> in SAN DIEGO d ABBEY BOOK SHOP ! 6638 Hollywood Blvd. Hollywood, Ca. 90028 OS -rrK 51 1 10(p {^^^yuA^jxA}-viJ^l^ C\ ex -<^ o ^1^ :^ ^ 3S VJ.^ CJ Q 1 / ^ & K xi .^^'^ ^ \ \- r- JV- J I ^ '^ '4 ' '^ ^"^v^l- 'X 1' •li -^ ^ -L^-a^.<3 EDWARD STAN\VOOD, LITT. D. AMERICAN TARIFF CONTROVERSIES IN THE NINE- TEENTH CENTURY. 2 vols., large crown 8vo, $5.00 net. Postpaid ^5.37. A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY. Large Crown 8vo, $2.50. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. Boston and New York a A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY BY EDWARD STANWOOD, Litt. D. (Bowdoin) BOSTON AND NEW TORK HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN AND COMPANY 1906 Copyright, 1808, By EDWARD STANWOODl All rights reserved. PREFACE The basis of this book is the " History of Presidential Elec- tions," originally published in 1884. In the preparation of that work the meagreness and comparative inaccessibility of material concerning the early elections made the chapters that deal with that period somewhat barren. Increasing abundance of material and greater familiarity with the political history of more recent times caused a broadening of the plan, and led to the result that the later chapters of the original work, and still more the chapters added in subsequent editions, in 1888, 1892, and 1896, were much more than a history of the elections. I have thought that the usefulness of the book might be greatly enhanced by rewriting a large part of it, supplying deficiencies by a more diligent search for and study of the facts relating to the presidency in the early days of the gov- ernment, and enriching it throughout with new personal, explanatory, and other enlightening matter, thus making the whole work uniform in method. This has enabled me to introduce a fuller discussion of some of the political problems to which the constitutional provisions regarding the presiden- tial office have given rise. More important still, the revision and expansion of the work have given me a much-desired opportunity to modify some opinions expressed in the original book which a more careful and thorough examination of origi- nal sources of information has led me to regard as not well founded. The last consideration has the more weight in view of the use that has been made of the book in the history depart- ments of our colleges. The changes and additions here noted have given the book iv PREFACE so mucli greater scope than it had in its first form, that a broader title seems necessary. If it be urged that a history of the presidency should include an account of the development of the presidential office, and of the successive expansions or limitations of the President's powers and duties, the reply may be made that there has been no such development to record, since the office is now what it was in the time of Washington, — neither of greater nor of less weight in the government than it was then. I have endeavored to collect and present all important mat- ters relating to the presidency, beginning with the constitu- tional history of the office, covering every public event and discussion which had a perceptible influence in determining who should hold the office, and in connection therewith to note the origin and sketch the history of all political parties, however ephemeral, that rose above the rank of a local faction. And, since one President is different from another, I have tried to show wherein and in what manner the personal quali- ties of the Presidents have affected the course of public events and of the national history. E. S. Brookline, Massachusetts, July, 1898. CHAPTER V^Wl'N XJLxN ±0 PAGE • I. The Electoral System .... 1 II. The First Election 20 lU. AVashixgton re-elected unanimously . 32 IV. John Adams 42 V. The Jefferson-Bubr Contest . 54 VI. The Democratic Regime .... 74 VII. James Madison 86 VIII. An Election in Time of War 97 IX. The Last of the Virginia "Dynasty" 106 X. The " Era of Good Feelings "... 115 XI. The Defeat of "King Caucus" 125 XII. Jackson's Triumph 142 XIII. The "Old Hero" re-elected . 151 XIV. The Convention System .... 166 XV. Van Buren 178 XVI. Tippecanoe and Tyler too .... 190 XVII. The First "Dark Horse" 206 XVIII. The "Free Soil" Campaign of 1848 . 226 XIX. The Democrats reunited 244 XX. The New Republican Party 258 XXI. The Last Struggle of Slavery" . 279 XXII. Lincoln re-elected 298 XXIII. General Grant 313 XXIV. The Greeley Campaign .... 333 XXV. The Disputed* Ei^ction .... 356 XXVI. A Republican Revival 394 XXVII. The Mugwump Campaign .... 419 >vxvin. Two Important Questions decided . 4.50 XXIX. The Second Harrison .... 457 XXX. Cleveland's Second Election 486 XXXI. The Free Silver Campaign 519 Index 571 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY THE ELECTORAL SYSTEM The evolution of the Constitution of 1787 forms one of the most interesting chapters in the history of human government. For the first time, the representatives of an inchoate nation, meeting to ordain and establish a fundamental law for them- selves and their posterity, could write that law upon tabula rasa. They had to expunge nothing, — to abolish no old institutions, to violate no traditions, to reform no long-stand- ing abuses. Their task was not made easier by their unex- ampled freedom from the trammels of an established order ; on the contrary, it was thereby rendered more difficult. To know what is not liked goes far toward teaching one what will be liked. The members of the Philadelphia Convention had no indication of what would be agreeable to those for whom they acted. Yet they proceeded, first to draw in the rough, and afterward to fill in and refine the detail, of a constitution that has converted the unorganized communities of a congeries of mutually repellant States into a united nation, under a govern- ment more conservative and less subject to change than that of any other self-governing people in the world. Particularly worthy of study is the process by which the executive department of the government to be created was moulded, as the perfect statue is developed from the rough block of marble. By successive resolutions the convention determined that there should be an executive ; consisting of one person ; holding office for a limited period ; reeligible ; elected ; endowed with certain powers. The Convention hesitated upon many points ; the decisions first reached were not always, not even usually, final. Indeed, almost every feature of the plan 2 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY ultimately adopted was at least once rejected, after full debate. Yet it cannot be said, after a full study of the debates, that the Convention was unduly vacillating. The truth is that it was a series of independent propositions which was rejected in all these cases, but that when they were combined in a whole, the scheme became that toward which the Convention was all the time working. This will explain why Hamilton, whose plan of a government was widely different from that which formed the basis of the Convention's deliberations, who, in- deed, had but little part in the formation of the Constitution, could without great inconsistency become a defender of the instrument as a whole, and could write : ^ " The mode of the appointment of the Chief Magistrate of the United States is almost the only part of the system of any consequence which has escaped without some censure, or which has received the slightest mark of approbation from its opponents." Notwith- standing this statement, which was strictly true, it is now to be said that the only part of the machinery of government, ordained by the people when they adopted the Constitution, that has suffered the least change since the government came into being, is the article which then gave universal satisfaction ; and that no part of the Constitution has been so earnestly and so continuously criticised as this same article, already once amended to remove a supposed defect. The plan of a national government submitted to the Con- vention on the 29th of May, 1787, by Mr. Edmund Randolph, provided for " a national executive to be chosen by the national legislature for the term of years," " and to be ineligible the second time." Charles Pinckney proposed, at the same time, " that the executive power be vested in a ' President of the United States of America,' which shall be his style ; and his title shall be ' His Excellency.' He shall be elected for years, and shall be reeligible." In some of the propositions made during the early days of the Convention the proposed executive was styled the "governor; " but it was a mere sug- gestion, resulting from the fact that as there was not, and never had been, a model from which to copy the executive which the Convention intended to create, no precedent existed to guide them in giving him a title. The first question was. In how many persons should the executive power be vested ? One voice was raised in favor of three, — one to be chosen 1 Federalist, No. 67. THE ELECTORAL SYSTEM 3 from the North, one from the Middle States, and one from the South, It was speedily determined that there should be a sin- gle chief magistrate, and the decision was not reopened or crit- icised afterward. The questions concerning the executive department of the government divided themselves into two classes : What should be the powers and duties of the President ? and. How and by whom should he be chosen ? With the first class we have nothing to do, save incidentally. To understand why the Con- vention was puzzled, and why it changed its mind, apparently, so often, it is necessary to inquire briefly what it was the pur- pose of the Convention to accomplish, and against what appre- hended evils it endeavored to guard. It was one of the guid- ing principles, early adopted and rigidly adhered to, that the legislative, executive, and judicial departments of the govern- ment should be separate and mutually independent. There were two, and only two, natural ways of selecting the Presi- dent : by popular vote, and by the national legislature. At no time was the proposition of a popular election received with favor, although it had the support of powerful advocates, particularly of Mr. Gouverneur Morris. The chief objections urged against it were three : the great advantage this method would give to the large States ; the probable ignorance of the people at large as to the comparative merits of candidates, and the consequent likelihood that they would in all cases give a preference to a candidate each from his own State ; and the general incompetence of the populace to decide a question of such moment. Superficial writers are responsible for a popu- lar impression that the third of these reasons was the control- ling one, — that the Convention by its action registered its distrust of the people, that if the members had felt a greater confidence in the people, the decision would have been difiier- ent. From this it is plausible to draw an argument that the present generation, which knows that the people may be trusted, should introduce the popular election. In truth, a distrust of the good judgment of the people was expressed by one member only, Colonel Mason, of Virginia, who happens to have been one of the three members of the Convention who did not sign the Constitution,^ in the often quoted remark that it would be " as unnatural to refer the proper character for chief magistrate to the people as it would be to refer a trial 1 The others were Eandolph and Gerry. 4 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY of colors to a blind man." On the other hand, the fear of aggrandizement by the large States was ever present as a con- trolling principle ; for unless the frame of government were such as the smaller States would adopt, the Convention must be a failure. The consideration that the public characters of the country were not generally known, save in the neighbor- hood of their homes, was also potent, and was founded upon a real condition. Yet the alternative, an election by the legislature, was equally objectionable on other grounds. To require that the Executive should be independent of the law-making power, and at the same time to give the election to the legislature, was an incon- sistency so glaring as to shock the Convention whenever the clause relating to the choice of a President came under consid- eration. The only escape from it, and that but a partial one, was to forbid the reelection of a chief magistrate, — a provision which, as was pointed out, might and would sometimes exclude from the office the person best fitted to exercise it. The pro- position to avoid these difficulties by creating a body of elec- tors for the sole purpose of choosing a President was made early in the session. On the 2d of June, James Wilson pro- posed that there should be " certain districts in each State which should appoint electors to elect outside of their own body." The objection was made that, inasmuch as the most eminent citizens would be already serving as senators, repre- sentatives, and State governors, the choice of a President would, by this plan, be committed to a body of inferior men, ignorant of the merits of citizens in all parts of the country, and therefore apt to vote for candidates living in their own State. Dealing with the conditions that prevailed in their time, — a dearth of men capable of filling so many new posi- tions as it was necessary to create, and an absence of the means by which information regarding public men and public affairs is now disseminated, — they were right. The statement of the perplexities by which the Convention was confronted prepares us to understand the frequent reversal of its decisions. The first resolution, adopted before the objec- tions to it had occurred to the members, was that the Execu- tive should be chosen by the legislature. Then Elbridge Gerry brought forward a suggestion that the President should be elected by the governors of the States ; this was negatived. Hamilton's plan of a government, offered on the 18th of June, THE ELECTORAL SYSTEM 5 which was never considered by the Convention, committed the election to a body of electors to be chosen by the people, by districts. These electors were to meet, those for each State within that State, and vote not only for a President of the United States, but also for two " second electors." A majority of all the "first electors" was to be necessary to make choice of a President. Should such a majority not be obtained, the " second electors " were to meet in one place, be presided over by the Chief Justice, and effect a choice. The convention returned to the subject of the Executive on the 17th of July, and after a debate rejected a motion that he should be chosen " by electors appointed by the legislatures of the several States." On the 19th it adopted a motion in almost the identical words of the rejected proposition : " to be chosen by electors appointed for that purpose by the legislatures of the States." The question as to the length of the President's term, as well as that of his reeligibility, was closely involved with the consideration of the body to which he was to owe his election. A long term and ineligibility for a second term were both mea- sures to insure the President's independence of the legislature. The bugbear of legislative tyranny was held up before the Con- vention almost as frequently as was that of a control of the government by the larger States. Seven years, therefore, was the term first agreed upon ; and the question of reeligibility was left open. After the second vote, above noted, commit- ting the choice to independent electors, the term was reduced to six years ; and an amendment that a President should not hold office more than six years of any twelve years was re- jected. This was on the 19th of July. The next day the Convention adopted Mr. Gerry's proposition regarding the number of electors : Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Virginia were to have three each ; Connecticut, New York, New Jer- sey, Maryland, North Carolina, and South Carolina, two each ; Rhode Island, Delaware, and Georgia, one each. On the 26th the Convention reverted to the seven years' term, with the provision of ineligibility for reelection. Then, on the same day, the whole subject was referred to a committee of five. The committee reported a draft of a Constitution on the 6th of August. The article relating to the election of President was in these words : — Art. X., Sect. 1. The executive power of the United States shall be vested iu a single person. His style shall be " The President of 6 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY the United States of America ; " and his title shall be " His Excel- lency." He shall be elected by ballot by the legislature. He shall hold his office during seven y^rs, but shall not be elected a sec- ond time. This section, which combined Mr. Randolph's and Mr. Pinck- ney's plans, but which contained no trace of the electoral plan adopted by the Convention, was the basis of future discussions. But the scheme of a choice by the legislature was still as objectionable as ever. It was at this point that Mr. Hugh Williamson of North Carolina made a suggestion in which was the germ of the plan ultimately adopted. He proposed to refer the election to popular vote, each elector to vote for three persons, and the choice to fall on him who obtained a majority of all the persons voting. He thought this would be a cure for the evil that the large States would govern. Gou- verneur Morris at once caught up the idea, but suggested that two votes only be allowed to electors, and that it be provided that one at least of the two should not be given to a citizen of the voter's own State. Mr. Madison also thought that some- thing valuable might be made of Mr. Williamson's suggestion, with Mr. Morris's amendment. He advanced the idea that the second best man would probably be the first, that is, a voter would place a citizen of his own State first, but would give his second vote to a man selected on account of his fitness for the place, and not on account of his residence. The voter might give the preference to a local candidate in the hope that he would get a majority ; but he would not throw away his second vote also. The first judgment of the Convention was against the proposition, yet it was defeated by one majority only, — five States supporting and six opposing it. On the 24th of August the question of the Executive was again considered. The Convention rejected a proposition by Mr. Morris to refer the election to electors chosen by the people of the several States, and also a motion that the Presi- dent be chosen "by electors." It rejected moreover a plain election by the people, a motion to give to each State one vote for President (in the election by *' the legislature," which in all this discussion meant the House of Representatives and not both branches of Congress), and another motion that when the legislature should be equally divided the President of the Senate should have the casting vote. It adopted two amend- ments to the section quoted above, which made the third THE ELECTORAL SYSTEM 7 sentence read as follows : " He shall be elected by joint ballot by the legislature, to which' election a majority of the votes of the members present shall be required." In the clause as amended, it will be seen, the phrase " the legislature " signifies both branches. Up to this point no proposition had been made to appoint a Vice-President. On August 31 " the questions not yet settled " were referred to a committee of eleven, which reported, on the 4th of September, a scheme for the election of the Executive radically different from anything that had been sanctioned by the Convention, — as different as the report of a Congressional committee of conference, in our day, some- times is from any version of a bill passed in non-concurrence submitted to it. The committee proposed to strike all out of the section printed above after the word " Excellency," and to insert the following provisions : — Each State shall appoint, in such manner as its legislature may direct, a number of electors equal to the whole number of senators and members of the House of Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the legislature. (A) The electors shall meet in their resi^ective States, and vote by ballot for two persons, of whom one at least shall not be an inhab- itant of the same State with themselves ; and they shall make a list of all the persons voted for, and of the number of votes for each, which list they shall sign and certify, and transmit, sealed, to the seat of general government, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate shall, in that house, open all the certificates : and the votes shall then and there be counted. (B) The person having the greatest number of votes shall be President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors ; and if there be more than one who have such majority, and have an equal number of votes, then the Senate shall choose by ballot one of them for President; but if no such person have such ma- jority, then, from the five highest on the list, the Senate shall choose by ballot the President. And in every case, after the choice of a President, the person having the greatest number of votes shall be the Vice-President ; but if thei'e shovdd remain two or more who have equal votes, the Senate shall choose from them the Vice-President. The legislature may determine the time of choosing and assem- bling the electors, and the manner of certifying and transmitting their votes. When the article was taken up for consideration on the 8 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY following day, September 5, many amendments were offered. Those which were adopted show again most clearly that the Convention now discerned definitely what it desired to ac- complish, and that it could move directly to that end. At the place marked (A) a provision was inserted that " no per- son shall be appointed an elector who is a member of the leg- islature of the United States, or who holds any office of profit or trust under the United States." At the place marked (B) was added the phrase, "in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives," — an important clause, in that it implies that the President of the Senate was to count the elec- toral vote, and that the members of the two houses were to be present as witnesses only. The word " immediately " was inserted in the direction to the Senate to choose the President in case of a failure of the electors to give a majority to one person. A motion to commit the election to the "legisla- ture" instead of to the Senate was rejected by seven States against three. The reason for this vote was evidently a de- termination that when the electors did not effect a choice, the result should be determined by a poll of States, each having an equal voice ; for when Roger Sherman moved that the election be made by the House of Representatives, each State to have one vote, the motion was carried by ten States to one. Then it was suggested that inasmuch as a majority of the House of Representatives constituted a quorum, the election might be carried, when the members of three large States only were present, by a vote of two States to one. Madison met this by offering an amendment, which was accepted, pro- viding that when the House was assembled for the purpose of electing a President, a quorum should consist of a member or members from two thirds of the States, and that a majority of all the States should be necessary to effect a choice. Thus all the points of objection were met, and the scheme as a whole was regarded with almost universal satisfaction. The whole Constitution was referred to a committee " to revise the style and arrange the articles agreed to by the House." The committee, appointed on the 8th of September, reported on the 12th. The articles were "read, debated by paragraphs, amended, and agreed to," and the Convention adjourned on the 17th of September. The article, as finally adopted and rati- fied, under which the first four elections were held, is, in full, as follows : — THE ELECTORAL SYSTEM 9 Art. II., Sect. 1. The executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his office during the term of four years, and, together with the Vice- President, chosen for the same term, be elected as follows : — Each State shall appoint, in such manner as the legislature thereof may direct, a number of electors, equal to the whole num- ber of senators and representatives to which the State may be enti- tled in the Congress ; but no senator or representative, or person holding an office of ti'ust or profit under the United States, shall be appointed an elector. The electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by ballot for two persons, of whom one at least shall not be an inhab- itant of the same State with themselves. And they shall make a list of all the persons voted for, and of the number of votes for each ; which list they shall sign and certify, and transmit, sealed, to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted. The person having the greatest number of votes shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors ap- pointed ; and if there be more than one who have such majority, and have an eqi;al number of votes, then the House of Represen- tatives shall imniediately choose by ballot one of them for Presi- dent; and if no person have a majority, then from the five highest on the list the said House shall in like manner choose the Presi- dent. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by States, the representation from each State having one vote ; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from tw^o thirds of the States, and a majority of all the States shall be necessary to a choice. In every case, after the choice of the President, the person having the greatest number of votes of the electors shall be the Vice-President. But if there should remain two or more who have equal votes, the Senate shall choose from them by ballot the Vice-President. The Congress may determine the time of choosing the electors and the day on which they shall give their votes ; which day shall be the same throughout the United States. What the electoral system has accomplished, and wherein it has proved more or less defective, may be learned in detail from the historical events narrated in subsequent chapters. It is desirable, nevertheless, to consider in this place the general working of the system, and its development in practice. In the first place, let us see how far it has fulfilled the purposes 10 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY and expectations of the framers of the Constitution. No doubt it is unsafe to declare in precise terms what they intended to accomplish by every clause and word of the remarkable instrument they left for the use of their country- men: nor is it just or expedient to regard their work as imperfect in those parts of the Constitution wherein later generations have departed from what seems to have been their original intention, provided the modification, not in- consistent with the letter of the Constitution, result in a workable and equitable system. Bearing in mind these pre- liminary cautions, we may say that the Convention sought to accomplish, (1) the independence of the Executive ; (2) the choice of the President by an electorate which (a) should be intelligent, and free to choose the best, and (h) should not be controlled by the large States ; (3) that in the event of a failure of the electors to make a choice, each State should have an equal voice. The first of the above-enumerated objects has been realized, although at one time it seemed to be defeated. In the Chap- ter on the Convention System (XIV) it will be seen how the Congressional Caucus became so obvious a necessity that it would have been contrary to the plainest dictate of political wisdom not to make use of it ; and yet it was directly in vio- lation of the principle that the President must not owe his election to the legislative department of the government. The national convention has restored to the President as large a measure of independence of Congress as is possible under any system. So long as the strongest, wisest, and best-informed public men have the greatest influence upon the choice, as they ought to have, and so long as the people send such men to Congress, as they ought to do, so long will the absolute independence of the President be impossible ; but not his in- dependence of Congress as a whole, or of his own party mem- bers in Congress. The most difficult requirement was that the electors should be free agents, and qualified to make a wise choice by acquaint- ance with the public men of the country. In the strictest sense, the first part of this condition was not realized even at the earliest elections. There was no second where Washington was first ; but when he retired, the intelligence of the electors needed to be instructed. It was many years before acquaint- ance with public men was sufficiently general to enable all the THE ELECTORAL SYSTEM 11 States to appoint electors who were competent to judge for themselves. It is notorious that almost from the beginning, the electors have been subject, in giving their votes, to a moral stress so powerful that not one of them could separate himself from his fellows and vote for any other than the candidate of his party, without being held guilty of unpardonable political treachery. The intrigues to detach Federal electors from Adams, eight years only after the Constitution went into effect, and the absolute unanimity of the anti-Federal electors in support of both Jefferson and Burr, in 1800, show how quickly the scheme of independent, free-acting electors came to naught. Shall we say that it is surprising that the sagacious statesmen of the Convention did not foresee that the govern- ment they were instituting would be a government by party, and that the success of parties would depend as much on their discipline as on their principles ? They did foresee it. Or rather, they feared, as some of them expressed it in debate, that the electors would be influenced and controlled in their action by designing men ; and they hoped only that the votes would be free. No argument is needed to prove that the scheme of the fathers is not only impracticable, but that in its operation it would now be intolerable. Were electors to be chosen merely as party men, uncommitted to any candidates, one of two things must happen. Either the choice of these candidates, after the appointment of electors, would be made in the utmost confusion, and would be attended with scandalous intrigues, perhaps with corruption ; or, the election of a President would be thrown into the House of Representatives, not occasionally, but always. The most casual consideration of the subject will convince every thinking man that the system we have is far better than that which the fathers planned. We have, in the convention system, a device which substitutes the judgment of a whole ^arty for that of the individual elector, and which enables the wishes of the largest party to be carried into effect, instead of being scattered and wasted. The new system may not, does not, carry out the exact intention of the Fathers, but it conforms to the letter of the Constitution. Four elections only were held under the provisions of the Constitution as ratified by the States. Then a change was made, in order to meet in a different way a state of affairs which the Convention had foreseen. The circumstances in 12 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY ■which the will of the victorious party was nearly frustrated at the election of 1800-1801 are fully narrated in a subsequent chapter. It was to prevent a recurrence of the scandal, for it was a scandal, in spite of the fact that it was constitutional, that the change was made. Nevertheless the amendment cast away the very feature which induced the Convention to entrust the choice of President to a created body of electors, and which was to make it certain that the large States should not control. Consequently, it seems at first sight illogical to amend the Constitution by ordaining a different course of pro- cedure, for the sole reason that something had happened which was distinctly foreseen and provided for. It seemed both illogical and unwise to Gouverneur Morris, who was at that time a member of the United States Senate from New York.^ The twelfth amendment was proposed by New York. Mr. Morris voted against it, and the resolution of the House of Representatives was first defeated by his vote. In a letter to the President of the Senate and Speaker of the Assembly of New York, dated December 25, 1802,^ he gives his reasons for his vote, three in number, of which one only is pertinent. The evils complained of were foreseen in the Convention. " The Convention not only foresaw that a scene might take place similar to that of the last presidential election, but even supposed it not impossible that at some time or other, a person admirably fitted for the office of President might have an equal vote with one totally unqualified, and that, by the predominance of faction in the House of Representatives, the latter might be preferred. This, Avhich is the greatest supposable evil of the present mode, was calmly examined, and it appeared that however prejudicial it might be at the present moment, a useful lesson would result from it for the future, to teach contending parties the importance of giving both votes to men fit for the first office." Mr. Morris was a Federalist, but his judgment in the crisis of 1801 had been decidedly against the course pursued by the members of his party in the House of Representatives, Thus he had seen an example of that which he characterizes as " the greatest sup- posable evil of the present mode." He must also have been aware of the strenuous efforts put forth by men of his own party to secure for Mr. Pinckney a larger electoral vote than 1 He represented Pennsylvania in the Convention of 1787. 2 Sparks's Life of Gouverneur Morris, vol. iii., p. 174. THE ELECTORAL SYSTEM 13 that for Mr. Adams, in the year preceding that crisis. That which he calls a " useful lesson " was then, and has at almost every subsequent election been greatly needed, and usually unheeded. Ko doubt, if a party victorious in the choice of electors were always liable to the accident of having to submit to an assembly politically hostile the choice between its two candidates for the presidency, the nominations would be more carefully made. But it is clearly evident that, with the aban- donment of the theory of independent voting by electors, and the consequent certainty that there would always be a tie be- tween two candidates, and an election ultimately by the House of Representatives, the change made after the Jefferson-Burr contest was a wise one. It has been said that to this change is to be attributed the semi-degradation of the office of Vice-President. In support of the assertion it may be stated with truth that not more than two or three candidates for Vice-President of all parties, dur- ing the last three quarters of a century, have been men who, at the time of their nomination, had even been suggested as candidates for President. Mr. Tyler, Mr. Wheeler, and Mr. Hendricks may be named ; is there a fourth ? It may never- theless be urged that under the original system there surely would have been an evil greater than the choice of second-rate men for the vice-presidency. Consider what would have hap- pened had two such men as Clay and Webster been the candi- dates, and the successful candidates, of the Whig party, in 1840. Receiving an equal vote from the electors, the House of Representatives must have made choice between them. One of the two would have gone to the White House ; the other would have been condemned to the obscurity of the vice-presi- dency. One can hardly conceive of a situation more conducive to intrigue on the part of both, — to an effort of the successful man to retain power by putting down his rival, of the unsuc- cessful to supplant him. This consideration alone, — and others might be mentioned, — should be sufficient to reconcile the country to the change that resulted from the tie vote between Jefferson and Burr. No strong movement has ever been made to substitute a direct popular vote for the existing system. The suggestion is so clearly impracticable that a discussion of its merits is useless. A three fourths vote of the States is needed for an amendment of the Constitution. Under the present 14 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY apportionment there are fifteen States which have no more than two members each in the House of Representatives. One third of the States, then, have a vastly greater power in de- termining who shall be President than they would exercise under the system of popular election. Not one of them would give its consent to the change. Nor has there ever been a time in our history when the number of small States which would lose political power by the adoption of a system of pop- ular election was not large enough to foredoom the proposi- tion. Numerous have been the suggestions of amendment of the Constitution with a view to dispensing with the machinery of electors, at the same time preserving to the States their rela- tive weight in the election. The leading idea in the most of them is : a direct vote by the people for President and Vice- President; the result in each State to be determined by a plurality ; the candidates who receive such plurality to be credited with as many votes from that State as the electoral votes they would have under the present system. The sole practical advantage to be anticipated from any of these propo- sitions is relief from the possibility of treachery on the part of men designated as electors. Never but once has this danger threatened. A complete remedy, much more easily applied than an amendment of the Constitution, is the election of men of high character as electors. The language of the Constitution relative to the counting of the votes is extremely precise up to the point of designating by whom they shall be counted. It does not seem to have suggested itself to any member of the Convention that there might be a controverted election in any State, and conse- quently that authority to make a decision should be lodged somewhere. The vagueness of the direction led to a variation in practice at the early elections, as will be observed in the account of each election. Gradually Congress asserted its right to make the count and to determine all questions arising. If this is not clearly the intention of the framers of the Con- stitution — who provided merely that the certificates of votes should be opened in the presence of Congress — it is certainly safer to entrust the decision to the two Houses than to the discretion of one man. The process by which Congress as- sumed the power will be most conveniently set forth in the history of the successive elections. THE ELECTORAL SYSTEM 15 The theory of the Constitution undoubtedly is that the elec- tors are ofhcers of their respective States. As such the method of their appointment is left entirely to the legislatures. From the beginning there was a marked diflference in the States in this regard, for while in most of them the legislature itself made the choice, some entrusted the election to the people. It will be seen from what follows that the tendency to the sys- tem of popular election was not strong at first ; but in Mon- roe's time it became general. When the election of 1824 took place three fourths of the State legislatures had renounced the privilege of appointment. During the whole period prior to 1824 there were numerous cases of the resumption of the right of choice directly, by the legislatures of States in which a political advantage was to be gained by so doing. At the election of 1828, in Delaware and South Carolina alone were the electors chosen by legislature. South Carolina clung to that method of appointment until the civil war. Another change in the mode of appointment accompanied or followed that just mentioned. Originally, in most of the States where the popular system prevailed, each voter cast his ballot for three electors — two for the State at large, and one for the con- gressional district in which he resided. But politicians soon discovered that the weight of the State's influence was in- creased by a general election of the whole number, by the plan known in France as the scrutin de liste. As soon as a few of the States had adopted this method it was necessary for the rest to do the same, for self-protection. Maryland was the last State to give up the district system, which she did after the election of 1832. Since then no State has reverted to it, with one exception, namely, Michigan in 1892. The party accidentally in power adopted this device with the express pur- pose of dividing the electoral vote of the State, w'hich it had no hope of obtaining upon a general popular vote. It is in this feature that the electoral plan of 1787 fails < most conspic- uously. The general ticket greatly increases the power of the large States. Since the first election of Jackson, when it became the usual rule of election, no President has been chosen in opposition to the vote of both Xew York and Pennsylvania, and but four in opposition to the vote of either of them. Nevertheless, it cannot be asserted that the general result would have been different in many cases, if the district method of election had prevailed universally. Gerrymandering might 16 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY effect almost as much as the general ticket. Inasmuch as the power to choose between the district and the general ticket system rests exclusively with the legislatures, and since the evil — whatever it may be — can be reached by amendment of the Constitution only, the plan adopted will undoubtedly con- tinue in use. Since the electors of President and Vice-President are state officers, whose appointment is certified by the governor ; who meet, discharge their one duty, and adjourn, within the State and under state authority, it follows that a fraud perpetrated with the connivance of the chief officers of a State is subject to no effective revision. Unfortunately there have been too many instances of subversion of the will of the people by fraudulent elections, falsified returns, and disfranchisement of citizens by rejection of their legal votes, to admit of this be- ing regarded as a fanciful danger. Indeed, it may be asserted that from the time of the Plaquemines affair in 1844 to the present time there have been few presidential elections which are not believed by members of one party or another to be tainted with electoral frauds. So long as the elections are under state control this evil is beyond remedy. To introduce the system of popular election of the President would not be a cure, even in appearance. Moreover, the jealousy and alarm that are always excited by every proposition to put elections under national supervision, render the only possible remedy wholly impracticable. Yet it needs no argument to prove that fraud which gives the electoral vote of New York or Nevada, the largest or the smallest State, to electors who have not a plurality of votes, and by so doing changes the result of the presidential election, entails a political injury not merely upon the people of the State whose will has been nullified, but upon the whole country. The wrong must go unpunished and unredressed, because there is no appeal from the acts of state authority. There was no apprehension of such wrong when the Constitution was framed; but it has been suffered, repeatedly, if not frequently. In 1876 a complication of elec- toral disorders and controversies, in which neither party was innocent, brought the country to the verge of a terrible crisis. It would be sheer optimism to believe that evils equally peril- ous to peace will not occur hereafter. In the early days of the Republic most of the States re- quired election to all offices by a majority of votes; and when THE ELECTORAL SYSTEM 17 no candidate had more than a plurality, a fresh election was held, and repeated until a majority appeared. At that time it would have been thought a peril to the Republic, had any candidate for President, elected under a popular system, ob- tained the office supported by less than a majority of the people. It is needless to repeat that the framers of the Constitution required a majority of electoral votes, represent- ing the States as units in the Federal Union ; or failing that, a majority of States represented in the lower House of Con- gress. In practice almost every President since Polk — the first on the list — has had less than a majority of all the votes. The exceptions are Pierce, Lincoln (in 1864), Grant at both his elections, and McKinley. Two Presidents entered office backed by less than a plurality of popular votes : Hayes, and Benjamin Harrison. Even this cannot be deemed an argument for a change from the present electoral system, unless we are to abandon altogether the principle of elec- tion by States and adopt that of election by a plurality of individuals. One phase of the practical working of the electoral system should, in conclusion, be mentioned and examined. It is customary for the newspapers, after each election, to draw attention, in the tone of an alarmist, to the fact that the change of a certain small number of votes from one candidate to another in a few States, would have given the election to that second candidate. The successful party in the contest of 1896 aflfected, to an unusual degree, to regard the result as a narrow escape, and the defeated party mourned that it missed a victory by so small a margin. Yet, as a matter of fact, Mr. McKinley was the first President since 1872 to receive a clear majority of votes ; and he also had a larger electoral majority than any President during the same period, except Mr. Cleveland at his second election. The answer to the ever-repeated arithmetical speculation is that the votes never do have a tendency to redistribute themselves in the way suggested. One election does not resemble another ; but the tendency in one State at any given election is substan- tially the same as in otlier States. It increases the ma- jority of the winning party in its own States ; it carries some States over to the opposition ; it reduces majorities in the States held by the losing party, — these changes all being, at any election, in the same direction. It appears that some- 18 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY thing less than nineteen thousand votes transferred from McKinley to Bryan in the States of California, Delaware, Indiana, Kentucky, Oregon, and West Virginia, would have given Bryan the election. It is overlooked that five of the six States named were gained by the Republicans from the Democrats, since they were carried by Mr. Cleveland in 1892 ; and that the change was a part of the movement which gave McKinley his election. It would have required a change of 8772 votes in Indiana to transfer that State from the Re- publican to the Democratic column. Since similar causes produce similar effects, we must suppose that in other States as well as in Indiana, the Republicans would have lost 2.7 per cent, of their vote, and the Democrats gained 2.9 per cent. That change throughout the country would have reduced McKinley's plurality by about 360,000 votes. Applying to the whole country the proportional change needed to give the vote of Delaware to Bryan, the position of the two candidates would be almost exactly reversed ; Bryan would have a plu- rality of more than 600,000. This statement suggests strongly that the result in a single State cannot be dissociated from the result in other States. It is interesting as an arithmetical fact that twenty thousand voters, carefully located, might have re- versed the verdict of 1896 ; but as a political fact it is value- less, and has no bearing upon the question of the practical working of the electoral system. Almost identical conditions, it may also be observed, are found to exist at every election. In 1892, Mr. Cleveland had 277 electoral votes to 145 for Mr. Harrison — a larger excess than that of McKinley over Bryan in 1896. A change of 26,000 votes in California, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, North Dakota, and Wisconsin, would have given Harrison 226 votes, and an election. In 1888 a change of 7200 votes in New York alone would have elected Cleveland over Harrison. A change of 600 votes in New York, in 1884, would have elected Blaine over Cleveland. Garfield might have been defeated in 1880 by the loss to Hancock of 10,517 votes in New York, or by the loss of 11,452 votes in Maine, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Indiana, and Oregon. Hayes, but for circumstances favoring him, might have been replaced by Tilden without the loss of one popular vote. A study of the tables of popular votes in the following pages will reveal many similar facts, even back to 1836, when a slight change in THE ELECTORAL SYSTEM 19 Pennsylvania would have compelled Van Buren to seek his election from the House of Representatives. It appears, then, that the situation in 1896 was nothing unusual, nor one to give the victors a lugubrious thrill, and the defeated a regretful sigh for what might have been. It is ordinarily the case at every election that some precincts, districts, counties, or States are carried by the victorious party by narrow margins ; and it is those which make the difference between victory and defeat. That the same thing is true of our Presidential elections is not a good ground for criticism of the electoral system. Summing up the merits and faults of the system as modified by experience, we may at least say this : that it has almost always resulted in giving effect to the popular will, as well as to the will of the States — which was what it was designed to do. The restlessness which advocates radical change in any institu- tion that has turned out not to be perfect, without due consid- eration of fresh evils that may be introduced by the reform, has devised many substitutes for the system which exists. Yet every substantial evil that has been experienced under the electoral clauses of the Constitution was introduced by politi- cians for party purposes, and might be cured — granting the desire to cure it — without altering these clauses. If any scheme can be presented which politicians might not pervert, it may be well to consider it. n THE FIRST ELECTION It was provided by the Constitution of the United States that " the ratification of the conventions of nine States shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution between the States so ratifying the same." The Constitution was adopted September 17, 1787. Before the close of the year it had been ratified by the conventions of three States. Two other States came to its support in January, 1788, one in February, one in April, and one in May, bringing the number up to eight. New Hampshire had the honor of giving the ninth vote, which made the Constitution effective, on June 21 ; Virginia followed closely on the 26th of the same month ; and New York yielded, after a memorable and bitter struggle, on July 26. The States of North Carolina and Rhode Island refused their assent to the Constitution, and adhered to the re- fusal until Congress had proposed a series of twelve amend- ments, ten of which were adopted. Neither of the two States participated in the first election. The Constitution having become operative, it was the duty of the Congress of the Confederation, in obedience both to the advice of the Convention of 1787 and to its own resolution, to fix the time when the new government should come into being. A long and dreary discussion as to the place where the seat of government should be, caused a needless delay in starting the machinery, and, as will be seen presently, has resulted in a sudden stoppage of the legislative department on a fixed day, every alternate year, for more than a century. It was not until September 13, 1788, — New York City having at last been chosen as the tempoi'ary seat of government, — that a resolution was passed, reciting in a preamble that a sufficient number of States had ratified the Constitution, and directing that electors of President and Vice-President should be appointed on the first Wednesday in January, 1789, that they should meet in their respective States and give in their THE FIRST ELECTION 21 votes on the first Wednesday in February, and that the new Congress should meet in New York on the first Wednesday in March. The people everywhere had become impatient at the tardy action of Congress, and hailed this resolution with great satisfaction. Nevertheless, the time allowed them was exceedingly short. During the year that elapsed between the promulgation of the Constitution by the Convention, and the summons to the first political action under it, no preparations whatever had been made for an election. If it cannot be asserted positively that no state legislature had passed a law providing for the election of Representatives and the appointment of electors, prior to the adoption of the resolution of Congress just referred to, it is nevertheless believed that this is the fact. Indeed, it must have seemed to most people futile to pass laws providing for elections under a Constitution that was bitterly opposed, and that might never go into effect. It may well be doubted if ^ongress would have directed the establishment of a govern- ment in the nine States which first ratified the Constitution, if Virginia and New York had not been included in the number. Even in these days of railroads and telegraphs a period of four months would be a short time in which to do all that was to be done between September 13 and January 7. The legis- latures were to be summoned, laws were to be passed to provide for elections, and candidates for the new positions were to be canvassed and chosen. At that time communi- cation was slow. Intelligence of the resolution of Congress would hardly reach some of the distant state capitals in two weeks. The governor must then issue his proclamation sum- moning the legislature, and here again allowance had to be made both for the slowness of mails in notifying members in the remote regions of the State, and for the time they must necessarily consume in travelling to the capital. All this be- fore a discussion, perhaps prolonged, as to the manner in which electors should be appointed ; and, if it should be determined to give the people the privilege of choosing them, all the pre- parations for a popular election. It seems to have been gener- ally inferred from the shortness of the time allowed, that Congress intended that the legislatures themselves should make the choice. " It is evident," wrote a newspaper corre- spondent at Philadelphia, on October 1, 1788, '' that Congress construe the Constitution that the legislatures of the several 22 A HISTORY OF ^SHE PRESIDENCY States, not the people, are to choose the electors, as that body has ordered the choice of said electors to be on the first Wednesday of January, and their meeting for the choice of President four weeks later. For if the people, as hath been asserted, are to choose the electors, is it possible that in the large States of Massachusetts, Virginia, etc., the returns can be made for the choice, notice given to the persons chosen, and the persons thus chosen have time to meet together in the short space of one month ? No, it is impossible, and can only be remedied by the legislature, who, in fact, are ' the States ' making the choice." In five of the eleven States entitled to participate in the election the governors did not summon the legislature in time to provide for an election by the people, and thus they virtu- ally required the legislature to make the appointment. These States were Connecticut, New Jersey, Delaware, South Caro- lina, and Greorgia. The proceedings in some of the other States were interesting. The legislature of New Hampshire assembled on the 5th of November and passed an act for the election of representatives and electors on the third Monday in December (the 15th). The people were to bring in their votes for five electors, the full number to which the State was en- titled. The votes were to be returned to the legislature, which was to be in session at the beginning of January ; " and the persons having a majority of votes shall, on the first Wednes- day of January next, be duly appointed and declared elected." In case the whole or any of the electors should not be chosen by a majority, then the General Court was to choose as many as might be wanting, from double that number of the candi- dates, having the highest number of votes. No elector re- ceived a majority, and it became the duty of the General Court to appoint a full list. The law had not prescribed the method of choice, and the two branches had great difficulty in coming to terms. The Senate claimed equal power with the House of Representatives in the appointment ; the House insisted upon a joint ballot. The contest was prolonged far into the night, the House stubbornly refusing to admit the pretension of the Senate to a full negative upon its action. " The obser- vations made by the members of the Senate, relative to their prerogative," writes one reporter, quoted by the Hartford '* Courant," " were pertinent, manly, a;id firm — those of the House, ingenious, deep, and well-digested." It is not easy to THE FIRST ELECTION 23 decide between two sets of adjectives so well balanced, which branch of the General Court had the better of the argument. Shortly before midnight, in order that the vote of the State might not be lost to Washington, " the Great American Ya- bius," the House yielded, with a protest against its action being regarded as a precedent, and concurred in the list of electors chosen by the Senate. They were all Federalists. The plan adopted by the Massachusetts General Court was not unlike that of New Hampshire. The people in each repre- sentative district were to vote for two persons, inhabitants of the district. From the two persons in each district liaving the highest number of votes the General Court chose one ; and it also chose, independently, two electors at large. The law prescribed that the choice should be by joint ballot. The vote of New York was lost. The two branches of the legislature fell into a contest almost precisely like that in New Hampshire. The Assembly was willing to divide the electors with the Senate, when objection was made to its original pro- position of a joint ballot. The Senate refused to agree to any plan which did not give it a full negative upon the action of the Assembly. The time for action was wasted in bitter con- tention. New York was not enthusiastic over the new Con- stitution, and many members of the legislature were rather glad than sorry that the deadlock was not broken until the time for an election had passed. Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia passed laws providing for popular elections, which took place without great excite- ment. Not only in these States, but in Massachusetts and New Hampshire, the vote was light. The two parties were made up of those who favored the Constitution on the one hand, and those who opposed it on the other. Political senti- ment seems to have been largely one way or the other in each community. Here, the Federalists comprised nearly the whole population ; there, scarcely a Federalist was to be found. There were thus present none of the elements necessary for a great political contest. The majority cast perhaps a half of their possible vote, the minority hardly appeared at the polls ; in fact, they often had no candidates in the field. The electors were, as the Constitution contemplated that they should be, free agents in the choice of President and Vice- President. Yet public opinion governed their action to a far greater degree than might have been anticipated 'i the 24 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY discbarge of a perfectly new function. One name, indeed, came spontaneously to the thoughts of all. The newspapers of the time and the private letters of statesmen show that it was universally regarded as fitting that George Washington should be President. As will be seen presently a suggestion of an- other result was made, but it came not from those who desired the defeat of General Washington, but from those who had or affected a fear that others might desire it. So far as can be ascertained, neither any elector nor any considerable number of the people countenanced opposition to Washington. It was from the first accepted as the obvious and proper course to give him a unanimous vote. But the electors were to vote for two persons, — he who received the highest number, being a major- ity, to be President ; the candidate who received the next highest number, whether a majority or not, to be Vice-Presi- dent. Public opinion gradually concentrated upon John Adams. Most of the electors were, to use one of the phrases current at the time, men of " strong federal opinions," and it was but natural that they should desire to support a candidate who, like themselves, favored the new Constitution. Since the President was a citizen of a Southern State, it was deemed just to take the Vice-President from the North. These con- siderations, restricting the choice, were recognized early in the discussion. Hamilton was a most conspicuous leader of Feder- alist opinion ; but he had not attained the age of thirty-five years, and therefore was not eligible to the office. A candidate from New England was indicated as desirable. The names of Governor Hancock, Samuel Adams, John Adams, and General Henry Knox, were canvassed. Knox was a soldier, like Wash- ington, and was speedily rejected as a candidate. It was deemed necessary that Hancock should remain in the position of Governor of Massachusetts. Samuel Adams had been an opponent of the Constitution at the outset, and although he had subsequently advocated it, his early attitude on the ques- tion rendered him an unsuitable candidate. John Adams re- mained, — at least as conspicuous a figure in public life as any man in New England, qualified both by his talents and by his experience for the highest place, and open to none of the objections cited against the other Massachusetts candidates. He was a civilian ; he would vacate no office where his ser- vices were needed, by becoming Vice-President ; and he had THE FIRST ELECTION 25 written a book in defence of the Constitution. Moreover, his public services for many years, not the least of which had just been rendered as minister to England, and had ended not many months before in a dignified retirement, made him seem to most Federalists a peculiarly acceptable candidate. The sen- timents of the friends of the Constitution are well set forth in an article in a Philadelphia paper under date of October 8, 1788, three months prior to the choice of electors : — The electors of President of the United States on the part of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania are to meet in the borough of Reading, where it is universally hoped and expected that one moi-e tribute of merited approbation will be given to George Washing- ton, Esq., by their unanimous suifrages. Of the several respected candidates in nomination for Vice-President, circumstances seem most in favor of John Adams, Esq. While the conciliating talents of Governor Hancock, and the attachment to him that prevails in Massachusetts, render him necessary to the peace of New England, Mr. Adams is perfectly at leisure to fill a seat for which nature, education, and the experience of several years and various coui'ts in Europe have eminently and peculiarly qualified him. Nevertheless there was another side of the question. Adams's relations to Washington during the Revolutionary war had been such that doubt was entertained if he would be accept- able to Washington. To an inquiry on this point there had come from Mount Vernon a cautious reply that — Having taken it for granted that the person elected for that important place would be a true Federalist, in that case he was altogether disposed to acquiesce in the prevailing sentiments of the electors, without giving any unbecoming preference, or incur- ring any unnecessary ill-will. Hamilton was consulted. He had generalized upon what he had seen of Mr. Adams ; and while admitting the merits of that gentleman, had an almost prophetic foresight of the political woes that would be caused by the infirmities of his temper. " On the whole," he wrote, " I have concluded to support him." It is impossible to say how much of American history would have been changed had Hamilton followed this resolution without modification. His distrust and misgivings led him to take a step which aroused the resentment of Adams and wounded his vanity. When we reflect how many of the acts of Adams which led to his defeat and the rout of the 26 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY Federalist party are to be ascribed directly to his rancor toward Hamilton, we seem almost to make the political history of the country for more than a generation turn on a trivial circum- stance. Although in all the newspaper references to the coming election, — one of which is quoted above, — Mr. Adams was spoken of as a candidate for Vice-President, that gentleman did not so regard himself, but rather as a candidate for the presidency. If he received more votes than Washington, he would be President ; if the votes were equal, the House of Representatives would choose one of the two. He showed plainly that he regarded his own merits as equal to those of Washington. Hamilton's offence was that he also foresaw the possibility that Adams's vote would be equal to Wash- ington's, and took measures to prevent it. After the event it was clear that there had never been any danger ; but it does not, by any means, follow that Hamilton was over- anxious and officious. There was an understanding that the New York opponents of the Constitution would vote for George Clinton, and for Adams, or some other than Washing- ton. Ultimately, as we have seen, New York chose no electors. It is said in the Life of Hamilton, by his son, that " for a time the pretensions of Franklin " to the presidency " were dis- cussed in private circles. But the incomparably superior claims of Washington silenced this purpose, which there is no evidence was encouraged by Franklin, whose extreme age would alone have presented an insuperable objection." There is no evidence that Franklin was aware of the suggestion. Yet when such rumors were in the air, it was no more than com- mon prudence on the part of Hamilton to do what he could to make Washington's election sure by cutting down the vote for Adams. This, moreover, was not only his right, but what almost every man in the country except Adams would thank him for accomplishing. What Hamilton did was to send word into several States, advising that a unanimous vote be given to Washington, and that some of the votes which would naturally go to Adams be scattered. No doubt his advice was followed more exten- sively than was needful, and more than Hamilton himself intended. If we may take his own word for it, he did not at the time suppose that Mr. Adams would resent his action In his famous letter on the character of John Adams, written THE FIRST ELECTION 27 in 1800, with reference to the election of 1796 and the then pending election which resulted in the overthrow of Adams, he said, alluding to his interference in the first contest : — Great was my astonishment and equally great my regret, when, afterwards, I learned from persons of unquestionable veracity that Mr. Adams had complained of unfair treatment in not having been permitted to take an equal chance with General Washington, by leaving the votes to an uninfluenced current. No statement was ever made, so far as is known, how much of the scattering vote was due to Hamilton's advice. It is not difficult to attribute the seven votes given to other candi- dates by Connecticut and New Jersey electors to his influence. Those of Virginia seem rather anti-Federal than Hamiltonian vagaries. At all events, the long list of scattering votes shows how little reason there was for Hamilton's fears. Under the Constitution the thirteen States were entitled to sixty-five representatives and twenty-six senators ; and conse- quently to ninety-one electoral votes. Rhode Island and North Carolina, with three and seven votes, respectively, had not adopted the Constitution ; the eight votes of New York were lost ; and two electors of Maryland and two of Virginia failed to appear on the day of voting — the 4th of February. It was explained that the ice in the rivers and bay prevented one of the absent Maryland electors from attending, and gout held the other at home. The electoral votes were sixty-nine in number, and were cast as follows : — States. i la 1 a 1^ a o bs .3 fl 3 pa s fl ■g i i w fl •§ fl W M 1 6 6 § u o 3 3 BO 13 .2 3 « fl ■§ >-i 6 6 1 .•3 s 2 2 < i 1 1 1 H 1 u 1 1 3 o fl a t New Hampshire Massachusetts Connecticut . New Jersey Pennsylvania . Delaware . . Maryland . . Virginia . . . South Carolina Georgia . . . Total . . . 5 10 7 6 10 3 6 10 7 5 69 5 10 5 1 8 5 34 2 2 5 3 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 28 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY It may be well to note that, excepting John Jay and George Clinton, of New York, and John Hancock of Massachusetts, all the " scattering " candidates for Vice-President were " favorite sons " of the States which gave them votes. Georgia, in particular, distinguished itself by discovering four of its own citizens worthy to be placed second to Washing- ton. The consummation of the election of General Washington was an occasion of solemn joy throughout the country. The accounts of the voting are meagre. One description only of the scene has been found. In Massachusetts the electors had their ballots, for Washington and Adams, prepared before they came together. Having organized, they voted quickly and adjourned. " There was not a word spoken," reports the Worcester " Spy," " except in the choice of a chairman." Many of the newspapers expressed their feelings in the ex- uberant rhetoric of the day, when the election had taken place. Here is one example from Baltimore : — The important day in the annals of America is past, which conferred on a single citizen those sovereign powers that require to be placed in one person, in order to render a nation happy in peace, and prosperous in war. Perhaps that day has exhibited what has never happened before in any part of the globe ; above three millions of people, scattered over a country of vast extent, of opposite habits and different manners, all fixing their hopes on the same man, and unanimously voting for him only, without the intervention of force, artifice, plan, or concert. With what delight will the lover of mankind dwell on this period of history and cherish the memory of a people, who could thus feel and thus reward a life of great and virtuous actions ? The first Wednesday in March was the day fixed by the Congress of the Confederation for the meeting of the new Congress of the United States. It was more than a month after that date, on the 6th of April, 1789, that a quorvim of senators appeared in their seats. It was nearly as difficult t© secure the acceptance of the senatorial position by suitable persons, as it had been to persuade them to discharge the far less important duties devolved on members of the Continental Congress ; and the old vices of non-attendance and tardy at- tendance were still persistent. Nevertheless, since the fourth of March was the day appointed for the meeting, and since THE FIRST ELECTION 29 some of the senators appeared in their seats on that day, it was assumed that the whole government then came into being. Although Washington was not inavigurated until the 30th day of April, his first term was held to have ended on the 3d of March, 1793. The first Congress came to an end on the 3d of March, 1791 ; and every Congress since then has come to its constitutional term on the same day of that month. A more unfortunate period could not have been chosen, for the result has been that every alternate session is virtually limited to three months' duration. An earlier ratification of the Con- stitution by New Hampshire, Virginia, and New York, and greater promptness on the part of Congress, might have carried the day of the birth of the government back to December ; and there might have been two sessions of full length. Or if the first Congress had taken the view that its term began when it completed its organization, that would have given a month more of time for the short session. Some half-hearted attempts have been made during the century to change the system which so greatly hampers and hurries Congress ; but no action in that direction has ever been taken. As soon as a quorum of senators was in attendance, imme- diate steps were taken for inducting the President and Vice- President into office. John Langdon, a senator from New Hampshire, was elected " president for the sole purpose of opening and counting the votes for President of the United States." A message was sent to the House of Representatives apprising that body of the presence of a quorum and of the temporary organization, '' and that the Senate is now ready in the Senate Chamber to proceed, in the presence of the House, to discharge that duty ; and that the Senate have appointed one of their members to sit at the clerk's table to make a list of the votes as they shall be declared, submitting it to the wisdom of the House to appoint one or more of their members for the like purpose." The House appointed two tellers, and, having given notice to the Senate of its readiness to join that body, proceeded to the Senate Chamber. The President of the Senate opened and counted the vote. The Journal of the Senate reads that — The Speaker and the House of Representatives attended in the Senate Chamber, and the president elected for the purpose of counting the votes declared the Senate and House of Representa- 30 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY tives had met, and that he, in their presence, had opened and counted the votes of the electors for President and Vice-President of the United States, which were as follows : [The table given above is here inserted.] Whereby it appeared that George Washington, Esq., was elected President, and John Adams, Esq., Vice-President, of the United States of America. Notification to the President and Vice-President of their election was sent by the Senate by special messengers, and great preparations were made for the first inauguration. The journeys of Mr. Adams and General Washington — for Adams's was first in point of time — were like a triumphal progress. The Vice-President elect " sat out from Braintree," his home, escorted by the Eoxbury troop of horse to Boston, where the cavalcade was received by a throng of applauding citizens, amid the ringing of the bells of the town. After a collation in his honor given by Governor John Hancock, another military company became his escort to Charlestown, and through Cambridge to Marlborough, where still another troop was waiting to receive him and accompany him on his way. The details of his journey through Connecticut are not pre- served ; but he was met at the New York State line by the Light Horse of Westchester County, and escorted to the city. On April 21 he was introduced to the Senate. President Langdon left the chair and addressed Mr. Adams in a speech of congratulation ; and then the Vice-President took the chair and made a speech in reply. It is interesting to note that although he presided over the Senate thereafter, he did not take the oath of office until June 2. The Constitution pre- scribes a form of oath for the President, but not for other offi- cers of the government. The act prescribing an oath of office was passed by Congress, and signed by the President on the first of June. The journey of General Washington was much longer than Mr. Adams's, and was far more noteworthy for the popular demonstrations of love and devotion. Along the whole route he was greeted as only the sovereign of the people's hearts could be greeted. His progress from the New Jersey shore and his arrival in New York formed a fitting culmination of a journey, the like of which has never been seen on this con- tinent. The ceremonies of inauguration soon followed, on the THE FIRST ELECTION 31 30th of April. In the morning at nine o'clock, the people assembled in their respective churches for services of prayer for the success of the new government and the prosperity of the President. At noon, Washington was escorted from his house to the federal statehouse in Broad Street, where, upon a balcony and in the presence of a vast throng, the oath of office was administered by Chancellor Livingston. " I swear it. So help me, God ! " ejaculated the first President. Then while the people shouted " Long live George Washington, President of the United States," he retired within the build- ing to the Senate Chamber, where he delivered his inaugural address. Ill WASHINGTON RE-ELECTED UNANIMOUSLY The first administration was occupied chiefly in the organi- zation of the new government, with the creation of departments, the formation of a revenue system, an adjustment of the public debt, and similar matters. JeflPerson, at the head of the State Department, and Hamilton, at the Treasury, were the Presi- dent's chief advisers. Circumstances gave to the younger man much greater prominence as the constructive statesman, at this momentous period, than to the author of the Declara- tion of Independence. The fact that to his department be- longed naturally the duty of devising the financial measures which were of first importance ; the personal intimacy between the President and Hamilton ; and Washington's strong leaning to the Federalist view of public questions ; these all combined to render the Secretary of the Treasury conspicuous and success- ful, and to leave the Secretary of State in comparative obscurity. The line between parties was more clearly defined than one would have expected it to be in a country which had just been consolidated into a nation, and which had previously known no political divisions save those indicated by the terms " large States," ''small States," "North," and "South." Not a few anti-Federalists were elected to Congress, and formed the nucleus of an active opposition. There is no doubt that Jefl'erson did what he could to thwart Hamilton and to defeat or modify the measures he devised, although those measures had the support of the President, the chief of both Secretaries, As governments are now organized, such a course of action Avould be regarded as base political treachery. It was not so at the time. The Secretaries did not form a cabinet, in the modern sense of the word ; Washington was not chosen Presi- dent as the candidate of a party ; and being fully aware of Jefferson's dissent from the measures which he himself wished to be passed, he did not intimate a desire for the resignation of the Secretary of State. WASHINGTON RE-ELECTED UNANIMOUSLY 33 Jefferson therefore felt free to organize and direct the party in opposition. It happened, unfortunately for Mr, Adams, that the Senate was closely divided, and that he was required, as Vice-President, to give the casting vote in favor of many of the most important measures of legislation devised by Hamil- ton. To no Vice-President since his time, it is believed, has fallen so large a share in active legislation. Mr. Adams was by nature and conviction a Federalist. He approved the mea- sures brought forward, and, in spite of the grievance he had against Hamilton, loyally supported them. Hamilton him- self, writing in the year 1800, expressed his entire satisfaction with Mr. Adams's course, and declared that it had the effect of modifying the unfavorable opinion of that gentleman which he had previously entertained. Indeed, while the canvass of 1796 was in progress he wrote to Mr. Adams, expressing a strong interest in his election ; he referred to the A^ice-Presi- dent at this time as " a firm, honest, and independent politi- cian ; " and used all his influence to promote his success. But Adams's course had the opposite effect with the anti-Federal- ists. They could not or would not attack Washington ; they trained all their guns on Adams. The French Revolution was approaching one of its acute crises when the presidential canvass took place, for the king had already been deposed when the election took place, and was guillotined before the second inauguration. The great events in France were to have an important influence upon American politics. Mr. Adams was the first to suffer. His ' political enemies alighted upon some phrases in the published writings of the Vice-President which, they declared, proved him to be in favor of a monarchy, to have a liking for aristo- cracy, and to regard the Constitution as but a makeshift soon to be discarded for the system which they believed, or affected to believe, he preferred. They rang the changes on a passage in which he had extolled the working of government by " king, lords, and commons ; " they jeered at his reference to the " well born ; " and professed alarm lest he should be found conspiring against the Constitution which he had characterized as a " promising essay." Had such attacks been made before the outbreak of the French Revolution, it is doubtful if they would have caused anything but amusement. But now the warm approval of the uprising carried with it sympathy with the sentimental republicanism of the French people. The 34 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY formality of the republican court at Philadelphia, the relations between the President and Congress which were a distinct im- itation of those between king and parliament, — none of these things had offended the popular taste until sans-culottism began to triumph at Paris. Now the Eepublicans — the new name adopted by the anti-Federalist party — set up the spectre of monarchy for the express purpose of terrifying themselves into the eternal vigilance which is the price of liberty. The opposition selected George Clinton of New York as their candidate in opposition to Mr. Adams. The preliminary electioneering was carried on in private letters between public men, and in communications in the newspapers. Rufus King wrote to Gouverneur Morris: "The opposition that now exists arises from other principles than those which produced an opposition to the Constitution, and proceeds from that rivalry which always has and will prevail in a free country. Wash- ington and Adams will be re-chosen this winter : the first with- out opposition. Whether the opponents of Mr. Adams will combine their opposition I consider as uncertain. Should this be the case, Clinton will be their man." " A Citizen " wrote to the " Baltimore Advertiser " that all were in favor of Wash- ington, but that " men who have a sense of equality and a dis- gust of supercilious superiority are, I am in hopes, linked as a strong chain against the Vice-President." The leader among the newspapers opposing Adams was the "National Gazette," of Philadelphia, conducted by Philip 'Freneau. Freneau had gone to Philadelphia from New York, on an appointment by Jefferson as translator to the State Department, and had established his newspaper, which became the organ and mouthpiece of those who abused and vilified the Federalists and their measures, and particularly of those who hated Mr. Adams. Although the salary drawn by Freneau from the Government was a pitiful sum, his course as a proteg^ of the Secretary of State and as the editor of the most violent politi- cal newspaper in opposition to the administration was a public scandal. Both Freneau and Jefferson refused to see it in that light. The editor protested that his political course was unin- fluenced by the secretary, and that his receipt of a salary from the government should not hamper him or deter him from ex- pressing his opinions. Jefferson said nothing, and left Fre- neau's defence to stand for his own. It is not necessary to know whether Freneau's sworn denial that Jefferson had WASHINGTON RE-ELECTED UNANIMOUSLY 35 directly or indirectly dictated his course, was absolutely true or a disingenuous but skillfully worded evasion. Surely the situation, which either of the persons might have brought to a termination in a day, was not defensible. It is equally cer- tain that Freneau was all the time faithfully serving Jeffer- son's purposes. The other newspapers of the time had strong political lean- ings one way or the other, which can be detected by the pre- vailing tone of the communications printed by them. Yet they admitted to their columns letters on both sides of the question at issue. Classical signatures were much in vogue. A long series of articles signed '^ Catullus " was widely copied. That Hamilton was the author was suspected at the time. The letters are included in Hamilton's " Works." The dis- cussion was carried on by " Lucius," " Marcus," " Mutius," " Antonius," " Philanthropos," and other Greeks and Romans. As the close of the canvass drew near, the virulence of party hatred became more intense. The enemies of Mr. Adams brought out one " Ipcal issue " to draw away a few votes. Congress had passed a bill apportioning members of the House of Representatives after the ascertainment of population at the first census. There was much bad feeling on this question. The bill passed by Congress encountered the first executive veto in the history of the government. Mr. Adams had, in the progress of the measure through the Senate, given a cast- ing vote against a ratio of one representative to thirty thousand inhabitants. The defeat of that ratio reduced the representa- tion of Virginia, and enraged the people of the State against Adams. Every electoral vote of Virginia Avas given to Clin- ton. In most of the other States it was a strictly party contest. New England was solid for Federalism. New York had been carried, as before, by the Republicans. That is to say, it was counted for that party. At the spring electioii of 1792, the opposing candidates for governor were Clinton and Jay. There was a plurality of votes for Jay, but the canvassers threw out the returns from three counties and declared Clinton elected. Hamilton, writing to assure Adams of a wish for his success, intimated that the method of Clinton's election would not help his canvass for the vice-presidency. There is no evidence that it hurt his chances. The Middle States went for Washington and Adams. North Carolina and Georgia were carried for Clinton. This result was to have been antici- 36 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY pated in North Carolina, which had come into the federal Union after the Constitution went into effect, and with un- feigned reluctance. It was not until the last session of Congress before the elec- tion, that the following act regulating the election of President was passed. This law, modified and amended from time to time, as will be noted hereafter, remained in force until it was superseded by the act of 1887 : — An Act Relative to the Election of a President and Vice-President of the United States, and declaring the Officer loho shall be Presi- dent in case of Vacancies in the Offices both of President and Vice-President. Section 1. Be it enacted, etc., that, except in cases of the elec- tion of a President and Vice-President of the United States prior to the ordinary period, as hereinafter specified, electors shall be appointed in each State for the election of a President and Vice- President of the United States, within thirty-four days preceding the first Wednesday in December, 1792, and within thirty-four days preceding the first Wednesday in December in every fourth year succeeding the last election, which electors shall be equal to the number of senators and representatives to which the several States may by law be entitled at the time when the President and Vice-President thus to be chosen should come into office : Provided always, that when no apportionment of representatives shall have been made, after any enumeration, at the time of choosing electors, then the number of electors shall be according to the existing apportionment of senators and representatives. Sec. 2. That the electors shall meet and give their votes on the said first Wednesday in December, at such place in each State as shall be directed by the legislature thereof ; and the electors in each State shall make and sign three certificates of all the votes by them given, and shall seal up the same, certifying on each that a list of the votes of such State for President and Vice-President is con- tained therein, and shall, by writing under their hands, or under the hands of a majority of them, appoint a person to take charge of and deliver to the President of the Senate, at the seat of govern- ment, before the first Wednesday in January then next ensuing, one of the said certificates ; and the said electors shall forthwith forward, by the post office, to the President of the Senate at the seat of government, one other of the said certificates ; and shall forthwith cause the other of the said certificates to be dehvered to the judge of that district in which the said electors shall assemble. Sec. 3. That the executive authority of each State shall cause three lists of the names of the electors of such State to be made WASHINGTON RE-ELECTED UNANIMOUSLY 37 and certified, and to be delivered to the electors on or before the said first Wednesday in December; and the said electors shall annex one of the said lists to each of the lists of their votes. Sec. 4. That if a list of votes from any State shall not have been received at the seat of government on the said first Wednes- day in January, then the Secretary of State shall send a special messenger to the district judge in whose charge such list shall have been lodged, who shall forthwith transmit the same to the seat of government. Sec. 5. That Congress shall be in session on the second Wednesday in February, 1793, and on the second \Vednesday in February succeeding every meeting of the electors, and the said certificates, or so many of them as shall have been received, shall then be opened, the votes counted, and the persons who shall fill the offices of President and Vice-President ascertained and de- clared agreeably to the Constitution. Sec. 6. That in case there shall be no President of the Senate at the seat of government on the arrival of the persons entrusted with the lists of the votes of the electors, then such persons shall deliver the lists of the votes in their custody into the office of the Secretary of State, to be safely kept and delivered over as soon as may be to the President of the Senate. Sec. 7. That the persons appointed by the electors to deliver the lists of votes to the President of the Senate shall be allowed, on the delivery of the said lists, twenty-five cents for every mile of estimated distance by the most usual road from the place of meet- ing of the electors to the seat of government of the United States. Sec. 8. That if any person appointed to deliver the votes of electors to the President of the Senate shall, after accepting his appointment, neglect to perform the services required of him by this Act, he shall forfeit the sum of one thousand dollars. Sec. 9. That in case of the removal, death, resignation, or disability both of the President and Vice-President of the United States, the President of the Senate, pro tempore, and, in case there shall be no President of the Senate, then the Speaker of the House of Representatives, for the time being, shall act as President of the United States until such disability be removed, or until a Presi- dent be elected. Sec. 10. That whenever the office of President and Vice-Presi- dent shall both become vacant, the Secretary of State shall forth- with cause a notification thereof to be made to the Executive of every State, and shall also cause the same to be published in at least one of the newspapers printed in each State, specifying that electors of the President of the United States shall be appointed or chosen in the several States within thirty-four days preceding the first Wednesday in December then next ensuing ; provided, that there shall be a space of two months between the date of such 38 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY notification and the said first Wednesday in December ; but if there shall not be the space of two months between the date of such notification and the first Wednesday in December, and if the term for which the President and Vice-President last in office were elected shall not expire on the third day of March next ensuing, then the Secretary of State shall specify in the notification that the electors shall be appointed or chosen within thirty-four days preceding the first Wednesday in December in the year next en- suing, within which time the said electors shall accordingly be appointed or chosen ; and the electors shall meet and give their votes on the said first Wednesday in December, and the proceed- ings and duties of the said electors and others shall be pursuant to the directions prescribed in this act. Sec. 11. That the only evidence of a refusal to accept, or of a resignation of, the offices of President and Vice-President, shall be an instrument in writing declaring the same, and subscribed by the person refusing to accept or resigning, as the case may be, and delivered into the office of the Secretary of State. Sec. 12. That the term of four years, for which the President and Vice-President shall be elected, shaU in all cases commence on the fourth day of March next succeeding the day on which the votes of the electors shall have been given. Fifteen States took part in the election of 1792. Khode Island and North Carolina had ratified the Constitution ; and Vermont had been admitted to the Union March 4, 1791, and Kentucky, June 1, 1792. Electors were appointed by the legislatures in Vermont, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, South Carolina, Georgia, and Kentucky ; by the people and the legislature in New Hamp- shire and Massachusetts ; by the people alone in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina. In Massachusetts the people chose electors in five districts ; in the other nine dis- tricts no one had a majority, and the General Court appointed electors for these districts and also two at large. In North Carolina a peculiar system was adopted which was never prac- ticed anywhere else, nor at any other time. The apportionment, in accordance with the census of 1790, under which North Carolina was entitled to ten members of the House of Repre- sentatives, did not become law until April 13, 1792. The legislature was not then in session, nor did it meet again until the 15th of November. The electors were to meet, under the law of 1792, on the 5th of December. There was not time in the interval to provide for a popular election. Accordingly the legislature passed a law dividing the State into four dis- WASHINGTON RE-ELECTED UNANIMOUSLY 39 tricts, and directing the members of the legislature residing in each district to meet on the 25th of November and choose three electors. This was a mere hasty makeshift, and the legislature made permanent provision at the same session for the choice of electors by the people by districts. In the States where there was a popular election the vote seems to have been very light. The largest number of votes given for any person as elector in Massachusetts was cast for Azor Orne, 693. In Pennsylvania, where, two or three months before, forty thousand votes were cast for members of Congress, less than four thousand voted for electors. It may be mentioned, as illustrating the extreme jealousy of state rights that prevailed at this time, that Governor Hancock sent a special message to the Massachusetts legis- lature, in the nature of a protest against the right of Con- gress to require the Executives of the several States to certify the lists required by section 3 of the act of 1792. He was willing to perform the duty, but he would not concede the right of Congress to direct him to do it. The election passed off without excitement or serious con- test anywhere. The result, by States, is indicated by the following table : — d o States. bo a s a o '.a Q S • 1 .3 S a New Hampshire 6 6 3 16 3 16 - - Massachusetts _ Rhode Island 4 4 _ _ _ Connecticut 9 9 _ _ _ New York 12 _ 12 _ _ New Jersey 7 7 - - _ Pennsylvania 15 14 1 - _ Delaware 8 3 _ _ _ Maryland 8 8 _ _ _ Virffinia 21 - 21 - _ North Carolina 12 - 12 - _ South Carolina 8 7 _ _ 1 Georgia 4 - 4 - - Kentucky 4 - - 4 - Total 132 77 50 4 1 40 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY The counting of the electoral vote was for the first time a matter of previous agreement between the two Houses of Congress, and the system pursued in 1793 was, with occa- sional slight but sometimes significant modifications, that which was followed for a great many years. The House of Representatives proposed, February 5, 1793, the appointment of a joint committee " to ascertain and report the mode of examining the votes for President and Vice-President, and of notifying the persons who shall be elected of their elec- tion, and to regulate the time, place, and manner of admin- istering the oath of office to the President." The Senate agreed, and the committee reported to the two Houses, Feb- ruary 11 : — That the two Houses shall assemble in the Senate Chamber on Wednesday next at twelve o'clock ; that one person shall be ap- pointed a teller on the part of the Senate (two on the part of the House), to make a list of the votes as they shall be declared ; that the result shall be delivered to the President of the Senate, who shall announce the state of the vote, and the persons elected, to both Houses, assembled as aforesaid, which shall be deemed a de- claration of the persons elected President and Vice-President, and, together with a list of the votes, be entered on the Journals of the two Houses. This mode was observed. The two Houses having accordingly assembled, the certificates of the electors of the fifteen States of the Union, which came by express, were, by the Vice-President, opened, read, and delivered to the tellers appointed for the purpose, who, having examined and ascertained the votes, presented a list of them to the Vice-Presi- dent, which list was read to the two Houses, and is as follows : [Here follows the above table.] Whereupon The Vice-President declared George Washington unanimously elected President of the United States for the period of four years, to commence with the 4th of March next ; and John Adams elected, by a plurality of votes, Vice-President of the United States for the same period, to commence with the 4th of March next. It will be observed that in this case the Vice-President both opened and read the certificates, and that the tellers did no more than verify and tabulate the returns. The exclusive power of the Vice-President to count the votes was thus asserted and exercised in a marked manner. On the next occasion, WASHINGTON RE-ELECTED UNANIMOUSLY 41 as we shall see, the use of this power might have been a matter of some importance. The inaugumtion of "Washington at the beginning of his second term was almost scandalously unceremonious, yet not so informal as it came near to being. The mad passion against outward show, an importation from France, led to frequent criticisms in the Republican newspapers of the semi-regal state in which the President was supposed to live. Adams, of course, was not spared. He too was de- nounced for the luxury of his mode of life, and the shafts aimed at him took effect. He gave up his house in Phila- delphia, sent his wife home to Massachusetts to manage the farm, and himself went to reside in lodgings. When the day upon which the oath of office was to be taken a second time by the President elect drew near, the time and place of the cere- mony became the subject of discussion in the cabinet. Jeffer- son proposed that General Washington take the oath privately in his own house and send a certificate thereof to Congress. Hamilton fell in with this proposition ; but the other mem- bers of the cabinet objected, and the plan was not adopted. At noon, precisely, on the 4th of March, Washington unat- tended entered the Senate Chamber, where were gathered many of the senators, some of the representatives who lingered after the adjournment of Congress, certain public officers, and '' a number of private citizens." He took the oath of office, delivered his inaugural address, and then retired as quietly as he had come. rv JOHN ADAMS During "Washington's first administration, domestic ques- tions occupied the government chiefly and gave rise to party conflicts : the funding system and the excise law before all others. The first, which reduced the chaos of national finance to order, and restored the credit of the United States, nevertheless had necessarily some features which seemed a justification of the accusation that it was devised for the re- lief of the well-to-do. Accordingly it aroused the antagonism of the same class which, in modern times, denounces measures for the payment of national obligations in good faith, in order to maintain the credit of the country, as designed for the sole benefit of the bondholders. The excise law was passed in 1791, after violent opposition in Congress. Its execution was resisted more or less from the beginning ; but it was not until 1794 that the situation became so acute that a large armed force became necessary to quell what has passed into history as the '' Whiskey Insurrection." At that time oc- curred the first serious collision between federal and state authority. Governor Mifflin, of Pennsylvania, a Republican partisan, refused to take the initiative, and Washington called out the militia on the certificate of a federal judge that an insurrection existed. Little more than a display of force was required to put down the insurrection. The whole affair re- sulted, not a little to the surprise of both parties, in strength- ening the government and making it popular. The people realized for the first time that they had created a power which was capable of making itself respected at home. Meantime two most serious questions of foreign policy had been raised, and both of them had an important influence upon the elections which determined who should be the second President. The arrival, reception, and conduct of " Citizen " Genet, the French minister sent over by the Gi- rondist government, excited the most bitter party controversy JOHN ADAMS 43 the country had known. Although Jefferson himself, as Secretary of State, wrote and signed the account of Genet's diplomatic impertinences, and demanded his recall, yet his political attitude toward the agitation and his strong sym- pathy for the French rendered it impossible that he should remain in the cabinet as a loyal supporter of the administra- tion. The appointment of Jay, the Chief Justice, to negotiate a treaty with England, aroused but little public feeling. The treaty which he negotiated was ratified by the Senate, by ex- actly the constitutional two-thirds majority, before its terms were made public. But when it was published there arose such a storm of opposition to its promulgation by the Presi- dent as no Executive since Washington has had to encounter. Public meetings at which the most violent language was used, riots, burning the treaty and the effigy of Jay, — these were every-day incidents in all parts of the country. This is not the place to do more than refer to the events of the time and indicate their bearing upon the ensuing election. The details must be left to the general historian. It is sufficient to say that the firmness of Washington was proof against the popular clamor, against the personal abuse to which he was subjected, even against the determination of a great majority of the House of Representatives, as expressed in a resolution call- ing upon him for a copy of the instructions to Jay, with a view to the impeachment of the ambassador. He promul- gated the treaty, he remained calm and silent under vituper- ation, he returned a respectful but unflinching refusal to the demand for Jay's instructions. In the end, too, the House itself, by the narrowest of majorities, agreed to pass the mea- sures necessary for carrying the treaty into effect. It is not to be supposed that the sentiments of the, American people were expressed in the noisy outcries of the opposition. Events proved that it was a minority only that displayed such vio- lence of hostility toward measures which were greatly to the benefit of the United States during the next ten years. But the apparent strength of the democratic societies not only in- spired the opposition party with a hope of capturing the gov- ernment, but caused apprehension and anxiety throughout the ranks of the Federalists. It was made known by Washington to his closest intimates, early in the year 1796, that he intended to decline a reelection. His purpose was rumored, but not definitely made public, early 44 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY in September. Those who had been aware of his intention had already canvassed the subject and were agreed upon their candidates. Several names were considered for the presidency. Hamilton was eligible, and he was the undoubted leader of his party. But he had made many enemies, and his candidacy would surely have aroused intense antagonism. There was a stain upon his private character ; and a threat had been made that should he come forward as a candidate, certain papers alleged to be damaging to his integrity would be published. There is no evidence worthy to be regarded either that a truth- ful accusation against his financial honor could have been brought, or that a fear of exposure deterred him from becom- ing a candidate. He was rather a king-maker than a candidate for the throne. If Hamilton were not to seek the office, the two most promi- nent candidates were Adams and Jay. It seems to have been universally felt that although Jay's talents fitted him for the office, his negotiation of the treaty with England would cost him enough votes to endanger his election. Adams was di- rectly in the line of promotion ; his services to the country during a long public life had given him as good title as any statesman had to the gratitude of his country ; and his con- duct in the Vice-President's chair had been fully acceptable to the Federal party. Accordingly it was agreed at a conference of Federalist members of Congress that Mr. Adams should be the candidate for President ; and Thomas Pinckney of South Carolina was chosen as the candidate for Vice-President. The date of the nominations is not known. The time is fixed vaguely in a letter from Oliver Wolcott to Henry W. Edwards, quoted by Gibbs (vol. ii. pi 488), as the summer of 1796. At about the same time, as we learn from the same alithor- ity, Jefferson and Burr were agreed upon by a conference of Republican members of Congress, as the candidates of their party. The Republicans seem to have arrived at a tacit under- standing that Mr. Jefferson was to be their candidate, before the conference was held. Jefferson had been the leader and organizer of the party while still in Washington's cabinet. From his retirement at Monticello he had conducted a copious correspondence with the chief men of the party, full of com- ment on passing events and of advice as to their course of action. He was now the natural, and, indeed, the inevitable candidate. Republican opinion, in the North at all events, JOHN ADAMS 45 accepted Aaron Burr as the candidate for Vice-President. Burr had, by his political adroitness and activity, displaced Geoi'ge Clinton as the leader in New York of the Republican party. The second position was already regarded as one of importance vastly inferior to that of the first. Neither Mr. Pinckney nor Mr. Burr would have been generally regarded as possessing strong claims to the presidency. The names of the candidates for the vice-presidency were not usually coupled with those of the leaders. " It requires no talent at divination," said a writer in the "Boston Gazette," a Republican paper, in Sep- tember, 1796, '' to decide who will be candidates for the chair. Thomas Jetierson and John Adams will be the men, and whether we shall have at the head of our executive a steadfast friend to the rights of the people, or an advocate for hereditary power and distinction, the people of the United States are soon to decide." An unsigned letter from Virginia, dated September 24, published in all the papers, stated: "I have been informed that Mr. Edmund Randolph, who has lately vis- ited Mr. Jefferson, says that Mr. Jefferson will serve in the office of President of the United States, if elected." The canvass began tamely enough. For two or three weeks after the appearance of Washington's Farewell Address, which was dated September 17, 1796, the subject of the coming elec- tion was rarely even mentioned in the newspapers. But the contest soon became earnest and bitter. For the most part it took the form of an intensely partisan comparison of the re- cords and views of the two candidates. The leading disputant on the Federal side wrote, over the signature " Phocion," a series of nearly thirty articles.^ Although the papers consisted largely of attacks upon Jefferson, two or three of them were devoted to a strong defence of Adams. The stoutest opponent of the Vice-President adopted the signature "A Federalist." His position and arguments were anything but Federalist. Adams's record was assailed most virulently, and Jefferson was warmly praised. It must be said that the debate on both sides was disingenuous. Jefferson was not only berated for acts which in the minds of his opponents constituted real offences, but was accused of many things which it was easy to 1 The authorship of the letters is not known. They are attributed by some historians to Hamilton ; but they are not included by J. C. Hamilton in a list of his father's works, and Lodge, when preparing the memoir of Hamilton, could find no evidence that they were written by him. 46 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY show he had not done. But if he had reason to complain of a certain degree of unfairness on the part of his enemies, the misrepresentation of Adams's political opinions and public writings was shameful and scandalous. His expressions were garbled and deliberately misquoted. Perhaps no American public man has ever been treated more foully in this respect than was he. Bache's " Aurora " was a prototype of many a party newspaper edited with a conscienceless purpose to win political battles at any expense to the truth ; but none of its successors have gone beyond it in malignity and unveracity. There were some unconscious humors of the canvass, — among which may be classed the appeal to the voters of the country to support a " Christian President," — an attempt to rally the religious sentiment of the country against Jefferson. On the other hand nothing could have been more audacious, and nothing less convincing to men who knew anything of pol- itics, than this warning, published in the Philadelphia papers shortly before the election : — Freemen of Pennsylvania ! Take caution ! The aristocrats of our country are endeavoring to deceive you with the name of Washington. They presume to call theirs [the] " Washington ticket." Beware, fellow citizens, of the Washington ticket. It is intended to support the electors of the monarchist Adams, and begins with the name of Israel Whelen. Our Republican ticket begins with the name of Thomas McKean, and is intended to support the election of the Republican Jeffer- son. Believe us, fellow citizens, that your President Washington loves a Republican and hates a monarchist. He therefore wishes that the Republican Jefferson may be his successor. Shortly before the election a '' bombshell " was thrown by the minister of France, " Citizen " Adet. He addressed a note to the Secretary of State, and also caused it to be pub- lished in all the newspapers which would print it, reproaching the administration with having violated its treaties with Prance, and with conducting itself in a most ungrateful manner toward a country which had rendered important assistance in the Re- volutionary struggle. He also announced that he was directed by his government to suspend his diplomatic duties. The interruption of relations was, however, not to be interpreted " as a rupture between France and the United States, but as a mark of just discontent, which was to last until the govern- ment of the United States returned to sentiments and to mea- JOHN ADAMS 47 sures more conformable to the interests of the alliance, and to the sworn friendship between the two nations." What effect this manifesto had upon voters cannot be stated. Certainly it did not change the result, so far as Mr. Adams was concerned ; but, considering the closeness of the vote in Pennsylvania, it is more than possible, indeed it is quite prob- able, that it contributed the electoral votes which made Jeffer- son Vice-President. Some light is thrown upon the political machinery of the time by certain notices which appear in the newspapers. In Pennsylvania, on the day before the adjournment of the legis- lature, a conference of Republican members, together with cit- izens from different counties of the State, met and agreed upon a list of electors. This is the "ticket" just mentioned " which begins with the name of Thomas McKean." On the following day a similar meeting of Federalists made up a list of electors supposed to be favorable to Adams. Meetings of members of the two parties were afterward held at the county seats, and the tickets were ratified. In Virginia the practice of self-nomination, then and for a long time afterward followed with respect to seats in Congress, was in operation. Charles Sims offered himself as a candidate for elector in the Alexan- dria district, and announced that, if chosen, he should vote for Patrick Henry and John Adams. Ralph Wormeley, ill another district, offered himself ; and said that he preferred Washing- ton for President, but that if he refused to stand, '* it would be my part most diligently to search out for his successor a char- acter the most resembling his in political principles, in sound judgment, in unexampled prudence, and in unshaken firm- ness." As this statement of his purpose seemed to be too vague, and he was asked for whom he would vote, he sent another communication to a Richmond newspaper, in which he discussed, and answered in the negative, the question whether an elector should disclose his intention. It did not become necessary for him to disclose it. He was not elected. The appointment of efectors was made, on various days, during the month of November, 1796. Sixteen States took part in the election, Tennessee having been admitted to the Union on June 1, 1796. The electors for that State were chosen by the legislature. Those for North Carolina were elected by the people. No other State changed its system, and there were, therefore, six States where there was a pop- 48 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY ular election, while in the other ten the choice was made by the legislature. The Federalists carried all the States north of Pennsylvania ; the Republicans all the States from Virginia southward. Pennsylvania was unexpectedly lost by the Fed- eralists, who were nevertheless successful in Delaware, and in six of the ten districts of Maryland — one of which they car- ried by a majority of only four votes. It is impossible to make a reasonably complete statement of the popular vote, even in the States where the people made the choice. But it is interesting to note how easily the result might have been different from what it was. In Pennsylvania the vote was extremely close. There were, as we have seen, two tickets, each bearing fifteen names. The highest number polled by any candidate for elector was 12,306 ; the lowest of the thirty had 12,071. Thus 235 votes only represented the greatest difference ; and two of the Federalist electors were chosen. The fact that, nevertheless, Adams received but one electoral vote in the State will be explained presently. It is necessary now merely to observe that a change of less than a hundred votes in Pennsylvania would have resulted in the election of Thomas Pinckney, instead of Thomas Jefferson, as Vice-President. It is even open to the student of history to maintain, basing an argument upon the events which in- tervened between the appointment of electors and the dis- charge of their duty, that the change might possibly have made Pinckney President and Adams Vice-President. Had Governor Mifflin complied strictly with the law requiring re- turns of the election to be made within fourteen days, when the governor was to proclaim the result, Jefferson would cer- tainly have been defeated. The contest in Massachusetts was fierce, and the Republi- cans showed unexpected strength. Governor Samuel Adams was a candidate for elector in the Boston district, but was de- feated. The legislature chose electors for the districts in which no choice had been made by the people, in accordance with the system that had been in operation at the two previous elections. Among those thus appointed was Elbridge G«rry, who was inclined to support the Republicans. He voted, nevertheless, for Adams and Pinckney. The General Court passed a resolution authorizing the electoral college to fill any vacancies that might occur. Governor Adams signed the resolution ; but the next day, having, no doubt, perceived that JOHN ADAMS 49 every vacancy would subtract a vote from John Adams, he went to the office of the Secretary of State, erased his name from the resolution, and sent a message to the General Court communicating his reasons for so doing. Second thoughts are best, no doubt ; but the right of the governor to act upon them was not, in this case, admitted. The canvass did not end with the appointment of the elect- ors. "Phocion" still continued to give reasons why Jeffer- son should not be chosen ; but the articles made no impression upon the electors. The Republican candidate was sure of every opposition vote. The situation was far from clear on the Fed- eralist side. Hamilton had, from the beginning, urged an equal support by the electors of Adams and Pinckney. He gave frankly his reason for the advice, "All personal and partial considerations must be discarded, and everything must give way to the great object of excluding Jefferson." New York would be unanimous for both the Federal candidates. " I hope New England will be so too. Yet I have some ap- prehensions on this point, lest the fear that he may outrun Mr. Adams should withhold votes from Pinckney. Should this happen, it will be in my opinion a most unfortunate policy. It will be to take one only instead of Uvo chances against Mr. Jefferson ; and well weighed, there can be no doubt that the exclusion of Mr. Jefferson is far more important than any dif- ference between Mr. Adams and Mr. Pinckney." This is not the place to review in detail the points raised by the grandson of Mr. Adams and the son of Mr. Hamilton in the endeavor of each to cast upon the ancestor of the other the blame of a controversy which was fraught with dis- aster to the Federalist party. Mr. Adams himself did not think, after the election was over, that Hamilton had plotted his overthrow. In February, 1797, he wrote, " I believe they," including Hamilton, " honestly meant to bring in me, but they were frightened with a belief that I should fail, and they in their agony thought it better to bring in Pinckney than Jefferson." Mr. Adams changed his opinion on this point afterward ; and it should be remembered, lest the change should be counted against him, that when he wrote what has just been quoted he had no evidence on either side of the question. Hamilton himself supplied that evidence when his famous letter on John Adams was published four years later. " It is true," he wrote, " that a faithful execution of this plan " — an equal 50 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY vote for the two candidates in the Northern States — '' would have given Mr. Pinckney a somewhat better chance than Mr. Adams ; nor shall it be concealed that an issue favorable to the former would not have been disagreeable to me ; as indeed I declared at the time in the circle of my confidential friends. My position Avas that if chance should decide in favor of Mr. Pinckney, it probably would not be a misfortune ; since he to every essential qualification for the office added a temper far more discreet and conciliatory than that of Mr. Adams." It is only natural that Hamilton's cool disregard of Adams's sensibilities ; his studied though veiled denial of Adams's superior merits ; and his evident attempt to use Adams's own friends to carry out a policy which would have humiliated the Vice-President ; — that all these things were resented at the time, and that they have been made the basis of serious accu- sations against Hamilton's good faith. But while, on the one hand, he cannot be exonerated from the charge that he was not straightforward and that he concealed one of the chief reasons of his action, on the other hand, it is not just to suppose that his motives were unworthy. They were not selfish. He sought no preferment for himself. In the circumstances of the selection of the two candidates his motives were not disloyal to the party. Moreover there is no reason to suppose that he had recurred, at this time, to his former unfavorable opinion of Adams, toward whom he cherished no personal animosity. Nevertheless, his course brought present disaster to the party ; and it laid the foundation of the estrangement, the mutual dis- trust, and the bitter hatred between two men capable of large and long continued service to the country, which led to the ultimate ruin of the party. Hamilton's plan failed. No less than eighteen electors in New England resolved that Pinckney's vote should not exceed Adams's, withheld their votes from the candidate for Vice- President, and scattered them upon others. Three Maryland electors did the same thing. Pinckney received, with Jeff"er- son, the eight votes of South Carolina, and one vote more than Adams in Pennsylvania. He had therefore twelve votes less than Adams. Having also nine votes less than Jefferson, he failed of an election. One vote for Jefferson in Pennsylvania deserves notice, since it is believed to have been given by the only elector in the history of the country who has ever be- trayed the trust reposed in him by those who supported him. JOHN ADAMS 51 The closeness of the vote in Pennsylvania already has been recorded, and the fact that two Federalist electors slipped in. One of the two voted for Jefferson and Pinckney. The treach- ery of this elector was the subject of an exceedingly plain- spoken communication in the " United States Gazette " from an exasperated Federalist. " What ! " he exclaimed. " Do I chuse Samuel Miles to determine for me whether John Adams or Thomas Jefferson shall be President ? 'No ! I chuse him to act, not to thinks Not until a week or two after the electors had voted was the result definitely known, namely, that John Adams had one vote more than the number necessary to elect him ; and that Jefferson, having the next highest number, only two less than a majority, was chosen Vice-President. The electoral votes were, by States, as follows : — Statm. 1 £ •a - 6 1 (S o « •-> a o 1-5 d a 4 i a o ■s, a «c o O d >^ a" § a 1 "3 3 a 1 a W a 1 d CO 1 d New Hampshire Vermont . . Massachusetts Rhode Island . Connecticut . New York . . New Jersey . Pennsylvania . Delaware . . Maryland . . Virginia . . North Carolina South Carolina Georgia . . Kentucky . . Tennessee . . Total . . . 6 4 16 4 9 12 7 1 3 7 1 1 71 14 4 20 11 8 4 4 3 68 4 13 4 12 7 2 3 4 1 1 8 59 13 3 1 6 4 3 30 15 15 6 1 4 11 3 4 7 5 5 3 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 The proceedings in preparation for the count of the elect- oral votes were in all respects similar to those of four years previous, except that the proposition for a joint committee originated this time in the Senate. The count itself is in- 52 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY teresting on account of the fact that Mr, Adams himself pre- sided, opened, and read the certificates, and declared himself elected, when the rejection of four votes which had been called in question would have defeated him and elected his opponent. The legislature of Vermont had appointed elect- ors, but had not previously passed a law directing how they should be appointed. It was contended privately, by some persons, that the appointment was invalid. But the ques- tion was not raised in Congress, or at the joint meeting for the count of the votes. Mr. Adams's opponents did not feel sure of their ground, and probably did not know how to pro- ceed to make their objections effective. Mr. Madison wrote to Jefferson, January 8, 1797, " If the Vermont votes be valid, as is now generally supposed, Mr. Adams will have seventy- one and you sixty-eight, Pinckney being in the rear of both." Mr. Adams himself could certainly not raise the question of the validity of the Vermont votes ; but he seems to have given an opportunity for objections if anyone should see fit to raise them. The record shows this. When the tellers had reported the result, Mr. Adams thus addressed the as- sembled senators and representatives : — Gentlemen of the Senate and House of Representatives, — By the report which has been made to me by the tellers appointed by the two Houses to examine the votes, there are 71 votes for John Adams, 68 for Thomas Jefferson [and so on to the end of the list]. The whole number of votes are 138; 70 therefore make a majority ; so that the person who has 71 votes, which is the highest number, is elected President, and the person who has G8 votes, which is the next highest number, is elected Vice-President. At this point Mr. Adams sat down for a moment. After an interval of silence, he arose again and said : — In obedience to the Constitution and laws of the United States, and to the commands of both Houses of Congress, expressed in their resolution passed in the present session, I declare that John Adams is elected President of the United States for four years, to commence with the fourth day of March next ; and that Thomas Jefferson is elected Vice-President of the United States for four years, to commence on the fourth day of March next. And may the Sovereign of the Universe, the Ordainer of civil government on earth, for the preservation of liberty, justice and peace among men, enable both to discharge the duties of these offices conformably to the Constitution of the United States, with conscientious diligence, punctuality, and perseverance. JOHN ADAMS 53 The inauguration took place in the chamber of the House of Representatives, which was crowded to its utmost capacity. The oath was administered by Chief Justice Ellsworth. General Washington was present, with a " countenance as serene and unclouded as the day," so Adams reports in a let- ter to his wife, descriptive of the ceremony, which he closes by saying, " All agree that, taken altogether, it was the sub- limest thing ever exhibited in America." V THE JEFFERSON-BURR CONTEST The administration of John Adams witnessed the total V wreck of the Federalist party, a result of divided leadership. N ^Although Mr. Adams had become President by an extremely J narrow majority of votes, yet his party was stronger in both ^ branches of Congress than it had been during Washington's ■y\ second administration. Of the sixth Congress, during the latter half of Adams's term, the Republicans formed but a * small minority. The strength which the dominant party ~' might wisely have used in consolidating its own power, through the adoption of a policy in harmony with its prin- ciples, was wasted in internal conflict. The blame, in a political sense, rested upon both the Federalist factions. Hamilton had become accustomed to exert a great, almost a • \ controlling influence over Washington. He was consulted ;by the general quite as freely after his retirement from the cabinet as before. He was the leader of his own party in the same sense that Jefi'erson was the leader of the Republi- ''V cans. That is to say, the chief men of the party sought his V advice ; he frequently volunteered counsel to them, upon the O public questions that arose ; and his opinion was usually fol- ^ lowed. Mr. Adams was not one of Hamilton's coterie, nor was he a man either to seek advice as to his course of action, or to accept it with equanimity. From this situation arose all the bad feeling and secret intrigue that make this admin- istration a period of political scandal. Adams continued in office all the members of Washington's cabinet ; Pickering, Secretary of State ; Wolcott, Secretary of the Treasury ; McHenry, Secretary of War ; and Lee, At- torney-General. These men were in frequent correspondence with Hamilton. Before the first month of Adams's admin- istration had closed, Hamilton wrote to Wolcott advocating strongly the sending of three ministers to France. Wolcott replied the next day ; and in his letter revealed to Hamilton, THE JEFFERSON-BURR CONTEST 55 " in the most perfect confidence," the fact that the President had already proposed to him the formation of such a com- mission to negotiate with France. In this incident is to be found the key of the whole situation within the administra- tion during the ensuing four years. Hamilton could not, or would not, — at any rate, did not, — throw off the habit of advising the government and endeavoring to control its ac- tion. Since he had not the same influence over Adams as / ' / he had exercised over Washington, he operated through the./>' ^'^'"^^Z)! secretaries who were already accustomed to receive and act upon his counsel. The secretaries, habituated to this influ- ence, which had been so potent over the first President, whom they revered more than they did the second, dropped insen- sibly into the way of listening to Hamilton rather than to their chief, and — what wrought all the mischief — of mea- suring the intelligence and political sagacity of the President by the degree of deference he paid to Hamilton's judgment. It is not necessary to hold them base or even treacherous on this account, as does John Adams's grandson and biographer^ and as all the anti-Federalist historians do. But the situation created was intolerable ; and a much more even-tempered man than Mr. Adams might well be excused for losing control over himself when he discovered that his own subordinates were executing not his will, but that of another. In the very case under consideration, Mr. Wolcott had been approached by the President on the subject of a mission to France, and had shown a decided opposition to the measure. But in replying to Hamilton he wrote : '■'■ You know that I am accustomed to respect your opinions ; and at any rate I am not so ignorant of the extent of your influence with the friends of government as not to be sensible that if you are known to favor the send- ing a commission, either nothing will be done or your opinion will prevail." Mr. Wolcott did not quite give up his opposi- tion to the mission, but he was less strenuous after learning what Hamilton thought. As time went on, the secretaries, particularly Pickering and Wolcott, besprinkled their correspondence with phrases indi- cating their contempt for their chief. That he was vain, in- discreet, opinionated, jealous, distrustful of many prominent men in his own party, yet guilelessly trustful toward some of the most artful of his political opponents, — all this must be admitted. Yet it might have been prevented from causing the 56 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY HtA^— >— ' f^-v^ I confusion and disaster that followed, had the members of the cabinet themselves been discreet and wise politicians. When ' ' they found that they were unable to bend the President to Hamilton's will, because he was headstrong and they were his intellectual inferiors, they should have become the agents of the President's will, or retired from office, '" / The foregoing review of the situation is necessary, because / in the relations between the President and the prominent men s/w^ of the Federalist party is to be found the sole immediate cause H>- — 4^ of the political overturn in the year 1800, Adams's inaugural ■j . address was well received, even by those who had opposed his jf election. The popularity which he thus achieved increased and continued during the greater part of his term ; although the dissatisfaction of the politicians of his own party grew more intense as the prejudice against him on the part of the people at large vanished. There was, all the time, an alert opposi- tion, presided over by its ablest leader, whom circumstances had placed in the most favorable position for observation and for taking advantage of every mistake of the administration, and yet relieved of all responsibility for the course of public affairs. The question which overshadowed all others during the administration was the relations with France. The insulting -Hj- rejection of Gen. C. C. Pinckney as minister, and his expul- U>^ sion from French territory, became known officially to the government on the 21st of March, 1797, before the administra- ) tion had been three weeks in office. The appointment of ^,.>a-'^ Elbridge Gerry, John Marshall, and General Pinckney as a • J/t^'^P^<^i^l embassy ; the contemptuous treatment they received "^r-^'^ from the French directory ; the corrupt proposals made to them by Talleyrand, acting through an agent ; the X. Y. Z. , letters ; Adams's manly refusal to send another minister until assurance should be given that he would be received ; his nomination of Murray as minister on the receipt of a vague in- timation indirectly conveyed, that a minister would be received, without consultation with any member of the cabinet ; the substitution of a commission for a single minister ; the opposi- tion of the secretaries to the step, and Pickering's studied delay in making ready for the departure of the envoys ; and Adams's petulant order that they should sail before a specified day ; this is a mere catalogue of the chief events in the history of the French negotiation. There were many echoes of the THE JEFFERSON-BURR CONTEST 57 aflfair in home politics : the resolution to organize an army, and the ensuing difficulty relating to Hamilton's rank as a general officer, ending with a victory for Hamilton, through the help of Washington ; the establishment of a navy, a measure most strenuously opposed by the whole Republican party, but heart- ily supported by Federalists of both factions ; the Alien laws and the Sedition act ; and the Virginia and Kentucky resolu- tions of 1798 and 1799. Of all these matters, as political issues between parties, the last mentioned only survived the administration. An exami- nation of other pages in this book will show that every Demo- cratic national platform from 1844 until 1856 declared that -j.{^^_,,t^ " every attempt . . . ought to be resisted with the same spirit -^ r- which swept the Alien and Sedition laws from our statute- \-<- '^'''■'^ book." The resolutions of 1798 and 1799 also appear in the Democratic platforms of 1848 and 1852 as embodying princi- ples to which the party still adhered. There were two " Alien " laws. One of them authorized the President to " order such aliens as he should judge dangerous to the peace and safety of the United States, or should have reasonable grounds to sus- pect were concerned in any treasonable or secret machinations against the government thereof, to depart out of the territory of the United States." The other act empowered the Presi- dent, upon a declaration of war, to cause the subjects of the hostile government " to be apprehended, restrained, secured, and removed, as alien enemies." The Sedition act declared it an offence, and prescribed the punishment and its mode, to combine or conspire, with intent to oppose the government, when directed by the proper authority, to intimidate an officer from the performance of his duty, to incite riots or insurrec- tions against the laws of Congress, or to publish false, scandal- ous, and malicious writings against the government, either House of Congress, or the President, with intent to bring them into contempt, to stir up sedition, or to aid or abet a foreign nation in hostile designs against the United States. Inasmuch as the Sedition act and the first of the Alien laws expired by self-limitation before Jefferson took the oath of office, and since the second Alien law was never repealed, but stands to-day substantially unchanged, a commendation of the " spirit which swept " them from the statute-book involves a historical blun- der. The resolutions of 1798 and 1799 were the first expres- sions of the doctrine which subsequently became known as nullification. 58 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY ■^_^^ I The canvass of 1800 opened early. The first step, perhaps, G- ' was an attempt to draw General Washington from his retire- , c^-jv ' jj^ent and induce him to stand again for the presidency. A /k». suggestion to that effect was made, probably after a consulta- tion among the Hamiltonians ; but Washington refused to com- ply. Later, Gouverneur Morris wrote to him, December 9, 1799 : " During a late visit to New York I learnt that the leading characters, even in Massachusetts, consider Mr. Adams as unfit for the office he now holds ; " and he proceeded to f * urge him to become a candidate. It is probable that Wash- jT ington never read the letter. He was taken ill on the 13th of 'V^' December and died on the 14th. The scheme failed, and the leaders, seeing that it would be impossible to supplant Mr. Adams with any candidate of less authority than Washington, resigned themselves to the inevitable. Early in March articles began to appear in the Republican papers, giving " dispassionate " reasons why Mr. Adams should not be elected. The articles were answered at length by cor- respondents of the Federalist newspapers. The discussion was extremely bitter, and unfounded charges were made on both ~-f sides. Probably the Federal ticket had been agreed upon at '^^'■~'-^ , that time, although it was not authoritatively announced until •/^ t ««-^^ tTiine. General Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, a brother of I Thomas Pinckney, who had been the candidate most voted for f with Mr. Adams in 1796, was associated with Adams on the / Federal ticket. The manner in which the ticket was formed is involved in much obscurity. Mr. Hezekiah Niles, whose " Weekly Register " is a treasury of facts for students of our early political history, tried to clear it up, but acknowledged his failure. Early in the year 1800 a meeting of a few Feder- alist members of Congress, for the purpose, as was said at the time, of influencing the Presidential election, was held in the Senate Chamber. So far as is known, no account of its pro- ceedings was ever printed, but it was probably called for the purpose of strengthening Mr. Adams's cause ; for Mr. Niles says in another place ("Register," Vol. 24, p. 277) that "it was well understood that many of the Federalists were opposed to the taking up of Mr. Adams for the presidency, — that they had nearly fixed on another person." Perhaps the nam- ing a candidate for Vice-President may also have been one of the objects of the meeting. But it is all a matter of conjec- ture and uncertainty. Whatever may have been the purposes THE JEFFERSOX-BURR CONTEST 59 in view, the meeting excited the wrath of the Republicans, and was denounced in the Philadelphia "Aurora" as a "Jaco- binical conclave," — for which and other insulting remarks the editor of the paper was arraigned at the bar of the Senate. The Republican members themselves held a caucus some- what later, — probably in February or March, 1800. It also'l'|^ was a secret meeting. It was attended by a small number of members only. It was called not so much for the purpose of LO V nominating Mr. Jefferson, who was designated by the unani-' r mous voice of his party as the natural candidate, as with the idea of causing a union upon Burr, as well as upon Jefferson. The situation and the course of events are explained in a let- ter, already cited in the preceding chapter, from Oliver Wolcott to Henry W. Edwards, printed in Gibbs's History, based on Wolcott's correspondence (Vol. ii., p. 488). Wolcott wrote that the division of the votes of Virginia in 1796 " gave great offence to Mr. Burr, who complained of bad faith. At the next conference, or caucus, of the Republican members of Congress, Mr. Burr required as a condition of his consent to be their candidate, that highly respectable members of the Republican party should write letters, stating that their honor was pledged to endeavor to procure for him an equal vote with Mr. Jefferson. I have no doubt, from information which I received (though I have never seen a letter to that effect), that this condition was complied with ; at any rate, an equal vote for Mr. Jefferson and Colonel Burr was in fact obtained." Both parties entered upon the canvass with full confidence ; but the Federalists soon suffered a severe New York election took place in May. Later revived and the Republicans became anxious sured were the Federalists of success that the tinel," of Boston, on December 13, after the electors had actually voted, asserted that " there cannot be a doubt " of the election of Adams and Pinckney. One week later the " Cen- tinel " was forced to " concede " the " bad news " that Jefferson and Burr were chosen. The result had finally been determined by the vote of South Carolina, on which the Federalists had counted as safe for their candidates. In New York, the Republican assemblymen were successful in New York city. In a fit of faintheartedness the Phila- delphia "Gazette" declared that the result "ascertains the election of Mr. Jefferson to the presidency," using the verb in 60 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY I' i ^^*^ a sense now obsolete. The suggestion filled other Federalists -•-* ^ with indignant horror. " I trust," wrote one of them, " this country is not yet so abandoned of God." The disaster led Hamilton to write to Governor Jay, requesting him to call together the old legislature, which was Federalist, to pass a law giving the choice of electors to the people, by districts. Another letter, evidently inspired by Hamilton, was also sent to Jay urging the same step. The Governor replied to nei- ther letter. He endorsed one of them, " proposing a Ineasure for party purposes which I think it would not become me to adopt." r -v The politicians in other States were not so rigid in their rvet- ' morality as he. Virginia, where the district system of popular ■ yJ.