CO-OPERATIVE LIST PERIODICAL LITERATURE LIBRARIES CENTRAL CALIFORNIA IMHMi UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS. LIBRARY BULLETIN No. 1 Third, Enlarged Edition. CO-OPERATIVE LIST PERIODICAL LITERATURE LIBRARIES CENTRAL CALIFORNIA BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA. 1902. 32469 Printed at thk State Printing Office, Sacramento. A. J. JOHNSTON, Superintendent. PREFACE. The first edition of this I^ist was issued in 1880, and ■combined in one alphabet the periodical sets of nine libraries located in San Francisco and vicinit}'. The second edition of 1892 included the sets in twelve libraries. In view of our greatly increased resources, of this nature, and in response to urgent demand, the present edition has been prepared, through the courtesy and by the united effort of my brothers-in-arms, to whom I return sincere thanks. It is a matter of much regret that, with the closing of the Odd Fellows' Library of San Francisco, a few sets like the Sacramento State Sentinel of 1857-58 and the Oriental, 1857, have temporarily (we hope) disappeared. J. C. ROWELL. CO-OPERATING LIBRARIHS. A Al C Cc H I L M Mi N O : P s Sb St U : Um: Up California Academy of Sciences. S. F. Alameda Free Public Library California State LibrarN'. Sacramento Cooper Medical College. S. F". Lick Observatory. Mt. Hamilton Mechanics' Institute. S. F. San Francisco Law Library Mercantile Library. S. F. San Francisco Microscopical Society Ligue Nationale Frangaise. S. F. Oakland F'ree Public Library Free Public Library. S. F. Leland Stanford Jr. University. Palo Alto Miss E. A. McIUriach) (F. B. Graves) (J. L. Gillis) (David M. Belfrage) (R. G. Aitken) (F. J. Teggart) (James H. Ueering) (W. R. Williams) (Prof. W. A. Setchell) (This Bulletin, 2d ed.) (Charles S. Greene) (George T. Clark) (M. G. Dodge) Prof. J. C. Branner's private library, Stanford University. St. Ignatius College. S. F. (Rev. A. M. Coltelli, S. J.) University of California Library. Berkeley (J. C. Rowell) Univ. ofCal. Medical Department. 6. F. (Miss M. F. Bunker) Univ. ofCal. College of Pharmacy. S. F\ (Joy Lichtenstein) EXPLANATIONS. This list includes serial publications — magazines, news- papers, and the publications of societies, but with few exceptions not governmental, state, or municipal documents and reports. Magazines and reviews are entered under the first word of their titles not an article or preposition. American and British (including colonial) societies are entered under the first word of their corporate names; other foreign societies are entered under place of publi- cation. From the Annales, Bulletin, Journal, Memoires, or Zeitschrift of such foreign societies reference has been made to place of publication. Newspapers also have been entered under place, unless their titles begin with the name of a state or county, in which case entry is made under that name. Thus: "Amador dispatch. Jackson." Incomplete sets are indicated by volumes or years within parentheses following the initial letter representing a library; — when the set is much broken, or the volumes are not definitely known, the library initial is starred. The customary abbreviations are used. CO-OPERATIVE LIST OF PERIODICAL LITERATURE IN LIBRARIES. A travers le monde. Paris P (1895-98) Aberdeen. University. 6"^!? University of Aberdeen. Acadetnia Fridericiana. See Eriangen. Acad^mie des sciences, Paris. See Paris. Institut de France. Academy. Syracuse and Boston, 1886-92. 7 v. Pi U Academy (and literature). Lond. 1869+ C (-1882), I, M, P, U (1889 + ) Academy architecture and annual architectural review. Lond. 1889 + C (1891, 1895 + ), I, P(i895 + ) Academy of natural sciences of Philadelphia. Journal. 1817 + A*, M (-1839), P (v. 1-8) Proceedings. 1841 + A, M*, P (v. 1-14), S (1892 + ), U Academy of science, St. Louis, Transactions. 1856 + A, C (v. I), H*, I (v. 4), Sb Acorn. Alameda, Cal. Al (Nov. 1899 + ) Acta mathematica. Stockholm, 1882+ S (v. 20+), U Acta Sanctae Sedis. Rome, 1865 + St Acta seminarii philologici Erlangensis. See Eriangen. Acta societatis philologse Ivipsiensis. See Leipzig. Adin. Argus (Weekly) C (1877-97) Adjuster. S. F. S (v. 24 + ), U (v. 21, 1900 + ) Advocate (Legal). Minneapolis, Chic. 1889+ C Advocate of peace. Bost. S (v. 61 + , 1899+) Aelfric societ)'. Publications. Lond. U Aeronautical annual. Lond. 1895-97 P (v. i) Aeronautical society of Great Britain. Reports M* Age of steel. St. Louis I*, S (v. 76, 89 + , 1894 + ) Agricultural journal. Cape of Good Hope U (v. 10, 1897 + ) Agricultural science. Knoxville, Lafayette, etc. 1887-94 U Agricultural society of India. Journal. Calcutta C Transactions C Alabama industrial and scientific society. University, Ala. Pro- ceedings. 1891 + I Alameda, Cal. Argus Al (1880-82) Encinal Al (Sept. i6, 1869 — Mar. 22, 1894; Sept. 17, 1894 — Sept. 14, 1895; Jan. 1900+) 8 LIST OF PERIODICAL LITERATURE. Alameda county gazette. -San Leandro C (1856-62, 1864-75) Alameda county gazette. Oakland C (1873-75) Alameda times (Weekly). Oakland, Cal. 0(1894-95) Alaskan. Sitka C (1888-89, 1891-97) Albany institute. Transactions A*, U(i887 + ) Albany law journal. Albany, N. Y. 1870+ C, I (v. 16-50, 1877-94), L Albany medical annals. 1880+ Um(v. 22 + ) Aldine. N. Y. C (v. 5-8), I (v. 5, 1873+ ), M* U (v. 5-6) Alemannia. Zeitschrift fiir Sprache. Bonn, 1873+ U (v. 1-26) Alienist and neurologist. St. Louis, 1880+ Uni (v. 6, 8) All the year round. Lond. 1859-95 C, I (v. 2-3d ser. v. 12; 1859-94), M*, P Continued in Household words. Allegheny observatory. Miscellaneous scientific papers. H (new series) Allegheny philatelist and stamp collector's guide I (1896-98) Allgemeine Bibliographic fiir Deutschland. Leipzig P (1884-90) Allgemeine Monatsschrift fiir Wissenschaft und Literatur. Braunschweig A Allgemeine Zeitung. See Munich. Almanach de Gotha I (1876-77, 18S8+), P (1855+)* Almanach national. Paris I (v. 200, 1898 + ) Alpine chronicle (Weekly). Silver Moxintain C (1870-72) Alrededor del mundo. Madrid S(i90i + ) Alta California almanac. See San Francisco. Altenburg. Naturforschende Gesellschaft des Osterlandes. Mittheilungen A Altrurian. Berkeley, and Altruria, Cal. 1894-96 P, U Alturas new era C (1901 + ) Amador dispatch. Jackson 0(1870-75,1878 + ) Amador republican (Weekly). Jackson €(1895-98) Amalgamated journal. Pittsburg S (v. 3, 1902 + ) Amateur work illustrated. Lond. 1881 + P (v. 1-7) America. Chic. 1888-91 P American academy of arts and sciencies. Memoirs A* Proceedings A, C, H* I (v. 21 + ), U American academy of medicine. Bulletin. Easton, 1891 + S, Um (v. 3+) American academy of political and social science. Annals. Phila. 1890+ C, I, O, P, S, U American academy of railway surgeons. Chic. 1894+ Um (v. 1-6) American agriculturist. N. Y. I (v. 26-58,1867-96), M*, P (v. 18+ ), U (v. 35-51) Western edition. Orange Judd farmer I (v. 59, 1897 + ) American almanac. Bost. 1830-61 C, I (1830-32, 1861), P, S (1833, 1852-53), U (1830-58) American almanac (Spofford). N. Y. 1878-89 C, I, P, S (1879-82, 1889), U (1881) American analyst. N. Y. -1894 U (v. 4-10) American ancestry. Albany, 1887+ P (v. i-io), S (v. 3) LIST OF PKRIODICAL LITERATURE. 9 American annual cyclopaedia. See Appleton's annual cyclopaedia. American annual of photography. N. Y. 1887 + I (1887, 1897 + ), P (1899 + ), S (1897), U (1890-91) American annual register. N. Y. 1825-33. 8 v. C, M American anthropologist. Wash. 1888-95. 8 v. A, C, P, U American anthropologist. New ser. N. Y. 1899+ I, P, Sb, U American antiquarian. Cleveland, Chic. 1878 + A* C, I (v. 12 + ), P (v. 17 + ;, Sb (v. 6+) American antiquarian society, Worcester. Archaeologia Ameri- cana. 1820+ C, P (v. 1-7), S (v. I, 3, 4), U (v. 1-2) ' Proceedings. 1S13+ M*, P, U (1892 + ) American architect and building news. Bost. C, I, M, P (v. 5 + ), S (v. 35-41, 43-53, 55 + ), U (v. 1-25, 47 + ) American art annual. N. Y. 1898+ I, P American art review. Bost. 1880+ C (v. i), I (v. 1-2) American artisan. N. Y. 1864-75. 19 v. I (v. 4-19), M*, U American association for the advancement of education. Pro- ceedings. Phila. U (1849-52) American association for the advancement of science. Pro- ceedings. Salem, 1848 -I- A, C, H* I, M* P, U American association of general passenger and ticket agents. Proceedings I (v. 44, 1899 -1- ) American astronomical society. Brooklyn, 1S85-88 H American banker. N. Y. I (v. 59, 1894 + ) American bankers' association. Reports of conventions P (1875-97) American bar association. Reports. Phila. 1878 + C (v. 5 + ), S (v. 19-20), U (V. 13-14) American bee journal. Chicago C, I (v. 11-15, 1875-79) American Bible society. Annual reports. N. Y. U (1838-80) American Biblical repository. Andover P (1842-44), U Contimiation of Biblical repository. American bibliopolist (Sabin). N. Y. 1869 -i- M, P (v. 1-6) American board of commissioners for foreign missions. Reports U (1837-52) American boiler manufacturers' association. Annual convention I (v. II, 1899 + ) American bookmaker. N. Y. C (v.4-f-)- American book-prices current. N. Y. 18954- C, I (v. 2-1-), P, S(v.4-t-) American bookseller. N. Y. 1876+ M, P (v. i-io) American bookseller's guide. N. Y. 1868-75 P Merged in American bookseller. American builder. N. Y. O (v. 12-13) Continued in Architect, builder and woodworker. American catalogue. N. Y. 1876+ C, M, P, U American catalogue of books (Kelly). N. Y. 1861-7X P American catholic historical society, Philadelphia. Records. 1884-)- U American catholic quarterly review. Phila. 1876 + I, P, S (v. 22-23, 25 + ), St American chemical journal. Bait. 1879+ A, C, I (v. 9-1-), S, U 10 LIST OF PERIODICAL LITERATURE. American chemical society. JournaL Easton, 1879 + I (v. 23 + ), vS, U (v. 15 + ) American chemist. N. Y. 1870-77. 7 v. A*, I, M, O (v. I) American church ahnanac and year book, N. Y. I (v. 71, 1901 + ) American civil law journal. N. Y. 1873 C, L American collector. Piney Creek, Mo., and New Oxford, Pa. I (1896-98)* American colonial tracts. Rochester, 1897+ I (v. i), P, S, U American decisions [to 1869]. S. F. 1886-88 C, U Continued as American reports. American dermatological association. Transactions. N. Y. Um (1900) American digest, 1658-1896. Century edition. St. Paul, 1897+ U American druggist. N. Y. 1884+ C Continuation o/t^e:^ remedies. American ecclesiastical review. N. Y. 1889+ St American eclectic. N. Y. 1841-42 C, P American economic association. Publications. Bait. 1886 + C, I, O, P, S, U Sec also Economic studies. N. Y. 1896-99. American economist (and tariff league bulletin). N. Y. 1887 + is (v. 9-13. 15). U (v. 1 + )* I'ols. 1-2 are e«^?Y/f(/ Tariff league bulletin: pub. by Anier. protective tariff league. American education society. Quarterly register. Andover, etc. 1827-43 C, P, S (v. 5, 10, 13), U (1829-39, 1841-42) American educational monthly. N. Y. 1864+ S (v. 1-3), U (v. 1-4) American electrician. N. Y. 1889+ I (v. 8 + ), S (v. 9+), U (v. 11 + ) American electro-therapeutic association. Transactions Um (1894) American engineer. Chicago, 1882-92. 23 v. C (1889+ ), I (v. 5-23), P, U (v. 7-23) American engineer and railroad journal. N. Y. 1893-95 I, P, S, U Continued as American engineer, car-builder, and railroad journal. American engineer (car-builder) and railroad journal. N. Y. vol. 67, 1896+ I, P, S, U Continuation of Railroad and engineering journal, v. 66; also of American engineer and railroad journal. 1S93-95. American entomological society. Transactions. Phila. 1867 + A, C (1874-93), P (v. 1-4), U American entomologist. N. Y. U (new ser., v. i, 1880) American ephemeris and nautical almanac. Wash. A, C* H, I*, M, P, U Astronomical papers prepared for the use of. Wash. A, U American ethnological society. Transactions. N. Y. 1845 + A (v. 2), U (v. 1-2) American field. N. Y., Chic. I (v. 42, 1894 + ), P (v. 16-29), S (v. 42-45. 53. 55 + ) American folk-lore society. Memoirs. Bost., N. Y. 1894+ I, U See rt/ic Journal of American folk-lore. American forestry association. Proceedings. Wash. P (v. 10-12) American garden. N. Y. A (v. 10 -h) American gaslight journal. N. Y. I (v. 18, 18734-) LIST OF PERIODICAL LITERATURE. 11 American genealogical record. S. F. 1892+ U (v. i) American geographical society, New York. Bulletin P (1852-4, 1857, 1873-77) — — Journal. 1859+ A*, P, Sb (v. 1-6, 10-22), U (v. 20+) Papers. 1851-74 P Proceedings. 1862-65 P American geologist. Minneapolis, 1888+ A, C, I, P, S (v. 9 + ), Sb, U American Guernsey cattle club. Herd register. Hartford, Ct. 1878-94. 5 V. U Continued as Herd register and breeder's journal, vol. 6. American gynecological and obstetrical journal. N. Y. 1891 + Cc (v. i-ii), Um (v. 6-13) American gynecological society. Transactions. N. Y. C (1876-79) American historical annual. N. Y. P (1853) American historical association. Annual report. Wash. 1889+ P, S*, U Papers. 1886-91. 5 v. C, P, S, U American historical record. Phila. 1872-75. 7 v. C, M (v. i), P Continued in Potter's American monthly. American historical register. Phila., Bost. 1894+ P (v. 1-5) American historical review. Lancaster, Pa. and N. Y. 1895 + C, I, P, S, U American history leaflets. N. Y. 1892-96. 5 v. S American home missionary society. Reports. N. Y. U (1827-54) American horticultural society. Transactions. 1883+ C American institute of architects. Proceedings. N.Y. 1867+ I*, P*, U* Quarterly bulletin. N. Y. 1900+ I, U American institute of electrical engineers. Transactions. N.Y. 1884+ C (v. 7 + ), I, P (v. 1-2, 4, 6, 8+), S (v. 8), U (v. 1-2, 4+) American institute of homceopathy. Transactions P* American institute of instruction. Proceedings. Bost. 1830+ U(45v.)* American institute of mining engineers. Transactions. N.Y. 1871 + A, C* I, M, P, Sb, U American institute of the city of New York. Report C, I* S (1849-72)*, u (1843-59) American institution for idiotic and feeble minded persons. Proceedings. Phila. S (1876-86) American international association of railway superintendents. See Association. American investments. Buffalo , I (v. 5, 1894 + ) American Irish-historical society. Bost. 1898 + P (v. 1-2), S (v. 2), U (v. 2-3) American Israelite. Cincinnati U (1876-82) American Jersey cattle club. Herd register. N. Y. 1887 + U American Jewish historical association. Publications. Bait. S (v. 4, 1892 + ) American Jewish year book. Phila. 1899+ I, P American journal of anatomy. Bait. 1901 + Cc (1902 + ), S American journal of archaeology and of the history of the fine arts. Bait. etc. 1885 + A, C, I* P, U* American journal of conchology. Phila. 1865-72. 7 V. A, Sb 12 LIST OF PERIODICAL LITERATURE. American journal of education (Barnard). Hartford, Ct. C, 1'*, S*, U . American journal of forestrj'. Cincinnati, 1882-83 P, U American journal of horticulture. Bost. 1869+ M (v. 1-7) American journal of insanity. Utica, N. Y. C American journal of mathematics. Bait. 1878+ A (v. 3-6), C, I, S, U American journal of microscopy and popular science. N. Y. 1875-81. 6 V. A, Mi American journal of mining. 1866-69. See Engineering and mining journal, v. 1-7. American journal of numismatics. Bost. 1866 + I (v. 7-9. 12-15, 34 + ), M*, P (v. 14 + ) American journal of nursing. Phila. 1901 + Um American journal of obstetrics. N. Y. 1868 + C, Cc (v. 13-21, 23, 25, 27+ ), Um (v. 22-32) American journal of ophthalmology. vSt. Louis, 1885 + Cc (v. 1-5), Um (v. 10-15) American journal of otology. N. Y. 1879-82. 4 v. C • American journal of pharmacy. Phila. 1829 + U (v. 60+), Up (v. I, 4-18, 20-27, 29-36, 38-41, 43-63) American journal of philately. N. Y. 1888+ I American journal of philology. Bait. 1880 + C, I (v. 10, 13+ ), S (v. 12-13, 15 + ), U American journal of photography. Phila. I (v. 11-18, 1890-97) Continued as Photo era. American journal of physiology. Bost. 1898+ Cc, S (v. i, 3 + ), U American journal of politics. N. Y. 1892-94. 5 v. C (v. 4-5), P / 'ol. 6 continued under title American magazine of civics. American journal of psychology. Bait. 1887 + I (v. 4 + ), P, S (v. 4 + ), U American journal of railway appliances. N. Y., Chic. 1S83+ S (v. 1-8) American journal of science. New Haven, 1818 + A, C, H*, I (v. 83, 1862 + ), M, O, P, Sb, U American journal of social science. See Journal of social science. American journal of sociology. Chic. 1895+ I, P, S, U (v. 4, 6) American journal of the medical sciences. Phila. 182S + C*, Cc (v. 1-2, 4-11, 13-14, 16-19, 21-22, 24-26, 1828-39; n- s., V. 15-16, 20, 23-29, 31-108, iio-iii, 113-115, 117 + , 1848 + ), P (n. s., V. 37-42), U (n. s., v. 35-48), Um (n. s., v. 53-79, 83-107) American journal of theology. Chic. 1897 + P American jurist and law magazine. Bost. 1829-43 C, L,, U (v. 16-27) American laryngological and otological society. Transactions Um(i897) American laryngological association. Transactions. N.Y. 1879 + Um (1879, 1882-93, 1895 + ) American law journal (Hall). Phila., Bait. 1808-17, 1849-52 C American law journal (Kerr). Columbus, 1884-85 ' C, L* American law magazine. Phila. 1843-46 C, L American law record. Cincinnati, 1873-87 C, L, American law register. Phila. 