THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY A LIST OF BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS JULY, 190a CHICAGO PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1902 18 ^ r^l OFFICERS, 1902 President Peter Stenger Grosscup First Vice-President Second Vicf -President Henrv W. Bishop Thomas D. Jones Secretary Arthur J. Caton Treasurer Librarian William J. Louderback Clement W. Andrews BOARD OF DIRECTORS Marshall Field E. W. Blatchford Peter Stenger Grosscup Robert T. Lincoln Arthur J. Caton Henry W. Bishop Marvin Hughitt Albert Keep Thomas D. Jones John M. Clark John J. Mitchell Frank S. Johnson Leonard A. Busby Carter H. Harrison, Mavor of Chicago, ex-officio. Lawrence E. McGann, Comptroller of Chicago, ex-officio. HEADS OF THE LIBRARY STAFF Librarian Clement W. Andrews Assistant Librarian Anderson H. Hopkins Cataloguer Reference Librarian Aksel G. S. Josephson Charles J, Barr C/assifer Clarence W. Perley Assistant Cataloguer Assistant Reference Librarian Mary E. Hawley Caroline M. Hill y >^' THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY A LIST OF » BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS JULY, 1902 CHICAGO PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1902 /OOi UlJl I PREFACE The present list, the third of this Library's bibliographical publica- tions, is intended to make available the resources of the Library in the field of subject bibliography so far as they are brought out in its y classed subject catalogue. Its scope is, of course, that of the Library, and includes the social, physical and natural sciences and their applica- tions. It gives not only the distinctively bibliographical works on each subject, whether periodicals or monographs, but also works which contain bibliographical material thought to be of interest either because of the number of titles given or the minuteness of the subject treated. It in- cludes also general indexes to periodicals covering more than two years, whether the periodicals themselves contain bibliographical material or not, and the catalogues of special libraries, which often are valuable as bibliographies. The most serious omission is that of analytical references to articles in periodicals and other serials. The inclusion of any given title must be a matter of judgment and this is particularly so in the case of periodicals. Very many of them devote a section to bibliography which varies from such a degree of fulness as to make the periodical one of bibliography in all but name, to a mere ~ " Table of contents of other periodicals" or " List of books received for ^ review." At first the line was drawn more strictly in periodicals than in I books and even the periodicals devoted to abstracts were omitted, but upon ^ reconsideration it was decided to make the list more complete. When I this decision was made a large part of the volume had been printed, so ^ that a considerable number of such titles are included in the Additions, ^ page 421, which also contain the new titles prepared since the printing of the list was begun. Although it has been printed in sections of eight pages, occasionally the same title has been required in two places within the same section; in such cases the more important place has been selected for the main list, and the omitted title has been inserted in the other place in the Additions. The arrangement of the list is the same as that of the section 016 of the classed catalogue, and it contains practically all entries in this section. The order within each smallest subdivision is chronological, the latest work being put first, but as only the more important of these subdivisions could be given in the headings, though all are brought out in the index, the reasons for arrangement under each heading are not always evident. Peculiarities of typographical arrangement have been determined largely by the pre- vious use of the same matter on printed catalogue cards, the type for which has been electrotyped. Inconsistencies in the form of entry are 3 391122 4 PREFACE due to the fact that it has not always seemed necessary to reprint the titles when a change in form has been made. The index gives in one alphabetical arrangement names of persons, places and institutions, titles, and subjects. The name and title references have been made quite full, but the subject references refer only to the bibliographical material. CONTENTS. oi6 General classed bibliographies g 016.005-006 Indexes to serial literature and to general periodicals 16, 421 016.01 Bibliographies of bibliography 26, 423 016.02 Library economy and history 32, 424 016.05 General periodicals 35, 424 016.06 Publications of general societies 47 016.07 General international exhibitions 5° 016.09 Book collecting. General works 50, 425 016.091 Manuscripts 52 016.093 Early printed books 53 016.094-.099 Book collecting. Special subjects 56 016.I-12 Philosophy 59» 426 016.13 Mind and body 60 016.15 Psychology 62 016.178 Ethics 64 016.18-.19 Ancient and modem philosophers 65 016.2 Religion 66, 428 016.3 Social sciences. General works 69, 429 016.31 Statistics 72, 429 016.32 Political science 74. 43° 016.33 Political economy. General works 11, W- 016.331 Labor 82 016.332 Money and banking 85 016.333 Land. Water. Fisheries 87 016.334 Cooperation 88 016.335 Socialism 88 016.336 Finance 9° 016.338 Production and manufacture 92 016.339 Pauperism 93 016.34 Law 94. 432 016.35 Administration and public documents. General works 99, 433 016.352 Local government and municipal documents 99 016.353 United States government and documents loi 016.3539 State government and documents 106 016.354 Foreign government and documents 107 016.355-.359 Military and naval sciences 109, 434 016.36-.365 Charities and corrections no, 434 016.368 Insurance ^I3> 435 016.37 Education. General works 113. 435 016.371 Methods and management 119 016.372 Primary education. Child study 121 016.373-.377 Education. Special subjects 122 016.378 Colleges and universities 123 016.379 Public schools. State and education 125 016.38 Commerce and communication 125, 436 016.39-.396 Manners and customs 129 016.398 Folk-lore 130. 436 5 6 CONTENTS 016.4 Language 132 016.5 Physical sciences. General works 135, 437 016.51 Mathematics. General works 144, 438 016.511-.517 Mathematics. Special subjects 148 016.52 Astronomy. General works 150, 439 016.521-.525 Astronomy. Special subjects 152 016.526 Geodesy 154 016.529 Chronology 156 016.53 Physics. General works 156, 439 016.531 Mechanics 158 016.532-.533 Hydraulics. Pneumatics 159 016.535 Optics 160 016.536 Heat 161 016.537 Electricity 163 016.538 Magnetism 167 016.539 Molecular physics 168 016.54 Chemistry. General works 168, 440 016.541 Theoretical chemistry 173 016.543-.544 Chemical analysis 174 016.546 Inorganic chemistry 177 016.547 Organic chemistry 178 016.548-.549 Crystallography. Mineralogy 181 Natural sciences. 016.55 Geology. General works 183, 443 016.551 Physical geography 186 016,5515 Meteorology 190 016.5517 Stratigraphical geology 191 016.552 Petrography 191 016.553 Economic geology 192 016.554 Geology of Europe 194 016.556 Geology of Africa 196 016.557 Geology of North America 197 016.559 Geology of Australia and Tasmania 200 016.56 Paleontology. General works 200, 444 016.561 Paleo-botany 202 016.562-.569 Paleo-zoology 203 016.57 Natural sciences. General works 206, 446 016.571 Prehistoric archaeology 214 \ 016.572 Ethnology 216C 447 016.573 Anthropology 218 ) 016.575-.579 General biology 219^ 016.575 Evolution 219 016.576 Origin and beginnings of life 220 016.577 Properties of living matter 222 016.578 Microscopy 223 j 016.579 Zoological collecting and taxidermy 224J 016.58 Botany. General works 224, 449 016.581 Physiology and anatomy 230, 450 016.5819 Geographical distribution of plants 232 016.582-.585 Phanerogamia 234 016.586-.588 Cryptogamia. General works 236, 450 016.589 Thallophyta 237, 450 016.5891 Lichens 239 019.5892 Fungi 239 M48 455 CONTENTS 7 016.5893-.5896 Algae 241 016.5899 Bacteria. Yeast. Micro-organisms of fermentation 242 016.59 Zoology. General works 245, 452 016.591 Comparative physiology and anatomy 251, 452 016.5919 Geographical distribution of animals 263 016.592 Invertebrates. General works 263^ 016.593 Protozoa. Ccelenterata. Echinodermata 264 016.594 Mollusca 268 -^ ^T ^454 016.5951 Vermes 272 016.5952-.5956 Arthropoda 273 | 016.5957 Insects 275 J 016.596 Vertebrates. General works 279! 016.597 Fishes. Amphibia 279 016.598 Reptiles 282 016.5982 Birds 283 016.599 Mammals 287 016.6 Applied sciences. General works 289,456 016.61 Medicine. General works 296, 456 016.611 Human anatomy 300 016.612 Human physiology and embryology 301 016.613 Hygiene 302 016.614 Public health 304 016.615 Materia medica and therapeutics 307 016.616 Pathology 309 016.6178 Deaf-mutism 311 016.62 Engineering. General works 311, 458 016.621 Mechanical engineering 314 016.622 Mining engineering 319 016.623 Military and naval engineenng 322 016.624 Bridge engineering 323 016.625 Railroad and road engineering 325 016.626-.627 Hydraulic engineering 328 016.628 Sanitary engineering 331 016.63 Agriculture. General works 333, 459 016.631-.633 Soils. Agricultural pests. Crops 336 016.634-.635 Horticulture. Forestry. Vegetable gardening 338 016.636-.639 Domestic animals. Animal industries 340 016.64 Domestic economy 342, 460 016.65 Commerce 460 016.653 Stenography 342 016.655 Printing. Book trade 343 016.656 Railroading. Navigation 345 016.659 Advertising 347 016.66 Chemical technology. General works 347. 461 016.661-.662 Chemicals. Explosives. Fuel 351 016.663-.664 Beverages. Foods 352 016.665 Lighting 354 016.666 Glass 355 016.667 Dyeing 355 016.668 Oils. Fertilizers. Distillation 356 016.669 Metallurgy 357 016.67 Manufactures 359 016.68 Mechanic trades 360, 461 016.69 Building 3^1 8 CONTENTS 016.7 Fine arts. General works 363 016.71 Landscape gardening. Horticulture 365 016.72 Architecture .. 366, 462 016.737 Numismatics 368 016.738 Pottery 369, 462 016.74 Decorative arts 369 016.76 Engraving 370 016.77 Photography 371 016.78 Music 372, 462 016.79 Amusements. Sports 373 016.799 Hunting and fishing 374, 463 016.8 Literature 376, 463 016.9 • History AND GEOGRAPHY, General works 380,463 016.91 Geography 382 016.912 Maps 386, 464 016.913 Antiquities . 389 016.92 Biography 390 . 016.929 Genealogy and heraldry 390 016.93 Ancient history 391, 464 016.94 Europe. General works 391, 464 016.941-.942 Great Britain 391 016.943 Germany. Austria-Hungary 393 016.944 France » 394 016.946-.949 Other European countries 397 016.95 Asia 400, 465 016.96 Africa 402, 466 016.97 North America 403, 467 016.971 Canada 406 016.972 Mexico. Central America. West Indies 407 016.973 United States of America 408 016.974 U.S.A. North Atlantic states 410 016.975-.976 U. S. A. South Atlantic and Gulf states 412 016.977-.978 U.S.A. North central and Western states 414 016.979 U.S.A. Pacific states 415 016.98 South America 416 016.g9-.996 Australasia. Oceanica 418, 467 016.998-.999 Polar regions 420, 468 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS oi6 GENERAL CLASSED BIBLIOGRAPHIES Koehler, K. F., Leipzig. 019 K8i ""' Lager-Verzeichnis gebundener Biicher und Atlanten Con- tinued from October 1896 O. [Leipzig 1896-.] Koehler, K. F., Leipzig. 019K811 '""' Litterarischer Sortiments-Katalog Zugleich Sachregister zLim alphabetischen Lagerverzeichnis .... Continued from 1895-96. O. Leipzig [1896-]. Kongliga Biblioteket, Stockholm. 017.485 K83 Sveriges offentliga bibliotek: Stockholm. Upsala. Lun'd. Gote- borg. Accessions-katalog. Utgifven af Kongl. Biblioteket. Con- tinued from vol. I. 1886. O. Stockholm 1887-. Index to vol. i-io, 1886-1895, published separately. Vol. i-io compiled by E. W. Dahlgren; vol. ii-, by Emil Haverman, New York. State Library. t 22284 r.;, ,. , ^ ^ LOIO.5I Q Bibliography. Contmued from no. i. May, 1895. Q (State Library bulletin.) [Albany 1895-.] Polybiblion. 13656 p^i , ., ,. ^ , 010.54 3 Polybibhon. Revue bibliographique universelle. Partie tech- nique. Continued from second series, vol. 23. [1897] O (SociETE Bibliographique.) Paris i 897-. Also called vol. 81-. Zuwachsverzeichnis. t 82.23 -7 , . , . ■L017.494Z8 Zuwachsverzeichnis der BibHotheken in Zurich. Continued from vol. I. 1897. Q. Zurich 1 898-. "Verzeichniss der periodischen Druckschriften," vol. i, p. i*-6o*. 10 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY American catalogue. L015.73 A512 "^' The American catalogue. Founded by F : Leypoldt Com- piled under the editorial supervision of R : R. Bowker. [5 vol. in 6.] sq. F. New York: [vol. i], A. C. Armstrong & Son, [vol. 2-5], Publishers' Weekly, 1880-1901. Each volume published in 2 parts; vol. 2-5, with identical title-pages, each reading: "I. Author and title alphabet. 11. Subject alphabet etc." Contents: [Vol. i, part i.] Author and title entries of books in print and for sale ("including reprints and importations) July i, 1876. Compiled by Lynds E. Jones. (Under the direction of F: Leypoldt.) 834,[4],ii2 p. 1880. [Vol. i, part 2.] Sub- ject entries . . . July i, 1876. Compiled by Lynds E. Jones. (Under the direction of F: Leypoldt.) xx,492 p. 1881. [Vol. 2.] Books recorded ... July i, 1876 -June 30, 1884. Compiled under the editorial supervision of R : R. Bowker by Miss A. L Appleton. 2 parts. 1885. [Vol. 3.] Books recorded ... July i, 1884-June 30, 1890. Com- piled ... by Miss A. I. Appleton and others. 2 parts. 1891. [Vol. 4.] Books re- corded ... July I, 1 890 -June 30, 1895. 2 parts. 1896. [Vol. 5.] Books recorded ... July I, iS95-January i, 1900. 2 parts. 1901. "Contributed lists, [arranged by publishers] of books published since 1876, with author and title index," [vol. i, part i], [4] 112 p. "Index to books contained in ap- pendix [to part l]. Subjects," [vol. i, part 2], p. 457-492. "U. S. government publications," [vol. 2, part 2], p. 223-241; [vol. 3, part 2], p. 230-262; [vol. 4, part 2], second p. 1-60. "State publications," [vol. 3, part 2], p. 263-294; [vol. 4, part 2], second p. 61-100. "Publications of societies," [vol. 2, part 2], p. 242-244; [vol. 3, part 2], p. 295- 310; [vol. 4, part 2], second p. 101-130. "Books in series," [vol. 2, part 2], p. 245-247; [vol. 3, part 2], p. 311-318; [vol. 4, part 2], second p. 131-142. "Omissions from cheap libraries," [vol. 2, part 2], p. 248-260. "Note on Bible," [vol. i, part i], p. vii. "Bibliographical aids" [by F. Leypoldt], [vol. i, part 2], p. v-xx. Fletcher, William Isaac. L016.04 F631 30054 ^YiQ < Manuel de bibliographic generale. (Bibliotheca bibliographica nova.) xx,895 p. O. (Manuels de bibliographic historique, no. 2.) Paris: A. Picard & Fils, 1897. Appendice i. Geographic bibliographique. 2. Repertoire des tables generales de periodiques de toutes langues. 3. Repertoire des catalogues d'imprimes des principales bibliotheques du monde entier. Barnes, Earl, ediior. 372 P604 """ Studies in education. A series . . . devoted to child-study and the history of education, 1896-97. [Vol. i.] [4],400 p. il. O. Stanford University, California, 1896-97. Barnes, E., & Bennett, C. J. C. Bibliographies of chUd-study, p. 68-72. Sisson, G. Bibliography of children's plays, p. 184-189. Barnes, E. Books and pamphlets intended to give sex-information, p. 301-308. Barnes, E. Bibliography of the pubUshed work of Dr. G. Stanley Hall, p. 371-379- Langlois, Charles Victor. 016.01 L26 '"" Manuel de bibliographic historique. I. Instruments bibliogra- phiques. xi,i93 p. D. Paris: Hachette & c'^ 1896. Margerie, Emmanuel de. L016.01 M33 "^^ Catalogue des bibliographies geologiques, redige, avec le con- cours des membres de la Commission bibliographique du Congres, . par Emm. de Margerie. xx,733 P- Q- (CONGRBS GEOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONAL. 5^ session. Washington, 1891.— 6« session. Zurich, 1894.) Paris: Gauthier-Villars & Fils, 1896. Centralblatt. - 020.531 "^' Generalregister zum I. — X. Jahrgange des Centralblattes fiir Bib- liothekswesen ( 1 884-1 893 ) . Bearbeitet von Carl Haeberlin. [4] , 233 p. O. Leipzig 1895. Dramard, Eugene. 016.01 D79 '"■'" Bibhographie de la bibliographic generale du droit frangais et etranger [2],i20p. O. Paris : L. Larose & Forcel, 1893. Reprinted from the Repertoire general et alphabetique du droit fratifais. Growoll, Adolphus. L655.4 P300 "'" The profession of bookselling. A handbook of practical hints for the apprentice and bookseller. Vol. 1-2. il. Q. New York: PubHshers' Weekly, 1 893-1 895. "Bibliography of literature", vol. i, p. 2-4. "Trade catalogues, papers, literary journals, etc.", vol. i, p. 9-21. "Historical notes on bookbinding", vol. 2, p. lOO-iii. Bergmans, Paul. o^^-^^ ^45 '''' Repertoire methodique decennal des travaux bibliographiques parusen Belgique. 1881-1890. 76 P- Q- Liege: H. Vaillant- » Carmanne, 1892. Reprinted from Bulletin de la Soc. Lieg. de Bibl., vol. i. — Printed in lOO copies. 30 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Rogers, Walter Thomas. 010.2 R63 *^ A manual of bibliography, being an introduction to the knowl- edge of books, library management, and the art of cataloguing. viii,i72 p. I pi. 37 il. O. New York: Scribner & Welford, 1891. Contains a bibliography of bibliography. This is a translation, with addition of the bibliography and some appendixes, of Giuseppe Ottino's Manuale di bibhografia, but published by the translator as his own work. Bokachef, N. 016.01 B63 ^'^^^ Opisi russkikh bibliotek i bibliograficheskiya izdaniya. [List of Russian library catalogues and bibliographical publications,] xviii,[2],3i6,53,23,[3] p. O. S.-Peterburg 1890. Boston, Public Library. O16.OI B65 *^'* Hand-book for readers in the Boston Public Library, containing the regulations of the library, with an account of the catalogues, a bibliography of special subjects, list of indexes to periodicals, and other information. Ninth edition. [2], 378 p. D. Boston 1890. Whitney, James Lyman. L016.01 W61 ^"* A catalogue of the bibliographies of special subjects in the Boston Public Library, together with an index to notes upon books and reading to be found in library catalogues, in periodical and other publications. [2], 71 p. Q. (BOSTON. PUBLIC LIBRARY. Bibli- ographies of special subjects, no. 5.) Boston 1890. Also published in Boston Public Library Handbook for readers. 1890. British Museum. Department of Prijited Books. 017.42 B7752 List of bibhographical worfts in the reading room of the British Museum. Compiled by G. W. Porter. Second edition, revised by G. R. Fortescue. xi,i03 P- O. London 1889. Caspar, Carl Nicolaus. L655.473O900 ^'^ Caspar's Directory of the American book, news and stationery trade, wholesale and retail, ... , in the United States and Canada. .... Added a list ... of ... periodicals, magazines and reviews of the United States, .... xviii,i434 p. 2 pi. i por. Q. Mil- waukee: C. N. Caspar, 1889. Contains also a bibliography of bibliography, and a list of technical terms used in the graphic arts and in the book and stationery trades. Ford, Paul Leicester. 016.01 F75 Check-list of bibliographies, catalogues, reference-lists, and lists of authorities of American books and subjects. viii,64 p. O. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1889. Pages 1-59 numbered and printed on only one side of the leaf. , BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 3 1 Stein, Henri. L016.01 S8191 22*82 Les travaux bibliographiques de 1878 a 1888 104 p. Q. (SOCIIITE BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE.) Paris I 889. Reprinted from Cottgrh bibliographiqtie international ieim a Paris, 1888. Compte rendu des travaux. Valine, L^on. ^ L016.01V24 3'83 Bibliographie des bibliographies. Premiere partie : Catalogue des bibliographies generales et particulieres, .... Seconde par- tie : Repertoire des ... matieres. vi,[2],773,[i] p. Q. Paris: E. Terquem, 1883. Supplement. [2],354P-Q- Paris : E. Terquem, 1887. Sabin, Joseph. 016.01 S116 '="' A bibliography of bibliography, or a handy book about books which relate to books. Being an alphabetical catalogue of the most important works descriptive of the literature of Great Britain and America, and more than a few relative to France and Ger- many, cl p. O. New York: J. Sabin & Sons, 1877. Power, John. 010.4 P87 '""« A handy-book about books, for book-lovers, book-buyers, and book-sellers. xiv,2i7 P- il- O. London: J. Wilson, 1870. Petzholdt, Julius. o^^-o^ ^45 ^"^ Bibliotheca bibliographica. Kritisches Verzeichniss der das Ge- sammtgebiet der Bibliographie betreffenden Litteratur des In- und Auslandes in systematischer Ordnung xii,939 p. O. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1866. Guild, Reuben Aldridge. L016.01 G94 '2«37 The librarian's manual; a treatise on bibliography, comprismg a select and descriptive list of bibliographical works ; to which are added, sketches of publick libraries. 10,304 P- il- sq.F. New York: C. B. Norton, 1858. Large paper copy. Home, Thomas Hartwell. o^o-^ H78 ^"' An introduction to the study of bibliography. To which is pre- fixed a memoir on the public libraries of the ancients. 2 vol. paged continuously; vol. i : xv,[i],402 p. ; vol. 2 : [2],403-758, [2],clvi p. il. pi. facsim. O. London: T. Cadell & W. Davies, 1814. Vol. 2 contains A notice of the principal works extant on literary history m general, and on bibliography in particular. 32 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Weller, Emil. 014 W45 ''^* Lexicon pseudonymorum. Worterbuch der Pseudonymen aller Zeiten und Volker, oder Verzeichniss jener Autoren, die sich falscher Namen bedienten. Zweite, . . . vermehrte Auflage. x, 627 p. Q. Regensburg: A. Coppenrath, 1886. The preface contains a bibliography of works on anonyms and pseudonyms. Graf, Johann Heinrich. 015.494 C73 v.i 18364 Travaux bibliographiques preliminaires. Catalogues des biblio- theques de la Suisse. xvi,67 p. \_In Centralkommission fur SCHWEIZERISCHE Landeskunde. Bibliographie, vol. la.] Berne 1894. Gottlieb, Theodor. 027.04 i 26970 Ueber mittelalterliche Bibliotheken. Mit Unterstutzung der Kaiserl. Academic der Wissenschaften zu Wien. xi,[i 3,520 p. O, Leipzig: O. Harrassowitz, 1890. "Cataloge der Bibhotheken von Deutschland, Frankreich, Grossbritannien, Italien, Niederlande, Scandinavian und Spanien," p. 15-298. 016.02 LIBRARY ECONOMY AND HISTORY Books and reading — Indexes Grassauer, Ferdinand. 027.0436 3 29320 Handbuch fiir Universitats- und Studien-Bibliotheken sowie fiir Volks-, Mittelschul- und Bezirks-Lehrerbibliotheken Osterreichs. Mit einer Sammlung von Gesetzen, a. h. Entschliessungen, Ver- ordnungen, Erlassen, Acten und Actenauszugen. Neue Ausgabe. iv,[2],3i4p. O. Wien: K. Graeser, 1899. "Literarischer BibHotheksapparat" p. 64-86. With bibHographical references for each chapter. Dewey, MelviL L025.3D511 """ Simplified library school rules. Card catalog, accession, book numbers, shelf list, capitals, punctuation, abbreviations, library handwriting. [Edited by Florence Woodworth.] [2], 96 p. il. 3 facsim. Q. Boston: Library Bureau, 1898, c. 1899. "Brief Ust of useful books on Hbrary economy," p. 83-84. Library journaL 020.51 2 '*'^''* General index to the Library journal. Official organ of the American Library Association, chiefly devoted to library economy and bibliography. Vols. 1-22. (September, 1876 -December, 1897.) iv,i30 p. sq.O. New York 1898. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 33 Germany. Deutsche Unterrichts-Ausstellung in Chicago,! Sgj. 027.043 i ''' Special-Katalog der Bibliotheks-Ausstellung. (Gruppe IX der Universitats-Ausstellung.) Bearbeitet von Dr. A. Graesel. x, 44 p. O. Berlin 1893. Richardson, Ernest Gushing. 025.4 R39 ^^"^ Classification, theoretical and practical .... Together with an appendix containing an essay toward a bibliographical history of systems of classification. The New York State Library School Association alumni lectures, 1900-1901. xiv,248 p. D. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1901. Dewey, Melvil. L025.3D51 ^" Library School rules, i. Card catalog rules. 2. Accession book rules. 3. Shelf list rules. Third edition. [2], 72 p. 3 facsim. Q. Boston: Library Bureau, 1894. Contains a bibliography of catalog rules, by Mary Salome Cutler. Biblioteca Estense, Reale. L027.045 B47 ""'^ Notizie storiche, bibliografiche e statistiche suUa Biblioteca Es- tense di Modena nel MDCCCXCVIII. 24 p. Q. Roma: Societa editrice Dante Alighieri, 1900 Title taken from inside cover. Valine, L^on. 027.044 B471 "'^ La Bibhotheque nationale. Choix de documents pour servir a I'histoire de I'etablissement et de ses collections. xii,525 p. O. Paris: E. Terquem, 1894. Pierret, Emile. 027.044 B47 '^^•^ Essai d'une bibliographic historique de la Bibliotheque nationale. [2], 162 p. O. Paris: E. Bouillon, 1892. Printed in 210 copies. Franklin, Alfred. 027.044 B4710 '*"'' Histoire de la Bibhotheque mazarine depuis sa fondation jusqu a nos jours. [2],iii,[6],3i3 p. D. Paris : A. Aubry, i860. "Sources citees," p. 279-289. Counsel. 028 C83 '"'" Counsel upon the reading of books With an introduction by Henry Van Dyke. 396 p. D. Boston : Houghton, Mififlin & Co., 1901. Contents : Van Dyke, H. A preface on reading and books. Stephens, H. M. History. Repplier, A. Memoirs and biographies. Hadley, A. T. Sociology, economics, and poli- tics. Matthews, B. The study of fiction. Perry, B. Poetry. Mabie, H. W. Essay and criticism. "Papers . . . based upon lectures arranged by the American Society for the Extension of University Teaching, and delivered in Philadelphia in the winter of 1898-99." NoU. "References" preceding each essay. 34 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Prentice, May Humphrey. 028.8 P91 19280 References to books in the Cleveland Public Library, intended to aid the third grade teachers of the Cleveland public schools. viii,io8 p. O. Cleveland: Cleveland Public Library, c. 1898. Wheatley, Henry Benjamin. 029.5 W56 b99u \Yhat is an index? A few notes on indexes and indexers. [Sec- ond edition.] i32p. sq.O. [Index Society. Publications, 1878, no, I.] London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1879. "Preliminary list of English indexes", p. 74-108. Annual literary index. Lo 16.005 A615 ^" The Annual literary index, including periodicals, American and English; essays, book-chapters, etc.; with author-index, bibliog- raphies, necrology, and index to dates of principal events. Edited with the cooperation of members of the American Library Association and of "The Library journal" staff. Continued from vol. I. 1892. Q. New York: Publishers' Weekly, 1893-. Edited by W. I. Fletcher and R. R. Bowker. Fletcher, William Isaac. L016.04 F631 The "A. L. A." index. An index to general literature : biograph- ical, historical, and literary essays and sketches, reports and pub- lications of boards and societies dealing with education, health, labor, charities, and corrections, etc., etc Second edition, greatly enlarged and brought down to January i, 1900. Issued by the Publishing Board of the American Library Association. iv,679 p. Q. Boston: Houghton, MifHin & Co., 1901. Fletcher, William Isaac. L016.04F63 The "A. L. A." index. An index to general literature: bio- graphical, historical, and literary essays and sketches, reports and publications of boards and societies dealing with education, health, labor, charities and corrections, etc., etc Issued by the publishing section of the American Library Association, v, [2], 329 p. Q. Boston: Houghton, Mififlin & Co., 1893. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 35 016.05 GENERAL PERIODICALS Austria. K. k. Post-Zeitimgs-Amt. L016.05 A938 18260 Preis-Verzeichniss der in der osterreichisch-ungarischen Monarchic und im Auslande erscheinenden Zeitungen und periodischcn Druckschriften ... . Bcarbeitct von dem K. k. Post-Zeitungs- Amte I in Wien. With supplements. Continued from 1898. sq- F. Wien 1898-. Contains the titles of a considerable number of periodicals in slavic and oriental languages. Germany. Kaiserliches Post-Zeitimgsamt. L016.053 G31 7276 preisliste der durch das KaiserHche Post-Zeitungsamt in Berlin und die kaiserlichen Postanstalten des Reichs-Postgebiets . . . zu beziehenden Zeitungen, Zeitschriften u. s. w. With supplements. Continued from 1897. F- Berlin [1897-]. Zuwachsverzeichnis. L017.494 Z8 ^*'" Zuwachsverzeichnis der Bibliotheken in Zurich, Continued from vol. I. 1897. Q- Zurich 1898-. "Verzeichniss der periodischen Druckschriften," vol. i, p. i*-6o*. Chicago Library Club. 017 -773 C4399 29939 p^ Y\sx of serials in public libraries of Chicago and Evanston. Corrected to January, 1901. x,i85 P- O- Chicago 1901. Prepared under the direction of a committee, C. W. Andrews, chairman. U. S. A. Library of Congress. Division of Bibliography. L017.753 I 28910 ^ union list of periodicals, transactions and allied publications currently received in the principal libraries of the District of Columbia. Compiled under the direction of A. P. C. GrifBn, Chief of Division of Bibliography, v p. 315 f. sq.Q. Washing- ton 1901. Printed and numbered on only one side of the leaves. British Museum. Department of Printed Books. L017.42 B7721 86460 Catalogue of printed books. Periodical publications. [Revised issue.] 6 parts and index in i vol. 1716, 508 col. [858, 259 p.] sq. F*. London 1899-1900. Published as parts of the Catalogue of printed books in the library of the British Museum, No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. Boston Book Company, Boston. 016.05 B65 21483 'pj^g Boston Book Company's check list of American & English popular periodicals. Compiled by Frederick W. Faxon. 56 p. sq.O. Boston 1899. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. 36 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Carnegie Free Library, Allegheny, Pa. 017.748 C2123 29466 Catalogue of periodicals and newspapers. 44 p. O. [Allegheny] 1899. Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. 017.748 C2151 89453 Alphabetical finding list of the periodicals received at the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. First edition. Dec. i, 1899. 12 p. O. [Pittsburgh 1899.] Copenhagen. Kjobenhavns Universitet. Bibliothekct. 017.489 C791 30006 portegnelse over de nu udkommende fremmede Iserde og lite- raere selskabers skrifter samt andre fremmede periodiske skrifter, som findes i Universitetsbibliotheket og det dermed forenede Classenske bibliothek. Maj 1899. [4], 5 8 p. O. Kjobenhavn [1899]. Credland, William Robert. 027.042 M315 24675 yj^g Manchester Public Free Libraries. A history and descrip- tion and guide to their contents and use. ix,[7],283 p. il. 24 pi. 3 tables. O. Manchester : Public Free Libraries Committee, 1899. "Periodicals and newspapers taken in the branch libraries and reading rooms", p. 271-276. Freiherrlich Carl von Rothschild' sche L017.43 F881 '°''" offentliche Bibliothek. Verzeichnis der laufenden periodischen Schriften. (Geschlossen am 30. Juni 1899.) [4] ,32 p. Q. Frankfurt a. m., 1899. Hall, Thomas S., compiler. 017.945 M48 28958 Catalogue of the scientific and technical periodical literature in the libraries in Melbourne, Compiled by T. S. Hall, with the assistance of the several librarians. vi,[2],225 p. O. Melbourne 1899. Josephson, Aksel Gustav Salomon. oi6.oi J771 A bibliography of union lists of periodicals, 1 864-1899. 8 p. sq. D. [Chicago] 1899. Reprinted with additions, from the Papers and proceedings of the . . . general meeting of the American Lihra7y Association, vol. 21. No. 47 of 50 copies printed. Kiel. K. Universitats-Bibliothek. 017.43 K54 Verzeichniss der im Zeitschriftenzimmer ausliegenden periodischen Schriften. Amtliche Ausgabe. 47 p. O. Kiel : E. Marquard- sen, 1899. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 37, Naples. Biblioteca universitaria & L017.45 N16 ''"'" Biblioteca nazionale. Indice delle pubblicazioni periodiche possedute dalle biblioteche di Napoli. [6], 109 p. Q. Napoli 1899. Compiled under the direction of the Bibhoteca universitaria and the Biblioteca nazionale of Naples. Nijhoff, Martinus. 019 N581 20785 General catalogue (no. 293). Perodicals \^sic\, standard-works, scarce and valuable works of the last four centuries, offered by Martinus Nijhoff. [2], 436 p. 61 il. O. The Hague 1899. Wolffing, Ernst. 017.43 W965 21087 Verzeichnis der Zeitschriften fur die Gebiete der Mathematik, der Physik, der Technik und der verwandten Wissenschaften welche auf Wurttembergischen Bibliotheken vorhanden sind. Im Auftrag des Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins von Wurttem- berg zusammengestellt. I7>[i] p- O. Stuttgart 1899. Bain, James, & Langton, H. H. 017.713 T63 14802 Toronto. A joint catalogue of the periodicals, publications and transactions of societies and other books published at intervals to be found in the various libraries of the City of Toronto. [4] ,96 p. O. Toronto 1898. Belgium. Ministere de rindustric ct du travail. 016.05 B41 "*"* Administration centrale dcs Mines. Service geologique. Liste des periodiques compulses pour I'elaboration de la biblio- graphia geologica dressee d'apres la classification decimale par le Service geologique de Belgique. iv p. 56 f. O. Bruxelles 1898. Printed and numbered on only one side of the leaves. Grassauer, Ferdinand. L017.436 i '*°^' Generalkatalog der laufenden periodischen Druckschriften an den osterreichischen Universitats- und Studienbibliotheken, den Bib- liotheken der technischen Hochschulen, der Hochschule fur Bodencultur, des Gymnasiums in Zara, des Gymnasialmuseums in Troppau und der Handels- und nautischen Akademie in Triest. Herausgegeben im Auftrage des K. k. Ministeriums fiir Cultus und Unterricht von der K. k. Universitatsbibliothek in Wien. vii,796 p. Q. Wien: B. Herder, 1898. "Periodica der K. k. Hofbibliothek in Wien, welche im vorstehenden Verzeichniss nicht enthalten sind," p. 638-679. Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. 017.42 M31 *°^^' List of the current scientific serial publications received by the principal libraries of Manchester. Compiled ... by Charles W. E. Leigh. vi,52 p. O. Manchester 1898. n^Hi*3o 38 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Wisconsin. State Historical Society. O17.775 W75 17282 Annotated catalogue of newspaper files in the library of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Prepared under the editorial direction of R. G. Thwaites, and I. S. Bradley, by Emma Helen Blair. xi,[i],375 p. O. Madison 1898. Bibliotheque royale, Brussels. Salle des periodiques. L017.493 B47 20259 Catalogue des ouvrages periodiques mis a la disposition des lecteurs. 78 p. Q. Bruxelles 1897. Bolton, Henry Carrington. 016.05 B63 15657 A catalogue of scientific and technical periodicals. 1665-1895. Together with chronological tables and a library check-list. Second edition. vii,i247 p. O. (SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, vol. 40.) City of Wash- ington 1897. Another copy with Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, which has shelfnumber L061.82 2 V.40 Boston. Public Library. L017.744 B65 "^* A list of periodicals, newspapers, transactions, and other serial publications currently received in the principal libraries of Boston and vicinity. [4], 143 p. Q. Boston 1897. John Crerar Library. oi7'773 J611 18084 j^jg^ qJ current periodicals. Preliminary edition. 20 p. O. Chicago 1897. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. New York Public Library. L027.0747 N427 16369 Periodicals ... in the New York Public Library and Columbia University Library. [/;/ NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY. Bulletin, vol. I-. New York 1897-.] Stein, Henri. 016.01 S819 15151 ]y[ai^uei (^Q bibliographic generale, (Bibliotheca bibliographica nova.) XX, 895 p. O. (Manuels de bibliographic historique, no. 2.) Paris: A. Picard & Fils, 1897. Appendice i. Geographic bibliographique. 2. Repertoire des tables generales de periodiques de toutes langues. 3. Repertoire des catalogues d'imprimes des principales bibliotheques du monde entier. Vienna. K. k. naturhistorisches Hof museum. L570.7394 i v.12 Zeitschriftenkatalog des K. k. naturhistorischen Hofmuseums von Dr. August Bohm Edlen von Bohmersheim. viii,[2],i84 p. [/// Vienna. K. k. naturhistorisches Hofmuseum. Annalen, vol. 12.] Wien 1897. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 39 Bibliotheque nationale, Paris. 017.44 B4731 *'2'»* Departement des imprimes. Liste des periodiques etrangers. 178 p. O. Paris: C. Klinck- sieck, 1896. Johns Hopkins Hospital. L362.9752 B21 *"«* Bulletin of the Johns Hopkins Hospital. Vol. 7, no. 62-63. May- June, 1896. il. pi. sq. F. Baltimore [1896]. Thies, Elizabeth S. A list of scientific medical journals in public and private libraries of Baltimore, p. 1 14-128. Italy. Camera del Deputati. Bihlioteca. L016.05 188 ^*'* Catalogo metodico degli scritti contenuti nelle pubblicazioni pe- riodiche italiane e straniere. Parte prima. Scritti biografici e critici. xvii,5i7,[i] p. Q. Roma 1885. Supplemento. No. 1-3. Q. Roma 1889-1895. Bibliotheque nationale, Paris. oi7-44 B473 ^''^^' Departement des Imprimes. Liste des publications periodiques qui se trouvent a la section des cartes & collections geographiques de la Bibliotheque nationale. 14 p. O. Paris: C. Klincksieck, 1895. Boston. Public Library. L017.744 B6534 *^^ Current magazines, reviews, and serial publications, to be found in the periodical room of the Public Library of the City of Boston. 27 p. Q. [Boston 1895.] Newberry Library. oi7-773 N42 "^ List of periodicals. 43 p. O. [Chicago 1895.] Schmidt, Carl. L016.05 S349 20919 Synchronistische Tabellen iiber die naturwissenschaftliche Journal- literatur von 1650-1893. x,63 p. Q. (Dorpat. Kaiserliche Universitat. Naturforscher-Gesellschaft. Schriften, no. 8.) Dorpat 1895. U. S. A. War Department. Library. L017.73 W192 "^^' Index of periodicals, annuals, and serials in the War Department Library 37 P- Q- (Subject catalogue no. 2.) Washing- ton 1895. Galloupe, Francis Ellis. 016.6 G13 ^'" An index to engineering periodicals, 1883 to [1892], inclusive. Comprising engineering ; railroads ; science ; manufactures and trade. 2 vol. O. Boston 1888-1893. Vol. 2 published under the title: Galloupe's general index to engineering periodicals. 40 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Copenhagen. Kjobenhavns Universitet. Bibliotheket. 017.489 C79 30005 Fortegnelse over de nu udkommende fremtnede laerde og literaere selskabers skrifter samt andre fremmede periodiske Skrifter, som findes i Universitetsbibliotheket og det dermed forenede Clas- senske bibliothek. November 1893. [4], 54 p. O. Kjobenhavn [1893]- Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Library. 017.744 M385 13377 ^ Yx'sX of the periodicals and society publications in the libraries of the Institute. Compiled by Clement W. Andrews, Librarian. Second edition. May, 1893. 19 p. O. Cambridge : J. Wilson & Son, 1893. Additions. 8 1. typewritten. California. University of California. Library. 017.794 C122 "'^ Cooperative list of periodical literature (Second edition.) 54 p. O. (Bulletin, no. i.) Berkeley, California, 1892. Covers the libraries of San Francisco and neighboring places. Published as supplement to the Secretary's report to the Board of Regents. Konigliche Bibliothek, Berlin. L017.43 K83 8303 Verzeichniss der Zeit- und Vereinsschriften der Koniglichen Bib- liothek zu Berlin. 1892. [4], 169 p. Q. Berlin: A. Asher & Co., 1892. Bergmans, Paul. 016.371 B45 *''^^' Essai bibliographique sur les journaux d'etudiants. 46 p. D. Gand 1890. Supplement. 19 p. D. Gand: pour I'auteur, 1891. Cooperative list. 017.745 i ***** Cooperative list of the periodicals and serials currently receded at the libraries and reading rooms of Providence, etc. 16 p O. Providence 1891. Jastrow, Ignaz. 029 J31 i«438 Handbuch zu Litteraturberichten. Im Anschluss an die "Jahres- berichte der Geschichtswissenschaft" bearbeitet von J. Jastrow. viii,235 p. O. Berlin: R. Gaertner, 1891. "Zeitschriften-Verzeichnis," p. 177-221. Melbourne. Public Library. 017.945 M482 Catalogue of newspapers, magazines, reviews, publications of societies, and government periodical publications currently re- ceived at the Melbourne Public Library. 74 p. O. Melbourne 1891, BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 4 1 New York Library Club. 017.747 N42 13274 Union list of periodicals currently received by the New York and Brooklyn libraries. Edited at Columbia College Library. 58 p. O. New York 1887. Streit, Ludwig. 017.43 ^77 S4164 Uebersicht der Bestande an Zeitschriften in den Hauptbiicher- sammlungen der hoheren Schulen in Pommern im Auftrage des Konigl. Provinzial-Schulkollegiums zu Stettin zusammengestellt. [2],33,[i] p. O. Colberg: R. Knobloch. 1887. CTniversity of Oxford. Raddiffe Library. L017.42 1X5851 83633 Catalogue of transactions of societies, periodicals, and memoirs available for the use of students in the reading room of the Rad- diffe Library at the Oxford Museum. Fourth edition. v,[2], 95 p. Q. Oxford 1887. "These pages contain periodicals and transactions . . . which belong (a) to the Radcliffe Trustees, \ (b) to the Bodleian Library, \ being all at the Museum: (c) to the Ashmolean Society, ) (d) to the Bodleian, but can only be temporarily obtained for use at the Museum by the professors," Note to second edition. Zoological Society of London. 017.42 Z7 19658 Catalogue of the Hbrary of the Zoological Society of London. Fourth edition. [4],5i5 p. O. London 1887. "Periodicals. Journals and transactions of learned societies," p. 441-506. British Museum. Department of Printed Books. L017.42 B772 Catalogue of printed books. Periodical publications 6 parts and index in i vol. 1210,364 col. [605,182 p.] sq. F*. London 1885-1886. Published as parts of the Catalogue of printed books in the hbrary of the British Mu- seum. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. Chemical Society, London. 017.42 C42 A catalogue of the library of the Chemical Society, arranged ac- cording to subjects ; with indexes containing authors' names and subjects. vii,[i],327 p. O. London 1886. "PubHcations of societies, institutions, and government departments," p. 254-276. "Periodicals not published by societies," p. 277-301. Bolton, Henry Carrington. 016.54 B632 A catalogue of chemical periodicals Author's edition. 159-216 p. O. 1885. Reprinted from the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 3, no. 6-7. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. 87620 42 . THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Bolton, Henry Carrington. 061.82 2 v.29 *"" A catalogue of scientific and technical periodicals, (1665 to 1882,) together with chronological tables and a library check- list. x,773 p. 1885. {In Smithsonian Institution. Smithso- nian miscellaneous collections, vol. 29. Washington 1887.) Elenco. 010.55 2 v.i 12765 Eiej^co delle pubblicazioni periodiche ricevute dalle biblioteche pubbliche governative d'ltalia nel 1884. xxii,3i6p. [///Italy. Ministero BELLA PUBBLICA ISTRUZIONE. Indici e cataloghi, vol. I.] Roma 1885. Johns Hopkins University. L017.752 J62 *^®*'* List of periodicals received by the library of the Johns Hopkins University. 127-134 p. sq. F. [JOHNS Hopkins UNIVERSITY. Circulars, vol. 4, no. 42.] Baltimore 1885. • No title-page. Royal Society of London. 017.42 R81 16919 (Catalogue of the scientific books in the library of the Royal Society [2 vol.] O. London 1881-1883. Contents: [Vol. i.] Transactions, journals, observations and reports, surveys, museums. [4], 262 p. 1881. [Vol. 2.] General catalogue. [4],ll99p. 1883. Quaritch, Bernard. 019Q222 18986 Catalogue of periodical literature, journals and transactions of learned societies, issues from government and private presses, collections ; . . . . iv,445-8o7 p. O. [QUARITCH, B. General catalogue, part 3.] London 1882. Johns Hopkins University. 378-752 JHi ^"^'^ List of periodicals taken by . . . libraries in Baltimore. [/;/ Johns Hopkins University. The Johns Hopkins University register, 1880-81, p. 67-78. Baltimore 1881.] University of Oxford. Bodleian Library. 017.42 U582 *'°*'* Catalogue of periodicals contained in the Bodleian Library Part 1,3. O. Oxford 1 878-1 880. Contents: Part i. English periodicals. Part 3. Foreign periodicals, etc. Part 2 will never be published. Scudder, Samuel Hubbard. 016.05 S436 ^^^^ Catalogue of scientific serials of all countries, including the trans- actions of learned societies in the natural, physical and mathemat- ical sciences, 1633-1876. xii,358 p. O. (LIBRARY OF HAR- VARD UNIVERSITY. Serial publications, no. i.) Cambridge 1879. Advance proof sheets, printed and numbered only on one side of the leaves. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 43 Boston. Public Library. L017.744 B6533 "'* Periodicals in the central library Second edition. April, 1873. 23 p. O. [Boston 1873.] No title-page. Smithsonian Institution. 061.822 ^^'^ Catalogues of publications of societies and of periodical works be- longing to the Smithsonian Institution, January I, 1866. Depos- ited in the Library of Congress. v,59i p. 1866. (/« Smith- SONL\N Institution. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, vol. 9. Washington 1869.) Smithsonian Institution. 061.822 '^'""' Catalogue of publications of societies and of other periodical works in the library of the Smithsonian Institution, July i, 1858. Foreign works. [4], 259 p. 1859. (/w Smithsonian INSTITU- TION. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, vol. 3. Washington 1862.) Ayer & Son, N. W., publishers. L016.051 A976 7059 ]vj_ ^^ Ayer & Son's American newspaper annual. Containing a catalogue of American newspapers, .... A list of the newspa- pers of the United States and Canada which insert adv^ertisements, .... Separate lists of religious and agricultural publications, .... Continued from 1897. Q. Philadelphia 1897-. Rowell & Co., George P., publishers. 016.051 R79 '^"^ American newspaper directory, containing a description of all the newspapers and periodicals published in the United States, Do- minion of Canada and Newfoundland, and of the towns and cities in which they are pubHshed. Continued from 27th year. O. New York 1895-. Dauchy & Co., publishers. L016.051 D26 28759 £)auchy & Company's newspaper .catalogue. A list of the news- papers and periodicals published in the United States and terri- tories, and Canada, with date of establishment, .... Followed by a complete classified list of all religious, agricultural and class publications and those in foreign languages. Published annually. 1901. Q. New York c. 1901. 44 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Remington Brothers. 016.051 R28 '^*" Remington Brothers' newspaper manual. A complete catalogue of the newspapers of United States, Canada, Porto Rico, Cuba and Hawaii. With supplementary lists of the best agricultural, re- ligious, scientific and trade papers, leading magazines and prin- cipal daily and weekly papers. Vol. 7-8, 12. 1893-1895, 1901. pi. O. New York, N. Y. c. 1893-c. 1901. Vol. 7-8 subtitle reads: A catalogue of the newspapers of the United States and Canada. With supplementary lists .... V. 7-8 published in Philadelphia. U. S. A. Library of Congress. Periodical Division. Loi7.73 I'6l5 ^^"^ A check list of American newspapers in the Library of Congress. Compiled under the direction of Allan B. Slauson, Chief of Periodical Division. 292 f. sq.Q. Washington 1901. Printed and numbered on only one side of the leaves. James, Edmund Janes. 016.051 J23 20581 ^ bibliography of newspapers published in Illinois prior to i860. Prepared by Edmund J. James, assisted by Milo J. Loveless. 94 p. O. (Illinois State Historical Society. Publications, no. I.) Springfield, 111., 1899. St. Louis Mercantile Library Association. 027.0778 S1457 18182 Reference lists. No. i. 22 p. D. St. Louis 1898. Contents: i. Missouri and Illinois newspapers, 1808-1897, chronologically arranged. 2. Manuscripts relating to Louisiana Territory and Missouri. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. Lord & Thomas, publishers. 016.051 L88 16148 Lord and Thomas' pocket directory for 1891. A complete list of newspapers, magazines and periodicals in the United States and Canada, omitting such as do not insert advertisements. 8, 449 p. nar.S. Chicago: Lord & Thomas, 1891. Steiger, Ernest. L016.051 S818 12626 jj^g periodical literature of the United States of America. With index and appendices. [8], 139, [6], 14 p. F. New York: E. Steiger, 1873. Specimen of an attempt at a catalogue of original American books. With index of subject-matters. [4], 14 p. Streeter, Gilbert Lewis. 050.9744 K800 ^"" An account of the newspapers and other periodicals published in Salem, from 1768 to 1856 33 p. O. Salem 1856. Reprinted horn the Proceedings of the Essex Institute, vol. i, 1848-56. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 45 Willing, James, publisher, 016.052 W67 '"' Willing's press guide and advertiser's directory and handbook. .... A concise and comprehensive index to the press of the United Kingdom, .... Continued from no. 19. 1892. O. Lon- don 1 892-. No, 19 published under the title: Willing's (late May's) British & Irish press guide ... ; no. 22-25 '• Willing's British & Irish press guide .... No, 20-21 missing. Newspaper press directory. L016.052 N47 20106 jj^g Newspaper press directory : and advertisers' guide, contain- ing full particulars of every newspaper, magazine, review, and periodical published in the United Kingdom and the British Isles. The continental, American, Indian and colonial papers, and a directory of the class papers and periodicals. Vol. 54. 1899. map in pocket. Q. London pref. 1899. Germany. KaiscrlicJies Post-Zeitungsamt. L016.053 ^3^ '"* Preisliste der durch das Kaiserliche Post-Zeitungsamt in Berhn und die kaiserlichen Postanstalten des Reichs-Postgebiets . . . zu beziehenden Zeitungen, Zeitschriften u. s. w. With supplements. Continued from 1897. F. Berlin [1897-]. Gracklauer, 0.., publisher. 016.053 G75 ■^'^ Deutscher Journal-Katalog. Zusammenstellung von . . . Titeln deutscher Zeitschriften, systematisch ... geordnet Con- tinued from no. 32. 1896. O. Leipzig 1896-. Sperling, H. 0.^ publisher. 016.053 S749 ^^^^ Adressbuch der deutschen Zeitschriften und der hervorragenden politischen Tagesblatter. (Begriindet von C. A. Haendel.) Hand- und Jahrbuch der deutschen Presse Continued from 1895. O. Stuttgart 1895-. Brandstetter, Joseph Leopold. 015.494 C73 v.i 18365 Bibliographic des revues, gazettes et almanachs suisses. xix, 302 p. [/« Centralkommission fur schweizerische Lan- DESKUNDE. Bibhographie, vol. lb.] Berne 1896. Deutsche Presse. 016.053 ^^48 20992 j~)jg deutsche Presse. Verzeichnis der im Deutschen Reiche erscheinenden Zeitungen. Inhalt: Amts-, Lokal- und Anzeige- Blatter, poHtische Zeitungen. Sechste Auflage. iv,i9i,[5] p. O. Forbach: W. Albrecht, 1896. 46 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Konigliche Bibliothek. Berlin. L016.053K83 1977 Verzeichniss der in Deutschland erschienenen wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften fur die Universitats-Ausstellung in Chicago, 1893, . . . herausgegeben von der Koniglichen Bibliothek zu BcrHn. [4],ii8p. Q. Berlin: Reuther& Reichard, 1893. Heyer, A., &■ Steinschneider, M. 020.53 2 5358 Dritte Nachlese ZU Weller's deutschen Zeitungen. MitAnhang: Deutsche Zeitungen des XVII. Jahrhunderts aus der Kgl. und Universitats-Bibliothek und der Stadtbibliothek zu Breslau. Von A. Heyer. Die arabischen Uebcrsctzungen aus dem Griechischen. Von M. Steinschneider. [2],47,32,[2] p. (/« Centralblatt flir Bibliothekswesen, Beihefte, vol. 2. Leipzig 1889-91.) Joest, Wilhelm. 050.9 O801 28998 £)jg aussereuropaische deutsche Presse nebst einem Verzeichnis samtlicher ausserhalb Europas erscheinenden deutschen Zeitungen und Zeitschriften. [2],85 p. O. Koln : M. DuMont-Schauberg'- schen Buchhandlung, 1888. Annuaire . 1 6 . 054 A6 1 5 1988 Annuaire des journaux, revues et publications periodiques parus a Paris .... Suivi d'une table systematique et du tarif postal pour la France et I'etranger .... With supplements. Continued from [vol. 12]. 1 89 1. O. Paris 1892. Edited by Henri Le Soudier. Vol. 12-17 and supplement to vol. i8 published under the title: Catalogue-tarif a prix forts et nets des journaux, .... Annuaire. 016.054 A6155 19918 y^nnuaire de la presse frangaise et du monde politique Vol. 20. 1899. il. por. O. Paris 1899. Edited by Henri Avenel. Contains portraits of Dreyfus and of the journalists and others who were prominent in the affair. Berrewaerts, Alfred. L016.054 ^45 ^^^^^ Recherches sur la presse periodique louvaniste. 137 p. il. Q. Louvain : C. Peeters, 1898. Cercle beige de la librairie et de rimprimerie. 655.4493 i Annuaire de la librairie beige. Livres d'adresses de- tousles libraires, imprimeurs, papetiers, etc. Ainsi que de toutes les professions se rattachant a la librairie, suivi d'une liste alphabe- tique et systematique de tous les journaux, revues, et publications periodiques paraissant en Belgique. Public sous les auspices du Cercle beige de la librairie et de I'imprimerie. No. 5. 1895. por. O. Bruxelles [1895?] BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 47 Schulz, Albert. 016.054 S388 *°'" Catalogue methodique des revues et journaux parus a Paris . . . , jusqu'afin 1892, contenant le titre, I'annee d'origine, I'adresse de I'editeur ou de radministration, le mode de publication et le prix d'abonnement pour Paris, la province et Funion postale; suivi de la table alphabetique de tous les journaux. Deuxieme annee. [2],85 p. sq. D. Paris 1893. Annuario. 655.055 i 14864 Annuario della stampa italiana e della libreria. Continued from vol. 4. 1898. O. Milano 1898-. Edited by Henry Berger. Bernardini, Nicola. 016.055 ^45 20205 Quida della stampa periodica italiana. Con prefazione di Rug- gero Bonghi. v, [2], 743 p. O. Lecce 1890. Bureau of the American Republics. 016.056 B891 26628 Newspaper directory of Latin America. 41 p. O. (Handbook no. 90.) Washington, U. S. A., 1897. Retana, Wenceslao E. 016.056 R31 175UU £j periodismo Filipino. Noticias para su historia (1811-1894). Apuntes bibliograficos, indicaciones biograficas, notas criticas, semblanzas anecdotas. [6], 646, [2] p. S. Madrid 1895. Bureau of the American Republics. 016.056 B89 *'"^ Newspaper directory of Latin America. [2], 423-458 p. O. (Bulletin no. 42.) Washington, U. S. A., [1892]. Lundstedt, Bernhard. 016.058 L97 "^^ Sveriges periodiska litteratur. Bibliografi. Enligt Publicist-klub- bens uppdrag utarbetad i645-[i894]. Vol. i- O. Stockholm: H. Klemmings Antiquariat, 1895-. 016.06 PUBLICATIONS OF GENERAL SOCIETIES British Museum. Department of Printed Books. L017.42 B7731 '^"* Catalogue of printed books. Accessions, January, 1 880, to March 1899. Academies, with an index. ■ Arranged and printed in The Newberry Library by order of the Trustees. [4] ,740, [4] ,264 col. [2,370,2,132 p.] F. Chicago 1899. The entries under "Academies" in the British Museum catalogue of accessions having been cut out and arranged alphabetically, a typewritten index was made on slips, and the whole reproduced by the blue print process in lo copies. This copy is no. 6. 48 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY British Museum. Department of Printed Books. L017.42 B773 ^°" Catalogue of printed books. Academies 5 parts and index in I vol. 1018,100 col. [509,50 p.] sq.F\ London 1885-1886. Published as parts of the Catalogue of printed books in the library of the British Mu- seum. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. American catalogue . Lo 1 5 . 73 A5 1 2 '"' The American catalogue. Founded by F : Leypoldt Com- piled under the editorial supervision of R : R. Bowker. [5 vol. in 6.] sq. F. New York: [vol. i], A. C. Armstrong & Son, [vol. 2-5], Publishers' Weekly, 1880-1901. Each volume published in 2 parts; vol. 2-5, with identical title-pages, each reading: "l. Author and title alphabet, il. Subject alphabet etc." Contents: [Vol. i, part i.] Author and title entries of books in print and for sale (including reprints and importations) July i, 1876. Compiled by Lynds E. Jones. (Under the direction of F: Leypoldt.) 834,[4],ii2 p. 1880. [Vol. i, part 2.] Sub- ject entries . . . July i, 1876. Compiled by Lynds E. Jones. (Under the direction of F: Leypoldt.) xx,492 p. 1881. [Vol. 2.] Books recorded ... July i, 1876 -June 30, 1884. Compiled under the editorial supervision of R : R. Bowker by Miss A. I. Appleton. 2 parts. 1885. [Vol. 3.] Books recorded ... July i, 1884- June 30, 1890. Com- piled ... by Miss A. I. Appleton and others. 2 parts. 1891. [Vol. 4.] Books re- corded ... July I, i890-June30, 1895. 2 parts. 1896. [Vol. 5.] Books recorded ... July I, 1895-January I, 1900. 2 parts. 1901. "Contributed lists, [arranged by publishers] of books published since 1876, with author and title index," [vol. i, part i], [4] 112 p. "Index to books contained in ap- pendix [to part i]. Subjects," [vol. i, part 2], p. 457-492. "U. S. government publications," [vol. 2, part 2], p. 223-241; [vol. 3, part 2], p. 230-262; [vol. 4, part 2], second p. 1-60. "State publications," [vol. 3, part 2], p. 263-294; [vol. 4, part 2], second p. 61-100. "Publications of societies," [vol. 2, part 2], p. 242-244; [vol. 3, part 2], p. 295- 310; [vol. 4, part 2], second p. 101-130. "Books in series," [vol. 2, part 2], p. 245-247; [vol. 3, part 2], p. 311-318; [vol. 4, part 2], second p. 131-142. "Omissions from cheap libraries," [vol. 2, part 2], p. 248-260. "Note on Bible," [vol. i, part i], p. vii. "Bibliographical aids" [by F. Leypoldt], [vol. i, part 2], p. v-xx. Bowker, Richard Rogers, editor. 016.061 B67 21303 Publications of societies. A provisional list of the publications of American scientific, literary, and other societies from their organization. v,i8i p. sq.O. New York: Office of the Pub- lishers' Weekly, 1899. Filson Club. 016.061 F48 24251 -pj^g Filson Club publications. [4] p. O. [Louisville 1899?] No title-page. GrowoU, Adolphus. 010.61 i 12815 American book clubs : their beginnings and history, and a bibli- ography of their publications. xiv,423 p. O. New York : Dodd, Mead & Co., 1897. Only 330 copies printed. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 49 Smithsonian Institution. 016.061 S664 3269 Publications of the Smithsonian Institution. May, 1896. I. Clas- sified Hst. XL Numerical list. III. Tables. IV. Index. By Wil- liam J. Rhees. iv,86 p. O. City of Washington 1896. Rhees, William Jones. 016.061 S6641 ^'''^ Catalogue of publications of the Smithsonian Institution, (1846- 1882,) with an alphabetical index of articles in the Smithsonian contributions to knowledge, miscellaneous collections, annual re- ports. Bulletins and Proceedings of the U. S. National Museum, and Report of the Bureau of Ethnology. xiv,328 p. O. (SMITH- SONIAN Institution. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, vol. 27.) Washington 1882. Another copy in Smithsonian miscellaneous collections has shelf number 061.82 2 V.27 Year-book. 062 3 "^° Year-book of the scientific and learned societies of Great Britain and Ireland : . . . . Compiled from official sources. Continued from vol. I. [1884.] O. London 1884-. Miiller, Johannes. L016.063M91 '^"' Die wissenschaftlichen Vereine und Gesellschaften Deutschlands im ^eunzehnten Jahrhundert. Bibliographic ihrer Veroffentli- chungen seit ihrer Begriindung bis auf die Gegenwart. xxi,[2], 878, [2] p. sq.Q. Berlin: A. Asher & Co., 1883-1887. Deniker, Joseph. L016.5 D41 18620 Bibliographic des travaux scientifiques (sciences mathematiques, physiques et naturelles) publics par les societes savantes de la France. Dressee sous les auspices du Ministere de I'instruction publique. Vol. i-. sq.Q. Paris 1895-. Last eyrie, Robert de, & Lefevre-Pontalis, Eugene. L016.9 L33 19946 Bibliographic generale des travaux historiques et archeologiques publics par les societes savantes de la France, .... Vol. i-. sq.Q. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1888-, Vol. 2- prepared with the assistance of E. S. Bougenot. Lefevre-Pontalis, Eugene. L016.064 L52 18736 Bibliographic des societes savantes de la France. vii,i42 p. sq.Q. (France. Ministere de l'instruction publique et DES beaux-arts. Comitej des travaux historiques et scien- tifiques.) Paris 1887. 50 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Mailly, Edouard. 064.12 i ^^®' Histoire de I'Academie imperiale et royale des sciences et belles- lettres de Bruxelles. 2 vol. in i. O. Bruxelles 1883. "Bibliographic," vol. 2, p. 381-402. Another copy in the Memoires de I'Academie royale de Belgique, vol. 34-35 has shelf number 064.12 3 v.34-35 016.07 GENERAL INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITIONS Johnson, Rossiter, editor. L070.160 J63 '^'^^ A history of the World's Columbian Exposition held in Chicago in 1893. By authority of the Board of Directors. 4 vol. il, pi. por. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1 897-1 898. Contents: Vol. I. Narrative. Vol. 2. Departments. Vol. 3. Exhibits. Vol. 4. Congresses. "Bibliography" [of the congresses], vol. 4, p. 497-508. 016.09 BOOK COLLECTING. GENERAL WORKS Pearson & Co., J., London. 019 P31 ^°'^' One hundred books from the cabinets of royal and distinguished bibliophiles from Grolier to Beckford. 79 p. 28 pi. O. London [1901]. Nijhoff, Martinus. 019 N581 '°"' General catalogue (no. 293). Perodicals [.?zV], standard-works, scarce and valuable works of the last four centuries, offered by Martinus Nijhoff. [2], 436 p. 61 il. O. The Hague 1899. [Crawford, James Ludovic Lindsay, zOtJi Earl of.] 090.7 P700 '*^'"^ List of manuscripts, printed books, and examples of bookbinding exhibited to the American librarians on the occasion of their visit to Haigh Hall. (Second International Library Conference.) [2], 76 p. O. Aberdeen: University Press, 1897. Bookplate inserted. Serapeum. 090.53 2 v.o 20388 A classified index to the Serapeum. [Vol. 1-3 1. 1 840-1 870.] By R. Proctor. [6], 159 p. sq.O. London: Bibliographical Society, 1897. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 51 Vicaire, Georges. L015.44V66 10344 ]y[j^nuel de Famateur de livres du XIX*' siecle, 1801-1893 Preface de Maurice Tourneux. Vol. i-. Q. Paris: A. Rou- quette, 1894-. Includes only French books with French or foreign imprints. Stone, Herbert Stuart. 015.73 S877 First editions of American authors. A manual for book-lovers, with an introduction by Eugene Field. xxiv,223 p. S. Cam- bridge: Stone & Kimball, 1893. Quaritch, Bernard. L019Q28 13396 j\^ catalogue of medieval literature especially of the romances of chivalry and books relating to the customs, costume, art, and pageantry of the Middle Ages. 88 p. 2 facsim. Q. London 1890. Bound with this: Quaritch, B., Facsimiles of choice examples selected from illumi- nated manuscripts. Part in. 21 facsim. Q. London 1890. ZaehnvSdorf , London. 019 Zi 16640 ^ catalogue of valuable books in handsome bindings. [4] ,75, [i] p. I pi. D. London [189-]. Craig, James Thomson Gibson. L018 C84 IM373 -phe Gibson Craig library. Catalogue of the very valuable and very extensive library of the late James T. Gibson Craig, .... Which will be sold by auction, by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, .... 3 vol. in i. pi. sq. F. London [1887-1888]. Large paper copy. California. University of California. 016.09 C12 ^°®® Catalogue of the Loan Book Exhibition, held at the University of California, Berkeley, May 26th to 31st, 1884. 96 p. O. [CALI- FORNIA. University of California. Library. Bulletin, no. 5.] Sacramento 1884. Serapeum. OQO'SS 2 v.o Register ... des Serapeums, [vol. 1-26. 1840-1865]. [Vol. 1-2.] O. [Leipzig i852]-i866. Contents: [Vol. i], index to vol. 1-12, 1840-1851; [vol. 2], to vol. 13-26, 1852- 1865. [Vol. 2] compiled by J. G. T. Grasse. Bound together. [Vol. 2] has no title-page. 25918 52 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 016.091 MANUSCRIPTS U. S. A. Department of State. L017.73R65 '*^*® Bureau of Rolls and Library. Bulletin of the Bureau of Rolls and Library of the Department of State. With supplements. Continued from no. i. Sept. 1893. Q. Washington 1893-. Special appendixes bound and shelved separately. U. S. A. Library of Congress. L017.73 L6155 ^'^®' Division of Manuscripts. A calendar of Washington manuscripts in the Library of Congress. Compiled under the direction of Herbert Friedenwald. 315 p. Q. Washington 1901. Buffalo. Public Library. Gluck Collection. L017.747 B864 26479 Descriptive catalogue of the Gluck Collection of manuscripts and autographs in the Buffalo Public Library. vii,i49 p. Q. Buf- falo 1899. [Howell, George Rogers.] 1^974 -7 5 v. 3 66345 ji^nnotated list of the principal manuscripts in the New York State Library. 208-240 p. (/;/ New York. State Library. Bulletin. History, no. 3.) Albany 1899. Flagg, C. A. Partial bibliography of matter relating to the manuscripts in the New York State Librar}', p. 228-232. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. Martin, J. B. L020.54 i v.7j9 "^^"^ Inventaire methodique de manuscrits conserves dans les biblio- theques privees de la region lyonnaise. 2 parts. Q. [Paris : E. Bouillon, 1897-1899.] Part [l] published in Revue des bibliotheques, vol. 7, p. 471-495; part 2, as supple- ment to and bound with vol. 9. No title-page. [Omont, Henri.] L020.54 i v.8-g Catalogue des manuscrits mexicains de la Bibliotheque nationale. [2], 64, [2] p. Q. Paris: E. Bouillon, 1899. Published as supplement to aud bound with Revue des bibliotheques, vol. 8-9. Brooke, Stopford Augustus. 820.9 B79 18023 £j^gijsi-^ literature from the beginning to the Norman conquest. ix,338 p. D. New York: Macmillan Co., 1898. "Bibliography," p. 325-334. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 53 MacGibboiij David. 720.944 M17 26707 Yh.e architecture of Provence and the Riviera. xx,46y p. il. i map. O. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1888. Mazzatinti, Giuseppe. 027.045 N16 "'»" La Bibhoteca dei Re d'Aragona in NapoH. [6],clvii,200 p. O. Rocca S. Casciano : L. CapeUi, 1897. "I manoscritti della Biblioteca Aragonese di Napoli," p. I-I97- La Ronciere, Charles de. L020.54 i v. 6 26906 Catalogue de la collection De Camps conservee au Departement des manuscrits de la Bibliotheque nationale. [2], 61 p. Q. Paris: E. Bouillon, 1896. Published as supplement to and bound with Revue des bibliotheques, vol. 6. Madan, Falconer. 091 P300 ^*" Books in manuscript: a short introduction to their study and use. With a chapter on records. xv,i88 p. il. 8 pi. i facsim. O. [Books about books.] London: Kegan Paul, ... & Co., 1893. With an appendix : List of printed catalogues of manuscripts in European languages in the British Museum, the Bodleian Library at Oxford, the Cambridge University Libra- ry, etc. Verona. Biblioteca coimmale. 0i7*45 ^^59 '='"" Giuseppe Biadego. Catalogo descrittivo dei manoscritti della Bibhoteca comunale di Verona. vii,664,[2] p. O. Verona 1892. Pilling, James Constantine. L572.051 i '""^'^ Catalogue of linguistic manuscripts in the library of the Bureau of Ethnology. {In SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Bureau of Amer- ican Ethnology. Annual report, no. i. p. 553-577- Washing- ton 1881.) New York. State Library. L017.747 N423 '"• Catalogue of New York State Library: 1856. Maps, manu- scripts, engravings, coins, &c. xii,274 p. Q. Albany 1857. 016.093 EARLY PRINTED BOOKS Schubert, Anton. I'Oi7.437 O51 30955 j-)jg Wiegendrucke der k. k. Studienbibliothek zu Olmtitz vor 1 501. Mit UnterstUtzung der "Gesellschaft zur Forderung deutscher Wissenschaft, Kunst und Literatur inBohmen" gedruckt. x,[2],690 p. Q. Olmtitz: L. KuUil, 1901. "Angefiihrte Werke," p. ix-x. 54 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Voynich, W. M., London. L019V94 30738 ^ list of books offered for sale at the net prices affixed. Con- tinued from part 2. pi. facsim. paged in. Q. London [1900-]. Greg, Walter Wilson. 016.822 G86 24582 ^ jjg^ q£ English plays written before 1643 and printed before 1700. xi,i58 p. sq.O. London : printed for the Bibliographical Society, 1900. Rosenthal, Jacques. 016.093 ^7^ 24670 Incunabula typographica. Catalogue d'une collection d'incu- nables decrits et offerts aux amateurs, a Toccasion du cinquieme centenaire de Guttenberg. 232 p. il. 3 facsim. O. Munich [1900]. University of Cambridge. Library. 017.42 U586 28967 Eaj-iy English printed books in the University Library, Cam- bridge (1475 to 1640). Vol. I-. O. Cambridge: University Press, 1900-. Compiled by C. E. Sayle. Claudin, A. L655.144P800 21720 -pj^g |^j.g^ Paris press. An account of the books printed for G. Fichet and J. Heynlin in the Sorbonne, 1 470-1 472. vi,ioo p. I pi. sq.O. [Bibliographical Society, London. Illustrated monographs, no. 6.] London 1898. "Bibliography," p. 47-68. Copinger, Walter Arthur. 016.093 H121 ^"^ Supplement to Main's Repertorium bibliographicum. Or collec- tions toward a new edition of that work. In two parts. The first containing nearly 7000 corrections of and additions to the colla- tions of works described or mentioned by Hain : the second, a list with numerous collations and bibliographical particulars of near- ly 6000 volumes printed in the fifteenth century, not referred to by Hain. Vol. i. xv,[i],5iop. O. London: H. Sotheran & Co., 1895. Proctor, Robert. L017.42 B7761 '^'"^ An index to the early printed books in the British Museum : from the invention of printing to the year MD. With notes of those in the Bodleian Library. 908 p. Q. London : Kegan Paul, . . . , Triibner & Co., 1898. British Museum. Department of Printed Books. L017.42 B7762 16680 Facsimiles from early printed books in the British Museum. Selected pages from representative specimens of the early printed books of Germany, Italy, France, Holland, and England, exhibit- ed in the King's Library, [6], 8 p. 32 facsim. F'. London 1897. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 55 Haebler, Konrad. L655.146P700 "''•* The early printers of Spain and Portugal. [4]. 165 p. 34 facsim. sq.Q. [Bibliographical Society, London. Illustrated mono- graphs, no. 4.] London 1897. "Bibliography," p. 87-146. Quaritch, Bernard. L019 Q213 18991 Monuments of typography and xylography. Books of the first half century of the art of printing .... xiv,3i2 p. Q. [QUAR- ITCH, B. General catalogue, supplement no. 10.] London 1897, Boncompagni, Baldassarre. 017.45 B643 ''°^* Catalogo di edizioni del secolo XV. le quali fanno parte della insigne biblioteca appartenuta alia chiara memoria del principe D. Baldassarre Boncompagni. 80 p. O. Roma 1896. Bibliographical Society, London. 016.093 B47 '""^ Hand-Hsts of English printers, 1 501-15 56 Part i- pi. sq.O. London 1895. Grolier Club, New York, N. Y. L016.093 G89 19821 p^ description of the early printed books owned by the Grolier Club, with a brief account of their printers and the history of typography in the fifteenth century. 77.[i] P- H. i facsim. F. New-York 1895. Redgrave, Gilbert Richard. L655.09273 R24 '"'' Erhard Ratdolt and his work at Venice. A paper read before the Bibliographical Society, November 20, 1893. [6] ,50 p. 10 facsim. sq.Q. [BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY, London. Illus- trated monographs, no. i.] London 1894. Supplement. [4] p. i facsim. 1895. "Bibliography," p. 25-46, and Sup. p. [3]. Proctor, Robert. L655.09223 P94 '■'•' Jan van Doesborgh, printer at Antwerp. An essay in bibli- ography. [6],ioi p. 12 facsim. sq.Q. [BIBLIOGRAPHICAL Society, London. Illustrated monographs, no. 2.] London 1894. Contents: I. Introductory. 2. Bibliography. 3. [Iconography.] Klemm, Heinrich. 017.43 D495 ""'' Beschreibender Catalog des Bibhographischen Museums. Erste und zweite Abtheilung: Manuscripte und Druckwerke des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts aus den 18 frlihesten bis 1470 bekannt gewordenen Druckstadten, zusammen liber lOOO Gegenstande umfassend. viii,509 p. i pi. D. Dresden: H. Klemm, 1884. The Hbrary is now the property of the Deutsches Buchgewerbe-Museum in Leipzig. 56 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Brunei, Gustave. 016.093 B83 18049 j^^ France litteraire au xv*^ siecle ; ou, Catalogue raisonne des ouvrages en tout genre imprimes en langue frangaise jusqu'a I'an 1500. [2],viii,256 p. O. Paris: A. Franck, 1865. Hain, Ludwig. 016.093 H12 '^^^ Repertorium bibliographicum, in quo libri omnes ab arte typo- graphica inventa usque ad annum MD. typis expressi ordine alphabetico vel ... enumerantur vel recensentur. ... 2 vol. in 4. nar.O. Stuttgart: J. G. Cotta, 1 826-1 838. Du Puy de Montbrun, E. H. J. 016.093 D92 13453 Recherchcs bibliographiqucs sur quelqucs impressions neerlan- daises du quinzieme et du seizieme siecle. 98, [2] p. il. nar.O. Leide : S. & J. Luchtmans, 1836. Greswell, William Parr. oi5-44 G86 ^*'" Annals of Parisian typography, containing an account of the earli- est typographical establishments of Paris ; and notices of the most remarkable productions of the Parisian Gothic press : compiled chiefly to shew its general character ; and its particular influence upon the early English press. xii,356 p. 12 pi. O. London: Cadell & Davis, 1818. Ames, Joseph. 655.142 Hooi 21140 ^j^ index to Dibdin's edition of the Typographical antiquities first compiled by Joseph Ames, with some references to the inter- mediate edition by William Herbert. Printed from a copy in the library of Sion College. [Edited by Alfred W. Pollard.] [4], 'j'j p. sq.O. London : printed for the Bibliographical Society, 1899. 016.094-.099 SPECIAL SUBJECTS Rare books — Binditigs — Illtistratious — Bookplates Arnold, William Harris. L017.747 A761 27904 pjj.g^. editions of Bryant, Emerson, Hawthorne, Holmes, Long- fellow, Lowell, Thoreau, Whittier. Collected by WiUiam Harris Arnold of New York. [To be sold at auction ... by Bangs & Co ... January 30 ... to ... 31, 1901.] x,ii9 p. il. i pi. of facsim. 2 facsim. i paged in. Q. New York: Marion Press, 1901. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 57 Dobell, Bertram. 016.094 D65 21404 Catalogue of a collection of privately printed books, compiled and annotated by Bertram Dobell. Part 1-3. O, London : pub- lished by the author, 1 891-1893. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. Le Petit, Jules. L015.44L55 ^^'^ Bibliographic des principales editions originales d'ecrivains fran- gais du XV® au XViii^ siecle. [2],vii,[i],583 p. il. Q. Paris: Maison Quantin, 1888. Quaritch, Bernard. 019 Q27 ^^^"^ Catalogue of the monuments of the early printers in all countries. .... Offered for cash ... by Bernard Quaritch. vi, 3527-4066, xli p. O. London 1888. Martin, John, /^. 5.^. 016.094 M36 ^^"^ Bibliographical catalogue of privately printed books. Second edition. xxv,593 p. i il. i pi. O. London: J. Van Voorst, 1854. [B^rard, Auguste Simon Louis.] 015.492 B45 '"^^ Essai bibhographique sur les editions des Elzevirs les plus pre- cieuses et les plus recherchees, precede d'une notice sur ces im- primeurs celebres [par J. F. Adry]. [2], 300, [6] p. i pi. O. Paris 1822. Published anonymously. Quaritch, Bernard. L019 Q212 i«99o Examples of the art of book-binding and volumes bearing marks of distinguished ownership [2],i72 p. 22 pi. Q. [QuAR- ITCH, B. General catalogue, supplement no. 9.] London 1897. Quaritch, Bernard. 019 Q2S "" Catalogue of works on the fine arts, ... , old engravings, portraits, ornament, early woodcuts, illustrated books . . . , and . . . books in historical and remarkable bindings, illustrating the history oi the art of book-binding from the ixth to the XIX century. On sale by Bernard Quaritch, ... . vi,929-i50i p. O. [QUARITCH, B. General catalogue, part 6.] London 1883. Lewine, J. L016.096 L58 18126 Bibliography of eighteenth century art and illustrated books. Being a guide to collectors of illustrated works in English and French of the period. xv,6i5 p. 35 pi. Q. London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co., 1898. 58 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Kristeller, Paul. L096 P700 8978 £arly Florentine woodcuts. With an annotated list of Florentine illustrated books. xlv,[2],i84,i23 p. 193 il. Q. London: Kegan Paul, ... , & Co., 1897. Ashbee, Henry Spencer. L012.15 i 21718 ^j^ iconography of Don Quixote, 1605-1895. xi,202,[4],4 p. 23 pi. I por. sq.Q. [BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY, LONDON. Illustrated monographs, no. 3.] London 1895. Contents: i. Engravings illustrating Don Quixote. 2. Continuations of Don Quixote. 3. Dramas and various books based on Don Quixote. 4. Portraits of Cervantes. 5. Life of Cervantes, autographs. 6. Pictures, statues, tapestries. Some authorities consulted. Table of editions noticed of Don Quixote, of sets of engravings, and of continuations. Index of painters, designers, engravers, lithographers, printers, sculptors, authors (except Cervantes), translators, publishers, amateurs, actors, actresses. Cohen, Henry. L016.096C66 *®-^ Guide de I'amateur de livres a gravures du XViii® siecle. Cinqui- eme edition. Revue, corrigee et considerablement augmentee, par le baron Roger Portalis. [2],xxii p. 756 col. [i] p. Q. Paris: P. Rouquette, 1886. Brivois, Jules. L016.096 B77 •^'^^ Guide de I'amateur. Bibliographic des ouvrages illustres du XIX*^ siecle, principalement des livres a gravures sur bois. xiii,468 p. Q. Paris: P. Rouquette, 1883. [Praet, Joseph Basil Bernard van.] 016.096 P88 '^■•^^ Catalogue de livres imprimes sur velin, qui se trouvent dans des bibliotheques tant publiques que particulieres, pour servir de suite au Catalogue des livres imprimes sur velin de la Biblio- theque du Roi 4 vol. O. Paris: De Bure Freres, 1824- 1828. Published anonymously. Bowdoin, William Goodrich. 097 Qioo ^^^" The rise of the book-plate. Being an exemplification of the art, signified by various book-plates, from its earliest to its most re- cent practice. With an introduction and chapter on the study and arrangement of book-plates by Henry Blackwell. 207 p. 82 pi. 80 paged in. sq.O. New York: A. Wessels Co., 1901. "A bibliography of book -plate literature," p. 27-44. Hamilton, Walter. 097 P600 ^^'^ French book-plates. x,36o p. il. i pi. D. [Ex-libris series.] London: G. Bell & Sons, 1896. Contains a bibliography of works referring to French ex-libris. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 59 Allen, Charles Dexter. 097 P401 7379 American book-plates. A guide to their study, with examples. With a bibliography by Eben Newell Hewins. xiv,437 p. il. 31 pi. D. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1894. Quentin-Bauchart, Ernest. L016.097Q3 ^"^■^ La bibliotheque de Fontainebleau et les livres des derniers Valois a la Bibliotheque nationale (15 15-1589). [2], 234 p. 7 pi. Q. Paris: E. Paul, L. Huard & Guillemin, 1891. Society of Antiquaries of London. L016.099 S678 Catalogue of a collection of printed broadsides in the possession of the Society of Antiquaries of London. Compiled by Robert Lemon. xi,228 p. Q. London 1866. 016.1-12 PHILOSOPHY MetapJiysics Sommaire ideologique. 016. i S697 ^^"^^ Sommaire ideologique des ouvrages et des revues de philosophic, public . . . par I'lnstitut superieur de philosophic de Louvain. Continued from vol. i. July 1895. O- Louvain [1895-]. Published as supplement to Revue neo-scolastique. Vol. 1-4, no. 13 read: Public par la Revue neo-scoiastique de Louvain. Vol. 3, no. 7 printed and numbered on only one side of the leaves. Pearson, Karl. 110.2Q002 The grammar of science. Second edition, revised and enlarged. xviii,548 p. 33 il. O. London: A. & C. Black, 1900. "Literature" follows each chapter. Weber, Alfred. 109P600 History of philosophy. Authorized translation by Frank Thilly. From the fifth French edition. xi,630p. O. New York : C. Scrib- ner's Sons, 1896. Contains a bibliography of philosophy and numerous bibliographical notes and refer- ences. Pearson, KarL 110.2P200 6437 T*!^ r • • Ihe grammar of science. xvi,493 p. 25 il. D. [Contemporary science series.] London: W. Scott, 1892. With bibliographical references at the end of each chapter. Mind. 150.52 1 "'' Index to Mind, vols. 1-xvi. (1876-91.) xl p. [/;/ Mind, vol. 16 London 1891.] 60 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Cohn, Jonas. 125 P600 ^"^^ Geschichte des Unendlichkeitsproblems im abendlandischen Denk- en bis Kant. vii,[2],26i p. O. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1896. Bibliographical references in footnotes. 016.13 MIND AND BODY Mental derangement — Delusions — Hypnotism — Sleep — Graphology Index. 130.52 I v.44-45 26415 Index medico-psychologicus. i893-[95. 2 nos.] \_In The Journal of mental science, vol. 44-45. London 1 898-1 899.] 1893-94 compiled by J. Turner. Drahms, August. ' 132.9 Qooi 22656 ji^g criminal : his personnel and environment. A scientific study. With an introduction by Cesare Lombroso. xiv,[2],402 p. D. New York: Macmillan Co. 1900. "Alphabetical list of works upon criminology, in the English language," p. 391-394. Ferri, Enrico. 3^4 Qooi ^''*^' Sociologia criminale. Quarta edizione. xvi,999 p. 3 tables. O. [Biblioteca antropologico-giuridica, Series i, vol. 14.] Torino: Fratelli Bocca, 1900. "Bibliografia," p. 938-978. Guillon, Albert. L132.8 P700 ""* Les maladies de la memoire. Essai sur les hypermnesics. 254, [2] p. 4 il. O. Paris: J.-B. Bailliere & Fils, 1897. "Index bibliographique", p. 249-254. Regnault, Felix. 132.5 P700 "8«2 Hypnotisme, religion. Preface de Camille Saint-Saens. [2], 8, [2], 317 p. 52 il. D. Paris: Schleicher Freres, 1897. "Auteurs consuhes," p. 311-314. Fromm, Emil, editor. 906.301 i v. 19 30004 pestschrift aus Anlass der Eroffnung des Bibliothekgebaudes der Stadt Aachen. Im Auftrag der wissenschaftlichen Kommission mit Unterstiitzung der Stadtvervvaltung herausgegeben von Dr. Emil Fromm. 2 parts in i vol. il. 4 pi. {In Aachener Ge- SCHICHTSVEREIN. Zeitschrift, vol. 19.) Aachen 1897. Contents: Part i. Die Stadtbibliothek in Aachen: i. Laurent, J. Das neu errichtete Archiv- und Bibliothek-Gebaude der Stadt Aachen. 2. Fromm, E. Geschichte der Stadtbibliothek. 3. Richel, A. Astrologische Volksschriften der Aachener Stadtbiblio- thek. 4. Fromm, E. Die Dante-Sammlung der Alfred von Reumont'schen Bibliothek. Richel, A. Zur Geschichte des Puppentheaters in Deutschland im 18. Jahrhundert. 146 p. Part II. Abhandlungen und Mittheilungen ortsgeschichtlichen Inhaltes. 245 p. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 6 1 Lehmann, Alfred. ^133 P300 24733 Aberglaube und Zauberei von den altesten Zeiten an bis in die Gegenwart. Deutsche autorisierte Ausgabe von Dr. Petersen. xii,556 p. 75 il. Q. Stuttgart: F. Enke, 1898. "Litteratur," p. 544-549. Bourke, John Gregory. L572.051 i 10493 -pj^g medicine-men of the Apache. \_In SMITHSONIAN INSTITU- TION. Bureau of American Ethnology. Annual report, no. 9. p. 443-603, il. 6 pi. Washington 1892.] "Bibliography," p. 596-603. Gibier, Paul. 133-9 O600 28808 j^g spiritisme (fakirisme occidental). Etude historique, critique et experimentale. Quatrieme edition revue et corrigee. [2], 398 p. 25 il. D. Paris: O. Doin, 1896. "Bibliographic," p. 389-396. [Deane, Charles.] L016.133D34 18803 Bibliographical tracts. Number one. Spurious reprints of early books. 19 p. sq.Q. Boston 1865. A review of "Salem witchcraft: ... with notes and explanations by Samuel P. Fowler. Boston 1865." Published anonymously. Reprinted, with additions, and corrections, from the Boston daily advertiser, March 24, 1865. Only 131 copies printed. Grasse , Johann Georg Theodor . o 1 6 . 1 33 G76 "'^^ Bibliotheca magica et pneumatica, oder wissenschaftlich geordnete Bibliographie der wichtigsten in das Gebiet des Zauber-, Wunder-, Geister- und sonstigen Aberglaubens vorziiglich alterer Zeit ein- schlagenden Werke. Mit Angabe der aus diesen Wissenschaften auf der Konigl. Sachs. Oeff. Bibliothek zu Dresden befindlichen Schriften. Ein Beitrag zur sittengeschichtlichen Literatur [2],iv,i75 p. O. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1843. Wetterstrand, Otto Georg. 615.86 P700 ''^"^ Hypnotism and its application to practical medicine. Authorized translation (from the German edition) by Henrik C. Petersen, together with Medical letters on hypno-suggestion, etc., by Hen- rik G. Petersen. xvii,i66p. 5 il. O. New York : G.P.Putnam's Sons, 1897. "Bibliography", p. xiii-xvii. Regnier, L. R. i34 P102 '"^" Hypnotisme et croyances anciennes. xxiii,22i,[2] p. il. 5 pi. O. (Publications du "Progres medical".) Paris: Lecrosnier & Babe, 1891. « "Index bibliographique," p. 209-221. 62 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Manacein, Mariya. 613.79 P700 '''" Sleep: its physiology, pathology, hygiene, and psychology. By Marie de Manaceine. vii,[i 3,341 p. il. D. [Contemporary science series, vol, 34.] London: W. Scott, 1897. "Bibliography" at the end of each chapter. Busse, Hans H. 016.139 B96 S63S9 Versuch eincr Bibliographic der Graphologie. Nebst einem An- hang mit bibliographischen Notizen iiber graphologische Hilfs- wissenschaften. 2. neubearbeitete Auflage. 56 p. O. Miinchen: Institut fiir wissenschaftl. Graphologie, 1900. Lithographed from manuscript. 