„.M»^^ election had previously prevailed, and where the Federalists *T had made some inroads since 1796, amended its law and ^ ' instituted the practice of election on a general ticket, thus ensuring its twenty-one votes for Jefferson. In Massachusetts a situation the reverse of that in Virginia existed. Several of its members of Congress were Republicans ; a bye-election of a congressman in the spring of 1800 resulted in a Jefiersonian success ; and when the State election took place, two or three weeks afterward. Governor Strong had a clear majority of only two hundred, and a plurality over Gerry of but 2611. In order to save the whole vote of the Commonwealth for Adams and Pinckney, it was necessary for the General Court to assume to itself the appointment of the electors. A special session was summoned, and a resolution changing the system was passed. The situation in Pennsylvania was peculiar. It had been the practice in that State to pass a law regulating the mode of . appointing electors just before each election, to be operative ^o-i ■ for that election only. At each prior election the people had ,/ enjoyed the privilege of choosing the electors by popular vote. In the year 1796, fourteen Jefferson electors had been chosen, and one Adams man. But in the time of Mr. Adams's popular- ity the Federalists had carried the State once or twice ; and, as the senators were elected by classes, for four years, it happened that, in the year 1800, although the Governor and the House of Kepresentatives were strongly Republican, the Senate was still ^federalist by 13 to 11. As no law had been passed providing rbr a popular election in time to enable the people to make a choice, it became the duty of the legislature itself to choose THE JEFFERSON-BURR CONTEST 61 the electors. The House passed a law providing for an elec- tion by joint ballot, the only way in which the legislature of that State ever elected officers. The Senate rejected the bill and proposed, instead, an election by concurrent vote. The House refused to adopt that method.. At last the Senate pro- posed that each House should name eight electors, and that the two Houses should vote together for the combined list, or for fifteen of the sixteen. The House was forced to yield, and the result was that eight Jefferson and seven Adams electors were chosen. The Federal senators — " the Federal thirteen," as they were proudly termed by their admirers : — were loudly praised for this act by the party organs. The editor of the " United States Gazette," of Philadelphia, wrote on Decem- ber 3, 1800, to his paper : — The Federal thirteen deserve the praises and the blessings of all America. They have checked the mad enthusiasm of a deluded populace and the wicked speculation of designing demagogues. On reviewing the recent aspect of our political affairs, it may be figuratively said, They have saved a falling world! It will be seen, from a consideration of what has been pre- sented, that the Federalists had good reason to anticipate sue- ^ /d^ There were to be 139 electoral votes, of which 70 were necessary for a choice. The solid vote of New England,' r" / together with that of ISTew Jersey and Delaware, gave them/ -^^^ 49 votes ; Maryland, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina con- tributed 16 more ; and the eight votes of South Carolina, which the people of that State promised to them, again and again, would make up the majority. Reserving until a little later the story of the loss of those votes, let us say that it was only political chicanery, — or if that is too strong a word, exceedingly good play of the game of politics, that brought them so near to victory. New York told the story of the popular sentiment. Votes were saved to Adams in Pennsyl- vania and Massachusetts by taking advantage of earlier elec- tions. On the other hand, not more than two or three votes were gained by the Republicans in Virginia by the adoption of the district system. On the surface it appears as if the Federalists were almost as strong as ever. In reality they were saved from a much more crushing defeat than they expe- rienced by measures which the political morality of our time would condemn. The pro_gress of the canvass developed the usual number of 62 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY " campaign lies " and misrepresentations. When the overturn in Adams's cabinet occurred, the Trenton " Federalist " asserted ^ its knowledge that the step was the outcome of an agreement ,..-c.»^v^'*^^etween Adams and Jefferson. Adams was to he re-elected, and so was Jefferson ; the President was to arrange the offices to the satisfaction of the Vice-President, who was to give his firm support to the measures of the administration. The statement was absurd, and might have been taken as a joke, bad not the New Jersey paper been a serious organ of the party. Of the same category was the report circulated by the Federalist papers that Jefferson had discarded the Sabbath, together with the Christian division of time into weeks, and adopted in his household the French decade. In May the Federalists expected to win by seventy-two votes against sixty-six. They counted on five votes in North Carolina, six in Pennsylvania, and four in Maryland, beside the eight of South Carolina. In June they claimed seventy- nine to fifty-nine. At about this time began to appear argu- ments to show that it was most necessary for all Federalist electors to give an equal vote to both candidates. For the most part the internal discussions of the Federalists were kept out of the newspapers. But occasionally something of the dis- trust between Adams's friends and the adherents of Hamilton appeared on the surface. It was not denied, because it was evident to the dullest apprehension that only by the most loyal adherence to the party programme could Jefferson be defeated. Yet when Hamilton made a tour of New England, extended as far as Maine, urging the equal support of both candidates, y3 there was some criticism of his action in the Boston newspaper ''vr most devoted to Adams's fortunes. The Federalists of South Carolina, the State which had given its votes for Jefferson and Thomas Pinckney in 1796, now promised loyal support of Adams and C. C. Pinckney. Toward the close of the canvass a distinct offer was made to them to repeat the division of votes they had made at the former election, that is, to give an equal vote to Pinckney and Jefferson. General Pinckney refused to sanction- the coalition, and gave it to be understood that he wished for no votes that were not given also to Adams. The expectation was that Adams and Pinckney, under the bonds of the agreement, would receive the same number of votes ; where- upon the House of Representatives would elect Adams. It was in the warmest period of the canvass that Aaron Burr, in THE JEFFERSON-BURR CONTEST 63 some way unknown, obtained possession of a part of Hamilton's letter on the character of John Adams, and gave it to the press. Hamilton then published the letter in full. An extract from it has been given already, in the account of the election of 1796. Two sentences only will be quoted here. They fol- low Hamilton's severe arraignment of the President : " Yet, with this opinion of Mr. Adams, I have finally resolved not to advise the withholding from him a single vote. The body of Federalists, for want of a sufiicient knowledge of facts, are not convinced of the expediency of relinquishing him." As had been the case in 1796, sixteen States took part in the election. New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Pennsyl- vania took away from the people the appointment of electors. Rhode Island conferred the right upon them. There were, therefore, four States only in which electors were chosen by popular vote : Rhode Island, Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina. The electors of both parties, with a single excep- tion, voted equally for both candidates. One Rhode Island elector withheld his vote from Pinckney, and gave it to Jay. The result, by States, was as follows : — States. New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts . Rhode Island . Connecticut New York . . New Jersey Pennsylvania . Delaware . . Maryland * . . Virginia . North Carolina South Carolina Georgia . . . Kentucky , Tennessee . . Total . . . > <0 u a tx 1 S ^ S 5? ^ u 1 a "-» 3 « ^ dt o 2 E3 d •a H < i-» d _ 6 6 - - 4 4 _ - 16 16 _ - 4 3 - - 9 9 12 12 - - _ _ 7 7 8 8 7 7 _ _ 3 3 5 5 5 5 21 21 - - 8 8 4 4- 8 8 - - 4 4 - - 4 4 - - 3 3 - - 73 73 65 64 * One Maryland elector did not attend. 64 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY Before entering upon a narrative of the exciting events that arose out of the equal vote for Jefferson and Burr, we must record a most promising attempt to remedy by law the defi- ciencies of the Constitution in the matter of the electoral count. Inasmuch as the legislation then proposed subsequently formed the basis of the " twenty-second joint rule," so famous in the counts of 1869 and 1873, and of the electoral commission law of 1877, it will be well to notice the proceedings at some length. A resolution introduced in the Senate January 23, 1800, by Mr. Ross of Pennsylvania, directed the appointment of a committee " to consider whether any, and what, provisions ought to be made by law for deciding disputed elections of President and Vice-President of the United States, and for determining the legality or the illegality of the votes given for those officers in the different States." The committee reported a bill, February 14, of which the provisions were, in brief, as follows : — On the day before the second Wednesday in February of any year when there was to be a count of electoral votes, each House of Congress was to choose by ballot six of its own members, who, with the Chief Justice of the United States, or, in case of his disability from any cause, the next senior justice, would form a " grand committee," with " power to examine, and finally to decide, all disputes relating to the election." Each House was next to elect two tellers, to whom £he cer- tificates of the electors, after they had been opened and read, were to be delivered ; and the tellers were to note the dates of the certificates, the names of the electors, the time and place of their meeting, and the governors' certificates accompanying, — these minutes to be read to the two Houses and entered on the two Journals. After the certificates had been opened, read, and minuted, the President of the Senate was to administer to the members of the grand committee an oath to examine the certificates im- partially, " together with the exceptions and petitions against them, and a true judgment give thereon, according to the evi- dence." All the certificates, papers, petitions, and testimony were then to be delivered to the chairman of the grand com- mittee, which was to meet every day, sit with closed doors, have ample power to send for persons and papers, compel at- tendance of witnesses, and punish contempts. The powers of the grand committee were stated in the following section : — THE JEFFERSJN-LURR CONTEST 65 Sec. 8. That the grand committee shall have power to inquire, examine, decide, and report upon the constitutional qualifications of the persons voted for as President and Vice-President of the United States ; upon the constitutional qualifications of the electors appointed by the different States, and whether their appointment was authorized by the state legislatm-e or not ; upon all petitions and exceptions against corrupt, illegal conduct of the electors, or force, menaces, or improper means used to influence their votes ; or against the truth of their returns, or the time, place, or manner of giving their votes : Provided ahoayx, that no petition or ex- ception shall be granted, allowed, or considered by the sitting grand committee, which has for its object to dispute, draw into question the number of votes given for an elector, or the fact whether an elector was chosen by a majority of the votes in his State or dis- trict. The committee was to make a final report on the 1st of iU^/~}^^>^^ March, stating the number of legal votes for each person, the number rejected, and the reason for rejection ; such reasonaS to be signed by those who agreed to them. A majority of the committee was to decide finally all questions submitted, and on the day after the report was made the two Houses were to meet again in joint convention, when the result was to be declared, and, if no person had been chosen President, the House was to proceed immediately to make a choice according to the Constitution. When the bill came under discussion, a motion was made to strike from it the first ten sections, — being all which contained any reference to a grand committee, — and to insert instead of them a single section, providing that when the two Houses should be assembled for the purpose of having the certificates of electors opened and counted, the names of the States should be drawn in order by lot ; that all petitions and exceptions should be read as well as the certificates themselves ; that, if no objection should be made, the votes should be counted ; but that " if the votes, or any of them, shall be objected to, the members present shall on the question propounded by the President of the Senate decide, without debate, by yea or nay, whether such votes are constitutional or not ; " and so on, each question being decided before the name of another State was drawn. This proposition was rejected. Various other amend- ments were offered, some of which were adopted, and the bill was passed substantially as it was reported, except that the constitution of the grand committee was changed so as to relieve 66 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY the Supreme Court from duty in connection with the electoral count. Each House of Congress was to choose six of its mem- bers for this service, and the Senate was also to select three others of its members, of whom the House was to choose one by ballot as the thirteenth member of the grand committee. The whole subject was considered with extreme care by the House of Representatives. After much debate upon it in Com- mittee of the Whole, the bill was referred to a select committee, of which John Marshall, afterwards Chief Justice, was chair- man. The committee reported back the bill, in a wholly new draft, on the 25th of April. It provided for a joint committee of four members from each House, with " power to examine into all disputes relative to the election of President and Vice- President of the United States, other than such as might relate to the number of votes by which the electors may have been appointed." To this committee all petitions, exceptions, and memorials against either the electors or the persons for whom they had voted, were to be delivered. The committee was to meet daily from the time of its appointment until it should make its report ; it was to have the powers for reaching witnesses and compelling the production of papers which the Senate had given to the grand committee. The report of the committee was to contain all the facts ascertained in the investigation, but no opinion. The count was to be made in presence of the two Houses immediately after this report was made — tellers having been previously appointed in the manner already estab- lished by precedent — in the following method : — The names of the several States shall then be written under the inspection of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, on separate and similar pieces of paper, and folded up as nearly alike as may be, and put into a ballot-box, and taken by a member of the House of Representatives, to be named by the Speaker thereof ; out of which box shall be drawn the paper on which the names of the States are written, one at a time, by a member of the Senate, to be named by the President thereof, and so soon as one is drawn the packet containing the certificates from the electors of that State shall be opened by the President of the Senate, and then shall be read also the petitions, depositions, and other papers concerning the same, and if no exceptions are taken thereto, all the votes con- tained in such certificates shall be counted ; but if any exception be taken, the person taking the same shall state it directly and not argumentatively, and sign his name thereto ; and, if it be founded on any circumstance appearing in the report of the joint commit- THE JEFFERSON-BURR CONTEST 67 tee, and the exception be seconded by one member from the Senate and one from the House of Representatives, each of whom shall sign the said exception as having seconded the same, then each House shall immediately retire, without question or debate, to its own apartment, and shall take the question of the excep- tion, without debate, by ayes and noes. So soon as the question shall be taken in either House, a message shall be sent to the other, informing them that the House sending the message is prepared to resume the count, and when such message shall have been received by both Houses, they shall again assemble in the same apartment as before, and the count shall be resumed. And if the two Houses have concurred in rejecting the vote or votes objected to, such vote or votes shall not be counted ; but, unless both Houses concur, such vote or votes shall be counted. K the objection taken as aforementioned shall arise on the face of the papers opened by the President of the Senate in presence of both Houses, and shall not have been noticed in the report of the joint committee, sueh objections may be referred to the joint committee to be examined and reported on by them in the same manner and on the same principles as their first report was made ; but if both Houses do not concur in referring the same to the committee, then such ob- jections shall be decided on in like manner as if it had been founded on any circumstance appearing in the report of the com- mittee. The vote of one State being thus counted, another ticket shall be drawn from the ballot-box, and the certificate and the votes of the State thus drawn shall be proceeded on as is herein- before directed, and so on, one after another, until the whole of the votes shall be counted. The bill was carefully considered, and various amendments were proposed and negatived. It was passed on the 2d of May by a vote of 52 to 37. On being returned to the Senate> the bill was referred to a committee which reported several amendments, of which only one was adopted, but that was one of the greatest importance. The word " admitting '^ was substituted for " rejecting," in the passage quoted above, and the phraseology of the rest of the clause was changed to con- form to the amendment ; thus providing that, unless the two Houses concurred in admitting any disputed vote, it should not be counted. This was precisely the principle of the twenty- second joint rule of 1865, and the Senate adopted it in 1800 by a vote of 16 to 11. The House non-concurred, and a vote in each branch to adhere to the disagreement defeated the bill. The proceedings preliminary to the count, and the count itself, were in all respects similar to those in former years: 68 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY up to the declaration of the result, which was in these words : — That the whole number of electors who had voted was one hundred and thirty-eight, of which number Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr had a majority ; but, the number of those voting for them being equal, no choice was made by the people ; and that, consequently, the remaining duties devolve upon the House of Representatives. Already a committee had been appointed to prepare a set of rules for the House, in case the count should show that it was the duty of the House to elect a President ; and the rules, having been discussed in committee of the whole, were adopted as follows : — First. In the event of its appearing, upon the counting and ascertaining of the votes given for President and Vice-President, according to the mode prescribed by the Constitution, that no per- son has a constitutional majority, and the same shall have been duly declared and entered on the Journals of this House, the Speaker, accompanied by the members of the House, shall return to their Chamber. Second. Seats shall be provided in this House for the President and members of the Senate, and notification of the same shall be made to the Senate. Third. The House, on their return from the Senate Chamber, it being ascertained that the constitutional number of States are present, shall immediately proceed to choose one of the persons from whom the choice is to be made for President ; and in case upon the first ballot there shall not appear to be a majority of the States in favor of one of them, in such case the House shall con- tinue to ballot for a President, without interruption by other busi- ness, until it shall appear that a President is duly chosen. Fourth. After commencing the balloting for President, the House shall not adjourn until a choice is made. Fifth. The doors of the House shall be closed dming the bal- loting, except against the officers of the House. Sixth. In balloting the following mode shall be observed, to wit : The representatives of the respective States shall be so seated that the delegation of each State shall be together. The representatives of each State shall, in the first instance, ballot among themselves, in order to ascertain the vote of that State ; and it shall be allowed, where deemed necessary by the delegation, to name one or more persons of the representation to be tellers of the ballots. After the vote of each State is ascertained, duplicates thereof shall be made ; and in case the vote of the State be for one person, then THE JEFFERSON-BURR CONTEST 69 the name of that person shall be written on each of the dupli- cates ; and in case the ballots of the State be equally divided, then the word " divided " shall be WTitten on each duplicate, and the said duplicates shall be deposited, in manner hereafter pre- scribed, in boxes to be provided. That for the conveniently tak- ing the ballots of the several representatives of the respective States, there be sixteen ballot-boxes provided ; and that there be, additionally, two boxes provided for receiving the votes of the States ; that after the delegation of each State shall have ascer- tained the vote of the State, the Sergeant-at-Arms shall carry to the respective delegations the two ballot-boxes, and the delegation of each State, in the presence and subject to the examination of all the members of the delegation, shall deposit a duplicate of the vote of the State in each ballot>-box ; and where there is more than one representative of a State, the duplicates shall not both be de- posited by the same person. When the votes of the States are all thus taken in, the Sergeant-at-Arms shall carry one of the general ballot-boxes to one table, and the other to a second and separate table. Sixteen members shall then be appointed as tellers of the ballots, one of 'whom shall be taken fi'om each State, and be nominated by the delegation of the State fi'om which he was taken. The said tellers shall be divided into two equal sets ac- cording to such agreements as shall be made among themselves, and one of the said sets of tellers shall proceed to count the votes in one of the said boxes, and the other set the votes in the other box ; and in the event of no appointment of teller by any dele- gation, the Speaker shall in such case appoint. When the votes of the States are counted by the respective sets of tellers, the re- sult shall be reported to the House ; and if the reports agree, the same shall be accepted as the true votes of the States ; but if the reports disagree, the States shall immediately proceed to a new ballot, in manner aforesaid. Seventh. If either of the persons voted for shall have a major- ity of the votes of all the' States, the Speaker shall declare the same ; and official notice thereof shall be immediately given to the President of the United States, and to the Senate. Eighth. All questions which shall arise after the balloting com- mences, and which shall be decided by the House voting joer capita to be incidental to the power of choosing the President, and which shall require the decision of the House, shall be decided by States, and without debate; and in case of an equal division of the votes of States, the question shall be lost. An active intrigue had been in progress among the Fed- eralists, dating back almost to the day when they learned of their defeat, which had for its purpose the prevention of the 70 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY election of Mr. Jefferson. The first plan which occurred to them was that the House of Representatives should ballot fruitlessly for a President until the fourth of March had passed, when both the offices of President and Vice-President would become vacant. Then the law already passed by Con- gress in pursuance of the provisions of the Constitution ^ would ..become operative, and a new election would be held. This ^^acherae was outlined in the " Columbian Centinel " in December, / 1800. Some of the Federalist writers have denied that such a purpose as this was ever entertained ; but the proof is too strong for denial that it was the first move made in the most indefensible and scandalous act in the history of the Federalist party. It was, nevertheless, soon abandoned ; and another plan was adopted by preference. The plan was the support of Burr, and his election over Jefferson. The Federalists seem to have come slowly and reluctantly to the resolution to give Burr their votes. They did so in opposition to the most earnest remonstrances of Hamilton, who carried on an active oorrespondenee with many public men. He argued directly with influential members of Congress, and endeavored to enlist the help of other prominent Federalists in dissuading the party from disgracing itself. No act of Hamilton's public life shows more conspicuously his high-mindedness and his political sagacity. His position is epitomized in a brief pas- sage from a letter to Gouverneur Morris : " I trust the Fed- eralists will not finally be so mad as to vote for Burr. I speak with an intimate and accurate knowledge of character. His elevation can only promote the purposes of the desperate and profligate. If there be a man in the world I ought to hate, it is Jefferson. With Burr I have always been person- ally well. But the public good must be paramount to every private consideration." The repugnance of the Federalists who persuaded themselves to support Burr is well expressed in a letter from Theodore Sedgwick, of Massachusetts, the Speaker of the House : '' By a mode of election which was intended to secure to preeminent talent and virtues the first honors of our country, and forever to disgrace the barbarous institutions by which executive power is to be transmitted through the organs of generation, we have, at one election, placed at the head of our government a semi-maniac, and who in his soberest senses is the greatest marplot in nature ; and 1 Sec. 10. See p. 3T. THE JEFFERSON-BURR CONTEST 71 at the next a feeble and false, enthusiastic theorist, and a profligate without character and without property, bankrupt in both." Hamilton's most powerful efforts to detach the Federalists from Burr were exerted upon the one member of the House of Representatives from Delaware, Mr. James A. Bayard. Mr. A.<^/Eirr. pi 6 >i W > S5 m t5 > ^ f> >* States. a § a' o i § § S5 a 5 a •a 1 1 e g d o ft S 1 •2 i-s o d O ^ ^ 4 ^ New Hampshire _ _ 7 _ _ - _ % Vermont (J - — - - - — Massachusetts — - 19 - - - - li* Rhode Island - - 4 - - - - 4 Connecticut - - 9 - - - - 9 New York 13 6 - 13 3 - 3 — New Jersey 8 - - 8 - - - - Pennsylvania ^U - - 20 - - - — Delaware - - 3 - - - - 3 Maryland 9 - 2 9 - - - 2 Virg'inia 24 - - 24 - - - — North Carolina 11 3 11 - - ~ 3 South Carolina 10 - - 10 - - — Georg'ia 5 - - 6 - - - - Kentucky* 'i - - 'i - - - - ,5 ~ _ 5 ~ 3 _ _ Ohio 3 - ' Total 122 6 47 113 3 9 3 47 • One Kentucky elector did not attend. The State was entitled to eight TOtes. 96 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY by a formal vote, and the Senate was admitted. When the votes had all been opened and the returns tabulated, the Pres- ident of the Senate was about to read the result, when one of the tellers remarked that one return was defective, not having a governor's certificate attached, referring, of course, to Massa- chusetts. Nothing further was said, and the President of the Senate, Mr. Milledge, senator from Georgia, proceeded to de- clare the result, as shown by the table on page 95. Mr. Madison's inauguration was almost as informal as Mr. Jefferson's had been eight years before. He was conveyed in a carriage to the Capitol, escorted by two companies of militia, and went to the Representatives' Hall attended by two or three members of the cabinet. The Vice-President had already taken the oath of office, but Mr. Milledge still presided over the Senate. Mr. Madison delivered his inaugural address in. the presence of a distinguished company, having Mr. Jefferson as his chief auditor ; and the oath was then administered by Chief Justice MarshalL VIII AN ELECTION IN TIME OF WAK It has been remarked by more than one historian that the government of the United States was never weaker in all its departments than during the first part of Madison's adminis- tration. The times required that it should be strong. The policy in the closing months of Jefferson's terns bad been feeble and vacillating. The embargo not only had failed to accomplish the object for which it was laid, but it had made a large contingent of the Democratic party semi-allies of the Federalists in opposing the administration measures. The last session of the tenth Congress — December, 1808, to March 4, 1809 — witnessed the passage of an act to enforce the em- bargo, and, just before the Congress expired, a complete change of policy in the substitution of non-intercourse for the em- bargo. A few only of the members knew the secret reason of this volte-face. It was designed to facilitate the negotiations about to begin with Mr. Erskine, the newly appointed British envoy, Mr. Madison made Kobert Smith, of Maryland, his Secretary of State, — the weakest incumbent of that office in the history of the country. The agreement made with Mr. Erskine was one which the instructions the envoy had received did not authorize him to make ; and it was impatiently thrown out by Mr. Canning. From that time on, until war was de- clared in 1812, there was a diplomatic wrangle betAveen the two governments. The relations of the United States with both England and France were hopelessly and equally bad. It would have puzzled much abler men than those who had the fortunes of America in charge to decide what was the wisest course, — to declare war against both the powers, to con- tinue negotiations with a purpose to accept the best that could be obtained, or to submit to conditions against which we were too weak to struggle. Madison chose none of these courses. He was sincerely de- 98 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY sirous of peace, but he would not be satisfied to take what England would offer. Demanding more, he got nothing. Congress contained few strong men, almost none who supported the administration. Yet the party majority was large enough to give a subservient acquiescence in the measures proposed to Congress, even though it lacked leaders. The interminable controversy went on. Mr. Madison became weary of the war in his cabinet between Mr. Smith and Mr. Gallatin, and re- quired the resignation of the Secretary of State. He had previously become reconciled with Mr. Monroe, and now ap- pointed that gentleman to the State Department. Monroe en- tered office with the laudable purpose of bringing the long quarrel with England to a close, and with great confidence in his own power to hold the administration back from the war into which it was drifting. But a force greater than his own entered into public affairs just three weeks before his return to office, and soon swept him away. His appointment was dated November 25, 1811. On the 4th of the same month the twelfth Congress met. It contained in the House of Repre- sentatives a group of young Republicans, or Democrats, who assumed control of affairs in a masterful fashion : John C. Calhoun, William Lowndes, and Langdon Cheves, of South Car- olina, and Henry Clay, of Kentucky. Cheves, the oldest of the four, was but thirty-five. Clay, who was thirty-four, was elected Speaker by a great majority. Eelix Grundy, of Ten- nessee, a new member and also a young man, acted with this quartet of young men. William H. Crawford, a Senator from Georgia, — afterward the victim of "King Caucus," — who had been acting on somewhat independent lines, now became a stanch party man. All the efforts of this coterie of youthful leaders, of whom those just named were the most conspicuous, tended directly to war with England, They overbore the op- position of Mr. Madison, and carried Monroe along with the current. It was reported at the time on the authority of Mr. James Fisk, then a Republican member of the House from Vermortt, that a committee waited upon Mr. Madison, and in- formed him that war was resolved upon ; that, unless such a step was taken, the Federalists might possibly carry the presi- dential election ; and that if he was not ready to adopt that policy he would be abandoned, and another candidate chosen for the pending election. It is not possible either to verify or to disprove this assertion. Mr. Quincy, of Massachusetts, AN ELECTION IN TIME OF WAR 99 repeated the statement, in a form as distinct as the rules of the House would allow, during the following year ; and its truth was not questioned. On the other hand, Mr. Clay is reported to have denied the story ; but the form of his denial is not given. Carl Schurz, in his Life of Clay, says that there is " no evidence " that coercion was applied to Madison ; which is true, but not conclusive. It is certain that the President abandoned his settled policy at a time when nothing had been changed except the attitude of the Democratic leaders in Con- gress ; that he recommended an embargo, which was voted ; and that he followed the recommendation with a war message, to which Congress responded promptly, though not by so large a majority as he could have wished, with a declaration of war, in June, 1812. The Republican caucus for the nomination of candidates for President and Vice-President was held on the 12th of May. No opposition to the caucus manifested itself. The members who did not intend to be bound by the action which they could foresee, absented themselves. There were at least one hun- dred and thirty-three Republican senators and members, only eighty-three of whom attended the caucus. New York was represented by a single member, for New York had a plan of its own. New England and New York combined did not furnish as many members of the caucus as did Virginia alone. Thus composed, the caucus was harmonious and unanimous. Mr. Madison received eighty-two votes for President. Vice- President George Clinton had died in office less than a month before. In any event he would not have been nominated again. On a ballot for Vice-President the venerable John Langdon, of New Hampshire, the first President pro tempore of the Senate, received 64 votes ; Elbridge Gerry, of Massa- chusetts, 16 votes ; and two were scattering. The caucus adopted a resolution recommending its candidates, and repeated the declaration made four years before that the members acted as private citizens. Mr. Langdon declined the nomination on the ground of his age. A second caucus was held on the 8th of June, when Mr. Gerry was nominated by 74 votes to 3 scattering. After the nomination was made, those who were present who had not attended the first caucus were allowed an opportunity to vote for a candidate for President. Ten mem- bers voted for Mr. Madison. He thus had the support of ninety-two members, at least, out of one hundred and thirty- 100 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY three. It is an interesting fact, showing the ascendency of the Southern States in the Democratic party, that the original nom- ination of Mr. Langdon was attributed, by the "New Hamp- shire Patriot," which may have derived the information from Mr. Langdon himself, to the wish and influence of the South- ern members. The Northern men preferred Mr. Gerry from the first ; but the South, helped by subservient Pennsylvania, not only dictated the nomination for the first place, but overruled the New England Democrats in their choice of a candidate for the second place. The history of the canvass in opposition to Mr. Madison forms one of the most unpleasant chapters in American politi- cal history. The Democratic party in New York, for purely personal and local reasons, resolved not to train with the rest of the party. There was no question of principle involved. DeWitt Clinton had become, in the strictly modern sense, the " boss " of his party in New York ; and he willed to become its candidate for President. He was avowedly in favor of war when Madison was still for peace, and was quite willing to be nom- inated by the congressional caucus on a war platform. When Madison joined the war party Clinton shifted his ground, and based his candidacy on the impropriety of congressional cau- cuses and of Southern dictation. A caucus of Democratic members of the New York legislature was held at Albany on the 29th of May. Of ninety-five members of the party eighty- seven were present, and the absence of four others was ac- counted for satisfactorily. Mr. Clinton was nominated unani- mously. A committee waited upon him after the caucus and informed him of the action taken. His reply was diplomatic in the extreme. He " sensibly felt and duly appreciated so distinguished a proof of their confidence." The canvass in behalf of Clinton was taken in charge by Martin Van Buren, then a young man of thirty, who thus made his entrance into national politics as the manager of a conspiracy to defeat the candidate of the party which afterward elevated him to the . highest place in the nation. It is not easy to reconcile Clinton's action with the most ordinary political prudence. His public life, even his course during that (;anvass, forbids us to attribute his conduct to any higher motive than personal ambition. Yet he refused over- tures which were undoubtedly made to him to withdraw, with a promise of the succession on the retirement of Madison. AN ELECTION IN TIME OF WAR 101 From being an advocate of war before war was declared, he proceeded to the point of becoming a critic of the administra- tion because it did not prosecute the war with sufficient vigor, and sought the votes of dissatisfied Democrats on that ground. Then, since he would be in a hopeless minority without Fed- eralist support, he stood willingly as the candidate of all who were in favor of peace. Gouverneur Morris records in his diary a conversation with De Witt Clinton just after the death of his uncle, the Vice-President, in the spring of 1812, in which an alliance between the Clintonians and the Federalists Avas discussed vaguely. It seems not improbable that Morris — who had come very near to the point of hating the Union and of desiring a separation from the South — had much to do in smoothing the way for a disgraceful coalition. The echo of Clinton's words denouncing the whole Federalist party as ■" fiends " had hardly died away when he was courting their support. On their part they made up their minds to give their votes to one who had no principles, — or, if that be too harsh a judgment, no principles not opposed to their own. The coalition was brought about by a convention held at New York city in September, — a highly interesting meeting, as being the first convention of the same sort as those which now present presidential candidates. The meeting was strictly private, and no report of its proceedings Avas published in any newspaper. The fullest account of it is given in William Sullivan's " Public Men of the Revolution." In the summer of 1812 Mr. Sullivan and Jonathan Knight, both of Massa- chusetts, and Governor Roger Griswold and another gentle- man of Connecticut, being at Saratoga Springs, talked over the state of the nation, and a convention of Federalists was proposed. The result was the assembling at New York in September of seventy persons representing eleven States of the Union, as follows : from New Hampshire, 2 ; from Mas- sachusetts, 8 ; Rhode Island, 3 ; Connecticut, 6 ; New York, 18 ; New Jersey, 12 ; Pennsylvania, 12 ; Delaware, 2 ; Mary- land, 3 ; South Carolina, 4, The convention held a session of three days. There was evidently great hesitation and op- position to the plan which was in the minds of the projectors of the meeting, since nothing whatever was done during the first two days. Rufus King, Avho had twice been the party candidate for Vice-President, denounced Clinton with such vehemence and passion that — so Mr. Sullivan reports — his 102 ■ A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY knees trembled under him. King was supported by other members of the convention. As the meeting was on the point of breaking up, having come to no decision, Harrison Gray Otis arose, with his hat in his hand, as if about to depart, and be- gan speaking in favor of Clinton. As he proceeded he became more earnest, and soon had the convention enchained by his eloquence. When he finished, the members decided by an almost unanimous vote to support Clinton. A Pennsylvania Federalist of somewhat mild type, Jared Ingersoll, was named as the candidate for Vice-President. The administration organ, the " National Intelligencer," got an inkling of what had been done, and published in connection with the affair a state- ment that Mr. Clinton had declared to a committee of the convention that " all political connection between him and the Democratic party in the United States had ceased and would not be renewed." Mr. Otis denied this statement as wholly false, and asserted that no communication had been had with Mr. Clinton, and that no statement had been made by him. We have had, in the most recent times, another example of the withholding from candidates of a notice of their nomination, expressly to relieve those candidates from the necessity of accepting the nominations in terms which might throw the party into confusion. All the facts that can be gathered from contemporaneous writers concerning the Fed- eralist convention of 1812 are contained in an article by J. S. Murdock in the " American Historical Review " for 1896. The opposition within the Federalist party to the candi- dacy of Clinton was not quenched by Otis's eloquence. Rufus King, in his correspondence, showed that* his opinion was un- changed. When the electors were chosen by the New York legislature, forty-five votes were given for a "straight" Fed- eralist ticket. Twenty-three blank votes were cast, most or all of them by Madisonians. The Clinton electoral ticket had seventy-four votes. A convention was held at Staunton, Virginia, on September 26, in which eighteen counties were represented. A Federalist electoral ticket was nominated ; no formal nomination of presidential candidates was made, but the names of Rufus King, of New York, and General William R. Davie, of North Carolina, were " commended to the electors when appointed." Nevertheless, substantially the whole Fed- eralist strength was bestowed upon Clinton. It may be re- marked here that the coalition put an end forever to Clinton's AN ELECTION IN TIME OF WAR 103 prospects in national politics. The canvass was a mere inci- dent of the war, and of the efforts of its opponents to bring about peace. No doubt men were then too strongly com- mitted on one side or the other to be converted or perverted by argument or persuasion of any sort. Nevertheless it is singular that the editors of political journals issued their papers week after week, in the autumn of 1812, devoid of all reference to the pendency of an important election. Eighteen States took part in the election, Louisiana having been admitted to the Union on the 8th of April, 1812. The mode of appointment of the electors was in general the same as in 1808, but there were some interesting exceptions. In New Jersey the law of 1807 giving the election to the people^ but fixing the date more than the designated thirty-four days before the meeting of the electors, (see p. 94) remained in force. At the State election in 1812 the Democrats had a popular majority, but the peculiarities of the apportionment gave the Federalists control of both branches of the legislature. The annual meeting of the legislature was held in October; and on the 29th of that month, less than a week before the people were expecting to choose the electors, the legislature repealed the law of 1807, passed an act providing that electors should thereafter be chosen by the Council and General Assembly^ and a few days afterward appointed eight federal electors. North Carolina had always adhered to the system of a popular vote by districts. But it was anticipated in 1811 that there would be an increase of electoral votes in conse- quence of a new apportionment, which would be made so late that the State could not be districted. Accordingly it was then enacted that the electors in 1812 should be chosen by the legislature. Such was the excuse given for the act, but it caused great excitement at the time ; and when the legis- lature met in 1812 to appoint the electors there was much fear of a popular outbreak. Massachusetts offered by far the most interesting case. Elbridge Gerry, the candidate for Vice-President with Madi- son, had been Governor of the State two years, and had been defeated for reelection the month before the congressional caucus was held. His administration had been made note- worthy, and his name historical, by the division of the Com- monwealth into Senate districts, one of which was of so pecu- liar a construction that a certain member of the legislature 104 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY likened its shape to that of a salamander. Another member exclaimed that it was a " gerrymander," and thus a new word was added to the language. The apportionment gave the Senate to the Democrats, although the House of Represent- atives was strongly Federal. Accordingly, when the question of establishing a method of appointing electors came up, the two Houses were unable to agree. The House made several propositions, all of which were rejected by the Senate, and the General Court adjourned to meet in October to settle the question. At the adjourned meeting the Senate was still in opposition. It was willing to let the vote of the State be lost by making no provision for an election, or to adopt any plan that promised to neutralize the vote by setting one part oflf against another. At last a proposition was made and accepted to make use of the districts into which the State was divided President. Vice-Peesident. States. > o 1 a 1-S a S _a 3 1 a) bo a 1 1 60 a 1 New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts 8 25 6 25 15 11 8 12 8 3 7 8 22 4 9 29 8 4 5 1 8 2 25 6 25 15 11 8 12 8 3 7 7 20 Rhode Island 4 Connecticut 9 New York 29 New Jersey 8 Pennsylvania Delaware 4 Maryland 5 Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Kentucky Tennessee - Louisiana Ohio Total 128 89 131 86 AN ELECTION IN TIME OF WAR 105 for the purposes of the Courts of Common Pleas. Massachu- setts proper was divided into three districts, — the western, middle, and southern, which chose six, five, and four electors respectively. The District of Maine had also three districts, which chose three, three, and one, respectively. The Demo- crats hoped to get half the electors under this system, but they were grievously disappointed. Every district chose Fed- eral electors. The total popular vote was 50,333 for Clinton electors, and 26,110 for Madison. The electoral vote throughout the Union was much closer than was anticipated. The " solid South " was arrayed in favor of Madison ; most of the North voted for Clinton. Ver- mont and Pennsylvania alone separated from their neighbors, and the vote of Pennsylvania decided the election. The elec- toral votes were as shown in the table on the opposite page. The count of electoral votes, which took place on the 10th of February, 1813, in the Kepresentatives' Hall, was marked by no incident worthy of notice. It was a proceeding in all respects similar to previous counts. IX THE LAST OF THE VIRGINIA "DYNASTY" The fate of the Federalist party is one of the most singular casualties in the history of politics. The party was destroyed by the success of its own principles in the hands of its oppo- nents. The anti-Federalists began their existence by opposing the Constitution as destructive of the rights of the individual, and particularly of the smaller States ; when in power, they drove the Federalists near to the point of advocating a disso- lution of the Union by perpetuating the domination of Vir- ginia over the " confederacy." During the administrations of Washington and Adams the Federalists were champions of national supremacy, as opposed to the " State Rights " doctrines expressed in the resolutions of 1798 and 1799 ; Jefferson's policy in acquiring Louisiana, and the attitude of the Demo- crats toward New England particularism during the war of 1812, went far beyond the Federalism of Hamilton. Finally, the demand for peace on any terms, and a cessation of the war, denounced by the Democrats as " moral treason," and held up for the execration of all patriots, was precisely the policy which Mr. Madison finally adopted ; and the Treaty of Ghent did not even mention either of the objects for which war had been declared. Yet the party that had, as it were, led the way, Avas trampled in the dust by those who followed after. No doubt the gradual and unconscious adoption by the Democrats of the national principle which had been the origi- nal bond of union of the Federal party made it easy for Feder- alists to go over to the other side. But the disintegration of the organization did not take place until the conclusion of peace brought to an end the only issue that divided parties by a broad line. The Hartford convention was, beyond a doubt, the event of Madison's second administration which had the most important influence upon the ensuing presidential election. Whether it should have been a death-blow to the Federal party is a ques- THE LAST OF THE \^RGINIA "DYNASTY" 107 tion that requires a much fuller and more dispassionate discus- sion than it has ever had at the hands of a historian of high standing. Writers have been prone to take the superficial view that, since there were New England Federalists of the greatest prominence in the party who expected and desired a dissolu- tion of the Union, — which is undoubtedly true, — and since those men were among the projectors and promoters of the Hartford convention ; and since certain phrases in the report of the convention refer to a dissolution as among the possibili- ties of the future, — therefore the convention was a treason- able assembly, whose members favored the formation of a confederation of Northern States. The other view deserves careful consideration, namely, that conservatives obtained con- trol of a movement which radicals designed to be directed to the destruction of the Union. George Cabot, the head of the Massachusetts delegation and the president of the convention, expressed his own opinion of the duty set before him when he replied to a young friend who asked him what was to be done at Hartford, " We are going to keep you young hotheads from getting into mischief." Pickering, who was a disunion- ist, was displeased with the choice of delegates ; and John Lowell, who shared Pickering's dislike of the turn the move- ment took, opposed the convention because he did not believe it would recommend the " effectual measures " which he de- sired. A study of the proceedings and of the report of the convention, with a prejudice born of these facts, leads one to quite a different conclusion from that of the historians who express themselves on the subject in terms of unqualified abhorrence of the convention and of all who took part in it. Whatever be the view one holds of this unique assemblage, one thing is certain. It was the most unpopular convention ever held in the country, both during its session and ever since. The commissioners of ]\Iassachusetts and Connecticut, appointed to urge at the national capital the measures it recommended, arrived at Washington just as intelligence was received of the battle of New Orleans. Less than a fortnight afterward came the joyful news that a peace treaty had been signed. Nothing remained for Mr. Otis and his associates to do ; and they re- turned home quietly, but pursued by shouts of derision from the Democratic press. The possibility of a return of the Fed- eralists to power ceased from that moment. The new questions which arose, as soon as Congress was able 108 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY to turn from the perilous and perplexing foreign problems which had engaged its attention for many years, led ultimately to a new party division. At the outset they merely broke down the old lines. The incorporation of the second Bank of the United States was carried by a great majority in a Con- gress nearly two to one Democratic, and the act was approved by Madison. The position taken by the anti-Federalists in Washington's time, that such an act was unconstitutional, was completely abandoned. The war, with its necessary accompa- niment of non-intercourse, cutting off the supply of foreign manufactured goods, had greatly stimulated domestic manufac- tures. The resumption of commerce after the Treaty of Ghent left the new industries exposed to violent foreign competition. The urgent calls for protection by means of higher tariff duties were responded to by the party in power, which thus adopted another of Hamilton's principles. The protection sentiment of that day had no more ardent supporter than John C. Cal- houn. The question of internal improvements also began, at this time, to acquire prominence ; but it was not until long afterward that it became a party issue, and ranged the Demo- cratic party, following its original doctrine of " strict construc- tion," in opposition to the policy. The only extensive stronghold of the Federal party, New England, Avas endangered from within. A revolt against the ecclesiastical supremacy of the Congregational Church gave New Hampshire to the Democratic party ; it left the Federal- ists but a meagre majority in Massachusetts ; even in ever- faithful Connecticut it unsettled the hold of the Federalists. Oliver Wolcott, Secretary of the Treasury in the cabinets of Washington and Adams, became the candidate of the " tole- ration " party for Governor, nominated by the influence of the Episcopalians against his old Federal associates. The presidential election drew near amid the general break- ing-up of the Federal party. It had been understood between Mr. Madison and Mr. Monroe that the Secretary of State was to be brought forward for the succession with all the power of the administration. Yet it was not so easy as it might seem from a consideration merely of Mr. Monroe's apparent strength in the electoral colleges, second only to that of Washington, to bring about his nomination. He had two dangerous com- petitors. The Northern wing of the party, particularly the New York contingent, was earnestly in favor of Governor THE LAST OF THE VIRGINIA "DYNASTY" 109 Tompkins, of New York. Mr. Monroe was not a favorite even with the Southern members ; and there was a great intrigue to bring forward William H. Crawford, of Georgia. The first step toward a nomination was the posting of an anonymous notice, dated March 10, 181(5, inviting Republican senators and members of Congress to meet in the Representa- tives' Hall, on the 12th, " to take into consideration the pro- priety of nominating persons as candidates for President and Vice-President of the United States." Fifty-eight members attended this meeting, at which it was resolved to call a caucus for the 16th of the month, in the hope of a larger attendance. Of 141 Republican members, 119 attended the second caucus. The number was doubtless increased by the anxiety felt by the friends of the several candidates lest one or another should be nominated by a chance minority. The supporters of Mr. Mon- roe were out in force. The " National Intelligencer " manifested some trepidation lest the administration candidate should be defeated. " If ever doubted," it remarked, '•' the public opin- ion has been recently so decidedly expressed as to leave little doubt that the prominent candidate will, in the end, unite the suffrage of the whole Republican party." The " public opin- ion " in favor of the existing regime was as easily manufactured then as it is now, through the agency of the office-holders. The candidacy of Governor Tompkins was seen, even before the caucus was held, to be hopeless. He was known by but few of the persons who were to make the nomination. It is asserted in Hammond's " New York " that four fifths of the New York members preferred Crawford to Monroe. One of these members said that Martin Van Buren and Peter B. Porter, for reasons of their own, — but what their motives were is not known, — prevented the delegation from going to Crawford ; and thus they secured the nomination of INIonroe. Notwithstanding the inducements to attend the caucus, twenty-two Republicans were absent, of whom fifteen were known to be opposed to the caucus system of nomination. Immediately after an organization of the meeting was effected, Mr. Clay, and also Mr. John W. Taylor, of New York, moved resolutions that it is inexpedient to present candidates. The motions were rejected, — it is not recorded by what majority. The vote for a candidate for President was then taken. It resulted in the nomination of Mr. Monroe by the narrow ma- jority of eleven votes. Monroe had sixty-five votes, Crawford 110 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCr fifty-four, Mr. Crawford's support came chiefly from five States, which gave him forty of his votes : New York, New Jersey, North Carolina, Kentucky, and his own State of Georgia. Had all the New York members voted freely, the nomination might have gone to him. Crawford himself professed after- ward to have Muthdrawn from the contest before the caucus ; but his friends seem not to have been aware of the fact when they voted. No intimation is given in any of the political lit- erature of the day that it was proposed to him to keep out of the way of Monroe on a promise of future support. In view of the attempted employment of similar tactics on former occa- sions, in order to dispose of the pretensions of Monroe himself and of De Witt Clinton, and in view also of the events of 1824, it does not seem altogether improbable that his hesitation at the last moment was due to suggestions of this sort. Gover- nor Daniel D. Tompkins, of New York, received eighty-five votes as candidate for Vice-President and was nominated. Governor Simon Snyder, of Pennsylvania, had thirty votes. These proceedings startled the country, not so much because of what had been done, for that the people were ready to approve, but because the members who had assumed the right to make nominations had come near making recommendations which would not have been accepted. Numerous meetings were held in various parts of the country to protest against the caucus system, the most noteworthy of which, perhaps, was held in Baltimore, in which meeting Roger B. Taney, after- ward Chief Justice, took a most prominent part. That, pre- cisely, was happening, against which the Convention of 1787 had endeavored most scrupulously to guard, — the dependence of presidential candidates, and of Presidents desiring reelec- tion, upon the favor of Congress. Moreover, the latest nomi- nations signified the perpetuation of a dynasty ; the rule of a single State of the Union ; the exclusion of every State except Virginia — which had now ceased being the State most numer- ously represented in Congress, although three fifths of her slaves were counted — from the privilege of furnishing a chief magistrate. The nomination having been made, the election was decided. The elements of an efi"ective opposition did not exist. Monroe would doubtless have won a victory had all who preferred an- other candidate formed a complete coalition. There was not a symptom of a wish to bring about such a union. The position THE LAST OF THE VIRGINIA "DYNASTY" 111 of the " old guard " of Federalists was indicated in a letter from Gouverneur Morris to Eufus King, March 15, 1816, This was Morris's latest utterance upon public affairs. His death in November of the same year, just as the election was to take place, closed a career which had begun at the Provin- cial Congress in 1775. Mr. Morris wrote : — That Mr. Madison's influence should decline is to be expected : who is to be the successor ? It seems to be acknowledged that no Federal character can run with success. Nevertheless I believe that if Howard of Maryland were started against Monroe he would stand a tolerable chance. The Democrats can, I believe, be heart- ily united by nothing but the fear that a Federalist of superior talents should be chosen, I have, at the same time, doubts whether our friends in the Southern States would warmly support a candidate from the North, Nothing whatever was done to nominate candidates in oppo- sition to Monroe and Tompkins, On December 3, the day before the electors were to vote, the " Boston Daily Adver- tiser," published in one of the three States which had chosen Federal electors, remarked : " We do not know, nor is it very material, for whom the Federal electors will vote." They all did vote for Kufus King, who had twice been their candidate for Vice-President. For the second place the Massachusetts electors supported Mr. Howard, of Maryland, suggested as a candidate for President by Morris. Five Connecticut electors voted for James Eoss, of Pennsylvania, whom Morris men- tioned in the letter above quoted as an available candidate for the place. In no State was there a real contest. The election of Mon- roe was entirely unopposed in the States from Virginia south- ward, and in Ohio. The legislatures of Massachusetts, Connect- icut, and Delaware chose Federal electors ; those of Vermont and New York, Democratic electors. In Rhode Island, which the Federalists had just carried after a contest, no electors were nominated in opposition to the Monroe ticket, which was consequently chosen unanimously, not because the Federalists doubted their ability to win, but because it was not worth while, since the election of Monroe was assured. There was an opposition ticket in Pennsylvania. The adage that politics makes strange bedfellows was never more remarkably illus- trated than by the fact that the ticket — which the Federalists supported — was ''under the patronage of Duane," as the 112 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY " Boston Advertiser " put it. Who was Duane ? The famous editor of the " Philadelphia Aurora," the thick-and-thin advo- cate of Jefferson, the persistent slanderer of Adams and of all men and things " Federal," the Democrat to whose thinking Madison and Monroe were too mild and timid ! The last ap- pearance of the Federalist party in national politics was in alliance with its most virulent foe. The number of States whose votes were counted at this elec- tion was nineteen. Indiana, which had adopted a constitution in June, 1816, was admitted to the Union December 11 of that year. The question whether or not its electoral votes should be counted gave interest to the joint meeting of the two Houses of Congress in February, 1817. The table of electoral votes was as follows : — States. New Hampshire Vermont . Massachusetts . Rhode Island . Connecticut . . New York , . New Jersey . . Pennsylvania . Delaware • . Maryland . . Virginia . North Carolina South Carolina Georgia . . . Kentucky . . Tennessee . . Louisiana . . Ohio . . . . Indiana . . . Total . . . PkESU)ENT. 8 8 4 29 8 25 2.5 15 11 8 12 8 3 8 183 22 34 Vice-President. 8 4 29 8 25 8 25 15 11 8 12 8 3 8 3 183 22 22 THE LAST OF THE VIRGINIA "DYNASTY" 113 The total number of electoral votes, it will be seen, was 217. A full vote would have been 221 ; but the three Federal- ist electors chosen in Maryland, and one of the Delaware elec- tors, did not see tit to attend. The preliminary arrangements in regard to the electoral count were made according to precedent. The two Houses met in the Representatives' Hall, and the certificates were duly opened. When all the returns except those from Indiana had been opened, Mr. Taylor, of New York, — a member of the House of Representatives, and afterward Speaker, — arose, and, addressing the Speaker, expressed his regret at being compelled to interrupt the proceedings, and to object to the vote from In- diana. He was proceeding to state his objections, when the Speaker (Mr. Clay) stopped him, and said that the two Houses had met for the single specified purpose of performing the con- stitutional duty which they were then discharging ; and that, while so acting in joint meeting, they could consider no pro- position nor perform any business not prescribed by the Con- stitution. At this point Mr. Varnum, of Massachusetts, concurring in what the Speaker had said, suggested the propriety of the Senate retiring, in order that the House of Representatives might deliberate upon the question raised by one of its mem- bers. The President of the Senate put the question to the senators, and in accordance with their vote the Senate with- drew. When the House was by itself, Mr. Taylor immediately took the floor, and urged that, since Indiana was not a State in the Union at the time the election took place, its votes were no more entitled to be counted than if they had come from Missouri or any other Territory. He maintained that the question should be considered and decided now, when the re- sult Would not be aff'ected by it, and suggested that a joint resohi^ion be passed declaring that the votes were illegal and ought not to be counted. A resolution was moved declaring the votes legal. On this a long debate took place. The sug- gestion was made that the resolution should not be a joint one, inasmuch as, by establishing a precedent, it might, at some time thereafter, when the House and Senate should be op- posed to each other, " deprive this House of one of its powers by permitting the Senate to participate in this question." The discussion turned wholly upon the point whether or not In- diana was a State in the Union after it adopted its Constitu- 114 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY tion, and before it was admitted by a formal act of Congress. The power of Congress to reject the votes, if Indiana were not a State for purposes of the election, was questioned by no one. Finally, by an almost unanimous vote, the whole matter was indefinitely postponed, and the House sent a message to the Senate that it Avas prepared to resume the count. Meanwhile a somewhat similar debate was taking place in the Senate ; but, before a decision was reached, the message of the House was received. Thereupon the resolution which had been under discussion, declaring the votes of Indiana legal, was withdrawn by its mover, Mr. Barbour, of Virginia, and the Senate returned to the Representatives' Hall. After the two Houses had assembled, the Speaker informed them that the House of Representatives *' had not seen it necessary to come to any resolution or to take any order on the subject which had produced the separation of the two Houses." Thereupon the count was completed, the result declared, and the proceedings were terminated. The first full account of the inauguration of any President after Washington, to be found in the newspapers of the time, describes the ceremonial observed when Mr. Monroe took office. The order of proceedings on March 4, 1817, was almost ex- actly that which has now become the usual order. At half past eleven o'clock in the forenoon the President-elect left his residence and proceeded to the Capitol, escorted by " a large cavalcade of citizens on horseback," according to the tautologi- cal reporter for the " National Intelligencer." When Mr. Mon- roe arrived in the Senate Chamber the oath of office was first administered to the Vice-President, who delivered a short ad- dress on taking the chair. Then the Senate adjourned, and the whole assembled party proceeded without the building " to an elevated portico temporarily erected for the occasion, where in the presence of an immense concourse of officers of the gov- ernment, foreign officers, strangers (ladies as well as gentle- men), and citizens, the President rose and delivered his ad- dress." After he had finished reading it, the oath was admin- istered to him by the Chief Justice. " Such a concourse," declares the " National Intelligencer," " was never before seen in Washington, the number of persons present being estimated at from five to eight thousand." In the evening a great ball was given, and thus ended the events of the day. THE "ERA OF GOOD FEELINGS" During the last year of Mr. Madison's administration Con- gress passed an act changing the method of paying the mem- bers, and, as is usual in such cases, increasing the amount of their compensation. The change was from six dollars per diem to fifteen hundred dollars a year. The " compensation act " was exceedingly unpopular, and was repealed at the next ses- sion. Many members who voted for it were defeated. There was a large number of new members in the fifteenth Congress, but the balance of parties was nominally little changed. The new questions began to obliterate all party lines. The tariff united most of the Southern Democrats, the representatives of Pennsylvania and of the manufacturing districts, in favor of the protective policy. Commercial Massachusetts opposed it. The right to make " internal improvements " was rising into importance as a political issue ; and here, too, the divisions cut across the old party lines. Many Federalists took an atti- tude of opposition, although logically, as broad constructionists, they should have been the supporters, and the Democrats should have been the opposers, of the policy. It is to be feared that the views of these Federalists were too greatly in- fluenced by the prospect that the Middle and Southern States would profit most, and their own States least, by any appro- priation Congress might make for the purpose. Congress de- clared itself in favor of internal improvements by a resolution that money constitutionally might be appropriated " for the construction " of post and military roads and of canals. But it rejected resolutions that the government constitutionally might " construct " these specified works. The distinction, rather fine-drawn and long ago abandoned by all parties, was that, while Congress might aid in such works, it could not un- dertake them. Slavery loomed up for the first time, during Monroe's first term, as a great political issue. The clause of the Constitution which made the basis of representation in Congress the whole 116 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY number of free persons, and three fifths of " all other persons," had been a constant source of complaint on the part of the Northern Federalists and those who chafed under the Virginia rule. Up to this time, nearly all the Southern ex-members, whenever they had had occasion to speak of the institution of slavery, had spoken of it as an evil, but one which could not be abolished without causing still greater evils than itself. Now the question of the admission of Missouri to the Union thrust itself upon Congress. Most of the representatives from the North, including those of both of the old parties, united to deny admission to Missouri except as a free State : the South was still more united in demanding that Missouri be admitted without restrictions. No previous debate upon a purely do- mestic question had been so exciting and passionate as that which took place on the Missouri bill. The whole country was aroused. Meetings were held and resolutions were adopted in cities and country towns ; state legislatures expressed their opinions in strong language. In Congress the contest was waged now with violence, now with strategy. The Southern members with their Northern allies, to whom John Randolph applied the term " doughfaces," — an appellation which stuck, — succeeded in linking together the bill for the admission of Maine as a separate State, to which there was no opposition, and that for the admission of Missouri. The outcome of the struggle was a compromise. An amendment was adopted which virtually permitted the existence of slavery in the proposed new State, but prohibited it forever in any of the remaining terri- tory, ceded by France under the name of Louisiana, north of the line thirty-six degrees thirty minutes north latitude, — the northern line of Arkansas Territory. The amendment was carried against the opposition of the Southern extremists ; and the bill was then passed by the votes of all the Southern and a few Northern members. This was the famous Missouri Com- promise, which became the line of defence of the anti-slavery sentiment of the country thirty years later, but which the South then stormed and captured. It was not the end of the contest over Missouri, for a clause in the Constitution framed for the State contained a provision forbidding admission into the State of free persons of color. The opposition aroused by this clause, which was held by the anti-slavery people to be inconsistent with the Constitution of the United States, was far more bitter than that manifested against the toleration of THE "ERA OF GOOD FEELINGS" 117 slavery in the new State. The legislature of Missouri was re- quired to make a solemn pledge that no act should be passed that would exclude the citizens of any State from the privileges and immunities to which they were entitled under the Consti- tution. When this pledge had been given, and announced by a proclamation by the President, Missouri was to become a member of the Union. All these exciting events took place in the year preceding the presidential election. It is not likely that, if Mr. Monroe had taken an active part in the great controversy on either side, he could have been defeated. The time was too short to organize a party of opposition with a prospect of success at the polls. As a matter of fact, the President held aloof altogether. When the " Enabling Act " for Missouri was laid before him he submitted two questions to his cabinet, — first, as to the constitutionality of an act to prohibit slavery in a Territory, which all the members, Calhoun as well as John Quincy Adams, answered in the affirmative ; and, secondly, did the word " forever " in the compromising amendment ex- tend to the time when the Territory should be erected into a State ? Upon the second question there was a division, but the form of it was changed, at Calhoun's suggestion, to an inquiry if the proviso was constitutional. To this, again, all the cabinet agreed ; and on March 2, 1820, Mr. Monroe signed the act. The popular excitement died out quickly, when it was supposed that the incident was closed. Had the subse- quent action of the Missouri convention been foreseen, the public feeling might have found expression in the ensuing election. As it was, in one State only, Pennsylvania, was an electoral ticket nominated in opposition to Mr. Monroe ; but there the ground of opposition was, expressly, that the Presi- dent was the candidate of the slavery party. The administration of Mr. Monroe was called at the time, and has since been known, as " the era of good feelings." The Federalists of New England were satisfied with his prin- ciples and with his conduct ; and as the time drew near for an election they made no movement in opposition to him. In the spring of 1820 a caucus was called, to which were in- vited not only the Democrats, but such other members of Congress as might see fit to attend. Less than fifty members assembled. They adopted a resolution that it was not expedi- ent to make any nomination, and adjourned. 118 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY It has been said already that there was an opposition ticket in Pennsylvania only. Where the electors were chosen by popular vote, the number of votes was exceedingly small. The largest number received by any elector in Connecticut was 3870, — about one vote to every seventy persons of the popu- lation. Only seventeen persons went to the polls in Rich- mond, Virginia. The fusion of parties was nowhere niore pleasantly illustrated than in Massachusetts. A change was made once more in the method of appointment. Electors were chosen, one by each congressional district and two at large. The venerable President John Adams was elected unanimously as one of the two electors at large. Daniel Webster was one of the district electors. The college con- sisted, after vacancies had been filled, of eight Federalists and seven Democrats. They all voted for Mr. Monroe, but divided on the vice-presidency, the Federalists casting their votes for Richard Stockton, of New Jersey. One elector of New Hampshire gave his vote for John Quincy Adams for President, and thus deprived Monroe of the honor of a unani- mous election. It has been reported — and the statement was repeated in the early editions of this history — that the dis- senting elector withheld his vote from Mr. Monroe expressly to prevent that statesman from sharing an honor previously accorded to Washington alone. The statement is not correct. The " scattering " vote was given by William Plumer, formerly a senator in Congress and governor of the State, not so much out of jealousy of Washington's record of unanimous election as on account of his positive distrust of j\Ionroe. Five new States participated in this election, namely, Mis- sissippi, admitted December 10, 1817 ; Illinois, admitted De- cember 3, 1818 ; Alabama, admitted December 14, 1819 ; Maine, separated from Massachusetts and admitted as a State March 15, 1820 ; and Missouri, which adopted a Constitution in July, 1820, but was not proclaimed a State until August 10, 1821, when it had fulfilled the condition exacted of it by Congress as a prerequisite to admission. The situation in which IVIissouri stood at the time of the presidential election raised again, and in an exceedingly perplexing form, the ques- tion which had arisen in 1817 as to the right of Indiana to participate in the election. For whereas Indiana, although not fully admitted to the Union at the time the electors of 1816 voted, was a State in full standing when the votes were THE "ERA OF GOOD FEELINGS" 119 counted, Missouri had not performed the duty imposed aa a condition of admission, and it was not certain that its legislature would ever give the pledge required. The in- convenience of a discussion of this question in the joint con- vention, and the doubts of members as to the result of an attempt to decide it either in joint meeting or by the two Houses separately, led to the invention of a method of avoid- ing the point altogether. The joint committee of Congress which was, in accordance with custom, appointed to ascertain and report a mode of examining the votes, reported, in addi- tion to the usual resolution, the following : — Resolved, That if any objection be made to the votes of Mis- souri, and the counting, or omitting to count, which shall not essentially change the result of the election, in that case they shall be reported by the President of the Senate in the following man- ner : Were the votes of Missouri to be counted, the result would be, for A. B. for President of the United States, votes ; if not counted, for A. B. for President of the United States, votes. But in either event A. B. is elected President of the United States. And in the same manner for Vice-President. A long debate took place on this proposition in the Senate. The views advanced were various. But the Senate was per- suaded to adopt the resolution upon the assurance of Mr. Barbour, who reported it, that it was his intention thereafter to bring up the matter of electoral votes objected to, to repair what he considered as a casus omissus in the Constitution, either by an act of Congress, if that should appear sufficient, or by an amendment to the Constitution. The discussion in the House was of a different character. Mr. John Randolph attacked the resolution, providing for an alternative statement of the vote of Missouri, on constitutional grounds. He could not recognize in either House, or in both conjoined, the power to decide on the votes of any State. The electoral colleges were as independent of Congress as Congress was of them ; and he would rather see an interregnum, or that no votes should be counted, than that a principle should be adopted which went to the very foundation on which the presidential office rested. Several other gentlemen took simi- lar views. The opposing argument was presented by Mr. Clay, then a private member, who said that Congress had been in- trusted with the duty of enumerating the votes for President, and it was necessary for the two Houses to determine what were votes. 120 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY The resolution was adopted by a vote of 90 to 67, but the concurrence of the two Houses did not end the matter. When the votes of Missouri were announced by the President of the Senate and handed to the tellers, Mr. Livermore, of New Hampshire, a member of the House, addressing the President and the Speaker, objected to them on the ground that Missouri was not a State in the Union. The Senate thereupon retired, a motion to that efiect having been put by the President, The Senate does not appear to have taken any action upon the objection, but in the House a long debate took place on a resolution that the votes ought to be counted. Mr, Randolph made himself the most conspicuous person in this discussion, and spoke upon the question with characteristic violence of language. Mr. Clay came to the rescue with an argument intended to show that the Prevsident of the Senate had acted erroneously in putting the question on the retire- ment of the Senate, the o})jeGtion having been already pro- vided for by the joint resolution. On his motion the subject was laid on the table, and the Senate was invited to return. The count then proceeded, and the result was declared in ac- cordance with the prescribed form. The votes given are shown in the table on the opposite page. As soon as the announcement had been made, Mr. Floyd, of Virginia, and after him Mr. Randolph, demanded to know what had become of" the votes of Missouri. Their voices were drowned by cries of " Order ! " and they were required to re- sume their seats. The Senate then retired, and Mr. Randolph made another violent speech, which he closed by proposing a series of resolutions reciting that the votes of Missouri have been counted, but that the announcement of the whole num- ber of electors appointed, and of the votes given by them, has not been declared " agreeably to the provisions of the Consti- tution of the United States, and that therefore the proceeding has been irregular and illegal." While Mr. Randolph was reducing these resolutions to writing, a motion was made and carried to adjourn, and nothing more was heard of them. The second inauguration of IVIr. Monroe took place on the 5th of March, 1821, — the 4th was Sunday, — in the hall of the House of Representatives. The ceremony was a simple one, but the company was as large as could be crowded into a room which was by no means spacious. The President occupied a platform in front of the Speaker's chair, and the Chief Justice THE "ERA OF GOOD FEELINGS" 121 States. Maine .... New Hampshire Vermont . . . Massachusetts . Rhode Island . Connecticut . New York . . New Jersey . Pennsylvania *. Delaware Maryland . . Virginia . North Carolina South Carolina Georgia . . . Alabama . . . Mississippi * Louisiana Kentucky . Tennessee * . . Ohio .... Indiana . Illinois Missouri . Total Vice-President. 231 H IZ! >-i 13 S f\ S a a. a o a. (2 i M K 1 fi OQ 6 05 •3 s ft s •§ •S •s « 5 « tf 9 7 - - 1 8 _ _ - 7 8 - - 4 9 29 8 24 - - - - - - - - - 10 _ 1 _ 2') - - - 15 - - - 11 - - - 8 - - - 3 2 - - - 3 12 7 8 3 - ~ "" - - - 3 3 - - ~ 218 8 1 1 * One elector in each of the States of Pennsylvania, Mississippi, and Tennessee died after appointment, and before the meetings of the electors. stood by his side while he delivered his inaugural address. So dense was the throng that fears were entertained as to the safety of the crowd. Questions concerning the presidential electoral system and the electoral count were much discussed during Mr. Monroe's administration, and at one time the prospect of submitting to the States for ratification an amendment of the Constitution, so that all elections might be uniform, seemed to be extremely 122 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY good. The proposition had oiiginated when the mishap at the election of 1800-01 was fresh in the minds of our public men, and when the necessity of guarding against a recurrence of it seemed imperative. It was then urged, as a part of the new system of choosing one person as President and another as Vice-President, that all the electors should be chosen by popu- lar vote, the States to be divided for that purpose into dis- tricts. Although the matter was somewhat discussed in the newspapers from time to time, it does not appear to have been heard of again in Congress until the close of 1813. On Decem- ber 20 of that year, Mr. Pickens, of North Carolina, introduced in the House a proposition to amend the Constitution in this respect, and made a long speech in support of the measure. He referred to the popular excitement which had prevailed in his State in consequence of the act of the legislature of North Carolina depriving the people of the right to choose electors, in 1812, as the reason for bringing the matter to the attention of Congress. The resolution for submitting the amendment to the States was negatived after some debate, 57 voting in favor of, and 70 against it. Mr. Pickens introduced the subject again on one or two occasions after this defeat, but he did not press the amend- ment further until 1816. In December of that year he once more presented his resolution, in a new form, embracing two propositions. It provided that the States should be divided into districts for the choice of representatives in Congress, and also into single districts for the choice of electors. After some debate in Committee of the Whole, the House adopted the principle of the district system for representatives by a vote of 86 to 38. That part of the system which related to electors was approved by 87 votes against 51 ; but, as this was not a two-thirds majority, the House never took the subject up. At the next session two amendments, in almost identical words, were introduced in the Senate by Mr. Dickerson, of New Jersey, and by Mr. Macon, of North Carolina. Subse- quently the proposition relating to electors was changed so that one elector should be chosen from each representative district, and that the two additional electors for each State should be appointed " in such manner as the legislature thereof may direct," following the words of the Constitution. This amend- ment was negatived by 20 in favor to 13 opposed, — not two thirds. Again in 1818 Mr. Sanford,of New York, introduced THE "ERA OF GOOD FEELINGS" 123 the amendment in the Senate, by instruction of the New York legislature, as on previous occasions it had been introduced by others according to instructions from the legislatures of New Jersey and North Carolina. This time a great deal of atten- tion was paid to the matter. It was debated at much length, three times referred to committees, and at last passed by a vote of 28 to 10. In the House it was laid on the table by 79 to 73. Introduced in the Senate again in 1819 by Mr. Dicker- son, it was again passed, this time without debate, by 29 to 13. Having been debated in the House, it was agreed to by the Committee of the Whole ; but when it was reported to the House it was laid on the table, and never taken up. Yet at tlie same session Mr. Smith, of North Carolina, introduced this identical amendment, and, after debate, it was passed to a third reading by a vote of 103 to 59 ; but on the question of its passage it was lost, 92 voting in favor of and 54 against it, — not two thirds. Tlie proposition never again came so near to success ; but it was not abandoned, and as late as March, 1822, the Senate again passed the amendment by 29 to 11. The House did not take the matter up for consideration. Another effort was made during Mr. Monroe's administration to deal with the matter of the electoral count. The Commit- tee on the Judiciary, of the Senate, was instructed to consider the subject, and Mr. Van Buren reported a bill which, after amendment, was passed on April 19, 1824. It covered the whole ground of the election and the count. The electors were to make five lists of their votes instead of three. One of these was to be sent to the seat of government by a messenger, two were to be deposited in the post-oflSce and forwarded by two successive mails to the President of the Senate, and the other two were to be delivered to the judge of the district in which the electoral meeting was held. This was the only change proposed in the method of electing the President. The important section was the fifth, as follows : — Sectiox 5. That at twelve o'clock of the day appointed for counting the votes that may be given at the next election for Pre- sident and Vice-President, the Senate and House of Representatives shaU meet in the haU of the House of Representatives, and on all future occasions in the centre room of the Capitol, at which meet- ing the President of the Senate shall be the presiding officer, but no debate shall be had nor question taken. The packet containing the certificates from the electors of each State shall then be opened 124 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY by the President of the Senate, beginning with the State of New Hampshire and going through to Georgia, in the order in which the thirteen original States are enumerated in the Constitution, and afterwards through the other States in the order in which they were respectively admitted into the Union ; and, if no exceptions are taken thereto, all the votes contained in such certificates shall be counted ; but if any exceptions be taken, the person taking the same shall state it in writing directly, and not argumentatively, and sign his name thereto ; and if the exception be seconded by one member from the Senate and one member from the House of Representatives, and each of whom shall sign the said exception as having seconded the same, the exception shall be read by the Pre- sident of the Senate, and then each House shall immediately retire, without question or debate, to its own apartment, and shall take the question on the exception, without debate, by ayes and noes. So soon as the question shall be taken in either House, a message shall be sent to the other informing them of the decision of the question, and that the House sending the message is prepared to resume the count ; and when such message shall have been received by both Houses, they shall meet again in the same room as before, and the count shall be resumed. And if the two Houses have con- curi'ed in rejecting the vote or votes objected to, such vote or votes shall not be counted. The vote of one State being thus counted, another shall, in like manner, be called, and the certificate of the votes of the State thus called shall be proceeded on as is hereinbe- fore directed; and so on, one after another, in the order above mentioned, until the count shall be completed. The bill was sent to the House for concurrence, where it was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and was reported back by Mr. Webster on the 10th of May without amendment. It was then referred to the Committee of the Whole, and was never taken up for consideration. XI THE DEFEAT OF "KING CAUCUS" The existence of a free government without a division into parties is an impossibility. The " era of good feelings " was a result, not of a radical change in human nature which per- mitted all Americans to think alike upon questions of national politics, but of a complete settlement of all the matters which had been the basis of party division. We have already seen that new issues began to loom into prominence even before Mr. Monroe's second election. In the latter part of his term they were causing differences, discussions, and divisions which were destined to become more definite and habitual, and eventually to range men on either side of a new party line. All these new issues — internal improvements, the tariff, slavery, and the rest — were to be decided one way or the other, accord- ing to the view one took of the scope and power of the Con- stitution. The two views were " strict construction " and " loose construction." Thus, when the Democratic party had substantially adopted the Federalist position in all the mat- ters which pertained to the war of 1812, and the Federal- ists had crossed over to the position formerly occupied by their political opponents, the old question of interpretation arose in a new form, and ultimately reestablished parties, greatly changed in personnel, in methods, in motives, and in aims. It will be seen, too, that issues not developed until years afterward were equally to be decided by an applica- tion of one or the other principle of interpreting the Con- stitution, — the Bank, nullification, the surplus revenue, the disposition of the public lands, in short, all the questions on which parties differed between 1830 and 1860. No development of parties took place during Mr. Monroe's administration. In a few States the Federalist organization was maintained ; but in no State was it in control of the government, nor did it ever regain control anywhere. It might and did exercise a certain influence by favoring one of two or 126 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY more candidates, where the Democrats were divided. Except locally, it had no candidates of its own. The election of 1824 was pending nearly three years. As early as April, 1822, Niles's Register remarked that there were already sixteen or seventeen candidates for the succession to Mr. Monroe. Soon after that the question how the candidates were to be nominated began to be discussed earnestly. The growth of an opposition to the system of nomination by con- gressional caucus has already been noted. The opposition was strong in 1816 ; but, inasmuch as the caucus had a result which a large majority of the people approved, little objec- tion was heard after the nominations were made. No caucus was necessary in 1820. Now a determined resistance to the system was the only possible policy for the friends of all the candidates save one. It was understood universally that Mr. William H. Crawford, the Secretary of the Treasury, was the candidate preferred by the President ; and, although Mr. Monroe did not obtrude his wishes upon the public in an unseemly manner, the very fact that his official support gave Crawford a larger body of partisans than any one of his rivals had, emphasized the objection to this mode of making nomina- tions. It was foreseen that a caucus, should one be held, would be in Mr. Crawford's interest. Consequently the ad- herents of all the other candidates were ^opposed to the caucus. Before the close of the year 1822, the minor candidates for the presidency had dropped out of the contest, and six only were left, for four of whom electoral votes were cast two years later. They were, in alphabetical order, John Quincy Adams, Secretary of State ; John C. Calhoun, Secretary of War ; Henry Clay, who had been Speaker of the House of Representatives most of the time during the previous ten years, but was just then in private life ; De Witt Clinton, also in private life at that time ; William H. Crawford, Secre- tary of the Treasury ; and Andrew Jackson, who had been a representative and senator during Adams's administration, but who derived his fame and his prominence from his military achievements. The first candidate who was put in formal nomination was Mr. Clay. The members of the Kentucky legislature, on the 18th of November, 1822, recommended him as " a suitable person to succeed James Monroe as President." In support of their resolution they issued an address. to the people of the THE DEFEAT OF "KING CAUCUS" 127 cotintry in which they placed their preference upon "a warm affection for and a strong confidence in their distinguished fellow-citizen ; " and their feeling that the time had come " when the people of the West may, with some confidence, appeal to the magnanimity of the whole Union for a favor- able consideration of their equal and just claim to a fair participation in the executive government of these States." They nevertheless made the first consideration much the more prominent and important. The members of the Mis- souri legislature held a meeting about the same time, and adopted a resolution recommending Mr. Clay. Similar action was taken in Illinois and Ohio in January, 1823, and in Louisiana in March of the same year. General Jackson seems first to have been nominated for- mally — although it was well understood long before that he was a candidate — by a mass convention of the people of Blount County, Tennessee, in May or June, 1823, and after- ward by numerous conventions in all parts of the country. Mr. Adams was nominated by the legislatures of most of the New England States early in 1824 ; Mr. Clinton, by several counties in Ohio ; Mr. Calhoun, by the legislature of South Carolina ; Mr. Crawford, by the legislature of Virginia. It will be seen that the situation closely resembled that, within each party, with which we of the present time are familiar at the beginning of every recurring presidential can- vass. All the candidates professed the same political prin- ciples, at least to such an extent that any one of them might be heartily supported by the whole party, the only party in the country which had more than a local existence. A pre- ference of one before the others might rest upon a conviction that he possessed superior qualifications ; upon a personal lik- ing for him ; upon local pride ; upon a disposition to be on good terms with the administration, — a consideration which laelped Crawford only. Similar differences within a party are met nowadays, and they do not prevent a full and enthu- siastic union of the whole organization in support of him whom the general voice of the party designates as the candidate. There then existed no body of men, and there was no way of forming a body of men, who could take the ease in hand and determine which of the six candidates should be the candidate of all. The advocates of Mr. Crawford urged that the con- gressional caucus was the tried and approved mode, — not a 128 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY perfect mode, but one which had previously harmonized differ- ences and united the party. The adherents of all the others knew that a caucus would inevitably result in the choice of Crawford, and they were too wary to be drawn into that trap. It thus became evident, a long while before the canvass should properly have begun, that the great question to be settled was whether or not a caucus should be held. It was discussed in every newspaper and in every political gathering. The state legislatures were a common means of expressing local sentiment. The first declaration in favor of a caucus was, it is believed, made by the legislature of New York, on May 23, 1823, when the following resolutions wefe unani- mously adopted : — That although a nomination by the Republican members of Congress is not entirely free from objections, yet that, assembled as they are from the different quarters of the Union, — coming from the various classes of community, — elected during the pend- ency and discussion of the question and in a great degree with reference to it, they bring into one body as perfect a representation as can be expected of the interests and wishes of all and of each ; and that a nomination made by them in a manner which has here- tofore been usual is the best attainable method of effecting the object in view which has yet been suggested. That we fully believe that a convention thus constituted will be less liable to be influenced by those sectional jealousies against which the Father of his Country has so solemnly and justly cau- tioned us ; more likely to cherish those purely national feelings which it is the interest and should be the pride of every State to protect ; and better calculated to preserve unbroken those political ties which hind together the Republicans of the North and the South, the East and the West, and are consecrated by the recollec- tion of times and events dear to the Democracy of the nation which triumphed in the election and prospered under the adminis- tration of the illustrious Jefferson. A few months later the legislature of Tennessee adopted a set of resolutions against the caucus, and instructing its mem- bers in Congress to use their influence to prevent the hold- ing of such a meeting. The resolutions were sent to all the States for their approval. They were considered at the sessions of many legislatures in the earliest months of 1824. Mary- land alone gave a cordial assent to them. Mr. Tyler, after- ward President, offered resolutions in the Virginia House of THE DEFEAT OF "KING CAUCUS" 129 Delegates approving the caucus. Although the resolutions were not adopted, — owing to a delicate sense of propriety which told the members that they ought not to take such action in their legislative capacity, — a meeting was held — perhaps it might be called a caucus — attended by three fourths of the members, who resolved almost unanimously in favor of the congressional caucus. Governor Troup, of Georgia, may be pardoned for manifesting some annoyance at being called upon to send to the legislature resolutions the sole purpose of which was to prevent the elevation of Georgia's favorite son to the presidency ; but the terms in which he communicated the reso- lutions were childishly petulant. He remarked in the course of this unique message that the word " caucus " was not in the dictionary, was not an English word, and he hoped would never be one. One branch of the South Carolina legislature approved the Tennessee resolutions ; the other threw them out with scorn. There was a like difference of opinion in the North. The Ohio and Indiana legislatures postponed the reso- lutions indefinitely. In Pennsylvania a report by a commit- tee was rejected, by a vote of more than two to one, because it contained a clause which by implication sanctioned a cavicus. The New York legislature expressed its dissent from the Ten- nessee resolutions and its approval of a caucus. In Massa- chusetts, and also in Maine, caucuses were held and John Quincy Adams was nominated ; subsequently in each State the Democratic members met again, and, while repeating their nom- ination of Mr. Adams, declared their wish that a congressional caucus should be held, and agreed to abide by the result. Deep political excitement accompanied all these proceedings. The intensity of feeling is seen in the arguments on one side and the other with which for many months the newspapers were filled. There was no point in favor of the caucus or against it that was overlooked, and all of them were discussed and worked over until they were threadbare. The advocates of the caucus were entirely right when they said that the old method of nomination " tends to produce union, which the other mode has a tendency to destroy ; " and doubtless, if the Democratic party had been facing a strong and resolute enemy, the refusal to submit the claims of all the candidates to the arbitrament of the caucus would have been " bad politics." Since it was free from that danger, the violent struggle within the party was harmless, and it was useful in bringing to an 130 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY end a dynasty which was making the government stale. The difficulty in the way of a better system of nomination, together with a hint as to the better way which was afterward adopted, is set forth in resolutions adopted by the Democrats of Lancas- ter County, Pennsylvania, in the winter of 1824 : " We be- lieve the best and most unexceptionable method " to be " a convention of delegates from all the States of the Union ; " but as it would be " entirely impracticable, from the immense extent of our country, and from the great expense necessarily incident to an attendance from the extreme parts of the United States," they deemed '* the old and tried mode," the caucus, the best that was attainable. When we reflect that at this time there was not a mile of railway in the country, and that weeks of travel were necessary to compass the distance from Louisiana and Missouri to the seat of government, the objection to a national convention does not seem overdrawn. The call for a caucus, dated February 6, 1824, appeared in the " National Intelligencer " on the following morning. It was signed by six senators and five representatives, members from eleven States. It was addressed to the Democratic mem- bers of Congress, and invited them to meet in the Representa- tives' chamber on the evening of the 14th, " to recommend candidates to the people of the United States for the offices of President and Vice-President of the United States." Side by side with this notice appeared another, to which were appended the signatures of twenty -four senators and members, represent- ing fifteen States, who asserted that they had satisfactory information that, of the two hundred and sixty-one senators and representatives, there were a hundred and eighty-one " who deem it inexpedient, under existing circumstances, to meet in a caucus " for the purpose named. Although the accuracy of this canvass was impugned, the event showed that it was nearly correct. Sixty-six members only assembled in caucus. They represented sixteen States of the Union, but a large majority of them were from four States. New York supplied sixteen, from its delegation numbering thirty-six ; Virginia, fourteen out of a possible twenty-four ; North Carolina, ten of a delegation of fifteen ; eight of the nine Georgia members were present. These four States sup- plied forty-eight members, and the other twenty States only eighteen members of the caucus. Eight States were not repre- sented at all ; five States furnished one member each. A THE DEFEAT OF " KIXG CAUCUS" 131 motion was made to adjourn for six weeks, nominally in order to wait for the action of the Pennsylvania State Convention, really in order to drum up more members. Mr. Van Buren spoke against the motion, and it was defeated. The caucus then proceeded to ballot for a candidate for President. The result was as follows : William H. Crawford had 64 ; John Quincy Adams, 2 ; Andrew Jackson, 1 ; Nathaniel Macon, 1. Two absent members, one each from Virginia and Georgia, voted by proxy. A ballot was next taken for a candidate for Vice-President. Albert Gallatin of Pennsylvania had 57 votes ; Erastus Koot of Xew York, 2 ; and the following named, one each: John Q. Adams, William Eustis of Massachusetts, Samuel Smith of Maryland, William King of Maine, Richard Rush of Penn- sylvania, John Tod of Pennsylvania, and Walter Lowrie of Pennsylvania. The caucus then adopted a resolution formally recommending Messrs. Crawford and Gallatin, and declaring that : — In making the foregoing recommendation, the members of this meeting have acted in their individual characters as citizens ; that they have been induced to this measure from a deep and settled conviction of the importance of union among Republicans through- out the United States, and as the best means of collecting and concentrating the feelings and wishes of the people of the Union upon this important siibject. A committee was appointed to prepare an address to the people of the United States. The tone of the address was far from reassuring. " We will not conceal our anxiety," the committee declared. " To our minds, the course of recent events points to the entire dismemberment of the party ta Avhich it is our pride to be attached." They were right. The caucus seems not to have added a vote anywhere to Mr. Craw- ford's strength. It seemed, indeed, to reveal his weakness, even in Congress. The " National Intelligencer," the steadfast advocate of Crawford, published a'statement of the preferences of the members of both Houses. It set down 40 of the 260 members — there w^as one vacancy — as Federalists, and di- vided the other 220 as follows : Crawford, 93 ; Adams, 38 ; Clay, 32 ; Calhoun, 25 ; Jackson, 23. The canvass was warmly disputed by the friends of the other candidates, one of whom drew attention to the fact that the " Intelligencer " had " lost " nine Democrats in its count, since the total number accounted for was but 211. 132 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY Local and personal considerations predominated in the can- vass that ensued. The caucus issue had served its purpose and was not made prominent. The '* regularity " of the nom- ination was urged by Crawford's friends, but other men cared little about it. The " Boston Daily Advertiser " doubtless expressed the feelings of many of Mr. Adams's supporters in New England when it said they were going to vote for him " because he is a citizen of this Commonwealth," and " not so much because it is supposed that a majority of the electors have felt any strong attachment for him." It is fair to say that the '' Advertiser " was a Federalist paper still, and spoke for its party friends, who still, perhaps, might have defeated the Adams electoral ticket in Massachusetts if they had been so disposed, and if it had been worth the effort. The caucus ticket had been framed, in the selection of Mr. Gallatin for A^ice-President, to capture the vote of Pennsylva- nia. But it did not strengthen the cause. Mr. Gallatin's eligibility was assailed, and he was forced to defend himself against the charge of being a " foreigner." Although he had been a resident of the United States since 1780, there was cer- tainly a cloud upon his title as '* a citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this Constitution." Neverthe- less, he persisted in his candidacy until October, when he re- tired from the canvass, " understanding that the withdrawal of my name may have a favorable effect on the result " of the approaching election. Mr. Calhoun had withdrawn as a can- didate for the presidency, and there was a general concentra- tion upon him as the candidate for the second place on the part of all the anti-caucus forces, who had omitted, in their nomi- nations, to name a Vice-President. It seems to have been in the minds of the Crawford party that they might effect a coali- tion with the supporters of Clay by giving the vice-presidency to the Kentucky statesman. A suggestion of such a union was rejected Avith scorn by the Clay men, and Mr, Gallatin's retirement had no perceptible effect on the canvass. Long before the voting began, it was evident to all that there was to be no choice of President by the electors, and that the election would go, for the second time, to the House of Representatives ; furthermore, that each of the four candi- dates — for Clinton had developed no strength in the can- vass — would receive many electoral votes. Three only could go before the House. It therefore was the aim of every group THE DEFEAT OF "KING CAUCUS" to secure enough votes for its candidate to make him one of the three. As in 1820, twenty-four States took part in the election. Electors were appointed by the legislatures in Vermont, New York, Delaware, South Carolina, Georgia, and Louisiana. In the other eighteen States they were chosen by the people ; by districts in Maine, Maryland, Illinois, Kentucky, and Missouri ; elsewhere, by general ticket. The legislature of New York (entitled to 36 electors) con- tained supporters of three of the candidates. The law governing elections by the legislature required that each house should ballot separately until it made a choice by a majority of votes. If the two branches agreed in the election, they met in joint con- vention and declared the result. If different persons had been elected, the election was made by ballot in joint convention ; and here also a majority was required. The election began on the 10th of November. On that day the Senate made choice of the Crawford electors. The senators were divided in their preferences thus : for Crawford, 17 ; for Adams, 7 ; for Clay, 7. In the Assembly there was no choice : the Crawford ticket had 43 votes, the Adams 50, the Clay 32. Combined, therefore, the strength of the three candidates was : Crawford, 60 ; Adams, 57 ; Clay, 39. The balloting in the Assembly continued on the 10th, 11th, and 12th of November with the change of only a single vote. On the 12th, some of the Craw- ford men announced their purpose of voting for the Adams ticket in order to transfer the contest to a joint convention and to defeat Mr. Clay. This threat produced an effect upon the Clay men, who, on the following day, themselves supported the Adams ticket and gave it the required majority. The fact that an election had been effected by the Assembly was hur- riedly communicated to some of the Crawford senators before the oi^icial notice could be sent, and the Senate hastily ad- journed. On Monday, the 15th, the joint convention was held, and a ballot was taken. The whole number of ballots was 157, but three of them were blank votes. Seven friends of Mr. Clay, who had been placed upon the Crawford ticket in hope of inducing the Clay men to support the whole ticket, had 95 votes. The rest of the Crawford ticket had 76 votes. Twenty-five of the names on the Adams ticket had 78 votes each, which was exactly a majority of 154, the number of effec- tive ballots, but one less than a majority of the whole number, 134 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY including the blanks. A resolution was offered declaring the thirty-two electors who had 78 or more votes to be chosen. The Speaker of the Senate refused to put the question. A long debate and a scene of tumult and confusion such as has rarely taken place in a legislative body ensued ; and in the end the presiding officer, followed by the sixteen Crawford sen- ators, left the Assembly Chamber. But at last the resolution was separately adopted by each House. The two branches met again, and completed the election by the choice of four Craw- ford men by a bare majority. At tlie meeting of the electors, three of those who had been expected to vote for Clay deserted him and went, one each, to Adams, Crawford, and Jackson. It will be seen by reference to the table of electoral votes (page 140) that, if they had all voted for Mr. Clay, his vote and Crawford's would have been equal, and the names of Adams and Jackson only would have gone before the House of Representatives. In Delaware there was a parliamentary problem of a charac- ter somewhat similar to that in New York. The number of members present at the joint meeting of the two houses of the legislature was 30. One elector (for Adams) received 21 votes, and was no doubt elected. Two Crawford men had 15 votes each, and seven other candidates had from 1 to 10 each. The law of Delaware provided that, "if an equal division of ballots shall appear for two or more persons, not being elected by a majority of the votes, the Speaker of the Senate shall have an additional casting vote." This was clearly not a case of the kind contemplated by the statute, which intended that the Speaker should decide between two or more equal and opposing candi- dates. If only one of the two Crawford men had received 15 votes, he could not have given a casting vote. As there were two equal candidates he gave an additional vote for each, and declared them elected. He followed the letter of the statute beyond a doubt. The election of 1824 is the first with reference to which an attempt has been made to test the result by a comparison of the popular vote for the several candidates. The statement which is to be found in most of the political almanacs and com- pendiums of political information, even to the present day, is one which, it is believed, originated in an early number of Mr. Greeley's Whig Almanac, as follows : — THE DEFEAT OF "KING CAUCUS" 135 For Jackson 152,899 Adams 105,321 Crawford 47,265 Clay 47,087 The statement is inaccurate ; and, when it has been cor- rected, it is misleading. No exact table of popular votes can be presented. In five States only were all four candidates re- presented at the polls. In six others there were three tickets ; in seven there were but two tickets ; in six States the electors were chosen by the legislature. Throughout New England the ticket in opposition to Adams was that supported by the caucus committee, and the votes should doubtless all be given to Crawford. In North Carolina there was a fusion of the friends of Jackson and Adams. The " old North State " had contained from the earliest times a strong body of Federal- ists, who were all opposed to Crawford, and were disposed to support Mr. Adams. It was estimated that at least five thou- sand of them voted for the f\;sion electoral ticket ; but, inas- much as the electors voted for Jackson, all their votes are cred-. ited to him. A careful study of the returns from all the States, in most cases official, and in every case a full return, results in the table given on page 136. The difference in the totals of the two statements is not important. But neither statement is valuable as indicating the will of the people on the question of the presidency. Vir- ginia, with a white population of 625,000, cast an aggregate of less than 15,000 votes ; Pennsylvania, with a population of something more than a million, cast a few more than 47,000 votes, which was but a little larger number than that of Massachusetts, 37,000, with a population of less than 600,000 ; and Massachusetts, at the election of the previous year, had given more than 66,000 votes for governor. If to such in- equalities as these we add those produced by the total omis- sion from the list of all votes from six States which contained more than one fourth of the whole population of the country, the lack of significance of the statement of popular votes may be understood. Mr. Calhoun was elected Vice-President by more than two thirds of the electoral votes. There was no choice of a Presi- dent. Mr. Crawford, the caucus candidate, barely succeeded in securing a place among the first three candidates. Con- gress assembled on the 6th of December, five days after the 136 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY Maine . . . . New Hampshire . Vermont t . . . Massachusetts Rhode Island . . Connecticut . . New York J . . New Jersey . . Pennsylvania . . Delaware | . . Maryland . . . Virginia North Carolina . South Carolina X Georgia J . . . Alabama . . . Mississippi . . Louisiana J . . Kentucky . . . Tennessee . . . Missouri . . . X3hio Indiana . . . . Illinois . . . . Total . Jackson. 10,985 36,100 14,523 2,861 20,4151 9,443 3,234 6,455 20,197 987 18,457 7,343 1,901 152,901 10,289 9,389 30,687 2,145 7,587 9,110 5,441 14,632 3,189 2,416 1,694 216 311 12,280 3,095 1,542 114,023 Crawford. 2,336* 643t 6,616* 200* 1,978* 1,196§ 4,206 3,364 8,489 15,621 1,680 119 312 219 46,979 Clay. 1,690 695 416 67 17,331 1,401 19,255 5,315 1,047 47,217 * Opposition ticket, t Opposition ticket, wrongly credited in former editions to Jack- son. Z Electors appointed by legislature. § '"Convention" ticket. || "People's" ticket. meeting of the electors. Although it was known that there had been no choice of a President, no notice was taken of the fact until the 13th of January. 1825, when Mr. Wright, of Ohio, oflfered a resolution for the appointment of a committee — To prepare and report such rules as, in their opinion, may be proper to be observed by this House in the choice of a President of the United States, for the period of four years from the 4th day of March next, if, on counting the votes given in the several States in the manner prescribed in the Constitution of the United States, it shall appear that no person has received a majority of all the electors of President and Vice-President appointed in the several States. This resolution was adopted on the 18th of January, and the committee was appointed, which reported, on the 26th, a plan that was in some respects different from that adopted in 1801, but the changes were not important. THE DEFEAT OF "KING CAUCUS" 137 The Senate proposed, on the 1st of February, to raise a joint committee " to ascertain and report a mode of examining the votes " in the usual form. The committee was appointed, and reported a resolution similar to those adopted in former years, but containing a clause made necessary by the fact that there was no choice of a President. When this resolution came up in the Senate, Mr. Eaton, of Tennessee, moved to add a new paragraph to the effect that, if objection should be made to any vote, it should be filed in writing and entered on the journals of the two Houses ; that the two Houses should not separate until all the votes had been counted and reported ; but that the report of the result should be " liable to be con- trolled and altered by the decision to be made by the two Houses, after their separation, relative to any objections that may be made," provided that no objection should be considered valid unless so voted by both Houses. Mr. Van Buren opposed this clause, and after debate it was rejected. No objections were made, it may be said here, to any votes at the time of the count ; but in May, after the election, Mr. Wilde, of Georgia, introduced in the House of Representatives a resolution that a message be sent to the Senate requesting copies of all the certificates of electoral votes. In a long speech he gave his reason for making this motion, which was that few of the certificates were strictly cor- rect and in due form. They either did not assert that the electors voted in distinct ballots for President and Vice-Presi- dent, or they did not report a vote by ballot, — distinct bal- lots being reqviired by the Constitution. The resolution was opposed on the ground that it was too late, and that " the elections in the States were not subject to revision by Con- gress," and, on motion, was laid on the table. Before the day for counting the votes, February 9, there was a great scandal in the House of Representatives. The situation was one which invited intrigue, and no doubt there was much bargaining and attempted trading of votes. The excitement ran high. The votes of thirteen States were necessary for a choice. Mr. Adams was sure of the unani- mous votes of the six New England States, and of a majority in New York, Maryland, and Ohio. Mr. Crawford would have Delaware, Virginia, North Carolina, and Georgia. The vmiversal expectation was that Mr. Adams would be chosen; and a desire to avoid such a long and perilous contest as had 138 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY taken place in 1801, as well as a desire to be on the winning side, helped his cause. In the midst of the excitement a letter was published in the '' Columbian Observer " of Philadelphia, on January 28, dated at Washington, from which the follow- ing is extracted : — For some time past, the friends of Clay have hinted that they, like the Swiss, would fight for those who would pay best. Over- tures were said to have been made by the friends of Adams to the friends of Clay, offering him the appointment of Secretary of State for his aid to elect Adams. And the friends of Clay gave this information to the friends of Jackson, and hinted that, if the friends of Jackson would offer the same price, they would close with them. There was much more of the same sort, but this contains the substance of the charge. ]VIr. Clay at once published a card in which he asserted that he believed the letter was a forgery, " but, if it be genuine, I pronounce the member, who- ever he may be, a base and infamous calumniator, a dastard, and a liar." Mr. George Kremer, of Pennsylvania, avowed himself the author of the letter, and asserted his ability to prove his assertions. The matter was brought to the attention of the House by Mr. Clay, who was Speaker of the House at the time, and a committee was raised to inquire into the mat- ter. Mr. Kremer, in a long and labored but weak letter, declined to appear before the committee. In spite of the most positive denials of the truth of the story, and of an absolute lack of any evidence to support the accusation, the charge was persisted in and believed by all who had an in- terest in believing it. Three years afterward, in the midst of the ensuing canvass, General Jackson himself wrote a letter, which was made public, in which he gave an account of an interview in January, 1825, with a member of Congress whom he understood to intimate that Mr. Clay's influence might be detached from Mr. Adams and given to him on certain terms. Jackson thus not only revived the old scandal, but virtually affirmed his belief in the truth of the charge. He afterward asserted that the member of Congress was James Buchanan. Mr. Clay thereupon published a most emphatic and sweeping denial, one sentence of which will suffice to show its character : "I neither made, nor authorized, nor knew of any proposition whatever to either of the three candidates who were returned to the House of Representatives, at the THE DEFEAT OF " KING CAUCUS " 139 last presidential election, or to the friends of either of them, for the purpose of influencing the result of the election, or for any other purpose." Mr. Buchanan himself then made a statement that it had " never once entered my head that he [General Jackson] believed me to be the agent of Mr. Clay or of his friends, or that I had intended to propose to him terms of any kind from them." One might suppose that this should have been conclusive. Even so thorough-going an admirer of Jackson as James Parton admits that " no charge was ever more plausible or more groundless . . . none was ever more completely refuted." Yet Jackson persisted in it to the end, and took pains, in 1844, only a year before his death, to deny that he had " recanted " it, and to affirm that his opinion " had undergone no change." There is no need to rely on negative testimony to prove Mr. Clay's innocence ; for almost immediately after the meet- ings of the electors he had announced to Senator Thomas H. Benton his intention to %upport Mr. Adams. Mr. Benton records, in his "Thirty Years' View," the fact that Mr. Clay made to him a communication of this intention before the 15th of December, 1824, which, Mr. Benton believes, was " proba- bly before Mr. Adams knew it himself." It is a pity that Mr. Benton did not make public the evidence in his possession until November, 1827, when all possible harm to Mr. Clay's reputation which the false accusation could do had long been done. Of course the purpose of keeping the scandal alive was the defeat of Mr. Adams, who could not be innocent if Mr. Clay had been guilty of the corrupt bargain. It is only be- cause of its bearing on the ensuing election, and because the accusation, if true, would have been an indelible stain upon the character of one of our Presidents, that so much attention has been given to it in these pages. The electoral votes were counted on the 9th of February, 1825. The result as announced is given on page 140. The President of the Senate, Mr. Gaillard, then declared that no person had received a majority of the votes given for President of the United States ; that Andrew Jackson, John Quincy Adams, and William H. Crawford were the three persons who had received the highest number of votes, and that the remaining duties in the choice of a President now devolved upon the House of Representatives ; and that John C. Calhoun was duly elected Vice-President. 140 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY Pbesioent. Vice-Pbebident. i 6 (H d i H S O QQ S t> ^ hj ^ PC o 1-5 C3 in 08 ^ s td Maine 9 9 _ New Hampshire - 8 - - 7 - - 1 - - Vermont . . . - 7 - _ 7 - - - - _ Miissachusetts _ 15 _ _ 15 - - _ _ _ Rhode Island _ 4 _ _ 3 - - _ _ _ Connecticut . _ 8 _ _ _ - - 8 _ _ New York . 1 26 5 4 29 7 - _ _ _ New Jersey . 8 - - - 8 - - - - - Pennsylvania 28 - - - 28 - - - - - Delaware . . _ 1 2 — , 1 - - - _ 2 Maryland . . 7 3 1 - 10 - - 1 - - Virginia . . - - 24 - - - 24 - - - North Carolina 15 - - - 15 - - - - - South Carolina 11 _ - _ 11 - _ - _ _ Georgia . . - - 9 - - - - - 9 - Alabama . . 5 _ _ _ 5 - - - _ _ Mississippi . 3 - - - 3 - - - - - Louisiana . . 3 2 - — 5 — - — — — Kentucky - - - 14 7 7 - - - - Tennessee 11 - - - 11 - - - - - Missouri . . - - - 3 - - - 3 - - Ohio . . . _ _ - 16 - 16 _ - _ _ Indiana . . 5 _ _ _ 5 _ _ _ _ _ Illinois . . 2 1 - - 3 - - - - - Total .... 99 84 41 37 182 30 24 13 9 2 The Senate having retired, the House immediately pro- ceeded to elect a President. A roll-call showed that every member of the House except Mr. Garnett, of Virginia, who was sick at his lodgings in Washington, was present. Mr. Webster, of Massachusetts, and Mr. Randolph, of Virginia, were appointed tellers. The House conducted the election according to the rules already adopted, and on the first bal- lot Jahn Quincy Adams was chosen. The votes of thirteen States were given to him, those of seven to Jackson, and of four to Crawford. The Speaker declared Mr. Adams elected, and notice of the result was sent to the Senate. The votes of THE DEFEAT OF "KING CAUCUS" 141 the States are shown by the following table, which indicates both the divisions within the delegations and the person for whom the vote of each State was given. Maine . . . New Hampshire Vermont . . Massachusetts Rhode Island . Connecticut . New York . . New Jersey . Pennsylvania . Delaware . Maryland . . Virginia . . North Carolina South Carolina Georgia . . . Alabama . , Mississippi Louisiana . . Kentucky . . Tennessee . . Missouri . . Ohio. . . . Indiana . . . Illinois . . . Total . . . Adams. Jackson. Crawford. Vote for — 7 Adams- 6 _ _ Adamsa 5 - _ Adams. 12 1 _ Adams. 2 - _ Adams. 6 - _ Adams. 18 2 14 Adams. 1 5 _ Jackson. 1 25 - Jackson. - - 1 Crawford. 5 3 1 Adams. 1 1 19 Crawford. 1 2 10 Crawford. - 9 _ Jackson. - - 7 Crawford. - 3 - Jackson. - 1 - Jackson. 2 1 - Adams. 8 4 _ Adams. - 9 - Jackson. 1 - - Adams. 10 2 2 Adams. - 3 - Jackson. 1 - - Adams. 87 71 54 The inauguration of Mr. Adams took place in the Repre- sentatives' Hall. A military escort accompanied the retiring President and the President-elect to the Capitol, where all the departments of the governnient and representatives of foreign powers had assembled. Mr. Adams, as all of his predecessors had been on a similar occasion, was arrayed in a full suit of plain cloth of American manufacture. Mr. Adams rose and read bis inaugural address in a firm voice, after which the oath was administered to him by the venerable Chief Justice Mar- shall. Among the first to take the hand of Mr. Adams, after the ceremony, was Senator Andrew Jackson. XII JACKSON'S TRIUMPH Mr. Adams was foredoomed to defeat in 1828, — from the day of his inauguration. His political enemies were the most astute managers the country had produced. They had the chagrin of a failure to wipe out and avenge. They had a can- didate ready for the canvass for whom it was easy to arouse popular enthusiasm. On the other hand, Mr. Adams, while sup- ported hy faithful and trusty statesmen, was surrounded also by officers whom he retained in the places to which they had been appointed by his predecessor, although he was fully aware of their treachery toward himself. Senators came to him to assure him that they were friendly to his administration, and then went to the Capitol and voted with the opposition, and assisted in passing some of the most malignantly insulting resolutions ever spread upon the records of the Senate. One member of the President's official family, the Postmaster- General, not then admitted to the cabinet, used the patronage of his office, during the whole of the four years' term, to the injury of the administration. More than once the members of the cabinet united in an earnest request to Mr. Adams to remove him ; but he refused. The President would not, even when another man would have been goaded by desperation to turn upon his perfidious office-holders, remove any man because that man was not his personal supporter. There are numerous entries in his diary showing his steady adherence to a policy which is most completely set forth in this passage : " I see yet no reason sufficient to justify a departure from the principle with which I entered upon the administration, of removing no public officer for merely preferring another candidate for the presidency." Another fact which would alone have been fatal to Mr. Adams's hopes of reelection, if he had entertained such hopes, was his lack of the personal qualities that attract popular sup- port. At best he had been, in 1824, but the candidate of a JACKSON'S TRIUMPH 143 minority. To ensure success at the next election it would have been necessary to find new friends among those who had been rather the adherents of other candidates than direct oppo- nents of himself. He was not the man to conciliate. He was made of too stern and uncompromising stuff. He would stoop to none of the arts of the politician, not even to measures which in these days of undoubtedly greater political virtue are deemed innocent and harmless. He was too good for this wicked world, — not too wise, not too tactful, not too tolerant. He was nevertheless wise enough to be aware that he had little or no chance of reelection. His diary during 1828 abounds in comments upon the hopeful assurances of his visitors, stat- ing in plain language that he was not deceived by them. He remarks upon Mr. Rush's preference for the mission to Eng- land to the chance of being elected Vice-President on the ticket with himself: "I can easily conjecture what it is — the pre- ference of the harbor to the tempest." Again, when he is communing with himself upon the appointment of Governor Barbour to the same place he says, May 1, 1828, " In my own political downfall I am bound to involve unnecessarily none of my friends." He thinks the effect of the appointment upon the administration will be bad, — "violent, and probably deci- sive. But why should I require men to sacrifice themselves for me?" The political questions that arose during Mr. Adams's ad- ministration were by no means of such importance as to justify the formation of parties where none existed before. It is impossible to comprehend how men who, at the outset, had no complaint against Mr. Adams save that he had been successful over their own candidate, could have worked themselves into opposition so rancorous as they manifested to the proposi- tion of the Panama mission, — a conference of American repub- lics. It was a harmless scheme that promised good results ; but these men jumped upon it and trampled it under their feet with fury, for no better reason than that it was a project which the President and Mr. Clay desired most earnestly to see carried through. It was upon this measure that, as Mr. Adams himself records, in January, 1826, the first attempt was made " to unite the Jackson, Crawford, and Calhoun forces." The tariff became an issue in politics in 1828 ; but that was long after the opposition was fully organized and felt itself on the eve of victory. Mr. Adams's position on the question of 144 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY internal improvements was not that of a majority of those who had supported other candidates ; but the question was not one of sufficient importance to alienate any of them. It was an excuse rather than a reason for opposition. Moreover, General Jackson, as a senator, had voted for internal improvements, and had acted throughout with the protectionists in passing the tariff act of 1824. The opposition press teemed with falsehoods, absurd on their face or easily disproved, yet repeated in spite of ample proof of their untruth. The popular outcry against Freemasonry that arose after the affair of Morgan is a good example of the misrepresentation to which the President was subjected. He was not a Freemason ; indeed he was actively opposed to the order. Yet in regions where the anti-masonic feeling was strong, he was published as being a member of the order, and a pretended transcript from the records of a lodge was issued, in which his admission was recorded. The old and oft disproved story of a *' corrupt bargain " between him- self and Clay was revived. No tale was too preposterous to be invented if it would make votes against this honorable, high- minded man, whose intentions were as good and whose patriot- ism was as pure as that of any man who ever sat in the Presi- dent's chair. The canvass of 1828 opened in October, 1825, before Mr. Adams had met Congress at all, and before he had indicated, except in his inaugural address, what was to be his policy. The Tennessee legislature nominated General Jackson for the succession. He accepted the nomination in an address which he delivered before the two Houses of the legislature, and resigned his seat in the Senate. Other legislatures, conven- tions, caucuses, and public meetings in all parts of the country also nominated the general. But in order to make his election certain it was deemed necessary to bring to his support the friends of Crawford. This is supposed to have been effected by a mission through the South undertaken after the close of the session of Congress in March, 1827, by Martin Van Buren and Churchill C. Cambreling, — the two most prominent New York politicians of the time. Mr. Van Buren, on his way through Washington in May, called on the President. Mr. Adams was not ignorant of the object of the tour. "They are generally understood to have been electioneering, and Van Buren is now the great electioneering manager for General Jackson, as he was before the last election for Mr. Crawford." JACKSON'S TRIUMPH 145 The basis of the campaign was the alleged " wrong " done to General Jackson in 1825 when, having the largest number of electoral votes and of popular votes, he was set aside in favor of Mr. Adams. Those who made this complaint paid but a poor compliment to the intelligence of those to whom it was addressed. If the framers of the Constitution had intended that a plurality of popular or of electoral votes should decide the election of President they would not have devised the elaborate system of election by the House of Representatives. Those who desire to see worked out the flimsy argument that the people were defrauded in 1825 by the defeat of a candi- date who had but a plurality of votes, given under a system that did not contemplate popular elections, will find it in Ben- ton's " Thirty Years' View." His exposition of what he calls " the Demos Krateo principle " is a brilliant specimen of rea- soning from false premises. The candidacy of Mr. Adams for reelection was taken for granted. If there were any meetings, legislative or other, at which his name was formally presented, the nomination was of no value in the canvass. The question of the vice-presidency was much discussed. Calhoun, of course, was out of the ques- tion. From the beginning he had been ian enemy of the administration ; and it was plain to see that he was to be the candidate of the Jacksonians for reelection. As early as February, 1826, Mr. Clay mentioned to Mr. Adams that he had been approached by many persons on the subject of the vice-presidency, and inquired what were the President's wishes. For his own part he preferred to retain his office of Secretary of State, but he was willing to do whatever would be best for the administration. Mr. Adams, without making a final deci- sion, was inclined to think Mr. Clay more useful in the State Department. Mr. Clay reported also that Governor Barbour, the Secretary of War, was much considered for the vice-presi- dency. Two months later another caller upon the President referred to the question of who should have the second place on the ticket, " which, he says, W. H. Harrison looks to very earnestly." Still later the strange suggestion was made that Mr. W. H. Crawford should be nominated, and, more remark- able still, it was pressed rather urgently. Mr. Adams gave no countenance to this proposition, which he felt sure would re- sult in nothing but treachery.