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Multa renafcentu'r qua jam cecidere HoR.
By C. Steivart t3* Co. Printers to tie Univerjity ;
V. /
[^Elegiac Sonnet on the death of Alexander the '^ird,
See Preface to Gloffary.]
HxtraBJrom the Auentures of Sir Gawane, XV
Speech of Robert the Bruce before the Battle of Ban-
nockhurn , from Barbour, . . i
Legend of St. Serf ; from Wynton's Chronicle, J
1.he King''s ^uiir ; faid to have been compofed by
James the First while he was in flngland, iz
Song' on Abfence ; fuppofed^ b^ Mr Pinkertqn, to be
a compofttion of ]AMiLS int. First, . 55
7he Houlat, or Danger of Pride, by Holland 5 61
Account of the execution of Sir William Wallace ;
by Blind Harry, . . . 83
Robert Henryson, . . . 87
I. 'j Prologue to his Fables, 90
' Wolf and Lamb, . 94
I Dog, Wolf, and Sheep, 100
1'wa Mice, . . 107
Robene and Makyne, . 115
' Tejlament of Crejfeid, 1 57
r Bludy Serk, . 178
, . Abbay Walk, . . 183
ReJJoning betwixt Aige and
Touth, . . . . 186
Peblis to the Play, . , . 129
Sir Fenny, or the Fower of Money, . 130
Hoiu a Mtr^hani betrayed his Wife, ,
Bulade of ContradtEi'ionSy
The Yhree Deid Fowls, . , , .
Ferell of Paramours ; hy Mersar, .
Ballade againjl deceitful women^ " ,
Ballade againjl the times,
"The Murning Maidin, . . *
William Dunbar, , . * .
V Three Married Women and
Widow, ....
Twa Cummers, . 23a
Dirige to the King {James IF.) 234
Defred to become a Friar, 240
Wowing of the King at Dun--
. . . 243
Tydi?igsfra the Seffioun,
Solicitors at Court,
Golden Terge,
Thijlle and Rofe,
Aganis the Solijlars at Court, 274
Dance in the Queen's chamber, 275
Upon James Doig, wardrobe
Upon the fame f .
To the King, .
The Dance,
The Siueirers and the Devil,
Tejlament of Walter Kennedy ^ 296
Fenyet Fryar of Tungland, 304
Dream of the Abbot of Tung.
. Addrefs to the King, 315
Prayer that the King were
John Thomfowi's man^ . 322
~ Lament for the death of the
Mahars, . . . -3*5
On the Warld's Injlabilitiey 333
Lament to the King, . 339
^dvicetofpendane*sawngttdeSj 342
j4ne his awn Enemy y 345
QuiNTYNE ScHAW's Advice to a Courtier, 347
Kennedy and Dunbar's Flyting, % , 350
My Gudame was a gay IVi/e, . . 358 VU^^ '"^
Simmie and his Brothery . . 360
Kennedy's InveElive againji Mouth-thanUefs, 363
Praife of Aige, . . 365
Clerk's Advice to LuvarSy . , 368
Brajh of Wooingy . . 370 ^Vo-<*^*-^
Sir James Inglis's General Satire, , 373 \ -~'^^
Gawin Douglas's Palice of Honour y , 385
..... Winter Piece y . 427
. Defcription of May y , 433
Strength and Incommodities of
Lufey . . . . 445
_ Satyre on the Tymesy . 45 1
-. . Extrai from his Eneid, 459
t R R A T A.
p. 7. 1. 6. read " Orygynale."
p. 166. 1. 6. read * Infelicite."
P. 167. 1. 24. read " Crefeide."
P. 168. 1. 21. read grofe."
P. 453. 1. 12. read, as in the MS. *' at the gangat
all for gate woU j" or, according to the editions, " and
thay gang at.'* '
JL HE purpofe of the following Volumes is to prefent a
more compleat colleftion of the antient mifcellaneous
Poetry of Scotland than has hitherto appeared ; and,
by arranging it chronologically, or according to the
order of time, to exhibit the progrefs of the Scottifh
language. This defign might have been compleated
in two volumes of moderate fize ; but it foon appear-
ed that three fuch volumes would contain not only all
that was valuable in our mifcellaneous poetry, but
fpecimens of the larger works from the moft antient
produftion of the Scottilh Mufe to the Union of the
Crowns in 1603, when the bell Poets began to write
in the fame dialed with their Southern neighbours.
An enlarged plan was therefore adopted, and the ori-
ginal delign, it is hoped, thereby confiderably im-
The greater part of the antient Scottifh poetry, of
a mifcellaneous nature, has been handed down to mo-
dern times in two large manufcript volumes ; one of
them known by the name of the Maitland j thr other
by that of the Bannatyne Manufcript. The moft va*
luable articles in the former were communicated to
( ^ )
the public by Mr Pinkerton in two vols. 1786; to-
gether with an excellent biographical lift of Scottifh
poets. Of George Bannatjne, the compiler of the other
Manufcript (1568) nothing appears upon record, ex-
cept that, according to Mr Tjtler, he was one of the
canons of the cathedral of Murray. The firll page of
the book bears, in an old hand, the name of ** "Jacohus
Foulis, 1623." that Is, I prefume. Sir James Foulis
of Collington ; whofe brother, George Foulis of Ra-
vilftone, in i6oi married Jonet Bannatyne, proba-
bly a daughter or niece of the compiler of the Manu-
fcript; which, through this connexion, may have
come into the poffeffion of the family of Foulis. In
1712, Sir William Foulis " gifted it" to William
Carmichael, advocate, of the Hyndford family j and
in 1772, his fon, John Earl of Hyndford prefented It
to the Advocates' Library of Edinburgh, where it
now remains.
The perfon who firft perceived the value of this
Mifcellany was Allan Ramfay, who in 1724 publilh-
ed a feledlion from it under the title of The Ever^
green. But in that feleftion, the an tient language and
antient manners of his country were but fecondary
objedts with the Editor ; and accordingly his tran-
fcripts being not only incorrel, but fometimes un-
faithful. Lord Hailes, in 1770, publiflied in a more
accurate manner, fiom the fame Manufcript, another
feledion, under the title of " Antient Poems.'* Both
thefe publications are now fcarce, and the Editor of
the prefent colleftion has been led to think that a new
Edition of them on the above plan might be accepta-
ble to the Public.
( xi )
Besides the poems in the publications of Allan
Ramfaj and Lord Hailes, the lovers of antient poetry
are now accommodated with a better edition of the
Works of Sir David Lindfay than has been given to
the public for thefe two hundred years. They will
likewife find thofe of Alexander Hume of Polwarth,
'James VI. and many other poems not to be had in
any fimilar mifcellany. For compleating the Works
of Dunbar y and for many of the moft valuable articles
in this chronological feries, the Editor is indebted to
the Maitland and other colleilions of Mr Pinkerton,
who has contributed, in an eminent degree, to excite
a fpirit of refearch into the antient monuments of
Scottifh literature; and whofe name, as an hiftorian,
promifes to defcend to pollerity with thofe of Hailes
^nd Robertfon,
The Editor makes no pretenfions to a talent for
critic il difquifition . neither does he conceive it allow-
able in any pubbflier of antient poems to anticipate
the reader, and by officious and premature obferva-
tions to deprive him of the pleafure of judging for him*
felf. All that the nature of his plan requires, is to
ftate in a conciie manner the circumftances upon
which he has formed his judgment with refpe^l to the
sera and author of any particular poem, in cafes of
comparative uncertainty. If, in his attempts to af-
certain thefe, 't {hall be found that he has not often
erred ; that he has not omitted any known poend
which in a peculiar degiee throws light on the ftate
of the language, manners, or t lie of the times, he
prefumes the chief objefl of his compilation has been
attained. From fome late publications, he might in-
( xii )
fleed have added one or two pieces to thofe under the
reign of James VI. but the merit of thefe pieces
would not have compenfAted for the incrcafed llzc
and price of the work.
In a few inftances, fuch as the allegories of the
Cherry and Slacy Houlaty af d Palice of Honour^ it
was found impoffible to print the poems at full
length, without greatly exceeding the prefcnbed li-
mits : while, on the other hand, the entire omiflion
of fuch remarkable compofitions would have been
confidered as a great impeifeftion. It was therefore
judged expedient to adopt a middle courfe, by omit-
ting digreffions and redundant pafTages, fo as not ma-
terially to injure the general fcope or deiign of the
compofition. This, it muft be confefled, is a taik of
no fmall delicacy ; and punlilious critics will proba*
bly condemn it as an unwarrantable libertj^ which
upon no occafion ought to be taken. To this the E-
dltor has to anfwer, that fuch liberties have been ta-
ken but feldom ; and chiefly with poems of the alle-
gorical kind: that the alternative was curtailment
or total rejection ; and that, upon the whole, a judi-
cious abridgement feemed preferable to mutilated
quotations. How far he has performed this part of
his talk with difcretion, muft be decided by the pub-
lic. Perhaps the generality of readers will be of opi-
nion that the pieces alluded to are ftill fufficlently
long. *' Let us, for a moment," (^fays the late inge-
nious Mr Headly, on a fimilar occafion,) " recoUedl
the fate of Cowley. As the unnatural relifli for tin-
fel and metaphyfical conceit declined, his bays gradu-
ally loft their verdure : He was no longer to be foui>d
( xiil )
in the hands of the multitude, and untouched even la
the clofets of the curious ; in .fliort, the fhades of
oblivion gathered fai} upon him In confequencc,
however, of an edition in which the moll exceptiona-
ble parts, (which had operated like a millftone, and
funk the reft,) were omitted, he has now a dozen
readers, where before he had fcarce one." If fuch
be not alfo the fortune of the Cherry and Slae, the
taik of abridgment has fallen intq improper hands.
In thefe inftances only, or in thofe of palpable mlf-
take, has any liberty been taken with the text of the
authors. At the fame time, all pofTible regard has
been had to accuracy j the merit of a work of this
nature confifling chiefly perliaps in its fidelity. Ano-
ther principal recommendation, being a moderate
pricey th.e publiJlier of thefe volumes has npt thought
it neceflary to print them updn a fuperfine wire-wove
hot-preffed paper. He bdieves, that Sir David Liud-
fay, * were he now on Xyy^^^'' would be as well re-
ceived in a plain fuit of home-fpun gray, as in the
fuperb mantle of Lyon king at arms.
The earlieft produclion of the Scottilh Mufe extant,
is faid to be a voluminous romance called Sir Triftrara,
by Thomas of Ercildon, or Earlfton, who flourished in
the reign of Alexander the Third, or towards the
conclulion of the thirteenth century. A copy of this
woik, belonging to the Advocates Libr. Edinb. has
for fome years been in the hands of a gentleman of
the faculty, who propofes to fdv<'Ur the world with
an edition of it in due time. If it (hall appear to be
a genuine "Scottifh produilion of that early period, the
( xlv )
purc^afprs of this compilation will be fupplied witl|
a > xv p'-^c.> as a fpecimon ; without which, they
nii^tit cO'Uider the prefent chronological feries as in-
compiesit. It is reported, however, that the ortho-
graplij is more modern than that of the Adventures
.of Sir Gawane ; a fpeeimen of which is fubjoined to
this preface.
The publilher cannot conclude without acknow-
ledging his obligati m to Mr George Patou for the ufe
of fome of the ra' eft volumes which he had occafion
to confult. The Iberality with which this Gent'.e-
nian communicates his valuable Library, has been
felt with gratitude by all who have undertaken to e-
Jucidate the aitient hiflory or literature of Scotland.
For fome other obfervations connedled with the
fubitft or" t^e.rr voliuiiei, the reader is referred to the
pieiace to the Gloffary,
ED iO Have been written about the i IMS OF
DAVID ir. 1341 1371.
Andrew of Wynton, in 1420, mentions a poet of thi
ticime of IIucHoWN, (or Hugh,) of the Awle R/ale,
That cunnand wes in literature,
He made the gret Geji of Arthure^
And the Aivntyre of Gnwane ;
.The Piftil alg of $wete Sufane.
He wes curyws in his ftyle ;
Fair of Facund, and fabtile ;
And ay to plefans of dely te.
Made in meter meit his dyte. ....
Of y^r/Z'oifrij' gret douchtynes,
Hys wyrfchype and hys prys pro wes.
^ Quhare he and hys rownd tabyl qwyte,
^ Wes undone and difcomfyte.
Huchoivn lies tretyd curyowfly,
In GeJi of Broyttys auld ftory.
But of his dede and his laft end,
I fand na wryt couth make that kend.
Syn \fand nane that thareof ivrate^
I wyll fay na mare than I wate.
Apparently this is not the manner in which one would
fpeah of a cotemporary. On the contrary, we may
- prefume from this paffage, that Huchown had been
dead before Wynton began to colleB materials for
his hijioryy or even before he had arrived at the age
f manhood -f which muji have I sen about 1375. Jf ft
the great Geft of Brojttjs, ivhich in all prohability com-
prehended the adventures of Sir Gawane, may have been
written early in the fourteenth century ; or^ at the lat-
e/iy during the reign of David the Second ; that is be-
tween the years 1341 and 1371.
A ivork 'f fuch magnitude y. and of fo popular a na-
ture ^ could not eafdy he IcJI. B'dy of all the romances or
fragments which have hitherto been difcovered upon that
fuhjeii there are none which bear fuch evident marks
of antiquity, and at the fame time have fo much the apm
pearance of belonging to fame great work as the two po-
ems publifhed by Mr Piiikerton, und^r the titles of Sir
Gawane and Sir Galaion, and Gawane and Gologfas,
in his colleilion of '* Reprinted Poems, 1792.'' So un-
couth is their Jlyle, i f^yi M'. P. ) that they prefent df
fculties fujfi-ient to pu^^le the mojl Jkilful commentator^
or etymologiji." Hence it feems not improbable that thefe
romances may be fragments of Huchown's *' Gret geft
of Arthur ," or at leaji that they mqy he co-eval ivith
it. 'There is alfo room for a conjeBure that Htjchown
(^Hugh') mty be the chri/iian name of Clerk of Tra-
** 'That made- the aventures of Sir Gawane."
Dunbar's Lament.
Or Huchown may be the fame with Sir Hew of Eglin-
ton, mentioned in the fame Lament ; in either of which
cafes, or until fome evidence appear to the contrary, the
Geft of Arthur may be cotifdered as a Scottijb
compofttion, of which Sir Gawane and Sir Galaroa is a
fragment, j^s fuch, I Jhall here infert a fpecimen, aj/um-
ing for its era the reign 0/" David the Second ; although
the extreme rudenefs of the language might warrant us
to place it almojl a century farther back. Upon a flrici
comparifon', Holland's allegory of The Houlat appears
conftderably more intelligible^ a circumjlcince of which
1 wa'
DAVID n. 134T 1371. "XVll
1 was not fully aware when the ahJlraB of that poem^
{page 62.) was in the prefs.
It is fcarcely necejf.iry to mentioUy that Gaynor, or
Guenever, nvas the wife of King Arthur ; and Sir
Gawajne, one of the mojl famous knights of the round ta-
ble. Upon a great hunting expedition^ while ^ir Gawajne
is feparated from the refl of the company ^ the Ghojl of
Guenever's mother is reprefented as appearing to him in
the following manner :
. I.
1 N the tyme of Arthur, an aunter betydde.
By the Turnewathelan, as the boke telles \
Whan he to Carlele was comen, and conqueror kydd,
With Dukes and Duffiperes, that with the dere dwelles.
To hunt at the herdes, that longe had ben hydde.
On a day thei hem deight to the depe delles ;
To fall of the feniailes in foreft and frydde,
Fayre by the Firmyfthamis, in frithes and felles.
Thus to wode arn thei went, the wlonkeft ia wedes.
Both the Kyngj and the Quene ;
And all the doucht; by dene ; ^
Sir Gawayn, gayeft on grene.
Dame Gaynour he ledes.
Thus Schir Gawayn, the gay, Gaynour he ledes.
In a gleterand gide, that glemed full gay.
With riche ribaynes reidfett, ho fo right redes,
Rayled with rybees of rial aray.
Her hode of a herde huwe, that her hede hedes.
Of pillour, of palwerk, of perre to pay ;
c Schurde
Schurdc in a fliort cloke, that the rayne fhedcs^
Set over with faffres, fothely to fay.
With faiFres, and fcladynes, fet by the lidcs.
Here fadel fette of that ilke,
Sande with fambutes of filke.
On a mule whyte as the mylkc,
Gaili fhe ghdes.
Al in gleterand golde gayly ho glides
The gates, with Sir Gawayn, bi the grcne welle.
And that barne, on his blonke, with the Quene bides;
Th -.t borne was in borgoyne, by boke and by belle.
He ladde that ladye fo long by the lawe fides,
Under a lone they light lore by a felle.
And Arthur, with his Erles, erneftly rides.
To teche hem to her triftres, the trouthe for to tell.
To her triflres he hem taught, ho the troutb trowes,
Eche lord, withouten lette,
To an oke he hem fette ;
With bowe, and with barfelette.
Under the bowes.
Under the bowes thei bode, thes barnes fo bolde.
To byker at thes baraynes, in boukes fo bare.
There might hatheles in high herdes beholde ;
Herken huntyng in haft, in holtes fo hare.
Thei keft of here couples, in clifFes fo colde,
Conforte her kenettes, to hele hem of care ;
Thei fel of the femayles ful thik folde :
With frefch houndcs, and fele, thei folowen her fayte.
With gret queftes, and quelles.
Both in frith and felles.
All the deeren in the delles
Thei durken, and dare.
OAViD II. 1 34 1 137 1 ils
Thel darken the dere, in the dyme fkuwes.
That, for drede of the deth, droupis the do.
Thai weiray the wylde fwyne, and worchen hem w.
The huntis thei hallow, in hurftis and huwes ;
And bluwe rechas ryally thei ran to the ro ;
They gef to no gamen, that on grounde gruwes :
The grete grendes, in the grenes, fo gladly thei go.
So gladly thei gon, in greves fo grene.
The King blew rechas ;
And folowcd faft on the tras ;
With many fergeant of mas,
That folas to fene.
With folas tbei femble, the pruddefl: in palle.
And fuwen to the foveralne, within fchaghes fchene,
Al but Schir Gawayn, gayeft of all,
Belenes with Dame Gaynour in greves fo grenc.
Under a lorer ho was light, that lady fo fmall,
Of box, and of berber, bigged ful bene.
Faft byfore undre this ferly con fall.
And this mekel mervaile. that I llial of meno.
Now wol I of this mervaik mene, if I mote. ^
The day wex als dirke.
As hit were mydnight myrke ;
Thereof the King was irke j
And light on his fote.
Thus to fote ar thei faren, thes frekes unfayn.
And fleen fro the foreft to the fewe fclles ;
For the fuetand fuawc fuartly hem fuelles.
There come a Lede of the Lawe, in londe is not to
And glides to Schir Gawayne, the gates to gayne ;
Yauland, and yomerand, with many loude yelles,
Hit yaules, hit yamers, with waymyng wcte,
And feid, with fiking fare,
** I ban the body me bare !.
** Alas now kmdeles my care I
" 1 gloppe, and 1 grete/'
Then gloppenet, and grete, Gaynour the gay,
And feid to Sir Gawen, ' What is thi good rede ?'^
* Hit ar the clippes of the fon, I herd a clerk fay."
And thus he cont'ortes the Quene for his knighthede.
*' bchir Cador, bchir Clegor, bchir Coftandyne, 8chi^
** Thes knyghtes arn curtays, by croffe . and by crede,
** That thus oonly.have me laft on my deythe day,
*' With the griflelift Good, that ever herd 1 grede."
* Of the good,' quod the grome, * greve you no mare.
* For I ihal fpeke with the fprete,
* And of the wayes I iOial wetc,
' What may the bales bete,
* Of the bodi bare.*
Bare was the body, and blak to the bone,
Al biclagged in clay, uucomly cladde.
Hit waried, hit wayment, as a woman ;
But on hide, ne on huwe, no heling hit hadde.
Hit (lemered ; hit ftonayde ; hit ftode as a (lone :
Hit marred ; hit memered ; hit mufed for madde^
Agayn the gr.fly Gooft Schir Gawayn is gone 5
He rayked out at a res, for was never drad ,
Drad wa he never, ho fo right redes.
On the chef of the cholle,
A pade p'k on the poUe ;
With eighen h(>lked full hoUe,
That gloed as the gledes.
Al glowed as a glede, the gofte there ho glides,
Unbeclipped him, with a cloude of clcyng unclere,
DAVID 11. 1 34^ ^37^ ^^l
Skeled with ferpentes, all aboute the fides ;
To tell the todes theron my tongue wer full tere.
The barne braides out ;he bronde, and the body bides,
Therefor the cfievalrous knight changed no chere.
The houndes highen to the wode, and her hede hides,
For the grifly goofl njade a grym bere :
The grete gveundes wer agalt of the grym bere,
The birdea in the bowes,
That on the gooft glowes,
f hai fkryke in the Ikowes,
That hatheles may hece.
Hathelefe might here fo fer into halle.
How chatercd the choUe, the chalous on the chyne.
Then comred the Kniftht, on Crift can he calle,
< As thou was crucifized on croys, to clanfe us of fyn,
* That thou fei me tne fothe, whether thou flialle,
* And whi thou walked thes wayes the wodes within?
* I was of figure, and face, fairtft of alle ;
" Crifle'hed, and knowen, with King in my kyne j
*' 1 have King in my kyn knowen for kene.
** God has me geven of his grace,
'* To dre my paynes in this place.
** I am comen, in this cace,
^* To fpeke with your Qjiienc.
** Quene was T fomwile, brighter of browes,
'* Then Berell, or Drangwayn, thes burdes fo bolde j
*' Of al gamen, or gle, that on grounde growes ;
" Gretter than Dame Gaynour. of garfon, and golde,
*' Of palacis, of parkis, of poiidis, of plowes j
<* Of townis, of touris, of treflbur untolde ;
" Of callellis, of contreyes, of craggis, of clowes.
" Now :.m I caught out of kide to cares fo colde :
" Into cave am I caught, and couched in clay.
** i)e, Schir curtays Knight,
' How dolfulle deth has me dight,
*' Lete me onjs have a fight
f* Of Gajnour the gaj."
After Gajnour, the gay, Schir Gawayn is gon,
And to. the body he hes brought, and to the burd^
** Welcome Waynour I I wis worthi in won.
*' Lo how^ delfal deth has thi Dame dight !
*' I was radder of rode then rofe in the ton ;
* My lever, as the lele, lonched on hight.
** Now am I a gracelefs gaft ; and grifly I gron.
*' With Lucyfer, in a lake, logh am I light.
*' Take truly tent right nowe by me j
*' For al thi frefch favoure
*' Mufe on my mirrour.
** For King, and Emperour,
f' Thus flial ye be.
" Thus deih wil you dight, thare you not doute ;
" Thereon hertly take hede, while thou art here.
" Whan thou art richefl; araied, and richeft in thi route,
*' Have pite on the poer, thou art of power.
" Barnis, and burdis, that ben ye aboute,
<' When thi body is bamed, and brought on a ber,
*' Then lite wyn the light, that now will the loute ;
*' For then the helpes nothing, but holy praier.
" The praier of poer may purchas the pes ;
" Of that thou yeves at the yete,
" When thou art fet in thi fete,
*' With all merthis at mete,
" And dayntes on des.
" With riche dayntes on des thi drotes art dight ;
*' And I, in danger and doel, in donjon I dwelle ;
* Naxte^ and nedeful, naked on night j
' Ther
<)AviD II. 1341137*. , aadi*
<* Ther folo me a ferde of feadcs of helle,
" They hurle me unhcndeley, thai harme me in hight^
" In bras, and in brjmfton, I bren as a belle,
" Was never wrought in this world a wofuUer wight,
" Hit were ful tore any tonge my torment to telle*-
*' Nowc wil I of my torment tel, or I go.
*' Thenk hertly on this,
'* Fonde to mende thi mys.
" Thou -!rt warned I wys.
** Bewar be my wo !"
' Wo is me for thi wo !' quod Waynour, * 1 wys.*
* But one thing wold I wite, if thi wil ware.
* If anyes matens, or mas, might mende thi mys,
* Or eny meble on molde ; my merthe were the marCi
' If bedis of bifhoppis might bring the to bliflc ;
* Or coventes in cloillre might kere the of care^
* If thou be my moder, grete wonder hit is
' Thai al thi burly body is,brought to be fo bare.'
*' I bare the of my body ; what bote is hit I layn.?
*' I brak a folempne vow,
" And no man wift hit, but thowe ;
'' By that token thou trowe
That fothely I fayn."
* Say fothely what may ye fav^n, I wys ;
* And 1 fhal make fere men to fing-j for thi fake,
* But the baleful beftis that on thi body is !
* Al bledes my ble, thi bones arne fo blake.'
** That is luf paramour, liftis, and delites,
*' That has me light, and laft logh in a lake.
** Al the welth of the world, that awey wites,
** With the wilde wermis that worche me wrake.
<* Wrake thei me worchen, Waynour, I vvys !
*' Were thritty trentales don,
** Bytwene under and non,
/' Mi foule focoured with fon,
" And brought to* the blys."
* To bliffe bring the the barn e, that bought the on rode I
* That was crucifiged on croys and crouned with thorne.
. ^ As jou was crillened, and crefomed, with candle and
* Folowed in fouteftone, on frely byforne.
* Mary the mighti, myldeft of mode,
* Of whom the blisful barne in Bedlem was borne,
* Geve 'me grace that 1 may grete ye with gode ;
* And mynge ye with matens, and mafles on morne,'
*' To mende us with rnaiTes grete myfter hit were.
^' For him that rell on the rode,
<' Gyf fail of thi goode
*' To folk that fallen the fode,
** While thou art here."
* Here hertly nay honde. th^s heftes to holde,
* "VVith a myllion of mafles to make the mynyng.
* A !' quod Waynour, * 1 wys yit weten I wolde,
* What wrathed God nioft at thi weting ?*
*' Pride, with the appurtenance ; as prophets tolde
*' Bifore the peple, apt in her preching.
*' Hit beres bowes bitter, therof be thou bolde,
** i'hat mak barnes fo bly to breke his bidding ;
*' But ho his bidding brek, bare thei ben of blys'.
'* But thei be falved of that fare,
<* Er thei hepen fare,
*' They mon weten of care,
* Waynour, I wys."
' Wyfle me,* qiTod Waynour, * fom wey, if thou wort,
* What bedis might me beft to the blifle bring.*
" Mekenefle, and mercy, thes arn the mooft. [king.
" Andfithen have pite on the poer : that plefes heven
< Si then
DAVID II. 1341 X371. XXV
*' Sithen charite is chef, and then is chafte j
** And then almeffe dede cure al thing.
** Thes arn the graceful giftes of the Holy Gofte,
" That enfpires iche fprete, withoute fpeling.
* Of this fpiritual thing fpute thou no mare.
** Als thou art Queue in thi quert,
* Hold thes wordes in hert.
*^ Thou flial leve but a flert :
*' Hethen ihal thou fare."
* How flial we fare/ quod the Freke, * that fonden to
* And thus defoulen the folke, on fele king londes,
* And riches over reymes, withoutten eny right,
* Wynnen worfhipp in werre, thprgh wightnefle of
f Your King is covetous, I warne the, Schir Knight,
** May no man ftry him with Itrength, while his whele
** ftondes.
'? *^han he is in his magefte, mood in his might,
** He {hal light ful lowe on the fe fondes.
** And this chivalrous knight chef fhal thorgh chaunce
** Falfely fordone in fight,
" With a wonderful wight,
** Shal make lordes to light ;
** Take witnefle hy Fraunce.
** Fraunce hath ha.f the frely with your fight wonnen i
** Freol, and his folke, fey ar they leved.
*' Bretayne, and Burgoyne, al to you bowen,
** And all the Duffiperes of Fraunce with your dyn
" deved.
" Gyan naay grete the werre was bigonnen ;
*' There ar no lordes onlyve in that londe leved.
** Yet fhal the riche remayns with one be overronen,
*' And with the Rounde Table the rentes be reved.
d " Thus
'* Thus flial a Tjber untrue tjmber with terie,
** Gete the Schir Gawayn,
<* Turne the to Tufkajn,
* For ye fhal lefe Bretayn
*' With a King kene.
" This Knight flial be clanlj enclofed with a crowrie j
*' And atCarlele Ihal that comly be crowned as King^
* A fege flial he feche with a feflioun,
*' That myche baret, and bale, to Bretayn flial bring*
* Hit ihal in Tufkayn be tolde of the trefoun,
*' And ye fliullen turne ayen for the tything.
" Ther flial the Rounde Table lefe the renounc.
** Befide Ramfey ful rad, at a riding,
** In Dorfetfliire flial dy the doughteft of alle,
** Gete the Schir Gawayn,
** Theboldeft of Bretayn ;
" In a flake thou flial be flayne*
" Sich ferlyes fliul falle !
** Such ferlies fliul fal, withoute eny fable,
** Uppon Cornewayle cooft;, with a knight kene,
*' Schir Arthur the honeft, avenant, and able,
" He fliai be wounded, I wys, woyeley I wene.
" And al the rial rowte of the Rounde Table,
< Thei fliullen dye on a day, the doughty bydenc.
** Supprifit with a furget, he beris hit in fable,
* With a fauter engreled, of filver full fliene : -
* He beris hit of fable, fothely to fay.
" In riche Arthures halle,
*' The barne playes at the balle,
*' That ontray flial you alle,
" Delfully that day.
** Have gode day Gaynour, and Gawayn the gode j
** I have no lenger to me tidinges to telle.
I mote
i)AVID II. 1341 I37I. Xtvit
^' I mote walke on iny wey, thorgh this wilde wode,
'* In my wonyng-ftid, in wo for to dvvelle.
** Fore him, that right wisly rofe, and reft on the rode,
" Thenke on the danger, that I yn dwell.
** Fede folke, for my fakei that failen the fode ;
** And menge me with matens, and maffes in melle.
** Maffes arn medecynes, to us that bale bides,
** Us thenke a maffe as fwete,
** As eny fpice that ever ye yete.'*,
With a grifly grete.
The gofte away glides.
With a grifly grete the gofte awey glides ;
And goes, with gronyng fore, thorgh the greves grene.
The wyndes, the weders, the welken unhides ;
Then unclofed the cloudes, the fon con fhene.
The King his bugle has blowen, and on the bent bides,
His fare folke in the frith thei flokken bydene.
And al the rial route to the Queue rides.
She fayis hem the felcouthe^, that thai hadde yfeene :
The wife of the weder forlVondred they wert.
Prince proudeft in palje,
Dame Gaynour, and alle,
Went to Rondoles halle, '
To the fuppere.
Here are many words and phrares which fcem to belong rather to
the beginning than the middle of the fourteenth century ; as ho and tea
{(jT Jhe ; her for ibeir ; hem for them ; none of which can be faid to have
Been introduced for the fake of alliteration. Neither is it probable that
they have been fo written in imiiation of ancient language. The fol-
lowing lines from the Chronicle of Robert of Brunne, who wrote be-
tween 1303 and 1338, will enable the reader to form forae cocjcdurc
with refpedl to the antiquity of Sir Gaiuane :
Gude it is for many thyngcs
For to here the dedcs of kynges,
- Whilk
Whilk were folcs, and whilk were wyfc,
And whilk of tham couth moft quantyfe ;
And whilk did wrong, and whilk ryght,
And whilk mayntened pes and fyght.
Of thare dedes fall be mi fawe.
In what time, and of what law. . . .
Fro Brutus to Cadwe lad-res,
The laft Briton that the land lees.
All that kind and all the frute,
That come of Brutus, that is the Brute,
After the Bretons, the Inglis camen,
The lordfchip of this land that namen, /
When thai firft among the Bretons,
T^hat now are Inglis, than were Saxons. . .
I mad noght for no difours,
Ne for feggers, no harpour?,
But for the luf of fymple men.
That flrange Inglis cannot ken :
For many it ere that ftrange Inglis,
In ryme wate never what it is. . . .
I fee in fong in fedgeyng tale,
Of ErceldoHt and Kendale,
Non tham fays as thai them wroght,
And in ther laying it femes noght,
That may thou heic in Sir Trijlrem ;
Over geftes it has the ftecm,
Over all that is or was.
If men it fayd as made Tbomat.
Thay fayd in fo quaynte Inglis,
That manyone wate not what it I.
And forfooth I couth nought
So lirange Inglis as thai wroght. ; . .
Thcfc vcrfes are not fo obfolete as to be unintelligible ; but in the
Ati$nture of Sir Gaivayn, there are not a few words, and even whole
lines, which I am unable to explain. Perhaps it ought to have been
placed before the year 1390, ot under the reign of Alexander III.
ROBERT II. 137 1 1390.
^^he earllejl fpecitnen of the language of the Scott tjh Low*
lands, fo far as hitherto has appeared, is an elegiac
fonnet on the death of Alexander HI. 1285 , which
the reader ivillfnd in the preface to the Glofjary ; and
it is well worthy of particular attention. But the fir Ji
genuine work of infportance is the LfFE OF Bruce hy
John Barbour, archdeacon of Aberdeen^ who feems
to have been born about 1326 ; compofed his hijiory in
1375 ; and died in 1396. "l^he only edition in which
the antient orthography is prefervedy is that of Mr
Pinkerton, 1790 , printed from a manufcript of
1489. From that edition the following fpecimen is
(juHEN the gud King gan thaim ie,
Befor him fwa afl[g ml^ lj;t be,
Blythjnd glad, that thair fayis war
Rabutyt a ponj jc manej: ;
A litill quhill he held hym^ftill ;
Syne on this wvfs he faid hys will.
" Lordings, we aucht to love jndjuff-^
* Almychty God, that fitts abufF,
Vol. I. A Thrt
*' That fends us fa fa^r beginnjng.
" It is a gret difcomforting
** Till our fayis, that on this wyfs
*' Sa fone has bene rabutyt twifs.
f For quhen thai off thair oft fall hcr^
*' And knaw futhly on quhit manner
** Thair waward, that wes fa ftout ;
** And fjne jone othyr joly rout,
** That I trow off the beft men War
** That thai mycht get amang thaim that
f* War rabutyt fa fedanly ;
* I trow, and knawis it full clerly,
** That mony a hart fall waverand be,
" That femyt er off gret bounte.
*' And, fra the hart be difcumfyt,
** The body is not worth a nwt.
*' Tharfor I trow that gud ending
" Sail folow till OUT begynnyng.
" And quheyr I fay not this yow till,
For that ye fuld folow my will
" To fycht : bot in yow all fall be.
** For giff yow thinks fpeidfull that we
Fecht J we fall : and, giff ye will,
We leve, your liking to fulfill.
* I fail confent, on all kyn wyfs,
*' To do, rycht as ye will devvyfs.
*< Tharfor fiyis off your will planly.'-
And with a voce than gan thai cry :
* Gud King ! forowtyn m^r delay,
To morne alfone as ye fe day,
* Ordane yow hale for the bataill ;
< For doute of dede we fall not faiil.
* Na, na payn fall refulyt be,
* Qiihill we haiff maid our countre fre I*
Quhen the King had hard fa manlily
Thai fpak to fechting, and fa hardely,
ROBERT II. 1371 1390. 3
In hart gret glaidfchalp gan he ta. '
And faid, *' Lordings, fen ye will fua,
" Schaip we us tharfor in the mornyng,
** Swa that we, be the fone ryfing,
** HafF herd mefs , and buikyt weill
" Ilk man intill hys awn efchell,
'* Without the pailyownys, arayit
" In bataillis, with baners difplayit.
'* And luk ye na wyfs brek aray.
** And, as ye lufF me, I yow pray
'* That ilk man for hys awne honour,
** Purway hym a gud baneour.
" And, quhen it cum^s to the fycht,
" Ilk man fet hart, will, and myclit,
** To ftynt our fayis' mekill prid.
'* On horfs thai will arayit rid ;
" And cum on yow in full gret hy.
'* Mete thaim with fpers hardely.
" And think than on the meikill ill,
*' That thai and thairs has done us till ;
" And ar in will yeit for to do,
** GifF thai hafs mycht to cum tharto.
'* And certs me think weill that ye
** Forowt abayfing aucht to be
'* Worthy, and off gret waflelags.
** For we haiff thre gret awantags.
*' The fyrfl is, that wc haiff the rycht j
" And for the rycht ay God will fycht.
*' The tothyr is, that thai cummyn ar,
** For lyppynnyng off their gret powar,
*' To fek us in our awne land ;
" And has broucht her, rycht till our hand,
" Ryches into fa gret quantite,
" That the powereft off yow fall be
** Bath ryche, and mychty tharwithall,
" Giff that we wyne, as weUl may fall,
<' The
" The thred is, that we for our Ijvys,
** And for our childre, and for our wywis,
** And for owr fredome, and for our land,
** As ftrenyeit into bataill Hand.
" And thai, for thair mycht anerly,
** And for thai lat oiF us leychtly,
** And for thai wald deftroy us all,
" Maifs thaim to fycht : hot yeit may fall
<* That thai fall rew thair barganyng.
** And certs I warne yow off a thing
* That happyn thaim, as God forbed
** That deyt on roid for mankyn heid I
" That thai wyn us cpynly,
'* Thai fall off us haf na mercy.
*' And, fen we knaw thair feloun will,
<' Methink it fuld accord to fkill,
** To fet ftoutnes agayne felony ;
** And mak fa gat a juperty.
*' Quharfor I yow requer, and pray,
** That with all your mycht, that you may,
*' Ye prefs yow at the beguining,
*' Bot cowardyfs or abayfing,
** To mete thaim at thair fyrfl aflemble
' Sa ftoutly that the henmaift tremble.
*' And menys off your gret manheid,
** Your worfchip, and your douchty deid ;
1* And off the joy that we abid,
'* Giff that us fall, as weill may tid.
*' Hap to wencufs this gret bataill.
" In your handys without fayle
** Yeber honour, price, and riches ;
" Fiedome, welth, and blythnes ;
** Giff ye contene ye manlily.
" And the contrar all halyly
* Sail fall, giff ye lat cowardyfs
'* And wykkytnes yow fupprifs.
(' Yc
ROBERT II. I37I 1390. 5
*' Ye mycht haf lewyt into threldome.
, ** Bot, for ye yarnyt till haflF fredome,
/' Ye ar affemblyt her with me.
** Tharfor is nedfull that ye be
** Worthy and wycht, but abayfing.
" And I warne yow weill off a thing ;
** That mar meyfcheilF ipay fall us nane,
" Than in thair handys to be tane :
** For thai fuld (law us I wate weill
*' Rycht as thai did mybrothyr Nele.
" Bot quhen I mene ofF your lloutnes,
** And off the mony gret prowes,
** That ye haf doyne fa worthely j
** I traift, and trowis fekyrly,
'* To have pl^ne wiftour in this fycht.
** For thouch our fayis haff mekill mycht,
** Thai haf the wrang, and fuccudry,
f* And cowartyfs of fenyowry,
** Amowys thaim forowtyn mor.
*' Na us thar dreid thaim, bot befor ;
*^ For ftrenth off this place, as ye fe,
** Sail let us enweronyt to be.
" And I pray yow als fpecially,
" Bath mar and les coramonaly,
" That nane off yow for grcdynes
" Haff ey to tak off thair ryche^ ;
*' Na prifoners for to ta ;
" Quhill ye fe thaim contreryt fa,
*' That the feld anerly yowrs be.
*' And than, at your liking, may ye
** Tak aU the rychcs that thar is.
** Giff ye will wyrk apon this wyfs,
*' Ye fall haiff wilour fekyrl}^
*' I wate not quhat mar fay fall I.
" Bot all wate ye quhat honour is :
" Contciic thaim on fic awifs,
<' That
** That your honour aj favvt be.
" And Ik hycht her in leaute,
* GiiF on J dejs in this bataille,
" Hys ajr, but ward, releff, or taile,
" On the fyrft day fall weld ;
** All be he neuir fa young off eld.
** Now makys yow redy for to fycht.
** God help us, that is maifl: off inycht !
** I rede armyt all nycht that we be,
" Purwayit in bataill fwa, that we
** To mete cur fayis ay be boune.**
Than anfueryt thai all, with a foune,
* As ye dewifs all fall be done.'
Than till thair innys went thai fone ;
And ordanyt thaim for the fechting.
Syne aflemblyt in the ewynyng.
And fwa gat all the nycht bad thai,
XiU on the morn that it wes day *,
The event of the battle is well known. " On this occaCon,"
fays Fabyan, " the Scottes made this rynie."
Maydens of Englande, fore may yc niorne,
For your lemmans ye have loft at Bannocky's Burae>
With a heve a lowe.
What ! wcneth the king of England
So foon to have won Scotland ?
With rumhy lowe !
JAMES I. 14051437.
[// is not iknown that any Poet Jiourijhed in Scot-
land during the reign o/" Robert III. or regency
of the Dukes of Albany y until about the year
1420, when Andrew Winton, Prior of the
Inch of Lechleven, compofed his orygnale
CRONYKIL of Scotland^ from Fergus, fon of
Kricy down to his oiufi time. It was firfl pum
blijhed in 1795, in two 'volumes^ royal S-wo,
The followirig Legend is a fufficient fpeci'
men of hit language ; and, it is alfo a fpecimen
of thofe ahfurd tales which ferved to aniufe our
anceflors in the earlier ages of Ch.ri/iianity.J
v^UHEN the thrid CPope) John was dede.
Sand: Serf fevyn yer helde that ftede.
He was of lif a haly man ;
The kyng's fon of Canaan.
His fader's landes, of heritage,
Fel til hym be cleyr lynage.
And lauchful leil, befor al other.
That gaf he till his yongar brother.
All fwylk cumbyr he forfuyk ;
And till haly lif hym tuke.
God fende hym a fuet angelic
To gifF hym comfort and confdl.
And wyth the angel aKa faft
Fyrft to^Alexandyre he pad.
Tyl Conftantynopile fjne he come :
And to the Cyte (fra thine) of Rome.
Thar than vakjt the Popis fe :
And chofjn fyne til it was he.
Than governjt he that fevyn yere.
And, quhen thai al ourpaffit wer.
The angel that his Icdar was
Syne hym behufit fra Rome to paflc :
For God ordanyt nocht that he
Langar in that lande fuld be j
Than, on a folempnyt day,
Or he begouthe to talc his way^
He made a predicacion,
And a folempne fair fermon,
To the Romanys, that he gert cal
Befor hym ; and thar at thaim all
His leif he tuk, but mar delay :
With thar bleflyng he paft his way.
And with the angel apon chaunfe
Fra theyne, throw the realme of Fraunfe j
Straucht to the fee departande,
Fra Fraunfe, the kynrik of Inglande,
Schippen thar he gat reddy ;
Withe hym a hundyr in company.
In the fchippis he made entre :
Syne tuk up fayl and helde the fe.
Withe wynde at wil and furth he paft.
In Forthe quhil thai come at the lail.
And arryvit at Inclj Keytb^
The ile betwix Kyngorne and Leith.
Of Icolmkyl the abbot than,
Sanft Adaman that holy man,
Come til hym ; and thar fermly
Mad fpiritualc bande of company.
JAMES I. 1405 1437. 9
And tretit hym to cum in Fyff^
The tyme til dryf our of his liff.
Than til Difart he his menyie.
Of that confail, furth fende he.
Syne at Kynneil he come to lande :
Thar our the watyr he kell his wande^
That fuddandly grew in a tre.
And bare of appilis gret plente.
And that ftede eftyr ay
Morglas was callit mony day.
Syne our the watyr, of purpofe.
Of Forthe he paffit til Culrojfe.
Thar he begouthe to rede a grounde,
Quhar that he thoucht a kyrk to founde.
Brude, Dargard's fon, in Scqtlande
Kyng oiir the Peychts than regnande,
Was movit in gret ere welte
Agane Sanl Serf, and his menye.
He fende felon men forthi.
To fla thaim aldon^ but mercy.
Bot this kyng ourtakyn was
Suddandly with gret feiknes :
And at the prayer fpecyale
Of San6l Serf he was made hail.
The kyng than fel fra that purpofle ;
And gaf til Sanl Serf al Culrojfe ;
With alkyn profits all frely.
Syne til his prayers devotly
Hym he conomendit, and his Hate ;
And put away alkyn debate :
And reffavit with honefte
Sanft Serf thar, and his jnenyie.
Thar fyrft Sandl Serf tuk his reflet
To lif on that at he mycht get.
And thar he broucht up Sandl MongoWj
That fyne was bifcbope of G/aJgu.
Vql, I. B Syne
Sjne fra CulroJJe he pall evyn
To the Ynche of Louchlevjn.
The kyng Brude^ of devocion.
Mad til Sand: Serf donacion,
Of that Tnche : and he dwelt thar
Til fevyn j-er ourpaflit war.
In Tulyhothy ane il fprite
A criftjn man, that tjme, taryit.
Of that fpyrit he was than
Delyverit throw that haly man.
In 'Tulycultry til a wif -^f ''^ '
Twa fonjs he rayiu fra ded to lyf.
This holy man had a ram,
That he had fed up of a lam :
And oyfit hym til folow ay,
Quherevir he paffit in bis way.
A theyf this fcheppe in Achren ftal ;
And et hym up in pecis fmalle.
Quhen Sant Serf his ram had myft,
Quha that it Hal was few that will :
On prefumpcion nevirtheles
He that it ftal areftyt was.
And til Sand Serf fyne t^'as he broucht.
That fcheipe he faid that he ftal noucht :
And tharfor for to fwer ane athe,
He faid that he walde nocht be laythe.
Bot fone he worthit redie for fchayme ;
The fcheype thar bletyf in his wayme !
Swa was he taynftyt fchamfully ;
And at Sand Serf afkyt mercy.
In dubbyng of devocion,
And prayer, he flew a fel dragon.
Quhar he was flayn that plalTe was ay
"The Dragonys den callyt to this day.
JAMES I. 1405 1437. 11
Quhil Sanl Serf, intil a flede~,
Lay eftjr matynys in his bede ;
The devil comCj in foulle intent
for til fande hym with argument.
And faid, *' Sanft Serf, be thi werk, '
** I ken thow art a connande clerk."
Sanft Serf faid, < Gif a fwa be j
* Foulle vretche quhat is that for the ?'
The devil faid, " This queflion
** 1 afk in our colacion.
*' S-a quhar was God, witt ye oucht,
" Befor that hevyn and erde was wroucht ?"
Sand Serf faid, ' In hymfelf ftedles
* Hys Godheide haniprede nevir wes.'
The devil than alkyt, " Quhat caufe he hade
** To mak the creaturs that he made ?"
To that San6l Serf anfuerde thar,
* Of creaturs made he was makar.
* A makar mycht he nevir be,
* Bot gif creaturs made had he.'
The devil alkyt hym, " Quhy God of noucht
*' His werks al ful gud had wroucht ?"
Sanfl Serf anfuerde, ' That Goddis wU
* Was nevir to mak his werks ill.
* And als invyus he had beyn ,feyn .;
* Gif noucht bot he ful gud had beyn.'
Sanl Serf the devil alkyt than
" Quhar made God Adam the fyrfi man ?"
* In Ebron Adam formyt was,'
Sanft Serf laid. And til hym Sathanas
" Quhar was he eft that, for his vice,
" He was put out of Paradyfe ?"
San6l Serf faid, * Quhar he was made.'
The devil alkyt, ** How lang he bad?
** In Paradyfe, eftir his fyn."
* Sevyn
Sevyn hours,' Serf faid, * he bad tharin.*
Quhan was Eve made ?" faid Sathanas.
In Paradyfe,' Serf faid, * fcho was.'
And at Sanft Serf the devil alkyt than,
Quhi God let Adam, the fjrft man.
And Eve fynn in paradyfc ?"
Sanft Serf faid, ' That monywjfe.
For God wift and underftude
Thairof fuld cum ful mekyl gude.
For Crifl tuke flefche, mankynde to wyn,
That was to payne put for thar fyn.'
The devil aikyt, ' Quhy mycht not be
Al mankynde delyvei-it fie.
Be thaim felf, fet God had nocht
Thaim with his precioufe paffion boucht."
ancl Serf faid, * Thai fell nocht in
Be tharfelf into thar fyn.
Bot be the fals fuggeftion "
Of the devil, thar fa fellorn.
For that he cheyfit to be born
To fauf mankynde, that was forlorn.'
The devil alkyt at hym than,
' Quhi walde noucht God mak a new man,
' Mankynde for to delyver fre ?"
Sana Serf faid, That fulde nocht be.
It fuffycit weil that mankynde
Anys fulde cum of Adamys ftrynde.'
The devil alkyt '* Quhy that ye,
* Men, ar quyt delyverit fre,
* Throw Crift's paffion precioufe boucht,
And we devils fwa ar noucht."
Sand Serf faid, * For that ye
Fel throw your awyn iniquyte.
And throw ourfelf we nevir fel ;
Bpt throw your fellon fals confell.
jAMJss I. 1405- 1437- ?3
* And for the devillis was noucht wrouckt
^ Of brukjl kjnde, ye walde noucht
* Withe ruthe of hait forth jnk your fyn,
* That throw yourfelf ye war fallyn in.
^ Tharfor Criflis paflion
* Suld noucht be your redempcion.'
Than fawe the devil that he couth noucht,
Withe all the wilis that he wroucht,
Ourcum SancSl Serf : he faid than
He kende hym for a wyfe man.
Forthi thar he gaf hym quhit, -
For he wan at hym na profyt.
Sanl Serf faid * Thow wretche ga
* Fra this ftede ; and noye na ma
^ Into this ftede, I bid ye.'
Suddandly thine paffit he :
Fra that ftede he helde his waye ;
And aevir was feyn thar to this daye.
Eftyr al this Sand Serf pafl.
Weft onto Culrojfe alfa faft.
And be his ftate that he knew
That til his endying ner he drew ;
This wretchit warlde he forfuyk ;
His fapraments thar al he tuk,
Withe fchrift, and ful contricion.
He yalde, withe gude devocion.
His cors till halowit fepulture :
And hig faullc to the Creatur.
J^In the year 1405, ijohen he was about 13 years
oldf James was taken prifoner by the Englijh on
his pajfage to France ; and was not liberated
until the year 1424. Previour to his departure
for his own kingdom^ he elpoufed a Princejs of the
Blood-Royal of England^ ^Lady Jane, daugh-
ter of the Earl of Somerset, and firji coufin
to K. Henry V.) the fubjeEi of the following
allegorical Poem. 'The fcenery which he de-
fcrihes in Jlan%a 11th, 'ijc. is the Royal Gar-
dens under the walls of Windfor Cqflle^ the
place of bis confinement. "l
In Ver that full of vertu is and gude,
Quhen nature firft begyneth hir enprife.
That quhilum was be cruel froft and flude.
And fchouris fcharp opprefl in monj wife.
And Cynthius gyneth to aryfe
Heigh in the eft, a morrowe foft and fuete,
Upward his courfe to drive in Ariete.
* Such is the title of the MS. copy in the Bodleian
I^ibrary at Oxford, ^jtalr is Book. The Prologue and Epi-
logue are here omitted, as adding only to the prolixity of the
Poem. This is the firft ccrrticd copy.
JAMES I. 1405 1437. is
Paffit bot myd-day foure greis ; evin
Of lenth and brede, his angel wingis brjt
He fpred upon the ground, doun fro the hevin.
That for gladneffe and frefhneffe of the fight,
And with the tikljng of liis hete and light.
The tender flouris opynit thame and fprad^
And in thair nature thankit him. for glad;
Not far paffit the ftate of innocence
Bot nere about the nowmer of yeiiis thre,
Were it caufit throu hevinly influence
Of vjoddis will, or other cafualtee, ,
Can I not fay, bot out of my contree,
By thair avife that had of me the cure
Be fee to pas, tuke I my aventure.
Purvait of all that was us neceflarye,
With wynd at will, up airely by the morowe,
Streight unto fchip, no longere wold we tarye,
The way we luke the tyme I tald to forowe.
With mony fare .wele, and San6t Johne to borowe
Of falowe and frcnde ; and thus with one aflent,
We pullit up faile and furth our wayis went.
Upon the wevis weltring to and fro,
So infortunate was we that fremyt day,
That maugre plainly quethir we wold or no.
With (Irong hand, by forfe fchortly to fay.
Of inymyis taken and led away.
We weren all, and brot in thaire contree,
Fortune it fchupe non othir wayis to be.
Quhare as in ftrajte ward, and in ftrong prifon;
So fere forth of my Ijf the hevj lyne.
Without confort, in forowe abandoune.
The fecund fillere lukit hath to tuyue
Nere bj the fpace of yeris twice nyne.
Till Jupiter his merci lift advert.
And fend confort in relefche of my fmert.
Quhare as in ward full oft I wold bewaille
My dedely lyf, full of peyne and penance,
Saing ryght thus, quhat have 1 gilt to faille,
My fredome in this warld and my plefance ?
Sen every wight has thereof fuffifance,
That I behold, and I a creature
Put from all this, hard is myn aventure ?
The bird, the befte, the fifch eke in the fee,
They lyve in fredome everich in his kynd j
And I a man, and lakith libertee
Quhat fall I feyne, quhat refon may I fynd.
That fortune fuld do fo ? thus in my mynd,
My folk I wold argewe, bot all for noucht j
Was none that myght that on my pcynes rought.
Than wold I fay, Giff God me had devilit
To lyve my lyf in thraldom thus and pyne,
Quhat was th6 caufe that he more me comprifit^
Than othir folk to lyve in fuch ruyne ?
I fuffere alone amang the figuris nyne,
Ane wofull wrache that to no wight may fpede^
And yit of every lyvis help has nedc.
JAMES t. 14051437. 17
The loiig dayes and the njghtis eke
I wold bewaille my fortune in this wife.
For quhich, again diftreiTe confort to feke,
My cuftum was on mornis for to rife
Airly as day, O happy exercife I
By the come I to joye out of turment !
Bot now to purpofe of my iirft entent.
BewalUing in my chamber thus allone,
Defpeired of all joye and remedye,
For-tirit of my thoucht and wo-begone.
And to the wyndow gan I walk in hye.
To fee the warld and folk that went forbye.
As for the tyme, though I of mirthis fude
Mycht have no more, to luke it did me gude
Now was there maid fafl by the Touris wall
A gardyn faire, and in the corneris fet,
Ane herbere grene, with wandis long and fmall^
Railit about, and fo with treis fet
Was all the place, and hawthorn hegis knet.
That lyf was non, walkying there forbye,
That mycht within fcarce any wight afpye.
So thick the beuis and the leves grene
Befchadit all the aUyes that there were,
And myddis every herbere mycht be fene
The fcharp grene fuete jenepere.
Growing fo fair with branches here and there.
That, as it femyt to a lyf without,
The bewis fpred the herbere all about.
Vol. I. C XIV.
And on the fmall gfene twiflis fat
The Ijtil fuetc njgtingale, and fong
So loud and clere, the ympnis confecrat
Of luvis ufe, now foft now lowd among,
That all the gardjnis and the wallis rong
Rycht of thaire fong j and on the copill next
Of thaire fuete armony, and lo the te:!i,t :
Worfchippe je that loveris bene this Maj,
For of joar blifs the kalendis are begonne.
And fing with us, Awaj winter away.
Come fomer come, the fuete fefon and fonne,
Awake, for fchame ! that have your hevynis wonne,
And amouroufly lift up your hedis all,
Thank lufe that lift you to his merci call.
Quh6n thai this fong had fong a littil thrawe.
Thai ftent a quhile, and therewith unafraid.
As I beheld, and keft myn eyen a la we.
From beugh to beugh, thay hippit and thai plaid.
And frefchly in thair birdis kynd araid,
Thaire fatheris new, and fret thame in the fonne,
And thankit lufe, that had thair makis wonne.
This was the plane ditie of thaire note.
And therewith all unto myfelf I thoucht,
Quhat lyf is this, that makis birdis dote ?
Quhat niay this be, hojv cummyth it of ought ?
Qnhat nedith it to be fo dere ybought ?
It is nothing, trowe I, bot feynit chere,
And that me lift to counterfetea fliere.
JAMES I. 1405 1437. 19
Eft wold I think, O Lord, quhat may this be ?
That lufe is of fo noble mycht and kjnde,
Lufing his folk, and fuich profperitee
Is it of him, as we in bukis f jnd ?
Maj he cure hertis fetten and unbynd ?
Hath he upon our hertis fuich maiflrje ?
Or all this is bot fejnit fantalje ?
For gifF he be of fo grete excellence.
That he of everj wight hath cure and'charge,
Quhat have I gilt to him, or doon ofFenfe,
That I am thrall, and birdis gone at large.
Sen him to ferve he mycht fet my corage ? x
And, gif he be not fo, than may I feyne
Quh^t makis folk to jangill of him in veyne ?
Can I not ellis fynd bot gifF that he
Be lord, and, as a god, may lyve and regne.
To bynd, and loufe, and maken thrallis free,
Than wold I pray his blifsful grace benigne.
To hable me unto his fervice digne.
And evermore for to be one of the
Him trewly for to ferve in wele and wo.
And therewith kefl I doun myn eye ageyne,
Qiihare as I faw walkyng under the Toure,
Full fecretely, new cumyn hir to pleyne.
The faireft or the frefcheft young floure
That ever 1 fawe, methoucht, before that houre,
For quhich fodayne abate, anon aftert
The blude of all my body to my hert.
And though 1 flood abaifit then a lyte,
No wonder was , for quhy ? my wittis all
Were fo ouercome with plefance and delyte,
Only through latting of myn eyen fall,
That fudaynly my hert become hir thrall
For ever ; of free wyll, for of manace
There was no takyn in hir fuete face,
And in my hede I drew ryght haftily.
And eft fones I lent it forth ageyne,
And faw hir walk that verray womanly.
With no wight mo, bot only women tueyne.
Than gan I ftudy in rayfelf and feyne.
Ah fuete ! are ye a warldly creature, .
Of hevingly thing in likenefle of nature ?
Or ar ye god Cupidis owin princefle ?
And cumyn are to loufe me out of band,
Or are ye veray Nature the goddefle.
That have depayntit with your hevinly hand,
This gardyn full of flouris, as they ftand ?
Quhat fall I think, allace I quhat reverence
3all I mefter to your excellence ?
Giff ye a goddcfle be, and that ye like
To do me payne, I may it not aftert ;
GifFye be warldly wight, that dooth me fike,
Quhy left God mak you fo, my dereft hert !
To do a fcly prifoner thus fmert.
That lufis you all, and wote of noucht but wo.
And, therefore, merci fuete I fen it is fo.
JAMES I. 1405 1437. ar
Quhen I a Ijtill thrawe had maid my mone.
Bewailing myn infortune and my chance,
Unknawin how or quhat was befl to done,
So ferre I fallying into lufis dance.
That fodeynly my wit, my contenance.
My hert, my will, my nature, and my mynd.
Was changit clene rycht in ane other kind.
Of hir array the form gif I fal write.
Toward her goldin haire, and rich atyre.
In fretwife couchit with perlis quhite,
And grete balas lemyng as the fyre.
With mony ane emerant and faire faphire.
And on hir hede a chaplet frefch of hewe.
Of plumys partit rede, and qiihite, and blewe.
Full of quaking fpangis brycht as gold,
Forgit of fchap like to the amorettis.
So new, fo frefch, fo pleafant to behold.
The plumys eke like to the floure jonettis.
And other of fchap, like to the floure jonettis ;
And, above all this, there was, wele I wote,
Beautee eneuch to mak a world to dote.
About hir neck, quhite as the fayre anmaille,
A gudelie cheyne of fmall orfeverye,
Quhare by there hang a ruby, without faille
Like to ane hert fchapin verily,
That, as a fperk of lowe fo wantonly
Scmyt birnying upon hir quhite throte.
Now gif there was gud pertye, God it wote.
And for to walk that frefche Majes morowc,
Ane huke ibe had upon her tifiew quhite.
That gudeliare had not bene fene to forowe.
As I fappofe, and girt fche was aljte ;
Thus halilyug lowfe for hafte, to fuich deljtc,
}c was to fee her youth In gudelihed.
That for rudenes to fpeke thereof I drede.
In hir was youth, beautee, with humble aport,
Bouatee, richefie, and womanly faiture,
God better wote than my pen can report,
V/ildome, largeffe eflate, and conyng fure
In every point, fo guydit hir mefure.
In word, in dede, in fchap, in contenance.
That nature mycht no more hir childe auancc.
Throw ijuhich anon I knew and underftude
Wele that fche was a warldly creature,
On quhom to reft myn eye, fo mich gude
It did my woful hert, I yow afmre
That it was to me joye without mffure,
And, at the laft, my luke unto the hevin
I threw furthwith, and faid thir verfis fevin :
O Venus clere 1 of goddis ftelllfyit.
To quhom I yclde homage and facriiise,
Fro this day forth your grace be magnifyit.
That me reflauit have in fuch wife.
To lyve undei your law and lo feruife ;
Now heJp me furth, and for yonr mercl ledc
My hert to reft, that deis ncre for drede.
JAMES I. 1405 1437. 2
Quhen I with gude entant this orifon
1 hus endit had, I ftjnt a lytili ftound,
Ard eft myn eye full pitoufly adoun
I kell, behalding unto hir lytili hound.
That with his bellis playit on the ground ;
Than wold I fay, and figh therewith a lyte.
Ah 1 wele were him that now were iu thy plytc V
An othir quhile the lytili nyghtingale.
That fat upon the twiggis, wold 1 chide.
And fay, rycht thus, Quhare are thy notis fmale,
That thou of love has fong this morowe tyde ?
Seis thou not hir that fittis the befyde ?
For Venus' f^ke, the blifsfull goddefle clerc,
, Sing on agane, and mak my Lady chere.
And eke I pray, for all the paynes grete,
That, for the love of Proigne, thy filler dere.
Thou fufferit quhilom, quhen thy breflis wetc
Were with the teres of thyne eyen clere
All bludy ronne, that pitee was to here
The crueltee of tliat unknychtly dede,
Quhare was fro the bereft thy maidenhede.
Lift up thyne hert, and fing with gude entent.
And in thy notis fuete the trefoa telle,
That to thy filler trewe and innocent.
Was kythit by hir hulband falfe and fell,
For quhois gilt, as it is worthy well,
Chide thir-iuifijandis that are falfe, I fay.
And bid them mend in the XX deuil way.
Ijtill wreich, allace ! maift thou not fe
Quho comyth yond ? Is it now time to wring ?
Quhat fory thoucht is fallin upon the ?
Opyn thy throte ; haflow no left to fing ?
Allace ! fen thou of refon had felyng,
Now, fwete bird, fay ones to me pepe.
I dee for wo ; me think thou gynis flepe.
Haflow no mynde of lufe ? quhare is thy make ?
Or artow feke, or fmyt with jeloufye ?
Or is fche dede, or hath fche the forfake ?
Quhat is the caufe of thy melancolye.
That thou no more lift maken melodye ?
Sluggart, for fchame ! lo here thy golden houre
That worth were hale all thy lyvis laboure.
Gif thou fuld fuig wele ever in thy lyve.
Here is, in fay, the time, and eke the fpace :
Quhat woftow than ? Sum bird may cum and ftryve
In fong with the, the maift ry to purchace.
Suld thou than cefle, it were great fchame, allace
And here to wyn gree happily for ever ,
Here is the tyme to fyng, or ellis never.
1 thoucht eke thus gif I my handis clap,
Or gif I coft, than will fche flee away ;
And, gif I hald my pes, than will fche nap ;
And gif I crye, fche wate not quhat I fay :
Thus quhat is beft, wate I not be this day,
Bot blawe wynd, blawe, and do the leuis fchakc,
That fum tuig may wag, and make hir to wake.
JAMES r. 1405 1437. 25
With that anon rycht fche toke up a fang,
Quhare com anon mo birdis and alight ;
Bot than to here the miiih was tham amang ;
Ouer that to, to fee the fuete ficht
Of hjr ymage, my fpirit was fo light,
Methoucht I fiawe for joye without areft.
So were my wittis boundin all fo fell.
And to the nottis of the philomene
Quhilkis fche fang, the ditee there I maid
Direct to hir that was my hertis quene,
Wichoutin quhom no fongis may be gJade ;
And to that fan6l walking in the fchade.
My bedis thus with huinble hert entere,
Deuotly 1 faid on this manere.
Quhen fall your merci rew.upon your man,
Quhois feruice is yet uncouth unto yow,
Sen quhen ye go, there is not ellis than.
Bot, hert ! quhere as the body may not throu
Folow thy hevin ; quho fuld be glad bot thou,
That fuch a gyde to folow has undertake ?
Were it throu hell, the way thou noucht forfake.
And, efter this, the birdis everichone
Take up ane other fang full loud and clere.
And with a voce faid, Well is vs begone,
That with our makis are togider here ;
We proyne and play without dout and dangere.
All clothit in a foyte full frefch and newe,
In luffis fervice befy, glad, and trewe.
Vol. I. D XLVI.
And ye frefch May, ay mercifull to brididj.
Now welcum be, ye floure of monethis all.
For not onely your grace upon us bydis,
Bot all the war Id to witnes this we call.
That ftrowit hath fo plainly over all.
With new frefch fuete and tender grene.
Our lyf, our lull, our governoure, our queue.
This was their fang, as femyt me full heye,
"With full mony uncouth fwete note and fchill,
And there withall that faire vpward hir eye
Wold cafl amang, as it was Goddis will,
Quhare I micht fe, {landing alone full ftill.
The faire faiture that nature, for maiftrye,
In hir vifage wroucht had full lufingly.
And, quhen fche waikit, had a lytill thrawe
Under the fuete grene be wis bent,
Hir faire frefch face, as quhite as any fnawe,
Scne turnyt has, and furth hir wayis went.
Bot then began myn axis and turment I
To fene hir part, and folowe I na mycht ;
Methoucht the day was turnyt into nycht.
Than faid I thus, Qubarto lyve I linger ?
Wofulleft wicht, and fubjeft unto peyne :
Of peyne ? no : God wote ya, for thay no ftrangcr
May wirk in ony wicht, I dare wele fcyne.
How may this be, that deth and lyf both tueyne ?
Sail bothe atonis, in a creature
Togidder dwell, aad turment thus natyire ?
. L.
JAMES I. 1405 1437. 27
I may not ellis done, bot wepe and waile
Within thir cald wallis thus ylokin :
From hensfurth my reft is my travaile ^
My drye thirft with tens fail I flokin,
And on my felf bene all my harmys wrokin :
Thus bute is none ; bot Venus, of hir grace,
Will fchape remede, or do my fpirit pace.
As Tantalus I travaile, ay buteles
That ever ylike hailith at the well
Water to draw, with buket bottemlefs.
And may not fpede, quhois penance is ane hell
So by myfelf this tale I may well telle.
For unto hir that herith not I pleyne.
Thus like to him my travaile is in veyue*
So fore thus fighit I with myfelf allone.
That turnyt is my ftrength' in febilneifc,
My wele in wo, my frendis all in fone.
My lyf in dcth, my lycht into dirknefs.
My hope in feere, in dout my fekirneflc ;
Sen fche is gone, and God mote hir conuoye,
That me may gyde fro turment and to joye.
The long day thus gan, I prye and poure
Till Phebus cndit had his hemes brycht.
And bad go farewelc every lef and floure j
This is to fay, approch gan tbe nycht.
And Efperus his lampis gan to licht,
Quhen in the wyndow, ft ill as any ftone,
I bade at lenth, and, kneeling, maid my monc.
So lang till evin for lak of mycht and mynd.
For vyepit and for-pleynit piteouflj,
Ourfet fo forrow had bothe hert and mjnd.
That to the cold ftone mj hede on wrje
I laid, and lenit, amaifit verily I
H^lf-fleping and half fuoun, in fuch a wife.
And quhat t met I will you now deuife.
Methoucht that thus all fodeynly a lyt.
In at the wyndow come quhare that I lejt.
Of quhich the chambere wyndow fchone full bryt.
And all my body fo it hath ouerwent,
That of my (icht the vertew hale I ,blent.
And that with all a voce unto me faid,
I bring the comfort and hele, be not affrayde.
And furth anon it paffit fodeynly,
Quhere it come in, the rycht way ageyne.
And fone methoucht furth at the dure in hye
I went my weye, was nathing me ageyne.
And haflily, by bothe the armcs tueyne,
I was arailit up into the aire,
Clippit in a cloude of cryftall clere and faire.
Afcending vpward ay fro fpere to fpere,
Throuch aire and watere and the bote fyre.
Till that I come vnto the circle clere
Off Signifere, quhare fair brycht and fchere
The fignis fchone^ and " In the glad empire
Off blifsful Venus !" ane cryit now
So fudaynly, almofl 1 wift not how.
JAMES I. 1 405 1437. 25
Off quhich the place,, quhen I com there nye.
Was all methoucht of chriftal ftouis wroucht.
And to the port I liftit was in hje,
Quhare fodaynly. as quho fais at a thoucht.
It opnjt, arid 1 was anon inbroucht
Within a chamber, a large rowm and faire, ^
And thei'e 1 fand of people grete repaire.
This is to feyne, that prefent in that place,
Methoucht I faw of every nacion
Loueris that endit thaire lyfis fpace
In lev is fervice, mony a inylion
Of quhois chancis maid is mencion
In diverfe bukis quho thame lift to fe.
And therefore here thaire namys lat I be.
LX. '
The quhois aventure and grete laboure
Abone their hedis writen there I fand,
Th:s :s to feyne martris, and confeffoure,
Ech in his ftage, and his make in his hand ;
And therewith all thir peple fawe I ftand,
With mony a folcmpt contenance,
After as lule thame Ijkit to auance.
Off gude folkis that faire In lufe befell
There faw I fitt in order ; by thame one
With bed fa horcy and with thame ^xlAq gude ivi/l
To talk and play ; and after that anon
Boiyde thame and next, there faw^ I gone
Curage^ amang the frefche folkis yong.
And with thame playit full merily, and fong.
And in ane other ftage, endlong the wall.
There faw I Hand in capis wyde and lang
A full grete nowmer, but thaire hudis all
Wift I not why, atoure thair eyen hang.
And ay to thame come Repentance amang.
And maid thame chere degyfit in his wede.
And downward efter that yit I tuke hede.
Rycht ouer thwert the chamber was there drawe
A treveffe thin and quhite, all of plefance,
The quhich behynd Handing there, I fawe
A warld of folk, and by thaire contenance
Thair hertis fcmyt full of difplefance.
With billis in thaire handis of one aflent,
Vnto the judge thaire playntis to prefent.
And there withall apperit vnto me
A voce, and faid, Tak hede, man, and behold ;
Yonder there thou feis the hieft llage and gree
Of agit folk, with hedis hore and olde j
Yone were the folk that never change wold
In lufe, but trevvly fervit him alway,
In every age, vnto thaire ending day.
For fro the time that thai could vnderftand
The exercife of lufis craft and cure.
Was non on lyve that toke fo much on hand
For lufis fake, nor langer did endure
In lufis fervice ; for. man, I the aflure,
Qj-ihen thay of youth reffavit had the fill,
Y;t in thaire age thame lakkit no gude will.
JAMES r, 1405^1437. 3JC
Here bene alfo of fuich as in counfailis.
And all thare dedis were to Venus trewe ;
Here bene the Princis faucht the grete batailis,
In rnynd of quhom ar maid the bukis newe ;
Here bene the poetis that the fciencis knewe,
Throwout the warld, of lufe in thair fuete layes,
Such as Ovide and Omere in thair daj^es.
And efter tham^ down in the next ft age,
There, as thou feis, the jong folkis pleje :
Lo ! thefe were thay that, in thaire myddill age,
Servandis were to lufe in tnony weje,
And diverfelj happenit for to deye^
Sum forrowfuUy for wanting of thaire makis.
And fum in armes for thaire ladjres fakis.
And other eke by other diuerfe chance.
As happin folk all day, as ye may fe ;
Sum for difpaire, without recoverance ;
Sum for defyre, furmounting thaire degree ;
Sum for difpite, and other inmytee j
Sum for vnkyndnefs, without a quhy ;
Sum for to mock, and fum for jeloufye.
And efter this, vpon yone ftage doun,
Tho that thou feis ftand in capis wyde ;
Yone were quhilum folk of religion,
That from the warld thaire governance did hide,
And frely fervit lufe on every fyde.
In feCret with thair'^ bodris and thaire gudis.
And Ic I quh.^ fo, thai hin^en dun thair hudis,
For though that thai were hardj at affaj.
And did him fervice quhilum privelj,
Yit to the warldis eye it femyt nay.
So was thaire fervice half cowardly,
And for thay firft forfuke him opynly,
And efter that thereof had repenting,
For fchame thaire hudis oure thaire eyen they hyng.
And feis thou now yonc multitude on rawe.
Standing behynd yone traveffe of delyte.
Sum bene of thame that haldin were full lawc.
And take by frendis, nothing thay to wyte.
In youth from lufe, into the cloiftere quite,
And for that caufe are cummyn recounfilit,
Oii thame to pley^ie that fo thame had begilit.
And othir bene amongis thame alfo,
That cummyn are to Court on lufc to pleyne.
