CULAR MECHANISM OF THE EYES AND ROUTINE IN EYE WORK SAVAGE / BERKELEY RY I Of THE NERVO-MUSCULAR MECHANISM OF THE EYES AND ROUTINE IN EYE WORK BY G. C. SAVAGE, M.D. Author of New Truths in Ophthalmology (1S93); of Ophthal mic Myology (1902-11); of Ophthalmic Neuro-Myology (1905); Ex-President of the Nashville Academy of Medicine; Ex-President of the Tennessee State Medical Association; Ex-President of the Southern Medical Association; Ex-Chah- man of Section of Ophthalmology of American Medical Association. Three full-page plates and four cuts Published by the Author, Nashville, Tenn. Printed by McQuiddy Printing Company, Nashville, Tenn. OPTOMETRY LIBRARY Copyright, 1916 By G. C. Savage. M.D. PREFACE This little book is published with the hope that its contents will create, in the minds of many readers, a desire to take up, with the view of mastering, the whole study of the ocular mus- cles ; also with the view of intensifying, in other readers, such a desire as may have been pre- viously created, but allowed to remain unsatis- fied, because, forsooth, some one, supposed to be a leader in everything worth while, had said that " the muscle study is a myth, or at most is not worth serious consideration." In all the domain of Ophthalmology there is no other subject of equal importance with that of Ophthalmic My- ology, and yet it is a study easily mastered, when mastery is earnestly sought, both from the sci- entific viewpoint and that of practicality. Any neglect of this study is hurtful to the patient and harmful to the practitioner. In his books and papers the aim of the author has always been to make clear and easy the study of the ocular mus- cles from the only two points of view — the mus- cles themselves and the brain centers controlling them in their individual and associated actions. BERKELEY RY UNIVERSITY OP CALIFORNIA THE NERVO-MUSCULAR MECHAN- ISM OF THE EYES* In the study of the motility of the eyes, there are fundamentals that must be known and appreciated in order that the subject may be clearly understood. These fundamentals may be briefly stated as fol- lows : 1. The image of the object on which the 'vision is to be fixed must lie on the macula. 2. The lines connecting this image and its object must be straight lines passing through the center of the retinal concave. 3. Every other object in the visual field and its image must, likewise, be connected by straight lines passing through the center of the retinal concave. 4. All visual lines, whether direct or in- direct, are radii of the retinal curvature prolonged, and hence each visual line must cross all other visual lines at the center of the retinal concave. 5. Any two objects in viewable space bear the same relationship, in degrees, as do their retinal images. 6. The direct or primary line of vision •Read in Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Section. Southern Medical Association, Ninth Annual Meeting. Dallas. Tex., Nov. 8-11, 1915. Reprint from the Southern Medical Jour- nal, Birmingham, Ala. 6 The Nervo-Muscular Mechanism of the Eyes is the visual axis which starts from the central point of the macula, while all other visual lines are indirect or secondary. 7. Any secondary point in space may become the point of direct view by a shift- ing of the visual axis into the position of the secondary visual line which connected that point with its image before the rota- tion began, which is possible only because the rotation is around that point through which all visual lines pass, the center of the retinal concave, which is the center of rotation. Only on the conceptions stated above can be formulated the true mental law of visible direction : "All lines of direction are radii of retinal curvature prolonged.'' In the light of this law all ocular ro- tations can be understood; but, before studying these rotations and the means by which they are accomplished, some essen- tial physical properties of the globe must be set forth. The poles of the eye must be correctly located ; the -meridians must be properly constructed; and the equator must be fitly related to the poles. The fatal mistake of Helmholtz, in his chapter on "Movements of the Eyes," was in his not making the central point of the macula always the posterior pole of the eye. He fell into this error because he chose, as the location of the anterior pole of the The Nervo-Muscular Mechanism of the Eyes 7 eye, the center of the corneal curve. His optic axis he constructed by carrying a line from his supposed anterior pole back through the center of rotation to the ret- ina, and named the retinal end of that line the posterior pole. Confessing, as he did, that in ideal eyes the posterior pole and the central point of the macula were one and the same, he gave himself the opportunity to rid himself of his error in locating the poles. That he did not do this is explainable only on the ground of his false conception of the law of visible direction which may be expressed in these words: "All lines of direction are axial rays of light and cross each other at the nodal point." His conception of the law of visible direction and his location of the poles of the eye made his location of the equator incorrect and his construction of the corneo-retinal meridians wrong. With the center of the macula as the posterior pole of all eyes, the anterior pole may, or may not, be the center of the cor- nea. . It is the center of the cornea only in ideal eyes. Through the true posterior pole of the eye all retinal meridians pass. Therefore, the center of the macula is common to all the retinal meridians. The only other point through which these me- ridians can pass is the anterior pole,— -the second common point for all meridians. 8 The Nervo-Muscular Mechanism of the lives The only line common to the planes of all the meridians is the line connecting the two poles, the visual axis which, in all eyes, is the true optic axis. The equator of the eye is that circle which passes around the eye, equally dis- tant, everywhere, from the two poles. Its plane cuts the center of rotation and is at right angles to the planes of all the me- ridians. In the plane of the equator there lie as many diameters as there are me- ridional planes; but only two of these de- mand any study. These two diameters lie, respectively, in the planes of the vertical and horizontal meridians, as well as in the plane of the equator. It is around one or both of these diameters, as axes, that all possible ocular rotations must take place. The line to be guided by the muscles and nerves of the eye, in any ro- tation, is common to the planes of both the vertical and horizontal meridians, which has already been shown to be the visual axis, — the true optic axis, — around which rotations are denied, except in nat- ural or artificial oblique astigmatism. In space, just as in the eye, there are points and lines, both straight and curved, to be known in order to arrive at a cor- rect understanding of ocular rotations. One of these lines is the visual axis ex- tended, on which must lie any object to be The Nervo-Muscular Mechanism of the Eyes 9 looked at fixedly. The location of such an object or point is the spacial pole of the eye. While the anterior and posterior poles of the eye have a fixed distance be- tween them and can not vary their dis- tance from the center of rotation, the spa- cial pole may be at any distance from the two ocular poles and from the center of rotation. Through the spacial pole of an eye pass spacial meridians, which are great circles concentric with the retinal meridians. The planes of the vertical and horizontal retinal meridians prolonged into space become the planes of the verti- cal and horizontal spacial meridians. The planes of all oblique retinal meridians bear a like relationship to the oblique spacial meridians. No point can be in viewable space which does not lie on some spacial meridian, and the eye is so constructed, as to its refractive power, as to compel the image of that point to fall on the reti- nal meridian having a common plane with the spacial meridian. Such a point in space, if secondary, is just as far removed, in degrees, from the spacial pole as its image is removed from the central point • of the macula. The line connecting the secondary point and its image forms its two angles with the visual axis at the cen- ter of rotation, which angles are equal be- cause opposite. 10 The Ncn'o-Muscular Mechanism of the Eyes The spacial equator is in the plane of the equator of the eye, but the former va- ries in size, always corresponding with the spacial meridians both as to size and as to its distance from the center of rota- tion. Any number of small spacial cir- cles may be constructed parallel with the spacial equator and between it and the spacial pole, their diameters growing shorter and shorter as they proceed from the equator toward the pole, reaching zero at the pole. For convenience of study, these spacial parallels may be placed 10° apart, the point of starting being the spa- cial pole. Likewise retinal parallels might be constructed 10° apart, the smaller one being 10° from the posterior pole of the eye. Since the spacial meridians corre- spond with their respective retinal me- ridians, point with point everywhere, a spacial parallel at a given distance from the spacial pole must correspond every- where with a retinal parallel located the same number of degrees from the poste- rior pole of the eye. With the foregoing facts fixed in the, mind, , monocular rotations ought not to be difficult to understand. In monocular rotation every rotation plane is a merid- ional plane extended, and in the spacial part of this plane lie both the first and second points of view, while, in its retinal The Nervo-Muscular Mechanism of the Eyes 11 part, lie the images of the two points. The first point of view must be at the spacial pole and its image must be on the central point of the macula; the second point of view must be just as many de- grees from the spacial pole, on a given spacial meridian, as its image is removed from the retinal pole, on the correspond- ing retinal meridian. The change from the one point of view to the other is but a shifting of the visual axis in the plane common to the following five points: the first and second points of view, their two retinal images, and the center of rotation. In the shifting the spacial end of the vis- ual axis moves from the primary to the secondary point, while the retinal end moves from the primary to the secondary image, the motion being around the cen- tral point of the retinal concave, which is also the central point of the spacial con- cave. Every pair of