^;^ -=-:^=-- ^ :S3 ^ ie?r =^^ P E - lOOO ::§Zf^ =1=^ «E5EBV PILOT CREEK RESERVOIR „-_ r ^M« .rwt — = ^=^ = : q — ~ 1.U..IU — ~ — ^ — — — — — — — .CO 400 ^^^%r7 r wrr: V n F=^ F ^ ^ 71 ^r »•■• T" i ^ 3 H M ,1,1,1 ^ ' — h- ' — — — — h — — M — ^ — — — — hr -i — — — — ' — — — — ^ — 20O II ,..,h-H.™.^.~ Length in leat PROFILE OF DAM 21 Z2 Z3 25 2« g GENERAL PLAN FOLSOM AFTERBAY DAM POWER PLANT PROFILE OF AMERICAN RIVER UNIT za 29 30 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 43 ** 4S [.^1 mmmmmmM .H H PROFILE OF DAM LOOKIt'O UPSTREAM ,^ h!H -iii 11.00-^ >^,. „„ f'' -- '^" /' . PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM r %. J. '••. - - -' - - - 40D eoo 1200 isoo PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTHCAM j 3 O aOO Length in reel PROFILE OF DAM UPSTREAM FOLSOM DAM POWER PLANT AND FLOOD CONTROL FEATURES PILOT CREEK DAM POWER PLANT AUBURN DAM POWER PLANT AND FLOOD CONTROL FEATURES WEBBER CREEK DAM POWER PLANT COLOMA DAM POWER PLANT AND FLOOD CONTROL FEATURES AMERICAN RIVER UNIT SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 287 The monthly full natural run-offs of the South Fork were esti- mated from the records obtained by the United States Geological Survey at a station near Plaeerville from August, 1911, to July, 1920, and at the station near Camino from Xovonbor, 1922, to September, 1929. The montlily full natural run-offs for the period of record were estimated from the measured run-offs by adding the estimated diversions by the Eldorado Irrigation Ditch ; by adding water stored in and subtracting water released from the Twin Lakes, Medley Lakes and Silver Lake reservoirs; and by subtracting water diverted into the watershed from Echo Lake. The variation in seasonal run-off from the American River water- shed is shown by the values in Table 5 in Chapter II. The maximum seasonal full natural run-oft' in tlie 40-year period 1889-1929 occurred in 1889-1890 with a run-off of 8,749,000 acre-feet and the minimum was 543,000 acre-feet in 1923-1924, a variation of from 285 per cent to 18 per cent of the mean seasonal run-off for the same 40-year period. The average monthly distribution of the run-off, as determined from the estimated monthly full natural run-offs at the Fairoaks gaging station, is shown in Table 94. TABLE 94 AVERAGE MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF RUN-OFF OF AMERICAN RIVER AT FAIROAKS Month Average full natural run-off In acre-feet In per cent of mean seasonal January... February.. March Apr I May June July Augvist September October... November. December. Totali 294,000 349,000 487,000 558,000 607,000 383,000 111,000 25,100 17,500 31,400 68,000 138,000 3,069,000 9.58 11.37 15.87 18.18 19.78 12.48 3.62 0.82 0.57 1.02 2.21 4.50 100,00 The variation in mean daily flow at Fairoaks is indicated by the maximum recorded discharge of 120,000 second-feet with a crest flow of 184,000 second-feet on March 25. 1928, and 105,000 second-feet with a crest of 119,000 second-feet on March 19, 1907; and the minimum mean daily recorded flow of about five second-feet on several days in July and August, 1924. Folsom Reservoir on American River. — The site for the dam which would create the Folsom reservoir is located in Section 24, Township 10 North, Range 7 East, ]\I. D. B. and M., about two miles upstream from the towTi of Folsom and one mile below the junction of the North and South forks. The left abutment would lie within tlie boundaries of Folsom Prison. The area of the drainage basin tributary to this site is 1875 square miles. This is 98 per cent of the area above the Fairoaks gaging station y ;r"- v. \ m MAO Y- ■ << . • • 1 /.. .-» SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 287 The monthly full natural run-offs of the Soiitli Fork were esti- mated from the records obtained bj^ the United States Geological Survey at a station 2iear Placerville from August, 1911, to July, 1920, and at the station near Camino from November, 1922, to September, 1929. The montlily full natural run-offs for the period of record were estimated from the measured run-offs by adding the estimated diversions by the Eldorado Irrigation Ditch ; by adding water stored in and subtracting water released from the Twin Lakes, Medley Lakes and Silver Lake reservoirs; and by subtracting water diverted into the watershed from Echo Lake. The variation in seasonal run-off from the American River water- slied is shown by the values in Table 5 in Chapter II. Tlic maximum seasonal full natural run-off in tlie 40-year period 1889-1929 occurred in 1889-1890 Avith a run-off of 8,749,000 acre-feet and the minimum was 543,000 acre-feet in 1923-1924, a variation of from 285 per cent to 18 per cent of the mean seasonal run-off for the same 40-year period. The average monthly distribution of the run-off, as determined from the estimated monthly full natural run-offs at the Fairoaks gaging station, is shown in Table 94. TABLE 94 AVERAGE MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF RUN-OFF OF AMERICAN RIVER AT FAIROAKS Month Average full natural run-off In acre-feet In per cent of mean seasonal January... February.. March Apr I May June July August September. October... November. December. Totaii 294,000 349,000 487,000 558,000 607,000 383,000 111,000 25,100 17,500 31,400 68,000 138,000 3,069,000 9.58 11.37 15.87 18.18 19.78 12.48 3.62 0.82 0.57 1.02 2.21 4.50 100.00 The variation in mean daily flow at Fairoaks is indicated by the maximum recorded discharge of 120,000 second-feet with a crest flow of 184,000 second-feet on Marcli 25. 1928, and 105,000 second-feet with a crest of 119,000 second-feet on March 19, 1907 ; and the minimum mean daily recorded flow of about five second-feet on several days in July and August, 1924. Folsom Reservoir on American River. — The site for the dam which would create the Folsom reservoir is located in Section 24, Township 10 North, Range 7 East, M. D. B. and M., about two mih's upstream from the town of Folsom and one mile below the junction of the North and South forks. The left abutment would lie within the boundaries of Folsom Prison. The area of the drainage basin tributary to this site is 1875 square miles. This is 98 per cent of the area above the Fairoaks gaging station 288 DIVISION' OF WATER RESOURCES and about nine per cent of the mountain and foothill area of the Sacramento River Basin. The run-off at the dam site, however, is p^roator tlian 08 per cent of that at tlio jxafrinpr station since the 44 square mile drainagre area between tlie two points is not as productive of run-off as the area above the dam site. Water Supply. — The full natural, ultimate net, and present net run-offs at the Folsom dam site were estimated by months for the 4()-yo;n- period 1889-11)29. T)ip monthly full natural run-offs at the dam site were estimated from those at the Fairoaks gaging station by subtracting the estimated run-offs from the area between these points. The run-offs from the latter portion of the watershed were estimated from the ratios of areas multiplied by moan seasonal precipitations on those areas, to be 7.27 l)er cent of the run-offs from the intennodiate -watershed lying between the Fairoaks, Colfax, East Auburn and Placerville gaging stations. Curves were first constructed for each month to show the relation of the full natni-al run-offs at the Colfax gaging station to those at Fair- oaks, using the stream discharge records for a common period at both stations. Similar curves were drawn for the East Auburn and Placer- ville stations and, from the three sets of curves, for the intermediate area between the three upper stations and Fairoaks. Another curve was drawn showing the relationship of the run-offs from the portion of the watershed between the Folsom dam site and Fairoaks to those at the latter point. With the monthly run-off at Fairoaks as an index, the amount was obtained from this curve w'hich when subtracted from the amount used as the index w^ould give the monthly full natural run-off at the Folsom dam site. The monthly ultimate net run-offs at the dam site were estimated from the monthly full natural run-offs by subtracting the diversions from all tributaries for the ultimate irrigation of lands both within the watershed and those lying outside of the watershed which it is estimated would be irrigated by American River water ; by subtracting water which would be stored in and adding water which would be released from Lake Valley, Silver Lake, Twin Lakes, ]\Iedley Lake, and Webber Creek reservoirs and a number of other reservoirs now pro- posed and others which it is estimated would be required to furnish water for the irrigation uses mentioned in the first item; by adding water diveited into the watershed from Echo Ijake and Wise power house ; and by adding the return flow from the area which would be ultimately irrigated within the watershed both by American River water and by water imported from other streams. The pi-esent net run-otl's were estimated in the s.;\mo manner as the ultimale net except that present diversions, storages, importations, and return flows were used. The estimated seasonal full natural, ultimate net, and present net run-offs at the Folsom dam site are shown in Table 95. Selection of Capacity of Reservoir. — The height selected for the Folsom dam is 190 feet. The Folsom resci'voir created ])y this dam, if it were the only major i-cservoii- unit on the Amei-icau Kiver, would not give as great a yield in water regulated for irrigation use as the run-off of the stream would warrant. Since, however, there are two SACRAMENTO RR^ER BASIN 289 other good reservoir sites, Auburn and Coloma, on the main forks of the river at relatively low elevations, it would not be necessary to construct a higher dam at Folsom than can be best adapted to the topography of and conditions at the site. TABLE 95 SEASONAL RUN-OFFS OF AMERICAN RIVER AT FOLSOM DAM SITE, 1889-1929 I Season Full natural run-off, in acre-feet Present net run-off, in acre-feet Ultimate net run-off, in acre-feet 1889-1890 - 8,660,000 1,543,000 2,031,000 4,207,000 2,947,000 5,135,000 3,546,000 3,049,000 938,000 1,847,000 3,278,000 3,379,000 2,579,000 2,501,000 5,350,000 2,161,000 4,804,000 5,740,000 1,519,000 4,576,000 3,585,000 5,510,000 1,333,000 1.506,000 4,006,000 3,137,000 3,910,000 2,908,000 1,498,000 2,216,000 1,463,000 3,180,000 3,264,000 2,733,000 540,000 2,703,000 1,382,000 3,630,000 2,506,000 1,144,000 3,049,000 2,608,000 2,255,000 2,273,000 8,670,000 1,553,000 2,040,000 4,216,000 2,956,000 5,145,000 3,556,000 3,058,000 948,000 1,857,000 3,288,000 3,388,000 2,589,000 2,511,000 5,360,000 2,171,000 4,814,000 5,749,000 1,529,000 4,586,000 3,595,000 5,520,000 1,343,000 1,515,000 4,010,000 3,147,000 3,919,000 2,918,000 1,508,000 2,226,000 1,473,000 3,190,000 3,274,000 2,743,000 550,000 2,713,000 1,392,000 3,640,000 2,515,000 1,154,000 3,058,000 2,018,000 2,264,000 2,283,000 8,530,000 1890-1891 -- 1,412,000 1891-1892 -- 1,900,000 1892-1893 4,076,000 1893-1894 2,816,000 1894-1895 --- 5,005,000 1895-1896 3,415,000 1896-1897 2,918,000 1897-1898 807,000 1898-1899 - - 1,716,000 1899-1900 -- 3,147,000 1900-1901 - 3,248,000 1901-1902 . - 2,448,000 1902-1903 2,371,000 1903-1904 5,220,000 1904-1905 2,031,000 1905-1906 4,674,000 1906-1907 5,609,000 1907-1908 . -.- 1,389,000 1908-1909 4,446,000 1909-1910 - 3,454,000 1910-1911 5,379,000 1911-1912 1,202,000 1912-1913 -. - - - 1,375,000 1913-1914 3,876,000 1914-1915 . . 3,007,000 1915-1916.. - 3,779,000 1916-1917 . . 2,778,000 1917-1918 1,368,000 2,086,000 1919-1920 1.333,000 3,050,000 1921-1922 , 3,134,000 2,602,000 1923-1924 415,000 1924-1926 2,573,000 1925-1926 1,251,000 1926-1927 .. ... .- 3,499,000 1927-1928 2,375,000 1,013,000 2,918,000 20-ycar means, 1909-1929 2,477,000 2,124,000 5-year means, 1924-1929 . 2,142,000 With the coordinated operation of the Auburn and Coloma reser- voirs, hereinafter described, constructed to the sizes selected, and the Folsom reservoir with a IDO-foot dam, a yield of 1,93:3,000 acre-feet per season with a maximum deficiency of 32 per cent in the driest year, would have been available in tlie 40-year period 1889-1929. This jaeld is equivalent to 66 per cent of the average ultimate net run-off at the Folsom dam site during the same 40-year period. This is a higher percentage of yield than would have been obtained on any other stream in the Sacramento Valley, except the Sacramento River at Red Bluff, during the same period. This yield is also about 2.5 times the gross allowance required for the American River water service area so that even with the height of dam selected for the Folsom reser- 19—80994 290 nivrsiox of water resources voir a large amount of water would be available from the American River unit for irrigation in areas outside of its own water service area and for salinity control. A dam higher than 190 feet could be constructed at the Folsom site but such a dam would be much longer than the one for the height selected. It also would cross the reservoir of the North Fork Ditch Company and the reservoir would flood the canal of this company and the Natomas Canal to such depths that they would have to be com- pletely reconstructed at higher elevations or converted to enclosed conduits, or their operation would have to be changed by furnishing them with water from the Folsom reservoir, by pumping, during low stages of the reservoir. Also, several more and higher auxiliary dams would be required for reservoirs with main dams higher than 190 feet. Taking into consideration the disadvantages of constructing a dam higher than 190 feet at Folsom and the very satisfactory yield that could be obtained with a dam 190 feet high, this height has been selected for the Folsom dam. Reservoir Site. — The lands that would have to be acquired for the Folsom reservoir include both agricultural and grazing lands, with the area used for the latter being the larger. There are no towns within the area, the only settlement being that at I\Iormon Island. TABLE 96 AREAS AND CAPACITIES OF FOLSOM RESERVOIR Height of dam, 'Water surface elevation of Area of water Capacity of in feet (5-foot surface, reservoir. freeboard) in feet in acres in acre-feet 80 280 920 29.000 90 290 1.150 39.500 100 300 1,400 52,200 110 310 1.600 67,700 120 320 1,980 85,600 130 330 2,350 107.300 140 340 2,800 133.000 150 350 3.300 163.800 160 360 3,900 200,000 170 370 4,610 242,500 180 380 5.460 293,800 190 390 6,460 355.000 ' United States GeoloKical.Sur\'ey datum. The other improvements that would be affected would bo the North Fork, Natomas and Nigger Hill ditches and several miles of electric transmission line, telephone lines, and county roads. The North Fork Ditch takes out of the North Fork of the American River about 18.7 miles upstream from the dam site. The Natomas Canal takes out of the South Fork about 10.7 miles upstream from the dam site but does not follow the course of the stream to the site. The Natomas Canal would require relocation at a higher elevation for a portion of its length to give it clearance above the high water in the reservoir. The North Fork Ditch would retpiire some protection, and the replace- ment of several flumes. A Pacific Gas and Electric Company steel tower single circuit electric transmission line the reservoir site on the South Fork of the river. This would require five miles of SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 291 relocation to take it out of the reservoir area. Six and three-fourths miles of county roads, together with the telephone lines paralleling them, also would have to be relocated. A topographic survey of the Folsom reservoir site was made by the American River Hydroelectric Company in 1927 in connection with a proposed development at this site, and a map was drawn from this survey by the company with a contour interval of ten feet. The water surface areas measured from this map and the computed capac- ities of the reservoir are shown in Table 96. Dam and Power Plant. — A survey of the dam site also was made by the American River Hydroelectric Company in 1927. A topographic map drawn from this survey at a scale of one inch equals 100 feet, with contour intervals of two and five feet, was used in laying out and estimating the costs of the Folsom dam and power plant. A geological examination of the site was made and the report covering it, together with data on the location and logs of test holes drilled at the site by the American River Hydroelectric Company, may be found in Appendix E. The explorations indicate that the foundation is granite and suitable for a gravity concrete dam. PLATE XXXVI Folsom Dam Site on American River With the 190-foot height of dam selected for this site, the flow line would be at elevation 390 feet United States Geological Survey datum and the top of the concrete dam at elevation 395 feet. The layout for this dam is shown on Plate XXXV. The main dam across the river would consist of a gravity concrete section with an earth fill section on the right abutment. Two auxiliary dams would be required in saddles on the rim of the reservoir. These auxiliary dams would be constructed of rolled earth fill with a rip rap facing. One of these dams would be 465 feet in length and fifteen feet high at its 292 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES highest point, including a ten-foot freeboard, and the other would be 1200 feet in length with a maximum height of fifteen feet. The con- crete section of the main dam would be 3570 feet in length, extending from the left abutment across the river channel to a point about 1250 feet beyond the edge of the river on the right side. It would include outlets for flood control and irrigation water release and also an over- flow spillway. From the end of this concrete section to the right end of the dam, a distance of 1700 feet, the section would be of rolled earth fill. This earth fill section would have a concrete facing on the upstream side and a concrete cut-off wall along the upstream toe. The concrete dam would rest on good firm granite which would require the removal of considerable amounts of decomposed surface rock and overlying soil. There would be a cut-off wall at the upstream toe, beneath which the foundation rock would be sealed by grouting. The foundation would be drained by a row of drainage wells, just downstream from the upstream cut-off wall, wliich would be connected to a gallery in the dam. Diversion of the stream flow during the excavation for the founda- tion in the river channel and the construction of the lower portion of the dam would be accomplished bj' gravel fill coffer dams with steel slieet-piling core and cut-off walls above and below the excavation. The stream flow would be diverted through a concrete lined horseshoe shaped tunnel which would have a capacity of 5000 second-feet. The spillway would be of the gravity concrete overflow type located in the main dam on the right bank of the stream. It would have a discharging capacity of 100,000 second-feet and the flow over it would be controlled by eight 50-foot hydraulically operated steel seg- mental drum gates sixteen feet in height set in the crest. These gates would be separated by concrete piers ten feet in width in which the operating mechanism would be located. Flood control outlets would be provided through the concrete sec- tion of the main dam, on the left bank. These outlets would have a capacity of 100,000 second-feet with the water in the reservoir drawn down a sufficient depth to give the reserve space required for control- ling floods to this amount. There would be eighteen openings fourteen feet square, spaced 30 feet center to center and located 60 feet below the top of the dam. Flow through each opening would be controlled by a caterpillar type self-closing sluice gate at tlie upstream face of the dam. Each gate would be protected by steel trash racks mounted in a semicircular concrete tower extending to the top of the dam from which point the gate would be operated. Another battery of outlets to be operated for the release of irriga- tion water and as sluiceways would be located at a distance of 145 feet below the top of the dam. This battery would consist of five circular openings 98 inches in diameter lined with steel. Flow through each outlet would be controlled by a cateri)illar typo self-closing sluice gate at the upstream face of the dam, operated from the top of the dam, and a short distance below the inlet end, by an auxiliary slide gate operated from a chamber inside of the dam. Also, in order that a more accurate regulation of the irrigation releases might be obtained, one of the out- lets would be equipped with a 98 inch balanced needle valve at its dis- charging end. Each caterpillar type gate would be protected by steel SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 293 trash racks set in a semicircular concrete structure and would be oper- ated in a concrete enclosed gate well extending to the top of the dam. Channels would be excavated in the rock on the two banks of the river to carry the water discharged from the flood control outlets and spillway into the river channel below the dam. Each channel would be concrete lined for a short distance from the toe of the dam. The power house would be located on the left bank of the stream about 800 feet below the Folsom Prison Diversion Dam and on the bank of the Folsom Canal. This power house location would be about one-half mile downstream from the main Folsom dam. Water would be conveyed to the power house from the reservoir by two concrete lined horseshoe shaped tunnels .19.2 feet in diameter. Each tunnel, at a distance of about 400 feet from the power house, would divide into three steel pipe penstocks 11.5 feet in diameter which would carry the water to the turbines in the power house. These pipes would be laid in separate concrete lined tunnels 15.5 feet in diameter. Water would enter each main tunnel through a concrete gate tower over a vertical concrete lined shaft. Water would enter the tower through several openings, flow through each of which would be controlled by a cater- pillar type sluice gate operated from the top of the tower. Each gate would be protected by steel trash racks and would operate in a con- crete enclosed gate well extending to the top of the tower. Studies made to estimate the economic installation of generating equipment for this plant indicate that with a load factor of 0.75 and a power factor of 0.80 the total installed generator capacity should be 100,000 kilovolt amperes. This would be divided equally among six generators, each of which would be direct connected to a vertical shaft variable head reaction turbine. The power house would be of steel and concrete construction. Transformers and protective equipment would be of the outdoor type. Yield of Reservoir in Water for Irrigation. — A study was made to estimate the amounts of water that would have been made available annually, during the 40-year period 1889-1929, at the dam site, for irrigation use, with the reservoir operated primarily for supplying irrigation water, and the amount of this yield that would have been new water. This study was made by the method described in the fore part of this chapter. It indicated that a seasonal irrigation draft of 800,000 acre-feet Avould have been obtainable with the Folsom reservoir operating alone. This draft would have had a maximum deficiency of 35 per cent in the driest year and an average of 2 per cent for the period. The yield in new water would have been 666,000 acre-feet with the same maximum deficiency. Flood Control. — The control of floods on the American River by the Folsom, Auburn, and Coloma reservoirs has been described in a previous report* by this Division. The data in Table 32 in Chapter VI show the probable frequency of occurrence of flood flows of certain amounts at the Fairoaks gaging station. The reservoir space required at this point to control flood flows which are expected to occur at different intervals of time, to * Bulletin No. 24, "A Proposed Major Development on American River," Division of Water Resources, 1930, Chapter VI. 294 DIVISIOX OF WATER RESOURCES certain specified amounts below the gaging station are shown by the data in Table 35, in the same chapter. By reserving 175,000 acre-feet of space in the Folsom reservoir, it may be seen from Table 35 that flood flows could be controlled to 100,000 second-feet at Fairoaks, exceeded one day in 100 years on the average. The effect of this control on the design of protective works along the American River has been described in Chapter VI. With the use of the Auburn and Coloma reservoirs for flood control, still greater reductions in flow or an increase in the average length of the period in which these flows would be exceeded, could be accom- plished. The effect of holding reserve space for controlling floods in the Folsom reservoir alone may be illustrated by applying the regulation to two of the largest floods of record. The largest flood, that of March, 1928, with a maximum mean daily discharge of 120,000 second-feet and a peak flow of 184,000 second-feet, would have been reduced to a maxi- mum flow of 100,000 second-feet by the use of only 48,500 acre-feet of the reserve space. The flood of ]\Iarch, 1907, with a maximum mean daily flow of 105,000 second-feet and a peak flow of 119,000 second feet, would have required only 10,000 acre-feet for its control to a maximum flow of 100,000 second-feet. Cost of Reservoir and Power Plant. — The estimate of the cost of the Folsom reservoir, as set forth in Table 97, was made as generally out- lined in tlie fore part of this chapter and includes all of the items which have been briefly described in the foregoing paragraphs. The items included under miscellaneous in the cost estimate are a construc- tion railroad from the Southern Pacific railroad to the dam site, a short railroad spur to the gravel pit, a permanent camp and cleaning up after construction. TABLE 97 COST OF FOLSOM RESERVOIR WITH FLOOD CONTROL FEATURES Height of dam, 190 feet. Capacity of reservoir, 355,000 acre-feet. Capacity of overflow spillway, 100,000 second-feet. Capacity of flood control outlets, 100,000 second-feet. Exploration and core drilling ' ?30,000 Diversion of river during construction 109,000 Clearing reservoir site 162,000 Excavation lor dam, 389,000 cu. yds. at $1 to $5 $877,000 Mass concrete, 510,000 cu. yds. at $6.30 3,213,000 Reinforced concrete, 5700 cu. yds. at $15 to $23.50 99,000 Earthflll section main dam 44,000 Auxiliary earth dams 43,000 Spillway gates 160,000 Spillway and flood control channels 200,000 Irrigation outlets and sluiceways 188,000 Flood control features 486,000 Drilling and grouting foundation 81,000 5,391,000 Lands and improvements flooded 1,157,000 Miscellaneous 155,000 Subtotal $7,004,000 Administration and engineering, 10 per cent 700,000 ContinKencies, 15 per cent 1,051,000 Interest during construction, based on a rate of 4.5 per cent per annum. 745.000 Total cost of dam and reservoir $9,500,000 The estimated cost of the power ]ilant with an installed generator capacity of 100,000 kilovolt amperes, including the inlet structure, tunnel, penstocks and power house is given in Table 98. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 295 TABLE 98 COST OF POWER PLANT FOR FOLSOM RESERVOIR Installed capacity, 100,000 kilovolt amperes. Power factor =0.80. Load factor == 0.75. Intake structure i*r2f'nnn Penstocks J'r^^'Snn Building and equipment Subtotal $4,359,000 Administra'tion and engineering, 10 per cent r^i'nnn Contin*^oncies 15 per cent ■ — ho4,uuu Interesl during construction, based on a rate of 4.5 per cent per annum__ 251,000 Total cost of power plant $5,700,000 The total estimated capital cost of the Folsom reservoir and its power plant would be $15,200,000. The annual costs of the reservoir and power plant estimated on the bases given in the fore part of this chapter and for the capital costs given in Table 97 and Table 98, would be $601,000 and $452,000, respectively, or a total of $1,053,000. Folsom Afterhay on American Biver.—W\i\i the Folsom reservoir oper- ating for the generation of hydroelectric energy, the amount of water released through the powder plant would vary throughout the day and week, unless the plant were operated on a unity load factor. If the water released for power generation is to be used for irrigation, these fluctuating flows should be converted to uniform ones by reregulation in an afterbay reservoir located between the tail race of the plant and the point of irrigation diversion. Below the Folsom dam site, the American River flows through a rocky gorge to the town of Folsom. There are several acceptable sites for low dams in this section of the river. The one selected for the aft- erbay is located about 800 feet above the highway bridge at the town of Folsom. The capacity of the afterbay selected exceeds that required for reregulation but the additional height of dam is economically justi- fied for the creation of head for the generation of power. Reservoir Site. — The reservoir would be about li miles in length, would have an average width of about 500 feet, and would extend upstream to the power plant of the Folsom reservoir. The maximum water surface elevation would be limited to 195 feet to avoid flooding the railroad from the town of Folsom to the State Prison. Dam and Power Plant. — A map of the American River Canyon, at a scale of one inch equals 400 feet, with a contour interval of ten feet, drawn from a survey made by the State in 1925, was used for lading out the FoLsora afterbay dam and power plant and for estimating the capacities of the afterbay. The dam would have a height of 84 feet and a length along tlie crest of 860 feet. The stream bed at the site is about 200 feet wide. The dam would be of the gravity concrete overflow type with the spillway section located in the center of the structure. The abutments would be of the gravity concrete type with a freeboard of ten feet. No special geological investigation has been made of the site. It appears to be of a good quality of granitic rock exposed at the stream bed and without excessive overburden or decomposition. 296 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PLATE XXXVII Folsom Afterbay Dam Site on American River The spillway would have a total length of 470 feet and a discharg- ing capacity of 190,000 second-feet. Flow over it would be controlled by eight 50-foot hydraulically operated steel segmental drum gates 25 feet high separated by ten-foot concrete piers in which the operating mechanism would be located. There also would be a similar gate 15 feet by 60 feet across the power canal capable of discharging 13,000 second-feet. Two sluiceways five feet in diameter, lined with steel, would be provided at a depth of 70 feet below the top of the dam. Flow through each outlet would be controlled by a caterpillar type self-closing sluice gate operated from the top of the dam. This gate would be protected by steel trash racks set in a semicircular concrete structure and would operate in a concrete enclosed gate well extending to the top of a spill- way pier. During the period of construction the stream would be diverted around the dam site. This would be accomplished by means of coffer dams and tunnels. The tunnels would be used afterwards as conduits to the power plant. The layout of the dam and power plant is shown on Plate XXXV. The power house would bo located at the edge of the river on the right bank about 850 feet below the dam and would be a reinforced concrete and steel structure founded on bedrock. The conduit from the reser- voir to the plant would consist of two concrete lined horse-shoe shaped tunnels 17.4 feet in diameter. Each tunnel would divide into two steel penstocks 154 inches in diameter, a short distance from the power house. Water would bo admitted to the tunnels through reinforced concrete gate towers .similar to those for the Folsom power plant. The generating equipment would consist of four 6250 kilovolt ampere gen- orators direct oonneotod to low bond vortical shaft roaotion turbines. The power plant would operate on a load factor of 1.00 and have an estimated plant efficiency of 75 per cent. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 297 Potver Output. — The only yield of the afterbay would be in power output from the roregulated water from the Folsom reservoir. The seasonal and monthly variations of this power would be dependent upon the releases from the Folsom reservoir since water from this afterbay would be used for the generation of power without holdover storage of more than one or two days. The only studies made of the power output from this afterbay are those made in connection with the output from the operation of the entire American River unit. These studies are discussed later in this chapter. Cost of Reservoir and Power Plant. — The cost of the Folsom after- bay and power plant were estimated by the method generally outlined in the fore part of this chapter and are shown in Table 99. TABLE 99 COST OF FOLSOM AFTERBAY AND POWER PLANT Height of dam, 84 feet. Installed capacity of power plant, 25,000 kllovolt amperes. Power factor = 0.80. Load factor = 1.00. Dam and Reservoir. Exploration and core drilling $10,000 Diversion of river during construction 10,000 Excavation for dam, 45,000 cu. vds. at $2.50 to $5 $178,000 Mass concrete, 86,000 cu. yds. at $6.30 542,000 Reinforced concrete, 1,000 cu. yds. at $15.50 16,000 Spillway gates 340,000 Sluiceways and canal outlet 40,000 Drilling and grouting foundation 19,000 1,135,000 Lands flooded 5,000 Subtotal $1,160,000 Administration and engineering, 10 per cent 116,000 Contingencies, 15 per cent 174,000 Interest during construction based on a rate of 4.5 per cent per annum — 50,000 Total cost of dam and reservoir $1,500,000 Power Plant. Intake structure $135,000 Penstocks 267,000 Building and equipment 1,375,000 Lands and improvements 400,000 Subtotal $2,177,000 Administration and engineering, 10 per cent 218,000 Contingencies, 15 per cent 327,000 Interest during construction based on a rate of 4.5 per cent per annum — 78,000 Total cost of power plant $2,800,000 Total cost of dan», reservoir and power plant $4,300,000 The annual cost of the afterbay and power plant estimated on the bases outlined in the fore part of this chapter would be $300,000. Of this, the annual cost of the dam and reservoir would be $94,000 and of the power plant $206,000. Auhurn Reservoir on North Fork' of American River. — The dam site for the Auburn reservoir is located in Section 11. Township 12 North, Range 8 East, M. D. B. and M., 1.4 miles downstream from the junction of the North and Middle forks and almost due east of the city of Auburn. The area of the drainage basin tributary to this site is 965 square miles or 50.4 per cent of the total area above the Fairoaks gaging station. The watershed is rough mountainous land extending to the 298 DIVISION' OF WATER RESOURCES crest of the Sierra Nevada. It is the mcst productive portion of the American River Basin in run-off. The Middle Fork joins the North Fork within the reservoir site so that tlie drainag:e areas of both of these forks above the city of Auburn are tributary to the reservoir. TABLE 100 SEASONAL RUN-OFFS OF NORTH FORK OF AMERICAN RIVER AT AUBURN DAM SITE, 1889-1929 Season Full natural run-off, in acre-feet Present net run-off. in acre-feet Ultimate net run-off. in acre-feet 1889-1890 5.107.000 925.000 1.217,000 2,545,000 1,770.000 3.047.000 2.097,000 1.859.000 561.000 1,116,000 1,988,000 2,043,000 1,560,000 1,510,000 3,252,000 1,285,000 2,830,000 3,458,000 909,000 2,662,000 2,211.000 3,269,000 786,000 904,000 2.353.000 1.896.000 2.351.000 1.747.000 904,000 1.344.000 881.000 1.917.000 1.977.000 1.649.000 332,000 1,649,000 846,000 2.224,000 1,546,000 684.000 1,830,000 1,573,000 1,370.000 1,390,000 5.095.000 913.000 1,205.000 2,533,000 1,758,000 3,035,000 2,085,000 1,847,000 549,000 1,104,000 1,976,000 2,031.000 1,549,000 1,499,000 3,241,000 1,273,000 2,818,000 3.446,000 897,000 2.650.000 2.199.000 3.257,000 775,000 892,000 2.341.000 1.884.000 2.339.000 1.735.000 892.000 1.332.000 869,000 1,905,000 1.965.000 1.637.000 320.000 1.637,000 834,000 2.212.000 1.534,000 672.000 1,818.000 1,562,000 1,359,000 1,378,000 4,945,000 1890-1891 762,000 1891-1892 L 1,055.000 1892-1893 - 2.382,000 1893-1894 - - -,-- 1894-1895 1,607,000 2,884,000 1895-1896 1.934,000 1896-1897 - 1.696.000 1897-1898 - 399,000 1898-1899 954,000 1899-1900 1,825,000 1900-1901 -- 1,881,000 1901-1902 - 1,398,000 1902-1903 --- 1,348,000 1903-1904 -- 3,070.000 1904-1905 1.122.000 1905-1906 - 2.667.00 ' 1906-1907 3.296.000 1907-1908 - 746.000 1908-1909 --- 2.500.000 1909-1910 2,048.000 1910-1911 3.106,000 1911-1912 624,000 1912-1913 742.000 1913-1914 -- - 2,190,000 1914-1915 1,733,000 1915-1916 - - 2,188,000 1916-1917 1.584.000 1917-1918 -- 741.000 1,181,000 1919-1920 718.000 1920-1921 1.754.000 1921-1922 1.814.000 1922-1923 . 1.487,000 1923-1924 — 178,000 1.486.000 1925-1926 683,000 1926-1927 2.062.000 1927-1928 . 1.383.000 1928-1929 522.000 1.667.000 20-vear means, 1909-1929 1.411.000 1.209.000 5-year means, 1924-1929 1.227.000 Water Supply. — The full natural, ultimate net and present net run-offs at tlie Auburn dam site were estimated for the 40-year period 1889-1929, by months. The monthly full natural run-off curves drawn for the Colfax. East Auburn and Placerville gating station.s, showing the relation of the run-offs at these stations to thof^e at Fairoaks, as described under the water supply for the Folsom reservoir, were again used. The curves for the intermediate area l)etween the three upper stations and Fairoaks also were used. Tlie run-off from the area between Colfax and East Auburn gaging stations and tlie Auburn dam site was estimated to be 18.12 per cent of that from the total intermediate area. Another set of monthly full natural run-off curves for the Auburn dam site were drawn by combining the curves for the Colfax and East Auburn gaging SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 299 stations and 13.12 per cent of the run-off from the intermediate area. Those curves show the relation of monthly run-off at the Auburn dam site to that at Fairoaks. With the run-offs at the latter point as indices, the monthly full natural run-offs at the dam site were taken from the curves. The monthly ultimate net run-offs at the dam site were estimated from the monthly full natural run-offs, by subtracting: w^ater diverted for the ultimate irrigation of lands within the watershed above Auburn ; by subtracting water stored in Lake Valley reservoir; by subtracting water which would be stored in and adding water which would be released from a number of reservoirs now proposed and others which would be necessary to furnish water for the ultimate irrigation of lands within the watershed and foothill lands lying outside that w^ould be served by water from the North and Middle forks; and by adding the return flow from the area which ultimately would be irrigated within the watershed. "Water required for use on the footliill areas outside of the watershed would pass through the Auburn reservoir and would be available for the generation of power at its power plant but would not be available for reregulation in the Folsom reservoir. The monthly present net run-offs were estimated in the same man- ner as the ultimate net except that present diversions, storage and return flows were used. In this case, the present diversion by the North Fork Ditch would pass through the Auburn reservoir but would not be available to the Folsom reservoir. The estimated seasonal full natural, ultimate net and present net run-offs at the Auburn dam site are shown in Table 100. Reservoir Site. — The lands that would have to be acquired for the Auburn reservoir lie in the river channel and on steep rocky slopes. There are no towns and very few people live within the reservoir area. The major improvements that would be flooded are the quarry of the Pacific Portland Cement Company, the branch railroad running to it from Auburn, a portion of the State highway from Auburn to Placer- ville, and a portion of the county road from Auburn to Forest Hill. A topographic survey of the reservoir site was made by the Amer- ican River Hydroelectric Company in 1928 and a map was drawn from this survey by the company at a scale of one inch equals 400 feet, with a contour interval of 20 feet. The water surface areas measured from this map and the computed capacities are shown in Table 101, Dam and Power Plant. — A survey of the dam site also was made by the American River Hydroelectric Company in 1928. A topographic map drawn from this survey at a scale of one inch equals 100 feet, with a contour interval of 10 feet, was used in laying out and estimating the costs of the Auburn dam and power plant. The site is topographically favorable for a dam somewhat over 440 feet in height. The stream channel at the site is 150 feet wide and at 440 feet above low water the canyon is only 1800 feet wide. No core drillings or other explorations of the site were made but a detailed geological examination was made, the report on which may be found in Appendix E. The geologist has classified the foundation rock at the site as amphibolite schist and states that the site is an excellent one, with foundations satisfactory for a major structure. Considerable 300 DIVISIOX OF WATER RESOURCES excavation would be required, however, to obtain firm unweathered rock for the foundation and also to remove a fairly deep soil covering. TABLE 101 AREAS AND CAPACITIES OF AUBURN RESERVOIR HeiKht of dam, •Water surface elevation of Area of water Capacity of in feet (5-foot surface. rcserv'oir, freeboard) reservotfi in feet in acres in acre-feet 30 540 86 900 50 560 148 3,300 70 580 203 6,800 90 600 283 11,600 110 620 426 18.700 130 640 597 29,000 150 660 774 42,700 170 680 968 60,100 190 700 1,244 82,200 210 720 1,467 109,300 230 740 1,692 140,900 250 760 1,937 177,200 270 780 2,200 218,600 290 800 2,508 265,700 310 820 2,804 318,800 330 840 3,143 378,200 350 860 3,480 444,500 370 880 3,830 517,600 390 900 4,206 598,000 410 920 4,575 686,000 430 940 4,945 781,000 440 950 5,130 831,000 450 960 5,441 884,000 ' United States Geological Survey datum. Estimates of cost were made for four heights of dam from 290 to 440 feet at 50-foot intervals. The detailed estimate and layout for only one of these heights, 440 feet, are shown in this report. The features of this dam are typical of those of the dams of other heights and are described herein for illustration. The lavout for this dam is shown on Plate XXXV. The dam would be of the gravity concrete type slightly arched in plan. There Avould be a cut-off wall at the upstream toe, beneath which the foundation rock would be sealed by grouting. The founda- tion would be drained by a row of drainage wells, just downstream from the upstream cut-off wall, which would be connected to a gallery in the dam. Diversion of the stream flow during the excavation for the founda- tion and the construction of the lower portion of the dam would be accomplished by means of rock fill coffer dams with earth blankets placed above and below the excavation in the stream bed. The diverted water would be carried around the excavation by a concrete lined horseshoe shaped tunnel having a cai)acity of 4000 second-feet. The spillway would be located in the right abutment of the dam and would have a discharging capacity of 120.000 second-feet. It would be divided into seven openings and the flow through each would be con trolled by a hydraulically operated steel segmental drum gate 50 feet long and 20 feet high. Ten-foot concrete piers in wliieh the operating mechanism would be located, would separate these gates. The watei from the spillway would be allowed to reach the stream channel bj flowing over the bedrock surface. gAcfeAMENTO RIVER BASIN 301 PLATE XXXVI I r Auburn Dam Site on North Fork of American River Outlets would be provided iii the left abutment of the dam for flood control. These outlets would have a capacity of 50,000 second- feet with the water in the reservoir drawn down a sufficient depth to give the reserve storage space required for controlling floods to tliis amount. There would be sixteen openings each ten feet square spaced 20 feet center to center and located 45 feet below the top of the dam. Flow through each outlet would be controlled by a cater- pillar type self-closing sluice gate at the upstream face of the dam operated from the top of the dam. Each gate would be protected by steel trash racks mounted in a semicircular concrete tower extending to the top of the dam. Another battery of outlets to be used both for the release of irriga- tion water and as sluiceways, would be provided in the section of the dam over the stream channel. This battery would consist of four cir- cular openings 78 inches in diameter, lined with steel. Two of these outlets would be at a depth of 240 feet below the top of the dam and the other two would be at a depth of 370 feet. Flow through each outlet would be controlled by a caterpillar type sluice gate at the upstream face of the dam, and auxiliary control would be provided by a slide gate, operated from a chamber inside of the dam, near the upstream, face. Each catei-pillar type gate would be protected by steel trash racks mounted in a semicircular concrete structure and would operate in a concrete enclosed gate well extending to the top of the dam. In order to obtain more accurate regulation of the iri'igatiou releases, one of the lower outlets would be equipped with a 78-inch balanced needle valve at the discharging end. The power house would be located below a bend in the river 2400 feet downstream from the dam. Water would be conveyed to it from the reservoir by a concrete lined horseshoe shaped tunnel 15.7 feet in diameter contructed through the point of the mountain forming the bend. At a distance of 200 feet from the power house, the tunnel 302 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES would divide into four steel pipe penstocks 98 inches in diameter which would carry the water to the turbines in the power house. These steel pipes would be laid in separate concrete lined tunnels 12.2 feet in diameter. Water would enter the main tunnel through a concrete gate tower similar to that described for the Folsom power plant. It is estimated that the economic capacity of the generating equipment to be placed in the power house, Avith a load factor of 0.75 and a power factor of 0.80, would be 85,000 kilovolt amperes. This would be divided equally among four units. Each generator would be direct connected to a vertical shaft variable head reaction turbine. The power house would be of concrete and steel construction. Transformers and protec- tive equipment would be of the outdoor type. Yield of Ecsrrvoir in Water for Irrigation. — Studies were made to estimate the amounts of water that would have been made available at the dam site for irrigation use, with the reservoir operated primarily for this purpose, in each of the years from 1889 to 1929, and the amounts of these yields that would have been new water. These studies were made for the four heights of dam previously mentioned, by the methods described in the fore part of this chapter. The total yield and the yield in new water for each of these four heights, are given in Table 104. In making these studies, the entire capacity of the reservoir was utilized in the years of deficiency in supply. The yields are those that would have been obtained with a maximum seasonal deficiency not exceeding 35 per cent and an average for the 40-year period not exceeding two per cent. Flood Control. — Under the heading of "Flood Control" in the Folsom reservoir description, reference is made to the di-scussion of this subject for the American River in Bulletin No. 24 of the Division of Water Resources. It is shown in that bulletin that 175,000 acre-feet of reservoir space is required to control flows at Fairoaks to a maximum of 100,000 second-feet exceeded one day in 100 years on the average. An increased degree of protection could be obtained along the river below Folsom by utilizing space in the Auburn reservoir for flood control. Any space so provided in this reservoir could be considered as the equivalent of space in the Folsom reservoir, if, with a flood of a given occurrence at Folsom reservoir, there is assurance that a flow would occur at the Auburn reservoir large enough to fill the space allotted for flood control in that reservoir. Thus, if 90,000 acre-feet of space were reserved in the Auburn reservoir and 175,000 acre-feet were reserved in the Folsom reservoir, there would be an aggregate space of 265,000 acre-feet utilizable for flood control. With this space all available in the Folsom reservoir it would be possible to control the flow in the American River at Fairoaks to 76,000 second-feet exceeded one day in 100 years on the average. Folsom reservoir alone witli 175,000 acre-feet of space would control flows to 76,000 second- I'cet exceeded about one day in 25 years on the average. It is esti- mated that a flood of a volume that would be exceeded one day in 25 years on the average at P^olsom reservoir, would have sufficient flow at Auburn reservoir to fill the entire space of 90.000 acre-feet allotted in tliat reservoir. Consequently, it is believed that it would lie possible to control the flow of the American River below Folsom to 76,000 SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 303 second-feet exceeded one day in 100 years on the average, with 175,000 acre-feet of space in Folsoni reservoir and 90,000 acre-feet of space in Auburn reservoir, there being an assurance that the space in Auburn reservoir would be entirely filled by a flood of the magnitude that would be exceeded one day in 100 years on the average. In a similar manner, it was estimated that with the above amounts of space in Folsom and Auburn reservoirs it would be possible to con- trol the flow at Fairoaks to 89,000 second-feet exceeded one day in 250 years on the average. Cost of Reservoir and Power Plant. — Estimates of the cost of the Auburn reservoir were prepared for the four heights of dam previously mentioned. These estimates were made as generally outlined in the fore part of this chapter and include all of the items, except the power plant, which have been briefly described in the foregoing paragraphs. The costs are listed in Table 104. A somewhat detailed estimate for the reservoir having a 4-l:0-foot dam is given in Table 102. In this table, the items included under miscellaneous are a permanent camp and cleaning up after construction. The same items and similar unit prices to those shown in Table 102 were used in estimating the costs of reservoirs with other heights of dam. TABLE 102 COST OF AUBURN RESERVOIR WITH FLOOD CONTROL FEATURES Height of dam, 440 feet. Capacity of reservoir, 831,000 acre-feet. Capacity of spillway, 120,000 second-feet. Capacity of llood control outlets, 50,000 second-feet. Exploration and core drilling $30,000 Diversion of river during construction 100,000 Clearing reservoir site 318,000 Excavation for dam, 619,000 cu. yds. at $2.50 to $5 $1,719,000 Mass concrete, 2,132,000 cu. yds. at $6.50 13,858,000 Reinforced concrete, 3800 cu. yds. at $15 to $23 65,000 Spillway gates - 210,000 Irrigation outlets and sluiceways 222,000 Flood control features 231,000 Drilling and grouting foundation 42,000 16,347,000 Lands and improvements flooded 855,000 Miscellaneous 50,000 Subtotal $17,700,000 Administration and engineering, 10 per cent l,770,0ii0 Contingencies, 15 per cent 2,655,000 Interest during construction based on a rate of 4.5 per cent per annum__ 1,875,000 Total cost of dam and reservoir $24,000,000 The estimated cost of the 85,000 kilovolt ampere power plant pre- viou.sly described in connection with the 4-40-foot dam, is shown in Table 103. TABLE 103 COST OF POWER PLANT FOR AUBURN RESERVOIR WITH 440-FOOT DAM Installed capacity, 85,000 kilovolt amperes. Power factor = 0.80. Load factor = 0.75. Intake structure $201,000 Penstocks 495,000 Building and equipment 2,280,000 Subtotal $2,970,000 Administration and engineering, 10 per cent 298,000 Contingencies, 15 per cent 446,000 Interest during construction based on a rate of 4.5 per cent per annum-- 180,000 Total cost of power plant $3,900,000 304 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES The total estimated capital cost of the Auburn reservoir with a 440-foot dam, and its power plant, would be $27,900,000. The annual cost of each reservoir without a power plant was estimated on the bases given in the fore part of this chapter and is given in Table 104. The annual costs of the Auburn reservoir and power plant based on the capital costs given in Tables 102 and 10:i are estimated to be $1,429,000 and $323,000, respectively, or a total of $1,752,000. Comparison of Sizes of Reservoir. — The principal use of the reser- voirs on the American River w^ould be for flood control and the regula- tion of water for irrigation and salinity control. Although the salinity control demands would vary somewhat from those for irrigation, and the costs per acre-foot of water for the two purposes would be different, they are comparable as to relative costs of regulated water from the reservoirs. Comparisons of reservoirs of different capacities at the Auburn site, therefore, were made on the basis of the cost of storage, the costs of the total seasonal irrigation yield and yield in new water, the cost of the reservoir per acre-foot increase in each af these items, and the annual costs for irrigation water for both the total yield and the yield in new water. These items arc given in tabular form in Table 104, and the comparisons are shoA^ii graphically on Plate XXXIX, "Cost of Reservoir Capacity and Unit Yield of Water for Irrigation From Auburn Reservoir." The capital costs do not include the costs of power features and the annual costs are gross costs from which no deductions have been made for revenue from the sale of electric energy. The generation of such energy, however, is economically justified since the revenue from its sale would be more than sufficient to cover the annual costs of the power features. The net revenue, therefore, would help to defray the other costs of the project, thereby reducing the costs per acre-foot of total seasonal irrigation yield and yield in new water set forth in Table 104. The seasonal irrigation yields shown in Table 104 are those which would have been available at the Aul)urn dam site. A study also was made to estimate the seasonal irrigation yields at Folsom with the Auburn reservoir having a 440-foot dam operated as the only major unit on the American River. The maximum irrigation yields, with deficiencies similar to those shown in Ta])lo 104, estimated in this study, are those which would have been available at Folsom with tlie Auburn reservoir operated to supplement the unregulated flows at tliat point. With this method of operation, the total sea.sonal irrigation yield at Folsom would have been 1,135,000 acre-feet and the vield in new water 1,001,000 acre-feet. The annual cost per acre-feet of total irrigation yield would have been $1.26 and the per acre-foot of new water $1.43. Selection of Capacity of Reservoir. — The Auburn reservoir alone would have insuflRciout yield to .serve as an initial UTiit in the Sacra- mento River Basin and, therefore, has been used only as one of the reservoirs of the Aincrican River unit. ?]aeh of the storage reservoirs of this unit, however, was studied independently with the idea of .selecting the most oconomical size. The data in Table 104 and the curves on Phile XXXIX indicate that the cost per acre-foot of yield SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 305 H I—* O < < Oi Ui V) UJ a; u. o H w o u v •a p.- « rn ■^ >> o i! o 3 £ " C4 ss ^ 1 vo 1 1 .—1 .C^l 1 OS i 1 CO 'CO , CO ■ >«» 1 !o lo lo 1 1 CD • as • in 1 1 t-4 toi -Oi 1 < «« o o o ^ 1^ o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 00 U5 -^ 00 ci" h-T «^ ^^ .-4 o o o o o o o o o kO CD ^.1 " ;- i 9 ^ *- cS m rt « O S S 41 Wi3 i« 3.S o o o o o 00 •-49 "2 £ ^ & O) -*^ O CaD -Ja 9 fa " -^ ^ P3 _^ « o o« 03 O oo o. oo I. ^ cs .^ 4> ^=^ S-«< D. u ca-« a) u, >> o ^^ o o cs a a fe & D, tn M ;— OJ "^ PS 3 :>, o g 2 a a* 3 >.§ c'x ■- C3 3j3 o > tm -a ■=i "o o Tl a> o >. s--^ « a in .■a e S „ tn a C9 •o 20—80994 306 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PLATE XXXIX Cost in millions of dollars Cost per acre-foot in dollars | r I 2 3 20 30 40 _ 50 1 Vnnui il cost 450 - / / 1 / 1 1 1 / 1 * 1 1 Average co«« of •wreg* 1 V £ c 400 1 1 / C 400 1 / 1 1 1 • / ■ ncreaea in atarao* 1 E n ■a «*- o « I A inual CO "^' h Capital < ott E pj u <; o o o o »; b z o H c <: « O Q- "t <- 3 o c a U- c o U ■o o o E 11 lO O u? oo 1 ^ . -* lO ' •a ^1 1 Oi 1 W5 .CO 1 .s| ( ^ iC^ -OO 1 I •» ' I t . i«» 1 1 o 1 1 1 1 O O O O 2 lO *-i O CO O O i-H CO C^? (M C^ C>1 .2 -fci" '-M U3 c3 o o o o o t£ O CO Oi C4 1 »o CO t^ oo ^ 2i •* C^ CO Oi >i ? 03 CO »0 CO CO c: .2 rt t^ o o o o 3^ o o o o CO -^ oo C^l 1* oo oo OS S-2 !« |.S js a'-s to kC kC to U5 O •<»* 00 t3C c9 <1> CI CO CO CO •S-o>- a o — is o O. ^ s CO be OS o "2 ^ to ►^ 318 DIVISION' OF WATER RESOURCES PLATE XLII Cost in millions of dollars Cost per acre-foot in dollars | 0'.5 1 1.0 1.5 10 20 ' 30 40 ^nnu il cos t A/V\ . 4O0- £ c / / c -350- , / Coet ecre^fo< In e 350- of oach )1 incr««»« torage . Average cost of itorege Cac lUlcoM V .nnual c »i i / / E m •o o » I / / E n ■o *♦- o 0) I / 1 I ■300 / / / / ^ / 300- 1 1 I i / / / 1 » 1 1 \ / / / / 1 1 1 COS =IESE )T OF RVO R -250 \ 1 1 UNIT COST OF STORAGE 1 ' 3apit< ll COS ; c ) 10 20 1 1 30 1 Cost per acre-foot in dollars Cost per acre-foot in dollars | ( ) 4 8 12 ( ) 1 4 > i e s. c E st of nc w water -350 Cot ! • / • IntoUl ch ecre- rieid, or oot tncr new wet • •e er I of tote y»ld-^ 1 / Coetof tewwx •r 300- 1 1 1 300- 250 CC IF )STC ^RIGi FSE MIOI ASOl SI YIE MAL LD 250- AN OF IRRIC NUAl sea; 3ATIC . COJ 50N/1 )N Yl ;t ELD — CO ST OF RE 1 1 SERVO IR CAF ^/ ^C ;ITV ' Ah JD I JN T Y lEL D C )F WA TER FOR IRRIGATION FROM COLOMA RESERVOIR SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 319 graphically on Plate XLII, ''Cost of Reservoir Capacity and Unit Yield of Water for Irrigation from Coloma Reservoir." The capital costs do not include the costs of power features and the annual costs are gross costs from which no deductions have been made for revenue from the sale of electric energy. The generation of such energy, how- ever, is economically justified since the revenue from its sale would be more than sufficient to cover the costs of the power features. The net revenue, therefore, would help to defray the other costs of the project, thereby reducing the costs per acre-foot of total seasonal irri- gation vield and yield in new water set forth in Table 110. The seasonal irrigation yields shown in Table 110 are those which would have been available at the Coloma dam site. A study also was made to estimate the seasonal irrigation yields at Folsom with the Coloma reservoir having a 345-foot dam operated as the only major unit on the American River. The maximum irrigation yields, with deficien- cies similar to those shown in Table 110, estimated in this study, are those which would have been available at Folsom with the Coloma reser- voir operated to supplement the unregulated flows at that point. With this method of operation, the total seasonal irrigation yield at Folsom would have been 908,000 acre-feet and the yield in new water 774,000 acre-feet. The annual cost per acre-feet of total irrigation yield would have been $0.88 and the cost per acre-foot of new water $1.03. Selection of Capacity of Reservoir. — The Coloma reservoir alone would have insufficient yield to serve as an initial unit in the Sacra- mento River Basin and therefore has been considered only as one of the reservoirs of the American River unit in the plans for ultimate and initial developments. Each of the storage reservoirs of this .unit, however, was studied independently for the purpose of selecting the most economical size. The data in Table 110 and the curves on Plate XLII indicate that for heights of dam greater than 345 feet the unit annual cost of irriga- tion water increases quite rapidly and that the annual cost for water at this height is practically the same as for lower heights. The reser- voir with this height of dam also would have given a yield in irrigation water equal to 71.5 per cent of the mean seasonal ultimate net run-off of the South Fork of the American River above the dam site for the 40-year period 1889-1929. The seasonal irrigation yield could have been increased about 60,000 acre-feet, or to 77.6 per cent of the 40-year mean seasonal ultimate net run-ofi", by building a 385-foot dam. This additional yield would have had an average capital cost of $86 per acre-foot which is a higher cost than the same yield could be obtained for in other major reservoirs of the State Water Plan. Tlie 345-foot height of dam, therefore, was selected for the Coloma reservoir. Wehher Creek Reservoir on South Fork of American River. — With the Coloma reservoir constructed and operated for the generation of hydro- electric energy, the flow in the river below the tailrace of the power plant would be subject to large daily and weekly fluctuations. How- ever, as Coloma reservoir probably would not be constructed prior to the construction of Folsom reservoir, and as any irrigation diversion that would be made between the two sites could be i)rovided for without reregulation, it is believed that no afterbay would be necessary between the reservoirs for reregulation. 320 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES There is, however, a fall in the river between the Coloma power house and the high water level in the Folsora reservoir of about 155 feet and the development of 105 feet of this potential head as a power drop, by the construction of a dam at the Webber Creek site about one mile below the mouth of Webber Creek, would be economically justified with the Coloma reservoir constructed. Water Supply. — The w-ater available for power generation would be the same as the releases and spill from the Coloma reservoir. N"o diversions for irrigation would be made between Coloma and Webber Creek dam sites, the intake of the Xatomas Canal being about one and one-half miles below the Webber Creek dam. The releases from Coloma reservoir would be augmented by run-offs from Webber Creek, but these were neglected in all studies of estimated power output. Reservoir Site. — The reservoir would extend up the canyon of the South Fork 2.5 miles to the Coloma dam and also a short distance up Webber Creek. The dam would be constructed high enough to back water up to the tailrace of the Coloma power plant at an elevation of 545 feet. The lands that would be flooded are of little value. No improvements are located within the reservoir site. Dam and Power Plant. — A survey of the dam site was made by the American River Hydroelectric Company in 192S. A topographic map drawm from this survey at a scale of one inch equals 100 feet, with a contour interval of ten feet, was used in laying out and estimating the costs of the Webber Creek reservoir dam and power plant. There have been no core drillings or other explorations of the foundation for the dam but a geological examination of the site and its vicinity was made, PLATE XLIII Webber Crook Dam Site on youth P'ork of .\nioricaii River SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 321 the report on Avhieli may be found in Appendix E. The stream bed is narrow and the side walls rise abruptly. The rock is a dark green rock of granitoid texture being of igneous origin. The dam would be of the gravity concrete overflow type for its entire length and would not be provided with crest gates. During periods of flood flows, Avater would back up on the Coloma power plant with a resulting slight decrease of head at this plant and a correspond- ing increase at the Webber Creek plant. The dam would be 85 feet high and 340 feet long. The foundation would be sealed by grouting and drainage wells would be drilled just downstream from the upstream toe of the dam and connected to a gallery in the dam. The stream would be diverted during construction in a manner similar to that described for Coloma dam. With a depth of water over the crest of the dam of about 11 feet, the discharging capacity would be comparable to that of Coloma dam, or 50,000 second-feet. The layout for the dam and power plant are shown on Plate XXXV. The power house would be located on the left bank of the river about 0.8 mile below the dam. Water would be conveyed to it by a concrete-lined horseshoe shaped tunnel 14.1 feet in diameter which opposite the power house, would divide into two steel pipe penstocks, 122 inches in diameter, laid down the face of the canyon side to tbe power house. Water w^ould enter the tunnel through a concrete structure having one caterpillar-type sluice gate for controlling the flow. It is estimated that the capacity of the plant, with a load factor of 0.75 and a power factor of 0.80, should be 20,000 kilovolt amperes. This would be divided equally between two generators each of which would be direct connected to a vertical shaft reaction turbine. The power house would be of steel and concrete construction. Transformers and protective equipment Avould be of the outdoor type. The plant would be operated as one of the units of the American River unit which is discussed later in this chapter. Power Output. — The yield from this unit would be electric energy output from water passing the dam, most of which would be that regulated by the Coloma reservoir. The seasonal and monthly vari- ations of this power would be dependent upon the releases from the Coloma reservoir since there would be no holdover storage in the Webber Creek reservoir. The only studies of the electric energy output from this reservoir are those made in connection with the output from the operation of the entire American River unit. These studies are discussed later in this chapter. Cost of Reservoir and Power Plant. — The cost of the Webber Creek unit was estimated by the methods generally outlined in the fore part of this chapter and is shown in Table 111. The annual cost of the Webber Creek reservoir and power plant computed on the bases outlined in the fore part of this chapter would be a total of $183,000. Of this, the annual cost of the dam and reser- voir would be $41,000 and of the power plant features, $142,000. 21—80994 322 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 111 COST OF WEBBER CREEK RESERVOIR AND POWER PLANT Height of dam, 85 feet. Installed capacity, 20,000 kilovolt amperes. Power factor = 0.80. Load factor = 0.75. Dam and Reservoir Exploration and core drilling $10,000 Diversion of river during construction 50,000 Clearing reservoir site 5,000 Excavation for dam, 26,000 cu. yds. at $2.50 to $5 $91), 000 Mass concrete, 49,000 cu. yds. at $6.50 319,000 Drilling and grouting foundation h.OOo 426,000 Lands and improvements flooded 10.000 Construction railroad, permanent camp, and clean-up after construction 40,000 Subtotal $541,000 Administration and engineering, 10 per cent 54,000 Contingencies, 15 per cent Sl.OOo Interest during construction based on a rate of 4.5 per cent per annum 24,000 Total cost of dam and reservoir $700,000 Power Plant Intake structure $20,000 Penstocks 652,000 Building and equipment -- 720,000 Subtotal _— $1,392,000 Administration and engineering, 10 per cent 139, Ooo Contingencies, 15 per cent 209,00fi Interest during construction based on a rate of 4.5 per cent per annum 60,000 Total cost of power plant $1,800,000 Total cost of dam, reservoir and power plant $2,500,000 Operation ami Cost of American River Unit. — The American River unit comprises the Folsom, Auburn, Coloma, Pilot Creek and Webber Creek reservoirs and the Folsom afterbay together with their hydroelectric power plants. The aggregate storage capacity of the American River unit would be 1,952,000 acre-feet distributed among the three major or storage reservoirs as follows : Folsom 355,000 acre- feet, Auburn 831,000 acre-feet and Coloma 766.000 acre-feet. The total available power drop within the unit would be from the maximum Avater surface elevations of Auburn and Coloma reservoirs, which Avould be 950 feet and 885 feet, respectively, to the tailrace eleva- tion of the Folsom afterbay which would be 115 feet. Of these amounts, it would be feasible to utilize the following : North Fork, 545 feet ; South Fork, 445 feet; main stream, 270 feet; or a total of 815 feet for the North Fork water and 715 feet for the South Fork Avater. This would be distributed among tlie reservoirs as follows : Auburn, 435 feet; Pilot Creek, 110 feet; Coloma, 340 feet; Webber Creek, 105 feet; Folsom, 195 feet; and Folsom afterbay, 75 feet. The power plant installation at each power drop of tiie American River unit would be as follows: Auburn 85.000 kilovolt amperes Pilot Creek 25,000 kilovolt amperes Coloma 40,000 kilovolt amperes Webber Creek 20.000 kilovolt amperes Folsom 100,000 kilovolt amperes Folsom afterbay 25,000 kilovolt amperes Total 295,000 kilovolt amperes SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 323 Water Supphj. — In the f<)ri'0 6 99 Febniarv 114. .'00 12 01 March lOH.fiOO 14.12 Aiiril May. 229,200 19. OS 256,400 21.27 Juno 136.800 11.39 July.. 41,700 3.47 August. . 12,900 1 07 HcptembcT 10,S00 88 UetobM-.. 15.300 1.27 November . 47,600 3.96 Decemlx'r 53,900 4 49 TotaU 1,201,000 100 00 PLATE XLIV EGEND -| f: C«A*l - t T««Ml 1 C*««*«4 c«fv««M»nul» \ = = = = T..™. - ~1 r — i — - ^ LEWISTON RESERVOIR j__ \ f^""^ n';:,". p««f^ bib- ~ pJ~'^ LCWISTOWN DIVEHSION DAM — ~ 9UMM 1 f ■.,H .-« 2 — '' "" '"1 1 <■ , Pa«^H. ," "•■, 3 ,„ \ .. . / \ . I ■ ■ \ Po i P»«,H.>,'.. Ko'4 . 