For he thair bodyes had beftouit fo,
Quhare bothe thaire hertes bruckt there ageyne.
Tor quhich in all thaire dayes foth to feyne,
Quhen other lyvit in joye and plefance,
Thaire lyf was noucht hot care and repentance.
And quhare thaire hertis gevin were and fet,
Were copilt with other that could not accord ;
Tlius were thai wrangcd that did no forfet,
De-parting thame that never wold difcord,
Oft yong ladies faire, and mony lord.
That thus by maiftry were fro thaire chofe dryvc.
Full ready were thaire playntis there to gyve.
James i. 1405^1437. 3$
And other alfo 1 fawe complevnyng there
' Vpon fortune and hlr grete variance.
That quhere in love fo well they coplit were
With thair fuete makis coplit in plefance,
So fodejnlj maid thair diffeverance,
And tuke thame of this warldis companje,
Withoutin caufe there was non other quhy .*
And in a chiere of eftate befyde,
IVit/j wingis bright, all plunryt, hot his fac6)
There favv I fitt the blynd god Cupide
With bow in hand that bent full redy was,
And by him hang thre arowis in a cafe,
Off qiihich the hedis grundyn were full rycht,
Off diverfe metalis forgit fair and btycht.
And with the firfl. that hedit is of gold.
He fmytis foft, and that has efy cure ;
The fecund was of filver, mony fold
Wers than the firft, and harder aventure ;
The third of ftele is fchot without recure ;
And on his long yallow lokkis fcheue,
A chaplet had lie all of levis grene.
And in a retrete lytill of compas,
Depeyntit all with fighis wonder fad,
Not fuich fighis as hertis doith manace,
Bot fuich as dooth lufaris to be glad,
Fond I Venus vpon hir bed, that had
A mantill call ouer hir fchuldris quhite :
Thus clothit was the goddeffe of delyte.
Stude at the dure Fair calling hir vfchere,
That coude his office doon in eonyng wife^
And Secretes hir thrifty chamberere,
That belj was in tyme to do feruife ; "
And othir mo that I cannot avife.
And on hir hede of rede rofis full fuete,
A chapellet fche had, faire, frefch, and mete^
With quaking hert aftonate of that fight,
Unethis wilt I, quhat that I fold feyne ;
Eot at the laft febily as I mycht,
"With my handis on bothe my kneis tueyne,-
There I begouth my caris to compleyne.
With ane humble and lamentable chere
Thus falute I that goddefs brycht and clere.
Hye Quene of Lnfe I fterre of benevolence f
Pitoufe princefle, and planet merciable !
Appefare of malice and violence !
By vei tew pure of your afpelis hable,
V to your grace lat now bene acceptable
My pure requeft, that can no forthir gone
To feken help, bot vnto yow allone I
As ye that bene the focoure and fuete well
Off remedye, of carefull hertes cure.
And in the huge weltering wavis fell
Off lufis rage, blifsfuU havin, and fure,
O anker and trige, of oure gude aventure,
Ye have your man with his gude will conqueft ^
Merci, thexefore, and bring his hert to reft !
JAMES I. 14051437. 35
Ye knaw the caufe of all my pejmes fmert
Bet than myfelf, and all myn auenturc
Ye may conueye, and, as yow lift, conuert
The hardeft heit that formyt hath nature.
Sen in your handis all hale lyith my cure.
Have pitee now, O brycht blifsfull goddefle,
Off your pure man, and rew on his diftrelTe !
And though I was vnto your iawis ftraBge,
By ignorance, and not by felonye,
And that your grace now likit hath to ciangp
My hert, fo ferven you perpetualye,
Forgiue all this, and fchapith remedye.
To fauen me of your benigne grace.
Or do me fteruen furthwith in this place,
And with the ftremis of your percyng lyeht,
Conuoy my hert, that is fo wo-begone,
Ageyne vnto that fuete hevinly fight.
That I, within the waljis -cald as ftone,
So fuetly Caw on morow walk, and gone
Law in the gardyn rycht tofore mine eye.
Now, m.erci, Quene ! and do me not to deye,
Thir wordis faid, ray fpirit in difpaire
A quhile I ftynt, abiding efter grace.
And therewith all hir criftall eyen faire
She keft afyde, and efter that a fpace,
Benignely fche turnyt has hir face
Towardls me full plefantly conueide,
And vnto me rycht in this uife fche feide :
Yong man, the caufe of all thyne inward forowc
Is not vnknawin to my deite,
And thj requeft bothe nowe and eke to forowc,
Quhea thou firft maid profefTion to me.
Sen of my grace I have infpirit the
To knawe my lawe, contynew furth, for oft.
There as I mynt full fore, I fmyte hot foft.
Paciently thou tak thyne auenture.
This will my fon Cupide, and fo will I.
He can the ftroke, to me langis the cure
Quhen I fe tyme ; and therefore truely
Abyde, and ferue, and lat gude hope the gyc^
Bot for I have thy forehede here pent,
I will the fchewe the more of myn entent.
This is to fay, though it to me pertene
In lufis lawe the feptre to governe.
That the effeftis of my bemis fchene
Has thair afpeftis by ordynance eterne,
With otheris bynd ; and mynes to difcerne,
Quhilum in thingis bothe to cum and gone.
That langis not to me to writh alione.
As in thyne awin cafe now may thou fe, "
For quhy, lo throu otheris influence.
Thy perfone flandis not in libertee.
Quharfore, though I geve the benevolence.
It ftandis not yit in myn advertence,
Till certeyne courfe endit be and ronne,
Quhillof trew feruis thow havehir grace y-wonne.
JAMES I. 1405 1437. 3*7
xc. ^
And ylt, confidering the nakitneffe
Bothe of thy wit, thy perfone, and thy mycht,
It is no match, of thyne vnworthinefle
To hit hie birth, ellate, and beautee brycht,
Als like ye bene, as day is to the nycht, '^^
Or fek-cloth is unto fyne cremefye,
Or doken foule to the frefche dayefye.
Vnlike the mone is to the fonne fchene.
Eke Januarye is like vnto May,
Vnlike the cukkow to the phylomene ;
Thaire tavartis are not bothe maid of aray ;
Vnlike the crow is to the papejay,
Vnlike, in goldfmythis werk, a fifchis eye
To pere with peril, or maked be fo heye.
As I have faid, vnto me belangith
Specially the cure of thy feknefle,
Bot now thy matere fo in balance hangith.
That it requireth, to thy fekernelTe,
The help of other mo that bene goddes
And have in thame the menes and the lore,
In this mater to fchorten with thy fore.
And for thou fall fe wele that I entend,
Vnto thy help thy welefare to preferue.
The llrcight weye thy fpirit will I fend
To the goddefle that clepit is Mynervcy
And fe that thou hir heftis well conferve,
For in this cafe fche may be thy fupplye.
And put thy hert in reft als well as I.
Bot for the way is vncouth vnto the,
There as hir dwelling is, and hir fojurne,
I will that gudbope feruand tc the be,
Yome alleiis frende, to let the to murn.
Be thj condyt and gyde till thou returne.
And hir befech, that fche will in thy nedc
Hir counfelle geve to thy welefarc and fpcd
And that fche will, as langith hir office.
Be thy gude lady, help and counfeiloure.
And to the fchewe hir rype and gude auife.
Throw quhich thou may be procefle and laboure,
Atteyne vnto that glad and goldyn floure.
That thou wald have fo fayn with all thy hart.
And forthirmore fen thou hir iJervand art.
Quhen thou defcendis doun to ground ageyne,
Say to the men, that there bene refident.
How long think thay to ftand in my difdeyne
That in my lawis bene fo negligent.
From day to day, and lift thame not repent,
Bot breken loufe and walkcn at thaire large ?
Now is none that thereof gevis charge.
Say on than, Quhare is becummyn for fchame
The fongis new, the frefch carolis and dance,
The lufty lyf, the mony change of game,
The frefche aray, the lufty contenance,
The befy awaytc, the hertly obferuance
That quhilum was amongis thame fo ryf ?
Bid thame repent in tyme, and mend thaire lyf.
JAME8 I. 14051437. ^5
Or I fall, with my fader old Saturne,
And with alhale oure hevinlj alliance,
Oure glad afpedis from thame writhe and turne*.
That all the warld fall waile thaire governance.
Bid thame betjme, that thai haue repentance,
And thaire hertis hale lenew my lawe.
And I my hand fro beting fall withdrawe.
This Is to fay, contynew in my feruife,
Worfchip my law, and my name magnifye,
That am your hevin and your paradife,
And 1 your comfort here fall multiplye,
And, for youre meryt here perpetualye,
RefTaue I fall your faulis of my grace.
To lyve with me as goddis in this place.
With humble thank, and all the reverence
That feble wit and conyng may atteyne,
I take my leve ; and from hir prefence
Gude Hope and I togider both tueyne
Departit are, ard fchortly for to feyne
He hath me led redy wayis rycht
Vnto Minerve*s Palace, faire and brycht.
Quhare as I fand, full redy at the yate.
The maijier pbrtare, callit Pacience,
That frely lete vs in, vnqueftionate.
And there we fawe the perfyt excellence.
The feignoreye, the ftate, the reuerence.
The ftrenth, the beautee, and the ordour digne^
Off hit court -riall, noble and benigne.
And flraught vnto the prefence fodeynly
Off dame Minerue, the pacient goddefle,
Gude Hope my gyde led me redily.
To quhom anon, with dredefull humylneffc
Off my cummyng, the caufe I gan expreffe,
And all the procefle hole, vnto the end.
Off Venus charge, as likit her to fend.
Off quhich rycht thus hir anfuere was in bref :
My fon, I have wele herd, and vnderftondj
Be thy reherfe, the mater of thy gref,
And thy rcqueft to procure, and to fond
Off thy penance fum comfort at my hond.
Be counfele of thy lady Venus clere.
To be with hir thyne help in this matere.
Bot in this cafe thou fall well knawe and witt.
Thou may thy hert ground on fuich a wife.
That thy laboure will be bot lytill quit,
And thou may fet it in otherwife.
That wil be to the grete worfchip and prife ;
And gif thou durft Vnto that way enclync,
I will the gcve my lore and difcipline.
Lo, my gude fon, this is als much to feyne.
As gif thy lufe be fet all uterly
Of nyce luft, thy travail is in veyne.
And fo the end fall turne of thy folye
To payne and repentance, lo wate thou quhj ?
Gif the nc lift on lufe thy -oertew fet^
Vertu fall be the caufc of thy forfet.
JAMES I. 1405 1437- 41
Tak him before in all thy gouernance,
That in his hand the Here has of you all,
And pray vnto his hye purveyance,
Thy lufe to gyc, and on him traifl and call.
That corner-ftone, and ground is of the wall.
That failis not, and truft, withoutin drede,
Vnto thy purpofe fone he fall the lede.
For lo, the werk that firft is foundit fure,
May better here apace and hyare be
Than otherwife, and langere fall endure
Be mony fald, this may thy refon fee.
And ftronger to defend aduerfitce ; '
Ground thy werk, therefore, upon the ftone.
And thy defire fall forthward with the gone.
Be trewe, and meke, and lledfaft in thy thoucht.
And diligent her merci to procure,
Not onely in thy .word, for word is noucht,
Bot gif thy werk and all thy befy cure
Accord thereto, and vtrid be mefure,
The place, the houre, the maner, and the wife,
Gif mercy fall admitten thy fervife.
All thing has tyme, thus fais Ecclefiajie ,
And wele is him that his tyme will abit :
Abyde thy tyme ; for he that can bot haftc
Can not of hap, the wife man it writ ;
And oft gud fortune flourith with gude wit :
Quharefore, gif thou will be well fortunyt,
Lat wifedom ay to thy will be junyt.
Vol. I. F CX.
Bot there be monj of fo brukill fort,
That fejnis treuth in lufe for a quhile.
And fetten all thaire wittis and dlfport.
The fely innocent woman to begyle ;
And fo to Wynne thaire luftis with a wile ;
Suich fejnit treuth is all bot trechorye,
Vnder the vmbre of ypocrifye.
For as the foulere quhiftlith in his throte,
Diuerfely to counterfete the bird.
And feynis mony a fuete and ftrange note,
That in the bufk for his defate is hid.
Till fche be faft lok in his net amyd,
Rycht fo the feator, the falfe theif, I fay,
With fuete treafon oft wynith thus his pray.
Fy on all fuch ! fy on thaire doubilnefle 1
Fy on thaire luft, and beitly appetite !
Thaire wolfis hertis, in lambis likneffe ;
Thaire thoughtis blak, hid vnder wordis quhitc
Fy on thaire labour ! fy on thaire delyte !
That feynen outward all to hir honour.
And in thair hert her worfliip wold denour.
So hard it is to truften now on dayes
The warld, it is fo double and inconftant.
Off quhich the futh is hid be mony aflayes ;
More pitec is ; for quhich the remanant
That menen well, and are not variant,
For otheris gilt are fufpeft of vntreuth.
And hyndrit oft, and treuely that is reuth.
JAMES I. i405-~i437* 43
Bot, gif the hert be gronndit ferm and flable
In Goddis law, thy purpofe to atteyne.
Thy labour is to me agrcable,
And my full help with counfele trew and pleyne,
I wjII the fchewe, and this is the certeyne ;
Opyn thy hert, therefore, and lat me fee
Gif thy remede be pertynent to me.
Madame, quod I, fen it is your plefance
That I declare the kynd of my loving,
Treucly and gude, withoutin variance, . .
/ lufe thatjiour abufe all other thing, ''
And wold bene he, that to hir worfchipping
Mycht ought availe, be him thixjiarf on rudcy
And nowthir fpare for trauaile, lyf, nor gude.
And, forthirmore, as touching the nature
Off my luling, to vi'orfchip or to blame,
I darre wele fay, and therein me aflure.
For ony gold that ony wight can name,
Wald I be he that fuld of hir gude fame
Be blamischere in ony point or wyfej
For welc nor wo, quhill my lyf may fuffife.
This is the effel trewly of myn entent,
Touching the fuete that fmertis me fo fore,
GifF this be faynt. I can it not repent,
Allthough my lyf fuld forfaut be therefore :
Blifsfull princeffe ! I can feyeypu no more,
B t fo defire. my wittis dooth compace
More joy in erth, kej)s I noucht bot your grace.
Defire, quod fche, I nyl it not denj,
So thou it ground and fet in crillin wife ;<
And therefore, fon, opjn thy hert playnlj.
Madame, quod I, trew withoutin fantife.
That day fall I neuer vp rife,
For my delyte to couate the plefance
That may hir worfchip putten in balance.
For our all thing, lo this were rriy gladnelTe,
To fene the frefche beautee of hir face j
And gif it mycht deferue be procefle.
For my grete lufe and treuth to ftond in grace,
Hir worfchip fauf, lo here the blisfuU cace
That I wold afk, and thereto attend,
For my moft joye vnto my lyfis end.
Now wele, quod fche, and fen that it is fo.
That in vertew thy lufe is fet with treuth.
To helpen the I will be one of tho
From hensforth, and hertly without fleuth.
Off thy diftreffe and excefle lo have reuth.
That has thy hert, I will pray full faire,
That fortune be no more thereto contraire,
For futh it is that all ye creatures,
Quhich vnder vs bencth have your dwellyng,
Reflauen diuerfely your auenturis,
Off quhich the cure and principal melling
Apperit is withoutin repellyng,
Onely to hir that has the cuttis two
In hand, both of your wele and of your wo.
JAMES I. 1405 1437. 45
And how fo be, that fum clerkis trcte.
That all your chance caufit is tofore,
Jleigh in the hevin, bj quhois efFelis grete.
Ye movit are to wrething lefs or more,
Quharc in the warld, thus calling that therefore,
Fortune, and fo that the diverfitee
Oflf thaire werking fold caufc neceffitee.
Bot other clerkis halden that the man.
Has in himfelf the chofe and libertee
To caufe his awin fortune, how, or quhan.
That him beft left, and no neceffitee
Was in the hevin at his nativitee ;
Bot yit the thingis happin in commune,
Efter purpofe, fo cleping thame fortune. v
And quhare a perfone has tofore knawing
Off it that is to fall purpofelj,
Lo fortune is bot wayke in fuch a thing.
Thou may wele wit, and here enfample quhy.
To God it is the fit ft caufe onely ,,
Off euery thing, there may no fortune fall, '
And quhy ? for he fprekn^win is of all.
And therefore thus I fay to this fentence.
Fortune is moft and ftrangeft euermore,
Qiihare, Jefte foreknawing or intelligence
Is in the man, and ybf of wit or lore.
Sen, thou art wayke and feble, lo, therefore,
The more thou art in dangere, and commune
With hir, that clerkis clepen {o fortune.
Bot for the fake, and at the reuerence
Of[ Venus clere, as I the faid tofore,
I have of thj diitrelTe corapacie;ice,
And in confort and lelefche of thy fore.
The fehewit here my n avife therefore,
Pray fortune help ; for fuich vnlikely thing
Full oft about fche fodeynly dooth briag.
Now go thy way, and haue gude mynd upon
Quhat I have faid, in way of thy do6lryne :
I fall, Madame, quod I, and rycht anon
I tuke my leve, als draught as oay lyne
Within a heme, that fro the contree dy vine,
Sche percyng throw the firmament extendit,
To ground ageyne my fpirit is defcendit.
Quhare in a luOy plane tuke I my way,
Endlang a ryuer, pkfand to behold,
E.nbr.>udin all with frefche flouris gay, '
Quhare ihrou the grauel, brycht as ony gold,
The criilal water ran fo clere and cold.
That in myn ere maid contynualy,
A maner foun mellit with armony.
That full of lytill fifchis by the biym,
Now her* now there, with bakkis blewe as lede,
Lap and playit. a id in a rout can fwym
So prattily, and drcflit thame to fpiede
Thairc curall fj'uis, as the ruby rede,
That i'l the fonne on thaire fcalis brycht,
As geilerant ay glittcrit in my fight.
JAMIS I. 1405 1437. i"**
And by this like ryucr fyde alawe
Ane hyewaj farid i like to bene,
On quhich, on euery fydc, a long rawe
OiF trees faw 1 full of levis grene.
That full of fruyte delitable were to fe'ne 5
And alfo, as it come vnto my mynd.
Of beftis fawe I mony diuerfe kynd.
The lyon king and his fere lyoneffe.
The pantere like vnto the fmaragdyne.
The lytiil fquerell full of befyneffe.
The flawe affe, the druggare belle of pyne,
The nyce ape, the werely porpapyne.
The percyug lynx, the lufare vnicorn.
That voidis venyra with his euoure home.
There fawe I dreffe him, new out of hant,
The fere tigcrc full of felony,
The dromydare, the Itandcr oliphant.
The wyly fox, the wedouis inemye,
The clymbare gayte, the elk for alblallrye,
Tlie heiknere bore, the holfum grey for hortis,
The haire alfo, that oft gooth to the wortis.
Thebugill draware by his liornis gi'ete.
The mavtrik fable, the foynzee, and mony mo.
The chalk quhite ermyn, tippit as the jete.
The riall hert, the conyng, and the ro.
The wolf, that of the murthir not fay ho,
The lefty beuer, and the ravin bare.
For chamelot, the camel full of hare.
With many ane othir befte diverfe and ilrange,
That cummyth not as now vnto my mjnd ;
Bot now to purpofe ftraught furth the range,
I held away oure hailing in my mynd,
From quhens I come, and quhare that I fuld fynd
Fortune^ the goddelTe unto quhom in hye
Gude hope J my gyde, has led me fedeynly.
And at the laft behalding thus afyde,
A round place wallit have 1 found.
In myddis quhare eftfone I have fpide
Fortune^ the goddejjey hufing on the ground.
And rycht befor hir fete, of compas round,
A quheUy on quhich clevering I fye,
A multitude of folk before myn eye.
And ane furcote fche werit long that tyde.
That femyt to me of diverfe hewis,
Quhilum thus, quhen fche wald turn afyde,
Stude this goddefs of fortune,"^
A chapellet with mony frefch anewis
Sche had upon hir hede, and with this hong
A mantill on hir fchuldries large and long.
That furrit was with ermyn full quhite, >
Degoutit with the felf in fpottis blake,
And quhilum in hir chere thus alyte
Louring fche was, and thus fone it wold flake.
And fodeynly amaner fmylyng make
And fche were glad, at one contenance
Sche held not, bot ay in variance.
JAMES I. 1405 1437. 49
And vndernetli the quhele fawe I there
Ane vgly pit, depe as ony helle.
That to behald thereon I quoke for fere ;
Bot a thing herd I, that quho therein fell,
Com no more vp agane tidingis to telle ;
OfFquhich, aftonait of that ferefull fjcht,
I ne will quhat to done, fo was I fricht.
Bot for to fe the fudayn weltering
Of that ilk quhele that floppare was to hold^
It femyt vnto my wit a ftrong thing.
So mony I fawe that than clumben wold.
And failit foting, and to ground were rold j
And othir eke that fat above on hye.
Were overthrawe in twinklyng of ane eye.
And on the quhele was lytill void fpace,
Wele nere oure flraught fro lawe to hye.
And they were ware that long fat in place.
So tolter quhilum did fche it to wreye,
There was bot clymbe and rycht downward hye,
And fum were eke that fallyng had fore.
There for to clymbe, thair corage was no more.
I fawe alfo, that quhere fum were flungin.
Be quhirlyng of the quhele vnto the ground.
Full fudaynly fche hath vp ythrungin.
And fet theme on agane full fauf and found.
And ever I fawe a new fwarm abound.
That to clymbe vpward upon the quhele,
Inilede of thame that mycht no langer rele.
Vol. I G CXJ.!!.
Aad at the laft, in prefence of thame all
That ftude about, fche clepit me be name,
And therewith upon kneis gan I fall
Full fodajnlj hailfing, abaift for fchame ;
And, fmjlyng thus, fche faid to me in game,
Quhat dois thou here ? quho has the hider fc
Saj on anon, and tell me thjne entent.
I fe wele. by thj chere and contenance,
There is fum thing that lyis the on hert ; ^
It ftant not with the as thou wald, perchance.
Madame, quod I, for lufe is all the fmert
That euer I fele endlang and ouerthwert ;
Help of your grace me, wofull wrechet wight,
Sen me to cure ye powere have and mycht.
Quhat help, tjuod fche, wold thou that I ordeync.
To bring the vnto thy hertis delire ?
Madame, quod I, bot that your grace dedyne.
Of your grete mycht, my wittis to infpire.
To win the well^ that flokin may the fyre
In quhich 1 birn : Ah, goddefs fortunate !
Help now my game that is in poynt to mate.
Off mate ! quod fche ; a verray fely wretch
I fe wele, by thy dcdely coloure pale ;
Thou art to feble of thyfelf to ftreche
Vpon my quhele, to clymbe or to hale,
Withoutin help ; for thou has fund in ftale
This mony day withoutin werdis wele.
And wantis now thy veray hertis hele.
JAMES I. 1405 1 437- 5^
Welc maiftow be a wretchit man calllt, -
That wantis the confort that fuld thy hert glade,
And has all thing within thy hert ftailit.
That may thy youth oppreffen or defade ;
Though thy begynyng hath bene retrograde
Be froward oppofyt quharetill ; afpert
Now fall thai turn, and luke on the dert.
And therewith all vnto the quhele in hye
Sche hath me led, and bad me lere to clymbe,
Vpon the quhich I fteppit fudaynly ;
Now hald thy grippis, quod fche, for thy tyme^
An houre and more it rynis ouer prime
To count the hole ; the half is nere away ;
Spend wele, therefore, the remaaant of the day.
Enfample (quod fche) tak of this tofore.
That fro my quhele be rolli't as a ball.
For the nature of it is euermore
After an hicht to vale, and geve a fall,
Thus quhen me likith vp or down to fall.
Farewele, quod fche, and by the ere me toke
So erneflly, that therewith all 1 woke.
O befy gofte, ay flikering to and fro.
That never art in quiet nor in reft.
Till thou cam to that place that thou cam fro,
Quhich is thy firft and vcrray proper neft ;
From day to day fo fore here artow dreft,
That with thy flefche ay walking art in trouble,
And fleping eke of pyne, fo has thou double.
Couert myfelf all this mene I to loke.
Thought that my fpirit vexit was tofore,
In fuenyng, alTone as evei I woke.
By XX fold it was in trouble more.
Be thinking me with fighing hert and fore.
That nane other thingis hot dremes had^
Nor fe kernes my fpirit with to glad.
And therewith fone I dreffit me to ryfe,
Fulfild of thoucht, pyne, and aduerfitee,
And to myfelf I faid in this wife,
Quhat lyf is this ? quhare hath my fpirit be ?
A ! merci, Lord ! quhat will ye do with me ?
Is this of my forethoucht iniprefliou ?
Or is it from the licvin a vifion ?
And gif ye goddis of youre purviance
, Have fchewit this for my reconforting.
In relefche of my futicufe penance,
I yow befeke full truely of this thing,
That of your grace I mycht have more takenyng,
Gif it fal be, as in my ilepe before
Ye fchewit have : and forth withoutin more.
In bye vnto the wyndow gan I walk,
Moving within my fpirit of this fight,
Quhare fodeynly a turture^ quhitt as calhy
So evinly vpon my hand gan lycht,
And vnto me fche turnyt hir, full rycht,
OfFquham the chere in hir birdis aport
Gave me in hert kalendis of confort.
^ JAMES I. 14051437. 53
This fair bird rjcht in hir bill gan hold
Of redjeroffieris, with Xh^XT Jlalkis greney
A fair branche, quhare written was with gold.
On eurj lift, wicht branchis brycht and fchene,
In compas fair full plefandlj to fene,
A t>lune fentencBy quhich, as I can deuife
And have in mynd, faid rjcht on this wife.
" Awale ! awake ! I bring, lufar, I bring
The flewis glad, that blifsfiill ben and furc
Of thj confort ; now lauch, and play, and fing,
That art befid fo glad an auenture :
Fore in the hevyn decretit is thy cure."
And vnto me the flouris fair did prefent ;
With wyrigis fpred hir wayis furth fche went.
Quhilk vp anon I tnke, and as I gcfle,
Ane hundretli tymes, jor. I forthir went,
I have it red, with hcrtfull glaidnefTe,
And half v.-ith hope and half with dred it hent.
And at my beddis hed, with gude entent,
I have it fair pynit vp, and this
Firit takyn was of all my help and blifle.
The quhich treuly efter day be day.
That all my wittis maillrit had tofore,
Quhich he ofTerth, the paynis did away ;
And fchortly, fo wele fortune has hir bore,
To quomkin, treuly day by day, my lore
To my larges, that I am cum ac^ayn
To bliile with hir that is my fovirane.
To rekyn of everj thing the circumftance.
As happint me quhen lefferen gan my fore,
Of my rancoure and wofull chance.
It war to long, I lat it be tharefore.
And thus thisjlouris I can feye no more.
So hertly has vnto my help aftendit.
That from the deth hir man fche has defendit.
Go litill trctife, nakit of eloquence,
Caufing fimplefs and poueitee to wit, .
And pray the reder to have pacience
Of thy defaute, and to fupporten it.
Of his gudneflfe thy brukilnefle to knytt.
And his tong for to ruele and to Here,
That thy defautis helit may bene here.
Vnto impunis of my maifteris dere,
Goivere and Chaucere, that on the fleppis fatt
Of rethorike, quhill thai were lyvand here,
Superlatiue as poetis laureate.
In moralitee and eloquence ornate,
I recommend my buk in lynis feven.
And eke thair faulis vnto the blifle of hevin.
A ME N :
EXPLICIT, zic, 7.1C.
Quod Jacobus Primus Scotoruni Rex Illujlrijfimus.
l^FirJi Pul/i/hed in I'j^S, from the Maitland
Collection in the Pepyjian Library at Cam-
bridge, by Mr PinkeRTON ; who fuppofes it to
he the fang beginning with Yas fen, ?nentioned as
a compofition of James I. by Major, in his
De Gestis Scotorum. Mr Ritson^ in his
EJfay on Scott'i/h Song, appears to coincide
with this opinion. 'The Jirjl Ihte in the ManU'
fcripty according to Mr Pinierton's account, is
mutilated, andjlands thus,
" fen that eyen that works my welfair."
Mr Ritfon thinks, that Major might, by mif-
take, have 'written Yt fen, injlead of Sen yt.
It is here given in the way Mr Pinkerton fup^
pofes it ought to be read, as it feems to agree
better with the abrupt clofe of
** Ha, now my mufe !"
James 1. is faid to have written many fongs
IsH A}OK fays '* plurimi ;" the language of this is,
evidently^ very ancient, and not unlike that of
King's Qj^iair ; there is, therefore, fome proba^
billty tJ-Hit it may be the fong mentioned by Ma-
jor ; or, at leaf., co-eval with James l.J
AS ! fen the eyne that vvorkis my welfair
Dois no moir on me glance,
A. thoufand fiches, with fuelling fobbis fair,
Dois throw my bowels lance.
I die y aiming ;
I leif pyning ;
Woe dois encres ;
I wax witles.
O findering, O woful doleance !
The daj quhen as the fair pairtit me fra,
Plefour left me alfo.
When that from her I finderit was away,
Mifchance me hint but ho.
I waxit wan.
The fame hour than ;
Sorow fenfjne
Dois ftill me pyne
O that gud nicht hes caufit mekll wo :
Evin as men may the turtil trew perfaif.
Once having loft hir feir,
On the dry brainche, aj faithful to the graif,
Bewayling perfeveir.
So my defj re,
Kindlit in fyre,
Dois foir lament
My luif abfent.
O God, gif amour be ane paine to beir !
Never in fomer the hait canicular day
So hote with beamis brint.
As dois that fyre, quhilk, me devoring ay^
Hes faul and bodie tint.
And never a dairt
So perced my hatrt.
As dois the bowt
Quhilk luif me fchot.
O god Cupid, gif better be thy dint f
As he that fwimmis the moir he ettil faft.
And to the fchoire intend.
The moir his febil furie, throw windis blaft.
Is bakwart maid to wend.
So wars be day
My greif growis ay.
JAMES i. 14051437. jf
The moir I am huite.
The moir I fturte.
O cruel love, hot deid thow hes none end !
The faithful meffinger, quhilk is the nicht.
To luifars langorous,
Augments mj woe ; and als the dayis licht
Maks me more dolorous.
The daj I dwjne.
The nicht I pjne ;
Evin eikis my forow
Wors then the Morow.
O God, in love gif I be malhourous !
And gif that neid to flumbir me conftraine^
Faint throuch melancolie,
Unrefl: dois (^quikly) walkin me agane ,
To mufe my miferie.
Quhaitevir chahce
Dois me outrance,
Saif fals thinking
In fueit dreming. c, ,i 7/
O dreamc maift fueit, gif it Ivar not a lie j
in cairful bed full oft, in myne intent.
To tuitche I do appear
Now fyde, now breift, now fueit, now redolent^
Of that fueit bodye deir.
I ftretche my hand,
In vain ernand ;
My luif is far,
And not found nar.
O fcorne of luifars Cupid blind art heir !
Syne quhen the morning, (with hir mantil grcin)
Opinis the dayis face,
Vol, II. H With
With Phebus' licht the cairfal thochtjs dciff
Renewis thair woful raicr.
My fjrie raige
Deis then aggrage :
My foir torment
Dois moir augment.
O gif aWence be paine in liiifis caice I
So mony flarris ar nocht in nichtis fein ;
Nor in drawing colouris :
Nor fcipping froggis, amid the medow grein 5
As I thocht of dolouriy.
Noy npon noy
Marks to deftroy
^fy woful lyfe,
Fechting in flryfe'.
O gif unhap be found in paramotilrts !
The Day, befoir the fuddane Nichtis chMce,
Dois not fo fuiftlie go ;
Nor hare, befoir the ernand grewheund's face.
With fpeid is careit fo ;
As I, with paine
For luif of ane,
Without remeid"
Rin to the deid.
O God, gif deid be end of mekit woe !
goddis hiche ! gif in the lievin be found
Sum band of amitie,
1 yow befeik be movit with my wound ;
And have fum juft pitic.
My proper lyfe
I hate as ftryfe,
I me forf^ik
JAMES I. 14051437- 59
For other's faik.
O gif luif caufis ftrange inamitie !
Ha now, my Mufe ! my foucy, and my cair I
Leif of thy lamenting.
;CeIs to complane of mifchap pny mair.
End now. I ceis to ling.
He that can plaine
Dois thoill leift paine.
Soir ar the hairti
But playnt that fmartls.
JSUence to dolour is ane nourifchjng.
JAMES II. 1437 146Q.
[^T^his allegorical Poentf apparently a fatyre on
James II. hy a partisan of the Houje of Dou-
. glas, was firfl puhlifhed in l']^2yfrom the Ban-
. NATYNE Manuscript in the Advocates Library
of Edinburgh^ hy Mr Pinkertoti. Holland,
the author^ has mentioned different circumjlancet
ivhich afcertain with precifion the time when it
was written. He dates it from Ternoway,
the feat of the Earls of Moray, and fays,
" Thus for a Dow of Dunbar drew I this dyte
" Dowit with a Douglas, and baith were they Dowis."
^he Lady here meant ^ is Mary Dunbar, who
brought that Earldom to her hufband, Archi-
bald Douglas, a younger fon of James, S>e-
ijenth Earl of Douglas. The author ^ in ajlrange
tedious digrefjion (here omitted^ concerning the
armorial bearings, green tree, 'iSc. of Douglas,
mentions the four branches ; by which he cer-
tainly means i. James, Eighth Earl of Dou-
glas ; 2. Archibald, Earl of Moray ; 3.
Hugh, Earl of Ormond ; 4. John, Lord Balve-
nie. Ln 1450, the favour and power of the Earl
o/'Douglas began to fail ; in i^^^, he was fain
Ify the King ; in 1453, Moray was forced into
exile v~
txile ; in 1455, all the brothers were attainted i
MoRAT was Jlain in battle againji his Sovereign ;
and his brother Ormond was, at the fame time,
taken and beheaded. The poemy then^ mujl have
been written before tht attainder^ and after tht
Houfe 0/ Douglas had loji the King^s favour ;
probably in 1453. ^y ^^^ f iouLAT, or Owl, in
this fatyrical fabUy is meant James II. whoft
face was fomewhat deformed by a fiery rednefs
in one of his cheeks. The fiyle^ even for that
fimey is particularly uncouth, from the confiant
alliteration and confequent necejjity of ufing old
and uncommon words. The metrical romance of
Sir Gawane, by Clerk of Tranent, written
probably about this time, and in the fame allite-
ratize meafure, is fill more barbarous and unin-
telligible. The reader will be quite fatisfied
with the HoULAT as a fpecimen of this counter-
feit language, formed more for the putpofe of
found thanfenfe.~^
In the mlddis of Maii, at morne, as I went
Throw mirth markit, on mold till a grene meld.
The blemis bljtheft of blee fro the fone blent,
That all brychnit about the bordouris on breld.
With alkin herbis fo ffair that war in erd lent
The feildis flowryfchit : and fretfull of falrhead.
So foft was the feafons our fovrane doun fent.
Throw the greabill gift off his godheid.
That all was amiable ower the air and the er^.
Thus throw the clifts fo clere
Above, but fallow or fere,
I walkit till a riweir
That rjallje rered.
,jtAMES II. 1437 lA^O, ^^
'^his rlche rywer down ran, but refting or rove,
Ifhrow a foreft on fauld, that ferlje was fair.
All the brayis of that buyrne buir brenchis above ;
And birdis blyitheft of ble on bloflbmes bair.
The land lony was and lie, with lyking and love.
And for to lende by that lak thocht Hie levare,
Becaufs that thir hertis in herdis coud hove ;
Pranfand and pridyea:nd, be pair and be pare.
Thus fat I in folace, fekrelye and fuire,
Content of the fare firth,
Mekle mare of the mirth j
Als was blyith of the birth.
That the ground buire.
The birth that the ground burc was brondyn inbredls^
With gerfs gay as the gold, and granis of gpace,
Mendis and medicine for all menis (neidis ;)
Help till hert, and till hurt, helefull it was.
Under the circle folar thir fanourous fedis
Were nurifl be dame Nature, that nobill maiftrcs.
Bot all thair namys to nyum as now it nocht nedis ;
It wer prolixit and lang, and lenthing of fpace.
And I haif mekle matter in metir to glofs.
Of ane uthir fentence ,
And waik is my eloquence.
Thairfoir in haift will I hence
To the purpofe.
Of that purpois in that place, be pryttie of the day,
I hard a peteous appeill, with a pure mane,
Sowlpit in forow, that fadly could fay,
* Woes mc wrcche I in this warld wilfam of wane,
" With
** With mair murnyng in mynd, than I mene may^
" Rowpit rev/chfully roulk. in a rud rane."
OiF that ferlj dnfold I fell in afFray ;
Nyrar that noyis in neft I nycht anane,
I faw a HOULAT in haift, under ane holyng,
Lukand the lak throw,
And faw his awin fhadow.
At the quhilk he culd grow>'
And maid a gowling.
He gret gryflle grym, and gaif a grit youle,
Hydand and bydand with churlich chere.
' Quhy is my fate," quoth the fyle, " faffeint fo foulc ?
" My forme and my fethcrin unfrenlie, but feir ;
** My neb is nytherit as a nob ; I am but ane oule.
** Againis natur in the nycht I walk into weir.
*' I dar do nocht in the day hot droup as a doule j
*' Nocht for ihame of my lliaip in j)ert till appeir.
** Thus all the foulis, for my filth, lies me at feid i
*' That be I fene in thair ficht
" To luke out on day lycht,
** Sum will me dolefully dycht>
*' Sum ding me to my deid.
*' Sum bird will bay at my beke, andfum will me byte j
' Sum Ikirp me with fcorne, fum ikyrine at myn e.
** I fee be my ftiaddow my fhap hes the wyte.
* Quhame fall I blemeinthisbrcth,abcfum thatlbc?
** Is none hot dame Natur I bid not to wyte
* Or to accufs, in this caufs, in cais that I de.
** Bot qviha fall make me amendisofhir worth amyte,
'* That this hes maid on the mold a monfler of me ?
" I will appeill to the Paip, and pafs to him plane ;
**. For happia that his Halynace,
" Throw
JAMES II. 1437 1460. 63
** Throw prayei', may purchace
*' To reforme my foule face ;
** Aiid than wer 1 fane.
*' Fane wald (I ken), quoth the fyle, or I furth fure,
** Qnha is fader of all foule, paflour and Paip ?
** That is the plefand Pacok, pvetious and pure,
*' Conftant and kirklyk, under his cleir kaip ;
*' Myterkj as the maner is, manfuiet and demure ;
*' Schrowd in his fcheneweid, and fchane in his fchaip ;
*'^ Sad in his fandlitude, iickerly and fure.
" I will go to that guid, his grace for to graip."
Off that boure I was blyeth ; and baid to behald.
The Ho'jolat, violent of vyce,
Raikit under the ryce,
To the Pacok of pryce,
That was Pape cald. , ' ' \",.
VIII. ' /
BefFoir the Paip quhen that puir prefent him had,
With fit courtalTye, as he coud, on knees he fell ;
Said, " A-ue Rabye I Be the rude, I am rycht rade
*' To behald your Halynes, or my taill tell.
** I may nocht fuffife to fe your Sanftitude fad."
The Paip wyiflie, I wis, of worfchip the well,
Gawe him his braid bennefoun ; and balelie him bade,
That he fuld fpeanlie fpeik, and fpair nocht to fpell.
" I com to fpeir," quoth the fpreit, * into fpeciall,
** Ouhy I am formit fa fouU ; ,
*' Ay to yout and to youll,
" As ane horuble oull,
*' Quorum owir all?
Vol I. I IX.
" I am nycherit ane oule thus be Nature,
** Ljkar a fuUe, than a foull, in figure and face ;
" Byflym of all birdis, that evir bodje bure,
" Without caws or crjme kend in this cace.
<* I have appeillit to your prefence, pretious and puir,
** To alk help into haift at your Holynace,
** That ye wald crye upoun Chrift, that all hes in cuir,
** To fchape me ane fchand bird in a fchort fpace.
** And to accufe Nature, this is no way.
* Thus throw your Halyncs may ye
** Make a fair foull of me j
** Or ellis dreidles 1 dee,
" Or my end day."
* Off thy deid,' quoth the Paip, pitie I hawe ;
* Bot of Nature to pleyne it is pariell.
* I can nocht fay fuddanlie, fo me Chrift fawe,
* Bot I fall call my cardinallis, and my counfell.
* Patriarkis and prophetis, oure lerit all the lawe,
* Thai fal be femblit full fone, that thow fe fall.*
He callit on his Cubiculare within his conclawe
That was the proper Pape, proud in his apparrell :
Bad fend for his fecretare, and his fele fone,
That was the Turture trcweft
Ferme, faiihfuU, and feft,
Tliat bure that office honeft ;
And enterit but hone.
The Paip commandit, but hone, to wryt in all landls,
Be the faid fecretare, that the fele yemyt,
For all ftaitis of kirk, that under Chrift ftandis,
To femble till his furamondis, as it weill femyt.
jAMls II. 1437 ^4^0. ^7
The trew Turture has tane with the titgandis,'
Done dewly his dett as the dere demyt :
Sjne beljve fend the lettres into fere landis.
With the Swallow fo fwift in fpeanle expremit,
The Papis herald at pnynt into prefent ;
For he is furthward to flee,
And ay will haif enteree ;
In hous, and in hall hee,
To tell his entent.
Quhat fall I tell ony mair of thir materis ?
Bot thir lordis belyve thir lettres hes tane,
Reflavit thame with reverence, to reid as efFeris ;
And richelye the heraldis rewardit ilk ane.
Than bulk thai but blin ; monye bewfckeris
Graithis thaoie, but growching, that gait for to gane.
All the flaitis of kirk out of fteid fteris .
And I fall note you richt now thair namis in ane.
How thai apperit to the Paip, and prefent thame ay ;
Fair farrand, and free,
In ane guidlye degree,
And manlyke ; as thocht me
In middis of May *. '
Confefs cleir can I nocht, nor kyth all the cas,
The kynd of thair cunnyng, thir comparges eke ;
The manere, nor the multitude fomonyt than was.
All fe fouU, and fede foull, was nocht for to fekei
Thir ar no foulis of ref, nor of rethnas,
Bot manfuete, but malice, mandril and meke.
And aU apperit to the Paip, in that ilk place,
* Here follows a verbofc enumeration of the birds in the charafter of
Bilhops, Abbots, Monks, &c. The names, common.
Salufl his fanftitude with fpirltuall fpcke.
The Pape gaif his benefon, and bliffit thame all.
Quhen thai war rank it on rawis
Off thair wing, the haill cawis
Was faid into fchort fawis.
As je here fall.
The Pape faid to the Oule, " Propone thine appelc,
' Thy lamentabill langage, as lyke the beft."
* I am defcernint of the foul, with faltis full fele,
* Be nature nycherit ane oule noy quhar in neft,
* Wrech of all wrechis, fra wirfchip and wele ;
(All this tretye lies he tald be times inteft.)
* It nedis nocht to renew all my unhele,
* Sen it was mcnit to your mynd, and maid manifefl/
Bot to the poynt pietous he prait the Pape
To call the clergye with cure
And fe gif that Nature
Mycht reforme his figure
In a fair fchaip.
Than fairly the Fader thir foulis he frainyt
Off thair cunfele in that cais, fen that the rycht knew ;
Gyff thaithe Hculat mycht help, that wasfo hard panyt.
And thai verelye avilit, full of vertewe.
The mater, the manner, and how it remanyt j
The circumftance, and the ftait, all coude thai argewc.
Monye alleageance lele, in lede nocht to laneit,
Off Aristotle, and all men, fchairplye thai fchewe.
The prelatis thair apperance proponit generall.
Sum faid to, fum fra ;
Sum nay, and fum ya.
Baith pro and contra
Thus argewe thai all.
JAMES II. 1437 14^0. Scf
Thus argewe dial erniftlye wone ofEs ;
And fyn to the famyn forfuth thai alFent h.
The duljate, and the dulfacordis, x\\^ fchalin of affay ;
The amyable organic ufit full oft ;
Clariojis loud knellis,
Portatihis, and bellis.
Cymbaellonis In the cellis,
That foundis fo oft.
Quhen thai had fangin, and fald, foftly a fchoure ;
And plaid as of paradyfs it a poynt ware ;
In come japane the y<7, as a Jugloure,
^ With caltis, and with cantelis, a quynt caryjire.
' Vol. I. K He
He gart thame fee, as it femjt, in famin houre,
Hunting at herdis, in holtis fo haire ;
Soune failand on the fee fchippis of toure ;
Bernis batalland on burd, brym as a bare ;
He coud carye the coup of the kingis des,
Syne leve in the ftede
Bot a blakbunwede :
He coud of a henis hede
Mak a man mes.
He gart the Emproure trow, and trewlye behald.
That the Conicraik^ the pundare at hand,
Had poyndit all his pris hors in a poynd fald,.
Becaus thai eite of the corn in the kirkland.
He could wirk windaris, quhat way that he wald ;
Mak a gray gus a gold garland,
A lang fpere of a bittill for a berne bald,
Noblis of nutfchellis, and filver of fand.
Thus jowkit with juxters the janglane Ja.
Fair ladyis in ringis,
Knychtis in caralyngis,
Bayth danfis and fingis ;
It femyt as fa.
Sa come the Ruke with a rerde, and a rane roch,
A Bard out of Irland with banochcuke !
Said, gluntoiv guk dynydrach hula mifchty doch ;
Reke hir a rug of the roll, or fcho fall ryve the.
Mifch makmory ach mach momitir vioch loch ;
Set her doun, gif her drink ; quhat deill aylis ye ?
Dermyn, Donnal, Dochardy droch ,-
Thir ar the Ireland Kingis of the Erchrye.
Kne'ji'lyn, Conogjihor^ Gregre M^Grune;
The Cbenachyf the Charfchach,
JAMES II. 1437 14^0' 75
The Benefchene, the Ballach^
The Krekrye, the Coracb,
Scho kennis thame ilkane.
Monye lefingis he maid ; wat lat for no man
To fpeke quhill he fpokin had, fparet no thingls.
The Dene Rural, the Ravin^ reprevit him than,
Bad him his lefingis leue befoir thai Lordingis.
The bard wes branewod, and bitterlje coud ban,
*' Thou corbj meffinger," quoth he, ** with forow now
fingis ;
" Thow ifchit out of Noyis ark, and to the erd wan,
*' Tareit as tratour and brocht na tadingis ;
" I fall riwe the Ravyn, bayth guttis and gall."
Than the Dene Rurall worth rede,
Sail for fchaihe of the ftede ;
The bard held a grit plede
In the hie hall.
In come twa fljrand Fulis with a fond fair.
The tuquheit, and the gukkit gowJk, and yede hiddie
giddie ;
Rwifchit bayth to the Bard, and ruggit his hare j
Callit him thris thevis nek, to thraw in a widdie.
Than fjlit him fra the foirtop to the fute thare.
The Bard fmaddit Ijke a fmaik fmokit in a fmiddie :
Ran fail to the dur, and gaif a grit raire ;
Socht watter to wefch him thairout in ane ydy.
The Lordis leuch upoun loft, and lyking thai had.
That the Bard was fo let.
The Folis fend in the flet.
And monye mowis at mete
On the fluir maid.
Syne for>a figonale of frutt thai llrave in the flede ^
The tuquheit gird to the gowk, and gaif him a fall,
HailFhis taill fra his hdd, with a rache pleid ;
The gowk gat up agane in the grit hall,
Tuc the tuquheit be the tope, and owirtirllit his heid,
Flang him flat in the fjre, fedderia and all.
He cryit, ** AUace," with a rair, *' revin is my reid I
*' I am ungretiouflye gorrit bayth guttis and g^U."
Yit he lopd fra ye low bycht in lyne.
Quhen thai had remyllis raucht, ,
Thai foirthocht that thai facht ; '
.Kiffit fyne, and facht.
And fatt doun fyne.
All thus thir achilles in hall herlie remanit,
With all welthis at wifs, and worfchip to waill :
The Pape beginnis to grace, as greablie ganit ;
Wifch with thir wirchypis, and went to counfale.
The puir Howlattis appele compleitlie was planit.
His fait and fouU forme, unfrelie but fale ;
For the quhilk thir Lordis in lede nocht to lane it,
He befocht of focour, as fovrane in faile.
That thai wald pray Nature his prefent to renew ;
For it was hale his behefte.
At thair alleris requefte,
Mycht dame Nature arefte
Of him for to rewe.
Than rewlt thir ryallis of that rach man,
Bayth Spirituale and Temporale, that kennit the cas j
And, confiderand the caus, concludit in ane.
That thai wald Nature befeke, of hir grit grace.
JAMES II. 1437 1460. 57
To difcend that faim hour as thair Sovrane,
At thair alleris inftance, in that ilk place.
The Pape and the Patriaikis, the Prclatis ilk ane.
Thus pray thai as penitent ; and all that thair was.
Quhair throw dame Nature the traift difcendit that
tyde, .
At thair hale inftance ,
Quham thai reflawe with reverance
And bowfum obcjfance.
As Goddcs, and gjde.
*' It neides nocht," quoth Nature, ** to renew ocht
** OIF your intent in this tydc, or for this to tell ;
** I waitt your will, and quhat way ye wald that I
** wrocht
*' To reafoun the Houlaty of faltis full fell.
** It fall be done at ye deme^ drede ye rycht noclit :
" I confent in this cais to your counfell.
*' Sen myfelf for your fake bidder hes fdcht.
*' Ye fail be fpecialye fped, or I mair fpell.
" Now ilk foull of tlie firth a feddir fall ta,
* And let the Houlaty fen ye
** Of him hes pitie ;
*' And I fall gar thame famyn be
" To grow or I ga.
Than ilka foull o' his facht a fether has tane.
And let the Houlat in hafte, hiirthy but hone.
Dame Nature the nobilleft nychit in ane ;
For fo ferm tliis fetheren, and dochly hes done ;
Girt it ground, and grow gaylye and gane,
On the famin Houlaty femely and fone.
Than was the fghand of his fchaip, and his fthroud
Off all coloure, maift clere beldit abone ;
The faireft foull of the firth, and hendeft of he wis 5
So clene, and fo colourike.
That no bird was him lyke
Fro Byron to Berwiie^
Under the bewis.
Thus was Houlat in herd herdlj at hicht,
Floure of all foulis, throw fetheris fo faire.
He iukit to his licame lemyt fo lycht,
So proper plefand of prent, proud to repaire.
Ee thocht maid on the mold makles of mycht,
As Sovrane him awin felf, throw beautie he baire,
Contitulate with the Pape our princis, I plicht ;
Sy hielie he hyit him in Luciferis laire,
That all the foulis of the firth he defoulit fyne.
Thus lete he no man his pere ;
Gif ony nygh wald him nere.
He bad tbame rebaldis orere.
With a ruyne.
* The Paip, and the Patriarkis, princis of prow,
* I am cum of thair blud, be coufingage knawin.
* So fair is my fetherin I haif no fallow ;
' My fcliroud and my fchene were fchyre to the fchaw-
All birdis he rebawkit, that wald him nocht bow ;
In breth as a battell wrycht full of boll blawin.
With unlowable latis nocht till allow,
Thus vitiit he the Valantene thraly and thrawinj
That all the foulis with affent affemblit agane,
And plenyeit to Nature
Off this intollirable injure ;
JAMES II. 1437 1460. 79
How the Houlat him bure
So he, arid fo hautane.
So pompeous, impertinax, and reproviatle.
In exceffis our arrogant thir birdis ilkane
Befocht Natur to ceifs that infuffeiable,
That with that Lady allyt lewch her allane.
** My firft niiaking," quoth fcho, " was unamendable,
" Thocht I alterit, as ye all alkit in ane,
" Yit fall I preif you to pleifs, for it is poffiblc,
Seho callit the Houlat in haift, that was fo hautane,
*' Thy pryd," quoth the Princes, ' approchis our he,
" Lyke Lucifer in eflait,
*' And for thow art fo elait,
" As the Evangelill wrait, ,
" Xhow fall law be.
" The rent, and the riches, that thow in rang,
** Wes of uthir menis all, and nocht of thyne awin ;
** Now ilk fowll his awin feddir fall againe fang;
** And make the caty ve of kynd, to thy feif knawin.**
As fcho hes demyt thaj half done thraly in thrang.
Thairwith dame Natur hes to the hevin drawin :
Afcendit fone, in my ficht, with placenceand fang,
And ilk foule tuke the flicht : and, fchortly to fchawin.
Held hame to thair hant, and to thair harbry,
Quhair thay wer wont to remane,
All thir gudly and gane ;
And thair lenit allane
The Houlat, and I.
Than this Houlat hideous of hair and of hyde,
Put liiiL fra pcveity to prifs, and prince? awin peir ;
. Syne
Sjne degradit fra grace, for his grit pryd^
Bannyt bittirlj hio birth belfuUj in beir.
He welterit, he wrythit, he wareit the tyd,
That he wes wrocht in this warld wofull in weir.
He criplit, he cryngit, he carefulty cried,
He folpit, and forrowit, in fichingis feir.
He fatd, * Allace I am loft, latheft of all,
** Byfym in bale befl ;
*' I may be fimple heireft
" That pryd yit nevir left
^' His feir, but a fall,
** I cond nocht won into welth wreth wayeft,
** I wes fo wantoun in will, my werdis ar wan ,
" Thus for my hicht I am hurt and harmit in haift,
*' CarfuU and catife for craft that I can.
* Quhen I wes of hevit as heir all thill hieft,
'* Fra rewU, reflfon, and rycht redles I ran.
** Thairfoir I ly in the lymb, lympet the lathaift ;
" Now mek your mirrour \ye me, all manner of man,
** Ye princis, prelettis of pryd for ponnyis apd prow,
** That pullis the pure ay,
*' Ye fall fing as 1 fay,
*' All your welth will away,
* Thus a wernc yow.
** Think how bair thow wes borne, and bair ay will
" be,
*' For ocht that fedis of thy felf, in ony fefon.
" Thy cud, thy claithis, thy coift, cumis nccht of the,
*' Bot of the frutt of the erd, and Gods fufron.
" Quhcn ilka thing hes tue awin, futhly we fe,
** Thy nakit covfa bot of clay and foule carion,
" Hatit, and hafles ; quhairof art thow he ?
" We'
JAMES II. 1437 14^^' /|8l
,'* We cum pure, we gang pure, bath King and Comon.
* Bot thow rewll the richtoufs, thy crowne fall ourere.'*
Thus faid the Houlat on hicht.
Now God, for thj grit micht.
Set our faulis in licht
OiF Sanftis fo feire !
Thus for a J)oxv of Dunbar drew I this djte,
Dowit with a Dowglas ; and baith were thay Doivis i
In the forrefl foirfaid, frely perfjte.
Of "Terwaj/f tendir and tryd, quhofo treft trowis.
Wer my wit as my will, than fuld 1 weill wryte :
Bot gif lak in my leid, that nocht till all owis.
Ye wife, for your wirfchip, wryth me no wyte.
Now blyth ws the blift barne, that all berne bo wis :
He len ws lyking and lyfe evirleftand !
In mirthfull moneth of May
In middis of Murray ^
Thus in a tyme, be Ternwajy,
Hapnit Holland.
Vol. I. L The
[Johannes Major, in his hijlory of Scotland^ f^y^t
** In the time of ray infancy, Henry, who was blind
from his birth, compofed a book confifting entirely
of the atchievements of William Wallace. By
reciting his hiftories before princes and great men,
he earned his food and raiment.*^ Major ivas horn
in 1446,- and in Dunbar's lament for the death of
the Makars^ or Poets, Blind Harry comes after
Holland and Clerk of 'Tranent. Therefore^ wi
may Juppofe the detached hijlorical pieces of this lie-
nerable minflrely to have been conneEled together fome
time between 1456 a^^/ 1460. 'The only ancient ma'
nufcript copy that has reached our timCy is that in
the Advocates Library of Kdinburgh^ written in
1488 by a John Ramsay ; who alfo tranfcribedy in
the following year, Barbour^s life of Bruce, now
in the fame Library. To thofe readers who are not
inclined to dip into the hijlory itfelf which cele-
hrater^ as LoiiD Hailes obferves^ the aBions that
Wallace did not perform^ as well as thofe which he
didy the following extraB willfhew affuredly the true
flate of the living language in Henry's time \ for,
coTtfidering his ftuation as a wandering mendicant^
we mufi fuppofe he nvrote his popular Jlories in a
language that was univerfally underflood ; and there
is no ground for fvfpeBing that Ramsay ufed any
freedoms either in altering or amending {whatever be
might do in arranging) Henry's Work.}
KJs Wednyfdaj-, the fals Sothroune furth brocht,
Till martyr him as thai befor had wrocht.
Rjcht futh it is, a martyr Wallace was,
Als Oflwald, Edmunt, Ed wart, and Thomas,
Of men in armes led hym a full gret rout.
With a bald fpreit gud Wallace blent about ;
A preyft he alkyt, for God that deit on tre.
King Edwart than commandyt hys clerge.
And faid, I charge, on payn off lofs of lyff,
Nane be fa bald yon tyrand for to fchreiflf j
He has rong lang in contrar my hienace.
A blyft Byfchop fone prefcnt in that place
OfFCanterbeiy he than was rychtwyfs Lord,
Agayn the King he maid this rycht record :
And myfelfF fall her hys confeffioun,
Gyflf I haif mycht in contrar off thi croun ;
An you throw force will flop me off this thing,
I vow to God, quhilk is my rychtwyfs King,
That all Ingland I fall enterdyt.
And mak it knawn yow ar ane herretyk.
The facrement of kyrk I fall hym geyff ;
Syn tak the chos, to fhrive or lat hym leyff.
It war mar weill, in worfchip off thi croun
To kep fie ane in lyk in thi bandoun.
Than all the land and gud that yow has refyd ;
Bot cowartyfs ye ay fra honour drefyd.
You has lyff rongyn in wrangis deid.
That fall be feyn on ye, or on thi feid.
The King gart charge thai fuld the Bjfchop ta,
Bot fad Lordjs confellyt to lat hjm ga.
All Inglifmen fayd, that hjs defjr was rjcht. '
To Wallace than he rakyt in thair fycht.
And fadly herd his confeffioun till ane end.
Humbly to God hys fpreit he thar commend j
Lawly hym flirift with harty dcvotioun.
Apon hys kneis, and faid ane oryfoun.
Hys leyfF he tuk, and to Well Monaftyr raid.
The lok-men, than thai bur Wallace, but baid
On till a place hys martyrdome to tak
For till hys ded he wald na forthyr mak.
Fra the fyril nycht he was tane in Scotland,
Thai kepyt hym intill that farayn band.
Na thing he had that fuld haifF doyn hym gud,
-Bot Inglifmen hym feruit off carnaill fud.
Hys warldly lyff defyrd the fuflenance,
Thocht he it gat in conirar of plefance.
Thai thretty dayis hys band thai durft nccht flaik
Quhill he was boundyn on a Ikamyll of ayk,
With yrn chenzies that was bath ilark and keyn.
A clerk thai fet to her quhat he wald meyn.
Yow Scott, he faid, that gret wrang has don,
Thi fatell hour, you feis, approchcs fon ;
Yow fuld in mynd retnembyr thi myfdeid.
That clerkis may, quhen thai thair pfalmis reid
For Cryftia fauUis that makis thaim to pray
In thair nowmyr yow may be ane off thai j
For now yow feis on forfs yow mon decefs.
Than Wallace faid, for all thi roid raherfs
Yow has na charge, fuppofs that I did myfs.
Yon bl) ft Byfchop has hecht I fall haiff blyfs ;
And trew I weill, that God fall it admyt,
Thi febjll words fall nocht my confciens fmit.
JAMES II. 1437 1460. 85
Comfort I haifF off way that I fuld gang j
Maift pajn I byd from being her our lang.
Than faid this clerk, our King ofFt fend ye till,
Yow mycht haifF had all Scotland at thi will,
To hald ofFhym ; and ceflyt of thi ftry^.
So as a Lord rongyn furth all thi lyiF.
Than Wallace faid, you fpekis off mychty thing.
Had I leflyt, and gottyn my rychtwyfs King
Fra worthi Bruce had refavit hys croun,
I thocht haifF maid Ingland hys bandoun ;
So uttraly it fuld beyn at hys will,
Quhat pleffyt hym, to fauff thi King or fpill.
Weill, faid this clerk, than yow repentis nocht
OIF wykkednefs yow has a felloune thocht j
Is fiayn in warld that has fa many flane ;
Tharfor till afk, me think yow fuld be bane, ^
Grace off our King, and fyn at hys barnage.
Than Wallace fmyl'd a litlU at hys langage.
I grant, he faid, part Inglifmen I flew
In my quariel, me thocht nocht halff enew.
i movyt na wer, bot to wyn our awin.
Thi frullyr words dois nocht bot taris me,
I the commaund on Godd's haifF lat me be.
A SchyrrefF gart this clerk fone fra hym pafs ;
Rycht as thai duril thai grant quhat he wald afs.
A pfaltyr buk Wallace had on hym evir
Fra his child-heid fra it wald nocht diiFevyr j
Better he trowit in viage for to fpeid ;
Bot than he was difpulyeid off hys weid.
This grace he aft at Lord ClyfFurd that Knycht,
To lat hym haifF hys pfaltyr buk in fycht ;
He geit a preyft it oppyn befor hym haukl,
Quhill thai to hym had done all that thai wauld.
Stedfaft he red, for ocht thai did hym that ;
Feill Sothroune faid, that Wallace feld na fayr.
Gud devotioun fa was hys begynnyng,
Conteynd tharwith, and fair was hys endyng,
Quhill fpech and fpreit all at once can fayr
To leftand blyfs, we trow, for evir mair.
1^ the only other Poet known to have fiouri/hed in this
reign^ and the Jirji clajjical writer of mifcellaneous
Poetry in Scotland. In the Harleyan Library is a
manufcript copy of Henrtson's Fahlesy dated 1575 ;
wherein he is flyled Schoolmafler of Dunfermling,
Lord Hailes fuppofes his office to have been Precep-
tor of youth in the BenediBine convent of that place ;
perhaps what was then called Profefjor of Art and
fury. "The ara of his writing may be afcertained
from a variety of concurring circumjlances. Dun-
bar, /// his Lament for the death of the Poets^ men-
tions them pretty nearly in chronological order. Hen-
RYSON comei after HOLLAND, Clerk of Tranent^
and Blind Harry; and mnfi have been dead for
fame time before the Lament was written ; for the
Jlan'za^ fucceeding that in which he is mentioned^ runs
thus :
" And Death has now tane, laji of aw^
The gentle Stobo and Quentene Schaw.*'
Dunbar's Poem occurs in a mifcellaneous colle&ion,
(^the very firfl produBion^ it is believed, of the Scot-
tifh Prefs,) imprentit at Edinburgh in 1508, by
\VAiTER Chepman, and Andrew Millar , and
inay have been written about 1505. Suppo/e Hen-
RYSON to have died ten years before, at the age of
feventy, his birth will be brought to 1425, and he
might begin to write about 1450. In conformity
with this fuppojition^ we find Henryson, in his fable
cf the Dog, Wolf and Sheep, mentioning the " Pefii~
lence^'* as having been juft then,fent by the Almighty
for a punifhment of the fins of the people : This plague
happened in 1456, as appears from AB $"] of James
II. pajfed in that year, for preventing its farther
ravages Alfo again, in his fable of the Lyon and
Moufe, there appears, according to Lord Hailes,
an allufion to the revenge taken on Robert HI. by
DuKBAR, Earl of March ; and on James I. by SiR
Robert Graham, as recent events. James II. iras
at variance with the formidable Houfe of Dou-
glas, y/-of/; 1451 to 1455 ; and Henryson, in the
conclujion of this fable, exprefsly warns him that re-
vengeful men
' Wait alway amendis for till get ;
For hurt men wrjtis in the marble llane
More till expone, as now, I lat allane ;
Bot King and Lord may weill wit quhat I menef.
Figure heirof aft tymes has been fene."
"Thefs lines could not apply to the minority of James
HI. Probably, indeed, the whole of Henrtson's
Fables were written nearly about the fame time ; that
is, from 1450 to 1460, when he was not far advanced
in years. In one of them he fpeaks thus of Science :
** Weill war the man of all uthii-, that mocht
All his lyfe dayis in perfyte ftudy wair
To get fcience j for him neidit na mair."
In the Chartulary of Dunfermline, Mr Robert
Henryson of Fordel is wiinefs in a charter to Pa-
trick Baron, of the lands of Spittlefield, anno 1478.
It IS not now inown whether this Robert Henryson
a7id the Poet be the fame perfon, but appearances are
rather in favour offuch a fuppofition. The ejlate of
Fordel, during the life of this Robert, was, it feems,
under wad-fet , and in Henryson's Poem of the Ah-
hay Walk, beginning thus :
" Alone as 1 went up and down
In aae Abbay was fair to fee," &c.
JAMES II. 1437 1450. 8p
{douhtlefs ivritten about the fame time') voe Jind him
thus lamenting the inconjlancy of Fortune i
Job was maift riche, in writ we find^
Thobe moft full of cheritie j
Job woux pure, and Thobe bljnd,
Baith tempit with adverfite. , . . ;
Thy gold and all thy gudis gay,
Quhan fortune lyft will fra' the fall.
Sen thou fie famples feis ilk day.
Obey and thank thy God of all. . .
Thoch thou be lord attoiir the laifi
And eftirwart maid bound and thrall,
Ane pure begger, with Ikryp and flaiff.
Obey and thank thy God of all." . .
Thefe lines have ihuch the appearance of being compof-
ed by a perfon who had feen better days. BefideSy it
Huas not until the year 1 494 that the Scottifh legifla"
ture paffed an AB ordaining the Barons and Free-
holders to put their eldefl fdns to the grammar fchool.
Whence it may be inferred that no fuch cuflom prevail-
ed about 1460 or 1470 : Of courfe it feems rather im-
prohable that the fon of R. Henryfon of Fordel^ a
gentleman in reduced circumflances^ Jhould about that
time be educated for the bar. let we learn from
Douglas's Baronage^ that James {the fon of Robert)
Henryfon, ' having been bred to the laWy became
King^s Advocate in 149.}, andfoon afterwcrrds fuflice
Clerk : 'That in 1508 he obtained a charter of the lands
of Straitton. and in 15 10 and 151 1 redeemed the
lands of FordeW All this might indeed happen^ not-
withfianding the wifortunate fituaticn of the family
efiate when young Henryfon was purfuing his flukes :
But the coincidence of name, time, and place, forms an
Vol, I. M objeBion
ohjeElion which is not eajlly removed. If they wer6
not the fame perfon^ wt may at leafl fuppofe that
Henrjfon the poet was allied to the family of For-
Of the fame name we find va7'lous literary perfons
about the middle of the next century. In 1534, Hen-
ry Henryfon, mafier of the high fchool of Edinburgh,
is accufed of the Protejiant herefy ; and in 1566, Ed-
ward Henryfc^, i)o<^ijr of Laws y and an Extraordi^
nary Lord of Sefjion^ is one of the Qommifjioners ap*
pointed to fuperintend the firfi publication of the Scotti/b
ABs of Parliament from James I. h.. D. 1424, t^
that period ; commonly called the Black Als j with
the privilege of being the fole vender for ten years.
Several others are mentioned iy Dempfter.
Henryfon's Fables were printed at Edinburgh in
16a I , but it is not known that a ftngle copy of the
hook is now in taiflence. MS. copies are preferved^
however^ in the Harleian and Advocates Library.
This, and the following^ are feleBed, chiefly hecaufe
they are charaBerifiic of the flute of Scotland in the
fifteenth century. The Prologue deferves particular'
N myddis of June, that joly fueit feflbun,
Quhen that fair Phebus, with his beamio brycht.
Had dryit up the dew fra daill and down.
And all the land maid with his lemys lycht j
In a morning, betwenc mid-day and nycht,
JAMES II. 1437 1460. 91
I raifs and put all fleuth and fleep on fjde,
Ontill a wod I went allone, but gyd.
Sueit was the fmell of flouris quhyt and reid,
The noyis of birdis rycht delitious ;
The bewis brod blwmyt abone my held,
The grund growand with graffis gratious ;
Of all pleafans that place was plenteous
With fueit odours and birdis armonie.
The mornyng myld my mirth was mair for thy.
The rofeis reid arraylt rone and ryfs.
The primrofe and the purpure viola j
To heir it was a poynt of paradyfs.
Sic myrth the mavyfs and the merle cowth ma.
The bloflbms blyth brak up on bank and bra.
The fmell of herbis, and of foulis the cry,
Contending quha fuld have the vi<3;ory.
Me to conferf then fra the fonnis heit.
Under the fliaddow of an awthorn greene,
I lenyt down amangft the flouris fueit,
Syne maid a crofs and clofit baith myne ein.
On fleep I fell amang the bewis bene.
And, in my dreme, me thocht come throw the fchaw
The faireft man before that eir I faw.
His goun was of a claith als quhyt as mylk.
His chyntters wer of chamelet purpure brown 3
His hude of Ikarlet, bordowrit with filk,
In heckle wyfs, untill his girdle down.
His bonat round was of the auld faffoun ;
His held was quhjt, his ein wes grene and graj,
With lokar hair, quhillc-our his fhuldcris lay.
A row of paper in his hand he bair ;
A fwanis pen ftickand under his eir ;
An ynkhorn, with pretty gilt pennair,
A bag of filk all at his belt he weir.
Thus wes he gudlie graithet in his geir.
Of ftature large, and with a feirful face ;
Evin quhair I lay he come a flurdy pace j
And faid, God-fpeid, my fone ; and I was faine
Of that couth word, and of his company.
With reverence I faluft him agane,
WeJeora, fader ; and he fat down me by.
Difpleifs you not, my gude maifter, thocht I
Demand your birth, your facultie and name j
Quhy ye com her, or quhair ye dwell at hame.
My fone, faid he, I am of gentle blude ;
My natall land is Rome, withouttin nay j
And in that town firft to the fcoullis yude.
And fcience (ther^ ftudiet mony a day.
And now my winning is in hevin for ay :
Efope I hecht ; my wrjting and my wark
Is couth and kend to mony cunnand clerk.
O maifter Efope, poet laureat,
Got wat ye are full deir welcum to me ;
Ar yc not he that all thir fabels wrate,
Quhilk in effeft, fuppois they fenyeit be,
Arc full of prudens and moralitie ?
JAMES 11. 1437 1460. 93.
Fair fone, faid he, I am that famyin man,
God wait gif that my hairt was merry than.
I faid, Efop, my maifler venerable,
I you befeik, hairtlie for cheritie.
Ye wald dedane to tell a pritty fable,
Concludand with a gude moralitie.
Shakand his heid, he faid, my fone lat be ;
For quhat is worth to tell a fenyet tale,
Quhen haill preaching may nothing now availl.
Now in this warld me thinks that few or nanp
Till Godis word that has devotioun j
The eir is deif, the hairt is hard as ftane j
Now oppen fyn, without corredtioun.
The e enclynand to the eird ay doun ;
Swa rouftit is the warld with canker blak.
That my taillis may littel fuccour mak.
Yit gentel fir, faid I, for my requeifl .
Not to difpleifs your fader heid, 1 pray
Under the figur of fum brutal beift
A moral fable ye wad dedane to fay.
Quha waift nor I may leir, and bcir away
Somthing, thairby herafter may avail.
I grant, qua he, and thus began a tail!.
A Crewall Wolf, revanus and fell,
Upone a tjme paft till a revere,
Difcending fra a rock, out of a well.
To flaik his thirft drank of the watter cleir :
Sa, upone cais, a filly Latne come neir,
Bot of this Wolf the Lame nothing he wift,
And in the flreme lapit to cule his thrift.
Thus drank thaj baith, bot nocht of ane intent ;
The Wolfis thocht wes all in wicketnefs :
The fiyy Lame, meik and innocent,
Upone the revir, by in ane uthir place,
Beneth the Wolf, he drank in ane littill fpace,
Quhill him thocht gude, prefoumyng thair none ill j
The Wolf this faw, and carpand come him till.
With girnand teith, and angry auftie luke.
Said to the Lamb, Thou catyve wrechit thing,
How durft thou be fo bald to fyle this bruke,
Quhair I fuld drink, with thy fowll flavering ?
It wer almous the for till draw and hing.
That fuld prefome, with ftinkand lippis will.
To hurt my drink, and this fair wattir fpill.
The filly Lamb, quakand for verry dreid,
On kneis fell, and faid. Sir, with your leif,
Suppois I dar nocht fay thairof ye leid ;
Bot, be my faule, I wait ye can^ nocht preifc,
That I did ony thing quhilk fuld yow greif .
Ye wait alfo your accufatioun
Felyeis fra trewth, and contrair till reffown.
JAMES II. 1437 1460. fi
Thocht I can nocht, nature will me defend,
And of the deid per fjt experience ;
All hevinly thing mone of the felf difcend,
Bot gif fum thing on fers mak refillence ;
Thane may the ftreme be na wayis mak offens,
Na rjn bakwart : I drank beneth you far ;
Ergo, for me, your drink is nevir the war.