^ The matter was finally settled 1 Mr. Adams, at the beginning of the administration, asked Mr. Crawford 146 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY by the nomination of Mr. Richard Rush, the Secretary of the Treasury, by the " administration " convention of Pennsyl- vania, which met at Harrisburg, January 4, 1828. The friends of the administration believed, or professed to believe, to the last moment, that Mr. Adams would be re- elected. They classed Pennsylvania among the doubtful States, counted confidently upon the new States of the north- west, — Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, — and were encouraged, by the success of the administration party at the state election in Kentucky, as late as August, 1828, to believe that Mr. Clay's State would support them. The administration party was grossly deceived. Mr. Adams received fewer electoral votes than he had in 1824 ; and not one of the votes given for Clay four years before was transferred to him. The last days of the canvass were made noteworthy by a political incident highly characteristic of Mr. Adams, — an inci- dent which, in these times of rapid dissemination of intelli- gence, would have destroyed instantly any chances which a candidate in Mr. Adams's situation might have had. Probably it actually had but the slightest effect on the vote, and of course none whatever upon the result. In October, 1828, the month preceding the election, Mr. William B. Giles, of Vir- ginia, a man intensely hostile to Mr. Adams, caused to be published a statement regarding the circumstances of that gentleman's secession from the Federalist party in 1808, and a part of certain correspondence between Mr. Jefferson and him- self (Giles) in 1825. A lack of candor on Mr. Giles's part and a failure of memory on Mr. Jefferson's placed the conduct of Mr. Adams in a highly unfavorable light. The President authorized a reply which was printed in the " National Intelli- gencer," in the course of which he made against certain lead- ers of the Federal party in Massachusetts the grave charge of a purpose to dissolve the Union. Thirteen gentlemen, eleven of whom were certainly entitled to represent themselves as to remain as Secretary of the Treasury. Some time afterward he learned, greatly to his surprise, that just hefore the close of Mr. Monroe's term Craw- ford had had a wordy altercation with the President, and had applied to him a term which one gentleman never addresses to another. After that affair the President and his Secretary of the Treasury were not on speaking terms, and transacted the public business through an intermediary. Mr. Adams, record- ing these facts in his diary, expresses regret that he had proposed to take Mr. Crawford into the cabinet. His knowledge of the affair explains his objec- cioa to the idea of the candidacy of Mr. Crawford for the vice-presidencj'. JACKSON'S TRIUMPH 147 among the chief Federalists of the State in 1808, while the others were sons of two such leaders, demanded that he should substantiate his charge, or retract it. An acrimonious corre- spondence ensued. Mr. Adams never gave to the world his final word on the subject, which he wrote at enormous length just at the close of his administration. It was first published in his grandson's "New England Federaliem." A candid view of the case seems to be that disunion was discussed by some of the members of what was long known as the '' Essex Junto ; " but that the discussion was in an extremely narrow circle, and that even among them the idea found but the most limited acceptance. At all events Mr. Adams named but two or three men who had ever heard of the scheme, although he hinted at a larger number. Of course the assault by Mr. Adams upon the Federalists generally, when those who had been members of that party had but lately and reluctantly come to his support, was calculated to make them anything but zealous in his cause. Nevertheless it could operate upon the minds of voters in that community only where the name of Jackson symbolized all that was evil in politics ; and for that reason it cost Adams few popular votes, and no electoral votes. The number of States that participated in the election of 1828 was unchanged, — twenty-four. Since the preceding election, however, there had been a general change on the part of those States which had previously chosen electors through the medium of the legislature, to the popular system. Of the six States wherein the legislature had exercised this privilege in 1824, four changed to a popular election before 1828, — Vermont, New York, Georgia, and Louisiana. The change in New York was not effected without a great agitation of the people. The legislature held to the powers it exercised as long as it dared. Governor De Witt Clinton recommended the change to the legislature at a special session called in 1820, on which occasion the Senate of New York refused to perform any legislative duty whatever, and treated the Gov- ernor with such open disrespect as has hardly ever been shown toward a state executive by any department of government. A bill was passed once, perhaps twice, by one branch of the legislature, some years later, to confer the right on the people, but the other branch rejected it. At last, the legislature, affecting a doubt whether the people really cared for the privi- 148 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY lege, passed an act formally submitting the question to them. If there had been any real doubt the result of the popular vote speedily dispelled it, and the legislature reluctantly yielded to the urgent demand. But there still existed differences in the systeftis of election, even among those where there was an appointment of electors by popular vote.- In the following States the election of 1828 was by general ticket, — the system which is now universal : New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Con- necticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri, — eighteen. Some of these, like Massachusetts, New Jersey, and North Carolina, having tried for many years to secure the district system by amend- ment of the Constitution, had despaired of success, and adopted the general ticket. Of the six States not named above, two, Delaware and South Carolina, clung to the old method of legis- lative appointment. In Maine and New York, an elector States. Jackson. Adams. Mode of Election. Maine New Hampshire .... Vermont Massachusetts .... Rhode Island Connecticut New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland Virginia North Carolina .... South Carolina .... Georgia Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Kentucky Tennessee Missouri Ohio Indiana Illinois 13,927 20,922 8,350 6,016 821 4,448 140,763 21,951 101,652 24,565 26,752 37,857 19,363 17,138 6,772 4,603 39,397 44,293 8,272 67,597 22,257 9,560 20,733 24,134 25,363 29,876 2,7.54 13,838 135,413 23,7(54 50,848 25,527 12,101 13,918 No opposition. 1,938 1,.581 4,076 31,460 2,240 3,400 63,396 17,052 4,662 Districts. General ticket. General ticket. General ticket. General ticket. General ticket. Districts. General ticket. General ticket. Legislature. Districts. General ticket. General ticket. Legislature. General ticket. General ticket. General ticket. General ticket. General ticket. Districts. General ticket. General ticket. General ticket. General ticket. Total 647,276 508,064 JACKSON'S TRIUMPH 149 was chosen for each representative district, and the members so appointed chose the two additional electors. In Maryland and Tennessee, the States were specially divided into districts for the choice of all their electors. There was, however, a divided vote of the electors in three only of the States. The table on page 148 shows the popular vote of the States, and the manner of choosing electors in each State. The electoral count was quite devoid of incident. The re- sult, which was ascertained and declared in the usual manner, was as follows : — Pkesident. VlCE-PBBSn)BNT. i 1 d States. ai o 03 S 2, consisted of one delegate for each elect- oral vote. F)Ut the practice came gradually into vogue of enlar- ging the number of actual delegates, although their voting power could not so be increased. It was a device for exerting ''pres- sure " upon a convention in favor of a particular candidate or a " plank " for the platform. In 1848, Virginia sent seventy delegates to the Democratic convention, to cast seventeen votes. Inasmuch as the system resulted in giving undue in- fluence to the States which thus enlarged their delegations, since it made conventions unwieldy, and led to competition between the States by this means to increase their power, a reform was introduced. The present practice of all the national parties except the Populists is to constitute conventions of double the number of electors, and not to allow a larger membership than the number of votes to be cast.* It is not easy, perhaps it is not possible, to ascertain how the delegates to early conventions were chosen. There was no uniform practice, and conventions were not over-particular in scrutinizing credentials. If there was a case of contesting dele- gations, which occasionally happened, the decision was not made according to an established rule, — for in the variety of methods of choice no rule could have been made, — but in favor of that faction whose votes were most needed by the majority of the convention. Or, if it were desirable to placate both factions, the two delegations w-ere admitted to the convention, each member to have half a vote. In the early days, delegates were frequently chosen by the party members of the state legislatures. So late as 1864, some of the delegates to the Republican national convention were thus appointed. Dele- gate state conventions were called, from the beginning, in 1 Save in cases where both rival delegations are admitted, with the privi- lege to each member of giving a fraction of a vote. THE CONVENTION SYSTEM 173 some parts of the country, to select delegates to national con- ventions. In such cases the whole delegation for the State would be chosen by the state convention, either acting as a whole, or dividing itself into groups representing the several congressional districts. These and other irregularities, which it is needless to spe- cify, have disappeared. Delegates are now almost universally chosen by conventions consisting of members elected in pri- mary meetings to which the whole body of the party is admitted. Four delegates at large are appointed by a state convention, and two by a convention within each congressional district. The Republican party not only prescribes this system, but requires that the conventions shall be held between two specified dates. The Democratic party has not adopted all these rules formally. Yet public opinion within the organization requires a general conformity to them. In one noteworthy recent case, the Democratic convention for New York, prior to the national convention of 1892, was held long before the natural and usual time, in order to exercise a powerful influence upon the result. It caused great indignation, and failed of its purpose after all. In another important respect the practice of the two parties is diff'erent. The principle of the " general ticket " in choos- ing electors was long ago introduced into national conventions, where it is known as the " unit rule." The state convention instructs all the delegates for the State to vote "as a unit" on all questions that may arise. Such an instruction was necessary to prevent confusion and collision when large dele- gations, which might not be numerically a multiple of the votes allowed to the State, were sent to national conventions. It may be suggested, although it is not asserted, that this was the origin of the rule. Be that as it may, the unit rule is held to bind the district electors as well as those who repre- sent the State " at large." Its effect is, obviously, not only to nullify the will of any district which dissents from the general policy of the party in the State, but to employ its votes in carrying measures which it wishes to oppose. The unit rule is still recognized in Democratic conventions as of binding force ; and the presiding officers decline to permit the instructions of state conventions to be disregarded. By no means all the States bind their delegates by an injunction to cast all their votes as a majority may decide ; but more than 174 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY once in the history of the party important results liave been achieved or prevented in national conventions by the enforce- ment of this rule. The Republican party, which had already, on more than one occasion, permitted individual delegates to cast their votes in disregard of "unit" instructions, at last, in 1880, repudiated the rule altogether. In the order of procedure all conventions are nearly alike. There is a temporary organization, under v^hich committees are appointed — all committees consist of one member from each State, named by the delegation thereof — (a) to examine and report upon the credentials of members ; {b) to nominate permanent officers ; and (c) to prepare and present the plat- form. The business is transacted in the above order : first, contested elections are decided ; next the permanent president of the convention is presented and installed ; and then the platform of principles is reported, discussed, and adopted. Afterward the nomination of candidates is in order. The congressional caucus and the earliest conventions announced their principles in an address to the people of the country, which was not reported until after the nominations had been made. In modern times the issues of the pending campaign invariably are set forth before the candidates are named. It has become a custom to present the several candidates to the convention in nominating speeches, which are studiously con- trived to have a dramatic effect upon the audience, and to evoke enthusiasm. In cases where there is a contest for the nomination, the partisans of each candidate endeavor to outdo their rivals in the loudness, the fervor, and the duration of their applause. When the time comes to vote, the roll of the States is called in alphabetical order, and the vote of each state delegation is announced by one of its members. The Repub- lican party alone forbids the changing of votes once given. The prohibition is designed to allow some time for reflection when a sudden impulse seizes the members to " stampede " in favor of a certain candidate. It has always been believed that the nomination of Mr. Polk, in 1844, was carefully planned before the Democratic convention met. Few per- sons were in the secret, if the common belief as to the origin of the movement is to be accepted. The defeat of Van Buren was the one thing to be accomplished ; how it was effected is told in the history of the election of 1844. There was a similar occurrence in 1852 ; and Seymour was nominated in THE CONVENTION SYSTEM 175 1868 by a stampede which was probably not planned long be» fore it was set in motion. The purpose of bringing Pierce forward in 1852 was formed before the delegates came to- gether, but he was held in reserve, and his name was not pre- sented until the thirty-fifth vote. On the vote preceding that which gave him the nomination, he had the support of less- than one fifth of the convention. It will be observed, from the summary just made, that the Republican party has adopted several reforms in the consti- tution, the election, and the proceedings of national conven- tions, which have not commended themselves to the Democrats. Moreover, the Democrats cling still to one rule which has never been a part of the code of any other party ; that, namely, which requires that a nomination shall be made by two thirds of the convention. The origin and the history of this rule may be foi^nd in the proper places in this book. It is appropriate to say here, that it is a singular inconsistency, in a party which permits the majority of a state delegation to take full posses- sion of all the votes allotted to that State, to refuse to a ma- jority of the whole convention the right to name a candidate, and thus to enable a determined minority to enforce itg own will or — as happened in 1860 — break up the convention. It is easy to see in what features there is still room for useful reform in the convention system. The time favorable for making the necessary changes is not when a nomination is pending ; for then there will assuredly be a faction that stands to gain and another that stands to lose by the reform. It would be well for a carefully prepared scheme to be presented to a national convention, to be submitted to the conventions of the several States for adoption or rejection, somewhat as amendments to the Constitution are submitted. For example, the Democratic convention of the year 1900 might ask the state conventions of its party next to be held to vote whether the two-thirds rule should be retained or dropped, and direct that in case a majority, three fifths, two thirds, or any other specified fraction of the state conventions adopted the change, it should go into effect in the convention of 1904. As for general reforms, it is clear that the undue influence of the local opinion of the city and State in which the con- vention is held should be neutralized ; that the " pressure " exerted by the too numerous outsiders, who constitute some- times a body of participators in the proceedings, rather than an 176 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY audience, should be done away with altogether ; and that the ordinary basis of representation is not defensible. The first- mentioned evil, that of undue local influence, would be dimin- ished by calling all national conventions to meet in Wash- ington. A rule that, representatives of newspapers excepted, the number of non-members admitted to witness the conven- tion should not be greater than that of the members, would put a stop to the practice of overawing conventions by an organized claque. "With reference to the basis of representa- tion, it requires no argument to show that a system that gives to Texas (203,000 plurality for Bryan in 1896), which never cast a single electoral vote for a Republican, and Massa- chusetts (173,000 plurality for McKinley), which never con- tributed a Democratic electoral vote save at Monroe's second election, an equal vote in both the Democratic and the Repub- lican conventions, is not a scientific system. It may not be well to base representation wholly upon the number of party votes cast ; but a combination of the representation of States and districts, and of supporters of the party, would give an improved basis. Although defective in minor points, the national conven- tion echoes accurately the voice of tlie party. It does not result either always or usually in the selection of the foremost men in the party ; but that is the fault of the party and not of the convention. Whenever the party is united in its pre- ference for one man it succeeds in nominating him. When it is divided the result is commonly the selection of an obscure candidate; and that would be the result under any system, even the most perfect. The peculiar excellence of the convention system is that it renders possible the election of a President and Vice-President in the mode prescribed by the Constitution, and is in a real sense a means of taking an informal ballot. No doubt the idea of the framers of the Constitution, that the electors should express their individual preferences and judgment, is impracti- cable. It was rendered so by the provision that the votes of the electors are to be taken within the State for which they are respectively appointed, and on the same day. In such circumstances there would never be a choice by a majority of electors, unless there were a previous agreement, or at least a consultation, between those who think alike on public ques- tions. As we have seen, the earliest consultation took place THE CONVENTION SYSTEM 177 between self-constituted leaders who were not electors ; next between the representatives of parties in Congress ; after that, until the convention was devised, there was no agreement, and the electoral system bade fair to go to wreck. But the convention, taking its commission directly from the people, and giving an expression throvigh one party or another to the will of all the people, furnishes a guide to the judgment of the electors which they do not and should not disregard. It IS based really although unintentionally upon the theory of an indirect choice of the President by electors free to choose, which was the theory of the fathers of the Consti- tution. So long as the preliminary electors perform their duty well, it is not to be deplored that the official and final electors have merely the duty of giving formal effect to a choice already made for them. " The King reigns but does not govern " in a constitutional monarchy. It is not to be regretted that a committee of the two Houses of the British Parliament carry on the government subject to the will of the people, and that the nominal sovereign is merely an agent who gives formal assent to their plains, and may not overrule them. As in that case of the British government, so in this of our electoral system, safety lies in purifying and keeping pure the source of actual power, — not ii. overturning the electoral system because the intentions of the Fathers are not carried out in all their exactness. Parties have acquired great power in our government. That power would not be diminished by an abolition of the indirect election. And yet the goodness or badness of the choice of a President, and of the govern- ment as a whole, is to depend upon the question whether parties are honorable or corrupt. They are self-governing fractions of the State. They make the President, and will continue to make him under any system. Consequently it should be the concern of all good citizens to make the na- tional convention, through which parties act directly upon the government, a free and independent body, expressive of the best thought, the highest motives, and the truest patriot- ism of the party. XV VAN BUREN General Jackson's first term ended in the midst of a brief period during which he enjoyed almost universal popu- larity. His vigorous, patriotic, and effective proclamation against South Carolina nullification won for him unstinted praise from men who were wont to find in his acts nothing but evil. Parton quotes William Wirt (see p. 156) as saying at this time : " My opinion is, he may be President for life if he chooses." Yet in a few months he took another step which caused a recurrence of the opposition in more than its former violence. In a paper read to the cabinet in September, 1833, he said : " Whatever may be the opinions of others, the Presi- dent considers his reelection as a decision of the people against the Bank." No doubt he had a right so to consider it. But he had no right to fight ever, the " monster," which the people had condemned, with the unfair and illegal weapons which he employed. He had resolved to remove the deposits of the United States from the Bank, in the face of the law which made the Bank the custodian of the public funds, and of a resolution of Congress, passed after an investigation, that the Bank was solvent and the funds safe. He was forced to re- move Mr. McLane, the Secretary of the Treasury, to the State Department, because he was opposed to the removal of the deposits. Mr. Duane, whom he chose for the Treasury De- partment with the express purpose of ordering the removal, flatly refused to be the President's agent in the transaction, and was curtly dismissed from ofiice. Roger B. Taney, after- ward Chief Justice, was transferred from the Attorney-Gen- eral's office to the Treasury, and gave the order. This step caused the greatest excitement, and stirred the opponents of the President to a pitch of anger almost unexampled in our history. The Senate refused to confirm Mr. Taney as Sec- retary of the Treasury, and it passed a resolution that the President, by his removal of the deposits, " has assumed upon VAN BUREN 179 himself authority and power not conferred by the Constitution and laws, but in derogation of both." This was the resolution which Thomas H. Benton soon afterward moved to " expunge " from the journal of the Senate, and which, three years later, was publicly expunged. Another act, which marked the close of Jackson's first ad- ministration, should be mentioned here. Congress passed an act directing the distribution of the revenue derived from the sale of public lands among the several States. The policy of this act had been discussed long and earnestly. The opposition of the President was well known ; yet the House of Represent- atives passed the bill by a vote of 96 to 40 ; and the vote of the Senate in its favor was 23 to 5. The bill was laid before the President so near the expiration of the twenty-second Con- gress that less time remained than the ten days which the Constitution allows the President to retain a bill. General Jackson neither signed nor returned the bill, and thus thwarted the will of more than two thirds of both Houses of Congress. This was the first case of a " pocket veto." Almost all the measures adopted or even discussed during Jackson's second term arose directly or indirectly from the war on the Bank. The state bank question ; the " Specie Circular," or order requiring all the land offices to receive gold and silver only in payment for public land ; the widespread commercial distress following an era of wild speculation ; the distribution of the surplus revenue, — these were the subjects that engaged the attention of Congress. The personal influ- ence of the President was constantly felt in Congress, where he was supported by a strong and trustworthy body of adherents composing a majority of the House of Representatives, but, owing to the hostility of State-Rights senators, constituting a minority only of the upper branch. Among the people, too, he was regarded as a demigod. Not only were his acts ap- proved, but his sturdy obstinacy and fearless pugnacity gave him favor with the masses of the people such as no other President before him or since his time has enjoyed. But the opposition was earnest and active. The largest section of it was organized in 1834 as the AVhi^ party. The name is not found in the public prints of the time before April of that year, when it is mentioned in Giles's Register, with a remark to the effect that the opposition party was so styled in Connecticut and New York. Horace Greeley's Whig Almanac 180 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY for 1838 describes the party as then constituted, consisting of " (1) Most of those who, under the name of National Republi- cans, had previously been known as supporters of Adams and Clay, and advocates of the American system ; (2) Most of those who, acting in defence of what they deemed tlie assailed or threatened rights of the States, had been stigmatized as Nullifiers, or the less virulent State-Rights men, who were thrown into a position of armed neutrality towards the admin- istration by the doctrines of the proclamation of 1832 against South Carolina ; (3) A majority of those before known as Anti-Masons ; (4) Many who had up to that time been known as Jackson men, but who united in condemning the high- handed conduct of the Executive, the immolation of Duane, and the subserviency of Taney ; (5) Numbers who had not before taken any part in politics, but who were now awakened from their apathy by the palpable usurpations of the Executive, and the imminent peril of our whole fabric of constitutional liberty and national prosperity." The party, at the beginning of the presidential canvass, was purely and simply an opposition party. Some of the elements of its composition, enumerated above, were never fully fused with the rest, and, under the stress of Tyler's ad- ministration, drifted back into the Democratic party. It was not to be expected that the agreement of all the factions, in hearty disapproval of General Jackson's policy, would hold them together sufficiently to enable them to support one can- didate heartily. Indeed, the sole motive to opposition, so far as a large body of the so-called party was concerned, was an objection to the President's quite unconcealed manoeuvring to designate his own successor. Leaving the plans of the oppo- sition for a time, let us observe the course of events in the Democratic party. It was no secret that the President desired that Mr. Van Buren should be his successor. It was rumored at one time, and quite generally believed, that he contemplated resigning and leaving the presidential office to the Vice-President, but that he abandoned this project in order the better to secure the succession to Van Buren. However this may have been, it is certain that an opposition to Van Buren, not unlike that which had existed in 1831 and 1832, threatened to make itself felt and to thwart the President's plans. It manifested itself in the President's own State of Tennessee, where, in January, VAN BUREN 181 1835, the legislature formally presented Judge Hugh L. White, then a senator from Tennessee, as a candidate to succeed Jack- son. On the day when this action was expected to be taken, there was placed on the desk of every member of the Tennessee legislature a package containing three copies of the Washington *' Globe," in which was a series of gross attacks upon Judge White. The peculiarity of this circumstance lay in the fact that these precious documents bore the frank of the President, and some of them were addressed in his own hand. The supporters of Judge White maintained with much plausibility that he had stood by the administration, that he was as good a Democrat as the President himself ; that there was no estab- lished mode of nominating candidates ; and that General Jack- son himself owed his nomination to the Tennessee legislature. Eight years had wrought a vast change in the general's attitude as to the respective rights of President and people ; and he could see in his old colleague and supporter only a " traitor." With characteristic determination he set about carrying into execution his purpose to seat Mr. Van Buren in the presiden- tial chair. Prompt action was necessary. . All but two of the Tennessee delegation favored Judge White, and the legisla- ture of Alabama had followed Tennessee in giving him a nomi- nation. In February, 1835, the President wrote to a friend suggest- ing the holding of a national convention, to be composed of delegates " fresh from the people," — a phrase upon which the opposition played much during the ensuing canvass, — for the purpose of nominating candidates for President and Vice- President. The convention was called, and met in Baltimore on the 20th of May, 1835. Mr. Andrew Stevenson, of Vir- ginia, late the Speaker of the House of Eepresentatives, was called to the chair, and presided throughout all the sessions of the convention. Twenty-two States and two Territories — Michigan and Arkansas — were represented. No delegates were present from Illinois, South Carolina, or Alabama. The representation of the States would amuse those who are accus- tomed to the exact methods of the present day. A list of those who took part contains 626 names. Of these, 422 came from the States of Maryland, Virginia, New Jersey, and Penn- sylvania. Maryland is mentioned first because it contributed 181 members. The state convention, called to select dele- gates, was apparently unwilling to deny any of its own members 182 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY an opportunity to take part, and accordingly resolved that all of them should be delegates. Virginia- sent 108, New Jer- sey 73, and Pennsylvania 60, being two contesting delega- tions of 30 each. On the other hand, Tennessee sent no del- egates ; but a citizen of the State who would vote for Van Buren, chancing to be in Baltimore, presented himself, was admitted, and cast the fifteen votes allotted to Tennessee. His name was Rucker ; and he achieved fame through the verb "■ to ruckerize," which was coined at the time, a piece of political slang long since forgotten. Both sets of delega- tions from Pennsylvania were admitted. The vote of the State was allowed when they were on the same side, as in the choice of candidates, and excluded when they were on opposite sides. The rules reported by the committee appointed for that purpose included one that each State should be allowed to cast as many votes as its number of electors; and "that a majority of two thirds shall be required to elect the candidates for Pre- sident and Vice-President." The two-thirds rule was vigor- ously attacked as unrepublican. Mr. Saunders, of North Carolina, who reported it, defended it. He explained that it was designed to create ''a more imposing effect." Continuing, he said that " it was to be presumed that no one had the most remote desire to frustrate the proceedings of the conven- tion ; and provided a majority should, on the first or second ballot, fix upon an individual, it was reasonably to be expected that the minority would be disposed to yield and unite with the majority, so as to produce the effect contemplated." In this view it seemed harmless ; but Mr. Saunders did not fore- see that nine years later he would himself employ the device, contrived to increase the '* effect " of the nomination of Mr. Van Buren, to defeat that same gentleman. After debate, the two-thirds rule was rejected by a vote of 231 to 210 ; but the next morning the vote was reconsidered, and the rule reported by the committee was adopted. Nominations were then in order. Martin Van Buren received a unanimous vote as a candidate for President. Colonel Richard M. Johnson, of Kentucky, had 178 votes for Vice-President, and William C. Rives, of Virginia, 87. Before the voting began, Virginia gave notice that she would support no candidate who did not up- hold the principles of the party ; and after Colonel Johnson had received the necessary two thirds and been declared the VAN BUREN 183 nominee, her delegates further announced that she would not accept him as a candidate. The opposition derided and denounced " the Van Buren con- vention." The office-holders who took part in it were counted and their names were published. The convention was declared to be a revival of the caucus in an equally objectionable form. The truth was that no convention could have brought the op- posing factions into even a semblance of union, and that they did not wish to unite. Their idea was to take advantage of all the local elements of hostility to the reigning dynasty, to throw the election into the House of Representatives, and — to trust to luck for the rest. A Pennsylvania state conven- tion of Anti-Masons held at Harrisburg, December 16, 1835, nominated General William Henry Harrison, of Ohio, for President, and Francis Granger, of New York, for Vice-Presi- dent. The legislature of Ohio nominated, for President, Judge John McLean, of that State, who was "mentioned" for the presidency, off and on, from 1832 until 1860. The Whigs of Massachusetts nominated Daniel Webster. It was a cunning scheme. Tennessee, and perhaps one or two other Southern States, would vote for White. South Carolina was against Jackson, and was expected to throw its vote away on some one who had no other supporters.^ Harrison or McLean would carry several States in the West, and perhaps Pennsyl- vania. Webster would hold New England. For Vice-Presi- dent, Granger was accepted as the candidate in all the States where Harrison was supported, and in ]\Iassachusetts ; while John Tyler, of Virginia, went on the ticket with Judge White. Although the scheme was a promising one and came near suc- cess, the margin of safety was on the side of the Democratic party once more, largely owing to the strictness of party dis- cipline, and the determined use of the national patronage to perpetuate the Jackson dynasty under a new head. The battle between the contesting forces was a bitter one. Mr. Van Buren was the embodiment of all that was objected to on the part of the Whigs against General Jackson ; and, on the other hand, the Democrats, honestly believing that the iThe expectation was realized, for on December 7, 1836, the South Carolina House of Representatives instructed the electors of the State not to vote for Van Buren, White, or Harrison ; and then both branches instructed them to vote for Willie P. Man^um, of North Carolina, for President, and for John Tj'ler, of Virginia, for Vice-President. 184 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY administration in power had acted for the best interests of the country, could find no words too severe to denounce those who would undo its work. They made it a special accusation against the Whigs that they were for the Bank. While it was true of the most of them, — and, considering what the Bank had done for the currency, and the great disasters Avhich fol- lowed its overthrow, it was greatly to their credit that it was true, — they had not quite enough courage to avow their prin- ciples in the face of the manifest but strange hostility of the people to " Biddle's Bank." As had happened in 1832, the early autumn elections did not promise a sweeping victory for the Democrats ; they even gave hope to the opposition that the election would be thrown into the House of Representatives. Ohio and New Jersey, which had given their votes to Jackson four years before, were car- ried by the Whigs. The Democratic majority in Pennsylvania was uncomfortably small, and in Maine there was no choice of a congressman at the September election in any one of the eight districts. But the Democrats worked with extraordinary energy after these preliminary reverses and saved the day, al- though they came out of the contest with a largely reduced majority. Twenty-six States took part in the election. Arkansas had been admitted on the 15th of June, 1836. Michigan, which had applied for admission as early as 1833, chose electors, and their votes were counted, as we shall see, in the same manner as were those of Missouri in 1821. The State was formally admitted on the 26th of January, 1837, so that she was a State at the time the electoral count took place. All the States except South Carolina, whose electors were appointed by the legislature, chose them by a popular vote and by gen- eral ticket. The popular vote is given on page 185. The usual resolution for the appointment of a committee to report upon the manner of conducting the count of votes was introduced in the Senate on the 26th of January, 1837. An amendment offered by Mr. Clay, and adopted by the Senate, directed the committee also " to inquire into the expediency of ascertaining whether any votes were given at the recent election contrary to the prohibition contained in the second sec- tion of the second article of the Constitution ; and, if such votes were given, what ought to be done with them ; and whether any, and what, provision ought to be made for securing the VAN BUREN 185 States. Maine . . . . New Hampshire Vermont . . . Massachusetts . Rhode Island Connecticut . . New York . . New Jersey . . Pennsylvania . . Delaware . . . Maryland . . . Virginia North Carolina . South Carolina* Georgia . . . Alabama . . . Mississippi . . Louisiana . . . Arkansas . . . Kentucky . . . Tennessee . . . Missouri . . . Ohio Indiana . . . Illinois . . . . Michigan . . . Total . . . Van Buren. 22,990 18,722 14,039 33,542 2,964 19,291 166,815 25,592 91,475 4,153 22,168 30,261 26,910 22,104 20,506 9,979 3,653 2,400 33,435 26,129 10,995 96,948 32,478 18,097 7,332 762,978 Whig. 15,239 6,228 20,996 41,287 2,710 18,749 138,543 26,137 87,111 4,733 25,852 23,468 23,626 24,876 15,612 9,688 3,383 1,238 36,955 36,168 7,337 105,404 41,281 14,983 4,045 736,250 Whig Candidate. Harrison. Harrison. Harrison. Webster. Harrison, Harrison. Harrison. Harrison. Harrison. Harrison. Harrison. White. White. White. White. White. White. White. Harrison. White. White. Harrison. Harrison. Harrison. Harrison. * Electors chosen by the legislature. faithful observance, in future, of that section of the Constitu- tion." The House having agreed to the resolution in this form, the committee reported to the Senate on the 4th of February. After remarking that the shortness of the time allowed had prevented a proper investigation of the matters referred to the committee, the report proceeds : — The correspondence which has taken place between the chair- man of the committee and the heads of the different departments of the executive branch of the government accompanies this report, from which it appears that Isaac Waldron, who was an elector in New Hampshire, was, at the time of his appointment as elector, president of a deposit bank at Portsmouth, and was appointed and acting as pension agent, without compensation, under the authority of the United States ; that in two cases persons of the same names with the individuals who were appointed and voted as electors in 186 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY the State of North Carolina held the offices of deputy postmasters under the general government. It also appears that in New Hampshire there is one case, in Connecticut there is one case, in North Carolina there is one case, in which, from the report of the Postmaster-General, it is probable that, at the time of the appoint- ment of electors in these States respectively, the electors, or per- sons of the same name, were deputy postmasters. The committee have not ascertained whether the electors are the same individuals who held, or are presumed to have held, the offices of deputy postmasters at the time when the appointment of electors was made ; and this is the less to be regretted as it is confidently be- lieved that no change in the result of the election of either the President or Vice-President would be affected by the ascertainment of the fact in either way, as five or six votes only would in any event be abstracted from the whole number ; for the committee cannot adopt the opinion entertained by some that a single illegal vote would vitiate the whole electoral vote of the college of electors in which it was given, particularly in cases where the vote of the whole college has been given to the same persons. The committee are of opinion that the second section of the second article of the Constitution, which declares that no senator or representative, or person holding an office of trust or profit under the United States, shall be appointed an elector, ought to be carried in its whole spirit into rigid execution in order to prevent officers of the general government from bringing their official power to influence the elections of President and Vice-President of the United States. This provision of the Constitution, it is believed, excludes and disqualifies deputy postmasters from the appointment of electors; and the disqualification relates to the time of the ap* pointment, and that a resignation of the office of deputy post- master after his appointment as elector would not entitle him to vote as elector under the Constitution. Should a case occur in which it became necessary to ascertain and determine upon the qualification of electors of President and Vice-President of the United States, the important question would be presented. What tribunal would, under the Constitution, be competent to decide ? Whether the respective colleges of electors in the different States should decide upon the qualifications of their own members, or Congress should exercise the power, is a question which the committee are of opinion ought to be settled by a permanent provision upon the subject. It may be remarked here that only in 1877 has a vote ever been challenged, at the time of the electoral count, on the ground that the person giving it was disqualified under the VAN BUREN 187 terms of the Constitution. In recent years parties have been careful not to place upon their electoral tickets any one who was even constructively '' holding an office of trust or profit under the United States," — as, for example, a director in a national bank, or other corporation chartered by Congress. In the case before us the committee reported no bill or resolution on the subject. It merely reported the usual resolution for counting the vote, together with a second resolution, exactly like that which had been adopted in 1821 in regard to the votes of IVIissouri, to cover the case of Michigan. In the Sen- ate this resolution provoked some discussion. Senators were divided over the question whether Michigan was or was not a State of the Union for the purposes of the election. The resolution was finally adopted by a vote of 34 to 9. In the course of the debate a senator asked Mr. Grundy, of Tennessee, who reported the resolutions, what course would have been pursued if the vote of Michigan would have varied the result ? Mr. Grundy replied that the gentleman could not expect him "to answer a question which the wisest of their predecessors had purposely left undetermined. What might be done under the circumstances adverted to, should they ever occur, the wisdom of the day must decide." The official count of the electoral vote may be found on page 188. The result was announced in the alternative form prescribed by the joint resolution, concluding with the declaration that, whether the votes of Michigan were counted or not counted, Martin Van Buren was elected President, and that no person had a majority of votes for Vice-President ; that an election to that ofiice had not been effected ; that Richard M. John- son, of Kentucky, and Prancis Granger, of New York, were the two highest on the lists of electoral votes, and that it de- volved on the Senate to choose a Vice-President from these persons. On returning to its own chamber, the Senate adopted a re- solution prescribing the manner in which an election should be made. The names of the senators were called in alphabeti- cal order, and they voted viua voce. On the first trial, Rich- ard M. Johnson, of Kentucky, was chosen by a vote of 33 to 16 for Francis Granger. This is the only occasion in our politi- cal history that the choice of the Vice-President has devolved upon the Senate. 188 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY PBESmENT. Vicb-Pbesidbnt. States. a i n d d a i a" 1 g U & 5 > OS J w ^ •s ^ a a- O a ^ Hi 1 .a ^ a IS 10 2 ^ be 3 K Q a 1 10 i fo 5 o ■-5 % Maine - New Hampshire . 7 - - - - •t - - - Vermont .... - U - - - - 'i - — Massachusetts . - - - 14 - - 14 - - Rhode Island . 4 - - - - 4 - - - Connecticut . . 8 - - - - 8 - - - New York . . 42 - - - - 42 - - - New Jersey . . - 8 - - - - 8 - - Pennsylvania 30 - - - - 30 - - — Delaware . . - 3 - - - - - - Maryland . . - 10 - - - - - 10 - Virginia . . 2'A - - - - - - - 23 North Carolina 15 - - - - lo - - - South Carolina - - - - 11 - - 11 - Georgia . . - - 11 - - - - 11 - Alabama . 'i - - - - 'i - - — Mississippi 4 - - - - 4 - - — Louisiana . 5 - - - - 5 - — ~ Arkansas . 3 - - - - 3 - - - Kentucky - 15 - - - - 15 - - Tennessee - - lo - - - - 15 - Missouri . 4 - - - - 4 - - - Ohio . . - 21 - - - - 21 - - Indiana . - 9 - - - - y - - Illinois 5 - - - - 5 - - - Michigan . 8 ■- - - - 3 — — ~ Total 170 73 26 14 11 147 77 47 23 The occasion of the inauguration of Mr. Van Buren was a great triumph for the " old hero." It was what Jackson's not too impartial and judicial biographer, James Parton, terms the election of Van Buren, — " the consummation of his most cherished hopes." There was no Jeffersonian simplicity in the ceremony. The general and the President-elect rode together, with a military escort, in the " Constitution phaeton," drawn by four grays. There was a great throng to witness the taking of the oath and to listen to the inaugural address. VAN BUREN 18;) General Jackson, infirm and ill and racked with pain, but still indomitable, sat uncovered during the delivery of the ad- dress. He had had the satisfaction to witness, what he had anticipated in a letter written to a friend two days before, " the glorious scene of Mr. Van Buren, once rejected by the Senate, sworn into office by Chief Justice Taney, also being rejected by the factious Senate." XVI TIPPECANOE AND TYLER TOO The canvass of 1840, the "log cabin" and "hard cider" campaign, stands unique in the political history of the country. It was marked by intense and extraordinary enthusiasm on the part of young men for a candidate who was close upon seventy years of age. The party which won the victory was a party in name only, for it had no other bond of union than opposi- tion to the administration of the day. It announced no posi- tive principles, it had no definite policy. Yet it triumphed over the closely organized party which had governed the coun- try since the beginning of the century, — unless the four years' term of the second Adams is to be excepted, — which was strongly intrenched in the offices, and was using the public patronage without scruple to perpetuate its own power. Many writers have put on record their estimate of Mr. Van Buren's character, and of his rank in the list of those who have occupied the presidential chair ; but neither his warm partisans nor those who have placed the lowest estimate upon him as a statesman attribute the disastrous defeat of the Democracy in 1840 to causes personal to him. That he drew the first breath of his public life in the atmosphere of political intrigue, bargain, treachery, and confusion, which has hung over the State of New York from the days of Washington to the days of McKinley, explains much in the story of his career. In his young manhood he was a distinguished party manager, and owed his advancement to the arts which he then cultivated. His adroitness in maintaining a non-committal attitude until it was practically certain which side was to win, and then coming out strongly on that side, was proverbial. Age, responsibility, and experience made him almost a statesman. He intended to make his administration a continuation of Jackson's.^ In 1 William Allen Butler, in his brief but beautiful tribute to his lifelong friend, remarks: "Mr. Van Buren 'followed in the footsteps of his illustrious predecessor.' The predecessor had been too illustrious, and his footsteps had so shaken the whole social system that a great shock was inevitable." TIPPECANOE AND TYLER TOO 191 adherence to the political principles of his predecessor, the purpose was carried out. But Van Buren was a gentleman, in the sense of possessing culture and polished manners, and in preferring peace and order to quarrel and turmoil ; and in this he differed so greatly from General Jackson that his adminis- tration could not be the same. He surrounded himself with gentlemen, bore himself with dignity, and evinced a most laudable desire to efface the memory of his achievements in the political field as " the Little Magician," and the subserviency to Jackson which insured him the succession. It was not unlikeness to his predecessor that caused his defeat. It had required all of Jackson's authority to carry him through in 1836, and his margin was small. To make use of an arith- metical calculation much in vogue at the present day, which is of little significance (see p. 17), a change of 2183 votes in Pennsylvania would have lost him the electors of that State and thrown the election into the House of Representatives. More than the small change necessary to defeat him was forth- coming in 1840, and the opposition had learned to unite for that one purpose. It was Van Buren's misfortune that the storm which Jackson had called from the sky, by his reckless use of high explosives, burst just as Jackson reached shelter and as the " Magician " stepped forth to take the great rain- maker's place. The terrible panic of 1837 began when the administration was but two months old, — a direct consequence of the financial disorder produced by Jackson's war on the Bank. The enforced liquidation of the greatest monetary in- stitution in the country ; the transfer of the public funds to banks much weaker and far more loosely managed than the Bank of the United States; a wild speculation induced by the excessive note-issues of state banks which had a fictitious capital only ; and the inability of the banks to respond when called upon to refund the sums intrusted to them, under the law for ''depositing" the surplus revenue with the States, — such were the events which brought about the suspension of specie payments on the 10th of May, 1837. It is true, as the defenders of Mr. Van Buren say, that he met the crisis with courage. No man in his position was ever known to admit that the catastrophe which he had to face — and which in this case dealt his administration a deadly blow — was caused by the measures which he had supported. Kather, it confirmed him in his former opinions, and led him to 192 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY • recommend more radical steps in the direction of his previous policy. That the memhers of his party did not all agree with him is shown by the political history of his administration. Although, during his whole term, there was a Democratic majority in both Houses of Congress, he suffered repeated defeats in carrying through his one favorite scheme and great measure, the establishment of the Independent Treasury, — a device contrary then and ever since to all sound views of public and private finance. Nevertheless, it would be a mis- take to represent either that Mr. Van Buren was abandoned by his party, or that his administration was an unpopular one among Democrats. On the contrary, a large majority of them believed in him, approved his measures, and desired his re- election. They were in favor of completing the work which Jackson had begun, by divorcing the state altogether from private banking corporations. Mr. Van Buren was then, and to the end of his life, as his *' Political History " shows, an enemy of hanks as well as of The Bank. It is probable that if the issue in the canvass of 1840 had been made wholly upon the bank question, the result would have shown that the people were with Van Buren. The Whigs were too shrewd to avow friendliness to the Bank, or to any bank. They took advantage of the opposition to, and the bad re- sults of, the Jackson- Van Buren fiscal plans, without declar- ing themselves in favor of restoring what had been destroyed ; and they also profited by the Southern hostility to the admin- istration, without promising to reverse or even to modify the policy of the general government on the subject of State Eights. In short, the Democrats had principles and a policy, right or wrong, as people may think ; the Whigs were united only in condemning, and, whatever they may have intended, whatever they may have done or attempted to do when they were in power, did not venture to declare principles or policy beforehand. The state elections in 1837 and 1838 resulted unfavorably to the Democrats. The most of the elections of members of the twenty-sixth Congress took place in 1838 ; and they were so decidedly adverse to the Democrats that extraordinary ex- ertions were required in the spring elections of 1839 to rescue their majority from extinction. So close was the contest that, when the House assembled in December, 1839, there were 119 Democrats, 118 opposition, and 5 members from New Jersey , TIPPECANOE AND TYLER TOO 193 whose seats were contested. The certificates were held by Wliigs, who were not allowed to participate in the organization. On that occasion Mr. Adams, the ex-President, who had re- turned to the House of Representatives, prevented anarchy by calling the members to order and persuading them to choose a temporary chairman, — a position which was assigned to Mr. Adams himself. Long before this time, the plans of the Whigs had been forming ; and, two days after the assembling of Congress, the National Whig Convention met at Harrisburg, — on Decem- ber 4, 1839. The leaders were resolved on union, and the only question was as to the candidate who would command the largest support. Mr. Clay had the advantage of a long public service, and of having been a leader in national afifairs for almost thirty years ; but he also labored under the double disadvantage of being a Freemason, and as such not acceptable to the faction which still mustered many followers in the Eastern States, and of having been a conspicuous advocate of the " American system," or protective tariff, which was highly unpopular in the South Atlantic States. General William Henry Harrison was not a great leader ; but he had been more or less in the public service, military and civil, for nearly half a century, and was well known throughout the country. Moreover, he had made a gallant run for the presi- dency in the Northern States in 1836, and was open to neither of the objections urged against Mr. Clay, It was evident that one of these two would be selected to lead the Whig opposi- tion. Each had his strong partisans. Not only they, but the candidates as well, were anxious chiefly that the Whig party should carry the election. Mr. Clay's earnest and laudable ambition to be President was not so great that he would put it before the cause. Moreover, he was aware of the objections to his candidacy which some Whigs entertained. When the autumn elections of 1839 indicated a reaction in favor of the Democrats, and the necessity of a complete union of the opposition, he wrote, in a letter which was read at the Harrisburg Convention, that, " if the deliberations of the Con- vention shall lead them to the choice of another as the candi- date of the opposition, far from feeling any discontent, the nomination will have my best wishes and receive my cordial support." He further begged his friends to " discard all attachment or partiality to me, and be guided solely by the 194 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY motive of rescuing our country from the dangers which now encompass it." Already, during the preceding summer, he had said in an address at Bulialo : *' If my name creates any obstacle to union and harmony, away with it, and concentrate upon some individual more acceptable to all branches of the opposition," The action of the great " union and harmony " convention of Pennsylvania, held at Harrisburg on the 4th of September, probably did much to concentrate the Whig forces on Harrison ; for, while that convention extolled Clay in ex- travagant phrases, it expressed the opinion that General Harri- son was the only man who could unite the anti-Van Buren party. Two hundred and fifty-four delegates attended the Whig convention, from twenty-two States. South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, and Arkansas were not represented. The Whig committee of Arkansas sent a letter authorizing Judge Porter, of Louisiana, to cast the vote of Arkansas ; but the remembrance of the Whig derision of " ruckerizing," at the Democratic con- vention of 1835, forbade that the credentials should be accepted. Isaac C. Bates, of Massachusetts, was the temporary chairman, and Grovernor James Barbour, of Virginia, the permanent presi- dent, of the convention. After a long debate, a plan of nomi- nation was agreed upon. As this scheme was peculiar, and is now quite obsolete, the order of the convention is given en- tire: — That the delegates from each State be requested to assemble as a delegation, and appoint a committee, not exceeding three in num- ber, to receive the views and opinions of such delegation, and communicate the same to the assembled committees of all the delegations, to be by them respectively reported to their principals. And that thereupon the delegates from each State be requested to assemble as a delegation, and ballot for candidates for the offices of President and Vice-President, and, having done so, to commit the ballot designating the votes of each candidate, and by whom given, to its committee. And thereupon all the committees shall assemble and compare the several ballots, and report the result of the same to their several delegations, together with such facts as may bear upon the nomination. And said delegations shall forth- with reassemble and ballot again for candidates for the above offices, and again commit the result to the above committees ; and if it shall appear that a majority of the ballots are for any one man for candidate for President, said committee shall report the result to the convention for its consideration. H there shall be no such majority, then the delegations shall repeat the balloting TIPPECANOE AND TYLER TOO 195 until such a majority shall be obtained, and then report the same to the convention for its consideration. That the vote of a major- ity of each delegation shall be reported as the vote of that State. And each State represented here shall vote its fiill electoral vote by such delegation in the committee. It will be observed that this rule bears a resemblance to, although it is not precisely like, the " unit rule," which has caused so much trouble in Republican and Democratic con- ventions since that time. The action of the committees and of the delegations was not to be binding upon the convention until accepted by it. The scheme was adopted as a method of learning what candidate would be most acceptable to the States. An effort was made the next day, by Mr, Cassius M. Clay of Kentucky, to secure a reversal of the decision ; but the convention by a strong vote adhered to its former resolu- tion. The action of the committees and delegations is not a part of the official record ; but it is known that on the first informal ballot, in which the wish of each delegate was ex- pressed, without unifying the votes of the States, Mr. Clay had a small plurality. On the first ballot by States, Mr. Clay had 103, General Harrison 94, and General Winfield Scott 57. After repeated ballotings, late on Friday evening, the third day of the convention, a report was made by the committees that they had agreed upon a candidate. General Harrison had 148, Mr. Clay 90, and General Scott 16. On the next day a resolution was introduced declaring General Harrison the nominee of the convention, and it was supported in enthusiastic speeches by many of the friends of Clay. While the jubilee was still going on, the committees, which had been considering the question of Vice-President, made a report that John Tyler had received the unanimous vote of the convention. 1 His name was thereupon joined to that 1 Henry A. Wise, in his " Seven Decades of the Union," asserts that the nomination of Mr. Tyler was prearranged, — that it had been agreed upon a year before. Mr. Tyler had resigned as senator from Virginia rather than obey the instructions of the legislature, and William C. Rives was elected to succeed him. The senatorial term was to end in 1839, and Mr. Rives and Mr. Tyler were candidates. Mr. Tyler discovered that the Whigs in Congress were favoring the election of Mr. Rives, in the hope that in consideration of their support he would act with them. According to Governor Wise a confer- ence took place ; and Mr. Tyler withdrew from the contest and allowed Mr. Rives to be chosen, under an agreement — Mr. Clay is named as the other contracting party — that Mr. Tyler should be the candidate for Vice-Presi- dent in 1840. Mr. Rives was elected, and acted with the Whigs. 196 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY of General Harrison in the pending resolution, and the vote was carried in a whirlwind of enthusiasm. The convention then adjourned, without having given expression in any form to the principles of the party which it represented. Even in the many speeches made during the four days' session^ there was hardly a positive assertion of a principle made by any delegate. It was all hatred and opposition to Van Buren and the " Loco- Focos." The nomination was received with great enthusiasm by the opposition. Meeting after meeting was held in many States, and the candidacy of the " Old Hero of Tippecanoe " was noisily ratified. The Whigs prepared to shout and sing their candidate into office. In February, 1840, the "Whig Conven- tion of Ohio, at Columbus, wa? made the occasion of a great ** demonstration," a procession with banners, representations of log-cabins, coon-skins, pictures of the " old hero " drinking a mug of hard cider, and other equally logical appeals to the political sound sense of the voters of Ohio. A still more im- posing affair was the great procession in Baltimore, on the 4th of May, in connection with the national convention of young men, which was nicely timed to occur simultaneously with the Democratic Convention in the same city. An excellent illus- tration of the political eloquence of the time is afforded by the ostentatious failure of the " Baltimore Patriot " to express the emotions which this great procession excited ; but the editor certainly tried to do his subject justice : — Monday was a proud day for Baltimore, for Maryland, for the Union. It was a day on which the Young Whigs of all the States were to meet in grand convention. Never before was seen such an assemblage of the people, in whose persons are concentrated the sovereignty of the government. In the language of the president of the day, " Every mountain sent its rill, — every valley its STREAM, and, lo ! THE AVALANCHE OF THE PEOPLE IS HERE ! " It is impossible to convey the slightest idea of the sublime spec- tacle presented by the procession as it moved through the city. All that pen could write, all that the mouth of man could speak, all that the imagination can conceive of beauty, grandeur, and sub- limity, would fall short, far short, of the reality. The excitement, the joy, the enthusiasm which everywhere prevailed, lighting up the countenance of every man in the procession ; the shouts, the applause, the cheers, of those who filled the sidewalks and crowded the windows; the waving of handkerchiefs by the ladies; the TIPPECANOE AND TYLER TOO 197 responsive cries of the people ; the flaunting banners ; the martial music ; the loud roar, at intervals, of the deep-mouthed cannon, — all these and more, much more, must be described, seen in the mind's eye, vibrate through the frame, fill the heart, before the reader can approach to any conception of the reality ; and when all these are done, if they were possible, he has still but a faint and meagre impression of the scene that was presented. In no country, in no time, never before in the history of man, was there a spec- tacle so full of " natural glory." The aged veteran, whose declining years forbade his joining the procession, looked on; his feeble voice went to swell the general shout that penetrated even to the blue vault of heaven ; his hand waved above his head, whilst down his furrowed cheek ran tears, the overflowing of a heart full even to bursting with joy and happiness and gladness, of all that goes to make up life's best pleasures, and these crowded, as it were, into one moment. The father who brought his children to see the patriots of the land ; the mother to look upon her son, one of the patriot crew ; the sister to behold the brother give vent to his youthful and extravagant joy, — were all there, and all went to make up the spectacle. Standing on an eminence commanding a view of the line of the procession in the whole extent of Baltimore Street, you beheld a moving mass of human beings. A thousand banners burnished by the sun, floating in the breeze, ten thousand hand- kerchiefs waved by the fair daughters of the city, gave seeming life and motion to the very air. A hundred thousand faces were before you, — age, manhood, youth, and beauty filled every place where a foothold could be got, or any portion of the procession be seen ; and you gazed on the pageant with renewed and increasing delight, and words failed to express what your heart felt or your eyes be- held. Nothing was wanting, nothing left to be desired, — the cup of human joy was full. The free men of the land were there, — the fiery son of the South, the substantial citizen of the East, the hardy pioneer of the West, were all there. It was the epitome of a great nation, in itself realizing, filling up the imaginings, and may have ' been the very picture which the poet di-ew when he described our country, our institutions, and our people as a "land beyond the oceans of the West," where " freedom and truth are worshipped " by a " people mighty in their youth." That land is like an eagle, whose yonng gaze Feeds on the noontide beam ; whose golden plume Floats moveless on the storm, and in the blaze Of sunshine gleams when earth is wrapped in gloom. An epitaph of glory for the tomb Of murdered Europe, may thy fame be made, Great people! as the sand shalt thou become! Thy growth is swift as morn, when night must fade; The multitudinous earth shall sleep beneath thy shadCo 198 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY Thus much we may say in reference to what words can describe the procession to be, not what it was ; for the reality we must give the dry details of the programme by which it was arranged. We can give nothing of the living spectacle, we can give nothing of the joy and gladness which — Spread through the multitudinous streets fast flj'ing Upon the wings of hope — from house to house replying With loud acclaim; the living shook heaven's cope, And filled the earth with echoes! We can give nothing of these, and here all fail ; but we must essay to present the scene, as far as feeble words can do it. The procession does really seem to have been a grand affair, and there were numerous emblems of the Whigs, — log-cabins, barrels of hard cider, brooms to sweep the Augean stables, and others which it would be tedious to enumerate. The poet was with the Whigs that year. Among the mottoes on the ban- ners was this : — Farewell, dear Van, You 're not our man; To guide the ship, We '11 try old Tip. The Democrats, meanwhile, were in a situation which em- barrassed them, but gave them no fear that they were about to suffer defeat. They had had the people with them at every election in forty years, excepting only in 1824 ; and they maintained that even then the popular judgment was for Jack- son. They despised the opposition, and regarded the method of the canvass the Harrison party was carrying on as almost unworthy of the notice of serious-minded men. They had troubles of their own ; but Providence had always come to their aid at the critical moment, and it would do so again. So far as Van Buren was concerned, there was this time abso- lutely no opposition to him within the party. Tennessee, before unfriendly, would now give him its support ; and even South Carolina, which had sulked for eight years, was ready to vote for him. But there was a bitter opposition to the Vice-President, Colonel Johnson. Party discipline was not then what it is now. So hostile were many of the party to Johnson that it was certain that he, at least, would fail to be chosen by a majority of electors, whatever might be Van Buren's fate. The situation was such that it seemed wise to many of the leaders not to hold a convention at all, since to do TIPPECANOE AND TYLER TOO 199 so would merely advertise the party division. The Demo- crats were all in favor of Van Buren ; the people had nomi- nated him spontaneously. The Senate, which had once elected Colonel Johnson, could be trusted to choose that Democratic candidate who received the most electoral votes. It was as- serted that there were ten States which had declined or would decline to send delegates to a convention. By some of them Mr. Van Buren had been named for reelection in conjunction with William R. King, of Alabama, or James K. Polk, of Tennessee, or Littleton W. Tazewell, of Virginia, or Colonel Johnson himself. There was then no such body as a national committee of the party, and in fact no constituted authority to decide whether a convention should be held or not. The conventions of 1831 and 1835 had both been called by the Democratic members of the New Hampshire legislature ; and once again they issued a call for a convention to meet at Baltimore on the 4th of May, 1840. Delegates were present from twenty-one States. Con- necticut, Delaware, Virginia, South Carolina, and Illinois were unrepresented. The membership corresponded to the number of votes allowed more closely than had ever before been the case. New Jersey alone was over-represented by fifty-nine delegates. There was but one member to cast the vote of Massachusetts, and several of the Western States were thinly represented. Governor Isaac Hill, of New Hampshire, was the temporary chairman, and Governor William Carroll, of Tennessee, the permanent president. Pending the preparation of business, there was an abundance of speech-making. All who addressed the convention were sure that a great victory for the Democratic party was impending, and each tried to outdo the rest in jeering at the Whigs. The great procession of the day before was referred to as an " animal show ; " the Whigs were laughed at for shutting up their candidate and not allowing him the use of pen and ink ; and one speaker said that he had tried to get an introduction to some of the log- cabin men in the procession " for the purpose of feeling their soft, delicate hands," but " as soon as he had done so he was pretty careful to put his hand on his purse." On the second day of the convention the committee on reso- lutions reported the following platform of principles : — 1. Resolved, That the federal government is one of limited powers derived solely from the Constitution, and the grants of ^UJ>-■ 200 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY power shown therein ought to be strictly construed by aU the departments and agents of the government, and that it is inexpe* dient and dangerous to exercise doubtful constitutional powers. 2. Resolved, That the Constitution does not confer upon the general government the power to commence and carry on a general system of internal improvement. 3. Resolved, That the Constitution does not confer authority upon the federal government, directly or indirectly, to assume the debts of the several States, contracted for local internal improve- ments, or other State purposes ; nor would such assumption be just or expedient. 4. Resolved, That justice and sound policy forbid the federal government to foster one branch of industry to the detriment of another, or to cherish the interest of one portion to the injury of another portion of our common country ; that every citizen and every section of the country has a right to demand and insist upon an equality of rights and privileges, and to complete and ample protection of person and property from domestic violence or for- eign aggression. 5. Resolved, That it is the duty of every branch of the govern- ment to enforce and practise the most rigid economy in conducting our public affairs, and that no more revenue ought to be raised than is required to defray the necessary expenses of the govern- ment. 6. Resolved, That Congress has no power to charter a United States Bank ; that we believe such an institution one of deadly hostility to the best interests of the country, dangerous to our republican institutions and the liberties of the people, and calcu- lated to place the business of the country within the control of a concentrated money power, and above the laws and the will of the people. 7. Resolved, That Congress has no power, under the Constitu' tion, to interfere wdth or control the domestic institutions of the several States, and that such States are the sole and proper judges of everything appertaining to their own affairs not prohibited by the Constitution ; that all efforts of the Abolitionists or others, made to induce Congress to interfere with questions of slavery, or to take incipient steps in relation thereto, are calculated to lead to the most alarming and dangerous consequences, and that all such efforts have an inevitable tendency to diminish the happiness of the people, and endanger the stability and permanency of the Union, and ought not to be countenanced by any friend to our political institutions. 8. Resolved, That the separation of the moneys of the govern- ment from banking institutions is indispensable for the safety of the funds of the government and the rights of tha people. TIPPECANOE AXD TYLER TOO 201 9. Resolved, That the liberal principles embodied by Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, and sanctioned in the Consti= tution, which make ours the land of liberty and the asylum of the oppressed of every nation, have ever been cardinal principles in the Democratic faith ; and every attempt to abridge the present privilege of becoming citizens and the owners of soil among us ought to be resisted with the same spirit which swept the Alien and Sedition laws from our statute-book,, The vote was put on each of these resolutions separately, and every one of them was adopted by a unanimous vote. An- other committee appointed to prepare an address to the people next presented its report, — an address which nearly fills a page of the Washington " Globe," in fine type, — and the pages of the newspapers of that day were of generous size. The address was listened to impatiently, for the convention was anxious to get at the question of nominations. Senator Cle- ment C. Clay, of Alabama, chairman of a committee to which this subject had been referred on the previous day, reported two resolutions, to each of which a preamble was affixed. The first, having set forth that Mr. Van Buren had received many nominations for the position which he already filled to tha satisfaction of the party and the country, and that he was the unanimous choice of the Democrats, formally presented him for reelection. The preamble of the second resolution recited that several gentlemen had been put in nomination for the vice- presidency ; that the States presenting some of these gentle- men had no representatives in the convention ; and that all the candidates, by their discharge of public trusts, had shown themselves worthy to be elected to the office. The resolution itself was as follows : — Resolved, That the convention deem it expedient at the present time not to choose between the individuals in nomination, but to leave the decision to their Republican fellow-citizens in the several States, trusting that, before the election shall take place, their opinions shall become so concentrated as to secure the choice of a Vice-President by the electoral colleges. The first resolution was adopted unanimously without de- bate. The second was opposed and was warmly discussed. The friends of Colonel Johnson were not satisfied that he should not be commended to the electors, if a two-thirds vote in his favor could be had. But it presently appeared that the opposition to him was so determined that it would not be 202 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDEXCY yielded even after such a nomination ; whereupon opposition ceased and the resolution was unanimously adopted. The Whigs jeered at the Democrats as not being sufficiently united to name a candidate for Vice-President. They hurled back the rather neat reply that if they were not agreed upon men, they were united upon principles. That was more than the Whigs could say for themselves. There was another convention, small in numbers and local in character, which made a third nomination for the office of President. Although the party cast but few votes in 1840, it is mentioned here as the beginning of great things. The Abolition party held a convention at Warsaw, Genesee County, New York, at the beginning of December, 1839, and nominated James G. Birney of New York for President, and Thomas Earl of Pennsylvania for Vice-President. The question of slavery had been much discussed in Congress and by the press for many years, but the issue was not yet a really important one in presidential elections. As will be seen from the platform of the Democrats, that party was ready to take its stand against any federal interference with slavery ; but the Whigs were not, so long as they constituted a party, willing to make an issue with the Democrats on that subject. What the canvass had been from the beginning it continued to be to the end. On the part of the Whigs it was a season of great and enthusiastic meetings and stump-speeches. Gen- eral Harrison himself appeared on the stump, and spoke at length in September and October, 1840, at Urbana, Dayton, Chillicothe, Columbus, and other places. In an address at Carthage, on August 20, he explicitly asserted the right of the people to discuss any subject, and to petition Congress for the redress of any grievance, including that of slavery ; and for this he was roundly denounced as an Abolitionist. The Democrats were unable to understand, and still more unable to look with patience upon, the shouting campaign of the Har- rison men. They affected to treat the party and its candidate with contempt, but they were really angry and alarmed. As State after State upon whose electoral vote th'ey had counted gave the Whigs a majority, they became more desperate. They could not and would not believe that they were to be beaten, and predicted that " the bubble would burst " before November. That was a time when political slang was more current than it was ever before or has been since. The phrases, " Crow, TIPPECAXOE AND TYLER TOO 203 Chapman, crow," "The ball is rolling on," " Clear the kitchen," with numerous variations, and similar expressions, are still re- membered by the men, now old, who took part in that famous canvass. The Whig song to the tune of " The Little Pig's Tail " has become historical, with its chorus : — "For Tippecanoe and Tyler too — Tippecanoe and Tyler too; And with them we '11 beat little Van, Van, Van is a used up man; And with them we '11 beat little Van." The shouts of the Whigs over their success in Vermont, Kentucky, Maine, Ohio, and other States had hardly ceased ringing when the presidential election began. The choice of all the electors was still made on any day within thirty-four days preceding the meeting of the electors that might be fixed upon by the state legislature. The election began in Penn- States. Maine . . . New Hampshire Vermont . . . Massachusetts . Rhode Island . Connecticut . . New York . . New Jersey . . Pennsylvania . Delaware . . Maryland . . Virg'inia . . . North Carolina . South Carolina* Geor^a . Alahama . . . Mississippi . . Louisiana . . Kentucky . . Tennessee . . Missouri . . . Arkansas . . . Ohio .... Indiana . . . Illinois . . . Michigan . • . Total . . . Harrison. 46,612 26,163 32,440 72,874 5,278 31,601 22.5,817 33,351 144,021 5,967 33,528 42,501 46,376 40,261 28,471 19,518 11,296 58,489 60,391 22,972 5,160 148,157 65,302 45,537 22,933 46,201 32,761 18,018 51,944 3,301 25,296 212,527 S1,0?A 143,672 4,874 28,752 43,893 33,782 31,921 33,991 16,995 7,616 .32,616 48,289 29,760 6,766 124,782 51,604 47,476 21,131 Bimey. 1,275,016 1,129,102 194 126 319 1,621 42 174 2,808 69 343 903 149 321 * Electors appointed by the legislature. 204 A HISTORY OF THE TRESIDENCY sylvania and Ohio on the 30tli of October, and ended in North Carolina on the 12th of November, so far as popular elections were concerned. South Carolina, whose legislature made the choice of the electors for that State, appointed them a fort- night later. But it was evident as soon as the returns of Penn- sylvania were in, showing a large gain for the Whigs, even since the state election, four weeks before, that Harrison was 'to be President. The popular vote is given on page 203. The electoral count was conducted in the usual manner, and there was no incident to mark the proceedings. The result was declared as follows : — States. Prksidrnt. Maine .... New Hampshire Vennont . . . Massachusetts . Rhode Island . Connecticut . . New York . . New Jersey . . Pennsylvania . Delaware • . Maryland . . Virginia . . . North Carolina South Carolina . Georgia . . . Alabama . . . Mississippi . . Louisiana . . Kentucky . . Tennessee . . Missouri . . . Arkansas . . . Ohio . . . . Indiana . . . Illinois Michigan . . . Total . . . 10 7 14 4 8 42 8 30 3 10 15 11 4 5 15 15 21 9 234 28 11 7 60 ViCK-PRBSIDBirr. 10 7 14 4 8 42 8 30 3 10 15 11 4 5 15 15 21 9 234 22 48 11 11 TIPPECANOE AND TYLER TOO 205 The inauguration on the Fourth of March, 1841, was a great occasion for the Whigs. They flocked to Washington in large numbers, many of them, alas ! attracted thither by the hope of offices to be distributed by the new President to his party friends. There was an imposing procession of volunteer mili- tia to escort General Harrison to the Capitol. The President- elect had himself arrived at the seat of government on the last day of February, apparently in the enjoyment of perfect health.' He rode upon a white charger, flanked on either side by a body- guard of personal friends. The ceremony, which was witnessed by a vast concourse of people, was preceded by the inauguration of Mr. Tyler as Vice-President, in the Senate Chamber. After the long line of official and non-official witnesses had come from the building to the eastern portico. General Harrison rose and delivered his inaugural address, save the last para- graph. Then the oath of office was administered by Chief Justice Taney, and the President pronounced the closing sen- tences of his address. While the cheers of the victorious Whigs were still rising, he retired, entered his private car- riage, and drove to the White House. XVII THE FIRST "DARK HORSE" No election ever caused more disappointment, both to vic- tors and to vanquished, than that of 1840. It would be difficult to describe the feelings of the Democrats. They were puzzled, they were grieved, they were angry. They honestly did not believe the Whigs capable of governing the country. It was almost too great a strain upon their trust in the fitness of the people for self-government that confidence had been with- drawn from them. As for the conduct of the campaign in which they were defeated, with its claptrap of processions, songs, emblems, and slang, words failed to express their dis- gust. They declared that the victory had been won by fraud, by the momentary madness of the people, by the power of money, — the first but not the last complaint of the sort, — by anything and everything except the excellent influences that had always carried elections for the Democrats. However much they might differ among themselves, and even with themselves, as to the cause of the defeat, upon one thing they were resolved, — that they would bring Van Buren forward again and elect him. The canvass of 1844 began, therefore, before Harrison was inaugurated. A St. Louis paper, almost as soon as the result of the election was known, placed Van Buren's name at the head of its columns as candidate for 1844, and "nailed its colors to the mast." Senator Benton there- upon wrote a letter to the editor commending his course, say- ing that twice before the Democratic party had won a victory, after its only two national defeats, by adopting at once the candidate in whose person it had suffered a reverse. This was the general sentiment of the party. In the three years ensuing, as the Washington " Globe " asserted just before the convention of 1844, twenty-four of the twenty-six States, in their state Democratic conventions, pronounced in favor of Van Buren, and more than three fourths of the conventions instructed their delegates to Baltimore to support him. THE FIRST "DARK HORSE" 207 The disappointment of the Whigs was of a different charac- ter. It lay in the " Tyler too " part of their election pro- gramme. One month after General Harrison took the oath of office he died, and John Tyler became President. Congress was summoned in extraordinary session on the 31st of May, 1841. Among the first subjects to which the attention of Congress was called by the President was the question what should be substituted for the sub-treasury system, — a finan- cial device which had certainly been condemned by the popular voice in the recent elections. The Whigs took this to mean also the creation of a bank. Mr. Tyler held a different view. His course in Congress had never been favorable to the Bank of the United States. The Whig leaders supposed that Mr. Tyler had given them an assurance that he was in favor of a bank erected on a proper basis. Mr. Tyler did not admit that he had done so. The truth of the matter will never be known. When a bill creating a bank, which the Whigs supposed to have been drawn in accordance with his views, was presented to him for approval he vetoed it, and the Whig majority was not strong enough to pass it over the veto. A second bill was prepared, after a conference with the President, submitted to him after it was drafted and approved, and then passed with- out the alteration of a word. The President vetoed that bill also, possibly in a fit of natural anger at a letter written by John M. Botts, a leading Whig member from Virginia, — its publication was a breach of confidence, — in which Mr. Botts spoke with contempt of Mr. Tyler's " turns and twists." It is needless to say that this act was received with uncon- trollable indignation by the Whigs throughout the country. All the members of the cabinet resigned, except Mi-. Webster, the Secretary of State, who retained office for reasons which were approved by many of the Whigs. A caucus of mem- bers of the Senate and House of Representatives adopted an address in which they announced that all political alliance be- tween them and John Tyler was at an end, and that hence- forth "those who brought the President into power can no longer, in any manner or degree, be justly held responsible or blamed for the administration of the executive branch of the government." It is matter of history that ]\Ir. Tyler con- tinued to the end of his term to be what his early acts as President had indicated that he would be. In fact his course was what his whole political life had indicated that it would 208 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY be. He relied throughout upon those who had opposed him, and thwarted the measures of those who had elected him. The only inconsistency of which he was guilty was in supposing, honestly no doubt, that he was " a firm and decided Whig," when he was opposed to a bank, opposed to a protective tariff, opposed to the distribution of the proceeds of the public lands, opposed to internal improvements, and devoted to tlie princi- ple of " strict construction " of the Constitution. The Whigs had not, to be sure, formally professed different principles from his in resolutions adopted by a national convention ; but they were really unanimous, or substantially so, in holding all the views from which he dissented. Whatever part an ambition to be reelected, not by the Whigs, but by the Democrats, had in determining Mr. Tyler's course, he did not gain new political friends when he lost old ones. The Democrats were glad enough that the fruits of victory were snatched away from the W^higs ; but, though they took advantage of the opportunity which chance threw in their way, they made no pretence of taking the President up as their own man. They loved the sin, but hated the sinner. There were some Democrats and Democratic papers slightly tinctured with " Tylerism," but they were few and uninfluential. By far the largest number- of the Democrats were zealous and unwavering in their adherence to the fortunes of Mr. Van Buren. Yet it was not their unanimous senti- ment. South Carolina was in favor of Mr. Calhoun, and so was Georgia ; and that gentleman carried his sense of pro- priety so far that, in the autumn of 1843, he declined an in- vitation to visit Ohio in a semi-public way, on the ground that he ought not to do so while his name was before the country as a candidate for its highest office. Colonel R. M. Johnson, then lately Vice-President, was also advocated by the anti- Benton men of Missouri, as well as by partisans in his own State of Kentucky. He had no such scruples as those which restrained Mr. Calhoun, for he made a tour through the North, as far as Boston, in the course of which, if he was not belied, he assured the people that nothing could prevent the election of Mr. Clay in 1844 but his own candidacy. His belief in himself is shown by a letter written early in January, 1844, wherein he said that he had worn a certain " red vest " " when called upon to respond to my third unanimous nomi- nation for the presidency by the annual convention of my THE FIRST "DARK HORSE" 209 native State." His friends always spoke of him as " the old hero " and " old Tecumseh." His willingness to be before the people was further exemplified in a letter, written in an- swer to an inquiry, in which he said plainly that he would accept the second place on the ticket if he did not get the first. The claims of General Lewis Cass were urged by some of those who did not think the nomination of Mr. Van Buren advisable. Finally, in Pennsylvania, Mr. James Buchanan was brought forward as a " favorite son." In point of fact, while a most decided preference was shown for Mr. Van Buren before any and all others, those who opposed him were bitter and determined. They declared that he could not be elected, and that it would be suicide for the party to nominate him. When the question of a convention was under discussion. South Carolina refused to send dele- gates ; and hot discussions arose in the Democratic newspapers whether delegates should be chosen by districts or by general ticket, and whether Virginia, which was for Van Buren, should be allowed to enter the convention with her delegation num- bering five times the votes she would be allowed to cast. Such was the situation late in 1843. The Democrats seemed to be, and Avere, in hopeless discord. The Whigs counted upon an easy victory, for they were absolutely united in supporting Mr. Clay, while the alleged treachery of Mr. Tyler had given them what was better than unanimity in re- spect of a candidate, — political union. The next succeeding events seemed to work in their favor, for they were as con- fident of their ability to defeat Mr. Van Buren as were that gentleman's enemies in his own party that he could not be elected. Mr. Buchanan formally withdrew his name in De- cember, 1843 ; and in the following month Mr. Calhoun pub- lished a letter Avhich was at first taken as a withdrawal, but was afterwards seen to be only a refusal to allow his name to go before the convention. His friends were thus left free to give him their independent support if they would. Mean- while many state conventions were instructing their delegates to vote for Mr. A^an Buren, and his nomination seemed to be inevitable. A clear majority of all the delegates could be counted for him beyond a question, and it was not doubted that he would receive the necessary two thirds. But the situation was changed as if by magic. The ques- tion of the annexation of Texas loomed up suddenly. An 210 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY overture by Texas for absorption had been once rejected, years before ; a suggestion from the government of the United States that annexation might be acceptable, some time later, had come to nothing ; and now Mr. Tyler thrust the matter again before the people by submitting to the Senate a treaty with Texas providing for its annexation to the United States. " i?e-annexation " was the cry. Texas had been exchanged for Florida in a negotiation with Spain ; it had in common with Mexico, of which it formed a part, been separated from Spain ; it had been colonized by filibusters from the United States, had declared and achieved its independence in a war with Mexico, and was now a republic by itself. But Mexico had only sus- pended, not ceased, its efforts to reconquer Texas, and had not acknowledged the independence of tlie republic. To annex it, therefore, was to assume the obligation of a war with Mexico, or to overawe her weakness by our own strength. The sentiment of the South was very strong in favor of " immediate re-annexation," for obvious reasons, chief among them being the additional strength which would thereby be acquired for the slavery interest. The question suddenly became a political issue of the first magnitude. Mr. Tyler sent the treaty to the Senate on the 22d of April, 1844, but the fact that such a treaty was under consideration was made public some weeks earlier. At the beginning of May, letters were published from Henry Clay and Martin Van Buren, in which these two gentlemen, almost universally regarded as the two prospective rivals for the presidency, answered inquiries as to their views on the Texas question at length. Singularly enough, their views were similar in this, — that they both fore- saw that annexation meant war with Mexico ; that they re- garded annexation without the consent of Mexico as dishonor- able ; and that, consequently, both were opposed to the pending measure. Mr. Clay went further, and expressed grave doubts as to the wisdom of annexation at all, for reasons partly finan- cial (Texas having a debt which must be assumed) and partly political (the strong opposition that existed throughout New England, and the North generally). Mr. Van Buren's letter, perhaps the most courageous act of a public life which was not characterized by great courage, and therefore one of the most creditable, cost him the nomination. It was dated April 20, 1844, and made public a week later ; and the convention met at Baltimore on May 27. The time was short, but it was long THE FIRST "DARK HORSE" 211 enough to defeat him. The editor of the Richmond "En- quirer," who had been as firm and steadfast a Van Buren man as Senator Benton himself, presided at a meeting intended to bring about a change in the instructions to the Virginia dele- gates, who had been directed to support Van Buren, and to instruct them to vote for a candidate in favor of immediate annexation. Some delegates from Southern States resigned rather than obey the instructions already given them to vote for Van Buren. Others declared that, although so instructed, they knew that the wishes of their constituents would be mod- ified by the disclosure of Mr. Van Buren' s opinions, and that they should support another candidate. The convention was one of the most interesting ever held in the country. The excitement among the arriving delegates was intense. A great majority of them came with instructions to support Van Buren ; but it was known that many of them would disobey, and how far the treachery — for so the real advocates of Mr. Van Buren regarded it — extended made men suspicious and anxious. Mr. Clay had already been nominated, and the Whigs were earnest, enthusiastic, and confident. The party organ of the Democrats at the capital, the Washington " Globe," said truly, just before the convention met, that the assertion that Mr. Van Buren had lost his standing with the people by reason of his Texas letter was not supported by evidence. Many politicians had turned against him, but the rank and file of the party would be for him still, unless their leaders advised them to desert him. The " Globe " attributed the whole anti-Van Buren movement to Calhoun. " It is the last card of his desperate competitor, who has been playing for twenty-five years for the presidency with the frenzy of a game- ster. It cannot win." Three hundred and twenty-five delegates appeared at the convention at Baltimore on May 27, 1844. Virginia and Ken- tucky only were greatly over-represented. For the most part, the States sent exactly as many delegates as the electoral votes to which they were entitled. South Carolina being unrepre- sented, there were 266 votes in the convention. Hendrick B. Wright, of Pennsylvania, was the temporary chairman, and was also appointed as the permanent president. As soon as the temporary organization had been effected, General Saun- ders, of North Carolina, who had championed the two-thirds rule in Van Buren's interest in the convention of 1835, moved 212 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY that the rules of the convention of 1832 be adopted for the government of this convention. The significance of the mo- tion was recognized at once. It was a motion for the two- thirds rule. If it were not adopted, Van Buren was sure to be nominated ; if it were adopted, he might be defeated. Con- sideration of the motion was postponed as/ premature ; but General Saunders persisted in bringing it forward, and at last it was taken up. A warm debate ensued. The vote was taken at about noon of the second day of the convention. The rule was adopted by 148 votes against 118. Nearly two thirds of the Northern votes were in the negative ; six sevenths of the Southern votes were in favor of the rule. The Northern dele- gates had it in their power to defeat the rule, and yet, being perfectly well aware that the adoption of the two-thirds require- ment handicapped the candidate tliey professed to support, they lent themselves to the scheme of his opponents. The conclu- sion is inevitable that they were willing that he should be sao- riticed, but that they did not quite venture to appear with daggers in their own hands, "Balloting" for a candidate, as it was called, — although the voting was viua voce, — began in the afternoon. It will be seen from the table below that Mjf. Van Buren received a majority of 26 on the first trial. He would have lacked but ten votes of a nomination had all those who came to the con- vention, instructed for him, given him their votes. He received but 12 votes of the 105 from Southern States ; from the North, 134 votes out of 151. Seven trials took place before adjourn- ment for the day, resulting as follows : — Whole number of votes . . . Necessary for a choice . . Martin Van Bnren, New York Lewis Cass, Michigan . Richard M. Johnson, Kentucky James Buchanan, Pennsylvania Levi Woodbury, New Hampshire Commodore Stewart, Pennsylvania John C. Calhoun, South Carolina 1st. 266 178 146 83 24 4 2 1 2d. 266 178 127 94 33 9 1 1 1 3d. 266 178 121 92 38 11 2 265 177 111 10.5 32 17 5th. 265 177 103 107 29 26 6th. 265 177 101 116 23 25 7th. 265 177 99 123 21 22 Early in the session on the following day an Ohio delegate moved a resolution that Martin Van Buren, having received a majority of votes on the first ballot, be declared the candidate. THE FIRST "DARK HORSE" 213 It was ruled that this would require a two-thirds vote, as rescinding an order of the convention. An angry and confused debate took place over the point of parliamentary law, but an appeal from the decision of the chair was withdrawn, and the convention began once more to vote for a candidate. The time had come to spring the sensation carefully prepared in advance of the convention. The States were called in geographical order, beginning with Maine. When New Hamp- shire was called, the delegates from that State gave all their votes to James K. Polk, of Tennessee. A member of the Maine delegation had remarked, just before the voting began, that " it was time to draw the fire of Tennessee." Seven Massachusetts delegates, all those of Alabama and Tennessee, and a few others, followed the lead of New Hampshire. The result was announced : Van Buren, 104 ; Cass, 114 ; Polk, 44, The ninth trial began without great evidence of excitement, until, upon the call of New York, the chairman of that delega- tion asked permission to retire for consultation. Meanwhile the roll-call proceeded. When the New York delegation returned, Mr. B. F. Butler made a speech, in the course of which he produced a letter from Mr. Van Buren which he had received before the convention met, authorizing the withdrawal of his name, if it would conduce to harmony. Accordingly Mr. Butler withdrew Mr. Van Buren, and cast the entire vote of New York for Mr. Polk. Then ensued a "stampede," — a scene repeated many times since that day in national conven- tions. Delegation after delegation changed its vote, and when the result was announced James K. Polk, of Tennessee, had every vote, and was nominated. A scene of wild confusion ensued. A despatch was sent by telegraph to Washington, — the first line built in the country had not long before been opened between the two cities, — and a congratulatory reply was received from the Democratic members of Congress twenty minutes after the nomination. In the afternoon the convention voted for a candidate for Vice-President, and nominated Silas Wright, then a Senator from New York, almost unanimously, by 256 votes. Nine members of the Georgia delegation refused to vote for him, and supported Levi Woodbury, of New Hampshire. Mr. Wright was notified by telegraph, and declined the nomination peremptorily. Although he was requested to reconsider, and was waited upon that night by a committee of the convention, 214 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY he persisted in his refusal to be a candidate. This is the only case in the history of the country where a nomination for either the first or the second place on a presidential ticket, by one of the great parties, has been declined after it was made. Mr. Wright felt that he could not, in honor, accept the candidacy. He had been a sincere advocate of Mr. Van Buren's nomina- tion. Moreover, a few days before the convention, he had been approached by some of his own personal friends, who suggested that the two-thirds rule might be adopted, that it might result in the defeat of Van Buren, and that it might be possible to turn the convention in his own favor. He rejected the overture, and wrote a letter to be used in case the contin- gency suggested were to arise. It did arise when Xew York was about to withdraw Van Buren, and the letter was read at the private meeting of the delegation. His determination was conveyed explicitly in these words : " I am not and cannot under any circumstances be a candidate before your convention for that office." The whole letter is published in Hammond's " Life of Silas Wright," which forms a part of the third vol- ume of his " Political History of New York," and is highly creditable to Mr. Wright's sense of honor. He explained afterward that he felt that he could not accept the second place and so gain a profit from the defeat of his friend, Mr. Van Buren. On the third day of the convention the members proceeded to vote again for a candidate for Vice-President. On the first trial. Governor John Fairfield, of Maine, had 107 votes ; Levi Woodbury, of New Hampshire, 44 ; Lewis Cass, of ^Michigan, 39 ; R. M. Johnson, of Kentucky, 26 ; Commodore Stewart, of Pennsylvania, 23 ; George ■NL Dallas, of Pennsylvania, 13 ; William L. Marcy, of Xew York, 5. An inquiry was made whether Governor Fairfield was in favor of annexation, but the question could not be answered authoritatively, and he was dropped. The convention was evidently in a less con- ciliatory frame of mind than when it nominated ]\Ir. Wright, who shared the views of Mr. Van Buren. On'the second vote George M. Dallas had 220 votes ; Governor Fairfield, 30 ; Mr, Woodbury, 6 ; and Mr. Dallas was nominated. At the beginning of the morning session, before the nomi- nation of Mr. Dallas, the following platform was reported and adopted. In most of our political text-books the plat- form appears in a mutilated form, and does not contain the THE FIRST "DARK HORSE" 215 first resolution, with its sarcastic allusion to the canvass of 1840 : — Resolved, That the American Democracy place their trust, not in factitious symbols, not in displays and appeals insulting to the judgment and subversive of the intellect of the people, but in a clear reliance upon the intelligence, patriotism, and the discrimi- nating justice of the American people. Resolved, That we regard this as a distinctive featui-e of our political creed, which we are proud to maintain before the world, as the great moral element in a form of government springing from and upheld by the popular will ; and we contrast it with the creed and practice of Federalism, under whatever name or form, which seeks to palsy the will of the constituent, and which con- ceives no imposture too monstrous for the popular credulity. Resolved, therefore, That, entertaining these views, the Demo- cratic party of this Union, through the delegates assembled in general convention of the States, coming together in a spii'it of concord, of devotion to the doctrines and faith of a free represent- ative government, and appealing to their fellow-citizens for the rectitude of their intentions, renew and reassert before the Ameri- can people the declaration of principles avowed by them on a for- mer occasion, when, in general convention, they presented their candidates for the popular suffrage. [Here follow all the resolutions adopted by the convention of 1840; see p. 199.] Resolved, That the proceeds of the public lands ought to be sacredly applied to the national objects specified in the Constitu- tion ; and that we are opposed to the laws lately adopted, and to any law, for the distribution of such proceeds among the States, as alike inexpedient in policy and repugnant to the Constitution. Resolved, That we are decidedly opposed to taking from the President the qualified veto power by which he is enabled, under restrictions and responsibilities amply sufficient to guard the pub- lic interest, to suspend the passage of a bill, whose merits cannot secure the approval of two thirds of the Senate and House of Re- presentatives, until the judgment of the people can be obtained thereon, and which has thrice saved the American people from the corrupt and tyrannical domination of the Bank of the United States. Resolved, That our title to the whole of the territory of Oregon is clear and unquestionable ; that no portion of the same ought to be ceded to England or any other power ; and that the re- occupation of Oregon and the re-annexation of Texas at the ear= liest practicable period are great American measure*!, which this 216 A HISTORY OF TIIP] PRESIDENCY convention recommends to the cordial support of the Democracy of the Union. After a formal resolution naming Polk and Dallas as the party candidates, the platform concludes with the following resolution : — Resolved, That this convention hold in the highest estimation and regard their illustrious fellow-citizen, Martin Van Buren, of New York ; that we cherish the most grateful and abidiug sense of the ability, integrity, and firmness with which he discharged the duties of the high office of President of the Ignited States, and especially of the inflexible fidelity with which he maintained the true doctrines of the Constitution and the measures of the Demo- cratic party during his trying and nobly arduous administration; that in the memorable struggle of 18-iO he fell a martyr to the great principles of which he was the worthy representative, and we revere him as such ; and that we hereby tender to him, in honorable re- tirement, the assurance of the deeply seated confidence, affection, and respect of the American Democracy. In order to present the events of the opening of the Demo- cratic canvass without a break, chronological order has been somewhat disregarded. Two conventions had already been held when that of the Democrats met. The Abolitionists had assembled at Buffalo at the end of August, 1843, and had nominated James G. Birney, of New York, for President, and Thomas Morris, of Ohio, for Vice-President. This action was to have a most important effect upon the ensuing canvass, un- worthy of notice as the convention seemed. Only one hun- dred and forty-eight delegates were present, from twelve States. It adopted the following platform : — Resolved, That h uman brother hood is a cardinal principle of true democracy, as well as of pure Christianity, which spurns all inconsistent limitations ; and neither the political party which ^ISEudiates it, nor the political system which is ijot based upon it, can be truly democratic or permanent. Resolved, That the Liberty Party, placing itself upon this broad principle, will demand the absolute and unqualified divorce of the general government from slavery, and also the restoration of equal- ity of rights among men, in every State where the party exists or may exist. Resolved, That the Liberty Party has not been organized for any temporary purpose by interested politicians, but has arisen from ' among the people in consequence of a conviction, hourly gaining ground, that no other party in the country represents the true ^^^ THE FIRST "DARK HORSE" 217 principles of American liberty, or the true spirit of the Constitu- tion of the United States. Resolved, That the Liberty Party has not been organized merely for the overthrow of slavery. Its first decided effort must indeed be directed against slaveholding as the grossest and most revolting - '" '. manifestation of despotism, but it will also carry out the principle of equal rights into all its practical consequences and applications, and support every just measure conducive to individual and social freedom. Resolved, That the Liberty Party is not a sectional party, but a ;. ~X^^ national party ; was not originated in a desire to accomplish a single ^ -^ object, but in a comprehensive regard to the great interest of the ,' "^^^^^V, whole counti-y; is not a new party nor a third party, but is the party of 1776, reviving the principles of that memorable era, and y^t'-^'^'-'*-*' striving to carry them into practical application. ^ G * Resolved, That it was understood in the times of the Declarar tion and the Constitution that the existejace-of slaTery in some of ' ' ty..*-^ the States was in derogation oflKe prTnciples of American liberty,- and a deep stain upon the character of the country and the implied' faith of the States ; and the nation was [.Icl-.d that slavery should never be extended beyond its tHen existing limits, but should be gradually, and yet at no distant day wholly, abolished by state authority. Resolved, That the faith of the States and the nation thus pledged was most nobly redeemed by the voluntary abolition of •'>-*" slavery in several of the States, and by the adoption of the Ordi- . '^^/, nance of 1787 for the government of the territory northwest of ' the River Ohio, then the only territory in the United States, and consequently the only territory subject in this respect to the con- trol of Congress, by which ordinance slavery was forever excluded from the vast regions which now compose the States of Ohio, Indi- ana, Illinois, Michigan, and the Territory of Wisconsin, and an incapacity to bear up any other than free men was impressed on the soil itself. Resolved, That the faith of the States and nation thus pledged has been shamefully violated by the omission on the part of many of the States to take any measures whatever for the abolition of slavery within their respective limits ; by the continuance of slavery in the District of Columbia, and in the Territories of Louisiana and Florida ; by the legislation of Congress ; by the protection afforded by national legislation and negotiation to slaveholding in American vessels, on the high seas, employed in the coastwise slave traffic ; and by the extension of slavery far beyond its original limits by acts of Congress admitting new slave States into the Union. o-«-^i/ 218 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY Resolved, That the fundamental truth of the Declaration 'of Independence, that all men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, among which are life, liberty, and the ^msuit of happiness, was made the fundamental law of our national government by that amendment of the Constitution which declares that no ijerson shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property with- out due process of law. Resolved, That we recognize as sound the doctrine maintained by slaveholding jurists, that slavery is against natural rights and strictly local, and that its existence and continuance rest on no other support than state legislation, and not on any authority of Congress. Resolved, That the general government has, under the Consti- tution, no power to establish or continue slavery anywhere, and therefore that all treaties and acts of Congi-ess establishing, con- tinuing, or favoring slavery in the District of Columbia, in the Territory of Florida, or on the high seas, are unconstitutional, and all attempts to hold men as property within the limits of exclusive national jurisdiction ought to be prohibited by law. Resolved, That the provision of the Constitution of the United States, whicli confers extraordinary political powers on the owners of slaves, and thereby constituting the two hundred and fifty thou- sand slaveholders in the slave States a privileged aristocracy ; and the provision for the reclamation of fugitive slaves from service, are anti-republican in their character, dangerbus to the liberties of the people, and ought to be abrogated. Resolved, That the practical operation of the second of these .- provisions is seen in the enactment of the act of Congress respect- ing persons escaping from their masters, which act, if the construc- tion given to it by the Supreme Court of the United States in the case of Prigg v. Pennsylvania be correct, nullifies the habeas corpus acts of all the States, takes away the whole legal security of per- sonal freedom, and ought therefore to be immediately repealed. Resolved, That the peculiar patronage and support hitherto ex- tended to slavery and slaveholding by the general government ought to be immediately withdrawn, and the example and influence of national authority ought to be arrayed on the side of liberty and /■free labor. ^ Resolved, That the practice of the general government, which prevails in the slave States, of employing slaves upon the public works, instead of free laborers, and paying aristocratic masters, with a view to secure or reward political services, is utterly inde- Sensdble and ought to be abandoned. Resolved, That the freedom of speech and of the press, and the right of petition and the right of triall5y jury, are sacred and THE FIRST "DARK HORSE" 219 inviolable ; and that all rules, regulations, and laws in derogation oFeifher are oppressive, unconstitutional, and not to be endured by free' people. 'Itesolvect, That we regard voting, in an eminent degree, as a moral and religious duty, which, when exercised, should be by voting for those who will do all in their power for immediate emancipation. Resolved, That this convention recommend to the friends of lib- erty in all those free States where any inequality of rights and privileges exists on account of color, to employ their utmost ener- gies to remove all such remnants and effects of the slave system. Whereas, The Constitution of these United States is a series of agreements, convenants, or contracts between the people of the United States, each with all and all with each ; and Whereas, It is a principle of universal morality that the moral laws of the Creator are paramount to all human laws ; or, in the language of an Apostle, that " we ought to obey God rather than men ; " and Whereas, The principle of common law, that any contract, covenant, or agreement to do an act derogatory to natural rights is vitiated and annulled by its inherent immorality, has been recog- nized by one of the justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, who in a recent case expressly holds that any " contract that rests upon such a basis is void ; " and Whereas, The third clause of the second section of the fourth article of the Constitution of the United States, when construed as providing for the surrender of a fugitive slave, does " rest upon such a basis " in that it is a contract to rob a man of a natural right, namely, his natural right to his own liberty, and is, therefore, absolutely void ; therefore Resolved, That we hereby give it to be distinctly understood by this nation and the world that, as Abolitionists, considering that the strength of our cause lies in its righteousness, and our hope for it in our conformity to the laws of God and our respect for the rights of man, we owe it to the Sovereign Ruler of the universe, as a proof of our allegiance to him in all our ci\'il relations and offices, whether as private citizens or as public functionaries sworn to sup- port the Constitution of the United States, to regard and to treat the third clause of the fourth article of that instrument, whenever applied to the case of a fugitive slave, as utterly null and void, and consequently as forming no i^art of the Constitution of the United States, whenever we are called upon or sworn to support it. Resolved, That the power given to Congress by the Constitution, to provide for calling out the militia to suppress insm-rection, does not make it the duty of the government to maintain slavery by 220 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY military force, much less does it make it the duty of the citizens to form a part of such military force. AVhen freemen unsheathe the sword it should be to strike for liberty, not for despotism. Resolved, That, to preserve the peace of the citizens and secure the blessings of freedom, the legislature of each of the free States ought to keep in force suitable statutes rendering it penal for any of its inhabitants to transport, or aid in transporting, from such State, any person sought to be thus transported merely because subject to the slave laws of any other SUite ; this remnant of in- dependence being accorded to the free States by the decision of the Supreme Court in the case of Prigg v. The State of Penn- sylvania. The Whigs, as has been said already, were enthusiastic and completely united in the support of Mr. Clay. No other candidate was mentioned or thought of in connection with the nomination. The convention was held in Baltimore on the 1st of May, 1844. Every State in the Union was represented by a full delegation. The whole business of the convention was completed in a single sitting. Andrew F. Hopkins, of Alabama, was the temporary chairman, and Ambrose Spencer, of New York, the permanent president. Henry Clay was nom- inated unanimously by resolution, with the utmost enthusiasm. Four ballots were taken for a candidate for Vice-President. On the first, Theodore Frelinghuysen of New Jersey had 101 ; John Davis of Massachusetts, 83 ; Millard Fillmore of New York, 53 ; and John Sergeant of Pennsylvania, 38. Mr. Fre- linghuysen gained on every ballot, and on the fourth received 155, against 116 for Fillmore and Davis combined. After numerous speeches had been made, in which the candidates were most highly commended and the triumph of the party was confidently predicted, Mr. Reverdy Johnson of Mary- land moved the following series of resolutions, which were adopted : — Resolved, That, in presenting to the country the names of Henry Clay for President, and of Theodore Frelinghuysen for Vice-Presi- dent of the United States, this convention is actuated by the con- viction that all the great principles of the Whig party — principles inseparable from the public honor and prosperity — will be main- tained and advanced by these candidates. Resolved, That these principles may be summed as comprising : A well-regulated currency; a tariff for revenue to defray the neces- sary expenses of the government, and discriminating with special THE FIRST "DARK HORSE" 221 reference to the protection of the domestic labor of the country ; the distribution of the proceeds from the sales of the public lands ; a singls~terffl for the presidency ; a reform of executive usur- pations ; and generally such an administration of the affairs of the country as shall impart to every branch of the public service the greatest practical efficiency, conti'olled by a well-regulated and wise economy. Resolved, That the name of Henry Clay needs no eulogy. The history of the country since his first appearance in public life is his history. Its brightest pages of prosperity and success are identified with the principles which he has upheld, as its darkest and more disastrous pages are with evei-y material departure in our public policy from those principles. Resolved, That in Theodore Frelinghuysen we present a man pledged alike by his Revokitionary ancestry and his own public course to every measure calculated to sustain the honor and inter- est of the country. Inheriting the principles as well as the name of a father who, with Washington on the fields of Trenton and of Monmouth, perilled life in the contest for liberty, and afterwards, as a senator of the United States, acted with Washington in estab- lishing and perpetuating that liberty, Theodore Frelinghuysen, by his course as attorney-general of the State of New Jersey for twelve years, and subsequently as a senator of the United States for sev- eral years, was always strenuous on the side of law, order, and the Constitution ; while, as a private man, his head, his hand, and his heart have been given without stint to the cause of morals, educa- tion, philanthropy, and religion. The second only of these resolutions is printed in the politi- cal text-books, and always with a faulty punctuation, — the omission of a colon after the first phrase, — which makes non- sense of the whole resolution. The first resolution of the series is essential even to an understanding of the second, which stated the principles of the Whig party. Although Mr. Tyler had not been mentioned as a candidate in the Democratic Convention, he had friends, — chiefly office- holders, it was said, by both Whigs and Democrats, — who held a convention, also in Baltimore, on the same day that the Democrats met there. It was a mass convention, rather than one of elected delegates. Mr. Tyler was unanimously nomi- nated for the presidency, and accepted the nomination ; but the movement fell dead, and Mr. Tyler withdrew his candi- dacy in a long, argumentative, and somewhat bitter letter, dated on the 20th of August. 222 A HISTORY OF THE TKESIDENCY The Democrats recovered themselves quickly from the sur- prise to which their convention had treated them. Van Buren's wrongs w^ere soon forgotten. Immediately after his overthrow, Horace Greeley wrote in the New York " Tribune : " " We can with difficulty realize that this active, skilful, in- domitable man, accustomed to organize victories out of the ruins of defeats which to another would seem annihilating, is to be henceforth a reminiscence. Verily, what shadows we are, what shadows we pursue ! " The Democrats wasted no time even in reminiscence. The canvass began immediately, and it was to some extent a repetition of the campaign of 1840, with the difference that this time there were shouting and enthusiasm on both sides. Mr. Clay was undoubtedly the most popular man in the United States ; but personal popu- larity did not decide the issue. The Democrats were much in earnest, both about the election and about Texas. Mr. Polk was a comparatively unknown man, although he had served as Speaker of the House of Representatives. He therefore excited no antagonisms. He was particularly accept- able to the South ; and the Northern Democrats had notliing against him. It was believed and asserted that the movement in his favor in the convention had not been so spontaneous as its managers wished people to suppose, but that the matter had been carefully canvassed beforehand, and that the plan, as carried out, w^as laid some time before at Nashville. While, therefore, the Whigs made an enthusiastic canvass, there were not wanting signs that a majority of the people were still Democratic, and that the reverse of 1840 was merely a brief and half-thoughtless revulsion against certain abuses ■which had crept in, which the people did not like at the time, but to which they have since reconciled themselves most bravely. The early elections gave indications here and there of a slight Whig gain from the result in 1842, when the Demo- crats had been again successful in carrying a majority of Con- gress ; but these gains were partially offset by Democratic suc- cesses, and were nowhere great enough to give the Whigs good ground for hope of a victory in November. Yet they contin- ued to hope and to fight to the last. The number of States voting was twenty-six, as before ; but owing to the new apportionment, by which the number of representatives was cut down from 242 to 223, the number of electors was reduced to 275. The popular and the electoral THE FIRST "DARK HORSE" 223 votes are included in the same table, inasmuch as all the elec- tors voted for both candidates of their respective parties : — Popular Vote. Electobs. M ^ 1 tS a States. ■3 CM i M^ 1 S 3 i4i a >, a 4) a t3 Q'3 C8 1-5 K 13 9 Maine 4.5,719 34,378 4,836 New Hampshire 27,160 17,866 4,161 6 - Vermont . . . 18,041 26,770 3,954 - 6 Massachusetts 52,846 67,418 10,860 - 12 Rhode Island 4,867 7,322 107 _ 4 Connecticut . 29,841 32,832 1,943 6 New York . 237,588 232,482 15,812 36 - New Jersey- 37,495 38,318 131 - 7 Pennsylvania 167,535 161,203 3,138 26 Delaware . 5,996 6,278 - - 3 Maryland . 32,676 35,984 - - 8 Virginia . 49,570 43,677 - 17 - North Carolina 39,287 43,232 - - 11 South Carolina* - - - 9 — Georgia . . 44,177 42,100 - 10 - Alabama . 37,740 26,084 - 9 — Mississippi 25,126 19,206 - 6 - Louisiana . 13,782 13,083 - 6 - Kentucky . 51,988 61,255 - - 12 Tennessee . 59,917 60,030 - - 13 Missouri . 41,369 31,251 - 7 - Arkansas . 9,546 5,504 - 3 — Ohio . . . 149,117 155,057 8,050 - 23 Michigan . 27,759 24,337 3,632 5 - Indiana 70,181 67,867 2,106 12 — Illinois . . 57,920 45,528 3,570 9 - Totals . 1,^7,243 1,299,062 62,300 170 105 * Electors appointed by the legislature. It was not the closest election ever known in the country, but it was extremely close. There were but four States in which the plurality of Polk reached ten thousand ;. one State only gave Clay so large a plurality as that. Three States gave less than a thousand plurality each. Although Mr, Polk had 65 majority of the electoral votes, a change of 7918 votes, carefully distributed in the States of New York, Pennsylvania^ 224 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY Georgia, and Indiana, would have given Clay a majority of 103 electoral votes. These were not the only peculiar features of the election. The Abolitionists defeated Clay. The Whigs were wroth against the new political faction before the elec- tion. The New York " Tribune " brought forward evidence satisfactory to itself that Birney sought a Democratic nomina- tion in New York, and tried to catch Democratic votes. In all probability there was no truth in the charge, but it was be- lieved at the time. Had the Abolitionists voted for Clay he would have had a popular majority of 24,119 ; he would have received the electoral votes of New York, 36, and Michigan, 5 ; and he would have been elected by 146 electoral votes against 129 for Mr. Polk. No doubt the Abolitionists acted with entire consistency in refusing to vote for Henry Clay, and no doubt it is as impossible to tell what might have happened if Clay had been elected as it would be to guess what would have been the course of history if Van Buren had not written his Texas letter ; but at all events the election of Clay would have postponed the annexation of Texas, and possibly it would have averted the Mexican war. Another noteworthy incident of the election was what was known as the Plaquemines fraud. It will be noticed in the above table that the Polk majority in Louisiana is 699. The parish of Plaquemines, bejow New Orleans on the Mississippi, had voted in previous years, and was returned as voting in 1844, as follows : — Democrat. Whig. Election of 1840 250 179 310 1,007 40 Election of 1842 93 Election of 1843 • 36 Election of 1844 37 The Democratic vote was larger by 697 than ever before, — almost exactly the whole Democratic majority in the State. The vote was also suspicious in this, that the Democratic vote returned was greater in number than the entire white male population, of all ages, in the parish in 1840. The explana- tion that was given by the Whigs was that the steamboat Agnes went down from New Orleans with a load of passengers THE FIRST "DARK HORSE" 225 under the charge of a political magnate of Plaquemines, and that these passengers stopped at three different places and cast each time a unanimous vote for Polk and Dallas. The steam- boat Planter took down one hundred and forty others, who also voted early and often for the same ticket. These asser- tions M-ere not only made, but sworn to, by many witnesses, including some persons, one of them a minor, who voted several times each, under the direction of the learned judge who man- aged the affair. The story bears all the marks of truth. If it is not true, it is at least singular that it was ten years after 1844 tefore Plaquemines parish could muster half as many Democratic votes as it gave that year to Polk. Though the Whig newspapers rang with the charges of fraud, and though the accusation was supported by strong tes- timony, nothing was done about it. The election was lost, and a rectification of the fraud would not have changed the result. The Whigs submitted quietly ; and when the electoral count took place in 1845, in the usual manner, no objection whatever was made, and Polk and Dallas were in due form declared elected. The inauguration took place in the form which had now become usual. The President and the President-elect rode together, this time, in an open carriage ; and a feature of the procession was a small band of ]^evolutionary veterans on foot. Inasmuch as this ceremony took place sixty-two years after the treaty of peace, the political enthusiasm of these aged men was as remarkable as was the inhumanity of the managers who suffered them to take such a part in the dis- play of the day. xvin THE "FREE SOIL" CAJVIPAIGN OF 1848 The slavery question, which had been growing in impor- tance fitfully, as a political issue, since the contest and com- promise on the admission of Missouri in 1820, dominated the politics of the country in the election of 1844, and thereafter until it was decided by secession, war, and emancipation. Not that parties, statesmen, and politicians ranged themselves as advocates or opponents either of slavery as an existing institu- tion or of the extension of slavery, until the critical moment of the struggle was near at hand. But every great measure, beginning with the annexation of Texas, was considered and decided with chief reference to the extension, the maintenance, the restriction, or the overthrow of the "peculiar institution" of the South. The opponents of slavery became bolder and more aggressive ; its defenders more vigilant, more resentful of attacks upon it, more rigid in their ostracism of public men at the North who did not accept their principles, more resolute, in the event of a denial of their " rights," in their purpose to seek those rights by a separation from the Union. As the feeling grew more intense, and the language of extreme parti- sans increased in violence, well-meaning men tried to prolong the peace by compromises and by endeavors to turn the current of political thought to other subjects. How vain it was to attempt to reconcile irreconcilable things, to repress the " irre- pressible conflict," the history of the next few years shows most plainly. The South was better prepared for the conflict when it be- came acute than was the North. It was more united. It had control of one of the parties ; it terrorized the other. It knew what it desired, and was ready to make demands and to in- sist upon them, no matter what might be the consequences. Thus it won the first victory of the great campaign, in the annexation of Texas, and followed it up during the next administration by the war with Mexico and the acquisition of THE "FREE SOIL" CAMPAIGN OF 1848 227 more territory available, as was supposed, for the spread of the slavery system. Soon after the shocking accident on the " Princeton," on February 28, 1844, in which the Secretary of State, Mr. Upshur, and the Secretary of the Navy, Mr. Gil- mer, lost their lives, Mr. Calhoun was made Secretary of State. Henry A. Wise asserts, in his " Seven Decades of the Union," that he offered the position to Mr. Calhoun without authority from the President, who nevertheless acquiesced in the selec- tion so irregularly made of the most important member of his cabinet. Mr. Calhoun negotiated a treaty for the annexation of Texas, and was believed to be the active agent in defeating the nomination of Van Buren, who opposed the measure. The Senate rejected the treaty, 16 senators only favoring and 35 opposing it. Subsequently joint resolutions were offered, and passed by the House of Representatives, providing for the annexation. The resolutions would surely have failed in the Senate but for the addition of an amendment giving the Pre- sident discretionary power to bring in Texas under a new treaty to be submitted to the Senate. Even this could not secure the bare majority required until Mr. Polk, the Presi- dent-elect, was known to have pledged himself to act, not under the House resolutions, but under the Senate amendment. Mr. Tyler affixed his signature to the resolutions on March 1, 1845. The same night he dispatched a special messenger to Texas to consummate the annexation. Mr. Polk, inaugurated three days afterward, refused to recall the messenger. The opponents of annexation regarded the proceeding as a case of remarkably sharp practice. Mr. Polk was not a great man. His Democratic supporters, and particularly the Southern men who controlled the party, had no cause of complaint either of unwillingness on his part to take the radical views they entertained on questions between the South and the North, or of lack of courage in acting upon those views. The Mexican war, which every one knew to be an inevitable consequence of the intrigue to annex Texas, was entered upon without hesitation. The Independent Treasury, — Van Buren's pet measure, — which had been overthrown by the Whiga, was reestablished. The Secretary of the Treasury, Mr. Robert J. Walker, was given a free hand in drafting a tariff bill, and Congress passed it, — the famous tariff of 1846, framed in the most strict conformity to the wishes of the Southern Democrats. In the platform of the party the title of 228 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY the United States to " the whole of the territory of Oregon " was asserted to be " clear and unquestionable ; " and the " reoccu- pation " of Oregon was linked with the " reannexation " of Texas, as '' great American measures." The whole of Oregon, as spoken of in those times, meant the territory lying north of Dakota, Montana, Idaho, and Wasliington, to the line of 54° 40' north latitude. ''Fifty-four forty, or fight," was a Democratic rallying cry in the North, as the acquisition of Texas was in the South. After the election there was no en- thusiasm on the Oregon question ; an agreement was made, without a murmur of Democratic dissatisfaction, upon the line of 49°. On every one of the three questions the Whigs were de- cidedly against the administration. They deprecated the Mexican war ; they opposed the sub-treasury and the ad va- lorem low tariff of 1846 ; they jeered at tlie government for the meekness shown in accepting the northern boundary line offered by Great Britain. Yet slavery was to decide the can- vass of 1848, not as a direct issue between the two great par- ties, but by dividing one of them and so giving the victory to the other. The opportunity of the anti-slavery men came to them from a peculiar situation developed in the politics of the State of New York. It would be almost true to say that there has never been a time when the Democrats of New York have not been divided into at least two factions. They have exhibited a remarkable power of getting together on elec- tion day, but at all other times they have been at war with each other. Some of their dissensions have already been mentioned. In the early days of the republic the contests were largely personal struggles between rival leaders, — Burr, the Clintons, and the Livingstons. During the second administra- tion of Jackson a large faction was formed, professing ex- tremely radical views, which called itself the Equal Rights party, but was termed by its adversaries the Loco-foco party. The name originated in an incident that occurred in New York city just before the election in 1835.