1 1 1 10 12 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 Olslanca in miles PROFILE OF TRINITY RIVER DIVERSION CAPACITY OF DIVERSION CONDUIT 1275 SECONO-FEET 5 E 240O - ™ : ■» 2200 ; o 2000 J w J 3 I BOO ^ VrVT-r-rn Tmr 1 AOO aoo 1200 I600 2000 ZAOO Length in feet PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM O 400 Length in feet PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM GENERAL PLAN GENERAL PLAN fEET FAIRVIEW DAM POWER PLANT 400 SOO LEWISTON DIVERSION DAM TRINITY RIVER DIVERSION INTO SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN Sl)094— p. S28 SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 320 Plan of Development. — A number of plans were stiicliod for the diversion of the Trinity River water to the Sacramento River Basin in order to obtain the one which would deliver this water into the basin at the lowest net annual cost per acre-foot. Since the utilization of the head between the two rivers for the freneration of power is an important item, many plans of power development were analyzed in connection Avith these studies. One of these plans appeared to be better than any other studied and therefore was adopted for the development proposed in this report. The adopted plan, hereinafter described, is shown on Plate XLIV, "Trinity River Diversion into Sacramento River Basin." It is practically the same plan as that formerly proposed* for this diversion. Fairvieiv Reservoir. — The run-off of Trinity River would be regu- lated by a storage reservoir with a dam at the Fairview site. This dam would "be 365 feet in height and would create a storage capacity of 1,436,000 acre-feet. It is believed that for a good many years after the completion of the development, water wonld be released from the reservoir in accordance with the demand for power in northern and central California as shown in Table 64. The maximum releases Avould be made in August, the month of maximum power demand, and would be at the rate of 2570 acre-feet per day or an average discharge of 1295 second-feet. An area of 11,200 acres of land would be flooded by the proposed 365-foot dam. This land is for the most part rocky side hill grazing land but there are some areas in the upper end of the reservoir of fairly good agricultural land. The timber within the reservoir area is of very little value. No active mines would be flooded and any gold dredging land within the reservoir probably will have been worked over before the reservoir would be built. There are some ranch build- ings and improvements within the area, and two county roads and paralleling telephone lines which would be flooded would require relocation above the flow line. Assessed land values in the reservoir range from $1 to $17 per acre with an average of $5.50. A topographic survey of the Fairview reservoir site was made by the State in 1922 and a map was drawn from this survey at a scale of one inch equals 1000 feet, with a contour interval of 50 feet. The water surface areas measured from this map and the computed capacities of the reservoir are shown in Table 115. It is estimated that the mean annual net evaporation from the reservoir surface would be distributed bj'' months as shown in Table 63. A survey of the Fairview dam site was made by the state in 1930 and a topographic map drawn from this survey at a scale of one inch equals 200 feet with a contour interval of 20 feet was used in laying out and estimating the costs of the Fairview dam and ])Ower plant No. 1. No core drilling or other explorations were made at the site. A few borings made in the stream cluiiniel by a dredging company t(t determine the depth of the gravel were available, however, and the mine tunnels in the vicinity and the rock outcrops in the stream bed and 0J1 the slopes of the sides of the canyon give a good opportunity * Hullf-tin No. 12, "Sumnutry Report on the Water Resourcos of C;iliforni;i and a Coordinated Plan for 'IMn-ir Development," Division of UnKineerinK and Irriga- tion, 19i;7. "'SyfilSiS fll'^ • T 7 raiwBJ I I n 4 1 ' i 1 ' 1 -H CO ■oai t) OOkt 5 X_L I I I ' I ' i. I I i 1- ». £ O OOI> oo*s ooos ooat oosi ooe oofc )'-■ - - ' MAQ . i^ ihllSl 1/^: \ my oo* aa» a MAa>W3»Vfl»Al.1 TMAJ«« H3WO^ «8P. .n— KICoi' SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 329 Plan of Development. — A number of plans were studied for tlie diversion of the Trinity RiA'er vv^ater to the Sacramento River Basin in order to obtain the one Avhich would deliver this water into the basin at the lowest net annual cost per acre-foot. Since the utilization of the head between the two rivers for the peneration of power is an important item, many plans of power development were analyzed in connection Avith these studies. One of these plans appeared to be better than any other studied and therefore was adopted for the development proposed in this report. The adopted plan, hereinafter described, is shown on Plate XLIV, "Trinity River Diversion into Sacramento River Basin." It is practically the same plan as that formerly proposed* for this diversion. Fairvieiv Reservoir.— The run-off of Trinity River would be regu- lated by a storage reservoir with a dam at the Fairview site. This dam would be 365 feet in height and would create a storage capacity of 1.436,000 acre-feet. It is believed that for a good many years after the completion of the development, water would be released from the reservoir in accordance with the demand for power in northern and central California as shown in Table 64. The maximum releases Avould be made in August, the month of maximum power demand, and would be at the rate of 2570 acre-feet per day or an average discharge of 1295 second-feet. An area of 11,200 acres of land would be flooded by the proposed 365-foot dam. This land is for the most part rocky side hill grazing land but there are some areas in the upper end of the reservoir of fairly good agricultural land. The timber within the reservoir area is of very little value. No active mines would be flooded and any gold dredging land within the reservoir probably will have been worked over before the reservoir would be built. There are some ranch build- ings and improvements within the area, and two county roads and paralleling telephone lines which would be flooded would require relocation above the flow line. Assessed land values in the reservoir range from $1 to $17 per acre with an average of $5.50, A topographic survey of the FairvicAv reservoir site was made by the State in 1922 and a map was drawn from this survey at a scale of one inch equals 1000 feet, with a contour interval of 50 feet. The water surface areas measured from this map and the computed capacities of the reservoir are shown in Table 115. It is estimated that the mean annual net evaporation from the reservoir surface would be distributed by months as shown in Table 63. A survey of the Fairview dam site was made by the state in 1930 and a topographic map drawn from this survey at a scale of one inch equals 200 feet with a contour interval of 20 feet was used in laying out and estimating the costs of the Fairview dam and ])Ower plant No. 1. No core drilling or other explorations were made at the site. A few borings made in the stream channel by a dredging company to determine the depth of the gravel were available, however, aiul the mine tunnels in the vicinity and the rock outcrops in the stream bed and on the slopes of the sides of the canyon give a good opportunity * I'.ulli-tin No. 12, "Sumnitiry Report on the Water Resourcos of C;iliforiii;i ;ind a Coorflinated Plan for 'I'lK-ir Uevelopmont," Division of UnKineerint; and Irriga- tion, 1927. R30 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES TABLE lis AREAS AND CAPACITIES OF FAIRVIEW RESERVOIR Height of dam. 'Water surface elevation of Area of water Capacity of in leet (5-foot surface, in reservoir. freeboard) in feet acres in acre-feet 1.940 15 1.950 10 100 65 2.000 460 11,800 115 2,050 1.370 57,500 165 2,100 2.820 162,000 215 2,150 4.160 337.000 265 2,200 6.000 591,000 315 2,250 8,310 949,000 365 2,300 11,180 1,436,000 ' United States Geological Survey datum. for determiniiip: the character of the rock which would form the foiuida- tion for the dam. A detailed geological examination of all of the dam sites in the vicinity of the old Pairview mine was made and the report may be found in Appendix D. The geological examinations indicate that the rock is suitable for the foundation for a dam of any type. It is a metaandesite of the same character as that at the Kennett dam site on the Sacramento River. The right abutment of the dam would rest against a projecting ridge and on account of the narrow section of this ridge near its outer end, the dam was located to abut against the heavier section near its junction with the main slope of the canyon wall. PLATE XLV Fairviow Dam Site on Trinity River Kock fill, gra\el fill, jmd gravity ooiuTt-fe types of dam were con- sidered for this site. Comparative estimates indicated that with the sections proposed for the two former types, the cost would be as much if not more than with a concrete section. There is also some doubt as to the suitability of tlie rock in the vicinity for a rock fill, and as to there being suflicient gravel for a gravel fill. Furthermore, both of the latter types also offer greater difHculty in handling stream flow during construction. The gi-avity concrete section, therefore, was SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 331 adopted for the estimates in this report. However, more detailed study might reveal that another type of dam would be feasible and less costly, and ample and suitable material available for its construction. The layout for the dam is shown on Plate XLIV. It would be straight in plan, 365 feet high and 2400 feet long. A considerable amount of excavation of the overlying soil and decomposed rock and the gravel in the river channel Avould be required to obtain a good firm rock foundation. There would be a cut-off wall at the upstream toe, beneath which the rock would be sealed bj grouting. The foundation Avould be drained by a row of drainage wells, just downstream from the upper cut-off wall, which would be connected to a. gallery in the dam. Diversion of the stream flow during the excavation for and con- struction of the lower portion of the dam in the stream channel would be accomplished by gravel or rock fill coffer dams with steel sheet piling core walls, above and below the excavation. Water would be conveyed around the excavation by a concrete-lined horseshoe-shaped tunnel which would have a capacity of 5000 second-feet. The spillway would be located in the main dam near its center and would have a discharging capacity of 50,000 second-feet. This section of the dam would be of the gravity concrete overflow type. The flow over the spillway would be controlled by three hydraulically operated steel segmental drum gates 50 feet long and 20 feet high set in the crest of the spillway section. The gates would be separated by 10-foot piers in which the operating mechanism would be located. There would be no flood control outlets in the dam. Control of floods by the Fairview reservoir is not proposed since the Trinity Tiiver floods would have no effect on flood control works in the Sacra- mento Valley, as the discharge to the valley would be limited to the capacity of the diversion tunnel, and it is not believed that flood control is necessary for the protection of lands along the Trinity River. The only outlets through the dam would be two circular openings 300 feet below the top of the dam which would be used both for sluices and for releasing water when the power house was not in operation. These openings would be 66 inches in diameter and lined with steel. Flow through each outlet would be controlled by a caterpillar type self-closing sluice gate, at the upstream face of the dam, operated from the top of the dam. The gate would be protected by steel trash racks set in a semicircular concrete structure and would operate in a concrete enclosed gate well extending to the top of the dam. Each outlet would be further controlled by a slide gate a short distance from the inlet end, operated from a chamber inside of the dam. Also, in order to give more accurate regulation of the releases, one outlet would bo equipped with a 66-inch balanced needle valve at its discharging end. Water discharged from the spillway and sluiceways would flow over the downstream face of the dam into a concrete lined channel in the streambed. Power Plant No. I. — Water released from the Fairview reservoir would pass through power house No. 1 which would be located on the right bank of the si ream about 1300 feet below the dam. The water would be conveyed to it from the reservoir by a concrete lined horse- 332 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES shoo shaped tunnel. 12.5 feet in diameter, located under the ricrht abut- ment of the dam. Near the power house this tunnel would divide into three steel pipe penstocks. 90 inches in diameter, leadinjr to the turbines. These pipes would be laid in separate concrete lined horseshoe shaped tunnels 11.5 feet in diameter. Water would enter the main tunnel through a concrete gate tower over a vertical concrete lined shaft. Flow into the tower would be controlled by caterpillar type self-closing sluice gates operated from the top of the tower and protected by steel trash racks and concrete enclosed gate wells. The power plant would be operated on a load factor of 0.60 and have a power factor of 0.80 and a total installed capacity of 62,000 kilovolt amperes. This would be divided equally among three generators each of which would be direct connected to a vertical shaft variable head reaction turbine. The power house would be of concrete and steel construction. Trans- formers and protective equipment would be of the outdoor type. Lcwiaton Fn^rrvoir.—A diversion dam would be built at the Lewis- ton site about 2.5 miles above the town of Lewiston. Surveys of the Lewiston reservoir and dam sites were made by the State in 1926. A topographic map of the reservoir site was drawn from this survey at a scale of one inch equals 1000 feet, with a contour interval of 25 feet, and a topographic map of the dam site drawn at a scale of one inch equals 200 feet, with a contour interval of ten feet, was used in laying out and estimating the cost of the Lewiston diversion dam. The dam would be of the gravity concrete overflow type without crest gates. The crest would be at the level of the tail water of plant No. 1 and would be 98 feet above low water below the dam. It would be essentially a diversion dam but the pond between it and the Fairview dam also would serve as an afterbay to reregulate the variable discharge from plant No. 1 to the desired flow for diversion. A minimum of twenty second-feet of water would be allowed to pass this dam at all times for downstream uses. The lavout for this dam also is shown on Plate XLIV. Diversion Tunnel. — The water to be diverted to the Sacramento River Basin would enter a tunnel constructed through the Trinity Mountains, at the left abutment of the Lewiston dam. This tunnel would have a concrete lined horseslioe shaped section 12.9 feet in diameter and would be 6.35 miles in length. It would have a capacity of 1275 second-feet, which would be the draft in the month of maximum poMor demand with the project operated primarily for the generation of power. This same capacity would be maintained for all conduits from the Lewiston dam to the last power house in the system, on the Sacramento River. The tunnel would terminate in French Gulch, a tributary of Clear Creek. I'invcr I'Uinl No. 2. — At the end of the diversion tunnel in French (iulcli, the water would be turned into a concrete lined canal whicli would carry it 4.14 miles along the sides of the French Gulch and Clear Creek canyons to a i)oint near Tower House, wliere it would i) through steel pipe penstocks to power house No. 2. The ])Ower drop at this point would \m^ 592.5 feet. This plant would operate on a unity daily load faetor. It would have an installed generator capacity of SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 333 59,000 kilovolt amperes. The power liouse would be similar in con- struction to ])ower house No. 1. Power Plant No. 3. — The Avater on leaving the turbines of plant No. 2 would be collected in another open conduit and carried through a concrete lined canal, witli flumes across streams and ravines, along the right side of the Clear Creek Canyon, a distance of 5.59 miles to power plant No. 3 near Oak Bottom on the Redding-Weaverville high- way. At this plant, the power drop would be 193 feet. The water would be carried from the canal to the turbines through steel pipe penstocks. This plant also would operate on a unity daily load factor. It would have an installed generator capacity of 19,000 kilovolt amperes. Power Plant No. 4. — The water from power house No. 3 would flow through a covered conduit along the bed of Clear Creek for a distance of 0.84 mile, then through a tunnel for 0.26 mile and then into a con- crete lined canal, which, with flumes across streams entering Clear Creek from the north, w^ould carry it 3.2 miles to a tunnel 1.15 miles in length under the Shasta Divide, at a point near the State highway crossing. Below the Shasta Divide tunnel, the water would again flow- through a concrete lined canal, and one long flume across a draw, a distance of 2.67 miles to the head of the penstocks leading to power house No. 4. These penstocks would be steel pipes and would be 1.1 miles in length. The power house would be located on the right bank of the Sacramento River a short distance downstream from Keswick afterbay dam site. This plant also would operate on a unity daily load factor. The power drop would be 562 feet and the installed generator capacity of the plant, 53,000 kilovolt amperes. Alternate Plan. — As an alternate for the plan just described, power plant No. 4 and the conduit to it could be omitted and the water after passing through plant No. 3 could be reregulated in a reservoir on Clear Creek. The other units of the plan would remain the same. There is a site for a reregulating reservoir, which also could be used to regulate the run-oif of Clear Creek, near the settlement of Whiskytown. This site has been studied and although it appears to be expensive, future conditions may show that is is desirable to use it for storage and omit the power development east of the Shasta Divide. If the alternate plan were used, water diverted to the Sacramento River Basin in accordance with the power demand schedule could be reregulated to make it available under an irrigation demand schedule, thereby making more water available for this latter use. In tlie studies made with the adopted plan, about half of the water diverted from the Trinity River would be available in accordance with the irrigation demand and tlie remainder would be used only for the development of power or for tliis use, salinity control and the improvement of naviga- tion on the Sacramento River. YickU of Trinity River Diversion in Hydroelectric Energy and in Water for Irrigation — Diversion Operated Primarily for Generation of Power. — It is probable that for a good many years after its construc- tion, the Trinity River diversion would be o])erated as a power project and that releases would be nuule from Fairview reservoir on this basis. 334 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Tliese rcU-asfs \vonl(l he distributed by months in Jicoordaiiec with the po\v«M- dciiuiiid shown in Table (14. A study was made to estimate the amount of electric eiierp:y that wouhl liave been developed in each of the years from 1889 to 1929 with the reservoir operated primarily for this purpose, and the amount of new water that would have been made available in the Sacramento River Basin with the project operated in this way. The net run-otf at the Fairview^ dam site was used in maldnj; these studies. The water was assumed to have been passed througrh the diversion conduits and the four power houses previously described and to have been discharged into the Sacramento River at Keswick. In addition to the regular releases, spillwater from the Fairview reservoir would have been util- ized up to the capacity of the diversion system and the power plants. The flow of Clear Creek also would have been utilized through plants 3 and 4 when they were not running to capacity on Trinity River water. Plant No. 1 would have been operated on a 0.60 load factor and used for carrying peak loads while the other plants would have been operated on unity daily load factors. Under this method of operation and with the drawdown in Fair- view reservoir such that the head on plant No. 1 would never have been less than 50 per cent of the maximum, the regulated releases from the reservoir would have been 796,000 acre-feet per year and there would have been a deficiency in only one year in the forty, when the draft would have been 736,000 acre-feet, which is a deficiency of 7.5 per cent. The average annual output of tlie entire system in hydroelectric energy would have been 1,063,900,000 kilowatt hours, with a maximum output of 1,144,500,000 kilowatt hours in 1904 and a minimum outi)ut of 890,300,000 kilowatt hours in 1924. The weighted daily load factor for the complete development would have been 0.87. The value of this energy at the power plants, based on the lowest of several estimates of the cost of producing an equivalent amount of electric energy of the same characteristics wdth a steam-electric plant located in the area of consumption, taking into account the cost of transmission from the point of generation to the load center, is estimated to be $0.0025 per kilowatt hour. The average annual revenue at this value would have been $2,660,000. The total yield in irrigation water at Red Blutf with the unregu- lated run-off of the Sacramento River supplemented by the water diverted from the Trinity River, with the Trinity River diversion operated primarily for the production of electric energy, would have been 2,045,000 acre-feet per year distributed in accordiince with the irrigation demand in the Sacramento Valley. This suj^ply would have iiad a maximum deficiency of 27 per cent in 1924, and an average over the 40-year period 1889-1929 of two per cent. The annual yield in new water would have been 555,000 acre-feet. To make all of the Trinity River water available for irrigation use with this method of operation would re(|nire storage or reregulation in a reservoir on the Sacramento River Basin side of the Trinity Mountains. Yidds of Trinity River Diversion in Water for Irrigation and in Hydroelectric Energy — Diversion Operated Under Ultimate Conditions of Irrigation. — The irrigation of the total area along the foothills on tlie west side of tiie Sacramento Valley which is indicated on Plate VT as being the area to be supplied with Trinity River water, v^ould SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 335 require 440,000 acre-feet of water annually, distributed in accordance with tlie demand in the Sacramento Valley. 'i'o have obtained this irrigation supply, the monthly distribution (»f water releases from Fairview reservoir Avould have been similar to, I nit sli^ditly ditferent from, the distribution when operated primarily lor tilt' production of hydroelectric energy, shown in Table 64. With this method of operation, the drafts in January, February, March, November and December would have been reduced slightly and in June, July and August, they would have been increased to the dis- charging capacity of the power installation, other months being prac- tically the same as in the operation primarily for the generation of power. In June, July and August, additional amounts of water, from which no power would have been obtained, would have been drawn from the reservoir for irrigation use. This water would have been conveyed through the Trinity Mountains tunnel to French Gulch and released to flow down Clear Creek to a point of diversion below plant No. 3, wliere, with the amount available from the tailrace of this plant, it would have been diverted to the irrigable area. The diversion of this water would have slightly reduced the energy output from plants Nos. 1, 2 and 3 and would have materially reduced the output of plant No. 4 by depriving that plant of about half of its water supply. With this modified schedule of release, plant No. 4 would have been idle each year from the end of April to the beginning of September. This would have resulted in the character of the power from plant No. 4 being poor but this would have been compensated for in part by the other three plants being operated to capacity during the summer months. It was estimated that the average annual energy output for the 40-year period 1889-1929, wath this method of operation, would have been 855,000,000 kilowatt hours. The irrigation yield would have had a maximum seasonal deficiency of 35 per cent in 1924 if sufficient storage had been retained in Fair- view reservoir to maintain a minimum head equal to 50 per cent of the inaxinnim, on plant No. 1. Cost of Reservoirs and Diversion.- — The folloAving estimates of the cost of constructing the diversion were made by the methods generally out- lined in the fore part of this chapter. They include all of the items necessary for the con.struction of the Fairview reservoir, the Lewiston diversion dam and reservoir, all tunnels and conduits, and the four power plants. The annual cost of each unit of the diversion and power system was estimated on the bases given in the fore part of this chapter and the amounts are set forth in Table 116. TABLE 116 SUMMARY OF CAPITAL AND ANNUAL COSTS OF TRINITY RIVER DIVERSION INTO SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN Unit — Capital cost Annual cost Fairview reservoir $37,000,0(10 $2,210,000 I'ower plant No. 1 at Fairview dam 3,500,000 289,000 I^ewi.ston diversion dam and reservoir 900,000 58,000 Conduit from Lewi.ston diversion dam to power plant No. 2, and power plant No. 2 10,700,000 741,000 Conduit from power plant No. 2 to power plant No. 3, and power plant No. 3 2,400,000 182,000 Conduit from power plant No. 3 to power plant No. 4, JUKI power plant No. 4 7,500,000 538,000 Total cost of Trinity River diversion $62,000,000 $4,018,000 336 DIVISION OF WATKIl RESOURCES Tlic details oi' the esliniates of tlie co«ts ol" eoiistnictin^ tlie forc- j^oiii},' imils are shown in Tables 117 to 122, inclusive. TABLIi 117 COST OF FAIRVIEVV REStRVOIR Height of dam, 365 feet. Capacity of reservoir, 1,436,000 acre-feet. Capacity ot spillway, 50,000 second-feet. lOxpIoratioii and core drilling $30,000 JJiver.sion of river during construction 128,00(1 Clearing reservoir site 224,000 Excavation for dam, 887,000 cu. yd. at ?1.50 to $5 $1,490,000 Mass concrete, 2,630,000 cu. yds. at $a 23,670,000 Iteinforced concrete, 2200 cu. yds. at $21 to $::7.50 50,000 Spillway gates 97,000 Spillway channel 291,00ti Sluiceways 140,000 Drilling and grouting foundation 55,000 ?25,799,000 Land-s and improvements flooded 1,008,000 Permanent camps and clean-up after construction 50,000 Subtotal $27,299,000 Administration and engineering, 10 per cent 2,730,000 Contingencies, 15 per cent 4,095,000 Interest during construction based on a rate of 4.5 per cent per annum. _ 2,876,000 Total of dam and reservoir 137,000,000 TABLE 118 COST OF POWER PLANT No. 1 AT FAIRVIEW DAM Installed capacity, 62,000 kilovolt amperes. Power factor =: 0.80. Load factor = 0.60. Intake structure $76,000 IVii.stocks and tunnels 600,000 Building and equipment 1,935,000 Subtotal 1—— ___—_- $2,611,000 Administration and engineering, 10 per cent 261.000 (Contingencies, 15 per cent 392,000 Interest during construction based on a rale of 4.5 per cent per annum__ 236,000 Total cost of power plant $3,500,000 TABLE 119 COST OF LEWISTON DIVERSION DAM AND RESERVOIR Height of dam, 98 feet. Overflow dam. Capacity of .spillway, 50,000 second-feet. Exploration and core drilling $10,000 Diversion of rivor during construction ^ 10,000 Clearing reservoir site; 25,000 Excavation for dam, 12,000 cu. yd. at $4.50 $54,000 .Mass concrete, 56,000 cu. yd.s. at $8 448,000 Drilling and grouting foundation 12,000 514,000 Lands and improvements flooded 110,000 Construction road, permanent camp and clean-up after construction 20,000 Subtotal $689,000 Administration and engineering, 10 per cent 69,00o Contingencies, 15 per cent 103.000 Interest during construction based on a rate of 4.5 per cent per annum 39,000 Total cost of dam and reservoir $900,00(1 SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 337 TABLE 120 COST OF DIVERSION CONDUIT FROM LEWISTON DAM TO POWER PLANT No. 2 NEAR TOWER HOUSE, AND POWER PLANT No. 2 Capacity of conduit, 1275 second-feet. In.slalled capacity of power plant, 59,000 kilovolt amperes. Power factor = 0.80. Load factor = 1.00. Inlet structure $15,000 Tunnel 4,y 51,000 Canal 899,000 Penstocks 4 20,000 Power house and equipment 1,745,000 Right of way, construction road, permanent camp and clean-up 60,000 Subtotal $8,090,000 Administration and engineering, 10 per cent 809,000 Contingencies, 15 per cent 1,214,000 Interest during construction based on a rate of 4.5 per cent per annum 588,000 Total cost of conduit and power plant $10,700,000 TABLE 121 COST OF CONDUIT FROM POWER PLANT No. 2 TO POWER PLANT No. 3 NEAR OAK BOTTOM, AND POWER PLANT No. 3 Capacity of conduit, 1275 second-feet. Installed capacity of power plant, 19,000 kilovolt amperes. Power factor = 0.80. Load factor = 1.00. Inlet structure $15,0U0 Canal .* 740,000 Flumes 110,000 Feeder ditches 90,000 Penstocks _• 141,000 Power house and equipment 698,000 Right of way, construction road, permanent camp and clean-up 57,000 Subtotal $1,851,000 Administration and engineering, 10 per cent 185,000 Contingencies, 15 per cent — 278,000 Interest during construction based on a rate of 4.5 per cent per annum 86,000 Total cost of conduit and power plant $2,400,000 TABLE 122 COST OF CONDUIT FROM POWER PLANT No. 3 TO POWER PLANT No. 4 NEAR KESWICK, AND POWER PLANT No. 4 Capacity of conduit, 1275 second-feet. Installed capacity of power plant, 53,000 kilovolt amperes. Power factor ^ 0.80. Load factor = 1.00. Inlet structure $15,000 Covered conduit 116,000 Tunnels 1,059.000 Canals 766,000 Flumes 225,000 Penstocks 1,963,000 Power house and equipment 1,590,000 Right of way, construction road, permanent camp and clean-up 71,000 Subtotal $5,805,000 Administration and engineering, 10 per cent 580,000 Contingencies, 15 per cent 871,000 Interest during construction based on a rate of 4.5 per cent per annum 244,000 Total cost of conduit and power plant $7,500,000 22—80994 338 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Millsite Reservoir on Stony Creek. Two storage reservoirs have been developed on Stony Creek by the United States Bureau of Reclamation to furnish irrigation water for the Orland Project. Tliese reservoirs are the East Park, with a capacity of 51,000 acre-feet, completed in 1911 and the Stony Gorge, with a capacity of 50,200 acre-feet, completed in 1928. These two reservoirs, however, do not give as complete control of the run-off of the stream as is possible and desirable. The Millsite reservoir, there- fore, is believed to be a necessary unit of the State Water Plan, for the further control of the run-off from the area between its dam site and the Stony Gorge dam and the water which would spill over the latter dam. The water regulated by this reservoir would practically all be required for irrigation use in the Stony Creek water service area described in Chapter V, which is an area lying at elevations too high to be served by gravity from the Sacramento River. Its only source of supply, therefore, is Stony Creek, or possibly the Trinity River diver- sion. The area, however, can be served more economically from the reservoirs on Stony Creek than from any other source of supply. The site for the dam which would create the jMillsite reservoir is located in Sections 1 and 12, Township 21 North, Range 6 West, M. D. B. and M., about ten miles downstream from the Stony Gorge dam. The area of the drainage basin above the dam site is 597 square miles, of which 322 square miles or 54 per cent lies in the uncontrolled area between the site and the Stony Gorge dam. The total area includes about 3 per cent of the mountain and foothill drainage area of the Sacramento River Basin. The watershed is bounded on the west by the Coast Range divide between the Sacramento River Basin and the North Pacific Coast Basin and on the east is separated from the Sacramento Valley by a lower ridge. It runs in a general north and south direction parallel to the Sacramento Valley. Most of the area is of the low mountain or foothill type with some lands suitable for agriculture. Water Suppbj. — Only the full natural and ultimate net run-offs at the dam site were estimated. The methods used were the same as those generally described in Chapter II. Information on the run-off Avas obtained from records which have been kept by the United States Geological Survey at the station on the main stream near P'ruto from 1901 to 1912 ; at Simpson Bridge station on the main stream (near Orland) from January, 1920, to September, 1929; and at the station on Little Stony Creek near Ladoga from Janu- ary, 1908, to Sei)t('mbf'r, 1929. Records kept by the United States Bureau of Reclamation of storage in and releases from the East Park and Stony Gorge reservoirs were used in converting measured to full natural run-ott's. The full natural run-nffs from the entire drainage area of 710 s(|uare miles above the mouth of the canyon were first estimated. To obtain these, the full natural run-olfs at tlie Fruto and Simpson Bridge gaging stations were estimated for the period of record at each. The monthly full natural run-offs at the Fruto station were obtained from tilt' measured run-ofis by adding the estimated net amounts used for irrigation above the gage, by adding water stored in and subtracting water released from P^ast Park reservoir, by adding evaporation from SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 339 the reservoir, and by adding: seepajre losses from released water. The monthly full natural run-offs at Simpson Bridge were obtained from the measured run-offs by adding the estimated net amounts used for irrigation above the gage, by adding water stored in and subtracting water released from the East Park and Stony Gorge reservoirs, by adding evaporation losses from these reservoirs, and by adding seepage losses from water released from the reservoirs. The relation of the flows at the Fruto station to those at Simpson Bridge were established by comparing run-offs at each with the run-oifs at the Little Stony Creek station near Ladoga. The run-offs at Simpson Bridge from 1913 to 1919 were estimated from those at the Ladoga station by the use of curves showing the relation of these run-offs established from parallel records. The run-off from the entire drainage area was estimated to be 11.6 per cent greater than that at Simpson Bridge and the monthly run-offs at the mouth of the canyon from 1901 to 1929 were estimated by increasing those at Simpson Bridge by this per cent. The monthly run-offs for the period 1889 to 1901 were estimated from probable run- off curves drawn for each month, as described in Chapter II. Rainfall stations in Division F were used for establishing the indices of wetness. The full natural run-offs, by months, at the Millsite dam site were estimated from those at the mouth of the canyon by multiplying the run-offs at the latter point by the ratio of the drainage areas, since the rainfall appears to be about uniform over the entire area. The monthly ultimate net run-offs at the dam site were estimated from the monthly full natural run-offs by making allowances for ulti- mate conditions of development. In making these estimates, it was assumed that under the plan for ultimate development, the irrigation yield of the East Park reservoir would be used on lands within the watershed above the ]\Iillsite dam site and that the irrigation yield of the Stony Gorge reservoir would be exported for use on areas outside of the watershed. The ultimate net run-oft's were obtained from the full natural run-offs by subtracting the amounts of water stored in, evaporation from, and releases for irrigation from the East Park and Stony Gorge reservoirs; and by adding the return water from the irrigation in the watershed above the Millsite dam site. The estimated full natural and ultimate net run-offs at the Millsite dam site are shown in Table 123. The variations in the seasonal run-offs are shown by the full natural run-offs listed in Table 123. The maximum seasonal full natural run- off in the 40-year period 1889-1929, was 1,213,000 acre-feet in 1889-90 and the minimum was 36,000 acre-feet in 1923-24, a variation of from 281 per cent to 8 per cent of the mean seasonal full natural run-off for the same period. The average monthly distribution of the run-off, as determined from the full natural run-offs at the dam site, is shown in Table 124. Estimates of the maximum mean daily flow at the Simpson Bridge station indicate that once in 100 years on an average, a flow of 46,000 second-feet may be expected. Flows past the Fruto gaging station prior to the construction of the East Park Reservoir and the releasing of water from it in the sumnun* for irrigation, were as low as 0.5 of a second-foot. 340 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 123 SEASONAL RUN-OFFS OF STONY CREEK AT MILLSITE DAM SITE, 1889-1929 18W-1890. 1890-1891. 1891-1892. 1892-1893. 1893-1894. 1894-1895. 1895-1896. 1896-1897. 1897-1898. 1898-1899. 1899-1900- 1900-1901. 1901-1902. 1902-1903. 1903-1904. 1904-1905. 1905-1906. 1906-1907. 1907-1908. 1908-1909. 1909-1910. 1910-1911. 1911-1912. 1912-1913. 1913-1914. 1914-1915. 1915-1916. 1916-1917. 1917-1918. 1918-1919. 1919-1920. 1920-1921. 1921-1922. 1922-1923. 1923-1924. 1924-1925. 1925-1926. 1926-1927. 1927-1928. 1928-1929. Season 40-year means, 1889-1929 20-year mean.s, 1909-1929 . 10-year means, 1919-1929 . 5-year means, 1924-1929 . Full natural Ultimate net run-off. run-off. in acre-feet in acre-feet 1.213,000 1.078.000 366,000 314.000 176,000 109.000 569,000 484,000 174,000 118.000 1,106,000 1.016,000 480,000 418,000 343,000 278,000 73,100 45,700 182,000 105,000 293,000 205.000 312,000 247,000 752,000 667,000 611,000 549,009 868.000 790,000 520,000 450.000 575,000 498,000 901,000 839,000 294.000 228.000 1,107,000 1.034.000 305,000 245.000 599,000 509,000 55.200 34.900 125,000 72.800 902,000 787,000 686.000 606,000 453,000 390,000 239,000 173,000 125.000 75.700 224,000 156.000 58.300 37.200 539,000 419.000 218.000 149.000 186,000 128.003 36,000 29.300 428,000 321.000 258,000 191.000 535,000 449.(0) 317.000 252.000 85.500 51.400 432.000 364.000 319.000 254.000 266,000 203.000 325,000 253.000 TABLE 124 AVERAGE MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF RUN-OFF OF STONY CREEK AT MILLSITE DAM SITE Month Average full natural run-off In acre-feet In per cent of mean seasonal .Tnnuiiry 106,000 111.000 92.400 47,400 21,000 6.700 1.900 1.400 1.200 1,600 10.600 30,900 24 51 February ....... 25 68 March 21.40 April 10 97 iJRr June July Angu«t . 4 87 1 56 45 0.33 September . . ... ... .... 27 October 35 2 45 December ....... - - 7 16 ToUb 432.000 100 00 SACRA]MEXTO RIVER BASIN 341 Reservoir Site. — The lands that would have to be acquired for the reser- voir are not highly improved. Most of the area would be in the gravel wash stream beds of Stony and Grindstone creeks. There are a few acres of cultivated land and a few small old orchards. Most of the area is useful primarily for grazing, if usable at all. There are only a few buildings within the area and these are of small value. A few miles of county road would bo flooded and would require relocation above the flow line of the reservoir. A topographic survey of the Millsite reservoir site was made by the United States Bureau of Reclamation in connection with storage studies for the Orland Project in 1923, and a map was drawn from this survej^ at a scale of one inch equals 500 feet, with a contour interval of ten feet. The water surface areas measured from this map and the computed capacities of the reservoir are shown in Table 125. TABLE 125 AREAS AND CAPACITIES OF MILLSITE RESERVOIR Height of dam, 'Water surface elevation of .\rca of water Capacity of in feet (5-foot surface. reservoir, freeboard) reservoir, in feet in acres in acre-feet 548 25 563 120 800 35 573 270 2,700 45 583 400 6,000 55 593 500 10,600 65 603 630 16,200 75 613 800 23,400 85 623 1,030 32,500 95 633 1,230 44,000 105 643 1,510 57,600 115 653 1,780 74,400 125 663 2,050 93,500 135 673 2,310 115,000 ' United States Geological Survey datum. Dam and Appurtenant Works. — The survey of the dam site and explo- rations of the foundations by diamond drill borings and open test pits also were made by the United States Bureau of Reclamation. A topo- graphic map drawn from this survey at a scale of one inch equals 200 feet, with a contour interval of ten feet, was used in laying out and estimating the cost of the Millsite dam. A geological examination of the site was made by this division, the report on which, together with the logs of the test holes and a map showing their locations, may be found in Appendix E. The formation on which the dam would be founded is conglomerate beds separated by thinner beds of sandstone and shale. The ridge formed by these materials has been cut by Stony Creek and at the stream channel the notch is about 60 feet deep below low water surface and is filled with sand and gravel. The suggested method of preparing the foundation for the dam and the probable amounts of excavation are given in the geologic report. The dam would be of the reinforced concrete slab-buttress type. It would be 135 feet higli above low water and the crest would be 2840 feet in length. The layout and profile of the dam are shown on Plate XLVII, "Millsite Reservoir on Stony Creek." 342 DIVISION' f)F WATER RESOURCES PLATE XLVI Millsite Dam Sile on Sluny Crt-ek There would be a cut-off wall at the upstream toe, beneath which any seams or voids in the rock would be sealed bj'^ pressure grouting for the purpose of preventing seepage under the dam. Diversion of the stream flow during the construction of the lower portion of the dam would be accomplished by constructing coffer dams of gravel fill, with steel sheet-piling core and cut-off* walls, above and below the excavation. The water would be carried between these dams in a flume. The spillway would be located in the portion of the dam over the stream channel and would have a capacity of 53,000 second-feet. The flow over the crest would be controlled by five caterpillar type gates which would slide down the inclined surface of the upstream face of the dam when opened. These gates would be 30 feet square and would control an opening 20 feet in depth. They would be operated on con- crete piers which would separate tliem. Water passing over the spill- Avay would flow over tlie down-stream face of tlie dam into the stream channel which would be protected by a concrete apron. There would be two outlet pipes 50 inches in diameter, located at a depth of 130 feet below the top of the dam. These outlets would serve as sluicewaj's and for the release of irrigation water. Flow through each ])ipe would be controlled by a slide gate near the inlet end and a 50-inch balanced needle valve at the outlet. Steel trash racks would protect the inlet. Yield of Reservoir in Water for Irrigaiion. — A study was made to esti- mate the amounts of water tluit would have been made avaihible for irrigation from the INIillsite reservoir ah)ne in tlie 4()-year period 1889- 192!), with the reservoir operating primarily for this purpose, and the amount of this yield that would have been new water. This study was made by the methods described in the fore part of this ehajiter. The entire capacity of the reservoir was utilized and tlie resei'voir was operated primarily for supplying irrigation water. PLATE XLVII 2800 R. 7 W. R. 6 W. R. 5 W. R. 4 W. R. 3 W. Tehama County Glonn County ^ Oi S" /"■ N. land ( ^.a= ^c. ^ MlllMpa v^ 2^^ ^^^^JJ^MILLs'lTE DAM a: T. 2 N. Stn_ -^..]'^ -MILLSITE RESERVOIR 1 1 1 y Elk Creek Of 1 A Froto*\ o AKolB 1 T. 20 N. o { w A 1, ft. Stony Gorge ^ \ AK Rooarvolr c Willows 1 T. 19 N. J> O V) - k f Glonn Cou nty Normon Stonyf ord° Colusa County r LOCATION MAP T. 7 N. SCALE OF MILES O 8 16 ' 1 I MILLSITE RESERVOIR STONY CREEK PLATE XLVII ) 600 ) ' 500 ON-OVERFLOWSECTI CREST ELEV, eZBFEE 1 ss NON-OVEHFLOW SECT.O 3 FEET '■"* > 5! , ELEV. 65 1 BUTTRESSES NOT SHOWN nririMp buttresses not shown^^____- r— ' 1 P ^ 200 400 600 800 1000 3 1400 1600 Length in feet PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM 1 800 2O0O 2200 2400 2600 2800 GENERAL PLAN OF DAM aoo t in height and 800 feet in lenglh, and llu? other .'55 feet in hfight and 4320 feet in length. Both would be of Ihe same type as the luaiu dam. The cut-off walls on all dams would extend P,46 DIVISIO.V OF WATER RESOURCES PLATE XLVIII Capay Dam Site on Cache Creek through the soft overlying material and into the shale bedrock for the purpose of preventing seepage under the dams. The layout and profiles of these dams are shown on Plate XLIX, "Capav Reservoir on Cache Creek." The diversion of the stream flow during construction would be accomplished by a small diversion dam upstream from the main dam site which would divert the water into a tunnel which would afterwards 1)6 used for the release of irrigation water and spill from the reservoir. The spillway would be of the vertical shaft and tunnel type through the ridge at the left abutment of the dam. Water would enter the vertical shaft over a gravitj^ concrete overflow spillway constructed in four sections around the top of the shaft. The flow over these spillways would be controlled by four hydraulically operated steel segmental drum gates 10 feet high and 50 feet in length set in recesses in the crest of the spillway. The vertical shaft would be circular in shape and would vary from 28.2 to 22 feet in diameter. The horizontal tunnel would have a concrete-lined horseshoe-shaped section 22 feet in diam- eter. It would discharge into the .stream channel about 400 feet below tlie downstream toe of the dam. The irrigation releases from the reservoir would be made through a concrete gate tower 10 feet in diameter in whieli there would be oi)enings through which the flow would be controlled by slide gates. This tower would discharge into a six-foot diameter concrete-liued horseshoe-shaped tunnel which would connect to the tunnel leading from tlie spillway. Yield of Reservoir in Wafer for Irri Ul EAHTHFILL SECTION CHEST ELEV. 435 FEET - -» - ■~-v ■^ r — 1 p,^ ^ ^ ^ _ 00 800 1 m feet DF DAM "A" UPSTREAM SHAFT SPILLWAY MAIN 0AM 400 800 1200 Length in feet PROFILE OF MAIN DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM County County LOCATION MAP SCALE OF MILES O 4 8 — gd CAPAY RESERVOIR CACHE CREEK PLATE XLIX EARTHFILL SECTION CHEST ELEV 435 FEET -^ 1 600 h 400 „ ._i _ EARTHFIL CHEST ELEV L SECTION- 435 FEET H 1 r--^ »_ 600 V CREST ELEV 435 FEET - c 400 ^^^ ^ o n aoo UJ o _ 200O 2400 i Length in feet PROFILE OF DAM "B" LOOKING UPSTREAM O 400 800 Length m feet PROFILE OF DAM "A" LOOKING UPSTREAM MAIN DAM GENERAL PLAN OF DAMS FEET aOO 1600 S0994 — p. 348 400 BOO 1 ; Length in feet PROFILE OF MAIN DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM LOCATION MAP SCALE OF MILES CAPAY RESERVOIR CACHE CREEK SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 349 water. This study was made by the methods described in the fore part of this chapter. The entire capacity of the reservoir was utilized and the reservoir was operated primarily for suppl^'ing irrigation water. The study indicates that a seasonal irrigation draft of 155,000 acre-feet would have been obtainable with a maximum deficiency of 35 per cent in the driest year and an average deficiency for the 40-year period of one per cent. The seasonal yield in new water would have been the same. Flood Control. — Curves showing the probable frequency of occurrence of flood flows of certain amounts at the Yolo gaging station and the amount of reservoir space required to control floods which are expected to occur at certain intervals of time at this point to selected regulated flows, are shown on Plates VIII and X in Chapter VI. One of the largest floods of record occurred in the latter part of March and it would be necessary, therefore, to hold the full reserve space in the reservoir until the first of April. Due to the nature of the run-off from the Cache Creek drainage area, there would be insufScient water after this date in some years to fill as much of the reserve space as would have been filled without this reservation for flood control. The irrigation yield of the reservoir would be diminished and flood control, therefore, has not been included in this reservoir. Should flood control on the stream be desired, the required storage space could be reserved in the Capay reservoir and the irrigation jdeld decreased from that given above. The irrigation yield could be main- tained if additional storage space for irrigation water was provided at one of the upper reservoirs, or at some other reservoir site, to take the place of the reserve space for flood control in the Capay reservoir. Cost of Reservoir. — An estimate of the cost of the reservoir was made as generally outlined in the fore part of this chapter and includes all of the items which have been briefly described in the foregoing para- graphs. No power plant is proposed in connection with this reservoir. The estimated cost of the reservoir is shown in Table 130. TABLE 130 COST OF CAPAY RESERVOIR Height of dam, 170 feet. Capacity of reservoir, 378,000 acre-feet. Capacity of spillway, 25,000 second-feet. Exploration and core drilling $10 QOO Diversion of stream during construction ."i'ooo Clearing reservoir site ~~ Z 158000 lOarth fill, 1,825,000 cu. yds. at $0.50 $913,000 Reinforced concrete, 28,000 cu. yds. at $8.50 to $11.50 274,000 Kxcavation for cut-off wall, 14,000 cu. yds. at $1.25 18.000 Shaft spillway 412,000 Irrigation outlet 50,000 1,607,000 Lands and improvements flooded 2,320,000 Permanent camp and clean-up after construction I_ ' 3o!oOO Subtotal .1:4,190.000 Administration and engineering, 10 per cent 419 000 Contingencies, 15 per cent (i29ioOO Interest during construction, based on a rate of 4.5 per cent per annum.. 2(i2!o(Hi Total cost of dam and reservoir $5,500,000 The annual cost of the dam and reservoir estimated on the bases given in the fore port of this chapter, and the capital cost given in Table 130, would be $338,000. ooa 00» 3 3 O oos S < / 1| V:^. / Oc- V / ?l. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 349 water. This study was made by the methods described in the fore part of this chapter. The entire capacity of the reservoir was utilized and the reservoir was operated primarily for supplying irrigation water. The study indicates that a seasonal irrigation draft of 155,000 acre-feet would have been obtainable M'ith a maximum deficiency of 35 per cent in the driest year and an average deficiency for the 40-year period of one per cent. The seasonal yield in new water would have been the same. Flood Control. — Curves showing the probable frequency of occurrence of flood flows of certain amounts at the Yolo gaging station and the amount of reservoir space required to control floods which are expected to occur at certain intervals of time at this point to selected regulated flows, are shown on Plates VIII and X in Chapter VI. One of the largest floods of record occurred in the latter part of March and it would be necessary, therefore, to hold the full reserve space in the reservoir until the first of April. Due to the nature of the run-oif from the Cache Creek drainage area, there would be insufficient water after this date in some years to fill as much of the reserve space as would have been filled without this reservation for flood control. The irrigation yield of the reservoir would be diminished and flood control, therefore, has not been included in this reservoir. Should flood control on the stream be desired, the required storage space could be reserved in the Capay reservoir and the irrigation yield decreased from that given above. The irrigation yield could be main- tained if additional storage space for irrigation water was provided at one of the upper reservoirs, or at some other reservoir site, to take the place of the reserve space for flood control in the Capay reservoir. Cost of Reservoir. — An estimate of the cost of the reservoir was made as generally outlined in the fore part of this chapter and includes all of the items which have been briefly described in the foregoing para- graphs. No power plant is proposed in connection with this reservoir. The estimated cost of the reservoir is shown in Table 130. TABLE 130 COST OF CAPAY RESERVOIR Height of dam, 170 feet. Capacity of reservoir, 378,000 acre-feet. Capacity of spillway, 25,000 second-feet. Exploration and core drilling $10,000 Diversion of stream during construction s'ooii Clearing reservoir site I_~ 158000 Earth fill, 1,82.5,000 cu. yds. at $0.50 $913,000 Reinforced concrete, 28,000 cu. yds. at $8.50 to $11.50 274,000 Excavation for cut-off wall, 14,000 cu. yds. at $1.25 18,000 .Shaft spillway 412,000 Irrigation outlet 50,000 1,667,000 Lands and improvements flooded 2,320,000 Permanent camp and clean-up after construction ~_Z ' 3o]oOO Subtotal $4,190,000 .Vdministration and engineering, 10 per cent 419,000 Contingencies, 15 per cent 629^000 Interest during construction, based on a rate of 4.5 per cent per annum.I 2i;2!(Mi(i Total cost of dam and reservoir $5,500,000 The annual cost of the dam and reservoir estimated on the bases given in the fore port of this chapter, and the capital cost given in Table 130, would be $338,000. 350 DIVISION' OF WATER RESOURCES Monticello Reservoir on Putah Creek. Since the i-un-off of Putali Crock is ri'latively small, the lU'ed for a major reservoir unit on this creek would be i)rincipally to rej^ulate as large a proportion of the run-oft' of the stream as economically feasible for the irrijration of lands in the Putah Creek water service area described in Chapter V. There are four reservoir sites on Putali Creek, the Monticello site at the lower end of the Berryessa Valley, the Upper ^lonticello site at the upper end of the Berryessa Valley, the Devil's Head site at the Nai)a-Lake county line, and the Guenoc or Coyote Valley site. Of these sites, the Monticello site is best located for controlling the flow of Putah Creek. The other sites are too limited in size and in tribu- tary drainage area for a major reservoir unit on this stream but could be used for the storage of water for the irrigation of lands in the drainage basin above Monticello. The site for the dam which would create the Monticello reservoir is located at the Yolo-Napa county line, in Section 29, Township 8 North, Range 2 West, ]\I. D. B. and ^I., about seven miles west of the town of Winters. The area of the drainage basin upstream from this site is 620 square miles or about 95 per cent of the area above the United States Geological Survey gaging station on Putah Creek at Winters, and about 3 per cent of the total mountain and foothill area of the Sacramento River Basin. This watershed lies on the easterly .slope of the Coast Range and in general is of the low foothill type. There are consider- able areas of agricultural land in the Berryessa, Pope, Morgan, Capell, and Coyote valleys and around ]\Iiddletown. The highest point of the watershed is Mount St. Helena with a peak elevation of 4743 feet. Water Supply. — Information on the run-oft' of Putah Creek at the ^Monticello dam site is gained from the records of stream flow kept by the United States Geological Survey at Winters since September, 1905. The measured monthly run-offs were converted to full natural by add- ing to them the estimated net amounts of water used for irrigation in the watershed above the gaging station. The estimated monthly run- offs for the period prior to 1905 were obtained from probable run-off curves for each month, using the indices of wetness computed from rainfall records for stations in Division F, as described in Chai)ter II. The seasonal full natural run-offs at the Winters gaging station are shown in Table 5. By multiplying the area of the drainage basin above the Winters gage and that above the ^Monticello dam site by the mean annual rain- fall in each respective area, estimated from isohyetal lines, it was esti- mated that the full natural run-off at the dam site was 94.8 per cent of that at the gaging station. This was called 95 per cent and each month's run-off at the dam site was taken as this percentage of that at Winters. The monthly ultimate net run-offs at the dam site were obtained from the monthly fidl natural runoffs by subtracting the net amounts of water rofpiired for the irrigation of all of the agricultural lands above the dam site which it is eslimated will ultimately be irrigated. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 351 and by deducting water stored in and adding water released from the reservoirs to be used for storage of water for this irrigation. The full natural and ultimate net run-oflPs at the dam site are shown in Table 131. TABLE 131 SEASONAL RUN-OFFS OF PUTAH CREEK AT MONTICELLO DAM SITE, 1889-1929 Season 1889-1890.. 1890-1891 1891-1892. 1892-1893 1893-1894 1894-1895 ■ 1895-1896 1896-1897.. 1897-1898 1898-1899 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-1902 1902-1903.. 1903-1904 1904-1905..-. 1905-1906 1906-1907 1907-1908- 1908-1909- - 1909-1910 1910-1911 1911-1912 1912-1913 1913-1914 1914-1915 1915-1916 1916-1917- 1917-1918 1918-1919- 1919-1920 1920-1921 1921-1922 1922-1923 1923-1924 1924-1925 1925-1926 1926-1927 1927-1928 1928-1929 40-year means, 1889-1929 20-year means, 1909-1929 10-year means, 1919-1929 5-year means, 1924-1929 Full natural run-off, in acre-feet 1,177,000 329,000 315,000 753,000 205,000 863,000 547,000 481,000 16,200 205,000 481,000 464,000 663,000 338,000 630,000 779.000 554,000 656,000 190,000 838,000 217,000 463,000 54,400 128,000 852,000 675,000 675,000 272,000 86,100 302,000 42,800 487,000 221,000 266,000 39,200 334,000 332,000 520,000 288,000 65,400 420.030 316,000 260.000 308,000 Ultimate net run-off, in acre-feet 1,139,000 290,000 277,000 715,000 167,000 824,000 509,000 442,000 13,200 165,000 442,000 426,000 625,000 300,000 591,000 740,000 515,000 618.000 152,000 800,000 178,000 424,000 35,300 87,500 811,000 637,000 636,000 233,000 57,900 261,000 23,800 443,000 182,000 228,000 28,800 294,000 294,000 481,000 250,000 45.000 385,000 282,000 227.000 273.000 The variation in the seasonal run-offs at the dam site is shown by the full natural run-offs listed in Table 131. The maximum seasonal full natural run-off in the 40-year period 1889-1929, was 1,177,000 acre-feet in 1889-90 and the probable minimum was 16,200 acre-feet in 1897-98, a variation of from 280 per cent to four per cent of the mean seasonal run-oft' for the same period. The average monthly distribution of the run-off as determined from the full natural run-offs at the dam site is shown in Table 132. The variation in mean daily flow is indicated by the records at Winters. The maximum mean daily flow of 40,000 second-feet occurred on December 31, 1913, with a peak flow of about 60,000 second-feet, and in the late summer of nearly all years there was no flow. 3.52 DIVISION' OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 132 AVERAGE MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF RUN-OFF OF PUTAH CREEK AT MONTICELLO DAM SITE Month January... February.. March April May June July August September. O tober . November. December. Totals Average full natural ruu-off In acre-Ieet In per cent of mean seasoDal 117,800 28.06 121,600 28.96 72,900 17 35 39.900 9 50 12,000 2 85 3,700 88 1,600 0.38 700 0.16 400 0.09 500 0.12 11,900 2.83 37,000 8.82 420,000 100.00 Beservoir Site. — A topoffra])hit' survey of the ^lonticello reservoir site was made by the Ignited States Reclamation Service in 1908 and a map was drawn from this survey at a scale of one inch equals 500 feet, with a contour interval of ten feet. The water surface areas measured from this map and the computed capacities of the reservoir are sliown in Table 133. The datum for this survey was an assumed one. TABLE 133 AREAS AND CAPACITIES OF MONTICELLO RESERVOIR Height of dam. 'Water surface elevat'on of Area of water Capacity of in leet (5 foot surface, reservoir. freeboard) in feet m acres in acre-feet 20 20 25 30 30 52 400 40 40 108 1.200 50 50 131 2,400 60 60 269 4,400 70 70 365 7,600 80 80 504 11,900 90 90 664 17,700 100 100 917 25,600 110 110 1,283 36,700 120 120 1,867 52,400 130 130 2,365 73,600 140 140 2,799 99,400 150 150 3,223 130,000 > Assumed datum. The site is capable of devcloimu'iit for a larjjc storage capacity but any water surface liigher tlian elevation IjIO feet of the reservoir survey datum would submerge the town of Monticello and a large area of the lierryessa Valh'y, much of which is ])lantod to orcliards and vineyards. Water surfaces lower tlian this elevation, however, would tiood only a small fraction of the main body of agricultural land in the valley. This height, therefore, was selected for the reservoir. The only improve- ments tliat would hr flooded, in jiddilioii to those on the farmed areas, are some county roads. It would recjuire the construction of about 13.5 miles of new road to place these above the flow line of the reservoir. SACRAMENTO UIVKR BASIN 353 DuDi (111(1 Appuri( iKiitl ]V()rLs.~~ A lopoj^Tapliic survey of the Monticello dnm site also was made by the United States Bureau of Reclamation ill ]9()S. A map di-awn from this survey at a scah' of (^no inch (Mpials 50 feet, Avith a contour interval of 5 feet, was used in laying out and estimating the cost of Monticello dam. The dam site is located in a narrow gorge. The stream bed is about 75 feet wide and at elevation 50 feet the gorge is about 275 feet wide. The can.yon walls rise precipitously above this elevation for more than 150 feet. A good grade of heavy gray sandstone is exposed on both sides of the canyon to the water's edge, and is apparently covered in the stream channel by only a small depth of loose material. There have been no borings or other explorations of the foundation tor the dam but a geological examination of the site and its vicinity was made, the report on which will be found in Appendix E. PLATE L Monticello Dam Site on Putah Creek The dam would be of the gravity concrete type and the greater part of its length would be an overflow spillway. It would have a maximum height of 150 feet and a crest length of 385 feet. The plan and profile of the dam are shown on Plate LI, "Monticello Reservoir on Putah Creek." It is estimated that only a small depth of excavation of loose mate- rial and weathered sandstone would be required to obtain a firm rock foundation. There would be a cut-off wall at the upstream toe, beneath which any seams in the rock would be sealed by grouting. Tlie founda- tion would be drained by a row of drainage wells near the upstream toe, connected to a drain pipe in the dam. Diversion of the stream flow during the construction of the lower portion of the dam would be accomplished by means of coffer dams 23—80994 354 DIVISION' f»r watkr resources above and liflnw the foundation area and a flume to carry the stream flow between these dams. The spillway would be located in the central portion of the dam over the stream channel. It Avould have a total length of 200 feet and a capacity of 57,000 second-feet. The flow over the spillway would be controlled by four hydraulically operated steel segmental drum gates 42.5 feet long and 20 feet high separated by ten-foot piers in which the operating mechanism would be located. There would be two outlets through the dam at a distance of 95 feet below the crest and one at a distance of 185 feet, wliieli would serve as sluiceways and for the release of irrigation water. These outlets would be 80 inches in diameter and would be lined with steel. Plow through each outlet Avould be controlled by a caterpillar type sluicegate, at the upstream face of the dam, and, a short distance from the inlet, by an auxiliary slide gate operated from a chamber inside the dam. One opening would he provided with a oO-inch balanced needle valve at the outlet end for more accurate regulation of the dis- charge. Each caterpillar gate would be protected by steel trash racks set in a semicircular concrete structure and would operate in a concrete enclosed gate well extending to the top of the dam. Yield of Reservoir in Waier for Irrigaiion. — A study was made to esti- mate the amounts of water that would have been made available for irrigation use in each of the years in the 40-year period 1889 to 1929, with the reservoir operating primarily for this purpose, and the amounts of these yields that w^ould have been new water. This study was made by the methods described in the fore part of this chapter. The entire capacity of the reservoir was utilized and the reservoir was operated primarily for supplying irrigation water. The study indicates that a seasonal irrigation draft of 96,000 acre- feet would have been obtained with a maximum seasonal deficiency of 22.7 per cent and an average for the period of two per cent. All of this 3'ield would have been new water. Flood Control. — Curves .showing the prol)able frecjuency of occurrence of flood flows of certain amounts at the gaging station at Winters and the reservoir space required to control floods which are expected to occur at different intervals of time at this point, to certain regulated flows, are shown on Plates VIII and X in Chapter VI. Since large floods occur as late as the latter part of Mareli. it would be necessary to hold reserve space in the reservoir until the first of April. The run-off from the drainage basin after this date would be too small in most years to fill as much of this reserve space as would liave been filled witliout this reservation for flood control and the irrigation yield of the resen'oir would be substantially diminished. Flood control, therefore, was not included as a feature of the proposed reservoir. Cost of Reservoir. — The estimate of the cost of the reservoir, set forth in Table 134, was made as generally outlined in the fore part of this chapter and includes all of tlie items which have been briefly described in the foregoing paragraphs. 'I'lie items included in the estimate^ under PLATE LI NATION MAP CALE OF MILES 8 16 CELLO RESERVOIR ON PUTAH CREEK Sf.f.94— p. 354 PLATE LI » E _ « CHEST ELEV 155 FEET-^ * SPILLWAY SECTION • 1 /ELEV. 130 FEET \c . / GRAVITY CONCRETE DAM 10O 200 300 Length in feet PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM GENERAL PLAN OF DAM FEET too 200 MONTICELLO RESERVOIR PUTAH CREEK i,i594— p. 351 SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 355 miscellaneous are the construction railroad to the gravel pit, a perma- nent camp and cleaning up after construction. No power plant is proposed in connection with this reservoir. TABLE 134 COST OF MONTICELLO RESERVOIR Height of dam, 150 feet. Capacity of reservoir, 1.30,000 acre-feet. Capacity of spillway, 57,000 second-feet. Exploration and core drilling ■^|?'Ar^,? l>iversion of stream during coiustruotion t'lnnn Clearing reservoir site t.--,-.";:;:.": nnn Clearing reservoir site z.-.-.-,~;:^:^ S-.,OUO Excavation for dam, 60,000 cu. yds. at $1 to !f5 $141,000 Mass concrete, 116,000 cu. yds. at $6.50 754,000 Reinforced concrete, 1,600 cu. yds. at $15 to $23 27,000 Spillway gates ^I'S'Iln!! Spillway channel .la'nA Irrigation outlets lo'nnl' Drilling and grouting foundation _ 12,000 ^^ Lands and improvements flooded ^o^'norl Miscellaneous ^"'""" Subtotal $1,990,000 Administration and engineering, 10 per cent 200,000 Contingencies, 15 per cent 299,000 Interest during construction based on a rate of 4.5 per cent per annum__ 105,000 Total cost of dam and reservoir $2,600,000 The annual cost of the reservoir estimated on the bases given in the fore part of this chapter, and the capital cost given in Table 134, would be $174,000. Comparison of Major Units of State Water Plan in Sacramento River Basin. In the foregoing portion of this chapter, a description, estimates of both capital and annual costs, yield in irrigation water, and output in electric energy where a power plant is included, have been given for each of the major units of the State Water Plan in the Sacramento River Basin. For those reservoirs for which comparisons of sizes were made in order to select the economical height of dam, tables and curves showing costs of storage and irrigation yield also have been given. The estimates made for constructing these tables and curves were for reservoirs operated for irrigation use only and the costs did not include any power development features. In this section, informa- tion on the reservoirs is brought together in two tables, one of which shows costs of water when no power features are included and the other, the costs when power features are included and deductions are made from annual costs for revenues from the sale of the electric energy generated. Table 135 gives the comparative costs, yields and average capital cost per acre-foot of seasonal irrigation yield for ditferent ca])acities of reservoirs at the Kennett, Oroville, Auburn and Coloma sites ; for one capacity of reservoir at the Narrows, Camp Far West, Folsom, Millsite, C'apay and Monticello sites; and for the American River unit (Folsom, Auburn and Coloma reservoirs). These capital costs do not include power features, as the reservoirs w'ere assumed to be constructed and operated for irrigation use only. The capital costs ])er acre-foot of sea.sonal irrigation yield in new water set forth in the table are shown graphically on Plate LIT, "Capitjil ( of Seasonal Irrigation Yield in 356 DIVISION' OF WATKR RESOURCES Z < 0. CC UJ H < H < H b O w 5 Z^ ou ^^ a: o U (V b:2 2.H Sz b: < B. QQ z o H < o q: a: o: o u. UJ H < Z ^- O H O u — -^M - 1 - ^ r- r- CI O 00 o o •^■ .**. -^ .^ »0 0»/JQO 1^ u» on ,^ 00— — -r — CI CI eo'ff'io r^ CI CI CI o « 1* 00 1 •» coco coco CJ to " e>i e« " e ^l§ oi eo 05 r-- 00 O «D t* O »rj oo o — — eo»ft CO CI OS o >o 0>— rM oo CO CO C^ CO CO o or. ^ e < k°-^ 11 c»-*ooo CI CI CI CO CI c-i »* ■M -^ lO to oo — ■» ■^ CO Tl C»1 oe «» ooo ooo oooo ooo "1 cor^i^rt CO — t^ too>« — -vo .Eo «6l ^^♦-> c^ m tocooo — C-1 o> 05>0 CO 1 -«^2 »o OlO — CI 00 (i> fee >■ oooo ooo ooo ooo b U CiS 'S'O COI^t~ — CO — t* «05U) — -J.O rt ^" 1:5 -N ^^c^ m OCOOO — (M 35 OSIOCO ^'^''2. lO OiO coco CO ^^c«oo OOOO o o o OOOO o o o o oo ooo oooo u fcS t^OOOJOJOl t^osoc* «o o CO t^ooto to — o o o m 'c5 Zg Oiooas»o to U9IOC9 LO r^ o .^ — COX5 0O O O — CO CO •o 1^ "S. g ■^3 CI .-H .-KM eo lOiOCO O ■^ •o c» M e-j c-> c* c^ c^ c^ c^ •* eo e-« O §^^ •c >. oooo o OOOO o o o oooo OOOO o o o o b. ""3 — *o-^co — o o -^ t^ o> o OJ O CO 1"^ OCO o>c-> eo 00 •a *** ■8.2 o ocooor^ oo — oo^- CI cc .-• »-< co*J^ oo 1^ l^ 00 -^ -r «* l« r* 1— — «-" — CI CO-^ ■"tf'iO ■* CO C^ C o o o o ^ OOOO oooo o o o o ooooo oooo o CI OOOO oooo o CD o o oooo o oooo o o o o_ c_ o COC^IOO o o o o o to mi-« »o — cOO o oo o to trJcJ— Too lOCOt^OO o t-T lO CD t^ 0> --0 Oi CO CI O ■^ OS lO CO to o*M r^co M'C^eo Ci 0& r* lO OS E'^ s ^ t^OOO Ci-^ CI r^o -^ OS CD • o o o Q o ^ o o oooo o o o o oo OCD O o> o o o o o oooo oooo o o o o ^^ OOOOO ooo o o o o oooo CO r» »oo o. o o o 'fa oo io^*o — ^o o ■^ C) o o cc t^iT! era o CO d >r> CO COOO»0 00 CO Oi o e-icocom ^^ OS O 1^ CO o» U3 OS ^ « d CO *o '<*' OS r^ci o t^ o »— 1 oo .^J< lO CO 00 .«*« lO t^r- OS S a o _ CI CO -^ 10*0 — d CICI — •-• e2.« OOOOO oooo c- o o oooo oooo o o o o OOOOO o> o o o c^ c^ o oooo CD o o CD 1 OOOOO oooo o_ o_ o_ oooo o_ o_ o_ o C5 o o O «? CO oo t-^ CO O "^O cf CO — iCi? o cfoooo — oo c^- 00 •^ a o: CO Oi t^ CO O t-OO CI CO CD o -* lO -f C^l C^ C^ C3SO c^ eo r^ iL CO ^lOOOCO en »o CO CO r-^ .^ to lO t^ O 'l^ -o>coc •_ 00 CA CO CO -«: i-r(M CO lO oa CO »o t^OO cT n" ^1 w» OOOOO O Oi O o § o o oooo OOOO o o g c '') OOOOO OOOO o o o o"oo"o" o" o" o" o c= o CD o D* O O c:o O oooo <=> o o oooo oooo o o o o OS CieO O »OiO OCO •^f'^ CO »o lO 00 "5 "TO — lO -^ CO OS c-> »o CO O cs »o-^o o oco noo C^iOt^O OS CO eight dam, in feet ooo oo io»o o *o o o o oooo u^tO*0»A lO o o CI C) C^l C^ CI »o CI oo o 00 00 o> OS ^«o ^r lO o-woo eo 1^ »o CI CO-* »0 CD ■v»o»o o ■o c^coco .* c-1 coco CO 1-H ^^ ^^ K-o •1 1 1 b i 1 1 c5 ; _cl % 09 (3 < ' ■s > 1 is (3 1 a 1 9 1 i •< i 6 1 6 o ^ la > ; kl fc. k* s u s s > s > I — is o ^ C B 09 a> Sujo o ■"^ sil ■ SB? B— * 3 o. ^tS oo ^ £: -^ c ■335 HI III Bi: £ 111 SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 357 PLATE LII !l 10 ^ 9 \ 0) l_ " R (0 O o w 1 ' E .E 6 i— o > 0) c W => o ^ 4 o (tJ Q. CD ^ 2 1 LEGEND o Average cost of yield. — D Cost of each acre-foot increase in yield. Note: No costs of power plants are included in these costs. Re yie serve ITS O perated for 1 irriga tion ,^ i ^ • • X ,,' 1 KENNET r ^,' • ,' KENNETT / * / I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t I / 1 ' / 6 1 1 ' °AMERlCAr 1 RIVER UNIT 1 P ^'' .