1853 + C, L LIST OF PERIODICAI, LITERATURE. 13 American law review. Bost., St. Louis, 1866+ C, L, P (v. 15-21), S American law times bankruptcy reports C American law times reports. Wash. C, L, S (n. s., v. 1-4, 1874-77) American lawyer. N. Y. 1893+ L American library association. Papers and proceedings. In Library journal. American literary gazette and publishers' circular (Childs). Phila. 1863-72. 18 V. C, P, U (v. 1-2) Title ofv. I reads American publishers' circular and literary gazette. American lumberman. Chic. 1899+ I Continuation of Northwestern lumberman. American machinist. N. Y. 1877 + I (v. 3 + ), P (V. 6 + ), S (v. 14-15, 23 + ), U (v. 2 + ) American magazine of civics. Vol. 6+ N. Y. 1895+ C (v. 6-9), P Continues American journal of politics, v. 1-5. American mathematical society. Bulletin. N. Y. 1895 + H, S (2dser., V. 8 + ), U Transactions. 1900+ I, S, U American mechanics' magazine. N. Y. 1825+ M (v. 1-2), S (v. i) American medical association. Journal. Chic. 1S83 + C Cv. i-ii, 17 + ), Cc, I (v. 26 + ), Um (v. 4 + ) Transactions. 1848-82 C Cv. 1-26, 28-31), Cc (v. 5, 8, II, 14, 15, 21, 26, 28-33), U (v. 14) Continued in the Journal (above). American medical intelligencer. Phila. 1837+ P (v. 1-4) Continued as Medical news. American medical journal. St. Louis, 1873 P (v. 10) American medical monthly. N. Y. 1854+ C American medicine. Phila. 1901 + Cc, Um American medico-psychological association. Transactions. 1894 + Um (v. 1-6) American medico-surgical bulletin. N. Y. -1898. 12 v. Cc (v. 6-12), Um (v. 8-12) Continued as Merck's archives. American meteorological journal. Ann Arbor, Bost. 1884-96. 12 v. U (v. 4-12) American metric bureati. Bulletin. Bost. M* American metrological society. Proceedings. N. Y. 1873 + H (v. 2), S (v. 1-5), U (v. 1-2) American microscopical society. Transactions. Buffalo S (v. 17, 1895) American miller. Chic. 1873-94 P American mining gazette and geological magazine. N. Y. 1864. i v. U American monthly. N. Y. 1864-65. See Knickerbocker magazine. American monthly magazine. Phila. 18244- O (v. 1-2) American monthly magazine. Wash. 1892+ P (v. I2 + ),S (v. 3, 12, 16) American monthly microscopical journal. N. Y., Wash. 1880 + A* C, I (v. 6 + ), Mi, U American monthl}' review. Bost. 1832-33. 4 v. C American monthly review of reviews. See Review of reviews. American museum; or repository. Phila. 1787-92 C, P, S 14 LIST OF PERIODICAL LITERATURE. American museuui of natural history. Annual report. N. Y. A, P (1870-95), S (V. 5-7, 25-32), U (1S93+) Bulletin. N. Y. 1881 + A, P (v. 2 + ), Sb (v. i-io), U (v. 2 + ) Memoirs A American national preacher. N. Y. 1826-66 P, U (v. 1-20, 27-31) / 'ols. 1-2 are entitled National pr^ Economic journal. British fire prevention committee. Publications. Lond. 1898+ I British food journal. Lond. 1899+ S British gynaecological journal. Lond. Um(v. 42 + ) British journal of photography. Liverpool, Lond. I (v. 30, 1883 + ) British journal photographic almanac. Lond. 1(1900 + ) British library association. Monthly notes. Lond. 1880-81 P British medical association. Journal. See British medical journal. British medical journal. Lond. 1857 + C, Cc (1878:2-86, 1899 + ), Um (1S82 + ) British ornithologists' club. Bulletin A 30 LIST OF PERIODICAL LITERATURE. British quarterly review. Loud. 1845-S6 C, British refrigeration. Loud. I (n. Broadway. Loud. Brochure series of architectural illustrations. Bost. I*, M, O* P, U s., V. 3, 1900+ ) U (v. 8, 1871) 1895 + I, P, U (V. 1-5) A, U (v. 2-7) A* A* H Sb Brooklyn entomological societ}'. Bulletin. 1878-85 Continued in Eutoinologica Americana. 1SS5+ Brooklyn home journal C (1871-74) Brooklyn medical journal. 1889+ Um(v. 13 + ) Brother Jonathan. N. Y. 1842-43. 4 v. I, M Brotherhood of locomotive engineers. Journal. Cleveland, 1867 + S (v. 3-7, 9, II, 30 + ) Browning society, London. Papers. 1881-91 I, O, U* Brownson's quarterly review. Bost., N. Y. 1844-75 C*, P Briinn. Naturforschender Verein. Verhandlungen A* Brunswick. Verein fiir Naturwissenschaft. Jahresbericht A* Brush and pencil. Chic. 1897 + I Brussels. Acad^mie royale de Belgique. Annuaire A*, V* Bulletin. 1836+ A* U Memoires A* Memoires couronnes Observatoire royal. Annales Societe beige d'astronomie. Bulletin. 1895 + Soci^te beige de geologic, de paleontologie et d'hy- drologie. 1887 + Societe beige de microscopie. Annales A (lacks v. i) Bulletin A, Mi*, U* Societe entomologique de Belgique. Annales. 1857 + A, U (v. 1-44) Memoires. 1892+ A, U (v. 1-7) Societe malacologique de Belgique. Annales A Societe royale beige de geographic. Bulletin. 1877 + A. Sb (V. 1-5) Societe royale de botanique. Bulletin vSociete royale linneenne. Bulletin Societe scientifique. Annales Academia Romana. Analele Ungarische geologische Anstalt. Jahresberichte Mittheilungen Zeitschrift Buddhist ray. Santa Cruz, 1888 + Buenos Aires. Museo nacional. Anales Comunicaciones Sociedad cientifica argentina. Anales Instituto geografico argentino. Boletin Universidad nacional. Anales. 1888 + Buffalo historical society. Publications. 1879 + Buffalo medical (and surgical) journal. 1861 + Cc (v. 18-19, 24-27, 30-34, 37-38). P (v. 20), Uni (V.40 + Bucarest. Budapest. A A A A* A(i882 + ) A* A* P (v. 1-7) Sb (v. 4-6, 1895 + ) A* A* A (V.8+) S, U (v.i-14) U (v. 1-2) Bulletin A Bulletin. 1873 + P(v. I) C, I, M" , P(v. 1-37) ;8o-94 I LIST OF PERIODICAL LITERATURE. ' 31 Buffalo society of natural histor5\ Buffalo society of natural sciences. Builder. Lond. 1842 + Builder and woodworker. N. Y. i Continued in Architect, builder, and woodworker, v. 30, 1894. Buitenzorg. Jardin botanique. Annales. Batavia, Leiden, 1876+ U (v. 1-15) Bulletin annote des chemins de fer en exploitation. Paris, 186S+ S (v. 1-7, 28+) Bulletin astronomique. Paris, 1884+ H (v. 3 + ), S, U (v. 1-17) Bulletin de correspondence hellenique. See Athens. Ecole fran^aise. Bulletin de la societe, etc. See natne of city where society is located. Bulletin de la societe de I'industrie minerale. St. Etienne, Paris U Bulletin de statistique et de legislation comparee. Paris, 1877 + U (v. 1-56, 1877-1901) Bulletin des sciences niathematiques et astronomiques (Darboux). Paris, 1870+ S (v. 31 + ), U Bulletin des sciences naturelles et de geologic. Paris, 1824-31. 27 V. Sb (v. 3-15) Bulletin des transports internationaux par chemin de fer. Berne, 1893+ S Bulletin du canal interoceanique. Paris • I (v. 7-10, 1886-S9) Bulletin general et universel des annonees et des nouvelles scientifiques. Paris, 1823+ Sb (v. 1-4) Bulletin of bibliography. Bost. 1897+ S, U Bulletin of the American mathematical society. See American. Bulletin of the Geological society of America. See Geological. Bulletin of the Torrey botanical club. See Torrey. Bulletin universitaire de I'enseignement secondaire. Paris, 1891+ S (v. I) Bulletins of American paleoutolog5\ Ithaca, N. Y. 1896+ Sb, U Bunker Hill monument association. Proceedings. Bost. 1861 + P*, S* Burdett's hospitals and charities. Lond. P(i895 + ) Bureau international des poids et mesures. See Paris. Bureau of American republics. Bulletin. 1891 + U* Monthly bulletin. 1893+ P (v. 2 + ), U* Bureau of economic research. Quarterh^ bulletin. N. Y. 1900+ I Burlington hawkeye C (1887 + ) Burton's gentleman's magazine. See Gentleman's magazine. Bussey institution. See Harvard university. Butte record (Weekly). Chico, Oroville C (1870-87) Continued in Chico chronicle-record. Byzantinische Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1892 + U Cabinet making and upholstery. N. Y. Caen. Academie nationale des sciences. Societe linneenne de Normandie. Cairo. Societe khediviale de geographic. Calaveras chronicle. Mokelumne Hill I (v. I, 1884) Menioires A* Bulletin A* Bulletin A* C (1870 + ) 32 • LIST OF PKRIODICAL LITERATURE. Calaveras prospect. San Andreas 0(1893 + ) Calcutta review. 1844+ C California: a weekly journal; devoted to the native sons and daughters. S. F. 1901. i v. I, U California academy of sciences, San Francisco. Bulletin. 18S4-87 A, C, H, I, P, S, U Memoirs, v. i. 1868 A, C, I, P, S, U Occasional papers. 1890+ A, C, Cc, I, S (v. i, 3 + ), U Proceedings. 1854-76. 7 v. A, C, H, I, M, P, S (v. 1-2, 4-7), U Proceedings. 2d ser. 1888-96. 6 v. A, C, Mi, P, S, U Proceedings. 3d ser. Botany. 1901+ A, C, Mi, P, S, U Geology. 1897+ A, C, Mi, P, S, U Mathematics-physics. 1S98 + A, C, Mi, P, S, U Zpology. 1897+ A, C, Mi, P, S, U California architect and building news. S. F. 1879-1900. I, P, U (v.i2 + ) California bankers' magazine. S. F. 1890+ C, I, M, P, S California cultivator and poultry keeper. Los Angeles. C (v. 8 + ,i894+) California culturist. S. F. 1858+ A (v. 1-2), C (v. 1-3), P (v. 1-3), U* California daily chronicle. S. F. 1853-58. 9 v. I California daily courier. S. F. M (1850-52), P (1851-52) California decisions. S. P\ 1890+ C California educational review.' S. F. 1891. 5 nos. S, U California farmer. S. F. C (1871-79), I (1855-62), M (1854-58), P (1854-65), S (v. 3-22, 25-36, 39-40, 45-49, 1855-79), U (1854-65) California fruit grower. S. F. 1888 + C (v. 21 + ), I*, P (v. 16 + ), S (v. 10, 14-15), U (v. 1-13) California fruit growers' convention. Report. 1881 + I (v. 2, 1882), U (v. I, 2, 4, 5, 9-11, 18, 19, 24) California genealogical society. California register. S. F. I (v. i, 1900) California historical society. Papers. S. F. 1887+ I, P, U California homoeopath. S. F. 1883-92 I (v. 4-10), P (v. 3-5, 7-8), U (v. 2-10) Continued in Pacific coast journal of homoeopathy. 1893 + California horticulturist and floral magazine. S. F. 1870-80. 10 v. A*, C* I, M, O, P, U (v. 3-10) California irrigationist. S. P\ I (v. i, 1891) California law journal. S. F. 1862-63 C, L California legal record. S. F. 1878-79 C, L California (magazine and) mountaineer. S. F. 1861 C, P California mail bag. S. F. 1871+ C* I (v. i-ii), M (v. i), P, U (v. 3) California medical gazette. S. F. 1868-70. 2 v. C (v. I), I (v. I), M, U (V. I) California medical journal. Oakland, S. F. 1880+ I (v. 16+ ), P*, U* California mercantile journal. S. F. I (v. i, i860), M (v. i) California miners' association. Proceedings I (1896 + ), U (1897 + ) California monthly world's fair magazine. 1891-92 I California municipalities. S. F. 1899+ I, P, U California nautical magazine. S. F. 1862+ C, I, M (v. i) LIST OF PERIODICAL LITERATURE. 33 California nugget. S. F. I (v. i, 1898) California pictorial almanac. S. F. M (1858-64) California pioneers. See Society of California pioneers. .California political record. S. F. 1882-86 P California republican. S. F. I (v. 1-2, 1872) California review. Oakland, S. F. 1893-94. 4 nos. I (nos. 1-3), U California society for the prevention of cruelty to children. Annual report. S. F. S (v. 13-16, 1889-92) California spirit of the times. S. F. C (18S2-93), I (v. 1-22, 1857-65) California stamp. S. F. I (v. i, 1897) California star. S. F. ' C (1847-48), M (1847) California state agricultural society. Transactions. [1896-98 not printed.] Sacramento S (1862-63, '68-74, '78-82, '84-95), U (1858-61, 1863 + ) California state dental association. Transactions. 1870+ I, P* California state grange. Journal of proceedings I (v. 17, 1889) California state medical journal. Sacramento, 1856-57 C, Cc (v. 2-4), Urn (v. I) California state medical society. See Medical society of, etc. California state register and year book of facts. S. F. I (1857, 1859), P (1S57-59), U (1857, 1859) California (state) teachers' association. Proceedings P (1892 + ), U (1892 + ) California state teachers' institute. Proceedings U (1861, 1863, 1870, 1873) California teacher. S. F. 1863-76 C* I (v. 2-12), M*, S (v. 1-2, 4, 6-S, II), U (v. 1-8, 10-12) California teacher (and home journal). [New ser.] S. F. 1882 + U (v. 2, 4-7)' California voice (Prohibitionist). S. F., Los Angeles, 1886 + P(v. I), S(i902 + ),U (V. 5) Californian. Monterey and S. F. C (1846-48), M (1846-48) Continued as the (San Francisco) Alta California. 18494- Californian. S. F. ' C (Oct. 17, 1S68) Californian. Berkeley, 1897 + 6>^ University of California. Californian: a western monthly magazine. S. F. 1S80-82. 6 v. C, I, M, O, P, U Californian illustrated magazine. S. F. 1891-94. 5 v. C, I,'0 (v. 1-4), P, U Cambrian natural observer H (new .series) Cambridge. Observatory. Astronomical ob.servations A (v. 1-8), H*, S (v. 1-22, 1828-69) Cambridge and Dublin mathematical journal. 1846-54 U Cambridge (Mass.) entomological club. Psyche. See Psyche. Cambridge mathematical journal. 1837-45 U Cambridge philological society. Transactions. 1872+ P (v. i) Cambridge philosophical society. Proceedings. 1866+ A*, U Transactions. 1822 + A*, U 3— LB 34 LIST OF PERIODICAL LITERATURE. Camden society. Publications. Lond. 1838-97 P, S (v. 1-79), U (ser. i, 105 v.; ser. 2, v. 1-40, 46-55) Continuation in Royal historical societ)'. PubHcatious. Caindeu .series. Camera craft. S. F. 1900+ I, P Canada educational monthly. Toronto U(v. 12 + ) Canada lancet. Toronto Cc (v. 19-27, 1888-95)* Canada law journal. New ser. Toronto, 1865+ C, S ( — v. 25, 1889) /'. 1-3 entitled Upper Cauada law journal. Canada supreme court reports. Ottawa C Canadian entomologist. London, Ontario, 1861 + C, P (v. 1-12), S (v. 22-23, 27-28, 31 + ), U Canadian institute, Toronto. Transactions. 1889+ A*, I, H*, U* Canadian law times. Toronto, 1881+ C, L, S (v. 1-9) Canadian monthly and national review. Toronto, 1872 + C Canadian municipal journal. Toronto, 1891 + L Canadian naturalist and geologist. Montreal A*, Sb (v. 1-8; n. s., V. 1-2, 5-6, 8-9, 1857-S1) Canadian patent office record. 1873+ I (v. 22, 1894 + ) Canadian philatelic magazine. Halifax, Toronto I (v. 1-4, 1893-97)* Canadian philatelist. London, Can. I (v. 1-4, 1891-96) Canadian record of science. Montreal A* Canadian society of civil engineers. Transactions. 1887+ I, U Canadian yearbook. Toronto I (1900 + ), U (1900-01) Cape of Good Hope. Royal observatory. Annals H Observations H Statistical register I (1896) Capital city philatelist. Augusta, Me. I (v. 1-2, 1884-86) Carey's American museum. See American museum, 1787-92. Carolina law repository. Raleigh L (1814-15) Carpentry and b^iilding. N. Y. 1 (v. 7, 18S5 + ) Carrier dove. S. F. I (v. 3, 8, 1886-91), P (1S87-90) Case and comment. Rochester S (v. 3, 5, 7 + , 1896 + ) Cassel. Verein fiir Naturkunde. Bericht A* Cassell's (family) magazine. Lond. 1867+ P (v. 7, 1879 + ) Cassell's illustrated family paper P (1857-66) Cassier's magazine. N. Y. 1891 + I, P, M*, S (v. 11, 13 + ), U Catalogue annuel de la librairie fran^aise (Jordell). Paris, 1894 + S (1897-98), U Catalogue mensuel de la librairie frangaise (Lorenz). Paris S (1891-1900), U (1877-93) Catholic guardian. S. F. 1872+ P (v. 1-2) Catholic missions. Lyon and London, 1879+ St Catholic quarterly review. Pbila. 1876+ P (v. 1-12) Catholic reading circle review. Youngstown, O. O (v. 4-9, 1892-97) Catholic university of America. Bulletin. Wash. 1895+ U Catholic world. N. Y. 1865+ C, I (v. 12 + ), M* P, St, U (v. 1-53) Cavendish society. Publications. Lond. M Cayuga county historical society. Collections. Auburn, 1879 + S (v. 1-9, 11) LIST OF PERIODICAL LITERATURE. 35 Cellule. Lierre, Louvain, 1885+ Mi, S Cement and engineering news. Chic. 1896+ I Central association of railroad officers. Proceedings 8(1890-96, 1899 + ) Central law journal. St. Louis, 1874+ C, L Central Ohio scientific association. Proceedings. Urbana A*, U(v. 1) Central railway club. Proceedings. N. Y. I (v. 6, 1900+ ), S (1893-95, 1898, 1901) Central reporter. Rochester, 1885 + C Centralblatt der Bauverwaltung. Berlin' 1881 + I (v. 5 + ),U (v. 15-18, 20 + ) Central-Blatt fiir Agrikulturchemie. See Biedermann's. Centralblatt fiir allgenieine Pathologie (Ziegler). Jena, 1890+ Cc Centralblatt fiir Bakteriologie und Parasitenkunde. i e Abtheilung. Jena, 1887+ Cc (v. 3-6, 9-12, 19 + ), U (v..2i + ), Um. (v. 4-14) 2 e Abtheilung. 1895 + U Centralblatt fiir Bibliothekswesen. Leipsig, 18S4 + I (v. 17 + ), S(v. 15 + ) Beihefte. Leipzig, 188S+ I (v. 23 + ), S (v. 20+ ) Centralblatt fiir Chirurgie. Berlin, 1874 + Cc (v. 8-10, 12-21)*, Um (v. 1-20) Centralblatt fiir Elektrotechnik. Munich, 1883-89 U Continued in Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift. Centralblatt fiir Gynaekologie. Leipzig, 1877 + Cc (v. 17-21), Um (v. 7-17) Centralblatt fiir klinische Medicin Um (v. 4-14) Centralblatt fiir Mineralogie, Geologic und Palaeontologie. Stutt- gart, 1900+ Sb, U Centralblatt fiir Physiologie. Leipzig, 1888 + Cc (v. 15 + ), S (v. 1-12, 14 + ), U (v. I, 5) Century (Weekly). N. Y. 1879+ P (v. 1-2) Century illustrated monthly magazine. N. Y. 18S1 + C, I, M, O, P, S, U Chamber of commerce journal. Lond. U (v. 21, 1902 + ) Chambers's journal. Edinburgh, 1832 + C, I, M*, O, P, U (Poole V. 1-17, 21-29) Chambery. Herbier Boissier. Bulletin ' A Me moires A Chanqery sentinel. Saratoga, N. Y. C, L Chap book. Chic. 1894-98 C, P (v. 3, 1895) Chapman's New Zealand almanac. Auckland 8(1862) Chapultepec. Observatorio astronomico. Anuario H Charities. N. Y. 1897+ S, U(v. 6 + ) Charities review. N. Y. 1891+ I (v. 6 + ), P (v. 4 + ), S, U* Charity organization society, Baltimore. Annual report S (v. -3, 5. 