STACK O22 ' Ex C. K. Libris OGDEN LATIN GEAMMAE PAPEES BY THE SAME AUTHOR. EXERCISES IN LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION. Crown 8vo, 2s. 6d. FIRST STEPS IN LATIN. Fcp. 8vo. Is. ('.vo, is. 6d. A FIRST LATIN VERSE BOOK. Crown 8vo, 2s. LATIN CLAUSE CONSTRUCTION. Cr. 8vo, Is. 6d. FIRST STEPS IN GREEK. Fcp. 8vo, 2s. A PRACTICAL GREEK METHOD FOR BE- GINNERS. By F. RITCHIE, M.A., and K. H. MOORE, M.A. Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d. A MANUAL OF GREEK VERBS. By F. HIKHIK, M.A., and E. H. MOORE, M.A. 2*. d. ENGLISH GRAMMAR AND ANALYSIS. Fcp. 8vo, 2s. 6d. LONDON, NEW YORK AND BOMBAY : LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS BY F. RITCHIE, M.A. The Beacon, Sevenoaks AUTHOR OF "FIRST STEPS IN LATIN," "EXERCISES IN LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION," ETC. NEW EDITION LONGMANS, GEEEN, AND CO. 39 PATERNOSTER ROW, LONDON NEW YORK AND BOMBAY 1897 All rig/its reserved ABERDEEN UNIVERSITY PRESS PREFACE. THESE papers are intended to meet the require- ments of Preparatory Schools and of the Junior Forms in Public Schools. They are arranged in groups oi: graduated difficulty, each group containing twenty papers. The constant recurrence of certain questions is intentional . F. R. THE BEACON, SEVENOAKS, January, 1895. I. 1. Abl. Sing., Gen. PI., and Gend., manus, corpus, virtus, nuntius, vulnus. 2. Decline mare, dew. 3. Explain Vowel, Consonant, Diphthong. 4. Abl. Sing, and Gen. PI., liber, sacer, acer, pauper. 5. Decline tres, mille ; Lat. for 2000 men. 6. Dat. Sing, and Nom. PI., tu, se, is, hie, idem. 7. Princip. Parts and Engl., doceo, maneo, moveo, sto. 8. Translate capient, veneras, vidisse, audi. 9. Translate They made him king ; he was made king. 2. 1. Ace. Sing, and PI., spes, vir, vis, caput, tempus, 2. Nom. and Gen. Sing., Jove, artibus, ordine,jura, scnatum. 3. Explain Declension, Conjugation. 4. Compare facilis, celer, parvus, felix. 5. Latin for 15, 18, 70, 300, 500. 6. Gen. Sing, and Nom. PI., is, idem, hie, qui, alter. 7. Parse scripserint, posuerunt, veniatis, ducet. 8. Gerund and Supine (in -um),facio, do, suadeo,peto. 9. Translate You and I will go ; you and he will go ; will you go ? B LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 3- 1. Abl. Sing, and Gen. PI., pars, vox, res, hostis, rupes. 2. Meaning of ruri, domi, foris, vespere. 3. What is meant by Comparison of Adjectives? 4. Abl. Sing, and Gen. PI., facilis, miser, audax, dives. 5. Latin for 30, 40, 50, 60. 6. Dat. Sing, and Ace. PL, ipse, quis? , lattdo, video, claudo. 8. Translate Let us send ; to have been seen ; write (thou). 9. Translate For this reason (causa) I will speak for him. 4- 1. Decline in Sing., vis, vir, iter. 2. Genitive, Gender, and Engl., mos, morn, collis, salus, manus. 3. How are the four Conjugations distinguished ? 4. Compare utilis, similis, sapiens, iwiffnx. 5. Norn, and Ace. Plur., asper, vetus, velox, m,li,,r. 6. What sort of Pronouns are se, is, idem, tjui, ///.-< ? 7. Princip. Parts and Engl., vinco, vivo, gero, pono. 8. Pres. Infin., possum, rolo, main, er>, sfo. 9. Translate Let us come; do not come; let him not come, LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 1. Ace. Sing, and Gen. PL, f rater, liber, imber, gener, mare. 2. Parse in two ways, opera, solis, malts. 3. Explain Transitive and Intransitive. 4. Compare digne, facile, male, diu. 5. Latin for 200, 300, 400, 500. 6. Voc. Sing., tu, mcus, suus, noster. 7. Parse fugies, jaceres, ducetur, fregenmt. 8. Translate He will go ; they will be broken ; ye speak. 9. Translate Who spoke 1 did you not hear ? what did you say? 6. 1. Ace. Sing, and PL, nuntius, solus, impetus, frigus, domus. '2. Decline in PI., deus, spes, vis. 3. Explain Deponent and Semideponent. 4. Compare dubins, malus, humilis, fevis. 5. Meaning of srni, quater, nonus, viciens. 6. Ace. Sing, and Gen. PI., ipse, Me, qui, quis? 7. Parse fiyi, miserim, junyaris, regeris. LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 8. English of usi erant, cape, capi, fertis. 9. Translate In the river; into the town; on the wall. 7- 1. Abl. Sing., Gen. PI., and Gend., pans, flos, Ifyio, amnis, dies. 2. Decline in Sing., filius, scnex. 3. What is meant by the Finite Verb ? 4. Decline vetus, plus. 5. Compare for liter, tuto, magnopere, male. 6. Meaning of quidam, quisqiie, quisquis, quixquam. 7. Princip. Parts and Engl., curro, fuyio, *j,< in<>, traho. 8. Imperative Sing., fero, utor, eo, do, mm. 9. Translate She sent her son ; we came ourselves. 8. 1. Decline in Sing., coi-nu, mare, fides. 2. Nom. and Gen. Sing., and Engl., pecudum, ordi- nwtn, passuum, obsidum. 3. What is meant by Increasing Nouns? 4. Abl. Sing, and Gen. PI., brevis, miser, pulcher, par. 5. Lat. for 37, 21, 112, 800. 6. Decline in Sing., aliquis, utergue. 7. 2nd Sing. Imperf. Subj. Act., nolo, sedeo, pt/i<>, haurio. LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 8. English of voluisse, malet, fuerint, dixisti. 9. Translate He wounded himself with his own sword ; he spoke himself for three hours. 9- 1. Decline in PI., vis, vir, pars, filia. 2. Nom. Sing, and Gend., causis, frigoris, salutis, nnmeris, tergis. 3. Explain Cardinal, Ordinal, and Distributive Numerals. 4. Compare Adjectives formed from prae, post, prope, ultra. 5. Lat. for Twice ; 2 each ; 15th; 22nd. 6. Ace. Sing, and PL, se, hie, idem, quidam, quis? 7. Write out Pres. Indie, of capio, morior. 8. Parse gessere, esses, fores, ametur. 9. Translate He informed us; we were informed (inform = certiorem facere). 10. 1. Abl. Sing., Gen. PL, and Gend., animal, rupes, ordo, eques, virtus. 2. Nom. and Gen. Sing., viribus, passibus, moribw, lintribus. 3. Name the Demonstrative, Reflexive, and Inter- rogative Pronouns. 4. Abl. Sing, and Gen. PL, pauper, celeber, ater, prosper. LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 5. Positive of minime, fortissime, tutissime, optime. 6. Nom. and Ace. Sing., aliquis, quisquam, quisquis. 7. Princip. Parts and Engl., verto, rumpo, volvo, crcsco. 8. Write out Fut. Simp. Indie. Act. and Pass., rapio, mitto. 9. Translate Their town was burning; he burnt their towns. II. 1. Decline in Sing., gens, genu, gener, genus. 2. Genit., Gend., and Engl., cinis, nix, seges, far, elur. 3. Explain Conjunction, Adverb. 4. Compare senex, dignus, veins, humilis. 5. Lat. for 1000 men, 2000 men, 300 ships. 6. What are the Definitive and Indefinite Pronouns . 7. Parse tetigere, raperent, vincemur, juheamus. 8. English of locutus, auditus, capturus, datus, aitsus. 