^'' / XoROVitu ,^' y^p AUBUR N -^>J 1 \?k1— MILLS 6 \ "^co' — o OMA FOLSOMO C MONIIC TE i'CAMP FAR WE ST 50 100 150 Cost per acre-foot in dollars CAPITAL COST OF SEASONAL IRRGATION YIELD IN NEW WATER FROM MAJOR RESERVOIR UNITS OF STATE WATER PLAN IN SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 358 DIVISION' OF WATKK RESOURCES New Water From Major Reservoir Units of State Water Plan in Sac- ramento River Basin." Also in Table IHo, the comparative annual costs per acre-foot of seasonal irrigation yield are shown for different capacities of reservoir at the Kennett, Oroville, Auburn and Coloma sites; for one capacity of reservoir at the other major reservoir unit sites in the Sacramento River Basin ; and for the American River unit. Tiicse costs do not include any annual charges for power features and no deductions have been made for the revenue from the sale of electric energy. The annual costs per acre-foot of new water are shown graphically on Plate LIII, "Average Annual Cost of Seasonal Irriga- tion Yield in New Water From Major Reservoir Units of State Water Plan in Sacramento River Basin." The seasonal irrigation yields shown for the Auburn and Coloma reservoirs in Table 135 are which would have been available at their dam sites. Studies also were made to estimate the seasonal irri- gation yields at Folsom wdth the Auburn reservoir having a 440-foot dam and the Coloma reservoir having a 345-foot dam each operated as the onh' major unit on the American River. The maximum irrigation yields, with deficiencies similar to those shown in Table 135, estimated in these studies are those which would have been available at Folsom with the Auburn or Coloma reservoir, respectively, operated to supple- ment the unregulated flows at that point. With this method of opera- tion, the total seasonal irrigation yields at Folsom would have been 1,135,000 acre-feet with the Auburn reservoir and 908.000 acre-feet with the Coloma reservoir. The yields in new water would have been 1,001.000 acre-feet with the Auburn reservoir and 774,000 acre-feet with the Coloma reservoir. The annual costs per acre-foot of total irrigation yield would have been $1.26 w4th the Auburn reservoir and $0.88 with the Coloma reservoir. The annual costs per acre-foot of new water would have been $1.43 with the Auburn reservoir and $1.03 with the Coloma reservoir. The amount of new water with either of these reservoirs in operation Avould have been somewhat greater than that made available at Folsom by the operation of the Folsom reservoir alone, but the unit cost would have been greater. Although the unit eost of new water made available l)y the Colma reservoir would have been less than that for new w'ater made available by the 420-foot dam Kennett reservoir, the Kennett reservoir would have yielded about four times as much new water. A comparison of the average net annual co.sts of seasonal irrigation yield from the selected sizes of the major reservoir units of the State Water Plan in the Sacramento River Basin, Avithout reference to any other advantages or disadvantages, also was made and the residts are shown in Table 136. This table gives a comparison of the costs of water for irrigation, first with the I'eservoirs opei-ated primarily for tlie generation of jxtwer with such yield in Avater for irrigation as can be obtained from the power drafts and. .second, with the reservoirs operated primarily to as large amounts of water for irrigation as po.s.sible with electric ciirrgy generated with draffs incidental to the ])rimary of the water for irrigation. The average net annual cost of water for irrigation from any reservoir is equal to the total annual cost of the re.servoir less the average annual revenue that can be obtained from the electric energy genei'ated by water released from it. The net SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 359 PLATE I.TII 0) I 03 I- O (0 c o E c o > (U CO 0) 1_ »♦- o > o CD Q. CO O LEGEND Costwithoi't deducting revenue from sale of electric, energy. Reservoir operated for Irrigation only. Net cost after deducting revenue from sale of elec-. trie energy. Reservoir operated for irrigation with Incidental power. Net cost of irrigation water after deducting revenue from sale of electric energy. Unit operated primarily forthe generation of power with irrigation yield made_ available from water released,. 'MONTlCELLO CAPAY ^TRINITY -NARROWS MILLSITEO -^ OROV O CAMP LLEo 2 3 Cost per acre-foot in dollars AVERAGE ANNUAL COST OF SEASONAL IRRIGATION YIELD IN NEW WATER FROM MAJOR RESERVOIR UNITS OF STATE WATER PLAN IN SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 360 DIVISIO.V OF WATER RESOURCES annual cost and the total yield and yield in new water are shown in Table 136 for each reservoir, with the two methods of operation stated above. No power plants are proposed for four of the units and for these the annual cost of irrigation water necessarily equals the total annual cost of the reservoir. In the two columns of Table 136. the average net annual costs per acre-foot of seasonal irrigation yield, for the total yield and the yield in new water, are given for each reservoir. In comparing the reservoirs on an irrigation basis, the average annual cost per acre-foot of new water is probably the best unit as it includes no value of any natural flow of the stream that may be utilized without regulation by the reservoir. Using this unit as a basis and li-sting the major units in the order of cost from lowest to highest, the following order results : Unit operating primarily for power Unit operatmg primarily for irrigation Kennett reservoir and Keswick afterbay Kennett reservoir and Keswick afterbay (Kennett reservoir unit) (Kennett reservoir unit) American River unit American River unit Trinity River diversion Monticello reservoir Narrows reservoir Capay reservoir Oroville reservoir and afterbay (Oroville Narrows reservoir reservoir unit) Millsite reservoir Camp Far West reservoir Oroville reservoir and afterbay (Oroville reservoir unit) The Kennett reservoir, therefore, would yield the largest volume of new water at the lowest unit cost with either of the methods of opera- tion. The American River unit would be next lowest in unit cost but would be surpassed by the Oroville reservoir in the amount of new water. Yield from the latter reservoir, however, would be higher in unit cost than that from any other major unit in Sacramento River Basin under both methods of operation. Summary. Table 137 summarizes the more important data on the major units of the State Water Plan in the Sacramento River Basin, including the heights of dams, capacities of reservoirs, installed capacities of power plants and estimated capital costs without and with power features. The capacities selected for these units are that appear to be the proper ones from knowledge obtained from present studies.' Further information on water supply and water requirements that will be avail- able when the units are constructed may show that some ciiaiiges in th- present selected capacities should be made at that time. TABLE 136 NET COST OF WATER FOR IRRIGATION FROM MAJOR UNITS OF STATE WATER PLAN IN SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN Unit Height of dam, in feet Storage capacity of reser- voir, in acre-feet Power plant Capital cost Gross annual cost Average annual electric energy output, in kilowatt hours Seasonal yield in irrigation water, in acre-feet Value of electric energ3' per kilowatt hour, in mills' Average annual revenue from sale of electric energy Average net annual cost not covered by revenue from sale of electric energy Average net a acre-foot c irrigatic nnual coet per f seasonal n yield Stream Total Utiliied in analyses InstaUed capacity, in kilovolt amperes Power factor Load factor Dam and reservoir Power plant Total Dam and reservoir Power plant Total Total New water Total yield New water OPERATING PRIMARILY FOR POWER WITH INCIDENTAL IRRIGATION 420 95 2,940,000 14,000 2,954,000 1,436,000 2.599.000 2,599,000 1,208.000 275,000 50,000 325,000 62,000 80 0.80 0,75 1.00 185,000,000 2,000,000 S13.50O.O00 3,500.000 $78,500,000 5,500,000 84,000,000 40,500.000 900,000 10,700,000 2,400.000 7,500,000 83,820,000 122,000 $1,081,000 274,000 $4,901,000 396,000 5,297,000 2,499,000 58,000 741,000 182,000 538,000 12,085,000 ■595,000 1,622,800,000 12,085,000 ■595,000 2,72 $4,414,000 $883,000 $0 42 Fain-iew resen'oir and rowerplant No. 1 365 98 0.80 0,60 37,000,000 900,000 3,500,000 2,210,000 58,000 289,000 59.000 19,000 53,000 ) 62,000 1 131,000 280,000 34,000 314,000 160,000 100,000 25,000 85.000 25,000 40,000 20,000 295,000 275,000 50.000 325,000 400,000 50.000 450,000 280,000 34,000 314,000 160,000 100,000 26,000 85,000 25.000 40,000 20,000 295,000 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 80 0.80 0.80 1,00 1. 00 1.00 60 1.00 0.75 1.00 10,700,000 2,400,000 7,500,000 741,000 182,000 538,000 Trinity River diveraion 1,436,000 1,705,000 7,700 1,712,700 853,000 355,000 1.208,000 1,429.000 1,429,000 680,000 247.000 681,000 687,000 1,015,000 2.621,000 2,021,000 5.325,000 5,325,000 1,494,000 1,494,000 728,000 151,000 310,000 702,000 086,000 1,698,000 115,000 378.000 130,000 62,000,000 142,600.000 5,100,000 147.700,000 53,000,000 15,200,000 4.300,000 27.900,000 2,700.000 15,900,000 2.500,000 68,500.000 78.500,000 5,500,000 84,000,000 117,000,000 5,500,000 122,500,000 142,600,000 5,100,000 147,700,000 53,000,000 6,500,000 15,200,000 4,300,000 27,900,000 2,700,000 15,900,000 2,500,000 68,500,000 3,200,000 6,500,000 2,600,000 4,018,000 8,641,000 360,000 9,001,000 3,364,000 1,053,000 300,000 1.752,000 197,000 999,000 183,000 4,484,000 4,901,000 396,000 5,297,000 7,236,000 306,000 7,632,000 8,641,000 360,000 9,001,000 3,364,000 403,000 1,053,000 300,000 1,752,000 197.000 999,000 183,000 4,484,000 212,000 338,000 174,000 1,063,900,000 ■2,045,000 1,117,000 ■555,000 547,000 2,50 2,660.000 1,358.000 66 2 43 580 69 126,400,000 2,000.000 16,200,000 3,100,000 7,380,000 122,000 1,261,000 238,000 1,409,100,000 570,300,000 1,117,000 377,000 547,000 271,000 3.10 2,98 4,369,000 1,699,000 4,632,000 1,665,000 4 15 4 42 8 47 580 190 89 MO 110 345 85 0.80 0,80 80 80 80 0,80 0,80 0.75 75 1.00 0,75 0,75 0.75 0,75 45.600,000 9.500,000 1.500,000 24,000,000 1,200,000 13,400,000 700,000 7,400,000 5,700,000 2,800,000 3,900,000 1,600,000 2,600,000 1,800,000 2,761,000 601,000 94,000 1,429,000 71,000 798,000 41,000 603,000 452,000 206.000 323,000 126,000 201.000 142.000 6 14 Folsom rpservoir. .- - 831,000 766,000 1.952,000 2,940,000 14.000 2.954,000 5,967,000 14,000 5.981,000 1.705.000 7.700 1.712,700 853,000 151,000 355,000 1,062,400,000 658,000 ■4,340,000 524,000 '2,850,000 3.27 3,441,000 1,043,000 I 59 OPERATING PRIMARILY FOR IRRIGATION WITH INCIDENTAL POWER 420 95 0,80 0,80 Variable 1.00 65.000,000 2,000,000 13,500.000 3,500,000 3,820,000 122,000 1,081,000 274,000 1,285,000,000 ■4,340,000 ■5,386,000 ■2,850,000 ■3,896,000 1.93 2,480,000 2,817,000 65 99 520 95 80 80 Variable 1.00 100,500,000 2,000,000 16,500,000 3,500,000 5,877,000 122.000 1,359,000 274,000 1,459,000,000 '5,386,000 2.480,000 ■3,896,000 1,910,000 1.93 2,816,000 4,816,000 89 1 24 Feather River Oroville resen-oir -.. _ 580 69 0,80 80 Variable 1,00 126,400.000 2,000,000 16,200,000 3,100,000 7.380.000 122,000 1,261,000 238,000 Oroville afterbay Oroville reservoir unit. 1,172,200,000 528,100,000 2,480.000 975,000 192,000 1,910,000 869,000 130,000 2 25 2.35 2,637,000 1,241,000 6,364,000 2,123,000 403,000 2 57 2 18 2 10 3 33 580 180 ISO 89 440 110 345 85 0,80 Variable 45,600.000 6.500,000 9,500,000 1,500,000 24,000,000 1.200,000 13.400,000 700,000 7,400,000 2,761,000 403,000 601,000 94.000 1,429,000 71,000 798,000 41.000 603,000 244 3 10 Bear River Camp Far West reservoir American River Folsom reservoir... _ 0,80 0,80 80 80 0-80 0.80 Variable 1,00 Variable Variable Variable Variable 5,700,000 2,800,000 3,900,000 1,500,000 2,500,000 1,800,000 452,000 206,000 323,000 126,000 201,000 142,000 Folsom afterbay Auburn reservoir _ 831,000 Pilot Creek reservoir Coloma reservoir... 766,000 Webber Creek reservoir American River unit 1,952.000 115,000 378,000 130,000 898,800,000 1,790,000 92,000 155,000 96,000 1,656,000 77,000 155,000 96,000 2.56 2,301.000 2,183,000 212,000 338,000 174,000 1 22 2 30 2 18 1 81 Stony Creek Millsit^ reservoir 135 170 150 3,200,000 5,500,000 2,000,000 212.000 338,000 174,000 1 75 Cache Creek Car ay reservoir 9 IS Putah Creek- Monticello reservoir 1 81 ' nnf''* ^^ Red Bluff from unregulated flow of Sacramento River supplemented by regulated water from Kennett reservoir or Trinity River diversion. = The estmiated values of electric energy at the power plants are based on the cost of producing an equivalent amount of electric energy of the same characteristics with a steam-electric plant located in the area of consumption, 80994 — Bet. pp. 360 and 361 taking into account the cost of transmission from point of generation to the loiul center, and arc the lowest values resulting from several methods of evaluation. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 361 CQ < O a L. oj - o-i ti X " c ^»2 ooooooooo ooooooooo oocDoo'cTooo oo iOh^O»0»OCMiOOO til 3 S =' ^ R =* OC-OOOOOOCJ OOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOJO 000*-*0-*-'-*-**^0 OOO C3o G C Co OOO eCo :3 rt C30 O -^J^O 0.10 D,"H. D-cc , o o o; « te £ a £ § 0-- .5Pc~ OOOOOOOOO 00000)00 OOOOOO OOO t^ 1/3 CO f-^ C^ lO od o o cDO«OiOiO-- 't^CCCO oooocru^ooio CQ 00 C30 00 — 'CO ir— »o o iC»0»0'-t .-l.-H,-ifO > c. ■«>¥, s s ?!-9 «ggooa ■p-s p-s t: ._ e fe'S.hf S-o Jt^ ? !k " S :,. c a. WC 5 o H a o ■o O a o SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 361 <; o U |_ QJ -3 fe 3 ,>5 ^.ii W ooooooooo ooooooooo ooooo'cTooo OOCDOOOOOCO »r3r^oio»ocMio«oo ooooooooo ooooooooo ooooooooo ooooooooo ooooooooo £.a.c -t^i oo>o-ifOtf-t?-tiO ooo Go c: c Go OOO rto ?3 ctj c30 O ■^O'd.'o. D.CO •o ^H x; ;S o Oi ooo Oi OOOOOOOCJO OOOOOOOOO ooooooooo r-^ »o M '-<" c ■ > sa «o :*£ fc i: £ ¥ i||=i||-g C < S C ^. H 5 o H a o o 3 3 a o ;jG2 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES CHAPTER X OPERATION AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF MAJOR UNITS OF STATE WATER PLAN IN GREAT CENTRAL VALLEY UNDER CONDITIONS OF ULTIMATE DEVELOPMENT. The accomplishments of each major unit of the State Water Plan in the Sacramento River Basin, separately, have been given in Chapter IX. To obtain the greatest benefit from the plan, however, all of the units in the Great Central Valley must be operated coordinately. The Great Central Valley of California includes both the Sacra- mento and San Joaquin river basins and, in this chapter, is considered as one geographic division since plans for the development of the water resources of the two basins and their greatest utilization are closely related. Because of the small water supply in proportion to the ultimate water requirements for full development in the San Joaquin River Basin, there will be a deficiency in supply therein. This is par- ticularly true in the upper valley where a large part of the area is highly developed, where surface water is now utilized to the maximum degree possible without regulation, and where there is, in some localities, a serious overdraft even at present on the ground water supply. In the Sacramento River Basin on the other hand, there is a surplus of water over its ultimate needs. The logical source of an additional supply for the San Joaquin River Basin, therefore, is in the surplus water of the Sacramento River Basin. Major Units of State Water Plan in Great Central Valley. To make the surface water supply of both basins available for use in the desired quantities and at the proper time, would require both surface and underground storage to regulate the winter and spring run-offs of the major streams to meet the demands for irrigation and other uses. Conduits would be required to convey the surplus water from the Sacramento River Basin to the areas of deficient supply in the San Joaquin Valley. Other major conduit units would be required to divert surplus water from the Trinity River into the Sacramento River Basin and to export water from the San Joaquin and Kern rivers into areas of the San Joaquin Valley where there are insufficient local supplies for present and future water requirements. The major units of the State Water Plan in the Sacramento River Basin, including the Trinity River diversion, have been described in Chapter IX, are shown on Plate XXII, and are set forth in Table 138. The major units of the plan in the San Joaquin River Basin are ih'scribed in another rejiort,* are shown on Plate XXII, and are set forth in Table 138. These units would consist of surface .storage reservoirs and conveyance systems with pumping plants as required. It is proposed to operate the units in such a manner as to most • Bulletin No. 29, "San Joaquin River Basin," Division of Water Resources, 19.11. SACRAMENTO U'lVKR BASIX 363 effectively utilize all local -waters to meet the demands. This would be accomplished in the Upper San Joaquin Valley by utilizing the large natural underground reservoir capacity located therein to the greatest advantage. TABLE 138 MAJOR UNITS OF STATE WATER PLAN IN GREAT CENTRAL VALLEY Storage Units Reservoir Sacramento River Basin Kennett Oroville Narrows ._. Camp Kar West Auburn Coloma - Folsom Fairview (Trinity River diversion) . Millsite Capay Montieello San Joaquin River Basin Nashville lone Pardee Valley Springs .-- Melones Don Pedro Exchequer Buchanan Windy Gap Friant Pine Fiat Pleasant Valley Isabella.- ___ Totals, Stream on which reservoir is located Sacramento River. Feather River Yuba River Bear River American River American River American River... Trinity River Stony Creek Cache Creek Putah Creek Cosumnes River... Dry Creek...- Mokelumne River. Calaveras River. __ Stanislaus River... Tuolumne River... Merced River Chowchilla River.. Fresno River San Joaquin River. Kings River Tule River Kern River Height of main dam, in feet 520 580 580 180 440 345 190 305 1.35 170 150 270 120 343 200 400 455 307 147 200 252 274 125 190 Capacity of reservoir, in acre-feet 5,967,000 1,705,000 853,000 151,000 831,000 766,000 355,000 1,436,000 115,000 378,000 130,000 281,000 610,000 222,000 325,000 1,090,000 1,000,000 279,000 84,000 62,000 '400,000 400,000 39,000 338,000 17,817,000 Installed capacity of power plants, ill kilovolt amperes 450,000 314,000 160,000 110,000 00,000 125,000 193,000 18,750 '68,000 =120,000 31,250 M 0,000 40,000 1,700,000 Conveyance Units Unit San Joaquin River Basin Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta cross channel. San Joaquin River pumping system Madera canal San Joaquin River-Kern County canal Kern River canal Mendota-Wcst Side pumping system Total - Maximum capacity, in second-feet 8,000 1,500 3,000 1,500 4,500 Length, in miles 24 167 18 165 75 100 549 ' Present installed capacity 27,000 kilovolt amperes. = Present installed capacity 33,740 kilovolt amperes. - Effective capacity 270,000 acre-feet. ' .\ 30,000 kilovolt ampere power plant would be constructed on the river and the cost thereof amortized in ten years. A 10,000 kilovolt ampere plant would then be constructed on the Madera canal to utilize the power drop at the dam into that canal after water is no longer available for tho larger river plant. The surface storage reservoir units in the San Joaquin River Basin woukl be thirteen in number, namely, Nashville on Cosumnes River; lone on Dry Creek, a tributary of Mokelumne River; Pardee on Mokelumne River; Valley Springs on Calaveras River; Melones on 364 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES .Stanislaus River ; Don Pedro on Tuolumne River ; Exchequer on Merced River; Buchanan on Chowchilla River; Windy Gap on Fresno River; Friant on San Joaquin River; Pine Flat on Kings River; Pleasant Valley on Tule River, and Isabella on Kern River. Power plants are proposed at the Melones, Don Pedro, Friant, and Pine Flat reservoirs. The Exchequer and Pardee reservoirs and power plants as constructed, are included in the plan and are assumed to be operated for the purposes for Avliich they were designed. The Valley Springs reservoir would be enlarged from 76,000 acre-feet to 325,000 acre-feet capacity, reserving 165,000 acre-feet of space in the reservoir for flood control purposes. At the Melones and Don Pedro reservoirs, it is proposed to construct new dams downstream from the existing ones, creating reservoirs of larger capacity, and to reconstruct and enlarge the power plants. Flood control features w^ould be included in the Nashville, Melones, Don Pedro, Friant, Pine Flat, and Isabella dams. The conveyance system would consist of six units. Beginning at the northerly end of this system, a new^ connecting channel, into which water would be diverted by a suitable structure in the Sacramento River, would carry water from the Sacramento Riv(>r to the San Joaquin Delta for use in that delta and for exportation to the San Joaquin Valley. This channel would extend from a point near Hood to the head of Snodgrass Slough, which slough would be improved and used as a channel to the ^lokelumne River at Deadhorse Island. Natural channels would convey the water from this i)oint to the first unit of the pumping system near Mossdale bridge. The next unit of the conveyance system would be the San Joaquin River pumping system which would utilize the river channel and a canal west of the river, from ^Mossdale bridge to the INIendota Weir. In this channel there would be five dams and pump lifts in the river and five pump lifts in the canal west of the river. Water would be delivered at Mendota Weir at elevation 150 feet. The total distance from the first pumping plant to the weir would be 135 miles. The delivery of imported waters to ]\Iendota. to meet the demand of existing rights, would make possible the diversion at the Friant reservoir of the entire flow of the San Joaquin River for use on the eastern slope of the upper San Joaquin Valley. To o.ffoct such diversion it is proposed to construct, in addition to the Friant i-eservoir. two main canals, one on each side of the San Joaquin River. The Madera canal, with a diversion capacity of 1500 second-feet, on the north side of the river would extend for eighteen miles to the channel of the Fresno River. The San Joaquin River-Kern County canal on the south side of the stream would extend southward along the eastern rim of the valley a di.stance of 165 miles. With a diversion capacity- of 3000 second-feet at the Friant reservoir, it would cross in turn the channels of the Kings, Kaweah. Tule, and Kern rivers, terminating at the Kern Island Canal with a capacity of 500 second-feet. In order to utilize Kern River waters released by the importation of new supplies, it would be necessary to construct tlie Kern River canal on the south side of the stream and extending from the diversion point near the mouth of the canyon, under the Kern ^lesa. and thence SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 365 around the south end of the valley to Buena Vista Valley. The diver- sion capacity of this canal would ho about 1500 second-feet and thr total length 75 miles. To make water available for the good lands lying on the western slope of the Upper San Joaquin Valley would require a pumping system extending from Mendota Pool to Elk Hills. An essential element of such a system would be a conveyance channel which, for full develop- ment, would be 100 miles long and have a capacity varying from 4500 to 500 second-feet. This canal would be located along the lower edge of the irrigable lands and terminate at an elevation of 250 feet. Water for this area would be imported through the San Joaquin River pump- ing system. Objects to Be Accomplished. The units of the State Water Plan should be so operated that they would furnish an adequate irrigation supply for all irrigable lands in the Great C'entral Valley ; would control flood flows in the major streams to certain specified amounts; Avould improve navigation on the Sacra- mento and San Joaquin rivers; would maintain a flow past Antioch into Suisun Bay sufficient to control salinity to the lower end of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta ; and would furnish a supply of Avater to the San Francisco Bay Basin, which, with water available from local sources and importations from other basins, would provide for the full agricultural and industrial development of that basin. The irrigation and navigation requirements and the operation of the reservoirs for flood control in the Sacramento River Basin, have been described in the foregoing chapters. The irrigation requirements for the San Joaquin River Basin are given in another report* and amount to 13,326,000 acre-feet gross allowance and 10,952,000 acre-feet net use per season for all irrigable lands, excluding the San Joaquin Delta. The total ultimate requirement for the irrigation of the lands in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and unavoidable losses in the delta are estimated to be 1,200,000 acre-feet per season. The requirements for the annual use in the San Francisco Bay Basin are estimated to be 1,735,000 acre-feet gross allowance, of which 1,075,000 acre-feet would be imported from the Great Central Valley. The requirements for salinity control are analyzed in another report.** From the studies made for that report, it was estimated that a fresh water flow of not less than 3300 second-feet past Antioch into Suisun Bay would be required to control the chlorine content of the water at the lower end of the delta to a maximum of 100 parts in 100,000 parts of water. This is equivalent to about 2,390,000 acre-feet of water annually. Operation and Accomplishments In estimating the water requirements for the Sacramento River Basin as outlined in Chapter V, the valley floor was divided into "water service areas" each of which would be served by water from one or more of the major streams. A study was made through the eleven-year period • Bulletin No. 29, "San Joaquin Rivt-r Basin," Division of Water Resources, ID."?!. *• Bulletin No. 27, "Variation and Control of Salinity in Sacramento-San JoaQuin Delta and Upper San Francisco Bay," Division of Water Resources, ISSl. 366 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES 1918-1929, wliieli i.s the period of lowest average run-off of any of the same lenjrlh of whieli thoiv^ was definite knowledge ])ri(>r to 1929. and which contains the extremely dry season of 3923-1924, to determine whether each of these areas conld have been given a full supply of irrigation water in all years. This study showed that the Bear River service area would have had a deficiency in supply in some years if dependent entirely upon the yield of the Camp Far AVest reservoir, but that tliis deficiency could have been made up from the Narrows reservoir which could have supplied this amount in addition to a full supply for the Yuba River service area. The Sacramento-Feather service area would have received a full supply from the surplus from the Sacra- mento, Feather, and Yuba river service areas and return water. There also would have been deficiencies in the supplies to the west side foothill service areas which could have been made up from the Sacramento River by ])uiiiping. All other service areas would have received a full supply in all years. In the north end of the San Joaquin Valley, there would have been large deficiencies in the supplies for the Cosumnes, Mokelumne and Calaveras river and the Dry Creek areas, if these areas had been entirelj^ dependent upon the water resources of streams. The amounts of these deficiencies, however, would have been supplied from the American River unit, from which there would have been a large surplus over the requirements for the American River service area. The utilization of space for flood control in each of the major unit reservoirs on the more important streams is proposed under the State Water Plan. In Table 139, there is given a list of the streams on which flood control by reservoirs is proposed, the maximum reservoir space required to regulate floods to certain controlled flows, the amount of the controlled flows, and the frequency with which the controlled flows would be exceeded. TABLE 139 RESERVOIR SPACE REQUIRED FOR CONTROLLING FLOODS TO SPECIFIED FLOWS CERTAIN Reservoir Stream Point of control Maximum reservoir space employed, in acre-feet Controlled How, in second-feet Number of times controlled flow would be exceeded on the average Kennett Sacramento River Feather River . Red Bluff Oroville Smartsville Wheatland Fairoaks Michigan Bar. . Gait Clements Jenny Lind . - . . Knights Ferry... La (irange Exche luer Friant 512,000 521,000 272,000 50,000 300,000 5H.000 '121,000 '0 165,000 204,000 214,000 69,000 76,000 80,000 •126,000 100.000 70,000 20.000 •80.000 15,000 5.000 10.000 25,000 15,000 15.000 25.000 16.000 15.000 Once in 14 years Oroville Once in 100 yean Narrows . Yuba River... Once in 100 years Camp Far West Bear River Once in 100 vears Folsota. Auburn and (Joloiua American River. . . Cosumnes River Onedavin250yr8. Nashville Once in 100 years lone . Dry CJrcck Once in 100 years Pardee Mokelumne River Calaveras Kiver. Stanislaus River Once in 100 years Calavera-H Once in 100 years Meloncs .. .. Once in 100 years Don I'odro Tuolumne Kiver Merced Kiver Once in 100 years Once in 100 vean Friant. . . - San Joarjuin River Kings River Once in 100 years Pine Flat Redra Once in 100 year* ■ Floods which would cause flows in excess of 10.000 second-feet in the Mokelumne River at Clements would be divortol from the Pardee Re-tcrvoir to Dry Creek by the Jackson Creek Spillway and the water stored in lone Reservoir. ' Mciiii daily How on day of flooil Floods would Ix; controlled to 125,000 socond-fect maximum flow exceeded once in 100 years, except when this amount is exceeded by uncontrolled run-off l)etwccn Kennett Reservoir and Kdi Bluff. Flows Kreiiter than 125,000 »econil-feet would continue for only a short time. • Folsom rejicrvoir alone would control the flow at Faironks to a maximum of 100.000 second-feet exceeded one day in 100 yearit on an average, by employing 175.000 acre-feet of space in the rciervoir for flood control. SACRAMENTO RIVP^R BASIN 367 The operation of all the foregoing reservoirs specifically for flood control, employing the reservoir space assigned to each reservoir for the purpose of controlling floods to the specified flows, would result in a substantiiil reduction in flood flows and in an increased degree of pro- tection to the areas subject to overflow, particularly those within the Sacramento Flood Control Project, and therefore would decrease the potential annual flood damages in those areas. Table 140 sets forth, for various ]ioints on the main stream chan- nels, the flood flows exceeded once in 100 years on the average, except as noted, without and with reservoir control. The flows in the Sacramento Valley are those that would obtain with the completed Sacramento Flood Control Project, including the protection of Butte Basin. In the San Joaquin Valley, the flow^s without reservoir control are those that would obtain with levees constructed along the San Joaquin River from Herndon to the delta to form a channel of suffi- cient width to care for these flows and protect the remaining land now subject to overflow. The flows with reservoir control are those that would obtain with the same channel, but with the flood flows from the larger streams controlled by means of regulation in the major reservoir units of the State "Water Plan in this basin to those at the foothill gaging stations shown in Table 139. If protection of the valley lands by means of levees were not effected until after the reservoirs with flood control features were completed, a narrower flood channel along the river could be constructed because of the smaller regulated flows. Under this condition, however, the flows might be slightly larger than those shown in the third column of Table 140, since the reduction of quantities by storage in the narrower channel might be less and the rate of concentration somewhat greater. TABLE 140 FLOOD FLOWS IN GREAT CENTRAL VALLEY WITHOUT AND WITH RESERVOIR CONTROL Stream Sacramento River at Kcd Bluff Sacramento River at Red Bluff Sacramento River and Sutter-Butte By-pass opposite Colusa- Sacramento River and Sutter-Butte By-pass opposite Colusa. Sacramento River at Sacramento and Yolo By-pass at Lisbon Feather River below confluence with Yuba River Feather River below confluence with Bear River American River at Fairoaks... - - San Joaquin River below confluence with Merced River San Joaquin River below confluence with Tuolumne River... San Joaquin River below confluence with Stanislaus River Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers at confluence Maximum mean daily flow, in sc.'ond feet Without re=ervoir control 303.000 218,000 370.000 254,000 670,000 400,000 430.000 185,000 70,000 103,000 133,000 780,000 With reservoir control '187,000 '125.000 250.000 170.000 535,000 201,000 22G.O0O 80,000 50,000 64.000 82,000 596,000 Number of times flow would be exceeded, on the average Once in Once in Once in Once in Once in Once in Once in Once in Once in Once in Once in Once in 100 years 14 years 100 years 14 years 100 years 100 years 100 years 250 years 100 years 100 years 100 years 100 years ' Floods would be controlled to 125,000 second-feet maximum flow exceeded once in 100 years, except when this amount is exceeded by uncontrolled run-off between Kennetl Reservoir and Red Bluff. Flows greater than 125,000 second- feet would continue for only a short time. Analyses were made of operation of the major units of the State Water Plan in the great Central Valley, including the Trinity River diversion, both storage and conveyance units, and the underground 368 DIVISION OI' WATKIt KESOUm'ES storajife basins in the upper Sail Joaipiin Valley, operated coordiiiately i'(»r various purposes Ihrouj-di the eleven-year period 1!I1S-1I>2I(. These studies were nuide with three niethotls oi' operation whieh, tojifetiier with their aecomplishments, are as follows : Method I. 1. The amount of water utilized for storage and regulation in the major reservoir units and underground storage basins was obtained by deducting from the full natural run-off of the streams entering the Great Central Valley, the net use of 2,283,000 acre-feet per season for an adequate and dependable irrigation supply for 1,439,000 acres of land, being the net irri- gable mountain valley and foothill lands lying at elevations too high to be irrigated by gravity from the major reservoir units, thus providing for the ultimate needs of these areas; and also deducting 448,000 acre-feet per year from the Tuolumne Kiver for the water supply of the city of San Francisco. An addi- tional amount of 224,000 acre-feet per year also was deducted for the San Francisco Bay Basin from water regulated in Pardee Reservoir on the jMokelumne River. 2. Reserve storage space would have been held in the reservoirs listed in Table 139 for controlling floods. The amount of this space and the regulated flow to whieh floods on each stream would have been controlled also are shown in the same table. 3. Stored water would have been drawn from the major surface reservoir units, and underground basins in the Upper San Joa- quin Valley, in such amounts and at such times as to supple- ment unregulated flows and return waters, to make water avail- able for : a. A supply of 9,033,000 acre-feet per season, gross allowance, without deficiencj'-, available in the principal streams, for the irrigation of all of the net area of 2,640,000 acres of irrigable lands of all on the Sacramento Valley floor. b. A supply of 1,200,000 acre-feet per season, without deficiency, for the irrigation of all the net area of 392,000 acres of irri- gable lands, and for unavoidable losses, in the Saeramento- San Joafpiin Delta. c. Improvement of navigation on Sacramento River to Red Bluff. d. A fresh water flow of not less than 3300 .seeond-feet past Antioch into Suisun Bay, which would have controlled salinity to the lower end of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. e. A supply of 5,342,000 acre-feet per season, gross allowance, with a maximum seasonal deficiency of 3;") per cent in those areas dependent upon local sujiplies. for the irrigation of nil the net area of 1,810,000 acres of land of all classes in the lower San Joaquin Valley, including 134.000 acres of foothills on the eastern side of the valley below the major reservoirs. f. A sujiply of 4,70(),()0() acre-feet per .season, without deficiency, for the irrigation of a net area of 2,350,000 acres of 1 and 2 lands on the eastern and southern slopes of the upper SACRAMENTO KIVKU BASIN 369 San -loiKiuin \'all('\'. This would have been at'e()iii])li.slu'(l l)y the utilization of uiuh'r^i'oiind stoi-ajie capacity in conjunc- tion witli the major reservoir and conveyance units i)roposed. ay liasin. There would have been a deficiency of 18.5 per cent in 1924 in the 323,000 acre-foot portion of this supply allotted to use for irrio-ation. This amount of 403,000 acre-feet per season, together with full practicable development of local resources and annual importations of 224,000 acre-feet from the Mokel- umne River and 448,000 acre-feet from the Tuolumne River, and an importation from the Eel River, -would have given an adequate and dependable supply for the ultimate development of this basin. j. The generation of more than five billion kilowatt hours of electric energy, on the average, annually. Method II. The method of operation would have been the same as numbers 1, 2, and 3 under ^lethod I, except that more Avater would have been furnished to su]>ply additional irrigable lands along the side of the upi)er San Joaquin Valley. There also Avould have been a larger deficiency in su))ply for lands in the San Joa([uin Valley, other than those dependent upon local sui)plies, and for lands in the San Francisco Bay Basin, than under Method I. Tender this method of operation, water would have been made available for : a. Same as a under 3 in Method I. b. Same as b under 3 in Method I. c. Same as c under 3 in Method I. d. Same as d undei- 3 in ^Tethod T. e. A supply of 5,342,000 acre-feet \)vv season, gross allowance, with a maximum seasonal deficiency of ;}5 per cent, for the irrigation of all the net area of 1,810,000 acres of irrigable land of all cla.sses in the lower San Joacpiin Valley, including 134,000 acres of foothills on the eastern side of the valley below the major reservoirs. f. Same as f under 3 in jNIethod 1. g. A supply of 1,570,000 acre-feet per season, with a maximum deficiency of 35 per cent, for tlie irrigation of all the net irrigable area of 785.000 acres of class 1 and 2 lands lying on the western slope of Ihc upper San Joaquin Valley. 2 1— S0!t04 370 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES li. Humv US li uiidcr '■> in ^Nlfthoil 1. i. Same as i uiidtM- •'{ in Metliod I, except that the deficiency in the .siii)|)ly for irrijrated lands Avould have been 35 per cent in 1924." j. Same as j under 3 in ^Method I. :\[ethod III. In the accomplishments with the two forey:oing methods of operation, the Sacramento VaUey would have received an irri- •ration supi)ly without deficiency. Another study was made of the coordinated operation of all of the major units of the State Water Plan in the Great Central Valley, through the eleven-year period 1918-1929, to show that by the Sacramento Valley lands accepting a reasonable and endurable deficiency in irrigation sup- ply, a substantial supply, additional to that under Method II, would have been made available in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta for use in other areas. The method of operation would have been the same as ]\Iethod II except that the additional sup- ply would have been made available in the delta and there would have been new or increased deficiencies over those in ]\Iethod II in some of the other supplies. Under this method of operation, water would have been made available for : a. A supply of 9,033,000 acre-feet per season, gross allowance, with a deficiency of 22 per cent in 1924, available in the principal streams, for the irrigation of all the net irrigable lands — 2,640,000 acres — on the Sacramento Valley floor. b. Same as b under 3 in ]\Iethod I. e. Same as c under 3 in Method I. d. Same as d under 3 in Method I. e. Same as e under 3 in ^Method 11. f. Same as f under 3 in ^Method I. g. Same as g under 3 in Method II. h. Same as h under 3 in Method I. i. Same as i under 3 in ^Method II. j. A supply of 1,500,000 acre-feet annually, in the Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta, distributed in accordance with a uniform demand. This suj^ply would have had a maximum seasonal deficiency of 35 per cent in 1924. k. Same as j under 3 in iMethod 1. Surplus Water in Great Central Valley. With all of the major units of the State Water Plan in the Great Central Valley operated as just described, there would have been, under each method, substantial amounts of water, over and above the require- ments for the accomplislmienls given, which would have wasted each year, during the eleven-year period 1918-1929, into San Francisco Bay. of this waste would have occurred in years of large run-off and in the winter months of other years. Part of the waste water would have been contributed by unregulated run-otT and return water and jiart b>- spill from the reservoirs. During the summer mouths th«M'e woukl have been just sufficient water released from Ihe reservoirs to care for all SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 371 O H Z o: o < < CO z O H Z O u. Q Z < < H J U D Z < Z ( < I/) H Z O) u 5 a u q: a: u H < D Z 1-H Rzo z °^ Sz < -' ^ z a, ^ CO 5 -, -i o .2 " ooooooooooo ooooooo^oc:_oo cc- « =5 •" „ « a i S > u ■: — o.t 2 O.^ 3 == h; «a ere CO S ooooooooooo 00 o' ^ c:5 ^i' ^ t-- ^'' ^ ^ ^' ,— . c*5 o oi »o o CO ^.cc r^oo •^ iO cc o; oT -^ — ^ cc -^ o i^ o o o oo r-1 X ^ o.S " o- 1. = 3 CO fi-qg , S c ■5 >..e c g^ .2>ii c- I- 3^ > -- 00000==== 92 000======== o_ o o_ = = = = = — . = = coco CO re re ^ C2 c:3 CO CO CO 0^00=0'^=000 ■^Tj-'^-r'^'^CO'^'n''^'* OOOOOC^OCDOOO 0«3000000000 OOOCD O O iO o o = = 000000 '-3 OOC3 O .2 >-"»: 3 3 "! _ 0-0 ^ •- a.g-=>.S S'^'* "^ '-' ''r "^ n a "Iz oooooooooc-o ooooooooooo O O O' O O O O O' -o o_ o -O o :-' ^c" "-IT -JZ -~ — :D ^^ CD OS C5 c; ~ ~ ~- ~- :r^ C5 01 CTi OOODCOGC'OOOCGCOCOOOOOO :/: o o o ooooooooooo ooooooooooo o o o__ o^ o_ o_ o_ o__ o_ o_ o^ oooooicoaooocrsoooooooi C'f c^f c-f ■ri c>i C'f 01 T-ic^i c^c^ 1 ^'^ OOOOOOOOOiOO ooooooooooo 000000 O' 0000 ^: ooooooooooo 00000)00000>0 ooooooooooo 1— 'I-^»-«OC^Ot--'^CO— '«o 050oor-ccooo3_C'i'--»oiO Oi -^ 00 »0 iC O — 05 O to CO =« s -r c 2 rt e~o; 3 ® C3^— C3-T3 S 3 ooO^C^eO'^»C<:Ot^OO rt 3 ■♦J cr ." ■S>, -a ■s.«i >. >- -Q c> u •^,2 3 ^ £ >^.E u. ^s u. c: **- d 5* c c: > S.2 V o-s -Q-o . 2 k:§ »^ S S ^■5 ^J c3 ee M ja: « £ HT3 C3 C ^ 'io 00 ~~' g u ■- S: C S F.g e; £■0. -0 3 C3 C m ■3 s ^^ SSi ^■S OS t.T3 V ec Pi5l •i: M f C8 •f^ ■SS gi ■ft, -S3 3 c OJ 3 M-3 *j cr ii -a a> ^ r, §0 = 2-2 II «^-' ■?!!;'" -S."? M ? £5 ■§s » 0. i- ^ U M n h- :572 DTVISIOy OF W.VTER HKSdl KiES neetls. Part of the waste waters ediild liave been eoii.served by reser- voirs other than the major units ol" the State Water Phiii or l)y larj;er major units. Stn(li(^s showed, however, that additional i-e^-uiated water.s w(uiUl not have been necessary durinjr tlie eleven-year jx-riod 1918-1929, for the accomplishments set forth in tlie forejroiny; para- graphs. Although the imi)orted water from the Trinity Kiver would add ,somewhat to the surplus in years of lar« < ja z 3 fi ►^ 3 w ci g§ z 5 s :3 ^Q O M J H U. < QPl ^0 < , H >^ J w 3 J °^ z > 3 -J _, 0'< - <: a ^ H D ->z O-SAN AT CE MET! f- u z a u ^S ^5 < i <^S^ z - a: W UJ SH J < a is 5 u c« H Z (/5 <: w H Z u s u a: 3 a u a: q: u H < ^ _1 < D Z Z < w> X o ^^ — -i^ e f' ^ c " *- !•- J § o_ — __ ::: — __ —^ — __ — _ q_ CD o c_ ■^ — re ~ re re I - err ■^ oo cc r^- o oc --c ei ei Oi Tf -^ »o Ci C4 IC -^ rr 00 CC M CI CC 00 OO j/5 H OJ ^ > 0) £. T3 O oj a. ^ = •^ 3 5 C3 >i ooooooooooo ooooooooooo ooooooooooo lOwoo'-^V^-^c-JoiOOiod QO'-'OOi--corcooc^'^o ec^c^ooQo"'M''--cJc'rairC ooooooooooo oooooooooo>o o_ o o_^ o^o__ o o_ o o o o_ cofocococeccocoMccco ooooooooooo •— " w cS o:' ,^ ooooooooooo 00000)000000 ooooooooooo o o o'o" o" o o" o' o o o' iOif^iOiOiOiOO^CW^iOiO t- wi 3 OOOOOCDOOOOO 0>00000000<00 000 0_0000000 O O "to o" CO -^ CO CO o "to ^^ Ci O O O O Ol OO O O O 05 COOOQOOOOOOOiOOOOOOOOO S =5 tr &>- A o o o m « - i-T3 OOOOOOOOOOO ooooooooo>oo OOOOOOOOOOO OldiOCTJCTlO'OOOioT »C ooooc5ooooooa:oooocooi fccccococococorecccoco ci (>{ cf c^i c» ooooooooooo ooooooooooo o o^ o^ o o o__ o__ o o o o ■^' --^ cc o CO ce •-- ^ ■^' GO i-^ Oi'^JOOO-rr^rrcOCOr^O COOS'— ooc^jr~oocor-!Mro OOO^iOQiOOOSCD-^ ..M C _ bC*^ t, 03 -- .' C w -^ JS ^-•3 5?^ S^ 0) -o i§:^-ls:f 5 i-^-SSo a ooQOt~»oei— oeii-i-oo cocoiocociiO'-o^rr*'— ICO osooosmoi-ost— OSOJ 00000000 ooo OOOOC3000000 oooooooooo__o coeocou:r--co-— I'^i'^— ^Oi (M lO "V •— lO O 00 Cl »C -O CC 1 ^ 31 — ^ oi o -o o I - ~. ro cc oioioocccood-.o*ooocu:scc Vj .i: rt ■ cr a> il «-o i* « s r?E ^ ^ -&& g e ■a 3 ^ o o C! — -" M ■S o e^ K lit r; *J ■*-* o o Q ►-5 II tifl UJ O 3 a3. ja E o :;: "11 -S.S Cfi n >.° > — >, -o "3^ >~ c > a> 5.2 O"^ C3*- .r' X) o o — c* cc -r «o '-C t - OO — ^- C-4 C-) C-l C^i CI CI -, S X3 c«IE .2 o fc- O 5 i> O I- '^ > = .= _= S ^ ~,o t 5 = 0-:^ C3-— a;'7: ■- 1) g S P 3 Sg. u. oj 5 o T 2-25 « -^ «i 5 a 60 *• = tuu='±; •/. t- 5* X Q, M O aj t- — . « ~ a^ *- a a; : c •/; ■ — .2£ ^^ 374 DIVISION' OF WATER RESOURCES "crop land" ri<;ht,s or now lands in tliis valley, obviating' tlio pnmi)inpr of that portion ol" tlii.s su{)ply from the delta. "Crop lands," are those lands suitable for growing crops which are now or probably will be served in the near future by diversions, under existing rights, from the San Joaquin Kiver above the moutli of the Merced River, Table 142 sliows the amounts of surplus water in the delta and the total flows into Suisun Bay, by months, for the years of maximum and minimum run-off, and the average for the i)eriod 1918-1929. It may be noted that under this method of operation there would have been no surplus in July and August of any year. Table 14.'5 .shows the same items for the operation of the j)lan under Method II as are shown in Table 141 for the operation under Method I. Table 144 gives the monthly distribution of the surpluses and flows into Suisun Bay for IMethod II similar to that presented in Table 142 for Mel hod 1. It may be noted that tliere would have been less surplus water in the delta, and more months when there Avould have been no surplus, than with the ojieration of the jilan under ^Method T. TABLE 144 MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF SURPLUS WATER IN SACRAMENTO-SAN JOAQUIN DELTA AND FLOW INTO SUISUN BAY WITH MAJOR UNITS OF STATE WATER PLAN IN GREAT CENTRAL VALLEY OPERATED UNDER METHOD II 1918-1920 Year of max'mum run-off, 1927 Year of minimum run-off, 1924 .\verage for period 1918-1929 Month .Surplus water above all requirements, in acre-feet Flow into .Suisun Bay, in acre-feet .Surplus water above all rcijuirements, in acre-feet Flow into Suisun Bay. in acre-feet Surplus water above all requirements, in acre-feet Flow into .Suisun Bay, in acre-feet January 1,054,000 4,043,000 1.719,000 1,029,000 357,000 32,000 588,000 647,000 1,257,000 4,227,000 1,922,000 1,225,000 5r.0,000 196,000 203,000 203,000 196,000 235,000 784,000 850.000 204,000 249,000 55,000 248,000 246,000 407,000 439,000 203,000 196.000 203.000 196.000 203,000 203,000 196,000 258,000 444,000 449.000 722.000 1.320.000 1,486.000 167.000 219.000 113.000 33.000 328.000 474.000 925,000 February 1.. 505,000 March 1,689,000 April -. 363,000 May 422.000 June 309.000 July 203.000 August 203.000 September 196.000 October November December 236,000 524,000 677.000 Totals 0.469,000 11,858,000 1,002,000 3.397,000 4.862.000 7,252.000 Table 145 shows, for tlie operation of the plan under ^lethod ITT, the net flows into the tlelta, the recjuiremenis from this water for a number of different uses, the alter furnishing water for all of these uses and the total flows into Suisun Hay. th(> same as are shown in Table 141 for the operation under ^Method 1. The monthly distribu- tion of the surpluses and the flows into Suisun Hay is given in Table 14(» which is similar to Table 142 for IMethod I. It may be noted that the amounts of surplus water would have been considerably less than with Metlutd II but that tlier(> would have been only one more month in the year of maximum run-otT. and the same number of months in thi' year of minimum run-off, in whii'h there would have been no surplus. With this nn'thod, there would have Ix'en an average ol" one more month per .season without a surplus. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 375 ^ 55 a; 2 D ^q 2h E < pg Z 0< <: z> m ■o (^J tM* c^f -«j'' V o o O Oi — ' r^ Oi »o *.c c^i oo CI CO a ^, > >_ o J2 -1 a pr r ir: ooooooooooo ooooooooooo oooo^ooo^oooo f— lO-— 'OOO'^'-CiCCO^COCD ec c^r --^ o «D c^' ci c4^ i< :D o.S .2 S ooooooooooo ooooooooooo ooooooooooo weococococoocoococc oooooooo-^oo --- C3 f- fc- — a I- -So rt ooooooc»oooo OOOOOOOOOOO ooooooooooo OO'^r'oOOiOOOO'^ oooooor-ocooo •"^ M C5 000000000 ooooooooooo t. c: ^ ■ ^ rt *n H ^ 3 s .5 S « ooooooooooo '=^'^9'=' = ^=' = S = S t^ o I * ic oi c r — -t"' cl .^' -^ CJ — I CC' ~- — 1 ^ C<:i ■T- 7C -^ QO U3 C31 -^r I - O ■^ CI "^ '-O wi ff ^o osTpTrotCoosiO'^' 0000000 0000 0000000 ~'000 O O^ O O O 0_ O O O O' o 00 od"i>^»o cJ o' o c-i ^r~ 00 ^OCOiOwOiUO^^-VC^— 'to 9>OdO;OaU5OI'>0)t'-O^a3 o ; rt o foooooo 0000 OOOOOOOOOOO ^OOOOOOOOOO oa ci" o o o c f — *^osodir3cc 000iO'--'C^c0'V»0:0r'-Q0 »— — • C^ C^ ^ d C^ ^1 CI CI -M 01 01 Oi 01 ^ Oa O"- d 01 Oi 31 s o 5^ :g i> O- 3 -i2 & ■C ?n fci !M -;; « &^ d S-o 0) > a c: ^ rrt fc *1S > cr; t*. ^ " hr •2I c as ■a CO M — • V >> - > ^ff TS a — >i >ii -0 =3-0 CT^ "- c: C-T3 CJ rt c c: C/2 « V J3 ? ^ s-s t-i > 's •/i i >> > H 03 a 71 ; > 73 a> K c OJ c S -1 >, n> ■5..^ c »i4 Q. T3 3 s rt ja m r TJ •9 tft s tc > 3 ^ OJ OJ T3 u a ja c p CJ * « 1^ C3 5-1 01 .a U) fe It ■0 e 1! ^ 2 1 a i l« 3 h- ■a C3 eil 0^ _3 § W ? s 1 c 0; ^ ■0 t3 Ol a ^ _3 ass-§ 376 DIVISION' OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 146 MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF SURPLUS WATER IN SACRAMENTO-SAN JOAQUIN DELTA AND FLOW INTO SUISUN BAY WITH MAJOR UNITS OF STATE WATER PLAN IN GREAT CENTRAL VALLEY OPERATED UNDER METHOD III 1918-1929 Year of maximum run-off, 1927 Year of minimum run-off, 1924 Average for period 1918-1929 Moiilh Surplus water above all requirements, in acre-feet Flow into Suisun Bay, in acre-feet Surplus water above all requirements, in acre-feet Flow into Suisun Bay, in acre-feet Surplus water above all requirements, in acre-feet Flow into Suisun Bay, in acre-feet January February - 896,000 3,949,000 1.550,000 463,000 230,000 187,000 362,000 1,099,000 4,133,000 1,753,000 659.000 433.000 196.000 203.000 203.000 196.000 203.000 383.000 565.000 72,000 140.000 22,000 119,000 114,000 275,000 330,000 225.000 196,000 203.000 196.000 203.000 203.000 196.000 203.000 315 000 317.000 531,000 1.120,000 1,208,000 78,000 135,000 102,000 204,000 279,000 734.000 1 311 000 March . 1.4U.000 274,000 338,000 298.000 203 000 April- May July August. 203 000 September 196 000 October 203 000 November 400,000 December . . . 482 000 Totals 7,637.000 10,026.000 467,000 2.862.000 3,663,000 6,053,000 Surplus Water in Sacramento River Basin. The .study from whicli tlie torep:oinasiu alone. In makiufr this study, all of the major units of the State Water Plan in this basin, includinp: the Trinity Kiver diversion, were used. This analysis shows that depend- able re4r),000 acre-feet ])er year, for the irrigation of a net irrigable area of 1,2."{4.000 acres of foothill and mountain valley lands in the .Sacramento Kiver Basin. The analysis also shows that there would have been a larjje surplus of water in every year, over and above these needs, in the basin above the Saci'amento-San Joaquin Delta. A part of this surplus watf^r would have been contributed directly by releases and spill from the reservoirs, a jiart would have been return water from irrigation on the valley floor, or foothills al (ievations higher lliaii the reservoirs but draining direetly to the valley floor, and a pai't would have been unregulated run-off. The portion of this surplus water not used in (»r diverted from the Sacramento-San Joa(|uin Delta would have wasted into the ocean. A large part of this sur|ilus, however, could have been l)ut to beneficial use in all years, except in the winter months when a poi-tion would have been wasted. Table 147 gives the amounts of water that would have been I'oiit ributed by the reservoirs, the surplus a\ailabl»' ill till- delta in tlic iiiaxiiimiii and minimuin years ami the average annual sur|)lus f(»r the eleven-year period l}nS-l!)2!>. Thr ultiniatt' average annual refpiiremeiits for the Sacramento- !San .loacpiin Di'lta and salinity control would amount to :{..")!)( ).()()() SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 377 acre-feet. A portion of tlii.s would be eoiilribuled by -water from the San Joaquin Valley stream.s, but if the entire amount had been obtained from Sacramento Valley water.s during' the eleven-year period 1918- 1929, there .still would have been surpluses in the maximum and mini- mum years of 11. 391), 000 and 2.1 ()4, 000 acre-feet, respectively, and an average annual surplus for the period of 6,702,000 acre-feet. TABLE 147 SURPLUS WATER IN SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN Exclusive of Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta requirements Amount of water, in acre-feet Maximum year, 1927 Minimum year, 1924 Average annual for period 1918-1929 Releases and spill from major reservoir units and unregulated run-off. - Ornss rpmiirpment*; for lands on Sacramento Vallev floor 19,837,000 9,033,000 10,804,000 3,843,000 341,000 14,988,000 10,608,000 9,033,000 1,575,000 3,843,000 .341,000 5,759,000 15,141,000 9,033,000 Surplus from releases and spill and unregulated run-off 0,108,000 Return water— from valley floor -- - Roturn water^from foothills above reservoirs 3,843,000 341,000 Total surplus available in delta from Sacramento River Basin 10,292,000 Additional Regulated Supplies. In all of the foregoing methods of operation, the accomplishments would have been obtained with the use of only the major units of the State Water Plan. Investigations, however, were made of other reser- voir sites in the Sacramento River Basin upstream from the major reservoirs and on streams on which no major reservoir units are propo.sed, and of diversions into the basin, to determine the ])ossibilities of obtaining additional regulated supplies. It was found that the yield in irrigation water from the Feather River could be increased more than 4r)0.000 acre-feet per year and the yield from the Yuba River ]irobably as much as 170,000 acre-feet per year by the of other known reservoir sites. A relatively small additional yield also could be obtained from the American River and some of the small streams entering the Sacramento Valley from the east and west side foothills. A preliminary study indicates that it would be physically feasible to divert 500,000 acre-feet annually from Eel River into the Sacramento River Basin without impairment of the [iresent uses on the upt)er reaches of the Eel. If 200.000 acre-feet annually from this source were furnished the San Francisco Bay l>asin to fully sui)iilement other supplies available to that area, 300,000 acre-feet annually still would be available for use in the Great Central Valley. The of this supply would not exceed that obtainable from some of the major reservoir units of the State Water Plan in the Oreat Central Valley. It also is physically feasible lo divert a substantial suppl.N' from the upi)er Klamath River into the upper Sacramento River drainage basin. This could be accomplished by means of a diversion conduit by way of Shasta Valley into the lieadwalei-s of the upper Saerameuto River, of by means of a canal, or canals and a tunnel, by way of Tiile Lake and tile Modoc lava beds into Fall River and thence into llie Pit River. 378 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Preliminary studios mado subsequent to the publication of Bulletin No. 25 of the Division of Water Resources, indicate that this diversion would give a yield, distributed in accordance with the irrigation demand in the Great Central Valley, of between 550,000 and 800,000 acre-feet per year. It, therefore, would be physically feasible, if the need should ever arise, to obtain annual water supplies of 1,500,000 to 1,900,000 acre-feet for use in the Great Central Valley in addition to those supplies obtain- able from the proposed major reservoir units of the State Water Plan for the Sacramento River Basin. SACRAMENTO KIVKK BASIN 379 CHAPTER XI INITIAL UNIT OF STATE WATER PLAN IN SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN In Chapter X, a description lias been given of the operation and accomplishments of all of the major units of the State Water Plan in the Great Central Valley operated coordinately nnder the condition of ultimate development. This condition necessarily will not be reached for many years to come. The various units would be constructed pro- tyressively but onl}' as the need for them would arise. There are water problems, however, in certain areas in the Great Central Valley which are acute and necessitate immediate rectification. Major units of the State Water Plan are needed to meet the situation. Immediate Requirements. The greatest water problem in the Sacramento River Basin at the ])resent time is that of invasion of saline water into the delta region. In months of low flow from the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers, saline water from the lower bay has, due to tidal action and decreased stream flow into the delta, invaded the upper reaches of Suisun Bay and far up into the many channels of the delta. It is shown in another report* that this condition could be corrected by either of two methods. One method Avoidd be the construction of a physical barrier at some strategic point beloAv the affected area, together with sufflcient mountain storage to be utilized to replenish the diminishing fresh water supply in a barrier lake. The second method would be to store water in a moun- tain reservoir during periods of plenteous run-off and later release it at the proper time and in sufficient volume to supplement the unregulated low Avater flow to prevent the invasion of saline water to a specified degree beyond a certain point. The practicable limit of control with this method is the lower end of the delta. The report shows that the first method is too costly and not economically justified and recommends that the second method be employed for the correction of the salinity menace. With water supplies maintained fresh in the delta channels, diversion conduits could be constructed therefrom to the industrial and agricultural areas on the north and south sides of upper San Francisco Bay. To control salinity by the method adoi)ted, would require the storage of fresh water in reservoirs and its later release at the proper time and in sufficient volume into cliannels tributary to the delta. The amount of release would vary with the season and the month during the season and with the point and degree of control. To prevent the invasion of saline wnter into the delta, would require a flow jiast Antioch into Suisun Bay of not less than -yMM) second-feet. With stream flow • Bulletin No. 28, "Kconomin A.speots of a Salt Water Barrier Below Confluence of Sacramento and San Joaquin River.s," Division of Water Resources, 1931. 380 DIVISION OV WATEK HESOUKCES into tilt' delta as it was diii-iiifr the last ten years and present consump- tive use of watei- in the delta, the supplemental flow required for control of salinitv and consumptive denumds in the delta would have been 1,128,000 acre-feet in 1024, 825,000 acre-feet in 1920, 359.000 acre- feet in 1928 and 150,000 acre-feet in 1927. The most advantaj.a'0us location of a reservoir for the control of salinity would be in the San Joafpiin Kiver l^asin because two-thirds of the water demands are in the San Joatiuin River section of the delta, antl further because the present low water inflow into the delta from the San Joatpiin Kiver is much less than from the Sacramento Iviver, with only two existing: channels, (jeora(juin Kivcr aboAc the inoulli of Merced Ixivcr had been ])ureliased. 8. An annual averajje of 1,581, 100,000 kilowatt hours of hydro- electric enerjry would have been generated, incidental to other uses. Method IV. Water would liave been released from the reservoir in such manner as to supplemenl the unrejiulated flow at Ked liluff to make avail- able a maximum ])ossible irri<«ation supply at that point. Jiytlro- electrie enerjjy would have been generated with the water released from the reservoir under the irrigation demand schedule. TJie following would ha\'e been accomplished : 1. Two million eight hundred fifty thousand acre-feet of ncAV w'ater would have been made available annually, with a maximum deficiency of 35 per cent in the driest year, for use in accordance with the irrigation demand in the Sacramento Valley. 2. An annual average of 1,285,000,000 kilowatt hours of hydro- electric energy would have been generated. 3. There would have been incidental benefits to navigation, flood control and salinity control. Complete American River Unit. — The four methods of operation under which the American River unit was analyzed, together Avith the accom- plishments, are as follows: Method I. Water would have been released from the reservoirs in such man- ner as to obtain the greatest ])Ossible revenue from the production of electric enei'gy, all other uses of the water being incidental. The following would have been accomj)lished : 1. An annual average of 1,052,400,000 kilowatt hours of hydro- electric enei'gx' would have lieeii generated. 2. Five hundred twenty-four thousand acre-feet of new water would have been made available, with a maximum deficiency of 35 ])er cent in the driest year, for use in accordance willi the irrigation demand in the Saeraiiieiito Valley. :{. There would have been im-idental benefits to flood control, salinity control, and navigation. Method 11. Space would have been reserved in tlie reservoirs for flood control, and stored walei* would have been released in such manner as to siipi)lemeiit the flows from uni-egulated streams in the Sacramento K'ivcr liasiii or those regulated by present developments, from return ii-rigatioii \\aters in the Sacramento Valley, and from inflows to the Sacramenlo-San -loacpiin Delta from the San Joa(|uin Ivivei- I'.asiii undiM" eonditioiis with the iimnediatf^ initial develop- SACRAMENTO IMVKIl IJASIX 385 ment* of the State Water Plan in that basin in operation, to make supplies available for irrigation, navigation, salinity control and the generation of power. The following would have been accom- plished : 1. The space reserved in the reservoirs each season for flood control would have reduced flood flows to 80,000 second-feet maximum flow at the U. S. Geological Survey gaging station at Pairoaks. 2. A fresh water flow of not loss than 3300 second-feet would have been maintained past Antioch into Suisun Bay, controlling salinity to the lower end of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. 3. An irrigation supply, witliout doficiency, would have been fiu*- nished the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta for its present require- ments. 4. A water supply, without deficiency, would have been made avail- able in the delta for the developed industrial and agricultural areas along the soutli shore of Suisun Bay in Contra Costa County. 5. An annual average of 972,500,000 kilowatt hours of hydroelectric energj^ would have been generated, incidental to other uses. Method III. Space would have been reserved in the reservoirs for flood control, and stored water would have been released in such manner as to supplement the flows from unregulated streams in the Sacramento River Ba,sin or those regulated by present developments, from return irrigation waters in the Sacramento Valley, and from inflows to the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta from the San Joa- quin River Basin under conditions wdth the complete initial development** of the State Water Plan in that basin in operation, to make supplies available for irrigation, navigation, salinity con- trol and the generation of power. The following would have been accomplished : Items 1, 2, 3, and 4, same as Method II. 5. An irrigation supply, without deficiency, would have been made available in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta*** sufficient in amount to fully supply the ''crop lands'' now being served from the San Joaquin River above the mouth of the Merced River, This supply would have been conveyed to these lands by the San Joaquin River pumping system and would have made possible the exportation of all the available supply in the San Joaquin River at Friant if the "grass land" rights on the San Joaquin River above the mouth of Merced River had been purchased. 6. An annual average of 951,700,000 kilowatt hours of hydroelectric energy would have been generated, incidental to other uses. • Friant reservoir, San Joaquin River-Kern County canal, Madera canal, and Magunden-Edison pumping sy.stem constructed. ** Friant reservoir, San .Joaquin River- Kern County Canal, ^ladera Canal, Magunden-Edison pumping sy.stem, San Joaquin River pumping system and Sacra- mento-San Joaquin Delta cross chanrnl ronstnictt'd. *♦• See footnotes to Table 154. 25—80994 .'{8G DIVISION' OF WATKK KKSOUROES Method IV. Wator would luivc been i-cleiised fi'oin tlio reservoirs in sucli manner as to make available a maximum possible irrigation supply at Folsom. Hydroelectric energy would have been generated with the water released from the reservoirs under the irrigation demand schedule. The following would have been accomplished : 1. One million six hundred fifty-six thousand acre-feet of new water Avould have been made available annually, with a maxi- mum deficiency of 35 per cent in the driest year, for use in accordance with the irrigatioii demand in the Sacramento Yalh-y. 2. An ainiual average of 898,800.000 kilowatt hours of hydro- electric energy would have been generated. ;{. There would have been incidental benefits to flood control, salin- ity control, and navigation. Parfidl Aimricdn Biro- JJnii. — The i)artial American River unit was analyzed under two methods of operation which, together with the accom])]ishments, are as follows: :\rethod I. Space would have been reserved in the reservoirs for flood control, and stored water would have been released in such manner as to supplement the flows from unregulated streams in the Sacramento River Basin or those regulated by present developments, from return irrigation waters in the Sacramento Valley, and from inflows to the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta from the San Joa- (|uin River Basin under conditions with the immediate initial development* of the State Water l'!;m in that basin in operation, to make sup])lies available for irj-igation, navigation, salinity eontrol and the generation of power. The following would have been accomplished : 1. The space reserved in the reservoirs each sea.son for flood control would have reduced flood flows to 100,000 second-feet maximum flow at the United States Geological Survey gaging station at Fairoaks. 2. A fresh water flow of not less than 3300 second-feet would have been maintained ])ast Antioch into Suisun Bay. controllinu' salinity to the lower end of tlie Saeramento-San Joaquin Delta. '■\. An irrigation sui)ply, without deflciency, would have been fur- ni.shed the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta for its present reciuirc- ments. 4. A water sui)ply, without (Icticicncy, would have been made avail- able in th(; delta for the developed industrial and agrieultural areas along the south shore of Suisun l>ay in Contra Costa County. 5. An annual averagu of 7(52, oOO, 1)00 kilowatt hours of hydro- electric enei'gy would have been generated, iiieidental to other uses. • Krlant reservoir, San Juaciiiiii lllver-Kei'ii County canal. Madri-.-i canal, and MnKtinrlcn-KdiHon imniplnp system cnnstrnrtod. SACRAMENTO IMVKR BASIN 387 Method II. Space would have been reserved in the reservoirs for flood control, and stored water would have been released in such manner as to supplement the flows from unregulated streams in the Sacramento River Basin or those regulated by present developments, from return irrigation Avaters in the Sacramento Valle.y, and from inflows to the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta from the San Joa- quin River Basin under conditions with the complete initial devel- opment * of the State Water Plan in that basin in operation, to make supplies available for irrigation, navigation, salinity con- trol and the generation of powiM-. The following would have been accomplished : Items 1, 2, 3, and 4, same as under Method I above. 5. An annual irrigation supply of 500,000 acre-feet, with a defi- ciency of 31 per cent in 1924, would have been made available in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta ** for the supply of the "crop lands" now being served from the San Joaquin River above the mouth of the Merced River. This supply would have been conveyed to these lands by the San Joaquin River pumping system and would have made possible the exportation of a like amount of water from the San Joaquin River at Friant. 6. An annual average of 730,000,000 kilowatt hours of hydro- electric energy would have been generated, incidental to the other uses. Surplus Water. Studies were made with certain of the methods of operation described in the foregoing section of this chapter to estimate the amounts of water which would have reached the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta from the entire Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys, the amounts which would have been surplus after all requirements had been satisfied from this water, and the flows into Suisun Bay. These studies were made for the ])eriod 1919-1929 with Methods II and III for the Kennett reservoir unit and complete American River unit and for Methods I and II for the partial American River unit. The results of these studies are shown in Tables 148 to 159. Table 148 shows for each year, with Kennett reservoir operated under ^Method II, the net annual amount of water reaching the Sacra- mento-San Joaquin Delta, the amount required from this water for all purposes in the delta, the amount of Avater which would have flowed past Antioch into Suisun Bay for salinity control, the amount of water avaihible for irrigation and industrial use in the San Francisco Bay Basin, the surplus water whicli would liave reached the delta in addition to that for the above requirements, and the total amount of water which would have flowed into Suisun Bay, including that required for salinity control. Table 149 is given to show the distribution of the surpluses and flows into Suisun Bay, by months, in the years of uuixinium and * Friant reservoir, San Joaquin River-Kern County canal, Madera canal, Magun- den-Edison pumping sy.stem, San Joaciuin River pumping system and Sacramento-San JoaQuin Delta cross channel constructed. *♦ See footnotes to Table 158. 388 DIVISION OF WATKR liKSOURCES < Z w P O H 7. o < H J u Q 3 . O; z'. I II 5.5 3 a o .3 •> H so 0) 2 — o o •3 o -= n = 5 > 3 n 3 ■CO 2^ S'5 2 £ 5-^ £ ='3 2 £ ^^ z: is ii)T3 c4 a ^•— m o o o oi 00 « -^_ re CJ oi 00 CJ M r-^cciOiTsu^t-r^fcrTooos g2§ foooooo ooSooS CO 03 00 c*3 e*3 CO a% e*5 C*5 OO CO OS QO 00 C-* c; oo »o -^r 00 o> fOQOOQOSOO ooooooooo '■^ c-i '^ -^ S Ti S S S ^i CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO >ooo< Sooc oo« OO — ■= — =:^ — — ■:: OO— — ~ — ~ — — — C_ =5 ■=_ = —_ -_ = = = = C5 if^ '^ — —. ^rt ^^ —. —. i^ OOCSOOOOOOCiOOQOOOCS CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO cf M ft •73 g s o t>^ OS O c So* .^ eg I gggogggggg o oooooooooo OS ci" o r>r « OO c^ o 00 ws O^-^SS-^OcoOJOOOa r^-^ CO ^ 03^ ^ '-*^ ^ •-* CO c« cT e» ■^ --^ -^ ^ po cj -^ CO o^*-^ioo»c4r«ab^cD '^C^^*ftCOO*-<»-*H-H c^coOr-cccccooor^oj s e 3 la 9 a 2 O) Ob OS 0& OS Oi 0> Oft OS Oft SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 389 miuimiini run-off, and the average for the whole period. This table shows no, or only a small surplus in the summer months, but largo quantities of frosli water in excess of required for salinity control in eight or nine months of the year. These excess flows would improve the salinity condition in upper San Francisco Bay, making it practically equivalent to natural conditions existing before expansion of irrigation and reclamation development in the Great Central Valley. TABLE 149 MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF SURPLUS WATER IN SACRAMENTO-SAN JOAQUIN DELTA AND FLOW INTO SUISUN BAY WITH KENNETT RESERVOIR OPERATED AS AN INITIAL UNIT UNDER METHOD II 1919-1929 Year of maximum run-off, 1927 Year of minimum run-off, 1924 Average for period 1919-1929 Month Surplus water above all rc(iuirements, in acre-feet Flow into Suisun Bay, in acre-feet Surplus water above all requirements, in acre-feet Flow into Suisun Bay, in acre-feet Surplus water above all requirements, in acre-feet Flow into Suisun Bay, in acre-feet January 2,521,000 7,514,000 3,883,000 4,066,000 2,904,000 1,853,000 239,000 118,000 177,000 348,000 1,179,000 1,084,000 2,724,000 7,697,000 4,086,000 4,262,000 3,107,000 2,049,000 442,000 321,000 373,000 551,000 1,375,000 1,287,000 613,000 1,038,000 533,000 462,000 64,000 10,000 63,000 364,000 762,000 979,000 816,000 1,228,000 736,000 658,000 267,000 206,000 203,000 203,000 259,000 567,000 958,000 1,182,000 1,794,000 3,142,000 2,674,000 2,537,000 2,174,000 1,088,000 201,000 87,000 150,000 350,000 888,000 1,209,000 1,997,000 February.