eyes, endowed with the possibility of binocular single vision, can be made to fuse their respective spacial fields into a single binocular spacial field, with a binocular pole, meridians and par- allels. The fundamental fact of binocu- lar single vision is common brain cell con- nection; that is, each visual cell is diax- onic, one axone going to a point in one retina,while the other axone goes to a 12 The Nervo-Muscular Mechanism of the Eyes point in the other retina; and thus is cre- ated corresponding retinal points. With- out such common brain cell connection, the binocular spacial pole, meridians and parallels would be impossible, for there could be no corresponding retinal points. This condition is not uncommon, and over such eyes the law of binocular rotations has no power. Ocular rotations, whether monocular or binocular, can not be understood except in the light of the two planes of reference shown in Fig. 4 on page 18. These two planes are the fixed vertical and hori- zontal planes of the head, the one, g-h-i-j, being half-way between the centers of the two eyes, the other, a-b-c-d, cutting the centers of the two eyes. As their names imply, these two planes are at right an- gles to each other. The other plane, k-l-m-n, shown in Fig. 4, is Listing's plane, which is neither a plane of reference nor is it a plane containing the axes of rota- tions, as was once taught. The line e-f is made by the intersection of the two planes of reference. From the point / may be studied the four cardinal directions, c and d, directly to the left and right, in the horizontal plane ; and i and j, directly above and below, in the vertical plane. Points not in one or the other of these planes are obliquely related to the line of The Nervo-Muscular Mechanism of the Eyes 13 their intersection. The shifting of the visual axes in either one of these planes is the result of a cardinal rotation; when the visual axes are made to movo out of these planes, the rotation is oblique. Fig. 1 on page 15 represents a horizontal car- dinal rotation; Fig. 2 represents a verti- cal cardinal rotation; while Fig. 3 repre- sents an oblique rotation. To these figures ref- erence will again be made after a study of the ocular muscles and the nerve centers controll- ing them. The ocular muscles, as to their origin, course and insertion, or attachment to the eye, are too well known to require study here. The six muscles of each eye are di- visible into three pairs as follows: (1) the externus and the internus; (2) the supe- rior and the inferior recti; and (3) the superior and inferior obliques. If there were but one eye, the posing of the head would make it unimportant td study the first and second grouping; but the third grouping, even then, should not be ig- nored, for the reason that no posing of the head would greatly help them, if un- balanced in tonicity, in their work of al- ways keeping the vertical axis of the eye parallel with the median plane of the head. In this grouping the two muscles of a pair are related to each other as to tonic- 14 The Nervo-Museular Mechanism of the Eyes ity and not as to contractility. Hence each pair should be studied when neither muscle is under the active control of any brain center. Such study is impossible, if there is but one eye. Fortunately it is a matter of no consequence, when there is but one eye, . whether the first or the second pair are equal or unequal in toni- city. In binocular vision it is of im- mense importance to know if the two mus- cles of any one of the three pairs are of equal or unequal tonicity; that is, are they orthophoric or heterophoric? This, as to the recti, best can be answered only when the two eyes are dissociated in action by ciated by means of the cyclophorometer. means of the monocular phorometer; and as to the obliques, when they are disso- The oculist who neglects such a study of the ocular muscles is unjust to himself and cruel to his patients. Great as is the temptation to enter here into a full study of this feature of muscle problems, I must not yield, as time will not allow. I have heard otherwise well- informed men boast of their ignorance of heterophoric conditions; but that boast would not now be a badge of respectabil- ity. In our study of Charts 1, 2, and 3 we will see the wonderful provision in the brain for the helpfulness of eyes, in the work of binoc- The Nervo-Muscular Mechanism of the Eyes 15 ular single vision, whose muscles, in one or all of the three pairs, are heterophoric. In the next grouping of the ocular mus- Fig. I. cles in pairs, the one muscle of every pair will belong to one eye while the other mus- cle of the pair will belong to the other 16 The Nervo-Muscular Mechanism of the Eyes eye. In this grouping the muscles will be studied in action and not in a state of rest. There are nine pairs: (1) the two Fig. II. superior recti for rotating the two eyes directly upward; (2) the two inferior recti for rotating the two eyes directly The Nervo-Muscular Mechanism of the Eyes 17 downward (these two rotations will be around the horizontal axis of the eye, but with torsion which must be prevented by- Fig, in. associated action of two pairs of the ob- liques) ; (3) the two interni for converg- ing the eyes on an object near bv (with- 2 18 The Nervo-Muscular Mechanism of the Eyes out torsion if the near point be in the ex- tended horizontal plane of the head) ; (4) the right externus and the left internus, for effecting the right cardinal rotation; (5) the left externus and the right inter- nus, for effecting the left cardinal rota- Fig. IV. tion (these two rotations will be around the vertical axis of the eye without tor- sion) ; (6) the two superior obliques for aiding the two inferior recti in the down- ward cardinal rotation, their chief work being to maintain the parallelism of the two vertical axes with the median plane of the head; (7) the two inferior obliques to aid the two superior recti in the upward cardinal rotation, their chief work being n oj r- or © © — U a u o OJ 22 The Nervo-Muscular Mechanism of the Eyes to prevent the loss of parallelism between the vertical axes of the eyes and the me- dian plane of the head; (8) the superior oblique of the right eye and the inferior oblique of the left eye to maintain paral- lelism of the vertical axes of the eyes with the median plane of the head, in every rotation obliquely up and to the right or down and to the left; (9) the su- perior oblique of the left eye and the in- ferior oblique of the right eye to prevent loss of parallelism of the vertical axes of the eyes with the median plane of the head, in every rotation of the eyes ob- liquely up and to the left or down and to the right. Of these nine pairs, five are of recti muscles and four are of oblique muscles. In the grouping of the ocular muscles into active pairs, as above, each pair is under the volitional control of one conju- gate center. These centers, nine in all, can be studied in Charts 1 and 2 in connection with any one of the several plates, but preferably in connection with that plate not numbered. In orthophoric eyes no other brain centers are needed in the four cardinal rotations and in convergence. In every oblique rotation of orthophoric eyes other centers are needed in the interest of binocular single vision. These centers are necessary for all heterophoric eyes, The Nervo-Muscular Mechanism of the Eyes 23 whether at rest or in motion. These cen- ters are at the base of the brain, and each is connected with only a single muscle. They are, therefore, twelve in number, six being- on each side of the brain. The fu- sion faculty of the mind — not volition — presides over these centers and they are made to serve in the interest of binocular single vision and correct orientation. Cardinal rotations of orthophoric eyes are easier than oblique rotations, for the reason that basal or fusion centers have nothing to do in the former, while two of these centers are necessarily in action in every oblique rotation. In hetero- phoric conditions, two or more of the basal centers are constantly in a state of activ- ity, whether the eyes be in rotation or at rest — unacted on by any conjugate center. The brain centers that are chargeable with the "wear-and-tear" of eye strain are the basal or fusion centers. The conju- gate or volitional brain centers neither cause heterophoric conditions nor do they attempt to correct them. All the brain centers controlling the oc- ular muscles belong to one of two groups : First, the cortical centers, which are un- der the control of volition. The cells of all these centers are diaxonic, one axone going to one muscle of a pair, while the other axone goes to the other muscle of 24 The Nervo-Musculor Mechanism of the Eyes that pair. The second group consists of centers located at the base of the brain, all the cells of which are monaxonic, each center having under its control only one muscle. These centers are all presided over by the fusion faculty of the mind. The cortical centers are properly called conjugate centers, since each directs the rotation of the two eyes. They are also called verting centers, since it is neuricity from one or other, or at most three, of these, that causes the turning of the two eyes from one point of view to another. Since the point of view is changed only as one wills to do so, another appropriate name is volitional centers. These centers can best be studied in the plates collected in Charts 1 and 2, in which they are shown schematically. Take the uncomplicated plate, unnumbered, in Chart 2, for this purpose. Eleven cortical centers are shown on each side of the brain. The centers 10 and 11 do not belong to the extrinsic ocular mus- cles, but to the sphincters of the iris and the ciliary muscles. That leaves nine cen- ters for the recti and the obliques. This number corresponds precisely with the number of pairs into which we have found the muscles of the two eyes grouped. There is, therefore, one conjugate center for each pair. These centers and their respective pairs of muscles are numbered The Nervo-Muscular Mechanism of the Eyes 25 in harmony in order to make their study most easy. A glance at the unnumbered plate will show eighteen conjugate centers, nine of which are represented by large circles, while the remaining nine are represented by small circles. Eight of the nine large circles (1 to 9, except 5), in this and in all the plates in charts are in the left side of the brain, while the remaining large circle (5) stands alone in the right side of the brain. The large circles represent the active conjugate centers in control of the nine pairs of extrinsic ocular muscles. The other small