9. Translate On the third day; in three days ; he remained for many days. 12. 1. Nom. and Gen. Sing., libertate, frigore, auxilio, jwre, fide. 2. Decline damns; meaning of domi. 3. Explain Tense, Historic, Primary. LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 4. Abl. Sing, and Gen. PL, velox, amans, pauper, dulcis. 5. Nom. and Ace. PL, idem, hie, qui, quis (Indef.). 6. Give Pres. Infin. Pass., doceo, premo, sentio, capio, do. 7. English otfiet, steterc, ferris, laturus, poteris. 8. Translate He went to the city ; he went to Carthage ; he was dear to the soldiers. 1. Abl. Sing., Gen. PL, Gend., and Engl., vis, vir, genus, gens, civis. 2. What are Gutturals, Dentals, Labials? 3. Explain Participle, Particle. 4. Nom. Sing, and PL, aegris, parifms, paucis, liber is. 5. English of undent, nongeni, noviens, undeviginti. 6. Meaning of utt^-i/nc, uter, quisque, aliquis, idem. 7. Princip. Parts and Engl., aperio, rapio, video, nascoi; lego. 8. Parse feras, feres, ferris, fereris, ferreris. 9. Translate He was made consul; he is said to have been rich. 14. 1. Decline Jeus, domus. 2. Gen. Sing., Gend., and Engl.,/ar, fur, aes, cor, caro. 8 LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 3. Explain Composite Subject; give example. 4. Lat. for 44, 504, ten times, five each. 5. Gen. PL, ego, tu, se, idem. 6. English of missurus, positus, videri, secutus. 7. Go through Pres. Indie., rapio, morior, fero, pro- sum,. 8. Translate I wrote myself; they sent his son; I have a horse. 1. Abl. S., Gen. Plur., and Gend., linter, senex, palus, finis, mare. 2. In what are the following defective : spes, humus, moenia, vis ? 3. Explain Inceptive and Frequentative Verbs. 4. Decline in Plur. , par, 'vetus, plus. 5. Lat. for With 1000 ships; with 3000 ships. 6. Distinguish quid and quod (Interrog.). 7. Write out Fut. Simple Indie., eo, sum, possum. 8. Parse fore, crederent, dari, ausi sunt. 9. Translate Have you heard 1 did you not see ? can you deny 1 (nego). 16. 1. Genit. Sing, and PI., passus, humerus, munus, legatus, domus. 2. Meaning, Sing, and PL, finis, littera, copia, aedts. 3. Explain Active and Passive. LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 4. Give the Superlative of propioi*, superior, inferior, prior. 5. Compare (with English in each degree) bene, male, paullum. 6. Distinguish quisquam and ullus. 7. Write out Pres. Indie., volo (wish), nolo, eo, fio. 8. Princip. Parts with Engl., cado, caedo, cedo, sequor, seco. 9. Translate They came with us themselves; he spoke with a loud voice. 17. 1. Gen. Sing, and PI., and Gend., pes, laus, canis, vallis, grex. 2. Distinguish ver, vir, vires. 3. Explain Impersonal Verb ; give example. 4. Decline in Sing., pubes, pater, brevis. 5. Give the Ordinals and Distributives correspond- ing to 10, 20, 100. 6. Meaning of alius, alter, uter, ullus. 7. 1st Sing. Pres. Subj., volo, nolo, possum, capio, fero. 8. English of moriturus, mortuus, moriens, mori. 9. Translate Do not believe him ; do you not be- lieve me? LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 18. 1. Gen. and Ace. Sing., Gend., and Engl., cor, fur, caro, aes, vas. 2. Distinguish opus, opera, opem. 3. Name the Definitive and Indefinite Pronouns. 4. Nom. and Ace. PL, ferox, fertilis, dives, duplex. 5. Compare audacter, male, diu, acriter. 6. Gen. Sing, and PL, nullus, alter, qui, id, relinquo, respon- deo, rogo. 9. Translate His son was killed; he himself fled with his wife. 21. 1. Abl. Sing, and Gen. Plur., ager, f rater, imber, socer, iter. 2. Decline in Sing., genu, mare, res, nubes. 3. Ablat. Sing., miser, sacer, celeber, pauper. 4. Explain Diphthong, Mute, Semi-Consonant. 5. Nom. Plur., qui, quis(?), quis (Indef.). 6. Form Adverbs from dignus, tutus, fortis, facilis. 7. Princip. Parts with Engl., vivo, vinco, vincio, veho. 8. Parse clauserit, rapuerant, currant, vivent. 9. Lat. for Do you see ? do you not sep ? do not shut. 12 LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 22. 1. Ace. Sing, and Plur., impetus, locus, corpus, domus, munus. 2. Nona. Sing., Gender, and Engl., principum, agmi- num, passuum, noctium, senum. 3. Abl. Sing, and Gen. PI., duplex, vetus, alacer, facilis, liber (adj.). 4. Explain Guttural, Dental, Labial. 5. English of idem, ipse, quidam, uter. 6. Latin for the Adverbs, well, greatly, little, long. 7. Pres. and Perf. Infin. Pass., do, jubeo, juiigo, aperio. 8. English of dederunt, vixerant, vicerint, stetisse. 9. Lat. for Next day he started at the fourth hour with 3000 men. 23. 1. Abl. Sing, and Gen. PI., vis, vir, vox, nox, mos, res. 2. Decline in PI., senex, spes, iter. 3. Compare celer, utilis, gravis, humilis. 4. Explain Nasals, Liquids. 5. Ace. and Gen. Sing., ego, hie, alius, ipse, qui. 6. Lat. for 11, 16, 18, 21, 50. 7. Princ. Parts with Engl., code, caedo, cedo, condo. 8. 1st Pers. Pres. and Imperf. Subj., capio, possum, eo, volo, fero. 9. Translate The consul came himself and brought his army with him. LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 13 24. 1. Acc. and Gen. Sing., and Gend., jus, senectus, equitatus, equus, latus (side). 2. Nom. and Acc. Sing., injuriis, oculis, praesidiis, aestatis, eboris. 3. Compare juvenis, bonus, felix, beneficus. 4. Explain Cardinals, Ordinals, Distributives. 5. Decline in PI., se, tu, quis (Indef.). 6. Lat. for 8th, 9th, 13th, 19th, 22nd. 7. 1st Pers. Sing. Fut. Indie. Act., ludo, mordfo, laudo, sentio. 8. Parse mori, crevi, audi, claudi. 9. Translate You and I heard their voices ; they marched five miles in two hours. 2S 1. Abl. Sing., Gen. PI., and Gend., ignis, nubes, mare, vis, legio. 2. Decline in Sing., salus, manus, frigus, ventus. 3. Abl. Sing, and Gen. PL, pulcher, alacer, sapiens, dives. 4. Explain Demonstrative, Reflexive, and Personal Pronouns. 5. English of alius, alter, uter, utcrque. 6. Compare facile, tuto, bene, male. 7. Princip. Parts and Engl., figo, fingo, orior, ordior. 14 LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 8. 1st Sing. Fut. Simp., possum, morior, co,fio, volo. 9. Translate He was born at Athens, came to Italy, and died at Rome. 26. 1. Nom. and Gen. Sing., and Gend., ordtne, rupe, aetatc, sene, acic. 2. Decline in l.,f rater, lintcr, ager, iter. 3. Compare mahis. .*, aymen, mons. 2. Of what Declension are Nouns ending in -us ? 3. Superlative of superior, propior, inferior, prior. 4. Explain Deponent and Semideponent. 5. Meaning of yuisquam, irflus, aliquis^ quidam. LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 6. English of pessime, fortius, magis, intus. 