- 3,328,000 March .. 2,877,000 April 2,733,000 May 2,377,000 June 1,284,000 July 404,000 August - 290,000 September 346,000 October 553,000 November _ . 1,084,000 December 1,412,000 Totals 25,886,000 28,274,000 4,888,000 7,283,000 16,294,000 18,685,000 Table loO shows the same items for the operation of Kenuett reser- voir unit under Metliod III as are shown in Table 148 for the operation under .Method II. except that in this case the amount of water made available" for irrigation supply for lands in the San Joaquin Valley also is shown. It may be noted that the amounts of surplus wat4?r and total flows into Suisun Bay would have been smaller than under Method II, because of the allowance for the San Joaquin Valley. However, they still would have been substantial quantities. Table 151 contains the same information on monthlv distribution for ^Method III as is presented in Table 149 for Method II! Table 152 shows the same things for the operation of the complete American River unit under jMethod IT as are shown by Table 148 for the opei-ation of the Kennett reservoir unit under Method II. Table 15;} shows the distribution of the surpluses and flows into Suisun Bay, by months, with the comjjlete Ameriean Ixiver unit operated under Method II. in the years of maximum and minimum run-off, and the average foi- the period 1919-1929. Table 154 shows the same things for the operation of the complete American River unit under ^Method III as are shown by Table 150 for the operation of the Kennett n^servoir under ^lethod 111. Table 155 shows the distribution of the surj) and flows into Suisun Bay, by .^90 DTVISTO.V or WATER RESOURCES o CO < (/] o o cs n 1 B a 3 H 3 c tn o "* •*J ^ a Si » 4) i-x; II *3 3 03 c c CO !-• OOOOOOQOOO oooooooooo oooooooooo t^c-f •^' -^ -r -^ S ifS t>^ CO T3 O O X - 2 c c -:s ^ £; 3 =J cj .*- 13 cr rt if w ^ 3 M J- «.C3^ C"! :/:' Ti ci c- 1 X •: i T 1 ~ ^ '-^' ■^^■^•^■^"■^■^'"r- 0000000000 oooooooooo oooooooooo oooooooooo oooooooooo oooooooooo CO CO CO CO CO o" CO CD CO to 0^03C30Q>OOiO 0> Oi OOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO C/2 O o O o> I' /ft s s a o — o S • H a o > H o = o a i & o E=: ,"- rt to I ^ oooooooooo oooooooooo oooooooooo 00 0)00 0000 0300 0000 a» CO CO CO eo CO CO CO co co co oT M c^ c4" c4" ci" c^ c-i" !r4" ci" ecc^rcrcccrcrcrcroco OOOOOOOOOOOOCOQOCOOO oooooooooo 00 00 00 CO TT OiO OlM^ 000000 000000 000000 OS to ci" ^ C» <-^ CO C^ C^ CO CO c^i ^« t^ ^< v>4 00 ^' gs 00 OCM o>o 0^0000^00 00^0 oioiot^coodc^ooo»r> co—<^ t^CO^OS^--'^«-^cOC^ c^ci'ij'^cO'^^coc^^co i'-CNio>aoco»-c^co<4«u)cor.on 0> O^ Ott Oft O^ 0% Oi 0> 0> OA SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 391 mouths, with Method III of operation for the complete American River unit, in the vears of maximum and minimum run-off, and the average for the period 1919-1929. Table 156 shows the same things for the operation of the partial American River unit under Method I as are shown by Table 152 for the operation of the comi)lete unit under Method II. Table 157 shows the distribution of the surpluses and flows into Suisun Bay, by months, with Method I of operation for the partial American River unit, in the vears of maximum and minimum run-off, and the average for the period 1919-1929. Table 158 shows the same things for tlie operation of the partial American River unit under Method II as are shown by Table 154 for the operation of the complete unit under Method III, except that only 500,000 acre-feet per year, with a deficiency in 1924, would have been made available for use on the "crop lands" in the San Joaquin Valley. Table 159 shows the monthly distribution of surpluses and flows into Suisun Bay for tlie operation of the partial unit under Method II. TABLE 151 MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF SURPLUS WATER IN SACRAMENTO-SAN JOAQUIN DELTA AND FLOW INTO SUISUN BAY WITH KENNETT RESERVOIR OPERATED AS AN INITIAL UNIT UNDER METHOD III 1919-1929 Year of maximum run-off, 1927 Year of minimum run-off, 1024 Average for period 1919-1929 Month Surplus water above all requirements, in acre-feet Flow into Suisun Bay, in acre-feet Surplus water a jove all requirements, in acre-feet Flow into Suisun Bay, in acre-feet Surplus water above all reciuirements, in acre-feet Flow into Suisun Bay, in acre-feet January 2,701,000 7,486,000 3.831,000 3,951,000 2,745.000 1,690,000 97,000 10,000 100,000 320,000 1,047,000 1.202,000 2,904,000 7,670,000 4,034,000 4,147,000 2,948,000 1,886,000 300,000 213,000 296,000 523,000 1,243,000 1,405,000 534,000 871,000 442,000 384,000 50,000 260,000 505,000 675,000 737,000 1,061,000 645,000 580,000 203,000 196,000 203,000 203,000 246,000 463,000 701,000 878,000 1,752,000 3,125,000 2,651,000 2,371,000 2,065,000 940,000 94,000 4,000 79,000 314,000 785,000 1,212,000 1,955,000 February 3,311,000 March 2,854.000 April- 2,567,000 May -- 2,268,000 June .— July 1,136,000 297.000 August 207,000 September 275,000 October 517,000 November ._ 981,000 December 1,415,000 Totals 25,180,000 27,569,000 3,721,000 6,116,000 15,392,000 17,783,000 :J92 DIVISION' OF WATER RESOURCES < OQ -* a S *- o 2 «= I ii§2£gSggg = C. = =:_==;_=; 5 o o 1 ci I'^-^c-f ao'ri ao M ;o M on ir »£f ir: ir:' 1 - 3C -^*" ac ca § O ao 3 c: ri CI 7C c: r-T cT^r^^oo cci* — — ■* — f-;rc-fO o o 5 o J2 s 3 OS o ■3 '^ ooooooopop — . — . — . — . ~.—.~.— ~^. '— " Tl '^ S -^ -^i r^ z£ S ci — C^l — — — M — — — .C^ C*3 CC CO OC C*5 CC CO CC CO CO o 00 .2 ue B.g oS 7s i: 3 "3-e.: 0000000000 0000000000 OT3 CJ — a • — .^j -c e! Ft CTi n 0000c — ^rOCJO 00000 — = = 00 o o o o o^ = o_ o_ o_ o oe5"ca»c"r*nrrrics»d" oossoeocaoc- QCocQCOs s a cS is 9 e 2 115 t«c3 e 0000000000 ocooo^oooo oc c:c: = c;c;coo CO m r^' r^' r::' :-:' r-:' f' ri ro ooooac3c:/::cjc:ac3cao 0000000000 o o o 1^1 o B=: ^ o > :ooooo OOQOOC S 00000 OCOO OSOOOOOOO g c C8 00 oooooooopo g 00000000© _oo o_o_oo_o 00 or^or-^oooc^oooio O — -^CX — Or20X)0> OJ cs' ^ -^^ V — CO C*l" -fl^ CO CO ags- o E = ,'- c! a lS2i i 00 C Si I a s •c E ■< _o c E o o s o 5 i Ji I 8 3 ^-8c*c^Sc^»^c^dS a»o>a3a>o»c>ObaaokOk SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 393 TABLE 153 MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF SURPLUS WATER IN SACRAMENTO-SAN JOAQUIN DELTA AND FLOW INTO SUISUN BAY WITH COMPLETE AMERICAN RIVER UNIT OPERATED AS AN INITIAL UNIT UNDER METHOD II 1919-1929 Year of maximum run-ofF, 1927 Year of nunimum run-off, 1924 Average for period 1918-1929 Month Surplus water above all requirements, in acre-feet Flow into Suisun Bay, in acre-feet Surplus water above all requirements, in acre-feet Flow into Suisun Bay, in acre-feet Surplus water above all requirements, in acre-feet Flow into Suisun Bay, in acre-feet January . ._ 2,585,000 7,350,000 3,878,000 4,279,000 2,965,000 1,902,000 99,000 108,000 336,000 1,449,000 1,196,000 2,788,000 7,534,000 4,081,000 4,475,000 3,168,000 2,098,000 302,000 203,000 304,000 539,000 1,645,000 1,399,000 672,000 1.176,000 577,000 432,000 22,000 291,000 757,000 940,000 875,000 1,366,000 780,000 628,000 203,000 196,000 203,000 203,000 218,000 494,000 953,000 1,143,000 1,828,000 3,242,000 2,698,000 2,636,000 2,193,000 1,045,000 86,000 3,000 81,000 343,000 1,050,000 1,362,000 2,031 000 February 3,428,000 2,901,000 March April 2.832 000 May 2,396,000 1,241,000 289,000 206,000 277 000 June -- July August September - October 546 000 November 1,246,000 1,565,000 December Totals 26,147,000 28,536,000 4,867,000 7,262,000 16,567,000 18,958,000 :i">4 DIVISION OF \VA'ri:R RESOURCES -i < Z *- o ^^ -=■§ = £; J3.S S o o .2 « ^ 5.E — e i: " r- t'- 00 o r* t- ic I - »/5 00 o !•- O C^ w I— — c: QO O •— 5 a o .fa e Ci:; ;2 o o ^-1 5 .2 S «> a t^ fc "" « **x S c C--3 gas "-I to a a occ oocooooooo o_ o c o_ c:_ =;_ =:_ = c:_ 5 c^oo c^c^ci 00 C"! cl rloo -»■ -^ -^ -J. -r • g ov/5> g"CTi ■= -a c-a ^ V Z 0-T3 CG O o o OOOOOCiOOOO c:^c_o c;_^ — o o o o -C ^ CO ^C !© iCD O CO :0 CD C^ O^ OS O ^ C^ 9^ C% O CO ocaoooooaooooooooooo O00C5000O00 OOOCDOOOOOO o oo o ooo oo o C5 »0 OS OS C5 iC C5 CS ^ 40 oo cs 00 00 oo ^ oo oo 00 cs CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO cj" c^ oooooo oscaot^to(»c^ooD»o f>.CO'^Ci^^'n^-^»C^I c^ciVo^^coc^^j^co goooc oooc ooooc B S u ,'• 08 CO I' s >* :>OQQ 525oo O*0t>^C00di0iC^3SC^ cooococot^-oo-^ooo-^ CO CO ci" Q ci" tC »o CO ^ tC g a»Q*^C4CO^iQCOI»0Q — ^c^c^c5ci?5c«c»c5 OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS :5 c. il * .- ~ c^ ' S-" c o = j:-- X 'J3 i2-= *^ <^" £ r% ^ O CO J3 — o "& 2 £-« "5 cs bC ^ a c^ = s •*A ? = ■= 7- "2 ■S 2 > v.i : M to S a >< ■•* ■** S n [£ to .ti'S. 3 a fa c. P fa (5.2: CO a e I c fa o ■i 3 fa c? t> "-r *- fa -^ tf^ M 3l^«fa 1 M O O M ^ SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 395 TABLE 155 MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF SURPLUS WATER IN SACRAMENTO-SAN JOAQUIN DELTA AND FLOW INTO SUISUN BAY WITH COMPLETE AMERICAN RIVER UNIT OPERATED AS AN INITIAL UNIT UNDER METHOD III 1919-1929 Year of maximum run-off, 1927 Year of minimum run-off, 1924 Average for period 1919-1929 Month Surplus water above all requirements, in acre-feet Flow into Suisun Bay, in acre-feet Surplus water above all requirements, in acre-feet Flow into Suisun Bay, in acre-feet Surplus water above all requirements, in acre-feet Flow into Suisun Bay, in acre-feet January 2,527,000 ■ 7,215,000 3,826,000 4,164,000 2,806,000 1,739,000 254,000 1,342,000 1,192,000 2,730,000 7,399,000 4,029,000 4,360,000 3,009,000 1,935,000 203,000 203,000 196,000 457,000 1,538,000 1,395,000 599,000 1,082,000 469,000 247,000 204,000 699,000 875,000 802,000 1,272,000 672,000 443,000 203,000 196,000 203,000 203,000 196,000 407,000 895,000 1,078,000 1,780,000 3,192,000 2,636,000 2,516,000 2,086,000 906,000 27,000 1,000 254,000 962,000 1.324,000 1,983,000 February 3,378,000 March 2,839,000 April .- 2,712,000 May 2,289,000 June 1,102,000 .July. - 230,000 August 203,000 September 197,000 October 457,000 1,158,000 December . - 1,527,000 Totals 25,065,000 27,454,000 4,175,000 6,570,000 15,684,000 18,075,000 896 DIVISION OF WATKIJ RESOURCES CO < < CQ z z O- ^ c ^ ^ 5 a — S > s> £■ oSSSSooopS o_ o o =: CI o o o o 5 SSSSSSS! >ooooooc US ci cc ec c-j ^ -^" ^ ;c I -^ 5 •a s o s ic o oa 2 g, 4, S. C 4, rt ".t !; I' " a3 a 3 '^ 5 > tc - 3 2 ts cc o o o ooooooooso goooooooSo _ o_ o o c_ s =: 3 o o to C'l -^ ^ S Ti -^ -^ -^ Cf oooocoosoo 00000 0=00 o o o o_ o o o o_ o o 4^ *f* ^^ ^* ^J" ^* ^* ^J* ^* ^< oooooooooo oooooooc;c;o oooooo^o ::;_:^_c:5 0003GOOOQOC3QOOOaOC3 cc c*3 cc cc ro re CO CO cd co cJ ci cs ci cl M ci" cJ c4" ci" CO «ioco-^oco C0t-00'^I^O--O'«»'C0 CON NOO *»0 0»cl CO CO €*< o c4" ->< ZQ < u, "?H DC H * S is8 U ^ < H ^D2 (flo! 5^ c/} q: ^5 cu <: KU Sg QS ^H w < i§ -* a, Hi 3 "H f?^ I II o .3 « B > u u. — o.i: 2 o I JO o : e o « e^ tc ^ --C »o -- ^ c^ — — — -i - oooooooc ^t ^•^*^<^n^^^* ^ 3 C--0 g 3 3 -t .M — *i #1 r/i 222 2 22 o 2 o S £ 2 eg OM , - J S. g fe-M =•> g"C t; .2"— T3 » £°« CO 9 gS 3> 8 5555 — 5=^^^ c_ o o o_ o_ o_ o 5 o 5 Cl C-i O t^ :C 00 c^i" CJ" 00 »o r— ro'TSi^- — 'T — OT-» cJ rf -^ » -^ ^ re c^f V cc 0>e^C4^e90kO0b0id0i9& ■S| 1 -CO 2: .S-E - la 5 >s § c^ s §•.2 d •^ > o So ^ «a jS c=-o 3. 0.5 o J3 "^ 3'z: o o. S-b S o . C •- S2 - ■S £ ■- f S^ •« _ o. >> E o- -= = S «> ft-. 5 'S 3-2 — ft' 3 a o .= ?§ I - « £: 1J o = £ 22 2 ?2 .= o OS >» ^-* ™ c u .ti c k. > 5.S e 2. OJ ? .§ o ft- c, o ■s o s u c o is ? -<^ .2 1=- .5 i o.~ 4; ft- " " s _ o c . 1. Is. s SACRAMENTO UIVER BASIN 399 TABLE 150 MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF SURPLUS WATER IN SACRAMENTO-SAN JOAQUIN DELTA AND FLOW INTO SUISUN BAY WITH PARTIAL AMERICAN RIVER UNIT OPERATED AS AN INITIAL UNIT UNDER METHOD II 1919-1929 Year of maximum run-off, 1927 Year of minimum run-off, 1924 Average for period 1919-1929 Month Surplus water above all requirements, in acre-feet Flow into Suisun Bay, in acre-feet Surplus water al)ove ail requirements, in acre-feet Flow into Suisun Bay, in acre-feet Surplus water above all reiiuirement.s, in acre-feet Flow into Suisiin Bay, in acre-feet January . . 2,512,000 7,404,000 3,849,000 4,253,000 2,879,000 1,814,000 19,000 264,000 1,446,000 1,195,000 2,715,000 7,588,000 4,052,000 4,449,000 3,082,000 2,010,000 203,000 203,000 215,000 467,000 1,642,000 1,398,000 592,000 1,084,000 402,000 330,000 201,000 693,000 870,000 795,000 1,274,000 065,0)0 526,000 203,000 190,000 203,000 203,000 196,000 404,000 889,000 1,073,000 1,783,030 3,254,000 2,682,000 2,623,000 2,174,000 968,000 46,000 9,000 255,000 975,000 1,330,000 1,986,000 February 3,440,000 March 2,885,000 April 2,819,000 May 2,377,000 June . - -. - 1,164,000 July 249,000 August 203.000 September . . - 205,000 October 458,000 November -- 1,171,000 December -.. 1.533,000 Totals . . - 25,635,000 28,024,000 4,232,000 6,627,000 16,099,000 18,490,000 Comparison of Kennett Reservoir Unit and American River Units as Initial Developments. Table 160 shows a financial comparison of the Kennett reservoir nnit and American River units operated under the various methods described in this chapter. In this comparison, no deductions were made from the capital costs for possible direct contributions from the Federal government in the interests of navigation and flood control, or for similar contributions from the State for highway reconstruction or for other purposes, since the amounts of such contributions have not been determined. In obtaining the average net annual cost for each unit, the average annual revenue from the sale of electric energy output from that unit was deducted. A deduction, however, was not made for revenue from the sale of water. The advantages of the American River unit over the Kennett reservoir unit are : 1. The capital investment for partial development would be $34,- 000,000 less and for complete development $1 5,500,000 less. 2. It could be constructed progressively. 3. The initial block of hydroelectric energy would be 48 per cent of that at Kennett. thus lessening the problem of power absorji- tion. 4. It would be in a position to control floods on the Aiiiericaii River to a degree that would greatly benefit the project of the American River Flood Control District and to a lesser extent the Sacramento F'lood Control Project. Willi oith(>r the partial or com])letc unit. Hoods would be controlled to 100,000 second- feet or less, exceeded not oftener tlian one day in 250 years, on the avera-ge, whereas the crest flow of the March 25, 1928 flood was 184,000 second-feet. 4U0 DIVISION OF WATKB RESOURCES u < CO Q < 5 ^ el ei •r - t>. — 00 O ^' 00 ;s C*5 tC iO CO ^' '^O O OO O C» 1-^ "-^ ooo_o ^^ Cl OO ^ COCOC^fM IS eooo ^00 oooo gs§s oqoo ^O C^ Ol OO OO ^ »o »c c^ ssss SSg8 CfcJ^OO »o h» m cs O 0> O^ 00 O CO — v« O 1^ = Start fl o ■t:— i: 5 S >> -3 Oo 9 a « ^IS S S 2 c « t^ t^ r^ r^ O 03 03 o 'SS> ^lzIS> g g © >%■ b£ « « r* 6 .— .^..i w« a s (A o c a e 2 a a O u C B is S a. -^"^•a 1 ad .S.2 ■?! B ® go fa S P g 3 S«d o-o S OS as c " 'Bo S-3 SACRAMENTO KIVKU BASIN 4U1 5. Water would be released below all of the riparian lands in the Sacramento River Basin above the city of Sacramento. The riparian acreage along the American River is small. 6. No major improvements would be flooded and, therefore, there would be less interference with existing interests. 7. The partial development would have furnished a water supply, during the ten-year period liJ19-192i), for j)rest'nt irrigation requirements in the Sacramento-San Joaquin ]3elta, for salinity control, and for immediate agricultural and industrial require- ments along the south shore of Suisun Bay in C-ontra Costa County, at a net annual cost $270,000 less than the Kennett reservoir unit, if revenues from the sale of electric energy alone had been credited against the annual costs, and there had been no contributions toward the costs of the reservoirs by the Fed- eral and State governments or other interests or agencies. The advantages of the Kennett reservoir unit over the American River unit are : 1. It would be in a position to control floods on the Sacramento River, thus giving an added degree of protection to a large portion of the lands in the Sacramento Flood Control Project. Flows would be reduced to 125,000 second-feet mean daily flow on the day of the flood crest, measured at Red Blutf, exceeded once in fourteen years, on the average. The controlled flow exceeded once in iOO years, on the average, would be 187,000 second-feet due to the uncontrolled run-otf between Kennett reservoir and Red Bluff, but flows in excess of 125,000 second- feet would be of short duration. The maximuin flood flow of record at Red Bluff was 278,000 second-feet on Februarv 3, 1909. 2. It would improve navigation facilities in the Sacramento River for 190 miles above the city of Sacramento. 8. It would furnish a full water supply to lands along the Sacra- mento River above Sacramento now under irrigation or having water rights. There would iiave been over 700,000 acre-feet more water available, distributed in accordance with the irri- gation demand, for these lands in 1924. The sale of that portion of this supply which Avould be new water made available by the operation of the Kennett reservoir would provide a revenue which would decrease the net annual cost of the reservoir. No such revenue, or at least a very much smaller one, would be available to the American River unit from the sale of water along the American River. 4. It would have furnished a water su])i)ly, during the ten-year l)ei-i()d 1919-1929, for present ii'rigatiou retiuirements in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, for salinity control, and for inniiediate agricultural and industrial recpiirements along the .south shore of Suisun Bay in (Contra ('osta County, and Avould have made avaihible 896,000 aci'e-feet more water for irrigation in the San Joatjuin Valley, at $234,000 less net annual cost than the complete American River unit, if revenues from the sale 26 — 80994 402 DIVISION OF WA'IKU RKSOUKCES of electric energy only had been credited against the gross annual cost and no contributions had been made toward the costs of the reservoirs by the Federal and State governments or other interests or agencies. Revenues from the sale of water for the foregoing uses would have been the same for the Kennett reservoir and complete American River units and therefore do not enter into their comparison. 3. It would have furnished a water supply, during the ten-year period 1919-1929, for delta, salinity control and immediate upper San Francisco Ray requirements and would have made available 896,000 acre-feet of water for irrigation in the San Joaquin Valley, at a net annual cost of $1,471,000, as compared to $1,474000 for the partial American River unit, if revenues t'l'oni the sale of electric energy alone had been credited against the gross annual costs. While the Kennett reservoir would have made available 896,000 acre-feet of water, without deficienc.w for irrigation in the San Joaquin Valley, the partial American River unit woiild have made available only 500.000 acre-feet, with a deficiency of 31 per cent in 1924. The amounts of water furnished for the other uses would have been the same. If revenues from the sale of water for the foregoing uses had been deducted from the gross annual costs, the net annual cost would have been even more in favor of the Kennett reservoir unit. If there were no demand for eleven years or more for water from the Sacramento Valley for irrigation in the San Joaquin Valley, the American River unit would be the more economic unit to construct but if the water would be required in less than eleven years, the Kennett reservoir unit would be the better. This period of deferment is based on the average annual costs for a forty-year amortization period and average annual revenues from power estimated for the forty-year period 1889-1929. 6. Both navigation and flood conti'ol benefits would be greater than with the American River unit. On account of these greater benefits accruing to the general public, it would be reasonable to expect larger direct contributions toward the cost of the Kennett reservoir unit in the interest of navigation and flood control, than toward the cost of the American River unit. 7. It would develop one and three-fourtlis times as much new water as the American River unit, at three-fourths the cost per acre- foot, if the reservoirs were operated primarily for irrigation. Selection of Unit for Initial Development. After earcfiil cdiisidci-ation of all the foregoing advantages and disadvantages of each unit and in view of the possibility that water, in addition to that necessary for initial uses, would be recpiired for exporta- tion to the San Joa(iuin Valley during the earlier years of operation of the plan, and of the greater benefits that would accrui; to the greater number of interests, ])articularly irrigation, navigation and flood con- trol from the construction of the Kemu'tt reservoir, it is ])elieved the first development under the State Water Plan in the Sacramento River Hasin should be the Kennett reservoir unit with a 420-foot Kennett dam. SACRAMENTO KIVER BASIN 403 Financial Aspects of Kennett Reservoir Unit. The foregoing financial analyses of the Kennett reservoir unit have been made on the basis of interest at 4^ per cent per annum, amortiza- tion of capital investment in 40 years, and revenues from the sale of electric energy only. No allowances were made for possible direct con- tributions without repayment from the Federal and State governments, or possible revenues from the sale of stored water. It may be noted that on this basis the unit is not economically feasible. For the unit to be financially feasible, the annual cost must be reduced. This can be accomplished by lowering the rate of interest, extending the period of amortization of capital investment, or by obtaining such direct contribu- tions to the cost of the unit, without repayment, as may be justified by National and State benefits, or the annual cost may be reduced by a combination of these methods. It is possible that in financing the unit, funds could be borrowed at a lower rate of interest, particularly if arrangements were made for a loan from the Federal government. It is possible also that the State could obtain money at an interest rate less than 4^ per cent. For the purpose of illustrating the effect interest rates, both higher and lower than 4-| per cent, would have on the capital and gross and net annual costs of the initial development of the Kennett Reservoir unit. Table 161 has been prepared. The gross annual costs comprise amounts for operation and maintenance, depreciation, and amortization of the capi- tal investment in 40 years on a 4 per cent sinking fund basis, in addi- tion to those for interest. The effect of extending the amortization period from 40 years to 50, 60, and 70 years in reducing the annual costs also is illustrated by the figures presented in the table. The present legal limitation for State bond issues is 75 years. Direct revenues from the unit would be derived from the sale of hydroelectric energy and water. While it is uncertain as to the amount of stored water which could be sold immediately upon the completion of the project, and the price that could be obtained, it is estimated that a revenue of at least $400,000 annually should be obtained from the sale of this water in the Sacramento Valley and Sacramento-San Joa- quin Delta alone. No deductions have been made for this possible revenue, however, in obtaining the net annual costs in Table 161. The estimated average annual revenue from the sale of the electric energy at the switchboard, with the unit operated under the conditions of the immediate initial development of the State Water Plan, would be $4,218,000. It is also anticipated that there would be direct contributions toward the cost of the unit by the Federal and State governments, of the amounts justified by National and State benefits. Due to the fact that it is not definitely known at this time what these contributions would be, no deductions have been made from the capital costs shown in Table 161 in calculating the annual costs. However, the Chief of Engineers, United States War Department, has recommended * that the Federal government contribute $6,000,000 to the cost of the Kennett reservoir unit in the interest of navigation and it is generally con- sidered that the State would relocate, at an estimated cost of $3,400,000, • House Document 791, 7 let CTongress, 3d Session. 404 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCE!^ ^o c e a o & 1 E P ,000 Ml **- C V o « 21 a 8 §2 00 si m — :S o g »C CO -N -O CO -^ fgoo coc< i» ?S2 01 C* S8 CO 00 00 CM 00 8S 00 t-i 5" §c o 00 OC —00 00 88 5 O r^oo IS 00 00 00 •XI — o 00 o 00 o o_o_ o' :ooo m -^ — 8 8" 00 00 c^oo CI — r- CM o o 00 to 00 "3 — •f CM o 00 c 00 0_ CO 00 ood « m — CM CMCM o 00 o 00 00 W 00 CO CO — O — CM o 00 §00 o_o o 1^00 o o — CM oqcM rC- ^^ 00 •» o 00 o 00 o o_o OS C^JoO 00 -A — »C -^ CM c-r « TT o 00 o 00 •^ r-Too ^ »« — C^l CM C^ 00 00 — 00 CO — — CM B a s a s I o a C9 B 3 ac B ■a e u a •o B 3 o a a .9 o 1 3 3 M c ^ B 3 o S ii 0) Si? 8>i 62 C 62 a i^ S 3 i? 3 - fl ^p B !?p a ^?. o*— t1 c*— rt a"— a V B A> a V a 3 4< a 3 a< <« 3 Jl y. it V. It c:2 &£ "TT » 8 •;r •^ o O n i| a"- a V a 3 5 '5. 8 a CO. 5 2 i SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 405 tlu* State highway through the reservoir site witliout charge to the project. If these amounts were deducted from the capital costs, the annual costs shown in the table w-ould be reduced by $323,000 to $663,000, depending upon the rate of interest and the amortization period. In calculating the net annual costs set forth in Table 161, deduc- tions were made only for revenues from the sale of the hydroelectric energy. With this revenue only, the unit could be financed with an interest rate of four per cent and amortization in a 70-year period on a four per cent sinking fund basis. If there were direct contributions by the Federal and State governments and deductions were made for revenues from the sale of Avater, the project could be financed on a higher rate of interest, a shorter i)eriod of amortization, or both. Distribution of Releases from Kennett Reservoir Operated as an Initial Unit of the State Water Plan. In order to obtain a clear concei)tion of the portions of the releases from Kennett reservoir, Avhen operated as an initial unit, which would be used for each of the immediate requirements, analyses were made for the reservoir operating under Method III, previously described, w'itli two assumptions as to the priority of use of the waters of the Sacra- mento River. The first analysis was made with the assumption that the flow of the river would be dedicated primarily to use for irrigation along the stream. The second analysis was made with the assumption that navigation would have a prior right to the stream flow and that it, therefore, would be dedicated primarily to navigation use. Many other analyses could be made with other assumptions as to priority of use or as to order of rights. Distribution of Releases with Streatn Flow Dedicated Primarily to Irri- gation Along the Sacramento River. — On Plate LIV, "Distribution of Releases from Kennett Reservoir Operated as an Initial Unit of State Water Plan Under jMethod III — Stream Flow Dedicated Primarily to Irrigation," two graphs of releases are shown. The lower one shows the total releases which would have been made from Kennett reservoir operated under Method III and includes both the releases of water flowing directlj' through the reservoir, and Avater from storage when the drafts w^ould have been greater than the stream discharge. The upper graph shows the distribution of the drafts on stored water only. In obtaining the data for the con.struction of these graphs, it was assumed that the rights to or uses of the water released from the reser- voir would have had the following order : ^p 1. Irrigation along the Sacramento River above Sacramento. 2. Irrigation in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, and salinity control. 3. Irrigation and industrial uses in the developed area along the south shore of Suisun Bay in Contra Costa County. 4. Irrigation in the San J()a(juin Valley. 5. Maintenance of navigation on the Sacramento River. 6. Maintenance of electric energy output in months in which no water was released for any of the above purposes. 406 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PLATE LIV RELEASES FROM STORAGE ^ 800 TX. iiri- 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 TOTAL RELEASES 1926 1927 1928 1.364.000 scfV-'tvl^ 3000 c £ 0) « ^ o '5 « 1000 2 ■ !S5 CC o 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 DISTRIBUTION OF RELEASES FROM KENNETT RESERVOIR OPERATED AS AN INITIAL UNIT OF STATE WATER PLAN UNDER METHOD in STREAM FLOW DEDICATED PRIMARILY TO IRRIGATION LEGEND 'E ''•t*A**« for irrig«|ion «l«ne G«cr*m«n1o flivvr 4bov« S*cr«- Af )••••« for tmg«Uon in S«cr*m«nto-S«n Joaqum d«ila ipd Mlintty controt R*<««M« *Ot trr>Q«l.ort «nd iftdutlf'tl uMft "1 d«v«ktf>*d dr9« •(uno MHflh thof* «f Swtlun D«v tn Contr* C«»U Cownty .... R«1«M*t for m«>rtt«nanc* of ntvi^ction on S«cr«m«nte Riv«r R»t«U«t for m«tnt*n«rtc« of oloctnc oncrgy oulpuf wh«n no waf»r w«B r«io*f«(l for othor pwrpOM* "I R*t««»»» for ••|ion«t>An to San lo«qu>n V«ll»r for irrti|«l>on ' D'acharoo gf Sacramanio R.iar al Kannall dam aita ' 1 RalooM* to matntam rviarvo itora^* apjc* 'or tio^d t,onlr» and »pti< LoiMfl by avaimralivn Wator waod for aantral'on of ttlKUit tnotsy. NCTTI. Tha aftttifT^ad or>or>tv of tha um- et walar arM) rtght to Itraam flow, art SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 407 111 addition to the above releases, sufficient water would have been released, when necessary, to maintain the reserve storage space required for flood control. This release might be considered as prior to that for irrigation along the Sacramento River in the foregoing order of uses or rights, since the flood control reserve space would be maintained every year. The releases shown in the upper graph on Plate LIV were obtained by deducting the discharges of the Sacramento River at the Kennett dam site from the releases shown by the lower graph. In constructing this graph, the stream discharge was deducted from the total releases in the order of priorities given in the foregoing list. The water available in the delta from the San Joaquin Valley was assumed to be used for delta and salinity control requirements rather than for transportation back up the San Joaquin River for the irrigation of the ' ' crop lands. ' ' The amount of water shown for evapoi^dtion is an operating loss, and, of course, is not a reservoir release although it is shown with the other releases on the graph. The amounts of spill and flood control releases are plotted on the graphs to show how much water would have wasted past the dam due to a full reservoir or on account of the reservoir being maintained at flood control stage. Some of this water would have been utilized for the generation of electric energy. The amounts of water used for power, both spill and all releases, are shown on the graphs on Plate LIV by the areas below the heavy black line. The releases which are shown graphically on Plate LIV also are set up in tabular form in Tables 162 and ,163. These tables show the annual i-eleases for each purpose in acre-feet and in per cent of the total water leaving the reservoir excepting spill, flood comtrol release, and evapora- tion losses, in the same year. 408 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES CM -J ca < (I) CO O i tt) \ (A o z < < Q u H < ^§ OH S > tu - u w u b; H H a u V to u 4-1 «0 e oooocsoaoo ^ «'^1 S o S, § S S S S S 8 8 5 Si ci" eo t^owe»*oor*iot>.c«r>- rC l" ci « c^f c^ ci" cc ci" c^ ">» ci C4 OClOOCO«00OO C4 o2 — •♦lO !-• tcnanoe lee trie ertv tput b o s- •—1 C O C 3 !-=' = CO==C=0£00 5 §5 •^ lO c-1 ;= CO La s §5 Moooo-^uar-ooc* o OWSC^Cl. CS»«t^C-i — o fc. O •^cc^-^-vc^cc^coeo « 1^ g.l5S .1 1 §5 0=50= = = = 000 53 -o ==» •g 5.00 7.00 (i.OO 1,00 0,00 0,00 5,00 7,00 4,00 •S-Sg c=l rC i-t a* Cic-'— iC-^n — ci— «t^ >c ■_ c_ c_ c: =s M — = -T r~ 00 o o ea __ Ot*iOC^^«-^4«M-*S-» c« o 5*5 «5 do o o o o o d a 3 Kjg t. o o j5 '^ tior tria out! sun cS -^ K = oooooooooo o _| o o o_ o_ o_ o_ o o o ►-,— O o — 1 t-^o~ wf cTico o to" c5 <*> o5 eo--^ri«Noot^^«*-»o d 00 -• u5 o o in d •* in oi b. o = .i? ^^ .SS'H'o c° HH £-§"§! ■•3 oooooooooo oooooooooo § o o o_ o_ c_ o o_ o_ o_ o o 5i «OC>:0!3i^Mt^V'^ « c^-^-c-irj-t^sir^oa — O iO i CJtO — — — >0 — CO—CM c« cr~ooa>«oso o o "1 k. o oaoc^c^ocooicd-^ ct dss CO^'^'^'^'CO'V^lC'* ■^ a- .2 c° ,000 ,000 .000 ,000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 1 o"" ^i OJOseoe^cooacoeo — — r^ O CJ OJ o -^« o c5_-^M ■* e9 % ^^w^ ^^ wm mm w^ mm ^1^ ^^ k« 8 >• < SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 409 H < H V) (2^ 2 fe fe OC500CrC:00:^0 oooooooooo ■— i„ ■« s «s M cs J. a •CM 9i J3 ►i: M-- a CSCM o oooooooooo a , "^ a 0.«4-l OOOOOOOOOO OiiO'-'OOC^OiiMOcOt^ OOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOO O OOOOOOOOOO 00 CO OO O Oi "-^ 03 CO oo to coocit^iC'— '(i5o>'-^r^ (3 — I- o lOOOJ-^CCt^iraiOCOO OOOOOOOOOO OOOiOOOOOtOO OOOOOOOOOO 05(MO0000'^ cj o o -H o d d o o' oooooooooo oo oooo o oo oooo o t^O »COi»00 o OOOT-tC^-HOSCCt^CKM oooooooooo oooooooooo 00000C'0_0 0_0 oo ao --a oi r^ z6 r-^t-Tood Qs_Ht-«-*iOOi -c^t^»ot~^-coo ^-tOl ^H »-« TT »-« CC '-« C^ OaO-HC^oOfiOCOt'-QO ^^ ff-1 C-1 C^ (M d O) C^» 0» CI 0> 0> O) O O^ O) Oi O O) o^ 410 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Distribution of Releases with Stream Flow Dedicated Primaiily to Maintenance of Navigation on Sacramento River. — On Plate LV, "Dis- tribution of lic'leases i'rom Kennett Reservoir Operated as an Initial Unit of State Water Plan Under Method III — Stream Flow Dedicated Primarily to Navigation," there are two graphs similar to those on Plato LTV. Tliese graphs also show releases from Kennett reservoir under IMetiiod III of operation as an initial unit, but with a different assumption as to the priority of rights to or uses of the released water. In obtaining the data for the construction of these graphs, the order of rights to or uses of water released from the reservoir was assumed as follows : 1. Maintenance of navigation on the Sacramento River. 2. Irrigation along the Sacramento River above Sacramento. 3. Irrigation in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, and salinity control. 4. Irrigation and industrial uses in the developed area along the south shore of Suisun Bay in Contra Costa County. 5. Irrigation in the San Joaquin Valley. 6. Maintenance of electric energy output in months in which no water was released for any of the above purposes. The other statements made in the description of the distribution of releases with the stream flow dedicated primarily to irrigation along the Sacramento River also apply to the graphs and tables with the releases assumed to have the priorities given in the foregoing paragraph. The releases with the foregoing assumption of priorities of uses are shown in tabular form in Tables 164 and 165. These tables show the annual releases for each purpose in acre-feet and in per cent of the total water leaving the reservoir excepting spill, flood control release, and evaporation losses, in the same year. Relation of Releases, Spill and Waste. — A comparison of the total amounts of water released for the uses shown in Tables 162 and 164. to tlu' total amounts of spill and flood control release, is shown in Table 166. This table also shows how much of the spiU and flood control is utilized for the generation of electric energj^ how much is wasted, and the total amounts of water wasted through spill, flood con- trol releases and evaporation. The amounts shown in this table remain the same no matter what the order of priorities of use of released water mav be. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 411 PLATE LV RELEASES FROM STORAGE 1 1 J ^ J a b 1 f a 1 b 5^ - A^ ^ i ^ P . l:^ c 9 i _ \ 1 - ^ ^In s ssii b f C E 't. 1 '//. k c ij LUi Lliii II Iju ulijtn liiUilHU ill IJlh till 11 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! M 1 ■ ^ o '■'■'■"' I ' I ' 1 1 I : . ■ ] 1 1 1 1 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 DISTRIBUTION OF RELEASES FROM KENNETT RESERVOIR OPERATED AS AN INITIAL UNIT OF STATE WATER PLAN UNDER METHOD III STREAM FLOW DEDICATED PRIMARILY TO NAVIGATION R«l«at«l for mtinlcnanc* of n«v(gat>on on S«cr«mento River. LEGEND yy.-/.y/.'A ReleMM for e»porliUon (o S*n Jotquin Vairey for irrigation. '^ Raleaiei for IrHgat'on along Sacramflnto R5an JoaQuIn datia and Mtinrty control. Ral«ase« for lrrigatK)n and induitrial uMt in developed »r%» a'ong Kouth thore of Sun(1ir-«t«>H hy \hr< numb*r« oOOOt'ta Ih* coriw«nt(nn» 412 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES s < ■0 V a o '■B • C8 ^ w PQ = ~ JS - kl C ^ (*-• B (= S .2 « S OS ^ >> ■E » c i« o § = 8 11 « CO M O c > g.2 2 |.^i S5 1. o oaosoootsoooo o 3 1. o jcoooooeo ^- C^ ^ iC s *o c^ ^i ggooggooog g 00 0000 o o 3330000000 1. o a::: _ o oc 000 00 000 „ o ^i t. o oeoooosooo eoe4c<9abr*aooicoo»^ >o = o = oooo« >ooooooSo< >oooooooo< V 03 '- 2 cioor^-^ocooio^^^ — OOQOCOtDOO»C s I 28 Oaos 0> OS 03 3i Ob 0> A Ok SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 413 2 < t (0 z i H Z z < Q u H < u 0. o o > u 03 H H UJ z z o a: b u H < Q u I CO CO tt) CO mi (0 Bi O Z o E9 CO as S § 2 w ^ * •0 V u 9 u V u OS u u 4-» •*^ oooocooooo o Dtal Bases om rage, re-fee 0000000=00 o o o o_ o_ o o o o_ o o c^OC>lo"or^— *«1*0 o cf •^OOOOCSI^fMC^IOOOM o> t--r J: 9 " Ci ri O f~ O OS 0> « 00 — o r^ V **-* ••* '^ £ aj " c • — e^ OOOOOOOOOO o S'«3 (*4 t> jj o >> 15 Dane ene put 5° «A OOOOOOOOOO o .So 0.2 °-s .2e-S c ° ortat aqui irrig OOOOOOOOOO <_, c.° >. V tT'-J o td c — - o yj o a c^i •-^ OOOOOOOOOO o o U.2 •^ G3 O >* >2 C3 3 oopa |21J 1 a 3 °:= OOOOOOOOOO o to u 3 Ci*- 1 ~-=_o O r^ i sS ti i; S 1 OOOOOOOOOO o o <»^ « ation in ba, and y control In per c of toti rrig del Unit OOOOOOOOOO o " a 3*7 1— 1 OJ w ^ •^ OJt^ i • 00-H00«>O«M«t010 a> h "1 ■^r^-rt^-^-.Doo-^ooo oi t_ 01 ancc ion on toRiv « a s Maint navig Sacram OOOOOOOOOO § OOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOO 00 l-H « •^ C3 c^ -O (M ^ r^ »0 :C -^ o i^j »-• — TO — * — M Iri 2 >i > < -* ^ CI C^ CI C^ C-J C^l M CI ^ ^ ^ ^ O O OS ^ Cs Ci 414 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES CQ < vi Q Z 3 .J CU o: u H < H < H w O h z ») •< H Z Z < < Q u H < u o « o > OS r w a o ■3 S 'S 2 g 8 o o_ o o_ c_ o_ £ o_ o o_ 1^ ec CI T'T Qc '^ ^ ^ — ^ C cc o -^o ^ t'- ~_ ir: »« QO o s > J;.- i -1 § fooooooooo ooooooooo _5oooooooo c cc c> oc c* CI r- — ■* c^ u3CiOCO^OC'^C-lir5_CO 1- •- o 5e- o_ ■% c CQ I Jl.rl c^t^r^4ccc^ooo»ooo osooooooeo oooooooooo 0S500 000000 cicooo^^ ^ ^ o aa • w S > fc- *- * S o G.O— S oaO'^csc^or^Occ'^ 5i 0=00=00000 00000 OOOQ o_oo_oo o_oo_o c::rcococ» ooi^-^r-^ " « 0»0 CC 05Q0 o cc^ccwC-io:ooceco ■s a s T3 B 03 6t 3 oc:oooooooo c c; o o CU 0000 o o o c;_ o 0000 w3 -^ r- 00 — o o c^ »o 5 o ^ ^ * 5 s ^*:;Ct^»0'*OCC00C0^< £i or' rC :/:" :^' r-r >fi ^to^ 00- — — o 00 M «^ 3 ■2 ■T3 siM o ■^ '^ ►. !: ujt^ooaoor^cooic^ o I c< « »c -* 00 r^ OJ -i •* ao •2 c u a>o>>c4ccQ Ob Ob Ob Ob Ob Ob Ob Ob SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 415 CHAPTER XII RELATION OF STATE WATER PLAN TO HYDRAULIC MINING IN SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN Debris storage in certain major reservoir units of the State Water Plan in the Sacramento River Basin would afford an opportunity for the resumption of mining of the auriferous gravels in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada by the hydraulic process. The operation of this large and important industry v^^as prohibited by Federal court order in 1884 because it was in conflict with the farming activities in the (Ireat Central Valley and with navigation on the major streams. Large volumes of gravel and debris were discharged into the stream channels and during flood periods were carried into the navigable channels and onto improved farm lands in the valley. Farm property along and navigability of the rivers were destroyed. Later congressional acts permitted the industry to be resumed under certain restrictions. One of those restrictions was that adequate and dependable facilities must be provided for the permanent storage of the debris above the valley floor. It has been estimated that there are remaining in the Feather, Yuba, Bear, and American river watersheds more than 1000 million cubic yards of gold-bearing gravels which could be mined by the hydraulic process if adequate water supplies were available and facili- ties provided for the storage of the debris. The major reservoir units proposed on the Feather, Yuba, Bear and American rivers are strategically located both geographically and topographically for utilization in the storing of mining debris, if such procedure should be proven warranted and economically justified. History of Early Hydraulic Mining. In the early days of gold raining in California, the attention of the miners centered on rich sand and gravel bars along the beds of streams. After these bars were worked out, efforts were directed toward the extraction of gold from the banks of the streams and the auriferous gravels where they were exposed by erosion in the mountain canyons. These immense gold-bearing gravel beds are the channels of prehistoric rivers whose courses had been changed by upheavals so that now the modern stream channels follow entirely different courses. During the period when thousands of men were engaged working with pick, shovel. pan and rocker in the stream channels, the total amount of material displaced was small and the addition to the debris carried by the streams from natural erosion was negligible and passed niinotieed down the channels. Mining of the older bars and banks and the auriferous gravels in the buried channels of ancient streams involved the movement of increasing volumes of material. Engineering science and resource solved the problem of the miner by introducing the use of w'ater under pressure, the l)eginning of jiydr.itilie mining, which was defined by 4 It) DIVISION' <»!■ WATKU KESOTUClvS Judge Loivnzo Sawyer in liis opinion in the Case of Woodruff vs. North Bloomtield Gravel ]\Iinin*? Compnn\- ;iiid others, on January 7. 1S84. as " * • ♦ the process by which a bank of gold-bearing eartli and rock is excavated by a jet of wator, di.schargod through tlio converging nozzle of a pipe, under great pressure, the caith and deltris being carried away by tlie same water, through sluices, and discharged on lower levels into the natural streams and water courses below." Evolution of the process from the crude apparatus of wooden nozzles and canvas hose first used in iSo.'i to the hydraulic {riant was r;il)id. Within ;i decade hydraulic iiiininii- had ^:ro\vn 1o colossal pro- portions. .Millions of cuhie yards of earth, sand, and gravel were washed down from the hillsides into the mountain stream channels. Recurrent winter floods laden with this dehris caused ever-increasing annoyance and damage to farmers on the low lands along the streams on the valley floor. Then came the great flood of 1S()2 which hrought down from the hills vast (iuantities of the accumulated debris from several years of mining operations. This debris choked the river chan- nels far down their courses through the valley floor and buried the richest bottom and orchard lands along the Bear and Yuba rivers under deep dei)osits of sand and gravel. Opposition to hydraulic mining was carried into the courts. Not until the early 70 \s, hoAvever, did this opposition grow into concerted action. At that time, the farmers of Sutter, Yuba, Sacramento, Yolo, and other valley counties organized the Anti-Debris Association for the purpose of making a united fight in the courts against hydraulic mining. They were 0])])ose(l by the California ^Miners Association, and between groups a bitter legal conflict was carried on for a decade in the State courts. Finally the litigation was carried into the United States courts by the filing of a suit by a man named Woodruff, a farm land owner, against the North Bloomtield Gravel I\Iining Company anti others, the same case referred to in a foregoing ])aragraph, to enjoin the defendants from discharging their mining debris into streams leading into the Yuba River and thence into the Sacramento Valley. In handing down his decision or opinion Judge Sawyer stated as follows : "After an examination of tlie great (luestions involveii, iis careful and thoiougli as we are capal)k' of giving tlieni, with a painfull\- anxiou.M appreciation of the rfsponsil)ilities resting upon us, and of the disastrous conseiiuences to tlie defendants, we can come to no other conclusion than that conii)lainant is entitled to a perpetual injunction. But as it is possilile that some mode may be devised In the future foi- obviating tlie injuries, cither one of those suggested or some other, and successfully carried out, so as to be bolli safe and effective, a clause will be Inserted in the decree giving leave on any future occasion, wlien some such plan has been suc'cessfully executed, to ai)i)ly to the court for a modification or suspension of the injunction. "Ijct .'i decree be entered accordingKy." Judge Sawyer's decision, just (( noted, closed down the mines of all defendants mentioned in the suit, but it was several years before the valley farmers through the Anti-Debris Association were able to secure injunctions closing down all of the hydraulic mines in the Sacramento and San Joaquin river watersheds which were operating without means of restraining their debris. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 417 Efforts to Control Movement of Debris and Restore Hydraulic Mining. Paralleling the prolonged litigation carried on between the farming and mining interests, impartial investigations were made by a number of Commissions and officials of the Federal and State governments of the damage by and methods of controlling the movement of hydraulic mining debris. In 1880, William Ham Hall, then State Engineer, made a report on "The Plow of Mining Detritus." In the same year,^ under congressional authority, an investigation was made by Lieut. Col. (leorge H. Mendell, of the United States Engineer Corps, his final report* being published in 1882. In 1888, a commission of three Army engineers under Lieut. Col. W. H. H. Benyaurd began a more intensive study of the entire subject. The findings** of the commission headed by Col. Benyaurd, filed in 1891, resulted in the passage by Congress in 1893 of the so-called Caminetti Act, the actual title being, "An act to create the California Debris Commission and regulate hydraulic mining in the State of Cali- fornia." This act created the California Debris Commission, to be composed of three officers of the corps of engineers. United States Army, appointed by the President with the approval of the Senate. It charged the commission with the duties of making surveys of the streams of the Great Central Valley; devising plans for the control of floods, the control of the movement of mining debris, and the restoration of the navigable channels of the Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys to the condition that obtained in the year 1860 ; and making studies of prac- tical methods whereby hydraulic mining might be resumed. A com- mission ^vas appointed in accord with the provisions of the act. It has been and now is an active and functioning body. It has jurisdiction over all hydraulic mining on the watersheds tributary to the Great Central Valley and has power to grant licenses to carry on hydraulic mining behind restraining dams, to survey sites for debris dams, and, when funds are available, to erect such dams for impounding mining debris. Debris Restraining Works. — The activities of the California Debris Commission in controlling the movement of mining debris have been confined to the vast deposits in the lower Yuba River. Plans were made to construct a series of four barriers on that river to prevent the move- ment of the deposits into the Feather River. The first barrier, located one mile below Parks Bar Bridge was completed in 1905 but was destroyed by the flood of March, 1907. A second barrier was then con- structed at Daguerre Point near Hammonton. No others have been built. The volume of the debris in the deposits in the lower Yuba River was given by Grove K. Gilbert*** in 1914 as 330,000,000 cul)ic yards. Of this quantity, Gilbert estimated that 140,000,000 cubic yards were per- manently impounded by the barrier and training walls of the Daguerre Point works and between 110,000,000 and 190,000,000 cubic yards would eventually pass into the Feather River channel. The cost of the debris • Ex. Doc. 9 8, House, 47th Congress, 1st Session. ** Ex. Doc. 267,, 51st Congress. 2d Session. •*• Hydraulic Mining Debris in tlie Sierra Nevada," United States Geological Survey, Professional Paper lO."). 27—80994 418 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES restraiuiug works constructed by the California Debris Commission on the Yuba River has been contributed in practically equal amounts by the Federal government and the State of California and up to December 31, 1930, had amounted to about $920,000. Considerable work also has been done by the gold dredging companies in constructing training walls and rock levies which have been a material aid in restraining the debris. In addition to the Avorks constructed by the Debris Commission on the Yuba River, considerable money has been expended by the State in an attempt to restrain the debris both on the Yn1)a and Bear rivers. In the year 1881, dams were built across the Yuba two miles below Daguerre Point, and across the Bear at Johnson's old crossing about three miles upstream from Wheatland. These dams were built of trees, brush and boulders. They impounded several million cubic yards of debris for a few years but were eventually swept away by floods. As nearly as can be ascertained the total cost of these works was around $500,000, thus bringing the total amount expended by governmental agencies for debris control to almost one and one-half million dollars. Present Status of Hydraulic Mining. The decline in the hydraulic mining industry on the watersheds tributarv to the Great Central Valley of California is best shown bv the comparison in Table 167 of the volumes of material handled and gold yields in 1880 and in 1980. The estimate for the year 1880 is that given b}' Lieutenant Colonel G. II. ]\Iendell in his report to Congress in 1882. The estimate for 1930 was furnished by the California Debris Commi-ssion. TABLE 167 COMPARISON OF HYDRAULIC MINING IN 1880 AND 1930 Esthnatcd vohi^ne of malerial Estimated value of Year mined, in cubic yards gold recovered 1880 46,000,000 ?10,000,000 1930 244, .SOO Mti.SOO 1 Kstimated at 15 cents per cubic yard. On December 31, 1930, there were in force 39 licenses for hydraulic mining operations of which only 17 were active during the year. Of the total yardage mined in 1930, 213,800 cubic yards were in the Yuba River watershed, 80,300 cubic yards being above Bullards Bar on the Xorth Fork. The remaining 30,500 cubic vards were distributed as follows: jMokelumne River, 15,000; Featlier River, 10,000; American River. 2000; Calaveras River, 2000; Butte Creek, 1000, and Bear River. 500. The .small volume of material mined in 1930 does not vary greatl\ from the average of 244.435 cubic yards for the decade 1920-1!>30. It is rejjorted that some of the contributing causes for this small volume of work have been inadequate water supplies, lack of proper or suflfi- eient debris storage space, and fear of legal action by agricultural or recreational interests along the streams below the mines. "While some increase may be anticipated should a cycle of wet years provide the necessary water supplies, it is improbable that the industry will be revived to any great extent unless ample and proper debris storage is provided at reasonable costs. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 419 Amounts and Values of Remaining Workable Gravels. In 1925, a liydraulic mininy commission was created by legislative act of the State of California (Chapter 270, Statutes of 1925) to investi- gate the feasibility of plans whereby hydraulic mining might be resumed in California. This commission consisting of Lloyd L. Root, State Mineralogist, and W. S. Kingsbury, State Surveyor General, employed Arthur Jarman, mining engineer, to perform the technical work. In cooperation willi the California Debris Commission, surveys and investigations were made of (him sites on the Yuba, Bear, and American rivers, and cost cstinuites were prepared for debris storage reservoirs on tliose streams. Surveys also were made of tlie auriferous gravels, and the volumes capable of being mined were calculated. The estimated yardages of workable gravels as given in the report* of the Hydraulic Mining Commission are listed in Table 168. The locations of the auriferous gravels are shown on Plate VII. TABLE 168 AMOUNTS OF WORKABLE GRAVELS IN YUBA, BEAR, AND AMERICAN RIVER BASINS Compiled from i-eport of Hydraulic Mining Commission, 1927 Amount of workable gravels Watershed In cubic yards In acre-feet Middle Fork of Yuba River Over 442,000,000 274,000 SouUi Fork of Yuba River Over 94,000,000 58,300 Bear River Over 32,940,000 20.400 North Fork of American River Over 95,000,000 58,900 Middle Fork of American River Over 21,000,000 13,000 Jarman, in the report just referred to, also made an estimate of the amounts of gravels on each stream that he estimated could be worked in the first twenty-year period and the money values of the gold yield from those gravels. His estimate of the amounts of gravel that could be worked annually was based on the estimated amount of water available to each mine, as the rate at which gravel can be mined is dependent chiefly upon the volume of water than can be used to carry the gravel through the sluiceboxes. The amounts and values are given in Table 169. TABLE 169 AMOUNTS OF GRAVELS TO BE WORKED AND YIELDS IN FIRST TWENTY- YEAR PERIOD Compiled from report of Hydraulic Mining Commission, 1927 Amounts of (jravels to Gold yield be worked, in Per Watershed cubic yards Total cubic yard Middle Fork of Yuba River 52,000,000 .>j;5,200,000 $0.1000 South Fork of Yuba River 85,390,000 9,785,000 0.1146 Bear River 20,510,000 4,167,000 0.1572 North Fork of American River 23,000,000 2,640,000 0.11 4S Middle Fork of American River 13,280,000 1,347,000 0.1014 Totals 200,180,000 $23,139,000 If it is assumed that the money yields per cubic yard of gravel shown in Table 169 were applicable to all of the Avorkable gravels on the five streams shown, without limitation of time, the total yield in money from those gravels would be over .$73,000,000. If the average yield were at the lowest rate of ten cents per cubic yard, the total jueld in money would be about $68,500,000. * "Report of the Hydraulic Mining Commission Upon the Feasibility of the Resumption of Hydraulic Mining in California — A Report to the Legislature of 1927." 420 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES There are also some workable <^ravels on the North Fork of Yuba River. The amount is relatively small, however, and it is believed that the capacity of the BuUards Bar reservoir, as now constructed, is ade- quate to store the entire amount of debris which would result from hydraulic mining operations in the watershed of this stream. In addition to the auriferous gravel deposits on the Yuba, Bear and American rivers, which have been investigated in recent years, there are deposits also in the Sacramento River Basin in the watershed of the Feather River and some of the minor streams. No estimate of the amounts on the minor streams is avaihible but the State ^Mining Bureau estimates that in the Feather River watershed there are about 500 million cubic yards of unworked auriferous gravels of which 60 per cent are of economic value.* These Feather River gravels occur in deposits of smaller extent tiian those on the Yuba, Bear and American rivers and are widely scattered. storage of Hydraulic Mining Debris. The resumption of hydraulic mining will be possible only if ade- quate reservoir space is provided for the storage of debris so that it can not reach the Sacramento Valley floor. It is not likely that storage capacity would be required for the debris from the entire yardage mined because substantial amounts would lodge and remain perma- nently in the canyons and river channels above the impounding reser- voirs. The California Debris Commission in 1928, however, prepared a report** on an investigation it had made of reservoirs with capacities adequate to store the entire yardage which it was estimated could be worked in a 20-year period of operations. reservoirs, their capacities, costs, and co.sts per cubic vard of debris stored are .set forth in Table 170. TABLE 170 DEBRIS STORAGE RESERVOIR SITES ON YUBA, BEAR, AND AMERICAN RIVERS Compiled from Senate Document No. 90, 70th Congress, Ist Session, 1928 Reservoir capacity, in acre-feet Dam Cost Stream and rcserroir site Crest elevation, infect Height above strcambcd, feet Dam and resenoir Per Water Debris cubic yard of debris stored, in cents Yuba River-Narrows . 86,800 25,400 19,300 28,100 24,400 4,200 5,200 12,200 11,100 72,500 30,100 20,100 28,900 25,.500 10,400 10,400 14,100 8,800 510 1,571 2,383 2,299 1,261 2,041 2,012 6 712 840 240 211 213 269 261 71 117.5 134 121 $3,524,000 1,265.000 903,300 2,976,500 2,105,700 327,000 320,300 430,100 226.700 3 01 Middle Yuba-Freemans 2.60 .South Yiilia: I'ppcr Norton . 2 78 Nortons.. . 6.37 Jones Bar 5 12 Bear River: Uollin.s ijitc 1.23 Ix)wer Bear Site North Fork American River: North Fork Site 1.23 1 89 Middle Fork American River: Kuck-a-Chucky .. 1 58 1923. • Bulletin No. 92, "Gold Placers of California," California State Mining Riireau, *• Senate Document No. 90, 70th Congress, 1st Session. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 421 Utilization of Beservoirs of State Water Plan for Debris Storage — The debris storage reservoirs proposed by the California Debris Com- mission on the American River, Nortli Fork site and Ruck-a-Chucky, Avoukl be entirely submerged by the Auburn reservoir. Should these dams be constructed for debris storage, the resulting loss to conserva- tion storage space in the Auburn reservoir would be about 23,000 acre- feet. No other site has been surveyed for debris storage on the Middle Fork. On the Nortli Fork, however, two other sites have been investi- gated by the Debris Commission, one at the mouth of Owl Creek and the other at Rice Bridge on the Colfax-Iowa Hill road. The stream bed at the Owl Creek site is at elevation 900, fifty feet below the proposed water surface of Auburn reservoir. The utilization of this site for a debris storage dam would result in relatively little loss to the Auburn reservoir. In the case of the Rice Bridge site, the stream bed eleva- tion is about 1170 feet, and this reservoir would not interfere with storage in Auburn reservoir. The Auburn reservoir as proposed in the State Water Plan would have about 125,000 acre-feet of dead storage with a maximum draw- down of 50 per cent of the total depth of the dam. Only a small part of this space could be utilized for debris storage since only the lighter materials would be carried through the comparatively quiet waters of the reservoir. However, by increasing the height of the Auburn dam 15 feet, additional stoi-age of 80,000 acre-feet could be obtained. This would assure storage for the entire volume of workable gravels on both the North and Middle forks of the American River, estimated at the equivalent of 72,000 acre-feet. The cost of storage would be about $29 per acre-foot or 1.8 cents per cubic yard. Such procedure would not reduce the cost per acre-foot of debris storage, as estimated by the California Debris Commission for the 23,000 acre-feet of storage contemplated in their plans for the North Fork and Ruck-a-Chucky reservoirs, but it would provide storage for all the gravels on the two branches of the river and at the same time add a small per cent to the power yield of the reservoir. None of the debris storage sites on the Bear River conflict with the major reservoir unit of the State Water Plan at the Camp Far West site. Debris storage at the two sites proposed by the Debris Commission, Rollins and the Lower Bear River site are estimated to cost L23 cents per cubic yard of debris stored or about $20 per acre- foot. The Nevada Irrigation District completed an irrigation diver- sion dam at the Van Giesen or Combie Crossing site in 1928. It is reported that the District is offering storage at three cents per cubic yard of material displaced at the mine. The Debris Commission has recently licensed two mines to operate and store their tailings in the Van Giesen Reservoir. The Debris Commission's proposed debris storage project with a dam at the site of the United States Geological Survey gaging station in the Narrows on Yuba River conflicts with the Narrows reservoir of the State Water Plan. The water surface elevation of 865 feet in the state's Narrows reservoir, however, is considerably below the lowest of the upstream debris storage projects, that at Jones Bar, where the stream bed elevation at the dam site is 1000 feet. Of the estimated total of over 536.000.000 cubic yards of Avorkable gravels, 122,000,000 422 DIVISIOX OF WATER RESOURCES could be retained by the proposed upstream reservoirs. To care for the remaining: 414.000,000 cubic yards probably would require an ridditional 256,000 acre-foot of capacity in the Narrows reservoir. The |)ro])osed dam is 580 foot hi^h and it is doubtful whether a greater lieight is practicable. By increasing the height 20 feet, however, stor- age amouiiting to about 100.000 acre-feet would be added. This is considerably in excess of tho 72.500 acre-feet of debris storage pro- posed by the Debris Commission for this site. The cost per acre-foot of storage would be $53.50. as compared witli $48.50 per acre-foot esti- mated by the Debris Commission. The anriforons tri'avols in tho Fojithoi- Kivor watershed above Oro- ville practically all lie at a considerable distance above the Oroville reservoir. The debris from tiie hydraulic mining of these gravels could practically all be stored in reservoirs which would lie entirely above the highest water surface in tho Oroville reservoir and therefore would not in any way interfere witli the conservation value of the latter reservoir. Sites exist for such storage cm Indian Creek, and the Middle and South forks of Feather River. All of these .sites, however, also are feasible ones for reservoirs which could be constructed for con- servation purposes. Summary. It has been sliOAvn in the foregoing paragraphs that several of the major reservoir units of the State Water Plan in the Sacramento River Basin are so located as to be usable for the storage of hydraulic mining debris but that not all of those so located are required for this since other storage reservoirs are available. The other storage sites on the Yuba, Bear and American rivers have been investigated by the California Debris Commission, which also has estimated the costs of storing debris in them. The major reservoir units of the State "Water Plan are important primarily for the reregulation of water once u.sed in the mountainous areas for the generation of power or for hydraulic mining, to make as much of this water and the romaindor of the run-off of the streams as is feasible, available for irrigation and other uses in the Great Central Valley. Space used in each major reservoir unit for the storage of debris would impair the conservation value of the reservoir to the extent that stoi-ago space for water would be occupied by debris. The space occui)iod in a reservoir by tho debris might not be equal to the volume of the gravels mined since some debris would be stored in the stream channels above the reservoir. A large proportion might eventually be deposited in the reservoir, however, and in estimating costs of storage for gravels Avhich may bo worked in the first 20 years, the California Debris Commission has estimated storage space for the entire volume to be mined. If space in the major rosorvoii- units of tho State Water Plan is to be used for the storage of mining debris, the capacities of the units would have to be increased or other sites developed, if the ultimate water requirements of the Great Central Valley are to be supplied. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 423 CHAPTER XIII RIPARIAN LANDS ON SACRAMENTO AND AMERICAN RIVERS The developments proposed mider tlie State "Water Plan for the Sacramento River Basin, when put in operation, wonld effect material changes in the regimen of the major streams. Flows wonld be reduced in magnitude during the winter and sju-ing months and increased during the summer and fall, and a greater and more beneficial utiliza- tion of the available water supplies would be obtained. This readjust- ment of stream flows to meet the demands for water would be accom- plished by storage in the major reservoir units. A plan involving such important alterations of natural flow is widely at variance with well known tenets of the doctrine of riparian Avater rights and in particular with the declared right of the riparian owner to insist upon maintenance of stream flow undiminished and unaltered except by usage of other riparian owners and under rights which have been established by prescription or prior appropriation. In other words, the developments proposed would conflict with rights asserted in favor of riparian owners. In order to ascertain the magni- tude of this conflict, an approximation of the extent of riparian owner- ships along the Sacramento and American rivers, on which the first ]najor reservoir units would probably be constructed and operated, and the ultimate water requirements for such riparian ownerships, are herein attempted. It is emphasized at the outset, in order that there may be no mis- understanding as to the approximations and estimates contained in this chapter, that the purpose is to give a general conception of the magnitude of the problem presented by the riparian doctrine in refer- ence to Sacramento River Basin developments and that the magnitude of the problem depicted herein is predicated upon certain factors con- cerning some of which much controversy will probably occur and the final determination of which may rest in future judicial decisions. It is realized that if any of such factors are incorrect, or if any important considerations have been omitted, the acreages of riparian lands and llic water requirements for these lands also will be incorrect. Time and expense have not permitted a review of titles to lands involved, in minute detail, but the results herein set forth are deemed suffi- ciently accurate for the purpose for which they are used in this report. The estimates of the extent of the riparian lands along the Sacra- mento and American rivers were based upon the following factors : 1. That the riparian right is created by contact with the stream and does not extend outside the watershed which gives the contact. 2. That land is riparian when it borders the stream, is within the watershed, and when it has been continuously in the same liolding (not necessarily held by the same owner) since title passed from the United States, since it was transferred to private ownership by Spanish grant, or since it was acquired from the State as a .swamp land survey. 424 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES 3. That a parcel of land loses its riparian right immediately if the contact with the stream is broken (i.e. if it is separated by deed from the .stream to wliich it is riparian), unless the riparian right is reserved thereto. 4. That ea.sements for railroads, canals, levees and roads do not operate to sever riparian riglits from lands cut off from access to the .stream by such easements. 5. That rights of way deeded in fee do sever the riparian right from the land cut off unless an express reservation of the riparian rights to lands thus severed is contained in the deed of the right of way. 6. That when once lost, a riparian right cannot be restored to a parcel of land even though said parcel be reunited to the original parcel which gave the contact and established the riparian claim. 7. That the lands on tidal waters on navigable channels are riparian, limited, however, by the foregoing factors. If it be assumed that factor number seven is incorrect, then of course a large acreage in the lower Sacramento Valle}- and Sacramento Delta must be subtracted from the total riparian area hereinafter estimated. On the other liand. if it be assumed that riparian rights attach to tlood waters which occur in the stream from time to time and spread out over lands adjacent thereto, a considerable acreage of lands in the upper Sacramento Valley must be added to the total riparian area. TABLE 171 LANDS ALONG THE SACRAMENTO AND A.MERICAN RIVERS RIPARIAN BY CONTACT WITH THE STREAMS Area of riparian lands, in acres .Along Sacramento River Along American River, Folsom to mouth County Collinsville to Sacramento, including connecting channels Sacramento to Redding Total. Collinsville to Redding ShaHta 15,260 47.980 '37.960 17.190 28,700 14,810 19.570 3,450 15,260 47,980 '37.960 17.190 28.700 14.810 31.540 45,700 25,380 Tfhtm* Butte Glenn Colua Sutter • Yolo 11,970 42.250 25.380 flanrnnento 13.460 Totals . . 79,600 184,920 264.520 13,460 ' Excludes Bidwell State Park. Extent of Riparian Lands. T'sing the foregoing factors, the acreages of lands along the Sacra- mento and American rivers whidi are riparian by reason of their contact with the streams were estimated and are set forth by counties, TT.ATK T.V Lands riparian by contact with stream :; A il I o A I) iJ I .'I RIPARIAN LANDS ON SACRAMENTO AND AMERICAN RIVERS SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 425 in Table .171. In Table 171 the acreage along tlie Sacramento River is further divided between the area below Sacramento, which is classed as delta land, and that from Sacramento to Redding, most of which does not border on the portion of the stream which is subject to tidal action. The locations and areas of these riparian lands are shown on Plate LVI, "Riparian Lands on Sacramento and American Rivers." Classification of Lands Riparian by Contact with the Sacramento and American Rivers. In Chapter III, the division of Sacramento River Basin lands into five classes is described. By superimposing a map of riparian lands over a map showing the land classification, it was possible to estimate the acreage of riparian lands in each of the five classes. The areas of riparian lands which it is estimated would be irrigable were estimated by applying the proper factors as described in Chapter III, to the four classes of agricultural lands. The sum of the areas of Class 5 lands and the nonirrigable lands in the other four classes would be the area of the riparian lands which it is estimated would require no irri- gation water. Table 172 sets forth by counties the irrigable and non- irrigable areas of riparian lands along the Sacramento and American rivers. Of the gross area of riparian lands along the Sacramento River, 264,520 acres, it is estimated that 205,750 acres or 78 per cent are irrigable. Of the total area of 13,460 acres of riparian lands along the American river, 8710 acres or 65 per cent are considered irrigable. TABLE 172 CLASSIFICATION OF LANDS ALONG THE SACRAMENTO AND AMERICAN RIVERS RIPARIAN BY CONTACT WITH THE STREAMS Area Net irrigable area of riparian lands, in acres Non- irrigable riparian Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Total lands, in acres Sacramento River- Sacramento to Redding along main river channel: Shasta County 6,950 22,290 19,580 6,150 16,300 9,150 11,920 2,590 3,260 7,500 11,550 5,760 7,670 1,950 2,090 1,090 3,100 890 2,030 350 540 1,100 100 100 1,580 90 - 11,400 34,470 32,100 13,940 24,320 11,640 15,110 2.690 3,860 Tehama County 13,510 Butte County -- - 5,850 Glenn County .. 