circles, eight of which (1 to 9, except 5), are in the right brain, while the other one (5) is in the left brain, represent the conjugate centers that would have controlled the nine pairs of the extrinsic ocular muscles, if the cause determining which group of nine centers should be active, had been in their favor. At birth every one of the eighteen con- jugate centers (1 to 9 on each side) stands equally ready for action, and the diaxones of all the cells of all these centers enter into the formation of the three pairs (third, fourth and sixth) of motor nerves, by means of which the muscles are con- nected with their respective centers. One- half of these axones are to be forever in- active, as if dead wires, for the nine cen- 26 The Nervo-Muscular Mechanism of the Eyes ters from which they go will never become generators and dischargers of neuricity. The cause that determines which nine conjugate centers shall have control of the extrinsic ocular muscles (also determin- ing whether the right or left tenth and eleventh conjugate centers shall control the ciliary muscles and the pupil contract- ors) is anatomic. If the diaxonic visual cells connected with the two maculas are located in the left cuneus, all the active conjugate centers, except the fifth, will be in the left brain, as shown in all the plates of Charts 1 and 2. The same condition also predetermines the location of the ac- tive speech center in the left brain. Such a person is predestined to be right-hand- ed; and the higher faculties of his mind will use only the left side of the brain. The reverse of all this would be true if the diaxonic visual cells connected with the two maculas were located in the right cuneus. In such a person the only active conjugate center in the left brain would be the fourth. The left fourth and the right fifth conjugate centers are always active, whether the person be right- or left-handed. The fusion centers, twelve in number, one for each ocular muscle, exist in the interest of binocular single vision. All these are ready for action at birth, and The N ervo -Muscular Mechanism of the Eyes 27 each one always remains ready to store and discharge neuricity to the muscle to which it belongs when that muscle must contract in order that diplopia may be prevented, and orientation may be correct. In orthophoric eyes oblique rotations could not be accomplished, and single vision be maintained, without the aid of two of the twelve fusion centers. In heterophoric eyes there would be diplopia whether the eyes were at rest or in motion, were it not for these fusion centers. The nature of the imbalance determines which of these centers shall be in constant action — in esophoria, the right and left fourth; in exophoria, the right and left third ; in left hyperphoria and right cataphoria, the right first and the left second, and so' on. Imbalance of each of the three pairs of muscles would keep in constant activity six of the twelve basal centers. Untreated heterophoria means perpetual action of two or more of these basal centers, dur- ing all waking hours, and in both distant and near seeing. Such centers and their respective muscles get no rest except in sleep, or when one eye is covered or vol- untarily closed. In lateral heterophoria a posing of the head may bring rest to one basal center, but it will demand greater activity on the part of the other one, whether these centers be the right and left 28 The Nervo-Muscular Mechanism of the Eyes third or the right and left fourth basal centers. It is no longer any wonder that many people, who have lost one eye, claim that the remaining eye is stronger than the two eyes ever were. Such people were heter- ophoric and their fusion centers had no longer any occasion for either storing or discharging neuricity, after the loss of one eye. Conjugate centers, .as already stated, are never called on for the correction of heterophorias, for this must be done by the fusion centers. There are conditions, however, that make excessive demands on the conjugate centers. These conditions can only be named here: asthenic ortho- phoria and asthenic heterophoria of what- ever kind. Sthenic orthophoria and the sthenic heterophorias make less than the normal demand on the conjugate centers. In the following study of the structure of the three pairs of motor nerves of the eyes, these must be considered as belong- ing to a person who is right-handed, whose macular connections are all in the left brain. Plate 1 shows that conjugate cen- ters 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 10 and 11, in the left brain, send forth their fibers across the median line to help form the right third nerve, and that conjugate center 5 in the right brain sends direct fibers to help form this The Ncrvo-Muscular Mechanism of the Eyes 29 nerve. Only half the axones from these eight conjugate centers are thus directed. The other half of the axones from the cen- ters named, except the fifth, enter into the formation of the left third nerve (See Plate 2), and in this nerve will be found half the axones from the left fourth con- jugate center. None of the fibers, or ax- ones, forming the left third nerve have crossed from the opposite side of the brain. The balance of the right third nerve is formed by all the single axones of right basal centers 1, 2, 3, 7, 10 and 11; and the balance of the left third nerve is composed of all the fibers from the left 1, 2, 3, 7, 10 and 11 basal centers. Thus, it will be seen, that each third nerve is composed of half the fibers from eight conjugate cen- ters and all the fibres from six basal cen- ters. The construction of the fourth pair of nerves is very simple, as shown in Plates 3 and 4 of Chart 1. The right fourth has in it half the axones from the left six and eighth conjugate centers and all the axones from the right sixth basal cen- ter. The left fourth nerve is composed of half the axones from the left sixth and ninth conjugate centers and all the axones from the left sixth basal or fusion center. All the volitional fibers of the right fourth nerve have crossed, as'* shown in Plate 3; 30 The Nervo-Muscular Mechanism of the Eyes while none of those forming the left fourth nerve, as shown in Plate 4, have crossed. The construction of the sixth pair of nerves is still less complicated. Plate 5 shows the right sixth nerve composed of half the axones from th^ left fourth con- jugate center and all the axones from the right fourth basal or fusion center. Plate 6 shows the left sixth nerve composed of half the axones from the right fifth con- jugate center, and ail the axones from the left fourth basal or fusion center. All the voluntary fibers found in either of the two sixth nerves have crossed on their way from center to muscle. None of the fu- sion fibers of any one of the three pairs of motor nerves have crossed to the oppo- site side. All the fibers or axones enter- ing into the formation of these nerves are insulated from their starting point, the central cell, to their termination In the muscles, so that the neuricity generated by these cells may not be dissipated when discharged to the muscles for controlling them in their action. The active fusion centers in the several forms of heterophoria are shown in the plates of Chart 3, and the last plate in Chart 2. The unnumbered plate in Chart 2 shows the fact that, in orthophoria, there is no excitation of either conjugate or fusion centers when the point of view is straightforward and, The Ncrvo-Muscular Mechanism of the Eyes 31 practically, at infinity. Both brain rest and muscle inaction are shown in this plate by the absence of all connecting fibers. Plate 25 shows the two fusion centers that must be unremittingly active in left hyperphoria and right cataphoria. These are the right first and left second fusion centers acting, respectively, on the right superior and left inferior rectus. If the condition were right hyperphoria and left cataphoria, the excited fusion centers would be the left first and the right sec- ond, and the constantly contracting mus- cles would be the left superior and right inferior recti. Plate 21 shows the excited fusion cen- ters and the contracting muscles in ex- ophoria, while Plate 17 shows the over- worked fusion centers and their respective muscles in esophoria. Plate 36 illustrates the brain and muscle activity in plus cy- clophoria, while Plate 37 shows the fusion centers and the two muscles which are in constant action in minus cyclophoria. These heterophorias successfully treated by operation or other means would give to brain centers and muscles the restful state shown in the unnumbered plate. Untreated, the wear-and-tear of brain and muscles must go on to the end of life. Before closing with the study of rota- 32 The Ncrvo-Muscular Mechanism of the Eyes tions, the muscles and brain centers con- cerned in each, the laws of motion must be given. LAW OF MONOCULAR MOTION The law governing - monocular rotations may be formulated as follows: "(1) The visual axis, which is the line of intersection of the planes of all me- ridians, must be rotated in the plane of that meridian on tvhich lie the first and second points of view and their retinal images. "(2) In the plane of the horizontal, or that of the vertical meridian, the rota- tion must be effected around, a single fixed axis, at right-angles to the rotation plane and cutting it at the center of rotation — if in the horiontal plane, around the verti- cal axis of the eye; if in the vertical plane, around the transverse axis of the eye. "(3) In the plane of an oblique rotation, whatever the degree of obliquity, the rota- tion must be accomplished, around two moving axes by two forces acting simul- taneously, these axes being the transverse and vertical axes, both at right-angles to the visual axis, but neither one at right- angles to any oblique rotation plane; while a third force prevents any rotation around the visual axis." The law of monocular motion, since The Nervo -Muscular Mechanism of the Eyes 33 binocular vision is not in consideration, is accomplished without any demand on the fusion centers, just as in monocular rest there is no such demand. LAW OF BINOCULAR ROTATIONS In binocular rotations each eye must obey the law of monocular motion, but the two together must obey the laiv of binocu- lar rest and motion. "The twelve extrin- sic muscles of normal eyes under the con- trol of the nine conjugate and the twelve fusion brain centers, must so relate the two eyes that their two visual axes and the two horizontal retinal meridians shall always lie in the plane of the primary isogonal circle, whether at rest or in mo- tion, and that the two visual