7-1 1> 1883-92) Charity organization societ}', Buffalo. Annual meeting S iv. 3, 5, 15, 17, 21-23, 1881-1900) Charity organization society of the city of New York. Papers 8 (1882-1901)* 36 LIST OF PERIODICAL LITPCRATURE. Cliarleroi. Societe pal^ontologique et archeologique. Docu- ments; rapports A* Charleston medical journal and review C (1854-75) Chaucer society. Publications. Lond. M*^, P, U Chautauquan. Meadville, Cleveland, 1880 + C, I (v. 3 + ), M, O (v. 2-8, 10 + ), P, U* Chemical and metallurgical society of South Africa. Pro- ceedings. Johannesburg, 1897-1- P (v. i), U (v. i) Chemical gazette. L,ond. 1842-59. 17 v. ITp (v. 15-17) Continued in Chemical news. Chemical news. Lond. 1859 -1- C, I, M, P, U Chemical society of London. Journal. 1849+ I, M, P (v. 16 -1-), S, U Memoirs. 1841-48. 3 v. I, S, U Chemiker Zeitung. Cothen TJ (1893-1901) Chemin de fer. Paris S (v. 3, 1894-1- ) Chemin de fer: journal hebdomaire suisse. See Eisenbahn: Schweizerische Wochenschrift. Chemische Industrie. Berlin, 1878 -l- U Chemische Zeitschrift. 1902+ S Chemisches Centralblatt. Leipzig, 1S30-1- U First series is entitled v. 1-20. Pharmazeutisches Centralblatt. i830-4q. V. 21-26. Chemisch-pharniazeutisches Centralblatt. 1850-55. Chemisches Repertorium. Cothen 11(1893-1901) Supplement to Chemiker Zeitung. Chemist and druggist Um (v. 24-25, 1882-S3) Chemnitz. Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft. Bericht A Cherbourg. Societe nationale des sciences. Memoires A* Chess monthly. Lond. I (v. 6-13, 1884-92) Chicago. Newspapers : Inter-ocean (Daily) C(i887 + ) Record-herald ' S (^1902 + ) Times C (1887-98) Tribune C(i887-)-) Chicago academy of sciences. Annual report S (1895-97) Bulletin. 1883 -h A, S Geological and natural history survey S Transactions. 1867 -h A Chicago astronomical society. Reports • H* Chicago entomological society. Occasional memoirs. 1900 -t- S Chicago historical society. Collections P (v. i, 4), U (v. 1-4) Chicago journal of commerce I (v. 6S-72, 1896-98), P (1882-83) Continued as \xo\\z.Vi.6.%X S (v. 14-17, 20 + ), U (V. 5 + ) Literary panorama. Lond. 1807+ C (v. 1-15) Literary west. S. F. 1902+ U Literary world (Duyckinck). N. Y. 1847-53 P, U (v. 1-3) Literary world. Bost. I (v. 12, 1881 + ), M*, O (v. 11-17, 21, 27-30), P (v. 4+) Literary year-book. Lond. 1(1897 + ) Literaturblatt fiir germanische und romanische Philologie. Heilbronn, 1880+ S (v. 12 + )*, U Literature. N. Y. 1897-99. 5 v. I, O, P, S (v. 2) Littell's living age. Bost. 1844+ C, I, M, O*, P, U (v. 1-164, 199, 200) Littell's museum. Bost. M (v. 8-45) Liverpool. Astronomical society. Journal H* Literary and philosophical society. See Lit(*rary. Liverpool biological society. Proceedings and transactions. 1SS6+ A Liverpool engineering society. Transactions. 1877 + I (v. 5, 1S85 + ), U (V. 14, 1893 + ) Liverpool geological association. Journal A*, U (v. 14, 1894) Transactions. 1859+ Sb (v. 1-7) Living age. See Littell's living age. Living way. S. F. 1870+ U* Livingston's monthly law magazine. N. Y. 1853-55 C, L* Livre. Paris M Local courts and municipal gazette. Toronto, 1865+ L Local freight agents' association. Pioceedings S (v. 7, 1S94) 70 LIST OF PERIODICAL LITERATURE. Locomotive. Hartford, Ct. 1S80+ S Locomotive engineer. N. Y. 1888-91. 4 v. S Continued as Locomotive engineering. N. Y. 1892+ [begins \. ^) S (^v. 5-11) Locomotive firemen's magazine. Peoria, etc. S (v. 3-5, 8-22, 24 + , 1879+) Lodi. Lodi cyclone C (1S85-87) Lodi news (Weekly) C (1887-88) Valley review 0(1881-85,1888-93) Logan historical society. See American pioneer. 1842-43. London. Newspapers: Mail (Daily). Year book I (1901 + ) Pall Mall gazette C ( 1887 + ) Telegraph (Daily) C (1887 + ) Times (Daily) 1(1873 + ) Times (Weekly) C (1884-86, 1888 + ), vS (1S92 + ) World I (1875-82) London catalogue of books M, P, U (1810-51) London chamber of commerce. See Chamber of commerce journal. London, Edinburgh and Dublin philosophical magazine. 1832 + H (6. ser. + ), M, S (5. ser., v. 39 + ), U London journal and weekly record. 1846+ P* London journal of arts and sciences. 1820-68 C London journal of botany (Hooker). 1842-57 , A, P Continuation ty" Journal of botany. 1834-42. London lancet. See Lancet. London magazine. 1820-29. 23 v. C, P (v. 1-16) London mathematical society. Proceedings. 1866+ vS (v. 26-27, 29 + ), U London mechanics' register. 1825+ S (v. l) London medical gazette. 1827-51 Cc (v. 1-4, 7, 9, 12, 14-26, 43-46), P (v. 1-46, 48) Continued in Medical times and gazette. London philatelist I (v. 2, 1893 + ) London physiological journal. 1843-44. 5 nos. Mi London quarterly review. 1853+ C, P (v. 1-84) London society. Lond. 1862 + M, O (v. 9-16, 23), P (v. 1-31), U (v. 21-23) Lone star state philatelist. Abilene, Texas I (v. 1-7, 1896-98) Long Island historical society. Memoirs. Brooklyn, 1867+ P (v. 1-4) Long Island philatelist. Brooklyn I (v. 1-2, 1892-93)* Longman's magazine. Lond. 1882+ C, I, M, O (v. 1-20), P, U Lorentz, A. Verzeichniss. See Verzeichniss der Biicher, etc. Los Angeles. Herald (Daily) C(i886 + ) News (Daily) C (1870-72) Record 0(1896 + ) Times (Daily) C(i8S8 + ), U (1884-89) Los Angeles mining review I* Louisiana law journal. New Orleans C (1841-42), L (1841) Louisiana state medical society. Transactions Um(i90o + ) Louisville, Ky. Courier-journal C (1887-90) LIST OF PERIODICAL LITERATURE. 71 Lowell, Mass. See Old residents' historical association. Lowell observatory. Annals. Flagstaff, Ariz. 1894+ H, S (v. i) Lower Canada jurist. Montreal, 1856+ C, L, S (v. 1-33) Lower Canada law journal. Montreal, 1866-68 C, L, Low's railway directory. N. Y. S (v. 5, 1862) Loyal publication society, N. Y. Publications. 1863+ U (nos. 1-89) Lucifer. Lond. I (v. 2-20, 1888-97) Continued as Xheosophical review, vol. 21, 1897. Lumiere electrique. Paris, 1879-94 A (v. 1-18), I (v. 1-51, i879-93)> U (v. 2-6) Continneii as I^clairage electrique. 1894+ Lund. Universitet. Ars-skrift A*, U (v. 26, 1890 + ) Liineburg. Naturwissenschaftlicber Verein. Jahreshefte A- Luzerne legal register ' C (v. 1-5), L (v. i) Lyceum. Dublin, 1887+ St Lyon, .-\cademie des sciences. Memoires A* Musee d'histoire naturelle. Archives A Observatoire. Travaux H Societe botanique. Annales A* Bulletin A* Societe d'etudes scientifiques. Bulletin A McClure's magazine. N. Y. 1893 -f C, I (v. 5 + ), O (v. 5 + ), P, U Machinery. N. Y. 1895+ S (v. 6 + ) Macmillan's magazine. Lond. 1860+ C, I, M, P, U Madera mercury C (.1901 + ) Madras. Observatory. Observations of fixed stars H Madrid. Comision del ' mapa geologico de Espaiia. Boletin Sb (v. 17-22, 1890-95) Memorias Sb (1886-98)* Real academia de ciencias. Memorias A* Real observatorio. Anuario A* Real sociedad geografica. Boletin I (v. 19, 1895 + ) Magazine of American history. N. Y. 1877-93 C, I, M, O* P, U (v. 9 + ) Magazine of art (Cassell's). Lond. 1878 + C, I (1902 + ), O (v. 19, 20, 22), P, S (v. 15, 17, 23 + ) Magazine of botany (Paxton). 6V^ Paxton's magazine. Magazine of New England history. Newport, 1891-93 P Magazine of poetry. Buffalo, 1889-94 C, O (v. 1-3, 5-8), P Merged in Poet-lore. Magazine of western history. Cleveland and N. Y. 1884-91 C, U (v. 1-5, 12-14) Contimied as the National magazine. 1892+ Maine historical and genealogical recorder. Portland, 1884+ P* Maine historical society. Collections. 1865 + P (2d ser. , V. 1-5, 1869 + ), S (v. 1-9) Maine journal of education. Portland U (v. 5, 7) Maine medical association. Transactions. Portland Um(i853-i-) Manchester. Geological society. Transactions. 1841 + Sb (v. 1-20) Literary and philosophical society. Memoirs. 1789 + A*, H. U 72 LIST OF PERIODICAL LITKRATURE. Manchester. Society of chemical industry. See vSociety. Manila times C (1901 + ) Manitoba law journal. Winnipeg, 1884+ I, Mannheim. Sternwarte. Astronomische Beobachtungen H Verein fiir Naturkunde. Jahresliericht A Manual of American water-works. N. Y. I (v. 2, 1889+) Manual of statistics. N. Y. S (y. 18, 1896) Manual training magazine. Chic. 1899+ S Manufacturer and builder. N. Y 1869 + I (v. 1-26), O (v. 4), P (v. 2-17, 19-26) Marburg.- Gesellschaft fiir Beforderung der gesammten Natur- wissenschaften. Schriften A* Sitzungsberichte A Marin county tocsin. San Rafael C (1890+) Marine biological association of the United Kingdom, Plymouth. Journal. 1887+ A, S Marine biological laboratory, Wood's Holl, Mass. Biological lectures. 1890+ S (1890, 1893-99), U (1890, 1893-94) Marine engineer. Lond. I (v. 15, 1893 + ) Marine review. Cleveland I (v. 7, 1893 + ) Mariposa free press C (1870-72) Mariposa gazette C (1890+ ) Maritime notes and queries. Lond. C (1873-88), L Marseille. Paculte des sciences. Annales A Musee d'histoire naturelle. Annales. 1S83+ S(v. i), U Societe scientifique. Bulletin (Flammarion) H* I(v. 13, 1S85 + ) Martinez, Cal. County paper 8(1902 + ) Maryland historical society. Archives of Maryland. 1883+ P (v. 1-15) Marysville. Appeal (Daily) U (1860-63) Appeal (Weekly) C(i87i + ) Democrat (Daily) C(i890 + ) Standard (Daily) C (1870-72) Masonic mirror. S. F. 1869+ M Masonic monthly. S. F. 187S+ C (v. 1-3) Massachusetts highway association. Journal. Bost. I (v. 1-2, 1896-97) Massachusetts historical society. Collections. 1792 + C, P, U (5-6. series)* Proceedings. 1791 + C, P, S Massachusetts horticultural society. Transactions. Bost. U (1880-92) Massachusetts institute of technology. Society of arts. Pro- ceedings 11(1879-91) Continued in Technology quarterly. Massachusetts medical society. Communications Um* Massachusetts quarterly review. Bost. 1847-50 C, P Massachusetts register and U. S. calendar. Bost. C (1S01 + ) Massachusetts teacher. Bost. S (v. 17-19, 1864-65), U (v. 26, 1873) Master car-builders' association. Annual convention I (v. 16, 1882 -1-) Master steam fitter. Chic. I (v. 11-12, 1896-97) Masters in art. Bost. 1900+ I LIST OF PERIODICAL LITERATURE. 73 Mathematical monthly (Runkle). Cambridge, 1S58-61. 3 v. H, I, P Mathematical questions and solutions from the Educational times. Lond. U (1864-87) Mathematical society of I^ondon. See London. Mathematician. Lond. I (v. 1-3, 1843-50) Mathematische Annalen. Leipzig, 1869+ S, U Mathesis: recueil mathematique. Gand, Paris U (3. ser., v. i, 1901 + ) Mathews' quarterly journal of rectal diseases Cc (v. 1-4, 1894-97) Mechanical news. N. Y. I (v. 17-23, 18S7-94) Mechanical world. Manchester I (v. 16, 1894+) Mechanics' institute, San Francisco. Industrial expositions. Report. 1857+ A, I, M, P, U Mechanics' fair daily. See San Francisco. Newspapers. Mechanics' magazine. Lond. 1823-72 C, I, M, S (v. 12, 1830) Continued as Iron. Mechanics' magazine and register of inventions. N. Y. 1833-37 S (v. i) Merged, iS_^S, in American railroad journal. Mechanics' register. Lond. 1824+ M (v. 1-4) Medical and chirurgical society, London. See Royal medical, etc. Medical and surgical reporter. Phila. 1847-98 C (1858-76), Cc (v. 21, 22, 39, 57-77) Medical brief. St. Louis P(i88o+) Medical bulletin. Phila. 1879+ Cc (v. 9, 1887 4- ), Um (v. 12 + ) Medical commentaries. Edinburgh Cc (1785-1787) Medical critic and psychological journal. Lond. 1S61+ C (v. 1-3) Medical dial. Minneapolis, 1899+ Um Medical eclectic. N. Y. 1873+ C (v. 3-7) Medical gazette. London. See London medical gazette. Medical herald. St. Joseph, Mo. Um (v. 18, 1899 + ) Medical news. Phila. 1843 + C (1854-81), Cc (v. 41-43, 46 + ), I (v. 62, 1893 + ), Um (v. 40-75) Medical press. Lond. Cc (v. 95-115, 1887-99) Medical record. N. Y. 1866+ C, Cc, Um (v. 5 + ) Medical review of reviews. N. Y. 1895+ Um (v. 4+) Medical sentinel. Portland, Or. 1893+ Um (v. 2 + ) Medical society of London. Transactions U (v. 16, 1S93) Medicalsociety of the county of Kings. Proceedings. Brooklyn P (1879) Medical society of the state of California. Transactions C, Cc (1870 + ), I (v. 1-16, 22 + ), M*, P (1870-81, 18S8), S (v. 19, 21-23, 30, 1889 + ), U (1858, 1870-77, '80-1, '82-3, 188S + ), Um (1872, 1876, 1879, 1885 + ) Medical society of the state of New York. Transactions Cc (1858, '61, '66, '68, '76-' 78, '84, '94) Medical society of the state of North Carolina. Transactions Um (1899) Medical society of the state of Tennessee. Transactions Cc (v. 13-15, 17, 24, 1881-93), Um (1899) Medical society of West Virginia. Transactions Um (1900) Medical standard. Chic. 1887+ Um Medical times. N. Y. 1873+ S (v. 22, 26 + , 1894 + ) 74 LIST OF PERIODICAL LITERATURE. Medical times and gazette. Lond. C (1S42 + ), Cc (v. 22-88, 1850-85) Medicine. Chic. Um (v. 7 + , 1901 + ) Medicinische Bibliographie. Leipzig, 1S83-93. 11 v. Um (v. 2-11) Medico-chirurgical review. Lond. 1824-47 Cc (v. 1-36), P (v. 1-86), Um (v. 14-33) Continued in the British and foreign medico-chirurgical review. 1848+ Medico-chirurgical transactions. See Royal medical and chi- rurgical society. Medico-legal journal. N. Y. 1884+ C (v. 2 + ), L, Um (v. 3 + ) Medico-literary journal. vS. F. 1878 -t- M, P (v. i, 3, 4) Mekeel's weekly stamp news. St. Louis, 1891 + I Melanges math^matiques et astronomiques. St. Petersburg H* Melbourne. Age (Daily) S(i902 + ) Age annual S (v. 3-7, 13, 15, 16, 18-20, 1876 -h) Argus S ( 1902 + ) Australasian. See Australasian. Melbourne punch S (v. 45-59, 1865-79)* Melbourne review S (nos. 1-40, 1876-85) Meliora. Lond. 1859+ S (v. i, 6) Memoires concernant I'histoire, les sciences, les arts . . . des Chinois. Paris, 1776 -f U (v. 1-15) Memorial de ingenieros del ejercito. Madrid I (v. 40-51, 1885-96) Memory. Harrisburg, Pa. I (v. i, 1890) Memphis law journal L (1878-79) Memphis medical recorder C* Mendocino beacon. Mendocino C(i878 + ) Mendocino democrat. Ukiah C (1S70-72) Mercantile marine magazine. Lond. M Merced express C (1890-1- ) Merchants' and bankers' almanac. N. Y. 1863. See Bankers' almanac. Merchants' association review. S. F. 1896+ I, P, S (v. 2, 4-1-), U Merchants' magazine (Hunt). N. Y. 1839-70 C, I (v. 1-24, 35-63), P, U (v. 1-41, 45-48) Continued as the Commercial and financial chronicle. Merck's archives of the materia niedica. N. Y. 1899 -f Um Continuation to American medico-surgical bulletin. Meriden, Conn. Scientific association. Transactions. 1885 -1- A, U Messager agricole. Montpellier C (1889) Messenger of mathematics. Lond. 1872-1- S (v. 25-1- ), U Continuation ly^Oxford, Cambridge, and Dublin messenger of mathematics. Messenger of the Sacred Heart. Woodstock, Wash. 1866 -1- St Metalworker. N. Y. P(i884-|-) Metallurgical review. N. Y. 1877-78. 2 v. C, I Meteorological society, London. Proceedings C (1861-71) Quarterly journal C Methodist magazine. Lond. C Continuation of the Arminian magazine. Methodist quarterly review. N. Y. • P (v. 12-16, 1852-56) Continued in Methodist review. Metropolitan. N. Y. M (1837), V (1833) LIST OF PERIODICAL LITERATURE. 75 Metropolitan philatelist. N. Y. 1890+ I Metz. Academic de Metz. Menioires A* Meudon. Observatoire. Communications ' H* Mexico. Academia de ciencias exactas, fisicas y naturales. Anuario A Asociacion de ingenieros y arquitectos. Anales A* Museo nacional. Anales A*, U (v. i) Sociedad cientifica " Antonio Alzate." Memorias A* C (v. 5-6), U (v. 4+) Sociedad mexicana de geografia y estadistica. Boletin A* Sociedad mexicana de historia natural A* Michigan academy of sciences. Report. Lansing A Michigan engineering society. Proceedings U (1882-87) Michigan law journal. Ann Arbor, 1893+ L (v. 4-6) Michigan lawyer L, (v. 2) Michigan philatelist. Coldwater I (v. 1-2, 1S94-96) Michigan pioneer and historical society. Collections. 1877 + P, S (v. 19-20, 25-26) Michigan political science association. Publications. Ann Arbor, 1893+ U (v. 1-3) Michigan state board of health. Reports. 1873+ U Michigan state horticultural society. Annual report. Lansing S (1S82-90) Michigan state medical societ}'. Transactions Um (1895-96, 1899) Michigan state pomological society. Reports. Lansing S (1871-80) Micrographe preparateur. Paris, 1890+ Mi (v. 4 + ) Microscope and its relation to medicine and pharmacy. Ann Arbor, etc. 1881-97 Mi (1881-96) Microscopical journal and structural record. Lond. 1841-42. 2 v. 1, Mi (v. I) Microscopical news. Lond. 1883-84. 6*^1? Northern microscopist. Microscopical societ}- of London. See Royal microscopical society. Mida's criterion of the wholesale whiskey and wine market. Chic. U (v. 6-7, 1890-91) Middelburg. Zeeuwosch genootschap van wetenschappen. Archief A* Levensberichten van zeeuwen A* Midland monthly. Des Moines, 1894+ Al (v. i-io, 1894-98) Midland naturalist. Birmingham, Lond. 1878-93. 16 v. A (v. 7 + ) Milan. Reale istituto lombardo di scienze. Memorie. 1843+ A, U Rendiconti. 