3,250 Colusa County 4,380 Sutter County 3,170 Yolo County 4,460 Sacramento County 760 Subtotals 94,930 31,350 9,690 12.850 39,780 470 9,200 2,040 1,770 145,680 33,860 9,590 10,620 39,240 Sacramento to Collinsville along main river channel and con- necting channels: Sacramento County 8,390 Yolo County 2,380 Solano County 1,740 890 1,140 8,760 Subtotals 53,790 2,210 2,930 1,140 60,070 19.530 Totals Sacramento River, Red- ding to Collinsville American River — Folsom to mouth along main river channel: Sacramento County 148,720 6,000 41,990 2,430 12,130 170 2,910 110 205,750 8.710 58.770 4,750 426 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Use of Water on Lands Riparian by Contact with the Sacramento and American Rivers. KstiiiKilcs ^v('l•(• Tiiadc I'j'diii uvailablc data (tf Ihc present use of water on lands ri])arian by eontaet witli the Sacramento River from Heddinp: to tlie city of Sacramento, and with the American Kiver below TABLE 173 USE OF WATER ON LANDS ALONG SACRAMENTO RIVER, REDDING TO SACRAMENTO, RIPARIAN BY CONTACT WITH THE STREAM 1924— Shasta' Tehama Butte GI«nn Colusa Sutter Yolo . Sacramento. Totals.. 1«25— Shasta' Tehama Butte Glenn Colusa Sutter Yolo .- Sacramento - Totals 1926— Shasta' Tehama Butte Glenn Colusa Sutter Yolo Sacramento. Totals. 1927— Shasta'. . Tehama Butte Glenn Colusa Sutter Yolo Sacramento. Year and county Totals. 1028— Shasta'... Tehama. Butte Glenn ColuM Sutter Yolo Sacramento. Totals. Total riparian acreage 15,260 47,980 .37,960 17,190 28,700 14,810 19,570 3,450 184,920 15,260 47,980 37,960 17,190 28,700 14,810 19,570 3,450 184,920 15,260 47,980 37,960 17,190 28,700 14.810 19,570 3,450 184,920 15,260 47,980 37,960 17,190 28,700 14,810 19,570 3,450 184,920 15.260 47.980 37,960 17,190 28.700 14,810 19,570 3,450 184,920 Diversions, in acre-feet July 3,720 600 4,960 1,210 2,350 1,120 1,270 970 16,200 4,640 210 4,810 320 4,500 910 1,020 860 17,270 4,440 340 4,400 220 5,620 2,540 3,390 930 21,880 4,000 290 1,880 160 5,030 2,790 16,670 500 31,320 4,210 330 1.630 600 2.730 3,450 2,910 720 16,580 April to October, inclusive 19,700 2,730 18,920 4,460 11,540 7,290 6,010 3,980 74,630 20,470 770 13,500 910 13,960 3,390 3,580 1,760 58,340 20,920 940 11,910 790 23,030 8,530 18,420 4,850 89,390 20,070 750 10,640 630 15,840 11,190 80,180 1,390 140,690 21,800 850 4,940 1,660 8,760 11,480 16,780 2,510 68,770 Acreage irrigated 3,030 860 2,260 1,330 3.780 1,950 2,320 1,340 16,870 3.250 540 2.220 770 3,950 1,530 1,730 1,120 15,110 3,290 770 2,300 400 4,670 1.510 4,1(K) 1,340 18,380 3,100 510 2.11(1 4(K) •«,4'.Hl 2,800 8,850 660 22,980 3,460 620 1.480 880 4,430 3.910 4,310 1,150 20,240 ■ Conxiilorablc riparian acreage is included in the Anderson-Cottonwood Irrigation District and irrigated through the dintrict nynUsm. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 427 Folsom. Estimates also were made of the total amounts of water required for the irrigation of lands rijiarian by contact with the entire Sacramento River from Redding to its mouth, including connecting channels in the delta, and with the American River below Folsom, under conditions of ultimate development. Present Use of Water. — In the estimate of the present use of water on riparian lands, the records of all diversions and acreages irrigated along the Sacramento River between Redding and Sacramento as given in the records of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Water Supervisor* for the five- year period 1924-1928, inclusive, Avere used. From those records the diversions and uses for each tract of riparian land were estimated. These uses are summarized by counties in Table 173. In many instances the acreage irrigated, as shown by the Water Supervisor's report, extended beyond the limits of riparian lands. In these eases, unless specific information was available, the ratio of the diversion for riparian lands to the total diversion was assumed to be the same as that of the riparian acreage to the total acreage. In Shasta County most of the irrigated riparian lands lie within the Anderson- Cottonwood Irrigation District and are served by the district system. The records of acreage irrigated in the district are very meager and the figures included for this area are estimates only. For the Sacramento Delta riparian lands, Sacramento to Collins- ville, no direct measurements of the diversions have been possible and the present use of water was entirely estimated. The Sacramento-San Joaquin Water Supervisor 's report gives only an annual census of the acreage irrigated on the delta islands and tracts. In that report, an arbitrary segregation is made between the Sacramento and San Joaquin- Mokelumne deltas, and the total acreage irrigated each year in each delta is shown. The total acreage of the islands and tracts in each delta also is given. An estimate of the irrigated area of riparian lands in the Sacramento Delta, therefore, was made hj assuming that, in any year, it would be the same percentage of the total riparian acreage as the irrigated Sacramento Delta acreage was of the total Sacramento Delta acreage. These acreages are shown in Table 174. No attempt was made to estimate the use of water on the present irrigated riparian lands. TABLE 174 IRRIGATED ACREAGE OF RIPARIAN LANDS IN SACRAMENTO DELTA, SACRAMENTO TO COLLINSVILLE Irrigated lands in i Estimated area Sacramento Delta of irrigated Per cent of total riparian lands Sacramento Delta in Sacramento Year Acres acreage Delta, in acres 1924 122,250 68 54.100 1925 111,830 62 49,300 1926 121,970 67 53,300 1927 126,430 70 55,700 1928 128,500 71 56,500 1929 136,230 70 55,700 1 Estimated by applying to the total Sacraimento Delta riparian acreage f79,600 acres) tlie percentages in tlie third column. * Bulletin No. 23, "Report of Sacramento- San Joaquin Water Supervisor for the Period 1924-1928," Division of Water Resources, 1930. 428 DIVISION OF WATKR RESOURCES The use of water on riparian lands along the American River :! Observations on the tunnels 434 Dftailod examination of tlie drill cores 430 I)i'l)th (if striiiping required 43r. Conclusions 4:)fi IRON CANYON DAM SITE 437 Sltuatlon •• — 437 General geology 437 Conclusions 442 TABI.E MOUNTAIN DAM SITE 443 Situation 4 43 General geology . -"3 Test borings 446 The volcanic agglomerate 4."):! Tlie uijper tuffs and sands 4:)3 I'umicfous tuffs 4;)3 Sands and tuffs 454 Conclusion '•• ' GENERAL SUM. \I.\KV AN'K ( "OX'i 'M^SIONS 4.'i4 Tables Page A— 1 l)ei)ths iif strii>|)iiig i-equireil at Kennett dam site 4:'.t> A-2 Section of upper tuff in west abutment Table Mountain dam site B-B 445 A-3 Logs of test borings of Table Mountain dam site 446 Plates Page A-I Location of diamond drill borings and exploration tunnels at Kennett dam site on Sacramento River Opposite 434 A— II Log of diamond drill boring at Kennett dam site Opposite 43(1 A-III Location of diamond drill l)()ring, test pits and exploration tunnel at Iron Canyon dam site on Sacramento River -- 43S A-IV General topographic and geologic features in the vicinity of Iron Canyon dam site on Sacramento River 439 A-V fJeologlc sections at Iron Canyon dam siti' on Sacramento River 440 A-VI General topographic and geologic features in (he vicinity of Table Moun- tain dam site on Sacramento River 444 A-VII Location of diamond drill boring, t»'st ])its and exploration tunnels at Table Mountain dam site on Sacramento River Opposite 440 A-VIII Geologic sections at Table Mountain dam site on Sacramento River 4.12 (432) SACRAMENTO UIVER BASIN 433 GEOLOGIC REPORT ON KENNETT, IRON CANYON AND TABLE MOUNTAIN DAM SITES ON SACRAMENTO RIVER Recent exploratory work in the form of pits and tunnels at the Kennctt, Iron Canyon and Table Mountain dam sites on the Sacramento River have made it desirable that a general description and a])praisal of these sites be made from the geological point of view, combining the results of earlier studies with those of more recent date. The most recent field examinations made by F. L. Ransome were on October 16, 17 and 18, 1930, and those by G. D. Louderback on September 28 (Kennett) and October 12, 1930 (Iron Canyon), and January 25, 1931 (Table Mountain). KENNETT DAM SITE Situation. The Kennett dam site is situated on the Sacramento River, two miles, in a straight line, south-southwest of Kennett. The topography of the site is shown in Plate A-I, "Location of Diamond Drill Borings and Exploration Tunnels at Kennett Dam Site on Sacramento River." General Geology. The rock at the Kennett site is what J. S. Diller, in the Redding folio of the United States Geological Survey, has named the "Copley metaandesite." As the name indicates, the formation consists mainly of metamorphosed lavas and tuffs which originally were of andesitic character. It is generally a hard, greenish gray rock in which the original minerals have been extensively recrystallized as epidote, green amphibole, chlorite, sericite, calcite and quartz, with considerable modi- fication of the primary texture. A rough schistose .structure is not uncommon, and in some places this passes into varieties in which the laminated structure is suggestivi? of slate. As a rule, wdiatever lami- nated structure or cleavage the rock possesses is accentuated by weathering and is inconspicuous in the fresh rock. As seen in the tunnels at the dam site, the uuweathered rock is apparently massive and such, for all practical purposes, it may be considered. It is only where the rock has been more or less decomposed or has been .scoured b.y stream action that any schistose structure is evident. The schistosity, moreover, as developed near the dam site, is of a very rough character, the finer-grained, or originally softer materials of the more or less fragmental volcanic rock having been squeezed around the larger, more resistant fragments by the enormous pressures accom- panying regional metamorphism. None of tiie rock seen near the site is easily cleavable in any particular direction and the schistosity is nowhere sufficiently developed or sufficiently regular to constitute an element or weakne s in the rock or to permit of percolation by water. Whatever water finds its way through the rock must travel through intersecting joints or factures, exactly as in granite or any other massive rock. From a practical point of view, such imperfect schist- osity as is present in the rocks at the Kennett site is wholly negligible as regards either the strength of the rock or water percolation. 28—80994 434 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES The geologic age of the Copley metaaiidesite is not definitely known. It is considered to be Devonian or older. Examination of the rock at the surface and in the tunnels has revealed no faulting, shearing or crushing of any importance. Where the tunnels pass through weathered rock, particularly in tunnel No. 2, there are occasional soft zones which, at first glance, have some resem- blance to fault gouges. Close examination of tliese shows, however, that they are essentially zones of decomposition where surface waters have penetrated along cracks or joints. Where such penetration has taken place, the rock may be thoroughly soft and decomposed for a widtli of a foot or more and may be reduced in part to clay. Such material, however, shows no evidence of crushing or grinding, such as is characteristic of a fault. Along some of these soft seams some slight movement may have occurred, but, if so, it has been local and unimportant. Some fractures in the weathered zone and in relatively hard fresh rock just below that zone are filled with very soft, wet, ferruginous clay, which oozes out into the tunnel. This clay is not fault gouge, but is merely material that has oozed, or been carried by infiltration, into a crevice from the oxidized, decomposed rock above. These crevices are merely local joints which probably have been opened to some extent by volume changes resulting from rock decomposition. Such soft clayey material has not been found, and is not expected to occur, at any considerable depth below the zone of oxidation. A notable feature at the Kennett dam site is the deep weathering of the rock on slopes above about elevation 700 feet. Below that elevation, along the river banks and under the river, the rock is generally fresh and hard practically at the surface. Here erosion has been relatively so recent that the rock has not been exposed long enough to become deeply weathered. Core from drill-hole No. 9, which is an inclined hole passing under the river bed from the southeast side, shows no oxidation of the rock beyond the first few feet. 6. D. Louderback, in his report of April 2, 1927, calls attention to the indication in this and other cores of certain belts of rock in which schistosity is more pronounced than elsewhere. Careful exami- nation of all the rocks exposed at the site, however, indicates such schistose structure as the greenstone may locally display is not of a character to constitute an element of weakness with reference to the proi)()sed dam or to provide paths of leakage. Observations on the Tunnels. On the right bank of the river, tunnel No. 1, at elevation 706 feet, is 514 feet in length. At 370 feet from the portal, as shown on Plate A-I, tbe tunnel was deflected to the right, or toward the north, so as to bring it more nearly under tunnel No. 2. At the portal, and for a distance of 25 feet in, the rock is partly oxidized, hard greenstone or metaandcsite. Generally, for this distance, the upper part of the tunnel is in rock wliicli is considerably oxidized, while the lower part exposes rock in whicli the oxidation is confined to the vicinity of joints, the rock between the oxidized streaks being sound and hard. From the 25 foot mark to the bend in the tunnel at 370 feet, the rock is sound, moderately-jointed, unweatherod greenstone. The joints arc'tight and the rock is of excellent character for the foundation of a concrete dam. i .on Ji/li".-' I .on J3MMUT JJIflQ 10 3H' r- "3 I ' ^. I J )F[ XP KB iN S lOND T >««^ ni riipnsJ OOt J f r 1 j i; / 1 J o PROFILE ALONG LINE OF TUNNEL NO. 1 " uuu ^~ ^ 500 Length in feet PLAN OF DRILL HOLES AND EXPLORATION TUNNELS PROFILE ALONG LINE OF TUNNEL NO. 2 900 ~^ ^ -^ 700 Lenath in reel o PROFILE ALONG LINE OF TUNNEL NO. 3 ^ — ^ 600 LOCATION OF DIAMOND DRILL BORINGS AND EXPLORATION TUNNELS AT KENNETT DAM SITE ON SACRAMENTO RIVER DIAMOND DRILL BOfilNGS MADE 1924-1925 TUNNELS DRIVEN 1930 SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 435 From the bend to the face, the greenstone is generally of satis- factory character. In a few places there has been some local shearing under heavy pressure, with the development of numerous closely spaced fractures or joints. This implies some movement, but the movement has not been sufficient to crush the rock or produce any soft gouge or clay. Where the shearing has taken place, the rock is so fractured that it can be loosened with a pick and, as a whole, is rela- tively soft. Such a zone of shearing appears on the north side of the tunnel, where it extends back for about fifteen feet from the face. Another zone, which forms an acute angle with the one just mentioned, is exposed in the face of the tunnel, where it is associated with a fairly definite seam or wall which strikes about north 70 degrees east and dips north at 65 degrees. Alongside of this seam the greenstone is rather minutely fractured for a width of about four feet. As a whole, the rock exposed in tunnel No. 1, beyond the first 25 feet, is regarded as of entirely satisfactory character as foundation material for a high dam. The shear zones described in the preceding paragraph are local and are so deep within the mountain as to be negligible with respect to any possible weakness or leakage. If any one of them should appear at the surface after stripping, it can easily be gouged out to any desired depth and any remaining fractured rock made tight by grouting. Tunnel No. 2, on the right or northwest bank, at elevation 787 feet, is 445 feet in length. For the first 171 feet, the tunnel is in soft, weathered greenstone. At that distance from the portal, sound, unweathered rock appears in the bottom of the tunnel. Beyond 193 feet, the rock is generally hard and unweathered, although it shows some oxidation along joints. This condition, with some variations, continues to a point about 325 feet from the portal and probably all of the rock to this point would have to be stipped off. From 325 feet to the face, the rock is generally hard and unweathered although there is a little decomposition along joints and some of the joints contain infiltrated ferruginous clay of very slushy consistency. At 368 feet from the portal, the rock is of excellent character and con- tinues so to the face. Within this distance, four narrow seams are observed carrying one-fourth to three-fourths inch of soft, wet ochreous clay. They occur at points 375, 422, 425 and 429 feet from the portal. The rock enclosing them is fresh, hard and firm. Tunnel No. 2, from the portal to a point 325 feet in, is apparently not far above the bottom of the weathered zone. If this weathered material is removed it is expected the remaining rock will be found to be of the same general excellence as in tunnel No. 1. Tunnel No. 3, on the left bank of the river, at elevation about 701 feet, is 373 feet in length and reveals soft and weathered rock for about 150 feet from the portal, corresponding to a maximum over- burden of about 55 feet. At the 150-foot point, there is a well- marked seam of decomposition, with some clay, which strikes squarely across the tunnel and dips toward the portal at about 44 degrees. This seam is about a foot in width. There may have been slight movement along it, but the seam is chiefly the result of decomposition along a joint or crack. Beyond the seam, the tunnel goes into hard, 1 •• ' 1 ; 1 ^'-^ — " ! i 1 1 ootr 1 ■j -- n;r-J 'TTM ! ! ooc t 008 » 3 o < ' i 1 i 1 1 1 i 1fc»» ■ 1 1 ■ — - \J\J\ i '^-J ! i t 1 1 1 r~\j~\ m ft ^~J \j\j\^ ' ^ y or OOG <^ 1 J ; 3 O t * < . N( 1 1 , I 1 ■ry 1 t SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 435 From the bend to the face, the greenstone is generally of satis- factory character. In a few places there has been some local shearing under heavy pressure, with the development of numerous closely spaced fractures or joints. This implies some movement, but the movement has not been sufficient to crush the rock or produce any soft gouge or clay. Where the shearing has taken place, the rock is so fractured that it can be loosened with a pick and, as a whole, is rela- tively soft. Such a zone of shearing appears on the north side of the tunnel, where it extends back for about fifteen feet from the face. Another zone, which forms an acute angle with the one just mentioned, is exposed in the face of the tunnel, where it is associated with a fairly definite seam or wall which strikes about north 70 degrees east and dips north at 65 degrees. Alongside of this seam the greenstone is rather minutely fractured for a width of about four feet. As a whole, the rock exposed in tunnel No. 1, beyond the first 25 feet, is regarded as of entirely satisfactory character as foundation material for a high dam. The shear zones described in the preceding paragraph are local and are so deep within the mountain as to be negligible with respect to any possible weakness or leakage. If any one of them should appear at the surface after stripping, it can easily be gouged out to any desired depth and any remaining fractured rock made tight by grouting. Tunnel No. 2, on the right or northwest bank, at elevation 787 feet, is 445 feet in length. For the first 171 feet, the tunnel is in soft, weathered greenstone. At that distance from the portal, sound, unweathered rock appears in the bottom of the tunnel. Beyond 193 feet, the rock is generally hard and unweathered, although it shows some oxidation along joints. This condition, with some variations, continues to a point about 325 feet from the portal and probably all of the rock to this point would have to be stipped off. From 325 feet to the face, the rock is generally hard and unweathered although there is a little decomposition along joints and some of the joints contain infiltrated ferruginous clay of very slushy consistency. At 368 feet from the portal, the rock is of excellent character and con- tinues so to the face. Within this distance, four narrow seams are observed carrying one-fourth to three-fourths inch of soft, wet ochreous clay. They occur at points 375, 422, 425 and 429 feet from the portal. The rock enclosing them is fresh, hard and firm. Tunnel No. 2, from the portal to a point 325 feet in, is apparently not far above the bottom of the weathered zone. If this weathered material is removed it is expected the remaining rock will be found to be of the same general excellence as in tunnel No. 1. Tunnel No. 3, on the left bank of the river, at elevation about 701 feet, is 373 feet in length and reveals soft and weathered rock for about 150 feet from the portal, corresponding to a maximum over- burden of about 55 feet. At the 150-foot point, there is a well- marked seam of decomposition, with some clay, which strikes squarely across the tunnel and dips toward the portal at about 44 degrees. This seam is about a foot in width. There may have been slight movement along it, but the seam is chiefly the result of decomposition along a joint or crack. Beyond the seam, the tunnel goes into hard, 436 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES massive diorite or ([uartz diorite and, at about 210 feet from the portal, enters hard prreenstone and continues in this rock to the face at 373 feet. Beyond the bottom of the zone of weatliering at 150 feet from the portal, the rock in tunnel No. 3 is of excellent character for the foundation of a high dam. Detailed Examination of the Drill Cores. The notes on drill cores shown on Plate A-II, "Log: of Diamond Drill Borings at Kennett Dam Site," are taken from a report sub- mitted by G. D. Louderback on December 28, 1926. The locations of the holes are shown on Plate A-I. Depth of Stripping Required. From tlie study of the drill cores the following tabular summary has been prepared as an aid to the engineers in making preliminary estimates of the amount of .stripping which would be required. In general, the maximum depth given in the table probably would be the nearer to the excavation that actually would be necessary and these fig- ures, in connection with observations in the tunnels, have been used in setting the following probable stripping limits. The depths given are distances measured along the hole. TABLE A-l DEPTHS OF STRIPPING REQUIRED AT KENNETT DAM SITE Suggested minimum Test hole depth — above which SKtiijrstrd maritnu m dipth (Vertical the rock is f/ciurallii — beluic irhich the rock is holes marked V) decomposed grnerally tindecomposcd 1 80 feet 150 feet 2B about 100 feet 130 to 150 feet 2A 70 feet J06 feet 2 55 feet .">5 feet V2D 50 feet 65 feet V2E 20-25 feet 30 feet V2C 20 feet 25-30 feet V3 40-45 feet 50-55 feet V 3A about 55 feet about .'..") feet 3C 45-50 feet about .J5 feet 3B 40 feet followed by weak streaks 9 Fresh rock practically from the surface V6 30 feet about 35 feet 6A 23 feet 30 feet V7 25 feet 30 feet 7A 25 feet 25-30 feet V8 15 feet 15-20 feet SB 30 feet but soft streaks between 45-Gl feet 60-70 feet 10 85 feet, .soft streaks between 180-185 fett Conclusions. The rock at the Kennett site, where not decomposed by weathering, is excellent material upon which to found a concrete dam up to at least r)00 feet in height. There are no faults or other stnietural teatiires which would interfere with the construction of such a dam and there is no rea.son to fear that a dam. when built, would be subject to serious eartlu|uakes. The only objectionable lejiture of the rock formation is the heavy stripping which probably would be necessary to remove the overburden of weathered. decompo.sed rock, particularly on the right bank. I VERTICAL HOLES HOLE No 2D HOLE No2E ELEV 795.2 HOLE No 6 *t_ ELEV- 7M.4 HOLE No. 7 ' ELEV. 789 S HOLE No, 8 I ELEV Se7 5 HOLE No. 2C tl ELEV 802 3 HOLE No 3 «t ELEV 787 B .ariTi'ii-ji'.TS.;:™:^ "will LtS^L'^"" "-"* — ''■ .■'ri:^'rs:;t"''J:*-:^j=r ir.!„"1?zcf.Jft«::.*'i'^r HOLE NO. 3A „'a;-s.3s: (I) LU _1 o I Q hi Z _1 u z o z UJ _] I DQ m 6 z hi -I O I u d z 111 _i o I o z 111 •J I < (0 d z o I -I ^1 -I ^1 'I' I i Ml iii iiliU iliililhiji 'Jilsil! i Hi '«!;■ ill pipii ! ;ui ill iji liiii. 3 1 m fii'i iHl! hfii iiiiiili •iilhv -Iii! ' ill! n H H 5]! ill k Doraaiiiiii! ij i! I i '^ 1 JB{ m 4 ■ll Pi 1 li in LJ _l I Q LJ Z _l u z < d z LI _l o I m IS d z u _l O I m d z tllc I 11 1 -I 'It < I li If ii!U if f 1 I'ili 1 lit if' § =[ < 00 d z u _l I i jliii i M i ! li nil iiJiil 111 iJili \ iV jri3i ill' Hi jiii nil msKm o I !r!EESiia{!E(0]r!lC!]C3C3[!EaC LOG OF DIAMOND DRILL BORINGS AT KENNETT DAM SITE SACRAMENTO lUVER BASFN 437 IRON CANYON DAM SITE Situation. The Iron Canyon dam site is sitnated on the Sacramento K.iver, ibout t'onr miles northeast of Red Blntt". The canyon proper at the site, is shown in Plate A-III, "Location of Diamond Drill Borings, Test Pits and Exploration Tnnnel at Iron Canyon Dam Site on Sacramento River," is delimited on the right bank by the 350-foot contonr and on tlie left bank by the 325-foot contour, the width of the canyon between these contours being about 1300 feet. A dam at this site, with crest elevation at 410 feet, as may be seen from Plate A-III, would require long wing embankments and a subsidiary embankment across a wide saddle to the west of the main dam. General Geology. The general geology at the Iron Canyon site has been described by Homer Hamlin, in a report * dated December 12, 1919, and by A. C. Law.son, in a report ** dated August 31, 1919. A contribution was made by G. D. Louderback in a letter to the State Engineer under date of February 18, 1930. The only site examined by us was the one about half a mile below the United States Geological Survey gaging station. The rocks at the Iron Canyon site are all nearly horizontal tuffs and agglomerates of Pliocene age, belonging to the formation named ' Tuscan tuff" by J. S. Diller. These rocks are prevailingly soft and contain more or less uncemented, pervious and unconsolidated material. The local distribution of certain units of the Tuscan tuff at the dam te is shown in Plate A-IV, "General Topographic and Geologic Fea- i *es in the Vicinity of Iron Canyon Dam Site on Sacramento River," nich is based on geological mapjnng by Homer Hamlin. It will be ,i()ted that at the dam site the lower part of the proposed dam would rest on what has been called "agglomerate No. 1" in preceding reports*** and that the upper part of the structure would abut against and overlaj) the "upper tuff." This is .shown in Plate A-V, "Geologic Sections at Iron Canyon Dam Site on Sacramento River." At the site, the agglom- erate is about 140 feet thick, of which thickness, it has been estimated by the Board of Engineers in their report t of May 7, 1920, about 110 feet is below the bed of the river. The general structure at the dam site, as shown on Plate A-V, is that of a low anticline, transverse to the river, with the dam site on the southern limb. There are no faults or structural complications and the feasibility of the site depends upon the lithological character of the foundation material. Homer Hamlin reported t that : "agrglomerate No. 1 is a den.^se and imperviou.s formation suitable for a dam foundation and abutments." * Page, 45, "Report on Iron Canyon Project, California," ijy Homer J. tiauit and W. F. McClure, Department of the Interior and State of California, 1920. •• Page 73, "Report on Iron Canyon Project, California." **• "Report on Iron Canyon Project, California," by Homer J. Gault and W. F. ^[cClure, Department of the Interior and State of California, 1920. •;• Page 64, "Report on Ircm Canyon Project, California," bv Homer J. Gault and W. F. McClure. t Page 48, "Report <.n Iron Canyon Project, California," by Homer J. Gault and W. F. McClure. 438 DIVISIOX OF WATER RESOURCES PLATE A-III I P-HOLE I '-♦. I -- HOLEE-* o I (hOLEeV" 0-~^_ ~--- I I = MOLE EO -) ^~~— HOLE E.7J, _ ' H0LEE-5O > T~-~I_1- ' y — 300^^^ »_4P!TT~ AT"''"- u s a & OAOiMC STATION LOCATION OF DIAMOND DRILL BORINGS TEST PITS AND EXPLORATION TUNNEL AT IRON CANYON DAM SITE ON SACRAMENTO RIVER FEET O 900 lOOO 1900 SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 439 PLATE A-IV GENERAL TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC FEATURES IN THE VICINITY OF IRON CANYON DAM SITE SACRAMENTO RIVER FEET 20OO 4O0O J LEGEND "»WB Baiill iniiiin Agglomirate No. t I I Upper luKs ^>.^^^1 Lower lutis 440 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PLATE A-V 500 r 400 c C 300 <0 > UJ 200 100 I Upper sands I i lOOO 5000 600 (U C 400 C o 200 > liJ 2000 3000 4000 Length in feet GEOLOGIC SECTION AT IRON CANYON DAM SITE LOOKING UPSTREAM I? -oo- Agglomerate No. 1 Upper sands and tuffs 7^-^i.OVi WATER 7' '~~-~-~Z~-- - , SAC » e, c — "- 9 Sands and ] T7T- , — ■■p-^ Formation unknown , SACRAME NTO RIVER- '?-. ~ "~~J .^^UfcSi ~?ir- ^^^ ^..n ,*cv;.- 1 ^ Aooli Aoe'enisrata No. 2 4 Distance in miles GEOLOGIC SECTION ALONG SACRAMENTO RIVER CANYON IN VICINITY OF IRON CANYON DAMSITE GEOLOGIC SECTIONS AT RON CANYON DAM SITE ON SACRAMENTO RIVER SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 441 Professor A. C. Lawsoii says in his report :* '"The ag-glomerate is a satisfactory rock for a dam foundation. It has suffi- cient strength, and, although not homogeneous, is of low permeability. The rate of transmission of water through it would be so slow that there would be prac- tically no leakage. It is not traversed by cracks or joints of importance, nor are there any cavernous openings in it." Tlie Board of Entyineers, in their report of May 7, 1920, state ** tliat, "The principal reason for the selection of Location III was explained in pre- vious paragraphs to be the existence of a mass of agglomerate 110 feet in thickness below the river channel at the dam site. This material where exposed ■at the surface is a natural concrete which is probably water-tight and has "considerable hardness and great bearing power, in every way satisfactory as a foundation for a high concrete dam. The records of borings, however, are not nearly so favorable. The fine binding material in the interior of the mass is rather soft, so that but a small percentag'e of core was produced. In a drift in the east alnitinent of the dam also the material becomes rather soft away from air exposure." However, as a result of a bearin<>' test they concluded ** that the agglomerate would furnish a safe foundation provided the maximum pressures did not exceed ten tons per square foot. Serious question of the satisfactory character of the agglomerate was raised in a report to the State Engineer under date of February 18, 1930, in which G. D. Louderback called attention to the lack of homo- geneity in the agglomerate and to the fact that much of the material is loose and pervious. Subsequent investigation has justified this warning. The agglomerate, which is composed of blocks and smaller frag- ments of hard basalt or andesite, ])ossesses a rather remarkable pro])- erty. Much of the material is loose and permeable, with little or no cementation of the constituent fragments. When exposed to the \veather, however, the material becomes superficially cemented, with the formation of a hard, stony crust an inch or two in thickness. Conse- quently, most natural exposures of the agglomerate give a most decep- tive appearance of general hardness, solidity and imperviousness. This peculiarity is well shown iu the tunnel, a short distance above the dam site. The tunnel enters the face of a bluff composed aiiparently of hard agglomerate. The really hard material, however, is a definite skin or shell, about two inches in maximum thickness. Behind this skin, for a distance of from eight to ten feet, the agglomerate shows some cementation and is fairly firm, although very much softer than the superficial skin. The remaining thirty-five feet of the tunnel is in loose, permeable, crumbling material, which can easily be loosed with a geological pick or can even be pulled down with the fingers. The con- trast between the hard face of the bluff and the incoherent material in the tunnel is amazing. Other exploratory openings at the Iron Ciinyon site and at the Table Mountain site, some 11.5 miles farther U]) the river, show that the agglomerate is not everywhere so loose and permeable as in the Iron Canyon test tunnel. At test pit No. 1, on tiie east side of the river at the Iron Canyon dam site, which is shown in Plate A-TII, the agglomerate is covered with soil and surface material and the hard shell is a|)]iarently lacking. * Page 74. "Report on Iron Canyon Project, California," l)y Homer J. Gault and W. V. McClure, Department of the Interior and State of California, l!t2n. ** Page fifi, "Report on Iron Canyon Project, California, bv Homer .1. Oault and W. F. McClure. 442 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES For a depth of 27 feet, the agglomerate, composed of angular blocks of basalt, with finer, interstitial basaltic detritus, is only feebly cemented and can easily be picked down. Near the bottom of the shaft, the material is firmer, but is far from being hard rock. As shown by the inflow of water into the shaft, the agglomerate is obviously perme- able, although the rate of inflow has not been measured. The drill records at the Iron Canyon dam site, which are given in a previous report,* confirm the conclusions drawn from the inspection of the tunnel and shaft. It is obvious from the records and from a brief examination of the cores, that the agglomerate, as penetrated in drilling, is by no means the hard, impervious rock surface exposures might indicate. It is prevailingly soft and loose. Caving is frequently recorded and practically the only core obtained came from embedded blocks or fragments of lava. Instead of constituting a saving feature of the Iron Canyon dam site, the agglomerate, in our opinion, is less uniform and less trustworthy material than the generally fine-grained tuffs and tuf- faceous sandstones which overlie and underlie it. The tuffs, which make up the greater part of the formation over- lying the agglomerate, are only slightly permeable, and the conglom- erate contains much interstitial tuffaceous material which prevents free water percolation. Some of the volcanic sand layers are coarsely porous and poorly cemented. The.y are capable of transmitting water and under its influence may break down into sand and be subject to erosion. In general, they are lenticular and probably would not be effective water carriers where long distances are involved as in the foundation for the Bend embankment. They would present a very serious problem of cutting off leakage around or under the dam at the main site. The important fact as regards the agglomerate is not that it is everywhere wholly un satisfactory^ material for a d^m foundation, but that it varies so widely from place to place in degrees of cementation, general hardness and permeability, that very thorough testing would be required at any particular site in order to ascertain whether it could be relied upon as safe foundation material. In view of the facts already slated, it appears unnecessary to present detailed descriptions of the exploratory work done at the Iron Canyon site and we shall proceed directly to a statement of our conclusions. Conclusions. The greatest ditficulty at Iron Canyon is at the site of the main dam. Recognition of the true character of the agglomerate at this locality leaves no hard and impermeable rock upon which a dam could be founded. Stability could be obtained only by adapting the design of the dam to a soft and permeable foundation and by cut-offs so extensive as to minimize leakage by making possible paths of perco- lation exceptionally long. Nowhere at the site is there any hard, strong and inijiermeablc rook upon whieli concrete could be l)onded with the assurance that tliere would be no leakage around it. • "Report on Iron Canyon Project. CaUfornla," by Homer J. Oault and \V. V. McClure, Department of tho Interior and State of California. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 443 So far as geologists may appropriately express an opinion in the border zone between geology and engineering, we should say the Iron Canyon site does not appear practicable for a concrete dam. It is doubtful whether a rock-fill dam could be constructed here without excessive costs for cut-off precautions. TABLE MOUNTAIN DAM SITE Situation. The Table Mountain dam site on the Sacramento River is situated about ten miles northeast of Red Bluff, in Township 28 North, Range 3 West, M. D. B. and M. The general geology in the vicinity of the site as mapped by Chester Marliave is shown on Plate A-VI, "General Topographic and Geologic Features in the Vicinity of Table Mountain Dam Site on Sacramento River." Two sites have been suggested at the Table Mountain locality. These are shown on Plate A-VI by lines A-A and B-B. Of these, the lower site, B-B, is the only one at which any exploratory work has been done. Topographically and geologically, site B-B appears preferable to site A-A and is the one to which particular attention will be given in this report. A dam at either site, with crest at elevation higher than 400 feet, would require a subsidiary embankment across a saddle about two miles west of the main dam. General Geology. The rocks at the Table Mountain site comprise the same forma- tions as occur in Iron Canyon. In addition, a flow of basalt from six to ten feet in average thickness, resting on the upper tuff, through which the river has cut north of the dam site, forms the flat top of Table Mountain. The lower tuff, the agglomerate, and the upper tuff form a low anticline, of which the axis, pitching a little west of north, is crossed by the river between the two sites A-A and B-B, as shown in Plate A-VI. In the axial part of the anticline, the river has cut through the agglomerate and has exposed about fifteen feet of the upper part of the lower tuff in the vicinity of the line A-A. Test hole records together with surface exposures would seem to indi- cate a thickness of about 80 feet for the agglomerate close to the river along section B-B. It extends below the low point of the river channel about 28 feet. Site B-B is on the southern limb of the anticline. The lower part of the proposed dam would rest on agglomerate ; the upper part would abut against the upper tuff, which overlies the agglomerate. There can be no reasonable doubt but tliat the agglomerate at Table Mountain is the same as that at the Iron Canyon site and that the formation is continuous between the two places. The upper tuff, which is well exposed in bluffs on the right bank of the river at site B-B and has been further exposed by trenching, varies in character from bed to bed, but generally has about the same coherence as a very soft sandstone. Most of it could be excavated only by blasting, but, on the other hand, it is too soft to be quarried in blocks of anj' size. 444 niVISJIOX OF WATKH l{i:s()ru< ES PLATE A-VI GENERAL TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC FEATURES IN THE VICINITY OF TABLE MOUNTAIN DAM SITE SACRAMENTO RIVER 1000 FEET 2000 ■lOOO 4000 ESl^ Upptr lu(f> LEGEND O hMIHII Low«r tufft 'upo«r ft«ndi SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 445 The following is ji detfulcd section oT tlie upper tuff, as exposed in the bluffs and by trenching in the west abutment of the proposed dam. The starting point of the measurements was the bottom of the cliff 35 feet above river level. Between this point and the agglomerate exposed at the river is a short interval, covered by soil and rock fragments, where the underlying tuff and agglomerate have not yet been laid bare. TABLE A-2 SECTION OF UPPER TUFF IN WEST ABUTMENT, TABLE MOUNTAIN DAM SITE B-B Height above river, in feet 143.0- 145.0 142.0- 143.0 141.0- 142.0 139.0- 141.0 IScS.O- 139.0 137.5- 138.0 136.0- 137..'. 131.0- 136.0 130.0- 131.0 128.5- 130.0 126.0- 128.5 125.0- -126.0 124.0- 125.0 122.0- 124.0 121.0- -122.0 120.0- -121.0 118.0- -120.0 117.0- -118.0 113.5- -117.0 113.0- -113.5 106.0- -113.0 104.0- -106.0 97.0- -104. n 91.2- - 97.0 91.0- - 91.2 69.0- - 91.0 86.0- - 89.0 85.0- - 86.0 80.0- - 85.0 77.0- - 80.0 76.5- - 77.0 71.0- - 76.5 68.5- - 71.0 68.0- - 68.5 64.0- - 68.0 60.0- - 64.0 59.0- - 60.0 57.0- - 59.0 55.0- - 57.0 54.7- - 55.0 54.5- - 54.7 53.5- - 54.5 52.5- - 53.5 52.0- - 52.5 47.0- - 52.0 45..5- - 47.0 44.7- - 45.5 44.0- - 44.7 41.4- - 44.0 40.0- - 41.4 38.0- - 40.0 Description of material Firm and coherent, no loose sand, and coherent, no loose sand. No shaly laminations. 35.0- 38.0 Tough, light-gray, clay tuff. Fine, light-gray, sandy tuff. Light-gray, clay tuff. Firm Fine, light-gray, sandy tuff. Light-gray, clay tuff. Coarse, tuffaceous sand ; porous. Fine, soft, white, ashy material ; light weight. Moderately tough, brownish, clay tuff. Coarse, tough, pinlaier UpMrlwdtl'^l rioM of Arlcttcn water at Oeotl of 9 7 Icct 500 1 000 1 500 Length in feet GEOLOGIC SECTION ALONG LINE OF DRILL HOLES 7 TO 9 ON CENTER LINE OF DAM SITE 2000 in III -I O I 300 e^ ^. tranvrrt f o 200 ID > 0) ';^-fl X»f'V'll'V \ 111 o I Although cappod this holo (ioiwed •rt«»i«n wAler ||AgQlom«r»t« J O' w Flow Ol »nc«iBn wwalar at depth 0197 »*el 1000 1500 -I VolC*n-C Mnd • n« tiilk DriiiiAg water lokt •t 93 toot dcelh 2000 Length m feet PROFILE ALONG LINE OF DRILL HOLES 5 TO 6 AT RIGHT ANGLES TO DAM SITE. ON LEFT BANK OF RIVER GEOLOGIC SECTIONS AT TABLE MOUNTAIN DAM SITE ON SACRAMENTO RIVER SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 453 The Volcanic Agglomerate. At the proposed dam site tlie base of the dam would rest on the volcanic agglomerate which would also form the greater part or all of the left abutment. Surface examination, aided by pits seemed to indicate tliat this formation is firmer and better cemented than at the Iron Canyon site, but the series of test holes, detailed above, shows that it has the same extreme and irregular variability of cementation and effective composition. While parts are firm and give reasonably good cores, some parts yield only sand, with a few small bits of lava, and cave badly. Tunnel 1, shown on Plate A-VII, was driven into the agglomerate of the left bank of the river at about elevation 325 feet. On January 25, 1931, this tunnel was about 40 feet in length. The outer 20 feet is fairly firm but the material becomes gradually softer and near the face the lava fragments may be easily picked out and the matrix crumbled by the hand. One soft plastic clay pocket was observed. It should be noted that at the top of the cliff into which the tunnel was driven there is a flat, so that depth from surface varies but slowly with length of tunnel. As the hardening of the agglomerate often seems related to the surface, this may account for the fact that the change in firmness takes place more slowly than in the Iron Canyon tunnel. The great variability in firmness of the agglomerate makes it an unsatisfactory foundation for a rigid type of dam. The Upper Tuffs and Sands. The upper tuffs form the right abutment and are encountered high in the slopes of the left abutment. They are distinctly stratified, different layers varying in grain from sandy to earthy or clayey. As stated above, they in general have the coherence of a very soft sand- stone, although some of the layers are distinctly stronger. Certain of the layers are very pervious and allow of the rapid percolation of water. Special field percolation tests were made in tunnel 2 cut into the tuffs on the right bank at about elevation 375 feet, as shown on Plate A-VII. This showed that the tuff absorbed water readily. A layer of soft sand was exi)Osed in this tunnel, and other layers of soft porous volcanic sand were observed in the base of the clitf downstream from the center line, and higher up the clitf, upstream from the center line. Here the tendency was observed for the sand to wash out giving rise to holes in the layer and a bench-like recess with overhang of the firmer layers of tuff. It is believed that it would be^ very difficult, if not impossible, to prevent percolation tlirougli llie tuffs with possible weakening of the abutment. Pumiceous Tuff. In five of the holes along flie river (1, 2, 3, 4 and 6) a i)umiceous tuff was observed below the agglomerate. This is a rather soft moderately firm tuff that yielded from (3 to 36 ])er cent of core. In two of the holes (5 and 6), a sand layer appears to be between the base of the agglomerate and the top of the tuff. Wiiatever the composition, a very porous layer was encountered which caused all the water to be lost. 454 DIVISION or water resources Sands and Tuffs (?). Below the piiniiceous tuff only sand was recovered and no core except for 0.6 foot in hole 1 and 1.6 feet in hole 2, of fine silty-clayey sand. In three of the holes (1, 2 and 4) these sands yielded warm, sulphuretted, artesian water that rose to the top of the hole and flowed out. In hole 2 this was measured as 29 g:allons per minute. It is not known whether this water was struck in other holes, although it might be expected in 3, 5 and 6 as the same strata were encountered. In hole 4, the artesian water w^as not observed at the time the hole was com- pleted, but was noted January 25, 1931, leaking out in a considerable stream. As all the holes were capped it may be that some of them were tight enough to ])revent leakage. The smearing of the hole with clayey material during drilling operations may have prevented the immediate rise of water when the holes were first drilled. Conclusion. The irregular variation in the cementation of the agglomerate, and the occurrence in it of weak and permeable masses make it in our opinion unsuitable as a foundation for a concrete dam. The occurrence of very pervious layers above and below the agglomerate render it doubtful whether it would be i)racticable to cut off leakage around and under the dam. GENERAL SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS So far as geological conditions are concerned, the Kennett site is practicable for the construction of a safe and effective dam. The Iron Canyon site and the Table ^Mountain site are unfavorable for the construction of concrete dams, and the doubt wliethei- leakage around and uii(h'r a dam at either of these localities could effectively be prevented or controlled makes them unsatisfactory for any type of dam. CX^uc/^-irwot..,.^^ APPENDIX B REPORT ON IRON CANYON, TABLE MOUNTAIN AND KENNETT DAM SITES ON SACRAMENTO RIVER By B. A. Etcheverry Walter L. Huber John D. Galloway J. B. Lippincott F. C. Herrmann Fred H. Tibbetts Engineering Advisory Committee for Sacramento Fiver Basin Investigations January, 1932 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 457 IRON CANYON DAM AND RESERVOIR 457 TABLE MOUNTAIN DAM SITE 459 KENNETT DAM SITE 460 (4CG ) SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 457 REPORT ON IRON CANYON, TABLE MOUNTAIN AND KENNETT DAM SITES ON SACRAMENTO RIVER The strategic position of a reservoir near Red Bluff has long been recognized. It is unfortunate that at this point, the head of the great central valley of California, no site for a reservoir has been found. Some 2600 square miles of drainage area lie below Kennett dam site and the run-off from this area should be regulated. IRON CANYON DAM AND RESERVOIR This project has been before the public for many years. A report by the United States Reclamation Service bears date of October, 1914. This report was reviewed by a Board of Review, appointed by the Secretary of the Interior, which board submitted a report under date of November, 1914.* A report by the United States Reclamation Serv- ice, in cooperation with the State of California and the Iron Canyon Project Association, was submitted by Homer J. Gault, of the United States Reclamation Service, and W. F. McClure, State Engineer of California, under date of May, 1920. A further report by the United States Bureau of Reclamation, in cooperation with the State of Cali- fornia and the Sacramento Valley Development Association, is pub- lished in Bulletin No. 13, Division of Engineering and Irrigation, State Department of Public Works, being an appendix to the Summary Report to the Legislature of 1927 on the Water Resources of California and a Coordinated Plan for their Development. The project as outlined in the last report included a concrete gravity dam at the lower dam site, Location III, in Iron Canyon, raising w^ater 152.5 feet above low water and creating a reservoir of 1,121,900 acre-feet. Irrigation of a gross area of 276,900 acres was proposed. Power development ^vas also proposed. The dam site was investigated by a Board of Engineers and plans for the construction of a masonry dam were approved. This feature alone is considered herein, although attention is called to the size of the reservoir, which is less than 20 per cent of the size required to properly regulate the stream. It should also be noted that the amount of land to be irrigated is relativel}- small in comparison with that proposed in connection with the present State Water Plan. The first site selected for a dam, at Location I, was near Paynes Creek. This site was rejected when Professor Andrew C. Lawson, in reporting ** upon the foundations, reported as follows regarding sand layers underlying the agglomerate No. 1 : "The water entering these sands of the river trench under the head estab- lished by the reservoir would partly pass out under the surrounding country and escape at distant points, but would tend chiefly to escapo by the shortest outlet which would be at the downstream toe of the dam. Judging by the incoherence of the sands, their coarse texture, their caving in the drill holes, the artesian flow from some of them and the strong undercutting of the river banks below low water, it seems probable that this escaping water at the lower toe of the dam, under high pressure, would acquire siilficient velocity to scour the sand at the points of escape. If this were so, then a i)roccss making for the undermining of the dam and its ultimate failure would bo inaugurated, since the scouring would retreat upstream below the dam." * "Report on Iron Canyon Project," United States Reclamation Service and Iron Canyon Project Association, 1914. •* "Report on Iron Canyon Project, California," by Homer J. Gault and W'. F. McClure, Department of the Interior, and State of California, 1920. 458 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Location II, about a mile and a half downstream, was then examined and rejected because the foundation material consisted of j)ervious sajids and tutfs bclo-vv which was a thin layer of agglomerate underlain by more sands and tulfs. Location III, about a mile and a half downstream from Location II. was then examined and selected as the site for a dam. The founda- tion was the agglomerate No. 1 found at Location I, although the abutments of the dam were against the overlying sands and tuff. It was recognized that the entire safety of the structure depended upon the integrity of agglomerate No. 1, of which the report* says: "Here Agglomerate No. 1 i.s not as hard a.s at Location I, but its bearing power is sufficient to witlistand the pressures from a properly designed masonry dam. The dip of Agglomerate No. 1 and the formations both above and beloCv it is downstream, hence the removal of material from beneath Agglomerate- No. 1 by percolating water is not possible." "The principal reason for the selection of Location HI was explained in previous paragraphs to be the existence of a mass of agglomerate 110 feet in thickness below the river channel at the dam site. This material where exposed at the surface is a natural concrete which is probably water-tight and has considerable hardness and great bearing power, in every way satisfactory as a foundation for a high concrete dam. The records of borings, however, are not nearly so favorable. The fine binding material in the interior of the mass is rather soft, so that but a small percentage of core was produced. In a drift in the east abutment of the dam also the material becomes rather soft away from air exposure." That the engineers Avere aware of the questionable features of the location is evident from the following extracts from the report :* "The artesian flow from various bore holes indicates that the sandstone will permit slow flow of water. The most dangerous places in such cases are usually the planes of contact between different beds. Contact wherever exam- ined seems to be perfect. The flow proceeds probably from the coarser layers which may not be extensive although pockets may occur with great frequency." "We believe that danger from a ra])id flow establishing itself along certain lines under the dam, such as might begin carrying material and ultimately leading to the undermining of the dam, would be very serious to the extent of causing condemnation of the dam site if it were not for the fact that these sandstone layers below the dam are overlaid by a heavy capping of reasonably dense agglomerate dipping in a downstream direction." "W^e conclude, therefore, that while conditions for a dam at the best site available are far from ideal a safe dam ran be constructed at this iMiint. Location III, but it must be admitted that the item of contingencies to guard against all dangers which may become apparent upon opening up the foundation may be greater than usual and that the total for this dam. including also overhead expenses, estimated at 25 per cent, may be exceeded." "It is possible that a greater credit may be secured for power, against which there is also the possibility that requirements as to unquestioned safely of the dam may compel large additional expenditures over those estimated." These quotations are not reproduced to discr(>dit the Board of Engineers. They are given to show that the board had serious doubts regarding many subjects even though the i)lan was approved. In 1930, tlie undersigned members of tlie Engineering Advisory Committee for the Saeramento River P>asin Investigations visited the (lam site and additional borings, test shafts and tunnel were suggested. It ai)peared advisable to the members of the cominittee to determine how far downstream the layer of agglomerate No. 1 extended as its continuity was one of the basic (elements upon which the eonclusions of tlie report of the previous board were based. However, it was not possible to obtain additional borings but two test shafts were sunk near the water edge on the left bank, one 15 and the other 36 feet in depth, and the tunnel excavated in l?>'2t) Avas extended farther into the • "Heporl on Iron (,'anyon I'rojeet. ("alifornia," bv Homer J. (lault and W, F. McClure, Dejiartment of tlic Interior, and State of California, l!t20. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN" 459 side hill. These open shafts and tunnel permitted a visual examina- tion and tests of agglomerate No. 1 in place. Certain trenches were also excavated to develop the geological formation of the strata above the agglomerate. Cores from the previous drilling oi)erations were also examined and a discussion was had at the site w'ith Professor George D. Louderback and with Professor Frederick L. Ransome, geologists. It is of interest here to cpiote from the report* of Geologists Louderback and Kansome as follows: "The drill records at the Iron Canyon dam site, which are given in a previous report, confirm the conclusions drawn from tlie inspection of the tunnel and shaft. It is obvious from the records and from a brief examination of the cores, that the agglomerate, as penetrated in drilling, is by no means the hard, impervious rock surface exposures might indicate. It is prevailingly soft and loose. Caving is frequently recorded and practically the only core obtained came from embedded blocks or fragments of lava. "Instead of constituting a saving feature of the Iron Canyon dam site, the agglomerate, in our oijinion, is less uniform and less trustworthy material than the generally fine-grained tuffs and luffaceous sandstones which overlie and underlie it. "The tuffs, which make up the greater part of the formation overlying the agglomerate, are only slightly permeable, and the conglomerate contains much interstitial tuffaceous material which jirevents free water percolation. Some of the volcanic sand layers are coarsely porous and poorly cemented. They are capable of transmitting water and under its influence may break down into sand and be subject to erosion. In general, they are lenticular and probably would not be effective water carriers where long distances are involved as in the foundation for the Bend embankment. They would present a very serious problem of cutting off leakage around or under the dam at the main site." Having in mind the information obtained from previous investiga- tions and that from our own, it is the opinion of the undersigned that a masonry dam built at Iron Canyon Location III would be danger- ously unsafe, and that the project should be abandoned. The founda- tion material is largely a loose permeable volcanic sand which has been called agglomerate in which are embedded blocks of basaltic lava. On the surface, the material appears hard, but a few feet below it is found to be soft. It is variable in hardness and in places can be scooped out by hand. While in some spots it may have bearing resistance, in others it has not. Water can pass through the material. LTnderneath the agglomerate is a layer of very pervious sands and tuffs. Drill holes show artesian water is present. No information is at hand to show how far downstream the layer of agglomerate extends, or its thickness, although its continuity and integrity was a vital con- dition of the a])])roval given by the Board of Engineers of 1920. On the flanks or abutments of the dam, the structure would rest on pervious sands and tuffs. Even if foundation conditions were favorable, and they have been shown not to be, the dam site is a very ])oor one. Tlie crest of the main dam would be about a mile long and there would be a secondary dam nearly 70 feet high and three-quarters of a mile long. The reservoir M'hich has been ])roposed is relatively small and would not eliminate the necessity of a large reservoir at Kennett. TABLE MOUNTAIN DAM SITE After investigations had fully disclosed adverse conditions exist- ing at Iron Canyon dam site attention was directed to Table Mountain dam site and particularly Site B, which is about 11. fi miles by river upstream from Iron Canyon. The site is fully described in the geo- • Appendix A of this bulletin. 460 DTVisrox of watkr ijKsonaKS logical report* of Professor George D. Louderbaek and Professor Frederick L. Ransome and the description will not be repeated here. At this site, a dam raising the -svater snrface 170 feet, with spill- way lip at elevation 461 feet, Mould form a reservoir with capacity of tliree million acre-tVet. First impressions of some of the members of the Engineering Advisory Committee were favorable. However, after exploration by means of test pits, two tunnels, driven into the tuff and agglomerate abutments, and drill holes sunk into the foundations, opinion was unanimously adverse to tiie construction of a dam at this location. As in the case of Iron Canyon dam site, the undersigned are of the opinion that this site is dangerously unsafe for the location of a masonry dam and that this project should be abandoned. As a reser- voir site, aside from unsatisfactory foundation conditions for a dam, Table Mountain is much superior to that of Iron Canyon Location III. The foundation material, however, is substantially the same as that at Iron Canyon. The agglomerate is volcanic sand in which are embedded boulders of basaltic lava. Except on the surface, where it is super- ficially hard, the agglomerate is soft, easily picked and in most places can be taken out by hand. Water enters it freely. In the bed of the river the drill holes passed through agglomerate, basalt block, tuft' and sands. Three holes immediately under the location proposed for the dam developed warm artesian water rising several feet above the river bed. The agglomerate is overlain on the right bank by volcanic tuff appearing as a cliff. This stratum is variable in character, pervious to water in places aiid intersected by sand layers. All of the foundation material is defective and forms the basis of the con- clusion recited above. While the capacity of the projected reservoir, 8,000,000 acre-feet, is large, it is not of sufficient size to regulate the available stream flow and an additional reservoir at Kennett, or other location, would still be required. It is also the opinion of the undersigned that it would be dangerous to build any form of earth or rock fill dam at either the Iron Canyon or Table IMountain site. It is ])ossible that other dam sites may be found upstream from Table IMouiitain. If such can be found, the imi)ortance of a reservoir ill this i-egion warrants further surveys and exploration. It is believed, liowever, that sucli location must be in other matei-ial than the recent volcanic flow whicli includes Ti-on Canyon and Table ^lountain sites. KENNETT DAM SITE The proj)osed dam at the Kennett site on Ili(> Sacramento Kiver will form the largest reservoir of the propo.sed jjlan for the develo|>- ment of the waters of the state. Dams ranging uji to 620 feet in lieight • Appr^iuljx A of tlii.s bullotin. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 461 have been proposed, impounding water up to 10,000,000 aere-feet. It appears probable that the ultimate dam will be 520 feet in height, giving a reservoir capacity of nearly 6,000,000 acre-feet. The importance and size of the proposed dam can be appreciated from these figures. Investigations at Kennett reservoir and dam site began in 1922 and in 1924 instrumental surveys were made. Explorations of the dam site were begun in 1925, since which time cores were obtained at the dam site from twenty drill holes, of which eight were vertical and twelve were inclined. The length of the drill holes varied from 53.7 feet to 434.8 feet, the aggregate length of drill holes being 4299 feet. The engineering investigations of the Kennett dam site have been made in conjunction with a complete geological survey of the territory by the United States Geological Survey and of the immediate problems of the site by Professors George D. Louderback and Frederick L. Ransome, whose report* is contained in this bulletin. The site has been examined in company with the geologists and we have had the benefit of their comment and explanations. The locations of the drill holes and exploration tunnels are shown upon plans forming a part of the geologists' report. In April of 1930, a detailed examination was made of the cores recovered from the drill holes. This was done for the double purpose of a study of the character of the rock and to determine the amount of stripping of the dam site that would be necessary to secure satis- factory foundations for a high masonry dam. While the drill cores furnished much information regarding the nature of rock, it was believed that the size and importance of a dam at the Kennett site warranted the driving of tunnels whei-ein the rock might be examined in place and the amount of overburden determined w4th greater, certainty. At our suggestion this was done. Three tunnels, two on the right and one on the left bank, were driven. Tunnel No. 1 was driven into the right abutment at an eleva- tion about 120 feet above stream bed for a distance of 514 feet. Tunnel No. 2 was driven into the same abutment about 80 feet higher for a distance of 445 feet. Tunnel No. 3 was driven into the left abutment at about the elevation of Tunnel No. 1 for a distance of 373 feet. After the tunnels were driven, the entire site was examined again and a detailed study made of the nature of the dam site. The site is an excellent one for a dam. The foundation material is a hard compact greenstone, termed by the geologists a motamorjiliosed andesite. Very little stripping is necessary in tlie bed of tlie river and the area immediately adjacent thereto. On tlie abutments it will be necessary to do considerable stripping — in some areas possibly up to 120 feet in depth — but the exi)loration drill hol(>s and the tunnels indi- cate that satisfactory rock will be found at all elevations. Basing our opinion upon an examination of the site and having in mind the conclusions of the geologists, we are of tlu^ unanimous • Appenrlix A of this hullf'tin. 462 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES opinion that the foundation material at the Keunett dam site is suitable for a masonry dam of the height proposed. ^Oufcrk-ii-U^ Engineering Advisory Committee for Sacramento River Basin Investigations. APPENDIX C GEOLOGY OF THE SACRAMENTO RIVER CANYON BETWEEN COTTONWOOD CREEK AND IRON CANYON by Chester Marliave Engineer-Geologist March, 1932 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page GEOLOGY OF THE SACRAMENTO lUVEll CANYON BETWEEN COTTON- WOOD CREEK AND IltOX CANYON 465 Plate C-I General topographic and geologic features of lower Sacramento River Canyon from Cottonwood Creek to Iron Canyon Opposite 466 ( 464 ) SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 465 GEOLOGY OF THE SACRAMENTO RIVER CANYON BETWEEN COTTONWOOD CREEK AND IRON CANYON During iuvestigations made by the State and the United States Bureau of Reclamation, search has been made for a dam site suitable topographically and geologically for the construction of a dam which could create a reservoir of large capacity, in the lower canyon of the Sacramento River between Red Bluff and Redding. Three sites in Iron Canyon, immediately above Red Bluff, and one at Table Mountain, about 11 miles farther upstream, were explored by drifts, shafts, and core drillings. Geological studies* were made of these sites and of others in the vicinity of Table Mountain during the last two years by eminent geologists. The suitability of the sites for the construction of a dam also was studied and reported*'-' upon by the Engineering Advisory Committee for the recent Sacramento River Basin investi- gations. Information developed at the sites explored and studied has led the geologists and engineers to conclude that the foundation condi- tions at these sites are unsatisfactory for any type of dam. In order to determine whether there is any other site on the Sacra- mento River between Redding and Red Bluff with formations geolog- icallj^ different from those in Iron Canyon and in the vicinity of the explored Table Mountain site, which might provide foundations suit- able for a dam, it appeared desirable that a general geological exami- nation be made of this stretch of the river. The examination, on which this report is based, was directed primarily toward a comparison of the geological formations from Balls Ferry Bridge to Iron Canyon with those studied in detail in Iron Canyon and at the Table Mountain site. No studies were made of formations between Redding and Balls Ferry Bridge since there are no suitable dam sites from a topographic standpoint in that stretch of the river. The Sacramento River leaves its mountain gorge about two miles east of the town of Redding. Emerging from the confines of the hard metamorphic igneous rocks, the river debouches upon the flat undu- lating Quaternary deposits which are geologically known as the Red Bluff Formation. In winding its way out over the floor of the Sacra- mento Valley, the river has had little difficulty in scouring its channel through these incolierent gravelly sediments with the result that the flood channel is wide. Only in the stretch from Cottonwood Creek to Iron Canyon along this course, has the river encountered what appears to be a rather resistant formation. The resulting topography indicates suitable constrictions for the erection of a dam to impound the flood waters of the river. In meandering over the Quaternary deposits, the river in places has cut its present channel through the overlying sediments of the Red Bluff Formation exposing the underlying formations along its banks and occasionally in its stream bed. These exposures are in general composed of tuffs, conglomerates and fine volcanic breccia which offer possibilities as a foundation for a dam. In addition to these tuffaceous sediments, the section of tlie canyon between Cottonwood Creek and • Appendix A of this bulletin. ** Appendix B of this bulletin. 30—80994 466 DIVISION' OF WATER RESOURCES Red Bluff has been subjected to volcanic effusions coming from the vicinity of Mount Lassen in rather recent geologic times. This volcanic material ran down the slopes of the mountains covering the valley floor below, including the channel of the river. At the present time, most of this volcanic material has been removed along the river bottom but some of it is still imbedded with the tuffaceous sediments along the stream banks, while a few thin beds of lava capping still protect some of tlie bluffs along the river from erosion. The area under consideration, extending from Balls Ferry Bridge down stream to within five miles of Red Bluff, has an actual air line length of only about 14 miles, while the distance along the course of the river is about 26 miles. In traversing this distance, the river makes four oxbow bends. This tortuous course is primarily due to the pres- ence of the coarsely interbedded volcanic agglomerates and lava sheets which once poured down upon this portion of the valley floor making the degradation of a new channel more difficult than the scouring out of the finer alluvial sediments and tuffs. The areal geology of this region is shown upon the accompanying Plate C-I, "General Topographic and Geologic Features of Lower Sacramento River Canyon from Cottonwood Creek to Iron Canyon." The formation in general is alternating beds of tuffs and sands inter- bedded with conglomerates and volcanic agglomerate. The remnants of several thin basaltic lava flows are found capping this formation, becoming more extensive toward the east where they approach their source in the region around Mount Lassen. The alignment of the river not only serves as the western front of the coarse volcanic detritus, but it roughly represents the eastern edge of the Red Bluff Formation in this locality. The coarse gravels and sands of this deposition rest upon tuffs and form the rolling hills to the west, but along the river bank they are often entirely eroded. In the course of cutting its channel, the river has previously scoured most of these incoherent gravels and sands off of the low lying terraces leaving only scattered remnants strewn over the older and more coherent tuffaceous sediments. The structure of the region is flat and undulating, giving rise at various intervals to long low anticlinal folds. Where these anti- clinal folds are accompanied by exposures of agglomerate in the stream bed or on opposite sides of the river, the canyon is generally constricted and offers possibilities for dam sites. As a historic background, it might be stated that tlie underlying tuffs of the region were nearly all laid down when the area was under water. These tuffaceous beds were composed of fine particles from volcanic eruptions in the form of ash, dust and small fragments that were carried in suspension in the air and water currents, and became distributed rather uniformly over the valley floor. The drainage into the valley at the same time distributed clays, sands and gravels which diffused with the volcanic detritus so that a thick deposition accumu- lated upon the old valley floor. During portions of this period, volcanic activity in the vicinity of Mount Las.sen resulted in coarse agglomerate flows extending westward into the trough of the valley mingling with the .sediments. Occasionally a sheet of lava rolled over the slopes or down some ravine and also became imbedded with the other detritus. j,,,.,.,,,,,.,.,,.,,:jllM| vli \ -v ■v;. Basalt U^3 AoQlomerate: Upper tuffe E-^^ Lower tuffs EIB Silt "".