' COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CAMBRIDGE. THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE SPECIMENS OF NATURAL HISTORY IN SPIRIT CONTAINED IN THE MUSEUM | OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND. VEKTEBKATA : PISCES, REPTILIA, AVES, MAMMALIA. LONDON: PRINTED BY EICHAED TATLOE AND WILLIAM FEANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. 1859. PREFACE. THE specimens described in this Catalogue consist of entire or un dis- sected animals, and form that division of the Collection known as the Vertebrate Series of Natural History in Spirit. Like that of the Inverte- brate Series in Spirit, this probably originated in the preservation of natural objects transmitted to Mr. Hunter for the purposes of dissection ; but to such an extent had they accumulated by numerous and valuable donations, especially those of Sir Joseph Banks, that a separate portion of the Museum was set apart for their display. The Vertebrate Series of Natural History, at the time of its being entrusted to the College, consisted of 1025 specimens; of these, 435 were Fishes, 316 Reptiles, 184 Birds, and the remaining 90 Mammalia. The only Catalogue of this part of the Collection was one in manuscript, drawn up by the late Dr. George Shaw of the British Museum ; it was commenced very soon after the death of Mr. Hunter, and finished in 1806, having been several years in progress. No catalogue of this series had been made during Mr. Hunter's life. Many of the specimens described by Dr. Shaw were duplicates ; and in the year 1843 upwards of 400 of these were, with the sanction of the Trustees, transferred to the British Museum. Prior to this 11 period, and even during the progress of the present Catalogue, a large number of new preparations, obtained both by donation and purchase, have been introduced, so that the Collection as it now stands, consists of more than 1020 specimens. The present Volume was commenced in July 1857, many of the Fishes and Lizards having been previously determined by the late Conservator, Professor Owen. In consequence of the altered state of several of the specimens, which had been preserved in spirit, considerable difficulty has been found in arriving at a true determination of their specific characters ; recourse therefore has been had to the actual comparison of the specimens with those existing in spirit at the British Museum ; and it is to the courtesy of Dr. J. E. Gray, Keeper of the Zoological Depart- ment of that Institution, and to his able assistant, Mr. Edward Gerard, that the Council are indebted for the names of many of the Fishes and Snakes. The Cheiroptera or Bats, even in Mr. Hunter's time, formed a large portion of the Series ; these also have been compared with other specimens and accurately named by R. F. Tomes, Esq., a gentleman who has paid considerable attention to the classification of these remarkable animals. Many of the specimens now included in this Volume, besides being of great rarity, are interesting from the fact of their being the first of the kind brought to this country; amongst them may be included many of the originals described and figured in 'White's Journal ' and in ' The Zoology of New Holland ;' and more especially those presented to Mr. Hunter by Sir Joseph Banks in 1792, which had been collected by Dr. Solander and himself, in their voyage round the world with Captain Cook. Amongst the Fishes may be particularly noticed the remarkable specimen named Stylephorus chordatus, originally contained in the Leverian Museum. It was purchased at no less a sum than Twenty pounds at the sale of that Collection. Ill There are some specimens in the Series that do not at present exist in the National Collection, and others again which are new to science, by far the greater number of the latter having been presented by the late Capt. Sir Everard Home, who, next to Sir Joseph Banks, must be considered as the largest contributor to the present Series. The arrangement which it has been thought best to adopt, agrees, as far as possible, with that followed in the Osteological Series, being a modification by Prof. Owen of the classification of Johannes Miiller. Whilst the present Volume was in progress, a large number of specimens were presented to the Museum, and others remained in the possession of the College, which could not at the time be satisfactorily identified. All these, however, have now been named, and added to the Collection, every specimen having its proper place assigned to it in the Appendix ; these specimens are distinguished from those originally described by the addition of a letter. CONTENTS. DIVISION VERTEBRATA. Class PISCES. Order I. DERMOPTERI. Suborder I. PHARYNGOBRANCHII. Family AmphioxidoB. Page Genus Branchiostoma 1 Suborder II. MARSIPOBRANCHII. Family Myxino'idas. Genus Myxine 2 Heptatrema 2 Petromyzon 2 Order II. MALACOPTERI. Suborder APODES. Family Murcenida. Genus Muraena .... 3 Thyrsoidea 4 Murcenophis 4 Family Ophisuridce. Genus OpJiisurus 4 Centrurophis .'i 4 Myrus 5 Anguilla 5 b VI Family Gymnotida. Genus Gymnotus 5 Carapus 6 Gymnarchus 6 Family Leptocephalidas. Genus Leptocephalus 6 Ammodytes 6 Suborder ABDOMINALES. Family Heteropygii. Genus Amblyopsis 7 Family Clupeidcs. Genus Clupea 7 Family Salmonidas. Genus Salmo 8 Osmerus 10 nymallus 10 Sternoptyx 11 Mallotus 11 Family Esocidae. Genus Esox 11 Sairis 11 H&niiramp/ius . . > 1 1 Family Galaxida. Genus Galaxias 1 2 Family Characinidae. Genus Chauliodus 12 Family Scopelida. Genus Scopelus 12 Exocatus . 12 Vll Family Cyprinidee. Genus Cyprimw 13 Orestias 13 Cobitis 14 Anableps 15 -.ijr.i'r, /./,')/ I -, Family Siluridas. Genus Pimelodes 15 Schilbe . 15 Plotosis 15 Bagrus 16 Hypophthalmus 16 Synodontes 16 Trichoniycterus . 16 Platystacm 16 Hypostoma 17 Loricaria 17 Callichthys 17 Order III. PHARYNGOGNATHI. Family Labridte. Genus Labrus 18 Crenilabrus 18 Julia 18 Cycla 18 Xyrichthys 19 Family Scaridee. Genus Scarus . 19 Odax 19 OrderlV ANACANTHINI. Family Gadides. Genus Gadus .19 62 Vlll Family Pleuronectidae. P.ge Genus Pleuronectes 20 Solea 20 Achirus 20 Order V. ACANTHOPTERI. Family Percidce. Genus Perca 20 Percis 21 Grammistes 21 Pomotis 21 Serranus 21 Epinephelus 22 Holocentrum 22 Diacope 22 Rypticus 23 Embiotoca . 23 Trachinus 23 Uranoscopus 23 Polynemus 24 Mullus 24 Upeneus 25 Family SderogenideR. Genus Trigla ' . . . . 25 Coitus 26 ScorpcBna 26 Synanceia 26 Pterois 27 Apistes 27 Pelor 27 Gasterosteus 28 Family ScicenideE. Genus Eques 28 Corvina 28 Haemulon . ''-. .'.... 29 IX Page Genus Pristipoma 29 Diagramma ,. ..; 29 Cheilodactylus 30 Amphiprion 30 Latilus 30 Dascyllus 30 Family Spondee. Genus Chrysophrys 31 Family Mendolee. Genus Mendola 31 Family Scomberida. Genus Scomber 31 Scomberoides 31 Naucrates 31 Trachinotes 32 Caranx 32 Capros 33 Mastacemblus 33 Tkyrsites 33 Argyreiosis 33 Vomer 34 Equula 34 Family Ch--.. 97 Cnemidophorus 98 XV11 Family 10. MonitorideE. J Page Genus Monitor 99 Uaranus 99 OrderlV. EMYDOSAURA. Family 1. Crocodilida. Genus Alligator 100 Crocodilus . ...(! 101 Gavialis 101 Order V. CHELONIA. Family 1. Cheloniadee. Genus Chelonia 101 Family 2. Trionycidae, Genus Chitra . 102 Trionyx 102 Emys 102 Chelodina . 103 Class AVES. Order I. NATATORES. * t ' Family 1. PinnipennatfE. Genus Aptenodytes 104 Alca 104 Family 2. TotipalmatoR. Genus Phaeton . . . . 105 Colymbus 105 Family 3. Procellariidee. Genus Procellaria. 105 XV111 Family 4. LaridaE. Page Genus Sterna . 105 Family 5. Lamellirostres. Genus Anas 106 Pelicanw . 106 Order II. GRALLATORES. Family 6. Pressirostres. Genus Hamatopus 106 Vaginalis 107 Charadrius 107 Family 7. Longirostres. Genus Ibis 107 Numenius 107 Family 8. Cultirostres. Genus Ardea 107 Parra 107 Scolopax 108 Order III. CURSORES. Genus Apteryx 108 OrderlV. RASORES. Family 9. Tetraonidce. Genus Tetrao 109 Perdix 109 Columba , 109 XIX Order V. SCANSORES. Page Genus Psittacus .it 109 " Picus 110 Rhamphastos 110 Order VI. PASSERES. Family 10. Syndactyli. Genus Alcedo 110 Merops Ill Family 11. Heterodactyli. Genus TrocMlus Ill Family 12. Cantor es. Genus Hirundo Ill Certhia 112 Family 13. Conirostres. Genus Corvus 112 Glaucopis 112 Fregillm 112 Loxia 112 Ploceus 113 Pans 113 Alauda 113 Family 14. Dentirostres. Genus Motacilla . ... .. : . ; i . . . .113 Pipra . . ,.M. .114 Ampelis 114 Gracula . 114 XX Class MAMMALIA. Subclass I. IMPLACENTALIA. Order I. MONOTREMATA. Page Genus Ornithorhynchus 115 Echidna . . . 115 Order II. MARSUPIALIA. Genus Didelphis 116 Order III. RODENTIA. Family Leporida. Genus Lepus 117 Family Caviidas. Genus Cavia 117 Family Jerboida. Genus Dipus 117 Sciurus 117 Sciuropterm 118 Muscardinus 118 Family Hystricidce. Genus Hystrix 118 Erethizon 119 Family Muridee. Genus Mus 119 Family Aspalacidas. Genus Bathyergus 120 XXI Order IV. BRUTA. Page Genus Dusypus 120 Mania 120 Myrmecophaga 121 Bradypus . . '. 121 Order V. INSECTIVORA. Family Talpida. Genus Tupaia 122 Corsira 122 Sorex 122 Astromyctes 122 Chrysochloris .122 Order VI. CHEIROPTERA. Genus Macroglossus 123 Cynopterus 123 Pteropus 123 Molossus 124 Nycticejm 124 Taphozous 125 Scotophilm 125 Vespertilio !'''. .125 Plecotus 126 Rhinolophus 126 Megaderma 127 Phyttostoma . 127 Arctibeus . 127 Order VII. PROBOSCIDIA. Family Elephantida. Genus Elepkas 128 d XX11 Order VIII. PERISSODACTYLA. % Family Equidee. Genus Equus . . . . . . . . 128 Order IX. RUMINANTIA. Family Moschidas. Genus Moschus 129 Family Cervida. Genus Cervtts ' 129 Family Antilopidee. Genus Antilocapra 129 Family Bovides. Genus Bos 130 Order X. CARNIVORA. Family Mustelidas. Genus Mustela 130 Lutra 130 Family Felid Schleg. Fig. Schleg. Essai sur la Phys. des Serpens, p. 317. Hub. India. Malacca. Philippine Islands. 469. Tropidonotus subminiatus, Schleg. Fig. Schleg. Essai sur la Phys. des Serpens, t. i. p. 167, t. ii. p. 313. Hob. India. China. Java. 470. Tropidonotus bipunctatus, Schleg. ; Coluber sirtalis et ordinatus, Linn.). Fig. Burn, et Bib. Erpet. iii. p. 582, 1854. Hob. North America. Mexico. Martinique. Genus HETERODON, Latr. 471. The Hog-nose Snake (Heterodon platyrhinus, Latreille). Fig. Dum. et Bib. Erpet. t. vii. pt. 1. p. 766, 1854. Hub. Canada. 472. Heterodon simus, Linn. Fig. Holbrook, N. America, Erpet. vol. iv. p. 57, 1842. Hab. N. America. , Genus HERPETODRYUS, Wagl. 473. Herpetodryus viridissimus, Schleg. Fig. Schleg. Essai sur la Phys. des Serpens, p. 182. pi. 10, 11. Hab. Surinam. 474. Herpetodryus lineatus, Schleg. Fig. Schleg. Essai sur la Phys. des Serpens, t. ii. p. 191. Hab. West Indies. Surinam. Genus PSAMMOPHIS. 475. Psammophis elegans, Schleg. Fig. Schleg. Essai sur la Phys. des Serpens, t. ii. p. 216. Hab. Africa. 72 476. Psammophis moniliger, Schleg. Fig. Schleg. Essai sur la Phys. des Serpens, t. ii. p. 207. Hob. Africa. Genus DENDROPHIS, Schleg. 477. Dendrophis liocerus, Schleg. Fig. Schleg. Essai sur la Phys. des Serpens, t. i. p. 224. Hab. Brazil. Martinique. 478. Dendrophis picta, Boie. Fig. Schleg. Essai sur la Phys. des Serpens, t. i. p. 157. Hab. India. Sumatra. Africa. Genus DIPSAS, Dum. et Bib. 479 Dipsas annulata, Dum. et Bib. ; Coluber annulata, Linn. Pig. Dum. et Bib. Erpet. t. vii. pt. 2. p. 1141, 1854. Hab. South America. 480. Dipsas Nattereri, Schleg. Fig. Schleg. Essai sur la Phys. des Serpens, p. 290. Hab. Brazil. Genus OXYROPUS, Dum. 481. Oxyropus doliatus, Dum. et Bib. Fig. Dum. et Bib. Erpet. t. vii. p. 1020, pi. 2. Hab. Brazil. Genus BUNGARIS, Schneid. 482. Bungaris fasciatus, Schneid. Fig. Cantor, Cat. Kept. p. 113, 1847. Hab. India. 