axes shall converge at some point on this circle, in the interest of both binocular single vision and correct orientation" Binocular rotations can best be stud- ied in the light of Fig. 4. In this study the two eyes will be considered as or- thophoric. The line e-f of intersection of the two planes of reference is the line on which every object or point must be located which is to be considered the pri- mary point of view. If this point is at infinity, the conjugate and the fusion brain centers and all the ocular muscles are in a state of rest. If the point is near 3 34 The Nervo-Muscular Mechanism of the Eyes by, only two extrinsic muscles (the inter- ni) and one conjugate brain center (the third) are in action. Objects or points in space not on the line e-f are secondary points of view. If these points are in either the horizontal or the vertical plane of reference, they are cardinally related to points on the line e-f. Points not in either of these planes are obliquely related to their line of inter- section, e-f. The points c and d are in the horizontal plane with /. In moving the visual axes from / to d, the fourth conjugate center and the right externus and left internus are active, and each eye is rotated around its vertical axis. All other centers and muscles are at rest in this rotation. In moving the visual axes from f to c the fifth conjugate center sends neuricity to the left externus and right internus. In cardinal rotations, right or left, only two muscles are called into action by only one conjugate center. The right rotation is shown in Fig. 1. Points i and / are in the vertical plane of the head with point /. In rotation of the visual axes from / to i two pairs of mus- cles and two conjugate centers will be called into action by the will. One pair of the muscles is the two superior recti and the other, the two inferior obliques. The Nervo-Muscular Mechanism of the Eyes 35 The centers calling these muscles into ac- tion are, respectively, the first and sev- enth conjugate centers. This rotation is shown in Fig. 2. The rotation from / to j would be effected by the two inferior recti and the two superior obliques, under the influence, respectively, of the second and sixth conjugate centers. In both of these cardinal rotations of orthophoric eyes, all other ocular muscles and brain centers, not named in that connection, are at rest. These rotations are around the horizontal axis of the eye. A point anywhere above the horizontal plane and to the right of the vertical plane, obliquely related to point /, can be reached by the two visual eyes only by the harmonious action of three pairs of mus- cles — the two superior recti, the right ex- ternus and left internus, and the right su- perior oblique and left inferior oblique — and by three conjugate centers, respec- tively, the first, the fourth, and the eighth. All other muscles and conjugate centers are inactive. Two fusion centers, the right first and the left third, must aid in this rotation. This rotation, as shown in Fig. 3, and all other oblique rotations are effected around two moving axes, the ver- tical and horizontal axes, by means of three pairs of muscles acted on by their respective conjugate centers, aided by two 36 The Nervo-Muscular Mechanism of the Eyes fusion centers. The rotation shown in Fig. 3 is an example of all oblique rota- tions. All oblique rotations are around the same two axes, each moving as the eye rotates around the other. These two axes are the vertical and horizontal axes of the eyes, and these are the axes of the four cardinal rotations, though in either of the latter there is but one axis and it is fixed throughout the given rotation. The aim of the treatment of all forms of heterophoria is to make it easy for the eyes to obey the law of binocular rest and motion. ROUTINE IN EYE WORK* The title of my address presupposes prepared- ness for practice. The past, in many instances, would not justify this presumption, for it has been notorious that " the six-weeks' postgraduate course " has plunged many a man into eye work without proper preparation. As out of the old- time medical course of two years, which never did fit one for the practice of medicine and sur- gery, there occasionally grew giants — such as Flint, Gross, and others — so out of a course in ophthalmology all too short there have sprung some men of might in our specialty. The real preparation of these men began after their short courses of study, under teachers, had ended, and was carried on by dint of personal effort in pri- vate study and meditation, long continued. " The heights by these men reached and kept Were not attained by sudden flight; But they, while many comrades slept, Were toiling upward in the night." Times are changing, and the near future will reveal a more perfect preparation on plans more practical. Rules for governing the future teach« •Chairman's address, read before the Section on Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat at the annual meeting of the Tennessee Stat* Medical Association, Knoxville, April, 1916. 38 Routine in live Work ing of ophthalmology are now being formulated by committees from the American Ophthalmo- logical Society, the Section of Ophthalmology of the American Medical Association, and the Acad- emy of Ophthalmology and Oto-Laryngology. The joint report of these committees, doubtless, will demand that only graduates in medicine shall be permitted to enter a specific and pro- longed course in ophthalmology, in a medical in- stitution authorized by law to confer degrees, and that only such a' degree will entitle an appli- cant to the privilege of an examination by a properly constituted, lawful national board of examiners, whose certificate would give him the legal right to practice in any state of our Union. We who are already in the practice need not be troubled because of any demands to be made on us, for the new rules will not be retroactive; but we may well fear the competition of the products of future teaching, unless we ourselves become better grounded in the principles of ophthalmology and more fully equipped for its practice. There is no specialty in medicine and surgery comparable to ours in scientific depths and in practical heights. The scientific principles can be found in their beauty and strength only by deep digging; the practical heights can be at- Routine in Eye Work 39 tained only by him who is willing to climb, and to keep on climbing, though he may have stum- bled often. Whether one gets into the practice of ophthal- mology through the short route of the past, and straight because so short, or through the longer and devious road of the future, if he wishes for the best success, he must be a routinist as to methods and means. Routine in eye work does not mean that one should never change from a method, or plan, of work, unless that method, or plan, be perfect. One routine should be to change from worse to better at every opportu- nity. There are some perfected methods of do- ing eye work, and there are some means at our command that cannot be improved. I wish I might be able to say this of all methods and of every means ; but this cannot be said until oph- thalmology, both as a science and as an art, has reached perfection. The relationship between the practitioner and the patient sometimes begins when the one has never seen the other, the medium between the two being the written letter. The letter, long or short, well written or badly composed, pertinent or impertinent, pointed or without point, de- mands an answer. The reply should disclaim any ability to make a diagnosis without a per- 40 Routine in Eye Work sonal investigation, but should express a will- ingness to do everything possible for the relief of such condition as might be found on careful examination. Any suggestion as to " absent treatment " should be courteously declined as a thing improper and impossible. An early visit may be suggested or even urged, for the condi- tion may be serious. Unless the patient's letter contains a direct question as to fee, the reply should make no mention of it. If there be a di- rect question as to the fee for examination and advice, the amount should be named for such preliminary examination as would justify a diag- nosis and include a prescription if needed. The letter should state that the charge for a more extended service, or an operation, if necessary, can be learned before such service is rendered. It is better that this understanding should be had beforehand. Uniformity in charges against those who are able to pay should be a fixed routine, whether the charge be named in a letter or spoken in per- son. " The same fee for the same service " is a splendid, practical motto. Any variation from this should be either a professional courtesy or an act of charity. The best charity in this re- spect is to allow the patient to pay as much as possible of the regular charge and then cancel Routine in Eye Work 41 the remainder. To charge a higher fee than usual because one may be rich is not good rou- tine. It is not good even on the ground that this would enable you to do charity work for others. Charity thus paid for by another is no charity, hence would not be credited by the Re- cording Angel. The majority of patients come without pre- vious announcement, often with the family physi- cian or bearing a letter from him. If the pa- tient is poor or in moderate circumstances or rich, it is usually told. If poor and a charitable consideration is suggested, it should be heeded. No one can know the financial condition of a patient better than the family physician. What- ever may be the state of finances, the patient who has been assured by the family physician that he or she will be properly treated in every re- pect is not likely to ask a question as to the charge until the service has been rendered. Let- ters from physicians should be acknowledged with thanks, and they should be told of condi- tions found and of treatment instituted for the relief of their patients. Many patients come without a letter of introduction and commenda- tion. In whatever manner patients may come, they should be courteously met at the door by the 4_' Routine in Eye Work office girl, who, after seating them, should pre- sent them with a Keller book of perforated cards, every other leaf of which is nonperforated. Be- tween the two leaves there should be a carbon paper, with the black face toward the solid leaf, with a pencil provided — better tied to the book. Each patient should be asked to write his or her name and address on the lowest card. The next patient should write on the next card above, and so on until every recent