^: 4 '1"^*>1S^;2;, GENERAL TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC FEATURES LOWER SACRAMENTO RIVER CANYON FROM COTTONWOOD CREEK TQ IRON CANYON SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 467 With the cessation of volcanic activity, gravels, sands, and clays were laid down in large quantities over the area, forming what is now known as the Ked Bluff Formation. Later during the process of degradation, some of these gravels, tuffs and interbedded volcanics were eroded, the stream in the meantime meandering back and forth trying to deepen its channel. Brief descriptions of the geologic formations along the Sacramento River from Balls Ferry Bridge to a point about five miles above Red Bluif are given in the following paragraphs. In the descriptions, the sides of the river are referred to as right and left while facing down- stream. The mile points referred to are shown on Plate C-I. In the vicinity of Mile 26.30, which is the location of Balls Ferry Bridge, the stream occupies the left side of its flood plain. The channel here is about 500 feet across, while its flood plain is about a mile in width. The flood plain rises to approximately 50 feet above stream level and is undoubtedly composed of a thick deposit of gravel and sand overlying the tuifaceous bedrock. The flood plain being wide means that the flood velocities are not as great as where the plain ,a more constricted, so that large deposits of silts are strewn over it. These alluvial deposits are for the most part under cultivation. At the right edge of the flood plain there is a small abrupt rise of about 30 feet which marks the edge of the red terrace gravels. This wide, gently sloping terrace was eroded for the most part by the meanderings of Cottonwood Creek at an earlier stage of its history. The left bank of the river opposite Balls Ferry Bridge rises abruptly for almost a hundred feet, the formation being composed of tough yellow tuffaeeous deposits overlain by heavily bedded conglomerates. At Mile 25, the conditions are similar to those noted at Balls Ferry Bridge except that the river occupies a position midway in its flood plain. Opposite Mile 24.50, Battle Creek joins the main flood plain from the left. The flow of this stream is normally confined to its southern channel so that its alluvial flood plain which is about 2500 feet wide where it merges into the flood plain of the Sacramento River is under cultivation. The slopes adjoining Battle Creek rise up rather steeply for several liundred feet and within the confines of Plate C-I are composed of tuffaeeous sediments heavily bedded with conglomerates. At Mile 23.75, Cottonwood Creek joins the Sacramento River from the right after meandering over its flood plain which is more than 5000 feet wide at its confluence with the main drainage. The alluvial deposits on this flood plain are chiefly sand and gravel and the area is given over almost entirely to grazing. At Mile 23.50, just below the confluence with Cottonwood Creek, the channel of the Sacramento River reaches the right side of its flood plain where it is diverted by the steep bluffs along which it clings for about a mile. These bluffs are composed of tuffs and tuffaeeous sands with thin beds of conglomerates near the base, but the higher portions grade into the terrace gravels and clays of the Red Bluff Formation which occupies the region of rolling hills for several miles westward. The flood plain opposite the bluff near Mile 23 is about 8000 feet wide, the major portion of it being gravel and sand overlain by silt, and is under cultivation. On the extreme left side at this point, the hill "i!'!"I ■ I I I II i^i^mmmt 4iih .(J — ^8808 SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 467 With the cessation of volcanic activity, gravels, sands, and clays were laid down in large quantities over the area, forming what is now known as the Red Bluff Formation. Later during the process of degradation, some of these gravels, tuffs and interbedded volcanics were eroded, the stream in the meantime meandering back and forth trying to deepen its channel. Brief descriptions of the geologic formations along the Sacramento River from Balls Ferry Bridge to a point about five miles above Red Bluff are given in the following paragraphs. In the descriptions, the sides of the river are referred to as right and left while facing down- stream. The mile points referred to are shown on Plate C-I. In the vicinity of Mile 26.30, which is the location of Balls Ferry Bridge, the stream occupies the left side of its flood plain. The channel here is about 500 feet across, while its flood plain is about a mile in width. The flood plain rises to approximately 50 feet above stream level and is undoubtedly composed of a thick deposit of gravel and sand overlying the tuffaceous bedrock. The flood plain being wide means that the flood velocities are not as great as where the plain .a more constricted, so that large deposits of silts are strewn over it These alluvial deposits are for the most part under cultivation. At the right edge of the flood plain there is a small abrupt rise of about 30 feet which marks the edge of the red terrace gravels. This wide, gently sloping terrace was eroded for the most part by the meanderings of Cottonwood Creek at an earlier stage of its history. The left bank of the river opposite Balls Ferry Bridge rises abruptly for almost a hundred feet, the formation being composed of tough yellow tuffaceous deposits overlain by heavily bedded conglomerates. At Mile 25, the conditions are similar to those noted at Balls Ferry Bridge except that the river occupies a position midway in its flood plain. Opposite Mile 24.50, Battle Creek joins the main flood plain from the left. The flow of this stream is normally confined to its southern channel so that its alluvial flood plain which is about 2500 feet wide where it merges into the flood plain of the Sacramento River is under cultivation. The slopes adjoining Battle Creek rise up rather steeply for several hundred feet and within the confines of Plate C-I are composed of tuffaceous sediments heavily bedded with conglomerates. At Mile 23.75, Cottonwood Creek joins the Sacramento River from the right after meandering over its flood plain which is more than 5000 feet wide at its confluence with the main drainage. The alluvial deposits on this flood plain are chiefly sand and gravel and the area is given over almost entirely to grazing. At Mile 23.50, just below the confluence with Cottonwood Creek, the channel of the Sacramento River reaches the right side of its flood plain where it is diverted by the steep bluffs along which it clings for about a mile. These bluffs are composed of tuffs and tuffaceous sands with thin beds of conglomerates near the base, but the higher portions grade into the terrace gravels and clays of the Red Bluff Formation which occupies the region of rolling hills for several miles westward. The flood plain the bluff near Mile 23 is about 8000 feet wide, the major portion of it being gravel and sand overlain by silt, and is under cultivation. On the extreme left side at this point, the hill 468 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES slopes are more gradual and their tuffaeeous beds disappear under the alluvium of the vallej'' more gradually and are only slightly veneered with alluvium near the bottom of the slopes. Between Miles 22.50 and 17.25, the flood plain of the river grad- ually decreases in width from about 6500 feet to 3000 feet. At the beginning of this stretch, the river shoots straight beyond the end of tlie tuffaeeous bluffs, wliich it has been crowding, to a point on the left side of the flood channel where it comes in contact with an agglom- erate formation which is quite resistant to scouring and deflects the stream back to the right bank again. From this point at Mile 19.50, the channel continues to follow the right side of the rivers flood plain along the tuffaeeous banks for about three miles. The entire right side of the river's flood plain between Miles 22.50 and 17 is composed of the tuffs heretofore mentioned. Where the normal river channel runs along the edge of the bluffs, the lower slopes show exposures of tuffs, clays, sands and conglomerates. From Mile 22.50 to Mile 18.50, the tuffaeeous sediments at the edge of the flood plain are mantled by high rolling hills composed of the Red Bluff sediments which extend for many miles to the west, but from Mile 18.50 to Mile 17 the tuffaeeous bluffs are about 75 feet high while the overlj'ing formation is practically all eroded, the river at a previous stage having had its course over this area and eroded the Red Bluft' terraces leaving the country almost flat and void of alluvium. It may be noticed on Plate C-I that between IMiles 22 and 17 the formations to the left of the flood plain are somewhat different. Interbedded with the tuffs is a horizon of agglomerate. This appears to be the same deposition noted at other places farther down the river. In the vicinity of Mile 20.50 this agglomerate forms the prominent knoll, but it dips downward in a general westward direction untler the gravels in the valley floor. Behind the knoll can be seen the under- lying tuffs which appear to be the same as those found farther up the river. There is considerable river gravel in the saddle beliind the knoll indicating that the river waters ran through tiiis pass at some previous stage in its history. To the east of the gap, near Mile 20.50, the agglomerates are in evidence along the hillside but disappear under the clay tuffs farther up the slope. Still farther to the east will be noted a capping of basalt. This lava flow is probably not over eight feet thick but forms a protective capping to the area Avhich it covers. Its areal extent is shown on Plate C-I. It at one time formed a con- tinuous sheet. Before the i-iver scoured out its jiresent channel, this lava capping was continuous witii that on Table IMountain and extended eastward toward its source near INTount Lassen. The lava capping is nearly horizontal over the area shown, and being void of any overlying sediments, forms the mesas or jilateaus of the vicinity. It might be noled that on the left side of the valley floor oi){)osite Mile 22 the agglomerate also is encountered and extends over the hills to the east beyond the limits of Plate C-I. The lava capping is present in this area and a few continuous lenses of lava rock are found scat- tered through the agglomerate. Commencing at Mile 17, the river starts a five-mile circuitous course through a rather narrow stretch where the flood plain is very limited and where the canyon sides rise rather precipitously. Along SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 469 this portion of the river are numerous sites which from a topographic standpoint offer possibilities for the location of a dam. Beginning- at a point which is a short distance downstream from Mile 17 and about a half mile below Jellys Ferry, the agglomerate formation rises in the stream bed and continues along the river channel to IMile 15 where it disappears again beneath the sediments in the river bottom. At Mile 15.75, the agglomerate shows its maximum height above stream level of about 20 feet with an exposed width of about 700 feet across the channel. This location probably represents a slight anticlinal rise in the formation. Above the agglomerate, the bluffs on either side show thick bedded sediments of tuff and at an elevation of about ]50 feet on either side of the canyon the thin eight- foot layer of basalt capping fonns the top of the plateau. A similar but narrower constriction exists at Mile 14.25 but the agglomerate at this point has dipped down and is not visible along the river bottom. At Mile 13.50, the agglomerate rises again in the stream bottom making an anticlinal fold in the vicinity of Mile 13 and again disap- pearing below the river bottom just above Mile 12. Immediately^ down- stream from Mile 13, the tuffs underlying the agglomerate are exposed along the stream bed. The agglomerate exposure shows a thickness of about 135 feet at this loealitv. Above the agglomerate are found the tuffaceous sediments and still higher up, about 200 feet, is found the thin cap of basaltic lava. The tuffaceous sediments in this locality take on the same anticlinal structure as the agglomerate. The vicinity of ]\Iile 12 is the Table ]\rountain dam site which has been subject to special investigation. Reports on the site are given in other appen- dixes* of this bulletin. At Mile 11.50. there is again a small outcrop of agglomerate appearing above the stream bed and it is very likely that this formation continues downstream just beneath the sediments on the flood plain. From Mile 12 to Mile 10, the flood channel is narrow with gently sloping canyon walls all of which are composed of sediments of tuffa- ceous origiu. At Mile 10, the river starts on a circuitous loop about six miles in length in order to gain a distance of about 1.4 miles. The area enclosed by this loop is an old flood plain and a large portion of it is now under cultivation. The river keeps close to the right-hand bluff' all along this course and there is exposed along the cliffs a con- tinuous formation of horizontally bedded tuffs and sands of varying proportions and degrees of coherence with occasional strata or lenses of gravel and conglomerate. Along most of this stretch the tuff beds rise to a height of 200 feet, but in the vicinity of Miles 8.50 to 9.50, the local drainage has reduced the hills to more gradual slopes leaving tlie bluffs adjacent to the river only about 75 feet high. below ]\Iile 6 there is a gap, approximately 125 feet higher than the stream bed, in the bluffs along the right side of the river. Topographically, this gap offers a strategic point to by-pass flood waters from the river. It has received considerable attention as the location of the "Bend Embankment" in the Iron Canyon investigations. As elsewhere along the bluffs fi'om this point, tlie foi-inntion is composed of ratliej" •Appendixes A and B. 470 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES incoherent beds of clay, tuflFs, sands and prravels. These beds have a gentle southern dip and their areal extent continues beyond the south- ern edge of Plate C-I. The higher portions of the hills adjacent to the river are covered with loose gravels and clays which are a part of the Red Bluff Formation. The area between Miles 6 and constitutes that portion of the river covered by the Iron Canyon geological investigations. Various dam sites have been studied along this stretch and the geological con- ditions pertaining thereto are recorded fully in previous publications and other reports which form appendixes* to this bulletin. A few general statements, however, will be given here so that the formations in this vicinity may be correlated with the others found on Plate C-I. Immediately downstream from Mile 6 and continuing along the channel to Mile 0.50, there is a continuous deposit of agglomerate which was probably laid down contemporaneously with that near Table !Moun- tain. This coarse volcanic breccia came from the region to the east where it is profusely distributed over the western slopes of Mount Lassen. Its western edge seems to terminate in the river channel near Mile 6, although it may continue farther under the sediments in the valley. Commencing at Mile 3.75 and continuing down to Mile 1, which is the United States Geological Survey gaging station, there are a series of volcanic sediments underlying the agglomerate. These sedi- ments are very similar to the tuffs heretofore mentioned but in some previous discussions of Iron Canyon geology they have been referred to as the "Upper Sands," and in others as "Lower Tuffs." As they are very similar to the other tuffs of the region they are here considered as the lower tuffs to designate their position as being under the agglom- erate. These lower tuffaceous sediments occupy a position for approxi- mately 200 feet above stream bed nenr ]\Iile 2.50. flanking the walls of the canyon for a width of over 1500 feet. On the left side of the river near Mile 3, these sediments are exposed for a much greater width, while on the right side the lower tuffs are overlain by agglomerate which in turn is capped by a remnant of the upper tuffs. In the vicinity of Mile 2.50, there is an anticlinal structure across the river channel which gives a domelike flexure to the sediments in this locality. On the left bank of the river near Mile 4, there is the end of an old basaltic flow which at one time came doAvn Pavnes Creek choking its channel and discharging into the Sacramento River channel. This lava rock is now entirely eroded from the river channel but a remnant of it is perched nlong the left bank of the river. As a result of this study of the crcological formations along the Sacramento River from Bfdls Ferry P>ridge to the lower end of Iron Canyon, it is concluded thnt the agglomerates and tuffs found at the Iron Canyon and Table Mountain dam sites extend throughout the entire stretch of the stream exinniued. thnt these materials are prac- tically the same in phvsical characteristics iu nil locations, that no other formation exists which could be utilized for the foundation of a dam. and that the formation at the Tfible IVfountain site is snperior geo- logically to that at any other location in this stretch of the river. •Appendixes A niul B. APPENDIX D GEOLOGIC REPORT ON FAIRVIEW DAM SITE ON TRINITY RIVER By George D. Louderback Consulting Geologist, Professor of Geology University of California August, 1980 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 473 GENERAL GEOLOGY OF THE AREA . 473 ENGINEERING RELATIONSHIPS -- 475 Foundation 475 Stripping -_ ■ 476 Abutments 476 Spillway - _ 17G Materials for construction 476 SUMMARY 478 Plate D-I Topography and geologic features at Fairview dam .site on Trinity Itlvcr.- 474 (472) SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 473 GEOLOGIC REPORT ON FAIRVIEW DAM SITE ON TRINITY RIVER The Fairview dam site is located on the Trinity River, in Trinity County, a few hundred feet above the mill of the old Fairview Mine, in Township 34 North, Range 8 West, M. D. B. and M. The topography of the site and adjacent territory is shown on the Weaverville quad- rangle of the United States Geological Survey and on a detail contour map prepared by the Division of "Water Resources, State Department of Public Works, the latter of which is reproduced herein as Plate D-I, "Topography and Geologic Features at Fairview Dam Site on Trinity River." The following report is based on a geological field examination without the aid of exploratory borings, shafts or tunnels, except for a mine adit on the Fairview property, several old prospect and mine dumps on the east side of the canyon and a few drill holes made by a dredging companj" in the river gravels. General Geology of the Area. The bedrock formation of the dam site and of the rest of the area is a series of metaandesites which also make up the main bedrock forma- tion of the Kennett dam site on the Sacramento River. It is believed to be the same as the formation designated as the "Copley metaande- site" on the Redding folio of the United States Geological Survey. In that area the age was determined by J. S. Diller, geologist for the Geological Survey, as "pre-Devonian. " This rock has been described in Appendix A. The metaandesites of the Fairview dam site region represent origi- nal volcanic tuffs, agglomerates and possibly lava flows with the prevail- ing rock type being augite andesite. In the course of geologic time important changes have taken place in the formation. The layers, which originally lay approximately horizontally, have been tilted or folded and now show high dips throughout. The loose ashes and other fragmental types have been compressed and indurated, so that now they are characteristically dense and fairly hard firm rocks. Meta- morphism has produced alterations in mineral composition and texture closing up the original voids between the fragments, and the formation now is a series of more or less typical greenstones. The layers in general strike in a northwesterly direction (actual measurements taken varied from north 42 degrees west, to north 70 degrees west, magnetic), with dips from 60 degrees northeast to vertical (possibly in some cases high to southwest). The rocl^s are rather generally traversed by joints and other fractures and have been sub- jected to a certain amount of local shearing and minor faulting. No important faults or shear zones were recognized in the course of the field work. In some places a series of approximately parallel joints occur over a limited area and these may dominate the structural appear- ance to such an extent as to give the impression that they represent the original stratification. They often trend at high angles to the strike of the strata. For example, along the old ditch line shown in the lower 474 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PLATE D-I TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGIC FEATURES fairview'dam site ON TRINITY RIVER FEET 400 800 LEGEND t- Dip end ttrlka ^^Z3 Rock outcrop SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 475 left corner of Plate D-I the layers strike north 50 degrees west, mag- netic, while marked jointage strikes north 4S degrees to 56 degrees east, with a vertical dip. On the west side spur that runs out to the two most northerly drill holes, a fracture system has produced a platy structure in the rock. It strikes north 30 degrees east, magnetic, and has a vertical dip. In the agglomerate on the east side of the river, below the Fairview suspension bridge, a distinct jointage strikes north 50 degrees east, magnetic, and dips 65 degrees northwest. Other jointage regularities were observed, but the above will perve as typical examples. No attempt was made to map tlie joint systems of the whole area as the task would have been very difficult and time consuming and not of commensurate value. Where fracture surfaces are well developed the rock masses naturally separate along them, and where a series of closely spaced joints occur the rock will break out in plates or slabs. Most commonly however, the rocks of the area characteristically break out (by weather- ing or hammering or picking) into irregularly bounded small and more or less angular fragments because of the many irregularly arranged small joints with which they are intersected. This irregular close- spaced jointage predominates in certain areas. It is more marked at and near the surface than deeper. All of the area shows more or less rock weathering. Moderately weathered rock exposures are not uncommon, but some of the area directly underlain by bedrock is covered by a heavy layer of badly decomposed material, with surface soil, and shows little or nothing in the way of rock outcrops. The thickness of the layer of advanced decomposition (and hill creep) is not always possible to estimate. In some places it is evidently 25 to 30 feet deep, followed downward by moderately decomposed rock for some distance before fresh unde- composed bedrock is reached. The bottom of the canyon carries a river deposit of gravel and sand which, along the center line of the proposed dam, is about 350 feet wide. Test drill holes put in by a dredging company show a maxininm depth of gravel of 50 feet in a hole about 400 feet upstream from this line. The test holes, shown on Plate D-I, give the following depths : Hole Elevation, Depth of gravel. Location, referring number in feet in feet to bridge 23 1952 23 About ISOO feet upstream 22 1959 40 About 1800 feet upstream 1948 50 About IXX) feet upstream 1950 18 About 900 feet upstream 1952 IS About 900 feet upstream 21 1952 40 Just above bridge 20 1950 36 Just above bridge In river bed not indicated 33 900 feet downstream A small amount of residual river detritus also is found on some of the old stream terrace flats, as at the old Fairview camp north of the mill. Engineering Relationships. Foundation. — I am satisfied the bedrock underlying the dam site is suitable as a foundation to support a dam. Stripped of the surficial soil and weathered rock it .should present a firm, strong mass, prac- 476 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES tically impervious to water seepage and not subject to disintegration or trouble-making alteration by weathering or water action within the life of any type of dam. Water can seep through the metaandesites only along joints or fissures and since there are no permeable layers, any such flows that may be present in the stripped foundation should present no unusual trouble or difficulties in handling by grouting. A rock-fill dam has been suggested for this location, and I think there is no doubt the foundation would be satisfactory even for a high structure of such type. In fact, the field examination gave no reason to suspect it would not be entirely suitable for a high masonrj' dam. Stripping. — In the absence of test pits or borings the amount of strip- ping is difficult to estimate. In the 350-foot Nnde flood plain of the river, the drill holes indicate a maximum depth of gravel of 50 feet. The condition of the bedrock below the gravel is not known. It may be fresh and firm at the gravel base, or it may have a decomposetl surface zone. Along the rest of the dam location part is covered by soil, hill creep material and decompo.sed rock, but a fairly good portion of it shows moderately weathered rock exposures, some of which stand up prominently above the general surface. As a preliminary estimate, 20 to 50 feet may be offered as a probable range. The rocks are apparently not so fully weathered at Fairview as in the Kennett region. Abutments. — The canyon slope on the east side runs up about twice the probable height of a dam. On the west side, however, there is a com- paratively narrow ridge. The top of this ridge is 2300 to 2400 feet in elevation, or about 360 to 460 feet above the river level. The crest line height can not be considered available as some stripping undoubtedly would be necessary. The width of the ridge at elevation 2300 feet is about 75 feet. One hundred feet down, it is about 550 feet through. Considering the relation to the reservoir and the dam, the struc- ture of the ridge is satisfactory. The stratification runs not far from parallel to the longitudinal axis of the ridge (about north 55 degrees west, magnetic) and dips high to the northeast (one measurement, 66 degrees). With any reasonable percolation distance it is not believed there would be any serious leakage. Spillway. — Tiie canyon to the southwest of the west abutment ridge has been considered for a spillway channel. I have seen no estimates of the amount of water it would be expected to carry, but if only a moderate depth is involved, say less than one-tliird the depth of the canyon, I would say the preliminary geological study suggests it would l)e entirely satisfactory. Naturally some erosion of the weaker over- burden would take place and the channel would be widened, but there seems to be no reason to believe the integrity of the ridge, either as an abutment for a dam or as a natural dam flanking the reservoir, would be endangered. Inasmuch as the water would have to drop down the canyon side slope on a high grade to reacli to ereek channel, the slope should be artificially protected. ^faterialft for Construction. — If a concrete dam were to be built, prob- ably the best material for aggregate would be river gravel, which has SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 477 been shown to lie in the bottom lands in thickness up to 40 to 50 feet and a width of 300 feet and more. A considerable amount has been dredged and lies, Avith much of the fines washed out, in heaped-up ridges for several miles below the dam site. This material also might be of use for a rock fill type of dam. At least the pebbles and boulders are prevailingly of hard, strong, fresh and resistant rock material. I have made no survey of the quantity available for such purpose, but Chester Marliave has made a rough estimate and believes there is a sup]:)ly adequate for this i)urpose. For a rock fill type dam, the availability of a sufficient quantity of suitable material derived from the bedrock in close proximity to the dam site is difficult of prediction in the absence of exploratory workings. In fundamental nature, the material of the fresh meta- andesite is dense and strong, probably with greater strength to resist ciiishing than the run of average good granite. Most of the rock exposed at the surface, however, is cut through by numerous irregu- larly placed joints or incipient joints, so that it weathers down or breaks into small irregular angular fragments and some of the hill slopes are covered with such fragments. Experience with rocks of this type shows that where such condition occurs at the surface it does not always persist underground in the fresh material. On excavation to fresh rock, some belts become platy or even slaty while others become massive and break into coarse strong chunks. At present there is no sure method of predicting, in all cases, the characteristics as to break- ing of the fresh rock from the appearance of the weathered portion ; only excavation will give definite information. In order to test the more likely places, it would be necessary to run drifts or otherwise open the rock masses to direct observation. As the rocks run in layers or belts, a quarry opened in satisfactory material might pass into less satisfactory or even undesirable material if it worked into a belt of different physical characteristics. Futher- )nore, a quarry might yield much suitable material that would have to l)e sorted or selected from less suitable or undesirable material in the general run. The long drift now working in the Fairview district (shown at 2200-foot contour on Plate D-I) gives no satisfactory information that can be applied in other parts of the district, as the miners are following a veined zone that has l)een sheared and disturljcd. The more promising areas, as judged from surface studies, and which appear at least worthy of exploratory examination may ])e noted, ns follows : 1. On the west side at the river bend l)('low tlu- I'oi-ks ami south of the old concrete power house, rock exposures are numerous and the rock rather massive. Even at surface it breaks by weathering into fairly coarse chunks. This condition holds to about 300 feet down- stream from the small side creek and extends up hill at least 200 feet vertically. Below this, in the river, are a number of projecting blocks and a rocky ridge runs up from a rocky point and may carry some satisfactory rock material. 2. On the -east side about 900 to 1000 feet east of south of Fair- view mill, a series of rocky outcrops occur. Exposures are reached up to about the 2450-foot elevation. A quarry might be started at the 478 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES south side of the gulch at about 2200-foot elevation (or somewhat lower). Under natural weathering many chunks are over six inches in diameter and some one to two feet. 3. On the shoulder above the Fairview mill and between the 2200 and 2400-foot contours, rock exposures indicate a possible source of material, but it looks less massive than the other two locations. If the dam were located against this shoulder, it naturally could not be used as a quarry site. If the above mentioned locations do not yield satisfactory material for a rock fill, I would be inclined to believe that no nearby quarry location would be satisfactory for the purpose. Summary. On the basis of field examinations, without exploratory excava- tions, the bedrock of the dam site is believed to be satisfactory as a foundation for a rock fill or masonry dam. Before actual construc- tion of such a dam, however, exploration of the particular location chosen should be undertaken to determine the depth of stripping and local structural features that may affect or modify the construction plans. Satisfactory material for concrete aggregate is obtainable. !Mate- rial for rock fill may be present in sufficient amounts. Exploratory work and measurements would be necessarj' to determine this with certainty. \ APPENDIX E GEOLOGIC REPORTS ON DAM SITES IN SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN by Hyde P^orbes Engineer-Geologist June, 1930 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page OROVILLE DAM SITES ON FEATHER RIVER 481 Geography and topography 481 General geology 481 Geologic structure 483 Detailed geology of Lower Oroville site 484 Auxiliary dam sites and spillway 485 Afterbay site 485 Detailed geology of Upper Oroville site 485 NARROWS DAM SITES ON YUBA RIVER 486 Geography and topography 48C General geology of the region 487 Geologic structure 488 Detailed geology of lower Narrows dam site 489 Detailed geology of upper Narrows dam site 49i CAMP FAR WEST DAM SITE ON BEAR RIVER 491 Geography and topography 491 General geology — *^^ Geologic structure ^^^ , 491 Detailed geology ^"^ DAM SITES ON AMERICAN RIVER 494 Amphibolite and amphibolite-schist 494 Topographic development ^^^ Auburn dam site ^^ Pilot Creek dam site |^° Coloma dam site ^ Geologic structure ^ Webber Creek dam site , Folsom dam site . MILLSITE DAM SITE ON STONY CREEK ^"^ Geography and topography ^ General geology ^^^ Geologic structure Detailed geology of Millsite dam site '"'"""' CAPAY DAM SITE ON CACHE CREEK AND MONTICELLO DAM SITE ON PUTAH CREEK __ — ^J^ Geography and topography f General geology ^^ Geologic structure ^j. Detailed geology of Capay dam site ^^- Detailed geology of Monticello dam site Table E-1 Logs of exploratory drillings at Millsite dam site by United States Recla- . . _, . oOu mation Sei-vice - Plates E-I General topographic and geologic features in the vicinity of Oroville dam site on Feather River — ^^2 E-II General topography and geologic ieatures in the vicinity of the Narrows on Yuba River ^^^ E-III Topograpliy and geologic features at lower Narrows dam site on Vuba River ^^^ E-IV General topographic and geologic features in the vicinity of Camp Far West dam site on Bear River 492 E-V Characteristic rock formations at dam sites on North and South Forks of American River 496 E^-VI General topograpl'ic and geologic features in the vicinity of dam sites on North and South Forks of American River 497 K-VII Location of tost holes, Folsom dam site Opposite 500 E-VIII I^>K of test holes, Folsom dam site Opposite 500 I.>-1X Geology and location of drill holes at Millsite dam site on Stony Creek 503 E-X General topographic and geologic features in the vicinity of Capay dam site on Cache Creek 512 iVXI General topograjihlc and geologic features In the vicinity of Monticello dam site on I'utah Creek 514 (480) i SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 481 GEOLOGIC REPORTS ON DAM SITES IN SACRAMENTO RIVER BASm OROVILLE DAM SITES ON FEATHER RIVER Geography and Topography. The Feather liiver drains tlie northerly portion of the west slope of the Sierra Nevada in California. It enters the Haei-aniento Valley at Oroville, and flows southerly through a wide stream treneh cut in its predeposited alluvial fan onto a wide flood plain area. About three miles upstream from Oroville, the river leaves its mountainous drainage area where the erosive development in the stream trench varies with the resistance of the rock. This erosive development in many places has been such as to provide the narrow canyons with steep side slopes topographically suited for use as dam sites. Within the eight-mile stretch upstream from Oroville there are several sites suitable forJow dams. In the top tier of sections in Township 19 North, Range 4 East, there are two adapted to use for high structures, namely, the "Lower Oroville" site and the "Upper Oroville" site. The topographic development is geologically I'ecent. The present drainage was established subsequent to the Tertiary uplift of the Sierra Nevada and resulted in the building up of a broad alluvial fan or delta north of Oroville and extending westerly to the Sacramento Kiver north of the Marysville Buttes. Subsequently, and probably through pirac}', the stream was caused to take an abrupt right-angle turn to the south at the mouth of its canyon and the erosive action has carried the l)resent stream bed some one to two hundred feet below its Pleistocene elevation. The Pleistocene deposits are found along the channel as small isolated terraces which overlie the basement complex formation into which the stream has and is actively intrenching itself. The topographic development is closely related to the geology of the region in that it is the result of differential erosion upon a crystalline rock mass, the different phases of which present varying degrees of resistance to corrosion and weathering. This crystalline mass consists of massive diabase which has, in certain regions, been altered to amphibolitic rock. Where the alteration has been such that the hard- ness and compactness of the original rock has been increased through recrystallization of the constituent minerals due to compressive forces, as at the Upper Oroville site, the river cliannel occupies a steeii-sided and relatively narrow gorge. Where the compressive force has caused an alignment of crystals developing schistose structure, the rock is less resistant and horizontal corrosion and weathering has widened the stream trench jiikI produced gentle side slopes. General Geology. The relation of topography and geology is indicated upon Plate E-I, "General To])Ographic and Geologic Features in the Vicinity of Oroville Dam Site on Feather River." Tiu- Feather River has cut its canyon through a comi)lex ciystalline rock mass in which mineral com- ponents, crystalline texture and physical rock characteristics of manv 31 — 80994 482 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PLATE E-I GENERAL TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC FEATURES IN THE VICINITY OF OROVILLE DAM SITE ON FEATHER RIVER SCALE OF MILES 1 2 3 4 LEGEND 23 Recent alluvium I t J Massive amphlbolite t>^/^^^/i Pleistocene gravels K^^XV/l Schistose rock h^C<>CN>C~\l Tertia ry lavas EHHzI] Massive diabase lllllilllllll Slate and limestone 1-Upper Oroville Dam Site 2-Lower Oroville Dam Site 3 - Oroville Afterbay Dam Site kinds exist in complex association. The earliest rocks of the Sierra Nevada, originating in part as marine sediments, in part as intrusive igneous masses and in part by extrusion and expulsion from volcanoes, have all been more or less changed during a ix'riod of granitic intrusions and a later mountain-making epoch through being subjected to strong dynamic action attended with extensive chemical alteration of the rock. The area mapped as "massive diabase" is a i)ortion of the early crustal rock. It is both massive and fragmental. Along the stream bed and in the railroad cut exposures, it shows some indication of flow, struc- ture and may have been an extrusion of great thickness. It also has characteristics indicative of intrusive origin, such as vesicular zones along the contact with slates on the north .side of the river below the lower dam site and upstream from the lower dam site near an extensive quartz outcrop. Whatever the origin, the rock at the Lower Oroville dam site is a finely crystalline, dark green diabase, massive in structure. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 483 It is sufficiently resistant to the attack of the weather and erosion to have developed steep side slopes and a narrow stream bed. Upstream from the Lower Oroville site the alteration of the rock has produced first a series of schists, talc schist and amphibolite schist, with diabase and amphibolitic rock intervening, then a rock mass containing a large amount of green aluminous hornblende, sometimes referred to as greenstone but more correctly included in the term amphibolite. This massive amphibolite is the result of the recrystalliza- tion of basic igneous rock. The crystalline rock, both the diabase of the Lower Oroville site and the amphibolite of the Upper Oroville site, are of massive structure, continuous in rock character to great depth. Their present surface was hundreds or thousands of feet below ground surface as it existed during Tertiary time. The Tertiary gold bearing gravels are the beds of streams occupying the deep canyons of that age. The Tertiary lavas occupied the valleys and capped the gravels. These formations now exist on top of the ridges and the present river system has cut its canyon since they were laid down. It is not improb- able that the Tertiary surface exposures of the massive rocks having the same physical and chemical characteristics were some two or three thousand feet higher over the present stream bed exposures, but it is highly improbable that the rock character wuU change at two or three hundred feet below present stream bed exposures. The formation mapped as Pleistocene gravels consists of the ancient alluvial fan of the Feather River north and south of Oroville through which the present stream has cut to intrench itself in the underlying diabase. Along the lower stream remnants of "Pleistocene gravels" exist as terraces occupying old bends and channels below which the present stream has cut two to three hundred feet. While the continua- tion of the Pleistocene stream can not be definitely traced because much of the material has been removed through subsequent erosion, it was ascertained that it did not lie so as to effect drainage from the proposed reservoir sites. Geologic Structure. The structural features of the region accompanying the great granitic intrusion of Jurassic time are not of consequence in the present study, with the possible exception of the "banding" of the rocks brought about by the tremendous pressures exerted. The faulting which took place with the intense folding and metamorphism of the then existing crustal rocks is long "dead," and the fault and sheer zones completely healed, and the rocks, irrespective of origin, now exist as a deep seated crystalline mass from which millions of yards of material several thousand feet thick have been removed through ordi- nary erosive processes. During the long sustained and general Cali- fornia mountain making disturbance of Tertiary time, the Sierra l)lock was raised on the east and tilted .southwest at a fairly gentle slojie. The compression under which the westerly flank rocks were put during this movement caused them to joint along a series of planes at diverse angles to each other. The jointing is a deep seated structural feature, but unaccompanied by any movement of the joint walls in relation to each other or parting of the joint walls except at the surface, where 484 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES the feature is accentuated by weatherinir. Under the influence of \veatherin<]r and undcrcntlinjr erosive action of streams, the massive rock is caused to break up into joint blocks, which part from the mass and gravitate downward. In a state of nature, the joint planes at sliort distance below ground surface are tight features. The joint walls are sound, and. while showing water stain, have not weakened through attack by circu- lating water. These observations, however, in no way obviate the neces- sity for grouting tests, and these and the subsequent grouting should be made under rigid specifications and inspection. Detailed Geology of Lower Oroville Site. The Lower Oroville dam site is included in a stretch of stream channel made up of the basic igneous rock diabase, consisting princi- pally of minute crystals of augite, magnetite, and plagioclase. On the axis, the granular diabasic texture of the rock and the apparent flow structure, which now dips south 30 degrees, west 40 degrees, sug- gest that this section of the mass was the slow cooling interior of a thick basic flow. The finely crystalline fabric is such that it has resisted weathering, and rock outcrops, for a limited width, the full height of the proposed dam. Upstream and below the axis outcrop, the texture is more coarsely granular, certain zones in the rock are vesicular, and it contains original shrinkage joints filled with quartz. sections are more subject to weathering and the at the exposed faces in the railroad cut and up the slopes exhibits extensive disintegration due to atmospheric and ground water atta(*k. The whole mass is considerably jointed, the main joint systems dipping north 80 to 40 degrees, east about 50 degrees and north 30 to 40 degrees, w-est about 80 degrees. At the surface, large joint blocks are found slightly displaced. This is a superficial feature and the joints should be found tight and closed at relatively shallow depth. The diabase, when fresh and sound in the mass, is a rock of great strength. Certain ]iortions or i-ock zones of the mass examined, how- ever, have been subjected to comparatively rapid disintegration due to the attack of the weather and ground water n]ion the basic mineral constituents. It is probable fresh and sound rock can be reached with but comparatively shallow stripjnng at the outcrop area on the south abutment and along the ridge of the north abutment. Topographic draws have developed along less resistant zones and where joint planes were so inclined as to allow loosened joint bloeks to gravitate to the stream bed. The joint planes at stream bed exposures are hair line features, along which the rock cleaves when struck with a hanuner, but are closed and tight in the mass. It is ju-obable no open joints will be found upon careful strijiping of the abutments or below stream bedrock surface. The stream has cut a narrow gorge trench through which the river flows at high velocity jireventing excessive gravel deposits. It is prob- able some pothole development will be found upon dewatering. The site, in so far as foundation material is concerned, is entirely satisfactory for the construction of a concrete dam ai)out 300 feet high. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 485 Auxiliary Dam Sites and Spillway. — A dam over 250 feet high at the Lower Oroville site would necessitate the construction of two auxiliary dams. The northerly dam could be used as a spillway. The site for this structure occupies a topographic saddle which marks the contact between diabase and slate (mapped in Plate E-I). The material ])rought to the surface at the mine workings in this location consists of fresh diabase and black micaceous slates with some quartzite lenses and mineralized quartz veins. The slate on the surface was found to include limestone which carried some minerals. This body of materials was found to cover a small isolated area surrounded by diabase and having mineralized quartz veins at the contact. It is probably a rem- nant of extremely old crustal rock into or over which the diabase poured. ]\Iiue workings along the contact show extensive disinte- gration of the diabase. It is possible for the rock decay to have pene- trated to 40 or 50 feet below ground surface at the spillway site. The site would have to be drilled to determine the depth to firm rock and the location of the mine workings, and the factor they would be in the problem of making the reservoir water-tight. The southern auxiliary dam would occupy a topographic saddle lliat has developed in the diabase. Subsurface exploration would be less important here if an earth fill structure were used. Afterbay Site. From the Lower Oroville site downstream to Oroville, the river has intrenched itself in the diabase to sufficient deptli below the Pleis- tocene gravel formation to provide sound fresh rock as foundation for low height dams. Detailed Geology of Upper Oroville Site. In passing upstream from the Lower Oroville site, the rock is found to vary from the massive fine textured diabase through vesicular diabase to the quartz outcrop one mile above the lower site. Then the stream follows a series of fragmental diabase, in part altered to amphibolitic rocks and schists, which in turn give way to the banded massive am])hibolite one-half mile below the upper site. The pressures whicli effected the metamorphism producing the amphibolite caused the rock to band, with the banding dipping northeasterly about 70 degrees. Some bands are decidedly schistose, with the schistosity ])lanes taking tortuous courses, slightly faulted, tlie whole resend)ling a healed shear zone. Other bands are massive, but are of limited width and interspersed with the scliistose bands to within 1000 feet of 1lie dam site. At the dam site, the stream has cut a deep and comparatively narrow gorge through a series of ma.ssive am])]iibolite l)ands which strike almost at right angles across the stream and dip upstream. The schi.stose bands are negligible in extent and the massive resistant formation makes up both abutments to their crest, presenting a mass of great strength in the most favorable attitude to receive the weight and thrust of a concrete dam. The massive bands are jointed by two principal systems dipping south 50 degrees, east about 35 degrees and north 60 degrees, east 486 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES about 75 degrees, and a complex system of minor joints. In the new road cuts along the north abutment, the shooting has caused the part- ing of tile rock along joint planes. Some of the joint walls are water stained, but the joint walls are not weathered nor parted to any extent at the surface. The joints are closed features in the fresh exposures of the stream bed, and it is unlikoh' that open fractures will be found which might effect uplift on the dam or allow leakage under the dam. Test grout holes will probably reveal the fact that sealing by grouting Avill be negligible. In the bottom of the canyon, the river has cut a narrow gorge trench through which the water flows at high velocities preventing excessive gravel deposition except in potholes which probably will be found in the rock. There is no natural spillway location so the spillway must be part of the dam structure. It would be preferable to locate it in the north abutment where the overflow may be retained from working around to the toe of the dam and passed doAvn a draw developed in a schistose band. The Pleistocene and Recent gravel beds north of Oroville provide a nearby source of construction material. NARROWS DAM SITES ON YUBA RIVER Geography and Topography. The Yuba River drains the northwesterly flank of the Sierra Nevada and joins the Feather River at Marysville, near the east central border of the Sacramento Valley. For nine miles upstream from Marysville the river has cut a wide stream trench through its preexisting alluvial delta to Daguerre Point and Hammonton, above which the erosive development has been in bedrock, the stream channel narrowing from one and a quarter miles between bedrock banks at Hammonton to one-eighth of a mile, five miles upstream at Parks Bar Bridge. The topographic development of this section of the Yuba River has been greatly modified by placer mining activities. The eroded stream trench has been filled and choked with mining debris. This process changed the gradient of the stream for several miles upstream through deposition of sand and gravel which, since cessation of mining activities, is gradually being carried down the channel with a continu- ous readjustment of base levels. The thickness of this deposited mate- rial raised the stream bed and separates the steep sloping rock canyon walls to such an extent that suitable dam sites are not available beloM- a point just from the Timbuctoo and Smartsville mines. At the United States Geological Survey gaging station in the southwest f|uarter of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 16 North. Range 6 East, and about at the center of the .south line of Section 14. .same township and range, are located close walled gorges in which the detrital filling has been and is in the process of rapid removal. The first mentioned location is designated the "Lower Narrows" site and the second the "Upper Narrows'' site. At both sites, the narrow gorge and steep cliff profile development provides ideal topographic condi- tions for dam construction. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 487 PLATE E-II GENERAL TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC FEATURES IN THE VICINITY OF THE NARROWS ON YUBA RIVER SCALE OF MILES 1 LEGEND t i Recent alluvium and minino debrit t\\\\v< Tertiary lava cap imilllll Tertiary stream gravels ' ' Amphlbolttic rocks r^ "' Oiabass and aualta porphyrtta General Geology of the Region. Both dam sites lie in a section of the river where it traverses a dark green basic rock mass comprising a closely related series of augite porphyrites and diabase which, in some localities and downstream from 488 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Parks Bar bridge, has been more or less altered to amphibolitic rock. Whoro the alteration is complete the amphibolite is given a distinctive legend on the accompanying map, Plate E-II, "General Topographic and Geologic Features in the Vicinity of the Narrows on Yuba River." Otherwise the series is mapped as a unit. The diabase presents phases of finely granular resistant rock which make up the dam sites. At these points, the stream has cut a narrow gorge with cliff profile to 200 to 300 feet above stream bed, above which rise comparatively steep upper side slopes with rock outcrops. Upstream from the Lower Narrows site, the rock changes gradu- ally from the fine grained diabase to a medium grained rock, which in turn merges with a porphyritic diabase or augite porphyrite showing abundant tabular feldspar crystals. This latter or more coarsely crystalline rock makes up the Middle and Upper Narrows (not the Upper site used in this report) sites as mapped in 1898 by the United States Engineer Department. The rock is less resistant to weather- ing than the diabase first described and is subject to more rapid erosion. Consequently, those sites occupy positions where the stream trench is wider, side slopes more gentle and the soil cover heavier than at the Lower Narrows site. Further upstream and along Deer Creek, the augite of the porphyrite has been converted into secondary hornblende producing fine grained, banded, dark green amphibolitic rocks similar to those found along the Feather River. At the Upper Narrows site reoccurs the fine-grained resistant diabase found at the Lower Narrows site and similar to that found along the axis at the Lower Oroville dam site on the Feather River, but of much greater width. A mass of amphibolite one to two miles in width at Long Bar, and containing schistose bands which have weathered out in a pronounced manner at Brady's Ranch road, strikes across the stream here. The other formations mapped are the Tertiary stream beds or gold-bearing gravels of the mines, with a limited ande- site cap above Mooney's Flat. These gravel deposits lie over diabase above 800 feet elevation so they ^vill not be a means of reservoir drain- age. At the base of the mountains west of the limits of the map was found the gravel deposits comprising the fan or delta of the Pleistocene Yuba River. The recent stream alluvium and mining debris are undif- ferentiated on the map. Geologic Structure. In common with the entire west flank of the Sierra Nevada, the main, or bedrock, formations of the region are banded due to the intense crustal ])ressur('s they were subjected to during the early or Jurassic granitic intrusion, and folded, faulted and metamorphosed as a result of this pressure and the heat and gases accomjianying the deep- s(»ated inti'usives. The banding follows the general trend of the ridges from northwest to southeast, dip]niig north 30 lo 40 degrees, east about 7.") to 80 degrees and crossing the stream at right angles to its course in the dam site sections. During the succeeding time to ^lid-Tertiary, the faults, fractures, shear zones and other rock weakness were entirely healed tlirongh the deposition of secondary intiltrjition jiroducts, ]irin- eijially quartz, and the bedrock formations lie as a perfectly crystalline SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 489 mass in which texture changes and changes in mineral components occur with gradual transitions. During the great mountain-making epoch starting in ]\Iid-Tertiary time, the rock mass of the Sierra ^Mountain block was subjected to intense compression along its western flank which caused the rock to develop a complex system of joint planes. The general movement was accomplished without distortion and tliore was no faulting in the region investigated, nor displacement along the joints. The joints exist in the mass as cleavage lines, along wliich the rock parts from the mass under the action of weathering, unbalanced loding or sliock. While the joints are structural weaknesses, wliich are persistent to great depth and over wide areas, they are not to be considered as detrimental to the use of the mass as foundations for engineering structures. This crystalline mass has been worn down through the attack of the weather and running water. Through erosion, the Yuba River has been and is actively engaged in widening its gorge, and joint block after joint block has parted from the mass along joint planes to leave suspended overlying rock blocks. These eventually fall from the higher mass, breaking and carrying with them, as small landslides in some localities, the previously dropped detritus on the slopes. Some of these dislodged and fallen blocks, still on the slopes, are of considerable size, yet the feature is purely superficial in character. In this manner thousands of feet of material have been removed and the surface cut down until the present stream canyon is deep into the mass which made up the ridges flanking the present high-lying Tertiary bed of the Yuba River. This fact alone would be sufficient to warrant the conclusion that the crystalline mass exposed at the present ground surface is part of a deep-seated mass, having similar rock characteristics throughout, from which thousands of feet of material have been carried away and which is not subject to change vertically to great depth. Other geologic evidence supports this conclusion. Detailed Geology of Lower Narrows Dam Site. The Lower Narrows dam site occupies the downstream extremity of a gorge designated on the map and known locally as "The Narrows." The width of stream bed detritus varies from 300 to 350 feet between the rock walls which rise precipitously on the left bank to .300 feet above stream bed and with a steep slope on the right bank and upper left bank to 900 feet elevation. This topographic development occurs in massive diabase which, at the dam site, is a fine-grained, dark green, basic rock, massive in structure and having great strength. About 500 feet upstream from the gaging station, the rock is some- what vesicular and coarser grained, shows phenoerysts of plagioclase, and contains irregular shrinkage joints now entirely filled with quartz deposition. Upstream from this point for a distance of one-half mile, the rock is coarser textured augite porphyrite and is less favorable for high dam construction. The rock is considerably jointed, the main persistent joints dipping south 50 to 60 degrees, east 55 to 60 degrees; north 40 degrees, Avest about 65 degi-ees ; and due west 80 to 85 degrees, and being intersected by a complex system of minor joints. Up the slopes, the joints are 490 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES opened by weathering and large joint blocks are displaced. The gravi- tation of these joint blocks down the slopes have developed surficial landslides, iirevionsly described. These features do not indicate lack of strengtii in tlie mass, but ])resent a problem in connection with strip- ping best solved by locating the dam as suggested on Plate E-III, "Topograjihy and Geologic Features at Lower Narrows Dam Site on Yuba River." In the fresh exposures at stream-bed level the joints are closed and tight and it is probable test grout holes would reveal no necessity for extensive grout preparation. PLATE E-III TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGIC FEATURES LOWER NARROWS DAM SITE ON YUBA RIVER FEET too 200 I 300 =1 LEGEND BSSSl Surficial landilidi arsu I' ' '- -"« OalrlUI fill In afrum bad Rock outcrops over both abutments with soil and disintegrated rock above the clitV line and between outcrops. Careful stripping and removal of loose joint blocks should result in a moderate depth of excavation ])rovid('d the dam location avoids landslide areas. The depth of stream gravels here is influenced by the mine tailings dumped into the stream above and below the site. In 1898 test borings showed a maximum depth of 100 feet of gravel above bedrock. Recent surveys show the maximum depth to be 70 feet and with continued stream activitv the rate of removal will increase. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 491 The site is well adapted to construction of a high concrete dam. There is no natural spillway location available, so spill would have to be made over the structure, preferably at the right abutment and down the topographic draw now occupied by a landslide. Abundant construction material is available in the gravel bars at and below the site. Detailed Geology of Upper Narrows Dam Site. The Upper Narrows site, situated about three-quarters of a mile above the mouth of Deer Creek, occupies a gorge cut in the same massive diabase as that at the Lower Narrows site. The left abutment has developed a cliff profile to from 200 to 300 feet above stream bed, above which the rock outcrops though it is considerably jointed. The two sites are geologically similar and the description of the bedrock char- acter, structure and jointing for the Lower Narrows dam site applies also to the Upper Narrows site. The Upper Narrows site is topo- graphically the better as no draws, down which landslides have moved, have developed and the flood stages of the stream have swept the channel clear of much of its detrital cover. Because the stream bed is closer to rock bottom, the canyon walls at water level are closer than at the Lower Narrows site and a dam having the same crest length as that proposed for the Lnwer Narrows would rise higher above stream bed. There is a natural spillway, shown on Plate E-II which could be used to discharge into Deer Creek and back to the river. A pit dug near this location showed top soil and disintegrated rock to about 12 feet below ground surface with open-jointed diabase lying below to the bottom of the pit to a depth of 15 feet. CAMP FAR WEST DAM SITE ON BEAR RIVER Geography and Topography. The Bear River drains the lower Sierra Nevada between the drain- age areas of the Yuba and American rivers and enters the Sacramento Valley at Wheatland, joining the Feather River near Nicolaus. The topographic development of the lower river channel suggests that during the stream's history it drained a much larger and higher lying area, possibly some of that now drained by the South Fork of the Yuba River. Upstream from Wheatland, the foothills comprise an extensive fan built up by the Bear River during Pleistocene time. The Bear River, deprived of much of its water and sediment load, now has cut through the predeposited alluvium and into the underlying bedrock. This process has developed a narrow stream canyon at low (about 100 feet) elevation upstream from the west line of Section 29, Township 14 North, Range 6 East. The narrow canyon developed in the southwest quarter of Section 21, same township and range, provides topographical conditions utilized as the site of the present Camp Far West Dam. 492 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES General Geology. The erosive development of tlie Bear River has exposed the border portion of a granitic intrusion of Jurassic time, which is cut into by the American River from Folsom to the vicinity of Auburn and which probably is buried by Pleistocene and recent alluvium northerly to Oroville. The body of the intrusive mass is the medium grained grano- diorite, consisting largely of quartz Avith hornblende and feldspar, being extensively quarried at Rocklin. This rock becomes more PLATE E-TV ■fl- /'if.' s GENERAL TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC FEATURES IN THE VICINITY OF CAMP FAR WEST DAM SITE ON BEAR RIVER SCALE OF MILES 1 LEGEND KWyWyViM Gr»no.diofile f ! Amphlbolitie rock* Cabbro-tflonW r.".". ~.'.1 Pl«i»toc«nt ailuviun ll'iv'.v'.'.'i ^ R»c«nl alluvium and mining dabris SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 493 coarsely crystalline near its borders or as the old crustal rocks, into whicli it intrudes, are approached. The general geologic map, Plato E-IV, "General Topographic and Geologic Features in the Vicinity of Camp Far West Dam Site on Bear River," shows the portion of this rock exposed by the removal of the Pleistocene alluvial covering and its more coarsely crystalline border phase as its contact with the metamorphosed older crustal rocks is approached. The transition is gradual and is a texture change without appareiit change in mineral constituents. The old crustal rock of the region is probably the same extensive massive and fragmental diabase, in places altered to amphibolitic rock, that is found along the lower stretches of the Feather and Yuba rivers. Between the Camp Far West Dam and Grass Valley, four separate granitic intrusions in diabase were iioted. The diabase was found to have border zones, altered to schists and amphibolite less resistant to weathering and along which the northwest-southeast drainage lines have developed. The central zones comprised the ridges made up of massive amphibolite in limited areas and of a fine grained resistant. diabase. Geologic Structure. The geologic structural feature of importance in relation to engi- neering structures is the jointing of the massive rock at the Camp Far West Dam site. No faults were found in the region examined. The jointing is a structural weakness of the rock mass emphasized at the surface through weatliering processes and therefore a factor to be con- sidered in relation to stripping methods and quantities, but not a factor in reducing the strength of the sound rock mass below the weathered zone. Detailed Geology. The Camp Far West Dam is founded on a massive dark green, coarse-textured rock exposed as rough brown outcrops above the abut- ments to the ridge crest on both sides of the stream. Just below the dam is found a medium-grained granodiorite consisting largely of hornblende with quartz and feldspar. As this rock merges gradually with the coarsely granular rock of the dam site, the latter may be properly designated a gabbro-diorite or hornblende gabbro. It is a heavy rock having a specific gravity of close to 3.0. It is nuissive in structure, being comprised principally of large interlocking crystals of hornblende, stable and strong. . The complex system of joinfs, prevalent in all the rocks nuiking up the west flank of the Sierra Nevada, is present in the mass. Over the upper surfaces, the jointing has allowed the ready parting of the rock and the weathering processes to effect rapid disintegration. At stream bed exposures, the joints are closed features and it is probable no joints will be found below stream bed excavation which will persist as open fractures to the extent that they will allow uplift on a dam structure, loss of water from the reservoir, or necessitate excessive pressure grouting. 494 DIVISIO.V OF WATKR REROTTRCES The attack of the weather upon the coarsely crystalline rock has produced comparatively gentle upper slopes with a soil cover estimated to be 12 feet deep on the average and spotted with rough brown rock outcrops. The left abutment grades from the coarse textured rock at stream bed back to medium textured granodiorite at the crest. The right abutment is made up entirely of the coarse textured rock. It frequently is found that rock of coarsely crystalline texture allows dis- integration to depths of oO feet or more over surfaces long exposed to temperature changes and other factors effecting weathering. The right abutment appears to have a comparatively shallow zone of disintegrated rock underlying the soil cover, with large areas of jointed, but sound, rock outcrop to the crest of the ridge. This type of rock, however, is so variable that test pit exploration is necessary before a reasonable prediction can be made as to depth of stripping necessary. The rock is one entirely satisfactory upon which to found a gravity or arch concrete structure. The design would be dependent entirely upon the height of dam desired and the way it would fit the topography. If a dam were designed to fit the limits of the site as to height, a natural spillway ai)pears to be available on the north side. Otherwise the spillway Avould be part of the structure. DAM SITES ON AMERICAN RIVER The region investigated is one in which occur the oldest of the Sierra rock masses. The formations consist largely of metamorphic rocks derived through dynamic-metamorphism. Intense movement and pressure have altered tlie original ancient sediments and basic igneous rocks over a wide region. The alteration has effected an increase in crystallization, thus changing the texture and generally increasing the hardness. Within the region younger masses of granitic and other igneous rocks, intrusive in the metamorphics, have caused, due to the great heat of and the escaping vapors from the molten intrusion, a border zone of increased metamorphism or further alteration to exist along the contacts. Consequently the complex nature of the foi-ma- tions derived tlirough these processes requires a field study of a wide area surrounding, as well as a detailed study of tiie proposed dam sites, in order that a thorough understanding of the rock characteristics may be had. Waldemar Lindgren, in the earlier publications of the United States Geological Survey, includes the metamorphics and intrusive igneous masses in a broad classification as "Bedrock series" or pre- Jurassic age. Sufficient for the present jiurpose is the fact that the rock formations are ancient, tiiat no major faults have been found in the Bedrock series, and that minor shear zones, faults, and joints have been closed and the mass con.solidated through the deposition of secondary quartz in the ages since movement has taken place. Amphibolite and Amphibolite-schist. The United States Geological Survey classifies the metamorphics. which make up the greater portion of the region examined, as amphibo- lite, which designation embraces all i)hases and modifications within the rock mass. Dynamic metamorphism acting upon basic igneous SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 495 rock, whose chief bisilicatc was pyroxene, caused it to pass into horn- bleudic rocks with more or less development of schistosity. The forma- tion is "banded" through the variation in texture and mineral con- stituents which occur within relatively short distances, all phases being, however, perfectly crystalline. The trend of the banding is northwest to southeast and the bands dip almost vertically. Some of the bands are decidedly laminated or foliated due to the ])arallel arrangement of hornblende cry^stals. Others present a massive appearance with the schistosity hardly discernable. Certain bands of the hornblende schist have passed into more finely laminated, green chlorite schist Avliich softens to a scaly mass and weathers to the rusty colored clay soil characteristic of the region. Variation of the massive and schistose texture is irregular. The massive phase resembles the original igneous rock, is very hard, durable and resists erosion and weathering. The bands of massive amphibolite therefore mark the highest mountains and the most continuous ridge spurs. The general characteristics of the amphibolite and amphibolite schist are shown on Plate E-V, ''Characteristic Rock Formations at Dam Sites on North and South Forks of American River." Topographic Development. Both the North and South Forks of the American River cross the amphibolite over the greater portion of the sections examined as shown on Plate E-VI, "General Topographic and Geologic Features in the Vicinity of Dam Sites on North and South Forks of American River." Tn the erosive development of the streams they have met the massive bands to turn and follow the southwesterly strike of the less resistant schistose bands for short distances before cutting southeasterly across the trend of the massive bands. The side streams are developed along the schist bands. There, slopes are gentle and soil covering is the heaviest. Thus the topographic development has resulted in draws marking the schistose bands and ridges marking the more resistant massive bands. Where the massive bands have been crossed by the rivers, the hard resistant rock stands at steep angles above stream bed, outcrops of rock make up a large portion of the slope and soil covering is shallow. Geologically and topographically the most desirable dam sites will be located at points where the streams cross the spurs of massive amphibolite. Auburn Dam Site. At the junction of the Middle Fork with the North Fork of the American River lies a body of slate containing siliceous layers resembl- ing chert and limestone deposit which has been extensively quarried. The black slates merge with the green amphibolite downstream. Over a distance of approximately 1000 feet, the rocks have developed a marked schistosity and the prevailing rock bands are amphibolite schist which has, in some places, altered to chlorite schist, a gi-een flaky mass on the canyon sides which has weathered to a reddish clay .soil. In passing downstream, the same material, in bands, occurs with the green chlorite schist bands becoming less pronounced. The stream cuts across the bands at right angles to their strike for about a mile and a quarter below the junction. At three-quarters of a mile, a band 496 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PLATE E-V Typical amphibolite schist Jointed massive amphibolite Massive aiuphibolilo — Schistose develoiiment (at hammer). Quartz vein flUings. Characteristic Hock Fnrniations at Dam Sites on North and South Forks of American River. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 497 PLATE E-VI GENERAL TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC FEATURES IN THE VICINITY OF DAM SITES ON NORTH AND SOUTH FORKS OF AMERICAN RIVER SCALE OF MILES 1 2 3 [ ^ Amphiboll te LEGEND [^.\^x\\l Granitic igneous intrusion 1^- >■ -^'l Amphibolite schist ^^^^ Basic igneous intrusion V/////A Slates and related rocks Note. — Investigation limited to areas included within dotted boundary lines. 32—80904 498 DIVISION' OF WATER RESOURCES of fully developed chlorite seliist is exposed which merges into amphib- olite schist. From this j)oiiit to beyond the Auburn dam site the sehistosity is not so marked, nor is there parting along joints, and the rock has resisted erosion. The massive phase of the amphibolite predominates and a massive band some 500 feet in thickness, in which the rock resembles the original rocks, occurs at the dam site. Portions of this band have developed sehistosity. The whole has been so thoroughly indurated by the deposition of seeondai-y quartz that it has been the controlling feature of the topographic development. The canyon sides are pre- cipitous, rock outcrops eontinuou.sly and soil covering is shallow. Just below this spur occurs a more schistose band. The stream turns to the southwest along its strike and side canyons have been developed. Above tlie spur, the stream bed drops less than 20 feet to the mile, while in the four-mile stretch below it drops 120 feet. The toj)ographic development suggests waterfall conditions during the erosive history of the North Fork of the American River at this point. It is probable that potholes of some extent will be found in the rock bottom of the stream. It is believed the geological and topographical conditions at this point combine to make an excellent site and foundation for a major .structure. Pilot Creek Dam Site. The most conspicuous topographic feature of the region examined is the high ridge which strikes northwest-southeast across the region, the highest point of which is Pilot Hill. This spur is crossed by the North Fork of the American River at Pilot Creek. From the dam of the North Fork Ditch Company downstream to Pilot Creek, the topo- graphic development in the bands of more fully developed sehistosity and jointing have produced gentler slopes and numerous draws. Few massive bands exist and these have not suflScient width extent to become important until the Pilot Hill spur is reached. Pilot Creek has eroded the southerly wall of the American River canyon where it crosses the massive amphibolite, but just below the junction of Pilot Creek with the river there is an excellent site for a dam. The canyon walls ris« at steep angles from a narrow stream bed. Stripping should be small and firm rock should be found at shallow depth below stream bed. Coloma Dam Site. An area of granitic rock lies intrusive in the metamorphics along the South Fork of the American River from Coloma downstream to Hastings Creek. Such intrusions are the most effective agents of con- tact motnmor])liism and, as is of common occurrence, there is found a /one of highly mel()iuorplio>-ed rock along Hastings Creek and in tlie vicinity of its junction with the South Fork of the American River. The metamorphie rocks of this zone are comjiosed of a number of lessor zones or bands of rock in which the alliM-alion decreases in ]iass- ing downstream from the intrusion. I'hysical changes, due to baking, as well as complete chemical changes, are apparent in very limited distances. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 499 Downstream from the highly metamorphosed zone above described are found slates, chert and siliceous beds resembling quartzite. Some diabase also is found. About two-thirds of a mile downstream, chlorite schist crosses the stream bed. The stream to this point follows the strike of the cleavage of the slate. A resistant band of amphibolite turns the stream about one mile below the junction of Hastings Creek witli the South Fork, but the topographic development prohibits its use as a dam site. Amphibolite, resembling closely that found along the North Fork of the river, continues with no suitable dam sites for a distance of three and one-quarter miles below the mouth of Hastings Creek. At that point, tlic Pilot Hill spur is cut diagonally across the strike of the band bj'' the South Fork. The formation is the massive phase, described in connection with the Pilot Creek dam site on the North Fork. It has here resisted erosion so that the stream bed is narrow and the canyon walls rise abruptly from a stream bed elevation of about 550 feet to over 900 feet above sea level. It is believed the topographic and geologic conditions here obtaining provide an excellent dam site. Geologic Structure. — The massive amphibolite is banded with the bands striking north 60 degrees west. Subsequent to the stresses which caused the banding, the rock has been subjected to additional stresses which caused a jointing of the mass. The main jointing consists of a nearly vertical joint system striking south 50 degrees west and a horizontal joint system dipping south 50 degrees, west about 20 degrees. Joints are fractures or lines of weakness in the rock mass along which no displacement has occurred, while faults are joints along which there lias been movement of one wall of the joint plane in reference to the other, which movement may or may not have produced an irregular fracture or crushed and brecciated zone. The topographic draws in the vicinity of the dam site are indica- tive of the occurrence of rock weaknesses. About 500 to 900 feet downstream from the axis of the proposed dam is a draw which has developed along a minor fault. This fault is of great age, long dead, and the fractured zone thoroughly healed through deposition of sec- ondary quartz. The brecciated zone only has important width through a schistose band and there has been deposited a quartz vein about three feet wide. A few hundred feet upstream from the axis of the proposed dam, a draw has developed along a joint carrying no iudica- tion of movement or brecciation along the joint walls. Between these two draws occurs a band of massive amphibolite which is the proposed dam site. Through this band, the stream trench is a "V" shaped notch, narrow at stream bod and with rock outcrops rising as cliffs to about 150 feet above stream bed. Rock continues to crop out up the slopes and the soil consists of small rock fragments rather than the heavy soil cover resulting from completely broken down rock charac- teristic of the slopes farther upstream. The jointing is emphasized through weatliering at tlie surface ami some large joint blocks have been displaced, but as a whole the location, taking advantage of the massive rock ridge, is adapted to the coustrue- tion of a concrete dam. 500 DIVISION OF WATER R?:SOURCES Webber Creek Dam Site. The Soulli Fork of the Amcricaii River was examined from Salmon Falls upstream to locate a site for a low dam to develop the power drop between Coloma dam site and the Folsom reservoir site. Just above the Salmon Falls bridge, the river has cut its course through an area of intrusive igneous rock which continues, with varying phases of texture and mineral constituents, upstream as far as the investigation went. The igneous mass is a dark green rock of granitoid texture whose main mineral constituents are pyroxene, hornblende and plagioclase. Quartz is present as a secondary mineral in tiie lighter phases. The mass contains areas composed almost entirely of hornblende, which may be primary. These areas make up the more resistant portions and mark the narrow gorge and precipitous walled portions of the river course. Beginning at about stream bed elevation 430 and continuing upstream for several hundred feet the river cuts w-esterly across sucli an area. The stream bed is narrow and the side walls rise abruptly above it for some 200 feet. The rock is hard and durable and is difficult to break under blows of a hammer. Detailed surveys will reveal the best topographic location for a dam site within an extensive area whose rock will afford an excellent foundation for a dam, require a minimum of stripping and should jn-esent shallow depth of stream bed materials. The site takes its name from Webber Creek which enters the South Fork above the dam site location. Folsom Dam Site. The Folsom dam site is located on the American River below the junction of the South Fork with the North Fork and a short distance above the point where the river leaves an extensive area whose country rock has been designated granodiorite by the United States Geological Survey. The term granodiorite is a contraction of granite-diorite employed to distinguish the intermediate rock between granite and quartz iliorite. The latter strongly resembles granite, physically and chemically, and for the purpose of this report the rock will be referred to by its local name in general use, granite. The dam site lies wholly within the granite area with topographic differences due largely to the eft'eet of erosion and attack of the weatlier upon rock of fairly uniform characteristics. There are no eviilences of major lines of structural weakness in the vicinity. Contrary to the pojiular conception, granite is one of the least durable of tiie crystalline rocks. The constituent mineral crystals of the granite at the dam site are mainly hornblende, the niiea biotite, (juartz and feldspar. As the original molten mass cooled, these relatively large crystals formed, intcrloeking with each other, until the whole became converted into a mass of interlocking crystals, firmly knit together into a strong crystal- line rock mass. However, this crystal fabric is subject to breakilown as the tenacity or bond of the fabric is overcome by tlie forces of weatlfering. Temperature changes cause the rock surface to break down through une(|ual contraction and expajision of the component crystals. iMinute cracks ojx'u as the crystals part from each other SOI'94 — p. 500 ao| > '^^^■\ • V" / / '/•. PLATE E-VII LOCATION OF TEST HOLES FOLSOM DAM SITE SCALE IN FEET lOO 200 300 400 I I I I I Ear: 3-0 i Rot' Grai 19-0 Han Cra Z6-( 91 ■;;u -H' O'St L-'— "p-p' "0 '(■'! L e^ 13 line J - ro« '! icL .O.H H JS 1 'aw nsltofl stineiO £* OH 3tln F MWMAN Hita "J X ■ 1 I . 1 1 J I I ^^ ,i)m O -\" ( 17 E.I. :, Ear 3-0 Roti Grai,' 190 Han Gra Z6-3 'i. .0.« 0^ nsttoB »ti^6^0 u .OM 9* ■Mm*«MMH HOLE NUMBER HOLE NUMBER HOLE NUMBER 52 49 — U J79 — " y „o- Earih 'Ifllfjrffl '""" »m«rn*n Sravtl MWgr*™,. ?J-^-< Sand and Grjvil MD- Sort C'*n,t( SOf-Or^lt, Sana &'(/ Cram ft If!?"' BroKcn - ia't -itamy Man) B Of* SofTfcCUiytx Seam) sort Br. Cisy Raelu ■[ Sand El. 349 El 3*6. J- 32 tarm mo Sana earth 1 Cartr. in] 3»n(J «ff"en Granrt. Hard ILATt: K-VIII Carrnand Kara Grar^Tc Kard Orannt 37 'O" Mara S LOG OF TEST HOLES FOLSOM DAM SITE SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 501 and surface moisture, penetrating through these openings, enlarges them and further Aveakens the rock through the removal or alteration of some of its mineral constituents. This process of disintegration may continue to some considerable depth below the ground surface, the residuum or so-called rotten granite, remaining in place over the uuweathered portions. Such material is a physically weak crumbly mass, subject to penetration and percolation of water and readily eroded. The surface of the dam site is spotted with outcrops of unweathered granite, but the larger portion of the dam site surface is made up of the rock in varying stages of disintegration, ranging from the com- pletely broken down and altered product, clay soil, to rock which may be broken down w'ith a hand pick. The locations of test holes bored across the dam site are sho\vn on Plate E-VII, "Location of Test Holes, Folsom Dam Site," and the driller's logs are given on Plate E-VIII, "Log of Test Holes, Folsom Dam Site." The logs show the disintegration to be uneven as to depth, increasing generally from upstream to do^vnstream. with a maximum depth to solid rock of 43 feet on the west and 38 feet on the east abutment. All of this residuum must be removed in stripping the dam site and a dam keyed in to the firm unaltered granite to depths of at least five feet. The residuum is rapidly carried away through erosion on the slopes and bottom of the gorge at the dam site and the unweathered granite, exposed below elevation 325 on the east and 340 on the west abutment, is firm. The rock mass has developed three major systems of joints: one striking southwesterly, diagonally across the dam site but parallel to the stream course just above the site, and dipping 75 degrees from the horizontal ; one striking southeasterly making about an 80-degree angle wdth the first and dipping 75 degrees from the horizontal; and an intersecting horizontal joint dipping north 75 degrees about 25 degrees. At the surface these joints are opened, and in many places a weathered zone (rotten granite) ranging from one to eiglit inches in width borders the joints. The presence of secondary quartz filling in the joints in the freshly eroded granite at stream level and considerable quartz float in the soil indicate that the older and larger seams and joints below the weathered zone are probably closed to the passage of water. How- ever, the diamond drill core records show "seamy" and rotten granite zones and an examination of the cores reveals joints, which persist to depths in excess of 50 feet, througli which water has circulated and whose wall material has disintegrated. It therefore will be necessary to carry out a systematic program of pressure grouting over the dam site, the location, number, depth and direction of the grout holes being dependent upon the joints revealed when the site is stripped. Sites for two flood spillways, one on each abutment of the dam, were examined. These lie along the flatter portions of the dam site where disintegration has progressed to the greatest depths. It would be necessary to strip and treat the foundation over these stretches as carefully and fully as the strctcli upon which tlie gravity dam section would be founded. The wasteway to the river from the spillway crest may require a "cascade" treatment of the natural rock slopes. The waste discharge over each spillway may equal 100,000 cubic feet of l<^ -SV^ ■MtMr^^ -0 III— -i SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 501 and surface moisture, penetrating through these openings, enlarges them and further weakens the rock through the removal or alteration of some of its mineral constituents. This process of disintegration may continue to some considerable depth below the ground surface, the residuum or so-called rotten granite, remaining in place over the unweathered portions. Such material is a physically weak crumbly mass, subject to penetration and percolation of water and readily eroded. The surface of the dam site is spotted with outcrops of unweathered granite, but the larger portion of the dam site surface is made up of the rock in varying stages of disintegration, ranging from the com- pletely broken down and altered product, clay soil, to rock which may be broken down with a hand pick. The locations of test holes bored across the dam site are shown on Plate E-VII, "Location of Test Holes, Folsom Dam Site," and the driller's logs are given on Plate E-VIII, "Log of Test Holes, Folsom Dam Site." The logs show the disintegration to be uneven as to depth, increasing generally from upstream to downstream, with a maximum depth to solid rock of 48 feet on the west and 38 feet on the east abutment. All of this residuum must be removed in stripping the dam site and a dam keyed in to the firm unaltered granite to depths of at least five feet. The residuum is rapidly carried away through erosion on the slopes and bottom of the gorge at the dam site and the unweathered granite, exposed below elevation 325 on the east and 340 on the west abutment, is firm. The rock mass has developed three major systems of joints: one striking southwesterly, diagonally across the dam site but parallel to the stream course just above the site, and dipping 75 degrees from the horizontal; one striking southeasterly making about an 80-degree angle with the first and dipping 75 degrees from the horizontal; and an intersecting horizontal joint dipping north 75 degrees about 25 degrees. At the surface these joints are opened, and in many places a weathered zone (rotten granite) ranging from one to eight inches in width borders the joints. The presence of secondary quartz filling in the joints in the freshly eroded granite at stream level and considerable quartz float in the soil indicate that the older and larger seams and joints below the weathered zone are probably closed to the passage of water. How- ever, the diamond drill core records show "seamy" and rotten granite zones and an examination of the cores reveals joints, which persist to depths in excess of 50 feet, through which water has circulated and whose wall material has disintegrated. It therefore will be necessary to carry out a systematic program of pressure grouting over the dam site, the location, number, depth and direction of the grout holes being dependent upon the joints revealed when the site is stripped. Sites for two flood spillways, one on each abutment of the dam, were examined. These lie along the flatter portions of the dam site M-here disintegration has progressed to the greatest depths. It would he necessary to strip and treat the foundation over these stretches as • arefully and fully as the stretch upon which tlie gravity dam section would be founded. The wasteway to the river from the spillway crest may require a "cascade" troatm^ent of the natural rock slopes. The waste discharge over each spillway may equal 100,000 cubic feet of 502 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES water per second and further consideration must be given to the ability of the rock to withstand the effects of such floods and the weather. MILLSITE DAM SITE ON STONY CREEK Geography and Topography. Stony Creek drains about 700 square miles of the east flank of the Coast Range lying largely in Glenn County and joins Sacramento River west of Chico. Upstream from Orland, the creek has built up a sandy loam alluvial plain in a wide trench cut in a predeposited alluvium which rises as flat topped gravelly benches bordering the plain. The lower foothill region consists of low rounded sandstone and shale hills. North and east of Stony Creek, above its junction with the North Fork, flat table land, ridges and hills rise higher than the surrounding hills as uneroded remnants carrying a protective lava capping. The topographic development of the higher foothill region is the result of diffierential weathering and erosion upon a series of steeply dipping shale, sandstone and conglomerate beds striking north- west-southeast across the region. The occurrence of the most resistant conglomerate beds and somewhat resistant sandstone beds in the series is marked by topographic ridges, while the valleys have developed along the shales with rounded hills in line marking the occurrence of minor sandstone beds. Stony Creek has followed generally the trend of these ridges in a northerly direction to its junction with Grindstone Creek, diagonally crossing the strike of the shale beds and widening its trench or flood plain, to be turned by, and at infrequent intervals crossing, the more resistant rock beds. At these crossings a narrow stream trench, the bottom of which is a "V" shaped notch, has been developed in resistant bedrock. The most conspicuous topographic ridge of the foothill region extends southeasterly from a point west of Newville. Its development is due to a thick conglomerate bed topped by heavy beds of sandstone. Where Stony Creek crosses this ridge in Section 1, Township 2.1 North, Range 6 West, the standstono has been partially eroded away and the conglomerate, exposed on both sides of the stream, forms the IMillsito dam site. General Geology. Tho gravelly terraces and low hills rising above the recent alluvial plain arc the remnants of the great Pleistocene stream deltas having extensive counterparts on the east border of the Sacramento Valley. The low hills rising above the terraces consist of Tertiary (IMiocene) sandstone, slialos and conglomerate beds loosely cemented with lime, which carried a lava capping, now left in small areas, of a later Ter- tiary period. These formations dip toward the valley at an angle of about 35 degrees. f TTnderlying the Tertiary formations is an older (Cretaceous time) series of sandstone, shale and conglomerate beds dipping more steeply than the overlying beds in the same general direction. The Cretaceous series are the more indurated, stronger and resistant rocks. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 503 Geologic Structure. The important geological structural features in relation to engi- neering structures are limited to the bedding of the series and the jointing resulting from displacement. The whole series is distinctly bedded with sandstone and conglomerate beds of varying thickness interbedded in a great thickness of shale. In the vicinity of the Mill- site dam site, the whole series has been tilted easterly about 60 degrees from the horizontal. This displacement has been accomplished without folding in the region and with but little jointing. No fault of con- siderable displacement passes near the dam site. Detailed Geology of Millsite Dam Site. The Millsite dam site occurs at a point where Stony Creek, in its erosive development, met and was turned northeasterly by a thick (about 200 feet) resistant mass of sedimentary rock comprised prin- cipally of several relatively thick conglomerate beds separated by thinner sandstone and shale beds. The stream crossing of the mass is about 800 feet in Avidth between steeply rising hills, with the stream bed notch being limited to about 100 feet width and rising about 30 feet above stream bed. The topography and geology of the site are shown on Plate E-IX, "Geology and Location of Drill Holes at Millsite Dam Site on Stony Creek." PLATE E-IX — © '■' /./■J!H GEOLOGY AND LOCATION OF DRILL HOLES MH-LSITE DAM SITE 5T0N* cnccK The conglomerate consists of gravel, ranging upward from pea size to boulders of several inches diameter in a matrix of fine sand. The gravel is covered by a thin coating of iron oxide (limonite), which acts as a cementing material in the sand grains. The rock is substan- tial in character, being made up of water worn fragments of hard rock which, though oxidized and readily broken at weathered surfaces, is not readily affected by ordinary weathering agencies at shallow depths below the surface. The cementing material that binds the mass together is a secondary deposit which has developed in the course of a great period of time due to the penetration of water carrying oxygen of the air alternately collecting the products of oxidization and depositing it in the interstices of the material as a coating around the 504 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES component fragments and materially strengthening the formation as a whole. The interbedded sandstone and shale are more easily or rapidly affected by weathering and erosive agencies, which has allowed the development of troughs or draws between the conglomerate outcrops. However, bej'ond the zone of surface weathering the rock is substan- tial, well cemented and in better ph^^sical condition than the average sandstone. In series with the conglomerate, the whole presents a mass entirely satisfactory as a foundation for a multiple arch or flat slab type dam. The geologic structure is important in relation to the keying in of a dam. The dip of the beds is such that in the topographic draws the indurated conglomerate is found at short vertical distances below ground surface (holes Q, and R on Plate E-IX). The dip is down- stream so the resultant thrust of the buttresses would be parallel to the bedding, while the upstream slab would meet the bedding at about a 45 degree angle. The foundation excavation then should be stepped into the rock, beyond the requirements to reach sound rock, in order to procure a most favorable bearing. The stripping requirements would be uneven, but should not exceed 20 feet on the average over the abutments, with probablv an average depth of 50 feet over stream bed. The dips were found to be consistent throughout the region exam- ined and no fault displacement was found at the dam site. The region has been subjected to considerable tilting, probably along a fault line lying to the west. Minor inconsequential faults, now dead, might be found upon more detailed examination. The records of exploratory drilling by the United States Reclama- tion Service at the dam site are given in the following Table E-1 and the locations of the drill holes appear on Plate E-IX. The main jointing of the formation is at right angles to the bedding. Crevices in the formation are reported to depths of 18.7 feet in Holes A and B, 16 feet in Hole C, 65 feet in Hole D, 37.5 feet in Hole V, 28 feet in Hole G, 56 feet in Hole 0, 32.5 feet in Hole Q, 20 feet in Holes H and E, and 7 feet in Hole I. These crevices are prob- ably formed by parting along bedding planes and where joints inter- sect those planes. The rocks are stable, containing no water soluble constituents and no material readily soluble in five per cent solution cold HCl. It is probable, therefore, that the openings are clean and may be readily grouted. Deep pressure grouting would be necessary at .stream bed. and it would l)e advisable that all grout holes be carried to at least 100 feet in dej^th below rock line. A spillway could be located between Holes B and C, Plate E-IX, but control works would be required to prevent the overflow water from following down the contact between the conglomerate and the less resistant sandstone and to carry it past this contact to the draw in which test pits T and S are located. A concrete apron would be required for a distance of 100 feet downstream from a line between Holes R and C to prevent excessive erosion. Gravel bars upstream and downstream from the dam site would provide an adequate nearby source of concrete aggregate through wa.shing and screening. This material unwashed should also be suit- able for the portion of an earth fill, as it appears to coH' SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 505 tain a sufficient amount of silt. The soil derived from the shale and the shale itself would be suited to rolling in a relatively tight embank- ment. TABLE E-1 LOGS OF EXPLORATORY DRILLINGS AT MILLSITE DAM SITE BY UNITED STATES RECLAMATION SERVICE LOG OF HOLE P Surface elevation 632.1 feet Depths, in feet 0.0- S.O 8.0-27.8 27.8-30.0 30.0-31.0 Thick- ness, in feet Description of formations Soil and boulders Sandstone Loose material (sand and gravel) Conglomerate From 11 to 13 feet sandstone was soft and decomposed, at 13 feet Lost water LOG OF HOLE E Surface elevation 582.7 feet Depths, in feet 0.0- 6.5 6.5-45.8 Thick- ness, in feet 6.5 39.3 Description of formations Soil and gravel Sandstone Lost some water in crevice at 17 feet. Sandstone was all solid. Larger cores obtained as hole went deeper LOG OF HOLE M Surface elevation 609.9 feet Depths, in feet 0.0-20.0 20.0-24.5 24.5-34.0 34.0-38.0 38.0-74.5 Thick- ness, in feet 20.0 4.5 9.5 4.0 36.5 Description of formations Soil and gravel Shale , , , , .. Soft conglomerate, pebbles tear loose and choke bit Sandstone containing some pebbles Conglomerate, mixture of .sandstone and shale, all contammg peb- bles, many of which tear loose and choke bit. Hole was water tight all the way down LOG OF HOLE F Surface elevation 561.4 feet Depths, in feet 0.0-10.0 10.0-25.5 25.5-27.5 27.5-79.0 Description of formations Soil, boulders and gravel . Shale, breaks up badly into small pieces Sandstone Shale, seamy, short cores Hole is water tight 506 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Depths, in feet 0.0-14.1 14.1-18.0 18.0-19.0 19.0-23.0 23.0-33.0 33.0-53.0 LOG OF HOLE H Surface elevation 556.1 feet Description of formations Soil, roclts and gravel Sandstone ; siiort cores Seam of coarse gravel ; losing some water here Sandstone ; short cores . , Shale ; broken, short cores ; more solid and longer cores below 25.0 feet Sandstone ; long cores LOG OF HOLE Q Surface elevation 582.5 feet Depths, in feet 0.0-3.0 3.0-12.0 12.0-13.0 13.0-45.1 Description of formations Loose boulders and gravel Very hard conglomerate Hole caving; yellow dirt and sand. Lost water at 12 feet; crevice cemented Very hard conglomerate Crevice at 32.5 feet; lost all water for about 2 minutes then half now returned ; water all lan out of hole at crevice wlieii hole stood idle LOG OF HOLE N Surface elevation 590.4 feet Depths, in feet 0.0-12.0 12.0-14.0 14.0-18.0 Description of formations Sand and gravel Shale Concrlomerate. very soft, pebbles tear loose and congest bit, making drilling almost impossible .so that hole was abandoned at 18.0 foot depth Depths, in feet 0.0-17.0 17.0-45.1 45.1-49.5 49.5-61.1 LOG OF HOLE G Surface elevation 556.3 feet Description of formations Roil and some gravel Shale, seamy, short cores. Lost water entirely at 27 to 28 Sandstone Shale Cores from 27 to 28 feet where water was lost show rust color at ends. Test made to determine if water ran out at 27 to 28 fo«*t and found that water came to within 10 feet of top of hole. Thi.« is about the level of the water in the creek at this time. Casing was driven light into shale at 17.8 feet Indicating that water must be coming into hole at crevice at 27 to 28 feet SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 507 LOG OP HOLE O Surface elevation 558.5 feet Depths, i7i feet Thick- ness, in feet Descriptio7t of fortnations 0.0- 1.5 1.5 Soil and loose sandstone 1.5- 5.0 3.5 Sandstone. Lost water at 5 feet ; hole cemented 5.0- S.O 3.0 Broken shale 8.0-12.0 4.0 Shale and sandstone 12.0-16.5 4.5 Shale 16.5-39.0 22.5 Conglomerate 39.0-51.0 12.0 Mi.vture sandstone and shale 51.0-76.8 25.8 Conglomerate with some cores of sandstone. Lost water at 55.8 feet. Unable to cement crevice. Water rose in hole to approximate water surface of creek. Except for crevices at 5 and 55.8 feet, hole was all solid drilling LOG OF HOLE D Water surface 544.0 feet Depths, in feet Thick- ness, in feet Description of formations 0.0- 4.0 4.0 W-'ater of river 4.0- 35.0 31.0 River sand and gravel 35.0- 50.0 15.0 Detached mass of conglomerate 50.0- 58.0 8.0 Small boulders, river sand and gravel 58.0- G7.0 9.0 Conglomerate. 61.8 to 62.2 feet, open crevice, lost water. Unable to cement, casing blasted down and water returned 67.0- 72.5 5.5 Mixture .''andstone and .shale with some conglomerate 72.5- 73.0 0.5 Soft material, would not core; drilled with chopping bit; lost water, unable to cement. Blasted casing down to 73 feet 73.0- 93.0 20.0 Conglomerate 93.0- 96.0 3.0 S'oft shale 96.0-107.0 11.0 Conglomerate 107.0-110.0 3.0 Mixture sandstone and shale Hole tight below 73.0 feet to bottom of casing LOG OF HOLE V "Water surface 544.0 feet Depths, in feet 0.0- 0.5 0.5-28.0 28.0-31.5 31.5-37.5 37.5-39.5 39.5-69.0 Description of formations Water of river River sand and gravel Soft conglomerate Hard conglomerate Sandstone Shale Lost water at 37.5 feet ; reamed hole and 48.0 feet. Hole tight below 37.5 feet drove casing down to LOG OF HOLE I Surface elevation 570.8 feet Depths, in feet 0.0- 2.5 2.5-26.0 26.0-32.5 Thick- ness, in feet Description of formations Soil Sandstone Mixture sandstone, shale and conglomerate Lost water at 7.0 feet ; crevice cemented. Hole tight below 7.0 feet. 508 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES LOG OF HOLE R Surface elevation 565.9 feet Depths, in feet 0.0- 8.0 8.0-11.6 11.6-33.0 Thick- ness, in feet Description of formations Soil Sandstone Very hard conglomerate Hole is water tight LOG OF HOLE J Surface elevation 548.3 feet Depths, in feet 0.0-12.0 12.0-16.0 16.0-33.0 Description of formations Sand, gravel and boulders Shale Sandstone LOG OF HOLE K Surface elevation 595.3 feet Depths, tn ftct 0.0- 5.0 5.0-24.0 Description of forinations Broken, loose sandstone Solid sandstone LOG OF HOLE A Surface elevation 620.7 feet Depths, in feet 0.0- 2.0 2.0- 9.0 9.0-68.0 Description of formations rx)ose rocks and soil Brown and gray sandstone Very hard conglomerate Lost water at 11.0 feet and 18.7 feet; both crevices cemented Hole is tight below 18.7 feet LOG OF HOLE B Surface elevation 644.1 feet Depths, in feet 0.0- 9.5 9.5-12.5 12.5-20.5 20.5-24.5 24.5-41.0 Description of fortiiations Sandstone ronglomcraffi Sandstone Mixtiiro sandstone and shale Conglomrrate Gravel seam at 8.0 feet ; casing driven down to stop caving. water at 12.0 foet and 18.5 feet; both crevices cemented Hole is tight below 18.5 feet Lost SACRAMENTO RlVER BASlN 509 Depths, ill feet 0.0- 6.5 C.5-2C.5 Thick- ness, in feet 6.5 20.0 LOG OF HOLE L Surface elevation G42.0 feet Description of formations Yellow soil Sandstone LOG OP HOLE C Surface elevation 653.3 feet Depths, in feet n.o- 1 1.0-16. 16.3-18. IS. 8-2 8. 28.0-34. 34.4-38. 38.5-44. Th ick- ness, tn feet 1.0 15.3 2.5 9.2 6.4 4.1 6.2 Description of formations Soil Sandstone Congrlomerate Sandstone Conglomerate Mi.Kture conglomerate Conglomerate Lost water at 5.0 and 16.0 feet and hard shale 16.0 feet; both cemented. HoU- is tight below LOG OF TEST PIT U Surface elevation 592.0 feet Depths, iti feet 0.0- 3.0 3.0- 5.4 Thick- ness, in feet 3.0 2.4 Description of formations Top soil Clay and gravel Conglomerate below 5.4 feet LOG OF TEST PIT T Surface elevation 572.7 feet Depths, in feet 0.0- 0.5 0.5- 5.4 Thick- ness, in feet 0.5 4.9 Description of formations Soil Soft shale Shale lies in inclined formation LOG OF TEST PIT S Surface elevation 591.7 feet Depths, in feet 0.0- 1.0 1.0- 5.3 Thick- ness, in feet 1.0 4.3 Description of formations Soil Soft shale Shale lies in inclined formation 510 DIVISION OF WATKR RESOURCES CAPAY DAM SITE ON CACHE CREEK AND MONTICELLO DAM SITE ON PUTAH CREEK Geography and Topography. Cache Creek and Pntah Creek are the two most southerly major streams draining the Coast Range into the Sacramento Valley. The topographic development of the region has been controlled by faults, along which the southeasterly trending Capay and Monticello valleys have developed, and the occurrence of heavy resistant beds of sandstone and conglomerate in a steeply dipping series of sedimentary rocks. The streams, in their erosive development, have produced compara- tively wide valleys in the weakened rock of the fault zones. Obstructed by resistant beds in their effort to achieve a direct route to the lower valley area, they have cut comparatively narrow gorges to reach a wide stream trench cut through a less resistant sedimentary series which has weathered down to rolling hills and low ridges. Their sediment load has been deposited as broad alluvial fans built up on the floor of the Sacramento Valley. Cache Creek leaves the upper Capay Valley, about two miles east- erly from Brooks post office or Eckhard, through a canyon it has cut in a nonresistant series of rocks to return to the lower Capay Valley a mile or so downstream. The Capaj' dam site is located near the head of this short canyon in the southwest quarter of Section 5, Township 10 North, Range 2 West. Putah Creek leaves the Monticello Valley through a gorge six or seven miles long at the center of which, in Section 29, Township 8 North, Range 2 West, occurs a constriction, with rugged rock ledge walls, called the Devil's Gate, which forms the Monticello dam site. General Geology. Sedimentary rocks, mapped generally on Plate E-X, "General Topographic and Geologic Features in the Vicinity of Capay Dam Site on Cache Creek" and Plate E-XI, "General Topographic and Geologic Features in the Vicinity of Monticello Dam Site on Putah Creek," underlie both reservoir sites and make up the dam sites so the region traversed by Cache Creek and Putah Creek in their lower elevations may be treated as a unit geologically. Cache Creek debouches from its foothill area at Capay and passes over the wide recent alluvial fan it has built up on the Sacramento Valley plain. The .same physiographic and geologic conditions prevail along Putah Creek east of Winters. West of Winters and Capay, the country rock consists or Tertiary (probably Eocene) sandstone, shale and conglomerate. The shale formation is relatively soft and weathers readily. The low rounded hills and ridges consist of the more indurated sandstone and conglomerate beds of the series, in which the component grains or pebbles are bound together by lime carbonate. The Capay Valley has been cut out of this formation, which has been further weakened through faulting, but east of Capay Valley and north of Cache Creek the hills are more rugged and resistant to weathering, with the bedding distinctly visible from a distance. Tiie area west of Capay Valley comprises an older (Cretaceous time) series of shale, I SACRAMENTO RlVER BASIN 511 sandstone and conglomerate beds. The western contact between these two formations strikes southeasterly and intercepts Putah Creek al)ont five miles upstream from Winters. On Putah Creek, from tlie contact upstream to the Monticello Valley, the stream has cut its gorge through the Cretaceous series of sediments. The Cretaceous shale, when fresh, is a dark greenish gray laml- nated rock, essentially an indurated sandy shale whose laminated structure is formed by the parallel arrangement of flaky grains and bituminous matter. At the surface, and for some depth below ground surface, due to its lack of coherence, weathering has entirely broken it down to shale flakes, which in turn break down to a brown sandy soil. The sandstone of the series in fresh stream bed exposures has a more greenish color. The sand grains are firmly bound together by indura- tion through the introduction of secondary alteration products and the rock is as hard and as physically strong as sandstones run. The weathering out of shale beds between the sandstone beds has left almost vertical "ledges" of sandstone projecting from the gorge walls along Putah Creek. Those rock ledges have been long exposed to the weather and oxidation has changed the rock color to a light brown. The oxidation has penetrated into the rock variable distances, due to the absorption by the rock of moisture carrying oxygen. This ])rocess has produced an iron oxide (Limonite), which apparently acts as efficiently as a binder as the original mineral constituents as the rock is hard and almost as sound in its oxidized state in the ledges as in stream bed exposures. This characteristic has an important bearing upon the depth of stripping that would be necessary. The conglomerate of the series is comprised of water worn gravel and boulders of older rock fragments imbedded in a matrix of fine sand, the whole being thoroughly indurated through introduction of iron oxide and possibly some lime carbonate. Geologic Structure. The Coast Range region is one of heavy faulting. HoAvever, faults of any considerable displacement do not pass through the dam sites and there is no record of any movement having taken place upon the faults in recent time. The easterly contact between the Cretaceous and Tertiary formations is a fault contact. It is not an important feature in relation to the structures proposed, as other considerations dictate an earthquake resistant structure at the Capay dam site on Cache Creek, which site lies closest to the weakened zone along the contact. The ]\ronticello site lies about midway between two approximately parallel faults occurring about six miles apart. Renewed activity along either or both, approximately parallel to the axis of the dam, would be unlikely to occur, but if it should it would not aflfect a rigid struc- ture midway between. The sedimentary beds have been uplifted and tilted from their original horizontal position until the Cretaceous series dip easterly, toward the valley (nortli 50 to 60 degrees east and tlierefore down- stream) about 75 degrees at Putah Creek. With such amounts of dis- placement, it may be expected that the beds are jointed and possibly minor slips would be found if the Monticello dam site were stripped. 512 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES The rocks are stable, so the joint walls should be found in close con- tact, and, where minor slippage has occurred, no measureable thickness of clay gouge should have developed. The Tertiary beds are tilted northerly about ten degrees. Within the fault zones they exhibit considerable crushing and minor faulting. PLATE E-X GENERAL TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC FEATURES IN THE VICINITY OF CAPAY DAM SITE ON CACHE CREEK SCALE OF MILES 2 3 LEGEND i • * Alluvtum Tertiary sedimtfntjry rocks y . 1 Cretaceous ledimentary rocKl "■^■^ Faults found -*^>* Faults indicated but not deterntined _!. D'O and strtKe Detailed Geology of Capay Dam Site. Cache Creek has develoi)od a fairly wide valley through the weakened and little resistant Tertiary sediments in the vicinity of Brooks post office and swings southeasterly, with the strike of the bedding of the formation, to the high hills making up the dam site, where it crosses the ])oddiiig of the sandstone and slialo at nearly right angles to the strike, but with the dip. There are no outcrops of rock in place at the dam site, and the larger sandstone blocks in the stream bed and on the abutment slopes are erosion remnants which have SACRAMENTO laXKR BASIN 513 gravitated to their present position. The surface of the dam site con- sists of a sandy soil, the result of the complete breaking down of a rock formation whose shalj'^, loosely cemented character lends it to deep weathering. It is probable that ground water penetration along the joints and bedding planes may have weakened the rock so that rock in substantial enough form for acceptable foundation for even a hollow type concrete structure could be reached only at consider- able deptli. The formation is considerably jointed and it contains the constituent lime, and probably gypsum, subject to solubility. The joint sjiaces thus ma.y have been enlarged and it is likely the perme- ability of the foundation material or reservoir bed would increase with the cliange in ground water conditions resulting from the reservoired water. The formation, however, is entirely acceptable for earthern embankment construction since the path of percolation with this type of dam is relatively long. The character of the soil, the small percentage of sandstone blocks as float and the appearance of somewhat resistant ribs on the weathered slopes to the north of the site indicate the rock consists mainly of a thick series of sandy shales carrying some infrequent loosely cemented sandstone beds. The soil cover, therefore, will be found relatively heavy, with the top one to two feet carrying a high humus content. ►Stripping of the site would necessitate the removal of top soil. The cut off excavation should reach about six feet below rock line at the crest line, increasing to at least 10 feet below rock line at stream bed, making a possible total excavation of 80 to 40 feet across the stream bed. Ample construction material for the downstream portion of an cartli-fill dam is available in the sand and gravel bars upstream and downstream from the site. The weathered shale and sandy soil should satisfy the requirements of a tight-rolled fill. The height of the main dam probably would be affected by the necessity for auxiliary dams in two saddles lying to the west of the creek channel, and between the upper and lower Capay valleys, the low points of which are about at elevations 360 and 400 feet, respectively, or about 100 and 140 feet above the stream bed at the dam site. Detailed Geology of Monticello Dam Site. The rocks in the vicinity of the Monticello dam site are in the )iiain heavy bedded Cretaceous sandstone separated by thin beds of sandy shale. Just upstream fi'om this series a bed of conglomerate, overlying a thick series of shale and siialy sandstone, occurs. The rock of the projecting sandstone ledges is brown in color, due to oxidation previously described, and the fresh unaltered rock in the stream is gi'eenish gray in color. It is believed both color phases present a well- indurated substantial rock and, when stripped of the superficial more weathered portions, would be physically strong enough to satisfy the requirements of a concrete dam having a height of ISO feet above stream bed. The heavy sandstone beds show considerable jointing at the surface, but the rock is stable and does not effervesce in dilute acid. Neither does it carry minerals likely to cause disintegration along joint walls and the joints should be found reasonably tight features at short distance below the surface or subject to sealing with the usual grouting. 33—80994 514 DIVISION' OV \VATi:U RliSOlRCES PLATE E-XT GENERAL TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC FEATURES IN THE VICINITY OF MONTICELLO DAM SITE PUTAH CREEK SCALE OF MILES 1 2 i!:::-:a Aiiuvium GEZSE33 Tertiary sedimertury rscki I I Tertiary lavas LEGEND Faults found *^ ~ Faults indicated but not dotermtnad H' O'P snd strike t^ ' ■'•^•1 Cretaceous sedimentary rocKs The beds strike (liagonaliy across the dam site and dip di)wnstream about 75 degrees from the hori/.ontal. The interbechled shale is more rapidly affected by weathering and its removal by ordinary weathering processes has left the sandstone beds as almost vertical ledges in a rugged topograi)hie development. It is probable superficial weathering has weakened the shale beds to greater depth below ground surface than occurs in the sandstone beds. The stripping would be uneven on that account, but it is unlikely it would be necessnry to strip beyond an average of 20 feet over the wliole site, including stream bed excavation, to reach sound rock. '^4^(jy{r€o APPENDIX F GEOLOGY AND UNDERGROUND WATER STORAGE CAPACITY OF SACRAMENTO VALLEY by Hyde Forbes Engineer-Geologist September. 1930 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 517 GENERAL. GEOLOGY -- ■. J 517 Ground water reservoirs or aquifers 519 (I) The old alluvium of the uplands — 519 (II) Modern alluvium of the low plains and alluvial fans 52l (III) Modern flood plain ridges of Sacramento and Feather rivers 524 (IV) Overflow or flood basins 525 (V) Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta 525 UNDERGROUND WATER STORAGE CAPACITY 525 Descriptions and water storage capacities of specific ground water storage units 528 (I) Uplands physiographic unit 528 (II) Modern alluvium of the low plains and alluvial fans 528 (III) Modern flood plain ridges of Sacramento and Feather rivers 53i (IV) (V) Overflow or flood basins and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta— 532 Summary of underground water storage capacities 532 Table F-1 Underground water storage capacity in Sacramento Valley 532 Plates F-I Physiographic units of the Sacramento Valley as related to ground water storage Opposite 518 I'-II Depths to ground water at typical wells in Sacramento Valley, fall of 1929 Opposite 52G F-III Absorptive areas in the Sacramento Valley 528 (516) SACRAMENTO UIVER BASIN 517 GEOLOGY AND UNDERGROUND WATER STORAGE CAPACITY OF SACRAMENTO VALLEY The primary purpose of the investigation and study of the geology and underground water storage capacity of the Sacramento Valley was to estimate as accurately as possible, within a limited time, the location, extent, amount, and availability of underground storage in the valley, with a view to its utilization in the ultimate development of the land and water resources. The study did not include any estimates of the yields from these underground reservoirs under either present or ulti- mate conditions of development. It was confined strictly to an estimate of the capacities of these reservoirs which would be practicable of utilization if charged and drawn down as required. The report is divided into two parts ; one deals with the general geology of the region through which the potential underground storage areas can be broadly delineated, and the other presents the results of more detailed studies of local areas and sets forth estimates of the water storage capacities of the underground basins which are considered practicable of utilization. The material which forms the basis of this report consists of a map showing the surface physiographic features and general soil characteristics, five days time being spent maj^ping the area in the field using tlie large scale United States Geological Survey sheets as a base ; soil survey bulletins of United States Department of Agriculture ; the penetration records of some three hundred wells, scattered widely over the area, as obtained from drillers and various published reports; reports of water levels, well discharges, and pumped ground water quantities obtained from the same sources and from records on file Avitli the Division of Water Resources; and records of tests made as to the drainage factor of alluvial materials as given in published reports and ol)tained from unpublislied data in j)ersonal fih^s. GENERAL GEOLOGY The Sacramento Valley, as herein designated and mapped on Plate F-I, "Physiographic Units of the Sacramento Valley as Related to Ground Water Storage." is the northern portion of the Great Central Valley of California extending as an alluvial plain of varying width from Red Bluff to Suisun Bay, a distance of approximately 150 miles. It is bounded on the east by the Cascade Range and Sierra Nevada and on the west by the Coast Range and varies in altitude from 300 feet above to slighth- beloAv sea level. Tlie ^larysville Buttes, remnants of an ancient volcanic vent, project above the valley plain to about 2000 feet above sea level in approximately its center. Plij^siographically the ])lain is divided into five units as follows: (I) The uplands of older alluvium, or higlicr lying areas wliicli, although of alluvial origin, have become somewhat indurated through age, so that much of the rainfall upon their surface runs off and drain- age patterns liave developed through run-off erosion, and depressions and border lands have beeji filled or covered with the modern .sedi- ments as a thin veneer reworked from the older alluvium. 518 DIVISION or WATKK RESOURCES (II) Tlie low plains and alluvial fans extending toward the troufrli of the valley from the east and west border lands, in part from the ui)i;inds and in part from the mountainous border. They are modern alluvial fans of the major streams and a eombination of fans of the minor streams. (III) The modern flood plain ridjres of alluvial deposits of tlie Sacramento and Feather rivers. These streams have entrenched them- selves in the uplands and have extended their broad alluvial flood plain rid{2:es throup-h the valley troufjh. (IV) The overflow or flood basins which have been formed by various ridyes. The extension of the flood plain ridge of the Sacra- mento River north of Marj'svilie Buttes to meet the alluvial plain built up from the east produced a barrier to the free drainage of flood flows which consequently back up as a temporarj' water body over Butte Basin. The extension of the Cache Creek fan to meet the Sacra- mento River ridge at about Knights Landing produced another barriei- north of which is formed the Colusa Basin. The confluence of the Feather and Sacramento River ridges produced the Sutter Basin. Minor basins were formed in a similar manner at the confluence of the Yuba with the Feather River, the IMarysville Basin ; at the con- fluence of the American with the Sacramento River, the American Basin; and at the confluence of the Mokelumne-Cosumnes drainage with tlie Sacramento River, the Sacramento Basin. Heavy alluviation above Suisun Bay from the Sacramento and ^lokelumne River drainage basins brought the delta region to sea level and produced the barrier which forms Yolo Basin. (V) The delta region, much of which originally existed as an extensive tule covered swamp. This region is now mostly reclaimed islands. These physiographic units are geologically modem distinctions which are largely eontrolling in the occurrence of ground water in the Sacramento Valley and in the distribution of surface soil and subsoil types involved in econ(miic ground water replenishment and recovery. Certain deep wells, and areas over which shallow ground water is not a dependable supply, derive ground water from more ancient forma- tions and their distribution and characteristics should be considered in this connection. Since «arly geologic (Jurassic) time the Great Central Valley of California has been a depression which generally has been sinking as the bordering mountain ranges have been rising and into which have been carried and dropped the sediments carried by the streams from the bordering mountainous areas. The enclosure of the Sacra- mento Valley, except at its southern end. was accom]ilished at the close of Cretaceous time by the folding and u|)lifling resulting in the Coast Range. The f^retaceous beds then can be considered as impervious bedrock upon which has been laid down sediments which vary in the characteristics wliicli form ])ro(lnctive a(|uirers. The sediments carried into the gulf-like dejjression dnrin Sacramento Valley. Climatic conditions and steeper stream slopes in the Sierra Nevada favored greatly iiu'reaserl rates of alluviation during late Pliocene and into Plei.stocene time. The depositions of this period vary throughout the valley in character and thickness with the variation in stream flow from the mountainous borders. That area lying between 520 DIVISION OF WATEH RESOURCES the IMokcliiiiiiic and Fcallicr rivers i-ee'civcd the (lraiiia which gives it the characterisfie eolor and acts with ealeium earl)ona1e as a eementing material which lias caused the formation of an "iron" hardi)an in the upi)er thick- Beyond the reach of oxidizing agencies the color is not marked, except where gromul water circulation tlirouirh certain gravel and sand channels or membei-s has carried on the eementing, sealing otherwise good aquifers. As a whole, the formation is not one which absorbs water readilv, nor does if vield water freelv to wells. SACRAMEXTO lUVER BASIN' 521 Aggradation of the valley plain has continued -with sediment derived throiigh the erosion of the older alluvium as well as that brought by tlio streams from tlieir mountainous watersheds. Alluvia- tion has gradually decreased in rate, with the gradual development of a more mature topography, gentler slopes in the mountainous area, and climatic changes. The choking of the lower end of the valley through alluviation to Suisun Bay has caused the modern deposits to take on characteristics not marked in the ancient deposits in the central portion of the valley, but the characteristics of the modern or younger alluvium of the bordering low plains areas are much the same though not indurated as the older alluvium. It forms a generally highly absorptive mass of unconsolidated sands, gravels and silt whose water- bearing and water-producing properties vary with physiographic type, but in the main it comprises the most important ground water reser- voir of the valle}' (II) Modern Alluvium of the Low Plains and Alluvial Fans. — The depression of the valley floor subsequent to the deposition of the older (Pleistocene) alluvium allowed the sea water to reach up the valley. Contemporaneous alluviation kept pace with the depression and con- fined the water body, but in general the origin of the modern alluvium of the low plains is as delta deposits. These deposits over the Sacra- mento Valley vary greatly in physical characteristics with the charac- ter of stream flow building them up and the type of material supplied to the delta-forming stream by its watershed, so for convenience they Avill be treated under the same heading as separate areas. The larger streams of the east side from the Mokelumne River north to the Feather RiA-er had a perennial or more constant flow which is productive of continuous u])building and outbuilding of a delta into a body of water with little extension of the delta formation landward. These streams, with the .Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers, are responsible for the building up of the delta country above Suisun Bay and the filling of the greatest depression of the Sacramento Valley. Between the delta country or valley trough and the older alluvial uplands lies Area 1 of the low plains deposit, which is characterized by fine to coarse sand channel deposits imbedded in silt overflow deposits in the form of broad low fans. In Area 2 are found Cache Creek, Putali Creek, and a number of lesser streams draining from the west, which vary greatly in duration and stage of flow within the year. These streams contributed their flood waters and sediment load to the Sacramento River, but in time of normal or low flow the sediment load was dropped in the channel. As the normal and low flow ])eriods of these streams are relatively long, the deposition of material along the banks and in the beds of the channel continued until natural leveed waterways extend from the mouth of the canyons to the valley trough. "With the occurrence of flood stages, the natural levees were broken over, sand and silt was deposited upon the flood plain, aiid, at times, new channels of steeper gradient were establi.shed and the stream history repeated. As a re.sult. a land body has been built iij) and exfended latorally to the bordering uplands. Over this body of land, the sand and gravel ridges mark abandoned leveed channels with their intervening plains being made up of the finer sand and silt. 522 Divrsiox of watki; resources As tlio ori«jriiial delta country was i-aised above sea level, the ten- dency of those streams was to shift north, the larj^er east side streams cutting; into the older alluvium in which they were intrenched due to uplift, and wideninj>: tlicir lans. The low plains Area 1 of the east side is an alluvial deposit of considerable depth, overlying and confined by the older alluvium, characterized at any fi'iven level or stage of upbuilding by stringer deposits of coarser materials laid down in channels, bounded by fine clay dei)osits of the levees and coarse to fine sand deposits of the flood plain of the stream. As channel changes took place, the stringers were covered over by finer materials deposited by flood plain waters, and the whole now presents a land foim in which occur permeable members imbedded in a less permeable matrix. The whole area, however, is a porous formation capable of absorbing and transmitting water, but in which well development derives its water supi)ly through the coarser members, which in turn contain ground water derived from a common body of porous material. The low plains of the west side. Area 2, are similar in constructicju. Any level presents the same conditions which appear on the present surface, namely, abandoned channels built up above the general level of adjacent country containing more ])ermeable materials within a ])ermeable matrix. The thickness of the west side deposit above the older alluvium is far greater, as there the downthrow occurred and the older alluvium rises to the east and toward the north. Area 3 lies in the vicinity of Chico and comprises an alluvial fan built up by Butte, T^ittle Chico and Chico Creeks. These creeks drain a high, Avell forested watershed composed of relatively durable rocks. The stream flow is more of the Sierra Nevada than Coast Eange type, in that the flow is more constant, with the floods less pronounced aiid of longer duration. Con.sequently, channel deposition of heavy gravels takes place with infrequent overflow depositing flood plain silt. The deposit is highly absorptive and normal floAvs are greatly reduced through seepage before reaching the valley trough. The result has been tlie develojimeut of an extensive modern alluvial fan of consider- able dejith rising from the trough of the valley to bury the flanks of the volcanic ridges. This provides the best type of water container oi- aquifer. "Wherever there occurs a sudden or even gradual reduction in gradient, as at the base of a hill, ridge, or mountain, running water will deposit a large part of its load, deposition occurs in the stream chajinel and on the banks largely, and the stream, finding new courses during high stages, re]ieats its history. So, through continuation of this process, the deposition is caused to extend over large areas in the .sliape of a fan. Tt is usual to find a considerable dejith of coarse gravels and boulders more or less homogeneous in characttM- and having a relatively high porosity and degree of permeability at the apexes of alluvial fans. Surface channels are fewest and deepest at the apex, and, due to distribution, are more numerous and shallower below. Deposition chokes th(> channel of th(^ stream and reduces its capacity so that, with recuri-enl liigh stages of flow, some of the water must make new courses to right or left of the apex of the dejiosit. The overflow water may be shallow, with little or no velocity, and deposit liirhter material, or it may find a steeper gradient and actually erode, carrying \ SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 523 already deposited material farther from the apex. lu this manner the deposit is built np laterally, in length, and in depth, as the new gradi- ents establislied check the velocity of the stream higher in its canyon allowing- depositions there. At the lower stage, or normal liow, it is nsnal for the running water to be confined in the latest flood stage channel. At this stage gravel is deposited in the channel and fine material at the margin, where the velocity is further reduced, building up banks and bottom. It is not unusual, when the periods between flood stages are long, for a stream to build up a channel of small capacity above the general level of the fan upon which it rests. It is evident that the first flow greater in amount than the capacity of the channel so constructed must break through the natural levees, building a new channel. Again and again the process is repeated until, with the variable work done by the stream, a ramification of channels of differing grain size of materials accumulate at every stage or level in the building up of this type of deposit. The resultant deposit can be characterized as a heterogenous mass of fragmental rock material, containing limited lenses of well assorted sand and gravel laid down as stream channels. These channels were abandoned by the stream and their depressions were grown over by vegetation and filled in with fine, wind-transported material. They were cut at intervals throughout their lengths by subsequent surface stream erosion in the establishment of new channels and are thus left as lenticular bodies of sand and gravel imbedded in a matrix of finer or poorly assorted material. Sections of such a formation or deposit, as exposed in railroad cuts or other excavations, show no continuity of materials of like texture or grain size but rather a chaotic mass in which fairly well defined lenticular bodies of gravel will give way abruptly to bodies of finer material. In this way the deposited mate- rials are merged, by the ramifications and cutting of surface stream channels into one unassorted alluvial fill, in whose upbuilding wind action and vegetation has also played an important part. All the material making up the deposits are porous and permeable, the degree of porosity and permeability varying widely throughout the deposited materials. From the west. Stony Creek and Willow Creek have built up a similar fan. Area 4, except that the flow of water in the channels is less uniform and low flow periods long, favoring the extension of sediment depositing channels across the fan so that the present surface is marked by ridges and hollows in contrast to the more uniform slopes of Area 3. Also, while much of the sediment carried bj^ the eastern creeks reached the trunk drainage, nearly all of that carried by "Willow Creek and Stony Creek is deposited on the fan and little reaches the Sacramento River except in extreme flood periods. As to origin and physical i)roperties in relation to their being water containers, the two areas are the same. Area 5 comprises the modern alluvial cover overlying and confined by the older alluvium at the northerly end of the valley. The Sacra- mento River has cut its way tlirough Iron Canyon and entrenched itself in its predeposited older alluvial deposits in attaining a base level. The tendency has been to cut into its westerly bank, and this process has I 524 DIVISION OF WATini RESOURCES enabled the east side tributaries north of Tehama to fill the stream trench with alluvial materials and produce a modern alluvial plain risinpr from the river bottoms to the mountain flanks. Tlie west bank of the Sacramento River consists of a high bluff cut into the older alluvium, broken in continuity at points where western tributaries have leveled it down to reach the river level. Subsequent filling of the Sacramento River trench has been kept pace with by the western tributaries, namely Redbank, Oat, Elder and Thomas Creek systems, so that these creeks have laid down a veneer of modern alluvium over the older alluvium, in places reaching a thickness of 100 feet or more, which absorb, retain and yield much of the water passing over their surfaces. (Ill) Modern Flood Plain Ridges of Sacramento and Feather Rivers. — The constant passage of water down the channels of the Sacramento. Feather, Yuba and American rivers has enabled them to first entrench themselves in their predeposited older alluvium in adjusting their base levels to the depressed valley, extend their deltas toward Suisun Bay. and later deposit their sediments over their landward sections in raising them to new base levels. In following out this process the resultant land types may be classified as river bottoms. The higher portion of the river bottoms lands is the flood plain surface lying between the older alluvium banks of the stream trench. The materials filling the trench to the flood plain level consist largely of boulders, gravel and sand which possess a degree of homogeneity, in reference to porosity and transmissibility, not found in other deposits. The interstitial space in such a deposit u.sually ranges from 40 to 50 per cent of the mass and seldom is it less than 33 per cent. This highly permeable deposit of better assorted detrital material underlies the surface stream way or river channel. It is more or less definitely limited at its bottom and sides by material of lower perme- ability. Such deposits are termed "underflow conduits." in that the grouiul water they contain ])ercolates freely downstream at compara- tively rapid rates under the influence of gravity alone. This percolat- ing water, more or definitely confined between banks, is termed "underflow" to distinguish it from the broad body of diffused perco- lating water characteristic to all alluvial land types. The alluvial bottoms deposits, just referred to, liave been left in the form of terraces as the stream's history advanced. These river terraces are remnants of former flood plains, below which the streams which made them have cut their channels. Terraces developed by the normal activities of a stream are always low and are .subject to over- flow in Hood time. Except for a silt top soil it is improbable that they would ordinarily be conspicuous or have any characteristics other than those of flood ])rains and are usually in contact with the porous material of the existing stream channel. The higher terraces flanking the flood plain are exceptions to this rule. Their formation is the result of (1) where, in the older alluvium of th(^ region over which an uplift occurs, the streams are rejuvenated and the remnants of their former flood plains become terraces, (2) exhaustion of a stream's excessive supply of sediments in recent time, leaving it clear and free to erode rather tlian deposit, or (3) a notable increase in volume of water SACRAMKNTO KIVKR BASIN" 525 carried, as tliroiigli climatic change or piracy, without increasing correspondingly the load carried. The upper stream way or bottom lands of these streams are con- tinuous with the broad ridges built up in the trough of the valley. Long periods of fairly constant flow favor the deposition of material in the beds of the channel continuous with and of similar character to the upper bottom lands. The finer material is deposited along the banks, forming natural leveed waterways whicli extend at higher ele- vations widely across the landward portion of the stream delta. Thus this land type makes up a porous and permeable formation which is a ground water reservoir in imniodint(> contact with surface water which keeps it constantly charged. (IV) Overflow or Flood Basins. — Witli the occurrence of flood stages in the major streams the natural levees are broken over. If it were not for the fact that systems of stream ridges and the encroachment of alluvial fans into the trough of the valley have formed topographic barriers, new channels of steeper gradient would be established and more stream ridges be formed. But in the Sacramento Valley natural barriers exist which confine the flood waters to low lying basins from which, in the past, there w^as no free drainage. Consequently, another land type has been built up having distinctive characteristics of soil and subsoil which control the occurrence of ground water therein and its yield therefrom. These basins were flooded during high water periods of each year and remained inland lakes for periods of time depending upon the wetness of the season. This condition favored the growth of tules. The slack water dropped its suspended silt and clay. Drainage took place slowly and in considerable part through evapora- tion concentrating mineral salts. During dry periods and seasons, windblown sands were collected by the vegetation and with the recur- rence of wet periods or seasons the surface was again flooded, vegeta- tion rotted, and was buried by silt. The basin materials, while capable of absorbing much water, hold it tenaciously. Well development is generally impracticable and the drainage of the lands by excavated channels is in some places relatively slow and not fully effective. Prior to reclamation and drainage, evaporation from the moist surface of the basins was the source of much wastage of water. (V) 8acramento-San Joaquin Delta. — The same conditions exist over the delta region, in which the islands are mostly reclaimed tule swamps and peat bogs rising a few feet above sea level along tlie natural channel levees, with much of the area in the centers of tlie tracts lying below sea level. The barrier to the free drainage of the vaUey surface to Suisun Bay is the constricted opening between the older alluvium of Montezuma Hills on the north and the Diablo Range on llie south. It is i)robable that much coarse materi a storage capacity of about TKJ.OOO acre-feet. Area r> comprises the alluvial fans superimposed on older alluvium at the noi'therlv end of the vallew A studv of the drillers' lo, a water storage capacity of 918,000 acre- feet would be created. The contour of the water table indicates that the continuous passage of water down the channels of the Sacramento and Feather rivers will provide replenishment if seepage therefrom is induced by lowering the water table beneath their channels. (IV), (V) Overflow or Flood Basins and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. — The surface soils of the basin areas and delta region range from adobe to clay loam. Ground water is near the surface, but difficult 1o extract from the heavy fine material. Logs of wells drilled in the lower lands of the basin areas generally .show similar claj-ey or silty clay material, in places cemented, to 50 feet or more below the ground surface. Along the borders of the basin areas, and to a limited extent flsewhere in the ba.sins, are found sand strata interbedded with the dark clays to 200 feet below ground .surface. These sand strata are continuous with the low plains and alluvial fans deposits and act as aquifers receiving ground Avater supplies laterally therefrom. On the wliole, the flood basin areas and the delta region are to be excluded from consideration of ground water storage reservoirs. Sumniarn of Viulerground Water Storage Capacities — The estimated underground water storage capacities available as set forth in the fore- going descriptions are summarized in the following table: TABLE F-l UNDERGROUND WATER STORAGE CAPACITY IN SACRAMENTO VALLEY Physiographic unit Surface area, in acres Drainage factor, in per cent Limiting water table levels, in feet below ground surface Storage capacity. Upper average Lower average inacre^eet II— Area2 - 350.000 50.000 100.000 85.000 17.600 5.600 300.000 110,000 15 12 5 18 12 5 15 15 20 15 16 10 15 15 15 16 10 10 45 35 40 40 45 45 82 22 1,125,000 II— Area 3 156,000 II— Area 4 - -■■ 450,000 II-Aroa5 Ill 266,000 79,000 25.000 720.000 198.000 Totals 918,100 3,019.000 •^4^av6€o APPENDIX G DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT TYPICAL WELLS IN SACRAMENTO VALLEY IN FALLS OF 1929, 1930 AND 1931 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Page ._ 535 Table Gr— 1 Depths to ground water at typical wells in Sacramento Valley 1929-1931 536 Plate G— I Locations of measured wells in Sacramento Valley. .Opposite 536 (534 ) SACRAMENTO RIVER BASINT 535 DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT TYPICAL WELLS IN SAC- RAMENTO VALLEY IN FALLS OF 1929, 1930 AND 1931 It Vv-as found (luring a survey of irrigated lands in the Sacramento Valley and adjacent foothills in 1929 that about 203,000 acres, or 28 per cent of all the lands irrigated in tliose areas in that year, were served by pumping from ground water. It is quite possible that with continued growth and development of irrigation in the Sacramento Valley, the use of ground water may become more extensive and there- fore of more importance than at present. Because of this possibility, it was deemed advisable to begin a general but systematic collection and compilation of data on ground water conditions in tlie valley. The depths to ground water, therefore, were measured during the fall or early winter months of the years 1929. 