016.15 PSYCHOLOGY Sense perceptions — Memory — Esthetics Psychological index. L150.51 4 10037 Yj^g Psychological index. A bibliography of the literature of psychology and cognate subjects .... Continued from no. i. 1894. Q. (Psychological review . . . .) New York 1895—. Vol. 1-4 compiled by Howard C. Warren & Livingston Farrand; vol. 5-, by H. C. Warren. Zeitschrift. i50-53 i "" Zeitschrift fur Psychologic und Physiologic der Sinnesorgane. .... With supplements. Continued from vol. i. 1890. tables. O. Leipzig 1890-. Edited by Herm. Ebbinghaus and Arthur Kbnig. Contains an annual bibliography of psycho-physiological literature. Vol. I-14 published in Hamburg. Clark University, Worcester, Mass. L378.744 ClEi ^"'® Clark University, 1889-1899. Decennial celebration. vi,[2], 566 p. il. 5 por. Q. Worcester, Mass., 1899. Contents: Historical sketch. The decennial celebration. Extracts from congratula- tory letters. Hall, G. S. Decennial address. Reports of departments: Story, W. E. The department of mathematics. Webster, A. G. Department of physics. Hodge, C. F. Department of biology. Sanford, E. C. The department of psychology. Meyer, A. Psycho-pathology. Chamberlain, A. F. Anthropology. Bumham, W. H. Pedagogy. HaU, G. S. Philosophy. WUson, L. N. The library. Gage, T. H. Report of the treasurer. Scientific lectures delivered in connection with the decennial celebration: Picard, E. Lectures on mathematics. Boltzmann, L. Ober die Grundprincipien und Grundgleichun- gen der Mechanik. Ramon y Cajal, S. Comparative study of the sensory areas of the human cortex. Mosso, A. Psychic processes and muscular exercise. — . The mechanism of the emotions. Forel, A. Hypnotism and cerebral activity. ■ — . A sketch of the biol- ogy of ants. Degrees conferred, 1889-1899. Titles of published papers. Special students. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 63 Wilson, Louis N. 016.372 W69 21938 Bibliography of child study. [2], 49 p. O. Worcester, Mas- sachusetts: Clark University Press, 1898. Reprinted from the Pedagogical seminary. Bibliography of child study [for the year 1898]. 26 p. O. Worcester, Massachusetts, 1899. Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. 571 .06203 3 ''"" Index to the publications of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. (1843-1891.) Including the Journal and Transactions of the Ethnological Society of London (1843- 1871) ; the Journal and Memoirs of the Anthropological Society of London (i 863-1 871); the Anthropological review; and the Journal of the Anthropological Institute (1871-1891). By George W. Bloxam. viii,30i p. O. London 1893. Lindsay, William Lauder. 59i«5i Oooi ®® Mind in the lower animals in health and disease. 2 vol. O. New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1 880. Contains a bibliography of comparative psychology. Sanford, Edmund Clark. 152 P800 16228 p^ course in experimental psychology. Part I : Sensation and perception. [New edition.] viii,449 p. il. i pi. D. Boston, U. S. A.: D. C. Heath & Co., 1898. "Bibliography," at the end of each chapter, Henri, Victor. 152.5 P700 "^•^ tJber die Raumwahrnehmungen des Tastsinnes. Ein Beitrag zur experimentellen Psychologic. xii,228 p. 29 il. O. Berlin: Reuther & Reichard, 1898. • "Bibhographie," p. 215-228. Colegrove, Frederick Welton. 154 Qooi 24362 Meiyiory ; an inductive study. With an introduction by G. Stan- ley Hall. xi,369 p. il. D. New York: H. Holt & Co., 1900. "Bibliography of authorities consulted," p. 353-361. Hirn, Yrjo. 157 Qooi 29169 -pj^g origins of art; a psychological & sociological inquiry, xi, 331 p. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1900. "Authorities quoted," p. 307-322. Finck, Henry Theophilus. 392.5 P900 22348 Primitive love and love-stories. xvii,85l p. O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1899. "Bibliography and index of authors," p. 827-841. 64 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Bosanquet, Bernard. 157 P200 *'®^ A history of aesthetic. xxiii,502 p. O. [Library of philosophy.] London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1892. "Bibliography", p. 494-498. 016.178 ETHICS TempcvMice Calkins, Raymond. 178.04 C12 *®^°' Substitutes for the saloon. An investigation made for the Com- mittee of Fifty under the direction of Francis G. Peabody, Elgin R. L. Gould, and William M. Sloane. xvi,[2],397 p. il. D. Boston: Houghton, Mififlin & Co., 1901. Koren, John. 178.04 K84 ^°"^ Economic aspects of the liquor problem. An investigation made for the Committee of Fifty, under the direction of Henry W. Farnam. x,[2],327 p. D. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., c. 1899. "Bibliography," p. 313-322. Lauterburg, Otto, Milliet, E. W., &f 015.494 C73 v.5 ^'"^^ Rochat, Antony. Alcooletalcoolisme. [Bibliographic.] xi,i72p. [/« Central- KOMMISSION FUR schweizerischeLandeskunde. Bibliographic, vol. V9j.] Berne 1895. Crooker, Joseph Henry. 309-73 O900 21714 Problems in American society. Some social studies. 293 p. D. Boston: G. H. Ellis, 1889. Contents: i. The student in American life. 2. Scientific charity. "References,' p. 44-46. 3. The root of the temperance problem. "References," p. 118. 4. The political conscience. 5. Moral and religious instruction in our public schools. "Refer- ences," p. 199-200. 6. The religious destitution of villages. "References," p. 247- 248. Gustafson, AxeL 178.02 O400 11053 jj^g foundation of death: a study of the drink question. [Third edition.] [2],xxxi,598 p. D. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1887. "Bibliography," p. 499-577. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 65 OI6.18-.I9 ANCIENT AND MODERN PHILOSOPHERS Windelband, Wilhelm. i8o W72 History of ancient philosophy. Authorized translation by Her- bert Ernest Cushman. From the second German edition, xv, 393 p. O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1899. "Bibliography," p. 385-388. Jones, Adam Leroy. 105. i 2 v.2 "'"'' Early American philosophers. 80 p. {In COLUMBIA Univer- sity. Contributions to philosophy, psychology and education, vol. 2, no. 4.) New York 1898. "Bibliography," p. 79-80. 66 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 016.2 RELIGION Symbolism — Ritual — Non- Christian religions Heyer, Henri, compiler. 013 H51 ''"" Catalogue des theses de theologie soutenues a I'Academie de Geneve pendant les XVI^ xvii% et xviii^ siecles. Dresse a la demande du Departement de I'Instruction Publique et de I'Uni- versite. cvii,[5],i67,[i] p. O. (Documents pour servir a I'his- toire de I'Academie de Geneve, no. 5.) Geneve: Georg & C'S 1898. Dennis, James Shepard. 309 P700 ^-" Christian missions and social progress. A sociological study of foreign missions. Vol. i-. pi. pi. of por. O. New York: F. H. Revell Co., 1897. "Literature and authorities," at the end of each chapter. Finsler, G. 015.494 C73 v.5 21066 BibHographie de I'Eglise evangelique reformee de la Suisse Part I-. [/« Centralkommission fur schweizerische Lan- DESKUNDE. Bibliographic, vol. Vioa.] Berne 1896. Schmidlin, L. R. 015.494 C73 v.5 21065 Bibliographie cathoHque du diocese de Bale de I'annee 1750 a I'annee 1893 2 vol. paged continuously; vol. i, xiii,[2], 1-245 p.; vol. 2, [6], 247-439 p. [/;/ Centralkommission FUR SCHWEIZERISCHE Landeskunde. Bibliographic, vol. vioe/3.] Berne i 894-1 895. Lauchert, Friedrich. 015.494 C73 v.5 ^'°" Bibliographic catholique-chretienne en Suisse. vi,[2],30 p. \In Centralkommission fur schweizerische Landeskunde. Bibliographic, vol. Vioer.] Berne 1893. Thayer, Joseph Henry. 028.3 T33 ^""^ Books and their use : an address ; to which is appended a list of books for students of the New Testament. 94 p. O. Boston: Houghton, Mififlin, & Co., 1893. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 67 Quaritch, Bernard. L019Q2 ^^^ A catalogue of bibles, liturgies, church history, and theology. 130, [2] p. F. London 1891. California. University of California. Library. 017.794 C1224 14998 Catalogue of the theological library presented by Andrew S. Hallidie 50 p. O. (Bulletin, no. 7.) Berkeley 1886. Published as supplement to the Report of the Secretary of the Board of Regents. Hall, Granville Stanley, editor. 907 O400 ^^"' Methods of teaching history Second edition, entirely re- cast and rewritten. xiv,39i p. D. (Pedagogical library, vol. I.) Boston: D. C. Heath & Co., 1898, c. 1884. Contents: Hall, G. S. Introduction. Hart, A. B. Methods of teaching Amencan history. Emerton, E. The practical method in higher historical instruction. Ely, R. T. On methods of teaching political economy. White, A. D. Historical instruction in the course of history and political science at Cornell University. Collar, Wl C. Advice to an inexperienced teacher of history. Clarke, J. T. A plea for archseological instruction. Foster, W. E. The use of a pubHc library in the study of history. Adams, H. B. Special methods of historical study. Morris, G. S. The philosophy of the state and of history, Scott, H. E. The courses of study in history, Roman law, and political economy at Har- vard University. Seeley, Sir J. R. The teaching of history. Adams, C. K. On methods of teaching history. Burgess, J. W. On methods of historical study and research in Columbia University. Physical geography and history. Higginson, T. W, Why do children dislike history ? Gradation and the topical method of historical study : i . His- torical literature and authorities. 2. Books for collateral reading. 3. School text-books. Supplements: Allen, W. F. History topics. Fisher, J. A. Bibliography of church history. Seymour, William Wood. L246.5 P700 22687 'pj^g cross in tradition, history, and art. xxx,[2],489 p. il. i pi. Q. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1898. "Bibliography," p. xxi-xxx. Martin, J. B. L020.54 i v.7s9 "®°® Inventaire methodique de manuscrits conserves dans les biblio- theques privees de la region lyonnaise. 2 parts. Q. [Paris: E. Bouillon, 1 897-1 899.] Part [i] published in Revue des bibliotheques, vol. 7, p. 471-495; part 2, as supple- ment to and bound with vol. 9. No title-page. Quaritch, Bernard. L019Q211 18985 Bibiiotheca liturgica. A catalogue of the liturgical literature of the Christian churches, including mss. and printed books. With an appendix of biblical manuscripts xii,88 p. F. [QUAR- ITCH, B. General catalogue, supplement no. 8.] London 1895. 68 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Bowerman, George Franklin. 016.28 B67 4033 js^ selected bibliography of the religious denominations of the United States. With a list of the most important Catholic works of the world as an appendix. Compiled by Rev. Joseph H. McMahon. iv,[4],94 p. O. New York: Cathedral Library Association, 1896. Buckley, Edmund. 291 P500 20636 phallicism in Japan. A dissertation presented to the . . . Univer- sity of Chicago, in candidacy for the degree of doctor of philoso- phy. 34 p. I pi. O. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1895. "Bibliography, ... "p. 5-9. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. Crooke, William. 299.11 P500 20869 Yj^g popular religion and folk-lore of northern India. A new edition, revised and illustrated. 2 vol. pi. O. Westminster : A. Constable & Co., 1896. "Bibliography, vol. 2, p. 327-332. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 69 016.3 SOCIAL SCIENCES. GENERAL WORKS University settlements — Social history Bibliographie. L016.3 B47 30838 Bibliographic des questions sociales et economiques Con- tinued from vol, I. Oct. 1898. Q. Paris [1898-]. No title-page. Notes critiques. 1-305.4 8 89420 Notes critiques. Sciences sociales. Bulletin bibliographique .... Continued from vol. i. 1900. O. Paris 1900-. Rivlsta. I'305.5 2 80225 Riyista italiana di sociologia Continued from vol. i. [July], 1897. sq.Q. Roma [1897-]. "Rassegna delle pubblicazioni," in each number, Uebersicht. 016.3 U22 13548 Uebersicht der gesammten staats- und rechtswissenschaftlichen Litteratur .... Continued from vol. 26. 1893. O. Berlin 1 894-. Edited by Otto Miihlbrecht. Published by Puttkammer & Miihlbrecht. Muhlbrecht, Otto. 016.3 M89 1337 Weg\veiser durch die neuere Litteratur der Rechts- und Staats- M^issenschaften 2 vol. O. Berlin : Puttkammer & Miihl- brecht, 1 893-1901. Contents: [Vol. I.] 1868-1892. Zweite umgearbeitete und vennehrte Auflage. [2], xxviii,748 p. 1893. ¥01.2. Die Litteratur der Jahre 1 893- 1900 nebst Nachtragen und Erganzungen zu Band I. xvi,65l p. 1901. Clark, Frederick Hiram. 309.73 P900 Outlines of civics. Being a supplement to Bryce's "American commonwealth," abridged edition, for use in high schools and colleges. xvii,26i p. D. New York: Macmillan Co., 1899. "Book list," p. 243-255. Austria. K. k. Fi^ianz-Ministerium. L017.436 A938 S8601 Katalog der Bibliothek des K. k. Finanz-Ministeriums. xii,72i p. Q. Wien 1898. 70 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Prussia. K. Ministermm dcr offentlichen Arbeiten. 017.43 P95 ^■"^ Katalog der Bibliothek des Konigl. Ministeriums der offentlichen Arbeiten. xiv,[2],666 p. O. Berlin: J. Springer, 1897. Torres Campos, Manuel. 016.3 T63 28299 Bibliografia espaiiola contemporanea del derecho y de la politica. (Conclusion.) Bibliografia dc 1881 a 1896 seguida de dos indices alfabeticos de autores y de materias que comprenden desde 1800 hasta 1896. Guia de los juristas y politicos. 168 p. O. Madrid: F. Fe, 1897. Bound with Torres Campos, M. Bibliografia espaiiola ... , 1800-1880. 1883. Stammhammer, Josef. L016.3 S783 ^'"^ Bibliographic der Social-Politik. iv,648 p. Q, Jena: G. Fischer, 1896. Makarewicz, Juliusz. LS^i P603 "'° Das Wesen des Verbrechens. Eine criminalsociologische Ab- handlungauf vergleichender und rechtsgeschichtlicher Grundlage. xii,288 p. Q. Wien: Manz'sche k. k. Hof-, ... Buchhandlung, 1896. "Biicher," p. 279-288. Brookings, Walter Du Bois, & 307 P500 ''"'" Ringwalt, Ralph Curtis, editors. Briefs for debate on current political, economic, and social topics. With an introduction by Albert Bushnell Hart. xlvii,2i3 p. D. New York: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1897. "Bibliography of debating," p. xli-xlvii. Bibliographical references to each topic. Tolman, William Howe, & Hull, William I. 360.9747 P400 ^*^° Handbook of sociological information, with especial reference to New York City. Prepared for the City Vigilance League, New York City. xi,2 57 p. O. New York 1894. Contains a bibliography of sociology. Princeton University. Library. 017.749 P932 ^^^^ Library of the College of New Jersey. Class of '83. Library of political science and jurisprudence. Finding list. 44 p. O. Princeton 1893. Bowker, Richard Rogers, & lies, George, editors. 016.3 B67 The reader's guide in economic, social and political science ; be- ing a classified bibliography, . . . with . . . courses of reading, college courses, etc. [2], 169 p. D. (Economic tracts, no. 27.) New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1891. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 7^ Germany. Reichsgevicht. oi7'43 ^3^ "•' Katalog der Bibliothek des Reichsgerichts. Bearbeitet von Prof. Dr. jur. K. Schulz. 2 vol. Q. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hartel, 1 882-1 890. La Fontaine, H., & Otlet, P. 016.3 Lii *^'' . . , Bibliographia sociologica. Sociologie et droit. Sozialwissen- schaft und Recht. Sociology and law. Sommaire methodique des traites et des revues, dresse conformement a la classification decimale. xiii,[34],i70 p. O. Bruxelles: Office internationale de bibliographic, [189-]. Gehe-Stiftung. 017.43 G27 '*^'' Katalog der Bibliothek der Gehe-Stiftung zu Dresden [VonTh. Petermann bearbeitet] Vol. [i]-. pi. O. Dresden: Zahn & Jaensch, 1888-. Torres Campos, Manuel. 016.3 T63 28751 gibiiografia espaiiola contemporanea del derecho y de la politica, 1 800-1 880, con tres apendices relativos a la bibliografia extran- jera sobre el derecho espanol, a la hispano-americana y a la portuguesa-brasilena. Obra que sirve de complemento a los estudios de bibliografia espanola y extranjera del derecho y del notariado. Memoria premiada con medalla de oro en el certamen publico de la Academia matritense del notariado de 1876. Guia de los juristas y politicos. Parte primera. Bibliografia espanola. 208 p. O. Madrid: Y. Fe, 1883. Bound with this: Torres Campos, M. Bibliografia espanola .... 1881 a 1896. 1897. Buckle, Henry Thomas. 309.4 L700 ^**®'' History of civilization in England. New edition. 3 vol. D. Lon- don: Longmans, Green & Co., 1867. Vol. I contains a list of authors quoted. Bailey, Thomas Pearce. 016.301 B15 23792 Bibliographical references in ethology. 25 p. i il. O. (UNIVER- SITY OF California. Library. Bulletin, no. 13.) Berkeley: University Press, 1899. Wright, Carroll Davidson. 302 P802 17889 Outline of practical sociology. With special reference to Ameri- can conditions. xxv,43i p. i map, 10 tables. O. (American citizen series.) New York: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1899. Contents : i . The basis of practical sociology. 2. Units of social organism. 3. Ques- tions of population. 4. Questions of the family. 5. The labour system. 6. Social well-being. 7. The defence of society. 8. Remedies. "References," at the beginning of each chapter. 72 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Montgomery, Caroline Williamson. 016.307 M76 29340 Bibliography of college, social, university and church settlements. Compiled for the College Settlements Association. Fourth edi- tion, revised and enlarged. 68 p. O. New York City, New York, 1900. Gavit, John Palmer. 016.307 G24 16441 Bibliography of college, social and university settlements, com- piled for the College Settlements Association. Third edition, revised and enlarged. 74 p. i por. O. Cambridge 1897. "The references are usually to such literature as is available for the average interested student of the subject, and more exhaustive references to transient material are to be found in the former editions of the Bibliography, compiled in 1893 and 1895 by M, Katharine Jones. The present work is suited rather to supplement former editions for more extended study of settlement questions." Preface. Jones, Mary Katherine. 307-5 Pi ^®°'' Bibliography of college, social and university settlements. Com- piled by M. Katherine Jones of the College Settlements Associa- tion. 54 p. D. Philadelphia [189-]. No title-page. Cheyney, Edward Potts. 309.42 Qioo 2B385 p^^ introduction to the industrial and social history of England. x,[2],3i7 p. il. 13 pi. 3 maps, 2 facsim. i table. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1901. "Bibliography" at the end of each chapter except the first. Braunholtz, Eugen Gustav Wilhelm. 016.84 B73 29492 Books of reference for students & teachers of French. A critical survey. [4] ,80 p. O. London : T. Wohlleben, 1901. Skarzynski, Louis. 309 Qioo ^'"*' Le progres social a la fin du XIX*^ siecle. Avec une preface de M. Leon Bourgeois. [2],iii,496 p. D. Paris: F. Alcan, 1901. "Appendice bibliographique," p. 475-493. Featherman, Americus. 309O500 ^^"' Social history of the races of mankind. First division : Nigritians. xxvi,8oo p. O. Boston: Ticknor & Co., 1887. "Authorities" at the end of each chapter. 016.31 STATISTICS Population — Longevity Germany. Kaiserliches statistisches Amt. 016. 35443 G31 Die Veroffentlichungen des Kaiserlichen statistischen Amts, 1873 bis Ende 1899. 32 p. O. Berlin: Puttkammer & Muhlbrecht, 1900. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 73 Virgilii, Filippo. 311 P800 20163 statistica. Seconda edizione rifatta. xv,22i p. 13 il. S. (Manuali Hoepli. Seriescientifica, no. 107.) Milano : U. Hoepli, 1898. "Nota bibliografica," p. xiii-xv. Mayr, Georg von. L311 P501 '«««' Statistik und Gesellschaftslehre Vol. 1-2. Q. (Hand- buch des oeffentlichen Rechts : Einleitungsband.) Freiburg i. B. : J. C. B. Mohr, 1895-1897. Contents: Vol. I. Theoretische Statistik. Vol. 2. Bevolkerung-statistik. "Litteratur," scattered through the volumes. Statistical Society, Royal, London. 310.6283 1 ^^^* Journal of the Royal Statistical Society General index .... [Vol. 1-4. 1838-1887.] O. London 1854-1889. Contents: Vol. i, 1838-1852; vol. 2, 1853-1862; vol. 3, 1863-1872; vol.4, 1873- 1887. Statistical Society, Royal. L017.42 S797 '*°^ Catalogue of the library of the Statistical Society With preface and regulations. 1884. [2],iv,573 p. Q. London pref. 1884. Index to the subject-matter of the works contained in the catalogue .... [6] ,372 p. Q. London pref. 1886. Bodio, Luigi. 016.31 B63 *^" Saggio di bibliografia statistica italiana. Seconda edizione ac- cresciuta. xix,i79 p. O. (Italy. Ministero di Agricol- TURA, Industria e Commercio. Direzione Generale della Statistica. Annali di statistica.) Roma 1885. Annuaire. 310.54 2 3390 Annuaire de I'economie politique etde la statistique Table generale alphabetique et analytique des matieres contenues dans les vingt-quatre volumes parus de 1844 a 1867. xii,232 p. nar.T. Paris: Guillaumin & C•^ 1867. Young, Thomas Emley. L612.68 P900 25034 Qj^ centenarians ; and the duration of the human race : a fresh and authentic enquiry ; with historical notes, criticisms, and spec- ulations. 1 47, [2] p. Q. London: C. & E. Layton, 1899. "A record of some previous investigations, and their results," p. 23-52. Fircks, Arthur von. L302 P300 p.i, v.6 15546 Bevolkerungslehre und Bevolkerungspolitik. x,492 p. [/« Hand- und Lehrbuch der Staatswissenschaften, part i.vol. 6.] Leipzig: C. L. Hirschfeld, 1898. "BibUographie" von P. Lippert, p. 399-492. 74 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Geering, Traugott. 015.494 C73 v.5 21062 Bibliographic der Handelsstatistik. Bibliographic dc la statistique commcrcialc. [/;/ CENTRALKOMMISSION FUR SCHWEIZERISCHE Landeskunde. Bibliographic, vol. yggi, p. 1 19-136. Berne 1893-] Goldstein, Josef. 314-4 Qooi "'" Bevolkcrungsproblemc und Berufsgliederung in Frankreich. vi, [2], 223 p. O. Berlin: J. Guttentag, 1900. "Litteratur" p. 215-223. U. S. A. Department of tJie Interior. Census Office. L317.3 P002 V.O ^'^'^ Index to bulletins [of the eleventh census]. Corrected to Jann ary i, 1895. 16 p. O. [Washington 1895.] 016.32 POLITICAL SCIENCE Feudalism — Referendum — Colonizatioji — Slavery — International relations U. S. A. Department of State. O17.73 R651 "*^'* Bureau of Rolls and Library. A list of books, pamphlets, and maps received at the Library of the Department of State, by purchase, exchange, and gift Continued from New series, no. 2. Oct. 1892. sq.O. [Washing- ton 1893-.] No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. No. 6 missing. Soci^te de legislation compar^e. 017.44 S676 21249 Catalogue de la bibliotheque. Commence par Christian Daguin, continue et acheve par Maurice Dufourmantelle avec le concours de Alcide Darras, Felix Roussel, Loys Delteil, sous la direction de Fernand Daguin. Deuxieme edition. xl,599 p. O. Paris : F. Pichon, 1899. Baldwin, James Fosdick. 321.3 P700 ^"^■"^ .... The scutage and knight service in England. A dissertation presented to the . . . University of Chicago, in candidacy for the degree of doctor of philosophy, .... xx,ii9p. O. Chicago 1897. "Bibliography," p. 115-119. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 75 Deploige, Simon. 321.85 P201 17499 yj^g referendum in Switzerland. With A letter on the referendum in Belgium by M. J. van den Heuvel. Translated into English by C. P. Trevelyan. Edited with notes, introduction, and appendices by Lilian Tomn. lxix,334 p/D. [Studies in economics and political science, vol. 4.] London : Longmans, Green, & Co., 1898. «'Bibliograpby," p. 315-322- Morris, Henry Crittenden. 325-3 Q002 27261 -j^Q history of colonization from the earliest times to the present day. 2 vol. O. New York : Macmillan Co., 1900. "Bibliography," vol. 2, p. 325-355. Griffin, Appleton Prentiss Clark. 016.325 G871 ^^*^^ List of books (with references to periodicals) relating to the theory of colonization, government of dependencies, protectorates, and related topics. Second edition, with additions. vii,i56p. O. (U. S. A. Library of Congress. Division of Bibliog- raphy.) Washington 1900. Bittinger, Lucy Forney. 325-73 Qoo^ 28394 ji^g Germans in colonial times. 314 p. i map. D. Philadel- phia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1901. "List of works consulted," p. 300-305. Decharme, Pierre. L010.6465 i v. 9 30831 Bibliographic critique de la colonisation allemande. 31 p. [//^ Society DES Etudes HISTORIQUES. Bibliotheque de biblio- graphies critiques, no. 9. Paris 1900.] No title-page. Griffin, Appleton Prentiss Clark. 016.325 G87 *"" List of books (with references to periodicals) relating to the theory of colonization, government of dependencies, protectorates, and related topics. vi,i3ip. O. (U. S. A. Library OF CONGRESS. Division of Bibliography.) Washington 1900. Ireland, AUeyne. 325-3 PQOo ""' Tropical colonization. An introduction to the study of the sub- ject. xiii,282 p. rotables. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1899. Contents: i. Introductory. 2. Forms of government in tropical colonies. 3. Trade and the flag. 4. The earlier aspects of the labor problem in the tropics. 5. The inden- tured labor system in the British colonies. 6. The solution of the labor problem by the Dutch. 7. The colonial problem of the United States. Appendix: Bibliography. Egerton, Hugh Edward. 325.342 P700 '"'^ A short history of British colonial policy. xv,503 p. O. Lon- don: Methuen&Co., 1897. 76 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Zimmermann, Alfred. 325.34 P600 19589 -Qjg europaischen Kolonien. Schilderung ihrer Entstehung, Ent- wickelung, Erfolge und Aussichten Vol. i-. maps. O. Berlin: E. S. Mittler & Sohn, 1896-. "Verzeichniss der wichtigsten Quellen und Bearbeitungen," at the end of each vol- ume. Colonial Institute, Royal. L017.42 C71 ^°^" Catalogue of the library of the Royal Colonial 4 Institute [By James R. Boose.] clv,543 p. Q. London 1895. Hartmann, A. 016.9 H761 "°* Repertorium op de literatuur betreffende de nederlandsche kolo- nien, voor zoover zij verspreid is in tijdschriften en mengelwerken. I. Oost-Indie. 1866-1893. II. West-Indie. 1840-1893 xviii, 454, [2] p. O. 's Gravenhage: M. Nijhoff, 1895. Hooykaas, J. C. 016.9 H76 "®® Repertorium op de koloniale litteratuur, of systematische inhouds- opgaaf van hetgeen voorkomt over de kolonien, (beoosten de Kaap) in mengelwerken en tijdschriften, van 1595 tot 1865 uitge- geven in Nederland en zijne overzeesche bezittingen. Ter perse bezorgd door Dr. W. N. du Rieu. 2 vol. O. Amsterdam: P. N. van Kampen, 1 877-1 880. Contents: Vol. I : I. Het land. 2. Het volk. Vol. 2: 3. Het bestuur. 4. De weten- schap. Nieboer, H. J. 326 Qooi '^"^ Slavery as an industrial system. Ethnological researches, xxvii, 474 p. O. The Hague: M. Nijhoff, 1900. "List of authorities," p. 443-465. Siebert, Wilbur Henry. 326.973 P800. 16524 -pj^g Underground Railroad from slavery to freedom. With an introduction by Albert Bushnell Hart. xxv,478 p. il. 6 pi. 7 pi. of por. 7 por. I facsim. i map. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1898. "Bibliography," p. 380-402. XJ. S. A. Department of State. 016.341 UsS ^'*'' Bureau of Rolls and Library. Catalogue of works relating to the law of nations and diplomacy in the library of the Department of State of the United States. Part I. — October 1897. nop. O. Washington 1897. "Part I ... is the second undertaking of a project initiated a number of years ago, but abandoned . . . after the completion of entries through the third letter of the alphabet." No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS ^^ Gilman, Daniel Coit. 320.9258 G42 ^°^^® James Monroe in his relations to the public service during half a century, 1776 to 1826. xiii,287 p. D. (American statesmen.) Boston: Houghton, Mififlin & Co., 1899, c. 1883. "Bibliography of Monroe, and the Monroe doctrine. Prepared for this work by J. F. Jameson," p. 253-280, 016.33 POLITICAL ECONOMY. GENERAL WORKS Handel und Wandel. 380.53 2 ''"^'^ Handel und Wandel. Jahresberichte iiber den Wirtschafts- und Arbeitsmarkt. FUr Volkswirte und Geschaftsmanner, Arbeit- geber- und Arbeiter-Organisationen. Continued from 1900. il. tab. O. Berlin 1901-. Edited by Richard Calwer. Contains "Bibliographic". Economic journal. L330.52 i v.o 89633 Index to the Economic journal. The journal of the British Eco- nomic Association. Edited by F. Y. Edgeworth and Henry Higgs. Volumes i-io (i 891-1900 inclusive). [4].66.[2] P- Q. London 1901. Prepared by Ethel Faraday. Bullock, Charles Jesse. 330-2 Q004 J7048 Introduction to the study of economics. New edition, revised and enlarged. 581 p. D. New York: Silver, Burdett & Co., c. 1900. "Bibliography" following each chapter, coUected on p. 553-571- "Limited to the works that possess importance for the general student." Bry, Georges. 330-942 Qooi S6525 Histoire industrielle & economique de I'Angleterre depuis les originesjusqu'anos jours. [2],v,[2],77i p. O. Paris : L. Larose, 1900. "Sources et autorites," p. 745-752. Wagner, Adolph. 330.2 Q008 30"7 AUgemeine und theoretische Volkswirtschaftsichre oder Sozial- okonomik. (Theoretische National-Oekonomie.) Grundlegung und Ausfuhrung, in aphoristischer Form. Grundriss zu seiner bezUglichen Universitats-Vorlesung. Dritte Auflage. iv,52 p. O. Berlin: Puttkammer & MUhlbrecht, 1901. Largely bibliographical. 78 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Marot, Helen. 016.33 M34 18526 ^ handbook of labor literature. Being a classified and annotated list of the more important books and pamphlets in the EngHsh language. vi,g6 p. D. Philadelphia: Free Library of Econom- ics & Political Science, 1899. Journal. L330-54 4 20176 Table du Journal des economistes, (fonde en decembre 1841). Annees 1893- ... 1898. Tomes XIII a XXXVI — 5^ serie. [2], 28, [2] p. Q. Paris 1899. Martin, Germain. L010.6465 i v.2 25793 Bibliographic critique de I'histoire de I'industrie en France avant 1789. 27 p. [/n SOCIIJTE DES ETUDES HISTORIQUES. Biblio- theque de bibliographies critiques, no. 2. Paris 1899.] No title-page. Sargent, Arthur John. 330.9218 S245 2U366 jj^g economic policy of Colbert. vii,i38 p. D. [Studies in economics and political science.] London : Longmans, Green, & Co., 1899. "Bibliography," p, 1 18-133. Virgilii, Filippo, & Garibaldi, C. 330-i Pqoi ^^*^^ Introduzione alia economia matematica. xii,2io p. 19 il. S. [Manuali Hoepli. Serie scientifica, no. 281.) Milano : U. HoepH, 1899. "Bibliografia," p. 70-89. American Economic Association. 330.6103 i v.o 17696 Publications of the American Economic Association. General contents and index of volumes I to XI, 1 886-1 896. 52 p. O. New York [1898]. Cossa, Luigi. 330-9 P801 19606 Histoire des doctrines economiques. Avec une preface de A. Deschamps. [2],xii,574 p. O. (Bibliotheque internationale d'economie politique.) Paris: V. Giard & E. Briere, 1899. A review, with bibliographies, of the literature of political economy. Elster, Ludwig, editor. I'330'3 P800 «*"" Worterbuch der Volkswirtschaft 2 vol. Q. Jena: G. Fischer, 1898. "Litteratur" with each subject. Biographical sketches scattered through the work. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 79 Jahrbuch. 330-53 7 '""'' Jahrbuch fur Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung und Volkswirtschaft im deutschen Reich General-Register zu den ersten 25 Jahr- gangen (1871-97 einschHessHch), d. i. Jahrgangi-iv des Jahrbuch fUr Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung und Rechtspflege und Jahrgang I-XXI des Jahrbuch fiir Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung und Volkswirt- schaft 1877-97. Von Adolph V. Wenckstern. vii,[3],223 p. O. (/« Jahrbuch fiir Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung und Volkswirtschaft im deutschen Reich, vol. 2i.)- Leipzig 1898. Bullock, Charles Jesse. 330.2 P7oi 18786 Introduction to the study of economics. 511 p. D. New York: Silver, Burdett & Co., 1897. "Literature," at the end of each chapter. "Bibliography", p. 485-501. Conrad, Johannes. L330.2 P702 ^*®'* Grundriss zum Studium der politischen Oekonomie Zweite Auflage. Vol. i-. Q. Jena: G. Fischer, 1898-. Bibliographical references scattered throughout the book. Vol. 3 is in first edition. Soci^te d'economie politique. L330.6465 2 1897 ""''=' Bulletin. Table alphabetique des matieres, (1888 a 1897). {In Bulletin, 1897, p. 271-336. Paris 1897.] Cunningham, William. 330.942 P600 '^^^ The growth of English industry and commerce during the early and Middle Ages. Third edition. xv,[i],7i4 p. O. Cam- bridge: University Press, 1896. "List of authorities", p. 651-673. Ludwig, Theodor. 320.53 3 v. 16 28991 Der badische Bauer im achtzehnten Jahrhundert. xi,[i],2ii p. {In Strasburg. Kaiser-Wilhelms-Universitat. Abhand- lungen. no. 16.] Strassburg 1896. "Verzeichnis der gedruckten und ungedruckten Quellen," p. 205-211. Rand, Benjamin, Ph.D. 016.33 R15 '" A bibliography of economics. [2], 88 p. O. Cambridge: J. Wilson & Son, 1895. Rand, Benjamin, Ph.D., compiler. 330-9 P500 "^'^ Selections illustrating economic history since the Seven Years' War. Third edition, with a bibliography of economics, viii, 641 p. O. Cambridge: J. Wilson & Son, 1895. "A select bibliography of economics", p. 545-630. 80 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Zeitschrift. 330-531 *^^* Inhalts-Uebersicht der Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Staatswissen- schaft uber die in den Banden oder Jahrgangen 1-50 enthaltenen Abhandlungen, ... . [2],6op. O. Tubingen 1894. Cossa, Luigi. 330-9 P300 ^° An introduction to the study of political economy. Revised by the author and translated from the Italian by Louis Dyer, x, [23,587 p. D, London: Macmillan & Co., 1893. A history of the Uterature of political economy with bibliographical references. Ely, Richard Theodore. 330-2 P302 17940 Outlines of economics. xii,432 p. 6 il. O. New York : Hunt & Eaton, 1893. "Bibliography," p. 413-426. Cannan, Edwin. 330.1 P300 19211 ^ history of the theories of production and distribution in English political economy from 1776 to 1848. xi,4io p. O. London: Rivington, Percival & Co., 1894. Bibliographical references to original sources in "Index", p. 397-410. Giornale degli economisti. ^330.55 i 12499 jndice .... [3 parts.] [/;/ Giornale degli economisti, vol. 5. Second series, vol. 5. Second series, vol. 7. Roma 1 890-1 893.] Contents: Parti. Indice per materia della prima serie, annate 1886-87-88-89-90 (i. semestre). Part 2. Indice alfabetico per nomi d'autore della seconda serie dal i. Luglio 1890 al 31 Dicembre 1892. Part 3. Indice per materia della seconda serie dal I Luglio 1890 al 31 Dicembre 1893. Kleinwachter, Friedrich. L302P300 p.i, v.5 15545 j-)^g Einkommen und seine Verteilung. ix,352 p. [/;/ Hand- und Lehrbuch der Staatswissenschaften, part i, vol. 5.] Leip- zig: C. L. Hirschfeld, 1896. "Bibliographic" von P. Lippert, p. 303-352. Lehr, Julius. L302 P300 p.i, v.i '"" Grundbegriffe und Grundlagen der Volkswirtschaft. Zur Einfiih- rung in das Studium der Staatswissenschaften. xiv,[2],375 p. [/;z Hand- und Lehrbuch der Staatswissenschaften, part i, vol. i.] Leipzig: C. L. Hirschfeld, 1893. "Bibliographie" von K. Frankenstein, p. 348-375. Martello, TuUio. L016.33 M36 24080 Dizionario bibliografico dell'economia poHtica (per ordine cro- nologico). I '"i- parte. Trattati generah. (Trattati, corsi, manu- ah, compendii, ecc.) 83 p. Q. Bologna: P. Virano, 1893. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF* SPECIAL SUBJECTS 8 1 Cunningham, William. 330.942 P201 **"' The growth of English industry and commerce in modern times, xvi,77i p. 2 tables. O. Cambridge: University Press, 1892. "List of authorities", p. 704-738. Say, Leon, & Chailley-Bert, Joseph. ^330.3 Pico 18138 Nouveau dictionnaire d'economie politique .... 2 vol. and sup- plement. Q. Paris: Guillaumin et C'^, 1 893-1 897. "Bibliographic ", at the end of the most important articles and also in the Table analytique, vol. 2, p. 1 265-1345. Deutsches Handels-Archiv. L380.53 3 v.o ^'"'' Inhaltsverzeichniss zum deutschen Handels-Archiv fiir die . . . Jahrgange von ... [1846] bis Ende 1889 [Vol. 1-4.] sq.Q. Berlin 1 860-1 890. [Vol. i] is index to [i846-]58; [vol. 2], to [i858-]7o; [vol. 3], to [i870-]8o; [vol. 4], to 1880-89. [Vol. 1-3, i846-]8o, published under the title : Register des preussischen Handels- archivs. Ashley, William James. 330.942 O800 13487 p^^ introduction to English economic history and theory Third edition. [Vol. i, part i]-2. D. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1 894-1 898. Contents: Part i. The Middle Ages. Part 2. The end of the Middle Ages. "Authorities," at the beginning of each chapter. Zeitschrift. 330*53 1 ^"^^ Inhalts-Uebersicht der Zeitschrift fiir die gesammte Staatswissen- schaft liber die in den ersten 3 3 Banden oder Jahrgangen enthaltenen Abhandlungen, .... [4] ,40 p. O. Tiibingen 1878. U. S. A. Library of Congress. L017.73 L617 Catalogue of works relating to political economy, and the science of government, in the Library of Congress. Arranged by subject- matters. 65 p Q. Washington 1869. Deutsches Handels-Archiv. 1^380.53 3 v.o ^'°°' Register des Preussischen Handelsarchivs fiir die sechs Jahrgange von 1859 bis 1864. Nach den beiden Haupt-Abschnitten Ge- setzgebung und Statistik abgetheilt und nach den Handels- gebieten in alphabetischer Folge geordnet. 79 p. sq.Q. Berlin 1865. Cournot, [Antoine] Augustin. 330.1 J800 Researches into the mathematical principles of the theory of wealth. 1838. Translated by Nathaniel T. Bacon with a bibH- ography of mathematical economics by Irving Fisher. ix,2i3 P- I pi. D. [Economic classics.] New York : Macmillan Co., 1897. 82 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 016.331 LABOR Bowley, Arthur Lyon. 33i-2 Qooi 84989 Wages in the United Kingdom in the nineteenth century. Notes for the use of students of social and economic questions. vi,[2], 148 p. 7 tables. O. Cambridge: University Press, 1900. "Bibliography," p. 139- 1 44. Gauger, E. 016.331 G23 ^^^^* Essai de bibliographic. Securite des ateliers et accidents du travail. 184 p. D. Corbeil : E.Crete, [1900]. Martin, Germain. L331.87Q001 ^'"^° Les associations ouvrieres au XVIII*' siecle (i 700-1792). [4], ^77 P- Q- Paris: A. Rousseau, 1900. "Bibliographic," p. 4-7- Steffen, Gustaf Fredrik. 331.09 Qooi «8745 L^narbetaren och samhallet. Studier ofver sociala utvecklings- tendenser med sarskildt afseende pa engelska forhallanden under det senaste halfseklet. viii,[4],335 p. O. Stockholm: Albert Bonnier, 1900. "[Bibliografiska] noter," p. 325-335. Whittelsey, Sarah Scovill. 331.09744 Qooi 29846 Massachusetts labor legislation. An historical and critical study. With an introduction by Arthur Twining Hadley. 157 p. i table. O. [Philadelphia: American Academy of Political and Social Science, c. 1900.] "Bibliography," p. 145-157. Published as supplement to the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Jan. 1901. Marot , Helen . o 1 6 . 33 M34 18526 j^ handbook of labor literature. Being a classified and annotated list of the more important books and pamphlets in the English language. vi,96 p. D. Philadelphia: Free Library of Econom- ics & Political Science, 1899. D^s veaux , Ludovic . L33 1 . 89 P900 ^^^^^ Les greves de chemins de fer en France et a I'etranger. 222 p. Q. Paris: Marchal & Billard, 1899. "Bibliographie," p. 214-218. Willoughby, William Franklin. 331-25 P800 '9<*»3 Workingmen's insurance. xii,386 p. D. [Library of economics and politics.] New York: T. Y. Crowell & Co., c. 1898. "Bibliographical note," p. 379-386. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 83 Cahn, Ernst. 330-53 2 v.28 ""' Das Schlafstellenwesen in den deutschen Grossstadten und seine Reform mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Stadt Mlinchen. xiv,i2i,[i] p. \_/u Miinchener volkswirtschaftliche Studien, no. 28.] Stuttgart: J. G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung Nachfolger, 1898. "Litteraturverzeichnis," p. xi-xiv. Webb, Sidney, & Webb, Beatrice. 331.88 P700 13503 Industrial democracy. 2 vol. paged continuously ; vol. i : xxii, 1-452 p.; vol. 2: vii,453-929 p. table. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1897. "A supplement to the bibliography of trade unionism", vol. 2. p. 878-900. Herkner, Heinrich. 331.09 P700 12080 j-)jg Arbeiterfrage. Eine Einflihrung. Zweite, vollig umgear- beitete und stark vermehrte Auflage. xv,[i],6o8 p. O. Berlin: J. Guttentag, 1897. [Bibliographische] "Anmerkungen" at the end of each chapter. Adler, Georg. 331.09494 P600 ''"^ Basels Sozialpolitik in neuester Zeit. Publiziert von der "Statis- tisch-volkswirtschaftlichen Gesellschaft" zu Basel. viii,[2],i73 p. 0. Tubingen: H. Laupp'sche Buchhandlung, 1896. Central- Verein fiir das Wohl 013 C33 '^^"^ der arbeitenden Klassen, Berlin. General-Sach- und Namen-Register der Publikationen des Cen- tral-Vereins fur das Wohl der arbeitenden Klassen von 1848 bis 1895. ••• Bearbeitet von Peter Schmidt. 149 p. O. Berlin 1896. Indexes the following publications: Mitteilungen des Central-Vereins, 1848-1858; Zeitschrift des Central-Vereins, 1859-1862; Arbeiterfreund, 1863-1895; Schmid & Bramer, Das Sparkassenwesen Deutschlands; von Prittwits, Die Arbeiterfrage und deren Losung, 1873; Earth, Der socialistische Zukunftsstaat, 1879. Galton, Frank W., editor. 331. b8 P600 '■*"** Select documents illustrating the history of trade unionism. 1. The tailoring trade. With a preface by Sidney Webb, xcviii, 242 p. D. [Studies in economics and political science, vol. 2.] London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1896. "Bibliography," p. 224-237. 84 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Tarbouriech, Ernest. 331.82 P6oo ^^*°^ La responsabilite des accidents dont les ouvriers sont victimes dans leur travail. Histoire, jurisprudence et doctrine, biblio- graphic, travaux parlementaires jusqu'a la date du 24 mars 1896. xv,5i6 p. O. (Bibliotheque du College libre des sciences soci- ales.) Paris: V. Giard & E. Briere, 1896. "Bibliographic," p. 459-491. Railroad strike. 331.89 P500 20683 j^Q railroad strike of 1894. The statements of the Pullman Com- pany and the Report of the Commission, together with an analysis of the issues, by W. J. Ashley, and a brief bibliography [compiled by Francis Watts Lee]. I5,46,liv p. O. (CHURCH SOCIAL Union. Publications, Series B, no. i.) Cambridge: 1895. The Report of the Strike Commission is reprinted without the appendices. Webb, Sidney, & Webb, Beatrice. 331.88 P400 ''^* The history of trade unionism. xvi,5 58 p. i map. O. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1894. Contains a bibliography of trade unionism, prepared by Robert Alec. Peddie. Frankenstein, Kuno. L302 P300 p.i, v. 14 15550 jQgj. Arbeiterschutz. Seine Theorie und Politik. x,384 p. \_//i Hand- und Lehrbuch der Staatswissenschaften, part i, vol. 14.] Leipzig: C. L. Hirschfeld, 1896. "Bibliographic" p. 319-384. Reynolds, Marcus TuUius. 330.6103 i v. 8 *'" The housing of the poor in American cities. The prize essay of the American Economic Association for 1892. 132 p. 28 il. 2 pi. (In American Economic Association. Publications, vol. 8. Baltimore 1893.) "Bibliography. Tenement house life and population", p. 127-132. U. S. A. Department of Labor. 33l'0973 2 V.3 '"'^^ Analysis and index of all reports issued by bureaus of labor sta- tistics in the United States prior to November i, 1892 376 p. (/;/ U. S. A. Department of Labor. Special report of the Commissioner of Labor, no. 3.) Washington 1893. Hobson, John Atkinson. 331.02 Pioo 5923 Problems of poverty. An inquiry into the industrial condition of the poor. Third edition. vi,[2],232 p. D. [Social questions of to-day.] London: Methuen & Co., 1896. Contains a list of authorities cited. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 85 Brown, Thomas Edwin. 335.04 B81 ^'**' Studies in modern socialism and labor problems. 273 p. D. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1886. With a bibliography of socialism and the labor question. Schmoller, Gustav. L331.0943 N900 Die strassburger Tucher- und Weberzunft. Urkunden und Darstellung nebst Regesten und Glossar. Ein Beitrag zur Ge- schichte der deutschen Weberei und des deutschen Gevverberechts vom xiii.-xvii Jahrhundert. xxi,[2],588 p. Q. Strassburg: K. J. Triibner, 1879. "Nach der Zeitfolge geordnetes Verzeichniss der benutzten deutschen Quellen, welche sich auf die Weberei und die ihr verwandten Gewerbe- und Handelszweige ausserhalb Strassburgs beziehen," p. 554-583. 016.332 MONEY AND BANKING Canadian Bankers' Association. 332.06114 i v. 8 """' Index to volumes I to Vlii [i 893-1 901] inclusive. [/« CANA- DIAN Bankers' Association. Journal, vol. 8, p. iii-xxxiii. Toronto 1901.] Walsh, Correa Moylan. ^:>o.i Oioo Ihe measurement of general exchange-value. xiv,[2],58o p. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1901. "Bibliography of works dealing with the measurement of the exchange value of money by comparing many prices", p. 553-574. Bullock, Charles Jesse. 33^.0973 O003 li-ssays on the monetary history of the United States. x,[2], 292 p. D. (Citizen's library of economics, politics, and sociology.) New York: Macmillan Co., 1900. Contents: Part i. Three centuries of cheap money in the United States. Part 2 The paper currency of North Carolina. Part 3. The paper currency of New Hampshire. "Bibliography," p. 275-288. Del Mar, Alexander. 332.097 P900 The history of money in America from the earliest times to the establishment of the constitution. xxiv,i2i p. O. New York: Cambridge Encyclopedia Co., 1899. "Bibliography," p. xi-xxiv. White, Horace. ^ ^ '«^- M Ju ,- .,. 332.0973 P500 Money and bankmg. Illustrated by American history, x 488 p I pi. D. Boston, U. S. A. : Ginn & Co., 1896. "Bibliography," p. 469-477, 86 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Del Mar, Alexander. 332.09 P500 23140 History of monetary systems : record of actual experiments in money made by various tates [_stc^ of the ancient and modern world, as drawn from their statutes, customs, treaties, mining regulations, jurisprudence, history, archaeology, coins, nummulary systems, and other sources of information. 444 p. D. Chicago: C. H. Kerr & Co., 1896. "Bibliography", p. 11-16. American Bankers' Association. 332.06103 2 18923 jable of contents and index to the Proceedings of the American Bankers' Association, from 1875 to 1892 inclusive. Compiled by William T. Brannt. 147 p. O. New York 1893. Speiser, W. 015.494 C73 v.5 31061 Bibliographic des Bankwesens. Bibliographic des banques. [/;/ Centralkommission fur schweizerische Landeskunde. Bibliographic, vol. V9g£, p. viii-xii,i-i 17, Berne 1893.] Del Mar, Alexander. 332.09 O600 ""** Money and civilization : or, A history of the monetary laws and systems of various states since the dark ages, and their influence upon civilization. xxxviii,[2],43 1 p. O. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1886. Contains a bibliography of money and precious metals. Del Mar, Alexander. 332.093 O500 23141 ^ history of money in ancient countries from the earliest times to the present. xxxiv,358,[2] p. i por. O. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1885. "Bibliography", p. xiii-xix. "List of Mr. Del Mar's writings," [2] p. Lawson, William John. 332.0942 L200 ""' The history of banking, with a comprehensive account of the origin, rise and progress of the banks of England, Ireland and Scotland. First American edition. Revised, with numerous additions, by J. \_sic^ Smith Romans. xii,346 p. O. Boston: Gould & Lincoln, 1852. "A list of the works consulted by the auttior, exclusive of the state papers and the journals of the Houses of Parliament ... , p. 297-300. "Rare and useful works on banking," p. 301-314, 336-339. "Index to articles upon . . • banks, . . . , finance, gold and other precious metals, in- terest, mints, money, &c., contained in the reviews and other periodicals of Great Britain and the United States, p. 320-328. The editor's name is Isaac Smith Romans. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 87 016.333 LAND. WATER. FISHERIES Darmstadter, Paul. 320.53 3 v. 17 ^^^'^ Die Befreiung der Leibeigenen (mainmortables) in Savoyen, der Schweiz und Lothringen. x,265 p. [/« Strasburg. Kaiser- Wilhelms-Universitat. Abhandlungen, no. 17.] Strassburg 1897- "Quellenverzeichnis, " p. 253-260. DoUfus, Roger. ^333-1 P700 22i!89 xjber die Idee der einzigen Steuer. x,i64 p. Q. Basel: B. Schwabe, 1897. "Litteratur," at the beginning of each chapter. Transehe-Roseneck, Astaf von. 320-53 3 v.? 28988 Gutsherr und Bauer in Livland im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert. xii,265,[i] p. 3 maps. [/;/ Strasburg. Kaiser-Wilhelms- Universitat. Abhandlungen, no. 7.] Strassburg 1890. "Verzeichniss der Quellen," p. 256-261. Fuchs, Carl Johannes. 320.53 3 v.6 88981 £)gj. Untergang des Bauernstandes und das Aufkommen der Guts- herrschaften. Nach archivalischen Quellen aus Neu-Vorpommern und Rugen. xi,377 p. [/// STRASBURG. Kaiser-Wilhelms- Universitat. Abhandlungen, no. 6.] Strassburg 1888. Contents : i . Geschichte des Bauernstandes in Pommern und Riigen von der Kolo- nisation bis zum 3oiahrigen Krieg. 2. Das Jahrhundert des grossen Krieges. 3. Das XVIII. Jahrhundert und die Zeitpacht. 4. Schwedische Agrarpolitik im xviii. Jahrhun- dert und die Aufhebung der Leibeigenschaft im Jahr 1806. 5. Das xix. Jahrhundert. Anhang : Das gutsherrhch-bauerhche Verhaltnis auf den verschiedenen Giitern. "Verzeichnis der Quellen," p. 373-377. Isham, Charles. 327.73 O700 21794 'YliQ fishery question. Its origin, history and present situation with a map of the Anglo-American fishing grounds and a short bibliography. [4] ,89 p. i map. D. (Questions of the day, no, 41.) New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1887. "References," p. 85-89. Ross, Denman W. 333O300 "^" The early history of land-holding among the Germans. v,[2], 274 p. O. London: Trubner & Co., 1883. Contains a bibliography of land-tenure. THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 016.334 COOPERATION Gilman, Nicholas Paine. 331.04 G42 *'"* A dividend to labor. A study of employers' welfare institutions. viii,400 p. O. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1899. Contents: Part l. The modern employer: i. An essential matter. 2. A realizable ideal. 3. Robert Owen the manufacturer. Part 2. An indirect dividend to labor: 4. Welfare-institutions in Germany. 5. Patronal institutions in France. 6. Patronage in Holland and Belgium. 7. British employers' institutions. 8. American liberality to workmen. Part 3. A direct dividend to labor: 9. Five cases of profit sharing. 10. Profit sharing to-day. 1 1 . The reasonable way. "Bibliography," p. 389-392. Apostol, Paul. 330-53 2 v. 25 16503 Y)a,s Artjel. Eine wirtschaftsgeschichtliche Studie. xiv,i5i p. [/« Miinchener volkswirtschaftliche Studien, no. 25.] Stuttgart: J. G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung, 1898. "Litteratur," p. xi-xiv. Zeidler, Hugo. 305.3 3 *"° Geschichte des deutschen Genossenschaftswesens der Neuzeit. vii,[i],478 p. 1893. \_/u Staats- und socialwissenschaftliche Beitrage, vol. i. Leipzig 1894.] "Quellen", at the beginning of each chapter. Gilman, Nicholas Paine. 334*65 i Profit sharing between employer and employee. A study in the evolution of the wages system. x,46o p. O. Boston : Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1889. "Bibliography", p. 446-448. 016.335 SOCIALISM Anarc/nsm — Brook Farm Stammhammer, Josef. L016.335 S783 Bibliographic des Socialismus und Communismus. 2 vol. Q. Jena: G. Fischer, 1 893-1 900. Vol. 2 has subtitle: Nachtrage und Erganzungen bis Ende des Jahres 1898. Swift, Lindsay. 335.2^,, p^^^ Brook Farm. Its members, scholars, and visitors. x,[2],303 p. D. [National studies in American letters.] New York: Mac- millan Co., 1900. "List of books and magazine articles cited or used," p. 283-292. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 89 Nettlau, Max. 016.335 ^3^ 10611 Bibliographic de I'anarchie. Preface d'Elisee Reclus. xi,[i], 294 p. O. (Bibliotheque des "Temps nouveaux," no. 8.) Bruxelles: P. V. Stock, 1897. Bliss, William Dwight Porter. 335-02 P503 *"'* A handbook of sociaHsm. A statement of socialism in its various aspects, and a history of socialism in all countries, together with statistics, biographical notes on prominent socialists, bibliography, calendar, chronological table. x,29i p. i table. D. [Social science series, double vol. 6.] London : Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1895. "Some good books, available to English or American readers, on socialism and re- lated topics," p. 264-286. Ely, Richard Theodore. 335«02 P400 '"' Socialism. An examination of its nature, its strength and its weakness, with suggestions for social reform. Sixth edition. xiii,449 p. i table. D. [Library of economics and politics, no, 3.] New York: T. Y. Crowell & Co., c. 1894. "Bibliography", p. 399-442. Adler, Georg. L302 P300 pt.i v.3 '"" Geschichte des Sozialismus und Kommunismus von Plato bis zur Gegenwart Vol. i-. [/« Hand- und Lehrbuch der Staats- wissenschaften, part i, vol. 3.] Leipzig 1899-. Lippert, P. Bibhographie, vol. I, p. 266-281. Menger , Anton . 335 . 09 P 1 1 22490 -pj^g right to the whole produce of labour. The origin and devel- opment of the theory of labour's claim to the whole product of industry. Translated by M. E. Tanner, with an introduction and bibhography by H. S. Foxwell. cxviii,[2],27i p. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1899. Contents: i. Introduction — The right to the whole produce of labour — to subsistence — to labour. 2. German jurisprudence. 3. William Godwin. 4. Charles Hall. 5. William Thompson. 6. Saint-Simonianism. 7. Proudhon. 8. Rodbertus. 9. Marx. 10. Louis Blanc and Ferdinand Lassalle. 11. Modern aims — (1) Conservative socialism in Germany. 12. Modern aims — (2) Land nationalisation in England. 13. The right of the whole produce of labour, in relation to the various forms of property. 14. Con^ eluding remarks. Appendix i. Preface to Karl Marx's Zur Kritik der politischen Oekonomie, 1859. Appendix 11. Bibliography of the EngHsh socialist school: 1. Six selected writers. 2. The school generally: writings, sources, criticism. 3. Periodical publications. 4. Biographies and histories. Index of authors. Brown, Thomas Edwin. 335-04 B8i ^'*'*' Studies in modern socialism and labor problems. 273 p. D. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1886. With a bibliography of socialism and the labor question. go THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Nordhoff, Charles. 335.29 N400 ^^'^ The communistic societies of the United States ; from personal visit and observation: .... 439 p. il. 15 pi. i por. i map. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1875. Contains a bibliography of communistic societies in the United States. 016.336 FINANCE Finanz-Archlv. 336.053 i '*"" Register [zu den Banden i-, 1884-]. [/« Finanz-Archiv, vol. 1 4-. Stuttgart 1897-,] Cumulative. McCrea, Roswell Cheney. 336.2 Qioi 30476 -pj^g taxation of transportation companies. [A report prepared under the direction of the Industrial Commission.] Thesis pre- sented to the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Pennsyl- vania in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Ph.D. [2], 87 p. O. [Washington 1901.] "Bibliography," p. 76-79. Cadoux, Gaston. L336.44 Qooi *®®" Les finances de la ville de Paris de 1798 a 1900. Suivies d'un essai de statistique comparative des charges communales des principales villes frangaises et etrangeres, de 1878 a 1898. viii, 821, [2] p. Q. Paris: Berger-Levrault & c^®, 190Q. ** Index bibliographique," p. 809-811. Hallgarten, Robert. 330-53 2 v.32 ^"^^ Die kommunale Besteuerung des unverdienten Wertzuwachses in England. x,206p. \_In Munchener volkswirtschaftliche Studien, no. 32.] Stuttgart: J. G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung Nachfolger, 1899. •'Litteratur", p. 204-206. Seligman, Edwin Robert Anderson. 336.2 P900 The shifting and incidence of taxation. Second edition, com- pletely revised and enlarged. xii,337 p. O. New York: Mac- millan Co., 1899. "Bibliography", p. 317-334. Reid, Herbert Lloyd. 336.42 P800 ""' The British tax-payers' rights. xvii,298 p. O. London : T. F. Unwin, 1898. "Bibliographical index," p. 294-298. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 9^ Bogart, Ernest Ludlow. 336-73 P703 20608 y)[q Finanzverhaltnisse der Einzelstaaten der nordamerikanischen Union. xiii,i57 p. O. [Sammlung nationalokonomischer und statistischer Abhandlungen, vol. 14.] Jena: G. Fischer, 1897. "Litteraturverzeichnis," p. viii-ix. Bullock, Charles Jesse. 305.1 7 10668 jj^g finances of the United States from 1775 to 1789, with especial reference to the budget (/n WISCONSIN. UNIVERSITY OF Wisconsin. Bulletin. Economics, political science, and history series, vol. i. p. viii, 117-273.) Madison, Wis., 1895. "General bibliography", p. 266-273. Couderc, Camille. L020.541 2970 Inventaire sommaire de la collection Clement de Boissy sur la ju- ridiction et la jurisprudence de la Chambre des Comptes . . . [dans la Bibliotheque Nationale]. [2], 52 p. Q. Paris: E. Bouillon, 1895. Published as supplement to and bound with Revue des bibliotheques, vol. 5. Seligman, Edwin Robert Anderson. 336.2 P500 15759 Essays in taxation. Second edition. x,434 p. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1897. "Bibliography of American reports on taxation," p. 422-424. Stourm, Ren6. 016.336 S889 27659 Bibliographie historique des finances de la France au dixhuitieme siecle. [2],iii,34i p. O. Paris: Guillaumin & c'^ 1895. Seligman, Edwin Robert Anderson. 330.6103 i v.9 "82 Progressive taxation in theory and practice. 222 p. (/u Amer- ican Economic Association. Publications, vol. 9. Baltimore 1894.) "Bibliography on the theory of progressive taxation", p. 218-222. Meckel, Max von. L302 P300 p. 2, v.4 15534 jQ^g Budget. xvi,354 p. [_/n Hand- und Lehrbuch der Staats- wissenschaften, part 2, vol. 4.] Leipzig: C. L. Hirschfeld, 1898. "Bibliographie" von P. Lippert, p. 305-354. Schaffle, Albert [Eberhard Friedrich]. L302 P300 p.2, v.2-3 15553 £)jg Steuern .... [2 vol.] [In Hand- und Lehrbuch der Staatswissenschaften, part 2, vol. 2-3.] Leipzig: C. L. Hirsch- feld, 1 895-1 897. "Bibliographie" von K. Frankenstein, vol. i, p. 404-420; vol. 2, p. 534-633. g2 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Vocke, Wilhelm. L302 P300 p.2, v.i 15552 -Qjg Grundziige der Finanzwissenschaft. Zur Einfuhrung in das Studium der Finanzwissenschaft. xii,446 p. [/;/ Hand- und Lehrbuch der Staatswissenschaften, part 2, vol. i.] Leipzig: C. L. Hirschfeld, 1894. "Bibliographic" von K. Frankenstein, p. 439-446. Cossa, Luigi. 336-2 O801 18288 Taxation: its principles and methods. Translated from the "Scienza delle finanze" of Dr. Luigi Cossa. With an introduction and notes by Horace White. Together with a compilation of the state tax systems of New York and Pennsylvania. xi,2l3 p. D. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1896, c. i: "Bibliography of the science of the finances," p. 181-193. 016.338 PRODUCTION AND MANUFACTURE Cossa, Emilio. 338.8 Q103 30953 J sindacati industriali (trusts). vi,i79 p. O. [Studi giuridici e politici.] Milano : U. Hoepli, 1901. "Bibliografia," p. 1 73-179- Le Rossignol, James Edward. 338.8 Qioi S8783 Monopolies past and present. An introductory study. vii,256p. D. [Library of economics and politics.] New York: T. Y. Crowell & Co., c. 1901. Contents : i . The nature of monopoly. 2. Monopolies in ancient and mediaeval times. 3. Gilds as monopolies. 4. Exclusive trading companies. 5 . Patents and copy- rights. 6. Municipal monopolies. 7. Railways as monopolies. 8. Capitalistic mono- polies. A short bibliography precedes each chapter. Griffin, Appleton Prentiss Clark. 016.338 G87 84387 ^ jjg|. Q^ books (with references to periodicals) relating to trusts. 20 p. O. (U. S. A. Library of Congress. Division of Bib- liography.) Washington 1900. Lecomte, Henri. 338.119 P900 23955 ^g coton. Monographic. Culture — histoire economique. Ou- vrage couronne par I'Academie des sciences morales et politiques (prix Rossi). Medaille de la Societe de geographic commerciale de Paris. viii,494 p. il. i table. O. Paris : G. Carre et C. Naud, 1900. "Index bibliographique", p. 484-489. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 93 Halle, Ernst von. 338.8 P600 10304 Xrusts, or industrial combinations and coalitions in the United States. xvi,350 p. 2 tables. D. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1896. "Bibliography," p. 338-350. Arndt, Adolf. L302 P300 p.i, v.ii 15549 gergbau und Bergbaupolitik. viii,247 p. [/« Hand- und Lehr- buch der Staatswissenschaften, part i, vol, 11.] Leipzig: C. L. Hirschfeld, 1894. "Bibliographic" von K. Frankenstein, p. 208-247. Lehr, Julius. L302 P300 p.i, v.4 15544 Produktion und Konsumtion in der Volkswirtschaft. Aus dem Nachlasse von Prof. Dr. Julius Lehr herausgegeben und vollendet von Dr. Kuno Frankenstein. viii,26i p. [/;/ Hand- und Lehr- buch der Staatswissenschaften, part i, vol. 4.] Leipzig: C. L. Hirschfeld, 1895. "Bibliographie" von K. Frankenstein, p. 246-261. Schwappach, Adam. L302 P300 p.i, v. 10 15548 Forstpolitik, Jagd- und Fischereipolitik. xii,396 p. [/u Hand- und Lehrbuch der Staatswissenschaften, part i, vol. 10.] Leip- zig: C. L. Hirschfeld, 1894. "Bibliographie" von K. Frankenstein, p. 365-396. 016.339 PAUPERISM Zeitschrift. L339.053 i *®"' Zeitschrift fiir das Armenwesen. Organ der Centralstelle fiir Arbeiter-Wohlfahrtseinrichtungen, Abtheilung fiir Armenpflege und Wohlthatigkeit Continued from vol. i. [1900.] sq. F. Berlin 1900-. Edited by [Emil] Miinsterberg. Published as supplement to Zeitschrift der Centralstelle fiir Arbeiter-Wohlfahrtsein- richtungen, vol. 7-. "Nachweis von [bibhographischem] Material" in each number. Derouin, H., Gory, A., & Worms, F. 339-944 Qooi 26529 jj-aii-i theorique et pratique d'assistance publique. Avec une preface de M. H. Berthelemy. 2 vol. O. Paris: L. Larose, 1900. "Bibliographic," vol. 2, p. 615-623. y^ THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Munsterberg, Emil. 339 P700 16629 j3jg Armenpflege. Einfiihrung in die praktische Pflegethatigkeit. x,2i3 p. O. Berlin: O. Liebmann, 1897. "Die Litteratur des Armenwesens," p. 195-208. Twining, Louisa. 339-942 P700 1DS64 \Yorkhouses and pauperism and women's work in the administra- tion of the poor law. x,276p. D. [Social questions of to-day.] London: Methuen & Co., 1898. "Publications on matters of poor law administration," by the author, p. 268-270. Crooker, Joseph Henry. 309-73 O900 S17I4 Problems in American society. Some social studies. 293 p. D. Boston: G. H. Ellis, 1889. Contents: i. The student in American life. 2. Scientific charity. "References,' p. 44-46. 3. The root of the temperance problem. "References," p. 118. 4. The political conscience. 5. Moral and rehgious instruction in our public schools. "Refer- ences," p. 199-200. 6. The religious destitution of \nllages. "References," p. 247- 248. 016.34 LAW International law — Constitutional law — United States statutes — Commercial law — Foreign law U.S.A. Department of State. O17.73 R651 "^'''* Bureau of Rolls and Library. A list of books, pamphlets, and maps received at the Library of the Department of State, by purchase, exchange, and gift Continued from New series, no. 2. Oct. 1892. sq.O. [Washing- ton 1893-.] No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. No. 6 missing. Arnold, John Harvey Vincent. L017.747 A756 '""' Catalogue of the library of trials and legal literature belonging to John H. V. Arnold, Esq Comprising both civil and criminal trials in the courts of England and America, carefully selected to illustrate points of law and to exhibit the various forms of crim- inal conduct: .... To be sold at auction ... April ... 1900 by Bangs & Co [2],2i8 p. Q. [New York 1900.] Jones, Leonard Augustus. L016.34 J72 21989 ^j^ index to legal periodical literature. 2 vol. Q. Boston: [vol. i], C. C. Soule, vol. 2, Boston Book Co., 1 888-1 899. Contents: [Vol. i. Prior to January 1887.] xix,635 p. 1888. Vol. 2. 1887-1899. xvii,6o7 p. 1899. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 95 Soci^t^ de legislation compar^e. 017.44 S676 "*" Catalogue de la bibliotheque. Commence par Christian Daguin, continue et acheve par Maurice Dufourmantelle avec le concours de Alcide Darras, Felix Roussel, Loys Delteil, sous la direction de Fernand Daguin. Deuxieme edition. xl,599 p. O. Paris: F. Pichon, 1899. Michigan. State Library. L017.774 M585 *^^*' Catalogue of the Michigan State Library, Law Department. Com- piled by S. Arthur Tomlinson. 685 p. Q. Lansing 1896. "An outline history of Michigan and her judicial systems." p. 7-29. "Constitution of the State of Michigan," p. 31-106, "Sketch of the English courts and their present organization," p. 107-124. Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York. L017.747 M98 '*^®° Catalogue of the library of the Law Department of the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York 1895. [io],i20p. Q. New York [1895]. Interleaved. Caspar, Carl Nicolaus. 016.34 C27 *" Caspar's practical catalogue of law books, arranged by subjects with a complete index to authors Fourth edition. Revised to date. [3],6,ioo p. D. Milwaukee, Wis., 1894. Dramard, Eugene. 016.01 D79 20457 Bibliographic de la bibliographic generale du droit fran^ais et etranger [2],i20p. O. Paris : L. Larose & Forcel, 1893. Reprinted from the Repertoire general et alphabetiqite du droit franfais. U. S. A. Department of the Interior. Bureau of Education. 340.7 P300 ^"^ , . . Report on legal education. Prepared by a committee of the American Bar Association and the U. S. Bureau of Education. 207 p. O. Washington 1893. "Bibliography of legal education", p. 194-207. Advance sheets from the Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year i8go-gi. Germany. Reichsgericht. 017.43 G31 *^" Katalog der Bibliothek des Reichsgerichts. Bearbeitet von Prof, Dr. jur. K. Schulz. 2 vol. Q. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hartel, 1882-1890. Chicago Law Institute. 017.773 C439 "®* Catalogue of the library of the Chicago Law Institute. [6] ,303 p. O. Chicago 1881. g6 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Annales. 614.054 2 v.o 1B099 Annales d'hygiene publique et de medecine legale. Tables alpha- betiques par ordre de matieres et par noms d'auteurs ... de la 1*^-2^ series. 1829-1878 [Vol. 1-2.] O. Paris 1855- 1880. [Vol. i] edited by Ch. Meaux Saint-Marc; [vol. 2], by A. G. Contents: [vol. i], index to vol. 1-50, 1829-1853; [vol. 2], to Second series, vol. i- 50, 1854-1878. Bound with [vol. i]: Tables alphabetiques . . . , pour les tomes 21 a 30, redigees par M. [J. B.] A. ChevEdlier. 24 p. Paris 1844. XJ. S. A. Library of Congress. L017.73 L6183 19683 Catalogue of law books in the Library of Congress. Arranged by subject-matters. 305 p. Q. Washington 1869. New York. State Library. L017.747 N424 *"* Catalogue of the New York State Library : 1855. Law library. x,402 p. Q. Albany 1856. ... Supplement. No. i. 1865. O. Albany 1865. Davis, George Breckinridge. 341.02 Qooi 22629 'pj^g elements of international law, with an account of its origin, sources and historical development. A new and revised edition. xxvi,6i2 p. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1900. "List of authorities," p. xxi-xxvi. "References," at the ends of chapters. First edition published under the title: Outlines of international law. Trueblood, Benjamin Franklin. 341.6 P900 ''"' The federation of the world. vii,[2],i62 p. D. Boston : Hough- ton, Mififlin & Co., 1899. Contents: i. The solidarity of humanity. 2. Solidarity unrealized. 3. The causes of the disunity. 4. The development of the war system. 5. The influence of Christianity in restoring the federative principle. 6. War ethically wrong. 7. War an ti- federative. 8. The new world society. 9. The growing triumph of arbitration. 10. The United States of the World. Appendix. The Czar's rescript calling for a conference on reduc- tion of armaments. "Bibliography," p. 154-162. Holland, Thomas Erskine. 34i-04 H71 ^"" Studies in international law. viii,3i4p. O. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1898. Contents: Part i. The law of war: i. Alberico Gentili. 2. The early literature of the law of war. 3. The Brussels Conference of 1874, and other diplomatic attempts to miti- gate the rigour of warfare. 4. The progress toward a written law of war. 5. The bom- bardment of open coast towns. 6. International law in the war between Japan and China. 7. Pacific blockade. Part 2. Illustrations of the system of international law: 8. Recent diplomatic discussions. 9. The literature of international law in 1884. 10. International law and acts of Parliament. Part 3. The Eastern question: 11. The treaty relations of Russia and Turkey, 1774-1853. 12. The execution of the Treaty of Berlin. 13. Bul- garia, Greece, and the Treaty of Berlin. 14. The international position of the Suez Canal. Part 4. Biographical sketches: 15. Notices necrologiques sur quelques membres anglais de rinstitut de droit international. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 97 U. S. A. Department of State. 01 6. 341 U58 27239 ■»-» Bureau of Rolls and Library. Catalogue of works relating to the law of nations and diplomacy in the library of the Department of State of the United States. Part I. —October 1897. nop. O. Washington 1897. "Part I ... is the second undertaking of a project initiated a number of years ago, but abandoned . . . after the completion of entries through the third letter of the alphabet." No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. Stoerk, Felix. 341.09 P6oi ^^" Die Litteratur des internationalen Rechts, 1884 bis 1894. [2], 40 p. O. [Jtiristischer Litteraturbericht, 1 884-1 894, no. 9.] Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs'sche Buchhandlung, 1896. Davis, George Breckinridge. 341.02 O702 *"" Outlines of international law, with an account of its origin and sources and of its historical development. xxiv,469 p. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, c, 1887. "List of authorities", p. xix-xxiv. "References", at the end of the chapters. Clark, Frederick Hiram. ^^^ ^^ -o 20438 n. fi . T. . 309-73 P900 Outlmes of cvics. Bemg a supplement to Bryce's "American commonwealth," abridged edition, for use in high schools and colleges. xvii,26i p. D. New York : Macmillan Co., 1899. "Book list," p. 243-255. Houston, David Franklin. -^42. ^^^ P600 28228 A • • 1 t VI 9 %j 9 A critical study of nullification in South Carolina. ix,i69 p. O. (Harvard historical studies, vol. 3.) New York: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1896. "Bibliography of nullification," p. 156-160. Fiske, John. 342.73 P002 Civil government in the United States considered with some reference to its origins. xxx,36o p. il. i map. D. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., c. 1890. "Bibliographical note", at the end of each chapter. Hart, Albert Bushnell. ^42 Pooi Introduction to the study of federal government. [Second edi- tion.] 200 p. O. (Harvard University. Harvard historical monographs, no. 2.) Boston, U. S. A. : Ginn & Co., 1891. "Bibliography of federal government," p. 178-192. 98 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY New York. State Library. 016.345 N42 19006 Comparative summary and index of state legislation. Continued from no. i. 1890. O. (State Library bulletin. Legislation.) Albany 1891-. No. 3- also published in New York State Library. Annual report, vol. 76- which have shelf number 027.0747 N421 No title-page. Farrand, Max. 342-73 P602 19760 -pj^g legislation of Congress for the government of the organized territories of the United States. 1 789-1 895. June, 1896. [4], loi p. O. Newark, N. J., 1896. "Bibliography," p. 95-98. Great Britain. Patent Office. 017.42 G791 v.2 "^'* Subject list of works on the laws of industrial property (patents, designs and trade marks) and copyright in the library of the Patent Office. 81 p. {In GREAT BRITAIN. PATENT OFFICE. Bibliographical series, no. 2.) London 1900. Muhlbrecht, Otto. 016.349 M89 20981 Bibliographic des biirgerhchen Gesetzbuches fur das Deutsche Reich. 3 parts. O. Berlin: Puttkammer & Muhlbrecht, 1898- 1901. Parts 2-3 add to title: und seiner Nebengesetze; part 3 adds: die Litteratur bis Ende 1900. Gavet, G. 016.349 G24 '^"^° Sources de I'histoire des institutions et du droit frangais. Manuel de bibliographic historique. xi,783 p. O. Paris: L. Larose, 1899. "Etablissement de la literature du sujet," p. 43-178. Switzerland. Bundesversammhmg. 349.494 i n.s.v.i6 "'" Alphabetisches Inhaltsverzeichnis der Bande XI bis XVI. 142 p. \In SWITZERLAND. BuNDESVERSAMMLUNG. Amtliche Sammlung der Bundesgesetze und Verordnungen, New series, vol. 16. Bern 1899.] Kummer, J. J. 015.494 C73 v.5 21063 Bibliographic des Versicherungswesens in der Schweiz. Bibho- graphie de I'assurance en Suisse. [/;/ Centralkommission FUR schweizerischeLandeskunde. Bibliographic, vol. V9g£;, p. 137- 207. Berne 1893.] r BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 99 016.35 ADMINISTRATION AND PUBLIC DOCUMENTS. GENERAL WORKS New York Public Library. L017.747 N425 ^°*^* Checklist of department reports in the New York PubHc Library. July, 1899. loop. Q. [New York 1899.] No title-page. 016.352 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPAL DOCUMENTS Brooks, Robert Clarkson. 016.352 B7Q1 A bibliography of municipal problems and city conditions. Second edition — revised and enlarged. Complete to January ist, 1901. viii,346 p. O. (Municipal affairs, vol. 5, no. i.) New York c. 1 90 1. [Valentine, David Thomas], compiler. 352.0747 N4247 ^'"® Historical index to the Manuals of the corporation of the City of New York, ("Valentine's Manuals"), 1 841-1870. [By O. H.] Consisting of two thousand three hundred and twenty-five refer- ences. 95 p. O. New York: F. P. Harper, 1900. Printed on only one side of the leaves. Only 250 copies printed. U0^9?^' ^^^^.^^^* 016.352 G9I A bibliography of British municipal history including gilds and parliamentary representation. xxxiv,46i p. O. [Harvard University. Harvard historical studies, vol. 5.] New York: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1897. Boston. City Council. 352.0744 B650 '*'''• Index to the city documents, 1834 to 1897. With an appendix containing a list of city publications not included among the numbered documents. 142 p. O. Boston 1897. Brooks, Robert Clarkson. 016. ^'?2 B'tq 21088 A 1 *1 1 • 1 WW § ^ A bibhography of municipal administration and city conditions. [2],ix,224 P- O. (Municipal affairs, vol. i, no. i.) New York c. 1897. 100 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Maltbie, Milo Roy. 352.042 9 20327 English local government of to-day. A study of the relations of central and local government. 2969. O. (COLUMBIA UNIVER- SITY. Studies in history, economics and public law, vol. 9, no. i.) New York 1897. "Bibliography," p. 279-287. New York, N. Y. Mayors Committee on Public Baths 613.47 P700 6"* and Public Comfort Statiojis. Report on public baths and public comfort stations by the May- or's Committee of New York City. 195. i^ P- 23 pi. O. New York City 1897. Contains a chapter : Bibliography. Wisconsin. University of Wisconsin. 352. 004 I "2^' Mayor vs. Council. Should a system of municipal government, concentrating all executive and administrative powers in the mayor, be adopted in cities of the United States? The twenty- seventh annual joint debate of the University of Wisconsin. 103 p. I pi. O. Madison, Wis.: G. B. Nelson, c. 1897. "Bibliography," p. '95-103. Bibliography. 352 7 16911 Bibliography of municipal government and reform. \_In CON- FERENCE FOR Good City Government. Proceedings, no. i, p. 341-381. Philadelphia 1894.] Vincent, John Martin. 306.1452 ^®'" State and federal government in Switzerland. viii,[2],247 p. O. [Johns Hopkins University. Johns Hopkins University stud- ies, extra vol. 9.] Baltimore 1891. With a bibliography of local government. Gross, Charles. 338.6 Pooi "^° The gild merchant. A contribution to British municipal history. 2 vol. O. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1890. Vol. 2 contains proofs and illustrations from contemporary documents, with a bibli- ography of muncipal government. Gomme, George Laurence. 016.352 G58 ^^'^^ The literature of local institutions. viii,248 p. D. [Book-lover's library.] London: E. Stock, 1886. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 1 01 016.353 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT AND DOCUMENTS U. S. A. Departmeiit of Agriculture. Card index to the publications of the Department. Continued from no. i. Washington 1899-. Filed in Reading Room. U. S. A. Government Printing Office. L016.353 U581 Superintendent of Documents. Catalogue of the public documents of . . . Congress and of all de- partments of the Government of the United States .... (Being the "Comprehensive Index" provided for by the act approved January 12, 1895.) Prepared under the supervision of the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office. Con- tinued from the Fifty-third Congress, March 4, 1893. Q. Wash- ington 1896. U. S. A. Government Printing Office. 016.353 U584 Snperintettdent of Docu moits . Catalogue of United States public documents. Issued month- ly by the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office. Continued from [no. i]. January, 1895. O. Washing- ton 1895-. No. 1-3 published under the title: Catalogue of publications issued by the Govern- ment of the United States .... U. S. A. Government Printing Office. 016.353 U583 "^' * Superintendent of Documents. ... . Index to the subjects of the documents and reports and to the committees, senators, and representatives presenting them. (Being the "consolidated index" provided for by the act of Janu- ary 12, 1895.) Compiled under the direction of the Superinten- dent of Documents. Continued from [no. i]. 54th Congress, 1st session, Dec. 2, 1895. O. Washington 1897. U. S. A. Department of Agriculture. 016.353 U5814 Division of Publications. Monthly list of publications [of the Department of Agriculture]. Continued from May, 1898. O. Washington 1898-. No title-page. June, 1898, missing. 102 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Warman, Philip Creveling. 016.557 W231 30099 Catalogue and index of the publications of the United States Geological Survey, 1880 to 1901. 858 p. O. [U. S. A. DE- PARTMENT OF THE Interior. Geological Survey. Bulletin, no. 177.] Washington 1901. Another copy in Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey has shelf number 557.3 8v.177 American catalogue. L015.73 A512 '"' The American catalogue. Founded by F : Leypoldt Com- piled under the editorial supervision of R : R. Bowker. [5 vol. in 6.] sq. F. New York: [vol. i], A. C. Armstrong & Son, [vol. 2-5], Publishers' Weekly, 1 880-1901. Each volume published in 2 parts; vol. 2-5, with identical title-pages, each reading: "I. Author and title alphabet. Ii. Subject alphabet etc." Contents: [Vol. i, part i,] Author and title entries of books in print and for sale (including reprints and importations) July i, 1876. Compiled by Lynds E. Jones. (Under the direction of F: Leypoldt.) 834,[4],ii2 p. 1880. [Vol. i, part 2.] Sub- ject entries . . . July i, 1876. Compiled by Lynds E. Jones. (Under the direction of F: Leypoldt.) xx,492 p. 1881. [Vol. 2.] Books recorded ... July i, 1876 -June 30, 1884. Compiled under the editorial supervision of R : R. Bowker by Miss A. I. Appleton. 2 parts. 1885. [Vol. 3.] Books recorded ... July i, 1884-June 30, 1890. Com- piled ... by Miss A. I. Appleton and others. 2 parts. 1891. [Vol. 4.] Books re- corded ... July I, 1 890 -June 30, 1895. 2 parts. 1896. [Vol. 5.] Books recorded ... July I, 1895- January i, 1900. 2 parts. 1901. "Contributed lists, [arranged by publishers] of books published since 1876, with author and title index," [vol. i, part i], [4]ii2 p. "Index to books contained in ap- pendix [to part i]. Subjects," [vol. i, part 2], p. 457-492. "U. S. government publications," [vol. 2, part 2], p. 223-241; [vol. 3, part 2], p. 230-262; [vol. 4, part 2], second p. 1-60. "State publications," [vol. 3, part 2], p. 263-294; [vol. 4, part 2], second p. 61-100. "Publications of societies," [vol. 2, part 2], p. 242-244; [vol. 3, part 2], p. 295- 310; [vol. 4, part 2], second p. 101-130. "Books in series," [vol. 2, part 2], p. 245-247; [vol. 3, part 2], p. 311-318; [vol. 4, part 2], second p. 131-142. "Omissions from cheap libraries," [vol. 2, part 2], p. 248-260. "Note on Bible," [vol. i, part i], p. vii. "Bibliographical aids" [by F. Leypoldt], [vol. i, part 2], p. v-xx. U. S. A. Navy Department. Bureau of Equipment. L016.353 U5842 "''" HydrograpJiic Office. Catalogue of charts, plans, sailing directions, and other publica- tions of the United States Hydrographic Office. 119 p. 24 maps, sq. F. Washington 1 90 1. Indiana. State Library. 027.0772 I395 v.23 Subject catalogue of the United States public documents in Indi- ana State Library, 1900. 326 p. O. Indianapolis 1900. Published as appendix to and bound with Biennial report of the Librarian of the Indi- ana State Library, no. 23. "Index to Documentary Journal of Indiana to 1899," p. 291-326. 29077 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS IO3 Lane, Lucius Page. 016.01 L24 25275 Aids in the use of government publications. 40-57 p. O. [Bos- ton 1900.] Reprint in 50 copies from the Quarterly publications of the American Statistical As- sociation, New series, vol. 7, March -June, 1900. Hasse, Adelaide Rosalia. 016.353 H271 18598 Reports of explorations printed in the documents of the United States government. (A contribution toward a bibliography.) 90 p. O. (U. S. A. Government Printing Office. Super- intendent of Documents.) Washington 1899. U.S.A. Departmeiit of Agriculture. 016.353 U5813 '*''*^ Division of Publications. List of bulletins and circulars issued by the U. S. Department of Agriculture and available for free distribution. Corrected to June I, 1899. (Third edition.) 20 p. O. [Washington 1899.] U. S. A. Navy Department. Bureait of Equipment. 016.353 U5841 *"** Hydrographic Office. Price list of Hydrographic Office charts, covering ground in Hawaii, Philippines, Ladrones, Marshall, Caroline, and Gilbert islands. 7 p. sq. D. [Washington 1899?] No title-page. U. S. A. Government Printing Office. 016.353 U5821 '«98« Superintendent of Documents. Bibliography of United States public documents relating to inter- oceanic communication across Nicaragua, Isthmus of Panama, Isthmus of Tehuantepec, etc. Prepared in the office of Superin- tendent of Documents, .... 29 p. O. Washington 1899. Romero, Matias. L972 P801 15689 Mexico and the United States. A study of subjects affecting their political, commercial, and social relations, made with a view to their promotion. Vol. i-. pi. facsim. maps. Q. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1898-. Contents: Geographical and statistical notes on Mexico. The valley of Mexico's drainage. Historical notes on Mexico. The Anglo-Saxon and Roman systems of criminal jurisprudence. The Mexican free zone. Labor and wages in Mexico. The silver standard in Mexico. The Pan-American Conference of 1889. Supplement to the free zone paper. List of President's messages sent to Congress during the period of French intervention, from 1861 to 1867. Prepared by Mr. Clifford Warren. The Geographical and statistical notes were previously published as introduction to Coffee and india-rubber in Mexico, by the same author. 104 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY U. S. A. Treasury Department. 016.353 U585 '""'' Coast and Geodetic Survey. Bibliography. Descriptive catalogue of publications relating to the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey 1807 to 1896 and to U, S. standard weights and measures 1790 to 1896. 118 p. O. (Special publication, no. 2.) Washington 1898. Michigan. State Library. L017.774 M58 26608 (;;at;alogue of the Michigan State Library. United States docu- ments. State documents. Foreign exchanges. [2], 276 p. Q. Lansing, Mich. 1898. Hasse, Adelaide Rosalia. 016.353 H27 '*'"" List of pubHcations of the U. S. Department of Agriculture from 1 841 to June 30, 1895, inclusive. 7^ p. O. (U.S.A. DEPART- MENT OF Agriculture. Library. Bulletin, no. 9.) Washing- ton 1896. Interleaved. » U. S. A. Government Printing Office. 016.353U58 ^"^^ Superhitendcnt of Documents. Checklist of public documents, containing debates and proceed- ings of Congress, from the first to the fifty-third Congress, together with miscellaneous lists of documents, and historical and biblio- graphical notes. Second edition, revised and enlarged. Issued by F. A. Crandall. 222 p. O. Washington 1895. U. S. A. Departmeiit of the Interior. 016.353 U586 16645 /--» » • 1 c^ Lrcotogical Siirvey. List of the publications of the United States Geological Survey. .... 71 p. O. Washington 1895. Hickcox, John Howard. 016.353 H52 United States government publications. A monthly catalogue. Vol. i-io. 1885-1894. O. Washington, D. C, 1885-1894. No more published. U.S.A. Department of the Interior. L016.353 U582 Superintendent of Documents. Comprehensive index of the publications of the Government, 1889-1893. By John G. Ames. vi,[2],48o p. sq.Q. Washing- ton 1894. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS IO5 Princeton University. Eliza Mitchell Museum of 017.749 P93 '8528 Geology and ArcJicBology. List of national and state geological survey reports in the library of the E. M. Museum of Geology and Archaeology, Princeton, N.J. 31 p. sq. D. Princeton, N. J., [1894?] Printed on only one side of the leaves. U. S. A. Treasury Department. L016.353 U588 3>" Coast and Geodetic Survey. Catalogue of charts and other pubhcations. 