1864+ A* U Reale osservatorio di Brera. Pubblicazioni H Societa italiana di scienze naturali. Atti A* Memorie A* Military historical society of Massachusetts. Papers. Cani])ridge, 1881+ P iv. 1-2, ro) Military service institution of the United States. Journal. N. Y. I (v. 12, 1891 + ) Miller. Lond. 1875+ P (v. 1-19) Mills quarterly. (Mills College) I (v. 1-3, 1872-75) 76 LIST OF PERIODICAL LITERATURE. Milwaukee. Naturhistorischer Verein. See Natural history society of Wisconsin. Mind. Lond. 1876+ C, P, S (newser., 1S91 + ), U Mind and body. Milwaukee, 1894+ 8(1902 + ) Mineral industry (Rothwell). N^ Y. 1892+ I, P, Sb, U Mineralogical magazine. Lond. 1876+ Sb, U Mineralogische und petrographische Mittheilungen. Vienna, 1872+ U Minerva. Jahrbuch der gelehrten Welt. Strassburg, 1S91 + I (v. 8 + ), P (v. 5 + ),S(v. 1-3, 5 + ), U Mines and minerals. Scranton I (v. 23, 1902 + ) Mining: journal of the northwest mining association. Spokane, 1896+ Sb, U Continuation to Northwest mining review. Mining and electrical review. S. F. P (v. 8 + ) Mining and engineering review. S. F. I (v. 8, 1897 + ), S (1902 + ), U (v. 14, 1902 + ) Mining and metallurgy. N. Y., etc. {begins v. 24, 1901) S, U (v. 24) Continuation of Mining and metallurgical journal, v. 23, 1900. Merged, /go2, in Engineering and mining journal, v. 73. Mining and metallurgical journal. Los Angeles, S. P\, N. Y. I*, S (v. 22-23), U (v. 16-23, 1S96-1900) Continued as Mining and metallurgy, v. 24, 1901. Mining and scientific press. S. P\ C*, I (v. 8 + ), M*, O* P (v. 8 + ), U (v. 5, 8 + ) Mining and smelting magazine. Lond. 1862-65 C, Sb Mining industry and review. Denver C, U (v. 16-20, 1895 + ) Continued as Mining reporter. i8gg+ Mining journal. Lond. I (v. 33, 1863 + ), M*, P (v. 49-51). U (v. 42-43. 51 + ) Mining magazine. N. Y. 1853-61. 12 v. Sb (v. i-io; n. s., v. i) Mining manual (Skinner). Lond. I (v. 12, 1900) Mining record. N. Y. See Financial and mining record. Mining reporter. Denver, 1899+ U Vol. J corresponds to v. jS of Mining industry and review. Minnesota academy of sciences. Bulletin. Minneapolis A, Sb (V. 3, 1S89) Minnesota historical society. Annals. St. Paul, 1S56 P Collections. 1872+ M, P (v. 1-3), S (v. 1-5, 9 + ), U Minnesota law journal. Minneapolis, 1893+ L Mirror of literature, amusement, etc. Lond. 1823+ M (v. 20-21) Mirror of parliament. Lond. C (1828-40) Miscellaneous, literary, scientific and historic notes, queries and answers for teachers, etc. Manchester, 1882 + P Missionary herald. Bost., Cambridge, 1805+ P*, U (v. 14 + ) Missionary review of the world. N. Y. C Mississippi valley medical association. Transactions. 1899+ LTni(v. 1 + ) Missouri appellate reporter L Missouri association of surveyors and civil engineers. Pro- ceedings I (v. 4, 1884) Missouri botanical garden, St. Louis. Annual report. 1890+ A, S*, U LIST OF PERIODxCAL LITERATURE. 77 Missouri historical society, St. Louis. Publications A* Missouri republican. St. Louis C (1877, 1887+) Missouri state medical association. Transactions. 1873+ Uni ( 1899) Mittheilungen aus dem gesamten Gebiete der englischen Sprache (Beiblatt to Anglia) U Mittheilungen des Instituts fiir oesterreichische Geschichtsfors- chung. See Vienna. Mnemosyne. Bibliotheca philologica Batava. Leiden, 1852-62 L^ [Second series]. Amsterdam, 1873+ S (v. 1-22), U Mode. Paris C (1829-55) Mode illustree. Paris P (1867-70) Modena. Reale osservatorio astronomico. Atti H (1834) Regia academia di scienze. Memorie A* Modern art. Bost. I (v. 4, 1896) Modern language association of America. Publications. Bait. 1884+ S (n. s., V. I, 1893), U Modern language notes. Bait. 18S8+ S (v. 7-9, 11, 13, 15 + ), U Modern machiner}-. Chic. 1897 + I Modern review. Lond. 1880-84 P Monatliche Correspondenz. Gotha, 1800-13 H Monatliche Mittheilungen aus dem Gesammtgebiete der Natur- wissenschaften. Frankfurt A Monatshefte fiir Chemie. 1880+ See Vienna. Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Monatshefte fiir Mathematik und Physik. Vienna, 1890+ 8(1898 + ) Monatshefte fiir praktische Dermatologie. Hamb. 1882 + Cc (v. 22, 1896 + ) Monde illustree. Paris, 1857+ N Monde moderne. Paris, 1S95+ 0(1895-97) Money. N. Y. S (v. 3, 1899+) Monist. Chic. 1890+ I, P, S (-1901), U Moniteur scientifique. Paris, 1857+ U (1857-1901) Moniteur universel. Paris, 1789+ N Monitor. S. F'. St, U( 1898 + ) Monitor filatelico. Mexico I (v. 1-5, 1893-97) Mons. Societe des sciences du Hainaut. Memoires A*, U (1875 + ) Montana historical society. Helena P (1876) Montana society of engineers. Proceedings. Butte I (v. ir, 1898 + ) Monterey. Californian. See Californian. Monterey democrat 0(1870-72) Monterey sentinel M (1855-56) Montevideo. Museo nacional. Anales. 1894+ A Montgomery county law reporter. Norristown, 1886 + C Month. Lond. 1864+ C, St Monthly American journal of geology and natural science. Phila. C (1832) Monthly cumulative book index. Minneapolis, 1898+ I, S (1900+ ), U* Monthly cyclopcedia of practical medicine. Phila. 1898+ Um Monthly journal of agriculture (Skinner). N. Y. 1845+ U (v. 1-2) 78 LIST OF PERIODICAL LITERATURE. Monthly journal of foreign medicine. Phila. 1828+ P (v. i) Monthly jurist. Bloomington, 1878-79 * L, Monthly law magazine and political review. Lond. 1838-41 C, 1, Monthly law reporter. Bost. See Law reporter. 1838-56. Monthly magazine and American review. N. Y. 1799-1800. 3 v. S Continued, /So/, as Aiuerican review and literary journaL Monthly magazine, or British register. Lond. C (1796-1820) Monthly microscopical journal. Lond. 1869-77 C, I, M, Mi, P Continued as Royal niicro.scopical society. Journal. Monthly mirror. Lond. 1795+ C* Monthly musical record. Lond. I (v. 31, 1901 + ) Monthly post. Lond. 1(1894-97) Monthly repository and lil)rary of entertaining knowledge S (v. 3, 1S32-33) Monthly review. Lond. 1749-1S44 C*, P 2d ser. 1790-1844 A (v. 1-28), U (v. 1-58, 60-84) Monthly review- (Murray). Lond. 1900+ I (v. i + ), P (v. 2 + ) Monthly review of medicine and pharmacy. Phila. P (1882) Monthly weather review% Wash. • C*. P (1887), U (1872 + ) Monthly western jurist L (1874-77) Montpellier. Ecole nationale d'agriculture. Annales. 1884+ U* Montreal horticultural society. Annual report. 1885+ U Moore's meteorological almanac. Chic. 1901 + I Moore's rural New Yorker. M (v. 23 + ), U (v. 21-28) Morphologische Arbeiten. Jena, 1892-98. 8 v. A, Um. Continued as Zeitschrift fiir Morphologie und .-Vnthropologie. Morphologisches Jahrbuch. Leipzig, 1875+ A, S (v. 18 + ) Morrison observatory. Publications. Lynn H Morrison's transcript C, L Mount Shasta herald. See Sisson. Moscow. Observatoire. Annales H* Societe imperiale des naturalistes. Bulletin A* Mulhouse. Societe industrielle. Bulletin I (v. 49, 1879 + ) Mundo nuevo. N. Y. 1871+ U (v. i) Munich. Allgemeine Zeitung. Beilage U(i902 + ) Munich. Konigliche bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Historische Abhandlungen. 1807-23 U Neue historische Abhandlungen. 1779-98, 1804 U Historische Classe. Abhandlungen. 1833+ U (v. 1-21) Mathematisch-phj'sikalische Classe. Abhand- lungen. 1832+ A*, U (v. 1-19) Sitzungsberichte. 1871+ A*, H*, U (v. 1-29) Philosophisch-philologische Classe. Abhand- lungen. 1835+ U (v. 1-20) Sitzungsberichte. 1871 + U (v. 1-29) Konigliche Sternwarte. Annalen A, H Astronomische Kalender. 1S50-53 H Beobachtungen A, H Jahrbuch ' ' H (1838-41) Jahresbericht H (1852-58) LIST OF PERIODICAL LITERATURE. 79 Munich. Konigliche technische Hochschule. Mechanisch- technisches Laboratorium. Mittheilungen. 1873 + S (v. I, 3-6, 8-27), U (v. 9-19) Municipal affairs. N. Y. 1897+ I, O (v. i), P, S, U Municipal and railway record. N. Y. I (v. 3, 1898 + ) Municipal engineering. Indianapolis, 1890 + I (v. 21, 1901 + ), P (v. 4-7, 18 + ), U (v. 3 + ) / '. / is entitled Paving; v. 3 is entitled Paving and municipal engineering. Municipal gazette (Canadian legal) L Municipal year book of the United Kingdom. Lond. 1897 + P (1899), S (1898) Munsey's illustrated weekly. N. Y. I (v. i, 1884) Munsey's magazine. N. Y. C, I (v. 13, 1895 + ), P Miinster. Provinzial-Verein fiir Wissenschaft und Kunst. Jahresbericht A Murray's magazine. L,ond. 1887-91. 10 v. I (v. 5-6, 1889) Museo de L,a Plata. See La Plata. Museu Paulista. See Sao Paulo. Museum of foreign literature, science and art. Phila., N. Y. 1822-42 C*, I (n. s., V. 1-12, 1836-40), O (v. 1-2, 8-11), P (v. 29-45) Music: a monthly magazine. Chic. 1891 + C, I, P (v. 7 + ) Musical courier. N. Y. I (v. 28, 1894 + ), P (v. 38, 1900 + ) Musical items. N. Y. 1883+ U (v. 1-3) Musical times. Lond. 1844+ I (v. 41, 1900 + ) Musikbibliothek Peters Jahrbuch. Leipzig I(v. 4, 1897 + ) Mycological notes. Cincinnati A Nancy. Academie de Stanislas. Memoires A*, U(i893 + ) Nantes. Societe acad^mique. Annales U (v. 6, 1895 + ) Napa county reporter C (1870-85) Naples. Accademia di scienze fisiche e niatematiche. Rendiconto A* U (1894 + ) Reale istituto d'incoraggiamento delle scienze -naturali x\* Zoologische Station. Fauna und Flora. 1880+ S, U Mittheilungen. 1879+ S, U Zoologischer Jahresbericht. 1879+ S, U Narragansett historical register. Providence, 1882 + C Nashville journal of medicine and surgery C (1857-61) Nashville medical record C (1859-60) Natal observatory. Reports. Pietermaritzburg H* Nation. N. Y. 1865+ C, I (v. 12, 1871 + ), M, O* P, S*, U (v. 8-20, 24 + ) National academy of sciences, Washington. Biographical memoirs U (v. 2-3) Memoirs. 1866+ A* S (v. 2-8), U Proceedings. 1863 + P, U National association for the promotion of social science. Trans- actions. Lond. 1857-86 I (1857-77, 1879-80, 1882-84, 1886), M*, P, S (1857-81) Xicfijasi^ issccsinSat ■»?£ local c^^lEit ageaaK' assccsicasits^ Pt«?cee- ■- ^ - L -\li. -n-:i;T ' r'Tu' ' irf^' f^ssr%-^.t-rt.^^rT \ r 'T rm ct'tt (UtaCtaSH V i— 1 : i T:c" .-"g— Trsa.T L'lSCOIHL'flCiwt StELuiSer^ ^- T"- err, 3«. t lit " V tTT sigHies"- XitaHn^ cannsreaa^S: sar ^oi eary ^.. ^ ; . rctrrr i- Pr^^cs^ - .. ^ - ~-^^ — - it* P* S. — * SiaaiiaHHiL Ssr^sETT SQC^Ej. Tset zozsi. Cr^- r5<9:5— S t. i—~ T" LIST OF PERIODICAL LITERATURE. 81 National prison association of the United States. Annual con- gress S (18S7-98) National quarterly review. N. Y. 1860-80 C (1877-80), I (v. 30-41, 1875-S0), M* National railroad master blacksmiths' association. Proceedings. 1893^ I U893) National recorder. Phila. O (v. 4-5, 1820-21) National review. Lond. 1855-64. 19 v. C, P National review\ Lond. i8S3-r C, P, U National single taxer. Minneapolis, N. Y. I (v. 9, 1900+) National teacher. Columbus, Salem U (v. 5, 1875) Merged in Ohio educational nionthly. National teachers' association. See National educational association. Nationalist. Post. 1889+ . I (v. 1-2, 1889-90) Native sons of the golden west. Proceedings. S. F. I (except 4th) Natur. Halle, 1852+ I (v. 1-25, 1852-76), M* Naturae novitates. Berlin, 1879+ H* Natural histor}- society of New' Brunswick, St. John. Bulletin A*, U(v. 2, 4+) Natural history society of Wisconsin. Bulletin. Milwaukee A Occasional papers. 1889+ A Xote. — Title clianges, IQOI, to Wiscousin natural history society. Natural science. Lend. 1893+ S, U (v. 1-8) Naturaliste canadien. Cap Rouge A* Naturalist's directory. Bost. S (1877, 1886, 1890, 1895) Nature. Lond. 1869+ A* C, H* I, M, Mi, P, S* U Nature. Paris, 1873+ N Naturforscher. Halle, 1774+ A Naturforscher. Berlin U (v. 7-9, 21) Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau. Braunschweig, 1886 + U (v. 1-4, 7-«) Nautical almanac. Lond. H* Nautical almanac. Wash. See American ephemeris. Nautical magazine. Lond. P (1835-69) Nautilus. Phila. A (v. 2 + ) Naval annual (Brassey). Portsmouth C (1897), I (1886 + ), P (1891-92, i895 + ),U(i8S6-89) Naval architects and marine engineers. See Society of. Naval chronicle. Lond. 1799-1818 P, U Naval science. Lond. 1S72+ I (v. 1-3, 1872-74) Navy record society. Publications. Lond. 1S94+ P Nebraska academy of sciences, Lincoln. Publications A Nebraska association of engineers and survej'ors. Proceedings I (V. 1-2, 1SS4-85) Nebraska legal news L Nebraska state historical society. Transactions and reports. Lincoln, 1885+ S (v. 1-5) Nebraska state horticultural society. Lincoln S Cv. 27, 1896) Nebraska state medical society. Transactions Um (1896-98, 1900-f) 6 — LB 82 LIST OF PERIODICAL LITKRATURE. Neptunia. Venice A* Neubrandenburg. Verein der Freunde der Naturgescliiclite. See Giistrow. NeuchateL Societe helveticiue des sciences naturelles. Bulletin A* Neudrucke deutsclien Litteraturwerke des i6. iind 17. Jahr- hunderts. Halle, 1879+ S (v. 1-141, 160+) Neue Bahnen. Wiesbaden U (v. 5 + ) Neue Jahrbiicher fiir das klassisclie Altertuni, Geschichle, und deutsche Litteratur und fiir Piidagogik. Leipzig, 1898+ S, U Neue Jahrlnicher fiir Fliilologie und Piidagogik. Leipzig, 1831-97 S (v. 114-156), U Neuere Sprachen. Zeitschrift fiir den neuspracliliclien Unter- richt. Marburg U (v. 10, 1902 + ) Neues Jahrbuch fiir deutsche Sprache (Hagen). Berlin, 1836-53 U Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologic und Palceontologie. Heidelberg, Stuttgart, 1830+ A, Sb (1830-36, 1S39 + ), U Beilage-band. 1881+ Sb (v. 1-8, 12 + ), U Neurologisches Centralblatt. Leipzig, 1882+ S (v. 18, 1899 + ) Neusprachliche Abhandlungen (Klopper). Dresden, 1898+ U (v. i-io) Nevada national gazette (Daily). C (1870-71) Nevada state journal. Reno 0(1870-73) Nevada City, Cal. Nevada democrat C (1853-63) Transcript (Daily) C (1882-84) Nevraxe. Louvain, 1900+ S New century. N. Y. 1875-76 U New Church Pacific. .S. F. U (v. 1-8, 18S8-95) New education. N. Y. U (v. 9, 1896 + ) New England historic and genealogical register. Bost. 1847 + C, I (v. 26-28, 39+), M* P (v. 1-15), U (v. 43-49) New England journal of education. See Journal of education. Bost. 1875 + New England magazine. Bost. 1S31-35 C, P (v. 1-4), \5 (v. i) New England magazine. Bost. 1884 + C, I(v. 5 + ), M, P(v. I, 3 + ), S(v. 15-17, 24 + ), U (v. 7 + ) /'. /-J entitled Bay state niouthly; r'. 7, iSSg, beghts a new series. New England medical monthly. Danbury, Conn. Cc (v. 7-10, 1888-91) New^ England meteorological society. Bulletin. Bost. 1(1884-92) New England methodist historical societj'. Proceedings. Bost. U (1882-89) New England railroad club. [Proceedings.] Bost. 8(1898 + ) New England reporter. Rochester, 1885 + C, L New England roadmasters' association. Proceedings. Hartford I (v. II, 1893 + ), S (1893-94) New England waterworks association. Journal. New Lond. 1886+ S New F^nglander (and Yale review). New Haven, 1843-92 C, M, P, U Continued as Yale review. New Hampshire historical society. Collections. Concord, 1824 + ^ (v. 1-5, 7-10), U (v. 1-3, 5, 7, 8) New Hampshire medical society. Transactions P (1887-91J*, rm(i899 + ) LIST OF PERIODICAL LITKKATURE. 83 New Harmony gazette. 1825+ C (v. 1-3) New Haven colony historical society. Papers. 1865 4- P (v. 1-5), vS (V. 3-4) New Haven historical societ}'. Papers ~ S (v. 3-4, 1882-88) New illustrated magazine. N. V. 1S97 + See Knglish illustrated magazine. Newjersey historical society. Collections. Newark, 1846+ P(v. 1-3, 5-7) New Jersey law journal. Newark, etc. 1878+ C, L New Jersey medical society. Transactions Um (1S99) New Jersey natural history society, Trenton. Journal A New Jersey state board of health. Reports Um(i899 + ) New monthly magazine (Colburn). Lond. 1814 + C (1814-67), P (1821-59) New Orleans. Picayune (Daily) 0(1887-90) Times-democrat C (1887 + ) New Princeton review. N. Y. 1886-88. 6 v. I, P, S, U Preceded by Princeton review. New remedies. N. Y. 1872-83 C Continued as American druggist. New review. Lond. 1889-97. 17 v. C, I (v. 1-15), P, ^ Contituied as OnWook.. 1898+ New Shakespeare society. See Shakespeare society. New science review. Phila. 1894-96. 2 v. I, P New sporting magazine. Lond. P (1831-40) New Sydenham society. See Sydenham society. New world : a weekly journal. N. Y. P (1842-44) New world: a quarterly. Bost. 1892-1900. 9 v. C, I (v. 7-9), P, S*, U New York. Newspapers : California Herald-extra. Jan. 16, 1849 U Commercial advertiser (Daily) C (1887 -1-) Graphic (Daily) I (v. 1-50, 1873-89), P* Herald (Daily) C (1887-89), P ( 1S61-66, 1883 + ), S (1902 + ) Herald (Weekly) U (Oct. 7, Nov. 25, 1837) New York observer 11(1860-67)* News (Daily) U (vSept. 2, 1837-Jan. 5, 1838) Post (Evening) C (1887-89) Spirit of the Times P* Sun C(i887 + ) Times (Daily) C (1887 4-), M*, S (1902 + ), U (1851-65) Transcript (Legal daily) C (1834), L (1870-72) Tribune (Daily) C (1887-90), 1 (1877 + ), M*, P (1883-1- ) Tribune (Semi-weekly) U (1885-87) Tribune almanac C (1838-75, '81, '91, "93, '94, '97, '99, 1901)1 I (1857-63, '66-72, '74, '76-78, '80, '82-87, '89, '90, '92 + ), P (1838-81, 'S3, '88+ ) World C(i887 + ) World almanac I (1899 + ), P (1869-76, 1888 + ), S (1892 + ), U (1890-91, 1893-96, 1898, 1 901) New York academy of medicine. Transactions Cc (1874-95) 84 LIST OF PERIODICAL LITp:RATURE. New York academy of sciences. Annals. 1879+ A, Mi*, S (v. 8), Sb, U Memoirs. 1895 + A Transactions. 1881-98 A, Mi* S (v. 14-16), Sb (v. 2-16), U New York association for improving the condition of the poor. Annual report vS (v. 47-5^, 54-56, 1S90-99) New York botanical garden. lUiUftin. 1S96+ A Journal. 1900+ A New York coach-maker's magazine P (1858-68) New York entomological club. Sre Papilio. New York farmer U (v. 7-9, 1834-36)* New York genealogical and biographical record. 