73 Genus ABLAPIS, Gray. 483. Ablapis collaris, Gray. Fig. Gray, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. p. 309, 1853. Hab. India. Genus CORYPHODON, Dum. 484. Coryphodon Blumenbachii, Dum. et Bib. Fig. Dum. et Bib. Erpet. t. vii. p. 184, 1854. Hab. India. The fifteen following specimens of the genus Coluber formed part of the Collection of the late Dr. Patrick Russell, and are described in his work on the Indian Serpents. They were presented to the Museum by the Directors of the Honourable East India Company in 1819. 485. Coluber Wannah, Cogli; Coluber stolatus, Linn. (Three specimens.) Fig. Russell's Indian Serpents, vol. i. p. 15. pi. 1 1. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 379. Hab. Samul Cottah. Presented by the Hon. E. I. Company. 486. Coluber Tar Tutta. Fig. Russell's Indian Serpents, vol. i. p. 20. pi. 15. Hab. Vizagapatam. Presented by the Hon. E. I. Company. 487. Coluber Kallah Jin. Fig. Russell's Indian Serpents, vol. ii. p. 4. pi. 2. Hab. India. Presented by the Hon. E. I. Company. 488. Coluber. Fig. Russell's Indian Serpents, vol. ii. p. 27. pi. 23. Hab. Java. Presented by the Hon. E. I. Company. 489. Coluber Chunalee. Fig. Russell's Indian Serpents, vol. ii p. 34. pi. 30. Hab. Mahratta country. Presented by the Hon. E. I. Company. L 74 i 490. Coluber. Fig. Russell's Indian Serpents, vol. ii. p. 39. pi. 34. Hab. Java. Presented by the Hon. E. I. Company. 491. Coluber. Fig. Russell's Indian Serpents, vol. ii. p. 40. pi. 35. Hab. Java. Presented by the Hon. E. I. Company. 492. Coluber. (Two specimens.) Fig. Russell's Indian Serpents, vol. ii. p. 39. pi. 33. Hab. Java. Presented by the Hon. E. I. Company. 493. Coluber naja. (A small specimen.) Fig. Russell's Indian Serpents, vol. ii. p. 41. pi. 36. Hab. Java. Presented by the Hon. E. I. Company. 494. Coluber. Fig. Russell's Indian Serpents, vol. ii. p. 41. pi. 37. Hab. Java. Presented by the Hon. E. I. Company. 495. Coluber. Fig. Russell's Indian Serpents, vol. ii. p. 42. pi. 38. Hab. Java. Presented by the Hon. E. I. Company. 496. Coluber. Fig. Russell's Indian Serpents, vol. ii. p. 42. pi. 39. Hab. India. Presented by the Hon. E. I. Company. Very much bleached. 497. Coluber. Fig. Russell's Indian Serpents, vol. ii. p. 43. pi. 40. Hab. India. Presented by the Hon. E. I. Company. 498. Coluber. Fig. Russell's Indian Serpents, vol. ii. p. 43. pi. 40. Hab. Java. Presented by the Hon. E. I. Company. 499. Coluber. Fig. Russell's Indian Serpents, vol. ii. p. 44. pi. 41 . Hab. Java. Presented by the Hon. E.I. Company. 75 Family 2. Boidee. The ventral shields narrow (except in Bolyeria), transverse, band-like, often six-sided ; the hinder limbs developed under the skin, formed of several bones and ending in an exserted horny spur, placed one on each side of the vent. Tail short, generally prehensile. The pupil oblong, erect, except in Tortrix. Genus TORTRIX, Oppell. 500. The Coral Snake ( Tortrix Scytale, Oppell; Anguis Seytale, Linn.). Fig. Oppell, Ord. Kept. 56. Shaw, Gen. Zool. vol. iii. p. 581. Cat. of Snakes in Brit. Mus. p. 1 14. Hob. Tropical America. 501. The Coral Snake (Tortrix Scytale, Oppell). Hab. Tropical America. Both this specimen and the preceding have lost all their colours except the black. 502. The Coral Snake (Tortrix Scytale, Oppell). This specimen has lost nearly all its colours, the black bands being scarcely perceptible. 503. The Coral Snake (Tortrix Scytale, Oppell). Fig. Schlegel, Phys. Serp. ii. 5. t. 1. figs. 4, 5. Hab. Tropical America. Genus GONGYLOPHIS, Wagler. 504. The Padain Cootoo (GongylopMs cornea, Gray ; Boa viperina, Shaw). Fig. Russell's Ind. Serp. vol. i. p. 5. t. 4. Cat. of Snakes in Brit. Mus. p. 108. Hab. India. Genus EUNECTES, Wagler. 505. The Anacondo (Eunectes murinus, Wagler ; Boa murina, Linn.). Fig. Wagler, Syst. 167. Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 374. Cat. of Snakes in Brit. Mus. p. 102. Hab. Tropical America. L 2 76 Genus EPICRATES, Wagler. 506. The Aboma (Epicrates Cenchria, Gray ; Boa Cenchria, Linn.). Fig. Gray, Griffith, A. K. vol. ix. Cat. of Snakes in Brit. Mus. p. 95, 1849. Hub. West Indies. Genus BOA, Linn. 507. The Boiguacu or Boa Constrictor (Boa Constrictor, Linn.). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 373. Shaw, Gen. Zool. vol. iii. p. 337. Cat. of Snakes in Brit. Mus. p. 100. Hab. South America. 508. The Boa Constrictor {Boa Constrictor, Linn. ; Python Tigris, Baud.). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 373. Daud. Kept. v. 241. t. 64. fig. 1. Hab. India. 509. The Boa Constrictor (Boa Constrictor, Linn.). A young specimen. The two following specimens also formed part of Dr. Russell's collection. 510. Boa Gedi Paragoodoo, and Pakta Poola. Fig. Russell's Indian Serpents; vol. i. p. 1. pi. 1. Hab. Masulipatam and Boni. Presented by the Hon. E. I. Company. 511. Boa Buorgarum Pamah and Sackeenee. Fig. Russell's Indian Serpents, vol. i. p. 3. pi. 3. Hab. Mansoor Cottah. Presented by the Hon. E. I. Company. According to Mr. Gordon, its name in the Warrier language was Holadola, but in Gentoo, Ransa Pam. Family 3. Hydride. Hinder limbs not developed. Nostrils superior, valvular. Eyes superior ; pupil round. Tail often compressed. Belly covered with narrow shields or with scales like those of the back, the central series sometimes united together 77 in pairs, forming a narrow six-sided shield. Living in the sea or salt-water lakes, or in fresh water. Genus HYDRUS. 512. The Ringed Sea Snake (Hydrus annulatus, Gray ; Bangarus annu- lar is, Shaw). Fig. Cat. of Serp. in Brit. Mus. p. 59. Hob. Indian Ocean. Genus PELAMIS, Gray. 513. The Black-backed Pelamis (Pelamis bicolor, Baud.; Hydrus bicolor, Shaw ; Anguis platura, Linn.). Fig. Daud. Kept. vi. p. 366. Shaw, Zool. vol. iii. p. 566. Cat. of Snakes in Brit. Mus. p. 41. Hub. Indian Seas. 514. Pelamis bicolor, Daud. ; Hydrus bicolor, Shaw. Hob. Indian Seas. 515. Pelamis bicolor, Daud. ; Hydrus bicolor, Shaw. Hob. Indian Seas. 516. Hydrus Shiddul. Fig. Russell's Ind. Serp. vol. ii. p. 14. pi. 12. Hob. Tranquebar. This and the preceding specimen formed part of the collection of the late Dr. Patrick Russell, and were presented to the Museum of the College in 1819. Genus HYDROPHIS, Daud. 517. Hydrophis Manilla, Owen (nov. spec.). Hob. Manilla. Presented by George Bennett, Esq., M.R.C.S.E. 518. The Black-headed Kerril (Hydrophis doliata, Gray ; Enhydris do- liata, Merrem). Fig. Gray, Zool. Misc. 6. Merrem. Tent. 140. Hab. Coast of Australia. 78 519. The Black-headed Kerril (Hydrophis doliata, Gray). Hob. Coast of Australia. 520. The Black-headed Kerril {Hydrophis doliata, Gray). Hob. Coast of Australia. 521. The Slender Hydrus (^Hydrophis gracilis, Shaw ; Kartell Nagam, Russell). Fig. Shaw, Gen. Zool. vol. iii. p. 560. Russell, Ind. Serp. 1. 13. Hub. Indian Seas. The seven following specimens also formed part of Dr. Russell's collection. 522. Hydrus Kerril Pattee. Fig. Russell's Indian Serpents, vol. ii. p. 6. pi. 6. Hob. Tranquebar. Presented by the Hon. E. I. Company. 523. Hydrus Hoogli Pattee. Fig. Russell's Indian Serpents, vol. ii. p. 11. pi. 10. Hob. Tranquebar. Presented by the Hon. E. I. Company, A fowl bitten in the thigh by this serpent expired in five minutes. 524. Hydrus Shootur Sun (Anguis laticauda). Fig. Russell's Indian Serpents, vol. ii. p. 8. pi. 7. Hob. Coromandel coast. Presented by the Hon. E. I. Company. 525. Hydrus Chittul. Fig. Russell's Indian Serpents, vol. ii. p. 10. pi. 9. Hob. Tranquebar. Presented by the Hon. E. I. Company. A fowl bitten in the thigh by this serpent expired in eight minutes. 526. Hydrus Kalla Shootur Sun (Anguis laticauda). Fig. Russell's Indian Serpents, vol. ii. p. 9. pi. 8. Hob. Trauquebar. Presented by the Hon. E. I. Company. 527. Hydrus Valakadyen. Fig. Russell's Indian Serpents, vol. ii. p. 13. pi. 11. Hob. Tranquebar. Presented by the Hon. E. I. Company. 79 528. Hydras Shiddil. Fig. Russell's Indian Serpents, vol. ii. p. 14. pi. 12. Hob. Tranquebar. Presented by the Hon. E. I. Company. Family 4. Viperida, Gray. Face without any pit on the cheek. Genus PELIAS, Merrem. 529. The Common Adder or Viper (Pelias Berus, Merrem ; Coluber Berus, Linn.). Fig. Merrem, Tent. 148, 1820. Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 377. Bell, Brit. Kept. p. 58. Hob. Europe. 530. The Common Viper (Pelias Berus, Merrem). Fig. Shaw, Gen. Zool. vol. iii. p. 365. Penn. Brit. Zool. vol. iv. p. 25. Hab. Europe. Purchased at the sale of the Leverian Museum. 531. The Common Viper (Pelias Berus, Merrem). Hab. Europe. The specimen in question was taken near Ilford, Essex. 532. The Common Viper (Pelias Berus, Merrem). Fig. Cat. of Snakes in Brit. Mus. p. 31. Hab. Europe. Genus CAUSUS, Wagler. 533. The Causus (Causus rhombeatus, Wagler ; Coluber rhombeatus, Linn.). Fig. Wagler, Syst. 172. Cat. of Snakes in Brit. Mus. p. 33. Hab. South Africa. 80 Genus ACANTHOPHIS, Baud. 534. The Death Adder (Acanthophis antarctica, Wagler ; Boa antarctica, Shaw). Fig. Wagler, Syst. 172. Shaw, Nat. Misc. t. 35 ; Gen. Zool. vol. iii. p. 362. Cat. of Snakes in Brit. Mus. p. 34. Hob. Australia. Genus ECHIS, Merrem. 535. The Toxicoa (Echis arenicola, Boie). Fig. Boie, Isis, 1827, 558. Cat. of Snakes in Brit. Mus. p. 29. Hob. North Africa. Egypt. Genus CERASTES, Wagler. 536. The Cerastes or Horned Viper (Cerastes Hasselquistii, Hasselq. ; Coluber Cerastes, Linn.). Fig. Hasselq. Act. Upsal. 1750. Linn. Syst. Nat. vol. i. p. 376. Shaw, Gen. Zool. vol. iii. p. 385. Hob. Egypt. 537. The Cerastes (Cerastes Hasselquistii, Hasselq.). Hob. Egypt. Family 5. CrotaJida. Face with a large pit on each side, placed between the eye and the nostril. Genus CROTALUS, Linn. 538. The Cascavella or Banded Rattle-Snake (Crotalus horridus, Linn. ; Crotalus cascavella, Spix). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. vol. i. p. 372. Shaw, Gen. Zool. vol. iii. p. 317. Cat. of Snakes in Brit. Mus. p. 20. Hab. North America. From the British Museum. 81 Genus UROPSOPHUS, Wagler. 539. The Striped Rattle-Snake (Uropsophus durissus, Kalm ; Crotalus durissus, Linn.). Wq. Linn. Syst. Nat. vol. i. p. 372. Cat. of Snakes in Brit. Mus. p. 19. Shaw, Zool. vol. iii. p. 333. Hab. North America. Texas. Genus CRASPEDOCEPHALUS, Kuhl. 540. The Atrox (Craspedocephalus atrox, Fitz. ; Coluber atrox, Linn.). Fig. Fitz. N. Class. Kept. 61. Linn. Mus. Adolf, t. 22. f. 2. Cat. of Snakes in Brit. Mus. p. 6. Hab. South America. Genus MEG.&RA, Wagler. 541. The Green Megsera (Megcera trigonocephala, Wagler; Trigonoce- phalus nigro-marginatus, Schlegel). Fig. Wagler, Syst. 174. Schlegel, 541. t. 19. f. 14, 15. Cat. of Snakes in Brit. Mus. p. 12. Hab. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Marshall. Order II. AMPHISB^ENIA. Body elongate, cylindrical, naked, with square imbedded plates, placed in cross rings divided into two sets by a slight longitudinal groove on each side. Tail short, contiguous, blunt. Tongue not sheathed, flat, enlarged and nicked at the end, ending in two smooth threads, the rest covered with large flat papillae or scales. Eyes small, under the skin ; eyelid none. Ear hidden under the skin. Mouth small ; jaws not extensile. Feet none, or rarely in front. Penis double. Vent rather transversely plaited. Skull very solid ; orbits incomplete ; tympanic bone enclosed in the skull, ob- lique ; parietal bone simple ; temporal and mastoid bones scarcely separate. Catalogue of Amphisbcenia in British Museum. M 82 542. The White Amphisbsena (Amphisbana alba, Linn.). Fig. Dum. et Bib. E. G. v. 484. Shaw, Gen. Zool. vol. iii. p. 591. Cat. of Reptiles iu Brit. Mus. p. 70. Hab. South America. 543. The White Amphisbsena (Amphisbcena alba, Linn.). Hab. South America. This specimen is of a light brown colour, and is about 2 feet in length. 