7. Princip. Parts and Engl., emo, colo, quaero, queror. 8. All Participles (with English of each), eo, fero, do. 9. Translate Many of the ships, being broken by the waves, were taken by the enemy. 32. 1. Nom. Sing, and PL, nuntiis, clamoris, civitatis, regnis, nautis. 2. Of what cases are words ending in -is, 41 3. Abl. Sing, and Gen. PL, omnis, velox, par, pauper. 4. Explain Impersonal and Defective Verbs. 5. What kind of Pronouns are ipse, se, idem, hie, suus ? 6. Distinguish meanings of plus (adv.) and magis. 7. Fut. Particip., reddo, redeo, rapio, traho. 8. English of poterunt, fient, morere, redierit. 9. Translate Gold is heavier than silver; a few days after. 33- 1. Decline deus and damns. 2. Gen., Gend., and Engl., ver, cor, nix, aes, grex. 3. Ace. Sing, and PL, pejor, sacer, plus, asper. 4. Which tenses indicate completed action ? 5. Distinguish meanings of hie, His, le, iste. l8 LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 6. Give the rule for forming Compound Numbers, as 37, 250. 7. Princip. Parts and Engl., /undo, sedeo, juvo, moveo. 8 . Parse ferris, fereris, ferreris, ferret, feres. 9. Translate They say she has been seen ; he said he would start. 34- 1. Gen. Sing, and Ace., itei-, vis, vir, via, pes, jus. 2. Nom. and Gen. Sing., crura, pericula, genera, cornua. 3. Compare levis, parvus, antiquus, ferox. 4. What is meant by 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Person? 5. Gen. Sing., se, quisque, alter, idem, aliquis. 6. English of ambo, bini, ter, nongenti. 1 . Imperat. Sing., do, video, utor, morior. 8. Parse reddit, redit, vincent, vinciant. 9. Translate When he saw this he fled ; everything being prepared, he started. 35- 1. Decline spes, mare. 2. Gen., Gend., and Engl., voluntas, nepos, caro, vas. 3. Decline in Sing., plus, yravis, minor. 4. Give rules for Comparison of Adjectives. 5. Lat. for Who comes? what man comes? 6. Decline mille, ires. LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. IQ 7. Princip. Parts and Engl., rear, soleo, nascor, gaudeo. 8. Parse fore, dederis, poterant, ferrent. 9. Translate We, who were free, are now slaves ; give me the letter which he wrote. 36. 1. Abl. Sing., Gen. PI., and Gend., passus, genus, animus, aestus, litus. 2. What is peculiar in Declension of filius, vir, humus ? 3. Decline in PI., dives, par, plus. 4. Distinguish Adjective from Adverb. 5. Parse quae in as many ways as possible. 6. Lat. for 300 ships ; nine times ; 2000 horsemen. 7. Write out Pres. Indie. Act. and Pass, of capio. 8. English of vives, venias, fertis, fracturus. 9. Translate What have you done ? what you say is true. 37- 1. Nom. Sing, and Plur., signis, hortis, fossis, comitis. 2. What is peculiar in Declension of fides, rete, veru, filia ? 3. Compare Adjectives formed from prae, prope, intra, supra. 4. What are the Parts of Speech ? 20 LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 5. English of alter, ulliis, aliquis, idem, quisquis. 6. Compare diu, paullum, fortiter, digne. 7. Pres. and Perf. Infin., possum, volo, redeo, reddo. 8. Princip. Parts and Engl., figo, jingo, cado, cacdo, cedo. 9. Translate They died to save the State; they desired to be free. 38. 1. Gen. Sing., Ace. PL, and Gend., cor, nix, cinis, vis, vox. 2. Meaning of opem, opes, opera (s.), operae, opus. 3. When are Adjectives compared with mmjia, maxime ? 4. Explain Locative, Vocative. 5. Distinguish quisquam and ullus, uterque and quisque. 6. Form Adverbs from acer, aeger, facilis, gravis. 7. Engl. of missurus, usurus, factiis, nioratus, ratus. 8. Parse quereris, quaereris, quaereris, quaeri. 9. Translate The camp must be fortified ; all men must die. 39- 1. Ace. and Gen. Sing, and Gend., fur, lac, laus, far, mos. 2. Decline pecus in two ways, giving Gend. and Engl. 3. What Adjectives form Superlvatie in -limns ? LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 21 4. What Pronouns are used substantively only ? 5. Ace. Sing, and PI., se, hie, ille, ipse. 6. Positive, maxime, plurimum, optime, minime. 7. Princip. Parts and Engl., doceo, disco, sperno, verto. 8. Lat. for Do you see 1 do not give ; let us die ; speak (thou). 9. Translate Having followed them all day, he returned ; having taken the city, he returned. 40. 1. Abl. Sing., Gen. PL, and Gend., portus, litus, pons, agmen, liber. 2. Lat. for At Athens; at Miletus; at home; in the country. 3. Nona, and Gen. Sing., desidem, patrem, yracilem, aequalem. 4. What are Copulative and Factitive Verbs? 5. Lat. for Whosoever, each of two, which of two, whole. 6. Write in ordinary figures, XL1X., LXXI., XCVL, CXLIV. 7. Princip. Parts and Engl., pendo,pendeo, edo, edo, cado, caedo. 8. Parse laturas, fieri, iei'int, volant, volent. 9. Translate He advised us not to go ; we deter- mined not to delay. 22 LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 41. 1. Abl. Sing., Gen. PL, Gend., and Engl., fabcr, cinis, Us, rete, apis. 2. Parse pretio, ratio, sanguine, latere, saluti. 3. Compare liber, utilis, aequus, ater. 4. Nom. (all Genders) and Engl., quisque, qw's'/nix, uterquc. 4. Express in two ways, 2000 ships. 5. All Participles (with English of each), veho, morior, lino, jacio. 6. Parse flcvere, scnsfrint, placasscm, pendeant. 7. Lat. for To hope for safety ; signal for battle ; to wait for help. 8. Translate Who spoke ? I know who spoke ; I see the man who spoke. 9. When is "any" expressed by quis, quisquam, ullus? 28 LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 51- 1. Abl. Sing., Gen. PL, Gend., and Engl., cancer, anser, seges, rtipes, vis. 2. Form Adverbs from audax, tutus, facilis, bonus, magnus, 3. Decline in Sing., quisquis, nemo. 4. Meaning, Sing, and PI., aedes, opem, opera, sal. 5. Princip. Parts and Engl., findo,fido, aperio,reperio. 6. Gerund in -dum of defemlo, eo, rapio, do. 7. Show the construction of jubeo and impero. 8. Give an example of Locative Case (Sing, and PI.) in each of the first three Declensions. 9. Translate For my sake ; to start for Athens ; for this reason. 52. 1. Gen., (iend., and Kngl., tellus, fumus, gcnuf, ycmitus. 2. Parse (with English) openrm, operum, opem, opum. 3. Lat. for Everywhere, wheresoever, somewhere, there. 4. Point out peculiarities in Declension of meus, tuus, and se. 5. Imperat. Sing, and PI., utor, sentio,facio, morior, nolo. 6. Parse visis, traxisse, nascetur, rebar. 7. Give examples of use of Gerund, Gerundive Attraction. LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 29 8. Lat. for At home ; at Philippi ; at Ancona ; at the river. 