I U B 1 503 ' A6 1 1916 1 i Doc. \ Oept. UC-NRLF B M EME bMS Regulations for the Regular Army Reserve • Under Acts of Congress Approved August 24. 1912. and June 3. 1916 August 15. 1916 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFnCE I9I6 Regulations for the Regular Army Reserve Under Acts of Congress Approved August 24, 1912, and June 3, 1916 August 15,1916 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE I9I6 ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 5 CENTS PER COPY V CAT. FOR fiOC DEFT. UBS03 DEPT. Wab Depaetment, Office of the Chief of Staff, Washington, August 15, 1916. The following laws and regulations governing the Regular Army Reserve are published for the information and guidance of all concerned. By order of the Secretary of War : [2430200, A. G. O.] H. L. Scott, Major General, Chief of Staff. (3) 756 LAWS GOVERNING THE REGULAR ARMY RESERVE. 1, Extracts from the act of Congress " For making further and more effectual provision for the national defense, and for other purposes," approved June 3, 1916. Sec. 2. COMPOSITION OF THE REGULAR ARMY. The Regular Army of the United States, * * * shall consist of * * *, the Regular Army Reserve * * *. Sec. 19. COMPOSITION OF FIELD ARTILLERY UNITS. * * * In time of actual or threatened hostilities the Presi- dent is authorized to organize such number of ammunition bat- teries and battalions, depot batteries and battalions, and such artillery parks with such numbers and grades of personnel and such organizations as he may deem necessary. * * * The enlisted men necessary for such organizations shall be supplied from the Regular Army Reserve provided by this act or from the Regular Army. * * * Sec. 27. ENLISTMENTS IN THE REGULAR ARMY. On and after the first day of November, nineteen hundred and six- teen, all enlistments in the Regular Army shall be for a term of seven years, the first three years to be in the active service with the organizations of which those enlisted form a part and, except as otherwise provided herein, the last four years in the Regular Army Reserve hereinafter provided for ; * * * pro- Tided further. That after the expiration of one year's honorable service any enlisted man serving within the continental limits of the United States whose company, troop, battery, or detach- ment commander shall report him as proficient and sufficiently trained may, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, be fur- loughed to the Regular Army Reserve under such regulations as the Secretary of War may prescribe, but no man furloughed to the reserve shall be eligible to reenlist in the service until the expiration of his term of seven years. * * * Sec. 29. FINAL DISCHARGE OF ENLISTED MEN. No en- listed man in the Regular Army shall receive his final discharge until the termination of his seven-year term of enlistment except upon reenlistment as provided for in this act or as provided by law for discharge prior to expiration of term of enlistment, but (5) when au enlisted man is fuiioughetl to tlic Regular Army Re- serve his account shall be closed and he shall be paid in full to the date such furlough becomes effective, including allowances provided by law for discharged soldiers : Provided, That when by reason of death or disability of a member of the family of an enlisted man occurring after his enlistment members of his family become dependent upon him for support, he may, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, be discharged from the service of the United States or be furloughed to the Regular Array Reserve, upon due proof being made of such condition : Provided further. That when an enlisted man is discharged by purchase while in active service he shall be furloughed to the Regular Army Reserve, unless, in the discretion of the Secre- tary of War, he is given a final discharge from the Army. Sec. 30. COMPOSITION OP THE REGULAR ARMY RE-^ SERVE. The Regular Army Reserve shall consist of, first, all enlisted men now in the Army Reserve or who shall hereafter become members of the Army Reserve under the provisions of existing law ; second, all enlisted men furloughed to or enlisted in the Regular Army Reserve under the provisions of this act ; and, third, any person holding an honorable discharge from the Regular Array with character reported at least good who is physically qualified for the duties of a soldier and not over forty-five years of age who enlists in the Regular Array Reserve for a period of four years. Sec. 31. The President is authorized to assign members of the Regular Army Reserve as reserves to particular organiza- tions of the Regular Army, or to organize the Regular Army Reserve, or any part thereof, into units or detachments of any arm, corps, or department in such manner as he may prescribe, and to assign to such units and detachments ofiicers of the Regular Army or of the Officers' Reserve Corps herein pro- vided for; and he may summon the Regular Array Reserve or any part thereof for field training for a period not exceeding fifteen days in each year, the reservists to receive travel ex- penses and pay at the rate of their respective grades in the Regular Army during such periods of training; and in the event of actual or threatened hostilities he may mobilize the Regular Army Reserve in such manner as he may determine, and thereafter retain it, or any part thereof, in active service for such period as he may determine the conditions demand : Provided, That all enlistments in the Regular Array, including those in the Regular