Alfo my lippis, fen that I was a lame,
Touchit no thing that was contagius ;
Bot fovvkit mylk fra pawpis of my dame,
Rycht naturall, fweit, and delicious.
Weill, quoth the Wolf, thy languigc outragius^
Cumis of kynd ; fa your fader befoir
Held me at bait als with bollis and fchoir.
lie wexit me ; and than 1 cowth him warne,
Within a yeir, and I brukit my heid.
So I fald be wrokin on him, or his bairne j
For his exorbitant and thrawwart pleid,
Thow fall doutles, for his deidis, be deid.
1' Sir, it is wrang, that for the faderis gilt,
*' The faikles fone fall poneift be, and fpilt.
** Haif ye nocht hard quhat haly fcriptour fais,
'* Dytit with the mowth of God Almycht,
*' OiF his awin deid ilk man fal beir the pais,
** As pyne for fyn, reward for werkis rycht :
** For my trefpafs quhy fuld my fone haif plycht ?
*' Quha did the mifs lat thame fulleine the paine."
Ya, quoth the Wolf, yet plyis thow aganc;
I latt ye witt, quhen the fader offendis.
Will cheris none of his fucceflioun 5
And of his bairnis may weill be tane amendis
Unto the nynt degre defcending doun.
The fadir thocht to mak a llrang pufown.
And with his mowth into my wattir fpew.
Sir, quoth the Lamb, tha twa ar nowys trew.
The law fajis, and ye will undirfland,
Thair fuld no man, for wrang, no violens.
His adverfar puneis at his awin hand.
Without procefs of law in audiens y
Quhilk fuld haif leif to raak lawchfull defens 5
And thairupon fummon peremptourly
For to propone, and contra, and reply.
Set me a lawfuU court : I fall compeir
Befoir the Lion, lord and leill Juftys ;
And, be my hand, I oblis me, rycht heir.
That I fall byd ane unfufpecl aflys.
This is the way, this is the juftefl wyfs :
Ye fuld proceed thairfoir, and fummonds mak
Agane that day, to gif relToun and tak.
Ha, quoth the Wolf, wald thow intrufs reflbun,
Quhair wrang and reif fuld dwell in properte ?
That is a poynt of oppin fals treflbun,
For to gar rewth remaue with creweltie.
Be Goddis wondis, fals tratour, thow fall de
For thy trefpas, and for thy faderis als.
With that annone he hint him be the hals.
The filly lame mycht do no thing hot blait ;
Sone wes he heidit ; the Waif wold do no grace
Syne drank his blud, and of his flefch can eit,
Till he wes fow ; fyne went away apace.
Of this murthour quhat fall I fay, allace !
Was this no rewth ? was this nocht grit pete ?
To heir this filly lame but gilt thus de.
'" JAMES ir. 1437 14^^ 97
The pure peple this Lamb may fignify.
As male-men, merchandis, and pure laborers.
Off quhome the lyfe is half a purgatory,
To wyn with lawty leving as effeiris.
The Wolf betakynis fals extorteneiris.
And oppreflburis of pure men, as we fe.
Be violens, be craft, or futelte.
Thre kynd of wolffis iji the warld now ringis :
The firfl ar fals pervertaris of the lawis,
Quhilk undir poleit termes falfet myngis,
Leitand that all wer gofpell that thay fchawis .*
Bot for a bud the trew men he ourthrawis,
Smorand the rycht, garrand the wrang proceid.
Off fie wolffis hell-fyre fall be thair meid.
Ane uthir kynd of wolffis levanus
Ar mychty men, haifand anouch plente ;
Quhilk ar fo gredy and fo cowatus,
Thay will nocht thoill in peax ane pure man be,
Suppois that he, and his houfhald, fuld dc
For fait of fude ; thairof thay gif no rak,
Bot our his heid his maling thay wilj tak.
O man ! but mychty, quhat is in thy thocht ?
War than a wolf, and thow cowth underftand ;
Thow hes eneuch ; the pure hufband hes nocht
Bot cote and crufe, upone a clout of land.
For Goddis aw, how dar thow tak on hand.
And thou in berne and byre fo bene and big,
To put him fra his tak, and gar him thig ?
O man of law ! lat be thy futelte,
With wys jympis, and frawdis interkat,
Vol. I. N And
And think that God, of his divinite^
The wrang, the rjcht, and all th j workis wate ;
For preyer, pijce, for he nor law eftait,
Of fals querrell fe thou mak no defens ;
Hald with the rjcht, hurt nocht thj confciens.
The third wolf is men of heretege ;
As lordis, that hes landis be Godis lane.
And fettis to the maiHaris a willage,
For prayer, pryce, and the gerfum tane ;
Syne vexis him or half the term be gane.
With pykit querells, for to mak him fane
To flitt, or pay the gerfum new agane.
His hors, his meir, he mone left to the laird,
To dring and draw, in court and cariege ;
His fervand, or himfelf, may nbcht be fpard,
To fwynk or fweit, withouttin meit or wage:
Lo, as he ilandis in lawbour and boundage.
That fkantly may he purches by his maill,
To leif upone dry breid and wattir kaill.
Hes thow no rewth to gar thy tennent fueit
Into thy lawbour, full faynt with hungry wame ?
And fyne hes littill gude to drink or eit,
Or his menye, at evin qtihen he cumis hame :
Thow fuld be rad for richtous Godis blame j
For it cryis vengeance to the hevin fo he,
To gar a pure man wirk, but meit or fe.
O thow, grit lord, that hes riches and rent,
Be nocht a Wolf thus to devoir the pure ;
Think, that no thing crewall tiOr violent
^ay in this warld pcrpetualy indure.
This is a fentens futh, I yow afiure ;
For till opprefs thow fall haif als grit pane,
A thow the pure anis with thy hand had flaine.
^ God
, JAMES II. 1437 l'46o. , 99
(Sod keip the Lame, that is, the innocent,
Fra Wolffis bjt, I mene extorteneiris ;
God grant that wrangus men of fals intent.
Be manifeft, and puneift as efFeiris j
And God, as thow all richtous prayer heiris.
Mot faif our King, and gif him hairt and hand,
All fie wolffis to bcnneifs of this land.
[^This Jingular performance, fays LoRD Hailes, con^
tains the form of procefs before the ancient ecclejtafli-
cal courty and ivillfuggeji to Lawyers fome ideas that
they will not find in hooks. The fummons or writ is
ijfued in the name of the Wolf before whom the caufe
was to he tried at a lawlefs hour, when the fun was
down. The Wolf having been declined by the defen-
der ^ he appoints t/ie parties to chufe arbiter s, who
might judge of the declinator. Had the Wolf judged
of the declinator, an appeal might have lain to afu-
perisr court ; but no appeal lay from the judgment of
the arbiters ; for parties cannot appeal from their
own deed. It is remarkable that the whole fatyre of
the fable is aimed at the ecclefiaflical judge , whereas
the application is to the civil. Henrtson, probably,
fiood more in awe of the court fpiritual than of the'
temporal. ^Jtefy Why is the Fox here called Law-
rence, and flill in Scotland Tod~laury ? Pairtlefs
means impartial , borch, bail ; bud, reward ; breidf
a loaf, a pittance of provifon at fiated times. ~\
XLsoPE a taill putis in memorie.
How that a Dog, becaus that he wes pure,
Callit a Scheip unto the Confiflory,
A certane breid of him for to recure.
A frawdfull Wolf was juge that tyme, and bure
Auftoritie and jurifdilioun ;
And on the Scheip fent furth a ilrait fummoun.
JAMES II. 1437 i46o' *^
Tor by the ufe and courfe of commoun ftyle^
On this maner maid his citatioun :
\t per me. Wolf, pairtles of frawd or gyle,
Undir the painis of fufpenfiourt.
And gret curfing and malediftioun,
Sir Scheip I chairge ye ftraitly to compefrj
And anfueir till a Dog befoir me heir.
Sir Corby Rawin was maid a procitour,
Quilk pyket hes full mony fchepis ee ;
His chairge hes tane, and on the lettir bure,
Summond the Scheip befoir the Wolf, that he
Perimptourly, within tha dayis thrc,
Compeir undir the panis in this bill,
And heir qahat hurry Dog wald fay him till.
This fummond maid befoir witnefs eneWj
The Revin has till his office weill aifeird^
Endorlit hes his writ, and on he flew :
The filly Scheip durll lay no mowth till erd.
Till fcho befoir that awfuU juge apperd.
Be hour of cans quhilk that court ufit thane,
Quhen Efperus to fchaw his face began.
The Fox wes clerk and no tar In that caus ;
The Gled, the Grip up at the bar couth Hand
As advocatis expert in to the lawis.
The Doigis ply togidder tuk on hand,
Quilk wer confiderit ftret into ane band,
Agane the Scheip to procure the fentens ;
Thocht it wer fals, they haif no confcience.
The clerk callit the Scheip, and he wes thair ;
The advocattis on this wys can propone :
A certane breid, worth fyve fchillingis and mair,
Thow aw this Dog, of quilk the terme is gone.
Of hir awin heid, but advocat allone,
Awyfilly gaif anfwer In that cais :
Heir 1 dccljne the juge, the tyme, and place.
This is my cans and motive in effe^ :
The law fayis, it is rycht perelous
Till interply befoir a juge fufped j
And thou. Sir Wolf, hcs ay bene odius
To me, with thyne tuikis revenus,
Hes flaine full mony kynifmen of myne j
Thairfoir as juge fufpedt, I the declyne.
And fchortly, of this court the members all,
Bayth afleflbris, clerkc, and advocat,
To me, and myne, ar ennemeis immortall,
And ay hes beae, as mony fcheiphird vratt ;
This place, as for the tyme, is feriat,
In quhilk no jugeis fuld fit in confiftory
So lait at evin ; I yow accus for thy.
Quhen that the juge on this wyfe wes accufit.
He bad the parteis cheis, with one affent,
Twa arbi tours, as in the law is ufit,
For to diffyd and gife arbitrement,
Quiddir the Scheip fuld byd in jugement
Befoir the Wolf : and fwa thay did but weir,
Of quhome the names eftir ye fall heir.
The Beir, the Brok, this mater tuk on hand
For to diffyd, gife this exceptioun
Wes of na ftrenth, or lawchtfully mycht ftand
And thairupoun, as jugeis, they fat down.
And held a lang quhyle difpvrtatioun,
Seikand full mony decretals of the law.
And glofis als, the veritie to knaw.
Off Civil mony volum thay rewoll.
The codys and digeftis new and aid j
JAMES ir. 143714$^. 103
Provie and contra ft rait argument thay lefoll.
Sum a doclryne, and fome another hald ;
For prjs, nor prayer, trow ye, thay wald fald,
Bot held the text, and gloifs of the dccreis.
As trew jogeis, I fchrew thame that leis.
Schortly to mak ane end of this debait.
The arbitrorls fummar and de plane.
The fentens gaif, and proces fulminat,
The Scheip fuld pas befoir the Wolf agane,
And end his pleid : than was he nothing fane ;
For fra thair featens he mycht no way is appeill ;
On clerkis dpid, gife this fentence be leill.
The Scheip agane befoir the Wolf derenyeit.
But advocat, abafitly can ftand. .
Up rais the Dog, and on the Scheip thUs pleyneit ;
To the a fowme I payit befoir hand
For certane breid ; thairto a borch I fand^
That wrangufly the Scheip held fra him breid.
And he deny it ; and fo began the pleid.
ThvLS quhen the Scheip this ftryfe had conteftat.
The jugfeis into the cans fiirth cowth proceid :
Laureuce the aftis and the proces wrait,
And fone the ply unto the end thay fpeid.
This curfit court corruptit all for raeid,
Agane gud fayth, gud law, and confcience j
For this fals Dog pronuncit the fentence.
And it to put in exccutioun,
The Wolf char geit the Scheip, without delay,
Uudir the pane of interdi^ioun.
The fowme of filver, or the breid, to pay.
Off this fentens, allais ! quhat fall we fay ?
Quhilk darapnit hes the filly innocent.
And iniiitut to wrangus jugement.
The Scheip, dreidand moir perfecutioun,
Obcjit the fentence ; and cowth tak
His way untill a merchand in the toun,
A'ld fald his fleifs that he bur en his bak ;
Sjne bocht the breid, and to the dog can mak
Reddy payment, as he foirjugeit was ;
iNakit and bair, fyne to the feild cowth pas.
This filly Scheip may prefent the figure
Of pure eommounis, that daylie ar oppreft
Be terrane men, that fettis all thair cure.
With fals menys, to mak a wrang conqueifl.
In howp this prefent lyfe fall evir left :
Bot all begyld, thay will in fchort tyme end,
And eftir deid, to crewall panis wend.
This Wolf I likin unto a fcheref ftout,
Quhilk byis a forfalt at the kingis hand.
And hes with him a curfit aflyis about.
And dytis all the pure men up-of-land,
And fra the crowner lay on thame his wand ;
Suppois he be als true as was Sand Johne,
Slane fall thay be, or with the juge componc.
This Revin I likin till a fals crownar,
Quhilk hes a porteous of the endytment.
And paflis furth befoir the juftice air.
All mifdoaris to bring till jugement :
But luke gife he be of a trcw intent.
To Ikraip out Johney and wryt in Will of wait.
And fo a bud at bayth the parteis Ikat.
Of this fals Tod, bec^us I fpak befoir.
And of this Gled, quhat thay mycht fignify.
JAMES II. 14371460. i^s
Of thair natuv, as now I fpeik no molr :
Bot of the Scheip, and of his cairfuU cry,
J fall i-ehers ; for as I paffit by
Quhair that he laj, on caifs I lukit down.
And hard him mak this lamentatloun.
^llace ! quoth he, this curfit Confiflorj,
In middis now of wintir it is maid,
Quhen Boreas, with blaftis bitterly,
With frawart froftis, the flouris down can faid j
Gn bankis hair now may I mak no baid ;
And with that wird intill a corf he crap,
Fra hair weddir, and froftis, him to hap.
Quakand for cald and raurnyngis foir amang,
Kelt up his ene unto the hevins hicht,
And faid, O Lord, quhy flypis thou fo lang ?
Waik^ and defcerne my caufs, groundit in right i
Lnk how I am, be frawd, maiftry, and flycht,
Pelit, full bair ; and fo is mony one
Now in this warld, rycht woadir wo-begone.
Se how the curflt fyn of cuvatys
Exylit hes bayth lufe, lawty, and law ;
Now few or nane will execute juitice ;
In fait of quhome the pure man is ourthraw
The verity, albeid the juges knaw,
^ Thay ar fo blindit with affeclioun,
ji 3ut dveid, for meid, thay thoill the rycht go doun.
Se thou nocht. Lord, this warld ourturnit is,
As quha wald chenge gud gold in leid or tyn ;
The pure is pelit, the lord may do no mifs ;
5 Now fymony is haldiu for no fyn :
f Now is he blyth with okir can moft wyn,
? Gentreis is flane, and pcLy is ago ;
Allace ! Lord God, quhy thoiis thou it fo ?
Vol. I. ^ O Thou
Thou tholis this, bot for our grit ofFens,
Thou fendis us truble and plaigis foir.
As hungir, derth, wer, and the peftilens ;
Bot few amendis thair Ijfe : now thairfoir
We pure peple, as now maj do no moir
Bot praj to the, fen we are thus oppreft
In to this erd. Grant us in hevin gud reft
^This Fable is written with much naivete ; and^ heing
the very Jirjl example of that manner in the Scottijly
language^ is eminently curious. It is here for the
firfl time given corre&ly from the Bannatyne M. S-]
JlLsope, myne autour, makls mentioun
Of twa myifs ; and they war fiflers deir ;
Off quhom the elder dwelt in borrowftown ^
The yonger wend up-on-land, weil neir
Rycht folitair ; quhyle under bulk and breir,
Quhyle in the corn, in uther raenys fchacht,
As outlawis dois that levis on ylin wacht.
The rurall moufs into the winter tyde
Had hungar, cauld, and tholit grit diilrefs ;
The tothir moufs that in the burgh can byde
Was gilt brother, and made Ane free burgefs.
Tol-free alfwa, but cuftom, mair or lefs.
And freedom had to ga quhair eir fche lift
Amang the cheifs and meill, in ark and kift.
Ane tyme quhen fcho was full, and on fute fure^
Scho tuk in mynd her lifter up-on-land,
And langit for her cheir, and her welfair.
And fe quhat lyfe fcho led under the wand :
Earefute allane, with pykftaff in her hand,
As pure pilgrim, fcho paflit out of town,
To feik her fifter, baith our daill and down; '
Throw moiij vvilfum wajis couth: fcho walk,
Throw mure and mofs, throwout bank, bulk, and
Fva fur to fur, cryancl fra balk to balk, '
Cum furth to me, mvne fueit fifler deir !
Cry peip anis with that the moufe couth heir.
And knew her voce, as kynnifmen will do
By verry kind ; and furth fcho came her to".
Their hairtly cheir. Lord God ! gif ye had feen.
Was kyind quhen thir lifters twa wer met,
Quhilk that oft fyfs was fchawin thame b^twene ;
For quhyles thai leuch, and q^uhyles for joy thaj
Quliyles kiffit fueit, and quhyles in armis plet.
And thus they fure, quhill fobirt was their meid.
Then fute for fute onto thair chalmer yeid.
As I hard fay, it was a fimple wane
Off fog and feme, full maikly was it maid,
A filly fcheill under a yerd-fall ftane.
Of quhilk the entry was not hie nor bred:
And in the fame thai went hot mair abaid,
V/ithoutten fyre or candell burnand bricht,
For commonly fie pykers lykes not lycht.
Quhen they war lugit thus, thir filly myfs.
The yungeft filler until her butrie hyied.
Brought forth nuttis, and peifs, inftead of fpyfs ;
Gif that was weilfarn doit, on thame befyd.
This burgefs moufs pcrmyngit full of pryd.
Than faid, filler, is this your daily fude ?
Quhy not, quod fcho, think ye this mefs not gudc ?
Na, be my faul, me think it but a flcorn ;
Ma dame, quod fche, ye be the mair to blame ;
My modcr faid, after that wc wer born,
JAMTES II. 1437 1 4^0, "i-O^
That je and I lay baith within her wame j
I kep the rjcht auld cuftom of my dame.
And of my fyre, lyvand in povertie,
For landis haif we naiie of propertie.
My fair fifter, quod fcho, haif me eicufit ;
This rude dyet and I can not accord ;
With tender meit my ftomach ay is ufit ;
For quhy, I fair as weill as ony lord ;
Thir widderit peifs and nuttis, or thai be bord,
Will brek nty teith, and mak my mouth full Iklender,
Quhilk ufit wer befor to meit mair tender.
Weill, Weill filler, than quoth the rural moufs,
Gif that ye pleifs fie things as ye fe heir,
Baith meit and drink, and arbourie and houfe,
Sail be your awin will ye remain all yeir,
Ye fall it haif, with blyth and hairtly cheir ^
And that fuld make the mefles that are rude,
Amang friendis richt tendir, fueit and gude.
Quhat plefans is in feifls feir dilicate.
The quhilk ar given with a gloumand brow ;
A gentle heart is better recreate
With blyth ufage than feith to him a cow ;
Ane Modicum is better, yeill alloWj
Sae that gude-will be carver at the defs,
Than a thrawn vult, and mony a fpycie mefs.
For all tliis moral exhortatioun.
The burges mous had little will to fing.
But hevely fcho keft her vifage doun.
For all the daintys fcho couth till her bring j
Yit at the laft fcho faid, half in hJething,
Sifter, this vittell and your ryal feift
May Weill fufEce for fie a rural beift.
Let be this hole, and cum unto my place,
I fall you fchavv, by gude experience,
That my Gude Fridays better than your Pafe^
And a difli licking worth your hale expence j
Houfes I haif enow of grit defence.
Of cat, nor fall, nor trap, I haif nae dreid. -
I grant, quod fche, convinced, and furth they ye id'.
In Ikugry-ay throw rankeft gras arid corn.
And wonder flie prively throw they creip
The eldeft was the gyde, and went beforrt,
The yunger to her wayis tuke glide keip ;
On nicht they ran, and on the day did fleip,
Till on a morning, or the Lav rock fang.
They fand the toun, and blythly in couth gang.
Not far frae thyne, on till a worthy wane.
This burges brocht them fune quliair they fould be;
Without God-fpeid, thair herboury was tane
intill a fpence, wher vittel was plenty,
Baith cheis and butter on lang ikelfs richt hie.
With filh and flefli enough, baith frclh and fait,
And pokkis full of grots, baith meil and malt.
After, quhen they difpofit wer to dyne,
Withouten grace they wufli and went to meit.
On every difli that cuikmen can divyne,
Muttone and beif (Irikin out in teiixes grit j
Ane Lordis fair thus can they counterfitt.
Except ane thing, they drank the watter cleir
Infteid of wyne, but yit they made gude cheir:
With blyth upcaft and merry countenance,
The elder fiftej then fpeird at her geft,
Gif that fcho thocht be refon differance
Betwixt that chalmer arnl her fary nefV.
Yea dame, quoth fcho \ but how lang will thi3,lell ?
JAMES n.i437"^i46o. i;i
For eyirmair I wate, and langer to.
Gif that be trew, ye ar at eife, quoth fcho.
To eik the cheir, in plenty furth fcho brocht
A plate cf grottis^ and a difh of meil,
A threfe of caiks, I trow fcho fpairt them nochtj,
Habundantlie about her for to deill ;
Furmage full fyne fcho brocht infteid of geil,
A quhyte candle out of a coffer 'flaw,
Infteid of fpycc, to creifli thair teith with a.
Thus made they mirry, quhyle they micht nae mair.
And hail yttle I hail ! they cryit up on hie ;
But after joy aftentymes comes cair.
And trouble after grit profperitie :
Thus as they fat in all thair folitie,
The fpenfar came with keis in his hand,
Opent the dore, and them at dinner fand.
They tarriet not to wafli, as I fuppofe,
But on to gae, quha micht the formoft win ;
The burges had a hole, and in fcho goes.
Her lifter had nae place to hyde her in ;
To fe that filly mous it was grit fin,
Sae difalait and will of all gude reid.
For very feir fcho fell in fwoun, neir deid.
But as God wald, it fell a happy cafe,
The fpenfar had nae laifar for to byde,
Nowthir to force, to feik, nor fkar, nor chaifs,
But on he went, and keft the dore upwyde.
This burges moufs his pafage weil has fpyd.
Out of her hole fcho came, and cryt on be.
How ! fair fifter, cry peip, quhair eir thou be.
The rural mous lay flatlings on the ground.
And for the deid fcho was full dreidand,
For till her heart ftrak mony waefuU flound,
As in a fever trymlin fute and hand ;
And when her lifter in fie plicht her fand,
For very pitie fcho began to greit ;
Sjne comfort gaif, with words as huny fweit.
Quhy ly ye thus ? Ryfe up my fifter deir.
Cum to your meit. this perell is owre-paft ;
The uther anfwert, with a h&vy cheir,
I may nocht eit, fae fair lam agaft :
Lever I had this fourtie day is faft,
With waiter kail, or gnaw beinis and peis.
Then all your feift with this dreid and difleifs.
With fair tretie, yit gart fcho her ryfe ;
To burde they went, and on togither fat ;
But Ikantly had they drunken anes or twice,
Quhen in came Gib Hunter, our joly cat.
And bad God-fpeid ^^fhe burges up than gat.
And till liei hole fcho fled as fyre of flint ;
Badrans the uther be the back has hint,
Frae fute to futp flie keft her to and frae,
Quhyle up, quhyle doun, als cant as ony kid ;
Quhyle wald flie let her ryn under the flrae,
Quhyle wald flie wink and play with her, buk-hid ;
Thus to the filly mous grit harm fhe did ;
Quhyle at the laft, throw fair fortune and hap,
Betwixt the dreflbur and the wall fcho crap.
Syne up in hafte behind the pannaling,
Sae hie fcho dam, that Gilbert might not get her.
And be the cluks craftylie can hing.
Till he was gane, her cheir was all the better.
Syne down fcho lap, quhen ther was nane to let her.
Then on the burges mous loud couth flie cry,
Fairweil fifl^er, heir I thy feiil defy.
James ii. 1437 1460. 113
T^hy mangery is myngit all with cair,
Thy gyfe is gud, thy gane-full four as gall ;
The fafhion of thy feris is but fair.
So fall thou find heirefteiwart may fall.
I thank yone courtyne, and yone parpane wall.
Of my dcfenfs now fra yon crewell beifl j
Almichty God, keip me fra fie a feift.
Wer I into the place that I cam fracj
For weil nor wae I fould neir cum agalii.'
With that fcho tuke her leif, and furth can gae,
Quhyle throw the corn, quhyle throw the plain,
Quhen fcho was furth and frie, fche Was rycht fain^
And merrylie linkit unto the mure,
I cannot tell how afterwart fcho fure.
But I hard fyne file pafilt to her den.
As warm as wow, fuppofe it was not grit.
Full beinly ftuffit was baith butt and ben.
With peis, and nuts, and beins, and ry and quheit^
When eir fcho lykt fcho had eneiich of meit.
In quiet and eife, withouten dreid,
But till her filler's feiil nae mair fhe yeid.
Freindis, heir may ye find, will ye tak heid^
In this fable a gud moralitie.
As fitchis myngit ar with noble feid.
So intermellit is adverfitie
With erdly joy ; fo that no ftait lis fre
Without truble and fum Vexatioun ;
And namely thay that clymis up moll hc^
And nocht content of fmall poflefRoun.
Blifilt be fymple lyfe, withouttin dreid ;
BliflUt be fobir feift in quiete ;
Vol. I. P Quha
Qulia hes enuche, of no moir hes he neid,
Thocht it be littiU into quantte.
Grit habowndance, and blind profperite.
Oft tymis maks anc evill conclufioan ;
The fueteft lyfe, thairfoir, in this cuntare.
Is of fickernefs, with ftnall poffeffioun.
O wantoun man I quhilk ufis for to feid
Thy wa:me, and makis it a God to be,
Liike to thyfelf, I warne the weill, on deid ;
The cat cutnmis, and to the moufs hewis e.
Quhat dois avail! thy feift and reyelte,
"With dreidfull hairt and tribulatioun ?
Thairfoir befl thing in erd, I fay, for me.
Is mirry hairt, with fmall poffeffioun.
Thy awin fyre, freind, thocht it be bot a gleid.
It warmis weiU, and is worth gold to the :
And Salamon fayis-, and ye will reid,
Under the hevin I can nocht hettir fS,
Then ay he Myth, and leifin honejie ;
Quhairfoir I may conclud be this reffonn,.
Of erdly joy it beiris moift degre,
Blythnefs in hairt, with fmall poffeffioun.
*,* St. r. 1, '6. " in iithers/fiStfKciS/," probably means " of others
aucht or property." Or, it may mean " fkaith," from the Anglo-faxon
fcheatbt, damage, lofs ; and " waucht," in the next line, will then be
waith, waif, i. c. goods not claimed, wreck.
Page 113. St. I. &c. This ftanza is omitted in the EveKgruH. The
meaning of the 2d and 3d lines feems to be, " The face of ycur affair*
is good, but your mouthful, or meal, is bitter, from the dangers with
which you are furrounded ; and the deportment of your companions is
deceitful, as yoo foon will find to your coft." " Parpane" is partition.
Page 114. St. hil. " gleid." Not a temporary blaze, at Lord
Hailc* explains it, but a fmall fire. " You will find yourfelf comforta-
ble by the fide of your own fire, though it be a fmall one " The word
is ilill common in this fcnfr.
\_This heautifulillujiration of the apophthegm^ " He that
will not when he may, Ihall not when he would,"
has been preferved in the Bannatyne M. S. and is
there afcribed to Henryson. Not to /peak of its po-
etical merit, it is curious as being the firfl, and per-
haps flill the beji pafloral poem in the Scottifh lan-
guage. It appears alfo to be the earlieji example of the
ballad Jian^a, and of an eafy harmonious verjifica-
tion ; nearly indeed without an in/lance of mif-placed
emphafis from beginning to end. Robene ANB Ma-
KYNE was frji printed by Ram SAY in the Ever-
green, and afterwards by Lord Hailes ; not
without freedoms being ufed with it by both Edi~
tors. It is here given verbatim frqm the ancient
OBENE fat on gud grene hill,
Keipand a flok of fie,
Mirrj Makyne faid him till,
Robene, thow rew on me ;
I haif the luvit lowd and Hill,
Thir yeiris two or thre ;
My dole in dern bot gif thow dill,
Doutles bot dreid I de.
Robene anfwerit. Be the rude,
Na thing of lufe I knaw,,
Bot kelpis my fcheip undir yone wud,
Lo quhair thay raik on raw.
Quhat hes marrit the in thy mudc,
Makyne, to me thow fchaw ;
Or quhat is luve, or to be lude ?
Faine wald I leir that law.
At luvis lair gife thow will leir,
Tak thair ane A, B, C ;
Be kynd, courtas, and fair of feir,
Wyfe, hardy, and fie.
Sc that no denger do the deir,
Quhat dule in dern thow dre ;
Preifs the with pane at all powcir.
Be patient and previe.
Kobene anfwerit her agane,
I wait nocht quhat is luve,
Bot I haif mcrvell incertaine,
Quhat makis the this wanrufe 9
The weddir is fair, and 1 am fane.
My fcheip gois haill aboif.
And we wald play us in this plane,
Thay wald us bayth reproif.
Robene, tak tent unto my taill.
And wirk all as I reid.
And thow fall haif my hairt all haill;>
Elk and my madinheid.
Sen God fendis bute for baill.
And for muming remeid,
I dern with the ; bot gif I daill,
Dowbtles I am bot dcid.
JAMES II. 1437 .I46Q. ^17
Makync, to morne this ilk. a tjde.
And je will meit me heir,
Perventure my fcheip ma gang befyd,^
Quhjll we haif liggit full ncir ;
Bot maugre haif I, and I bjd,
Fra thej begin to fteir ;
Quhat lyis on hairt I will nocht hy^ j
Makyne, than mak gud cheir,
Robene, thou reivis me roifs and relj,
I luve bot the allonc. ;
Makyne, adew, the fone gois weft.
The day is neirhand gone.
Robene, in dule I am fo dreft, '
That lafe will be my bone.
Ga lufe, Makyne, quhair cvir thou lift,
For leman I lue none.
Robene, I ftand in lie a ftyle
I ficht, and that full fair.
Makyne, 1 haif bene heir this quyle,
At hatne God gif I wair.
My hinny, Robene, talk ane quhylc,
Gif thou wilt do na mair-
Makyne, fum uthir man begylc.
For hamewart I will fair.
Robene on his wayls went,
As licht as leif of tre ;
Makyne raurnit in her intent,
And trowd him ntvir to fc.
Robene brayd attour the bent ;
Than Makyne cryit on hie,
Now ma thow fing, for I am fchent !
Quhat alis lufe with nae ?
Makyne went hame withouttin faiU,
Full vverry eftir cowth weip :
Than Robene in a ful-fair daill
Affemblit all his fcheip.
Be that fum parte of Makyne's ail
Out-throw his hairt cowd creip ;
He followit hir faft thair till affaill,
And till her tuke gude keep.
Abyd, abyd, thou fair Makyne,
A word for ony thing ;
For all my luve it fall be thyne,
Withouttin departing.
All haill I thy harte for till haif myne,
Is all my cuvating ;
My fcheip to morn, quhill houris nyn.
Win neid of no keping.
Robene, thou hes hard foung and fay.
In geftis and ftoreis auld,
^be man that will not quhen he may'y
Sail half nocht quhen he wali.
I pray to Jefu every day.
Mot eik thair cairis cauld.
That firft preiflis with the to plaT>
Be firth, forreft, or fawld.
JAMES II. 1437 1450. 119
XI n.
Makyne, the nicht is foft and dry.
The wedder is warme and fair.
And the grene woud rycht neir us by
To walk attour all quhair :
Thair ma na janglour us efpy.
That is to lufe contrair ;
Thairin, Makyne, bath ye and T,
Unfeae we ma repair.
Robene, that warld is all away,
And quyt brocht till ane end.
And nevir again thereto perfay.
Sail it be as thou wend ;
For of my pane thou maide it play.
And all in vane I fpend :
As thoii lies done, a fall I fay,
Murne on, I think to mend.
Makyne, the howp of all my heill,
My hairt on the is fett.
And evir mair to the be leill,
Quliile I may leif bv;it lett ;
Nevir to faill, as utheris faill,
Quhat grace that evir I gett.
Robene, with the I will not deill ;
Adew, for thus we mett.
Makyne went hame blyth anewche,
Attoure the holtis hair ;
Robene murnit, and Makyne lewche j
Scho fang, he fichit fair :
And fo left him, bajth wo and wreuch.
In dolour and in cair,
Kepand his hird under a huche,
Amang the holtis hair.
*^* St. 1. 1. 2. Flock ofjie. Fie OTfec, mcans here flicep, from the An-
glo- Saxcn //o&, cattle. Hailes.
St. 1. 1. 7- " My dule in dern bot giftbctv dill." The word diU, daill,
deill, meani Jhare. The fenfe is, ' Unlefs thou fharc my fccrct woe ;"
i. e. unlefs you return love for love. H.
St. 2. 1. 4. " JRaii on raw." Roam or extend fhemfelves in a row ;
as the manner of (heep is while pafturing. A fceep-raik, and a Jbeep'
veall, are fynonymous. H.
St. 3. 1. 3. " Fair oifeir." The word fcir has various fignification* ;
as, fear, companion, countenance. 1 thiak that it is here taken in the
Cgnification laft mentioned. The word w;y> in the next line muft be
pronounced as a diffylUble ; and the word hardy ^ like the French bardi^
with the accent on the lall fyllable. H.
. U 6. " ^hat dulc in dern ibotu drc " Whatever forrow Or
diftrefs yon may endure in fecret. 1 he wf rd dre is fUll ufed with us ;
at, " It is ill to die." " To drc penance," &c. H.
St. 4. 1. 4. Qnhat makis the this vjanru/e." The A. S. privative
Is .u, and riiv is order : fo that the word Rieans diforder. Wliat is it
that occaCons fuch difturbance in your mmd ? H.
. I 1. 7. 8. Were we to amufe ourfdves in the plain, while the
(heep roam on the Cde of the hill, they would be negle<5led, and that
n'.gle(S would turn to our reproach. To fuppofe that the ftieep them-
fclves wouid cenfurc, is an idea too refined for the limited apprehen*
fions of Robene. H:
St, 5. 1. 7. *' I dtrn Kvitt-tbey hot gif I tMU." We watch together ;
we are alone , unlefs I fharc of your favour, I am loft. This fcems to
fcr the import of the eipreffion. H.
St. 9. 1. 5. ' Robene hrayd attcur the itnt." Haftily traverfcd the
ground overgrown with lufhcs, or coarfe grafs. The expreOion in
Englifh which mofl nearly refembles this, is, " Strode along the brake."
Sr 16. I. 8. " Amangis the holtis hair." It is rajhy gair in the
r.vcrgrecn ; for no bettt-r rcafon, than that Ultis hair was in 1. S. of the
flai.Z3, and that the publifher faw an impropriety in the repetition. If
! nuftoke not, hvltit hair means tbe bleak uplands. Tlicre fcems no fenfe
in b*ary ivotJs^ which is the literal imerptetation of the- phrafe. H.
PLAY, AND Christ's kirk on the green.
[yi variety of opinions prevails with regard to the
author, or authors of thefe two Poems. The only copy
of Peblis AT the play, that has been handed down
from ancivnt to modern times, is that in the Maitland
Colleftion ; and no author's name is mentioned. But
Major in his hiflory of Scotland celebrates James I. as
u compofer of Scottifj Songs, and particularly mentions
m plea f ant and ingenious fong beginning. At Beltayne.
jind Dr Percy, the difcon)erer of Peblis at the Play,
happening to remark that it began with the fame two
words, immediately pronounced it to be the fong afcribed
ly Major to James I. ; and it was foon after publijhed
as fuch by Mr Pinkerton Mr Tytler is inclined to
concur in this opinion, chiefly becaufe the language re'
fembles that of Christ's kirk on the Green.
Of Christ's Kirk, two ancient copies have hten pre^
ferved i one in the Maitland M. S., having no au-
ihor'*s name ; and another in the Bannatyne M. S.,
with thisfubfcription, " Quod King James the I." Mr
Tytler relies implicitly on this authority. Mr Pin-
kerton gives the poem to James \. from the fly le being
jimilar to Peblis Plaj : ** / do not found^* fays he, " on
** the authority of the Bannatyne M. S- for in the
** next poem, fave one, it palpably puts James the I. for
** James the IV. 6r perhaps V." Bifhop Gibson,
however, and others after him^ have publifljed this poem
as the ivork of James V. hut without any authority
whatever. And lajlly, the learned and accurate Lord
VeL. I. Q^ Hailes,
Hailes, in his Notes on the ftatutes of James I. taket
occajton to offer the following remarks on this fubjeB :
" Upon the fuppojition that JameS I. was the author
'* of Chrift's Kirk on the Green, there will be found
** in that poem feveral fevere farcafms againji the Scot-
" tijh Commons for their unjhilfulnefs in the art of
** archery ; the following paffage is the moji charaEler-
iflical :
" A yaip young man, &c." Stanza iith.
*' 'The reader will obferve that I fpeak doubtfully of
*' James I. being the author of Chrift's Kirk on the
** Green. Allan Ramsay, in his edition in I'ji^^^fays
*' that * it is taken from an old manufcript colleBion of
*^ poems written 150 years agOy where it is found that
*' James, the firfl of that namey King of ScotSy was the
*' author ; thought to be wrote while that brave and
** learned prince was unfortunately kept prifoner in Eng-
" land by Henry V.' The authority of a M. S. writ-
*' ten about 1570, more than a century after the death
** o/" James I., proves nothing. Both Bellenden and
*' Major report that James I. wrote verfes. Major
** has preferved the firfl words of fome of his poems j
" (_only twOf At Beltane, and Yas fen y) but neither of
" them fay any thing of Chrill*s Kirk on the Green ;
** which y however y was a great and voluminous work for
** thofe days. That James I. wrote this poem during
*' bis captivity y ("or even after it, his Lordfliip might
** have added,_) is exceedingly improbable. Educated
** from his early youth in Englandy he could not be ac-
*' quainted with the manners of the Scottifh Commons^
** nor with the language of the vulgar. The /{th line,
*' where mention is made o/Te^lis at the Ylayy feems to
** relate to a more modern (cra than that of James I.
< Bl/hop
JAMES II. 1437-7-1460. 123
** Btjhop Gibson, in his edition in 1691, and the /-
blijher of Gavin Douglas's Virgil in 17 10, attri^
"*' Bute the poem to James V.'*
Here it mujl he ohfervedy that Major wrote his hif-
tory near a hundred years after the time of James I. ;
therefore, his ipfe dixit ean no .more a/certain the author
of At Beltayne, than the Bannatyne Manufcript can
a/certain the author o/Chrift's Kirk. Bejides, it might
eajily happen that more than one fong or poemjhould he"
gin with thefe two words / for At Beltayne means
* On May-day."
If theny the authority of the Bannatyne M. S. proves
nothing with regard to the author q/Chrift's Kirk, and
iyPeblis Play, may^ or may not he the fong ajcrihed by
Major te James I., the quejiion as to the author of
^oth poems is yet undecided. In conformity, however^
^ith the opinions of Mr Tytler and Mr PiNKERTON,
itfhallhere he taken for granted that they were written
iy the fame perfon.
Had Lord Hailes written thefe Notes after the dif
e ijientioned ; and it is fiatural to imagine that
the other might be ocrafioned by^ or havefome allufion to Acl
61 of the fame Parliament 1457. James I. in 1424,
and 1425, had pnffed two Acls recommending the prac-
tice of archery, but both of them luere exprejfed in very gr~
neral terms ; and oti that account were prebahly not much
attended to. But thi^ flatute of i^^'j goes info a particular
detail, and enr.cJs, ' That fute ball and golfe be utterly cry "
** ed doivn ; that the boio-marlis be made ; at ilk parochs
'* a pair of buttes ; that ilk man fchut fi:': fchottcs nf fh,*.
' leaf J under the pain of them that cummis not, at the leaf
*' iwa
In January. Glafgow. February, none, March, St Mananis, Dunbar-
ton.Langton, Weft Wcmyfs. /rpr'n, none. ilfv, Peebles, Kinnoch:.r.
'June, Ijauder, St Johnftoun. Jt:ly Liniitligow, Pittenwecm, Cupar
in Fife, Lanark, Auld Roxburgh. Ai-gnf, Iiinerjteithen, St Andrews,
Dunbarton, Selkirk, Dunblane, Dundee, I.,in!itlnrow, Kincairn of Neil
Sc Johnftoun. September, Striviling, Dundee, Jedburgh, Craili, I^inlith-
gow, Haddington, Ltflie, Air. Oil$ber, Aiton in the Mer., Feeble?
Lauder, Kinrofs, Rugland. No'ucntler, Edinburgh, Falkland, Dunbar,
Cupar in Fife, liaiuikon, Dunfeiin'ing, St Andrews, St Johiifconn, Pee-
bles, Chirnfide. i'jvYr^.-r, Aberdeen, Wtft Wcinv(.
I2: ^
Yit, &cJ ;^^ H
XVIII. .,..sV/
Ye fyllt me, fy for fthame ! quod fcho ; '^I'i'
Se as ye have drefl me ; ^ i'
How feil ye, fchir ? ' Has my girdin brak ?
* Qulfat meikle devil may left me I^
I wait nocht weil quhat it wes
" My awin gray meir that keft me ;
* Or gif I wes forfochtin fa^iit, .. ;.- . .
** And fyn lay doun to reft me .' ^,^ vH
M Yonder, &c.^V
Be that the bargan was all playit
The ftringis ftert out of thair nokks ;
JAMES II. 1437 1460. X35
Sevln-fum that the tulye maid.
Lay gruffling in the ftokks.
John Jakfoun of the Nether- warde
Had lever have giffin an ox.
Or he had cuming in that cumpanie,
He fware be Goddifokkis,
And mannls bayth, &c.
XX. ; J jj.,,^ ^^tjg
With that Will Swane come fucltand out^q v r; f , o 1
Ane meikle miller man ;
Gif I fall dance, have donn ; lat fe
Blaw up the bagpjp than.
The fchamon's dance I mon begin ; ..j^.'s^^.:.
I trow it fall not pane.
So hevelie he hochit about
To fe him. Lord, as thai ran
That tyd, &c.
Thay gadderit out of the toun
And neirar him thai dreuche ;
Ane bade gif the daunfaris rowme,
Will Swane makis wounder teuche.
Than all the wenfchis, Te he ! thai play it j
But, lord, as Will Young leuche !
Gude goffip, come hyne your gaitis.
For we have daunfit aneuche
At anis, Sec.
Sa ferflie fyr heit wes the day.
His face began te frekill.
Than Tifbe tuik him by the hand,
(Wes new cuming fra the heckill)
Allace, quod fcho, <]iuhat fall 1 do ?
And our doure hes na ftekill.
And fcho to ga as hir taill brjnt ;
And all the cairlis to kekill
At hir^ &c.
The pyper faid. Now I begin
To tyre for playing to you ;
Bot yit T have gottin nathing
For all my pyping to you j
Thre happenis for half ane day
And that will not undo you ;
And gif ye will gif me richt nocht.
The meikill dewill gang wi you,
Quod he, &c.
Be that the daunfing wes all done,
Thair leif tuik les and mair ;
Quhen the winklottis and the wowarris twynit
To fe it was hart fair.
Wat Atkin faid to fair Ales,
My bird, now weill-a-fayr I
The dewil a wourde than fcho might fpeik
Bet fwownit, that fvveit-of-fwair.
For kyndnes, &c.
lie fippilit lyk ane faderles fole ;
And faid, " Be ftill, my fweit thing!
* Be the Halyrud of Pcblis
* I may nocht reft for greting.'
He quhiffillit, and he pypit bayth,
To mak hir bly th that mciting :
JAMES 11. 14371460. 137
My hony hart how fayis the fang,
Thatr fall be mirth at our meting
Tit, \Sc.
Be that t he fone was fettand fai t.
And neir done wes the day :
Thair men micht heir fchukin of fchaftes
Quhen that thai went thair way.
Had thair bein mair made of this fang,
Mair fuld I to yow fay.
At Beltane ilka bodie bownd
To Peblis to the Play.
This poem, after having been attributed to James the Firft by fuoh
eminent writers as Dr. Percy, Mr. Pinkertop, and Mr. Ritfon, cannot
be affigned to a different author, or to a later reign, without pointing
out the grounds upon which that judgment has been formed. Firft, then,
Lord fiailes, in his " Obfer-vations on the Statutet of "James the Firfl"
remarks that the phrafeof Peblis to the flay" has a reference to a later
period than that of James the Firfl : And moreover, that this prince,
" educated from his early youth in England, could not be acquainted
with the manners of the Scottifli commons, or with the language of the
vulgar." To me, I confefs, this argument appears almoft conclufivc.
But there are two other objedlions which fcem alfo of confiderable
weight. The firfl of them arifes from the mention which is made of
curchies and hudes in the fccond ftanza of the poem. By the 70th Stat,
of James the Second, A. D. 1457, it is enafted, that '* the wives and
daughters of men living in burrowes, and of landwart, fould not wear
fumptuous clahhing, but fould be abuilzied in manner correfpondcht
to thair eftait ; that is to fay, on their heads fhort curchies with little
hudes, fuch as are ufed in Flanders, England, and uther countries," &c.
From this it may be inferred that curchies and hudes were either not
known, or not commonly ufed by " landwart" girls in Scotland, before
the date of this A(ft. The word curchie does not appear in the gloffa-
rics to the more antient Scottifli poets. The other objeilion is, that
the poem fcems not to agree with Major's dcfcription of it. His words
arc : " In vernacula liugua artificioCflimus compofitor ; cujus codices
plurimi, et cantileiia, niemoriter adhuc apod Scotos inter primes ha-
VoL. I. S bemur-
bentur. Artificiofam cantilenam (compofuit) v^j fen, &c. et jucunduni
artificiofumque ilium cantam At Beltayn quern aliide Dalkeith et Gargeil
mu'.are ftuduerunt, quia in arce aut camera claufus fervabatur, in qua
mulier cum matre habitabat." From this we may gather that the fub-
jedl of the poem At Beltayne was the confinement of a perfon, otherwife
there would not have been that . corrcfpondence between the original
and the parodies which Major particularly fpecifies. 1 he occafion or
fubjedl of the parodies, he feems to fay, was " by reafon of his having
leenfhut up in a torver or chamber in lubich a luoman refided iviih her mo-
ther ^ Surely this paffage cannot allude to " Peblis at the Play," which
contains no fuch circumftance ; and which, therefore, appears to be a
different poem from that which Major attributes to James the Firfl-,
He alfo mentions it, not as a " libdlus''' or " codex" (words which he
ufes in the fame paffage ) but as a " cantus" or fong ; with the defini-
tion of which it does not feem to corrcfpond. Chrifi's Kirk on the green
(of nearly the fame length) is called by Lord Hailes " a great and vo-
luminous work for thofe days." Sir David Lindlay, indeed, in T540, men-
tions the ringing of Peblis on the greene ; and it is not unlikely that the
feats of Sir William Wallace may alfo have been fung ; but yet they
^vouId not come under the defcription of a cantus or cantilena It may
laftly be added, that the verfification is much fmoother than that of any
Scottifh poetry antecedent to the rime of Henryson ; and that a re-
femblanee may be traced between " At Beltayne" and fome of that po-
et's compofitions. It appears, therefore, not uniikcly that this poem
may have been written foon after the above mentioned fumptuary law
was ena(5ted ; or about 1457 1460. Although, at the fame time, I
fufpc<5t that Time will difcover the true asra to be about eighty years
later ; that is, towards the end of the reign of James the Fifth, if it
had been one of thofe performances of James the Firfl which ftill were
popular in the time of Major, the author of the Complaint of Scotland
could fcarcely have omitted to mention it, either in his lift of Scottifh
fongs or metrical ftories. But upon the fuppofirion that it was com-
pofc J by a contemporary of Wedderburn or Sir James Inglis, the omif-
fior. of At Beltane is no matter of furprife.
Attention has here been paid to the corr(5lions furnifhcd by Mr.
Pinkerton, p, 45a of ihe Maitland Poems. Alfo in St. 4. 1. 5. ' Maj-
tlreft fo" has been adopted inftead of my drats do ; in St. 10. 1. 5. *' he
byddis, tyt," for {he hydes tytj -, in St. 18. 1. 5. " nocht" is fupplicd ;
and in St. 24. 1. 6. " weill-a-fair," i. c. famvell, is put for ivill I fayr.
The reader may find various coiijcflurcs about the word Beltane in the
ExtraBed from Warton's Hijiory of Englijh poetry y
where it is given as one of the earliefl fpecimens of al-
legorical hurlefque ; the Manufcript appearingy {as
'Wzr ton faySy J to be as old as the reign o/'Henrj the
Sixth. The poem is fo full of Scottijh ivords and
phrafeSy that 1 have not the leaf doubt of its being en-
titled to a place in this feries of Scottifj poetry . Ano-
ther poem on the fame fubjeB feems to belong to the
reign of Queen Marj.
In eiith thair is a littill thing
Quhilk ringis as a rich king,
Quhair he is lent in land ;
Schjr Penny is his naim calde.
He maikis baith young and aide
Bow untill his hand.
Paipis, Kingis, and Empriouris,
Bifchoppis, Abbottis, and Priowris,
Perfon, Preift, and Knyght,
Dukes, Erlis, and ilk Barowne,
To ferf him ar thay full bowne,
V Baith be day and nyght.
Schyr Penny chaunges mannis mode.
And garris thame oft do doun thair hode.
And to ryfe him againe ;
Men honoris him with greit revrence,
Makkis full mekill obedience
Untill that lytill fwaine.
In KIngis court is it no bote
Aganis Schyr Penny for to mote,
Sa mekill is he of might ;
He is fa witty and fa ilrang,
That be it neuer fa mekill wrangj
He will mak it richt.
V. '
With Penny may men wemen till,
Be thai neuer fo ft range of will.
So oft may it be fene ;
Lang with him will thai noght chide,
For he may gar thame trayl fide
In gude Ikarlet and greene.
He may by baith hevyn and hell,
And ilka thing that is to fell.
In erth hes he fwilk grace :
He may lefe and he may bind,
The pouer ar ay put behind,
Quhair he cumis in place.
Quhen he beginnis him to mell,
He maikis meke that ayre was fell.
And waik that bald hes bene ;
All the neids full fune ar fped,
Baith withoutten brngh and wed,
Quhare Penny gais betuene.
JAMES II. 1437 1460. y^^
The domtnys-men he mai's fa blind.
That he maj nocht the right find
Ne the futh to fie j
For to gif dome, thame is full laith,
Thairwith to maik Schyr Penny wraith.
Full deir with thame is he.
Thare ftrife was, Penny maikis pefe,
Of all angers he may relefe,
In lande quhair he will leinde ;
Of fais may he maik freindis fad.
Of counfail thay may neuer be rad.
That may haif him to freind.
That Syre is fet on heich deifs.
And fervit with many rich meifg
At the he burde ;
The mair he is to men pientie,
The mair yernit alwai is he,
And halden deir in hurde,
He maikis mony be foirfworne,
And fum lyf and faul forlorne.
Him to get and win j
Other God will thai non have,
Bot that lytill round knave,
Thair baillis for to blin.
Of him haillie thair hairtis fett.
Him for to luf will thay nocht lett}
Nowther for gude ne ill ;
He may baith lend and gyf.
He may gar baith fla and lyf,
Baith be frith and fell.
Penny is ane gude fellaw.
Men welcumes him in deid and faw.
Cum he neuer fa oft ;
He is nocht welcumit as a gefl.
But euermoir fervit with the bed.
And made to fitt full foft.
Quhofo is lied in ony neid.
With Schjr Penny mai thai fpeid,
Howfoeir thay bctyde ;
He that Schyr Penny is withall,
Sail have his will in llede and flail,
Quhen other ar fett on fyde.
Schyr Penny garris in rich wede
Full monie go and ryde on ftede
In this werld wyde :
In ilka gamen, and ilka play,
The maiflerie io given ay
To Penny for his pryde.
Schyr Penny o'er all gets the grie,
Baith in borough and citiej^.
In caftell and in towre ;
"Withoutten owther fpere or fcheldcj,
Is he the beft in frith and felde,
And flalwartheft in ftowre.
In ilka place the futhe is fene,
Schyr Penny is ouer all bidene,
Maillermoft in mode ;
And all is als he will cummand ;
Againis his ftevyn dar no man ftand,
Nowther by land ne flode.
JAMES 11. 14^7 .1461?'. 14^
Schyr Penny may full raekill availe
To thame that bes neid of counfaile,
Als fene is in aflyze ;
He lenkethes lyfe, and faves fra deid ;
Bot lufe it nocht ouer weill, I reid,
For fin of covaityfe.
If thou have happ trefore to win.
Delight the noght to mekill thairin,-
Na nything thareof be ;
But fpend it als weill as thow can.
So that thow lufe baith God and man
In perfyte charitie. '
God grant us grace with hert and will,
The gudes that he has given us till
Wele and wyfelie to fpend.
And fo our lyves heir for to lede,
That we may have his blis to mede.
Ever withoutten end.
\Vords and phrafes that feem to belong to the Scot^ifli rather ths'n td
the Englifli diale<5l are; Sr. I. cald ind a,ltU. St. ^. fide, i. e. hanging
low down. St. b.fivilk, fuch. St. 7. haU, bold. St. %. mai's, ( Warton,
ma/e, which he explains ' nnonks,") makes ; and lai//j or laib for loth.
St. 9, raJ, afraid of wanting. St. 10. Jeifs or t/tfk, high feat; zemiif^
(Wart.) yearned. St. 11. baillis or bales to Llin, to caufe their forrows
to ceafe ; (according to Warton, to blind their eyes.) St. 12. by frith
and fell, in improved and in wafte parts of the country ; (Warton fays,
" by fea and land.") St. 15. iHa, every. Sr. 16. fritb or felde, as be-
fore. St. 18. Covaityfe, covetoufnefs. St. 19, nything for nidJering, nig-
gardly, fparing; according to Warton, carcleff.
^is poem was puhlijhed by Mr Ritfon in his " Antient
Popular Poetry," i^^i, from a MS. in the public
library at Cambridge, (written apparently about the
reign ofEdwzrd IV.) and from the language and ortho'
graphyy pronounced to be ofScottiJhy or at leaf of North
country extraElion. This I confder as a fuficient au-
thority for afigning to it a place in this colleSiion of
Scotti/h poetry. But as the orthography may have
fuffered fome alteration in the hands of the JLngliJJj
compiler of the MS. I have here ventured^ as in the
preceding article^ to ufe the Quh injlead of Wh ; as
alfo \\tx for hur ; I (^pronoun) for Y ; and in one in-
flance where it was required by the rhyme, aid for
old. Whether it may thus agree better with a frag-
ment of the fame poem in a MS. 0/ Henry the Sixth's
time in the Britijh Mufeum^ ifiib. Har. 5396,^ can
eafily be afcertained.
J_,YSTENYTH, lordyngyS, I jou pray,
How a merchand dyd hj^s wyfe betray,
Bothe be day and be nyght,
Yf ye will herkyn aryght.
Thys fonge ys of a merchand of thys cuntre,
That had a wyfe feyre and free ;
The merchand had a full gode wyfe,
Sche louyd hym trewly as her lyfe,
JAMES II. 14371460. 145
Quhat that euyr he to her fajde,
Euyr fche held her wele apajde : .
The merchand, that was fo gaj.
By another woman he lay ;
He boght her gownjs of grete prjce,
Furrjd with menyvere and with gryf<^
To her hedd ryall atyre.
As any lady myght defyre.
Hys wyfe, that was fo trewe as Hon,
He wolde ware no thyng upon :
That was foly be my fay,
That fayrenes fchulde tru loue betray.
So hyt happenyd, as he wolde,
The merchand ouer the fee he fchulde ;
To hys leman ys he gane,
Leue at her for to tane ;
With c^appyng and with kyflyng fwete,
Quhen they fchulde parte bothe dyd they wepe.
Tyll hys wyfe ys he gan,
Leue at her then hath he tan ;
Dame, he feyde, be goddys are,
' Haft any money thou woldyft ware ? ,'
Quhan I come beyonde the fee
That I myzt the bye fome ryche drewr^.
Syr, fche feyde, as Cryft me faue.
Ye haue all that euyr I haue ; '
Ye fchall haue a peny here,
As ye ar my trewe feie,
Bye ye me a penyworth of wytt.
And in youre hert kepe wele hyt.
Styll ftode the merchand tho,
Lothe he was the peny to forgo,
Certen fotbe, as I yow fay,
He put hyt in hys puree and yede hys way.
A full gode wynde god hath hym fende,
Yn Fraunce hyt can hym brynge j
Vol. I. T A
A full gode fchjpp arrayed he
Wyth merchaundyce and fpycere.
Certen fothe, or he wolde refte.
He boght hys lemman of the belle.
He boght her bedys, brochys and ryngys,
Nowchys pf golde, and many feyre thyngys j
He boght her perry to her hedd,
Of fafurs and of rubyes redd ;
Hys wyfe, that was fo trew as Hon,
He wolde ware nothyng upon :
That was foly be my fay.
That fayrenes fchulde trew loue betray.
Quhen he had boght all that he wolde.
The merchand ouyr the fee he fchulde.
The merchandys man to hys mayfter dyd fpeke,
Oure dameys peny let us not forgete.
The merchand fwore, be feynt Anne,
Yyt was that a lewde bargan.
To bye owre daine a penyworth of wytt,
In all Frauuce I can ntft fynde hyt.
* An' olde man in the halle ftode.
Tire merchandys fpeche he underyode j
The olde man to the merchand can fay,
A worde of counfell I yow pray,
And I fchall felle yow a penyworth of wyt,
Yf ye take gode hede to hyt :
Tell me, merchand, be thy lyfe,
Quhethyr hafte thou a leman or a wyfe ?
Syr, I have bothe, as have I refte,
But my paramour loue I befte.
Then feyde the olde man, withowten were.
Do now as I teche the here ;
Quhcn thou comyft ouyr the falte fome,
Olde clothys then do the upon.
To thy leiitman that thou goo.
And telle her of ctll thy woo ;
James ii. 1437 1460. 1I7
Dyke fore, do as, I the fay.
And telle her all thy gode ys lofte away,
1 hy fchyp ys drownyd in the fom.
And all thy god ys lofte the from j
Quhan thou hafte tdlde her foo.
Then to thy weddyd wyfe thou go ;
Quhedyr helpytH the better yn thy nede,
Dwelle with her, as Cryfte the fpede.
The merchand feyde, wele muft thou fare.
Have here thy peny, I have my ware.
Quhen he come ouer the falte fome,
Olde clothys he dyd hyifi upon,
Hys lemman lokyd forthe and on hym fee.
And feyde to her maydyn, how lykyth the ?
My love ys comyn fro beydnde the fee.
Come hedur, and fee hym wyth thyn eye.
The maydyn feyde, be mj fay,
He ys yn a febuU array.
Go down, maydyn, in to the halle,
"^f thou mete the march and wythalle,
And yf he fpyrre aftyr me^
Say, thou fav^e me wyth non eye ;
Yf he wyll algatys wytt,
Say in my chaumbyr I lye fore fyke.
Out of hyt I may not wynne,
To fpeke wyth none ende of ray kynne,
Nother wyth hym nor wyth none other,
Thowe he were myn own brother.
Alias ! feyde the maydyn,' why fey ye foo?
Thynke how he helpyed yow owt of moche wo,
Fyrft when ye mett, wyth owt lefynge,
Youre gode was not worthe xx. fliilling,
Now hyt ys worthe four hundred pownde,'
Of golde and fyluyr that ys rounde j
Gode ys but a lante lon6,
Some tyme men haue hyt, and fome tyme none ;
Tliogh all hys gode be gon hym froo,
Neujr forfake hym in hys woo.
Go downe, maydyn, as I bydd the.
Thou fchalt no langer ellys dwelle wyth me.
The maydyn wente in to the halle,
There fche met the merchand wythall.
Quhere ys my lemman ? quhere ys fche ?
Quhy wyll fche not come fpeke wyth me ?
Syr, I do the wele to wytt,
Yn hyr chaumbyr fche lyeth full fyke,
Out of hy t fche may not Wynne,
To fpeke wyth non ende of her kynne,
Nother wyth yow nor wyth non other,
Thowe ye were her owne brother.
Maydyn, to my lemman that thou go.
And telle her my gode ys lofte me fro ;
My fchyp ys drownyd in the fom,
And all my gode ys lofte me from ;
A gentylman have I flawe,
I dar not abyde the londys lawe ;
Pray her, as fche louyth me dere.
As I have ben to her a trewe fere,
To kepe me preuy in her chaumbyr.
That the kyngys baylyes take me neuyr.
Into the chaumbyr the maydyn ys gon,
Thys tale fche tolde her dame anone.
In to the halle, maydyn, wynde thou downe^-
And bydd hym owt of my halle to goon,
Or I fchall fend in to the towne,
And make the kyngys baylyes to come ;
I fwere, be god of grete renown,
I wyll neuyr harbur the kyngys feloun.
The maydyn wente in to the halle.
And thus fche tolde the merchand alle ;
The merchand fawe none other fpede.
He tokc hys leve, and forthe he yede.
JAMES II. 1437 .I46'0. ^49
Lyftenyth, lordyngys, curtes and hende,
For yit ys the better fytt behynde.
[the second fit.}
Lystenyth, lordyngys, great and fmall :
The merchand ys now to hys own halle ;"
Of hys comyng hys wyfe Was fayne,
Anone fche come hym agayne.
Hulbonde, fche feyde, welcome ye be.
How haue ye farde beyonde the fee ?
Dame, he feyde, be GoddyS are.
All full febyll hath be my fare ;
All the gode that euer was thyn and myn,
Hyt ys lofte be feynt Martyn ;
In a Ilorme I was beiladde.
Was I neuyr halfe fo fore adrad.
I thanke hyt god, for fo I may.
That euyr I Ikapyd on lyve away ;. .
My fchyp ys drownyd in the fom.
And all my gode ys lofte me from ;
A gentylman haue I flawe,
I may not abyde the londys lawe ;
I pray the, as thou loueft me dere,
As thou art my trewe weddyd fere.
In thy chaumber thou woldeft kepe me derrr.
Syr, fche feyde, no man fchall me warne :
Be ftylle, hufbonde, fygh not fo fore.
He that hathe thy gode may fende the more ;
Thowe all thy gode be fro the goo,
I wyll neuyr forfake the in thy woo ;
1 fchall go to the kyng and to the queue.
And knele bcfoi'e them on my kneen.
There to knele and neuyr to cefe,
Tyl of the kyng I haue getyn thy pees :
I can
I can bake, brewe, carde and fpynne,
My majdenys and I can fylvyr wynne,
Euyr quhyll I am thy wyfe,
To maynten the a trewe mannys lyfe.
Certen fothe, as I yow fay.
All nyght be hys wyfe he lay.
On the morne, or he forthe yede.
He kafte on hym a ryall wede, /
And beftrode a full gode ftede.
And to hys lemraans hows he yede.
Hys lemman lokyd forthe and on hym fee,'
As he come rydyng ouyr the lee,
Sche put on her a garment of palle,
And mett the roerchand in the halle ;
Twyes or thryes, pr euyr he wyfte,
Trewly fche had hym kyfte.
Syr, fche feyde, be feynt John,
Ye were neuyr halfe fo welcome home;
Sche was a fchrewe, as haue I hele.
There fc'.-e currayed fauell well.
Dame, he feyde, be feynt John,
Yit ar not we at oon ;
Hyt was tolde me beyonde the fee,
Thou hafte another lemman then me.
All the gode that vfas thyn and myne.
Thou hafte geuyn hym, be feynt Martyn.
Syr, as Cryfle bryng me fro bale,
Sche lyeth falfely that, tolde the that tale ,
Hyt was thy wyfe, that olde trate,
That neuyt- gode worde by me fpake ;
"Were fche dedd (gbd lene hyt wolde !)
Of the haue all my wylle I fchulde ;
Erly, late, lowdc and (lylle,
Of the fchulde I haue all my wylle :
Ye fchall fee, fo mufte I the,
That fche lycth falfely on me.
jfAMES II. 1431450, tSf^
Sche leyde a canvas on the flore,
Longe and large, flyffe and ftore ;
Sche lejde theron, wy thowteii Ijte,
Fyfty fchetys wafchen whyte,
Pecys of fyluyr, mafers of golde ;
The merchand (lode hyt to beholde :
He put hyt in a wyde fakk,
And leyde hyt on the hors bakk j
He bad hys chylde go bely ve.
And lede thys home to nay wyve.
The chylde on hys way ys gon.
The merchande come afiyr anon ;
He cafte the pakk downe in the flore.
JjOnge and large, ftyf and ftore.
As hyt lay on the grounde,
Hyt was wele worthe cccc pownde ; ^
They on dedyn the mouth aryght,
There they fawe a ryall fyght.
Syr, fayde hys wyfe, be the rode,
Quhere had ye all thys ryall gode ?
Dame, he fayde, be goddys are.
Here ys thy penyworth of ware.
Yf thou thynke hyt not wele befett,
Gyf hyt another can be ware hyt bettj
All thys wyth thy peny boght I,
And therefore I gyf hyt the frely ;
Do wyth all quhat fo euyr ye lyfte, ^
1 wyll neuyr alk* yow accowntys, be Cryile,
, The merchandys wyfe to hym can fay,
Quhy come ye home in fo febuU array ?
Then fayde the merchand, fone ageyn,
Wyfe, for to affay the in certeyn ;
For at my lemman was T before.
And fche by me fett lytyll ftore,
And fche louyd bettyr my gode then me, ' '
And io wyfe djdd nsuyr ye.
- To
To telle hys wyfe then he began,
All that gode he had takyn fro hys lemtiian
And all was becaufe of thy peny,
Therfore I gyf hyt the frely ;
And I gyf god a vowe tbys howre,
I wyll neuyr more have paramowre.
But the, myn own derlyng and wyfe,
Wyth the wyll I lede my lyfe.
Thus the merchandys care began to kele.
He lefte hys folye euery dele,
And leuyd inclennefle and honcfte ;
I pray God that fo do we.
God that ys of grete renowne,
Saue all the gode folke of thys towne :
Tefu, as thou art heuyn kynge,
fo the blys of heuyn owre foules brynge.
^ A L A D E.
[^li^does not appear that any other exijiing poem^ which
could ferve either to illujlrate the manners of the timey
or to mark the Jl ate of the living language y can with
certainty he placed u?ider this reign. 'The tedious me-
trical romance of Gawan and Go'logkas, fuppofed
to ha'ue been written about this period by Clerk of
Tranent, would not anfwer either of thefe purpofes.
The ancient copy of iti however, (printed in 1508,)
concliides with this ballad, which we may, therefore^
prefume had been accounted a production of the fame
author. In other refpeBsy it is but of little value,
jifter the ballad, ive have this imprimatur : ** Heir
endys the knightly talc of Gologras and Gawane,
in the fouth gait of Edinburgh, be Walter Chepman
and Andrew Millar the vlii day of Aprile the yhere
of God M,ccccc and \\\\ yheris P The romance may
hefeen in Mr Pinkertton's "Scotlfh Poems, reprint
ed from fcarce editions, 3 vols, 1792."]
JL HINGIS in kynde defyris tHingis lyke ;
Bot difcontrair hatis ewiry thing :
Sauf onely mankinde can nevir wele lyke>
Bot gif he have a latioufe lyving.
Flefhly defyre, and gaftely nurifching,
Intill a perfone all famyn to be wrought ;
Water and fyre togeder in kyndelyng,
It may wele ryme, bot it accordis nought.
Vol. I. U
A man at one for to ferve lordis twajn,
The quhilk be baith contrair in opynion ;
To plefe thame bath, and purches no difdayn.
Talk with that ane, and with the tothir rown :
Be trew to both, without tuigh of trefon.
Tell hjm of hym the thing that nevir was wrought ,
To bring all this to gude conclufion.
It may wele rym^e, bot it aeCordis nought.
To have a gall, clepit a gentill dow ;
To be my frende, and geve me falfe counfaill j
To brek my hede, and fyne put on a how j
To be a prcfle, and formeft in bataill ;
To ly in bed, and ft rang caftell affaill ;
To be a marchand, quhare na gude may be bought^
To have a trew wyf with a wanton f aile,
\ It may wele ryme, bot it accordis- nought.
To be of no conyng, and knaw the herbe ;
To carp langage that non may undirftand j
A fule to have a veray wife proverbe ;
^ fre born barne of hir that is a bonde ;
(fnpolTible thingis to tak on hond ;
'lo big a caftell, or the ground be wrought ;
T geve a dome be law that may nocht ftond ;
It may welc ryme, bot it accordis nought.
A vVregh to were a nobill fcarlet goun ;
A badlyng, furryng parfillit wele with fable ;
A gude hufyWyf ay rynnyng in the toun ;
A childe to thryve quhilk is unchaftiable.
To be content, and lightly changeable ;
To have in daynte thing that newir doucght ;
A Rome-rynnar without leling or fable ;
It may wele ryme, bot ib^ccordis nought.
JAMES II. 1437 146'. . 1^^
A myghty king intill a pore region ;
Ane hafty wit, and hye thingis to devife ;
Meke almoufe dede, and falfe detraction ;
Knyghtly manhede, and fchamefull paradife ;
A hevynly hell, a poynefuU paradife ;
A haly doftoiir with a lecheroufe thought ;
To wirk on hede, fyne efter tak avife ;
^t may wele ryme^ bot k accordis nought.
A gilty tong colourit with eloquence ;
A falfe entend within and dilTavable ;
A blyth vifage with frendely apperence ^
A cruell hcrt invioufe and vengeable ;
A gentill horfe intill a nakit liable ;
A mery fang, the hert v/ith forow fought ;
To feme thir all, and mak thame fufficiable,
it may wele ryme, bot it accoi"dis nought.
Frely to fpend^ and full of covatife ;
To feke burgeons out of ane aid dry llok ;
A gay temple without dyvine fervice j
A birdies cage ; a key withoutyn lok ;
A toun fchip ay ryding in a rok ;
A myghty bifchop in a cointre of nought ;
A wantoun bird, and a wele reulit flok ;
It may w^ele ryme, bot it accordis naught.
JAMES IIL 1460 1488.
as a continuation of Chaucer's Troilus and
Creseide. It was Jirjl printed in Chaucer's
Works in 1532, and then feparately by Charteris
at Edinburgh in I59i> with the Author'^s name and
dejignation. "The language is, doubtlefsy an imitation of
Chaucer , but flill, in general^ it is Scottijh ; and
therefore the Poem is entitled to a place in this feries^
efpecially as it poffeffes dijlingutjhable merits and has
not before appeared in any Collection of Scottijh Poe-
jt\. DOLY fefoun till a cairfull dyte
Shuld correfponde and be equivalent ;
Rycht fo it was quhan I began to wryte
This tragedy, the weder rycht fervent,
Quhan Aries in middis of the Lent
Schowris of haile gan fro the north difcende.
That fcantly fro the cold I mycht me defende.
Yet nerthelefle within mine orature
I ftode, quhan Titan had his bemis brycht
Withdrawin doun, and Ikylid undir cure,
And faire Venus the beaute of the nycht,
Upraife, and fette unto the wefte ful rycht
Her goldin face, in oppofitioun
Of god Phoebus, direde difcending doun.
Throuchout the glaffe her bemis brafl fo faire
That I mycht fe on ever j fide me bj,
The northrin winde hath purified the aire.
And fhedde his miftj cloudis fro the fkie,
The frofte frefit, the blaftis bittirlj
Fro pole Artike cam whilking loud and fhill.
And caufit me remove agenll mj will :
For I truftit that Venus, Lovls quene,
To quhom fumtime T hicht obedience,
Mj fadit hert of love fhe would make grene,
And thareupon with humbil reverence
I thoucht to praie her hie magnificence.
But for grete colde as than I lettid was.
And in my chambre to the fjre gan pas.
Thouch love be bote, yet in a man of age
It kyndlith nat fo fone as in youthed,
Of quhom the blude is flowing in a rage,
And in the olde the corage dul and ded.
Of quhiche the fire outwarde is beft remed :
To helpe by phifike quher that natur failed,
I am experte, for bothe I have allailed.
' y *.'/ . ." . *
I maid the fyre and bekit me aboute.
Than toke a drinke my fpirites to comforte,
And armit me weil fra the colde theroute :
To cutte the wintir nycht and mak it fliort
I toke a qiiere, and Icfte al othir fporte,
Wrytin by worthy Chaucer glorious
Of faire Crefeide and luftjr Troilus :
And thare I founde aftir that Diomede
Recevit had that lady brycht of hewe,
How Troilus nere out of his witte abrede,
And wept full fair, with vifage pale of hewe
For quhich wanhope his teris gan renewe,
JAMES nr. 14601488. 15^
Qtlhile Efperus rejoyfit him againe ;
Thus quhile in joie he lived and quhile in paine.