9. Translate The leader being taken, we fled; the leader, being taken, was slain. 53- 1. Abl. Sing., Gen. PI., jluctus,fructus, scelus, mus, immus. 2. Parse viris, veris, vires, vice, vico. 3. Distinguish quis (Interrog.) from qui (Tnterrog.). 4. Decline in full plus and vetus. 5. Princip. Parts and Engl., surgo, pasco, torreo, lavo, quatio. 6. English of nactus, fusus, ausus, vinctus, veritus. 7. Lat. for A few years ago ; a few hours after ; in three days. 8. Show by examples the construction of oportet, licet, debeo. 9. Translate Having set out at dawn, he travelled all day ; having sent ambassadors, he begged for peace. 54- 1. Decline in Sing., aes, aer, rus, sus. 2. Point out peculiarities in Declension of plebs, frenwm, artus, pelagus. 3. Lat. for 19, 90, 999. 30 LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 4. Mention three Adjectives like acer, three like dives. 5. English of vinciri, fwngere, questus, quaesitwus. 6. Distinguish patere, patere ; jacere, jacere, jccere. 7. Lat. for He would not answer ; he said he would come. 8. Lat. for Waging war is useless ; I heard him speaking. 9. Explain, with examples Factitive Verb and Co- pulative Verb. 55- 1. Gen. Sing., Gend., and Engl., obses, species, quies, moles. 2. Parse precibus, jugis, scalis, libris, <^/-/ quod petis dabo, LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 35 8. Distinguish consulo te, consulo tibi, 9. Translate We hope to see ; they said they would have come ; he happened to be present ; it is said that they fled. 63- 1. Parse feriet, serves, miserere, servitis. 2. Show the force of the terminations -tor, -tudo, -ax. 3. Distinguish homo, vir ; hostis, inimicus ; vetus, antiquus. 4. Abl. Sing, and Gen. PI., vetus, par, inops, saucer, alacer. 5. Notice peculiarities in Declension of aether, artus, vas, talentum, pelagus. 6. Show the construction of vereor, minor, circumdo, irascor. 7. Translate They came to our help ; the eloquent Cicero spoke ; the men in the camp ; he gave it me as a gift. 8. Translate Non est dubium quin id fiat; qua, facie fuit ? miseret me aliorum ; trecenti conjuravimus* 64. 1. Parse labere, sedes, segetis, gurgitis, demitis. 2. Derive naufragium, agmen, tibicen, praeceps, series. 3. Distinguish aestas, aetas, aestus ; mensa, mensis, mensus (all Nominative). 36 LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 4. Abl. Sing., Gen. PL, volucris, amnis, rete, vates, ars. 5. Princip. Parts and Engl., retundo, immolo, pre- hendo, pando, sedo. 6. Give examples of Ablative of Quality, Respect, Manner. 7. Correct Persuadeor ut hoc verum est; vir sapi- entiae ; postqiiam tres dies rediit ; venimits videre. 8. Translate What did you say ? what you say is true ; I know what you wish ; I will do what you wish. 65- 1. Abl. Sing., Gen. PI., and Engl., bos, Us, vas (n.), portus, cnl>i/< . 2. Form diminutives from ager, filiiis, rete, lectu*. 3. Distinguish liber, liber; refert, refert; fidit, fldit. 4. Lat. for 500, 90, 400th, eleven each, nine times. 5. Mention four words of Fourth Declension taking -ubus in Abl. PI. 6. Explain Co-ordinate and Subordinate. 7. Translate De industria ; ex sententia ; per me licet ; poenas dare ; secwndwm litus ; re infecta. 8. Translate They did this unwillingly ; in the lifetime of Augustus ; he seized the spear and liroke it ; our men, being frightened, fled. LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 66. 1. 3rd Plur. Fut. Simp. Indie. Act., praesum, prosum, reddo, redeo. 2. Give the derivation of Toast, pension, market, real. 3. Parse in two ways serunt, texit, pendent, cam's, amari. 4. Nom. Sing, (all Genders) and Eugl., quisquis, quisqua?n, quisque, quidam. 5. Notice peculiarities in Declension of glades, laurus, plebs, jocus. 6. Show the construction of interest, spolio, careo, confido. 7. Explain Sub hasta vendere ; sub jugum mittere ; aymen novissimum ; Kalendis Martiis. 8. Translate I fear this is true ; they begged us to go ; he advised that no one should leave the city. 6 7 . 1. Parse genis, genium, yenuere, genero, genera. 2. Derive prudens, nobilis, secretus, pecunia. 3. Distinguish acies, agmen ; rus, patria ; consilium, concilium. 4. Priucip. Parts and Engl.,>orrz^ro, expleo, adipiscw, lenio, posco. 5. Show by examples the construction of priusquam. 6. Parse suamet, meopte, istiusce. 38 LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 7. Translate Consulo tibi, consulo te ; aes alienum ; quid verbis opus est ? receptui canere. 8. Translate The citizens must take arms ; they are not to be envied ; you will have to cross the Rhine ; we learn by reading books. 68. 1 . Write out Pres. Indie. , possum, fio, morior, inqttam. 2. Form Abstract Nouns from laetus, verus, fortis, facilis. 3. Parse in two ways /eras, fades, ludis, suis, fores. 4. Lat. for 300 each, 30th, twenty times, 126. 5. What terminations are Neuter in 3rd Decl. ? 6. Give examples of Concessive Clause, Final Clause, Indirect Question. 7. Correct Credendus est ; rogabo unde venit; nupsit filiam ineam ; ne hoc facias. 8. Translate He was foolish enough to go ; you are too wise to do this ; he sent a slave to shut the gate ; we stood ou the wall to see better. 69. 1. 1st Sing. Imperf. Subj., supero, suprrsum, patior, mentior, jw. 2. Derive Custom, frail, crescent, mayor, fossil. 3. Distinguish poculum, patera ; augeo, cresco ; uer, aether. LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 39 4. Parse <<. 7. Turn into Or. Obi. " Habetis " inquit "faculta- tem quam petiistis. Cur dubitatis ? Vos sequimini, ego primus ibo." 8. Translate We have lost the best friend we had ; he was the last to go ; let us not lose such an oppor- tunity as this ; it is you who are to blame. 79- 1 . Distinguish the uses of the Abl. in -i and -e in Adjectives which have both forum. 2. Explain dactyl, spondee, iambus, trocfiee, anapaest. 3. Parse in two ways poles, veniam, salis, levi, fei-is. LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 45 4. Nom. Sing, and Engl., gcnas, genu, genti, genero, genere. 5. Princ. Parts and Engl., pasco, pando, patior, paciscor, partior. 6. Explain (with examples) Objective and Sub- jective Genitive. 7. Turn into Oratio Recta (Ariovistus to Cassar) Se prius in Galliam venisse quam Romanos ; cur in suas possessiones veniret ; exercitum deducerent. 8. Translate Instead of laughing, they are crying ; we moved the stone in spite of its weight ; the whole of Italy was ravaged ; a man of wisdom. 80. 