1870+ C, P (v. 32+ ) New York historical society. Collections C, P (v. 1-6, 8-12, 15, 19-22), S (v. 1-4; n. s., V. 1-3, 181 1-29; 1841-57) Proceedings C New York journal of medicine. 1843+ C New York lancet. 1842+ P (v. i) New York law record L New York ledger M New York legal observer. 1843-54 C, L New York lyceum of natural history. Annals A*, U (v. 5-9, 11) Proceedings A*, U (1873-74) Continued as New York academy of sciences. New York mathematical society. Bulletin. 1891-94 H Continued in American mathematical society. Bulletin. New York medical abstract P (v. 2) New York medical journal. 1865 + Cc (v. 1-5, 17-28, 37 + ), Um (v. 32, 1880+) New York microscopical society. Journal. 1885-97. ^3 ^'- A, Mi New York monthly law bulletin. 1879+ C, L New York pathological society. Transactions. 1876+ C, Um{i900+') New York philatelist. N. Y. 1896+ I New York prison association. Annual report S (1854-95)* New York public library. Bulletin. 1897+ P, S, U New York railroad club, Brooklyn. Proceedings I (v. 10, 1900+) New York railroad men vS (v. 2, 7-10, 1888-97) New York review. 1837-42 C, O (v. 3-6), P New York school journal U (1879-81) Continued as School journal. N. Y and Chic. New York sketch book of architecture I (v. 1-3, 1874-76'! New York society for the prevention of cruelty to children. Annual report S (1887-99) New York state agricultural society. Transactions S (1847-70)*, U* New York state charities aid association. See State charities, etc. New York state library. See University of the state of New York. New York state medical association. Transactions Um* New York state musetim of natural history. Albany. Annual report A* M* P*, S (1850-97)* U (1888 + ) Bulletin. 1892+ A, S (v. 2, 49-52), U* Memoirs A, S (v. 3-4), U (v. 2) LIST OF pp:riodical literature. 85 New York supplement (Legal). St. Paul, 1888+ C, U New York teacher U (v. 5-6, 1868-69) Continued as American educational monthly. 1S71 + New' York teachers' monographs. 1898+ S, U* New York university. See Universit3' of the state of New York. New York weekly digest. N. Y. 1876 C, L, New Yorker (Horace Greeley). N. Y. 1836 + I (v. 6-9, 1838-40), vS (v. i-ii) New Zealand almanack. Christchurch I ( 1872) New Zealand colonial museum and geological survey- Publica- tions. Wellington A New Zealand gazette. Wellington M (1868-69) New Zealand institute, Wellington. Transactions. 1868-!- A, H*, S New Zealand jurist • 0(1873-79) Newcastle (California) news C (1887 + ) Newport historical magazine. 1880-83. 4 v. C Continued as Rhode Island historical magazine, v. 5, 1884 + Newport natural history society. Proceedings A News letter. S. F. C (1876 + ), I (1890 + ), P (1856-66) Nice. Observatoire. Anuales. 1887+ H Nichols' monthly. Cincinnati, 1855+ S (v. 1-3) Nicholson's journal of natural philosophy. See Journal. Nidiologist. Alameda, Cal., and N. Y. 1893+ A, U (v. 1-3) Niles' weekly register. Bait., etc. 1811-49 C, I, M, P, vS(-i843), U (-1845) Nineteenth century (and after). Lond. 1877+ C, I, M, O*, P, S, U Nordisk tidskrift for filologi og pedagogik. Copenhagen 11(1902 + ) Normal exponent. Los Angeles, 1894+ S (v. 1-4) Norsk fiskeritidende. Bergen S (v. 13, 1894+) North American journal of homcjeopathy. N. Y. 1851 + C North American practitioner. Chic. 1889-99 C (v. 9-10) North American review. N. Y. 1815 + C, I, M, O*, P, S (v. 1-121, 153, 157, 168 + ), U (v. 9-76, 78+) North British review. Edin., Lond. 1844-71 C, M, P, U North Briton. Lond. 1762+ S (nos. 1-170) North Carolina state medical society. See Medical society. North China herald. ' Shanghai S (1902 + ) North Dakota medical society. Transactions Um (1899) North Georgia gazette and winter chronicle. Lond. 182 1 C North of England institute of mining and mechanical engineers. Transactions. New^castle-upon-Tyne, 1852-89. 38 v. C, I Continued as Institution of mining engineers. North Pacific review. S. F. 1862 + M (v. 1-2), P (1862-63), U (nos. 1-7, 1862-63) North San Juan, Cal. Hydraulic press U (1858-61) Times. 1880+ 8(1880-87) Northwest Territory law^ reports. Toronto C Northeastern reporter. St. Paul, 1885+ C, L, U Northern Hght. Albany, 1842+ U (v. 1-3) 86 . l-IST OF PlvKIODICxVL LITERATURE. Northern inicroscopist and microscopical news. Lond. 1881-82 Mi Continiifd as : Microscopical news and northern microscopist. Lond. 1883-84 Mi Northern record. See Orleans. Northwest horticultnrist. Taconia S (v. ir, 1898 + ) Northwest mining review. Spokane, 1892-95. 4 v. Sb Continued in Mining. Spokane, 1896 + Northwest railway club. Proceedings. St. Paul I (v. 5, 1900+) Northwestern journal of education. Tvincoln S (v. 7, 1896-97) Northwestern lumberman. Chic. I (1891-98) Continutii as American lunibeinian. Northwestern monthly. Lincoln S (v. 8, 1898) Northwestern reporter. St. Paul, 1879+ C, L, U Norton's literary advertiser (/a/ifr gazette). N. Y. 1851-55 P Notarisia. Commentarium phycologicuni. Venice, 1886+ A* Notary's journal L (1877-78) Notes and queries. Lond. 1849+ C, I, M, O*, P, S, U* Nouvelle revue. Paris, 1879+ N Nouvelle revue historique de droit frant;ais et etranger. Paris, 1877 + ^' Nouvelle revue retrospective. Paris M* Nouvelles annales de la construction. Paris, 1855+ C (-1879), P (-1880) Nouvelles annales de mathematique. Paris, 1842 + S (3. ser., v. 15 + ), U Nouvelles annales des voyages, de la geographie et de I'histoire. Paris, 1819+ Sb (1819-65) Nova Scotia historical society. Report. Halifax, 1878+ P (v. 1-6) Nova Scotia reports. Toronto C Nova Scotian institute of natural science. Proceedings, Trans- actions. Halifax A*, I (v. 7, 1889 + ), S (v. 8-9), U (1895 + ) Novitates zoologicae. See Tring museum. Numismatic chronicle and jovu-nal of the Numismatic society. Lond. I (3d ser., v. 19, 1899 + ) Nuova antologia di scienze, lettere ed arti. Firenze, Roma, 1866+ U Nuovo giornale botanico italiano. Firenze A (v. 17+) Nuremberg. Naturhistorische Gesellschaft. Abhandlungen A* Nuttall ornithological club. Bulletin. Cambridge', 1876-83 A, P, vS Continntii as the Auk. Oakland, Cal. Newspapers: Enquirer C (1891 + ), O (1892 + ), U (1892 + ) News (Daily) O (1869-76) Oakland Saturday night. 1S95+ U Paragraph. 1888-89 U Times (Daily). 1878+ C, O (1878-79, 1 901 + ) Transcript (Daily) C (1869-77), O (1869, 1871-7S, 1883) ."itergeii in the Times. Tribune (Daily evening) C (1883 + ), O (1874 + ), P (1884-86), U (1880 + ) Vidette O (Jan. -June, 1884) LIST OF PERIODICAL LlTHRATrRK. 87 Oberlin collej^e laboratory Bulletin A Observatory. Lond. 1878+ H (v. 10+ ), vS (v. 14-15, 17 + ), U Observer. Portland, Conn. 1889-95. 6 v. Mi (v. 3-5) Obstetric gazette. Cincinnati, 1878-90. 13 v. P (v. 5) Obstetrical society of London. Transactions. 1859 + C, Urn (v. 17-23, 26-36, 38, 39) Obstgarten. Vienna, 1893+ U (v. 1-3) Occident. S. F. 1868+ U (1868-78)* Occident (vStudents' paper). Sec University of California. Occidental medical times. Sacramento, S. F. 1889 + C, Cc, U, Um (v. 4 + ) / 'ols. 1-2 are entitled Sacramento medical times. Occtilt and biological journal. Applegate, Cal. 1900+ I, U Successor to Ksoteric. Odessa. [Natural hi.story society. Mathematical section. Memoirs] A [vSociet}' of naturalists. Memoirs] A* Oenologischer Jahrcsbericht. Berlin, etc. 1878+ U (v. 1-9) Oesterreicliische botanische Zeitschrift. Vienna U (v. 1-50) Oesterreichische Eisenbahn-Zeitung. Vienna, 1S79+ S (v. 1-20, 23 + ) Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fiir Berg- und Hiittenwesen. Vienna, 1853+ U Oesterreichisches Eisenbahn-Jahrbuch. Vienna, 1868 S Continued as Kiseubahn-Jahrbuch. Oiienbach. Verein fiir Naturkunde A Official gazette of the U. vS. Patent office. See United States. Official raihva}- equipment guide. N. Y. 1885+ S Official railway list. Chic. S (v. 2-13, 1883-94) Official railway manual of the railroads of North America. N. Y. S (1869-71) O-Gyalla. Sternwarte. Beobachtungen H* Ohio educational monthly. Columbus, Salem S (v. 5, 1864-65), U (V. 25-26, 1S76-77) Ohio law journal. Columbus, 1881-84. 6 v. C, L Continued in Weekly law bulletin and Ohio law journal. Ohio mechanics' institute, Cincinnati. Proceedings A Ohio society of surveyors and civil engineers. Proceedings I (v. 1-14, 1880-93), Sb (v. 6-15, 1885-94) Ohio state arclueological and historical society. Publications (<7r quarterly). Columbus, 1887+ C (v. 2), vS (v. 3), U Ohio state medical society. Transactions Cc (1875, '78, '79, '81, '88, '89), Um (1898+) Oil era. Los Angeles I (v. 2, 1900+) Old and new. Bost. 1870-75. ir v. C, I, M, Olv. 1-4), P, U (v. 1-7, 10) Old guard. N. Y. 1863+ P \\ . 1-2) Old residents" historical association. Contributions. Lowell, Mass. P*, U IV. 3+) Old South leaflets. Bost. 1888+ S, U Old (and New) Testament student. Chic. 1881-92. 15 v. P (v. 3, 1883-84) Continued as Biblical world; v. 12 entitled Hebrew student. Oliver Optic's magazine P (v. 15-18) 88 LLST OK PKRIODICAL LITERATURK. Once a inontli. Melbourne, 1884+ vS (v. 1-4) Once a week. Lond. 1859-80 M, U* Once a week (Collier). N. Y. 1889-95. ^^^ Collier's weekly. One dime. vSalem, Ind. I (v. 1-6. 1888-93)* Oneida historical .society. Tran.sactions. Utica U (1881-84) Ontario philatelist. Ontario I (v. 1-2, 1896-98) Ooloiiist. Albion, N. Y 1884+ S I'ols. 1-2 are entitled Young oologist. Oologist. Utica, N. Y. 1875+ vS (v. i, 3, 5) Open court. Chic. 1887+ I, S (v. 12, 1898 + ) Ophthalmic record. Nashville, 1891 + Cc (v. 1-7) Orange Judd farmer. See American agriculturist. Oregon City. Spectator M (1849), F (1846-48) Oregonian weekly. Portland 8(1902 + ) Organ fiir die Fortschritte des Kisenljahnwesens in technischer Beziehung. Wiesbaden S (n. s., v. 31, 1894 + ) Orient und Occident. Gottingen, 1862-64. 3 v. ■ U Orientalische Bibliographic. Berlin, 1888 -f- U (v. 10 + ) Orleans, Cal. Northern record C (1870-72) Orleans county societ}- of natural scien'ces, Newport. Archives and transactions A Ornithologist and oologist. Boston, Hj^de Park A, S (v. 6-18, 1881-93) Osborn's annual guide . . . for . . . liquor dealers. N. Y. I (v. i, 1901 + ) Osnabriick. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein. Jahresbericht A Osprey. Wash. 1S96+ A Ottawa literary and scientific societ}-. Transactions I (v. i, 1897-98) Ottawa naturalist A* Our continent. See Continent. Our day. Bost., Chic. 1888+ C (1888-92), P (v. i) Our dumb animals. Bost. O (v. 21-22) Out west: a magazine of the old Pacific and the new. Los Angeles and S. F. {begins v. 16) 1902+ C, I, P, S, U Successor to I U Philatelic chronicle and advertiser. Birmingham, 1892+ I Philatelic comfort. Cumberland, Me. I (v. 1-3, 1894-95) Philatelic era. Portland, Me. See Weekly philatelic era. Philatelic facts. Riverside, Cal. I (v. 2-4, 1895-96) Philatelic fraud reporter. Crete, Neb. I (v. 1-3, 1890-93) Philatelic herald. Portland, Me. I (v. 2-4, 1885-87) Philatelic journal of America. St. Louis I (v. 1-13, 1885-95) Philatelic journal of Great Britain. Salisbury I(v. 1,1891 + ) Philatelic newsletter. Minneapolis I (v. 1-2, 1895-97) Philatelic tribune. Smyrna, N. Y. I (1885-96)* Philatelic world. N. Y. I (v. 1-9, 1880-91)* Philatelist. Dresden I (v. 1-16, 1880-95) Philippine review. N. Y. S (v. 2, 1901 + ) Philobihlion. N. Y. 1862-63. 2 v. C, P Philological society, London. Proceedings, Transactions C, M*, P*, U (1842-81, 1888-94) Philologische Untersuchungen. Berlin, 1880 + S U880-95, 1902 + ), U (v. 1-15) Philologische Wochenschrift. See Berliner philologische Wochenschrift. Philologus. Gottingen, 1846+ S(v. 39 + ), U Philosophical institute of Victoria. Transactions. Melbourne S (v. 3-4, 1858-59) Philosophical magazine. Lond. 1798-1831. M, U (1798-1812, 1827-31) Continued in London, Edinburgh, and Dublin philosophical magazine. Philosophical review. Bost., N. Y. 1892 + I (v. 9+), P(v. 1-3), S (v. 1-6, 8 + ), U Philosophical society of Glasgow. Proceedings A Philosophical society of New South Wales. Transactions. Sydney S (1862-65) Philosophical society of Washington. Bulletin. 1871 + A, I (v. 2 + ), P, S, U 94 T.IST OF PliRIODICAL UTKRATURE). Philosophie positive. Revue (Littre). Paris, 1867 + P (1879-80), U (v. 13, 1874) Philosophische Monatshefte. Leipzig, 1868-94. 30 v. U Continued as Archiv flir systematische Philosophic. 1895 H Philosophische Studien (Wundt). Leipzig, 1883+ S (v. 8+), U Philosophisches journal. Jena, Leipzig, 1795+ U (v. 8, 1798) Phcenix rt:;^^/ /rt/^r Ubiquitous). vSacraniento P (1857-58) Phonetic jourrial. Lond._ P (v. 49-56, 1890-97) Phouograjjhic magazine. Cincinnati, 1887+ C (v. 1-2) Photo era (American journal of photography). Bost. I (v. 6, 1901 + ) Photographic journal. Lond. 1854+ S (v. i-io, 12-13) Photographic magazine. N. Y. See Wilson's photographic magazine. Photographic mosaics (Wilson). N. Y. I (v. 25, 36, 1889 + ), P (1900+ ) Photographic times. N. Y. I (v. 33, 1901 + ), M* Photographic world (Wilson). Phila. I (v. i, 1871) Photo-miniature. N. Y. 1899+ I (v. 33, 1901 + ), P Phrenological journal. N. Y. I (v. 70, 1880+ ), M (v. 50+ ), P (v. 72-88) Physical review. Ithaca, 1894 + S, U Physical society of London. Proceedings. 1876+ U Physico-medical journal. Indianapolis P (v. 5) Physikalische Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1899+ 8(1900+), U Phytologist. Lond. A* Pi Eta scientific society (Rensselaer polytechnic institute), Troy. Papers 1(1879-82) Pioneer. San Jose S (v. 8-1 1, 1893-96) Pioneer; or California monthly magazine. S. F. 1854-55 A*, C, I, M, P, U Pipe roll society, London. Publications. 1884 + Pisa. Societa toscana di scienze naturali. Memorie. Pittouia (Greene). Berkeley and Wash. 1887 + Pittsburgh legal journal Placer argus. Auburn Placer county republican Placer herald. Auburn Placer herald. Placerville Placer press. Auburn Placer republican argus Placer times. Sacramento Placer times (Weekly). Dutch Flat Placer times and transcript. S. V. Placerville. Mountain democrat Nugget Plumas national. Quincy Plumas national bulletin Plumber and sanitary engineer. N. Y. 1877-79. Continued as Sanitary engineer, v. 4, 1S80. Pocket list of railroad officials. N. Y. 1895 + Pocket magazine. Lond. 1818 + Poet-lore. Phila., Bost., N. Y. 1889 + C, 1, P, S (v. 1-8, lo-h), U (v. 1-3, 5-9, 12 + ; P (v. 1-19) t. 1875 ,+ A A, P, U (v. 1-2) L C (1889-97) C (1893-98) C(i852 + ) C (1853) c (1857-58) C(i899 + ) M (1850-51) C (1881-84) M (1853-54) C (1870 -84, 1891-97) C (1901-1-) C (1870-72) C(i89o + ) C, I (v. 3) S P (v. i-io) LIST OF PERIODICAL LITERATURE. 95 Poggendorff's Annalen. See Annalen der Physik und Cheinie. Political economy club, London. Minutes of proceedings U (1821-S2, ordered) Political science quarterly. N. Y. 1SS64- C, I, O (v. 5-6, 10 + ), P (v. 2 + ), S, U Politisclie Jahrbuch der sclnveizerisclien Eidgenossenschaft. Bern, 1886+ S Polyclinic: a monthly journal. Phila. C (v. 5) Polytechnic review. Phila. 1876-78. 6 v. I Polytechnisches Centralblatt. Leipzig, 1835-75. 45 v. U Polvtechnisches Centralblatt. Berlin U (1889-95) Polytechnisches Journal. See Dingler's polytechnisches Journal. Poor's directory of railway officials. N. Y. 1886+ S (1886-94) Poor's handbook of investment securities. N. Y. 1890+ S (v. 1-3) Poor's manual of railroads. N. Y. 1868+ I, P*, S, U* Popular astronomy. Northfield, Minn. 1893+ C (v. 5 + ), H, P, U Popular magazine of anthropology. 1866. /;/ Anthropological review, v. 4. Popular science (or Popular science news). Bost., N. Y. 1893 + H (v. 24), I, M, P (v. 18 + ), U* Continuation 0/ Boston journal of chemistry. 1866-92. Popular science monthly. N. Y. 1872+ C, I, M, Mi*, O, P, S, U Popular science review. Lond. 1862-81 C, M, Mi (v. 1-16), P, U Portfolio: a collection of state papers. Lond. U (v. 1-2, 1836) Portfolio (Dennie). Phila. 1804+ O (v. 15, 19) Portfolio (Hamerton). Lond. 1870+ C, I, M, P (v. 1-24) Portico. Baltimore O (v. 4, 1817) Portland society of natural history, Portland, Me. Proceedings. 1862+ A Posse-gymnasium journal. Bost. S (v. 9, 1901 + ) Post. Leipzig I (v. i, 1894 + ) Post office. N. Y. I (v. 1-5, 1891-95) Postal microscopical society. See Journal of microscopy and natural science. Post-graduate and Wooster c^uarterh". Wooster, O. U (v. 5-I-) Potter's American monthly. Phila. 1875-82 C*, M Continuation of American historical record. Power. N. Y., Chic. I (v. 12, 18924-), S (v. 20, 1900 + ), U (1896-98, 1901-i-) Practical entomologist. Phila. 1865-67 U Practical magazine. Lond. 1870-77. 7 v. C (v. 1-6), I (v. 1-6), M, O (v. 2-7), U Practical mechanic and engineer's magazine. Glasgow, 1841-47 I Practical mechanic's journal. Glasgow, Lond. C (1848-56), I (1848-70) Practical teacher. N. Y. C (v. 8), P (v. 8) Practitioner: monthly journal of therapeutics. Lond., N. Y. C (v. 3-^), S (v. 48-49, 59-61, 63 + ) Prague. Gesellschaft des vaterlandischen Museums. Verhand- lungen A* 96 LIST OK PERIODICAL UTICRATURK. Prague. Kaiserlich-konigliche Sternwarte. Beobachtungen A*, H* Koniglich-bohuiische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Abhaiidkmgen A* Jahresbericht A Sitzungsbericlite A Pratt institute monthly. Brooklyn, N. Y. 1892+ P (v. 5-6), U Presbyterian. I'hila. U (v. 46, 1876) Presbyterian magazine. Phila. U (v. 6-9, 1856-59) Presbyterian quarterly and I'rinceton review. N. Y. 1872-77. 