1894. W.W. Duffield, Superintendent. 148 p. il. sq.Q. Washington 1894. Warman, Philip Creveling. 016.557 W23 19033 Bibliography and index of the publications of the United States geological survey, with the laws governing their printing and dis- tribution. 495 p. O. [U.S.A. Department OF THE Interior. Geological Survey. Bulletin, no. 100.] Washington 1893. Another copy in Bulletin has shelf number 557.3 8 U. S. A. Department of Labor. 331-0973 2 V.3 ^°** Analysis and index of all reports issued by bureaus of labor sta- tistics in the United States prior to November i, 1892 376 p. (/// U. S. A. Department of Labor. Special report of the Commissioner of Labor, no. 3.) Washington 1893. U.S.A. Department of the Interior. Bureau of Education. 016.353U587 "'' Publications of the U. S. Bureau of Education, from 1867 to 1890, with subject-index [2], 1453-155 1 P- O. Washington 1891. Reprint of chapter 30 of the Report of the Commissioner of Education for i888-8g. Willoughby , Westel Woodbury, & Willoughby , William F. 306. 145 1 ''^" Government and administration of the United States. 143 p. {In Johns Hopkins University. Johns Hopkins University studies, vol. 9. Baltimore 1891.) With bibhographical notes. U. S. A. Department of the Interior. Census Office. L317.3 P002 V.O **®" Index to bulletins [of the eleventh census]. Corrected to Janu- ary I, 1895. 16 p. O. [Washington 1895.] Ford, Paul Leicester. L016.353 F75 '^'^' Some materials for a bibliography of the ofificial publications of the Continental Congress. 1 774-1 789. Collected and annotated by Paul Leicester Ford [2], 57 p. Q- Brooklyn, N. Y., 1888. Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Boston Public Library. I06 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY U.S.A. Department of Agriculture. 016.353U5812 17089 ^ general index of the agricultural reports of the Patent Ofifice, for twenty-five years, from 1837 to 1861 ; and of the Department of Agriculture, for fifteen years, from 1862 to 1876 225 p. O. Washington 1879. Supplement to the General index of the agricultural re- ports for the years 1877 to 1885, inclusive II3 P- O. Washington 1886. Poore, Benjamin Perley. L016.353 P79 .2587 ^ descriptive catalogue of the government publications of the United States, September 5, 1774- March 4, 1881. Compiled by order of Congress. iv,i392 p. sq.Q. Washington 1885. McPherson, Edward. 016.353 M24 "®- ConsoHdated index of the executive documents of the House of Representatives, from the twenty-sixth to the fortieth Congress, inclusive. Prepared under the direction of Edward McPherson. 393 P- O. Washington 1870. 016.3539 STATE GOVERNMENT AND DOCUMENTS Indiana. State Library. 027.0772 I395 v.23 29077 gubject catalogue of the United States public documents in Indi- ana State Library, 1900. 326 p. O. Indianapolis 1900. Published as appendix to and bound with Biennial report of the Librarian of the Indi- ana State Library, no. 23. "Index to Documentary Journal of Indiana to 1899," p. 291-326. Missouri. Bureau of Geology and Mines. L557.78 Qooi 24961 ]\jg^y year announcement of the Bureau of Geology and Mines of Missouri. ... , January i, 1900. 27 p. sq.Q. Jefferson City, Mo., 1900. "Publications of the Geological Survey of Missouri," p. 20-27. Bowker, Richard Rogers, editor. 016.3539 B67 20272 g^a^g publications. A provisional list of the official publications of the several states of the United States from their organization. .... Part I-. sq.O. New York 1899-. Hayes, Rutherford Piatt. 016.3539 H32 Publications of the state of Ohio. 1803-1896. Together with an index to the executive documents. [4], 71 p. O. Norwalk, Ohio, 1897. Another copy of p. [4], 1-60, in the Annual report of the Commissioners of the Ohio State Library, no. 52, has shelf number 027.0771 1 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS IO7 New Hampshire. State Library. 027.0742 N42 v.24 "•^^ A list of official publications, State of New Hampshire, issued from October i, 1892, to October i, 1894. Also special publi- cations of departments for the same period. \_In New Hamp- shire. State Library. Report, no. 24, p. 101-112. Concord 1894.] Michigan. State Board of AgriaUtiire. 630.97741 "^* General index of Michigan agricultural reports, including the Transactions of the State Agricultural Society, 1849 to 1859, And the Annual reports of the State Board of Agriculture, 1862- 1888 370 p. O. Lansing, Mich., 1889. Massachusetts. State Board of Agriculture. 630.97441 ^^®'* General index of the twenty-five annual reports of the Secretary of the Massachusetts State Board of Agriculture. 1 853-1 877. xcv p. O. Boston 1878. Bound with Report no. 25, 1877. 016.354 FOREIGN GOVERNMENT AND DOCUMENTS Seine, D^partement de la. Bibliotheque administrative. 017.44 S6411 .... Catalogue de la Bibliotheque administrative. (Section etrangere.) Dresse par A. Canot. [4],7r i,[i] p. O. Paris 1892. Great Britain. Parliament. 016.35442 G791 "•"• Quarterly list, . . . , of parliamentary publications. Continued from 1897. O. London 1898-. Greene, Evarts BoutelL 973.2 P800 ""■"" The provincial governor in the English colonies of North Amer- ica. x,292 p. O. [Harvard historical studies, vol. 7.] New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1898. "List of commissions and instructions," p. 265-270. "List of authorities cited," p. 271-278. Stanford, Edward, publisher. 016.35442 S785 A resume of the publications of the ordnance & geological surveys of England & Wales, with indexes to the i-inch maps of the Brit- ish Isles, and a supplement on methods of map mounting. 56 p. il. 4 maps. O. London 1897. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. 28162 18409 I08 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Bird, S. R. Scargill-. L016.35442 B53 9966 j^ guide to the principal classes of documents preserved in the Public Record Office. Second edition. lxxiii,399 p. Q. Lon- don : Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1896. Great Britain. Stationery Office. L016.35442 G79 '"•* List of works published on account of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, by Eyre and Spottiswoode ; . . . , except the Admiralty hydrographic publications, . . . , and the Geological and Ordnance Survey maps, ... . 31st January 1896. [2],286 p. Q. Lon- don 1896. Campbell, Frank. 016.35442 C15 20190 Catalogue of official reports relating to India issued as English Parliamentary Papers (and in connection with the India Office) during the year 1892. 19 p. O. London 1893. Germany. Kaiserliches statistisches Amt. 016.35443 G31 24262 -Qjg Veroffentlichungen des Kaiserlichen statistischen Amts, 1873 bis Ende 1899. 32 p. O. Berlin: Puttkammer & Miihlbrecht, 1900. Langlois, Charles Victor., & Stein, H. 016.944 L26 '**" Les archives de I'histoire de France. [2],xvii,iooo p. O. (Manuels de bibliographic historique, vol. i.) Paris: A. Picard, i89i-[i893]. Seine, Departement de la. Bibliotheque administrative. oi7<44 S461 ®°" . . . Catalogue de la Bibhotheque administrative. (Section fran- gaise.) [4],632,[i] p. O. Paris: Marchal & Billard, 1890. British Museum. Department of Printed Books. L017.42 B7763 ^^"* Index-catalogue of Indian official publications in the Library, British Museum. Compiled by Frank Campbell. 6, [2], 193, 3 14, 72 p. sq. F. London [1900]. Accessions. No. i. Nov. 30, 1899. sq.Q. Cape of Good Hope. Parliament. House of Assembly. 016.35468 C17 ^°®" Index to the annexures and printed papers of the House of Assembly, and also to the principal resolutions adopted, and to the bills and printed select committee and commission reports, 1854-1897. [4],ii,676,xlviii p. O. Cape Town 1899. New South Wales. Government Printing Office. 016.35494 N421 29805 List of printed pubhc documents on sale at the Government Print- ing Office, Sydney. (All previous lists cancelled.) 62 p. O. Sydney 1899. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS lOQ New South Wales. Government Printing Office. 016.35494 N42 29923 Ljg^. Qf printed public documents on sale at the Government Printing Office, Sydney. 62 p. O. Sydney 1898. OI6.355--359 MILITARY AND NAVAL SCIENCES Lobell's Jahresberichte. 355-053 2 ""'' V, Lobell's Jahresberichte uber die Veranderungen und Fortschritte im Militarwesen Continued from vol. 25. 1898. O. Ber- lin 1 899-. Edited by [G.] v. Pelet-Narbonne. Cockle, Maurice J. Draffen. L016.355 C64 28157 ^ bibliography of English military books up to 1642, and of contemporary foreign works. With an introductory note by Charles Oman. Edited by H. D. Cockle. xl,[2],267,[i] p. 8 pi. 4 por. 2 facsim. Q. London: Simpkin, . . . , Kent & Co., 1900. Lehautcourt, Pierre. L010.6465 i v. 5 23453 Bibiiographie critique de la guerre de 1 870-1 871. 27 p. \_In Soci:&T]& DES fiTUDES HISTORIQUES. Bibliotheque de bibliogra- phies critiques, no. 5. Paris 1900,] No title-page. Saxony. K. Generalstab. L017.43 S273 """ Katalog der Bibliothek und Karten-Sammlung des Konigl. sachs. Generalstabes. xi,[i],342 p. sq.Q. Dresden 1900. U. S. A. War Department. Adjutant General's Office. 355. GO Pgoo 29974 . . Notizen zur Hygiene des Unterrichts und des Lehrerberufes. [4], 74 p. 7 il. (/// Handbuch der Hygiene. Supplement-Band I, p. [4], 1-74.) Jena 1901. Bibliographical references with each main topic. Bergmans, Paul. 016.371 B45 ■°^^' Essai bibliographique sur les journaux d'etudiants. 46 p. D. Gand 1890. Supplement. 19 p. D. Gand: pour I'auteur, 1891. Laishley, Richard. L379.4 2 ''"* Report upon state education in Great Britain, France, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Belgium, and the United States of America ; in- cluding a special report upon deaf-mute instruction iv, 186 p. 3 tables. F. (New Zealand. 1886, E. 12.) Welling- ton [1886]. "Deaf-mute instruction," p. 96-129. "List of publications relating to deaf-mutism," p. IIS-121. Guyot, C, &■ Guyot, R. T. 016.371 G99 *'"'" Liste litteraire philocophe ou Catalogue d'etude de ce qui a ete public jusqu'a nos jours sur les sourds-muets ; sur I'oreille, I'ouie, la voix, le langage, la mimique, les aveugles etc. etc. xv,496, 63 p. O. Groningue : J. Oomkens, 1842. Author's autograph letter tipped in back of book. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 121 016.372 PRIMARY EDUCATION. CHILD STUDY Chamberlain, Alexander Francis. 372 Q003 27046 -pj^g child, A study in the evolution of man. xii,498 p. il. i pi. D. [Contemporary science series.] - London: W, Scott, 1900. Contents: I. The meaning of the helplessness of infancy. 2. The meaning of youth and play. 3. The resemblances of the young. 4. The periods of childhood. 6. The arts of childhood. 7. The child as revealer of the past. 8. The child and the savage. 9. The child and the criminal. 10. The child and the woman. [Treats of the secondary characteristics of sex.] 11. Summary, and conclusion. "Bibliography," p. 465-495. Verein fiir offentliche Gesundheitspflege L614.0943 N931 «8"« in Niirnberg. Gesundheitspflege in Niirnberg an derWendedes 19. Jahrhunderts. Festschrift dargeboten den Mitgliedern und Teilnehmern der 24. Versammlung des Deutschen Vereins fUr offentliche Gesundheits- pflege vom Verein fur offentliche Gesundheitspflege in Niirnberg. Herausgegeben im Auftrage desselben von Hofrat Dr. W. Beckh, Dr. F. Goldschmidt, Stadtbaurat C. Weber. viii,372 p. il. 23 pi. 15 paged in, i por. Q. Niirnberg: J. L. Schrag, 1899. Contents: I. Weber, C. Fiirsorge fiir gesundes Wohnen. 2. Rogner, K., Hellmuth, K. &Schlegel, H. Uberwachung des Nahrungsmittelverkehrs. 3. Goldschmidt, F. Fiirsorge f iir hilfsbediirftige Kinder. 4. Glauning, Dr. Fiirsorge fiir schulpfiichtige Kinder. 5. Fran- kenburger, A. Fiirsorge fiir den Arbeiter. 6. Fleischmann, W. & Stich, E. Fiirsorge fiir Arme, Arbeitslose und ArbeitsinvaUde. 7. Wallraff, H. & Merkel, S. Fiirsorge fur Erkrankte und Verungliickte. 8. Heller, Dr. & Burgl, G. Fiirsorge fiir Gefangene. 9. Stich, [E.] Thatigkeit des Vereins fiir offentliche Gesundheitspflege. 10. Weber, C. Weitere Einrichtungen fiir offentHche Wohlfahrt. Anhang: Schubert, P. t)ber Steil- schrift und Schragschrift. Bericht iiber die vergleichenden Untersuchungen zwischen Steilschrift und Schragschrift in den Schulen Niirnbergs . . . 1890 bis 1897. "Literatur [iiber Steilschrift und Schragschrift]", p. 361-368. The report by P. Schubert deals with the relations observed between handwriting and health. Wilson, Louis N. 016.372 W69 "'"'' Bibliography of child study. [2], 49 p. O. Worcester, Mas- sachusetts: Clark University Press, 1898. Reprinted from the Pedagogical seminary. Bibliography of child study [for the year 1898]. 26 p. O. Worcester, Massachusetts, 1899. 122 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Barnes, Earl, editor. 372 P604 """ Studies in education. A series . . . devoted to child-study and the history of education, 1896-97. [Vol. i.] [4] ,400 p. il. O. Stanford University, California, 1896-97. Barnes, E., & Bennett, C. J. C. Bibliographies of child-study, p. 68-72. Sisson, G. Bibliography of children's plays, p. 184-189. Barnes, E. Books and pamphlets intended to give sex-information, p. 301-308. Barnes, E. Bibliography of the published work of Dr. G. Stanley Hall, p. 371-379. Hartmann, Berthold. 372 P603 169S8 y)\q Analyse des kindlichenGedankenkreises als die naturgemasse Grundlage des ersten Schulunterrichts. Ein Beitrag zur Volks- schulpraxis. Dritte, sorgfaltig durchgesehene und erweiterte Auflage. x,200 p. O. Leipzig: E. v. Mayer, 1896. "Litteratur-Nachweis", p. viii-x. Tracy, Frederick. 150.2 P405 '"" The psychology of childhood. Fourth edition. xiii,i70 p. D. Boston: D. C. Heath & Co., 1897. "Published sources of information" p. 162-167. New England primer. 372-4 Ei 17107 jj^g New-England primer. A history of its origin and develop- ment, with a reprint of the unique copy of the earliest known edition and many fac-simile illustrations and reproductions. Edited by Paul Leicester Ford. xi,354 p. 29 facsim. O. [Book lovers' library of early American literature.] New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1897. Copy on imperial Japan paper. Appendices, i. Reprint of the New England tutor. 2. Reprint of Rogers's Exhorta- tion unto his children. 3. Cotton Mather's Plea for catechising. 4. Clarke's Saying the catechism. 5. Reprint of the Holy Bible in verse. 6. Bibliography of the New Eng- land primer. 7. Variorum of the New England primer. OI6.373--377 SPECIAL SUBJECTS Secondary education — Ctirriciiliim — Edticatio?t of women — Religious and ethical education Jahresberichte. 373*053 i '^'^^ Jahresberichte Uber das hohere Schulwesen .... Continued from vol. II. 1896. O. Berlin 1897-. Edited by Conrad Rethwisch. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 123 Bolton, Frederick Elmer. 379'43 8 82535 'pj^g secondary school system of Germany. xix,398 p. D. (In- ternational education series, vol. 47.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1900. "Authorities consulted, " p. 385-390. Rouse, William Henry Denham. 373-42 R84 16737 j^ history of Rugby School. xvi,420p. il. 9 pi. 3 por. O. [Eng- lish public schools.] London: Duckworth & Co., 1898. "Bibliography," p. v-vi. Zeitschrift. I'SOS-S 1 ▼•<> '^^^^ Zeitschrift fur den physikalischen und chemischen Unterricht. .... Generalregister fiir Jahrgang I bis X, 1 887-1 897. Bear- beitet von O. Ohmann. [4], 5 5 p. Q. Berlin: J. Springer, 1898. Association of Collegiate Alumnae. L016.376 A849 ^^^'^ Contributions towards a bibliography of the higher education of women. [6] ,42 p. Q. (BOSTON. PUBLIC LIBRARY. Bibliogra- phies of special subjects, no. 8.) Boston 1897. Crooker, Joseph Henry. 309'73 O900 21714 Problems in American society. Some social studies. 293 p. D. Boston: G. H. Ellis, 1889. Contents: i. The student in American life. 2. Scientific charity. "References," p. 44-46. 3. The root of the temperance problem. "References," p. 118. 4. The political conscience. 5. Moral and religious instruction in our public schools. "Refer- ences," p. 199-200. 6. The religious destitution of villages. "References," p. 247- 248. 016.378 COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES Fick, Richard, edtfor. 1^378.43 " 29398 ^yj Deutschlands hohen Schulen. Eine illustrierte kultur- geschichtliche Darstellung deutschen Hochschul- und Studenten- wesens vii. Tausend. xiii,[3],488 p. il. Q. Berlin: H. L. Thilo, 1900. Contents : i . Geschichte des Universitatswesens und Studententums. 2 Die Universitat und ihre Einrichtungen. 3. Studentische Bitten und Gebrauche. 4. Das Fechten und die Mensur. Die einzelnen Hochschulen. Die technischen Hochschulen. "Bibliographie", p. 473-480. Columbia University. 378-747 Cuji v. 20 16604 Columbia University bulletin. Index. Numbers l-XX. July, 1890 to June, 1898. 16 p. O. [New York 1898.] Bound with vol. 20. 124 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Sabbadini, Remigio. L378.45 CEi ^®"' Storia documentata della R. Universita di Catania Parte prima. L'Universita di Catania nel secolo XV. xv,[2],i35 p. F. Catania 1898. "Documenti," part i, p. 49-126. Zimmermann, Athanasius. 378-73 8 ^^"° Die Universitaten in den Vereinigten Staaten Amerikas. Ein Beitrag zur Culturgeschichte. viii,[2] ,i i6 p. O. (Stimmen aus Maria-Laach. Erganzungsheft, vol. 68.) Freiburg im Breisgau : Herder'sche Verlagshandlung, 1896. "Verzeichniss der hauptsachlichsten der benutzten Schriften," p. v-viii. Paris. Ecole Poly technique. I'505.4 4 12594 jouj-nal de I'Ecole Polytechnique public par le Conseil d'lnstruc- tion de cet etablissement. Table des matieres contenues dans les 64 premiers cahiers formant 45 volumes. Suivie d'une table analytique et d'une table generale par noms d'auteurs. 50 p. [/u Journal de I'Ecole Polytechnique, second series, no. i. Paris 1895.] No title-page. Rashdall, Hastings. 378-4 3 ^""^ The universities of Europe in the Middle Ages. 2 vol. in 3. pi. maps, facsim. O. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1895. "Bibliography", at the beginning of each chapter. Bowes, Robert. 015.42 B67 ^^'*' A catalogue of books printed at or relating to the University, town & county of Cambridge from i 521 to 1893, with bibliograph- ical & biographical notes. xxxi,[i],5i6 p. il. O. Cambridge: Macmillan & Bowes, 1894. Gerould, James Thayer. 027.0742 N42 v.24 87P^i Bibliography of Dartmouth College and Hanover, N. H (New Hampshire Library Association. Reports of commit- tees on bibliographies.) [In NEW HAMPSHIRE. STATE LIBRARY. Report, no. 24, p. 149-216. Concord 1894.] Bergmans, Paul. 016.371 B45 ^''^'^' Essai bibliographique sur les journaux d'etudiants. 46 p. D. Gand 1890. Supplement. 19 p. D. Gand: pour I'auteur, 1891 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS ' 12$ 016.379 PUBLIC SCHOOLS. STATE AND EDUCATION Sendler, R., & Kobel, 0. 379 Qooi *"'^ Ubersichtliche Darstellung des Volkserziehungswesens der euro- paischen und aussereuropaischen Kulturvolker. Beitrag zur Kulturgeschichte der Jetztzeit Vol. i- O. Breslau : M. Woyvvod, 1900-. "Litteratur," vol. I, p. 349-361. Petersilie, Alwin. L302 P300 p.3, v.3 15555 j)^g offentliche Unterrichtswesen im deutschen Reiche und in den ubrigen europaischen Kulturlandern 2 vol. \_In Hand- und Lehrbuch der Staatswissenschaften, part 3, vol. 3.] Leip- zig: C. L. Hirschfeld, 1897. "Bibliographic" von P. Lippert, vol. 2, p. 479-608. Knight, George W. 379-12 O500 ^"^ History and management of land grants for education in the Northwest territory (Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wiscon- sin). v,i75 p. O. (American Historical Association. Papers, vol. i, no. 3.) New York: G. Po Putnam's Sons, 1885. 016.38 COMMERCE AND COMMUNICATION Foreign trade — Post Office — Telegraph — Railroads — Mercantile marine — Weiglits and Measures Handel und Wandel. 380.53 2 30915 Handel und Wandel. Jahresberichte uber den Wirtschafts- und Arbeitsmarkt. Fur Volkswirte und Geschaftsmanner, Arbeit- geber- und Arbeiter-Organisationen. Continued from 1900. il. tab. O. Berlin 1901-. Edited by Richard Calwer. Contains "Bibhographie". McCrea, Roswell Cheney. 336-2 Qioi ''« The taxation of transportation companies. [A report prepared under the direction of the Industrial Commission.] Thesis pre- sented to the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of, Pennsyl- vania in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Ph.D. [2],87p. O. [Washington 1 90 1.] "Bibliography," p. 76-79- 30 126 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY U. S. A. Department of State. 380.9 i v.O "^" Bii7'eaii of Foreign Commerce. General index to monthly Consular reports. Issued from the Bureau of Foreign Commerce. Nos. 60 to 239 — vols. 18 to 63. [1886-Aug, 1900.] [Vol. 2-5.] O. Washington 1890-1901. Contents: [Vol. 2], index to vol. 18-31, 1886-1889; [vol. 3], to vol. 32-41, 1890- 93; [vol. 4], to vol. 42-54, 1893-97; [vol. 5], to vol. 55-63, 1897-1900. [Vol. 2] published under the title: Index to Consular reports; [vol. 3], General index to Consular reports. Morrison, Hugh Alexander. 016.38 M83 '^^^^^ List of books and of articles in periodicals relating to interoceanic canal and railway routes: (Nicaragua; Panama, Darien, and the valley of the Atrato ; Tehuantepec and Honduras; Suez canal). With an appendix : Bibliography of United States public docu- ments. Prepared in the office of the Superintendent of Documents. 174 p. O. (Library of Congress.) (U. S. A. 56TH Con- gress, 1ST session. Senate. Document no. 59.) Washington 1900. Jones, Edward David. 380.9 Oooi 26997 T~* ■ • Lconomic crises. v,2 5ip. D. (Citizen's library of economics, pohtics, and sociology.; New York: Macmillan Co., 1900. "Bibliography," p. 225-245. Lotz, Walther. 380.943 Qooi """ Verkehrsentwicklung in Deutschland. 1 800-1900. Sechs volks- tiimliche Vortrage iiber Deutschlands Eisenbahnen und Binnen- wasserstrassen, ihre Entwicklung und Verwaltung, sowie ihre Be- deutung fiir die heutige Volkswirtschaft. ix,i42,[2] p. D. (Aus Natur und Geisteswelt, no. 15.) Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1900. "Litteratur" at the beginning of each chapter. Leipsic. Handelskammer. 017.43 L532 ""^ Katalog der Bibliothek der Handelskammer zu Leipzig [Von Dr. jur. Walther Julius Gensel, Seer, bearbeitet.] Vol. 1-4. O. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs'sche Buchhandlung, 1 886-1 898. Contents: Vol. i. Bestand am i. Juli 1884. xxiv,504 p. 1886. Vol. 2. Zuwachs vom I. Juli 1884 bis zum 30. Juni 1888. xvi,335 p. 1889. Vol. 3. Zuwachs vom i. Juli 1888 bis zum 31. December 1893. xvi,384 p. 1895. Vol. 4. Zuwachs vom i. Januar 1894 bis zum 31. December 1897. xvi,333 p. 1898. Zeitschrift. 330.531 Inhalts-Uebersicht der Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Staatswissen- schaft iiber die in den Banden oder Jahrgangen 1-50 enthaltenen Abhandlungen, .... [2], 60 p. O. Tiibingen 1894. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 127 Borght, Richard van der. L302 P300 p.i, v. 16 23085 Handel und HandelspoHtik. xi,[i],570 p. [/;/ Hand- und Lehrbuch der Staatswissenschaften, part i, vol. 16.] Leipzig 1900. Lippert, P. Bibliographic, p. 477-570. Borght, Richard van der. L302 P300 p.i, v.7 15547 £)^g Verkehrswesen. x,468 p. [/w Hand- und Lehrbuch der Staatswissenschaften, part i, vol. 7.] Leipzig: C. L. Hirschfeld, •1894. "Bibliographic" von K. Frankenstein, p. 412-468. Geering, Traugott. 015.494 C73 v.5 21062 Bibliographic der Handelsstatistik. Bibliographic de la statistique commerciale. [/« Centralkommission FUR SCHWEIZERISCHE Landeskunde. Bibhographie, vol. V9g£, p. 1 19-136. Berne 1893-] King, William Lyon Mackenzie. 33i-5 P800 '"'®'' Report to the Honourable the Postmaster General of the methods adopted in Canada in the carrying out of government clothing contracts. 29 p. O. Ottawa 1899. Zeitschrift. 330-53 1 *^^^ Inhalts-Uebersicht der Zeitschrift fUr die gesammte Staatswissen- schaft liber die in den ersten 33 Bandenoder Jahrgangenenthaltenen Abhandlungen, .... [4] ,40 p. O. Tubingen 1878. Deutsches Handels-Archiv. L380.53 3 v.o 31051 Register jes Preussischen Handelsarchivs fiir die sechs Jahrgange von 1859 bis 1864. Nach den beiden Haupt-Abschnitten Ge- setzgebung und Statistik abgetheilt und nach den Handels- gebieten in alphabetischer Folge geordnet. 79 p. sq.Q. Berlin 1865. Table. L380.54 2 27165 Table des rapports et dep^ches des agents diplomatiques et con- sulaires de France, publics au Moniteur ofhciel du commerce .... Continued from 1897. [^'^ Moniteur officiel du commerce, vol. 28-. Paris 1897-.] Switzerland. Oberpostdirektion. 015.494 C73 v.5 ^'°'^ . . . Postes. [Bibliographic] redige par la Direction generale des postes suisses. [7;^ CENTRALKOMMISSION FUR SCHWEIZERISCHE Landeskunde. Bibliographic, vol. V9g/', p. i_viii,i-35, 93-98-] Berne 1895. 128 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Abrezol, E. 015.494 C73 v.5 21060 Xelegraphenwesen. Service des telegraphes. [Bibliographic.] [/« Centralkommission fur schweizerische Landeskunde. Bibliographie, vol V9gr, p. 36-91. 99-1 OS- Berne 1895.] Hollander, Jacob H. 306.145 1 ''''' The Cincinnati Southern Railway. A study in municipal activi- ty.— A memorial of Lucius S. Merriam, Ph. D. (J. H. U.). 1 16 p. I por. {In Johns Hopkins University. Johns Hopkins Uni- versity studies, vol. 12. Baltimore 1894.) Contains also a bibliography of the Cincinnati Southern Railway. Carpentier, Adrien, & Maury, G. 656.007 P301 30922 Ti-aite pratique des chemins de fer. 3 vol. O. Paris : L. Larose, 1894. "Bibliographic," vol. i, p. 10-102. Reprinted from Repertoire general alphabeiique dti droit fran(ais. Griffin, Appleton Prentiss Clark. 016.387 G87 28038 p^ YisX. of books (with references to periodicals) on mercantile marine subsidies. 43 p. O. (U.S.A. Library OF CONGRESS. Division of Bibliography.) Washington 1900. Ris, F. 015.494 C73 v.5 ^'°^'* ... Poids et mesures, [Bibliographic.] vi,30p. [/;/ CENTRAL- KOMMISSION FUR SCHWEIZERISCHE Landeskunde. Bibliographic vol. v9g/5, part :.] Berne 1894. Guillaume, Charles Edouard. 530.8 25 ""'^ Unites et etalons. 190 p. 8 il. nar. D. (Encyclopedic scienti- fique des aide-memoire.) Paris: Gauthicr-Villars & fils, [1893]. "Bibliographic," p. 179-186. Harkness, William. 089 O800 The progress of science as exemplified in the art of weighing and measuring [2], 597-633 P- O. Washington 1890. "List of the principal authorities consulted in the preparation of the foregoing ad- dress," p. 628-633. Reprinted from the Amiual report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Insti- tution for 1888. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 1 29 OI6.39-.396 MANNERS AND CUSTOMS Costume — Public and social customs — Woneii s position and treatment Mely, Fernand de, & Bishop, Edmund. L016.39 M49 25829 Bibliographic generale des inventaires imprimes 2 vol. in 3. Q. (France. Ministere de l'instruction publique ET DES BEAUX-ARTS.) Paris: E. Leroux, 1892-1S95. Berlin. Kunstgewerbe-Museum. Freiherrlich von I'39i P700 Lipperheide' sche Kostihnbibliothek. Katalog der Freiherrlich von Lipperheide'schen KostUmbibliothek. Vol. I-. il. pi. Q. [Katalog der Freiherrlich von Lipperheide- 'schen Sammlung fiir Kostumwissenschaft. Dritte Abtheilung. BUchersammlung.] Berlin: F. Lipperheide, 1896-. Burdick, Lewis Dayton. 394.4 Qioo as'^se Foundation rites, with some kindred ceremonies. A contribution to the study of beliefs, customs, and legends connected with buildings, locations, landmarks, etc., etc. 258 p. O. New York: Abbey Press, c. 1901. "Authors and publications referred to in this work," p. 233-238. Thimm, Carl Albert. 016.796 T34 •^"^ A complete bibliography of fencing and duelling, as practised by all European nations from the Middle Ages to the present day. With a classified index, in chronological order, according to lan- guages (alphabetically arranged). xvi,537,[i] p. il. 9 pi. 20 por. I pi. of por. O. London: J. Lane, 1896. Bragge, William. L016.394B73 Bibliotheca nicotiana ; a catalogue of books about tobacco, to- gether with a catalogue of objects connected with the use of tobacco in all its forms. 248, [4] p. Q. Birmingham: privately printed, 1880. Frati, Lodovico. 396.0945 P900 ^^^®" La donna italiana secondo i piu recenti studi. viii,i 67 p. nar.O. [Piccola biblioteca di scienze moderne, no. 10.] Torino : Fratelli Bocca, 1899. Contents: i. Fisiologia e psicologia della donna. 2. II tipo estetico della bellezza femminile. 3. L'abbigliamento della donna. 4. Condizione giuridica della donna. 5. Condizione sociale della donna. 6. L'educazione della donna. 7. Donne letterate, scienziate ed artiste. 8. II bene e il male che fu detto della donna. 9. Proverbi e sen- tenze suUa donna. "Note bibliografiche", p. 149-167. 130 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Pierstorff, Julius. 331.4 P900 28608 prauenarbeit und Frauenfrage [4] ,81 p. O. Jena: G. Fischer, 1900. Reprinted from Handw'orlerbuch der Staatswissenschaften, 2 Aujlage, vol. 3. "Statistik der Frauenarbeit," p. 3-20. ♦'Litteratur," p. 78-81. MacDonald, Arthur. 396.04 M14 9570 Qi^is yyho answer "personals", a sociologic and scientific study of young women, including letters of American and European girls in answer to personal advertisements, with a bibliography. Sec- ond edition. xvi,250 p. D. Washington, D. C, 1897. Cohn, Gustav. 30.0943 P600 "*'' Die deutsche Frauenbewegung. Fine Betrachtung liber deren Entwickelung und Ziele. [6],226,[i] p. O. Berlin: Gebriider Paetel, 1896. "Literatur zur deutschen Frauenbewegung," p. 219-226. 016.398 FOLK-LORE Sitpcrstitious — Fairy faivs — l^rovcrbs Skeat, Walter William. 398.0959 S627 25200 jYjaiay magic. Being an introduction to the folklore and popular religion of the Malay peninsula. With a preface by Charles Otto Blagden. xxiv,[2],685 p. 7 il. 28 pi. O. London: Macmillan & Co. 1900. "List of chief authorities quoted", p. 675. Scherman, Lucian, & Krauss, Friedrich S. L571.07P900 21887 Allgemeine Methodik der Volkskunde. Berichte tiber Erschei- nungen in den Jahren 1890-1897. [4], 134 p. Q. Erlangen : F. Junge, 1899. Reprinted in lOO copies from the Kritischer yahresbericht iiber die Fortschriite der 7-otHaniscken Phiiologie, vol. 4, no. 3. Clodd, Edward. 398.2 C62 19626 fQjyj 'pij- 'Pq|_ ^j^ essay on savage philosophy in folk-tale. x,249 p. D. London: Duckworth & Co., 1898. Contents : Introduction, i . The story of Tom Tit Tot. 2. \'ariants of Tom Tit Tot — Scotch, Tyrolese, Basque, Indian, Welsh. 3. On the diffusion of stories. 4. Incidental features of the stories. 5. Barbaric ideas about names. 6. Magic through tangible things — hair and nails, refuse, saliva, portrait. 7. Magic through intangible things — shadow, reflection, name. 8. Taboo. 9. Words of power. 10. The name and the soul. Appendix — Bibliography of the Tom Tit Tot group of folk-tales. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 13 I Inwards, Richard, compiler. 398-3 I63 1459S Weather lore. A collection of proverbs, sayings, and rules con- cerning the weather. Third edition, revised and augmented. xii,233 p. I pi. O. London: E. Stock, 1898. "Bibliography of weather lore," p. 207-212. Crooke, William. 299.11 P500 20869 Yj^g popular religion and folk-lore of northern India. A new edition, revised and illustrated. 2 vol. pi. O. Westminster: A. Constable & Co., 1896. "Bibliography, vol. 2, p. 327-332. Sebillot, Paul. 620.9 P400 Les travaux publics et les mines dans les traditions et les super- stitions de tous les pays. Les routes — les ponts — les chemins de fer — les digues — les canaux — I'hydraulique — les ports — les phares — les mines et les mineurs. xvi,623 p. 428 il. 8 pi. O. Paris: J. Rothschild, 1894. "Bibliographic des principaux ouvrages cites," p. 591-602. Hartland, Edwin Sidney. 398.4 H25 The science of fairy tales. An inquiry into fairy mythology, viii, 3 72 p. D. [Contemporary science series, vol. 1 1 .] London : W. Scott, 1 89 1. "Bibliographical list of some of the works referred to", p. 353-365. ^ojton, Henry Carrington. L394.3 O700 The counting-out rhymes of children. Their antiquity, origin, and wide distribution. A study in folk-lore. ix,[2],i2i,[s] p. Q. New York: D.\Appleton & Co., 1888. "List of the principal works consulted", p. v-ii-ix. Gratet-Duplessis, [Pierre Alexandre]. 016.398 G77 Bibliographic paremiologique. Etudes bibliographiques et lit- teraires sur les ouvrages, fragmens d'ouvrages et opuscules specialement consacres aux proverbes dans toutes les langues. Suivies d'un appendice, contenant un choix de curiosites paremi- ographiques. viii,520,xx p. O. Paris : Potier, 1847. Preux, — . Notice sur M. Gratet-Duplessis, p. vii-xx. 132 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 016.4 LANGUAGE Phonology — FrcncJi — Spanish — Latin — Gnrk — Indian languages Bibliotheca philologica. 016.4 B47 16937 Bibliotheca philologica ; oder, Vierteljahrliche systematische Bibliographic der auf dem Gebiete der classischen Philologie und Altertumswissenschaft, sowie der Neuphilologie in Deutschland und dem Auslande neu erschienenen Schriften und Zeitschriften- Aufsatze Vol. 49-50. 1896-1897. O. Gottingen 1897- 1898. Edited by Friedrich Kuhn. Vol. 49-50 also called New series, vol. 11-12. Breul, Karl [Hermann] . 407 B75 19572 Yi^g teaching of modern foreign languages in our secondary schools. vi,86 p. D. Cambridge: University Press, 1898. "Bibliographical appendix," p. 57-62. "The reference library of a school teacher of German", p. 63-82. With special reference to the teaching of German. Triibner & Co. ^ publishers. 016.4 T76 2907 Xriibner's catalogue of dictionaries and grammars of the principal languages and dialects of the world. Secofrid edition, ... enlarged and revised, .... viii,i68 p. O. London 1882. Pilling, James Constantine. L572.051 i 1U450 (Catalogue of linguistic manuscripts in the library of the Bureau of Ethnology. (/// Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of Amer- ican Ethnology. Annual report, no. I. p. 553-577. Washing- ton 1 88 1.) Steiger, ^.^ publisher. L370.9N801 "''" Steiger's educational directory. 1878. 0. NewYork 1878. "A classified descriptive catalogue of American, British, German, French, and other foreign publications on education and general philology; together with works of refer- ence, teachers' handbooks, etc., exclusive of text-books," p. 101-148. Brey mann , Hermann . 016.414B75 10588 jjjg phonetische Literaturvon 1 876-1 895. Eine bibliographisch- kritische Ubersicht. [4], 170 p. O. Leipzig: A. Deichert, 1897. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 133 Gibbs, George. 061.822 ^■"^ A dictionary of the Chinook jargon, or trade language of Oregon. .... xiv,[2],43,[i] p 1863. (/;/ Smithsonlan Institu- tion. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, vol. 7. Washing- ton 1867.) With a bibliography of the Chinook jargon. Braunholtz, Eugen Gustav Wilhelm. 016.84 ^73 2949? gQQj^g qI reference for students & teachers of French. A critical survey. [4], 80 p. O. London: T. Wohlleben, 1901. Brunet, Jacques Charles. on B83 '"'* Manuel du libraire et de I'amateur de Hvres. Contenant: i** Un nouveau dictionnaire bibliographique ... ; 2^ Une table en forme de catalogue raisonne .... Cinquieme edition originale . . . augmentee d'un tiers par I'auteur. 6 vol. il. Q. Paris: Firmin- Didot Freres, Fils & C'^ 1 860-1 865. Vol. 6 contains the table. Quaritch, Bernard. L019 Q214 "'"®' Bibliotheca hispana. A catalogue of books in Castilian, Catalan, Portugese or otherwise of Spanish interest xvii,250 p. Q. [Quaritch, B. General catalogue, supplement no. 7.] London 1895. Fock, Gustav, Leipzig. 016.47 F68 ***"* Catalogus dissertationum philologicarum classicarum. Ver- zeichnis von etwa 18300 Abhandlungen aus dem Gesamtgebiete der klassischen Philologie u. Altertumskunde zuzammengestellt von der Zentralstelle fur Dissertationen und Programme von Gus- tav Fock in Leipzig, [4]. 224, 148, 72, 124 p. O. Leipzig 1894. Cagnat, Rene. L010.6465 i v.13 30835 Bibliographie critique de lepigraphie latine. 24 p. [/« SociETE DES ETUDES HISTORIQUES. Bibliotheque de bibho- graphies critiques, no. 13. Paris 1900.] No title-page. Pilling, James Constantine. 016.497 P643 13379 Bibliography of the Wakashan languages. x,[2],70 p. 2 il. O. Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of Ethnology. Bulletin, no. 19.) Washington 1894. Pilling, James Constantine. 016.497 P644 Bibliography of the Chinookan languages (including the Chinook jargon). xiii,8i p. 3 il. O. (SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Bu- reau OF Ethnology. Bulletin, no. 15.) Washington 1893. 134 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Pilling, James Constantine. 016.497 P642 13378 Bibliography of the SaHshan languages. xiii,86 p. 4 il. O. (Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of Ethnology. Bulletin, no. 16.) Washington 1893. Pilling, James Constantine. 016.497 P646 i33ba Bibliography of the Athapascan languages. xiii,i25 p. 4 il. O. (Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of Ethnology. Bulle- tin, no. 14.) Washington 1892. Pilling, James Constantine. 016.497 P648 133S4 Bibliography of the Algonquian languages. x,6i4 p. 82 facsim. O. (Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of Ethnology. Bul- letin, no. 13.) Washington 1891. Pilling, James Constantine. 016.497 P641 ^^"^ Bibliography of the Muskhogean languages. \Mi4 p. O. [Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of Ethnology. Bulle- tin, no. 9.] Washington 1889 Pilling, James Constantine. 016.497 P64 ^'"^ Bibliography of the Iroquoian languages. vi,2o8 p. il. i pi. 4 facsim. O. (Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of Ethnol- ogy. Bulletin, no. 6.) Washington: Government Printing Of- fice, 1888. Pilling, James Constantine. 016.497 P647 13383 Bibliography of the Eskimo language. v,i O. (SMITHSO- NIAN Institution. Bureau of Ethnology. Bulletin, no. i.) Washington 1887. Pilling, James Constantine. 016.497 P645 *"*' Bibliography of the Siouan languages. v,Sy p. O. (SMITHSO- NIAN Institution. Bureau of Ethnology. Bulletin, no. 5.) Washington 1887. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 135 016.5 PHYSICAL SCIENCES. GENERAL WORKS Annales. 505'4 1 ^°*'' Annales de chimie et de physique, .... Table dcs noms d'au- teurs et table analytique des matieres .... Continued from vol. I. O. Paris 1801-. Index for [First series], 1789-1815, is published as vol. 97-99: vol. 97 is index for vol. 1-30, 1789-1799; vol. 98, for vol. 31-60, 1 799-1806; and vol. 99, for vol. 61- 96, 1807-1815. Index for [Second series], 1816-1840, is in 3 vol. : index to vol. 1-30, 1816-1825; to vol. 31-60, 1826-1835; and to vol. 60-75, 1835-1840. Index for Third series, 1841-1863, is in 2 vol.; index to vol. 1-30, 1841-1850; and to vol. 31-60, 1851- 1863. Index for Fourth series, 1864-1873, is in i vol.; for Fifth series, 1874-1883, is in I vol.; and for Sixth series, 1884-1893, is in i vol. Indexes for First and Second series published under the title: Table generale raisonnee des matieres ... , suivie d'une table alphabctique des auteurs qui y sont cites. Indexes for Third series are called : Table des noms, and Table analytique, re- spectively. Indexes for Fourth and Fifth series compiled by U. Gayon; for Sixth series, by C. Matignon. Hachmeister's literarischer Monatsbericht. 016.6 Hi 11 '■'■'" Hachmeister's literarischer Monatsbericht fiir Bau- und Ingenieur- wissenschaften, Elektrotechnik und verwandte Gebiete. Contin- ued from vol. 2. 1896. O. Leipzig [1896-]. Vol. 2 is in D. No title-page. Jahrbuch. q-^ c Jahrbuch der Naturwissenschaften. Enthaltend die hervorra- gendsten Fortschritte auf den Gebieten : Physik, Chemie und chemische Technologic; angewandte Mechanik; Meteorologie und physikalische Geographic ; Astronomic und mathematische Geographic; Zoologie und Botanik ; Forst- und Landwirtschaft ; Mineralogie und Geologic; Anthropologic, Ethnologic und Ur- geschichte ; Gesundheitspflegc, Medizin und Physiologic ; Lander- und Volkerkunde; Handel, Industrie und Verkchr Con- tinued from vol. I. 1885-1886. il. pi. maps. O. Freiburg im Breisgau 1886-. Vol. 6 contains index to vol. 1-5. 1886-1890; vol. 10, to vol. 6-10, 1890-1895. Edited by Max Wildermann. Vol. i-io have slight variations in the subtitles. 136 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Jahrbuch. 5io-53 4 '"' Jahrbuch iiber die Fortschritte der Mathematik Continued from vol. I. 1868. O. Berhn 1871-. Vol. I edited l^y Carl Ohrtmann and Felix Muller; vol. 2-10, by Carl Ohrtmann, Felix Muller, and Albert Wangerin; vol. II-14, by Carl Ohrtmann; vol. 15-19, by Max Henoch and Emil Lampe; vol. 20-, by Emil Lampe. Naturae novitates. 016.5 N21 8265 jvjatuj-ae novitates. BibHographie neuer Erscheinungen aller Lander auf dem Gebiete der Naturgeschichte und der exakten Wissenschaften Continued from vol. i. 1879. O. Berlin [1879-]. Edited by R. Friedliinder & Sohn, Berlin. Polytechnische Bibliothek. 016.6 P76 """ Polytechnische Bibliothek. Verzeichniss der in Deutschland und im Auslande neu erschienenen Werke aus den Fachern der Ma- thematik und Astrononu'e, der Physik und Chemic,der Elektricitat und des Magnetismus, der Electrotechnik, der Mechanik und des Maschinenbaues, der Baukunst und Ingenieurwissenschaft, des Berg- und Hiittenwesens, der Mineralogie, Geologic und Paliionto- logie Continued from vol. 32. 1897. O. Leipzig 1897-. With slight variations in the subtitle. Van Nostrand's monthly record. 010.51 2 **" Van Nostrand's monthly record of scientific literature. Continued from no. i. May, 1872. O. [New York] 1874-. Verzeichnis. 5i0'53 2 26639 Verzeichnis von Abhandlungen aus der angewandten Mathematik die ... intechnischenZeitschriftenerschienen sind Beilage zur Zeitschrift fiir Mathematik u. Physik Continued from [no. I.] 1897. [/« Zeitschrift fiir Mathematik und Physik, vol. 43.] Leipzig 1898-. Compiled by R. Mehmke. 1898- have no title-page. Academy of Science of St. Louis. 506.101 i v,io 28633 (;;iassified list of papers and notes contained in volumes l-X [of the Transactions]. {In Academy OF Science of St. Louis. Transactions, vol. 10, p. 235-254. St. Louis 1901.) Pearson, KarL 110.2Q002 28903 -pi^g grammar of science. Second edition, revised and enlarged. xviii,548 p. 33 il. O. London: A. & C. Black, 1900. "Literature" follows each chapter. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 137 International Catalogue Conference, London. 010.6 2 ^*^' Report of the proceedings at the . . . International Conference on a catalogue of scientific Hterature held in London .... No. [i]-3. 1896-1900. O. (Royal Society of London.) London [i 896-1 900]. Vol. I has no title-page. Title taken from inside cover. American journal of mathematics. L510.5 3 v.o 13002 Afnei-ican journal of mathematics. Index to volumes l-[xx]. [Vol. 1-2.] sq. F. Baltimore 1 889-1 899. Contents: [vol. i], index to vol. i-io, 1878-1888; [vol. 2], to vol. 11-20, 1889- 1898. Milkau, Fritz. Loio.6 6 20446 -Qjg Internationale Bibliographic der Naturwissenschaften nach dem Plane der Royal Society. Eine orientierende tJbersicht. 62 p. Q. Berhn: A. Asher & Co., 1899. San Francisco. Free Public Library. 017.794 S1951 ^'®'* Catalogue of books in the classes of natural science and useful arts. [2],iv,i05-262,xvi p. O. San Francisco 1899. Science work. L010.52 8 ^■*^*'* Science work : a monthly review of scientific literature Vol. I, no. 1-3. Dec. 1898-April, 1899. pi. sq.Q. Manchester [ 1 898-1 899]. No more published. Edited by Waller Jeffs. Wolffing, Ernst. 017.43 W965 21087 Verzeichnis der Zeitschriften fiir die Gebiete der Mathematik, der Physik, der Technik und der verwandten Wissenschaften welche auf Wurttembergischen Bibliotheken vorhanden sind, Im Auftrag des Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins von Wurttem- berg zusammengestellt. I7,[i] p. O. Stuttgart 1899. Jahresbericht. 540.53 2 V.o "^^ Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Chemie und verwandter Theile anderer Wissenschaften Register ... [Vol. 1-6.] O. Braunschweig 1 858-1 898. Contents: [Vol. i]: 1847-1856; [vol. 2]: 1857-1866; [vol. 3]: 1867-1876; [vol. 4-6] : 1877-1886. Vol. 1-3 published at Giessen. Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. 017.42 M31 "'^^' List of the current scientific serial publications received by the principal libraries of Manchester. Compiled ... by Charles W. E. Leigh. vi,52 p. O. Manchester 1898. 138 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Poggendorff, Johann Christian. L509.2 P75 11820 Biographisch-literarisches Handworterbuch zur Geschichte der exacten Wissenschaften. Enthaltend Nachweisungen uber Leb- ensverhaltnisse und Leistungen von Mathematikern, Astronomen, Physikern, Chemikern, Mineralogen, Geologen usw. aller Volker und Zeiten. 3 vol. Q. Leipzig: J. A. Barth, 1 863-1 898. Vol. 3 published under the title: J. C. Poggendorff's biographisch-literarisches Handworterbuch .... Dritter Band. (1858 bis 1883). Herausgegeben von Dr. B. W. Feddersen und Prof. Dr. A. J. von Oettingen. Zeitschrift. I'SOS-S i v.o 18993 2eitschrift fur den physikalischen und chemischen Unterricht. .... Generalregister fUr Jahrgang I bis X, 1 887-1 897. Bear- beitet von O. Ohmann. [4], 5 5 p. Q. Berlin: J. Springer, 1898. Leipsic. K. sachsische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. L063.49 4 20309 jsjamen- und Sachregister der Abhandlungen und Berichte der Mathematisch-physischen Classe der Konigl. sachs. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, 1846-1895. [2], 184 p. Q. Leipzig: S. Hirzel, 1897. Vienna. Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. 063.94 4 v.o 20572 Register zu ... Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-naturwissen- schaftlichen Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Vol. 14. O. Wien 1897. Contents: Index to vol. 101-105. Franklin Institute. 606.131 i "°^' Index to the Journal of the Franklin Institute for the twenty vol- umes from 1886 to 1895. (Supplementing the index to the first 120 volumes, from 1826 to 1885.) Arranged according to sub- jects and authors 74 p. O. Philadelphia 1896. Lausanne. Universite. 013 L37 24339 in(jex bibliographique de la Faculte des sciences. Publications des professeurs et privat-docents avec une notice sur I'histoire et I'organisation actuelle de la Faculte des Sciences. 116 p. O. Lausanne 1896. New York Academy of Sciences. 061.62 i 10302 Qeneral index [to the Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 1-15]. [/;/ New YORK Academy OF Sciences. Transactions, vol. 15, p. 295-366. New York 1896.] Royal Society of London. L016.5 R81 "*" Catalogue of scientific papers Compiled by the Royal Society of London. Vol. i-ii. sq.Q. London: C. J. Clay & Sons, 1 867-1 896. Contents: Vol. 1-6, 1800-1863; vol. 7-8, 1864-1873; vol. 9-1 1, l874-:883. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 139 Deniker, Joseph. L016.5 D41 18620 Bibliographic des travaux scientifiques (sciences mathematiques, physiques et naturelles) publics par les societes savantes dc la France. Dressec sous les auspices du Ministere de I'instruction pubhque. Vol. i-. sq.Q. Paris 1895-. Jahrbuch. 053 5 '^"'' Anhang. Generalregister iiber die Jahrgange [i-io], 1886- [1895, des Jahrbuches der Naturwissenschaften]. 2 parts. [/« Jahrbuch der Naturwissenschaften, vol. 6, 10. Freiburg im Breis- gau 1891-1895.] Part I has no title-page. Owens College. Manchester Museum. 017.42 O97 ""® A catalogue of the books and pamphlets in the library, arranged according to subjects and authors, by William E. Hoyle. xv,[i], 302 p. O. (Museum handbooks.) Manchester: J. E. Cornish, 1895. Paris. Ecole Poly technique. I'505-4 4 12594 jQuj-nal de I'Ecole Polytechnique public par le Conseil d'lnstruc- tion de cet etablissement. Table des matieres contenues dans les 64 premiers cahiers formant 45 volumes. Suivie d'une table analytique et d'une table generale par noms d'auteurs. 50 p. \^In Journal de I'Ecole Polytechnique, second series, no. i. Paris 1895.] No title-page. South Kensington Museum. L017.42 S7262 '^^^^ Catalogue of the science library in the South Kensington Museum. viii,5oi p. Q. (Department of Science and Art of the Committee of Council on Education.) London 1891. Supplement .... (Additions from April 1891 to April 1895.) iv,ii8p. Q. London 1895, Hamburg. Deutsche Seewarte. oi7-43 H17 '"^ Katalog der Bibliothek der deutschen Seewarte zu Hamburg. x,6i9 p. O. Hamburg 1890. Nachtrag. No. i. [1890- March 1894.] O. Hamburg 1894. Smithsonian Institution. 061.826 List of publications of the Smithsonian Institution for sale or exchange. May, 1894. 26 p. O. Washington 1894. 140 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Annalen. 505-39 *'" Beiblatter zu den Annalen der Physik und Chemie herausgegeben von G. und E. Wiedemann. Namenregister zum 1-15. Bande ( 1 877-1 891) zusammengestellt von Fr. Strobel. vi,200 p. O. Leipzig 1893. Pearson, Karl. 110.2P200 "" The grammar of science. xvi,493 p. 25 il. D. [Contemporary science series.] London: W. Scott, 1892. With bibliographical references at the end of each chapter. Amsterdam. Koninklijke akademie van wetenschappen. L069.03 18 ^^■"^ Naam- en zaakregister op de Verslagen en mededeelingen der Koninklijke akademie van wetenschappen. Natuurkundige afdeeling. Deel l-Derde reeks, deal IX. [6 parts.] 1853-1892. [/« Amsterdam. Koninklijke akademie van wetenschappen. Verslagen en mededeelingen. Natuurkundige afdeeling, vol. 5, 10, 15, 17; Second series, vol. 20; Third series, vol. 9. Amsterdam 1856-1892.] Contents: Part i, 1853-1856; part 2, 1857-1860; part 3, 1861-1863; part 4, 1863-1865; part 5, 1866-1884; part 6, 1885-1892. Maire, Albert. 016.5 M28 *^*'° Catalogue des theses de sciences soutenues en France de 18 10 a 1890 inclusivement. xi,223,[i] p. O. (Bibliographic des theses, vol. 2.) Paris: H. Welter, 1892. Leopoldiniscli-Carolinisclie deutsche Akademie L017.43 L55 '"-"^ der Naturforscher, Kaiserliche. Katalog der Bibliothek der Kaiserlichen Leopoldinisch-Caroli- nischen deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher. Bearbeitet von Oscar Grulich. Vol. i-. O. Halle 1891-. Picatoste y Rodriguez, Felipe. L016.5P58 ^^^° Apuntes para una biblioteca cientifica espanola del siglo XVI. Es- tudios biograficos y bibliograficos de ciencias exactas fisicas y naturales y sus inmediatas aplicaciones en dicho siglo viii, [2],4i6,[6] p. Q. Madrid 1891. Franklin Institute. 606.131 i '*"'' Index to the Journal of the Franklin Institute (including the Franklin Journal) for the one hundred and twenty volumes from 1826 to 1885. Arranged according to subjects and authors. [4] ,416, [2] p. O. Philadelphia 1890. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS I4I American Philosophical Society. 061.0322 J2599 p^egister of papers published in the Transactions [vol. i -New series, vol. 15, 1 768-1 878] and Proceedings [vol. 1-20, 1838- 1883] of the American Philosophical Society. Compiled by Henry Phillips, Jr. 56 p. O. Philadelphia 1884. Supplemental register of written communications .... [Vol. 21-25. 1 883-1 888]. Compiled by Henry Phillips, Jr. 10 p. O. Philadelphia 1889. Subject register of papers published in the Transactions [vol. I -New series, vol. 16, part 2, 1768-1888] and Proceedings [vol. 1-25, 1838-1888] of the American Philosophical Society. Compiled by Henry Phillips, Jr. 75 p. O. Philadelphia 1889. Bound together. Josephson, Aksel Gustav Salomon. L068.91 i ''"'' Catalogue methodique des Acta et Nova acta Regiae Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis 1 744-1 889. [4] .33. [2] ?• sq.Q. Up- sala L889. Annalen. 505.3 8 v.o *"^ Annalen der Physik und Chemic. Sachregister [Second series-New series, vol. 50. 1824-1893. 2 vol.] O. Leipzig 1888-1897. Contents: [Vol. i.] Sachregister zu ... Poggendorff'sche Folge Band i-i6o; Er- ganzungsband 1-8 und Jubelband. 1824-1877. Nach den von W. Barentin herausge- gebenen Registern zu je dreissig Banden bearbeitet von Fr. Strobel. viii,7i9 p. 1888. [Vol. 2.] Sachregister zu Band 1-50 (1877-1893) bearbeitet von Dr. G. Meyer und J. Stockle. [41,237 p. 1897. Paris. Institut de France. Acadhnie des Sdences. L064.65 3 '"^' Table generale des comptes rendus des seances de 1' Academic des Sciences, .... [3 vol.] sq.Q. Paris 1853-1888. Contents: Vol. i. Index to vol. 1-31, 1835-1850. Vol. 2. Index to vol. 32-61, 1851-1865. Vol. 3. Index to vol. 62-91, 1866-1880. Rullettino. 1*505.5 2 nui- BuUettino di bibliografia e di storia delle scienze matematiche e fisiche Vol. 1-20. [i 868-1 887.] F. Roma 1868- 1887. Vol. 20 contains index to vol. 1-20, 1868-1887. No more published. Edited by B. Boncompagni. Bullettino. ^505.5 2 v.20 ""® Indici dei venti tomi component! il presente Bullettino (anni 1 868-1 887). \_In Bullettino di bibhografia e di storia delle scienze matematiche e fisiche, vol. 20, p. 697-748. Roma 1887.) 142 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Chemical Society, London. 017.42 C42 ^^^^^ A catalogue of the library of the Chemical Society, arranged ac- cording to subjects ; with indexes containing authors' names and subjects. vii,[i],327 p. O. London 1886. "Publications of societies, institutions, and government departments," p. 254-276. "Periodicals not published by societies," p. 277-301. Berlin. K. preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften. L063.09 2 v.o 15563 Register fiir die Monatsberichte der Konigl. preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin vom Jahre 1836 bis [ 1 88 1 ] . [3 vol.] O. Berlin 1 860-1 884. Contents: [vol. l], 1836-1858; [vol. 2], 1859-1873; [vol. 3], 1874-1S81. Royal Society of London. 017.42 R81 16918 Catalogue of the scientific books in the library of the Royal Society [2 vol.] O. London 1881-1883. Contents: [Vol. i.] Transactions, journals, observations and reports, surveys, museums. [43,262 p. 1881. [Vol. 2.] General catalogue. [4]>II99P- 1883. Rhees, William Jones. 016.061 S6641 '""* Catalogue of publications of the Smithsonian Institution, (1846- 1882,) with an alphabetical index of articles in the Smithsonian contributions to knowledge, miscellaneous collections, annual re- ports. Bulletins and Proceedings of the U. S. National Museum, and Report of the Bureau of Ethnology. xiv,328 p. O. (SMITH- SONIAN Institution. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, vol. 27.) Washington 1882. Another copy in Smithsonian miscellaneous collections has shelf number 061.82 2 V.27 Quaritch, Bernard. 019 Q23 ^"* Catalogue of works on natural history, physics, mathematics, and other sciences, offered for sale ... by Bernard Quaritch, .... iv,9i-47i p. O. [Quaritch, B. General catalogue, part 2.] London 1881. Smithsonian Institution. 061.82 2 v.27 "^''^ Check list of publications of the Smithsonian Institution, Decem- ber, 1 88 1. [2], 328 p. 1 88 1. (/;/ Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, vol. 27. Washington 1883.) Paris. Institut de France. Academie des Sciences. L064.65 26 Tables generales des travaux contenus dans les Memoires de I'Academie, publiees par MM. les Secretaires Perpetuels. Pre- miere serie, tomes I a XIV (an VI-1815). — Seconde serie, tomes laXL (1816-1878). [2],39,[2],45.5op. sq.Q. Paris 188 1. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 143 Paris. Institut de France. Academic des Sciences. L064.65 27 14370 'Pables generales des travaux contenus dans les Memoires pre- sentes par divers savants a I'Academie, publiees par MM. les Secretaires Perpetuels. Premiere serie, tomes I et II ( 1 806-1 8 11). — Seconde serie, tomes I a XXV (1827-1877). [2], 15, 14, 19 p. sq.Q. Paris 1881. Cambridge Philosophical Society. L506.214 i v.12 '"*" Index to the Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. Vols, i-xii. [1819-1878.] XV p. [/« Cambridge Philosophi- cal Society. Transactions, vol. 12. Cambridge 1879.] Berlin. K. preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften. 063.09 3 15694 Verzeichniss der Abhandlungen der koniglich preussischen Aka- demie der Wissenschaften von 1 710-1870 in alphabetischer Folge der Verfasser. [4], 214 p. O. Berlin 187 1. Naturwissenschaftliches Literaturblatt. ^505.3 11 v.5-17 31208 Naturwissenschaftliches Literaturblatt. Beilage zur "Natur". 1 856-1 868. [13 vol.] [/« Die Natur, vol. 5-17. Halle 1856- 1868.] No more published. No title-page. Muquardt, Ch.,/z/M5^^r. 019 M93 ^*'*" Catalogue des principaux ouvrages scientifiques de la litterature beige, public par la librairie de Ch. Muquardt. 56 p. O. Bru- xelles 1853. London, Edinburgh, and Dublin philosophical magazine. 505.2 3 "'' General index to the London and Edinburgh philosophical mag- azine and journal of science. [New and united series of the Philosophical magazine. Annals of philosophy, and Journal of science.] .... For volumes l. to Xll. From July 1832 to June 1838. 58 p. O. London 1839. London, Edinburgh, and Dublin philosophical magazine. 505.2 3 ^'""^^ General index to the Philosophical magazine, or Annals of chem- istry, ... , and general science. Volumes i-ii. Being the United series of the Philosophical magazine and Annals of phil- osophy. From January, 1827, to June, 1832. 50 p. O. Lon- don 1835. Bound with The Philosophical magazine, or Annals of chemistry, . . . , and gen- eral science, vol. Ii. 1832. 144 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Mtiller, Johann Wolfgang. 016.5 M91 14201 Auserlesene mathematische Bibliothek : oder, Alphabetisches und wissenschaftliches Verzeichniss der besten arithmetischen, algebra- ischen, geometrischen, trigonometrischen, geodatischen, mechan- ischen, optischen, astronomischen, geographischen, gnomonischen, chronologischen, architektonischen und militarischen alten und neuen bis 1820 herausgekommenen Schriften. 22,266 p. il. D. Niirnberg: J. L. S. Lechnerische Buchhandlung, 1820. Paris. Institut de France. Acadhnie des Sciences. L064.65 7 14352 -p^bjg alphabetique des matieres contenues dans I'Histoire & les Memoires de I'Academie Royale des Sciences, . . . dressee par M. Godin, Annees i666-[i79o]. 10 vol. sq.Q. Paris 173 1- 1809. Vol. I published in 1734. Vol. 5-9 published under the title Table generale des matieres .... Par M. P. Demours; vol. 10: Table generale des matieres . . . ; avec la Table alphabetique des noms des auteurs. Par M. Cotte. Vol. 1-9 are a combined author and subject index. Vol. 5 indexes also the Traite physique & historique de I'aurore boreale, par M. de Mairan and that on La mdridienne de Paris, by M, C. Cassini de Thury. Murhard, Friedrich Wilhelm August. 016.5 ^94 14549 Litteratur der mathematischen Wissenschaften 5 vol. nar. O. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hartel, 1 797-1 805. Has also Latin title-pages. Paris. Institut de France. Academic des Sciences. L064.65 8 14353 ]sjouveiie table des articles contenus dans les volumes de lAcade- mie Royale des Sciences de Paris depuis 1666 jusqu'en 1770, dans ceux des Arts et metiers publics par cette Academic, & dans la Collection academique. Par M. I'Abbe Rozier 4 vol. sq.Q. Paris 1 775-1 776. 016.51 MATHEMATICS. GENERAL WORKS Congres international de bibliographie des sciences mathematiques. Commission permanente du repertoire. Repertoire bibliographique des sciences mathematiques. Con- tinued from no. i. Paris: Gauthiers-Villars, 1894-. Card-index; filed in Reading Room. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 145 Revue. 016.51 R32 ®^" Revue semestrielle des publications mathematiques, redigee sous les auspices de la Societe Mathematique d'Amsterdam Continued from vol. i. [1892.] O. Amsterdam 1893-. Contains a check-list of periodicals indexed, in which those '..aKen by Dutch libraries are indicated. Bibliotheca mathematica. 5io-5 2 ®"^ Bibliotheca mathematica. Zeitschrift fiir.Geschichte der mathe- matischen Wissenschaften Continued from [vol. i]. 1884. Q. Leipzig 1884-. Index to New series, vol. i-io, 1887-1896, published separately. Edited by Gustaf Enestrom. [First series] has no subtitle; New series, subtitle reads: Zeitschrift fiir Geschichte der Mathematik. Journal d'histoire des mathematiques. [First series]: 3 vol. 1884-1886. New series: 13 vol. 1887-1899. Third series: continued from vol. I. 1900. [First series] is in sq.Q; New series, in O. [First] and New series published in Stockholm. Bollettino. L510.55 3 "^" Bollettino di bibliografia e storia delle scienze matematiche Continued from vol. i. 1898. O. Torino 1898-. Edited by Gino Loria. Jahrbuch. 5io-53 4 "^^ Jahrbuch iiber die Fortschritte der Mathematik Continued from vol. I. 1868. O. Berlin 1871-. Vol. I edited by Carl Ohrtmann and Felix Miiller; vol. 2-10, by Carl Ohrtmann, Felix Miiller, and Albert Wangerin; vol. 11-14, by Carl Ohrtmann; vol. 15-19, by Max Henoch and Emil Lampe; vol. 20-, by Emil Lampe. American journal of mathematics. L510.5 3 v.o '^""^ American journal of mathematics. Index to volumes i-[xx]. .[Vol. 1-2.] sq. F. Baltimore 1889-1899. Contents: [vol. l], index to vol. i-io, 1878-1888; [vol. 2], to vol. 11-20, 1889- 1898. Annals. L510.51 3 v.12 20400 Index. Annals of mathematics. First series. Twelve volumes. [In Annals of mathematics, vol. 12, p. 187-192. Charlottes- ville, Va., U. S. A., 1899.] Ocagne, Maurice d'. L510.839 23076 jj-ai^^ de nomographic. Theorie des abaques. — Applications pratiques. xiii,[i],48o p. il. i table. O. Paris: Gauthier- Villars, 1899. "Liste des publications de I'auteur relatives a la nomographie," p. xi-xiii. 146 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Kleyer-Katalog. 016.51 K67 26292 Kleyer-Katalog. Kleyers Encyklopadie der gesamten math., techn. & exakten Natur-Wissenschaften. Nebst Inhaltsubersicht Uber die vollstandig geloste Aufgabensammlung aus alien Zweigen der niederen, hoheren und angewandten Mathematik etc. Heft 1-1388. [4], 148 p. S. Stuttgart: J. Maier, 1898. Mathematische Annalen. L510.53 7 v.o "'^' Mathematische Annalen Generalregister zu den Banden 1-50 zusammengestelt von A. Sommerfeld. xi,202 p. i por. Q. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1898. Mathematische Annalen. L510.53 7 '^"^ Inhaltsverzeichniss .... [Part 1-5.] [/« Mathematische An- nalen, vol. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50. Leipzig 1 869-1 898.] Contents: [part i], vol. i-io, 1868-1876; [parta], vol. 11-20, 1877-1882; [part3], vol. 21-30, 1883-1887; [part 4], vol. 31-40, 1888-1892; [parts], vol. 41-50, 1893- 1898. Bibliotheca mathematica. 5io«5 2 20553 Bibliotheca mathematica. Zeitschrift fUr Geschichte der Mathe- matik. Journal d'histoire des mathematiques. General-Register .... Table generale .... Neue Folge i-io, 1887-1896. Herausgegeben von ... Gustaf Enestrom. 85 p. il. O. Stock- holm 1897. Messenger of mathematics. S^^'S^ 2 ''="'° Index to the Messenger of mathematics. Vols. I.-XXV. 1871- 1896. xxvi p. O. Cambridge [1896]. Cajori, Florian. 510.9 P300 "°' A history of mathematics. xiv,422 p. il. O. New York: Mac- millan & Co., 1895. "Books of reference," p. ix-xiv. Paris. Ecole Poly technique. L505.4 4 12594 Journal de I'Ecole Polytechnique public par le Conseil d'lnstruc- tion de cet etablissement. Table des matieres contenues dans les 64 premiers cahiers formant 45 volumes. Suivie d'une table analytique et d'une table generale par noms d'auteurs. 50 p. [In Journal de I'Ecole Polytechnique, second series, no. i. Paris 1895.] No title-page. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 147 Germany. Deutsche Unterrichts-Aiisstellung 070.16051 G31 25977 , in Chicago. Special-Katalog der mathematischen Ausstellung (Gruppe X der Universitats-Ausstellung). Bearbeitet von Dr. Walther Dyck. x,[2],ii5 p. il. O. Berlin 1893. "Moderne deutsche mathematische Litteratur," p. 77-115. Verzeichnis. 016.51 V62 21001 Verzeichnis der seit 1850 an den deutschen Universitaten erschienenen Doctor-Dissertationen und Habilitationsschriften aus der reinen und angevvandten Mathematik. Herausgegeben aui Grund des fiir die Deutsche Universitats-Ausstellung in Chicago erschienenen Verzeichnisses. [4]. 3 5 P- O. Munchen 1893. "Das vorliegende Verzeichnis wurde urspriinglich fiir den Specialkatalog der mathe- matischen Ausstellung, welche als died der Deutschen Universitats-Ausstellung in Chi- cago von Seiten des K. preussischen Unterrichts-Ministeriums ins Leben gerufen wurde, zusammengestellt. Nachdem das Verzeichnis indes auch fiir weitere Kreise von Interesse und Nutzen sein durfte, hat der Vorstand der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung mit Genehmigung der K. pr. Staatsregierung die vorliegende Separatausgabe besorgt." Preface. Macdonald, William Rae. L510.84 ^^'^ A catalogue of the works of John Napier of Merchiston. To which are added a note of some early logarithmic tables and other works of interest. [/;/ Napier, J. The construction of the wonderful canon of logarithms, p. 1 01 -169. Edinburgh 1889.] Salmon, George. 516.22 O800 18249 Analytische Geometrie der Kegelschnitte mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der neueren Methoden. Frei bearbeitet von Dr. Wil- helm Fiedler. Sechste Auflage. 2 vol. paged continuously; vol. i: xxv,i-44i,[i] p.; vol. 2: xix,[i], 433-809 p. il. O. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1 888-1 898. Vol. 2, published in 1888, is in fifth edition. "Literatur-Nachweisungen und Nachtrage," vol. I. p. xxi-xxv; vol. 2, p. viii-xix. Acta mathematica. L510.5 1 "*^ Acta mathematica. Inhaltsverzeichniss der Bande — Table des matieres des tomes — i-io. Bearbeitet von — Composee par — G. Enestrom. [/« Acta mathematica, vol. 10, p. 349-397- Stockholm, 1887.] Journal. L510.53 1 *'" Journal fiir die reine und angewandte Mathematik Heraus- gegeben von L. Kronecker und K. Weierstrass Inhalt und Namen-Verzeichniss der Bande I-C, 1 826-1 887. 252 p. sq.Q. Berhn 1887. 148 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Zeitschrift. 5io-532 *"" General-Register der Zeitschrift flir Mathfematik und Physik. 1856-1880. Jahrgang l-XXV. 123 p. O. Leipzig 188 1. Carr, G. S. L510.2 O002 19396 j^ synopsis of elementary results in pure mathematics : containing propositions, formulae, and methods of analysis, with abridged demonstrations. Supplemented by an index to the papers on pure mathematics which are to be found in the principal journals and transactions of learned societies, both English and foreign of the present century. xxxvi,[2],935 p. il. 20 pi. Q. London: F. Hodgson, 1886. Valson, C. Alph. 509.215 V24 '***' La vie et les travaux du Baron Cauchy, membre de I'Academie des sciences. Avec une preface de M. Hermite 2 vol. in i. O. Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1868. Murhard, Friedrich Wilhelm August. 016.5 M94 14549 Litteratur der mathematischen Wissenschaften 5 vol. nar. O. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hartel, 1797-1805. Has also Latin title-pages. [Scheibel, Johann Ephraim.] 016.51 S318 ''**** Einleitung zur mathematischen Biicherkentnis. Neue Auflage. 3 vol. nar. D. Bresslau : J. E. Meyer, 1 781-1786. Vol. 2-3 have no general title-page. OI6.51I-.517 SPECIAL SUBJECTS Arithmetic — Algebra — Geometry — Calculus Unger, Friedrich. 511 O800 Die Methodik der praktischen Arithmetik in historischer Entwick- elung vom Ausgange des Mittelalters bis auf die Gegenwart xii,240 p. O. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1888. "Quellen," p. vi-x. De Morgan, Augustus. oi6.<;ii D^4 Arithmetical books, from the invention of printing to the present time. Being brief notices of a large number of works drawn up from actual inspection. [2],xxviii,i24 p. O. London: Taylor & Walton, 1847. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 149 Mathews, George Ballard. 512.81 P200 "^^ Theory of numbers. Part I. xii.323 p. 6 il. O. Cambridge: Deighton, Bell & Co., 1892. •'Authorities" at the ends of the chapters. Faa de Bruno, Francois. 512.88 N600 """ Theorie des formes binaires. Resume des legons faites a I'Univer- site de Turin. xvi,320 p. 3 tables, 30 p. of tables. O. Turin: Librairie Brero, 1876. •'Memoires et ouvrages de divers auteurs relatifs a la theorie des formes binaires," p. ix-xiii. Stackel, Paul, editor. L513.13P500 21988 £)jg Theorie der ParalleUinien von Eukhd bis auf Gauss, eine Urkundensammlung zur Vorgeschichte der nichteuklidischen Geometrie, in Gemeinschaft mit Friedrich Engel herausgegeben von Paul Stackel. x,325 p. 145 il. i facsim. Q. Leipzig: E.G. Teubner, 1895. "Bibliographische Quellen in chronologischer Folge," p. 291-313. Hayward, Robert Baldwin. 514 P200 16599 Yhe algebra of coplanar vectors and trigonometry xxix, [2], 343 p. il. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1892. "Historical [and bibliographical] note" p. xvii-xxi. Salmon, George. 516.5 Oooi 25313 Analytische Geometrie des Raumes. Deutsch bearbeitet von Dr. Wilhelm Fiedler. 2 vol. il. O. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1880- 1898. Contents: Vol. i. Die Elemente und die Theorie der Flachen zweiten Grades. Vierte verbesserte Auflage. xxiv,448 p. 1898. Vol. 2. Analytische Geometrie der Curven im Raume, der Strahlensysteme und der algebraischen Flachen. Dritte Auflage. lxxii,686, [2], 8 p. 1890. "Literatur-Nachweisungen", vol. i, p. xiv-xxiv; vol. 2, p. xviii-lxx. Pascal, Ernesto. 5i7«4 P900 26837 £)jg Variationsrechnung. Autorisierte deutsche Ausgabe von Adolf Schepp. vi,i46 p. O. Leipzig: B. G, Teubner, 1899. "Alphabetisches Verzeichniss der im Text citirten Schriften," p. 137-145. Rice, Herbert Louis L517.6 P900 The theory and practice of interpolation : including mechanical quadrature, and other important problems concerned with the tabular values of functions. With the requisite tables. ix,234 p. il. F. Lynn, Mass.: Nichols Press, 1899. "Bibliography," p. 233-234. 150 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Krause, Martin. I'Si?^ P500 22098 Theorie der doppeltperiodischen Functionen einer veranderlichen Grosse. 2 vol, in i, Q. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1 895-1 897. "Literaturnachweise," vol. i, p. 312-328; vol. 2, p. 290-306. Holzmuller, Gustav. 517-5 O201 25512 Einfuhrung in die Theorie der isogonalen Verwandtschaften und der conformen Abbildungen, verbunden mit Anwendungen auf mathematische Physik. viii,284,[2] p. 26 pi. O. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1882. Bibliographical references scattered through the work. De Morgan, Augustus. 5i7'i J200 20876 Elementary illustrations of the differential and integral calculus. New edition. [Edited by Thomas J. McCormack.] viii,i44 p. II il. O. Chicago: Open Court Publishing Co., 1899. "Brief liibliography," p. 135-142. 016.52 ASTRONOMY. GENERAL WORKS Astronomischer Jahresbericht. 520.53 4 *"'* Astronomischer Jahresbericht. Mit Unterstutzung der Astrono- mischen Gesellschaft herausgegeben Enthaltend die Lit- teratur des Jahres. Continued from vol. i. 1899. O. BerUn 1900-. Edited by Walter F. Wislicenus. Jahrbuch. 520.53 2 '*"' Jahrbuch der Astronomic und Geophysik. Enthaltend die wich- tigsten Fortschritte auf den Gebieten Astrophysik, Meteorologie und physikalischen Erdkunde Continued from vol. i. 1890. pi. maps, tables. O. Leipzig 1891-. Edited by Hermann J. Klein. Todd, David Peck. 520.2 P901 ^""'^ Stars and telescopes. A hand-book of popular astronomy, founded on the 9th edition of Lynn's Celestial motions. xvi, 419 p. il. 7 pi. 4 gr. of por. i por. 3 maps, i table. D. Boston: Little, Brown, & Co., 1899. Bibliographical references at the end of each chapter. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 15^ Astronomische Gesellschaft. 520.6 i '^^''' Generalregister der Jahrgange 1-25 der Vierteljahrsschrift der Astronomischen Gesellschaft von Dr. Alexis v. Tillo. Supple- mentheft zur Vierteljahrsschrift der Astronomischen Gesellschaft Jahrgang 29. [4], 103 p. O. Leipzig 1895. Paterson, N. y. Free Public Lih'ary. O17.749 P27 ^^'°* A list of books in the public library on astronomy. With brief notes by C. A. Young. 26 p. sq.D. Paterson, N.J. 1894. California. University of California. Lick Observatory. 524.794 C126 15677 Reports on the observations of the total eclipse of the sun, Decem- ber 21-22, 1889, and of the total eclipse of the moon, July 22, 1888, to which is added a catalogue of the library, published by the Lick Observatory [4] ,i2i,i2i*,[i] p. i il. 11 pi. O. [Contributions, no. 2.] Sacramento 1891. Catalogue of the library of the Lick Observatory .... Part I -to July i, 1890. Prepared by Edward S. Holden. I2i*,[i] p. Edinburgh. Royal Observatory. Crawfoj'd Library. L017.41 E23 12829 Catalogue of the Crawford Library of the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh. viii,497,[2] p. sq. F. Edinburgh 1890. Winlock, William Crawford. 016.52 W72 J2587 Bibliography of astronomy: for the year 1887. 63 p. O. (Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian miscellaneous collec- tions, vol. 34.) Washington 1888. Another copy in Smithsonian miscellaneous collections has shelf number 061.82 2 V.34 Brussels. Observatoire Royal. 016.52 B83 15069 Catalogue des ouvrages d'astronomie et de meteorologie qui se trouvent dans les principales bibliotheques de la Belgique, pre- pare et mis en ordre a I'Observatoire Royal de Bruxelles ; suivi d'un appendice qui comprend tous les autres ouvrages de la bib- Hotheque de cet etabHssement. [2],xxiii,645 P- O- Bruxelles 1878. Compiled under the direction of J. C. Houzeau. Astronomische Nachrichten. L520.53 1 *"^ General-Register der Bande i. bis [Ixxx.] der Astronomischen Nachrichten 4 parts in i vol. sq.Q. Leipzig 1851-1875. Vol. 1-2 edited by G. A. Jahn; vol. 3-4, by C. F. W. Peters. Vol. 1-3 published in Hamburg. 152 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Astronomical Society, Royal. 520.6205 2 5087 ^ general index to the first twenty-nine volumes of the Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Comprising the pro- ceedings of the society from February 9, 1827, to the end of the session 1868-69 [2],2i2 p. O. London 1870. Bound with this: Astronomical Society, Royal. A general index to the first thirty- eight volumes of the Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society. 1 871. Berlin. K. Sternwarte. Astroiiomisches Rcchen-Institnt. 528.3 B45 "^'^ Namen- und Sachen-Register liber die astronomischen Jahrbiicher von 1776 bis 1797 ... ; nebst einem Anhange enthaltend das Register iiber das astronomische Jahrbuch fiir 1798 .... [2], 1 70 p. [/;/ Berlin. K. Sternwarte. Astronomisches Rech- en-Institut. Sammlung astronomischer Abhandlungen, vol. 2. Berlin 1795.] [Bernoulli, Jean.] 520.92 B45 is-'oe Nouvelles litteraires de divers pays. Avec des supplemens pour la Liste [des astronomes connus] et le necrologe des astronomes. Par I'auteur du Recueil pour les astronomes. 6 vol. in i. nar. O. Berlin: ches I'auteur, 1 776-1 779. Published anonymously. Bound with this: BernoulU, J. Liste des astronomes connus. 1776. [Bernoulli, Jean.] 520.92 B45 '^"'' Liste des astronomes connus, actuellement vivans, par ordre alphabetique des lieux de leur demeure. Precedee de reflexions d'un usage plus general & suivie de quelques supplemens au Re- cueil pour les astronomes. Par I'auteur de ce Recueil. 48 p. nar. O. Berlin: ches I'auteur, 1776. Published anonymously. Bound with Bernoulli, J. Nouvelles litteraires, 1 776-1 779, in which supplementary lists are also published. O16.52I-.525 SPECIAL SUBJECTS Practical astronomy — Descriptive astronomy — TJie earth Holden, Edward Singleton. 522.14 P6oo 22=98 Mountain observatories in America and Europe. vi,77 p. 25 pl. O. (Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, vol. 37.) City of Washington 1896. "Bibliography", p. 73-77. Another copy in Smithsonian miscellaneous collections has shelf number 061.82 2 V.37 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 153 Scheiner , Julius . 52 2 . 63 P600 1319S j-)jg Photographic der Gestirne. iv,[2],382 p. 52 il. i pi. O. Atlas of II pi. sq.Q. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1897. "Litteraturverzeichniss," p. 339-375- Atlas has shelf number L522.63 P600. Schemer, Julius. 522.67 P400 7782 ^ treatise on astronomical spectroscopy. Being a translation of Die Spectralanalyse der Gestirne. Translated, revised and en- larged, with the cooperation of the author, by Edwin Brant Frost. xiii,482 p. 81 il. 2 pi. O. Boston, U. S. A. : Ginn & Co., 1894. "A bibliography of astronomical spectroscopy", p. 427-472. Tuckerman, Alfred. 061.82 2 v.32 ""* Index to the literature of the spectroscope. x,42 3 p. {In Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian miscellaneous collec- tions, vol, 32. Washington 1888.) Howe, Herbert Alonzo. 523 P701 "'^ Elements of descriptive astronomy, A text-book. xii,340 p. il. 4 pi. 5 maps. O. New York: Silver, Burdett & Co., 1897. "List of reference books," p. 320-326. Miiller, Gustav. 523.82 P700 '^^^^ Die Photometric der Gestirne. x,556 p. il. 4 pi. O. Leipzig: W, Engelmann, 1897. "Litteraturverzeichniss," p. 517-545. Harley, Timothy. 523-3 O^oo 11880 Lunar science: ancient and modern. [6] ,89 p. O. London: Swan Sonnenschein, Lowrey & Co., 1886. [Bibliographical] "notes," p. 81-86. Holden, Edward Singleton. 061.822 ^"' Index catalogue of books and memoirs relating to nebulae and clusters, etc. [4],ix,i09,[3] p. 1877. {In SMITHSONIAN IN- STITUTION. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, vol. 14. Wash- ington 1878.) Geographisches Jahrbuch. 55 1 '053 3 13819 Systematisches Inhaltsverzeichnis zum Jahrgang XI-XX des Geo- graphischen Jahrbuchs (1885-97) {In Geographisches Jahrbuch, vol. 20. p. ix-xiii. Gotha 1898.) No title-page. GUnther, Siegmund. L551.02P702 13206 Handbuch der Geophysik. Zweite ganzlich umgearbeitete Au- flage. Vol. I-. il. Q. Stuttgart: F. Enke, 1897-. "Citate," at the end of each chapter. 154 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 016.526 GEODESY Zondervan, Henri. 526.98 Qioo 30577 AUgemeine Kartenkunde. Ein Abriss ihrer Geschichte und ihrer Methoden. x,2io p. il. 2 pi. of maps, 2 maps, i table. O. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1901. "Litteratur" at the beginning of each chapter. Wagner, Hermann. 55i-053 3 v.21 18OS8. tJbersichts-Karten (index-charts, tableaux d'assemblage, quadri d'unione) fUr die wichtigsten topographischen Karten Europas und einiger anderer Lander, Zusammengestellt fur das Geo- graphische Jahrbuch Vierte Auflage. 28 p. of maps. [/« Geographisches Jahrbuch, vol. 21.] Gotha 1899. U. S. A. Treasury Department. 016.353 U585 *^"° Coast and Geodetic Survey. Bibliography. Descriptive catalogue of publications relating to the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey 1807 to 1896 and to U. S. standard weights and measures 1790 to 1896. 118 p. O. (Special publication, no. 2.) Washington 1898. Gelcich, Eugen, & Sauter, F. 526.8 P700 S0536 Kartenkunde geschichtlich dargestellt, Zweite verbesserte und vermehrte Auflage von Dr. Paul Dinse. 168 p. 69 il. S. (Samm- lung Goschen, vol. 30.) Leipzig: G. J. Goschen'sche Verlags- handlung, 1897. "Litteratur iiber Kartenkunde," p. 4-6. Dolezal, Eduard. 770.8 3 11030 -Qjg Anwendung der Photographic in der praktischen Messkunst. vii,[2],ii4,[2] p. 32 il. 3 pi. \_In Encyklopadie der Photogra- phic, no. 22.] Halle a. S. 1896. "Literatur," p. 107-114. Deville, Edouard. 6 p ^^ Photographic surveymg, mcluding the elements of descriptive geometry and perspective. [New edition.] xvi,232 p. il. lo pi. I map. O. Ottawa: Government Printing Bureau, 1895. The first edition was "prepared solely for the use of the surveyors employed by the Department of the Interior on photographic surveys." List of the most important publications on photographic surveying," p. xi-xii. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 155 Peter, Bruno. L570.98 P200 v.3 ^°*''° Astronomische Ortsbestimmungen. xxii,327,[i] p. (7;^ Reiss, W., 6" Stubel, a., ed. Reisen in Sud-Amerika. Geologische Stu- dien in der Republik Colombia, vol. 3. Berlin 1893.) "Die Litteratur in Bezug auf die Kartographie der Republik Colombia," p. 3-39. Surveyors' Institution. 620.6285 i v.23 Index to "Transactions." Subjects and authors of papers in volumes I. to XXIII. (Inclusive.) [/« Surveyors' Institution. Transactions, vol. 23, p. 569-583. London 1891.] Boersch, 0. L016.526 B63 .... Geodatische Literatur auf Wunsch der Permanenten Commission im Centralbureau zusammengestellt. Bibliographic geodesique, elaboree au Bureau Central a la demande de la Commission Permanente. vii,226,[2] p. sq.Q. (ASSOCIATION Geodesique Internationale.) Berlin : G. Reimer, 1889. Gore, James Howard. L016.526 G66 '°*** A bibliography of geodesy. [2], 3 13-5 12 p. sq.Q. (U. S. A. Treasury Department. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Re- port for 1887. Appendix no. 16.) Washington 1889. Borchardt, Bruno. 526.37 O500 Die Entwicklung der Formel fur das Hohenmessen mit dem Baro- meter. Abhandlung zur Erlangung der philosophischen Doctor- wurde an der Universitat Kiel. [6], 58 p. i pi. O. BerHn 1885. "Litteratur-Nachweis", p. 57-58. ^of sch, 0. L526 06 2 1883 "'" Literatur der praktischen und theoretischen Gradmessungs- Arbeiten. Zweite Mittheilung enthaltend die Publicationen aus den Jahren 1881, 1882 und 1883 und Nachtrage zu der ersten Mittheilung. 32 p. [/;/ Association geodesique Inter- nationale. Comptes rendus, vol. 7, annex viii. Berlin 1884.] Sadebeck, Moritz. L016.526 S125 Literatur dre praktischen und theoretischen Gradmessungs- Arbeiten. Im Auftrage der permanenten Commission [fur die Europaische Gradmessung] bearbeitet. ix,io8 p. sq.Q. BerHn 1881. Another copy in Comptes rendus des seances de la ... Conference geodesique inter- nationale, vol. 6, has shelf number L526.06 2 Great Britain. India Office. L^i^ G S0769 A ~^u^\ t . • " ^ 1^" A catalogue of manuscript and printed reports, field books, memoirs, maps, etc., of the Indian surveys, deposited in the map room of the India Ofifice xxi,672 p. Q. London 1878. 156 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 016.529 CHRONOLOGY S1567 Lersch, Bernard Max. 529 P900 Einleitung in die Chronologic. Zweite umgearbeitete und stark vermehrte Auflage 2v0l.ini. O. Freiburg im Breisgau : Herder'sche Verlagshandlung, 1899. "Litteratur zur Chronologic im Allgemeinen", vol. i, p. 243-245. "Zur Litteratur des christlichen Kalenders," vol. 2, p. 183-189. 016.53 PHYSICS. GENERAL WORKS Congres international de bibliographie des sciences mathematiques. Commission permanente du repertoire. Repertoire bibliographique des sciences mathematiques. Con- tinued from no. i. Paris: Gauthiers-Villars, 1894-. Card-index; filed in Reading Room. Annales. 505-4 1 6059 Annales de chimie et de physique, .... Table des noms d'au- teurs et table analytique des matieres .... Continued from vol. I. O. Paris 1801-. Index for [First series], 1789-1815, is published as vol. 97-99: vol. 97 is index for vol. 1-30, 1789-1799; vol. 98, for vol. 31-60, 1799-1806; and vol. 99, for vol. 61- 96, 1807-1815. Index for [Second series], 1816-1840, is in 3 vol.: index to vol. I-30, 1816-1825; to vol. 31-60, 1826-1835; and to vol. 60-75, 1835-1840. Index for Third series, 1841-1863, is in 2 vol.; index to vol. 1-30, 1841-1850; and to vol. 31-60, 1851- 1863. Index for Fourth series, 1864-1873, is in i vol.; for Fifth series, 1874-1883, is in I vol.; and for Sixth series, 1884-1893, is in i vol. Indexes for First and Second series published under the title: Table generale raisonnee des matieres . . . , suivie d'une table alphabetique des auteurs qui y sont cites. Indexes for Third series are called : Table des noms, and Table analytique, re- spectively. Indexes for Fourth and Fifth series compiled by U. Gayon; for Sixth series, by C. Matignon. Fortschritte. / 530.53 3 *•'' Die Fortschritte der Physik .... Dargestellt von der Deutschen physikahschen Gesellschaft Continued from vol. i. 1845. O. Braunschweig 1847-. Index to vol. 1-43, 1 845-1 887, published separately in 2 vol. Until 1899 the name of the society was Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin. Vol. 1-43 published in Berlin. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 157 Science abstracts. 530-5 ^ "«'" Science abstracts. Physics and electrical engineering Is- sued under the direction of —The Institution of Electrical Engi- neers. The Physical Society of London. Continued from vol. i. 1898. il. O. London [1898-]. Continued from Physical Society of London. Abstracts of physical papers from for- eign sources. Lehfeldt, Robert Alfred. 016.53 L52 '='''' A list of the chief memoirs on the physics of matter. Published under the direction of the Physical Society of London. ix,4i p. O. London: Taylor & Francis, 1894. Annalen. 505-39 ^>" Beiblatter zu den Annalen der Physik und Chemie herausgegeben von G. und E. Wiedemann. Namenregister zum 1-15. Bande (1877-1891) zusammengestellt von Fr. Strobel. vi,200 p. O. Leipzig 1893. Gerland, Ernst. 530-9 P200 '*''■' Geschichte der Physik. [4].356 p. 7^ H- D. [Webers natur- wissenschaftliche BibHothek, vol. 4-] Leipzig: J. J. Weber, 1892. "Litteratur-Verzeichnis", p. 328-345. Annalen. 505-3 8 v.o *"^ Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Sachregister [Second series -New series, vol. 50. 1 824-1 893. 2 vol.] O. Leipzig 1888-1897. Contents: [Vol. i.] Sachregister zu ... Poggendorff' sche Folge Band 1-160; Er- ganzungsband 1-8 und Jubelband. 1824-1877. Nach den von W. Barentin herausge- gebenen Registern zu je dreissig Banden bearbeitet von Fr. Strobel. viii,7i9 p. 1888. [Vol. 2.] Sachregister zu Band 1-50 (1877-1893) bearbeitet von Dr. G. Meyer und J. Stockle. [4],237P- 1897. Clarke, Frank Wigglesworth. 061.82 2 "'^ The constants of nature. 5 parts and supplement. 