^ It was the custom to submit nominations to a general meeting of Demo- cratic citizens. The Equal Eights men, determined to oppose the Tammany nominations, appeared in large numbers at the meeting called in Tammany Hall. A scene of great confusion 1 Some authorities give the date erroneously as 1834. See History of the Loco-foco Party, by F. Byrdsall, chap. i. THE "FREE SOIL" CAMPAIGN OF 1848 229 between the two factions ensued. At last the Tammany men withdrew, and as they left the hall extinguished the gaslights. The radicals, anticipating this, had provided themselves with candles and the then new " loco-foco " matches, by means of which the hall was relighted and the meeting proceeded. Some years later the Whigs called all Democrats " Loco-focos." The division of the party continued, with some changes in the causes of dissension, as Avell as changes in their designa- tions. During Polk's administration they were known as " Hunkers " and " Barnburners," — Hunkers, because they " hunkered " for office ; Barnburners, because they were so much in earnest for the reforms they advocated that, as one of their orators put it, they were willing to imitate the Dutch- man who burned his barn in order to destroy the rats which infested it. It was narrated in the last chapter that Silas Wright re- fused to profit by the intrigue that defeated his friend Van Buren's nomination for the presidency. Nevertheless, as a good party man, he did all in his power to help the Polk and Dallas ticket, and at the solicitation of the Democrats accepted reluctantly a nomination as governor of New York. He was elected by about twice the majority given to Mr. Polk. Whether intentionally or not, every step of the administration was hostile to the faction represented by Governor Wright and Mr. Van Buren, and in favor of the Hunkers. Governor Marcy, a leader of the Hunkers, was Secretary of State; all the federal office-holders appointed were of the same faction. Silas Wright was regarded as one of the most promising can- didates for the nomination in 1848 ; and if it had been the intention of the administration to prevent his success, it could not have employed more effectual measures than it did. When he was again a candidate for governor in 1846, he was de- feated. His friends all believed that his defeat was the act of the President and his friends, although at the last moment a great show was made of anxiety for his election. Indeed, a circular was sent to all office-holders in New York forbid- ding them, under penalty of dismissal, to vote against Gov- ernor Wright. This long explanation of the situation in New York has been necessary because the Democratic division in that State lost the election of 1848. It not only deprived the Democrats of electoral votes which would have changed the result, but 230 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY it gave to the anti-slavery wing of the party in other States an opportunity to rally for their cause. Mr, Wright died suddenly in August, 1847 ; but his death, instead of bringing the serious party dissension to a close, aggravated it. As the Avar with Mexico drew to a close, the contest, minus its per- sonal elements, extended into other States. David Wilmot, a Democratic member of the House of Representatives from Pennsylvania, proposed, as an amendment to a bill placing three million dollars at the disposal of the President for the negotiation of a treaty extending the territory of the United States, a proviso that slavery should not exist in any territory so acquired. The " Wilmot Proviso " played a great part in the debates of Congress, in the general struggle over the slavery question, and especially in the ensuing election of 1848. Meanwhile all was not union and harmony in the Whig ranks. Henry Clay was still the most popular man in the party ; but there was gradually springing up a feeling that, after his repeated defeats, and in the face of the uncompro- mising objections to him in anti-slavery quarters in the North, he could not be elected. Moreover there were those who thought that he should not have a permanent mortgage on the Whig party. Mr. Webster had strong friends and sup- porters to urge his pretensions. Judge McLean, General Scott, Mr. Clayton, of Delaware, and Thomas Corwin, of Ohio, were also put forward. But the movement in favor of General Taylor was of a character to disarrange all the calculations of the politicians. The campaign in his favor opened on Feb- ruary 22, 1848, when a state convention of Louisiana, con- sisting of delegates from thirty -six parishes (counties), elected in primary meetings " without regard to party distinction," brought forward General Taylor, and " decreed " in the name of their constituents that they nominated him as a candidate for President. Shortly afterward a mass meeting in Alabama, and the Whig members of the legislature of that State, nomi- nated General Taylor, and recommended that the Whigs of Alabama should not send delegates to the national conven- tion. A non-partisan mass meeting in Taylor's interest was also held in Baltimore. These movements created a serious situation. Apparently the nomination was to be taken out of the hands of the party. Taylor's supporters threatened to run him as a candidate whatever the Whig convention might do. It became important to know how far General Taylor THE "FREE SOIL" CAMPAIGN OF 1848 231 lent himself to this feature of the canvass in his favor. Let- ters were addressed to him to ascertain his purpose. Two of his replies were made public. In the first (April 20) he said that if nominated by the Whigs he "should not refuse acceptance," provided he were left free of all pledges, and per- mitted to maintain his independence of parties ; that he did not design to withdraw his name if Mr. Clay should be nomi- nated, nor in fact-, " whoever may be the Whig or the Demo- cratic candidate ; " and — denying certain charges made against him — that he never said he was in favor of the tariflp of 1846, or of the sub-treasury ; nor had he asserted that he originated the war with Mexico, or that, if elected, he should select his cabinet from both parties. In the second letter (April 22) he said that he was " a Whig, but not an ultra Whig ; " and "on the subjects of the tariff, the currency, and the improve- ment of our great highways, the will of the people as expressed by their representatives in Congress ought to be respected and carried out by the executive." All this was highly unsatisfactory to many of the Whigs. They had principles, — they had not all the same principles, to be sure, — and General Taylor apparently had none. His election would mean nothing. They could not be sure that their President would favor one of their measures. But, on the other hand, the election of Mr. Clay would not mean much. He was identified with contests over questions that had been decided. Where would he stand when the new questions came to the front ? Texas had been annexed ; the sub-treasury was reestablished ; the tarifi" of 1846, though soon to develop defects, was working well ; the Oregon ques- tion w^as settled ; and on the new issue then becoming promi- nent, Mr. Clay could not be acceptable to the "conscience Whigs." All these considerations, and others which have not been mentioned, each in its own way, worked in favor of the Taylor movement ; and his nomination was assured, although not conceded, before the Whig convention met. The first convention preliminary to the canvass of 1848 was that of the Xative Americans, — a party which had some strength in the Middle States, and which for some years past had even elected a few representatives in Congress from New York and Pennsylvania. The convention met in Philadelphia in September, 1847, and nominated General Henry A. S. Dearborn, of Massachusetts, for Vice-President. 232 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY It recommended, but did not formally nominate, General Zachary Taylor for President. In November of the same year the Liberty, or Abolition, party met at New York, and nominated for President John P, Hale, of New Hampshire, and for Vice-PresiJent Leicester King, of Ohio. After the Barnburners' convention, hereafter to be noticed, Mr. Hale withdrew from the canvass. It was given out at the time that Mr. Van Buren was a good enough Abolitionist for this party, though he " could not be regarded as a perfect embodiment of their principles." The " Liberty League," another Abolition body, held a convention at Koches- ter, N. Y., on the 2d of June, 1848, and nominated Gerritt Smith, of New York, for President, and the Rev, Charles E. Foote, of Michigan, for Vice-President. An " Industrial Con- gress " met at Philadelphia, June 13, 1848, and nominated Gerritt Smith for the first place, and William S. Waitt, of Illinois, for the second place on the ticket. So far as is known, no votes were cast for any of these minor candidates in any State. The Democratic convention met at Baltimore on May 22, 1848. Judge J. S. Bryce, of Louisiana, was the temporary chairman, and Andrew Stevenson, of Virginia, the permanent president. All the States were represented, most of them fully, some by double or triple delegations. South Carolina had but one delegate, who was chosen at a little local gather- ing, numbering only eight or ten persons. There was not a little discussion whether or not he should be permitted to cast the nine votes of South Carolina ; he was finally allowed to do so, by a formal vote of the convention. Before the session closed, a resolution was adopted, 208 to 41, that in future con- ventions each State should be entitled to as many delegates only as the number of its electoral votes. This convention also directed the appointment of a central committee of one member from each State to take general charge of the canvass and of the party's interests. This was the first national com- mittee ever organized. The great question, which dominated all others, which raised before the convention the spectre of defeat, was that of the New York delegation. There had been two state conven- tions, and two full sets of delegates ; thirty-six " Hunkers " and thirty-six " Barnburners " presented themselves, and each delegation demanded not only recognition as representing the THE "FREE SOIL" CAMPAIGN OF 1848 233 New York Democrats, but the absolute exclusion of the other faction. The wrangling began as soon as the opening prayer had been offered, — over the constitution of the committee on cre- dentials. Nothing was done on the first day beyond settling the membership of the convention, save as to the New York dele- gations and effecting a permanent organization. On the morn- ing of the second day the two-thirds rule was adopted, after long debate, by 175 votes against 78. From that time until the evening of the 24th of May the convention devoted itself wholly to New York. On a resolution to- admit the '• Hun- ker " delegation, an amendment was offered to admit both delegations, the two combined to have only the vote to which New York was entitled. This was carried by two majority,, — 126 to 124. Of the affirmative votes, 99 came from North- ern States, and the other 27 from Maryland, Delaware, Ken- tucky, Tennessee, Missouri, and Texas. The North gave only 33 negative votes. Although this was, s» far as it was a victory for either side, a triumph for the " Bamburner&," they refused to take part in the proceedings, as did also the "Hunkers.'' The " Barnburners " openly withdrew from the convention. As soon as the New York question was decided, balloting for a candidate for President began. Four trials were neces- sary, the result of which was as follows : — Whole number of votes Necessary for a choice L^wis Cass, Mich. . . James Buchanan, Penn. Levi Woodbury, N. H. George M. Dallas, Penn. W. J. Worth, Tenn. . , John C. Calhoun, S. C. . W. O. Butler, Ky. . . 1st. 2d. 3d. 251 252 254 168 168 169' 12.5 133 15& 55 54 40 53 56 53 3 3 — 6 6 5 9 - - ~ "" 4th. 253 169 179 33 38; It will be noticed that Mr. Polk received no votes. Like other Presidents, he had declared before his election his pur- pose not to be a candidate for a second term ; but, unlike some others, he had found, after a little manoeuvring for a nomina- tion, that the case was hopeless, and had therefore reiterated his original intention. 234 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY The vote for General Cass was at first almost exclusively from Western and Southern States, but there was little significance in this fact. All the candidates were against the Wilmot Proviso, — they were all classed as " Northern men with Southern principles," — and the preferences of delegates were personal rather than political. The nomination was made unanimous with enthusiasm. In the evening the con- vention proceeded to vote for a candidate for Vice-President. On the first trial. General ^Yilliam 0. Pmtler of Kentucky had 114 ; General John A. Quitman of Mississippi had 74 ; John Y. Mason of Virginia, 24 ; William R. King of Alabama, 25 ; James J. McKay of North Carolina, 13 ; Jefferson Davis of Mississippi, 1. As 169 were necessary for a choice, the con- vention proceeded to vote a second time. General William 0. Butler was nominated, receiving 169 votes to 62 for Quitman and 22 for all others. This nomination was also made unani- mous. On the fifth and last day of the convention, the platform was reported. The resolutions were, for the most part, a re- petition of those of 1844. The first was modified to read as follows : — Resolved, That the American Democracy place their trust in the intelligence, the patriotism, and the discriminating justice of the American people. Then followed the resolutions adopted in 1840 and 1844, as arranged in the platform of 1844, except that to the fifth resolution (see p. 200) are appended the words : " And for the gradual but certain extinction of the debt created by the prosecution of a just and necessary war, after peaceful rela- tions shall have been restored." The convention added to an already ample platform the following new resolutions : — Resolved, That the war with Mexico, provoked on her part by . . *a years of insult and injury, was commenced by her army crossing ^■^^ I 'the Rio Grande, attacking the American troops, and invading our sister State of Texas ; and that, upon all the principles of patriotism and the laws of nations, it is a just and necessary war upon our part, in which every American citizen should have shown himself on the side of his country, and neither morally nor physically, by word or deed, have given aid and comfort to the enemy. w,^ Resolved, That we should be rejoiced at the assurance of a peace ^ with Mexico founded on the just principles of indemnity for the past and security for the future ; but that, while the ratification of THE "FREE SOIL" CAMPAIGN OF 1848 235 the liberal treaty offered to Mexico remains in doubt, it is the duty of the country to sustain the administration in every measure necessary to provide for the vigorous prosecution of the war should that treaty be rejected. Resolved, That the officers and soldiers who have carried the arms of theu' country into Mexico have crowned it with imper- ishable glory. Their unconquerable courage, their daring enter- prise, their unfaltering perseverance and fortitude when assailed on all sides by innumerable foes, — and that more formidable enemy, the diseases of the climate, — exalt their devoted patriotism into the highest heroism, and give them a right to the profound grati- tude of their country and the admiration of the world. Resolved, That the Democratic National Convention of thirty States, composing the American Republic, tender their fraternal congratulations to the National Convention of the Republic of France, now assembled as the free suffrage representatives of the sovereignty of thirty-five millions of republicans, to establish gov- ernments on those eternal principles of equal rights for which their Lafayette and our Washington fought side by side in their struggle for our national independence ; and we would especially convey to them and to the whole people of France our earnest wishes for the consolidation of their liberties, through the wisdom that shall guide their counsels, on the basis of a democratic con- stitution, not derived from the grants or concessions of kings or dynasties, but originating from the only true source of political power recognized in the States of this Union, — the inherent and inalienable rights of the people, in their sovereign capacity, to make and to amend their forms of government in such a manner as the welfare of the community m&y require. Resolved, That with the recent development of this grand politi- cal truth, — of the sovereignty of the people and their capacity and power for self-government, which is prostrating thrones and erect- ing republics on the ruins of despotism in the Old World, — we feel that a high and sacred duty is devolved, with increased respon- sibility, upon the Democratic party of this country, as the party of the people, to sustain and advance among us constitutional liberty, equality, and fraternity, by continuing to resist aU monopolies and exclusive legislation for the benefit of the few at the expense of the many, and by a vigilant and constant adherence to those principles and compromises of the Constitution which are broad enough and strong enough to embrace and uphold the Union as it was, the L'nion as it is, and the Union as it shall be, in the full expansion of the energies and capacity of this great and progres- sive people. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be forwarded, tha-ough 236 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY the American minister at Paris, to the National Convention of the Republic of France. Resolved, That the fruits of the great political triumph of 1844, which elected James K. Polk and George M. Dallas President and Vice-President of the United States, have fulfilled the hopes of the Democracy of the Union in defeating the declared purposes of their opponents to create a national bank ; in preventing the corrupt and unconstitutional distribution of the land proceeds, from the common treasury of the Union, for local purposes ; in protecting the currency and labor of the country from ruinous fluctuations, and guarding the ippney of the people for the use of the people; by the establishment of the constitutional treasury ; in the noble impulse given to the cause, of freelra'de By the repeal of theJiU'iff of 1842, and the creation of the more equal, honest, and productivo tariff of 1846 ; and that, in our opinion, it would be a fatal error to weaken the hands of a political organization by which these great reforms have been achieved, and risk them in the hands of their known adversaries, with whatever delusive appeals they may solicit our surrender of that vigilance which is the only safeguard of liberty. Resolved, That the confidence of the Democracy of the Union in the principles, capacity, firmness, and integrity of James K. Polk, manifested by his nomination and election in 1844, has been sig- nally justified by the strictness of his adherence to sound Demo- cratic doctrines, by the purity of purpose, the energy and ability, which have characterized his administration in all our affairs at home and abroad; that we tender to him our cordial congratula- tions upon the brilliant success which has hitherto crowned his patriotic efforts, and assure him in advance that, at the expiration of his presidential term, he will carry with him to his retirement the esteem, respect, and admiration of a grateful country. Resolved, That this convention hereby present to the people of the United States Lewis Cass, of ISIichigan, as the candidate of the Democratic party for the office of President, and William O. Butler, of Kentucky, as the candidate of the Democratic party for Vice- President of the United States. Mr. Yancey, of Alabama, offered the following resolution as an addition to the platform : — ' Resolved, That the doctrine of non-interference with the rights of property of any portion of the people of this confederacy, be it in the States or Territories thereof, by any other than the par- ties interested in them, is the true republican doctrine recognized by this body. The resolution was rejected by a vote of yeas, 36 ; nays, THE "FREE SOIL" CAMPAIGN OF 1848 237 216. All the affirmative votes were given by delegates from the slave States. It is an illustration of the temporizing char- acter of the politics of the time that some of the Southern Democrats explained their vote against the resolution by say- ing that they deemed it unnecessary, because the same doctrine was otherwise expressed in the platform. This explanation would do for Southern consumption ; meanwhile it was hoped that the Northern members of the party could be held to their allegiance by having it pointed out to them that the extremists were defeated in their purpose to commit the party to the Southern view of " the rights of property." The Whig national convention met at Philadelphia on the 7th of June. John A. Collier, of New York, was the tempo- rary chairman, and ex-Governor John M. Morehead, of North Carolina, was the permanent president. All the States were represented fully, save two. South Carolina had a partial delegation ; Texas sent no delegates, but its state convention authorized the delegates from Louisiana to cast the vote of Texas. Inasmuch as the Louisiana delegation was strongly in favor of Taylor, the question whether the proxy-voting should be permitted was made a test of the strength of the general ; but when it came to the vote, the request of Texas was granted without a division. The convention reached the point of voting for candidates on the evening of the second day. Four ballots were taken on that and the following day, when General Tay- lor was nominated. Before the voting began, a letter was read from Taylor, in which he said that his friends would withdraw his name if the choice of the convention should fall upon some one else. The result of the four votes was as follows : — Whole number of votes . . Necessary for a choice . . . Zaehary Taylor, Louisiana . . Henry Clay, Kentucky . . . Winfield Scott, New Jersey Daniel Webster, Massachusetts John McLean, Ohio .... John M. Clayton, Delaware 1st. 2d. 3d. 279 278 279 140 140 140 111 118 133 97 85 74 43 49 54 22 22 17 2 - - 4 4 1 280 141 171 32 63 14 The vote for General Taylor on the first ballot came from all parts of the country. There were only eight of the thirty 238 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY States then in the Union from which he received no votes. The New England States, except Maine, supported either Mr. Webster or Mr. Clay, and gave Taylor but six votes. Maine had a grievance against Mr. Webster in that he had nego- tiated the Ashburton Treaty, by which the northeastern bound- ary question was settled, involving the loss of a large slice of territory to which Maine had asserted a claim, and had defended it in what is still known as the "Aroostook War." The speech nominating General Taylor was made by ex-Gov- ernor Edward Kent, of Maine. On the final vote Taylor had at least one vote from every State. The convention, after giving itself up for a time to enthusiasm, proceeded to vote for a candidate for Vice-President. A large number of nomina- tions was made. On the first ballot, Millard Fillmore, of New York, had 115 ; Abbott Lawrence, of Massachusetts, 109 ; and 51 votes were divided among ten other candidates. On the second vote Fillmore had 173 ; Lawrence, 87 ; and all others, 6. Mr. Fillmore's nomination was then declared, and, after a season of speech-making, the convention adjourned. No com- mittee on resolutions was appointed, and the convention made no declaration of principles whatever. Its attitude of non- committalism was by no means approved by a large section of the party ; and it was late in the canvass, when some addi- tional letters from General Taylor had been published, giving assurance that he really sympathized — mildly, at least — with the purposes of the party, before some of the prominent Whig leaders came cordially to his support. Daniel Webster, indeed, had promptly pronounced the nomination one " not fit to be made." The " Barnburners," who had withdrawn from the Balti- more convention with a frank avowal of their purpose not to accept the nomination of General Cass, took active measures to oppose his candidacy. They held a state convention at Utica on June 22 and 23, in which delegates from Massachusetts, Connecticut, Ohio, and Wisconsin participated, and nominated Martin Van Buren for President, and Henry Dodge, of Wis- consin, for Vice-President. Mr. Van Buren accepted the nom- ination, although with evident reluctance. Senator Dodge declined, and supported General Cass. Later in the year an Ohio state convention of persons dissatisfied with both the nominations recommended and called a national convention, which was held at Buffalo, August 9. Charles Francis Adams, THE "FREE SOIL" CAMPAIGN OF 1848 239 of Massachusetts, was made permanent president of the conven- tion, which contained representatives of seventeen States, and seems to have had a membership of about 300. On a ballot for a candidate for President, Martin Van Buren had 159 votes, and John P. Hale, of New Hampshire, 129. Charles Francis Adams, of Massachusetts, was nominated by acclamation for Vice-President, The convention adopted the following resolu- tions : — Whereas, We have assembled in convention, as a union of free- _^men for the sake of freedom, forgetting all past political differ- eifces, in common resolve to maintain the rights of free labor against the aggressions of the slave power, and to secure freg_soil for a free people ; and Whereas, The political conventions recently assembled at Balti- „ , ,>'^ more and Philadelphia, the one stifling the voice of a great con- •■»> stituency entitled to be heard in its deliberations, and the other abandoning its distinctive principles for mere availability, have dissolved the national party organizations heretofore existing, by nominating for the chief magistracy of the United States, under the slaveholding dictation, candidates neither of whom can be supported by the opponents of slavery extension, without a sacri- fice of consistency, duty, and self-respect ; and Whereas, These nominations so made furnish the occasion and demonstrate the necessity of the union of the people under the banner of free democracy, in a solemn and formal declaration of their independence of the slave power, and of their fixed determi- nation to rescue the federal government from its control, — - Resolved, therefore, that we, the people here assembled, remem- ■f=^' j_t^^/C^ bering the example of our fathers in the days of the first Declara- tion of Independence, putting onr trust in God for the triumph of oiu" cause, and invoking his guidance in our endeavors to advance it, do now plant ourselves upon the national platform of freedom, in opposition to the sectional platform of slavery. Resolved, That slavery in the several States of this Union which recognize its existence depends upon state laws alone, which cannot u*. be repealed or modified by the federal government, and for which laws that government is not responsible. We therefore propose no interference by Congress with slavery within the limits of any State. Resolved, That the proviso of Jefferson, to prohibit the existence of slavery after 1800 in all the Ten-itories of the United States, southern and northern ; the votes of six States and sixteen dele- gates, in the Congress of 1781 for the proviso, to three States and seven delegates against it ; the actual exclusion of slavery from the 240 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY Northwestern Territory by the Ordinance of 1787, unanimously adopted by the States in Congress ; and the entire history of that period, — cleai'ly show that it was the settled policy of the nation not to extend, nationalize, or encourage, but to limit, localize, and discourage slavery ; and to this policy, which should never have been departed from, the government ought to return. Resolved, That our fathers ordained the Constitution of the United States in order, among other great national objects, to establish justice, promote the general welfare, and secure the bless- ings of liberty, but expressly denied to the federal government, which they created, all constitutional power to deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due legal process. Resolved, That, in the judgment of this convention. Congress has no more power to make a slave than to make a king ; no more power to institute or establish slavery than to institute or establish a monarchy. No such power can be found among those specifically conferred by the Constitution, or derived by any just implication from them. Resolved, That it is the duty of the federal government to relieve itself from all responsibility for the existence or continuance of slavery wherever the government possesses constitutional authority to legislate on that subject, and is thus responsible for its exist- ence. Resolved, That the true and in the judgment of this conven- tion the only safe means of preventing the extension of slavery into territory now free is to prohibit its existence in all such terri- tory by an act of Congress. ~ Resolved, That we accept the issue which the slave power has forced upon us ; and to their demand for more slave States and more slave territory our calm but final answer is, no more slave States and no more slave territory. Let the soil of our extensive domains be ever kept free for the hardy pioneers of our own land, and the oppressed and banished of other lands seeking homes of comfort and fields of enterprise in the New World. Resolved, That the bill lately reported by the committee of eight in the Senate of the United States was no compromise, but an absolute surrender of the rights of the non-slaveholders of all the States ; and while we rejoice to know that a measure which, while opening the door for the introduction of slavery into territories now free, would also have opened the door to litigation and strife among the future inhabitants thereof, to the ruin of their peace and pro- sperity, was defeated in the House of Representatives, its passage in hot haste, by a majority embracing several senators who voted in open violation of the known will of their constituents, should warn the people to see to it that their representatives be not THE "FREE SOIL" CAMPAIGN OF 1848 241 suffered to betray them. There must be no more compromises ■with slavery ; if made, they must be repealed. Resolved, That we demand freedom and established institutions for our brethren in Oregon, now exposed to hardships, peril, and massacre by the reckless hostility of the slave power to the estab- lishment of free government for free territoiy, and not only for them, but for our new brethren in New Mexico and California. Afid whereas, It is due not only to this occasion, but to the whole people of the United States, that we should declare ourselves on certain other questions of national policy ; therefore Resolved, That we demand cheap postage for the people ; a re- trenchment of the expenses and patronage of the federal govern- ment ; the abolition of all unnecessary offices and salaries ; and the election by the people of aU civil officers in the service of the gov- ernment, so far as the same may be practicable. Resolved, That river and harbor improvements, whenever de- , manded by the safety and convenience of commerce with foreign '.-',,„.,«A(,A«r nations or among the several States, are objects of national con- ^ jf- ^ cern ; and that it is the duty of Congress, in the exercise of its y j constitutional powers, to provide therefor. " Resolced, That the free grant to actual settlers, in consideration of the exjienses they incur in making settlements in the wilder- ness, which are usually fully equal to their actual cost, and of the public benefits resulting therefrom, of reasonable portions of the public lands, under suitable limitations, is a wise and just measure of public policy which will promote, in various ways, the interests of all the States of this Union ; and we therefore recom- mend it to the favorable consideration of the American people. Resolved, That the obligations of honor and patriotism require the earliest practicable payment of the national debt ; and we are, therefore, in favor of such a tariff of duties as will raise revenue adequate to defray the necessary expenses of the federal govern- ment, and to pay annual in s talnaients of o ur debt, and the interest thereon. Resolved, That we inscribe on our banner, " Free^Soil, Free Speech, Free Labor, and Free Men," and under it will fight on, and fight ever, until a triumphant victory shall reward our ex- ertions. There was much in this platform which must have made Martin Van Buren wince when he read it. ISTo doubt his candidacy of a party professing such principles was grotesque. Speaking of the Free Soil campaign of 1848, William Allen Butler says : " Mr. Van Buren's name was in it, but not his head nor his heart. Great words were inscribed on its banners : 242 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY ' Free Soil, Free Speech, Free Labor, and Free Men.' But they were words of advance and not of strategy, and Mr. Van Buren was too deeply intrenched in his old political notions to utter them in earnest." Nevertheless his vote in New York exceeded that for Cass, and the division which his candidacy caused defeated the Democratic candidate, as it was intended to do. The can- vass was short. On the part of the Whigs it was spirited and confident, while on the Democratic side it was conducted with little hope of success. The early elections showed that the Whigs must carry the country. The number of States which took part in this election was thirty. Florida had been admitted as a State on March 3, 1845 ; Texas on De- cember 29, 1845 ; Iowa on December 28, 1846 ; and Wis- consin on May 29, 1848. For the first time all the electors, except those from Massachusetts, were appointed on one day. This was in accordance with an act passed in 1845, which, by the way, was a party measure, and debated in Congress in an intensely partisan spirit. The act was as follows : — Be it enacted, etc., That the electors of President and Vice-Presi- dent shall be appointed in each State on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in the month of November of the year in which they are to be appointed : Provided, That each State may by law provide for the filling of any vacancy or vacancies which may occur in its college of elec- tors when such college meets to give its electoral vote : And provided also, When any State shall have held an elec- tion for the purpose of choosing electors, and shall fail to make a choice on the day aforesaid, then the electors may be appointed on a subsequent day in such manner as the State may by law pro- vide. In all the States except New Hampshire and Massachu- setts, a plurality was sufficient to efi"ect a choice. New Hamp- shire gave a majority to Cass over both the others. In Massachusetts there was no choice, and the legislature met and chose the Taylor electors. The aggregate vote at this election was 2,871,906 against 2,698,605, — an increase of 173,301 over that of 1844. But of these additional votes 83,609 were cast in the four new States, so that the increase in the old States was but 89,692, or barely three per cent, in four years. This fact proves, not that slight interest was taken in the election, but that the result was foreseen, and THE "FREE SOIL" CAMPAIGN OF 1848 243 that in many States less effort than usual to poll a full vote was put forth. The count of electoral votes proceeded in the usual manner, and was devoid of incident. The popular and electoral votes in 1848 were as follows : — PopiTLAR Vote. Electoral Vote. 2 . 1 u States. - o 1 3 £i oT g>^ -« M .2 3 &.2 1 3^ ^ Alabama 30,482 31,363 _ _ 9 Arkansas . . . 7,588 9,300 - - 3 Connecticut . . 30,314 27,046 5,005 6 - Delaware . . . 6,421 5,898 80 3 - Florida. . . . 3,116 1,847 - 3 - Georgia . . 47,544 44,802 - 10 - Illinois . . . 53,047 56,300 15,774 - 9 Indiana . . ■ 69,907 74,745 8,100 - 12 Iowa . . . 11,084 12,093 1,126 - 4 Kentucky . . 67,141 49,720 - 12 - Louisiana . . 18,217 15,-370 - 6 - Maine . . . 85,125 39,880 12,096 - 9 Maryland . . 37,702 34,528 125 8 - Massachusetts 61,070 35,281 38,058 12 - Michigan . . 23,940 30,687 10,389 - 5 Mississippi 25,922 26,.537 - - 6 Missouri 32,671 40,077 - - 7 New Hampshire 14,781 27,763 7,560 - 6 New Jersey . 40,015 36,901 829 7 ~ New York . 218,603 114,318 120,510 36 - North Carolina 43,550 34,869 - 11 - Ohio. . . . 138,360 154,775 35,354 - 23 Pennsylvania . 185,513 171,176 11,263 26 - Rhode Island 6,779 3,646 730 4 9 South Carolina* - - — ~ Tennessee . . 64,705 .58,419 - 13 ~" Texas 4,509 10,668 - — 4 Vermont . . 23,122 10,948 13,837 6 — Virginia Wisconsin . . 45,124 13,747 46,586 15,001 9 10,418 - 17 4 Total . . • • ■ 1,360,099 1,220,544 291,263 163 127 * Electors appointed by the legislature. XIX THE DEMOCRATS REUNITED To a large number of "Whigs, the result of their second victory was almost as disappointing as was the administra- tion of Mr. Tyler. Throughout the North the Whig party was anti-slavery, — not abolitionist, not even unanimously against slavery extension, but almost everywhere controlled by the anti-slavery sentiment. General Taylor was a Vir- ginian by birth, and a slaveholder. The Southern Whigs supported him willingly ; the Northern contingent of the party gave him its vote with misgivings, and with the expectation that he would do nothing to resist " the aggressions of slavery." Fillmore, on the other hand, had a consistent record as an Anti-Slavery man, and was expected to be firm and unyielding, should the circumstances which did occur place him in the position of responsibility. Taylor lived long enough to make it evident that slavery as a political force could not rely upon him to assist it in its struggle with Northern sentiment ; Fillmore, on his accession, became an ac- tive agent in promoting the " compromise " measures which the Anti- Slavery men abhorred. To say that the slavery question dominated the politics of the country, from the inauguration of Taylor until the out- break of the Civil War, is to put the case mildly. It sub- stantially excluded all other topics from consideration. The sketch of the leading events of the time which can be given in this place is necessarily of the most meagre and barren char- acter. Much that excited a powerful influence upon the gen- eral history of the country must be omitted altogether, and those events only can be selected which had a certain direct bearing upon our main topic, the presidency. By far the best account hitherto written of the political events from the election of Harrison until secession is to be found in Rhodes's History. The first session of the Thirty-first Congress was a memora- THE DEMOCRATS REUNITED 245 ble one. It witnessed the last appearance in the senatorial arena of the three intellectual giants, — Clay, Calhoun, and Webster. They had entered Congress almost together, two in 1811, and the other in 1813 ; each had been Secretary of State, one had been Vice-President ; all had had most promising as- pirations to the presidency ; none had reached the goal. Clay introduced the compromise resolutions ; Webster supported them ; Calhoun opposed them. Calhoun died before the ses- sion closed, and Clay and Webster retired from the Senate for- ever, the one to engage in a combat which admitted of no com- promise, — with incurable disease, — the other to take the chief place in Mr. Fillmore's cabinet. It was not their disappear- ance from the great stage of national public life that gave the signal for the stern and strenuous contest which compromise had long postponed ; but it was well for Clay and Webster that they did not see the failure of the plans which their love for the Union persuaded them would restore peace to the country. At the beginning of the administration, a problem confronted Congress and the President which compelled a consideration of the slavery question. A vast territory had been acquired from Mexico, and it was necessary to organize a government over it, Mexican law excluded slavery, but the territory had been obtained for the express purpose of extending the area of slavery. Mr. Clay, in January, 1850, introduced in the Sen- ate a series of eight resolutions, embracing the following pro- positions : the admission of California as a free State ; the new Territories to be organized without restriction as to slavery ; the boundary to be established between Texas and New Mexico ; the United States to pay the public debt of Texas ; slavery not to be abolished in the District of Columbia ; the slave trade to be abolished in the District ; a fugitive slave law to be passed ; Congress to declare that it had no power to interfere with the slave trade between the States. All the great senators debated these resolutions. Webster supported them !n his famous Seventh of March speech, which cost him the favor of the anti-slavery Whigs of the North, and gave him no perceptible additional strength in the South. No act of any American public man is worthy of more careful histori- cal study than the stand Webster took on this occasion. That it destroyed the last chance for the nomination and election of the great man is all that can be said of it here. 246 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY The resolutions were discussed until the 18th of April, when they were referred to a committee of thirteen senators, of which Mr. Clay was chairman. The committee reported bills covering all the points mentioned in the resolution. Three of the recommendations were combined in a single measure, which the President called an *' omnibus bill." By successive amendments it was pared down to a measure for organizing the Territory of Utah ; its opponents, in derision, declared that the omnibus was upset. Nevertheless, the Senate event- ually passed all the measures in separate bills. A most in- teresting analysis of the votes in the Senate is given by Rhodes.^ Some of the bills had the support of the slave States with a sprinkling of Northern senators ; others were supported chiefly by Northern men. Four senators only voted for all the bills ; yet the closest division was a vote of two to one on the ad- mission of California. During the debate, which dragged on for nearly four months, President Taylor died and Mr. Fill- more succeeded him. The policy of the administration was reversed. General Taylor had been opposed to the compro- mise ; the new President favored it strongly. The House of Representatives devoted little time to discussion. In less than a month the whole series of bills had been passed ; and they •were signed promptly by President Fillmore. Those who are curious in searching for the small and seemingly insignificant causes of great events, ascribe Mr. Fill- more's attitude on this important series of measures to the personal relations between him and Governor Seward. Offices have always played a great part in New York politics, what- ever party was in power. Seward became a senator when Fillmore became Vice-President. Who was to have the distri- bution of the patronage in New York ? A division seemed the natural solution of the problem. But Seward early ob- tained a great hold upon President Taylor, and was regarded as the most influential of his advisers. He suggested the posi- tion which the President should take upon public questions, and, incidentaNy, he took all the New York offices. Mr. Fillmore was driven into an attitude of almost open hostility to the administration, and, when he became President, took the course, both on the great public questions and incidentally with reference to the offices, most distasteful to Mr. Seward. The compromise measures became law. Those who carried 1 Historj', vol, i, p. 181. THE DEMOCRATS REUNITED 247 them through Congress, and those who supported them on the stump and in the press, deluded themselves with the idea that they were a finality ; that they took away all matters of differ- ence, or at least established the principles upon which all future questions arising out of them were to be decided ; and that the people would regard a reopening of the agitation as meddlesome and unpatriotic. Acquiescence in the settlement was really quite general in the Democratic party. The two wings of the party reunited, and carried most of the elections, as against the Whigs, who lost the unswerving Abolition and Anti-Slavery vote. It was evident that the Democrats would go into the election of 1852 a united party, provided a candidate unobjectionable to both wings could be found. It was equally evident that anything like a hearty union of Whigs was out of the question. There was much preparation, and there was a great deal of discussion and intrigue, in each party, months before the time of nomination. The leading candidate on the Democratic side was General Cass, who had been defeated four years before. Mr. James Buchanan also was strongly supported ; and Stephen A. Douglas and William L. Marcy each had many friends. But it does not seem to have been confidently antici- pated that either of these gentlemen would succeed in securing the necessary two thirds, and the experience of 1844 was fre- quently in men's minds. The Whigs were in a worse case. Mr. Webster was the greatest of their statesmen, but after his Seventh of March speech he was impossible as a candidate to that wing of the party which regarded the compromise measures of 1850 with abhorrence. On the other hand, the Southern members of the party were firmly resolved not to accept any candidate who was not in favor of those measures. Mr. Fillmore, although an accidental President, had stood by them, and they were in favor of nominating him for reelection. But as General Taylor had loomed up four years before as a colorless and non-committal candidate, so now there was a strong move- ment in favor of General Winfield Scott. No one knew what was his position on the subject of the " compromises," and there was a careful and successful efibrt to keep the Whig public in the dark. But, as has happened before and since that time, the most energetic movements in favor of the can- didate who was eventually to be nominated came from States which could not be expected to give him an electoral vote. 248 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY Yet it is not easy to see what course could have been taken to avert the fate which awaited the AVhigs in 185-. Had a candidate been chosen who was identified with the compro- mise of 1850, like Mr. Webster or Mr. Fillmore, he would have been slaughtered remorselessly in the North ; had an opponent of these measures been selected, he would have failed to secure an electoral vote in the South ; and no other non-committal candidate would have succeeded better than General Scott did. The Democratic national convention, the first to be held, met at Baltimore on June 1, 1852. Although its session was protracted until the 6th, it was not an interesting convention. John W. Davis, of Indiana, was the permanent president. Two days were occupied in organizing, and in adopting the two-thirds rule, which was agreed to by an overwhelming majority, after a short debate. Inasmuch as there was no contest over principles, it was agreed to make the nomina- tions before considering the platform ; and on the third day voting for candidates began. On the first ballot General Cass had 116; James Buchanan, 93; William L. Marcy, 27; Stephen A. Douglas, 20 ; Joseph Lane, 13 ; Samuel Houston, 8 ; and there were 4 scattering. The number necessary for a choice was 188. In the succeeding ballots the vote for Mr. Cass fell off, while the number of delegates who voted for Mr. Douglas steadily increased, until, on the twenty-ninth trial, the votes were: for Cass, 27 ; for Buchanan, 93 ; for Douglas, 91 ; and no other candidate had more than 26. At this point Cass began to recover his strength, and reached his largest number on the thirty-fifth trial, namely, 131. On that same ballot, Virginia gave 15 votes to Franklin Pierce. Mr, Pierce gained 15 more votes on the thirty-sixth trial ; but at that point his increase ceased, and was then slowly resumed, as the weary repetition of balloting without effect went on. The forty-eighth trial resulted as follows : for Cass, 73 ; for Buchanan, 28 ; for Douglas, 33 ; for Marcy, 90 ; for Pierce, 55 ; for all others, 8. The forty -ninth trial was the last. There was a " stam- pede " for Pierce, and he received 282 votes to 6 for all others. There is no doubt that the nomination of General Pierce was carefully planned before the convention met. The originator of the scheme was James W^ Bradbury, then a senator from Maine,^ a college mate and lifelong friend of Pierce. 1 In 1898 he still survives, the only senatorial contemporarj' of Clay and Webster. THE DEMOCRATS REUNITED 249 Ten persons received votes in the nomination of a candidate for Vice-President, — William R. King of Alabama had 126 ; S. U. Downs of Louisiana, 30; John B. Weller of California, 28; William 0. Butler of Kentucky, 27; Gideon J. Pillow of Tennessee, 25 ; David R. Atchison of Missouri, 25 ; Robert Strange of North Carolina, 23; T. J. Rusk of Texas, 12; Jefferson Davis of Mississippi, 2 ; Howell Cobb of Georgia, 2. On the second ballot, William R. King of Alabama was unanimously nominated. The platform adopted was made up of the previous plat- forms of the party, with some additions. It was identical with that of 1848, up to and including the res(51ution re- specting slavery, numbered seven in the platform of 1840 (p. 200), following which are these two resolutions : — Resolved, That the foregoing proposition covers, and is intended to embrace, the whole subject of slavery agitated in Congress ; and therefore the Democratic party of the Union, standing on this na- tional platform, will abide by, and adhere to, a faithful execution of the acts known as the " compromise " measures settled by the last Congress, — the act for reclaiming fugitives from service or labor included ; which act, being designed to carry out an express provision of the Constitution, cannot with fidelity thereto be re- pealed, nor so changed as to destroy or impair its efficiency. Resolved, That the Democratic party will resist all attempts at renewing, in Congress or out of it, the agitation of the slavery question, under whatever shape or color the attempt may be made. Then follow the resolutions in former platforms respecting the distribution of the proceeds of land sales, that respecting the veto power, and these additions : — Resolved, That the Democratic party will faithfully abide by and uphold the principles laid down in the Kentucky and Virginia reso- lutions of 1798, and in the report of Mr. Madison to the Virginia legislature in 1799 ; that it adopts those principles as constituting one of the main foundations of its political creed, and is resolved to carry them out in their obvious meaning and import. Resolved, That the war with Mexico, upon all the principles of patriotism and the law of nations, was a just and necessary war on our part, in which no American citizen should have shown himself opposed to his country, and neither morally nor physically, by word or deed, given aid and comfort to the enemy. Resolved, That we rejoice at the restoration of friendly relations with our sister republic of Mexico, and earnestly desire for her all the blessings and prosperity which we enjoy under republican 250 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY institutions ; and we congratulate the Amorican people on the re- sults; of that war, which have so manifestly justified tiie policy and conduct of the Democratic party, and insured to the United States indemnity for the past and security for the future. Resolved, That, in view of the condition of popular institutions in the Old World, a high and sacred duty is devolved, with in- creased responsibility, upon the Democracy of this country, as the party of the people, to uphold and maintain the rights of every State, and thereby the union of States, and to sustain and advance among them constitutional liberty, by continuing to resist all mo- nopolies and exclusive legislation for the benefit of the few at the expense of the many, and by a vigilant and constant adherence to those prinoiph'S and compromises of the Constitution which are broad enough and strong enough to embrace and uj^hold tlie Union as it is, and the Union as it should be, in the full expansion of the energies and capacity of this great and progressive people. The platform was adopted with but a few dissenting voices. The resolution relating to the compromise measures set the con- vention wild with delight. A re-reading of it was demanded, and the applause with wliich it was received was vociferous and prolonged. The Whig convention met at Baltimore on the 16th of June. All the States were represented. John G. Chapman, of Mary- land, was the permanent president. The convention was, from the beginning, a theatre of intrigue. On the first daj' of the session the Southern delegates held a caucus and adopted a platform, thus forestalling the action of the convention. It is said that the platform was subsequently submitted to the friends of Mr. Webster, and accepted by them. ISIr. Fillmore was the candidate preferred by the Southerners ; General Scott was the favorite in the North ; Mr. Webster had the greater part of New England, but no votes from Maine, where his negotiation of the Ashburton Treaty was still treasured up against him. There is said to have been a secret understand- ing that, if the platform drawn up by the Southern caucus should be accepted by the convention, a sufficient number of Southern delegates would go over to Scott and nominate him. But there was still another scheme. A careful canvass was made by the Southern friends of Mr. Webster, and it was be- lieved that when Fillmore — for whom many of the South- erners were instructed — should be abandoned, twenty-two of them would probably go for Scott, but that one hundred and six could be counted for Webster. If then the Northern men THE DEMOCRATS REUNITED 251 could secure forty-one delegates, there would be enough to nominate him. The necessary number could not be found. Two Massachusetts men held out against Webster : not one vote would Maine give him.^ To return to the record of the convention. On the first ballot for a candidate for President, Mr. Fillmore had 133 ; General Scott, 131 ; and Mr. Webster, 29. The convention voted fifty times before any material change took place. At no time, in the first forty-nine votes, did General Scott fall below his original 131, or receive more than 139. Mr. Fill- more did not once receive more than 133 or fewer than 122. Mr. Webster's highest vote was 32, his lowest 28. But from the fiftieth vote on to the fifty-third, General Scott drew ahead with 142, 142, 146, and 159, which last number was 12 more than was necessary to a choice. William A. Graham of North Carolina was nominated for Vice-President on the second ballot. The platform, although reported by the committee on reso- lutions almost unanimously, was not adopted without a struggle. It was as follows : — The Whigs of the United States, in convention assembled, ad- hering to the great conservative principles by which they are con- trolled and governed, and now, as ever, relying upon the intelli- gence of the American people, with an abiding confidence in their capacity for self-government, and their devotion to the Constitu- tion and the Union, do proclaim the following as the political sentiments and determination for the establishment and main- tenance of which their national organization as a party was effected : — First. The government of the United States is of a limited char- ao4:er, and it is confined to the exercise of powers expressly granted by the Constitution, and such as may be necessary and proper for carrying the granted powers into full execution, and that powers not granted or necessarily implied are reserved to the States re- spectively and to the people. Second. The state governments should be held secure to their reserved rights, and the general government sustained on its con- fjtitutional powers, and that the Union should be revered and watched over as the palladium of our liberties. Third. That while struggling freedom everywhere enlists the warmest sympathy of the Whig party, we still adhere to the doc- trines of the Father of his Country, as announced in his Farewell Address, of keeping ourselves free from all entangling alliances 1 See Rhodes's History, vol. i. p. 259 252 A HISTORY OF THE PllESIDENXY CC^' 1 with foreign countries, and of never quitting our own to stand upon foreign ground ; that our mission as a republic is not to pro- pagate our opinions, or impose on other countries our forms of gov- ernment by artifice or force ; but to teach by example, and show by our success, moderation and justice, the blessings of self-govern- ment, and the advantage of free institutions. Fourth. That, as the people make and control the government, they should obey its Constitution, laws, and treaties, as they would retain their self-respect and the respect which they claim and will enforce from foreign powers, s^ Fifth. That the government should be conducted on principles 1^, I of the strictest economy; and reveime sufficient for the expenses ^^.^ thereof, in time of peace, ought to be mainly derived from a iluty on imports, and not from direct taxes ; and in laying such duties sound policy requires a just discrimination, and protection from fi-aud by specific duties, when practicable, whereby suitable encour- agement may be afforded to American industry, equally to all classes and to all portions of the country. Sixth. The Constitution vests in Congress the power to open and repair harbors, and remove obstructions from navigable rivers, whenever such improvements are necessary for the common de- *^'*'' fence and for the protection and facility of commerce with foreign nations or among the States, — said improvements being in every instance national and general in their character. Seventh. The fnlcral and state governments are parts of one system, alike necessary for the common prosperity, peace, and security, and ought to be regarded alike with a cordial, habitual, and immovable attachment. Respect for the authority of each, and acquiescence in the just constitutional measures of each, are duties required by the plainest considerations of national, state, and individual welfare. Eighth. That the series of acts of the Thirty-second Congress, ■"■''"^' the act know'n as the Fugitive Slave Law included, are received and (*J!>»- acquiesced in by the Whig party of the United States as a settle- ment in principle and substance of the dangerous and exciting questions which they embrace ; and, so far as they are concerned, we will maintain them, and insist upon their strict enforcement, until time and experience shall demonstrate the necessity of fur- ther legislation to guard against the evasion of the laws on the one hand and the abuse of their powers on the other, not impairing their present efficiency ; and we deprecate all further agitation of the question thus settled, as dangerous to our peace, and will dis- countenance all efforts to continue or renew such agitation, when- ever, wherever, or however the attempt may be made ; and we will maintain this system as essential to the nationality of the Whig party and the integrity of the Union. THE DEMOCRATS REUMTED 253 The objection was, of course, to the last resolution of the series. It was strongly opposed, but was adopted by a vote of 212 to 70. The negative vote was given exclusively by Northern delegates, and by supporters of Scott as against Fill- more and Webster. The nomination of Pierce was well received by the Demo- . crats ; that of Scott had a cold reception in many parts of the Xorth, and was nowhere welcomed in a spirit which gave promise of victory. The action of the Whig convention was criticised by many of the party papers. The platform was distasteful to the Northern wing of the party, and the can- didate excited no enthusiasm anywhere. He was esteemed as a gallant soldier, but he was not recognized as a statesman, and his views were too little known to inspire either section with confidence. On the other hand, Mr. Pierce, if not a very prominent man, was known to have opinions in accordance with the Democratic platform, upon which the party was substan- tially united. The Anti-Slavery organization, the Pree Soil Democrats, though a much less important political factor than they had been four years earlier, held their convention in Pittsburg on August 11. Henry Wilson of Massachusetts presided. John P. Hale of Xew Hampshire was nominated for President, and George W. Julian of Indiana for Vice-President, and the fol- lowing platform was adopted : — Having assembled in national convention as the Democracy of the United States ; united by a common resolve to maintain right against wrong and freedom against slavery ; confiding in the intel- ligence, patriotism, and discriminating justice of the American people ; putting our trust in God for the triumph of our cause, and invoking his guidance in our endeavors to advance it, — we now submit to the candid judgment of all men the following declaration of principles and measures : — 1. That governments deriving their just powers from the con- "^ sent of the governed are instituted among men to secure to all Y /\ those unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happi- U ness with which they are endowed by their Creator, and of which none can be deprived by valid legislation, except for crime. 2. That the true mission of American Democracy is to maintain v , a- the liberties of the people, the sovereignty of the States, and the d^-^^ perpetuity of the Union, by the impartial application to public ^^^^^ affairs, without sectional discriminations, of the fundamental prin- _^. ^-> ciples of human rights, strict justice, and an economical adminis-"] tration. 254 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY 3, That the federal government is one of limited powers, derived solely from tlie Constitution, and the grants of power therein ought to be strictly construed by all the departments and agents of the government, and it is inexpedient and dangerous to exercise doubt- ful constitutional powers. 4. That the Constitution of the United States, ordained to form a more perfect Union, to establish justice, and secure the blessings of liberty, expressly denies to the general government all power to deprive any person of life, liberty, or proj^erty without due process of law ; and, therefore, the government, having no more power to make a slave than to make a king, and no more jiower to establish slavery than to establish a monarchy, should at once proceed to relieve itself from all responsibility for the existence of slavery wherever it possesses constitutional power to legislate for its ex- tinction. w ' 5. That, to the persevering and importunate demand of the slave power for more slave States, new slave Territories, and the nationalization of slavery, our distinct and final answer is : No more slave States, no slave Territory, no nationalized slavery, and no national legislation for the extradition of slaves. 6. That slavery is a sin against God, and a crime against man, which no human enactment or usage can make right; and that Christianity, humanity, and patriotism alike demand its abolition. 7. That the fugitive slave act of 1850 is repugnant to the Con- stitution, to the principles of the common law, to the sph'it of Christianity, and to the sentiments of the civilized world. We therefore deny its binding force upon the American people, and demand its immediate and total repeal. 8. That the doctrine that any human law is a finality, and not subject to modification or repeal, is not in accordance with the creed of the founders of om* government, and is dangerous to the liberties of the people. 9. That the acts of Congress known as the " compromise " measures of 1850, — by making the admission of a sovereign State contingent upon the adoption of other measures demanded by the special interest of slavery ; by their omission to guarantee freedom in the free Territories ; by their attempt to impose unconstitutional limitations on the power of Congress and the people to admit new States ; by their provisions for the assumption of five millions of the state debt of Texas, and for the payment of five millions more, and the cession of a large territory to the same State under menace, as an inducement to the relinquishment of a groundless claim ; and by their invasion of the sovereignty of the States and the liberties of the people, through the enactment of an unjust, oppressive, and unconstitutional fugitive slave law, — are j)roved THE DEMOCRATS REUNITED 255 to be inconsistent with all the principles apd maxims of Demo- cracy, and wholly inadequate to the settlement of the questions of which they are claimed to be an adjustment. 10. That no permanent settlement of the slavery question can be looked for except in the practical recognition of the truth that slavery is sectional and freedom national ; by the total separation of the general government from slavery, and the exercise of its legitimate and constitutional influence on the side of freedom ; and by leaving to the States the whole subject of slavery and the ti^V/^ extradition of fugitives from service. • >7^ 11. That all men have a natural right to a portion of the soil ;■ '\ and that, as the use of the soil is indispensable to life, the right of all men to the soil is as sacred as their right to life itself. v,, 12. That the public lands of the United States belong to the ^ people, and should not be sold to individuals nor granted to co^\ ^ porations, but should be held as a sacred trust for the benefit of^y the people, and should be granted in limited quantities, free of cost, to landless settlers. 13. That a due regard for the federal Constitution and a sound administrative policy demands that the funds of the general gov- ernment be kept separate from banking institutions ; that inland /- and ocean postage should bQ reduced to the lowest possible point ; -■, -^ that no more revenue should be raised than is required to defray V » the strictly necessary expenses of the public service, and to pay offvv\r the public debt ; and that the power and patronage of the goverii- 1 ment should be diminished, by the abolition of all unnecessary offices, salaries, and privileges, and by the election, by the people, of all civil officers in the service of the United States, so far as may be consistent with the prompt and efficient transaction of the pub- lic business. n i 14. That river and harbor improvements, when necessary to tho/'v^r'^'^ safety and convenience of commerce with foreign nations or among p, ImAso^Y the several States, are objects of national concern ; and it is the d I duty of Congress, in the exercise of its constitutional powers, to provide for the same. 15. That emigrants and exiles from the Old World should find a cordial welcome to homes of comfort and fields of enterprise in the New ; and every attempt to abridge their privilege of becoming citizens and owners of soil among us ought to be resisted with inflexible determination. 16. That every nation has a clear right to alter or change its own government, and to administer its own concerns, in such a manner as may best secure the rights and promote the happiness of the people ; and foreign interference with that right is a dangerous violation of the laws of nations, against which all independent 256 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY ^^^tfvv^'fgovernments should protest, and endeavor by all proper means to yy- prevent ; and especially is it the duty of the American government, "'■^'^ representing the chief republic of the world, to protest against, and /^^-..v-* by all proper means to prevent, the intervention of kings and emperors against nations seeking to establish for themselves repub- lican or constitutional governments. 17. That the independence of Hayti ought to be recognized by our government, and our commercial relations with it placed on a footing of the most favored nation. | 18. That as, by the Constitution, the) "citizens of each State shaThbe entitled to all the privileges and immunities of citizens in the several States,'] the practice of imprisoning colored seamen of other States, vvhiW the vessels to which they belong lie in port, and refusing the exercise of the right to bring such cases before the Supreme Court of the United States, to test the legality of such proceedings, is a flagrant violation of the Constitution, and an invasion of the rights of the citizens of other States, utterly incon- sistent with the professions made by the slaveholders, that they wish the provisions of the Constitution faithfully observed by every State in the Union. 19. That we recommend the introduction into all treaties here- after to be negotiated between the United States and foreign nations, of some provision for the amicable settlement of diffi- culties by a resort to decisive arbitration. 20. That the Free Democratic party is not organized to aid either the Whig or the Democratic wing of the great slave-com- promise party of the nation, but to defeat them both ; and that, repudiating and renouncing both as hopelessly corrupt and utterly unworthy of confidence, the purpose of the Free Demo- cracy is to take possession of the federal government, and ad- minister it for the better protection of the rights and interests of the whole people. 21. That we inscribe on our banner, V Free soil, free speech, free tabor,, and free men) " and under it will fight on and fight ever until a triumphant victory shall reward our exertions. 22. That upon this platform the convention presents to the American people as a candidate for the office of President of the United States, John P. Hale of Xew Hampshire, and as a candi- date for the office of Vice-President of the United States, George W. Julian of Indiana, and earnestly commends them to the sup- poi't of all free men and all parties. The canvass was not a spirited one. All the early autumn elections were favorable to the Democrats, and the result in November was a crushing defeat of the Whigs in the popular vote and one still more decisive in the electoral vote. Thirty* THE DEMOCRATS REUXITED 257 one States took part in the election, California having been admitted to the Union September 9, 1850. A new apportion- ment, based on the census of 1850, changed the number of electoral votes of Hiany of the States. The popular and elec- toral votes were "as follows : — States. Alabama . . . Arkansas . . . California . . . Connecticut . . Delaware . . . Florida . . . . Georgia* . . . Illinois . . . . Indiana . . . Iowa . . . . Kentucky . . . Louisiana . . ■ Maine . . . . Maryland . . . Massachusetts t . Micliigan . . . Mississippi . . Missouri New Hampshire New Jersey . New York North Carolina . Ohio . . . . Pennsylvania . ■ Rhode Island South Carolina J Tennessee . Texas . . . . Vermont . . . Virginia . . . Wisconsin . . . Total . . . Poprr.AR Vote. 26,881 12,173 40.626 3;3;249 6,318 4.318 34,705 80,597 95,:340 17,76:3 53.806 18,&47 41,609 40.020 44.569 41.842 26,876 38,353 29.997 44.305 262,083 39,744 169.220 198,568 8,735 57.018 13,552 13,044 73,858 .33.658 1,601,474 15,038 7,404 35,407 30,359 6,293 2.875 16,660 64,934 80,901 15.856 57,068 17,255 32,54:3 35,066 52,683 33,859 17,.>48 29,984 16,147 38,056 2:34.882 39,058 152.526 179,174 7,626 58,898 4,995 22,173 58,572 22,240 1,386,580 X 3 41 156,667 Elsctorai; Vote. 100 3,160 62 9,966 6,929 1,604 265 8,0:30 281 28,023 7,237 6,695 :350 25,329 59 31,682 8,525 &44 8,621 291 8,814 9 4 4 6 3 3 10 11 13 4 6 7 9 5 7 35 10 23 27 4 15 5 254 12 13 12 42 * A Webster ticket received 5324 votes in Georgia ; an independent Pierce ticket, 5811- } Massachusetts gave Webster 1670 votes. + Electors appointed by the legislature. XX THE NEW REPUBLICAN PARTY The election of 1852 gave a death-blow to the "Whig party. That organization had outlived its usefulness. It was unable to cope with the one vital issue of the day, that of slavery in the Territories. The Democratic party was controlled by its Southern contingent ; the Whig by its Northern mem- bers. Both parties declared that the question was decided by the compromises of 1850, and was eliminated from politics. Although the extremists of the South had opposed the mea- sureS; they speedily began to assume that the settlement was a concession of their own contention, and to bring forward propositions which would make the introduction of slavery into the Territories easy and its exclusion therefrom impossible. In this view of the matter they were, in a certain sense, sus- tained by the anti-slavery men of the North, who, while they resisted the new measures and declared them to be a violation of the agreement, continued to denounce the acts of 1850 as a surrender to the slaveholders. The Southern leaders put forth the proposition that the natural right of every American citi- zen permitted him to settle in any Territory, with his property of every kind, including slaves, and entitled him to protection of that property ; that no power was or could be given to a territorial government to exclude slavery ; and that only when the people came together to form a state constitution could the power originate to decide whetfler slavery should or should not be allowed to exist. Events in Kansas and elsewhere led nltimately to a division of the Democratic party. Senator Douglas held that the people of a Territory had the power to exclude slavery. This was his doctrine of " popular sover- eignty," or " squatter sovereignty," as its opponents called it. In one or the other form the principle was adopted by the Democratic party, although it was rejected in both forms by a great body of its Northern members. The Northern Whig party was overwhelmingly against the extension of slavery, THE NEW REPUBLICAN PARTY 259 but it could not so declare itself without self-destruction. To do so would at once drive out of the party almost all its South- ern supporters ; it would alienate a great many Northern men whom an apprehension of the terrible consequences of a sec- tional issue rendered timid ; and at the same time it would draw into the party neither the anti-slavery Democrats, who differed from the Whigs on every question save this, nor the Abolitionists, who went much further in opposition to slavery than either Whigs or Democrats could go. The only course left open for the Whig party was to delude itself and to attempt to delude the country by asserting that the slavery issue was decided. This was merely to live in the past, to abandon the true function of an opposition. The government was controlled by a party which, in spite of its protestations to the contrary, supported the aggression of the slave interest. The Whig party failed in the South because it made the contest on an issue in which the people were not in- terested ; in the North because it had not the courage to avow opinions which a large majority of the party held. But the Whig pretence, that the slavery question was settled by the compromise measures of 1850, was kept up for some years longer, until it became no longer possible to practise self- deception. The delusion soon after the election of 1852 took a new phase. Native Americanism had been a favorite doctrine in certain parts of the North for many years, and of late it had been a growing sentiment. It was confined to no party ; and the political method of those who believed in the principle that " Americans must rule America," and who were animated by hostility to the E-oman Catholic Church, was to choose between candidates already nominated. Occasionally, in the cities of New York and Philadelphia, they nominated candi- dates of their own, and succeeded in electing theui to local offices. The membership was carefully guarded ; for the so- cieties were secret, and the initiated Avere bound by oaths. The order which existed before 1850 was superseded, early in Pierce's administration, by a new one, the Order of United Americans, which became popularly known as the Know- Nothing Order, from the ignorance, even of the existence of such an association, which was professed by all its members. A large number of the Whigs, hoping to transfer the political issue from slavery to Native Americanism, joined the order. 260 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY which for some years had extraordinary success in state elec- tions ; but, as Horace Greeley predicted at the time when it was at the height of its power, it was destined " to run its career rapidly, and vanish as suddenly as it appeared. It may last through the next presidential canvass ; but hardly longer than tliat, ... It would seem as devoid of the elements of persistence as an anti-cholera or an anti-potato-rot party would be." It was chiefly contined to the East at first ; later it ex- tended to the South, even as far as Texas, wliere it became strong enough to carry one election ; but it never had much success, nor an organization, in the iS^orthwest. It was impossible to keep the slavery question out of sight. Mr. Pierce congratulated the country, at the beginning of his administration, that the agitation had ceased, and both parties were pledged to treat a revival of the controversy as an un- patriotic act ; but it was revived at once by the proposition to organize the Territories of Kansas and Nebraska, in which was a declaration that the compromises of 1850 superseded the Missouri Compromise, which was accordingly no longer opera^ tive. The bill was referred to by anti-slavery orators and journals as a *' repeal " of the IMissouri Compromise, and it stirred popular sentiment at the North most profoundly. It virtually created three factions in the Democratic party ; for beside the Southern extremists there was now a new element, the members of which became known as *' Anti-Nebraska Democrats," and another which tried to stand between the two, headed by Senator Stephen A. Douglas. Mr. Douglas was chairman of the Senate committee on Territories, and assumed a position of extraordinary prominence in the politics of the country. The struggle between the pro-slavery and the anti-slavery factions over Kansas, both within and without the Territory, was one of unexampled bitterness and violence ; but during the early part of Mr. Pierce's term the opponents of the administration were without effective organization. The Republican party originated in the West. A mass meeting at Ripon, Wisconsin, early in 1854, followed soon after- ward by a mass state convention at Jackson, Michigan ; and state conventions in July in Vermont, Wisconsin, Ohio and Indiana, brought the new party into being, with its present name, and with ©pposition to the extension of slavery as the one issue that united its members. Past differences were for- gotten ; the jealousies that might be expected to arise in the THE NEW REPUBLICAN PARTY 261 selection of candidates on account of those differences, were strikingly absent. A Republican organization was not effected in many States of the North in 1854, but the Anti-Nebraska party, if we may so term it, under many names and with vari- ous forms of fusion, had many successes at the polls.^ A fresh example of the determination of the Southern lead- ers to force the fighting and to obtain additional territory for the extension of slavery was given in the " Ostend Manifesto." At the instance of the Secretary of State, Mr. Marcy, of New York, a meeting of the United States ministers to Great Bri- tain, France, and Spain, Mr. James Buchanan, Mr. John Y. Mason, and Mr. Pierre Soule, was held to consider the rela- tion of the island of Cuba to the United States. They came together at Ostend, Belgium, and drew up a report to the effect that Cuba was territorially a part of the United States, that its possession by a foreign poAver was detrimental to our interest, that an offer should be made to Spain to purchase it, and that in case Spain were to refuse to sell, " by every law, human and divine, we shall be justified in wresting it from Spain, if we possess the power." The "Ostend Manifesto" is referred to repeatedly in the state and national platforms of the Re- publican party. At the close of 1855 the situation was extremely compli- cated. In the Eastern States there were four parties, — the Democrats, the Whigs, the Know-Nothings, and the Republi- cans. The Democrats and Whigs were inclined to coalesce in order to withstand the common enemy, the Republicans, whose party was acquiring gigantic strength. The days of the Know- Nothing, or American, party were numbered, and most of the members had fallen away to the Republican party. In the West, — except in Ohio, where a remnant of the Whig party survived, — the parties were two only, the Democratic and the Republican. In the South the American party was at the time of its greatest success, having absorbed most of the Whig strength. Although the Whig party had not formally ac- knowledged that it had ceased to exist, it was really only a memory, and the members merely accepted and voted for the candidates of the Know-Nothings. The first convention preliminary to the election of 1856 was that of the Americans. It was held at Philadelphia, on 1 For a full and admirable analysis of the elections of 1854, see Rhodes's His- tory, vol. ii. pp. 58 et seq. 262 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY Washington's birthday, February 22, 1856. But already the *' National Council " of the order had been in session three days, beginning on the 19th of the month, and had adopted the platform of the party. This platform was as follows : — 1. An humble acknowledgment of the Supreme Being, for His protecting care vouchsafed to our fathers in their successful revolu- tionary struggle, and hitherto manifested to us, their descendants, in the preservation of their liberties, the independence and the union of these States. 2. The perpetuation of the Federal Union and Constitution, as the palladium of our civil and religious liberties and the only sure bulwark of American independence. 3. Americans must rule America; and to this end native-born citizens should be selected for all state, federal, and municipal offices of government employment, in preference to all others. Nevertheless, 4. Persons born of American parents residing temporarily abroad should be entitled to all the rights of native-born citizens. .5. No person should be selected for political station (whether of native or foreign birth) who recognizes any allegiance or obligation of any description to any foreign prince, potentate, or jiower, or who refuses to recognize the federal and state Constitutions (each within its sphere) as paramount to all other laws as rules of politi- cal action. 6. The unqualified recognition and maintenance of the reserved rights of the several States, and the cultivation of harmony and fraternal good will between the citizens of the several States, and, to this end, non-interference by Congress with questions apper- taining solely to the individual States, and non-intervention by each State with the affairs of any other State. 7. The recognition of the right of native-born and naturalized citizens of the United States, permanently residing in any Terri- tory thei'eof, to frame their constitution and laws, and to regulate their domestic and social affairs in their own mode, subject only to the provisions of the Federal Constitution, with the privilege of admission into the Union whenever they have the requisite popu- lation for one representative in Congress ; provided, always^, that none but those who are citizens of the United States, undei* the Constitution and laws thereof, and who have a fixed residence in any such Territory, ought to participate in the formation of a constitution or iu the enactment of laws for said Territory or State. 8. An enforcement of the principle that no State or Territory ought to admit others than citizens to the right of suffrage, or of holding political offices of the United States. THE NEW REPUBLICAX PARTY 263 9. A change in the laws of naturalization, making a continued residence of twenty-one years, of all not heretofore provided for, an indispensable requisite for citizenship hereafter, and excluding all paupers and persons convicted of crime from landing upon our shores ; but no interference with the vested rights of foreigners. 10. Opposition to any union between Church and State ; no interference with religious faith or worship, and no test oaths for office. 11. Free and thorough investigation into any and all alleged abuses of public functionaries, and a strict economy in public expenditures. 12. The maintenance and enforcement of all laws constitutionally enacted, until said laws shall be repealed or shall be declared null and void by competent judicial authority. 13. Opposition to the reckless and unwise policy of the present Administration in the general management of our national affairs, and more especially as shown in removing " Americans " (by designation) and conservatives in principle from office, and placing foreigners and ultraists in their places ; as shown in a truckling subserviency to the stronger, and an insolent and cowardly bravado toward the weaker powers ; as shown in reopening sectional agitation, by the repeal of the Missouri Compromise; as shown in granting to unnaturalized foreigners the right of suffrage in Kansas and Nebraska ; as shown in its vacillating course on the Kansas and Nebraska question ; as shown in the corruptions which pervade some of the departments of the government ; as shown in disgracing meritorious naval officers through prejudice or caprice ; and as shown in the blundering mismanagement of our foreign relations. 14. Therefore, to remedy existing evils, and to prevent the disastrous consequences otherwise resulting therefrom, we would build up the " American Party " upon the principles hereinbefore stated. 15. That each State Council shall have authority to amend their several constitutions, so as to abolish the several degrees, and substitute a pledge of honor, instead of other obligations, for fellowship and admission into the party. 16. A free and open discussion of all political principles em- braced in our platform. The convention, which met on the 22d, consisted of 227 delegates from 27 States of the Union, — all except Maine, Yermont, South Carolina, and Georgia. Having organized by the choice of Ephraim Marsh, of New Jersey, as President, and having decided cases of contested seats, the convention became involved in a long and angry discussion of the right of the 264 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY National Council to make the platform of the party. A reso- lution was presented : — That the National Council has no authority to prescribe a plat- form of principles for this nominating convention, and that no candidates for President and Vice-President who are not in favor of interdicting slavery in territory north of 36° 30', by congres- sional action, shall be nominated by this Convention. A motion to lay this resolution on the table was accepted as a test of the strength of the two wings of the party. The motion was carried by a vote of 141 to 59. A motion to pro- ceed to nominate a candidate for President was successful, 151 to 51. Thereupon nearly all the delegates from New England and Ohio, and a part of those from Pennsylvania, Illinois, and Iowa, withdrew from the convention. An informal ballot gave Millard Fillmore 71 votes; George Law, of New York, 27; Garrett Davis, of Kentucky, 13; and 32 votes were given to seven other candidates, from one to eight each. On the formal vote Mr. Fillmore had 179 ; Mr. Law 24 ; Kenneth Raynor, of North Carolina, 14 ; Judge John McLean, of Ohio, 13 ; Garrett Davis 10 ; and Samuel Houston, of Texas, 3. Mr. Fillmore had a majority and was nominated. On the first ballot for a candidate for Vice-President, Andrew J. Donelson, of Tennes- see, had 181 ; Henry J. Gardner, of Massachusetts, 12; Kenneth Raynor 8 ; and Percey Walker, of Alabama, 8. Mr. Donelson was declared nominated ; and the convention adjourned. Soon after this the seceding delegates met and nominated for Presi- dent Colonel John C. Fremont, of California, and for Vice- President ex-Governor William F. Johnston, of Pennsylvania, The meeting of the Democratic national convention was looked forward to with much interest. A great many mem- bers still adhered to the party, who were not disposed to yield to what the general drift of sentiment in the Northern States regarded as the arrogant and unreasonable demands of the slave interest. The division of the party was most serious in New York, where the two factions were now known as the "hards" and the " softs." Mr. Pierce was in high favor with the South- ern delegates and with the Southern people ; the Northern and more moderate wing of the party preferred Mr. Buchanan ; while Mr. Douglas had a strong hold upon the popular heart, and was regarded as the most natural successor to Mr. Pierce's strength, should that gentleman's nomination become impos- sible. The excitement at Cincinnati, where the convention was THE NEW REPUBLICAN PARTY 265 to meet, ran high on the days before the session began, and it was freely said that the Northern delegates would bolt if Mr. Buchanan should be defeated. The preliminary intriguing has probably never been greater in any national nominating convention than it was at that time. The convention met on the 2d of June. All the States were fully represented, and two sets of delegates appeared from each of the States of New York and Missouri. The opponents of Senator Benton were the " regulars " from Mis- souri. The contestants signalized their advent by knocking down the door-keeper, who endeavored to prevent them from entering the hall. The scene was an incipient riot. When order had been restored, the presiding officer administered to the intruders such a stinging rebuke for their lawless conduct that they retired, and, as the committee on credentials reported against their claim, they were seen no more. The " hards " and " softs " of New York were quite as bitter in their quarrel as the more turbulent Missourians ; but they waited peaceably, and finally both delegations were admitted, each delegate to have half a vote. The permanent chairman was John E. Ward, of Georgia. There was no opposition to the two-thirds rule. On the first vote for a candidate for President, James Buchanan had 135 ; Franklin Pierce 122 ; Stephen A. Douglas 33 ; and Lewis Cass 5. The Southern States gave on this vote 72 to Mr. Pierce ; 29 to Mr. Buchanan ; and 14 to Mr. Douglas. The North gave 106 to Buchanan ; 50 to Pierce ; 19 to Douglas ; and 5 to Cass. On the second and succeeding votes Mr. Buchanan's strength increased very slowly but stead- ily ; Mr. Pierce's fell off rapidly, and the most of his loss was Mr. Douglas's gain ; on the sixteenth trial the result was, for Mr. Buchanan 168 ; for Mr. Pierce none ; for Mr. Douglas 121 ; and for General Cass 6. Mr. Buchanan had had a ma- jority on the tenth vote, and he now lacked but eighteen of two thirds. On the seventeenth vote the delegations began changing in his favor, he received all the votes, 296, and was declared nominated. Ten candidates were voted for as can- didates for Vice-President on the first trial. The leader was John A. Quitman, of Mississippi, with 59 votes, closely fol- lowed by John C. Breckinridge, of Kentucky, with 55. Linn Boyd, of Kentucky, had 33 ; Herschel V. Johnson, of Georgia, 31 ; James A. Bayard, of Delaware, 31 ; Aaron V. Brown, of Tennessee, 29 ; James C. Dobbin, of North Carolina, 13 ; 266 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY Benjamin Fitzpatrick, of Alabama, 11 ; Trusten Polk, of Mis- souri, 5 ; and Thomas J. Rusk, of Texas, 2. On the second vote the names of Greneral Quitman and of most of the other leading candidates were withdrawn, and Mr. Breckinridge was unanimously nominated. The platform, which was adopted without opposition, be- gins with the preamble first adopted in 1844, and repeated in subsequent platforms. Then follow ten of the resolutions which form a part of previous platforms, namely, the first five of 1840, in order, and those relating to the proceeds of the public lands ; against a national bank ; in favor of a separate treasury ; regarding the veto power ; and against abridgment of the privileges of aliens to become citizens. To these the following were added : — And whereas, Since the foregoing declaration was uniformly adopted by our predecessors in national convention, an adverse political and religious test has been secretly organized by a party claiming to be exclusively American, and it is proper that the American Democracy should clearly define its relations thereto, and declare its determined opposition to all secret political socie- ties, by whatever name they may be called, Resolred, That the foundation of this Union of States having been laid in, and its prosperity, expansion, and preeminent exam- ple of free government built upon, entire freedom in matters of religious concernment, and no respect of persons in regard to rank or place, or birth, no party can be justly deemed national, consti- tutional, or in accordance with American principles which bases its exclusive organization upon religious opinions and accidental birthplace. And hence a political crusade in the nineteenth cen- tury, and in the United States of America, against Catholics and foreign-born, is neither justified by the past history or future prospects of the country, nor in unison with the spirit of tolera- tion and enlightened freedom which peculiarly distinguishes the American system of popular government. Resolved, That we reiterate with renewed energy of purpose the well-considered declarations of former conventions upon the sec- tional issue of domestic slavery and concerning the reserved rights of the States, — 1. That Congress has no power under the Constitution to in- terfere with or control the domestic institutions of the several States, and that all such States are the sole and proper judges of everything appertaining to their own affairs not prohibited by the Constitution ; that all efforts of the Abolitionists or others made to induce Congress to interfere with questions of slavery, or to take THE NEW REPUBLICAN PARTY 267 incipient steps in relation thereto, are calculated to lead to the most alarming and dangerous consequences, and that all such efforts have an inevitable tendency to diminish the happiness of the people and endanger the stability and permanency of the Union, and ought not to be countenanced by any friend of our political institutions. 2. That the foregoing covers, and was intended to embrace, the whole subject of slavery agitation in Congress ; and therefore the Democratic party of the Union, standing on this national plat- form, will abide by and adhere to a faithful execution of the acts known as the " compromise " measures, settled by the Congress of 1850, the act for reclaiming fugitives from service or labor included ; which act, being designed to carry out an express provi- sion of the Constitution, cannot, with fidelity thereto, be repealed, or so changed as to destroy or impair its efficiency. 3. That the Democratic party will resist all attempts at renew- ing, in Congress or out of it, the agitation of the slavery question, under whatever shape or color the attempt may be made. 4. The Democratic party will faithfully abide by and uphold the principles laid down in the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions of 1798, and in the report of Mr. Madison to the Virginia legislature in 1799 ; that it adopts these principles as constituting one of the main foundations of its political creed, and is resolved to carry them out in their obvious meaning and import. And that we may more distinctly meet the issue on which a sectional party, subsisting exclusively on slavery agitation, now relies to test the fidelity of the people. North and South, to the Constitution and the Union, — 1. Resolved, That, claiming fellowship with and desiring the co- operation of all who regard the preservation of the Union under the Constitution as the paramount issue, and repudiating all sec- tional issues and platforms concerning domestic slavery which seek to embroil the States and incite to treason and armed resistance to law in the Territories, and whose avowed purpose, if consummated, must end in civil war and disunion, the American Democracy recognize and adopt the principles contained in the organic laws establishing the Territories of Nebraska and Kansas as embodying the only sound and safe solutioi» of the slavery question, upon which the great national idea of the people of this whole country can repose in its determined conservation of the Union, and non- interference of Congress with slavery in the Territories or in the District of Columbia. 2. That this was the basis of the compromise of 1850, confirmed by both the Democratic and Whig parties in national conventions, ratified by the people in the election of 1852, and rightly applied to the organization of the Territories in 1854. 268 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY 3. That by the uniform application of the Democratic principle to the organization of Territories, and the admission of new States with or without domestic slavery, as they may elect, the equal rights of all the States will be preserved intact, the original compacts of the Constitution maintained inviolate, and the perpetuity and ex- pansion of the Union insured to its utmost capacity of embracing, in peace and harmony, every future American State that may be constituted or annexed with a republican form of government. Besolred, That we recognize the right of the people of all the Territories, including Kansas and Nebraska, acting through the legally and fairly expressed will of the majority of the actual resi- dents, and whenever the number of their inhabitants justifies it, to form a constitution, with or without domestic slavery, and be admitted into the Union upon terms of perfect equality with the other States. Resolved, Finally, that in view of the condition of popular in- stitutions in the Old World (and the dangerous tendencies of sec- tional agitation, combined with the attempt to enforce civil and religious disabilities against the rights of acquiring and enjoying citizenship in our own land), a high and sacred duty is devolved, with increased responsibility, upon the Democratic party of this country, as the party of the Union, to uphold and maintain the rights of every State, and thereby the Union of the States ; and to sustain and advance among us constitutional liberty, by continu- ing to resist all monopolies and exclusive legislation for the benefit of the few at the expense of the many ; and by a vigilant and con- stant adherence to those principles and compromises of the Consti- tution which are broad enough and strong enough to embrace and uphold the Union as it was, the Union as it is, and the Union as it shall be, in the full expansion of the energies and capacity of this great and progressive people. 1. Resolved, That there are questions connected with the for- eign policy of this country which are inferior to no domestic ques- tion whatever. The time has come for the people of the United States to declare themselves in favor of free seas, and progressive free trade throughout the world, and by solemn manifestations to place their moral influence at the side of their successful example. 2. Resolved, That our geographical and political position with reference to the other states of this continent, no less than the in- terest of our commerce and the development of our growing power, requires that we should hold sacred the principles involved in the Monroe doctrine. Their bearing and import admit of no miscon- struction, and should be applied with unbending rigidity. 3. Resolved, That the great highway, which nature as well as the assent of states most immediately interested in its maintenance THE NEW REPUBLICAN PARTY 269 has marked out for free communication between the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans, constitutes one of the most important achieve- ments realized by the spirit of modern times, in the unconquerable energy of our people ; and that result would be secured by a timely and efficient exertion of the control which we have the right to claim over it ; and no power on earth should be suffered to impede or clog its progress by any interference with relations that it may suit our policy to establish between our government and the gov- ernments of the states within whose dominions it lies. We can, under no circumstances, surrender oiu* preponderance in the ad- justment of all questions arising out of it. 4. Resolved, That, in view of so commanding an interest, the people of the United States cannot but sympathize with the efforts which are being made by the people of Central America to regen- erate that portion of the continent which covers the passage across the inter-oceanic isthmus. 5. Resolved, That the Democratic party wiU expect of the next administration that every proper effort be made to insure our ascendency in the Gulf of Mexico, and to maintain permanent protection to the great outlets through which are emptied into its waters the products raised out of the soil and the commodities created by the industry of the people of our Western valleys and of the Union at large. Resolved, That the administration of Franklin Pierce has been true to Democratic principles, and therefore true to the great inter- ests of the country. In the face of violent opposition he has main- tained the laws at home, and vindicated the rights of American citizens abroad ; and therefore we proclaim our unqualified admi- ration of his measures and policy. The first Republican national convention was the outcome of a preliminary convention held at Pittsburg on Washington's Birthday, February 22, 1856. The Pittsburg meeting was called by the chairmen of the Republican state committees of Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin. There were repre- sentatives of twenty-three States in attendance. A long ad- dress " to the people of the United States " was adopted ; and it was voted to call a convention for the nomination of candi- dates for President and Vice-President, to meet at Philadelphia on the 17th of June, the anniversary of Bunker Hill, The convention met on the day named. The delegates were too enthusiastic and united in their purpose to be care- ful about the proportionate representation of the States, or to scrutinize closely the credentials of their fellow-members. All 270 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY the Northern States were represented, as were also Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and Kentucky, the Territories of Minne- sota, Nebraska, and Kansas, and the District of Columbia. It was reported that more than one thousand delegates were in attendance, but the vote for candidates disclosed less than six hundred. New York cast 96 votes, Pennsylvania 81, and Ohio 69 ; but many of the more remote States were under- represented. Robert Emmet, of New York, formerly a Demo- crat, was the temporary chairman, and Colonel Henry S. Lane, of Indiana, the permanent president. The enthusiasm and the hopefulness of the delegates were unbounded. For the first time they found themselves in a party united by what they deemed a great moral purpose, and not by considera- tions of temporary expediency. The convention gave itself up to a season of speech-making of the most earnest and enthusi- astic character. The extraordinary success of the new party, barely two years old, seemed to justify them in their expecta- tion of an immediate national victory. Much depended, for such a party even more than for an old and established party, upon the quality of the candidate. William H. Seward, of New York, no doubt represented the attitude of the Republican party on public questions better and more prominently than any other public man ; but he had seen the formation of the party with reluctance, and, not being so optimistic as to expect an election, declined to be a candi- date. The next choice might have been Senator Salmon P. Chase, of Ohio ; but he had been so fully identified with the Democratic party that his ability to carry Ohio was doubtful, and he withdrew. John McLean, also of Ohio, Postmaster- General under Monroe and Adams, and a Justice of the Su- preme Court since 1829, was regarded as a strong candidate, but his name was also withdrawn. The only remaining can- didate who had been prominently mentioned was Colonel John C. Fremont, whose political experience was limited to a brief service as senator from California, and whose political opin- ions were almost unknown. Upon an iirgent representation that Frdmont would be unable to carry Pennsylvania, Judge McLean was again brought forward as a candidate. On an informal ballot Fremont received 359 votes. Judge McLean 196, Charles Sumner, of Massachusetts, 2, and William H. Seward, of New York, 1. Colonel Fremont was thereupon unanimously nominated. An informal ballot was likewise THE NEW REPUBLICAN PARTY 271 taken for a candidate for Vice-President. William L. Dayton, of Xew Jersey, had 259; Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois, 110; Nathaniel P. Banks, of Massachusetts, 46 ; and twelve other candidates received some votes each. Mr. Dayton was then unanimously nominated. The selection of Fremont was due in no small degree to the fact that he had already been nomi- nated by the seceding Know-Nothings, and a communication from the officers of the convention which placed him in nomi- nation was frequently referred to, but was not read. Gov- ernor Johnston, who was nominated by the seceding Americans for Vice-President, received two votes only in the Republican convention. The following platform was adopted : — This convention of delegates, assembled in pursuance of a call addressed to the people of the United States, without regard to past political diiferences or divisions, who are opposed to the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, to the policy of the present admin- istration, to the extension of slavery into free territory ; in favor of admitting Kansas as a free State, of restoring the action of the federal government to the principles of Washington and Jefferson ; and who purpose to unite in presenting candidates for the offices of President and Vice-President, do resolve as follows : — Resolved, That the maintenance of the principles promulgated in the Declaration of Indej^endence and embodied in the federal Constitution is essential to the preservation of our Republican institutions, and that the federal Constitution, the rights of the States, and the union of the States, shall be preserved. Resolved, That with our republican fathers we hold it to be a self-evident truth, that all men are endowed with the unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and that the primary object and ulterior designs of our federal government were to secure these rights to all persons within its exclusive jurist diction ; that, as our republican fathers, when they had abolished slavery in all our national territory, ordained that no person should be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, it becomes our duty to maintain this provision of the Consti- tution against all attempts to violate it for the purpose of estab- lishing slavery in any Territory of the United States, by positive legislation prohibiting its existence or extension therein; that we deny the authority of Congress, of a territorial legislature, of any individual or association of individuals, to give legal existence to slavery in any Territory of the United States, while the present Constitution shall be maintained. Resolved, That the Constitution confei's upon Congress sover- 272 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY eign power over the Territories of the United States, for their government, and that in the exercise of this power it is both the right and the duty of Congress to prohibit in the Territories those twin relics of barbarism, polygamy and slavery. Resolved, That while the Constitution of the United States was ordained and established by the people in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquillity, pro- vide for the common defence, and secure the blessings of liberty, and contains ample provision for the protection of the life, liberty, and property of every citizen, the dearest constitutional rights of the people of Kansas have been fraudulently and violently taken from them ; their territory has been invaded by an armed force ; spurious and pretended legislative, judicial, and executive officers have been set over them, by whose usurped authority, sustained by the military power of the government, tyrannical and unconstitu- tional laws have been enacted and enforced ; the rights of the people to keep and bear arms have been infringed ; test oaths of an extraordinary and entangling nature have been imposed as a condition of exercising the right of suffrage and holding office ; the right of an accused person to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury has been denied ; the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unrea- sonable searches and seizures has been violated ; they have been deprived of life, liberty, and property without due process of law ; the freedom of speech and of the press has been abridged ; the right to choose their representatives has been made of no effect ; murders, robberies, and arsons have been instigated and encour- aged, and the offenders have been allowed to go unpunished ; — that all these things have been done with the knowledge, sanction, and procurement of the present administration ; and that for this high crime against the Constitution, the Union, and humanity, we arraign the administration, the President, his advisers, agents, supporters, apologists, and accessories, either before or after the fact, before the country and before the world, and that it is our fixed purpose to bring the actual perpetrators of these atrocious outrages, and their accomplices, to a sure and condign punishment hereafter. Resolved, That Kansas should be immediately admitted as a State of the Union, with her present free Constitution, as at once the most effectual way of securing to her citizens the enjoyment of the rights and privileges to which they are entitled, and of ending the civil strife now raging in her territory. Resolved, That the highwayman's plea, that " might makes right," embodied in the Ostend circular, was in every respect unworthy of American diplomacy, and would bring shame and THE NEW REPUBLICAN PARTY 278 dishonor upon any government or people that gave it their sanc- tion. Resolved, That a railroad to the Pacific Ocean, by the most central and practicable route, is imperatively demanded by the interests of the whole country, and that the Federal government ought to render immediate and efficient aid in its construction ; and, as an auxiliary thereto, the immediate construction of an emigrant route on the line of the railroad. Resolved, That appropriations by Congress for the improvement of rivers and harbors, of a national character, required for the accommodation and security of our existing commerce, are author- ized by the Constitution, and justified by the obligation of govern- ment to protect the lives and property of its citizens. Resolved, That we invite the affiliation and cooperation of the men of all parties, however differing from us in other respects, in sup- port of the principles herein declared ; and believing that the spirit of our institutions as well as tlie Constitution of our country guaran- tees liberty of conscience and equality of rights among citizens, we oppose all legislation impairing their security. One other convention was held, that of the Whigs, at Balti- more, on the 17th of September, in which there was a more or less full representation of twenty-six States. No delegates were present from Michigan, Iowa, Wisconsin, Texas, or Cali- fornia. Edward Bates, of Missouri, was the president. The proceedings were brief and uninteresting. The nominations of Fillmore and Donelson were accepted by resolution, and the following platform was adopted : — Resolved, That the Whigs of the United States, now here as- sembled, hereby declare their reverence for the Constitution of the United States, their unalterable attachment to the national Union, and a fixed determination to do all in their power to preserve them for themselves and their posterity. They have no new principles to announce, no new platform to establish, but are content to broadly rest — where their fathers rested — upon the Constitution of the United States, wisliing no safer guide, no higher law. Resolved, That we regard with the deepest interest and anxiety the present disordered condition of our national affairs, — a portion of the country ravaged by civil war, large sections of our popula- tion embittered by mutual recriminations ; and we distinctly trace these calamities to the cxilpable neglect of duty by the present national administration. Resolved, That the government of the United States was formed by the conjunction in political unity of widespread geographical sections, materially differing not only in climate and products, but 274 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY in social and domestic institutions ; and that any cause that shall permanently array tlie different sections of the Union in political hostility and organized parties, founded only on geographical dis- tinctions, must inevitably prove fatal to a continuance of the national Union. Resolved, That the "WTiigs of the United States declare, as a fundamental rule of political faith, an absolute necessity for avoid- ing geographical parties. The danger so clearly discerned by the Father of his Country has now become fearfully apparent in the agitation now convulsing the nation, and must be arrested at once if we would preserve our Constitution and our Union from dismemberment, and the name of America from being blotted out from the family of civilized nations. Resolved, That all who revere the Constitution and the Union must look with alarm at the parties in the field in the present presidential campaign, — one claiming only to represent sixteen Northern States, and the other appealing mainly to the passions and prejudices of the Southern States ; that the success of either faction must add fuel to the flame which now threatens to wrap our dearest interests in a common ruin. Resolved, That the only remedy for an evil so appalling is to support a candidate pledged to neither of the geographical sections now arrayed in political antagonism, but holding both in a just and equal regard. We congratulate the fi'iends of the Union that such a candidate exists in INIillard Fillmore. Resolved, That, without adopting or referring to the peculiar doctrines of the party which has already selected Mr. Fillmore as a candidate, we look to him as a well-tried and faithful friend of the Constitution and the Union, eminent alike for his wisdom and firmness ; for his justice and moderation in our foreign relations ; for his calm and pacific temperament, so well becoming the head of a great nation ; for his devotion to the Constitution in its true spirit; his inflexibility in executing the laws; but, beyond all these attributes, in possessing the one transcendent merit of being a representative of neither of the two sectional parties now strug- gling for political supremacy. Resolved, That, in the present exigency of political affairs, we are not called upon to discuss the subordinate questions of admin- istration in the exercising of the constitutional powers of the gov- ernment. It is enough to know that civil w^ar is raging, and that the Union is imperilled ; and we proclaim the conviction that the restoration of Mr. Fillmore to the presidency will furnish the best if not the only means of restoring peace. The canvass which followed was an extraordinary one. It was sluggish enough in the South, where the only candidates THE NEW REPUBLICAN PARTY 275 were Mr. Buchanan and Mr. Fillmore ; for Mr. Buchanan had the support of the entire slaveholding interest, and of all who were concerned for the maintenance of the political power of the slavery system. But in the North the Republicans con- ducted a canvass rivalling that of 1840 in enthusiasm, and having behind it what the " hard cider " campaign lacked, — a definite moral purpose and a clearly understood policy. Great political clubs were organized, which marched from place to place visiting each other, uniformed and bearing torches. Im- mense public meetings were held, and the Northern heart was fired as it had never been before. Nevertheless the Republi- can canvass was destined to end in defeat, although the earlier elections of the autumn indicated a Republican victory. In Vermont more than three fourths of the votes were Republican ; and Maine, which had been carried in 1855 by a fusion party of Democrats and " straight " Whigs, was now carried by the Republicans by almost 18,000 majority. But the October elections were unfavorable ; for, while Ohio gave a Republican majority, Indiana was lost, and Pennsylvania gave the Demo- cratic candidates on the state ticket a majority over the Re- publican and Whig vote combined. " The Quakers did not come out," it was said ; but all who could read the signs of the time knew that the election was lost for the Republicans. Thirty-one States participated in the election. The popular and electoral votes are given on the next page. The count of the electoral vote was enlivened by a scene unlike any which had ever occurred. The usual resolution for counting the votes was adopted. If it was known in advance that there was anything unusual in the certificate of any State, it does not so appear from the record ; but, in point of fact, the electors for Wisconsin had not met on the day fixed by law, which day, says the Constitution itself, "shall be the same throughout the United States," but on the next day after. A severe snowstorm had prevented the electors from reaching the capital of the State in season to give their votes on the 3d of December, and they had met and voted on the 4th. « When the votes of AVisconsin were presented at the joint meeting of the two Houses, an objection was made to count- ing them. The president pro tempore of the Senate, the Hon. James M. Mason, of Virginia, ruled that debate was not in order while the tellers were counting the votes. The 276 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY Popular Vote. Electoeal \ OTE. M a d States. "'a 1 . as 2 o . EM n 8 1 rs 1 ll a a •SI a C3 a o £ 2 4^ 1-5 si i m a 1 Alabama .... 46,739 _ 28,552 9 Arkansas . 21,910 - 10,787 4 - - California . 53,365 20,691 36,165 4 - - Connecticut 34,995 42,715 2,615 - 6 - Delaware . 8,004 308 6,175 3 - - Florida . 6,358 - 4,833 3 - - Geor^a 56,578 - 42,228 10 - - Illinois . . 105,348 96,189 37,444 11 - - Indiana 118,670 94,375 22,386 13 - - Iowa 36,170 43,954 9,180 - 4 - Kentucky . 74,642 314 67,416 12 - - Louisiana . 22,164 - 20,709 6 - - Maine . . 39,080 67,379 3,325 - 8 - Maryland . 39,115 281 47,460 - - 8 Massachusetts 39,240 108,190 19,626 - 13 - Michigan . 52,136 71,762 1,660 - 6 - Mississippi 35,446 - 24,195 7 - - Missouri . 58,164 - 48,524 9 - - New Hampsh ire 32,789 38,345 422 - 5 - New Jersey 46,943 28,3.38 24,115 7 - - New York 195,878 276,007 124,604 - 35 - North Carolina 48,246 - 36,886 10 - — Ohio . . . 170,874 187,497 28,126 - 23 - Pennsylvania 230,710 147,510 82,175 27 - - Rhode Island 6,680 11,467 1,675 - 4 — South Carolina* - - _ 8 - - Tennessee 73,638 - 66,178 12 - - Texas . . 31,169 - 15,639 4 - - Vermont . 10,569 39,561 545 - 5 - Virginia . 89,706 291 60,310 15 - - Wisconsin .... 52,843 66,090 579 - 5 114 - Total . • 1,838,169 1,341,264 874,534 174 8 * Electors appointed by the legislature. count having been concluded, Mr. Letcher, of Virginia, of the House of Kepresentatives, inquired if it would then be in order to move that the votes of Wisconsin be excluded. The president ruled that it was not in order. Senator Crittenden, of Kentucky, asked if the chair decided " that Congress, in THE NEW REPUBLICAN PARTY 277 no form, has power to decide upon the validity or invalidity of a vote." The president, having disclaimed the intention to make any such decision, proceeded to recapitulate the votes, giving Buchanan and Breckinridge 174 each, and Fremont and Dayton 114 each (which included the votes of Wisconsin), and to declare the election of the Democratic candidates. Pro- tests were raised on all sides, from hoth parties and by mem- bers of both Houses. In spite of the declaration of the presiding officer that no debate was in order, a long and rambling debate ensued, in which the most diverse views were advanced. The discussion was at last cut short by the withdrawal of the Senate. The matter was immediately re- sumed in each House, and discussion was continued for two days. The debates on that occasion are the most valuable for the student of political history, as to this casus omissus of the Constitution, that have ever taken place, because the question was considered without a spirit of partisanship. The vote of Wisconsin would not affect the result, whether counted or rejected. There was much ignorance of the Constitution displayed by many of the speakers ; but, on the other hand, some of them discussed the question with profound learning and with great ability. It is impossible here to give a sketch of this most interest- ing debate. Nothing more can be done than to summarize some of the views advanced. On the main question, Repub- licans generally thought the votes of Wisconsin ought to be counted ; Democrats, for the most part, took the contrary view. Upon the question who, under the Constitution, should count, that is, who decide what were votes, the divergence of opinion was amazing. Some contented themselves with asserting that the power was in Congress to decide upon the validity of votes, leaving the method of exercising the power to be determined by law. But it was maintained in the Senate, by Mr. Thomp- son, of Kentucky, that the " votes are to be returned to us, and counted by ns, and the House of Representatives are ad- mitted to be present at the count to prevent a combination, a clandestine operation, a secret session, a cotip d'etat. . . . The votes are to be returned to the Senate, and counted by the Senate." On the other hand, Mr. Humphrey Marshall, of Kentucky, maintained in the House that that body was the sole judge, and Mr. Henry Winter Davis, of Maryland, took the same view. The ground of this opinion was, that it was 278 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY for the House to decide whether or not to go into an election of President. There was still another point on which the difference of opinion was decided. The president of the Senate stoutly affirmed that he had neither counted nor rejected the votes, although he had said : " The state of the votes as delivered by the tellers is . . . for John C. Fremont, of California, 114 votes." Many senators sustained the assertion of Mr. Mason that he had not counted the votes, while others declared that he had counted them. Numerous resolutions were offered in each branch, but the debate produced nothing more than a resolution of formal notification to Messrs, Buchanan and Breckinridge that they had been elected. The opinion that the whole subject ought to be taken up and considered, and the doubtful points /determined by law, was generally ex- pressed ; but, as soon as the matter in hand was disposed of, the subject was dropped. The Congress was then in the last month of its term, and it was too busy to take further notice of a danger past which might never return. Consequently the disputed point was left for a Republican Congress to decide, according to the political exigency of the hour, in the midst of a civil war. XXI THE LAST STRUGGLE OF SLAVERY During the whole of Mr. Buchanan's administration the country was drifting steadily toward civil war. The issue between slavery and anti-slavery was joined at all points. The Dred Scott decision, promulgated by the Supreme Court soon after the new President was inaugurated, sustained the Southerners' contention as to their rights of property so fully as to justify the bitter comment upon it that it made " Slavery national, Freedom sectional." The Republicans would not accept the dictuni as iinal. If the Constitution must be taken to support the view taken by the court, they would refuse to obey the Constitution and follow the " higher law " proclaimed by Seward. The struggle over Kansas, which had begun in the first year of Pierce's administration, continued under his successor until early in 1861, after secession had begun, when the State was admitted without slavery. The story of the contest fills one of the darkest pages of American political history. It is a record of perfidy and violence. The attempt to force the Lecompton constitution upon the people, under the patron- age of the executive department of the government, was matched in baseness by the offer by Congress of a bribe to the people if they would accept it. The South, struggling as it was to maintain the political power of the section and of its social system, and backed by the highest judicial author- ity in the land, had a technical justification for every claim which it put forth to the possession of Kansas as a field for the extension of slavery. But, on the other hand, the moral sense of the Korthern people was outraged by the effort to force slavery upon an unwilling people, and by the repeated violations of good faith which were resorted to in order to make the attempt successful. Kansas had seven governors in five years. One of them was removed because he would not be made the tool of the pro-slavery party. Another, a 280 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY Mississippian, an ex-senator, and Secretary of the Treasury during the whole of Polk's administration, resigned because the President would not keep officially the pledge which he had made verbally to the governor, that the people of Kansas should be allowed to vote on the whole Lecompton consti- tution. The line which separated the Republican and the Demo- cratic parties was broad ; but there was a great variety of opinion within the ranks of each party. Even the Aboli- tionists were beginning to think that an organization had been formed which they could join with consistency, one from which they might hope great things. There was a wide difference, nevertheless, between them and the most conservative Republicans, who would not go beyond a firm and decided conviction that slavery could not exist in any Territory in opposition either to the will of Congress or to that of the people of the Territory. But while the Repub- licans, being a party in opposition, could and did act together, the Democrats were split into two factions. Senator Douglas, who had been a leader for the South in the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, revolted against the attempt to force the Lecompton constitution upon the people of Kansas. Pub- lic opinion in the North was so strong as to carry almost the whole of the Democratic party of that section with him. In the South he had some followers, and in the North many Democrats opposed his " popular sovereignty " doctrine and accepted the Southern view. The office-holders stood by the administration, which opposed Douglas, with a reasonable ap- prehension of the consequences of taking another course. No doubt there were many men at the North who were intellec- tually convinced that the constitutional position assumed in defence of slavery extension was correct ; while others were with the administration because it was the administration, and favored the Southern view because the ascendency of slavery as a political power, if secured by their assistance, would give them office and standing in the party. Since the time of Andrew Jackson the personal qualities of the President had had little influence upon the course of pub- lic events. But now the weakness of Mr. Buchanan encour- aged the Southern extremists to press their advantage ; it made possible the formation of a strong Northern faction in open revolt against administration measures, and it rendered the THE LAST STRUGGLE OF SLAVERY 281 Republicans more resolute in their opposition to all the aggres- sions of slavery. Before the President was inaugurated, many of his moderate Northern supporters had hoped that he would incline toward a conservative policy, and resist the extremists of both sections. They saw him resign himself into the hands of the slavery propagandists and work their will. It is easy to see, after the event, that the conflict, which assumed the form of open war soon after his term closed, was really irrepressible, and that sooner or later it would have come to that, no matter who had been President. Yet there can be no doubt that Buchanan's lack of force hastened the war by sustaining one party in its greatest pretensions, and by goading the other party to more desperate resistance. Douglas won the applause of the Republicans by his opposi- tion to the administration's programme in Kansas, but he soon showed that his course was not prompted by hostility to slavery. He adhered to his " popular sovereignty " theories, and admitted that he did not care whether slavery "was voted up or voted down." The great series of debates between him and Abraham Lincoln, in the canvass of 1858, each of the dis- putants being the candidate of his party for the Illinois sena- torship, brought out in the clearest possible light the wide difference between even Douglas's Democracy and the conserv- ative Republicanism of Lincoln. Incidentally, while it strength- ened Douglas as the favorite of the Northern Democrats for the presidency, it disclosed to the astonished eyes of the Repub- licans a leader worthy to take rank with the foremost. The four years' term of Mr. Buchanan was filled with most important events, which tended to embitter politics and to pre- pare men for the great civil conflict that was impending. Be- side those already mentioned, the John Brown raid at Har- per's Ferry was the most startling. The tragic death of Senator Broderick, of California, a supporter of Douglas, in a duel with an adherent of the administration, stirred the people of the North profoundly. These occurrences and many others which cannot even be mentioned kept the popular pulse beat- ing fast, and indicated to those who could read the signs of the times the profound crisis in the health of the body politic which was soon to come. There were large numbers of men. North and South, who observed the growing strife between the two sections of the country with almost agonized sorrow. Be- side the old Whigs, whom time in its rapid flight had left 282 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY behind the age, and the Native Americans of the South, who hated the Democrats, and yet could not join the Republican party, there were hosts of well-meaning men, all over the coun- try, who feared that the bitter conflict would end in war. They deemed it a duty to the Union to endeavor to restore harmony. In the North they feared disunion more than they feared slavery ; in the South they hated disunion almost as much as they hated abolition. The several elements mentioned above became temporarily united in the Constitutional Union party, as patriotic a party as was ever organized, but one which could not succeed in its mission because the time had come when the self-preservation of the South, as a political power, and the moral sense of the North, demanded that the pending question be settled finally and forever. A series of momentous conventions began when the dele- gates of the Democratic party assembled at Charleston, South Carolina, on the 23d of April, 1860. There was a full delega- tion from every State of the Union, and contesting delegations appeared from New York and Illinois. In New York the " hards," led by Fernando Wood, had been elected by districts"; while the " softs," who were favorable to Senator Douglas, were chosen by a state convention, which met at Syracuse in the autumn of 1859. The two Illinois delegations were respectively for and against Mr. Douglas. As soon as Mr. Francis B. Flournoy, of Arkansas, had taken the chair as tem- porary presiding officer of the convention, an angry debate began upon the contested seats, for the national committee had given tickets of admission, in each case, to the Douglas dele- gates, and had shut out their opponents. On the first day of the convention nothing was done except to appoint committees. On the second day Mr. Caleb Cushing, of Massachusetts, was made the permanent presiding officer ; a committee on resolutions was appointed ; and it was voted not to vote for candidates of the party until a platform had been adopted. The third day was occupied in deciding the contests for seats, — in favor of the New Y'ork " softs," and the Doug- las men from Illinois. It was only on the 27th of April, the fifth day of the convention, that the committee on resolutions reported to the assembly a majority and two or three minority sets of resolutions. Two days of fierce debate, and of numer- ous propositions to amend, followed ; and, on the 28th, a motion was carried to recommit the whole subject to the committee. THE LAST STRUGGLE OF SLAVERY 283 Later on the same day the committee reported back a series of resolutions, asserting, as the previous majority report had done, the extreme Southern view of the question of slavery in the Territories. These resolutions were subsequently adopted by the convention of seceders some months later, and will be found on page 287. A minority report was presented, which, although signed by less than one half of the members of the platform committee, represented more than one half the elec- toral votes of the whole country. Gen. Benjamin F. But- ler, of Massachusetts, who throughout the convention occupied an attitude peculiar to himself, presented a second minority report, which consisted of the Cincinnati platform of 1856, without any change whatever. Much debate, and a determined effort to postpone the vote on the substitution of the minority reports, followed ; but on Monday, the 30th, a vote was reached. General Butler's platform was rejected, by yeas 105, nays 198. The minority resolutions presented by Mr. Samuels, of Iowa, were then substituted for those of the majority, by 165 to 138. These resolutions were in the following terms : — 1. Resolved, That we, the Democracy of the Union, in convention assembled, hereby declare our affirmance of the resolutions unani- mously adopted and declared as a platform of principles by the Democratic conveiition at Cincinnati in the year 1856, believing that Democratic principles are unchangeable in their nature when applied to the same subject-matters ; and we recommend as the only further resolutions the following : — Inasmuch as differences of opinion exist in the Democratic party as to the nature and extent of the powers of a territorial legisla- ture, and as to the powers and duties of Congress, under the Con- stitution of the United States, over the institution of slavery within the Territories, — 2. Resolved, That the Democratic party will abide by the deci- sions of the Supreme Court of the United States on the questions of constitutional law. 3. Resolved, That it is the duty of the United States to afford ample and complete protection to all its citizens, whether at home or abroad, and whether native or foreign. 4. Resolved, That one of the necessities of the age, in a military, commercial, and postal point of view, is speedy communication be- tween the Atlantic and Pacific States ; and the Democratic party pledge such constitutional government aid as will insure the con- struction of a railroad to the Pacific coast at the earliest practi- cable period. 284 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY 5. Resolved, That the Democratic party are in favor of the acqui- sition of the island of Cuba, on such terms as shall be honorable to ourselves and just to Spain. 