THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES LEONARDO DA VINCI , ,1 Printed by DrueyeL-, Poii? Portrait of Leonardo da Vinci, by HimsclJ^ (royal I.IBRAin LEONARDO DA VINCI Artist^ Thinker^ and Man of Science FROM THE FRENCH OF EUGÈNE MÙNTZ MEMBER OF THE INSTITUT DE FRANCE KEEPER OF THE COLLECTIONS IN THE ÉCOLE DES BEAUX ARTS With Forty-eight Plates and Two Hundred and Fi/ty-two Text Illustrations IN TWO VOLUMES First Volume LONDON : WILLIAM HEINEMANN NEW YORK : CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS MDCCCXCVIII Ai.L Rights Reserveu. RiciiAKD Clav and Sons, Limited, LONDON AND BUNGAV. ARTS PREFACE THERE is no name more illustrious in the annals of art and of science than that of Leonardo da Vinci. And yet this pre-eminent genius still lacks a biography which shall make him known in all his infinite variety. The great majority of his drawings have never been reproduced. No critic has even attempted to catalogue and classify these master- pieces of taste and sentiment. It was to this part of my task that I first applied myself. And, among other results, I now offer the public the first descriptive and critical catalogue of the incomparable collection of drawings at Windsor Castle, belonging to her Majesty the Queen of England. Among the many previous volumes dedicated to Leonardo, students will seek in vain for details as to the genesis of his pictures, and the process through which each of them passed from primordial sketch to final touch. Leonardo, as is conclusively shown by my researches, achieved perfection only by dint of infinite labour. It was because the groundwork was laid with such minute care, with such a consuming desire for perfection, that the Vii'gitt of the Rocks, the Mona Lisa, and the 5". Anne are so full of life and eloquence. Above all, a summary and analysis was required of the scientific, literary, and artistic manuscripts, the complete publication of which was first begun in our own generation by students such as Messrs. Richter, Charles Ravaisson-Mollien, Beltrami, Ludwig, Sabachnikoff and Rouveyre, and the members of the Roman Academy of the " Lincei." vi PREFACE Thanks to a methodical examination of these autographs of the master's, I think I have been able to penetrate more profoundly than my predecessors into the inner life of my hero. 1 may call the special attention of my readers to the chapters dealing with Leonardo's attitude towards the occult sciences, his importance in the field of literature, his religious beliefs and moral principles, his studies of antique models — studies hitherto disputed, as will be seen. I have further endeavoured to re-constitute the society in which the master lived and worked, especially the court of Lodovico il Moro at Milan, that interesting and suggestive centre, to which the supreme evolution of the Italian Renaissance may be referred. A long course of reading has enabled me to show a new signi- ficance in more than one picture and drawing, to point out the true application of more than one manuscript note. I do not, indeed, flatter myself that I have been able to solve all problems. An enterprise such as that to which I have devoted myself demands the collaboration of a whole generation of students. Individual effort could not suffice. But at least I may claim to have discussed opinions I cannot share with moderation and with courtesy, and this should give me some title to the indulgence of my readers. The pleasant duty remains to me of thanking the numerous friends and correspondents who have been good enough to help me in the course of my long and laborious investigations. They