1. Compare celer,frugi, multum, male, utilis. 2. Compound with con scando, dare, facio, caedo, claudo. 3. Distinguish opem, oj)es, opera (s.), opera (pi.), opus (indecl.). 4. Parse suj)erasset, superesset, coiere, adeo, coeperit. 5. Ace. Sing, and Engl., quisquis, quisque, aliquis, quivis. 6. Write out the Verb Infinite of diico. 7. Translate Abire swmmae est dementiae ; fac venias; non multum afuit, quin caperentur; cave facias. 8. Translate He is not the man to say that ; they could not help laughing ; who is there who has not heard ? what prevents us from starting ? 46 LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 81. 1. Form Adjectives from pater, ferrum, sto, mare, eras. 2. Distinguish mundus, tellus, terra, orbis terrarum. 3. Parse ditis, passis, tunsae, ripis, permensi. 4. Princ. Parts and Engl., adolesco, spondeo, lego, intelligo, neo. 5. Compare nequam, antiquiis, frugi, habilis, vetus. 6. Show construction of pudet, refert, intersvm, accidit. 7. Translate Rerum novarum cupidus; tibi parcen- dum erat ; facere non poterant quin Jlerent ; a nobis cwrritur. 8. Translate The enemy surrendered ; times have changed ; he said he had done nothing ; it is said that Marius was slain. 82. 1. Genit. Sing., Gender, and Engl., cinis, rete, as, strepitits, linter. 2. Distinguish the uses of ait, inquit. 3. Explain Historic Infinitive, Historic Present. 4. Derive from Latin Exaggerate, fissure, real, palliate. 5. Form Adverbs from liber, alius, decem, gradus. 6. Show the construction of resisto, adimo, spolio, accuso. LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 47 7. Translate Quid mea refert ? obviam jit mihi ; instar mantis eqwwni ; rem minimi facit. 8. Translate He is undoubtedly rich ; those stand- ing by were alarmed ; you are the same as ever ; I have nothing to say. 83. 1. Give various meanings of sinus, acies, jugum, hiems. 2. Parse murice, locos, oblite, deseris, aptent. 3. Explain Nonien, Praenomen, Cognomen, Ag- nomen. 4. Derive tibicen, prudens, praeceps, facundus, seditio. 5. Lat. for 70, 40th, nine each, fifty times. 6. Distinguish nostri from nostrum (both Genit. Plur.). 7. Translate Aes alienum; quid mihi tecum est? alii aliunde venerunt ; odio sum civibus. 8. Translate I fear he will never return ; are they rich or not ? when I have seen him I will write ; you might have done this. 84. 1. Accus. Sing., heros, lampas, Orpheus, Delos, sitis. 2. Distinguish parent, parent ; nitens, nitens ; legi, legi ; velis, velis ; decora, decora. 3. Explain and give examples of Frequentative, Inceptive, Desiderative Verbs, 48 LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 4. Form diminutives of ager, opus, capra, asinus. 5. Princ. Parts and ngl., juvo, cieo, eneco, frigo, frigeo. 6. Give examples of qui with Final and with Conse- cutive Force. 7. Distinguish obsidts imperat ; militibus imperavit ; nescio quid dixit ; nescio quid dixerit. 8. Translate It seems he is poor: he was asked his opinion ; no Roman will say this ; he committed suicide. 85- 1. Notice peculiarities in Declension of vespet, frenum, humus, myrtus, jecur. 2. Parse exoriare, pus/nis, alta, fa /><, gitrgite. 3. Explain Assimilation, Syncope, Metathesis. 4. Form Abstract Latin Nouns from fortis, fdcilis, saevus, senex, bonus. 5. Decline in Sing., plus, compos; in PI., par, vetus. 6. Show construction of inferre (bellum), minor, sino, 7. Translate with notes Poenas sumere ; clamatum est ; cui bono ? quin faces ? fac scribas ; di mdiora. 8. Translate The consuls blamed each other ; he took the city and burnt it ; there is no one who, believes; you ougb.t tQ have conn 1 . LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 49 86. 1. Genit., Gcnd., and Engl., torris, cardo, papaver, grus, acus. 2. Distinguish questus, quaestiis, quaesitus ; fac,face, facie. 3. Explain Kalends, Nones, Ides. 4. Dei'ivation of Cloister, impale, ponder, pension, peer. 5. Compare paulum, intus, prope, magnopere. 6. Distinguish sive . . . sive from utrum . . . an. 7. Turn into Oratio Recta Scire se ilia esse vera nee qwnquam ex eo plus quam se doloris capere. 8. Translate He was condemned to death ; he is wiser than any of us ; I will undergo any danger ; he replied to my question. 87. 1. Notice peculiarities in Declension of locus, requies, jugerum, vulgus. 2. Parse fugarat, velat, aggere, pateras, ubere. 3. Give examples of Genit. of Quality, Objective Genit., Partitive Genit. 4. Princ. Parts and Engl., pello, molo, lino, meto, ico. 5. Derive bruma, religio, auspex, integer. E 50 KATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 6. Distinguish necne and annon , nee and neve. 1. Turn into Oral. Obliqua Urbem contra nos de- fendent; ne tamen dubitaveritis ; nonne eorum copias saepe superavistis ? 8. Translate He was the only one who knew ; the moon happened to be full ; we cannot help believing him ; this is a hindrance to us. 88. 1. Genit., Gend., and Engl., far, auceps, incus, strix, virus. 2. Princ. Parts and Engl., sedo, sedeo, sido, pareo, paro, pario. 3. Give examples of Cognate Ace., Ace. of Respect, Dat. of Purpose. 4. Form Adjectives from ignis, forum, vir, pes, helium. 5. Meaning of ubique, furtim, hactenus, toti/i//i. 3. Lat. for To besiege, attack, storm, surrender (a town). 4. Show by examples the uses of pnutquam and quoniam. 5. Parse euntis, solis, nectis, cratera, limite. 6. Decline nemo, plus, mille. 7. Distinguish utile est Caium cutesse ; utile est quod Canix attest ; inimid nostri ; inimici nobis. 8. Translate A friend of mine ; there are ten of us I ms. -nt; the wise Plato; the shorter the better; do not repent. 1 10. 1. Genit. and Engl., compes, species, moles, seges, aries. 2. Distinguish soles, soles ; manes, manes ; seni, seni ; dud, dud. 3. Translate Give me what you have ; tell me what you wish. 4. Show by examples the various ways of expressing " Purpose " in Latin. LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 65 5. Lat. for 5th July, 17th November, 15th May. 6. Give examples of Dative expressing " result of action ". 7. Translate Longe alia ac tu scripseras nobis narrantur. Qua es prudentia, nihil te fugiet. 8. Translate The richer he becomes the more wretched he is ; they say they are ready to undergo any danger ; any one may go, but I don't believe any one will. III. 1 . Parse salutas, remige, pateras, aevi, mat. 2. Lat. for To launch; go on board; set sail; up stream ; down stream. 3. Distinguish Co-ordinative and Subordinative Con- junctions. Three examples of each. 4. Give the Latin for "after" as Preposition, Ad- verb, and Conjunction. 