Army Reserve, which are in force on the date of the outbreak of war shall continue in force for one year, unless sooner terminated by order of the Secretary of War, but nothing herein shall be construed to shorten the time of enlistment prescribed : Provided further, That subject to such regulations as the President may prescribe for their proper identification, and location, and physical condition, the members of the Regular Army Reserve shall be paid semiannually at the rate of $24 a year while in the reserve. Sec. 32. REGULAR ARMY RESERVE IN TIME OF WAR. When mobilized by order of the President, the members of the Regular Army Reserve shall, so long as they may remain in active service, receive the pay and allowances of enlisted men of the Regular Army of like grades : Provided, That any en- listed man who shall have reenlisted in the Regular Army Re- serve shall receive during such active service the additional pay now provided by law for enlisted men in his arm of the service in the second enlistment period : Provided further. That upon reporting for duty, and being found physically fit for serv- ice, members of the Regular Army Reserve shall receive a sum equal to .$3 per month for each month during which they shall have belonged to the reserve, as well as the actual necessary cost of transportation and subsistence from their homes to the places at which they may be ordered to report for duty under such summons : And provided further. That service in the Regular Army Reserve shall confer no right to retirement or retired pay, and members of the Regular Army Reserve shall become entitled to pension only through disability incurred while on active duty in the service of the United States. Sec. 33. USE OF OTHER DEPARTMENTS OP THE GOV- ERNINIENT. The President may, subject to such rules and regulations as in his judgment may be necessary, utilize t\w services of members and employees of all departments of the Government of the United States, without expense to the indi- vidual reservist, for keeping in touch with, paying, and mobiliz- ing the Regular Army Reserve, the Enlisted Reserve Corps, and other reserve organizations. Sec. 34. REENLISTMENT IN TIME OP WAR. For the pur- pose of iitilizing as an auxiliary to the Regular Army Reserve the services of men who have had experience and training in the Regular Army, or in the United States Volunteers, outside of the continental limits of the United States, in time of actual or threatened hostilities, and after the President shall, by proc- lamation, have called upon honorably discharged soldiers of the Refrular Army to present themselves for reenlistment therein within a specified period, subject to such conditions as may be prescribed, any person who shall have been discharged honor- ably from said Army, with character reported as at least good, and who, having been found physically qualified for the duties of a soldier, if not over fifty years of age, shall reenlist in the line of said Army, or in the Signal, Quartermaster, or IVIedical De- partment thereof, within the period that shall be specified in said proclamation, shall receive on so reenlisting a bounty which shall be computed at the rate of $S for each month for the first year of the period that shall have elapsed since his last dis- charge from the Regular Army and the date of his reenlist- ment therein under the terms of said proclamation ; at the rate of $6 per month for the second year of such period ; at the rate of $4 per month for the third year of such period ; and at the rate of $2 per month for any subsequent year of such period ; l)ut no bounty in excess of $300 shall be paid to any person under the terms of this section. REGULATIONS FOR THE REGULAR ARMY RESERVE. 2. COMPOSITION. (1) All enlisted men now in the Army Reserve or who shall hereafter become members of the Army Reserve under the act of August 24, 1912. (Sec. 30, act of June 3, 1916.) (2) All men enlisted prior to November 1, 1916, who upon their written application to that effect are fuiioughed to the Army Reserve, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, at the expiration of three years' continuous service with the or- ganizations of which they form a part. (Sec. 2, act of August 24, 1912, and sec. 27, act of June 3. 1916.) (3) All men enlisted prior to November 1, 1916, who upon completion of four years' service with organizations of wliich they form a part, are furloughed to the Army Reserve, unless they have applied for discharge with a view to immediate re- enlistment for a period of seven years, or have applied in writ- ing for authority to remain with the organizations to which they belong until completion of their whole enlistments, subject to good conduct and physical fitness. ( Sec. 2, act of August 24, 1912.) (4) All men enlisted on or after November 1, 1916, furloughed to the Regular Army Reserve after three years' active service with the organizations of which they shall have formed a part. (Sec. 27, act of June 3, 1916.) (5) All enlisted men furloughed, in the discretion of the Sec- retary of War, to the Regular Army Reserve after the expira- tion of one year's lionorable service, if sei'ving within the con- tinental limits of the United States at time of furlough and re- ported proficient and sufficiently trained by their proper com- manders. ( Sec. 27, act of June 3, 1916. ) (6) All enlisted men furloughed, in the discretion of the Sec- retary of War, to the Regular Army Reserve after the expira- tion of one year's service in lieu of