6 v. C, P (v. 1-2, 4, 6), U Continuation of Aiuericau presbytenan review. iS52~7i. Continued as Princeton review. 1S78-S4. Preussische Jahrbiicher. Berlin, 1858+ U Primary education. Bost. S (v. 4, 6, 8 + , 1896+) Prince society, Boston. Publications. 1865+ P Princeton magazine. 1850 +. O (v. i) Princeton review. New series. N. Y. 1878-84. 14 v. C, M, P, U Succeeded by New Princeton review. Princeton university. Bulletin A, I (v. i, 1889) Contributions to philosophy. 1895+ S (v. 1-2) Contributions to psychology. 1895+ S (v. 1-2), U* Being reprints frotn P.sychological review. Museum of geology. Contributions A Printer. N. Y. 1S58+ P (v. 2-3, 5) Prison association of New York. Report 11(1844-73)* Prison discipline society, Boston. Report U (1826-49)* Process year book. Lond. 1(1896) Procession. Los Angeles, 1901-02. See Higher science. Professional papers of the royal engineers. See Royal engineers. Professional papers on Indian engineering. Roorkee, 1S63-81 C, I, U Progress. Lond. 1883+ C (v. 1-2) Progress of medicine. S. F. I (v. i, 1899) Projector: a periodical paper. Lond. 1802-09 C Property lawyer. Lond. 1826-30. 13 v. C, S Propriete industrielle. Berne P(i889 + ) Provincial medical and surgical association. Transactions Cc (v. 1-19, 1833-57) Psyche. Cambridge, Mass. 1874+ A* M, S (v. 10 + ) P.sychological index. N. Y. 1894+ U Psychological review. N. Y. 1894+ P (v. 7), S, U Psychologische Arbeiten (Kraepelin). Leipzig, 1896+ S (v. 4 + ), U Public. N. Y. See Financier. Public health. Lond. S (v. 12, 1899+ ) Public ledger. See PhiladeliDhia. Public libraries. Chic. 1896+ C (v. 5 + ), I, P, S, U Public opinion. Lond. 1861+ 1(1873-82) Public opinion. Wash., N. Y. 1886 + C, I (v. 5+)*, P (V. 16, 18 + ), S (V. 11 + ) Public ownership review. Los Angeles S (v. 2, 1898) Pul)lic school journal. Blooniington P (v. 12-13, 1^92-94) LIST OF PERIODICAL LITERATURE. 97 Publication industrieldes machines outilset appareils. Paris U (1869-80) Publishers' and stationers' weekly trade circular. N. Y. 1872. 2 v. P Being V. i-2 o/Publishers' weekly. Publishers' circular. Lond. C (1886 + ), P (1887 +), S (1895 + ), U* Publishers' trade-list annual. N. Y. 1873+ C, I, M, P (1879+ ), S*, U* Publishers' week!}-. N. Y. 1872 + C, I (1876+), M, P* S (1891 + ), U (1877 + ) Vols. 1-2 are entitled Publishers' and stationers' weekly trade circular. Puck. S. F. 1865+ M (v. i), U (V. 2, no. I) Puck. N. Y. 1877+ C (1886 + ), M*, P (v. 16+) Pugh's almanac. Brisbane S (1883) Pulkova. See St. Petersburg. Pump court. Lond. 1884+ C (v. 1-6) Punch. Lond. 1841+ C, I (1875 + ), M, O, P, U (-1900) Punch and Judy. Lond. 1869+ M (v. i) Punchinello. N. Y. 1870. 2 v. I, P Puritan. N. Y. 1897+ P (v. 1-3) Puritan philatelist. Chic. I (v. i, 1894) Putnam's library companion. N. Y. 1877+ P (v. 1-4) Putnam's (monthly) magazine. N. Y. 1853-70 C, M, P, U Quaker cit}"^ philatelist. Phila. . I Quarterly architectural review Quarterly christian spectator. New Haven, 1829 + Continues Christian spectator, ivhich see. Quarterly epitome of practical medicine. N. Y. 1880 + Quarterly journal of agriculture. Edin., Lond. Quarterly journal of economics. Bost. 1887 + C, I, O (v. 9-11, 13 + ), Quarterly journal of education. Lond. 1831-35 Quarterly journal of inebriety. Hartford, 1877 + Quarterly journal of microscopical science. Lond. 1853 + A* C, I, M*, Mi, P (v. 1-20), S (v. 1-8; n. s., V. I, 4-14, 21 + ), U (n. s., v. 27 + ) Quarterly journal of pure and applied mathematics. Lond. 1857 + S (v. 28, 1896+ ), U Quarterly journal of science (Crookes). Lond. 1864-78 C, I, P, Sb Continued as Journal of science. 1879-;- Quarterl)- journal of the American unitarian association. See American. Quarterly journal of the geological society. See Geological society. Quarterly journal of the meteorological society. See Meteorological. Quarterly law journal. Richmond, 1856-59 C, L Quarterly law review. Richmond, 1860-61 C, L* Quarterly oriental magazine. Calcutta M (v. 3, 1825) Quarterly register. See American education society-. Quarterly register of current history. Detroit, 1890-91. i v. P, S Continued in Cyclopedic review of current historj-. 7 — LB (V. 1-9. P(v. 1886-94) I, 1879) C P (V. 2) C p, Siv .6 + ), U U Um 98 LIST OF PERIODICAL litp:rature. Quarterly review. Lond. 1809+ C, I, M, P, U Quebec law reports C (1875-91), L (1875-81) Queen city philatelist. Buffalo I (v. i, 1885) Queensland law journal C (1881-82) Quekett microscopical club. Journal. Lond. 1868+ C, Mi (-1894) Quellen und Forschungen zur Sprach- und Culturgescliichte der germanischen Volker. Strassburg, 1874+ S (v. 1-72, 80+), U Quellen zur Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland. Berlin, 1888 + U (V. 1-2) Questions scientifiques. Louvain, 1877 + St Racing calendar. Lond. 1773+ C Radical (Religious). Bost. 1S65+ C, M* Radical review. New Bedford I (v. i, 1877-78) Railroad and engineering journal. N. Y. 1887-92. I, P, S, U Successor to American railroad journal. Continued as American engineer and railroad journal. 1893+ Railroad car journal. N. Y. 1891-1900. v. 2-10 S (v. 2-6) Continuation to Journal of railroad car heating, etc.. v. i, 1890-91. Continued in Railroad digest, v. 11, 1901. Railroad digest. N. Y. v. 11-12, no. i. Jan. 1901-Jan. 1902 S Continuation to Railroad car journal, v. 10. Continued as Railway machinery and the railroad digest. New. ser. v. i, no. 4, igo2. Railroad gazette. N. Y. 1870 + I (v. 9, 1877 + ), P (v. 18-20), S (v. 3, 5 + ). U (v. 22+ j Railroad men. N. Y. vS (v. 15, 1901+ ) Railroad record; or journal of commerce. Cincinnati S (v. i, 1854) Railroad telegrapher. St. Louis S (v. 11, 1895 + ) Railroad trainmen's journal. Peoria S (v. 7, 9 + , 1890+) Railway age. Chic. 1876-92. 17 v. I (v. 17), S Continued as Railway age and northwestern railroader, vol. 18. Chic. 1893 + I, S (v. 18-22, 24, 26 + ) Railway agent and station agent. Cleveland, 1889 + S (v. 1-2, 4-11, 13-17, 19 + ) Railway and corporation law journal. N. Y. 1887+ C Railway and engineering review. Chic, [begins v. 38) 1898+ I, S Preceded by Railway review, v. 20-37. Chic. 1880-97 I (v. 30, 1890 + ), S Preceded by Chicago railway review. Chic. -1879. 19 v. S (v. 10-15) Railway chronicle. Lond. 1844+ S (v. 1-7) Railway conductor. Cedar Rapids S (v. 2-15, 18 + , 1S85 4- ) Railway engineer. Lond. S (v. 14, 1893 + ) Railway engineering and mechanics. Chic, [begins v. 17) 1894 + I (v. 19, 1896+ ), S Continuation to Railway master mechanic, v. i6. Railway intelligence. Lond. S (v. 9-18, 1856-75-1 LIST OF PERIODICAL LITERATURE. 99 Railway machinery and the railroad digest. N. Y. 1901 + S l\ /, >ws. /-J, have title Railway machinery only. Railway magazine (Herapath). Lond. N. S. 1836-39. 6 v. S Continued as Herapath's railway journal, v. 7+ Railway magazine. Lond. S (v. 3, 1897) Railway master mechanic. Chic, [begins v. 9-16) 1886-93 S Continuation to Railway purchasing agent, v. 8. Continued as Railway engineering and mechanics, v. 17, 1894. Railway news and joint-stock journal. Lond. 1864+ S Railway official gazette. Lond. 8(1892 + ) Railway purchasing agent (and supply trade journal). Chic. vS (v. 3-8, 1880-85) Continued as Railway master mechanic, v. g, 1SS6. Railway record, mining register, and joint-stock companies' reporter. Lond. 1844-58. 15 v. S Vols, i-j entitled Railway record. Railwaj' register and record of public enterprise. Lond. S (v. 1-2, 1845) Railway review. Chic. See Railway and engineering review. Chic. Railway review, a weekly newspaper for railwaymen. Lond. S (1896, 1898 -h) Railway shareholder's manual (Tuck). Lond. 8(1845-48) Railway signal. Lond. 8 (v. 4, 1886 -t-) Railway signaling club, Chicago. Proceedings I (v. 2, 1898 -I- ) Railway surgeon. Chic. 1894 -1- 8 Railway times. Lond. S (v. 5, 1842+ ) Railway times. Terre Haute, Ind. 1894+ S (v. 1-3) Railway world. Phila. 1875+ 8 Railway world illustrated. Lond. S (v. 4-6, 1895-97) Continued as Tramway and railway world, v. 7, 1S9S. Rand-McNally bankers' monthly. Chic. I (v. 11-14, 1894-97) Ratisbon. See Regensburg. Raven. Oakland, Cal. 1899+ U Ray society, London. Publications A*, P, U* Recreation. N. Y. S (v. 2, 7, 9 + , 1895 -f-) Recreative science. Lond. 1860-62 C, P Continued as Intellectual observer. 1862-6S. RecueildestravauxchimiquesdesPays-Bas. Leiden, 1882+ 11(1882-97) Red Bluff beacon C (1857-64) Independent C (1860-62) News C (1890 -f-) Sentinel C (1870-82) Redding free press C (1901 4- ) Redlands. Citrograph (Weekly) C (1890 -h ), P (1887-90) Reference catalogue of current literature (Whitaker). Lond. 1874+ I, P, 8, U Reforme sociale. Paris, 1881 + (8ociete d'economie sociale) S (v. 33-34, 1897). U (1881-19Q1) Regensburg. Botanische Gesellschaft. See Botanische Zeitung; also Flora. Historischer Verein der Oberpfalz. Verhand- lungen A (v. 29 -i- ) 100 LIST OF PERIODICAL LITERATURK. Regensbur<;. Naturwissenschaftlicher Vereiu. Bericht A Zooloi^isch-mineralogischer Verein. Abhandlungen A Korrespondenz-Blatt A* Register of Australian and New Zealand shipping. Melbourne S (187S-91) Register of Pennsylvania. Phila. 182S+ ^'e'l? Hazard's register. Religio-philosopliical journal. Chic. 1' (v. 13-52)*, S (v. 39-41, 43-47; n. s., V. 1-3, 1S85-93) Religious magazine. Phila. 1828-30 \J (v. 1-4) Religious telescope. Dayton, O. P (1888) Reliquary. Lond. 1860+ C Remembrancer. Lond. U (v. 9-11, 13, 1780-82) Rennes. University. Travaux scientiliques. 1902+ U Rensselaer societ}' of engineers, Troy. Selected papers I (v. 1-2, 1884-94) Repertoire bibliographique de la librarie frangaise. Paris, 1899 + vS (1902 + ), U ContiiuiatioH to Catalogue annuel de la librarie franyaisc. Repertoire bibliographique des principales revues franipaises. Paris, 1897+ I, vS, U Repertoire bibliographique des sciences mathematiques. Paris, 1894+ U Repertorium der analytischen Chemie fiir Handel, Gewerbe, etc. Hanib., Leipzig, 1881-87 U Repertorium der Physik. Berlin, 1837-49 A Repertorium der Physik. Munich, Leipzig, 1866-91 U (v. 19-27) Repertorium der technischen Journal-Litteratur (Rieth). Berlin, 1S86+ I. U (1886-89, 1891 + ) Repertorium der technischen Litteratur (vSchubarth, Kerl). Berlin, Leipzig, 1823-78 I (1869 + ), U Repertory of arts (manufactures and agriculture). Lond. 1794-1825 U Continued as Repertory of patent inventions. Lond. 1825+ U ( 1825-61) Reporter. Bost., N. Y. 1876+ C, L Reporter. Wash. 1865-66 C Reporter. Norwich, Conn. I (v. 1-4, 1893-95) Republic. Wash. 1873+ M* Republic of letters. N. Y. 1834+ M (v. 1-2) Republican national convention. Proceedings S (1856-64, 1884, 1892, 1896, 1900) Rescue. S. F. C (v. 18-21, 1880 + ), I (v. 20, 1882), P (v. 18-21, 1880+) Resources of California. S. P". P (1883-92) Retrospect of (practical) medicine and surgery (Braithwaite). Lond. 1840+ C, I (v. 1-40, epitome; 41 + ), M*, P (v. 1-60) Retrospective review. Lond. 1820-28 C, M, P, U Retrospective review. Lond. 1853-54 P Review of education. Chic. 1901 + {begifis v. 7) Continuation to Child study monthly, v. 1-6. Review of historical publications relating to Canada. Toronto, 1896 + S LIST OF PERIODICAL LITERATUKK. 101 Review of reviews (, American monthly). N. Y. 1890 + C (v. 3 + ), I, M, O (v. 3+), F, S (v. 1-16, 18+ ), U (v. 4 + ) / 'o/s. /-J are sa»ie as Review of reviews, v. 1-2, London. Revista catolica. Las Vegas, 1875 + St Revista cientifica niexicana. Mexico A Revista de engenharia. Rio de Janeiro S (v. 4-6, 1882-85) Revista niinera, metalurgica y de ingenieria. Madrid I (v. 37, 1886 + ), U (v. 22-36, 40+) Revue agricole et vinicole du sud-ouest. Bordeaux U (v. 3, 1877) Revue archeologique. Paris, 1844 + C (1844-53), U (3. ser., V. 38, 1901 + ) Revue bleue. See Revue politique et litteraire. Revue contemporaine (Nettement). Paris, 1852+ P (v. i-ii) Revue critique (Canadian legal) L (1871) Revue critique d'histoire et de litterature. Paris, 1S66 + U (n. s., V. 33-40, 1S92-95) Revue critique de paleozoologie. Paris, 1897 + U Revue d'anthropologie. Paris, 1872-89. 18 v. 11(1887-89) Continued as Anthropologie. Revue de chirurgie. Paris, 1881 + Uni (v. 2-16) Revue de droit fran^ais et etranger. Paris U (1844-49) Revue de droit international et de legislation comparee. Brussels, etc. 1869+ U Revue d'economie politique. Paris, 1887+ U Revue de geologie. Paris U (1860-77) i1/erg-et/ in .\nnales des mines. Revue de jurisprudence. Montreal, 1895+ L Revue de la philosophie positive. See Philosophie positive. Revue de legislation. Montreal, 1845+ L (1846-48), S (v. 1-3) Revue de I'liistoire des religions. Paris S (v. 37, 1898 + ) Revue de I'orient et de I'Algerie. Paris, 1S434- C (v. 1-14) Revue de metaphysique et de morale. Paris, 1893+ U Revue de philologie, de litterature et d'histoire anciennes. Paris, 1S45-47; 1877+ S (V. 16+), U Revue de philologie fran^aise et proven^ale (Cledat). Paris, 1892-96. V. 6-10 U Formerly Revue des patois gallo-romains. Continued as Revue de philologie frangaise et de litterature (Cledat). Paris, {begins \. 11) 1897+ U Revue de viticulture. Paris, 1894 + U Revue des deux mondes. Paris, 1831 + C (2. ser., 1856 + ), I (2. ser., v. 104 + ), M, N, P, S (2. ser., v. 25 + ), U (2. ser., 1856 + ) Revue des etudes grecques. Paris, 1888 + U Revue des etudes juives. Paris U fv. 34, 1897 + ) Revue des langues romanes. Paris, 1870+ U Revue des patois gallo-romains. Paris, 1887-92. 5 v. and suppl. U Continued as Revue de philologie fran9aise et provenc^ale {/>cgins v. i>). 1S92. Revue des questions historiques. Paris, 1866 + P (v. 1-44), S (v. 6r, 1897 + ), U (v. 71, 1902 + ) 102 LIvST OF PERIODICAL LITERATURP:. Revue des questions scieutifiques. Brussels St Revue des traditions populaires. Paris, 1886+ U (v. 1-3^ Revue d'histoire litteraire de la France. Paris, 1894+ S Revue etrangere et franjaise de legislation. Paris U (1833-43) Continiicif in Kevue de droit frau^ais et stranger. Revue generale de botanique. Paris, 1889+ S (v. 10, 12 + ), U Revue gen^rale de chiniie pure et appliquee. Paris, 1899+ S Revue g^n^ralederarchitecture. Paris, 1840-87. 44 v. C, I, P (v. 1-29) Revue generale des chemins de fer. Paris, 1878 + S Revue generale des sciences piires et appliqudes. Paris, 1890+ U Revue historique. Paris, 1876+ S (v. 2-5, 7-8, 45-53, 64-71), U Revue Internationale de I'electrioite. Paris A* Revue internationale de I'enseignement. Paris, 18S1 + S (v. 43, 1902 + ) Revue internationale de sociologie. Paris, 1893+ S (v. 1-6) Revue internationale des falsifications des denrees alimentaires. Amsterdam, 1887+ U (v. 1-6) Revue legale. Montreal, 1869+ L (1869-72), S (v. 1-13, 1869-90) Revue mycologique. Toulouse, 1897+ A* Revue nationale et etrangere. Paris U (v. 16-23, 1864-65) Revue pedagogique. Paris S (1902 + ), U (1882 + ) Revue philatelique. Paris, 1S90+ I (v. i, 7 + ) Revue philosophique. Paris, 1876+ vS (v. 49 + ), U Revue politique et litteraire (Revue bleue). Paris N, S (v. .49, 51) Revue polvtechnique: sclnveizerische Bauzeitung. Ziirich, 1883 + S (v. 1-5) Revue pratique des chemins de fer. Paris, 1892+ S Revue retrospective. See Nouvelle revue retrospective. Revue scientifique (Revue rose). Paris 11(1872-74, 1887-1901) Revue semestrielle des publications matheniatiques. Amster- dam, 1893+ ■ S, U Revue universelle des mines. Paris, Liege, 1857+ M*, U Rheinische Blatter fiir Erziehung (Diesterweg). P'rankfort, etc., 1S27+ U Rheinisches F'isclierei-Verein, Bonn. Jahresbericlit 8(1898 + ) Rheinisches Museum fiir Philologie. Bonn, Frankfort, 1827 + S(v. 51 + ), U Rhode Island historical magazine. Newport, v. 5, 1884 + C (v. 5-6), P (v. 6-7) / 'oi. 5 continues Newport lii.storical magazine, v. 1-4, 18S0-S3. Rhode Island historical society. Collections. Providence, 1827 + P (v. 1-8), S (v. 1-4, 6-7), U (v. 4) Proceedings U (1S81 + ) Publications. Nevi^ ser. 1893+ S, U Rhode Island medical society. Transactions. Providence Uni(i90o; Rhode Island philatelist. Newport I (v. 1-3, 1889-91;* Rhode Island schoolmaster. Providence S (v. 10-12), U (v. 17, 19, 20) Rhodes' journal of banking. N. Y. 1895+ C Continuation of Banker.s' magazine. N. Y. iS^fi-t- Ridlcy & Co.'s monthly wine and spirit trade circular. Lond. U (1883-85) A* A* A* U(v. 1-7) A*, H* H* A M* , P* LIST OF PERIODICAL LITERATURE. 103 Riga. Naturforscher Verein. Arbeiten Korrespondenzblatt Rio de Janeiro. Institute historico, geographico e ethnograph- ico. Revista Museu nacional. Archivos. 1876+ A, vSb Observatorio nacional. Anales Revista Sociedade de geographia. Revista Riverside magazine for young people. N. Y. 1867-70. 4 v. Rivista generale delle ferrovie e dei lavori pubblici. Firenze S (v. 11-14, 17 + , 1893+) Rivista di patologia vegetale. Florence A Roadmaster and foreman. Chic. S (v. 10-12, 1895-97) Roadmasters' association of America. Proceedings I (v. 17, 1899 + ) Rochechouart. Amis des sciences et arts. Bulletin I (v. 3, 1893 + ) Rochester academy of science. Proceedings. 