5. How are the suffixes -met, -te, -pte, -ce used ? 6. Turn into Oratio Recta (Orabant ui) sibi aux- ilium ferret, quod yraviter a Suebis premerentur ; vel si id facere prohiberetur, exercitum Rhenum transpor- taret ; id sibi satis futurum. 7. Translate You ought not to have done it ; many great wars have been waged ; what praise is there, of which he is not worthy ? 8. Translate Demus beneficia necne in nostra est potestate ; haud scio an recte dixerim. F 66 LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 112. 1. Derivation of auspicium, devius, ingenium, fun estus. 2. Give Transitive and Intransitive Verbs for Hang, change, laud, turn, burn. 3. Distinguish utrum . . .an; sive . . . sive. 4. Parse subactis, mercede, amplecti, inita. 5. Give examples of use of Supines iu -van, and in -u. 6. Princ. Parts and Engl., lego, cedo, tero, lino, cro. 7. Translate Tantum non ad portas bell-urn, erat ; pudor non lati auxilii patres cepit. 8. Translate It was you who did it: he will do it if he can ; I would do it if I could ; we need a leader ; he left his baggage in order to travel more quickly. "3- 1. First Sing., Imperf. Subj. nuntio, jacio, fero, ferio, spolio. 2. Lat. for To commit suicide ; debt ; revolution ; adversity. 3. Distinguish quam (how) and quomodo ; cum (when) and quando. 4. Parse in different ways versus, vomere, /eras, cadis. 5. Show construction of re/ert, libet, constat, piget. LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 67 6. Give examples of Gerundive Attraction in Genit. and Accus. 7. Translate with notes Turpitudo pejus est quam dolor ; tempus necessitasqw postulat. 8. Translate Ten years after the birth of Augus- tus ; men, women, and children, all were slain ; he does it, not because he is poor, but because he is avaricious. 114. 1. Nom., Genit., and Engl., epulis, rivis, aevi, mor- sibus, femori. 2. Distinguish nonnunquam and nunqttam non ; aut and vel. 3. Parse libet, libat, iterarwiit, intereant, jactent. 4. Explain Periphrastic Conjugation. 5. Latin for 800, 29, 126, twenty times, thirteen each. 6. Translate We shall have to take arms ; we shall have to start at once ; we shall have to obey the general ; we shall have to use our swords. 7. Translate with notes Inutile ferrum dngitur ; postulatur a me ; vox hominem sonat. 8. Translate They are different from what they were ; some like one food, some another ; as long as you remain here you will be safe. 68 LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 1 . Compare uberrima, deterior, altius, pessime. 2. Form Diminutives of liber, rex, signum, parvus, labrum. 3. Distinguish vetus and antiquus ; jure and rite; posco and postulo. 4. Translate I cannot help believing ; it is impos- sible not to believe. 5. Parse trivere, galeas, norint, rostris, cernes. 6. Turn into Oratio Recta Pedites, si suis auxilium ferant, iterfacere non posse ; si, id quod magis futurum confidat, suae saluti consulant, usu rerum nccessariarwn gpoliatum iri. 7. Translate Receptui canere ; act-urn est de repub- lica ; quid sibi vult haec oratio ? 8. Translate I have been in this island for the last ten years ; I have not seen him for the last ten days ; you must not go away before I come back. 116. 1. Notice peculiarities in Declension of ver, plebs, partus, apis, as. '2. Derive mando, mansio, messis, peregrinus. 3. Princ. Parts and Engl., percello, erro, effodio, dirimo, crucio. 4. Distinguish quanquam and quamvis. LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 69 5. Explain Metaphor, Simile. Give examples. 6. Decline in Sing., par, pubes ; in PL, vetus, memor. 7. Translate Nihil reliqui ; ventum erat ad Vestae; animadvertere in aliquem ; stare promissis. 8. Translate The wealthy city of Capua; under these circumstances ; besides writing books he tills the fields; he bade them throw away what they were carrying. 117. 1. Compare the Adverbs prope, post, paullum, intus. 2. Give various meanings of marmor, meridies, hospes, jus, lustrum. 3. Form Adverbs from sentio, crudelis, duleis, sin- gulus, laetus. 4. Parse revisit, fabor, rotis, exercite, para. 5. When can the Ablative of Comparison not be used 1 Give example. 6. Translate Rempublicam flocci non faciunt ; haec cum viderem, quid agerem ? 7. Explain and give an example of Attraction of Case. 8. Translate To my inquiry he replied as follows ; it is said of Medea that she fled ; whatever I do there are some who blame me. 70 LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 118. 1. Genit., Gend., and Engl., htcus, funus, anguis, hostia, robur. 2. Lat. for A mortal wound ; a famous orator ; to seize the throne. 3. Explain and give example of Virtually Sub- oblique Clause. 4. Parse areas, arces, arceas, arcutn, amictus. 5. Give examples of the Latin word for "before," used as Preposition, Adverb, and Conjunction. 6. Turn into Oratio Recta (Cohortatus est) ne per- turlarentur animo incommodo ; errare si qui in bello omnes secu/ndos rerum proventus expectarent ; sibi nun- quam placuisse urbem defendi, cujus rei testes ipsos haberet. 7. Translate He routed and pursued the enemy ; every one knows he went away and never returned ; he said he could not go because he was ill. 8. Translate with notes Tuum, hominis simplicis, pectus vidi7nu8 ; nihil habebam quod scriberem. 1. Form Adjectives from ros, nix, rus, hiems,ramus. 2. Distinguish oblltus, oblltus ; freti, freti ; vfirus, verus ; pattre, patere. 3. Princ. Parts and Engl., tollo, cieo, tero, sedo, torreo. LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 71 4. Show construction of patior, peto, minor, ignosco. 5. Parse fare, ilice, complerant, praeustis, nequire. 6. Give various Latin words for Therefore, also, but. 7. Translate with notes Non mihi swit vires ini~ micos pellere tectis ; in quern primum locum egressi sunt f Troja vocatur. 8. Translate My daughter married his son ; there is nothing to hinder us from starting ; we will our- selves inflict punishment on him. 120. 1 . Parse parta, vices, nantes, manderet. 2. Lat. for To halt, retreat, engage, rout, fight on horseback. 3. Notice peculiarities in mereor, prandeo, vapulo, Jido. 4. Distinguish moneo followed by ut and Subjunct. ; moneo followed by Ace. and Infin. 5. Form Abstract Nouns from magnus, laetus, juvenis, sanctus. 6. Turn into Oratio Obliqua " Haec ut intellegatis" inquit ; " a me sincere pronuntiari, audite Romanos milites." 7. Translate with notes Cum ver esse coeperat, Verres dabat se labori ; agros relicturi erant, nisi litteras misissent. 