are too many to mention here individually, but I have been careful to record my indebtedness to them, as far as possible, in the body of the volume. EUGENE MUNTZ. Paris, October, 1898. CONTENTS OF VOLUME I CHAPTER I THE GENIUS OF LEONARDO — HIS CHILDHOOD — HIS FAMILY — SER PIERO — FIRST STUDIES AND EARLIEST ATTEMPTS— IN VERROCCHIO'S STUDIO — METHODS OF TEACHING— HIS FELLOW-STUDENTS : PERUOINO, LORENZO DI CREDI, ATALANTE — MASTER AND PUPIL -44 CHAPTER II FIRST ORIGINAL PRODUCTIONS: THE SHIELD— THE " MEDUSA "—" THE FALL" — PICTURES ASCRIBED TO LEONARDO—' THE ANNUNCIATION" OF THE LOUVRE AND "THE ANNUNCIATION" OF THE UFFIZI— THE PORTRAIT OF BANDINI BARONCELLI 45— 6o CHAPTER III THE " ADORATION OF THE MAGI " — THE " S. JEROME " — DEPARTURE FROM FLORENCE— SUPPOSED JOURNEY TO THE EAST 61 — 88 CHAPTER IV LODOVICO IL MORO AND BEATRICE D'ESTE — THE COURT OF THE SFORZI — PRINCES, HUMANISTS, AND SCHOLARS— THE MILANESE SCHOOL— LEONARDO'S PRECURSORS AND RIVALS 89 — 140 CHAPTER V LEONARDO'S DÉBUT AT THE COURT OF MILAN — HIS PROGRAMME — THE EQUES- TRIAN STATUE OF FRANCESCO SFORZA — LEONARDO AS A SCULPTOR — HIS INFLU- ENCE ON THE SCULPTURE OF NORTHERN ITALY T4I — 160 CHAPTER VI 'THE VIRGIN OF THE ROCKS" — OTHER MADONNAS OF THE MILANESE PERIOD . 161— I76 CHAPTER VII "THE LAST supper" I77— 224 CHAPTER VIII LEONARDO'S ACADEMY— HIS WRITINGS ON ART — FRA LUCA PACIOLI AND THE TREATISE ON PROPORTION — LEONARDO'S " ATELIER" AND ITS TEACHING . . . 225 — 256 LIST OF PLATES IN VOLUME I PHOTOGRA VU RES To fate PAGE I. Studies of Youthful Heads. (The Louvre) 4 II. Study of Drapery. (Windsor Library) i5 III. Study for a Head of the Virgin, ascrihed to Leonardo (The Uffizi, Florence) 4^ IV. Study for a Head of the Virgin, ascribed to Leonardo (Windsor Library) 56 V. Bust of Scipio. School of Leonardo. (M. Paul Rattler's Collection) . . 158 VI. First Idea for "The Virgin of the Rocks" (Duke of Devonshire's Collection, Chatsworth) 162 VII. "The Virgin of the Rocks" (The Louvre) 170 VIII. "The Last Supper." (Refectory of Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan) . 182 IX. Study for the Head of Christ. (The Brera, Milan) igo X. Head of S. John. An Early Copy from "The Last Supper." (Weimar Museum) 194 XI. Study for " The Madonna Litta." (The Louvre) 200 XII. "The Madonna Litta." (The Hermitage, S. Petersburg) 204 XIII. Portrait of a Young Princess. (The Ambrosiana, Milan) 208 COLOURED AND TINTED PLATES 1. Portrait of Leonardo da Vinci, by Himself. (Royal Library, Turin.) Frontispiece 2. The Angels from Verrocchio's Picture of the " Baptism of Christ." (The Angel on the right by Leonardo, the Angel on the left by Verrocchio.) (Accademia delle belle Arti, Florence.) 44 3. Head of a Young Woman. (The Uffizi, Florence.) 60 4. Study for the "Saint Jerome." (Windsor Library.) 80 5. Studies for the Virgin with the Infant Jesus (ascribed to Leonardo). (British Museum.) 94 6. Studies of Horses. (Windsor Library.) 144 7. Study for the Head of the Infant Jesus in the "Virgin of the Rocks." (The Louvre.) 174 8. Studies for the Head of the Infant Jesus in the "Virgin of the Rocks." (The Louvre.) 176 9. Study for the Head of an Apostle. (Windsor Library.) 186 10. Head of an Old Man. (British Museum.) 214 11. A Study of Draperies. (The Louvre.) 236 12. Portrait of an Old Man. (British Museum.) 240 13. Head of a Young (Windsor Library.) 250 14. Studies in Proportion. (Windsor Library.) 254 LIST OF TEXT ILLUSTRATIONS IN VOLUME I PACE La Belle Ferronnière. (The Louvre.) xii The Annunciation (ascribed to Leonardo da Vinci). (The Uffizi, Florence.) i Life Study. (British Museum.) i Study of a Youth. (Windsor Library.) 