Of her beheft he had grete comforting,
Truftand to Troie that ihe wald mak retour,. ,
Quhiche he defirit mod of al erdly thing,
Yox quhy I fhe was his onely paramour ;
But quhan he fawe paffit baith day and hour
Of her gaincome, in forowe gan oppreffe
His wofulherte in cair and hevinelTe.
Of his diftrefle me nedith nat reherfe.
For worthy Chaucer in that fame boke
In gudely termis and in joly verfe
Compilit hath his caris, quho will loke :
To break my ilepe anothir quere I toke.
In quhich I founde the fatal deftiny
Of faire Crefeide, quhich endit wretchidly,
Quho wote if all that CJ^ucer wrate was trewe ?
Nor I wote nat gif this narracidn
Be authorifed, or forgit of the newe
Of fome j)oete by his invencion,
Made to reporte the lamentacion
And wofull ende of this lufty Crefeide,
And quhat diftrefle flie was in or fhe deide,
Quhan Diomede had al his appetite
And more fulfillit of this faire lady,
Upon anothir fette was his delite.
And fende to her a libel repudy,
And hei excludit fra his company ;
Than defolate flie walkit up and doun,
As fome men faine in the courte as conimouTi,
O faire Crefeide ! the floure and A per fe
Of Troie and Grece, how were thou fortunate
To change in filthe al thy feminite,
And be with fleflilv luft fo maculate.
And go amang the Grekes erly and late
So giglot-like, takaud thy foule plefaunce !
I have pite the rtiould fall fuche mifchaunce.
Yet nerthelefTe, quhat er men deme or fay
In fcornful langage of thy brutilneffe,
I ihall excufe, as ferforth as I may,
Tliy womanhed, thy wifcdome, and fairnefle,
The quhich Fortoun hath put to fuche diftrefle,
As her plefit, and nothing throughe the gilte
Of the, through wickid langage to be fpilte.
This faire lady, on this wife deilitute
Of al comforte and confalatioun,
Rycht prively, without felo'wlhip or refute?,
Difhevelid, paffit out of the toun
A mile or twa unto a manfioun
Bildit ful gaie, quhere her fathir Calchas
Quhich than among the Grekis dwelland was.
Quhan het he faw, the caus he gan enquire
Of her cuming : llie faid, fighand ful fore.
For Diomede had gottin his defire
He woxe wery, and would of me no more.
Quod Calchas, Douchtir ! wepe nat thou therfore^
Paravinture al comith for the beft :
Welcum ; to me thou art ful dere a geft.
This olde Calchas, aftir the lawe was tho,
Was kepir of the temple as a picifte
In quhiche Venus and her fonne Cupido
Were honourit, and his chambre was nelft.
To quhich Crefeide with bale enewed in breifl
Ufit to paffe, her prayirs for t6 faie,
Quhile at the laft upon ^ folempne daie-,
JAMES HI. 1460 1488. 161
As cuftome was, the peple ferre and nere,
Befor the none, unto the tempil w6nt '
With facrifice devout in ther manere ;
But llil Crefeide, hevj in her intent,
Into the church wald not her felf prefent.
For givand of the peple' any deming
Of her expulfe fro Diomede the King,
But paffit into ane fecrete oratore,
Quheje flie micht wepe her wofull defliny ;
Behinde her bak Ihe clofit faft the dore,
And on her kneis bare fel doun in hie j
Upon Venus and Cupide angirly
She cryit out, and fayit in this wife,
Alas that er I made you facrifife !
Ye gaif me anis a divine refponfaile
That I fhuld be the floure of luve in Troie ;
Now am I made ane unworthy outwaile.
And al in cair tranflatit is my joie :
Quho fhal me gide ? quho fhal me now convoie,
Sithe I fra Diomede and nobil Troilus
Am clene excludit, abjeft, odious ?
O falfe Cupide ! non is to wite hot thow.
And the mothir of Love, that blmde goddace ;
Ye caufit me undirftande alwaie and trow
The fede of luve was fowin on my face,
And aie grewe grene thorouch your fople grace ;
But now, alas ! that fede with frofl is flaine,
And I fro luvirs lefte and al forlaine.
Quhan this was faid,doun in an extafy,
Ravifhit in fpirite'^ in ane dreme ihe fel,
And by apperaunce herde quhere ftie did lie
Cupide the King tingand a lilvir bel,
Quhich men micht here fro hevin into hel,
Vol. I X At
At quhofe founde before Cupide aperes
The fevin planets difcending fro %he fpheres,
Quhiche hath powir of al thing generabil.
To rewl and flere bj their grit influens
Wedir and winde, and courfe variabil.
And firft of al Saturne gave his fentens,
Quhiche gave to Cupide litil reverens.
But as ane boiftous chorle in his manere
Came crabbitlj with auftrine luke qnd chere.
His face frounfit, his Ijre was Ijk the lede,
His tethe chattrit, and fhiveret with the chin,
His ejin droupit, quhole fonkin in his hede,
Out at his nofe the'mildrop fall gan jin,
With llppis blew, and chekis lene and thin,
The ifeickils that fro his hair doune hang
'^'^as woncir grete, and, as ane fpere was Jang ^
Attour his belte his Jiart lockis laie
Feltrit unfaire, or-fret with froflis hore.
His garmond and his gite ful gay of graie.
His widret wede fro him the winde out wore,
Ane bouftous bowe within his hande he bore,
Undir his girdle a faflie of felone flains
Fedrit wit;h ife and h^idit with halftainSo
Than Jupiter rjcht faire and amiabil^
God of the fterris in the ^rmament,
And norice to al thing generabil,
Fro his fathir Saturne farre different,
With burly face, and browis brycht and brent,
Upon his heid ane garlonde wondris gaie
Of flouris f^ire, as it had b?n in Maie ;
His voce was clere, as criftal was his eien.
As goldiu wir fo glittrand was his ha,re.
JAMES HI. 1 460^ 1488. i6^
JEils garment and his gite ful gaie of grene.
With goldin liflis gilte on every gate,
A burly brand about hia middle* he bare,
And in' his richt hand he had a groundin fpef^>
Of his fathir the vvirothe fro us to here.
Neift aftir him cum Mars, the god of ire^
Of flrife, debate, and all difcencioun,
To chide and fight als fierfe als ony fire,
In harde harnelTe, hevvmonde and habergioiiii,
And on his haunch a rouft^ fel fauchoun.
And in his hande he had a roufty fworde.
Writhing his face, with mony angry woirde j
Schaking his brande before Cupide he comej
With red vifage and grifly glowing eien,
And at his mouth a blubbir ftode of fome.
Like to ane bore quhetting his tulkis kene,
Rycht tulfurelike but tefilperaunce in tene.
An home he blewc with mony bouftous bragg6,
Quhiche al this world with warre hath made to wagge.
Than faire Phoebus, lanterne and lainpe of licht^
Of man and beft both frute and florifhing,
Tendir norice, and baniibir of nicht,
And of the worlde caufand by his muvini^
And influence life in al erdly thing.
Without comforte of quhom of force to nouch
Mufl go dyin all that this warld hath wroucht.
As king royall he rode upon a chare^
The quhiche Phaeton fumtime gidet unrycht.
The brychtnefle of his face quhan it was bare
Non mycht beholde for perling of his ficht^
This goldin carte with fyry bemis brycht
Foure yokit fledis ful different of hewe
Bot baite or tyring through the fpheris drew.
The firft was fore, with mane as red as rofe,
Callit Eoje in the orient ;
The feconde ftede to name hicht Ethiefe,
Quhitely and pale, and fomdele afcendent j
The third Pyrois, richt hote and fervent ;
The fourth was'blak, and callit Phlegone j
Quhich rollith Phoebus doiin into the fe.
Venus was thare prefent, that goddes gay.
Her fonnis quarrel to defende, and mak
Her owne complaint, cladde in a nice aray.
The one halfe grene, th' othir halfe fable blak,
Quhite hair as gold, kembit and flied abakj
Bot in her face femit grete variaunce,
Quhiles parfite truth, and quhilis inconftaunce.
Undir fmiland fhe was diffimulate.
Provocative with blirkis amorous.
And fodainly changit and alterate.
Angry as ony ferpent venomous,
Rycht pungitive with wordis odious ;
Thus variaunt fhe was j quho lift tak kepe.
With one eye lauch and with the othir wepe,
In tokening that al flefliely paramour,
Quhich Venus hath in rule and govirnaunce^
Is fumtyme fwete, fumtyme bittir and four,
Rycht unftable, and ful of variaunce,
MInglit with careful joye and falfe plefaunce,
Now hette, now calde, now blyth, now ful of wo,
Now grene as lefe, now widrit and ago.
With bbke in hand than cum Mercurius,
Richt eloquent and ful of rethorie,
With polit termis and delicious.
With penne and inke to reporte al redie,
Settand fongis and fingand merily,
JAMES III. 1460-^148^. l$
His hair was red heclit attour hiscrounj
Like til ane pocce of the olde faffoua.
Boxis he bare with fine eleituares
And fugrit firopes for digeflion,
Spicis belongand to the potiquares.
With mony halfum fwcte confeftion,
Dodlor in phifike, cledde in fcarlet goun^
And furrid weil, as fuche one oucht to be,
Honeft and gude, and not ane worde couth lie.
Neift after him cum Ladj Cynthia
The lafte of al, and fvviftift: in her fphere.
Of colour blak, bufkit with hornis twa, .
And in the nycht flie liftith bell t' apere,
Hawe as the leed, of colour nothing clere,
For al the light flie borroweth at her brother
Titan, for of her felfe fhe hath non other.
Her gite was gray and ful of fpottis blak,
And on her breift ane cairle paintit ful even,
Bering a buflie of thornis on his bak,
Quhich for his theft micht clime no ner the heven.
Thus quhen thei gadrit wer tha goddis feven,
Mercurius thei chofet with one affent
To be fore-fpekir in the parliment.
Quho had ben there and likand for to here
His faconde tonge and termis exquifite.
Of lethorike the praftike he mycht lere,
In brefe fermon ane preignant fentcnce write ,;-
Before Cupide, valing his cappe a lite,
Speris the caufe of that vocacioun.
And he anon fliewde his entencioun.
Lo, quod Cupide, quho wol blafpheme the name
Of his owne god either in worde or dede
66 CHR6NICLE off scoTxrstr Tottkt:
To al goddis he doeth bothe lolTe and fliame,
And fhould half bittir painis to his mede ;
I faie this by yondir wretche Crefeide,
The quhiche throuch me was fomtime flour of luv6 j
Me, and my mothir flid ftately can reprtive,
Say and of her gret infelicte
T xvas the caufe, and my mothir Veniis
She callet a blinde goddes and micht not fe,
With fclaUndir and defame injurious ;
Thus her livand unclene and lechirous
She wald retorte on me and on my muther.
To quhom I fliewde my grace above all uther.
And fithe ye ar al fevin deflcate
Participant of divine fapience,
This gret injury done to our hich eftate
Me thinke with paine we fhuld make recompence j
Was ner to goddis done fuche violence ;
As wel for you as for my felfe I faie,
Therefore go help to revenge I you praie.
Merciirius to Cupide gave anfwere.
And faid, Sir king, my counfaile is that ye
Referre you to the hyift planet here.
And tak to him the lowifl of degrey
The paine of Crefeide for to modifie,
As god Saturne with him tak Cynthia.
I am content (quod he) to tak thei twa.
Than thus procedit Saturne and the Mone,
Quhan thei the matir ripely had digeft.
For the difoite to Cupide that flie' had done^
And to Venus opin and manifeft.
In al her life with pain to be opreft,
And tufment fare, with fikenefle incurable,
And to al luvirs be abhorainable.
JAMES III. 1460^-1488, 15?
This doleful fentence Saturne toke in hande,
And paffit doun qvihere cairful Crefeide laic.
And on her hed he laide a frofty wande.
Than laufuUj on this wife gan he faie ;
Thj grete fairnefle and al thy beauty gaie.
Thy wanton blude, and eke thy goldin hair.
Here I exclude fra the for evirmair ;
I change thy mirthe into melancoly,
Quhiche is the mothir of al penfivenefle.
Thy moiftir and thy hete to colde and dry.
Thine infolence, thy plaie and wantonnelTe,
To grete difefe ; thy pompe and thy richefle
Into mortal nede and grete penurie ;
Thou fufFre fhalt, and as ane beggir die.
O cruil Saturne I frowart and angrie,
Harde is thy dome and to malicious ;
Of faire Crefeide quhy haft thou na mercie,
Quhiche wfis fo fwete, gentill, and amorous ?
Withdrawe thy fentence and be gracious,
As you were nere ; fo fhewith throuch thy dedc
Ane wrekeful fentence giyin on Crefeide.
T^an Cynthia, quhan Saturne paft aw^ie.
Out of her fete difcendit doup hdyve,
And red ane bill o rrefeide where (he laie,
Containand this fentens diiTinitive,
Fra hele of body here I the depriv^e,
And to thy fikeneffe fhal be no recure,
But in dolour tliy dayis to endure ;
Thy crift^l eyen myngit with blud I mak.
Thy voce fo clere unplefaunt, bar, and hacCj
Thy luftie lyre orfpred with fpottiS blak.
And lumpis hawe apperand in thy facs,
Quhcre thovi conijil eclie uxdii iliail flie the place ,
Thus flialt thou go beggand fra hous to hous
"With cuppc and clappir, like ane Lazarous.
This dolie dreme, this ugly vifioun,
Broucht till an cnde, Creieide fra it awoke,
And ail that courte and convocacioun
Vaniihit awaie ; than rafe flie up and toke
Ane polifhit glafle, and her fhadowe couth loke,
And quhan Ihe fawe' her vifage fo deformate
If Ihe in hcrte were wo I n'ote, God wate.
Weping ful fore, Lo ! quhat it is (quod (he)
With frowart langage for to muve and flere
Our crabbit goddes I and fo is fene on me ;
My blafphemand now haif I boucht ful dere,
AH yerdly joie and mirthe I fet arere j
Alas this daie, alas this woful tide,
Quhan I began with my goddis to chide !
By this was faied ane childe cam fra the hal
To warn Crefeide the fuppir was redie,
Firft knockit at the dore, and eft couth call,
Madame, your fathir biddith you cum in hie,
He hath marveile fo long on grofe ye lie.
And faith your bedis beth to long fomdele ;
The goddis wote all your entent full welc.
Quod ihe, Faire child, go to my fathir dere.
And praie him cum to fpeke with me anon.
And fo he did, and faied, Douchtir, quhat chere ?
Alas ! (quod (he) fathir, my mirthe is gone.
How fo ? (quod he^ and ihe gan all expone
As I have told, the vengeaunce and the wrak
For her trefpas Cupide on her couth tak.
He lukit on her ugly lepir's face,
The quhiche before was quhite as lily ilouf,
jlMts Hi. 14601488. 'f.(>^
Wiingand his handis oftimis faied Alace
That he had leifit to fe that wofull hour I
For he knewe weil that thare was na focour
To her fiknefle, and that doublit his pain :
Thus was thare cair enow betwixt *hern twain*
Quhan thei togidir moumit had full lang, '
Quod Crefeide, Fathir, I would not be kende,
Therfore in fecrete wjfe je let me gang
To yon hofpitill at the toun'is ende,
And thidir fum mete for charite me fende
To live upon, for all mirth in this yerth '
Is fra me gone, foche is my wickid werth.
Quhan in a mantill and a bevit hat,
With cuppe and clappir, wondir privilv
He openet a fecrete gate, and out therat
Conveyit her that na man fliuld efpie,
Thare to a village halfe a mile therebie
Deliveret her in at the fpittill hous,
And daily fente her part of his aimous.
Sum knew her weil, and fum had na knowlege
Of her, bicaufe flie was fa deformate.
With bilis blak orfpred in her vifage^
And her faire colour fadit and alt'erate ;
Yet thei prefumit for her hie regrate
And ftill murning flie was of noble kin.
With bittir will thare thei tokin her in.
The daie paffit, and Phoebus went to reft.
The cloiidis blak orwhelid all the Ikie,
God wote if Crefeide were a forowfull geft,
Seing that uncouth fare and herborie ;
Bot mete or drinke ihe dreffit her to lie
In a darke cornir of the hous alane, *
And on this wife wepin ihe made her mane.
Vol. I. Y Hen
Here follQweth the Complaint of Crefeide.
O foppe of forowe fonkln into cair !
O caitife Crefeide novv and evirmare !
Gon is thy joie and al thy mirthe in yerth 'y
Of all blythneffe now art thou blak and bare ;
There is na falve that helpin raaie thy fare ;
Fell is thy fortune, wickid is thy werthe.
Thy blilTe is banifhit, and thy bale unberde ;
Undir the grete, God gif I gravin were,
Quher men of Grece nor yit of Troie micht here f
Quhere is thy chambir wantonly befene.
With burly bed and blankits broudit bene,
Spicis and wine to thy colatioun.
The cuppis all of gold and filver ftiene.
Thy fwete metis fervit in platis clcne.
With favere fauce of a gude fafhoun,
Thy gai garmontes with mony gudely goun.
Thy plefaunt laune prnnid with goldin pene ?
All is arere thy grete roiall renoun.
Quhere is thy gardein with thy grecis gane.
And frefhe fiouris, quhich the quene Floraie
Had paintit plefauntly in every plane,
Quhere thou were wont full meiily in Maie
To walke, and tak the dewe by it was daie.
And here the merle and mavife mony ane.
With ladies faire in caroUand to gane,
And fe ther roiall renkis in ther raie ?
This lepir loge tak for thy gudely boure,
And for thy bed tak now a bunche of flro.
For wailid wine and metis thou had tho
Tak moulid bred, pirate and fidir foure :
Bot cuppe and clappir, is all now ago.
JAMES III. 1460 1488. 171
My clere voce and my courtly carolling
Is ranke as roke, full hidous, har and hace,
Defprmit is the figure of my face, ,
To luke on it no peple hath liking
So fped in fight, I faie with lare fiching
Lyand amang the lepir folke, Alace !
Q ladies faire of Troie and Grcce ! attende
My freile foitoun, mine infelicitc.
My grete mifchefe quhich na man can amend.
And in your minde ane mirrour mak of me.
As I am now paravinture that ye,
For al your micht, may cum to the fame ende
Or ellis worfe, if any worfe male be ;
Beware thareforc, approchith nere your ende.
Noucht is your fairncfle but a fadyng floure,
Noucht is your famous laude and hie honour
But winde inflate in uthir mennis eres.
Your rofand redde to roting Ihall retoure,
Exemple mak of me in your memoure,
Quhich of fuche thingis wofuU witnes beres,
Al welth in yerth as wynd awaie it weres ;
JBewair thare/ore, approchith nere your hour.
Thus chidand with ber dirrie defline
Weipand fhe woke the nicht fra ende to en^ :
But all in vain ; her dole, her cairfuU crie,
Micht not remede, nor yit he;: murnyng mend ;
Ane lepir ladie rafe and to her wende,
And faied, Quhy fpurnift thou again the wall
To fle thy felf, and mende nathing at all ?
Sith that thy weipand but doublith thy wo,
I counfaile the mak vertue of a nede.
Go lerne to clappe thy clappir to and fro,
And lerne aftir the lawe of lepers lede.
Thare tvas no bote, but forthwith than flie yede
Fra place to place, quhile cald and hungir fare
Compellit her to be a ranke beggare.
That fame tyme of Troie the garnifoun,
Quhiche had the cheftain worthy Troilus
Throuch jeoperdy of warre had ftrikjn doun
Knichtis of Grcce in nombir marveilous,
"With grette triumphe and laude viftorions
Agane to Troie richt roially thei rode
The waie quher Crefeide with the lepirs ftode.
Seing that com pan ie cum with a fteven
Thei gaif a crie, and fhoke cuppis, Gode fpede,
Worthie lordis ! for Godd'is luve of herea
To us lepirs part of your almofe dede !
Than to her crie noble Troilus tuk hede,
Havyng pite, ner by the place gan pas
Quhere Crefeide fat, not wetand that flie was.
Than upon him Ihe keft up bothe her eyen,
And with ane blinke it cum intill his thoucht
That he fumtyme her face before had fein.
But fhe was in foche plicht he knew her noucht,
Yit than her luk into his minde he broucht.
The fvvete vifage and amorous blenking
Of faire refeide, fumtyme his own derling.
Xa wondir was fuppofe in mind that he
Tuke her figur fo fone ; and lo ! now quhy
The ydea of ane thing in cais maie be
So depe emprentit in the fantafie
That it deludith the wittes outwardly,
And fo apperith in forme and like eftait
Within the minde as it was figurat.
JAMES III. 1460 1488. 173
Ane fperke of luve than til his hert couth fpryng.
And kindilit his bodj in ane fire
With hote fevir, in fwette, and trembiljng;
Him tuke, quhile he was redie to exfpire ;
To here his fhelde his hreft begon to tire.
Within a quhile he changit mony ane hewc,
And^ nertheles not ane anuthir knewe.
For knychtlj pite and memoriell
Of faire Crefeide ane girdili gan he take,
A purfe of goJde, and mony ane gaie Jewell,
And in the Ikirte of Crefeide doun gan Ihake,
J han rade awaic, and not ane worde he fpake,
Peafife in hcrte, quhile he earn to the toune.
And for grete cair oft fith almofte fell doune.
The lepre folkc to Crefeide than couth draw.
To fe the equall dillrabucioun
Of the almofe ; but quhan the golde thcj fawc
Eche on to uthir privily gan roun.
And faied, Yon lorde hath mare affelioun,
Hower it be, xinto this La^^arous
Than to us al, we knewe hy his almous.
Quhat lorde is yon, Cquod ihe^, have ye no feje.
That doeth to us fo grete humanite ?
Yes, quod a lepre man, 1 know^e him wele,
Troilus it is, a knicht gentil and lire.
Quhan Crefeide undirltude that it was he,
Stifiir than Itele there iierte ane birtir flound
Throuchout hir hert, and fell doune to the ground
Quhan ihe, orcome with fichand fare and fad.
With mony ane carefull crie and cald atone.
Now is my breft with ftormie floundls ftad,
Wrappit in wo, oh wretchfull will of on I
'ITian fell in Iwoun fj.U oft or Ihe would fone^
And evir in her fwouning cried Ihe thus,
falfe Crefeide, and true knicht Troilus !
Thy luve, thy laude, and all thy gentilnefle,
1 comptit fmal in my profperite.
So effiatit I was in wantonneffe.
And ciambe upon the fickle whele fo hie.
All faithe and luve I promittit to the
Was in its felf fikLll and furious ;
falfe Crefeide, and true knicht Troilu? I
For luve of me thou kept thy continuance
Honefl and chaft in converfacion ;
Of all women pioteftour and defence
Thou were, and helpit ther opinion :
My minde on flefhly foule affcftion
Was enclynit to luftis lecherous ;
Fie, falfe Crefeide ! O true knicht Troilus !
Luvirs, beware, and tak gude hede about
Quhom that ye luve, for quhan ye fufFre pain
1 let you wit there is richt fewe throuchout
Qiihom ye maic truft to haif true luve again ;
Prove quhan you woll, your labour is in vain j
Therfore I red ye tak them as ye fynde,
For thei are fad as wedircocke in wynde
Bicaufe 1 knowe the grete unftabilneffe.
Brittle as glafs, unto my felfe I faie,
Truftand in uthir as grete brutilneffe,
As inconftaunt, and as untrew of faie ;
Thouch fum be trew I wot richt few ar thei :
Who findith truthe, let him his lady rufe ;
None but my felf as now I woll accufe.
Quhan this was fayd, with papir fhe fat doun.
And in this manir made her Teftament :
JAMES III. 1460 1488. if-^
tiere I bqueth. naj corfe and Carioun
With wormis and with todis to be rent.
My cuppe, my clappir, and mine ornament.
And all my gold, thefe lepre folke Ihal haif,
Quhan I am dedde to burie me in graif.
This xoiall ring, fet with this rubie redde,
Quhiche Troilus in dowrie to me fende.
To him again I leve it quhan I am dedde.
To make my cairful deth unto him kende :
Thus I conclude fhortly and make an ende ;
My fp'rit I leve to Diane, quheve ilie dwelles.
To walke with her in waft wodis and welles.
O Diomede ! thou haft bothe broche and belfe
Quhiche Troilus gave me in tokining
Of his true luve ^^And with that worde fhe fwclt.
And fone a lepirman tuke off the ring.
Than buriet her withoutin tarying.
To Troilus forthwith the ring he bare.
And of Crefeide the deth he gan declare,
Quhan be had herd her grete infirmite,
Her legacie, and lamentacionn,
And how Ihe endit in fuch poverte.
He fwelte for wo, and fell doone in a fwoun.
For forowe his herte to braft was boun,
Siching full fadly faied I can no more.
She was untrue, and wo is me therfore.
Sum faith he made a tombe of marble graie.
And wrote her name and fuperfcripcioun.
And laid it on her grave wheras ftie laie.
In golden lettirs, conteining this refoun ;
Lo I faire ladies, Crefeide of Troie toun,
Sumtyme comptit the floure of womanhed,
Undir this ftane, late lepir, lyith dedde ! '
Now worthy women, in this balade fliort.
Made for your worfbip and inllruftion.
Of charite I moniihe and exhorte,
Mynge not your luve with fals difcepcion,
Berc in your minde this fore conclufioa
Of fairc Crefeide, as I have faied before ;
Sith ihe 13 decide TTpeke of her no more.
P. 169. Sf. 2. IVitl) cu/> and clapper. Henrysone probably defcrfoc?
here the manner of begging ufed by leprous perfons in his ovyn time,
Lcprofy was then, and long had been a very common difeafe in Scot*,
land. So far back as the middle of the 12th century, we find, from the
Burrow laws, cap. 64. that hofpitals for the reception of perfons afRidled
with that malady, were common, we may fuppofe, in all the larger
towns. " Gif ony man dwelland in the King's Burgh is (Iricken with
" Icprofic, he fiiU be put into the hofpital of that Burgh ; and gif he has
c' nathing to Lve upon, the burgeffis fall make a colleftion of twenty
" fhiilings for nicit and claith to him. Lepper folke fail not gang fra
" dure to dure, but fall fit at the ports of the burgh, and fcik almes
= ("With cup and clapper) fra them that paffes in and forth. Na man
** within bui-gh iali be fa bauld as to hatbcre an kpper man, under ane
full amerciament." J.^mes F. A(ft 106, anno 1427, ordains that
" Na lepper folke fit to thig, (beg), nouther in kirk nor kirk-yard, not'
uther place within the burrowt-s, but at their awin hofpital, or at the
" port of the townc." Lord Haii-es has the following Notes on this
" The gKiieral rendezvous of beggars ufed to be in the kirk-fard*.
Concerning thiscurtom, aremaikable paffage occurs in ^.neas Sylvius,
Hijloria de Eurcfa, c. 46. lllud nobis in Scotia miraculum reprefenta-
tum eft ; nam pauperes psenc nudos ad templa mendicantes, acceptis !a-
pidibus elcmofyi a gratia d.itis, Ijctos abiilTe confpexinuis: id genus la-
pidis, live fulphurta five alia pingui materia prxditum, pro ligno, quo
rcgio nuda eft, comburitur."
.ffiNEAS Sylvius came to Scotland as the Pope's kgat in the reign
of J.^MKR 1. It is plain from this paffage, that coals were in ufe to be
diftributed to the poor at the church doors; but how, at that period,
Scoclan* fbciild h'svc bf^r confii?' red as dcflitutc of wood, is hard ta
1 i
JAMES III. 1460 ^488. i*ry
explain. His hiftorian Gibellinus fpeaks more cautioufly. " De Sco.
tia hxc relatu digna invenit,-^ce.rram magna ex parte arboribus caren-
In flat. 40. of Robert III. anno 1386,11 isfaid that " corrupt fwinc or
" falmon brought to the market, fal be taken by the Baillies, and in-
" continent fall be fent to the lepper folke ; and gif there be na lepper
' folke, they faH be deftroyed alluterlie." The feeding of leprous per-
fons with corrupted fwine's fleJh, may feem flrange ; and yet, at this
day, after the improvements of 400 years, meat unfit for the market is,
in fome parts of the kingdom, condemned, atd fcnt to feed the poor.
*^* It is to be obferved, that Henrtson follows Chaucer's ftory of
Troilus and Creffida, and not that of Homer or any other ancient au-
ypL. I. Z THE
Preferved in the Bannatyne M. S. with the fuh->
fcription QtJoD MR. R. henrici. It is worthy of no-
tice, from its being one of our earliefi fpecimens of
the Ballad Stanz,a , and alfo of fmooth verffication^
a quality which Heti^rysose po^ej/ed in afuperlative
degree, at a period when it %vas almofi a phenomenon
to write verfes of any kind. In the preceding poem,
we find our author fpeaking of himfelf as an gives this title to the poem from a like
title of a popular poem^ mentioned by Wedderburn
(not Sir James Inglis^ in his " Complaint of Scot-
landy^ a clafjical compojition in Scottijh profe prhited
in 1549. Probably this is the very poem there call"
ed the " Cheapel IValk.^' In flan%a *)th Henry-
soNE applies to the Divinity what Chaucer fays of
love in his " Cuckowe and Nightingale.'^'}
' For he can maken of lowe herds hie.
And of hie lowe."
Forfome other obfervatiom on this poem fee 1^,%% 5?c.
x\llone as I went up and doun
In ane abbaj was fair to fe,
Thinkand quhat confolatioun
Was beft in all adverfltie j
On caifs I keft on fjd mjne ee.
And faw this writtin on a wall,
In quhat eflait, man, that thow be,
Obej, and thank thy God of all.
Thy kindome and thy grit empyre.
Thy lyaltie, nor riche array,
Sail nocht endear at thy defire,
Bot, as the wind, will wend away ;
Thy ^old, and all thy gudis gay,
Quhen fortoun lift will fra the fall :
Sea thou fie fampillis feis ilk day.
Obey, and thank thy God of all.
yoh wes maift riche, in writ we find,
Thohe maift full of cheritie ;
yob woux pure, and Thobe blynd,
Baith tempit with adverfitie.
Sen blindnes wes infirmitie.
And povertle wes naturall ;
Rycht patiently bath he and he
Obeyit, and thankit God of all.
Thocht thow be blind, or haif ane halt,
Or in thy face deformit ill,
Sa it cum nocht throw thy defalt,
Ha man fuld the repreif by ikill.
Blame nocht thy Lord, fa is his will ;
Spurn nocht thy fute againis the wall ;
Bot with meik haitt, and prayer ftill,
Obey, and thank thy God of all.
God of his juftice mon correft,
And of his mercy petie haif;
He is ane judge, to nane fufpeft.
To pUneis fynfull man and faif.
Thocht thow be lord attour the laif.
And eftirwart maid bound and thrall,
Ane pure begger, with ikrip and ftaiff,
Obey, and thank thy God of all.
JAMES HI. 1460 1488. 185
VI. ^ -
,This changeing, and grit variance.
Off erdly ftaitis up and doun,
Comes nowder throw fortoun nor diance.
As fum men fayis, without reflbwa :
Bot be the grit provifioun
Of God aboif that rewU the fall ;
Thairfoir evir thow make the boun
To obey, and thank thy God of all.
In welth be meik, heich not thyfelf j
Be glaid in wofull povertie ;
Thy powir, and thy warldis pelf.
Is nocht bot verry vanitie.
Remembir him that deit on tr^.
For thy faik taiftit the bittir gall ;
Qnha heis law hairtis, and lawis he,
Pbey, and thank thy God of all.
Vol. I. A ^ the
[Copies of this Moral Dialogue are prefirved in both
the Maitland and Bannatyne Manufcripts. The
variations y as noted by Mr Pinkerton, are not in-
conJiderahUy a?id have therefore been curefullv attend-
ed to."] t' '^;^rr r* r
.rr f? Vjh j-i'-" rr-i^,
> he ordered the,
champions to ceafe frooj combut. In French lola, or Lo la. Bassom-
piFRRE relates, that when C:ijarles I. and he were talking wa miy,
JJ^'CKINOHAM ftept in and tried, " Je mets I hola entre voiis deux "
Hcrfin this petulant minifter affamed the chara^cr of jidgc of the lifts
between his mafter aod an ambafTidor. H.
St 7. With Urdis ilyth in boure my lailis to hcit. Birde is ufed in ChaC
CFR for a miltrefs. In an old Sr.ottifh fong, <' Burd Ifobel" means a
young lady cal!c>-i Isabella. Burd is ftill ufed as an appellation of
complacency by fuptriors to women of lower degree- Meifar iii his
" Perell of Paramours" i'pcaks of " birdis bricht in bowris," by which
he means, ycung women in their chambers. Bailis lAf, abate mv firts;
fo fa\s Lord Kailes, but erroneoufly. (t prob.ibiy means the very
reverfe, to help, increafe, or roufe my amorous lire. 'I'o Lett the fre,
is an exprcflion ftill quite common.
Three other pieces by Henryson have been publifhed by t-osD
Hailes, but being of inferior merit, it would be ufclefhtc rtprint their,
efpecially as they are withtut Notes.
The Mt^ral of his fable (the trite one) of the Mtufs and Frog^ dc
fcrvesj however, to be kept ia remembrance :
My bruder, gif thow wil tak adertens,
Till this fabill, thow may perfaif and fc,
It palfis far alkynd of peftilens,
A wicket mynd, with wirdis fair and flc :
Be war thairfor, quhom with thow fellowis the ; '
For thow war better beir of flane the barrow ;
Or fueitand, dig and delf quhill thow may drc,
Than to be machit with a wicket marrow.
A fals Intent, undir a fair pretence,
Has cawCt mony innocentis to d5;
G'.it folly is, thairfor, to gif credence
Our fone to all that fpeikis fair to the.
A filkand tong, a hairtof crewelte,
Smytis mair foir than ony fchot of arrow.
Bruder, gif thow be vyis, I red the fie,
Na mach the with a frawart fenycit marrow.
I warn the al', it is grit negligence,
To bind the faft quhair thow was frank and fre ;'
Fra thow be bund, thow may mak na defens
To faif thy lyf, or yit in libertie.
This fcmpil counfale, bruder, tak at me.
And it to conn perquecr fe nocht thow tarrow ;
Better hot firyfc to leif allone in Ic,
Than to be machit with a wicket marrow.
Kere, then, we take leave of " Gude Maifter Robert Henrt-
50ONE." He probably died about 1490; and that he continued to
rhyme to the laft, appears from an anecdote recorded by Sir F. Kymas-
TOOK. All phyficians (fays he) having given him over, there came an
old woman ur.to him who was held a witch, and alked him whether he
would he cured ; to whom he faid. Very willingly. Then, quod Ihe,
there is a Willcy tree sn the lower end of your Orchard, and if you
will go and walk but thiice about it, and thrice repeat thcfe words,
Willey tree, willey tree, take away this flux from me, you fhall pre-
fently be cured. He told her, that being extreme weak and faint, it
was impoffible ; but, pointing to an oaken table in the room, afked her
if it would not do as well to give three knocks upon it, and thrice re-
peat thefc words,
V Oaken burde, oaken burde
Gar me *** ane hard **.
Thewoman feeing herfelf derided, ran out of the houfe, and Henry soH
died m a quarter of an hour.
- In the Maitland M. S. afcribed to Henryson, in,
the Bannatyne to Patrick Johnstoun. The fancy
of introducing three death's-heads' is odd ; and the
more fo, becaufe they all fpeak at once. 'The fentv-
ments are fuch as the contemplation of mortality na-
turally produces. If likenefs inferred imitation^
Shakespeare, in thefcene of the grave-diggers, mi^ht
he fuppofed to have copied from Patrick Johnstoun,
an ohfcure verjifer^ of whom he never heard.l
V^ siNFULL man ! into this mortall fe,
Quhilk is the vaill of mournjng and of cair j
With gaiftly ficht^ behold our heidis thre,
Oure holkit cine, oure peilit powis bair.
As ye ar now, into this warld we wair,
Als frefche, als fair, als luflj to behald j
Quban thow lukis on this futh exemplair.
Off thy felf, man, thow piay be richt unbald.
For futh it is, that every man mortall
Mon fuffer deid, and de, that lyfe has tane ;
Na erdly ftait aganis deid ma prevail^;
The hour of deth and place is uncertane,
Quhilk is referrit to thq hie God allane :
Herefoir haif mynd of deth,- that thow mon dy j
This fair exampill to fe quotidiane,
Sowld caufe all men fro wicket vycis flie ?
O wantone yowth ! als frefche as lufty May,
Fared of flowris, renewit quhyt and reid,
Behald our heidis, O lufty gallands gay !
Full laJthly thus fall ly thy lufty held,
Holk.it and how, and wallowit as the weid.
Thy crampland hair, and eik thy criftall ene j
Full cairfuUy conclud fall dulefull deid,
Tiiy example heir be us it may be fene.
O ladels quhyt in claithis corrufcant,
Poleift with perle, and mony pretius ftane j
With palpis quhyt, and hals elegant,
Sirculit with gold and fapheris mony ane ;
Your fingearis fmall, quhyt as quhailis bane,
Arrayit with ringis, and mony rubeis reid j
As we ly thus, fo fall ye ly ilk ane,
With peilit powis. and holkit thus your heid,
O wofull pryd ! the rute of all diftrefs,
With humill hairt upoun our powis pens :
Man, for thy mifs, afk mercy with meiknefs ;
Againis deid na man may mak defens.
The emperor, for all his excellens,
King and quene, and eik all erdly ftait,
Peure and riche, fall be but diiFerens,
Turnit in as, and thus in erd tranilait.
This queftioun quha can obfolve lat fee,
Quhat phifnamour, or perfyt palmefter,
Quha was fareft, or fowleJd of us thre ?
Or quhilk of us of kin was gentillar.
Or maift excellent in fcience or in lare.
In art, mufic, or in aftronomye ?
Heir fould be your ftudj and repair,
And think, as thus, all your heidis mpn be.
O febill aige ! drawand neir the dait
Of duly deid, and hes thy dayis compleit,
Behald our heidis with murning and regrait ;
Fall on thy kneis, afk grace at God greit.
With orifonis, and haly falmis fweit,
Befeikand him on the to haif mercy.
Now of our fauHs bydand the decreit
Of his Godheid, quhen he fall call and try.
Als we exhort, that every man mortal!.
For his faik that maid all thingis of nocht,
For our fawlls to pray in generall.
To Jefu Chryfl, of hevyn and erd the king,
That throuch his blude we may ay leif and ring,
With the hie Fader be eternitie.
The Sone alfwa, the Haly Gaift conding,
T'hre knit in ane be perfyt unitie.
St. 4. Pearl. The Scottifli pearls were much efleemed in ancient
times. Nicolas, prior of Worcester, thus writes to Eadmer, Ele<3.
of St Andrews, in the reiifn of Alexander I. ann^ 1120. " Prseterea,
" rogo, et vaide obfecro, ut margaritas Candidas quantum poteris mihi
" acquiras. Uniones etiam, quofcunque grcfliflimos adquirere pores,
" faltem quatuor, mihi adquiri per te magnopere poftulo._ Si aiiter
" non vales, faltem a rege, qui in hac re omnium bomimim ditijpmum ejl,
" pro munere expete." " I entreat you to let me have as many of the
* fairefl pearls as you can procure. In particular, I defire four of the
" largeft fort. If you cannot procure them othtrsn'x^e, afk them in a pre
*' fent f rem the King f ivho, I hioiv, has a moji abundant Jlort^ Whar-
VuL. F. B b ton's
ton's Anglia Sacra, Among the jewels which Henry V. loft, wheo
his camp was plundered at Agincourt, there is mention made of * una
ferula Scotia,'' Rtmer's Federa. James I. made a prefent of one pearl
to Eneas Stlvios, the Pope's Legate. Boece fays, " Nee vcro mini-
" mi funt pretii quos noftra fert regio uniones : fplendefcentem enim
" fere candorem referuni, optime orbiculati lasvefqoe, ac magnitudinc
" interdum unguis minimi manus digiti exccdentes, quantum et nos aU-
quando habuinjus'" H.
A Poet of whom no other compojition novi remains ;
or^ at leajif is known. He is mentioned by Dunbar,
and by Sir David Lindsay ; by the former thus,
in his " Lament for the death of the Makars j"
** That did in lufe fo lyflie wryte ,^ ,^^,
So fchort, fo quick, of fentens hie."
His name is introduced before that of HenrYson ;
but there feems no reafon to place him earlier than this
reign. In the Bann. M. S. the poem is fubfcribed^
" Quod Mersar."3
I. :- '-
/\llace ! fo fobir is the micht
Of wemen for to mak debait,
Incontrair mennis fubtell flicht, '
Quhilk ar fulfiUit with diflait ;
"With treflbne fo intoxicait
Are mennis mowthis at all ouris,
Quhome in to treft no woman wait ;
Sic perrell Ijis in paramouris.
Sum fueris that he luvis fo weill.
That he will de without remeid,
Bot gife that hehir freindfchip feill.
That garris him fie langour leid ;
And thocht he haif no dout of fpeid.
Yet will he fich and fchaw grit fchouris.
As he wald Ilerfe in to that lleid ;
Sic perrell lies in paramouris.
Athis to fuere, and giftis to hecht,
Moir than he has thretty fold,
And for hir honour for to fecht,
Qtahill that his blude becummis cola.
Bot fra fcho to his willis yold,
Adew, fair weill thir fomer floutis.
All grows in glafs that femit gold y
Sic perrell lyis in paramouris.
Than tumis he his faill annone.
And paffis to ane uthir port ;
Thocht fcho be nevir fo wo-begone,
Hir cairis cauld ar his confort.
Heirfoir I pray in termys fchort,
Chryft keip thir birdis bricht in bowris,
Fra fals luvaris, and thair refort j
Sic perrell lyis in paramoutis.
-from the Edinburgh printed ColleBion 1 508,* intrO"
duced here as a counter-part to the preceding Ballad,
and apparently co^eval with it.l^
X^EvisE, prowes, and eke humilitee.
That maidenis have in eueiich wyfe,
Tranfmovit is in ferpentis crueltee,
Fra thay in warld be weddit wyth thir wyis.
No manis wit to wonder may fuffice
Quhare ar becumyn thir maidenis myld of mude;.
Of all this wyfis that non are found gude.
O maidynhede of virtue nobileft,
Flurifching in joy, and perfyte lawlyncs !
O wyf hede wariit of wyis wickitefl,
Moder of vice, and hertis hye diftreffe !
The caufe caufing of ruyne, as 1 geffe.
That all this warld has brocht to confufiort
Begonnyn was throu thy perfwafion.
Enfample is how thyne iniquitee
Ourcumyn has wyfedom, and ftrenth of hand ;
Be Salomon the firft may provit be,
Wifeft, but were, in warld that was lyfand,
llis grete wifedome mycht not agayn the ftand ;
Thou gert hym err into his latter elde,
Declyne his God, and to the Mawmentis jreld.
Sampson the ftrongeft that ewir was borne
Off manly forfe throii the diflroit was.
Both his eyne bljndit, and eke forlorri.
David that flew the gyant Golyas ,
And mony mo, the quhilk I have na fpace
Foi to reherfe, for lak of tyme and wit.
And for grete labour tharfore I men ourfett.
Thou devillis member, thou curfit homycide.
Thou tiglr tene, fulfild of birnyng fyre.
Thou fchryne fecrete of ftynkand doke, and pride,
Thou cocatras, that with ficht of thy ire
Affrayit has full mony a gudely fyre.
That eftward in warld had newir plefance,
Grete God I pray to take on th6 vengeance.
In maidynhede fen was oure firft remede.
And fra the hevyn oure haly fader fent
The fecund perfone, his fone, in a Godhcde,
To tak mankynde upon the maidyn gent,
Clene of hir corfe, and clenar of entent,
That bure the baine quhilk couerit us fra care
Scho being virgyn clenar than fcho was are.
Grete was the lull that thou had for to fang
The frute vetit, throu thy falfe counfailing
Thou gert mankynde confeiit to do that wrang,
Declyne his God, and brek his hie bidding,
As haly write beris futhfaft witneffing.
Tharfor thou fro the joy of paradife.
And th3'ne ofspring, was banyfl for thy vice.
-from the Edinburgh ColleBion 1 508. It feems to
point unequivocally to the feeble Reign of James III.3
Uf ferljis of this grete confufion
I wald fum clerk of conyng wald declerde ;
Quhat gerria this warld be turnyt up-fo-doun ;
Thare is na faithfull faflnes found in crd.
Now ar noucht thre may traiftly trow the ferde :
Welth is away, and wit is worthin wrynkis :
Now fele is forow, this is a wofuU werde.
Sea want of wyfe men makis fulis to fit on binkis.
That tyme quhen (rang) the lovit king Saturnus,
For gudely governance this warld was goldin cald ;
For untreuth we wate noucht quhare to it turnis.
The tyme that Octovian the monarch could hald.
Our all wes pes, wele fet as hertis wald ;
Than regnyt reule, and refon held his rynks.
Now lakkis prudence ; nobilitee is thralde.
Sen want of wyfe men makis fulis to fit on binkis.
AuESTOTlLL for his moralitee,
AusTYN, or Ambrose for dyvine fcripturc ;
Quha can placebo, and noucht half dirige.
That praftik for- to pike, and pill the pure ;
He fall cum in, and thay fiand at the dure.
For warldly wynfik walkis, quhen wyfar wynkis :
Wit takis na worfchip, fie is the aventure.
Sen want of wyfe men. makis fulis to fit on binkis.
Now, but defenfe, rycht lyis all defolate,
Rjcht na refon, under na rufe has reft.
Youth is but raddour, and age is obftjnatc,
Mycht but mercy, the pore ar all oppreft.
Lerit folk fuld tech the peple of the beft,
Thouch lare be lytill, fer lefle in tham finkis.
It may noucht be this warld ay thus fuld left.
That want of wyfe men makis fulis to fit on binkis.
For now is exilde all aid noble corage,
Lautee, lufe, and liberalitee.
Now is ftabilitee fundyn in na ftage.
Nor digeft cpunfele wyth fad maturitee.
Peas is away all in perplexitee ;
Prudence, and policy, are banyft our al brinkis.
This warld is ver fa may it callit be.
That want of wyfe men makis fulis fit on binkis.
Quhare is the balance of juft and equitee ?
Nothir,meryt is preifit, na punyft is trefpas.
AH ledis lyvis lawles at libertee,
Nouch reulit be refon, mare than ox, or afle.
Gude faith is flemyt, worthin fraillar than glas j
Trew lufe is lorn, and lautee haldis no lynkis ;
Sic gouernance I call noucht a faffe.
Sen want of wyfe men makis fulis fit on binkis.
O Lord of Lordis ! God and Governour !
Makar, and movar, bath of mare and lefle !
Quais power wifedome and honoure
Is infynite, fal be, and ewirwas wes.
As in the principall mencio i of the mefle.
All thir fayd thingis reform as thou beft thinkis,
Quhilk ar degradit for pare pi tee redrefle.
Sen want of wyfe men makis fulis fit on binkis.
rii is impojjible to af certain with precijion the ara of
the ancient amatory Ballads ; hut the language of this
is evidently very old, and refemhles Henryson's
more than that of DuNBAR, or any other Toet of
the Reigtt of James IV. It is mentioned under the
title of " Still under the levis grene" in the lift of
Songs given by Wedderburne^ (Jn his ** Complaint
of Scotland" 1549,^ who 'does not feem to bring down
that lifi any lower than the titne o/* James IV. and
it has been preferred in the MaiTLAND Manufcript,
** "This capital piece^^ fays Mr Pinkertqn, " nar-
rated with exquijite fmplicity and beauty, is a hind of
rival of the Ephefian Matron ; and^ for the age in
rohicb it was writteny is almojl miraculous. The
tender pathos is finely recommended by an excellent
cadence. An age 'that produced this might produce
almofi any perfeBion in poetry." And^ perhaps ^ it
may be added, that no Poet of that age was equal to
the tujli but one voho could produce futh a poetn as
*' Robene and Makyne." With thefe two beautiful
compofitions, not oT^e jpo^m p/" DyNBAR has (he kafi
* My leif now heir I taik.* J:,
Than wepit fcho, luftie in weyd ;
And on hit wayis can fcho went.
In hy eftir that heynd I yeyd.
And in my armis culd hir hent.
And faid, " Fayr lady at this tyde,
" With leif ye man abyde.
** And tell me quho yow hidder fent ?
*' Or quhy ye beir your bow fo bent
** To fla our deir of pryde ?
** In waithman weid fen I yow find
*' In this wod walkand your alone,
** Your mylk-quhyte handis we fall bind
" Quhill that the blude birft fra the bone.
*' Chairgeand yow to preifoun,
*' To the king's deip dungeoun.
** Thai may ken be your fedderit flane
** Ye have bene mony beiftis bane,
*' Upon thir bentis broun."
That fre anfwerd with fayr afeir.
And faid, * Schir, mercie for your mycht I
Thus man I bow and arrowis beir,
Becau3 I am ane baneift wycht.
So will I be full lang.
For God's luif lat me gang j
And heir to yow my treuth I plyehr,
That I fall, nowder day nor nycht.
No wyld beill wait with wrang.
Thoch I walk in this foreft fi*e,
With bow, and 6ik with fedderit flane,
It is Weill mair than dayis thre,
And meit or drink yit faw I nane.
Thoch I had ne\^r lie neid
My ftlfe to wyn my breid.
Your deir may walk, fchir, thair alane j
Yet wes I nevir na beiftis banc. "
I may not fe thame bleid.
Sen that I never did yow ill.
It wer no Ikill ye did me fkayth.
Your deir may walk quhairevir thai will :
I wyn my meit with na fie waithe.
I do bot litil wr'ang,
Bot gif I flouris fang.
Gif that ye trow not in my aythe,
Tak heir my bow and arrowis baythe,
And lat my awin felfe gang.'
* I fay your bow and arrowis bricht !
' I bid not have thame, be Sanft Bryd j
* Bot ye man reft with me all nycht,
' All nakit fleipand be my fyd."
I ivill not do that fyn I
Leif yow this warld to wyn !'
* Ye ar fo haill, of hew and hyd,
" Luif
)ams lit. 1466 .1488. laj
" Luif hes me fangit iii this tjd.
** I may not fra yow twyn."
Than lukit fcho to me, and leuch j .
And fald, * Sic luf I rid yow layne.
* Albeid ye mak it never fa teuch,
* To me your labour is in vane.
* Wer I out of your fycht,
* The fpace of halfe a nycht,
* Suppois ye faw me never agane
* Luif hes yow ftreinyeit with litle paitie j
* Thairtd my treuth I plycht.'
I faid, * My fueit, forfuythe I fall
*' For ever luif yow, and no mo.
*' Thoch uthers luif, and leif, with all 5
** Maift certanlie I do not fo.
" I do yow trew luif hecht,
" Be all thi bewty bricht !
** Ye ar fo fair be not my f o !
*' Ye fall have fyn and ye me flo
" Thus throw ane fuddan fycht."
That I yow fla, that God forfcheild !
* Quhat have I done, or faid, yow till ?
* I wes not wont wapyns to weild
* Bot am ane wortian gif ye will.
* That fuirlie feiris yow,
* And ye not me, I trow.
* Thairfor, gude fchir, tak in none il^ :
* Sail never berne gar breif the bill
* At bidding me to bow*
* Into this wode ay walk I fall,
' Ledand my lyf as woful wycht ;
* Heir I forfaik bayth hour and hall,
* And all thir bygings that are brycht !
* My bed is maid full cauld,
* With beiftis brjme and bauld.-
* That gars me fay, bajth day and nycht,
* Alace that even the toung fould hecht
* That hart thocht not to bauld !*"
Thir words out throw my hart fo went
That neir I wepit for hir wo.
But thairto wald I not confent ;
And faid that it fould not be fo.
Into my armis fwythe
Embrafit I that blythe.
Sayand, " Sweit hart, of harmis ho ! '
* Found fall I never this fore ft fro,
" Quhill ye me comfort kyth.
Than knelit I befoir that cleir ;
And meiklie could hir mercie craif.
That femelie than, with fobir cheir.
Me of hir gudlines forgaif.
It wes no neid, I wys.
To bid us uther kys ;
Thair mycht no hairts mair joy refaif.
Nor ather culd of uther haif.
Thus brocht wer we to blys.
*^* Thcr do not appear any other Scottifh Poem, Ballad, or Song
that could with certainty, or even probability, be placed under thereigil
of Jamks III.
In the Bannattnk M.. S. the copy of Dunbar's " Lamtnt for tie
death of tie Poets" as publilhed by Allan Ramsay and by Lord
Hail Es, contains this line, in the flauza where the name of RobKT
HEN&fsoN is recorded,
" In Dunfermling he has tane Bkown,"
JAMES lU. 1460 1488. 207
And LoRn Haiies gives from the Bannattne M. S. the following
extract of a Poem fubfcribcd Brown, Tvhom his J-ordfhip fuppofcs to
be the Poet mentioBed by Dunbar :
Ye men of kirlf that care hes tane
Offawlis, for to wetche andkeip.
Ye will be tynt, and ye tyne ane.
In your defalt, of Goddis fcheip ;
Be walkand ay that ye nocht fleip,
Luke that your bow be reddy bent,
The wolf about your flok will leip.
Ye mon make compt at jugcmcnt.
Be gude of lyfe, and biflie ay
Your gud examples for to fchaw.
Stark in the faith, and luk allway
That na mar cry me imto you knaw.
Let ay your deid follow your faw.
And to this taill ye tak gud tent
(Sayv)eil,iotdo-weii is nocht viorth a RtiW
for you to fchaw in jugement.
But thcfe lines fcem to belong to a later period, probably after the
New Teftament had been tranflated. Befides, there are two other an-
cient copies of Dunbar's Lament, one in the Maitland M. S. and a
nether in the Edinburgh Collection of Poems 1508, printed, doubtlefs,
under the eye of Dvnbar himfelf, in both of which the above line runs
thus :
" In Dunfermling he has done roune
Gud Mr Robert Henryfoune," &c.
So that the name Brown in the Bannatyke M. S. mufl be an er-
ror of the tranfcriber.
With due deference to the opinion of fuch an cxquifite judge as Mr
PiNKERTON, the compoCtions of Dean David Steil are to be placed
Jower down in this feries, for rcafons there to be offered.
JAMES IV. 1488 1513.
Warton, in his hiftory of iLngliJh poetry, remarks, that
the latter part of the fifteenth century was " adorned
by a few Scottifh writers with a degree of fentimeitt
and fpirit^ a command of phrafeologyy and a fertility
of imagination^ not t& be found in any Knglifh poet
fince Chaucer and Lydgate." Befides Henryfon, who
virote chiefly in the preceding reigns, the perfons here
alluded to are William Dunbar and Gawin Douglas,
two of the greatefl poets that Scotland has produced^
'D\xnh2LV feems to have refided chiefly in Ed'mburgh ^
but the place of his birth has not hitherto been afcer~
tained ; there being no ground for afjigning that honour
to Salton in Eafl Lothian, as fhall more particularly
be fhewn in a note fubjoined to his ** Fly ting" with'
Kennedy. From various parages in his works, it ap-^
pears that he was born about 1455 ^ '^^"^ in his ^oxtnger
years he was a travelling minciate of the Francifcan
order; that he returned from the Continent, and began
to write about the year 1 490 y and that ks died about
1520. 'M.v V\uVtxton places his birth about ten years
later ; but the date here affumtd feems nearer the trutlr-,
from the following circuwflances : Douglas, in his Pa-
lice of Honour, written in 15 01, mentions Dunbar
*' as yet undead ;^^ an exprefjion which implies that he
had pnfi the fiower of his age. and agrees better with
the age of ^6 than 36 : And in our poefs Lament for
the death of the Makars, we fee, (as Lord Hailes cb-
ferves,^ the once gay Dunbar, now advanced in years,
deprived of his joyous companions, and probably juf led
out of court by other wits, younger and niorefafhiona-
ble. J his Lament was printed by Miller and Chapman
in 1508 ; and may have been written forfie years before
that time ; or nvhen Dunbar w^rj about the age c/* 50 ;
Vol. L D d which
aid Chronicle op Scottish poetr?.
luhich correfponds better than the age of^<5 with the totii
or tenor of the poem. Although our poet lived in
habits of familiarity with James the Fourth, and fre-
quently in his f mailer pieces addrej/es him as an humble
fupplicant for fame ecclejtajiical benefcCy it does not appear
that he ever fucceeded. After the death of the K}ng^ it
is probable that he attached himfelf more to the party of
the Duke of Albany than to that of the ^j/cen and the
Karl of Angus , and that his hopes were compleatly blajied
when the Kegent finally retired to France.
Dunbar's principal ivoris are two ** Jlriiing fpecimens
of allegorical invention^^ viz. The Thiftle and Rofe, and
Golden Tcrge ; but as the order of time is here adopted
for the rule of arrangement ^ it ferns necejfsry to give pre-
cedence to his tale of The two married women and the
widow, as being probably one of his youthful performan-
ces. Iljis admirable tale has been preferved both in the
Maitland ColleElion and in that o/MUlar a^ Chapman
I 508. /;: thefe are found a few flight variations ^ which
have been properly attended to in this edition.
U PON the Midfumer ewen, mirrieft of nichtis,
I muvit furth alane, quhen as midnicht wes pafV,
Befyd ane gudlie grene garth full of gaj fiouris,
Hegeit, of ane huge hicht, with hawthorne treels ;
Quhairon ane bird on ane branche fo birft out hir notis
That nevir ane blythfuller bird was on the bcuche hard,
Quhat throw the fufiarat found of hir fang glaid.
And throw the favour fanative of the fueit flouris,
1 drew in derne to the djke to dirkcn efter myrthis ;
The dew donkit the dail, and dynnit the fculis.
I hard, under ane hdlyn hewmlie grein hewir,
Ane hie fociche, at my hand, with hautand wourdis.
JAMTES IV. 1488^^1513. 211
With that in^haift. to the hege fo hard I inthrang
That I was heildit with hawthorne and with heynd
levels :
Throw pykis of the plet thorne I prefandlie luiklt,
Gif ony perfoun wald approche within that plefand
garding ;
I faw thre gay ladeis fit in ane grene arbeur,
All grathit into garlaneis of frefche gudelie flouris ;
3o glitterit as the gowd wer thair glorious gilt treffis^
Quhil all the greffis did gleme of the glaid hewis ;
Kemmit was thair cleir hair, and curionflie fched
Attour thair fchoulderis doun, fchyre fchjning full
bricht i
With kurches, caffin thame abone, of krifp cleir and
Thair mantillis grein war as the grefs- that grew in
Ma J fefoun ;
Faftnit with thair quhyt fingaris about thair fair fydisi
Off ferliful fyne favour war thair faces meik
All full of flurift fairheid, as floud^ in June,
Quhyt, fcimlie, and foft, as the fweet lillies j
New upfpred upon fpray as new fpynift rofe.
Arrayit ryallie about with mony riche wardour,
That Nature, full nobilie, annamilit fine with flouris
Of alkin hewis under hewin, that ony heynd knew.
Fragrant, all full of frefche odour fyneft of fmell.
Ane marbre tabile covcrit wes befoir thai thre ladeii,
With ryche co^s as I wys full of ryche wynis.
And of thlr fair-loukes quhyte tua weddit war with
Ane wes ane wedow, I will, wantoun of laitis.
And, as thai talkit at the tabil of mony taill funde,
Thay wauchit at the wicht wyne, and warit out wour-
And fyne thai fpak more fpedelie, and fparit no mate
Bewrie, faid the wedo, ye weddh werren ying,
Quhat mirth ye fand in maryage, fen ye war monis
wyffis :
Reveil gif ye rewit that rakles conditioun.
Or gif that ever ye luffit leyd upon lyfe mair
Nor quhame that ye your faythe hes feftnit to for ever.
Or gif ye think, had ye chois, that ye wald cheis better-
Think ye it nocht ane blift band that bindis fb faft
That none unto it adew may fay bot the deithe lane ?
Than fpak ane lufty belyf, with luftie effeiris,
It, that ye call the bJifl band that bindis fo faft
Is hair of blis, and baleful, and greit barrat wirk I
Ye fpeir, had I fre chois, ^ I wald cheis better ?
Chenyeis ay ar to efchew ; and changes ar^J&Ecit.
Sic curfit chance till efchew had I my chois anis,
Out of the chanyeis of ane churle 1 fcaip fuld for ever,
God gif matrimony wer made to mell for ane yeir,
It war bot monftrous to be mair bot gif our mindiaf
It is againe the law of luif, of kynd, and of nature,
Togidder hairtis to ftreine, that ftryvis with uthar.
Birdis hes ane better law na bernis be meikil.
That ilk yeir, with new joy, joyis ane maik ;
And fangis thame ane freflie feyr, unfulyeit, and con
ftant ;
And lattis thair fukert feyris flie quhair thai pleis.
Chryft gif fie ane confuetude war in this erth holdin
Than weil war us wemen, that ever we may be fre.
We fuld have feiris as frefche to fang quhen we wald,
And gif all larbaris thair leveis, quhan thai lak curage,
Myfelf fuld be full femlie with filkis array it j
Qymp, jolie, and gent, richt joyous, and gentryce,
t fuld at faris be found, new facis to fpy ;
JAMES IV. 1488 I5I3. III3
At playis, and preichings, and pilgrimages greit,
To fchaw mj renoun rojalj, quhair preiswasof folk j
To manifefl my makdome to multitude of pepil.
And blaw my bewtie on breid, quhair bernis war m oy
That I micht chois, and be chofin, and change quhea
me lykit.
Than fuld I wail ane full weil, our all the wyde realme.
That fuld my womanheid weild the lang winter nicht.
And quhen I gottin had ane grume, ganeft of uther,
Yaip, and ying, in the yok ane yeir for to draw ;
Fra I had preveit his picht the firft plefand montli,
Than I fuld call me to keik in kirk, and in market.
And all the cuntrie about, kingis court, and uther,
Quhair I ane g ^llaiid micht get aganis the next yeir.
For toperfurneis furch the werk quhen faikeit the
A forky fere, ay furthwart, and forfy in draucht ;
Nothir febil, nor fant, nor fulyeit in labour ;
Bot als frefche of his forme, as flouris in May :
^or all the fruit fuld I fang thoch he the flour-burge-
1 have ane wallidrag, ane worm, ane auld wobat carle^
A waiftit wolroun, na worthe bot wourdjs to clatter 9
Ane bumbart, ane dron-bee, ane bag full of fleume,
Ane fcabbit Ikarth, ane fcorpion, ane fcutarde behind :
To fee him fcart his awin ikyn grit fcunner 1 think.
Quhen kijQis me that carybald, than kyndillis all mj
forow ;
As brifs of ane brym bair his herd is als flifF,
Bot foft and foupil as the filk is his fary lume.
He may weil to the fyn affent, bot fakles is his deldis.
And gory is his tua grym ene gladderit all about.
And gorgit lyk twa guttaris that wet with glar flop-
Bot quhen that glourand gaiil grippis me about.
Than think I hiddovvus M:ihoune hes me in armes:,
Than ma na fynyne me fave fra that auld Sathane ;
For thoch I wefli me all cleine, fra the croun downe.
He will mj corfe all beclip and clap me to his breift.
Quhan fchai^en is that auld Ihak with ane fcharg ra?
Jle fchowis on me his fchewal mouth, and fcheddis my
lippis ;
And with hard hurcheftn ikjn fa heclis he my cheikis,
That as a glemand jieid glowis ray chaftis ;
I fchrenk for the fcharp ilound, but fchout dar I not.
For fchore of that auld fchrew, fchame him betyde !
The luif blenkis of that bogil, fra his bleirit ene.
As Belzebub had on me blent, abafit my fpreit
And quhen the my on me fmirks with his fmaik fmoet
He fipillis lyk ane farfy aver, that flyris on ane fillok.
Quhen that the found of his faw fynkis in my eirisj
Than ay renewis my noy ; or he be neir cumand,
Quhen I heir nemmyt his name, thau mak I nyne
To keip me fra the commerance of that carle mangit j
That full of elduring is, and anger, and all ewil thewis.
I dar nocht luik to my luif for that lene gib ;
He is fa full of jelofy, ard ingyne fals ;
Ever imagining in mynd materis of ewill,
Comparand and cafland caftis ane thoufand
How he fall tak me with ane trane atryll of ane uther.
I dar nocht keik to the knaip that the cop fillis,
For eldning of that auld Ihrew, that ever on ewil}
For he is waiftit, and wome fra Venus' werkis ;
And may not beit wourth ane bein in bed of my myf-
tirs. '^ '
He trows that young folk iyerne yeild for he gane is.
Bot I may yuik all this yeir, or his yerde help ;
JAMES IV. 14881513. ''4I|
And quhan that carjbauld carle wald cljme on my
Than am I dangerus, and daue, and dour of my will.
Yeit leit I never that larbar my leggis ga betwene.
To fyle my flefche, na fummil me, without a fee gret.
And tboch his pen puirlie me payis into bed.
His pu-rs payis richlie in recompens after :
For er he dim on my corfe, that carybauld forlane,
I have conditioun of ane curchef krifp, or filk 9
Ane gown of engranit clayth, ricbt gaylie furrit ;
Ane ring with ane ryal ftane ; or uther ryche juell.
Or reft of his roufty raid, thoch he were redewmyod
For all the buddis of John Blunt, quhen he abone clymis
Methink the baid deir aboucht, fa bawth ar his wer-
And thus I fell him folace, thoch I it four think.
Fra fie a fyre God you faif, my fueit fillers deir I
Quhen that the feimlie had faid hir fentence to end.
Than all thay leuche upon loft, with latis full mirryj
And raucht_the cop round about full of ryclie wynis ;
And ralyeit lang, or thay wald reft, with ryatus
ithe wedo to the tother wlonk warpit thlr wordis ;
Now, fayr fifter, fallis yovv but fenyeing to tell.
Sen men firft with matrimonie yow menkit in kirk.
How have ye fame be your fayth ? Confes us the
That band to blis, or to ban, quhilk yow beft thinkisj
Or yow the Ijk lyf to lej^d into leil fpoufage.
And fyne myfelf you exame on the famen wyfe ;
And I fall fay furth the futh, diflembland na word.
The pkifand faid, I proteft the treuth gif I fchaw.
That of your lounges ye be traift. The uther tui
With that fprang up her fpreit be an fpan heichar.
To fpeik, quoth fche, I fall nocht fpair ; thair is no
fpy neir.
I fall ane lagment reweil fra the rute of my hairt ;
,\ roufl that is fo ranklit quhil ryfic my ftomak ;
jJCow fall the byll all out brift, that beild hes beia
. .^ lang;
For it to beir on my breift is burden our hevie :
I fall the venura avoyd with ane vent large ;
And me affuage of that fwalme, that fuellit was greit.
My hufband was ane huremafter, the hugeaft in erd :
Thairfoir I hait him with my hairt, fo help me our
He was ane young man richt yaip, but not in yowthis
fiouris ;
For he is fadit full far, and feiblit of flrenth.
lie was ane flurriffing frefche within thir few yeirs ;
Bot he is failyet full far, and fulyeit in labour.
He hes bein lichour fa lang quhil loft his nature :
His lume is waxit larbar, and lyis into fwowne.
Was never fugeome war fet na on that fnail tyrit j
For efter fewcn owks reftit will nocht rap anis.
He hes bene waiftit upon wemen, or he me wyf chex-
And In adulterie, in my tyme, I haif him tane oft.
And yet he is als brankand with bonet on fyde.
And bleiikand to the brichteft that in the burgh duels ;
Als courtlle of his cleything, and kemmingof his hair.
As he that is mair valyeant into Venus chalmer.
He femis to be fumthing wourth, that fyphir in hour.
He luikis as he watd luvit be, thocb he be lytil of Va-
He dois as ane dotit dog that dams on all buffis ;
He lifts bis leg upon loft, tho' he nocht lift to pifche.
JAMES IV. 1488 1513^^ 217
He hes ane lulk without luft, and lyfe without ou-
tage ;
He hes ane forme without force, and faffioun but ver-
And fair wourdis but effed, all fruftar of deidis.
He is for ladeis in luif ane richt luilie fliadow.
Bot into derne, at the deid, he fall be droup funding.
He railjes, and maks rippet with rjatus wourdis.
Ay rufing him of his rardis, and rageing in chalmer j
^ot God wait quhat I think quhen he fo thra fpeikis ;
And how it fettis him fo fjd to fege of fie materis.
Bot gl himfelf, of fum ewin, micht ane fa amang
thame , ,-x^. ^r.-, ,v
Bot he nocht ane is, bot nane of nature's poflefloujas.;.
$che that has ane auld man nocht all is begylit : ^ . /
He is at Venus* werkis na war nor he femis.
I weind I had chofin ane jeme, and I have ane geit got-
tin ;
He had the gleyming of gold, and was bot glas fundin
Thoch men be fers, weil I find, fra failye thair curage,
Thair is bot oldnyng or anger thair hairtis within.
Ye fpeik of birdis on bench : of blis may thai Cng,
That, on Sanft Valentine's day, ar vakandis ilk yeir.
Had I that plefand preyelege to part quhan me lykit ;
To change, and ay to cheis agane j than, Chaftitie, a-
dew !
Than fuld I have ane frefche feir to fang in my armis;
To hald ane freik, quhil he fant, may folic be callit.
Upon fie materis I mus at midnicht full aft ;
And murnis fo in my mynd, I murdres myfelf in kair.
Than ly I walkand for wa, and welteris about :
Waryand of my wickit kin, that me away call
To fie ane crandoun but curage that knyt my clere
beawtie !
And thair fo mony kein knichtis this kynrik within :
Vol. I. E e Than
Than think I on a feimlier, the futh for to tellj
Na is our fjr be fic fewin. With that 1 fich oft.
Than he full tenderlie dois turne to me his tume per-
And, with ane yoldin yerd, dois yok me in armes :
And fajis * My foverane fweit thing, quhy fteip ye
nocht better ?
* Me think thair haldis yow ane heit, as ye fum harme
Quoth I, * My hinny, hald abak ; and handle me nocht
* fair.
* Ane hacfhe hes happenit haftelie at my hairt rute.'
With that I feim for to fwoun, thoch I no fwerf tak ;
And thus befweik I that fwane, with my fweit wourds,
I cafl on him a crabbit e : and quhen the cleir day is
cuming, ^
And Icitis it is ane luif blenk, quhen he about gleymis,
I turne it in ane tendir luik, that I in tene waryat ;
And him he haldis hamelie, with hartlie fmyling.
I wald ane tendir peronall that micht no put thole ;
That hathit men with hard geir, for hurtyng of flcfche j
Had my gude man to hir gaifl; : for I dar God fueir.
She fuld nocht ftert for his ftraik ane ftray breid of
And fyne I wald that ilk band, that ye fa blift call.
Had band him fo to that bricht, quhil his bak werkit ;
' And I war abeid brocht with berne that me lykit j
Trow, that bird of my blis fuld ane burde want.
Anone quhen this aimable had endit her fpeche.
Loud lauchand the laif alio wit her meikill.
Thir gay wyffis maid game amang the grene leifBs ;
Thai drank and did away dule under deme bewis.
Thai fuppit at the fueit wyne, thai fwan-quhyt of
hewis ;
lAMES ilr. J48S 1513. ai0
Bot all the pertliar in plane thai put out thair voceis.
Than faid the wedo, I wis thair is no way uther :
Now tydis me for to talk. My taill it is nixt,
God my fpreit now infpyre^ and my fpeiche quicken.
And fend me fentence to fay, fubftantious and nobill !
Sa my preiching may pers your perverll hartis :
And mak yow meikar to men in maneris and condi-
I fchaw you fifteris into fchryft, I Was ane fchrew e-
ver J
Bot ^ wds Ibfaeiie in my fchroude, and (hew me innof
And thoch I dour was, and daue ; difpitous, 4nd bauld ^
I was diiTemblit fubtelie in ane fan^is liknes.
1 femit fobir, and fueit, and fempil without frauds ;
Bot I couth fextie defave that fubtiliar war haldia.
Onto my leflbun ye lith, and leir at me wit.
Gif ye nocht lift be foir forleit with lofengeris un*
Be conftant in your governance, and counterfeit gud
iiianeris :
Thoch ye be kene^ and inconftant^ and cruel of mynd ;
Thoch ye as tygaris be terne, be tretabil in luif.
And be as turtouris in your talk, tho' ye have taillis
brukill ;
Be dragounis bayth and d owi s, ay in doubill forme ;
And quhen it neidis you anone note bytb thair
Be aimabll with humil face^ as angels apperand ;
And with ane terrible tail be ftangand as edderis.
Be of your luik lyk innocentis, thoch ye have ewil
Be courtlie ay in claything, and coftlie arrayit.
That hurtis yow not wourthe ane hen. Yourhufband
payis for all.
Twa hufbands I have had, that held me bayth deyr ;
Thoch I defpytit thame agane, thay fpyit nathing.