544. The Fuliginous or Sooty Amphisbsena (Amphisbaena fuliginosa, Linn.). Fig. Dum. et Bib. E. G. v. 480. Shaw, Gen. Zool. vol. iii. p. 598. Hab. South America. Dutch Guiana. Presented by Dr. Skey. CATALOGUE OF THE SPECIMENS OF NATURAL HISTORY IN SPIRIT. Class REPTILIA. Order III. SAURA OR LIZARDS. Mouth not dilatable ; jaws toothed, the lower jaw-bones being united by a bony suture in front. Eye generally with distinct eyelids. Drum of the ear frequently distinct, exposed. Limbs four, distinct, rarely in such a rudi- mentary state as to be hidden under the skin. Toes clawed. Body elon- gate, rounded, covered with imbricated or granular scales. Ribs distinct, mobile, and with a distinct sternum. Tail elongate, tapering, rarely pre- hensile, generally covered with whorls of scales. Egg with hard skin. The young not undergoing any metamorphosis. Catalogue of Lizards in British Museum. Family 1. ChameleonideE. Genus CHAMELEO, Linn. 545. The Dwarf Chameleon (^Chameleo pumilus, Latreille). Fig. Dum. et Bib. E. G. iii. 218. Cat. of Lizards in Brit. Mus. p. 269. Hob. The Cape of Good Hope. 546. The Dwarf Chameleon ( Chameleo pumilus, Latr.). Hob. The Cape of Good Hope. M 2 84 547. The Dwarf Chameleon (Channeled pumilus, Latr. (the dark-banded variety)). Hob, Africa. 548. The Common Chameleon (Chameleo vulgaris, Cuv.). Hob. Northern Africa and Spain. This specimen belongs to the variety with short and close-set serrations on the inferior part of the trunk, and appears to have been killed in the act of swallowing a large Libellula. 549. The Common Chameleon (Chameleo vulgaris). Fig. Dura, et Bib. E. G. iii. 204. Cat. of Lizards in Brit. Mus. p. 265. Hab. East Indies. This specimen belongs to the variety in which the serrations on the inferior part of the trunk are long and far apart. 550. The Warty Chameleon (Chameleo verrucosus, Cuv.). Fig. Cuv. R. A. ii. 60. Cat. of Lizards in Brit. Mus. p. 267. Hab. Madagascar. 551. The Common Chameleon (Chameleo vulgaris). This specimen is a female, and the abdomen has been laid open. 552. The Fork-nosed or Molucca Chameleon (Chameleo bifidus, Brongniart ; Chameleo bifurcus, Cuvier). Fig. Bum. et Bib. E. G. iii. 233. t. 27. fig. 3. Cat. of Lizards in Brit. Mus. p. 268. Hab. Molucca Islands. Isle of Bourbon. New Holland. 553. The Bilobed or Flap-necked Chameleon (Chameleo dilepis, Leach ; Chameleo bilobus, Kuhl). Fig. Dura, et Bib. E. G. iii. 225. Cat. of Lizards in Brit. Mus. p. 266. Hab. The coast of Guinea. Senegal. Ashantee. Presented by Joseph Sabine, Esq., 1823. 85 Family 2. Agamidas. Genus MOLOCH, Gray. 554. The Moloch (Moloch horridus, Gray). Fig. Grey's Trav. in W. Austr. Cat. of Lizards in Brit. Mus. p. 263. Hob. Western Australia. Genus AGAMA, Daudin. 555. The Cape Agama (Agama atra, Daud. ; Agama subspinosa, Gray). Fig. Daud. Kept. iii. 349. Gray, Phil. Mag. 1827, p. 214. Cat. of Lizards in Brit. Mus. p. 256. Hab. South Africa. 556. The Black Agama (Agama atra, Daud.). Hab. South Africa. 557. The Hispid or Aculeated Agama (Agama aculeata, Merrem). Fig. Dum. et Bib. E. G. iv. 499. Merrem, Syn. 53. Cat. of Lizards in Brit. Mus. p. 257. Hab. Southern Africa. Cape of Good Hope. 558. The Aculeated Agama (Agama aculeata, Merrem). Hab. The Cape of Good Hope. 559. The Aculeated Agama (Agama aculeata, Merrem). Hab. The Cape of Good Hope. 560. The Common Galeote or Agama (Agama Colonorum, Daud. ; Lacerta Agama, Linn.). Fig. Daud. Kept. iii. 356. Linn. S. N. Seba, t. 93. fig. 3, t. 107. fig. 3. Cat. of Lizards in Brit. Mus. p 256. Hab. Africa. 561. The Spinose Agama (Agama spinosa, Dum. et Bibron ; Lacerta hispida, Linn.). Fig. Dum. et Bib. E. G. iv. 502. Linn. S. N. ed. 13. 235. Cat. of Li- zards in Brit. Mus. p. 257. Hab. The Cape of Good Hope. 86 562. A smaller and more slender specimen of the Agama spinosa, Dum. Hob. The Cape of Good Hope. Genus STELLIO, Daudin. 563. The Blue-bellied Stellion (Stellio cyanogaster, Riipp.). Fig. Riipp. Abyss. Fauna, 10. t. 5. Dum. et Bib. E. G. iv. 522. Cat. of Lizards in Brit. Mus. p. 255. Hub. Arabia. 564. The Blue-bellied Stellion (Stellio cyanogaster, Riipp.). Hob. Arabia. Genus GRAMMATOPHORA, Kaup. 565. The Bearded Grammatophore (Grammatophora barbata, Kaup ; Agama barbata, Cuv.). Fig. Cuv. R. A. ii. 35. Kaup, Isis, 1827, 621. Cat. of Lizards in Brit. Mus. p. 252. Hob. Western Australia. 566. The Bearded Grammatophore (Grammatophora barbata, Kaup). Hob. Western Australia. Genus CHLAMYDOSAURUS, Gray. 567. The Frilled Lizard (Chlamydosaurus Kingii, Gray). Fig. Gray, King's Voy. Austr. ii. 1. 1. Cat. of Lizards in Brit. Mus. p. 249. Hob. Port Essington. Genus ISTIURUS, Cuv. 568. The Crested or Amboyna Lizard (Jstiums Amboinensis, Cuvier ; Lacerta amboinensis, Gmel.). Fig. Cuv. R. A. ii. 41. Schlosser, Epist. Gmel. S. N. 1064. Cat. of Li- zards in Brit. Mus. p. 247. Hob. Amboyna. 87 569. The Great Spiny -headed Lizard (Istiurus Lesueurii, Dumeril et Bibron). Fig. Dum. et Bib. E. G. iv. 384. t. 40. fig. 1 , 1 a. Cat. of Lizards in Brit. Mus. p. 248. Hab. Australia. 570. The Great Spiny-headed Lizard (Istiurus Lesueurii, Dumeril et Bibron). Hab. Australia. Genus CALOTES, Cuv. 571. The Galeote or Common Calotes (Calotes Ophiomacus, Gray; Lacerta Calotes, Linn.). Fig. Linn. S. N. 367. Griff. A. K. vol. ix. p. 55. Cat. of Lizards in Brit. Mus. p. 243. Hab. India. 572 The Galeote or Common Calotes (Calotes Ophiomacus, Gray). (A young specimen.) Hab. India. 573. The Javan Calotes (Calotes javanicus, Owen ; Lacerta Javanica, Hornst.). Fig. Hornst. N. A. Stockh. vi. t. 5. Cat. of Lizards in Brit. Mus. p. 247. Hab. Isle of Java. Genus DRACO, Linn. 574. The Flying Dragon (Draco volans, Linn. ; Draco Daudini, Dum. et Bib). Fig. Linn. S. N. 358. Dum. et Bib. E. G. iv.451. Cat. of Lizards in Brit. Mus. p. 233. Hab. Isle of Java. Sumatra. 575. The Flying Dragon (Draco volans, Linn.). Hab. Java. 576. The Flying Dragon (Draco volans, Linn. ; Draco Daudini, Dum.). Hab. Penang. 88 577. The Flying Dragon (Draco volans, Linn.). Hob. Sumatra. 578 The Red-throated Dragon (Draco hamatopogon, Gray). Fig. Gray, Griffith, A. K. vol. ix. p. 59. Cat. of Lizards in Brit. Mus.p.234. Hob. Sumatra. Presented by Mrs. Wm. Hammond. Family 3. Iguanida. Genus PHRYNOSOMA, Wiegmann. 579. The Texian Tapayaxin or Four-horned Frog (Phrynosoma cornu- tum, Gray ; Phrynosoma Harlani, Wiegm.). Fig. Gray, A. K. vol. ix. p. 45. Dum. et Bib. E. G. vol. iv. p. 314. Cat. of Lizards in Brit. Mus. p. 229. Hob. Texas. 580. The Texian Tapayaxin or Four-horned Frog (Phrynosoma cornu- tum, Gray). Hob. Texas. Presented by the Rev. Charles Coley. Genus URANOCENTRON, Kaup. 581. The Short-tailed or Azure Lizard (JJranocentron azureum, Cuv. ; Stellio brevicauda, Latr. ; Lacerta azurea, Linn.). Fig. Linn. S. N. 362. Dum. et Bib. E. G. iv. 371 . t. 42. fig. 2. Cat. of Lizards in Brit. Mus. p. 226. Hab. Tropical America. This Lizard was originally in the Leverian Museum, and is alluded to in Shaw's Zoology, vol. iii. p. 228. Some of the larger specimens, as shown in plate 69 of that work, exhibit none of the dark blue bands or fasciaj for which the above-described animal is so remarkable. Genus TROPIDOLEPIS, Cuv. 582. The Undulated Lizard (Tropidolepis undulatus, Cuvier). Fig. Cuv. R. A. ii. 38. Dum. et Bib. E. G. iv. 2y8. Cat. of Lizards in Brit. Mus. p. 208. Hab. Warmer parts of America. The tail of this specimen is mutilated. 89 583. The Undulated Lizard (Trop'idolepis undulatus, Cuv.). Hob. Warmer parts of America. Genus ANOLJUS. 584. The Marbled Anolis (Anolius marmoratus, Dum. et Bibron ; Lacerta marmorata, Shaw). Fig. Dum. et Bib. E. G. iv. 139. Shaw, Gen. Zool. iii. p. 225. Cat. of Lizards in Brit. Mus. p. 201. Hob. Martinique, and probably other islands of the West Indies. 585. The Marbled Anolis (Anolius marmoratus). Hab. West Indies. 586. The Marbled Anolis (Anolius marmoratus). Hab. West Indies. Genus BASILISCUS, Laur. 587. The Mitred Basilisc (Basiliscus mitratus, Baud.; Lacerta Basiliscus, Linn.). Fig. Baud. Kept. iii. 320. t. 42. Linn. S. N. i. 366. Cat. of Lizards in Brit. Mus. p. 192. Hab. Tropical America. Genus BRACHYLOPHUS, Cuv. 588. The Banded Iguana (Brachylophusfasciatus, Cuv. ; Iguana fasciata, Brorign.). Fig. Cuv. R. A. ii. 41. Brongn. Bull. Sci. Phil. 36. t. 6. fig. 1. Cat. of Lizards in Brit. Mus. p. 187. Hab. East Indies. New Guinea. 589. The Banded Iguana (Brachylophus fasciatus, Cuv.). In this specimen the bars on the tail are broader than in the preceding one. Hab. East Indies. New Guinea. N 90 Genus IGUANA, Laur. 590. The Bare-necked Iguana ([guana nudicollis, Cuvier ; Iguana deli- catissima, Laur.). Fig. Cuv. R. A. ii. 40. Laur. S. R. 48. Cat. of Lizards in Brit. Mus. p. 187.' Hob. The Islands of the West Indies and the Brazils. 591. The Common or Tuberculated Iguana (Iguana tuberculata, Laur. ; Lacerta Iguana, Shaw). Fig. Laur. Syn. 49. Shaw, Zool. iii. 199. Cat. of Lizards in Brit. Mus. p. 186. Hob. Tropical America. 592. The Tuberculated Iguana (Iguana tuberculata, Laur.). Hab. Tropical America. Genus POLYCHRUS, Cuv. 593. The Camaleao or Marbled Lizard (Polychrus marmoratus, Cuv. ; Lacerta marmorata, Linn.). Fig. Linn. S.N. 368. Shaw, Zool. iii. 224. Cat. of Lizards in Brit. Mus. p. 183. Hab. Warmer parts of South America. The lizards of the genus Polychrus have the faculty of changing their colour almost as completely as the Chameleons. Family 4. Geckotida, Gray. Genus PHYLLURUS, Cuv. 594. The Spineless Phyllure (Phyllurus inermis, Gray). Fig. Zool. of Erebus and Terror, Rept. t. . Cat. of Lizards in Brit. Mus. p. 176. Hal. New Holland. 595. The Spineless Phyllure (Phyllurus inermis, Gray). Hab. New Holland. 91 Genus SPH. Ann. Mus. iv. 192. Dum. et Bib. E. G. v. 736. Cat. of Li- zards in Brit. Mus. p. 79. Hab. Australia. 95 625. The Tachydrome (Scincus sex-lineatus, Daud.). Fig. Cat. of Lizards in Brit. Mus. p. 52. Hab. China. 626. A species of Skink (Scmcws). Hab. Western Australia. 627. A species of Skink (Scincus). Hab. Australia. Family 7. Zonurida. Genus OPHISAURUS. 628. The Glass Snake (Ophisaurus ventralis, Daud. ; Anguis ventralis, Linn.). Fig. Daud. Kept. vi. 252. t. 88. Gray, Ann. N. H. i. 391. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 923. Hab. North America. Carolina. 629. The Glass Snake (Ophisaurus ventralis, Daud.). Hab. Carolina. Presented by Dr. R. Harlan, Philadelphia. Genus ZONURUS, Merrem. 630. The Grey or Common Zonurus (Zonurus griseus, Dumeril et Bibron ; Cordyle Lizard, Shaw ; Lacerta cordyhis, Linn. ; Cordylus griseus, Cuv.). Fig. Dura, et Bib. E. G. v. 350. Linn. S. N. 361. Cuv. R. A. ii. 33. Cat. of Lizards in Brit. Mus. p. 47. Hab. South Africa. Family 8. Lacertinida, Gray. Genus LACERTA. 631. The Green Lizard {Lacerta viridis, Linn.). Fig. Dum. et Bib. E. G. v. 210. Cat. of Lizards in Brit. Mus. p. 31. Hab. The warm and temperate latitudes of Europe. This specimen is a female of the blue-green variety. 96 632. The Green Lizard (Lacerta viridis, Linn.). Hob. The warm and temperate latitudes of Europe. 633. The Green Lizard (Lacerta viridis, Linn.). Hob. South of Europe. 634. The Common or Sand Lizard (Lacerta stirpium, Daud. ; La- certa agilis, Linn.). Fig. Daud. Kept. iii. 153. t. 35. fig. 2. Dura, et Bib. E. G. v. 196. Cat, of Lizards in Brit. Mus. p. 32. Hab. Europe. 635. The Common Lizard (Lacerta stirpium, Daud.). Hab. Europe. 636. The Agile Lizard (Lacerta agilis, Daud. ; Zootoca quadrilineata, Gray). Fig. Daud. Kept. iii. 21 1. t 38. fig. 1. Gray, Ann. N. H. i. 279. Cat. of Lizards in Brit. Mus. p. 28. Hab. South of Europe. 637. The Agile Lizard (Lacerta agilis, Daud.). Hab. South of Europe. This and the preceding specimen are females with four white dorsal stripes. 638. The Agile Lizard (Lacerta agilis, Daud.). Hab. South of Europe. 639. The Agile Lizard (Lacerta agilis, Daud.). Hab. South of Europe. 640. The Agile Lizard (Lacerta agilis, Daud.). Hab. South of Europe. 641. The Agile Lizard (Lacerta agilis, Daud.). Hab. South of Europe. 