arrival shall have filled a card. Each name should be taken in the order of arrival. The names of attendants or chap- erons should not be taken. Whether one or sev- eral names have been written, only the filled cards should be torn away. The next duty of the office girl is to place the cards, in the order in which they have been filled, under the double punch in such a way that one of the holes to be made shall be close to the right end of the card. On the same board with the punch there should be two uprights, with movable clips for opening and closing them. The cards should be filed, in their proper order, on the left- upright, through the hole at the end of the name and close to the end of the card. As others arrive, the same or- der of procedure should follow. On this stand- ard will appear only the names of patients not yet seen. The card that is lowest always belongs Routine in Eye Work 43 to the patient next to be seen. The best method of procedure now is to call, by bell tap, the office girl to your desk, while you pull the bottom card loose from the left standard. Reading the name and address, you direct the girl to bring that pa- tient in, while you place the card on the right- hand standard through the untorn opening at the other end of the card. Remembering the name, or glancing at it again, you are enabled to greet the patient by name as she enters, to be seated near your desk. This transference of cards from one standard to the other is made, as patient after patient is seen, until every one has been presented. As each patient is retiring, the proper entering of the fee should be made on the card, and either the word " charge " or " paid " should be written. At each subsequent bell tap the office girl could bring the next patient, in order, from the car- bon writing on the solid leaf, checking each name as the patient is sent in. But this is not the bet- ter routine. This would not insure your having looked at the name, for you may have failed to transfer that patient's card from the one stand- ard to the other; hence the failure to greet by name — a failure that would have a bad effect on a new patient and a worse effect still on an old patient. The main purpose of the carbon writ- 44 Routine in Eye Work ing is that it may be referred to at any subse- quent time, and for this reason every solid page should be dated at the top. At the end of every day, after transferring all charges to the blotter or daybook, the cards filed during the day should be thrown away. The routine use of the Keller registration book produces the following results : ( 1 ) It insures the presentation of patients in the order of ar- rival ; (2) it enables the doctor to greet the pa- tient by name; (3) if the patient is an old one, the record may be looked into before the presen- tation ; (4) it insures against failure to make the proper financial entry ; (5) at the close of the day the exact number of patients may be known by counting the cards ; (6) a permanent carbon copy of each day's record is kept for reference. When in the consulting room, some patients will hesitate to take the offered chair until they know something about the cost of the consulta- tion. One question sometimes asked is : " Do you charge anything for the examination ? " This question, doubtless, is more often asked of oculists than of any other class of physicians, for the reason that so-called " oculists " advertise : "Examinations free." The routine answer to this question should be : " If I did not charge, I would have to spend all my time treating curi- Routine in Eye Work 45 osity." This statement, in such cases, should be immediately followed by the naming of the usual fee for a preliminary examination. Only rarely will such a prospective patient depart without a proper consultation. A large number of patients, after being seated, will ask : " Doctor, what will be your charge for finding out what my condition is, and what ought to be done for me, for I am not sure that I will want treatment to-day ? " They should be told the usual fee, which should always be uniform, and this charge should include a prescription, should the condition call for that only. If this investigation is carefully made, in a routine, but thorough, manner, the patient will be ready and willing to submit to whatever sub- sequent procedure may be advised, as soon as the fee for same may have been named, whether it be the fitting of glasses, operations on the muscles, or other operative work. A still larger number of patients will indicate that their chief desire is to know^ the nature of their cases and to obtain relief, willing to leave the matter of fee for the final consideration, hav- ing the conscious assurance that they will not be overcharged, and this confidence should not be abused. Whether a patient belongs to one or the other 46 Routine in Eye Work of these three classes, or even if the patient be known to be penniless, the same conscientious, careful consideration should be given to every detail of the investigation. The oculist should be a good listener ; for, whether necessary or not, the patient believes that the story of suffer- ing and other facts of personal or family history should be told. Routine listening is not dam- aged by a question properly propounded. The question may impress the patient that your in- terest is deepening; The patient's story may be cut short by a very simple little procedure, which may not always be necessary, but, because of its effectiveness, should be practiced. It is the pull- ing down of the lower lid, first on one side and then on the other, accompanied by a look into the lower conjunctival fold. If this is found perfectly healthy, there is but little need for everting the upper lid ; but if the lymph follicles are enlarged, the upper lid should be turned to ascertain if trachoma bodies are present. One can then proceed with the investigation, the pa- tient now being pleased to answer questions only. The presence of a pterygium, corneal ulcer, scar, or opacity can now be noted. The size of the pupil and its reaction to light should be observed. The pupil may be found black or hazy, as in cat- aract. No comment should now be made on any Routine in Eye Work 47 of these observations. If small, inactive pupil, circumcorneal, or even general, redness, with lachrymation, pain and dread of light should in- dicate iritis, the touchstone of the investigation should be applied — atropine solution instilled — and the patient should be sent to some dark cor- ner to await the effect. No dilatation at all, or irregular or jagged dilatation, now justifies the diagnosis of iritis. Not only the diagnosis, but also the seriousness of the disease, should be told; and the routine treatment should be insti- tuted. Should the pupil be dilated, inactive, and ap- parently greenish, whether redness or pain ex- ists or not, glaucoma should be suspected. In- creased tension, whether shown to the fingers or by the tonometer, would make the case more suspicious ; but the diagnosis should not be given until the ophthalmoscope has revealed the cupped disc. In giving the diagnosis, the gravity of the condition should be mentioned to either the pa- tient or to a relative or near friend. The acute- ness of vision, if any, should be noted. As in all others, the case history should be taken. Treat- ment suited to the case should be instituted. Op- eration must be done if the case is acute, and may be done if the case is subacute or chronic. Every operator should select that method of op- 48 Routine in Eye Work erating which appeals to him most, and should do it routinely — if trephining, by all means tre- phine ; if LaGrange's operation, do it constantly ; if the modified LaGrange — the cutting off of the corneal lip — do it; if the iris-incarceration op- eration, do it ; if the Graefe broad iridectomy, do it. As for myself, I prefer the modified La- Grange; and the more often I do it, the better able I am to do it and the more successful I will be in my results. To outline my routine in connection with other diseases would make this address entirely too long. My main purpose, from the beginning, was to outline and emphasize the importance of routine work in detecting and correcting errors of refraction and muscle errors. In a given case we have found no evidence of the existence of any ocular disease. The patient has given a history pointing more or less strong- ly to some visual defect. Routine work of investigation should now be- gin. If not already seated between the refrac- tion case and the phorometer, the patient should be so placed. The card of test letters should be immediately in front, and distant twenty feet. The patient should now be asked to read with the two eyes the smallest letters possible to her. The result should be noted. Then each eye Routine in Eye Work 49 should be tested alone in the same manner. The fact that vision with each eye alone is 20-20 is no evidence that hyperopia does not exist and that astigmatism is absent; but myopia and high degrees of astigmatism have been eliminated. The next routine step should be to prove the presence or absence of hyperopia, and this is done by holding a pair of spheres, +2.00 D, be- fore the eyes and noting the acuteness of vision through them. If vision is 20-20 through these lenses, there is a high degree of hyperopia ; and if better than 20-100, there is more or less hyper- opia present in one or both eyes. In a case of this kind astigmatism of low degree may be easily detected by means of a pair of +.50 D cylinders. If, with the axes vertical, the vision is more acute than when they are horizontal, there is astigmatism according to the rule ; if, with these cylinders, with axes horizontal, vision is more acute than when vertical, there is astig- matism against the rule. If, without lenses, vision is low, it may be due to a very high de- gree of hyperopia, which would be shown by the fact that vision is improved by strong plus spheres ; or it may be chargeable to myopia, which will be shown by more acute vision through strong minus spheres ; or the low vision may depend on high degrees of astigmatism, 50 Routine in Eye Work which will be shown by increased acuity of vision through strong cylinders, either plus or minus, with their axes in certain positions. The routine of the preliminary examination might end here if the ciliary muscles, as once claimed, were Pandora's box, out of which come all evils chargeable to the eyes ; and proper steps might be taken at once to prepare the patient for the final examination, looking toward the correc- tion of the focal errors just detected. If there is but one eye, the