Ane was ane hair hachart, that hollit out fleume ;
I haltit him lyk ane hund, thoch I it hid previe.
With kiffing, and with clapping, I gart the carle fon j".
Weil couth I keyr his cruik bak, and keme his cowit
nodil ;
And with ane bukkie in my cheik bo on him behind j
And with ane bek gang about and blier his auld ene ;'
And with ane kynd countenance kys his krynd chiek:
Into my mynd makand raokis at that mad. fader,
Trowand me with trew luif to treyt him fo faire.
This couth I do without dule, and no difeis tak ;
Bot ay mirrie in my mynd, and mefchefous of cheyri
I had ane luftyar leyd, my luft for to floken ;
That couth be fecreit and fure, and ay faif my renoun Y
And few bot at certan tymes, and in fecreit places.
Ay quhan the auld did me anger with akwart wour-
Apon the galand for to goif it glaidit me agane,
I had fie wit that for wo weipit I bot litel j
Bot leit the fueit ay the four to gude feflbun bring,
Quhen that the chuf wad me ch^de, with gyrnand
chaftis, -l-^'^ ,r^=*i;'ii %{ ..'.; i-^^u-nyiM
I wald him chuk, cheik and chyn, and chereis hina for
That his cheif chymmis had the wift to my fone,
Suppois the churle wes gone chaiH, or the child was^
As wyfe woman ay I wrocht, and nocht as wode fule ;
For inair with wylis I wan na rertuoufnes of hand is- '
JAMES IV. 1488 1513. l^ii
Sjfie marelt I ane marchand, michtie of gudis.
He was ane man of myd-eild, and of meyn ftatour ;
Bot we na fallowis war in freyndfchip, nor blude.
In fredome, nor furthbeiring, na fayrnes of perfoun,
Quhilk ay the fule did forget, for febilnes of knaw^i
Bot I fo oft thocht him on quhill angerit his^hart.
And quhilum 1 put furth my voce, and pedder him
callit ;
I wald richt twitchandly in talk be ; I was twys ma-
For endit was my innocence with my aid hufband ;
I was appeirand to be pairt within perfyt eild.
Sua fayis the curat of our kirk^ that knew me full
He is our famous to be fals, that fair wourthy prelot j
I fall be layth to let him lie, quhill I may luik fuchtv
I gar the butchman obey j thair W'as na bute ellis.
He maid me richt hie reverance, fra he me richt knew :
For, tho I fay it myfelf, th feveranis wes meikle
Betwix his baftarde blude, and my birth nobill,
That page wes never of lie pryce for to prefume anis
Unto my perfoun to be peir, had pitie nooht grantit.
Bot mercie into womanheid is ane grit veitew I
For never bot in ane gentil hart is generit ony reirth.
I held ay grein into his mynd that 1 of grace tuifc
him ;
And that he culd ken himfelf I curteflie him lierit.
He durll fit anis my fummonds j for fecond charge,
He was ay reddie for to ryn ; fo fayd he was for blame.
Bot ay my will was the war of womanlie nature j
The mair he loutit for my luif, the lefs of him I rakit.
And eik this is ane farlie thing, or I him faith gaif
1 had fie favour to that freik, and feid fyne for evir.
Quhen 1 the cure had all clein ; and him ourcumiii
haill ;
I crew abone that crawdoun, as cok that was vlftor.
Quhen I him faw fubjedlit, and fet at my bidding.
That I him lichtleit as ane loune ^ and laithit his ma-
Than wox I fo unmerciful, to martyr him I thocht ;
For, as ane beift, I broddit him to all boyis labour :
I wald have rydden him to Rome, with ane raip in his
War nocht rufhll of my renoun, and rumour of pepil^
And yit hatrent I hid within my hart all ;
Bot quhillis it hapit fo huge, quhil it befid out.
Yet tuk I never the wifp clein out of my "s^yd throtj
Quhill I ocht wantit of my wil, or quhat I wald de-
Bot qnhanp I feverit had the fyt of fubftance in erde ;
And gottin his biggings to my barne, and his borow-*
landis ;
Than with ane ilew ftert oUt the ftoppel of my hals :
^hat he all ftunneift of that iloand, as of ane fteil wa-
Than wald I, after lang froft^ fa fane halve bein wro-
That I to flyt was als fers as ane fell dragoun:
I had for flattering of that fule fenyet fo lang.
My evidentis of herytage or thai war all felit.
My breifl that was greit beild, and bowden was fa
That neir my barrat out brift or the l>and making.
Bot quhen my billis and my bauthles was all braid fe*
I wald na langer beir on brydil, bot braid up my heid :
Thair micht na mollat mak me moy, nor hald my
mouth in ;
1 gar the reinyes rak, and ryf into fchundyr.
1 maid
JAMES TV. i488-,-r5t3. 3lJ
I maid that wyf-carl to wirk all wemmenis werkis ;
And laid all manlie materis, and menlk in this erde ;
Than faid I to my cummeris, in confale about,
* See how I cabeld yon cowt with ane kein brydil !
* The caplll, that the crelis kuyft in the cafF middin,
^ Sa courtlafslie the carte drawis, and kennis no plungc-
* He ig nocht Ikeych, nojr yet Ikeir, na Ikippis nocht on
* fyde.'
And thus the fcorne and the Ikaith fcapit he nother.
He was na glaidfum gaift for ane gay lady :
Tharfor I gat him again, that ganyt him better ;
He wes a grit goldit man, and of gudis riche.
I leit him be my lumbart to lous all my naiflerls 5
And he was fane for to fang fj-e me that fayr office :
An^ thocht my favouris to find throw his fell gift is..
He graythit me in gay filk, and gudelie arrayis ;
In gounis of ingraint clay th, and greit goldin chenyeis^
In ringis ryallie fet with ryche rubie ftanis ;
Quhill all helie rais my renoun amang the rude peipil.
Bot I full craftelie did keip thai courtlie weidis
Quhill efter deid of that drowp, that docht not in chal-
Thoch he of all my clathis maid- cofl and expens,
Ane uther fall the wirlhip have, that weilds me efter.
And thoch I lykit him bot lytil, yet for the luif of u-
I wald me prein plefandlie in precious wedis,
That luffaris micht upon me luik, and young luftie
That I held mair in dayntie, and deirar be full mekill,
Na him, that dreflit me fa denk. Full doytit was his
Ouhan he was bcriet out of hand^ to hee up mj ho*
nour, ,
Aod payntit me as pacok, proudeft of fedderis,
I him mi&end, be Crjft ; and cukkald him maid.
I him fprleit as ane lad, and laithit him mekil : _,
J thocht myfelf ane papingaj, and him ane pluchit.
And thus enforfit he his fa, and fortifjt my ftrenth j
And maid ane ilalwart ilaff to ilrack himfelf doune.
Bot of ane bourd into bed I fail yow "breif yit.
Quhan he ane haill yeir was haint, and him behuvi^
And I wes layth to be loppin with iic ane lob aver,
Als lang as he was on loft, I luikit on him never j
And leit never in my thocht that he my thing percit j. -
Bot ay in mind ane uther man imaginit that I had ;
Or ells I had never mirrie bein of that mirthlefs raid^
Quhen I that grome geldit had of gudis, and of. na^
Methocht him grafles onto goif, fa me God help. A
Quhen he had warit all on me his welth, and his fub
Methocht his wit wes quyt went away with the laif j
And fo I did him difpys, I fpittit quhen I faw him.
That fuperexpendit ewil of fpreit, fpulyeit of all ver
For, weil ye wit wyffis, that he that wantis rycbes,
And valeandnes -in Venus play, he is full vyl haldin j
Full frufter is his frefch array, and fairnes of per-
All is hot fruitles his efFeir, and failyes at the upwith.
I buikit up my barnis lyk barounis fonnis.
And maid his fulis ; (of the fry of his firfl wyf.)
I baneift fra my bounds his brether ilkane :
.His freyndis as my fayis I had at feid ever ;
Be this ye beleif may I lufit nocht himfelf ;
James IV. 1488 1513. 21$
Fot never I lykit ane leid that langit till his bluid.
And yit thir wjfe men wait that all wyfis ewil
Ar kend with thair conditioiins, and knawin with the
Deid is now that divyr, and doUyne in erde.
With him deit all my dule, and my drery thochtis.
JMow done is my dullie nicht ; my day is upfpringin-,
Adew dolour ! Adew ! My daynte now beginnis.
Now ame I ane wedow I wys ; and weil am at eis.
I weip as I war woful, hot weil is me for ever :
I bufk as I war bailful, bot blyth is my hart :
My mothe makis murning, and my mynd lauchis.
My clokis thai ar cairful in colour of fabil ;
But courtlie and curious is my corps thairunder.
I droup with ane deid luik in my dule habite,
As with mannis dail I done had for dayis of my lyf.
Quhen that I go t6 the kirk, cled in cairweids,
As fox in ane lambis fleife feinye 1 my cheir :
Than lay I furth my bricht buik in breid on my kne^
With raony luftie letter illuminit with gold ;
And drawis my clouk fordwart our my face quhyt, '
That I may fpy, unfpyitj ane fpace bq my fyde.
Full oft I blenk by my buke, and blinnis of devo-
To fe quhat berne is beft brannit, or braided in fchul-
Or forgeit is maift forflie, to furjieis ane bankat
In Venus chalmer, valiantlie withouttin vane rufe.
As the new mone all pale, oppreflit with change,
Kythis quhillis hir cleir face throw cluddis of fabill^
So keik I throw my clouks, and caftis kynd lukis .
To knychtis, and to clerkis, and to courtlie perfouns.
Quhen freyndis of my hufbandis beholds me on far.
Vol. I. F f I hov{5
I have my wattir fponge for wa, within my wide clo-
Than wring I it full wylelie, and weitis my cheikis ;
With that watteris my ein, and welteris doun teiris.
Than fay they all, that fittis about, * Se ye nocht, a-
lace !
* Yon luftles leid fo lilelie fcho luffit hir hufband !
* Yone is a pete to emprent in a princes hart,
* That fie ane perle of plefaunce fuld yon pain drie !*
I fane me as I war ane fanft, and femis ane angel ;
At language of lichorie I leit as I war crabbit :
I fich, without fair harte, or feiknes in bodie ;
According to my fabill weid I maun have fad mane-
Or thai will fee all the futh. For, certis, we wemen
We fet us all fra the fichte to fyle men of treuth :
We dule for na evil deidis fa it be derne halden.
Wyfe wemen hes wayis, and wounderful gydingis.
With greit ingyne to begaik thair jeleous hufbandis :
And quietlie with fie craft gydis our materis.
That, under Chryft, no creature kennis of our doingis.
Bot folk ane cure may miikuke, that knawlegis wan-
tis ;
And hes no colouris for to cover thair awin kyndlie
faltis i
And dois as thir damifellis, for derne doytit luf
That dogonis haldis in dawte, and delis with thame fa
Quhill all the cuntre knaw thair kyndnes of fayth.
Fayth hes ane fair name, bot falfit faris better.
Fy on hir that can nocht fenye hir awin fame to fave !
Yet am I wys in fie wark, and was all my tyme ;
Thoch I want wit in wardlines, I wylis have in luif :
As ony happie woman hes that is of hie blude.
Hutit be the halok lafs ane hundreth yeir of elld
Quha is cald to Venus* werkis, and to fucit plefour f
I have
JAMES IV. 145^8 1513. 227
I have ane fecreit fervand, richt fobir of his bung.
That me fupp'ortis of fie nedis, quhen I a fjne mak.
Thoch he be fempil to the ficht, he has aue tung fa-
ker ;
Full mony fetnlyar fege war fervice dois mak.
Thoch I have cayr under clouk the cher day to the
Yet I have folace under fark quhil the fone ryj.
Yet am } haldea ane halle wyfe our all the haill
fchyre ;
I am fo peteous to the pure, quhen thair is perfouns
many ;
In paffing of pilgramage I pryd me full meikill ;
Mair for the preis of the pepil, nor ony pardoun win-
BoJ yet me think the beft bourd, quhen barounis and
And uther bacheluris, blyth blumyng in youth.
And all my lufaris leill, my lugeing perfewis.
Sum fillis me wyne wantounlie, with weil fayr and
Sum rownys : fum railyeis : s^nd fum reidis ballatis :
Sum ravei s full rudelie with riatus fpeche :
Sum plenis ; and fum prayis : fum pray fis my bewte.
Sum kiffis me j fum clappis me j fum kynclncfs me pro-
Sum karvis to me curtaQie ; fum me the cope gevis :
Sum ftalwardlie fteppis ben, with ane ftout curage.
And ane ftifF Hand and thing ftavis in my neif.
And mony blenkis ben our that but our fittis,
That may nocht, for the thik thrang, thryf as thai
But with my fair calling, I comfort them all ;
For he that fittis me nixt, I nip on his fyngar ;
I ferve
I ferve him on the tother fide on the famyn faflbun j
And he that behind me fittis, hard on him I lene ;
And him befoir me, with my fute faft on his I tramp ;
And to the bernis far but fweit blenkis I call.
To every man in fpecial I fpeik fum wourdis,
Sa wyflie, and fa womanlie, quhil warmis thair har-
Thair is no levand leid fa law of degre
That fall me luif unlufit ; I am fo luik hartit.
And gif his luft be fo lent to my lyre quhyt.
That he be loft or with me lig, his lyf fall have no dan-
I am fo merciful in mynd, and menis all wichtis,
My fillie faul fall be fanf, quhen fall not all jugcis.
Ladeis le^^JthixLlelTouns \ and be nocht laffis fundin.
Tliis is the legeant of my lyfe, thoch latyne it be nane.
Quhen endit had hir ornat fpeche this eloquent wedo,
Loud than leuch all the laif, and lovit hir mekle.
And faid, '* Thai fuld exemple tak of hir fovrane
*' teiching :
*' And wirk after hir wourdis that woman was fa pru-
Than culed thai^jii^-ojioi^tliiswitli comfortable drin-
kis ; ,'ail/v> -".i. ;;(:) -!i;J,".t;"i'n,i: ;-'. <
And parpit full cummerlyke, with cog^oroingjrouiad.
Thus draif thai our that deir nicht with danteis full
noble. 4.^
Quhill that the day did updaw, and dew donkit flou-
The morrow mylcj was and meik ; tlic mavis did fing,
And all removit the niift, and the meid fmellit i
Silver fchouris doun fchuik, as the fchein criftell :
And birdis fchoutit in the fchaw with thair fchill no-
tis. , ; *.,';*-
JAMES IV. X488 I5l3f^'-'^5'''**^ ' 22 f
The goldin gHtterandglexe fo glaidit thair. hal rtjs.
Thai maid ane glorcus gle amang the grene bewis.
Tlje foft fouth of the fwyre, and found of the ftremes,
The fweit favour of the fwairde, and finging of fewlis,
Micht confort anj creature of the kyn of Adam ;
And kyndil agane his curage, though it war cauld flok-
Than rais thir rojal rofis, in thaif fiche X^edis,
And raikit hame to thair reft, throw the rys blumeis-.
And I all prevelie paft to ane plefand arbeir, ' ** ' - *
And with my pen did report thair paftjme mofl' mlr-
rie. ' .
Ye auditours mod honorabill, that efis hes giffia
Pnto this unkouth adventure, qnhilk airlie me hap-
pint, \ ^
Of thir thre wantoun wyffis, that I have wrlttln heir,
Quhilk wald ye waill to your wyf, gif ye fukl wed
*j,* The reader will here perceive a greater appearance of antltjuitjr
than in many of the preceding poems ; but this is owing folely to the al-
literation, and conf:t]uent ufe of old and uncommon words. The verfe
approaches near to the Latin heroic meafure; and feems to be the ear-
litft example of blank veife in the Scottifli language. It requires to be
read in the fame manner as Holland's Howlat, and pcflibly may have
been written to the meafure of fome mufical chaunt or tune. Another
fingularity in the coiifttuiSion of this kind of vfrfe wa?, that three or
more words in each line fhnuld begin with one letter, and thefe letters
have been ftylcJ Uterj: canorje ; but not always with good leifon, for
the mulical accent fonictimes falls fyllabically upoa none 0/ them.
For elegance of defcripticn, and knowledge oFlife, this tale is certain-
ly equal to any of Cliiucer ; unfortunately, it has alfo that fejture of
Chaucer's tales, his iinmodtfly, which would have excluded it from thig
colle(5lion, had t ot the tale been eminently curious as a pidlure of the
'Jmss ; %Yhcu vice rttF.is to have " ftalksd about in naked deformity."
P. 310. 1 4. Hawthorn irels. Compare the defcripiion of a garden
in rV.t poeic cf Kingj ^air by Jiines I. In the preceding line, gartby
from the Cfrlf: % fignifies an inehfurti trom which the woidgarJen. i he
hawthoiT hedges that furrcuiided th-! royai gardeo at Wjnafor were in-
terfpcrfert wirh juniper. In line H'h, Dunbar mention* the holyn, or
hoHy, a bt^iutiful tree tn;.' anciently A-as, -and is now, frequent in Scot-
land, where it grows to gre^t fize in the woods. As fuch it is mention,
cd in the Life of Wallace.
L. 9. Dirken efter myrtbh. Probably " to hide' myfelf in obfcurity
after a merry day." Dynnit, in the M. S. is dynit, with the end of the
y turned up backwards. Mr Pinkerton pjts it dynarit, to fignify fid,
Tha copy in the printed colledlion 1508, wants fome leaves at the be-
P. ail. 1. 9. So glitterlt as the go-wJ, &LC. Compare with Henry-
fon's defcription of a ladies drefs, p. 151, and that of James the I, in hii
^air, p. 21. A fine defcription of the drefs of a lady of rank alfb ocv
curs in Lindfay's hiflory of Squire Mcldrum :
Her kirtle was of fcarlet reid :
Oi gold ane garland on her head,
Dcolred with ennamelyne :
Belt, ami brotches of Giver fyne.
Of yallow taffetie was her farke,
B'garyed all with broderi tt wark
Right craftelie with gold and lilk.
Krifp muft fignify cambric or fine linen.
P. 211. 1. 23. jirrayit ryallie, &c. " They fat in an arbour which w^a
furrounded with many a rich plot of flowers of every hue and deli-
cious fmell."
P. 211. 1. 31. TVlouis. Mr Pjrkerton does not offer any conjeflure
with rtfpetft to the meaning of this word ; nor is tlicre any word fimi-
Jar to it in Ruddiman's Gloflary to Douglas's Virgil. But Liuke occurs
in Chaucer, and Mr lyrrwhit fuppofes jt may Le formed from, or fy-
nonimous to /oiu<, /of/, &c. ; Cgnifying an idle fellow. Here it may
be ufcd for goflip, or talkative woman.
P. 413. 1. 21. Flour-burgeon. Though the meaning o{ burgean be clear,
namely a bud, yet that of the line is not very apparent. Perhaps, fiys
Mr Pinkerton, it is, " For though he difplayed hut the flower of youth,
yet I ftiould jiaiher fruit of him." May it not rather be, " I would
gather the trie/; of the fruit, although the blolToms flouriflied in the
bigheft profufion."
In the next four lines we have a tolerable famplc of thofe opprobrious
epithets with v^hicb the old Scottifli language fecms to have abQundcd. .
James iv. 1488 15 13. ^31
Mr Pinkerton puts the following amonp; the "wards net undtrJItoJ ; ivobat,
ivelroun, carybald,Jharth. The laft certainly means, " a fomething nei.
ther male nor female," the wora beiriji, f'ill in common ufe among
fhcpherds. Wobat, or wobeit, may be -wobeyd, iveB-ey'd, the eye cover-
ed with a web or film, CaryhaU, is perliaps from knarry-bald ; knarry
means " full of hard knots," and thertfore this epithet may fignify,
" Bald pate covered with excrefcencies," as frequently is the cafe with
old people. Wclroun waijiit, probably may be a tvell-run, or ftreamlct
of a well, parched or dried up -well, iu fome paits of Scotland, being
Commonly pronounced %vcll.
P. 3i8. 1. 3*. AUo^wit, commended, or pralfcd. When a perfon ap"
proved of what was i'aid or done by another, the common phrafe in
Scotland, even lately, was al low, or " J loiv" equivalent to vrcll faid,
or well done.
P. 220. 1. 32. Chymmls, in Ruddiman's Gloffary, is leufetf but here it
fecms to have fome other meaning. Can it be. His favourite or con-
flant theme was exprefficns of fondnefs for my fon ? A few lines before
this, the word Jifeis means fimply uneafmefs.
P. 324. 1. II. Farfy aiiery a poor horfe ha^fing that difeafe called " the
farfey." Aver and iafpul, or cafil, were fynonyrtious; The firfl is ftill
ufed occafionally ; and Avenar, in old Englifh, is hoAler.
P. 226. 1. 27. Dogonis. Doguin, Fr. is whclp. Does this mean lap>dog9,
or followers ? P. It feems lo be fome cant term for paramours.
^ha is cauld, 8ic. This line is neither in the M. S. nor ancient
printed copy, but is fupplied by Mr Pinkerton, as being nrccflary to the
fenfe. P. 227 and 228 prefent us with a moil ctiriout piflure of a reutc
in the reign of James IV,
- hy Dunbar, is found in both the ancient Manufcripts,
hut with fever al variations which have here been at-
tended to. It prefents us with a curious piSiure from
the life, in the burlefqueflyle of the Flemijh painters. 'I
Jlvycht airlie on Afli Wede'nefdaj,
Drynkand the wjnc fatt cummeris tway ;
The tane couth to the tother complene ;
Graneand and fuppand can fcho fay.
This lang Lentrune has maid me lene.
Bef jd the fyr, quhair that fcho fatt,
God wait gif fcho was grit and fatt ;
Yet to be febil fcho did her fene.
And aj fcho faid, lat's preif of that,
That Lentrune fall nocht mak us lene.
My fair ifueit cummer, quod the tother
Ye tak that nigartnefs of your muther.
All wyne to teft fcho wald difdene
Bot mavafic, fcho bad nane uther
That Lentrune fuld nocht mak her lene.
Cummer, be blythe bayth evin and morrow,
And let your hufband dre the forrow,
Fra our lang fading you refrene
Thocht ye fuld bayth beg and borrow
That Lentrune fuld nocht mak you lene.
JAMES IV. 1488 1513. 3J3
Your counfale, cummer, is gud quod Ichio
AH is to teme him that I do,
In bed he is iiocht worthe ane bene j
Fill fou the cop, a jid drynk_ m^e tg^
That Lentrune fall nocht mak us lene.
Of wjne out of ane choppyne ftoup
Thai drank thre quartis foup and foup^
Sic drouth and thrift was them betwene j . . ,
Bot than to mend thai had gud houp
That Lentrune fuid nocht mak them Ifine,
St. 3, I. a. &c. The Majt. M. S. reads
Ye tak that migarnefs, &c.
Ill wyne to tcft, &c.
Mava/te, Fr. Malmfey. It muft here mean fome inferior fort cf
Vol. I. ' , (i g isuN^AR's
dunbar's dirige To the kin6
bydand our lang in stirling.
*' 7^/j performance^"* fays Lord HaiLES, ** is a hold,
** iind profane parody of the litanies of the church of
** Rome. Protejlants cannot .he fully fenfible of its
" irreligious nature. Had James V. retained the
** leafl appearance of devotion,^ no poet durjl have ad-
** dreffed him in fuch a Jiyle. Tet LESLEY extols
" jAUEsfor his ardent -zeal againfl heretics P
'The King whom Dunbar here addrejfes, cannot fur e-
ly he James V. hut James IV. Lord Hailes, on
another occafton, fays that Dunbar's Lament for the
Death of the Poets muji have heen written when he
was far advanced in years. His Lordfhip did not
then know that the Lament was printed fo early as
1508, and written probably fome years before y let us
fippofe in 1505, that is, about the ^oth year of the
Poefs age. If this poem was addreffed to J AMES V.
the King mufl have heen then at leaf twenty or twen-
ty-five years old, and the age q/"DuNBAR would thus
be about 75, or 80, which is contrary to every prO'
hability ; the pieces written by DuNBAR in his latter
years y being entirely of a religious or moral cafl.
Spottiswood, in his Hiftory of Religious Houfes,-
fays that JaMEs IV. ufed, efpecially in lent time, to
become Francifcan Monk at Stirling, -where he found-
ed a convent for that order in 1494. 'This poem
might probably be written a few years afterwards ;
as alfo the fubfequent one, which informs us that it had
heen recommended to Dunbar, perhaps from high au-
JAME5 IV. 1488 15'3 235
thority, that he fhould become a Friar of this the
King^s favourite order. The Ufe or charaBer of a
Monky however f not being to his liking, the propofal
was rej'eSied. His views ^ at that time, were higher :
ga bring to me ane Bifchop's weid
Gif ever thow wald my faul gaid unto hevin.
Great ;mujl have been the Foetus humiliation luhe^
in old age he thus addrefes the King .:
I wes in yowth on nureis kne
" Dandely, Bifchop, dandely.**
And when that age now do is me greif,
Ane femple Vicar I may nocht be.
^nd again, on another occafon^
Greit abbais grayth I nill to gadder,
Bot ane kirk, fcant coverit with hadder.
For I of lytil wald be fane, &c.
Kven this, it does not appear, that he ever obtained.
W E that ar heir in Heaven's glory,
To you that ar in purgatory,
Commends us on our hearty ways,
I mene we folk in paradyce,
In Edinbrugh with all mirrynefs,
To you in Stirvling in diftrefs,
Quhair nowther pleafance nor delyt is.
For pity this epiilell wrytis,
O ye hermits and hankerfaidlis,
That takis your penance at your tables^
And eitis nocht meit rellorative.
Nor drink no wyne confortative,
3ut ale and that is thin and fmall.
With few courfes into your hall,
Bot company of Lords oj: Knychts,
Or ony uther guidly wichts,
Solitar walkand your alone,
Seing naething but ftock or Hone
Out of your painfull purgatory,
tTo bring you to the blefs of glory :
Of Edinbrugh the rairry toun
We fall begin a cairfull foun,
Ane dregy kynd, devout and meik.
The bleft abune we fall befeik
You to delyvir out of your noy.
And bring you fune to Edinbrugh's joy,
Thair to be mirry an^ng your freifl s.
And fae the dregy thus begins.
The fader, the fon, and haly gaift.
The mirthfull Mary, virgin chaflr.
Of angels all the orders nyne.
And all the heavenly court divyne,
Sune bring ye frae the pyne and wae
Of Stirvling, ilka court mans fae.
Again to Edinbrugh's joy and blifs,
Quhair worfchip, wealth and weilfair is,
Play, pleafance, and eik honefty,
Say ye amen, for Charity.
Re/jbonjio, tu autem Domine,
Tak confolation in your pain
In tribulation, tak confolation.
Out of vexation cum hame again,
Tak confolation in your pain.
JAMES IV. 1488 15 13. 137
yuhe DofH, "behediclte.'
Out of diftrefs of Stirvling toun
To Edinbrugh blefs, God mak ye boun.
Patriarchs, prophets and apoftles deir.
Virgins, confeflburis, martjris cleir.
And all the feat celeftiall.
Devoutly we upon them call.
That fune out of your painis fell.
Ye may in Heaven heir with us dwell ,
, To eat cran, pertrick, fwan, and pliver.
And every fifch that fwyms in river.
To drink with us the new frefch wyne
That grew upon the river Ryne,
Frefch fragrant Clarits out of France,
Of Angiers and of Orliance,
With mony comforts of grit dainty.
Say ye Amen, for charity.
Refponjioy tu autem Horn,
God and Sanl Jeil heir yotr convoy
Baith fune and weil, God and Sandl Jeil,
To fonce and feil, folace and joy,
God and Sanl Jeil heir you convoy.
Out of Stirvlings painis fell,
In Edinbrugh joy, fune mot ye dwell. '
We pray to all the faints in Heaven,
That ar abune the ftarnis feveh.
You to bring out of your penance.
That ye may fune ling, play and daunce
In Edinbrugh heir, and mak gude cheir,
Quher wealth and weilfare is bot weir ;
And I that do your pains difcrjve
Intend to viffjr you belyve.
In defart not with you to dwell.
But as the angei faint Qabriell
Dois go betwein, frae Heaven's glory,
To them that ar in purgatory.
Sum confolation them to give,
' Quhyle they in tribulation live,
Andfchaw them, quhen thair pains ar paft.
They fall cum up to Heaven at laft ;
IHou nane defervs to haif fweitnefs.
That nevir taftit bitttemefs ;
And therfor hou fuld ye confidder
Of Edinbrugh's blefs, quhen you cum bidder :
But gif ye taftit had befoir
Of Stirvling toun, the painis foir.
And therefore tak in patience
Your penance and your abftinence.
And ye fall cum or yule begin
Into the blefs that we ar in ;
Quhilk grant we pray to all on by, \
Say ye Amen, for charity. ^
Refponf. tu autem Dotn.
Cum hame and dwell nae mair in Stirvling^
Frae hydious hell cum hame and dwell,
Quhair fifch to fell ar nane but fpirrling.
Cum hame and dwell nae mair in Stirvling. -
Et ne nos inducas in temptationem de Stirvling,
Sed libera nos a malo illius.
Requiem Edinburgi dona iis, Domtne,
Et lux ipjius luceat iis ;
A porta trijliciee de Stirvling,
OrnUi Domincy animos et corpora eorum :
Credo gufiare Jlatim vinum Edinburgi,
jfAMEg ir. 1488151^. i^^
In villa viventium,
Kequiefcant Edinburgh. Ameri.
Deus, quijujios in corde humiles
JEx omnium eorum irihuldtione liherare dignatUs eSf
Libera f amnios tuos dpud villam Stirvling verfuntes^
A pcenis \3 trijiitiis ejufd^my
Et adY.6Xnh\xrg\ gaudia eos perdiibaft
Ui requiefcat Stirvling. Amsm
l^See introduQion to the preceding poem, p. 234. It
has been urged as an argument againji the antiquity
of that fine ballad. The Flowers of the Foreft, that
preachings were unknown till the reformation. This,
however, is a mifiake. In this poem we find Dunbar
boafiing of his having preached in the pulpit at Caii"
terbury ; and David Lindsay, in his Papingo, writ'
ten in 1530, faysy
War nocht the preching of the beggyng freris,
Tint war the faith amang the fecularis.
Ihe preaching Friars had been infiituted in the thir-
teenth century, with the intention of refioring that du-
ty, often negleBed by the fitperior clergy ^ and of op-
P'ofing the popular preaching of the Lollards. Preach-
ings are mentioned by Chaucer in the Wife of Bath's
Prologue, and in the Second Merchants Tale afcribed
to him ; alfo by DuNBAR in his tale of the Twa Ma-
xiit wemen and the wedo, p. 213.
1 HIS nytht hefoir the dawing cleir
Methocht SandTTrancis did to me appeir.
With ane religious habite in his hand.
And faid, In this go cleith the my fervand,
Refufe the warld, for thow mon be a freir.
With him and with his habeit bayth I Ikarrir,
Like to ane man that with a gaift wes marrit :
' Methocht
JAMES IV. 1488 1 513. 241
Methocht on bed he lajld it me abone ;
Bot on the flure deljverlj" and fone
I lap thairfra, and nevir wald cum nar it.
Quoth he, quhy fl^arris thow at %his holy weid ?
Cloith the tharin, for weir it thow m^ft neid j
Thow that hes lang done Venus lawis teiche.
Sail now be freir, and in this habeit preiche ;
Delaj it nocht, it mon be done bu t dr eid.
"^^ III 'to
Quoth I, Sand Francis, loving be the till,
And thankit mot thow be of thy gude will
To me, that of thy clayis ar fo kynd ;
Bot thame to weir it neyircomg_injiiy_m^Uld :
Sweet confeflbur, thow tak it nocht in ill.
In hgly legend is have I hard allevin.
Ma fanftis of bifchoppis, nor freiris, be fie fevin $
Of full few freiris that has bene fanftis I reid ;
Quhairfoir ga bring to me ane bifchopis weid^
Gife evir thow wald my faule gaid unto hevin.
My brethir oft hes maid the fupplicatiouns.
Be epiftillis, fermonis, and relatiounis,
To tak this habeit j bot thow did poftpone 5
Bu^ forder procefs cum on ; thairfoir anone
All circumftance put by and excufationis.
Gif evir my fortoun wes to be a freir,
The dait thairof is paft full mony a yeir j
For into every lufty toun and place,
Vol. I. Hh Oft
Off all Yngland, from Berwick to Calice,
1 half into thj habeit maid gud cheir.
In freiris weid full fairly haif I fieichit,
in it haif I in pulpet gone and preichit
In Derntoun kirk, and eik in Canterberry ;
In it I paft at Dover our the ferry,
Throw Piccardy, and thair tl>e peple teichit.
Als lang as I did beir the freiris ftyle.
In me, God wait, wes mony wiink and wyle;
In ntie wes falfet with every wicht to flatter,
Quhilk mycht be flemit with na haly waiter ;
I wes ay reddy all naen to begyle.
This freir that did Sanft Francis thair appeir,
Ane fieind he wes in liknes of ane freir ;
He vaneift away with ftynk and fyrrie fmowk ;
With him methocht all the houfe end he towk.
And I awoik as wy that wes in weir. -
J[Thts is certainly a Jirange produElion coming from tht
pen of a candidate for church preferment ^ but it is
attributed to D UNBAR in both of the ancient Manii-
fcripts. -
Hijiorians inform us that the piety or fuperjlition of
jAMfts IV. was not more violent than his difpbftioti
to amorous fm ; that he ufed frequently to travel, df-
guifed and unknown through a great part of his king-
dom, and to lodge in the hovels df the meanefl of his
fubje&s ; partly, no doubt, with a view of gratify^
tng his propenjity to vague and fugitive amours,,
*' While the people enjoyed his equitable and profpe*
rous government, they feem to h ive fmiled at his ir-
regularities^ Even the daughters of the nobles
yielded to his attraSlions of perfon and rank. By
Mahy Boyd, daughter o/* Archibald Boyd of Bon-
fhaw, he had iffue, Alexander, Archbi/hop of St.
Andrews, and Catharine, wedded to the Earl of
Morton ; by Jean Kennedy, daughter of the Earl
OF Cassilis, he hjd James, Earl of Murray ; by
. Margaret, daughter of Lord Drummond, he had
Margaret, wedded to the heir of Huntley ; and
by Isabel Stuart, daughter of the Earl of Bu-
CHAN, he had Jean, married to Malcolm, Lord
I HIS hinder nicht In Dunfermeling^
To me wes tauld ane wonder thing.
That lait ane Tod wes with ane Lame,
And with hir playit, and mait gud game ;
Syne till his breift did hir imbrace,
And wald haif rydden hir lyk ane ram.
And that methocht ane ferly cafe.
He braift hir b onny bodie fweit.
And halfl hir with his forder feit,
Syne fchuke his tail with whindge and yelp j
And todlit with hir lyke ane quhelp.
Then lourit on growf, and alkit grac ;
And ay the Lame cryd, lady help,
And that methocht ane ferly cafe.
The Tod was nowthir lein nor fcowryj
He wes ane lully reid-haird Lowry,
Ane lang taild beifl and grit withall ;
The filly Lame was all to fmall,
To fie ane tribbel to hald ane bafe :
Scho fled him not. fair mot hir fall,
And that methocht ane ferly cafe,
The Tod wes reid, the Lame wes quhyte,
Scho wes ane morfell of delyte ;
He iuvit nae yowis auld, teuch and Iklender,
Becaufe this Lame wes yung and tender.
JAMES IV. 148815x3. 245
He ran upon hit with a race.
And fcho fchup nevlr till defend hir.
And this methocht ane ferlj cafe.
He grippit hir atsout the wefti
And handilt hir as he had heft ;
This innocent that neir trefpaft,
Tuke heart thoch fcho was handilt faft,
And lute him kifs hir lufty face :
His girnand gams hir nocht agaft,
And that methocht ane ferly cafco
He held hir till him be the hals.
And fpak full fair thocht he wes fals ;
Sjne faid and fwore to hir be God,
That he fuld not twich hir piein-cod.
The filly thing trow'd him, allace !
The Lame gaif creddance to the Todj
And that methocht ane ferly cafe. -
I will nae leifings put in verfe,
Lyke as fum j anglers do reherfe ;
But be quhat manner they wer mard,
Quhen licht wes out and dores were bard :
1 wate not gif he gaif hir grace j
But all the hoUis wer ftoppit hard,
And that methocht ane ferly cafe.
Quhen men dois fleit in joy maift far,
Sune cummis wae or they be war,
Quhen carpand wer thir twa maift croufs^
The wowf he ombefet the houfe,
Upon the Tod to mak ane chace :
The Lame thah cheipit Ijke ane moafe^
And that methoch ane ferlj cafe.
- IX.
Throw hyddowis howling of the wowf.
This wylie Tod plat doun on growf j
And in the filly Lames fkin,
He crap as far as he micht win.
And hid him thair ane Weill lang fpace 5
The yowis befyde they made nae din,
A,id that methocht ane ferly cafe. '
Qiihen of the Tod wes hard no peip.
The wowf went all had bene afl\.ip ;
And quhyle the Tod had ftriken ten.
The wowf he dreft him to his den,
Piroteftand for the fecond place :
And this report I with my pen,
How at Dunfeimling fell the cafe.
^ V'his poem is in both the ancient ManufQriptSy and mujl
allude to the old Court of SeJJiony created in 14251 re-
gulated anew in 1457, and apparently abolijhed in
1503, at leaji in fome degree^ by the injlitution of the
Lords of Daily Council , npho, injlead of ftting by
Tef-ms or SeJJionsy ijoere ordained to ft continually, to
decide on all civil matters^ 'iSc. "To thi^t permanent
Court f the title of THE SESSION does not feem quite
applica^ue ; and the College of Jujiice, in its prefent
form, was not inflituted until 1532, about ten years
after the death of DuNBAR. We majf therefore fup^
pofe the poem to have been written about the year
1300. The Lords of SeJJion then confijied of com-
mittees of members of the Parliamentary EJiates,
who fat by turns. One of the regulations of i^z^'^ is
curious : *^ As tuitching the expences of the f aid 'Jud-
ges, the Lordes of the three ejlaites thinks that the
Lordes of Seffion^ of their awin benevolence, Jould
, bear thair awin cofis, confdering the fhortnefs of the
time of thair ftting, the quhilk is but for tie days, and
peradventure, in fevin yeire not to come again to
them!'* They were, however, allowed a ihare of fome
trifling fines for offences, that feemingly did not affect
life or limb.'}
JlVne murelandis man of uplandis mak,
At hame thus to his nychbour fpak,
~~~~~ _ Quhat
Quha^^idmgs, goflep ? pea x or wei r?
The tother rounit in his eir,
I tell yow this under confeffionn.
Bat laitlj lichtit of my meir,
I come of Edinburgh fra the feflioun.
Quhat tydinjgU^har^LjceJtfeLHr* I P. ^^Y j o^ ?
The tother anfwerit, I fall fay yow ;
Keip thjs^aU fecreit, gentill brother,
Ts na man thair that treflis ane uther :
Ane common doer of tranfgreffioun.
Of innocent folkis prevenis a futher ;
Sic tydings hard I at the feilloun.
Sum with his fallow rownis him to plels
That wald for anger byt aff his neis.
His fa fum by the oxtar leidis ;
Sum patteris with his mowth on beids.
That hes his mynd all on oppreffioun ;
Sum beckis full law, and fchawis bair heidis^
Wald luke full heich war not the feffioun,
^nm bidand the law, layis land in wed j
Sum fuperfpendit gois to his bed ;
Spm fpeidis, for he in court hes meins j
Sum of partialitie complenis,
How feid and favour flemis difcretioun ;
Sum fpeikis full fair, and falfsly fenis :
Sic thingis hard I at the feffioun.
Sum cafts fummondis, and fum exceptis ;
Sum {land befyd and ikaild law keppis j
JAMES IV. 1488 1 5 13. 249
Sum is continarit, fum wins, fumjtjmes ;
Sum makis him mirry at th^ wjn^ ;
Sum is put out of his poffeffioun ;
Sum herreit, and on credens dynis :
Sic tydipgs hard I at the feffioun.
Sum fweiris, and forfaikis God ;
Sum in ane lamb-fkin is ane tod j
Sum in his tung his kyndnefs turfis ;
Sum cuttis throattis, and fum cuttis purfis j -.sr.'h u'
Sum gois to gallows with proceffioun ;
Sum fains the fait, and fum thame curfis :
Sic tydingis hard I at the feffioun.
Religious men of divers placis
Cum thair to wow, and fe fair faces ;
Baith Carmelitis and Cordilleris
Cjamis thair to genner and get ma freiris.
And ar unmindfuU of thair profeffioun ;
The yunger at the eldair leiris :
Sic tydings hard 1 at tlje feffioun.
Thair cumis yung monkis of het complexioun,
Of devoit mynd, luve, and afFeflioun ;
And in the courte thair proude flefche dantis.
Full fader-lyk, with pechis and pantis i
Thay ar fo hummill of interceffioun,
All mercifuU wemen thair errand grantis :
Sic tydings hard I at the feffioun.
Vol. I. li St. 3,
St 3. 1. I. " Sum with hit/aOtw rownis hjm to plti*.'* One whif-
pers in a familiar infinuatiog vazfinet to his cooapanioo, or the peifun
next him. Hailes.
St. 3. 1. 4- " Sum patteris with hit mowth on beids." One mutters
his prayers, and tells his beads over. Fitter- fatter is an expreOion ftil'
iifcd by the vulgar ; it is in alludon to the cuftom of muttering fater-
fiaflers. H. . . .
St. 4. 1. I. Sum lidandthe lara layls land in tued" One mortga-
ges his eftatc while his fuit is depending. H; '
1. 5. " How fe'id and {zmgwc Jiemis difcretioun." How enmity
and favour banifli difccrnment. H.
St. 5. This ftanza will be both intelligible and entertaining to thofe
who are acquainted with the forms of procedure in the court of feffion ;
to thofe who are not, a commentary would be nearly as obfcureas the
text. H. -birrJiiJO'
I ', 3. Sum is
Apperrellit quhite and reld, with blumjs fweit ;
Ennamelit wes the feild with all cuUouris,
The perlie droppis fchuke in filver fchouris ;
Quhyle all in balme did branche and Icvis fleit.
To pjirt fra Phoebus did Aurora greit j
Hir crillall teiris I faw hing on the flouris,
Quhilk he for lufe all drank up with his heit.
For mirth of Ma y, with Ikippis and with hoppia.
The birdis fang upon the tendir croppis,
With curious note, as Venus chapell-clarks.
. The rofis yung, new fpreiding of their knoppis.
Were powderit bricht with hevinly berial droppis.
Throw bemis rede, burning as ruby fparkis ;
The Ikyis rang for fchoutyng ofjthe_larkis.
The purpour hevin our-fcailit in filver floppisj
Owregilt the trfeis, branchis, lef, and barkis.
Doun throu the ryce ane revir ran with (Iremfs
So luftely agayn the lykand lemys.
That all the lake as lamp did lerne of licht,
Quhilk fhaddowit all about with twynklirie glemig ;
The bewis baithit war in fecund bemis,
ThrOu the reflex of Phoebus vifage br2;cht.
On every fyde the hegies raife on hicht :
The bank wes grene, the bruke wes full of bremys,-
The ftanneris cleir as ftern in frolly nycbt.
The cryftall air, the fapher firmament.
The ruby fkyis of the orient,
Keft berial bemis on emerant bewis grene,
The rofy garth depaynt aiid redolent
With purpour, azure, gold, and goulis gent,
JAMAIS IV. 1488 l^f^-'^^^- 25^
Arr^it wes be Dame Flora the Quene
Sa nobillj, that joj wes for to fbhe.
The roch agane the rivir, refplendent
As low, enlumynit all the levis fchene.
Quhat thrpu the mery fouljs armony.
And throu the ryveris found rycht ran me by.
On Florayia mantill I ilepit as I lay ;
Quhair fone into my dremes fantafy
I faw approche agane the orient {ky,
An faill, as quhyte as bloflbm upon fpray,
Wyth mail of gold, bj;icht as the fterne of day.
Quhillc tendit to the land full luflcly.
As falcoun f wift ^defyroufe of fair pray.
And hard on burd into the blumyt medis,
Amang the grene rifpis and the redis,
Arryvit fcho quhairfro anon thair lands ;
Ane hundreth ladeis luftie intill weids,
As frefche as flouris that in May upfpredis,
In kii tills g rene, withoutyn kell or bandis.
Thair bricht hairis hang gleting on the flrandis
Jn treffis cleir, wyppit with goldin tlireid is.
With papis q^uhyt, and middills fmall as wands.
pifcryve I wald, hot quho cowth weill endvte
How all the fieldis, with thair lilleis quhyte,
Depaint war bricht, quhilk to the hevyn did glete :
Noucht thou, Omer, als fair as thou coud v-njte.
For all thy ornat ftylis fo perfyte ;
Nor yit thou, Tullius, quhois iippis fwete
Of rethorike did intill termis fleit ;
Your aureat tongis baith bene all to ly te.
For to compyle that paiadjfe compleit.
Thalr faw I Nature, and Dame Venus Quer>e,
The frefche Aurora, and Lady Flora fchene,
Juno, Latona, and Proferpina,
Pyane the goddes chaift of woddis grene.
My Lady Clio, that help of Makaris bene,
Thetes, Pallas, and prudent Minerva,
Fair faynit Fortoun, and lemand Lucina,
Thir michty Quenis with crownis mycht be fene
With beipis blyth, bricht as Lucifera.
Thair faw I May, of myrthfull monethis Quene,
Betwixt Apryle and June, hir fifteris fchejifi,
Within the gardyne walkand up and doun
Quham of the fov\lis gladdith all bedene ;
Sclio was full tendir in her yeeris grene.
Thair faw I Nature prefent her a goun,
JRich to behald, and nobil of renoun,
Of every hew undir the hevin that bene
Depaynt, and broud be gude proportioun.
Full luftily thir ladyes all in fere
Enterit within this park of maill plefere,
Quhair that I lay ourhelit with levis ronk ;
The mery fowlis, blifsfulleft of chere,
Salqft Nature, melhocht, on thair manere.
And every blome on brenche, and eke on bonk,
Opnyt and fpred thair balmy levin donk.
Full low enclyneyng to thair Quene full cleir,
Quhame of thair noble norifing thay thonk.
JAMES IV. 1488-^-1513. i57
XII. ^
Syne to Dame Flora, on the famyn wyis.
They faluft, and thay thank, a thoufand fyis ;
And to Dame Venus, Luvis michty quene,
They fang balletis of Ittve, as was th e gyis.
With amorous nottis lufty to devyis ;
As thay that had luve in thair hairtis grene
Thair hony throttis openit fro the fplene,
With weibills fwete did pers the hevinly fkyes^
Quhyll loud refounit the firmament ferene.
Ane uthir court thair faw T confeqtient,
Cupeid the King, wyth bow in hand y-bent.
And dredeful arrow s grundyn fcharp and fquaji:; ,'
Thair faw I Mars, the god armipotent
AwfuU and fterne, ftrong and corpolent.
Thair faw I crabbit Saturne, aid a nd haire.
His luke wes lyk for to perturb the air.
Thair wes Mercurius, wife and eloquent^
Of rethorik that fand the flouris fair.
XIV. '
Thair wes the god of gardynis Priapusj . "
Thair wes the god of wildernes Phanusj
And JanuSj god of entree delytable ;
Thair was the god of fludis, Neptunus ;
Thair was the god of windis, Eolus,
With variand luke, like rycht ane lord unliable j
Thair was Bachus, the gladder of the table j
Thair was Pluto, the elrich incubus.
In cloke of grene, his court ufit nofable.
And eyiry one of thir in grene array it,
On herp or lute full merely thai playit.
Vol. L K k Ana
And fang ballettis with michty nottis cleir :
Ladeis to daunfe full fobirly affayit,
Endland the lufty, ryver fo thay mayit,
Thair obfervance rycht Fievynly wes to heir y
Than crap I throw the levis, and drew neir,
Quhair that 1 was rycht fudaynly afFrayir,
All throw a luke quhilk I haif boucht full deif"^
And fchortly for to fpeke, be Luvis Quene
I was efpyit, fcho bad hir archeris kene
Go me arreft j and thay no tyme delayit ;
Than ladeis fair lete fall thair mantils grene.
With bowls and bag, in treffit hairis fchene>'
AH fudaynly thay had a felde arrayit ;
And yjt rycht gretly was I noucht afFrayit ;
The pairty was fo plefand for to fene,
A woundir lufty bikkar me affayit.
And firfl of all, with bow in hand ybent.
Come Dame Bewtee, richt as fcho wald me fchent j-
Syne follow: t all her damofalls yfeir.
With mony divers awfuU inftrument.
Unto the pres fair Having with hir went ;
Syne Portrature, Plefance, and lufty Cheir.
Than come Reflbun, with fchelde of gnjld fo cleir.
In plate and maille, as Mars armipotent,
Defendit me that noble chevellere. i
Syne tender Youth come wyth hir virgyns ying,
Grene Innocence, and fhame-full Abaling,
And quaking Drede, with humyll Obedience ;
The Golden Terge harmyt thay nothing ;
Curage in thame wes nocht begonne to fpring :
JAMES IV. 14881513. 259
Full foire thay dred to do a violence.
Swete Womanheid 1 faw cum in prefence.
Of Artilje a warld fcho did inbring,
Sirvit with ladeis full of reverence.
. XIX.
Scho led with hir Nurtour and Lawlines,
Contenence, Pacience, Gudfame, and Stedfaftnes,
Difcretioun, Gentrife, and Confiderans,
LevefuU Cumpany, and Honeft Befynes,
Benigne Luke, Myld Cheir, and Sobirnes.
All thir bure ganjeis to do me greevance ;
Bot Reflbun bure the Terge with fik conftance j
Thair fcharp affajes might do no dures.
To me for all thair awfull ordjvance.
Unto the pres purfewit hie Degr6,
Hir foUowit ay Eftait and Dignitie,
Comparifoun, Honor, and Nobill Arrey,
Will, Wantonnes, Renown, and Libertee,
Richeffe, Fredome, and eik Nobilitee ;
Wit ye thay did thair baner hye difplay,
A cloud of arowis as hayle-fchour loufit thay^
And fchott quhill waiftit wes thair artelyCp
Syne went abak reboytit of thair pray.
Quhen Venus had perfavit this rebute,
Diflymilance fcho bad go mak perfute.
At all powere to perfe the Goldyn Terge ; '
And fcho that was of doubilnes the rute,
Alkit her chois of archc iiis in refute.
Venus the beft bad her go wale at lerge,
^Scho tuke Prefens plicht ankers of the berge,
And Fair calljng, that weill a jlajn coud fdiute.
And Cherriffing for to compleit hir charge.
Dame Hamelynes fcho tuke in cumpany.
That hardy was, and heynd in archery, "^ / r *
And broucht Dame Bevvty to the felde agane i
With all the choife of Venus chevalry
They come, and bikkerit unabafitly ;
Thejhou r of arrowis rapjjit on as rauie,
Periloufe Prefens, that mony fyre lies flaine,
The battell brocht on bordour hard usjby.
The fait was all the farar futh to fayn.
Thik was the fchott of grundyn dartis kene ;
Bot Reffoun, with the Scheld of Gold fo fchene,
Warly defendit quhofevir affayit :
The awfully flour he manly did fuftene,
Quhill Prefens keft ane puldir in his ene,
And than as drunkin man he all for-vayit ;
Quhen he wes blynd the fule with him thay playit.
And baneift him amang the bewis grene ;
That fory ficht me fuddanly affrayit.
Than was I woundit till the deth wele neir.
And yoldin as ane wofull prifoaeir
To Lady Bewty, in a moment fpace.
Methocht fcho femit luftyar of cheir,
After that Reffoun tynt had his ene cigir,
Than of befoir, and lufliare of face :
Quhy was thou blindit, RefToun ? quhy, allace I
And gert ane hell my paradyfe appeir.
And mercy feme quhair that I fand no grace.
JAMES IV. 1488 1513. l6l
DIffimulance was "befj me to fjle, .
And Fair Calling did oft apon me fmyle.
And CherifGng me fed with wordis fair ;
New Acquentance embraiit me a quhyle.
And favoryt me quhyll men micht ga ane myle,
Syne tuk her leif, I faw hir nevir mair :
Than faw I Dengir toward me repair, ' "
I cowth efchew hir prefens be no wyle.
On fyde fcho lukit with ane fremyt fare,
And at the lafl deperting coud hir dreflc.
And me deliverit itnto Hevynes
For to remane, and fcljo in cure me tuke ;
Be this the lord of wyndis, with wodenefs
God Eolus his bowgill blew I gefs ;
That with the blaft the levis all to fchuke.
And fudaynly in the'fpace of a lake
All wes hyne went, thair wes bot wildirnefs,
Thair wes no moir bot birdis bank and bruke,
In twynckling ojane ee. to fchip thay went.
And fwyth up faill unto the top thay flent,
And with fwift courfe attour the flude thay frak ;
Thay fyrit gunnis with powder violent.
Till that the reik raife to the firmament.
The rockis all refounyt with the rak.
For rede it femyt that the rane-bow brak ;
With fpreit afFrayit apoun my feit I fprent
Amangis the clewis, fa cairfuU wes the crak.
And as I did awake of this fweving,
The joyfull birdis merily did ling
For mirth of Phebus tendir betnis fchene ;
Sweit war the vapouris, foft the morrowing,
Hailfum the vaill, depaynt with flouris ying,
The air attemperit fobir and amene ;
In quhyt and reid was all the felde befene.
Throw Naturis nobill frefch annameling,
In mirtlifull Maj, of evecy moneth Queue.
O reverend Chaucere, rofe of Rethoris all.
As in oure tong ane flour imperial,
That raife in Britane evir, quha reidis richt.
Thou beris of makaris the tryuraph jyall.
Thy frefche annamallit termes celicall j
This mater coud illumynit have full brycht ;
Was thou noucht of our inglifch all the lycht.
Surmounting every tong terreftriall,
Als fer as Mayis morrow dois midnycht j
morale Gower, and Lydgait laureat.
Your fugarit^Hgpis, and tongis aureat.
Bene to our eiris caufe of grit delyte :
Your angel mouthis moft mellifluate.
Our rude langage hes cleir illumynat.
And fair ourgiit our fpeche, that imperfyte
Stude, or your goidin pennis fchup to wryt
This yle befoir wes bair, and diflblate
Of rethorik^ or lufty frefche indyte.
Thou litill quair be evir obedient,
Humyll, fubjeft, and femple of intent,
Befoir the face of every conning wicht,
1 knaw quhat thou of rethoric may fpent,
Of all hir lufty roifis redolent,
JAMES IV. 1488 1^:13. 261^
Is nane into thy gerland fett on hicht ; -
Efchame tharof, and draw the out of ficht :
Rude is thy weid, defteynit, bair, and rent,
Wele aucht thou be afFeirit of the licht.
St. 29. Every one muft admit the jufticc of the panegyric here iir-
troduced oa Chaucer, who was indeed a prodigy,
O reverend CHAtrsERE, rofe of rethouris all, &c.
Was thou nocht of our ingUfcb all the licht !
From this paflage we find that Dunbar called the language in which
he wrote Englijh ; in oppofition to the Irifi, as fpoken in the Highlands
of Scotland, which was then called Scotti/h. Sir David Lindsay ufcs
the fame expreffion when fpeaking of Gavin Douglas.
^ ' In our inglis rhetorick the rofe."
The phrafe is therefore mifinterprcted by Lord Hailes, who fays
that Dunbar, from ufing it, " feems to have looked upon himfelf asan
AnglcSaxon, becaufe he was born in Eaft Lothian." The colloquial
language of the low-lands of Scotland was not diftinguifhed by the title
of S cottish , till a coHeflion of poems, fome of them of that defcrip-
tion, was pubiiflied by James Watfon in 1706-9-II. ; apparently the
firft poetical Mifcellany printed in Scotland after that of Millar and
ChepMan in 1508 a period of tv/o hundred years!
St. 30. And has our-gilt our fpeiche. Sec Nothing, (fays Lord
Hailes.) diftinguifhes the genius of the Enj:;lifli language fo much as ,
its general naturalization of foreigners. DrVden, in the reign of
Charles II. printtd the following words as pure French, new'y im-
ported. Amour, billet-doux, cafrice, chagrin, converfation, double entendre,
embaraj[ei,fatigue, figure, foible, gallant, good graces, grimace, incendiary. It'
nee, maltreated, rallied, repartee, ridicule, tender, tour ; with ieveral others,
which arc now confidered as natives. JM[arriagi-a.la-mdc,
lathis is n poem of acknoivledged merit : Every reader
will remember Mr Langhorne's encomium ;
*' Time ftill fpares the Thijile and the Ro/e.^*
It was Gccajioned by the nuptials q/" James IV. Kijtg
of Scots^ and Margaret Tudor, the eldejl daughter
o/^Henry Vll. King of England : An event on xvhicb
the fate of the two nations has turned tht oughout eve^
ry fuccteding age i to it we owe the union of the
crownsy the union of the kingdoms y and the Protejlant
The poem was finifbed^ as DuNBAR himfelf informs
us^ on the ^th of May ^ 1 503, near three months before
the arrival of the ^tieen in Scotland. She was the
pattonefs of Poetry at its early dawn with us, STtW-
ART, in his poem called Lerges, lerges, thus grateful^
lyfpeais,Jianza 10.
*' Grit God releif Margaret our Quene^
** For and fcho war as fcho hes bene,
** Scho'wald be lerger of lufray
* Than all the laif that I of mene,
** For lerges of this new- jeir daj."J
V^UHEN Merche wes with variand windis paffy
And Appryll had with hir filver fhouris,
Tane leif at nature, with ane orient blaft.
And lufty May, that inuddir fs of flouris,
JAMES IV. 1488 1513. 265
Had maid thebirdis to begyn thair houris, ^,,1^ -
Amang the tendir odouris reid and quhyt^ ; .1^'
Quhois harmonj to heir it wes deljt.
" It.
in bed at morrow, fleiping as I lay,
Methocht Aurora, with her criilall ene^ . :*, i^.^j |f**TY
In at the window lukit bj the daj, 1 t^. a
And hallit me, with vifage paile and grene j
On qilhois hand a lark fang fro the fplene,
Awal k luvaris out of your flemering, ,jj| |^ ^ c.''>
Se how the lufty morrow dois upfpring. r.^
Methocht frefche May befoir my bed upftude, ,
In weid depaynt of mony diverfe hew, ^^ .. -^
Sober, benyng, and full of manfuetude.
In bright atteir of flouris forgit new,
Hevinly of color, quhyt, reid, brown, and bleWj
Balmit in dew, and gilt with Phebus bemys ; -.
Quhyl all the houfe illumynit of her lemys.
Slugart, fcho faid, awalk -annone for fchame.
And in my honor fumthing thoW go wry^;
The lark hes done the mirry day proclame,
To rais up luvaris with comfort and delyt.
Yet nocht increfs thy curage to indyt,
Quhois hairt fumtyme hes glaid and blifsfull bene,
Sangis to mak undir the levis grene.
Quhairto, quoth I, fall I upryfe at morrow.
For in this May few birdis herd I ling j
Thay haif moir caufe to weip and plane their forrow ;
Vol. I. H Thy
Thy air it is nocht holfam nor benyng ;
Lord Eolus dois in thy feffone ring ;
So bufteous ar the blaftis of his horne,
Amang thy bewis to walk I half forborne.
With that this lady fobirly did fmyll,
And faid, Uprife, and do thy obfervancc ;;
Thou did promyt, in Mayis lufty quhyle,
For to difcryve the Rofe of moft plefance.
Go fe the birdis how thay fing and dance,
Illumynit our "with otient fkyis brycht,
Anamyllit riehely with new afur lycht.
Quhen this wes faid, departit fcho this quene,
And enterit in a lufly gardyng gent j
And tlian methocht full heflely befene.
In ferk. and mantill after her I went
Into this garth moft dulce and l-edolent.
Of herb and flour, and tendir plantis fweit,
And grene levis doing of dew dowA fleit.
The purpoui fone, with tendir bemys reid.
In orient bricht as angell did appeir.
Throw goldin Iky is putting up his held,
Quhois gilt treffis fchone fo wondir cleir.
That all the world tuke comfort, fer and neit^hi
To luke upone his fiefche and blifsfull face.
Doing all fable fro the Hcvyhis chace.
And as the blifsfull foune of cherarchy
The foulis fung throu comfort of the lycht j
,v JAMES IV. 1488 1513. 2C7
The burdis did with oppln vods cry
To luvaris fo. Away thow duly nicht.
And welcum day that coocifortis every wicht ;
Hail May, hail Flora, hail Aurora fchene,
Hail princes Nature, h^til Ven^s, Luvis quene.
Dame Nature gaif ane inhibitioun thalr r
To fers Neptunus, and Eolus the bauld, <
Nocht to perturb the wattir nor the air.
And that no fchouris and 1:0 blaftis cawld
Effray fuld flouris nojr fowlis on the fauld :
ficho bad eik Juno, goddes of the &y,
That fcho the hevin fi^ld keip amene and dry.
Scho ordaind eik that every bird and beift y^^^. ^Sj
Befoir her Hienes fuld annone compeir, , ^j ^j. ^ ^
And every flour of vertew, moll and lei^, ^^ -^.,. , ^-i
And every herb be feild baith fer and neir, ,j ri^x f;.- ;
As they had wont in May ixo yeir to yeif:,. ..^ ^ -
To hir thair makar to mak obediens, . ,^^ ... ^ ,
Full law inclynand with all due jevercns.
With that annone fcho fend the fwylft ro
To bring in beiftis of all conditioun ;
The reftles fwallow eommandit fcho alfo
To fetch all fouU of fmall and greit renown ;
And to gar flouris compeir of all faflbun.
Full craftely conjurit fcho the yarrow,
Quhilk did forth fwirk as fwift as ony arrow.
All prefent w=er in twynkling of ane ee,
Baith beilt, and bird, and flour, befoir the Que^e,
At firft the Ljone, gretaft of degre, 'aJBd-iisi j
Was callit thair ; and he molt fair to fene.
With a full hardy countenance and kene,
Befoir Dame Nature come, and did incljne.
With vifage bauld, and courage leonjne.- 6i
Lufty of fliaip. lycht of deliverance,
Reid of his cuUour, as the ruby glance.
In feild of gold he llude full mychtely.
With floure-de-lycis firculit luftely. ya&^iiii'j '
This lady liftit up his cluvis cleir,
And leit him Hftly lene upone hir kne.
And crownit him with dyademe full deir.
Of raydous ftonis, moft ryall for to fe ;
Saying, The King of Beiftis mak I the.
And the protcftor cheif in wodds and fchawis,
To thy leigis go furtli, and keip the lawi's'.^^-* '**'** -'^ ^
Exerce juftice with mercy and confciens,
And lat no fmall beift fuffir fkaith na fcornis
Of greit beiftis that bene of moir puifence :
Do law alyk to aipis and unicornis/ ' '-
And lat no bowgle with his bufteoul hdrnis
The meik pluch-ox opprefs, for all his pryd,
Bpt in the yok go peciable him hcfyd,^^ -^^''^^^^'
Quhen this was faid, with noyis and foun of joy
All kynd of beiftis into thair degr^
js >Ui -.*
JAMES IV. 1488 I 5 13. ' 269
At onis cryit laud, Vive h Roy,
And till his feit fell with humilite ;
And all thaj maid him homege and fewte <
And he did thame reflaif with princely laitis^,
Quhois noble jre is Prpteir Profiratis. ,4 ^^^^uJ^^i,
XVIII. ; .
Sjne crownit fcho the Egle King of Fowlis,
And as fleill dertis fcherpit fcho his pennis,
And bad him be als jufl to awppis and owlis.
As unto pakpkkis, papingais, or crenis, p\^
And mak ae law for wiclit fowlis and for wrennig,; !I.
And lat no fowU of ravjne do efFray,
Nor birdis devoir, bot his awin pray, _, . ; ^^_ -.,,.,3;
Than callil: fcho all flouris that grew on feild,
Difct jving all thair faffioung and effeirs ;
Upon the awfuU Thrissill fcho beheld^
And faw him keipit with a bufche of fpeiris ;
Confidering him fo able for the weiris,
A radius crown of rubies fcho him gaif.
And faid, in feild go f urth, ^nd fend the laif,
And fen thou art a King, thou be difcrdt ;
Herb without vertew thow hald nocht of prjce
As herb of vertew and of odor fweit ;
And lat no nettill vyle, and full of vyce,
Hir fallow to the gudly flour-de-lyce ;
Nor lat no wyld weid full of chuiliihnefs
Compair her till the lilleis nobilnefs.
Nor hald no udir flour in lie denty
As the frefche Rose, of cullor rcid and quhyt ;
For gif thou dois, hurt is thyne honeftj ;
Confiddering that no flour is fo perfyt.
So full of vertew, plefans, and deijt.
So full of blifsfull angelik bewty.
Imperial birth, hpnoiir, and dignits.
Than to the Rose fcho turnit hir vifage,
And faid, O lullj dochtir moft benyng,
Abo if the lilly luftrare of lynage,
Fro the flok r jail ryfing frefche and ying,
But ony fpot or macull doing fpring ;
Cum bloume of joy with jemmis to be cround,
For our the laif thy bcwty is rcnound.
A coftly crown, with clarefeid flonis bricht.
This cumly Queue did on hir hcid inclofe,
Quhyll aU the Jand illiimynit of the lycht j
Quhairfoir methocht the flouris did rejo(ie
Crjing at anis, Haill be thou richcfl Rofe,
Haill hairbis Empryce, haillfrefcheft Queue of flouris,
Tp tl}i be glory and honour at all houris.
Than all the birdis fong with voce on hicht,
<5iihois mirthfuU foun wes marvellus to heir ;
The mavys fang, Haill Rofe moft riche and richt,
That dois upflureifs under Phebus fpheir !
Haill plant of youth, haill Princes dochtir deir,
Haill blofome breking out of the blud royall ,
Quhois prctius vertew is imperial.
The merle fcho fang, Haill Rofe of moft delyt,
Haill of all fluris quene and foveiane.
jAMtSIV. 1488 Ijlif. iff
'the lark fcho fang, Haill Rofe both reid and qubvt,
Moft pleafand flour, of michty coullors twane.
The nichtingaill fong, Haill Naturis fufFragen
In bcwtj, nut tour, and everj nobilnefs.
In riche arraj, renown, and gentilnefs.
The Common voce upraife of burdis fmall
Upon this wys, O bliffit be the hour
That thou wes chofiu to be our principal! j
Welcome to be our Princes of honour, '
Our perle, our plefans, and our paramour.
Our peace, our play, our plane felicite j
Chryft the conferf frome all adverfit^.
Than all the burdis fong with fie a fchout
That I anone awoilk quhair that I lay.
And with a braid 1 turnit me about
To fe this court j hot all wer went away :
Then up I leinyt, halflinges in affrey,
Calk to my Mufe, and for my fubjed chois
To fing the Ryel Thriffill and the Rofe.
St. 1. 1. I. Quhcn Merche wcs with va'ri-and windis paft,"
AiLAN Ramsat, not attendicg to the rules, or rather to the licence,
of Scottiih profoay, changed the cxprefiion into
" Quhen Merche with variand winda was over-pafl."
This may be a better line than what Dunbar cookl make ; but it i
the bufincfg of a pubUfher to fet forth other mens works, not his owe' ^
1. a. *' Apprylc." This word is to be pronounced as a triffyl-
lable. The Scots ftill pronounce A^ril thus, Aftril; Lat. Aprilu. Pof-
fibly DONBAK, wrote Afrllis, at in the very firfl line of his maftcr,
St. 1. 1. 4. " Thair bourh." Hours, Leures, means their matin's or
mcrning-onfons. Chaucer has made a full choir of birds: p. 570.
Urie's edition,
" On May-day when the lark begin to ryfe,
" To Matins went the lufty nightlngal, &c."
la the E-vcrgreen, Donbar's verfe is turned thiis: " Begin ij) timau:
houtj ;" which is both profaic, and wide of the fenfe of the poet.
St. a. 1. 5. " Fro the fjtlene.'" From the fplene, or, as we would now
fay, from the heart, affiduoufly, ardently. It appears to have been ^
falhionable phrafe in the l6th century, but is now forgotten.
St. 7.1. 7. " Doing of dew down flcit ;', L c. quickly dropping
St. 9. 1, r. "And is the hllfsfullfotie of cberarchy." Inftead of of cbe.
rarcby, the Evergreen has, " drave up the fky." " The blifsfull fonc of
cherarchy," means the thankfgiving of the angels, in alluiion to Job
xxxviii. the holy fliout of the hod angelical.
St. 10. 1. 4. " No fhoiiris." The word " fchgurh^ muft be pro-
nounced as a triffyllable, Scbo u-Hs . In the Evergreen there is fub{ti
" That nowther blafiiy fhower, nor blafls mair canld."
A line adapted to hiodern profody, making fchouris from three fyllai.
bles, and Uafit from two, to become one J adding ilajhy, a fuperfluoUt
epithet, and maly, an dnmeaning corapafative. .1 <> j>
St. li. 1. 6. " Full craftely conjurit fcho the yarro'iV." The yarroiS -
is Achillea, or Millefolium, vu]gitly/iefzvort. I know no reafon (or fe-
le(5ting this plant to go on the mtfLge to all flowers, but that its name
has been fuppofed to be derived from arroid, being held a remedy for
flefh wounds inflicSed by that weapon. The poet, in apology for per-
Ibnifying/i/ir^wo/-/, hjr* added, " full craftily conjurit f^; ho." A ridicu-'
lous enough example of the ratio ultima -vatum, the 0EO2 Ano MH
St. 13. 1. 7. " And courage Itonyney Allan Ramsay obferveSj
this perhapj may be fm.led at ; but there is as much to laugh at in the
modern phrafe, of one's looking like himfelf." I cannot admit, as a
fufficient apology for an old phrafe, that a newer one equally abfurd is
ftill employed. Indeed the expreflion cturage leonyne, ufed of a lion/ has
nothing at which ' one may fmilc," unleis that one be of the vulgar,
who judge of language without learning, and deride what they do not
wnderlland. The expreflion means no more, than " with a heart fuch
as befits a lion." In old French, courage means cocur. Thus courage fe.
minine, would, from anailogy, mean the tender fenfibility which befits
the nature of woman.
St. 14-
'.' '"'^'' 'JAMES iVi;>i488 ^1513'. 473'
St. 14. The manner of blazoning the Scottiih arms is ingenious and
St. 17. I. 7. " Qjhois noble yre hproleir projlratis.'" This obfcure
eicprcflion was not lihderftood by Allan Ramsay. In place of it he
has, happily enough, fubftitutcd" his greitnes mitigates." There is,
juohably, fome error in the MS. From tht; word proJlratU being ufed,
a very intelligent gentleman cuncludes, that the paff.ige, however cor-
rupted, has an al uGon to the manly fcntimentof \ iV.G\i., parcere fuhjec-
iis : Thus cxprcffed in the motto of an illuflrious family, " Eft nobilis
ira leonis." ^
St, 21. This is an ingenious exhortation to conjugal fidelity, drawn
from dif high birth, beauty, and virtues of the Princefs Margaret.
St. 22. 1. 3. Aboif the ////jr. Itiftrare of lynage." Gf more noble
lineage than the liily. Hs prefers T^dor to Fahis ; for there cap be no
doubt that the liily means France.
St, 35. 1. 4. " Of michty coullors tivarie" The white of York, and
the red of I.ancafier. The medal of James I. is well known :" ^o/ij
ileancus, rfgnn Jacobas ;" Evelyn of medals,, p. 102. May there never
be occaCcn to add, " At qui< concordet animos F"
St. 27. The conclufion of this ftanza h taken from Allan Ramsat'
who caught the fpirit of Dunbae, which Di;nbar himfelf fcems to
have let efcape, by his bald and profaic concluGon.
" And thus I wret as ye haif hard to forrow,
" Of lufty May upore the nynt morrow."
A condufion worfe, if worfe may be, than the lines of Ben Jonson
fo Sir Kenelm Djgby :
" >Vitncfs thy vidory gained at Scanderoon,
^ Upon thy byrtb day the eleventb of "Juns.^'
Vol. i. Mm
[This poem has been handed down in the Maitland MS.
colleEiion, and prefents vs voith a curious piBure of the
Court of James IV. probably after his marriage.
** Advocats in chaumer," are pretty wives, concern-
ing whom fee p, 251.3
J3e divers wayis and operatiouns
Men mak s in cour t thair foliftatiouns.
Sum be fervice , and diligence :
Sum be continual refidence :
On fubftance fum men dois abyde,
Quhill fortoun do for tharae provyde.
Sum fings. Sum dance s. Sum tell ftoryis.
Sum lait at ewin brings in the moryis.
Sum fiords. Sum fenycis : and fum flatters.
Sum playis the fuil, and all owt clatters.
Sum man, mufaud be the waw,
Luiks as he mycht nocht do at aw.