4 Study of a Young Woman. (Windsor Library.) 4 Study of a Young Girl. (Windsor Library.) 5 Study of a Youth. (Windsor Library.) 5 View of the Town of Vinci S Study of an Old Man. (The Uffizi, Florence.) 9 Studies of Infants (for the "Saint Anne"). (Musée Condé, Chantilly.) .... 12 Study of a Young Woman. (Windsor Library.) 13 Study of a Youth (for the "Ador.4tion of the Magi"). (The Valton Collection, Paris) 16 Study of Helmeted Heads. (Windsor Library.) 16 The Unbelief of S. Thomas, by Verrocchio. (Or San Michèle, Florence) ... 17 The Beheading of S. John the Baptist, by Verrocchio. (Museum of the Duomo, Florence.)- 20 The Child with a Dolphin, by Verrocchio. (Palazzo V'ecchio, Florence.) .... 21 Bust of Coi.leone, by Verrocchio. (Piazza di SS. Giovanni e Paoli, Venice.) . . 24 Head of a Saint, by Perucino. (Church of Santa ^Laria Maddalena dei Pazzi, Florence.) 25 Study of a Horseman (ascribed to Verrocchio) 28 Study of a Horseman (ascribed to Verrocchio) 2S Leonardo's first dated Landscape. (The Uffizi, Florence.) 29 Verrocchio's Head of david. (Museo Nazionale, Florence.) 32 Study of a Head by Leonardo for Verrocchio's "David.' (V\eiinar Museum.) 33 Three Dancers. (Accademia, Venice.) 36 Sketch, School of Verrocchio. (Tiie Louvre.) 37 Head of John the Baptist, from Verrocchio's " Baptism of Christ." (Acca- demia, Florence.) 40 Statue of Colleone, by Verrocchio. (The Base by Leopardi.) (Piazza di SS. Giovanni e Paolo at V'enice ) 41 Study of a Horseman. (Windsor Library.) 44 "The Annunciation" (attributed to Leonardo). (The Louvre.) 45 Study for the "Ador.\tion of the Magi." (The Valton Collection, Paris) ... 45 Study of Heads, dated 1478. (The Uffizi, Florence.) 48 Bust of S. John the Baptist (ascribed to Leonardo). (South Kensington Museum.) 49 Study for the " Adoration of the Magi." (Bonnat Collection, Paris.) .... 52 Sketch of Baroncelli. (Bonnat Collection, Paris.) 53 Portrait of a Warrior. (Malcolm Collection, British Museimi.) 57 Study for the "Adoration of the Magi." (The Uffizi, Florence.) 61 Study for the "Adoration of the Magi." (The Lo.vre.) 61 VOL. I. b X T.TST OF TEXT ILLUSTRATIONS I'AGE Tup. "Adoration of thk Maci," p.v Fii.ii'Pino Lippi. (The Uffizi, Florence.) ... 64 Si'UDV I'os THE '■' Adoration ov thic Maci." (The Lmivrc. Formerly in the Galichon Collection.) 65 The Madonna of the "Adoration of the Magi." (Fragment from the Cartoon.) 68 Cartoon of the "Adoration of the Magi." (The Uffizi, Florence.) 69 Study for the "Adoration of the Magi." (Malcolm Collection, British Musemn.) 72 SruDv FOR THE "ADORATION OF THE Magi." (The Louvre.) 72 Tvpes of Virgin and Child. School of Leonardo. (Bonnat Collection, I'aris.) 73 .Study for the " Adora'tion of the Magi" (fragment). (The Valton Collection.) 76 Study for the "Adoration of the Magi" (fragment). (Cologne Museimi.) . . 77 Study for the " Adoration of the MAra." (The Louvre.) So " S. Jerome in the Desert." (Vatican Gallery.) 81 Head of Christ. (Accaclemia, Venice.) 88 A Milanese Miniature of the Fifteenth Century (Frontispiece of the " LsroRiA del Duca Francesco Sforza," by G. Simoneita). (British Museum.) Sg Study of a Horse. (Windsor Library.) 89 Frontispiece of the "Antiquarie Prospettische." 93 Portrait of Ippolita Visconti, by Bernardino Luini. (Monastère Maggiore, Milan.) 96 Tomb of Cardinal Ascanio Sforza, by Andrea Sansovino. (Church of Santa Maria del Popolo, Rome.) 97 Portrait of the Poet Bellincioni. (From an Engraving of 1493) 100 The Chronicler Corio. (From a Contemporary Engraving) loi BlANCA Maria Sforza. (From a Drawing by G. M. Cavalli.) (Accademia, Venice ) . 