72 LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 8. Translate As the tree falls, so shall it lie ; being asked his opinion, the bold Horatius replied as follows. 121. 1. Genit. Sing., Gend., and Engl., rete, as, cinis, motus, cespes. 2. Parse revisit, sudarit, proderat, perculit, adeas. 3. Give various meanings of career, cuneus, pendo, clavus. 4. Princ. Parts and Engl., concido, concido, concede, fulyeo, fulcio. 5. Show the construction of dono, veto, posco. 6. Explain and give examples of Zeugma and Hendiadys. 7. Translate Fac bono sis animo ; ita vivam ut te amo ; vis-ne locum mutemus ? sane quidem. 8. Translate Had I not seen it myself I should not have believed it ; surely you do not think he has done anything against the laws. 122. 1. Point out peculiarities in Declension of vulgiu, talentum, locus, apis, requies. 2. Derive Pension, mayor, cloister, crescent, pro- perty. LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 73 3. Give the modern names for Ister, Brundisium, Padus, Lugdunwm. 4. Distinguish paries, parias, pares, paras. 5. Compare paulurn, prope, frugi, utilis, creber. 6. Classify the uses of dum. 7. Translate Erat majestatis Populi Romani pro- hibere injuriam ; adeone hominem esse infelicem quen- quam. 8. Translate If what you say is true, he ought to be punished ; it is vain for him to deny that he was present. 123. 1. Nom. Sing., Gend., and Engl., febri, farre, vellere, vallo, mole. 2. Distinguish vir and homo ; hostis and inimicus. 3. Form Adjectives from Styx, Samnivm, Tarentwn, Libya. 4. Princ. Parts and Engl., gesto, dedo, coeo, sentio, nato. 5. Give examples of Ablat. of Quality, Objective Genitive, Dative of Purpose. 6. Lat. for 530, 25th, forty times, 15th July. 7. Translate with notes Suspicor te eisdem rebus, quibus me ipsum, commoveri; potitus est Us artibus, quas qui tenent, eruditi appellantur. LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 124. 1. Ablat. Sing., Genit. PI., and Engl., bos, Us, species, vates, portus. 2. Distinguish acstas and aestus ; refert and refert ; ferit andfcret. 3. What winds are Aquilo, Boreas, Zephyrus, Notus, Auster I 4. Princ. Parts and Engl., diligo, deligo, dclego, deleo. 5. Compound ab, ago; sub, rego ; com, eo ; ex, quaero. 6. Construct sentences showing the distinction be- tween ne quis and ut nemo. 7. Translate with notes Nemo erit qui credat, te tnvito, provinciam tibi decretam esse ; non audimus ea quae natura monemur. 8. Translate It is of the highest importance I should see you ; we shall have to remain here till the signal is given. 125- 1. Parse ubere, resedit, angue, revisant, favos. 2. Give the Masculine terminations of Third Declen- sion, with one example and one exception to each. 3. Give various meanings of lacertus, tempora, cuni- culus, persona. LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 75 4. Show the force of the prefix in complere, di/ugio, detego, evinco. 5. Princ. Parts and EngL, sedo, sedeo, sido, viso, ico. 6. Explain P.O., O.M., A.U.C., S.P.Q.R. 7. Translate with notes Queritur de Milone per vim expulso ; Alexander, audito Dariitm appropinquare, obviam ire constituit. 8. Translate They said that if they had known they would have gone ; they begged him to send one of his servants to them. 126. 1. Genit. Sing, and meaning, anceps, auceps, prin- ceps, praeceps. 2. Write out Pres. Indie., Fut. Simple, and Impera- tive of patior. 3. Give the modern names of Iberus, Sequana, Lusi- tania, Lacus Lemannus. 4. Form Adjectives from rus, f rater, rapio, fleo, aurum. 5. Compare nequam, hahilis, parum, obliquus. 6. Classify the various uses of cum (Conjunction). 7. Translate Omne animal id agit ut se conservet ; habere quaestui rempublicam turpe est. 8. Translate I believe that if you ask him he will deny ; he has so behaved himself as to be hateful to the citizens. 76 LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 127. 1. Decline in Sing., aes, aer, vis, ver. 2. Parse verrent, quierunt, nate, peracta, spectent. 3. Give the various meanings (with construction) of vaco, convenio, animadverto. 4. Princ. Parts and Engl., intro, introeo, furo, furor, conniveo. 5. Distinguish aures, auras ; velis, velis ; ord, ord. 6. Explain Gerundive Attraction. Give examples. 7. Turn into Oratio Obliqua (after Verb in Historic "Tense) Si ea, quae in longinquis nationibus geruntur, ignoratis, respicite finitimam Galliam, quae perpetua servitute premitur. 8. Translate He is more brave than fortunate ; not only am I not angry, but I do not even blame you. 128. 1. Decline in Plur., deus, vas (n.), par, apis. 2. Distinguish clavis, clavus, clava, clivus (all Norn.). 3. Show the force of the prefix in perturbo, subrideo, yubsequor, suspendo. 4. Explain "Indirect Question". Give an ex- ample. 5. Norn, and Gen. Sing, and Engl., quis, quis ? idem, aliquis, uterque. LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 77 6. Give all tenses of the Infinitive of volo (wish), fio, odi, pvdet. 7. Turn into Oratio Recta Si nihil esset durius, nullo cum periculo ad proximam legionem perventuros ; si Gallia cum Germanis consentiret unam esse in cele- ritate positam salutem. 8. Translate The result was that he was con- demned to death ; they offered help without being asked. I2p. 1. Parse in two ways pdlis, vitas, vellere, est, suis. 2. Form Adjectives from fraus, ager, queror, fugio, teneo. 3. Distinguish alius, alter; demum, denique ; aliqui, nonnulli. 4. Notice peculiarities in the Verbs fido, edo, liceo, potior, imitor. 5. Distinguish the use of quin and quominus with Verbs of Hindrance. 6. Translate with notes Cum singulars binae ac ternae naves circumsteterant, milites transcendere in hostium naves contendebant. 7. Translate You know the speed with which he travels ; it was our fault that he did not escape. 8. Nom. and Ace. Sing, and Engl., quisque, quis- qttis, quisquam, quisnam. 78 LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 130. 1. Genit. Sing, and PI., and Engl., sollers, biceps, turbo, ovile, stray es. 2. Distinguish patera, and poculum ; scutum and clipeus ; acies and agmen. 3. Parse limite, cubilia, transit, confossus, j)orrectum. 4. Princ. Parts and Engl., conftteor, sopio, elicio, hio, lacesso. 5. Give various Latin words for " Wherefore," "although ". 6. Explain Historic Infinitive, Historic Present. 7. Turn into Oratio Obliqua (in Historic Sequence) Nolite arbitrari me, cum a vobis discessero, nusquam fore; neque enim dum eram vobiscum, animum meum videbatis, sed eum esse in hoc corpore ex Us rebus, qua* gerebam, intellir/cbatis. 