preliminary examination out- lined above is the beginning and the end. Not so when there are two eyes. Not to go further would mean failure in a large percent of cases. The routine worker now turns from the trial case to the phorometer, with confidence that its findings will help him to render better service to his patient. A word as to the phorometer itself before put- ting it to routine use. While on the floor in Den- ver, in 1898, discussing the method of determin- ing heterophoric conditions, I stated that the per- fect phorometer has not yet been invented, but, when invented, it would be built on the principle that the retinal image in one eye should be undis- turbed throughout any given test of the other eye ; that no binocular phorometer is trustworthy. Hesitating a moment, I said: "At this very mo- Routine in Eye Work 51 ment the monocular phorometer has taken form in my mind, and as soon as I return home I will have it made and put to the test." Many of you are acquainted with that device which was made, at my suggestion, by F. A. Hardy & Co. in the early fall of 1898, since which time, until recent- ly, it has had no rival as a monocular instru- ment. While, through the years, many have been convinced that the monocular principle is the cor- rect one, and that the monocular phorometer is the only one worthy of trust, many others have held on to the binocular idea and have used only the binocular instrument. The day for the dis- card of the binocular phorometer has come, and the monocular phorometer is here to reign for all time. The day of retirement of my own monocular phorometer has come, and likewise that of my cyclophorometer, which of necessity is a binocular instrument ; but the principle stands forever. DeZeng has eliminated from his beau- tiful optophorometer the binocular feature, the only thing that ever marred his instrument. In its perfected state it is a monocular phorometer and a cyclophorometer in combination. Its beauty and utility are beyond criticism, and, at the risk of damaging it, I have brought it with me to show it. It is more beautiful than mine, more convenient of use, and just as accurate. 52 Routine in Bye Work With the DeZeng instrument all the tests of the two eyes, taken separately, can be made in six to ten minutes, including the record of the findings. It will quickly drive all binocular phorometers from the field. Having said this much about the monocular phorometer, we can now take up the routine of its use. The test object should be a small point of light, though it may be the blaze of an ordi- nary candle. It should be distant from the pa- tient twenty feet — practical infinity. . The pupil must not be under the influence of either a mydri- atic or a myotic, but the two eyes should be as set forth in the routine test for determining the presence or absence of focal errors, and, if pres- ent, their character. The uninfluenced pupils and ciliary muscles, throughout the preliminary test, are implied in the expression : " The rou- tine worker now turns from the trial case to the phorometer." With the DeZeng monocular phorometer turned into position, as if the optometer part was to be used, but with its cells empty, the spirit level should be regulated and one eye or the other chosen for the testing of the tonicity of the four recti muscles in the four cardinal directions only. Take the right eye, since in making rec- ords " O. D." is always written first. There Routine in Eye Work 53 should be nothing but empty space in front of the left eye, and this, throughout the test of the right eye, should be the fixing eye. The ten- degree prism should be turned into position, base in, before the right eye, which will throw the retinal image nasalward, outside the fusion area. The false object will be thrown directly to the right, and it should be perfectly level with the true or fixed object. If not level,, it is because muscle tonicity has turned the eye either up or down, the false object having gone in the oppo- site direction. Want of levelness demands that the rotary prism should be turned into position, the rotary screw directly out, and the index of prism at zero. The prism is now so rotated as to bring the false object level with the true or fixed object. The extent of this rotation is noted; and if the false object had to be elevated, the note would read R. hyperphoria " so many " degrees; but if the false object had to be de- pressed, the reading would be R. cataphoria " so many " degrees. Either now, or as well at the end of the tonicity tests of the recti muscles, the proof test for hyperphoria should be applied. It consists of a Maddox double prism, 3 to 5 degrees each, to be held, base line horizontal, first before one eye and then before the other, allowing the patient to look through only one of 54 Routine in Eye Work the prisms at a time. Raising and lowering the prisms, the patient is asked to name the position which makes the false object nearer the true. If there is right hyperphoria, the false object will fuse with the true or be near it through the upper prism, but far removed when seen through the lower prism by the right eye. The reverse will be true when the double prism is moved up and down before the cataphoric eye. If the false and true objects are practically the same distance apart, as the double prism is raised and low- ered before each eye, there is no vertical imbal- ance. The ten-degree prism must now be turned out of the way, and the six-degree prism, base up, should be turned into position. The rotary prism is now turned so that the screw is directly up and the index at zero. The retinal image for this eye is now displaced directly above, beyond the fusion area, so that the false object would appear below, and should be directly below the true or fixed object. If directly in line, there is lateral orthophoria for distance ; but if not verti- cally beneath, the rotary prism must be made to move it into that position. The index will mark the extent of the rotation. If the false object had to be moved from the left, the record would read R. exophoria " so many " degrees ; but if it Routine in Eye Work 55 had to be moved from the right, the reading would be R. esophoria " so many " degrees. Again revolving the rotary prism into neutral- ity, the convergence test, by means of a dot with- out lines, must be made. The false dot standing directly under the true would show lateral ortho- phoria in the near, for the card on which is the dot should be held at the reading distance, with the dot in the horizontal plane with the eyes. Should the false dot not be in the vertical plane with the true dot, the rotary prism should be made to move it into that plane. If it had to be brought from the left, the reading should be R. exophoria " so many " degrees in the near ; but if from the right, it should be recorded R. eso- phoria " so many " degrees in the near. Since this is the convergence test and both interni have received the same impulse from the convergence center, the record could leave out " R.," if it be the right eye under test — that is, if the false im- age belongs to the right eye ; and the same should be done in the near test of the left eye. In either case want of convergence power would be re- corded, " Exophoria in the near ; " and excess of convergence would be recorded, " Esophoria in the near." The far and the near tests always correspond when the ciliary muscles have normal tonicity; they are always out of harmony when the ciliary muscles are wanting in tonicity or 56 Routine in Eye Work when they have excessive tonicity. The right eye having been tested, the left may be tested in the same manner and proper records made. The recti muscles of both eyes having been tested as above set forth, the next step in the routine use of the phorometer should be to deter- mine the presence or absence of cyclophoria, and, if present, whether plus or minus. To do this, the rods on both sides must be placed in front of their respective eyes, with the axes of the rods vertical, so that the streak of light may be horizontal for each eye alone. The six-degree prism, base up, must be placed in position be- fore one eye, so as to throw the retinal image of that streak entirely above the fusion area, the streak itself being below. If the two streaks are parallel, the obliques have normal tonicity. If these streaks diverge on the side opposite the prism, there is plus cyclophoria ; but if they di- verge on the side corresponding to the prism, there is minus cyclophoria. In either case the rod in front of the prisms should be so revolved as to make the two streaks parallel. The index will name the amount of the error, and the direc- tion of its rotation will name the kind of error. The eye behind the displacing prism is the one under test. The one eye having been tested, its displacing prism should be turned out of the way, Routine in Eye Work 57 and the six-degree prism belonging to the other side should be placed for testing it. Usually when one eye shows plus cyclophoria, the other will show the same ; and since this is the case, the record would read plus (or minus) cyclo- phoria " so many " degrees, leaving out the let- ters " R " and " L." Immediately following the tonicity tests of the twelve ocular muscles and the taking of the con- vergence power of the interni, the duction power of each individual muscle should be ascertained. The routine order should be : First, superduc- tion ; second, subduction ; third, abduction ; fourth, adduction; fifth, minus cycloduction ; sixth, plus cycloduction. In taking the duction power of the recti muscles, the rotary prism alone is necessary, and this before one eye only. The test object should be a point of light or even a candle blaze. This testing of the recti muscles should be in the four cardinal directions only. For the vertical ductions the screw of the rotary prism must be horizontal and the index of prism must be at zero. Rotating the apex of the prism up, the retinal image of the test object is being moved downward. The superior rectus makes the macula keep pace with the moving image to the extent of its power, thus preventing diplopia. The point reached by the index at the moment 58 Routine in Eye Work diplopia occurs is the measure of superduction, which should be noted as " so many " degrees R. (or left) superduction. Returning the index to zero, the apex should now be rotated down, which carries the retinal image upward, the in- ferior rectus compelling the macula to keep pace with the moving image so long as possible, thus preventing diplopia. At the moment of diplopia the index points to the degree mark of