Sum ftardis in a nuik, and rownes :
For covatyce ane uthair neir fwownc s.
Sum beris as he wald ga wud
For hcit defyr of warlds gud.
Sum at the aiefs levis all devotioun.
And befy labours for promoti^iun.
Sum hes thair advocatts in chaumir.
And taks thamefelf thairofF no glawmir.
My fempilnes, amang the laifF,
Wait of na way, fa God me faif,
Bot, with ane humble cheir and face,
Referrs me to the kyngis grace.
Methink his gracious contenance
In ryches my fufficiance.
Xfthis piece feems evidently not meant for broad day y hut
a mere poefie de fociete. The third Jian'za^ and a fub-
fequent line, give us odd ideas of the court of QutEN
Margaret ; hut certainly they are mere faljitie, of
buffoonery to make the perfons ridiculous. MiSs
MusGRAVE was probably an Englijh Lady, the name
not being Scottijh. Dunbar hints that his love for
her was the talk of the courty and his praifes do not
confute it. This circumftancey with his appearance in
a dance at court, fhews that the poet was a perfon of
fome confequence, or ejlimation. The Queen's Dogy^
(^without doubty^ is DoiG, her wardrobe-keeper^
whom we find hitched into rime in the two fubfequent
poems.^ ~
Ochir John Sinclair begowth to dance.
For he wes new cum out of France .
For ony thing that he do micht,
His an futt yeid aj owr hycht,
And to the tother would not gree.
Quoth ane, * Tak up the Quenis knycht.'
A mir rear dance pycjht^r^^^^ fee.
Than cam in Maiflir Robert Schaw :
He lukit as he culd lern them a j
Bot ay his an futt did waver ;
He (lacker i t Ijke ane ftrummal avef
Hop-fchakelit abone the knee.
To feik fra: Stirling to Stranavcr
A mirrear dance micht na man fee.
Than cam in the maifter Almafer,
Ane horiielty-jomelty juffler,
Ljke a flirk ftackarand in the ry :
His hippis gaff mony heddous cry.
John Bute the fule faid * Wowes me !
* He is bedirtin. Fy ! O fy !
A mirrear dance micht na man fee.
Than cam in Dunbar the mackar ;
On all the flure thair was nane frackar.
And thair he dauncet the Dirry-duntoun :
He hoped, lyk a piller wantoun ;
(For luff of Mufgraeffe men fulis me.)
He trippet quhill he tuir his pantoun.
A mirrear dance micht na man fee.
Than cam in Maeflris Mufgraeffe :
Scho mycht haff lernit all the laeffe.
Quhen I faw hir fa trimlye dance,
Hir gud conwoy and contenance ;
Than for hir faek I wiffit to be
The grytaft erle, or duke, in France.
A mirrear dance micht na man fee.
Than cam in dame Doutebour :
God waitt giff that fcho lukit four !
Scho maid fie morgeounis with hir hippis,
For Jauter nane mycht hald thair lippis.
Quhen fcho was danceand biflilye,
Ane blaft of wind foun fra hir flippis.
A mirrear dance micht na man fee.
JAMS IV. 1488 1513. 177
QuTien thair wes cum in fyve or fax,
The Quenis Dog begouth to rax:.
And of his band he maid a bred ;
And to the dancing foun he him med.
How m'afterljk about yeid he !
He ftimiket Ijk a tjk, fum faid.
A mirrear dance micht na man fee*
St. 2. Hop fchakelif ; the two fore-legs faftencd together. Thephrafe
is ftill cotr.mon.
St. 4. He hoped lyk a pUler ; feems equivalent to Doll CoiiMON's
' Falstaff, The rogue fled from me like quick filver.
* Doll. Aj*, and thou folio wcdll him like a church.'
Pantoun Kjlipper or pvmp.
St. 7. And of his band be maid a bred i perhaps means, " And tied
his neckcloth with a bow or flip-knot.'' Mr PI^fKERTON, however,
puts this down as a paflage not underjlood.
- feemingly hecaufe he had f erupted to deliver to Dl''>t-
BAR a doublet, or fu.it of clothes j^chich had heen or-
dered him hy the i^ueen.'\
Jl HE wardiaipper of Venus* bour
To gifF a doublet he is als doure.
As it war off ane fute fyd frog.
Madame, ye heff a dangerous Dog.
Quhen that I fcbaw to him your marki?^
He turns to me agane and barkis,
As he war v^urriand ane hog..
Madame, ye heff a dangerous Dog^
Quhen that I fchaw to him your wrytin_.
He girnis that I am 'red for bytin :
I wuld he had ane havy clog !
Madame, ye heff a dangerous Dog.
Quhen that I fpeik to him friendlyk.
He barkis lyke ane midding t^ke
War ch afand catel thro a bog.
Madame, ye heff a dangerous Dog.
He is ane maftyf, mekle of mycht,
To keip your ward rip ovir nicht
Fra the grit fowdan Gogiuagog.
Madame, ye heff a dangerous Dog.
He is our mekil to be your meffoun,
Madame T red you get a les on ;
l-iis gaugarris all your chalmers fchog.
Madame, ye heff a dangerous Dog.
KJ gracious princes guid and fair 1
Do Weill to James jour wardraipair ;
Quhais fajthful bruderniaift freiud 1 am.
He is no Dog ; he is a lain.
Thoch I in ballat did with him bourde.
In malice fpak I never a word :
Bot all, Madame, to do you gam.
He is no Doo- : he is a lam.
o '
Your hienes cannot get ane meter
To keip your wardreip ; nor difcreter
To rewle your robbis, and dres the fam.
He is no Dog ; he is a lam.
The wyff, that he had in his innys.
That with the tangs wald birs his fchynnis,
I wald fcho drount war in a dam.
He is no Dog ; he is a lam.
The wyf that wald him kuckald mak,
I wald fcho war, bayth fyde and bak,
Weill batferit with ane barrow tram.
He is no Dog ; he is a lam.
He hes fo weill done me obey
Ourtill all thing, thairfoir 1 pray
That nevir dolour vnak him dram.
Jie is no Dog ; he is a lam.
l^'Thts addrefs appears to have hten ivritten vohile th(
Poet was yet in the praEtice of ** fettiiig himfelf to
fing and dance." LojiD Hailes conjeBures the mean-'
ing of the firji line to hey " A divine hand has vifited
me with the pains of poverty." the phrafe^ *' fil-
ver forrow," feeming to imply the anguijh arifing
from the want of ready money. Ow fore-fathers^ in
their %eal for making faints^ were pleafed to make a
San'ct Salvatouk. a
^IVe may fuppofe this to he one of the earliefl of Dun-
bar's address to James" IV. as it contains no requefi
for a henefice. Hitherto he pr oh ably thought himfelf
fecure of pro motion r\
Oanct Salvatour fend filver forrow
It grevis me both evin and morrow.
Chafing fra me all cheritie ;
It makis me all blylhnes to borrow j
My panefull purs fo priclis me.
Quhen I wald blythlie ballattis breif,
Langour thairto givis me no leif ;
Did nocht g ud how p my hart uphie.
My verry corps for cair wald cleif ;
My panefull purs fo priclis me.
JAMES IV. 1488 1513. 2~
Quhen J fett me to fing of dance,
Or go I to plefand paftance.
Than paufing of penuritie
Revis that fra my reraemberance ;
Mj panefull purs fo priclis me,
Quhen men that hcs purfes in tone,
Paffes to drynk or to disjone,
Than mon I keip ane^ravetie.
And fay that I will faft quhill none j
My panefull purs fo priclis me.
V. ^ ... -
My purs is maid of lie ane Ikin,
Thair will na corfes byd it within ;
tStrait as fra the feynd thay ficj
Quha evir tyiie, quha evir win ;
My panefull purs fo priclis me,
Had I ane man of ony natioun,
Culd mak on it ane conjuratipun.
To gar filver ay in it be.
The devill fuld haif no dominatioun
With pyne to gar it prickill me.
I haif inquyrit in mony a place.
For help and confort in this cace.
And all men fayis, my Lord, that ye
C{in beft remeid for this malice.
That with lie panis prickills me.
A'oL. I. N n TilK
\jlhe drawing of this piBure is bold, and the figures ivell
grouped. *' I do not recolleBy (Lord Haij:s oh-
ferves^ ever to have fe en the feven deadly fins paint-
ed by a more mafierly pencil than that of Dunbar.
His defigns certainly excel the explanatory peacocks
and ferpents of Callot." In fever al paffages , the
poem appears to have fome fatyrical allufon to real
life ; its precife date may be afcertainedy being that
year of the reign of James 1 V. when Lent began o^
the l6ih February.']
Uf Februar the fiftene njcht,
Richt lang befoir the day is ijcht,
I lay intill a trance ; i '^ -
And than I faw baijh,hej:in and. helL
Methocht amangis the feyndis ^1,
Mahoun gart cry ane dance,
Of flirewis that wer never fcbrevin,
Againft the feift of Failernis evin,
To mak thair obfervance ;
He bad gallands ga giaith a gyis,
And caft up ganiountis in the Ikyis,
As varlats dois in France.
Lat fe, quoth he, now quha beginis :
With that the fowU fevin deidly finis
Begowth to leip atanis.
JAMES IV. 1488 I5I3. 283
Arid firft of all in dance wes Pryd^
With hair toUit bak, bonet on fyd,
Ljk to mak vaiftie wanis ;
And round about him as a quheill.
Hang all in riimpillis to the heill,
His heich cot for thd nania.
Mony proud trumpour with him^rippit ;
Throw Ikaldan fjre aj as they fldppit,
Thej girnd with hyddous granis.
Heilie Harlottis in hawtane"wyis
Come in with mony findrie gyis,
Bot yet luche nevir Mahoun,
Quhill preiftis cum with bair fcheviri nekks,
Than all the feynds lewche, and maid gekks.
Black-belly and Bawfy-Brown.
Than Trt come in with Hurt and ftryfe j
His hand wes ay upoun his knyfe.
He brandeifl lyk a; beir ;
Boftaris, braggatis, and barganeri^f,
Eftir him palTit into pairis.
All bodin in feir of weir.
In jakkis, ftryppis, and bogn^ttls of ftgi^y
Thairje^is wer^chenyiet to the heill,
Frawart wes thair affeir ;
Sum upoun uder with brandis beft.
Sum jagit utheris to the heft,
With knyvis that fcherp coud fcheir*
Next in the dance followit Invy,
Fild full of feid and fellony.
Hid malice and difpyte.
For pry vie haterit that tratou r trjmllr,
Him followit mony freik diirymlit,
With fenyeit wordis quhyte ;
And flattereris into menis facis,
And back-byttaris in fecreitplacis,
To ley that had delyte,
With rownaris of fals lefingis ;
Allace ! that courtis of noble kingig.
Of thame can nevir be quyte.
Next him in dans come Ciivatyce^
K.ute of all evill, and grund of vyce.
That nevir cowd be content ;
Catyvis, wrechis, and Ockeraris,
Hud-pykis, hurdars, and gadderaris.
All with that Warlo w^ent :
Out of thair throttis they fhot on udder
Hett moltin gold, methocht, a fodder
As fj^e-flaucht maift fervent ;
Ay as thay^umit thame of fchot,
Feynds filt thame well up to tli|j|. thrott.
With gold of all kynd prent.
Syne SweirneSy at the fecound bidding, ,
Com lyk a fow out of a midding.
Full flepy wes his grunyie.
Mony fweir bumbard belly-huddroun,
Mony flute daw, and flepy duddroun.
Him fervit ay with founyie.
He drew thame furth intill a chenyie.
And Belliall, with a brydill renyie,
Evir lafcht thame on the lunyie'^^rjj* :ot*
In dance thay war fo flaw of feit,
JAMES IV. 1488 1513. 28^
They gaif thame in the fyre a heit.
And maid them quicker of counyie.
Than Lichery^ that lathlj corfs,
Cam bcrand lyk a bagit horfs, , , . , , ,
And Idilnefs did him leid j Ai\ to ei-ii^.rv^'yi ilW
Thair wes with him an ugly fort, . .iiul? K fi:^sM.
And mony ftinkand fowll tramort, .-v.,;,-*!.
That had in fyn bene deid :
Quhen thay wer enterit in the daunce,
Thay wer full llrengc of countenance,,:,. V,, i;,,i; y/^:a^L
Lyk turkas burnand reid ; J^n/a ik io'^Ju^
All led thay uddir by the t i .> -yrvKt^KilT .'
Suppoifs thay fyckit with thair a i i f . >! i d.t>a-,v/- ,:!tv -m^
It mycht be na remeid. ' ;'i^;iv(,L.-i ^^f,Mr(T*f};fH
Than the fowll monftir Gluttenyn^a,, .fjlo'; noioat J^aH
Of wame unfkfiable and gredy, t^ ">ujf;^>t,^vt rA
To dance fyn did him drefs ;^- - - ,,
Him followet mony foull drunckhatt.
With can and collep, cop and quart,^ ,-, ^^ ..
In furffet and excefs.
Full mony a jtvaiftlefs^ "^YSJlj^'^Jf^^j
With waimis unweildable, did furth wag,
In creifche that did increfs.
Drynk, ay thay cryit, with mony a gaip j
The feynds gave them hait leid to laip,
Thair lovery wes na lefs.
Na menftralls playit to thame but dowt,
For gle-men thair wer haldin out,
Be day, and eik by nycht ;
Except a menftrall that flew a man ;
Sa -
Sa till his heretage he wan.
And entirt be breif of richt.
Than crjd Mahoun for a Heleand Padyane ;
Sjn ran a feynd to fetch Makfadjane,
Far nor thwart in a nuke;
Be he the Conenoch had done fchout,
Erfche men fo gadderit him about,
In hell grit ruraie thay tuke :
Thae tarmegantis, with tag and tatter,
Full loud in firfch e begowt to clatter.
And rowp lyk re via and ruke-
The dcvill fa deyit wes with thaif yell.
That injh^e^e_2eft 3pt of hell
He fmorit thame with fmuke.
St. r. 1. 6. " Mdboun.'" According to Matth. P/.ris, p 289. ad
an. 1236, Alabo is the fame with Mahomet. Du Cange, voc Mahum,
has quoted various paffages from the old French poets, which he thinks
proves this. A more dire<9: proof is to be found in the fragment of a
fairy talc, in the Bann. MS. where the following lines occur :
' The carling now for difpyte,
" is niareit with Maohomyte,
*< Senfyne the cokkis of Crawmound crew nevir a day,
> u For dale of that devilliOi dome was with Alaboun mareit," &c,
Here Mahoun and Mahomet are evidently fynonymous. It would feem
that the Franks hearing the Saracens fwear by their prophet, imagined
him to be fome evil fpirit which they worfliipped : Hence all over the
weftern world Mahoun came to be an appellation of the devil. Hailes.
1. 7. " Shreivii that wer never fchrevin." Accurfed perfons
who had never made confeffion to the prieft, nor of confcqueuce obtain-
ed abfolution.
1. 10. " Gallands ga graitb a gyit." Gallants prepare a maflt.
The exhibitions of gyfartt are ftill known in Scotland, being the fame
vvith the Chriftmas mummery of the Englilh. In Scotland, even till
the beginning of this ccnrury, ma&ers were admitted into any falhion-
JAMES IV. 1488 1513.
able family, if the perfon who introduced them was known, and became
anlwerable for the behaviour of his companions. Dancing with the
maikers enfued. This, probably, was iht promifcuous dancing, the fub-
jedl of many a fad declamation, borrowed from Prynne, and other
writers of that fort.
1, la. " Gamountis.^' Gambade, crurum jaSiaiio, of the neweft
French faihions.
St. 2. 1. 4. " And firjl of all in dance wes Pryd." Pride pi-operljr
takes place of all the other deadly fins. By that fin fell the angcis.
He is defcribed in the cerenimiy-habit of thofe times, in his !)onnet and
gown, his hair loofely thrown back, his cap awry ; his heich-coat eafoquit
or gown, induftrioufly made to fall down to his feet in ample folds.
Line 6th is obfcure.
1. 10. " Trumpour." There is no word in Englifli that ap-
proaches fo nearly to the feufc of this as the vulgar one, rattle JiuU. )r^
the L.OW Dutch, tromp is a rattle ; trompen, to rattle. It is rtujre imme-
diately derived from the French, trempour, when underftood as that
whereby one is deceived ; for the context will not admit of our undtr-
ftanding it in the fenfe of an a;5live cheat.'
St, 3. 1. I. " Heilie Harlottis on howtane wyis." This is a bold
line, if it implies, as I think it does, " Holy whores in haughty guile."
1.6. " ^/.ici-^/Zy and Bawfy-Brown." Popular names of cer-
tain fpirits. Baivfy-Bio-ivn feems to be ihc Englifli Robin GoocHeliow,
known in Scotland by the name of Bro-wnie. In the Bannattne
^S. p. 104. among other fpirits there occurs,
' Browny als that can play know
" Behind the cluith with mony mow."
St. 4. !. 4. " Bofiaris, braggaiis, apd bargancris." riuffers, (or
tjircatnerb,) boafters, and they who pick quarrels.
1.6. ^^ A\\ bodin \n fdr of "weir." Literally, all arrayed in fea-
ture of war. " Bcdin andyi'/V of vtir,, are both in the flatutc-book. Sir
David Lindsay thus fpeaks ol the Hate of btotiand during the mino-
rity of Jam E&-V.
" Opprtflion did fa loud his biigil hlaw,
' That uanc duiil tiiie Lut into feir of weir.''
i. e. His horn fo loudly did opprefiion blow.
That none durfl journey but in martial ilicw.
1. 7. " In jakUis, (Hyjipjs, and bonnetis of ftci!!." With fiiorc
coats of r,-i?il, and ftcei heud-[.icccs. Stiyppii may lignify firrvps, \t
is oJdly joined witii arniour.
1.8. " Thair. lejigis wcr chenyiec to the Lti!','' Frcbably
{heir legs were all covv-rrd with iron nci-uoik.
Si c.
Sl 5. 1. 10. " With rowDiris of fals lefingis." Rounders or whif-
perers of falfe injuriou* reports. DtrNBAR, with a generous indignation,
laments that the gates of princes were not fliut againft the plague of
fuch vermin.
St. 6.1. 6. All with that Warlo went." Warloch" is dill ufed
for a male witch or magician. See 1 ye in his additions to Junius, voc.
Warla.b Hud f^h, was ufed in ti at ag- fur z -n-fer.
1 8. " AfudJir nx fdder." It 'spropcry 128 lb. weight, but
here it is ufed for any indefinite great qu^nrily.
Sr. 7.1.4. " Mony ytuf/r iawiJ^r*/ belly-huddroun." S-u-eir, lazy,
fluggifti. In modern l-.nguage, the tonfequence only is ufed ; ior fnccir
means unwilling. Bumbard: The meaning of this word is to be tuund
in Pierce Fio'jghmart, p. 24. p. 2. quoted by Skinner. " And who fo
iufxmid thertof, bought it thereafter, a gallon for a grote." Skinner
ftys, ""Vit'erur fx contextu, q'licunque earn cerevifiam gufcavit^ vel
" qaicui^qiie eam appetiit feu concupivit " Hence bummard, bumhaid,
bumpard, nuift be a trier or a tafter, " Celui qui goute." A drummer
will be found to have a like fignification ; he who drinks often in imall
quantities. " Belly huddrounP The word buddroun is fllll ufed f'jr
f a flovenly^ diforderly perfon/*
1. 5. " Mony flute <&>, and flepy duddrouv." Slute, Jlewtb,
flothful. Z>flrw, idle, ufelcfs, creature. G. Douglas fays, Prologue to
Mafh:eus's fupplemcnt, p. 452. 1. 23.
* I wyl not be anc djir, I wyl not fleip."
' Duddroun." Probably it means a ghofl, from A. S. dydrunjha. Plian-
tafmata. Sec 'Qzazoii focabularium Anglo-Saxonicum. i"^?'"
1. 6. " Him fervit ay with founyit." Attended on him with
1. la. " Quicker of counye" Qnicker of cunning or spprehcn-
fion, or, perhaps, quicker of coin, of circulation or courfe. The law of
the meafurc which Dunb.ar ufes, required that the 3d, 6th, 9th, and
12th lines of each ftanza fhould rhyme together. This has fettered the
poet, and obliged him to ufe feveral expreffions, not becaufe they were
the apteft,but becaufe they anfwcrcd the meafure beft.
St. 8. 1. *. ", Berand lyk a bagit horfs." Neighing like a ftone horfe.
The meaning of the Fr. baguette i wcJl known.
1. 5. " Tramort." Dead body, corpfe.
1. 9. " Lyk turlas hmraxA rcid." Like red.bot pincers.'
St. 9. 1. 7. " Full mony a ivaifthfs tvlly drag." Wally-dragle is a
word ftill ufed for the weakcfl biid in tlie iieft, or the weakeft chicken
in the ftock. It fccms corrupted from wallnvit dreg, a withered outcafl,
JAMES IV. 1488 15 13. "^f^
and thence by an eafy metonymy, fignifies aoy thing ufekfs or unpro.
St. 9. 1. i. " Thair hwry wes na lefs." Their defire was not di-
minifhed ; their thirfl was infatiable.
St. TO. 1. %. " Glemen." Glee-men, or minftrels. See Piercy's
Dijfertation on minflreli, wherein many curi
tiquitics are to be found.
;^ I. 6. " And entirt be breif of richt," Was admitted to the pof-
feflion of his inheritance in hell by the Brew de reSio.
St. I r. This whole ftanza is employed in fatyrizing thfc Highland-
ers. Such was the illiberal pradice of former times !
m L a. " Macfadyane." Mahoun having expreficd his defire
to fee an Highland pageant, a fiend hailed to fetch Macfadyane. I lup-
pofe this name was chofen by the poet as one of the harfheft that occur-
red to him. In the Bannatvne MS. there is a poem by Captain
MoNTGOMERT, thc elegant author of The Cherry and the Slae, which
begins thus :
" Finlay Macconnoqnhy ful Macfadyan.
The reft of the poem is equally illiberal and fcurrilous, and fliews how
poor, how very poor, genius appears, when its compofitions are debafcd
to thc meaneft prejudices of the meaneft vulgar.
1. 4. ' Be he the Correnoeh had done fchouc." As foon as he
had made the cry of diftrefs, or what in old French is called a Vaide. So
in the ballad of the Battle of Hailaw. St. 1. 1. 7. " Cryand the Cory-
noih on hie."
. 1, 7. " Thae tarmegantis." See an account of the word terma-
gant in Lte's edition of funius. That article, however, might have
been more ample. I fufpeA that Dunbar meant another word than
termagant, or, " heathenifli crew." The Ptarmigan is a fpccies of wild-
fowl well known in the Highlands of Scotland, and is called in our fta-
tnte-book f^rOT/fanf Ddnbar may h>vt: likened the Highlanders to a
flock of their country birds; the context favours this interpretarion, and
thus his illiberal raillery will.be like that of Eff>x calves, Hampshire hogs,
MiUdlefex mungrils, Norfolk dumpling's, Waar Dicu. This, by the way, is one proof, a-
mong many others, that, in the i6:h century, the Englifh made more
ufe of the open a, than they do now. Had Queen Elisabeth lived in
the piefcnt age, (he would have been more apt to fay, mat and fer.
There is another example of this kind io WAtPOtE's Noble Autbori^
art. Effei. The Queen daivnccd."
JAMES IV. 1488 1513. 295
BrAntome fays, that the French were taught fwearing by the Spa-
niards. The mpdern French oaths are generally of the Gafcogne dia-
led, introduced by Henrt IV, H.
St. r. 1. 3. Aithis of creivaltie ;" that is, in the words of the ftat-
ute juft quoted, grievous oaths. In vulgar Englifh, bloody is ftill ufed in
afimilar fenfe.
St. 3. 1. r. Anc preift fweirit braid." The fcandalous oath here
alluded to, as peculiar to the clergy, and to butchers, ftanza 9. is much
ufed in Germany. The French alfo ufe it, but politely minced down ,
^s is their pradice in fwearing.
St. 4. 1. 2. " His part of hevin and hell." Allan Ramsat took
the trouble to make fenfe of this oath, by printing, for, inficad oi and.
St. 7. " Arte foivtar faid," &c. From this and other paffages in
Dunbar's poems, it appears that he had, a ftrange antipathy at {hoe-
makers. The oaths which he appropriates to the flioemakers may not
have fo much of the 6on ion of infidelity as thofe of the churchmen and
butchers. They are, however, kfs exceptionable, being no more than
*' ifackins;" and, " may I be hanged elfe."
St. 10. This ftanza is aimed at the extortion of maltmakers, who
took a profit ol fix Jhillings on the boll of barley. This would be in-
credible, were it not proved by z& 29. par. 4. James V. which limits
their profit to tivo {hillings on the boll.
St. 13. 1. 4. " For with that craft I can nocht thraip." The fenfe
of this line is obfcure. I apprehend that it means, in demanding liigh
or exorbitant prices, for my woik, I cannot threap, affirm, or per{i{l, as
other artificers do ; for every cu{lomcr knows the ju{l price of liiy work,
coyfifting folely of horfe-flioes and ploui;h-irons. It if probable that
throughout the country men were aftridted or thirled to the fmith's
{hop of the barony, as much as to the mill ; fo that the complaint ol the
fmith, concerning the fmall gains of his profcflion, is to be confidered as
highly aflfeifled. PoflTibly thraip any be the fame as ihri-ve.
St. 15. " Ane dyfour faid," &c. In a difpute at play, a gameller
fwore, that he had thrown three fixes with three dice. 'J'his is the
higheft throw known excepting that of St Ghislain, who playing ar
gainft the devil threw fevens.
St. 16. 1. I. " 111 that evir I chaip." The MS. in{lcad of ill has God,
The word chaip is ufed for efcape. So that the fenfe is, " I will not de-
il{l from my vocation till I be hanged.
D UNBAR, in this Jingular performance y reprefents his cO"
temporary Kennedy, the Poet, under the charaEler
of a drunken gracelefs fcholar. The alternate lines
are compofed of fhreds of the breviary ^ mixed with
what we call Dog- Latin, and the French Latin de
cuifine. Stanzas i^th and i^th contain a hold ridi-
cule of the funeral ceremonies ufed in the Romijh
church. The poem appears in Millar and Chep-
VLK^''% printed Mifcellany 1508, and may have been
written about 1506. ^ The Lord mentioned by DuN-
Par as the chief of the name of Kennedy, cannot^
thereforey as Lord Hailes fuppofesy be the Second*
hut the First Earl of Caffilis, who was Jlain at
Flowden in IJJ3. It feems probable .that Y^Y^VHEHY
was yet alive when DuNBAR wrote this fatire, and
therefore it is placed before the ** Lament for the
Death of the Poets," where his name is mentioned by
Dv:^BARy feemingly for the fir Jl time with tendernefsf
now that their bickerings were at an ehd.'\
JL Master Walter Kennedy,
A tunno quando fum vocatus^
Begotten with fum incubj.
Or with fum freir infatuatus ;
In faith 1 can nocht tell redelj,
Unde aut ubifui natus^
Bot in truth I tiuw trewlj,
^uodfum dyabolus incarnatus.
JAMES IT. 148815x3. 29)
Cum nihil Jit certius morfef
We mon all de quhen we haif done j
Nefcimus quando, vel qua forte.
Nor blynd allane wait of the mone.
E.go patior in pe&ore.
This nicht I mycht nocht fleip a wink ;
Licet eeger in corporey
Yet wald my mouth be wett with drink.
Nunc condo teji amentum mevmy
I leif my faule for evirmair, ^
Per omnipotentem Deum, -
Into my lordis wyne cellar :
Semper ibi ad remanendum
Quhill domifday ; without diffiver
Bonum vinum ad hibendum
With fweit Cuthbeit that lufit me nevir.
Ipfe ejl dulcis ad amandum^
He wuld oft ban me in his breth,
Det mihi modo ad potandum.
And Iforgaif him laith and wfeth,
^uia in cellario cum cervt/ta,
I had lever ly baith air and lait,
Nudus folus in camifiay
Than in my lordis bed of ftait.
Ane barrel bung ay at my bofum,
Of warldly gude I bad na mair ;
Corpus meum ebriofum
I leif onto the toun of Air ;
Vol. I. Pp Ii\
In ane draff midding evir and ay,
Ut ibifepeliri queam^
Quhair drink and draff may ilka day
Be c2iSju fuper faciem meam,
I leif my hairt that nevir wes ficker,
Sedfemper variabi/e.
That evermair wald flow ^nd flicker,
Conforti meo 'Jacoho [Zff .]]
Thoch I wald bind it with a wicker,
Verum Deum renui ;
Bot and I hecht to tume a bicker j
Hoc paium femper tenui.
Syne leif I the beft aucht I bocht,
^uod eft Latinum propter caupe.
To heid of kin j but I waite nocht,
^uis eji ille^ than fchro my Ikaupe,
I callit my Lord vay heid, but hiddill^
Sed nulli alii hoc dixerunt.
We wer als fib as feif and riddill.
In unajilva qua creverunt.
Omnia mea folatia
They wer bot lefingis all and ane.
Cum omnifraude et fallacia.
I leive the maifter of Sanft Anthane
Guillimo Gray ^ fine gratia,
Myne awne deir cufine, as I wene,
^ui nunquam fabric at mendacia.
But quhe the Holene growis grene.
JAMES ir. 14881513. 299
My fenyeing, and my fals wynyng,
Kelinquo falfts fratribtts ;
For that is Goddis awin bidding,
Difparjtt, dedit pauperibus.
For mennis faulis thai fay and fing,
Metientes pro muneribus ;
Now God give thaime ane evill ending ^
Pro fuis pravis operihus.
To Jok the fule, my foly fre
Lego poji corpus fepultum ;
In faith I am mair fule than he.
Licet ojiendo bonum 'uultum.
Of come and cattell, gold and fee,
Ipfe habet valde multum.
And yit he bleiris my lordis ee,
Fingendo eum fore Jlultum.
XL - :-^- ^ .
To Malfter Johney Clerk fyne,
"Do et lego intime
Gods braid malefone, and myrte ;
Nam ipfe efl caufa mortis mece,
Wer I a doig and he a fwyne,
Multi mirantur fuper me^
Bot 1 fould gar that lurdoun quliyne,
Scribendo denies fne D,
Rejiduum omnium bonorum
For to difpone my lord fal haif.
Cum tutela puerorum^
Adie, Kittie, and all the laif.
In faith I will na langer raif.
Pro feptdtura or dim
On the new gjfe, fa God me faif,
Nonjicttt more folito.
In die meear& to have been the only _/] appellation, or nam de guerre. Ano-
ther example of farnamcs, aflumed from particular occupations occurs
in RvMTs's Foc.lern. Among the minflrels of Henry V. of England>
there occur Peut. 'Tiompcr, Richard Pyper, Snyth Fydeter, &c This cuf-
tom prevailed in Fngland down to the times of Camden. " In every
place we fee the youth very commonly called by the names of their oc-
topation?, as John Baker, &c." Femaim, p. 147.
ft. IX.
JAMES ly. 1488 1513. 303
St. IT. This ftanza is obfcure, becaufe we are not acquainted with
Raider JohDie Clerk. He was, probably, an ignorant pradlitioncr ia
phyfic, who took upon him to prefcribe in Latin without underftanding
the language. Such a perfon prefcribing for the teeth, might fay, R.
* ad curandos entet i" catching at an ittperfed found, as the ignoranc
univerfally do : a trifling circumflance of this kind was fufficieot to point
the fatire of the poet at Maifter Johiiie Clerk.
St. 13. 1. 6. With hie fe-uin." So it ftands in the Mait. MS. and
in the edition 1508, fignifying " with a loud voice." The Bann. MS'
reads etroneouily, " tbefievin"
After flanza 5th in the Mait. MS. we find thefe four lines ; fecm*
ingly an interpolation :
Their wald I be berett methink ;
Or bcir nay bodie ad tahtmam,
Quheir I may fcil the favour of drynk,
Syn fyng for me requiim tternam.
Sti4. 1. II. ' Than WA/y fing." Then ng haii'aHy, or with con-
X^About this time ^1503-7) a certain Italian came into
Scotland^ who pretended to great knowledge in Alche"
my, and gave the King hopes oj" being put in pojftjjion
\ of the philofophers Jione. It is faid^ that the King
collated him to the Ahhay of Tungland in Galloway.
This fellow was a cheat at frjl, but, by no very un-
common gradation, he rofe to be an enthujiajl. He
made unto himfe If wings , and engaged tofiy to France
from the walls of Stirling caftle ; he tried the expe-
rimenty felly and broke his thigh bone. Bishop Les^
iEY has given an ample account of the feats of this
extraordinary perfoJiage, and likened him to SiMoN
Magus : there is, however, this difference between the
florieSy that the fanatic Italian did attempt to fly^
whereas the adventure of Simon Magus is a fupid,
inconjifent, impojjible fable. Lesley fays that the
Abbot of "Tungland thus accounted for his misfor'
- tune : ** Afy wings, faid he, were compofed of vari-
ous feathers ; among them were the feathers of dung-
hill fowls / and they, by a certain fort of fympathy^
were attraBed towards the dunghill; whereas, bad
my ivtfgs been compofed of the feathers of eagles a-
lone,the fame fympathy would have attraBed them
inta the region of air.'* A fit apology during the
reign (j/Tympathies and antipathies ! The preferment
of this adventurer feems to have roufed the indigna-m
tion o/*DuNBAR, who was then alfo a declared can-
didate for fome appointment in the Church J\
JAMES IV. 1488 1513. 305
' / -' ' > ^
xVS young Aurora with chryftall haile,
lu orient fchewed her vifage paile,
A fwenyng fwyth did me aflaile
Of fonis of Sathanis feid ;
Methocht a Turk of Tartary
Cum throw the boundis of Barbary,
And lay forloppin in Lombardy,
Full long in wacl^maii's wei4.
Fra baptafing for to efchew,
Thair a religious man he flew.
And cled him in his abeit new.
For he cowth wryte and reid. - , ;
Quhen kend was his diffimulance.
And all his c urfit gove rnance, /
For feir he fled, and come m France,
With litill of Lumbard leid.
To be a leiche he f^nyt him thair ; '?
Quhilk mony a man might rew evirmair ;
For he left nowthir fick nor fair
Unflane, or he hyne yeid :
Vane-organis he full clenely carvit ;
Quheii of his ftraik fae mony ftarvit, , '
Dreid he had gottin quhat he defaivit,
He fled away gude fpeid.
In Scotland than, t he narreil way .
He come, his cunnin g till aflay.
To fum man thair it was no play
The preving of his fciens.
In pottingry he wrocht grit pyne,
Vol. I. Qji He
He murdreill mony in medecyne ;
The Jow was of a grit engyne,
And generit was of gyans.
In leichecraft he was homecyd.
He wald haif for a nycht to byd
A haiknay and the hurtman's hyd.
So meikle he was of myance.
His yrins was rude as ony rawchtir,
Quhairc he leit blade it was no lawchtir.
Full mony inftrument for flawchtir
"Was in his gardevyance.
He cowth gif ciire of laxatife
Wald gar a wicht horfe want his lyfe j
Quha evir aflayd it, man or wyfe,
Thair hippis yied hiddy-giddy.
His praAikis never war put to preif,
Bot fuddane deid or grit mifchief.
He had purgatioun to mak a theif
To die without a widdy.
Unto no mefs preffit this prelat.
For found of facring bell nor fkellat.
As blackfmyth bruikit was his pellatt
For battring at the ftudy.
Thocht he come hame a new maid cbannoun^
He had difpenfit with matynis cannoun.
On him come nowthir ftole nor fannoun
For franking of the fmydy.
Methocht feir faflbnis he affailyeit
To mak the quinteffance, and failyeit j
JAM^S IV. 1488 1 513. ^0^
And quhen he faw that nocht aVailyelt,
A fedrene on he tuke :
And fchupe in Turky for to flie ;
And quhen that he did mont on hie.
All fowill ferleit quhat he fowld be.
That evir did on him luke.
Sum held he had bene Dedalus,
Sum the Menatair marvelus.
And fum Martis fmyth VulcanuSf
And fum Saturnus kuke.
And evir the cufchettis at him tuggit.
The rukis him rentj the ravynis him druggit^
The hudit-crawis his hair furth ruggit.
The hevin he micht not bruke.
X; '
The myttaine and Saint Martynis fowie
Wend he had bene the hornit howle,
Thay fet upon him with a yowle.
And gaif him dynt for dynt.
The golk, the gormaw, and the gled,
Beft him with buffets quhill he bled ;
The fpar-halk to the fpring him fped
Als fers as fyre of flynt.
The tarfall gaif him tug for tug,
A ftanchell hang in ilka lug,
The pyot furth his pennis did rug,
The flork flraik ay but ftint }
The bilTart bifly but rebuik,
3cho was fo cleverus of her cluik.
His lugs he micht not langer bruke^
Scho held thame at ane hint,
Thik was the clud of kayis and crawls.
Of marlejouis, mittanis, and of mawls.
That bikkrit at his herd with blawis.
In battell him abowt.
Thay nybbillit him with noyis and cry.
The rerd of thame raife to the Iky,
And evir he cryit on Fortoun, Fy,
His lyfe was into dowt.
The ja him Ikrippit with a flcryke.
And {kornit him as it was lyk ;
The egill ftrong at him did ftryke.
And raucht him, mony a rout :
For feir unkennandly he cawkit,
Quhill all his pennis war drownd and drawkit.
He maid a hundreth nolt all hawkit.
Beneath him with a fpowt.
He fcheure his fedderene that was fchene,
And flippit out of it full clene.
And in a myre, up to the ene,
Amang the glar did glyd.
The fowlis all at the fedrem dang
As at a monfter thame amang,
Quhyl all the pennis of it owtfprang
Intill the air full wyde.
He at the plunge lay evir mair
Sa lang as any ravin did rair ;
The crawis him focht with cryis of cair
In every fchaw befyde.
JAMES IV. 1488 I5i3f- 309
Had he reveild bene to tho rulkis,
Thaj had him revin with thair cluikis.
Thre dajis in dub amang the dukis
He did with dirt him hjde.
The air was dirkit with the fowlis
That come with yawmeris, and with yowlis,
With Ikrjking, ikryming, and with fcowlis.
To tak him in the tjde.
I walknit with nojis and fchowte.
So hiddowis beir was me abowte.
Senfjne I curft that cankirit rowte
Quhair evir I go or rjdej
St. 1. 1. 3, " A f-wmlng fivytb did me aflaile." A viCon fuddenly
came upon mc.
1. 5. " A Turk of Tartary." The Turks were firft known hf
the name of Tartars, from the country out of which they iffued. There
is a cuiious account of the Turks in the Chronicle of Melros, mach in
the form of a Newfpaper.
Here let me obferve, in palling, that the origin of Newfpapers is
probably to be afcribed to the circular letters from the Pope to thi
clergy, or from the generals of the different religious orders to their
conventual brethren. Anciently thofe Newfpapers were occafional and
rare; but now things are changed. 13 Evening Pofts make a Maga-
zine, 12 Magazines make a Regifter, and, it is fuppofed, 20 Regifters
may make a Hiflory. H.
1. 7. " Forloppin^'' Fer-lotvpen, a fugitive or vagabond.
' " 1. 8. " In ivachmans weid." In the drefs of a ftrolleror wan-
derer, ^a;/" pronounced iya_^, is ay?riry. The Englilh ftill pronounce
ch as ff, loff for locb.
St. 2. 1. r. " Fra baptafing for to efchew." To avoid being bap-
tized ; for had he been difcovcrcd, he would have been made a flave,
or, by way of alternative, forced to profefs Chriftianity.
1.4. " For he cowth wryte and reid." The meaning is, as he
could read and write, he was able to pafs for a frier under the habit
which he had aflumed.
1. 8. ;< With litjll of Lumbard /V." Either ' with fmaU
knowledgje of the Italian language," or wi^h a little or a rmatterin^
of Italian literature," or with feme knowledge of the Lombard buQ-
Bcfs of a broker."
St. 3. 1. 4. " Or he byneyelJ." Before he went from thence.
1. 5. " Vane organis he full clenely carvit." Seems to mean
the veins of the head; and then the fenfe will be, He was dextrous in
Heeding at the veins of the head. This is commonly performed by
cupping-glafles, which no doubt would be coniidered in Scotland as a
curious operation.
1. 6. " Of hrs ftraik fae mony ftatvit." When fo many died
by his ftroke. The word Jlraii, or froke, fecms to confirm the notion*
that cupping-glafles are here meant. StarvH is a word ftill preferred
in Enghfli, implying a violent death by hunger. To fiar-oe of aid, is ftill
a Scottifli expreflion, from the vrordJIorUn, to die.
St. 4. 1. 5. " In pottingry he wrocht grit pync." A(3Ing in the cha-
radler of apothecary he did much mifchief. The poet diftingnifhes the
three branches of the healing art all joined in this cmpyric, " Pottingry
toedecyne, and leiche-craft." Lekbe, is phyfician.
I. 7. This yoiv." Not this Jew, but this juggler or magi-
cian. The words to jo-wk, to deceive, and jo-wkery-paiukry, juggling
tricks, are ftill in ufe.
In the Bann. MS. p. 136. there is a fragment of a fort of fairy talc,
where " Scho is the Quene of '^(rw'u ," means, fhe is the queen of ma-
St, 5. 1. 2i 3, " He wald haif for a Oycht to byd,
" A hacknay and the hurtman's hyd."
His fees were fo exorbitant, that one night's attendance coft a horfe^
the moft fumptuous of prefents in thofe days, and the flcin of the pa-
tient ; ftill alluding, as it would feem, to the manner in which the monn-
tebank applied his cupping- glafies. Hyd may, however, mean biddtik
treafure. or biard. H.
1. 4. " So meikie he was oimyance,^^ Probably corrupted from
mtleni. It means expedients for gain.
1. 5. " His yrirti was rude as ony rawthtir." Hi* chirurgical
inftruments were like thofe ufed in torture. Ungrammatical phrafes^
fuch as ' yrins was," are very frequent in this collection.
1. 8. " GarJevyance." Literally garde de uiaade, or cupboard ;
but here it implies his cabinet. The gloffary fubjoined to the Evergreen,
tidiculoufly enough explains it to be a cafe of injirumenU.
In this flanza and the following, the poet defcribes his hero buCcd Jft
the laboratory. " This dignitary of the church," fays he, " never chofe
to go to mafs, although warned by the holy bell, or Ikellat. (This
name is ftill given to a fort of rattle which crier* ufe.) Hikflcin, with
beating at the anvil, was befouled like 3 blackfmith's;" the MS. reads
hrhkit, probably an error of the tranfcribcr for irw>/V, i. c. ftreaked with
JAMES IV. 1488 1513. 31?
bhck and brown. Although a new made canon, he difobcycd the ec-
deiiaftical law, which requires perfons of that ftation to fay matins. He
neither put on Jiolt nor Janon, (Jlo/a and mtnipulus, or fudarium, parts
of the veftments of an officiating pried,) left they ihould have been
defiled with the fnioke of his laboratory."
St. 8. 1. 4. " To mak the quintejfance and failyeit." Of alchemy and
its royal bubbles, there is a good account in a tradt by J. F. Buddei/s.
* An alcbemijia Jint in rcpublica toUrandi ;" JfaJts Saxonum, X'JIZ, lamo.
This tra5l contains a curious anecdote, which appears to have a free cir-
culation in Germany. 3. Martin Delrio, 1. i. Difq. Mag. c. 5. 9.
4. fay, that " there was formerly a law in England againft any perfun
cserciCng the pradice of Alchynr.y, without 3 licence from the King,
under pain of death. But Henry IV. of the fame kingdom propofed
a contrary law, enadling by four cdiSis, that al] and fingular his fubjccSs
Ihould beftow their utmoft attention in preparing the philofophers {lone,
to relieve the commonwealth of debt. And a pleafant reafon is given
for inducing the clergy to rievote themfelyes to the fludy of the tranf-
mutation of metals viz. that as they tvere able to change bread and -wine in-'
to the body and blood of Chrijl, they ivould eaftly convert the bafer metals into
gild. Jo. Pettus, an Englifhrnaii, mentions thefe edidls in his Fodinit
mineralibus, or, the hlftory, laws, and places of the chief mines and mi-
neral works in England, p. i. c. 37. from whom George Paschius
relates them in his book de inventit nov-antiquis, c. 6. p. jjz. who alfo
brings the teftimony of Morrhofius to the fame purpofe, De tranfmuta-
tine metallorum, 12. p 287. who, enquiring into the above fa>it, was
told by the keeper of the public records, that the original document was
ftill extant in the archives". Theyor ads of parliament, H. 4. recom-
mending the fludy of alchemy, in order to pay the national debt, would
be a curious acceffion to the ftatute-book. James IV. of Scotland was
a profcffiid admirer of alchemy In a letter from him to Mr James
Inglis, epij}. reg. Scot, v, I. p. 119. he fays, " We have thankfully re-
ceived your letter, by which you inform us that you are in pofltffion of
the abftrufe books of (ht found pbilrfopLy ; which, as certain mod deferv-
ing perfons have begged them of you, you with difficulty prefcrvc for
cur ufe, having heard that ive are addiSled to the fludy of that art." H.
1. 4. " Afedrene on he tukf." After having in vain attempted'
to make the grand elixir, he put on wings ; fedrem or feddercme, is fea-
1. 5. " Andfchupe in Tiirky for to fie." Shaped his courfe, or
-prepared himfelf to fly back into the land of the Turks, wiiich the poet
has thought proper to rtprefent as the native country of this friar.
St. 9. &c. The author has introduced the names of many diifurect
fowls. Inflead of cumbering the gloffary with the explication of a mul-
titude of words which occur but once, 1 viW explain them here as well
as I am able. Chd, fparbali, tarfal,fanchel, bijfurt, marlyen, mittane, arc
all 'ifferent kinds of hawks. Pyt, magpie; cra-wL, common crows j
ffiawis, mew; gorma-w, cormorant; iayis, jack-daws ; ^a jay > 'S'^^t
eag'ic ; hornet boivle, great horned owl ; rukh, ronks ; St Martini fo-wl^
the mirtcn or mirtlet, which is fuppofed 'o leave thi>- country about St
Martin's day in the beginning of winter ; cufcbettis, is ring-doves ; but
from the company they are placed in, may be underflood of ebouette,
common owl. H.
St. TO. I. 7. " To xhcfpring him fped." Betook himfelf haftily to
hiiffring or flight,
St. II. 1. 8. " Scho held them at a byntJ" Literally, held them by a
hold, i. e. held them faft.
St. 13. 1. I. '* Skripfit with a fkryke." The word JhrippH fignifies
to make mouths in fign of derifion.
1. 5. " Unkennandly he cawkit." Unknowingly he bewrayed
himfelf. The MS. reads uncunnandly.
. 1. 7. ' Hawkit." Horned cattle are called baxvUt when they
baye Itreaks of white on their ikio, and particularly on their foreheads.
J-iUciNA fchynjng in filence of the riicht,
The hcvin being all full of fternis bi;icht.
To bed^I went) bbt thair I tuke no reft, 3 JjjruiO
With havy thocht I wes fo foir oppreft.
That fair I langit eftir dajis licht.
/t eumuii.u TrbnU
Of Fortoun I compleinit hevely> , , ?'jM hn/j
That fcho to mc ftude fo contraroufly;iF; 50 j 3,>"oT hn/.
And at the laft quheri 1 had turny^oft- '
For werines, on me an flummer foft
Come, with ane dreming, and a fantefy.
Methocjit Deme Fortouii, with ant f remit chelr^
Stude me beforne, and faid on this maneir :
Thow fuffir me to work gif thow do Weill,
And preifs the nocht to ftryfe aganis my quheiil,
Quhilk every wardly thing doisTurnc and Heir.
it'ull mony ane man I turne into the hicht,
And maks als mony full law to doun licht.
Up on my ftaigis or that thow afcend, . , , i^At^tu a
Treift Weill thy trouble neir is at ane end, /
Seing thir taiknis, quhairfoir thow mark them richt.
j^^mox iiisi 'J^}'^^ imitmp fiisA'ifti
Thy trublit gaift fall neir moir fee degeft', "^ ^' ' ^.
Nor thow into no benefice poffeft, , ,,. V ,
Quhill that ane abbot him cleith m earnis peahis^ '
And flc up m the air amangis the crennis, . ^
And als ane falcone fair fro eift to weft.
Vol. I. Rr IV.
He fall afcend as ane horreble grephoun.
Him meit fall in the air ane fcho dragoun ;
Thir terrible monfteris fall togidder thrift.
And in the cludis gett the Antechrift,
Quhill all the air infcck of their pufoun.
Undir Saturnus fyrie regioun
Symone Magus fall meit him, and Mahoun ;
And Merlyne at the mone fall hjm be bjdand,
And Jonet the widow on ane beffome rydand,
Of wichis with an -vyindrous gaiefoun ;
^ ;_ VIII. _ ^ ^_ ,
And fyne thay fall difcend with reik and fjre.
And preiche in erth the Antechryfl's impyre.
Be than it fall be neir this warld's end.
With that this lady foue fra me did wend.
Sleipand and walkand wes fruftrat my defyre.
Quhen I awoke my dreme it wes fo nyce,
Fra every wicht I hid it as a vyce ;
Quhill I hard tell be mony futhfaft wy
Fie wald an abbot up into the Iky,
And all his fetherine maid wes at devycc.
Within my hairt conf ort I tuke full fone,
Adew, quoth I, my drery dayis are done. . "
Full Weill I wift to me wald nevir cum tbrift'/^'^' X^'^'
Quhill that twa monis wer fene up in the liff/.^"^, "*'*j^
Or quhiU an abbot fle^y aboif the njidne. ^/^'^* ^jf^"-^
'-,: .. r fif., ,..% ..;,A ..,,!.,/..,.. >[ fo-j '
f / this addrefs, and feveral others of inferior note, %ui
find 'D\J'SBAVi foliciting earnejlly for a benefice^ which
now feems to have been the utmoji of his wijhes. In
fame of thefe he tomplains grievoujly of the unequal
difiribution of ecclefiafiical good things :
Of benefjce, at everie feift, ,,^ i t^^
Quha monyaft has maks maift requeift^j^^,^ ^-r'
Ryche befoir puir fpraids ay thair net ;^.^j^j^q
Quha nothing hes can nothing get. . . '^v^irTf
Sum fwallis fwan, fum fwallis duik.
And I Hand faftand in a nuik j . -^f>,. ijaw^io'.}
Schir, quhidder is it merit majr - j ,-fn jlc
To gif him drynk that thriftis fair,;; > j^j^ qiTT
Or fyll ane fu man quhyll he brift,-^ .^ elsDzS
And lat his fallow dye for thrift ?
Feift of benefyce, repeatedly mentioned by DuNB^R,
means " vacation of a benefice^'* according to Mr
PiNKERTON. It feems rather to have been foriie,;^ hie
feafl of fanEl in glory,'* as Dunbar exprefjes it'\n
one of thefe addreffes. In this^ the ^th Jl(an%a alh-
gorically, and the 6th more direBly accufe the King
of an injurious partiality to foreigners. From the na-
ture of the allegory, it would appear -that the feath-
erene and good fortune of the Abbot of Tungland
were fill fejh in the poefs t ecolleBion^we\ _may
therefore fuppofe this addrefs to have been written
foon after the preferment of thai Juggling foreigner _.~\
. I.
OcHiR, yit remembir as of befoir.
How that my yowth is done forloir
In your feryice with pane and grelf,
Gud confciens cryis, reward thairfoir ;
Hxcefs of thocht dois me mifcheif.
Your clerkis ar fervit all about,
And I do lyk ane reid halk fchout.
To cum to lure that hes no leif,
Quhair my plumyis begynis to mout j
Excefs' of thocht dois me mifcheif.
Foryett is ay the falconis kynd ';
But evir the myttane is hard in mynd ;
Oft quhon the gled dois peirtrikkis preif.
The gentill goifhalk gois undynd ;
Excefs of thocht dois me mifcheif.
Toe pyet with hit pairtie cot,
Fenyeis to fing the nychtingalis not ;
Bot fcho can nevir the corchat cleif.
For harflincs of hir carlich throt ;
JLxcefs of thocht dois me mifcheif*
Ay fareft faderis hes farreft fowlis ;
Suppois thay haif no fang bot youlis.
In filver caigis thay fit bot grief;
Kynd natyve neft doi: clek bot owlis ;
' Excefs of thocht dois me mifcheif.
.rsTvTj^MEs TV. 148S 1513. '- 3a;7,
O gentill egill, how may this be, Ti'-?
That of all fowlis dois heeft fie ;
Your legis quhj will ye nocht releif.
And chereis eftir thair degre ?
Excefs of thocht dois me mifcheif-
Quhen fervit is all udir man,
Gentill and femple of every clan,
Ralph Colyar^s kyn, and "Johne the reif,
Nathing I get, nor conqueis can ;
Excefs of thocht dois me mifcheif,
Thocht I in cour t be maid refus, ^,\x\\'Hsyx iit^tmi 1
And haif few vertewis for to rus ; .'-/| fi?*?i*asfe.i|f|3
Yet am I cumin of Adame and 'EJiiy-i/^&iM r? - ,
And fane wald leif as uderis dois ; : %mi:% '>{-.
Excefs of thocht dois me- ttiifcheiL^^ ^r^crn'.f? id gl^ . .
Or 1 fuld leif in fie mifchance, 03 i^jcv/
Gif it to God war no grevance, "'"
To be a pyk- thank I wald preif,
For thay on warld wantis no plefansj*; ysu !ia i^
Excefs of thocht dois me mifcheif.
In fum parte on my felf I plenye ; ,
Quhen udir folkis dois flattir and fenyc,
Allace ! I can hot ballattis brcif,
Sic bairnheid leidis my brydill renye j
Excefs of thocht dois me mifcheif.
I g03? rny fervice is bot licht ;
Thairfoir of mercy, and nocht of richt,
I aflc you, Schir, jio man to greif.
Sum medecyne gife that ye micht ;
Excefs of thocht dois me mifcheif.
May nane remeid my malady
Sa Weill as ye , Schir, veraly ;
For with a benefice ye may preif
Gif that I mend nocht hellely i
Excefs of thocht dois me mifcheif.
J iBo:':^.':
I wes in yowth, on nureis kne, ir/nn r.i f }.:
Call'd dandely, Bifchop, dandely ! ;
And quhen that ege now dois me greif,
Ane femple vicar I can nocht be ;
Excefs of thocht dots me mifcheif. -ho::! I: . /. -.x
Jok that wes wont to keip the flirkis.
Can now draw him ane cleik of kirkis,
With ane fals cairt into his ileif, ^ -jd t'i
Worth all my ballattis undir the birkis j
Excefs of thocht dois me mifcheif.
Twa curis or thre hes upolandis Michel, .
With difpenfatiouns in a knitcheil ; t^}j^j^ oj.-it.j,)
Thocht he fra nolt had new tane leif .-^ { i a^.;*;
He playis with tstim, and I with /c^^//j^;^,f,i..j . ,^
Excefs of thccht dois me mifcheif. ,f^j \^ g} ;-,..
JAMES IV. 1488 1513. i-^ ' 319
XVI. d..;.>fte.]:u-.,:a,..
How fuld I leif that is nocht landit,
Nor yit with benefice am blandit ;
I fay nocht, Schir, you to repreif,
Bot doutles I ga rycht neir hand it ;
Excefs of thocht dois me mifcheif.
As faulis into purgatorie, ^^mwlui ,*<J goffips have been more fortunate in other
cafes tliaii in that of poor Eunbar. Biflinp Duppa fays of Archbifhop
SpOFTiswooD, " he was no fooner brought into the woild, but a r:-
marhabU fajjage accompanied it ; for among the reft that were prefent,
not ordinary gofBpers, but women of good note, there was one among
them, who in a fober, though in a prophetic Jit, taking the child in her
arms, called aloud to the reft, in thefc or the like terms, Tou may all "ve-
ry "U'cll rejoice at the Birth of this child, for he -will become the prop and pillar
of this church, and the main and chief injlrument in the defending it. From
what principle this predi(ftion came, or hozu fke -uias thus irfpired, I will
not fearch into ;" Life of Archbfjbop Spoti iswood, p. a. Were it not
too ptefumptuous, I would attempt to fearch into what the Bifhop fo
reverently touches. A child was born to a Prcfbyterian minifter ; one
of the goflipers, of good note indeed, but ftill a golfiper, cried out, " Be
blych, cummeris, we haif gottin a lad-baitn ; 1 warrant he will be a bra
minificr bclyve." uch is the very Cmple gofliping (lory, when cV.
pheafani, heron, or other bird ; and thefe vow were held to be invio-
Jdble. -The bird v/as afterwards carried to the table.
In the 6th ftania, Dunbar ventures, without ambiguity, to exprcfs
the deep impreflion which the charms of the Queen had maik upon his
heart. Such was the freedom both of fjieech and manners of that age !
But the moft extraordinary inflance, is his addrefs to the faff.e Q^een
at a Fafrenis-eviit, in the Mait. MS. The burden, although fome-
times a little varied in the expreffion, ends throughout with the word
" fockis" and cannot now be repeated without difguft.
Sum of your men fie curage hed,
Dame Venus' fyte fa harde thanie (led.
Thai brak up diirris, and raef up lokkis,
To get ane pamprettc on ane pled,
Th!it thai roycht, &c
Sum that war ryatus as rammis.
Are now maid tame lyk ony lammis.
And fettin doun lyk far) e crokkis ;
And hes forfaiken all fie gammis
That men calls, &c.
Sum, thocht thamfclfcs flark lyk pyands,
Are Eow^ maid waek lyk willy wands;
With fchinnis (hsrp and fmall lyk rokkis.
And gottin thair br.k in baith thair hands,
For ower oft, &c.
Thisfeems to be the earlieft mention of Lues Vekerka by the Scot-
tifii poets. The firft feeds of it nnift have been fown in Scotland in, or
before I497. And it was then believed to be epidemical. On Sept.
aad. of that yeur, the Privy Cour.cil fcnt the Magiftratts < f Edinburgh
the following order : " That all mamr of pcrf ns viithin the frcdonie
" of this burgh, quhilk ar infc<2it, or hes bene infcclit of the faid con-
" tagio-us plague callH ibe vr.indgorr, dsvoyd, red and pafs fur th of this
* town, and con^peir upoun the landisof I.eith,at tio hours befoir none,
' and thair ihall thai hdve and lynd boatis tcdie in the huvin, ordaint
" to tbame be the oflkers of this burgh, rcddcly furneifl- with vi<5lua]s
" to havethem to the Lub, (the Ifland of Inch-idib.J and there to rc-
'= mane quhill God prcvydc for thair health. And that all uther per-
" fons quhilk take upon them to hale the faid conraigious ii.firmitie,
" fail devoyd and pafs with them ; fua that nane of thir perfoni q ihilk
" take fic cure upoun thame, ufe the fair.yn cure within this burgh."
The penalty of contravention, either Iiy the difeafed or their phyiician,
was ' brynning on the cheik with the marking irnt', that thai may be
" kcnni'. in tymc to cum ; and thairaftir,gif ony of thame remains, that
thai fall be banifl but favour." Hence it appears that this difeafe
wat known in Ldii. burgh within five years after the difcovtry of A-
nicrica- In the above xncDtioned poem, it is occc caljtd '.he Sper.yic^ockit.
[_Printed from the copy in Millar aiid Chefman's
Mifcellany 1508, compared with thofe of the Bann.
and Mait. Manufcripts. " This general elegyy^
fays Lord Hailes, * has not the fpirit of fame of
the earlier compoftions of Dunbar. The folemn
burden feries to JJjew under what imprejjlons it %vas
compofed by the aged poety deprived^ we may fup-
pofe^ of his joyous companions ; and probably jofled
out of court by other wits ^ younger and more fafhion-
ahle. It is far y however^from being dejiitnte of po^
etical effeB. He mtntions the names, and mourns the
death of no lefs than tw>cnty-three Scottifj poets ; of
about twelve of whom, not a fngle memorial now re-
main t ; or, at leaf, is known. Their fate is like that
here mentioned.
I. a. " Wintoun." Andrew Winton composed a CirtnieU
Original in Scottifti metre. See page 7.
St. 15. 1 2. " Clerk." In the Bann. MS. are; two poems fub-
fcribed " Clerk." One, or both of them will be iound near the end
of this reign.
1. J. " Trigide." It would feem, that in the language of
thofe times, tragedy meant any moral defcriptive poem. Thuf ia
a poem by Rowll, (fee nejct page.)
" This tragedy i* callit, but drcid
Rciulis cuffing, (juha will it reid."
The poem here called & tragedy, is an inveiSive againft thofe who de-
fraud the clergy of their dues, and has no refemblance to any fort of
dramatic compofition. The name of tragedy, for a dramatic compofi.
tion, was not known in England before the reign of Hemrt Vlll. See
PCRCET, Origin of tbt Englifflage, p. ia
St. t6. 1. 1. " Holland." Author of a poem called the Howtat,
See p 61.
1. t. " Barbour." John Barbour, Archdeacon of Aber.
dcen, drew up the ads cf Robert I. in Scottifh metre. See p. i.
1. 3. " Schir MuNGO I.ockhart of the Lee." I do not find this
name in the family of Leb, one of the moil ancient and honourable in
Scotland. I fufpetSb that the pcrfon here meant has been fome pricft,
officiating in a chapel belonging to that family. Every one knows that
Sir was the common appellation of fecular priefts, the Fofe^s knights, z*
they were vulgarly denominaccd. H. .
St. r'*4
Sl.iy. 1. a. " That ihadc fttf auntris of Ojiwahi.*^ Percet,
in liis Jhy en the ancient metrical rorhancest p. J^, a6. mentions three dif-
ferent poems of the adventures of Sir Gawane. From the fpelHng of
the fpeclmens which he exhibits, I incline to think that all the three
were compofed by Engliflimcn. H. See p. 6. and r5 J. Sir Gaw-
ane was the hero of many a romantic tale; and his chara^er was as
well known, and as diftinAly marked among our aDce{lors,a Homer's
heroes were among the Greeks.
1. 3. ScHiR Gilbert Hat was charaberkin to Cbarlxs
VII. of France ; and, in 145&, tranflated from French into Scoffifli, the
book of Bonet, prior of Salon, upon Battles. From this teftimony of
DcNBAR, it appears that Sir Gilbert alfo v^rote poems; bikt his Tub.
fctiption does not occur in any of the ancient coUe<5tions.
St. 18. 1. z. '< Blind Hart/' A popular poet, who celebrated the
adions of Wallace. Sec p. 82.
1. 3. " Patrick Jobmstoon.'* One popm intided, lie
thre deid pe-wit, is afcribed to him. See p. I9I.
St. 19. 1. I. Mersar." Se his poemy iotitled,- PtrrM in Parte
meurt, p. 195.
St. ao. 1. 1, RowLL." There is a poem irt the BanN". MS, called
Powlfs eur/ing. The following psflage in it determines the aera at
which he lived.
" and now of Rome that beiris tfic" rod,
" Undir the hevin to lowfe and bind,
" Paip Alcxandtt."
The Pontiff here meant muii have been the virtuous Alexander Vf,
who was Divine Fice-gerent, from 149a to IJ03. Ljndesat alfo men^
tions Rowll ; but there is no diftinguiftung between the two poets of
that name.
Rowll's inveAive being a folitary memorial, it would be hard to
rejeft it entirely. Take therefore the following fpccimcn :
Devyne power of micbtis maid^,
Of Fader, Sone, and Haly ghaiS ;
Jefu Chryft, and his appoftillis ;
Petir, Paul], and his difappilis,
^nd ail the power under God,
And now of Rome that beiris the rod,
Undir the hevin to lowfe and bind,
Paip Alexander that we do fynd
With that power that Peter gaif!
Gudis braid malefone mot thay haif,
And all the blude about thair hairt,
Blak be thair hour, blak be thair pairt.
Tor fy ve fat geifc of Schir yobr.: JRotvtth,
With capons, hennis, and uther fowllU ;
Saith the haldaris and confeilaris,
Reffcttaris, and the prcvie ftcilaris !
And he that fauHs faiffes, and dammis,
Bek!th the dcvill thair gutcis, and gammu,
Thair toung, thair teith,rhair hands, thair feic.
And all thair body hai'l compleit,
That brak his yard and ftall his frutt.
And raif his erbis up be the rute ;
His quheit, his aitis, his peifs, his beir
In Aowk or flak ; to do him dcir
In barn, in houfs, in kill or mill.
Except it had been his awin will :
His wow, his lamb, his chf^is, his (lirk.
Or ony teynds of haly kirk
Now curCt and wareit be thair werd
Quhyll thiy be levand on this erd ;
Hunger, fturt, and tribulation.
And never to be without vexation
The panefull gravel and the gutt.
The gulfoch that thay nevir be bur,
The ftranyolis, and the grit glengor.
Thehajrfchott lippis them bsforc, &c. Sic.
This tragedy is callk, but drei.:
JRo-wlls curfing, quha will it reid.
^od ROWLL.'
St. ai. 1. I. " Hesdone roune" has rounded, or whifpcred in the ear,
The Bann. MS. reads " has tone Brown." And Lord Hailes ob-
ierv>.s, that in the fame MS. there is a poem of a judgement to come, by
"Walter Brown, probably the per fon here meant. See p. ao6.
1. a. " With Mr. Robert Henrysoun;" an excellent pott.
See p. 87. &c. _' !, ' "
1. 3. " ScniR JdHNiE TiHE'Ros." To this perfon Dunbar act-
drefles his invedive agait ft Kennedy. The diftindiion of .S/r, probably
relates to his ccclcfiaftical charaflcr. It fecms uncertain whether lios was
his name, or only the place of his refidence.
St. 2J. 1. 1. " QoiNTENE ScHAW." Somc Toticc will be found of
"him towards the end of this leign; aifo of Kenned r, mentioned in the
a3d ftanza.
*,* In the above poem " warcil lethilr -werd" is, execrated be their
fate. Gulfcch is, jaundice. Stranyolh, ftrangury. Glengor, lues ven.
See p. 324.
Throughout the whole of Millar and Chepman's copy of Dt;N
sax's Lament, the cppnlirtivc and is pilntetl et.
ON THE World's instabilitie.
iPreferved in the Mait. MS. " It ts,^' fays Mr Pin-
KERTON, ** a well written poemy though beginning
with a morality f and ending with a petition for a he-
nefceJ^ Of the ohjeB in view the poet fays^
*' It cumis bj King, it cumis be ^uenet
" But ay fic fpace is us betwene,'* &c.
^nd in the next fiamaai
" It micht have cummun in fchortar quhyl
** Fra Calyecot, and the new fund Tie" &c,
^hat is '* from America," difcovered in 1492. Thefe
exprefjions fhew clearly that the poem mnji have been
written about this time. America would not be calU
edthe new fund Yle after the marriage o/" James V.
in 1537 ]
J. HIS waverand warldis wretchidnes,
The failjand and fruitles biffines.
The mifpent tyme, the fervice vaine,
For to confidder is ane pane.
The flydant joy, the glaidnes fchort.
The fenyeid luif, the fals confort.
The fueit abayd, the flichtful tranc.
For to confidder is ane pane.
The fugurit mouthis, with myndis thairfra ;
The figurit fpeiche, with faceis tua j
The plefand toungis, with harts unplanc.
For to confidder is ane pane.
The labour loft, and leil fervice ;
The lang availl on humil wyfe.
And the lytill rewarde agane.
For to confidder is ane pane.
Nocht I faj all be this cuntrc,
France, Ingland, Ireland, Almanc,
Bot all be J talie, and Spane,
Quhilk to confidder is ane pane.
The change of warld fra weill to wo j
The honourable ufe is all ago
In hall and hour, in burgh and plaiJe ;
Quhilk to confidder is ane pane.
Beleif dois Igip, traift dois nocht tarie j
Office dois flit, and courtis dois varie i
Purpois dois change, as wynd or rane j
Quhilk to confidder is ane pane.
Gud rewl is banifi: our the bordour.
And rangit rings, bot ony ordour.
With reird of rebalds, and of fwane ;
Quhilk to confidder is ane pane.
The pepil fo wickit ar of feiris.
The frutles erde all witnes beiris.
The ayr infeftit and prophane ;
Quhilk to confidder is ane pane.
The temporale ftait to gryp and gather
The fone diflieris wald the father.
And as ane dyvour wald him deraane j
Quhilk to confidder is ane pane
JAMES IV. 1488^-1513. SSa
Kirkmen fo halie ar and gude, y* i ...
That on their confcience rowne and rude.
May turn audit oxin and ane wane ;
Quhilk to confidder is ane pane.
I knaw nocht how the kirk is gydit,
Bot beneficis ar nocht leil devydit 4
Sum men hes fevin, and I nocht ane.
Quhilk to confidder is ane pane.
And fum, unworthy to brouk ane ftall,
Wald clym to be ane cardinal!:
Ane bifchopric may nocht him gane*
Quhilk to confidder is ane pane.
Unwourthy I, amang the laif,
Ane kirk dois cxajf, ami nane can have ;
Sum with ane thraif playis paflage plane.
Quhilk to confidder is ane pane.
It cumis be king, it cumis be quene ;
Bot ay fie fpace is us betwene,
That nane can fhut it with ane flane.
Quhilk to confidder is ane pane.
It micht have cummin in fchortar quhyl
Fra Calyecot, and the new fund Yle,
The partis of tranfmeridiane.
Quhilk to confidder is ane pane.
It micht be this, had it bein kyndj
Cummin out of the deferts of Ynde,
Our all the grit fe oceane.
Quhilk to confidder is ane pane.
It micht have cummin out of ail ayrtis |
Fra Paris, and the orient partis ;
And fra the Ylis of Aphrycane.
Quhilk to confidder is ane pane.
It is fo lang in cuming me till,
I dreid that it be quhyt gane wiU j
Or bakvvart it is turnit agane.
Quhilk to confidder is ane pane.
Upon the heid of it is hecht
Bayth unicornis, and crowns of wecht :
Quhen it dois cum ail men dois frane.
Quhilk to confidder is ane pane.
I wait it is for me provydit ;
Bot fa done tyrfum it is to byd it.
Itjjreiks my hairt, and burfts my brane.
Quhilk to confidder is ane pane.
Greit abbais grayth I nill to gather,
Bot ane kirk fcant coverit with haj dt^ f .
For I of lytil wald be fane.
Quhilk to confidder is ane pane.
And for my curis in findrie place.
With help, Schir, of your nobil grace^
My filile faule fall never be flane j
Na for fie fyn to fuffer pane.
Experience dois me fo infpyr
Of this fals failyeand warld I tyre.
That evermore flittis lyk ane phane.
Quhilk to confidder is ane pane.
The formeft hoip yit that I have
In all this warld, fa God me fave,
Is in Your Grace, bayth crop and graync.
Ouhilk is ane leefing of my pane.
JAMES IV. 1488 1 513. S3l
P. J34. St. a. ' JVwA< I /ay alt ie tiis cunire^' &c.' I ^o iiot confine
ihy obfcrvatiofl td this country, but It citends to FraocCj &c. iiay tO Ita-
ly and Spain. P.
St. 5. ^^ Rebalds" that is, fcoundrels. " Roy dtt Ri&aux, c'etoit
autrefois une qualite d' un homme fujvant la cour, dont la fot)(5tion etoic
dc faire Tortir de la ciur, ou de la fuite du Roy, tous les fripons, maU
faiteurs, Ct gens fans aveu." Glajfaire du Roman de la Rofe, I735
J-, !* 335* St. r. " May turn aucht exin and ane wane." The MS*
and Mr Pinkerton's copy read, no doubt erroneoufly, ofin injitead o
*/. The meaning is palpable, " May turn a waggon drawn by eight
Oxen." Little ufe feems then to have been made of horfes by the huf-
bandnien. In the days of James I. eight oren were ufed in a plough:
AA 81. anno 1426 ordains that " ilk man teilland with a pleuch of
" aucht oxen, fall faw at the lead ilk year, (i. e. h,e^^^' *^^^' ^^^ h^r-
' ley,) a firlot of quheate, half a firlot of pe3re, and foUrty beanes, un-
der the paine of ten Ihillings to the Barronne of the land." Here the
41ft A ;.',,., j.<
^' The third Jlan^a of this poem^'' fays LoRJ) Hailes,
contains an allegory of pleafures lawful and forbid-
den, and will not bear a particular explanation..
" Fleis of Spenye/' are cantharides. This circum'
fiance gives us an HIGH idea of the elegance andrefne-
ment of our forefathers. '''' Or, the phtafe may here
fignify metophorically^ the * Spenyie difeis," meui^
fioned in a former poem p. 234.J
.E that hes gold and grit richefs,
And may be into myrrincfs.
And dois gladnefs fra him expell.
And Icvis daylie in diftrefs,
^e wiikis forrow to him fell.
He that may be but flurt or ftryfe.
And leif an.e lufty plefand lyfe,
Atd fyne with mareige dois him mell.
And weddis with ane wicket wyfe.
He wirkis forrow to him fell.
He that hes for his awin gainyie
Ane pltfand prop, bot mank or mennye.