1890+ A, Mi, S (v. 1-2), U Rocky mountain stamp. Denver I (v. 1-4, 1895-98) Romania. Paris, 1872 -i- S, U Romanische Studien. Strassburg, 1875+ U (v. 1-6) Romberg's Zeitschrift. See Zeitschrift fiir praktische Baukunst. Rome. Acta sanctae sedis St Gesta Romanorum pontificum St Reale accademia dei Lincei. Atti A*, H*, U (1877 + ) Societa, degli spettroscopisti italiani. Memorie H Rose-Belford's Canadian monthly. See Canadian monthh'. Rouen. Societe des amis des sciences naturelles. Bulletin A* Rough-hewer (Democratic campaign paper). Albany, 1840 P Round table. N. Y. P (1863-70) Rousdon observatory, Lyme-Regis. Publications H* Roj'al agricultural society of England. Journal. Lond. 1839 + C, I, P (-1892), U (-1S95) Royal American magazine. Bost. 1774-75 C (1775), M (1774) Royal archaeological institute of Great Britain. See ArcliLeolog- ical journal. 1844 + Royal Asiatic society, London. Journal. 1834+ P(i846+) Bombay branch. Journal A* Ceylon branch. Journal. Colombo A* North China branch. Journal. Shanghai A*, C (1865-66) See also Asiatic society. Royal astronomical society, London. Memoirs. 1821+ C, H, I, P Monthly notices. 1827 + C, H* Ro3-al botanic gardens, Kew. Bulletin A Royal colonial institute, London. Proceedings S (v. 20-22, 24, 1888-93) Royal Dublin society. Scientific proceedings A*, H Scientific transactions A*, H, S (v. 6, 1898), U (ser. 2 + ) Royal engineers (Corps of). Papers. Lond., Woolwich, 1837-76 C, P,U Royal engineers' institute. Occasional papers. Chatham, 1877+ U (v. 1-25) 104 LIST OP' PERIODICAL LITERATURK. Royal ideographical society. Journal. I^ond. 1S33-79. 50 v. A*, C, M, P, vS (v. 1-2), Sb, U Proceedings. 1855-78. 22 v. A*, Sb Proceedings. New series. 1879-92. 14 v. A*, C, I, M, P, Sb, U ContinueJ ill Geographical journal. 1893+ Royal geographical society of Australasia, Melbourne. Trans- actions A*, S (v. 10, 1893) New South Wales branch, Sydnej-. Transactions S (v. 3-4, 1885-86) Victoria branch, Melbourne S (v. 3-4, 1885-86) Royal geological society of Cornwall, Penzance. Transactions. 1818+ vSb (V. I, 2, 4, 8), U (v. 8) Royal geological society of Ireland. Journal. 1864+ Sb (v. 1-8) Royal historical society. Transactions. Lond. 1872+ C, P, U Royal institute of British architects. Journal. Lond. I (3d ser., V. 9, 1901 + ) Calendar 1 (v. 54-56, 58, 60, 61, 1888-95) Papers C (-1874), I (1856-58), P (1853-80) Royal institution of Great Britain. Proceedings. Lond. 1857+ U Royal Irish academy. Cunningham memoirs U Proceedings. 1836+ . A* H* U (1889 + ) Todd lecture series U (v. 2 + ) Transactions. 1787+ A, C, U Royal medical and chirurgical society. Transactions. Lond. 1806+ C, I (1806-75, 1892), P (V. 1-57), Urn (v. 47) Royal microscopical society, London. Journal. 187S + Mi, P (1869-94), S (1878-98, 1900+) Coiithutatw?i of Monthly microscopical journal. 1869-77. Transactions. 1844-68 A, C, I (v. 1-3, 1844-52) Royal physical society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. 1854+ A Royal Scottish geographical society, Edinburgh. See Scottish geographical magazine. Royal society of Canada. Proceedings and transactions. Mon- treal, 1882 -h C, P, U (V. 3 + ) Royal society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. 1845+ A, H*, U (v. 15 4-) Transactions. 1788+ A, C, U Royal society of London. Proceedings A*, H*, I (1800+ ), U(i832-l-) Transactions. 1665+ A, C, H* I, P (-1892) U Royal society of New South Wales, Sydney. Journal and pro- ceedings A (v. 12+ ), Sb (v. 20-1-), S (v. 10-30), U (v. 9-11, 27 + ) Transactions S (v. 7, 1S73) Royal society of Queensland. Proceedings. Brisbane A Royal society of South Australia, Adelaide. Memoirs A Transactions A Royal society of Victoria, Melbourne. Transactions and pro- ceedings A, S (v. 5, 7, 10, 12, 16, 1860-80) Transactions. New series. 1888+ A, S (v. 1-2, 4) Proceedings. New series. 1888+ A, U (v. 7, 1895 + ) Royal statistical society. See Statistical society. Royal united service institution. Journal. Lond. 1858-1- C, I (V. 1-31,36+) LIST OF PERIODICAL LITERATURE. 105 Rural Californian. Los Angeles U (v. 12-16, 1889-93) Russia. Coinite geologique. See St. Petersburg. Russian journal of financial statistics. St. Petersburg U (1899-1901) Russian orthodox American messenger. N. Y. 1896+ U (v. 1-2) Saalburg's judisclier Kalender fiir California, Oregon, und Ne- vada. S. F. I (1901) Sabin's American bibliopolist. See American bibliopolist. Sacramento. Newspapers : Bee (Daily) C (1857-60, 1878 + ) Bee (Weekly) U(i885 + ) California times (Daily) U (1856-57) " Only existing copy." — Cornelius Cole. Democrat C (1871) Democratic state journal (DaihO C (1852-57) News (Daily evening) C (1891-93) Phoenix (and Ubiquitous) C*, P (1857-58) Record (Daily) C (1873-75), P (1871-72) Record-union (Daily). 1875+ C, I, M, P (-1888), U Reporter C (1870-72) Spirit of the age C (1855-56) State capital reporter C (1868-70) State daily democrat C (1S80) State tribune C (1855-56) Sun C (1878) Themis C (1889-94) Transcript C (1850-51), M (1850-54) Union (Daily). 1853-75 C (1854 + ), I (1853 + ), P (1856+ ),S (1863-74), U (1855 + ) Union (Weekly) S(i902 + ) Sacramento medical times. 1887-88. 2 v. C, U, Uni Continued as Occidental :uedical times. St. Andrew's medical graduates' association. Transactions. Lond. I (v. 1-6, 1867-73) St. Bartholomew's hospital, London. Reports. 1865+ C, I (v. i, 3-21) St. Etienne. Societe de I'industrie minerale. See Bulletin de la societe de I'industrie minerale. St. Gallen. Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft. Bericht A* St. George's hospital, London. Reports. 1S66 + Cc (v. 5-10, 1870-79), I (v. i-io) St. Helena (California) star C (1884 + ) St. James's magazine. 1861-82 C (v. 1-44), M St. Louis. Newspapers : Globe (Daily) C (1874) Globe-democrat (Daily) "C ( 1887 + ) Republic C(i888 + ) Times C (1873) 106 LIST OF PERIODICAL LITERATURE. St. Louis academy of science. Set' Acadenn-. St. Louis clinical record P (1879-80) St. Louis courier of medicine. 1879+ Cc (v. 1-14, 1879-85) St. Louis railway club. Proceedings. 1896+ I, S (v. 2. 4 + , 1897 + ) St. Nicholas. N. Y. 1873+ I (v. 3 + ), M, O, P St. Paul medical journal. 1899+ Um St. Paul's magazine. Lond. 1868-74. 14 v. U St. Petersburg. Academie imperiale des sciences. Bulletin A, H (1S94+), U (1860-88, 1894 + ) Melanges math^matiques H* Mdmoires (Commentarii, Acta) U (1726-1802) Classe ph3'sico-mathdmatique A*, U (1889 + ) Comite geologique. Bulletin 11(1894 + ) Memoires V (v. 4, 8-10, 14 + , 1887 + ) Hortus Petropolitanus. Acta A, U (v. 9 + ) [Imperial Russian geographical society]. Bulletin A* Memoires A* Musee zoologique. Annuaire. 1896+ A, S Nicolai-Hauptsternwarte (in Pulkova). Jahres- bericht H (1878 + ) Observations H Observatoire physique centrale. Annales 13(18794-) Russisch-kaiserliche mineralogische Gesell- schaft. Verhandlungen U (2. ser. , v. 32, 1896 + ) Societas entomologica Rossica. Horae A* Societe physico-chimique russe. Journal A (v. 18 + ) [Society of naturalists. Tran.sactions.] In Russia7i U(iS72 + )* St. Thomas's hospital, London. Reports I (n. s., v. 1-14, 1870-84) Salinas. Democrat C (1890-97) Journal C (1897 + ) Salvation: a new evangelical monthly. N. Y. 1899+ S, U Sammler. Munich I (v. 1-3, 1880-83) Sammlung bibliothekswissenschaftlicher Arbeiteu. Berlin, 1887+ S vSammlung chemischer Vortrage (Ahrens). Stuttgart, 1896+ U (v. 1-2) Sammlung gemeinverstandlicher wissenschaftlicher Vortrage (Virchow, Holtzendorff). Berlin, Hamb. tS66+ P, U (1866-91) Sammlung nationalokonomischer und statistischer Abhandlung- en des staatswissenschaftlichen Seminars zu Halle (Conrad). Jena, 1877+ U (1877-1900) Sammlung von Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der padago- gischeu Psychologic, etc. Berlin, 1897+ S, U Sammlung von Zeichnungen fiir die Hiitte. Berlin U (1854-81) San Benito advance. Hollister €(1890 + ) San Bernardino courier C (1891-94,) San Diego. Bee (Daily) 0(1887) Bulletin (Weekly) C (1870-72) San Diegan C (1890-92) San Diegan sun C (1892) LIST OF PERIODICAL LITERATURE. 107 San Diego. Sun Tribune San Franciscan. S. F. 1884-86 Monthh- Imlletin. 1895 + (1890-92) C (1897) C, I, P P, s, u San Francisco. Public library. San Francisco. Newspapers : Abstracts from records of land (Dun) P (1872-73) Alta California (Daily). 1849-91 0(1849-54, 1856 + ), I, M(i85i + ), P, U(i853, 1859-72, 1886+) Alta California almanac S (1877-83) American flag (Daily). 1864-65 I, M Arauto 8(1902 + ) Breviate of records P (1881-86) Bulletin f Daily evening). 1855 + C, I, M, O (1878 + ), P (1855-80, 1882 + ), U California daily chronicle. 1853-58. 9 V. I, M, P, U California daily courier M (1850-52), P (1851-52) Call (Daily morning) C (1877 + ), I (1863-64, 1871 + ), O (1894 + ), P (1880+) Carnival record. 1S80 U Chronicle C (1877 + ), I (1871 + ), M (1872 + ), O (1884 + ), P (1879 + ), S (1893 + ), U (1871-72) Chronicle almanac I (1898 + ), U (1898-1901) I (1882) I [\. I, 1900+) P (v. I, 1855) C (1888-93)* I (V. I, 1900) Chronicle annual Chung sai yat po [Chinese daily] Citizen (Daily) City argus Commercial Commercial herald and market review C (1868-72)*, M (1867-72), P (1867-79) Preceded by ." Mercantile gazette and prices current. 1860-67 C (i860), M (1860-67), P (1860-67) Preceded by : Prices current and shipping list. 1852-59 C (1859), P (1852-5S) Preceded by : Merchants' exchange (/a/^rSan Francisco) prices current and shipping list. 1850-52 M, P Commercial news and shipping list (Daily) I (v. 3, 1876 + ), P (1876, 1879) Courrier de San Francisco N Courrier des Ameriques P (v. i, 1861) Echo du Pacifique Examiner O (1893+) Examiner (Weekly) Exchange (Daily) Figaro Fireman's journal Franco-Californien N C (1870 + ), 1(1876 + ), P (1866-80, 1882 + ), U (1889 + ) S (1902 + ) P (v. 18-20, 1S84-85) c (1874-75) u (1855-57) N 108 LIST OF PERIODICAL LITKRATURE. San Francisco. Newspapers — Continued: Fraternal record C (1881-83) Globe (Daily) P (1880) Golden era (Daily) C* P (1869-70) Guide C (1871), I* Herald (Daily). 1850-62 C (1852-61), I (1860-61), P, U Herald (Daily). New series. 1869 C Herald of trade and grocer and canner U (1890) International exposition illustrated. 1893-94 P*, U* Journal (Daily evening) P (1861-62) Journal of commerce (Daily) M (1850) Journal of commerce (Weekly) C (1S74-S6), I (1873-81, 1883, 1886+) Leader C (1877), M Ledger (Morning) I (v. i, 1875) Local mission P (1877-80) Mail C (1877) Market review (Weekly) P (1867-85)* Mechanics' fair daily I, P (1879-80, 1882-83) Mechanics' fair daily press I (1860+ ), U (1868-69) [Mechanics'] industrial fair evening gazette I, U (1871) Mercantile gazette. 1860+ See Commer- cial herald. Merchants' exchange prices current. See Commercial herald. Mirror (Evening) P (1860-62) Merged in Herald (Daily), ivhich see. Mission {later Saturday) local. 1877-80 P New age C (1865) News (Daily evening). 1853-56 M (1853-54), U News letter. See News letter. Non-partisan C (Oct.-Nov., 1898) Oriental (Chinese) C (1856), U (1855) Pacific news. 1849 ^I*i U* Paciiic star (Daily) M (1851), P (July-Aug., 1851) Pacific town talk. See Pacific town talk; also Talk (below). Picayune (Daily evening) C (1851-52), U (1851-52) Pictorial town talk U (July 5, 1856) Political record C (1882 + ) Post (Daily evening) C (1872 + ), I, P (i899-f-) Post (Morning) M (1851), P (1851) Prices current. 18524- .S"pUiiient to Kiigiiieeriug. Trade circular annual. N. Y. P (1871) Train despatchers' association of America. Proceedings S(v. 5-7, 1892-95) Tramway and railway world. Lond. {begins x. 7) 1S98+ S Continuation to Railway world illustrated. Loud. 6 v. Transactions. See natne of association, club, or society. Transatlantic. Lond. U (v. 5-7, 1872-73) Transcontinental. 1870. (Printed on a Pullman car. ) M Trans-Mississippi commercial congress. Proceedings P (v. 6-8, 10) Travel. Cambridge, Mass. P (nos. 1-65, 72-106) Travelers" official railway guide. N. Y. S (1874 + )* Traveling engineers" association. Proceedings I, S (v. 1-2, 1893-94) Trenton natural history society. See New Jersey natural, etc. Trestle board. S. F. P (1889-91) Trieste. Societa Adriatica di scienze naturali. Bollettino A* Tring museum. Novitates zoologicae. 1894+ A Trinity journal. Weaverville 0(1890 + ) Troniso. Museum. Aarshefter A Trondhjem. Kongelige norske videnskabers-selskal). Skrifter A (1878+) Triibner's literary record P (1869-82), U (1880 + ) Truth: a weekly journal. Lond. 1877+ C, I, U (v. 7-8, 11-19) Tufts college studies. 1894+ A. S (nos. 1-6), U (nos. 1-6) Tulare times. Visalia €(1870-73,1890+) Tuolumne City news C (1870) Turf, field and farm. N. Y. P (186S) Turin. Associazione italiana per le osservazioni delle meteore luminose. Osservazioni H* Reale accademia delle scienze. Atti. 1866+ A*, U Reale osservatorio astronomico. Osservazioni II Universita. Musei di zoologia ed anatomia comparata. Bollettino A Twentieth century. N. Y. * I (v. 13, 1894+) A, C, H, P, U A, C, I, M, 0*, P, U C, I, P Rochester C ., Bost. 187 0+ U LIST OF PPCRIODICAL LITERATURK. 119 Ubiquitous. See Sacramento. Phcenix (and Ubiquitous). Ueber Land und Meer. Stuttgart, 1859+ M, P, U Union league club, N. Y. Reports vS (1887-96)* Union Pacific employees' magazine. Denver, 1886-94. 9 v. S Unita cattolica. Turin St United service: a review. N. Y., Phila. 1S79 + C i\. 1-2), I, P, U (n. s., V. 7-14) United service (joiuMial and naval and military) magazine. Uond. 1829+ C (-1S60), M (1857 + ), O C1840), P (-1858), U (-1S64) United States. Congress. Annals: debates, 1789-1824 P, U Congressional globe. 1833-73 C, I, M, P, S, U Congressional record. 1873+ C, M, O"", P, S, U Journals. 1774-1788 P, U Register of debates (Gales and vSeaton). 1824-37 P (V. 1-8, 13), U National museum, Washington. Annual report A, C, I, P, S, U Bulletin A, C, I, P, S*, U Proceedings A, C, I, P, S, U Naval observatory. Publications Patent office. Official gazette Specifications and drawings Supreme court. Reports, 1792 + Reports, 1792+ N. Y., Wasl United States army and navy journal. N. Y. 1863 + I (v. 10, 1872 + ), M* P (v. 1-5, 16 + ) United vStates cavalry association. Fort Leavenworth. Journal. 1888+ C United States gazette. Phila. P (1801-T2) Originally entitled CowxiXxy gazette of the United States United States government publications (Hickcox). Wash. 1885-94 C, P United States insurance gazette and magazine. N. Y. C United States jurist. Wash. 1871-73. 3 V. C, L United States law intelligencer and review. Providence, Phila. 1829-31 C, L United States magazine and democratic review. 1837+ See Democratic review. United States military service institution. See Military, etc. United States monthly law magazine. N. Y. 1850-52. 5 v. C, L United States naval institute, Annapolis. Proceedings. 1S74 + I, P IV. 1-8) United States official postal guide. Bost., Chic. C, P United States reporter . L U885 + ) United States revenue journal. N. Y. U (v. 8-10, 1895-97) Continuation of United States internal revenue record. X. Y. United vStates review and literary gazette. Bost. C, U ( 1825-27) United States service magazine. N. Y. 1864-66. 5 v. C, I United States telegraph. Wash. 1828 U United typothette of America. Proceedings I (v. 10, 1896 + ) Univers illustre. Paris N, St 120 LIST OK PERIODICAL LITERATURE. Universal magazine of knowledge. Lond. 1747+ C, O (v. 65, 1779) Universal tinker and amateur's assistant. X. Y. I (v. i, 1887) Universalist union. N. Y. I (v. 4, 1838-39) Universit}' chronicle. 1898+ .^SV^ University of California. Universitj' college, Dundee. Museum of zoolog}-. Studies vS (v. 1,1890) University extension. Phila. 1892-94 U Continued as the Citizen. University law review L, University magazine. Loud. 1878-80. 6 v. C, I (v. 1-5), M, P, U (v. i, 3-5) Xuiiilitreif in Poole as Dublin university magazine. Vols. 91 96. University of Aberdeen. Studies S (v. i, 1900) University of California. Bulletin. 1874-81 A, C, H, I*, M, U Bulletin. New series. 1898+ A, C, I, P, U Publications. Botany. 1902+ U Zoology. 1902+ U University chronicle. 1898+ C, P, S, U University of California studies. 1893+ I, U College of agriculture. Bulletin. 18S4+ I, P, U Department of geology. Bulletin. 1893+ I, P (v. i), S, U Library. Bulletin, nos. 1-14. 1880+ I, P, S, U Lick observatory. Bulletin. 1900+ H, S, U Contributions. 1889+ PI, I, P, S (v. 3-5), U Publications. 1887+ C, H, I, P, S (v. I, 3), U Sitident press : Berkeleyan. 1874-88, 1893-97 C*, M*, P, U Daily issue, v. 9, rSgy, continued as Californian (Daily), v. 10. Besom. 1876-78 U Blue and gold. 1875 + C*, H*, I*, P*, S*, U Californian (Dailj-). 1897+ {begins as v. 10) S (1902 + ), U Chaff (College of dentistry) Eighty-five. 1882-83 Eighty-four. 1885-89 Josh. 1895 + Neoliean review. 1873 Occident. 1881 + Oestrus. 1891 University echo. 1871-73 University of California magazine. University of Chicago. Economic studies. English studies. 1895 + Studies in classical philology. 1895 -l- University record. 