1930 and 1931, in about 200 wells distributed over the valley floor. wells are located at approximately five-mile intervals in both north and south and east and west directions. Their locations and numbers are shown on Plate G-I, "Locations of Measured Wells in Sacramento Valley." The depth from the ground .surface to the water table at each well, in the fall of 1929, is shown on Plate F-TT in Appendix F. A description of the location of each well measured and the depths from the ground surface to the water tables in the falls of 1929, 1930 and 1931 are set forth in the following table : 536 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES o H z < «3 V} 6 d 1 O Oi/5 00 iAtOcO CJO o '^ oiio r* o»ft "5COOIO eooo ifflOO OU5 00 5 p-o ««» oJci« CJ »»h- — oo OiOi'^ C^ — — « OOOCI — ^dto doo CO «co t-tC^C-l -i 1 a 0} d 1 ^ 8 lT ^ a> %m Lri tm g o o i S o 1 o c ^ ►J -^ 1 iZ •*^ ■< ja ; oi c5 o s >-> •a 1 pj o i" e o Q> tn o cs 0) _c 1 1 d o 1 "3 s a s ^ s o (2 a o es 1 o C3 J 1 1' O 1 o •V e c O s ^ J 1 O o 0> CQ 1 c5 C3 •a o 1 d d *c "U o O c5 o ns k ■J i & •s *o o g hi "o '« "o o o s 1 •*> T3 _u CO 4) J5 i o o Si £ c o -m' CO 3 O t» « •i d 1 o 1 c o 1 o .5 •Sad P-" CD •s es o o 1 o o ^ 1 tn •s fflo V a ■s ^ •a a 3 o 5V. part of SE^ ; of county road O 1 'o 1 •o 3 s o 1 o i 09 O •e es 52 h2 1 3S CO 3 4^ fc4 ■Si •a 'i o. ■s •Jw ciO o SQ •*« « a _i CI g d o •^ & a d o O 52 •* ■>»< CJ •"r CO » ■* ig CO CO "^ '"' »-• cg-J c 03 en ». o 1 P= ^ §c5 b o &: &■ ^ &^ &■ d CO CO CO c^ CO CO CO C« i .ir o .Z t. u 1 si Z .2o z 1 z :s S'i 55 1^ r^ . ^1 .?£» !-i — ^ C5 |8 1 i i « E ^ i E 1 ^ J J a .1 i s 4> 41 a> a> a V u H H H H f- H H > > > ■*» o ■< -< 03 < ea i «>'• '^ '^ CI CO •* •o U5 « > to r- ]'T>.\T10 C-l ;?h;¥W^ ' MAlMlNi;/ LOCATION OF MEASURED WELLS SACRAMENTO VALLEY SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 537 cci^o o-^a^oo iot~*o cc-Tfeo o^r^ ■^-^us o<=>o CJiOW iC do ^ (M coco o o^ o OS O '-' OS O '-' C^J CO CO C^ CO CO OS OS O) OS Cs O^ OSO^ CM coco OS O) OS OSO 1-H CvJCOCO OS OS OS OSO^ (Mcoeo OS OS o^ oso«-« C^J CO CO OS OS OS OSO C^CO OS OS 050-^ (MCOCO OS O^ OS OSO—" OSO^ OSOO^^ C^COCO CI CO CO C^ CO CO CO OS OS O^ OS OS ^& OS OS OS OS 3^M V V S QQQ O o V QOQ d> o o» QOQ 8-s QO QOQ S9*S OS'S S"oSS^ QwQ ?;a2Q QOQQ ^ a o 173 a O a O 3 EC O 3 ffi O :5^ M ;^ :^ a o o o 3 > I 02 a o o O >. Q. O o T3 :2? T3 a C3 CO ■»A •o 03 :3f » ^ ■fl CQ CI e w (S O >-5 l-> V t> O e5 a c OS 3 ■g o >> o 39 a o 1-5 O S a Si CO O & a O a> •a" con ioP-( oa o CO o a O o ■jq •a a ^ u T3 CO o o •a a O fe: &: N fe: O o 03 o H ?-. C4 o o S3 OS B > oa 1 B J3 a a a <5 1 538 DIVISION OF WATKR RESOURCES ■O 3 I I Hi .J > o H Z u < < to .J <: o a >- H H < H < O O o H X H cu u. CONOO — OOIOO WMiO •*O0M o>«o OlMrt — = caoo c t«QOO 5 §-, - 0>C4 -«QC r-'V ■^ o IOU5 to — o> 00 — = r-^t-oo coo QOOO rotooo ■•* C "^ 4, *j cocoes -^ -«•'»• « Cl CS CI C^CI M Q|b.=.- n»oo — asc o-^ OlO— ■ 010 -^ OiO -^ aooo — oao — o»o — C50 — c« rococo C^CCCCPO »0 Oa OS c: OS OS Ci o £ >^ CJ 3 = «■— o> — O -^0>M IC ^*a* =»»-r -^'nc* Vcf 05ci V^c* W3 *j^ V^ 00 r^ ^ QOQQ III QOQ QcaQ QCQQ z mQ qcq OrgO i 2 1 •> .s ; e s £ ^ U 1. <^ o c J 1 3 'e i < e "sa •5' E 1. s 2 -• c es ft e o c -g C g 6 c ft o. 3 "o c S s e3 6 Z 1 z O i 1 o 1 CO "3 ■2 8 1 J s 00 % c; s X S a: ^ & c ■■s. i Q o s s o c oo -3 2 -5 ° 1 s g ri 1 c > £ c 1 00 9i 1 OS S ■g •0 ■A S 1 'a is V -c "o w. 04 1 1 o S _c. » C „ 1 e ■a -o 22 — *J ' — ' "3 3 fs^ r' s £ CJ e3 c >» ~ _o J= a <>> .2 :i BO 1 a J is o O ja ft. o e O o CO •3 ■3^ 1 c M C c J3 1 -3 C a I3 If z '0 1 _^ a en J E 3 a = — •M "-s — — •/2 94 e C O C 'T n -^ CM • e *J IJ rz B ea "S - o o h ft ^ JS '* c j= u u ^^ es e c b 1 C9 91 c CO 1 ■sl ^' « eS 1 >> is- <3 OS O 1 Z c3 T. ft- •xl .rt ^^ H" < -f CI C^l M jB ■« 1 ^ >. 1 ?fc * 1— '_ i 9S T3 o-c, o 5 c i •T3 ; H C "5 e 3 J3 o s ■a C3 S C J 1 a a 1 c 6 E 1 3 Q X o b zy- - 2 05 ? ?i ?! ?3 a SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 539 r^ t^ oo . -. CO-— lOi 'J'lOO C-IOO— t ^HfHiO i coeo-^ ocDC^ oooooo ooso t^t'-oo ^ko '-O ccc^i-^ »ccor* r-oooo oooocx) o — co lo^o^o •^o^'^ I ,-1^^ C^^C4 ^^^ ^ .^ .-. -^ T — • Oi O •-• Ol o •-< OJCCCO WCOCQ C^COCO C>1CCCO ^ICOCO Oi 03 en o^ o) 03 o^ o^ 03 o> o^ c^ o^ o^ o> c^coco OS Oi Oi o>o *^ C^ CO CO 0> OS O) OiO^ c^ coco OS OS C^ oso ^ C^ CO CO OS OS ^ OSO^ C^ CO CO OS OS OS (MCOCO OS OS o% g2^ ?C(MC^ •<1" c^ c^ .a<^c-> tCt'^ ^ O 0>iO (DM O CO ■<» o is o ::s: o 03 o e C3 H C3 O o s? K .3 :^ o ■S-a .a "3 2 !l o rg o o o a O u o w w » o o u z o o a Q a .9 a O Q .a Q c5 a >. •2 a o J3 540 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES •o C 9- o H Z u <: a: u <: o H H < u H Q Z D O q: o Q 0U30 ioa»u3 u^iOOO oo OI'-iO 0900 cooaus r^O o = us =5 o oo ■S p-e u — 'jicji- OO-"*" •♦t>^-* sa ododo coe^-* ^ -^ c*s h*r^i^ cc« rc 1^ ^* C^CJC^ ■^ CO Depth water fr surfac in fee S2-^ aio-< oso — c»o OJO — OlO-H o&o-< oo — OO — o> ^^ C^MCO OICOCO (Mcom (Mrs (MCOM c^coco c^eoco c-i roco CJCCCO o CO •si« oboao 1-^ »-^ .-H OJOOl a>o,ai o>o> OJOIO Ci CJOS ^oao* fflao" ooo o da Sfg 0<»iO 0-»u5 t-^MW opj •Tl~0 ■^^-^^ t-T-H*^ -^Os -^ 00 O^ (Q ^- CO ^ S B M •-« (MM d w m »— 1 CI — CJ Qa III 8:8 ©"So QOZ 8-S8 QOQ III ZcoQ ZcgQ > o 8 Q ; ■g 0L| M >. i s • EC >> e3 •T3 6 J3 H ">. a U ^ OS s o a o ■s 5: 2 *S 1 H "a 3 cS a 9 a § 1 Q S o 1 J 6 a -*; 0) s o 3 d i oo g a- c o g o CO i is o a O -d 2 o o O i o a 1 1 3 C O 3 O 1 g C 5 c en '"' tj -*A o . ^^ o 1 o 1 •o is c 1 o o6 z •o CO S ■§ o C9 ja is c O in CI 1 c c a -Si ■> o O I 2 J 3 G O o a> 3 •s i c o Is z o ja ■*^ 'i o o o o :2 o c cS c 3 1 CO 1 o Z i "a s o 1 3 « g •o o to o o j3 O O n a o 3 o CO 1 -^ a 0) , • O ^ :S o "o o a 1 •-t o Z •M 1 a O 'i 1 s 1 o kl «> a t5 o J OS f— CO'iS c CO 1-1 N en M c o a o p cr H & •-; is fc' U bi u UZ es ■'f e<5 n ec ^^ ,^ CI ^^ ^* « a" is- cS • z z Z Z 1 z z z' z z p o> a> a> i o> a> o o o H " w "^ " ^ " S «* 5 t° >, "Sfc 3f p J4 o >> ^ jrf a 1 1 1 i ■3 •a a 5 b « It' o =1 o o >< 8 •^ ^ Q iJ J? 1 £ 3 ca •J J5 c5 JS c -< •< cv- 0-. o V ■^ CM CO 1^ I SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN" 541 eoooM eot>-o u^ooo tOi/dio o^co oo»flic tooic t^^ao irsi— "Xj Oiocc i«oo oooo CO '-0 '^ CO -*ti CO Oi 03 CA OSO^ C»0-^ OiO^^ C^ CO CO C^ CO CO C^ CO CO ^ 03 O^ 03 Oi C^ 03 0& o> CSO ^ OSO'-< c^ coco 03 O C^ o^ o> C^l CO CO O) OS 0> 030-^ C^ CO CO C^ Ci o CO oo-o-o ^ CO ^CO-H ?3"- C^fM oooo X) oooo-^ c^ c-» ^ Nov Sept Dec. Dec. Oct. Nov Dec. Oct. Nov Dec. Oct. Nov. Dec. Oct. Nov. Dec. Oct. Dec. ZOQ Nov. Sept. Dec. Nov. Oct. Dec. Nov. Oct. Dec. Nov. Sept. Dec. Nov. Sept. Dec. is CO ^ 1. ■eS 0*5t o o 13 i/3 C S-O d 2S is a ft z X° •o «c5 •fl 3 2^ Of; 60 :S:3? § :;&= 3 SZ o J3 ;^ •< a c CO o 3 la O o o •i CO Z o P9 I 02 is; CO I o O •a a (0 "3 c _o z u a O ' CO c c .13 l-l a> 7? O O •o Q O c C§ ci fa O gb U •o ■g Ifi n s a ffj .fc3 ^ o & s O OS » H o z CO Z 1 S ■o '« 5 :s? CO 3 s CO .s?; a K •g :3^ z rt « d CO ua g Z "S 4) .a <*4 CO o P3 t-i B o a 1 1 CO Z o J3 — '3 •*3 s » 3 eg d B o §1 CQ&l a ■jaO O a w H M Z 00 J* Z 00 z O a a a n CQ s el a o a "a 1 I 542 DIVISION OF WATKR RESOURCES ■0 c c (3 n »• I § g Z < a: o CO IS 00 us «0 o O eoc^oo ■AOkO r>»o*n OOS-* aoe»»0 >o e^ uj t^ CO f> I- ■«*■ — t>^!OI^ lOtOt^ oooo »«ia»oo iO"Ot~ cor* 00 eco*-* oor^ o i^i>- d Depth water fr 8urfac( in fee 1 OS o ^- OB O -^ 05 0^- Ol — — CI — — OJO — dO — CS O ^ OJO ^ oao — CI e*D M C*l CC CC CI cc c^ c-i cc re c^i c*3 re C-JCOr-3 Cs a><3>oz oi oici Ol Ci Ol CS OS CI OiO-. o oa OaO) OS CSCS OSCS OS C»C3 Ci >-'"» « ^ cc -i^^ CO — M '-S ^ c-i — CO '-C :^ MCI — cj e^ — e-i CM — ce qot; S tS O « o o QOQ QCQ QOQ o Z ^2 g^S ^Q z<2q qoz c C5 .s a 3 s o o U 1 o 1 D ■-5 U3 Z 6l,' "c 3 .5 M •— t 2 O '1 s c ft CC < § O o B H c c lT o 1 O 1 1 'o pa 4 'rt^ >» i OS U c eri ■«:» O S i e o 3 O ■o c ^ •o *o i g. 1 'o u c 3 Q 5 1 Q C c :3^ 1 ft B c I c o . [x CO c O es i c >, 2 tM es ■*A o h c Ji% t» o 1-^ : s g « M O c d CI c o S c C3 ft o §: oU •H"^ V CO c o "o c CM a o J 1 ft. a c 1- c c .£: — C rt c a> c W o O oo o 5^ ft 1 c a C es OS 1 •o z *« ^ o c >— 1 •s a 9 'b c: p -si o •c a a a. c C J3 •E o o a = c i s c •o 1 i d "i d ,', C CO e^ oc CO CO oo CM -,o o CO CM S.2 a: mS 11 ■^i-" c9 ^ ^ 5'^ ss U hi u U bf &:' CO e*- jl •-t c^ c^ ^ CO •* BJ ^^~" j 1 .■2 i ^4 2 \ s ! S « • Cv 3 3 S S > > £ SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 543 coeo o ^ c^ o ^t» r^ •— " I- t^ t'. cooooo o>^o TTOeo t^t^o tA ^ tO "••tor* Oi o ^ 05 O — ' C^ COCO as CRCi 050 — i (M eocc O^ C3 o^ 050-^ (M CCCO 05 Oi Ol c» Oi ai 050— c (M M CO Oi i^ ^i 0>05 CI 03 O -1 CO CO 22 d coco C35 0>0i CO r-« CO odcocT t-l CO to — so S5S;2 (N (M — CO 00 V"o •— 1 CO t-^co o -• CO CJ too to~-o CI M — Dec. Oct. Nov. Dec. Oct. Nov. Dec. Oct. Nov. Dec. Oct. Dec. Nov. Oct. Dec. Nov. Sept Dec. Nov Sept Dec. Nov. Sept Dec. Dec. Oct. Nov Dec. Oct. Nov Dec. Oct. Nov > o 55 OQ Nov Oct. Dec. d O S O o o s O o n o o 55 55 O T3 C9 O O T3 CO g CO ? s « CQ ■f^ji O Is :3j Qd t^ 03 t^*^ 6 tt :3f ■Sfi &: Ji-a !z: K c o B C3 a OS Oh' s cc -a w C o 5 c ^cg -^ X c 6 a; O (A o (/J O 55 a c o 0- Oh O O o OQ c •a B C3 03 b s C3 o o a ic o oa « o ". CI c'i CO >_ I i s o ^ fe 55 t ^ a fcSi ^M ^ o 2 ..a 8 K C3 o C3 w K U — — w CO 55 ji: s S S j' IC 00 OS ** p-^ aj ** NC^ N M 'M pth oun rfac I fee O *S t" 3 = Qg»3- Ci O ^ OTC — c-.a — 00 — O! — 05 — O! =: — ,i» ^ ^^ ,^ , _^ cs c: — CJ«) cc 9>oi 0!0S0> CI C= 35 CJSBOl «»=■.=-. CI ca 35 Ci C5 OS Dateo measuri ment ^1 (-^ ^^ <— ' — • ^^ I— ^^ ^H "■* ^^ ""^ ^M ^4 ^H ^^ ^- f-M 1— < ^- *^ '■•"''"' ^H ^^ ^^ ^" ^" '^ ?o»rj"'« r^us.^" Co" to TT r-^co"V 'fl*"co V ■^co^ tor-Tts t-ToaJ iCcoui" i^iCio Miri — . t S b- 1 e I o n • 1 1 1 s fr s t 3 ' 'i (4 1 a a 3 1 -a o a 1- 2 BQ ^ 3 O .25 ^-1 s 1 c (§ JS a !^ C ^ , ^ < u p *o fr C3 J ^' V 'i CQ j= ca • - o % *> o o •o 3 1 CO *c u i S3 s d 'a a Q 2 C c b s 1 2 1 £ ■ T3 C 1 S CO 1 c d c oc 1 o I CO a ■s i 1 E .9 ^3 o o CO « u a •0 CO id *■*> 1 1 £3 ■*-* 0::= z CO z z Z 15 1 -Si 3 5 3 "0 1 ^ _5i 26 u c _4; 83 CO B ^ §■§ h; 1 a ■ = bi J 'i ^* CG 5" :/: CO C^ CO ts CO a B s d HH ■"• CO ►^ d t^ CO •V •^ in U5 ^ ■^ oo il CS| CO e< C^l C-l 0* a d 1 L. c U W •5 ^ &; fs ti u td ■V us *j« to M — — CO e o i.s- o-S K :z: Z X Z z z z z Z «o CO •n to ■0 lO « •e X5 H"" ^H " '" " 8 5 w >. 1^ ;!-' 8 ol «* O i 5 ■1 5 i > ■a g en a .S .■2 V 3 1 i •M 1 <5 ' ^ 3 n £ i <2 2 2 tg 3 CO — . O 9 00 00 S 00 3 £ 00 S 00 s SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 545 cs *o »iD C0 1—1 c^ eo o o eo cc o to O O ii3i-^iO ^ «— t O b*odcd *H^4C4 <^ioco 00 so 0% Oft 9^ Oa O ^ M ?c r^ OS o; o; OS O — < CS C5 --< OS O ^- CS O ^^ OS O — ^ OS O '-< o> O >-« do-- OSOi-i c*5coc*5 c*)coro ^acoeo cicoco e-jrcco c-iccco ococo c^cctya c^coeo ^^C3 O33>0) Q^CftO Odd 03C30> OftOftOa 0>0)0> CRC^CA O^OftOa 050^ cicceo O C3 Ob CI CO CO ^ CD d ZmQ o „ o QOZ QOZ QOZ a> t3 O s=2{ e-ioo—t CS| •.^ *-t Nov. Oct. Dec. Nov. Oct. Dec. Nov. Sept. Dec. Sg-S ft O a ft O CO a ft O ^ ft o n n ft << o O s — ft .a o J3 3 z "o .13 3 d ■i CO CO o .a ft O CO O u z s o 5 3 K e r^ ft M O > d ft o o -o ^^ O T3 § CO o o ■o o •s 5 z e 1— t a ft o O z ft o CO o CO :2? z o « &: c* H » H H U to z f, '/: '£ C3 es > =3 6 >• B u 1 O g g CQ hi n ^ a o .i CJ J o o O •a 3 .a 5 o .a o <5 03 OQ 35—80994 546 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES •o u 3 C 9' U .J .J < > O H Z u CO lO lO -^oo c t- '-O 03S10 Ol^O »oeo O ■^ U5 oo r- eoo io -^O CI :» CO o §.„ - cOiC »^ CC -ViO CKNC-1 -^ Oa»0 SS3 CO ^ •* Oioor* •MCCCO OO-^ CI COCO ♦* P^ a> ••-» CTMC'I aor*oo -*-^ CIC*M O. 0) o ^ 4) -S ti 3 C Q 1"^- OiO — OS O ^ cn o — oao — o o — c o — OS C — cs O — OS C -^ OiO — c*i coco c-icc cc ci coeo CI cccc CO CO CO CO CO CO MCOCC cj CO CO CI CO CO cicoeo <- OSOi CR oscnci C3 oi o-- O OS 3S Cs cs OS cs OSCS OS cs c: cs OS cs Ci c; Ci cs c> c» o 2.U cj a c "^ "^ "" ^« «-• ^M — — .— . ■■ ^" ^" "^ ^^ ^^ — — — •— 1 ^^ r— — — **" "" "* — — ^- Cf 00 ^ odeoi-^ 00 so — odcc -^ cfco'-^ cJpor^ JOt^tC corner oc - -■ — ' ci cs — qI^ c^ ^ ^ ^ c^ CI — •-• CJ c^ C^ c^ e» C4 ■^ CI — Ci — — Nov. Sept. Dec. Nov. Sept. Dec. JJI > o OQ Z \ 3 , OS s § c O 3 »' H ^ S •-5 i O 1 0) c CO E 1 O 1 a »- s M .& 9 33 o w a Vj •o 5 g •3 1 o 0/ B o £3 C3 O ■2 3 j 1 1 1 1 Q O 1 M ■a 1 t-i 1 •o ■s J3 '3 s .J5 o ■a c ci o s s t c o KJ OJ a o: c w » •g o d X w ft CO CO •«^ ^ o ci «M to CO *o & ■^ si CO o CO "o :s 2 "o CO o 0) ■§ g CO c 1. c C3 O o 1 c: 1 o c s i •o CO 11 so o a c c z t*M o -A u "w "o O j3 U-i o s 3 J3 o "c J3 &: i O c -Si 1 'o •o 5 "o 1 H z a •g 1 o «5 So o '£ 1 a o o "5 c = z «o o a> o in \n ,^ ? .', c c< M m CJ c l-l C3 o & c M ^ U is Is SC u^ u U. ^ g C3 >o ,_, -^ c>< C-1 _^ ^H IM •* cS tf « 1 is- Z ^ 5^; 7. •7. ?: t: V 7 ^« V.4 ■-r m •^ f CO rl ^ o iS 1 * 5 Wjs ^1 ; ■aj u>— •s.S w 1 — o •5^ •o e •a V 1 5 •§ I § i M C CO 3 J i JJ 1" c c 1 1 ^ 5 ^ ^ 1 ^ i b J d £ s s s 1 § S s a SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 547 ■* to -Tj* C4C4IO t^^fcO 40 W50 ■^ -* lO CO CO CO oioo i^<-«d o— '■^•-' odooo coco o C»1 CO CO OS OS 03 CM coco OS o^ o OlO -^ C-l CO CO OS O) OS oo — OS OS OS CM CO CO OS OS OS O O — < OS O —< CO CO CO ^1 CO CO OS OS OS OS Oi OS OS O ^ C^» CO CO OS OS OS oso o -^ CM CO CO CO OS OS OS OS OiO ^H CM CO CO OS OS OS CJS O -^ CM CO CO OS OS OS CO CO CO OS OS OS (U o o QOZ u ° ^;mQ >i?oz OJ u o Qoz: ^oz Qo^; ZmQ ZrJ5 Q 1-^ ZtcQ ^(Sz o c O CO J3 o a c3 X CO c C o o O c *cn 0] oa o S o o CO o W oa o Q o CO o -/J 1 o a pa -o o 2 :§ 1 Fe O B o CO u b. V O CO o J3 O O c -5 - a -o a eS c^ o CO 3 :^ B <5 z C5 O ■s JS J3 O o ' C s s ^ o H a H ■^f e^ CO B S o fe t? CO ^ c: U-, 03 o 2i S o 0) (U ta 1 ■i M w O SJ w w K W w w 5?: z z z CO CO Z K o Z » s z ja .a CO >-3 ■2 g 5l c^ 548 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES V .s I O H Z u < a: o < CO 2 y >^ H H < w 1 I^IOIO »0 C7S O 00U5 00 oec-H OOO'* coco^ r>. r-* o>i~ 00«>/> ^O-^ d d ciiod ud'cdco fl t-li-l »-l ^H f-H i-H ^1 *>hC>4 1-H rH (-1 rH epth terfr ;roun urfac nfee Q g ""a — OO— ' o>o -^ OJO— < OJO — OO— • 00-^ 00-* o>o ^^ 010 — OiO-H ecco CO ■MCC CO c^l coco CI coco C'l coco o^ Ol oi o> OT ^ 03 OT 0> OS 01 c; 05 ':^ai<^ 0> 03 0) <35 0> a» o>oc» o>o>a» •-H ^H ^H *** *" ^^ »-» t— 1 t-t fH ^1 ^H t— I ^- «— ^- — i --« .— 1 .-1 .— I f— I ^H "^ ^H PM ^H «— .— i .— t W t>rt^ (Ot^iO tCiCio coco "-^ ojod« cTcc -^ cJi-T^ cJt-" 1^ oeico* « CI c^ C^-H c^c^^ £ 1 1 03 ; 1 1 ^ s 2 1 :2 > C5 1 to 1 .£3 > B S 1 Q c3 ', 3 d 1 Q t IS '; a 1 c5 ►I a> o > a i-T ■i oi '0 »-» "S H B t4 as § 1 B at a 2 .2 a .s 1 a v 1 d u B 1 a i B g M 1 i 3 3 en 1 C3 c z e i 1 .1 3 1-H to 1 i "0 •-• 1 "S ^4 a 06 ■o 1 B s 1 00 o "S 1 s Ah 1 i c^ ^H 2 M 1 J .s 1 •0 d a C9 1 CO d •0 z 1 03 .£3 w ■0 1 a i*> "o Es B a .S 1 B 1 1 a i •1 1 1 CO I i 1 1 ic ^ d d b Z z d d »o (M <» o> o> 00 (M M IN CO ^■B S? c^ C^ CO g W W u » » U W H u H* W 1 1-H IN CO us CO to "^ f— t *-4 N •^ B P'l Z Z Z ^i z z Z z z z' C4 C»l C4 c^ 1 ^ i 1 CO 1 i 1 i 1 1 'ti 1 N ■a > — ^ -< CQ •< JSS5 a s § 2 s s g 3 SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 549 cooo-'J* uicc^ oo^^w oco 4 ^ CH CSMC^J COCS CO CSIC^CO CO CO CO ic too OOCOCO CO CO CO OSO-^ O O -^ ClO^ MCOCO COCOCO -MCOCO 03 O^ C3 C^ ^ 03 O C> O) C50 »-* M CO CO ^33 0i o>o ■^ <>* CO CO OS C3 o CI CO CO O OS o> 05 O "^ Ol o •-« C^ CO f« Cvi CO CO a ^i t^ Ok ^ o 0>0"-< 0>0»^ OiO*-' c*o*-< MMCO COCOCO ^ Oi 03 0> 0> 0> O) o^ OJOO --I o^M i^° .°§-^ ^:cQ ^o;« ZmQ Q £■8 o « o o 00OU3 tCt^Tio C-l •-• (M M ^^ * o o o £• S OO^O 03 ooo III ia-V C'e.w o^S* "'&* oS'«' t iStfiQ SScKQ QOiS w d a o a a B 3 o o o s O »■■<»• i» •^c^o lOkO — cs — ^ Cl C-i 10 »c 00 t^OO CO CO CO i-<^C< -^C< tOtOCO t-i-^-2 aS pt: _ (S|feS-9 0; c -H 00 —» 050-^ OSC-^ o> — OSO— 1 <»o-< OSO — OS — 010 — 01 OS Oi Oi 9 O^ 03 OS CI ataiO) oaosoa OS 01 OS OS CS ^ ^i Oi 0> "cc OiO r-'-oio QcfcDui" «iC c-fodo -r-^o 0*00" c — CI 00 MS ^ •M ^H CJ e-i -■ CI ^ M ^ ^^ ^^ C-l ^ CI ^ CI C-J ^ri c^ ■,— ■—» S: t S "S s"is §|-s §8 Z(kQ s ^ > y t OZ ZcnQ c OZ Q(3Z Zc^Q ZkQ ZQ ZOQ c 1 (/ ; ^ 3 a C9 □Q •*J "O 0! < 1- § § ■< )-; s JS ■3 ►-> c fcT > ^ Co n u c i-T 5 •s 93 1 c 1 6 c aa c ja i ■g i s o 1 c •a g g oi Oh' '-1 c 5 K c -c i t7 c 3 B "c d a 12 ^ OS 1 •0 •0 g Q 1 c K z "0 ai 6 i c a. Q •0 ^ ^ » m rf ja s .«3 S L. g- Q fc« 1 t eg c c c 1 ■0 «*4 '.a > is z z V 1 X 1 g e 1 e B5 s z •5 I c 1 "0 c » •i T3 B a 'a Li 8 w (3 1 Z a J a a 1 3 w 1 •5 a a J3 1 g CO e 1 s 1 C4 HH h-i tJ NH d tT HH '"' CO *-i „ ^^ -' tj. to •0 A O M M CI a s •"• ^ 2 ~ c M'i3 c 09 .2 c OS I. OJ ■_ a> , , a . a-s w CO 10 &. to 80 eu 5' z Z 01 OS Z -a Z Z 0: Q H" tS S 3 "3 >. 1 »_: •3.8 F c 1 1 1 i s c < i a J j is 35 ■^ ■^ ■< 5 us 'I* w ■* 00 (31 s »o S s SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 551 CO I^ O O "-• lO x'oo o»co O :C W too kO moo C4C4^ Ot^dO l-^C^iA COOOPO lO^O 03 O — N CO CO 0i ^ ^ C50 — - M CO CO O: en d 050 —' CI CO CO o o-^ O C3 3^ oo^ oo CO CO CO CO CO Oi Oi Oi C3 o OSO ^ C^l CO CO o»o ^ aao — « CO CO Ol CO CO Oi Si Oi C5 03 OS OsO-< c^coco o o> ^ OlO -^ OO — C^ CO CO CO CO CO 0> 03 0% O) O) ^ ZOQ 4» O O acz S o o aoz t; o o ni; o> — — o» C^ ^ (M s o o C-I — c^ C<5 0C-. > o Z Nov Sept Dec. Nov Oct. Dec. Dec. Oct. Nov. Dec. Oct. Nov. Dec. Oct. Nov. Jan. Oct. Nov. S o a z ■3 CQ o > S CO CO o J3 CO a d o > 1^ « n H O CO 03 O o o T3 B C9 O Z z CO z o o CO •s. 6 O i o CO S3 a o to a o s o o o z c = s Z a. M [x] Sc H U &i3 Z o s z Z OS Z z Z o» Z z a CO » «: CO •a > o e > I ^ CO S S s I 3 i CO 3 I <: S 552 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES "8 3 .S ON .J 2 < H H <: u H < O o; o o H I H a. w OI'.O 00 u3 nmn CO C*3 CO CO CO CO CO Ti re rs c^ CO CO osS3 CI CO CO c- 1 CO CO C^l CO CO o>ao^ •ss;- 03 W ^ OS oo> 01 aia3<^ C-- c; 05 OS C» 05 Ci Ci C:OOS »-« ^^ ^ •^ ^^^" ^ *"• ^ "^ ^ ** •* •^ *^ -^ 4) 2 F sin COOO) CO coo" 01 CO Voi" -;-»"o -r C^l Ca ■^NOS ^-JcT —"—OS 55i t-H — « -H 1-1 ci t-i c^ »— c^ « c« c-l ^ — ^B Jll a 1^1 u « ZOQ z SSSJ ZOQ ZOQ QOZ QOZ .s 3 a 9 40 a fe 03 -0 m c » c ■5 .3 1 Q c >> § 1 3 § ea t-j E 5 OJ c3 H 1 ■^ -< t^ 2 e o '%. 'g 1 •0 c Q »-» d a> e S3 1 1 i z .2 OS s Q OS a d CO CO i 00 c 1 ■1 a Cm 03 5 z CO B (M e 1 a z •0 93 e CO •5 c CO i •0 .2 CO i g ^ -0 c PQ Z 1 1 z Urn, z s z d ^ ■*2 CO *-H &: CO •— 1 Cm 1 09 T3 e C9 a e 3 m s tM .a 1 c U= "o i •id I 1 03 'a 1 J 1 1 ■g 1 •1 si z a z c: « CO g w c^ g •-I s 1-4 d d ^ W d d CO ■* 00 C^ CJ ' a CO C^> -' CO S 2 " co^ e W W a bi U U u M H U U CI CO CO •^ "5 10 •0 t^ c< M « 1 X V5 X z Z z z Z z' Z z' CO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 t~ H" S 3 wx 3fc ;3cg &_ •0.8 • • .ag 18 ■ a e <5 1 «> S 1 CO ■3 5 .9 03 s .-a CO is is c »^ Q =56 ea -< ■< tsi'. 3 s s s g S8 S s g 1- 1 ^^ "^ '"* *^ '"' '~' •^ ** ^" ^ SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 553 ©■^O QOOb- OOCO O-^O IC'^»0 CDTfiO OCOO Ot^^O ^t-^ OOOIO OSO>-- 0'-«»C OSO^ OO^ OSO-H oo^ c^ieoco coeoco c^coco c^cooo Od 03 ^^ O) C3 ^ Oa ^ C^ ^ Ca Q) *>) cc ro Oi iM coco ^ ^ o> C^ CO CO o> o^ o> C^ CO CO OS CSO) (M coco CJ Oi O c^coco O) OS o cooo cc^'t* iccir- icc-ir- ^ — « CS| (>) Ol _;^t> r^jjO '"jjO ^*Jc? So© 5c3. «ll. o U O 03 O CO CO o e 5a 5-^ .a r^ -Tf 00 cc = o .0^^^0 •ooooo 00 — o •««-«r»o MU5M — CC 00 5i^ - oici — QC 5C Cl C«>«" — eo« Old — — M CT ^eo«i OSO — 00 00 00 *• P^ « t; eofs-* CiOlOl CiOi OS C: CIO cso o OS OiCi coo CS ooo c £». •■^ ^- — KM ^- KM "^ "■ "™ — — — "■ "■• "^ '■' ^" ^" 1— • ^4 ««l •~ ■* •" ""•-•** £ 3 g lO«t^ ciss o— 'm UJOCO -reot-^ eici « r^T— « t^O C9 V c;t-^ oi^ i^8 ZOQ III QOZ iii ZOO — M H z<5 8 a C-J — CJ III « — CI III — « is si ZQO • 1 i 2 '3 C3 e s 1 o c c r z O .J3 •m U) o n: > •s 1 c > o 1 "3 c c -3 o .B c o 1 Q d < J a -J s 1 3 i 1 O 1 = U Q •J • a » a» 1 O O 03 '5 C O c4 I :2 C S M ^1 fr *s o s • CO g u eg ■o o s o 1 •s £ o M 1-4 1 •o o a> c z c .2 "a So 1 c o 1 C 1 •5 z J CO 63 1 c a> "o O s H ■r. "S •5 o O o .2 o X B & 1 _2 «3 c O c o 1 1 *-> o c c J/ O o CO cd m Ed Z s e 5 c B « c B o b t-^ H-t d o o N ^H « PO r* o c .^ cs CO • c c» c^ c^ C^l N 82 ~ M- c a U tS ti td IC -jj is bi &: to M "^ " *c o o ^^ ei •e is- z z X z ^if: Z Z z ■y-. Z o-a t* !0 X" . 3e • • « = tn ■ &_ 1 . "tl 1 1 ja> :S CciJ ^ ■> OS e> ■> a 1 3 c -a 4i E "9 -J "3 U e a s S3 ™ •< :/^ S CO ac S S i s o> s SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 555 •^ tA to Cfl ^ o U3 t>. t^ 00* C^ S5 lo o t£> CD CO 00 OiO , CfeO ^^ 030 — ■ (M COCO C^CO CO MC-3 r^ C3S cn OS osoaoi 03 Ol CT> r— »-H •^ •— ' ^^ •-• »— 1 .— ■ --• IsTr-T CO t-^oeo t-^OCO C««-l CJ C'l ^ c^ C Stj > o 8"S o QOZ QOZ QOZ V ^ CO u e bl » 3 J3 s d Ig' tT S •a c s » 03 O w B O w 0^ i > a a » Q O o to ^^ 03 1 JJ f» Cm o 'a o eo 1^ d a o o lO « H o td OJ <£ Z •o "S "o ^ ^ s o c: ^ ^ c; z 5 1 t*-) a o o 09 eo kt 2 V d a 3 o C -H ^ o -< us us CO U a bi "^ " CI z z z ^*« kO ■^ M B B B i g ■J .a > •§ >■ D S « ■<»» »c « 05 2 Oi APPENDIX H ADEQUACY OF INITIAL AND ULTIMATE MAJOR UNITS OF STATE WATER PLAN IN SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN IN THE YEARS 1929, 1930 AND 1931 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 559 WATER SUPPLY 560 Indices of seasonal wetness 560 Full natural run-offs _- 560 Ultimate net run-offs 562 Present net run-offs 562 ADEQUACY OF KENNETT RESERVOIR AS AN INITIAL UNIT 562 Immediate initial development — Method II 563 Complete initial development — Method III 565 ADEQUACY OF MAJOR UNITS OF STATE WATER PLAN FOR GREAT CENTRAL VALLEY— ULTIMATE DEVELOPMENT 569 PROBABLE FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE OF SEASONS AND CONSECU- TIVE SEASONS OF SUBNORMAL RUN-OFF ^ 572 Upper Sacramento River Basin 572 Great Central Valley 575 SUMMARY 575 Tables H-1 Indices of seasonal wetness for Sacramento River Basin 560 H-2 Seasonal full natural run-offs of Sacramento River Basin streams 561 H-3 Seasonal run-offs at dam sites for major reservoirs 562 H-4 Annual surplus of water in Secramento-San Joaquin Delta and flow into Suisun Bay with Kennett reservoir operated as an initial unit under Methods II 1919-1932 564 H-5 Monthly distribution of surplus water in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and flow into Suisun Bay with Kennett reservoir operated as an initial unit under Method II 1919-1932 565 H-6 Summary comparison of performance of Kennett reservoir operated as an initial unit of State Water Plan in critical periods 1919-1929 and 1919-1932 of 42-year period 1890-1932 567 H-7 Annual surplus of water in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and flow into Suisun Bay with Kennett reservoir operated as an initial unit under Method III 1919-1932 568 H-8 Monthly distribution of surplus water in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and (low into Suisun Bay with Kennett reservoir operated as an Initial unit under Method III 1919-1932.. 569 H-9 Summary comparison of performance of State Water Plan for Great Central Valley operated under Method II — ultimate development — in critical periods 1918-1929 and 1918-1932 or42-yoar period 1890-1932. 571 H-10 Frequencies of occurrence of seasonal run-offs of period 1919-1931 from upper Sacramento River Basin above Rt-d Bluff 571 11-11 Frequencies of occurrence of seasonal run-offs of period 1918-1931 in Great Central Valley of California 577 Plates H-I Probable frequencies of mean seasonal run-offs fmm upper Sacramento River Basin above Red Bluff 573 H— II Probable frequencies of mean seasonal run-offs from major streams of Sacramento and San Joaquin river basins 576 (B68) SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 559 ADEQUACY OF INITIAL AND ULTIMATE MAJOR UNITS OF STATE WATER PLAN IN SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN IN THE YEARS 1929, 1930 AND 1931 The water supply studies pertaining to the State Water I'lan in the Sacramento River Basin, and contained in the body of this report, are based on the estimated and measured surface run-offs which have occurred during the 40-3-ear period extending from October 1, 1889, to October 1, 1929. This period is one of wide variability in run-off. It includes not only years of plenteous run-oif but also ones of paucity in supply. For example, in tlie flood j^ears of 1907 and 1909, the seasonal run-offs from the drainage basin are estimated at 41,691,000 acre-feet and 38,737,000 acre-feet, respectively, more than one and one-half times the estimated mean annual run-off for the 40-year period. In 1889-1890, the seasonal run-off' is estimated at 63,563,000 acre-feet, two and one-half times the average for the period. On the other hand, during the 40-year period, there were years and consecutive years during which the run-off* was far below the average. The season of lowest run-off for the period is 1923-1924 with a run-off of 6,623,000 acre-feet. It is believed from a study of precipitation records that that season is the one of lowest run-off since 1871, and probably since 1850. It should be mentioned, also, that the smallest combined run-off for periods up to five consecutive seasons, from 1871 to 1929, probably occurred during this 40-year period. At the initiation of the State investigations in the latter part of 1929, this 40-3^ear period was selected after careful consideration as the one on which to base the water suppl}^ analyses. Therefore, the sizes of the reservoirs of the State Water Plan in both the Sacramento and San Joaquin river basins were proportioned and the yields there- from in regulated water and in hydroelectric power were estimated on the volumes and characteristics of the available flows during that period. The adequacy of the major units proposed both for tlie initial and ultimate developments was tested by monthly analyses throughout the 40-year period. It was found that the 11-year* period 1918-1929 was the critical one of lowest run-off' and actually determined tlie sizes and adequacy of the units. It was ascertained by these tests that the units of the State Water Plan in the Sacramento River Basin in conjunc- tion with those proposed in the San Joaquin River Basin wouhl have accomplished the objectives of the initial and ultimate developments of Ihe State Water Plan. The results of these tests and the accomplish- ments of the plan are set forth in Chapters X and XI of this bulletin. Since the completion of the studies which were based on available water supplies for the 40-3^ear period 1889-1929, and on which the major units of the State Water Plan for initial and ultimate develop- ment were proportioned, two seasons of low rnn-otf have occurred, namely 1929-1930 and 1930-1931. Tlierefore, if was deemed desirable 560 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES to test further the adequacy of the plau.s proposed for initial and ultimate development in the Sacramento River Basin by the inclusion of these years in the water supply analyses and, if either plan were found inadequate, to point out wherein, if possible, a modification of it could be made which would assure dependable supplies of water to all areas served by the plans. This has been done and the results of the anal3^ses and investigations are given in this appendix. There also is given herein an analysis for the Sacramento River Basin, the San Joaquin River Basin, and the combined basins, of the probability of occurrence of seasonal run-offs of various magnitudes. This is presented for the purpose of indicating the probable frequency Avith which the low seasonal run-offs of the past few years might be expected to occur in the future and, therefore, of indicating further the adequacy of the plans. Water Supply. The water supplies — full natural, and ultimate and present net run-offs — from the Sacramento River Basin streams for the seasons 1929-1930 and 1930-1931 were estimated by the methods described in Chapter II. The full natural and ultimate net run-offs at the dam sites for the major reservoir units of the State Water Plan in the basin, and the present net run-offs at those on the larger streams, were estimated by the methods described in Chapters II and IX. Indices of Seasonal Wetness. — In order to estimate the run-offs from some of the unmeasured streams, and also to obtain a comparison of the precipitation in the seasons of. 1929-1930 and 1930-1931 with that in other seasons and with the mean, indices of seasonal wetness were computed for the precipitation divisions lying wholly or partially in the Sacramento River Basin. In calculating the values of these indices, the mean precipitation for each station or division was taken as that for the 50-year period 1871-1921. The indices for each division for the seasons 1929-1930 and 1930-1931 are shown in Table H-1 which is an extension of Table 3 in Chapter II. TABLE H-l INDICES OF SEASONAL WETNESS FOR SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN Season Index of wetness io division A B F G H J M 1920-30 70 49 79 58, 88 til 85 SS 81 67 71 57 83 1930-31 59 Full Natural Run-offs. — The seasonal tulj natural run-offs from the mountain and foothill drainage basins of the major streams and minor streams, or groups of minor streams, of the Sacramento River Basin, for the seasons 1929-1930 and 1930-1931, are shown in Table H-2 which is an extension of Table 5 in Chapter II. This table also includes the 40-, 20-, 10- and 5-year moans given in Table 5. Mean seasonal run-ofTs also are shown in the table for the 42-voar period 1889-1931, the 22-year period 1909-1931, the 12-year period 1919-1931, and the 7-year period 1924-1931. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 561 < ai H CO CQ > o H Z u «j< CO i J O c 9 § D o: .J <: OS H ■< Z H ^ Z o CO I II O00O0OC500 o oooooooo O o _ oo*CO'-'COC»00 CO c» CDUDCCOONOSCOiOC^ U3 OOCO ^^ CM t-*^ OS CO ^ ooooooooo O 000000<30 o o Mean for 12-year period 1919-1931 ooooooooo o 00=00000 o o o o_ o o o o o o o o o o o ~^o o_.o -^ 'W CO cJ" CO -^ ^ r-^ c^ 00 rC o> CO ro' — * -r — ' ro ■•»•" 05 oo' rC coco'V'^fr— ooosCiuo oo C-l CI ro Ol O t'. 1^ CJ »o -^r ^cn c^ o c^ -v c^ ?J r-co~ CM o o> •^coeo ^ ci tn CO ooooooooo o OOOOOOOO o o .2 M-Ocn ooooooooo o OOOOOOCOO o o oo_o^o_o_oooo^ o ooor^ocMOco »o^ »o Mean 22-ye perio 1909-1 oo 00 rC oo ^ CO o "-^ 00 eo o' o" o" r-' V CO >o co" so CM OOC^-^^OiOt^-^ CO OOiO-^COC^ICOQOOO CD s c*J.o ^■^CO "^CC o cc o> ooco -• c^ 00 00 korCTT cj c4" 11 l-J" oT o o o.o o o o o o o ooo ooooo o o -OOOOOOCDOiO o ^OCZJOOOOO o o OO^O O O OOOO o OOOUStocoOCO « CM_ Mean 42-ye perio 1889-1 CO CO —^ IC OT 05 00 c^ o t>r odioorCcor^^r^ Os" CD c^ccooooooi^35Trco CO oiooo-^reot^'vca ■^ 00 O^OUJCOCftTTt^TT oo — TT — ■ CO CO CM OOOOOOOOO o oooooooo o o CO ooooooooo o oooo>oo--^ oo* ca 1 '^cjt-'«rcD^oiC>co •^ CiCO CO ^^ CM»OCO lO 05 O coco "^:c !>. TT CO — t— 2 c^co ^ CO f-^ o CO 05 ooooooooo O oooooooo o o oooc:ooooo CDOOOOOOO o o o^ o_ o_ c;_ o_ o^ o_ o_ o o o_ o_ o_ >r:_ co_ oo_ o c-i_ 00 oo o -^ t^ lo" lo -o 00 oT lo oT o U5 cT»o c^f "3 CO r^ CO C^l 1 OiciO — OUO'^cCiM CMoo-r oT t. CO O t- CM ooooooooo o oooooooo o o ooooooooo o oooooooo o o o^ o o_ o^ o_ o^ o_ o^ o^ o OOOCOCOIOOCO r- t- _ « o -< 5 >>■£ 1 lO 4C 'T CO oc r-^ '-iT ^H c^ t^ oi c^r o »o CO 1^ lo irf M o Trt^C50OC5-^--CO^- CO OCOCMCOC^ICOOQO oc a • 5o5 t^i^io or* c-i^coioc^ ooco — CO 1^ o j;=> Q.— ■ TT coco in ci o n ^H t^ OOOOOCDOOO o oooooooo o o IS cats C5 ooooooooo o oooooooo o o o o^ o o_ o o_ o^o^ o^ o o ooooior-o_c> o en 5 >>'r 1 aToo^-ood-^OiOC^ IC CO r-^ -^ oo in 00 CM CO lO CM t^Oit^-^fMCSt^OCO CO OiO^COCMCOOOO CM en 03 t S Oi CO OO (?^ C^CO O CO *0 CO <;c_ a CO »— ' CO e» o l§=^g »o tc-^M (M oo o c-» Mean for 40-year period 1889-1929 OOOOOOOOO o OOOOOOOO o o OCDOOOOOOO o OOOOOOOO o o ooooooooo CD O O CD t- ■«•_ 0_ O r-^ t^ t^^^cocS^-wpoioi t^ ^■^-1-'oo^*'OiCM<0 CO o ■^lOOiOOeO— ■tO'* en co:oc»- -^ CO w a IS .. tOC^cOC^fMOst'.OicD CO 05CMC0 CM — ^CO r* CO raina rea, i quar miles co'oTco^ ^ 00 CM CM Q " o 1 ! ! ! 1 1 > 1 .-^ 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 *CO ■ • > i • 1 • ■ ; i I ; ; ^ ; i o. 2 60 s« •= 'jasa ; AJOR STREAMS- Sacramento River at Ken Sacramento River at Red Feather River at Oroville Yuba River near Smartsv Bear River at Van Trent. American River at Fairoa Stony Creek at mouth of Cache Creek at Capay da Putah Creek at Winters. I I ! I 1 ci I ! 1. o e s 7) 1 e2 INOR STREAMS •- Mill Creek Group... Butte Creek Group. Honcut Creek Group Dry Creek Coon Creek Group.. Red Bank Creek Gro Elder Creek Group. . Willow Creek Group 1 o tn a o -a a e o 1 Z z to •a s a CS a as W S o a. a o ? s a cs a .a e T3 5 a ill 2 «J3 a «j^ 36—80994 562 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES The .seasonal full natural ruu-offs at the dam sites for the major reservoir units of the State Water Plan in the iSaeramento River Basin, for the seasons 1929-1930 and 1930-1931, are shown in Table H-3. Ultimate Net Run-off s. — The ultimate net run-offs for the seasons 1929- 1930 and 1930-1931 at the dam sites for the major re.servoir units of the State Water Plan in the Sacramento River Basin are also shown in Table H-3. These ultimate net run-otfs are those that could have been expected under conditions of ultimate impairment by diversions and .storage for ultimate irrifyation developments and the present power developments, upstream from each dam site. Present Net Run-nffs. — The present net run-offs for the .seasons 1929- 1930 and 1930-1931 at the dam sites for the major reservoir units at which the construction of power plants is proposed in the State Water Plan for the Sacramento River Basin are also shown in Table H-3. These present net run-offs are those that could have been expected under conditions of present impairment by diversions and storage for present irrigation developments and the present power developments, upstream from each dam site. TABLE H-3 SEASONAL RUN-OFFS AT DAM SITES FOR MAJOR RESERVOIRS 1929-30 1930-31 Stream Full natural run-off, in acre-feet Present net run-off, in acre-feet Ultimate net run-off, in acre-feet Full natural run-off. in acre-feet Present net run-off, in acre-feet Ultimate net run-off, in acre-feet Sacramento River at Red Bluff- - . Sacramento River at Kennett dam site.. .- . . 6,094,000 4,393,000 3.907.000 1,757,000 205,000 1,644.000 1,004,000 574,000 208,000 569,000 308,000 815,000 5,815,000 4,206,000 3,588,000 1,436,000 5,391,000 3,999.000 3.940.000 1.228,000 154.000 1.513.000 841,000 512,000 125,000 133.000 270,000 711.000 3.322.000 2.614.000 1,470.000 628.000 67.300 711.000 429.000 262.000 75.700 97.300 32,500 402.000 3,177,000 2.551.000 1.492.000 463,000 721,000 425,000 253.000 3.111,000 2,582,000 Feather River at Oroviile. Yuba River at Narrows dam site - . Bear River at Camp Far West dam site -- .. 1,572,000 255.000 53,700 American River at Folsom dam site -. - 1.653,000 992.000 562,000 581,000 North Fork of American River at Auburn dam site . . . . . 267,000 South Fork of American River at Coloma dam site 200,000 46,800 Cache Creek at Capay dam site. I'utah Creek at Monticcllo dam site 5,300 23,100 Trinity River at Fairview dam site ... 335,000 Adequacy of Kennett Reservoir As an Initial Unit. In Chapter XI, four methods of operation of the initial Kennett reservoir unit of the State Water Plan are described and the accoiu- plishnionts of the unit in conjinu'tion with other units of the initial plan are given for each niclhod. The stiulies on which the accomplish- ments for the immediate initial development (Method II) and complete initial development (Method III) were based, covered the ten years 1919 to 3928, inclusive. However, ]iower outputs for these methods of operation were cstinuiteil for the 40-year period 1890-1929, inclusive. In testing the adequacy of the Kennett reservoir through the years 1929, 1930 and 1931, studies were made for Methods II and III. The methods of operation and accomplishments are ;is follows: SACRAMENTO UIVER BASIN 563 Immediate Initial Development — Method II. — With operation under this method, space woukl have been reserved in the reservoir during the flood season for flood control, and stored water would have been released in such manner as to supplement the flows from unregulated streams in the Sacramento River Basin or those regulated by present developments, from return irrigation waters in the Sacramento Valley, and from inflows to the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta from the San Joaquin River Basin under conditions with the immediate initial development* of the State Water Plan in that basin in operation, to make supplies available for irrigation, navigation, salinity control and the generation of power. The following would have been accomplished : 1. The space reserved in the reservoir each season for flood control would have prevented flood flows from exceeding 125,000 second- feet at Red Bluff. 2. A navigable depth of five to six feet would have been main- tained in the Sacramento River from the city of Sacramento to Chico Landing, with a substantial increase in depths from the latter point to Red Bluff. 3. Irrigation demands on the Sacramento River above Sacramento would have been supplied, without deficiency, up to 6000 second- feet maximum draft in July. A full irrigation supply would have been furnished in all years to all lands along the Sacra- mento River above the delta. There would have been about 700,000 acre-feet more water available, distributed in accord- ance with the irrigation demand, for these lands in 1931. 4. A supply of 1,083,000 acre-feet per season, without deficiency, would have been furnished the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta for its present requirements. 5. A fresh water flow of not less than 3,300 second-feet would have been maintained past Antioch into Suisun Bay, controlling salinity to the lower end of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. 6. A water supply of 44,000 acre-feet per year, without deficiency, would have been made available in the delta for the developed industrial and agricultural areas along the south shore of Suisun Bay in Contra Costa County. 7. The average annual output in hydroelectric energy, generated incidental to other uses, in the 42-year period 1890-1932, would have been 1,572,400,000 kilowatt hours. By comparing the foregoing accomplishments with those set forth for Method II, in Chapter XI, it may l3e seen that they are identical except in the matter of power output of the unit. In this particular the inclusion of the power outputs for the three years 1929, 1930 and 1931 would have reduced the average annual output from 1,591,800,000 kilowatt hours for the 40-year period 1890-1930 to 1,572,400,000 kilo- watt hours for the 42-year period 1890-1932, or 1.3 per cent. The other objectives sought to be accomplished by the Kennett reservoir in the immediate initial development wonld iiave been fully met during the years 1929, 1930 and 1931. Tlio accomplishments are summarized in Table II-6 in whicli a comjiarison of performance in the years 1919- 1928, inclusive, and 1919-1931, inclusive, also is made. * Friant reservoir, San Joaquin River-Kern County canal, Madera canal, and Magunden-Edison pumping system constructed. 564 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES < O 3 C f-> CO — ooooooooooooo ^ o «- o ^73 *"■ OOOOOOOOOOOOO ooooooooooooo ooooooooooooo ^i«c^O-^C'l*:OOi-"^' — 200 lO^to-r-iooooojoocacccco (u ^ is rt o o H ooooooooooooo 0000000000C500 o o oo^o o^o_o^o_o o o o^ csT c-f -^ to o c-r -o -^" -o rf -^ o '^ CO coco CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO coco -3 i c £-5; « *» *- 3 « 5 3 •T3-T3 c o -'- = 4J — ^ ooooooooooooo O00OO0OOC3000O ooooooooooooo cS c O j^ a> CQ o o o 000000 0=0=00 ooo=oo=====oo o_ o = = o_ = o_ = = = = o_o cT irT o o o ir> o — r c". irT cT cT oT OOC5000000C5COQOCOC5000000 CO c*3 CO C*3 CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO ^ a> - o 22 be <« o ^ O I. .o = £ ooooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOC-OO ooooooooooooo CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO OOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOaO ooooooooooooo ooooooooooooo ooooooooooooo o o ooo o o o o o oo o ■^ t-^ rjo -wr ^i t-^ ^ c' -^ 'S Ti in if^ -o r- CO c^ '^ -^ oo ^^ c- --C re o CI oo>Tri-*'^»oco'^»r>cocoo»oo O'^o-oot-^osrCosO'-^cor^ oooooooc^ooooo ooooooooooooo ooooooooooooo (^c-rotCoooc^oooirTr^odco '-©'-•■^OJ— •orooiao^05co«5 r~eo-i^^—^'-^^-^'^__c^^«?oio '^^'^^■^o•^«-^coc^-rr^^-^ ill |- I ~i. '^ *%.*%. '-i "I ^-1 '^ '-t ^^. ^ "-1 ^-1 u9U5oor^«o<3>c^o»co — »Of^c^ otooc^^coioc»*o»-co^r^ CM to C> t^ CO 'T Oi C^ OS O CO W H O o « n< ?o lit ^ V) £; a 2 H - l< fc 2 (J 2 a2 O 05 U. Hi a: 0. u & b O Z c a o a c o B g a p. o '^ •T3'- a " s> .5 2 § O.J5J .^ f- H O -5 g « o-r; a. a >. o. 3 a o. 3 ^J.2£ =i =i = "3, 3 1^ ^ '" O Pol' 3 S ^i^' o § o o CO 00 10 03 3 a "3 e E to E ss eg C4 03 >. >» >» >> >> > >. >. >> ;>> Q, 0. D. a, a 0. 0, a p. Q. 3 3 3 3 CO to to CO 3 3 3 3 3 'j-t fe fe fe PIH o a _>> "3 Pm CS ca C3 OS a a a a >> >. >> 0. 0. a a. 0. 0. a 0. 3 3 3 3 CO V) CO 3 3 3 3 4 fe f^ fa ^ 6 >, 3 fa 3 3 fa 3 fa 3 3 fa «> 8g U] S'a c o < 9 %u 33 a flr^ w CO at ^^H 225 11- ^ ITi ! it " wT oooooooooooco ooooooooooooo CJ_0_0_OO_0 0O_0 0.0 0_0_ " m c 3"^ 5 > OD — 3 -OT3.2 «5 95 i •^ « CO 0[/2 ooooooooocooo ooooooooooooo o o o_ o_ o_ o_ o_ o_ o_ o_ o o_ o_ OOOOOOOOO' ooooooo — = ' oocoooo^ — ^5* ^J* ^^ ^rj* ^^ ^* ^J" ^^ ^^ ^* *^ ^}* ^* .2 c "StS .s-s-s Ss s fe g •n a o.r. IK S o ^ ooooooooooooo ooooooooooooo o_o_oooo_oo_oo_o_oo_ CO to CO CD CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO op ^D 03 03 O) 03 03 Oi OS Od 03 Od o% ^3 OO QO 00 OO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CO a s ^<— M o o o oooooooooo-soo ooooooooooooo ooooooooooooo C3 irf o 05 Cs »0 OS Oi Oa us Oi Oa ^ 00 Cs OO OC OO ^ OO 00 00 CSOO OO OO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO N eJ « ef M e-J c^ c> c» e^ c» cf cf T3 o "S '^ "A a (-. a u o ft •a I _o "5 ^ a .a ^ n a o H > otoooooooooooo ooooooooooooo o^ooo_oooooooo_o C5 CO CC CO CO CO CO CO CO CO C*D CO CO OOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOaO ooooooooooooo O o^ c^ ill I ooooooooooooo ooooooooooooo OO ooooooooooooo «o^aruoc^oro>*-► ^ 0> Oi 0> 0> Oi Ok 03 Oft O^k SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 569 Table H-7 shows the same items for the operation of the Kennett reservoir unit under Method III as are shown in Table H-4 for the operation under Method II, except that in tliis case the amount of water made available for an irrigation supply for lands in the San Joaquin Valley is also shown. By comparing Table H-7 with Table 150 in Chapter XI, it may be noted that there are no changes in any of the items, including the surplus water above all drafts from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and the total run-off into Suisun Bay, in any of the years from 1919 to 1928, inclusive. In addition, however. Table H-7 includes data for the years 1929, 1930 and 1931. Table H-8 shows the distribution of the surpluses and flows into Suisun Bay, by months, in the years of maximum and minimum run- off and the average for the whole period 1919 to 1931. inclusive. This table is comparable with Table 151, in Chapter XI, which gives corre- sponding data for the ten-year period 1919 to 1928, inclusive. TABLEIH-8 MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF SURPLUS WATER IN SACRAMENTO-SAN JOAQUIN DELTA AND FLOW INTO SUISUN BAY WITH KENNETT RESERVOIR OPERATED AS AN INITIAL UNIT UNDER METHOD III 1919-1932 Year of maximum total run-off into delta, 1927 Year of minimum total run-off into delta, 1931 Average for period 1919-1932 Month Surplus water above all drafts, in acre-feet Run-off into Suisun Bay, in acre-feet Surplus water above all drafts, in acre-feet Run-off into Suisun Bay, in acre-feet Surplus water above all drafts, in acre-feet Run-off into Suisun Bay, in acre-feet January - 2,701,000 7,486,000 3,831,000 3,951,000 2,745,000 1,690,000 97,000 10,000 100,000 320,000 1,047,000 1,202,000 2,904,000 7,670,000 4,034,000 4,147,000 2,948,000 1,886,000 300,000 213,000 296,000 523,000 1,243,000 1,405,000 605,000 490.000 020,000 214,000 40,000 229,000 1,277,000 808,000 674,000 823,000 410,000 203,000 196,000 203,000 203,000 196,000 243,000 425,000 1,480,000 1,538,000 2,642,000 2,394,000 2,003,000 1,711,000 767.000 72,000 3,000 74,000 283,000 680,000 1,209,000 1,741,000 February 2,827,000 March -. 2,597,000 April-. 2,199,000 May 1,914,000 June 963,000 July 275,000 August 206,000 September 270,000 October 486.000 November . 876,000 December 1,412,000 Totals 25,180.000 27,569,000 3,475,000 5.864,000 13.376,000 15.766,000 Adequacy of Major Units of State Water Plan for Great Central Valley- Ultimate Development. The major units for the ultimate development of the Great Central Valley also have been tested for their adequacy in meeting the objec- tives and water requirements as laid down for the State Water Plan, through the years 1929, 1930 and 1931. In Chapter X, the ultimate plan has been analyzed for three methods of operation, designated as I, II and III, for the years 1918-1928, inclusive. Tliese methods differ primarily in the amount of watoi- which is made available in the Sacra- mQnto-San Joaquin Delta for utilization in the San Joaquin River Basin or elsewhere. This amount increases from Motliod I to II and there is a further increase under Method TTT. Tho niotlmds are fully 570 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES described in Chapter X, to which reference is made. In the analj'sis for this appendix. Method IT only is used as it represents the most logical basis of analysis. In making this adequacy test extended through 1929, 1930 and 1931, the same methods were emi)loyed as were used and described in Chapter X for the period 1918-1928, inclusive. The same methods were employed in estimating the available water .supplies. The physical units, both surface storage and conveyance, were identical in type, size and location. The areas to be served, the water requirements for those areas and for other purposes remained unchanged. In making the study through the years 1918 to 1931, inclusive, however, some use was made of ground water in 1924 and 1931 in the areas along the east side of the lower San Joaquin Valley which under the State Water Plan will receive a supply wholly or largely from local sources. Also, an additional draft was made on the available ground water storage in the Upper San Joaquin Valley. The analysis in all studies was made on a month by month basis. The water supply available for storage and regulation in the major reservoir units was obtained by deducting from the full natural run- offs of the streams entering the Great Central Valley, the net use of 2,283,000 acre-feet per season, or as much thereof as could have been obtained, for an irrigation supply for 1,439,000 acres of lands, being the net irrigable mountain valley and foothill lands lying at elevations too high to be irrigated by gravity from the major reservoir units, thus providing for the ultimate needs of these areas. Also, a supply of 448.000 acre-feet per year, or as much thereof as would have been available, was deducted from the Tuolumne River water for a supply for the city of San Francisco, and 224,000 acre-feet per year, except in 1931 when this supply would have been decreased by required for prior rights, was furnished the San Francisco Bay Basin from Pardee reservoir on the Mokelumne River. In the operation of the plan, space was reserved, during the flood sea.sons, in the reservoirs listed in Table 139 in Chapter X, for con- trolling flood flows. The table also furnishes data on the amounts of space so reserved and the sizes of the flows to which floods on each stream would be controlled. The performance of the State Water Plan in the fourteen-year period 1918-1931, inclusive, operated under Method II, and with the conditions just hereinbefore stated, is set forth in Table H-9. In order that the performance in this period may be compared with that during the eleven-year period 1918-1928, inclu.sive. for which the adequacy test was previously made and for which the results are given in Chapter X, the accomplishments during this latter period also are set forth in Table H-9. The accomplishments for the period 1918- 1928, inclusive, as given in the table, differ slightly, however, from those set forth in Chapter X. because it was a.ssumed that deficiencies in surface .supplies in 1924 in the areas along the east side of the San Joaquin Valley would have been made up by drawing upon ground Avater. Cround water i« now utilized to some extent in those areas. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 571 u J CO < a ses c •5 a CS S'^^ a .Hc^ a CO >. 3 s QtS c 05 a CO -H ;^ o « . o 2 a a.a 0) g a a :5 a s2 a a o tn .5 i d a " 5 a Q^ a ^ M a "^ a_- &|§ S"S . E" I i -^ CO •— • *^ « c:, J30 cS ^ CO— ? o tn 3 T3 a ' <3 => 3- — MO — 3 " S;-S -ii 05 O .a 2 3 a coco a o C.2 i c4 CO q w^ M ■"Ha "'Tl ^ o u-j — ."feS.H C-l C rv J- 2'"-H aS. 1-1 S.i- S CO-— C3_i> . « »co,2f S--S £ -o ": 3 g a> fl_i»^— • ■-• — w "fl^ is cga-i-S.. ■2 S.S-3 Son ^'ci^ 0.0)0 §•20 CO CQ CO _ O en i 0°° 3 5S « CO ^ ^^ CM-" 2.3 GJ CO " >ic- C — O ■- « >. "S So ° » u -^ ^ CO g-:H s a a ^2 C3 O, O .- --- CC Q, ■au- g. C5 O 3 •" >> a 3 _-a -a_ '^ ii — . " ?. 8 01 -- , iS S^iS a3 ^ p. "' -5 CD >»> «4_ C3 S Cot c4 c a ?i ^ ft .2 l-S «.» & O OS : Mo 0) II II a= a o ca t. a— -S s o a (U ^ Ol O s o • 1-1 ".•3 >— a o o o O «CQ ■*^ k. O D. <«£■ (Ml— ' O „ .2 Is J- o. .i:_o CJ CO V o « a 00 . >~^ -I «.s a; 3 "S " .£§ «^ o i; 1 \ \\\\ \ 1 t 1 \ -aIvJ S ir» 1 \ _i 1.! L ' o o \ L \ 'Vi \ i v \ I i c v '.ar p«ri >d E ; \ iV i i 1 u r- o A 1 \ ly-- Three year period a I i\ ' IN! l_ j ^^ Two yejr period 1 3 ! ' \ - \^_ "One year period ^ - 1 ■ 1 \ - 1 1 I [ X^ 1 i ! . .1 lO TOO Run-off in millions of acre-feet PROBABLE FREQUENCIES OF MEAN SEASONAL RUN-OFFS KROM UPPER SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN ABOVE RED BLUFF The data used in the analyses the .seasonal run-offs from October 1, 1871, to October 1, 1932, or a period of 61 years. The values used are full natural run-offs unimpaired by upstream diversion. From 1894 to 1932, the values are based on actual measurements. Prior to 1894, the values have been estimated from developed precipita- tion-run-off curves using precipitation records in the basin and run- off records at Red Bluff. The reestimatod values are given for 1889 574 DIVISION OF WATER REi^OURCES to 1894 ill this report and for 1871 to 1889 in Table 46, Bulletin No. 5, "Flow in California Streams," Division of Engineering and Irrigation, State Department of Public Works. were made to estimate the probable frequency of occur- rence of single seasons, and also two, three and five consecutive seasons, of low run-off. In making the analysis for the single season, or one- year periods, the seasonal values of run-off were arranged and num- bered in order of increasing magnitude. The number assigned to any particular seasonal run-otf value gave the frequency with which seasonal run-offs equal to or less than that particular value had occurred during the period analyzed. numbers were then con- verted to values representing frequencies in 100 years. Each fre- quency value represented the number of times in 100 years which TABLE H-IO FREQUENCIES OF OCCURRENCE OF SEASONAL RUN-OFFS OF PERIOD 1919-1931 FROM UPPER SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN ABOVE RED BLUFF Based on Seasonal Run-offs for 61-Year Period 1871-1932 Mean Seasonal Run-off, 9,230,000 acre-feet Mean seasonal run-off for period Average Period (Season October 1st through September 30th) In acre-feet In per cent of mean seasonal run-off for period 1871-1932 frequency of occurrence (from curves on Plate H-l> One-year oeriods— 1919-1920 4,220,000 3,290,000 4,400,000 3,320,000 4,320,000 4,700,000 5,830,000 5,100,000 4,600,000 7,060,000 6,200,000 5,810,000 6,480,000 46 36 48 36 47 51 63 55 50 76 67 63 70 Once in 14 years Once in 59 years Once in 12 years Once in 53 years Once in 40 years Once in 27 years Once in 19 years Once in 33 years Once in 55 years Once in 18 years Once in 31 years Once in 40 years Once in 25 years 1923-1924 1928-1929 1930-1931 Two-year periods — 1922-1924 1929-1931 Three-year periods— 1917-1920 1921-1924 1928-1931 Five-year periods— 1915-1920 1919-1924 1921-1926 1926-1931 the sea.sonal run-oft' would be equal to or loss than the corn'sixniding seasonal run-oft'. TJiese values of seasonal run-oft's were plotted on logarithmic scale paper in accord with their respective fretjuencies. A smooth curve interpreting the trend of the data was drawn and extended to a frequency of 0.4 in 100 years. of the mean seasonal run-oft's for consecutive two, tliree and live-.sea.son periods were made in a similar manner. These analyses delineated on Plate H-I, "Probable Frequencies of Mean Seasonal Run-oft's from Upper Sacra- mento River Basin above Red Bluft", " are an empirical interpretation of all the available data and are believed to be indicative, at least, of the fre(piency of occurrence of mean sea.sonal run-offs of various magnitudes during single sea.sons and consecutive two, three and five- season periods. Table 11-10 sliows the average fie(|uencies with which the low run-otfs of several recent .sea.sons, and jieriods of consecutive seasons, are likely to occur. SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 575 It may be noted that a seasonal riui-oflf less than 3,320,000 acre- feet for the season 1930-1931 would be expected to occur once in 53 years and that for the season 1923-1924, once in 59 years. For the Kennett reservoir, capacity 2,940,000 acre-feet, the critical period is the tliree seasons 1928-1931. It may be seen that the mean seasonal run-ott' for that period is 4,600,000 acre-feet and that it would be expected to occur once in 55 years. Great Central \V alley. — Analyses similar to those for the upper Sacra- mento River Basin above Red Bluff were made for the entire Sacramento River Basin, for the San Joaquin River Basin and for the combined basins to estimate the probable frequencies of occurrence of seasonal run-otfs of varying maonitudes. As in the case of the upper Sacramento River, the values used in the analyses are the full natural run-otfs. For these analyses, the run-offs from mountainous areas of the major streams only were used. Those for the minor streams and unmeasured areas were not included. They represent less than 10 per cent of the total run-olf from the basins. Graphs similar to those for the upper Sacramento River Basin were prepared and are pre- sented herewith as Plate H-II, "Probable Frequencies of Mean Seasonal Run-offs from Major Streams of Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins." Values of frequencv; of occurrence of mean seasonal run-offs during several recent seasons and periods of two, tliree and five consecu- tive seasons have been taken from the developed curves on Plate H-II and are tabulated in Table H-11. Tliese values are presented for the Sacramento River Basin alone, for the San Joaquin River Basin alone and for the combined basins. An inspection of the figures in the table reveals that the run-off may be expected to be less than tliat of the season 1923-1924, the season of lowest run-off, once in 130 years for the Sacramento River Basin, once in 128 years for the San Joaquin River Basin and once in 147 years for the combined basins. The corresponding figures for the smallest mean seasonal run-off for two consecutive seasons are once in 26 years for the Sacramento River Basin in 1922-1924, once in 43 years for the San Joaquin River Basin in 1929-1931, and once in 33 years for the combined basins, also in 1929-1!).31. Similarly, the corresponding figures for the three run-off seasons 1928-1931, the driest three consecutive seasons during the period 1918-1931, are once in 62 years for the Sacramento River Basin, once in 62 years for San Joaquin River Basin and once in 77 yorii-s for the cond)inod bnsiiis. Summary. The studies made to test the adequacy of the initial and ultimate major units of the State Water Plan and to estimate the probable frequency of occurrence of single and consecutive seasons of subnormal run-off such as those used in tiiese tests, show that: 1. The objectives sought to be accomiilished by the Kennett reser- voir unit in the immediate initial dovelo|)ment would have been fully met throughout the 42-year period 1890 tf) 1931, inclusive. 2. The objectives sought to be accomjilishcd by the Kennett reser- voir unit in the complete initial develojjment would have been fully 576 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES PLATE H-U Run-olt in millions of acre-feet lO lOO Run-off in millions of acre feet 10 P. 1 10 c 3 Z 100 r Y \\ , 1 1 1 1 ; M r - \ \ \\ SACRAMENTO RIVER - \ 1 BASIN 1 - I 1 \ - \ \ - - ^ 1 \ i - ■ - \ \ \ 1 \\ \ \ \ \ \ 1 . V \ 1 I \ \ - U \A \ - 1 \ \ \ '. - - 1 V V \ t - ■ ii \ \ \ - - I \ '\ *^ - - ft- A \ - - — \\\ \ w \\ •- " Fi« yei fp en M V 1 V \:\ r - Th/ee yeaf period \ \ 1 1 1 i i \ '\ T*»o ye»r per>od \ 1 s V 1 S- i - \ — — One year period 1 1 ; 1 1 S ' 1 ' 1 ;- . .. l..l_,.:.i ■. i. i:.hi t) 10 o o 100 - \ ^^ \ ' - \ I SAN JOAQUIN RIVER \ \\ BASIN \ \\ \ 1 - \ w I » 1 I J \ \\ ' • % \ 1 r ' I \ \ ._..._^ \ \ ' 1 1 • \ 1. \ 1 1 \ \ \ '" - \ ^ \ I - , |\ \1 r - - ' . -iV \ \ 1 \ \\ \ \\ : ; ■ I ' \ 'V : - 1 I ! I V ^ iL -\ F.»« yea period 1 1 \ ^ 1 VX 1 I . V- V ^ ^ -Tnree >e«f W ^^' period > \, X: 1 1 \ • ^v 1 • N^ - 1 N \ •>> • - i 1 >y T»oyearpei.aa - 1 i^ 1 ■ ' %v 1 Ore , ear per. »d- "^w 1 1 1 . 1 i 1 ; ! 1 ^►. . Run-Off in millions of aore feet 10 100 » 10 o o ICX> y T r TT '\\\ i M:! M'l'l^ - I W \ ' JF I 1 i- - \ w \ COMBir D - \ I \ A SACRAMENTO AND- SAN JOAQUIN t: - ' \\ \ - \ \\ \ RIVER B/ VS N s ' WW 1 - v W 1 • — — \ w Y \ \ \ \ - V \A \ - \ \ \ - \' \ \ V \ \ \ \ - \' A 1- ' I ,\ 4 L - - \ \\ s F.. '»• •' «( lod ; ^ \ "V A e r ar ».r.«i ) :\ \ \ > \^ -f - M } s> - 1 V, t. or*" Pdriod - >L ~T V dne^aroenod '-^ n - _^ : , 1 J^ ^ f ' ' ■ ■ ' 1. ^ - PROBABLE FREQUENCIES OF MEAN SEASONAL RUN-OFFS FROM MAJOR STREAMS OF SACRAMENTO AND SAN JOAQUIN RIVER BASINS SACRAMENTO RIVER BASIN 577 z cc o b .J < u u. o < > oi H Z UJ u a; O z u u u o u. o u 1—4 u z u D a u a: 00 •o 2 'u &) a u (d u ;i^ I Q V) s a UJ ** 0. b « (fl E IL, t*. b O V) in 7; 3 c b: 3 U ,^ -f a z o (■■) w a> S S S S a 2SS *0 a; 4^"— ' :-, >. >i >> >.>»>,>>>. >>>.>. >.>.>.>. (»r^50 = ge3 c.S 5 S a a a c c c c c Baca S -^?i>2'; .— • .^ .— "" ■■■ ■■" ■"■ tf) V O (U 4; SSggg a> oj a; a Oi V » O rt i c:. c w o o o V u u u -pa o C C B C c: c B B ace B B B S| oooo 00000 000 OOOO i> r-i rt^ •s ^ c^ (O n 00 ssssts oco^* 00 oac^ CO tjl— 1 ? i locj -"f ri CO U3^* I^COt^cO si o3 O CO 0-* In 9 a a I. » ? fc-i E 5 eSs^ ■5.2 ►56^ o 9 QJ CO C i! :3 is ^ oooo oooo ooogg ggg ssss t"*«- 1 oooo -^ c o o' o' o' o'oo'o'o' 000' c'o'o'o' Ci OOtO'-^OO 00 -^ »o »«o 00 to 00 t: oo-'ij* r- ^ ^c^<:oo r^ c^c^-^ »OC-l Tf« CO S cdoTm c? CO oor^TT oo-^ ITS C^CO •— ci c^c5c^ c c^^ -^■^ m vi V3 u) g OT w w m £2 £ 2 see ro 03 ca rt « ce rt c3 rt rt rt e3 OJ V CJ C3 C3 £Q CS c; V cj a> «*- tc >— < 0/ a> O « Oil—. X >. >^ >* cooooo >o QOC^ (M 00 CC ^ CI tC »■ 00 t'. t^ »o '3 § c a CD L-O o o c 3 n " 53*5 -2 "7 ^ " ? fc — oooo 00000 000 oooo oooo s w,S 00000 000 «■— 00000 000 oooo <5 s o'o'o'o" 0* 0' 0' 0" o" c'o'o" o'o'o'o" u M'O '<»' -^ 00 OS ^O CM -fOtO C^l 00 00 CO « loco r- cu V ea 06 eS (u S » ■^ O Q0»0 >» >> >^ >, >» -^ CO 10 l>- C-l CI c* CO h- « S J" HV '— CO ^OO — (M ^ « (M c^ ci to -^ coc^c^ L. C fc. u o CO o u t- ^ -^ > = 2 EJ3 c c c c H H H £ H B C C a a B B o -< J 8 ot. c O) V V V V a> a> 0) a> V a> oj &> « 0) V 1 i ° t- = O V u o V U V u u V u c> 1 u -1 o B C C C C B B B B c c c B B B C oooo 00000 OCC OOOO -fTOO '^O cioo co»o cs taoo t~ CO (O coo > ? s 'VC^-^'CQ -^COiC^ >n«'» r>-cor*r- s 30 (C O •*^ C 1 ^ O "So* o c 3 '■13 g rt.2 c o •- - U3 CO c J ^ oooo OOOO oo525 sssss ggg oogg 1 ^ a 0*000" ooocTo" o'oo' o'oo"© 3 1 -*»o iCOaoO'** t^'VO t^CI r^O s s «»ooo«o coo"co— 'c' CIC^O CO -^UDkO c ^4 -M ^^ ^" "^ ^^ ^^ ■*» "-^ «o^ i^O li 5 1 1 1 1 1 aco •i I N : i\M 8 M ; ^HH ft So^oi-^ i« 9> 9> Ob A "■o'td — fcjM C4 CO g oso>o5 0> 03 Oi Ce-j c^ c^ c5 1- IS533 6 »o>o>c»2 1) a> o> o> ^ Oa >» ^- C^ Ol CO ^Oa C>9>0> t- fS — 5 Ciu 37—80994 .)ut for the 42-year period 1890-1931, inclusive, from what it Avould have been for the 40-3^ear period 1890- 1929. inclusive. Tliero would have been a full supply for all other uses. 3. The objectives sought to be accomplished by the major units of the State AVater Plan for the Great Central Valley under conditions of ultimate development would have been fully met throughout the 42-year period 1890 to 1931, inclusive, except in 1924 and 1931. The unbearable deficiencies in su]iply where they would have existed in limited areas in the lower San Joaquin A'alley in 1924 and 1931 could have been reduced to bearable amounts by the utilization of available ground water in those areas. 4. Low seasonal run-off such as those Avhich occurred in the seasons 1923-1924 and 1!)30-1931. and in the three consecutive seasons 1928 to 1931, in the upper Sacramento River watershed, and which were used in the tests of the adequacy of the Kennett reservoir unit in the initial developments, may be expected to occur with average fre- quencies of once in 50 to 60 years. 5. Low seasonal run-offs such as those which occurred in the .seasons 1923-1924 and 1930-1931, and in the three consecutive seasons 1928 to 1931, in the Great Central Valley, and which were nsed in the tests of the adequacy of the State Water Plan for this valley, may be expected to occur with the following average frequencies: Covihitied Sacramentti Sacramento River Soji Joaquin River ami San Joaquin Period Baniii Hasin River Bnfiius 1923-1924 Once in 130 years Once in 128 years Once in 147 years 1930-1931 Once in 85 years Once in 75 years Once in 96 years 1928-1931 Once in 62 years Once in 62 j-ears Once in 77 years PUBLICATIONS DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES p SACRA MKXTU KlVi;i; I'.ASIN 581 PUBLICATIONS OF THE DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS STATE OF CALIFORNIA Wlien the Department of Publ'c Works was created In July. 1921, the State Water Commission was succeeded by the Division of Water Bights, and the Department of Engineering was succeeded by the Division of Englner- Ing and Irrigation In all duties except those pertaining to State Architect. Both the Division of Water Rlghti and the Division of Engineering and Irrigation functioned until August, 1929, when they wore consolidated to form the Division of Water Ke^ources. STATE WATER COMMISSION First Report, State Water Commission, March 24 to November 1, 1912. Second Report, State Water Commission, November 1, 1912 to April 1, 1914. •Biennial Report, State Water Commission, March 1, 1915, to December 1, 1916. Biennial Report, State Water Commission, December 1, 1916, to September 1, 1918. Biennial Report, State Water Commission, September 1, 1918, to September 1, 1920. DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS •Bulletin No. 1 — Hydrographic Investigation of San Joaquin River, 1920-1923. •Bulletin No. 2 — Kings River Investigation. Water Master's Reports, 1918-1923. •Bulletin No. 3 — Proceedings First Sacramento-San Joaquin River Problems Con- ference, 1924. •Bulletin No. 4 — Proceedings Second Sacramento-San Joaquin River Problems Con- ference, and Water Supervisor's Report, 1924. •Bulletin No. 5— San Gabriel Investigation— Basic Data, 1923-1926. Bulletin No. 6 — San Gabriel Investigation— Basic Data, 1926-1928. Bulletin No. 7 — San Gabriel Investigation — Analysis and Conclusions, 1929. •Biennial Report, Division of Water Rights, 1920-1922. •Biennial Report, Division of Water Rights, 1922-1924. Biennial Report, Division of Water Rights, 1924-1926. Biennial Report, Division of Water Rights, 1926-1928. DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING •Bulletin No. 1 — Cooperative Irrigation Investigations in California, 1912-1914. •Bulletin No. 2— Irrigation Districts in California. 1887-1915. Bulletin No. 3 — Investigations of Economic Duty of Water for Alfalfa in Sacra- mento Valley. California, 1915. •Bulletin No. 4 — Preliminary Report on Conservation and Control of Flood Waters in Coachella Valley, California, 1917. •Bulletin No. 5 — Report on the Utilization of Mojave River for Irrigation in Victor Valley. California, 1918. •Bulletin No. 6 — California Irrigation District Laws. 1919 (now obsolete). Bulletin No. 7 — Use of water from Kings River. California. 1918. •Bulletin No. 8 — Flood Problems of the Calaveras River, 1919. Bulletin No. 9 — Water Resources of Kern River and Adjacent Streams and Their Utilization, 1920. •Biennial Report, Department of Engineering, 1907-1908. •Biennial Report, Department of Engineering, 1908-1910. •Biennial Report, Department of Engineering, 1910-1912. •Biennial Report, Department of Engineering, 1912-1914. •Biennial Report, Department of Engineering, 1914-1916. •Biennial Report, Department of Engineering, 1916-1918. •Biennial Report, Department of Engineering, 1918-1920. • Reports ami Bulletins nut of print. Theje may he borrowed by your local library from the Ciliramli 8(«t« Library at Sacramento. California. 582 DIVISION (IF WATKi: lIKSOrRf'ES DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Including Reports of the Former Division of Engineering and Irrigation •Bulletin No. 1 — California Irrigation : istrlct Laws, 1921 (now obsolete). •Bulletin No. 2 — Formation of Irriga. 'n Districts, Issuance of Bonds, etc.. i:t22 Bulletin No. 3 — Water Resources of Tulare County and Their Utilization, 1!'22 Bulletin No. 4 — Water Resources of California, 1923. Bulletin No. 5 — Flow in California Streams. 1923. Bulletin No. 6 — Irrigation Requirements of California Lands, 1923. •Bulletin No. 7 — California Irrigation District Laws. 1923 (now obsolete). •Bulletin No. 8 — Cost of Water to Irrigators in California. 1925. Bulletin No. 9 — Supplemental Report on Water Resources of California, 1925. •Bulletin No. 10 — California Irrigation District Laws, 1925 (now obsolete). Bulletin No. 11 — Ground Water Resources of Southern San Joaquin Valley. 1927. Bulletin No. 12 — Summary Report on the Water Resources of California and a Coor- dinated Plan for Their Development. 1927. Bulletin No. 13 — The Development of the Upper Sacramento River, containing U. S R. S. Cooperative Report on Iron Canyon Project. 1927. Bulletin No. 14— The Control of Floods by Re.servoirs. 192S. •Bulletin No. 18 — California Irrigation District Laws, 1927 (now obsolete). •Bulletin No. 18 — California Irrigation District Laws, 1929 Revision (now obsolete). Bulletin No. 18-B — California Irrigation District Laws, 1931, Revision. Bulletin No. 19 — Santa Ana Investigation, Flood Control and Con.serv.Ttion (with packet of maps). 192S. Bulletin No. 20 — Kennett Reservoir Development, an Analysis of Metlxid.s and Extent of Financing by Electric Power Revenue. 1929. Bulletin No. 21 — Irrigation Districts in California. 1929. Bulletin No. 21-A — Report on Irrigation Districts in California for the 1929. 1930. Bulletin No. 21-B — Report on Irrigation Districts in California for the vf;ir 103n. 1931. Bulletin No. 22 — Report on Salt Water Barrier (two volumes). 1929. Bulletin No. 23 — Report of Sacramento-San Jr^quin Water Supervisor, 1924-)92S. Bulletin No. 24 — A Proposed Ma.ior Development on American River. 192!i. Bulletin No. 25 — Report to Legislature of 1931 on State Water Plan, 1930. Bulletin No. 20— Sacramento River Ba.-2.4' CP A2. \ 111594