6. Resolved, That the enactments of state legislatures to defeat the faithful execution of the fugitive slave law are hostile in char- acter, subversive of the Constitution, and revolutionary in their effects. This series having been substituted for the majority set, the several resolutions were then considered singly, and, with the exception of that numbered two, which was rejected, they were adopted by an almost unanimous vote. This action was the signal for the withdrawal of a large number of the Southern delegates. Alabama led off with a formal protest. The dele- gation had been instructed not to waive the issue, and, as the convention had decided against the Southern view, they had no alternative but to withdraw. Mississippi, Florida, and Texas followed, with their entire delegations ; and all but two of those from Louisiana, all but three from South Carolina, three from Arkansas, two from Delaware, and one from North Carolina joined the seceders. On the next day, May 1st, 26 of the 33 delegates who cast the 10 votes of Georgia also with- drew. This made a loss of about 45 votes out of 303. The convention, after listening to some remarkable speeches by Southern men who did not secede, voted that two thirds of a full convention, that is, 202 votes, should be necessary to effect a nomination. The first vote for President resulted : — Stephen A. Douglas, of Illinois 145^ R. M. T. Hunter, of Virginia 42 James Guthrie, of Kentucky 35 Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee 12 Daniel S. Dickinson, of New York 7 Joseph Lane, of Oregon 6 Isaac Toucey, of Connecticut 2^ Jefferson Davis, of Mississippi 1-^ Franklin Pierce, of New Hampshire 1 The convention took, on that and the two following days, 57 votes. Mr. Douglas's strength rose slowly to 152|^ on the 32d trial, then dropped to 151^, and remained at the same point from the 36th to the 57th vote. Mr. Hunter dropped slowly to 16 votes, which was his almost uniform number dur- ing the last twenty trials. Mr. Guthrie, who gained most of the votes lost by Mr. Hunter, reached 66| on the 39th trial, THE LAST STRUGGLE OF SLAVERY 285 and had 65^ on the 57th. The strength of no other candidate reached 21 votes on any one of the 57 contests. The last vote of this series was : for Douglas, 151^ ; Guthrie, 65i ; Hunter, 16 ; Lane, 14 ; Dickinson, 4 ; Davis, 1. On the 3d of May, the tenth day of the convention, a reso- lution was adopted to adjourn to meet in Baltimore on the 18th of June, and that it be recommended to Democrats to fill the vacancies made by the withdrawal of delegates. This re- solution was carried by 195 votes to 55. The only Southern votes given, on both sides of this question, were : Maryland, 8 ; Virginia, 15 ; North Carolina, 14 ; Kentucky, 2 ; Tennes- see, 12 ; Missouri, 9 ; Arkansas, 1 ; total 61, of the 120 to which the South was entitled. Meantime the seceders from the regular convention had met in another hall in Charleston, organized by the choice of Sena- tor James A. Bayard, of Delaware, as president, and adopted as a platform the resolutions reported by the majority of the committee on resolutions of the national convention (see page 287). After a session of four days they adjourned to meet in Richmond, Va., on the 11th of June. On reassembling at that time and place, Mr. John Erwin, of Alabama, was made president, and a resolution was adopted to adjourn again until the 21st of the month. At the adjourned session nothing was done until the 23d, when what was left of the body adopted the nominations of Breckinridge and Lane, made by the seceders at Baltimore, and adjourned without day. The regular convention reassembled at Baltimore on the 18th of June. The president, Caleb Cushing, on taking the chair, made a long address, in which he stated the condition of business, the significant part of which was an intimation that the adoption of the platform was subject to reconsideration. The first business in order was the admission of delegates from those States whose representatives had withdrawn at Charles- ton. Three whole days were occupied in the settlement of these questions ; for in some cases the original delegates had presented themselves for readmission, and in other cases there were contesting delegations. The action of the convention was in most instances in favor of the delegates pledged to Mr. Douglas, and accordingly, as soon as the membership of the con- vention was fully decided, a portion of the Virginia delegation set the example of a second secession. They were followed by most of the remaining members from the Southern States, and 286 A HISTORY OF THE .PRESIDENCY by a few from the North ; and Mr. Gushing, the president, also Avithdrew and resigned the chair, which was taken by Governor Tod, of Ohio. The convention then proceeded to vote again for a candidate for President. On the first vote Douglas re- ceived 173h votes ; Guthrie 10 ; and John C. Breckinridge 5, and three votes were divided among four other candidates. All the Southern States combined cast but 35 votes, and 15 of these were given by the contesting delegates just admitted to the convention. On the announcement of the result, Mr. Sanford E. Church, of New York, moved a resolution that, as Mr. Douglas had received two thirds of the vote given in this convention, he be declared the regular nominee of the party. The objection was raised that the resolution indirectly rescinded the rule requiring two thirds of a full convention to effect a nomination ; but the resolution was declared in order, and a long debate took place iipon it. Finally it was withdrawn to allow another vote to be taken, which resulted in Mr. Douglas receiving 181^^- ; Mr. Breckinridge 7.^- ; and Mr. Guthrie 5.V votes. The resolution of Mr. Church was then taken up and passed. Benjamin Fitzpatrick, of Alabama, was nominated for Vice-President on the first vote, with almost complete unanim- ity. The following resolution, proposed from the floor, was adopted with only two dissenting votes, as an addition to the platform : — Resolved, That it is in accordance with the interpretation of the Cincinnati platform, that, during the existence of the Territorial governments, the measure of restriction, whatever it may be, ini- jiosed by the Federal Constitution on the power of the Territorial legislatm-e over the subject of the domestic relations, as the same has been, or shall hereafter be, finally determined by the Supreme Court of the United States, should be respected by all good citi- zens, and enforced with promptness and fidelity by every branch of the general government. This finished the proceedings of the convention. Mr. Fitz- patrick declined the nomination for Vice-President, and Her- schel V. Johnson, of Georgia, was nominated by the National Committee. Upon leaving the convention hall the seceders proceeded to organize a rival convention. They were joined by some dele- gates who had withdrawn from the convention at Charleston, and by the excluded contesting delegates. Mr. Cushing pre- sided over the convention. Twenty-one States were wholly or THE LAST STRUGGLE OF SLAVERY 287 partially represented, but no delegates were present from the States of Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, South Carolina, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin. The convention made short work. It adopted the platform reported by the majority of the commit- tee on resolutions of the Charleston convention, nominated John C. Breckinridge, of Kentucky, for President, and Joseph Lane, of Oregon, for Vice-President, both by a unanimous vote, and adjourned. The platform adopted was as follows : — Resolved, That the platform adopted by the Democratic party at Cincinnati be affirmed, with the following explanatory resolu- tions : — 1. That the government of a Territory organized by an act of Congress is provisional and temporary ; and, daring its existence, all citizens of the United States have an equal right to settle with their property in the Territory, without their rights, either of per- son or of property, being destroyed or im]3aired by congressional legislation. 2. That it is the duty of the federal government, in all its de- partments, to protect, when necessary, the rights of persons and property in the Territories, and wherever else its constitutional authority extends. 3. That when the settlers in a Territory, having an adequate population, form a state constitution, the right of sovereignty com- mences, and, being consummated by admission into the Union, they stand on an equal footing with the people of other States ; and the State thus organized ought to be admitted into the federal Union, whether its Constitution prohibits or recognizes the institu- tion of slavery. 4. That the Democratic party are in favor of the acquisition of the island of Cuba, on such terms as shall be honorable to our- selves and just to Spain, at the earliest practicable moment. 5. That the enactments of state legislatures to defeat the faith- ful execution of the fugitive slave law are hostile in character, sub- versive of the Constitution, and revolutionary in their effect. 6. That the Democracy of the United States recognize it as the imperative duty of this government to protect the naturalized citizen in all his rights, whether at home or in foreign lands, to the same extent as its native-born citizens. Whereas, One of the greatest necessities of the age, in a politi- cal, commercial, postal, and military point of view, is a speedy communication between the Pacific and Atlantic coasts, — Therefore be it resolved, That the Democratic party do hereby pledge themselves to use every means in their power to secure the 288 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY passage of some bill, to the extent of the constitutional authority of Congress, for the construction of a Pacific railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, at the earliest practicable moment. .This brief and meagre summary of the proceedings of the Democrats gives no idea of the intense excitement that attended the sessions of the convention, nor of the breathless interest with which tlie country watched its proceedings. The " irre- pressible conflict " existed, even in the party which had upheld the Southern cause, although that party had been already more than decimated in the North by secession to the Republican ranks. The two-thirds rule had wrecked the convention. The party had two sets of candidates, neither of which could claim regularity of nomination according to ordinary Democratic usage ; and two platforms, the one supported by a majority as represented in the original convention, the other expressing the views of a great majority of those who could give electoral votes to Democratic candidates. It was evident to every one that, unless the two factions could get together on election day, probably even if they were able to patch up their differences, the cause was lost and a Republican triumph was assured. The Republicans themselves were delighted at a situation which gave them such an opportunity. The southern Demo- crats sent forth emphatic warning of the course they would pursue should a Republican President be chosen, and began to prepare for the grim struggle. Douglas's followers maintained their ground. They^had gone as far as they would go in con- cession to the South. Soon after the Charleston convention adjourned, to reassem- ble in Baltimore, the Constitutional Union party held its first and only general convention, at Baltimore, on the 9th of May. Most of the States were represented, though not in all cases by delegates duly elected in primary meetings and conventions. Young as it was, the party was divided into two wings. The Southerners, mostly representatives of the still surviving Na- tive American sentiment, desired to nominate General Sam Houston, of Texas. The old Whigs of the North did not relish such a candidacy. They were adjured not to pay too much attention to gentility, but to take a candidate who, rough as he might be, would carry many of the southern States. Although the party was, by its very name, one of union, it had no sooner organized, by the choice of Washington THE LAST STRUGGLE OF SLAVERY 289 Hunt, of New York, as president, than it fell into a bitter debate as to the manner of voting, and as to the number of votes which delegations might cast. The Houston party- was present in great force, and it was feared that, unless a strict rule were adopted, that candidate might be thrust upon the convention. When this difficulty had been sur- mounted, the committee on resolutions made a report, which was unanimously adopted, and the following platform was ac- cepted : — Whereas, Experience has demonstrated that platforms adopted by the partisan conventions of the country have had the effect to mislead and deceive the people, and at the same time to widen the political divisions of the country by the creation and encourage- ment of geographical and sectional parties, therefore, — Resolved, That it is both the part of patriotism and of duty to recognize no political principle other than the Constitution of the country, the union of the States, and the enforcement of the laws, and that, as representatives of the Constitutional Union men of the country in national convention assembled, we hereby pledge our- selves to maintain, protect, and defend, separately and unitedly, these great principles of public liberty and national safety, against all enemies at home and abroad, believing that thereby peace may once more be restored to the country, the rights of the people and of the States reestablished, and the government again placed in that condition of justice, fraternity, and equality which, under the example and Constitution of our fathers, has solemnly bound every citizen of the United States to maintain a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the com- mon defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. Two votes only were necessary to effect a nomination of a candidate for President. They resulted as follows : — First. Second. • John Bell, of Tennessee 68^ 138^ Samuel Houston, of Texas 57 68 John J. Crittenden, of Kentucky .... 28 8]^ Edward Everett, of Massachusetts ... 25 9% John McLean, of Ohio 22 — William A. Graham, of North Carolina . 22 18^ William C. Rives, of Virginia 13 — John M, Botts, of Virginia 9^ 5J William L. Sharkey, of Mississippi ... 6 5 William L. Goggin, of Virginia .... 3 — 290 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY The number necessary for a choice on the second vote was 127, and Mr. Bell was accordingly nominated. Edward Everett, of Massachusetts, was the only person proposed as a candidate for Vice-President, and he was unanimously nomi- na];ed. Not a little enthusiasm was manifested over the two nominations, which, if they did not insure a vigorous treat- ment of the questions of the day, did certainly represent the desire of the convention that the country should have union and peace. All the political interest of the country was now concen- trated upon the Republican convention called to meet at Chicago on the 16th of May. While the Democrats were divided and discordant, and were evidently unable to unite upon a platform or a candidate, the Republicans were con- fident. They had been successful in every Northern State in which an election Avas held, in 1859, save four : California ; Oregon, where the adverse majority was only 59 ; New York, where the combined vote of the Democrats and third party men was less than 2000 more than that of the Republicans ; and Rhode Island, where they were defeated by a fusion of all the opposition. Mr. Seward was the leading candidate. A large, influential, and well-organized body of delegates went to Chicago with a determination to eff'ect his nomination. But the party was far from being united in his support. He had the bitter hostility of Horace Greeley, whose " Tribune " was the most powerful newspaper organ of Republican opin- ion ; but that opposition did not count for so much as did the calmer and less virulent objection of a large section of the party which, though not unfriendly to Mr. Seward, and though grateful for his services, questioned the wisdom of putting in the field a candidate whose views were so pro- nounced, and whose attitude might alienate some elements which needed to be conciliated. The political conditions were so favorable that the list of willing candidates was a long one. Senator Chase was hardly less prominent in politics than Mr. Seward, although his sup- port was neither so large nor so general as that of the New York candidate. Mr. Greeley supported Edward Bates, of Mis- souri. Pennsylvania presented the name of Simon Cameron, for trading purposes. But it was seen early in the preliminary canvass that the only man who could be pitted against Seward with hope of success was the rugged " rail-splitter " of Illinois, THE LAST STRUGGLE OF SLAVERY 291 the champion who had not hesitated to match himself against the foremost debater of the Democratic party, and had emerged from the logical conflict with a reputation not inferior to that of his antagonist, — Abraham Lincoln. When the convention assembled there were delegates present from all the free States, also from Delaware, Maryland, Vir- ginia, Kentucky, Missouri, and Texas, and from the Terri- tories of Kansas, Nebraska, and the District of Columbia, David Wilmot, of Pennsylvania, was the temporary chairman, and George Ashmun, of Massachusetts, the permanent presi- dent. There was a contest over the standing of the delegates from some of the Southern States, owing to a strong suspicion that they represented nobody but themselves, and were Re- publicans of the States which they claimed as their own, for convention purposes only. The convention took a liberal view, and allowed the delegates to retain their seats with a somewhat diminished voting strength in some cases. On the second day there was a debate over the question whether a majority of the whole number of delegates, were all the States of the Union fully represented, or only a ma- jority of the delegates voting, should be necessary to nominate. The first proposition, which would have been almost equivalent to the two-thirds rule of the Democrats, was rejected by 331 votes to 130. The platform was reported, amended, and adopted as fol- lows : — Resolved, That we, the delegated representatives of the Repub- lican electors of the United States, in convention assembled, in discharge of the duty we owe to our constituents and our country, unite in the following declarations : — 1. That the history of the nation, during the last four years, has fully established the propriety and necessity of the organization and perpetuation of the Republican party, and that the causes which called it into existence are permanent in their nature, and now, more than ever before, demand its peaceful and constitu- tional triumph. 2. That the maintenance of the principles promulgated in the Declaration of Independence and embodied in the Federal Consti- tution, — " that all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights ; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness ; that, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just 292 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY powers from the consent of the governed " — is essential to the preservation of our republican institutions ; and that the federal Constitution, the rights of the States, and the union of the States must and shall be preserved. 3. That to the union of the States this nation awes its unpre- cedented increase in population, its surprising development of material resources, its rapid augmentation of wealth, its happiness at home, and its honor abroad ; and we hold in abhorrence all schemes for disunion, come from whatever source they may ; and we congratulate the country that no Republican member of Con- gress has uttered or countenanced the threats of disunion so often made by Democratic members, without rebuke and with applause from their political associates ; and we denounce those threats of disunion, in case of a popular overthrow of their ascendency, as denying the vital principles of a free government, and as an avowal of contemplated treason, which it is the imperative duty of an indignant people sternly to rebuke and forever silence. 4. That the maintenance inviolate of the rights of the States, and especially the right of each State to order and control its own domestic institutions according to its own judgment exclusively, is essential to that balance of power on which the perfection and endurance of our political fabric depends ; and we denounce the lawless invasion by armed force of the soil of any State or Terri- tory, no matter under what pretext, as among the gravest of crimes. 5. That the present Democratic administration has far exceeded our worst apprehensions, in its measureless subserviency to the exactions of a sectional interest, as especially evinced in its der sperate exertions to force the infamous Lecomptou constitution upon the protesting people of Kansas; in construing the personal relation between master and servant to involve an unqualified property in person ; in its attempted enforcement, everywhere, on land and sea, through the intervention of Congress and of the Federal courts, of the extreme pretensions of a purely local inter- est ; and in its general and unvarying abuse of the power intrusted to it by a confiding people. 6. That the people justly view with alarm the reckless extrava- gance which pervades every department of the federal government ; that a return to rigid economy and accountability is indispensable to arrest the systematic plunder of the public treasury by favored partisans ; while the recent startling developments of frauds and corruptions at the Federal metropolis show that an entire change of administration is imperatively demanded. 7. That the new dogma that the Constitution, of its own force, carries slavery into any or all of the Territories of the United States, THE LAST STRUGGLE OF SLAVERY 293 is a dangerous political heresy, at variance with the explicit pro- visions of that instrument itself, with contemporaneous exposition, and with legislative and judicial precedent ; is revolutionary in its tendency, and siibversive of the peace and harmony of the country. 8. That the normal condition of all the territory of the United States is that of freedom ; that as our republican fathers, when they had abolished slavery in all our national territory, ordaiiTfed that no person should be deprived of life, liberty, or property with- out due process of law, it becomes our duty, by legislation, when- ever such legislation is necessary, to maintain this provision of the Constitution against all attempts to violate it ; and we deny the authority of Congress, of a territorial legislature, or of any individual, to give legal existence to slavery in any Territory of the United States. 9. That we brand the recent reopening of the African slave- trade, under the cover of our national flag, aided by perversions of judicial power, as a crime against humanity, and a burning shame to our countiy and age ; and we call upon Congress to take prompt and efficient measures for the total and final suppression of that execrable traffic. 10. That in the recent vetoes, by their federal governors, of the acts of the legislatures of Kansas and Nebraska, prohibiting slavery in those Territories, we find a practical illustration of the boasted Democratic principle of non-intervention and popular sovereignty, embodied in the Kansas-Xebraska Bill, and a demonstration of the deception and fraud involved therein. 11. That Kansas should of right be immediately admitted as a State under the Constitution recently formed and adopted by her people and accepted by the House of Representatives. 12. That, while pro\nding revenue for the support of the general government by duties upon imports, sound policy requires such an adjustment of these imposts as to encourage the development of the industrial interests of the whole country ; and we commend that policy of national exchanges which secures to the workingmen liberal wages, to agriculture remunerating prices, to mechanics and manufacturers an adequate reward for their skill, labor, and enter- prise, and to the nation commercial prosperity and independence. 13. That we protest against any sale or alienation to others of the public lands held by actual settlers, and against any view of the free-homestead policy which regards the settlers as paupers or sup- pliants for public bounty; and we demand the passage by Con- gress of the complete and satisfactory homestead measure which has already passed the House. 14. That the Republican party is opposed to any change in our naturalization laws, or any state legislation by which the rights of 294 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY citizenship hitherto accorded to immigrants from foreign lands shall be abridged or impaired ; and in favor of giving a full and efficient protection to the rights of all classes of citizens, whether native or naturalized, both at home and abroad. 15. That appropriations by Congress for river and harbor im- provements of a national character, required for the accommoda- tit)n and security of oui- existing commerce, are authorized by the Constitution, and justified by the obligations of government to protect the lives and property of its citizens. 16. That a railroad to the Pacific Ocean is imperatively demanded by the interests of the whole country ; that the federal govern- ment ought to render immediate and efficient aid in its construc- tion ; and that, as preliminary thereto, a daily overland mail should be promptly established. 17. Finally, having thus set forth our distinctive principles and views, we invite the cooperation of all citizens, however differing on other questions, who substantially agree with us in their affirm- ance and support. The second resolution as originally reported did not contain the passage from the Declaration of Independence therein quoted. It was proposed by Mr. Joshua R. Giddings, of Ohio, to insert it in the form of a separate resolution, " that we solemnly reassert the self-evident truth that all men," etc. ; but the motion was defeated. Mr. George William Curtis, of New York, afterward moved to insert the passage in its present place, and the motion prevailed. On the third day of the con- vention the names of candidates for President were formally presented, but no speeches were allowed to be made by those who nominated the candidates. Three votes were taken amid increasing excitement, with the following result : — Whole number of votes .... Necessary for a choice William H. Seward, of New York Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois . . Simon Cameron, of Pennsylvania . Salmon P. Chase, of Ohio . . . Edward Bates, of Missouri William L. Dayton, of New Jersey John McLean, of Ohio Jacob CoUamer, of Vermont . . Scattering iBt. 2d. 46.5 465 233 233 173i 184i 102 181 50i 2 49 m 48 35 14 10 12 8 10 - 6 2 465 233 180 2311 24i 22 1 5 THE LAST STRUGGLE OF SLAVERY 295 Mr. Lincoln was within one and a half votes of a nomina- tion when the roll-call was completed. Ohio quickly trans- ferred four votes to him, and then delegation after delegation changed in his favor until he had 354 in all. On motion of Mr. W. M. Evarts, of New York, seconded by Mr. John A. Andrew, of Massachusetts, the nomination was made unani- mous with the greatest enthusiasm. At a later session on the same day the convention voted twice for a candidate for Vice-President, with this result : — First. Second. Haunibal Hamlin, of Maine 194 367 Cassius M. Clay, of Kentucky lOli 86 John Hickman, of Pennsylvania 58 13 Andrew H. Reeder, of Pennsylvania 51 - Nathaniel P. Banks, of Massachusetts 38^ - Scattering 15 - The nomination of Mr. Hamlin having been made unani- mous, the convention closed its proceedings by the adoption of the following resolution, offered by Mr. Giddings, of Ohio : — Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with those men who have been driven, some from their native States and others from the States of their adoption, and are now exiled from their homes on account of their opinions; and we hold the Democratic party responsible for the gross violation of that clause of the Constitu- tion which declares that citizens of each State shall be entitled to all the privileges and immunities of citizens of the several States. The canvass which ensued after these several nominations had been made was fierce and exciting. On the part of the Republicans there was a well-grounded confidence that they were to be victorious. The nomination of Mr. Lincoln, like that of General Harrison twenty years before, was exceedingly popular with young men ; although, of course, the remark is true in the later case of the young men in the Northern half of the country only. The tactics which had been so efficacious in the successful Whig campaigns were again resorted to, and the Northern States were alive with processions, torch-light parades, and mass-meetings. In the South there was a grim determination to win the victory if possible, but in no event to submit to defeat. The mutterings of secession and war, should Mr. Lincoln be elected, were frequently heard ; the supporters of the Republican party refused to believe that the South would be guilty of such madness. In the Northern sec- tion of the Democratic party there was an earnest effort to fuse 296 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY all the elements in support of a union ticket of electors, with the implied, and in some cases the expressed, agreement that in case the ticket should command a majority the electoral votes should be given to that candidate who should come the nearest to an election. This course was pursued in the close States only. Where there was no hope that fusion would give the Democrats a majority, the two wings of the party had each its own electoral ticket. All the planning was without avail. Had there been complete fusion in every State, the Republi- cans would have lost no electoral votes save those of Califor- nia and Oregon. The early elections in Maine, Ohio, Indiana, and Pennsylvania, to say nothing of other States where the contest was not so close, foreshadowed the certain election of Mr. Lincoln, and the result in November more than justified the deductions from the September and October elections. Every Northern State except New Jersey was carried by the Republicans, and even that State gave a divided electoral vote. The decision was hardly made by the people of the country before the South began to carry out the threats which had been only muttered before the election ; and the new Presi- dent succeeded to the administration of a government which was to fight for its very existence. Thirty-three States took part in this election. Minnesota had been admitted to the Union on the 11th of May, 1858, and Oregon on the 12th of February, 1859. The popular and electoral vote, together with the details of fusion, are given on the next page. The official record of the electoral count contains nothing of interest. The proceedings were in strict accordance with pre- cedent. Nevertheless a single remark made by a member of the House of Representatives after the count was over indi- cates the condition of affairs at the time. Some trouble had been feared on the occasion of the count of votes, and no doubt precautions were taken against violence at any time, and par- ticularly at that time. At all events, the Southerners scented hostile preparations; and Mr. Hindman, of Arkansas, suggested that the committee to wait on the President-elect " be directed to inform General Scott that there is no further need for his janizaries about the Capitol, the votes being counted and the result proclaimed." The only attention paid to the sneer was in a retort from Mr. Grow, of Pennsylvania, that " gentlemen seem to trouble themselves a good deal about General Scott on all occasions." The proceedings then terminated. THE LAST STRUGGLE OF SLAVERY 297 Popular Votb. Elbctoeai, Votb. i £ S i J g i States. 8 "3) § . Q.2 - o a . •a >> 11 1 "O 1 "S 1 |i < 1 1 . » a ■§ 1 a la "3) 3 O a ■c a a 9 1 Alabama .... 13,651 48,831 27,875 Arkansas . . - 5,227 28,732 20,094 - - 4 - California . . 39,173 38,516 34,334 6,817 4 - - - Connecticut . 43,792 15,522 14,641 3,291 6 _ _ _ Delaware . . 3,815 1,023 7,337 3,864 _ - 3 _ Florida . . - 367 8,543 5,437 - - 3 - Georgia . . - 11,590 51,889 42,886 - - 10 - Illinois . . 172,161 160,215 2,404 4,913 11 - _ - Indiana . . 139,033 115,509 12,295 5,306 13 - - - Iowa . . . 70,409 55,111 1,048 1,763 4 - - - Kentucky . . 1,364 25,651 53,143 66,058 - - - 12 Louisiana . . - 7,625 22,861 20,204 - - 6 _ Maine . . . 62,811 26,693 6,368 2,046 8 - _ - Maryland . . 2,294 5,966 42,482 41,760 - - 8 - Massachusetts 106,533 34,372 5,939 22,331 13 - _ - Michigan . . 88,480 65,057 805 405 6 _ _ _ Minnesota 22,069 11,920 748 62 4 - _ _, Mississippi - 3,283 40,797 25,040 - - 7 - Missouri . . 17,028 58,801 31,317 58,372 - 9 - - New Hampshire 37,519 25,881 2,112 441 5 - _ _ New Jersey . 58,324 62,801* - - 4t 3t - - New York . . 362,646 312,510* - - 35 - - _ North Carolina - 2,701 48,539 44,990 - - 10 _ Ohio. . . . 231,610 187,232 11,405 12,194 23 - - - Oregon . . . 5.270 3,951 5,006 183 3 - _ - Pennsylvania 268,030 16,765 178,871* 12,776 27 - _ - Rhode Island 12,244 7,707* - - 4 - - _ South Carolinat _ _ _ _ - - 8 - Tennessee . . - 11,350 64,709 69,274 - - - 12 Texas . . . - - 47,548 15,438 - - 4 - Vermont . . 33,808 8,649 1,866 217 5 - _ - Virginia . . 1,929 16,290 74,323 74,681 - - _ 15 Wisconsin . . . 86,110 65,021 888 161 5 180 12 72 - Total . . . 1,866,452 1,376,957 849,781 588,879 39 * Vote for fusion tickets, t Although the Fusion ticket in New Jersey received a popular majority, four of the candidates were defeated by " scratching," and four Lincoln electors had a plurality, t Electora appointed by the legislature. XXII LINCOLN RE-ELECTED Seven of the Southern States had taken the step of seces- sion before the inauguration of President Lincoln. A futile attempt to save the Union was made by the Peace Convention which met in Washington on February 4, 1861, at the call of Virginia. Within six weeks after the attack upon Fort Sum- ter, Virginia and three other '' Border " States had joined their more Southern sisters. The outbreak of the war almost obliterated parties. The South was eliminated from the poli- tics of the country. Hundreds of thousands of Democrats eagerly adopted the view expressed by Douglas, '*' There can be no neutrals in this war, — only patriots and traitors." Many of the War Democrats became merged in the Republican party ; others retained their political independence, but cordially sup- ported all the war measures of the administration, and furnished to the army their due share of officers and men. There were, it is true, many Democrats who offered a persistent and un- relenting opposition to the war, and were querulous critics of the method of its prosecution. Not all who were denounced as " Southern sympathizers " were really desirous of the suc- cess of disunion ; but the Northern temper was naturally in- tolerant, and, exaggerating the offence of those who opposed the administration, classed them all as "traitors." The fa- vorite term of opprobrium was " Copperhead," the name of a venomous reptile. As the war proceeded, the spirit of acqui- escence in the conduct of affairs diminished greatly, and a strong political opposition developed. The effective prosecution of a civil war necessarily involved the use of harsh and summary measures against men who were suspected of giving aid to the enemy. Nevertheless the suspension of the writ of habeas corpxis, and the arbitrary arrests of citizens, drove into opposi- tion many men whose loyalty could not be suspected. It was their misfortune that they were forced to ^lake a political alli- ance with the more virulent enemies of the administration, not LINCOLN RE-ELECTED 299 a few of whom rendered themselves obnoxious to the patriotic by rejoicing openly over defeats of the Union armies. The opposition was also ever ready to espouse the cause of generals who for any cause fell into disfavor at Washington. This was especially the case with respect to General McClellan, who became more and more a favorite with Democrats as the real or fancied wrongs which he suffered at the hands of the Presi- dent increased. In 1862 the Republican party met with many reverses, the most important of which gave the great State of New York to the Democrats. The President's trials did not come from those alone who regarded his acts, and those of his officers and agents, as arbi- trary and tyrannical. He was beset also by an active minority of his own party, who chafed at his conservatism and his un- willingness to adopt the radical measures which they were per- suaded would hasten the success of the Union arms. They urged the enrollment of colored troops and the complete eman- cipation of the slaves. Mr. Lincoln moved slowly, because public sentiment was slower still. The people at large learned to trust his calmness and good sense. If they did not approve all his acts, they were sure of his high purpose, and they par- doned much to the terrible exigency that forced him to sanc- tion doubtful or objectionable measures. The firmness with which he withstood the demand for emancipation, when it was clamorously urged upon him, made them all the more ready to accept his judgment as to the wisdom of the step when at last and with deliberation he proclaimed that all the slaves within the territory held by the Confederacy were thenceforth free. His wisdom and strength commended him to thoughtful men, and his quaint shrewdness in word and act brought him near to the common people. Mr. Lincoln neither obtrusively urged himself as a candidate fGr reelection nor made any coy professions of unwillingness to be chosen again. He was simply and frankly a candidate. He believed that it was best for the country, in the circum- stances, that he should be continued in office. It was not good policy, he said, — and the phrase made the one argument which in any case would have turned the scale in his favor, — " to swap horses while crossing a stream." The certainty that the Republican convention — which was called on February 22, 1864, to meet in Baltimore on the 7th of June — would nominate Mr. Lincoln led certain radical 300 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY opponents of his administration in various parts of the country to attempt to forestall its action by calling a convention to meet on an earlier day at Cleveland. Several calls were pub- lished, all of them inviting the people to meet in mass conven- tion in that city on the 31st of May. Among the signers of these calls were the Rev. Dr. George B. Cheever, of New York, B, Gratz Brown, of Missouri, Lucius Robinson, of New York, and other gentlemen then or since prominent in public affairs. Wendell Phillips, Frederick Douglass, and others sent letters approving the objects of the convention. In answer to these calls, about three hundred and fifty per- sons met in Cleveland on the appointed day. General John Cochrane, of New York, was made president. A platform was adopted as follows : — First. That the Federal Union shall be preserved. Second. That the Constitution and laws of the United States must be observed and obeyed. Third. That the rebellion must be suppressed by force of arms, and without compromise. Fourth. That the rights of free speech, free press, and the habeas corpus be held inviolate, save in districts where martial law has been proclaimed. Fifth. That the rebellion has destroyed slavery, and the Federal Constitution should be amended to prohibit its reestablishment, and to secure to all men absolute equality before the law. Sixth. That integrity and economy are demanded at all times in the administration of the government, and that in time of war the want of them is criminal. Seventh. That the right of asylum, except for crime and subject to law, is a recognized principle of American liberty ; that any violation of it cannot be overlooked, and must not go unrebuked. Eighth. That the national policy known as the " Monroe Doc- trine " has become a recognized principle, and that the establish- ment of an anti-republican government on this continent by any foreign power cannot be tolerated. Ninth. That the gratitude and support of the nation are due to the faithful soldiers and the earnest leaders of the Union army and navy for their heroic achievements of deathless valor in defence of our imperilled country and civil liberty. Tenth. That the one-term policy for the presidency adopted by the people is strengthened by the force of the existing crisis, and should be maintained by constitutional amendments. Eleventh. That the Constitution should be so amended that the President and Vice-President shall be elected by a direct vote of the people. LINCOLN RE-ELECTED 301 Tioelfth. That the question of the reconstruction of the rebel- lious States belongs to the people, through their representatives in Congress, and not to the executive. Thirteenth. That the confiscation of the lands of the rebels, and their distribution among the soldiers and actual settlers, is a mea- sure of justice. General John C. Fremont was nominated by acclamation for President, and General John Cochrane, a few dissenting, for Vice-President. In letters dated at New York, June 4, both gen- tlemen accepted these nominations. As a manifestation of one phase of the opposition to Mr. Lincoln, these proceedings and those which followed are interesting ; but the candidacy of Gen- eral Fremont came to nothing. On August 20 a letter was addressed to him by citizens of Boston, asking him if, " in case Mr. Lincoln will withdraw, you will do so," and " unite the thorough and earnest friends of a vigorous prosecution of the war in a new convention." The ultimate result of this move- ment, although Mr. Lincoln did nothing to promote it, was the withdrawal of both General Fremont and General Cochrane on the 21st of September, and the union of the Republican party in support of its regular candidates. The call for the Republican national convention was worded, as the calls for many of the state conventions had been, so as to include in the invitation to participate in it all, of whatever former party relations, who would stand by the administration and its measures. It was addressed to those " who desire the unconditional maintenance of the Union, the supremacy of the Constitution, and the complete suppression of the existing rebellion, with the cause thereof, by vigorous war, and all apt and efficient means." The convention met at Baltimore, June 7, 1864, and was presided over temporarily by the Rev. Dr. Robert J. Breckinridge, of Kentucky, and, as permanent pre- sident, by ex-Governor William Dennison, of Ohio. The plat- form was reported by Mr. Henry J. Raymond, of New York, and was adopted unanimously, as follows : — 1. Resolved, That it is the highest duty of every American citi- zen to maintain against all their enemies the integrity of the Union, and the permanent authority of the Constitution and laws of the United States ; and that, laying aside all differences of political opinion, we pledge ourselves as Union men, animated by a com- mon sentiment and aiming at a common object, to do everything in our power to aid the government in quelling by force of arms 302 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY the rebellion now raging against its authority, and in bringing to the punishment due to their crimes the rebels and traitors arrayed against it. 2. Resolved, That we approve the determination of the govern- ment of the United States not to compromise with rebels, or to offer them any terms of peace except such as may be based upon an unconditional surrender of their hostility and a return to their just allegiance to the Constitution and laws of the United States ; and that we call upon the government to maintain this position, and to prosecute the war with the utmost possible vigor to the complete suppression of the rebellion, in full reliance upon the self-sacrificing patriotism, the heroic valor, and the undying devo- tion of the American people to their country and its free institu- tions. 3. Resolved, That, as slavery was the cause and now constitutes the strength of this rebellion, and as it must be, always and every- where, hostile to the principles of republican government, justice and the national safety demand its utter and complete extirpation from the soil of the republic ; and that, while we uphold and maintain the acts and proclamations by which the government, in its own defence, has aimed a death-blow at this gigantic evil, we are in favor, furthermore, of such amendment to the Constitution, to be made by the people in conformity with its provisions, as shall terminate and forever prohibit the existence of slavery within the limits or the jurisdiction of the United States. 4. Resolved, That the thanks of the American people are due to the soldiers and sailors of the army and navy who have perilled their lives in defence of their country and in vindication of the honor of its flag ; that the nation owes to them some permanent recognition of their patriotism and their valor, and ample and per- manent provision for those of their survivors who have received disabling and honorable wounds in the service of the country ; and that the memories of those who have fallen in its defence shall be held in grateful and everlasting remembrance. 5. Resolved, That we approve and applaud the practical wisdom, the unselfish patriotism, and the unswerving fidelity with which Abraham Lincoln has discharged, under circumstances of unparal- leled difficulty, the great duties and responsibilities of the presiden- tial office ; that we approve and indorse, as demanded by the emer- gency and essential to the preservation of the nation and as within the provisions of the Constitution, the measures and acts which he has adopted to defend the nation against its open and secret foes ; that we approve, especially, the proclamation of emancipation and the employment as Union soldiers of men heretofore held in slavery ; and that we have full confidence in his determination to LINCOLN RE-ELECTED 303 carry these and all other constitutional measures essential to the salvation of the country into full and complete effect. 6. Resolved, That we deem it essential to the general welfare that harmony should prevail in the national councils, and we re- gard as worthy of public confidence and official trust those only who cordially indorse the principles proclaimed in these resolu- tions, and which should characterize the administration of the government. 7. Resolved, That the government owes to all men employed in its armies, without regard to distinction of color, the full protec- tion of the laws of war ; and that any violation of these laws, or of the usages of civilized nations in time of war, by the rebels now in arms, should be made the subject of prompt and full redress. 8. Resolved, That foreign immigration, which in the past has added so much to the wealth, development of resources, and in- crease of power to this nation, — the asylum of the oppressed of all nations, — should be fostered and encouraged by a liberal and just policy. 9. Resolved, That we are in favor of a speedy construction of the railroad to the Pacific coast. 10. Resolved, That the national faith, pledged for the redemp- tion of the public debt, must be kept inviolate, and that for this purpose we recommend economy and rigid responsibility in the public expenditures, and a vigorous and just system of taxation ; and that it is the duty of every loyal State to sustain the credit and promote the use of the national currency. 11. Resolved, That we approve the position taken by the govern- ment, that the people of the United States can never regard with indifference the attempt of any European power to overthrow by force, or to supplant by fraud, the institutions of any republican government on the Western Continent; and that they will view with extreme jealousy, as menacing to the peace and independence of their own country, the efforts of any such power to obtain new footholds for monarchical governments, sustained by foreign mili- tary force, in near proximity to the United States. On a formal vote for a candidate for President, Mr. Lincoln received all the votes of every State, except those of Missouri, which were cast, in accordance with instructions, for General U. S. Grant. The nomination was then made unanimous. On the first ballot for a candidate for Vice-President, Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee, received 200 ; Hannibal Hamlin, of Maine, 150 ; Daniel S. Dickinson, of New York, 108 ; and seven other candidates an aggregate of 61. Before the vote was declared, a great many changes took place, and the final 304 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY result was : for Johnson, 494 votes ; for Dickinson, 17 ; for Hamlin, 9. Mr. Johnson was declared the candidate. The Democratic convention met on August 29, at Chicago. Ex-Governor William Bigler, of Pennsylvania, was the tempo- rary president, and Governor Horatio Seymour, of New York, the permanent president. The platform was reported by Mr. James Guthrie, of Kentucky, as follows : — Resolved, That in the future, as in the past, we will adhere with unswerving fidelity to the Union under the Constitution as the only solid foundation of our strength, security, and happiness as a people, and as a framework of government equally conducive to the wel- fare and prosperity of all the States, both Northern and Southern. Resolved, That this convention does explicitly declare, as the sense of the American people, that after four years of failure to restore the Union by the experiment of war, during which, under the pretence of a military necessity, or war power higher than the Constitution, the Constitution itself has been disregarded in every part, and public liberty and private right alike trodden down, and the material prosperity of the country essentially impaired, — justice, humanity, liberty, and the public welfare demand that immediate efforts be made for a cessation of hostilities, with a view to an idtimate convention of the States, or other peaceable means, to the end that, at the earliest practicable moment, peace may be restored on the basis of the federal Union of the States. Resolved, That the direct interference of the military authori- ties of the United States in the recent elections held in Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, and Delaware was a shameful violation of the Constitution ; and a repetition of such acts in the approaching elec- tion will be held as revolutionary, and resisted with all the means and power under our control. Resolved, That the aim and object of the Democratic party is to preserve the federal Union and the rights of the States unimpaired ; and they hereby declare that they consider that the administrative usurpation of extraordinary and dangerous powers not granted by the Constitution ; the subversion of the civil by military law in States not in insurrection ; the arbitrary military arrest, imprison- ment, trial, and sentence of American citizens in States where civil law exists in full force ; the suppression of freedom of speech and of the press ; the denial of the right of asylum ; the open and avowed disregard of state rights ; the employment of unusual test oaths ; and the interference with and denial of the right of the people to bear arms in their defence, — are calculated to prevent a restoration of the Union and the perpetuation of a government deriving its just powers from the consent of the governed. LINCOLN RE-ELECTED 305 Resolved, That the shameful disregard of the administration of its duty in respect to our fellow-citizens who are now, and long have been, prisoners of war and in a suffering condition, deserves the severest reprobation, on the score alike of public policy and com- mon humanity. Resolved, That the sympathy of the Democratic party is heart- ily and earnestly extended to the soldiery of our army and the sail- ors of our navy, who are and have been, in the field and on the sea, under the flag of our country ; and, in the event of its attaining power, they will receive all the care, protection, and regard that the brave soldiers and sailors of the republic have so nobly earned. On the first ballot for a candidate for President, General George B. McClellan was nominated. He had been repeatedly mentioned in connection with the nomination for many months, and the sentiments of the Democratic party were concen- trated in his favor long before the convention met. The vote as first taken resulted in 174 votes for McClellan ; 38 for Thomas H. Seymour, of Connecticut ; 12 for Horatio Seymour, of New York ; ^ vote for Charles O'Conor, of New York ; and IJ votes blank. But belore the result was announced several changes were made, and the announcement was : for McClel- lan, 202|- votes ; for Thomas H. Seymour, 28|^. All the votes for Mr. Seymour were given by delegates from Ohio, Indiana, and the " border States." The nomination of General Mc- Clellan was made unanimous, on motion of Mr. Vallandigham of Ohio. The first vote for a candidate for Vice-President resulted as follows : James Guthrie, of Kentucky, 65^ ; George H. Pendleton, of Ohio, 55|^ ; Lazarus W. Powell, of Kentucky, 32^ ; George W. Cass, of Pennsylvania, 26 ; Daniel W. Voorhees, of Indiana, 13 ; John D. Caton, of Illinois, 16 ; Augustus C. Dodge, of Iowa, 9 ; John S. Phelps, of Missouri, 8 ; blank, ^ vote. On the second trial, Mr. Guthrie's name having been withdrawn, the friends of all the other candidates, except those of Mr. Pendleton, withdrew their names also, and Mr. Pendleton was unanimously nominated. The canvass that followed was one of great spirit. The attention of the country was, it is true, earnestly fixed upon the progress of the war, and it could not be greatly or for a long time diverted to a political contest ; but the reelection of Mr. Lincoln was regarded and treated by the Pepublicans as 306 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY one of the important campaigns of the war ; and they held that those who were not with them in the accomplishment of that object were against the Union. They denounced the Democratic platform as a base and cowardly surrender to the enemy, and as an encouragement to those in arms against the old flag to persevere in their hostilities until the peace party should be in a position to make terms with them on the basis of a peaceable secession. The Republicans had called their convention as one of Union men. War Democrats took a prominent part in the proceedings of that assembly, and one of them was the candidate for the Vice-Presidency on the ticket with JMr. Lin- coln. They called upon all Union men to support the armies in the field by voting down the party which would make a disgraceful peace. The Democratic platform, unpopular from its first promulga- tion, became more so as the canvass proceeded. General Mc- Clellan repudiated its obvious meaning in his letter of accept- ance. Where the convention had demanded " a cessation of hostilities with a view to an ultimate convention of the States," the candidate expressed the belief that so " soon as it is clear, or even probable, that our present adversaries are ready for peace on the basis of the Union, we should exhaust all the resources of statesmanship ... to secure such peace." The convention had proclaimed " four years of failure to restore the Union by the experiment of war ; " General McClellan wrote : " I could not look in the face of my gallant comrades of the army and navy, who have survived so many bloody battles, and tell them that their labors and the sacrifice of so many of our slain and wounded brethren had been in vain ; that we had abandoned that Union for which we have so often perilled our lives." The convention said : Peace first, and Union afterward, if it can be had. General McClellan said : The Union first, and then peace ; " no peace can be permanent without union." The convention said that the war had been a failure ; General McClellan could not look his old comrades in the face and say that. His open repudiation of the expressed sentiments of the party saved to General McClellan many of the votes which would otherwise have been given to Mr. Lincoln. But although the party held its forces together much more gener- ally than might have been expected, the plain common sense of the people taught them that Mr. Lincoln was the candidate LINCOLN RE-ELECTED 307 whose election meant earnest and uncompromising war until the power of the rebellion was destroyed and the Union was re- stored, and they supported him. The general result was at no time in doubt. In some of the States, provision had been made, before the war broke out, for taking the votes of soldiers absent from their respective States with the army. Other States adopted Popular Vote. SOLDIEES ' Vote. Electoeal Vote. 1 d o d o States. a o 2 >. 1 "2 ^ a^ a S S° d ^ i a i « J3 t> d ^H a a pO £,» o 2 "o o a 1 3 < O 13 a I-) ^ California . . 62,134 43,841 2,600 237 5 _ Connecticut . . 44,693 42,288 - - 6 - Delaware . . 8,155 8,767 - - - 3 Illinois . . . 189,487 158,349 - - 16 - Indiana . . . 150,422 130,233 - - 13 - Iowa . ... 87,331 49,260 15,178 1,364 8 - Kansas . . . 14,228 3,871 - - 3 - Kentucky . . 27,786 64,301 1,194 2,823 - 11 Maine .... 72,278 47,736 4,174 741 7 - Maryland . . 40,153 32,739 2,800 321 7 - Massachusetts 126,742 48,745 - - 12 - Michigan . . 85,352 67,370 9,402 2,959 8 - Minnesota . 25,060 17,375 - - 4 — Missouri . . . 72,991 31,026 - - 11 - Nevada . . . 9,826 6,594 - - 2* - New Hampshire 36,595 33,034 2,066 690 5 - New Jersey . . 60,723 68,014 - - _ 7 New York . . 368,726 361,986 - - 33 - Ohio .... 265,154 205,568 41,146 9,757 21 - Oregon . . . 9,888 8,457 - - 3 - Pennsylvania . 296,389 276,308 26,712 12,349 26 - Rhode Island . 14,343 8,718 - - 4 - Vermont 42,422 13,325 243 49 5 _ West Virginia 23,223 10,457 - _ 5 - Wisconsin . . 79,564 6:3,875 11,372 2,458 8 ~ Totals . . . 2,213,665 1,802,237 116,887 33,748 212 21 ** Nevada chose three electors, one of whom died before the electioB. 308 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY similar provisions before the election took place. The army votes for President in 1864, which were counted in canvassing the returns for electors, are, in the table on the preceding page, separated from the home vote. It will be seen that in no case does the addition of the two change the result. The total vote counted, including both the home and the army votes, was 4,166,537, and Mr. Lincoln's plurality was 494,567. The army votes of Kansas and Minnesota, which arrived too late to be counted, and certain votes rejected for informality in Wisconsin, would have brought up the total to about 4,175,000, and Mr. Lincoln's majority to a number in excess of half a million. This was the first election since the adoption of the Consti- tution at which any State had deliberately neglected to appoint electors. In 1864 the authority of the United States was de- nied in, and complete sovereignty was claimed by the regular governments of, eleven States. But in some of them there had been set up rival governments, asserting their own loyalty to the Union, and claiming the recognition of Congress as the true government of those States. In one case, at least, the ques- tion presented was a puzzling one. The consent of the State of Virginia to the erection of the State of West Virginia within its territory — consent which was required by the terms of the Constitution — was given by one of these mushroom gov- ernments. After the creation of that new State, however, the territory and the population which admitted the authority of this government of Virginia were so small that Congress re- fused to recognize the claims of those who presented themselves as senators and representatives. Nevertheless, pretended elections had been held in Louis- iana and Tennessee, and the question was evidently to be pressed upon Congress whether or not the electoral votes cast in those States by a handful of men, many of them mere ad- venturers, were to be received. No such question had ever arisen before. Never had there been offered, at the joint meeting of the two Houses of Congress, a certificate of elec- toral votes which it was clearly the duty of Congress to reject, if Congress had any power to reject. In most such cases a decision of the question whether or not the disputed votes should be counted had been evaded ; but in all these instances a determination either way could not affect the result. Nor would the admission or the rejection of the Southern votes in LINCOLN RE-ELECTED 309 1864 change the result. But if the votes were allowed, the act would be equivalent to a declaration that the governments by whose authority they were given were valid and regular, and such a declaration might make trouble when the time for reconstruction should come. In these circumstances, and in order to fix the status of the seceded States until their governments had been duly recon- structed by Congress, a joint resolution was passed by both Houses in January, 1865. It was in the following words : — Whereas, The inhabitants and local authorities of the States of Vii-ginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Ala- bama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, and Tennessee re- belled against the government of the United States, and were in such condition on the 8th day of November, 1864, that no valid election of electors for President and Vice-President of the United States, according to the Constitution and laws thereof, was held therein on said day ; therefore — Be it resolved, By the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, that the States mentioned in the preamble to this joint resolution are not entitled to representation in the Electoral College for the choice of President and Vice-President of the United States for the term commencing on the 4th day of March, 1865, and no electoral votes shall be received or counted from said States concerning the choice of President and Vice-President for said term of office. The President was committed to the validity and regularity of the governments of Louisiana and Tennessee. A state government was in full operation in Louisiana, with Governor Hahn at its head, and the election in Tennessee had been ordered by Governor Andrew Johnson, Mr. Lincoln's asso- ciate on the ticket. Accordingly, the President was earnestly opposed to the resolution just recited, which virtually declared the invalidity of governments which he recognized, although Congress did not. But the Eepublicans in Congress were resolved that the votes should not be counted, and they de- termined that if they could not exclude Louisiana and Ten- nessee by law, they would do so by joint action of the two Houses in counting the vote. Owing to a fear that the Presi- dent would not sign the joint resolution, the " twenty-second joint rule," which played an important part during the six- teen years it was in force, was hastily drawn and as hastily adopted by both branches. At the same time great pressure 310 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY was brought to bear upon the President to approve the joint resolution. He finally yielded on the day the count was to take place, February 8, but not in time formally to notify Congress that he had done so. The joint rule, which would have been unnecessary if he had signed the resolution promptly, and which was to make much mischief in after years, served the same purpose. It was as follows : — The two Houses shall assemble in the hall of the House of Representatives at the hour of one o'clock p. m., on the second Wednesday in February next succeeding the meeting of the electors of President and Vice-President of the United States, and the President of the Senate shall be their presiding officer. One teller shall be appointed on the part of the Senate, and two on the part of the House of Representatives, to whom shall be handed, as they are opened by the President of the Senate, the certificates of the electoral votes ; and said tellers, having read the same in the pre- sence and hearing of the two Houses then assembled, shall make a list of the votes as they shall appear from the said certificates ; and the votes having been counted, the result of the same shall be delivered to the President of the Senate, who shall thereupon an- nounce the state of the vote and the names of the persons, if any, elected ; which announcement shall be deemed a sufficient declara- tion of the persons elected President and Vice-President of the United States, and, together with a list of the votes, be entered on the journals of the two Houses. If, upon the reading of any such certificate by the tellers, any question shall arise in regard to counting the votes therein certi- fied, the same having been stated by the presiding officer, the Sen- ate shall thereupon withdraw, and said question shall be submitted to that body for its decision ; and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall, in like manner, submit said question to the House of Representatives for its decision ; and no question shall be decided affirmatively, and no vote objected to shall be counted, ex- cept by the concurrent votes of the two Houses, which being obtained, the two Houses shall immediately reassemble, and the presiding officer shall then announce the decision of the question submitted, and upon any such question there shall be no debate in either House ; and any other question pertinent to the object for which the two houses are assembled may be submitted and deter- mined in like manner. At such joint meeting of the two Houses, seats shall be provided as follows : for the President of the Senate, the Speaker's chair ; for the Speaker, a chair immediately upon his left; for the senators, in the body of the hall, upon the right of the presiding officer ; for the LINCOLN RE-ELECTED 311 representatives, in the body of the hall not occupied by the sena- tors ; for the tellers, Secretary of the Senate, and Clerk of the House of Representatives, at the Clerk's desk ; for the other officers of the two Houses, in front of the Clerk's desk, and upon either side of the Speaker's platform. Such joint meeting shall not be dissolved until the electoral votes are all counted and the result declared ; and no recess shall be taken unless a question shall have arisen in regard to counting any of such votes, in which case it shall be competent for either House, acting separately, in the manner hereinbefore provided, to direct a recess, not beyond the next day at the hour of one o'clock p. M. The power assumed by Congress in the adoption of this joint resolution has frequently been assailed as an invention of the Republican party, and as a power never before asserted. But by reference to the proceedings in Congress in the year 1800 (p. 64 et seq.), it will be seen that a bill making per- manent provision for counting the electoral vote failed only because the Senate then insisted that either branch of Congress might reject a vote, while the House of Representatives main- tained that it should be rejected only by a concurrent vote. The act of 1887, which is now in force, permits the rejection of the vote of a State by concurrent action of both branches. On the 8th of February the joint meeting was held. The Vice-President, Mr. Hamlin, presided. The votes were opened by him and read by the tellers. When all the returns had been read, and the result was about to be declared, Senator Cowan of Pennsylvania inquired if there were any more re- turns to be counted, and if so, " why they are not submitted to this body in joint convention, which alone is capable of determining whether they should be counted or not." The Vice-President replied : — The chair has in his possession returns from the States of Louis- iana and Tennessee, but, in obedience to the law of the land, the chair holds it to be his duty not to present them to the conven- tion. Senator Cowan thereupon asked if the joint resolution had become a law by the signature of the President, to which the Vice-President responded that it had been signed, but there had been no official notification of the act. A debate ensued upon the question whether the proceedings should have been had under the joint resolution or under the joint rule. The 312 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY Vice-President ultimately acted under the resolution, and did not present the doubtful votes. The election of Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois, as President, and of Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee, as Vice-President, for the term commencing March 4, 1865, was then proclaimed, and the joint convention was dissolved. XXIII GENERAL GRANT Events moved rapidly between the time of Mr. Lincoln's election and that of his entering upon his second term. The South was exhausted by the struggle, and its army was hemmed in on all sides. Although, in his second inaugural address, " no prediction is ventured " as to the issue of the war, it was be- lieved that the civil war was virtually at an end, and already plans of " reconstruction " were much discussed. No one was in favor of restoring to power, or of leaving in power, those who had governed the States while they were in insurrection. Nevertheless there was room for a wide diversity of opinion as to the extent to which the disfranchisement of the former voters in those States should be carried. Mr. Lincoln's own views were much more liberal than those of most of the Northern statesmen. There was even some apprehension of a political conflict between him and Congress. Six weeks after the inauguration the President was assassinated, and Andrew Johnson became President. A man could not have been found less fitted than he to enter into the plans of those who, having determined the policy of the country during the war, were resolved that the fruits of the war should be se- cured. Compliance was not in his nature. He lacked that characteristic of greatness which enables strong popular leaders to persuade their followers to support measures which their judgment does not approve. Jackson dragged his party after him in his attack on the Bank, and ultimately inspired them with such zeal for the war that his conduct in that aifair has been held up for popular applause for more than half a cen- tury after the conflict ended. Yet it was not praiseworthy in its motive, in its conduct, or in its results. Lincoln would probably have carried his liberal policy, in spite of Thaddeus Stevens, Senator Ben Wade, and all the radicals, because the people believed in Lincoln, in his motives, and in his wis- dom. They saw, and history sees, in President Johnson much 314 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY obstinacy, little wisdom, and no tact. But a combination of circumstances alienated him, almost at the beginning of his administration, from those to whom he owed his election, and made him a more strenuous opponent of the conditions de- vised by their leaders for the readmission of the southern States than Mr. Lincoln could eeer have been. The four years of Mr. Johnson's administration were a period scarcely less agitated than the four years which pre- ceded secession. Civil war between the two sections. North and South, was succeeded by war, bloodless but severe, be- tween the executive and legislative departments of the govern- ment. Mr. Johnson's training had been that of a southern state-rights Democrat ; and although his patriotism was strong enough to keep him loyal when Tennessee voted herself out of the Union, no sooner was the military conquest of the Southern Confederacy accomplished than his former principles reasserted themselves. The more radical Republicans of the North, remembering the experience of the Whigs with Mr. Tyler, were only too ready to see evidence that he was to betray the party in all that Mr. Johnson did. They began to suspect him and to criticise him unpleasantly upon the appearance of his first proclamations. They feared the worst when he made known his selection of provisional governors of the seceded States. Little by little his adherence to his lifelong political principles, and the unnecessarily persistent and violent oppo- sition of the radical Republicans, widened the breach ; and at last he found himself in full sympathy with the Democratic party. The chief cause of the difference between President and Congress was the extra-constitutional position in which the seceded States were left when armed hostility to the Union was extinguished. War had been waged against them, or rather against their inhabitants, upon the theory that a State had no right to secede. The logical sequence of this proposi- tion was that, since no State had seceded, the " States lately in rebellion," as the phrase ran, were still members of the Union ; and that their laws and acts, so far as they were not contrary to the Constitution of the United States, were in full force. Under this view of the case the white men of the South, and they alone, would be entitled to reestablish rela- tions with the other States, to send senators and members to Congress, and, in short, to resume the position which they had GENERAL GRANT 315 abandoned in 1861, suffering no political penalty whatever for their attempt to dissolve the Union. It need not be said that not even the most moderate Repub- licans allowed the theory of the indissoluble nature of the Union to overcome the practical necessity of imposing condi- tions to the reinstatement of the South in that Union. The President's views, to which he referred as " my policy," were that the States were already restored to their old position when they chose to exercise their right by the election of senators and members. Congress rejected this policy abso- lutely, and, by a series of measures known as the reconstruc- tion acts, required the southern States to abjure all the princi- ples for which they had contended on the field of battle. The States were placed under military governors until they should have complied with the conditions of readmission. Thorough revision of the state constitutions was required ; the assent of the States to the amendments to the Constitution of the United States was also a necessary preliminary to restoration. The enfranchisement of the negroes, and the disfranchisement of those who had been in arms against the Union, deprived the former ruling class of its privileges. These measures and others, some of which were subsequently declared unconstitu- tional by the Supreme Court, made almost every southern State Republican by the simple expedient of excluding the Democrats who had participated in the war against the Union from the exercise of the elective franchise. Congress carried through its measures of reconstruction only by overcoming a succession of vetoes. The President expressed his constitutional views, which were shared by no Republicans, in returning the bills : " to provide for the more efficient govern- ment of the rebel States," to establish the Freedmen's Bureau, to secure civil rights, to admit Colorado and Nebraska to the Union, and many others. He tried to remove Republicans from office, and to fill their places with Democrats ; and Con- gress retorted upon him with the tenure-of -office bill, which Mr. Johnson returned without his signature, and which Con- gress promptly passed over the veto. By this act the power of removal, always previously conceded to the President, was denied, and the consent of the Senate to the removal was required. The savage contest with Secretary Stanton, whom the President was resolved to remove from the war office and from the cabinet, his correspondence with General Grant, the 316 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY disrespectful manner in which he spoke of Congress in " swinging round the circle," — all these events aggravated a contest which culminated in the impeachment of the President by tlie House of Representatives and his trial by the Senate. During all this time the Republicans in Congress were strongly supported in the North, which then, constitutionally or not, governed the country without assistance from the South. The resolution that the long struggle against rebellion should not be fruitless was firm and unchangeable, and the Republicans had the satisfaction of seeing all their measures adopted, ineffectual as some of them have since proved to be. During this period another set of questions began to be dis- cussed, and some of them Avere to be the basis of a new party and of a new school of politicians, and to form the issue on which future elections were to be decided. In the prosecution of the war a great debt had been created, and a part of this debt consisted of treasury notes, made a legal tender for all public and private debts, except duties on imports and the interest of the public debt. An attempt in the early part of Mr. Johnson's term to reduce the amount of legal-tender notes, or greenbacks, outstanding, had resulted in a temporary strin- gency in the money market, and had led to action by Congress which forbade a further reduction of the volume of the cur- rency. The heavy taxation caused by the war, the high pre- mium on gold, and the rapidly increasing value of government bonds which were drawing gold interest, induced some politicians to propose a variety of schemes which would lighten the burden of the taxpayer at the cost of a virtual breach of faith on the part of the government. One of the propositions was the taxa- tion of bonds, which were by their terras expressly exempted from state and municipal taxation. Taxation of them by national avithority would have been the same thing as reducing the rate of interest which had been promised upon them. The most popular form of attack upon the bondholders was a proposition to pay the principal of the bonds in greenbacks. The letter of the law did not forbid this, but the Republicans maintained that the spirit of the law was against it, and that it would be virtual repudiation. A large number of Demo- crats, particularly in the West, took up this proposition with great enthusiasm. One of the most prominent among them was Mr. Pendleton, of Ohio, who had been General McClel- lan's associate on the national ticket in 1864, and was now GENERAL GRANT 317 regarded as the leading candidate for the first place in 1868. While this view of public policy was most prevalent among Democrats, there were many Republicans also who shared it. Thaddeus Stevens was the most conspicuous example of dissent from the general opinion of the party, yet even he finally voted in favor of a bill to strengthen the public credit, which President Johnson defeated by a '' pocket veto." It was in the canvass preliminary to the election of 1868 that the Democrats first manifested that preference for the green- back currency which continued to be a principle of the con- trolling wing of the party until it transferred its affections to silver. A great many circumstances united to make Greneral Ulysses S. Grant the natural and inevitable choice of the Republicans for a candidate for President. The chief of these reasons were his military success, and the conspicuous position into which he was thrust by the controversy with Mr. Johnson. But added to these recommendations Avas the confidence reposed in his judgment in the choice of men ; and the fact that he was no politician increased not a little his popularity with the people, who were tired of the wrangles of the past few years. Gen- eral Grant, it was well known, had never voted for Republi- can candidates in his life. There were many persons who feared that the risk was too great in taking for the leader of the party, at such a time, a man whose political principles were thought not to be well defined, and that the Republicans might be about to repeat their own mistake of 1864. But nothing could stay the tide of public sentiment in Greneral Grant's favor, and the warnings of the dissentients were drowned in the nearly universal demand that he should be selected. The wisest and most cautious men of the party convinced themselves by General Grant's letters and private conversation that he was fully to be trusted, and their confidence was not misplaced. The question of the candidacy for the first place being fully decided by the action of the state and district conventions, as well as by popular sentiment, all the interest in the Republi- can convention was concentrated upon the vice-presidency and the platform. The vote of the Senate upon the impeachment of the President had been taken the week before the conven- tion met. Inasmuch as several Republican senators had voted for acquittal on the eleventh article, which had been taken for 318 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY a test, some of the more radical and impulsive delegates were in favor of expressing decided condemnation of the act which had rendered the removal of the President impossible. In spite of the vehemence of the more hot-headed members of the party, the proposed action was defeated, and the conven- tion contented itself with expressing the opinion that those who voted for conviction were in the right. There was a long list of candidates for the nomination for Vice-President, including Mr. Hamlin, who had been left off the ticket four years before in order to give a representation to the loyalty of the South ; Mr. Benjamin F. Wade, senator from Ohio, who was President of the Senate during a part of the time that the war between the President and Congress was waging ; Mr. Colfax, the Speaker of the House of Representa- tives ; Senators Fen ton, of New York, and Wilson, of Massa- chvisetts. Governor Curtin, of Pennsylvania, and other candi- dates of less prominence. Prior to the meeting of the national convention of the Republicans, a convention of soldiers and sailors was held at Chicago. It was presided over by General John A. Logan, and was full of enthusiasm for General Grant. The Republican convention met on May 20 at Chicago, and completed its work in two days. General Carl Schurz was the temporary pre- siding officer, and General Joseph R. Hawley, of Connecticut, was made permanent president. The first day was occupied with preliminaries. On the morning of the second day the committee on resolutions reported a platform, which was adopted. Two additional resolutions were afterwards appended to the platform, having been moved from the floor by Mr. Schurz, and unanimously approved. The platform in full was as follows : — The National Republican party of the United States, assembled in national convention in the city of Chicago, on the twenty-first day of May, 1868, make the following declaration of principles : — 1. We congratulate the country on the assured success of the reconstruction policy of Congress, as evinced by the adoption, in the majority of the States lately in rebellion, of constitutions securing equal civil and political rights to all ; and it is the duty of the government to sustain those institutions, and to prevent the people of such States from being remitted to a state of anarchy. 2. The guarantee by Congress of equal suffrage to all loyal men at the South was demanded by every consideration of public safety, GENERAL GRANT 319 of gratitude, and of justice, and must be maintained ; while the question of suffrage in all the loyal States properly belongs to the people of those States. 3. We denounce all forms of repudiation as a national crime ; and the national honor requires the payment of the public indebt- edness in the uttermost good faith to all creditors at home and abroad, not only according to the letter, but the spirit of the laws under which it was contracted. 4. It is due to the labor of the nation that taxation should be equalized, and reduced as rapidly as the national faith will permit. 5. The national debt, contracted as it has been for the preserva- tion of the Union for all time to come, should be extended over a fair period for redemption; and it is the duty of Congress to reduce the rate of interest thereon whenever it can be honestly done. 6. That the best policy to diminish our burden of debt is so to improve our credit that capitalists will seek to loan us money at lower rates of interest than we now pay, and must continue to pay> so long as repudiation, partial or total, open or covert, is threat- ened or suspected. 7. The government of the United States should be administered with the strictest economy; and the corruptions which have been so shamefully nursed and fostered by Andrew Johnson call loudly for radical reform. 8. We profoundly deplore the untimely and tragic death of Abraham Lincoln, and regret the accession to the presidency of Andrew Johnson, who has acted treacherously to the people who elected him and the cause he was pledged to support; who has usurped high legislative and judicial functions ; who has refused to execute the laws ; who has used his high office to induce other officers to ignore and violate the laws ; who has employed his ex- ecutive powers to render insecure the property, the peace, the liberty and life of the citizen ; who has abused the pardoning power ; who has denounced the national legislature as unconstitu- tional ; who has persistently and corruptly resisted, by every means in his power, every proper attempt at the reconstruction of the States lately in rebellion ; who has perverted the public patronage into an engine of wholesale corruption ; and who has been justly impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors, and properly pro- nounced guilty thereof by the vote of thirty-five senators. 9. The doctrine of Great Britain and other European powers, that because a man is once a subject he is always so, must be resisted at every hazard by the United States as a relic of feudal times, not authorized by the laws of nations, and at war with our national honor and independence. Naturalized citizens are entitled 320 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY to protection in all their rights of citizenship, as though they were native born ; and no citizen of the United States, native or natural- ized, must be liable to arrest and imprisonment by any foreign power for acts done or words spoken in this country ; and, if so arrested and imprisoned, it is the duty of the government to inter- fere in his behalf. 10. Of all who were faithful in the trials of the late war, there were none entitled to more special honor than the brave soldiers and seamen who endured the hardships of campaign and cruise, and imperilled their lives in the service of the country ; the boun- ties and pensions provided by the laws for these brave defenders of the nation are obligations never to be forgotten ; the widows and orphans of the gallant dead are the wards of the people, — a sacred legacy bequeathed to the nation's protecting care. 11. Foreign immigration, which in the past has added so much to the wealth, development, and resources, and increase of power to this republic, — the asylum of the oppressed of all nations, — should be fostered and encouraged by a liberal and just policy. 12. This convention declares itself in sympathy with aU oppressed peoples struggling for their rights. 13. We highly commend the spirit of magnanimity and forbear- ance with which men who have served in the rebellion, but who now frankly and honestly cooperate with us in restoring the peace of the country and reconstructing the southern state governments upon the basis of impartial justice and equal rights, are received back into the communion of the loyal people ; and we favor the removal of the disqualifications and restrictions imposed upon the late rebels in the same measure as the spirit of disloyalty will die out, and as may be consistent with the safety of the loyal people. 14. We recognize the great principles laid down in the immortal Declaration of Independence as the true foundation of democratic government ; and we hail with gladness every effort toward mak- ing these principles a living reality on every inch of American soil. When the convention was ready to proceed with its nomina- tions, General Logan presented the name of General Grant in a brief but stirring speech, and, the roll of the States being called, every vote — 650 in all — was given to him. While the enthusiasm of the convention was at its height, a large portrait of General Grant was uncovered behind the president's chair, and the delegates again went wild with cheering. Five votes were necessary to effect a nomination for the second place on the ticket. The result of the several votes is shown in the following table : — GENERAL GRANT 321 Ist. 2d. 3d. 4th. 5th. Benjamin F. Wade, Ohio . . Reuben E. Fenton, New Torlc Henry Wilson, Massachusetts . Schuyler Colfax, Indiana . . Andiew G. Curtin, Pennsylvania Hannibal Hamlin, Maine . . James Speed, Kentucky . . . James Harlan, Iowa .... John A. J. CresweU, Maryland Samuel C. Pomeroy, Kansas . William D. Kelley, Pennsylvania 147 126 119 115 51 28 22 16 14 6 4 170 144 114 145 45 30 178 139 101 165 40 25 206 144 87 186 25 38 69 541 The nomination of Mr. Colfax, the youngest candidate of all, was made unanimous, and the convention adjourned. The Democratic convention was called to meet at Tammany Hall, New York, on the fourth of July. Democratic soldiers and sailors were invited to meet on the same day, also in New York. The interest centred wholly in the nomination of a can- didate for the presidency, and it was from the first a contest of " the field " against Mr. Pendleton. Other candidates had strong supporters. The sentiment in the soldiers' convention was all in favor of General Winfield S. Hancock, who commended himself to those who had favored the war by his own gallant services, and to Democrats by his action as military commander at New Orleans during Mr. Johnson's administration. The Southern delegations were at least outwardly for Mr. Johnson himself. There was an undercurrent in favor of Chief Justice Chase. Most of the delegates from the Eastern States were not bound by instructions, and were prepared to support any candidate — except perhaps Mr. Pendleton — who seemed to have a chance of success. Meantime, the Northwest was strong for Mr. Pendleton, though, as the event proved, the feeling was not deep. A day or two before the convention a body of three hundred men — the " Pendleton Escort " — arrived from Ohio, and marched through New York, each man wearing, pinned to his breast, a flag on which was a representation of a five-dollar greenback, and an inscription demanding the payment of the five-twenty bonds in that currency. The fourth of July fell on Saturday. The convention organized by the choice of Henry S. Palmer, of Wisconsin, as temporary chairman. Governor Horatio Seymour, of New York, was permanent president. The convention was from the 322 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY first extremely suspicious of the Pendleton men. A motion that the rules of the national House of Representatives be the rules of the convention was offered, and voted down because it was proposed by an Ohio man, and because of a fear that it might mean an abrogation of the two-thirds rule. The two- thirds rule was adopted without opposition. On the first day the supporters of Mr. Pendleton were in favor of prompt work, that a ballot might be taken before their opponents could have an opportunity to concentrate ; but they were defeated, and the convention adjourned until Monday. Afterward the Pendleton men were in favor of all possible delay, and on Monday they " filibustered " to retard the progress of business. It was not until Tuesday that the committee on resolutions was ready to report. The platform was unanimously reported and unanimously adopted, as follows : — The Democratic party, in national convention assembled, repos- ing its trust in the intelligence, patriotism, and discriminating jus- tice of the people, standing upon the Constitution as the foundation and limitation of the powers of the government, and the guarantee of the liberties of the citizen, and recognizing the questions of sla- very and secession as having been settled, for all time to come, by the war, or the voluntary action of the Southern States in consti- tutional conventions assembled, and never to be renewed or re- agitated, do, with the return of peace, demand, — 1. Immediate restoration of all the States to their rights in the Union under the Constitution, and of civil government to the American people. 2. Amnesty for all past political offences, and the regulation of the elective franchise in the States by their citizens. 3. Payment of the public debt of the United States as rapidly as practicable ; all moneys drawn from the people by taxation, except so much as is requisite for the necessities of the govern- ment, economically administered, being honestly applied to such payment, and where the obligations of the government do not expressly state upon their face, or the law under which they were issued does not provide, that they shall be paid in coin, they ought, in right and injustice, to be paid in the lawful money of the United States. 4. Equal taxation of every species of property according to its real value, including government bonds and other public securities. 6. One currency for the government and the people, the laborer and the office-holder, the pensioner and the soldier, the producer and the bondholder. 6. Economy in the administration of the government ; the re- GENERAL GRANT 323 duction of the standing army and navy ; the abolition of the freed- men's bureau, and all political instrumentalities designed to secure negro supremacy ; simplification of the system, and discontinuance of inquisitorial modes of assessing and collecting internal revenue, so that the burden of taxation may be equalized and lessened ; the credit of the government and the currency made good ; the repeal of all enactments for enrolling the state militia into national forces in time of peace ; and a tariff for revenue upon foreign imports, and such equal taxation under the internal revenue laws as will afford incidental protection to domestic manufacturers, and as will, without impairing the revenue, impose the least burden upon, and best promote and encourage, the great industrial interests of the country. 7. Reform of abuses in the administration, the expulsion of cor- rupt men from office, the abrogation of useless ofiices, the resto- ration of rightful authority to, and the independence of, the execu- tive and judicial departments of the government, the subordination of the military to the civil power, to the end that the usurpations of Congress and the despotism of the sword may cease. 8. Equal rights and protection for naturalized and native-born citizens, at home and abroad ; the assertion of American national- ity which shall command the respect of foreign powers, and fur- nish an example and encouragement to peoples struggling for national integrity, constitutional liberty, and individual rights, and the maintenance of the rights of naturalized citizens against the absolute doctrine of immutable allegiance, and the claims of foreign powers to punish them for alleged crime committed be- yond their jurisdiction. In demanding these measures and reforms, we arraign the Radical party for its disregard of right, and the unparalleled oppression and tyranny which have marked its career. After the most solemn and unanimous pledge of both Houses of Congress to prosecute the war exclusively for the maintenance of the government and the preservation of the Union under the Con- stitution, it has repeatedly violated that most sacred pledge under which alone was rallied that noble volunteer army which carried our flag to victory. Instead of restoring the Union it has, so far as in its power, dissolved it, and subjected ten States, in the time of profound peace, to military despotism and negro supremacy. It has nullified there the right of trial by jury ; it has abolished the habeas corpus, that most sacred writ of liberty ; it has overthrown the free- dom of speech and the press ; it has substituted arbitrary seizures and arrests, and military trials and secret star-chamber inquisi- tions, for the constitutional tribunals ; it has disregarded, in time of peace, the right of the people to be free from searches and seiz- 324 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY ures ; it has entered the post and telegraph offices, and even the private rooms of individuals, and seized their private papers and letters without any specific charge or notice or affidavit, as required by the organic law ; it has converted the American Capitol into a bastille ; it has established a system of spies and official espionage to which no constitutional monarchy of Europe would now dare to resort ; it has abolished the right of appeal, on important consti- tutional questions, to the supreme judicial tribunals, and threat- ened to curtail or destroy its original jurisdiction, which is irre- vocably vested by the Constitution ; while the learned chief justice has been subjected to the most atrocious calumnies, merely because he would not prostitute his high office to the support of the false and partisan charges preferred against the President. Its corrup- tion and extravagance have exceeded anything known in history, and, by its frauds and monopolies, it has nearly doubled the burden of the debt created by the war. It has stripped the President of his constitutional power of appointment, even of his own cabinet Under its repeated assaults the pillars of the government are rock- ing on their base, and should it succeed in November next, and inaugurate its President, we will meet, as a subjected and con- quered people, amid the ruins of liberty and the scattered frag- ments of the Constitution. And we do declare and resolve that, ever since the people of the United States threw off all subjection to the British crown, the privilege and trust of suffrage have belonged to the several States, and have been granted, regulated, and controlled exclusively by the political power of each State respectively, and that any attempt by Congress, on any pretext whatever, to deprive any State of this right, or interfere with its exercise, is a flagrant usurpation of power, which can find no warrant in the Constitution, and, if sanc- tioned by the people, will subvert our form of government, and can only end in a single centralized and consolidated government, in which the separate existence of the States will be entirely absorbed, and unqualified despotism be established in place of a federal Union of coequal States. And that we regard the reconstruction acts (so called) of Congress, as such, as usurpations, and unconstitutional, revolutionary, and void. That our soldiers and sailors, who carried the flag of our country to victory against a most gallant and determined foe, must ever be gratefully remembered, and all the guarantees given in their favor must be faithfully carried into execution. That the public lands should be distributed as widely as possible among the people, and should be disposed of either under the pre- emption or homestead laws, or sold in reasonable quantities, and to none but actual occupants, at the minimum price established by GENERAL GRANT 325 the government. When grants of the public lands may be allowed, necessary for the encouragement of important public improvements, the proceeds of the sale of such lands, and not the lands themselves, should be so applied. That the President of the United States, Andrew Johnson, in exercising the powers of his high office in resisting the aggressions of Congress upon the constitutional rights of the States and the people, is entitled to the gratitude of the whole American people, and in behalf of the Democratic party we tender him our thanks for his patriotic efforts in that regard. Upon this platform the Democratic party appeal to every patriot, including all the conservative element and all who desire to sup- port the Constitution and restore the Union, forgetting all past dif- ferences of opinion, to unite with us in the present great struggle for the liberties of the people ; and that to all such, to whatever party they may have heretofore belonged, we extend the right hand of fellowship, and hail all such cooperating with us as friends and brethren. To this platform two additional resolutions were subsequently appended, on motion, as follows : — Resolved, That this convention sympathize cordially with the workingmen of the United States in their efforts to protect the rights and interests of the laboring classes of the country. Resolved, That the thanks of the convention are tendered to Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase for the justice, dignity, and im- partiality with which he presided over the court of impeachment on the trial of President Andrew Johnson. Voting for a candidate then began, and continued until Thursday. The whole number of votes — each delegate hav- ing one half a vote — was 317 ; and 212, two thirds of the whole, were necessary for a choice. A few only of the twenty- two separate trials are necessary to show the increase and de- crease of strength of the respective candidates : — George H. Pendleton, Ohio . , . Andrew Johnson, Tennessee . . Winfield S. Hancock, Pennsylvania Sanford E. Church, New York . . Asa Packer, Pennsylvania . . . Joel Parker, New Jersey .... James E. English, Connecticut James R. Doolittle, Wisconsin . . Thomas A. Hendricks, Indiana Salmon P. Chase, Ohio .... A.11 others Ist. 8th. 16th. 18th. 19th. 105 156i 107^ 56i 65 6 5^ 10 - 33i 28 113^ 144i 135^ 33 - - - - 26 26 _ _ 22 13 7 7 3^ _ 16 6 - 6 13 12 12 12 12 2* 75 70i 87 im - - * i 9 i ~ H 33 5 135i 19 12 132 i 326 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY Great excitement had prevailed during the voting. On Beveral occasions, delegates from States which had instructed their members to vote " as a unit," insisted upon their right to a record of their individual votes, but it was uniformly de- cided that the delegations as a whole were empowered to decide how the votes should be cast, and that only one spokesman from a State could be heard. There was much intriguing during the three days of voting. The New York and Pennsylvania delegations, with a combined vote of 59, assisted by the dele- gations from other Eastern States, prevented a nomination more than once by abandoning candidates, whose strength was increasing, when they were becoming too dangerous. On the twenty-lirst vote the contest was apparently narrowed down to Hancock and Hendricks, neither of whom was acceptable to New York. At this point a sensation was created. When the votes of a few States had been recorded at the twenty- second trial, some votes were given to Horatio Seymour, the president of the convention. Mr. Seymour promptly refused to be a candidate, but there was a hurried consultation, and the vote was persisted in. More votes were given to Seymour, and a " stampede " began. Mr. Seymour withdrew from the chair, and the changes of votes went on, amid the greatest excitement and enthusiasm, until he was made the nominee of the convention by 317 votes, — a full convention. It was asserted then, as it has been on every other occasion of a nomi- nation suddenly made after a long contest, from that of Mr. Polk in 1844 to that of General Garfield in 1880, that the whole affair was carefully planned and rehearsed beforehand. In some cases the assertion was true. But if it was so in 1868, and not a line of evidence was ever adduced to prove it, a few persons only could have been in the secret, and the en- thusiasm of the delegates was genuine and sincere. Indeed, the convention had selected one of the strongest men in the party. General Francis P. Blair, Jr., of Missouri, was nominated unanimously for Vice-President at the first trial. Mr. Blair had just brought himself into prominence by a violent, not to say a revolutionary letter, addressed to Colonel J. 0. Brodhead, dated a few days before the convention met. The nomination seemed to be, and probably was, a result of that letter. The canvass was shorter than usual, and, although one-sided, was decidedly interesting. The fame of General Grant, and GENERAL GRANT 327 the high regard in which he was held, did not allow the result to be doubtful ; but there were already some noteworthy de- fections from the Republican party at the North on account of the radical character of its Southern legislation ; and a new element of discord in politics appeared in the shape of the movement, already mentioned, to pay the five-twenty bonds in greenbacks. It was never seriously believed that Governor Seymour was in favor of that measure, yet he " stood upon the platform," and declared, in accepting the nomination, that the resolutions '' are in accord with my views." The Repub- licans made much of the virtual repudiation which such a financial policy as the resolutions demanded would effect, and, while they lost some votes of a certain class, they gained many others which were better worth having, even if they did not count any more. Toward the end of the canvass there was a strong movement by business men to defeat the Democrats, which contributed not a little to the overwhelming success of General Grant. The South was secure for the Republicans. Reconstruc- tion with negro suffrage, protected by the general government, and with extensive disfranchisement of those who had joined in the rebellion, made the triumph of the Republican electoral ticket a certainty. Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Louis- iana only, of all the Southern States, gave Governor Seymour a majority ; but some of the States were not, under the act of Congress, entitled to representation in Congress, and conse- quently not to electoral votes. The votes of thirty-three States were counted ; that of Georgia was treated as the vote of Missouri had been in 1820. Nebraska having been ad- mitted to the Union, — the proclamation declaring its admission was dated March 1, 1867, — the number of States became thirty-seven. All the Southern States, except Virginia, Mis- sissippi, and Texas, had been readmitted to representation in Congress, and to the right to choose electors. The position of Georgia was in doubt. In the reorganization of South Caro- lina the practice of a choice of electors by the legislature was abandoned ; but Florida adopted the discarded system, and accordingly there was not as yet complete uniformity. The electoral and popular votes of the States, including Georgia, were as follows : — 328 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY Statbb. Alabama . . Arkansas . . California . . Connecticut Delaware . . Florida * . . Georgia . . . Illinois . . . Indiana . . . Iowa .... Kansas . . . Kentucky . . Louisiana . . Maine . . . Maryland . . Massachusetts . Michigan . . Minnesota . . Mississippi t . Missouri Nebraska . . Nevada . New Hampshire New Jersey New York . . North Carolina Ohio .... Oregon . . . Pennsylvania . Rhode Island . South Carolina Tennessee . . Texas t . . . Vermont . . Virginia t . West Virginia Wisconsin • . Total . . . POPCLAB VOTB. od'S 76,366 22,152 54,592 50,641 7,623 57,134 250,293 176,.552 120,399 31,049 39,566 33,263 70,426 30,438 136,477 128,550 43,542 85,671 9,729 6,480 38,191 80,121 419,883 96,226 280,128 10,961 342,280 12,993 62,301 56,757 44,167 29,025 108,857 3,012,833 72,086 19,078 54,078 47,600 10,980 102,822 199,143 166,980 74,040 14,019 115,889 80,225 42,396 62,357 59,408 97,069 28,072 59,788 5,439 5,218 31,224 83,001 429,883 84,090 238,700 11,125 313,382 6,548 45,237 26,311 12,045 20,306 84,710 2,703,249 Elbctoral Votb. 16 13 7 12 8 4 11 3 3 5 9 21 26 4 6 10 5 5 214 * Electors appointed by the legislature. t No vote in the State. GENERAL GRANT 329 There were many charges of gross fraud in the election. Aside from the iri^egularities alleged in the Southern States, the most famous case was that of New York. At the time the election took place, the *' Tweed Ring " was in full power ; and some telegrams which the Republicans regarded as highly- suspicious passed between members of the Democratic State Central Committee and certain prominent politicians. It will be observed that the vote as canvassed gave a majority of ex- actly ten thousand to Mr. Seymour. This result, it was be- lieved by many persons, was brought about intentionally, with a view to saving certain large wagers upon the Democratic majority in New York. Reference has already been made to the fact that some of the southern States were, while others according to the legis- lation of Congress were not, entitled to vote for electors of President and Vice-President. Congress had passed a joint resolution declaring that no State of those lately in rebel- lion should be entitled to electoral votes unless, at the time prescribed for the election, such State had adopted a constitu- tion since the 4th of March, 1867, under which a state govern- ment had been organized ; unless the election was held under the authority of that government ; and unless the State had become entitled to representation in Congress under the recon- struction laws. President Johnson vetoed the resolution on July 20, 1868. Both Houses of Congress passed it over his veto, the Senate by 45 to 8, and the House of Representatives by 134 to 36, and it was proclaimed a law. Under the resolu- tion, Virginia, Mississippi, and Texas were excluded absolutely from the election. All the other seceded States, except Georgia, had been admitted to representation in Congress and were entitled to vote for President. The question whether or not Georgia had complied with the terms of the act authoriz- ing a representation of that State in Congress was in dispute. Accordingly, on the 6th of February, 1869, two days before the count of electoral votes was to take place, Mr. Edmunds, of Vermont, mtroduced in the Senate a concurrent resolution, which does not require the approval of the President, in the following terms : — Whereas, The question whether the State of Georgia has become and is entitled to representation in the two Houses of Congress is now pending and undetermined ; and whereas by the joint resolu- tion of Congress, passed July 20, 1868, entitled " resolution exclud- 330 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY ing from the electoral college votes of States lately in rebellion "which shall not have been reorganized," it was provided that no electoral votes from any of the States lately in rebellion should be received or counted for President or Vice-President of the United States until, among other things, such State should have become entitled to representation in Congress pursuant to acts of Congress in that behalf ; therefore Resolved, That, on the assembling of the two Houses on the second Wednesday of February, 1869, for the counting of the electoral votes for President and Vice-President, as provided by law and the joint rules, if the counting or omitting to count the electoral votes, if any, which may be presented as of the State of Georgia, shall not essentially change the result, in that case they shall be reported by the President of the Senate in the following manner : Were the votes presented as of the State of Georgia to be counted, the result would be, for for President of the United States votes ; if not counted, for for President of the United States votes ; but, in either case, is elected President of the United States ; and in the same manner for Vice- President. Mr. Hendricks, of Indiana, was the only senator who took an active part in the debate against this resolution ; although Mr. Trumbull, of Illinois, expressed the opinion that it would be best to count the vote of Georgia and say nothing about it, and finally voted — alone among the Republicans — against the resolution. It was passed by the House of Representa- tives on the same day under a suspension of the rules. It is worth noting that three of the candidates on presidential tickets in 1884 — Messrs. Blaine, Logan, and Butler — voted in the affirmative in the House on the passage of this resolu- tion, while a fourth — Mr. Hendricks — voted against it in the Senate, The count of the electoral votes took place on the 10th of February. It proceeded regularly until the votes of Louisiana were presented, when a member from Tennessee objected to them, under the twenty-second joint rule (see page 310), and the two Houses separated to consider the matter. Although no debate was in order, much time was consumed by the Sen- ate in agreeing upon a form in which the decision of the ques- tion should be put. In the end the Senate voted to admit the votes by 51 to 7. The House promptly decided the ques- tion the same way by 137 to 63. The count was then re- sumed, and all the votes were opened and recorded, except GENERAL GRANT 331 those of Georgia. On the presentation of the votes of that State, General Butler, of Massachusetts, arose and objected in writing to them on four distinct grounds : first, that the votes were not given on the day fixed by law, — the electoral college of Georgia had met on the 9th instead of the 2d of December, 1868 ; secondly, because at the date of the election Georgia had not been admitted to representation in Congress ; thirdly, because Georgia had not complied with the reconstruc- tion acts ; and, fourthly, because the election had not been fair and free. The question arose at once whether the con- current resolution of the Senate and House, directing how the vote of Georgia should be treated, or the joint rule, was to govern. The presiding officer. Senator Wade, of Ohio, was at first inclined to hold the two Houses to the concurrent reso- lution ; but, as the situation became complicated, he led the Senate back to its chamber. The House of Representatives quickly decided, without debate, — 150 to 41, — that the vote of Georgia should not be counted. In the Senate there was a long and somewhat ungoverned discussion. Mr. Wade explained that the reason why he had yielded his first position in the joint meeting was that two of Mr. Butler's objections were not of the kind con- templated by the concurrent resolution directing how the votes of Georgia should be declared. Many propositions were made ; and at last the Senate voted, by 28 votes against 25, '' that, under the special order of the two Houses respecting the elec- toral vote from the State of Georgia, the objections made to the counting of the vote of the electors for the State of Georgia are not in order." The action of each House having been communicated to the other, the Senate returned to the Repre- sentatives' Hall. Then ensued one of the most remarkable and disgraceful scenes ever enacted in Congress. Mr. Wade, on taking the chair, remarked that the objections of the gentle- man from Massachusetts had been overruled by the Sq^iate, and that the vote would be announced according to the terms of the concurrent resolution. General Butler said that the House had sustained the objections, and proposed to ofi'er a resolution, remarking, " I do not understand that we are to be overruled by the Senate in that way." The President of the Senate refused to entertain the resolution, and General Butler appealed from the decision of the chair. The President declined to entertain the appeal. A scene of indescribable disorder and confusion followed, several members speaking at 332 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY once, Mr. Butler distinguishing himself by the violence of his language, and, as General Garfield said in the debate which followed the joint meeting, by ''a manner and bearing of un- paralleled insolence." Some of his remarks were omitted in the revised version, which appears in the " Congressional Globe ; " but they were referred to in the debate just mentioned. His last remark, as revised, is thus reported : — Mr. Butler, of Massachusetts : I move that this convention now be dissolved, and that the Senate have leave to retke. [Continued cries of " Order ! " " Order ! "] And on that motion I demand a vote. [Cries of " Order ! " " Order ! " from various parts of the hall.] We certainly have the right to clear the hall of interlopers. The presiding officer, not noticing these interruptions, pro- ceeded to sum up the result, as directed by the concurrent resolution, and declared Grant and Colfax elected. The Senate then retired. As soon as the House was by itself, Mr. Butler rose to a question of privilege, and offered a resolution that " the House protest that the counting of the vote of Georgia by the order of the Vice-President pro tempore was a gross act of oppression and an invasion of the rights and privileges of the House." Upon this resolution a long and most acrimonious debate took place, which lasted three days. It contributed little or nothing to the settlement of the constitutional questions that have arisen in regard to the count of votes. The position of affairs was quite novel, and the gentlemen who took part in the debate seemed, without exception, to give hasty impressions rather than the result of careful study. The only point which was made clear was that the Constitution and the action of Congress left room for a variety of views, and that no member need be at a loss for precedents to sustain his own opinion. General Butler changed his resolution several times before a vote was taken. In one of its forms it proposed to abrogate the twenty-second joint rule, — a proposition which was re- ceived with derision by many Republican members, who declared that it was not possible for one House to rescind a joint rule. Nevertheless, eight years later the Senate rescinded the same rule, and refused to be bound by it, although the House was then in favor of acting under it. General Butler's resolution, greatly toned down, and providing for the reference of the subject to a select committee, was at last brought to a vote, on a motion to lay it on the table, which was carried by 130 to 55, and the matter was dropped. XXIV THE GREELEY CAMPAIGN The reconstruction of the ^uthern States had been sub- stantially completed before the term of General Grant as Pre- sident began. It remained for three States only to comply with the conditions already established. This they did soon afterward, and the legislation of the Forty-first Congress was accomplished, with every State in the Union fully represented. But the Southern question was not yet settled. The constitu^ tions of the re-admitted States contained guaranties of the right of the people to vote without distinction on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude ; but, in effect, both the political and social rights of the colored people were much restricted. A state of terrorism existed in some parts of the South, where a secret organization known as the Ku-Klux- Klan committed outrages upon the colored people, intended to intimidate them and to prevent them from voting. To defeat the schemes of those who endeavored by lawless acts to render the legislation of Congress nugatory, the act for the enforce- ment of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, com- monly known as the Ku-Klux Act, was passed. This measure, although it seemed necessary at the time, gave the Democrats an opportunity, which they were not alow to improve, to sneer at the inefficiency of a party which, with unlimited power, had not been able in five years since the war closed to finish its work with the South. Military force was constantly neces- sary to uphold the southern state governments, and the internal condition of some districts was sadly disturbed. Beside the Southern question, there were others which now began to assume political importance. The first act signed by President Grant pledged the faith of the government to the payment of the interest-bearing bonds of the United States in coin, and to an early resumption of specie payments. For the time being, the opposition confined their attacks upon the finan- cial system to the national banks. The annexation of Santo 334 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY Domingo to the United States was a favorite scheme with the President, and he did all that was in his power, both publicly and privately, to accomplish it. In the course of his negotia- tions to that end, and by other measures, he alienated the support of Mr. Sumner and of Horace Greeley, whose standing as Republicans and as public men was almost unique, and whose adhesion to the opposition in the ensuing canvass was deemed at the time to be most disastrous to the Republicans. There was another issue, which had its origin at this time, which has since played an important part in congressional and presidential elections. The principle tersely expressed by Mr. Marcy to justify the wholesale removals from office practised by General Jackson, that " to the victors belong the spoils of the enemy," had been adopted by every Democratic and oppo- sition administration which followed that of Jackson. On the accession of Mr. Lincoln, the Democratic officers were driven out and Republicans took their places, in every department of the government, from the foreign minister to the country post- master. Mr. Johnson had been restrained from substituting Democrats for them all by the tenure-of-office act. General Grant found few Democrats to expel from public positions ; but an evil which had grown up with that of a partisan civil service now took on alarming proportions. Certain gentle- men, usually one for each State, became practically recognized as dispensers of patronage within those States, and, by the exercise of the power which the virtual right to dismiss and appoint to office gave them, made themselves " bosses " and dictators of Republican politics in their respective States. The heads of the custom-houses, the post-offices, and other government offices were .in many cases the servants of these bosses, and were forced to work in the interest of the personal fortunes of their protectors, and to employ the subordinates under them to promote the same object, — all under the pen- alty of removal. Manipulation of the offices for private pur- poses developed a demand for a reform of the civil service, and emphasized the objections of many who had been sturdy Re- publicans to the administration of General Grant. The supporters of the administration were, however, neither few nor inactive. In addition to those who cordially approved the public acts of Grant, there were many others who w^ere not prepared to abandon it on account of its mistakes. They set down some of the President's errors to his inexperience in THE GREELEY CAMPAIGN 335 civil life ; and while other errors could not be so explained, the Republicans generally held that for certain tasks which they thought remained to be done before the South could be safely left to itself General Grant was the best executive the country could have. While, therefore, the elements existed for an unusually powerful opposition to the Republican party, the leaders of that party had no doubt of their ability to carry the election of 1872. The beginning of a united opposition was made in Missouri in 1870, when a part of the Republicans united with the Democrats in a " liberal " movement, and carried the state election. It was further developed the next year. Meetings were held in St. Louis and Cincinnati in the spring, in which opposition to the reelection of General Grant was freely ex- pressed ; for even then it was assumed that he would expect to be nominated for reelection. About the same time Mr. Vallandigham, of Ohio, who had been identified with the most extreme form of Democratic opposition to the war for the Union, and had been equally radical in his condemnation of Republican reconstruction and treatment of the South, pre- sented and supported in a local caucus in Ohio a series of re- solutions looking to a union of all elements of opp)osition on the basis of a full acceptance of the results of the war, the legislation already enacted, and the three amendments made to the Constitution. Finally, at a mass meeting of Liberal Republicans of Missouri, held at Jefferson City in January, 1872, in which nearly all the counties of the State were repre- sented, it was voted to call a national convention of Liberal Republicans, to be held at Cincinnati on the 1st of May. The first conventions for making nominations for the pre- sidency were held at Columbus, Ohio, in February. The Labor Reformers met on the 21st of that month, with repre- sentatives present from seventeen States. The party had its origin in Massachusetts, where a trade union of shoemakers, who took the name of Knights of St. Crispin, formed the nucleus of a Labor Reform party. The reference in the sixth resolution of the platform which follows, indicates this origin. A Massachusetts maniifacturer who had trouble with his " Crispin " hands brought a car-load of Chinese from Califor- nia to operate his machinery. Mr. E. M. Chamberlin, of Massachusetts, who was the permanent president of the con- vention, had been the candidate of the party for governor. 336 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY The convention was in session two days, and adopted the fol- lowing platform : — We hold that all political power is inherent in the people, and free government is founded on their authority and established for their benefit ; that all citizens are equal in political rights, entitled to the largest religious and political liberty compatible with the good order of society, as also to the use and enjoyment of the fruits of their labor and talents ; and no man or set of men is entitled to exclusive separable endowments and privileges, or immunities from the government, but in consideration of public services ; and any laws destructive of these fundamental principles are without moral binding force, and should be repealed. And believing that all the evils resulting from unjust legislation now affecting the industrial classes can be removed by the adoption of the principles contained in the following declaration, therefore, Resolved, That it is the duty of the government to establish a just standard of distribution of capital and labor by providing a purely national circulating medium, based on the faith and resources of the nation, issued directly to the people without the intervention of any system of banking corporations ; which money shall be legal tender in the payment of all debts, public and private, and interchangeable at the option of the holder for government bonds bearing a rate of interest not to exceed 3.65 per cent., subject to future legislation by Congress. 2. That the national debt should be paid in good faith, accord- ing to the original contract, at the earliest option of the govern- ment, without mortgaging the property of the people or the future earnings of labor, to enrich a few capitalists at home and abroad. 3. That justice demands that the burdens of government should be so adjusted as to bear equally on all classes, and that the exemp- tion from taxation of government bonds bearing extortionate rates of interest is a violation of all just principles of revenue laws. 4. That the public lands of the United States belong to the people, and should not be sold to individuals nor granted to cor- porations, but should be held as a sacred trust for the benefit of the people, and should be granted to landless settlers only, in amounts not exceeding one hundred and sixty acres of land. 5. That Congress should modify the tariff so as to admit free such articles of common use as we can neither produce nor grow, and lay duties for revenue mainly upon articles of luxury and upon such articles of manufacture as will, we having the raw materials in abundance, assist in further developing the resom'ces of the country. 6. That the presence in our country of Chinese laborers, im- ported by capitalists in large numbers for servile use, is an evil, THE GREELEY CAMPAIGN 337 entailing want and its attendant train of misery and crime on all classes of the American people, and shoidd be prohibited by legis- lation. 7. That we ask for the enactment of a law by which all mechan- ics and day-laborers employed by or on behalf of the government, whether directly or indirectly, through persons, firms, or corpora- tions, contracting with the State, shall conform to the reduced standard of eight hours a day, recently adopted by Congress for national employees, and also for an amendment to the acts of incorporation for cities and towns, by which all laborers and mechanics employed at their expense shall conform to the same number of hours. 8. That the enlightened spirit of the age demands the abolition of the system of contract labor in our prisons and other reforma- tory institutions. 9. That the protection of life, liberty, and property are the three cardinal principles of government, and the first two are more sacred than the latter; therefore money needed for prosecuting wars should, as it is required, be assessed and collected from the wealth of the country, and not entailed as a burden upon poster- ity. 10. That it is the duty of the government to exercise its power over railroads and telegraph corporations, that they shall not in any case be privileged to exact such rates of freight, transportation, or charges, by whatever name, as may bear unduly or unequally upon the producer or consumer. 11. That there should be such a reform in the civil service of the national government as will remove it beyond all partisan influ- ence, and place it in the charge and under the direction of intelli- gent and competent business men. 12. That as both history and experience teach us that power ever seeks to perpetuate itself by every and all means, and that its prolonged possession in the hands of one person is always danger- ous to the interests of a free people, and believing that the spirit of our organic laws and the stability and safety of our free institu- tions are best obeyed on the one hand, and secured on the other, by a regular constitutional change in the chief of the countiy at each election ; therefore, we are in favor of limiting the occupancy of the presidential chair to one term. 13. That we are in favor of granting general amnesty and restor- ing the Union at once on the basis of equality of rights and privi- leges to all, the impartial administration of justice being the only true bond of union to bind the States together and restore the government of the people. 14. That we demand the subjection of the military to the civil 338 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY authorities, and the confinement of its operations to national pur- poses alone. 15. That we deem it expedient for Congress to supervise the patent laws, so as to give labor more fully the benefit of its own ideas and inventions. 16. That fitness, and not political or personal considerations, should be the only recommendation to public oflBce, either appoint- ive or elective, and any and aU laws looking to the establishment of this principle are heartily approved. One informal and three formal ballots were required to effect the nomination of a candidate for President. These several votes were as follows : — Informal. Ist. 2d. 3d. John W. Geary, Pennsylvania . Horace H. Day, New York David Davis, Illinois .... Wendell Phillips, Massachusetts J. M. Palmer, Illinois . . . Joel Parker, New Jersey . . George W. Julian, Indiana . . B. Gratz Brown, Missouri . . Horace Greeley, New York 60 59 47 13 8 7 6 21 88 76 7 1 59 93 12 7 5 14 11 3 201 7 On the first vote for a candidate for Vice-President, E. M. Chamberlin, of Massachusetts, had 72 ; Joel Parker, of New Jersey, 70 ; Alanson M. West, of Mississippi, 18 ; Thomas Ewing, of Ohio, 31 ; and W. G. Bryan, of Tennessee, 10. On the second trial, Parker had 112, Chamberlin 57, and Ewing 22. The candidates were men of eminent ability and of high standing, and would have dignified almost any convention that might put them in nomination. But the Labor Reform convention, although some of its members were able men, was for the most part made up of trade union bosses and political adventurers. Its platform seemed at the time the utterance of madmen ; yet it is far less radical than other platforms since adopted by much more important political bodies. But no other convention would have failed to per- ceive that when it resolved that the money needed for war purposes should not be " entailed as a burden upon poster- ity," posterity might be more than willing to bear the burden ; THE GREELEY CAMPAIGN 339 or would have spoken of a " bond of union to bind the States together ; " or would have asked Congress to " supervise " the patent laws, instead of asking it to revise them. But if the convention went mad in its platform, it was evidently directed by skilful tacticians in making its nominations. Judge Davis was popularly credited v/ith having political aspirations, and was known to be no longer in full sympathy with the Eepub- lican party. It seems to have been hoped that the united opposition would adopt this ticket. Judge Davis sent a non-committal dispatch to the convention, thanking it for the honor without accepting the nomination. In June both he and Judge Parker formally declined. The convention was called together again, but only a small number of delegates attended. Charles O'Conor, of New York, was nominated for President, and no nomination was made for the second place on the ticket. Another party, destined to have a long life, although the part it has played in national politics has not been an impor- tant one, made its first appearance in this canvass. The advo- cates of the prohibition of the sale of intoxicating liquor had formed a more or less distinct group in the politics of many States since the " Maine law " agitation in the early fifties. During the civil war, all other issues save that of the Union were thrust aside. But now the agitation was renewed, and the Prohibition party met in national convention at Columbus, Ohio, on February 22. One hundred and ninety-four delegates were present, from nine States. Samuel Chase, of Ohio, was the president. A very long platform was reported and adopted by the convention, of which the newspapers of the day give but a brief abstract. In addition to a declaration in favor of the main principle of the party, — the legislative prohibition of the sale of intoxicating liquor, — the resolutions declare that sobriety is one of the main qualifications for a public officer ; that officers should not be removed for political reasons ; that public servants should be paid fixed salaries, and not by fees ; that all possible measures should be adopted to prevent cor- ruption in the government ; that Congress should pass laws which Avill secure a sound national currency convertible at the will of the holder into gold and silver coin ; that the rates of inland and ocean postage, and the charges for transportation by railway and water conveyances, and for communication by telegraph, should be as low as possible ; that there should be 340 A .HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY no discrimination in favor of capital against labor ; that mo- nopoly and class legislation are evils ; that the right of suffrage should be conferred without regard to sex ; that the common- school system should be fostered ; and that all judicious means should be employed to promote immigration. The names of James Black, of Pennsylvania, as a candidate for President, and of John Russell, of Michigan, for Vice-Presi- dent, were presented by a committee on nominations, and ac- cepted by acclamation by the convention. The Liberal Republican convention attracted much atten- tion, and caused not a little uneasiness in advance among the friends of the administration. It was evident that the Demo- crats were ready to take up with any good candidates whom the dissatisfied Republicans might nominate. Suggestions were numerous, but unity of purpose there was not. Some of the most influential politicians and newspapers which supported the movement were strongly in favor of a free-trade policy ; Mr. Greeley and his " Tribune " being almost the only con- spicuous exceptions. Of candidates there was a full supply. Illinois furnished no less than three, — Judge David Davis, Governor John M. Palmer, and Senator Lyman Trumbull. Missouri brought forward her favorite son, B. Gratz Brown. Ohio suggested ex-Secretary Jacob D. Cox, and Chief Justice Chase was not forgotten. The candidate most spoken of at the East was Mr. Charles Francis Adams, of Massachusetts. The aspirations of Mr. Greeley were well known, but, even when the convention met, the idea of nominating him was treated almost as a joke. Just before sailing for Europe, as arbitrator at Geneva on the Alabama Claims, Mr. Adams addressed a letter to Mr. David A. Wells, which was made public a day or two before the convention. The writer expressed his indifference in re- gard to the nomination, and declared his unwillingness to authorize any one to speak for him, except that, if he was expected to give any pledges or assurances of his own honesty, " you will please to draw me out of that crowd." In spite of the cautious way in which Mr. Adams refused to commit him- self to the movement, which alienated many who might have supported him, his nomination was urgently pressed by his friends upon the members of the convention as they arrived. On the other hand some of the most influential Democrats in Congress and elsewhere sent word that, should Mr. Adams be THE GREELEY CAMPAIGN 341 nominated, they would oppose the acceptance of the Cincin- nati ticket by the Democratic convention. As the Liberal Republicans felt confident that, with the assistance of the Democrats, victory was assured, the several cliques made great exertions to secure the nominations for their respective favorites. The convention was a mass meeting. Except in a few places the Liberal Republicans had no organization, and the members were all volunteers. Mr. Stanley Matthews, of Ohio, was made temporary chairman. The question of membership was a puzzling one, certain States having but a small, and others a large, number of representatives, while in the case of New York there were two distinct and opposing factions. It was finally determined that the membership should be on the basis of two delegates for each senator and representative to which a State was entitled ; that if a smaller number of members were present from any State, they should be allowed to cast the full vote of the State ; and that delegations too numerous should meet and designate the delegates. The New York quarrel was composed. The organization was com- pleted by the choice of Gen. Carl Schurz, of Missouri, as per- manent president. Although the free-traders were a majority of the convention, the importance of uniting all who were opposed to General Grant was recognized, and, greatly to the chagrin of the most earnest advocates of free trade, a resolu- tion on the subject of the tariff, which had been prepared by Mr. Greeley, was adopted. The convention issued an address to the people of the country and a platform of principles, which are given in full : — The administration now in power has rendered itself guilty of wanton disregard of the laws of the land, and of usurping powers not granted by the Constitution ; it has acted as if the laws had binding force only for those who were governed, and not for those who govern. It has thus struck a blow at the fundamental prin- ciples of constitutional government and the liberties of the citizen. The President of the United States has openly used the powers and opportunities of his high office for the promotion of personal ends. He has kept notoriously corrupt and unworthy men in places of power and responsibility, to the detriment of the public interest. He has used the public service of the government as a machinery of corruption and personal influence, and has interfered with tyran- 342 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY nical arrogance in the political affairs of States and municipal- ities. He has rewarded with influential and lucrative offices men who had acquired his favor by valuable presents, thus stimulating the demoralization of our political life by his conspicuous example. He has shown himself deplorably unequal to the task imposed upon him by the necessities of the country, and culpably careless of the responsibilities of his high office. The partisans of the administration, assuming to be the Repub- lican party and controlling its organization, have attempted to justify such wrongs and palliate such abuses to the end of main- taining partisan ascendency. They have stood in the way of necessary investigations and indis- pensable reforms, pretending that no serious fault could be found with the present administration of public affairs, thus seeking to "blind the eyes of the people. » They have kept alive the passions and resentments of the late civil war, to use them for their own advantage ; they have resorted to arbitrary measures in direct conflict with the organic law, in- stead of appealing to the better instincts and latent patriotism of the Southern people by restoring to them those rights the enjoy- ment of which is indispensable to a successful administration of their local affairs, and would tend to revive a patriotic and hope- ful national feeling. They have degraded themselves and the name of their party, once justly entitled to the confidence of the nation, by a base syco- phancy to the dispenser of executive power and patronage, un- worthy of republican freemen; they have sought to silence the voice of just criticism, and stifle the moral sense of the people, and to subjugate public opinion by tyrannical party discipline. They are striving to maintain themselves in authority for selfish ends by an unscrupulous use of the power which rightfully belongs to the people, and should be employed only in the service of the country. Believing that an organization thus led and controlled can no longer be of service to the best interests of the republic, we have resolved to make an independent appeal to the sober judgment, conscience, and patriotism of the American people. We, the Liberal Republicans of the United States, in national convention assembled at Cincinnati, proclaim the following prin- ciples as essential to just government : — 1. We recognize the equality of all men before the law, and hold that it is the duty of government, in its dealings with the people, to mete out equal and exact justice to all, of whatever nativity^ race, color, or persuasion, religious or political. THE GREELEY CAMPAIGN 343 2. We pledge ourselves to maintain the union of these States, emancipation, and enfranchisement, and to oppose any reopening of the questions settled by the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fif- teenth Amendments of the Constitution. 3. We demand the immediate and absolute removal of all dis- abilities imposed on account of the rebellion, which was finally subdued seven years ago, believing that universal amnesty will result in complete pacification in all sections of the country. 