discharge from the service, A^ hen by reason of death or disability of a member of any such man's family after his enlistment members of his family become dependent upon him for support. (Sec. 30, act of February 2, 1901, and .sec. 29, act of June 3, 1916. ) (7) Enlisted men who apply for discharge by purchase and comply with regulations governing such privilege, who in the discretion of the Secretary of War are furloughed to the Regu- lar Army Reserve in lieu of discharge. (Sec. 29, act of June 3, 1916.) (8) Those who reenlist in the Regular Army Reserve at the expiration of a seven years' term of enlistment or within three months thereafter. (Sec. 32, act of June 3, 1916, and sec. 3, act of August 1, 1894.) (9) Those who, being honorably discharged soldiers with character reported at least good, physically qualified, and not over forty-five years of age enlist in the Regular Army Reserve. (Sec. 30, act of June 3, 1916.) ENLISTMENT. %. All enlistments and reenlistments in the Regular Army Reserve shall be for a period" of four years. 4. Enlistments and reenlistments in the Regular Army Re- serve may be made by any officer authorized by the War De- partment to recruit for the Army. Rules and x'egulations gov- erning the enlistment and reenlistment of persons for the Regular Army will apply to enlistments and reenlistments for the Regular Army Reserve, with the following exceptions: (a) No applicant for enlistment or reenlistment in the Regu- lar Army Reserve will be held at a general recruiting station, 52444°— 16 2 10 recruit depot, depot post, or other place, either pending his acceptance or after tlie enlistment is completed, nor will he be forwarded to a recruit depot, depot post, or other place. (ft) If otherwise qualified, married men may be enlisted or reenlisted in the Regular Army Reserve without reference to higher authority. (c) If otherwise qualified, applicants not over 45 years of age may be enlisted in the Regular Army Reserve. (d) Former service as indicated in subdivisions (8) and (9) of paragraph 2 is required as a qualification for enlistment or reenlistment in the Regular Army Reserve. (e) If a noncommissioned ofl[icer reenlist in the Regular Army Reserve within three months of the date of his discharge, his warrant as such will remain in force as of the arm, corps, or department, but not of the organization, in which it was re- ceived. Each reenlistment and continuance will be noted on the warrant by the oflJicer reenlisting such soldier. 5. After the nature and terms of enlistment in the Regular Army Reserve have been fully explained to the applicant and before the enlistment blanks are filled the officer will read to him and offer him for his signature the following declaration, which forms part of the enlistment paper : DECLAKATION OF APPLICANT. I, , desiring to enlist in the Regular Army Reserve of the United States for the terra of four years, do declare that I am of the legal age to enlist (or reenlist) and believe myself to be physically qualified to perform the duties of an able-botlied soldier; and I do further declare that I am of good habits and character in all respects and have never been discharged from the Unite same consideration by sucli superiors as 33 Army Regulations enjoin upon all persons in the military serv- ice. For breaches of discipline he may be tried by court- martial. For loss or destruction of Government property through his neglect he may be required to reimburse the Gov- ernment through stoppages on pay rolls. He has, in case of such alleged neglect, the same right of appeal for investigation by a surveying officer as has any soldier in active service. 96. A member of the Regular Army Reserve is not eligible to enlist in the Regular Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Volunteer Army, or the National Guard until discharged, either at the expiration of his seven-year term of enlistment or until dis- charged prior to expiration of such term in a manner author- ized by law. 97. Any member of the Regular Army Reserve who, without having first received a regular discharge, again enlists in the Army, Navy, or Marine Corps of the United States or in the National Guard in the service of the United States or in any for- eign army, shall be deemed to have deserted the service of the United States ; and, where the enlistment is in one of the forces of the United States mentioned above, to have fraudulently en- listed therein. 98. A member of the Regular Army Reserve is not permitted to leave the territorial limits of the United States, except to visit or reside in its possessions, without authority of the Sec- retary of War. Applications for such authority will be for- warded through department commanders or the other officers charged with keeping reservists' records. This authority will be granted unless hostilities be actual or threatened. 99. Members of the Regular Army Reserve may be employed in the classified and unclassified civil service, subject to such regulations, examinations, and tests as may be prescribed by the Civil Service Commission. 100. Unmarried members of the Regular Army Reserve under 30 years of age, citizens of the United States, physically sound, who have served honorably not less than two years in the Army and have a good moral character, may compete for ap- pointment as second lieutenants. For vacancies in the grade of second lieutenant created or caused by increases of the Army under the act of June 3, 1916, one year's active service with an organization is sufficient for enlisted men otherwise qualified. 