642. The Agile Lizard (Lacerta agtlis, Daud.). Hab. South of Europe. 97 643. The Eyed or Ocellated Lizard {Lacerta ocellata, Daud.). Fig. Daud. Kept. iii. 125. t. 33. Dum. et Bib. E. G. v. 218. Cat. of Lizards in Brit. Mus. p. 30. Hub. Spain and Portugal. South of France. Italy. North of Africa. 644. The Ocellated Lizard (Lacerta ocellata, Daud.). Hob, Spain. Portugal. Italy. North Africa. 645. The Ocellated Lizard (Lacerta ocellata, Daud.). In the mouth of this specimen is a species of Sphinx. Genus ZOOTOCA, Wagl. 646. The Viviparous or Scaly Lizard (Zootoca vivipara, Wagler ; Lacerta agilis, Fleming) (with its young). Fig. Bell, Brit. Kept. p. 33. Flem. Brit. Anim. p. 150. Cat. of Lizards in Brit. Mus. p. 27. Hab. Europe. Family 9. Teidee, Gra. Genus CENTROPYX, Spix. 647. The Spurred Centropyx (Centropyx calcaratus, Spix ; Trachy- gaster calcaratus, Wagler). Fig. Spix, Braz. t. 22. fig. 2. Dum. et Bib. E. G. v. 149. Cat. of Lizards in Brit. Mus. p. 24. Hab. Tropical parts of South America. Genus AMEIVA, Cuv. 648. The Three-streaked Ameiva (Ameiva vulgaris, Lichtenstein ; Ameiva tritteniata, Spix). Fig. Spix, Braz. t. 246. fig. 2. Dum. et Bib. E. G. v. 100. Cat. of Li- zards in Brit. Mus. p. 18. Hab. Tropical parts of South America. 98 649. The Three-streaked Ameiva (Ameiva vulgaris, Licht ). Hob. Tropical parts of South America. 650. The Three-streaked Ameiva (Ameiva vulgaris). Hob Tropical parts of South America. 651. The Ocellated Ameiva (Ameiva ocellata, Bibron). 652. The Three-streaked Ameiva (Ameiva vulgaris). 653. The Three-streaked Ameiva (Ameiva vulgaris). 654. A species of Ameiva (Ameiva ?). Hob. Unrecorded. 655. Seba's Ameiva (Ameiva Sebce). Hob. Unrecorded. Genus CNEMIDOPHORUS, Wagler. 656. The Galonne Ameiva or Tagaguira (Cnemidophorus lemniscatus, Dum. et Bib. ; Lacerta lemniscata, Shaw and Daud.). Fig. Cat. of Lizards in Brit. Mus. p. 21. Hob. Surinam. Martinique. 657. The Tagaguira (Cnemidophorus lemniscatus, Dum. et Bib. ; Ameiva lineata, Gray). Fig. Dum. et Bib. E. G. v. 128. Gray, Ann. Nat. Hist. i. Cat. of Li- zards in Brit. Mus. p. 21. Hob. Tropical America. 658. The Tagaguira (Cnemidophorus lemniscatus, Dum. et Bib.). Hob. Tropical America. 659. The Tagaguira (Cnemidophorus lemniscatus, Dum. et Bib.). Hal. Tropical America. 660. The Tagaguira (Cnemidophorus lemniscatus, Dum.). Hob. Surinam. 99 661. The Tagaguira (Cnemidophorus lemniscatus, Dum.). flab. Surinam. Family 10. Monitoridte, Gray. Genus MONITOR, Cuv. 662. The Great American Monitor (Monitor Meriance, Dum. etBib.; Lacerta Teguexin, Linn.). Fig. Dum. et Bib. E. G. v. 85. Linn. Mus. Ad. 45 j S. N. i. 368. Cat. of Lizards in Brit. Mus. p. 16. Hab. Tropical parts of South America. 063 The Great American Monitor (Monitor Meriarue, Dum. et Bib. ; Lacerta Teguexin, Linn.). Hab. Brazils. 664. The Great American Monitor (Monitor Meriante, Dum. etBib.; Lacerta Tegueain, Linn.). flab. Brazils. Genus UARANUS, Merrem. 665. The Nilotic Monitor (Uaramis niloticus, Cuv. ; Lacerta nilotica, Forskael). Fig. Dum. et Bib. E. G. iii. p 476. Cat. of Lizards in Brit. Mus. p. 11. Hab. The banks of the Nile and other rivers of Africa. 666. The Bengal Monitor or Dracaena Lizard of Shaw (Uaranus ben- galensis, Monitor bengalensis, Gray). Fig. Dum. et Bib. E. G. iii. p. 480. Shaw's General Zoology, torn. iii. p. 218. pi. 67. Hab. The East Indies. The specimen is a young one. 667. The Double-banded Monitor (Uaranus bivittatus, Dum. et Bib.). Hab. Islands of the Indian Archipelago. o 2 100 668. The Double-banded Monitor (Urn-anus bivittatiis). Hob. The East Indies. 669. The Variegated or Lace Lizard (Uarantts varius, Merrem ; La- certa varia, Shaw). Fig. White, Journ. N. S. W. p. 246. t. 3. fig. 2. Hob. New Holland. Australia 670. The Variegated Lizard (Varanus varius, Merrem). Hab. New Holland. Order IV. EMYDOSAURA. Body fusiform, covered with square, bony plates placed in longitudinal lines. Limbs four, free. Vent linear, longitudinal. Jaws with teeth. Family 1 Crocodilidee, Gray. Genus ALLIGATOR, Cuv. 671. The Dog-headed Alligator (Alligator cynocephalus, Dum. et Bib. ; Crocodilus latirostris, Daud.). Fig. Dum. et Bib. E. G. iii. 86. Cat. of Crocodiles in Brit. Mus p. 64. Hab. Tropical America. 672. The Dog-headed Alligator (Alligator cynocephalus, Dum. et Bib.). Hob. Tropical America. 673. The Dog-headed Alligator (Alligator cynocephalus, Dum. etBib.). 674. The Pike-headed Alligator (Alligator Lucius, Cuv. ; Alligator Mississippensis, Gray). Fig. Cuv. Ann. Mus. x. Dum. et Bib. E. G. iii. 75. Gray, Syn. 62. Hab. Warmer parts of North America. 675. The Pike-headed Alligator (Alligator Lucius, Cuv.). Hab. Warmer parts of North America. 101 Genus CROCODILUS. 676. A newly excluded Crocodile (Crocodilus ?). Jfab. Unrecorded. 677. The Nilotic or Common Crocodile (Crocodilus vulgaris, Cuv, , Lacerta Crocodilus, Linn.). Fig. Cuv. Ann. Mus. x. 40. Linn. Syst. Nat. 655. Cat. of Crocodiles in Brit. Mus. p. 61. flab. North Africa. 678. The Common Crocodile (Crocodilus vulgaris, Cuv.). Hab. Africa. 679. The Common Crocodile (Crocodilus vulgaris, Cuv.). Hab. North Africa. 680. The Common Crocodile (Crocodilus vulgaris, Cuv.). Hab. North Africa. Genus GAVIALIS, Geoffroy. 681. The Gangetic Gavial (Gavialis gangelicus, Geoffr.). Fig. Bum. et Bib. E. G.'iii. 134. t. 26. fig. 2. Cat. of Reptiles in Brit. Mus. p. 57. Hab. The Ganges. Order V. CHELONIA (TORTOISES). Body short, depressed. The bones of the thorax external, surrounding the muscles of the body like a case, out of which the head, limbs, and tail are protruded. Jaws toothless, covered with a horny coat. Family 1. Cheloniada, Gray. Genus CHELONIA, Brongn. 682. The Green or Edible Turtle (Chelonia viridis, Tern. ; Chelonia mydas, Schweig.). Fig. Tern. F. Tap. 18. t. 4. figs. 4-6. Schweig. Prod. 29 1 . Cat. of Rep- tiles in Brit. Mus. p. 54. Hab. Atlantic Ocean. 102 683. The Green Turtle (Chelonin viridis, Tern.). Hob. The Atlantic Ocean. Presented by Mrs. Wm. Hammond. (Very young.) Family 2. Trionycidte. Genus CHITRA, Gray. 684. The Sewteree (Chitra Indica, Gray ; Trionyx Mgyptiacus, GeofFroy). Fig. Gray, Syn. Kept. 47. Cat. of Tortoises in Brit. Mus. p. 49. Hob. Congo. The head only of this animal is preserved. Genus TRIONYX, Merrem. 685. The Indian Mud-Tortoise (Trionyx Indicus, Gray ; Testudo mem- branacea, Henderson). Kg. Gray, Illust. Ind. Zool. vol. i. p. 80. Cat. of Tortoises in Brit. Mus. p. 49. Hob. Penang. Presented by Dr. Henderson. Genus EMYS, Brongn. 686. The Concentric or Salt-water Terrapine (Emys concentrica, Gray; Testudo concentrica, Shaw). Fig. Shaw, Gen. Zool. iii.43.t. 9. fig. 1. Dum. etBib. E. G.ii. 261. Cat. of Reptiles in Brit. Mus. p. 28. Hob. North America. 687. The Concentric Terrapine (Emys concentrica, Gray). (A young specimen.) Hab. North America. 688. The Sharp-chested Emys (Emys kinosternoides, Gray ; Emys cinosternoides, Dum.). Fig. Gray, Syn. 32. Cat. of Tortoises in Brit. Mus. p. 27. Hab. Locality unrecorded. 103 689. The Painted Tortoise (Emys picta, Schweig. ; Testudo cinerea, Brown). Fig. Shaw, Zool. vol. iii. p. 45. pi. 10. Cat. of Tortoises in Brit. Mus. p. 27. llab. North America. 690. The Painted Tortoise (Emys picta, Schweig.). Fig. Cat. of Tortoises in Brit. Mus. p. 27. Hab. North America. Genus CHELODINA, Fitzinger. 691. The Long-necked Terrapine (Chelodina longicollis, Fitz. ; Hy- draspis longicollis, Bell ; Emys longicollis, Schweig.). Fig. Shaw, Gen. Zool. vol. iii. p. 62. Cat. of Tortoises in Brit. Mus. p. 43. Hab. Australia. CATALOGUE OF THE SPECIMENS OF NATURAL HISTORY IN SPIRIT. Class AVES. Order I. NATATORES. In the Birds composing this Order, the feet are organized for swimming, the tarsi are short and compressed, and the toes webbed. In some, the neck is longer than the legs, and the sternum is sufficiently long to form a com- plete guard to the viscera. Family 1. Pinnipennatee. Genus APTENODYTES, Forster. 692. The Patagonian Penguin (Aptenodytes patachonica, Linn.). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 339. Cuv. A. K. vol. viii. pp. 538, 638. Hob. Falkland Islands. New Guinea. 693. The Little Penguin {Aptenodytes minor, Linn.). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 340. Cuv. A. K. vol. viii. p. 562. Hub. New Zealand. Genus ALCA. 694. The Razor-bill Auk (Alca tor da, Penn.). Fig. Penn. Brit. Zool. vol. ii. p. 148. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 337. Hab. Arctic Seas. North of Scotland. 105 695. The Least Auk (Alca pygmcea, Lath.). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 334. Cuv. A. K. vol. viii. p. 557. Hab. Asia and America. Family 2. Totipalmatce. Genus PHAETON, Linn. 696. The Red-tailed Tropic Bird (Phaeton phanicurus). Fig. Cuv. A. K. vol. viii. p. 597. Hab. South Seas. Genus COLYMBUS, Linn. 697. The Little Grebe or Dabchick (Colymbus minor, Linn. ; Podiceps minor). Fig. Penn. Brit. Zool. vol. ii p. 137. Yarrell, Hist. Brit. Birds, vol. iii. p. 316. Hab. Europe and North America. 698. The Little Grebe or Dabchick (Colymbus minor, Linn.). Hab. Europe. Family 3. ProcellariidtB. Genus PROCELLARIA, Linn. 699. The Stormy Petrel (Procellaria pelagica, Linn.). Fig. Cuv. A. K. vol. viii. p. 566. Penn. Brit. Zool. vol. ii. p. 208. Hab. Atlantic Ocean. 700. The Stormy Petrel (Procellaria pelagica, Linn.). Hab. The Atlantic Ocean. Family 4. Larides. Genus STERNA, Linn. 701. The Caspian Tern (Sterna Caspia, Linn.). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 362. Hab. Caspian Sea. 106 Family 5. Lamellirostres. Genus ANAS, Linn. 702. The Harlequin Duck (Anas histrionica, Linn.). Fig. Cuv. A. K. vol. viii. p. 610. Hob. Europe and America. Genus PKLICANUS, Linn. 703. The Gannet or Soland Goose (Pelicanus lassanits, Penn. ; Sula alba, Penn.). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 350. Penn. Brit. Zool. vol. ii. p. 286. Hob. Europe. America. From this bird the viscera and the bones of the trunk have been removed. . Order II. GRALLATORES. The Birds comprising this Order are recognized by the nudity of part of the tibia and most commonly by the elongation of the tarsi, by which they are enabled to enter the water to a certain depth without immersing the wing-feathers, and to wade therein, and seize fish by means of the neck and beak. Their external toe is most commonly united at the base to the middle one by a short membrane. Nearly the whole of them, except the Ostriches and Cas- sowaries, have long wings and fly well. Family 6. Pressirostres. Genus H^EMATOPUS, Linn, 704. The Black Oyster-catcher (Hcematopm niaer, Cuv.). Fig. Cuv. A. K. vol. viii. p. 324. Hob. Indian Ocean. Pacific. 705. The Black Oyster-catcher (Hctmatopus niaer, Cuv.). Fig. Cuv. A. K. vol. viii. p. 324. Hab. Indian Ocean. Pacific. 107 Genus VAGINALIS, Lath. 70(5. The White Sheath-bill (Vaginalis Australia, Shaw). Fig. Cuv. A. K. vol. viii. p. 416. Hab. New Holland. Genus CHARADRIUS, Linn. 707. The Ringed Plover (Charadrius Hiaticula, Limi.). Fig. Cuv. A. K. vol. viii. p. 309- Penn. Brit. Zool. vol. ii. p. 105. Hab. Europe. Family 7. Longirostres. Genus IBIS, Cuv. 708. The Scarlet Ibis (Ibis ruler, Cuv.). Fig. Cuv. A. K. vol. viii. p. 362. Hab. South America. Genus NUMENIUS, Cuv. 709. The Whimbrel (Numenius phceopus, Cuv.). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 394. Penn. Brit. Zool. vol. ii. p. 36. Hab. Europe and North Africa. Family 8. Cultirostres. Genus ARDEA, Linn. 710. The White-fronted Heron (Ardea Nova-Hollandia, Linn.). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 377. Hab. New Holland. 711. The Land Rail or Corn Crake (Rallus crex, Linn.). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 429. Cuv. A. K. vol. viii. p. 406. Hab. Europe and Asia. Genus PARRA, Linn. 712. The Common Jacana (Parra Jacana, Linn.). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 427. Cuv. A. K. vol. viii. p. 426. Hab. America. p 2 108 713. The Indian Jacana (Parra Indica, Linn.). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 429. Hob. India. Genus SCOLOPAX, Linn. 714. The Common Woodcock (Scolopax Rusticola, Linn.). (Young.) Fig. Cuv. A. K. vol. viii. p. 367. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 396. Hob. Northern parts of Europe, Asia and Africa. Presented by Frank BuckJand, Esq., M.A. Order III. CURSORES. The Birds comprising this Order are so named from their mode of progression, the shortness of their wings preventing them from performing the function of flight. In other respects many of them agree with the Grallatores. Genus APTERYX, Shaw. 715. The Kiwi or Apteryx (Apteryx Australis, Shaw). (Adult.) Fig. Shaw, Nat. Misc. vol. xxiv. pi. 1057. Gould's Birds of Australia, vol. vi. pi. 2. Hub. New Holland. 716. The Kiwi (Apteryx Australis). (In the last stage of incubation.) Hab. New Holland. Presented by Dr. Acland, Regius Professor of Medicine, Oxford. OrderlV. RASORES. The Birds comprising this Order are so named from the mode in which they pro- cure their food, which is generally grain and seeds, and these are obtained by scratching. The bill is convex, the upper mandible arched over the lower : 109 the nostrils arched over the cartilaginous membrane. The legs are formed for running, and their toes are rough underneath. Family 9. Tetraonidce. {' Genus TETRAO, Linn. 717. The Common Quail (Te.trao coturnix, Linn.). Fig. Cuv. A. K. vol. viii. pp. 56, 267. Linn. Syst. Nat. vol. i. p. 463. Hab. Europe, Asia and Africa. Genus PERDIX, Linn. 718. The Red-legged Partridge (Perdix rufa, Linn.). Fig. Penn. Brit. Zool. vol. i. p. 365. Yarrell's Hist. Brit. Birds, vol. ii. p. 343. Hab. England. France. Spain. Portugal and Italy. Genus COLUMBA, Linn. 719. The Turtle Dove (Columba Turtur, Linn. ; Turtur communis, Cuv.). Fig. Cuv. A. K. vol. viii. p. 77. Linn. Syst. Nat. vol. i. p. 477. Hab. Temperate parts of Europe and Asia. Order V. SCANSORES. The Birds of this Order nestle generally in the holes of decayed trees; their flight is but moderate; their nourishment consisting of insects and fruits, accord- ing as the beak is more or less robust, and certain of them, as the Wood- pecker, being provided with a special means of obtaining it. The outer toe in most species is directed backwards like the thumb, by which they are enabled to cling to the trunks of trees and so climb them. Genus PSITTACUS, Linn. 720. The Ground Parrot (Psittacus formosus, Shaw). Fig. Shaw, Nat. Misc. 228. Hab. New Holland. 110 721. The Sapphire-crowned Parrot (Psittacus Galyulus, Ent. 190. fig-. 2). Fig. Cuv. A. K. vol. vii. p. 502. Hab. Philippine Islands. 722. The Ground Parrot or Kakapo (Strigops habroptilus, G. R. Gray). Fig. Proc. of Zool. Soc. pt. xviii. 1850. Hab. New Zealand. Presented by Sir G. Grey. Genus PJCUS, Linn. 723. The Greater Spotted Woodpecker (Picus major, Linn.). Fig. Cuv. A. K. vol. vii. p. 440. Hab. Europe. Genus RHAMPHASTOS, Linn. 724. The Green Toucan (Rhamphastos viridis, Linn.). Fig. Cuv. A. K. vol. vii. p. 479. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 209. Hab. Cayenne. Order VI. PASSERES. The Birds composing this Order are the most numerous of the class. As a general rule they have conical-pointed bills, their legs are formed for hopping, and their toes are slender and divided. They live chiefly in trees and hedges, and many of them are possessed of the powers of song. Family 10. Syndactyli. Genus ALCEDO, Linn. 725. The Common Kingfisher (Alcedo ispida, Linn.). Fig. Cuv. A. K. vol. vii. p. 407. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 276. Hab. Europe, Asia and Africa. 726. The Common Kingfisher (Alcedo ispida, Linn.). Hab. Europe, Asia and Africa- Ill 727. The Sacred Kingfisher (Alcedo sacra, Linn.). Fig. Cuv. A. K. vol. vii. pp. 413, 428. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 280. Hab. Society Islands. New Zealand. Genus MEROPS, Linn. 728. The Poa or New Zealand Bee-Eater (Merops cincinnatus, Lath.). Fig. Cook's Voy. vol. i. p. 48. Shaw, Gen. Zool. vol. viii. p. 169. Hab. New Zealand. South Seas. 729. The Wattle Bee-Eater (Merops carunculatus, Lath.). (Fern.) Fig. Cuv. A. K. vol. vi. p. 4 13. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 288. Hab. New Holland. Family ] 1 . Heterodactyli, Genus TROCHILUS, Linn. 7.30. The Topaz-throated Humming Bird ( Trochilus pella, Linn.). Fig. Shaw, Gen. Zool. vol. viii. p. 274. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 303. Cuv. A. K. vol. vii. p. 368. Hab. Surinam. West Indies. 731. The Crested Green Humming Bird (Trochilus cristatits, Linn.). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 301. Cuv. A. K. vol. vii. p. 372. Hab. Cayenne. Family 12. Cantor es. Genus HIRUNDO, Linn. 732. The Common Swallow (Hirundo rustica, Linn.). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 627. Cuv. A. K. vol. vii. p. 61. Penn. Brit. Zool. vol. i. p. 543. Hab. Europe. 733. The Swift (Hirundo Apus, Linn. ; Cypselus murarius, Temm.). (Five specimens.) Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 632. Cuv. A. K. vol. vii. p. 58. Penn. Brit. Zool. vol. i. p. 550. Hab. Europe. 112 Genus CERTHIA, Linn. 734. The Scarlet Creeper (Certhia rubra, Linn.). Fig. Cuv. A. K. vol. vii. p. 357. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 297. Hob. South Sea Islands. 735. The New Holland Creeper (Certhia Novte-Hollandice, Linn.). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 292. Cuv. A. K. vol. vii. p. 367. Hab. New Holland. \ Family 13. Conirostres. Genus CORVUS, Linn. 736. The Blue Jay (Corvus cristatus, Linn.). Fig. Cuv. A. K. vol. vii. p. 181. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 221. Hab. North America. Genus GLAUCOPIS, Forster. 737. The Wattle Bird (Glaucopis cinerea, Lath.). Fig. Cuv. A. K. vol. vii. p. 184. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 217. Hab. New Zealand. New Holland, 738. The Wattle Bird (Glaucopis cinerea, Lath.). Hab. New Holland. Genus FREGILLUS, Cuv. 739. The European or Red-legged Crow or Crave (Fregillus graculm, Cuv. ; Corvus graculus, Linn.). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 226. Cuv. A. K. vol. vii. p. 380. Hab. The Alps. Norway. Lofty cliffs in the south and west of England. *" ' ' ' ' * " .-'-* Genus LOXIA, Linn. 740. The Java Grosbeak or Java Sparrow (Loxia oryzivora, Gm.). Fig. Cuv. A. K. vol. vii. p. 153. Hab. Java. 113 741. The Java Sparrow {Loxia oryzivora, Gm.). Hob. Java. 742. The Summer Red Bird (Loxia virginica, Gm.). Pig. Cuv. A. K. vol. vi. p. 315. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 519. Hab. Mississippi. Virginia. 743. The Cowry Grosbeak (Loxia punctularia, Linn.). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 520. Cuv. A. K. vol. vii. p. 152. Hab. Java. 744. The Cowry Grosbeak ( Loxia punctularia, Linn.). Hab. Java. Gemis PLOCEUS, Cuv. 745. The Fire-coloured Weaver (Ploceus ignicolor, Cuv.). Fig. Cuv. A. K. vol. vii. p. 131. Hab. Africa. Genus PARUS, Linn. 746. The Long-tailed Titmouse (Parus caudatus, Linn.). Fig. Cuv. A. K. vol. vii. pp. 121 , 220. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 624. Hab. Northern Europe and Asia. Genus ALAUDA, Linn. 747. The Sky-Lark (Alauda arvensis, Linn.). Fig. Penn. Brit. Zool. vol. i. p. 475. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 481. Hab. Europe. This specimen is of a dark brown colour, and all the claws are of an un- usual length. Family 14. Dentirostres. Genus MOTACILLA, Linn. 748. The Golden-crested Wren (Motacilla Regulus, Linn.). Fig. Cuv. A. K. vol. vii. p. 39. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 61. Hab. Europe. 114 749. The Golden -crested Wren (Motacilla Regulus). (Young.) Hob. Europe. 750. The Superb Warbler (Motacilla superla). Fig. White, Voy. to N. S. Wales, p. 256. Hob. New Holland. 751. The Superb Warbler (Motadlla superba*). Hob. New Holland. 752. The Dwarf Warbler (Motadlla pusilla). (Fern.) Fig. White, Voy. to N. S. Wales, p. 257. Cuv. A. K. vol. vi. p. 471. Hab. New Holland. Genus PIPRA, Linn. 753. The White-capped Manakin (Pipra leucocilla, Linn.). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 619. Hab. South America. Genus AMPELIS, Linn. 754. The Scarlet Cotinga (Ampelis carnifex, Linn.). Fig. Cuv. A. K. vol. vi. p. 359. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 512. Hab. South America. Genus GRACULA, Linn. 755. The Minor Grackle (Gracula religiosa, Linn.). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 239. Hab. India. CATALOGUE OF THE SPECIMENS OF NATUEAL HISTORY IN SPIRIT. Class MAMMALIA. Subclass I. IMPLACENTALIA. Order I. MONOTREMATA. These animals are so named from their having only one outlet for their excre- tions. They are the lowest of the Mammiferous Class, and are peculiar to New Holland. Genus ORNITHORHYNCHUS, Blum. 756. The Duck Mole or Platypus (Ornithorhynchus paradoxus, Blum. ; Platypus anatinus, Shaw). Fig. Shaw, Gen. Zool. vol. i. p. 228 ; Nat. Misc. pi. 385. Cuv. R. A. vol. iii. p. 265. Hab. New Holland. They frequent rivers and marshy places, particularly in the neighbourhood of Port Jackson. Genus ECHIDNA, Cuv. 757. The Aculeated Ant-eater, Spiny Platypus, or Echidna (Echidna Histrix, Cuv. ; Ornithorhynchus hystrix, Home ; Myrmecophaga aculeata, Shaw). Fig. Cuv. R. A. vol. iii. p. 264. Shaw, Gen. Zool. vol. i. p. 175. Hab . New Holland. Q 2 116 758. The Spiny Platypus or Echidna (Echidna Histrix, Cuv.). Hab. New Holland. Order II. MARSUPIALIA. In the females of these animals, the skin of the abdomen is so disposed as to form a marsupium or pouch around the mammae. In this pouch, the deli- cate young are preserved, and even after they can walk they retire to it for shelter on the apprehension of danger. The pouch is supported by two peculiar bones (marsupial) attached to the pubis. In the males the testes are always situated in advance of the penis. Genus DIDELPHIS, Linn. 759. The Virginian Opossum (Didelphis Virginiana, Shaw). Fig. Shaw, Gen. Zool. vol. i. p. 473. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 101. Hab. Tropical America. 760. The Virginian Opossum (Didelphis Virginiana, Shaw). Fig. Shaw, Gen. Zool. vol. i. p. 473. Hab. Berbice. Mus. Langstaff. 761. The Opossum (Didelphis obesula, Shaw). Fig. Shaw, Gen. Zool. vol. i. p. 490. Hab. Tropical America. 762. The Pigmy Opossum or Pigmy Petaurist (Didelphis pygnuea, Shaw). Fig. Shaw, Gen. Zool. vol. i. p. 501. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 83. Hab. New Holland. 763. The Merian Opossum (Didelphis dorsigera, Temm.). Fig. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 101. Hab. Tropical America. 117 Order III. RODENTIA. These animals are so named from their having two large incisor teeth in each jaw, by which they are enabled to gnaw the hard vegetable substances which form their food. Family Leporidce. Genus LEPUS, Linn. 764. The Common Hare {Lepus timidus, Linn.). (A very young specimen.) Fig. Shaw, Gen. Zool. vol. ii. p. 197. Hob. Europe. Family Caviida. % Genus CAVIA, Linn. 765. The Spotted Cavy (Cavia paca, Linn.). Fig. Shaw, Gen. Zool. vol. ii. p. 20. Hub. South America. Family Jerboidee. Genus DIPUS, Penn. 766. The Jerboa (Dipus JEgyptius, Hemp. ; Dipus Gerboa, Oliv.). Fig. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 130. Hob. Egypt. Genus SCIURUS, Linn. 767. The Common Squirrel (Sciurus Europceus, Linn. ; Sciurus varius, Pallas). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 90. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 139. Hob. Europe. 118 768. The Common Squirrel (Sciurus Europaeus, Linn. ; Sciurus varius, Pallas). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 90. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 139. Hob. Europe. / Genus SCIUROPTERUS, Gray. 769. The Flying Squirrel (Sciuropterus volans, Gray; Sciurus volans, Linn.). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 95. Shaw, Gen. Zool. vol. ii. p. 151. Hob. North of Europe and America. 770. The Flying Squirrel (Sciurus volans, Linn.). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 95. Shaw, Gen. Zool. vol. ii. p. 151. Hub. North of Europe and America. Genus MUSCARDINUS, Gray. 771. The Dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius, Gray ; Mus avellanarius, Linn.). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 97. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 133. Hob. Europe. Presented by Miss Belj 'our. Family Hystricida. Genus HYSTRIX, Linn. 772. The Crested Porcupine (Hystrix cristata, Linn.). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 75. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 122. Hub. North Africa. 773. The Crested Porcupine (Hystrix cristata, Linn.). (Young.) Hob. North Africa. 774. The Crested Porcupine (Hystrix cristata, Linn.). An embryo with the spines just beginning to appear in rows. 775. The Quilled Rat (Hystrix subspinosa, Kuhl). Fig. Waterhouse, Mammalia, vii. p. 401. pi. 21. Hab. Brazil. 119 Genus ERETHIZON, Gray. 776. The Cawquaw or Urson (Erethizon dorsatum, Gray; Hystrix dor- sata, Linn.). Pig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 76. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 123. Hob. North America. Purchased. Family Genus Mus, Linn. 777. The Common Mouse (Mus musculus, Linn.). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 80. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 111. Hab. Europe. 778. The Common Mouse (Mus musculus, Linn.). Hab. Europe. 779. The Common Mouse (Mus musculus, Linn.). (Var. alba.} Hab. Europe. 780. The Common Mouse (Mus musculus, Linn.). This specimen was exhibited in London some years since as the " Singing Mouse." 781. The Harvest Mouse (Mus messorius, Shaw ; Micromys minutus, Selys-Longchamps). Fig. Shaw, Gen. Zool. vol. ii. p. 62. Penn. Brit. Zool. vol. ii. p. 384. Hab. England. 782. The Black Rat (Mus Rattus, Linn.). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 80. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 109. Hab. Europe. Presented by Frank Buckland, Esq., M.A. 783. The Norway Rat (Mus decumanus, Pallas). Fig. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 1 08. Hab. Europe. 120 i , Family AspalacidoB. Genus BATHYERGUS, Desm. 784. The Coast Rat or Sand Mole (Bathyergm maritimus, Desm. ; Mus maritimus, Gmel.). Fig. Desm. Mam. p. 324. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 87. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 149. Hab. Cape of Good Hope. 785. The Coast Rat or Sand Mole (Bathyergus maritimus, Desm.). (Young.) Hob. Cape of Good Hope. OrderlV. BRUTA. The chief peculiarities of these animals consist in their having no incisor teeth in either jaw, and in their being provided with great hoof-like claws which encompass the ends of their toes. Genus DASYPUS, Linn. 786. The Peba or Nine-banded Armadillo (embryo), (Dasypus novem- cinctm, Linn. ; Dasypus Peba, Desm.). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 33. Cuv. A. K. vol. iii. p. 257. Cat. of Mam- malia in Brit. Mus. p. 189. Hab. South America. 787. The Peba or Nine-banded Armadillo (Dasypus novem-cinctus, Linn.). Hab. South America. Genus MANIS, Linn. 788. The Pangolin (Manis pentadactyla, Linn.) Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 32. Cuv. A. K. vol. iii. pp. 262, 307. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 188. Hab. India. 121 789. The Pangolin (Manis pentadactyla, Linn.). Small specimen. Hab. India. 790. The Pangolin (Manis pentadactyla, Linn.). Hab. India. Genus MYRMECOPHAGA, Linn. 791. The Little Ant-eater ( Myrmecophaga didactyla, Linn.). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 29. Cuv. A. K. vol. iii. p. 261 . Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 191. Hab. South America. 792. The Little Ant-eater (Myrmecophaga didactyla, Linn.). Hab. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 29. Shaw, Gen. Zool. vol. i. p. 172. Hab. South America. Genus BRADYPUS, Linn. 793. The Three-toed Sloth or Ai (Bradypus tridactylus, Linn.). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 28. Cuv. A. K. vol. iii. pp. 258, 271. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 193. Hab. South America. Order V. INSECTIVORA. As a general rule, all have an elongated snout, and lead a nocturnal or subter- raneous life, their food being chiefly insects. Their feet are short, and in running they place the entire sole upon the ground. Family Talpidce, Gray. 794. The Common Hedgehog (Er'maceus Europaus, Linn.). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 73. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 82. Hab. Europe. 122 795. The Common Hedgehog (Erinacem Europaus, Linn.). A foetal specimen in which the spines are just beginning to appear. Genus TUPAIA, Horsf. 796. The Bangsring ( Tupaia Javanica, Horsf.). Fig. Horsf. Zool. Java. Hob. Java. Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles. Genus CORSIRA, Gray. 797. The Shrew Mouse or Erdshrew (Corsira vulgaris, Gray ; Sorex vulgar is, Linn.). Fig. Bell, Brit. Quad. p. 109. Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1837, p. 124. Hab. Europe. Genus SOREX, Linn. 798. The Water Shrew (Sorex bicolor, Shaw ; Sorex fodiens, Pallas ; Crossopus fodiens, Gray). Fig. Shaw, Nat. Misc. t. 55. Bell, Brit. Quad. fig. 1 15. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 71. Hab. Europe. Genus ASTROMYCTES, Gray. 799. The Radiated Mole (Astromyctes cristatus, Gray ; Sorex cristatus, Linn. ; Sorex radiatus, Shaw). Fig. Shaw, Gen. Zool. vol. i. p. 523. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 70. Hab. North America. 800. The Radiated Mole (Astromyctes cristatus, Gray). Hab. North America. Presented by Dr. McCulloch. Genus CHRYSOCHLORIS, Smith. 801. The Changeable or Golden Mole (Chrysochloris aurea, Owen). Fig. Cat. of Phys. Series in Mus.-of Coll. Surg. vol. iv. No. 2069. Hab. South Africa. 123 802. The African Mole (Talpa Africana, Quekett (white var.)). Fig. MSS. in Mus. of Coll. of Surg. Hob. Cape of Good Hope. Presented by W. Dutton, Esq. 803. The Common Mole (Talpa Europcea, Linn.). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 69. Bell, Brit. Quad. p. 85. Hab. Europe. Order VI. CHEIROPTERA. The distinctive character of these animals consists in a fold of skin which, com- mencing at the sides of the neck, extends between their four feet and fingers, sustains them in the air, and even enables such of them to fly, as have their hands sufficiently developed for that purpose. Genus MACROGLOSSUS, F. Cuv. 804. The Kiodote (Macroglossus minimus, Gray ; Pteropus minimus, Geoff. ; Pteropus rostratus, Horsf.). Fig. Geoff. Ann. du Mus. xv. 535. Horsf. Zool. Java, pt. 3. Cat. of Mam- malia in Brit. Mus. p. 39. Hab. Islands of the Indian Archipelago. Genus CYNOPTERUS, F. Cuv. 805. Horsfield's Cynoptere (Cynopterus Horsfieldii, Gray). Fig. Horsf. Zool. Java, pt. 3. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 38. Hab. Java. Asia generally. Genus PTEROPUS, Brisson. 806. The Roussette (Pteropus rubricollis, Geoff.). Fig. Geoff. Ann. du Mus. xv. p. 93. Temm. Mon. i. p. 183. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 37. Hab. Madagascar and Cape of Good Hope. R 2 124 807. The Wurbagool (Pteropus Edwardsii, Geoff.). Fig. GeofF. Ann. du Mus. xv. p. 92. Temm. Mon. ii. p. 61 Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 36. Hob. India. 808. The Grey-headed Kalong (Pteropm poliocephalus, Temm.). Fig. Temm Mon. i. p. 179. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 36. Hob. Australia. Genus MOLOSSUS, Geoff. 809. Temminck's Thick-lipped Bat (Molossus Temminckii, Lund). Fig. Lund, Blik paaBrasil. Dyrev. iv. 64, 31 . Burmeister, Thiere Brasil, i. p. 72. Fig. South America. 810. The Dwarf Thick-lipped Bat (Molossus pumilus, Riipp.). Fig. Riipp. Atlas zu der Reise Nord-Afrika, p. 69. Temm. Mon. ii. p. 354. Hob. Nubia. Abyssinia. Sierra Leone. 811. Molossus. Very young species not ascertainable. Genus NYCTICEJUS, Rafin. 812. Nycticejus Temminckii, Temm. Fig. Horsf. Zool. Java, no. viii. Temminck, Mon. ii. p. 149. Hab. India and all its islands. 813. Nycticejus Temminckii. Hab. India. 814. Nycticejus Temminckii. Hab. India. 125 Genus TAPHOZOUS, Geoff. 815. The Black-bearded Taphozous (Taphozous melanopogon, r TemmJ). Fig. Ternm. Mon. ii. p. 287. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 33. Hab. Indian Archipelago. Genus SCOTOPHILUS, Leach. 816. Scotophilus crepuscularis, Le Comte ; Vespertilio creeks, F. Cuv. Fig. F. Cuv. Nouv. Ann. du Mus. t. i. Hab. North America. 817. Scotophilus tuber culatus. Fig. Forster, Descript. Anim. p. 63. Tomes, P. Z. S. June 1857. Hab. New Zealand. 818. The Hairy-armed Bat (Scotophilus Leisleri, Gray; Vespertilio Leisleri, Kuhl). Fig. Kuhl, Deutsche Flederm. no. 2. Bell, Brit. Quad. p. 42. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 28. Fig. Europe. Madeira. Presented by R. F. Tomes, Esq. This specimen is from Madeira. 819. Scotophilus Coromandelica. Fig. F. Cuv. Nouv. Ann. du Mus. t. i. Temm. Mon. ii. p. 262. Hab. India. Presented by R. F. Tomes, Esq. This specimen is from Ceylon. Genus VESPERTILIO, Linn. 820. Natterer's or Fringe-tailed Bat (Vespertilio Nattereri, Kuhl). Fig. Kuhl, Deutsche Flederm. no. 2. Bell, Brit. Quad. p. 42. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 27. Hab. Europe. England. Presented by R. F, Tomes, Esq. This specimen is from Warwickshire 126 Genus PLECOTUS, Geoff. 821. The Common Long -eared Bat (Plecotus communis, Lesson ; Vesper - tilio auritus, Linn.). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 25. Bell, Brit. Quad. p. 53. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 25. Hub. Europe. 822. The Common Long-eared Bat {Plecotus auritus, Lesson). Hob. Europe. 823. The Common Long- eared Bat (Plecotus auritus, Lesson). Hab. Europe. Genus RHINOLOPHUS, Geoff. 824. The Javanese Horse-shoe Bat (Rhinolophus insignis, Temm.). Fig. Temm. Mon. ii. p. 15. Horsf. Zool. Java, t. 7. f. 3. Cat. of Mam- malia in Brit. Mus. p. 23. Hab. Indian Archipelago. 825. The Noble Horse-shoe Bat (Rhinolophus nobilis, Horsf.). Fig. Horsf. Zool. Java, vi. & vii. Temm. Mon. ii. p. 10. Cat. of Mam- malia in Brit. Mus. p. 24. Hab. Indian Archipelago. 826. The Short-faced Horse-shoe Bat (Rhinolophus clivosus, Cretzschm.). Fig. Cretzschm. Riipp. Atlas, p. 47. t. 18. Temm. Mon. ii. p. 32. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 23. Hab. Europe and North Africa. 827. The Smaller Horse- shoe Bat (Rhinolophus hippocrepis, Herm. ; Rhinolophus Hipposideros, Geoff.). Fig. Leach, Zool. Misc. iii. p. 2. Bell, Brit. Quad. p. 73. Cat. of Mam- malia in Brit. Mus. p. 22. Hab. England and other parts of Europe. - 127 828. The Smaller Horse-shoe Bat (Rhinolophus hippocrepis, Herm.). Hob. England and other parts of Europe. 829. Rhinolophus euryotus, Temm. Fig. Temm. Mon. ii. p. 26. Hob. The Moluccas. . * 830. Rhinolophus luctus, Temm. Fig. Temm. Mon. ii. p. 24. Hab. Java. 831. The Nepal Horse-shoe Bat (Rhinolophus tragatus, Hodgson). Fig. Hodgson, Journ. A. S. Beng. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 22. Hab. India. Ceylon. Presented by R. F. Tomes, Esq. This specimen is from Ceylon. Genus MEGADERMA, Geoff. 832. The Lyre-nosed Broad-winged Bat (Megaderma Lyra, Geoff.). Fig. Geoff. Ann. du Mus xv. p. 198. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 21. Hab. India. Genus PHYLLOSTOMA, Geoff. 833. The Soricine Phyllostome (Phyllostoma soricinum, Fischer). Fig. Fischer, Synop. Mamm. p. 126. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 19. Hab. South America. West Indies. Genus ARCTJBEUS, Leach. 834. Arctibeus brachyotum, Pr. Max. Fig. Pr. Max. Beitrage, ii. p. 196. Gray, Mag. Zool. & Bot. ii. 488. Hab. South America and the West Indies. 128 835. The Javelin Bat {Arctibeus perspicillatus, Geoff. ; Vespertilio per- spiclllatus, Schreb.). Fig. Geoff. Ann. du Mus. xv. pi. 11. Penn. Brit. Zool. t. 30. f. 4. Hob. South America. Mexico. West Indies. Order VII. PROBOSCIDIA. These animals are distinguished by a long trunk or proboscis, which serves them in place of a hand ; they have five toes to each foot, which are so enveloped by callous skin as to appear as one. The upper jaw bears a pair of tusks, which frequently attain enormous dimensions. Family Elephantidce , Gray. Genus ELEPHAS, Linn. 836. The Indian Elephant (Elephas Indicus, Linn.). (Foetal specimen.) Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 35. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 183. Seba, vol. iii. Hob. East Indies. Presented by Thomas Hitchings, Esq., M.D. Order VIII. PERISSODACTYLA. The most striking character of this Order consists in the structure of the feet, each of which is composed of one apparent toe, enclosed in a hoof. Family Equida, Gray. Genus EQUUS, Linn. 837. The Horse (Equus Caballus, Linn.). (A foetal specimen.) Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 122. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 182. Hab. Europe, Asia, Africa and America. 129 Order IX. RUMINANTIA. The animals composing this Order are so named from their peculiar faculty of masticating their food a second time ; they have no incisors in the upper jaw, but eight in the lower. The feet are terminated by two toes, each of which is enclosed in a hoof. Family Moschidee, Owen. Genus MOSCHUS, Linn. 838. The Musk-Deer (Moschus moschiferus, Linn.). (A young speci- men.) Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 107. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 172. Hob. Asia. Alpine Mountains. Thibet. Family Cervida, Owen. Genus CERVUS, Linn. 839. The Fallow-Deer (Cervus Dama, Linn.). (A foetal specimen.) Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 109. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 181. Hob. Europe. Family Antilopidce. Genus ANTILOCARPA, Richardson. 840. The Cabrit (Antilocarpa furcifer, Rich. ; Antilope furcifer, H. Smith). Fig. Smith, Linn. Trans, vol. xiii. p. 28. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 170. Hab. North America. Presented by Colonel Sabine, FR.S., 1823. s 130 Family Bovida, Linn. Genus Bos, Linn. 84 L The Buffalo (Bos bubalis, Linn. ; Bos Buff elm, Blumb.). (A foetal specimen.) Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 120. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 152. Hob. Asia. Presented by John Howship, Esq., F.R.S. Order X. CARNIVORA. Always have four stout and long separated canines, between which are six incisors to each jaw. The molars are either wholly cutting or have some blunted tuberculous parts, but they are never studded with sharp conical projections. Family Mustelida;. Genus Mu STELA, Linn. 842. The Common Weasel (Mustela vulgaris, Linn. ; Mustela nivalis, (var.))- Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 61. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 65. Hob. Europe. 843. The Common Weasel (Mustela vulgaris, Linn.). Hob. Europe. 844. The Stoat and Ermine (Mustela Erminea, Linn.). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 61. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 65. Hob. Northern parts of Europe. Asia and America. Genus LUTRA, Storr. 845. The Common Otter (Lutra vulgaris, Erxl. ; Mustela Lutra, Linn.). (A foetal specimen.) Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 57. Bell, Brit. Quad. p. 129. Cat. of Mam- malia in Brit. Mus. p. 70. Hab. Europe. 131 Family Felidae. Genus FELIS, Linn. 846. The Leopard (Felis pardus, Linn. ; Leopardus varius, Gray). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 47. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 40. Hub. Africa. 847. The Tiger (Felis tigris, Linn. ; Tigris regalis, Gray). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 47. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 40. Hob. India. 848 The Lion (Felis Leo, Linn. ; Leo Barbarus, Gray). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 46. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 39. Hab. Africa. India. 849. The Lion (Fells Leo, Linn. ; Leo Barbarus, Gray). Hab. Africa. India. Order XL QUADRUMANA. In these animals, the thumbs of the hind feet are free, and opposable to the other digits, which are as long and flexible as those of the hand ; in con- sequence of this, all the species climb trees with facility, but cannot stand or walk upright without difficulty Section STREPSIRHINA. Family Galeopithecidce, Gray. Genus GALEOPITHECUS, Pallas. 850. The Flying Colugo (Galeopithecus volans, Shaw ; Lemur volans, Linn.). Fig. Shaw, Zool. t. 38. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 17. Hab. Penang. Molucca and the Philippine Islands. Presented by Dr. Henderson. s2 132 851. The Flying Colugo (Galeopithecus volans, Shaw). Hob. Philippine Islands. Purchased. Genus LEMUR, Linn. 852. The Little Galago (Galago minor, Gray ; Lemur murinus, Penn.). Fig. Gray, Ann. & Mag. N H. 1842, 257. Cuv. R. A. vol. v. p. 48. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 1 7. Hab. Madagascar. 853. The Little Galago (Galago minor, Gray ; Lemur murinus, Penn.). Hab. Madagascar. 854. The Little Galago (Galago minor, Gray; Lemur murinus, Penn.). Hab. Madagascar. 855. The Little Galago (Galago minor, Gray; Lemur murinus, Penn.). Hab, Madagascar. Presented by J. Andrews, Esq. 856. The Kukang (Nycticebus Javanicus, Geoff. ; Loris tardigradus, Raffles) (male). Fig. Raffles, Linn. Trans, xiii. 247. Cuv. A. K. vol. v. p. 48. Hab. Sumatra. 857. The Loris (Lemur Loris, Zimm. ; Lemur tardigradus, Schreb. and Geoff.). Fig. Shaw, Zool. vol. i. t. 31. Cuv. A. K. vol. v. p. 47. Cat. of Mam- malia in Brit. Mus. p. 16. Hab. Ceylon. 858. The Loris (Lemur Loris, Zimm. ; Lemur tardigradus, Schreb ) Hab. Ceylon. 859. The Loris (Lemur Loris, Zimm. ; Lemur tardigradus. Schreb.). Hab. Ceylon. 133 Family Cebidee. Genus JACCHUS, Geoff. 860. The Marikina (Jacchus Rosalia, Simla Rosalia, Linn.). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 20. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 15. Hab. Brazils. 861. The Marmoset (Jacchus vulgaris, Geoff.; Simla Jacchus, Linn.). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 20. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 14. Hab. Brazils. Family Simiada. Genus CERCOPITHECUS, Buffon. 862. The Vervet (Cercopithecus pygerythrus, F. Cuv.). Fig. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 5. Hab. Cape of Good Hope. APPENDIX. Genus AMPHIOXUS, Yarrell. 1 A. Two specimens of the Amphioxus lanceolatus, Yarrell. These fish were purchased in the market at Naples, where they are commonly used as a sauce for larger fish, as shrimps are in England. Presented by Prof. Owen, F.R.S. Genus MUR^ENA, Linn. 12 A. The Snake Eel {Murana colubrina, Linn.). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. vol. i. p. 706. Hab. Sumatra. Genus THYRSOIDEA, Kaup. ISA. Thyrsoidea bullata, Kaup. Fig. Kaup, Cat. of Apodal Fish in Brit. Mus. p. 81. pi. 12. fig. 60. 1856. Richardson, Voyage of Erebus and Terror, p. 86. Hab. Tongataboo. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Home, Bart., R.N. Genus OPHISURUS, Lacep. 15 A. The Annulated Eel (Ophisurus annulatus, Thunberg; Murceno- phis colubrina, Lacep.). Fig. Lace"p. Hist, des Poissons, vol. v. pi. 19. fig. 1. Hab. Tropical Seas of America. . - * Genus SALMO, Linu. and Cuv. 50 A. The Salmon Trout, Whitling, or Hirling (Salmo trutta, Linn.). Fig. Willughby, p. 198. Yarrell, Hist, of Brit. Fishes, vol. ii. p. 36. Hab. Rivers of Europe. Presented by John Quekett. 136 50 B. The Young Sea Trout or Salmon Trout (Salmo trutta, Linn.). Fig. Penn. Brit. Zool. vol. iii. p. 397. Yarrell, Hist, of Brit. Fishes, vol. ii. p. 36. Hob. Seas and rivers of Europe. This specimen is about four months old, and was caught May 1840. Purchased at Mr. Yarrell's Sale. 50 C. The Young Sea Trout (Salmo trutta, Linn.). This specimen is 147 days old, and was taken on the 2nd of July, 1839. It had been produced by artificial impregnation, and the parents retained. Purchased at Mr. Yarrell's Sale. 50 D. The Young Sea Trout (Salmo trutta, Linn.). At six months old this one was taken, July 1840, and also produced by artificial impregnation. The parents were shot in the act of spawning, and afterwards spawned by the hand. Purchased at Mr. Yarrell's Sale. 50 E. The Common or River Trout (Salmofario, Linn.). From the River Clyde. Purchased at Mr. Yarrell's Sale. 50 F. A Young Trout (Salmo fario, Linn.). Caught in the River Chess, by Mr. Elliott, on the 28th of May, 1844. Purchased at Mr. Yarrell's Sale. 50 G. Two specimens of Young River Trout. On both the markings are well shown, more especially on the smaller sized one. Purchased at Mr. Yarrell's Sale. 50 H. Young Parr (Salmo salmulus, Will.). Fig. Yarrell, Hist, of Brit. Fishes, vol. ii. p. 45. These were taken from the River Nith, 2nd July, 1839. Purchased at Mr. Yarrell's Sale. 50 I. A Hybrid, produced between the male Grilse (Salmo Salar, Linn.) and a female Salmon Trout (Salmo trutta, Linn.). The specimen is said to be about six months old, and was taken out of the water on the 8th of August, 1841. Purchased at Mr. Yarrell's Sale. 137 52 A. The Northern Charr (Salmo Umbla, Linn.). Fig. Penn. Brit. Fishes, vol. ii. p. 65. Hub. Northern lakes of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Presented by Prof. Owen, F.R. S. Genus COREGONUS, Nilss. 52 B. Coregonus oxyrhinchus, Nilss. ; Salmo oxyrhinchus, Linn. Fig, " Nilss. Prod." p. 14. Lloyd, Scandinavian Adventures, vol. i. p. 119. Hub. Northern Rivers. Norway. Purchased. Genus BELONE, Cuv. 60 A. The Gar Pike (Belone vulgaris, Cuv.). Fig. Val. Hist. Nat. Poiss. vol. xviii. p. 399. Hob. British and Northern Seas. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Home, Bart., R.N. Genus STOMIAS, Cuv. 60 B. Stomias barbatus, Cuv. (Esox Boa, Risso). Fig. Cuv. Regne An. pi. 49. Risso, Ichth. de Nice, pi. 10. fig. 34. Hob. Mediterranean. 60 C. Stomias barbatus, Cuv. (Esox Boa, Risso). A smaller specimen than the preceding. Genus CYPRINUS, Cuv. 72 A. The Common Carp (Cyprinus Carpio, Linn.). Fig. Yarrell, Hist, of Brit. Fishes, vol. i. p. 305. Hob. Fresh waters of Europe. 74 A. The Asp (Cypr'mus Aspius, Retz. ; Aspius rapax, Agass.). Fig. Retz. Faun. Suec. p. 359. Lloyd, Scandinavian Adventures, vol. i. p. 54. Hob. Fresh waters of Sweden and Norway. Purchased. T 138 Genus GOBIO, Will. 74 B. The Gudgeon (Gobio fluviatilis, Will. ; Cyprinus Gobio, Linn.). Fig. Bloch, pt. 1. pi. 8. fig. 2. Yarrell, Hist, of Brit. Fishes, vol. i. p. 325. Hab. Fresh waters of Europe. Purchased. Genus TINCA, Cuv. 74 C. The Tench (Tinea vulgaris, Cuv. ; Cyprinus Tinea, Bloch). Fig. Cuv. Regne An. t. ii. p. 273. Yarrell, Hist, of Brit. Fishes, vol. i. p. 328. Hab. Lakes, European Continent. Purchased. Genus ABRAMIS, Cuv. 74 D. The Bream (Abramis brama, Cuv. ; Cyprinus brama, Bloch). Fig. Cuv. Regne An. t. ii. p. 274. Yarrell, Hist, of Brit. Fishes, vol. i. p. 335. Hab. Fresh waters of Europe. Purchased. Genus LEUCISCUS, Cuv. 74 E. The Roach (Leuciscus rutilus, Cuv. ; Cyprinus rutilus, Linn.). Fig. Cuv. Regne An. t. ii. p. 275. Yarrell, Hist, of Brit. Fishes, vol. i. p. 348. Hab. Fresh waters of Europe. F. T. Buckland, Esq., M.A. 74 F. The Dace (Leuciscus vulgaris, Cuv. ; Cyprinus Leuciscus, Linn.). Fig. Cuv. Regne An. t. ii. p. 275. Yarrell, Hist, of Brit. Fishes, vol. i. p. 353. Hab. Fresh waters of Europe. F. T. Buckland, Esq., M.A. 74 G. The Bleak (Leuciscus Alburnus, Cuv. ; Cyprinus Alburnus, Linn.). Fig. Cuv. Regne An. t. ii. p. 276. Yarrell, Hist, of Brit. Fishes, vol. i. p. 368. Hab. Fresh waters of Europe. Purchased. 