subduc- tion, to be noted as " so many " degrees of R. (or L.) subduction. Moving the screw into the vertical position and placing the index at zero, the phorometer is ready for taking horizontal duction, both right and left. Rotating the prism apex out, the reti- nal image in that eye is made to move directly nasalward, while the external rectus is compell- ing the macula to keep pace with the moving image in the interest of binocular single vision. At the moment of diplopia the index points to the degree of abduction for that eye, and the note should be made " so many " degrees of R. (or L.) abduction. Returning the index to zero, the apex of the prism should now be rotated nasal- ward. This will cause the retinal image to move directly outward, but the internal rectus will make the macula keep pace with the moving image to the extent of its power, and up to this Routine in Eye Work 59 limit there will be binocular single vision. When the rotation passes the limit of power, diplopia at once manifests itself. The index will then stand at the point marking the extent of the ro- tation of the eye, which should be noted as " so many " degrees of R. (or L.) adduction. The duction power of all the recti of one eye having been taken, the rotary prism for that eye should be turned out of the way, and that for the other eye should be placed ready for action. Precisely the same steps should be repeated in determining the duction power of its four recti. The same records should be noted as in connec- tion with the tests of the muscles of the other eye. The results of these tests must be com- pared with what is known to be the normal duc- tion power of these several muscles. In taking cycloduction, the rods only must stand before the two eyes, and their axes must be vertical. The rods should be the same color on each side, for otherwise the fusion effort on the part of the obliques would fall short of the normal to them. Only one rod should be rotated at a time. Rotating the axis out tests the power of the inferior oblique of that eye. The instant that the streak of light doubles, the rotation should cease. The index now points to the de- gree mark on the scale, showing the extent of 60 Routine in Eye Work the wheel-like motion effected by the inferior oblique of that eye, and should be noted " so many " degrees of R. (or L.) plus cycloduction. The axis of the rod having been returned to zero for a moment's rest, it should now be rotated toward the nose up to the point of doubling the streak. The index at this point indicates the ex- tent of the wheel-like rotation effected by the superior oblique of that eye, and it should be noted as "so many " degrees of R. (or L.) minus cycloduction. The cycloduction of the one eye having been taken, the rod before it should be set in the verti- cal, and the rod before the other eye should be rotated first out, for determining its plus cyclo- duction, and then in, for showing the minus cycloduction. These cycloductions should be compared with what is known to be normal. It should be clearly understood that cardinal ductions are measured in " degrees of prism," while cycloductions are measured in " degrees of arc. If the tonicity tests and the duction measure- ments are so nearly normal that no operation would be indicated, the preliminary examination may end here. The tonicity tests having shown a high degree of heterophoria, routine would call for the plac- Routine in Eye Work 61 ing of a deep-red glass before one eye. Should this cause diplopia, the case is clearly one for operation. The cardinal versions should now be taken, either by means of the tropometer or the perimeter. Oblique versions need never be taken. The cardinal versions should be noted — up, down, right, left. " Superversion," " subver- sion," " abversion," and " adversion " are all good terms and in harmony with other nomen- clature. In order to reach a correct conclusion as to what muscle should be operated upon in a given case of heterophoria, and whether the op- eration should be a partial tenotomy of the stronger muscle or a shortening of the weaker muscle, one or both, the tonicity, duction, and version tests must all be compounded, and each test must be given its proper value. If a given case is one of heterotropia, the to- nicity and version tests only are possible. Duction is out of the question, because of the absence of binocular single vision. Vision in one eye may be so low as to make the tonicity tests very dif- ficult, if not impossible ; but they should be at- tempted in every case. In this a red glass in front of the dull eye will be helpful. Version tests are not so important in cases of heterotro- pia as in cases of heterophoria. The most important step in the study of any 62 , Routine m Bye Work case of heterotropia, unless one of the eyes is mentally blind, is the fusion test. If the two images cannot be brought together by the rotary prism, binocular single vision can never be es- tablished by any operative procedure. This is es- pecially true of squinting eyes, with vision about as good in one eye as in the other — cases of an- tipathy to binocular single vision. When one eye is totally blind or absent, the preliminary test is a very short one and consists in first placing a +2.00 sphere before the seeing eye and thus determine if it is hyperopic, or a — 1.00 or — 2.00 to determine if it is myopic, and next hold a +.50 cylinder, axis first vertical and then horizontal, to determine the absence or pres- ence of astigmatism. Now the patient is ready to be sent into the waiting room to be prepared for the final exam- ination. The routine use of homatropine, gr. viii to distilled water one fluid ounce, for putting at rest the ciliary muscles, is the most satisfac- tory agent, both to the patient and to the practi- tioner. One drop in each eye every three to five minutes until ten drops have been instilled into each eye should be the rule in all patients under forty-five years of age. From the age of forty- five to forty-eight, five to seven drops would be sufficient. Beyond forty-eight, one drop should Routine in Eye Work 63 be put in each eye. Patients will often plead that " drops " be not used, not understanding the " why and wherefore." If the explanation is not accepted, declination to further investigate should be made. They will say, sometimes, that opticians claim that " drops " are not necessary, but even harmful. This should be met by the statement : "Any work done without the drops is guesswork, and this I cannot afford to do. I cannot do the further work unless you submit to the use of the drops, nor can anybody else do it as it should be done without them. They are not harmful." The necessity for enforced rest of the ciliary muscles in those under forty-eight years should be made clear, and the importance of detecting disease processes in the older should be emphasized, a wide-open pupil being essential for this. Rarely will one refuse to submit. The routine of drops having been completed, the patient is ready to be returned to the consul- tation room for the final examination. While the ophthalmometer might have been used as a part of the preliminary examination, since its findings are not altered by the mydriatic, it seems better to use it immediately before resorting to the trial lenses. The value of the ophthalmom- eter is now universally conceded, which consists in locating the axis of the astigmatism and in 64 Routine in Eye Work showing the quantity usually within .50 D. The skillful use of trial cylinders a little later will show if lenticular astigmatism is a complication. The ophthalmometer findings should be noted as made. Retinoscopy in children and in the un- lettered is essential, and is of value in all cases. While the room is darkened, other patients in process of preparation by the mydriatic, in what- ever stage, should be brought in and measured with the ophthalmometer and then returned to the waiting room, to be recalled in the same or- der later. Now the trial case must be appealed to as a finality in order that proper lenses may be or- dered. With the trial frames properly placed, the opaque disc should be placed before the right eye. The letters called with the left eye shows the unaided acuteness of vision for that eye. If worse than the vision shown in the preliminary test, the appeal must be made to the plus lenses ; if no worse than the vision shown in the prelimi- nary test, minus lenses, spherical and cylindrical, must be resorted to. I would have you view the test case for a mo- ment as to the arrangement of the lenses. The cylinders all have their handles at 35 degrees to the axis, those in one row being to the right of the axis and those in the other row to the left of Routine in Eye H'ork 65 the axis. The former should all be in the right- hand row, and the latter all in the left-hand row. For this arrangement of handles we are indebted to A. E. Prince. The convex cylinders in the right row should be used in testing the left eye, and those in the left row for testing the right eye in astigmatism according to the rule. When these cylinders are thus placed, with axes at 90 degrees, the handles will be up and out 35 de- grees. The concave cylinders in the right row should be used for the right eye, and those in the left row for the left ; for thus used, when their axes are at 180 degrees, the handles will be up and out 35 degrees. In astigmatism against the rule the order of use would be reversed. The full diopter spheres and cylinders in all the right- hand rows should have their handles turned to the left, which adds greatly to the convenience of handling both the full and fractional lenses. Hyperopia being suspected, in the front cell should be placed the plus cylinder indicated by the ophthalmometer, less .50 D, with its axis in the position located by it. In the back cell should be placed, by guess, the plus sphere indicated by the acuteness of vision through the cylinder only. Now with a +.50 D in the left hand and a — .50 D in the right hand, they should be held alternately in front of the combination already 5 66 Routine in Eye Work in the frame for determining if the first sphere must be increased in strength or must be made weaker. Thus proceeding, it is not long until the sphere of proper strength has been found. By means of either a +.50 cylinder or a — .50 cylinder it may be shown quickly if the original cylinder is of proper strength or must be made stronger or weaker, and by use of the two it may be shown if the sphere must remain the same as already shown or be changed in har- mony with a change in the strength of the cylin- der. The left eye having