4. Local self-government, with impartial suffrage, will guard the rights of all citizens more securely than any centralized power. The public welfare requires the supremacy of the civil over the militaiy authority, and the freedom of the person under the pro- tection of the habeas corpus. We demand for the individual the largest liberty consistent with public order, for the State self-gov- ernment, and for the nation a return to the methods of peace and the constitutional limitations of power. 5. The civil service of the government has become a mere instru- ment of partisan tyranny and personal ambition, and an object of selfish greed. It is a scandal and reproach upon free institutions, and breeds a demoralization dangerous to the perpetuity of repub- lican government. We therefore regard a thorough reform of the civil service as one of the most pressing necessities of the hour; that honesty, capacity, and fidelity constitute the only valid claims to public employment ; that the offices of the government cease to be a matter of arbitrary favoritism and patronage and that public station shall become again a post of honor. To this end it is imperatively required that no President shall be a candidate for reelection. 6. We demand a system of federal taxation which shall not un- necessarily interfere with the industry of the people, and which shall provide the means necessary to pay the expenses of the gov- ernment, economically administered, the pensions, the interest on the public debt, and a moderate reduction annually of the princi- pal thereof ; and, recognizing that there are in our midst honest but irreconcilable differences of opinion with regard to the respect- ive systems of protection and free trade, we remit the discussion of the subject to the people in their congressional districts and the decision of Congress thereon, wholly free from executive interfer- ence or dictation. 7. The public credit must be sacredly maintained, and we de- nounce repudiation in every form and guise. 8. A speedy return to specie payments is demanded alike by the highest considerations of commercial morality and honest govern- ment. 9. We remember with gratitude the heroism and sacrifices of the 344 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY soldiers and sailors of the republic, and no act of ours shall ever detract from their justly earned fame or the full rewards of their patriotism. 10. We are opposed to all further grants of lands to railroads or other corporations. The public domain should be held sacred to actual settlers. 11. We hold that it is the duty of the government in its inter- course with foreign nations to cultivate the friendships of peace by treating with all on fair and equal terms, regarding it alike dis- honorable to demand what is not right or submit to what is wrong. 12. For the promotion and success of these vital principles, and the support of the candidates nominated by this convention, we invite and cordially welcome the cooperation of all patriotic citi- zens, without regard to previous political aMiations. Mr. Greeley was nominated for President on the sixth vote. The several votes were as follows : — Charles Francis Adams, Massachusetts Horace Greeley, New York .... Lyman Trumbull, Illinois .... B. Gratz Brown, Missouri .... David Davis, Illinois Andrew G. Curtin, Pennsylvania . . Salmon P. Chase, Ohio let. 2d. 3d. 4th. 5th. 203 243 2M 279 258 147 245 258 251 309 no 148 156 141 81 95 2 2 2 2 92i 75 41 51 30 62 _ _ _ _ 2i 1 - - 24 6th. 324 332 19 32 Before the result of the sixth trial was announced, mem- bers began to change their votes. When the changes had been made the result stood, for Greeley 482, for Adams 187. On a motion that the nomination of Mr. Greeley be made unani- mous, the negative votes were numerous. Two votes only were required to effect a nomination of a candidate for Vice- President. They were as follows : — 2d. B. Gratz Brown, Missouri . . Lyman Trumbull, Illinois . . George W. Julian, Indiana Gilbert C. Walker, Virginia . Cassius M. Clay, Kentucky . Jacob D. Cox, Ohio . . . . John M. Sooville, New Jersey Thomas W. Tipton, Nebraska John M. Palmer, Illinois . . 237 435 158 175 134J - 84* 76 34 - 25 - 12 _ 8 3 - 8 THE GREELEY CAMPAIGN 345 The nomination of Mr. Brown was then made unanimous, and the convention adjourned. Its work was received by Republicans throughout the country with a shout of derision. Greatly as Mr. Greeley was esteemed for his sincerity and respected for his ability, he had always been regarded as an erratic man, and there were few persons who credited him with the cool judgment and tact needed in a President. But the cry of '' anybody to beat Grant " had been raised ; and al- though many members of the Cincinnati convention were cha- grined at the failure to present acceptable candidates, and although many Democrats did not conceal their disappoint- ment, it soon became evident that the Democratic convention would adopt both the platform and the candidates of that con- vention. The Tennessee Democratic convention, held the week after Greeley and Brown had been nominated, instructed its delegates to the Baltimore convention to support that ticket. The New York Democrats did the same thing a week or two later, and sixteen other Democratic state conventions held in June followed the example. Accordingly it was not doubtful, when the Democratic convention met, what its action would be. The interest in the Eepublican convention was confined to the question of the vice-presidency. The renomination of General Grant by a unanimous vote was a foregone conclusion. There was no dissatisfaction with Mr. Colfax as Vice-President. He had been most assiduous in his attention to the few duties of his office, and had given general satisfaction as presiding officer of the Senate. The scandal which involved him and others at a later date had not then been whispered. But Mr. Colfax had given offence to certain of the fraternity of Wash- ington correspondents, and they determined to use all their power to prevent his nomination. They were assisted in their work by the presentation of the name of Mr. Henry Wilson as a candidate by the Republicans of Massachusetts. Consider- ing the closeness of the vote in the convention, it is not too much to say that Mr. Wilson owed his nomination to these correspondents. The convention met at Philadelphia on June 5, and did its work with promptness and harmony. Mr. Morton McMichael, of Pennsylvania, was the temporary chairman, and Judge Thomas Settle, of North Carolina, the permanent president of the convention. The committee on resolutions reported the following platform, which was unanimously adopted : — 346 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY The Republican party of the United States, assembled in na- tional convention in the city of Philadelphia on the fifth and sixth days of June, 1872, again declares its faith, appeals to its history, and announces its position upon the questions before the country. 1. During eleven years of supremacy it has accepted with grand courage the solemn duties of the time. It suppressed a gigantic rebellion, emancipated four millions of slaves, decreed the equal citizenship of all, and established universal suffrage. Exhibiting unparalleled magnanimity, it criminally punished no man for political offences, and warmly welcomed all who proved loyalty by obeying the laws and dealing justly with their neighbors. It has steadily decreased with firm hand the resultant disorders of a great war, and initiated a wise and humane policy toward the Indians. The Pacific Railroad and similar vast enterprises have been gener- ously aided and successfully conducted, the public lands freely given to actual settlers, immigration protected and encouraged, and a full acknowledgment of the naturalized citizens' rights secured from European powers. A uniform national currency has been provided, repudiation frowned down, the national credit sus- tained under the most extraordinary burdens, and new bonds negotiated at lower rates. The revenues have been carefully col- lected and honestly applied. Despite annual Isirge reductions of the rates of taxation, the public debt has been reduced during General Grant's presidency at the rate of a hundred millions a year. Great financial crises have been avoided, and peace and plenty prevail throughout the land. Menacing foreign difficulties have been peacefully and honorably composed, and the honor and power of the nation kept in high respect throughout the world. This glorious record of the past is the party's best pledge for the future. We believe the people will not entrust the government to any party or combination of men composed chiefly of those who have resisted every step of this beneficent progress. 2. The recent amendments to the national Constitution should be cordially sustained because they are right, not merely tolerated because they are law, and should be carried out according to their spirit by appropriate legislation, the enforcement of which can safely be entrusted only to the party that secured these amend- ments. 3. Complete liberty and exact equality in the enjoyment of all civil, political, and public rights should be established and effectu- ally maintained throughout the Union by efficient and appropriate state and federal legislation. Neither the law nor its adminis- tration should admit any discrimination in respect of citizens by reason of race, creed, color, or previous condition of servitude. 4. The national government should seek to maintain honorable THE GREELEY CAMPAIGN 347 peace with all nations, protecting its citizens everywhere, and sym- pathizing with all peoples who strive for greater liberty. 5. Any system of the civil service under which the subordinate positions of the government are considered rewards for mere party zeal is fatally demoralizing, and we therefore favor a reform of the system by laws which shall abolish the evils of patronage and make honesty, efficiency, and fidelity the essential qualifications for public positions, without practically creating a life-tenure of office. 6. We are opposed to further grants of the public lands to cor- porations and monopolies, and demand that the national domain be set apart for free homes for the people. 7. The annual revenue, after paying current expenditures, pen- sions, and the interest on the public debt, should furnish a moder- ate balance for the reduction of the principal, and that revenue, except so much as may be derived from a tax upon tobacco and liquors, should be raised by duties upon importations, the details of which should be so adjusted as to aid in securing remunerative wages to labor, and promote the industries, prosperity, and growth of the whole country. 8. We hold in undying honor the soldiers and sailors whose valor saved the Union. Their pensions are a sacred debt of the nation, and the widows and orphans of those who died for their country are entitled to the care of a generous and grateful people. We favor such additional legislation as will extend the bounty of the government to all soldiers and sailors who were honorably dis- charged, and who, in the line of duty, became disabled, without regard to the length of service or cause of such discharge. 9. The doctrine of Great Britain and other European powers concerning allegiance — " Once a subject always a subject " — having at last, through the efforts of the Republican party, been abandoned, and the American idea of the individual right to transfer allegiance having been accepted by European nations, it is the duty of our government to guard with jealous care the rights of adopted citizens against the assumption of unauthorized claims by their former governments, and we urge continued careful encourage- ment and protection of voluntary immigration. 10. The franking privilege ought to be abolished, and the way prepared for a speedy reduction in the rates of postage. 11. Among the questions which press for attention is that which concerns the relations of capital and labor, and the Republican party recognizes the duty of so shaping legislation as to secure full protection and the amplest field for capital, and for labor, the creator of capital, the largest opportunities and a just share of the mutual profits of these two great servants of civilization. 348 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY 12. We hold that Congress and the President have only fulfilled an imperative duty in their measures for the suppression of violent and treasonable organizations in certain lately rebellious regions, and for the protection of the ballot-box ; and therefore they are entitled to the thanks of the nation. 13. We denounce repudiation of the public debt, in any form or disguise, as a national crime. We witness with pride the reduction of the principal of the debt, and of the rates of interest upon the balance, and confidently expect that our excellent national currency will be perfected by a speedy resumption of specie payment. 14. The Republican party is mindful of its obligations to the loyal women of America for their noble devotion to the cause of freedom. Their admission to wider spheres of usefulness is viewed with satisfaction ; and the honest demand of any class of citizens for additional rights should be treated with i-espectful consideration. 15. We heartily approve the action of Congress in extending amnesty to those lately in rebellion, and rejoice in the growth of peace and fraternal feeling throughout the land. 16. The Republican party proposes to respect the rights reserved by the people to themselves as carefully as the powers delegated by them to the States and to the federal government. It disapproves of the resort to unconstitutional laws for the purpose of removing evils by interference with the rights not surrendered by the people to either the state or the national government. 17. It is the duty of the general government to adopt such measures as may tend to encourage and restore American commerce and ship-building. 18. We believe that the modest patriotism, the earnest purpose, the sound judgment, the practical wisdom, the incorruptible integ- rity, and the illustrious services of Ulysses S. Grant have com- mended him to the heart of the American people, and with him at our head we start to-day upon a new march to victory. 19. Henry Wilson, nominated for the vice-presidency, known to the whole land from the early days of the great struggle for liberty as an indefatigable laborer in all campaigns, an incorrup- tible legislator, and representative man of American institutions, is worthy to associate with our great leader and share the honors which we pledge our best efforts to bestow upon them. General Grant was nominated by the unanimous vote of all the delegates, amid great enthusiasm. A single trial was suffi- cient to give the nomination as Vice-President to Mr, Wilson, who received 3641 votes, to 3211 for Mr. Colfax. In spite of their apparent unanimity, the Democrats were THE GREELEY CAMPAIGN 349 f not really united in the movement for Greeley and Brown. aSTevertheless most of the leaders believed that nothing better remained to be done than to adopt the principles and the can- didates of the Liberal Republicans, and they had gone too far to recede. The convention met at Baltimore on July 9. Mr. Thomas Jefferson Randolph, of Virginia, was the temporary chairman, and ex-Senator James R. Doolittle, of Wisconsin, the permanent president. The committee on resolutions re- ported the Cincinnati platform Avithout change. Its accept- ance was strongly opposed by Senator Thomas F. Bayard, of Delaware, but the platform was adopted by a vote of 670 to 62. It was decided not to nominate candidates by accla- mation, but to take the vote as usual. Mr. Greeley received 686 votes ; Jeremiah S. Black, of Pennsylvania, 21 ; Thomas F. Bayard, of Delaware, 16 ; William S. Groesbeck, of Ohio, 2 ; and 7 votes were cast blank. Mr. Greeley was thus nominated by much more than the necessary two thirds. On a vote for a candidate for Vice-President, Mr. Brown received 713 ; John W. Stephenson, of Kentucky, 6 ; and 13 votes were blank. Although this result of the convention had been universally expected, there was great dissatisfaction with it in many Demo- cratic circles. Some members of the party were outspoken in their objection to what they regarded as a cowardly surrender of principle for the sake of a possible victory. Others said little, but it was easy to see that they had not much heart in the " new departure," and would not cordially support Mr. Greeley, even if they should so far overcome their repugnance as to vote the ticket. The open opposition to the Greeley movement found expression in a call for a straight Democratic convention, which was held at Louisville, Kentucky, on Sep- tember 3, and was well attended. Mr. James Lyon, of Vir- ginia, was the president. The following resolutions were adopted : — Whereas, A frequent recurrence to first principles, and eternal vigilance against abuses, are the wisest provisions for liberty, which is the source of progress, and fidelity to our constitutional system is the only protection for either ; therefore. Resolved, That the original basis of our whole political struc- ture is a consent in every part thereof. The people of each State voluntarily created their State, and the States voluntarily formed the Union ; and each State has provided, by its written Constitu- tion, for everything a State should do for the protection of life, 350 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY liberty, and property within it ; and each State, jointly with the others, provided a Federal Union for foreign and inter-state re- lations. Resolved, That aU government powers, whether state or federal, are trust powers coming from the people of each State ; and that they are limited to the written letter of the Constitution and the laws passed in pursuance of it, which powers must be exercised in the utmost good faith, the Constitution itself providing in what manner they may be altered and amended. Resolved, That the interests of labor and capital should not be permitted to conflict, but should be harmonized by judicious legis- lation. While such a conflict continues, labor, which is the parent of wealth, is entitled to paramount consideration. Resolved, That we proclaim to the world that principle is to be preferred to power ; that the Democratic party is held together by the cohesion of time-honored principles which they will never sur- render in exchange for all the offices which presidents can confer. The pangs of the minorities are doubtless excruciating ; but we welcome an eternal minority under the banner inscribed with our principles, rather than an almighty and everlasting majority pur- chased by their abandonment. Resolved, That, having been betrayed at Baltimore into a false creed and a false leadership by the convention, we repudiate both, and appeal to the people to approve our platform and to rally to the polls and support the true platform, and the candidates who embody it. Resolved, That we are opposed to giving public lands to corpora- tions, and favor their disposal to actual settlers only. Resolved, That we favor a judicious tariff for revenue purposes only, and that we are unalterably opposed to class legislation which enriches a few at the expense of the many under the plea of protection. The convention nominated Mr. Charles O'Conor for Presi- dent, and John Quincy Adams, of Massachusetts, for Vice- President. Mr. Adams had written a letter, in which he said that, while he did not wish for the nomination, he would not refuse it if Mr. O'Conor should head the ticket. Mr. O'Conor, on being notified by telegraph of his nomination, declined peremptorily. The convention then hastily passed a vote nominating Mr. Lyon, the president of the convention, in his place ; but Mr. Lyon wisely declined. Mr. Adams also refused to take any but the second place, and not even that, unless Mr. O'Conor were to stand at the head of the ticket. Under these circumstances, the convention returned to Mr. THE GREELEY CAMPAIGN 351 O'Conor, and left the ticket as it had been originally arranged, whether its candidates would accept or decline. The result of the canvass was at no time in doubt. Some of the Democrats deluded themselves with the idea that there was a chance for Mr. Greeley, and that gentleman departed from the usual custom of candidates by going " on the stump." The early elections showed clearly the drift of public opinion ; and General Grant was elected by a larger majority than he had received at his first election. As in 1868, thirty-seven States formed the Union ; and on this occasion, for the first time in the history of the government, all the States chose electors by a popular vote. The apportionment which fol- lowed the census of 1870 enlarged the number of electors. Mr. Greeley died a few days after the choice of electors had been made, and the Democratic electors cast their votes with- out serious attempt at concentration. The popular vote is given on the next page. It will be observed that the popular vote of Louisiana is given in two forms. Political afifairs in the State were in a chaotic condition, both then and subsequently. The gov- ernor, Henry C. Warmoth, had been elected as a Republican, but had joined the Greeley movement, and was disposed to do all that lay in his power to give the vote of the State to the Democratic candidates. The votes of the State were at that time canvassed by a " returning board," consisting of the gov- ernor, lieutenant-governor, secretary of state, and two others. The lieutenant-governor and one of the unofficial members became disqualified by being candidates for office. The gov- ernor then removed the secretary of state and appointed an- other man in his place ; and he, with this new secretary, pro- ceeded to fill up the vacancies in the returning board. But the old secretary of state, before his removal, and the re- maining unofficial member of the board, had previously filled the vacancies. Accordingly there were two returning boards. The official returns were canvassed by that board only of which the governor was the head ; the other board made up returns from the best sources of information it could command. Each board seems to have manipulated the figures so as to bring about a desired result. This is a very brief account of a long and complicated controversy, full particulars of which may be found in the newspapers and in official documents of the time. Two sets of electors met, voted, and forwarded their 352 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY States. Alabama ■ . . Arkansas . . . California . . Connecticut . . Delaware . . Florida . . . Georgia . . Illinois ... Indiana ... Iowa . . . . , Kansas . , . , Kentucky . . Louisiana * . . Louisiana t Maine . . . Maryland . . Massachusetts Michigan . . Minnesota . . Mississippi . . Missouri . . Nebraska . . Nevada . . . New Hampshire New Jersey New York . . North Carolina Ohio .... Oregon . . . Pennsylvania . Rhode Island . South Carolina Tennessee . . Texas . . . Vermont . . Virginia West Virginia Wisconsin . . Total 3,597,132 2,834,125 90,272 41,373 54,020 50,638 11,115 17,763 62,550 241,944 186,147 131,566 67,048 88,766 71,663 59,975 61,422 66,760 133,472 138,455 55,117 82,175 119,196 18,329 8,413 37,168 91,656 440,736 94,769 281,852 11,819 349,589 13,665 72,290 85,655 47,468 41,481 93,468 32,315 104,997 n 79,444 37,927 40,718 45,880 10,206 15,427 76,356 184,938 163,632 71,196 32,970 99,995 57,029 66,467 29,087 67,687 59,260 78,355 34,423 47,288 151,434 7,812 6,236 31,424 76,456 387,281 70,094 244,321 7,730 212,041 5,329 22,703 94,391 66,546 10,927 91,654 29,451 86,477 bt>i Siz; 1,068 204 487 4,000 3,058 1,417 2,221 596 2,374 19 2,861 2,439 100 630 1,454 1,163 572 187 2,580 593 42 600 834 29,489 * "Custom-house" count. The total vote of the country, as given above, includea these returns. t Count by the Warmoth returning board. If these returns should be substituted for the others, the total vote of the country would be : for Grant, 3,585,444 ; Greeley, 2,843,663. THE GREELEY CAMPAIGN 353 returns to Washington ; but the vote of the State was excluded, as will be noticed in the report of the electoral count. The votes of the electoral colleges as actually cast, including both the votes of Louisiana, are given below. These and all others which were rejected by Congress are marked with an asterisk : — Peesident. Vice-President. States. 1 O CO 5 a 1— 1 M ■O a tS > « & 1 H i Cm 1 .q si d 1 o O CO 1 1 4 a" 1 i Alabama . . . Arkansas . . California . . Connecticut . . Delaware . . . Florida . . . Georgia . . . Illinois . . . Indiana . . . Iowa .... Kansas . . . Kentucky . . Louisiana t . . Louisiana t • • Maine .... Maryland . . Massachusetts . Michigan . . . Minnesota . . Mississippi . . Missouri . . . Nebraska . . . Nevada . . . New Hampshire New Jersey . . New York . . North Carolina Ohio .... Oregon . . . Pennsylvania . Rhode Island . South Carolina . Tennessee . . Texas .... Vermont . . . Virginia . . . West Virginia . Wisconsin . . Total as declared 10 6* 6 6 3 4 21 15 n 5 8* 7 13 11 5 8 3 3 5 9 35 10 22 3 29 4 7 5 11 5 10 286 8 8 6 12 8 42 6 4 _ 8 18 3* 2 2 - 1 1 10 6* 6 6 3 4 21 15 11 5 8* 7 13 11 5 8 3 3 5 9 35 10 22 3 29 4 7 5 11 5 10 286 5 8 8* 8 6 12 8 47 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 1 _ 1 1 1 1 1 * Rejected by Congress, t " Custom-house " electors, t Warmoth electors. 354 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY Many questions arose during the count of electoral votes, which took place on February 12, 1873, was conducted in accord- ance with the twenty-second joint rule, and occupied seven hours. The first objection was made by Mr. Hoar, of Massa- chusetts, to counting the three votes cast in Georgia for Horace Greeley, on the ground that Mr. Greeley was dead at the time the votes were given. This raised the question whether Con- gress might take cognizance of the ineligibility of a candidate for the presidential office. The next objection was raised by Senator Trumbull, of Illinois, to the vote of Mississippi, on the ground that the certificates did not state that the electors voted by ballot. Mr. Potter, of New York, also objected especially to one vote of Mississippi, cast by an elector chosen to fill a vacancy, the choice of whom was certified only by the secre- tary of state of Mississippi, and by him only upon information and not of his own knowledge. Upon these three objections the two Houses separated. The House of Representatives voted to reject the Greeley votes in Georgia; the Senate voted to accept them ; under the joint rule they were cast out and not counted. Each House overruled both objections to the vote of Mississippi, and it was counted. Upon the resumption of the count, when the State of Missouri was reached, attention was called to the fact that votes were cast for Mr. Brown both as President and as Vice-President, but the objection that this was contrary to the provision of the Constitution that electors shall vote for two persons, " one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same State with themselves," was obviated by reading the concluding part of the certificate, that no person who voted for Mr. Brown as President also voted for him as Vice-President. The vote of Texas was next objected to, on the ground that the choice of the electors was certified to only by the acting secretary of state, and not, as the law required, by the governor. A second objection was made on the ground that four of the eight electors (not a ma- jority) had met and filled vacancies. Both objections were overruled by each House, and the vote of Texas was counted. The count then proceeded until the only votes remaining to he counted were those of Arkansas and Louisiana. The votes of both States were objected to. The returns for Arkansas were certified to by the secretary of state only, and his office seal was the only one which the papers bore. Both sets of electors for Louisiana were objected to. The two Houses THE GREELEY CAMPAIGN 355 having separated, the Senate passed a resolution that the votes of Arkansas should not be counted ; the House of Representa- tives agreed to admit them. The vote in the Senate was a consequence of the bad rule that no debate should be allowed. In fact the only seal in use in the State was that of the secre- tary of state ; and the rejection of the vote was a hasty act upon the most frivolous of pretexts. Both Houses voted not to count any votes from Louisiana. The result of this action, under the twenty-second joint rule, was that the votes of Arkansas and Louisiana were excluded. The joint session of Congress was then resumed, and the result of the electioa was declared. ■ XXV THE DISPUTED ELECTION When slavery had been overthrown by the convulsion of war, and when the fruits of victory had been secured, so far as legislation could secure them, the original mission of the Republican party was accomplished. The more or less success- ful solution of the great moral and political problems which caused the party to come into being was followed by several changes that must be noticed briefly, since they explain the political reverses that began during General Grant's second term. It was not yet time for the revival of old issues, the tariff, for example, to send back into the Democratic party men who had seceded from it when slavery became the predominant question before the people. That change was to come later. Many " war Democrats " who had acted with the Republi- cans now felt that the reconstruction measures were too radi- cal, and many of them returned to their old party allegiance. But in the main the personnel of the Republican party re- mained unchanged. There was, nevertheless, an internal modi- fication that was to work mischief in the future. The long possession of power increased the appetite for power, and led some of the politicians to employ objectionable means for re- taining it, — means that were possibly justified when the life of the nation and its future well-being seemed to depend upon the continuance of the Republican policy, but which were reprehensible when no such necessity existed. All this implied an alteration which is perhaps too harshly described as moral degeneration. The demoralization did not affect the body of the party, save that the change was regarded with too much toleration ; but the leaders became overbearing and reckless. The party sufifered greatly, also, by reason of the character of its membership in the South. The great body of the party in that section consisted of the newly enfranchised blacks, — not too well qualified to exercise the right of suffrage, — who were THE DISPUTED ELECTION 357 permitted by the white men to vote when and where only their votes would not change the result of an election. The white contingent of the party, a handful only, was made up of " carpet-baggers " and " scallawags." Carpet-baggers were Northern men who had removed — with hand-luggage only, it was sarcastically asserted by the Democrats — to the South in order to get elected to office by negro votes. Scallawags were Southern-born men who had braved the social ostracism that followed their non-conformity to the formula that " this is a white man's government," for the same purpose of obtaining office. The overturn which resulted in the election of a Democratic House of Representatives in 1874 was by no means caused wholly by the changes just noted. A much more direct cause was the great financial panic of 1873. There had been no serious effort to reform the disordered currency, the excessive volume of which produced an era of speculation and extension of credit. When the crash came, there was widespread disaster and insolvency. A season of hard times set in ; and, as is usu- ally the case, the party in power was held responsible for the evil. It was then that a party sprang up in many parts of the country, particularly in the West, which held that the cause of the disaster was not too much but too little paper money ; and it urged not merely the retention of the greenbacks as the permanent money of the country, but a large — even an un- limited — increase of the amount. As if the Republican party had even then not enough to bear, the startling revelation of the condition of the public service which was popularly supposed to be given by the dis- covery of the complicity of high officers in the ''whiskey ring " frauds upon the revenue, and the acts of General Bel- knap, the Secretary of War, — more sinned against than sinning, as the true history of the affair shows, — were scandals of a most serious character. The people began, too, to be somewhat weary of the Southern question, — of " waving the bloody shirt," as it was called, — and no longer responded eagerly to demands upon their loyalty to support further legislation, in order that the blood spilled in the war might not be wasted. Inasmuch as the Southern States themselves had become almost " solid " already in the support of the Democratic party, it required but a slight change in the North to give a majority to the opposition. 358 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY Before entering upon a chronicle of the events of 1876, it is advisable to record the efforts made in Congress to modify the electoral system and to regulate the count of votes. At the beginning of the session of 1874-5, Senator Oliver P. Morton called up, and endeavored to secure action upon, several propositions which had for their object to remedy the constitutional defects which ninety years of experience had de- veloped. The first of these was a proposition to amend the Constitution, the origin of which was this : Under a resolu- tion offered by Mr. Morton in March, 1873, the committee on privileges and elections, of which he was chairman, was directed to examine and report at the next session upon the best and most practicable mode of electing the President and Vice-President, and providing a tribunal to adjust and decide all contested questions connected therewith. The committee reported, May 28, 1874, a proposition to amend the Constitu- tion by the adoption of the following new article : — 1. The President and Vice-President shall be elected by the direct vote of the people in the manner following : Each State shall be divided into districts, equal in number to the number of Repre- sentatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress, to be composed of contiguous territory, and to be as nearly equal in population as may be ; and the person having the highest number of votes in each district for President shall receive the vote of that district, which shall count one presidential vote. 2. The person having the highest number of votes for President in a State shall receive two presidential votes from the State at large. 3. The person having the highest number of presidential votes in the United States shall be President. 4. If two persons have the same number of votes in any State, it being the highest number, they shall receive each one presiden- tial vote from the State at large ; and if more than two persons shall have each the same number of votes in any State, it being the highest number, no presidential vote shall be counted from the State at large. If more persons than one shall have the same number of votes, it being the highest number in any district, no presidential vote shall be counted from that district. 5. The foregoing provisions shall apply to the election of Vice- President. 6. The Congress shall have the power to provide for holding and conducting the elections of President and Vice-President, and to establish tribunals for the decision of such elections as may be contested. THE DISPUTED ELECTION 359 7. The State shall be divided into districts by the legislatures thereof, but the Congress may at any time by law make or alter the same; The report which accompanied this proposition was one of great ability and thoroughness. It was the work of Senator Morton himself, who probably devoted more time and thought to this part of the Constitution than have been given to it by any other statesman of any period in our history. The reso- lution of amendment was called up in the Senate on the 20th of January, 1875, and Mr. Morton made a long speech in favor of it, pointing out once more in forcible language what he re- garded as the evils and dangers of the existing system. He maintained that the twenty-second joint rule was grossly un- constitutional. Senators Thurman, Conkling, and Anthony followed. They all agreed that some change was absolutely necessary, but the general judgment was that the greatest danger lay in the matter of the electoral count. Mr. Anthony went so far as to say that '' all the machinery of the existing system is absurd." But notwithstanding the concurrence of the leaders of the Senate in the opinion that some measure should be passed, the resolution was laid aside and debate upon it was never resumed. A few days later, however, the Senate began a discussion of a resolution, also submitted by Mr. Morton, that the twenty- second joint rule be repealed. Subsequently he modified this resolution. He proposed to amend, not to repeal the rule, and to make an affirmative vote of both Houses necessary for the rejection of an electoral vote. A long debate took place upon this proposition ; and the resolution was finally referred to the committee on privileges and elections. The committee reported speedily a bill, which, if enacted, would take the place of the joint rule. For the most part it followed the language of that rule, but with these exceptions : no vote could be rejected except by the concurrent vote of the two Houses ; if more than one return should be presented from a State, that one was to be accepted which the two Houses acting separately should determine to be the true return ; and when the Houses separated to decide upon any objection, debate Avas to be allowed, each member being permitted to speak for ten minutes, once only. When the debate had lasted two hours the House was to have the right, by a majority vote, to order the main question to be put. This bill was fully debated. Numerous amendments 360 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY were offered, but none were adopted, except for the purpose of perfecting the language. The only important suggestion of amendment was made by Mr, Edmunds, of Vermont, who pro- posed to substitute for the whole bill a plan for a joint com- mittee, resembling the grand committee provided for in the bill of the year 1800 (see p. 64 et seq.). The bill was passed by a vote of 28 to 20. All the affirmative votes were given by Republicans, but six members of that party, including Sen- ators Carpenter, Conkling, Edmunds, and Windom, voted against the bill. It was never taken up in the House of Re- presentatives, Mr. Morton was greatly in earnest in regard to this matter. Immediately on the reassembling of Congress — it was a new Congress, and the House of Representatives was Democratic — he again introduced the bill. It was referred and reported back, and on the 13th of March, 1876, a debate began which occupied a large part of nearly every daily session until the 24th of the month, when it was passed, 32 to 26. Although . this was nearly a party vote, Mr. Thurman supported the bill. But he had an objection to one feature of it, and therefore moved that the vote passing it be reconsidered for the purpose of amendment. The motion was agreed to late in April, and the bill was then laid aside. It was again taken up, just at the close of the session, in August, but no action was had upon the bill, and of course it failed. It began to be rumored in 1875 that General Grant would be a candidate for a third term. Since the time of Washington it had been an unwritten law that eight years should be the limit of any man's service at the head of the government. The idea that the rule established by the Father of his Country was to be broken was highly displeasing to a large body of Republicans, and still more so to all Democrats. There was much public and private discussion on the subject. The President himself allowed it to be understood that he was not disposed to refuse a third term if it should be offered him. In a letter addressed to General Harry White, of Pennsylvania, he expressed himself in terms that could not be misunderstood. The Republican state convention, over which General White presided, had passed a resolution of unalterable " opposition to the election to the presidency of any person for a third term." This drew from General Grant the letter referred to, in which he said : " Now for the third term, I do not want it any THE DISPUTED ELECTION 361 more than I did the first ; " but he also remarked that the people were not restricted to two terms by the Constitution ; that the time might come when it would be unfortunate to ^make a change at the end of eight years ; and that he " would not accept a nomination if it were tendered, unless it should come under such circumstances as to make it an imperative duty, — circumstances not likely to arise." The universal in- terpretation of these phrases was that General Grant's friends were at liberty to make it appear the imperative duty of the Republicans to nominate him again, and of the President to accept the nomination. But the idea made little headway except among the officials of the government and the most de- voted adherents of the President. There was, nevertheless, much apprehension that the close organization of the official class would make it possible to manipulate the primary meet- ings and secure his nomination. A death-blow to the movement was dealt soon after the opening of Congress, in December, 1875. A Democratic member from Illinois offered a reso- lution, " that, in the opinion of this House, the precedent established by Washington and other Presidents of the United States, in retiring from the presidential office after their second term, has become, by universal concurrence, a part of our re- publican system of government, and that any departure from this time-honored custom would be unwise, unpatriotic, and fraught with peril to our free institutions." This resolution was passed by the immense majority of 234 to 18. Not only did all the Democrats present support it, but 70 out of the 88 Repub- licans voting were also found in the affirmative. Nothing more was heard that year of the third term, and the Republicans who had been willing to entertain the idea turned their attention to other candidates, while the Republi- can leaders who had been special friends of the administration felt themselves at liberty to become candidates for the Republi- can nomination. There were many candidates. The favor of the administration Avas believed to have gone chiefly to Senator Conkling, of New York, when General Grant himself was put out of the running ; but there was no hostility to Senator Morton, of Indiana, who ultimately secured most of the southern dele- gations. Both of these gentlemen had been ardent defenders of the President whenever he had been attacked, and trust- worthy supporters of all administration measures. The strongest movement, outside of the official circles, was 362 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY in favor of Mr, James G. Blaine, of Maine. Mr. Blaine had been six years Speaker of the House of Representatives, and had gained extraordinary popularity among members of Con- gress. At the beginning of the Forty-fourth Congress, in 1875, the control of the House having passed into the hands •of the Democrats, he had become the natural leader of the minority on the floor, and had drawn the attention of the country by some brilliant parliamentary victories. Many Re- publicans, however, regretted tliat in so doing he had revived memories of the war which they were entirely willing should be forgotten. When the movement to make him the Republi- can candidate became formidable some of them felt constrained to oppose him. Soon afterward whispers were heard that his public career was not free from acts which, if not corrupt, involved corrupt motives and desires ; and these insinuations took a form which led to an investigation into Mr. Blaine's ■connection with the Little Rock and Fort Smith Railroad Com- pany and the Union Pacific Railroad Company. In brief, Mr. Blaine had, as Speaker, given a decision which facilitated the passage of a bill authorizing the State of Arkansas to aid in the construction of the Fort Smith road. Afterward he had become interested in the securities of the company ; and it was asserted that he had traded upon the service he had rendered to the company to obtain specially favorable terms from those who had the disposal of the securities. Mr. Blaine's prominence in public affairs, and the strong position he occupied as a candi- date for the Republican nomination, caused the scandal to attract general attention. The letters he had written upon the sub- ject were in hostile hands. Mr. Blaine obtained possession of them, and in a memorably dramatic scene read them, with his own explanation, to the House of Representatives. The effect was precisely what might have been expected : those who were previously convinced of his guilt saw in them proof of the charges against him ; his ardent admirers, of whom there was a host in all parts of the country, accepted them as a com- plete exoneration. The present writer, who enjoyed a lifelong personal friendship, and for many years was on terms of inti- macy, with Mr. Blaine, always believed in his innocence not only of the charges here referred to, but of others which his political opponents made against him. The unpleasant chapter in his history is recorded here because it had an important bearing upon his aspirations to the presidency, but with keen regret that a perpetuation of it is necessary. THE DISPUTED ELECTION 363 A strong movement was organized in the party in favor of Mr. Benjamin H. Bristow, the Secretary of the Treasury, Mr. Bristow had won the high opinion of the country by his vigorous proceedings against the western " whiskey rings." The heavy tax upon distilled spirit was a great temptation to fraud in its manufacture. Evidence was obtained that many western distilleries were enabled by collusion with government officers to manufacture vast amounts of whiskey upon which no tax was paid. They secured a great profit, which profit was divided between those who committed the frauds and those who permitted them. Certain persons near the adminis- tration were implicated, or at least open to serious suspicion. The President directed that the prosecutions should be pressed with all vigor ; but Mr. Bristow received most of the credit for the unrelenting vigor with which the prosecutions were carried to a successful issue. Accordingly he became the favorite candidate of those who were most opposed to what it was the fashion to call " Csesarism " and " Grantism." Ohio presented her governor, Rutherford B. Hayes, a gen- eral in the Union army during the war, formerly a member of Congress, and in 1876, for the third time, governor of Ohio. Governor John F. Hartranft, of Pennsylvania, and Mr. Mar- shall Jewell, who had been governor of Connecticut, minister to Russia, and Postmaster-general, were also candidates. The leading candidate on the Democratic side was Governor Samuel J. Tilden, of New York, but his supremacy was not undisputed. Mr. Hendricks, of Indiana, who had received most of the votes of Democratic electors in 1872, after the death of Mr. Greeley, had strong western support. General Hancock was a favorite of the soldiers, as he had been in 1868. Ohio was in the field with ex-Governor William Allen, who had carried the State in 1873. But as the state and district conventions made Mr. Blaine the leading candidate on the Republican side, so those of the Democrats placed Mr. Tilden far in advance of all competitors. Mr. Tilden had gained a high reputation by his warfare against the " Tweed ring " in New York city some years before, and had added to it by his career as governor of the State of New York. But he was opposed most warmly by the Tammany organization in his own city, and this was deemed by many a sufficient reason why he should not be nominated. Such was the situation when the season of national conventions began, in May, 1876. 364 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY The first convention of the series was that of the Prohibi- tionists, which was held in Cleveland, Ohio, on the 17th of May. This convention nominated, for President, Green Clay Smith, of Kentucky, and, for Vice-President, G. T. Stewart, of Ohio ; and adopted the following platform : — The Prohibition Reform party of the United States, organized in the name of the people to revive, enforce, and perpetuate in the government the doctrines of the Declaration of Independence, sub- mit in this centennial year of the republic, for the suffrages of all good citizens, the following platform of national reforms and mea- sures : — 1. The legal prohibition in the District of Columbia, the Terri- tories, and in every other place subject to the laws of Congress, of the importation, exportation, manufacture, and traffic of all alco- holic beverages as high crimes against society ; an amendment of the national Constitution to render these prohibitory measures uni- versal and permanent ; and the adoption of treaty stipulations with foreign powers to prevent the importation and exportation of all alcoholic beverages. 2. The abolition of class legislation and of special privileges in the government; and of the adoption of equal suffrage and eligibil- ity to office without distinction of race, religious creed, property, or sex. 3. The appropriation of the public lands in limited quantities to actual settlers only ; the reduction of the rates of inland and ocean postage; of telegraphic communication; of railroad and water transportation and travel to the lowest practicable point by force of law, wisely and justly framed, with reference not only to the interests of capital employed, but to the higher claims of the gen- eral good. 4. The suppression by law of lottery and gambling in gold, stocks, produce, and every form of money and property, and the penal inhibition of the use of the public mails for advertising schemes of gambling and lotteries. 5. The abolition of those foul enormities, polygamy and the social evil, and the protection of purity, peace, and happiness of homes by ample and efficient legislation. 6. The national observance of the Christian Sabbath, established by laws prohibiting ordinary labor and business in all departments of public service and private employment (works of necessity, char- ity, and religion excepted) on that day. 7. The establishment by mandatory provisions in national and state constitutions, and by all necessary legislation, of a system of free pviblic schools for the universal and forced education of all the youth of the land. THE DISPUTED ELECTION 365 8. The free use of the Bible, not as a ground of religious creeds, but as a text-book of the purest morality, the best liberty, and the noblest literature, in our public schools, that our children may grow up in its light, and that its spirit and principles may pervade the nation. 9. The separation of the government in all departments and institutions, including the public schools and all funds for their maintenance, from the control of every religious sect or other association, and the protection alike of all sects by equal laws, with entire freedom of religious faith and worship. 10. The introduction into all treaties hereafter negotiated with foreign governments of a provision for the amicable settlement of international difficulties by arbitration. 11. The abolition of all barbarous modes and instruments of punishment ; the recognition of the laws of God and the claims of humanity in the discipline of jails and prisons, and of that higher and wiser civilization worthy of our age and nation, which regards the reform of criminals as a means for the prevention of crime. 12. The abolition of executive and legislative patronage, and the election of President, Vice-President, United States senators, and of all civil officers, so far as practicable, by the direct vote of the people. 13. The practice of a friendly and liberal policy to immigrants from all natioiis, the guarantee to them of ample protection, and of equal rights and privileges. 14. The separation of the money of government from all bank- ing institutions. The national government only should exercise the high prerogative of issuing paper money, and that should be subject to prompt redemption on demand in gold and silver, the only equal standards of value recognized by the civilized world. 15. The reduction of the salaries of public officers in a just ratio with the decline of wages and market prices, the abolition of sine- cures, unnecessary offices, and official fees and perquisites; the practice of strict economy in government expenses, and a free and thorough investigation into any and all alleged abuses of public trusts. Reference has been made already, in this chapter, to the rise and growth of a party favorable to a paper money regime. It had its origin as early as 1868, when the retirement of greenbacks was prohibited by Congress on the ground that a contraction of the currency was injurious to business. It found expression in the canvass of that year, in the demand that the bonds of the United States should be made payable in greenbacks. After the panic of 1873 the secretary of the 366 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY treasury issued a part of the notes retired six years before, taking the position that the forty-four million dollars so retired were a "reserve." It was urged on the one hand that the volume of the currency ought to be still further, and largely, increased; and on the other that "inflation" was but feeding the financial disease, and that steps should be taken to resume specie payments, suspended since 1862. The contro- versy was severe. The sharp commercial and industrial dis- tress disposed Congress to accede to the call for more paper money, and in 1874 a bill was passed by both branches which authorized an increase. The bill was vetoed by the President, and failed. The advocates of resumption of specie payments took courage from the veto, and an act was passed, as a Repub- lican measure, in 1875, which not only fixed January 1, 1879, as the date on which the government would redeem in coin all its notes on demand, but clothed the secretary of the treasury with practically unlimited authority to borrow money in pre- paration for redemption, and to maintain specie payments afterward. The resumption act was most vigorously opposed ; but it was passed, approved by the President, and ultimately carried into effect. During the period of the agitation over the question a " greenback " convention was held in Indianapolis, which adopted what was then known as " the Ohio idea," — in brief that paper money was less fluctuating in value than coin, and that the volume of the currency should be "equal to the demands of business." Many of the " greenbackers," as they were called, favored " fiat " money, that is, " coined paper," — which was not to be redeemed in coin, but was to be stamped as full legal tender and kept in circulation by the fiat of the government. It may be remarked here that the party which was organized to oppose resumption and to per- petuate the paper money regime is the Populist party of later times, under a new name, with kindred purposes, although it now espouses the cause of silver instead of greenbacks. It will be noticed that in the first platform adopted by the party, three years after " the crime of 1873," — as the act discontin- uing the coinage of the silver dollar has been called, — but before the "crime" had aroused the indignation of the mem- bers of the party, the bonds then being issued for resumption purposes were spoken of as " gold bonds." Indeed, this plat- form is worthy of notice in many points, by those who would study the silver question historically. THE DISPUTED ELECTION 36T The first national convention of the Independent National, or Greenback, party, was held at Indianapolis, on May 18, 1876. Ignatius Donnelly, of Minnesota, was the temporary chairman, and Thomas J. Durant, of Washington, D. C, the permanent president. Peter Cooper, of New York, was nomi- nated on the first ballot for President, and Senator Newton Booth, of California, for Vice-President. Mr. Booth declined the nomination, and General Samuel F. Cary, of Ohio, was substituted. This convention, in which nineteen States were represented by 239 delegates, adopted the following plat- form : — The Independent party is called into existence by the necessities of the people, whose industries are prostrated, whose labor is de- prived of its just reward, by a ruinous policy which the Republican and Democratic parties refuse to change, and in view of the fail- ure of these parties to furnish relief to the depressed industries of the country, thereby disappointing the just hopes and expectations^ of the suffering people, we declare our principles, and invite all independent and patriotic men to join our ranks in this movement for financial reform and industrial emancipation. 1. We demand the immediate and unconditional repeal of the' specie-resumption act of January 14, 1875, and the rescue of our industries from ruin and disaster resulting from its enforcement ; and we call upon all patriotic men to organize, in every congres- sional district of the country, with a view of electing representa- tives to Congress who will carry out the wishes of the people in this regard, and stop the present suicidal and destructive policy of contraction. 2. We believe that a United States note, issued directly by the government, and convertible on demand into United States obli- gations, bearing a rate of interest not exceeding one cent a day on each one hundred dollars, and exchangeable for United States; notes at par, will afford the best circulating medium ever devised. Such United States notes should be full legal tender for all pur- poses except for the payment of such obligations as are, by exist- ing contracts, especially made payable in coin, and we hold that it is the duty of the government to provide such circulating medium, and insist, in the language of Thomas Jefferson, that bank paper must be suppressed, and the circulation restored to the nation, to whom it belongs. 3. It is the paramount duty of the government, in all its legisla- tion, to keep in view the full development of all legitimate busi- ness, agricultural, mining, manufacturing, and commercial. 4. We most earnestly protest against any further issue of gold 368 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY bonds, for sale in foreign markets, by which we would be made, for a long period, hewers of wood and drawers of water for for- eigners, especially as the American people would gladly and promptly take, at par, all bonds the government may need to seU, provided they are made payable at the option of the holder, and bearing interest at 3.65 per cent, per annum, or even a lower rate. 5. We further protest against the sale of government bonds for the pui-pose of purchasing silver, to be used as a substitute for our more convenient and less fluctuating fractional currency, which, although well calculated to enrich owners of silver mines, yet in operation it will still further oppress, in taxation, an already over- burdened people. The Republican convention met at Cincinnati on June 14. As the day approached, the public interest in the meeting became very great. The delegates elected in most of the States were pledged to one or another of the candidates. Each of the three largest States had a candidate of its own. New York, with 70 delegates, was substantially unanimous for Mr. Conkling ; Pennsylvania, with 58 delegates, was instructed to vote for General Hartranft ; Ohio, whose delegates numbered 44, was united in support of Governor Hayes. These three candidates thus held 172 votes out of the 756 to which all the States and Territories were entitled. Mr. Morton had, in addi- tion to the 30 votes of his own Indiana delegation, nearly 100 more pledged to him, every one of which was from the South- ern States. The Bristow strength was unknown, but was believed to be about 100 votes. It was evident from the beginning that, if the forces of these five candidates could be united, the defeat of Mr. Blaine, whose delegates were more than twice as numerous as those of any other candidate, was assured. The party was roughly divided into two wings, one of which was warmly in favor of the Grant administration, while the other desired "reform within the party." The pre- vailing sentiment was decidedly hostile to a perpetuation of the Grant administration under a new head. The administra- tion strength was represented, accurately enough, by the Conk- ling and Morton contingents. The rest of the delegates were, for the most part, opposed to any one who might seem to be the political heir of the President. Many of the adherents of Mr. Bristow were as strongly opposed to Mr. Blaine as they were to what they called " the Grant dynasty." The charges brought against Mr, Blaine were in process of investigation THE DISPUTED ELECTION 369 almost up to the very day that the convention met. Many delegates believed the charges to be true ; and although a large majority of the delegates probably disbelieved them, some of them deemed it bad policy to nominate a man who was so seri- ously assailed. On the Sunday morning before the convention, Mr. Blaine suffered a sunstroke, and was, for a day or two, believed to be dangerously ill. This also was unfortunate for him, and probably cost him some votes. Theodore M. Pomeroy, of New York, was temporary chair- man of the convention, and Edward McPherson, of Pennsyl- vania, was the permanent president. On the second day the adoption of the rules drafted by the committee on rules intro- duced some important reforms in national convention work. It was decided that the report of the committee on credentials should be disposed of first, the platform next, and only then should the nomination of candidates be in order. Another rule put an end to the practice of " stampeding," by providing that the roll-call should in no case be dispensed with ; and that after the vote of a State for candidates was announced it should not be changed on that ballot. There were several contested elections, but the only impor- tant case was that of Alabama, where one delegation, headed by Senator Spencer, was in favor of Mr. Morton, the other, headed by Mr. Haralson, a colored member of Congress, was divided between Mr. Blaine and Mr. Bristow. The Spencer delegation was refused admittance by a vote of 375 to 354, and the Har- alson delegation was admitted. The following platform was then reported by Gen. Joseph R. Hawley, of Connecticut : — When, in the economy of Providence, this land was to be purged of human slavery, and when the strength of government of the people, by the people, and for the people, was to be demonstrated, the Republican party came into power. Its deeds have passed into history, and we look back to them with pride. Incited by their memories to high aims for the good of our country and man- kind, and looking to the future with unfaltering courage, hope, and purpose, we, the representatives of the party in national con- vention assembled, make the following declaration of principles : — 1. The United States of America is a nation, not a league. By the combined workings of the national and state governments, under their respective coiistitutions, the rights of every citizen are secured, at home and abroad, and the common welfare promoted. 2. The Republican party has preserved these governments to the 370 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY hundredth anniversary of the nation's birth, and they are now embodiments of the great truths spoken at its cradle, " That all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness ; that for the attainment of these ends gov- ernments have been instituted among men, deriving their just powers f]-om the consent of the governed." Until these truths are cheerfully obeyed, or, if need be, vigorously enforced, the work of the Republican party is unfinished. 3. The permanent pacification of the Southern section of the Union, and the complete protection of all its citizens in the free enjoyment of all their rights, is a duty to which the Republican party stands sacredly pledged. The power to provide for the en- foi'cement of the principles embodied by the recent constitutional amendments is vested by those amendments in the Congress of the United States, and we declare it to be the solemn obligation of the legislative and executive departments of the government to put into immediate and vigorous exercise all their constitutional powers for removing any just causes of discontent on the part of any class, and for securing to every American citizen complete liberty and exact equality in the exercise of aU civil, political, and public rights. To this end we imperatively demand a Congress and a Chief Ex- ecutive whose courage and fidelity to these duties shall not falter until these results are placed beyond dispute or recall. 4. In the first act of Congress signed by President Grant, the national government assumed to remove any doubts of its purpose to discharge all just obligations to the public creditors, and " sol- emnly pledged its faith to make provision, at the earliest practi- cable period, for the redemption of the United States notes in coin." Commercial prosperity, public morals, and national credit demand that this promise be fulfilled by a continuous and steady progress to specie payment. 5. Under the Constitution the President and heads of depart- ments are to make nominations for office ; the Senate is to advise and consent to appointments, and the House of Representatives is to accuse and prosecute faithless officers. The best interest of the public service demands that these distinctions be respected ; that senators and representatives, who may be judges and accusers, should not dictate appointments to office. The invariable rule in appointments should have reference to the honesty, fidelity, and capacity of the appointees, giving to the party in power those places where harmony and vigor of administration require its policyto be represented, but permitting all others to be filled by persons se- lected with sole reference to the efficiency of the public service, and the right of all citizens to share in the honor of rendering faithful service to the country. THE DISPUTED ELECTION 371 6. We rejoice in the quickened conscience of the people concern- ing political affairs, and will hold all public officers to a rigid re- sponsibility, and engage that the prosecution and punishment of all who betray official trusts shall be swift, thorough, and un- sparing. 7. The public-school system of the several States is a bulwark of the American Republic, and, with a view to its security and per- manence, we recommend an amendment to the Constitution of the United States forbidding the application of any public funds or property for the benefit of any schools or institutions under sec- tarian control. 8. The revenue necessary for current expenditures and the obli- gations of the public debt must be largely derived from duties upon importations, which, so far as possible, should be adjusted to pro- mote the interests of American labor and advance the prosperity of the whole country. 9. We reaffirm our opposition to further grants of the public land to corporations and monopolies, and demand that the national domain be devoted to free homes for the people. 10. It is the imperative duty of the government so to modify existing treaties with European governments that the same pro- tection shall be afforded to the adopted American citizen that is given to the native-born ; and that all necessary laws should be passed to protect emigrants, in the absence of power in the States for that purpose. 11. It is the immediate duty of Congress fully to investigate the effect of immigration and importation of Mongolians upon the moral and material interests of the country. 12. The Republican party recognizes with its approval the sub- stantial advances recently made toward the establishment of equal rights for women by the many important amendments effected by Republican legislatures in the laws which concern the personal and property relations of wives, mothers, and widows, and by the appointment and election of women to the superintendence of edu- cation, charities, and other public trusts. The honest demands of this class of citizens for additional rights, privileges, and immuni- ties should be treated with' respectful consideration. 13. The Constitution confers upon Congress sovereign power over the Tei'ritories of the United States for their government, and in the exercise of this power it is the right and duty of Congress to prohibit and extirpate, in the Territories, that relic of barbarism, polygamy ; and we demand such legislation as shall secure this end and the supremacy of American institutions in all the Territories. 14. The pledges which the nation has given to her soldiers and sailors must be fulfilled, and a grateful people will always hold 372 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY those who imperilled their lives for the country's preservation in the kindest remembrance. 15. We sincerely deprecate all sectional feeling and tendencies. We therefore note with deep solicitude that the Democratic party counts, as its chief hoj)e of success, upon the electoral vote of a united South, secured through the efforts of those who were re- cently arrayed against the nation ; and we invoke the earnest atten- tion of the country to the grave truth that a success thus achieved would reopen sectional strife and imperil national honor and human rights. 16. We charge the Democratic party with being the same in character and spirit as when it sympathized with treason ; with making its control of the House of Representatives the triumph and opportunity of the nation's recent foes ; with reasserting and applauding in the national Capitol the sentiments of unrepentant rebellion ; with sending Union soldiers to the rear, and promoting Confederate soldiers to the front ; with deliberately proposing to repudiate the plighted faith of the government ; with being equally false and imbecile upon the overshadowing financial questions ; with thwarting the ends of justice by its partisan mismanagement and obstruction of investigation ; with proving itself, through the period of its ascendency in the lower House of Congress, utterly incompetent to administer the government; and we warn the country against trusting a party thus alike unworthy, recreant, and incapable. 17. The national administration merits commendation for its honorable work in the management of domestic and foreign affairs, and President Grant deserves the continued hearty gratitude of the American people for his patriotism and his eminent services, in war and in peace. 18. We present as our candidates for President and Vice-Presi- dent of the United States two distinguished statesmen, of eminent ability and character, and conspicuously fitted for those high offices, and we confidently appeal to the American people to en- trust the administration of their public affairs to Rutherford B. Hayes and WUliam A. Wheeler. The last resolution, of course, was added to the series after the nominations had been made. When the resolutions had been read, Mr. Edward L. Pierce, of Massachusetts, moved to strike out the eleventh resolution, relating to the Chinese. After a brief debate the motion was rejected, yeas 215, nays 532. Mr. E. J. Davis, of Texas, moved to strike out the fourth resolution, and to substitute the following : — That it is the duty of Congress to provide for carrying out the THE DISPUTED ELECTION 373 act known as the Resumption Act of Congress, to the end that the resumption of specie payments may not be longer delayed. A debate took place upon this proposition also, but the motion was rejected without a count, and the platform was then adopted. The proceedings of the second day closed with the formal nomination of candidates. Some of the speeches were remarkable efforts, and excited the partisans of the several candidates to the highest pitch of enthusiasm. On the third day the nominations were made. On the first vote Mr. Blaine received 285 ; Mr. Morton 125 ; IVIr. Bristow 113 ; Mr. Conkling 99 ; Mr. Hayes 61 ; Mr. Hartranft 58 ; Mr. Jewell 11 ; and Mr. William A. Wheeler, of New York, 3. Mr. Blaine's strength was made up of 77 votes from the South, and of 208 from Northern States, including some votes from almost every State except those which presented candidates of their own, Mr. Morton had 30 votes from Indiana, and 95 from Southern States. Mr. Bristow's votes were given by seventeen States and one Territory, and were strictly scatter- ing, except the votes of Kentucky, his own State, 17 from Massachusetts, and 10 from Tennessee. Mr. Conkling's 99 were made up of 69 from New York and a few scattering votes from nine other States ; the South contributing 25 of the 30. Mr. Hayes had 17 votes from other States than Ohio. The other candidates received no votes except from their respective States. Seven trials were necessary to effect a choice. They resulted as follows : — 1st. 2d. 3d. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. Blaine 285 296 293 292 286 308 351 Morton . 125 120 113 108 95 85 _ Bristow 113 114 121 126 114 111 21 Conkling' 99 93 90 84 82 81 - Hayes . 61 64 67 68 104 113 384 Hartranft 58 63 68 71 69 50 _ Jewell . 11 - _ _ _ _ _ Scattering 3 4 3 5 5 5 - Whole number . . 754 754 755 7.54 755 755 756 Necessary .... 378 378 378 378 378 378 379 The nomination of Mr. Hayes was made unanimous. It seemed to be inevitable when the fifth ballot was announced. 374 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY Mr. Hajes was the only candidate who had made a gain on ever}^ vote ; and as he was entirely unobjectionable to the friends of all other candidates, it was less difficult to concentrate votes upon him than upon any other person in the list. Mr. Blaine, who was informed by telegraph at his house in Washington of the progress of the voting, wrote a dispatch congratulating Mr. Hayes immediately on receiving the result of the fifth vote. During the progress of the voting a stormy scene took place upon the demand of four Pennsylvania delegates to have their votes separately recorded. The delegation had been instructed to vote " as a unit," and these delegates claimed the right to vote for themselves. Mr. McPherson, the president of the convention, sustained their demand, and, on an appeal, his decision was affirmed, 395 to 354. Thus was broken the famous '' unit rule," which, after one more contest at Chicago, four years later, was abandoned by the Republicans, no doubt forever. Several candidates were presented for the nomination for Vice-President, but, as the voting proceeded, nearly all the votes were for William A. Wheeler, of New York. The other candidates were thereupon withdrawn, and Mr. Wheeler was unanimously nominated. The convention soon afterward ad- journed, with cheers for the ticket. The Democrats met at St. Louis two weeks later. The convention was deprived of much of its interest by the fact that Mr. Tilden's lead for the nomination was so great. He was known to have more than four hundred delegates out of the whole convention of 744, and, while his candidacy was opposed, the opposition came from States which nevertheless sent delegations unanimously in his favor. The delegates who were not for him were not against him. His nomina- tion was therefore universally expected, except by the more sanguine friends of other candidates. Mr. Henry Watterson, of Kentucky, was the temporary chair- man, and General John A. McCIernand, of Illinois, the perma- nent president. On the second day the platform was reported by Mr. Dorsheimer, of New York, as follows : — We, the delegates of the Democratic party of the United States, in national convention assembled, do hereby declare the adminis- tration of the federal government to be in urgent need of im- mediate reform; do hereby enjoin upon the nominees of this THE DISPUTED ELECTION 375 convention, and of the Democratic party in each State, a zealous effort and cooperation to this end ; and do hereby appeal to our fellow-citizens of every former political connection to undertake with us this first and most pressing patriotic duty. For the Democracy of the whole country, we do here reaffirm our faith in the permanence of the federal Union, our devotion to the Constitution of the United States, with its amendments uni- versally accepted as a final settlement of the controversies that engendered civil war, and do here record our steadfast confidence in the perpetuity of republican self-government. In absolute acquiescence in the will of the majority, — the vital principle of republics ; in the supremacy of the civil over the mili- tary authority ; in the total separation of Church and State, for the sake alike of civil and religious freedom ; in the equality of all citizens before just laws of their own enactment ; in the liberty of individual conduct, unvexed by sumptuary laws ; in the faithful education of the rising generation, that they may preserve, enjoy, and transmit these best conditions of human happiness and hope, — we behold the noblest products of a hundi'ed years of changeful history ; but, while upholding the bond of our Union and great charter of these our rights, it behooves a free people to practice also that eternal vigilance which is the price of liberty. Reform is necessary to rebuild and establish in the hearts of the whole people the Union, eleven years ago happily rescued from the danger of a secession of States, but now to be saved from a corrupt centralism which, after inflicting upon ten States the rapacity of carpet-bag tyrannies, has honeycombed the offices of the federal government itself with incapacity, waste, and fraud; infected States and municipalities with the contagion of misrule, and locked fast the prosperity of an industrious people in the paralysis of hard times. Reform is necessary to establish a sound currency, restore the public credit, and maintain the national honor. We denounce the failure, for all these eleven years of peace, to make good the promise of the legal tender notes, which are a changing standard of value in the hands of the people, and the non-payment of which is a disregard of the plighted faith of the nation. We denounce the improvidence which, in eleven years of peace, has taken from the people in federal taxes thirteen times the whole amount of the legal tender notes, and squandered four times their sum in useless expense without accumulating any reserve for their redemption. We denounce the financial imbecility and immorality of that party which, during eleven years of peace, has made no advance 376 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY toward resumption, no preparation for resumption, but instead has obstructed resumption, by wasting our resources and exhausting all our surplus income ; and, while annually professing to intend a speedy return to specie payments, has annually enacted fresh hin- drances thereto. As such hindrance, we denounce the resumption clause of the act of 1875, and we here demand its repeal. We demand a judicious system of preparation by public eco- nomy, by official retrenchment, and by wise finance, which shall enable the nation soon to assure the whole world of its perfect ability and its perfect readiness to meet any of its promises at the call of the creditor entitled to payment. We believe such a system, well devised, and, above all, entrusted to competent hands for its execution, creating at no time an arti- ficial scarcity of currency, and at no time alarming the public mind into a withdrawal of that vaster machinery of credit by which ninety-five per cent, of all business transactions are performed, — a system open, public, and inspiring general confidence, — would, from the day of its adoption, bring healing on its wings to all our harassed industries, set in motion the wheels of commerce, manu- factures, and the mechanic arts, restore employment to labor, and renew in all its natural resources the prosperity of the people. Reform is necessary in the sum and modes of federal taxation, to the end that capital may be set free from distrust, and labor lightly burdened. We denounce the present tariff, levied upon nearly four thou- sand articles, as a masterpiece of injustice, inequality, and false pretence. It yields a dwindling, not a yearly rising revenue. It has impoverished many industries to subsidize a few. It prohibits imports that might purchase the products of American labor. It has degraded American commerce from the first to an inferior rank on the high seas. It has cut down the sales of American manufactures at home and abroad and depleted the returns of American agriculture, — an industry followed by half our people. It costs the people five times more than it produces to the treasury, obstructs the processes of production, and wastes the fruits of labor. It promotes fraud, fosters smuggling, enriches dishonest officials, and bankrupts honest merchants. We demand that all custom-house taxation shall be only for revenue. Reform is necessary in the scale of public expense, — federal, state, and municipal. Our federal taxation has swollen from sixty millions gold, in 1860, to four hundred and fifty millions cur- rency, in 1870 ; our aggregate taxation from one hundred and fifty- four millions gold, in 1860, to seven hundred and thirty millions currency, in 1870 ; or in one decade from less than five dollars per head to more than eighteen dollars per head. Since the peace, the THE DISPUTED ELECTION 377 people have paid to their tax-gatherers more than thrice the sura of the national debt, and more than twice that sum for the fed- eral government alone. We demand a rigorous frugality in every department, and from every officer of the government. Reform is necessary to put a stop to the profligate vpaste of the public lands, and their diversion from actual settlers by the party in power, which has squandered two hundred million acres upon railroads alone, and out of more than thrice that aggregate has disposed of less than a sixth directly to tillers of the soil. Reform is necessary to correct the omissions of a Republican Congress, and the ei'rors of our treaties and diplomacy, which have stripped our fellow-citizens of foreign birth and kindred race, re- crossing the Atlantic, of the shield of American citizenship, and have exposed our brethren of the Pacific Coast to the incursions of a race not sprung from the same great parent stock, and, in fact, now by law denied citizenship through naturalization as being neither accustomed to the traditions of a progressive civilization nor exercised in liberty under equal laws. We denounce the policy which thus discards the liberty-loving German and tolerates a revival of the cooly trade in Mongolian women imported for im- moral purposes, and Mongolian men held to perfoi'm servile labor- contracts, and demand such modification of the treaty with the Chinese empire or such legislation within constitutional limitations as shall prevent further importation or immigration of the Mon- golian race. Reform is necessary, and can never be effected but by making it the controlling issue of the elections, and lifting it above the two false issues with which the office-holding class and the party in power seek to smother it : — 1. The false issue with which they would enkindle sectarian strife in respect to the public schools, of which the establishment and support belong exclusively to the several States, and which the Democratic party has cherished from their foundation, and is resolved to maintain without prejudice or preference for any class, sect, or creed, and without largesses from the treasury to any. 2. The false issue by which they seek to light anew the dying embers of sectional hate between kindred peoples once estranged, but now reunited in one indivisible republic and a common destiny. Reform is necessary in the civil service. Experience proves that efficient, economical conduct of the governmental business is not possible if its civil service be subject to change at every election ; be a prize fought for at the ballot-box ; be a brief reward of party zeal, instead of posts of honor assigned for proved competency, and held for fidelity in the public employ ; that the dispensing of 378 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY patronage should neither be a tax upon the time of all our public men, nor the instrument of their ambition. Here, again, promises falsified in the performance attest that the party in power cai> work out no practical or salutary reform. Reform is necessary even more in the higher grades of the pub- lic service. President, Vice-President, judges, senators, represent- atives, cabinet officers, — these and all others in authority are the people's servants. Their offices are not a private perquisite ; they are a public trust. When the annals of this republic show the disgrace and censure of a Vice-President ; a late Speaker of the House of Representa- tives marketing his rulings as a presiding officer ; three senators profiting secretly by their votes as law-makers ; five chairmen of the leading committees of the House of Representatives exposed in jobbery; a late secretary of the treasury forcing balances in the public accounts ; a late attorney-general misappropriating pub- lic funds ; a secretary of the navy enriched or enriching friends by percentages levied off the profits of contractors with his depart- ment; an ambassador to England censured in a dishonorable speculation ; the President's private secretary barely escaping con- viction upon trial for guilty complicity in frauds upon the revenue ; a secretary of war impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors, — the demonstration is complete that the first step in reform must be the people's choice of honest men from another party, lest the disease of one political organization infect the body politic, and lest, by making no change of men or parties, we get no change of measures and no real reform. All these abuses, wrongs, and crimes, the product of sixteen years' ascendency of the Republican party, create a necessity for reform confessed by Republicans themselves ; but their reformers are voted down in convention and displaced from the cabinet. The party's mass of honest voters is powerless to resist the eighty thousand office-holders, its leaders and guides. Reform can only be had by a peaceful civic revolution. We demand a change of system, a change of administration, a change of parties, that we may have change of measures and of men. Resolved, That this convention, representing the Democratic party of the United States, do cordially indorse the action of the present House of Representatives in reducing and curtailing the expenses of the federal government, in cutting down salaries, ex- travagant appropriations, and in abolishing useless offices and places not required by the public necessities : and we shall trust to the firmness of the Democratic members of the House that no committee of conference, and no misinterpretation of the rules, shall be allowed to defeat these wholesome measures of economy demanded by the country. THE DISPUTED ELECTION 379 Resolved, That the soldiers and sailors of the republic, and the widows and orphans of those who have fallen in battle, have a just claim upon the care, protection, and gratitude of their fellow- citizens. When the report was read, General Thomas Ewing, of Ohio, moved to strike from the platform, in the eighth paragraph, the words, " As such hindrance, we denounce the resumption clause of the act of 1875, and we here demand its repeal," in order to insert the words : " The law for the resumption of specie payments on the 1st of January, 1879, having been en- acted by the Kepublican party without deliberation in Congress or discussion before the people, and being both ineffective to secure its objects and highly injurious to the business of the country, ought to be forthwith repealed." This was in accord- ance with a minority report signed by eight members of the committee on resolutions, representing the '' Ohio idea." The amendment was rejected, ayes 219, noes 550 ; and the plat- form as reported was adopted, ayes 651, noes 83. The convention then proceeded to the work of nominating a candidate for President. After the formal presentation of names, two votes were taken amid great excitement, with the following result : — First. Second. Samuel J. Tilden, New York 417 535 Thomas A. Hendricks, Indiana .... 140 60 Winfield S. Hancock, Pennsylvania ... 75 59 William Allen, Ohio 56 54 Thomas F. Bayard, Delaware 33 11 Joel Parker, New Jersey 18 18 AUen G. Thurman, Ohio — 7 The whole number of votes on the second ballot being 744, the number necessary to a choice was 496, — the two-thirds rule having been adopted. Mr. Tilden was accordingly nomi- nated, and the choice was enthusiastically made unanimous. On the next day Thomas A. Hendricks was nominated for Vice-President by a unanimous vote, though the Indiana dele- gation protested that they did not know if he woiild accept the second place on the ticket, and the convention shortly afterward adjourned. The canvass which followed was comparatively spiritless. Mr. Hayes was not sufficiently well known to arouse enthusi- asm, and Mr. Tilden, though commanding respect for his 380 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY ability, was not a candidate to draw to himself strong personal supporters. The Republicans were on the defensive ; but this fact served to make the political discussion of the time more strictly a debate about measures and policies than it had been for many years. The Democrats denounced the record of the Republicans ; the Republicans derided the reform pro- fessions of their opponents as insincere. Great efforts were made by the Republicans to cast discredit upon Mr. Tilden for his connection with certain railroad enterprises ; and a suit was brought against him for income tax alleged to be due by him to the government. The Democrats sneered at Mr. Hayes as an unknown man, and roundly denounced the political assessments which were levied mercilessly upon the office-holders for funds to carry the elections. The Republicans made much of the opposition of the Democrats to the resumption policy, though it was well known that Mr. Tilden was a " hard-money man." But on the whole there was less than the usual amount of ex- citement during the canvass, and less of the usual fireworks of presidential campaigns. Not many Republicans were confi- dent of success, and the result of the early elections, particu- larly that of Indiana in October, indicated that the Democrats would have enough Northern votes, together with the " solid South," to give them a victory. Thirty-eight States participated in the election. Colorado had been admitted to the Union in August, 1876, and, in order to save an additional election, the choice of electors for that occasion was conferred upon the legislature. All the other States appointed them by popular vote. The polls had hardly closed on the day of election, the 7th of November, when the Democrats began to claim the presidency. The returns came in so unfavorably for the Republicans that there was hardly a newspaper organ of the party which did not, on the following morning, concede the election of Mr. Tilden. He was be- lieved to have carried every Southern State, as well as New York, Indiana, New Jersey, and Connecticut. The whole number of electoral votes was 369. If the above estimate were correct, the Democratic candidates would have 203 votes, and the Republican candidates 166 votes. But word was sent out on the same day from Republican headquarters at Washington that Hayes and Wheeler were elected by one ma- jority ; that the States of South Carolina, Florida, and Louisi- ana had chosen Republican electors. THE DISPUTED ELECTION 381 Then began the most extraordinary contest that ever took place in the country. The only hope of the Republicans was in the perfect defence of their position. The loss of a single vote would be fatal. An adequate history of the four months between the popular election and the inauguration of Mr. Hayes would fill volumes. Space can be given here for a bare reference only to some of the most important events. Neither party was over-scrupulous, and no doubt the acts of some members of each party were grossly illegal and corrupt. Attempts were even made to find a Eepublican elector who would vote for Mr. Tilden in consideration of a large sum of money as a bribe. The funds were provided, and mysterious correspondence by telegraph was held between men who were connected with Democratic political committees and those in the several States who were seeking for a venal elector. The whole scandal came to light afterward when the key to the famous " cipher dispatches " was discovered. In four States, South Carolina, Florida, Louisiana, and Oregon, there were double returns. In South Carolina there were loud complaints that detachments of the army, stationed near the polls, had prevented a fair and free election. Although the board of state canvassers certified to the choice of the Hayes electors, who were chosen on the face of the returns, the Democratic candidates for electors met on the day fixed for the meeting of electors and cast ballots for Tilden and Hendricks. In Florida there were allegations of fraud on both sides. The canvassing board and the governor certified to the election of the Hayes electors, but, fortified by a court decision in their favor, the Democratic electors also met and voted. In Louisiana there was anarchy. There were two gov- ernors, two returning boards, two sets of returns showing dif- ferent results, and two electoral colleges. In Oregon the Democratic governor adjudged one of the Eepublican electors ineligible, and gave a certificate to the highest candidate on the Democratic list. The Republican electors, having no cer- tificate from the governor, met and voted for Hayes and Wheeler. The Democratic elector, whose appointment was certified to by the governor, appointed two others to fill the vacancies, since the two Republican electors would not meet with him, and the three voted for Tilden and Hendricks. All of these cases were extremely complicated in their incidents, and a brief account which should convey an intelligible idea of 382 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY what occurred is impossible. For the first and only time in the history of the country, the election ended in such a way as to leave the result in doubt ; and in two States the number of legal votes given for the electors was in dispute. In these States the returns were also open to the suspicion of having been manipulated by each party to bring about a desired result. The table of the popular vote on the next page shows both returns in the disputed States. As soon as the electoral votes had been cast it became a ques- tion of the greatest importance how they were to be counted. Congress was divided, politically. The Senate and its Presi- dent pro tempore, Mr. Ferry, of Michigan, were Republican ; the House of Representatives was Democratic. It was evi- dent that the Senate would refuse to be governed by the twenty-second joint rule, — in fact the Senate voted to rescind the rule, — and it was further evident that if the count were to take place in accordance with that rule it would result in throwing out electoral votes on both sides on the most frivolous pretexts. It was asserted by the Republicans that, under the Constitution, the President of the Senate alone had the right to count, in spite of the fact that the joint rule, the work of their party, had assumed the power for the two Houses of Congress. On the other hand, the Democrats, who had always denounced that rule as unconstitutional, now maintained that the right to count was conferred upon Congress. A compro- mise became necessary, and the moderate men on both sides determined to effect the establishment of a tribunal, as evenly divided politically as might be, which should decide all dis- puted questions so far as the Constitution gave authority to Congress to decide them. The outcome of their efforts was the Electoral Commission law of 1877, which was passed as origi- nally reported, as follows : — An act to provide for and regulate the counting of votes for Presi- dent and Vice-President, and the decision of questions arising thereon, for the term commencing March 4, a. d. 1877. Be it enacted, etc., That the Senate and House of Representa- tives shall meet in the hall of the House of Representatives at the hour of one o'clock, post meridian, on the first Thursday in Feb- ruary, A. D. 1877, and the President of the Senate shall be their presiding officer. Two tellers shall be previously appointed on the part of the Senate, and two on the part of the House of Repre- sentatives, to whom shall be handed, as they are opened by the THE DISPUTED ELECTION 383 Statks. Alabama Arkansas California . . . . , Colorado* .... Connecticut . . . . , Delaware Floridat FloridaJ Georgia Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisianat Louisiana! Maine Maryland Massachusetts . . . . Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire . . . New Jersey New York North Carolina . . . . Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania . . . . Rhode Island . . . . South Carolina . . . . Tennessee Texas Vermont ...... Virginia West Virginia . . . . Wisconsin Total Republican count Total Democratic count OS 102,989 58,071 76,468 61,934 13,.381 22,927 24,434 130,088 258,601 213,526 112,121 37,902 159,696 70,508 83,723 49,917 91,780 108,777 141,095 48,799 112,173 203,077 17,554 9,308 38,509 115,962 521,949 125,427 323,182 14,149 366,204 10,712 90,896 133,166 104,803 20,350 139,670 56,495 123,926 4,285,992 4,300,590 68,708 38,669 78,322 59,034 10,752 23,849 24,340 50,446 278,232 208,011 171,326 78,322 97,156 75,315 77,174 66,300 71,981 150,063 166,534 72,962 52,605 145,029 31,916 10,.383 41,.539 103,517 489,207 108,417 330,698 15,206 384,184 15,787 91,870 89,566 44,803 44,428 95,558 42,046 130,070 4,033,768 4,036,298 289 44 774 9',533 17,233 9,901 7,776 1,944 663 33 779 9,060 2,311 3,498 2,320 76 712 1,987 3,057 510 7,187 68 13*73 1^09 81,737 81,737 o 37S 141 36 110 818 10 84 766 72 64 1,599 43 2,359 1,636 1,319 60 27 9,522 9,522 • Electors appointed by the legislature, t Republican count. J Democratic count. 384 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY President of the Senate, all the certificates and papers purporting to be certificates of electoral votes, which certificates and papers shall be opened, presented, and acted upon in the alphabetical order of the States, beginning with the letter A ; and said tellers having then read the same in the presence and hearing of the two Houses, shall make a list of the votes as they shall appear from the said certificates ; and the votes having been ascertained and counted as in this act provided, the result of the same shall be delivered to the President of the Senate, who shall thereupon announce the state of the vote and the names of the persons, if any, elected, which announcement shall be deemed a sufficient declaration of the persons elected President and Vice-President of the United States, and, together with a list of the votes, shall be entered upon the journals of the two Houses. Upon such reading of any such certificate or paper, when there shall be only one return from a State, the President of the Senate shall call for objections, if any. Every objection shall be made in writing, and shall state clearly and concisely, and without argument, the ground thereof, and shall be signed by at least one senator and one member of the House of Representatives, before the same shall be received. When all objections so made to any vote or paper from a State shall have been received and read, the Senate shall thereupon with- draw, and such objections shall be submitted to the Senate for its decision, and the speaker of the House of Representatives shall in like manner submit such objections to the House of Representa- tives for its decision, and no electoral vote or votes from any State from which but one return has been received shall be rejected except by the affirmative vote of the two Houses. When the two Houses have voted they shall immediately again meet, and the presiding officer shall then announce the decision of the question submitted. Sec. 2. That if more than one return or paper, purporting to be a return from a State, shall have been received by the President of the Senate, purporting to be the certificates of the electoral votes given at the last preceding election for President and Vice- President in such State, unless they shall be duplicates of the same return, all such returns and papers shall be opened by him in the presence of the two Houses, when met as aforesaid, and read by the tellers ; and all such returns and papers shall thereupon be submitted to the judgment and decision, as to which is the true and lawful electoral vote of such State, of a commission constituted as follows, namely : — During the session of each House on the Tuesday next preceding the first Thursday in February, a. d. 1877, each House shall by viva voce vote appoint five of its members, who, with the five THE DISPUTED ELECTION 885 associate justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, to be ascertained as liereinafter provided, shall constitute a coniinis- sion for the decision of all questions upon or in resptHit of such double returns named in this s(!ction. Ou the 'I'uesday nt^xt j)re- ceding the first Thursday in February, A. d. 1H77, or as soon there- after as may be, the associate justices of the Supi'eme Court ol' thd United States, now assigned to the first, third, eighth, and ninth circuits, shall select, in such manner as a nuijority of them shall deem fit, another of the associate justices of said court, which fivo persons shall be members of the said commission; and the j)erHon longest in commission of said iive justices shall be tin; jjrcsidi'ut of said commission. Mend»ers of said commission shall resi)eetively take and subscribe the following oath : — "I, , do solemnly swear (or adirm, as the case may b(!) that I will impartially examine and consider all (luestions sub- mitted to tlie comnussion of which I am a member, and a truo judgment give thereon, agreeably to the Constitution and the laws, so help me God." Which oath shall be filed with the secnitary of th(i SfMiate. When the commission shall have been thus organized it shall not be in the power of either House to dissolve the same, or to with- draw any of its members ; but if any such senator or member shall die, or become physically unable to perform the duties re(|nij"»!(I by this act, the fact of such death or physical inability shall b(! by said coiTimission, before it shall [troceed further, conimimieaUtd to the Senate or House of Kei)resentatives, as the cas(! inay be, which body shall immediately and without debate proceed l>y viva voce vote to fill the place so vacated, and the p(;rsori so ajjftointed shall take and subscribe the oath hereiiibef(;re prescribed, and become a memVjer of said commission; and, in like manner, if any of said justices of the Supreme Court shall die or become physically inca- pable of performing the duties required by this act, the; other of said justices, members of the said commission, shall immediatxily appoint another justice of said court a member of said commission (and in such appointments regard shall be had to the impartiality and freedom from bias sought by the original appointments to said commission), who shall thereupon immediately take and subscribe to the oath hereinbefore prescribed, and brjcome a member of said commission to fill the vacancy so occasioned. All the certificates and papers purporting to be certificatfrJH of the electoral votes of each State shall be oftened in the alphabetical order of the States as provided in section 1 of this act; and when there shall Vje more than one such certificate or paper, as the cer- tificates or papers from such State shall so be ofiened (excepting duplicates of the same return), they shall be read by the teller«, 386 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY and thereupon the president of the Senate shall call for objections if any. Every objection shall be made in writing, and shall state clearly and concisely, and without argument, the ground thereof, and shall be signed by at least one senator and one member of the House of Representatives before the same shall be received. AVhen all such objections so made to any certificates, vote, or paper from a State shall have been received and read, all such certificates, votes, and papers so objected to, and all papers accompanying the same, together with such objections, shall be forthwith submitted to said commission, which shall proceed to consider the same, with the same powers, if any, now possessed for that purpose by the two Houses, acting separately or together, and, by a majority of votes, decide whether any and what votes from such State are the votes provided for by the Constitution of the United States, and how many and what persons wei-e duly appointed electors in such State; and may therein take into view such petitions, depositions, and other papers, if any, as shall, by the Constitution and now existing law, be competent and pertinent in such consideration, which deci- sion shall be made in writing, stating briefly the ground thereof, and signed by the members of said commission agreeing therein ; whereupon the two Houses shall again meet, and such decision shall be read and entered in the journal of each House, and the counting of the votes shall proceed in conformity therewith, unless, upon objection made thereto in writing by at least five senators and five members of the House of Representatives, the two Houses shall separately concur in ordering otherwise, in which case such concm-rent order shall govern. No votes or papers from any other State shall be acted upon until the objections previously made to the votes or papers from any State shall have been finally dis- posed of. Sec. 3. That while the two Houses shall be in meeting, as provided in this act, no debate shall be allowed, and no question shall be put by the presiding officer, except to either House on a motion to withdraw, and he shall have power to preserve order. Sec. 4. That when the two Houses separate to decide upon an objection that may have been made to the counting of any elec- toral vote or votes from any State, or upon objection to a report of said commission, or other question arising under this act, each senator or representative may speak to such objection or question ten minutes, and not oftener than once; but, after such debate shall have lasted two hours, it shall be the duty of each House to put the main question without further debate. Sec. 5, That at such joint meeting of the two Houses, seats shall be provided as follows : for the President of the Senate, the Speaker's chair ; for the Speaker, immediately upon his left ; for the THE DISPUTED ELECTION 387 senators in the body of the hall, upon the right of the presiding officer ; for the representatives, in the body of the hall not provided for the senators ; for the tellers, secretary of the Senate, and clerk of the House of Representatives, at the clerk's desk ; for the other officers of the two Houses, iu front of the clerk's desk, and upon each side of the speaker's platform. Such joint meeting shall not be dissolved until the count of the electoral votes shall be com- pleted and the residt declared ; and no recess shall be taken unless a question shall have arisen in regard to counting any such votes or otherwise under this act, in which case it shall be competent for either House, acting separately in the manner hereinbefore provided, to direct a recess of such House, not beyond the next day, Sunday excepted, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon ; and while any question is being considered by said commission, either House may proceed with its legislative or other business. Sec. 6. That nothing in this act shall be held to impair or affect any right now existing under the Constitution and laws to question by proceeding in the judicial courts of the United States the right or title of the person who shall be declared elected, or who shall claim to be President or Vice-President of the United States, if any such right exists. Sec. 7. That said commission shall make its own rules, keep a record of its proceedings, and shall have power to employ such persons as may be necessary for the transaction of its business and the ex3cution of its powers. In neither House was the bill treated as a partisan measure. In the House of Representatives 191 members voted in favor of it, of whom there were 158 Democrats and 33 Republicans ; 86 members — 68 Republicans and 18 Democrats — voted in the negative. In the Senate an attempt was made to forbid the commission to " go behind the returns," but the amend- ment was rejected, yeas 18, all Republicans ; nays 47, of whom 27 were Democrats and 20 Republicans. The bill was passed by the Senate, yeas 47, — 26 Democrats and 21 Republicans ; nays 17, — 16 Republicans and 1 Democrat. The bill became a law, by the approval of the President, on the 29th of Janu- ary. On the next day each House proceeded to choose five members of the commission. The Senate made choice of Sena- tors George F. Edmunds, Oliver P. Morton, and Frederick T. Frelinghuysen, Republicans, and Allen G. Thurman and Thomas F. Bayard, Democrats. The House of Representatives chose Messrs. Henry B. Payne, Eppa Hunton, and Josiah G. Abbott, Democrats, and James A. Garfield and George F. 388 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY Hoar, Republicans. The four justices of the Supreme Court designated by the act were Justices Nathan Clifford, William Strong, Samuel F. Miller, and Stephen J. Field, of whom Messrs. Clifford and Field were Democrats in national politics ; and they selected Justice Joseph P. Bradley as the fifth mem- ber of the commission on the part of the Supreme Court. Mr. Bradley was a Republican. The natural choice of the justices would have been their associate, David Davis ; but he had been elected five days before as a senator from Illinois, and it was regarded by him and by others as improper that he should serve. Thus the commission consisted of eight Republicans and seven Democrats. If Judge Davis had been selected, the majority would have been reversed, and the ultimate result might have been different. When the count began, on the 1st of February, 1877, each party was confident of victory. The Democrats relied upon a great variety of objections which had been prepared, the sus- taining of any one of which, would be sufficient to give the election to Mr. Tilden. The Republican hope was in a refusal of the commission to "go behind the returns." Senator Thomas W. Ferry, of Michigan, President pro tempore of the Senate, was the presiding officer, Vice-President Wilson having died in 1875. The count proceeded, under the law, in the alphabetical order of the States. When the vote of Florida was reached, the certificates of the Hayes and also those of the Til- den electors were read. Objections were made to each. The Democrats asserted that the Hayes electors were not duly chosen ; that the certificate of the governor to their election was the result of a conspiracy ; that its validity, if any, had been annulled by a subsequent certificate by the governor, to the effect that the Tilden electors were chosen ; that a court decision made certain the election of the Democratic electors ; and that one of the Republican electors was a shipping com- missioner under appointment from the government of the United States at the time of his election, and was therefore disqualified. The Republican objection to the Tilden votes was that the returns were not duly authenticated by any per- son holding at the time an office under the State of Florida. It was only on the 7th of February that the commission, after long arguments by eminent counsel selected to appear for the two parties, decided the case of Florida. The decision was that it wa^ not competent for the commission "to go into evi- THE DISPUTED ELECTION 389 dence aliunde the papers opened by the President of the Sen- ate, to prove that other persons than those regularly certified to by the governor " were appointed. With reference to the case of the elector alleged to have been disqualified, it was de- cided that the evidence did not show that he held an office on the day of his appointment. The several votes were passed by eight to seven, — all the Republicans being on one side, and all the Democrats on the other. The formal decision, which was submitted to the two Houses, was that the four Hayes electors, naming them, were duly appointed electors, and that their votes were the constitutional votes. The Houses met on February 10, and received this decision. Formal objection was then made to the decision of the Elec- toral Commission, and the Houses separated to consider it. The Senate, by a strict party vote, decided that the votes should be counted. The House of Representatives, by a vote which was on party lines, except that one Democrat voted with the Republicans, voted that the electoral votes given by the Tilden electors should be counted. The two Houses not having agreed in rejecting the decision of the commission, it stood, and the joint session was resumed. The votes of Florida having been recorded, the count pro- ceeded until Louisiana was reached. The Republican objec- tions to the Tilden votes from Louisiana were, like those to the votes of Florida, brief and formal. The government, of which W. P. Kellogg was the head, had been recognized by every department of the government of the United States as the true government of Louisiana, and the certificates of the Hayes electors certified by him were in due form. The Demo- crats made a great variety of objections to the Hayes votes. They asserted that John McEnery was the lawful governor of the State ; that the certificates asserting the appointment of the Hayes electors were false ; and that the canvass of votes by the returning board was without jurisdiction and void. Special objection was made to three of the electors : to two of them as being disqualified, under the Constitution ; and to the third, Governor Kellogg, because he certified to his own elec- tion. Several days were consumed in argument before the commission. On the 16th of February the commission voted, once more by eight to seven, that the evidence offered to prove that the Tilden electors were chosen be not received, and that the certificates of the Hayes electors were the true votes of 390 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY Louisiana. The decision having been communicated to the two Houses, the count Avas resumed on the 19th. Objection was made to the decision of the commission, and the two Houses separated again to act upon them. The Senate voted, by 41 to 28, that the decision of the commission should stand. The House voted that the electoral votes cast by the Hayes electors for Louisiana ought not to be counted, — 173 to 99. In each case this was a party vote except that two Republicans in the House voted with the Democrats. The Houses then met again on the 20th, and resumed the count, which proceeded without dispute as far as the State of Michigan, when objection was made from the Democratic side to one vote from that State, on the ground that one of the pefsons chosen by the people held a Federal office at the time of his appointment, and that the act of the other electors in filling the alleged vacancy caused by his failure to act was not justi- fied. This not being a case of double returns, the two Houses separated to decide it for themselves. The objection was overruled by each House. A somewhat similar case of an elector for Nevada was the next stumbling-block in the count, and it too was decided in favor of the elector objected to. Oregon was reached in the count on the 21st. An outline sketch of the extremely complicated situation of affairs in Oregon has been given already. There were objections from both sides to the votes, and the papers were referred to the Electoral Commission, by whom further argument was heard. The commission unanimously rejected the made-up vote of the Tilden board of electors, but decided, eight to seven, that the full board of Hayes electors were the legal electors for the State. The decision was objected to, when communicated to the two Houses. Once more they separated, and each decided, substantially by a party vote, as before, — the Senate for ac- cepting the decision, and the House of Representatives for rejecting it. They then met again, 'and resumed the count. In the vote of Pennsylvania another case was encountered of an elector alleged to have been ineligible by reason of his having been a centennial commissioner. The other electors treated the place as vacant, and chose another person to act in it. The Senate agreed, without a division, to a resolution that the vote be counted. The House rejected it, 135 to 119, the affirmative consisting entirely of Democrats, and the negative containing only 15 of that party. The full vote of Pennsylvania was THE DISPUTED ELECTION 391 accordingly counted under the law, the two Houses not having agreed to reject. Ehode Island furnished a case not very dif- ferent, but the two Houses this time concurred unanimously in deciding that the disputed vote should be counted. To the Hayes votes in South Carolina the Democrats next objected that there was no legal election in the State, that there was not, in South Carolina, during the year 1876, a republican form of government, and that the army and the United States deputy marshals stationed at and near the polls prevented the free exercise of the right of suffrage. The Republicans asserted that the Tilden board was not duly ap- pointed, and that the certificates were wholly defective in form and lacking the necessary official certification. The papers having been referred to the Electoral Commission, that body met again on the 26th. Senator Thurman was obliged to retire from service upon the commission, on account of illness, and Senator Francis Kernan took his place. After a day de- voted to arguments, the commission voted unanimously that the Tilden electors were not the true electors of South Caro- lina, and, by the old majority of eight to seven, that the Hayes electors were the constitutional electors duly appointed. The two Houses separated upon renewed objections to the decision of the commission, and as before the Senate sustained the finding ; the House voted to reject it. There were two further objections, the first to a vote cast by an elector for Vermont, substituted for an ineligible person who had been chosen by the people, on which the result was vhe same as in the other similar cases ; the other was a case of the same kind in Wisconsin, which was decided in like manner. The Vermont case was complicated by the presenta- tion, by Mr. Hewitt, of New York, of a packet purporting to contain a return of electoral votes given in Vermont. The President of the Senate having received no such vote, nor any vote diff'erent from that of the regularly chosen Hayes electors, refused to receive it. The count had begun on the first day of February, and the final vote upon Wisconsin was not reached until the early morning of March 2. As question after question was decided uniformly in favor of the Republicans, it became evident to the Democrats that their case was lost. They charged gross partisanship upon tlie Republican members of the Electoral Commission, in determining every point involved in the dual 392 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY returns for their own party, though as a matter of fact there does not seem to have been much room for choice between the two parties on the score of partisanship. Each member of the commission favored by his vote that view which would result in adding to the electoral vote of his own party. But as the result of the count became more and more certainly a Republi- can triumph, the anger of the Democrats rose. Some of them were for discontinuing the count ; and the symptoms of a dis- position to filibuster so that there should be no declaration of the result gave reason for public disquietude. But the con- servative members of the party were too patriotic to allow the failure of a law which they had been instrumental in passing to lead to anarchy or revolution, and they sternly discounte- nanced all attempts to defeat the conclusion of the count. The summing up of the votes was read by Mr. Allison, of Iowa, one of the tellers on the part of the Senate, at a little after four o'clock, on the morning of the 2d of March, amid great excitement. That result, as declared, was as follows : — States. Alabama . Arkansas . California . Colorado Connecticut Delaware . Florida . . Georgia . . Illinois . . Indiana . . Iowa . . . Kansas . . Kentucky . Louisiana . Maine . . Maryland . Massachusetts Michigan . Minnesota . Mississippi . M » •c e ■a « ^ W ■a "O i § a >. "O w H 10 - 6 6 - 3 - _ 6 _ 3 4 - - 11 21 - _ 15 11 _ 5 - - 12 8 - 7 _ - 8 l.S _ 11 - 5 - ~ 8 States. Missouri . . Nebraska . . Nevada . . . New Hampshire New Jersey . New York North Carolina Ohio. . . . Oregon . . . Pennsylvania . Rhode Island . South Carolina Tennessee . . Texas . . . Vennont . . Virginia . . West Virginia Wisconsin . . Total. . . 22 3 29 4 7 5 10 185 15 35 10 12 11 5 184 THE DISPUTED ELECTION 393 Mr. Ferry thereupon declared Rutherford B. Hayes elected President, and William A. Wheeler Vice-President, of the United States. The decision was acquiesced in peaceably by the whole country, and by men of every party. But the Democrats have never ceased to denounce the whole affair as a fraud, and some newspapers have steadily refused to speak of Mr. Hayes as having ever been rightfully in possession of the presidential office. Their anger at the time was very great, and it was excusable, since they honestly believed that Mr. Tilden was fairly elected. It is to be hoped that the patriot- ism of the American people and their love of peace may never again be put to so severe a test as was that to which they were subjected in 1876 and 1877. XXVI A REPUBLICAN REVIVAL The circumstances that attended the election of 1876 led to the introduction in Congress of many propositions intended to render impossible a recurrence of the danger which was then met and overcome, and to forestall other evils which have often been apprehended, but have never happened. Certain difficulties that arose in consequence of the silence of the Con- stitution might be obviated by law ; others must be cured by amendment of the. Constitution itself. Although the warning Avas a serious one, and although many members brought for- ward measures to meet the case, not one of the bills and reso- lutions introduced was acted upon finally. Nevertheless, it may be well to notice the suggestions which were made during Mr. Hayes's administration, — during the special session of Congress, October 15, 1877, and the regular session, which followed witliout an interval. Mr. Cravens, of Arkansas, offered a resolution of amendment to the Constitution, providing that the people should vote directly for President and Vice-President. Each State was to have a number of presidential votes equal to its electoral votes under the present system, which votes were to be apportioned in each State among the several candidates, in the proportion of tlie votes given to each ; the legislature of each State was to direct the manner in which the presidential vote of that State was to be ascertained ; on a day to be fixed by Congress, or, in case of disagreement between the two Houses, on a day to be named by the President, not less than fifteen nor more than thirty days before the 4th of March, a joint meeting of the two Houses was to be held, the President of the Senate was to open the presidential votes certified to by the governor of the State, and one list from each State was then to be counted under the direction of the two Houses ; a majority of all the presidential votes was requisite to a choice. In case A REPUBLICAN REVIVAL 395 no choice had been made by such a majority, then the two Houses, in joint convention, were to elect a President by viva voce vote, each senator and member having one vote, the choice being limited to the two highest on the list, unless two persons should have an equal number of votes next to the highest ; one senator and a majority of the representatives from two thirds of the States were to constitute a quorum for the purposes of this election. In case no person should re- ceive a majority of the Congress so voting, the President in office was to continue to be President until a choice was effected. The election of Vice-President was to be made in the same manner and at the same time as that of President. Whenever the office of Vice-President became vacant, there was to be an election by joint convention of Congress, within ten days after the next meeting of Congress, or within twenty days if Congress should be in session at the time the vacancy occurred. Mr. Springer, of Illinois, made a proposition, of which the leading features were : a presidential term of six years, the President not to be immediately reeligible ; each State to have a number of presidential votes equal to its electoral votes accord- ing to the present system, except that States having but one tepresentative in Congress were to have but one presidential vote, and States having but two representatives were to have but three votes ; a direct vote for President and Vice-Presi- dent ; a canvassing board in each State, with ministerial powers only, — consisting of the governor, secretary of state, and chief justice of the highest court, — to aggregate the votes, apportion to each candidate his proportional part of the presi- dential votes of the State, and to make return thereof to the president of the Senate ; the two Houses to be in session on the third Monday in January after a presidential election ; a joint meeting to be held, to be presided over by the president of the Senate, unless he should be a candidate for the office of President, and in that case by the speaker of the House of Representatives, and, if he were similarly disqualified, then by a presiding officer chosen by the joint convention ; a plurality of votes to elect both the President and the Vice-President ; the joint convention to be the judge of the returns and quali- fications of the persons who shall be President and Vice-Presi- dent. If no conclusion upon the returns should be reached by the second Monday in February, the convention was to 396 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY vote viva voce upon the question who was constitutionally elected President and who Vice-President, — a majority of those present to determine all questions. Mr. Maish, of Pennsylvania, proposed a popular election of President, without the intervention of electors. The votes were to be returned to the secretary of state of each State and to be by him opened in the presence of the governor and the cliief justice of the highest court, and these three officers were to apportion electoral votes to each candidate in accordance with the returns. The proposition did not deal with the matter of a count of the votes. Mr. Finley, of Ohio, proposed a direct vote of all the people for President and Vice-President, disregarding state lines altogether ; a plurality of votes was to elect in each case ; but if two persons had an equal and the highest number of votes, then the House of Representatives was to choose the President from those two ; or, if the failure was in relation to the vice- presidency, then the Senate was to make the choice. The voting was to be viva voce, and each member was to have one vote ; the canvass of returns for President and Vice-President was to be made by Congress in a manner to be determined by joint rules or by law, and, if the two Houses could not agree, the matter in dispute was to be referred to the Supreme Court for final decision. Mr. Eaton, of Connecticut, proposed in the Senate an amend- ment constituting a tribunal for the decision of controverted questions arising out of the presidential election. Not less than twelve months before the occurrence of such an election, the governor of each State was to appoint, with the consent of the Senate of the State, five qualified persons, who were to hear and determine all questions of contests in relation to the choice of electors, and to transmit their report, sealed, to the president of the Senate. A resolution offered by Mr. Piddle, of Tennessee, proposed a direct election by the people, a clear majority being required for a choice. In case such majority should not be obtained, then a second election was to be held within two months of the time of the first vote, when the choice should be limited to the two highest on the list. In case of no choice, by reason of a tie, on the second trial, the two Houses of Congress, in joint convention, each member having one vote, were to elect. Mr. Sampson, of Iowa, proposed that the relative electoral A REPUBLICAN REVIVAL 397 power of the States should be as it now is ; that the people should vote directly for the executive ; that the persons hav- ing a plurality for the offices of President and Vice-President in any State should receive the full presidential vote of that State, or, in case of a tie, that the votes should be equally divided among those having the highest number ; and if no person received a majority of presidential votes, the choice of either President or Vice-President was to be made in the same manner as the Constitution now provides for cases where the electors have not made a choice. In May, 1878, Mr. Southard, of Ohio, from a committee of the House of Representatives, appointed for the purpose, reported a plan. It dispensed with secondary electors. Each State was to be entitled to as many presidential votes as it would have electors under the present system. The people hav- ing voted directly for President and Vice-President, the vote for each candidate in any State was to be ascertained by multi- plying the number of votes given for any person by the num- ber of presidential votes assigned to the State, and dividing the product by the whole number of votes cast ; and the fractions were to be ascertained to the third place of decimals. The returns were to be made to the secretary of state of each State, who was to open them in the presence of the governor and the state auditor or controller ; and the apportionment of presi- dential votes was to be made by them as a canvassing board. Disputed questions might be passed upon by the highest judi- cial tribunal in each State, and the decision was to be sent to the president of the Senate at Washington. The votes were to be counted by the two Houses of Congress, assembled under the presidency of the president of the Senate, and all votes were to be counted unless the two Houses concurred in reject- ing them ; or, if there was a decision by the highest court of the State upon a contest, that decision was to stand unless the two Houses concurred in overruling it. If there Avere dual returns, or two decisions purporting to be by the highest court, that was to be accepted which the two Houses should decide to be the true return or the true decision. A plurality of votes was to elect the President, and in case of a tie the election was to be made in the manner now provided for the case of a fail- ure to elect by the electors. This proposition was never even debated in the House. A determined effort was made by the Senate, during the 398 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY session of 1878-79, to amend the law relative to the count of votes, by a statute covering the whole subject. The bill was managed by Mr. Edmunds, of Vermont. A brief account of its provisions only can be given. It changed the time for the appointment of electors in the several States to the first Tues- day of October in every fourth year. If a vacancy should occur in both the offices of President and Vice-President more than two months before the first Tuesday of October in any year other than that in which electors would be regularly appointed, a new election was to be held. The time for the meeting and voting of the electors was to be the second Mon- day in January following their appointment. The fourth sec- tion was as follows : — Each State may provide by law enacted prior to the day in this act named for the appointment of the electors, for the trial and determination of any controversy concerning the appointment of electors, before the time fixed for the meeting of the electors, in any manner it may deem expedient. Every such determination made pursuant to such law so enacted before said day, and made prior to the said time of meeting of the electors, shall be conclusive evidence of the lawful title of the electors who shall have been so determined to have been appointed, and shall govern in the count- ing of the electoral votes, as provided in the Constitution and as hereinafter regulated. The provisions of the bill in relation to the count followed in general the custom of Congress under the twenty-second joint rule, with these exceptions : No vote from a State from which there was but one return could be rejected without a concurrent vote of the two Houses. If there were two or more returns, that only should be counted which was decided to be the true return in the manner provided in the section just quoted. If there were no such determination, or if there were two or more decisions purporting to have been made in accord- ance with a law passed in conformity with that section, that return, or that decision only, could be accepted which the two Houses acting separately should decide by affirmative vote to be in accordance with the Constitution and the laws. When the two Houses separated to consider objections to electoral votes, each member of either House might speak once only, for five minutes, and at the expiration of two hours it would become the duty of the presiding officer to put the main ques- tion. After several days of debate this bill was passed by the A REPUBLICAN REVIVAL 399 Senate, 35 to 26. The negative vote consisted entirely of Democrats; the majority was made up of Republicans, with the exception of Messrs. Bayard, Merrimon, and Morgan, Dem- ocrats, and Judge Davis, of Illinois, Independent. It was referred in the House of Representatives to the select commit- tee having the subject in charge, but no report was made upon it. We shall see that the principles of this bill, little changed in detail, were all adopted and enacted in the law of 1887, which is given in a subsequent chapter, and which is now in force. In May, 1880, the Democrats having a majority in the Sen- ate, Mr. Morgan, of Alabama, reported from a select committee a joint rule for the government of the two Houses in counting the electoral votes. It differed from the rescinded twenty- second rule in several particulars. No vote from a State which sent but one return was to be rejected except by the affirma- tive action of both branches of Congress. If two or more returns should be offered, neither was to be counted unless the two Houses agreed in deciding that one of them was the true and correct return. Provision was made for one hour's debate in each House upon objections, no member to speak more than once, or longer than ten minutes ; and also for debate by unan- imous consent in the joint meeting. It was further provided that an appeal might be taken from a decision by the presiding officer, which was to be overruled only by concurrent action of both Houses. This proposed rule was considered at length. Mr. Edmunds moved his bill, already summarized, with some changes, as a substitute for the rule. The motion was defeated, all other amendments were rejected, and the rule was adopted by the Senate, by a vote of 25 to 14, — a party vote, except that Mr. Davis, of Illinois, voted with the Democrats. In the House, the Republicans endeavored to have the rule referred to a committee, but their motions having that object in view were rejected. Finally the matter was postponed until the first Monday in December, 1880. It was under consideration several times during the session, but the Republicans persist- ently opposed it, and on the last day that it was considered, January 26, 1881, they filibustered successfully against its passage. Early in February of the same year a resolution was adopted, which carried the conduct of the count back to the method so long in use before the twenty -second joint rule was adopted. 