8. Translate I have not seen him for ten years ; in spite of his wealth, I do not envy him. 1 . Notice peculiarities in Declension of suus, memor, dexter, Orpheus. 2. Give the exceptions to the Gender rule for the Fourth Declension. 3. Translate and distinguish Nescio quid dixit and nescio quid dixerit. LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 79 4. Decline the Verb-Noun scrihere. 5. Lat. for 4th June, 29th September, , 675. 6. Distinguish Co-ordinating and Subordinating Con- junctions. 7. Turn into Oratio Obliqua An dubitamus quin Romani ad nos interficiendos concurrant ? Proinde si quid in nobis animi est, persequamur eorum mortem, qui indignissime interierunt. 8. Translate We never go into the town without seeing him ; he complained of their not having come to his help. 132. 1. Lat. for Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, with the corresponding Adjectives. 2. Parse coit, celarat, marcm, fidibus, ferreris. 3. Give various meanings of claims, classis, munus, modus. 4. Distinguish quisque and uterque ; quisquam and ullus ; plus and magis. 5. Give various Latin words for Also, only, there- fore. 6. Explain " Historic cum," " Inverse cum". 7. Translate with notes Virgines longam indutae vestem ; non omnia quae dolemus queri possumus. 8. Translate To this must be added the fact that he is poor ; I fear you do not understand the extent of the danger. 80 LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 133- 1. Give the Feminine terminations of Third Declen- sion, with one example and one exception to each. 2. Distinguish nee, necne, and neve ; aut, vel, an. 3. Abl. Sing, and Genit. PL, pules, inops, puter r satur, aeger. 4. Explain Spondee, Trochee, Iambus, Tribrach. 5. Write out the Verb Infinite of proficiscor. 6. Give rule for the Tense of the Infin. in Indirect Statement (Ace. and Infin.). 7. Translate with notes Nuda gcnu nodoque sinits collecta fluentes ; quod Silius tccum loqui vidt, potes id mea voluntate facere, 8. Translate 1 shall never be persuaded that he is worthy of being chosen ; scarcely had he said this when the messenger returned. 134. 1 . Parse obortis, sospite, tunsis, mandemtis, figi. 2. Distinguish exitium, exitus ; dolor, dolus ; comitas, comites. 3. Princ. Parts and Engl., suspicio, suspicor, ab- scindo, abscedo, vello, velo. 4. English of nimis, parum, ferrne, perinde, secus. 5. Distinguish ante and anteyuam. Give examples. LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 8 1 6. Derive judicium, simplex, litera, fatwn. 7. Turn into Oratio Recta Id se facile ex hiimili- tate sua probare posse; quod non adeo sit imperitus rerum ut suis copiis Populum Romanum sv/perari posse confidat. 8. Translate If you were to bid him, he would do it ; if Csesar were living, he would deny this. 135- 1. Notice peculiarities in Declensions of coelicolac, ales, ficus, nemo, jugerum. 2. Explain Sella curulis, fasces, latus claims. 3. Supply the ellipse in quid multa ? fortuna fortes ; calidam potare. 4. English of de industria ; ex sententia ; apud me ; nihil ad rem. 5. Explain and give examples of Dative of Agent, Cognate Accusative. 6. Translate with notes Per exploratores certior foetus est, ex ea parte, quam Gallis concesserat, omnes noctu discessisse. 7. Parse desierant, ferit, genuere, fores, vice. 8. Translate Whether you believe it or not, this is true ; surely you are not foolish enough to doubt his courage. 82 LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 136. 1 . Parse aequem, jugis, potis, pepigere, caligine. 2. Lat. for To resign office ; to convict of bribery ; a vote. 3. Princ. Parts and Engl., concino, expio, nutrio, combwro, comedo. 4. Distinguish notus, ndtus ; liber, liber ; mane, mSne ; legis, legis. 5. Show the construction of quia, quam, quoad. 6. Turn into Oratio Recta Se ex ilia die, qua in potestatem Afrorum venisset, Romanum esse desiise. 7. Translate I will not leave the city without letting you know ; he promised a reward to the man who crossed first. 137. 1. Nom. and Gen. Sing, and Engl., inopwm, marem, cultri, sanguine. 2. Write out Pres. Indie., edo, prosum. 3. Latin names for The Black Sea ; Sea of Mar- mora; Danube; Don. 4. Princ. Parts and Engl., confligo, conflicto, discedo, decido, dectdo. 5. Translate One party ; the other party ; both parties. 6. Show the various uses of quod (Conjunction). LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 83 7. Translate with notes Cum quaepiam cohors im- petum fecerat, hostes velocissime refugiebant ; rediit paulo post quod se oblitum nescio quid dicer et. 8. Translate If a storm were to arise, the danger would be very great ; if once the bridge is taken, what hope to save the town. 138. 1. Give the Neuter (Nominative) terminations of Third Declension, with one example of each. 2. Explain Pollice verso, vertere stilum, candidatus. 3. Show the construction of decet, libet, restat,juvat. 4. Parse servent, farier, arts, experiare, servietis. 5. English equivalent of Prid. Kal. Jun. ; A.D. III., Kal. Oct. ; A.D. VI., Non. Mai. 6. Distinguish the uses of Pres. and Imperf. Subj. in Conditional Clauses. 7. Translate with notes Solvendo non esse ; nus- quani gentium ; quin taces ? fac scribas ; cui bono ? 8. Translate They read books without understand- ing them ; we do not know when the work will be completed. 139. 1. Write out Pres. Indie., aio, inquam. Distinguish their uses. 2. Explain Hastati, principes, triarii. 3. Princ. Parts and Engl., torreo, torqueo, pungo, pango, pingo. 84 LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. 4. Distinguish vere, veru, vero ; arcus, arctus, acus. 5. Derive passus (a pace), integer, mansuetus, praeceps. 6. Lat. for Same ... as ; as ... as ; just . . . as. 7. How are questions turned into Oratio Obliqua? 8. Translate He gave them a city to dwell in ; it makes all the difference whether he was present or not. 140. 1. Princ. Parts and Engl., appello, deligo, concido. 2. Various meanings of lustrum, sinus, aestus, jus, clavus. 3. Parse revulsum, orsa, pat^tere, miserate, praepeti- bus. 4. Latin for One camp ; two camps ; more than 600. 5. Compare the Latin with the English scheme of Tenses. 6. Turn into Oratio Recta Si veteris contwneliae oblivisci vdlet, nvm etiam recentiitm injuriarum menio- riam deponere posse ? 7. Translate He caused a bridge to be made ; with- out waiting for the other consul he joined battle. A 000 087 051 9