101. Unmarried members of the Regular Army Reserve be- tween the ages of 19 and 22 years who have served as enlisted 34 men not less than one year may be selected, under such regula- tions as the President may prescribe, for appointment as cadets to the United States IMilitary Academy under the act of Con- gress approved May 4, 1916. 102. Any enlistment of a member of the Regular Army Re- serve in force on the date of the outbreak of war shall continue in force for one year, unless sooner terminated by order of the Secretary of War, but this shall not serve to shorten the time of enlistment. (Sec. 31, act of June 3, 1916.) INDEX. SUBJECT. Par. Address, changes recorded 20 Address, quarterly repoi't of 18, 19 Applicant for enlistment, declaration of 5 " Auxiliary to the Regular Army Reserve " 67 " Character " may be modified 39 Clothing allowance 87 Composition of Regular Army Reserve 2 Death of reservist, action taken 23, 42 Descriptive card, copy to disbursing quartermaster 15 Descriptive card, to place of field training 58 Descriptive card, delivered to reservist 17 Descriptive card, carried by reservist 89 Descriptive card, delivery after confinement 37 Descriptive card, to place of mobilization 68 Discharge, date noted on descriptive card 40 Discharge, how delivered to reservist 38 Discharge, final, of reservist 24 Disbursing quartermaster, notified on mobilization 69 Disbursing quartermaster, furnished copy of descriptive card 15 Elimination of unfit (par. 148*, A. R.) 33 Enlistment, conditions 4 Enlistment, grade 22 Enlistment, period in reserve 3 Enlistment, papers forwarded 21 Enlistment, oath of 6 Enlistment, declaration 5 Enlistment, period extended on outbreak of war 102 Field training, duty of reservist 93 Field training, articles in possession 94 Field training, certificate of sick 49 Field training, clothing required 51 (35) 36 Par. Field training, descriptive card to place of 58 Field training, form of summons 49 Field training, objects 44 Field training, period 43,92 Field training, place, time, manner 46 Field training, provisional organizations 48 Field training, when held 45 Field training, ammunition allowance 53 Field training, arms, equipment, etc 54 Field training, pay for what period 56 Field training, service not " active " 57 Field training, regular organizations 47 Field training, season 92 Field training, transportation 50, 84, 85 Field training, subsistence 84, 85 Furlough, date due 27 Furlough, by whom granted 27 Furlough, after one year's service 32 Furlough, if awaiting trial or sentence 36 Furlough, if under sentence 35 Furlough, if absent from organization 34 Furlough, in what grade 26 Furlough, if enlisted before November 1, 1916 28 Furlough, if enlisted on or after Noveiuber 1, 191G 30 Furlough, making time good before eligible for 31 Grade, mobilization 86 Hospital, admission on arrival in United States 88 Identification, semiannual report of 10. 91 Imprisonment, action when sentenced by civil court 41 Laws governing Regular Army Reserve 1 Medical treatment, arriving in United States 88 Mobilization, at stations of Regular Army 62 Mobilization, arms, equipment, clothing 71 Mobilization, clothing allowance 87 Mobilization, conditions 59 Mobilization, how effected 60 Mobilization, members Officers' Reserve Corps 70 Mobilization, notice by advertisement 66 Mobilization, physically unlit 72,86 Mobilization, raising organizations to maximum strength. 61 Mobilization, Regular Army Reserve units 63 37 Par. Mobilization, organization of temporary units in war 64 Mobilization, services of bureaus and departments on 65 Mobilization, transportation to place of 60 Mobilization, pay 86 Muster rolls, reservists dropped from, June 30, 1916 14 Oath of enlistment 6 Pay, when furloughed 73 Pay, purpose of semiannual 75 Pay, semiannual 74 Pay, semiannual, when paid 76 Pay, semiannual, by whom paid 77 Pay, semiannual notice to disbursing officers 78 Pay, collection of indebtedness 79 Pay, semiannual by check 81 Pay, semiannual suspended during active service 82 Pay, field training, how made 83 Pay, mobilization for having been a reservist 86 Pay rolls, remarks for 86 Physical examination before furlough 9 Physical examination, absence of medical officers 8 Physical examination, field training 11 Physical examination, mobilization 12 Physical examination, kind of, on enlistment 7 Physical inspection, semiannual, report of 10 Property lost or damaged 55 Records, transfer of present 14 Records, where kept 16 Regulations in hands of reservist 17, 89 Reports, to The Adjutant General of the Army monthly__ 23 Reports, by officer furloughing reservist 16, 17 Reports, by reservist 90 Retained in active service, by whom 29 Returns, reservists dropped from, June 30, 1916 14 Reservist, duties 17 Reservist, eligible for commission 100 Reservist, eligible for United States Military Academy 101 Reservist, employment in civil service 99 Reservist, enlistment period 102 Reservist, ineligible to reenlist 25 Reservist, ineligible to enlist 96 Reservist, penalty for enlisting without discharge 97 38 Par. Reservist, permission to leave the United States 98 Reservist, status , 95 Sulisistence, field training, en route to 84 Subsistence, field training, en route from 85 Subsistence, mobilization 87 StafE corps, mobilization, grade 86 Transportation, field training, from 85 Transportation, field training, to 84 Transportation, mobilization, to 60,87 o y.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIPq Hliil