104 The Emperor Maximilian. (From a Drawing by G. M. Cavalli.) (Accademia, Venice.) 104 Beatrice d'Este : kro.m the Monument by Cristoforo Solari. (Certosa, Pavia.) 105 Design for Candelabrum. {Coiâ-x AÛa/i/ùi/s.) 108 Marshal Trivulzio. From a Plaque ascribed to Caradusso 109 Bramante. After a Medal by Caradosso 112 "The Martyrdom of S. Sebastian," by Vicenzo Foppa. (The Brcr.i, Milan.; . . 113 A Milanese Portico of the Time of Lodovico II Moro (after an engraving ascribed to Bramante) 117 "The Crucifixion," by Montorfano. (Refectory of Santa Maria dellc Grazic, Milan.) 120 Study of a Young Woman. (Windsor Library.) 121 Designs for War Chariots. (Windsor Library.) 125 Studies of Horses. (Windsor Library. From a Photograph given by M. Rouvc) re.; . 128 Studies of Horses. (Library of the Institut de France ; from M. Ravaisson-MoUicn's Leonardo da Vinci. ) 1 29 Portrait of Gian Galeazzo Sforza, by V. Foppa. (Wallace Museum, London. j . 132 Study of a Horseman. (Windsor Library.) 133 An Allegory OF Envy. (Library of Christ Church College, O.xford.) 136 A Begg.\r or Convict. (Windsor Library.) 137 Frieze by Caradosso. (Church of San Satiro, Milan.) .141 Study for The " Ador.ation of the Magi." (The Valton Collection, Paris.) . . , 141 Equestrian Bas-Relief of Annibale Bentivoglio (1458), by Niccolù dell' Arca. (Church of San Giacomo Maggiore, Bologna.) 144 Equestrian Bas-Relief by Leonardo da Prato (1511). (Church of SS. Giovanni e Paolo, Venice.) 145 Studies for the Equestrian Statue of Francesco Sforza. (Windsor Library, reproduced from Dr. Richter's Book.) 148 Equestrian Statue of Gattamelata, p.y Don.vtello, at Padua 149 Studies of Horses. (Windsor Library.) 152 Studies of Horses. (Windsor Library.) 153 Study for the Equestrian Statue of Francesco Sforza. (Windsor Library. Reproduced from Dr. Richter's work.) 156 Study for the Equestrian Statue of Francesco Sforza. (Windsor Library. Reproduced from Dr. Richter's work.) 157 Study for the Equestrian Statue of Francesco Sforza. (Windsor Library. Reproduced from Dr. Richter's work.) 160 LIST OF TEXT ILLUSTRATIONS xi PACE Study of Horses. (Windsor Library.) i6i A Figure for the "Ador.\tion of the Magi." (Bonnat Collection, Paris.) . . . i6r Study for the Angel in the "Virgi.v of the Rocks." (Royal Library, Turin.) . 164 Study for the Angel in the " Virgin of the Rocks." (Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris.) 165 The "Virgin of THE Rocks." (National Gallery, London.) 168 Study for the "Virgin of the Rocks." (Christ Church Library, O.tford.) .... 169 Study for the Infant S. John the Baptist. (Mancel Gallery, Caen.) 172 Study for the Infant Jesus. (Mancel Gallery, Caen.) 173 Study for the Infant S. John the Baptist. (The Louvre.) 176 Child Playing with a Cat. (Windsor Library.) . ■ 176 First Idea for "The Last Supper." (Windsor Library.) 177 First Idea for "The Last Supper." (The Louvre.) ... 177 LODOVICO IL MORO granting A CHARTER TO THE PRIOR OF SaNTA MaRIA DELLE Grazie. (Miniature from the collection of the Marquis d' Adda at Milan.) 180 The Church of Santa Maria delle Gr.a.zie at Milan 181 "The Last Supper," by Andrea del C.\Stagno. (Convent of S. ApoUonia at Florence.) 184 First Idea for "The Last Supper." (Accademia, Venice.) 185 Study for the head of Judas. (Windsor Library.) 188 Study for the Arm of S. Peter. (Windsor Library.) 189 Study for the Head of S. M.\tthew. (Windsor Library.) 192 Study for the Head of S. Philip. (Windsor Library.) 193 " The Last Supper." Left Side. (In its present state.) 196 '' The Last Supper." Right Side. (In its present state.) 197 "The L.\st Supper." Left side. (In its present state.) 