1 873-1 882. (/;/ Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian miscellaneous col- lections, vol. 12, 14, 27. Washington 1 874-1 883.) Contents: Part i. Specific gravities; boiling and melting points; and chemical formu- Ise, vii,263 p. First supplement to part i. 6l p. Part 2. A table of specific heats for solids and liquids. 58 p. Part 3. Tables of expansion by heat for solids and liquids. 57 p. Part 4. Atomic weight determinations: a digest of the investigations published since 1 814. By G. F. Becker. [4], 149 p. 1880. Part 5. A recalculation of the atom- ic weights. xiv,279 p. 1882. "List of important papers", part i, p. 4-9; part 2, p. 5-7; part 3, p. 5-8; part 4-5 have bibliographical references scattered. 158 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Zeitschrift. 5io-532 *''" General-Register der Zeitschrift fur Mathematik und Physik. 1856-1880. Jahrgang l-XXV. 1239. O. Leipzig 188 1. Fortschritte. 530-53 3 ^^*^ Namen- und Sach-Register zu den Fortschritten der Physik. Band I. bis XX. Bearbeitet von W. Barentin. [4], 500 p. O. BerUn 1872. 016.531 MECHANICS Gravitation Ball, Sir Robert Stawell. L531.87 Qooi 86658 ^ treatise on the theory of screws. xix,544 p. 50 il. i pi. Q. Cambridge: University Press, 1900. "Bibliographical notes," p. 510-539. Mackenzie, Arthur Stanley, editor. 531-5 Qooi 26609 jj^g j^^g ^j gravitation. Memoirs by Newton, Bouguer and Cavendish, together with abstracts of other important memoirs. Translated and edited by A. Stanley Mackenzie. vii,i6o p. O. [Scientific memoirs, edited by J. S. Ames, vol. 9.] New York: American Book Co., c. 1900. Contents : History of the subject before the appearance of Newton's Principia. Ex- tracts from Newton's Principia and System of the world. Biographical sketch of Newton. Bouguer's The figure of the earth. Biographical sketch of Bouguer. The Bertier controversy. Account of Maskelyne's experiments on Schehallien. Cavendish's Experiments to determine the mean density of the earth. Biographical sketch of Cavendish. Historical account of the experiments made since the time of Cavendish. Table of results of experiments. "Bibliography," p. 145-156. Korn, Arthur. 53i-5i Pqoi *'^'*'* Lehrbuch der Potentialtheorie. Allgemeine Theorie des Poten- tials und der Potentialfunktionen im Raume. xiv,[2],4i5,[3] p. 94 il. O. Berlin: F. DUmmler, 1899. "Einige Litteraturangaben," p. 412-415. Cranz, Carl. L531.55P600 '*"" Compendium der theoretischen ausseren Ballistik xii,5ii, [2] p. no il. Q. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1896. Contains bibliographical references. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 159 Mehrtens, [G.], Pinzger, [L.], <&• Frauenholz, [W.] 620.2 O700 '''*® Technische Mechanik fester, flussiger und luftformiger Korper. (Mechanik der Warme.) [In Handbuch der Baukunde. Ab- theilung i : Hulfswissenschaften, vol. I, [2],ix,487-844 p. 600 il.] Berlin 1887. "Litteratur," scattered through. O16.532-.533 HYDRAULICS. PNEUMATICS Aeronautics Wien, W. 532-5 Qooi "''" Lehrbuch der Hydrodynamik. xiv,3i9 p. 18 il. O. Leipzig: S. Hirzel, 1900. "Literatur", at the end of each chapter. Schmidt, A. 623.8 P201 19900 j)jg Stabilitat von Schiffen. Hilfsbuch fUr den Selbstunterricht mit einem Anhange : die Deplacementberechnung von Schiffen behandelnd fiir Schiffbau-Ingenieure, . . . und Studierende der technischen Hochschulen. xi,3i3 p. 202 il. 2 pi. i table. O. Berlin: A. Seydel, 1892. "Die bemerkenswertesten Einzelabhandlungen fiber das Stabilitatsproblem," p. 7-9. Plateau, Joseph. L532.2 N300 26870 statique experimentale et theorique des liquides soumis aux seules forces moleculaires. 2 vol. il. Q. Paris : Gauthier-Villars, 1873- "PubHcations posterieures a 1869," vol. 2, p. 469-474. Barus, Carl, editor. 533-2 P900 21706 Yj^g j^^g Qf gases. Memoirs by Robert Boyle and E. H. Amagat. Translated and edited by Carl Barus. [6],i09,[i] p. 10 il. O. [Harper's scientific memoirs, vol. 5.] New York: Harper & Brothers, 1899. "Bibliography," p. 108-I10. Wouwermans, Armand. L016.533 W91 ^'^* Contribution a la bibliographic de la locomotion aerienne. 43, [i] p. I pi. sqF. Anvers: Vve. de Backer, 1894. Reprinted from the Compte rendu du Congres de la Science de I'' Atmosphere, Only 25 copies printed. l60 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 016.535 OPTICS Lewis, Exum Percival, editor. 535 Q002 27120 Yhe effects of a magnetic field on radiation. Memoirs by Fara- day, Kerr and Zeeman. xvii,i02 p. il. O. [Scientific memoirs, edited by J. S. Ames, vol. 8.] New York: American Book Co.,- c. 1900. Contents: Faraday, M. On the magnetization of light and the illumination of mag- netic lines of force. — . On the magnetic affection of light. Biographical sketch of Faraday. Kerr, J. On rotation of the plane of polarization by reflection from the pole of a magnet. — . On reflection of polarized light from the equatorial surface of a mag- net. Biographical sketch of Kerr. Zeeman, P. On the influence of magnetism on the nature of the light emitted by a substance. — . Doublets and triplets in the spectrum produced by external magnetic forces. Biographical sketch of Zeeman. "Bibliography," p. 98-100. Cotton, A. 535 P903 27065 Le phenomene de Zeeman. loop. 12 il. D. (Scientia. Phys. mathematique, no. 5.) [Paris: G. Carre & C. Naud], 1899. Treats of the action of magnetism on light. "Index bibliographique, " p. 62-63. Rohr, Moritz von. L771.12 R63 22564 Tj^eoi-ie und Geschichte des photographischen Objectivs. xx, 435, [i] p. 148 il. 4 pi. Q. Berlin: J. Springer, 1899. "Litteraturveichniss," p. 399-435. Dufet, Henry. 535 P800 ^"*^ Optique 3 vol. paged continuously. O. (SociifeTE FRAN- CAISE DE PHYSIQUE. Recueil de donnees numeriques.) Paris: vol. I, Gauthier-Villars & fils ; vol. 2-3, Gauthier-Villars, 1898- 1900. Contents: Vol. i. Longueurs d'onde. — Indices des gaz et des liquides. ix,i-4i5p. 1898. Vol.2. Proprietes optiques des solides. vi,4i7-785 p. 1899. Vol. 3. Pouvoirs rotatoires. — Couleurs d'interference. — Supplement. vi,787-i3i3,xii p. 1900. "Bibliographic," vol. I, p. 31,81,415; vol. 2, p. 465. Pulfrich, Carl. 548-9 Pooi 25569 -p^g Totalreflectometer und das Refractometer fur Chemiker, ihre Verwendung in der Krystalloptik und zur Untersuchung der Lichtbrechung von Fliissigkeiten. x,i44p. 45 il. 4 pi. O. Leip- zig: W. Engelmann, 1890. "Literaturverzeichniss," p. 141-144. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS l6l Tuckerman, Alfred. 061.82 2 v.32 ""* Index to the literature of the spectroscope. x,42 3 p. {In Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian miscellaneous collec- tions, vol. 32. Washington 1888.) Helmholtz, Hermann von. 535-7 O500 "'' Handbuch der physiologischen Optik. Zweite umgearbeitete Auflage xix,i334 p. 254 il. 8 pi. O. Hamburg: L. Voss, 1896. "Uebersicht iiber die physiologisch-optische Litteratur", p. 1017-1310. Boas, Franz. 535.6 Oioi ''^**° Beitrage zur Erkenntniss der Farbe des Wassers. Inaugural- Dissertation zur Erlangung der philosophischen Doctorwurde unter Zustimmung der philosophischen Fakultat zu Kiel geschrie- ben. 42, [2] p. I pi, 4 p. of tables. O. Kiel 1881. Fraunhofer, Joseph von. 535-84 1800 19670 Prismatic and diffraction spectra. Memoirs. Translated and edited by J. S. Ames. [6],67,[i] p. 2 tables. O. [Harper's scientific memoirs, no. 2.] New York : Harper & Brothers, 1898. "Bibliography," p. 64-65. 016.536 HEAT Liquefaction of gases — T/urinoDictiy — Pyromctry — Thermodynamics Bolton, Henry Carrington. 536.51 Qooi "«»2 Evolution of the thermometer, 1 592-1 743. 98 p. il. i pi. D. Easton, Pa.: Chemical Publishing Co., 1900. "Authorities," p. 92-96. Le Chatelier, Henry, &■ Boudouard, 0. 536.52 Q002 High-temperature measurements. Translated by George K. Burgess. First edition xi,230 p. 52 il. i pi. D. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1901. "Bibliographical index," p. 215-223. 29819 Hutton, Frederick Remsen. 621.01 P900 ''"" Heat and heat-engines. A study of the principles which underlie the mechanical engineering of a power plant. First edition xxi,553 p. 198 il. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1899. "Bibliography," p. 528-530. 1 62 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Cauro, J. L536.42 P902 ^"''''' La liquefaction des gaz. Methodes nouvelles. — Applications. [2], 83 p. 40 il. Q. Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1899. "Chapitre iv. Historique," p. 52-59, contains bibliographical references. Lefevre, Julien. 536.42 P903 ^^^*^ La liquefaction des gaz et ses applications. I75.[i] P- 38 il. D. (Encyclopedic scicntifique des aide-memoire.) Paris : Gauthier- Villars, [1899]. "Bibliographic," p. 165-175. Magie, William Francis, editor. 536.7 P901 ^"'* The second law of thermodynamics. Memoirs by Carnot, Clau- sius and Thomson, translated and edited by W. F. Magie. [6], 151 p. il. O. [Harper's scientific memoirs, vol. 6.] New York: Harper & Brothers, 1899. "Bibliography," p. 149-150. Witz, Aiml. 536.7 P900 20906 Xhermodynamique a I'usage des ingenieurs. Dcuxieme edition. 201, [i] p. 12 il. nar.O. (Encyclopedic scicntifique des aide- memoire.) Paris: Masson & c"^, pref. 1899. "Bibliographic," p. 1 81-201. Boulvin, J. 536.7 P702 19671 'pj^g entropy diagram and its applications. Translated from the 'Revue de mecanique' by Bryan Donkin. xii,70 p. il. 2 tables, O. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1898. "Bibliography of entropy," p. v-vi. Tuckerman, Alfred. 016.536 T79 ^"^^ Index to the literature of thermodynamics. v,239p. O. (SMITH- SONIAN Institution. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, vol. 34.) Washington 1890. Another copy in Smithsonian miscellaneous collections has shelf number 061.82 2 V.34 Bolz, C. H. 536.52 O800 ""^ Die Pyrometer. Eine Kritik der bisher construirten hoheren Tem- peraturmesser in wissenschaftlich-technischer Hinsicht. Gekronte Preisschrift. [6] ,70 p. 31 il. O. Berlin: J. Springer, 1888. "Litteratur", p. 67-70. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 1 63 016.537 ELECTRICITY X rays — Lightning-conductors — Telegraph — Telephone — Electric currents — Voltaic cell Fortschritte. 537-053 2 "" Fortschritte der Elektrotechnik. Vierteljahrliche Berichte iiber die neueren Erscheinungen auf dem Gesammtgebiete der ange- wandten Elektricitatslehre mit Einschluss des elektrischen Nach- richten- und Signalwesens Continued from vol. i. 1887. il. O. Berlin 1888. Edited alternately by Karl Strecker and Karl Kahle. Jahrbuch. I'537-053 12 ^'^'' Jahrbuch der Elektrochemie. Berichte liber die Fortschritte des Jahres .... Continued from vol. i. 1894. il. Q. Halle a. S., 1 895-. Edited by W. Nemst and W. Borchers. Leiner, Oskar, Leipzig. 016.537 L53 ""' Leiner's elektrotecknischer Katalog. Die Litteratur der Elektro- technik, Elektricitat, Elektrochemie, Elektrometallurgie, des Mag- netismus, der Telegraphic, Telephonic, Blitzschutzvorrichtung, Rontgen-Strahlen, sowie der Carbid- und Acetylenindustrie Continued from vol. 4- 1884-99. O. Leipzig 1899-. Cumulative. Telephone magazine. 537 -051 7 **" Telephone magazine. An illustrated monthly magazine. Con- tinued from vol. I. 1893. il. pi. Q. Chicago [1893-]. Vol. 1-2 contain synoptical indexes to current electrical literature. Vol. 12-15 edited by Carl E. Kammeyer; vol. 16-, by W. J. Buckley and A. J. Kusel. Vol. i-li published under the title: Electrical engineering; vol. 12-14, Electrical engineering and telephone magazine. Vol. i-li are in O. Janet, Paul. L537-835 Qooi "=•'" Legons d'electrotechnique generale, professees a I'Ecole superi- eure d electricite. ix,6i4 p. 307 il. Q. Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1900. "Bibliographie" at the ends of chapters. 164 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Schmidt-Hennigker, Friedrich. 016.537 S354 30849 Eiektrotechnikers litterarisches Auskunftsbuch. Die Litteratur der Elektrotechnik, Elektricitat, Elektrochemie, Elektrometallur- gie, des Magnetismus, der Telegraphic, Telephonie, Blitzschutz- vorrichtung, Rontgen-Strahlen, sowie der Acetylen- und Carbid- Industrie der Jahre 1884 bis 1 900. Mit Schlagwortregister. Sechste erganzte Auflage. [4], 120 p. O. Leipzig: O, Leiner, 1900. Thompson, Silvanus Phillips. 537-837 O002 30938 Polyphase electric currents and alternate-current motors. Second and enlarged edition. viii,5o8 p. il. 20 pi. 12 colored. O. [Fins- bury technical manuals.] London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1900. Bibliographical references scattered through the book. "Schedule of some British patents bearing on polyphase and alternating-current mo- tors," p. 483-488. Weiler, W. 537.8 Q002 22702 ]3gj. praktische Elektriker. Populare Anleitung zur Selbstan- fertigung elektrischer Apparate und zur Anstellung zugehoriger Versuche nebst Schlussfolgerungen, Regeln und Gesetzen. Vierte, vielfach umgearbeitete Auflage. xxxi,[i],632 p. 542 il. D. Leipzig: M. Schafer, pref. 1900. "Obersicht der wichtigsten elektrotechnischen und elektrochemischen Litteratur," p. 628-632. Gay, Albert, & Yeaman, C. H. 537.83 P900 '"" An introduction to the study of central station electricity supply. xiii,467 p. il. 7 pi. i map, 2 tables. D. [Specialists' series.] London: Whittaker & Co., 1899. "Bibliography," p. 453-459- Clausen, Carlo, publisher. 016.537 C57 15696 (3atalogo delle opere di elettricita e magnetismo pubblicate in Italia ed all'estero negli anni 1 885-1 897 .... 172 p. O. Torino 1898. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. Phillips, Charles E. S. 016.537 P54 16602 Bibliography of X-ray literature and research, (i 896-1 897.) Being a ready reference index to the literature on the subject of Rontgen or X-rays. Edited by Charles E. S. Phillips, with an historical retrospect and a chapter, "Practical hints," by the editor. xxxvii,68 p. il. i pi. of por. O. ["The Electrician" series.] London: "The Electrician" Printing and Publishing Co., [1898?] BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 165 Biittner, Oskar, & Miiller, Kurt. 770-8 3 11036 Technik und Verwerthung der Rontgen'schen Strahlen im Dienste der arztlichen Praxis und Wissenschaft. iv.[2],i46 p. 30 il. 5 pi. [/;/ Encyklopadie der Photographic, no. 28.] Halle a. S. 1897. "Literatur," p. 138-144. Eclairage electrique. I'537.054 4 »**- Tables generales des dix premiers volumes, [i 894-1 897.] 86 p. [/« Eclairage electrique, vol. lO. Paris 1897.] No title-p^e. Title taken from inside cover. Osterberg, Max. 016.537 O85 10950 gyj^Qpsis of current electrical literature. Compiled from . . . technical journals and magazines during 1895 xiii,[2],i43 p. Q. New York: D. Van Nostrand Co., 1896. Hachmeister & Thai, publishers. 016.537 Hii 2359 Wegweiser fur die elektrotechnische Fachliteratur. Schlagwort- katalog der Bucher und Zeitschriften fUr Elektrotechnik und vervvandte Gebiete einschliesslich der hauptsachlichen auslan- dischen Literatur. Zweite vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage. 66 p. D. Leipzig 1896. Thompson, Silvanus Phillips. 537-837 P600 7"37 Polyphase electric currents and alternate-current motors. vi,[2], 261 p. 171 il. 2 pi. O. New York: American Technical Book Co., 1896. Contains an appendix: Bibliography of polyphase currents and rotatory-field motors. Minel,P. 537.83 P403 ""« Electricite appHquee a la marine. 203 p. 42 il. nar. O. (Ency- clopedic scientifique des aide-memoire.) Paris : Gauthier-Villars &ms, [1894]. "Bibliographie," p. 197-198. Benjamin, Park. 537-86 P302 11735 jj^g voltaic cell : its construction and its capacity. First edition. .... iv,562 p. 200 il. I facsim. O. New York: Wiley & Sons, 1893. "The bibliography of the voltaic cell", p. 536-542. Boltzmann, Ludwig. 537-1 Pioi 188S9 Vorlesungen liber Maxwells Theorie aer Elektricitat und des Lichtes '2 vol. in i. il. tables. O. Leipzig: J. A. Barth, 1891-1893. "Literaturubersicht," vol. i, p. 128-138; vol. 2, p. 155-166. l66 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Institution of Electrical Engineers. 537.06244 1 *'" Index to the Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers. (Formerly the Society of Telegraph Engineers.) Vol. 1-20. 1872-1891 2 vol. O. London 1882-1892. Contents: Vol. i, index to vol. i-io, 1872-1882; vol.2, to vol. 11-20, 1882-1891. Vol. I compiled by Alfred J. Frost. Tommasi, Donato. I'SST-Ss O900 20716 Traite theorique et pratique d'electrochimie. Electrolyse — galvanoplastie — dorure — argenture — ■ nickelage — cuivrage, etc. . . . Application de I'electrolyse au blanchiment des matieres textiles, a la rectification des alcools, etc. Analyse electrolytique. xi,[i],i I02,[3],xviii-cxix p. Q. Paris: E. Bernard & c'", 1889. Webb, W. W. Index des memoires sur relectrochiniie publics depuis 17S4 jusqu'a l88o, p. 1071-1097. Fournier, Georges. 537.03 O701 11765 Xerminologie electrique. Vocabulaire frangais-anglais-allemand des termes employes en electricite. Suivi d'une bibliographic des ouvragcs sur I'electricite et ses applications parus depuis 1870 jusqu'a ce jour. 63 p. D. (Bibliotheque des actualites industrielles, no. 14.) Paris: B. Tignol, 1887. Anderson, Richard. 537-4 O500 13028 Lightning conductors : their history, nature, and mode of applica- tion. Third edition, revised, re-arranged, and enlarged, xv, 470 p. il. O. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1885. "Bibliography", p. 414-462. Franklin Institute. 017.748 F85 13070 Subject catalogue of the Memorial Library of the International Electrical Exhibition, held under the auspices of the Franklin Institute, September -October, 1884. clxv p. 2 pi. O. Phila- delphia 1885. Fahie, J. J. 537-8i9 O400 I408I j^ history of electric telegraphy, to the year 1837. Chiefly com- piled from original sources, and hitherto unpublished documents. xix,542 p. 35 il. 2 pi. D. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1884. "Bibliography", p. 531-536. May, Gustav. 016.537 M45 ■'"' Die Weltliteratur der Elektricitat und des Magnetismus von 1 860-1 883, mit besonderer Berlicksichtigung der Elektro-Tech- nik. Mit Sachregister von Dr. phil. O. Salle. xiii,[2],203 p. D. Wien: A. Hartleben, 1884. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS \6j Lightning Rod Conference. 5317.4 O200 Report of the delegates from the following societies, viz. : Meteor- ological Society Royal Institute of British Architects Society of Telegraph Engineers and of Electricians Phys- ical Society [And] co-opted members With a Code of rules for the erection of lightning conductors ; and vari- ous appendices. Edited by the Secretary, G. J. Symons. x, 261 p. il. O. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1882. "Catalogue of works upon lightning conductors, with a few upon lightning, thunder, and the effects of lightning strokes," p. 143-174, Ronalds , Sir Francis . o 1 5 ^ r 317 R55 '*"" Catalogue of books and papers relating to electricity, magnetism, the electric telegraph, &c., including the Ronalds library. "With a biographical memoir. Edited by Alfred J. Frost. (Published by the Society of Telegraph Engineers.) xxvii,564 p. O. Lon- don: E. & F. N. Spon, 1880. 016.538 MAGNETISM Lewis, Exum Percival, editor. -.,- n««^ 27.20 Tu « ^ r . 535y002 Ihe effects of a magnetic field on radiation. Memoirs by Fara- day, Kerr and Zeeman. xvii,io2 p. il. O. [Scientific memoirs, edited by J. S. Ames. vol. 8.] New York : American Book Co c. 1900. Contents: Faraday, M. On the magnetization of light and the illumination of ma«. pl'dlr' K T n~- """ ''' ™'^"''" '"^^'^°" °^ "g*^*- Biographical sketch of Faraday. Kerr, J. On rotation of the plane of polarization by reflection from the pole of a magnet. - On reflection of polarized light from the equatorial surface of a mag- net. Biographical sketch of Kerr. Zeeman, P. On the influence of magnetism on the nature of the hght emitted by a substance. -. Doublets and triplets in the spectrum produced by external magnetic forces. Biographical sketch of Zeeman. "Bibliography," p. 98-100. Cotton, A. „ "0" l!^r.U- - J ^ 535P9O3 Le phenomene de Zeeman. 100 p. 12 il. D. (Scientia Phys mathematique, no. 5.) [Paris : G. Carrd & C. NaudJ, 1899. Treats of the action of magnetism on light. "Index bibliographique," p. 62-63. Hellmann, Gustav. t ^ a tt ^ Repertormm der deutschen Meteorologie. Leistungen der Deut- schen in Schnften, Erfindungen und Beobachtungen auf dem Ge- biete der Meteorologie und des Erdmagnetismus von den altesten Zeiten bis zum Schlusse des Jahres 1881. xxii p. 996 col L498 p.] I map, i table. Q. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1883 I5S i68 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 016.539 MOLECULAR PHYSICS Lehmann, Otto. 539 0800 ""* Molekularphysik mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung mikrosko- pischer Untersuchungen und Anleitung zu Solchen sowie einem Anhang iiber mikroskopische Analyse. 2 vol. il. pi. O. Leip- zeig: W. Engelmann, 1 888-1 889. "Litteraturverzeichnis," vol. 2, p. 616-654. 016.54 CHEMISTRY. GENERAL WORKS Annales. 505«4 1 5059 Annales de chimie et de physique, .... Table des noms d'au- teurs et table analytique des matieres .... Continued from vol. I. O. Paris 1801-. Index for [First series], 1789-1815, is published as vol. 97-99: vol. 97 is index for vol. 1-30, 1789-1799; vol. 98, for vol. 31-60, 1799-1806; and vol. 99, for vol. 61- 96, 1807-1815. Index for [Second series], 1816-1840, is in 3 vol.: index to vol. 1-30, 1816-1825; to vol. 31-60, 1826-1835; and to vol. 60-75, 1835-1840. Index for Third series, 1841-1863, is in 2 vol.; index to vol. 1-30, 1841-1850; and to vol. 31-60, 1851- 1863. Index for Fourth series, 1864-1873, is in i vol.; for Fifth series, 1874-1883, is in I vol.; and for Sixth series, 1884-1893, is in i vol. Indexes for First and Second series published under the title: Table generale raisonnee des matieres . . . , suivie d'une table alphabetique des auteurs qui y sont cites. Indexes for Third series are called : Table des noms, and Table analytique, re- spectively. Indexes for Fourth and Fifth series compiled by U. Gayon; for Sixth series, by C. Matignon. Chemical Society, London. 540.6216 i "*° Journal of the Chemical Society Continued from vol. i. 1848. il. pi. por. facsim. tables. O. London 1849-. Index to vol. 1-25, 43-62, 1848-1872, 1883-1892, published separately in 2 vol. Vol. 1-14 published under the title : The Quarterly journal of the Chemical Society of London; vol. 15-23: The Journal of the Chemical Society of London. From vol. 33 the alternate volumes have subtitles respectively: Transactions, Ab- stracts. Vol. 16-28 also numbered New series, vol. 1-13. Vol. 29-32 have no title-page. Chemisches Repertorium. L660.53 2 *°'" Chemisches Repertorium. Uebersicht iiber das Gesammtgebiet der reinen und angewandten Chemie Continued from 1886. il. F. Cothen 1886-. Published as supplement to and bound with Chemiker-Zeitung, vol. lo-. Edited by G. Krause. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 1 69 Jahrbuch. 540-531 ''^® Jahrbuch der Chemie. Bericht liber die wichtigsten Fortschritte der reinen und angewandten Chemie Herausgegeben von Richard Meyer. Continued from vol. i. 1891. O. Braunschweig: F. Vieweg & Sohn, 1892. Jahresbericht. 615.053 i *^*" Jahresbericht der Pharmacie herausgegeben vom Deutschen Apothekerverein Continued from vol. 33. 1898. O. Gottingen 1900-. Edited by Heinr. Beckurts. Also called Whole series, vol. 58-. Jahresbericht. 540-53 2 5239 Jahresbericht liber die Fortschritte der Chemie und vervvandter Theile anderer Wissenschaften. Begriindet von J. Liebig und H. Kopp. Continued from [vol. i]. 1847. O- Braunschweig 1 849-. Indexes for 1847-1886 published separately in 6 vol. 1847-1856 edited by Justus Liebig and Hermann Kopp; 1857-1862, by H. Kopp and Heinrich Will; 1863-1867, by H. Will; 1868-1869, by Adolph Strecker; 1870- 1874, by Alexander Naumann; 1875-1892, by F. Fittica; 1893-, by G. Bodlander. 1847-1857 published under the title: Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der reinen, pharmaceutischen und technischen Chemie, Physik, Mineralogie und Geologic; 1858- have a second title-page, with variations of title. 1 847-1 885 published in Giessen. 1883, part 2 has no title-page. Review. ^051 5 "®" Review of American chemical research. Contributed by mem- bers of the instructing staff of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Continued from [vol. i. 1895]. [/« Tech- nology quarterly, vol. 8-.] Easton, Pa., [1895-]. Edited by Arthur A. Noyes. Vol. 3- also published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society vol. 1 9-, which has shelf number 540.6103 2 Vol. 1-2 have no title-page. Soci^te chimique de Paris. 540.6482 i ^"^"^ Bulletin de la Societe chimique de Paris, comprenant le proces- verbal des seances, les memoires presentes a la societe, I'analyse des travaux de chimie pure et appliquee publics en France et a I'etranger, .... Continued from i860, il. O. Paris 1861-. From 1858 to 1859 published in Repertoire de chimie pure et appliquee. Index for 1858-1874 pubHshed separately. From i860 to 1862 published under the title: Societe chimique de Paris. Bulletin des seances; from 1863, as above, with slight variations. New series : 50 vol. 1 864-1 888. Third series: continued from vol. i. 1889. I/O THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Bolton, Henry Carrington. 016.54 B63 "" A select bibliography of chemistry .... With supplement 1-2. O. (Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, vol. 36, 39, 41.) City of Washington 1893-1901. Contents: [Section i-vii] 1492-1892. xiii,i2i2 p. 1893. First supplement. [Section i-v, VII] (1492-1897.) ix,489 p. 1899. [Second supplement] Section viii. Academic dissertations. (1492-1897.) iv,534 p. 1901. Another copy in Smithsonian miscellaneous collections has shelf number 061.82 2 v.36,39,41 Newell, Lyman Churchill. 540.2 Q003 *"'^ Experimental chemistry. xv,4io p. 11411. D. [Science text- books.] Boston, U. S. A. : D. C. Heath & Co., 1900. "Bibliography," p. 377-381. American chemical journal. 540.51 i v.o ■""^ General index of volumes i-[2o] (1879-1898) of the American chemical journal. [Vol. 1-2.] O. Baltimore 1 890-1 899. Contents: [vol. i], index to vol. i-io, 1879-18S8, by W. R. Orndorff. [4],87 p. 1890; [vol. 2], to vol. 11-20, 1889-1898, by J. E. Gilpin. 86 p. 1899. Fremy, Edmond, editor. 540-34 0-93 10776 Encyclopedic chimique. Publiees sous la direction de M. Fremy. .... 10 vol. in 91 parts and index, il. pi. tables. O. Paris: P. Vicq-Dunod & C'^ 1 882-1 899. The numoers 1-93 used as book numbers, are those by which the various works are referred to in the index. Of these, however, no. 76-77 are not used. No. 30, 34 and 49 are not yet published. Gessman, Gustav W. 54° -i P900 ""® Die Geheimsymbole der Chemie und Medicin des Mittelalters. Eine Zusammenstellung der von den Mystikern und Alchymisten gebrauchten geheimen Zeichenschrift, nebst einem kurzegefassten geheimwissenschaftlichen Lexikon. xii,67,36 p. il. 120 p. of pi. 2 pi. O. Graz : Verlag des Verfassers, 1899. "Verzeichnis einschlagiger Quellenwerke," 2nd p. 35-36. Chemical Society, London. 540.6216 i v.o ***' A collective index of the Transactions, Proceedings and Abstracts ofthe Chemical Society, [ 1 848-1 872], 1 883-1 892. [2 vol.] O. London i874-[i898]. [Vol. I ] published under the title : Index to the first twenty-five volumes of the Journal of the Chemical Society, 1848-1872; and to the Memoirs and Proceedings, 1841-1847. [Vol. i] compiled by Henry Watts; [vol. 2] by Margaret D. Dougal. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS I7I Deutsche chemische Gesellschaft. 540.6322 i v.o ^^*' Generalregister iiber die Jahrgange . . . der Berichte der Deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft 3 vol. in 4. O. Berlin 1880- 1898. Contents: Vol. i, 1868-1877; vol. 2, 1878-1887; vol. 3, 1888-1896. Vol. I compiled by C. Bischof; vol. 2, by Ferd. Tiemann; vol. 3, by F. v, Dechend and A. Reissert. Vol. 2 and 3 are in 2 parts: i, Autorenregister; 2, Sachregister. Jahresbericht. 540*53 2 V.o ^"^ Jahresbericht Uber die Fortschritte der Chemie und verwandter Theile anderer Wissenschaften Register ... [Vol. 1-6.] O. Braunschweig 1 858-1 898. Contents: [Vol. i]: 1847-1856; [vol. 2]: 1857-1866; [vol. 3]: 1867-1876; [vol. 4-6]: 1877-1886. Vol. 1-3 published at Giessen. Justus Liebig's Annalen der Chemie. 540-53 4 11929 General-Register zu . . . Liebig's Annalen der Chemie .... [5 vol. in 4.] O. Leipzig 1861-1895. Vol. 1-2 compiled by Dr. G. C. Wittstein; vol. 3-4, by Friedrich Carl; vol. 5, by V. Villiger and W. Dieckmann. Vol. 2-3 are bound together. Contents: vol. i: Index to vol. i-ioo. 1832-1856; vol. 2: index to vol. 101-116. 1857-1860; vol. 3: index to vol. 117-164. 1861-1872; vol. 4: index to vol. 165-220. 1873-1883; vol. 5: index to vol. 221-276. 1884-1893. Vol. 1-3 published under title: Autoren- und Sach-Register zu den . . . Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie. Annalen. 505-39 *'" Beiblatter zu den Annalen der Physik und Chemie herausgegeben von G. und E. Wiedemann. Namenregister zum 1-15. Bande (1877-1891) zusammengestellt von Fr. Strobel. vi,200 p. O. Leipzig 1893. [Bolton, Henry Carrington.] 016.54 B631 '^^*^ Catalogue of works on alchemy and chemistry. Exhibited at the Grolier Club, ... New York, Jan. i6th to Jan. 26th, 1891. 32 p. D. [New York 1891.] Complimentary admission cards tipped in. Dorveaux, Paul. 016.615 D73 Catalogue des theses soutenues devant I'Ecole de Pharmacie de Paris 181 5-1889. Avec une preface de M. G.. Planchon. viii,74, [2] p. O. Paris: H. Welter, 1891. 172 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Annalen. 505-3 8 v.o ^'"^ Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Sachregister [Second series-New series, vol. 50. 1824-1893. 2 vol.] O. Leipzig 1888-1897. Contents: [Vol. i.] Sachregister zu ... Poggendorff'sche Folge Band 1-160; Er- ganzungsband 1-8 und Jubelband. 1824-1877. Nach den von W. Barentin herausge- gebenen Registern zu je dreissig Banden bearbeitet von Fr. Strobel. viii.yig p. 1888. [Vol. 2.] Sachregister zu Band 1-50 (1877-1893) bearbeitet von Dr. G. Meyer und J. Stocl''* [Collected papers.] il. pi. Q. [i89i]-i897. Contents: Catalogue of the Hemenway collection in the Hispano- American Exposi- tion of Madrid. [A/so The Bandelier collection of copies of documents relative to the history of New Mexico and Arizona]. [21,279-327 p. Washington 1895. The Pa-lu-lii-koii-ti : a Tusayan ceremony. [By J. W. Fewkes and A. M. Stephen.] 269- 282 p. 2 pi. [1893.] A suggestion as to the meaning of the Moki snake dance. 129-138 p. [1891.] The kinship of a Tanoan-speaking community in Tusayan. 162-167 p. Washington 1894. The Walpi flute observance. 265-287 p. 2 pi. 1894. The kinship of the Tusayan Indians. [2], 394-417 p. Washington 1894. A com- parison of Sia and Tusayan snake ceremonials. 118-141P. Washington 1895. The god "D" in the Codex Cortesianus. 205-222 p. 4 pi. Washington, D. C, 1895. The Tusayan ritual: a study of the influence of environment on aboriginal cults. [2], 683-700P. 4pl. Washington 1896. A contribution to ethnobotany. 14-21 p. Wash- ington, D. C, 1896. The prehistoric culture of Tusayan. 151-173 P- Washington, D. C, 1896. Two ruins recently discovered in the Red Rock country, Arizona. 263- 283 p. Washington, D. C, 1896. Pacific coast shells from prehistoric Tusayan pueb- los. 359-367 p. 2 pi. Washington, D. C, 1896. The Micoiiinovi flute altars. 241- 255 p. 2 pi. [1896.] Tusayan totemic signatures. n p. 3 pl- Washington, D. C, 1897. Morphology of Tusayan altars. 129-145 p. 5 il. Washington, D. C, 1897. •'Articles quoted [in The god "D" in the Codex Cortesianus]," p. 221-222. Extracted or reprinted from various scientific journals and reports. 2l8 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Gatschet, Albert Samuel. L572.97 i v.2 27842 -pj^g Klamath Indians of southwestern Oregon. 2 parts, map. {In U. S. A. Department of the Interior. Geographical AND Geological Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region. Contributions to North American ethnology, vol. 2.) Washing- ton 1890. "Bibliography," part i, p. xii-xv. Sarasin, Paul, &f Sarasin, Fritz. L570.954 O600 s9o3 Ergebnisse naturwissenschaftlicher Forschungen auf Ceylon. 3 vol. il. pi. tables. Atlas of i map, 83 pi. i table, sq. F\ Wies- baden : C. W. Kreidel, 1 887-1 893. Contents: Vol. i. Die Augen und das Integument der Diadematiden. Ueber zwei parasitische Schnecken. Aus der Entwicklungsgeschichte der Helix Waltoni, Reeve. Knospenbiidung bei Linckia multifora, Lamarck. Ueber die Anatomie der Echino- thuriden und die Phylogenie der Echinodermen. Vol. 2. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte und Anatomie der ceylonesischen Blindwiihle Ichthyophis glutinosus, L. Vol. 3. Die Weddas von Ceylon und die sie umgebenden Volkerschaften, ein Versuch, die in der Phylogenie des Menschen ruhenden Rathsel der Lcisung naher zu bringen. "Literaturverzeichniss", at the end of the chapters. Atlas belongs to vol. 3. Nouveau dictionnaire. L910.3 N700 2"^5 Nouveau dictionnaire de geographic universelle, contenant: 1° la geographic physique : ... ; 2° la geographic politique : ... ; 3^ la geographic economique : ... ; 4® I'cthnologie: ... ; 5** la geographic historique : ... ; 6*^ la bibliographic : . . . . Ouvrage commence par M. Vivien de Saint-Martin at continue par Louis Rousselet. 7 vol. sq.F. Paris: Hachette & c*'', 1 879-1 895. Supplement. [Vol. i-.] sq.F. Paris 1897-. Brace, Charles Loring. 572.02 M301 16806 -pj^g j.^^gg qJ ^j^g Ql^j World. A manual of ethnology. xix, 428 p. D. London: J. Murray, 1863. "List of authorities," p. 411-421. 016.573 ANTHROPOLOGY Leon, Nicolas. 016.572 L55 30913 Apuntes para una bibliografia antropologica de Mexico. (Soma- tologia.) [2], 1 8 p. O. (MUSEO NACIONAL DE MEXICO. SEC- ci6n de antropologia y etnografia.) Mexico: Musco nacional, 1901. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 219 Ripley, William Zebina. 016.572 R48 "*'" A selected bibliography of the anthropology and ethnology of Europe. x,i6op. O. Boston: published by the Trustees of the Public Library, 1899. Including the works on these subjects in the Boston Public Library, Also published as [vol. 2] of The races of Europe, by the same author, which has shelf number 572.94 P900 Ploss, Hermann. L573.02 P700 ®"° Das Weib in der Natur- und Volkerkunde. Anthropologische Studien. Funfte umgearbeitete und stark vermehrte Auflage. Nach dem Tode des Verfassers bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Dr. Max Bartels. 2 vol. il. pi. Q. Leipzig: T. Grieben, 1897- "Verzeichniss der benutzten Schriftsteller", vol. 2, p. 664-711. Ratzel, Friedrich. 572.9 Pioo 20470 Anthropogeographie 2 vol. il. map. O. [Bibliothek geographischer Handbiicher.] Stuttgart: J. Engelhorn, 1891- 1899. Contents: Vol. i, Grundziige der Anwendung der Erdkunde auf die Geschichte. Zweite Auflage. xviii,6o4 p. 1899. Vol. 2. Die geographische Verbreitung des Men- schen. xlii,78i p. 32 il. i map. 1891. "Verzeichnis von Schriften," vol. i, 579-585. Quatrefages [de Breau] , Armand de. 573'8 O700 16516 jj^g pygmies. Translated by Frederick Starr. xiv,2 55 p. il. 6 pi. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1895. "List of books, articles and authors," p. 239-248. 016.575 EVOLUTION Haacke, Wilhelm. L575 P701 ^®*^ Grundriss der Entwickelungsmechanik. xii,398,[2] p. 143 il. Q. Leipzig: A. Georgi, 1897. "Litteraturiibersicht", p. 368-393. Cope, Edward Drinker. 5175 p6oo The primary factors of organic evolution. xvi,547 p. 120 il. O. Chicago: Open Court Pubhshing Co., 1896. Contains a Hst of papers on evolution by American authors. Delage, Yves. L575.1P500 La structure du protoplasma et les theories sur I'heredite et les grands problemes de la biologic generale. xiv,[2],878 p. ■^'] il. Q. Paris: C. Reinwald & C*«, 1895. Contains a bibliographical index. 5968 220 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Hertwig, Oscar. 570-4 H44 """' Zeit- und Streitfragen der Biologic Vol. i-. il. O. Jena: G. Fischer, 1894-. "Literatur," at the end of each vol. Vol. I. Praformation oder Epigenese? iv,i43 p. 3 il. 1894. Vol. 2. Mechanik und Biologie. Mit einem Anhang: Kritische Bemerkungen zu den entwicklungs mecha- nischen Naturgesetzen von Roux. iv,2li p. 4 il. 1897. No more published in 1901. Osborn, Henry Fairfield. 575 P402 8048 Pj-qi^ ^\^q Greeks to Darwin. An outline of the development of the evolution idea. Second edition. x,259 p. O. (Columbia University. Biological series, i.) New York: Macmillan Co., 1896. "Bibliography," p. 251-254. Brooklyn Ethical Association. 575 Pioi ^^®* Evolution in science, philosophy, and art. Popular lectures and discussions before the Brooklyn Ethical Association. ix,475 p. 6 il. 3 por. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1891. "Collateral readings recommended", at the beginning of each paper. Geddes, Patrick, & Thomson, J. Arthur. 575.9 O900 ®"* The evolution of sex. xvi,322 p. 104 il. D. [Contemporary science series.] London: W. Scott, 1889. With bibhographical references at the end of each chapter. Seidlitz, Georg. 575 N400 30921 -j-^jg Darwin'sche Theorie. Elf Vorlesungen iiber die Entstehung der Thiere und Pfianzen durch Naturziichtung. Zweite vermehrte Auflage. viii,[2],346 p. i table. O. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1875. "Literatur zur Descendenztheorie seit 1859," p. 286-334. 016.576 ORIGIN AND BEGINNINGS OF LIFE Protoplasm — Cells Wilson, Edmund Beecher. 576.3 Qooi The cell in development and inheritance. Second edition revised and enlarged. xxi,483 p. 194 il. O. (Columbia University. Biological series, no. 4.) New York: Macmillan Co., 1900. "General literature list", p. 449-469. "Literature", at the end of each chapter. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 221 Bard, Louis. 576-3 P902 """' La specificite cellulaire. Ses consequences en biologie generale. loop. O. (Scientia. Biologie, no. I.) [Paris : G. Carre & C. Naud, 1899.] "Index bibliographique des publications de I'auteur ayant trait a la specificite cellu- laire," p. 99-100. Gives considerable attention to the pathological aspects, proHf eration of cells in tumors, etc. Fischer, Alfred. L576.2 P900 24405 pixirung, Farbung und Bau des Protoplasmas. Kritische Unter- suchungen liber Technik und Theorie in der neueren Zellfor- schung. x,362 p. 21 il. i pi. Q. Jena: G. Fischer, 1899. "Literatur," p. 341-348. Hacker, Valentin. L576.3 PQOi 24404 pj-axis und Theorie der Zellen- und Befruchtungslehre. viii, 260 p. 137 il. Q. Jena: G. Fischer, 1899. "Litteratur-Nachweis", p. 246-248. Schenck, Friedrich. 576-3 P900 21917 physiologische Charakteristik der Zelle. viii, 123 p. O. Wiirz- burg: A. Stubers Verlag, 1899. "Literaturnachweise", p. 120-123. Davenport, Charles Benedict. 591.4 P6oo "-" Experimental morphology. 2 vol. paged continuously ; vol. i : i-xiv, 1-280 p.; vol. 2: [2],xa-xb,xv-xviii,28i-509 p. il. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1 897-1 899. "Literature" at the end of each chapter. Contents: Vol. i. Effect of chemical and physical agents upon protoplasm. Vol, 2. Effect of chemical and physical agents upon growth. Delage, Yves, & Herouard, Edgard. L590.2 P600 "'^^ Traite de zoologie concrete. Vol. i-. Q. Paris: Schleicher Freres, 1896-. "Index bibliographique", in each vol. Henneguy, L. F^lix. I'576.3 P601 "^®'' Legons sur la cellule, morphologic et reproduction, faites au College de France pendant le semestre d'hiver 1 893-1 894. Re- cueillies par Fabre-Domergue. Revues par le professeur. xix, 541 p. 362 il. Q. Paris: G. Carre, 1896. "Bibliographic," p. 491-531. Wilson, Edmund Beecher. 576-3 P^oo 5632 j]^g ^,gj| jj^ development and inheritance. xvi,37i p. 142 il. O. (Columbia University. Biological series, vol. 4.) New York: Macmillan Co., 1896. With bibliographical references at the end of each chapter. 222 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Hertwig, Oscar. 575 -i P400 16301 jYie biological problem of to-day. Preformation or epigenesis? the basis of a theory of organic development. Authorized trans- lation by P. Chalmers Mitchell, with an introduction by the trans- lator and a glossary of the technical terms. xix,i48 p. 4 il. S. New York: Macmillan Co., [1896]. Contents: i. Weismann's theory of the germplasm and doctrine of determi- nants. 2. Thoughts towards a theory of the development of organisms. Bibliographical references scattered through the book, Hertwig, Oscar. 576.3 P200 12849 Yj-jg ^gjj Outlines of general anatomy and physiology. Trans- lated by M. Campbell, and edited by Henry Johnstone Campbell. xvi,368 p. 168 il. O. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1895. "Literature," at the end of each chapter. Butschli, Otto. 576.2 P200 '***" Investigations on microscopic foams and on protoplasm. Experi- ments & observations directed towards a solution of the question of the physical conditions of the phenomena of life. Authorised translation by E. A. Minchin. xvi,379 p. 23 il. 12 pi. O. Lon- don: A. & C. Black, 1894. "Literature," p. 331-340. Hertwig, Oscar. 1^576.3 P201 ^^'"'' Die Zelle und die Gewebe. Grundzuge der allgemeinen Anato- mic und Physiologic. 2 vol. il. Q. Jena: G. Fischer, 1893- 1898. "Literatur" at the end of each chapter. Pouchet, Felix Archimede. 576.1 L900 Heterogenic; ou, Traite de la generation spontanec, base sur de nouvclles experiences. xxxii,672 p. 3 pi. O. Paris: J. B. Bail- here & Fils, 1859. "Bibliographic," p. xi-xxxii. 016.577 PROPERTIES OF LIVING MATTER Biitschli, Otto. I'577 P801 23658 Untersuchungen iiber Strukturen, insbesondcre liber Strukturen nichtzelliger Erzeugnisse des Organismus und iiber ihre Bezieh- ungen zu Strukturen, welche ausscrhalb des Organismus cntsteh- en. viii,4ii p. 99 il. atlas of 27 pi. Q. Leipzig: W. Engel- mann, 1898. "Litteratur," p. 398-401. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 223 Verworn, Max. 591- 1 P701 '®"® General physiology. An outline of the science of life. Trans- lated from the second German edition and edited by Frederic S. Lee. xvi,6i5 p. 285 il. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1899. "Bibliography," p. 589-599. 016.578 MICROSCOPY Meyer, Arthur. L578.8 Q002 29238 j-)jg Grundlagen und die Methoden fiir die mikroskopische Unter- suchung von Pflanzenpulvern. Eine Einfiihrung in die wissen- schaftlichen Methoden der mikroskopischen Untersuchung von GewUrzen, pflanzlichen Arzneimitteln, Nahrungsmitteln, Futter- mitteln, Papieren, Geweben u. s. w v,258 p. 18 il. 8 pi. paged in. Q. Jena: G. Fischer, 1901. "Litteratur," at the beginning of most chapters. Gage, Simon Henry. 578.02 P901 23543 -pj^g microscope. An introduction to microscopic methods and to histology. 7th edition revised. [2],xii,237 p. il. 2 pi. O. Ithaca, New York: Comstock Pubhshing Co., 1899. Bibliography, p. 220—225. Annales. L589.054 2 v.ic Table alphabetique . . . des memoires originaux publics dans les tomes I a X des Annales de micrographie. [In Annales de mi- crographie, vol. 10, p. 427-442. Paris 1898.] Archiv. 59i-053 3 *°^* Archiv fur mikroskopische Anatomic Namen- und Sach- register .... [4 vol.] O. Bonn 1 884-1 897. Contents: Vol. I. Index to vol. 1-20. 1865-1882. Vol. 2. Index to vol. 21-30. 1882-1887. Vol. 3. Index to vol. 31-40. 1888-1893. Vol. 4. Index to vol. 41-50. 1894-1897. Vol. 1-3 compiled by Ludwig Schirmeyer. Vol. 4 bound with vol. 50 of the Archiv. Zimmermann, Albrecht. 578.8 P300 12093 Botanical microtechnique. A hand-book of methods for the preparation, staining, and microscopical investigation of vegetable structures. Translated from the German by James Ellis Hum- phrey. xii,296 p. 6311. O. New York: H. Holt & Co., 1893. "Literature", p. 265-283. 224 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Zeitschrift. 578.053 I '"" Zeitschrift fUr wissenschaftliche Mikroskopie und flir mikrosko- pische Technik Register zu Band I bis X (Jahrgang 1884 bis 1893). xiii,289 p. O. Braunschweig 1896. Quarterly journal. 578.052 i v.30 "^*° Index to the Quarterly journal of microscopical science, 1853- 1888, to the Transactions of the Microscopical Society, 1844- 1852, 1853-1868, and to the Proceedings of the Dublin Micros- copical Club, 1865-1880. v,[3],87 p. [/;/ Quarterly journal of microscopical science, New series, vol. 30.] London: J. & A. Churchill, 1889. 016.579 ZOOLOGICAL COLLECTING AND TAXIDERMY Browne, Montagu. 579-4 P600 *°" Artistic and scientific taxidermy and modelling : a manual of in- struction in the methods of preserving and reproducing the correct form of all natural objects, including a chapter on the modelling of foliage. xii,463 p. il. 22 pi. O. London : A. & C. Black, 1 896. Contains a bibliography of taxidermy. Hornaday, William Temple. 579 Pi 00 22831 Taxidermy and zoological collecting. A complete handbook for the amateur .... With chapters on collecting and preserving insects, by W. J. Holland Sixth edition. xix,362 p. I04il. 22 pi. 2 p. of facsim. O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1897, c. 1891. Contents : I . Collecting and preserving. 2. Taxidermy. 3. Making casts. 4. Oste- ology. 5. The collection and preservation of insects. 6. General information. "The best books of reference for the taxidermist and collector," p. 351-355. 016.58 BOTANY. GENERAL WORKS. Clark, Josephine Adelaide. 18213 Card-index of genera, species, and varieties of plants. Continued from no. i. 1885. Washington 1885-. Filed in Reading Room. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 22 5 Annales. I'57o-54 3 *"^ Table generale, alphabetique et raisonnee des matieres . . . , suivie d'une table generale des auteurs. Continued from [no. i]. 1844. \_In Annales des sciences naturelles. Botanique. Paris 1844--] Each index is published in vol. 20 of the series covered by it. Index to Seventh series has no title-page. Annals. 580.52 i 10644 Annals of botany. Continued from vol. i. [Aug. 1887]. il. pi. maps, tables. O. London 1887-. Index to vol. i-io, 1887-1896, published separately. Annals. 580.52 i ='°*'* Index to vols. I-X of the Annals of botany (i 887-1 896). Pre- pared by T. G. Hill, under the direction of the editors. [4], 64 p. O. London 1901. Botaniska notiser. 580.58 i 17691 Botaniska notiser .... Continued from 1897. il- pl- O. Lund 1897-- Edited by C. F. O. Norstedt. 1 897 -1 898 title-page reads: Med bitrade af ... de botaniska foreningarne i Lund och Upsala utgifne. Botanische Jahrbucher. 580.53 5 v. 28 "''^ Register der in Band l-xxv (i 881-1898) von Engler's Bota- nischen Jahrbuchern fiir Systematik, Pflanzengeographie und Pflanzengeschichte beschriebenen neuen Arten und Varietaten. Zusammengestellt von. H. Strauss. 92 p. \_In Botanische Jahr- biicher, vol. 28.] Leipzig 1900. Engler, Adolf, editor. L580.2 Q002 Das Pflanzenreich. Regni vegetabilis conspectus. Im Auftrage der Konigl. preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaften herausgegeben .... Part I-. il. Q. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1900-. Intended to supplement Engler & Prantl's Natiirhche Pflanzenfamilien ; only such famUies of plants will be treated as were described in that work and in De Candolle's Suites au Prodromus, at least 12 years before their treatment in the present pubhcation. "Wichtigste Litteratur" with each family. Bailey, Willam Whitman. 580.7 P900 '*"" Botanizing. A guide to field-collecting and herbarium work. ix,[4],i42 p. 15 il. I pl. D. Providence, R. L : Preston & Rounds Co., 1899. "Botanicallibraries," p. 131-142 226 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Kew Gardens. 017,42 Ksi '"*'' Catalogue of the library of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. [By B. Daydon Jackson.] viii p. 790 leaves. O. (Kew GAR- DENS. Bulletin of miscellaneous information. Additional series, no. 3.) London 1899. Printed and numbered on only one side of the leaves. Missouri Botanical Garden. 580.7158 i '"" [General index], volumes i-io. \_In MISSOURI BOTANICAL GAR- DEN. Annual report, no. 10, p. 161-211. St. Louis, Mo., 1899.] Torrey Botanical Club. '^^"^ Bibliography of American Botany. Published monthly. Vol. i - 6. 1 894-1 899. Cambridge, Mass., 1 894-1 899. No more published. Reprinted from Bulletui of the Torrey Botanical Club, vol. 21-26. Card index; filed in Reading Room. Revue. L580.54 2 v. 10 17632 Yable des dix premiers volumes. [/« Revue generale de bo- tanique, vol. 10, p. 567-580. Paris 1898.] Strasburger, Eduard, &■ others. L580.2 P801 ''®^' Lehrbuch der Botanik fiir Hochschulen. Von Dr. Eduard Stras- burger, Dr. Fritz Noll, Dr. Heinrich Schenck, Dr. A. F. W. Schimper. Dritte verbesserte Auflage. viii, 570 p. 617 il. Q. Jena: G. Fischer, 1898. "Litteraturnachweis," p. 535-541. Christ, Hermann. I'587.3 P701 "^" Die Farnkrauter der Erde. Beschreibende Darstellung der Ge- schlechter und wichtigeren Arten der Farnpflanzen mit beson- derer Beriicksichtigung der Exotischen. xii,388 p. 292 il. Q. Jena: G. Fischer, 1897. "Systematische Werke. Florenwerke, " p. ix-xii. Jahrbucher. 580.53 i 19596 jahrbiicher fur wissenschaftliche Botanik Namen- und Sachregister von Band l-xxx. [1858-97. Vol. 1-3.] {In Jahrbucher fiir wissenschaftliche Botanik, vol. 10, 20, 31.) Ber- lin [i876]-i897. [Vol. i] compiled by W. Zopf; [vol. 2] : by A. Zander; [vol. 3] : by Rudolf Giessler. Contents: [vol. i], index to vol. i-io, 1858-1876; [vol. 2], tovol. 11-20, 1877-1888; [vol. 3], to vol. 21-30, 1890-97. [Vol. I ] has no title-page. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 22/ British Museum. Departme^it of Botany. 581.967 P6oo '""' Catalogue of the African plants collected by Dr. Friedrich Wel- witsch in 1853-61 Printed by order of the Trustees. Vol. I-. I por. O. London 1896-. With bibliographical references for each species. Kew Gardens. L580.52 4 v. 10 21104 ifK^gx [to Bulletin of miscellaneous information, vol. i-io, 1887- 1896]. [/« Kew Gardens. Bulletin . . . , vol. 10, p. 236-299. London 1896.] Missouri Botanical Garden. 017.778 M69 2683 Yj^g Sturtevant Prelinnean Library of the Missouri Botanical Gar- den 123-209 p. O. [Missouri Botanical Garden. Library contributions.] St. Louis 1896. Compiled by William Trelease. Reprinted from the Seventh annual report of the Missouri Botanical Garden. No title-page. Title taken from cover. Warming, Eugenius. 581.9 P600 10590 Lehrbuch der okologischen Pflanzengeographie. Eine Einfiihr- ung in die Kenntnis der Pflanzenvereine. Deutsche, vom Ver- fasser genehmigte, durchgesehene und vermehrte Ausgabe, von Dr. Emil Knoblauch. xii,4i2 p. O. Berlin: Gebriider Born- traeger, 1896. "Auswahl der Litteratur," p. 383-394. Archiv. 590-53 3 v.o ^"'^ Register zu dem . . . Archiv fur Naturgeschichte, .... [Vol. i- 60. 1 834-1 894. Vol. 1-2. O. Berlin 1 860-1 895. [Vol. i] compiled by F. H. Troschel; [vol. 2], by Robert Lucas. Contents: [vol. i], index to vol. 1-25, 1834-1859; [vol. 2], to vol, 26-60, 1860- 1894. Botanische Zeitung. I'58o.533 ''" General-Register der ersten fiinfzig Jahrgange der Botanischen Zeitung. Herausgegeben von Dr. Rudolf Aderhold. [1843- 1892.] 391 p. sq.Q. Leipzig 1895. Le6n, Nicolas. 016.58 L55 "'"' Biblioteca botanico-mexicana. Catalog© bibliografico, biografico y critico de autores y escritos referentes a vegetales de Mexico y sus aplicaciones, desde la conquista hasta el presente. Suple- mento a la Materia medica mexicana publicada por el Institute Medico Nacional. 372 p. O. Mexico 1895. 228 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Matsumura, J. 580.3 P500 ^'"® Shokubutsu Mei-i, Enumeration of selected scientific names of both native and foreign plants, with Romanized Japanese names, and in many cases Chinese characters. Various paging, 321,62, [4] p. O. Tokyo: Z. P. Maruya & Co., 1895. [Works on botany], 26 p. "Japanese works on botany, printed or only in manuscript, bearing dates earlier than 1868," 17 p. Has also a Japanese title-page. Britten, James, & Boulger, G. S. 580.92 B77 24975 ^ biographical index of British and Irish botanists. xv,i88 p. O. London: West, Newman & Co., 1893. "List of the chief books and other sources consulted and quoted," p. vii-xiv. Coville, Frederick Vernon. 580.51 2 13199 Botany of the Death Valley Expedition. A report on the botany of the expedition sent out in 1891 by the U. S. Department of Agriculture to make a biological survey of the region of Death Valley, California viii,363 p. 22 pi. i map. (/;/ U. S. A. Department of Agriculture. Division of Botany. Contri- butions, vol. 4.) Washington 1893. "Bibliography. By Josephine A. Clark." p. 284-300. Wesley & Son, William. 019 W51 ®^'^ Bibliotheca botanica. Important works on botany: offered for sale by William Wesley & Son. iv,i78,xii p. O. (Natural his- tory and scientific book circular, no. 106-109, and supplement, no. III.) London 1891. Wiesner, Julius. 580.2 P102 *®°" Elemente der wissenschaftlichen Botanik Vol. i-. il, O. Wien: A. Holder, 1891-. Contents: Vol. i. Anatomic und Physiologic der Pflanzen. Vierte verbesserte und vermehrte Auflage. viii,372 p. 159 il. 1898. Vol. 2. Organographie und Systematik der Pflanzen. Zweite verbesserte und vermehrte Auflage. xiii,368 p. 270 il. 1891. Bibliographical references in "Noten," vol. i, p. 335-360; vol. 2, p. 332-345. Engler, Adolf, & Prantl, K., editors. L580.2 O701 v.o 29621 j-)jg natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien nebst ihren Gattungen und wichtigeren Arten insbesondere den Nutzpflanzen, unter Mit- wirkung zahlreicher hervorragender Fachgelehrten begriindet von A. Engler und K. Prantl, fortgesetzt von A. Engler. Gesamt- register zum II. bis IV. Teil. viii,462 p. Q. Leipzig: W. Engel- mann, 1899. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 229 Society royale de botanique de Belgique. 580.6412 i 5750 Tables generales du Bulletin de la Societe royale de botanique de Belgique. Tome l-xxv. (Annees 1 862-1 886.) Par Theophile Durand. 358 p. O. Bruxelles 1887. Botanical gazette. 580.51 i ^"' The Botanical gazette. Index. Volumes l-X. 1 875-1 885. 28, [2] p. O. Crawfordsville, Ind., [1885]. Bound with Botanical gazette, vol. 9-10. Watson, Sereno. 016.58 W33 ^°^* Bibliographical index to North American botany ; or, Citations of authorities for all the recorded indigenous and naturalized species of the flora of North America, with a chronological ar- rangement of the synonymy. Parti. Polypetalae. vi,[2],476p. O. (Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, vol. 15.) Washington 1878. No more published. Another copy in Smithsonian miscellaneous collections has shelf number 061.82 2 V.15 Lasegue, Antoine. 580.74 K500 22754 ]y[,jg^g botanique de M. Benjamin Delessert. Notices sur les col- lections de plantes et la bibliotheque qui le composent ; contenant en outre des documents sur les principaux herbiers d'Europe et I'expose des voyages entrepris dans I'inter^t de la botanique. [10], 588 p. O. Paris: Fortin, Masson & c*^ 1845. Loudon, John Claudius. 582 J800 15637 Arboretum et fruticetum Britannicum ; or, The trees and shrubs of Britain, . . . , pictorially and botanically delineated, ... ; with their propagation, culture, management, and uses in the arts, in useful and ornamental plantations, and in landscape-gardening; preceded by a historical and geographical outline of the trees and shrubs of temperate climates throughout the world Sec- ond edition. 8 vol. paged continuously; vol. i : ccxxx, 1-494 p. ; vol. 2: x,495-i256 p.; vol 3: vi, 1257-2030 p.; vol. 4: viii, 2031-2694 p. il. pi. O. London: printed for the author, 1844. Contents: vol. 1-4. Text. Vol. 5-8. Plates. "List of books referred to", p. cxc-ccxxvi. 230 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 016.581 PHYSIOLOGY AND ANATOMY Jahresbericht. 631.053 i '■"" Jahresbericht liber die Fortschritte auf dem Gesamtgebiete der Agrikultur-Chemie Continued from vol. i. 1 858-1 859. O. BerHn i860-. Index to vol. 1-40, 1 858-1 897, published separately in 2 vol. Vol. 1-6 edited by Robert Hoffman; vol. 7-9, by Eduard Peters; vol. 10-32, by Th. Dietrich, A. Hilger and others; vol. 33-, by A. Hilger and Th. Dietrich. Vol. 1-6 published under the title: Jahresbericht fiber die Fortschritte der Agricul- turchemie mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Pflanzenchemie and Pflanzenphysiologie. Vol. 21-40 also called New series; vol. 41-, Third series. Jahresbericht. 631.053 i v.o '*'*^ Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte auf dem Gesammtgebiete der Agricultur-Chemie Generalregister zu Band l-XL. 1858- 1897 [Vol. 1-2]. O. Berlin 1 879-1 899. [Vol. i] compiled by A. Hilger; [vol. 2], by Heinrich Kraut. Contents: [vol. i], index to vol. 1-20, 1858-1877; [vol. 2], to vol. 21-40, 1878- 1897. [Avebury], John Lubbock, ist Baron. 581.4 P902 85955 Qj^ j^^jg ^^^ stipules. By the Right Hon. Sir John Lubbock. xix,[i],239 p. 340 il. 4 pi. D. [International scientific series, vol. 86.] London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner & Co., 1899. "Bibliography," p. xvii-xix. Cowles, Henry Chandler. 581.977 P800 20634 -pj^g ecological relations of the vegetation on the sand dunes of Lake Michigan. A dissertation submitted to the (University of Chicago) ... , in candidacy for the degree of doctor of philoso- phy, .... ii9p. 26il. O. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1899. "Bibliography," p. 116-119. ^^^agendorff , Georg. L581 .63 P800 Die Heilpflanzen der verschiedenen Volker und Zeiten. Ihre Anwendung, wesentlichen Bestandtheile und Geschichte. ' Ein Handbuch fur Arzte, Apotheker, Botaniker, und Droguisten. vi,884,[2] p. Q. Stuttgart: F. Enke, 1898. "Litteratur," p. 10-13. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 23 1 Knuth, Paul. 581.16 P801 Handbuch der Bliitenbiologie. Unter Zugrundelegung von Her- mann Mullers Werk : "Die Befruchtung der Blumen durch In- sekten" Vol. i-. il. pi. of por. por. O. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1898-, Contents: Vol. i. Einleitung und Litteratur. xix,40o p. 79 il. i por. 1898. Vol. 2. Die bisher in Europa und im arktischen Gebiet gemachten blutenbiologischen Beobach- tungen. 2 parts, il. pi. of por. por. 1898-1899. "Bliitenbiologische Litteratur," vol. i, p. 263-381, Schimper, Andreas Franz Wilhelm. L581.9 P800 •"'^' Pflanzen-Geographie auf physiologischer Grundlage. xviii,876, [2] p. il. 69 pi. 4 maps. Q. Jena: G. Fischer, 1898. "Auswahl der Literatur," at the end of each chapter. Chamberlain, Charles Joseph. 583.981 P700 Contribution to the life history of salix. A dissertation presented to the ... University of Chicago in candidacy for the degree of doctor of philosophy. 33 p. 7 pi. O. [UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. Hull Botanical Laboratory. Contributions, no. 3.] Chica- go: University of Chicago Press, 1897. "Bibliography," p. 27-29. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. Pound, Roscoe, & Clements, Frederic E. 581.978 P700 i70o7 jj^g phytogeography of Nebraska. I. General survey. xxi,329, [i] p. 4 maps. O. Lincoln, Nebr., 1898. "Bibliography," p. xiv-xxi. Presented to the Faculty of the University of Nebraska as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Zimmermann , Albrecht . L58 1 . 8 P600 ^"'<' Die Morphologic und Physiologic des pflanzHchen Zellkernes. Eine kritische Litteraturstudie. viii,i88 p. 84 il. Q. Jena: G. Fischer, 1896. "Literaturverzeichnis", p. 163-179. Marchlewski, L. L547.86 P500 ''"' Die Chemie des Chlorophylls. [2],iv,82 p. 2 tables. Q. Ham- burg: L. Voss, 1895. " Litteratur- Verzeichnis," p. 74-82. Vines, Sydney Howard. 58 n 0600 Lectures on the physiology of plants. x,7io p. ^6 il. i pi. O. Cambridge: University Press, 1886. "Bibliography" at the end of each chapter. 19591 232 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Haberlandt, Gottlieb. 581 4 O400 13845 physiologische Pflanzenanatomie. Im Grundriss dargestellt. xii, 398 p. 140 il. O. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1884. Bibliographische "Anmerkungen", at the end of each chapter. Cole, Arthur C, editor. 59^ -8 O300 ""* Studies in microscopical science Vol. 1-2. [1883-1884.] pi. O. London 1 883-1 884. Vol. I contains articles by J. E. Ady and M. Forster Heddle. Vol. 2 contains: Fearnley, W. Animal histology. 48, [4] p. Houston, D. Botanical histology. 50,[4] p. Popular microscopical studies. 56, [4] p. The methods of microscopical research, an introductory essay. [3],lxxxiii,[4] p. The illustrations of vol. i are from original drawings by J. E. Ady. The drawings of vol. 2 were contributed by Edward T. Draper. Bibliographical lists accompany most of the articles. Miiller, Hermann. 581.16 O300 21440 jj^g fertilisation of flowers. Translated and edited by D'Arcy W. Thompson. With a preface by Charles Darwin. x,[2], 669 p. 186 il. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1883. Thompson, D'A. W. BibHography, p. 599-634. Dippel, Leopold. 578-02 O200 20144 -Q^g Mikroskop und seine Anwendung Zweite umgear- beitete Auflage. 2 vol. il. pi. O. Braunschweig: F. Vieweg & Sohn, 1882-1898. With bibliographical references scattered through vol. 2. Camerarius, Rudolf Jakob. 581.16 Ei 19503 Ueber das Geschlecht der Pflanzen. (De sexu plantarum epis- tola.) 1694. Uebersetzt und herausgegeben von M. Mobius. xiii,78 p. I por. D. [Ostwald's Klassiker der exakten Wissen- schaften, no. 105.] Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1899, "Schriften des Camerarius", p. viii-xii. "Anmerkungen," p. 55-78. 016.5819 GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF PLANTS 31586 Praeger, Robert Lloyd. 062.765 i v.7 Irish topographical botany. Compiled largely from original ma- terial. clxxxviii,4io p. 6 maps. O. [/;/ RoYAL Irish Academy. Proceedings, Third series, vol. 7. Dublin 1901.] "Bibliography of Irish topographical botany," p. cv-cxlvii. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 233 Sernander, Rutger. 581.948 Qioo """ Den skandinaviska vegetationens spridningsbiologi. Zur Ver- breitungsbiologie der skandinavischen Pflanzenwelt. Mit einern deutschen Resume. iv,459 p. 32 il. O. Upsala: Lundequistska Bokhandeln, 1901. "Litteraturforteckning," p. 418-428. Tabley, John Byrne Leicester Warren, Baron de. 581.942 P900 2886S -pj^g ^ox2i of Cheshire. By the late Lord de Tabley (Hon. J. Byrne Leicester Warren.) Edited by Spencer Moore. With a biographical notice of the author, by Sir Mountstuart Grant Duff. cxiv,[2],399 p. I por. i map. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1899. •'List of books, periodicals and manuscripts referred to and consulted," p. xcv-cxiv. Urban, Ignatius. L581.9729P800 2'959 Symbolae Antillanae; seu, Fundamenta florae Indiae occidentaHs. .... Vol. I-. Q. Berolini : Fratres Borntraeger, 1898. Contents: Vol. i, no. i. "Bibliographia Indiae occidentalis botanica." Voigt, Alfred. L580.7338 i 22037 j)jg botanischen Institute der freien und Hafisestadt Hamburg. Im Auftrage der Oberschulbehorde. [4], 102 p. 6 il. 11 pi. I map. Q. Hamburg: L. Voss, 1897. "Litteratur," p. 95-99. Engler, Adolf, &t Drude, 0., editors. L581.9 P601 ''^*" Die Vegetation der Erde. Sammlung pflanzengeographischer Monographien .... Vol. i- Q. Leipzig: W. Engel- mann, 1896-. Pax, Ferdinand. L581.9P601 v.2 23603 Qi-undziige der Pflanzenverbreitung in den Karpathen. Vol. i-. il. pi. map. \^In Engler, A., & Drude, O., ed. Die Vegetation der Erde, vol. 2.] Leipzig 1898-, "Litteraturverzeichnis," p. 27-63. Radde, Gustav. L581.9P601 v.3 ^^®"^ Grundzuge der Pflanzenverbreitung in den Kaukasuslandern von der unteren Wolga iiber den Manytsch-Schneider bis zur Scheitel- flache Hocharmeniens. xii,500 p. 13 il. 7 pi. 3 maps. \_In ENG- LER, A., &■ Drude, O., ed. Die Vegetation der Erde, vol. 3.] Leipzig 1899. "Litteratur," p. 11-22. 234 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Willkomm, Moritz. L581.9P601 v.i "®'" Grundziige der Pflanzenverbreitung auf der iberischen Halbinsel. ix-xiv,[2],395 P- 21 il. 2 pi. 2 maps. \_In Engler, A., &f Drude, O., ed. Die Vegetation der Erde, vol. i.] Leipzig 1896. "Literatur," p. 23-27. Rouy, Georges. 581.944 P300 26454 pi[Qj.g (jg France; ou, Description des plantes qui croissent spon- tanement en France, en Corse, et en Alsace-Lorraine Ou- vrage edite par la Societe des sciences naturelles de la Charente- Inferieure. Vol. i-. O. Asnieres, (Seine) : G. Rouy, 1893-. Vol. 1-3 are by G. Rouy and J. Foucaud; vol. 4-5, by G. Rouy; vol. 6-, by G. Rouy and E. J. Camus. "Index bibliographique," vol. i, p. xvii-lii. Macmillan, Conway. 570-9776 3 v.i 28242 Yhe metaspermae of the Minnesota valley. A list of the higher seed-producing plants indigenous to the drainage-basin of the Minnesota river. {In Minnesota. Geological and Natural History Survey. Reports of the survey. Botanical series, no. i.) Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1892. Britton, Nathaniel Lord. 581.9749 Oioo 23711 p^ preliminary catalogue of the flora of New Jersey. Compiled by N. L. Britton with the assistance of eminent botanists, xiii, 233 p. O. (New Jersey. Geological Survey.) New Bruns- wick 1 88 1. "Literature of the subject," p. vii-ix. Printed and numbered on only one side of the leaves. 016. 582-. 585 PHANEROGAMIA Koorders, S. H., 6' Valeton, Th. ''L580.7912 2 '^^■•^ Bijdrage tot de kennis der boomsoorten van Java. Additamenta ad cognitionem florae Javanicae No. 1-4, 7. (/;/ BuiTEN- ZORG. Lands PLANTENTUIN. Mededeelingen, no. 11, 14, 16-17, 42.) Batavia 1 894-1900. "Afkortingen der literatuur" at the ends of no. 1-4. Solereder, Hans. L583 P800 '**^'' Systematische Anatomie der Dicotyledonen. Kin Handbuch fur Laboratorien der wissenschaftlichen und angewandten Botanik. Herausgegeben mit Unterstutzung der K. bayer. Akademie der Wissenschaften. xii,984 p. 189 il. Q. Stuttgart: F. Enke, 1899. "Litteratur," p. 980-982 and at the end of each species. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 235 Chamberlain, Charles Joseph. 583.981 P700 ^°*^^ Contribution to the life history of salix. A dissertation presented to the . . . University of Chicago in candidacy for the degree of doctor of philosophy. 33 p. 7 pi. O. [UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. Hull Botanical Laboratory. Contributions, no. 3.] Chica- go: University of Chicago Press, 1897. "Bibliography," p. 27-29. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. Markham, Sir Clements Robert. 583.52 Oooi •^'^^ Peruvian bark. A popular account of the introduction of chin- chona cultivation into British India. 1860-1880. xxiii,550p. il. 3 maps. D. London: J. Murray, 1880. Contains a bibliography of the chinchona genus. Sweet, Robert. L583.134I500 '^'"*^ Cistineae. The natural order of cistus, or rock-rose ; ... descrip- tions of all the distinct species, and the most prominent varieties, that could be at present procured in the gardens of Great Britain ; with the best directions for their cultivation and propagation. XX p., 112 1., [4] p. 112 pi. Q. London: J. Ridgway, 1825-1830. With bibliographical references for each species. Caldwell, Otis William. 584.68 P800 21090 jj^g life-history of lemna minor. A dissertation submitted to the (University of Chicago) ... , in candidacy for the degree of doctor of philosophy, .... 30 p. 59 il. O. (UNIVERSITY OF Chicago. Hull Botanical Laboratory. Contributions, no. 12.] Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1899. "Bibliography," p. 29-30. Reprinted from the Botanical gazette, January, 1899. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. Coulter, John Merle, & Chamberlain, Charles J. 582 Qioo 296o4 Morphology of spermatophytes. [Part i. Gymnosperms.] x, 188 p. il. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1901. "Summary of literature cited," p. 180-185. Cover title reads : Seed plants. V^eitch's manual. 585.2 Qooi 19619 Veitch's manual of the coniferae, containing a general review of the order ; a synopsis of the species cultivated in Great Britain ; their botanical history; economic properties, place and use in arboriculture, etc., etc. A new and greatly enlarged edition by Adolphus H. Kent. [4], 562, [2] p. il. O. Chelsea: J. Veitch & Sons, 1900. "Bibliography," p. 546-548. 236 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY OI6.586-.588 CRYPTOGAMIA. GENERAL WORKS Pteridophyta — BryopJiyta Campbell, Douglas Houghton. 586 P500 '"®'* The structure & development of the mosses & ferns (archegon- iatse). viii,544 p. 266 il. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1895. Contains a bibliography. Bennett, Alfred William, & Murray, George. 586 O900 '"" A handbook of cryptogamic botany. viii,473 p. 382 il. O. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1889. "Literature" for each class. Underwood, Lucien Marcus. 587 P500 18877 Qyj. native ferns and their allies with synoptical descriptions of the American pteridophyta north of Mexico. Fifth edition, re- vised. xii,i56 p. il. I pi. D. New York: H. Holt & Co., 1896, c. 1888. "Literature" at the end of each of chapters i-io; ["literature of the lower plants",] p. 55-61. Moore, Thomas, F. L. S. 587.3 L502 18546 Nature-printed British ferns : being figures and descriptions of the species and varieties of ferns found in the United Kingdom. Na- ture-printed by Henry Bradbury 2vol. pi. O. London: Bradbury & Evans, 1863, pref. 1859. Bibliographical references for each species. Schiffner, Viktor. L588.3 P700 '"**" Conspectus hepaticarum archipelagi Indici. Vollstandige Syn- onymik aller bisher von den Inseln des indischen Archipels, der malayischen Halbinsel und den Inseln Penang und Singapore bekannten Lebermoose mit Angabe der Fundorte und der geo- graphischen Verbreitung, sowie zahlreichen kritischen Bemer- kungen. 382 p. Q. Batavia 1898. Bibliographical references for each species. Jaeger, Augustus, & Sauerbeck, Fr. 588.2 N800 '"" Genera et species muscorum systematice disposita ; seu, Adum- bratio florae muscorum totius orbis terrarum. Part 1-9 in 2 vol. O. Sancti Galli : W. Hausknecht, [1879?] With bibliographical references for each species. Reprinted from the Jahresbericht der St. Gall, naiurwissenschaftlichen Geselhchaft, 1870-1878. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 237 016.589 THALLOPHYTA Centralblatt. 589.053 4 '"^* Centralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde und Infektions- krankheiten. .". . . Zweite Abteilung. Allgemeine, landwirt- schaftlich-technologische Bakteriologie, Garungsphysiologie und Pflanzenpathologie. Continued from vol, i. 1895. '1- pl- O. Jena 1895-. Vol. 1-4 edited by Oscar Uhlworm; vol. 5-, by O. Uhlworm and Emil Christian Hansen. Jahresbericht. S^Q-OSS 5 11724 Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte in der Lehre von den patho- genen Mikroorganismen umfassend Bacterien, Pilze und Protozoen. .... Continued from vol. ii. 1895. O. Braunschweig 1 897-. Edited by P. von Baumgarten and F. Tangl. Revue. L589.054 4 89690 Yable explicative des planches contenues dans les quatorze pre- mieres annees [i 879-1 892] de la Revue [mycologique]. Par M. Jules Guillemot. 15 p. Q- [Toulouse 1900.] Published as supplement to Revue mycologique, vol. 22, 1900. No title-page. Underwood, Lucien Marcus. 589 P900 20013 Moulds, mildews and mushrooms. A guide to the systematic study of the fungi and mycetozoa and their literature. v,236 p. 10 pi. D. New York: H. Holt & Co., 1899. With bibliographical references for each order. "The geographic distribution of American fungi," with bibliographical references, p. 165-200. Centralblatt. 589-053 3 v.o "^^^ Centralblatt fiir Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde und Infektions- krankheiten. Erste Abteilung : Medicinisch-hygienische Bakteri- ologie und tierische Parasitenkunde General-Register fiir die Bande I-xxv, Bearbeitet von Dr. Gustav Lindau. iv,[2], 520 p. O. Jena: G. Fischer, 1899. Whipple, George Chandler. 613.33 P900 23035 jj^g microscopy of drinking-water. First edition. xii,300 p. 21 il. 19 pi. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1899. "Bibliography" p. 260-289. 238 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Zeitschrift. 589.053 6 v.o 20284 Register zum ersten bis dreissigsten Bande der Zeitschrift fiir Hygiene und Infectionskrankheiten Bearbeitet von T. Fellmer. [4], 78 p. O. Leipzig 1899. Annales. L589.054 2 v.ic 20401 jable alphabetique . . . des memoires originaux publics dans les tomes lax des Annales de micrographie. [/;/ Annales de mi- crographie, vol. 10, p. 427-442. Paris 1898.] Revue. L589.054 3 v.o 22494 Xable des especes (non figurees) dont une description se trouve dans les dix-neuf premieres annees (1879 a 1897) de la "Revue mycologique". Par M. Jules Guillemot. 55 P- Q- [Toulouse 1898.] Published with vol. 19. No title-page. Jahresbericht. 589-053 5 ®^^' Namen- und Sach-Register zu Baumgarten's Jahresbericht iibet die Fortschritte in der Lehre von den pathogenen Mikroorga- nismen, umfassend Bacterien, Pilze und Protozoen. Jahrgang l bis X. 1885 bis 1894. Bearbeitet von Dr. B. Honsell und Dr. E. Ziemke. [2],279,[i] p. O. Braunschweig: H. Bruhn, 1896. Klebs, Georg. 576 P600 ^^'^ Ueber die Fortpflanzungs-Physiologie der niederen Organismen, der Protobionten. Specieller Theil. Die Bedingungen der Fort- pflanzung bei einigen Algen und Pilzen. xviii,543,[i] p. 15 il. 3 pi. O. Jena: G. Fischer, 1896. "Litteratur-Verzeichniss," p. 536-543. Bary, Anton de. 589.2 O700 25594 Comparative morphology and biology of the fungi mycetozoa and bacteria. The authorised English translation by Henry E. F. Garnsey, revised by Isaac Bayley Balfour. xviii,[2],52 5 p. 198 il. O. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1887. Bibliographical references scattered through the book. Magnin, Antoine. 589.95 Oooi *^'* The bacteria. Translated by George M. Sternberg. 227 p. 10 pi. O. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1880. Contains a bibliography of bacteriology. 18709 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 239 016.5891 LICHENS Jatta, Antonio. L589.1 Qooi ^«*®^ Sylloge lichenum italicorum. xxxix,623 p. Q. Trani : V. Vecchi, 1900. •'Bibliographia Scriptorum omnium qui de lichenibus italicis ab anno 1546 hue usque scripserunt," xix-xxxii. "Index operum quae in hac Sylloge laudantur et compendiose notantur," p. xxxiii- xxxix. Schneider, Albert. 589- 1 P700 10248 ^ text-book of general lichenology. With descriptions of the genera occurring in the northeastern United States. xvii,230 p. ^e pi. O. Binghamton, N. Y. : W. N. Clute & Co., 1897. "Literature", p. xi-xvii. Tuckerman, Edward. 589.1 N200 Genera lichenum. An arrangement of the North American li- chens. xv,28i,[2] p. O. Amherst: E. Nelson, 1872. Bibliographical references scattered through the book. 016.5892 FUNGI Macbride, Thomas Huston. 589.29 P900 20343 -pj^g North American slime-moulds. Being a list of all species of myxomycetes hitherto described from North America, including Central America. xvii,269 p. 18 il. i pi. O. New York: Mac- millan Co., 1899. Bibliographical references with individual species. Clark, Josephine Adelaide. 016.5892 C54 '^"' Reference list of publications relating to edible and poisonous mushrooms. 16 p. O. (U.S.A. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICUL- TURE. Library bulletin, no. 20.) Washington 1897. Taylor, Thomas. 589.21 P700 '^"^ Student's hand-book of mushrooms of America, edible and poisonous. Published in serial form. 5 nos. in i vol. pi. O. Washington, D. C: A. R. Taylor, 1 897-1 898. "Bibliography" no. 3, p. 21-22, no. 5, p. 22-23. 240 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Cooke, Mordecai Cubitt. 589-2 P500 18082 Introduction to the study of fungi : their organography, classifi- cation, and distribution. For the use of collectors. x,36o p. il. O. London: A. & C. Black, 1895. Bibliographies at the end of chapters 9-27. Gibson, William Hamilton. 589.22 P500 "'" Our edible toadstools and mushrooms and how to distinguish them. A selection of thirty native food varieties . . . , with sim- ple rules for the identification of poisonous species. x,[2],337 p. il. 30 pi. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1895. Contains a bibliography. Soci^t^ mycologique de France. L589. 06482 i v.o 18276 Bulletin de la Societe mycologique de France Table ge- nerale des matieres se rapportant aux tomes l-X (annees 1885- 1894 inclusivement). [2], 99 p. Q. Paris 1895. McAlpine, Daniel. L589.2 P400 ^"" Systematic arrangement of Australian fungi, together with host- index and list of works on the subject. vi,[2],236,[2] p. sq.Q. Melbourne 1895. Published by the Department of Agriculture, Victoria. "List of works on Australian fungi," p. 227-236. Ellis, Job Bicknell, 6- Everhart, B. M. 589.235 Pooi 17976 jj^g North American pyrenomycetes. A contribution to myco- logic botany. With original illustrations by F. W. Anderson. [2], iii, 793 p. 41 pi. O. Newfield, New Jersey: ElHs& Everhart, 1892. Bibliographical references for each species. Analytical key .... 1 1 p. O. No title-page. Plowright, Charles Bagge. 589.225 O900 27546 ^ monograph of the British uredineae and ustilagineae. With an account of their biology including the methods of observing the germination of their spores and of their experimental culture. vii,[2],347 p. 13 il. 8 pi. O. London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., 1889. "Authors quoted," p. 309-315. Farlow, William Gilson. 016.5892 F22 "*' A supplement list of works on North American fungi. 9 p. O. (Harvard University Library. Bibliographical contributions, no. 31.) Cambridge, Mass., 1888. Bound with Farlow, W. G. & Trelease, W. A list of works on North American fungi. 1887. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 24 1 Farlow, William Gilson, dr Trelease, William. 016.5892 F22 "*° A list of works on North American fungi. 369. O. (HARVARD University, Library. Bibliographical contributions, no. 25.) Cambridge, Mass., 1887. Bound with this: Farlow, W. G. A supplemental list .... 1888. OI6.5893-.5896 ALG^ Toni, Giovanni Battista de. 589.3 O900 14830 Sylloge algarum omnium hucusque cognitarum. Digessit Doct. J. Bapt. de-Toni Vol. i-. O. Patavii : sumptibus auctoris, 1 889-. Published and bound with vol. 2, part 3 : Toni, E. de. Repertorium geographico- polyglottum, 1894. Hauck, Ferdinand. 586 O400 '^^" Die Meeresalgen Deutschlands und Oesterreichs. xxiii,[i],575, [i] p. 583 il. 5 pi. [/« Rabenhorst, L. Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz, vol. 2.] Leipzig 1885. "Literatur-Verzeichniss", p. xiii-xxiii. Wood, Horatio C, Jr. L061.823 '®*' A contribution to the history of the fresh-water algae of North America. ... 1872. viii,262 p. 21 pi. (7;^ SMITHSONIAN INSTI- TUTION. Smithsonian contributions to knowledge, vol. 19. Wash- ington 1874.) Contains a bibliography of algae. Rabenhorst, Ludwig. 589.3 M400 •8420 YXoxdi Europaea algarum aquae dulcis et submarinae. 3 vol. in i. il. por. O. Lipsiae: E. Kummer, 1 864-1 868. "Auctores citati," p. vii-xx. Wille, N. L589.67 P700 16764 Beitrage zur physiologischen Anatomic der Laminariaceen. [2], 70 p. I pi. Q. Christiania 1897. "Litteratur," p. 61-64. 242 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Heurck, Henri van. L589.61 P600 7904 ^ treatise on the diatomaceae, containing introductory remarks on the structure, Hfe history, collection, cultivation and prepara- tion of diatoms, and a description and figure typical of every known genus, as well as a description and figure of every species found in the North Sea and countries bordering it, ... . Trans- lated by Wynne E. Baxter. XX, 558 p. 291 il. 36 pi. Q. London: W. Wesley & Son, 1896. "Bibliography," p. 104-121. Lauterborn, Robert. L589.61 P602 10895 Untersuchungen uber Bau, Kernteilung und Bewegung der Diato- meen. Aus dem Zoologischen Institut der Universitat Heidelberg. [6], 165 p. I il. 10 pi. sq.Q. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1896. "Litteratur-Verzeichniss", p. 139-144. Nordstedt, Carl Fredrik Otto. L589.61 P601 ^'''^ Index desmidiacearum, citationibus locupletissimus atque biblio- graphia. Opus subsidiis et ex aerario regni Suecani et ex pecunia Regise societatis scient. Holmiens. collatis editum. [2], 3 10 p. sq.Q. Berolini : Fratres Borntraeger, 1896. WoUe, Francis. 589.61 P200 '''" Desmids of the United States and list of American pediastrums. (New and enlarged edition.) 182 p. 64 pi. i por. O. Bethle- hem, Pa.: Moravian Publication Office, 1892. "Names of authors . . . with the titles of the works consulted," p. ix-x. Pelletan, Jules. L589.61 Pioo Les diatomees. Histoire naturelle, preparation, classification & description des principales especes. Introduction, par J. Deby. Expose de la classification, par Paul Petit. Liste des diatomees frangaises, par H. Peragallo. 2 vol. in i. il. pi. Q. Paris: J,-B. Bailliere & Fils, 1891. "Bibliographies des diatomees," vol. 2, p. 299-35ob. 016.5899 BACTERIA. YEAST. MICRO-ORGANISMS OF FERMENTATION Jahresbericht. 589.053 i '''" Jahresbericht liber die Fortschritte in der Lehre von den Gahrungs- Organismen. Unter Mitwirkung von Fachgenossen bearbeitet. Continued from vol. i. 1890. il. O. Leipzig 1891-. Edited by Alfred Koch. Vol. 1-8 published in Braunschweig. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 243 Klocker, Alb. L663.1 Qooi """^ Die Garungsorganismen in der Theorie und Praxis der Alkohol- garungsgewerbe. Mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Einrich- tungen und Arbeiten garungsphysiologischer und garungstech- nischer Laboratorien. Ein Lehrbuch fiir Studierende und Prak- tiker. xvi,3i8 p. 147 il. Q. Stuttgart: M. Waag, 1900. "Litteraturiibersicht," p. 280-308. Duclaux, Emile. L589.95 P801 '^'*" Traite de microbiologic 4 vol. il. Q. Paris: Masson & c'^, 1898-1901. Contents : Vol. I . Microbiologic generale. [2],iii,632 p. 61 il. 1898. Vol.2. Dias- tases, toxines et venins. [2],iii,768 p. 27 il. 1899. Vol. 3. Fermentation alcoolique. [2],iii,76o p. 84 il. 1900. Vol. 4. Fermentations varices des diverses substances ter- naires. [2],iii,768 p. 45 il. 1901. "Bibliographic," at the end of each chapter. Jorgensen, Alfred. 589-9 P8oi 24624 Micro-organisms and fermentation. Translated by Alex. K. Miller, & A. E. Lennholm. Third edition. Completely revised. xiii,[2],3i8 p. 83 il. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1900. "Bibliography," p. 277-318. Crookshank, Edgar March. 589-95 P702 '®^^ A text-book of bacteriology, including the etiology and preven- tion of infective diseases and a short account of yeasts >and moulds, haematozoa, and psorosperms. Fourth edition, reconstructed, revised and greatly enlarged. xxx,[2],7i5 p. 273 il. 22 pi. O. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders, 1897. "Bibliography", p. 639-665. Fischer, Alfred. 589.95 P708 11462 Untersuchungen uber den Bau der Cyanophyceen und Bakterien. ix,i36 p. 3 pi. O. Jena: G. Fischer, 1897. "Citierte Litteratur", p. 133-136. Fischer, Alfred. L589.95 P713 86936 jj^g structure and functions of bacteria. Translated into English by A. Coppen Jones. viii,i98 p. 29 il. Q. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1900. "[Bibliographical] notes", p. 169-184. Fischer, Alfred. L589.95 P707 "^°' Vorlesungen uber Bakterien. viii,i86 p. 29 il. Q. Jena: G. Fischer, 1897. [Bibliographische] "Anmerkungen," p. 161-178. 244 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Jorgensen, Alfred. 589-9 P701 24925 -Qjg Mikroorganismen der Garungsindustrie. Vierte, neubearbei- tete und vermehrte Auflage. viii,349 p. 79 il. O. Berlin : P. Parey, 1898. "Litteratur", p. 293-344. Migula, Walther. L589.95 P712 17350 gystem der Bakterien. Handbuch der Morphologic, Entwick- elungsgeschichte und Systematik der Bakterien Vol. i-. pi. Q. Jena: G. Fischer, 1897-. "Litteratur," at the end of the chapters. Muir, Robert, & Ritchie, James. 589.95 P703 "*° Manual of bacteriology. xvi,[2],5 19 p. 108 il. D. [Pentland's students' manuals.] Edinburgh: Y. J. Pentland, 1897. "Bibliography," p. 493-506. Sternberg, George Miller. 589.95 P301 """^ A manual of bacteriology. xii,886 p. 268 il. 8 pi. O. New York: W. Wood & Co., 1893. "Bibliography," p. 769-876. Jorgensen, Alfred. 589.9 P200 """ Micro-organisms and fermentation. New edition. Translated from the re-written and much enlarged third edition in German by Alex. K. Miller and E. A. Lennholm, and revised by the author. viii,257 p. 56 il. O. London: F. W. Lyon, 1893. Contains a bibliography of bacteriology. Jorgensen, Alfred. 589.9 P201 ^"'^^ Die Mikroorganismen der Garungsindustrie. Dritte, neubear- beitete und vermehrte Auflage. xvi,230 p. 56 il. O. BerHn: P. Parey, 1892. Contains a bibliography of fermentation. Magnin, Antoine. 589.95 Oooi '*" The bacteria. Translated by George M. Sternberg. 227 p. 10 pi. O. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1880. Contains a bibliography of bacteriology. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 245 016.59 ZOOLOGY. GENERAL WORKS Archiv. 590-53 3 "" Archiv fur Naturgeschichte. . . . Continued from vol. i. [1834.] pi. O. Berlin 183 5-. Index to vol. l-6o, 1 834-1 894 published separately in 2 vol. Vol. 1-6 edited by A. F. A. Wiegmann; vol. 7-14, by W. F. Erichson; vol. 15-48, part I, by F. H. Troschel; vol. 48, part 2-, by E, von Martens. Bibliographia zoologica. '^'" Bibliographia zoologica. Continued from no. i. 1896. Zurich 1 896-. Compiled under the direction of H. H. Field, of the ConciUum bibliographicum, Zurich. Card index; filed in Reading Room. Also published in book form as supplement to Zoologischer Anzeiger; has shelf number 016.59 B47 Bibliographia zoologica. 