139 74 H. The Rudd (Leuciscus erythropthalmus, Cuv. ; Cyprinus erythrop- thalmus, Linn.). Kg. Cuv. Regne An. t. ii. p. 276. Yarrell, Hist, of Brit. Fishes, vol. i. p. 361. Hob, Fresh waters of Europe. Purchased. 74 1. The Minnow (Leuciscus phoxinus, Cuv. ; Cyprinus phoxinus, Linn.). Fig. Cuv. Regne An. t. ii. p. 276. Yarrell, Hist, of Brit. Fishes, vol. i. p. 372. Hub. River Wandle, Surrey. Presented by Sir Anthony Carlisle. 74 J. The Minnow (Leuciscus phoxinus, Cuv.). Hob. This specimen is from the New River, Amwell, Hertfordshire. Presented by Henry Wicks, Esq. 74 K. The Minnow (Leuciscus phoxinus, Cuv.). Hob. From the River Tay, Perthshire. Two smaller specimens are at the bottom of the bottle. Presented by John Quekett. 74 L. The Chub (Leuciscus cephalus, Fleming ; Cyprinus cephalus, Linn.). Fig. Fleming's Brit. An. p. 187. Yarrell, Hist, of Brit. Fishes, vol. i. p. 358. Hab. Rivers of England and South of Scotland. This specimen, weighing 1 Ib. 6 ozs., was taken in the Thames, at Windsor, while " trolling" with a dead bait. Presented by F. T. Buckland, Esq., M.A. Genus MALAPTERURUS, Cuv. 1 1 2 A. Malaptemrus Beninensis, Murray. Fig. Cuv. A. K. p. 317 (1854). Edin. Phil. Journ. (N.S.) vol. ii. p. 35. Hab. Rivers, West Coast of Africa. Presented by J. Andrews, Esq. T 2 140 Genus PERCA, Linn. 1.33 A. The Pike Perch (Perca Luciperca, Linn. ; Leuciperca Sandra, Cuv.)- Fig. Retz. Faun. Suec. p. 366. Lloyd, Scandinavian Adventures, vol. i. p. 24. Hob. Lakes of Sweden. Purchased. Genus TRACHINUS, Linn. 151 A. The Great Weaver (Sting Bull) (Trachinus Draco, Linn.). Fig. Cuv. et Valenc. Hist. Nat. des Poiss. t. iii. p. 238. Yarrell, Hist. of Brit. Fishes, vol. i. p. 20. Hab. British Seas. Purchased. Genus COTTUS, Linn. 166 A. The Miller's Thumb (Coitus gobio, Linn.). Fig. Cuv. et Valenc. Hist. Nat. des Poiss. t. iv. p. 145. Yarrell, Hist. of Brit. Fishes, vol. i. p. 56. Hab. Freshwater streams of Europe. River Lea. Purchased. Genus SCORP^NA, Cuv. 1 68 A. Scorpcena Nova- Guinea. Fig. Cuv. et Valenc. Fishes, vol. iv. p. 235. Hab. Feejee Islands. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Home, Bart., R.N. Genus APISTES, Cuv. et Val. 176 A. Apistes marmoratus, Cuv. et Val. Fig. Cuv. et Valenc. vol. iv. p. 306. Hab. King George's Sound. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Home, Bart., R.N. Genus GASTEROSTEUS, Linn. * 178 A. The Three-spined Stickleback (Gasterosteus trachurw, Cuv.). Taken in the sea near Brighton ; it is larger than those ordinarily ob- tained in the freshwater pools. Presented by John Quekett. 141 Genus MASTACEMBLUS, Kuhl and Van Hass. 217 A. Mastacemblus Pentophthalmos, Gronov. Fig. Cat. of Fish (Gronov.), Brit. Mus. p. 172. Willugh. Ichth. Append. tab. 10. fig. 1. Hob. Ceylon. Bankok, Siara. Presented by Thomas Christy, Jun., Esq. Genus MUGIL, Linn. 27'6 A. The Grey Mullet (Mugil capita, Cuv ; Mugil cephalus, Will.). Fig. Cuv. Regne An. t. ii. p. 232. Yarrell, Hist, of Brit. Fishes, vol. i. p. 200. Hob. Shores, temperate parts of Europe. Presented by Mrs. Robinson. Genus LOPHIUS. 311 A. The Quivering Flax-fish (Birch) (Lophius setigerus, Wahl.). Kg. Wahl. in Skrivter af Naturh. iv. p. 215. tab. 3. f. 5, 6. Richard- son, Report Brit. Assoc. 1845, p. 203. Hab. The Japanese and China Seas. Presented'by John Quekett. Genus BALISTES, Linn. 349 A. The Black Old Wife Fish (Batistes ringens, Linn.,; Batistes niger, Bloch). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. vol. i. p. 407. Bloch, vol. iii. p. 24. pi. 152. fig. 2. Hab. China Seas. 349 B. A species of Batistes, undeterminable from its incomplete condition. Genus OSTRACION,. Linn. 350 A. A small species of Ostracion, probably Ostracion quinquecornis, having five horny projections. 142 350 B. The Square Fish (Ostracion cubicus, Linn.). Fig. Bloch, vol. ii. p. 119. pi. 137. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 410. Hob. East Indies and coast of Arabia. 350 C. Ostracion trigonus, Linn. Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. vol. i. p. 408. Bloch, vol. ii. p. 115. pi. 135. Hob. Brazil. Genus HIPPOCAMPUS, Cuv. 354 A. Hippocampus abdominalis, Less. Fig. Kaup, Cat. of Lophobranchiate Fish, in Brit. Mus. p. 17. tab. 3. fig! 3. Hob. Tropical Seas. Australia. Presented by Capf. Sir E. Home, Bart., R.N. Genus TRITON, Laur. 404 A. The Crested Newt (Triton cristatus, Laur.) (male). Hob. Europe. Purchased. Genus RANA, Linn. 413 A. The Bull Frog (Rana pipiens, Harlan). Fig. Shaw, Zool. vol. iii. p. 106. Hob. North America. Genus COLUBER, Linn. 460 A. The ^Esculapian Snake (Coluber dEsculapii, Shaw). Fig. Shaw, Zool. vol. iii. p. 452. Hob. Southern parts of Europe. Genus LYCODON, Boie. 464 A. Lycodon aulicum, Boie (Coluber aulicus, Linn.). Fig. Dum. et Bib. Erpdt. vol. vii. (pt. 1) p. 369. Hob. East Indies. 464 B. Lycodon aulicum, Boie (Coluber aulicus, Linn.). Fig. Dum. et Bib. Erpdt. vol. vii. (pt. 1) p. 369. Hob. East Indies. 143 Genus LEPTODEIRA, Fitz. 469 A. Leptodeira annulata, Fitz. Fig. Fitz. Syst. Rep. p. 27. Hob. Bankok, Siam. Presented by T. Christy, Esq. Genus TROPIDONOTUS, Kuhl. 470 A. Tropidonotus bipunctatus, Schleg. Fig. Dura, et Bib. Erpet. t. iii. p. 582. Hob. North America. Vancouver's Island. Presented by T. H. Stewart, Esq. 470 B. Tropidonotus ordinatus, Linn. ; Tropidonotus bipunctatus, Schleg. Hub. East Indies. 470 C. Tropidonotus ordinatus, Linn. Hob. East Indies. Genus URANOPS, Fitz. 512 A. Uranops angulatus, Fitz. Fig. Fitz. Syst. Rep. p. 25. Shaw, Zool. vol. iii. p. 460. pi. 1 18. Hob. Tropical America. Genus CERASTES, Wagler. 537 A. The Horned Viper (Cerastes Hasselquistii, Hasselq. ; Coluber Cerastes, Linn.). Fig. Cat. of Snakes in Brit. Mus. p. 28. Hob. Egypt. Genus COLUBER, Linn. 537 B. The Spectacle Snake, or Cobra di Capello (Coluber naja, Linn.). Fig. Shaw, Zool. vol. iii. p. 409. pi. 107. Hub. East Indies. 144 Genus ARGYROPHIS, Gray. 606 A. The Demerara Silver Snake (Argyrophis reticulatus, Gray ; Anguis reticulata, Linn.). Fig. Brit. Mus. Cat. of Lizards, p. 137. Linn. Syst. Nat. vol. i. p. 391. Haft. Demerara. 606 B. The Demerara Silver Snake (Argyrophis reticulatus, Gray). Fig. Brit. Mus. Cat. of Lizards, p. 137. Hab. Demerara. Genus DIPLOGLOSSUS, Dura, et Bib. 611 A. The Golden Galliwasp, or Clift's Skink- Lizard (JDiploglossus Cliftii, Dum. et Bib. ; Lacerta aurata, Shaw ; Celestus stri- catus, Gray). Fig. Dum. et Bib. E.G. v. 596. Cat. of Lizards in Brit. Mus. p. 117. Hab. America. Genus RIOPA, Gray. 614 A. Hardwicke's Riopa (Riopa Hardwickii, Gray). Fig. Brit. Mus. Cat. of Lizards, p. 96. Hab. Bengal. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Home, Bart., R.N. Genus OPHIODES, Wagler. 614B. The Cariocoeca (Ophiodes striatus, Wagler; Bipes lineata, Lacep.). Fig. Wagler, Isis, xxi. 1828. Dum. et Bib. E. G..v. 789. Hab. Brazils. Genus PODOPHIS, Wiegm. 614 C. The Podophis (Podophis Chalcides, Wiegm. ; Lacerta Chakides, Shaw). Fig. Shaw, Zool. vol. iii. pi. 84. Cat. of Liz. in Brit. Mus. p. 88. Hab. Africa and warmer parts of Europe. Java. 145 Genus ANGUIS, Linn. 618 A. The Blind Worm (Anguis frag His, Linn.). Fig. Gray, Cat. of Lizards in Brit. Mus. p. 100. Hob. Java. Presented by Robert Listen, Esq., F.R.S. Genus LACERTA, Linn. 633 A. The Green Lizard (Lacerta viridis, Linn.). Fig. Shaw, Zool. vol. iii. p. 232. pi. 72. Dum. et Bib. E. G. v. 210. ' Hob. The warm and temperate latitudes of Europe. 633 B. The Green Lizard (Lacerta viridis, Linn.). Hob. Europe. Presented by John Quekett. Genus AMEIVA, Cuv. 655 A. Ameiva Sloanei, Dumeril ; Ameiva dorsalis, Gray. Fig. Gray, Cat. of Lizards in Brit. Mus. p. 19. Hub. Jamaica. Genus MONITOR, Cuv. 664 B. The American Monitor (Monitor Meriance, Dum. et Bib. ; Lacerta Monitor, Shaw). Fig. Shaw, Zool. vol. iii. pt. 1. p. 214. Hub. South America. Genus CHELONIA, Brongn. 683 A. The Hawk's-bill Turtle (Chelonia imbricata, Schweig.). Fig. Bell, Brit. Reptiles, p. 1. Hab. Seas of hot climates. Britain. Genus TRIONYX, Merrem. 690 A. The Fierce Tortoise (Trionyx ferox, Merrem; Testudo ferox, Linn.). Fig. Shaw, Zool. vol. iii. p. 64. pi. 17. Hab. Rivers of America. u 146 Genus EMYS, Brongn. 690 B. The Gambian Terrapine (Emys laticeps, Gray). Fig. Cat. of Shield Rep. p. 23. tab. 9, 1855. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1853. Hub. West Africa. Genus PHASIANUS, Linn. 718 A. The Golden Pheasant (Phasianus pictus, Cuv.). Fig. Cuv. A. K. p. 227 (1854). Hob. Asia. Genus COLUMBA, Linn. 719 A. A species of Columba (Columba Talla, Shaw). Fig. Shaw, MS. in Coll. of Surgeons. Hub. New Holland. Genus MEROPS, Linn. 729 A. The Merops calva, Shaw. Fig. Shaw, MS. in Coll. of Surgeons. Hub. New Holland. Genus CINCLUS, Linn. 729 B. The Water Ousel (Cinclm aquaticus, Linn.). Fig. Yarrell, Brit. Birds, vol. i. p. 1 73. Hab. Great Britain. Presented by Prof. Owen, F.R.S. Genus MOTACILLA, Linn. 752 A. The Motacilla acanthura, Shaw (Sylvia acanthura, Lath.). Fig. Shaw, MS. in Coll. of Surgeons. Hab. New Holland. Genus DIDELPHIS, Linn. 763 A. The Sciurine Petaurist (Didelphis sciurea, Shaw). Fig. Shaw, Zool. vol. i. p. 498. pi. 113. Cuv. A. K. p. 105 (edit. 1854). Hab. New Holland. 147 Genus THYLACINUS, Temm. 763 B. The New Holland Dog (Thylacinus communis, Temm.). Fig. Cuv. A. K. p. 103, 1854. Hab. New Holland. Genus PCEPHAGOMYS, F. Cuv. 765 A. The Poephagomys (Pcephagomys ater, Cuv.). Fig. Ann. des Sci. tome i. (2nd series) pi. 13. p. 321. Hab. Chili. Genus SCIURUS, Linn. 767 A. The Common Squirrel (Sciurm Europceus, Linn. ; Sciurus varius, Pallas). Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 90. Cat. of Mammalia in Brit. Mus. p. 139. Hub. Europe. Genus DASYPUS, Linn. 787 A. The Peba or Nine-banded Armadillo (Dasypus novem-cinctus, Linn.). (Young.) Fig. Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 30. Cuv. A. K. vol. iii. p. 257. . Hab. South America. Genus SOREX, Linn. 798 A. The Sorex aquaticus, Linn. (Scalops aquaticus, Cuv.). Fig. Cuv. A. K. p. 81 (1854). Hab. North America. Montreal. Presented by Dr. M'Culloch, Montreal. Genus SIMIA, Linn. 861 A. The Saimiri of Cuvier (Simla sciurea, Buff.). Fig. (Buff. xv. 10.) Cuv. A. K. p. 61 (1854). Hab. South America. CONTENTS OF APPENDIX. Page Genus Amphioxus 135 Mursena 135 Thyrsoidea 135 Ophisurus 135 Salmo 135 Coregonus 137 Belone 137 Stomias 137 Cyprinus 137 Gobio 138 Tinea . 138 Abramis 138 Leuciscus 138 Malapterurus 139 Perca . . 140. Trachinus 140 Cottus 140 Scorpaena 140 Apistes 140 Gasterosteus 140 Mastacemblus 141 Mugil 141 Lophius 141 Balistes 141 Ostracion 141 Hippocampus 142 Triton . 142 Rana . . 142 Coluber ...... 142, 143 Page Genus Lycodon 142 Leptodeira 143 Tropidonotus 143 Uranops 143 Cerastes 143 Argyrophis 145 Diploglossus 144 Riopa 144 Ophiodes 144 Podophis 144 Anguis 145 Lacerta 145 Ameiva 145 Monitor 145 Chelonia 145 Trionyx 145 Emys . 146 Phasianus 146 Columba 146 Merops ,.146 Cinclus 146 Motacilla 146 Didelphis 146 Thylacinus 147 Poephagomys 147 Sciurus 147 Dasypus 147 Sorex 147 Simla 147 THE END. RETURN TO * LOAN PERIOD 1 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS DUE AS STAMPED BELOW - htb ib i^bu UN!V. OF CALIF., BERK UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. 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