been thus tested, the opaque disc should be placed before it in the extra cell in front of the cylinder, and the test of the right eye should be accomplished in the manner outlined in the correction of the left eye. The combinations determined by the trial lenses and the acuteness of vision obtained should be recorded. The pupillary distance and the bridge measurement must be accurately taken and recorded. If the patient is forty-five or older, the presbyopia for the given age must be entered. These things are all to be done without consulting the will of the patient ; but in the choice of frames, both as to character and qual- ity, the patient's desire must be gratified. When ready to write the order for the glasses, Routine in Eye Work 67 the record as a whole must be studied. Should two cases be exactly alike as to spherical correc- tion, but different as to adjustment of the lateral muscles, one esophoric and the other exophoric, the plus correction for the former should be full, but for the latter a deduction should be made from the plus correction. The reverse would be true of the same two cases if minus sphericals stood in the record and the lenses are intended for near use. A full minus correction is always proper for distant wear. In making the order, the strength of the astigmatic correction should be accurately copied in all cases. If there is a hyperphoria of quantity too slight to demand op- eration, the lens for the hyperphoric eye should be ground on a prism of proper strength, base down. The lens for the cataphoric eye should not be prismatic. Esophoria and exophoria, not requiring operation, should be helped by mak- ing both lenses prismatic to an equal extent, the bases for the former being out and for the lat- ter being in. This could be done by adding to or taking from the pupillary measurement, by de- centering the lenses in or out, or by having each ground on a proper prism. While the record should be copied as to the strength of required cylinders, a complicating cyclophoria would jus- tify a slight change of axes. If there is plus 68 Routine in /:\v Work cyclophoria and the record shows plus cylinders converging, they should be ordered less converg- ing; but if diverging, the order should call for greater divergence. The variation, however, should rarely be more than 5 degrees for each cylinder. In cases of astigmatism against the rule, in changing the axes of plus cylinders, the reverse of the rule given above, known as the N. C. Steele rule, should be observed. In either case, should the cylinders be minus, the reverse of all said above about plus cylinders would be the order. The patient should be told that high degrees of a muscle error, or any combination of muscle errors, demand operations. A moderate want of tonicity of the recti muscles may be remedied by rhythmic prismatic exercise, while such a condi- tion of the obliques may be cured by the same character of exercise by means of weak plus or minus cylinders so placed as to call into action the weak obliques. Deficient convergence power should be treated by candle exercise — moved from arm's length to a point seven inches from the eyes, also rhythmic in character. Want of ciliary power should be remedied by exercise with weak minus spherical lenses. There are some important points about bifo- cals which should be routinely observed in mak- Routine in Eye Work 69 ing the order. Bifocals should never be given if there is much difference in the spherical re- fraction of the two eyes, for such patients must learn to look through the lens centers both in far and near seeing. Perfection bifocals and the Franklin divided lenses have the advantage over all others in that the cutting can be done, and should be done, so that the centers of the upper and lower parts may coincide. In these combi- nations the eyes glide from one part to the other. In the fused and cemented bifocals the centers of the upper and lower parts cannot coincide ; hence in passing from one to the other the eyes must jump. In any form of bifocals the centers of the reading lenses must be on the same hori- zontal line; otherwise comfortable near work through them cannot be done. After lenses have been finished, they should always be inspected ; and if any error has been made in grinding or cutting, it should be cor- rected. One of the most important things in the inspection is the proper centering of lenses, whether for distant or near use ; and especially is this important as to the reading part of bifo- cals of whatever kind. One of the most important things in the whole routine of eye work is the delivery of the lenses to the patient, which should never be done with- 70 Routine in Eye Work out explicit instructions on two points: (1) A straight edge should always pass through the four joints of spectacles, or should coincide with the long axes of the eyeglasses; (2) whether the lenses are in spectacle frames or eyeglass trap- pings, they must always be level in front of the eyes and equally distant from them ; and if in- clined at all, this should be slightly out at the top. Many a complaint comes to an oculist either because these points have not been impressed or because they have not been observed. If a pa- tient should ask for a guarantee (which should never be granted), the above rules should be doubly or trebly impressed. There is nothing simple about the work of cor- recting visual defects and muscular deficiencies, and it should be unlawful for any one to engage in this practice who is not educated medically and scientifically. Mydriatic No Mydriatic c o o O 3 p a" » c 2. S. o' SL ^ 2. ^ o o sr o ?• SL 3 3 J _ . T3 3 --^^ ' * f - " 3D * r 50 • P 1 m w b P P < < 3= II II •a ■i '-, 1 cL cL S- 3- : 1- o o ST nT 3 3 CO c CO CO X c "0 c •a T3 •i rt « < ►1 ^ *0 n Q- a- p- c o c o o 1 O 3 5' 3 5' 3 (B < < CO c c W CO » 0) T3 3" O ty cr c c oj < < tr tr t) f» r» a- cl. p- |. 2- § g g. o o n - . c. 5> ^ a- s- co co 3 3 o o' n n 3 3 _(_ J_ •o "0 > <3 £ „ -° -° ° 2 *» p " * *-r r - £ i i f .f 3 ° 3 3 C C ~ o o o o' o' 3 3 2 3 g * ^ ^ »P O 3-3-3-3- > > -° -° ++++ > < < CL CL ^ ^-" ^2? *-" *-" CL ^ » DL Ou -° °-. ~° 0©00 =T co 3 c C m PT1 <"> O O <-> 2 3 3 S-' S' O O ' • • ' *0 T3 B 3> 9 cp O O 3 3 a- sr x x x x o o • • • • 5' 5>* << v; cu ** £ CL CL C C o o O O 3 3 o o o c ■- 1 I + 1+5 1 r r + i + $4.00 OPHTHALMIC MYOLOGY $4.00 Second Edition. The first chapter, on " Fundamental Princi- ples," has been enlarged from 54 to 145 pages, and has been illuminated by 23 additional cuts. A study of the Ocular Muscles from the mus- cle side of the questions, including the physics of ocular adjustments and motions. This book and its companion volume, " Ophthalmic Neuro- Mvology," are -the only books, on the eye mus- cles, in any language, based on the correct fun- damental principles, as set forth in Chapter 1. Of these principles, Black, in Colorado Medicine, says: "The author is right. He has literally knocked Helmholtz's theory into a cocked hat." Wiener, in Annals of Ophthalmology, says: "The points at issue so logically and concisely depicted on pages 32 to 34 are unanswerable. An ophthalmologist not taking the opportunity of studying this volume is doing himself an injustice." Menacho, in Archivas de Oftalmologia, Barcelona, says: "It is a profound work, and we hope soon to see it appear in a Spanish translation for the diffusion of such useful knowledge among our people." London Lancet: "It is well worthy of the consideration of the learned in these matters." Wurdemann, in Ophthalmology, says: "Thorough study of the author's reasonings leads a student to an acceptance of his propositions and their application in practical work." Southern Medical Journal : " It seems to the reviewer that the position assumed in the first chapter is impregnable and the statements unanswerable." Dr. Daniel, Professor of Physics, Vanderbilt University, says: " Having given the subjects treated some attention in friendly association with the author, I am convinced that in ' Ophthalmic Myology ' Savage teaches the truth." Published by the Author, G. C. Savage, M.D., Nashville, Tenn. Printed by McQuiddy Printing Company, Nashville, Tenn. $2.50 $2.50 OPHTHALMIC NEURO-MYOLOGY A study of the Ocular Muscles from the brain side of the questions. The late Swan. M. Bur- nett said : " I am charmed with the clearness and directness with which you have put the problems and their solution." Hess, of Wurzburg, Germany, says : " I wish to tell you how excellently you have treated the subject, and to congratulate you that you have succeeded to make clear these most difficult questions." Snell, Sheffield, England, said : " It seems to me that your views are correct." Published by the Author, G. C. Savage, M.D., Nashville, Tenn. $10.00 $10.00 THE MUSCLE INDICATOR This device, shown on page 15, reduced in size and otherwise improved, is manufactured and sold by Joseph C. Snodgrass, 167 Fourth Avenue, North, Nashville, Tenn. It shows every phase of every Ocular Muscle and every combination of Ocular Muscles — nor- mal, abnormal, or pathological. With " Oph- thalmic Myology " and " Ophthalmic Neuro- Myology " as textbooks, any medical mind, aided by the Muscle Indicator, may become mas- ter of the muscle study. THE MONOCULAR PHOROMETER AND THE CYCLOPHOROMETER are the most reliable means for testing the tonicity and the duction power of all the Oc- ular Muscles. E. B. Meyrowitz, New York, and F. A. Hardy & Co., Chicago, manufacture the two de- vices separately, but both to be used on the same stand. The two instruments, with one stand, can be had of either firm for $50.00. The DeZeng- Standard Company, Camden, N. J., will soon be manufacturing The Monocular Phorometer and The Cyclophorometer in a most convenient and beautiful combination, to be used on a floor stand or wall bracket. This instrument will be much more costly, and cannot be sold for less than $100.00, probably more. The Keller book of individual cards for office use is manufactured by D. F. Keller & Co., Chi- cago, 111., 621-631 Plymouth Court, to whom all orders should be sent. They are very valuable. The record blanks on the last page of the ad- dress, "Routine in Eye Work," are manufac- tured and sold by Shields-Farris Printing Com- pany, Nashville, Tenn., " 143 Sixth Avenue, North. They are in pads of 100 and can be had for 25 cents per pad, in lots of one to four ; 24 cents, in lots of five to seven ; and 23 cents, in lots of eight to ten. QPTo 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED OPTOMETRY LIBRARY This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. LD21 — 32m — 1,'75 General Library (S3845l)4970 University of California Berkeley ^