016.59 B47 14726 Bibliographia zoologica (diario "Zoologischer Anzeiger" adnexa) adjuvante Concilio Bibliographico quod Turici praeside H. H. Field institutum est Continued from vol. i. [1896.] O. Lipsiae 1896-. Published as supplement to Zoologischer Anzeiger, vol. 19-, and continuation of the "Litteratur" in its previous vol., which have shelf number 590.53 8 Edited by J. Victor Carus. Also issued in card form from the Concilium Bibliographicum in Zurich; this is filed in reading room. Annales. L570.544 ''"^ Table generale, alphabetique et raisonnee des matieres . . . suivie d'une table generale des auteurs .... Continued from [no. l]. 1853. \In Annales des sciences naturelles. Zoologie et paleon- tologie.] Paris 185 3-. Each index is published in vol. 20 of the series covered by it. Index to Seventh series has no title-page. Zoological record. 590-52 2 *82> The Zoological record, being records of zoological literature .... Continued from vol. i. 1864. O. London 1865-. Vol 1-6 edited by Albert C. L. G. Gunther; vol. 7-9. by Alfred Newton; vol. lo- 20,.by Edward Caldwell Rye; vol. 21-22, by F. Jeffrey Bell; vol. 23-27, by Frank E. Beddard; vol. 28-, by D. Sharp. Vol. 31- edited for the Zoological Society of London. Vol 1-6 published under the title: The Record of zoological literature; vol. 7-27: The Zoological record; being volume ... of The Record of zoological literature. 246 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Zoologischer Anzeiger. 590«53 8 ''"^ Zoologischer Anzeiger Zugleich Organ der Deutschen zoologischen Gesellschaft. With supplements. Continued from vol. I. 1878. il. O. Leipzig 1878-. Index to vol. 1-20, 1878-1897, published separately in 3 vol. Edited by J. Victor Carus. Vol. 1-12 have no subtitle. Vol. 1-16 contain "Litteratur" in every number, vol. 14-16 with independent pagination. For continuation of this see Bibliographia zoologica. Zoologischer Jahresbericht. 1*590.53 4 *^*^ Zoologischer Jahresbericht .... Herausgegeben von der Zoolo- gischen Station zu Neapel, Continued from [vol. i.] 1879. Q. BerHn 1880-. Index to vol. [8-12] 1886-1890 published separately. [Vol. 1-2] edited by J. Vict. Carus; [vol. 3], by J. V. Carus and Paul Mayer; [vol. 4], by J. V. Carus, P. Mayer and Wilh. Giesbrecht; [vol. 5-6], by P. Mayer and W. Giesbrecht; [vol. 7-], by P. Mayer. [Vol. 1-5] published in Leipzig. Zoologischer Jahresbericht. L590.53 4 v.o *^^* Autoren- und Sachregister zu den Zoologischen Jahresberichten flir 1 886-1 890. Bearbeitet von Dr. P. Schiemenz und Dr. E. Schoebel. Herausgegeben von der Zoologischen Station zu Nea- pel. iv,365 p. Q. Berlin 1895. Zoologisches Centralblatt. 590*53i "'® Zoologisches Centralblatt. Continued from vol. i, February 1894-5. il. O. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1895-. Edited by A. Schuberg. Milne-Edwards, Alphonse. L017.44 M63 *"** Catalogue des livres d'histoire naturelle de la bibliotheque de feu Alphonse Milne-Edwards, dont la vente . . . aura Heu a Paris ... 1901 .... Part I-. I por. Q. Paris: Les Fils d'Emile Deyrolle, [1901-]. Davenport, Charles Benedict. 570.7 P900 Statistical methods, with special reference to biological variation. First edition vii,i48 p. 28 il. i pi. S. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1899. "Selected bibliography of works on the quantitative study of organisms," p. 40-42. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 247 Festschrift. L590.8 7 ^'"' Festschrift zum siebenzigsten Geburtstag von Carl von Kupffer. [8], 750 p. 188 il. 2 pi. 2 tables. Atlas of 64 pi. 38 colored, sq. F\ Jena: G. Fischer, 1899. Contents: Amann, J. A., Jr. Ueber Bildung von Ureiern und primarfollikelahnlichen Gebilden im senilen Ovarium. Boveri, T. Die Entwickelung von Ascaris megalocephala mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die Kernverhaltnisse. Bohm, A. A. Ueber die kapillaren Venen Billroth's der Milz. Davidoff, M. von. Ueber praoralen Darm und die Entwick- elung der Pramandibularhohle bei den Reptilien ( Platydactylus mauritanicus L. und Lacertamuralis Merr.) Dean, B. On the embryology of Bdellostoma stouti. A general account of myxinoid development from the egg and segmentation to hatching. Doflein, F. Ueber die Eibildung und Eiablage von Bdellostoma stouti Lock. Flemming, W. Zur Kenntnis des Ovarialeies. Gregory, E. Die Kupffer'sche Blase bei der Forelle (Trutta fario). Hahn, H. Rontgographische Untersuchungen fiber das Verhalten der Epiphysen der Unterschenkelknochen wahrend des Wachstums. Hertwig, R. Ueber Encystierung und Kernvermehrung bei Arcella vulgaris. Klaussner, F. Ein Beitrag zur Kasuistik der Spalthand und zur Frage der Vererbbarkeit eines durch Verletzung gesetzten Detektes. Maas, O. Verlauf und Schichtenbau des Darmkanals von Myxine glutinosa L. Meves, F. Ueber den Einfluss der Zellteilung auf den Sekretionsvorgang, nach Beobachtungen an der Niere der Salamanderlarve. Mollier, S. Ueber die Statik und Mechanik des mensch- lichen Schultergiirtels unter normalen und pathologischen Verhaltnissen. Neumayer, L. Studie zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Gehirnes der Saugetiere. Oppel, A. Zur Topo- graphie der Zungendriisen des Menschen und einiger Saugetiere. Ruckert, J. Die erste Entwickelung des Eies der Elasmobranchier. Schaper, A. Die nervosen Elemente der Selachier-Retina in Methylenblaupraparaten. Nebst einigen Bemerkungen uber das "Pigmentepithel" und die konzentrischen Stiitzzellen. Scheel, C. Beitrage zur Fort- pflanzung der Amoben. Schmaus, H., & Albrecht, E. Zur funktionellen Struktur der Leberzelle. Semon, R. Zur vergleichenden Anatomic der Gelenkbildungen bei den Wirbeltieren. Sewertzoff, A. N. Die Entwickelung des Selachierschadels. Ein Beitrag zur Theorie der korrelativen Entwickelung. Stieda, L. Geschichte der Entwickelung der Lehre von den Nervenzellen und Nervenfasern wahrend des 19. Jahrhunderts. I. Teil. Von Sommering bis Deiters. Stintzing, R. Zur Struktur der Magenschleim- haut. Stubenrauch, L. von. Tafeln zur Anatomic und Histologic der Zahne. Zander, R. Beitrage zur Morphologic der Dura mater und zur Knochenentwickelung. Ziegler, P. Ein Beitrag zur Technik der histologischen Untersuchung des Knochens. "Litteratur" at ends of papers. Roule, Louis. L591.4P800 L'anatomie comparee des animaux basee sur I'embryologie. 2 vol. paged continuously; vol. i: xxvi,i-796 p. ; vol.2: [2], 797-1971 p. il. Q. Paris: Marson & C*^ 1898. "Notice bibliographique," at the end of each chapter. Zeitschrift. 590-53 2 "^'^ Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftliche Zoologie, ... . Namen- und Sachregister .... [Vol. 1-4.] O. Leipzig 1868-1898. Contents: [Vol. l], vol. I-15, 1848-1865; [vol. 2], vol. 16-30, and supplements to vol. 25-30, 1866-1878; [vol. 3.], vol. 31-45, 1878-1887; [vol. 4], vol. 46-60, 1888-1895, and supplement to vol. 53. [Vol. i] compiled by Carl Ernst Klotz. 248 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Parker, Thomas Jeffery, & Haswell, William A. 590.2 P702 15713 ^ text-book of zoology. 2 vol. il. O. London : Macmillan & Co., 1897. "Guide to modern zoological literature," vol. 2, p. 651-655. Wiedersheim, Robert. 591.4 P700 ^""^ Elements of the comparative anatomy of vertebrates. Adapted from the German of Dr. Robert Wiedersheim, by W. N. Parker. Second edition (founded on the third German edition). xvi,488 p. 307 il. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1897. "Bibliography", p. 389-480. Deutsche zoologische Gesellschaft. L590.2 P703 i«673 j)^g Tierreich. Eine Zusammenstellung und Kennzeichnung der rezenten Tierformen. Herausgegeben von der Deutschen zoolo- gischen Gesellschaft. Generalredakteur : Franz Eilhard Schulze. .... Part I-. il. Q. Berlin: R. Friedlander & Sohn, 1897-. Bibliographical references for each species. Goode, George Brown. 071.91 3 v.49 20908 'j'jjg pubUshed writings of Philip Lutley Sclater, 1 844-1 896. [A bibliography.] xix,i35 p. i por. [/« United States NATION- AL Museum. Bulletin, no. 49.] Washington 1896. "Biographical sketch of Philip Lutley Sclater," p. ix-xix. Archiv. 590-53 3 v.o *"* Register zu dem . . . Archiv flir Naturgeschichte, .... [Vol. i- 60. 1 834-1 894. Vol. 1-2. O. Berlin 1 860-1 895. [Vol. i] compiled by F. H. Troschel; [vol. 2], by Robert Lucas. Contents: [vol. i], index to vol. 1-25, 1834-1859; [vol. 2], to vol. 26-60, 1860- 1894. Studer, Theophil. 015.494 C73 v.4 21050 Fauna helvetica. [Bibliographic] zusammengestellt von Dr. Theophil Studer. Unter Mitwirkung der Schweizerischen zoolo- gischen Gesellschaft. No. [i-]. [/« Centralkommission FiJR SCHWEIZERISCHE Landeskunde. Bibliographic, vol. IV6.] Bern 1894-. Johns Hopkins University. 570.51 7 v.5 20540 Studies from the biological laboratory. Contents of volumes l-V. 1 879-1 893. xiii p. Baltimore 1893. Bound with vol. 5 of the Studies. Thomson, J. Arthur. 590.2 P201 9086 yi^g study of animal life. Third edition. xii,375 p. 71 il. D. [University extension manuals.] New York : C. Scribner's Sons, 1896. "Some ot the 'best books* on animal life", p. 351-369. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 249 Archives. 590-54 1 '"* Table alphabetique des matieres [des Archives de zoologie ex- perimentale et generale]. [/;/ Archives de zoologie experi- mentale, vol. lO, second series, vol. lo. Paris 1882-1892.] Part I, index to First series, 1872-1882, in vol. 10; part 2, index to Second series, 1883-1892, in vol. 10. Zoological Society of London. 590.6299 2 *"' Proceedings of the [scientific meetings] of the Zoological Society of London. Index. 1830-1890. 4 vol. in 2. O. London 1866- 1892. Goode, George Brown. 071.913 ^^'' Bibliographies of American naturalists. V. The published writ- ings of Dr. Charles Girard. 141 P- i por. O. [UNITED STATES National Museum. Bulletin, no. 41.] Washington 1891. Taschenberg, Otto. 016.59 T18 '^■'* Bibliotheca zoologica II. Verzeichniss der Schriften Uber Zoo- logie, welche in den periodischen Werken enthalten und vom Jahre 1861-1880 selbstandig erschienen sind. Mit Einschlussder allgemein-naturgeschichtlichen, periodischen und palaeontologi- schen Schriften. Vol. i-. O. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1887-. Zoological Society of London. 017.42 Z7 19668 Catalogue of the library of the Zoological Society of London. Fourth edition. [4],5I5 p. O. London 1887. "Periodicals. Journals and transactions of learned societies," p. 441-506. Sarasin, Paul, & Sarasin, Fritz. L570.954 O600 S8S3 Ergebnisse naturwissenschaftlicher Forschungen auf Ceylon. 3 vol. il. pi. tables. Atlas of i map, 83 pi. i table, sq. F\ Wies- baden: C. W. Kreidel, 1887-1893. Contents: Vol. i. Die Augen und das Integument der Diadematiden. Ueber zwei parasitische Schnecken. Aus der Entwicklungsgeschichte der Helix Waltoni, Reeve. Knospenbildung bei Linckia multifora, Lamarck. Ueber die Anatomie der Echino- thuriden und die Phylogenie der Echinodermen. Vol. 2. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte und Anatomie der ceylonesischen Blindwuhle Ichthyophis glutinosus, L. Vol. 3. Die Weddas von Ceylon und die sie umgebenden Volkerschaften, ein Versuch, die in der Phylogenie des Menschen ruhenden Rathsel der Losung naher zu bringen. "Literaturverzeichniss", at the end of the chapters. Atlas belongs to vol. 3. Howes, George Bond. L570.2 O500 ***' An atlas of practical elementary biology. With a preface by Professor Huxley. viii,[4],ii6 p. il. 24 pi. sq.Q. London: Macmillan& Co., 1885. "Bibliography", p. 112-116. 250 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY British Museum. Department of Zoology. 017.42 B779 '®'*'^ Catalogue of the books in the Department of Zoology (British Museum, Natural History), Third edition. [4], 399 p. O. [London] 1884. Thomas, Cyrus. ^557-3 5 7339 Synopsis of the acrididae of North America, x, 262 p. i pi. [/« U. S. A. Department of the Interior. Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. Reports, vol. 5. Washington 1873.] "Authorities", p. 3-6. Carus, Julius Victor, & Engelmann, Wilhelm. 016.59 C25 ^^'* Bibliotheca zoologica. Verzeichnissder Schriften liber Zoologie, welche in den periodischen Werken enthalten und vom Jahre 1 846- 1860 selbstandig erschienen sind. Mit Einschluss der allgemein- naturgeschichtlichen, periodischen and palaeontologischen Schrif- ten. 2 vol. O. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1861. Bronn, Heinrich Georg, editor. L590.2L900 13969 j-)jg Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs, wissenschaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild. Vol. i-. il. pi. Q. Leipzig: C. F. Winter, 1862-. Vol. I published in 1880- 1 889. Continued by W. Keferstein, A. Gerstaecker and others. Agassiz, Louis. 016.57 A262 ■•" Bibliographia zoologiae et geologiae. A general catalogue of all books, tracts, and memoirs on zoology and geology. Corrected, enlarged, and edited by H. E. Strickland. 4 vol. O. [Ray SO- CIETY.] London i 848-1 854. Annales. L570.54 4 Annales des sciences naturelles. Deuxieme serie. [Zoologie.] Table generale, alphabetique et raisonnee des matieres suivie d'une table alphabetique des auteurs .... 64 p. O, Paris 1844. Swainson, William. 032 J015 13286 Taxidermy, bibliography, and biography. [6] ,392 p. (/;/ Lard- NER, D., i:^. The cabinet cyclopaedia. Natural history.) London 1840. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 2$ I Eichwald, Eduard von. 590.2 I900 ""* Zoologia specialis quam expositis animalibus turn vivis, turn fos- silibus, potissimum Rossiae in universum, et Poloniae in specie, in usum lectionum publicarum in Universitate Caesarea Vilnensi habendarum edidit D. Eduardus Eichwald 3 vol. pi, nar.O. Vilnae 1 829-1 831. "Literatura," with topics, classes and species. Adanson, Michel. L570.966 Fi I560I f^jgtoire naturelle du Senegal. Coquillages. Avec la relation abregee d'un voyage fait en ce pays, pendant Ics annees 1749, 50, 51, 52 & 53. [8],i90,[2],xcvi,275 p. 19 pi. i map. sq.Q. Paris: C. J. B. Bauche, 1757. With bibliographical references for each species. 016.591 COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY AND ANATOMY Embryology — Histology Anatomische Hefte. L591.053 9 14869 Anatomische Hefte. Referate und Beitrage zur Anatomic und Entwickelungsgeschichte Zweite Abteilung. Ergebnisse der Anatomic tlnd Entwickelungsgeschichte. Continued from vol. I. 1 89 1, pi. Q. Wiesbaden 1892-. Edited by Fr. Merkel and R. Bonnet. Anatomischer Anzeiger. 591*05 i 10527 Anatomischer Anzeiger. Centralblatt fiir die gesamte wissen- schaftliche Anatomic. Amtliches Organ der Anatomischen Gesellschaft With supplements. Continued from vol. i. [1886]. il. O. Jena 1886-. Edited by Karl von Bardeleben. Vol. I has not the words: Amtliches Organ .... Bibliographia anatomica-. [BibHographia anatomica.] Continued from March, 1897. [Zu- rich 1897-.] CompUed under the direction of H. H. Field, of the Concilium bibliographicum, Zurich. Card index. Also published in book form as supplement to and bound with Anatomischer An- zeiger which has shelf number 591.05 I 252 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Bibliographia anatomica. 59i'05 i '°"' Bibliographia anatomica Continued from March, 1897. O. Jena 1897-. Published as supplement to and bound with Anatomischer Anzeiger. Edited by E. Roth and Herbert Haviland Field. Also issued in card form from the Concilium bibliographicum in Zurich. No title-page. Bibliographia physiologica. 016.591 B47 18083 Bibliographia physiologica. (016:612) .... Continued from [vol. l]. 1893. O. (INSTITUT BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE INTERNA- TIONALE. Bibliographia universalis.) Paris: F. Alcan, 1894-. 1893-compiIed by Ch. Richet. Published under the auspices of the Concihum bibliographicum in Zurich. [First series] has sub-title: Repertoire des travaux de physiologic . . . Classd d'apr^s la classification decimale. [First series], 1893-1896. New series continued from vol. i, 1897. [First series] printed on only one side of the leaves. Bibliographie anatomique. 610.54 i 17855 Bibliographie anatomique. Revue des travaux en langue fran- gaise, anatomic — histologic — embryologie — anthropologic. .... Continued from vol. i. 1893. Jl- pl- O. Paris [1894-]. Edited by A. Nicolas. Centralblatt. 591-05317 I620I Centralblatt fur Physiologic. Unter Mitwirkung der Physiolo- gischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin und der Morphologisch-physiolo- gischen Gesellschaft zu Wien herausgegeben .... With supple- ments. April, i897-[98]. il. O. Leip- zig 1 898-. Vol. II edited by J. Latschenberger and J. Munk; vol. I2-, by Sigm. Fuchs and J. Munk. Vol. 1 1 -1 3 title-page reads: Unter Mitwirkung ... des Physiologischen Clubs in Wien. Jahresbericht. 631.053 i '"" Jahresbericht liber die Fortschritte auf dem Gesamtgebiete der Agrikultur-Chemie Continued from vol. i. 1858-1859. O. Berlin i860-. Index to vol. 1-40, 1858-1897, published separately in 2 vol. Vol. 1-6 edited by Robert Hoffman; vol. 7-9, by Eduard Peters; vol, 10-32, by Th. Dietrich, A. Hilger and others; vol. 33-, by A. Hilger and Th. Dietrich. Vol. 1-6 published under the title: Jahresbericht iiber die FortschriUe der Agricul- turchemie mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Pflanzenchemie und Pflanzenphysiologie. Vol. 21-40 also called New series; vol. 41-, Third series. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 253 Jahresbericht. 591.05310 *"-^ Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Physiologie Con- tinued from vol. I, 1892. O. Bonn 1894-. Continued from : Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Anatomic und Physiologie. Edited by L. Hermann. Jahres-Bericht. 591.053 4 ^"'* Jahres-Bericht iiber die Fortschritte der Thier-Chemie, oder der physiologischen und pathologischen Chemie Continued from vol. I. 1 87 1, pi. O. Wiesbaden 1873-. Index to vol. 1-20, 1871-1880, published separately. Vol. 1-5, 7-1 1, 13, edited by Richard Maly; vol. 6, by Felix Hoppe-Seyler; vol. 12, by Richard Pribram; vol. 14-15, by Richard Maly and Rudolf Andreasch; vol. 16-20, by Rudolf Andreasch; vol. 21-, by M. von Nencki and Rudolf Andreasch. Vol. i-io published under the title: Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Thier- chemie. Vol. 1-2 published at Wien. Jahresbericht. L591.053 19 ^''^^^ Jahresbericht iiber die Leistungen und Fortschritte in der Ana- tomic und Physiologie Continued from 1897, Q- Berlin 1 898-. Edited by Rudolf Virchow. Journal. L591.054 7 20897 Journal de physiologie et de pathologic generate. . . . Continued from vol. I. 1899. Q. Paris [1899-]. Edited by [C] Bouchard and [A]. Chauveau. Beecher, Charles Emerson. 575 Qioi 30885 gtufjjgg jn evolution. Mainly reprints of occasional papers select- ed from the publications of the Laboratory of Invertebrate Paleon- tology, Pcabody Museum, Yale University. xxiii,638 p. 132 il. 34 pi. O. [Yale bicentennial publications.] New York : C. Scribner's Sons, 1901. Contents: i. General evolution. The origin and significance of spines. 2. Structure and development of trilobites. 3. Studies in tlie development of the brachiopoda. 4. Miscellaneous studies in development. [Corals and cephalopods.] "References" scattered through the book. Hertwig, Oscar, editor. I'SQi-S Qioo ^'^" Handbuch der vergleichenden und experimentellen Entwicke- lungslehre der Wirbeltiere, .... Part i-. il. por. Q. Jena: G. Fischer, 1901-. "AUgemeine Litteraturiibersicht," p. 69-85. Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift. 547-053 2 v.o 80288 Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie Sach- und Autorenregister zu Band I-XXX. [1877-1900.] [2], 265, [2] p. O. Strassburg: K. J. Triibner, 1901. Compiled by H. Steudel. 254 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Narath, Albert. LSQI-OSS 20 v.3 29738 j3gj. Bronchialbaum der Saugethiere und des Menschen. Eine vergleichend anatomische und entwicklungsgeschichtliche Studie. viii,38o p. 242 il. 7 colored pi. \_In Bibliotheca medica. Ab- theilung A. Anatomic, no. 3.] Stuttgart 1901. "Literatur-Verzeichnis, " p. 373-376. Schenk, [Samuel] Leopold. 591.36 Qioo 28196 Lehrbuch der Geschlechtsbestimmung. (Dokumcnte zu meiner Theoric.) 176 p. O. Halle a. S. : C. Marhold, 1901. "Litteratur-Verzeichnis," p. 167-176. Bohm, A. A., & Davidoff, M. von. L611.02 Qooi 29082 ^ text-book of histology, including microscopic technic. Edited, with extensive additions to both text and illustrations, by G. Carl Huber. Authorized translation from the second revised German edition, by Herbert H. Gushing. 501 p. 351 il. Q. London: W, B. Saunders & Co., 1900. "References to literature", p. 461-481. Archiv. 591.053 7 v.o 24299 Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologic des Menschen und der Thiere Register zum 31. -70. Band, von Max Bleibtreu, [4], 542 p. O. Bonn: E. Strauss, 1900. Ehrlich, Paul, & Lazarus, A. 591-85 Qooi ®^®" Histology of the blood, normal and pathological. Edited and translated by W. Myers, with a preface by G. Sims Woodhead. xiii,2i6 p. 2 pi. D. Cambridge: University Press, 1900, "Literature," p. 195-208. Koeppe, Hans. 541. i Qooi Physikalische Chemie in der Medicin. Einflihrung in die physi- kalische Chemie und ihre Verwertung in der Medicin. iv,[2], 170 p. 10 il. O. Wien: A. Holder, 1900. "Literatur," p. 161-170. Lang, Arnold. L591 .4 Q003 Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Anatomic der wirbellosen Thiere. Zweite umgearbeitete Auflage Vol. i-. il. Q. Jena: G. Fischer, 1900-. "Uebersicht der wichtigsten Litteratur," vol. i, p. 457-478. Loeb, Jacques. 591. i8i Qooi Comparative physiology of the brain and comparative psychology. x,[2],309 p. 39 il. O. (Science series.) New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1900. "Bibliography" at the end of each chapter. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 255 Hardesty, Irving. 597-8 P900 80681 Yj^g number and arrangement of the fibers forming the spinal nerves of the frog (rana virescens). A dissertation submitted to the (University of Chicago) ... , in candidacy for the degree of doctor of philosophy, .... [2], 65-11 2 p. il. 8 pi. O. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1899. "Bibliography," p. 107-109. From the Jourtial of comparative neurology , vol. 9. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. Jahresbericht. 631.053 i v.o '^"^ Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte auf dem Gesammtgebiete der Agricultur-Chemie Generalregister zu Band I-XL. 1858— 1897 [Vol. 1-2]. O. Berhn 1879-1899. [Vol. i] compiled by A. Hilger; [vol. 2], by Heinrich Kraut. Contents: [vol. i], index to vol. 1-20, 1858-1877; [vol. 2], to vol. 21-40, 1878- 1897. Lceb, Jacques. L591.181 P901 24938 Einieitung in die vergleichende Gehirnphysiologie und verglei- chende Psychologic. Mit besonderer Berlicksichtigung der wir- bellosen Thiere. [8],207,[i] p. 39 il. Q. Leipzig: J. A. Barth, 1899. "Litteratur" at end of each chapter. Bechterev, Vladimir. 591.48 P800 '""'^ Die Leitungsbahnen im Gehirn und RUckenmark. Ein Handbuch fiir das Studium des Aufbaues und der inneren Verbindungen des Nervensystemes. Von W. v. Bechterew. Deutsch von Richard • Weinberg. Zweite, vollig umgearbeitete und stark erweiterte Auf- lage. xi,692 p. 589 il. i colored pi. O. Leipzig: A. Georgi, 1899. "Bibliographische Cbersicht," p. 653-686. "Litteratur" at the end of each chapter, except the first. Wiedersheim, Robert. L591.4P802 26245 Grundriss der vergleichenden Anatomic der Wirbelthiere. Fiir Studierende bearbeitet. Vierte, ganzlich umgearbeitete Auflage. xxiii,559 p. 361 il. i pi. Q. Jena: G. Fischer, 1898. "Litteraturverzeichnis," p. 443-554. Evans, Edward Payson. 171 -7 P700 16596 Evolutional ethics and animal psychology. v,386 p. D. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1898. "Bibliography" p. 359-367. 256 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Verworn, Max. SQi'i P701 '''** General physiology. An outline of the science of life. Trans- lated from the second German edition and edited by Frederic S. Lee. xvi,6i5 p. 285 il. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1899. "Bibliography," p. 589-599. Acker mann, KarL 591.158 P700 S8283 Xhierbastarde. Zusammenstellung der bisherigen Beobachtungen Uber Bastardirung im Thierreiche nebst Litteraturnachweisen . . . 2 vol. in I. O. Kassel: vol. i, Selbstverlag des Herausgebers ; vol. 2, Weber & Weidemeyer, 1 897-1 898. "Litteratur iiber Thierbastarde im Allgemeinen, " vol. i, p. 5-7; vol. 2, p. 3. Archiv. 59i-053 3 **"* Archiv fur mikroskopische Anatomic Namen- und Sach- register .... [4 vol.] O. Bonn 1 884-1 897. Contents: Vol. i. Index to vol. 1-20. 1865-1882. Vol. 2. Index to vol. 21-30. 1882-1887. Vol. 3. Index to vol. 31-40. 1888-1893. Vol. 4. Index to vol. 41-50. I 894- I 897. Vol. 1-3 compiled by Ludwig Schirmeyer. Vol. 4 bound with vol. 50 of the Archiv. Festschrift. L590.8 2 ®"^ Festschrift zum siebenzigsten Geburtstage von Carl Gegenbaur. 3 vol. il. pi. sq.Q. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1 896-1 897. " Litteratur- Verzeichniss," in nearly every paper. Henri, Victor. 152.5 P700 29613 ijber (jie Raumwahrnehmungen des Tastsinnes, Ein Beitrag zur experimentellen Psychologic. xii,228 p. 29 il. O. Berlin: Reuther & Reichard, 1898. "Bibliographic," p. 215-228. Keibel, Franz. L596 P701 15966 Normentafel zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Schweines (Sus scrofa domesticus). [4],! 14 p. 3 pi. {In Keibel, F., ed. Nor- mentafeln zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Wirbelthiere, vol. i.) Jena 1897. "Literaturiibersicht iiber die Zoologie, Anatomie und Palaontologie des Schweines und iiber die Entwicklungsgeschichte der Hufthiere," p. 82-114. JournaL 591.052 2 '*"*^ Index to the Journal of anatomy and physiology normal and pathological, human and comparative. Vols. xxi.-XXX. — 1887- 1896. New series, vols. I.-X. [4], 126 p. [/;z JOURNAL OF ANAT- OMY AND PHYSIOLOGY, vol. 3 1.] London 1897. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 257 Morgan, Thomas Hunt. 597-8 P700 "^® The development of the frog's egg. An introduction to experi- mental embryology. xi,i92 p. 51 il. O. New York : Macmillan Co., 1897. "Literature," p. 173-186. Toply, Robert Ritter von. L590.94 P700 87007 studien zur Geschichte der Anatomic im Mittelalter. vi,[2], 121 p. Q. Leipzig: F, Deuticke, 1898. Largely bibliographical. Waller, Augustus Desire. 612.02 P606 28956 ^j^ introduction to human physiology. Third edition, xvi, 640 p. 314 il. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1896. "Bibliography," p. 605-622. Ecker, Alexander, & Wiedersheim, R. I-SQV-S P6oo ^'"'* A. Ecker's und R. Wiedersheim's Anatomic des Frosches. Auf Grund eigcner Untersuchungcn durchaus neu bearbcitet von Dr. Ernst Gaupp Dritte Auflagc. Vol. i-. il. Q. Braun- schweig: F. Vieweg & Sohn, 1 896-. "Litteratur," at the end of each part. Vol. 2 is in second edition, Hertwig, Oscar. L591.3P600 ^"^^ Lehrbuch der Entwicklungsgeschichte des Menschen und der Wirbelthiere. Funfte theilweise umgearbeitete Auflage. xvi,6i2 p. 384 il. 2 pi. Q. Jena: G. Fischer, 1896. "Litteratur" at the end of the chapters. Nagel, Wilibald A. 591.1856 P600 ®**® Der Lichtsinn augenloser Tiere. Eine biologische Studie. [4], 120 p. 3 il. O. Jena: G. Fischer, 1896. "Litteraturverzeichnis," p. 1 16-120. Oppel, Albert. L591.4P601 "^* Lehrbuch der vergleichenden mikroskopischen Anatomic der Wirbelticre. Vol. i-. il. pi. Q. Jena: G. Fischer, 1896-. Contents: Vol. i. Der Magen. "Litteraturverzeichnis", p. 504-535. 258 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Korschelt, Eugen, & Heider, K. 591-3 P500 16057 Xext-book of the embryology of invertebrates. Translated from the German by Matilda Bernard. Revised and edited with addi- tional notes by Martin F. Woodward 4 vol. il. O. Lon- don: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1 895-1900. Contents: Vol. i. Porifera, cnidaria, ctenophora, vermes, enteropneusta, echinoder- mata. Translated ... by Edward L. Mark [and] W. McM. Woodworth. With additions by the authors and translators. xvi,484 p. 225 il. 1895. Vol. 2. Phoronidea, bryozoa ectoprocta, brachiopoda, entoprocta, Crustacea, palaeostraca. xv,[i],375 p. 165 il. 1899. Vol. 3. Arachnida, pentastomidae, pantopoda, tardigrada, onychophora, myriopoda, insecta. xii,44i p. 19811. 1899. Vol. 4. Amphineura, lamellibranchia, solenoconcha, gastropoda, cephalopoda, tunicata, cephalochorda. xi,594 p. 312 il. 1900. "Literature," at the end of each chapter, Bohm, K. K.,& Davidoff, M. von. L611.02 P501 ^"' Lehrbuch der Histologie des Menschen, einschliesslich der mikro- skopischen Technik. xv,404 p- 246 il. Q. Wiesbaden: J. F. Bergmann, 1895. "Litteratur-Verzeichniss", p. 377-392. Elera, Casto de. L591.9914 P500 "^^^ Catalogo sistematico de toda la fauna de Filipinas conocida hasta el presente, y a la vez el de la coleccion zoologica, del Museo de PP. Dominicos del Cocegio-universidad de Sto. Tomas de Manila, escrito con motivo de la Exposicion regional filipina 3 vol. Q. Manila: Colegio de Santo Tomas, 1 895-1 896. Bibliographical references for each species. Richet, Charles. L591.03P500 17962 Dictionnaire de physiologie Vol. i-. il. Q. Paris : F. Al- can, 1895. Willey, Arthur. 597.1 P400 9605 _/Vmphioxus and the ancestry of the vertebrates. With a preface by Henry Fairfield Osborn. xiv,3i6 p. 135 il. i pi. O. (CO- LUMBIA University. Biological series, vol. 2.) New York: Macmillan & Co., 1894. "References", p. 295-309. Biedermann, Wilhelm. 591.1 P400 ""^ Electro-physiology. Translated by Frances A. Welby. Vol. i-. il. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1896-. "Bibliography," at the end of the chapters. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 259 Eycleshymer, Albert Chauncy. L597.9 P400 20644 jjjg early development of amblystoma. With observations on some other vertebrates. A thesis for the degree of doctor of philosophy presented to the ... University of Chicago, Dec. 15, 1894 [2],343-4i8p. 5 pi. Q. Boston: Ginn& Co., 1895. "List of papers referred to," p. 403-408. Reprinted from the Journal of morphology ^ vol. 10, no. 2, Feb. 1895. Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift. 547-053 2 '^"' Zeitschrift fUr physiologische Chemie .... Sach- und Namen- Register zu Band l-[xvi]. 3 parts. O. Strassburg 1 881-1893. Edited by F. Hoppe-Seyler. Bound with Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift fur physiologische Chemie, vol. 4, 8, 16. Marshall, Arthur Milnes. 59i-3 P300 9291 Vertebrate embryology. A textbook for students and practition- ers. xxiii,640 p. 255 il. O. London : Smith, Elder & Co., 1893. "Bibliography" at the end of each chapter. Wiedersheim, Robert. L591.4P300 ^'^^ Grundriss der vergleichenden Anatomic der Wirbelthiere. FUr Studirende bearbeitet. Dritte, ganzlich umgearbeitete und stark vermehrte Auflage. xx,695 p. il. 3 pl- Q- Jena : G. Fischer, 1893. "Literaturverzeichniss", p. 610-689. Hertwig, Oscar. 576-3 P200 12849 jj^g ^g|i Outlines of general anatomy and physiology. Trans- lated by M. Campbell, and edited by Henry Johnstone Campbell. xvi,368 p. 168 il. O. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1895. "Literature," at the end of each chapter. Minot, Charles Sedgwick. 612.64 P200 "*' Human embryology. xxiii,8i5 p. 463 il. O. New York :Mac- millan Co., 1897, c. 1892. "References," p. 779-792. Lang, Arnold. 591.4 Pioi ^"' Text-book of comparative anatomy [of the invertebrata]. With preface to the English translation by Professor Dr. Ernst Haeckel. Translated into English by Henry M. Bernard and Matilda Ber- nard. 2 vol. il. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1891-1896. "Literature" in each chapter. 260 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Haeckel, Ernst. 591.3 Pioo ^^*' Anthropogenic, oder Entwickelungsgeschichte des Menschen. Keimes- und Stammes-Geschichte. Vierte, umgearbeitete und vermehrte Auflage. 2 vol. paged continuously ; vol. i : xxvi,[2], 1-383, [2] p.; vol. 2: [6], 387-906 p. il. pi. O. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1891. "Litteratur", at the end of the chapters. "Noten, Anmerkungen und Litteratur- nachweise", vol. 2, p. 865-887. Prenant, Auguste. L591.3P101 10771 Elements d'embryologie de I'homme et des vertebres Pre- face de Professeur Mathias Duval. 2 vol. il. pl. Q. Paris : G. Steinheil, 1891-1896. "Index bibHographiques," at ends of chapters. Korschelt, Eugen, &■ Heider, K. L591.3P001 "** Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Entwicklungsgeschichte der wirbel- losen Thiere. Specieller Theil. 3 vol. paged continuously ; vol. I : xii,i-3o8p.; vol. 2: [2], 309-908 p.; vol. 3: [2],909-i509 p. il. Q. Jena: G.Fischer, 1 890-1 893. Hertwig, Oscar. 591.3 P002 16058 Xext-book of the embryology of man and mammals. Translated from the third German edition by Edward L. Mark. [Second edition.] xvi,670 p. 339 il. 2 pl. O. London: Swan Sonnen- schein & Co., 1899. "Literature," at the end of each chapter. Quarterly journal. 578.052 i v.30 17640 jndex to the Quarterly journal of microscopical science, 1853- 1888, to the Transactions of the Microscopical Society, 1844- 1852, 1853-1868, and to the Proceedings of the Dublin Micros- copical Club, 1 865-1 880. v,[3],87 p. \_In Quarterly journal of microscopical science, New series, vol. 30.] London : J. & A. Churchill, 1889. Ecker, Alexander. 597 '8 O800 *^'*" The anatomy of the frog. Translated, with numerous annotations and additions by George Haslam. xvi,449 p. 261 il. 2 pl. O. [Translations of foreign biological memoirs, no. 2.] Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1889. "Literature", p. 426-431, 435-440 and at the beginning of each chapter. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 261 Wiedersheim. Robert. 59^ 4 O600 '"-" Elements of the comparative anatomy of vertebrates. Adapted from the German by W. Newton Parker. With additions by the author and translator. xxvi,[2],345 p. 270 il. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1886. With bibliographical notes after each chapter. Wiedersheim, Robert. L591.4O601 '"'"^ Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie der Wirbelthiere auf Grundlage der Entwicklungsgeschichte. Zweite Auflage. xiv, 890 p. 614 il. I table. Q. Jena: G. Fischer, 1886. "Litteraturverzeichniss", p. 822-883. Cole, Arthur C, editor. 59^ -8 O300 *^"^ Studies in microscopical science Vol. 1-2. [1883-1884.] pi. O. London 1 883-1 884. Vol. I contains articles by J. E. Ady and M. Forster Heddle. Vol. 2 contains: Fearnley, W. Animal histology. 48, [4] p. Houston, D. Botanical histology. 50,[4] p. Popular microscopical studies. 56, [4] p. The methods of microscopical research, an introductory essay. [3],lxxxiii,[4] p. The illustrations of vol. i are from original drawings by J. E. Ady. The drawings of vol. 2 were contributed by Edward T. Draper. Bibliographical lists accompany most of the articles. Beitrage zur Anatomie und Embryologie. L591 O200 ^"^ Beitrage zur Anatomie und Embryologie, als Festgabe Jacob Henle zum 4. April 1882 dargebracht von seinen Schiilern. [6], 222 p. il. 24 pi. sq. F, Bonn: M. Cohen & Sohn, 1882. Contents : Brunn, A. von. Die Riickbildung nicht ausgestossener Eierstockseier bei denVogeln. Deutschmann, R. Ueber genuine Glaskorpertuberculose beim Menschen. Flemmino-, W. Vom Bau der Spinalganglienzellen. Froriep, A. Kopftheil der Chorda dorsalis bei menschhchen Embryonen. Hoffmann, C. K. Ueber die Entwickelungs- geschichte der Chorda dorsalis. Kolliker, A. Ueber die Lage der weiblichen inneren Geschlechtsorgane. Langhans, T. Ueber die Zellschicht des menschlichen Chorion. Weismann, A. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der ersten Entwicklungsvorgange im Insektenei. Henke, W. Zur Topographic der Bewegungen am Halse bei Drehung des Kopfes auf die Seite. Zenker, F. A. Ueber den Cysticercus racemosus des Gehirns. Waldeyer,W. Untersuchungen iiber die Histogenese der Horngebilde, insbesondere der Haare und Federn. Merkel, F. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der postembryonalen Entwicklung des menschlichen Schadels. Riidinger, N. Ein Beitrag zur Anatomie der Affenspalte und der Interparietalfurche beim Menschen nach Race, Geschlecht und IndividuaUtat. Aeby, C. Ueber das leitende Prinzip bei der Differenzirung der Gelenke. Jahres-Bericht. 59i-053 4 ="'' Sach- und Autoren-Register iiber die ersten zehn Jahrgiinge von Maly's Jahres-Bericht fiir Thier-Chemie. Bearbeitet von Rudolf Andreasch. v,i97 p. O. Wiesbaden 1881. 262 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Balfour, Francis Maitland. 591.3 Oooi "" A treatise on comparative embryology. Second edition, reprint- ed without alteration from the first edition. 2 vol. il. O. Lon- don : Macmillan & Co., 1885. "Bibliography," at the end of the chapters. KoUiker, Albert von. 591-3 N900 ^*" Entwicklungsgeschichte des Menschen und der hoheren Thiere. Zweite ganz umgearbeitete Auflage. xxxiv,i033 p. 606 il. O. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1879. "Literatur" at the end of the chapters. Gegenbaur, Carl. 591.4 N800 ^^*' Elements of comparative anatomy. Translated by F. Jeffrey Bell. The translation revised and a preface written by E. Ray Lan- kester. [Second edition.] xxvi,[2],645 p. 356il. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1878. "Bibliographical aids in comparative anatomy," p. 71-72; also at the beginning of each section of the Special part. Bericht. 59i-053i ^^" Bericht liber die Fortschritte der Anatomic und Physiologic Als besondere Abtheilung der Zeitschrift fur rationelle Medicin. ... . [Vol. 1-16.] 1856-1871. pi. O. Leipzig 1857-1872. For continuation see: Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Anatomic und Physio- logie. From 1856 to i860 edited by J. Henle and G. Meissner; 1860-1868 by J. Henle, W. Keferstein, and G. Meissner; 1 869-1870 by J. Henle, G. Meissner, and H. Grenacher; 1871 by J. Henle and G. Meissner. Binder's title : Henle u. Meissner. Jahresbericht. Meyer, Adolf Bernhard. 591.12 M800 24409 j-)^g Hemmungsnervensystem des Herzens. Kritisches und Ex- perimentelles. Eine vergleichend physiologische Studie. viii, 95 p. O. Berlin: A. Hirschwald, 1869. "Literaturangaben," p. 91-93. 25314 Gangee, John, & Law, James. 599-75 Mioo General and descriptive anatomy of the domestic animals, xv, 466,[2] p. 196 il. I pi. O. Edinburgh: T. C. Jack, 1861. "Hand-books on general and special anatomy," p. x-xii. "Hand-books on veterinary science, containing anatomical information", p. xii-xiii. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 263 Huber, Johann Christoph. 016.5916 H86 """' Bibliographic der klinischen Entomologie. (Hexapoden, acari- nen.) Part 1-4. O. Jena: H. Pohle, 1 899-1 900. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. 016.5919 GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF ANIMALS Scharff, Robert F. 591-94 P900 22025 -pj^g history of the European fauna. vii,364 p. 21 il. D. [Con- temporary science series, no. 17.] London: W. Scott, 1899. "Bibliography," p. 351-354. Sclater, William Lutley, & Sclater, Philip Lutley. 599 P901 25017 jj^g geography of mammals. xviii,335 p. 50 il. i pi. 8 maps. O. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner & Co., 1899. "List of the principal authorities referred to" at the end of each of the first six chap- ters. Apstein, Carl. L591. 92601 P600 *®^* Das Siissvvasserplankton. Methode und Resultate der quantita- tiven Untersuchung. [2],vi,200 p. 113 il. 5 tables. Q. Kiel: Lipsius & Tischer, 1896. "Literatur", p. 193-197. Godman, Frederick Du Cane, 6" L591.972 N900- "'"" Salvin, Osbert, editors. Biologia Centrali-Americana ; or. Contributions to the knowledge of the fauna and flora of Mexico and Central America. Zoology. Part I-. il. pi. sq. F. London 1879-. 016.592 INVERTEBRATES. GENERAL WORKS Bericht. 592.053 i 10909 Bei-icht iiber die wissenschaftlichen Leistungen in der Naturge- schichte der niederen Thiere. Begriindet von R. Leuckart Continued from New series, vol. 9. [1892]. O. Berlin 1897-. 264 THE JOI^N CRERAR LIBRARY Beecher, Charles Emerson. 575 Q^o^ 30885 s^-mjies in evolution. Mainly reprints of occasional papers select- ed from the publications of the Laboratory of Invertebrate Paleon- tology, Peabody Museum, Yale University. xxiii,638 p. 132 il. 34 pi. O. [Yale bicentennial publications.] New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1901. Contents: l. General evolution. The origin and significance of spines. 2. Structure and development of trilobites. 3. Studies in the development of the brachiopoda. 4. Miscellaneous studies in development. [Corals and cephalopods.] "References" scattered through the book. Daday, Jeno. L591.928P800 29963 Mikroskopische Susswasserthiere aus Ceylon. Von Dr. Eugen von Daday 123 p. 55 il. Q. Budapest: Eigenthum des Ung. National-Museums, 1898. Published as supplement to the Termeszetrajzi fiizetek, vol. 21, 1898. "Literatur," p. 117-121. Stuxberg, Anton. L570.998O001 1923 Evertebratfaunan i Sibiriens Ishaf. Forelopande meddelanden. [In NORDENSKIOLD, A. E., editor. Vega-Expeditionens vetenskap- Hga iakttagelser, vol. i, p. 677-8 1 2, il. i map. Stockholm: F. & G. Beijer, 1882.] Contains a bibliography. 016.593 PROTOZOA. C(ELENTERATA. ECHINODERMATA Calkins, Gary Nathan. 593-1 Qioo ="''"* The protozoa. xvi,[2],347 p. 153 il. O. (Columbia Univer- sity. Biological series, vol. 6.) New York : Macmillan Co., 1901 . "Bibliography," p. 311-327; "Special bibliography" at the end of each chapter. Bather, Francis Arthur. 590.8 9 v.3 31103 Yhe echinoderma. By F. A. Bather assisted by J. W. Gregory and E. S. Goodrich. vi,[2],344 p. il. [/« Lankester, Edwin Ray, i?c/. Treatise on zoology, vol. 3.] London 1900. "Literature" at end of each chapter. Nutting, Charles Cleveland. £593.71 Qooi "'•" American hydroids, part I. The plumularidas. 11,285 P- 124 il. 34 pl- paged in. F*. (United States National Museum. Special bulletin, [no. 4.]) Washington 1900. "Annotated bibliography," p. 131-135. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 265 Whipple, George Chandler. 613.33 P900 23035 ^Yhe microscopy of drinking-water. First edition. xii,300 p. 21 il. 19 pi. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1899. "Bibliography" p. 260-289. Annales. L589.054 2 v.ic Table alphabetique ... des memoires originaux publics dans les tomes I a X des Annales de micrographie. [/u Annales de mi- crographie, vol. 10, p. 427-442. Paris 1898.] Schneidemiihl, Georg. 593' i P800 18739 £)jg Protozoen als Krankheitserreger des Menschen und der Haus- thiere. FUr Arzte, Thierarzte und Zoologen. vi,i95 p. 37 11. O. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1898. "Litteratur," p. 1 71-193. Francd, Rezso. 593.16 P700 28569 ^ Craspedomonadinak szervezete. A Kir. M. Termeszettudo- manyi Tarsulat megbizasabol irta France Rezso. Der Organis- mus der Craspedomonaden. Im Auftrage der Kon. ung. natur- wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft beschreiben von Raoul H. France. viii,248 p. il. O. Budapest: Kir. M. Termeszettudomanyi Tarsu- lat, 1897. "Az irodalom jegyzeke," p. 9-12; "Litteratur der Craspedomonaden," p. 127-130. Text in both Hungarian and German. Chun, Carl. LSTO-SS 5 v. 13 26356 ggitrage zur Kenntniss ost-afrikanischer Medusen und Siphono- phoren nach den Sammlungen Dr. Stuhlmann's. [/// HAMBURG. Naturhistorisches Museum. Mitteilungen, vol. 13, p. 1-19, 3 il. I pi. Hamburg 1896.] "Litteraturverzeichniss," p. 19. Delage, Yves, & Herouard, Edgard. L590.2 P600 ^"^^ Traite de zoologie concrete. Vol. i-. Q. Paris: Schleicher Freres, 1896-. "Index bibliographique", in each voL Johnson, Herbert Parlin. L593.17 P300 20685 j^ contribution to the morphology and biology of the stentors. An inaugural dissertation for the degree of doctor of philosophy presented to the Faculty of the University of Chicago, April 15, 1893. [2], 467-562 p. 4 pi. Q. Boston, U. S. A. : Ginn & Co., 1893. "Literature cited," p. 552-554. From the Journal of morpfiology, vol. 8. 266 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Brooks, William Keith. L570-5i 5 11202 ^jy ji^Q life-history of the hydromedusse : a discussion of the origin of the medusae, and of the significance of metagenesis. (Read Oct. 7, 1885.) 359-430 p. 8 pi. [/;/ Johns Hopkins University. Memoirs from the biological laboratory, vol. i. Baltimore 1887.] "List of references," p. 426-430. Reprinted from the Mevioirs of the Boston Society of Natural History, 1SS6, vol. 3, no. 12. No title-page. Kent, William Saville. ^SQa- 15 Oooi 6513 ^ manual of the infusoria: including a description of all known flagellate, ciliate, and tentaculiferous protozoa, British and foreign, and an account of the organization and affinities of the sponges. 3 vol., vol. 1-2 paged continuously; vol. i : x, 1-472 p.; vol. 2: [2], 473-9 1 3 p. il. vol. 3 atlas. Q. London: D. Bogue, 1880- 1882. Contains a chronological list of the more important works and pamphlets relating to the infusoria published since their first discovery in 1675 to the year 1882; also a glos- sary of technical terms. Agassiz, Alexander. L593.95N200 *"° Revision of the echini. 4 parts bound in 2 vol. paged continuous- ly ; part I : [4],xii,242 p. ; part 2 : 245-378 p. ; part 3 : 379-628 p.; part 4: 629-762 p. 69 il. Atlas: 2 vol. sq. O. (HARVARD College. Museum of Comparative Zoology. Illustrated cat- alogue, no. 7.) Cambridge, University Press, 1 872-1 874. Contains a bibliography of the echini, AUman, George James. L593.71 Nioo ^***' A monograph of the gymnoblastic or tubularian hydroids. In two parts. I. — The hydroida in general. II. — The genera and species of the gymnoblastea. xxii,[2],45o p. 83 il. 23 pi. sq. F''. (Ray Society.) London: Ray Society, 1871-1872. Contains a bibliography of the hydroida. Lampert, Kurt. L570.9914 M500 v.4 Die Seewalzen. Holothurioidea. Eine systematische Mono- graphic mit Bestimmungs- und Verbreitungs-Tabellen. [4], 310 p. il. I pi. \_In Semper, K. Reisen im Archipel der Philip- pinen. Zweiter Theil, vol. 4, part 3] Wiesbaden 1885. "Litteratur-Verzeichniss", p. 292-302. Bibliographical references with individual species. Pages 261-280 are printed and numbered on only one side of the leaves. 19422 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 267 Semper, Karl. L570.9914M500 v.i '»'"' Holothurien. x, [2], 288 p. il. 40 pi. [/;/ SEMPER, K. Reisen im Archipel der Philippine!!. Zweiter Theil, vol. i. Leipzig 1868.] "Synonymen-Verzeichniss", p. 264-280. "Literatur-Verzeichniss", p. 281-284. Bibliographical references for each species. Carpenter, William Benjamin. L593.12 M200 89501 Introduction to the study of foraminifera. By William B. Car- penter, assisted by William K. Parker and T. Rupert Jones, xxii, 319 p. 47 il. 22 pi. F*. [Ray Society.] London: R. Hard- wicke, 1862. "Bibliographical references," p. xvii-xxii. Biitschli, Otto. L590.2 L900 13967 pi-o^Q2oa. Mit einem Beitrag: Palaeontologische Entvvicklung der Rhizopoda von C. Schwager 3 vol. paged continuous- ly ; vol. I : [6],xviii,i-6i6p. ; vol. 2 : [6],6i 7-1097 p. ; vol.3 : vii, 1098-2035 p. il. pi. {In Bronn, H. G., ed. Die Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-reichs, vol. i.) Leipzig 1880— 1889. "Literatur" scattered through the volumes. Greene, Joseph Reay. 590.2 L901 22034 Manual of the animal kingdom. 2 vol. in i. il. D. (Experi- mental and natural science series.) London: Longman, . . . , & Green, 1863. Contents: Vol. i. Protozoa. Vol. 2. Coelenterata. Vol. I is in new edition; vol. 2, second edition. "Bibliography of the protozoa", vol. i, p. 79-82. "Bibliography of the coelenterata", vol. 2, p. 249—256. Ludwig, Hubert. L590.2 L900 '*"' Echinodermen (Stachelhauter) Vol. i-. (/;/Bronn, H. G., ed. Die Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs. vol. 2, part 3-.) Leipzig 1889-. "Literatur," scattered through the work. Vosmaer, G. C. J. L590.2 L900 13968 ^^ Klassen und Ordnungen der Spongien (Porifera) xii, 496, [4] p. 53 il. 33 pi. I map. {In Bronn, H. G., ed. Die Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs, vol. 2, part i.) Leip- zig 1887. "Literatur," p. 2-14, 482-483. 268 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 016.594 MOLLUSCA Sarasin, Paul, & Sarasin, Fritz. L570.9912 P800 v. 2 20466 -Qjg Land-Mollusken von Celebes. viii,248 p. 31 pi. i map paged in. [/;/ Sarasin, P., &t Sarasin, F. Materialien zur Natur- geschichte der Insel Celebes, vol. 2.] Wiesbaden 1899. "Literatur-Verzeichniss," p. 241-244. Sarasin, Paul, & Sarasin, Fritz. L570.9912 P800 v.i '"'''' Die SUsswasser-Mollusken von Celebes. viii,i04 p. 13 pl- i map. [/« Sarasin, P., & Sarasin, F. Materialien zur Naturgeschichte der Insel Celebes, vol. i.] Wiesbaden 1898. "Literatur-Verzeichniss," p. 101-102. Taylor, John William. I'594 P400 25585 Monograph of the land & freshwater mollusca of the British Isles. By John W. Taylor, with the assistance of W. Denison Roebuck, the late Charles Ashford, and other well-known conchologists. Structural and general volume. vi,454 p. 743 il- 2 colored pi. 4 maps. Q. Leeds: Taylor Brothers, 1 894-1900. "Literature," p. 13, 18, 131-134. 383-384. 434-435- Sowerby, George Brettingham. 1^594 P200 S5591 jyjarine shells of South Africa. A catalogue of all the known species with references to figures in various works, descriptions of new species, and figures of such as are new, little known, or hitherto unfigured. iv,89 p. 5 pi. Q. London: Sowerby, 1892. Appendix .... [4] ,42 p. 3 pi. London 1897. Bibliographical references for each species. Dall, William Healey. 071.91 3 v.37 20839 p^ preliminary catalogue of the shell-bearing marine mollusks and brachiopods of the south-eastern coast of the United States. 221 p. 74 pi. [/« United States National Museum. Bulletin, no. 37.] Washington 1889. "List of works referred to for the geological or geographical distribution of species cited in this catalogue, or containing enumerations of local faunae included in the general region to which this catalogue relates," p. 14-25. Fischer, Paul, £f (Ehlert, D. P. L591. 92603 O300 v.2 "^^^^ Brachiopodes. [2], 139, [i] p. 13 il. 8 pi. (/;/ Milne-Edwards, A., cd. Expeditions scientifiques du Travailleur et du Talisman, [vol. 2].) Paris 1891. Bibliographical references scattered through the book. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 269 Locard, Arnould. L591 .92603 O300 v.4-5 "'" Mollusques testaces. 2 vol. pi. {In Milne-Edwards, A., cd. Expeditions scientifiques du Travailleur et du Talisman, [vol. 4- 5].) Paris 1 897-1 898. Bibliographical references for each species. Tryon, George Washington. 594 N900 **" Manual of conchology ; structural and systematic. With illustra- tions of the species 17 vol. colored pi. O. Philadelphia: published by the author, 1 879-1 898. Second series : Pulmonata Vol. i-. colored pi. O. Philadelphia: published by the author, 1885-. Second series : Pulmonata Index to the helices \i. e. vol. 2-9]. 125 p. O. Philadelphia: Academy of Natural Sciences, 1895. [First series], vol. 10-17, Second series, vol. 5-, continued by Henry A. Pilsbry and published by the Conchological Section, Academy of Natural Sciences. With bibliographical references to each species. WoUaston, Thomas Vernon. 594N700 *"^ Testacea Atlantica, or the land and freshwater shells of the Azores, Madeiras, Salvages, Canaries, Cape Verdes, and Saint Helena. xi,[3],588 p. O. London: L. Reeve & Co., 1878. With bibHographical references for each species. Gill, Theodore [Nicholas]. 061.822 2420 Arrangement of the families of moUusks. xvi,49 p. 1871. (/« Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian miscellaneous collec- tions, vol. 10. Washington 1873.) With a bibliograpical list of authorities. Lea, Isaac. L594.1N001 *'"'' A synopsis of the family unionidje. Fourth edition, very greatly enlarged and improved. vi,[2],i84 p. sq.F. Philadelphia: H. C. Lea, 1870. "Bibliography of the unionidse", p. 157-181. Binney, William Greene. 061.822 '^"^ Bibliography of North American conchology previous to the year i860. 2 parts. 1 863-1 864. {In SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, vol. 5, 9. Washington 1 864-1 869.) Part I. American authors. Part 2. Foreign authors. 270 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Bergh, Rudolph. L570.9914 M500 •«"•' Malacologische Untersuchungen. Vol. i-. Paged continuously, pi. [/;/ Semper, K. Reisen im Archipel der Philippinen. Zwei- ter Theil, vol. 2, 7-.] Wiesbaden 1870-. "Nudibranchien vom Meere der Insel 'Mauritius' ", vol. 3, p. 755-872. "Die Nu- dibranchien des 'Sunda-Meeres' ", vol. 3, p. 873-991. "System der nudibranchiaten Gasteropoden", vol. 3, p. 993-1165. "Catalogus animalium hucusque sub nomine Aeolidiae. (Eolidis, Aeolidis, Eolidiae, Eolidae) descriptorum", vol. 2, p. xi-xx. "Catalogus animalium hucusque sub nomine Doridis descriptorum," vol. 2, p. xxi- xxxviii. "Scripta 'Gastraeopoda nudibranchiata' praecipue spectaiitia," vol. 2, p. xxxix-1. Bibliographical references with individual species. Bergh, Rudolph. L570.9914 M500 v.2. pt.3 '^'"^ Die Marseniaden. Eine systematische Monographie. [Malacolo- gische Untersuchungen. Nachtriige und Erganzungen.] [/« Semper, K. Reisen im Archipel der Philippinen. Zweiter Theil, vol. 2, part 3, sup. p. [2], 129-285. 14 pi.] Wiesbaden 1887. "Historische Einleitung", p. 131-144, contains bibliographical references in the foot- notes. Bibliographical references with individual species. Bergh, Rudolph. L570.9914 M500 v.2. pt.3 •s"'* Nudibranchien. Malacologische Untersuchungen. Nachtrage und Erganzungen. [/;/ SEMPER, K. Reisen im Archipel der Philippinen. ZweiterTheil, vol. 2, part 3, sup. p. [2],I-I28. 1 1 pi.] Wiesbaden 1 880-1 881. Bibliographical references with individual species. Kohelt, Wilhelm. L570.9914M500 v.4 '®'^' Die Landdeckelschnecken. vi,8o p. 7 pi. [/;/ Semper, K. Reisen im Archipel der Philippinen. Zweiter Theil, vol. 4, part 2.] Wiesbaden 1886. Bibliographical references with individual species. Mollendorff, 0. F. von. L570.9914 M500 v.8 '^*" Landmollusken. Erganzungen und Berichtigungen zum iii. Bande : die Landmollusken. [Vol. i,] part i-. pi. (///SEM- PER, K. Reisen im Archipel der Philippinen. Zweiter Theil, vol. 8.) Wiesbaden 1898-. Bibliographical references with individual species. Jeffreys, John Gwyn. 594 M200 British conchology, or an account of the mollusca which now in- habit the British Isles and the surrounding seas 5 vol. pi. D. London: J. Van Voorst, 1 862-1 869. Bibliographical references for each species. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 27 1 Tryon, George Washington, Jr. 016.594 T78 ""° List of American writers on recent conchology. With the titles of their memoirs and dates of pubHcation. January I, 186 1. 68 p. O. New York: BalHere Brothers, pref. 1861. Wood, William, F. R. S. 594 L600 ''^ Index testaceologicus, an illustrated catalogue of British and foreign shells. A new and . . . revised edition, with ancient and modern appellations, synonyms, localities, etc., etc., by Sylvanus Hanley. [2],xx,234 p. 46 pi. O. London: WiUis & Sotheran, 1856. Gives references to conchological literature. Moquin-Tandon, Alfred. L594 L501 Histoire naturelle des mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles de France. Contenant des etudes generales sur leur anatomic et leur physiologic et la description particuliere des genres, des especes et des varietes. 2 vol. and atlas, of 54 pi. Q. Paris: J.-B. Bailliere, 1855. "Bibliographic malacologique," vol. i, p. 359-414. Binney, Amos. 594.38 Looi 19163 -pj^g terrestrial air-breathing mollusks of the United States, and the adjacent territories of North America : described and illus- trated by Amos Binney. Edited by Augustus A. Gould. Vol. 1-4. il. pi. O. Boston: vol. 1-2, C. C. Little & J. Brown; vol. 3, Little, Brown & Co., 1851-1859. Vol. 4, reprinted from the Boston journal of natural history, vol. 7, is by W. G. Bin- ney and has half title-page : A supplement to the terrestrial air-breathing mollusks of the United States. "Alphabetical catalogue of authors whose works are referred to in this volume," vol. I, p. 9-17, vol. 4, p. 3-5. Dillwyn, Lewis Weston. .g. H700 A descriptive catalogue of recent shells, arranged according to the Linnaean method ; with particular attention to the synonymy. 2 vol. paged continuously; vol. i: xii,58op.; vol. 2: [2],58i- 1092, [30] p. O. London: J. & A. Arch, 1817. "A catalogue of the books consulted and referred to in this work," vol. i, p. vii- 272 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 016.5951 VERMES Michaelsen, Wilhelm. L570-53 5 v. 14 26369 j)ig Terricolenfauna Ceylons. \_In HAMBURG. Naturhis- TORISCHES Museum. Mitteilungen, vol. 14, p. 157-250, I pi. Hamburg 1897.] "Litteratur," p. 248. Bristol, Charles Lawrence. L595.15 P600 20666 jj^g metamerism of nephelis. With a description of nephelis lateralis, (Verrill). A dissertation submitted to the (University of Chicago) . . . , in candidacy for the degree of doctor of phil- osophy ... December, 1896. [2],i7-72p. 3 il. 5 pi. Q. Boston, U. S. A.: Ginn& Co., 1899. "Bibliography," p. 63. Reprinted from the Journal of morphology , vol. 15. Erode, Howard Stidham. L595.16 P600 21082 ^ contribution to the morphology of dero vega. A dissertation submitted to the (University of Chicago) ... , in candidacy for the degree of doctor of philosophy, ... . [2],i4i-i8o p. 3 pi. Q. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1898. "List of papers referred to," p. 173-174. Reprinted from the Journal of morphology, vol. 14. Schaffer, C. LSTO-SS 5 v. 13 26361 j)jg Collembola der Umgebung von Hamburg und benachbarter Gebiete. [/« HAMBURG. Naturhistorisches Museum. Mit- teilungen, vol. 13, p. 147-216, 4 pi. Hamburg 1896.] "Citirte Litteratur," p. 153-154. Beddard, Frank Evers. L595.16 P500 25613 ^ monograph of the order of oligochaeta. xii,769 p. 52 il. 5 pi. F. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1895. "Bibliography," p. 725-752. Mead, Albert Davis. L595.14P500 20645 'pjjg early development of marine annelids. A dissertation sub- mitted to the (University of Chicago) ... , in candidacy for the degree of doctor of philosophy [23,227-326 p. 23 il. 10 pi. Q. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1897. "Bibliography," p. 303-304. Reprinted from the Journal of morphology, vol. 13, no. 2, May, 1897. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS .273 Joubin, Louis. L595.124P400 *^^^^ Les nemertiens. [23,235 p. 22 il. 4 colored pi. Q. (Faune frangaise.) Paris: Societe d'editions scientifiques, 1894. "Index bibliographique," p. 6-11. This is the only part of Faune fran^aise ever pubUshed. Hudson, Charles Thomas. L595.18O900 14182 Yhe rotifera; or, Wheel-animalcules, both British and foreign. By C. T. Hudson assisted by P. H. Gosse. With supplement. 2 vol. pi. Q. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1889. "The history of the hterature concerning the rotifera", vol. I. p. 15-22. "Bibliography of the rotifera", vol. 2, p. 140-142. Vejdovsky, Franz. L595.16O400 2U473 System und Morphologie der Oligochaeten. Bearbeitet ini Auf- trage des Comite's fUr naturhistorische Landesdurchforschung Bohmens. Veroffentlicht durch Subvention der Kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, 166, [6] p. 5 il. 16 pi. F*. Prag: F. Rivnac, 1884. "Literatur," p. 5-1 1. Selenka, EmiL L570.9914 M500 v.4 19420 Die Sipuncuhden. Eine systematische Monographic. [2],xxxii, 131 p. il. 14 pi. \_In Semper, K. Reisen im Archipel der Phi- Hppinen. Zweiter Theil, vol. 4, part i.] Wiesbaden 1883. "Zur Literatur", p. xxvi-xxx. Bibliographical references with individual species. OI6.5952-.5956 ARTHROPODA Crustacea — Arachnida — Myriopoda Wasmann, Erich. 595-2 P400 26473 Kritisches Verzeichniss der myrmekophilen und termitophilen Arthropoden. Mit Angabe der Lebensweise und mit Beschrei- bung neuer Arten. xiii,[3],23i p. O. Berlin: F. L. Dames, 1894. "Literaturverzeichnis," p. 1-56: "Nachtrag zum Literaturverzeichniss," p. 224- 225. Also bibliographical references for each species. Weltner, W. L570'53 5 v. 15 26376 Ostafrikanische Cladoceren, gesammelt von Herrn Dr. Stuhlmann 1888 und 1889. S^In Hamburg. Naturhistorisches Museum. Mitteilungen, vol 15, p. 133-144, 2 il. Hamburg 1898.] "Litteratur iiber afrikanische Cladoceren," p. 143. 274 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Herrick, Clarence Luther, & Turner, C. H. Sl^'911^ 2 v.2 19227 Synopsis of the entomostraca of Minnesota. With descriptions of related species comprising all known forms from the United States included in the orders copepoda, cladocera, ostracoda, 525 p. 81 pi, (/« Minnesota. Geological and Natural History Survey. Zoological series, vol. 2.) Saint Paul, Minne- sota, 1895. Has also title-page reading : Second report of the State Zoologist, including a Synopsis of the entomostraca of Minnesota. "Bibliography," p. 9-38. Heller, Camil. 595-38 M300 16506 -Qjg Crustaceen des slidlichen Europa. Crustacea podophthalmia. Mit einer Ubersicht iiber die horizontale Verbreitung sammtlicher europaischer Arten. xi,336 p. 10 pi. O. Wien : W. Braumiiller, 1863. Bibliographical references for each species. McCook, Henry Christopher. L595.44 O900 *"*'* American spiders and their spinningwork. A natural history of the orbweaving spiders of the United States, with special regard to their industry and habits. 3 vol. il. pi. por. Q. Philadel- phia : published by the author, 1 889-1 893. "Description of genera and species", with bibliographical references for each species, vol. 3, p. 132-277. Michael, Albert D. 595-42 O800 29706 British oribatidae. i vol. paged continuously; vol. i: [2],xi, 1-336 p.; vol. 2: xi, 337-657 p. pi. colored pi. O. [Ray SO- CIETY.] London: Ray Society, 1 884-1 888. "Bibliography," p. 619-627. Thorell, Tamerlan. 1*595 -4 Nooi '°^^^ Remarks on synonyms of European spiders. [6] ,644, [2] p. Q, Upsala: C. J. Lundstrom, 1 870-1 873. Bibliographical references for each species. BoUman, Charles Harvey. 071.91 3 7926 Yhe myriapoda of North America. Edited by L. M. Underwood. 210 p. O. [United States National Museum. Bulletin no. 46.] Washington 1893. "A review of the literature of the North American myriapoda," by L. M. Under- wood, p. 9-17. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 275 016.5957 INSECTS Bericht. 595-053 3 '"** Bericht uber die wissenschaftlichen Leistungen im Gebiete der Entomologie .... Continued from 1892. O. Berlin 1893-. Published annually as Heft 3 of Deutsche eniomologische Zeitschrift. Entomological news. 595* 051 14 SI840 Entomological news and proceedings of the Entomological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia Con- tinued from vol. I. 1890. il. pi. por. O. Philadelphia 1890-. Continuation of Proceedings of the monthly meetings of the Entomological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences which were published in the Transactions of the American Entomological Society, vol. 7-16, and have shelf number 595.06103 2 Edited by Henry Skinner. Entomologische Litteraturblatter. 016.5957 E61 ^"'* Entomologische Litteraturblatter. Repertorium der neuesten Arbeiten auf dem Gesammtgebiet der Entomologie Con- tinued from vol. i. 1901. O. Berhn, NW., 1901-. Published by R. Friedlander & Sohn, Berlin. U. S. A. Department of Agriculture. 016.5957 U58 *''*"' Division of Entomology. Bibliography of the more important contributions to American economic entomology Vol. 1-7. O. Washington [1889]- 1901. Vol. 1-5, by Samuel Henshaw; vol. 6-7, by Nathan Banks. Vol. 1-3 published together. Bachmetjev, P. 595-7 Q102 ^'^'* Experimentelle entomologische Studien vom physikalisch-che- mischen Standpunkt aus. Mit einem Vorvvort von Prof. Dr. August Weismann Vol. i-. il. O. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1901-. "Litteraturverzeichnis," vol. i, p. 148-158. Howard, Leland Ossian. I'595-7 Qioo 30681 jj^g insect book. A popular account of the bees, wasps, ants, grasshoppers, flies and other North American insects exclusive of the butterflies, moths and beetles, with full life histories, tables and bibhographies. xxvii,[2],429 p. 264 il. 48 pi. 15 colored. Q. New York: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1901. "Bibliography," p. 405-416. 2/6 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Nuttall, George H. F., &- others. L613.052 2 30960 5ty(^ii(js jj-^ relation to malaria Part i-. il. pi. colored pi. [/// The Journal of hygiene, vol. i-. Cambridge 1901-.] "Literature", part 2, p. 75-77, 4S4 and scattered through the work. Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift. 595-053 i 15989 inhalts-Verzeichniss der Deutschen entomologischen Zeitschrift Jahrgang 1 887-1 899. [2 vol.] [/;/ Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift. 1892, 1900. Berlin 1892-1900.] Contents: [vol. i], 1887-1892, compiled by E. Backhaus; [vol. 2], 1893-1899, compiled by Reinhard Lohde. Huber, Johann Christoph. 016.5916 H86 31104 Bibliographie der klinischen Entomologie. (Hexapoden, acari- nen.) Part 1-4. O. Jena: H. Pohle, 1899-1900. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. Carpenter, George Herbert. 595-7 P904 S4643 irigeci-g J tlicir structurc & life. A primer of entomology, xi, [i],404 p. 183 il. D. London: J. M. Dent, 1899. "References to literature," p. 379-392. Tiimpel, Rudolf. 1^595-7 P901 '""' Die Geradflugler Mitteleuropas. Mit . . . von W. Miillcr, nach der Natur gemalten ... Tafeln .... [4] ,308 p. 92 il, 23 pi. Q. Eisenach: M. Wilckens, 1901. Sammlungs-Etiketten fur Geradfliigler. Supplementlie- ferung. 20 f. Q. Eisenach 1901. Printed and numbered on only one side of the leaves. Packard, Alpheus Spring. 595.7 P800 15260 ^ text-book of entomology including the anatomy, physiology, embryology and metamorphoses of insects. For use in agricul- tural and technical schools ... as well as by the working entomol- ogist. xvii,729 p. 654 il. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1898. "Literature" scattered through the book. Scudder, Samuel Hubbard. 595-72 P700 ^^" Guide to the genera and classification of the North American orthoptera found north of Mexico. 87, [3] p. O. Cambridge: E. W. Wheeler, 1897. "Bibliographical notes", p. 67-87. Silbermann, Henri. L638 P701 '*®" Die Seide. Ihre Geschichte, Gewinnung und Verarbeitung 2 vol. il. Q. Dresden: G. KUhtmann, 1897. "Bibliographischer Anhang," at the end of each chapter. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS ^'J'J Melichar, Leopold. 595-753 P6oo ®^®® Cicadinen (Hemiptera-Homoptera) von Mittel-Europa. xxvii, 364 p. 12 pi. O. Berlin: F. L. Dames, 1896. "Literatur," p. viii-xiii. Williston, Samuel Wendell. 595-77 P600 "" Manual of the families and genera of North American diptera. Second edition, rewritten and enlarged. hv,[2],i67 p. O. New Haven: J. T. Hathaway, 1896. "Bibliography, 1878-1895," p. xxxiii-liv. Buckton, George Bowdler. 595-772 P500 25006 ji^g natural history of eristalis tenax, or the drone-fly. iv,[4], 91 p. 9 pi. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1895. "Bibliography," p. [3]. Smith, John Bernhard. 071.91 3 v.48 20907 Contributions toward a monograph of the insects of the lepidop- terous family noctuidae of boreal North America. A revision of the deltoid moths. vi,i29 p. 14 pi. [/« United States Na- tional Museum. Bulletin, no. 48.] Washington 1895. Bibliographical references with individual species. Smith, John Bernhard. 595-786 P300 ^°^* A catalogue, bibliographical and synonymical, of the species of moths of the lepidopterous superfamily noctuidae, found in boreal America. With critical notes. 424 p. O. [United States National Museum. Bulletin no. 44.] Washington 1893. Another copy in the Bulletin of the United States National Museum has shelf number 071.91 3 V.44 Theobald, Frederick Vincent. 595-77 P200 17695 p^^ account of British flies (diptera). Vol. i. xix,[i],2i5 P- 44 il. 4 pi. O. London: E, Stock, 1892. Beauregard, Henri. 595'76 Pooi "*'* Les insectes vesicants. Avec 34 \^sic\ planches en lithographic. XV, 544 p. 44 il. 19 pi. O. Paris: F. Alcan, 1890. "Bibliographic", p. 461-464. PI. 22 referred to in the text. Edwards, Henry. 071.91 3 v.35 20837 Bibliographical catalogue of the described transformations of North American lepidoptera. 147, [2] p. [/;/ United States National Museum. Bulletin, no. 35.] Washington 1889. 278 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Illinois. State Entomologist. 630.9773 2 v. 22 ^"®° General indexes to the first twelve reports of the State Entomol- ogists of Illinois, .... xix,i2o p. [/;/ Illinois. Department OF Agriculture. Transactions, vol. 22. Springfield 1885.] Published as appendix to Report of the State Entomologist, no. 14. Cameron, Peter. 595-793 O200 **"" A monograph of the British phytophagous hymenoptera. (Ten- thredo, sirex and cynips, Linne.) 4 vol. pi. colored pi. O. [Ray Society.] London: Ray Society, 1 882-1 893. Vol. 4 has subtitle: (Cynipidse and Appendix.) "Bibliography," vol. 4, p. 208-234. Adler, Hermann. 59i«345 Oioo "''^' Alternating generations. A biological study of oak galls and gall flies. Translated and edited by Charles R. Straton. xliii, 198 p. il. 3 pi. D. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1894. "Bibliography" p. 182-189. Buckton, George Bowdler. 595-753 N600 29709 Monograph of the British aphides. 4 vol. . pi. colored pi. O. [Ray Society.] London: Ray Society, 1876-1883. "Bibliography of authors who have treated of . . . aphides," vol. 4, p. 203-210. Thomas, Cyrus. I'557-3 5 "^'' Synopsis of the acrididae of North America. x,262 p. i pi. [/;/ U. S. A. Department of the Interior. Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. Reports, vol. 5. Washington 1873.] "Authorities", p. 3-6. Scudder, Samuel Hubbard. 061.822 '''"' Catalogue of the orthoptera of North America described previous to 1867. .. . XX, 89 p. 1868. {In Smithsonian Institu- tion. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, vol. 8. Washing- ton 1869.) With a bibliography of orthoptera. Semper, Georg. L570.9914 M500 19423 £)jg Schmetterlinge der philippinischen Inseln. Beitrag zur indo- malayischen Lepidopteren-Fauna. Vol. i-. il. pi. \In SEMPER, K. Reisen im Archipel der Philippinen. Zweiter Theil, vol. 5-.] Wiesbaden 1886-. Contents: Vol. i. Die Tagfalter. Rhopalocera. Vol. 2. Die Nachtfalter. Heterocera. Bibliographical references with individual species. Hagen, Hermann August. 016.5957 H12 '"^'^ Bibliotheca entomologica. Die Litteratur iiber das ganze Gebiet der Entomologie bis zum Jahre 1862. 2 vol. O. Leipzio-; W. Engelmann, 1 862-1 863. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 279 Entomological Society of London. 595.06226 i ^*'' General index to [the Transactions and Proceedings, vol. i-io. 1 834- 1 86 1.] {_In Entomological Society of London. Transactions, vol. 5, 10. London 1 847-1 861.] Contents: Vol. i, 1834-1849; vol. 2, 1850-1861. Percheron, Achille. 016.5957 P41 *'*^ Bibliographie entomologique, comprenant indication par ordre alphabethique de noms d'auteurs : 1° des ouvrages entomologiques publics en France et a I'etranger, depuis les temps les plus recules jusques et y compris I'annee 1834; 2** des monographies et me- moires contenus dans les recueils, journaux et collections acade- miques frangaises et etrangeres ; accompagnee de notices sur les ouvrages periodiques, les dictionnaires et les memoires des societes savantes; .... 2 vol. O. Paris: J. B. Bailliere, 1837. Stephens, James Francis. 595.7 1901 "" A systematic catalogue of British insects : . . . . Containing also the references to every English writer on entomology, and to the principal foreign authors. With all the published British genera to the present time. xxxiv,4i6,388 p. O. London: Baldwin & Cradock, 1829. 016.596 VERTEBRATES. GENERAL WORKS Locy, William Albert. 1*596 P400 232.i8 Contribution to the structure and development of the vertebrate head. A thesis for the degree of doctor of philosophy presented to the Biological Faculty of the University of Chicago, November, 1894 [2],497-594 p. 5 pi. Q- Boston: Ginn & Co., 1895. "Literature," p. 580-583. Reprinted from the Journal of morphology , vol. 9, no. 3. 016.597 FISHES. AMPHIBIA Ballowitz, Emil. L591.4739P900 24806 -Q^g elektrische Organ des afrikanischen Zitterwelses (malopteru- rus electricus Lacepede). Anatomisch untersucht. [8], 96 p. 3 il. 7 pi. sq. F*. Jena: G. Fischer, 1899. "Alphabetisches Verzeichniss der anatomischen und physiologischen Ge'sammt-Literatur liber die elektrischen Organe der Fische," p. 86-96. 280 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Hardesty, Irving. 597-8 P900 S068I jj^g number and arrangement of the fibers forming the spinal nerves of the frog (rana virescens). A dissertation submitted to the (University of Chicago) ... , in candidacy for the degree of doctor of philosophy, ... . [2],65-i 12 p. il. 8 pi. O. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1899. "Bibliography," p. 107-109. From the yotirnal of comparative neurology , vol. 9. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. Boulenger, George Albert. 597-8 P701 29712 jj^g tailless batrachians of Europe. 2 vol. paged continuously; vol. I : [2],iii,i-2io p. ; vol. 2 : [2], 21 1-376 p. il. pi. colored pi. maps. O. [Ray Society.] London: Ray Society, i 897-1 898. "Bibliographical index," vol. 2, p. 361-373. Semon, Richard. L596 P701 v.3 30051 Normentafel zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Ceratodus forsteri. [2], 38 p. 17 il. 3 pi. (/« Keibel, F., ed. Normentafeln zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Wirbelthiere, vol. 3.) Jena 1901. •'Literaturiibersicht iiber Zoologie, Anatomic und Ontogenie des Ceratodus, Lepidosi- ren und Protopterus und iiber die Palaontologie der Dipnoer," p. 26-38. Ecker, Alexander, & Wiedersheim, R. 1*597-8 P6oo *""* A. Ecker's und R. Wiedersheim's Anatomic des Frosches. Auf Grund eigener Untersuchungen durchaus neu bearbeitet von Dr. Ernst Gaupp Dritte Auflage. Vol. i-. il. Q. Braun- schweig: F. Vieweg & Sohn, 1896-. "Littcratur," at the end of each part. Vol. 2 is in second edition. Dean, Bashford. 597 P500 9845 Pishes, living and fossil. An outline of their forms and probable relationships. xiv,3oo p. il. i pi. O. (Columbia University. Biological series, vol. 3.) New York: Macmillan & Co., 1895. "Bibliography", p. 231-251. Eycleshymer, Albert Chauncy. 1*597-9 P400 20644 -pj^g early development of amblystoma. With observations on some other vertebrates. A thesis for the degree of doctor of philosophy presented to the ... University of Chicago, Dec. 15, 1894 [2],343-4i8p. 5pl. Q. Boston : Ginn & Co., 1895. "List of papers referred to," p. 403-408. Reprinted from the Journal of morphology , vol. 10, no. 2, Feb. 1895. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 28 1 Fries, Bengt [Fredrik], Ekstrom, C. U., L597P200 & Sundevall, C. A history of Scandinavian fishes. With coloured plates by W. von Wright, Second edition revised and completed by Professor F. A. Smitt. 2 vol. paged continuously; vol. i: [6], 1-566, viiip.; vol. 2 : [4], 567-1 240 p. il. Atlas of 55 pi. sq.F'. Stock- holm: P. A. Norstedt & Soner, 1892-1895. Translated by D. Lloyd Morgan. Most of the drawings executed by Carl Erdmann. Bibliographical references scattered through the book, Eigenmann, Carl H, &• Eigenmann, Rosa Smith. 570.6114 2 11474 ^ revision of the South American nematognathi or cat-fishes. [/« California Academy of Sciences. Occasional papers, vol. I. p. [2], 1-508, [2], 57 il. I map. San Francisco 1890.] "Bibliography of South American fresh-water fishes", p. 476-485, and bibliograph- ical references for each species. Bedriaga, Jacques von. 597-6 O900 15795 Die Lurchfauna Europa's 2 vol. O. Moskau 1891-1897. "Citierte und beniitzte Litteratur," vol, i, p, 14-32, vol, 2, p. 11-27. "Synonymik, Litteratur und Abbildungen," for each species. Reprinted from the Bulletin de la Societe Imper. dcs iVaturalistes de Moscou, 1889, 1896. Cope, Edward Drinker. 071.91 3 v.34 20836 Yhe batrachia of North America, 525 p, 119 il. 86 pi. [/« United States National Museum. Bulletin, no 34.] Wash- ington 1889. "Bibliography," p. 461-487. PI. 80-82, 84-85, canceUed. Ecker, Alexander. 597-8 O800 23811 Yj^g anatomy of the frog. Translated, with numerous annotations and additions by George Haslam. xvi,449 p, 261 il. 2 pi. O. [Translations of foreign biological memoirs, no. 2.] Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1889. "Literature", p. 426-431, 435-440 and at the beginning of each chapter. Vaillant, Leon. L591.92603O300 v.i "''" Poissons. [2], 406 p. 28 pi. (/;/ Milne-Euwards, A., cd. Expeditions scientifiques du Travailleur et du Talisman, [vol. i].) Paris 1888. Bibliographical references for species and in footnotes. [Bartlett, John.] L016.799B28 *" Catalogue of books on angling, including ichthyology, piscicul- ture, fisheries, and fishing laws. From the Hbrary of a practi- tioner of more than fifty years' experience in the art of angling. [2], 77 p. Q. Cambridge: J. Wilson & Son, 1882. 282 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Gill, Theodore [Nicholas]. 071.913 ^^''^ Bibliography of the fishes of the Pacific coast of the United States to the end of 1879. [2], 73 p. O. [UNITED States National Museum. Bulletin, no. 11.] Washington 1882. Gill, Theodore [Nicholas]. 061.822 '"' Catalogue of the fishes of the east coast of North America, iii, 50 p. 1873. (/;/ Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian mis- cellaneous collections, vol. 14. Washington 1878.) Contains a bibliography. Jordan, David Starr. 071.91 3 ^'"*** Contributions to North American ichthyology. Based primarily on the collections of the United States National Museum 3 parts, pi. O. [United States National Museum. Bulletin, no. 9, 10, 12.] Washington 1 877-1 878. Contains bibliographies of silurida; and catostoniidre. Part 3 contains; On the dis- tribution of the fishes of the Alleghany region of South Carolina, Georgia, and Tennes- see, .... By D. S. Jordan and A. W. Brayton. Gill, Theodore [Nicholas]. 061.822 2425 Arrangement of the families of fishes, or classes pisces, marsipo- branchii, and leptocardii xlvi,49 p. 1872. (//^ SMITH- SONIAN Institution. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, vol. II. Washington 1874.) With a bibliography of the great standard works of descriptive ichthyology. [Smith, John Russell.] 016.799 S652 24095 j^ bibliographical catalogue of English writers on angling and ichthyology. 47 p. O. London : J. R. Smith, 1856. 016.598 REPTILES Van Denburgh, John. 570.6114 2 1 1478 -pj^g reptiles of the Pacific Coast and Great Basin. An account of the species known to inhabit California, and Oregon, Washing- ton, Idaho and Nevada. [lu CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Occasional papers, vol. 5. p. 1-236, il. San Francisco 1897.] Bibliographical references for each species. Barboza du Socage, Jose Vicente. L598.1 P500 Herpetologie d'Angola et du Congo. Ouvrage public sous les auspices du Ministere de la marine et des colonies. xx,203 P- 20 pi. Q. Lisbonne 1895. Bibliographical references for each species. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 283 Mitchell, Silas Weir, & Reichert, Edward T. L061.82 3 v.26 '®°^ Researches upon the venoms of poisonous serpents. ... 1885. ix,i86 p. 4 il. 5 pi. {In SMITHSONIAN Institution. Smithso- nian contributions to knowledge, vol. 26. Washington 1890.) "Bibliography", p. 157-179. Mitchell, Silas Weir. L061.823 "" Researches upon the venom of the rattlesnake : with an investiga- tion of the anatomy and physiology of the organs concerned, viii, [2], 145 p. 12 il. {In Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian contributions to knowledge, vol. 12. Washington i860.) Contains a bibliography of works on venomous serpents. Hoffmann, Christian Karl. L590.2 L900 13960 j^eptiiien ^ vol. paged continuously ; vol. i : [2], 1-442 p. ; vol. 2: [2], 443-1399 p.; vol. 3 : [2],i40i-2o89 p. il. pi. {In Bronn, H. G., cd. Die Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs, vol. 6, part 3.) Leipzig 1890. "Litteratur" scattered through the volumes. 016.5982 BIRDS Eckstorm, Fannie, \boni\ Hardy. 598.2 Qioi ''«'" The bird book. xii,276 p. il. 24 pi. D. Boston: D. C. Heath, 1901. "Lists of books," p. 273-276. Ibis. 598-052 I v.o *"'"' General subject-index to "The Ibis" (first to sixth series), 1859- 1894. Edited by Eugene W. Gates. [4], 140 p. O. London: Gurney & Jackson, 1900. Ibis. 598.052 I V.6 '"'^ General index to the Ibis. [Seventh series, vol. 1-6], 1895- 1900. xlix p. \In Ibis, Seventh series, vol. 6. London 1900.] Reichenow, Anton. L598.2 Q004 26655 -Qjg Vogel Afrikas, Vol. i-. por. Q. Neudamm : J. Neumann, 1900-. "Schrifteniibersicht," vol. i, part i, p. xxxvii-lxxix; and for each species. Stray feathers. L598.052 2 v. 12 89831 g^j-^y feathers. A journal of ornithology for India and its de- pendencies. Systematic and general index to vols. I-XI, by Charles Chubb. iv,i 67 p. (/;/ Stray feathers, vol. 12.) Lon- don 1899. 284 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Meyer, Adolf Bernard, & Wiglesworth, L. W. L598.2 P800 ''''' The birds of Celebes and the neighbouring islands. 2 vol. paged continuously; vol. i : xxxii, 1-392 P- ; vol. 2: [2], 393-962 p. pi. maps. sq.F. BerHn : R. Friedlander & Sohn, 1898. "Special list of literature on the birds of Celebes," p. 11-16. Ibis. 598.052 I v.o "'^« Index of genera and species referred to, and an index to the plates, in 'The Ibis' (fourth, fifth, and sixth series), 1 877-1 894. Edited by Osbert Salvin. iv,47i p. O. London: Gurney & Jackson, 1897. Ridgway, Robert. ^570-9773 i v.i 15353 Ornithology of Illinois. Part i. Descriptive catalogue. ... 2 vol. pi. (Li Illinois. State Laboratory of Natural History. Natural history survey of Illinois, vol. i.) Springfield, 111., 1 889-1 895. Bibliographical references for each species. Suchetet, Andre. L598.41 P400 86838 Histoire du bimaculated duck de Pennant confondu longtemps avec I'anas glocitans de Pallas, et notes sur plusieurs autres oiseaux du meme genre. v,48,[2] p. 4 pi. Q. Lille 1894. "Liste alphabetique des auteurs cites," p. iii-v. Cook, Albert John. 598.2 P305 ""'" Birds of Michigan. [2],i48 p. il. O. (MICHIGAN. State AG- RICULTURAL College. Experiment Station. Bulletin, no. 94.) Lansing, Mich., 1893. "Bibliography," p. 12-23. Wickmann, Heinrich. 598.2 P307 27008 j-)jg Entstehung der Farbung der Vogeleier. [2], 64 p. O. Munster i. W., 1893. "Literatur," p. 63. Foster, Lyman Spalding. 071.913 2678 Bibliographies of American naturalists. IV. The published writ- ings of George Newbold Lawrence, 1 844-1 891. xi,i24 p. i por. O. [United States National Museum. Bulletin, no. 40.] Washington 1892. Harting, James Edmund. 016.598 H25 *'* Bibliotheca accipitraria. A catalogue of books, ancient and modern, relating to falconry, with notes, glossary, and vocabu- lary. xxviii,289 p. 26 pi. O. London: B. Quaritch, 1891. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 285 Shufeldt, Robert Wilson. 598.81 Pooi *'*^ The myology of the raven (corvus corax sinuatus). A guide to the study of the muscular system in birds. xix,343 p. "jG il. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1890. "Bibliography," p. 319-328. Wilson, Scott Barchard. L598.2 P005 24810 ^yes Hawaiienses : the birds of the Sandwich Islands. By Scott B. Wilson, assisted by A. H. Evans. xxvii,2 57 p. il. 70 pi. I map. sq. F. London: R. H. Porter, 1 890-1899. Gadow, H. Remarks on the structure of certain Hawaiian birds, with reference to their systematic position, p. 219—249. Bibliographical references for each species. Bartlett, Edward. L598.81 O800 18270 ^ monograph of the weaver-birds, ploceidae, and arboreal and terrestrial finches, fringillidae sq.Q. Maid- stone: published by the author, 1 888-1 889. No more published. Bibliographical references for each species. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. Sharpe, Richard Bowdler, & Wyatt, Claude W. L598.81 O500 18862 ^ monograph of the hirundinidae or family of swallows. 2 vol. pi. maps, tables. sq.F. London: H. Sotheran & Co., 1885- 1894. "Literature," vol. i, p. xxxi-lxvii. Bibliographical references for each species. Nelson, Edward W. L591.9798 Oioo '®"' Report upon natural history collections made in Alaska between the years 1877 a"^ 1881. Edited by Henry W. Henshaw 337 p. 21 pi. sq.Q. (U. S. A. War Department. Signal Office. Arctic series of publications, no. 3.) Washington 1887. Contents: i. Nelson, E. W. Birds of Alaska, with a partial bibliography of Alaskan ornithology. 2. Nelson, E. W., & True, F. W. Mammals of northern Alaska. 3. Nel- son, E. W. Field-notes on Alaskan fishes, with additional notes by Tarleton H. Bean. 4. Edwards, W. H. Report upon the diurnal lepidoptera collected in Alaska by E. W. Nelson. Stearns, Winfrid Alden. 598.2 Oioo '"' New England bird life. Being a manual of New England ornithol- ogy. Revised and edited from the manuscript by Dr. Elliott Coues. 2 vol. il. O. Boston: Lee&Shepard, 1883-1885. Vol. I : second edition. — Contains a bibliography of New England birds. Mosenthal, Julius de, 6f Harting, James Edmund. 636.964 N900 Ostriches and ostrich farming. New edition. xvii,xxi,[3],246 p. il. 8 pi. O. London: Triibner & Co., 1879. "List of works and articles," second p. vi-xv. 10972 286 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Coues, Elliott. 557-3 7 v.ii 17928 gij.(jg Qf the Colorado Valley. A repository of scientific and popular information concerning North American ornithology. Part first. Passeres to laniidae. Bibliographical appendix, xvi, 807 p. 66 il. (/;/ U. S. A. Department of the Interior. Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. Miscellaneous publications, no. 11.) Washington 1878. "Bibliographical appendix. List of faunal publications relating to North American ornithology," p. 567-784. Elliot, Daniel Giraud. A598.6 N200 7333 ^ monograph of the phasianidae, or family of the pheasants. 