200 "The Last Supper." Right side. (In its present state.) 201 The Castle of Milan. Fro.m a sixteenth century Drawing 204 Design for .-v Lighthouse. (Reproduced from Dr. Richtcr's work.) (Vallardi Collection, the Louvre.) . 205 Plan of a Pavilion for the Duchess of Milan. (Library of the Institut de France.) 205 Mercury OR Argus. A Fresco by Bram.'VNTE(?). (The Castle of Milan ) 20S Portrait of an unknown M.^n. (The Ambrosiana, Milan.) 209 A Sheet of Sketches. (Bonnat Collection, Paris ) 212 Study for a Standing Figure. (Library of the Institut de France.) 212 Study OF a Head. (The Louvre.) 213 Study for the Equestrian Statue of Fr. Sforza. (Windsor Library.) 213 AMusE(.'). Fro.m AN Engraving ascribed TO Leonardo. (British Museum.) . . 216 Study of an Old Man. fTrivulzio Library.) 216 Head of a Woman. From an Engraving ascribed to Leonardo. (British Museum.) 217 Study of a Head. F.\csimile of an Engraving after Leon.\rdo 220 Studies for the Statue of Francesco Sforza. From an Engr.wing ascribed TO Leonardo. (British Museum.) 221 Design for a Church with a Central Cupola. (Library of ihe Institut de France.) 224 Models of Weapons, Offensive and Defensive. (The Valton Collection, Paris.) . 225 Study for the "Ador.\tion of the Magi." (British Museum) 225 Engraving of Interlaced Ornament, Inscribed "Academia Leonardi Vinci." (The Ambrosiana, iVIilan.) 22S Engraving of Interlaced Ornament, inscribed "Acade.mia Leonardi \'inci." (The Ambrosiana, Milan.) 229 Sketch IN the "Tratt.\to della Pittura." (Vatican Library.) 230 Sketch in the "Tratt.^to della Pittura." (Vatican Library.) 231 Engraving of Interlaced Ornament, inscribed "Academia Leonardi Vinci." (The Ambrosiana, Milan.) 232 Head of an Old Man crowned with Laurel. (Windsor Library.) 233 Sketch in the " Tratt.\to della Pittura." (Vatican Library.) 234 Sketch in the "Tratt.\to della Pittura." (Vatican Library.) 234 Sketch IN the "Tratt.\to DELLA Pittura." (Vatican Library.) 235 Sketch in the "Trattato della Pittura." (Vatican Library.) 235 xii LIST OF TEXT ILT.USTRATIONS PACE Hf.ah of an Ol.n Man. (Windsor Library.) 236 Head of an C ld Man. (The Louvre.) 237 Sketch in the " TRArr.Aio deli.a Pittuka.-' (Vatican Library.) 23S Sketch in the "Traitaio deli.a PirruRA." (Vatican Library.) 239 Measurements OF the Human Head. (Library of the Institut de France.) . . . .240 Sketch in the " Tr.\tt.*to della Pittura." (Vatican Library.) 240 Measurements of the Human Body. (Accademia, Venice.) 241 Sketch IN THE "Tratt.vto DELLA Pittura." (Vatican Library.) 241 Sketch in the "Traitato della Pittura." (Vatican Library.) 242 Sketch IN the "Tratt.ATO DELLA PrnURA." (Vatican Library.) 243 Sketch in the " Tra TT.UO della Pitiura." (Vatican Library.) 243 A Sheet of Sketches. (Uonnat Collection, Paris.) 244 Grotesque Figure. (Windsor Library.) 245 Model OF Letter composed r.v Leonard. j for the Treatise "De Uivina Propokitone" 248 Grotesque Heads. (Windsor Library.) 249 Sketch from the "Tratt.vio della Pitiuka." i\"atican Library.) 252 The Proportions of the Hl'man Head, drawn liv Leonardo for I'acioli's Treatise 252 Sketch from the " Tr.vitato della Pittura.-' (Vatican Liorary.) 253 Sketch from the "Tratt.ato della Pittura." (V'atican Library.) . . ... 253 Study of Flowers. (Windsor Librar)-.) 256 LA BEl.LE FERKO.NNltKE. (The Louvre.) ERRATA Vol. I. P. 20, line 2T,for " Lippo " read " Lippi." P. 32, lettering of illustration, ^or " Musée National " read " Museo Nazionale." Pp. 52 and 161, /or " Adoration of the Magi " read " Adoration of the Shepherds." P. 132, lettering of illustration, /or " Gain " read " Gian." P. 163, line i,/or"p. 167" rea