400 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY It provided, however, for two tellers on the part of the Senate, which was an innovation introduced by the Electoral Commis- sion Law of 1877. The second resolution directed that in case it should appear that the electoral vote of any State had been given on any other day than that fixed by law, the decla- ration of the result should be in the alternative form first intro- duced in 1821, with respect to the vote of Missouri. This rule was adopted by both Houses. In the Senate there was no division. In the House the second resolution was opposed by 77 members, of whom six were Democrats and three Green- backers. The count of 1881 took place under that rule. Mr. Hayes, upon taking office, at once reversed the policy of his predecessor in respect of the Republican governments of South Carolina and Louisiana. He withdrew the military assistance which had protected them from overthrow by the white minority. The Democratic governments took instant advantage of the opportunity ; and the last state governments representative of negro and " carpet-bag " control were driven from the capitals. The President's act practically eliminated the Southern question from politics by the simple expedient of non-resistance to the demands of those who proclaimed their determination to restore white men's government at all hazards, and by violence if necessary. It was not at all to the liking of many Republican statesmen who, however disposed they might be to concede the failure of the negro rule introduced by universal suffrage, believed that the faith of their party was pledged to the maintenance of the rights of the colored people. Mr. Hayes did not strengthen his own political position by the move. The Democrats were willing to profit by it ; but they had as yet hardly become willing to acknowledge Mr. Hayes as a legal President. A large faction of the Republican party became estranged from him. The South was made " solid " for the Democrats. In the Forty-sixth Congress, elected in 1878, four Republicans only were elected to the House of Representatives in all the South ; there were 102 Democrats. No other President — save Mr. Johnson, who was not elected to the position, but succeeded to it on the death of Mr. Lincoln — has been so unfortunate as was Mr. Hayes in the political complexion of Congress during his term. The House of Representatives was against him the first two years, and both branches were Democratic during the last two years. Although he was not possessed of great tact and exhibited A REPUBLICAN REVIVAL 401 little skill in his management of men, yet his intentions were so honorable and his standards so high that his administration bears well a comparison with that of some men much more able than he was. His cabinet was a strong one. There were no scandals. Mr. Hayes was the first President to discourage and to forbid the political activity of the civil servants of the government. If he did not win applause for himself by his administration, he did raise the tone of his party. He intro- duced, without fuss, the reforms for which the Democrats clamored obstreperously in their platform. And when the time came for him to retire from office the people had recov- ered the confidence in the Eepublican party which they had well-nigh lost when he was elected. Nevertheless the administration was not a quiet but a tur- bulent one. There was a struggle during his whole term over the question of attaching political legislation to appropriation bills. The Democrats in Congress were determined to root out the last remnants of Republican law which gave the gen- eral government any supervision of elections in the South. In the Forty-fifth Congress the contest was between the Senate and the House. The Democrats endeavored to withhold the necessary funds for the purposes of government unless the Republicans would consent to the " riders" upon appropriation bills, to prohibit the presence of United States troops near the polls, to regulate the impaneling of juries, and to prevent the appointment of deputy marshals for elections at which re- presentatives were to be chosen. In the Forty-sixth Congress the bills went to the President with the riders attached, and the veto power was necessary to prevent their enactment. The laws which it was then sought in vain to repeal afterward fell into disuse, and the last vestige of them was removed from the statute book under President Cleveland. Financial questions were much discussed during this ad- ministration. A great effort was made to repeal the act for the resumption of specie payments. The House of Repre- sentatives passed a repealing bill, but the Senate rejected it ; and resumption took place successfully, and with great advan- tage to business, on January 1, 1879. The silver question was first agitated at the beginning of Mr. Hayes's term ; and on February 28, 1878, the act for the coinage of silver dollars was passed over the President's veto. Another question which became prominent in politics at this time was that of 402 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY Chinese immigration. A bill forbidding such immigration was passed, but was vetoed, and failed to obtain the necessary two- thirds majority, Mr. Hayes was not a candidate for reelection. But there was no lack of candidates on the Republican side. Two of them were extremely strong. Many persons who had been strongly opposed to a third consecutive term for General Grant saw no objection to electing him after an interval of four years, and a numerous body of his adherents in all parts of the country brought him forward with great enthusiasm. Mr. Blaine was again prominent as a candidate in the West, and indeed throughout the land. Those who were opposed to both Grant and Blaine favored, some Mr. John Sherman, Secretary of the Treasury, and others Senator George F. Edmunds. On the Democratic side there was no concentration of opinion. In the early stages of the preliminary canvass it was universally conceded that Mr. Tilden would be nominated if he would accept the candidacy ; but his health was known to be infirm, and, as he gave no indication of his intentions, his opponents worked secretly and successfully to secure dele- gates who were opposed to him. The Republican convention met at Chicago on the 2d of June. Senator George F. Hoar, of Massachusetts, was the temporary and also the permanent president. Three days were occupied in preliminaries and in deciding cases of con- testing delegates, of whom there were many. The opposition which the candidacy of General Grant encountered was signi- ficantly indicated by the following resolution introduced by Senator Conkling, who managed the Grant canvass : — Resolved, As the sense of this convention, that every member of it is bound in honor to support its nominee, whoever that nominee may be, and that no man should hold his seat here who is not ready so to agree. After a brief debate, this resolution was passed by a vote of 716 to 3 ; the negative votes were given by delegates from West Virginia. Mr. Conkling offered a resolution that those who had voted in the negative " do not deserve and have for- feited their votes in this convention." To this summary way of disfranchising delegates there were numerous objections, and, in view of the possible rejection of the resolution, Mr. Conkling withdrew it. On the fourth day General James A. Garfield reported from A REPUBLICAN REVIVAL 403 the committee on rules a code consisting for the most part of the rules of the convention of 1876. One important amendment was made, to the effect that when the vote of any State should be announced by the chairman, if any excep- tion should be taken to the announcement, " the president of the convention shall direct the roll of members of such delegation to be called, and the result recorded in accordance with the votes individually given." This was a direct and fatal blow at the "unit rule." A minority report was pre- sented by General George H. Sharpe, of New York, on behalf of himself and eight other members of the committee, recom- mending the retention of the rule as it had been adopted by the convention of 1876. The delegation from New York had been instructed to vote as a unit for General Grant, and the adoption of the new rule would allow several members of that delegation, who were not in favor of the ex-President, to vote individually for the person whom they might prefer. The minority report was rejected without a division. An amend- ment having been adopted directing the national committee to prescribe a method for the election of delegates to the con- vention of 1884, the rules were adopted. The platform was then reported, as follows, by Mr. Edwards Pierrepont, of New York : — The Republican party in national convention assembled, at the end of twenty years since the federal government was first com- mitted to its charge, submits to the people of the United States this brief report of its administration. It suppressed the rebellioK which had armed nearly a million of men to subvert the national authority. It reconstructed the Union of the States with freedom instead of slavery as its corner-stone. It transformed fotir mil- lions of human beings from the likeness of things to the rank of citizens. It relieved Congress from the infamous work of hunting fugitive slaves, and charged it to see that slavery does not exist. It has raised the value of our paper currency from thirty-eight per cent, to the par of gold. It has restored upon a solid basis payment in coin for all the national obligations, and has given us a currency absolutely good and equal in every part of our extended country. It has lifted the credit of the nation from the point where six per cent, bonds sold at eighty-six per cent, to that where four per cent, bonds are eagerly sought at a premium. Under its administration railways have increased from thirty-one thousand miles in 1860 to more than eighty-two thousand miles in 1879. Our foreign trade has increased from seven hundred million dollars to one billion 404 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY one hundred and fifty million dollars in the same time, and our exports, which were twenty million dollars less than our imports in 1860, were two hundred and sixty-four million more than our imports in 1879. Without resorting to loans, it has, since the war closed, defrayed the ordinary expenses of government beside the accruing interest on the public debt, and has annually disbursed more than thirty million dollars for soldiers' pensions. It has paid eight hundred and eighty-eight million dollars of the public debt, and, by refunding the balance at lower rates, has reduced the annual interest charged fi-om nearly one hundred and fifty-one million dol- lars to less than eighty-nine million dollars. All the industries of the country have revived, labor is in demand, wages have increased, and throughout the entire country there is evidence of a coming prosperity greater than we have ever enjoyed. Upon this record the Republican party asks for the continued confidence and support of the people, and this convention submits for their approval the following statement of the principles and purposes which will continue to guide and inspire its efforts : — 1. We afiirm that the work of the last twenty-one years has been such as to commend itself to the favor of the nation, and that the fruits of the costly victories which we have achieved through im- mense difficulties should be preserved; that the peace regained should be cherished ; that the dissevered Union, now happily re- stored, should be perpetuated, and that the liberties secured to this generation should be transmitted undiminished to future genera- tions ; that the order established and the credit acquired should never be impaired ; that the pensions promised should be extin- guished by the full payment of every dollar thereof ; that the reviv- ing industries should be further promoted, and that the commerce, already so great, should be steadily encouraged. 2. The Constitution of the United States is a supreme law, and not a mere contract : out of confederated States it made a sovereign nation. Some powers are denied to the nation, while others are denied to the States ; but the boundary between the powers dele- gated and those reserved is to be determined by the national, and not by the State tribunals. 3. The work of popular education is one left to the care of the several States, but it is the duty of the national government to aid that work to the extent of its constitutional duty. The intelligence of the nation is but the aggregate of the intelligence in the several States, and the destiny of the nation must be guided, not by the genius of any one State, but by the average genius of all. 4. The Constitution wisely forbids Congress to make any law respecting an establisTiment of religion, but it is idle to hope that the nation can be protected against the influences of sectarianism A REPUBLICAN REVIVAL 405 while each State is exposed to its domination. We therefore re- commend that the Constitution be so amended as to lay the same prohibition upon the legislature of each State, and to forbid the appropriation of public funds to the support of sectarian schools. 5. We affirm the belief avowed in 1876, that the duties levied for the purpose of revenue should so discriminate as to favor American labor ; that no further grant of the public domain should be made to any railway or other corporation ; that, slavery having perished in the States, its twin barbarity, polygamy, must die in the Territories ; that everywhere the protection accorded to citizens of American birth must be secured to citizens by American adop- tion ; and that we esteem it the duty of Congress to develop and improve our watercourses and harbors, but insist that further sub- sidies to private persons or corporations must cease ; that the obli- gations of the Republic to the men who preserved its integrity in the hour of battle are undiminished by the lapse of the fifteen years since their final victory, — to do them perpetual honor is, and shall forever be, the grateful privilege and sacred duty of the American people. 6. Since the authority to regulate immigration and intercourse between the United States and foreign nations rests with Congress, or with the United States and its treaty-making powers, the Re- publican party, regarding the unrestricted immigration of the Chinese as an evil of great magnitude, invoke the exercise of those powers to restrain and limit that immigration by the enact- ment of such just, humane, and reasonable provisions as will pro- duce that result. 7. That the purity and patriotism which characterized the earlier career of Rutherford B. Hayes in peace and war, and which guided the thoughts of our immediate predecessors to him for a presiden- tial candidate, have continued to inspire him in his career as Chief Executive, and that history will accord to his administration the honors which are due to an efficient, just, and courteous discharge of the public business, and will honor his interposition between the people and proposed partisan laws. We charge upon the Democratic party the habitual sacrifice of patriotism and justice to a supreme and insatiable lust of office and patronage ; that to obtain possession of the national and State governments and the control of place and position they have ob- structed aU efforts to promote the purity and to conserve the free- dom of suffrage, and have devised fraudulent certifications and returns ; have labored to unseat lawfully elected members of Con- gress, to secure at all hazards the vote of a majority of the States in the House of Representatives ; have endeavored to occupy by force and fraud the places of trust given to others by the people of 406 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY Maine, and rescued by the courageous action of Maine's patriotic sons ; have, by methods vicious in principle and tyrannical in prac- tice, attached partisan legislation to appropriation bills, upon whose passage the very movements of the government depend, and have crushed the rights of individuals ; have advocated the principles and sought the favor of rebellion against the nation, and have en- deavored to obliterate the sacred memories of the war, and to overcome its inestimably valuable results of nationality, personal freedom, and individual equality. The equal, steady, and complete enforcement of laws, and the protection of all our citizens in the enjoyment of all privileges and immunities guaranteed by the Constitution, are the first duties of the nation. The dangers of a solid South can only be averted by a faithful performance of every promise which the nation has made to the citizen. The execution of the laws and the punishment of all those who violate them are the only safe methods by which an enduring peace can be secured and genuine prosperity established throughout the South. Whatever promises the nation makes, the nation must perform, and the nation cannot with safety delegate this duty to the States. The solid South must be divided by the peaceful agencies of the ballot, and all opinions must there find free expression, and to this end the honest voter must be pro- tected against terrorism, violence, or fraud. And we affirm it to be the duty and the purpose of the Republi- can party to use every legitimate means to restore all the States of this Union to the most perfect harmony that may be practicable ; and we submit it to the practical, sensible people of the United States to say whether it would not be dangerous to the dearest in- terests of our country at this time to surrender the administration of the national government to the party which seeks to overthrow the existing policy under which we are so prosperous, and thus bring distrust and confusion where there are now order, confidence, and hope. The platform was adopted unanimously, as was also the following resolution offered by Mr. J. M. Barker, of Massa- chusetts : — The Republican party, adhering to principles affirmed by its last national convention of respect for the constitutional rule covering appointments to office, adopts the declaration of President Hayes, that the reform of the civil service should be thorough, radical, and complete. To this end it demands the cooperation of the legislative with the executive department of the government, and that Congress shall so legislate that fitness, ascertained by proper j)ractical tests, shall admit to the public service. A REPUBLICAN REVIVAL 407 The day's and the week's session was concluded with the formal presentation of the names of candidates. On Monday the voting began, and twenty-eight trials to nominate a can- didate were made on that day. General Grant was the lead- ing candidate, with 304 votes, and during that day his number fluctuated only between 302 and 309. Mr. Blaine came next, with 284 votes on the first ballot ; his number varied on the first day from 285, the highest, to 275, the lowest. Mr. Sher- man began with 93 and ended with 91, having meanwhile dropped to 88 and risen to 97. Mr. Elihu B. Washburne, of Illinois, had 31 votes at the beginning, rose to 36, and had 35 on the twenty-eighth ballot. Senator Edmunds had 33 votes at the start, dropped to 32 on the second ballot, to 31 on the eighth, and held that number vinchanged through twenty more ballots. Senator William Windom, of Minnesota, had ten votes, those of his own State, on every ballot. The number of votes necessary to a choice was in every case 378. The convention ended the day's voting without having made any progress to- ward a nomination. On the morning of Tuesday there was a slight change. About twenty of the supporters of Mr. Edmunds, joined by a few others, transferred their votes to Mr. Sherman, giving him 116. His number rose to 120 on the thirtieth ballot ; but, inasmuch as not the slightest impression was made upon the Grant and Blaine forces, the movement came to nothing, and on the next trial his strength began to decline again. On the thirty-fourth ballot 17 votes were given to James A. Gar- field. General Garfield had received one vote on the second ballot, the day before, and thereafter had received sometimes one vote, sometimes two votes, and sometimes none. He was present in the convention as a delegate and as tlie manager of Mr. Sherman's canvass, and had been a conspicuous figure in the proceedings of the convention. When he suddenly sprang into prominence on the thirty-fourth ballot, the idea of making him the candidate met with great favor. On the thirty-fifth ballot a number of Mr. Blaine's delegates transferred their votes to him, and gave him 50 votes. On the next trial, — the thirty-sixth, — he received 399, and was nominated. The history of the voting will be sufficiently exhibited by showing in a table the result of the 1st, the 28th, the 30th, the 34th, the 35th, and the 36th trials: — 408 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY Ulysses S. Grant, Illinois James G. Blaine, Maine . . John Sherman, Ohio . . . George F. Edmunds, Vermont Elihu B. Washburne, Illinois William Windom, Minnesota James A. Garfield, Ohio . . let. 304 284 93 33 31 10 307 279 91 31 35 10 2 306 279 120 11 33 4 2 312 275 107 11 30 4 17 35th. 313 257 99 11 23 3 50 36th. 306 42 3 5 399 The nomination was received with great enthusiasm by the most of the members of the convention, and with general satis- faction throughout the country. Garfield had been a gallant general during the civil war, and after the close of that con- flict he had served continuously as a member of Congress, where he had risen to a position of honorable leadership. More than once he had exhibited, in addition to talents of a high order, great political courage. When the greenback movement made such inroads into the Republican party of Ohio that he was threatened with defeat unless he yielded to it, he openly declared that he would suffer defeat rather than give up his convictions. At the time of his nomination he had been elected a senator from Ohio for the term begin- ning in 1881. It was thought by many persons at the time that he was in honor bound not to allow himself to be nomi- nated, since he was the accredited and recognized champion of Mr. Sherman. It is true he protested against being made the candidate, but he did not hesitate to accept the nomina- tion when it was tendered. One must nevertheless not for- get that Mr. Sherman's candidacy was hopeless ; and the prize was a great one. While the Republicans everywhere hailed the nomination as a good and strong one, some of the prominent leaders of the Grant movement were sullen and discontented. A consulta- tion took place between politicians of the two wings, and the nomination of a candidate for the vice-presidency was conceded to those who had been upholding the cause of General Grant. Senator Conkling, who was recognized as the chief spokesman for the ex-President, named Mr. Chester A. Arthur, of New York. Mr. Arthur's only service in the national govern- ment had been rendered as collector of the port of New York, from which position he had been removed by Mr. Hayes. A REPUBLICAN REVIVAL 409 The first ballot for a candidate resulted as follows : For Chester A. Arthur, 468 ; Elihu B. Washburne, of Illinois, 199 ; Marshall Jewell, of Connecticut, 43 ; Horace Maynard, of Tennessee, 30 ; Edmund J. Davis, of Texas, 20 ; Blanche K. Bruce, of Mississippi, 8 ; James L. Alcorn, of Mississippi, 4 ; Thomas Settle, of Florida, 2 ; Stewart L. Woodford, of New York, 1. The nomination of Mr. Arthur was made unanimous, and the convention adjourned. The nomination of Mr. Arthur was most coldly received. Indeed it was regarded in some quarters with dismay. The events of the succeeding four years greatly modified public opinion, and enabled Mr, Arthur to deserve and to win uni- versal respect. Nevertheless at that time he was deemed by a large section of the party unfitted, by his political instincts and training, for the office of Vice-President. But those who were dissatisfied with that part of the ticket were so well pleased with General Garfield that, after once giving vent to their feelings, they prepared to support both Garfield and Arthur with zeal. Some of those who had set their hearts upon the nomination of General Grant were not so easily re- conciled to the situation. The next convention in the order of time was that of the Greenbackers. It met at Chicago on the 9th of June. The Rev. Gilbert De La Matyr, of Indiana, was the temporary chairman, and Richard Trevellick, of Michigan, was the per- manent president. On the second day the following platform was reported and adopted : — 1. That the right to make and issue money is a sovereign power to be maintained by the people for the common benefit. The dele- gation of this right to corporations is a surrender of the central attribute of sovereignty, void of constitutional sanction, conferring upon a subordinate irresponsible power absolute dominion over industry and commerce. All money, whether metallic or paper, should be issued and its volume controlled by the government, and not by or through banking corporations, and, when so issued, should be a full legal tender for all debts, public and private. 2. That the bonds of the United States should not be refunded, but paid as rapidly as practicable, according to contract. To en- able the government to meet these obligations, legal tender cur- rency should be substituted for the notes of the national banks, the national banking system abolished, and the unlimited coinage of silver, as well as gold, established by law. 3. That labor should be so protected by national and State 410 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY authority as to equalize its burdens and insure a just distribution of its results ; the eigh1>hour law of Congress should be enforced ; the sanitary condition of industrial establishments placed under rigid control ; the competition of contract labor abolished ; a bureau of labor statistics established; factories, mines, and workshops inspected; the employment of children under fourteen years of age forbidden ; and wages paid in cash. 4. Slavery being simply cheap labor, and cheap labor being simply slavery, the importation and presence of Chinese serfs necessarily tends to brutalize and degrade American labor ; there- fore immediate steps should be taken to abrogate the Burlingame treaty. 5. Railroad land grants forfeited by reason of non-fulfilment of contract should be immediately reclaimed by government ; and henceforth the public domain reserved exclusively as homes for actual settlers. 6. It is the duty of Congress to regulate interstate commerce. All lines of communication and transportation should be brought under such legislative control as shall secure moderate, fair, and uniform rates for passenger and freight traffic. 7. We denounce, as destructive to prosperity and dangerous to liberty, the action of the old parties in fostering and sustaining gigantic land, railroad, and money corporations, invested with, and exercising, powers belonging to the government, and yet not re- sponsible to it for the manner of their exercise. 8. That the Constitution, in giving Congress the power to borrow money, to declare war, to raise and support armies, to provide and maintain a navy, never intended that the men who loaned their money for an interest consideration should be preferred to the soldier and sailor who perilled their lives and shed their blood on land and sea in defence of their country ; and we condemn the cruel class legislation of the Republican party, which, while pro- fessing great gratitude to the soldier, has most unjustly discrimi- nated against him and in favor of the bondholder. 9. All property should bear its just proportion of taxation ; and ■we demand a graduated income tax. 10. "We denounce as most dangerous the efforts everywhere man- ifest to restrict the right of suffrage. 11. We are opposed to an increase of the standing army in time of peace, and the insidious scheme to establish an enormous mili- tary power under the guise of militia laws. 12. We demand absolute democratic rules for the government of Congress, placing all representatives of the people upon an equal footing, and taking away from committees a veto power greater than that of the President. A REPUBLICAN REVIVAL 411 13. We demand a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, instead of a government of the bondholders, by the bondholders, and for the bondholders ; and we denounce every attempt to stir up sectional strife as an effort to conceal monstrous crimes against the people. 14. In the furtherance of these ends we ask the cooperation of all fair-minded people. We have no quarrel with individuals, wage no war upon classes, but only against vicious institutions. We are not content to endure further discipline from our present actual rulers, who, having dominion over money, over transporta- tion, over land and labor, and largely over the press and the ma- chinery of government, wield unwarrantable power over our insti- tutions, and over our life and property. 15. That every citizen of due age, sound mind, and not a felon, be fully enfranchised, and that this resolution be referred to the States, with recommendation for their favorable consideration. An informal vote was taken for a candidate for President, with the following result: James B. Weaver, of Iowa, had 224,^ ; Hendrick B. Wright, of Pennsylvania, 126^ ; Stephen D. Dillaye, of New York, 119 ; Benjamin F. Butler, of Massa- chusetts, 95; Solon Chase, of Maine, 89 ; Edward P. Allis, of Wisconsin, 41 ; Alexander Campbell, of Illinois, 21. The dele- gations began changing as soon as the strong lead of Mr. Weaver was known, and that gentleman was unanimously nominated. On a vote for a candidate for Vice-President, B. J. Chambers, of Texas, had 403, and Alanson M. West, of Mississippi, had 311. Mr. Chambers was thereupon unani- mously nominated. The Prohibitionists held a convention at Cleveland, Ohio, on the 17th of June. It attracted so little attention that no report of its proceedings was published in the leading news- papers of the country. Twelve States were represented by 142 delegates. A platform presenting the principles of the party, in much the same form as they were announced in 1876, was adopted. General Neal Dow, of Maine, was nominated for President, and A. M. Thompson, of Ohio, for Vice-President. The series of national conventions was closed by that of the Democrats at Cincinnati on the 22d of June. What that con- vention would do was a matter of great uncertainty. Mr. Tilden had still not indicated what was his wish in respect of the nomination. It is probable that, if he had frankly allowed it to be understood that he would be a candidate, he could have secured enough delegates to make him the nominee 412 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY on the first ballot. Since he neither encouraged nor discour- aged his friends, and left them in the dark as to his purposes, hardly a third of the delegates went to Cincinnati for Tilden as their first choice. A great many Southern members of the con- vention were in favor of Senator Thomas F. Bayard, of Dela- ware. General Hancock was brought forward by Pennsyl- vania, and had strong support in other States. Ohio presented Senator Thurman ; and Mr. Hendricks, as well as other leaders of the party, Mr. Henry B. Payne, of Ohio, Speaker Samuel J. Randall, and Judge Stephen J. Field, had their friends. A movement was begun in favor of Mr. Horatio Seymour, and it made not a little progress in a quiet way. Mr. Seymour was captured by an " interviewer," and expressed himself in such terms that it was believed that he really would not accept the nomination if it should be tendered ; and although he re- ceived a few votes there was no opportunity to test his actual strength in the convention. Simultaneously with the assembling of the convention came a letter from Mr. Tilden, in which he " renounced " the nom- ination. The phraseology of the letter was such that it left room for both the friends and the opponents of Mr. Tilden to say that he would not refuse the nomination if it should be tendered to him ; but the prevailing tendency of opinion was to take him at his word. Mr. George Hoadly, of Ohio, was the temporary chairman of the convention, which did not eff'ect its permanent organiza- tion until the second day, after the contested seats had been passed upon. There were several cases of contest. Two sets of delegates made their appearance from Massachusetts, and the case*was decided by admitting both sets, with a half vote for each delegate. A more difficult case was that of New York. Here, too, there were two full delegations, one chosen by the " regular " Democrats ; the other, the " Tammany " delegation. The attitude of the Tammany organization towards Mr. Tilden in 1876, and the open declaration of Mr. John Kelly and other members of the contesting delegation, that if that candi- date should be nominated again they would not support him, did not give the delegation favor in the eyes of the conven- tion ; and tlie committee on credentials reported against giving them any recognition whatever. A minority of the committee reported in favor of granting their request to be allowed twenty of the seventy votes of New York. After a debate the A REPUBLICAN REVIVAL 413 minority report was rejected by a vote of yeas 205|^, nays 457. The New York delegation was excused from voting at its own request. Thus Tammany was excluded from the convention altogether. Ex-Governor John W. Stevenson, of Kentucky, having been chosen permanent president of the convention, the platform was reported by Mr. Henry Watterson, of Kentucky, and unani- mously adopted. It was as follows : — The Democrats of the United States, in convention assembled, declare — 1. We pledge ourselves anew to the constitutional doctrines and traditions of the Democratic party, as illustrated by the teachings and example of a long line of Democratic statesmen and patriots, and embodied in the platform of the last national convention of the party. 2. Opposition to centralizationism and to that dangerous spirit of encroachment which tends to consolidate the powers of all the departments in one, and thus to create, whatever be the form of government, a real despotism. No sumptuary laws ; separation of church and state for the good of each ; common schools fostered and protected. 3. Home rule ; honest money, consisting of gold and silver, and paper convertible into coin on demand ; the strict maintenance of the public faith, state and national ; and a tariff for revenue only. 4. The subordination of the military to the civil power, and a general and thorough reform of the civil service. 5. The right to a free ballot is the right preservative of all rights, and must and shall be maintained in every part of the United States. 6. The existing administration is the representative of conspiracy only, and its claim of right to surround the ballot-boxes with troops and deputy marshals, to intimidate and obstruct the electors, and the unprecedented use of the veto to maintain its corrupt and despotic power, insult the people and imperil their institutions. 7. The great fraud of 1876-77, by which, ixpon a false count of the electoral votes of two States, the candidate defeated at the polls was declared to be President, and, for the first time in Ameri- can history, the will of the people was set aside under a threat of military violence, struck a deadly blow at our system of represent- ative government ; the Democratic party, to preserve the country from a civil war, submitted for a time in firm and patriotic faith that the people would punish this crime in 1880 ; this issue pre- cedes and dwarfs every other ; it imposes a more sacred duty upon the people of the Union than ever addressed the conscience of a nation of freemen. 414 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY 8. We execrate the course of this administration in making places in the civil service a reward for political crime, and demand a reform by statute which shall make it forever impossible for the defeated candidate to bribe his way to the seat of a usurper by billeting villains upon the people. 9. The resolution of Samuel J. Tilden not again to be a candi- date for the exalted place to which he was elected by a majority of his countrymen, and from which he was excluded by the leaders of the Republican party, is received by the Democrats of the United States with sensibility, and they declare their confidence in his wisdom, patriotism, and integrity, unshaken by the assaults of a common enemy, and they fui'ther assure him that he is followed into the retirement he has chosen for himself by the sympathy and respect of his fellow -citizens, who regard him as one who, by ele- vating the standards of public morality, merits the lasting grati- tude of his country and his party. 10. Free ships and a living chance for American commerce on the seas and on the land. No discrimination in favor of transpor- tation lines, corporations, or monopolies. 11. Amendment of the Burlingame treaty. No more Chinese immigration, except for travel, education, and foreign commerce, and therein carefully guarded. 12. Public money and public credit for public purposes solely, and public land for actual settlers. 13. The Democratic party is the friend of labor and the laboring man, and pledges itself to protect him alike against the cormorant and the commune. 14. We congratulate the country upon the honesty and thrift of a Democratic Congress, which has reduced the public expenditure forty million dollars a year ; upon the continuation of prosperity at home and the national honor abroad ; and, above all, upon the promise of such a change in the administration of the government as shall insure us genuine and lasting reform in every department of the public service. The business of the convention was transacted so expedi- tiously that the formal presentation of the candidates took place on the second day, and one ballot for a candidate for President was taken. It showed a slight lead for General Hancock over Mr. Bayard ; yet the combined vote for both these candidates did not constitute a majority of the conven- tion. A second ballot was taken the next morning, when General Hancock gained nearly one hundred and fifty votes, and the delegations then began changing in his favor, and he was nominated. The hand of Mr. Tilden was detected, or A REPUBLICAN REVIVAL 415 rather suspected, in the voting, but if he had any part in the affair he suffered a defeat. The vote of New York was at first cast for Mr. Payne, of Ohio, who was believed to be Mr. Til- den's heir ; but, on the second ballot, New York and nearly all the recognized friends of Tilden voted for Mr. Randall, who was also supposed to be a favorite of Mr. Tilden. It was mentioned as a queer feature of the convention that none of the delegates seemed to be enthusiastically in favor of their respective candidates, and it was said that those who voted at the beginning for General Hancock were ready to abandon him if any other person should have a lead over him. Ac- cordingly, although he had been presented as a candidate and had received votes in the conventions of 1868 and 1876, and although he was so prominent prior to the convention of 1880, his nomination had all the effect of a surprise. The two bal- lots, the second as it stood originally and also as it was when the changes had been made, were as follows : — Candidates. Winfield S. Hancock, Pennsylvania Thomas F. Bayard, Delaware Henry B. Payne, Ohio Allen G. Thurman, Ohio .... Stephen J. Field, California . . . William R. Morrison, Illinois . . Thomas A. Hendricks, Indiana . . Samuel J. Tilden, New York . . Horatio Seymour, New York . . Samuel J. Randall, Pennsylvania . Scattering 1st. 2(i. 171 320 153* 113 81 - 6Si 50 65 65i 62 - 50i 31 38 6 8 - - 128i 31 22 After changes. 705 2 30 1 The names of two gentlemen as candidates for the vice-presi- dency were presented : that of William H. English, of Indiana, and that of Richard M. Bishop, of Ohio, " your uncle Dick,'* as he was termed by the delegate who nominated him, in an unsuccessful attempt to arouse enthusiasm. The preference for Mr. English was so strongly expressed as the voting pro- ceeded, that Mr. Bishop's name was withdrawn, and Mr. Eng- lish was nominated by acclamation. The canvass of 1880 was a remarkable one in several ways. First, for the savage assaults that were made upon General Garfield by the opposition. He was accused of numerous improprieties in his conduct as a member of the House of 416 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY Kepresentatives, of complicity in corrupt contracts, and of hav- ing been concerned in the Credit Mobilier, which had made a great sensation in Congress in the years 1872 and 1873. At one time the number " 329 " was painted, chalked, and printed everywhere, on sidewalks, doors and dead-walls, and in the opposition newspapers ; that being the number of dollars he was alleged to have received as a Credit Mobilier dividend. It probably had little effect. Neither Democrats nor Republi- cans believed that General Garfield was corrupt. In the last days of the canvass the famous " Morey Letter " was forged and scattered broadcast, particularly in the Pacific States. That letter, in which General Garfield's handwriting was counterfeited with some success, addressed to a mythical person named Morey, asserted principles on the Chinese question which, if they had been held by General Garfield, would have made him unpopular in California and the other States where *' Chinese cheap labor " was regarded as a crying evil. It was lithographed and printed in vast numbers, and scattered among the voters in the Pacific States at a time when an effective denial of its authenticity was impossible ; and it had a great effect. Another feature of the canvass was the sudden importation of the tariff question into the political discussion a few weeks before the election. The Democratic platform had declared in favor of "a, tariff for revenue only." Republican speakers seized upon this as an assertion of the baldest free-trade doc- trine, and they denounced it with surprising vigor as assailing the interests of American industry. The Democrats could not make an effective reply, at least they did not ; and they would not defend the phrase in its obvious meaning. No one really supposed that General Hancock was a free-trader, but some unfortunate sentences which were written and spoken by him gave an opportunity to the Republicans to jeer at his supposed ignorance upon all tariff questions. The canvass was remarkable also for the conspicuous absence of agitation upon Southern questions ; and indeed those ques- tions had less influence upon the result than upon that of any other election since the Abolitionists defeated Henry Clay in 1844. Another fact was the failure of the Democrats to ex- cite the interest of the people in the " fraud issue," meaning the result of the Electoral Commission law of 1877, which issue, the Democratic platform had said^ " precedes and dwarfs A REPUBLICAN REVIVAL 417 POPni,AB VOTB. Electoral Vote. States. 1 |1 > u S .a ■e < ta 5 « "3 H CO S" ^1 gT i § 4 27,964 - - - 4 Georgia . . . 54,086 102,470 969 - - 11 I^jnois . . . 318,037 277,321 26,358 443 21 - Indiana . . . 232,164 22.5,.522 12,986 - 15 - Iowa .... 183,927 105,845 32,701 592 11 - Kansas . . . 121,549 59,801 19,851 25 5 - Kentucky . . 106,306 149,068 11,499 258 - 12 Louisiana . . *38,637 65,067 439 - - 8 Maine . . . 74,039 t 65,171 4,408 93 7 - Maryland . . 78,515 93,706 818 - - 8 Massachusetts 165,205 111,960 4,548 682 13 - Michigan . 185,341 131,597 34,895 942 11 - Minnesota . . 93,903 53,315 3,267 286 5 - Mississippi . . 34,854 75,750 5,797 - - 8 Missouri . . 153,567 208,609 35,135 - - 15 Nebraska . . 54,979 28,523 3,950 - 3 - Nevada . . . 8,732 9,613 - - - 3 New Hampshire 44,852 40,794 528 180 5 - New Jersey . 120,555 122,565 2,617 191 - 9 New York . . 555,544 534,511 12,373 1,517 35 - North Carolina 115,874 124,208 1,126 - - 10 Ohio. . . . 375,048 340,821 6,456 2,616 22 - Oregon . . . 20,619 19,948 249 - 3 - Pennsylvania . 444,704 407,428 20,668 1,939 29 - Rhode Island . 18,195 10,779 236 20 4 - South Carolina 58,071 112,312 566 - - 7 Tennessee . . 107,677 128,191 5,917 43 - 12 Texas . . . 57,893 156,428 27,405 - - 8 Vermont . . 45,567 18,316 1,215 - 5 - Virginia . . 84,020 1 128,586 - - - 11 West Virginia 46,243 57,391 9,079 - - 5 Wisconsin 144,400 114,649 7,986 69 10 "* Total 4,454,416 4,444,952 308,578 10,305 214 155 * Two Republican tickets were voted for. t Votes for a fusion electoral ticket, made up of three Democrats and four Green- backers. A " straight " Greenback ticket was also voted for. + Two Democratic tickets were voted for in Virginia. The regular ticket received 9f(,912, and was successful ; the " Readjusters " polled 31,674 votes. 418 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY every other." The canvass was, finally, singular for the dis- cord and sullenness among the Grant men in the Republican party at the outset, followed, after a reverse in Maine in Sep- tember, by a restoration of harmony and an increase of vigor which immediately thereafter gave energy to the canvass, car- ried Ohio and Indiana in October, and made General Garfield President. Reference must also be made to the scandals con- nected with the contributions of funds to the Republican treasury, which brought into unpleasant prominence the con- tributions of certain officials who were afterwards shown to have obtained their money by corrupt or otherwise improper acts. General Garfield had but an insignificant plurality of the popular vote over Hancock, and much less than a majority of all ; but this was largely the result of abstention, voluntary or enforced, on the part of Republican voters in the South. Thirty-eight States took part in the election ; in each the ap- pointment of electors was by popular vote. The popular and electoral votes are given on the preceding page. The count of votes took place under the resolution already cited. The electoral votes of Georgia were counted in the alternative manner first devised in 1821, as they had been cast on the second Wednesday of December. The vote was so close in California that one of the Republican electors was chosen by " split tickets." The electoral count was entirely devoid of incident, and General Garfield was duly proclaimed elected. XXVII THE MUGWUMP CAIVIPAIGN There has never been a time in the history of the country when party lines were so indistinct, and so easily and fre- quently crossed, as during the four years that preceded the election of 1884. During all that time there was hardly a vote passed by either House of Congress in which the division was strictly on party lines. There were no sharply defined party issues ; and political matters were in such a condition that if any fresh question of absorbing interest had arisen, there must have been extensive changes of party association, if not a complete reconstruction of both the great historical organizations. In the absence of such questions, men con- tinued to act, each with his own party, merely as a matter of habit, and, up to the spring of 1884, there was nothing to portend the violence and fury with which the canvass of that year was to be conducted. A brief survey of the leading events of the years from 1881 to 1884 will indicate how little occurred that had an influence upon the result in the presidential year. There was, first of all, the dissension in the Republican party caused by some of Mr. Garfield's appointments, chiefly in New York, which deeply offended Mr. Conkling, and led to the formation of two factions, one of which called itself '' Stalwart " and stigma- tized the other as " Half-breed." The assassination, the linger- ing sickness, and the death of President Garfield ; the acces- sion of Mr. Arthur, the scandal of the " Star route " mail contracts, and the offensive incidents of the trial of the assas- sin of the President, — these are chapters in our history which every patriotic student would gladly forget. The only important legislation during Mr. Arthur's adminis- tration consisted of laws aimed at polygamy in Utah, and at Chinese immigration ; the creation of the Tariff Commission in 1882, and the passage of a new tariff law in 1883 ; and the Civil Service Reform Act. "While this was all, in one sense, 420 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY political legislation, it was not, in the strict sense, party legis- lation. The Tariff Act was an exception, for it divided Con- gress nearly on party lines. In the Senate, one Democrat only voted for the bill, and two Republicans against it ; while, in the House of Representatives, fifteen Democrats and nine Republicans separated themselves from their respective parties. The Civil Service Reform Act was passed in each branch by large majorities ; but in the Senate all the five negative votes were given by Democrats, and in the House of Representa- tives seven only of the forty-seven negative votes were given by Republicans. Neither of these important acts was regarded as a party measure to such an extent that any member lost political standing by placing himself in opposition to the gen- eral opinion of his associates ; and neither had a perceptible effect upon the election of 1884. Events, nevertheless, were occurring which weakened the Republicans and prepared the way for the impending defeat of the party. There was a feeling which found expression in various ways that " the machine " was becoming too prominent in the management of affairs, and that the " bosses " were de- fiant of the better sentiment of the party in the selection of candidates. In many States, the election of 1882 resulted in Democratic victories which were largely due to a revolt against what was, rightly or wrongly, deemed the arrogant dictation of self-constituted leaders. Pennsylvania defeated the Republi- can candidate for governor, to whom no one objected on per- sonal grounds ; and New York gave to Grover Cleveland, the Democratic candidate for governor, the unprecedented majority of one hundred and ninety thousand. Yet the opposing can- didate was Mr. Folger, the Secretary of the Treasury, formerly the chief judge of the New York Court of Appeals, and a gentleman of the highest character, against whom nothing could be said, except that he was a candidate chosen for the Repub- licans, and not by them. These defeats were regarded as warnings to the Republicans that they could win the coming contest only by nominating good candidates, without the inter- vention of the " machine " and the " bosses." A step in the direction of greater freedom within the party, and in curtailment of the powers sometimes exercised by leaders in disregard of the popular will, was taken at a meet- ing of the Republican national committee held in 1883. An attempt was made so to change the basis of the national THE MUGWUMP CAMPAIGN 421 convention as to enlarge the influence of the States and com- munities giving Republican majorities, and to diminish cor- respondingly the relative strength of those parts of the country where the party was in a hopeless minority. Two proposi- tions were submitted. According to the first, the national convention would consist of delegates from each State as fol- lows : (1) Four delegates at large ; (2) One delegate for each Congress-district ; (3) One delegate for each twelve thousand votes given in the State in 1880 for the Republican electoral ticket. The other plan proposed for each State : (1) Four delegates at large ; (2) One delegate at large for each Republi- can senator representing the State ; (3) One delegate for each Congress-district ; (4) One additional delegate for each dis- trict represented in Congress by a Republican. Each of these propositions was rejected, and the old basis of a national con- vention was readopted. But a radical change was made in the method of choosing delegates. A time was prescribed for electing them, and the right of districts to choose their own delegates was recognized and secured. It was voted that the state conventions should be held not less than thirty nor more than sixty days before the time of meeting of the national convention, and after not less than twenty days' public, advertised notice. District delegates were to be elected either by separate district conven- tions or by subdivision of the state convention. If separate conventions were to be held, they were to meet within fifteen days prior to the state convention ; and in any case their cre- dentials were to be given and certified by district officers. By the first of these provisions, security was given against fore- stalling the action of the national convention by early conven- tions in some of the States ; by the other, an opportunity was given to minorities to make their influence felt, and power was taken from a majority in the State to stifle opposition. The first national convention held in 1884 was that of the Anti-Monopoly party, which met in Chicago, May 14. The party had no prior nor subsequent history. The attendance was not large. Only seventeen States and the District of Columbia were represented on the Committee on Resolutions. Mr. Alson J. Streeter was the temporary chairman, and John F. Henry the permanent president of the convention. The following platform was reported, and adopted by a vote of eighty-five to twenty -nine : — 422 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY The Anti-Monopoly organization of the United States, in con- vention assembled, declares : — 1. 'That labor and capital should be allies ; and we demand jus- tice for both, by protecting the rights of all against privileges for the few. 2. That corporations, the creatures of law, should be controlled by law. 3. That we propose the greatest reduction practicable in public expenses. 4. That in the enactment and vigorous execution of just laws, equality of rights, equality of burdens, equality of privileges, and equality of powers in all citizens will be secured. To this end, we declare : — 5. That it is the duty of the government to immediately exercise its constitutional prerogative to regulate commerce among the States. The great instruments by which this commerce is carried on are transportation, money, and the transmission of intelligence. They are now mercilessly controlled by giant monopolies, to the impoverishment of labor, the crushing out of healthful competi- tion, and the destruction of business security. We hold it, there- fore, to be the imperative and immediate duty of Congress to pass all needful laws for the control and regulation of those great agents of commerce, in accordance with the oft-repeated decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States. 6. That these monopolies, which have exacted from enterprise such heavy tribute, have also inflicted countless wrongs upon the toiling millions of the United States ; and no system of reform should commend itself to the support of the people which does not protect the man who earns his bread by the sweat of his face. Bureaus of labor-statistics must be established, both state and national ; arbitration take the place of brute force in the settle- ment of disputes between employer and employed ; the national eight-hour law be honestly enforced ; the importation of foreign labor under contract be made illegal ; and whatever practical re- forms may be necessary for the protection of united labor must be granted, to the end that unto the toiler shall be given that pro- portion of the profits of the thing or value created which his labor bears to the cost of production. 7. That we approve and favor the passage of an Interstate Com- merce bill. Navigable waters should be improved by the govern- ment, and be free. 8. We demand the payment of the bonded debt as it falls due ; the election of United States senators by the direct vote of the people of their respective States ; a graduated income tax ; and a tariff, which is a tax upon the people, that shall be so levied as to THE MUGWUMP CAJVIPAIGN 423 boar as lightly as possible upon necessaries. We denounce the present tariff as being largely in the interest of monopoly, and de- mand that it be speedily and radically reformed in the interest of labor, instead of capital. 9. That no further grants of public lands shall be made to cor- porations. All enactments granting lands to corporations should be strictly construed, and all land grants should be forfeited where the terms upon which the grants were made have not been strictly complied with. The lands must be held for homes for actual set- tlers, and must not be subject to purchase or control by non-resi- dent foreigners or other specidators. 10. That we deprecate the discrimination of American legisla- tion against the greatest of American industries, — agriculture, — by which it has been deprived of nearly all beneficial legislation, while forced to bear the brunt of taxation ; and we demand for it the fostering care of government, and the just recognition of its importance in the development and advancement of our land ; and we appeal to the American farmer to cooperate with us in our endeavors to advance the national interests of the country and the overthrow of monopoly in every shape, whenever and wherever found. General Benjamin F. Butler, of Massachusetts, was nomi- nated as candidate for President on the first vote. He re- ceived 122 votes, to 7 for Allen G. Thurman, of Ohio, and 1 for Solon Chase, of Maine. The nomination of a candidate for Vice-President was left with the national committee, who adopted the candidate of the National or Greenback party, General Alanson M. West, of Mississippi. The National party — Greenbackers — held its convention in Indianapolis, on the 28th of May. John Tyler, of Florida, was the temporary chairman, and General James B. W^eaver, of Iowa, permanent president. The following platform was adopted : — Eight years ago, our young, party met in this city for the first time, and proclaimed to the world its immortal principles, and placed before the American people as a presidential candidate that great philanthropist and spotless statesman, Peter Cooper. Since that convention, our party has organized all over the Union, and through discussion and agitation has been educating the people to a sense of their rights and duties to themselves and their country. These labors have accomplished wonders. We now have a great, harmonious party, and thousands who believe in our principles in the ranks of other parties. " We point with pride to our history." We forced the remone- 424 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY tization of the silver dollar ; prevented the refunding of the public debt into long-time bonds ; secured the payment of the bonds, until " the best banking system the world ever saw," for robbing the pro- ducer, now totters because of its contracting foundation ; we have stopped the wholesale destruction of the greenback currency, and secured a decision of the Supreme Court of the United States es- tablishing forever the right of the people to issue their own money. Notwithstanding all this, never in our history have the banks, land-grant railroads, and other monopolies been more insolent in their demands for further privileges — still more class legislation. In this emergency, the dominant parties are arrayed against the people, and are the abject tools of the corporate monopolies. In the last Congress, they repealed over twelve million dollars of annual taxes for the banks, throwing the burden upon the people to pay, or pay interest thereon. Both old parties in the present Congress vie with each other in their efforts to further repeal taxes in order to stop the payment of the public debt and save the banks whose charters they have renewed for twenty years. Notwithstanding the distress of busi- ness, the shrinkage of wages, and panic, they persist in locking up, on various pretexts, four hundred million dollars of money, every dollar of which the people pay interest upon, and need, and most of which should be promptly applied to pay bonds now payable. The old parties are united — as they cannot agree what taxes to repeal — in efforts to squander the income of the government upon every pretext rather than pay the debt. A bill has already passed the United States Senate making the banks a present of over fifty million dollars more of the people's money, in order to enable them to levy a still greater burden of interest taxes. A joint effort is being made by the old party leaders to over- throw the sovereign constitutional power of the people to control their own financial affairs and issue their own money, in order to forever enslave the masses to bankers and other business. The House of Representatives has passed bills reclaiming nearly one hundred million acres of lands granted to and forfeited by railroad companies. These bills have gone to the Senate, a body composed largely of aristocratic millionaires, who, according to their own party papers, generally purchased their elections in order to protect great monopolies which they represent. This body has thus far defied the people and the House, and refused to act upon these bills in the interest of the people. Therefore we, the National party of the United States, in na- tional convention assembled, this twenty-ninth day of May, a. d. 1884, declare : — THE MUGWUMP CAMPAIGN 425 1. That we hold the late decision of the Supreme Court on the legal tender question to be a full vindication of the theory which our party has always advocated on the right and authority of Con- gress over the issue of legal tender notes, and we hereby pledge ourselves to uphold said decision, and to defend the Constitution against alterations or amendments intended to deprive the people of any rights or privileges conferred by that instrument. We de- mand the issue of such money in sufficient quantities to supply the actual demand of trade and commerce, in accordance with the in- crease of population and the development of our industries. We demand the substitution of greenbacks for national bank notes, and the prompt payment of the public debt. We want that money which saved our country in time of war, and which has given it prosperity and happiness in peace. We condemn the retirement of the fractional currency and the small denomination of greenbacks, and demand their restoration. We demand the issue of the hoards of money now locked up in the United States treasury, by apply- ing them to the payment of the public debt now due. 2. We denounce, as dangerous to our republican institutions, those methods and policies of the Democratic and Republican par- ties which have sanctioned or permitted the establishment of land, railroad, money, and other gigantic corporate monopolies; and we demand such governmental action as may be necessary to take from such monopolies the powers they have so corruptly and unjustly usurped, and restore them to the people, to whom they belong. ■ 3. The public lands being the natural inheritance of the people, we denounce that policy which has granted to corporations vast tracts of land, and we demand that immediate and vigorous mea- sures be taken to reclaim from such corporations, for the people's use and benefit, all such land grants as have been forfeited by rea- son of non-fulfilment of contract, or that may have been wrong- fully acquired by corrupt legislation, and that such reclaimed lands and other public domain be henceforth held as a sacred trust, to be granted only to actual settlers in limited quantities ; and we also demand that the alien ownership of land, individual or corporate, be prohibited. 4. We demand congressional regulation of interstate commerce. We denounce " pooling," stock watering, and discrimination in rates and charges, and demand that Congress shall correct these abuses, even, if necessary, by the construction of national railroads. We also demand the establishment of a government postal tele- graph system. 5. All private property, all forms of money and obligations to pay money, should bear their just proportion of the public taxes. We demand a graduated income tax. 426 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY 6. We demand the amelioration of the condition of labor, by en- forcing the sanitary laws in industrial establishments, by the aboli- tion of the convict labor system, by a rigid inspection of mines and factories, by a reduction of the hours of labor in industrial estab- lishments, by fostering educational institutions, and by abolishing child labor. 7. We condemn all importations of contracted labor, made with a view of reducing to starvation wages the workingmen of this country, and demand laws for its prevention. 8. We insist upon a constitutional amendment reducing the terms of United States senators. 9. We demand such rules for the government of Congress as shall place all representatives of the people upon an equal footing, and take away from committees a veto power greater than that of the President. 10. The question as to the amount of duties to be levied upon various articles of import has been agitated and quarrelled over, and has divided communities, for nearly a hundred years. It is not now, and never will be, settled, unless by the abolition of indirect taxation. It is a convenient issue, always raised when the people are excited over abuses in their midst. While we favor a wise re- vision of the tariff laws, with a view to raising a revenue from lux- uries rather than necessities, we insist that, as an economic ques- tion, its importance is insignificant as compared with financial issues ; for whereas we have suffered our worst panics under low and also under high tariffs, we have never suffered from a panic, nor seen our factories and workshops closed, while the volume of money in circulation was adequate to the needs of commerce. Give our farmers and manufactui'ers money as cheap as you now give it to our bankers, and they can pay high wages to labor, and compete with all the world. 11. For the purpose of testing the sense of the people vipon the subject, we are in favor of submitting to a vote of the people an amendment to the Constitution in favor of suffrage regardless of sex, and also on the subject of the liquor traffic. 12. All disabled soldiers of the late war should be equitably pensioned, and we denounce the policy of keeping a small army of office-holders, whose only business is to prevent, on technical grounds, deserving soldiers from obtaining justice from the gov- ernment they helped to save. , 13. As our name indicates, we are a national party, knowing no East, no West, no North, no South. Having no sectional preju- dices, we can properly place in nomination for the high offices of state, as candidates, men from any section of the Union. 14. We appeal to all people who believe in our princii^les, to aid us by voice, pen, and votes. THE MUGWUMP CAMPAIGN 427 The first vote for a candidate for President resulted as fol- lows : — General Benjamin F. Butler, of Massachusetts, 322 ; Jesse Harper, of Illinois, 99 ; Solon Chase, of Maine, 2 ; Edward P. Allis, of Wisconsin, 1 ; David Davis, of Illinois, 1. General Butler was declared nominated. A motion to make the nomination unanimous was declared adopted, though it was received with hisses and shouts of " no." General Alanson M. West, of Mississippi, was nominated for Vice-President by acclamation. As the time set for the meeting of the Republican conven- tion approached, there was the usual activity among the parti- sans of the several candidates. General Arthur had succeeded to the presidency in trying circumstances, and had acquitted himself in his high office with great credit. His moderation had won for him the praise of many men who had heard of his nomination for the vice-presidency, in 1880, with dismay. The President was frankly a candidate for reelection. He had hosts of friends and few enemies in the party. General John A. Logan had not only the support of the Republicans of his own State of Illinois, but many strong partisans among the volunteer soldiers of the civil war. Senator John Sher- man was supported by a compact body of Ohio Republicans. Senator George F. Edmunds, of Vermont, was a favorite can- didate with many of those members of the party who regarded civil service reform as the great issue. But the candidate who had the strongest, the most enthusiastic, and, as the event proved, the prevailing body of followers, was Mr. James G. Blaine, of Maine. This gentleman had been secretary of state under General Garfield, the President's most intimate friend, and his chief political adviser. He had narrowly missed the nomination in 1876 and again in 1880, on his own merits ; and he was now regarded as the natural heir of the assassinated President. His own State supported him, but he had no great strength in the other New England States. But elsewhere, — everywhere else, — his partisans were numerous, enthusiastic, and devoted. From the northwest, the southwest, the Pacific coast States, from New York and Pennsylvania, they gathered, and they had even successfully disputed the claim of Ohio's and Illinois's " favorite sons " to united dele- gations. It was evident, before the convention met, that the supporters of Mr. Blaine and of General Arthur constituted a large majority of the delegates. It was also evident that Mr. 428 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY Blaine was the leading candidate. His success was sure, un- less all the opposing elements, those which were simply more friendly to other candidates, as well as that element which was unalterably opposed to his candidacy, could be held together and concentrated upon one man. The convention met at Chicago on June 3. The national committee had named ex-Senator Powell Clayton, of Arkansas, as the temporary chairman of the convention. This selection was supposed to be in the interest of Mr. Blaine. A nomina- tion of the Hon. John R. Lynch, of Mississippi, a distinguished colored man, was made from the floor, and the convention, on a vote by delegates, elected him to the position, by 431 votes to 387 given for Mr. Clayton. On the next day, no other business was transacted beyond the choice of the Hon. John B. Henderson, of Missouri, as permanent president. On the third day, the rules of the convention were reported and adopted. One important rule was adopted, concerning the constitution of the national committee, and the election of future conventions. It provided that " no person shall be a member of the committee who is not eligible as a member of the electoral college." This provision excludes from the committee all persons who hold offices of trust or profit tinder the United States, as well as all senators and representatives, and removes every opportunity to influence the action of the party directly through the elected or appointed official class. The same rule provides that all delegates at large shall be chosen by state conventions, and that in each Congress-dis- trict the delegates shall be elected " in the same way as the nomination of a member of Congress is made in said district." This provision abolishes altogether the practice of subdividing a state convention to choose district delegates, and makes each district absolutely free. An attempt was made to change the basis of representation in the convention, but it met with small encouragement, and the matter was not brought to a vote. The following platform was reported and adopted : — 1. The Repiiblicans of the United States, in national convention assembled, renew their allegiance to the principles upon which they have triumphed in six successive presidential elections, and congratulate the American people on the attainment of so many results in legislation and administration by which the Republican party has, after saving the Union, done so much to render its insti- tutions just, equal, and beneficent ; the safeguard of liberty, and THE MUGWUMP CAMPAIGN 429 the embodiment of the best thought and highest purposes of our citizens. The Republican party has gained its strength by quick and faithful response to the demands of the people for the freedom and equality of all men ; for a united nation, assuring the rights of all citizens ; for the elevation of labor ; for an honest currency • for purity in legislation ; and for integrity and accountability in all departments of the government. And it accepts anew the duty of leading in the work of progress and reform. 2. We lament the death of President Garfield, whose sound statesmanship, long conspicuous in Congress, gave promise of a strong and successful administration, a promise fully realized dur- ing the short period of his office as President of the United States. His distinguished services in war and in peace have endeared him to the hearts of the American people. 3. In the administration of President Arthur we recognize a wise, conservative, and patriotic policy, under which the country has been blessed with remarkable prosperity ; and we believe his eminent services are entitled to, and will receive, the hearty ap- proval of every good citizen. 4. It is the first duty of a good government to protect the rights and promote the interests of its own people. The largest diversity of industry is most productive of general prosperity and of the comfort and independence of the people. We therefore demand that the imposition of duties on foreign imports shall be made, not for revenue only, but that, in raising the requisite revenues for the government, such duties shall be so levied as to afford security to our diversified industries, and protection to the rights and wages of the laborers, to the end that active and intelligent labor, as well as capital, may have its just reward, and the laboring man his full share in the national prosperity. 5. Against the so-called economical system of the Democratic party, which would degrade our labor to the foreign standard, we enter our most earnest protest. The Democratic party has failed completely to relieve the people of the burden of unnecessary tax- ation by a wise reduction of the surplus. 6. The Republican party pledges itself to correct the irregulari- ties of the tariff and to reduce the surplus, not by the vicious and indiscriminate process of horizontal reduction, but by such meth^ ods as will relieve the taxpayer without injuring the laborer or the great productive interests of the country. 7. We recognize the importance of sheep husbandry in the United States, the serious depression which it is now experien- cing, and the danger threatening its future prosperity ; and we therefore respect the demands of the representatives of this im- portant agricultural interest for a readjustment of duties upon 430 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY foreign wool, in order that such industry shall have full and ade- quate protection. 8. We have always recommended the best money known to the civilized world, and we urge that an effort be made to unite all commercial nations in the establishment of an international stand- ard which shall fix for all the relative value of gold and silver coinage. 9. The regulation of commerce with foreign nations and between the States is one of the most important prerogatives of the general government, and the Republican party distinctly announces its purpose to support such legislation as will fully and efiiciently carry out the constitutional power of Congress over interstate commerce. 10. The principle of the public regulation of railway corpora- tions is a wise and salutary one for the protection of all classes of the people, and we favor legislation that shall prevent unjust discrimination and excessive charges for transportation, and that shall secure to the people and to the railways alike the fair and equal protection of the laws. 11. We favor the establishment of a national bureau of labor ; the enforcement of the eight-hour law ; a wise and judicious sys- tem of general education, by adequate appropriation from the national revenues wherever the same is needed. We believe that everywhere the protection of a citizen of American birth must be secured to citizens by American adoption, and we favor the settle- ment of national differences by international arbitration. 12. The Republican party, having its birth in a hatred of slave labor, and in a desire that all men may be truly free and equal, is unalterably opposed to placing our workingmen in competition with any form of servile labor, whether at home or abroad. In this spirit we denounce the importation of contract labor, whether from Europe or Asia, as an offence against the spirit of American institutions, and we pledge ourselves to sustain the present law restricting Chinese immigration, and to provide such further legis- lation as is necessary to carry out its purposes. 13. Reform of the civil service, auspiciously begun under Repub- lican administration, should be completed by the further exten- sion of the reformed system already established by law to all the grades of the service to which it is applicable. The spirit and purpose of the reform should be observed in all executive appoints ments, and all laws at variance with the objects of existing re- formed legislation should be repealed, to the end that the dangers to free institutions which lurk in the power of official patronage may be wisely and effectively avoided. 14. The public lands are a heritage of the people of the United THE MUGWUMP CAMPAIGN 431 States, and should be reserved, as far as possible, for small hold- ings by actual settlers. We are opposed to the acquisition of large tracts of these lands by corporations or individuals, especially where such holdings are in the hands of non-resident aliens, and we will endeavor to obtain such legislation as will tend to correct this evil. We demand of Congress the speedy forfeiture of all land-grants which have lapsed by reason of non-compliance with acts of incoriioration, in all cases where there has been no attempt in good faith to perform the conditions of such grants. 15. The grateful thanks of the American people are due to the Union soldiers and sailors of the late war ; and the Republican party stands pledged to suitable pensions for all who were disabled, and for the widows and orphans of those who died in the war. The Republican party also pledges itself to the repeal of the lim- itation contained in the arrears act of 1879, so that all invalid sol- diers shall share alike, and their pensions begin with the date of disability, and not with the date of the application. 16. The Republican party favors a policy which shall keep us from entangling alliances with foreign nations, and which gives us the right to expect that foreign nations shall refrain from meddling in American aif airs, — the policy which seeks peace and trade with all powers, but especially with those of the western hemisphere. 17. We demand the restoration of our navy to its old-time strength and efficiency, that it may in any sea protect the rights of American citizens and the interests of American commerce. We call upon Congress to remove the burdens under which American shipping has been depressed, so that it may again be true that we have a commerce which leaves no sea unexplored, and a navy which takes no law from superior force. 18. That appointments by the President to offices in the Terri- tories should be made from the bona-Jide citizens and residents of the Territories wherein they are to serve. 19. That it is the duty of Congress to enact such laws as shall promptly and effectually suppress the system of polygamy within our Territories, and divorce the political from the ecclesiastical power of the so-called Mormon Church, and that the law so enacted should be rigidly enforced by the civil authorities, if possible, and by the military, if need be. 20. The people of the United States, in their organized capacity, constitute a nation, and not a mere confederacy of States. The national government is supreme within the sphere of its national duties, but the States have reserved rights which should be faith- fully maintained, and which should be guarded with jealous care, so that the harmony of our system of government may be pre- served and the Union kept inviolate. 432 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY 21. The perpetuity of our institutions rests upon the mainte- nance of a free ballot, an honest count, and correct return. We denounce the fraud and violence practised by the Democracy in southern States, by which the will of the voter is defeated, as dan- gerous to the preservation of free institutions ; and we solemnly arraign the Democratic party as being the guilty recipient of the fruits of such fraud and violence. 22. We extend to the Republicans of the South, regardless of their former party affiliations, our cordial sympathy, and pledge to them our most earnest efforts to promote the passage of such legis- lation as will secure to every citizen, of whatever race and color, the full and complete recognition, possession, and exercise of aU civil and political rights. An evening session was held, at which the speeches were made, putting the several candidates in nomination, but no vote was taken until the next morning, Friday, June 6. Four votes only were required to effect the nomination of Mr. Blaine, which was then made unanimous. The votes were as fol- lows : — James G. Blaine, Maine . . . Chester A. Arthur, New York George F. Edmunds, Vermont . John A. Logan, Illinois . . . John Sherman, Ohio .... Joseph R. Hawley, Connecticut Robert T. Lincoln, Illinois . William T. Sherman, Missouri 334i 278 93 63i 30 13 4 2 2d. 349 276 85 61 28 13 4 2 3d. 375 274 69 53 25 13 4tb. 541 207 41 7 15 2 At an evening session, John A. Logan, of Illinois, was nom- inated for Vice-President by 779 votes to 7 for Lucius Fair- child, of Wisconsin, and 6 for Walter Q. Gresham, of Indiana, and the convention adjourned. Although there had been certain vague warnings in a part of the Republican press that the party might forfeit the support of many of its members in case the convention should adopt a course contrary to that which the "reform element" of the party desired, yet no one seems to have been prepared for the extensive bolt which followed immediately upon the ad- journment of the convention. Several important party organs, and a large number of prominent Republicans, chiefly in the THE MUGWUMP CAMPAIGN 433 Eastern States, announced, formally, that they would not sup- port the candidates nominated. Independent committees were at once organized in New York and Boston, for the purpose of concentrating the Republican opposition to Mr. Blaine ; and these committees, which had the cooperation of committees and of independent voters in other cities, turned to the Democrats with assurances that if they would make nominations accept- able to the reformers, they could have the support of those who were opposed to Mr. Blaine, and to what they deemed the reckless disregard of good political morals by the Republi- can convention. The Republican revolt had a strong effect upon the action of the Democrats. While most of the candidates who had received votes for the nomination in 1880 were again in the field with supporters in considerable numbers, — Bayard, Thur- man, Randall, and others, — Democratic public opinion had already fixed upon Grover Cleveland, governor of New York, as the strongest candidate. He was the candidate who had obtained the enormous majority of 190,000 in 1882, and he had a large majority of the New York delegation, which was instructed by the state convention to act as a unit on all ques- tions. He was, moreover, the favori*"e candidate of the Repub- lican dissidents, who looked upon him as a sincere reformer, who would carry into practice the principles which he and they professed. There was, in New York, nevertheless, not a little opposition, chiefly of a personal nature, to Governor Cleveland, for the powerful organization of Tammany Hall was against him. The convention met at Chicago, on July 8, and effected a temporary organization, with Richard D. Hubbard, of Texas, as chairman. The rules of the last Democratic convention were adopted with one modification, namely, a provision that after a State had given its vote for a candidate for President or Vice-President, it should not change its vote until the roll-call should be completed. The " two-thirds rule " was, of course, adopted with the rest. The leader of the Tammany opposition to Grover Cleveland endeavored to secure the adoption of a rule that when any member of a state delegation disputed the correctness of the vote of that State, as announced by the chairman, the secretary should call the roll, and that " their individual preferences as expressed shall be recorded as the vote of the State." The object, of course, was to break down the 434 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY unit rule, and particularly to allow the minority of the New York delegation to be heard. The proposition was defeated by about one hundred majority, and, although attempts were after- ward made to cause the actual vote of the New York delegates to be recorded, the presiding officer declared himself bound to accept the vote of that delegation as a unit, in accordance with the instructions of the state convention. On the second day of the convention, William F. Vilas, of Wisconsin, was elected permanent president ; and the several candidates were presented to the convention, in nominating speeches. An evening session was held, and the following platform was reported and adopted : — The Democratic party of the Union, through its representatives in national convention assembled, recognizes that, as the nation grows older, new issues are born of time and progress, and old issues perish ; but the fundamental principles of the Democracy, approved by the united voice of the people, remain, and will ever remain, as the best and only security for the continuance of free government. The preservation of personal rights ; the equality of all citizens before the law ; the reserved rights of the States ; and the supremacy of the federal government within the limits of the Constitution, will ever form the true basis of our liberties, and can never be surrendered without destroying that balance of rights and powers which enables a continent to be developed in peace, and social order to be maintained by means of local self-govern- ment. But it is indispensable for the practical apphcation and enforcement of these fundamental principles that the government should not always be controlled by one political party. Frequent change of administration is as necessary as constant recurrence to the popular will. Otherwise, abuses grow, and the government, instead of being carried on for the general welfare, becomes an instrumentality for imposing heavy burdens on the many who are governed, for the benefit of the few who govern. Public servants thus become arbitrary rulers. This is now the condition of the country ; hence, a change is demanded. The Republican party, so far as principle is concerned, is a remiuiscence. In practice it is an organization for enriching those who control its machinery. The frauds and jobbery which have been brought to light in every department of the government are sufficient to have called for reform within the Republican party ; yet those in authority, made reckless by the long possession of power, have succumbed to its corrupting influence, and have placed in nomination a ticket against which the independent portion of the party are in open revolt. Therefore a change is THE MUGWUMP CAMPAIGN 435 demanded. Such a change was alike necessary in 1876, but the will of the people was then defeated by a fraud which can never be forgotten nor condoned. Again, in 1880, the change demanded by tlie people was defeated by the lavish use of money contributed by unscrupulous contractors and shameless jobbers, who had bar- gained for unlawful profits or high office. The Republican party, during its legal, its stolen, and its bought tenures of power, has steadily decayed in moral character and political capacity. Its platform promises are now a list of its past failures. It demands the restoration of our navy ; it has squandered hundreds of mil- lions to create a navy that does not exist. It calls upon Congress to remove the burdens under which American shipping has been depressed; it imposed and has continued these burdens. It pro- fesses the policy of reserving the public lands for small hold- ings by actual settlers ; it has given away the people's heritage, till now a few railroads and non-resident aliens, individual and corporate, possess a larger area than that of all our farms between the two seas. It professes a preference for free institutions ; it organized and tried to legalize a control of state elections by fed- eral troops. It professes a desire to elevate labor; it subjected American workingmen to the competition of convict and imported contract labor. It professes gratitude to aU who were disabled or died in the war, leaving widows and orphans ; it left to a Demo- cratic House of Representatives the first effort to equalize both bounties and pensions. It professes a pledge to correct the irregularities of our tariff ; it created and has continued them. Its own tariff commission confessed the need of more than twenty per cent, reduction ; its Congress gave a reduction of less than four per cent. It professes the protection of American manu- factures ; it has subjected them to an increasing flood of manufac- tured goods and a hopeless competition with manufacturing nations, not one of which taxes raw materials. It professes to protect all American industries; it has impoverished many, to subsidize a few. It professes the protection of American labor ; it has depleted the returns of American agriculture, an industry fol- lowed by half our people. It professes the equality of all men before the law, attempting to fix the status of colored citizens; the acts of its Congress were overset by the decisions of its courts. It " accepts anew the duty of leading in the work of progress and reform ; " its caught criminals are permitted to escape through contrived delays or actual connivance in the prosecution. Honey- combed with corruption, out-breaking exposures no longer shock its moral sense. Its honest members, its independent journals, no longer maintain a successful contest for authority in its canvasses or a veto upon bad nominations. That change is necessary is proved 436 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY by an existing surplus of more than $100,000,000, which has yearly been collected from a suffering people. Unnecessary taxa- tion is unjust taxation. We denounce the Republican party for having failed to relieve the people from crushing war taxes, which have paralyzed business, crippled industry, and deprived labor of employment and of just reward. The Democracy pledges itself to purify the administration from corruption, to restore economy, to revive respect for law, and to reduce taxation to the lowest limit consistent with due regard to the preservation of the faith of the nation to its creditors and pen- sioners. Knowing full well, however, that legislation affecting the occupations of the people should be cautious and conservative in method, not in advance of public opinion, but responsive to its demands, the Democratic party is pledged to revise the tariff in a spirit of fairness to all interests. But, in making reduction in taxes, it is not proposed to injure any domestic industries, but rather to promote their healthy growth. From the foundation of this government, taxes collected at the custom-house have been the chief source of federal revenue. Such they must continue to be. Moreover, many industries have come to rely upon legislation for successful continuance, so that any change of law must be at every step regardful of the labor and capital thus involved. The process of reform must be subject in the execution to this plain dictate of justice : all taxation shall be limited to the requirements of eco- nomical government. The necessary reduction in taxation can and must be effected without depriving American labor of the ability to compete successfully with foreign labor, and without imposing lower rates of duty than will be ample to cover any increased cost of production which may exist in consequence of the higher rate of wages prevailing in this country. Sufficient revenue to pay all the expenses of the federal government, economically ad- ministered, including pensions, interest and principal of the public debt, can be got under our present system of taxation from custom- house taxes on fewer imported articles, bearing heaviest on articles of luxury, and bearing lightest on articles of necessity. We there- fore denounce the abuses of the existing tariff ; and, subject to the preceding limitations, we demand that federal taxation shall be exclusively for public purposes, and shall not exceed the needs of the government economically administered. The system of direct taxation, known as the " internal revenue," is a war tax, and, so long as the law continues, the money derived therefrom should be sacredly devoted to the relief of the people from the remaining burdens of the war, and be made a fund to defray the expenses of the care and comfort of worthy soldiers dis- abled in the line of duty in the wars of the Republic, and for the THE MUGWUMP CAIMPAIGN 437 payment of such pensions as Congress may from time to time grant to such soldiers, a like fund for the sailors having been already provided ; and any surplus should be paid into the Treasury. We favor an American continental policy, based upon more intimate commercial and political relations with the fifteen sister republics of North, Central, and South America, but entangling alliances with none. We believe in honest money, the gold and silver coinage of the Constitution, and a circulating medium convertible into such money without loss. Asserting the equality of aU men before the law, we hold that it is the duty of the government, in its dealings with the people, to mete out equal and exact justice to all citizens, of whatever nativity, race, color, or persuasion, religious or political. We believe in a free ballot and a fair count ; and we recall to the memory of our people the noble struggle of the Democrats in the Forty-fifth and Forty-sixth Congresses, by which a reluctant Re- publican opposition was compelled to assent to legislation making everywhere illegal the presence of troops at the polls, as the con- clusive proof that a Democratic administration will preserve lib- erty with order. The selection of federal oflBcers for the Territories should be restricted to citizens previously resident therein. We oppose sumptuary laws, which vex the citizens and interfere with individual liberty. We favor honest civil service reform and the compensation of all United States officers by fixed salaries, the separation of Church and State, and the diffusion of free education by common schools, so that every child in the land may be taught the rights and duties of citizenship. While we favor all legislation which will tend to the equitable distribution of property, to the prevention of monopoly, and to the strict enforcement of individual rights against corporate abuses, we hold that the welfare of society depends upon a scrupulous re- gard for the rights of property as defined by law. We believe that labor is best rewarded where it is freest and most enlightened. It should, therefore, be fostered and cherished. We favor the repeal of all laws resti-icting the free action of labor, and the enactment of laws by which labor organizations may be incorporated, and of such legislation as will tend to enlighten the people as to the true relation of capital and labor. We believe that the public land ought, as far as possible, to be kept as homesteads for actual settlers ; that all unearned lands heretofore improvidently granted to railroad corporations by the action of the Republican party should be restored to the public 438 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY domain, and that no more grants of land shall be made to corpo- rations or be allowed to fall into the ownership of alien absentees. We are opposed to all propositions which, upon any pretext, would convert the general government into a machine for collect- ing taxes to be distributed among the States or the citizens thereof. In reaffirming the declaration of the Democratic platform of 1856, that " the liberal principles embodied by Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, and sanctioned in the Constitution, which makes ours the land of liberty and the asylum of the op- pressed of every nation, have ever been cardinal principles in the Democratic faith," we nevertheless do not sanction the importa- tion of foreign labor or the admission of servile races, unfitted by habits, training, religion, or kindred, for absorption into the great body of our people, or for the citizenship which our laws confer. American civilization demands that against the immigration or importation of Mongolians to these shores our gates be closed. The Democratic party insists that it is the duty of this govern- ment to protect with equal fidelity and vigilance the rights of its citizens, native and naturalized, at home and abroad ; and, to the end that this protection may be assured. United States papers of naturalization, issued by courts of competent jurisdiction, must be respected by the executive and legislative departments of our own government and by all foreign powers. It is an imperative duty of this government to efficiently protect all the rights of persons and property of every American citizen in foreign lands, and demand and enforce full reparation for any invasion thereof. An American citizen is only responsible to his own government for any act done in his own country or under her flag, and can only be tried therefor on her own soil and according to her laws; and no power exists in this government to expatriate an American citizen to be tried in any foreign land for any such act. This country has never had a well-defined and executed foreign policy, save under Democratic administration. That policy has ever been in regard to foreign nations, so long as they do no act detrimental to the interests of the country or hurtful to our citi- zens, to let them alone. As the result of this policy, we recall the acquisition of Louisiana, Florida, California, and the adjacent Mexican territory by purchase alone, and contrast these grand acquisitions of Democratic statesmanship with the purchase of Alaska, the sole fruit of a Republican administration of nearly a quarter of a century. The federal government should care for and improve the Mis- sissippi River and other great waterways of the republic, so as to secure for the interior States easy and cheap transportation to tide- water. THE MUGWUMP CAMPAIGN 439 Under a long period of Democratic rule and policy, our mer- chant marine was fast overtaking and on the point of outstripping that of Great Britain. Under twenty years of Kepublican rule and policy, our commerce has been left to British bottoms, and the American flag has almost been swept oif the high seas. Instead of the Republican party's British policy, we demand for the people of the United States an American policy. Under Democratic rule and policy, our merchants and sailors, flying the Stars and Stripes in every port, successfully searched out a market for the various products of American industry ; under a quarter of a century of Republican rule and policy, despite our manifest advantages over all other nations, in high-paid labor, favorable climates, and teem- ing soils ; despite freedom of trade among all these United States ; despite their population by the foremost races of men, and an annual immigration of the young, thrifty, and adventurous of all nations ; despite our freedom here from the inherited burdens of life and industry in Old World monarchies, their costly war navies, their vast tax-consuming, non-producing standing armies ; despite twenty years of peace — that Republican rule and policy have managed to surrender to Great Britain, along with our commerce, the control of the markets of the world. Instead of the Republi- can party's British policy, we demand, in behalf of the American Democracy, an American policy. Instead of the Republican party's discredited scheme and false pretence of friendship for American labor, expressed by imposing taxes, we demand, in behalf of the Democracy, freedom for American labor by reducing taxes, to the end that these United States may compete with un- hindered powers for the primacy among nations in all the arts of peace and fruits of liberty. With profound regret w^e have been apprised by the venerable statesman, through whose person was struck that blow at the vital principle of republics, acquiescence in the will of the majority, tliat he cannot permit us again to place in his hands the leadership of the Democratic hosts, for the reason that the achievement of reform in the administration of the Federal government is an undertaking now too heavy for his age and failing strength. Re- joicing that his life has been prolonged until the general judgment of our fellow-countrymen is united in the wish that that wrong were righted in his person, for the Democracy of the United States we offer to him, in his withdrawal from public cares, not only our respectful sympathy and esteem, but also that best of homage of freemen, — the pledge of our devotion to the principles and the cause now inseparable in the history of this Republic from the labors and the name of Samuel J. Tilden. With this statement of the hopes, principles, and purposes of 440 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY the Democratic party, the great issue of reform and change in administration is submitted to the people in calm confidence that the popular voice will announce in favor of new men, and new and more favorable conditions for the growth of industry, the extension of trade, the employment and due reward of labor and of capital, and the general welfare of the whole country. When the foregoing platform was reported, General Benja- min F. Butler, of Massachusetts, proposed to substitute a se- ries of resolutions embodying certain ideas of his own, which he had previously offered to the committee on resolutions. The position which General Butler occupied was peculiar. He had, a few years before, abandoned the Republican party, with •which he had acted since the civil war, and, after several fail- ures, had been elected governor of Massachusetts, in 1882, as a Democrat. He now appeared as a delegate to the Demo- cratic national convention, supported by a majority of his fellow-delegates from Massachusetts, urging his own nomina- tion as a candidate for the presidency, to which position he had already received two nominations, as has been recorded in this chapter. To a notification of one of the nominations, he had written a reply, in which he had adroitly omitted to say whether or not he accepted the candidacy. His resolutions were rejected, — yeas, 97|-, nays, 714|^, — and the platform as reported was adopted without a division. General Butler's name was not presented to the convention as a candidate, and he received no votes. Two ballots only were necessary to eifect the nomination of a candidate for President. They resulted as follows : — Grover Cleveland, New York Thomas F. Bayard, Delaware . Thomas A. Hendricks, Indiana . Allen G. Thurman, Ohio . . . Samuel J. Randall, Pennsylvania Joseph E. McDonald, Indiana . John G. Carlisle, Kentucky . . RosweU P. Flower, New York . George Hoadly, Ohio .... Samuel J. Tilden, New York . 2d. 392 683 170 81* - 145* 88 4 78 4 56 2 27 - 4 - 3 _ 1 - Governor Cleveland, it will be seen, had less than a majority THE MUGWmiP CAMPAIGN 441 on the first vote, although he led all the other candidates. When the second roll-call was completed he still lacked 72 votes of the necessary two thirds, but numerous changes were made, and his nomination was effected. Several persons were named to the convention as candidates for the nomination for Vice-President, — John C. Black, of Illinois, William S. Rosecrans, of California, and George W. Glick, of Kansas. The names were all withdrawn, and Thomas A. Hendricks, of Indiana, was nominated by a unani- mous vote. This completed the work of the convention. Two conventions were held by Prohibitionists. The first, which seems to have been, not a representative body, but rather a mass convention of the whole party, was held at Chicago, June 19, under the name of the American Prohibition National Convention. It was presided over by J. L. Barlow, of Connecticut, and adopted the following platform : — We hold : 1. That ours is a Christian and not a heathen nation, and that the God of the Christian Scriptures is the author of civil government. 2. That the Bible should be associated with books of science and literature in all our educational institutions. 3. That God requires and man needs a Sabbath. 4. That we demand the prohibition of the importation, manu- facture, and sale of intoxicating drinks. 5. That the charters of all secret lodges granted by our federal and state legislatures should be withdrawn and their oaths pro- hibited by law. 6. We are opposed to putting prison labor or depreciated con- tract labor from foreign countries in competition with free labor to benefit manufacturers, corporations, and speculators. 7. We are in favor of a thorough revision and enforcement of the law concerning patents and inventions, for the prevention and punishment of frauds either upon inventors or the general public. 8. We hold to and will vote for woman suffrage. 9. We hold that civil equality secured to all American citizens by articles thirteen, fourteen, and fifteen of our amended national Constitution should be preserved inviolate, and the same equality should be extended to Indians and Chinamen. 10. That international differences should be settled by arbitrar tion. 11. That land and other monopolies should be discouraged. 12. That the general government should furnish the people with an ample and sound currency. 442 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY 13. That it should be the settled policy of the government to reduce the tariffs and taxes as rapidly as the necessities of revenue and vested business interests will allow. 14. That polygamy should be immediately suppressed by law, and that the Republican party is censurable for its long neglect of its duty in respect to this evil. 15. And, finally, we demand for the American people the aboli- tion of electoral colleges, and a direct vote for President and Vice- President of the United States. The convention nominated Samuel C. Pomeroy, of Kansas, for President, by 72 votes, to 12 for all others, and nominated John A. Conant, of Connecticut, for Vice-President. It does not appear that an electoral ticket was presented at the polls in any State in support of the nominees of this convention. The convention of the regular National Prohibition party was held at Pittsburg, July 23. William Daniel, of Mary- land, was the temporary chairman, and Samuel Dickie, of Michigan, the permanent president of the convention, which adopted the following platform : — The Prohibition-Home-Protection party, in national convention assembled, acknowledge Almighty God as the rightful sovereign of all men, from whom the just powers of government are derived, and to whose laws human enactments should conform. Peace, prosperity, and happiness only can come to the people when the laws of their national and state governments are in accord with the divine will. That the importation, manufacture, supply, and sale of alcoholic beverages, created and maintained by the laws of the national and state governments, during the entire history of such laws, is every- where shown to be the promoting cause of intemperance, with re^ suiting crime and pauperism ; making large demands upon public and private charity ; imposing large and unjust taxation and pub- lic burdens for penal and sheltering institutions upon thrift, in- dustry, manufactures, and commerce ; endangering the public peace ; causing desecration of the sabbath ; corrupting our poli- tics, legislation, and administration of the laws ; shortening lives ; impairing health ; and diminishing productive industry ; causing education to be neglected and despised ; nullifying the teachings of the Bible, the church, and the school, the standards and guides of our fathers and their children in the founding and growth under God of our widely extended country; and, while imperilling the perpetuity of our civil and religious liberties, q,re baleful fruits by which we know that these laws are alike contrary to God's laws, and contravene our happiness ; and we call upon our fellow-citizens THE MUGWUIVIP CAMPAIGN 443 to aid in the repeal of these laws and in the legal suppression of this baneful liquor traffic. The fact that, during the twenty-four years in which the Repub- lican party has controlled the general government and that of many of the States, no effort has been made to change this policy ; that Territories have been created from the national domain, and governments from them established, and States admitted into the Union, in no instance in either of which has this traffic been for- bidden, or the people of these Territories or States been permitted to prohibit it ; that thei'e are now over two hundred thousand dis- tilleries, breweries, wholesale and retail dealers in these drinks, holding certificates and claiming the authority of government for the continuation of a business which is so destructive to the moral and material welfare of the people, together with the fact that they have turned a deaf ear to remonstrance and petition for the correction of this abuse of civil government, is conclusive that the Republican party is insensible to or impotent for the redress of those wrongs, and should no longer be intrusted with the powers and responsibilities of government ; that although this party, in its late national convention, was silent on the liquor question, not so were its candidates, Messrs. Blaine and Logan. Within the year past, Mr. Blaine has publicly recommended that the revenues derived from the liquor traffic shall be distributed among the States, and Senator Logan has by bill proposed to devote these revenues to the support of schools. Thus, both virtually recom- mend the perpetuation of the traffic, and that the State and its citizens shall become partners in the liquor crime. The fact that the Democratic party has, in its national deliver- ances of party policy, arrayed itself on the side of the drink mak- ers and sellers, by declaring against the policy of prohibition of such traffic under the false name of " sumptuary laws," and, when in power in some of the States, in refusing remedial legislation, and, in Congress, of refusing to permit the creation of a board of inquiry to investigate and report upon the effects of this traffic, proves that the Democratic party should not be intrusted with power or place. There can be no greater peril to the nation than the existing competition of the Republican and Democratic parties for the liquor vote. Experience shows that any party not firmly opposed to the traffic will engage in this competition, will court the favor of the criminal classes, will barter away the public morals, purity of the ballot, and every trust and object of good governmej^t, for party success ; and patriots and good citizens should find in this practice sufficient cause for immediate withdrawal from all connec tion with their party. 444 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY That we favor reforms in the administration of the government, in the abolition of all sinecures, useless offices and officers, in the election by the people of officers of the government instead of appointment by the President. That competency, honesty, and sobriety are essential qualifications for holding civil office, and we oppose the removal of such persons from mere administrative offices, except so far as it may be absolutely necessary to secure effectiveness to the vital issues on which the general administra- tion of the government has been intrusted to a party. That the collection of revenue from alcohol, liquors, and tobacco should be abolished, as the vices of men are not a proper subject for taxation ; that revenues for custom duties should be levied for the support of the government, economically administered; and when so levied, the fostering of American labor, manufactures, and industries should constantly be held in view. That the public lands should be held for homes for the people and not for gifts to corporations, or to be held in large bodies for speculators upon the needs of actual settlers. That all money, coin and paper, should be made, issued, and regulated by the general government, and should be a legal tender for all debts, public and private. That grateful care and support should be given to our soldiers and sailors, their dependent widows and orphans, disabled in the service of the country. That we repudiate as un-American, contrary to and subversive of the principle of the Declaration of Independence, from which our government has grown to be the government of fifty-five mil- lions of people, and a recognized power among nations, that any person or people shall or may be excluded from residence or citi- zenship with all others who may desire the benefits which our in- stitutions confer upon the oppressed of all nations. That while there are important reforms that are demanded for purity of administration and the welfare of the people, their im- portance sinks into insignificance when compared with the reform of the drink traffic, which annually wastes eight hundred million dollars of the wealth created by toil and thrift, and drags down thousands of families from comfort to poverty ; which fills jails, penitentiaries, insane asylums, hospitals, and institutions for dependency ; which destroys the health, saps industry, and causes loss of life and property to thousands in the land, lowers intellec- tual and physical vigor, dulls the cunning hand of the artisan, is the chief cause of bankruptcy, insolvency, and loss in trade, and, by its corrupting power, endangers the perpetuity of free institu- tions. That Congress should exercise its undoubted power, and prohibit THE MUGWUMP CAMPAIGN 445 the manufacture and sale of intoxicating beverages in the District of Columbia, in the Territories of the United States, and in all places over which the government has exclusive jurisdiction ; that hereafter no State shall be admitted into the Union until its con- stitution shall expressly prohibit polygamy and the manufacture and sale of intoxicating beverages. We earnestly call the attention of the laborer and mechanic, the miner and manufacturer, and ask investigation of the baneful effects upon labor and industry caused by the needless liquor busi- ness, which will be found the robber who lessens wages and profits, the destroyer of happiness and the family welfare of the laboring man, and that labor and all legitimate industry demand deliver- ance from the taxation and loss which this traffic imposes, and that no tariff or other legislation can so healthily stimulate pro- duction or increase a demand for capital and labor, or produce so much of comfort and content, as the suppressing of this ti'affic would bring to the laboring man, mechanic, or employer of labor throughout the land. That the activity and cooperation of the women of America for the promotion of temperance has, in all the history of the past, been a strength and encouragement which we gratefully acknowledge and record. In the later and present phase of the movement for the prohibition of the licensed traffic by the abolition of the drinking-saloon, the purity of purpose and method, the earnest- ness, zeal, intelligence, and devotion of the mothers and daughters of the Women's Christian Temperance Union has been eminently blessed by God. Kansas and Iowa have been given her as " sheaves of rejoicing ; " and the education and arousing of the public mind, and the demand for constitutional amendment now pre- vailing, are largely the fruit of her prayers and labors, and we rejoice to have our Christian women unite with us in sharing the labor that shall bring the abolition of this traffic to the polls ; she shall join in the grand " Praise God, from whom all blessings flow," when by law our boys and friends shall be free from legal drink temptation. That we believe in the civil and political equality of the sexes, and that the ballot in the hand of woman is a right for her pro- tection, and would prove a powerful ally for the abolition of the drinking-saloon, the execution of law, the promotion of reform in civil affairs, and the removal of corruption in public life ; and thus believing, we relegate the practical outworking of this reform to the discretion of the Prohibition party in the several States, according to the condition of public sentiment in those States ; that gratefully we acknowledge and praise God for the presence of his Spirit, guiding our counsels and granting the success which 446 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY has been vouchsafed in the progress of temperance reform, and, looking to Him from whom all wisdom and help come, we ask the voters of the United States to make the principles of the above declaration a ruling principle in the government of the nation and of the States. Resolved, That henceforth the Prohibition-Home-Protection party shall be called by the name of the Prohibition party. John P. St. John, of Kansas, was unanimously nominated as the candidate of the party for President, and William Dan- iel, of Maryland, was chosen with like unanimity for Vice- President, It became evident, as soon as all the nominations had been made, that the canvass was to differ in important respects from all that had preceded it. The defection of the independent Republicans, who soon became known as '' Mugwumps," took much of the spirit out of the party in the early days of the contest. These men would not be wooed back into the ranks of their former associates. They repeated the old charges against Mr. Blaine, and added to them objections based upon his course as secretary of state, which, they insisted, had a tendency to involve the country in war. On the other hand, serious personal accusations were brought against Mr. Cleve- land. The Mugwumps openly supported Mr. Cleveland, but for the most part asserted that they were still Republicans, that they opposed Mr. Blaine only, and that Mr. Cleveland was " better than his party." As a matter of history it may be mentioned here that large numbers of them followed Mr. Cleveland to the end, and became members of the Democratic party. The canvass was, from first to last, conducted on per- sonal grounds. The candidates were mercilessly lampooned, and false accusations of the most preposterous character were made against them. The earnest efforts of many Republicans to introduce questions of principle, to direct the attention of the people to the records and the tendencies of the two parties, and thus to change the character of the canvass, were unavailing. This was not the only peculiarity of the election contest. The candidacy of General Butler was at times a source of uneasiness to the Democrats, who feared that the support of him by Tammany leaders and other malcontents in New York might result in the loss of that State. But before the day of election, Tammany yielded, and gave its support to Mr. Cleve- land. On the other hand, the Republicans were greatly weak- THE MUGWUMP CAMPAIGN 447 ened by the Prohibition party ; for that organization success- fully invited many Kepublicans who would not support Mr. Blaine, and who could not bring themselves to the point of voting for a Democrat, to give their votes to Mr. St. John. It would not be true, despite all these disturbing conditions, to say that the canvass was not an enthusiastic one on both sides. The Republican defection certainly chilled and well-nigh para- lyzed the party in Massachusetts, and caused a serious loss in other New England States and in New York. But in the rest of the country the defection was not great. In the West, the enthusiasm for Mr. Blaine was almost unprecedented. During the canvass he made a tour from his home in Maine through many of the States of the West, and was met and cheered everywhere by enormous crowds of people. The Dem- ocrats, jubilant over the accession of a fresh contingent of voters, and hopeful of returning to power after many years of exclusion therefrom, made a bold and confident fight. Yet all observers could see that the result of the contest was to be extremely close. The whole number of electoral votes was 401. The Democrats, as usual, were sure of the "solid South" with 153 votes, and they accordingly needed to gain only 48 votes in the North. The October election in Ohio showed that in the States usually Republican there was likely to be no change ; in short, the Republicans could de- pend upon all the Northern States except Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and Indiana, — that is, upon 182 votes. The 66 votes of four States would decide the result. No one could tell how these States would go. Each party hoped and feared. For although in three of them the Republicans had lost many strong supporters, Mr. Blaine was popular among the Irish voters, and no one could guess whether from that quarter enough recruits might not be found to offset the Mug- wump defection. Just on the eve of the election, an incident occurred which dashed this hope of the Republicans. A delegation of clergy- men met Mr. Blaine in New York, as he was returning from the tour already mentioned, and one of their number made an address to the candidate, in the course of which he said in effect that the Republican canvass was directed against '' Rum, Romanism, and Rebellion." The phrase was immediately used with great effect to drive back the Irish supporters of Mr. Blaine into the Democratic ranks. He had not used the 448 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY PopuLAB Vote. Elbctobal Vote. 'i S = « g n i States. 1 . S «^ ■g •a o ■> . a ^ H. Sheridan. In the spirit of these great leaders, and of our own devotion to human liberty, and with that hostility to all forms of despotism and oppression which is the fundamental idea of the Republican party, we send fraternal congratulations to our fellow-Americans of Brazil upon their great act of emancipation, which completed the abolition of slavery throughout the two American continents. We earnestly hope that we may soon congratulate our fellow- citizens of Irish birth upon the peaceful recovery of home rule for Ireland. We reaffirm our unswerving devotion to the national Constitu- tion, and to the indissoluble union of the States ; to the autonomy reserved to the States under the Constitution ; to the personal rights and liberties of citizens in all the States and Territories in the Union, and especially to the supreme and sovereign right of every lawful citizen, rich or poor, native or foreign born, white or black, to cast one free ballot in public elections, and to have that ballot duly counted. We hold the free and honest popular ballot, and the just and equal representation of all the people, to be the foundation of our republican government, and demand eifective legislation to secure the integrity and purity of elections, which are the fountains of public authority. We charge that the pre- sent administration and the Democratic majority in Congress owe their existence to the suppression of the ballot by a criminal nul- lification of the Constitution and laws of the United States. We are uncompromisingly in favor of the American system of protection. We protest against its destruction, as proposed by the President and his party. They serve the interests of Europe ; we will support the interests of America. We accept the issue, and confidently appeal to the people for their judgment. The pro- tective system must be maintained. Its abandonment has always been followed by disaster to all interests, except those of the usurer and the sheriff. We denounce the Mills bill as destructive to the general business, the labor, and the farming interests of the country, and we heartily indorse the consistent and patriotic action of the Republican representatives in Congress opposing its pas- sage. We condemn the proposition of the Democratic party to place wool on the free list, and we insist that the duties thereon shall be adjusted and maintained so as to furnish full and ade- quate protection to that industry. The Republican party would 474 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY effect all needed reduction of the national revenue by repealing the taxes upon tobacco, which are an annoyance and burden to agri- culture, and the tax upon spirits used in the arts and for mechani- cal purposes, and by such revision of the tariff laws as will tend to check imports of such articles as are produced by our people, the production of which gives employment to our labor, and re- lease from import duties those articles of foi'eign production, except luxuries, the like of which cannot be produced at home. If there shall still remain a larger revenue than is requisite for the wants of the government, we favor the entire repeal of internal taxes, rather than the surrender of any part of our protective system, at the joint behest of the whiskey trusts and the agents of foreign manufacturers. We declare our hostility to the introduction into this country of foreign contract labor, and of Chinese labor, alien to our civiliza- tion and our Constitution, and we demand the rigid enforcement of the existing laws against it, and favor such immediate legisla- tion as will exclude such labor from our shores. We declare our opposition to all combinations of capital, organ- ized in trusts or otherwise, to control arbitrarily the condition of trade among our citizens, and we recommend to Congress and the state legislatures, in their respective jurisdictions, such legislation as will prevent the execution of all schemes to oppress the people by undue charges on their supplies, or by unjust rates for the transportation of their products to market. We approve the leg- islation by Congress to prevent alike unjust burdens and unfair discriminations between the States. We reaffirm the policy of appropriating the public lands of the United States to be homesteads for American citizens and settlers, not aliens, which the Republican party established in 1862, against the persistent opposition of the Democrats in Congress, and which has brought our great Western domain into such magnificent de- velopment. The restoration of unearned railroad land grants to the public domain for the use of actual settlers, which was begun under the administration of President Arthur, should be con- tinued. We deny that the Democratic party has ever restored one acre to the people, but declare that by the joint action of the Republicans and Democrats about fifty millions of acres of un- earned lands, originally granted for the construction of railroads, have been restored to the public domain, in pursuance of the con- ditions inserted by the Republican party in the original grants. We charge the Democratic administration with failure to execute the laws securing to settlers title to their homesteads, and with using appropriations made for that purpose to harass innocent settlers with spies and prosecutions under the false pretence of exposing frauds and vindicating the law. THE SECOND HARRISON 475 The government by Congress of the Territories is based upon necessity only, to the end that they may become States in the Union ; therefore, whenever the conditions of population, material resources, public intelligence, and morality are such as to insure a stable local government therein, the people of such Territories should be permitted, as a right inherent in them, the right to form for themselves constitutions and state governments, and be ad- mitted into the Union. Pending the preparation for statehood, all officers thereof should be selected from the bona Jide residents and citizens of the Territory wherein they are to serve. South Dakota should, of right, be immediately admitted as a State un- der the constitution framed and adopted by her people, and we heartily indorse the action of the Republican Senate in twice passing bills for her admission. The refusal of the Democratic House of Representatives, for partisan purposes, favorably to con- sider these bills is a wilful violation of the sacred American prin- ciple of local self-government, and merits the condemnation of all just men. The pending bills in the Senate for acts to enable the people of Washington, North Dakota, and Montana Territories to form Constitutions and establish state governments should be passed without unnecessary delay. The Republican party pledges itself to do all in its power to facilitate the admission of the Ter- ritories of New Mexico, Wyoming, Idaho, and Arizona to the enjoyment of self-government as States, such of them as are now qualified as soon as possible, and the others as soon as they be- come so. The political power of the Mormon Church in the Territories as exercised in the past is a menace to free institutions, a danger no longer to be suffered ; therefore we pledge the Republican party to appropriate legislation asserting the sovereignty of the nation in all Territories where the same is questioned, and in furtherance of that end to place upon the statute books legislation stringent enough to divorce the political from the ecclesiastical power, and thus stamp out the attendant wickedness of polygamy. The Republican party is in favor of the use of both gold and silver as money, and condemns the policy of the Democratic ad- ministration in its efforts to demonetize silver. We demand the reduction of letter postage to one cent per ounce. In a republic like ours, where the citizen is the sovereign and the official the servant, where no power is exercised except by the will of the peopk, it is important that the sovereign and the peo- ple should possess intelligence. The free school is the promoter of that intelligence which is to preserve us a free nation : there- fore the State or nation, or both combined, should support free 476 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY . institutions of learning, sufficient to afford to every child growing up in the land the opportunity of a good common-school educa- tion. We earnestly recommend that prompt action be taken by Con- gress in the enactment of such legislation as wUl best secure the rehabilitation of our American merchant marine ; and we protest against the passage by Congress of a free-ship bill, as calculated to work injustice to labor by lessening the wages of those engaged in preparing materials as well as those directly employed in our shipyards. We demand appropriations for the early rebuilding of our navy ; for the construction of coast fortifications and modern ordnance, and other approved modern means of defence for the protection of our defenceless harbors and cities ; for the payment of just pen- sions to our soldiers ; for necessary works of national importance in the improvement of harbors and the channels of internal, coast- wise, and foreign commerce ; for the encouragement of the ship- ping interests of the Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific States, as well as for the payment of the maturing public debt. This policy will give employment to our labor ; activity to our various industries ; increase the security of our country ; promote trade ; open new and direct markets for our produce, and cheapen the cost of trans- portation. We affirm this to be far better for our country than the Democratic policy of loaning the government's money, with- out interest, to " pet banks." The conduct of foreign affairs by the present administration has been distinguished by its inefficiency and its cowardice. Hav- ing withdrawn from the Senate all pending treaties effected by Republican administration for the removal of foreign burdens and restrictions upon our commerce, and for its extension into better markets, it has neither effected nor proposed any others in their stead. Professing adherence to the Monroe doctrine, it has seen, with idle complacency, the extension of foreign influence in Cen- tral America and of foreign trade everywhere among our neigh- bors. It has refused to charter, sanction, or encourage any Amer- ican organization for constructing the Nicaragua Canal, — a work of vital importance to the maintenance of the Monroe doctrine, and of our national influence in Central and South America, and necessary for the development of trade with our Pacific territory, with South America, and with the islands and farther coasts of the Pacific Ocean. We arraign the present Democratic administration for its weak and unpatriotic treatment of the fisheries question, and its pusil- lanimous surrender of the essential privileges to which our fishing vessels are entitled in Canadian ports under the treaty of 1818, the THE SECOND HARRISON 477 iPoiprocal maritime legislation of 1830, and the comity of nations, and which Canadian fishing vessels receive in the ports of the United States. We condemn the policy of the present administrar tion and the Democratic majority in Congress towards our fisher- ies as unfriendly and conspicuously unpatriotic, and as tending to destroy a valuable national industry and an indispensable resource oi defence against a foreign enemy. The name of American applies alike to all citizens of the repub- lic, and imposes upon all alike the same obligation of obedience to the laws. At the same time that citizenship is and must be the panoply and safeguard of him who wears it, and protects him, whether high or low, rich or poor, in all his civil rights, it should and must afford him protection at home, and follow and protect him abroad, in whatever land he may be, on a lawful errand. The men who abandoned the Republican party in 1884, and con- tinue to adhere to the Democratic party, have deserted not only the cause of honest government, of sound finance, of freedom, of purity of the ballot, but especially have deserted the cause of re- form in the civil service. We will not fail to keep our pledges because they have broken theirs, nor because their candidate has broken his. We therefore repeat our declaration of 1884, to wit : •' The reform of the civil service auspiciously begun under the Republican administration should be completed by the further extension of the reform system, already established by law, to all the grades of the service to which it is applicable. The spirit and purpose of the reform should be observed in all executive appoint- ments, and all laws at variance with the object of existing reform legislation should be repealed, to the end that the dangers to free institutions, which lurk in the power of official patronage, may be wisely and effectively avoided." The gratitude of the nation to the defenders of the Union can- not be measured by laws. The legislation of Congress should conform to the pledge made by a loyal people, and be so enlarged and extended as to provide against the possibility that any man ■who honorably wore the Federal uniform shall become an inmate of an almshouse or dependent upon private charity. In the pre- sence of an overflowing treasury, it would be a public scandal to do less for those whose valorous services preserved the government. We denounce the hostile spirit shown by President Cleveland, in his numerous vetoes of measures for pension relief, and the action of the Democratic House of Representatives in refusing even a consideration of general pension legislation. In support of the principles herewith enunciated, we invite the cooperation of patriotic men of all parties, and especially of all workingmen, whose prosperity is seriously threatened by the fi'ee- trade policy of the present administration. 478 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY The withdrawal of Mr. Blaine, as has been explained, had left the field open for all contestants. Not only was there an unusually large number of " favorite sons," but several pro- minent public men, who were not brought forward as candi- dates by the delegates representing the respective States of their residence, were mentioned as possible candidates in case the con- test should be long and the difficulty of agreeing upon a nomi- nee great. Pervading the convention at all times, up to the moment that a nomination was effected, was a feeling that the name of Mr. Blaine might be presented in such a way, at a critical period, that the convention would be carried away by an outburst of irrepressible enthusiasm, and that he would be summoned to lead the party again by a call so vociferous that he could not decline. Mr. Blaine gave no countenance nor help to this movement. At the opening of the convention, having learned that some of his indiscreet friends were making unau- thorized use of his name, and were assuming to declare what he would do in certain contingencies, Mr. Blaine requested the London correspondent of the " New York Tribune " to say that all rumors " pretending to give letters or dispatches from him or any of his party touching political topics of any kind may be promptly discredited unless signed by Mr. Blaine him- self ; " and, further, that he had written nothing concerning the presidential nominations except the two published letters from Florence and Paris, and that he had held no correspond- ence of any kind with any one on political subjects. Even this did not prevent many men from thinking that the nomi- nation of Mr. Blaine was the most probable outcome of the contest. Some of the delegates persisted in voting for him from first to last ; and a Blaine stampede was the event which the whole country expected. But the fitting moment for it never came, and the judgment of the cooler members of the convention was against it at all times, chiefly because they saw, what Mr. Blaine had said so clearly, that he could not honor- ably accept the nomination, even if it were thrust upon him. The first vote for a candidate showed an extraordinary lack of concentration. Senator John Sherman, who led all other candidates, had but little more than one half of the number necessary to nominate. Judge Gresham, the next on the list, had less than half as many as Mr. Sherman, and not one of the delegates from his own State of Indiana was among his sup- porters. The votes were divided among thirteen candidates, THE SECOND HARRISON 479 and even on the fourth trial the number had been reduced only to ten. How greatly the votes were scattered may be seen from the statement that, on the first vote for a candidate, Senator Sherman received more or less support from twenty- three States and Territories, Judge Gresham froiji twenty-three, Mr. Harrison from twenty-three, Mr. Alger from twenty, Mr. Allison from nineteen, Mr. Depew from sixteen, and Mr. Blaine from thirteen. Only nine States of the Union gave a solid vote to any candidate, and five of the nine presented '* favorite sons " as candidates. The session of the convention was one of the longest in the history of the country. It began on June 19. The platform was adopted on the 21st. Two votes for a presidential can- didate were taken on the 22d, three on the 23d, and three on the 25th (the 24th was Sunday). The history of fonner con- ventions was repeated ; the leading candidate did not greatly increase his vote, and a concentration took place gradually upon one who had at the beginning a small but a compact and aggressive body of followers. General Benjamin Harrison, of Indiana, was nominated upon the eighth vote. The result on each of the votes is shown in the following table : — 1st. 229 111 99 84 80 72 35 28 25 25 24 13 3 2 830 416 2d. 249 108 99 116 91 75 33 16 20 18 2 3 830 416 3d. 4th. 5tb. 6th. 7th. 8th. John Sherman, Ohio .... Walter Q. Gresham, Indiana . Chauncey M. Depew, New York Russel A. Alger, Michigan . . Benjamin Harrison, Indiana . William B. Allison, Iowa . . 244 123 91 122 94 88 35 16 5 2 8 2 830 416 235 98 135 217 88 42 1 11 1 1 829 415 224 87 142 213 99 48 14 827 414 244 91 137 231 73 40 12 1 1 830 416 231 91 120 278 76 15 2 16 1 1 831 416 118 59 100 544 6 Jeremiah M. Rusk, Wisconsin . William W. Phelps, New Jersey E. H. Fitler, Pennsylvania . . Joseph R. Hawley, Connecticut Robert T. Lincoln, Illinois . . William McKinley, Jr., Ohio . 4 _ Joseph B. Foraker, Ohio . . Frederick D. Grant, New York Creed Haymond, California 8,30 Necessary for a choice . . . 416 Levi P. Morton, of New York, was nominated for Vice-Pre- sident on the first vote. He received 591 votes to 119 for William Walter Phelps, of New Jersey ; 103 for William 0. 