2 vol. pi. sq. F'. New York: published by the author, 1872. Giebel, Christoph Gottfried. 598.2 N202 29828 Thesaurus ornithologiae. Repertorium der gesammten ornitho- logischen Literatur und Nomenclator sammtlicher Gattungen und Arten der Vogel nebst Synonymen und geographischer Ver- breitung. 3 vol. O. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1 872-1 877. Dresser, Henry Eeles. L598.2 Nioo 3U060 ^ history of the birds of Europe, including all the species inhabit- ing the western palaearctic region. By H. E. Dresser, [assisted by R. B. Sharpe]. 8 vol. colored pi. sq. F. London : published by the author, 1871-1881. Vol. I contains : Introduction. Literature, p. xxii-xxxv. Addenda and errata. Index. Journal. 598.053 i v.o *^^^^ General-Index zum Journal fiir Ornithologie. Inhaltsverzeichniss der ersten 15 Jahrgange, 1853-1867, enthaltend : Systematischer Index aller lateinischen Familien-, Genus- und Artnamen sowie ein Autoren- und Sachregister und Verzeichniss der Abbildungen, in alphabetischer Ordnung. In Verbindung mit Anton Reiche- now und Max Helm, herausgegeben von J. Cabanis. iv,2ii p. O. Cassel 1870. Gadow, Hans, & Selenka, Emil. L590.2 L900 '"''' Vogel 2 vol. il. pi. (/;/ Bronn, H. G., cd. Die Klasscn und Ordnungen des Thiers-Reichs, vol.6, part 4.) Leipzig 189 1- 1893. Contents: Vol. i. Anatomischer Theil. Vol. 2. Systematischer Theil. "Litteratur" scattered through the volumes. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 28/ 016.599 MAMMALS TuUberg, Tycho. I'599-32 Pqoo "^^* Ueber das System der Nagethiere. Eine phylogenetische Studie. (Mitgetheilt der Konigl. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Up- sala am 3 April 1897). [2],v,5 i4,Ai8,[2] p. 57 pi. sq.Q. Upsala 1899. "Literaturverzeichnis," p. 501-514. Another copy in Nova acta Regia: Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis, Third series, vol. 18, has shelf number L068.91 11 Trouessart, Edouard Louis. 599 P^oi 19232 Catalogus mammalium tam viventium quam fossilium. Nova editio (prima completa). 2 vol. paged continuously; vol. i: vi, 1-664 P-; vol. 2: v,665-i469 p. O. Berolini: R. Friedlander & Sohn, 1 898-1 899. Bibliographical references for each species. Huth, Frederick Henry. 016.636 H97 ^'^^ Works on horses and equitation. A bibliographical record of hippology. X, [2], 439 p. O. London: B. Quaritch, 1887. Wilder, Burt Green, &- Gage, Simon H. 599-74 O600 ^"*^ Anatomical technology as applied to the domestic cat. An in- troduction to human, veterinary, and comparative anatomy. Third edition, revised. xxv,[i],575 p. 130 il. 4 pi. O. New York: A. S. Barnes & Co., c. 1886. "Bibliography," p. 538-553*^- A.llen, Joel Asaph. 557-3 7 v. 12 '*'° History of North American pinnipeds. A monograph of the walruses, sea-lions, sea-bears and seals of North America, xvi, 785 p. 60 il. [/;" Anatomic du systeme nerveux de J'homme. Legons professees a I'Univei-site de Louvain. Deuxieme edition. xxiv,[2],94i p. 619 il. Q. Louvain: A. Uyspruyst-Dieudonne, 1897. "Litterature," at the end of each chapter. "Publications du m6me auteur," p. 939-941. Tbply, Robert Ritter von. L590.94 P700 *'°°' Studien zur Geschichte der Anatomic im Mittelaltcr. Vi,[2], 121 p. Q. Leipzig: F. Deuticke, 1898. Largely bibliographical. Handbuch. L611.02P603 '®'" Handbuch der Anatomic des Mcnschen. Vol. i-. il. Q. Jena: G. Fischer, 1896-. Edited by Karl Von Bardeleben. Vol. I, no. I published under the title: Handbuch der Anatomic. "Litteratur," scattered through the work. Solger, Bernhard. L590.8 2 "'^^ Ueber den feineren Bau der Glandula submaxillaris des Menschen, mit besondcrer Beriicksichtigung der Driisengranula. [/« Fest- schrift zum siebenzigsten Geburtstage von Carl Gegenbaur, vol. 2, p. 179-248, 2 pi. Leipzig 1896.] "Litteratur-Verzeichniss", p. 245-246. Testut, Leo. L611.02P502 11496 -pj-^jj-^ d'anatomie humaine. Anatomic descriptive — histologic — developpement. Troisieme edition, revue, corrigee et aug- mentec 3 vol. il. Q. Paris: O. Doin, 1 895-1 897. Vialleton, L. Embryologie, vol. 3. p. 693-820. The histology of the bones, articulation, muscles, and bloodvessels in vol. i, and of the microscopical structure of the digestive apparatus in vol. 3, prepared by G. Ferre. Bibliography scattered through the book. Vol. I published in 1896. Bertaux, A. L611.71P100 "'^ L'humerus & le femur. Consideres dans les especes, dans les races humaincs, scion le scxc et scion I'age. vi,3i8 p. 89 il. Q. Paris: F. Alcan, 1891. "Index bibliographique," p. 309-314. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS ^01 016.612 HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY AND EMBRYOLOGY Bibliographia physiologica. 016.591 B47 18083 Bibliographia physiologica. (016:612) ... . Continued from [vol. l]. 1893. O. (InSTITUT BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE INTERNA- TIONALE. Bibliographia universalis.) Paris: F. Alcan, 1894-. 1893- compiled by Ch. Richet. Published under the auspices of the Concilium bibliographicum in Ziirich. [First series] has sub-title: Repertoire des travaux de physiologic . . . Classd d'apres la classification decimale. [First series], 1893-1896. New series continued from vol. i, 1897. [First series] printed on only one side of the leaves. Young, Thomas Emley. L612.68 P900 25034 Q^ centenarians ; and the duration of the human race : a fresh and authentic enquiry ; with historical notes, criticisms, and spec- ulations. 147, [2] p. Q. London: C. & E. Layton, 1899. "A record of some previous investigations, and their results," p. 23-52. Hedon, E., edttor. L591 P801 84158 Travaux de physiologic. (Laboratoire de M. le Professeur E. Hedon.) .... (UnIVERSITE DE MONTPELLIER.) ix,320 p. 2 pi. I table. O. Paris: O. Doin, 1898. Contents: i. Hedon, E. Diabete pancreatique. 2. Azemar, L. Acetonurie expdri- mentale. 3. Delezenne, C. Mecanisme d'action des substances anticoagulantes (i^r memoire). 4. Hedon, E. Action vaso-dilatatrice et secretoire du larynge superieur. 5. Rouville, [G.] de. Hemostase hepatique. 6. Delezenne, C. Mecanisme d'action des substances anticoagulantes (2e memoire). Bibliographical references scattered through the book. Damsch, Otto. 612.19 P700 "'^^ tJber die Bewegungsvorgiinge am menschlichen Herzen. Unter- suchungen im Anschluss an die Beobachtung des freiliegenden Herzens in einem Fall von angeborener Sternalspalte. vi,69 p. 8 il. O. Leipzig: F. Deuticke, 1897. "Literatur-Verzeichniss," p. 67-69. Richet, Charles. L591.03P500 '"'' Dictionnaire de physiologic Vol. i- il. Q. Paris : F. Al- can, 1895. Minot, Charles Sedgwick. 612.64 P200 "** Human embryology. xxiii,8i5 p. 463 il. O. New York: Mac- millan Co., 1897, c. 1892, "References," p. 779-792. 302 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 016.613 HYGIENE Rothschild, Henri de. L016.613 R74 89634 Bibliographia lactaria. Bibliographic generale des travaux parus sur le lait et sur rallaitement jusqu'en 1899. Avec une preface de M. E. Duclaux. xii,584 p. Q. Paris: O. Doin, 1901. . Supplement ... Continued from no. i. (1900). Q. Paris 1901. Kotelmann, Ludwig. 371-7 PQOi ^^'"® School hygiene. Translation from a copy revised and enlarged especially for this edition by the author, by John A. Bergstrom and Edward Conradi. [2], 391 p. 38 il. i por. D. (School bulletin publications.) Syracuse, N. Y. : C. W. Bardeen, 1899. "A bibliography of English and American books and papers on school hygiene," p. 353-382. Landtwing, Alois. 015.494 C73 v.5 ""'' Leibesubungen. [Bibliographic dcs] Turnen, Fechten, Reiten, Radfahren, Wassersport, etc. xii,i53 p. [/« Centralkom- MissiON FUR SCHWEIZERISCHE Landeskunde. Bibliographic, vol. ¥6*^.] Bern 1899. Laudenheimer, Rudolf. 613.62 P900 85468 -Qjg Schwefelkohlenstoff-Vergiftung der Gummi-Arbeiter. Unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der psychischen und nervosen Storungen und der Gewerbe-Hygiene. vii,232 p. 2 il. 2 pi. O. (Leipzig. Universitat. Psychiatrische und Nervenklinik.) Leipzig: Veit & Co., 1899. "Litteraturverzeichnis," p. 228—232. Zeitschrift. 589.053 6 v.o ^"''^ Register zum ersten bis dreissigsten Bande der Zeitschrift fur Hygiene und Infectionskrankheiten Bearbeitet von T. Fellmer. [4], 78 p. O. Leipzig 1899. Baginsky, Adolf. 613.54 P801 Handbuch der Schulhygiene zum Gebrauche fiir Arzte, Sanitats- beamte, Lehrer, Schulvorstande und Techniker. Mit Unterstut- zung von Otto Janke. Dritte, vollstandig umgearbeitete Auflage. 2 vol. il. O. Stuttgart: F. Enke, 1 898-1900. "Literatur", with leading topics. Burnham, William Henry. 016.613 B93 22852 Bibliography of school hygiene. 505-523 p. O. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the National Educational Association, 1898. No title-page. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS S^S Fay, Edward Allen. 613.91 P800 18471 Marriages of the deaf in America. An inquiry concerning the results of marriages of the deaf in America. vii,527,[i] p. O. Washington, D. C. : Volta Bureau, 1898. "Bibliography," p. 500-519. Manacein, Mariya. 613.79 P700 "'^^ Sleep : its physiology, pathology, hygiene, and psychology. By Marie de Manaceine. vii,[i],34i p. il. D. [Contemporary science series, vol. 34.] London: W. Scott, 1897. "Bibliography" at the end of each chapter. American Association for the 613.06103 i v.o "°" Advancement of Physical Education. Index of the Proceedings and Reports of the American Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Physical Education. 1 885-1 895. By John M. Pierce xi p. O. Boston, Mass., 1897. 'Re'px'xxiieAhomihQ American physical education review, vol. i, no. 1-2, Sept. -Dec. 1897. Guillemet, Eugene. L613.72 P702 ***'' La bicyclette. Ses effets psycho-physiologiques. Avec une lettre-preface de M. le Professeur Morache. 1 13 p. il. Q. Paris : J.-B. BaiUiere & fils, 1897. ' ' Index bibliographique, " p. 111-113. Snell, Ernest Hugh. 613.66 P600 ^®-'" Compressed air illness; or, So-called caisson disease. viii,25i p. il. O. London: H. K. Lewis, 1896. "Bibliography", p. 227-241. American Climatological Association. 615.06103 10 v. 11 "'" General index [to the Transactions], volumes I.-XI. (Prepared by Dr. Guy Hinsdale.) \_In AMERICAN CLIMATOLOGICAL ASSO- CIATION. Transactions, vol. 11, p. 233-266. Philadelphia 1895.] Armstrong, Henry Edward. L613.08 i 11292 Marine hygiene. [/;/ STEVENSON, T., & MuRPHY, S. F., ed. A treatise on hygiene and public health, vol. 2. p. 5ii-598> 24 il. London 1893.] "Bibliography of marine hygiene," p. 596-598. Handbuch. L613.02 P300 Handbuch der Hygiene. Herausgegeben von Dr. med. Th. Weyl 10 vol. il. pi. maps, table. Q. Jena: G.Fischer, 1895-1901. Vol. 10 contains index to the lo vol. Vol. I published in 1896. "Literatur," scattered through the work. 11132 304 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Handbuch. L613.02 P300 v. 10 '""^ Handbuch der Hygiene. Hauptregister zu alien 10 Banden. {In Handbuch der Hygiene, vol. 10, part 2. [4], 129-309 p.) Jena 1901. Silberstern, Philipp. L613.02 P300 s.v.i »«»'' Hygiene der Arbeit in komprimierter Luft. 36 p. 6 il. (/;/ Handbuch der Hygiene. Supplement-Band i, p. 75-1 10.) Jena 1901. Bibliographical references, p. 29-34. Rafter, George W. 613.33 Pioo 19225 jj^g microscopical examination of potable water. 160 p. 2 il. 6 tables. S. [Van Nostrand's science series, no. 103.] New York: D. Van Nostrand Co., 1892. "Literature," p. 137-160. Bragge, William. L016.394B73 11212 Bibiiotheca nicotiana; a catalogue of books about tobacco, to- gether with a catalogue of objects connected with the use of tobacco in all its forms. 248, [4] p. Q. Birmingham: privately printed, 1880. Buck, Albert Henry, editor. 613.02 N903 ^^"' A treatise on hygiene and public health. 2 vol. il. O. New York: W. Wood & Co., 1879. "Bibliography", at the end of some chapters. 016.614 PUBLIC HEALTH Gauger, E. 016.331 G23 ^®^** Essai de bibliographic. Securite des ateliers et accidents du travail. 184 p. D. Corbeil: E.Crete, [1900]. Lehmann, Karl Bernhard. L614.3 Q002 ''"° Die Methoden der praktischen Hygiene. Lehrbuch zur hygie- nischen Untersuchung und Beurtheilung fur Arzte, Chemiker und Juristen. Zweite erweiterte, vollkommen umgearbeitete Auflage. xvii,[i],697,[i] p. 146 il. Q. Wiesbaden: J. F. Bergmann, 1901. "Litteratur" at ends of chapters. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 30 5 Richards, Ellen Henrietta, [bom Swallow] , & 543-02 Qooi Woodman, Alpheus G. Air, water, and food from a sanitary standpoint. First edition. [4] ,226 p. il. I pi. I map. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons. 1900. "Bibliography", p. 213-218. Stockman, Stewart. 614.317 Q002 3I4I8 ^ practical guide to meat inspection (Walley). [Fourth edition] re-written and enlarged by Stewart Stockman. xiii,295 p. 79 il. 14 pi. 9 colored. O. Edinburgh: Y. J. Pentland, 1901. Stockman, R. Food poisoning in man, p. 274-281. "Bibliography," p. 283-289. Rideal, Samuel. 614.48 P800 ""* Disinfection & disinfectants. Together with an account of the chemical substances used as antiseptics and preservatives. Sec- ond edition. xii,372 p. 30 il. i pi. O. London: Sanitary Pub- Hshing Co., 1898. "Bibliography," p. 357-363- * Schmid, Franz, M.D. 015.494 C73 v.5 ^"•^ Gesundheitswesen. [Bibliographie.] .... Part i-. [/;/ Cen- TRALKOMMISSION FUR SCHWEIZERISCHE LaNDESKUNDE. Biblio- graphic, vol. v8.] Bern 1898-. Vogl, August Emil. 614.3 P800 85579 y)\q wichtigsten vegetabilischen Nahrungs- und Genussmittel mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der mikroskopischen Untersuchung auf ihre Echtheit, ihre Verunreinigungen und Verfalschungen. xv,575 p. 271 il. O. Berlin: Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1899. "Literatur-Verzeichniss," p. vii-viii. Fichera, Filadelfo. 630.945 P700 ^"'* II risanamento delle campagne italiane rispetto alia malaria, all'agricoltura, alia colonizzazione. Libri sette d'ingegneria sanitaria e d'idraulica agricola Vol. i-. il. pi. maps, table. O. Milano: U. HoepH, 1897. "Appendice bibliografica," vol. i, p. 1103-iiii; "Bibliografia," at the ends of chapters. Tebb, William, & VoUum, Edward Perry. 614.6 P600 21230 Premature burial and how it may be prevented. With special reference to trance, catalepsy, and other forms of suspended ani- mation. [2], 400 p. D. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1896. "Bibliography," p. 363-387. 306 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Sanitary Institute. 614.06278 i v. 16 23609 Papers read before the Sanitary Institute, the Sanitary Institute of Great Britain, and the Parkes Museum, 1 876-1 894. Being an index to the Transactions of the Institute, vols. I. to XV., and Miscellaneous papers, vols. I. to III. [/// SANITARY INSTITUTE. Journal, vol. 16, p. (i)-(28). London] 1895. Bujard, Alfons, & Baier, Eduard. 543.1 P400 21650 Hilfsbuch fiir Nahrungsmittelchemiker auf Grundlage der Vor- schriften, betreffend die Priifung der Nahrungsmittelchemiker. xvi,320,i66* p. 34 il. D. Berlin: J. Springer, 1894. "Literatur," p. 69*-77*. Wiirzburg, Arthur. 614.0943 4 ^*^*' Die Nahrungsmittel-Gesetzgebung im Deutschen Reiche und in den einzelnen Bundesstaaten. xiv,372 p. D. (Bibliothek fiir Nahrungsmittel-Chemiker, vol. i.] Leipzig: J. A. Barth, 1894. "Benutze Werke," p. x-xii. Blaschko, A. L613.02 P300 24880 Hygiene der Prostitution und der venerischen Krankheiten. (In Handbuch der Hygiene, vol. 10, p. [4], 128, 3 il. Jena 1900.) Bibliographical references at the end of each chapter, and on p. 114- 119. Handbuch. L613.02 P300 v. 10 30052 f^andbuch der Hygiene. Hauptregister zu alien 10 Banden. (/n Handbuch der Hygiene, vol. 10, part 2. [4], 129-309 p.) Jena 1901. Rapmund, Otto. L302 P300 pt.3 v.6 29989 -Q^g offentliche Gesundheitswesen. Allgemeiner Teil. x,336 p. [/;/ Hand- und Lehrbuch der Staatswissenschaften, part 3, vol. 6.] Leipzig 1901. "Bibliographie" von P. Lippert, p. 317-336. American Public Health Association. 614.48 O700 '"®* Committee on Disinfectants. Disinfection and disinfectants: their application and use in the prevention and treatment of disease, and in public and private sanitation. By the Committee on Disinfectants, appointed by the American Public Health Association. 266 p. il. O. Concord, N. H., 1888. Rohe, G. H. Bibliography from 1880 to 1888, p. 242-255. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 30/ Annales. ^ 614.054 2 v.o 18099 Annales d'hygiene publique et de medecine legale. Tables alpha- betiques par ordre de matieres et par noms d'auteurs ... de la ie_2« series. 1829-1878 [Vol. 1-2.]' O. Paris 1855- 1880. [Vol. i] edited by Ch. Meaux Saint-Marc; [vol. 2], by A. G. Contents: [vol. i], index to vol. 1-50, 1829-1853; [vol. 2], to Second series, vol. I- 50, 1 854-1 878. Bound with [vol. i] : Tables alphabetiques . . . , pour les tomes 21 a 30, redigeea par M. [J. B.] A. Chevallier. 24 p. Paris 1844. 016.615 MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS Chemisches Central-Blatt. 540-53 3 '^^*^ Chemisches Central-Blatt. Vollstandiges Repertorium fUr alle Zweige der reinen und angewandten Chemie. Herausgegeben von der Deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft Continued from [vol. i]. 1830. il. pi. tables. O. Berlin [1830-]. Index to third series, vol. I-12, 1870-1881, published separately. From 1887 edited by Rud. Arendt. From 1830-1849 published under the title: Pharmaceutisches Central-Blatt; from 1850-1855: Chemisch-pharmaceutisches Central-Blatt; from 1856-1869: Chemisches Central-Blatt; from 1870-1886, with the subtitle: Repertorium fiir reine, pharmaceu- tische, physiologische, und technische Chemie. First series: 47 vol. 1830-1855. New series: 28 vol. 1856-1869. Third series: 19 vol. 1870-1888. Fourth series: 16 vol. 1889-1896. Fifth series : continued from vol- I. 1897. From 1830-1881 published at Leipzig; from 1882-1896, at Hamburg. 1867, vol. 2, has no title-page. Jahresbericht. 615.053 i ***" Jahresbericht der Pharmacie herausgegeben vom Deutschen Apothekerverein Continued from vol. 33. 1898. O. Gottingen 1900-. Edited by Heinr. Beckurts. Also called Whole series, vol. 58-. Pharmaceutical archives. 615.051 3 30839 Pharmaceutical archives. Continued from vol. i. [1898]. pi. O. Milwaukee 1898-. Edited by Edward Kremers. With numerous bibliographies on special subjects. Kelynack, Theophilus Nicholas, & Kirkby, William. 615.926 Qioo 3070! Arsenical poisoning in beer drinkers. xii,i25 p. 15 pi. O. London: Bailliere, Tindall & Cox, 1901. "Bibliography, clinical," p. 101-115. "Bibliography, chemical," p. 1 16-125. 308 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Ostrom, Kurre Wilhelm. 615.82 P900 S6912 Massage and the original Swedish movements. Their apphcation to various diseases of the body. Lectures .... Fourth edition, revised and enlarged. 168 p. 105 il. D. Philadelphia: P. Blak- iston's Son & Co., 1899. "Bibliography," p. 160-163. Eccles, Arthur Symons. 615.82 P701 26693 ^Yhe practice of massage : its physiological effects and therapeutic uses. Second edition. 374 p. O. London: Bailliere, Tindall & Cox, 1898. "List of authors quoted and works referred to," p. 362-365. Hartwich, CarL 615.32 P700 25907 j^jg neuen Arzneidrogen aus dem Pflanzenreiche. vi,[2],469 p. O. Berlin: J. Springer, 1897. "Litteratur-Verzeichniss," p. 391-398. Vaughan, Victor Clarence, & Novy, Frederick G. 615.94 P600 ""•' PtomaTns, Icucomains, toxins and antitoxins: or the chemical factors in the causation of disease. Third edition, revised and enlarged. 604 p. i table. O. Philadelphia: Lea Brothers & Co., 1896. With a bibliography. American Climatological Association. 615.06103 10 v. 11 ^^'^* General index [to the Transactions], volumes L-XL (Prepared by Dr. Guy Hinsdale.) [/// American Climatological Asso- ciation. Transactions, vol. 11, p. 233-266. Philadelphia 1895.] Blyth, Alexander Wynter. 543 '5 P500 18087 Poisons : their effects and detection. A manual for the use of analytical chemists and experts. With an introductory essay on the growth of modern toxicology. Third edition, revised and enlarged. xxxii,724 p. il. i table. O. London: C. Grififin & Co. 1895. "Bibliography of the chief works on toxicology (nineteenth century)", p. 16-19. Imbert-Gourbeyre, [Antoine]. L615.323111 P400 *"'^ Histoire de I'aconit. 156, [2] p. Q. Paris: A. Davy, 1894. "Bibliographic," p. 4-16. Bradford, Thomas Lindsley. 016.615 ^72 ""^ HomcEopathic bibliography of the United States, from the year 1825 to the year 1 89 1, inclusive vi,596 p. i pi. O. Phila- delphia: Boericke & Tafel, 1892. Contents: i. Homoeopathic bibliography. 2. Homoeopathic institutions. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 3O9 American Pharmaceutical Association. 615.06103 i 17363 Qerieral index to volumes [one] to thirty-nine of the Proceedings of the American Pharmaceutical Association from [1852] to 1890, inclusive. [Vol. 1-4.] O. Philadelphia 1 862-1 891. Contents: [Vol. i ], index to vol. i-8, 1S52-1859; [vol. 2], tovol. 9-17, 1860-1869; [vol, 3], tovol. 18-30, 1870-1882; [vol. 4], tovol. 31-38, 1883-1S90. [Vol, 3-4] compiled by Hans M. Wilder. [Vol. 1-2] published under the title : Index to . . . the Proceedings .... Bound with Proceedings, vol, 10, 19, 32, 39. Mitchell, Silas Weir, & Reichert, Edward T. L061.82 3 v. 26 ''"* Researches upon the venoms of poisonous serpents. ... 1885. ix,i86 p. 4 il. 5 pi. (7;^ Smithsonian Institution. Smithso- nian contributions to knowledge, vol, 26, Washington 1890,) "Bibliography", p. 157-179. Dorveaux, Paul. 016.615 D73 ""^ Catalogue des theses soutenues devant I'Ecole de Pharmacie de Paris 1 81 5-1 889. Avec une preface iiie M. G Planchon, viii,74, [2] p. O. Paris: H. Welter, 1891. Lojander, Hugo. L615.32 O700 "'*' Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Drachenblutes. 73 p. 8 pi. i table. Q. Strassburg: K. J. Triibner, 1887. "Citirte Literatur," p. 7-1 1. 016.616 PATHOLOGY Journal. L591.054 7 20897 Journal de physiologie et de pathologic generale. . . . Continued from vol. I, 1899. il, pi. Q. Paris [1899-]. Edited by [C.] Bouchard and [A]. Chauveau, Bard, Louis. 576-3 P902 "^"^ La specificite cellulaire. Ses consequences en biologie generale. 100 p. O. (Scientia. Biologie, no. i.) [Paris: G. Carre & C. Naud, 1899.] "Index bibliographique des publications de I'auteur ayant trait a la specificite cellu- laire," p. 99-100. Gives considerable attention to the pathological aspects, proliferation of cells in tumors, etc. Centralblatt. 589-053 3 v-o '""" Centralblatt flir Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde und Infektions- krankheiten. Erste Abteilung : Medicinisch-hygienische Bakteri- ologie und tierische Parasitenkunde General-Register fiir die Bande l-XXV. Bearbeitet von Dr. Gustav Lindau. iv,[2], 520 p. O. Jena: G. Fischer, 1899, 310 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Index. 130.52 I v.44-45 26415 infjgx medico-psychologicus. i893-[95. 2 nos.] [/« The Journal of mental science, vol. 44-45. London 1 898-1 899.] 1893-94 compiled by J. Turner. Laudenheimer, Rudolf. 613.62 P900 **"" Die Schwefelkohlenstoff-Vergiftung der Gummi-Arbeiter. Unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der psychischen und nervosen Storungen und der Gewerbe-Hygiene. vii,232 p. 2 il. 2 pi. O. (Leipzig. Universitat. Psychiatrische und Nervenklinik.) Leipzig: Veit & Co., 1899. "Litteraturverzeichnis," p. 228-232. Annales. L589.054 2 v.ic 20401 Table alphabetique ... des memoires originaux publics dans les tomes lax des Annales de micrographie. [In Annales de mi- crographie, vol. 10, p. 427-442. Paris 1898.] Councilman, William Thomas, Mallory, F. B., 616.82 P800 ''''' & Wright, J. H. Epidemic cerebro-spinal meningitis and its relation to other forms of meningitis. A report of the State Board of Health of Massa- chusetts. X, 3-1 78 p. il. 8 pi. I map. O. Boston 1898. Hedon, E., editor. L591 P801 84158 Travaux de physiologic. (Laboratoire de M. le Professeur E. Hedon.) .... (Universite de Montpellier.) ix,320 p. 2 pi. I table. Q. Paris: O. Doin, 1898. Contents: I. Hedon, E. Diabete pancreatique. 2. Azdmar, L. Acetonurie exp^ri- mentale. 3. Delezenne, C. Mecanisme d'action des substances anticoagulantes (ler memoire). 4. Hedon, E. Action vaso-dilatatrice et secretoire du laryng^ superieur. 5. Rouville, [G.] de. Hemostase hepatique. 6. Delezenne, C. Mecanisme d'action des substances anticoagulantes (2© mdmoire). Bibliographical references scattered through the book. Hinsdale, Guy. L616.4 P800 23499 Acromegaly : an essay to which was awarded the Boylston prize of Harvard University for the year 1898. [10], 88 p. il. i pi. Q. Detroit: William M. Warren, 1898. "Bibliography," p. 79-86. Reprinted from Medicine, 1898. Delbriick, Anton. L613.02 P300 s.v.i 30973 Hygiene des Alkoholismus. 85 p. 10 il. {In Handbuch der Hygiene. Supplement-Band i, p. iii— 195.) Jena 1901. Bibliographical references, p. 78-82. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 3^^ Cholera epidemic. 614.514 N500 16245 ^Yie cholera epidemic of 1873 in the United States. [4],28,vi, [2], 1025 p. 2 pi. 26 maps. O. (U. S. A. 43D CONGRESS, 2D SESSION. House of Representatives. Ex. doc. no. 95.) Washington 1875. Contents: U. S. A. Treasury Department. Supervising Surgeon's Office. The in- troduction of epidemic cholera through the agency of the mercantile marine : sugges- tions of measures of prevention. By John M. Woodworth. U. S. A. War Department. Surgeon-General's Office. Reports prepared under the direction of the Surgeon-General of the Army. A. — History of the cholera epidemic of 1873 in the United States. By Ely McClellan. B. — History of the travels of Asiatic cholera. By JohnC. Peters, and Ely McClellan. C. — Bibliography of cholera. By John S. BilHngs. 016.6178 DEAF-MUTISM Mygind, Holger. 617.8 P400 ^'" Deaf-mutism. vii,[i],300 p. D. London: F. J. Rebman, 1894. Contains a bibliography of deaf-mutism. Guyot, C, & Guyot. R. T. 016.371 G99 *^"'' Liste litteraire philocophe ou Catalogue d'etude de ce qui a ete public jusqu'a nos jours sur les sourds-muets ; sur I'oreille, I'ouie, la voix, le langage, la mimique, les aveugles etc. etc. xv,496, 63 p. O. Groningue : J. Oomkens, 1842. Author's autograph letter tipped in back of book. 016.62 ENGINEERING. GENERAL WORKS Institution of Civil Engineers. 620.6244 i v.o '"' Minutes of proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Subject index: .... Continued from [vol. i.] O. Londoni88i-. Contents: [Vol. i], index to vol. 1-58. 1837-1878; [vol. 2], to vol. 59-118. 1879- 1894; [vol. 3], to vol. 1 19-134. 1894-1898; [vol. 4-], cumulative from vol. 119, 1894. [Vol. 3-] have no title-page. Society of Engineers. 620.6282 i '°''' Index to Transactions, 185 7-. [In SOCIETY OF ENGINEERS. Transactions, 1894-. London 1895-.] Cumulative. 312 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Wisconsin engineer. L620.51 15 18176 -pi^g Wisconsin engineer. Published quarterly by the students of the College of Engineering, University of Wisconsin. Continued from vol. I. June, 1896. il. Q. Madison, Wisconsin, [1897-]. Each number contains Index to current engineering periodicals. American Society of Civil Engineers. 017.747 A5121 ^"^" Catalogue of the Hbrary, June, 1900. Prepared by the Secretary under the direction of the Library Committee. 703 p. O. New York City [1900]. Charles Warren Hunt, Secretary. Engineering news. L620.51 5 v.o 13035 j^ general index to Engineering news and American railway jour- nal [vol. 1-42]. From April, 1874, to [1899] inclusive. [Vol. 1-2.] O. New York 1891-1900. Contents: [vol. i], index to vol. 1-24, 1874-1890; [vol. 2], to vol. 23-42, 1890- 1899. [Vol, 2] published under the title: Index to Engineering news .... Compiled by Mary E. Miller. Lion, Arturo. 620.07 Qooi 28434 jrattato sulla legislazione dei lavori pubblici e dell'edilizia. Vol. I-. O. Torino: Unione tipografico-editrice, 1900-. "Bibliografia," vol. i, p. xxxvii-h. School of Mines quarterly. 620.51 14 v.o 30093 -pj^g School of Mines quarterly. A journal of applied science. Contents and index, vol. XI-XX. Nov., 1889 to July, 1899. 82 p. O. New York City 1900. Published by Columbia University, School of Mines. Incorporated Association of Municipal 620.6243 i v.o and County Engineers. Proceedings of the Incorporated Association of Municipal and County Engineers. General index to volumes i. to xxv. 132 p. O. London [1899]. Merckel, Curt. L620.93 PQOo Die Ingenieurtechnik im Alterthum. xix,[i],658 p. 261 il. I map, Q. Berlin: J, Springer, 1899. "Litteratur-Nachweis" at the end of each chapter. 87433 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS S^S Clark, Daniel Kinnear. 620.8 18 25843 j^ manual of rules, tables, and data for mechanical engineers. Based on the most recent investigations : of constant use in cal- culations and estimates .... Seventh edition. xxvii,984 p. 353 il. O. London: Blackie & Son, 1897. "Authorities consulted or quoted," p, xxi-xxvii. Western Railway Club. 017.773 W52 ^'^^ Catalogue of the David L. Barnes library September i, 1897. 22 p. O. Chicago 1897. Florence. CoUegio degli architetti e ingegneri. 017.45 F66 "" Catalog© della biblioteca, compilato dall' ing. Vincenzo Brini. v,[2],i73,[2] p. O. Firenze: G. Carnesecchi & figli, 1895. Verein deutscher Ingenieure. L620.6394 i v.o ***® Zeitschrift des Vereines deutscher Ingenieure. Inhaltsverzeich- nis ... . [Vol. 1-4.] sq.F. Berlin 1 867-1 895. Contents: [Vol. i] index to vol. i-io, 1857-1866; [vol. 2], to vol. 11-15, 1867- 1871; [vol. 3], to vol. 16-27, 1872-1883; [vol. 4], to vol. 28-37, 1884-1893. [Vol. 1-2] have no title-page. Instituut van ingenieurs, Koninklijk. L620.6944 4 8536 Register van het Tijdschrift van het Koninklijk instituut van in- genieurs. i869-[i894]. [3 vol in i.] sq.F. 's Gravenhage i884-[i894]. Vol. 2 and 3 have no title-pages. Galloupe, Francis Ellis. 016.6 G13 "" An index to engineering periodicals, 1883 to [1892], inclusive. Comprising engineering; railroads; science; manufactures and trade. 2 vol. O. Boston 1888-1893. Vol. 2 published under the title: Galloupe's general index to engineering periodicals. Engineers Institute, Royal. 620.52 12 24833 Professional papers of the Corps of Royal Engineers. Index 1837-1892. [4],i5i p. O. Chatham 1893. North Staffordshire Institute of Mining and 622.06263 10 v. 11 "««" Mechanical Engineers. Transactions ... . General index, vols. I to XI. 1873 to 1891. Compiled by Mr. H. R. Makepeace. 47 p. O. Newcastle-under- Lyme [.1891]. Bound with Transactions, vol. II. Surveyors' Institution. 620.6285 i v. 23 23837 jfifjgx to "Transactions." Subjects and authors of papers in volumes I. to XXIII. (Inclusive.) [/« Surveyors' INSTITUTION. Transactions, vol. 23, p. 569-583. London 1891.] 314 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY American Society of Civil Engineers. 620.6103 2 "'' Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Index, volumes I to [xxxiv] inclusive 3 vol. in i. O. New York 1890. Vol. I compiled by John Bogart. Institution of Engineers 620.6244 20 v.33 and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Contents of the Transactions from the first [to the thirty-third] session. [In Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Transactions, vol. 33, p. 267-280. Glasgow 1890.] Institution of Civil Engineers. 620.6244 1 *'" Minutes of proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Name-index: volumes l to LVIII. Sessions 1837 to 1878-79. [4] ,489 p. O. London 1885. Societe des Ingenieurs Civils de France. L620.6482 i "'^ .... Table generale des matieres contenues dans les bulletins de la societe. De 1848 a 1884. Supplement du Bulletin mensuel de decembre 1884. [2], 68 p. Q. Paris 1885. Verein deutscher Ingenieure. L620.6394 2 v.o 18369 iiihaltsverzeichnis der Jahrgange 1877 bis 1883 der Wochenschrift des Vereines deutscher Ingenieure. 35 p. sq.F. Berlin 1884. Great Britain. Corps of Royal Engineers. L620.52 14 v.O 24834 jn(5ex of the subjects and authors of all papers that have been published in the Royal Engineer professional papers, from the commencement of the quarto series, to the end of the twentieth volume of the new series. [2], 94 p. Q. Woolwich 1872. 016.021 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Strength of materials — Steam engines — Turbines — Gas and air engines — Refrigeration — Mill work Donkin, Bryan. 621.4 Qooi *'^'* A text-book on gas, oil, and air engines. With . . . selected tables of trials. Third edition, revised and largely rewritten. xxiv,50i p. 149 il. 10 tables paged in. O. London: C. Griffin & Co., 1900. "Bibliography up to 1899," p. 489-491. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 315 Parsell, Henry Van Arsdale, & Weed, Arthur J. 621.43 Qooi 83058 Q^g ej^gine construction. A practical treatise describing the theory and principles of the action of gas engines of various types and the design and construction of a half horse power gas engine. With illustrations of the work in actual progress, together with dimensioned working drawings giving clearly the sizes of the various details. For the student, the scientific investigator and the amateur mechanic. 296 p. 140 il. O. New York: N. W. Henley, 1900. "Annotated bibliography of the principal gas engine books and periodicals published in the English language," p. 285-292. Selfe, Norman. 621.5 Qooi 22488 Machinery for refrigeration. Being sundry observations with regard to the principal appliances employed in ice making and refrigeration, and upon the laws relating to the expansion and compression of gases. Principally from an Australian stand- point. 374 p. 213 il. I por. O. Chicago: H. S. Rich & Co., 1900. "Books, pamphlets and treatises," p. 352-358. Siebel, John Ewald. 621.5 P900 ""^''^ Compend of mechanical refrigeration. A comprehensive digest of applied energetics and thermodynamics for the practical use of ice manufacturers, . . . , and others interested in the application of refrigeration. Third edition. [6],xi,389 p. 7 il. D. Chicago: H. S. Rich& Co., 1899. "Literature on thermodynamics, etc.," p. 372-376. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. L62 1.06 103 i '■•^^ Contents and general index of the Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. [Vol. 1-4.] Q. New York 1 884-1 899. Cumulative every five years. [Vol. i] bound with Transactions, vol. 5; [vol. 2] with vol. 10; [vol. 3] contained in vol. 15; [vol. 4] bound separately. Lorenz, Hans. 621.5 P901 """^ Neuere Kiihlmaschinen, ihre Konstruktion, Wirkungsweise und industrielle Verwendung. Ein Leitfaden fur Ingenieure, Tech- niker und Kiihlanlagen-Besitzer. Zweite durchgesehene und ver- mehrte Auflage. x,3i6 p. 191 il. O. Miinchen : R. Oldenbourg, 1899. "Verzeichnis der benutzten Litteratur," p. 299-306. 3l6 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Schottler, Rudolf. L621.43P900 22328 -Qjg Gasmachine. Ihre Entwickelung, ihre heutige Bauart und ihr Kreisprocess. Dritte, ganzlich umgearbeitete Auflage. x, 345 p. il. 9 pi, Q. Braunschweig: B. Goeritz, 1899. "Zusammenstellung von Schriften und Aufsiitzen, welche die Gasmaschine betref- fen," p. 328-337, Lecornu, Leon. 621.01 P801 89588 R^gularisation du mouvement dans les machines, 2i7,[i] p. 53 il. D. (Encyclopedic scientifique des aide-memoire). Paris: Gauthier-Villars & fils, [1898]. " Bibliographic ", p. 216-217. Martens, Adolf. L621.02P801 19690 Handbuch der Materialienkunde fiir den Maschinenbau Vol. I-. il. pi. Q. Berlin: J. Springer, 1898-. Martens, Adolf. 621.02 P803 *'"' Handbook of testing materials. For the constructor. Part I. Methods, machines, and auxiliary apparatus. Authorized trans- lation and additions by Gus. C. Henning. First edition 2 vol, pi, por, O, New York: J, Wiley & Sons, 1899. Contents: Vol, i. Text, Vol, 2. Plates. "Bibliographical index," p. xxxv-xlviii, American Society of Naval Engineers. 623.06103 i v.o Journal of the American Society of Naval Engineers. General index, volumes i-viii. 1 889-1 896 67 p. O. Washing- ton, D. C, 1897. Gould, Edward Sherman. 621. i P705 13079 Y\i^ arithmetic of the steam engine. iii,i04 P- 6 il. O. New York: D. Van Nostrand Co., 1897. "List of books," p. 79-104. Leaute, Henri, &- Berard, A. 621.85 P501 Transmissions par cables metalliques. D. (Encyclo- pedic scientifique des aide-memoire.) Paris : Gauthier-Villars & fils, [1895]. "Bibliographic," p. 1 75-177. Dwelshauvers-Dery, Victor. 621. i P401 Etude experimentale calorimetrique de la machine a vapeur. 213 p. 17 il. D. (Encyclopedic scientifique des aide-memoire.) Paris: Gauthier-Villars & Fils, [1894]. "Bibliographie", p. 199-210. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 317 Hederich, H. 621.2 P400V.3 1950(1 y)\q hydraulischen Motoren (ausschliesslich Turbinen und Was- serrader.) Zugleich als dritter Band von Meissner, HydrauHk und hydraulische Motoren. [Zweite vollstandig neu bearbeitete Auflage.] xxxii,437 p. 42 pi. [/;/ Meissner, G. Die Hydraulik und die hydraulischen Motoren, vol. 3.] Jena: H. Costenoble, 1899. "Journallitteratur," p. xii-xx. Sinigaglia, Francesco. 621.18 P303 2758H Accidents de chaudieres. 192 p. 30 il, D. (Encyclopedic scientifique des aide-memoire.) Paris : Gauthier-Villars & fils, [1893]. "Bibliographic," p. 187-189. Vermand, Paul. 621.4 P300 20990 "Lgg moteurs a gaz et a petrole. Deuxieme edition. 180 p. 21 il. D. (Encyclopedic scientifique des aide-memoire.) Paris: Gauthier-Villars & fils, [1893?] "Bibliographic," p. 169-174. Gouilly, Alexandre. 621.42 P200 9645 Transmission de la force motrice par air comprime ou rarefie. Deuxieme edition. 168 p. 9 il. D. (Encyclopedic scientifique des aide-memoire.) Paris: Gauthier-Villars & fils, [1895]. "Bibliographic", p. 149-154. Madamet, Albert. 621. ii P201 '"^* Detente variable de la vapeur. Dispositifs qui la produisent. 179 p. 80 il. D. (Encyclopedic scientifique des aide-memoire.) Paris: Gauthier-Villars & fils, [1892]. "Bibliographic," p. 169-173. Pollard, J., & Dudebout, A. L623.8P001 U952 Architecture navale. Theorie du navire 4 vol. il. pi. Q. Paris: Gauthier-Villars & Fils, 1 890-1 894. "Notice historique et bibliographique," vol. i, p. vii-liv. Institution of Mechanical Engineers. 621.06244 1 ^'^^ General index to Proceedings. 1 874-1 884. 247 p. O. London [1884]. 3l8 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Lincke, Felix, editor. L620.2 O300 v.4 8005 j)jg Baumaschinen. Unter Mitwirkung von L. Franzius heraus- gegeben. 3 parts, il. pi. (/;/ Handbuch dcr Ingenieurwissen- schaften, vol. 4.) Leipzig 1 885-1 897. Contents: Part i. Einleitung, Wasserhebemaschinen, Baggerniaschinen, Rammen und zugehorige Hilfsmaschinen, bearbeitet von F. Lincke, O. Berndt, H. Bucking, R. Graepel und M. Valentin. Part 2. Hilfsanlagen fur den Material-transport und die Errichtung von Hochbauten. Apparate und Maschinen zur Herstellung von Tiefbohrlochern. Gesteins-bohrmaschinen. Abbohren von Schachten. Schriim- und Schlitzmaschinen. Tunnelbohrmaschinen. Bearbeitet von Dr. [R.] Proll und [C] Scharowsky, L. von Willmann, G. Kohler, W. Schulz, und P. Forchheimer. Part 3. Gevnnnung und Bear- beitung von Bausteinen. Maschinen und Apparate zum Arbeiten unter Wasser. Hebe- maschinen. Maschinelle Hilfsmittel fiir Briickenbauten. Mortelmaschinen. Maschinen fur den Bau und die Unterhaltung der Strassen. Hilfsmittel und Verfahren der Material- priifung. Bearbeitet von L. Franzius, M. F. Gutermuth, F. Lincke, F. Polak, M. Ru- deloff, E. Sonne und L. von Willmann. "Litteratur," scattered through the volumes. Part I published in 1S97, is in second edition. Riihlmann, Moritz 621.02 N502 28180 AUgemeine Maschinenlehre. Ein Lcitfaden fiir Vortrage, sowie zum Selbststudium des heutigen Maschinenwesens, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung seiner Entwickelung. Fiir angehende Techni- ker, Cameralisten, Landwirthe und Gebildete jeden Standes Zweite verbesserte und vermehrte Auflage. Vol. i-. il. pi. maps. O. Vol. I, 3-4, Berlin: W. & S. Loewenthal ; vol. 2 and 5-, Leipzig: Baumgiirtner, [1875-]. Contents: Vol. i. Maschinen zum Messen und Zahlen. Maschinen zur Aufnahme der Menschen- und Thierkrafte. Wasserrader. Wassersaulenmaschinen. Windrader. Dampfmaschinen. Luftmaschinen. xii,659,[i] p. 429 il. [1875.] Vol. 2. Miihlen. Landwirthschaftliche Maschinen. x,703,[ i ] p. 608 il. [1876.] Vol. 3. Strassen- und Eisenbahnfuhrwerke, einschliesslich der Locomotiven, Dampf-Omnibusse, sowie der Maschinen und Apparate fiir pneumatischen Transport. ix,[2],596 p. 469 il. i table. [1877.] Vol. 4. Maschinen zur Ortsveranderung fester und flussiger Korper, ... , Maschinen zum Comprimiren sowie zum Fortschaffen atmospharischer Luft und zum Zertheilen und Bearbeiten von Baumaterialen. Transmission mechanischer Arbeiten auf grosse Entfernungen etc., etc. xiv,8o9 p. 549 il. i pi. i pi. of maps. [1888.] Vol. 5. Beitrrige zur Geschichte, Cultur und Technik der Schifffahrt, der Ruder-, Segel- und Dampfschiffe. Part i-. il. maps. 1891-. Biblingraiihical references scattered through the book. Zeuner, Gustav. 621.84 N400 20337 f realise on valve-gears, with special consideration of the link- motions of locomotive engines. Translated from the fourth Ger- man edition by Professor J. F. Klein. xvii,25i p. 58 il. 6 pi. O, London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1884. "Works on link-motions," p. 245-251. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 3I9 016.622 MINING ENGINEERING Holland. Minister van kolonien. L622.0991 I V.O 20393 i^egister op het Jaarboek van het mijnwezen in Nederlandsch Oost-Indie [Vol. 1-28.] i872-[i899]. [Vol. 1-2.] O. 's-Gravcnhage 1 882-1901. Contents: [vol. l], index to vol. I-IO, 1872-1881; [vol. 2], to vol. 11-28, 18S2- 1899. [ Vol. I ] published in Amsterdam. Kohler, G. 622.02 Qooi "''° Lchrbuch der Bergbaukunde. Funftc, verbcsserte Auflage. xxiv,8io p. 708 il. 7 pi. O. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1900. "Litteratur" at end of each part. Schulz-Briesen, M. L016.5543 S389 18796 j-)jg Litteratur uber Lagerungs- und Betriebsverhaltnisse des niederrheinisch-westfalischen Steinkohlen- und Kohleneisenstein- Bergbaues im 19. Jahrhundert 39 p. sq.Q. Essen: G. D. Baedeker, 1898. Nachtrag. No. i. sq.Q. Essen: G.D.Baedeker, 1899. Aguilar y Santillan, Rafael. L016.5572 A283 15973 i3ib[iografia geologica y minera de la Rcpiiblica Mexicana. ix, 1 58, [2] p. O. [InstitutoGeologico, Mexico. Boletin,no. 10.] Mexico 1898. Rose, Thomas Kirke. 669.2 P800 1S424 -pj^g metallurgy of gold. Being one of a series of treatises on metallurgy, written by associates of the Royal School of Mines. Edited by Prof. W. C. Roberts-Austen. Third edition, revised and enlarged, xviii,528 p. 69 il. I pi. O. [New metallurgical series, no. 2.] London: C. Griffin & Co., 1898. "Bibliography", p. 503-514. American Institute of Mining Engineers. 622.06103 i *"** Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers. Contents and index, .... [3 vol.] O. New York City 1888- 1897. Vol. I, index to vol. I-15; vol. 2, to vol. 16-20; vol. 3, to vol. 21-25. Ardaillon, Edouard. 622.34 P701 ''®*'* Les mines du Laurion dans I'antiquite. [4] ,2 16, [2] p. 26 il. I. pi. 3 maps. O. [Bibliotheque des Ecoles frangaises d'Athenes et de Rome, vol. 'j'j.'\ Paris: A. Fontemoing, 1897. "Bibliographic," p. 3-4. 320 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Levat, Edouard David. L622.0957 P700 24307 l'q^ gj^ Siberie orientale 2 vol. pi. maps. Q. (Recueil des ouvrages sur la Siberie, public par T. V. Sabachnikoff.) Paris: E. Rouveyre, pref. 1897. •'Bibliographic," vol. i, p. 187-189; vol. 2, p. 453-454. Schmeisser, [Karl]. L622.0968P400 28088 Ueber Vorkommen und Gewinnung der nutzbaren Mineralien in der siidafrikanischen Republik (Transvaal) unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Goldbergbaues. Bericht liber eine im Auftrage des Koniglich preussischen Herrn Ministers fUr Handel und Gewerbe nach Siidafrika unternommene Reise. [Zweite Auflage.] xiv,[2],i5i p. il. 7 pi. 6 maps, 9 tables. Q. Berlin: D. Reimer, 1895. "Die iiber die siidafrikanische Republik vorhandene Litteratur," p. xii-xiii. Annales. 622.054 2 12273 -pabie alphabetique et analytique des matieres contenues dans . . . [les] Annales des Mines [7 vol.] O. Paris 1831-1893. Contents: Vol. I. Index to first and second series, 1816-1830. Vol. 2. Index to third series, 1832-1841. Vol. 3. Index to fourth series, 1842-1851. Vol. 4. Index to fifth series, 1852-1861. Vol. 5. Index to sixth series, 1862-1871. Vol. 6. Index to seventh series, 1872-1881. Vol. 7. Index to eighth series, 1882-1891. Vol. I edited by A. C. L. Peltier. Le Chatelier, Henry. 622.81 P200 27763 Lg grisou. 187 p. II il. D. (Encyclopedie scientifique des aide-memoire.) Paris: Gauthier-Villars & fils, [1892]. "Bibliographic", p. 173-184. Lock, Charles G. Warnford. L622.34O900 4414 Practical gold-mining: a comprehensive treatise on the origin and occurrence of gold-bearing gravels, rocks, and ores, and the meth- ods by which the gold is extracted. xvi,788 p. 271 il. 8 pi. Q. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1889. Contains a bibliography of gold-mining. Soci^te de Pindustrie min^rale. 622.06482 i v.o 200S4 T^big generale des matieres contenues dans les 15 tomes formant la 2™** serie [du Bulletin] (1871-1886), suivie dune table alpha- betique des auteurs avec I'indication de leurs travaux. 67 p. O, Saint-Etienne 1887. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 321 Tecklenburg, Theodor. L622.24 O600 ^"^^ Handbuch der Tiefbohrkunde 6 vol. il. pi. por. Q. Leip- zig: Baumgartner's Buchhandlung, 1 886-1 896. "Literatur," vol. i, p. 101-107; vol. 2, p. 137-140; vol. 3, p. 147-153; vol. 4, p. 135-141; vol. 5, p. 209-213; vol. 6, p. 197-203. Heydenreich, Eduard. 015.43 H51 ^'■"^ Bibliographisches Repertoritim iiber die Geschichte der Stadt Freiberg und ihres Berg- und Hiittenwesens. Fiir akademische Vorlesungen und fiir den Freiberger Altertumsverein. ix, [2] ,128 p. I pi. O. Freiberg in Sachsen: Craz & Gerlach, 1885. Lincke, Felix, editor. L620.2 O300 v.4 8005 -Qjg Baumaschinen. Unter Mitwirkung von L. Franzius heraus- gegeben. 3 parts, il. pi. (7;^ Handbuch der Ingenieurwissen- schaften, vol. 4.) Leipzig 1 885-1 897. Contents: Part i. Einleitung, Wasserhebemaschinen, Baggermaschinen, Rammen und zugehorige Hilfsmaschinen, beaibeitet von F. Lincke, O. Berndt, H. Bucking, R. Graepel und M. Valentin. Part 2. Hilfsanlagen fiir den Material-transport und die Errichtung von Hochbauten. Apparate und Maschinen zur Herstellung von Tiefbohrlochern. Gesteins-bohrmaschinen. Abbohren von Schachten. Schram- und Schlitzmaschinen. Tunnelbohrmaschinen. Bearbeitet von Dr. [R.] Proll und [C] Scharowsky, L. von Willmann, G. Kohler, W. Schulz, und P. Forchheimer. Part 3. Gewinnung und Bear- beitung von Bausteinen. Maschinen und Apparate zum Arbeiten unter Wasser. Hebe- maschinen. Maschinelle Hilfsmittel fiir Briickenbauten. Mortelmaschinen. Maschinen fiir den Bau und die Unterhaltung der Strassen. Hilfsmittel und Verfahren der Material- priifung. Bearbeitet von L. Franzius, M. F. Gutermuth, F. Lincke, F. Polak, M. Ru- deloff, E. Sonne und L. von Willmann. "Litteratur," scattered through the volumes. Part I published in 1897, is in second edition. Zeitschrift. L622.053 1 *'"=' Zeitschrift fiir das Berg-, Hiitten- und Salinenwesen im preussi- schen Staate. Herausgegeben im Ministerium der offentlichen Arbeiten. Haupt-Register zu Band l-XXV. (Jahrgang 1853- 1877.) iv,i22 p. sq.Q. Berlin 1879. North of England Institute of 622.06263 ^ v.o """'' Mining and Mechanical Engineers. Transactions .... General index, volumes I. to XXV. 1852- 1876. [2], 143 p. O. Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1877. Bound with this General index, volumes i.-xvii. 1852-1868. [2], 94 p. O. New- castle-upon-Tyne 1869. Beer, August Heinrich. 622.24 L800 *"'*' Erdbohrkunde. Kin Abschnitt aus den Aufschluss- und Ausrich- tungs- Arbeiten der allgemeinen Bergbaukunde. viii,399,[i] p. il. 4 pi. O. Prag: F. A. Credner, 1858. "Literatur der Erdbohrkunde," p. 3S1-399. 322 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 016.623 MILITARY AND NAVAL ENGINEERING U. S. A. Navy Department. Bureau of Navigation. 623. 051 2 '"^^ Office of Naval Intelligejicc. Notes on naval progress. 1891. Continued from July 1894. il. pi. tables. O. (General information series. Information from abroad.) Washington 1891-. 1891 published under the title: The year's naval progress 1895-1896, July, 1897, missing. Association technique maritime. L623. 06465 i v.ii 30089 Ljg^-g g^nerale des memoires publics dans les dix premiers vo- lumes. [/;/ Association technique maritime. Bulletin, no. 11 , p. 413-418. Paris 1900.] Cockle, Maurice J. Draffen. L016.355 C64 S8157 ^ bibliography of English military books up to 1642, and of contemporary foreign works. With an introductory note by Charles Oman. Edited by H. D. Cockle. xl,[2],267,[i] p. 8 pi. 4 por. 2 facsim. Q. London: Simpkin, ... , Kent & Co., 1900. Mittheilungen. L623.053 2 v.o 29942 Alphabetisch und Jahrgangsweise geordnetes Sachregister aller in den Mittheilungen iiber Gegenstande des Artillerie und Genie- Wesens in den Jahren 1 892-1 899, enthaltenen Aufsatze, Notizen und kleinen Notizen 68 p. Q. Wien 1900. Saxony. K. Generalstab. L017.43 S273 89097 Katalog der Bibliothek und Karten-Sammlung des Konigl. siichs. Generalstabes. xi,[i],342 p. sq.Q. Dresden 1900. U. S. A. War Department. Adjutant General's Office. 016.355 U58 Military Informatioti Division. Sources of information on military professional subjects. A classified list of books and publications. 501 p. O. [Publica- tion no. 17; also U. S. A. War Department. Adjutant Gen- eral's Office. Document no. 55.] Washington 1898. American Society of Naval Engineers. 623.06103 i v.o *°'"' Journal of the American Society of Naval Engineers. General index, volumes l-viii. 1 889-1 896 67 p. O. Washing- ton, D. C, 1897. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 323 Schmidt, A. 623.8 P201 ''""' Die Stabilitat von Schiffen. Hilfsbuch fur den Selbstunterricht mit einem Anhange : die Deplacementbcrechnung von Schiffen behandelnd fiir Schiffbau-Ingenieure, . . . und Studierende der technischen Hochschulen. xi,3i3 p. 202 il. 2 pi. i table. O. Berlin: A. Seydel, 1892. "Die bemerkenswertesten Einzelabhandlungen uber das Stabilitatsproblem," p. 7-9. Pollard, J., & Dudebout, A. L623.8P001 17952 Architecture navale. Theorie du navire 4 vol. il. pi. Q. Paris: Gauthier-Villars & Fils, 1 890-1 894. "Notice historique et bibliographique," vol. I, p. vii-liv. United States Naval Institute. 623.06191 i v. 15 17513 Proceedings of the United States Naval Institute. Index volumes i-xv. [2], 36 p. [7;^ United States Naval Institute. Pro- ceedings, vol. 15.] Annapolis, Md., c. 1889. U. S. A. War Department. Office of Ordnance. 623.0973 5 v.O **'" Index to the reports of the Chief of Ordnance, United States Army, 1867 to 1887. Prepared, under the direction of the Chief of Ordnance, by Capt. J. C. Ayres, Ordnance Department, U. S. Army. 38 p. O. Washington 1888. The reports of the Chief of Ordnance are pubhshed as vol. 3 of the annual reports of the War Department, which have shelf number 620.973 1 016.624 BRIDGE ENGINEERING Annales. 624.0542 *'*' Annales des ponts et chaussees. Lois, decret, etc. concernant I'administration des ponts et chaussees Tables generales. Continued from no. I. O. Paris 183 1- Contents: No. I, index to First series. 1831-1840. No. 2, to Second series. 1841- 1850. No. 3, to Third series. 1851-1860. No. 4, to Fourth series. 1861-1870. No. 5, to Fifth series, vol. 1-5. 1871-1875. No. 6, to Fifth series, vol. 6-10. 1876-1880. no. 7, to Sixth series, 1881-1890. Bound with : Memoires et documents. Tables generales. Annales. 624.054 2 Annales des ponts et chaussees. Memoires et documents .... Tables generales. Continued from no. i. O. Paris 1831-. Contents: No. i, index to First series. 1831-1840. No. 2, to Second series. 1841- 1850. No. 3, to Third series. 1851-1860. No. 4, to Fourth series. 1861-1870. No. 5, to Fifth series, vol. i-io. 1871-1875. No. 6, to Fifth series, vol. 11-20. 1876- 1880. No, 7, to Sixth series. 1881-1890. Bound with this: Lois, ordonnances et autyes act?s goncernant I'administration de§ ponts et chaussees. Tables generales, 634U 324 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Mehrtens, Georg. L624.0943 i ^"" Der deutsche Briickenbau im XIX Jahrhundert Denkschrift bei Gelegenheit der Weltausstellung des Jahres 1900 in Paris [6], 1 34 p. il. F*. Berlin: J. Springer, 1900. "Litteratur-Nachweis", p. 132-134. Foerster, Max. L624.09436 1 24497 ]\g-gyg Briickenbauten in Osterreich und Ungarn, nebst einem Anhange : Die Uberbriickung des Donauthales bei Cernavoda in Rumanien. iv,[2],66 p. 193 il. 25 pi. F*. (K. TECHNISCHE HOCHSCHULE zu BERLIN. Louis Boissonnet-Stiftung 1898.) Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1899. "Litteratur-Nachweisung," p. 64-66. Dietz, Wilhelm. L620.2 P200 v.2 15954 Bewegliche Briicken. vii,i32 p. 106 il. [// A bibliography of poultry. ... . 32 p. O. (U.S.A. DEPART- MENT OF Agriculture. Library bulletin, no, 18.) Washington 1897- Printed and numbered on only one side of the leaves. No title-page. Huth, Frederick Henry. 016.636 H97 ^^^ Works on horses and equitation. A bibliographical record of hippology. x,[2],439 p. O. London: B. Quaritch, 1887. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 341 Rothschild, Henri de. L016.613 R74 89634 Bibliographia lactaria. Bibliographie generale des travaux parus sur le lait et sur rallaitement jusqu'en 1899. Avec une preface de M. E. Duclaux. xii,584 p. Q. Paris: O. Doin, 1901. . Supplement ... Continued from no. i. (1900). Q. Paris 1 901. Silbermann, Henri. L638 P701 '*"' Die Seide. Ihre Geschichte, Gewinnung und Verarbeitung 2 vol. il. Q, Dresden: G. KUhtmann, 1897. "Bibliographischer Anhang," at the end of each chapter. Keller, Auguste de. 016.638 K28 ^"^ Elenchus librorum de apium cultura. Bibliographie universelle d'apiculture. [8],223,[i] p. D. Milan: U. Hoepli, 1881. Interleaved with manuscript additions. Switzerland. Eidgenossisches Departemeiit des Innern. 015.494 C73 V.5 Abteilimg Forstwesen, Jagd und Fischerei. . . . Fischerei. [Bibliographie] zusammengestellt durch die Ab- teilung Forstwesen, Jagd und Fischerei (Oberforstinspektorat) des Eidgenossischen Departements des Innern. viii,57 p. [/;/ Centralkommission fur schweizerische Landeskunde. Bibliographie, vol. V9C, part 3.] Bern 1898. U. S. A. Commission of Fish and FisJicrics. L639.1 P201 25809 -j^gpQj.^ qI the Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries [Marshall McDonald] relative to the salmon fisheries of Alaska. July 5, 1892 48 p. 9 pi. Q. (U.S.A. 52D Congress, ist SESSION. Senate. Mis. doc. no. 192.) Washington 1892. Bean, T. H. Bibliography of the salmonidae of Alaska and adjacent regions, p. 41-48. [Bartlett, John.] L016.799B28 '*^ Catalogue of books on angling, including ichthyology, piscicul- ture, fisheries, and fishing laws. From the library of a practi- tioner of more than fifty years' experience in the art of angling. [2], 77 p. Q. Cambridge: J. Wilson & Son, 1882. 342 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 016.64 DOMESTIC ECONOMY Wilson, Lucy Langdon, horn Williams, editor. 640.2 Q002 26696 Handbook of domestic science and household arts for use in ele- mentary schools. A manual for teachers. With a preface by- Mrs. Ellen H. Richards and with chapters contributed by other well known specialists. xxiii,407 p. il. D. New York : Mac- millan Co., 1900. Vicaire, Georges. L016.641 V66 ^^^' Bibliographic gastronomique. Avec une preface de Paul Ginisty. .... xviii,97i p. il. Q. Paris: P. Rouquette & Fils, 1890. Salmon, Lucy Maynard. 331-8 Qioo 28722 Domestic service. Second edition, with an additional chapter on domestic service in Europe. xxvii,338 p. O. New York: Mac- millan Co., 1901. "Bibliography. Full titles of works referred to in the text," p. 317-322. Salmon, Lucy Maynard. 33^ -8 P700 ^'" Domestic service. xxiv,307 p. O. New York : Macmillan Co., 1897. Contains a bibliography. Zieger, Bruno. 016.65 Z6 ^'"^^ Literatur liber das gesammte kaufmannische Unterrichtswesen sowie liber die seit 1895 erschienenen Lehrbiicher und Lehrmittel fur kaufmannische Unterrichtsanstalten. Zusammengestellt im Auftrage des Deutschen Verbandes flir das kaufmannische Un- terrichtswesen. 58 p. O. Braunschweig: Braunschweiger Ver- lag flir kaufmannisches Unterrichtswesen und Wirthschaftskunde, [1900]. 016.653 STENOGRAPHY Faulmann, Karl. 653.09 P400 *®'*' Geschichte und Litteratur der Stenographic. viii,i73 p. O. Wien: Bermann & Altmann, 1895. Gibson, John Westby. 016.653 G35 28235 The bibliography of shorthand. vii,[i],244,[4] p. O. London: I. Pitman & Sons, 1887. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 343 016.655 PRINTING. BOOK TRADE Bibliotheque nationale, Paris. L017.44 B4741 !8i87 inventaire de la Collection Anisson sur I'liistoire de rimprimerie et la librairie principalement a Paris. (Manuscrits frangais 22061-22 193.) Par Ernest Coyecque 2 vol. il. por. tables. Q. Paris: E. Leroux, 1900. "Supplement," vol. 2, p. 465-549. Gottingen. Georg-Augusts-Universitat. Bibliothek. 655.07336 i 28219 Katalog der im historischen Saale der K. Universitats-Bibliothek zu Gottingen zur 500-jahrigen Geburtstagsfeier Johann Guten- berg's am 24. Juni 190O eroffneten Ausstellung. v,37 p. sq. D. Gottingen 1900. Great Britain. Patent Office. 017.42 G791 v.2 ■"''* Subject list of works on the laws of industrial property (patents, designs and trade marks) and copyright in the library of the Patent Office. 81 p. {In GREAT Britain. Patent Office. Bibliographical series, no. 2.) London 1900. Meisner, Heinrich, & Luther, Johannes. L655.11 Qooi 23914 -Qjg Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst. Zum funfhundertsten Geburtstage Johann Gutenbergs. [2],ii6 p. 100 il. i por. 14 facsim. O. [Monographien zur Weltgeschichte, vol. ii.] Bielefeld: Velhagen & Klasing, 1900. "Auszug aus der wichtigsten Litteratur," p. iii. Watkins, George Thomas. 016.655 W32 26867 American typographical bibliography. Being a list of brief titles of books and pamphlets relating to the history of printing in America. 11 p. sq. D. Indianapolis 1898. Haebler, Konrad. L655.146P700 21719 'j'j^g early printers of Spain and Portugal. [4], 165 p. 34 facsim. sq.Q. [Bibliographical Society, London. Illustrated mono- graphs, no. 4.] London 1897. "Bibliography," p. 87-146. Typothetae of the City of New York. 017.747 T98 '^^" Catalogue of the books in the library of the Typothetae of the City of New York. With a subject index. vi,[2],i 76 p. O. New York 1896. Prepared by W. W. Pasko. Only 250 copies printed. 344 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Cercle de la librairie. L017.44 C33 '='°** Catalogue de la bibliotheque technique. Septembre 1894. xi, [i],233,[2] p. Q. Paris, pref. 1894. Continued in Journal de rimprimerie et de la librairie. lie partie. Chronique, which has shelf number L015.44 J82 Bigmore, Edward Clements, & Wyman, C. W. H. 016.655 B48 '"^ A bibliography of printing, with notes .... 3 vol. il. pi. por. map. sq.O. London: B. Quaritch, 1 880-1 886. Bowker, Richard Rogers. 655.6 O600 *** Copyright, its law and its literature : being a summary of the prin- ciples and law of copyright, with especial reference to books. With a bibliography of literary property, by Thorvald Solberg. [8], 5 5, [4] ,60 p. 16 p. in facsim. sq.O. New York: Publish- ers' Weekly, 1886. Reprinted from The Library journal. Bbrsenverein der Deutschen Buchhandler. oi7«43 B64 '"* Katalog der Bibliothek des Borsenvereins der Deutschen Buch- handler. xxxvi,708 p. O. [BORSENVEREIN DER DEUTSCHEN Buchhandler. Verzeichniss der Sammlungen, vol. i.] Leipzig 1885. Printing times. L655.052 4 28769 -j-j^g Printing times and lithographer. An illustrated monthly technical and fine-art journal of lithography, typography, engrav- ing, paper-making and the auxiliary trades. New series, vol. 3-5, 8, 10. [1877-1879, 1882, 1884.] il. pi. sq.Q. London 1877- 1884. Contains a serial bibliography of printing which in the volumes in this library runs (with some breaks) from Dietzelius to Waton. Also called Old series, vol. 8-10, 13 and 15. Blades , William . L655 . i O300 ""' Numismata typographica ; or, The medallic history of printing. .... xvii,i44 p. il. 24 pi. sq.Q. London : "Printers' Register" OfBce, 1883. "Full titles of all works quoted in the text," p. xi-xii. Reprinted from the Printers'' register. BuUen, George, editor. 655.08 1 ""' Caxton celebration, 1877. Catalogue of the loan collection of antiquities, curiosities, and appliances connected with the art of printing, South Kensington. xix,472 p. sq.O. London: Elze- vir Press, [1877]. Large paper edition. One hundred and fifty-seven copies printed. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 345 Hoe, Richard March. 016.655 H67 '"•'•' The literature of printing. A catalogue ot the library illustrative of the history and art of typography, chalcography and lith- ography. [2],i49p. I pi. D. London: privately printed, 1877. Dupont, Paul. 655.09 L400 '^"•' Histoire de rimprimerie. 2 vol. D. Paris 1854. "Bibliographic," vol. 2, p. 537-612. 016.656 RAILROADING. NAVIGATION France. Ministere de la marine. L016.354 F84 Service hydrographiqiie. Catalogue par ordre geographique des cartes, plans, vues de c6tes, instructions nautiques, memoires, etc. qui composent I'hydrographie frangaise au i'^'^ Janvier 1900. xi,43i p. Q. Paris 1899. ... Supplement .... No. i. O. Paris 1901. 31294 No title-page. U. S. A. Navy Department. Bureau of Equipment. L016.353 U5842 "990 Hydrographic Office. Catalogue of charts, plans, sailing directions, and other publica- tions of the United States Hydrographic Office. 119 p. 24 maps, sq. F. Washington 1 90 1. Engineering news. L620.51 5 v.o 13035 ^ general index to Engineering news and American railway jour- nal [vol. 1-42]. From April, 1874, to [1899] inclusive. [Vol. 1-2.] O. New York 1891-1900. Contents: [vol. i], index to vol. 1-24, 1874-1890; [vol. 2], to vol. 23-42, 1890- 1899. [Vol. 2] published under the title: Index to Engineering news .... Compiled by Mary E. Miller. Archiv. 656.053 i v.o 203U Archiv fur Eisenbahnwesen. Herausgegeben im Koniglich preus- sischen Ministerium der offentlichen Arbeiten. Gesammt-Inhalts- verzeichniss der Jahrgange l-xxi (i 878-1 898). Zusammen- gestellt von C. Thamer. ,iv,[2],242 p. O, Berlin 1899. 346 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Leland Stanford Junior University. Library. L017.794 L53 '^'^ Catalogue of the Hopkins railway library. By Frederick J. Teg- gart. ix,[i],23i p. sq.Q. (Publications, no. i.) Palo Alto, California, 1895. Miiller, Friedrich. ' 625.02 P500 ""' Grundzuge des Kleinbahnwesens. Im Auftrage des Koniglich preussischen Ministeriums der offentlichen Arbeiten verfasst. xx, 583 p. O. Berlin: W. Ernst & Sohn, 1895. "Litteratur", p. 548-562. Carpentier, Adrien, & Maury, G. 656.007 P301 30922 Ti-aite pratique des chemins de fer. 3 vol. O. Paris : L. Larose, 1894. "Bibliographic," vol. i, p. 10-102. Reprinted from Repertoire general alphabctique du droit franfais. Cotterell, S. 016.656 C82 "*" A handbook to various publications, documents, and charts con- nected with the rise and development of the railway system chief- ly in Great Britain and Ireland. With prices at which they are now to be sold, by Mr. Edward Baker, .... 128 p. il. nar. D. Birmingham 1893. No title-page. Title taken from cover. Archiv. 656.053 1 **®' Archiv fiir Eisenbahnwesen. Herausgegeben im Ministerium der offentlichen Arbeiten. Gesammt-Inhaltsverzeichniss der Jahr- gange l-xil (1878- 1889). Zusammengestellt von C. Thamer. iv,[2],i43 p. O. Berlin 1890. Revue. L625.054 1 **^^ Revue generale des chemins de fer. Table generale des matieres de juillet 1878 a decembre 1883 vii,[i],2i4 p. F. Paris 1884. American Society of Civil Engineers. 017.747 A512 "*** Index to the library of the American Society of Civil Engineers. (Instituted 1852.) .... Part i. Railroads. 188, [i] p. O. New York i88i. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 347 016.659 ADVERTISING Bolton, Charles Knowles. 659 P502 16782 j^ descriptive catalogue of posters, chiefly American, in the col- lection of Charles Knowles Bolton. With biographical notes and a bibliography. [16] p. D. Brookline, Massachusetts, 1895. 016.66 CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY. GENERAL WORKS Chemical Society, London. 540.6216 i ^^*^ Journal of the Chemical Society Continued from vol. i. 1848. il. pi. por. facsim. tables. O. London 1849-. Index to vol. 1-25, 43-62, 1848-1872, 1883-1892, published separately in 2 vol. Vol. 1-14 published under the title: The Quarterly journal of the Chemical Society of London; vol. 15-23: The Journal of the Chemical Society of London. From vol. 33 the alternate volumes have subtitles respectively: Transactions, Ab- stracts. Vol. 16-28 also numbered New series, vol. I-13. Vol. 29-32 have no title-page. Chemisches Central-Blatt. 540«53 3 12249 Chemisches Central-Blatt. Vollstandiges Repertorium fiir alle Zweige der reinen und angewandten Chemie. Herausgegeben von der Deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft Continued from [vol. :]. 1830. il. pi. tables. O. Berlin [1830-]. Index to third series, vol. 1-12, 1870-1881, published separately. From 1887 edited by Rud. Arendt. From 1830-1849 published under the title: Pharmaceutisches Central-Blatt; from 1850-1855: Chemisch-pharmaceutisches Central-Blatt; from 1856-1869: Chemisches Central-Blatt; from 1870-1886, with the subtitle: Repertorium fiir reine, pharmaceu- tische, physiologische, und technische Chemie. First series: 47 vol. 1830-1855. New series: 28 vol. 1856-1869. Third series: 19 vol. 1870-1888. Fourth series: 16 vol. 1889-1896. Fifth series: continued from vol* I. 1897. From 1830-1881 published at Leipzig; from 1882-1896, at Hamburg. 1867, vol. 2, has no title-page. Jahrbuch. 540-53 1 ^"® Jahrbuch der Chemie. Bericht iiber die wichtigsten Fortschritte der reinen und angewandten Chemie Herausgegeben von Richard Meyer. Continued from vol. i. 1891. O. Braunschweig: F. Vieweg & Sohn, 1892. 348 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Jahresbericht. 540-53 2 5238 Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Chemie und verwandter Theile anderer Wissenschaften. Begriindet von J. Liebig und H. Kopp. Continued from [vol. i]. 1847. O. Braunschweig 1 849-. Indexes for 1847-1886 published separately in 6 vol. 1847-1856 edited by Justus Liebig and Hermann Kopp; 1857-1862, by H. Kopp and Heinrich Will; 1863-1867, by H. Will; 186S-1869, by Adolph Strecker; 1870- 1874, by Alexander Naumann; 1875-1892, by F. Fittica; 1893-, by G. Bodlander. 1847-1857 published under the title: Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der reinen, pharmaceutischen und technischen Chemie, Physik, Mineralogie und Geologic; 1858- have a second title-page, with variations of title. 1847-1885 published in Giessen. 1883, part 2 has no title-page, Jahres-Bericht. 660.53 ^ *^'" Jahres-Bericht iiber die Leistungen der chemischen Technologie, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Elektrochemie und Gewerbe- statistik .... Continued from vol. i. 1855. il. O. Leipzig 1856-. Index to vol. 1-30, 1855-1884, published separately in 3 vol. Vol. 1-25 edited by Rudolf von Wagner; vol. 26-, by Ferdinand Fischer. Vol. 1-4 published under the title; Jahres-Bericht iiber die Fortschritte der che- mischen Technologie . . . ; vol. 5-10: Jahres-Bericht iiber die Fortschritte und Leistungen der chemischen Technologie und technischen Chemie; vol. 11-15: Jahres-Bericht iiber die Leistungen der chemischen Technologie; vol. 26-28: Rudolf von Wagner's Jahres- Bericht ... ; vol. 29-40: Jahresbericht ... , mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Gewerbestatistik . Vol. 16- also called New series, vol. i-. Vol. 1-15 are in D. Jahres-Bericht. 660.53 ^ "*® Jahres-Bericht iiber die Leistungen der chemischen Technologie. .... Generalregister iiber Band I bis [xxx] , .... [3 vol.] O. Leipzig 1 866-1 889. Vol. 1-2 compiled by Friedrich Gottschalk; vol. 3, by F. Fischer. Contents: vol. i, index to vol. i-io, 1855-1864; vol. 2, to vol. 11-20, 1865-1874; vol. 3, to vol. 21-30, 1875-1884. Vol. I is in D. Soci^t^ chimique de Paris. 540.6482 i Bulletin de la Societe chimique de Paris, comprenant le proces- verbal des seances, les memoires presentes a la societe, I'analyse des travaux de chimie pure et appliquee publics en France et a letranger, .... Continued from i860, il. O. Paris 1861-. From 1858 to 1859 published in Repertoire de chimie pure et appliquee. Index for 1858-1874 published separately. From i860 to 1862 published under the title: Societe chimique de Paris. Bulletin des seances; from 1863, as above, with slight variations. New series: 50 vol. 1864-1888. Third series: continued from vol. i. 1889. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 349 Society of Chemical Industry. L660.6282 i *'" The Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry. Continued from vol. I. 1882. il. pi. pi. of samples, maps, tables. Q. Lon- don 1 882-. Index to vol. 1-14, 1882-1895, published separately. Vol. 1-5 published in Manchester. Sadtler, Samuel Philip. 660.2 Q002 26644 ^ hand-book of industrial organic chemistry adapted for the use of manufacturers, chemists, and all interested in the utilization of organic materials in the industrial arts. Third revised and en- larged edition. xviii,i3-543 P- 126 il. I table. O. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1900. "Bibliography and statistics" at the end of each chapter. Fremy, Edmond, editor. 540-34 o-93 '""^ Encyclopedie chimique. Publiees sous la direction de M. Fremy. 10 vol. in 91 parts and index, il. pi. tables. O. Paris: P. Vicq-Dunod & C'^ 1 882-1 899. The numoers 1-93 used as book numbers, are those by which the various works are referred to in the index. Of these, however, no. 76-77 are not used. No. 30, 34 and 49 are not yet published. Society of Chemical Industry. L660.6282 i v.o 19383 Collective index of the Journal of the Society of Chemical Indus- try from 1882 to 1895. Volumes I. to XIV. Compiled by F. W. Renaut. [4],552 p. Q. London 1899. Thorp, Frank Hall. 660.2 P801 *'"^ Outlines of industrial chemistry. A text-book for students. New edition revised. xx,54i p. 95 il. O. New York : Macmillan Co., 1899. "References," scattered through the book. Chemisch-technisches Repertorium. 660.53 8 '*"' Chemisch-technisches Repertorium General-Register zu Jahrgang XXXI-XXXV (1892-1896). 292 p. O. Berhn 1898. Bound with Chemisch-Technisches Repertorium, vol. 35. Jahresbericht. 540-53 2 V.o ^^^^ Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Chemie und verwandter Theile anderer Wissenschaften Register ... [Vol. 1-6.] O. Braunschweig 1 858-1 898. Contents: [Vol. i]: 1847-1856; [vol. 2]: 1857-1866; [vol. 3]: 1867-1876; [vol. 4-6] : 1877-1886. Vol. 1-3 published at Giessen. 350 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Jahres-Rundschau. 660.53 3 "** Jahres-Rundschau liber die chemische Industrie und deren wirth- schaftliche Verhaltnisse .... [Vol. i]-2. 1 893-1 894, il. O. Wien 1 894-1 895. No more published. Edited by Adolf Bender. Journal. 540-53 5 v.o '"** Journal fiir praktische Chemie Sach- und Namenregister zu Band [1-158. 1834-1894.] [Vol. 1-5.] O. [Leipzig 1844]- 1895. Contents; [vol. i], index to vol. 1-30, 1834-1843; [vol. 2], to vol. 31-60, 1844- 18535 [^o\. 3], to vol. 61-90, 1854-1863; [vol. 4], to vol. 91-108, 1864-1S69; [vol. 5], to vol. 109-158, 1870-1894. [Vol. 2] compiled by Gustav Werther; [vol. 3-4], by Friedr. Gottschalk; [vol. 5], by Robert Bahrmann. [Vol. i], bound with vol. 33, has no title-page and has shelf number 540.53 5 V.33 Sadtler, Samuel Philip. 660.2 P500 4307 j^ hand-book of industrial organic chemistry adapted for the use of manufacturers, chemists, and all interested in the utilization of or- ganic materials in the industrial arts. Second revised and enlarged edition. 537 p. 127 il. i table. O. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippin- cott Co., 1895. With bibliographical notes at the end of each chapter. Soci^t^ chimique de Paris. 540.6482 i 5083 '];^|3ig analytique des matieres contenues dans le Bulletin de la Societe chimique, i^® et 2® series, 1858 a 1874, et dans les Reper- toires de chimie pure et de chimie appliquee, suivie de la table alphabetique des auteurs. Dressees par Ed. Willm. [2],vii,5ii p. O. Paris 1876. Bolley, Pompejus Alexander, editor. 660.2 M200- Handbuch der chemischen Technologic. In Verbindung mit mehreren Gelehrten und Technikern bearbeitet, und herausge- geben von Dr. P. A. Bolley und Dr. K. Birnbaum. Nach dem Tode der Herausgeber fortgesetzt von Dr. C. Engler Vol. I- il. pi. maps, tables. O. Braunschweig: F. Vieweg & Sohn, 1 862-. Neue Folge. Vol. 3-. il. pi. O. Braunschweig: F. Vieweg & Sohn, 1880-. Fleck, Hugo. 660.2 M210 Die Fabrikation chemischer Producte aus thierischen Abfallen. Auf Grund selbstandiger Erfahrungen bearbeitet. viii,i58 p. 46 il. [In Bolley, P. A., ecf. Handbuch der chemischen Tech- nologic, vol. 2.] Braunschweig 1862. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 35 ^ Journal. 540-53 9 v.o ^""* Journal fur technische und oeconomische Chemie Sach- und Namenregister zu den achtzehn Banden dieser Zeitschrift. [1828-1833.] [2], III p. nar.O, Leipzig 1837. 016.661-.662 CHEMICALS. EXPLOSIVES. FUEL Rasch, Hermann. 661.286 P700 '*"" Die Fabrikation der Weinsaure. viii,94 p. 4 il. O. Berlin: J. Springer, 1897. "Litteratur", p. vii-viii. Truchot, Paul. 661.303 P600 ®^'"* L'ammoniaque, ses nouveaux precedes de fabrication. [2], 367 p. 3 I il. D, (Bibliotheque des actualites industrielles, no. 64.) Paris: B. Tignol, [1896]. "References bibliographiques", p. 350-360. Munroe, Charles Edward. 623.06191 i *'*'* Notes on the literature of explosives. Continued from no. i. [/« United States Naval Institute. Proceedings, vol. 8-. Annapolis, Md., c. 1882-.] Sexton, A. Humboldt. 662.6 P700 ^**^ Fuel and refractory materials. 352 p. 104 il. i pi. D. London: Blackie & Sons, 1897. Contains a list of the most important books on fuel. Guttmann, Oscar. 662.2 P500 The manufacture of explosives : a theoretical and practical treatise on the history, the physical and chemical properties, and the man- ufacture of explosives. 2 vol. il. O. [Specialist's series.] New York: Macmillan & Co., 1895. Contains a bibliography of explosives. Munroe, Charles Edward. 016.662 M92 *^®' Index to the literature of explosives. 2 parts in i vol. O. Bal- timore 1 886-1 893. 352 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Berthelot, Marcellin. 662.2 O302 ""' Explosive materials. A series of lectures delivered before the College de France, at Paris. Translated by Marcus Benjamin. To which is added A short historical sketch of gunpowder. Translated from the German of Karl Braun, by Lieut. John P. Wisser. And a Bibliography of works on explosives 180 p. S. [Van Nostrand's science series, no. 70.] New York: D. Van Nostrand, 1883. Reprinted from r«« Nostrand's magazine. Guttmann, Oscar. 660.2 M225 •*'«' Die Industrie der Explosivstoffe. xviii,[2],704 p. 327 il. [/« BOLLEY, P. A., ed. Handbuch der chemischen Technologie, vol. 6.] Braunschweig 1895. Upmann, I. 660.2 M221 14462 Yizs Schiesspulver, dessen Geschichte, Fabrikation, Eigenschaften und Proben. viii,2i9,[i] p. 53 il. [/« BOLLEY, P. A., ed. Handbuch der chemischen Technologie, vol. 6.] Braunschweig 1874. 016.663-.664 BEVERAGES. FOODS Jahresbericht. 631.053 i '■"" Jahresbericht liber die Fortschritte auf dem Gesamtgebiete der Agrikultur-Chemie Continued from vol. i. 1858-1859. O. Berlin i860-. Index to vol. 1-40, 1858-1897, published separately in 2 vol. Vol. 1-6 edited by Robert Hoffman; vol. 7-9, by Eduard Peters; vol. 10-32, by Th. Dietrich, A. Hilger and others; vol. 33-, by A. Hilger and Th. Dietrich. Vol. 1-6 published under the title: Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Agricul- turchemie mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Pflanzenchemie und Pflanzenphysiologie. Vol. 21-40 also called New series; vol. 41-, Third series. Jahresbericht. 543-053 4 Jahresbericht Uber die Fortschritte in der Untersuchung der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, .... Continued from vol. I. 1891, O. Gottingen 1893-. Edited by H. Beckurts. Reprinted from the Jahresbericht der Pharmacie. 12541 Wahl, Robert, &■ Henius, Max. 663.3 Qioo 30753 American handy-book of the brewing, malting and auxiliary trades. A book of ready reference . . . with tables, formulas, calculations, bibliography and dictionary of technical terms. xv,i266 p. il. S. Chicago: Wahl & Henius, 1901. "Bibliography", p. 1157-1185. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 353 Jahresbericht. 631.053 i v.o '*"" Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte auf dem Gesammtgebiete der Agricultur-Chemie Generalregister zu Band I-XL. 1858- 1897 [Vol. 1-2]. O. Berlin 1 879-1 899. [Vol. i] compiled by A. Hilger; [vol. 2], by Heinrich Kraut. Contents: [vol. i], index to vol. 1-20, 1858-1877; [vol. 2], to vol. 21-40, 1878- 1897. Jorgensen, Alfred. 589.9 P701 "'" Die Mikroorganismen der Garungsindustrie. Vierte, neubearbei- tete und vermehrte Auflage. viii,349 p. 79 11. O. Berlin : P. Parey, 1898. "Litteratur", p. 293-344. Lauterburg, Otto, Milliet, E. W., <&- 015.494 C73 v.5 Rochat, Antony. Alcooletalcoolisme. [Bibliographie.] xi,i72p. [/« Central- KOMMISSION FiJR SCHWEIZERISCHE LaNDESKUNDE. Bibliographic, vol. V9j.] Berne 1895. Jorgensen, Alfred. 589.9 P201 ""' Die Mikroorganismen der Garungsindustrie. Dritte, neubear- beitete und vermehrte Auflage. xvi,230 p. 56 il. O. Berlin: P. Parey, 1892. Contains a bibliography of fermentation. Jahresbericht. 543-053 4 '"^' Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte in der Untersuchung der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, .... Continued from vol. I. 1891. O. Gottingen 1893-. Edited by H. Beckurts. Reprinted from the yahresbericht der Pharmacie. Jahres-Bericht. 664.053 i Jahres-Bericht iiber die Untersuchungen und Fortschritte auf dem Gesammtgebiete der Zuckerfabrikation begriindet von Dr. K. Stammer. Continued from vol. i. 1861. il. pi. tables. O. Braunschweig 1863-. Index to vol. 1-12, 1861-1872, published separately. Vol. 1-6 edited by C. Scheiblerand K. Stammer; vol. 7-32, by K. Stammer; vol. 33-, by Joh. Bock. Vol. I-12 published in Breslau. Saare, Oscar. 664.2 P700 "*" Die Fabrikation der Kartoffelstarke. xii, 5 77 p. 221 il. 5 pi. O, Berlin: J. Springer, 1897. "Literatur", p. 535-562. 354 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Roth, Henry Ling. 016.633 ^74 "33 A guide to the literature of sugar xiv,[2],i59 p. O. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner & Co., 1890. Jahres-Bericht. 664.053 1 ^•*® Alphabetisches Sachregister zum ersten bis zwolften Jahrgange der Jahres-Berichte iiber die Untersuchungen und Fortschritte auf dem Gesammtgebiete der Zuckerfabrikation [2], 52 p. O. Braunschweig 1873. 016.665 LIGHTING Gas — Petroleum Incorporated Gas Institute, 628.06243 5 **®^® Subject-matter index of the proceedings at the meetings of the British Association of Gas Managers and the Gas Institute .... Continued from [no. i]. 1 863-1 893. [7;^ INCORPORATED Gas Institute. Transactions, vol. 30-. London 1893-.] 1893 published under the title: A subject-matter index of the communications reat? before the British Association . . . 1865- 1893 inclusive. Cumulative. Jahrbuch. 665.053 2 "^'* Jahrbuch fiir Acetylen und Carbid. Berichte iiber die wissen- schaftlichen und technischen Fortschritte. Im Auftrage des Deutschen Acetylenvereins herausgegeben. Continued from vol. I. 1899. il. pi. O. Halle a. S., 1900-. Edited by M. Altschul, Karl Scheel, J. H. Vogel. Calvary & Co., S., Berlin. 016.665 C13 M9I0 p^hj-er durch die gesammte Calciumcarbid- und Acetylen-Litera- tur. BibHographie der auf diesen Gebieten bisher erschienenen BUcher, Journale, Aufsatze in Zeitschriften, Abhandlungen und wichtigeren Patentschriften unter Mitwirkung von Dr. A. Ludwig herausgegeben von S. Calvary & Co. [4] ,51 p. O. Berlin 1899. Soci^t6 technique de Tindustrie du gaz en France. 628.06465 i v.o J4193 Table des matieres contenues dans les Comptes rendus des vingt- cinq premieres annees (1874-1898), .... 107 p. O. Paris 1898. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 3S5 Niemann, Moritz. L628.9 P700 19137 y)[q Versorgung der Stadte mit Leuchtgas Part i-. il. Q. (SCHMITT, E., ed. Der stadtische Tiefbau, vol. 4.) Stuttgart: A. Bergstraesser, 1897-. "Litteraturnachweis," at the end of each part. Folger, H. C. 665.5 P200 ""' Petroleum : its production and products. Prepared for the Com- monwealth of Pennsylvania. 1893. [4], 208 p. 13 pi. i table. O. [Pennsylvania. Department of Internal Affairs. Bureau OF Industrial Statistics. Annual report, 1892.] [Harris- burg] 1893. "Bibliography of petroleum", p. 206-208. Veith, Alexander. 660.2 M202 14447 j)^g Erdol (Petroleum) und seine Verarbeitung. Gewinnung, Verarbeitung, Untersuchung, Verwendung und Eigenschaften des Erdoles. x,623,[i] p. 365 il. [7;^ BOLLEY, P. A., ^^. Handbuch der chemischen Technologie, vol. i.] Braunschweig 1892. 016.666 GLASS Stein, Wilhelm. 660.2 M211 "'"' Die Glasfabrikation. x,230 p. 233 il. [/« BOLLEY, P. A., ed. Handbuch der chemischen Technologie, vol. 3.] Braunschweig 1862. 016.667 DYEING Year-book. ' 667.051 2 The Year-book for colorists and dyers. Presenting a review of the year's advances in the bleaching, dyeing, printing, and finish- ing of textiles Continued from vol. i. [1898.] il. D. New York 1898-. Vol. I edited by Harwood Huntington; vol. 2-, by Herman A. Metz. "New books" in each volume. Gar^on, Jules. 667.2 P301 '"" La pratique du teinturier 3 vol. in i. il. O. Paris: Gau- thier-Villars & Fils, 1 893-1 897. "Bibliographic des principaux ouvrages concernant la teinture," vol. i, p. 124-133. "Choix de documents bibliographiques", vol. 3, p. 319-341. Bibliographical references scattered through the book. 144 356 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Garden, Jules. L016.667 G16 "^'* Bibliographic de la technologic chimiquc dcs fibres textiles, Pro- prietes — blanchimcnt — teinture — matieres colorantes — impres- sion — appr^ts vi,[2],i70,[i] p. Q. Paris: Gauthier- Villars & Fils, 1893. O'Neill, Charles. 667 N800 ""* The practice and principles of calico printing, bleaching, dyeing, etc. 2 vol. O. Manchester: Palmer & Howe, 1878, "Index of references," vol. 2. p. 367-420. Bolley, Pompejus Alexander, &t Kopp, Emil. 660.2 M215 Die Theerfarbstoffe. Begonnen von Dr. P. A. Bolley und Dr. Emil Kopp. Fortgesetzt unter Mitwirkung von Dr. R. Gnehm, von Dr. Richard Meyer 3 vol. paged continuously ; vol. i : XX, [2], 1-536, 20, p. ; vol. 2 : iv, [2], 537-1 177 p. ; vol. 3 : iv,i 179- 179 1 p. il. pi. [/;/ Bolley, P. A., ed. Handbuch der chemischen Technologic, vol, 5.] Braunschweig 1 867-1 897. 016.668 OILS. FERTILIZERS. DISTILLATION Gildemeister, Eduard, & Hoffmann, Fr. 668.5 P902 23901 j)|g aetherischen Oele, Bearbeitet im Auftrage der Firma Schim- mel & Co. in Leipzig. iv,[2],9i9 p. 82 il. 4 maps. O, Berlin: J. Springer, 1899. Bibliographical references scattered through the book, Larbal^trier, Albert. 668.6 P600 '"^^ Les residus industriels employes comme engrais. Industries minerales & animales. 200 p. D. (Encyclopedic scientifique des aide-memoire.) Paris: Masson & C'^, [1896]. Contains a bibliography of fertilizers. Mills, Edmund James. 668.7 O701 "'° Destructive distillation: a manualette of the paraffin, coal tar, rosin oil, petroleum, and kindred industries. Fourth edition. 200 p. il. I pi. O. London: Gurney & Jackson, 1892. Contains a selected bibliography of destructive distillation. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 357 016.669 METALLURGY Juptner von Jonstorff, Hanns Freiherr. 669.1 Q004 """ Grundziige der Siderologie. Fur Huttenleute, Maschinenbauer u. s. w. sowie zur Benutzung beim Unterrichte bearbeitet Vol. I-. il. pi. O. Leipzig: A. Felix, 1900-. "Litteratur," vol. i, p. 291-307. Ledebur, A. 669.1 Qooi 22763 Handbuch der Eisenhiittenkunde, FUr den Gebrauch im Betriebe wie zur Benutzung beim Unterrichte bearbeitet. Dritte, neu bear- beitete Auflage. xiii,io86 p. il. 31 pi. 3 maps. O. Leipzig: A. Felix, 1900. "Litteratur" at the end of each chapter. School of Mines quarterly. 620.51 14 v.o 30093 •Y\xQ School of Mines quarterly. A journal of applied science. Contents and index, vol. XI-XX. Nov., 1889 to July, 1899. 82 p. O. New York City 1900. Published by Columbia University, School of Mines. Rose, Thomas Kirke. 669.2 P800 1B424 'pj^g metallurgy of gold. Being one of a series of treatises on metallurgy, written by associates of the Royal School of Mines. Edited by Prof. W. C. Roberts-Austen. Third edition, revised and enlarged. xviii,528 p. 69 il. i pi. O. [New metallurgical series, no. 2.] London: C. Grifilin & Co., 1898. "Bibliography", p. 503-514. Austen, William Chandler Roberts-. 669.02 P701 ""'" An introduction to the study of metallurgy Fourth edition, revised and enlarged xvi,423 p. il. 5 pi. 2 tables. O. [New metallurgical series, vol. i.] London: C. Griffin & Co., 1898. "The micro-structure of metals and alloys. Bibliography," p. 396-400. Rose, Thomas Kirke. 669.2 P401 "''' The metallurgy of gold. Being one of a series of treatises on metallurgy, written by associates of the Royal School of Mines. Edited by Prof. W. C. Roberts-Austen. Second edition, xviii, 495 P- 69 il. I pi. O. [New metallurgical series, no. 2.] Lon- don : C. Griffin & Co., 1896. Contains a bibliography of gold mining and metallurgy. 