And fhuttis fyne at an uncow fchell.
And is forfairn with the fleis of Spenyie,
He wirkis forrow to him fell.
And he that with gud lyfe and trcwth,
But variance or uder flewth.
Vol. I. Xx Doi?
Dels evir mair with ane maifter dwell.
That nevir of him will haif no rewth,
We wirkis forrow to him fell.
Now all this tyme let us be mirry,
And fet nocht by this warld a chirry ;
Now quhyll thair is gude wyne to fell,
He that dois on dry bieid wirry,
I gif hita to the devill of hell.
St. 5. 1. 3. " Now quhyll thair hguJe wyne to fell." Great care vtu
taken in thofe days that the lieges (hould drink no wine but what was
both good and cheap. In the Reign of James III. anno 1482, it was
ordained by Parliament that " na man fall tak upon hand to mix or
corrupt wine, under pain of death." Alfo, in the Reign of Queen Mart,
- ah allegory aJJimulaMg h fihte to 'ia/J^ip\ i^er t^e
example of Horace j and preferred in the MaIT.
MS. The author of this folitary memorial feems td
have been a native of Ayr Jhire^ and to have died a-
hout 1500-1505 i for^ Dunbar in his *' Lament,'*
mentions him as recently dead. As a poet he is aljh
recorded with applaufe by Sir David Lindsay in the
" Complaint of the PapingOj" and by Gavin Dou-
glas in his " Palice of HonoUr." By this tafiy anil
in one or two injiances by Dunbar, he is called
QuiNTYNE, without any addition. Kennedy, in his
inveBive againjl Dwbak, Jpeais of him as his rela-
tion, and fometimes calls htm his ** Comnliin^r.''
If we may believe the account of Scottim Writ'ersi
given by Dempster, and after him by Mackenzie,
' In the troublefome times bf the Bruce anV:i
Hell fould not hyd thair harnis fra barm hynting.
The card fuld trymble, firmament fuld fchaik,,
And all the air in vennom fuddane ftink.
And all the devillis of hell for redour quaik
To heir quhat I fuld wryt with pen and ink ;
For and I flyt, fum fege for fchame fuld fink.
The fe fuld bim, the mone fould thoill eclipis,
Jl.qches fuld ry ve, the warld fuld hald nae gvipis ;
Sa loud of cair the fewan bell fuld clink.
P;eid, dirtfall dearch, that thow has difobeyt
My coufin ^uititinCi and my Commiffar.
f antaflick fule, treft weil thow fall be ileyt.
Ignorant elf, ape, owl, yiregular,
Skaldit Ikaitbird and common fkandclair ;
Wanfukkit funling, that Nature maid ane Yrle,
Baith yohn the Rofs and thow fall fqueil and ikirle,
Gif eir I heir ocht of ^ouv making mair.
PUNBAR TO KENNEWCi'^''''"^'*^'^^
IV. -cl 3H
Erfch brybour baird, vyle'beggar with thy brattis,
Mirk and monclefs, was met with wind and waw,
And mony hundreth myle hyne coud us blaw
By Floland, Seland, and the Northway coaft,
In dtcfertis, quhair we wer famift aw ; -^nnx
yit cum I hame, fals baird, to lay thy boifti'^^"^ *^^*^^
>us ji^i iuo u tmdT
VI. ' " ''-' ^
Forworthin fule, of all the warld refufe,
Quhat ferly is thocht thow rejoyce to flyte ?
Sic eloquence as they in Erfchry ufe,
In fic is fet thy thrawart.appityte \
Thow has full litle feil of fair indyte, ^ .
I haif on me ane pair of Lo'joth'iane hipps.
Sail fairer /w^j^n-ak, and mair parfyte.
Than thow can blabber with thy Carrik lipps.
Comerwald crawdon, na man compts the a kerfs ;
Sweir fwapit fwanky fwyne, keppar ay for fwaitis
u^^rgrAHEs IV. 148^^^-1513. 353
Thy ComtnifTar ^intyne bids the cum kis his eLtSj
He luvis not fie a loun forlane of laits ;
He fajs, thow (kaifFs and begs mair beir and aitsj
,Nor ony criple in Carrik land about :
Uther gure beggars and thow ar at debates,
Decripit carlings on A>^V crj out.
Matter enneuch I half> I neid not fenyie, .. ;;,;, r t
Thocht thow, foul trumper, has upon me lied 5
Corrupt carrion, he fall I cry thy fenyie ;
Thinkis thow not hou thow came in grit neid ?
Greitand in Gallaway^ lyke to ane gallow breidj
Ramand and rolpand, beggand koy and ox, ,,f,;. > j^'.*
I faw thee there into thy wathmang weid, , ...f f
, Quhilk wes not worth ane pair of auld gray focks.
,Vi,v; i-.i.^^ii TV"- *'*'***. *i'*^*
Erfch Katherene with thy polk, breik and rilling, y ^
Thow and thy Quean as greidy gleds ye gang
With polks to mill, and begs baith meil and fchillingi
- Thair is but lyfs and lang nails you amang ;
Foul heggerbald, for hens this will ye hang ;
Thow has ane prelus face to play with lammis ;
Ane thoufand kids wer they in falds full ftrang, .
Thy limmerfull luke wald fley them and thair dammit;
.y^fh'a ' jf^d uij ^&rf
Intill a glen thow nas, out of repair^ ,, i.. ;, j
Ane laithly luge that wes the lipper mennis^ M; ,'
With thee ane foutars wyfe, of blifs als bair.
And lyk twa ftalkers fteils in cocks and henS ;
Thow plukks the poltre, fcho pulls of the pennis.
All Karrik cryis, God gif this dowf be drownd ; jj
And quhen thow heirs ane gufe cry irt the glens,
Thow thinkft it fweiter than fewand bell of found.
Vol. L y y XL
Thow held the burch iatjg with ane borrowit gown^.
And an caprowfj barkit all with fweit ;
And quhen the ladis faw thee fae like a Toun,
They bickert the with mony bae and bleit.
Now upola-ad thow leives on rubbit quhiet,
Oft for ane cauls thy burdclaith neids na fpredding.
For thow has nowther for to drink or eit.
But like a berdlefs bard that had na bedding.
StraitgihI}o?is air, that nevir owreftrade ane horfs,
Blae berfute beirne, in bair tyme wes thow borne j
Thow bringis the Carrik clay to Edinburgh corfs.
Upon thy botingis hobland hard as hofne ;
Stra wifp hingis out quhair that the wattis arwofne.
Cum thow agane to Ikar us with thy llrais.
We fall gar flcale our fculis all the to fcorn,
And flane thee up the cawfy quhair thow gaes.
Of Edinhurgh the boyis as beis ont thraws,
And cryis out ay, Heir cums our awin quier cletk ;
Then fleis thow lyk ane houlat chiell with craws,
Quhyll all the bichis at thy botings bark.
Then carlings eryis^, Keip curehes in the merk.
Our gallowis gaipis, lo quhair ane gracelefs gais ;
Ane uthir fays, I fe him w^ant a fark,
I reid ye, cummer, tak in your lynning clais.
Then rins thow doun the gate, with gild of boys,
And all the town tykes hingand at thy heils ;
Of lads and lawns ther ryfeis fie ane noyis,
Quhyll reifyri rynnis away with cart and quheils,
, JAMES tv., 1438-^1 5Jt 3' 355
And cadgers avers caflis bayth coals and creills j
For rerd of thee, and rattling of thy butis-
Fifche-wyves cry fy, and call dawn Ikills and Ikells,
Sum clafhes thee, fum eloddis thee on the cutW
'^hh^^n\ Pft >;- 'f'35^-rrrr Ytf3 2}i.;K3 9n' '4ol jK)
Infenfuate fow, cefs fals Eujiales zlx,'^- ^^^^ ''''^'^\ 1'''^'._
And knaw, kene fcald I hald oiAlathy'i, ^ ^^"^ '"^
And gar me not the caufe lang to declair.
Of thy curft kin Deulher and his Allia z -
. Cum to the corfs on kneis and mak a cryuy^^-'''""^
Confefs thy cryme, hald Kennedie thy king, '^'^ '
And with ane hawthorn fcourge thyfelf and dyng,
Thus drie tlr^jiennaunce deliquijli quia. '* '^
"''' -.. ' rinXVf.^->^i^ ^njii'gfi woff^ fiiiO
-J'. Ji'i-"'i]r.. -' -,-,.. vkf"-'^ ':>^ "f-'v -'//
Fas to my Commifare and be confett, " v. -^^^ -- '*
Cour before him on kneis, and cufloi itt"^i^IffY'"
And fyne ger ^toho for thy lyf proteft :
Renunce thy rymis, baith ban and birn thy bill^
Heve to the hevyn thy hands, and hald thee fliB. '-^
Do thow not thus, brigane, thow fall be brynt '"^'
With pik, tar, fyre, gun-poldre and lyt^i' '^^ n'^fil
.On Arthuris-fete, or, on an^ hyar hjll. '^ ^*T' 'U*
^ ri'**" III ' ' ' j' - :'^n:j jbu tf f^ I >r ii, rBA. ggnih-'sa n^ifT
I ambulate of Perna/o the mountayn,'* ~''''-'^" "^" A
Infpyrit with Mercury fra his goldyn fpere,' '-'^
And dulcely drunk of eloquence the fountayne,
Quhen purifit with froft, and flowand cleir ; ^,
And thow cum fule in Merche or Fehruere'J
There till ane pule and drunk the padok rod.
That gerris the ryme xn termes to thy glod, ' '
And blaberis that noyismennis eiis to here.
" ^ xvin.
Thow lufis nane Erfche elf, I underftand, ' * "'^
But it fuld be all true Scottifmennis lede ; ^"^
It was the firft gud langage of this land, iSiEs
And Scota it caufit to multjplie and fprede,
Quhill Corfpatrick that we of treffon rede.
Thy fore-fader, made Erfche and Erfchemen thin,
Throu his treafon brocht Inglis rumplis in,
Sa wald thjfell. micht thow to him fucceed. ^ ^^
oivfm bii& ''., tiixM'- iT
' - XIX. --f- rA',
Quhairas thow fays, that I ftall hennis and latnms }^
T let thee wit I haif land, ftore and flakkis ;
Thow wald be fain to gnaw, lad with thy gamms.
Under my burde-fmoch, banis behynd dogs bakkis.
Thow has a tome purfe, I haif baith lledis and takkis 5
Thow tint cultnr, I haif coulter and pleuch ;
i^or fabftance and geir, thow has a widdy teuch.
On mount Balconriy about thy crag to rax." "^ j^'i^^i^^'
j^nr^ofiiriy^iX. rsitxrl ^asMsiT
And yit mount Takonn gallows is owre fair,
F^or to be fylde with fie ane frutles face ; . ^
(Cum hame and hyng on our gallowis of Ayr ; ^^ '^''
To eard thee under it, I fall purchafe grace ;
To eit thy flefh the dogs fall haif nae fpace.
The ravens fall ryve naething but thy tung rutes ;
For thow fie malice of thy mafter mutes.
It is weil fet that thow fie barat brace.
^tAn gn XXI. -i^'i ^uv.ojH
A fmall fyii^i^^amang thy freinds thow beggitj " '*'
To ftanche the florm wyth haly muldis. thow lofte ;
Thow failit to get a dowcar for to dregg it ; -^--^'5'^^"
It lyes clofit in ane clout on Seland coaih
''>^'f Sic
; JAMES iv; i^Bfijf*! j[B^J>iOj3i;:. ^^^i
Sic reule gerris the be fervk with cald roflr.
And fit unfoupit oft beyond the fev, .j 'j^srHiftiii -/joal
Crjant Caritas, at duris, amore Dei^ c,\ \,\^\ ji j^ff
Barefute, brekeles, and all in duddis updoft. ^rfj fisw 4I
Inlngland, owl, fald be thyne habitacione j,j.^,g^o*i yrfX
Homage to Edward Langfhanks made thy kin j
In Dunbar thai refaivit him thy fals nacione ;
They fuld be exylt Scotland, mair and myn.
Ane ftark gallows, a widdy and a pin,
The heid poynt of thy elders armis are; - ^'^ zp,tiisdai^7
Written abune in poyfie, Hang Dunbar^ f j j-j] f
I am the kings blude, his trew and fpefu^rrf*?^ //oaT
That nevir yit ymaginit his offenf^;, '-,rw\u]u\ lo^i
Conflant in myn allegeance, word, and w^'"k, .j /-c
Only dependand on his excellence,
Traiftand to have of his magnificence,
Gwerdoun, reward, and benefice bedene,
Quhen that the ravins fall ryve out bait^tJijne j^e.
And on the rattis fall be thy refidenceM ' , / >-x
Fra Ettrick foreft furthward to Drumfrefe,, ., ^^ ^ ,>
Thow beggit with a pardon in all kirks, . u
Collapis, cruddls, meil, grotis, gryce, and geis , -;:
And undernicht quhyle flail thow flaigs and llirks.
Becaufe that Scotland of thy begging irks,
Thow fchaips in France to be a knicht of the fclde ;
Thow has thy clam fliellis and thy. hurdoun kel^f,
Unhoneft ways all, wolron, that thpw-.wirikisi^,} v? r\A - 'flil^ ill iiji'll' : l ' '
Ane benefice quha wald gyfe fie ane befte ;
Bot gif it war to gjngle Judas bellis,
Tak thee a fidill or a floyte and jeft,
Undought thow art, ordainyt to npcht ellis ;
Thy cloutlt cloke, thy ikyrp and thy clam-fchellis,
Cleke on thy corfs, and fare on into France,
And cum thow neir again but a mifchance ;
The feynd fare wyth the forthward our the fellis.
St. to. 1. r. On Mount Fakonn." So it ftands diftinftly ifi Mil-
lar and Chepman's Mifcellany 1508 ; and FaUoneia the Bann. MS.
But Allan Ram sat in his Evergreen thought proper to change it to
J\tount Salione ; and Lord Hailes happening to overlook this falfc
reading, was led to fix upon Saltan in Eaft Lothian as the place of Dun-
bar's birth or refidencc. Mr Pinkerton, partly from contempt
of the poem, fell into the fame miftake. The truth is, there is no
ground for any fuch fuppofition ; nor is there a fingle paffagc in all
Dunbar's works that can lead us to afcertain the county to which h
belonged. It appears that he often, if not chiefly, refided in Edin-
burgh ; and probably that was the only reafon he had for boafting that
he wore " ane pair of Lowthiane hipps." There is, however, a proba-
bility that he belonged to the county of Fife. Upon the forfeiture of
Dt/NBAR, Earl of March, anno 1434, the barony of KiUenqiibar, or Kin-
ftebar, in Fife, (probably bccanfe it did not hold of the crown,) was fuf-
fered to remain with the family, who continued in the poffeffion of it
until the reign of Queen Mary. Kennedy lays exprefsly that Dun-
bar was of the iin of that family. Palkland being fituated very near to
the Lo-wmond hills, one of them may have been diftinguilhed, at leaft in
poetical language, by the natre of Fjlkland Mount ; and in thofe days i:
was alfo natural enough that there flaould be ?i gdtoivs in the vicinity of
a royal refidence. Thus the true reading of the paffagc may be FaUland
J^ouiit ; by corruption Felcann, or Fahonn.
Moreover, in Millar and Chepman's Mifcellany 1508, we find
the following ludicrous ballad, which probably alludes to Dunbah,
from the circumftance of its being placed in the midft of a number of
poems by, or relative to him. It may be a compofitiou of KcNNEuy.
My gudame wes a gay wif, bot fcho wcsryght gcnd ;
Scho duelt fer into Fyfc apon Falkhnn fdlis ;
...i , Thai callit her kynd Kittok, quhafa hir well! kend ;
* ^ ' Scho wes like a caldrone crukc, cler unier kcllys.
'''< JAMES n?. I488- l5l3^vifK3 3^\
Thai threpit that fcho delt of thrift ; and maid a gude end.
tftir hir dede fcho dredit nought in hcvin for to duell :
^nd fa to hevin the hieway Ireidles fcho wend,
Yit fcho wandrit, and yeid by to ane ciriche weU.
Scho met thar, as I wene, ^^^jrij ;^IsX
Ane aflc rydand on a fnaill, 1" -y, '
And cryit, " Our-tane fallow, haul ! ,
And raid ane inche behind the tailli '''^'^^ trtKofo 'ijrjiT
Till it wes neir evin. ""t^i 'TQ ajIaiD
Sa fcho had hap to be hbrCt to hir herbry ; i S'lA
Att ane ailhous neir, it nyghttit thaim tharc. jTSJ '~'(^'F
Scho deit of thrift in this warld, that gert hir be fo drj,'
Scho neuer eit, hot drank our mefure and mair.
Scho flepit quhill the morne zt none, and rais airly,
' And to the yecSis of hcvin fa>1 can the wif fair,
And by Sanift Petir, at the yet, fcho ftall preveiy. ':'. t;; *S
God lukit and faw hir lattin in, and Icwch his hert MA ^^^ ?
- And thar, yeris fevfn,
w'*' Scho kvit a gud lif;
And wes our ladyis hen-wif ;
And held Sanft Peter at ftrif,
Ay quhill fcho wes in hevin. Si^ej ^m - '
Scho lukit out on a day, and thogfct if0tikii'g;
To fe the ailhous befide, intill ane evil! hour ; ' '^_ '*"
And out of hcvin the hie gait couth the wif gatigj' '
For to get hir ane frefche drink, the aill of hcvin wes fou'r'.
Scho come agane to hcvinis yet, quhen the bell rang.
Saint Petir hat hir with a club, quhill a grete ctour
Rais in hir heid, bccaus the wif yeid wrang.
Than to the ailhous agans fcho ran, the pycharis to pour;
And for to brew, and baik.
Frendis, I pray yow hertfuUy,
Gif yc be thrifty, or dry, .
Diink with my guddame, as ye ga by,
Anys for my faik.
It may alfo be added, that probably there never was a gallows at Sal'
ton ; and certainly there is neither hill nor mount.
Stanza 24th arid a5th. In thefe ftanzas Kennedy paints his antago-
nift in the drefs and accoutrements of the antient ^u^Jlitnaril, or beg-
ging friars. In the Bann. MS. there is a poem called " Symmyc and
his Bruder" where the fame particulars are enumerated with greater
niinutenefs. " It is obfcure," fays Lord Hailes, " but fecms to im-
port that thcfe two perfons were what is teamed quicjlianarii in the
Scottifh canons ia4 and 1*96." The narrative appears imperfcd, and
like ' Chrifts Kirk on the Greene," ends in a fcuffle, but the ^dctip-
live part of the pocm is wonhy of notice :
Thair is na ftorjr that I of heir,
Of 'Jobne nor Robene Hudt, . .
Nor yit of fVallacc vv.chl but weir,
That wc thtuk h;ilt fa gude
As of thir Palmars twa but peir.
To heir how thay conclude.
Into begginp I trow fyvc yeir
In San&Andrts thay ftude
Bayth Symmye and his Briider.
Thocht thay war wicht, I warrand you,
Thiy had no will to wirk :
Thay maid them burdowns nocht to bovf j
Twa bewis of the birfc ,-
Weil ftobbit with ftcil, I trow,
To ftik into the mirk ;
Bot fen thair bairds grew on thair mow,
Thay law nevir the kirk
Nowr Sjmmye nowr his Brudcr.
SyDefchnpe thame np, to lowp owr Icifs,
Twa tabartis of the tartane ;
Thay comptit nocht what thair clowtis wes
Quhan fcwit thaim on, in certain :
Syne clampit up Sanvfl Peter's keif?,
Bot ot ane auld reid gartane :
Sand Jamcis fcht lis on the tothir fyd fheis
As pretty as ony partane
On Symmye and his Bruder.
Thus quhan thay had reddit the raggis.
To ronme thay wer infpyrit;
Tuk up thair taipis, and all thair taggii,
Fure furth as thay war fyrit ;
And ay the eldift burc the haggis
Quhan that the ynngift tyrit ;
Tuk counfall at Kirkeiv craggi.
Than hamc as thay war hyrit
Cum Symmye and his Bnidcr.
"' .jAMEStv. 1488 i5i'5-'i'*i^' 364
Than held thay hoofs, as merime telk^A r1;i!^i^ eiiifrfQ ' siii
And fpendit of their fcis; . . ; .iw/ ci i:ifi s '; m itdt ty'i;
Quhen meit was went, thay flew owr fells
As bifly as ony bei*. . r . . < . -
Syne clengit thay SanA Jameis fct.cU^, ^frfefl -.JwfT
And pecis of palm treis : ,._' , ,w
To fee quha bell the pardoun fpells, , - .-. .^
1 fchrew thame that ay feifi - , , , ",...
Quod Symmye to his Bruaer. j / o.
Quhen thay wox welthful in thair wiimin^,- ^"'^3^ ^'^\
Thay puft thamc up in pryd;' ...k A4j>n- k!
But quhen that Symmye evit in {inning.
His Bruder wald haif ane bryd ; "^ ^*? -^V^.^^^. ^a '
Hir wedoheid fra the beeynnine: .... ,, \. ,,,.
Was neir ane moneth tyd : . ,1- 'a j<
Gif fcho was fpedy ay m fpynning. , . a z.- jt
Tak witnefs of thame befyd . > j ^ .
, ^*.*P*R-Ji dii^ Jiddoi'i IhW
Bayth Symmye and his Bruder. .. ,-f. i-
The carlis thay thikkit faft in cluds,"', ^ . - ' ' ' "'
Agane the man was mareit, - ,' ly
With breid and beif, and uthir buds,
^^ Syne to the kirk thfime kareit; ^ ''^"^ '>~i-'ip'(, . s/vu
^ut or thay twynd him and his dudi tttneiu ^raiiA -j,t/3
The tyme of none was tareit. ; , ..hii.f.'f,j cwT
Wa worth this wedding, fo;- by thir rudis ,j {ijj.r.ro T
X\r matjne houre, in midis of the nicht,
Walkeit of fleip, I faw befyd me fone,
Ane aigit man, feina it fextie yeiris be licht,i
This fentence fett, and fong it in gud tone ;
O thryn-fold, and eterne God in trone !
To be content and lufe the I haif cans.
That my licht yowtheid is our paft and done j
Honor with aige to every vertew drawis.
Grene yowth. to aige thow mon obey and bow^
Thy fuiis luft leftis Ikant ane May ;
That than wes witt, is naturall foly now,
Warldy witt, honor, riches, or frefche array :
DefFy the devill, dreid deid and domifday.
For all fall be accufit, as thow knawis j
Bleflit be God, my yowtheid is away ;
Honor with aige to every vertew drawis.
O bittir yowth ! that femit delicious ;
O fweteft aige ! that fumtyme femit foure ;
O rekles yowth ! hie, hait, and vicious ;
O haly aige ! fulfillit with honoure ;
O flowand yowth ! frutles and fedand flour,
Contrair to confcience, ley th to luf gud lawis.
Of all vane gloir the lanthorne and mirroure i
Honor with aige till every vertew drawis.
This warld is fett for to diffaive us evin ;
Prjde is the nett, and covetece is the trane ;
For na reward, except the joj of hevin,
Wald I be yung into this warld agane.
The fchip of fajth, tempeftous winds and rane
Of Lollerdrj, dryvand in the fey hir blawis j
My yowth is gane, and I am glaid and fane.
Honor with aige to every vertew drawls.
Law, luve, and lawtie, gravin law thay ly ;
Diffimulance hes botrowit confcience clay is ;
Writ, wax, and felis ar no wayis fet by ;
Flattery is foilerit baith with freinds and fayis.
The fone, to bruik it that his fader hais,
Wald fe him deid ; Sathanas fic feid fawis :
Yowtheid, adew, ane of my mortall fais.
Honor with aige to every vertew drawis.
St. 4. " Tempeft6us windiahd fine
Of LoUurdly dryvand."
Kennedy, from this exprefTion, appears to have been a zealous par-
tifan of what was termed the old faith ; whereas the poets his cctcmpo-
raries were either lukewarm in thair religious tenets, or inclined to the
nrw opinions. The name of Loliard is well known both on the conti-
nent and in Britain. The derivation is faid to be from the German
lallcn, in allufion to the drawling unifon which they appear to have af-
feifled in their prayers and religion'' hymns. When the Lollards were
firft di/covered in England, the Bifliops were at a lofs how to defcribc
their tenets. In 1387, Henrt, Bifhop of Worceftcr informed his cler-
gy that they were " followers of Mahomet." Some of their cenclulions
or tenets, as prcfentcd by themfclvcs to Parliament in the reign of
Richard II. arc csprcffed with a Cngular naivety. Thus, againft the
cthbacy of the clergy, it is faid " Delicata cibaria virorum ecclefiafti-
orum, volunt habere naturalem purgationero, vel pcjcrcm." That
JAMES IV. 1488 1513. 367
were holy water as efficacious as Is pretended, it would be a cure for all
fores, the contrary whereof experience teaches : And again, if all the
infiruments of the paffion, fuch as the nails and the fpear are to be ve-
nerated, the lips of Judas Ifcariot, could they be procured, would prove
excellent relics. The recantation of one William Dfnot, a Lollard,
made in 1396 before the Archbifliop of York, contains the following
expreffions: " I fwere to God, and to all his layntis upon this holy gol-
pell, that fro this day forward I Jball worfiip ymages with praying, and
offering unto them in the worfchop of the layntis, that they be madt
after ; and alfo I (hall be buxum to the lawes of haly chirche ; and alfa
I fhall (land to your declaration (as to) ivhitb is herefy or errour, and
do thereafter."
It is generally held, that in England before the days of Henrt IV.
heretics were not capitally convifted. But the horrid writ anno 1401,
in Rtmer's Fadera, ordains the heretic " igni committi, et in eodem
igne realiter comburi." It was not enough to pafs through the fire to
Moloch: Holy Church required an un-equivocal burning. In Scotland,
anno I407, during the regency of Robert Duke of Albany, the clergy,
for the firft time, ventured on the experiment of burning a heretic ;
And it is remarkable that this firft vidim of holy feverity was an Eng-
lifhman, by name James Resbt ; " propter certas conclufioncs, qua-
tnm prima eft, Pafa dtfaSio nn ejl Cbrijli vicarius ; Nullus eft Fapa, ne*
Qkrifli -vicarius, nlfi Jit faniui : de talibus et pejoribus tenuit 'K.L,. concluftonet
cujus libri adhiic recant ctiriofeftt-vantur^cr LoiABDOS in ScOTIA." jFrtt
tpUNBAR, in his " Lament for the death of the Ma- ^
kers," Jlan%a x$th^ mentions a MAiSTiiR JoHNg
Clerk as having been taken by death =^
** Fra ballat making and trigide."
j^id in the Bank MS. we find this and the fucceeding
poem, with the fignature^ ^uod Clerk. Their jliUc
ir quite different from that of Clerk, the author of-'
** Sir Gawane." It is therefore probable that they^
are eompofitions of the fame Maister Johne ; ast.\
we can hardly fuppofe that before the year 1568, {theC
date of the Bann. MS.) there had been a I'mKH poef^
^ the fame nam&.'} '
X AIN wald I luye ^ bot quhalr about^
Thair is fo monj luvaris thairout,
That thair is left no place to me ;
Quhairoff I levit half in dowt,
Gi I fowld luve, or lat it be.
Sa mony ar thair ladeia treitis.
With triumphand amoros balletis ;
And dois thair bewties pryfs fo he,
That I find nocht but daft confaitis
To fay of luve Bot lat it be.
Sum thinks his lady luftiefl j
Sum baldis his lady for the befl ;
jfAMES IV. 1488 I5I3. 369
Slim fayis his luve is A per fe ;
Bot fum, forfuth, ar fo opprell
With luve, war bettir lat it be.
Sum for his ladyis luve Ijes feik,
Suppois fcho compt it nocht a leik ;
And fum drowpes down as he wald die ;
Sum ilrejkis down a threid bait cheik
For luve, war bettir lat it be.
Sum luvis lang, and Ijes behind ;
Sum luvis, and freindfhip can nocht fynd ;
Sum feftnit is, and ma not fle ;
Sum led is Ijk the belly-blynd
With luve, war bettir lat it be.
Thoch luve be grene in gud curaige.
And be difficill till affwaige, "' '^^''^-
The end of it is miferie.
Mifgovernit youth makis gowfly aige,
Forbeir ye mot, and lat it be.
Bot quha and fytly wald imprent, -ft \
Sowld find his luve maift permanent,
Luve God, thy prince, and freindy all thre,
Treit weill thyfelf, and ftand content,
And lat all uthir luvaris be.
Vol. 1. A a a ane bKaS'S
JLn fecret place this hinder nicht,
I heard a bairn fay till a bricht,
Mj hinn y, my hojyp, my heart, my heil,-
1 haif been lang your liHvar leil.
And can of you get comfort nane ;
How lang will ye with danger deil ?
Ye biek. m y heart, my bony ane.
Quod he, my hearty fweit as the hinny"^
Sen that I bora was of my minn y,
I nevir wouit an uther but you ;
My wame is of your luve fa fou,
That as a ghaift I glowr and grane^
I trymbil fa ye wadna trow.
Ye brek my heart, jny bony anc^^ vdI at i
Tehei, quod fcho, and gaif ane gaw^ 'Xidxs. lie ^m b^
Be ftill my cowfyne. and my cawf.
My new fpaind howphyn frae the fouk.
And all the blythnefs of my bouk.
My fwanky fweet, faif thee alane
Na leid haif I luivd all this owk ;
Fow leis me on that graceles gane,
Quod he, my claver, my curledody,
My hinnyfopps, my fwcit poffody,
JAMES IV. 1488 1513. 371
Be not owre bowflrous to your billyv^i? swj si0sii sar .
Be warmhertit, not illwillj ;
Your hals as whyt as quhalis bane^ - - .
Gars rife on loft my quilly-IilHe ; i honn I wow O
Ye brek my heart, my bony ane.
- '^*
<^od fchQ, my clip, my unfpaynd lam,
With mithers milk yit in your gam.
My belly-hudrom, my hurle-bawfy.
My honneyguks, my filler tawfy.
Your pleins wad perfs a heart of flane j
Tak comfort, my greit headit gawfy j
Fou leis me on your gracelefs gane.
Quod he, my kid, my capercalyeane.
My bony bab with the ruch brilyeane.
My tender giidil, my wally gowdy,
My tirly mirly, my fowdy mowdy,
Quhen that our mouths do meit in ane,
My ftang dois cork in with your towdy j
Ye brek my heart, my bony ane. . j
Qund fcho, then tak me be the hand,
Welcom my golk of Maryland,
My chirry and ray maiklefs mynyeon.
My fucker fweit as ony unyeon,
My ftrummil ftirk yit now to fpane,
I am apply d to your opinyion j
fou leis me on that graceles gane,
He galf till hir ane aple-ruby ;
Gramerce, quod fclio, my kind cowhubby !
Syne th^y twa till a play began,
Quhilk that they call the dirrydan.
Quhile baith thair fancies met in ane,
O wow I quoth Ihe, quhair will ye man,
Leil leis me on that graceles gane.
The MAJTtAim MS. afcribes this poem to Dbnbak.
VCj ^^ U
T/! T t Off nexii^s^ life auio^ voJtKo
A GENERAL sATYi'^,'**^'^"'^ '
Attributed in the Bann. MS. to Dunbar ; In the
- Ma I XL AND, nvith more appearance of truth y fo Shr
James Inglis ; the conJlruBion of JlanzOy and di had a baftard daughter legitimated ; Rec. b. 30.
No. 116. : and a baftard fon legitimated; ibid. b. 30. No. 374. But
they were all excelled by Patrick Hepburn, Biihop of Moray, from
1535 until the Reformation, for he had fve baftard fons all legitimated
in one day ; ibid. b. 30. No. 585. : and tivo baftard daughters, b. 30.
No. 57a. Such were the goodly fruits of clerical celibacy ! They among'
the reformed who looked back to Rome, always revered the pure poli-
tic celibacy of that church.
Vol. I. B b b St. 2.
St. a. 1. 4. " So ftrangc to thair abbay." The pradlicc of holding
benefices in commendam, became prevalent under the reign of James IV.
Of this there are various examples in Epijiolee Reg. Sctl. vol. i. From
that period until the Reformation, benefices were, by a lhort-Cghtc4 .
policy, heaped on the relations or the retainers of the nobility: mean-
time, learning, morals, and even difcipline, were neglcftcd. A clergy^
without knowledge and without virtue, could neither withtand the
aflaults of innovators, nor maintain authority over the minds of the
St. 3. 1 I. " Cled up in fecular weid." This affcdlatlon of wearing*
the drefs of laymen was very ancient. The Scottifli Canon XI. Haifb thame to the pin." So many devices to forward
their preferment. Pin is point or pinnacle.
St 12. 1. a. " Sic balland-fcbeckaris." From baillons, rags, and _/Jaifrj ;
a word ftill ufed to exprefs 1 beggarly knave. ,
1. 2. " Quhilk at Coivkelbyis gryce." This alludes to a popu-
lar poem preferved in the Bann. MS. One Cowkelbe had a black
fow which he fold for three peonies. He loft one of thofe pennies ; it
Wit found by a pcrfon who purchafed a pig with it. A very numerous
company was invited to feaft upon this pig. The guefts are enumerat-
ed in the talc. It would be tirefome to mention them ; they arc, in ge-
neral, wicked, lewd, and difordcrly perfons ol every degree. The lift
is thus doled up,
" And twa lerit men thairby,
." Schir Ochir, and Schir Simony."
which, as I underftand it, would be thus cxpreffed in modern language :
' And alfo two learned perfonages, the Reverend Dr Usurv, and the
Reverend Dr Simont."
The poem is tedious, and as to verfification, below contempt. It
contains, however, fome curious particulars concerning the manners of
the vulgar ; and muft be of confiderable antiquity. Gawin Douglas,
in his Palite of Honour^ written in 1501, mentions it among other re-
nowned hiftories, fuch as Rohene Hude, Ralph Colyear, Fya MacCmti!^
&c. that were recited by the ancient bards tor the entertainment of our
forefathers. The following lift of the fajhiam^lc dances may be accep-
table to the Mufical Antiquary :
Than all the mcnftralis, attonis.
Blew up and playit for the nonis,
Shepherdis, nolt-herdisy
And fwynherdis out-gerdis.
Ane led the dans and began, _
play us Jdy Lemman ;
Sum trottit Tras andtrevafs.
Sum balterit 7"i6# 5a/};
Sum Ferdelly, fum Trolly lully.
' ' - 6utp
SutQ Cok cratv thoxu qubill day^^
Twyi-Bant, and Terivay.
Sum Lincolme, fum Lindfay,
Sum Lemman, dq- wis it no cbt day ;
Sum Be yon tvode-ftde fingis,
Sum Lait lait on evinnyngis ;
Sum movit moft Mat revUl,
Stim Symons fonnii of ^ubynfell i
Sum Maifitr Pier de Conyate ,-
And udir fum in confaite -
At Icfer dreOit to dans
Sum Our-fuit, fum Our-brant.
Sum Rufy bully with a bck.
And eviry noce in udiris nek ;
Sum the Tone of Tartary,
Sum the Seldan of Surry.
Than all arrayit in a ring,
Danfit My deir darlyng.
Tbe reader will now undeiftand who they were,
" quhilk at Cowkelbyis gryce
" Are halden of pryce, when lymaris do convene."
Limmtr \% fuppofcd to mean mungrill. It is here underftood of every
worthlefs pcrfon. In the modern Scottifli language, it is fuppofcd to
mean a ioofe woman ; and indeed, if Lte's derivation of the word in
his additions to Jonjus be right, that was its original and proper figni.
St. 13. L 2. " Sic curftng even and morn." Such conftant courfing
or hunting with greyhounds, as appears from the context.
1. 4. " Sa mony paitlattis wome." Parpailautsy partelet^ parte
lot, is a woman's ruff. In page 314 of this volume, line 11, the word
famprette ought probably to be farflet, or fartelot, a word ufed by
Gavin Douslas ; corrupted apparently from Chaucer's fopelate^
which TvRRWHiTT fays may be conGdered as a diminutive of the
French f tuple, or the Latin pupula, a puppet ; or as a corruption of pa-
fellet, a butterfly ; in cither fenfc fignifying a young wench, comptula,
delicatula. Pampretti might, however, be formed to fignify a baccha-
nalian nymph, from the French pampre, decked with vine leaves.
St. 14. 1. 1. * Sa mony raciettii" Chavcex, Teflament of love, p.
48Z. ufes the phrafe, " playing rakct" for being inconftant. If the
word is here taken in that fenfc, the meaning is, fo much inconflancy
either in private life, or in political principles.
1. r. " Sa mony kttche-plllaris." Probably a corruption of the
Ftencb ga/pill^r, a fpendthrift Mait. MS. reads (aitbarit and gillarisf
JAMES IV. 1488 1 513. 381
which from the Ang. Sax. and Ifl. may Cgnify oftentatlous and clamo-
rous talkers.
St. 14. 1. a. " Neuietth." A nmcqutt, in French, is a lad who mai4
at tennis. It is now ufed for an inlignificant perfon.
1. a. ' Tutivillaris" Junius in *^yo/. voc. 5Vw/*rw, has the
following note : " Res nihili, things of no worthy olim titivilit'ta puto dic-
ta ; prout antiquis tittvilitiorvm nomen denotabat fila putrida, qux de
colo cadunt, plurefque id genus res vilifiimas, quas proborum mercimo.
)iiorum loco fimplicioribu9 obtrudunt impoilores."
Among the other guefts at Cockelbe's fcaft, there is a tuttlvUlus.
This {hews how loofe our orthography was while there were few books,
and men fpelt by the ear,
1. 4. Sic pudding-fillars defcending doun from mlllarh"
Such gluttons defcendcd of miliars, feems to be perfonal fatire, and, at
this diftance of time, inexplicable. H, Probably the popt had in his
eye the following flory, related by Wjnton.
DuNKAN be nayme, intil Scotlandc,
Sex wyntir ful was kyng regnande.
He gat tua founys of lauchful bede ;
Yit nevirtheles, in his youthcide.
As he paft apon a day,
Intil huntyng hym to play.
With honeft cowrt and company.
On his gamyn al thouchty.
The ftable, and the fetis fct ;
hymfelf with bow, and brtllet ;
Fra flak til hil, our holme and hicht,
He traTalit al day, quhil the nycht
Hym partit fra his company.
Than was he wil of herbcry,
Yit nevirtheles, fwa waverand wil.
He hapnyt to cum to the myl
Of Fortevyat the myller,
That hym tefTavic, on gud maner.
Til met, and drynk, and til berbery ;
And fervit hym richt curtafly.
This myllar had a douchtyr fayr;
That to the kyng had oft repayr.
That til her fadyr difpleyffit noucht j
To be rclevit for that he tboucht.
Of that repayr bathe he and fcho.
His wil the bettyr was iharto :
!Ja fcho broucht hym a preflande,
That fcho trowit til hym plfyfande.
Hir, and hir prefande, thankfully
Hf rtffavit, and curtafly.
And ihar he cheyfit that woman
To be fra thyne hh Juffi tman.
That ilk nycht, that the kyng
Tuk viih themyller th"s reftyng,
Into bede withe liir hf; lay.
And gat on hir a fon or day ;
J'ambre' means an amber head, }n fhape and colour like an apple. By
analogy or imitation, the word apill, or apple, feems to have had th^^
fame fenfe with us. *v
The falhion of wearing amber necklaces, Iry degrees, went down a>
xnong the lower fort of people in Scotland ; it is now almoft exploded
even among them. I fuippofe fome future age will be to fetk among
the vulgar for the definition of eardinale and capuclne, while curches
((owore-chif) and plaids again cover the head and (houlders of a woman
of faihion.
It ought to have been mentioned in the introdudion to this poem*
that Sir James Inglis, in a charter dated 9th Sept. 1527) is defignci^
Cbaocellor of the Royal Chapel of Stirling. 7
^The only remaining Poet of this reigriy whofe name .
and works are known^ is Gavin Douglas, the third
fon of Archibald, the fifth Earl of Angus. He was
born in 147 5 , was Re&or of the church of Hawick in
1496 ; and in i 509 Dean of the collegiate church of St
Giles, Edinburgh. By the ^/een Regent, who had
married his nephew the Earl of Angus, he was recdm-
mended in 15 14 to the Abhay of Aherbrothwick, and al-
fo to the fee of St. Andrews ; but, partly by violence, and
partly by intrigue, he was difappointed of both. He
was next prefented to the fee of Dunkeld ; and a re-
conciliation at lafl taking place between the ^ueen and
tpe Earl of Angus on the one part, and the Regent Al-
bany on the other, Gavin Douglas entered into pof-
fej/ton of the Bijhopric in 15 16. The particulars of his
public life form a conjiderable portion of the Scottijlj
hijlory from 1 5 1 4 if 1 3 2 2, when he died of the plague
at London.
His works now extant are, "The Palace of Honour,"
compofed in 1501, and a " Tranflation o' Virgil's
'E.nQxd,''^- fnifjed in 1513 ; both of them firj} printed at
London in 1553. An allegorical poem called KiNO
Hart is alfo afcribed to him in the M ait land Collec-
tion of poems. His other works, fuppofed now to be
loji, are, 1. A tranflation of Ovid's Book " De Re-
medio Amoris." 2. Comcdise Sacrae. 3. Auyeae
Vol. I. . C c c THE
[The author^ in a vi/iorif finds him/elf in a wildernefs^
where he fees troops of per Jons travelling to the Pa-
lace of Honour. He joins himfelf to the train of the
M.ufeSf and in their company proceeds to the happy,,
place. In his lafi adventure he feems to allude to the
law of Celibacy. The habitation of the honourable ^
ladies is furrounded by a deep ditch, over which is 4-
narrow bridge^ fuppofed to reprefent the ceremony of
marriage. Upon his attempting to pafs over by thii.
bridge f he falls into the water ^ and awakes fram hif,^
dream. a
This allegorical poem. Hie many other modern fables^
is liable to the charge of prolixity. In particular ^ it
is overloaded, according to the praBice of that time^
vuith tedious regifiers of clafjical naihes, to fhow that
the author had not gone to fchool for nothing. Mgfi
ofthefe are here left out: alfo, two or three godly pd
rabolical digreffions , it is hoped, without injury tq~
the poem.^
V^UHEN paill Aurora with face lamentabill
Her ruffet mantill bordeiit all with fabill,
Lappit about, be hevinly circumftance,
The tender bed and aires honorabill
Of Flora quene till fiowris amiabill.
In Maj I rais to do my obfervance :
And entevit in a gardjne of plefance
With fol depaint, as Paradice deleftabil.
And blifsfull bewis, with L/lomed varjancc.
JAMES IV. I488--I513. 387
Sa craftllj dame Flora had ouir fret
Hir heviulj bed, powderit with monj a fet
Of rubj, topas, perle and emerant ;
With balmj dew, bathit and keyndiie wet ;
Quhill vapours hote, richt frefche and weil ybetj
Dulce of odour, of flour maift fragrant.
The filver dropis on dafies diftillant :
Quhilk verdour branches ouir the alars yet.
With fmokj fence the mjftis refledanfl
The fragrand flowris bloumand in ihaii: feis^
Ouirfpred the levis of natures tapeflries ;
Abone the quhilk with hevinlj harmonies
The birdis fat on twiftis and on greis,
Melodiouflj makand thair kjndlie gleis,
Whaife fchill nottis fordinned all the kyis.
Of repurcuft air the echo crjis ;
Amang the branches of the blomit trjies,
And on the laur/ers filver droppis lyis.
Quhill that I rowmed in that Paradice,
Replenifchit, and full of all delice.
Out of the fej EoLus alift his heid,
I mene the hors whilk drawis at device
The affiltrie and goldin chair of price
Of Tytan ; whilk at morrow feemis reid ;
The new colour that all the nicht lay deid
Is reftorit. Baith fowllis, flowris, and rice^
Recomfort was, throw Phebus gudljheid,
The dafy and the maryguld unlappit,
Quhilks all the nicht lay with their levis hapjJit,
Thame to referve fra rewmes pungitive.
The umbrate trees that Tytan about wappit
War portrait, and on the eirth yfchappit,
Be goldin bemis viuificative
Quhais amene heit is raaift reftoratlve.
The grellioppers amangis the vergers gnappit.
And beis wrocht material for thair hjve.
Richt hailfotne was the felToun of the yeir,
Phebus fartb yet depured bemis clear,
Maift nutritive till all things vegetant.
God EoLUS of wind lift nocht appear,
Nor auld Saturne with his mortal fpeir,
And bad afpeft contrair till evrie plant.
Neptunus nold within that palice bant.
The beriall itremis rynning, men micht heir.
By baukis grene with glancis variant.
For till behald that hevinly place complete.
The purgit air with new engenderit heit,
The fol enbroued with colour ure, and ftone ;
The tender grene, the balmy droppis fweit,
Sa rejoycit and comfort was my fpreit,
I not was it a vifion or fanfone.
Amyd the buikis rowming myne alone,
Within that garth, of all plefance repleit,
A voice I hard preclair as Phebus fchone,
Singand, O May ! thow mirrour of folcfs,
Maternall moneth, lady and maillres.
Till evrie thing adown refpirature,
Thyne hevinlie werk and worthie craftinefs
The fmall hefbis conftranis till incres.
O verray ground till werking of nature !
Quhais hie curaigg and affucurat cure
Caufis the eirth his fruits till expres,
Diffuudant grace on everie creature.
JAMES IV. 1488 1 5 13. 389
IX. . , .^>^;f.-
Thy gudly lore, cunning incomparabill,
Dantis the favage beiftis maift unftabill.
And expellis all that nature infeilis.
The knoppit fyonis with levis agreeabill.
For till revert and burgione ar maid abill.
Thy mirth refrefches byrdis in thair nellis,
Quhilkis the to praife and nature neuer rcftis :
Confefland yow maiil potent and lowabill
Amang the brownis of the olive twiftis.
In the is rute and agment of curage.
In the enforces Martis vaffalage j
In the is amorous lufe and harmonic.
With incrementis frefche in luflie age.
Quha that conltrainit ar in luilis rage,
AddreiTand them with obfervance airlie,
Weill auchtis the till glore and magnifie.
And with that wordT raized my vifage
Soir affrayit ; half in an frenefie.
XI ;
O Nature Quene ! and O ye lufly May !
Quod I thon, How lang fall I thus foruay
Quilk yow and Venus in this garth defervis ?
Recounfel me out of this greit affray,
That I may ling yow laudis day be day,
Ye that all mundane creatures prefervis
Ciimfort your man that in this fanton llervis.
With fpreit arraifit and everie wit away,
Quaiking for feir, baith pulfis, vane, and nervis.
My fatal wei rd, my febill wit I wary,
Mydefie heid quhome lake of brane gart vary,
And not fuftene fo amiabill a foun.
With ciy courage, febill flrenthis fary,
Bounand me hame, and lift na lunger tary,
-" Out
Out of the air come ane impreflioun.
Throw whais licht in extafie or fwoun,
Amyd the virgultis, all intill a farj,
As feminine fa febilit fell I down.
And wiih that gleme fa defyt was my micht,
Quhill thair remanit nouther voice nor ficht,
Breith, motion, nor heiring natural,
Saw never man fo faynt a levand wicht ;
And na ferly, for ouir excelland licht
Corruptis the witt, and garris the blude awaill
Untill the hart, thocht it na danger aill ;
Quhen it is fmorit, memberis wirkis not richt.
The dreidfuU terrour fwa did me aifaill.
Yet at the laft, I not how lang a fpace,
A lytle heit appeirit in my face ,
Whilk had to foir been paill and voyde of blude.
Thon in my fwoun I met a ferly cace ;
I thoucht me fet within a defert place
Amyd a forreft, by a hyddeous flude
With gryfly fifche -, and fchortly till conclude,
I fall difcryve, as God will give me grace,
Myne vifioun in rural termis rude.
Bydand the deid thus in my extafie,
Ane dyn I hard approaching fail me by,
Quhilk movit fra the plage Septentrionall,
As heird of beaftis ftamping with loud cry.
Bot than God wait, how affrayit was I !
Traifland to be ftranglit with beftiall.
Amid a ftock richt privelie I ftall,
Quhair luikand cut anon I did efpy
Ane luftie rout of beheft rationall,
JAMES IV. 1488.^1513, 35lf
Of Ladyls fair, and guidlie men arrayit
In conftant weid, that weill my fpreitis payit ;
"With degeft mind, quhairin all wit aboundit.
Full foberlie their haiknayis thay aflayit.
Efter, the faitis auld (and nocht forwayit)-- 'iV' -
Their hie prudence fchaw furth, and naithing roundit,
With gude efFeir ;. quhairat the wod refoundit.
In fteidfall ordour, to vefie unafFrait,
Thay ryding furth, with ftabilnefs ygroundit.
Amiddis quhom born in ane goldin chair,
Ouirfret with perle, and ftains maift prcclair.
That 4yj|Sift was by haiknayis all milk quhite,
Was fet MiNERVE, as lyllie fweit of fwair.
In purpour rob, hemmit with gold ilk gair,
Quhilk gem^mit clafpis clofed all perfite.
A diademe maift plefandlie polite.
Set on the treffis of her giltin hair, ;-
And in her hand a fcepter of dclyte.
Syne nixt hir raid in granate violat
Twolf Damifellis, ilk ane on thair eftait,
Quhilks femit of her counfell maift fecre.
And nixt them was a luftie rout, God wait,
Lords, Ladys, and mony fair Prelatt,
Baith born of hie eftait, and law degre ;
Furth with thair Quene, thay all by paffit me.
Ane efie pai s, thay ryding furth the gait.
And I abaid alone within the tre.
Sine ladyis come with luftie gilten treffis,
In habit wilde maift like till forftereflis ;
Amiddis quhom heich on ane eliphant.
In figne that fiio in chaftitie increffis,
Raid Diane that Ladyis hartis dreftis
Till be ftabill, and na waj inconftant.
God wait that nane of thame is variant !
All chain and trew virginity profeffis,
I not ; bot few I faw with Diane hant.
Mj^aifit hei^d, fordullit difiele,
I raifit up, half in ane lithargie,
As dois ane cative ydrunkin, in fleip.
And fa appeirit to my fantafie,
A fchynand licht out of the northeift iky.
The whilk with cure to heir I did tak keip.
Proportion founding dulceft, hard I peip, '
In mufick number, full of harmony,
Diftant -on far was carit be the deip. ^
XXI. f
Sa dulce, fa fweit, and fa melodious,*; cClvt J
That everie wicht thairwith micht be joyous,
Bot I and catives dullit in difpair.
For quhen a man is wraith or furious,
Melancholick for wo, or tedious,
Than till him is all plefance maift con trair :
And femblablie, than fa did with me fair ;
This melodic intonit hevinlie thus.
For profound wo, conftrainit me mak cair.
And murnand thus, as ane maift wofull wicht.
Of the maift plefant court I had a ficht.
In warld adoun fen Adam was creat. . . :,.
Quhat fang, quhat joy, quhat harmony, quhat licht !
Quhat mirthfull folace, plefance all at richt !
Quhat frefche bewtie, quhat excelland eftate !
Quliat fweit vocis, quhat wordis fuggurait !
Quhat fair debaitis, quhat luifsum ladyis bricht !
Quhat luftie gallandis did on thair fervice wait !
JAMES IT. X488 1513- 39S
Quhat gudlle paftance and quhat minftreilfie ?
Quhat game thaj maid, in faith not tell can I,
Thocht I had profound wit angelicalh
The hevenlie foundis of thair harmonic,
Has dynnit fa my drerie fantafie, '" *
Baith wit and relToun half is loift of all.
Yet (as I knaw) als lichtlie faj I fall,
That angellike and godlie company-
Till fe, me thocht a thing celeftiall. t"
Proceidand fnrth was draw ane chariote.
Be courfouris twelf, trappit ia grene velvote.
Of fine gold wer junftures and harnaffingis r
The lymnaris wer of burnifhit gold God wote,
Baith aixtre and quheillis of gold I hote.
Of goldin cord wer lyamis, and the ftringis
Feftinnit conjun6l in maffie goldin rin^is ;
Evor haims convenient for fie note,
And rav/ filk brechamis ouir thair halfis hingig.
The bodie of the cairt of evor bone.
With crifolitis and mony precious ftone
Was all ouirfret, in dew proportioun,
Like fternis in the firmament quhilks fchone,
Reparrellit was that Godlike plefand one^
Tyldit abone, and to the eirth adoun.
In richefl claith of gold of purpure brdun j
But fas, nor uther frenyies, had it none,
SaifF claith of gold anamillit, all failjoun.
Quhair fra dependant hang thair megir bellis .
Sum round, fum thraw, in found the quhilks excellisj
All wer of gold of Arahy maift fine,
Quhilks with the wind concordandlie fa knellis;
That to be glaid thair found all wicht compellisj.
Vol. I. Ddd Th^
The harmonie was fa melodious fine,
In mannis voice and inftrument devine,
Quhairfa thay went it feemit nathing ellis
Bot ierarchies of angellis, ordours nine.
Amid the chair fulfillit of plefance,
Ane lady fat at quhais obejfance,
Was all that rout : and wonder is to heir
Of her excelland luftie countenance
Her hie bewtie quhilk maift to avance
Precellis all, thajr may be na compeir.
For like Phebus, in heift of his fpheir,
Hir bewtie fchane, caftand fa greit ane glance.
All fairheid it oppreft baith far and neir.
Scho was peirlefs of fchap and portraiture.
In her had nature finifchit hir cure,
As for gude havingis thair was nane bot fcho.
And hir array was fa fine and fa pure,
That quhairof was hir robe I am not fure.
For nocht bot perle and ftanis micht I fee.
Of quhom the brightnefs of hir hie bewtie
For to behald, my ficht micht not indure,
Mair nor the bricht fone may the bakkis ee,
Hir hair as gold or topafis was hewit,
Quha hir beheld, hir bewtie ay renewit.
On heid fho had a creft of dyamantis.
Thair was na wicht that gat a ficht efchewit.
War he never fa conflant or waUl thewit,
Na he was woundit, and him hir feruant grantis.
That heyinlie wicht, hir criftall ene fa dantis,
For blenkis fweit nane paffit unperfewit,
Bot gif he wer preferuit as thir fanftis.
JAMES IV. X488--.i5i3i 395
I Wondert fair and fail in mind did ftaif,
Quhat creature that micht be that was fa fair.
Of fa peirlefs excellant womanheid;
And farljand thus I faw within the chair
Quhair that a man was fet with lyramis fquair,
His bodie weill entailyeit evcrie fteid ;
He bair a bow with dartis haw as leid ;
His claithing was als grene as ane huntair :
3ot he forfuith had na eine in his heid.
i underftude be fignes perfavabill
That was Cupyd the God maift diffavabill j
The ladj, Venus, his mother, a Goddes ;
i knew that was the court fa variabill.
Of eirdlj lufe quhilk fendill ftandis flabill,
Bot yet thair mirth and folace neuerthelefs
In mufick tone and menflrallie expres
Sa craftilie : With curage agreabill
Hard neuer wicht fie melodic 1 ges.
Accompanyit luftie yonkeiri withall,
Frefche ladyis fang in voice virgineall,
Concordis fweit, divers entoned reportis.
Proportionis fine^ with found celeftiall,
Duplat, triplatj diatelTeriall^
Sefque altera, and dccupla rcfortis,
Diapafon of mony fundry fartis,
War foung, and playit be feir cunning menflrall
On lufe, ballatis with mony fair difportis.
In modulation hard I play and fing
Faburdoun, prickfang, difcant^ countering.
Cant organe, figuratioun, and gemmell }
On croud, lute, harp, with mony gudlie fpring,
Schalmes, clariounis, portatives, hard I ring,
Monjcord, organe, tjgigane, and cjmbell ;
Sytholl, pfalterie,and voices fweet as bell.
Soft relefehingis in dulce delivering,
Fraftionis divide, at reft, or clois compelL
Na mair T underftude thair numbers fine.
Be God, than dois of Greik a fvvine,
Saif that me think fweit foundis gude to heir.
Na mair heiron my labour will I tyne,
Na maIr I will thir werbillis fweit define,
How that thair mufick tones war mair cleir
And dulcer than the moving of the fpheir.
Or Orpheus harp of Thrace with found divine,
Glaskeriane maid sa noyis compeir.
Thay condifcend fa weill in ane accord,
That by na joint thair foundis bene difcord.
In everie key thay werren fa expert.
Of thair array gif I fuld mak record,
Luftie fpringaldis arid mony gudlie lord.
Tender younglingis with pieteous virgin hart.
Elder ladyis knew mair of luflis art.
Divers uthers quhilks me not lift remord,
Quhais lakkeft weid was filkis ou irb r pudert .
In veftures quent of mony findrie gyfe,
I faw all claith of gold men might devife,
Purpour colour, punik, and fcarlote hewis,
Velvot robbis maid with the grand affyfe.
Dames fatyne, begaryit mony wife,
Crameffie fatine veluot enbroude in divers rewis,
Satine figures champit with flout is and bewis,
DamisHure, tere-pyle quhairon thair lyis,
Peirle dpany quhilkevrie itait renewis.
JAMES IV. 1488 1513. * 3^7
Thalr riche entyre maiit peirles to behald
Mj wit can not difcrive howbeit I wald.
Mony entrappit fteid with filkis feir,
Mony pattrell nervit with gold I tald,
Full mony new gilt, harnafing not aid,
On mony palfray luifsum Ladyis cleir.
And nixt the chair I faw formefl appeir.
Upon a bardit curfer ftout and bald,
Mars, God of flrife enarmit in birneift geir.
Everie invafibill wapon on him he bair,
His luik was grym, his bodie large and fquair,
His lymmis weill cntailyiet to be llrang.
Hid neck w^as greit, a fpan lenth weill or mair.
His vifage braid, with crifp broun curland hair.
Of flature not ouir greit, nor yet ouir lang.
Behaldand Venus, O ye my lufe ! (he fang )
And fcho agane, with dallyance fa fair.
Hir knicht liim cleipis, quhair fa he ry^e or gang. .
xxxix. " '^ ^ ,
Of gudlie folk in everie rank and age,
With blenkis fweir frefche luftie grene curage,
And dalyance thay riding furth in feir.
Sum levis in hope, and fum in greit thirlage
Sum in difpair, fum findis his panis fwage.
Garlandis of iiouris and rois chaipletis feir,
Thay bair on heid ; and famin fang fa cleir,
Quhill that thair mirth commovit my curage.
Till fing this lay quhilk followand ye may heir.
Conftrainit hart ! belappit in diftres,
Groundit in wo, and full of hevmes,
Complane thy panefuU cairis infinite,
Bewaill this warldis frail unfleidfaflnefs.^
Havand regrait, fen gain is thy gladnes,
And all thy folace returnit in difpite,
O cative thrall involupit in defpyte,
Confes thj fatall wofuU wretchednefs,
Devide in twane and furth diffound all tyte
Aggrevance greit in miferable indyte.
My cruell fate fubjelit to pennance
Predeftinate, fa void of all plefance,
Hes everie greif amid my hart ingrave.
The Aide inconftant deflenie or chance^
Unequallie dois hing in thair balance.
My demerites and greit dolour I have.
This purgatorie redoublis all the lave.
Ilk. wicht hes fum weilfair at obeyfance,
Saif me, byfning, that may na grace refave*
Deid the addres, and do me to my grave.
Wo worth fie flrang misfortune anoyoas^
Quhilk hes opprefl my fpreits maift joyous^
Wo worth this warldis freuch felicitie.
Wo worth my fervent difeis dolorous.
Wo worth the wicht that is ndt piteous,
Quhair the trefpaflbur penitent thay fe.
Wo worth this deid that daylie dois me die,
Wo worth CuPYD, and wo worth fals Venbs,
Wo worth thame baith, ay w;^jit mot^ thajr be^
Wo worth thair court and curfit deflenie.
Loud as I mocht, in dolour all deftrenyiet.
This lay I fang, and not ane letter fenyeit.
Thon faw 1 Venus on hir lip did bite.
And all the court in hafte thair horfis renyeit,
Proclamand loude, Quhair is yone poid that plenyeit,
Quhilk deith defervis, comittand fic defpite ?
Fra tre to trc thay feirching but refpite,
JAMES IV. 1488 1513. ^g^
Quhill ane me fand, quhilk faid and greit difdenjcit,
Avant villane ! thow reclus imperfite.
All in ane fevir, out of mj mufkane bowr.
On kneis I crap, and law for feir did lowre.
Than all the court on me thair heidis fchuik ;
Sum glowmand grim, fum girnand with vifage fowre j
Sum in the nek gave me feil djntis dowre.
Pluck at the craw, thaj cryit, deplomc the ruik j
Pulland my hair, with blek my face they bruik j
Sk'rymmorie Fery gave me mony a clowre.
For chyppynutie ful oft my chaftis quuik.
With pane torment, thus in thair tenefuU play.
Till Venus bound, thay led me furth the way,
Quhilk than was fet amid a goldin chair ;
And fa confoundit into that fell affray.
As that I micht confidder thair array.
Me thocht the field ouirfpred with carpettis fair
{Quhilk was to foir brint, barrane, vile and bair)
Wox maift plefand, bot all Cthe fuith to fay)
Micht nocht ameis my grevous pancfull fair.
Enthronit fat Mars, Cupyd, and Venus :
Thon rais ane clerk was cleipit Varius,
Me till accufen as of a deidlie crime.
And he begouth and red ane dittay thus :
Thou wickit cative, wod and furiou s,
Prefumpteouflie now at this prefent time
My lady hes blafphemit in thy rime.
Mir fone, hir felf, and hir court amoious.
For till betraj g, awaitit heir fen Prime.
Now, God thow wait, me thocht my fortune fey^
With quaikand voce, and hart cald as a key.
On kng igj kneillit and mercy_culd imploir,
Submittand me, but ony langer pley,
Venus mandate and plefure to obey.
Grace was denjit, and mj travell forloir.
For fcho gave charge to proceed as befoir.
Than Varius fpak richt ftoutlie me to fley,
Injoynand iilence till aflc grace ony moir.
"^'"'* XL VII I.
He demandit my anfwer, Quhat 1 faid ?
Than as I mocht with curage all mifmaid,
Fra time I underftude na mair fupplie, 'i "Pist be
Sair abaifit, belive I thus out-braid :
Set of thir pointis of crime now on me laid,
I may be quite guiltlefs in veritie :
Yit firft agane the Judge quhilk heer I le,
This inordinate court, and proces quaid,
I will objeft for caufes twa or thre; ^^^ wilJ jl
Inclynand law (quod I) with piteous face,
I me defend, Madame, pleis it your grace.
Say on, (quod fcho), Than faid I thus but mair ;
Madame ye may noe fit into this cace.
For Ladyis may be judges in na plce.
And mairattour I am na feculair,
A fpirituall man (thocht 1 be void of lair)
Cleipit I am, and aucht my lives fpace
To be remit till my Judge ordinair.
I yow bezeik, Madam, with biffie cure
Till give ane gracious interlocuture.
On thir exceptiones now proponit lait.
Thane fuddenlie Venus (I you affure)
Deliverit fonCr and with a voice fo Aure,
Anfwerit thus, Thow fubteil fmy, God wait,
Quhat wenis thow to degraid my hie eftait,
I\lc to decline as Judge, curft creature ?
It beis not fa, die ^ame fi ais uther ^ait .
JAMES IT. 1488 1513. 4i
Ais we the find, thow fall thoill Judgement,
Nocht of a clerk we fe the reprefen^,
Saif onlie falfet and disfaithfuU taillis.
Firft quhen thow come with hart and halU intent^
Thow the fubmittit to my commandement.
Now now thairof methink to fone thow faillis*
I wene na thing but follie that the aillis.
Ye clerkis bene in fubtell wordis quent.
And iii^the deid als fchairp as onyfnailiis,
Ye bene the men beywrayis my commandis,
Ye bene the men difturbis my fervandis.
Ye bene the men with wickit wordis feill,
Quilk blafphemis frefche luflie young gallandis ^
That in my feryi ce and retinew ftandis.
Ye bene the men that cleipis yow fa leill.
With fallis beheft quhill ye your purpois fteill.
Sine ye forfweir baith bodie, treuth, and handis.
Ye bene fa fals ye can na word conceill.
Have done (quod fcho) Schir Varius, alfwyth -
Do write the fentenc e ; lat this cative kyth
Gif our power may demen his mifdeid.
Than God thow wait gif that my fpreit was blyth I
The feverous hew intill my face did myith
All my mal-eis ; for fwa the horribill dreid.
Haill me ouir fet, I micht not fay my creid :
For feir and wo within my ikin I wryith,
I micht not pray forfuith thocht I had neid.
Yet of my deith I fet not half ane fie.
For greit efFeer me thocht na pane to die j
But fair I dred me for fome uther jaip,
That Venus fuld, throw her fubtillitie,
Intill fum byfning beift transfigurat me.
Vol. I. E e e As
As in a beir, a bair, ane oule, ane aip ;
I traiftit fa for till have bene mifchaip,
That oft I vvald my hand behald to fe
Gif it alterit, and oft tny vifage graip.
Lo thus amid this hard perplexetie,
Awaitand ever quhat moment I fuld die.
Or than fum new transfiguratioun.
He quhilk that is eternal veritie.
The glorious Lord, ringand in perfounxs thre,
Provjdit hes for my falvatioun,
Be fom good fpreitis revelatioun,
Quhilk interceffioun maid I traift for me,
I foryet all imaginatioun.
Air haill my dreid I tho foryet in hy,
And all my wo, bot yet I wift not quhy.
Save that I had fome hope till be relevit.
I raifit than my vifage h^jftglie,
And with a blenk anone I did efpy,
A luik ficht quhilk nocht my hart engrevit :
Ane hevinlie rout out throw the wod efchevit
Of quhome the bountie gif I not deny,
Uneth may be intill ane fcripture brewit.
With lawreir crownit in robbis fide all new.
Of a faflbun and all of fteidfaft hew,
Arrayit weill ane court I faw come neir.
Of wife digeft eloquent fathers trew.
And plefand ladyis quhilks frefche bewtie fchew,
Singand foftlie full fweit on thair maner
On Poet wife, all divers verfis feir,
Hiftoryis greit in Latine toung, and Grew,
"With frefche indite and loundis gude to heir.
JAMES IV. 1488 1513. 403
And fum of thame ad Lyram playit and fang
Sa plefand verfe quhill all the roches rang ;
Metir Saphik, and alfo Elygie.
Thair inftrumentis allmaift war fidillis lang,
But with a firing quhilk never a wreifl yeid wrang ;
Sum had an harp, and fum a fair pMtrie,
On lutis fum thair accentis fubtelle,
Devydit weill and held the meafure lang.
In foundis fweit of plefand melodie.
I had greit wonder of tjiaj Ladyis feir,
Quhilks in that airt micht have na compeir,-
Of caftis quent, rethorik colouris fine,
Sa poetlike in fubteill fair maheir.
And eloquent fir me ca ij.e.ffcg_regjalair.
Thair vejage furth contenand richt as line.
With fang and play (as faid is) fa devine,
Thay fail approching to the place weiU neir,
Quhair I was torment into my greit pine.
And as that hevinlie fort now nominate,
Removit furth on gudiie wife thair gait.
Toward the court quhilk was tofoir expremit.
My curage grew, for^uhatJSaail&XlJocht wait,
S aif that I held me payit of thair eftait ;
And thay wer folk of knowledge as it femit.
Als into Venus court full fad thay demit ;
Sayand, yone luilie court weill flop or meit.
To juftifie this byfning quhilk blafphemit.
The fuddane ficht of that firme court forefaid,
Recomfort weill my hew, befoir as faid.
Amid my fpreit the joyous heit redoundit,
Behalding how the luftie Mufis raid.
And all thair court quhilk was fa blyth and glaid,
Quhais merines all hevines confoundit.
Thair faw I weill in poetrie j-groundit.
The greit Hqmeir, quhilk in Greik language faid
Maift eloquentlie, in quhome all witt aboundit.
Sa greit ane preis of pepill drew us neir,
The hundredth part thair names ar not heii<,
Yit faw I thair Brutus of Alhyon^
Geffray Chaucer, as a per fe fans peir
In his vulgare ; and morall John Goweir ;
Lydgate the monk raid mufing him alone.
Of this natioun I knew alfo anone,
Greit Kennedie and Dunbar yit undeid.
And Quintine with ane huttock on his heid.
Howbeit I culd declair and Weill indite.
The bounties of that court dewHe to write.
War ouir prolixit tranfcending mine ingine .
Tuitching the proces of my panefull iite, f
Belive I faw thir luftie Mufis qnhite, I
With all thair rout toward Venu5 declijie,
Quhair Cupide fat with her in throne divine,
I ftandand bundin in ane forie plite,
Bydand thair grace, or than my deidlie pine.
Straicht to the Quene thir famin Mufis raid,
Maift eloquentlie thair falatationis maid j
Venus again yaid thame thair falufing,
Richt reverentlie, and on hir feit upbraid,
Befeikand thame to licht : nay, nay thay faid,
\Ve may not heir naak na lang tarying.
Calliope maift facund and laeding,
Inquirit Venus quhat wicht had hir mifmaid.
Or quhat was caufe of hir thair fojourning.
JAMES IV. 1488 -15 13. 403
Sifter, faid fcho, behald yone byfning fchrew,
A fubtell fmj, confider weill his hew,
Standis thair bound ; (and bekinit hir to me,) '
Yone cative has blafphemit me of new;
For to degraid, and do mj fame adew,
A laithlie ryme difpiteful fubtelle
Compylet hes, reheirfand loud on hie,
Sclander, difpite, forrow and velanie.
To me, mj fone, and elk our court for aye.
He hes defervit deith, he fall lie deid.
And we remaine forfuith into this fteid.
To juftifie that rebald rennegait, .
Quod Calliope, lifter away all feid,
Quhy fuld he die, quhy fuld he lois his heid ?
To flay him for fa fmall ane cryme, God wait,
Greitar degrading war to your eftait.
To fie as he to mak counter pleid.
How may ane fule 3'our hie honour chek mait ?
Quhat of his lak ! Sa wide your^fame is blaw, - Ix
Your excellence maift peirles is fa knaw,
Na wretchis word may depair your hie name.
Give me his life, and modifie the law.
For, on my heid, he ftandis now fie aw.
That he fall ef^r deferve never mair blame,
Noclit of his deith ye may report bot fchame .
In recompence for his miflettand faw.
He fall your heft in everie part proclame. ** -^ } '
Than, Lord ! how glaid became my feblj l goift,-
My curage grew, the whilk befoir was loilt,
Seand I had fa greit ane ad vocal t,
That expertlie but prayer, price or coft,
Obtenit had my friwoll aftioun almoft,
Quhilk was befoir perifchit and defolait :
This quhile Venus ftude in ane ftudie ftrait,
Bot finallie fcho fchew till all the oifl
Sdio wald do grace, and not be obftinait.
I will, faid fcho, have mercie and petie,
Do flaik my wraith, and let all rancour be ;
Quhair is mair vice than to be ouer cruell ?
And fpecially in women fie as me.
A lady, ij ! that ufis tyrannic,
A vennomous ather and a ferpent fell.
A vennemous dragoun or ane devill of hell.
Is na compeir to the iniquitie
Of bald wemen, as thir wife clerkis tell.
Greit God defend I fuld be ane of tho,
Quhilk of thair feid and malice never ho.
Out on fie gram, I will have na repreif.
Calliope, fifter, (faid to hir Venus tho,)
At your requeift this wretche fall freily go.
Heir I remit his trefpas ; and all grief
Sail be forget, fa he fall fay fum breif.
Or fchort ballat, in contrair pane and wo.
Twitching my laude, and his plefand relief.
And fecundlie, the nixt reflbnabill coimnand,
Quhilk I him charge, fe that he nocht gane ftand.
On thir conditiounis fifter at your requeift.
He fall gang fre. Quod Calliope inclinand.
Grant mercie fifter, I obleis be my hand.
He fall obferye in all pointis your beheft.
Than Venus bade do flaik fone my arreift.
Bellyve I was rclevit of evrie band,
Uprais the court, and all the parlour ceift.
JAMBS IV. 1488 1513. 4^7
Tho fat I down lawlle upon mj knc,
At command of prudent Calliope,
Yeildand Venus thankis ane thoufand fjitli.
For fa hie friendfhip, and merciful! petie,
Excelland grace, and greit humanitie.
The quhilk to me trefpaflbur did fcho kyith.
I^the forgive, quod fcho. Than was I blyth;
Doun on ane Hock I fat me fuddenlie
At hir command, and wrait this lay alfwyth,
Unwemmit witt deliverit of dangair,
Maift happelie deliverit fra the fnair,
Relevit fre of feryice and bondage,
Expell dolour, expell difeifis fair.
Avoid difplefure womenting and cair,
Reflave plefance, and do thy forrow fwage,
Behald thy glaid frefche luftie grene curage.
Rejoice amid thir Joyers but difpair.
Provide ane place to plant thy tender age.
In leftand blis to remane and repair.
Quhais in welth ? Quha is weill fortunate ?