1896 f Yerkes observatory. Bulletin. 1896-1- Publications. 19004- University of Michigan. Astronomical observatory. Notices S (v. 1-20, 1858-60) University of Minnesota. Jtinior class. Gopher S (1892, 1894) Society of engineers. Yearbook S (1892-93) University of Nebraska. University studies. i(S88-h A, I, U U (v. 4, 6) U u U (v. 1-2) u C*, I (1893+) , P (189S-1-), u u u 1895 + C, H, I, P, U 1895 + U (v. I, 5) U (v. 1) u s, u H H, S I.IST OF PERIODICAL LITERATURE. 121 University of New Mexico. Bulletin A, vS (v. i, 1899) University of Pennsylvania. Babylonian expedition. Series A. Cuneiform texts U (v. 9) Publications. Pliiloloify, literature and archceology. 1891 + S (v. 6), U (v. 1-6; 7, pt. 2) Political economy and public law. 1887+ U (nos. r-15) Department of historj-. Translations and reprints of original documents of European history. 1895+ S (v. i, 3-4), U* Zoological laborator}'. Contributions. 1893 + U* Sec also Americana Gernianica. University of Tennessee scientific magazine. Knoxville I (v. i, 1894-96) University of Texas. Zoological laboratory. Contributions A University of the state of New York. Annual report S (1877 + )* U (1872 + ) Extension {later Home education) bulletin. 1891 + S, U High school department. Bulletin U (v. i, 1898) State librar}' bulletin. Additions. 1891 + P> U Bibliography. 1895+ P, vS, U Legislation. 1891 + P, S, U Library school. 1891 + S, U Public libraries, nos. 1-3 U Sec also New York state museum of natural history. University of Toronto. Studies in history. 1896+ S (v. i, 3) University of Vermont. Botanical department. Contributions. 1898+ S (nos. 1-5, 7-8) University of Virginia. Leander McCormick observatory'. Pub- lications. 1883+ H*, U* University of Wisconsin. Bulletin: Economics, political science and history. 1894+ P, S, U Engineering. 1894+ I, P, S, U Philology and literature. 1898+ S, U Science. 1894+ A, P, S, U Washburn observatory. Contributions H Publications A, H, S (v. 1-5), U (v. 1-5) University record. 1S96+ 6"^^ University of Chicago. Universum. Frankfurt I (v. 1-2, 1S81-83) Unsere Zeit. Leipzig, 1857-91 I (1877-84), U Upper Canada law journal. Montreal, 1855-64 C, L, S See also Canada law journal. Upsala. Regia societas scientiarum. Nova acta A* Sternwarte. Beobachtungen A* Bulletin mensuel A* Universitet. Arsskrift A* S (1889+ ), U (18S6 + ) Geological institution. Bulletin. 1892+ Sb, U Utrecht. Acadeniia Rheno-Trajectina. Annales A*, U ( 1815-37) Nederlandsche central spoorweg maatschappij. Verslag S (1869-95; Nederlandsche maatschappij tot exploitatie van staatspoorwegen. Verslag S (1863-95) 122 LIST OF PERIOniCAL LITERATURE. Utrecht. Observatoire. Recherches astronomiques. 1861-64 H* Provinciaal Utreclitsch t(enootschap van kunsten en wetenschappen. Aanteekeningen A* Vail's annnlar world. See Annular world. Valpy's classical journal. 6'^^ Classical journal. Van Dienian's Land temperance herald S (1845) Van Nostrand's eclectic engineerint^ magazine. N. Y. 1869-86 C. I, M, P, U Mergcil^ iSSy, in Railroad and eiigiiietriug journal. Vanity fair. N. Y. 1860-63 C (v. i), I, P Varietes sinologiques. Shanghai, 1892+ V (v. 1-15) Velhagen und Klasing's neue Monatshefte. Bielefeld I (v. 14, 1899+ ), S (1897 + ) Ventura. Free press C(i89i + ) Independent 0(1898+) Verein fiir Socialpolitik. See Leipzig. Verhandlungen der deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Chirurgie. See Berlin. Vermont historical society. Collections. Montpelier, 1870 +- P (v. 1-2), S (v. 1-2) Vermont school journal. West Brattleboro S (v. 6, 1864) Vermont state medical society. Transactions Um(i899+) Versammlung deutscher Philologen und Schulmanner. Ver- handlungen. 1838+ U Verzeichniss derBiicher, Landkarten, etc.(Ivorentz) S (1854-61, 1863-6S) Vestnik Europy. St. Petersburg 11(1902 + ) Veterinary journal. Lond. 1875+ C Vick's monthly magazine. Rochester U (v. 4-13, 1882 + ) Victoria, New South Wales. Abstracts of specifications of patents P (1854-66) Patents and patentees P (1854-70, 1871-75) Victoria almanac. Melbourne S (1855) Victoria law almanac. Melbourne S (v. lo, 12, 1891-93) Victoria institute; or, philosophical society of Great Britain. Journal of transactions. Lond. 1867+ C (v. 1-25) Victorian agricultural and horticultural gazette. Geelong, 1857 + S (v. 1-2) Victorian institute of surveyors, Melbourne. Transactions. 1874+ C (v. 3), vS (V. I, 3) Victorian naturalist. Melbourne S (v. 2-1 1, 1S85-94) Victorian review. Melbourne S ( i860) Victorian yearbook. Melbourne P (1875-80, 1882-91), S (1883-87), U (1874, 1876-77) Vienna. Institut fiir oesterreichische Geschichtsforschung. Mittheilungen. 1880+ U (v. 23, 1902 + ) LIST OF PERIODICAL LITERATURK. 123 Vienna. Kaiserlich-koniglich-zoologisch-botanische Gesell- schaft. Verhandlungen S (1870-93)* Kaiserlich-konigliche geographische (iesellschaft. Mittheilungen A* Kaiserlich-konigliche geologische Reichsaustalt. Abhandlungen. 1852+ A (v. 1-3) Jahrbuch. 1850+ A, U (v. 38, 188S + , v. 1-37 ordered) Verhandlungen. 1867+ A Kaiserlich-konigliche Sternwarte. Annalen H Kaiserlich-konigliches natur-historisches Hof-Museuni. Annalen S (v. 9-10, 1S94-95) Kaiserliche Akadeniie der Wisseuschaflen. Mathe- matisch-naturwissenschaftliche Classe. Denkschrift- en. 1850+ A (v. 27-i-), U Monatshefte fiir Chemie. 1880+ S (v. 1-20), U Sitzungsberichte. 1848 + A*, H*, U Philosophisch-historische Classe. Denkschriften. 1850+ U (v. 1-46) Sitzungsberichte. 1848+ U Kuffner'sche Sternwarte. Publikationen H Oesterreichischer Ingenieur- und Architekten Verein. Zeitschrift. 1849+ 1^ (v. 26, 1874 4- ), U Oesterreichisches archaologisches Institut. Jahres- hefte. 1898 + U Ornithologischer Verein. Mittheilungen .\ Universitat. Institut fiir Anatomic und Physiologie des Centralnervensystems. Arbeiten S (v. 7, 1900 + ) Verein fiir die Forderung des Local- und Strassenbahn- wesens. Mittheilungen. 1893 -1- S(v. 1-2) Verein zur Verbreitung naturwissenschaftlicher Kenntnisse. Schriften. 1860+ A, 55 (v. 16-31, 1876-91) Zoologisch-botanische Gesellschaft. Verhandlungen A Vierteljahrsschrift der astronomischen Gesellschaft. See Leipzig. Vierteljahrsschrift fiir Litteraturgeschichte. Weimar, 1888-93. 6 v. U Vierteljahrsschrift fiir Staats- und Volkswirtschaft. 1896-97. See Zeitschrift fiir Litteratur und Geschichte der Staatswissen- schaften. Leipzig, 1893-97. Vierteljahrsschrift fiir Volkswirtschaft, Politik und Kulturge- schichte. Berlin, 1863-93 vS (v. 1 13-120, 1892-93), U Vierteljahrsschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Philosophie. Leipzig, 1877 + U Vierteljahrsschrift iiber die Fortschritte auf deni Gebiete der Chemie der Nahrungs- und Genussniittel. Berlin, 1886-98 U Contimeeiias Zeitschrift fiir Untersuchutigder Nahrungs- und Genuss- niittel. 1898-1- Vigne americaine. Macon, Georgia 11(1890-93) Vigne americaine et la viticulture en Europe. Vienna C Vindin's philatelic monthly. Sydney, N. S. W. I (v. 1-7, 1S90-94) Vinos y aceitos. Madrid U (v. 12-15, 1889-92) 124 LIST OF PERIODICAL LITERATURE. Virginia historical society. Collections. Richmond. New ser. i«82+ P (v. i-ii), U (v. i-ii) Virginia law journal. Richmond, 1877+ C, L Virginia law register. Lynchburg, 1896+ L Virginia magazine of history and biography. Richmond, 1893+ C, S Virginia medical monthly. Richmond, 1874+ Um (v. 4-20) Continued as Virginia medical seini-iuonthly. Virginia medical semi-monthly. Richmond, 1896+ Um (v. 4, 1899+) A'irginia philatelist. Richmond I (v. 1-2, 1897-98) Virginias: mining, industrial and scientific journal. Staunton, 1880-85 Sb (v. 1-4, 6) Visalia. Equal rights expositor 0(1862-63) Voice. N. Y. 1884+ P (v. 2-5) Voice (Werner). See Werner's voice magazine. Wagner free institute of science. Transactions. Phila. 1887 + A, S (v. 2-4), U (v. 1-6) W^alch's Tasmanian almanac. Hobart Town S (v. 4-5, 36, 1866-98) Walford's antiquarian magazine and bibliographer. L,ond. 1882-87 ^1 P Washburn observatory. See University of Wisconsin. Washington. Post 8(1902 + ) Washington academy of sciences, Washington, D. C. Proceed- ings. 1899+ A, S, U Washington law exchange. 1890+ L Washington law reporter. Wash., D. C. 1/ (1874 + ) AVashington philatelist. Wash., D. C. I (v. 1-8, 1892-95) Wasp. S. F. 1876 -f I (v. 6, i88r + ), P, U (v. 8) Water-cure journal and herald of reforms. N. Y. I (v. II, 12, 15, 16, 1851-53) Week. N. Y. P(i872) Weekly Cincinnati law bulletin. 1877-83 C Continued an: Weekly law bulletin. Columbus, 1883-84 C (v. 10-12) Continued as: Weekly law bulletin and Ohio law journal. Columbus, 1S85+ C Weekly notes. Lond. 1865+ C (1866-85, 1891), L, S (v. 1-24) Weekly notes of cases. Phila. 1874+ C, L Weekly philatelic era. Portland, Me. I (v. 5, 1893 + ) Weekly philatelist. West Chester, Pa. I (v. 1-2, 1892-94) Weekly register. Baltimore, 1811 + .W Niles' weekly register. Weekly reporter. Lond. 18524- C, L, S (v. 1-37) Weinlaube. Vienna U (v. 19-27, 1887-95) W^erner's voice magazine. N. Y., Albany C (v. 5-10), I {y. 1-13, 1879-91), P (v. 9, 1887 + ) \'ols. /-It) are entitled The voice. Wernigerode. Naturwissen.schaftlicher Verein des Harzes. Berichte A (1846-49, 1852-62) Wesleyan-Methodist magazine. See Methodist magazine. LIST OF PERIODICAL LlTERATrRE. 125 West American scientist. San Diego, 1884+ A, H, I (v. 1-4), Mi, P, U West coast reporter. S. F. 1884-86 C, L West Virginia bar L, West Virginia medical society. See Medical society. Western. St. Louis, 1875+ U (v. i) Western .\ustralian yearbook. Perth S \v. 5, 1890) Western broker. Chic. U (v. 10-13, 1888-91) Western druggist. Chic. Up (v_. 5-8, 1883-S6) Western electrician. Chic. 1887+ I Western journal of education. S. F. 1896 + C*, I, P(v. 3 + ), S (v. 5+), U* Western lancet. S. F. 1872-84 C*, U (v. 2-3, 9-13), Um (v. 8-13) /« /SS4 merged in Pacific medical and surgical jour naL Western land owner. See Copp's land owner. Western law journal. Cincinnati, 1843-53 C, L* Western law times. Winnipeg, 1890+ L Western literary institute, Cincinnati. Transactions U (v. 4-10, 1834-40) Western medical review. Lincoln, 1896 -f Um (v. 4 + ) W^estern monthly. Chic. 1869-71 M Continued under title Lakeside monthly. 1872+ Western national. Berkeley, Cal., etc. V (1897) Western oil news. S. F. 1901 + I Western philatelist. Chic. I (v. 1-2, 1S87-88) Western railway club. Proceedings. Chic. I (1893-94, 1900+ ), S (v. lo-ii, 13 + , 1897 + ) Western reporter. Rochester, 1885 + C, L Western Reserve and northern Ohio historical society. Tracts P (nos. 1-36), U (no. 374-) Publications P (1898) Western review of science and industry. See Kansas City review. Western societj' of engineers. Journal. Chic. 1896-1- I, S (v. i, 3-f ), U Westminster review. Lond. 1824 -h C, I (V. 54, 1851 + ;, M, O* P, U (v. 18-19, 57 + ) Westminster teacher. Phila. P (v. 8-9, 1880-81) Weymouth historical societ}'. Publications. Bost. 1881 -1- P (nos. 1-2) Proceedings P (1879-80) What's what. Lond. 1902+ I, U Wheelman. See Outing. Whig almanac. N. Y. 1(1849-55) Whitaker's almanac. Lond. I (1879, 1882-94, 1896 + ), P (1881-)*, U* Whitaker's journal of amusing and instructive literature. Lond. I (1876) Whitaker's reference catalogue. See Reference catalogue. Who's who. Lond. I (1897 + ), P (1897 + ), S (1898, 1901), U (1901 + ) Who's who in America. Chic. I, U (1S99-1- ) Wide awake. Bost. P* Continued in St. Nicholas. Wide world magazine. Lond. 1898 -i- I Wien. See Vienna. Wiener Beitrage zur englischen Philologie. 1895 + U 12() LIST OF PKKIODICAL LlTKRATUKE. Wiener 15riefinarken Zeilinig. Vienna I (v. 1-3, 1880-82) Wiener entomologisclie Monatschrift. 1857+ A (v. 1-4) Wiener entomologische Zeitung. 1882+ S Wiener uiedizinische Wochensclirift Um (v. 33-42, 1883-92) Wiener Studien. Zeitschrift fiir classi.sclie Philologie. 1879 + S (v. 19, 1897 + ), U Wiener Zeitschrift fiir die Kunde des Morgenlandes. 1887 + U (v. 1 1-12) Wiesliaden. Nassauischer Verein fiir Naturkunde. Jahrbiicher A*, U (v. 47, 50-53> 1894-1900) WiUord's microcosm. N. Y. P (v. 2-3, 1882-84) William and Mary college quarterly historical magazine. Will- iamsburg. 1892+ C Willis's current notes. Lond. 1852-57. 7 v. 1* Willows review. Willows, California C(i90i + ) Wilson ornithological chapter of the Agassi/, association. Pub- lications A Wilson's photographic magazine. N. Y. v. 26, 1889 -f- I, P Begins 7uith vol. 2O; vols, /--^j are Philadelphia photographer. Wine and spirit circular. Louisville U (1888-92 Winters express C (1889-1- Wiscon^in academy of sciences. Transactions. Madison, 1870 -1- A, I (v. 4-12), H* P (v. 3-6), Sb, U (v. 3-F Wisconsin engineer. Madison, 1896-1- I, S (v. i Wisconsin journal of education. Madison S (v. 8-9, 1863-64 Wisconsin natural history society. Bulletin. Milwaukee S (n. s., V. I, 1900 Wisconsin state agricultural society. Transactions Sb (1851-S8 Wisconsin state historical society. Report and collections. Madison, 1854 -f C, P (v. 2-4, 6-f ), vS (v. 1-12, 1854-92), U (v. 2-3, 8-f Proceedings S (1889-91, 1900 -f- Wisconsin state medical society. Transactions Um (1899 Wochenschrift fiir deutsche Bahnmeister. Berlin vS (v. 13, 1896 -l- Wochenschrift fiir Eisenbahn-Betriebs- und Verkehrsbeamte. Berlin vS (v. lo-ii, 13, 15 + , 1896 -f- Wochenschrift fiir Kisenbahn-Telegraphen Beanite. Berlin S (v. 3-4, 6 + , 1896 -i- Wochenschrift fiir klassische Philologie. Berlin, 1884 -f U (v. 19,1902 + " Woman." N. Y. I (v. i, 1887-88 Woman's world. Lond. P (1890 Wood and iron. See Pacific coast wood and iron. Woodland democrat (Daily) C (1891-f Wood's household magazine. Newburg O (v. 6-7, 12-13, 1S70, 1873 Wood's royal southern calendar. Launceston 8(1850 Woodstock letters. Woodstock, Md. 1872-1- S Wood- worker. Indianapolis I (v. 9, 1890 -t- Worcester magazine and historical journal. 1825-26. 2 v. U Worcester society of anticjuity. Collections. i877-f P (v. i-io), U (v. 6+) L (V. 3 + ) c, I, P, s, u H, u H, u S ( 1901 +) s, u LIST OF PERIODICAL LITERATURE. 127 Words of grace. vSydney S (v. 2-4, 1S77-80) Wordsworth society, London. Transactions TJ Workshop. N. Y. 1868+ I (v. 7-17, 1874-84), M (v. 1-4;, P* World ahnanac. N. Y. See New York. World. World's work. N. Y. 1900 -f I, P, U Writer. Bost. 1887 -^ I, P Wiirzburg. Botanisches Institut. . Arbeiten A*, S (v. 1-3, 1874-88) Physikalisch-niedicinische Gesellschaft. Sitzungs- berichte S (1889) Wiirzburger naturwissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift A Wyoming historical and genealogical society, Wilkes-Barre. Proceedings. 1858 + M* Yale law journal. New Haven, 1892 + Yale review. New Haven, 1892 + Continuation to New Englander. Yale university. Astronomical observator}'. Reports • Transactions — Bulletin Psychological laboratory. Studies. 1893 -i- Sheffield scientific school. Laborator}- of physiological chemistry. Studies S (v. 2-3, 1887-89) Yale studies in English. 1898+ S (v. 1-3, 6-10), U Student press: College courant U (1873-74) Yale alumni weekly S ( 1902 + ) Yale literary magazine U (v. 3-6, 12-15, 1838-50) Y'ear-book of facts in science and art. Lond. I (1839-59, 1866-67), P (1861-80)* Year-book of nature and popular science (Draper). N. Y. 1(1872) Year-book of photograph}' and amateur's guide. L,ond. P (1900-1- ) Year-book of railwa}' literature. Chic. I (1S97), P (1897) Year-book of science (Bonney). Lond. I (1892), P (1892) Year-book of the art societies of New York I (v. i, 1898-99) Year-book of the scientific and learned societies of Great Britain I (1884-88, 189I, 1898 -r), P (1896-97), S (I9OI + ) Year-book of Victoria. Melbourne S (v. 7-8, 1888-89) Year's art. Lond. I (v. 21, 1900+ ), P (i88r, 1895, 1898 -h ) Y'ear's music. Lond. I (v. 4, 1899), P (1896 -I- ) Yellow book: an illustrated quarterly. Lond. 1894-97. 13 v. P (V. 2-13), U Yeoman. Melbourne S (v. 2-3, 1S63-64) Yerkes' observatory. See University of Chicago. Yolo democrat. Woodland C (1870-73) Young oologist. 1884+ 6'i?^ L Ct>«^///«,-,;'rt.y Biological bulletin ^ ' Zoological record. Lond. 1864+ A, S (v. 32-37, 1895-1900) Zoological society of London. Proceedings ^' ^I*' S (1830-59, 1861-77, 1879-97) Transactions A p r-, ^ ^„ ,, x ,v' ^ , . . A, *^, i (v. i-io, 1833-79), M* Zoologische Garten. Frankfort ^^/:^/' ^ • Zoologische Jahrbiicher. Abtheilung fiir Anatomie und Onto- geniederThiere. Jena A, S (v. 3, 1889 + ) Zoologischer Anzeiger. Leipzig, 1S78 + ^g Zoologischerjahresbericht. Leipzig, Berlin, 1879+ s'u Zoologisches Centralblatt. Leipzig, 1894+ ''3 Zoologist. Lond. 1843+ a* Zoophile: official organ of the Humane e.lucation association. S. F. 1900 + Ziirich. NaturforschendeGes.lIschaft. Vierteljahrsschrift A (v. 30+) Schweizerische palaontologische (resellschaft. Ab- handlungen. .874+ Sb (v. i-i r, 1874-84) hchweizeri.sche Polytechnicum. Mittheilungen der Prufung.sanstalt 3 ^„„,. 2-3, 5-8, 1886-97) UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped helow FormL-9 £0111-12, '39(3386) z 6945 C12 UCLA-Young Research Library Z6945 .CI 2 y III nil 111 mil L 009 612 185 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACIUTV AA 001 247 539 8