358 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Annales. 622.054 2 12273 jabie alphabetique et analytique des matieres contenues dans . . . [les] Annales des Mines [7 vol.] O. Paris 1831-1893. Contents: Vol. i. Index to first and second series, 1816-1830. Vol. 2. Index to third series, 1832-1841. Vol. 3. Index to fourth series, 1842-1851. Vol. 4. Index to fifth series, 1852-1861. Vol. 5. Index to sixth series, 1862-1871. Vol. 6. Index to seventh series, 1872-1881. Vol. 7. Index to eighth series, 1882-1891. Vol. I edited by A. C. L. Peltier. Iron and Steel Institute. 669.06244 2 "'"' Subject-matter index to Proceedings. 1 882-1 889. [4] ,73 p. O. [London], pref. 1891. Iron and Steel Institute. 669.06244 2 "^* General index to the Proceedings for the years 1 869-1 881. [4], 227 p. O. London 1883. Lock, Alfred George. L669.2 O200 20803 Qq\(^ . ji^g occurrence and extraction. Embracing the geographi- cal and geological distribution and the mineralogical characters of gold-bearing rocks, the peculiar features and modes of working shallow placers, rivers, and deep leads; hydraulicing; the reduc- tion and separation of auriferous quartz ; the treatment of complex auriferous ores containing other metals ; a bibliography of the subject; and a glossary of English and foreign technical terms. xxi,i229 p. 185 il. I pi. 6 maps. Q, London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1882. Zeitschrift. L622.053 1 *^"^ Zeitschrift fur das Berg-, HiJtten- und Salinenwesen im preussi- schen Staate. Herausgegeben im Ministerium der offentlichen Arbeiten. Haupt- Register zu Band l-XXV. (Jahrgang 1853- 1877.) iv,i22 p. sq.Q. Berlin 1879. Stdlzel, C. 660.2 M227 ""^^ Die Metallurgie. Gewinnung der Metalle. 2 vol. paged contin- uously ; vol. i: xxii, 1-840 p.; vol.2: [4],84i-i628,lxxxvi p. il. [/;/ BOLLEY, P. A., ed. Handbuch der chemischen Techno- logic, vol. 7.] Braunschweig 1 863-1 886. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 359 Cramer, Johann Andreas. 669.9 Fi "*^^ Elements of the art of assaying metals. In two parts. The first containing the theory, the second the practice of the said art. The whole deduced from the true properties and nature of fossils .... Written originally in Latin, by John Andrew Cramer, with notes and observations not in the original, particularly useful to the English reader, by Cromwell Mortimer, to which is prefixed a list of the chief English authors who have written upon miner- als and metals. The second edition, corrected. xxiv,47i p. 6 pi. nar.O. London: L. Davis & C. Reymers, 1764. 016.67 MANUFACTURES Ledebur, A. 671 P701 **""* Lehrbuch der mechanisch-metallurgischen Technologic (Verar- beitung der Metalle auf mechanischem Wege). Zweite Auflage. xiv,799 p. il. 4 pi. O. Braunschweig: F. Vieweg & Sohn, 1897 "Literatur," at the end of each chapter. Ledebur, A. 660.2 M228 '"'° Die Metallurgie. Zweiter Band: Metallverarbeitung. xi,3i7 p. 75 il. [/« BOLLEY, P. A., ed. Handbuch der chemischen Tech- nologic, vol. 8.] Braunschweig 1882. Otte, Heinrich. 673.08 O400 '"** Glockenkunde. Zweite verbesserte und vermehrte Auflage. vi, [2], 220 p. il. 2 pi. O. Leipzig: T. O. Weigel, 1884. "Obersicht der Litteratur in chronologischer Reihenfolge," p. i-6; "Glockengies- ser-Verzeichnis," p. 180-218. James, George Wharton. 674.07 Q200 31584 jncjian basketry. Second edition, revised and enlarged. 274 p. 359 il. O. New York: H. Malkan, 1902. "SymboHsm of Indian basketry," p. 187-216. "Bibliography of Indian basketry," p. 232-233. Dumercy, Charles. 016.676 D89 "°^ Bibliographic de la papeterie. 28 p. O. Bruxelles : F. Larcier, 1888. Reprinted from U Industrie moderne. Silbermann, Henri. L638 P701 '**^' Die Seide. Ihre Geschichte, Gewinnung und Verarbeitung 2 vol. il. Q. Dresden: G. Kiihtmann, 1897. '•Bibliographischer Anhang," at the end of each chapter. 360 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY New England Cotton Manufacturers' Association. 677.006162 i 13045 jndex to reports nos. i to 37. 1866 to 1884 inclusive. 25 p. Q. Boston 1885. Bound in front of no. 28. 016.68 MECHANIC TRADES Watchmaking — Cycling — Bookbinding — Tailoring Poppe, Johann Heinrich Moritz. 68i Gooi 19624 Ausfiihrliche Geschichte der theoretisch-praktischen Uhrmacher- kunst, seit der altesten Art den Tag einzutheilen, bis an das Ende des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts. x,564,[2] p. nar.O. Leipzig: Roch & Co., 1 801. "Litteratur der Uhrmacherkunst," p. 505-564. Horseless age. L625.051 16 v.7 27674 jj^g Horseless age. Complete index to [vol. 1-6. Nov. 1895 to] Oct. 1st, 1900. [/« The Horseless age, vol. 7, no. 6, p. 85- 90. New York 1900.] Bazley, Thomas Sebastian. 684.1 N200 23397 ]sjQtes oil ^]^Q epicycloidal cutting frame of Messrs. Holtzapffel & Co., with special reference to its compensation adjustment, xvi, 192 p. 115 il. I pi. O. London: Triibner & Co., 1872. "List . . . [of] all that has been hitherto published upon the subject," p. vii-xi. Prideaux, Sarah Treverbian. 686 P300 '^ An historical sketch of bookbinding, with a chapter on early stamped bindings by E. Gordon Duff. vi,[2],303 p. 3 pi. O. London: Lawrence & Bullen, 1893. Contains a bibliography of bookbinding. Gruel, L^on. L686 O700 5053 ]y[ai^uel historique et bibliographique de I'amateur de reliures. [4], 1 86, [2] p. il. 6y pi. I facsim. sq. F. Paris: Gruel & Engel- mann, 1887. Galton, Frank W., editor. 331. «8 P600 '■"'* Select documents illustrating the history of trade unionism. I. The tailoring trade. With a preface by Sidney Webb, xcviii, 242 p. D. [Studies in economics and political science, vol. 2.j London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1896. "Bibliography," p. 224-237. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 3^1 016.69 BUILDING Leaning, John. 692.3 Qioo 30186 ]3yiidiiig specifications. For the use of architects, surveyors, builders, &c. Comprising the complete specification of a large house, with stables, conservatory, &c. also numerous clauses re- lating to special classes of buildings, & practical notes on all trades and sections. xiii,64i p. il. i pi. O . London : B, T. Bats- ford, 1 90 1. "A condensed bibliography of specifications," p. S93~594- "A short list of selected works on materials and construction and other subjects con- nected with building," p. 595-601. LiverpooL Pitblic Libraries, Museums a7id Art Gallery. 017.42 L7551 24790 Hand-list of books on the building trades in the Reference Depart- ment, William Brown street: being a continuation of the "Hand- list of books on architecture." [4], 5 3-8 1 p. O. Liverpool 1896. Foerster, Max. L691.7P900 "'" Die Eisenkonstruktionen der Ingenieur-Hochbauten. Ein Lehr- buch zum Gebrauche an technischen Hochschulen und in der Praxis Part i-. il. pi. Q. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1 899-. "Litteratur-Nachweisung," at the ends of chapters. Herrmann, 0. LSSS-S P900 *"*^* Steinbruchindustrie und Steinbruchgeologie. Technische Geo- logic nebst praktischen Winken fiir die Verwertung von Gesteinen unter eingehender Beriicksichtigung der Steinindustrie des konig- reiches Sachsen zum Gebrauche von Geologen, Ingenieuren, . . . , Studirenden etc. xvi,428 p. 17 il. 6 pi. Q. Berhn : Gebriider Borntraeger, 1899. "Litteratur," p. i-io, 182-184, 400. Martens, Adolf. L621.02P801 19690 Handbuch der Materialienkunde fiir den Maschinenbau Vol. I-. il. pi. Q. Berlin: J. Springer, 1898-. Martens, Adolf. 621.02 P803 "'^^ Handbook of testing materials. For the constructor. Part I. Methods, machines, and auxiliary apparatus. Authorized trans- lation and additions by Gus. C. Henning. First edition 2 vol. pi. por. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1899. Contents: Vol. i. Text. Vol. 2. Plates. "Bibliographical index," p. xxxv-xlviii. ^52 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Spalding, Frederick Putnam. ^91 .5 P300 ««3> Notes on the testing and use of hydraulic cement, by ined F. Spalding. vi,io8p. D. Ithaca, N. Y. : Andrus & Church, 1893. With a chapter: Literature relating to cement. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 3^3 016.7 FINE ARTS. GENERAL WORKS New York Public Library. 017.747 N426 '^°" A handbook of the S. P. Avery collection of prints and art books in the New York Public Library. 84 p. 2 pi. O. [New York:] De Vinne Press, 1901. Hessling, Bruno, publisher. L019 H46 24692 Bj-uno Hessling. Buchhandlung fiir Architektur und Kunstge- werbe Verlags-Katalog. [4],22op. il. sq.Q, [Berlin pref. 1899.] Liverpool. Public Libraries, Museums and Art Gallery. 017.42 L7552 ^*"' Hand-list of books on the decorative arts in the Reference Depart- ment, William Brown street. [4],ii3p. O. Liverpool 1899. Montaiglon, Anatole de. 018 M76 ^'*" Catalogue of the extensive and valuable library belonging to M. C. Coutelle, Paris, including the entire library of the late Anatole de Montaiglon To be sold by auction . . . May ... [to June] 1899 viii,58o p. 2 pi. O. Boston, Mass., [1899]. Contents: Part I. Ecclesiastical history. History, ancient and modern. Bibliography. Science. Part 2. Literature. Part 3. Fine arts, decorative and industrial arts. Sturgis, Russell, &■ Krehbiel, Henry Edward. L016.7 S935 6039 Annotated bibliography of fine art. Painting, sculpture, architec- ture, arts of decoration and illustration, by Russell Sturgis. Mu- sic, by Henry Edward Krehbiel. Edited by George lies. [6], ^9 P- Q- Boston : published for the American Library Associa- tion Publishing Section by the Library Bureau, 1897. Dresden. K. Kunstgewerbe-Schule. L017.43 D81 '*''" Katalog der Bibliothek. 14 parts in i vol. Q. Dresden 1896. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. Nachtrag. No. i. 1896-97. Q. Dresden 1897. 364 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Wornum, Ralph Nicholson. 729 W89 19750 Analysis of ornament. Characteristics of styles. An introduction to the study of the history of ornamental art. Tenth edition. vii,2i5 p. il. 27 pi. 26 paged in, O. London: Chapman & Hall, 1896. "Illustrated literature", at the beginning of chapters 6-8, 10-13, ^S- Hiersemann, Karl W. 019 H52 ^" New series of catalogues. The fine arts. Architecture. Archae- ology. Books of costume. Books and prints on sale by Karl W. Hiersemann. [6] ,744, [2] p. O. Leipzig 1893. Handcke, Berthold. 015.494 C73 v.5 21052 Architecture, sculpture et peinture. [Bibliographic.] viii,[2], 100 p. [/« Centralkommission fur schweizerische Lan- DESKUNDE. Bibliographie, vol. v6''^'^.] Berne 1892. Haf erkorn , Henry Ernest . 1 6 . 6 H 1 1 "'^ Handy lists of technical literature. Reference catalogue of books printed in English from 1880 to 1888, inclusive ; to which is add- ed a select list of books printed before 1880 and still kept on pub- lishers' and jobbers' lists. Parts 1-6 in i vol. O. Milwaukee, Wis. : parts 1-2 : National Publishing and Printing Co. ; parts 3-6 : H. E. Haferkorn, 1 889-1 891. Parts I and 2 compiled by Henry E. Haferkorn and Paul Heise. Gayley, Charles Mills, & Scott, Fred Newton. 016.7 G25 3»99 A guide to the literature of aesthetics. 116 p. O. [CALIFORNIA. University of California. Library. Bulletin, no. 11.] Berkeley 1890. Published as supplement to the Report of the Secretary of the Board of Regents. South Kensington Museum. 016.7 S726 17975 -j^i^g ^j.^^ proofs of the universal catalogue of books on art. Com- piled for the use of the National Art Library and the schools of art in the United Kingdom 2 vol. and supplement, paged continuously; vol. i: xvi,[2],i-i030 p. ; vol.2: [2],io6l-2i87, [i] p.; sup. [2],654,[2] p. sq.O. London 1870-1877. Vinet, Ernest, compiler. 016.7 V75 Bibliographic methodique et raisonnee des beaux-arts Pubhee sous les auspices du Ministere de I'Instruction Publique, des Cultes et des Beaux-Arts. xii,288,viii p. O. Paris : Firmin- Didot Freres, Fils & C'^ i874-[i877]. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 365 Duplessis, Georges. 016.7 ^9^ *'^*"* Essai d'une bibliographic generale des beaux-arts [4], 144 p. O. Paris: Rapilly, 1866. 016.71 LANDSCAPE GARDENING. HORTICULTURE Boston. Public Library. L016.71 B65 Tht Codman collection of books on landscape gardening. Also a list of books on trees and forestry [4] ,26 p. Q. Boston 1899. Reprinted from the Mo7ithly btdletin of the Boston Public Library, Oct. -Nov. 1898. Van Rensselaer, [Mariana, bom Griswold]. 710.2 V35 18815 ^j.|. out-of-doors. Hints on good taste in gardening. By Mrs. Schuyler Van Rensselaer. x,399 p. D. New York : C. Scrib- ner's Sons, 1897. Contents: i. The art of gardening, 2. Aims and methods. 3. The home-grounds. 4. Close to the house. 5. Roads and paths. 6. Piazzas. 7. Formal flower-beds. 8. Formal gardening. 9. A word for architecture. 10. Out-door monuments. II. Cemeteries. 12. The beauty of trees. 13. Four trees. 14. A word for the axe. 15. The love of nature. 16. A word for books. 17. The artist. Appendix. Books on gardening art. Amherst, Alicia M. T. L710.9 A515 A history of gardening in England. xvi,398 p. il. Q. London: B. Ouaritch, 1895. "Bibliography of works on English gardening", p. 323-389. Hazlitt, William Carew. 016.71 H33 Gleanings in old garden literature. vii,263 p. D. [Book-lover's library.] New York: G. J. Coombes, 1887. Illustration horticole. L716.054 1 "''^ Table generale des plantes decrites et figurees dans les trente pre- miers volumes de I'lllustration horticole. [2], 12 p. [/;/ Illus- tration horticole, vol. 30. Gand 1883.] No title-page. 7197 The Garden: an illustrated weekly journal of horticulture in all its branches. General index to the first twenty half-yearly vol- umes, appearing between November 25, 1 871, and December 31, 1 88 1. Compiled by W. Miller. Arranged by W. Vokes. 117 p. sq.Q. London [1881]. 366 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Illustration horticole. L7 16.054 1 "" Table generale des matieres contenues dans les dix premiers vo- lumes, formant la premiere serie, de I'lllustration horticole, 28 p. \_In Illustration horticole, vol. 10. Gand 1863.] No title-page. Floricultural cabinet. 716.052 i ^""* Index for vols. Viil to XIX inclusive. 38 p. O. [London 1852.] Bound with vol. 20. No title-page. Horticultural Society of London. L634. 06241 i ser.2,v.3 "^"^ General index to the first and second series of the Transactions of the Horticultural Society of London. cxxxix p. \_Iti HORTI- CULTURAL Society of London. Transactions, Second series, vol. 3. London 1848.] 016.72 ARCHITECTURE American Institute of Architects. L016.72 A512 29756 Quarterly bulletin, containing an index of literature from the publications of architectural societies and periodicals on architec- ture and allied subjects Continued from vol. i. 1900. Q. Washington, D. C. [1900-]. Edited by Glenn Brown. Title-page for each number. Dresden. Deutsche Bau-Ausstellung, igoo. 016.72 D81 Littcratnr-A ussc/uiss. Die deutsche bauwissenschaftliche Litteratur des letzten Jahr- zehntes. Katalog der in den letzten zehn Jahren erschienenen bautechnischen Druckschriften in deutscher Sprache unter gleich- zeitiger Beriicksichtigung hervorragender Erscheinungen des Auslandes. Herausgegeben von der Deutschen Bau-Ausstellung Dresden 1900. [6], 150 p. 19 pi. O. Dresden: E. Schiirmann, [1900]. Gwilt, Joseph. 720.3 G99 An encyclopaedia of architecture, historical, theoretical, and prac- tical. Revised, portions re-written, and with additions (in 1 888) by Wyatt Papworth. New impression. xiv,i443 p. il. i pi. O. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1899. "A brief synoptical list of the principal architects, ancient and modern, with their chief works", p. 1129-1159. "Publications relating to architecture", p. 1 160-1200. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 3^7 Royal Institute of British Architects. L017.42 R815 29090 -pj^g library catalogue of the Royal Institute of British Architects, with supplement, 1834-1898. [2],vii,302,cii p. sq.Q. London 1899. Contents: Printed books and manuscripts, 1834-1S88. vii,302 p. 1889. Supple- ment . . . comprising additions from 13th June 18S7 to 31st December 1898, exclusive of transactions and proceedings of societies, periodicals, and other works in progress com- menced prior to 13th June 1887. cii p. [1899]. Columbia University. Library. L017.747 C72 '9' Catalogue of the Avery Architectural Library. A memorial library of architecture, archeology, and decorative art. [Prepared by Harriet B. Prescott ; edited by Charles Alexander Nelson.] xii,[6],ii39 p. 3 il. i pi- Q- New York: Library of Columbia College, 1895. Florence. Collegio degli architetti e ingegneri. 017.45 F66 •''" Catalogo della biblioteca, compilato dall' ing. Vincenzo Brini. V, [2], 173, [2] p. O. Firenze: G. Carnesecchi & figli, 1895. Fortschritte. L720.2 F77 21216 Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Architektur. Erganzungshefte zum Handbuch der Architektur No. i-. il. pi. Q. Stutt- gart 1 894-. No. 1-9 published in Darmstadt. "Literatur" with special subjects. Boston. Public Library. L017.744 B6537 ^'"* Catalogue of the books relating to architecture, construction and decoration in the Public Library of the City of Boston, Novem- ber I, 1894. With an appendix. Subject catalogue no. 10. [4], 1 50 p. Q. Boston 1894. Liverpool. Public Libraries, Museums and Art Gallery. 017.42 L755 247B9 Hand-list of books on architecture in the Reference Department, William Brown street, [4]. 51 P- O. Liverpool 1894. Cummings, Charles Amos. 720.945 C91 '"" A history of architecture in Italy from the time of Constantine to the dawn of the Renaissance. 2 vol. il. pi. O. Boston : Hough- ton, Mifflin & Co., 1901. "List of authorities consulted," vol. i. p. ix-xi. Schmitt, Eduard. L625.16N300 89961 Vortrage tiber Bahnhofe und Hochbauten auf Locomotiv-Eisen- bahnen 2 vol. il. pi. maps. F. Leipzig: A. Felix, [1872]- 1882. Vol. 2 published under the title: Bahnhofe und Hochbauten auf Locomotiv-Eisen- bahnen. Nach den an der Universitat Giessen gehaltenen Vorlesungen bearbeitet und erganzt. "Literatur" at the end of each chapter. 368 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Boston. Public Library. L017.744 B653 B1652 p^^^ index to the pictures and plans of library buildings. To be found in the Boston Public Library. By James Lyman Whitney. Second, enlarged edition. [4],3i p. Q. Boston 1899. Baginsky, Adolf. 613.54 P801 26768 Handbuch der Schulhygiene zum Gebrauche flir Arzte, Sanitats- beamte, Lehrer, Schulvorstande und Techniker. Mit Unterstut- zung von Otto Janke. Dritte, vollstandig umgearbeitete Auflage. 2 vol. il. O. Stuttgart: F. Enke, 1 898-1900. "Literatur", with leading topics. Handbuch. L720.2 H19 ^°'^'' Handbuch der Architektur Vierter Theil. Entwerfen, An- lage und Einrichtung der Gebaude. 6. Halb-Band : Gebiiude fUr Erziehung, Wissenschaft und Kunst. 4. Heft: Gebaude fiir Sammlungen und Ausstellungen viii,534 p. 626 il. 5 pi. 3 maps. Q. Darmstadt: A. Bergstrasser, 1893. Contents: Opfermann, R. Archive. Kortiim, A., & Schmitt, E. BibHotheken. Wagner, H. Museen. Kerler, A., & Schmitt, E. Pflanzenhauser. Lindheimer, O. Aquarien. Messel, A. AussteUungsbauten, "Literatur" at the end of each chapter. Glazier, Richard. 740-9 G46 30165 ^ manual of historic ornament. Treating upon the evolution, tradition and development of architecture and other applied arts. Prepared for the use of students and craftsmen. With . . . illus- trations by the author. [6],i36,iii p. il. i pi. paged in, i facsim. O. London: B. T. Batsford, 1899. "Works of reference," p. 134-136. 016.737 NUMISMATICS [Sardi, Alessandro.] 332.493 Di 20332 lohannis Seldeni Angli, Liber de nvmmis. In qvo antiqva pecvnia Romana et Grjeca mensvratvr pretio eivs, qvae nvnc est in vsv. Hvic accedit Bibliotheca nvmmaria, sive, Elenchvs avc- torvm, qvi de antiqvis nvmismatibvs, Hebraeis, Graecis, Romanis ; nee non de monetis, ponderibvs, et mensvris, ad hvnc vsqve an- nvm scripservnt. [/;/ BUDE, G. De Asse, p. 1-94, [6]. 1690.] A tributed to John Selden, BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 3^9 016.738 POTTERY Chaffers, William. L738 C34 15356 jyj^j-i^g ^,^j monograms on European and oriental pottery and porcelain with historical notices of each manufactory and 3500 potters' marks and illustrations. A new (eighth) edition, ... revised and edited by Frederick Litchfield, xix,978 p. il. O. London: Reeves and Turner, 1897. "Works of reference," p. xiii-xix. Turner, William. L738 T85 20297 -pj^g ceramics of Swansea and Nantgarw : a history of the factories. With biographical notices of the artists and others, notes on the merits of the porcelains, the marks thereon, etc. Also an ap- pendix on the Mannerisms of the artists. By Robert Drane. 9 il. 34 pi. sq.O. London: Bemrose & Sons, 1897. "Bibliography," p. 333-340. South Kensington Museum. National Art Library. 017.42 S726 ^'*^ Classed catalogue of printed books. Ceramics. xi,352,[i] p. O. (Department of Science and Art of the Committee of Council on Education.) London 1895. Nichols, George Ward. 738.70 N51 1059 Pottery, how it is made, its shape and decoration With a full bibliography of standard works .... 8,142 p. 36 il. 6 pi. D. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1879. 016.74 DECORATIVE ARTS Lace making Glazier, Richard. 740-9 G46 30165 ^ manual of historic ornament. Treating upon the evolution, tradition and development of architecture and other applied arts. Prepared for the use of students and craftsmen. With . . . illus- trations by the author. [6],i36,iii p. il. i pi. paged in, i facsim. O. London: B. T. Batsford, 1899. "Works of reference," p. 134-136. Portalis, Roger. 740.92 P83 18549 j^gg dessinateurs d'illustrations au dix-huitieme siecle. 2 vol. paged continuously, vol. i: [4],xxxii,^i-386 p.; vol. 2: [2], 387-788 p. I pi. O. Paris: D. Morgand & C. Fatout, 1877. Biographies of illustrators and engravers, with bibliographies of their works. 370 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Jackson, J/r5. [Emily]. L746 J13 a827o j^ history of hand-made lace. Dealing with the origin of lace, the growth of the great lace centres, the mode of manufacture, the method of distinguishing and the care of various kinds of lace. By Mrs. F. Nevill Jackson. With supplementary informa- tion by Ernesto Jesurum. x,[2],245 p. il. 12 pi. 7 por. Q. London: L. U. Gill, 1900. "The literature of lace," p. 94-105. 016.76 ENGRAVING Singer, Hans Wolfgang, &- Strang, William. 760.2 S617 "'" Etching, engraving, and the other methods of printing pictures. With . . . original plates by, and . . . illustrations after, William Strang. xiv,[2],228 p. 14 pi. sq.O. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner & Co., 1897. "Bibliography," p. 188-219. Didot, Ambroise Firmin. 761 D56 '^'"® Essai typographique et bibliographique sur I'histoire de la gravure sur bois. Faisant suite aux Costumes anciens et modernes de Cesar Vecellio, xiv, 316 col. [7,158 p.] O. Paris 1863. Richmond, W. D. 763 R41 I80U9 -pj-^g grammar of lithography. A practical guide for the artist and printer in commercial and artistic lithography, and chromo- lithography, zincography, photo-lithography, and lithographic machine printing. Tenth edition. xiii,254 p. il. D. [Wyman's technical series.] London: E. Menken, [189-]. "The bibliography of lithography," p. 243-246. Lalanne, Maxime. ^767 L15 16636 ^ treatise on etching. Authorized American edition, translated from the second French edition by S. R. Koehler. With an in- troductory chapter and notes by the translator. xxx,79 p. i il. 13 pi. Q. Boston;^: Estes & Lauriat, 1880. "List of works on the practice and history of etching," p. 75-79. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 371 016.77 PHOTOGRAPHY Great Britain. Patent Office. 017.42 G791 v.i '^^'^ Subject list of works on photography and the allied arts and sci- ences in the library of the Patent Office. 62 p. (//^ GREAT Britain. Patent Office. Bibliographical series, no. i.) Lon- don 1900. Rohr, Moritz von. L771.12 R63 Theorie und Geschichte des photographischen Objectivs. xx, 435, [i] p. 148 il. 4 pi. Q. Berlin: J. Springer, 1S99. "Litteraturveichniss," p. 399-435. Schroeder, Hugo. 771.12 S381 Die Elemente der photographischen Optik. Enthaltend eine gemeinverstandlicheDarstellungderEinrichtungphotographischer Linsensysteme, sowie Angabe liber Prlifung derselben Zugleich als Erganzungsband zu Vogel's Handbuch der Photo- graphic. x,[2],220p. 85 il. O. Berlin: R. Oppenheim, 1891. "Literaturverzeichniss", p. 7-32. Dallmeyer, Thomas R. L778.37 D16 Telephotography. An elementary treatise on the construction and application of the telephotographic lens. xv,i47,[i] p. 66 il. 26 pi. sq.Q. New York: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1899. "Bibliography," p. I47,[i]. 16602 Phillips, Charles E. S. 016.537 ^54 Bibliography of X-ray literature and research, (i 896-1 897.) Being a ready reference index to the literature on the subject of Rontgen or X-rays. Edited by Charles E. S. Phillips, with an historical retrospect and a chapter, "Practical hints," by the editor. xxxvii,68 p. il. i pi. of por. O. ["The Electrician" series.] London: "The Electrician" Printing and Publishing Co., [1898?] Schnauss, Hermann. 778 S357 Photographic pastimes : a series of interesting experiments for amateurs for obtaining novel and curious effects with the aid of the camera. Translated from the second German edition. 204, [3] p. il. D. London: IHffe & Son, 1892. "References," p. [1-3]. 18637 372 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 016.78 MUSIC Eicner, Robert. L780.92 E36 290'«' Biographisch-bibliographisches Quellen-Lexikon der Musiker und Musikgelehrten der chrtstlichen Zeitrechnung bis zAir Mitte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts Vol. i-. Q. Leipzig: Breit- kopf & Haertel, 1900-. "Verzeichnis der angezogenen neueren Quellenwerke", vol. i, p. 9-14. Weilen, Alexander von. L016.78 W42 27296 2ur wiener Theatergeschichte. Die vom Jahre 1629 bis zum Jahre 1740 am wiener Hofe zur Auffuhrung gelangten Werke theatralischen Charakters und Oratorien. 140 p. O. [Wien 1 897-1 900.] Published as supplement to Mittheilungen des Osterreichischen Vereines fiir Biblio- thekswesen, vol. 1-4. With very rare exceptions these works are Italian : oratorios, operas, cantatas, come- dies, pastorals, dramatic poems and other musical and dramatic compositions. No title-page. Carnegie Free Library, Allegheny, Pa. 017.748 C2122 28037 Catalogue of music, including musical compositions and works relating to music and musicians. 12 p. O. [Allegheny] 1899. Brown, James Duff. 026.78 B81 ^*'* Guide to the formation of a music library. [4] ,22 p. O. (Li- brary Association series, no. 4.) London: Simpkin, ... , Kent & Co., 1893. Svensk bok-katalog. L015.485 S981 '*' Svensk bok-katalog jemte musikforteckning ... . [Vol. 1-3.] Q. Stockholm 1 878-1 900. Vol. 1-2 compiled by Carl Johan Broberg; vol. 3, the alphabetical part, by A. Thelin; the systematic part, by Alfred Victorin. Contents: [Vol. i.] 1866-1875. [61,331 p. 1878. [Vol. 2.] 1876-1885. [6], 438, [2] p. 1890. [Vol. 3.] 1886-1895. [6], 520 p. 1900, Vol. 1-2 do not have the words "jemte musikforteckning." Bagge, Julius: Musikalier utkomna pa svenskt forlag 1876-1885, [vol. 2], p. 305- 338. Lofving, Isidor, Forteckning ofver musikalier, utgifna aren 1886-1895, [vol. 3], p. 362-396. Goovaerts, Alphonse. 655.1492 N700 Histoire et bibliographic de la typographic musicale dans les Pays-Bas 608 p. 9 facsim. O. [Bruxelles 1880.] From Memoires couronnees et antres mi-moires piibliees par PAcadcmie royale des sciences, des leltres et des beaux-arts de Belgique, vol. 29, which has shelf number 064.12 3 Bound with this: Rysselberghe, F. van. Note sur les oscillations du littoral beige. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 373 Robertson, F. E. 786.6 R54 ^*** A practical treatise on organ-building vii,[4],36i p. O. Atlas of 28 pi. sq. F. London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co., 1897. "Bibliography", p. 324-336. Atlas has shelf number L786.6 R54. Allen, Edward Heron-. 787.1 A425 18970 Violin-making as it was and is : being a historical, theoretical, and practical treatise on the science and art of violin-making, for the use of violin makers and players, amateur and professional. Pre- ceded by an essay on the violin and its position as a musical in- strument. [Second edition.] xix,366,[i] p. il. 6 pi. i por. O. London: Ward, Lock, Bowden, & Co., pref. 1885. "The bibliography of the vioHn," p. 329-348. 016.79 AMUSEMENTS. SPORTS Magic — Gaines — Fenchig &c. Hopkins, Albert Allis. 1'793 H77 "" Magic, stage illusions and scientific diversions, including trick photography. With an introduction by Henry Ridgely Evans. xii,556 p. 400 il. i pi. Q. New York: Munn & Co., 1897. "Bibliography of natural magic and prestidigitation. Compiled, with notes, by Hen- ry Ridgely Evans", p. 537-550. Lasa, Tassilio von der. L794.16 L33 29903 2ur Geschichte und Literatur des Schachspiels. Forschungen. viii,269 p. il. O. Leipzig: Veit & Co., 1897. The author's full name is Tassilio von Heydebrand und der Lasa. Horr, Norton Townshend. 016.795 H78 ^"° A bibliography of card-games and of the history of playing-cards, 79 p. O. Cleveland, O. : C. Orr, 1892. Landtwing, Alois. 01^4^^ C73 v.5 ^'"'^ Leibesubungen. [BibHographie des] Turnen, Fechten, Reiten, Radfahren. Wassersport, etc. xii,i53 p. \_In Centralkom- MISSION FiJR SCHWEIZERISCHE LaNDESKUNDE. Bibliographic, vol. ¥6*^.] Bern 1899. 374 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY American Association for the 613.06103 i v.o *-"* Advancement of Physical Education. Index of the Proceedings and Reports of the American Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Physical Education. 1 885-1 895. By John M. Pierce xi p. O. Boston, Mass., 1897. Repriniedirom the A merit an ///j'sica/ et/uca^ioM review, vol. i, no. 1-2, Sept. -Dec. 1897. Guillemet, Eugene. L613.72 P702 *"**" La bicyclette. Ses effets psycho-physiologiques. Avec une lettre-preface de M. le Professeur Morache. 1 1 3 p. il. Q. Paris : J.-B. BaiUiereSt fils, 1897. "Index bibliographique," p. III-I13. Leonard, Hugh Francis. 796.98 L55 .383S ^ hand-book of wrestHng. Edited by Frederik A. Fernald. ix, 265 p. il. I pi. O. New York: E. R. Pelton, 1897. "Bibliography", p. 255-259. Thimm, Carl Albert. 016.796 T34 *"' A complete bibliography of fencing and duelling, as practised by all European nations from the Middle Ages to the present day. With a classified index, in chronological order, according to lan- guages (alphabetically arranged). xvi,537,[i] p. il. 9 pi. 20 por. I pi. of por. O. London: J. Lane, 1896. Castle, Egerton. 796.28 C27 ®'"*'' Schools and masters of fence, from the Middle Ages to the end of the eighteenth century. With a complete bibliography. A new and revised edition. lxxviii,[2],355 p. 140 il. 12 pi. i por. D. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1892. 016.799 HUNTING AND FISHING Macpherson, Hugh Alexander. 799.2 M24 A history of fowling. Being an account of the many curious de- vices by which wild birds are or have been captured in different parts of the world. liv,5ii,[i] p. il. 5 pi. sq.O. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1897. "The literature of fowling," p. xiii-xxv. Harting, James Edmund. 016.598 H25 ^'^ Bibliotheca accipitraria. A catalogue of books, ancient and modern, relating to falconry, with notes, glossary, and vocabu- lary. xxviii,289 p. 26 pi. O. London: B. Quaritch, 1891. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 375 Westwood, Thomas, & Satchell, T. 016.799 W52 "®* Bibliotheca piscatoria. A catalogue of books on angling, the fisheries and fish-culture, with bibliographical notes and an ap- pendix of citations touching on angling and fishing, from old English authors. xxiv,397 p. O. London : W. Satchell, 1883. [Bartlett, John.] L016.799B28 Catalogue of books on angling, including ichthyology, piscicul- ture, fisheries, and fishing laws. From the library of a practi- tioner of more than fifty years' experience in the art of angling. [.2'\^77 P- Q- Cambridge: J. Wilson & Son, 1882. [Smith, John Russell.] 016.799 S652 2409O ^ bibliographical catalogue of English writers on angling and ichthyology. 47 p. O. London: J. R. Smith, 1856. 376 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 016.8 LITERATURE Indianapolis. Public Library. L017.772 I39 84649 pjnding list of English prose fiction, belonging to the Indianapolis Public Library. Third edition. 92 p. Q. IndianapoHs 1900. Montaiglon, Anatole de. 018 M76 *'^** Catalogue of the extensive and valuable library belonging to M. C. Coutelle, Paris, including the entire library of the late Anatole de Montaiglon To be sold by auction . . . May ... [to June] 1899 viii,58o p. 2 pi. O. Boston, Mass., [1899]. Contents: Part I. Ecclesiastical history. History, ancient and modern. Bibliography. Science. Part 2. Literature. Part 3. Fine arts, decorative and industrial arts. Bibliotheca philologica. 016.4 B47 16927 Bibliotheca philologica; oder, Vierteljahrliche systematische Bibliographic der auf dem Gebiete der classischen Philologie und Altertumswissenschaft, sowie der Neuphilologie in Deutschland und dem Auslande neu erschienenen Schriften und Zeitschriften- Aufsatze Vol. 49-50. 1 896-1 897. O. Gottingen 1897- 1898. Edited by Friedrich Kuhn. Vol. 49-50 also called New series, vol. 1 1-12. Chicago. Public Library. ^'^I-IIZ C4341 20956 Catalogue of English prose fiction and juvenile books in the Chi- cago Public Library, vi,334 p. O. Chicago 1898. First supplement . . . , January i, 1898 to April i, 1899, p. 313-334. Chicago. Public Library. ^"^'IIZ ^434 "*'* Catalogue of English prose fiction and juvenile books in the Chicago Public Library. [January 1889.] 153 P- O. Chicago 1889. Supplement. No. 1-4. 1889-Jan. 1897. Chicago 1890- 1897. Dixson, Zella, \born'\ Allen. 016.8 D64 The comprehensive subject index to universal prose fiction, ix, 421 p. D. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1897. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 377 Heredia, Ricardo, Comte de Benahavis. L017.44 H42 *•""' Catalogue de la bibliotheque de M. Ricardo Heredia, Comte de Benahavis. Deuxieme partie. Belles-lettres. [2], 479 p. il. Q. Paris: E. Paul, L. Huard & Guillemin, 1892. San Francisco. Free Public Library. L017.794 S195 '^"'' Classified English prose fiction, including translations and juvenile works with notes and index to subject references. No. 6, 1 891. viii,3o6 p. Q. San Francisco 1891. Leypoldt, Frederick, & Jones, Lynds E. 016.8 Lsg '"* The books of all time. A guide for the purchase of books. ^6, 39, [i] p. T. Boston, c. 1881. Nisard, Charles. 016.8 N63 ®**' Histoire des livres populaires, ou de la litterature du colportage depuis I'origine de I'imprimerie jusqu'a 1 etabhssement de la Com- mission d'examen des livres du colportage — 30 novembre 1852. Deuxieme edition, revue, corrigee avec soin et considerablement augmentee. 2 vol. il. D. Paris: E. Dentu, 1864. Tyler, Moses Coit. 810.9 T971 22002 'j'l^g literary history of the American Revolution. 1 763-1 783. .... 2 vol. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1 897-1 898. Contents: Vol. i. 1 763-1 776. Vol. 2. 1 776-1 783. Vol. I, published in 1898, is in second edition. "Bibliography", vol. 2. p. 429-483. Columbia University. Library. L017.747 C721 v.i ^''"' List of books chiefly on the drama and literary criticism. 64 p. (/;/ Columbia University. Library. Publications, no. i.) New York 1897. Los Angeles. Public Library. 017.794 L89 **'** List of novels and tales in the EngHsh language. Second edition. 238 p. O. Los Angeles 1900. Thomson, John. L010.51 16 v.2 ^"**' Descriptive catalogue of the series of works known as the Li- brary of old authors. 6'j p. {In Philadelphia. Free Library. Bulletin, no. 2.) [Philadelphia] 1899. Greg, Walter Wilson. 016.822 G86 24582 p^ Y\'~x of English plays written before 1643 and printed before 1700, xi,i58p. sq.O, London: printed for the Bibliographical Society, 1900. 3/8 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Carnegie Free Library, Allegheny, Pa. 017.748 C212 S8031 Catalogue of German books except fiction. Author-index. Katalog der deutschen Biicher ausgenommen Romane und No- vellen. Verfasser-Verzeichniss. 29 p. O. [Allegheny] 1900. Carnegie Free Library, Allegheny, Pa. 017.748 C2121 280i2 Catalogue of German fiction. Verfasser- und Titel-Verzeichniss der Novellen. 35 p. O. [Allegheny] 1897. Upsala. K. Universitetet. Fdreningen Hcimdal. 016.839 U69 30813 Poreningen Heimdals bokforteckning for svenska folkbibliotek till vagledning vid bokinkop for socken-, arbetare- och ungdomsbib- liotek. viii,[2],86 p. O. Uppsala: Poreningen Heimdal, 1899. Braunholtz, Eugen Gustav Wilhelm. 016.84 B73 29492 gQQJ^g Qf reference for students & teachers of French. A critical survey. [4] ,80 p. O. London : T. Wohlleben, 1901. Carnegie Free Library, Allegheny, Pa. 017.748 C21 ''"®** Catalogue of French books. Part [i]-2. O. Allegheny, Pa., i895-[i90o]. Crabb, Wilson Drane. 841 C84 20547 Culture history in the chanson de geste — Aymeri de Narbonne. A dissertation submitted to the (University of Chicago), ... in candidacy for the degree of doctor of philosophy, .... xxvi, 95, [i] p. O. Chicago 1898. "Bibliography of Aymeri de Narbonne," p. xi-xiv. Cornu, Mme Sophie, df Beer, William. 016.843 C81 ^^^^ List of French fiction .... 28 p. T. (American Library Association. Annotated Hsts, small series, no. 10.) Boston: Library Bureau, 1898. Giannini, Crescentino. oi5-45 G34 ^^^^ Delle opere recentemente citate dagli accademici della Crusca, con emendamenti alle anteriori. Bibliografia fino ad oggi la piu compiuta. xii,56 p. O. Firenze : A. Ciardelli, 1890. 106 copies published. Weilen, Alexander von. L016.78 W42 Zur wiener Theatergeschichte. Die vom Jahre 1629 bis zum Jahre 1740 am wiener Hofe zur AuffUhrung gelangten Werke theatralischen Charakters und Oratorien. 140 p. O. [Wien 1 897-1900.] Published as supplement to Mittheilungen des Osterreichischen Vereines fiir Biblio- thekswesen, vol. 1-4. With very rare exceptions these works are Italian : oratorios, operas, cantatas, come- dies, pastorals, dramatic poems and other musical and dramatic compositions. No title-page. 27296 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 379 Cornell University. Library. L017.747C811 25519 (;;;atalogue of the Rhaeto-Romanic collection presented to the library by Willard Fiske. iv,32 p Q. Ithaca, N. Y. 1894. Kelly, James Fitzmaurice-. 860.9 K29 17196 ^ history of Spanish literature. 1x423 p. D. New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1898. "Bibliographical note", p. 399-412. Morel-Fatio, Alfred, &• Rouanet, L^o. L010.6465 i v.7 25795 Bibliographic du theatre espagnol. 47 p. [/;/ SociETE DES ETUDES HISTORIQUES. Bibliothequc de bibliographies critiques, no. 7. Paris 1900. No title-page. Bokachef, N. 016.01 B63 ^'"® Opisi russkikh bibliotek i bibliograficheskiya izdaniya. [List of Russian library catalogues and bibliographical publications.] xviii,[2],3i6,53,23,[3] p. Q! S.-Peterburg 1890. Leyden. Rijks Universiteit. BibliotJieek. L016.895 L59 28374 Bibliothequc japonaise. Catalogue raisonne des livres et des manuscrits japonais enregistres a la bibliothequc de I'Universite de Leyde. Par le D*". L. Serrurier. xiii,297,[3] p. i il. O. Leyde: E. J. Brill, 1896. 380 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 016.9 HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY. GENERAL WORKS Sears, Edmund Hamilton. 320.9 Qooi 23016 ^j^ outline of political growth in the nineteenth century, xiii, 616 p. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1900. "Bibliography", p. 575-597- Adressbuch der Adressbiicher. oi6 S391 28188 Adressbuch der Adressbiicher, Verzeichnis von neueren Fach-, Handels-, Stadte- u. Lander-Adressbiichern der Welt. Heraus- gegeben von der Centralstelle fiir Adressbiicher und Adress- wesen, Leipzig Vol, 5. 1900. O. Leipzig pref. 1899. Montaiglon, Anatole de. 018 M76 ^'"* Catalogue of the extensive and valuable library belonging to M. C. Coutelle, Paris, including the entire library of the late Anatole de Montaiglon To be sold by auction . . . May ... [to June] 1899 viii,58o p. 2 pi. O. Boston, Mass., [1899]. Contents: Part I. Ecclesiastical history. History, ancient and modern. Bibliography. Science. Part 2. Literature. Part 3. Fine arts, decorative and industrial arts. Bibliotheque. L054 16 18533 Bibliotheque de I'Ecole des chartes. Revue d'erudition consacree specialement a 1 etude du moyen age. Continued from vol. 59. 1898. pi. facsim. Q. Paris: A. Picard & fils, 1898. "Livres nouveaux" in each volume. Zimmermann, Alfred. 325.34 P600 19589 j^jg europaischen Kolonien. Schilderung ihrer Entstehung. Ent- wickelung, Erfolge und Aussichten Vol. i-. maps. O. Berhn: E. S. Mittler & Sohn, 1896-. "Verzeichniss der wichtigsten Quellen und Bearbeitungen," at the end of each vol- ume. Langlois, Charles Victor. oi6.oi L26 "^" Manuel de bibliographic historique. I. Instruments bibliogra- phiques. xi,i93 p. D. Paris: Hachette & c'*^, 1896. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS S^I Hartmann, A. 016.9 H761 ""^ Repertorium op de literatuur betreffende de nederlandsche kolo- nien, voor zoover zij verspreid is in tijdschriften en mengelwerken. I. Oost-Indie. 1866-1893. II. West-Indie. 1840-1893 xviii, 454,[2] p. O. 's Gravenhage: M. Nijhoff, 1895. Pohler, Johann. 016.9 P75 '''• Bibliotheca historico-militaris. Systematische Uebersicht der Erscheinungen aller Sprachen auf dem Gebiete der Geschichte der Kriege und Kriegswissenschaft seit Erfindung der Buchdruck- erkunst bis zum Schluss des Jahres 1880. 3 vol. O. Cassel : F. Kessler, 1 887-1 895. Cornell University. Library. L017.747 C812 "*'* Catalogue of the historical library of Andrew Dickson White. Vol. 1-2. Q. Ithaca, N. Y. 1 889-1 894. Contents: Vol. i. The Protestant Reformation and its forerunners. v,[i],io6 p. 1889. Vol. 2. The French revolution. v,[i],3i8 p. 1894. Compiled by G. L. Burr. Long Island Historical Society. L017.747 L85 17777 Catalogue of the library of the Long Island Historical Society. [Compiled by Jessie Eloise Prentice (now Mrs. Dodsworth).] 1863-1893. [6] ,801 p. Q. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1893. Adams, Charles Kendall. 016.9 A2 11 **** A manual of historical literature, comprising brief descriptions of the most important histories in English, French, and German, together with practical suggestions as to methods and courses of historical study Third edition, revised .... xxxviii,[2], 720 p. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1889. Lasteyrie, Robert de, & Lefevre-Pontalis, Eugene. L016.9 L33 19946 Bibliographic generale des travaux historiques et archeologiques publics par les societes savantes de la France, .... Vol. i-. sq.Q. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1888-. Vol. 2- prepared with the assistance of E. S. Bougenot. Fromm, Emil. L016.9 F92 4018 y Q Weigel's systematisches Verzeichniss der Hauptwerke der deutschen Literatur aus den Gebieten der Geschichte und Geo- graphic von 1 820-1882. viii,i99 p. Q. Leipzig: T. O. Weigel, 1887. 382 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Hall, Granville Stanley, editor. 907 O400 22113 Methods of teaching history Second edition, entirely re- cast and rewritten. xiv,39i p. D, (Pedagogical Hbrary, vol. I.) Boston: D. C. Heath & Co., 1898, c. 1884. Contents: Hall, G. S. Introduction. Hart, A. B. Methods of teaching American history. Emerton, E. The practical method in higher historical instruction. Ely, R. T. On methods of teaching political economy. White, A. D. Historical instruction in the course of history and political science at Cornell University. Collar, W. C. Advice to an inexperienced teacher of history. Clarke, J. T. A plea for archoeological instruction. Foster, W. E. The use of a public library in the study of history. Adams, H. B. Special methods of historical study. Morris, G. S. The philosophy of the state and of history. Scott, H. E. The courses of study in history, Roman law, and political economy at Har- vard University. Seeley, 5/;- J. R. The teaching of history. Adams, C. K. On methods of teaching history. Burgess, J. W. On methods of historical study and research in Columbia University. Physical geography and history. Higginson, T, W. Why do children dislike history? Gradation and the topical method of historical study: i. His- torical literature and authorities. 2. Books for collateral reading. 3. School text-books. Supplements: Allen, W. F. History topics. Fisher, J. A. Bibliography of church history. Hooykaas, J. C. 016.9 H76 ^-®° Repertorium op de koloniale litteratuur, of systematische inhouds- opgaaf van hetgeen voorkomt over de kolonien, (beoostcn de Kaap) in mengelwerken en tijdschriften, van 1595 tot 1865 uitge- geven in Nederland en zijne overzeesche bezittingen. Ter perse bezorgd door Dr. W. N. du Rieu. 2 vol. O. Amsterdam : P. N. van Kampen, 1 877-1 880. Contents: Vol. i : i. Het land. 2. Het volk. Vol. 2: 3. Het bestuur. 4. De weten- schap. 016.91 GEOGRAPHY Annales. L016.91 A613 '"" Annales de geographic. Bibliographic .... Continued from no. 7. 1897. Q- Paris [1897-]. Edited by L. Raveneau. Published as the September number of Annales de geographie. Geographischer Litteratur-Bericht. L910.53 i '"" Geographischer Litteratur-Bericht .... Continued from 1886. sq.Q. Gotha 1886-. Published as supplement to and bound with Petermanns Mitteilungen, vol. 32-, Edited by Alexander Supan. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 3S3 Gesellschaft fiir Erdkunde zu Berlin. 016.91 G33 ""^^ Bibliotheca geographica. Herausgegeben von der Gesellschaft fiir Erdkunde zu Berlin. Continued from vol. i. 1891-1892. O. Berlin 1895-. Compiled by Otto Baschin. Mathews, Charles Edward. 551.43 P800 25071 ^Ylie annals of Mont Blanc : a monograph. With a chapter on the geology of the mountain, by Professor T. G. Bonney. xxiv, 367,[i] p. 15 pi. I gr. of por. i pi. of por. 9 por. i facsim. paged in, 2 maps. O. London: T. Fisher Unvvin, 1898. "The bibliography of Mont Blanc," p. 295-320. Geographisches Jahrbuch. 55 1 •053 3 '^'*'' Systematisches Inhaltsverzeichnis zum Jahrgang XI-XX des Geo- graphischen Jahrbuchs (1885-97) (In Geographisches Jahrbuch, vol. 20. p. ix-xiii. Gotha 1898.) No title-page. Reynolds, Joan Berenice. 910.7 P800 The teaching of geography in Switzerland and North Italy being the report presented to the Court of the University of Wales on a visit to Switzerland and north Italy in 1898, as Gilchrist travel- ling student. xii,ii2 p. il. D. London: C. J. Clay & Sons, 1899. "Referring to Switzerland. Bibliography," p. 102-105. "Referring to north Italy. Bibliography," p. in. Mill, Hugh Robert. 016.91 M59 Hints to teachers and students on the choice of geographical books for reference and reading, with classified lists. Prepared at the request of the Geographical Association. 142 p. D. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1897. Studer, Gottlieb. 910. i P601 19809 xjber Eis und Schnee. Die hochsten Gipfel der Schweiz und die Geschichte ihrer Besteigung. 2. Auflage, umgearbeitet und erganzt von A. Waber und Dr. H. Diibi 3 vol. por. D. Bern : vol. i , Schmid, Francke & Co. ; vol. 2-3 , Schmid & Francke, 1 896-1 899. "Litteratur," with each chapter. Baumgartner, Heinrich. 016.91 B32 "'"'' Zur Litteratur der Erdkunde. Eine Zusammenstellung alterer u. neuerer Schriften liber Geographic u. verwandte Facher im An- schluss an die "Geschichte der Erdkunde von J. G. Ludde, Berlin 1841". [4],74p. O. Leipzig: Simmel & Co., 1895. Printed on only one side of the leaves. 384 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Bibliotheque nationale, Paris. 017.44 B473 *"2" Departement des Imprimes. Liste des publications periodiques qui se trouvent a la section des cartes & collections geographiques de la Bibliotheque nationale. 14 p. O. Paris: C. Klincksieck, 1895. Geographical Society, Royal. 017.42 G292 "' Catalogue of the library of the Royal Geographical Society. Con- taining the titles of all works up to December 1893. Compiled by Hugh Robert Mill. viii,833 p. O. London: J. Murray, 1895. Petermanns Mitteilungen. L910.53 i v.o "*" Inhaltsverzeichniss von Petermann's "geographischen Mittei- lungen." ... (Jahresbande und ... Erganzungsbande.) [Vol. 1-4.] 1 85 5-1 894. maps. sq.Q. Gotha 1 865-1897. Contents: Vol. i. 1855-1864; vol. 2. 1865-1874; vol. 3. 1875-1884; vol. 4. 1885- 1894. Interleaved. Ratzel, Friedrich. 572-9 Pioo 20470 Anthropogeographie 2 vol. il. map. O. [Bibliothek geographischer Handbiicher.] Stuttgart: J. Engelhorn, 1891- 1899. Contents: Vol. I. Grundzuge der Anwendung der Erdkunde auf die Geschichte. Zweite Auflage. xviii,6o4 p. 1899. Vol. 2. Die geographische Verbreitung des Men- schen. xlii,78i p. 32 il. i map. 1891. "Verzeichnis von Schriften," vol. i, 579-585. Gesellschaft fiir Erdkunde zu Berlin. 017 -43 G33 14038 Bibliothek der Gesellschaft fiir Erdkunde zu Berlin. Verzeich- niss der BUcher. Abgeschlossen im Februar 1888. xvi,[2], 418 p. O. Berhn 1888. Geographical Society, Royal. 017.42 G29 ^"^ Catalogue of the library of the Royal Geographical Society. May, 1865. [2], 541 p. O. London 1865. . . . Supplement to the Alphabetical catalogue of the library ... . Vol.2. Dec. 1870-Dec. 1880. O. London 1882. Nouveau dictionnaire. L910.3 N700 *"^* Nouveau dictionnaire de geographic universelle, contenant: 1° la geographic physique : ... ; 2*' la geographic politique : ... ; 3*^ la geographic economique : ... ; 4° I'ethnologie : ... ; 5° la geographic historique : ... ; 6'' la bibliographic : . . . . Ouvrage commence par M. Vivien de Saint-Martin at continue par Louis Roussclet. 7 vol. sq. F. Paris: Hachctte & c'«, 1 879-1 895. Supplement. [Vol. i-.] sq. F. Paris 1897-. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS S^S Geographical Society, Royal. 017.42 G291 '"* Classified catalogue of the library of the Royal Geographical Society, to December, 1870. [4] ,478 p. O. London 187 1. Tiele, Pieter Anton. 016.91 T44 ^'"'' Memoire bibliographique sur les journaux des navigateurs neer- landais reimprimes dans les collections de De Bry et de Hulsius, et dans les collections hollandaises du xvii® siecle, et sur les anciennes editions hollandaises des journaux de navigateurs etrangers ; la plupart en la possession de Frederik Muller a Am- sterdam. xii,372 p. I pi. nar.O. Amsterdam: F. Muller, 1867. Societe de Geographie. 910.6465 i "''* Bulletin de la Societe de Geographie. Table alphabetique et raisonnee des matieres contenues dans les ... [quatre] premieres series i822-[i86i] ... . [2v0l.ini.] O. Paris 1845-1866. Vol. I edited by Eugene de Froberville : vol. 2, by V. A. Barbie du Bocage. Contents: Vol. i. 1822-1843. Vol. 2. 1844-1861. Engelmann, Wilhelm. 016.91 E57 ^'^' Bibliotheca geographica. Verzeichniss der seit der Mitte des voringen Jahrhunderts bis zu Ende des Jahres 1856 in Deutsch- land erschienenen Werke iiber Geographie und Reisen, mit Ein- schluss der Landkarten, Plane und Ansichten vi,i225 p. O. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1858. Geographical Society, Royal. 910-6233 i 16564 General index to the contents of the first [and second] ten volumes of the London geographical journal. [2 vol.] O. London i 844-1 853. Contents: [vol. i], 1831-1840; [vol. 2], 1841-1850. Vol. I compiled by J. R. Jackson; vol. 2, by George Smith Brent and edited by Norton Shaw. Stevenson, William, 17^2-1 8 zg. 910.8 i v. 18 ''^'°* Historical sketch of the progress of discovery, navigation, and commerce, from the earliest records to the beginning of the nine- teenth century. viii,636 p. [/// Kerr, R., tv/. A general history and collection of voyages and travels, vol. 18.] Edinburgh 1824. "Catalogue of voyages and travels," p. 529-628. Boucher de la Richarderie, Gilles. 016.91 B66 31231 Bibliotheque universelle des voyages, ou Notice complete et raisonnee de tous les voyages anciens et modernes .... 6 vol. nar.O. Paris : Treuttel & Wiirtz 1808. ^86 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 016.912 MAPS France. Mmisterc de la marine. L016.354 F84 Service hydrographiqiie. Catalogue par ordre geographique des cartes, plans, vues de c6tes, instructions nautiques, memoires, etc. qui composent I'hydrographie frangaise au i*^"" Janvier 1900. xi,43i p. Q. Paris 1899. ... Supplement .... No. i. O. Paris 1901. No title-page. 31294 U. S. A. Navy Department. Bureau of Equipment. L016.353 U5842 "'^^"^ Hydrographie Office. Catalogue of charts, plans, sailing directions, and other publica- tions of the United States Hydrographie Ofifice. 1 19 p. 24 maps. sq. P\ Washington 1901. Phillips, Philip Lee. 016.912 P542 ^■""^ List of maps and views of Washington and District of Columbia in the Library of Congress. ']'] p. O. (U. S. A. 56TH CON- GRESS, 1ST SESSION, Senate. Document no. 154.) Washington 1900. Saxony. K. Generalstab. L017.43 S273 29097 Katalog der Bibliothek und Karten-Sammlung des Konigl. sachs. Generalstabes. xi,[i],342 p. sq.Q. Dresden 1900. University of Dublin. Trinity College. 017.415 U581 ^'^^* Catalogue of the manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, to which is added a list of the Fagel collection of maps in the same Library. Compiled by T. K. Abbott. xxvi,6o6 p. O. Dublin- Hodges, Figgis & Co., 1900. Borgen, Vilhelm. 019 B64 ''°*"^ Catalogue d'une collection importante de livres a cartes geogra- phiques, et de cartes et plans publiees separement, soigneuse- ment decrits. En vente en bloc chez Monsieur Vilh. Borgen, .... [7], 188 p. O. Copenhague 1899. Has also an English title-page. California. State Library. 017.794 C1275 v. i List of printed maps contained in the map department. 43 p. [/// California. State Library. Special bulletin, no. i.] Sacramento 1899. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 387 U. S. A. Navy Department. Bureau of Equipment. 016.353 1X5841 Hydrographic Office. Price list of Hydrographic Office charts, covering ground in Hawaii, Philippines, Ladrones, Marshall, CaroHne, and Gilbert islands. 7 p. sq. D. [Washington 1899?] No title-page. Wagner, Hermann. 55i«o53 3 v.2i iBo»s Ubersichts-Karten (index-charts, tableaux d'assemblage, quadri d'unione) flir die wichtigsten topographischen Karten Europas und einiger anderer Lander. Zusammengestellt fur das Geo- graphische Jahrbuch Vierte Auflage. 28 p. of maps. \_In Geographisches Jahrbuch, vol. 21.] Gotha 1899. U. S. A. Library of Congress. 017.73 L614 20238 Alaska and the northwest part of North America, 1 588-1 898. Maps in the Library of Congress. By P. Lee Phillips. 119 p. O. Washington 1898. Mathews, Edward Bennett. L557.52 P700 v.i 20924 Bibliography and cartography of Maryland including publications relating to the physiography, geology and mineral resources. [/;/ Maryland. Geological Survey, vol. i, p. 229-401. Bal- timore 1897.] Nordenskiold, Adolf Erik, Friherre. A910.9 P701 22137 Peripius An essay on the early history of charts and sailing- directions. Translated from the Swedish original by Francis A, Bather. x,2o8 p. lOO il. 60 maps. F^ Stockholm: P. A. Nor- stedt & Soner, 1897. With bibliographical notes. Phillips, Philip Lee. 016.912 P54 . . . Guiana and Venezuela cartography. [A bibliography.] .... [2],68i-776 p. O. Washington 1898. Reprinted from the Annual report of the American Historical Association, 1897. Stanford, Edward, publisher. 016.35442 S785 A resume of the publications of the ordnance & geological surveys of England & Wales, with indexes to the i-inch maps of the Brit- ish Isles, and a supplement on methods of map mounting. 56 p. il. 4 maps. O. London 1897. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. 388 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY U. S. A. Commission on Boundary between 327.87 P700 **"* Venezuela and British Gniana. Report and accompanying papers of the Commission appointed by the President of the United States "to investigate and report upon the true divisional hne between the repubHc of Venezuela and British Guiana." 3 vol. O. Atlas of 76 maps. sq. F\ Wash- ington 1897. Atlas has shelf number A327.87 P700 Contents: Vol. I. Historical: Report of the Commission. Jameson, J. F. Report on Spanish and Dutch settlements prior to 1648. Burr, G. L. Report as to the meaning of articles V and vi of the treaty of Miinster. — . Report as to the territorial rights of the Dutch West India Company. — . Report on the evidence of Dutch archives as to European occupation and claims in western Guiana. Vol. 2. Extracts from archives: I. Extracts from Dutch archives. 2. Miscellaneous manuscript documents filed with the Commission by the Government of Venezuela. Vol. 3. Geographical: i. Mallet-Pre- vost, S. Report upon the cartographical testimony of geographers. 2. Winsor, J. Report on the maps of the Orinoco-Essequibo region. 3. Burr, G. L. Report upon maps from official sources. 4. — . On the historical maps. 5. Baker, M. Notes on the geography of the Orinoco-Essequibo region, 6. — . Partial list of maps of the Orinoco- Essequibo region, with notes. Graf, Johann Heinrich. 015.494 C73 v.2 18366 Litterature de la geodesie Suisse, catalogues de collections de cartes, cartes, plans, reliefs et panoramas. Public par le Bureau topographique federal xxvi,7i2 p. [/;/ Centralkom- MISSION FiJR SCHWEIZERISCHE LANDESKUNDE. Bibliographie, vol. II.] Berne 1896. Phillips, PMlip Lee. 016.912 P541 22597 Virginia cartography. A bibliographical description. 85 p. O (Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian miscellaneous collec- tions, vol. 37.) City of Washington 1896. Another copy in Smithsonian miscellaneous collections has shelf number 061.82 2 V.37 France. Ministere de la guerre. O16.912F84 *°''* Service geograpJiiqite de Varmee. Catalogue des cartes, plans et autres ouvrages publics par le Ser- vice geographique de I'armee. 1895. 7^'[0 P- ^^ maps. O. Paris 1895. California. University of California. Library. 017.794 C1225 ^^*^ List of printed maps of California 33 p. O. (Bulletin, no. 9.) Berkeley 1887. Published as supplement to the Report of the Secretary of the Board of Regents. Bliss, Richard. L016.912B611 ^"'^ Classified index to the maps in the publications of the Geological Society of London, 1811-1885. 20 p. Q. (BOSTON. PUBLIC Library. Bibliographies of special subjects, no. 4.) Boston 1887. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 3^9 Bliss, Richard. L016.912 B61 "•'^ Classified index to the maps irTthe Royal Geographical Society's pubhcations. 1 830-1 883. 43 P- Q- (Harvard University, Library. Bibhographical contributions, no. 17.) Cambridge, Mass., 1886. U.S.A. War Department. Engineers. L910.6O300 '®" Report upon the Third International Geographical Congress and Exhibition, at Venice, Italy, 1881, accompanied by data concern- ing the principal government land and marine surveys of the world 586 p. II maps, 2 tables. sq.Q. Washington 1885. Contains a bibliography of government maps of the United States and the European countries. Great Britain. India Office. L017.42 G792 S0769 p^ catalogue of manuscript and printed reports, field books, memoirs, maps, etc., of the Indian surveys, deposited in the map room of the India Office xxi,672 p. Q. London 1878. Instituut van ingenieurs, Koninklijk. 016.912 I59 ®^" Repertoire de cartes, public par I'lnstitut royal des ingenieurs neerlandais. 5 vol. in i. nar.O. La Haye 1 854-1 867. New York. State Library. L017.747 N423 *'" Catalogue of New York State Library: 1856. Maps, manu- scripts, engravings, coins, &c. xii,274 p. Q. Albany 1857. 016.913 ANTIQUITIES Blasius, Wilhelm. 016.571 B61 88707 j)jg anthropologische Litteratur Braunschweigs und der Nachbar- gebiete mit Einschluss des ganzen Harzes. [2], 231 p. O. Braunschweig: B. Goeritz, 1900. Devoted to prehistoric archaeology, including Roman antiquities, and somatic anthro- pology. Ely, Talfourd. 9^3 Pooi ^°*' Manual of archaeology xii,272 p. 113 il. i pi. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1890. "Books recommended", at the beginning of each chapter. 390 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 016.92 BIOGRAPHY [Ungherini, A.] 016.92 U57 '""^^ Manuel de bibliographie biographique et d'iconographie des femmes celebres, ... ; suivi d'un repertoire de biographies gene- rales, nationales et locales et d'ouvrages concernant les portraits et les autographes, par un vieux bibliophile. xi,[448] p. O. Turin: L. Roux & c'% 1892. — Supplement. x,[2] p. 634 col. [317,2] p. O. Turin: Roux & Viarengo, 1900. Italy. Camera dci Dcpiitati. Biblioteca. L016.05 188 ^^'* Catalogo metodico degH scritti contenuti nelle pubblicazioni pe- riodiche italiane e straniere. Parte prima. Scritti biografici e critici. xvii,5i7,[i] p. O. Roma 1885. Supplemento. No. 1-3. Q, Roma 1889-1895. U. S. A. War Department. Library. 017-73 W1932 10159 pjntjing Hst of military biographies and other personal literature in the War Department Library vii,93 p. O. (Subject catalogue no. 4.) Washington 1897. 016.929 GENEALOGY AND HERALDRY Boston. Pnblie Library. L017.744 B6538 25031 p^ finding list of genealogies, and town and local histories con- taining family records in the Public Library of the City of Boston. viii,8o p. O. Boston 1900. Grellet, Jean, & Tripet, Maurice. 015.494 C73 v.5 """ Heraldique et genealogie. [Bibliographic.] vii,6o p. [/;/ CeNTRALKOMMISSION FiJR SCHWEIZERLSCHE LaNDESKUNDE. Bibliographic, vol. V4.] Berne 1895. Gatfield, George. 016.929 G22 Guide to printed books and manuscripts relatmg to English and foreign heraldry and genealogy. Being a classified catalogue of works of those branches of literature. [4], 646 p. O. London : Mitchell & Hughes, 1892. Only 300 copies printed. 30694 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 391 016.93 ANCIENT HISTORY Ragozin, Zenaide Alexeievna. 935 O800 23367 -j-j^g Story of Media, Babylon and Persia; including a study of the Zend-avesta or religion of Zoroaster, from the fall of Nineveh to the Persian War. (Continued from "The story of Assyria.") xviii,[2],447 p. il. 2 pi. i map. D. (Story of the nations.) New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1898, c. 1888. "Principal works read or consulted in the preparation of this volume," p. xv-xviii. Ragozin, Zenaide Alexeievna. 935-2 O700 23366 Assyria from the rise of the empire to the fall of Nineveh. (Con- tinued from "The story of Chaldea"). xix,450 p. il. 3 pi. 2 maps. D. (Story of the nations.) New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1898, c. 1887. "Principal works read or consulted in the preparation of the present volume," p. xiii-xvi. Notor, G. L396.0938 Qioo La femme dans I'antiquite grecque. Texte et dessins de G. Notor. Preface de M. Eugene Mlintz. [2],iv,288 p. il. 17 colored pi. F. Paris: H. Laurens, 1901. "Bibliographie", p. 275-276. 016.94 EUROPE. GENERAL WORKS Seignobos, Charles. 320.94 P702 22649 ^ political history of Europe since 18 14. Translation edited by S. M. Macvane. xxi,88i p. O. New York: H. Holt & Co., 1900. "Bibliography," at the end of each chapter. O16.94I-.942 GREAT BRITAIN Evans, Arthur Humble, & Buckley, T. E. 591.941 P900 ''**' A vertebrate fauna of the Shetland Islands. xxix,248 p. 2 il. 12 pi. I map. O. Edinburgh: D. Douglas, 1899. Contents: The Shetland Islands, p. 1-54. The vertebrate fauna of the Shetland Islands: Mammalia, p. 55-68. Aves, p. 69-215. Reptilia, p. 217. Amphibia, p. 217. Pisces, p. 218-238. "Bibliography," p. xxv-xxix. 392 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Gross, Charles. 016.942 G91 87502 'pi^g sources and literature of English history from the earliest times to about 1485. xx,6i8 p. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1900. Lee, Guy Carleton. 942 Q002 ^^^^' Source-book of English history. Leading documents together with illustrative material from contemporary writers and a bibli- ography of sources. xvii,6o9 p. D. New York: H. Holt & Co., 1900. "Bibliography of sources," p. 1-6 1. Gross, Charles. 016.352 G91 14097 ^ bibliography of British municipal history including gilds and parliamentary representation. xxxiv,46i p. O. [HARVARD University. Harvard historical studies, vol. 5.] New York: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1897. Traill, Henry Duff, editor. 309.42 P400 ^"'^ Social England. A record of the progress of the people in religion, laws, learning, arts, industry, commerce, science, litera- ture and manners, from the earliest times to the present day. By various writers. 6 vol. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1 894-1 897. "Authorities" at the ends of the chapters. Vol. I published in 1896. Bowes, Robert. 015.42 B67 ®^" A catalogue of books printed at or relating to the University, town & county of Cambridge from 152 1 to 1893, with bibliograph- ical & biographical notes, xxxi,[i],5i6 p. 11. O. Cambridge: Macmillan & Bowes, 1894. Ashley, William James. 330.942 O800 13487 p^^ introduction to English economic history and theory Third edition. [Vol. i, part i]-2. D. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1 894-1 898. Contents: Part i. The Middle Ages. Part 2. The end of the Middle Ages. "Authorities," at the beginning of each chapter. Anderson, John Parker. 016.942 A547 "®° The book of British topography. A classified catalogue of the topographical works in the library of the British Museum relating to Great Britain and Ireland. xvi,472 p. O. London: W. Satchell & Co., 1881. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 393 Rowlands, William. 015.42 R79 '^*^* Cambrian bibliography: containing an account of the books printed in the Welsh language, or relating to Wales, from the year 1546 to the end of the eighteeth century. With biographi- cal notices. Edited an {sic) enlarged by the Rev. D. Silvan Evans. xxxi,752 p. O. Llanidloes: J. Pryse, 1869. 016.943 GERMANY. AUSTRIA-HUNGARY Bericht. L016.943 B45 ^'*®* Bericht liber die neuere Litteratur zur deutschen Landeskunde. Herausgegeben im Auftrage der Zcntralkommission fiir vi^issen- schaftliche Landeskunde von Deutschland von Prof. Dr. Alfred Kirchhoff und Prof. Dr. Kurt Hassert. Vol. i-. Q. Berlin; A. Schall, 1901-. Richter, Paul Emil. 016.943 R41 Bibliotheca geographica Germaniae. Litteratur der Landes- und Volkskunde des deutschen Reichs, bearbeitet im Auftrage der Zentral-Kommission fiir wissenschaftliche Landeskunde von Deutschland. x,84i p. O. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1896. Autoren-Register. [23,54 p. O. Leipzig 1897. Bound together. Ritter, Franz. L027.043 C71 "'"' Katalog der Stadtbibliothek in Koeln. Abteilung Rh. Geschichte und Landeskunde der Rheinprovinz. Erster Band. xxviii,237 p. [/« Cologne. Stadtbibliothek. Veroffentlichungen, no. 5-6.] Koln 1894. Bound with this: Cologne. Stadtbibliothek. Benutzungs-Ordnung. Keysser, Adolf. L027.043 C71 '^'^* Zur geschichtlichen und landeskundlichen Bibliographic der Rheinprovinz. vi,46 p. (/;;; COLOGNE. STADTBIBLIOTHEK. Veroffentlichungen, no. 4.) Koln 1891. Strasburg. L352.043 S8971 Politische Correspondenz der Stadt Strassburg im Zeitalter der Reformation Vol. i-. [In Strasburg. Urkunden und Akten der Stadt Strassburg. Zweite Abtheilung.] Strassburg 1 882-. "Alphabetisches Verzeichnis der abgekiirzt citierten Werke," vol. 2, p. vii-viii; vol. 3, p. ix-xii. 394 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Morfill, William Richard. 943-8 P300 "'"'• Poland. xv,[i],389 p. il. i por. i map. D. (Story of the na- tions.) New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1898, c. 1893. Authorities for Polish history, Sec. p. 366-375. Asb6th, Jan6s de. L943.910 Pooi ^^"^ An official tour through Bosnia and Herzegovina, with an account of the history, antiquities, agrarian conditions, religion, ethnolo- gy, folk lore, and social life of the people. Authorized English edition. xx,496 p. il. i map. Q. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1890. Contains a bibliography of Bosnia and Herzegovina. 016.944 FRANCE Douai. Bibliotheqne publiqnc. 017.44 D741 ^"°® Catalogue methodique des imprimes de la Bibliotheque com- munale de Douai par Benjamin Riviere. Histoire de France. 3 vol. in I. O. Douai 1 897-1900. Dumoulin, Maurice. L010.6465 i v. 10 30832 Bibliographic critique de I'histoire du Forez et du Roannais. 20 p. [/// SociETE DES ETUDES HISTORIQUES. Bibliotheque de bibliographies critiques, no. 10. Paris 1900.] No title-page. Lehautcourt, Pierre. Loi 0.6465 i v.5 23453 Bibliographic critique de la guerre de 1 870-1 871. 27 p. \In SociETEJ DES ETUDES HISTORIQUES. Bibliotheque de bibliogra- phies critiques, no. 5. Paris 1900.] No title-page. British Museum. Department of Printed Books. 017.42 B7764 ^°*'° List of the contents of the three collections of books, pamphlets and journals in the British Museum relating to the French Revo- lution. Compiled by G. K. Fortescue. 48 p. Q. London 1899. Funck-Brentano, Frantz. L010.6465 i v.i 25792 BibHographie critique de la prise de la Bastille, (1789, 14 juillet). 8 p. [/// SociETE DES Etudes historiques. Bibliotheque de bibHographies critiques, no. i. Paris 1899.] No title-page. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 395 Gavet, G. 016.349 G24 ^■•"° Sources de I'histoire des institutions et du droit frangais. Manuel de bibliographie historique. xi,783 p. O. Paris: L. Larose, 1899. "Etablissement de la literature du sujet," p. 43-178, Martin, Germain. L010.6465 i v. 2 2S793 Bibliographic critique de I'histoire de I'industrie en France avant 1789. 27 p. [/;/ SOCIETE DES ETUDES HISTORIQUES. BibHo- theque de bibliographies critiques, no. 2. Paris 1899.] No title-page. Omont, Henri. L020.54 i v.7-8 ^^®°^ Inventaire sommaire des portefeuilles de Fontanieu conserves a la Bibliotheque nationale. [2],! 50 p. Q. Paris: E. Bouillon, 1898. Published as supplement to and bound with Revue des bibliotheques, vol. 7-8. Gobin, Leon. L944.05 P600 **°" Essai sur la geographic de I'Auvergne (Puy-de-Dome, Cantal, Brioude). viii,4i3 p. 41 il. 3 pi. 12 maps. Q. Paris: Hachette & c*e, 1896. "Bibliographic," p. 407-412. La Ronciere, Charles de. L020.54 i v. 6 Catalogue de la collection De Camps conservee au Departement des manuscrits de la Bibliotheque nationale. [2], 61 p. Q. Paris: E. Bouillon, 1896. Published as supplement to and bound with Revue des bibliotheques, vol. 6. Langlois, Charles Victor., & Stein, H. 016.944 ^26 Les archives de I'histoire de France. [2],xvii,iooo p. O. (Manuels de bibliographie historique, vol. i.) Paris: A. Picard, i89i-[i893]. Tourneux, Maurice. L016.944 T64 •"" Bibliographic de I'histoire de Paris pendant la Revolution fran- 9aise. Vol. i-. F. (Paris. Publications relatives \ la Revolu- tion frangaise.) Paris: Imprimerie nouvelle, 1890-. Lacombe, Paul. L016.044L11 26776 T3"U1* I.' • • ■'^^ i^ibliographie pansienne. Tableaux de moeurs (i 600-1 880). Avec une preface par M. Jules Cousin. xx,249 p. Q. Paris: P. Rouquette, 1887. 3g6 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Ruelle, Charles Emile. L016.944 R83 "■"' Bibliographic generale des Gaules. Repertoire systematique et alphabetique des ouvrages, memoires et notices concernant I'histoire, la topographic, la religion, les antiquites et le langage de la Gaule jusqu'a la fin du v*^ siecle. i''*' periode : Publications faites depuis I'originc dc I'imprimeric jusqu'en 1870 inclusivement. ... . [4],xiv,[4] p. 1732 col. [866 p.] Q. Paris: chez I'auteur, 1 880-1886. Dufour, Valentin. 016.944 D87 18458 Bibliographic artistiquc, historique et litteraire de Paris, avant 1789. [2],viii,537 p. 3 pi. i facsim. O. Paris: A. Laporte, 1882. [Lacroix, Paul.] 010.4 Liii ^"^ Melanges bibliographiques. Par P. L. Jacob, bibliophile. [2], iv,28o p. nar. D. Paris: Librairie des bibliophiles, 1871. Contents : Essai historique sur la reliure en France depuis le xvi siecle. Projet d'une nouvelle edition de la Bibliotheque historique de la France, ouvrage du P. Lelong et de Fevret de Fontette. La collection Jabach et les dessins de Raphael. Lettres sur les autographes. P. L. Jacob is pseudonym of Paul Lacroix. Girault de Saint-Fargeau, A. [Eusebe]. 016.944 G44 26023 Bibliographic historique et topographique de la France. Ou Ca- talogue de tous les ouvrages imprimes en frangais depuis le xv^ siecle jusqu'au mois d'avril 1845, classes i^ par ordre alpha- betique des ancienncs provinces ; 2° par departements formes desdites provinces ; 3^ par ordre alphabetique des villes, bourgs ou villages ... . [2],vi,504 p. O. Paris : F. Didot freres, 1845. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 397 O16.946-.949 OTHER EUROPEAN COUNTRIES Bari. Consiglio provinciate. L945.07 Qooi ''■"" La terra di Bari sotto I'aspetto storico, economico e naturale. Pubblicazione della provincia di Bari per la Esposizione universale di Parigi. 3 vol. map, tables. F\ Trani 1900. Contents: Vol. i. Fiorese, S. Introduzione generale agli studii sulla provincia. Pre- sentati all' Esposizione di Parigi dalla R. Scuola superiore di commercio. Carabellese, F. Saggio di storia del commercio della Puglia e piii particolarmente della terra di Bari. — . Delia storia dell'arte in Puglia e piii particolarmente nella terra di Bari fino ai primi anni del sec. XIII. Modugno, N. Cenni storici sul regime municipale in terra di Bari. Giustiniani, V. II diritto consuetudinario in terra di Bari. Massa, C. Saggio di biblio- grafia della provincia di terra di Bari. cxlvi,243,Ai04,[2] p. 2 tables. Vol.2. Fiorese, S. Storia della crisi economica in Puglia dal 1887 al 1897. Canzoneri, F. Le materie prime e le Industrie della provincia di Bari. Marchi, S., & Lorusso, B. Movimento commerciale della provincia di Bari. — . Movimento della navigazione e della merci nei porti della provincia. Massa, C. La marina mercantile e la societa "Puglia". — . L'industria della pesca. Rigobon, P. Saggio sugli usi mercantili della piazza di Bari e sulle antiche misure ancora in uso nelle contrattazioni. Lorusso, B. Stato finanziario della amministrazione provinciale e dei comuni della provincia di Bari al 31 dicembre 1897. Mossa, P., conte. Le istituzioni di pubblica beneficenza nella provincia di Bari. Pantaleo, M. Note sulla delinquenza nelle Puglie con speciale riguardo alia provincia di Bari. [4],397,Ai86,[2] p. 7 tables. Vol. 3. Virgilio, F. Geomorfogenia della pro- vincia di Bari. Palanza, A. Flora della terra di Bari. Pubblicata dopo la morte dell'autore a cura di A. Jatta. Romita, V. de. Materiali per una fauna barese. Bordi- ga, O. L'agricoltura e I'economia agraria della provincia di Bari. 466, [2] p. i pi. I pi. of maps, I map, i table. Caselli, Carlo. 016.945 C26 30765 ]viateriali per una bibliografia scientifica del Golfo della Spezia e dintorni. 29, [2] p. O. La Spezia : presso I'autore, 1900. Deecke, Wilhelm. 1910.2 P801 v.3-4 ^'^*' Italien. xii,5i4 p. il. 27 pi. i pi. of maps, 5 maps. [/;/ Biblio- thek der Landerkunde, vol. 3-4.] Berlin pref. 1898. "Verzeichnis einiger wichtigerer Schriftwerke und Karten," p. 501-506. Foulche-Delbosc, R. Lo 16.946 F82 9699 Bibliographic des voyages en Espagne et en Portugal. [2], 349 p. O. Paris: H. Welter, 1896. Hapgood, Isabel Florence. 016.947 H21 29336 -pj^g Chautauqua literary and scientific circle. Special course for the study of Russia in all its aspects. Suggestions for reading. 72 p. O. (Chautauqua system of education). Cleveland, Ohio, Chautauqua Assembly, c. 1900. 398 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Pettersen, Hjalmar. L015.481 C46 17015 Udlaendingers reiser i Norge. [4] ,69 p. (Bibliografiske med- delelser i.) [/« Christiania. K. Norske Frederiks Univer- siTET. Universitets-Bibliotheket. Universitets-Bibliothekets Aarbog. 1895. Christiania 1897.] Horn, Frederik Winkel. 839 H78 22005 f^jsj-Qi-y Qf ^\^Q literature of the Scandinavian North from the most ancient times to the present. Revised by the author, and trans- lated by Rasmus B. Anderson, with a bibliography of the impor- tant books in the English language, relating to the Scandinavian countries, prepared for the translator by Thorvald Solberg. ix, 507 p. O. Chicago: S. C. Griggs & Co., 1895, c. 1883. "Bibliography of Scandinavia", p. 413-500. [Konow, Sten, &• Fischer, Karl], editors. L948.1 Qooi 24796 Norway. Official publication for the Paris exhibition, 1900. [6],626,xxxiv,[2] p. il. 32 pi. paged in. i por. 3 maps. Q. Kristiania 1900. "Bibliography" at ends of chapters. Bibliotheca Belgica. 015.493 B471 27681 Bibliotheca Belgica. Bibliographie generale des Pays-Bas, par le bibliothecaire en chef [Ferd. Vander Haeghen] et les conser- vateurs de I'Universite de Gand. Vol. i— . S. Gand : C. Vyt, 1 8 80-. "La Bibliotheca Belgica comprend: lO La description de tous les hvres imprimis dans les Pays-Bas au xve at au xvie siecles, et celle des principaux ouvrages imprimes depuis 1600 jusqu'a I'epoque actuelle. 20 La description de tous les livres Merits par des beiges et des hoUandais, ainsi que celle des ouvrages concernant les Pays-Bas publics k I'^tranger. 30 La bibhographie des imprimeurs neerlandais etablis a I'etranger." Nijhoff, Martinus. 019 N58 20717 Bibliotheca-historico-[geographica] Neerlandica. [3 parts] in I vol. O. La Haye 1 893-1 899. Binder's title reads: Nijhoff's Catalogue. Holland and its colonies. Contents : [ Part I . ] Histoire des Pays-Bas : catalogue systematique de livres anciens et modernes. [Part 2.] Catalogue de livres anciens et modernes, cartes, plans, vues, etc., concernant I' histoire locale et la topographic des Pays-Bas. [Part 3.] Catalogue de livres sur les possessions neerlandaises aux Indes orientales et occidentales, sur I'empire indo- britannique, les possessions espagnoles, fran> Jessica. 335.0944 Qioo The French Revolution and modern French socialism. A com- parative study of the principles of the French Revolution and the doctrines of modern French socialism. xv,409 p. D. (Library of economics and politics, vol. 19.) New York: T. Y. Crowell & Co., c. 1901. "Bibliography" at the end of each chapter. Thompson, James Westfall. 320.944 P500 The development of the French monarchy under Louis VI. le Gros, 1 1 08-1 137. A dissertation presented to the ... University of Chicago, in candidacy for the degree of doctor of philosophy. xii,ii3,[i] p. O. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1895. "Bibliography," p. vii-xii. King, Bolton, & Okey, Thomas. 309.45 Qioo ''«'* Italy to-day. xii,365 p. O. London: J. Nisbet & Co., 1901. "Appendix — List of principal books," p. 353-357. Cornell University. Lidm,y. L027.0747 C81 v.i The Schuyler collection. (/;/ CORNELL UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY. The library bulletin, vol. i, p. 301-315. Ithaca 1886.) Catalogue of the books presented to the University by Eugene Schuyler. Contents : Folklore. — Russian history. — Russian literature. — Philology. — Music. — Miscellaneous. Brandstetter, Josef Leopold. L016.9494 B73 Repertorium uber die in Zeit- und Sammelschriften der Jahre 1812-1890 enthaltenen Aufsatze und Mitteilungen schweizer- geschichtlichen Inhaltes. Herausgegeben von der Allgemeinen geschichtforschenden Gesellschaft der Schweiz und in deren Auftrag bearbeitet von Joseph Leopold Brandstetter. [2],iv, 467 p. Q. Basel: A. Geering, 1892. 016.95 ASIA Dutreuil de Rhins, Jules Leon. L950 O901 L'Asie centrale (Thibet et regions limitrophes). Ouvrage public sous les auspices du Ministere de I'instruction publique et des beaux-arts. xvi,620 p. i map. sq.Q. Atlas of 14 maps. sq.F^ (France. Comite des travaux historiquesetscientifiques. Section de geographie historique et descriptive.) Paris : E. Leroux, 1889. "Bibliographie," p. 25-77. Atlas has shelf number A950 O901 466 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Imbault-Huart, Camille. L952.30 P300 L'lle Formose. Histoire et description. Ouvrage . . . , precede d'une introduction bibliographique par Henri Cordier. Public sous les auspices du Ministere de I'instruction publique et des beaux-arts. lxxxiv,323 p. il. 45 pi. n paged in, i por. i fac- sim. paged in, 7 maps, 2 paged in. sq.Q. (France. Comite DES TRAVAUX HISTORIQUES ET SCIENTIFIQUES. SECTION DE G^O- GRAPHIE HISTORIQUE ET DESCRIPTIVE.) Paris : E. Leroux, 1893. "Bibliographic des ouvrages relatifs a Pile Formose," p. xix-Ixxiii. Lynch, Harry Finnis Blosse. 956.04 P800 38899 Ai-j-nenia. Travels and studies. With 197 illustrations, repro- duced from photographs and sketches by the author 2 vol. il. pi. colored pi. maps, map in pocket. O. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1901. "Bibliography," vol. 2, p. 471-496. "A portion of the narrative of the ascent of Ararat has already appeared in ... Scribner's magazine, reprinted in 'Mountain climbing.' Parts of the concluding chap- ters of each volume, entitled 'Statistical and political' originally appeared as a series of articles in the 'Contemporary review.' " Preface. Cobham, Claude DelavaL 016.956 C63 ''"" An attempt at a bibliography of Cyprus. Fourth edition. 55 p. D. Nicosia 1900. 016.96 AFRICA Pla5rfair, Sir Robert Lambert. 910.6233 4 "^® A bibliography of Algeria, from the expedition of Charles V. in 1 541 to 1887. [//^ Geographical Society, Royal. Supple- mentary papers, vol. 2, p. 127-430. London 1889.] Keller, Conrad. 969 Qooi 32893 Madagascar, Mauritius and other East-African islands. xiii, 242 p. il. 14 pi. 5 maps. O. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1901. [Translated from the German by H. A. Nesbitt.] "Princioal authorities consulted," p. 39. ADDITIONS 467 016.97 NORTH AMERICA Vignaud, Henry. L910.9218 V68 La lettre et la carte de ToscanelH sur la route des Indes par I'ouest, adressees en 1474 au portugais Fernam Martins et transmises plus tard a Christophe Colomb. Etude critique sur I'authenticite et la valeur de ces documents et sur les sources des idees cosmo- graphiques de Colomb. Suivie des divers textes de la lettre de 1474 avec traductions, annotations et fac-simile. xxix,3i9 p. 2 facsim. Q. [Recueil de voyages et de documents pour servir a I'histoire de la geographie depuis le Xlll*' jusqu a la fin du XVI« siecle, vol. 18.] Paris: E. Leroux, 1901. "Liste des ouvrages cites," p. vii-xvi. "Bibliographie," p. 10-21, 175-180. Mereness, Newton D. 320.9752 Qioo 32882 Maryland as a proprietary province. xx,[2],530 p. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1901. "Bibliography," p. 521-524. Filippi, Filippo de. L979.8 P704 ''''' The ascent of Mount St. Elias (Alaska) by H. R. H. Prince Luigi Amedeo di Savoia, duke of the Abruzzi, narrated by Filippo de Filippi, illustrated by Vittorio Sella and translated by Signora Linda Villari with the author's supervision. xvi,240,[2] p. il 37 pi. I por. 2 maps. O. Westminster: A. Constable & Co., 1900. "Works on Alaska in general," p. 240-[24i]. 016. 99-. 996 AUSTRALASIA. OCEANICA Blum, Hans. gg^ p^oo Neu-Guinea und der Bism.arckarchipel. Eine wirtschaftliche Studie. xiii,[3],22 5 p. 16 pi. i por. i pi. of maps. O. Berlin: Schoenfeldt & Co., 1900. Lendenfeld, Robert von. L910.2 P801 v.9 Neuseeland. viii,i86 p. il. i pi. i map. [/u Bibliothek der Landerkunde, vol. 9.] Berlin [1900]. "Litteraturverzeichnis," p. 176. 31292 468 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY U. S. A. Library of Congress. L016.996 U58 Divisioji of Bibliography. A list of books (with references to periodicals) on Samoa and Guam. Compiled under the direction of A. P. C. Grififin, Chief of Division of Bibliography. 54 p. Q. Washington 190 1. O16.998-.999 POLAR REGIONS Beitrage. 910.6349 2 v.i 32207 Beitrage zur Geographie des festen Wassers. vi,[2],3i3 p. il. 2 maps, I table. \_Iji Verein FUR Erdkunde zu Leipzig. Wissenschaftliche Veroffentlichungen, vol. i.] Leipzig 1891. Contents: I. Schwarze, G. Die Firngrenze in Amerika, namentlich in Siidamerika und Mexiko. 2. Friedrich, M. Uber Niederschlage und Schneelagerung in der Arktis. 3. Hartmann, G. Der Einfluss des Treibeises auf die Bodengestalt der Polargebiete. 4. Meyer, H. Zur Kenntnis von Eis und Schnee des Kilimandscharo. 5. Sandler, C. Zur Strandlinien- und Terrassen-Litteratur. "Quellen," p. 168-172. Geographical Society, RoyaL 999 Qioi 32906 'pjjg Antarctic manual, for the use of the expedition of 1901. Edited by George Murray with a preface by Sir Clements R. Markham. Presented to the expedition and issued by the Royal Geographical Society, xvi, 586 p. il. 3 maps in pocket. O. Lon- don 1901. Contents: Markham, Sir C. R., & Mill, H. R. Ice nomenclature. Astronomical data. By the superintendent of the Nautical almanac. Darwin, G. H. Tidal observa tions. Glazebrook, R. T. Pendulum observations. Creak, E. W. Terrestrial magnet ism. Scott, R. H., & others. Antarctic climate. Barker, D. Wilson-. Wave observing Schuster, A. The aurora. Kelvin, W. Thomson, is^ baron. Atmospheric electricity Buchanan, J. Y. Chemical and physical notes. Blanford, W. T. Geology. Judd,J. W Volcanoes and volcanic action. Gregory, J. W., & Bonney, T. G. Ice observations Fletcher, L. Instructions for collecting rocks and minerals. Lydekker, R., & others Zoology. Murray, G. Botany. M'Clintock, Sir F. L. Arctic sledge-travelling Wilkes, C, & others. Geography. Mill, H. R. Antarctic bibliography. INDEX. "A. L. A." index, lo, 13, 34 (2). "A. L. A." Library, 13. Aachen. Stadtbibliothek, 60. Aachener Geschichtsverein, 60. Abbott, F. F., 430, 464. Abbott, T. K., 386, 425. Abercromby, J., 216. Abrezol, E., 128. Abromeit, J., 189. Abstracts of physical papers, 157. Abyssinia, 402. Academic de Geneve, 66. Academie des sciences, Institut de France, Paris, 24 (4), 25, 141, 142, 143, 144 (2), 211, 212 (2), 214 (2), 299. Academie royale des sciences, des lettres, et des beaux-arts de Belgique, Brus- sels, 24. Academie royale des sciences et belles- lettres de Bruxelles, 50. Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila- delphia. Entomological Section, 275. Academy of Science of St. Louis, 136, 206. Accidents, 84, 304. Acclimatization, 216. Accountant, 460. Accountant's journal, 460. Accounts, 460. Aceto acetic ester, 180. Acetylene, 354. Ackermann, K., 256. Aconite, 308. Acrididae, 278. Acromegaly, 310. Acta mathematica, 147. Adams, C. K., 67, 381, 382. Adams, E. F., 334. Adams, H. B., 67, 112, 382, 404, 409. Adanson, M., 251. Aderhold, R., 227. Adler, C, 404, 428. Adler, G., 83, 89. Adler, H., 278. Administration, 99-109, 433, 434. Adressbuch der Adressbiicher, 11, 380. Adressbuch der deutschen Zeitschriften, 45- Adry, J. F., 57. Advertising, 347. Ady, J. E., 232, 261. Aeby, C, 261. Aeneas Sylvius, 115. Aeronautics, 159, 439. Africa, 402, 403, 466. Agassiz, A., 266. Agassiz, L., 186, 213, 250. Agricultural bacteriology, 451. Agricultural chemistry, 336, 337. Agricultural pests, 337. Agricultural Society of England, Royal, 336. Agriculture, 333-341, 459. Aguilar y Santillan, R., 198, 319, 407. Aime-Martin, L., 16. Air engines, 314. Alabama, 413. Alaska, 415, 416, 467. Albrecht, E., 207, 247, 297. Alchemy, 171, 172. Alcoholism, 64, 310, 428, 457. Algce, 241, 242, 451. Algebra, 149. Algeria, 466. Algonquian languages, 134. Alkaloids, 180, 181. Allen, C. D., 59. Allen, E. Heron-, 373, 462. Allen, H. B., 299. Allen, J. A., 287. Allen, W. F., 67, 382. AUgemeine geschichtforschende Gesell- schaft der Schweiz, 421. AUgemeines Repertorium der Mineralogie, Geognosie, Geologic und Petrefak- ten-Kunde, 443, 445. Allman, G. J., 266. Almanacs, 425. Alphabetical index to the names of patentees, 294. Alpine Club, 399. Alps, 399. Alsace, 464. Alternating currents, 165. Altschul, M., 354. Amagat, E. H., 159. Amann, J. A., 247, 297. Amat di San Filippo, P., 410. Amblystomidas, 280. Ambrassat, A., 116. American Association for the Advance- ment of Physical Education, 1 20, 303, 374- American authors, 51. American Bankers' Association, 86. American Bar Association, 95. American book clubs, 48. American catalogue, 10, 48, 102. American chemical journal, 170. American Climatological Association, 187, 3°3< 308. American Economic Association, 78. American electrical cases, 433, 439. American Institute of Architects, 366. American Institute of Homoeopathy. Committee on Pharmacopeia, 457. American Institute of Mining Engineers, 319- 469 470 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY American Jewish yearbook, 428. American journal of education, 116, 118. American journal of mathematics, 137, 145- American journal of science, 19. Amercian journal of sociology, 429. American Library Association, 13, 18, 378. American Library Association. Publish- ing Board, 10, 34. American Library Association. Publish- ing Section, 12, 13, 14, 34, 363. American Manual Training Association, 119. American newspaper annual, 43. American newspaper directory, 43. American Pharmaceutical Association, 309. American Philosophical Society, Phila- delphia, 15, 22, 141. American Public Health Association. Committee on Disinfectants, 306. American Social Science Association, 15- American Society of Civil Engineers, 312, 314, 346, 458. American Society of Mechanical Engi- neers, 315. American Society of Naval Engineers, 316, 322. Ames, J., 56. Ames, J. G., 104. Ames, J. S., 158, 160, 161, 167. Amherst, A. M. T., 365. Ammonia, 351. Amphibia, 280-281. Amphioxus, 258. Amsterdam. Koninklijke akademie van wetenschappen, 140, 210. Amusements, 373, 375. Analyst, 442. Analytical chemistry, 174-177, 441, 442. Analytical geometry, 149. Anarchism, 89. Anastasiu, V., ig6. Anatoinische Hefte, 251. Anatomischer Anzeiger, 251. Anatomy, 251-263, 452, 453. Ancient history, 391, 464. Anderegg, E., 335. Anderegg, F., 335. Anderson, A. D., 405. Anderson, F. W., 240. Anderson, J. P., 392. Anderson, R., 166. Anderson, R. B., 398. Andler, C, 432. Andreasch, R., 179, 181, 253, 261, 442, 453- Andrews, C. W., 35, 40. Angling, 375; 463. Animal alkaloids, 181. Animal chemistry, 179-181, 442. Animal industries, 340, 341. Animal psychology, 255. Animal substances, 350. Annalen der Chemie, 171. Annalen der Physik, 437. Annalen der Physik und Chemie, 140, 141, 157 (2), 171. 172, 438- Annalen fiir Gewerbe & Bauwesen, 290. Annales d 'hygiene publique et de mede- cine legale, 96, 307. Annales de chimie analytique, 174. Annales de chimie et de physique, 13!;, 156, 168. Annales de geographic, 186, 382. Annales de micrographie, 223, 238, 265, 310. Annales des mines, 196, 320, 358. Annales des ponts et chaussees, 323 (2). Annales des sciences naturelles, 200, 202, 213, 225, 245, 250. Annals of botany, 225 (2). Annals of mathematics, 145. Annals of Mont Blanc, 190. Annee biologique, 206. Annee psychologique, 427. Annelida, 272. Annuaire de 1 'Economic politique et de la statistique, 73. Annuaire de la librairie beige, 46. Annuaire de la presse franc^aise et du monde politique, 46. Annviaire des journaux, 46. Annuaire geologique universel, 195. Annuario della stampa periodica italiana, 47- Annual literary index, 16, 26, 34. Anonyms, 32. Antarctic manual, 468. Antarctic regions, 420, 468. Anthropological Institute of Great Brit- ain and Ireland, 63, 215, 447. Anthropological review, 63, 215, 447. Anthropological Society of London, 63, 215- Anthropologic, 447. Anthropology, 218, 219, 447. Antiquities, 389. Anti-toxins, 308. Anura, 280. Anzeiger fiir die neueste padagogische Litteratur, 113. Aphididae, 278. Apostol, P., 88. Appleton, A. I., 10, 48, 102. Applied sciences, 289-362, 456-462. Apstein, C, 211, 263. Arachnida, 274. Arbeiterfreund,. 83. Archaeological Institute of America, 215. Archaeology, 214, 215, 389. Archambault, P. J., 177. Arches, 324. Archibald, E. D., 189. Architecten- und Ingenieur-Verein fiir das Kbnigreich Hannover, 458, 462. Architecture, 366, 368, 462. Architekten- und Ingenieur-Verein zu Hannover, 458, 462. Archiv fiir Anthropologic, 214, 215. Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologic des Menschen und der Thiere, 254. Archiv fii'r Eisenbahnwesen, 345, 346, BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 471 Archiv fiir mikroskopische Anatomie, 223, 256. Archiv fiir Naturgeschichte, 209, 227, 245, 248. Archives de zoologie experimentale et generale, 249. Archives neerlandaises des sciences cx- actes et naturelles, 20. Arctic regions, 420, 468. Arctowski, H., 187. Ardaillon, E., 319. Arendt, R., 172, 307, 347, 440. Argentine Republic, 417. Arithmetic, 148. Armenia, 466. Army stafifs, 109. Arndt, A., 93. Arnold, H., 113. Arnold, J. H. V., 94. Arnold, W. H., 5. Arsenic, 175, 307. Art, 63, 363-375- Artels, 88. Arthropoda, 273, 274. Artillery, no. Asboth, J. de., 394. Ashbee, H. S., 58, 402. Ashford, C, 268. Ashley, W. J., 81, 84, 392. Ashmolean Society, Oxford, 41. Asia, 400, 401, 465, 466. Assaying, 359. Association geodesique Internationale, 15s (2). Association of Collegiate Alumnae, 123. Association of Engineering Societies, 17, 291 . Association technique maritime, 322. Assyria, 391. Astra castra, 439. Astrology, 60. Astronomical Society, Royal, 152. Astronomische Gesellschaft, 151. Astronomische Nachrichten, 151, 439. Astronomischer Jahresbericht, 150! Astronomy, 150-153, 439. Astruc, H., 461. Athapascan languages, 134. Atomic weights, 157. Attention, 427. Auf Deutschlands hohen Schulen, 123. Austen, W. C. Roberts-, 319, 357 (3). Australasia, 418-420, 467, 468. Australian medical journal, 299. Austria. K. k. Finanz-Ministerium, 69. Austria. K. k. geologische Reichsanstalt, 195- Austria. K. k. Post-Zeitungs-Amt., 35. Austria-Hungary, 393, 394. Automobiles, 325-326. Auvergne, 395. Avebury, J. Lubbock, ist baron, 230. Avenel, H., 46. Avery Architectural Library, 367. Ayer & Son, N. W., Philadelphia, 43. Ayres, J. C, 323. Azemar, L., 310. Babylon, 391. Bachmetjev, P., 275. Bacon, N. T., 81. Bacteriology, 237, 238, 242-244, 451, 457. Badois, E., 331. Bagge, J., 372. Baginsky, A., 119, 302, 368. Bahrmann, R., 350, 440. Baier, E., 176, 306. Bailey, L. H., 338 (2), 339, 340. Bailey, T. P., 71. Bailey, W. W., 225. Bain, J., 37. Baird, S. F., 212. Baker, E., 346. Baker, M., 388, 416. Baldwin, J. F., 74. Balfoiir, F. M., 262. Balfour, L B., 238. Balfour, J. H., 202. Ball, J., 399. Ball, Sir R. S., 158. Ballinger, J., 12. Ballistics, 158. Ballowitz, E., 279. Balsams, 441. Baltimore libraries, 39, 42. Bancroft, W. D., 441. Bank of England, 431. Banking, 85, 86. Banks, N., 275, 337. Baratta, M., 188. Barbary States, 402. Barbie du Bocage, V. A., 385. Barboza du Bocage, J. V., 282. Barclay, E., 215. Bard, L., 221, 309. Bardeleben, K. von., 251, 300. Barentin, W., 141, 157, 158, 438. Bari, 397. Bari. Consiglio provinciale, 397. Barker, D. Wilson, 468. Barkhausen, G., 326. Barnard, H., 116, 118 (2). Barnes, E., 29, 122. Barrande, J., 203. Bartels, M., 219. Bartlett, E., 285. Bartlett, T-, 281, 341, 375. Bartlett, J. R., 412. Barus, C, 159. Bary, A. de., 238, 449. Baschin, O., 186, 383. Basket work, 359. Bastille, 394. Bather, F. A., 264, 387, 445. Batrachia, 280, 281. Baudouin, M., 17, 296. Bauer, M., 443, 445. Baumeister, R., 324, 326. Baumgarten, P. von, 237. Baumgartner, H., 383. Bawden, H. H., 427, 452. Baxter, W. E., 242. Bayley, W. S., 199. Bazley, T. S., 360. Bean, T. H., 285. Beardsley, R. F., 119, 435. Beaunis, H., 427. 472 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Beauregard, H., 277. Bechterev, V., 255. Becker, G. F., 157. Beckett, T., 460. Beckh, W., 121. Beckurts, H., 169, 174, 307, 352, 353. Beddard, F. E., 245, 272. Bedriaga, J. von, 281. Beecher, C. E., 253, 264. Beer, A. H., 321. Beer, W., 378. Bees, 341. Behrens, W. J., 449. Beilschmied, C. T., 450. Beitrage zur Anatomic und Embryologie, 261. Beitrage zur Geographic des festen Wassers, 468. Belgitim, 398. Belgium. Ministere dc Tindustrie et du travail. Administration centrale dcs mines. Service geologique, 37, 183, 184. Bell, F. J., 245, 262, 448. Bellair, G., 459. Bells, 359. Bender, A., 350. Benham, W. B., 454. Benjamin, P., 165. Bennett, A. W., 236, 448. Bennett, C. J. C, 29, 122. Berard, A., 316. Berard, A. S. L., 57. Berger, H., 47. Bergh, R., 270 (3). Bergmans, P., 29, 40, 120, 124. Bergstrom, J. A., 119, 302. Bergt, W., 192. Bericht iiber die Fortschritte der Anato- mic und Physiologic, 262. Bericht iiber die neuerc Litteratur zur deutschen Landeskunde, 393. Bericht iiber die wissenschaftlichen Leistungen im Gebietc der Ento- mologie, 275. Bericht iiber die wissenschaftlichen Leis- tungen in der Naturgeschichte der niederen Thicre, 263. Berlin. K. Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universi- tat, II. Berlin. K. Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universi- tat. Bibliothek, 13. Berlin. K. preussische Akademie der Wis- senschaften, 23, 142, 143, 211, 212. Berlin. K. Sternwarte. Astronomisches Rechen-Institut, 152. Berlin. K. Technische Hochschule, 10, 291, 293. Berlin. Kunstgewerbe-Museum. Frei- herrlich von Lippcrheide'sche Kos- tiimbibliothek, 129. Berliner Gesellschaft flir Anthropologic, Ethnologic und Urgeschichte, 217. Bern. Statistisches Bureau, 429. Bernard, H. M., 259. Bernard, M., 259. Bernardini, N., 47. Berndt, O., 318, 321. Bernoulli, J., 152 (2). Bernstein, I., 436. Berrcwaerts, A., 46. Bertaux, A., 300. Berthelot, M., 352. Best reading, 15. Beverages, 352, 353. Biadego, Giuseppe, 53. Bible, 67. Bibliografia medica italiana, 299. Bibliographia anatomica, 251, 252. Bibliographia geologica, 183. Bibliographia medica, 17, 296. Bibliographia physiologica, 252, 301. Bibliographia sociologica, 71. Bibliographia zoologica, 245 (2). Bibliographical catalogue of English writers on angling, 282, 375. Bibliographical Society, London, 28, 50, .54 (2). 55 (4), 56, 58. 343. 426 (2). Bibliographical Society of Chicago, 26. Bibliographical tracts, 61. Bibliographic anatomique, 252, 296. Bibliographic der deutschen Zeit- schriften-Litteratur, 20. Bibliographic der schweizerischcn Lan- deskunde, 32, 45, 64, 66 (3), 74, 86, 98, 113, 127 (2), 128 (2), 248, 302, 305. 329- 335> 339. 341, 353- 364, 373. 388, 390, 399 (2), 425. Bibliographic des questions sociales et economiques, 69. Bibliographic des theses, 140. Bibliographic generale et complete des livres de droit et dc jurisprudence, 432. Bibliography, 26-32, 423, 424. Bibliography of American botany, 226. Bibliography of municipal government and reform, 100. Bibliography of progressive literature, 1 1 . Biblioteca Estense di Modena, Rcale, ^^. Biblioteca nazionale di Napoli, 37. Biblioteca nazionale di Palermo, 424. Biblioteca universitaria di Napoli, 37. Bibliotheca Belgica, 398. Bibliotheca bibliographica, 31. Bibliotheca bibliographica italica, 27. Bibliotheca bibliographica nova, 29, 38. Bibliotheca magica et pneumatica, 61. Bibliotheca mathematica, 145, 146. Bibliotheca nicotiana, 129, 304. Bibliotheca philologica, 132, 376. Bibliotheca polytechnica, 293. Bibliotheca veterinaria, 457. Bibliotheca zoologica, 249, 250. Bibliotheque britannique, 422. Bibliotheque centrale de I'enseignement primaire, Paris, 117. Bibliotheque de I'Ecole deschartes, Paris, 380. Bibliotheque de I'Ecole des hautes etudes, Paris, 437. Bibliotheque des bibliographies critiques, 75, 78, 109, 133, 295, 379, 394(3). 395- Bibliotheque mazarine, Paris, 33. Bibliotheque nationale, Paris, 33 (2), 59, 91. 343. 395- BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 473 Bibliotheque nationale, Paris. Departe- ment des imprimes, 39 (2), 29Q, 384. Bibliotheque nationale, Paris. Departe- ment des manuscrits, 53, 395. Bibliotheque royale, Brussels. Salle des periodiques, 38. Bibliotheque Sainte-Genevieve, Paris, 11. Bibliotheque universelle, 421, 422. Bicycles, 303, 360, 374. Bieber, A., 331. Biedermann, R., 290. Biedermann, W., 258. Biggar, P., 406. Bigmore, E. C, 344. Billings, J. S., 17, 298, 311. Binet, A., 207, 298, 427. Binney, A., 271. Binney, W. G., 269. Biography, 390. Biologia Centrali-Americana, 263. Biolog3^ 206-288, 447-455. Bion, W. R., 211. Bird, S. R. Scargill-, 108. Birds, 283-286, 455. Birds' eggs, 284. Birk, A., 327. Birnbaum, K., 350. Bischof, C, 171. Biscoe, W. S., 27 (2), 423. Bishop, E., 129. Bismarck Archipelago, 467. Bittinger, L. F., 75. Bivalves (fossil), 204. Black Hills region, 414. Blackman, W P., 420. Blackwell, H., 58. Blades, W., 344. Blair, E. H., 38. Blanford, W. T., 468. Blaschko, A., 306. Blasius, W., 214, 389. Bleaching, 355. Bleibtreu, M., 254. BHss, R., 388, 389. Bliss, W. D. P., 89. Blondel, A., 325. Blood, 254. Bloxam, G. W., 63, 215, 447. Bliicher, H., 186. Blum, A., 327. Blum, H., 467. Blum, J., 208. Blyth, A. W., 308. Boardman, S. L., 336. Boas, F., i6r. Bock, J., 353. Bock, P., 189. Bodio, L., 73. Bodlander, G., 169, 348. Bodleian Library, University of Oxford, 41, 42, 54- Boehm, G., 204. Boehmer, G. H., 215. Boersch, O., 155 (2). Bogart, E. L., 91. Bohm, A. A., 247, 254, 258. 297. Bohm von Bohmersheim, A., 38, 209. Boilers, 317. Boissy, C. de., 91. Bokachef, N., 30, 379. Bollettino di bibliografia, 145. Bolley, P. A., 350, 356 BoUman, C. H., 274. Bolton, C. K., 347. Bolton, F. E., 123. Bolton, H. C, 28, 38, 41, 42, 131, 161, 170, 171, 172 (2). Boltzmann, L., 62, 165. Bolz, C. H., 162. Boncompagni, B., 55, 141. Bonnet, A., 431. Bonnet, R., 251. Bonney, T. G., 190, 383, 468. Bonnier, G. , 450. Bookbinding, 51, 57, 360. Book clubs, 48. Book collecting, 50-59, 425-426. Book illustration, 57, 58, 369, 370, 426. Bookplates, 58, 59. Books and reading, 33, 34. Books and their use, 66. Books in manuscript, 53. Book trade, 343-345. Boose, J. R., 76. Borchardt, B., 155. Borcherding, F., 211. Borchers, W., 163, 173. Bordiga, O., 397. Borgen, V., 386. Borght, R. van der, 127 (2). Boring, 321, 458. Borneo, 418. Bornstein, R., 444. Borsenverein der Deutschen Buchhand- ler, 344. Bosanquet, B., 64. Bosnia, 394. Boston Book Company, Boston, 35. Boston. City Council, 99. Boston. Insurance Library Association. ^ "3- Boston. Libraries, 38. Boston. Public Library, 30 (2), 38, 39, 43. 123, 338, 365, 367, 368, 388, 390, 410, 447. Botanical gazette, 229. Botanische Jahrbiicher, 225, 449. Botanische Zeitung, 227, 449. Botanischer Jahresbericht, 449. Botanischer Verein, Munich, 449. Botanisches Centralblatt, 449. Botaniska notiser, 225. Botaniska sallskapet, Stockholm, 449. Botany, 224-244, 449-451. Bottazzi, F., 179. Bouchard, C, 253, 309. Boucher de la Richarderie, G., 385. Boudouard, O., 161. Bougenot, E. S., 24, 49, 381. Bouger, P., 158. Boulenger, G. A., 280. Boulger, G. S., 228. Boulvin, J., 162. Bourke. J. G., 61. Bourne, G. C, 454. Boveri, T., 247, 297. 474 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Bowdoin, W. G., 58. Bowerman, G. E., 68. Bowes, R., 124, 392. Bowker, R. R., 10, 16, 26, 34, 48 (2), 70, 102, 106, 344. Bowley, A. L., 82. Bowmaker, E., 431. Boyer, C. C, 14. Boyle, R., 159. Boys, 427. Brace, C. L., 218. Brachiopoda, 268. Bradford, T. L., 308. Bradley, I. S., 38, 414. Bragge, W., 129, 304. Brain, 254, 255. Bramer, H., 113. Briimer, K., 113. Brandstetter, J. L., 45, 421, 425, 465. Branson, E. C, 118. Braun, K., 352. Braunholtz, E. G. W., 26, 72, 133, 378. Braunschweiger, D., 427. Brayton, A. W., 282. Brazil, 417. Brcarley, H., 441. Brehm, A. E., 209. Brehm, R. B., 417. Brennecke, L., 330. Brent, G. S., 385. Breul, K. H., 132. Brewing, 352, 353. Breymann, H., 132. Bridges, 323, 324. Brik, J. E., 324. Bristol, C. L., 272. British & Irish press guide, 45. British Association for the Advancement of Science, 23. British Association of Gas Managers, 331, British Museum. Department of Botany, 227. British Museum. Department of Printed Books, 14 (2), 30, 35, 41, 47, 48, 54 (2), 108, 394. British Museum. Department of Zoology, 250. Britten, J., 228. Britton, N. L., 234. Brivois, J., 58. Broadsides, 59. Broberg, C. J., 372. Brode.^H. S.,'272.' Bronchi, 254. Bronn, H. G., 250. Brook Farm, 88. Brooke, S. A., 52. Brookings, W. D. B., 70. Brooklyn Ethical Association, 220. Brooklyn. Libraries, 41. Brooks, R. C, 99 (2). Brooks, W. K., 266. Brown, A. M., 181. Brown, G., 366. Brown, J. D., 12, 372. Brown, R., 402. Brown, T. E., 85, 89. Browne. M., 224. Bruce, P. A., 413. Brunet, G., 56. Brunet, J. C, 133. Bruni d'Arezzo, L., 115. Brunn, A. von. 261. Brussels. Academic royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique, 24. Brussels. Academie royale des sciences et belles-lettres, 50. Brussels. Bibliotheque royale. Salle des periodiques, 38. Brussels. Observatoire royal, 151, 190. Bry, G., 77. Brvan, W. B., 413. Br^^ant, W. C, 56. Bryce, G., 407. Bryophyta, 236. Buchanan, J. Y. , 468. Buck, A. H., 304. Bucking, H., 318, 321. Buckle, H. T., 71. Buckley, E., 68. Buckley, R. B , 459. Buckley, T. E., 391. Buckley, W. J., 263. Buckton, G. B., 277, 278. Buds, 230. Buffalo. Public Library, 114. Bufifalo. Public Library. Gluck Collec- tion, 52. Building, 361, 362. Bujard, A., 176, 306. Bullen, G., 344. Bulletin des sciences mathematiques, 4.37- Bulletin des sciences naturelles et de geologic, 213. Bulletin scientifique de la France et de la Belgique, 208. BuUettino di bibliografia, 141 (2). Bullock, C. J., 77, 79, 85, 91. Bump, C. W., 404. Burdick, L. D., 129. Bureau of American Ethnolog)^ Smith- sonian Institution, 49, 53, 61, 132, 133 (2), 134 (7). 216, 217. Bureau of the American Republics, 47 (2), 407, 417 (2). Burgerstein, L., 120. Burgess, G. K., 161. Burgess, J. W., 67, 382. Burgholzhausen, A. F. von, 195. Burgl, C, 121. Btirgoyne, F. J., 12. Bumham, W. H., 62, 119, 302. Burr, G. L., 381, 38S, 416. Burrows Brothers Co., Cleveland, O., 11. Burton, T. E., 436. Buschan, G., 447. Business education, 460. Biising, F. W., 332. Busse, H. H., 62. Butler, M. E., 419. Biitschli, O., 222 (2), 267. Biittner, O., 165. Buyl, A., 403. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 475 C, J., 419. Cabanis, J., 455. Cadoi:x, G. , 90. Cagnat, R., 133. Cahn, E., 83. Caisson disease, 303. Cajori, F., 146. Calcium carbide, 354. Calculus, 149, 150. Caldwell, O. W., 235. Calico printing, 356. California, 415. California. State Library, 386. California. University of California. Li- brary, 40, 51, 67, 71,364,388,415. California. University of California. De- partment of Pedagogy, 116. California. University of California. Lick Observatory, 151. Calkins, G. N., 264. Calkins, M. W., 427. Calkins, R., 64. Calvary & Co., S., Berlin, 354. Calvi, E., 27. Calwer, R., 125. Cambridge, Eng. , 392. Cambridge Philosophical Society, 143. Camerarius, R. J., 232. Cameron, P., 278. Campbell, D. H., 236. Campbell, F., 27, 108 (2), 401 (2). Campbell, H. J., 222, 259. Campbell, M., 222, 259. Camus, E. J., 234. Canada, 406, 407. Canada. Geological Survey, 444. Canadian Bankers' Association, 85. Cannan, E., 80. Canot, A., 107. Cantharidae, 277. Canzoneri, F., 397. Cape of Good Hope. Parliament. House of Assembly, 108. Carabellese, F., 397. Carbajal, L. D., 417. Carbides, 177, 354. Carbon di sulphide, 310. Carboniferous formation, 196. Card playing, 373. Carez, L., 195. Carl, F., 171. Carll, J. E., 194. Carnegie Free Library, Allegheny, Pa., 12, 36, 372, 378 (3). Carnegie Library of Pittsburg, 36. Carnot, N. L. S., 162. Carpenter, G. H., 276. Carpenter, W. B., 267. Carpentier, A., 128, 346. Carr, G. S., 148. Cartography, 154, 155, 345, 346, 386- 389, 464. Carus, J. v., 245, 246 (2), 250. Case, E. C, 205. Caselli, G., 397. Caspar, C. N., 30, 95. Casselmann, W., 176. Castle, E., 374. Catalogue de livres imprimes sur velin, 58- Catalogue of books on angling, 281, 375. Catalogue of scientific papers, 18, 138. Catalogue-tarif des journaux, 46. Catalogues of libraries, 29-32. Cataloguing, ^s- Cat-fishes, 281. Catholicism, 66. Cats, 287. Cattle, 340. Cauchy, A. L., 148. Cauro, J., 162. Cavalry, no. Cavendish, H., 158. Cells, 220-222, 448. Cement, 362. Centenarians, 301. Central America, 408. Centralblatt fur Anthropologic, Eth- nologic und Urgeschichte, 447. Centralblatt fiir Bakteriologie, 237 (2), 309, 451, 457. Centralblatt fiir Bibliothekswesen, 29, 424 (2). Centralblatt fiir Mineralogie, Geologic und Palaeontologie, 443, 445. Centralblatt fiir Physiologic, 252, 296. Centralkommission fur schweizerische Landeskunde, 32, 45, 64, 66 (3), 74, 86, 98, 113, 127 (2), 128 (2), 248, 302, 305, 329, 335, 339, 341, 353, 364, 373, 388, 390, 399 (2), 425. Centralstelle fiir Adressbiicher und Adresswesen, 11, 380. Centralstelle fiir Arbeiter-Wohlfahrtsein- richtungen, 93. Central- Verein fiir das Wohl der arbci- tenden Klassen, Berlin, 83. Cephalopoda, 203, 204. Ceramics, 369, 462. Ceratodus, 280. Cercle beige de la librairie et de I'impri- merie, 46. Cercle de la librairie, 344. Cerium, 178. Chaffers, W., 369. Chailley-Bert, J., 81. Chamberlain, A. F., 62, 121. Chamberlain, C. J., 231, 235 (2). Channing, E., 409. Charities and corrections, 110-112, 434, Charities review, no. Charpentier, H., 184, 192. Charts, 154, 155, 345, 346, 386-389, 464. Chauveau, A., 253, 309. Chemical analysis, 174-177, 441, 442. Chemical physiology, 252-261, 453. Chemical Society, London, 41, 142, 168, 170. 347- Chemical technology, 347-356, 461. Chemicals, 351. Chemisches Central-Blatt, 172, 307, 347, 440. Chemisches Repertorium, 168. Chemisch - pharmaceutisches Central - Blatt, 307, 347. 476 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Chemisch-technisches Repertorium, 175, 349- Chemistry, 168-181, 440-442. Chess, 373. Chester, A. H., 182. Chevalher, J. B. A., 96, 307. Cheyney, E. P., 72. Chicago Law Institute, 95. Chicago. Libraries, 35. Chicago Library Clula, 35. Chicago. Public Library, 376 (2). Chicago. World's Columbian Exposi- tion, 1893, 13, 50. Child study, 121, 122. Children's plays, 122. Chinookan languages, 133. Chittenden, R. H., 442, 453. Chlorophyll, 231. Cholera, 311. Cholera epideinic of 1873, 311. Christ, H., 226. Chronology , 156. Chubb, C, 283. Chun, C, 265. Church history, 67. Cicadidae, 277. Cinchona, 235. Cistacese, 235. Civil engineering, 31 1-3 14, 3^3-333^ 458, . 459- Civil War, no, 409. Cladocera, 273. Clark, D. K., 313. Clark, F. H., 69, 97. Clark, J. A., 224, 228, 239, 340. Clark University, Worcester, Mass., 62. Clarke, F. W., 157. Clarke, J. T., 67, 382. Clarke & Co., R., Cincinnati, 403. Classenske bibliothek, Copenhagen, 36, 40. Classification of literature, 33. Classroom libraries, 114. Claudin, A., 54. Clausen, C, 164. Clausius, R., 162. Clayton, J. C, 432. Clegg, J., 423. Clements, F. E., 231. Clessin, S., 211. Cleveland, O. Public library, 16, 34. Climate. 187, 190. Clinton, L. A., 334. Clodd, E., 130. Clowes, F., 175. Coal mining, 193. Cobb, J. S., 456. Cobham, C. D., 466. Coca, 457. Cochrane, C, 431. Cockle, H. D., 109, 322. Cockle, M. J. D., 109, 322. Coelenterata, 264-267, 454. Coen, G., 430. Coffee, 337. Cohen, E., 191. Cohen, H., 58. Cohn, G., 130. Cohn, J., 60. Cole, A. C, 232, 261. Colegrove, F. W., 63. Collar, W. C, 67, 382. College of Physicians, Royal, Edinburgh, 299. College settlements, 72. College Settlements Association, 72 (3). Colleges, 123, 124. Collembola, 272. Collier, P., 338. Cologne. Stadtbibliothek, 393. Colombia, 417. Colonial Institute, Royal, London, 76. Colonies, 75, 76, 430. Color of water, 161. Colorado. State Agricultural College. Agricultural Experiment Station, 335; ColtuTibia University, 123. Columbia University. Library, 38, 41, 367. 377-. Columbia University. School of Mines, 175 (2). 312, 357. Columbium, 178. Combes, P., 402. Comenius-Stiftung, Leipsic. Padago- gische Central bibliothek, 115. Comite fiir naturhistorische Landes- durchforschung Bohmens, 273. Commerce and communication, 125-128, 436, 460. Commercial education, 460. Commercial law, 98. Communism, 88-90. Communistic societies, 90. Comparative anatomy, 251-263, 452,453. Compressed air, 303, 304, 317. Concilium bibliographicum, Zurich, 245 (2), 251, 252 (2), 301. Confederate States, 412. Conference for Good City Government, 100. Congo, 403. Congres geologique international, 29, 184. Congres international d'assistance, in. Congres international de bibliographic des sciences mathematiques. Com- mission permanente du repertoire, 144, 156. Coniferae, 235. Conn, H. W., 451. Conrad, J., 79, 429. Conradi, E, 119, 302. Constants of nature, 157. Constitutional law, 97, 98, 432. Consumption, 93. Contents-subject index, 10, 17. Conway, Sir W. M., 426. Cook, A. J., 284. Cooke, M. C, 240. Coolidge, W. A. B., 399. Cooperation, 88. Co-operative index to leading periodi- cals, 18. Cooperative list of periodicals and serials received in Providence, 40. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 477 Cope, E. D., 205, 219, 281. Copenhagen. Kjobenhavns Universitet. Bibliotheket, 36, 40. Copinger, W. A., 54. Copyright, 343. Cordier, H., 466. Cornell University, 441. Cornell University. Library, 379, 381, 465. Comu, Mme. S., 378. Corundum, 183. Cossa, E., 92. Cossa, L., 78, 80, 92. Costume, 129. Cotgreave, A., 10, 17. Cotte, L., 25, 144, 214. Cotterell, S., 346. Cotton, A., 160, 167. Cotton, 92, 337, 360. Couderic, C, 91. Coues, E., 285, 286, 287. Coulter, J. M., 235. Councilman, W. T., 310. Counsel upon the reading of books, 33. Counting-out rhymes, 131. Courboin, E., 460. Coumot, A. A., 81. Cousin, C, 425. Cousin, J., 395. Coutelle, C, 363, 376, 380. Coville, F. v., 228. Cowles, H. C, 230. Coyecque, E., 343. Crabb, W. D., 378. Craig, J. T. G., 51. Cramer, J. A., 359. Crandall, F. A., 104. Cranz, C, 158. Craspemonadina, 265. Crawford, J. L. Lindsay, 26th earl of, 50. Crawford Library, 151. Creak, E. W., 468. Credland, W. R., 36. Cremation, 456. Cretaceous fossils, 203, 205. Criminology, 60, 70, 112, 434. Crinoidea, 203. Crisp, F., 448. Croce, B., 431. Crooke, W., 68, 131. Crooker, J. H., 64, 94, iii, 123. Crookshank, E. M., 243. Crops, 336-338- Cross, 67. Crustacea, 273, 274. Crustacea (fossil), 204. Cryoscopy, 441. Cryptogamia, 236-244, 450, 451. Crystallography, 181-183. Cuba, 408. Cummings, C. A., 367. Cumulative index, 16. Cunningham, W., 79, 81. Curriculum, 122, 123. Curtis, G. T., 432. Gushing, H. H., 254. Cushman, H. E., 65. Customs, 129, 130. Cutler, M. S., 33. Cycles, 303, 360, 374. Cyprus, 466. Cyrenaica, 402. Daclin, C, 292. Daday, J., 264. Dagincourt, E., 195. Daguin, C, 74, 95. Daguin, F., 74, 95, 112. Dahlgren, E. W., 9. Dairy, 335. Ball, W. H., 268, 416. Dallmeyer, T. R., 371. Dalman, J. W., 204. Dalton, W. H., 185. Dams, 329. Damsch, O., 301. Dana, E. S., 182 (2). Danish West Indies, 408. Dante Alighieri, 60. Darboux, G., 437. Darmstadter, P., 87. Darras, A., 74, 95. Darton, N. H., 197 (2). Darwin, C, 232. Darwin, G. H., 468. Dauchy & Co., New York, 43. Dauze, P., 26. Davenport, C. B., 221, 246. Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences, 210. David L. Barnes Librar3^ 313. Davidoff, M. von, 247, 254, 258, 297. Davidson, T., 114. Davis, C. H., 329. Davis, G. B., 96, 97. Davis, J. W., 195. Davis, W. M., 187. Deaf and dumb, 120, 303, 311. Dean, B., 247, 280, 297. Deane, C, 61, 404. Deby, J., 242. Decharme, P., 75. Dechend, F. von, 171. Decorative arts, 369, 370. Deecke, W., 397. Deep boring, 321, 458. Deep-sea sediments, 443. Deformities, 457. De Garmo, C, 120. Delafosse, G., 213. Delage, Y., 206, 219, 221, 265. Delalain, P., 423. Delbriick, A., 310. Delessert, B., 229. Delezenne, C, 310. Del Mar, A., 85, 86 (3), 461. Delteil, L., 74, 95. Delusions, 60, 61. Demonology, 426. De Morgan, A., 148, 150. Demours, P., 25, 144, 214. Deniker, J., 24, 49, 139, 209. Dennis, J. S., 66, 429. Deploige, S., 74. De Roo, P., 403. Derouin, H., 93, iii. Dero vega, 272. 478 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Descriptive index of current engineering literature, 17, 291. Desmarest, A. G., 213. Desmidiaceae, 242. Desveaux, L., 82. Deutsche chemische Gesellschaft, 171. Deutsche entomologischeZeitschrift, 276. Deutsche geologische Gesellschaft, 185 (2). Deutsche Kolonial gesellschaft, 430. Deutsche Mathematiker - Vereinigung, 147. Deutsche physikalische Gesellschaft, 156. Deutsche Presse, 45. Deutsche zoologische Gesellschaft, 246, 248. Deutscher Joumal-Katalog, 45, 425. Deutscher Verein fiir Armenpflege und Wohlthatigkeit, 1 1 1 . Deutscher Verband fiir das kaufman- nische Unterrichtswesen, 460. Deutscher Verein fiir offentliche Gesund- heitspflege, 121. Deutsches Buchgewerbe-Museum, Leip- zig, 55- Deutsches Handels-Archiv, 81 (2), 127, 436. Deutschmann, R., 261. Deville, E., 154. Dewey, M., 32, ^^. Diatomaceae, 242. Dibdin, T. F., 56. Dictionnaire bibliographique, 425. Didot, A. F., 370. Didymium, 178. Dieckmann, W., 171. Dietaries, 460. Dieterich, K., 441. Dietrich, F., 20. Dietrich, T., 178, 230, 252, 336, 352. Dietz, W., 324. Dillwyn, L. W., 271. Dingler's polytechnisches Journal, 294, 456. Dinocerata, 205. Dinse, P., 154. D'Invilliers, E. V., 194. Diplomacy, 76, 430. Dipnoi, 205, 280. Dippel, L., 232. Diptera, 277. Dircks, H., 294. Directories, 11. Directory of the American book trade, 30. Diseases of plants, 450, 451. Disinfectants, 305, 306. Distillation, 356. District of Columbia, 413. District of Columbia. Libraries, 35. Dixson, Z., born Allen, 376. Dobell, B., 57. Dodd, F. L., 431. Docks, 330. Doell, A., 330. Doesborgh, J. van, 55, 426. Doflein, F., 247, 297. Dolezal, E., 154. Dollfus, R., 87. Domestic animals, 28S, 340, 341. Domestic economy, 342, 460. Donkin, B., 162, 314. Don Quixote, 58. Dorpat. Kaiserliche Universitat. Natur- forscher-Gesellschaft, 39. Dorveaux, P., 171, 309. Douai. Bibliotheque publique, 394, 437. Doudart de Lagree, E. M. L. de Gonzague, 401. Dougal, M. D., 170. Douglas, C. H. J., 411. Douville, H., 195. Dowling, D. B., 444. Dragendorff, G., 230. Dragon's blood (drugs), 309. Drahms, A., 60, 112. Drama, 377-379- Dramard, E., 29, 95. Drane, R., 369. Draper, E. T., 232, 261. Dresden. Deutsche Bau-Ausstellung, 1900. Litteratur-Ausschuss, 366. Dresden. Gehe-Stiftung. 71. Dresden. K. Kunstgewerlje-Schule, 291, 363- Dresden. K. Sachsische offentliche Bib- liothek, 61. Dresser, H. E., 286. Drexel Institute of Art, Science, and Industry, 12. Drude, O., 233. Drugs, 308. Drygalski, E. von, 210, 420. Dubi, H., 187, 383. Dublin Microscopical Club, 224, 260. Ducks, 284., Duclaux, E., 175, 243, 341. Dudebout, A., 317, 323. Duelling, 129. Dufet, H., 160. Duff, E. G., 360. Dufheld, W. W., 105. Dufour, v., 396. Dufourmantelle, M., 74, 95. Dumercy, C, 359. Dumoulin, M., 394. Dunes, 189, 230. Dunker, W., 201. Duplessis, G., 365. Dupont, P., 345. Duprat, G. L., 427. Du Puy de Montbrun, E. H. J., 56. Du Rieu, W. N., 21, 76, 382. Diirst, J. U., 340. Dutch colonies, 381, 382, 463. Dutch libraries, 145. Dutreuil de Rhins, J. L., 465. Dwelshauvers-Dery, V., 316. Dyck, W., 147. Dyeing, 355, 356. Early printed books, 53-56. Earth, 153. Earthwork, 326, 327. Ebbinghaus, H.. 62. Eccles, A. S., 308. Echinidas, 266. Echinodermata, 264-267, 445. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 479 Ecker, A., 214, 257, 260, 280, 281. Eckstorm, F., born Hardy, 283. Eclairage electrique, 165. !6cole d' anthropologie, Paris, 447. Ecole de pharmacie, Paris, 171, 309. Ecole des chartes, Paris, 380. Ecole poly technique, Paris, 124, 139, 146. Ecole pratique des hautes etudes a la Sorbonne, 437. Ecology, 230. Economic geology, 192-194. Economic journal, 77. Ecuador, 417. Edgeworth, F. Y., 77. Edinburgh. Royal Observatory. Craw- ford Library, 151. Education, 1 13-125, 435. Education of women, 123. Edwards, C, 431. Edwards, F., London, 418. Edwards, H., 277. Edwards, W. H., 285. Effront, J., 442, 461. Egerton, H. E., 75. Egypt, 402. Ehrlich, P., 254. Eichwald, E. von, 251. Eigenmann, C. H., 281. Eigenmann, R. S., 281. Eisen, G., 339. Eitner, R., 372. Ekstrom, C. U., 281. Electric currents, 164-165. Electric fishes, 279. Electric railroads, 325. Electricity, 163-167, 439. Electrochemistry, 166, 173. Electrolysis, 173, 174. Electrophysiology, 258. Elements d'une grande bibliotheque, 11. Elenco delle pubblicazioni periodiche, 42. Elera, C. de, 258. Eliza Mitchell Museum of Geology and Archaeology, Princeton University, 105. Elliot, D. G., 286. Elliot, G. H., no. Ellis, J. B., 240, 451. Elster, L., 78, 429. Ely, R. T., 67, 80, 89, 382, 431. Ely, T., 389. Elzevir family , 5 7 . Embryology, 251-263, 301, 452. Emerson, R. W., 56. Emerton, E., 67, 382. Emmerling, A., 176, 337. Enestrom, G., 145, 146, 147. Engel, F., 149. Engelhart, F., 204. Engelmann, W., 213, 250, 385. Engineering, 311-333, 458, 459- Engineering index, 17, 291. Engineering magazine, 17, 291. Engineering news, 312, 345. Engineers Institute, Royal, 313. England, 391*, 392. Engler, A., 225, 228, 233, 449. Engler, C, 350. Engraving, 370. Entomological news, 275, 454. Entomological Society of London, 279. Entomologische Litteraturblatter, 275. Entomology, 275-279, 454, 455. Entomostraca, 274. Entropy, 162. Enzymes, 442, 461. Ephraim, J., 176. Epigenesis, 222. Epigraphy, 133. Erdmann, C, 281. Erichson, W. F., 245. Eruption of Krakatoa., 189. Eskimauan language, 134. Essai bibliographique sur les editions des Elzevirs, 57. Essays, 34. Essential oils, 356. Esthetics, 63, 64. Etching, 370. Ethereal oils, 356. Etheridge, R., 217. Ethical education, 123. Ethics, 64, 427. Ethnological Society of London, 63, 215, 447- Ethnology, 216-218, 447. Ethology, 71. Europaische Gradmessung, 155. Europe, 391-399, 464, 465. Evans, A. H., 285, 391. Evans, D. S., 393. Evans, E. P., 255. Evans, H. R., 373. Evanston libraries, 376. Everhart, B. M., 240, 451. Evolution, 219, 220, 448. Explosives, 351, 352. Eycleshymer, A. C, 259, 280. Eyre & Spottiswoode, London, 108. Ezheghodnik, 183. Faa de Bruno, F., 149. Fabre-Domergue, P., 221. Fahie, J. J., 166. Fairy tales, 130, 131. Fakirism, 61. Falconry, 284, 374. Faraday, E., 77. Faraday, M., 160, 167. Farlow, W. G., 240, 241. Famam, H. W., 64. Farrand, L., 62. Farrand, M., 98. Farther India, 401. Faudel, Dr., 446, 464. Faulmann, K., 342. Fauna Chilensis, 452. Faxon, F. W., 35. Fay, E. A., 303. Feamley, W., 232, 261. Featherman, A., 72. Feddersen, B. W., 138. Felix, J., 198, 201. Fellmer, T., 238, 302. Feltre, V. da., 115. Femur, 300. Fencing, 129, 374. 480 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Ferguson, J., 27. Fermentation, 179, 242-244, 353, 442. Fernald, F. A., 19, 374. Ferns, 236, 451. Ferri, E., 60, 112. Fertig, J. W., 413. Fertilization of flowers, 232. Fertilizers, 356. Ferussac, A. E. J. P. J. F. d'Audebard, baron de, 213. Festschrift zum siebenzigsten Geburtstag von Carl von Kupflfer, 247, 297. Festschrift zum siebenzigsten Geburtstage von Carl Gegenbaur, 256. Feudalism, 74. Fewkes, J. W., 217, 415. Fichera, F., 305, 329. Fichet, G., 54. Fick, R., 123. Fiedler, W., 147. Field, E., 51. Field, H. H., 245 (2), 251, 252. Filippi, F. de, 415, 467. Filson Club, 48, 413. Filtration, 331, 332. Finance, 90-92. Finanz-Archiv, 90. Finches, 285. Finck, H. t., 63. Fine arts, 63, 363-375. Finsler, G., 66. Fiorese, S., 397. Fircks, A. von, 73. Fire-damp, 320. First editions, 156. First editions of American authors, 51. Fischer, A., 221, 243 (3). Fischer, F., 348 (2). Fischer, K., 398. Fischer, P., 268, 443. Fischer von Waldheim, A., 26. Fischer- Dick, J., 325. Fisher, I., 81. Fisher, J. A., 67, 382. Fisheries, 87, 341, 463. Fishes, 279-282, 455. Fishing, 87, 341, 375, 463. Fiske, J., 97. Fiske, W., 379. Fittica, F., 169, 348. Flagellata, 265. Flagg, C. A., 52. Fleck, H., 350. Fleischmann, W., 121. Flamming, W., 247, 261, 297. Fletcher, A. E., 116. Fletcher, L., 468. Fletcher, R., 17, 298. Fletcher, W. I., 10, 13, 16, 17, j8 (2), 26, 34 (3). Flies, 277. Florence. CoUegio degli architetti e ingegneri, 313, 367. Florenz, K., 400. Floricultural cabinet, 366. Fluorine, 177. Fock, G., 133. Foerster, M., 324, 361. Folger, H. C, 355. Folk-lore, 130, 131, 436. Food, 174-176, 352, 353, 460. Food inspection, 305, 306. Foraminifera, 267. Forbush, W. B., 427. Forchheimer, P., 318, 321. Ford, P. L., 30, 105, 122, 404, 409, 432. Foreign government and documents, 107- 109. 433. 434- Foreign law, 94-98, 432, 433- Foreign trade, 125-128. Forel, A., 62. Forel, F. A., 211. Foreningen Heimdal, Upsala, 378. Forestry, 338, 339. Forez, 394. Fonnosa, 466. Fortescue, G. K., 394. Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Archi- tektur, 367. Fortschritte der Elektrotechnik, 163. Fortschritte der Physik, 156, 15S Foster, L. S., 284. Foster, W. E., 15, 67, 382. Foucaud, J., 234. Foulche-Delbosc, R., 397. Foundation of death, 64. Foundation rites, 129. Fournier, G., 166. Fowler, F. H., 334. Fowler, G. H., 454. Fowler, S. P., 61. Foxwell, H. S., 89. France, R., 265. France, 394-396, 465. France. Ministere de la guerre, 434. France. Ministere de la guerre. Service geographique de I'armee, 388. France. Ministere de I'instruction pub- lique, 117. France. Ministere de I'instruction pub- lique et des beaux- arts, 437. France. Ministere de I'instruction pub- lique et des beaux-arts. Comite des travaux historiques et scientifiques, 49- France. Ministere de la marine. Service hydrographique, 345, 386, 433. France litteraire au xve siecle, 56. Frankel, W., 324. Frankenburger, A., 121. Frankenstein, K., 84, 91, 93 (2), 127. Frankfort on the Main. Freiherrlich Carl von Rothschild'sche offentliche Bibliothek, 13, 36. Franklin, A., 33. Franklin Instittite, 138, 140, 166, 292, 293- Franklin journal, 140. Franzius, G., 330. Franzius, L., 318, 321, 330 (2). Frati, L., 129. Frauenholz, W., 159. Fraunhofer, J. von, 161. Freiherrlich Carl von Rothschild'sche ofifentliche Bibliothek, Frankfort on the Main, 13, 36. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 481 Freiherrlich von Lipperheide'sche Kos- tiimbibliothek, 129. Fremy, E., 170, 349. French language, 132, 133. French Revolution, 394, 395, 431, 433, 465. Fresenius, C. R., 441. Fresenius, H., 176, 441. Fresenius, W., 441. Freshwater algae, 241. Freshwater fauna, 211, 264. Freshwater flora, 211, 241. Fricker, K., 420 (2). Friedel, C, 440, 461. Friedenwald, H., 52. Friedlander & Sohn, R., Berlin, 136, 206, 275. Friedrich, M., 468. Fries, B. F., 281. Froberville, E. de, 385. Frogs, 257, 260, 280, 281. Frohlich, G., 115. Fromm, E., 60, 381. Froriep, A., 261. Frost, A. J., 166, 167. Frost, E. B., 153. Friihling, A., 330. Fruit, 338, 339. Fuchs, C. J., 87. Fuchs, E., 193. Fuchs, S., 252, 296. Fuel, 351. Fiihrer durch die gesammte Calcium- carbid- und Acetylen-Literatur, 354. Fulda, H., 181. Fumagalli, G., 27, 410, 424. Funck-Brentano, F., 394. Functions, 150. Fungi, 239-241, 451. Fiirbringer, M., 455. G., A., 96, 307. Gadow, H., 285, 286. Gage, S. H., 223, 287, 448. Gage, T. H., 62. Gagnon, P., 406. Gall-flies, 278. Galloupe, F. E., 39, 292, 313, 421. Galton, F. W., 83, 360. Games, 373, 374. Gangee, J., 262, 288. Garbe, H., 330. Gar^on, J., 355, 356. Garden, 339, 365. Gardening, 338-340, 365, 366. Garibaldi, C, 78. Garnsey, H. E. F., 238. Garraux, A. L., 417. Garson, J. G., 419. Gas, 332, 354, 355. Gas engines, 314-317. Gases, 159. Gastronomy, 342. Gastropoda (fossil), 203, 204. Gatfield, G. , 390. Gatschet, A. S., 218. Ganger, E., 82, 304. Gauls, 396. Gaupp, E., 280. Gautier, A., 181. Gavet, G., 27, 98, 395. Gavit, J. P., 72. Gay, A., 164. Gayley, C. M., 364. Gayon, U., 135, 156, 168. Geddes, P., 220. Geering, T., 74, 127. Gegenbaur, C, 256, 262. Gehe-Stiftung, Dresden, 71. Gehuchten, A. van, 300. Gelcich, E., 154. Genealogy, 390. General classed bibliographies, 9-16. General periodicals, 35-47, 424, 425. General societies, 47-50. Gensel, W. J., 126. Genzmer, E., 325. Geodesy, 154, 155. Geographical distribution of animals, 263. Geographical distribution of plants, 232- 234- Geographical Society, Royal, 384 (2), 385 (2), 463, 468. Geographischer Litteratur-Bericht, 206, 382. Geographisches Jahrbuch, 153, 186 (2), 383- Geography, 186-190, 3S2-385, 443, 463- 468. Geological record, 185. Geological Society of America, 184. Geologisches Centralblatt, 183. Geology, 183-200, 443, 444. Geometry, 149. Georg, C, 14. Gerhardt, P., 189, 330. Gerland, E., 157. German colonies, 430. Germany, 393, 394. Germany. Deutsche Unterrichts-Ausstel- lung in Chicago, 1893, t,^, 147. Germany. Kaiserliches Patentamt, 290, 292, 295. Germany. Kaiserliches Post-Zeitungsamt, 35. 45- Germany. Kaiserliches statistisches Amt, 72, 108. Germany. Reichsgericht, 71, 95. Germany. Reichstag, 1 1 . Germany. Universitats-Attsstellung in Chicago, 1893, 46. Gerould, J. T., 124. Gerstaecker, A., 250. Gesamte Erziehungs-und Unterrichts- wesen in den Landem deutscher Zunge, 114. Gesellschaft fur Botanik zu Hamburg, 449. Gesellschaft fiir deutsche Erziehungs- und Schulgeschichte, 114. Gesellschaft fiir Erdkunde zu Berlin, 186, 188, 383, 384. Gessman, G. W., 170. Gesundheitspflege in Niirnberg, 121. Geyler, T., 449. Giacosa, P., 299. Giannini, C, 378. THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Gibbs, G., 133. Gibier, P., 61. Gibson, J. W., 342. Gibson, W. H., 240. Giebel, C. G., 185, 201, 286, 443, 445. Giesbrecht, W., 246. Giesecke, F., 325. Giessler, R., 226. Gildemeister, E., 356. Gilds, 85. Gill, T. N., 269, 282 (3), 287, 288. Gilman, A., 401. Gilman, D. C, 77. Gilman, M. D., 411. Gilman, N. P., 88. Gilpin, J. E., 170. Giornale degli economisti, 80. Girard, C, 211, 249. Girardot, A., 196. Girault de Saint-Fargeau, A. E., 396. Glasers Annalen, 290. Glass, 355. Glauning, — •, Prof. Dr., 121. Glazebrook, R. T., 468. Glazier, R., 368, 369. Gluck. J. F., 52. Gmelin, L., 441. Gnehm, R., 356. Gobin, L., 395. Godin, L., 25, 144, 214. Godman, F. Du C., 263. Gold, 194, 319, 320, 357, 358. Goldschmidt , F . , 121. Goldschmidt, V., 183. Goldstein, J., 74. Gomme, G. L., 100. Goode, G. B., 211, 212, 248, 249. Goodrich, E. S., 264, 445. Goovaerts, A., 372. Gore, J. H., 155. Gory, A., 93, in. Gosse, P. H., 273. Gottingen. Georg-Augusts-Universitat. Bibliothek. 343. Gottlieb, T., 32. Gottschalk, F., 348, 350, 440. Gouilly, A., 317. Gould, A. A., 271. Gould, E. R. L., 64. Gould, E. S., 316. Gould, S. C, 411. Government, 99-109. Government publications, 27, 99-109, 433, 434- Governors, 316. Gow, W.. 113. Gracklauer, O., 45, 425. Graepel, R., 318, 321. Graesel, A., ^^, 422. Graf, J. H., 32, 388. Grand Canyon, 415. Granier, C, 434. Grapes, 338, 459- Graphology, 62. Graptolites, 203. Grassauer, F., 32, 37, 423. Grasse, J. G. T., 51, 61. Gratet-Duplessis, P. A., 131. Gravitation, 158. Great Britain, 391-393. Great Britain. Corps of Royal Engineers, 314- Great Britain. Geological Survey of the United Kingdom, 107, 387, 434, 444. Great Britain. India Office, 155, 389, 401. Great Britain. Meteorological Council, 190. Great Britain. Ordnance Survey Office, 107, 387. Great Britain. Parliament, 107. Great Britain. Patent Office, 98, 289, 291. 295, 343, 371. Great Britain. Public Record Office, 108. Great Britain. Stationery Office, 108. Greece, 391. Greek language, 133. Green, J. R., 179. Greene, E., 107. Greene, E B., 410. Greene, J. R., 267. Greenidge, A. H. J., 464. Greenland, 420. Greg, W. W., 54, 377. Gregory, E., 247, 297. Gregory, J. W., 264, 445, 468. Grellet, J., 390. Greswell W. P., 56. Griffin, A. P. C, 35, 75 (2), 92, 128, 408 (3). 432, 468. Griswold, W. M., 17, 19. Grolier Club, New York, 55, 171. Gross, C, 99, 100, 392 (2). Grosvenor Public Library, Buffalo, 297. Groth, P., 182. Growoll, A., 28, 29, 48. Gn.iber, A., 211. Gruel, L., 360. Griinling, F., 182. Guam, 468. Guarino, B., 115. Guiana, 416. Guide book to books, 13. Guild, R. A., 31. Guillaume, C. E., 128. Guillemet, E., 303, 374. Guillemin, J. A., 213. Guillemot, J., 237, 238. Guillon, A., 60. Guinochet, E., 332. Gulf States, 412, 413. Gums, 180, 441. Gunpowder, 351, 352. Giinther, A. C. L. G., 245. Glinther, S., 153, 187 Gimtz, M., 335. Guppy, H., 423. Gurteen, S. H., 112. Gustafson, A., 64. Gutermuth, M. F., 318, 321. Guttmann, O., 351, 352. Guyot, C, 120, 311. Guyot, R. T., 120, 311. Gwilt, J., 366. Haacke, W., 219. Haberlandt, G., 232. Hachmeister & Thai, Leipzig, 165. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 483 Hachmeister's literarischer Monatsbericht 13s, 289. Hacker, V., 221. Hadamard, J., 438. Hadley, A. T., 33. Haeberlin, C, 29, 424. Haebler, K., 55, 343- Haeckel, E., 259, 260. Haematozoa, 454. Haendel, C. A., 45. Haferkorn, H. E., 293, 364. Hagen, H. A., 278. Hahn, H., 247, 297. Hahn, L., 28, 298. Haigh Hall Library, 50. Hain, L., 54, 56. Hall, G. S., 62, 67, 116, 122, 382. Hall, T. S., 36. Halle, E. von, 93. Hallgarten, R., 90. Hallion, Dr. , 207, 298. Hamburg. Deutsche Seewarte, 139. Hamilton, Admiral Sir R. V., no. Hamilton, W., 58. Hammett, C. E., 411. Handbook of labor literature, 82. Handbuch der Anatomie des Menschen, 300. Handbuch der Architektur, 367, 368. Handbuch der Geschichte der Medizin, 296. Handbuch der Hygiene, 303, 304, 306. Handbuch des deutschen Diinenbaues, 189. Handbuch zu Litteraturberichten , 40. Handcke, B., 364. Handel und Wandel, 77, 125. Handworterbuch der Chemie, 440, 461. Handy book about books, 31. Handy lists of technical literature, 293, 364- Hanna, C. A., 430. Hansen, E. C, 237. Hapgood, I. F., 397. Harbors, 329, 330. Hardesty, I., 255, 280. Harding, J. S., Jr., 187. Hare, W. A. H., 109. Harkness, W., 128. Harley, T., 153. Harper, F. P., New York, 404. Harris, W. T., 117. Harrison, W. J., 185. Harrisse, H., 406. Hart, A. B., 67, 70, 74, 97, 382, 409, 430. Hart, E., 176. Harting, J. E., 284, 285, 374. Hartland, E. S., 131. Hartmann, A., 21, 76, 381, 422, 430, 463. Hartmann, B., 122. Hartmann, G., 468. Hartwich, C, 308. Hartwig, O., 424. Harvard University, 429. Harvard University. Library, 42, 241, 293. 389- Haseler, E., 324. Haslam, G., 260, 281. Hasse, A. R., 103, 104, 207, 335, 404. Hassert, K., 393. Haswell, W. A., 248. Hauck, F., 241. Hatisermann, R. , 459. Haverman, E., 9. Havestadt, C, 330. Hawaiian Islands, 420. Hawks, E. B., 340. Hawthorne, N., 56. Hayes, R. P., 106, 414. Hayward, R. B., 149. Hazen, A., 331, 332. Hazlitt, W. C, 340, 365. Heart, 262, 301. Heat, 159, 161, 162. Heat-engines. 161. Heckel, M. von, 91. Heddle, M. F., 232, 261. Hederich, H., 317. Hedon, E., 301, 310. Hedwigia, 450. Heider, K., 258, 260. Heinzerling, F., 324. Heise, P., 293, 364. Heller, C, 274. Heller, R. M., 121. Hellmann, G., 167, 188, 190. Hellmuth, K., 121. Helm, M., 286, 455. Helmholtz, H. von, 161. Henderson, C. R., m. Henius, M., 352. Henke, W., 261. Henle, J., 261, 262. Henneguy, L. F., 221. Henning, G. C, 316. Henoch, M., 136, 145. Henri, V., 63, 207, 256, 298. Henrot, A., 331. Henry, R., 324. Henshaw, H. W., 285. Henshaw, S., 275, 337. Heraldry, 390. Herbart, J. F., 120. Herbert, W., 56. Heredia, R., Comte de Benahavis, 377. Heredity, 219. Hering, A., 21, 207. Herkner, H., 83. Hermann, L., 253, 452. Heron- Allen, E., 373, 462. Herouard, E., 221, 265. Herrick, C. L., 274, Herrmann, O., 191, 361. Hertwig, O., 220, 222 (3), 253, 257, 259, 260. Hertwig, R., 247, 297. Herzegovina, 394. Hess, A., 330, 332. Hess, H. E., 113. Hetherington, E., 16. Heurck, H. van, 242. Heusinger von Waldegg, E., 327. Heusler, F., 180. Heuvel, M. J. van den, 75. Hewins, E. N., 59. Heydenreich, E., 321. 484 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Heyer, A., 46. Heyer, H., 66. Heynlin, J., 54. Hickcox, J. H., 104. Hieronymus, G., 450. Hiersemann, K. W., 364. Higginson, T. W., 67, 382. Higgs, H.. 77. , ^ . . Highland and Agncultural Society of Scotland, 459. Hildebrand, B., 429. Hilger, A., 178, 179, 230 (2), 252, 255, 336, 337. 352, 353- Hill, F. A., 194. Hill, T. G., 225. Hiltner, L., 334. Hinrichs, W., 324. Hinsdale, B. A., 119. Hinsdale, G., 187, 303, 308, 310. Hintz, E., 441. Hirn, Y., 63. Histology, 251-263, 300, 453. Historical index to the Manuals of the corporation of the City of New York, 99. 412. History and geography, 380-420, 463- 468. Hobson, J. A., 84. Hodge, C. F., 62. Hodge, F. W., 216 (2), 217. Hoe, R. M., 345. Hoeltzcke, P., 176, 337. Hoepli, Ulrico, Milan, 13. Hofbibliothek, K. k., Vienna, 37. Hoffman, R., 178, 230, 252, 336, 352. Hoffmann, A., 177. Hoffmann, C. K., 261, 283. Hoffmann, F., 356. Hofmann, A., 202. Hofmann, F., 452. Hohnerlein, M., 114. Holbom, L., 173. Holden, E. S., 151, 152, 153, 189. Holland, T. E., 96. Holland, W. J., 224. Holland, 398. Holland. Libraries, 145. Holland. Minister van kolonien, 319. Hollander, J. H., 128. Hollrung, M., 333. Holmes, B., 299. Holmes, O. W., 56. Holothurioidea, 266, 267. Holtzapffel & Co., 360. Holzmliller, G., 150. Homans, I. S., 86. Homeopathy, 308, 457. Homoeopathic pharmacopeia of the United States, 457. Honsell, B., 238. Hooykaas, J. C., 21, 76, 382. Hopfgartner, F. Ritter von, 214. Hopkins, A. A., 373. Hopkins railway library, 325. Hoppe-Seyler, F., 179, 180,253, 259,442, 453- Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift, 179, 180, 253, 259- Horn, F. W., 398. Hornaday, W. T., 224. Home, T. H., 31. Horr, N. T., 373. Horseless age, 325, 360. Horses, 287, 340. Horticultural Society of London, 339, 366. Horticulture, 338-340, 365, 366. Hostmann, W., 325. Hot springs, 193. Hoiiel, J., 437. Housing of the working classes 83, 84, 431- Housselle, W., 326. Houston, D., 232, 261. Houston, D. F., 97. Houzeau, J. C, 190. Howard, L. O., 275. Howe, H. A., 153. Howe, J. L., 177. Howell, G. R., 52. Howes, G. B., 249. Hoyle, W. B., 139. Huber, J. C, 263, 276, 454. Huddilston, J. H., 462. Hudson, C. T., 273. Hugenberg, A., 330. Hugot, E.. 437. Hull, W. L, 70. Human anatomy, 300. Human physiology, 301. Humerus, 300. Humphrey, J. E., 223. Humphreys, A. N., 194. Hungary. K. Geologische Anstalt, 195. Hunt, C. W., 312. Hunting, 374, 375. Huntington, H., 355. Huse, H. A., 411. Hussak, E., 192. Huth, E., 21, 207. Huth, F. H., 287, 340. Hutton, F. R., 161. Huxley, T. H., 249. Hybrids (animal), 256. Hydraulic engineering, 328-330, 459. Hydraulic motors, 317. Hydraulics, 159. Hydrodynamics, 159. Hydrography, 443. Hydroids, 264, 266. Hydromedusae, 266. Hygiene, 302-304. Hylan, J. P., 428. Hypnotism, 60, 61. Hyvernat, H., 400. Ibis, 283 (2), 284. Ice, 468. Ice age, 189. Ice making, 315. lies, G., 13, 70, 363. Illinois. State Entomologist, 278. Illinois. State Historical Society, 44, 403. Illinois. State Museum of Natural His- tory, 208. Illuminated manuscripts, 51. Illustration horticole, 365, 366. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 485 Illustration of books, 57, 58, 369, 370, 426. Imbault-Huart, C, 466. Imbert-Gourbeyre, A., 308. Incas, 417. Income, 80. Incorporated Association of Municipal and County Engineers, 312, 331. Incorporated Gas Institute, 331, 354. Incunabula, 53-56. Index bibliographique, 26. Index medico-psychologictis, 60, 310. Index medicus, 17 (2), 298. Index medicus novus, 297. Index of all patents granted in England, 456- Index Society, 34. Index to Engineering news, 312, 345. Index to engineering periodicals, 39, 421. Index to periodical literature, 18. Index to the periodicals, 16. Indexes, 29, 30, 34. Indexes to general periodicals, 16-26, 421, 422. Indexes to serial literature. 16-26, 421, 422. India, 401. India. Geological Survey, 211. Indian languages, 133, 134. Indiana. State Library, 102, 106. Indianapolis. Public Library, 376. Indici e cataloghi, 42. Infinite, 60. Inflammable gas, 175. Infusoria, 266. Inhalt der mechanisch-technischen Zeit- schriften, 289, 421. Inorganic chemistry, 177-178. Insect life, 455. Insects, 275-279, 454, 455. Institut bibliographique internationale, 252, 301. Institut de France. Academic des sciences, Paris, 24 (4), 25, 141, 142, 143. 144 (2), 211, 212 (2), 214 (2), 299. Institution of Civil Engineers, 311, 314, 458. Institution of Electrical Engineers, 157, 166. Institution of Engineers and Shipbuil- ders in Scotland, 314. Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 317. Instituto medico nacional, 227. Instituut van ingenieurs, Koninklijk, 313 389- Instrument making, 439, 461, 462. Insurance, 113, 435. Insurance Library Association of Boston 113- Intermediaire des biologistes, 207, 298. International Catalogue Conference, London, 137. International congresses, 50. International directory of booksellers, 423. International Electrical Exhibition. Me- morial Library, 166. International law, 96, 97. International Library Conference, London, 1897, 50. International relations, 76, 77, 430. Internationale Erdmessung, 155 (2). Internationale phytopathologische Kom- mission, 450. Interoceanic canals, 328, 329. Interpolation, 149. Invertebrate fossils, 203. Invertebrates, 263-279. Inwards, R., 131. Ireland, A., 75. Iron and Steel Institute, 358. Iron construction, 361. Iron ores, 193. Iroquoian languages, 134. Irrigation, 328, 459. Irving, R. D., 199 (2). Isham, C, 87. Italy, 397, 465. Italy. Camera dei Deputati. Biblioteca, 39- 39°- Italy. Istituto geografico militare, 464. Italy. Minister© della pubblica istru- zione, 42. Jackson, B. D., 226. Jackson, Mrs. E., 370. Jackson, Mrs. F. N., 370. Jackson, J. R., 385. Jaeger, A., 236. Jaekel, O., 203. Jahn, G. A., 151, 439. Jahn, M., 113. Jahrbuch der Astronomic und Geophysik, 150, 186. Jahrbuch der Chemie, 169, 347. Jahrbuch der Elektrochemie, 163, 173. Jahrbuch der Naturwissenschaften, 20, 135. 139. 206, 210, 289, 292. Jahrbuch der organischen Chemie, 178. Jahrbuch fur Acetylen und Carbid, 354. Jahrbuch fur Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung und Volkswirtschaft, 79. Jahrbuch iiber die Fortschritte der Ma- thematik, 136, 145. Jahrbiicher fiir Nationalokonomie und Statistik, 429. Jahrbiicher fiir wissenschaftliche Botanik, 226. Jahresbericht der Pharmacie, 169, 307. Jahresbericht der Unfallhcilkunde, 296. Jahresbericht liber die Fortschritte auf dem Gesamtgebiete der Agrikultur- Chemie, 178, 179, 230 (2), 252, 255, 33^< 337 1 352, 353. Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der T u ^K"^'?'. '37' '^9, 171. 348, 349- Jahres-Bencht iiber die Fortschritte der chemischen Technologic, 348. Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Physiologic, 253. Jahres-Bericht liber die Fortschritte der Thier-Chemie, 179, 181, 253, 261, 442, 453- Jahresbericht uber die Fortschritte in der Lehre von den Gahrungs-Orga- nismen, 242. 486 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte in der Lehre von den pathogenen Mikro- organismen, 237, 238. Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte in der Untersuchung der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, 174, 352, 353. Jahres-Bericht iiber die Leistungen der chemischen Technologie, 348 (2). Jahresbericht uber die Leistungen und Fortschritte in der Anatomie und Physiologic, 253, 296. Jahresbericht iiber die Neuerungen und Leistungen auf deni Gebiete des Pflanzenschutzes, 333. Jahres-Bericht iiber die Untersuchungen und Fortschritte auf dem Gesamint- gebiete der Zuckerfabrikation, 353, 354- Jahresberichte iiber das hohere Schiil- wesen, 122. Jahresberichte iiber die Fortschritte der Anatomie und Entwicklungsge- schichte, 452, 453. Jahres-Rundschau iiber die chemische Industrie, 350. Jamain, P., 459. James, B. W., 416. James, E. J., 44. James, G. W., 359, 415. Jameson, J. F., 77, 388, 416. Janet, P., 163. Janke, O., 119, 302, 368, 435. Japan, 400. Jastrow, L, 40. Jatta, A., 239, 397. Jaubert, G. F., 440, 461. Jeffreys, J. G., 270. Jeffs, W., 137. Jenaische Zeitschrift fiir Naturwissen- schaft, 207. Jentzsch, A., 189. Jesurum, E., 370. Jews, 428. Joachimsthal, G., 457. Joest, W., 46. John Crerar Library, 38. Johns Hopkins Hospital, 39, 298. Johns Hopkins University, 42 (2) ,210, 248. Johnson, H. P., 265. Johnson, J. B., 17, 291. Johnson, R., 50. Johnston, D. V. R., 11. Johnston, Sir H. H.. 402. Johnston, R. M., 200. Jones, A. C, 243. Jones, A. L., 65. Jones, E. D., 126. Jones, H. C, 173. Jones, L. A., 94. Jones, L. E., 10, 48, 102, 377. Jones, M. K., 72. Jones, T. R., 267. Jonstorff, H. Freiherr Jiiptner von, 357. Jordan, D. S., 282. Jordell, D., 20. Jorgensen, A., 243, 244 (3), 353 (2). Josephson, A. G. S., 21, 26, 28 (2), 36, 141, 211, 418. Joubin, L., 273. Journal de botanique, 450. Journal de physiologic et de pathologic gcneralc, 253, 309. Journal des economistes, 78, 431. Journal des mines, 458. Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik, 147. Journal fiir Omithologie, 286, 455. Journal fiir praktische Chemie, 350, 440. Journal fiir technische und oeconomische Chemie, 351, 441. Journal of analytical and applied chemis- try, 176. Journal of anatomy and physiology, 2<;6, 298. Journal of mental science, 60. Journal of mycology, 451. journal of phvsical chemistry, 441. judd, J. W., '189, 468. Julien, A., 196. Jiiptner von Jonstorff, H. Freiherr, 357. Juristischer Litteraturbericht, 97. Just, L., 449 (2). Just's botanischer Jahresbericht, 449. Justus Liebig's Annalen der Chemie, 171. Juvenile literature, 12, 14. kahlbaum, G. W. A., 177, 446. Kahle, K., 163. Kammeyer, C. E., 163. Kayserling, M., 404. Keferstein, W., 250, 262. Kehrbach, K., 114. Keibel, F., 256. Keilhack, K., 183. Keller, A. de, 341. Keller, C, 403, 466. Kellerman, W. A., 451. Kellor, F. A., 434. Kelly, J. F., 379. Kelvin, W. Thomson, ist baron, 162, 468. Kelynack, T. N., 175, 307. Kemp, J. F., 192, 193. Kempert, H., 292. Kent, A. H., 235. Kent, W. S., 266. Kentucky, 413. Kerl, B., 290. Kerler, A., 368. Kerr, J., 160, 167. Kew Gardens, 226, 227, 335. Keyes, C. R., 199 (2), 200. Keysser, A., 393. Kiel. K. Universitats-Bibliothek, 36. King, B., 465. King, F. P., 183. Kirchhoff, A., 393. Kirkby, W., 175, 307. Klamath Indians, 218. Klaussner, F., 247, 297. Klebs, G., 238. Klee, R., 457. Klein, H. J., 150, 186. Klein, J. F., 318. Kleinwachter, F., 80. Klemm, H., 55. Kleyer-Katalog, 146. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 487 Kleyers Encycklopiidie der gesamten math., techn., & exakten Natur- Wissenschaften, 146. Klincksieck, C, 39. Klittke, M., 21, 207. Klocker, A., 243. Klotz, C. E., 247. Knight, E. H., 18, 294. Knight, G. W., 125. Knoblauch, E., 227. Knuth, P., 231. Kobel, O., 125 Kobelt, W., 270. Koch, A., 242. Koehler, K. F., Leipzig, 9 (2). Koehler, S. R., 370. Koehne, E., 449. Koeppe, H., 173, 254. Kohl, F. G., 449. Kohler, G., 318, 319, 321. Kohlrausch, F., 173. Kohn, R., 173. Koken, E., 443, 445. Kolliker, A. von, 261, 262. Kongliga Biblioteket, Stockholm, 9. Konig, A., 62. Konigliche Bibliothek, Berlin, 12, 40, 46. Konow, S., 398. Koopman, H. L., 12. Koorders, S. H., 234. Kopp, E., 356. Kopp, H., 169, 172, 348. Koren, J., 64. Kom, A., 158. Korschelt, E., 258, 260. Kortlim, A., 368. Kotelmann, L., 119, 302. Krakatoa, 189. Kramer, P., 211. Kraus, G., 449. Krause, G., 168. Krause, M., 150. Krauss, F. S., 130. Krausse. A., 401. Kraut, H., 179, 230, 255, 337, 353. Krehbiel, H. E., 363. Kramers, E., 307. Kreuter, F., 327, 330. Krichtafovitch, N., 183. Krieger, M., 419. Kristeller, P., 58. Krohne, K., 112. Kronecker, L., 147. Kuch, R., 444. Kuhn, , 213. Kuhn, F., 132, 376. Kuhns, O., 412. Kummer, J. J., 98, 113. Kunstgewerbe- Museum, Berlin. Frei- herrlich von Lipperheidesche Kos- tiimbibliothek, 129. Kupffer, C. von, 247, 297. Kusel, A. J., 163. Labor, 82-85. Labor statistics, 84. Labrador, 407. Lace making, 370. Lacombe, P., 395. Lacroix, P., 396. Ladenburg, A., 440, 461. La Fontaine, H., 71. Laishley, R., 120. Lake dwellings, 215. Lalanne, M.. 370. Laminariaceae, 241. Lamouroux, G. , ir. Lampe, E., 136, 145. Lampert, K., 266. Lancaster, Mass., 411. Land, 87, 431- Land grants for education, 125. Lander, H. C, 431. Landon, J., 115. Landsberg, T., 324, 328. Landscape gardening, 365. Landtwing, A-, 302, 373. LandwirtschaftlichenVersuchs-Stationen, Die, 334. Lane, L. P., 27, 103. Lang, A., 254, 259. Langhans, T., 261. Langlois, C. V., 29, 108, 380, 395. Langmuir, A. C, 178. Langton, H. H., 37, 406. Language, 132-134. Lankester, E. R., 262. Lanthanum, 178. Larbaletrier, A., 356. Laroche, F., 330 (2). La Ronciere, C. de, 53, 395. Lasa, T. von der, 373. Lasegue, A., 229. Lasteyrie, R. de, 24, 49, 381. Latin language, 133. Latin races, 430. Latschenberger, J., 252, 296. Lauchert, F., 66. Laudenheimer, R., 302, 310. Launay, L. de, 193 (2). Laurent, J., 60. Lausanne. Universite, 138. Lauterbom, R., 242. Lauterburg, O., 64, 353. Lavoix, H., 11. Law, J., 262, 288. Law, 94-98, 432, 433- Lawrence, G. N., 284. Lawson, W. J., 86. Lazarus, A., 254. Lea, L, 201, 269. Leaning, J., 361. Leaute, H., 316. Le Chatelier, H., 161, 320. Leclerc, C, 405, 416. 419. Lecomte, H., 92, 337 (2). Lecomu, L., 316. Ledebur, A., 357, 359 (2). Lee, F. S., 256. Lee, F. W., 84. Lee, G. C, 392. Lees, F. A., 195. Lefevre, J., 162. Lefevre-Pontalis, E., 24, 49 (2), 381. Legal education, 95. Leger, E., 180. 488 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Lehautcourt, P., 109, 394. Lehfeldt, R. A., 157. Lehmann, A., 61. Lehmann, K. B., 304. Lehmann, O., 168. Lehr, J., 80, 93 (2). Leibbrand, K. von, 324. Leigh, C.W. E.,37, 137. Leiner, O., 163. Leipsic. Handelskammer, 126. Leipsic. K. sachsische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, 138. Leipsic. Universitat. Bibliothek, 11, 12. Leland Stanford Junior University. Li- brary, 325, 346. Leman, A., 439, 461. Leninaceas, 235. Lendenfeld, R. von, 467. Lenk, H., 198, 201. Lennholm, E. A., 243, 244. Lennier, G., 459. Leon, N., 216, 218, 227. Leonard, H F., 374. Leopoldinisch-CaroHnische deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher, Kaiser- liche, 140, 422. Le Petit, J., 57. Lepidoptera, 277, 278. Le Rossignol, J. E., 92. Lersch, B. M., 156. Leschevin, P. X., 458. Le Soudier, H., 46. Lesquereux, L., 194, 202. Lesson, R. P., 213. Leuckart, R., 263. Levat, E. D., 320. Levy-Bruhl, L., 428. Lewine, J., 57. Lewis, E. P., 160, 167. Lexicon pseudonymorum, 32. Leyden. Rijks Universiteit. BibHotheek, 379- Leypoldt, A. H., 13. Leypoldt, F., 10, 48, 102, 377. Librarian's manual, 31. Library Association, 423. Library Association of the United King- dom, 18. Library Association record, 423 Library catalogues, 29-32. Library economy and history, 27, 32-34, 424. Library journal, 32. Library manual, 15. Lichens, 239, 451. Lick Observatory, 151. Liebe, G., 217. Liebig, J., 169 348. Liebisch, T., 443, 445. Liege. Societe royale des sciences, 23. Light, 160, 161 , 174. Light sense, 257. Lighting, 354, 355. Lightning-conductors, 163-167. Lightning Rod Conference, 167. Lincke, F., 318, 321, 330. Lindau, G., 237, 309. Lindeck, S., 439, 461. Lindenschmidt, L., 214. Lindheimer, O., 368. Lindsay, S. M., in. Lindsay, W. L., 63. Linguistic manuscripts, 132. Linnean Society of London, 446, 450, 452- Lion, A., 312. Lipperheide'sche Kostumbibliothek, 129. Lippert, P., 113, 125, 127, 306. Liquefaction of gases, 162. Liquids, 159. Liquor problem," 64. List of books relating to fish, fishing, and fisheries, 455, 463. Litchfield, F., 369. Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool, 23 (2). Literaturblatt zu Glasers Annalen flir Gewerbe & Bauwesen, 290. Literature, 376-379, 463. Literature relating to New Zealand, 419. Lithography, 370. Liturgy, 67. Liverpool. Public Libraries, Museums, and Art Gallery, 291, 361, 367. Living matter, 222, 223. Lloyd's, 113. Lobell's Jahresberichte, 109. Local government, 99, 100. Locard, A., 269. Lock, A. G., 358. Lock, C. G. W., 194, 320. Locks (Canals), 328. Locy, W. A., 279. Lodging houses, 83. Loeb, J., 254, 255. Loew, O., 448. Lofving, L, 372. Lojander, H., 309. Lombroso, C, 112. Lommel, J., 185, 201, 443, 445. London. Charity Organisation Society, III. London, Edinburgh, and Dublin philo- sophical magazine, 143 (2). London Institution, 402. London journal of arts and sciences, 294. Long Island Historical Society, 381. Longevity, 73, 301. Longfellow, H. W., 56. Lord, E. L., 410. Lord & Thomas, Chicago, 44. Lorenz, H., 315. Lorey, F., 324. Loria, G., 145. Loria, L., 326. Lorini, E., 401. Lorusso, B., 397. Los Angeles. Public Library, 377. Lotz, W., 126. Loudon, J. C, 229. Love, 63. Loveless, M. J., 44. Lowe, F., 327. Lowell, J. R., 56. Lubbock, John, ist baron Avebury, 230. Lucas, R., 209, 227, 248. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 489 Liidde, J. G., 383- Ludewig, H. E., 410. Ludwig, A., 354. Ludwig, F., 211. Ludwig, H., 267. Ludwig, T., 79. Luedecke, O., 182. Luigi Amedeo di Savoia, duca degli Abruzzi, 415, 467. Lunds botaniska forening, 449. Lundstedt, B., 27, 47. Luroth, S. G., 213. Luther, J., 343. Lutz, L. C, 180. Lydekker, R., 468. Lynch, H. F. B., 466. Maas, O., 247, 297. Mabie, H. W., 33. MacAlister, J., 117. McAlpine, Daniel, 240. Macbride, T. H., 239. McClellan, E., 311. M'Chntock, Sir F. L., 468. McCook, H. C, 274. McCormack, T. J., 150. McCrea, R. C, 90, 125. MacDonald, A., 112, 130. Macdonald, W. R., 147. McGee, W. J., 210. Machinery, 314-318. Mackay, T., 432. Mackensen, E., 327. Mackenzie, A. S., 158. McMahon, J. H., 68. Macmillan, C, 234. McPherson, E., 106. Macpherson, H. A., 374. Macvane, S. M., 391. Madagascar, 466. Madamet, A., 317. Madan, F., 53. Magee, W. H., 178. Magic, 61, 130, 373. Magie, W. F., 162. Magnetism, 167. Magnin, A., 238, 244. Mail service, 127. Mailly, E., 50. Maine, 411. Maine. Board of Agriculture, 336. Mairan, J. J. D. de, 25, 144, 214. Maire, A., 140. Maitland, A. G., 200. Makarewicz, J., 70. Makepeace, H. R., 313. Malapteruidas, 279. Malaria, 454. Mallet- Prevost, S., 388, 416. Mallory, F. B., 310. Maltbie, M. R., 100. Maly, R., 179, 253, 442, 453. Mammals, 287, 288. Manacein, M., 62, 303. Manchester, N. H., 411. Manchester. Libraries, 137. Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, 37, 137. Manchester Museum, Owens College, 139. Manchester. Public Free Libraries, 36. Manners and customs, 129, 130. Mansfield, J. M., 116. Manual training, 119, 435. Manuel de bibliographic biographique et d'iconographie des femmes celebres, 39°- Manuel de I'amateur de livres du xixe siecle, 51. Manuels de bibliographie historique, 29, 108, 395. Manufacturers, 92, 93, 359, 360. Manuscripts, 50-53, 425, 426. Map making, 154, 155. Maps, 154, 155, 345, 346, 386-389, 464. Marchi, S., 397. Marchlewski, L., 231. Marcou, J. B., 203. Margerie, E., de, 29, 184. Marine algse, 241. Marine engines, 316, 317. Marine insurance, 113. • Mark, E. L., 258, 260. Markham, Sir C. R., 235, 420, 468. Marot, H., 78, 82. Marples, J., 23. Marseniidas, 270. Marsh, G. P., 212. Marsh, O. C, 205. Marshall, A. M., 259. Marston, R. B., 455, 463. Martello, T., 80. Martens, A., 316 (2), 361 (2). Martens, E. von, 245. Martin, F., 113. Martin, G., 78, 82, 295 (2), 395. Martin, J., 57. Martin, J. B., 52, 67. Martinez de Ziiniga, J., 419. Marx, Karl, 431. Maryland, 412, 467. Maryland. Geological Survey, 198 (3). Massa, C, 397. Massachusetts, 411. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 169. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Library, 40. Massachusetts. State Board of Agri- culture, 107, 336. Massachusetts. State Board of Agri- culture. Library, 334. Massage, 308. Massee, G., 337. Materia medica, 307-309, 457. Materialism , 431. Mathematics, 144-150, 438. Mathematisch - naturwissenschaftlicher Verein von Wiirttemberg, 137, 291. Mathematische Annalen, 146 (2). Mathews, C. E., 190, 383. Mathews, E. B., 198, 387, 412. Mathews, G. B., 149. Mathews, J. A., 177. Matignon, C, 135, 156, 168. Matosch, A., 195. Matschoss, C, 458. Matsumura, J., 228. 490 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Matthews, B., :is. Matzdorff, A., 440, 461. Maurice, G., 292. Mauritius, 466. Maury, G., 128, 346. Maxwell, J. C, 165. Maxwell's theory, 165. May, G., 166. Mayer, P., 246. Mayr, G. von, 73. May's British & Irish press guide, 45. Mazzatinti, G., 53. Mead, A. D., 272. Mead, D. W., 331. Meade, R. K., 175. Mechanic trades, 360, 461, 462. Mechanical engineering, 314-318. Mechanics, 158-159. Media (country), 391. Medical botany, 230. Medicine, 296-311, 456, 457. Medicine-men, 61. Medicinische Weltliteratur, 297. Medieval literature, 51. Medina, J. T., 419. Meek, F. B., 203. Mehnike, R., 290. Mehrtens, G., 159, 324 (2). « Meisner, H., 343. Meissner, G., 262. Meitzen, A., 339. Melan, J., 324. Melanges bibliographiques, 396. Melbourne. Libraries, 36. Melbourne. Public Library, 40. Melichar, L., 277. Mely, F. de, 129. Memorial Library, Philadelphia, 166. Memory, 60, 63. Mendiburu, M. de, 417. Menger, A., 89. Meningitis, 310. Mental derangements, 60. Merchant marine, 128. Merckel, C, 312. Mereness, N. D., 467. Merion, L., 194. Merkel, F., 251, 261. Merkel, S., 121. Merrill, W. S., 215. Mesozoa, 454. Messel, A., 368. Messenger of mathematics, 146. Metallic carbides, 177. Metallurgy, 357-359, 461. Metals, 192-194, 461. Metal-work, 359. Metaphysics, 59, 60. Meteorites, 191. Meteorological Society, Royal, 167, 187. Meteorology, 190, 444. Methods of teaching history, 67. Metz, H. A., 355. Meunier, S., 191. Meves, F., 247, 297. Mexico, 407, 408. Meyer, A. B., 262, 284. Meyer, Ad., 62. Meyer, Art., 223. Meyer, Georg, 141, 157. Meyer, Gustav, 327 (2). Meyer, H., 468. Meyer, R., 169, 347, 356. Meyer, V., 181. Michael, A. D., 274. Michaelsen, W., 272. Michel, A., 294. Michigan. State Board of Agriculture, 107, 336. Michigan. State Horticultural Society, 339- ^ Michigan. State Library, 74, 95, 104. Micro-organisms, 242-244, 264-267, 353. Microscopical Society, Royal, 224, 260, 448. Microscopy, 223, 224, 448. Middleton, T. C, 418. Migliori libri italiani, 13. Migula, W., 211, 244. Mildews, 237. Military engineering, 322, 323, 459. Military science, 109, no, 434. Milk, 175, 302, 341. Milkau, F., 137. Mill, H. R., 383, 384, 468. Miller, A. K., 243, 244. Miller, M. E., 312, 345. Miller, W., 339, 365. MiUiet, E. W., 64, 353. Mills, E. J., 356. Mill- work, 314-318. Milne, J., 188. Milne-Edwards, A., 246. Minchin, E. A., 222, 454. Mind, 59, 427. Mind and body, 60-62. Mindanao, 419. Minel, P., 165. Mineral waters, 193. Mineralogical magazine, 182. Mineralogische und petrographische Mit- theilungen, 183, 192. Mineralogy, 181-183, 443. Minet, A., 173. Mining, 93, 319-321, 458. Minot, C. S., 259, 301. Missions, 66. Mississippi, 413. Missouri Botanical Garden, 226, 227. Missouri. Bureau of Geology and Mines, 106, 199. Mitchell, P. C, 222. Mitchell, S. W., 283 (2), 309. Mittheilungen iiber Gegenstande des Artillerie- und Genie- Wesens, no, 322. Mobius, M., 232. Modena. Reale Biblioteca Estense, 23- Modugno, N., 397. Mohl, H. von, 449. Moissan, H., 177. Molecular physics, 168. MoUendorff, O. F. von, 270. Mollier, S., 247, 297. Mollusca, 268-271, 445. Money, 85, 86. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 491 Moniteur ofificiel du commerce, 127. Monopolies, 92. Monroe, J., 77. Monroe, W. S., 115. Monroe doctrine, 77. Mont Blanc, 190. Montaiglon, A. de, 363, 376, 380. Montgomery, C. W., 72. Monthly guide, 19. Monthly record of scientific literature, 136. Monthly reference hsts, 15. Moon, 153. Mooney, J., 217. Moore, T., 236. Moore, W., 299. Moquin-Tandon, A., 271. Moreau, C, 459. Moreau, G., 193. Morel-Fatio, A., 379. Morfill, W. R., 394- Morgan, A., 23 (2). Morgan, D. L., 281. Morgan, T. H., 257, 453. Morocco, 402. Morot, L., 450. Morris, G. S., 67, 382. Morris, H. C, 75. Morrison, H. A., 126, 328. Mortimer, C, 359. Mortimer, W. G., 457. Mosenthal, J. de, 285. Mosqtiitoes, 454. Mosses, 236. Mosso, A., 62. Mosso, P. conte, 397. Moulds, 237. Mount St. Elias, 415, 467. Mountain observatories, 152. Mountaineering, 383. Mountains, 186-190. Mourlon, M., 183. Mouvement sociologique, 429. Movable bridges, 324. Muhlbrecht, O., 69 (2), 98, 424. Muir, R., 244. Muller, Fel:, 136, 145. Muller, Frederik, Amsterdam, 385, 425. Muller, Friedrich, 346, 399. Muller, G., 153. Miiller, H., 232. Muller, J., 49. Muller, J. W., 144- Miiller, K., 165. Miiller-Simonis, P., 400. Munich. K. Akademie der Wissen- schaften, 23, 185. Munich. K. Technische Hochschtile 293. Municipal affairs, 99 (2). Municipal documents, 99, 100. Munk, J., 252, 296. Munro, R., 215. Munroe, C. E., 351 (2). Mlinsterberg, E., 93, 94, 112. Miinsterberg, O., 400. Muquardt, C, 143. Murhard, F. W. A., 144, 148. Murray, G., 236, 468. Musee pedagogique et BibUotheque centrale de I'enseignement primaire, Paris, 117. Museum des k. bayerischen Staates, 201. Museum d'histoire naturelle, Paris, 191. Mushrooms, 237, 239, 240, 340. Music, 372, 373, 462. Muskhogean languages, 134. Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, 95. Mycetozoa, 237, 238. Myers, W., 254. Mygind, H., 311. Myriopoda, 274. Nagel, J., 294. Nagel, W. A., 257. Naphthalene derivatives, 181. Napier, J., 147. Naples. Biblioteca nazionale, 37. Naples. Biblioteca universitaria, 37. Naples. Zoologische Station, 246. Narath, A., 254. Nation, 19. National Academy of Sciences, 338. National bibliographies, 27. National Educational Association, 117, 435- Natur, 143, 212. Naturae novitates, 136, 206. Natural sciences, 206-288, 446, 455. Nature, 20. Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Basel, 446. Naturforschende Gesellschaft zu Halle, 443, 446. Naturhistorische Gesellschaft in Colmar, 446. Natun\dssenschaftliche Rundschau, 437, 446. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein fur Sach- sen undThiiringen in Halle, 443, 446. Naturwissenschaftliches Literaturblatt, 143, 212. Naumann, A., 169, 348. Naval architecture, 323. Naval engineering, 322. 323. Naval science, 109, no. Navigation, 345, 346. Nebulfe, 153. Nederlandsche maatschappij ter bevor- dering van nijverheid, 294. Nelson, C. A., 367. Nelson, E. W., 285. Nelson, O. N., 409. Nematognathi, 281. Nemertea, 273, 454. Nencki, M. von, 179, 253, 442, 453. Nephelis, 272. Nemst, W., 163, 173. Nervous system, 300. Nesbitt, H. A., 466. Nessenius, , 326. Nettlau, M., 89. Neuburger, M., 296. Neudrucke von Schriften und Karten uber Meteorologie und Erdmagne- tismus, 190. 492 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Neues Jahrbiich fiir Mineralogie, Geologic und Palaeontologie, 184, 185, 200, 201, 443, 445 (2). Neumayer, L., 247, 297. Neveu-Lemaire, M., 454. New England, 410-412. New England Cotton Manufacturers' Association, 360. New England primer, 122. New Guinea, 419, 420, 467. New Hampshire. State Library, 107, 124. New Hampshire Library Association, 124, 411. New South Wales. Government Printing Office, 108, 109. New South Wales. Public Library, 418. New Testament, 66. New York Academy of Sciences, 21, 138, 209. New York City Vigilance League, 70. New York. Libraries, 41. New York Library Club, 41. New York. Mayor's Committee on Public Baths and Public Comfort Stations, 100. New York Public Library, 38, 99. New York. State Library, 9, 11, 27 (2), 28, 52, 53, 96, 98, 389, 423, 432. New York, N. Y., 412. Newberry Library, 39, 47. Newell, L. C, 170. Newfoundland, 407. Newport, R. L, 411. Newspaper catalogue, 43. Newspaper directory of Latin America, 47 (2). Newspaper manual, 44. Newspaper press directory, 45. Newspapers, 35-47. Newton, Sir L, 158. Newton, A., 245. New Zealand, 419, 467. Nichols, G. W., 369. Nichols, W. R., 333. Nicholson, H. A., 201. Nicolas, A., 252, 296. Nieboer, H. J., 76. Niemann, M., 332, 355. Nihongi, 400. Nijhoff, M., 37, 50, 398. Nisard, C, 377. Noctuidas, 277. Noelting, E., 181. Noll, F., 226. Non-Christian religions, 68. Nordenskiold, A. E., Friherre, 387. Nordhoff, C, 90. Nordstedt, C. F. O., 225, 242. North America, 403-416, 467. North Atlantic States, 410-412. North Central States, 414. North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers, 321. North Staffordshire Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers, 313. Norton's literary letter, 411. Norway, 398. Notes and queries, 20. Notes critiques, 69. Notes on naval progress, 322. Notes pour servir a I'histoire, k la biblio- graphic ct a la cartographic de la Nouvelle-France, 406. Notor, G., 391. Nourse, H. S., 411. Nouveau dictionnaire de geographic uni- versclle, 188, 218, 384. Nouvellcs annales de mathematiques, 438. Novy, F. G., 308. Noyes, A. A., 169. Nudibranchiata, 270. Nullification, 97. Numbers, 149. Numismatics, 368. Nuova notarisia, 451. Nuremberg. Bayerisches Gewerbe-mu- seum, 291. Nuttall, G. H. F., 276. Nutting, C. C, 264. Gates, E. W., 283. Oberschulte, L., 327. Objectives, 160, 371. Obscrvatoire royal, Brussels, 151, 190. Ocagne, M. d', 145. Ocean, 443. Oceanica, 418-420, 467, 468. CEhlert, D. P., 268. Oettingen, A. J. von, 138. O'Harra, C. C, 199, 414. Ohio, 414. Ohio state publications, 106. Ohmann, O., 138. Ohrtmann, C, 136, 145. Oils, 356. Okey, T., 465. Oligochaeta, 272, 273. Olin, A. S., 114. Oltmanns, F., 449. Oman, C, 109, 322. Omont, H., 52, 395, 407, 426. O'Neill, C, 356. Ontario. Education Department. Library, 406. Opfcrinann, R., 368. Oppel, A., 247, 257, 297. Oppenheimer, F., 431. Optics, 160, 161. Ore deposits, 192, 193. Organ, 373. Organ der militar - wissenschaftlichen Vereine, 434, 459. Organ flir die Fortschritte des Eisen- bahnwesens in technischer Bezieh- ung, 346. Organic chemistry, 178-181. Oribatidte, 274. Origin and beginnings of life, 220-222, 448. Ornament, 364, 368, 369. Orndorff, W. R., 170. Ornithology, 283-286, 455. Orthoptera, 276, 278. Osborn, H. F., 205, 220. Ost, L., 14. Osterberg, M., 165. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS 493 Osterreichische Universitats- und Stu- dien-bibliotheken, 37. Osterreichischer Verein fiir Bibliotheks- wesen, 372, 378. Ostriches, 285. Ostrom, K. W., 308. Otlet, P., 71. Otte, H., 359. Ottino, G., 27, 30, 424. Oudin, A. S., 203. Owen, T. McA., 413 (2). Owens College. Manchester Museum, 139. Pacific States, 415-416. Packard, A. S., 276, 407. Padagogische Centralbibliothek, Leipsic, 115- Page, D. P., 118. Pagel, J. L., 296, 298. Pages, L., 400 (2). Palaeontographica, 201. Palanza, A., 397. Paleontology, 200-205, 444. 445- Paleozoic fossils, 204. Palermo. Biblioteca nazionale. 424. Pdlfy, M., 195. Panics, 126, 436. Pantaleo, M., 397. Paper, 359. Pap worth, W., 366. Paraguay, 417. Parallel lines, 149. Parasites, 237, 263, 309, 451, 454, 457. Pans, 395, 396. Paris. Bibliotheque mazarine, ^^. Paris Bibliotheque nationale, 33 (2), .59. 91. 343. 395- Paris. Bibliotheque nationale. Departe- ment des imprimes, 39 (2), 299, 384. Paris. Bibliotheque nationale. Departe- ment des manuscrits, 53, 395. Paris. Bibliotheque Sainte-Genevieve, II., Paris. Ecole d'anthropologie, 447. Paris. Ecole de pharmacie, 171, 309. Paris. Ecole des chartes, 380. Paris. Ecole poly technique, 124, 139, 146., Paris. Ecole pratique des hautes etudes a la Sorbonne, 437. Paris. Institut de France. Academic des sciences, 24 (4), 25, 141, 142, 143, 144 (2), 211, 212 (2), 214 (2), 299. Paris. Musee pedagogique et Biblio- theque centrale de I'enseignement primaire, 117. Paris. Museum d'histoire naturelle, 191. Parker, T. J., 248. Parker, W. K., 267. Parker, W. N., 248, 261. Parkes Museum, 306. Parsell, H. Van A., 315. Pascal, E., 149. Pasko, W. W., 343. Patagonia, 417. Paterson, N. J. Free Public Library, 151- Pathology, 253, 256, 309-311, 453, 457. Paul-Dubois, P., 325. Pauperism, 93, 94, 432. Pax, F., 233. Peabody, F. G., 64. Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University. Laboratory of Invertebrate Paleontology, 253, 264. Pearson, K., 59 (2), 136, 140. Pearson & Co., J., London, 50. Peasants, 87. Peixotto, J., 431, 465. Pelet-Narbonne, G. von, 109. Pelletan, Jules, 242. Pelmatozoa, 203. Peltier, A. C. L., 196, 320, 358. Pennsylvania, 412. Pennsylvania. Second Geological Survey, 194, 198. Pepper, C. M., 408. Peragallo, H., 242. Percheron, A., 19, 279. Periodic law, 174. Periodismo Filipino, 47. Perkins, F. B., 15. Pemer, J., 203. Peron, A., 195. Perry, B., S3- Persia, 391, 401. Peru, 417. Pestalozzianum, Zurich, 116. Peter, B., 155. Petermann, T., 71. Petermanns Mitteilungen aus Justus Perthes' geographischer Anstalt, 208, 384. Peters, C. F. W., 151, 439. Peters, E., 178, 230, 252. 336, 352. Peters, J. C, 311. Petersen, Dr. , 61. Petersen, H. G., 61. Petersilie, A., 125. Petit, P., 242. Petrography, 191, 192, 444. Petroleum, 175, 194, 355. Petroleum motors, 317. Pettersen, H., 398. Petzholdt, J., 31. Phallicism, 68. Phanerogamia, 234, 235. Pharmaceutical archives, 307. Pharmaceutisches Central-Blatt, 307,347. Pharmacy, 307. Pheasants. 286. Philadelphia. Board of Public Education. Superintendent of Public Schools, 117. Philadelphia Civic Club, iii, 115. Philipp, D., 456. Philippine Islands, 418, 419. Phillimore, Mrs. R. C, 431. Phillips, C. E. S., 164, 371. PhilHps, F. C, 194. Phillips, H., Jr., 22, 141. Phillips, P. L., 386, 387 (2), 388, 408, 416, 464. Philosophical Society of Washington, 22. Philosophy, 59-65, 426-428. Phonetics, 132. Phonology, 132. 494 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Photography , 371. Physical chemistry, 173, 174, 441. Physical culture, 302. Physical geography, 186-190, 443, 444. Physical sciences, 135-183, 437-442. Physical Society of London, 157 (2), 167. Physics, 156-168, 439. Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin, 156. Physiological chemistry, 1 79-181, 442. Physiologischer Club in Wien, 252. Physiology. 251-263, 301, 452, 453. Phytophaga, 278. Picard, E., 62. Picatoste y Rodriguez, P., 140. Pierce, A. H., 427. Pierce, J., M., 120, 303, 374. Pierret, E., 33. Pierstorff, J., 130. Pilling, J. C, 53, 132, 133 (2), 134 (7). Pmnipedia, 287. Pinzger, L., 159. Pius II, 115. Placzek, S., 296. Plankton, 263. Plant anatomy, 230-232. Plant physiology, 230-232. Plate, L. H., 211, 452. Plateau, J., 159. Platinum group, 177. Platyhelmintha, 454. Playfair, Sir R. L., 402 (2), 466. Playing cards, 373. Ploss, H., 219. Plowright, C. B., 240. Pneumatics, 159. Pocket directory, 44. Poggendorflf, J. C, 138. 437, 438. Pohler, J., no, 381. Poiree, E., 11. Poisons, 308. Polak, P., 318, 321. Poland, 394. Polar regions, 420, 468. Political economy, 77-94, 431, 432. Political science, 74-77, 430. Politische Correspondenz der StadtStrass- burg, 393. Pollard, A. W., 14, 56. Pollard, J., 317, 323. Polybiblion, 9. Polyphase currents, 164, 165. Polytechnische Bibliothek, 136, 290. Pommem. Libraries, 41. Poole, F. O., 18. Poole, M., 17. Poole, W. F., 18 (3). Poole's Index, 17, 18. Poor, 84, 93, 94, 432. Poore, B. P., 106. Poppe, J. H. M., 360. Popular science monthly, 19. Population, 72-74. Porro, C, 184. PortaHs, R., 58, 369. Porter, G. W., 14, 30. Porto Rico, 408. Ports, 330. Portugal, 397. Poske, F., 435, 438. Posters, 347. Post-office, 127. Potential, 158. Pottery, 369, 462. Pouchet, F. A., 222. Poultry, 340. Pound, R., 231. Power, J., 31. Praeger, R. L., 232. Praet, J. B. B. van, 58. Prantl, K., 228. Precious metals, 461. Preformation, 222. Prehistoric archaeology, 214, 215, 447. Premature burial, 305. Prenant, A., 260. Prentice, J. E., afterwards Dodsworth, 381. Prentice, M. H., 34. Prescott, H. B., 367. Prescott, S. C, 442, 461. Press guide and advertiser's directory, 45- Preussisches Handelsarchiv, 81 (2), 127. Pribram, R., 179, 253, 442. Prideaux, S. T., 360. Primary education, 121, 122. Princeton University. Eliza Mitchell Museum of Geology and Archaeology, 105, 198. Princeton University. Library, 70. Printing, 343-345. Printing times and lithographer, 344. Prisons, 112. Privately printed books, 57. Problems of poverty, 84. Proctor, R., 28, 50, 54, 55, 426. Production, 92, 93. Profession of bookselling, 29. Profit-sharing, 88. Progressive literature, 11. Proll, R., 318, 321. Prostitution, 306. Protoplasm, 219, 221, 222. Protestega, 205. Protozoa, 264-267. Proverbs, 131, 436. Providence libraries, 40. Providence Public Library, 15. Prowse, D. W., 407. Prussia. K. Eisenbahndirektion in El- berfeld, 325. Prussia. K. Ministerium der offent- lichen Arbeiten, 70, 291, 358. Prussia. K. Ministerium fiir Handel, Gewerbe, und offentliche Arbeiten, 290, 294. Prussia. K. Statistisches Bureau, 435. Pseudonyms, 32. Psychological index, 62. Psychology, 62-64, 255, 427. Pteridophyta, 236. Ptomaines, 308. Publications relatives a la Revolution fran. Seventh annual report for the year 1901. Chicago 1902. 50 p. List of current periodicals. Preliminary edition. Chicago 1897. 20 p. --- ; A list of books in the Reading Room, January, 1900. Chicago T900. 251 p. Out of print. A list of current periodicals in the Reading Room, June, 1902. Chicago 1902. nfl p. 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