Quha is in pes difleverit fra debait ?
Quha levis in hope, Quha levis in efperance,
Quha ftandis in grace, Quha flandis in firm eftak ?
Quha is content, rejoycit air and lait.
Or quha is he that fortoun dois ayance?
Bot thow that is replenifchit of plefance,
Thow hes comfort, all weilfair delicate,
Thow hes glaidnes, thow hes the happie chance,
Thow hes thy will, thow be nocht defolait.
Incres in mirthfull confolatioun,
In joyous fweit imaginatioun, ' * .
Abound in lufe of purify t amouris,
With diligent trew deliberatioun,
Rander lovingis for thy falvatioun,
Till Venus, and under her guerdon all houris,
Reft at all eis, but fair or fitefuU fchouris.
Abide in quiet, maift conftant wcillfair,
Unwemmit wit deliverit of all dangeir.
This lay was red in oppin audience,
Of the Mufis and in Venus prefence.
I ftand content thow art obedient,
Quod Calliope, my companion and defence,
Venus faid eik it was fome recompence.
For my trefpas, I was fa penitent.
And with that word all fuddanelie fcho went.
In ane inilant fcho and hir court was henct :
Yit ftill abaid thir Mufis on the bent.
Inclynand then, I faid. Calliope^
My proteftour, my help, and my fupplie.
My foverane lady, my redemptioun,
My mediatour, quhen I was dampnit to die,
I fall befeik the godlie majeftie.
Infinite thankis, laude and benifoun,
Yow till acquite, according your renoun^
It langis nocht my poflibilitie,
Till recompence ten^art of this guerdoun.
~"' LXXVUl.
Gloir, honour, laude, and reverence conding, *
Quha may foryeild yow of fa hie ane thing ?
And in that part your mercie I imploir,
Submitting me my life- time induring.
Your plefance and mandate till obeyfing.
Silence, faid fcho, I have eneuch heirfoir,
I will thow wend and vefie wonderis moir.
Than fcho me hes betaucht in keiping.
Of ane fweit nymphe maift faitlxfuU and decoir.
JAMiES IV. 1488^1513. 409
Ane iaors I gat maift richelie befene.
Was harneift all with wodbind levis grene ;
Of the fame fute the trappours law doun hang j
Ouir him I ft raid at command of the quene.-
Then famin furtb we ryding all bedene,
Als fwift as thocht with mony a merie fang.
My nymph alwayis convoyit me of thrang^
Amid the Mufis to fe qahat thay wald mene
Quhilks fang and playit, but never a wreift yeid wrangv
Throw countreis feir, holtis, and rockes hicj
Ouir vaillis, planis, woddis, wallis, fey ;
Ouir fludis fair, and mony ftrait mountane,
We war caryit in twinkling of ane eye.
Our horfis flaw, and raid nocht, as thocht me
We paflit Eryx, and hill of Helicon^
Baith dedicate to Venus in certain.
Ouir mont Cinthus, quhair God Apollo fchone>
Straicht to the Mufis Cabaline fountane^
Befide that criftall well, fweit and digeft,
Thame to repois, thair hors refrefche and reft,
^icjitit doiin thir Mufis cleir of hew.
The companie all haillelie, leift and beftj
Thrang to the well to drink^ quhilk ran fouth Veft,
Throw out ane me^ quhair alkin flouris grew.
Amang the laif full faft I did perfew,
To drink, bot fa the greit preis me oppreft.
That of the water I naicht not tafte a drew.
Ouir horfis pafturit in ane plefand plane.
Law at the fute of ane fair greene montane.
Amid ane meid fchaddowit with Ceder treis.
Saif fra all heit, thair micht we weil remain.
All kinde of herbis, flouris, frute, and graine,
Vol. I. Fff With
With evrle growand tre thair men micht cheis.
The beryall ftreams rinnand ouir ftancrie greis.
Made fober noyis ; the fchaw dinnet agane.
For birdis Tang, and founding of the beis.
The ladyis fair on divers inftrumentis.
Went playand, lingand, danfand, ouir the bentis.
Full angellik. and hevinlie was their foun.
Quhat creature amid his hart imprintis^
The frefche bewtie, the gudelie reprefentis.
The merrie fpeiche, fair havingis, hie renown.
Of thame, wald fet a wife man half in fwoun.
The womanlines wryithit the dementis,
Stoneill the hevin, and all the eirth adoun.
The warld may not confidder nor defcrive
The hevinlie joy, the blis I faw belive^
Sa ineffable, abone my witt fa hie.
I will na mair thairon my foreheid rive,
Bot briefly furth my febill procefs drive.
Law in the meid an palyeon picht I fe,
Maift gudlieft, and richeft that micht be :
My govefnour oftner than times five.
Unto that bald to pafs commandit me.
Swa finally ftraicht to that royall fteed,
In fellowfchip with my leidar I yeid.
We enterit fone, the portar was not thra,
Thair was na flopping, lang demand, nor pleid*
1 kneillit law, and unhcilded my heid.
And thon I faw our ladyis twa and twa,
Sittand on deiffis ; familiars to and fra,
Servand thame fall with ypocras and meid.
Delicate meitis, dainteis feir alfwa.
JAMES IV. 1488 1 51 3* 4'*
Wkli mirthis thus and meitis delicate,
Thir ladyis feiftit according thair eftait.
Uprais at laft, conunandand till tranoynt.
Rej^:eit.3vas blawn. loude , and than God waitq.
Men micht have fene fwift horlis haldin hait,
Schjnand for fweit, as thay had bene anoynt.
Of all that rout was never a prick disjoynt.
For all our taiy, and I furth with my mait,
Mountit on hors, raid famin in gv.de point.
Ouir mony gudlie plane we raidijedene,
Ouir waters wan, throw worthie woddis grene.
And fwa at laft on lifting up our ene,
We fe the final end of our travail,
Amid ane plane a plefand roche to waill ;
And everie wicht fra we that ficht had fene,
Thankand greit God, their heidis law devaill.
With finging, lauching, merines and play.
Unto this roche we rydand furth the way.
Now briefly to my purpoife fpr till gone.
About the hill lay wayis mony one,
And to the hicht hot ane palTage ingrave,
Hewin in the roche of Aid hard marbell flone.
Agane the fone like to the glas it fchone.
The afcence was hie, and ft rait for till confave.
Yit than thir Mufis gudelie and fuave,
Alichtit down and clam the roche in hie.
With all the rout, out-tane my nimphe and I.
Still at the hillis fute we twa abaid ;
Than fuddanlie my keipar to me faid,
Afcend galland : than for feir I quuik.
Be not afFrayit, fcho faid, be not difmayit.
And with that word up the ftrait rod abraid,
I foUowit faft, fcho be the hand me tuick,
Yit durfl I never for dreid behind me luik.
With meikle pain thus clam I neir the hicht,
Quhair fuddanelie I faw ane griflie ficht.
As we approchit neir the hillis heid,
Ane terribill fewch birnand in flammis reid,
Abhominabill, and how as hell to fee.
All full of brinftane, pick, and bulling leid,
Quhair mony wretchit creature lay deid,
And miferabill catives yelland loud on hie,
I faw : quhilk den micht welll compairit be,'
Till Xanthus the flude of Troy fa fchill,
Birnand at Venus' heft Qontrair Achill.
Amid our paffage lay this uglie ficht,
Nocht braid, but fa horribill to everie wicht,
That all the warld to pafs it fuld have dreid.
Weil I confidderit na upper mair I micht,
And to defcend fa hidious was the hicht,
I durft not aventure for this eird on breid.
Trirabland I flude with teith chatterand giwde fpeid,
My nymphe beheld my cheir, and faid let be,
Thow fall nocht aill, and lo the caus (quod fche.)
To me thow art commit, I fall the keip.
Thir pieteous pepill amid this laithlie deip,
War wretchis quhilks in luftie yeiris fair,
Pretendit thame till hie honour to creip ;
Bot fuddanlie thay fell on flewthfuU fleip,
Followand plefance, drownit in this loch of cair.
And with that word fcho hint me be the hair,
Carpit me till the hillis heid anone,
As Abacuk was brocht in Babylone.
JAMXS IV. 1488 1513* 41$-
This may fuffice, quod fcho, twitchand that part.
Return thy heid, behald this uther art ;
Confidder wonders and be vigilant.
That thow may better endyten efterwart.
Things quhilkis I fall the fchaw or we depart,
Thow fall have fouth of fentence and not fcant.
Thair is na welth nor wcillfair thow fall want.
The greit Palice of Honour thow fall now fe j
Jjift up thy heid, behald that ficht, quod fche.
At hir command I raifit hie on hicht,
My vifage till behald that hevinlie ficht j
Bot to difcrive this matter in effel,
Impoffibill war to ony eirdlie wicht.
It tranfcendis feir abone my micht.
That I with ink may do bot paper blek.
I moll draw furth, the yok lyis on my nek.
As of the place to fay my leude avife,
Plcneift with plefance like to Paradice.
I faw a plane of peirles pulcritude,
Quhairin aboundit alkin thingis gude,
Spyce, wine, corne, oyle, tre, frute, flour, herbis grene ;
All foullis, beiftis, birdis, and alkin fude.
All maner fifches baith of fey and flude.
War keipit in pondis of poleift filver fchene.
With purifyit water as of the criflall dene.
To noy the fmall the greit beiftis had na will.
Nor ravenous foulis the lytill volatill.
Still in the feffoun all thingis remanit thair
Perpetuallie, but outher noy or fair ;
Ay rypit war baith herbis, frute, and flouxis.
Of everie thing the namis to declair.
Unto my febill wit impoffibill wair.
Amid the meid replet of fwcit odouris,
The Palice ftude with mony royal towris,
Quhair kyrnellis quent feill turcts men micht find.
And goldin fanis waifand with the wind.
Finnakillis, fyellis, turnpekkis mony one.
Gilt birneift torris, quhilk like to Phebus fchone,
Skarfment, reprife, corbell, and battellingis,
FuUyery, bordpuris of many precious Hone,
Subtill muldrie wrocht mony day agone,
Cki buttery s, jalme, pillaris and plefand fpringis.
Q;uick imagerie with mony luftie fyngis,
Thair micht b? fene : and monie worthie wichtis,
Pefoir the yet array it all at richtis.
Furth paft my nymphe, J followit fubfequent ;
Straicht throw the plane to the firft waird we wenf
Of the Palipe, and enterit at the port.
Thair faw we mpny ftaitlie tournament,
Lancis brokin, knichtis laid on the bent j
Plefand paftance, and mony luftie fport,
Thair faw we als, and fum time battell mort ;
All thir, quod fcho, on Venus fervice vaikis,
ijx deidis of armis for thair ladyis faikis.
Vefyand I ftude the principal place but peir.
That hevinlie Palice all of criftall cleir,
Wrocht as me thocht of polift berial ftone.
Bofiliall ijor Oliab but \yeir,
Quhilk fanEla faniorum maid maift riche and deir.
Nor he that wroucht the temple of Salomon,
Nor he that buildit the royall Ylion,
Nor he^hat forgit Darius fepulture,
Culd not performe fa craftilie ane cure.
JAMES IV. 1488 X515. 415
Studiand heiron my nymphe unto me fpak.
Thus in a ftair quhy ftandis thow ftupifak^
Gouand all day, and nathing hes vefite ?
Thow art prolixt, in haifl returne thy bak,
Ga efter me, and gude attendance tak,
Quhat now thow feis luik efterwart thow writ&
Thow fall behald all Venus blia perfite.
Thairwith fcho till ane garth did me convoy,
(^liair that I faw eneuch of perfite joy.
Amid ane throne with flanis- riche ouirfret.
And claith of gold, Lady Venus was fet j
By hir, hir fone Cupide q'uhilk nathing feis.
Quhair Mars enterit na knawledge micht I get.*
Bot ftraicht befoir Venus vifage but let,
Stude emeraut ftages twelf, grene precious greis,
Quhairon thair grew thre cuiious goldin treis,
Suftentand weill the goddes face beforne,
Ane fair mirrour be thame quently upborne.
" CII.
Quhairof it makit was I have na feill,
Of beriall, criilall, glas, or birniil fteill.
Of diamant, or of the carbunkill gem ;
Qiibat thing it was define may I not weill,
Bot all the bordour circulair everie deiil,
Was plait of gold, cais, flock, and utter hem,
With vertious flanis piclit that blude wald ftein.
For quha that woundit was in the tornament,
Wox haill fra he upon the mirrour blent.
This royall rillik fa riche and radious,
Sa polifl, plefand, purifyit, precious,
Quhais bounteis half to write I not prefume.
Thairoii to fe was fa delicious,
.Sjid fa excelland fchaddowis gracious.
Surmounting far in brichtnes, to my dome,
The coiftlie fubtill fpektakill of Rome,
Or yet the mirrour fent to Can ace,
Qnhairin mea micht ful mony wonders fe.
Thair breiflie everie famous douchtic deid.
That men in ftoiie may fe, or chronikill reid ;
I micht behald in that mirrour exprefs,
The miferie, the crueltie, the dreid,
Pane, forrow, wo, baith wretchitnes and neid.
The greit invy, covetoufnefs, doublenes,
Tuitchand warldlie unfaithfull brukilnefs*
I faw the feind faft folkis to vices tyft,
And all the cumming of the Antechrift.
Plefand debaitments quha fa richt reportisj
1'hair naicht be fene, and all maner difportis ;
The falcounis for the river ; at thair gait
Mewand the foullis in periculo mortis,
Layand thame in be companeis and fortis.
And at the plunge part faw I handillit bait.
The werie hunter befie air and lait.
With quefting houndis feirching to and fra,
To hunt the hart, the bair, the da, the ra.
, I faw RaF Coilyear with his thrawin brow ;
Craibit Johne the Reif, and auld Cowkelbeis fow ;
And how the wran came out of AillTay.
And Peirs Plewman that maid his workmen few ;
Greit Gowmacmorne and Fyn Mac Cowl, and how
Thay fuld be goddis in Ireland as thay fay.
Thair faw I Maitland upon auld Beird Gray ;
Robene Hude ; and Gilbert with the quhite heind.
How Hay of Nauchton flew, in Madin laud.
jAMfcS IV. 1488 1513. 417
The Nigromancie thair faw 1 eik anone>
Of Benytas, Bongo, and Frier Bacone,
With mony fubtill point of juglairie ;
Of Flanders pils made mony precious ftone^
Ane greit laid fadill of a fiching bone.
Of ane nutmug thay maid a Monk in h j,
Ane paroche kirk of ane penny pye :
And Benytas of an muffell maid an aip.
With mony uther fubtill mow and jaip.
And fchortlie to declair the vetity,
All plefand paftance and gammis that micht bCj
in tnat mirrour war prefent to my iicht.
And as I wonderit on that greit ferlie,
Venus at laft, in turning of her eye.
Knew Weill my face, and faid be goddis micht,
Ye bene welcome, my perfonair, to this hicht.
How pafllt yow, quod fcho, this hiddeoUs deip ?
Madame, quod I, I not mair than ane fcheip.
Na force thairof faid fcho, fen thow art heir.
How plefis the our paftance and effeir ? r -*
Glaidlie (quod I) madame, be God of hevin.
Rememberis thow, faid fcho, wi thou tin weir.
On thy pjromit quhen of thy greit dangeir,
I the deliVerit, as now is not to nevin.
Than anfwerit I agane with fober ftevin,
Madame, your precept quhat fa be yoxir will.
Heir I remane ay reddy to fulfill.
Weill Weill, faid fcho, thy will is fufiicient.
Of thy bowfome anfwet I ft and content.
Than fuddanlie in hand ane buik fcho hint.
The quhilk to me betaucht fcho or I went,
Commandand me to be obedient,
Vol. I. G g g And
And put in rjme that proces than quite tint.
I promifit hir forfuith oi fcho wald ftiht.
The buik reffavand, thairon my cure to preif,
Incljnand fine, lawjie I tuik my leif.
Tuitchand this buik peraventure ye fall heir,
Sum time after quhen I have mair lafeir.
My nimphe in haift fcho hint me be the hand^ts-* '^r-.
And as we famyn walkit furth in feir, - '' '
I the declair, quod fcho, yone mirrour cleir.
The quhilk thow faw bcfoir Dame Venus Hand,
Signifyis nathing ellis to underftand,
Bot the greit bewtie of thir ladyis facis,
Quhairin lovers thinks thay behald all gracesm :trA\i
Cum on, faid fcho, this Ordinance to vifite.
Than paft we to the criftall Palice quhite,
]^ut I abade the entrie to behold,
I bad na mair of plefance nor delite.
Of luftie ficht, of joy and blifs perfite.
Nor mair weilfare to have abone the mold,
Than for to fee that yejt of birnifhed gold,
Quhairon thair was moil curiouflie ingrave,
All naturall thingis men may in eird confave.
Within that Palice than I gat ane ficht,
Quhair walkand weat full mony worthie wicht j ....
Amid the clois, with all mirthis to waill. ! '- n>'
[For like Phebus with fyrie bemis bricht,
Tlie wallis fchane, caftand fa greit ane licht, :;j ( . -.:
It femit like the hevin Imperiall.
And as the cedar furmountis the rammal
In perfite hicht, fa of that Court a glance
Exceidis far all eirldlie vane plefance.
) . .1 --,^7
JAMES IV. 1488 1513. 419
CXIV. t5Tf toi Hii ithjyt. .
For lois of ficht confidder micht I nochti''.''-^3 J-"^*'
How perfitelie the riche wallis war wrochtl'^ ''' '^ ' '
Swa the reflex of chriftall ftanis fchone, ^tic'jnoTl^?!;
For brichtnes fcarflie blenk thairon I mocht :
The purifyit filver furelie as me thocht, - ^*'-' "'' '"
Infteid of fjment was ouir all that wone ;' --i''' A'-'^
Yit round about full monj ane beriall jtone* '' "
And thame conjunftlie jonit faft and quemtti *^'' - - '
The clois was paithit with filver as it femiti'^ -^1 ^-"'
'The durris and the windois all were breddit 1 '
With maffie gold, quhairof the f jnes fcheddit.
With birneift Evir baith Palice and Towris
War theikit weill, maift craftilie that cled it, '
For fa the quhitelj blaafchit bone ouirfpred it,
Midlit with gold, anamalit all colouris,
Importurait of birdis and Iweit flowris.
Curious knottis, and monie hie devife,
Quhilks to behald war perfite paradice.3
Thefe war, faid fcho, quha fa the-richt difcrives,
Maift valjeand folk and verteuous in thair lives.
Now in the court of Honour thay remain,
Verteouflie, and in all plefance thrives.
For thaj with fpeir, with fwordis, and with knives,
In juft battel! war fundin xnaift of mane :
In thair promottis thay ftude ever firme and plane :
In thame aboundit worfchip and lawtie.
Illuminate with liberallitie.
Honour, quod fcho, to this hevenlie ring,
Differs richt far fra warldlie governing,
Quhilk is bot pompe of eirdlie dignitie.
Given for eftait of blude, micht or fie thing :
But in this countrie Prince, Prelate, or King,
AUanarlie fall for vertew honourit be.
For eirdlie gloir is nocht bot vanitie.
That as we fe fa fuddenlie will wend,
Bot rerteous honour never mair fall end,
Now thow fall fe, furelj, fen thow art heir,
My Ladjeis Court in thair gudelie atteir ;
For to behald thair myrth, cum on thy way.
(Than hand in h^nd fwyith went we furth in feir,
At a poftern towart ane fair herbeir.)
Thair the fweit flouris of Rethoray
Our Ladyeis gadderis, and mony tender plant,
For with all plefance plenie|ht is yone hant
Quhair precious ftanis on treis dois abound
Infteid of frute, chargit with peirles round.
Unto that gudlie garth than we proceid,
Quhilk with a large foufie far on breid,
Inveronit was, quhair fifches war anew J iti;t:I .
AH water foullis war fwemand thair gude fpeid,
Alfe out of growand treis thair faw I breid,
Fowlis that hingand be thair uebbis grew.
Out ouir the ftank of mony divers hew.
Was laid ane tre ouir quhilk behovit us pafs,
Bot I can not declair quhairof it was.
My nymphe went ouir, chargeand me follow fait,
Hir till obey my fpreitis wer agaft,
Sa perrilous was the paffage till efpy.
Away fcho went : and fra time fcho was paft.
Upon the brig I enterit at the laft,
Bot fa my harnis tremblit befily,
Quhill I fell ouir, and baith my feit flade by
Out ouir the heid, into the Aank adoun,
Quhair as me thocht I was in point to droup*
JAMES IV. 1488 1513. 421
* ~ ... n, i.r 'CXXI.
(^liat throw the birdis fang, and this afFray,
Out of my fwoon I walkinit quhair I lay,
In the garding quhair I firll doun fell.
About I blent, for richt clier was the daj,
Bot all this luftie plefance was away.
All ace, allace, I thocht me than in pane.
And langit fair for to have fwounit agane.
Till make an end, littand under a tree,
In laud of Honour I wrait thir verfis thre.
" O hie Honour, fweit hevinlie flour digeft !
Gem verteuous, maift precious, gudiieft.
For hie renoun thou art guerdown conding.
Of worfchip kend the glorious end and reft.
But quhome in richt na worthie wicht may left.
Thy greit puifTance may maift avance all thing.
And pouerall to meikall availl fone bring.
I the require fen thow but peir art beft,
That efter this in thy hie blis we ring.
** Of grace thy face in everie place fa fchynis.
That fweit all fpreit beith heid and feit inclynis.
Thy gloir afoir for till imploir remeid.
He docht richt nocht quhilk out of thocht the tynis.
Thy name bot blame and royal fame divine is,
Thow port at fchort of our comfort and reid.
Till bring all thing till glaiding efter deid,
All wicht but ilcht of thy greit micht ay crinis^
O fchene I raene nane may fuftene thy feid.
" Haill rois maift chois till clois thy fois greit micht,
Haill ftone quhilk fchone upon the ^throne of licht,
Vertew quhais trew fweit dew ouir threw all vice,
Was ay ilk day gar fay the way of licht, > . j: - ;
Apaend ofi'end and fend our end ay richt,
Thow flant, or dant, as fant of grant maift wife,
Till be fupplie a id the hie gre of price,
Delite the cit me quite of lite to dicht,
For I apply fchortly to thy devife."
7lbe Author direBis his huik to the Richt Nohill and
JMuJter Frince James the Feird, King of Scottis.
Triumpous laud with palme of vidorie, ; ^i^ o
The lawret crowne of infinit glorie,
Maift gracious Prince, ouir foverain James the FEird.
Thy Majeftie mot have eternallie.
Supreme honour, renoun of chevalrie, -^ j,^ e^^.,
Felicitie perdurand in this eird, ,,; , ;
With eterne blis in heivin by fatal weird !
Reflave this rouftie rural rebaldrie, jvv'-n
Laikand cunning, fra thy pure laige unleirdj ..^,j j _
Quhilk in the ficht of thy magnificence,
Confidand in fa greit benevolence,
Proponis thus my vulgar ignorance ; J
Maift humbillie 'with dew obedience,
Befeikand oft thy michtie excellence,
Be grace to pardoun all fie variance
With fum beneing refpeft of firm conftancc
Remittand my pretended negligence, ,
Thow quhais micht may humble thing avance,
Breif breiyal quhair ! of eloquence all quite.
With ruffet weid and fentence imperfite.
Till cum in plane, fe that thow nocht pretend the.
Thy barrant termis, and thy vile indk^ e-j.fU^f w .' :|
Shall not be mine, 1 will not have the wite .
JAMKS IV. 1488 1513. 4*i
For as for me I quit clame that I kend the I
Thow are hot ftouth thift, louls licht bot lite.
Not wortla ane mite, pray ilk man to amend the !
Fair on, uit-fite I and on this wife I end the, .
Mackenzie and others have written that tjAwiN Douglas wa
^e&or of Heriot ; and the authority they refer to is Miln's Hiftory
of the Bifaops of Dunked MS. in the Advocates' Library of Edin-
burgh. But, upon confulting that MS., the word is found to be neither
Herltt, nor (as a late Biographer has it) Haivick, but Huvich ; which,
however, muft mean Haivick. The family of Angus, at that timej
having extcnfive eflates in Jedward and Selkirk Forefts, I.iddifdale,&c.
Gavi.n Douglas was there in the midft of his kindred ; and, fortu.
nately for his poetical genius, in the midft of the Scottifh Arcadia.
There, it is probable, he wrote his Pslice cf Honour ; perhaps alfo his
Tranjlati on of FuVil, finilbed in July ijj.l- Under the date of Septem-
ber 30rli, of the fame year, his father, the Earl of Angus, being then
Provoft of Edinburgh, the following article occurs in the Town Coun-
cil Recordf, with the marginal title Ane preiji made Burgrfs ; " Magifter
'' Gavinus Douglas, prcpoficus ecclefix collegiatst beati Egidii hujus
*' burgi eflefius efl BurgenGs pro commune bona villae, gratis." H^^,
was then the Earl's only foil, the two elder having perifliedwith their
Sovereign at Flodden on the 9th of that fame month.
The article immediately preceding this in the Council Records, is
rot only curiou", but highly intertfting. It is a proclamation dated loth
September, the day after the battle ; and evinces clearly that the report
of that difaftrous day had then reached Edinburgh, althoLfgh the battle.
did not commence till four o'clock in the afternoon. U is in thefc
words :
" We do you to witt, forfame^ill as thair is ane greit riimbcr nowf
" laitlie ryfia wiihin this toun tutching our Sovrane Lord and his ar-
" my, of the quhilk we underftand thair is cummin na veritie as yit,
" quhairfoir we chairgc ftraitlie, and commandis in our faid Sovrane
' Lord the Kingis nunie, and the Prcfidentis for the Provoft and Bail-
" lies within this burgh, that all maneir of perfoins, nychtbours within
t' the famyn, have reddy thair fenfabill geir ana wapponis for weir,
" and compcir thairwith to the faid Prcfidentis, at jowyng of the com-
" mon
mon bell, for the keiping and defenfs of the town aganis any that
** wald iovaid the famyn. And alfo chairgis that all wcmen, and fpc-
"^ cialie vagabondis, that thai pafs to thair labours, and be nocht fene a-
poun the gait clamorand and cryand, under the paneof banefing thair
" perfounis but favour ; and that the uthcr wemen of gude (fort) paft
" to the kirk, and pray quhane tytne requires, for our foverane Lord
' and his army, and nychtbonris being thairat, and hald thame at thair
" previe labours, off the gair, within thair houffci as efFcirii."
The Prefident here mentioned was George of Towris, (perhaps a
Douglas,) who on the 19th of Auguft had ben chofen, with four o-
thcr perfons, " by the Provoft, Baillies, and Community, in rcfpe
or nth Century, and tranflated into Latin by Geoffrt of Monmouth
about 1140, we have an account of a Gow Magog, a giant of 12 cubits
high, who, with others of the fdmc ftatcly family, moft uncourteonfly
oppofed the landing of the great grandfon of Eneas in Britain, He
could unroot an oak as eafily as an hazel wand. This Gow Magog,
(fays Mr Warton in his Hiftory of Englifb Poetry,) is eviJtntly bor-
rowed by the Armorican author, from the giants, Oog and Magog,
fo frequently introduced by the Arabians into their extravagant fidtions;
his Britifh fable Jiaving many other allufions to Oriental Hiftory,
A Talc of this nature muft have become known to the Irifti and Scottifli
Bards foon after it had got among their brethren in Wales. A fufpicioii
then here arifts, that the giant Gow-Maoog of Geoffry of Mon-
mouth, might very eafily by them have been transformed into Gow-
Mag-mor, that is, Cow-Mag the Great, which afterwarvis would ea-
turally he written Gow^Mac-mor ; aiid by the Scoto-Saxons, or Pi(ft,
Gow-Mac-morn. Or, the truth ol the Irijb ftory may be this : ('ow
Mag being fet down as the enemy ol their Fin-Gael, or f in-
CoiLLE, it became necefTary in felf defence, to raife up a friendly
giant of equal prowefs; and him, according to Boethius, (and alio
to the Limeric Schoolmafter, anno 1^66,") they chriftencd Fyn Mac-
CouL, or Fyn Mac-Hcyle; to whom Gow Mag t/je Great wju but
cs a pigmy, for his bright was feventeen cubits. The firft Celtic Legei'd*
of their cx})loits may therefore have been compofcd about the end of
the twelfth, or beginning of the thirteenth cen'ury. Sir David Lmo-
s/.T, (a/7/ro 15JO,) in his interlude of '] he Drolchs, gives a ludicrous ac-
VoL. I. H h h count
count of Gog Magog, Gow Mac-Morn, and Ftn Mac-Kowll, all
under the charadcr of giants ; but errs egregioufly in their genealogy,
making Gow Mac-Morn to be the fon, aad Fyn Mac-Cowll the
father of old Goo,
Who, quhan he danfit, the warld wold fchog,
Ten thowfand ellis yied in his frog
Of Hdand plaid, and mair.
He had a wyfe wes mekile of clift,
Hir heid wes heichar nor the lyft ;
The hcvin rerdit quhan fcho wad rift ;
The lafs wes nathing fchlender.
Scho fpatt Loch Lowmond with hir lippis,
Thunder and fyrc Hawght fra her hippis ;
Qiihan fcho was crabbit, the fone thold clippis ;
The feynd durft nocht offend her.
Pit Keating, in bis Hiflory of Ireland, throws fome light on thl f^b
]e&. He fays, however, it was not Magog himfclf, but his great-grcat-
grandfon Gjgas Pa&tiiolanus, that landed on the coafl of Munller
the X4th day of May, in the year of the world 1978, and fuccecded in
his great enterprifc ; but the loofe behaviour of his wife reudered his
domeflic liie very unhappy, and provoked him to fuch a degree, that he
billed her favourite giey-houud. This, as the learned hiflorian very
properly obfcrves, was the ^rji ioflance of female falfehood and UifidoU-
ty ever known in Ireland.
How and when thefe giants dwindled down to the fize of ordinary
mortals, is a fubjeA worthy of ferioi:! inveftigation.
Of the other perfonages recorded in this flanza, nothing feem$ now
to be known.
St. 107. Bongo and Benytai. The firft may be Thomas BungIv, a
Francilcan Monk, and fellow labourer in Alchemy and other occult
fciences with the celebrated Roger Bacon, in the reign of Henrt
1!I. It is reported that they wrought together fevcn years to forge a
Brazen Head which was to anfwcr jU queQions propounded to it. Be-
NTTAS may probably be an error of a tranfcribcr or printer for the Ro-
man BoETius, who, from his extcuGve knowledge iu a dark age, was
reported by the Necromancers to have been an adept in their profun*
ii fl *J.
\_It was mentioned above that Gavin Douglas fiitijhed
his tranjlation o/" Virgil's Eneid in July 1513. To
this purpofe he informs us in the concluding verfes :
Completit was this werk Virgiliane
Apoun the felft of Marye Magdalene,
Fra Chrijfis birth, the date quha lift to here
Ane thoufand fjve hundreth and threttene yere :
Quhilk for uthir grete occupacion lay
Unfterit clois befide me mony ane day :
And neuirthelefs, quhidder 1 ferf thank or wyte, .
Fra tyme I thareto fet my pen to wryte
Apoun this wyfe, as God lift len me graice,
It was compylit in auchtene monethis fpacc :
Set I feil fyith fie twa monethis in fere
Wrate neuir ane word, nor micht the volume flere
For grave materis, and grete folicitude.
That all fie laboure fer befyde me ftude.
What thefe *' grave materis'* were; whether they re-
lated to the affairs' of the family of Douglas, or of
the nation^ has never been conjeEiured. It feems pro-
bable that this inter mijji on of his labour was from
OBober to December 15x2.
In his Epiflle Dedicatory to Lord Stirling, fon
and heir of the Earl of Orkney, he thus alfo afcer-
tains the time when he wrote his " Palice of Ho-
To you, my Lord, quhat is thair mare to fay
Reflave your werk, defyrit mony ane day,
Quhairin alfo now am I fully qnytt.
As twichand Venus, of my auld promytt,
Quhilk I hir maid, weill twelf yeris to-fore,
As vvitiieffeth my Palice of Honoure,
To each of the twelve Books^ Douglas thought Jit to
prefix a Prologue^ two of which have been jufily ad-
7ni7-ed as natural and luxuriant defcriptions of Win--
. ter, and of a May Morning ; they are the Prologues
to the Seventh and Twelfth Books. '^
Ix S bricht Piiebus fchene, foverane hevinnis E,
The oppofit held of his chymes hie,
Clere fchynand hemes, and goldin fumeris hew,
]n lattoun cullour altering hale of new j
Kything no figne of heit be his vifTage,
So nere approchit he his wynter ftage ;
Reddy he was to enter the thrid morne
In cludy fkyes under Capricorne :
All thoucht he be the lampe and hert of hevin,
Fftrfeblit wox his lemand gilty levin.
Throw the declyning of his large round fpere.
The frofty regioun ryngis of the yere.
The tyme and feflbun bitter, cauld and pale
Thay fchort dayis, that clerkis clepe Erum^ile :
Quhen brym blallis of the northyn art
Ouerquhelmyt had Neptunus in his cart.
And all to fchaik the levis of the treis.
The rageand ftormes ouerwelterand wally feis.
Ryveris ran rede on fpate with wattir broun,
And burnis harlis all thare bankis doun,
JAMES IV. 1488 1513. 429
And landbirft rumbland rudelj with fie were,
Sa loud nevir rummyft wyld Ijoun nor here :
Fludis monftouris, fie as merefwynis or quhalis
For the tempeft law in the depe devalis ; - Q>' ni_:
Mars occideht retrograde in his fpere,
Provocand llryfFe, regnit as lord that yere.
Rany Orioun with his ftoimy face
Bywavit oft the fchipman by hys race :
Frawart Saturne chil of complexioun.
Throw quhais afpedl darth and infeftioun
Bene caufit oft, and mdrtall peftilence.
Went progreffive the greis of his afcence :
And lufly Hebe, Junois dochter gay,
Stude fpulyetc of hir office and array :
The fole yfowpite in to vvattir wak.
The firmament oureeaft with cludis blak :
The ground fadit, and fauch wox al the feildis,
Mountane toppis flekit with fnaw over heildis :
On raggit rolkis of hard harik quhyn ftane.
With frofyti frontis cald clynty clewis fehane :
Bewty was loift, and barrand fchew the landis.
With froftis hare ouerfret the feildis ftandis.
("Sere birtir bubbis and the fehoutis fnell
Semyt on the fwarde in fimilitude of hell.
Reducing to oure mynde in every ftede
Goufty fchaddois of eild and grifly dede :)
Thik drumly fkuggis dirkinnit fo the hevin,
Dym ikyis oft furth warpit fereful levin,
Flaggis of fyre, and mon^ felloun flaw,
Scharp foppis of fleit, and of the fnyppand fnaw :
The dolly dichis war al donk and wate,
The law valis flodderit all wyth fpate.
The plane flretis and every hie way
Full of flufchis, dubbis, myre and clay ;
Laggerit leyis wallowit fernis fchew,
Broun muris kythit thare wiffinyt mofly hew ;
Bank, bray and boddum blanfchit wox and bare j
For goarl weddir growit beiftis hare.
The wynd maid waif the rede wede on the dyk,
Bedowin in donkis depe was every fike :
Oacr craggis and the frontis of rochys fere
Hang grete y(e fchokkilis lang as ony fpere :
The grund flade barrane, widderit, dofk and gray,
Herbis, flouris and gcrffis wallowit away :
Woddis, foreftis with naket bewis blout
Stude ftripit of thare wede in every hout :
Sa buftouflie Boreas his bugill blew.
The dere full derne doun in the dailis drew :
Small birdis fiokand throw ilk ronnys thrang.
In chirmynge, and with cheping changit thare fang,
Sekand hidlis and himys thame to hyde
Fra ferefuil thuddis of the tempeftuus tyde :
The wattiv lynnys rowtis, and every lynd
Quhiflit and brayit of the fouchand wynd :
Pure lauboraris and byfiy hufband men
Went weet and wery draglit in the fen.
The cilly fchepe and thare litill hird-gromes
Lurkis under lye of bankis, woddis and bromes :
And utheris dantit greter beiftial.
Within thare ftabill Tefit in thare Hall,
Sic as mulis, hors, oxin or ky,
Fed tufeit baris, and fat fwyne in lly,
Suftenit war b^ mannis governance
On hervift and on fomeris purviance :
Widequhare with fois fo EoLUs fchoutis fchill,
In this congelit fefoim fcharp and chill.
The callour are penetrative and pure
Dafing the blude in every creature.
Made feik warme flovis and bene fyris hole.
In doubiU garmont cled, and welecote.
With mychty drink, and metis confortive,
Aganis the ft erne wynter for to ftrivc.
JAMES IV. I4S8 15x3. 43-1
Repatiirit wele, and by the chymnaj bekit.
At evin be tjme doun in ane bed me ftrekit,
Warpit my hede, keft on claithis thrynfald
For to expell the perrellus perfand cald :
I crofit me, fyne bownit for to flepe :
Quhare lemand throw the glas I did tak kepe
Latonia the lang irkfum nycht
Hir fubtell blenkis fched and watry lycht.
Full hie up quhirlit in hir regioun,
Till Phebus richt in oppoficioun,
Into the Crab hir propir manfioun draw,
Haldand the hicht althocht the fon went law :
The hornyt byrd quhilk we clepe the nicht oule.
Within hir caverne hard I fchout and youle,
Laithely of forme, with crukit camfcho beik,
Ugfum to here was hir wyld elrifche Ikreik.
The wyld geis eik claking by nychtis tyde
Attour the ciete fleand hard I glyde.
On flummer I flade full fone, and flepyt found,
Quhill the horifont upwart can rebourfd :
Phebus crounit bird, the nichtis orlagere,
Clappin his wingis thryis had crawin clere :
Approching nere the breking of the day, - ^
Within my bed I walkynnyt quhare I lay,
Sa fall declynnys Cynthia the mone.
And kayis keklys on the rufe abone :
Palamedes birdis crowpand in the Iky,
Fleand on randoun, fchapin lyk ane Y,
And as an trumpit rang thare vocis foun,
(!^hais cryis bene pronoflicacioun
Of wyndy blaftis and ventofiteis.
Fail by my chalmer on hie wifnit treis
The fary gled quhifsllis with mony ane pew,
Quharby the day was dawing wele I knew j
Bad bete the fyre, and the candyll alicht.
Syne blilTit me, and in my wedis dicht ;
Ane fchot-wjndo unfchet, ane litel on char,
Perfavjt the mornyng bla, wan and har,
Wjth cloudj gum and rak ouerquhelmyt the are ;
The fulye fliche, hafwert, rouch and hare ;
Branchis brattlyng ; and blaiknyt fchew the brayis.
With hirftis harfk of waggand wyndil flrayis.
The dew droppis congelit on flibbil and rynd.
And fcharp hailftanys mortfundyit of kynd,
Hoppand on the thak, and on the caufay by :
The fchote I clofit, and drew inwart in hy,
Cheverand of cald, the feflbun was fa fnell,
Schupe with hait flambis to Heme the fiefing fell.
And as I bounit me to the fire me by,
Baith up and doun the houfe, I did efpy ;
And feand ViRGiLL on ane letteron ftand.
To wryte anone I eynt my pen in hand.
And as I culd, with ane fald diligence
This nixt buke followand of profound fcience
Thus has begun in the chill wynter cald,
Quhen froftis dois ouer flete baith firth and fald,
P. 43T. 1. I. RepatirrU tvtle, i. e. Having repeated a good number of
Pattrjiojtrs. In the Editions it is erroneoufly printed Rtereatt. Several
other errors are ccrrc
but probably no martial mufic, or mufical inftrument was there ufed,
excepting, by every man his own bugle, or bullock-horn. Be that
as it may, it muft be acknowledged that there is no evidence of any
other known Scottilh Air being older than Hey no-w the day daivis. It
fecms to be mentioned as a dance in the tale of Ce-wkelbie ; lee p. 308.
According to Dunbar's account, the menjlralis (or pipers) of Edinburgh
in his time knew hatdly any other tune. In a faiirical addrefs to the
merchants, he fays,
Your commone menftralis hes no tunc
Bot Neit) the day daivis, and Into 'Joun.
\ To this day it is often fung at merry-makings as a Rtng-fong, witfe
the following words t
Weel may we a' be f .
Ill may we neu'r fee !
God blcfs the Kicg
And this companie !
Hey tutti taity.
Hey lilly pretiy
Hey tutti taity,
Merry kt us be^
P. 437. \. Zl. Toppa and Partelot. Thefe are fiiSitious names gi-
cn to two hens, the cocks paramours, or wyffis, as our author calls
them. 7c// from the hp or crcft upon her head ; Partelot, a darling,
fee p. 380.
or LUF ;
W ITH bemys fchene, thow bricht Cytheria,
Quhilk only fchaddowift amonge fterris lite ;
And thy blynd wyngit fon Cufid, ye tua
Fofteiarls of birnyng carnale hete delite j -
Your joly wo neidlingis moift I endite,
Eegynnyng with ane fenyeit faynt plefance,
Continewit wyth luft, and endit wyth penance. ~
In fragil flefche your febill fede is faw,
Rutit in delyte, welth, and fude delicate,
Nurifl with fleuth, and mony unfemly faw,
Quhare fchame is loift. tharfpredis your burgeons hale.
Oft to revolve ane unleful confate,
Ripis your perellus frutis and uncorne :
Of wikkit grane how fal gude fchaif be fchorne ?
Quhat is your force, bot febling of the flrenth ?
Your curius thochtis quhat bot mufardry ?
Your fremmit glaydnes leftis not ane houris lenth.
Your fport for fchame ye dar not fpecifye.
Your frute is bot unfruftuous fantafye,
Your fory joyis bene bot janglyng and japis.
And your trew fervandis lilly goddis apis.
Your fucit myrthys ar myxt wyth byttirnes,
Quhat is your drery game and mery pane ?
Your werk unthrift, your quiet is reflles,
Your luft lyking in langour to remane,
Frendfchyp torment, your traifl is bqt ane trane :
O luf
O luf, quhidder art thou joy, or fulyfchnes.
That makjs folk fo glajd of thayr dyftres ?
Salomon's wit, Sampsoun thou revift his force.
And David thou bereft his prophecy,
Men fayis thou brydillit AristotELL as ane hors.
And crclit up the floure of Poetry ;
Quhat fall I of thy mychtis notify ?
Fare weil, quhare that thy lufty dart aflalis,
Wit, ftrenth, riches, na thinge hot grace avails.
Thow chene of luf, ha ienedicite !
How hard ftrenyeis thy bandis every wicht !
The God above, for his hie majefte,
With the ybouid, law on ane maid did licht.
Thou vincuft. the ftrang gyand of grete mycht ;
Thou art mair forfy than the dede fa fell ;
Thou plennyft paradyfe, and thou heriit hell.
Thou makis febil wicht, and thou laweft hie ;
Thou knyttis freyndfchip, quhare thare be na parage ;
Thou Jonathas confiderit with Davye,
Thoii dantit Alexander for all his vaflakge.
Thou feftynnyt Jacob fourtene yeris in bondage.
Thou teichit Hercules go lerne to fpyn.
And reik Deianire his meis in lioun Ikyn.
For luf Narcissus perifl at the well.
For luf thou ftervift moifl douchty AcHiLL,
Theseus for luf his fallow focht to hell.
The faaw quhite dow oft to the gray maik will ;
Allace for luf, how mony thame felf did fpill !
Thy fury, luf, moderis tacht, for difpite.
To fyle handis in blude of ther ying childrin lite.
O Lord, quhat writis myne autor of thy force.
In his Georgikis ? How thy undantit mycht
JAMES IV. 1488 1513. 44^
Conftrenls fome tyme fo the llonyt hors,
That by the fent of ane mere, fer of fycht,
He bradis brayis anon, and takis the flicht ;
Na bridill may him dant, nor buftuous dynt,.
Nor bra, hie roche, nor brade fludis flynt.
The buftuous buUis oft for the young kye
With home to home wirkis othir mony wound ;
So rummefin with mony law and cry.
The feildis all doith of their routing refound.
The meik hartis in belling oft ar found
Mak feirs bargane, and rammys togiddir ryn,
Baris with thare tufkis will frete otheris Ikyn.
Lo how Venus can hir fervandis acquite,
Lo how hir paffiouns unbridlis all thare wit ;
Lo how thay tyne thame felfe for fchort delite,
Lo from all grace how to myfcheif thay flit,
Fra Weill to Hurt, fra pane to dede ; and yit
Thare bene bot fewe exampill takis of other, ,
Bot wilfully fallis in the fire, leif brother.
Be never ouerfet, myne au6lor teichis fo.
With luft of wyne nor werkis veneriane ,
Thay febil the ftrenth, revelis fecrete, boith tuo
Strife and debait engeneris, and feil has flane.
Honeft proues, drede, fchame and luk ar gane
Quhare thay habound : attempir thame forthy ;
Childer to engendir ufe Venus, and not in vane,
Mant na forfet, drink not bot quhen thou art dry.
Quhat ? Is this luf nyce lufFaris, as ye mene.
Or fals diffait, fare Ladyis to begyle ?
Thame to defoule, and fchent your felf betuene.
Is all your liking with many fubtell wile.
Is that trew luf, gude faith and fame to fyle ?
Gif luf be vertew, than is It leful thing ;
Gif it be vice, it is your undoing.
Sajis not your fentence thus, Ikant worth ane fas ;
Quhat honefle or renowne, is to be dram ?
Or for to droup like ane fordullit as ?
Lat ixs in rjot leif, in fport and gam,
In Venus court, fen born thareto I am,
Mj tyme wel fall I fpend : wenys thou not fo ?
Bot all youi folace lall returne in gram ;
Sic thewles luftis in bittir pane and wo.
Thou auld hafard leichoure ! fy for fchamc, .
That flotteris furth evermare in fluggardry :
Out on the, auM trat, agit wyfFe or dame,
Efchames ne time in rouft of fyn to ly :
Thir Venus werkis in youtheid ar foly.
But into eild thay turn in fury rage.
And wha fchameles douuus thar fyn, ha fy !
As dois tuir vantouris owthir in youth or age ?
Wald God ye purchefi: but youre awin mifchance.
And ware na ^anereris for to perys mo j
God grant fum time ye tume you to pennance,
Refrenyng luftis inordinat, and cry ho ;
And thare affix your luf, and myndis alfo,
Quhare ever is verifiy joy without offence.
That all fie beiftly fury ye lat go hence.
Of brokiiris and (Ic baudry how fuld i write?
Of quham the fylth llynketh in Goddis neis.
With Venus hen wyffis, quhat wyfe may I flyte ?
That flraykis thir wenfchis hedes, them to pleis :
Douchter, for thy luf tli's man has grete difeis.
Quod the bifrnere with the flekit fpeche :
Rew on him, it is merit his pane to mels.
Sic pode-makrellis for Lucifer bene leche.
JAMES IV. 14881513/ 4j^9
Efchame young virgins, and fair damycellis,
Furth of wedlok for to diftjne your kellis ;
Traift not all talis that wantoun wowaris tellis.
You to defloure purpofyng, and not ellis :
Abhore fie price or prayer.; wourfchip failis
Quhare fchame is loift, and fchent is womanbede ;
Quhat of beute quhare honefte lyis dede ?
Rew on your felf, ladyis and madynnys ying ;
Grant na fie reuth, that over may caus you rcw :
Ye frefche gallandis, in hate defire byrnyng,
Refrene your curage, fie peramouris to perfew ;
Ground your amouris on cherite all new,
Found you on reflbun ; quhat nedis mare to preehe ?
God grant you grace in luf as I you teich.
Lo, thare quhat thocht, quhat bittirnes and pane,
Luf un-fely bredis in every wicht,
Quhou fchort quhile dois his fals plefance remane ?
His reftles blis how fone takis the flicht ?
His kyndnes alteris in wraith within ane nycht ;
Quhat is bot torment all hys lngfum fare ?
Begun with fere, and endit in difpare.
Quhat fufly, cure, and flrange ymagyning?
Quhat wayis unlefull, his purpois to atteyne.
Has this fals lufl: at his firft begynnyng ?
How fubtell wilis, and mony quiet mene ?
Quhat flicht diflait quentlie to flat and fene ?
Syne in ane thraw can not him felfyn hyde,
Nor at his firft eftate no quhile abide.
Thou fwelth devourare of tyme unrecoverabill,
O lull infernale ! furnes inextinguibill,
Thy felf confuming worthis infaciabill.
Quent feyndis net, to God and man odibil :
Of thy tragetis quhat toung may tell the tribyll ?
Vol. I. L 11 With
With the to wreftil, thou waxis euermare wicht ;
Efchewe thyne hant, and mynnis fall thy mycht.
Se how blynd lufEs inordinate defirc
Degradis honour, and reffoun dois exile ;
Dido of Cartagf floure, and lampe of "Tyre,
Quhais hie renoune na flrenth nor gift mycht fyle.
In hir fanyt luft fo mait within fchott quhile.
That honeftye bayth and gude fame war adew.
Syne for difdene, allace ! hir felfin flew.
O quhat avalit thy brute and glorious name*
Thy nobyll treflbur and werkis infinyt ?
Thy cyeteis beilding, and thy riall hame.
Thy realmes conqueft, welefare and delyte ?
To llynt all thinge fayf thyne awne appetite.
So was in luf thy frawart deftany.
Allace, the quhile thou knewe the ftrange Erne !
P. 448. laft line. Sit pwie-malreflh for Lucifer hnt lecie. Matrelltt
from the French majuerelU, or Dutch makeiatrfter, a Bawd. For fuch
filthy bawds, Lucifer is the fittcft LtgCy or Superiour ;" or perhaps,
* fuch filthy ftrumpeti are the loyal or hearty Liegu or fubjcSa of Lu-
[" M AisTER Gavin Douglas, ("we read,^ was ane
** cunning clerk of many faculties^ and the hejl poet
** in our vulgar tongue that ever was horn in our
** nation-^* ** In his prologues^ where he hath his
liberty (fays HuME, in his Hiftory of the Familj^
hejheweth a natural and ample vein ofpoefy^fo pure,
pleafanty and judicious^ that I believe there is none
that hath written before orJincBy hut cometh fhort of
him : Particularly^ there is not fuch a piece to he
founds as his prologue to the eighth boohy beginning
Of drevilling and dremjs, &c. at leaf in our lan~
This being the tefimony of a competent judge of Foe-*
tryy it would be a glaring defeB in this work to omit
fuch a favourite compoftion.'\
\Jt drevilling and drcmjs quhat doith to endite?
For as I lenit in an ley in Lent this laft nycht,
I flaid on ane fwevynyng, flomerand ane lite.
And fone ane felkouth fege 1 faw to my fycht,
Swownand as he fwelt wald, and fowpit in fite ;
Was never wrocht in this warld mare woful ane wicht.
Ramand : " Refoun and ryeht ar rent be fals ryte,
Frendfchip flemyt is in France^ and faith has tane flicht,
Lejis, lurdanry and luft ar oure laid fterne :
Pece is put out of plaj,
Welth and welefare away,
Luf and lawte bajth tway
Lurkis ful derne.
Langour lent is in land, al lichtnes is loift,
Sturtin ftudy has the Here dyftroyand our fport,
Mufing merris our myrth, half mangit almoift ;
So thochtis thretis in thra our breiftis ouerthort,
Baleful befynes bayth blis and blythnes gan boift :
Thare is na fege for na fchame that fchrynkis at fchortc
May he cum to hys cafl be clokyng but coifl,
He rekkys nowthir the richt, nor rekles report :
All is wele done, God wate, weild he his wyll.
That berne is bed can not blyn
Wrangwis gudis to wyn j
Quhy fuld he fpare for ony lyn
Hys luft to fulfil ?
All ledis langis in land to lauch quhat thame leif is,
Luffaris langis only to lok in thare lace
Thare ladyis lufely, and louk but lett or relevis,
Quha fportis thame on the fpray fparis for na fpace :
The galyeard grume gruntfchis, at gamys he grevis,
The fiUok hir deformyt fax wald have ane fare face.
To mak hir maiklcs of hir man at myfter mycheivis :
The gude wyffe gruffling before God gretis cftir
The lard langis eftir land to leif to his are j
The preift for ane perfonage,
The fervand eftir his wage.
The thrall to be of thirlage
Langis ful fare.
JAMES IV. 14881513, 433
The mjUare inythis the multure wjth ane mettlkant.
For drouth had drunkin up his dam in the dry yere ;
The cageare callis furth his capyl wyth ciakkis wele
Calland the colyeare ane knaif and culroun full quere :
Sum fchepehird flais the lardis fchepe, and fais he is
ane fant,
Sum grenis quhil the gets grow for his gray mere.
Sum fparis nowthir fprituall, fpoulit wyfFe, nor ant,
Sum fellis folkis fullenance, as God fendis the fere.
Sum glafteris, and thay gang at al for gate woll :
Sum fpendis on the auld ufe,
Sum makis ane tume rufe,"
Sum grenis eftir ane gufe.
To fars his wame full.
The wrache walis and wryrigis for this warldis wrak
The mukerar murnys in his mynd tlie meil gaif na
The pirate preixlis to peil the peddir his pak,
The hafartouris haldis thame haryit, hant thay not the
The burges bringis in his buith the broun and the blak,
Byand befely bayne, huge, beuer and byce ;
Sum ledis langis on the land, for luf or for lak.
To fembyl with thare chaftis, and fett apoun fyfe ;
Thefchipraan fchrenkis the fchour, and fettis to the
fcliore ;
The hyne cryis for the come,
The brouftare the here fchorne,
The feift the fidler to morne
Covatis ful fore.
The railyeare rekkinis na wouidis, bot ratlis furth
For rude and ryot rcfounsbayth roundalis and ryme,
Swejngeouris and Ikurjvagis, fwankys and fwanys^
Gevis na cure to cun craft, nor comptis for na crymc,
Wyth beirdis as beggaris, thocht byg be thare banys,
Na laubour lift thay luke tyl, thare luffis are bierd
lyme :
Get ane bifmare ane barne, than al hyr blys gane is,
She wyl not wyrk thocht fche want, hot waiftis hir
In thigging, as it thryft war, and uthir vane thewis.
And flepis quhen fche fuld fpyn,
Wyth na wyl the warld to wyn,
This cuntre is ful of Caynes kyn, ^
And fyc fchyre fchrewis.
Quhat wykkitnes, quhat wanthryft now in warld
walk is ?
Bale has banift blythnes, bold grete brag blawis,
Prattis are repute policy and periellus paukis,
Dygnite is laide doun, derth to the dur drawis ;
Of trattillis and of tragedyis the text of al talk is ;
Lordis are left landles be unlele Jawis,
Burges bryngis hame the bothe to breid in the balkis ;
Knychtis ar cowhubyis, and commouns pluKkis craw-
Clerkis for uncunnandes myfknawis ilk" wycht ;
Wyffis wald haif al thare wyl,
Yneuch is not half fyl,
Is nowthir reflbun nor fkyl
In erd haldin rycht.
Sum latlt lattoun But lay lepia in lawde lytc,
Sum pynis furtb ane pan boddum to prent fals plak-
kis ;
Sum goukis quhil the glas pyg grow al of gold zyt.
Throw curie of quentaflence, thocht clay muggis
frakkis ;
JAMES IV. 1488 lyj. 455
Sum wcrnoure for this warldis wrak wendis by hjs
Sum treitcheoure crjnis the cunze, and kepis corne
flakkis ;
Sum prig penny, fum pyke thank with prevy promit.
Sum jarris with ane jed-ftaff to jag throw blak jakkis.
Quhat fenyete fare, quhat flattry, and quhat fals ta-
lis ?
Quhat myfery is now in land ?
How many crakkit cunnand ?
For nowthir aithis, nor band.
Nor felis avalis.
Preiftis fuld be patteraris, and for the pepyl pray.
To be Papis of patrymone and prelatis pretendis
Ten teyndis ar ane trumpe, hot gyf he tak may ;
Ane kinrik of parifch kyrkis cuplit with commendis.
Quha ar wirkaris of this were, quha walknaris of wa,
Bot incompetabyl clergy, that Chriftindome ofFendis ?
Quha reiffis, quha ar ryotus, quha rekles bot thay ?
Quha qucllis the pure commouns bot kyrkmen, wele
kend is ?
Thare is na Hate of thare flyle that ftandis content j
Knycht, clerk nor commoun,
Burges, nor barroun.
All wald have up that is doun,
Welterit the went".
And as this leid, at the laft, liggand me feis.
With ane luke unluflum he lent me fie wourdis :
Quhat berne be thou in bed wiih hede full of beis ?
Graithft lyke fum knappare, and as thy grace gurdis
Lurkand lyke ane longcoure ? Quod I, Loune, thou
Ha, wald thou fecht, quod the frcik, we have bot few
fwordis :
Thare is fie haift in thy hede, I hope thou waldneis.
That brangiilis thus with thi boift quhea bernis with
the bourdis.
Quod I, Churle, ga chat the, and chide with ane uthir.
Moif the not, faid he than,
Gyf thou be ane gentjl man.
Or ony curtafj can,
Myne awin leif bruthir :
I fpeik to the into fport ; fpel me thys thyng,
Quhat lykis ledis in land ? Quhat maift langis thou ?
Quod I, Smaik, lat me flepe ; fym fkynnar the hing :
I wene, thou biddis na bettir bot I brek thy brow :
To me is myrk myrrour ilk mannis meiiyng ;
Sum wald be court man, fum clerk, and fum ane cache
Sum knycht, fum capitane, fum Caifer, fum King,
Sum wald have welth at thare wil, and fum thar
waime fow.
Sum langis for the levir ill to lik of ane quart,
Sum for thare bontay ar boune,
Sum to fe the new mone ;
I lang to haif our buke done,
I tel the my part#-
Thy buke is bot bribry, faid the berne than,
Bot I fall lore the ane lefibun to leis al thy pane :
"With thjt he raucht me ane roll : to rede I begane,
The royeteft ane ragment with mony ratt rime.
Of all the mowis in this mold, fen God merkit man.
The moving of the mapamound, and how the mone
The pleuch, and the poles, the planettis began,
The Son, the fevin fterncs, and the Charle wane,
JAMES IV. 14881513. 457
The clwand, the elementis, and Arthuris huffcj
The Home, and the Hand ftaflfe,
Prater Jhone and Port Jaffe,
Quhy the corne has the cafFe,
And kow weris clufe.
Thlr romanis ar t>ot ridlls, quod I to that raj^
Lede, lere me ane uthir leffoun, this I ne like.
I perfaif, fjr Perfoun, thy purpois perfaj,
Quod he, and drew me doun derne in delf by ane dykeS^
Had me hard by the hand, quhare ane hurd lay,
"Than prively the pennys begouth up to pike :
Bot quhen I walknyt, al that welth was wiikit away^
I fand not in all that feild, in faith, ane be bike :
For as I grunfchit at that grume, and glifnyt about,
I gryppit graithlie the gil.
And every modywart hil j .^^,^.f,^,-
Bot I mycht pike thare my fyl.
Or penny come out.
Thai! wox I tene, that t tuke to fie ane tf uffuris tent.
For fwevinnys and for fwevyngeouris that flumberis
not wele,
Mony marvellus mater nevet inerkit nor ment
Wil fegeis fe in thare flepe, and fentence but fele :
War al fie fawis futhfall, with fchame war I fchent^
This was bot faynt fantafy, in faith, that I fcil ;
Never wourd in trerite, bot al in waift went^
Throw riotnes and raving, that made mync ene rcilj
Thus lyfhyt I as lofingere fie lewdnes to luke :
Bot, quhen I faw nane uthir bute,
I fprent fpedily on fute,
And under ane tre rute
Begouth this aucht buke^
Vol. I. M M m
St. 1. 1. 4. SelktuthfegeffXringt pcrfon; from the Aug. Sax. fal-t9th,
rams ; andyi/^, miles, or Omply, vir. In the ad line, ley meaat bed.
P. 453. 1. la. Glajiert at the gangattrii. Rails againft, or tcizes the
f r-
X-4O quhat dangerc is ocht to compile, allace !
Herand thir detraftouris in evrj place.
Or euer thay rede the werk, biddis birne the buke :
Sum bene fa frawart in malice and wangrace,
Quhat is wele fajd thay loif not worth ane ace,
Bot caftis thame euir to fpj out fait and crukc,
Al that thay find in hiddillis, hirne, or nuke,
Thay blaw out, fay and in evry mannis face ;
Lo here he failyeis, lo here he leis, lukc.
Fer ethar is, quha lift fyt doun and mote,
Ane uthir fayaris faltis to fpye and note.
Than but offence or fait thame felf to wrytc.
Bot for to chyde fum bene fo birnand hote,
Hald thay thare pece, the word wald fkald thare throtc;
And has fie cuftume to jangil and bakbyte,
That, bot thay fchent, fum thay fuld bird forfytej
I fay no more, quhen al thare rerde is roung,
That wicht mon fpeik, that cannot hald his toung.
in the reign of Edward the Fourth^ correfporiding with
that of our fanifii the Thirds a Chronicle of Eng-
land was compofed in rhyme hy John Harding, *' of
Northern extraSiion, and educated in the family of
Lord Henrj Percy. He appears, fays Wharton, to
have been indefatigable in examining original records,
chiefiy with a dejtgn of afcertaining the fealty duefr$m
the Scottijh Kings to the crown of England : and he
Carried many injlruments from Scotland for the eluci-
dation of this important enquiry y at the hazard of his
life^ which he delivered at different times to Henry the
V. and VI. and to Edward I V ." y4 favourite topic of
Harding feems to have been the fubjugaiion of Scot"
land by force of arms, as appears from the following
infruBions, delivered by him to Edward the Fourth
about the year \d^6l ; which may afford fome amufe'
tnent to thofe readers who fearch for ctirio/ities rather
than for poetry.
NO WE to cxpreffe unto your noble grace,
The verie waie. bothc by fea and landc,
With the diftaunce of townes, and every miles fpace,
Through the chiefeft parte of all Scotlande,
To conveigh an armic that ye maie take in hande ;
Herafter fhall folowe, in as good ordrc as I male.
The true defcription and diftaunce of the waic.
Vox., I, N n n From
From Befwike to Donbarre, twentie miles it i*,
And twentie miles forward unto Haddyngtoune ,
And twelf miles from thence to Edenburgh I wis.
To Lithko twelfe ; and fo North-weft to bownc,
Tweife miles it is unto Sterlyng toune,
Befouth Foorth, that river principall,
Of right faire waie, and plentiful! at all.
Where that your navy at Leith maic reft fafely,
With all your vitailes, a mile from Edenburgh.
And after at the Blakneffe whiles as ye ly.
At Sterlyngtowne, which is the Kynges burgh,
And Wynne that (hire, all whole out through.
So (hall yoiir navy at your neccflitie,
Bee at yonr hande ftill your armie to fupplie.
From Sterlyng than, oner the river of Foorth,
Paf5 alongcft the bridge to Camflcinelle ;
And if it be broken toward the North,
tinto the foorde of Frew, under the fell.
Then fpede you Wcftward thre miles as men tell,
Where ye maic paffe to the Doune of Menteth,
Which paflcth from the Foorth thrc miles unneth.
Then from the Doune, a wale ye have right faire.
Through out Menteth, and eke Clakmannan flilre.
And fo through Fiffe to Falklande to repairc.
Thirty long miles without mofTe or mire,
For fo it is compted with horfe and carte to hire.
From Sterlyng Eaftward, and the high Oghilles,
Which fome men call m'ontaignes, and fome felles.
From Falkland then, to Difcrt toune fouth-eaft,
I'welfe miles it is of faire ready waie;
And from Falklande to SainA Andrewes, caft.
But other twelfe. miles without any naii,
Wher the Biflioppis fee is, and cafllc as thei faic.
And at Kyngorne and Difcrt male ye mete.
You for to vitaill, all your Englilhe flcte.
Then ride north-weft from St. AndrevPes toune,
Alongeft the fouthe fide of the water Taye,
Up to the burgh of Saindl Jhonftowne,
Rij^ht north from Fiffe, a countrie freftic and gaie.
And from St. Andrewes twenty-four miles thciiaie,
A pleafant grounde, and frutefttll countree
Of come and cattell with profperitee.
fyhich ceuntric of Fife along the Scotiftie fee,
<|lnd from St. Andienes to the Oghles, thei faic,
Is fortie thrie milen long of good conntree,
And fometyme in bredth fire miles of faire waie.
But from Loch Leven, eaflward without naie,
Of right good waie, briefly to conclude,
Twclfe miles contein it dooeth in latitude.
At Ennerkethen, and St. Margaretes-hope
Your navy maie receive vitail in that countrie,
Alongeft the water of Foorth, as I can grope.
With hulke and barge oi no fmall quantitee.
You to fupporte in your necefficee.
So that ye maie not in thofe countrees faill,
To have for your armie ready vicaill.
Then to St. Jhon'j toune, upon the water of Tay,
Within Sirathren, that ftandeth faire and, ftrong,.
Ditched aboute Cxtenc foote I faic,
And twenty feete on bredth ouerthwartc to fong.
It is north-eaft twenty mile? full long,
And nere to Scone Abbay within miles three,
Where alwaies thei crounc their kynges majeilec.
Which the water of Tay is fo navigable.
From the Eaft to St. Jhon's toune.
For all fuch ihippes as bee able
Fourty tunne of wyne to cary up and doune.
For vitaillyng and kepyng of the toune,
Unto the whiche fo floweth the water of Tay,
That all the ditches it fillcth night and daie.
At the whiche toune, pafle ouer the bridge ye fliall
With all your armie hoftyng through that land ;
Where in AngHs, that countree principall,
The Kerfe of Gowry dooth lie I underllande.
A plentiful! countree, I you warrande,
OF come and catell, and all commoditecs.
You to fupporte in your neceffitecs.
Betwixt the mounthes and the water of Tay,
Whiche fome do call mountaignes in our language,
Pafle Eaftward with your afmie daie by daie,
From place to place with fmall cariage.
For your navie Ihall you mete in this voyage
At Portincragge, (hortc waie from Dunde,
With vjtailcs to refreUe your whole armie.
BeCde the ftuff and vitaill of that lande.
Which ye (hall finde in the countree as ye go,
And market made alwaies to your hande.
Of all their vitailes although they bee your foi
Now from St. Jhon's toune/the fofhe to faie is fo,
^ightene miles it is to the toune of Dundee,
The principal burgh by North the Scotilhc fee.
Then ride north-eaft all alongeft the fee.
Right from Dundee to Arbroith as I mene ;
Then to MonroiTe and to Bar vie,
And fo through the Meernes to Cowy as I wene.
Then twelfe miles or more paflc to Abctdyne,
Bctwcne Dee and Done, a goodly citee,
A marchauDt toune and univerfitec.
Of the whiche waie, thirty miles there is
Of good come lande, and twenty large extentc
Full of catell and other goodes I wifTe,
As to moor lande, and heth dooth well appente.
From Brichan citee to the orient,
Where dooch ftande upon the fee,
A goodly pcrtc and haven for youf navie.
Where that the fame maie cafely you mete,
To vitaile your armie wherefoever you go,
Ouer all the mountaignes, drie moffcs and wetc.
Where the Wild Scottes do dwell then paffc unto;
That is in Mare and Garioch alfo.
In Atbill, Rofle, Sutherlande and Chatneili:,
Mureffe, Lenox, and out ifles I gcffe.
And when ye have that lande whole conquered,
Returne againe unto Strivelyne ;
And from thence to Glafco homeward,
Twenty and foure miles to St. Mongo's (hrine,
Wherwith your offryng ye fhall from thence dcclyne.
And pafle on furthwarde to Dumbertayne,
A caftle ftrong and harde for to obtayne.
In which caflle St. Patrikc was borne.
That afterward in Irelandc did winnc,
About the whiche flcweth even and mornc,
The wefltrne feas without noyfe or dinne;
When furthe of the fame the ftreames dooe rinnc,
Twife in twenty-foure houres, without any faile,
That no inanne maie that ftrong c&Hle aflaile.
Upon a rocke fo hic the fame dooth ftandc.
That if the walles wcr beaten to the rochc,
Yet wer it full heard to climbe with foote or hande,
. And fo to Wynne, if any to them approche.
So fcrong it is to gette without reproche.
That without honger and cruell famifliement,
It cannot bee taken, to my judgement.
Then from Glafgo to the toune of Aire,
Are twenty miles and foure, well accompted ;
A good countree for your armie every where.
And plenteous alfo, by many one recounted.
For there I was, and at the fame I mounted
Toward Lamarke toune, twenty-foure miles
Hemeward trudgyng, for fere of Scottifli gile?.
From the toune of Aire in Kile to Galloway,
Through CarriA pafle unto Nithifdale, ^
Where Dumfrife is a prettie toune alwaie.
And plentiful! alfo of all good vitaill,
For all your armie without any faile.
So that keping this journey by my indruccion.
That rcalme ye fliall bryng in fubjeccion.
Then from Domfrife to Carlill ye fhall ride.
Twenty and foure miles of very redy waie ;
So male ye wynne the lande on every fide
Within a yere withouten more delaie.
For caftles there is none that withftande you male.
Nor abide your ficge againft your ordinance,
So limple and weake is their purveyance.
, And if ye like, good lorde, at home to abide.
With little coft your wardens ye male fende,
Chargyng theim all with hofles for to ride
In propie perfone , through winter to fende
With morow forraies, thei maie them fore offende
And burne Jedburgh, Hawike, Melrofe, and Lauder,
Codyngham, t)onglaffe, and the toune of Dombarre.
Then fende an hofte of footcmen in
At Lammeffe next through all Lawderdalc ;
And Lammermore woddcs and moffis ouer rin.
And eke therwith the Stowe of Wedtlale,
Melrofe lande, Etrike forrell, and Tividale,
Liddifdalc, Ewifdale and Ryngwodfeld,
"^0 the Crike crolTe, that riden is ful feid.
The wardens then, of bothc the marches two,
To be their ftaile, and eke their caftles ftrong,
Them to rcskewc from enemies where euir thei go,
With fleying ftailes to folow them ay emong.
Leffe nor their fooes theim. fupprclTe and fong, |
And every night to releve to the hofte,
And lodge together all upon a cofte.
And alfo then, at the next Mighelmefle,
The weft warden to Domfrife ride he maic ,
Foure and twenty miles from Carelil, as I geffe,
And then paffe forthward through Galowaie.
To Carr-ike aftef, into good araie,
And then from thence to the towne of Aire,
In Kile that countree, plentiful! and faire.
Next, then from Aire unto Glafgow go,
A goodly citee and univerfitce.
Where plentiful] is the countree alfo,
Replenilhed well with all commoditec.
There male the warden of the eaft marchc bee ^
And mete the other twaioe, as I wene,
Within ten dales, or at the moft fiftene.
The thirde armie from Barwike paffe it fhall.
Through Dumbarrc, Edenburgh, and Lithko ;
And then to Sterlyng with their pov/er all, ^^
And next from that unto Glafgo,
Standyiig upon Clide, and where alfo
Of corne and cattell is aboutjdaunce,
Your armie to vitaill at all fuffifauncc.
Thus thefe three armies at'Olafgo (hall mete,
Well araied in their armoure clenc,
Which homward from thence thei (hall returne complete^
Foure and twenty miles to Lamarke fo (hcne.
To Pebles on Twede u fitene miles I wene,
To Solray as muche, then twenty miles with fpede
Irom thence returne thei fliall to Wark on Twcdc.
Within a moneth this lande male be deftroicd,
All a fouth Furth, if wardens will affente,
So that our enemies fhall be fore annoied.
And wafted bee, and fke for ever ftiente.
If wardens thus woorke after myne intcnte,
They male well quenche the cruel enmitce
This daie be fouth all the Scotiihe fee,
Like as I could efple, and diligently enquire,
"Which of It maie your highntffe well contentc ,
It is the thyng that I hertcly defire,
And of your grace no more I dooe require,
"hat that your grace will take in good parte
Not onely my paines, but alfo my true harte.
Of Ehranhy the great grand-fon of Brutus^ and king
of Albion y our poet gives us the following information :
In Albany he made and edefyed
The caftcjl of Alclude, which Dumbrytain,
As fomc autoures by Chronicles hath applyedt
And fome fay on the Pight wall certain.
At the weft end it floode, that now is plaine.
He made alfo the Mayden-cajlell ftronge.
That men now calleth the caftell of Edenbnrgh,
That on a rockc ftandeth full hye out of throng,
On mount Agiuet, where men may fe out through
Full many atoune, caftle and borough.
Refpecfling the name of Mayden-cdjlle, a conje^Slure fhall be ofF;.red in
the preliminary obfervations to the Glojfary. Whether Agiuet be the
fame with the Guidi of Bede, muft be left to the decifion of Antiqua-
In the above Itlneraric, no difficulty occurs in the names of places,
xcepting Solray, which may have been crroneoufly tranfcribed or
printed foi Selkirk ; or Soltray, Soutray, as Camjkinelle may alfo have
Seen for Cambujkennetb ; and VVeddale for Tivieddale,
Los Angeles
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