480 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY Bradley, of Kentucky ; 11 for Blanche K. Bruce, of Missis- sippi ; and 1 for Walter F. Thomas, of Texas. The following resolution, which was offered from the floor, at the close of the proceedings of the convention, was adopted with but one dissenting vote : — The first concern of all good government is the virtue and sobriety of the people, and the purity of their homes. The Repub- lican party cordially sympathizes with all wise and well-directed efforts for the promotion of temperance and morality. A convention of a party which adopted the name of Ameri- can was held at Washington on the 14th of August. It w^as attended by 126 delegates, of whom 65 represented New York, and 15 were from California. On the second day of the con- vention a contest which had divided the meeting from the first led to a split, and all the members except those from New York and California seceded and held a convention of their own. The issue which broke up the convention was the appor- tionment of votes. The two States most strongly represented desired that each delegate should have one vote, while the minority insisted upon the usual rule of other conventions, that the State or the Congressional district should be the unit for voting power, rather than the individual delegate. The seceders from the convention made no nominations. The New York and California members who -were left completed their work, not without some friction. They nominated for President James Langdon Curtis, of New York, and for Vice-President James R. Greer, of Tennessee. Mr. Greer subsequently declined the nomination. The following platform was adopted : — Resolved, That all law-abiding citizens of the United States of America, whether native or foreign born, are politically equals (except as provided by the Constitution), and all are entitled to, and should receive, the full protection of the laws. Resolved, That the Constitution of the United States should be so amended as to prohibit the federal and state governments from conferring upon any person the right to vote unless such person be a citizen of the United States. Resolved, That we are in favor of fostering and encouraging American industries of every class and kind, and declare that the assumed issue " Protection " vs. " Free Trade " is a fraud and a snare. The best " protection " is that which protects the labor and life blood of the republic from the degrading competition with THE SECOND HARRISON 481 and contamination by imported foreigners ; and the most danger- ous " free trade " is that in paupers, criminals, communists, and an- archists, in which the balance has always been against the United States. Whereas, One of the greatest evils of unrestricted foreign im- migration is the reduction of the wages of the American working- man and working-woman to the level of the underfed and under- paid labor of foreign countries ; therefore Resolved, That we demand that no immigrant shall be admitted into the United States without a passport obtained from the Amer- ican consul at the port from which he sails ; that no passport shall be issued to any pauper, criminal, or insane person, or to any person who, in the judgment of the consul, is not likely to become a desirable citizen of the United States ; and that for each immi- grant passport there shall be collected by the consul issuing the same the sum of one hundred dollars to be by him paid into the Treasury of the United States. Resolved, That the present naturalization laws of the United States should be unconditionally repealed. Resolved, That the soil of America should belong to Americans; that no alien non-resident should be permitted to own real estate in the United States ; and that the realty possessions of the resi- dent alien should be limited in value and area. Resolved, That no flag shall float on any public buildings, muni- cipal, state, or national, in the United States, except the munici- pal, state, or national flag of the United States, — the flag of the stars and stripes. Resolved, That we reassert the American principles of abso- lute freedom of religious worship and belief, the permanent sepa- ration of church and state ; and we oppose the appropriation of public money or property to any church, or institution adminis- tered by a church. We maintain that all church property should be subject to taxation. The canvass which followed the nomination of candidates presented no remarkable features until a short time before the election. Political clubs took somewhat unusual prominence in the contest. They were enabled to make their work more effective by forming state and national leagues, and thus gain- ing the advantage which is derived from organized and con- certed effort. The tariff was the great issue. It was the chief topic upon which the Republican and Democratic candidates dwelt in their respective letters of acceptance. It was the subject discussed from the stump and in the party journals. The Democrats 482 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY distinctly pledged themselves that, if they should gain full con- trol of the government, they would reduce the tariff, taking for general principles in the method of reduction the system sketched by the " Mills bill." The Republicans, on the other hand, committed themselves unreservedly by a declaration that they would sweep away the whole internal revenue system be- fore they would abandon any part of the protective duties on imports. The public discussion was earnest. There were, however, prior to the election itself, no decided indications how the battle was going to result. Although each side pro- fessed confidence that it would win from the enemy electoral votes of States not counted as doubtful, there was little real expectation on either side of such a result. The Democrats were evidently sure of the entire Southern vote ; and the Re- publicans had no fear of losing any Northern State, except Con- necticut, New York, New Jersey, and Indiana. Upon these States, therefore, most of the energy of both parties M'as con- centrated. Two weeks before the election a strange incident occurred, and the importance attached to it — for no doubt it had a cer- tain influence in the election — shows how highly wrought was political feeling at that time. A correspondence was published between a person, who adopted the fictitious name of Charles F. Murchison, and Lord Sackville, the British Minister at Wash- ington. The false Murchison represented himself to be a former British subject, now naturalized as an American, but cherishing a love for the mother country, and asking Lord Sackville's ad- vice as to how he should vote at the coming election. The incautious reply of Lord Sackville, who fell into a trap set for him, implied, though it gave no direct advice, that a vote for the Democratic candidate would be rather more friendly to England than one for Mr. Harrison. The correspondence was published on October 24. The Republicans seized upon it as confirming what they had insisted upon, when discussing the Mills bill, that the Democratic tariff policy was good for Eng- land's interest, but bad for America. The President quickly perceived the use that was to be made of the incident, and took his measures accordingly. The view was taken that the advice given by Lord Sackville was an interference by a foreign min- ister with the internal politics of this country, — a repetition on a small scale of the impertinence of Citizen Genet during the administration of Washington. The attention of Lord THE SECOND HARRISON 483 States. Alabama . Arkansas . California* Colorado . Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Illinoist Indiana Iowa . Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine . . . Maryland Massachusetts Michigan . . Minnesota Mississippi . Missouri . . Nebraska Nevada . New Hampshire New Jersey . New YorkJ . North Carolina Ohio . . . Oregon . . Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Tennessee Texas . . Vermont . Virginia . West Virginia Wisconsin . POPULAK VOTB. Total OS as s5 56,197 58,752 124,816 50,774 74,584 12,973 26,657 40,496 370,473 263,361 211,598 182,934 155,134 30,484 73,734 99,986 183,892 236,370 142,492 30,096 236,257 108,425 7,229 45,728 144,344 648,759 134,784 416,054 33,291 526,091 21,968 13,736 138,988 88,422 45,192 150,438 77,791 176,553 5,439,853 117,320 85,962 117,729 37,567 74,920 16,414 39,561 100,499 348,278 261,013 179,887 103,744 183,800 85,032 50,481 106,168 151,856 213,459 104,385 85,471 261,974 80,552 5,362 43,458 151,493 635,757 147,902 396,455 26,522 446,633 17,530 65,825 158,779 234,883 16,785 151,977 79,664 155,232 o * .S!zi 5,540,329 249,506 583 641 5,761 2,191 4,234 400 423 1,808 21,695 9,881 3,550 6,768 5,225 160 2,691 4,767 8,701 20,942 15,311 218 4,539 9,429 41 1,593 7,904 30,231 2,787 24,356 1,677 20,947 1,250 5,969 4,749 1,460 1,678 669 14,277 10,613 1,266 240 136 7,090 2,694 9,105 37,726 622 39 1,344 4,541 1,094 22 18,632 4,226 13 626 32 3,496 363 3,873 18 48 29,459 1,064 8,552 Elbctoral Vote. 22 15 13 5 3 4 36 23 3 30 4 11 146,935 233 168 10 7 6 3 4 12 13 9 16 9 11 12 13 12 * 1591 for Curtis, American, t 150 for Cowdrey, United Labor, t 2668 for Cowdrey 484 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY Salisbury was called to the matter ; and when the British pre- mier failed to regard Lord Sackville's indiscretion as a serious offence, if indeed he regarded it as an offence at all, the Presi- dent directed that the British minister be informed that he was no longer persona grata, and that his passports should be given to him. The incident was variously regarded at the time. Some deemed the whole affair an amusing illustration of the tendency to magnify what is really insignificant when an elec- tion is pending. Those who took, or affected to take, a serious view of the matter, vented their indignation, according to the party to which they respectively belonged, upon the sharp pol- itician who prepared a pitfall for the diplomatist, or upon the minister, who, they said, had revealed the partiality of the gov- ernment he represented for one of the two parties. Great Brit- ain took the expulsion of Lord Sackville so seriously that it refused to appoint another minister until after the close of Mr. Cleveland's administration. The number of States participating in the election was, as in 1884, thirty-eight. The Democrats carried the entire South, together with the States of Connecticut and New Jersey. The other States of the North, including the doubtful States of New York and Indiana, chose Republican electors. The pop- ular and electoral votes are given on the preceding page. The statement of the popular vote is that printed in Apple- tons' " Annual Cyclopaedia " for 1888. It differs slightly in the vote of several States from that given in McPherson's " Handbook of Politics," and in the New York " Tribune Almanac," edited by Mr. McPherson. A comparison of the totals is printed on the next page. The returns were " offi- cial " in each case ; the reason why they do not agree does not appear. It may be suggested that the return in the one case is that of the vote for the leading elector on each ticket, and in the other case the average vote for all the electors on each ticket respectively. This is apparently not the true explanation. The aggregate difference between the two state- ments is not large. There are other returns which differ from both of those given. Possibly they also may have been obtained from " offi- cial " sources. The discrepancies are not important, but they illustrate the difticulty of obtaining exact statistics when the ultimate authority varies its reply to the same question. The count of electoral votes following this election was the THE SECOND HARRISON 485 Cleveland .... Harrison Fisk Streator Curtis Cowdiey Socialist and scattering Total vote . . . Appletons : Cyclopaedia. 5,540,329 5,4:59,858 249,50(3 14(5,935 1,591 2,818 7,006 11,388,038 McPlierson : Handbook aud Aliuauac. 5,530,242 5,440,708 24(),876 146,836 1,591 3,073 9,845 11,385,171 first to take place under the act of February 3, 1887, and the first in the history of the government under the Constitution which was regulated by a general law, and did not require pre- vious concurrent action by the two Houses of Congress for the time being. The joint convention for counting the votes was held in the hall of the House of Kepresentatives on February 13, 1889. The proceedings were devoid of striking incident. Mr. Cox, of New York, called attention to a slight deviation from the precise requirements of the law. It appears that Mr. Ingalls, the President jjro tempore of the Senate, who presided, did not " call for objections, if any," after the reading of each certificate, as directed by section four of the law (see p. 454). The official report of the proceedings does not state whether or not the presiding officer changed his method after attention was called to the matter. When the vote of Indiana was reported, the vote of the President-elect's own State, there was applause, which was quickly suppressed. Mr. Manderson, the first of the Senate tellers, reported the state of the vote in detail, and in a summary ; the presiding officer repeated the summary, and added a formula, drawn from the law, that this announcement of the state of the vote " is, by law, a sufficient declaration " that Benjamin Harrison, of the State of Indiana, had been elected President, and Levi P. Morton, of the State of New York, Vice-President, for the ensuing term. XXX CLEVELAND'S SECOND ELECTION The victory of the Republicans, although narrow, was com- plete. A safe majority of the electoral vote was supplemented by a meagre majority in both Houses of Congress. A factional quarrel among the Democrats of Delaware threw the legisla- ture of that State into the hands of the Republicans, who thus regained the one Senator, lost in Virginia, needed to give them ascendency in the upper house. The House of Representa- tives was so closely divided between the two parties as to give some ground for the apprehension that certain Democratic gov- ernors in southern States would revise and amend the returns for Congressmen, and withhold certificates from candidates who apparently had received a plurality of votes. In one case only did a governor assume authority to pass judicially upon the county returns, and his act was not sufficient to overcome the Republican majority. The victorious party felt itself returned permanently to power in the country ; and the exultant re- mark was commonly made that, " if we behave ourselves well," the Republicans could not be shaken from their hold upon the government for twenty years to come. The four years' term of Benjamin Harrison which followed was a period of as bitter party strife as the country has ever seen. It was crowded with events that had a direct bearing upon the ensuing election. The Republicans proceeded to carry through their measures with perfect confidence that they had the people behind them ; the Democrats waged an aggres- sive and unrelenting war upon them. In the end it was evi- dent that the dominant party had exposed itself to attack at too many points. The favor of the people was withdrawn when the administration was at its mid-point, and given to the opposition by an overwhelming majority. At the close of the four years the control of every department of the government, except the judicial, passed into the hands of the Democrats, CLEVELAND'S SECOND ELECTION 487 where it had not been placed since the election of James Buchanan in 1856. When the Fifty-first Congress met, in December, 1889, the extremely small Republican majority in the House of Repre- sentatives, as elected in 1888, was reinforced by the addition of five members from newly admitted States. The two parties had been engaged in a competition for the favor of the people of the Territories clamoring for admission to the Union. For several years Republicans had urged the passage of an ena- bling act for Dakota. The Democrats, knowing that the pro- posed new State would be against them, had prevented its admission until the Territory became populous enough, as it was territorially large enough, to claim division, and admission as two States. Then the Democrats proposed to offset the two Dakotas by admitting at the same time Washington and Montana, both of which they expected to control. The Re- publicans feared that opposition to the admission of Washing- ton and Montana — which they knew would b% futile in any event — would insure their becoming Democratic States. Ac- cordingly they gave their support to the " omnibus " bill, which became a law in February, 1889. All four of the States were carried by the Republicans at the first election, and added eight votes to the strength of the party in the Senate, and five — South Dakota elected two members — to the Republican majority in the House of Representatives. But after these five votes were added, the majority in the House was still too small to be effective. The chance absence of a few members might easily convert it into a minority. Moreover, the rules of the House and the — to that time — uniform interpretation of the quorum clause of the Constitu- tion rendered a narrow majority powerless for affirmative action in the face of determined " filibustering." Mr. Thomas B. Reed, of Maine, Avho was chosen Speaker, had long held two views directly opposed to accepted parlia- mentary law. He maintained that the vote of a member was not the only method of revealing his presence in the House as a part of a constitutional quorum ; that the House itself, or the Speaker as the organ of the House, might take cognizance of his physical presence and count him as a present member. Under the previously accepted theory, the ruling party could pass no motion if, not mustering a full quorum of its own members, the opposition unanimously refused to vote. Mr. 488 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY Speaker Reed acted upon his own theory, prior to the adop- tion of any rules, by counting as present non-voting members who were otherwise taking part in the proceedings. The other point whereon he differed from earlier parliamentary authori- ties was that of dilatory motions. Congress had long before limited the " freedom of debate " by a rule which restricted a member's right to occupy the floor on any motion to the space of one hour. It had limited his right to make motions by the "previous question." But it had left open for his use certain privileged motions which, made alternately and decided in each case by a roll-call, would put a complete and indefinite stop to public business. The Speaker proposed a new code of rules of parliamentary procedure, which included a recognition of the right to " count a quorum," an absolute prohibition of dilatory motions, and some minor amendments of the current parliamentary law. The code was debated with great asperity, but was finally adopted by a party vote. It made the majority masters of the House, and enabled them to pass measures which never would have been brought to a vote under the old sys- tem. It added greatly to the power of the Speaker in the conduct of business, and to his control over legislation. Mr. Speaker Reed's strong will and undaunted courage, in enfor- cing his new rules against violent opposition, earned for him with the Democratic members the title of " Czar." Not a few of them admitted that his position was sound and logical, while they condemned his forceful maintenance of it. The Republicans applauded ; and the whole country saw afterward that it was upon him, far more than upon any other person, that the responsibility rested for things done and left undone by the Fifty-first Congress. The Republicans proceeded, promptly and mercilessly, to decide contested elections by ejecting Democrats and giving the places to members of their own party, thus increasing their effective majority. The fact that the number, both of con- tested seats and of members displaced, was unusually large they explained by asserting that fraud had been unusually rife in the elections and returns. The opposition accused the ma- jority of using its power to override and reverse the will of the people expressed at the polls. In many cases the Demo- crats refused to answer to their names when the resolutions unseating their members were put to vote ; some of them were counted, though not voting, to make up the quorum. CLEVELAND'S SECOND ELECTION 489 Both parties were committed, by platform and by the pro- mises of their candidates and leaders, to a revision of customs duties. A large part of the session was occupied in the elabo- ration of a taritf bill. It was reported by Mr. McKinley, of Ohio, chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means, in April ; was passed by the House of Representatives in May ; was passed by the Senate in September ; and, after an adjust- ment of the differences between the two Houses by a confer- ence committee, was sent to the President, by whom it was signed on the 1st of October. The act was popularly styled the " McKinley Bill," and as such played a great part in the political events of the next three years. The principle of the hill was to lighten the burden borne by the people by remov- ing altogether the duty on sugar, the article most productive of revenue of all commodities entered at the custom-houses, and at the same time to make the system of " protection " more thorough by raising the rates of duty on all foreign arti- cles which, under the previous tariff, could compete success- fully with similar articles of domestic production. The Amer- ican sugar-planters were compensated for the withdrawal of tariff protection by means of a bounty on their production. The Tariff Act of 1890 went beyond any previous measure of the kind in its levy of duty on agricultural productions im- ported from abroad. The avowed intention of its partisans was to give the farmer protection equal to that enjoyed by the manufacturer. The McKinley Act aroused the unmeasured opposition of the Democrats, who could find no words ade- quate to express their detestation of it, and of what they denounced as the bad faith of the Republicans. In their view the people had demanded a substantial reduction of the tariff, and had given the Republican party a commission to carry out their will. That party had solicited and obtained the privi- lege of making the reduction in a spirit friendly to the protec- tive system and to the manufacturers. Now, so the Democrats declared, the party in power had violated its pledge by bring- ing forward a proposition in which increases of the rates of duty were far more numerous than reductions. But the Re- publicans were unmoved by the criticism, and persisted in their course. Some of their leaders made no secret of an opin- ion that the measure was too radical. In particular, Mr. Blaine, the Secretary of State, expressed the opinion openly, and directed attention to the fact that while the bill was 490 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY professedly drawn in the interest of agriculture, it would not open any foreign market to American flour and pork. His influence was sufficient to secure the adoption by the Senate of an amendment, afterward concurred in by the House, au- thorizing the negotiation of reciprocity treaties providing for the admission of American products, at favorable rates of duty, into the countries with which the treaties might be concluded. It may be remarked here that many such treaties were negoti- ated under the terms of the McKinley Act, but, as will be seen presently, they were denounced by the Democrats in their national platform ; and during the ensuing administra- tion the authorization of such treaties was withdrawn, and the treaties themselves were abrogated. Another most important measure of this session was the act which subsequently became known as the Sherman Silver Purchase Act. The history of this legislation, and indeed of the whole agitation for the free coinage of silver during the administration of President Harrison, is most interesting. But, save that the act above mentioned served for the time being to keep the Republican party together, it had no dis- tinct bearing upon the election of the next President, and therefore the record of what was done, and prevented, in reference to silver, is reserved for the next chapter. A third measure, which never became a law, did play a certain part in the election, namely, the bill to regulate na- tional elections, styled by the Democrats the " Force Bill." The bill was passed by the House of Representatives at the first session of the Fifty-first Congress ; it failed in the Senate at the second session through the defection of a certain num- ber of Republican senators who favored the free coinage of silver. It was well understood, and indeed not concealed, that there was a temporary alliance between these senators and the Democrats. Some of the Democratic senators showed at the time a toleration toward the silver movement which they did not manifest before nor afterward. The McKinley tariff act went into efi'ect just before the general congressional elections of November, 1890. The Democrats had succeeded in making it exceedingly unpopular even before it was finally passed ; and they followed up its enactment with vigorous assaults upon its promoters, and en- ergetic efforts to convince the people that it was detrimental to their interests. Success was comparatively easy, for the CLEVELAND'S SECOND ELECTION 491 increase of duty on certain articles of common consumption was distinctly perceptible in the retail price. While it is im- possible to estimate the exact influence of this event and that in bringing about a political revulsion, and while there can be no doubt that other acts of the Republican party contributed their share toward its overthrow, certainly the quick popular condemnation of the tariff act was the most potent agent in determining the result of the congressional election in 1890. The Republicans were overwhelmed at the polls. They lost more than one half of their strength in the House of Repre- sentatives ; and the Democrats lacked but a few votes of a three-fourths majority. The sixteen Southern States, return- ing 121 members, elected but three Republicans. Even New England returned a majority of Democratic members. A highly significant feature of this election was the great stride made by the party which had begun its existence as the " Farmers' Alliance," but which now became known as the " People's Party," or " Populists." In several of the West- ern States this party made a brave showing as an independent organization, maintaining a separate existence and voting for its own candidates. In others it allied itself with the Demo- crats. It succeeded in electing nine members of the House of Representatives, and held such a strong position in the legis- latures of Kansas and South Dakota as to be able to send two members to the Senate of the United States. The political situation established by the elections of 1890 changed but slightly during the ensuing two years. The conditions were of course not favorable to legislation, and the Democrats wisely attempted nothing beyond proposing amend- ments of the tariff. The few elections which took place in 1891 did not indicate that the Republicans had regained the ground lost the year before ; but they did show some recovery, and gave the party reason to hope that it might succeed in the coming contest. Ohio and Pennsylvania, in particular, gave evidence of a reaction in favor of the Republican party. The local elections in New York State, and the annual election in Rhode Island, in the spring of 1892, were still more encour- aging to them. Indeed, a peculiar situation developed itself about a year before the presidential election. The active politicians of both the great parties were opposed to the lead- ing candidates. On the Democratic side they attributed the loss of the election in 1888 to Mr. Cleveland's forcing the 492 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY tariff issue ; and, although the popular judgment had seemed to be reversed in 1890, they were still afraid to appeal to the people for a fresh verdict on the question of protection or free trade. Moreover, Mr. Cleveland himself was not and had never been personally popular with the men who managed caucuses and conventions. Most important of all, as it then seemed, there was a factional division of the party in New York, Governor David B. Hill was in control of the party machinery. He was himself an avowed candidate for the presidency. Rightly or wrongly, he was accused of having defeated the Democratic electors in New York in 1888, while securing his own election as governor. The electoral vote of New York was deemed absolutely essential to success, and great stress was laid upon the inexpediency of nominating foi President a man who was represented to be foredoomed to defeat in that State. Mr. Harrison, on the other hand, had not gained popularity in his own party, either with the politicians or with the com- mon people. It was understood that there was friction be- tween him and Mr. Blaine, his Secretary of State ; and Mr. Blaine's, devoted partisans were, for that reason, against the nomination of the President for a second term, without know- ing the cause of unpleasantness nor the merits of the case. The President had won the esteem of his party by his admin- istration, but to himself he had attached no large body of personal admirers and adherents. Nevertheless there was a general expectation that he would be again a candidate. The general sentiment of the party may be best described as one of indifference. The rank and file of the party were not opposed to Mr. Harrison, as were many of the leaders, nor were they eager for his nomination for a second term. The opponents of the President endeavored to take advantage of this condition of the public mind, and organized to defeat him. They turned, of course, to Mr. Blaine as the natural candidate in such cir- cumstances. But that gentleman disconcerted them by writ- ing a letter in February, 1892, announcing that he was not a candidate. Had there been no other reason for the decision, Mr. Blaine's health was seriously and permanently impaired. His withdrawal from the field left the opponents of Mr. Har- rison no man of sufficient strength and prominence to make headway against him, and, although they continued to protest against his nomination to the last, their defeat was inevitable. CLEVELAND'S SECOND ELECTION 493 The campaign opened with a startling event. On January 25, almost as soon as the call for the Democratic national convention had been issued, the New York Democratic state committee called the state convention to choose the delegates, to meet on the 22d of February, — four full months before the national convention. The hand of Governor Hill was seen clearly in this action. The plan was, and it was subsequently carried out, to choose a full delegation to Chicago pledged to vote for Mr. Hill and to oppose Mr. Cleveland. A chorus of indignant protest against the " snap convention " was raised at once by Mr. Cleveland's friends, who organized, not to control that convention, which would be hopeless while all the party machinery was in the hands of the enemy, but to send another delegation to Chicago representing, as they asserted, a majority of the Democratic voters of the State. Those who joined in this anti-Hill movement were known popularly as " anti- snappers." During the spring months the delegates to the several con- ventions were chosen. On the Republican side the party elections were largely in favor of General Harrison. Never- theless, the number of uninstructed delegates was so large that his success was by no means assured. The Democratic state and district conventions were overwhelmingly in favor of Mr. Cleveland. It was evident that, unless the Hill delegation from 'New York could rule the national convention by fear, Mr. Cleveland would receive far more than the necessary two thirds on the first vote. The convention period was a time of great excitement, despite the fact which all could see, save those who would not see, that the nominations were predetermined. In the case of General Harrison, and equally so in the case of Mr. Cleveland, determined and bitter antagonism was manifested to the evident choice of a majority of delegates until the very end. The opponents of the President endeavored to rally around Mr. Blaine, but his letter declining to be a candidate stood in the way of their success. Although he added nothing to that letter and took nothing away from it, yet some of his adherents declared that he would not refuse a nomination if tendered to him. But others of his oldest and stanchest friends, who had become partisans of Mr. Harrison, after Mr. Blaine's withdrawal, insisted that the Secretary of State would not and could not be a candidate. Three days before th© 494 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY meeting of the Republican convention Mr. Blaine suddenly resigned from the Cabinet. His act threw the whole country into a condition of amazed and wondering bewilderment. What did it mean ? Had the relations between the Presi- dent and the Secretary become intolerable ? Had the Secre- tary changed his intention not to be a candidate ? Had his health at last broken down ? An authoritative answer to the series of questions has never been given. Every one who discussed it believed that the act of resignation and the time chosen for it had a direct connection with the approach of the time for the meeting of the national convention. But since it was as easy to give the interpretation that Mr. Blaine pur- posed retiring from public life, as to deem his purposed resig- nation a mark of willingness again to enter the field, the startling change in the situation gave no help to the opponents of Mr. Harrison, nor did it concentrate their efforts upon an attempt to nominate Mr. Blaine. It, simply added to the pre- vailing confusion. The Republican convention met at Minneapolis, June 7, 1892. Mr. J. Sloat Fassett, of New York, was the temporary chairman, and Governor William KcKinley, Jr., of Ohio, the permanent president. The drafting of the platform was a difficult task, owing to the demands of the partisans of silver money that the party should make a declaration in favor of free coinage. This demand was resisted, and the " plank " relating to the money question was a compromise. The plat- form, reported and adopted on June 9, was as follows : — The representatives of the Republicans of the United States, assembled in general convention on the shores of the Mississippi River, the everlasting bond of an indestructible republic, whose most glorious chapter of history is the record of the Republican party, congratulate their countrymen on the majestic march of the nation under the banners inscribed with the principles of our platform of 1888, vindicated by victory at the polls and prosperity in our fields, workshops, and mines, and make the following decla- ration of principles : — We reaffirm the American doctrine of protection. We call at- tention to its growth abroad. We maintain that the prosperous condition of our country is largely due to the wise revenue legisla- tion of the Republican Congress. We believe that all articles which cannot be produced in the United States, except luxuries, should be admitted free of duty, and that on all imports coming into competition with the products CLEVELAND'S SECOND ELECTION 495 of American labor there should be levied duties equal to the dif- ference between wages abroad and at home. We assert that the prices of manufactured articles of general consumption have been reduced under the operations of the Tariff Act of 1890. We denounce the efforts of the Democratic majority of the House of Representatives to destroy our tariff laws piecemeal, as is manifested by their attacks upon wool, lead and lead ores, the chief products of a number of States, and we ask the people for their judgment thereon. We point to the success of the Republican policy of reciprocity, under which our export tirade has vastly increased, and new and enlarged markets have been opened for the products of our farms and workshops. We remind the people of the bitter opposition of the Demo- cratic party to this practical business measure, and claim that, executed by a Republican administration, our present laws will eventually give us control of the trade of the world. The American people, from tradition and interest, favor bimet- allism, and the Republican party demands the use of both gold and silver as standard money, with such restrictions and under such provisions, to be determined by legislation, as will secure the maintenance of the parity of values of the two metals, so that the purchasing and debt-paying power of the dollar, whether of silver, gold, or paper, shall be at all times equal. The interests of the producers of the country, its farmers and its workingmen, demand that every dollar, paper or coin, issued by the government, shall be as good as any other. We commend the wise and patriotic steps already taken by our government to secure an international conference to adopt such measures as will insure a parity of value between gold and silver for use as money throughout the world. We demand that every citizen of the United States shall be allowed to cast one free and unresti'icted ballot in all public elec- tions, and that such ballot shall be counted and returned as cast ; that such laws shall be enacted and enforced as will secure to every citizen, be he rich or poor, native or foreign born, white or black, this sovereign right guaranteed by the Constitution. The free and honest popular ballot, the just and equal representation of all the people, as weU as their just and equal protection under the laws, are the foundation of our republican institutions, and the party will never relax its efforts until the integrity of the ballot and the purity of elections shall be fully guaranteed and protected in every State. We denounce the continued inhuman outrages perpetrated upon 496 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY American citizens for political reasons in certain Southern States of the Union. We favor the extension of our foreign commerce, the restora- tion of our mercantile marine by home-built ships, and the creation of a navy for the protection of our national interests and the honor of our flag ; the maintenance of the most friendly relations with all foreign powers, entangling alliances with none, and the protection of the rights of our fishermen. We reaffirm our approval of the Monroe doctrine, and believe in the achievement of the manifest destiny of the republic in its broadest sense. We favor the enactment of more stringent laws and regulations for the restriction of criminal, pauper, and contract immigration. We favor efficient legislation by Congress to protect the life and limbs of employees of transportation companies engaged in carrying on interstate commerce, and recommend legislation by the respective States that will protect employees engaged in state commerce, in mining and manufacturing. The Republican party has always been the champion of the oppressed, and recognises the dignity of manhood, irrespective of faith, color, or nationality ; it sympathizes with the cause of home rule in Ireland, and protests against the persecution of the Jews in Russia. The ultimate reliance of free popular government is the intelli- gence of the people and the maintenance of freedom among men. We therefore declare anew our devotion to liberty of thought and conscience, of speech and press, and approve all agencies and in- strumentalities which contribute to the education of the children of the land ; but, while insisting upon the fullest measure of reli- gious liberty, we are opposed to any union of church and state. We reaffirm our opposition, declared in the Republican platform of 1888, to all combinations of capital, organized in trusts or other- wise, to control arbitrarily the condition of trade among our citi- zens. We heartily indorse the action already taken upon this subject, and ask for such further legislation as may be required to remedy any defects in existing laws, and to render their enforce- ment more complete and effective. We approve the policy of extending to towns, villages, and rural communities the advantages of the fi'ee delivery service, now en- joyed by the larger cities of the country, and reaffirm the declara- tion contained in the Republican platform of 1888, pledging the reduction of letter postage to one cent, at the earliest possible moment consistent with the maintenance of the Post-office Depart- ment, and the highest class of postal service. We commend the spirit and evidence of reform in the civil ser- CLEVELAND'S SECOND ELECTION 497 vice, and the wise and consistent enforcement by the Republican party of the laws regulating the same. The construction of the Nicaragua Canal is of the highest im- portance to the American people, both as a measure of national defence and to build up and maintain American commerce, and it should be controlled by the United States government. We favor the admission of the remaining Territories at the earliest practical date, having due regard to the interests of the people of the Territories and of the United States. All the fed- eral officers appointed for the Territories should be selected from bona fide residents thereof, and the right of self-government should be accorded as far as practicable. We favor cession, subject to the homestead laws, of the arid public lands to the States and Territories in which they lie, under such congressional restrictions as to disposition, reclamation, and occupancy by settlers as will secure the maximum benefits to the people. The World's Columbian Exposition is a great national under- taking, and Congress should promptly enact such reasonable legis- lation in aid thereof as will ensure a discharge of the expenses and obligations incident thereto, and the attainment of results com- mensurate with the dignity and progress of the nation. In temperance we sympathize with all wise and legitimate efforts to lessen and prevent the evils of intemperance and pro- mote morality. Ever mindful of the services and sacrifices of the men who saved the life of the nation, we pledge anew to the veteran sol- diers of the republic a watchful care and recognition of their just claims upon a grateful people. We commend the able, patriotic, and thoroughly American administration of President Harrison. Under it the country has enjoyed remarkable prosperity, and the dignity and honor of the nation, at home and abroad, have been faithfully maintained, and we offer the record of pledges kept as a guarantee of faithful per- formance in the future. President Harrison was nominated for reelection on the first vote, June 10. The result of the polling was as follows : — Whole number of votes 905 Necessary for a choice 453 Benjamin Han-ison, Indiana 535^ James G. Blaine, Maine 182^ William McKinley, Jr., Ohio 182 Thomas B. Reed, Maine 4 Robert T. Lincoln, Illinois 1 498 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY The fractional votes here reported resulted from the division of the voting power between contesting delegates in North Carolina and Mississippi. In the one case the division was into thirds, and in the other into halves of votes. The com- bination of fractions caused an erroneous appearance of a more minute division than really existed. Whitelaw Eeid, of New York, was nominated for Vice- President by acclamation. The Democratic convention met at Chicago on June 21. William C. Owens, of Kentucky, was the temporary chairman, and William L. Wilson, of West Virginia, the permanent presi- dent. The platform was reported on the evening of June 22. As adopted it was as follows : — Section 1. The representatives of the Democratic party of the United States, in national convention assembled, do reaffirm their allegiance to the principles of the party as formulated by Jeffer- son, and exemplified by the long and illustrious line of his suc- cessors in Democratic leadership, from Madison to Cleveland ; we believe the public welfare demands that these principles be applied to the conduct of the federal government through the accession to power of the party that advocates them ; and we solemnly de- clare that the need of a retm-n to these fundamental principles of a free popular government, based on home rule and individual liberty, was never more urgent than now, when the tendency to centralize all power at the federal capital has become a menace to the reserved rights of the States that strikes at the very roots of our government under the Constitution as framed by the fathers of the republic. Sec. 2. We warn the people of our common country, jealous for the preservation of their free institutions, that the policy of federal control of elections to which the Republican party has committed itself is fraught with the greatest dangers, scarcely less momentous than would result from a revolution practically establishing monarchy on the ruins of the republic. It strikes at the North as well as the South, and injures the colored citizen even more than the white. It means a horde of deputy marshals at every polling-place armed with federal power, returning boards appointed and controlled by federal authority, the outrage of the electoral rights of the people in the several States, the subjugation of the colored people to the control of the party in power, and the reviving of race antagonisms now happily abated, of the ut- most peril to the safety and happiness of all ; a measure deliber- ately and justly described by a leading Republican senator as *'the most infamous bill that ever crossed the threshold of the CLEVELAND'S SECOND ELECTION 499 Senate." Such a policy, if sanctioned by law, would mean the dominance of a self-perpetuating oligarch}' of office-holders, and the party first intrusted with its machinery could be dislodged from power only by an appeal to the reserved right of the people to resist oppression, which is inherent in all self-governing com- munities. Two years ago, this revolutionary policy was emphati- cally condemned by the people at the polls ; but in contempt of that verdict, the Republican party has defiantly declared in its latest authoritative utterance that its success in the coming elec- tions will mean the enactment of the Force bill, and the usurpation of despotic control over elections in all the States. Believing that the pi-eservation of republican government in the United States is dependent upon the defeat of this policy of legalized force'and fraud, we invite the support of all citizens who desire to see the Constitution maintained in its integrity, with the laws pursuant thereto, which have given our country a hundred years of unex- ampled prosperity ; and we pledge the Democratic party, if it be intrusted with power, not only to the defeat of the Force bill, but also to relentless opposition to the Republican policy of profligate expenditure, which in the short space of two years has squandered an enormous surplus, and emptied an overflowing treasury, after piling new burdens of taxation upon the already overtaxed labour of the country. Sec. 3. We denounce the Republican protection as a fraud, a robbery of the great majority of the American people for the benefit of the few. We declare it to be a fundamental princij>le of the Democratic party that the federal government has no con- stitutional power to impose and collect tariff duties, except for the purposes of revenue only, and we demand that the collection of such taxes shall be limited to the necessities of the government when honestly and economically administered. We denounce the McKinley tariff law enacted by the Fifty-first Congress as the culminating atrocity of class legislation ; we in- dorse the efforts made by the Democrats of the present Congress to modify its most oppressive features in the direction of free raw materials and cheaper manufactured goods that enter into general consumption, and we promise its repeal as one of the beneficent results that will follow the action of the people in intrusting power to the Democratic party. Since the McKinley tariff went into oper- ation, there have been ten reductions of the wages of laboring men to one increase. We deny that there has been any increase of prosperity to the country since that tariff went into operation, and we point to the dullness and distress, the wage reductions and strikes in the iron trade, as the best possible evidence that no suck prosperity has resulted from the McKinley Act. 500 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY We call the attention of thoughtful Americans to the fact that, after thirty years of restrictive taxes against the importation of foreign wealth in exchange for our agricultural surplus, the homes and farms of the country have become burdened with a real estate mortgage debt of over $'2,500,000,000, exclusive of all other forms of indebtedness ; that in one of the chief agricultural States of the West, there appears a real estate mortgage debt averaging $165 per capita of the total population, and that similar conditions and tendencies are shown to exist in the other agricultural exporting States. We denounce a policy which fosters no industry so much as it does that of the sheriff. Sec. 4. Trade interchange on the basis of reciprocal advantage to the countries participating is a time-honored doctrine of the Democratic faith; but we denounce the sham reciprocity which juggles with the people's desire for enlarged foreign markets and freer exchanges by pretending to establish closer trade relations for a country whose articles of export are almost exclusively agri- cultural products with other countries that are also agricultural, while erecting a custom-house barrier of prohibitive tariff taxes against the richest countries of the world, that stand ready to take cm- entire surplus of products, and to exchange therefor commo- dities which are necessaries and comforts of life among our own people. Sec. 5. We recognize, in the trusts and combinations which are designed to enable capital to secure more than its just share of the joint product of capital and labor, a natural consequence of the prohibitive taxes which prevent the free competition which is the life of honest trade, but we believe their worst evils can be abated by law ; and we demand the rigid enforcement of the laws made to prevent and control them, together with such further legislation in restraint of their abuses as experience may show to be necessary. Sec. 6. The Republican party, while professing a policy of re- serving the public land for small holdings by actual settlers, has given away the people's heritage, tiU now a few railroad and non- resident aliens, individual and corporate, possess a larger area than that of all our farms between the two seas. The last Democratic administration reversed the improvident and unwise policy of the Republican party touching the public domain, and reclaimed from corporations and syndicates, alien and domestic, and restored to the people, nearly 100,000,000 acres of valuable land, to be sacredly held as homesteads for our citizens, and we pledge- ourselves to continue this policy until every acre of land so unlawfully held shall be reclaimed and restored to the people. Sec. 7. We denounce the Republican legislation known as the CLEVELAND'S SECOND ELECTION 501 Sherman Act of 1890 as a cowardly makeshift, fraught -with possi- bilities of danger in the future which should make all of its sup- porters, as well as its author, anxious for its speedy repeal. We hold to the use of both gold and silver as the standard money of the country, and to the coinage of both gold and silver without discrimination against either metal or charge for mintage; but the dollar unit of coinage of both metals must be of equal intrinsic and exchangeable value, or be adjusted through international agreement, or by such safeguards of legislation as shall insure the maintenance of the parity of the two metals, and the equal power of every dollar at all times in the markets and in the pay- ment of debts ; and we demand that all paper currency shall be kept at par with and redeemable in such coin. We insist upon this policy as especially necessary for the protection of the farmers and laboring classes, the first and most defenceless victims of un- stable money and a fluctuating currency. Sec. 8. We recommend that the prohibitory ten per cent, tax on state bank issues be repealed. Sf-c. 9. Public office is a public trust. We reaffirm the declara- tion of the Democratic national convention of 1876 for the reform of the civil service, and we call for the honest enforcement of all laws regulating the same. The nomination of a President, as in the recent Republican convention, by delegations composed largely of his appointees, holding office at his pleasure, is a scandalous satire upon free popular institutions, and a startling illustration of the methods by which a President may gratify his ambition. We denounce a policy under which federal office-holders usurp control of party conventions in the States, and we pledge the Democratic party to the reform of these and all other abuses which threaten individual liberty and local self-government. Sec. 10. The Democratic party is the only party that has ever given the country a foreign policy consistent and vigorous, com- pelling respect abroad and inspiring confidence at home. While avoiding entangling alliances, it has aimed to cultivate friendly relations with other nations, and especially with our American neighbors on the American continent whose destiny is closely linked with our own, and we view with alarm the tendency to a policy of irritation and bluster which is liable at any time to con- front us with the alternative of humiliation or war. We favor the maintenance of a navy strong enough for all purposes of national defence, and to properly maintain the honor and dignity of the country abroad. Sec. 11. This country has always been the refuge of the op- pressed from every land, — exiles for conscience' sake; and in the spirit of the founders of our government, we condemn the oppres- 502 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY sion practised by the Russian government upon its Lutheran and Jewish subjects, and we call upon our national government, in the interest of justice and humanity, by all just and proper means, to vise its prompt and best efforts to bring about a cessation of these cruel persecutions in the dominions of the Czar, and to secure to the oppressed equal rights. We tender our profound and earnest sympathy to those lovers of freedom who are struggling for home rule and the great cause of local self-government in Ireland. Sec. 12. We heartily approve all legitimate efforts to prevent the United States from being used as the dumping-ground for the known criminals and professional paupers of Europe ; and we demand the rigid enforcement of the laws against Chinese immi- gration, or the importation of foreign workmen under contract, to degrade American labor and lessen its wages ; but we condemn and denounce any and all attempts to restrict the immigration of the industrious and worthy of foreign lands. Sec. 13. This convention hereby renews the expression of appre- ciation of the patriotism of the soldiers and sailors of the Union in the war for its preservation, and we favor just and liberal pen- sions for aU disabled Union soldiers, their widows and dependents ; but we demand that the work of the Pension office shall be done industriously, impartially, and honestly. We denounce the present administration of that office as incompetent, corrupt, disgraceful, and dishonest. Sec. 14. The federal government should care for and improve the Mississippi River and other great waterways of the republic, so as to secure for the interior States easy and cheap transporta- tion to the tidewater. When any waterway of the republic is of sufficient importance to demand the aid of the government, such aid should be extended for a definite plan of continuous work until permanent improvement is secured. Sec. 15. For purposes of national defence and the promotion of commerce between the States, we i-ecognize the early construction of the Nicaragua Canal, and its protection against foreign control, as of great importance to the United States. Sec. 16. Recognizing the World's Columbian Exposition as a national undertaking of vast importance, in which the general government has invited the cooperation of all the powers of the world, and appreciating the' acceptance by many of such powers of the invitation extended, and the broadest liberal efforts being made by them to contribute to the grandeur of the undertaking, we are of the opinion that Congress should make such necessary financial provision as sliall be requisite to the maintenance of the national honor and public faith. Sec. 17. Popular education being the only safe basis of popular CLEVELAND'S SECOND ELECTION 503 Bitffrage, we recommend to the several States most liberal appro- priations for the public schools. Free common schools are the nursery of good government, and they have always received the fostering care of the Democratic party, which favors every means of increasing intelligence. Freedom of education, being an essen- tial of civil and religious liberty as well as a necessity for the development of intelligence, must not be interfered with under any pretext whatever. We are opposed to state interference with parental rights and rights of conscience in the education of chil- dren, as an infringement of the fundamental Democratic doctrine that the largest individual liberty consistent with the rights of others insures the highest type of American citizenship and the best government. Sec. is. We approve the action of the present House of Repre- sentatives in passing bills for the admission into the Union as States of the Territories of New Mexico and Arizona, and we favor the early admission of all the Territories having necessary population and resources to admit them to Statehood ; and, while they remain Territories, we hold that the officials appointed to administer the government of any Territory, together with the Districts of Columbia and Alaska, should be bona fide residents of the Territory or District in which their duties are to be performed. The Democratic party believes in home rule, and the control of their own affairs by the people of the vicinage. Sec. 19. We favor legislation by Congress and state legislatures to protect the lives and limbs of railway employees, and those of other hazardous transportation companies, and denounce the inac- tivity of the Republican party, and particularly the Republican Senate, for caiising the defeat of measures beneficial and protec- tive to this class of wage-workers. Sec. 20. We are in favor of the enactment by the States of laws for abolishing the notorious sweating system, for abolishing con- tract convict labor, and for prohibiting the employment in facto- ries of children under fifteen years of age. Sec. 21. We are opposed to all sumptuary laws as an interfer- ence with the individual rights of the citizen. Sec. 22. Upon this statement of principles and policies, the Democratic party asks the intelligent judgment of the American people. It asks a change of administration and a change of party in order that there may be a change of system and a change of methods, thus assuring the maintenance unimpaired of institu- tions under which the republic has grown great and powerfiil. The platform as originally reported contained, instead of the first paragraph of Section 3 above, the following : — 504 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY We reiterate the oft-repeated doctrines of the Democratic party that the necessity of the government is the only justification for taxation, and whenever a tax is unnecessary it is unjustifiable; that when custom-house taxation is levied upon articles of any kind produced in this country, the difference between the cost of labor here and labor abroad, when such a difference exists, fully measures any possible benefits to labor ; and the enormous addi- tiontwl impositions of the existing tariff fall with crushing force upon our farmers and workingmen, and, for the mere advantage of the few whom it enriches, exact from labor a grossly unjust share of the expenses of the government ; and we demand such a revision of the tariff laws as will remove their iniquitous inequali- ties, lighten their oppressions, and put them on a constitutional and equitable basis. But in making reduction in taxes, it is not •oroposed to injm-e any domestic industries, but rather to promote their healthy growth. From the foundation of this government, taxes collected at the custom-house have been the chief source of federal revenue. Such they must continue to be. Moreover, many industries have come to rely upon legislation for successful continuance, so that any change of law must be at every step re- gardful of the labor and capital thus involved. The process of reform must be subject in the execution to this plain dictate of justice. There had been a prolonged struggle, at a meeting of the committee on resolutions, over the tariff " plank." The para- graph just recited was, it will be perceived, an echo of the tariff plank of 1884, with an implied promise to the " pro- tected industries " that there should be no sweeping reduction of duties to destroy their business. It was so far less aggres- sive than the attitude of the party during the preceding six years warranted as to seem like a complete change of front on the tariff question. The radical tariff reformers, defeated in committee, carried the contest into the convention, and on a motion from the floor the paragraph was struck out, and the paragraph printed in the platform was substituted, by a vote of yeas 564, nays 342. An excited debate preceded the vote. An impassioned appeal to the members to avow openly their real opinions was received with applause, and cEtrried the day. After the adoption of the platform, at a late hour in the evening, the convention proceeded at once to the work of nominating a candidate for President. Grover Cleveland was nominated on the first vote. The result of the polling was as follows : — CLEVELAND'S SECOND ELECTION 505 Whole number of votes - 909^ Necessary for a choice (two thirds) 607 Grover Cleveland, New York 617|^ David B. Hill, New York 114 Horace Boies, Iowa 103 Arthur P. Gorman, Maryland 36^ Adlai E. Stevenson, Illinois 16| John G. Carlisle, Kentucky 14 William R. Morrison, Illinois 3 James E. Campbell, Ohio 2 William C. Whitney, New York 1 William E. Russell, Massachusetts 1 Robert E. Pattison, Pennsylvania 1 The nomination of a candidate for Vice-President was post- poned until the following day, when the polling resulted as follows : — Whole number of votes 909 Necessary for a choice (two thirds) 606 Adlai E. Stevenson, Illinois 402 Isaac P. Gray, Indiana 343 Allen B. Morse, Michigan 86 John L. Mitchell, Wisconsin 45 Henry Watterson, Kentucky 26 Bourke Cockran, New York 5 Lambert Tree, Illinois 1 Horace Boies, Iowa : . . 1 A motion was then made and adopted that Adlai E. Steven- son, of Illinois, be the candidate for Vice-President. The National Prohibition party held its convention at Cin- cinnati, beginning on June 29. John P. St. John, of Kansas, was the temporary chairman, and Eli Eitter, of Indiana, the permanent president. The convention was in session only two days. The platform as originally reported by the committee on resolutions was as follows: — The Prohibition party, in National Convention assembled, ac- knowledging Almighty God as the source of all true government, and his law as the standard to which all human enactments must conform to secure the blessings of peace and prosperity, presents the following declaration of principles : — 1. The liquor traffic is a foe to civilization, the arch enemy of popular government, and a public nuisance. It is the citadel of the forces that corrupt politics, promote poverty and crime, de- grade the nation's home life, thwart the will of the people, and 506 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY deliver our country into the hands of rapacious class interests. All laws that, under the guise of regulation, legalize and protect this traffic, or make the government share in its ill-gotten gains, are " vicious in principle and powerless as a remedy." We declare anew for the entire suppression of the manufac- ture, sale, importation, exportation, and transportation of alcoholic liquors as a beverage, by federal and state legislation ; and the full powers of the government should be exerted to secui'e this result. Any party that fails to recognize the dominant nature of this issue in American politics is undeserving of the support of the people. 2. No citizen should be denied the right to vote on account of sex, and equal labor should receive equal wages, without regard to sex. 3. The money of the country should be gold, silver, and paper, and be issued by the general government only, and in sufficient quantities to meet the demands of business and give full opportu- nity for the employment of labor. To this end an increase in the volume of money is demanded, and no individual or corporation should be allowed to make any profit through its issue. It should be made a legal tender for the payment of all debts, public and private. Its volume should be fixed at a definite sum per capita, and made to increase with our increase in population. 4. We favor the free and unlimited coinage of silver and gold. 5. Tariffs should be levied only as a defence against foreign governments which put tariffs upon or bar our products from their markets, revenue being incidental. The residue of means neces- sary to an economical administration of the government should be raised by levying a burden on what the people possess instead of upon what we consume. 6. Railroad, telegraph, and other public corporations should be controlled by the government in the interest of the people, and no higher charges allowed than necessary to give fair interest on the capital actually invested. 7. Foreign immigration has become a burden upon industry, one of the factors in depressing wages and causing discontent ; therefore our immigration laws should be revised and strictly enforced. The time of residence for naturalization should be extended, and no naturalized person should be allowed to vote until one year after he becomes a citizen. 8. Non-resident aliens should not be allowed to acquire land in this country, and we favor the limitation of individual and corpo- rate ownership of land. All unearned grants of lands to railroad companies or other corporations should be reclaimed. 9. Years of inaction and treachery on the part of the Republican CLEVELAND'S SECOXD ELECTION 507 and Democratic parties have resulted in the present reign of mob law, and we demand that every citizen be protected in the right of trial by constitutional tribunals. 10. All men should be protected by law in their right to one day's rest in seven. 11. Arbitration is the wisest and most economical and humane method of settling national differences. 12. Speculations in margins, the cornering of grain, money, and products, and the formation of pools, trusts, and combinations for the arbitrary advancement of prices, should be suppressed. 13. We pledge that the Prohibition party if elected to power will ever grant just pensions to disabled veterans of the Union army and navy, their widows and orphans. 14. We stand unequivocally for the American public school, and opposed to any appropriation of public moneys for sectarian schools. We declare that only by united support of such common schools, taught in the English language, can we hope to become and remain an homogeneous and harmonious people. 15. We arraign the Republican and Democratic parties as false to the standards reared by their founders ; as faithless to the pi'inciples of the illustrious leaders of the past to whom they do homage with the lips ; as recreant to the " higher law," which is as inflexible in political affairs as in personal life ; and as no longer embodying the aspirations of the American people, or inviting the confidence of enlightened, progressive patriotism. Their protests against the admission of " moral issues " into politics is a confes- sion of their own moral degeneracy. The declaration of an emi- nent authority, that municipal misrule is " the one conspicuous failure of American politics," follows as a natui-al consequence of such degeneracy, and is true alike of cities under Republican and Democratic control. Each accuses the other of extravagance in Congressional appropriations, and both are alike guilty ; each pro- tests when out of power against the infraction of the civil service laws, and each when in power violates those laws in letter and spirit ; each professes fealty to the interests of the toiling masses, but both covertly truckle to the money power in their administra- tion of public affairs. Even the tariff issue, as represented in the Democratic Mills bill and the Republican McKinley biU, is no longer treated by them as an issue upon great and divergent prin- ciples of government, but is a mere catering to different sectional and class interests. The attempt in many States to wrest the Australian ballot system from its true purpose, and to so de- form it as to render it extremely difficult for new parties to exer- cise the rights of suffrage, is an outrage upon popular government. The competition of both the parties for the vote of the slums, and 508 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY their assiduous courting of the liquor power and subserviency to the money power, have resulted in placing those powers in the position of practical arbiters of the destinies of the nation. We renew our protest against these perilous tendencies, and invite aU citizens to join us in the upbuilding of a party that, as shown in five national campaigns, prefers temporary defeat to an abandon- ment of the claims of justice, sobriety, personal rights, and the protection of American homes. A minority of the committee presented substitutes for the financial and the tariff planks of the platform, and also offered an additional resolution, which was ultimately adopted. The platform as printed above was adopted, except the fourth reso- lution, relating to the free coinage of silver, which was de- feated by a vote of 696 to 335. The additional resolution referred to was as follows : — Recognizing and declaring that prohibition of the liquor traflBc has become the dominant issue in national politics, we invite to full party fellowship all those who on this one dominant issue are with us agreed, in the full belief that this party can and will remove sectional differences, promote nationality, and insure the best wel- fare of our entire land. John Bidwell, of California, was nominated for President. The first and only vote was as follows : — Whole number of votes 911 Necessary for a choice 456 John Bidwell, California 590 Gideon T. Stewart, Ohio 179 W. Jennings Demorest, New York 139 Bascom 3 J. B. Cranfill, of Texas, was nominated for Vice-President by the following vote : — Whole number of votes 811 Necessary for a choice 406 J. B. Cranfill, Texas 417 Joshua Levering, Maryland 351 W. W. Satterly, Minnesota 26 Thomas R. Carskodon, West Virginia 19 The first national convention of the " People's party " was held at Omaha, on July 2. C. H. Ellington, of Georgia, was the temporary chairman, and H. L. Loucks, of South Dakota, the permanent president. The platform, reported and adopted on July 4, was as follows : — CLEVELAND'S SECOND ELECTION 509 Assembled upon the 116th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, the People's party of America, in their first na- tional convention, invoking upon their action the blessing of Al- mighty God, puts forth, in the name and on behalf of the people of this country, the following preamble and declaration of prin- ciples : — The conditions which surround us best justify our cooperation : we meet in the midst of a nation brought to the verge of moral, political, and material ruin. Corruption dominates the ballot-box, the legislature, the Congress, and touches even the ermine of the bench. The people are demoralized ; most of the States have been compelled to isolate the voters at the polling-places to pre- vent universal intimidation or bribery. The newspapers are largely subsidized or muzzled; public opinion silenced; business prostrated ; our homes covered with mortgages ; labor impover- ished ; and the land concentrating in the hands of the capitalists. The urban workmen are denied the right of organization for self- protection ; imported pauperized labor beats down their wages ; a hireling standing army, unrecognized by our laws, is established to shoot them down, and they are rapidly degenerating into Euro- pean conditions. The fruits of the toil of millions are boldly stolen to build up colossal fortunes for a few, unprecedented in the history of mankind ; and the possessors of these, in turn, de- spise the republic and endanger liberty. From the same prolific womb of governmental injustice we breed the two great classes of tramps and millionaires. The national power to create money is appropriated to enrich bondholders ; a vast public debt, payable in legal tender currency, has been funded into gold-bearing bonds, thereby adding millions to the burdens of the people. Silver, which has been accepted as coin since the dawn of history, has been demonetized to add to the purchasing power of gold by decreasing the value of all forms of property as well as human labor ; and the supply of currency is purposely abridged to fatten usurers, bankrupt enterprise, and enslave industry. A vast conspiracy against mankind has been organized on two continents, and it is rapidly taking possession of the world. If not met and overthrown at once, it forebodes terri- ble social convulsions, the destruction of civilization, or the estab- lishment of an absolute despotism. We have witnessed for more than a quarter of a century the struggles of the two great political parties for power and plunder, while grievous wrongs have been inflicted upon the suffering people. We charge that the controlling influences dominating both these parties have permitted the existing dreadful condition to develop without serious effort to prevent or restrain them. 510 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY Neither do they now promise us any substantial reform. They have agreed together to ignore in the campaign every issue but one. They propose to drown the outcries of a plundered people with the uproar of a sham battle over the tariff, so that capitalists, corporations, national banks, rings, trusts, watered stock, the de- monetization of silver, and the oppressions of the usurers may all be lost sight of. They propose to sacrifice our homes, lives, and childi-en on the altar of mammon; to destroy the multitude in order to secure corruption funds from the millionaires. Assembled on the anniversary of the birthday of the nation, and filled with the spirit of the grand general chief who established oiir independence, we seek to restore the government of the Re- public to the hands of "the plain people," with whose class it originated. We assert our purposes to be identical with the pur- poses of the National Constitution, " to form a more perfect union and establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity." We declare that this republic can only endure as a free government while built upon the love of the whole people for each other and for the nation ; that it cannot be pinned together by bayonets ; that the civil war is over, and that every passion and resentment which grew out of it must die with it ; and that we must be in fact, as we are in name, one united brotherhood of freemen. Our country finds itself confronted by conditions for which there is no precedent in the history of the world : our annual agri- cidtural productions amount to billions of dollars in value, which must, within a few weeks or months, be exchanged for billions of dollars of commodities consumed in their production ; the existing currency supply is wholly inadequate to make this exchange ; the results are falling prices, the formation of combines and rings, the impoverishment of the producing class. We pledge ourselves, if given power, we will labor to correct these evils by wise and reasonable legislation, in accordance with the terms of our plat- form. We believe that the powers of government — in other words, of the people — should be expanded (as in the case of the postal service) as rapidly and as far as the good sense of an intel- ligent people and the teachings of experience shall justify, to the end that oppression, injustice, and poverty shall eventually cease in the land. While our sympathies as a party of reform are naturally upon the side of every proposition which will tend to make men intelli- gent, virtuous, and temperate, we nevertheless regard these ques- tions — important as they are — as secondary to the great issues now pressing for solution, and upon which not only our individual CLEVELAND'S SECOND ELECTION 511 prosperity but the very existence of free institutions depends ; and we ask all men to first help us to determine whether we are to have a republic to administer before we differ as to the conditions upon which it is to be administered ; believing that the forces of reform this day organized will never cease to move forward until every wrong is remedied, and equal rights and equal privileges securely established for all the men and women of this country. We declare, therefore, — First. That the union of the labor forces of the United States this day consummated shall be permanent and perpetual ; may its spirit enter all hearts for the salvation of the republic and the uplifting of mankind ! Second. Wealth belongs to him who creates it, and every dollar taken from industry without an equivalent is robbery. " If any will not work, neither shall he eat." The interests of rural and civic labor are the same ; their enemies are identical. Third. We believe that the time has come when the railroad corporations will either own the people or the people must own the railroads ; and, should the government enter upon the work of owning and managing all railroads, we should favor an amend- ment to the Constitution by which all persons engaged in the gov- ernment service shall be placed under a civil service regulation of the most rigid character, so as to prevent the increase of the power of the national administration by the use of such additional gov- ernment employees. We demand, — First, A national currency, safe, sound, and flexible, issued by the general government only, a full legal tender for all debts, public and private, and that, without the use of banking corpora- tions, a just, eqviitable, and efficient means of distribution direct to the people, at a tax not to exceed two per cent, per annum, to be provided as set forth in the sub-treasury plan of the Farmers' Alliance, or a better system ; also, by payments in discharge of its obligations for public improvements. (a) We demand free and unlimited coinage of silver and gold at the present legal ratio of sixteen to one. (b) We demand that the amount of circulating medium be speedily increased to not less than fifty dollars per capita. (c) We demand a graduated income tax. (rf) We believe that the money of the country should be kept as much as possible in the hands of the people, and hence we de- mand that aU state and national revenues shall be limited to the necessary expenses of the government economically and honestly administered. (e) We demand that postal savings banks be established by the 512 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY government for the safe deposit of the earnings of the people and to facilitate exchange. Second, Transportation. Transportation being a means of ex- change and a public necessity, the government should own and operate the .railroads in the interest of the people. (a) The telegraph and telephone, like the post-oflBice system, being a necessity for the transmission of news, should be owned and operated by the government in the interest of the people. Third, Land. The land, including all the natural sources of wealth, is the heritage of the people, and should not be monopo- lized for speculative purposes, and alien ownership of land should be prohibited. All land now held by railroads and other corpora- tions in excess of their actual needs, and all lands now owned by aliens, should be reclaimed by the government and held for actual settlers only. Subsequently the committee on resolutions made a supple- mentary report, submitting a series of resolutions which it was explained are not to be regarded as a part of the party platform, but as expressive of the opinion of the party, as follows : — Whereas, Other questions have been presented for our considera- tion, we hereby submit the following, not as a part of the platform of the People's party, but as resolutions expressive of the senti- ment of this convention. 1. Resolved, That we demand a free ballot and a fair count in all elections, and pledge ourselves to secure it to every legal voter without federal intervention, through the adoption by the States of the unperverted Australian or secret ballot system. 2. Resolved, That the revenue derived from a graduated income tax should be applied to the reduction of the burden of taxation now resting upon the domestic industries of this country. 3. Resolved, That we pledge our support to fair and liberal pen- sions to ex-Union soldiers and sailors. 4. Resolved, That we condemn the fallacy of protecting Ameri- can labor iinder the present system, which opens our ports to the pauper and criminal classes of the world, and crowds out our wage- earners; and we denounce the present ineffective laws against con- tract labor, and demand the further restriction of undesirable immigration. 5. Resolved, That we cordially sympathize with the efforts of organized workingmen to shorten the hours of labor, and demand a rigid enforcement of the existing eight-hour law on government work, and ask that a penalty clause be added to the said law. 6. Resolved, That we regard the maintenance of a large stand- ing army of mercenaries, known as the Pinkerton system, as a CLEVELAND'S SECOND ELECTION 513 menace to our liberties, and we demand its abolition; and we condemn the recent invasion of the Territory of Wyoming by the hired assassins of plutocracy, assisted by federal officials. 7. Resolved, That we commend to the favorable consideration of the people and the reform press the legislative system known as the initiative and referendum. 8. Resolved, That we favor a constitutional provision limiting the office of President and Vice-President to one term, and pro- viding for the election of senators of the United States by a direct vote of the people. 9. Resolved, That we oppose any subsidy or national aid to any private corporation for any purpose. General James B. Weaver, of Iowa, was nominated for Pre- sident. The vote stood: — Whole number of votes 1263 Necessary for a choice 632 James B. Weaver, Iowa 995 James H. Kyle, South Dakota 265 Mann Page, Virginia 1 Leland Stanford, California 1 Norton 1 For Vice-President, James G. Field, of Virginia, was nomi- nated. The vote was as follows : — T\Tiole number of votes 1287 Necessary for a choice 644 James G. Field, Virginia 733 Ben. S. Terrell, Texas 554 The representation in this convention was irregular, as may be seen from the fact that Texas cast 60 votes, New York 59, Pennsylvania 21, Massachusetts 28, Illinois 83, and North Dakota 25. A Socialist Labor convention was held at New York on August 28, by which Simon Wing, of Massachusetts, was nominated for President, and Charles H. Matchett, of New York, for Vice-President. The following platform was adopted : — Social Demands: 1. Reduction of the hours of labor in propor- tion to the progress of production. 2. The United States shall obtain possession of the railroads, canals, telegraphs, telephones, and all other means of public trans- portation and communication. 3. The municipalities to obtain possession of the local railroads, 514 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY ferries, water-works, gas-works, electric plants, and all industries requiring municipal franchises. 4. The public lands to be declared inalienable. Revocation of ail land grants to corporations or individuals, the conditions of which have not been complied with. 5. Legal incorporation by the States of local trade unions which have no national organization. 6. The United States to have the exclusive right to issue money. 7. Congressional legislation providing for the scientific manage- ment of forests and waterways, and prohibiting the waste of the natural resources of the country. 8. Inventions to be free to all ; the inventors to be remunerated by the nation. 9. Progressive income tax and tax on inheritances ; the smaller incomes to be exempt. 10. School education of all children under fourteen years of age to be compulsory, gratuitous, and accessible to all by public assist- ance in meals, clothing, books, etc., where necessary. 11. Repeal of all pauper, tramp, conspiracy, and sumptuary laws. Unabridged right of combination. 12. Official statistics concerning the condition of labor. Prohi- bition of the employment of children of school age, and of the em- ployment of female labor in occupations detrimental to health or morality. Abolition of the convict labor contract system. 13. All wages to be paid in lawful money of the United States. Equalization of women's wages with those of men where equal service is performed. 14. Laws for the protection of life and limb in all occupations, and an efficient employers' liability law. Political Demands : 1. The people to have the right to propose laws and to vote upon all measures of importance, according to the referendum principle. 2. Abolition of the Presidency, Vice-Presidency, and Senate of the United States. An Executive Board to be established, whose members are to be elected, and may at any time be recalled, by the House of Representatives, as the only legislative body. The States and municipalities to adopt corresponding amendments to their constitutions and statutes. 3. Municipal self-government. 4. Direct vote and secret ballots in all elections. Universal and equal right of suffrage, without regard to color, creed, or sex. Election days to be legal holidays. The principle of minority representation to be introduced. 5. All public officers to be subject to recall by their respective constituencies. CLEVELAND'S SECOND ELECTION 515 6. Uniform civil and criminal law throughout the United States. Administration of justice to be free of charge. Abolition of capital punishment. The canvass developed few features of special interest. The result seemed to be in doubt, and both parties were hopeful. The opposition which had existed, prior to the conventions, to the President and the ex-President, the candidates of their re- spective parties, disappeared for the most part. The Republi- cans had been placed in a minority by the disaster of 1890 ; but their leaders, their orators, their journalists, and the rank and file of the party made no doubt that the defection was temporary. The ticket did not arouse great enthusiasm ; but the Republicans built great hopes upon the situation of the Democrats in New York. There seemed to be an irreparable breach in that State. An eloquent advocate of the nomination of Governor Hill had said, in a speech before the Democratic convention at Chicago, that Mr. Cleveland could not carry New York. Tammany Hall protested its loyalty to the ticket ; but the " anti-snapper " wing of the party feared, and the Re- publicans hoped, that the protestations were insincere. An element of humor was imparted to the canvass in New York by an ostentatiously disingenuous attempt on the part of those Democrats who did not subscribe to the free-trade plank in the platform to make it appear that " negro domination " would ensue upon the success of the Republicans. The New York " Sun," which disliked Mr. Cleveland almost beyond its by no means deficient power of expression, made " No Force Bill ! " its campaign cry, to excuse its support of the Democratic can- didate. The growth of the Populist party in the West and in some parts of the South led to coalitions which render an exact divi- sion of the votes among the several parties quite impossible. In five States — Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, North Dakota, and Wyoming — the Democrats nominated no electors, but voted for the Populist candidates. It was deemed possible that neither party might secure a majority of electors. In that case the election of President would devolve upon the House of Representatives already chosen, in which the Democrats con- trolled a large majority of the state delegations. Consequently, for their purposes, a defeat of the Republicans, by the suc- cess of the Populists in a few of the States, was as serviceable as the election of a full majority of Democratic electors. In 516 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY Nevada the Democrats nominated an electoral ticket, but almost the whole voting strength of the party was given to the Popu- lists. In Oregon one of the four Populist electors was placed on the Democratic ticket. In Minnesota there was a fusion of Democrats and Populists on four candidates for electors. The members of each party voted for their own candidates for the other five electors. In the South the alliances of the Populists were with Republicans. The fusion in Alabama was incom- plete, but in Louisiana the electoral ticket was divided between the two parties, — four electors for each party. This fusion explains why the popular vote in Louisiana for Harrison and for Weaver, in the following table, is substantially the same. The vote for the fusion electors was 26,563. An independent electoral ticket, by the so-called " Lily White " faction of the Republican party of Texas, received 3,969 votes. Still another complication was introduced at this election by the action of the Democratic legislature of Michigan chosen in the " landslide " year, 1890. An act was passed by that legislature reestablishing the system of choosing electors by districts. Maryland, the last State to cling to this method, had abandoned it in 1836. It was a device, in the case of Michigan, to enable a party which was conscious of being in a minority to secure a few electors. The constitutionality of the measure was attacked ; but it was clearly within the power of the legislature to pass the act, and the Supreme Court of Michigan so decided. The result of the election was a great surprise to men of all parties. Kot only was the South " solid " once more for the Democratic candidates, not only did all the usually doubtful States support Mr. Cleveland by large majorities, but Illinois, Wisconsin, and California were drawn into the Democratic ranks. Even Ohio, which had not given an electoral vote to a Democrat since there had been a Republican party, was so closely divided that one Cleveland elector slipped in. The fusion against the Republicans was successful in Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, and Nevada, It was partially successful in North Dakota and Oregon. The popular vote for the several candidates is given in the following table, as nearly as it can be stated, but the " official returns " vary so greatly as to render absolute accuracy impossible. The appended figures are made up by a careful comparison of several sets of " official " returns, and a choice of those that seem most trustworthy. It should CLEVELAND'S SECOND ELECTION 517 - Electoral Popular Vote. Vote. States. a o _r a 1 i 3 ^ 1 9 M 1' .0 a fe o 5" u-9 a " g u .2 a o u 1 U o 1 hi O n "^ 4 !» 3 11 n Alabama .... 138,138 9,197 85,181 239 Arkansas . . 87,834 46,884 11,831 113 . - 8 - - California . 117,908 117,618 25,226 8,056 - 8 1 - Colorado . . - 38,620 53,584 1,638 - - 4 Connecticut . 82,395 77,02.5 806 4,025 329 6 - - Delaware 18,581 18,083 13 565 3 - - Florida . . 30,143 - 4,843 475 - 4 - - Georgia 129,361 48,305 42,937 988 - 13 - - Idaho . - 8,599 10,520 288 - - - 3 Illinois 426,281 399,288 22,207 25,870 - 24 - - Indiana 262,740 255,615 22,208 13,050 - 15 - - Iowa . 196,367 219,795 20,595 6,402 - - 13 - Kansas - 157,237 163,111 4,539 - - - 10 Kentucky 175,461 135,441 23,500 6,442 - 13 - - Louisiana 87,922 13,281 13,282 - - 8 - - Maine . . . 48,044 62,931 2,381 3,062 336 - 6 - Maryland 113,866 92,736 796 5,877 27 8 - - Massachusetts 176,813 202,814 3,210 1,539 649 - 15 - Michigan . . 202,296 222,708 19,892 14,069 - 5 3, - Minnesota . 100,920 122,823 29,313 12,182 - - 9* ^ Mississippi . 40,237 1,406 10,256 910 - 9 - _ Missouri . . 268,398 ' 226,918 41,213 4,331 - 17 - - Montana . . 17,581 18,851 7,334 549 - - 3 - Nebraska 24,943 87,227 83,134 4,902 - - 8 - Nevada . . 714 2,811 7,264 89 - - - 3 New Hampshire 42,081 45,658 292 1,297 - - 4 - New Jersey . 171,042 156.068 969 8,131 1,337 10 - _ New York . 654,868 609,350 16,429 38,190 17,956 36 - - North Carolina 132,951 100,342 44,736 2,636 - 11 - - North DakoU - 17,519 17,700 899 - 1 1 1 Ohio . . . 404,115 405,187 14,850 26,012 - 1 22 - Oregon . . 14,243 35,002 26,965 2,281 - - 3 1 Pennsylvania 452,264 516,011 t.8,714 25,123 898 - 32 - Rhode Island 24,335 26,972 228 1,654 - - 4 - South Carolina 54,692 13,345 2,407 - - 9 - - South Dakota 9,081 34,888 26,544 - - - 4 - Tennessee . 138,874 100,331 23,447 4,851 - 12 - - Texas . . . 239,148 81,444 99,688 2,165 - 15 - - Vermont . . 16,325 37,992 43 1,415 - - 4 - Virginia . . 163,977 113,262 12,275 2,738 - 12 - - Washington . 29,802 36,460 19,165 2,542 - - 4 - West Virginia 84,467 80,293 4,166 2,145 - 6 - - Wisconsin . 177,335 170,791 9,909 13,132 - 12 - - Wyoming ~ 8,454 7,722 530 ~ 277 3 145 ~ Totol 5,556,543 5,175,582 1,040,886 255,841 21,532 22 be borne in mind that the Populist vote is overstated, and the Democratic vote understated, by reason of the alliances just mentioned. 518 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY Forty-four States participated in the election, six new States having been admitted since the previous election, — North and South Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington, and Wyoming. In all the States, electors were chosen by popular vote ; in all, save Michigan, on a general ticket. The popular and electoral votes are included in the same table. The count of the electoral vote took place on February 8, 1893. The proceedings of 1889 were followed exactly. No incident occurred to enliven the occasion more important than a round of Democratic applause when the vote of Illinois was announced. XXXI THE FREE SILVER CAMPAIGN The four years which cover the second term of Grover Cleveland may be characterized as the most momentous period, in a time of peace, in the history of the country, and as the most interesting, from a political point of vievr, in either war or peace. The prominence assumed by our foreign relations would alone have distinguished it from preceding adminis- trations ; and yet the diplomatic questions that confronted us, although important, far-reaching, and exciting, became almost insignificant in comparison with the domestic problems and conditions with which public men had to deal. An attempt which, since it was but partially successful, was not successful at all, to introduce a new principle in the levy of import duties ; a steady and large deficit in the revenue, not corrected by additional taxation ; a currency hopelessly dis- ordered, while no party was strong enough either to restore it to soundness or to introduce a new element of confusion ; com- mercial disaster and private distress, manifesting itself in demonstrations that always excited apprehension, and in some cases lapsed into lawlessness which the local authorities could not or would not suppress, — such, in brief, were the evil con- divions that prevailed during that eventful period. It was a time full of surprises, the last and greatest of which was the sudden rise, to an issue of overwhelming importance and in- terest, of a question that had troubled the peace of American politicians for twenty years, but had previously been dallied with and avoided, never met squarely and with courage. At the very beginning of the administration the President signified his disagreement with his predecessor on a question of foreign policy by withdrawing from consideration by the Senate the treaty for the annexation of Hawaii. The position ultimately taken by the new administration was that the revo- lution in the island kingdom had been accomplished by an improper use of the armed forces of the United States, and 520 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY that the wrong should be righted by a restoration of the queen to her throne. Upon the question of fact on which the policy was based there was an exceedingly warm controversy; yet there can be little doubt that, whatever opinion men held as to the conduct of our minister at Honolulu, the restoration of a monarchy by the armed intervention, or under the protecting authority, of the United States was repugnant to the general sentiment of the people. The vigorous interference of the government in the difficulty between Great Britain and Venezula was the most dramatic passage in our recent diplomatic history. When it seemed certain that England would put an end to the dispute, that had been running more than half a century, as to the true bound- ary between Venezuela and her possession of British Guiana, by seizing the territory in question, the President brought the subject to the attention of Congress in a message that contained the broadest assertion of the Monroe doctrine ever made in a state paper. The United States had been endeavoring for years to bring about a settlement of the quarrel by arbitration. The suggestion of the President was, in effect, that if the contending parties could not come to terms, this government should undertake a judicial investigation of the matter, and sus- tain whatever rights it might find Venezuela to possess. The message was received in some quarters as presaging war with Great Britain ; and its first effect was to inflict almost absolute paralysis upon business. In the end, after much negotiation, just before the close of Mr. Cleveland's administration, Great Britain and the United States agreed upon an arbitration of the boundary question on nearly the terms originally proposed by this country, — the most signal victory of American diplo- macy in modern times. Had not domestic questions quite overshadowed all matters of foreign policy, and left the ad- ministration without a party to support it, this grand success, giving the Monroe doctrine both a wider scope and a stronger legal standing than ever before, must have played a great part in the election of 1896. On the other hand, the outbreak of a fresh insurrection in Cuba increased greatly the perplexities of the administration. The outspoken sympathy with the insvirgents, more or less sin- cere, of journals and politicians, expressed itself, among other ways, in heated denunciation of the President for his strict observance of a friendly attitude toward Spain, and for the THE FREE SILVER CAMPAIGN 521 steps which he took to prevent filibustering and other viola- tions of the neutrality laws. In a position of extreme difficulty he succeeded in avoiding complications that might lead to war, but he did not and could not succeed in pleasing Spain, or the Cubans, or their sympathizers in this country. Another incident of the diplomatic history of this adminis- tration must be alluded to, although it ultimately came to no- thing, and had no marked bearing upon party politics or upon the presidential election. Mr. Olney, the Secretary of State, negotiated a treaty of general arbitration with Sir Julian Pauncefote, the British minister at Washington, under which all questions arising between the two governments were to be submitted to international tribunals. The treaty was most warmly attacked by many persons as placing the interests of the country in jeopardy ; and on the other hand it was urged, both wisely and unwisely, by men who thought they saw in it the germ of a principle that was to put an end to war. The treaty was not acted upon by the Senate before the close of Mr. Cleveland's administration ; and, although his successor in office recommended it most earnestly, it was rejected. The most cursory review of this remarkable administration would be incomplete without a reference to these stirring events in our foreign relations. Nevertheless not one of them had the least influence in shaping the canvass of 1896, or in determining its result. Two acts of Congress, passed in the year 1890, were the special object of attack by the Democratic party in the election of 1892. The result of that election was to give full power to the Democrats in the legislative as well as the executive department of the government, and the Presi- dent soon began the promised campaign for the repeal of those obnoxious acts. The so-called " Sherman Silver-Purchase Act " was a measure of concession by Republicans to the sen- timent that " something ought to be done for silver." Both parties. Republican and Democratic alike, were paralyzed by the advocates of silver free-coinage. A majority of Democrats favored, and a majority of Republicans opposed, the policy. But it was difficult, and, as the event proved, impossible, to persuade the opponents of the measure to act in harmony. Some of them were even alarmed lest, should they agree upon nothing to increase the use of silver money, the advocates of free coinage would carry their point. Out of this situation arose the compromise contained in the act of 1890. The 522 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY Silver Kepublicans accepted it as the least that would satisfy them ; the anti-Silver members persuaded themselves that it was safe ; and it was carried through as a party measure. As for the Democrats, not one of them supported it, — the Free Silver wing treating it with scorn, as a delusion ; the " Sound Money " wing, as it came afterward to be known, regarding it as a long step toward free coinage, if not a surrender to the Silver Republicans. The working of the act satisfied neither the Silver party nor their opponents. The Democrats denounced it in terms, in their national platform, as a '^ cowardly makeshift," and were pledged to its repeal. When, however, in the spring and early summer of 1893, the consequences of the execution of the act began to make themselves felt, a line of division different from the party line was established. All those who were opposed to free coinage. Republicans as well as Democrats, were anx- iously and earnestly in favor of repeal. The advocates of free coinage, on the other hand, while maintaining consistently that it was far short of the measure which they desired, protested against repeal unless something quite as favorable to silver were simultaneously enacted in its stead. Something like a panic seized the banking and mercantile communities of the money centres, and the alarm lest the country should fall to a silver standard was widespread. In these circumstances the Presi- dent, who was well known to be opposed to further legislation in favor of silver, and strongly against free coinage, called Congress together in extraordinary session for the purpose of repealing the silver-purchase clauses of the act of 1890. The situation was a peculiar one. It may perhaps be most briefly explained by a statement of what occurred. The act of repeal was passed by the House of Representatives on August 28, 1893, three weeks after the session began. It did not pass the Senate until October 30. It was successful in the lower House because the Speaker, Mr. Crisp, a silver advocate both before and afterward, gave it his support and the weight of all the influence a Speaker could exert. In the Senate the bill was managed by Mr. Voorhees, also a free-coinage man. The fact that, in spite of the passage of this bill, there was a majority in each House of Congress in favor of free coin- age, was proved abundantly at the subsequent regular sessions ; but owing to the difficulty of carrying any measure through both Houses in the face of a determined minority, nothing THE FREE SILVER CAMPAIGN 523 was accomplished. A bill was, nevertheless, passed to " coin the seigniorage." This act encountered a veto by the President, May 27, 1894, and the two- thirds majority, necessary to pass the bill notwithstanding his objections, could not be obtained. The bill proposed to coin so much of the silver purchased under the act of 1890 as represented the difference between the price paid for the silver and its coining value, and to use the coin for the current expenses of the government ; and afterward to coin the rest of the silver owned by the Treasury for the pur- pose of redeeming the treasury notes issued against the silver purchased. This measure, to which Mr. Abram S. Hewitt applied the catching phrase " coining a vacuum," was the only one touching the silver question which reached the President after the repealing act already mentioned. But the temper of Congress was well shown by its absolute refusal to sanction an issue of bonds payable, principal and interest, in gold. The matter was brought to the attention of Congress by the Presi- dent at a time when a large issue of bonds was pending ; and a proposition by a bankers' syndicate to take the bonds on much more favorable terms, provided the promise were made to pay in gold what was to be lent in gold, was submitted at the same time ; but Congress refused to allow the promise to be made. A resolution authorizing an issue of gold bonds was rejected by a large majority. The significance of all these events, in their bearing upon the election of a President in 1896, lies in the fact of a con- stantly increasing difference between Mr. Cleveland and the majority of his party as represented in Congress. At the be- ginning of the administration, there were enough Silver Demo- crats, who joined with the Gold Democrats, to give a majority of the party in the House of Representatives in favor of the repeal act of 1893. In the Senate the Democrats who opposed the President were exactly as many as those who supported him. Included among his supporters were seven senators who were far more disposed to vote for free coinage than for the repealing act. The President's influence was sufficient to se- cure their vote for the bill. But this was the last occasion on which they conceded anything to him or yielded their opinion in the slightest degree. As soon as the Silver-Purchase Repeal Act had been passed, che President bent all his energies to the fulfilment of the second pledge of his party, — the repeal of the McKinley Tariff 524 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY Act, and the passage of a customs revenue law " to reduce tax- ation," The protective system had been denounced in 1892 from every Democratic stump, and Mr. Cleveland had been elected with a distinct understanding that his victory would signify a purpose to go as far as prudence would warrant in the direction of free trade, or a " tariff for revenue only." Accordingly, at the beginning of the regular session of Con- gress in December, 1893, the President summoned his party to the performance of this duty. The apparent unanimity of the Democrats on this question, moreover, seemed to promise an opportunity to heal the breach caused by the contest over silver. The result made manifest a party division no less de- plorable from a political point of view than that which had been revealed at the extraordinary session, and one which filled with humiliation those who wished honestly and faith- fully to redeem the party pledge. A tariff bill framed as nearly in conformity to the principle which the voters of the country were supposed to have approved, as could be expected of any party, was brought into the House by Mr. Wilson, Chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means, and was promptly passed by that branch of Congress. When it reached the Senate a singular state of affairs appeared. A coterie of Democratic senators made an informal alliance with the Republicans for the purpose of saving the protective du- ties upon certain classes of goods in which the people of their respective States were interested. Neither threats nor per- suasion, and no consideration of party loyalty, availed to break this alliance. The Democratic leaders were forced to accept the amendments dictated by the wayward members of their own party, including some that were insisted upon by the Republicans as the price of their assistance. In these circum- stances, the bill as it was passed by the Senate was one which consistent upholders of the Democratic principle declared they could never accept. Nevertheless, it was soon made evident to them that no changes would be permitted, — that the choice lay between taking the bill as the Senate had passed it, or taking nothing, and thus leaving the McKinley act in force. With unconcealed reluctance they took the Senate bill. The only consolation they permitted themselves was the fact that the bill made wool free of duty ; and the wool duty was re- garded as the keystone of the protection arch.. The President would neither approve the bill nor become responsible for the THE FREE SILVER CAMPAIGN 525 failure of tariff legislation by vetoing it. He allowed the bill to become law by lapse of time, without his signature. During the ensuing two years the financial and business situation became steadily worse. Each reacted upon the other. The lower duties imposed by the new tariff act were not followed by such an increase of importations as to make good the loss of revenue. Foreign distrust in the stability of our affairs led to a withdrawal of foreign investments, and this caused a heavy exportation of gold, which was drawn from the Treasury. The gold borrowed on government loans to make good the reserve maintained to insure the redeema- bility of the paper money was quickly lost ; for the greenbacks paid out in excess of revenue were again presented for re- demption, to procure more gold for export. The President, in calling the attention of Congress to the subject, likened the process to the operation of an ** endless chain." The constant imperilling of the gold reserve caused frequent panics and a paralysis of business. The labor situation became serious. Great strikes took place, attended with extreme violence. One in particular on certain great lines of railway centring in Chicago led to a direct intervention of the national authority and the employment of the army to protect the running of trains, on the theory that it was necessary to continue the operation of the postal service. The use of the government troops was not solicited by the governor of Illinois, who pub- licly protested that the intervention of the national author- ity, by command of the President, prior to a request therefor by the governor, was an unconstitutional invasion of State rights. The generally deplorable condition of affairs, which, as is usually the case, was popularly attributed to the inefficiency and failure of the party in power, caused a violent reaction from the great Democratic victory of 1892. The Congress elections of 1894 gave the Republicans a majority of more than two to one in the House. Hardly a dozen Democratic members were returned from all the Northern States. The situation of the Democratic party did not improve, and at the beginning of 1896 was as hopeless as it had been at any time during the second administration of Mr. Cleveland. It was at this time a common remark by Republicans, which their opponents ventured only mildly to contradict, that they " could nominate a rag baby and elect it President " that year. 526 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY Yet events so shaped themselves as to render the contest one of the sharpest, most memorable, and for a brief season the most doubtful, of all that have taken place since the elec- tion of Mr. Lincoln in 1860. That which brought about the change was the intrusion of the silver question into the canvass as the dominant issue, in opposition to the wishes and efforts of those who, in each of the old historic parties, had previously- exercised a controlling influence in its councils. It is easy to understand why they took this attitude of opposition. As apostles of the gospel of success, they dreaded the division which a plain and unmistakable pronouncement on the subject of silver would cause. The Populist party alone was united on that issue. The growing strength of that organization had filled all the old politicians with alarm. In some of the Western States it had even become formidable to the extent of outnum- bering both the old parties combined. It was evident that, if the silver question were to become the foremost issue in the canvass, the old policy of a " straddling " platform would not do ; since in that case all those who were resolved to have free coinage at all hazards would flock to the Populist standard. Out of this situation developed a sensational contest for the control of the Democratic organization. The Eastern section of the party was dominated by the advocates of the gold stand- ard ; the Free Coinage wing was overwhelmingly strong in the West and South ; and the great battle-ground was the central Western States. The national administration employed all its influence to secure the election to the national convention of delegates who would oppose the demands of the Silver men. Kentucky was the scene of the fiercest conflict ; and when the primary elections resulted in a brilliant victory for free silver, it was evident that the contest was ended, and that the only hope of the opponents of free coinage was that the victors might be persuaded not to carry their advantage to extremes, — a hope which was destined to be disappointed. The ear- nestness with which the struggle was carried on may be judged from the fact that the Democratic conventions of no less than thirty States resolved in distinct and emphatic language in favor of the free coinage of silver at the ratio of sixteen to one. Fourteen state conventions opposed free coinage, and ten of them declared in set terms for the gold standard. One conven- tion only, that of Florida, expressed no opinion on the silver question. The sectional division on this issue is indicated by THE FREE SILVER CAMPAIGN 527 the fact that the fourteen anti-Silver States were the New Eng- land States, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware,, and Maryland, with Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. Meantime another contest had been attracting deep interest throughout the country, — a contest, not of principle, but be- tween rival candidates for the Republican nomination. Major William McKinley, of Ohio, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Thomas B. Reed, of Maine, had long been avowed candidates for the nomination. Months before the convention was to be held, the agents and partisans of each were at work laying plans, conducting correspondence, and dispatching emissaries to all parts of the country — particu- larly into the Southern States — in order to secure the elec- tion of delegates. By far the better organized, more aggres- sive and systematic campaign was carried on in behalf of Major McKinley, under the direction of his friend Marcus A. Hanna, whose name became familiar as household words in the mouths of all the stump speakers before the presidential canvass ended. Mr. McKinley was proclaimed " the advance agent of prosperity ; " and, in the renewed popularity of the protec- tive system, no cry was more effective than the demand for ''Bill McKinley and the McKinley Bill." Mr. Reed's im- mense and universally admitted services to his party, his tal- ents, his iron will, and his almost undisputed leadership, gave him a host of supporters. New York brought forward her governor, the former Vice-President, Levi P. Morton. Iowa presented as a worthy candidate her senator, William B. Alli- son ; and Pennsylvania named Senator Matthew S. Quay. The efforts in behalf of the minor candidates availed little save in their respective States ; the hopes of their supporters hardly went further than this : that they might make such a display of strength as to suggest that, if neither Mr. McKinley nor Mr. Reed could carry the convention, one of them would be available as a "dark horse." But it became evident long before the convention, although the partisans of the other can- didates would not admit it, that a strong majority of the dele- gates favored the nomination of Mr. McKinley. During the whole of this preliminary skirmishing in the Republican party, the silver question was thrust into the background as much as possible. Twenty-two state conventions, it is true, declared against free coinage ; but many even of these gave greater prominence and vigor to their expressions on the tariff than to 528 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY their views on the money standard. Here also the gospel of success prevailed. The States of the extreme West, the " min- ing States," were practically unanimous in favor of silver. If the Democrats could count as usual on a " solid South," if they could hold the doubtful States of the Northwest, and if they could win over the new States of the far Northwest by taking ground in favor of free coinage while the Republicans opposed it, the canvass was already decided against the Republicans. It was announced by the Republican leaders in Colorado, Idaho, and other States that their electoral votes were irretriev- ably lost to the party if the national convention did not show itself more " friendly to silver " than the Minneapolis conven- tion of 1892. This consideration caused many of the managers to do their utmost to retain the tariff as the leading issue, and to contemplate a " straddle " on the silver question. Their plans and purposes were overturned by influences too strong for them to resist. Afiairs were in this interesting situation when the time arrived for holding the national conventions. The results of these great assemblies were surprising to those even who had gauged accurately the intensity of the public feeling on the silver question. Never before were conventions so inharmoni- ous, and never were there so many "splits" and "bolts" in parties. The first convention to be held was that of the Pro- hibition party, which met at Pittsburg on May 27, 1896. Mr, A. A. Stevens, of Pennsylvania, was the temporary chairman, and Mr. Oliver W. Stewart, of Illinois, the permanent presi- dent of the convention. The assembly was divided from the first into two factions, — the " narrow gangers " and the " broad gangers." The real contest was over the silver question. The " broad gangers " favored a platform made up of resolutions on many topics, upon which they held views closely approaching those of the Populists. The " narrow gangers," opposing particularly the adoption of a free coinage " plank," contended for a platform which should make the prohibition of the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors the only issue upon which the party should appeal to the people. So sharp was the contest between the two factions that a disruption was foreseen before the convention was called to order. Leading men on each side had announced that if their faction were defeated, they would not support either platform or candidates. There was war THE FREE SILVER CAMPAIGN 529 between them in the choice of presiding officers ; and the two presidential candidates ultimately named had been agreed upon in rival caucuses before the first session of the convention. The platform was reported on the second day of the session. A majority of the committee consisted of " narrow gangers,'' and all the resolutions, six in number, were aimed at the liquor traffic. A minority of the committee presented fifteen additional resolutions, the first of which demanded the free and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of sixteen to one. The convention, in order that it might consider the question as a whole, first voted, yeas 492, nays 310, to append the minority resolutions to those reported by the majority, and then pro- ceeded to consider the resolutions seriatim. The first six were adopted with unanimity. The next,^ opposing all bank currency, and advocating the free coinage of silver, was warmly debated, and was rejected by a vote of yeas 387, nays 427. A motion was then made, and carried almost unanimously, to substitute for the resolutions already adopted the following, which became the platform of the convention : — We, the members of the Prohibition party, in National Conven- tion assembled, renewing our declaration of allegiance to Almighty God as the rightful Ruler of the universe, lay down the following as our declaration of political purpose : — The Prohibition party, in National Convention assembled, de- clares its firm conviction that the manufacture, exportation, im- portation, and sale of alcoholic beverages has produced such social, commercial, industrial, and political wrongs, and is now so threat- ening the perpetuity of all our social and political institutions, that the suppression of the same, by a national party organized therefor, is the greatest object to be accomplished by the voters of our coun- try, and is of such importance that it of right ought to control the political actions of all our patriotic citizens until such suppression is accomplished. The urgency of this course demands the union, without further delay, of all citizens who desire the prohibition of the liquor traffic , therefore be it Resolved, That we favor the legal prohibition by state and na- tional legislation of the manufacture, importation, and sale of alcoholic beverages. That we declare our purpose to organize and unite all the friends of prohibition into one party, and in order to accomplish this end we deem it of right to leave every Prohibition- ist the freedom of his own convictions upon all other political 1 See the third resolution of the National party, p. 531. 530 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY questions, and trust our representatives to take such action upon other political questions as the changes occasioned by prohibition and the welfare of the whole people shall demand. The following additional resolution was moved from the floor and unanimously adopted ; but in order to save the con- sistency of the '' narrow gangers," it was voted that the resolu- tion should not be a part of the platform : — Resolved, That the right of suffrage ought not to be abridged on account of sex. Immediately after the adoption of the substitute platform and the defeat of the " broad gaugers," a delegate requested all members of the convention who " wanted to work for human- ity " to withdraw. Thereupon the " broad gaugers " retired from the hall. Those who remained proceeded to make nomi- nations. Joshua Levering, of Maryland, was chosen as the candidate for President of the United States by acclamation. A vote was taken for a candidate for Vice-President, and Hale Johnson, of Illinois, was chosen. He received 309 votes, to 132 for T. C. Hughes, of Arizona. The seceders from the Prohibition convention met in Pitts- burg on the evening of May 28, chose Mr. A. L. Moore, of Michigan, chairman, and proceeded to organize the " National " party. The following platform was adopted. The six resolu- tions of the Prohibition platform were condensed into one ; the declaration in favor of woman suffrage was appended ; and the other eleven " planks " were taken from the report of the minority of the platform committee of the Prohibition con- vention : — The National party, recognizing God as the author of all just power in government, presents the following declaration of prin- ciples, which it pledges itself to enact into effective legislation when given the power to do so : — 1. The suppression of the manufacture and sale, importation, exportation, and transportation of intoxicating liquors for bever- age purposes. We utterly reject all plans for regulating or com- promising with this traffic, whether such plans be called local option, taxation, license, or public control. The sale of liquors for medicinal and other legitimate uses should be conducted by the State, without profit, and with such regulations as will pre- vent fraud or evasion. 2. No citizen should be denied the right to vote on account of sex. THE FREE SILVER CAMPAIGN 531 3. All money should be issued by the general government only, and without the intervention of any private citizen, corporation, or banking institution. It should be based upon the wealth, sta- bility, and integrity of the nation. It should be a full legal ten- der for all debts, public and private, and should be of sufficient volume to meet the demands of the legitimate business interests of the country. For the purpose of honestly liquidating our out- standing coin obligations, we favor the free and unlimited coinage of both silver and gold, at the ratio of 16 to 1, without consulting any other nation. 4. Land is the common heritage of the people and should be preserved from monopoly and speculation. AH unearned grants of land subject to forfeiture should be reclaimed by the govern- ment, and no portion of the public domain should hereafter be granted except to actual settlers, continuous use being essential to tenure. 5. Railroads, telegraphs, and other natural monopolies should be owned and operated by the government, giving to the people the benefit of service at actual cost. 6. The national Constitution should be so amended as to allow the national revenues to be raised by equitable adjustment of taxation on the properties and incomes of the people, and import duties should be levied as a means of securing equitable commer- cial relations with other nations. 7. The contract convict labor system, through which speculators are enriched at the expense of the State, should be abolished. 8. All citizens should be protected by law in their right to one day of rest in seven, without oppressing any who conscientiously observe any other than the first day of the week. 9. The American public schools, taught in the English lan- guage, should be maintained, and no public funds should be ap- propriated for sectarian institutions. 10. The President, Vice-President, and United States senators should be elected by direct vote of the people. 11. Ex-soldiers and sailors of the United States army and navy, their widows and minor children, should receive liberal pensions, graded on disability and term of service, not merely as a debt of gratitude, but for service rendered in the preservation of the Union. 12. Our immigration laws should be so revised as to exclude paupers and criminals. None but citizens of the United States should be allowed to vote in any State, and naturalized citizens should not vote until one year after naturalization papers have been issued. 13. The initiative and referendum, and proportional represen* tation, should be adopted. 532 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY The Rev, Charles E. Bentley, of Nebraska, was nominated by acclamation for President of the United States ; and James H. Southgate, of North Carolina, for Vice-President. Repre- sentatives of twenty-seven States took part in the convention. A roll-call showed the presence of 299 seceding delegates accredited to the Prohibition convention. All the proceed- ings of this assembly were completed at a single sitting, which lasted until the dawn of May 29. The Republican convention met at St. Louis on June 16. The nomination of Major McKinley was a foregone conclu- sion ; but the formation of the platform excited the most in- tense interest among the delegates and throughout the country. The complete victory of the Free Silver wing of the Demo- cratic party in the choice of delegates to the convention soon to assemble, and the determination expressed by its leaders to declare for free coinage in the most radical terms, placed be- fore the Republican politicians for solution a puzzling problem. Should they try to evade the issue about to be set forth by their enemies, and endeavor to make the canvass on the tariff issue ? Or should they boldly anticipate the new issue and declare against free coinage and in favor of the gold standard ? A small but compact and persistent group of delegates from the extreme West urged a third course, namely, a declaration in favor of free coinage ; but that was manifestly out of the qtiestion, since a vast majority of the leaders and of those whom they represented was unalterably opposed to that policy. The advocates of a timorous policy were defeated in the first preliminary skirmish. Two facts which were set forth most clearly convinced a great majority of the convention that there was nothing to be gained and much to be lost by a " straddle," — the first, that such a course would not pacify the Free Silver delegates or keep them in the convention ; and the second, that the advocates of the policy of saying plainly what almost all the delegates except those from the " Silver States " thought, would carry the contest into the convention if they were de- feated in the committee. In these circumstances most of the opposition to the insertion of the word " gold " in the platform ceased. Even the phraseology of the resolution, which was afterward changed but slightly, was agreed upon and published. Nevertheless, after the convention met and organized, by the choice of Mr. Charles W. Fairbanks, of Indiana, as tem- porary chairman, and Mr. John M. Thurston, of Nebraska, as THE FREE SILVER CAMPAIGN 533 permanent president, the contest was renewed in the committee on resolutions. It was not until the third day of the session, June 18, that the platform was reported, as follows : — The Republicans of the United States, assembled by their repre- sentatives in national convention, appealing for the popular and historical justification of their claims to the matchless achieve- ments of the thirty years of Republican rule, earnestly and confi- dently address themselves to the awakened intelligence, experience, and conscience of their countrymen in the following declaration of facts and principles : — For the first time since the Civil War the American people have witnessed the calamitous consequences of full and unrestricted Democratic control of the government. It has been a record of unparalleled incapacity, dishonor, and disaster. In administrative management it has ruthlessly sacrificed indispensable revenue, entailed an unceasing deficit, eked out ordinary current expenses with borrowed money, piled up the public debt by $262,000,000 in time of peace, forced an adverse balance of trade, kept a perpetual menace hanging over the redemption fund, pawned American credit to alien syndicates, and reversed all the measures and results of successful Republican rule. In the broad effect of its policy it has precipitated panic, blighted industry and trade with prolonged depression, closed factories, re- duced work and wages, halted enterprise, and crippled American production while stimulating foreign production for the American market. Every consideration of public safety and individual interest demands that the government shall be rescued from the hands of those who have shown themselves incapable of conduct- ing it without disaster at home and dishonor abroad, and shall be restored to the party which for thirty years administered it with unequalled success and prosperity, and in this connection we heartily indorse the wisdom, the patriotism, and the success of the administration of President Harrison. We renew and emphasize our allegiance to the policy of pro- tection as the bulwark of American industrial independence and the foundation of American development and prosperity. This true American policy taxes foreign products and encourages home industry ; it puts the burden of revenue on foreign goods ; it se- cures the American market for the American producer ; it upholds the American standard of wages for the American workingman ; it puts the factory by the side of the farm, and makes the Ameri- can farmer less dependent on foreign demand and price ; it diffuses general thrift, and founds the strength of all on the strength of each. In its reasonable application it is just, fair, and impartial, 534 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY equally opposed to foreign control and domestic monopoly, to sec- tional discrimination and individual favoritism. We denounce the present Democratic tariff as sectional, inju- rious to the public credit, and destructive to business enterprise. We demand such an equitable tariff on foreign imports vphich come into competition with American products as will not only furnish adequate revenue for the necessary expenses of the govern- ment, but will protect American labor from degradation to the wage level of other lands. We are not pledged to any particular schedules. The question of rates is a practical question, to be governed by the conditions of the time and of pi'oduction ; the ruling and uncompromising principle is the protection and devel- opment of American labor and industry. The country demands a right settlement, and then it wants rest. We believe the repeal of the reciprocity arrangements negotiated by the last Republican administration was a national calamity, and we demand their renewal and extension on such terms as wiU equalize our trade with other nations, remove the restrictions which now obstruct the sale of American products in the ports of other countries, and secure enlarged markets for. the products of our farms, forests, and factories. Protection and reciprocity are twin measures of Republican policy and go hand in hand. Democratic rule has recklessly struck down both, and both must be reestablished. Protection for what we produce ; free admission for the necessaries of life which we do not produce ; reciprocity agreements of mutual in- terests which gain open markets for us in return for our open market to others. Protection builds up domestic industry and trade, and secures our own market for ourselves ; reciprocity builds up foreign trade and finds an outlet for our surplus. We condemn the present administration for not keeping faith with the sugar-producers of this country. The Republican party favors such protection as will lead to the production on American soil of all the sugar which the American people use, and for which they pay other countries more than $100,000,000 annually. To all our products — to those of the mine and the fields, as well as those of the shop and factory ; to hemp, to wool, the pro- duct of the great industry of sheep husbandry, as well as to the finished wooUens of the miUs — we promise the most ample pro- tection. We favor restoring the early American policy of discriminating duties for the upbuilding of our merchant marine and the pro- tection of our shipping in the foreign carrying trade, so that American ships — the product of American labor, employed in American shipyards, sailing under the stars and stripes, and THE FREE SILVER CAMPAIGN 535 manned, officered, and owned by Anaericane — may regain the carrying of our foreign commerce. The Republican party is unreservedly for sound money. It caused the enactment of the law providing for the resumption of specie payments in 1879 ; since then every dollar has been as good as gold. We are unalterably opposed to every measure calculated to de- base our currency or impair the credit of our country. We are, therefore, opposed to the free coinage of silver, except by inter- national agreement with the leading commercial nations of the world, which we pledge ourselves to promote, and until such agreement can be obtained the existing gold standard must be preserved. All our silver and paper currency must be maintained at parity with gold, and we favor all measures designed to main- tain inviolably the obligations of the United States and all our money, whether coin or paper, at the present standai'd, the stand- ard of the most enlightened nations of the earth. The veterans of the Union armies deserve and should receive fair treatment and generous recognition. Whenever practicable they should be given the preference in the matter of employment, and they are entitled to the enactment of such laws as are best calculated to secure the fulfilment of the pledges made to them in the dark days of the country's peril. We denounce the practice in the Pension Bureau, so recklessly and unjustly carried on by the present administration, of reducing pensions and arbitrarily dropping names from the rolls, as deserving the severest condem- nation of the American people. Our foreign policy should be at all times firm, vigorous, and dignified, and all our interests in the Western hemisphere care- fully watched and guarded. The Hawaiian islands should be controlled by the United States, and no foreign power should be permitted to interfere with them ; the Nicaragua Canal should be built, owned and operated by the United States ; and by the purchase of the Danish islands we should secure a proper and much-needed naval station in the West Indies. The massacres in Armenia have aroused the deep sympathy and just indignation of the American people, and we believe that the United States should exercise all the influence it can properly exert to bring these atrocities to an end. In Turkey, American residents have been exposed to the gravest dangers and American property destroyed. There and everywhere American citizens and American property must be absolutely protected at all hazards and at any cost. We reassert the Monroe doctrine in its full extent, and we re- affirm the right of the United States to give the doctrine effect 536 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY by responding to the appeal of any American State for friendly intervention in case of European encroachment. We have not interfered and shall not interefere with the existing possessions of any European power in this hemisphere, but those possessions must not on any pretext be extended. We hopefully look forward to the eventual withdrawal of the European powers from this hemisphere, and to the ultimate union of all English-speaking parts of the continent by the free consent of its inhabitants. From the hour of achieving their own independence, the people of the United States have regarded with sympathy the struggles of other American people to free themselves from European domi- nation. We watch with deep and abiding interest the heroic bat- tle of the Cuban patriots against cruelty and oppression, and our best hopes go out for the full success of their determined contest for liberty. The government of Spain, having lost control of Cuba, and being unable to protect the property or lives of resident American citizens, or to comply with its treaty obligations, we believe that the government of the United States should actively use its influ- ence and good offices to restore peace and give independence to the island. The peace and security of the republic and the maintenance of its rightful influence among the nations of the earth demand a naval power commensurate with its position and responsibility. We therefore favor the continued enlargement of the navy and a complete system of harbor and seacoast defences. For the protection of the quality of our American citizenship and of the wages of our workingmen against the fatal competition of low-priced labor, we demand that the immigration laws be thoroughly enforced, and so extended as to exclude from entrance to the United States those who can neither read nor write. The civil-service law was placed on the statute book by the Republican party, which has always sustained it, and we renew our repeated declarations that it shall be thoroughly and honestly enforced and extended wherever practicable. We demand that every citizen of the United States shall be allowed to cast one free and unrestricted ballot, and that such ballot shall be counted and returned as cast. We proclaim our unqualified condemnation of the uncivilized and barbarous practice, well known as lynching, or killing of human beings suspected or charged with crime, without process of law. We favor the creation of a national Board of Arbitration to settle and adjust diiferences which may arise between employers and employees engaged in interstate commerce. THE FREE SILVER CAMPAIGN 537 We believe in an immediate return to the free-homestead policy of the Republican party, and urge the passage by Congress of a satisfactory free-homestead measure such as has already passed the House, and is now pending in the Senate. AVe favor the admission of the remaining Territories at the earliest practicable date, having due regard to the interests of the people of the Territories and of the United States. All the Federal officers appointed for the Territories should be selected from bonafde residents thereof, and the right of self-government should be accorded as far as practicable. We believe the citizens of Alaska should have representation in the Congress of the United States, to the end that needful legisla- tion may be intelligently enacted. We sympathize with all wise and legitimate efforts to lessen and prevent the evils of intemperance and promote morality. The Republican party is mindful of the rights and interests of women. Protection of American industries includes equal oppor- tunities, equal pay for equal work, and protection to the home. We favor the admission of women to wider spheres of usefulness, and welcome their cooperation in rescuing the country from Dem- ocratic and Populist mismanagement and misrule. Such are the principles and policies of the Republican party. By these principles we will abide and these policies we will put into execution. We ask for them the considerate judgment of the American people. Confident alike in the history of our great party and in the justice of our cause, we present our platform and our candidates in the full assurance that the election will bring victory to the Republican party and prosperity to the people of the United States. Immediately after the reading of the platform Senator Henry M. Teller, of Colorado, the leader of the Silver forces, took the floor, and in behalf of a minority of the Committee on Resolutions offered the following as a substitute for the declaration in the platform on the subject of currency and coinage : — The Republican party favors the use of both gold and silver as equal standard money, and pledges its power to secure the free, unrestricted, and independent coinage of gold and silver at our mints at the ratio of sixteen parts of silver to one of gold. Mr. Teller pleaded for his substitute in an earnest speech, which virtually recognized the impending defeat of the motion, Jivul left no doubt that an adverse vote would be followed by the withdrawal of himself and his associates from the convention. 538 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY At the close of his speech a motion to lay the substitute on the table, which was equivalent to rejecting it, was carried by 818A^ ayes to 105|- noes. Sixty-seven of the negative votes were given by delegates from States west of the Missouri River; 33.^- by delegates from Southern States; and five by dele- gates from the Middle West. A separate vote was then taken on the adoption of the financial plank reported by the majority. The result was : ayes 812|-, noes 110|^. The rest of the plat- form was adopted by acclamation and with unanimity. Mr. Frank Cannon, United States Senator from Utah, then read a carefully prepared protest signed by many members of the Sil- ver wing of the party, after which thirty-four members of the convention, including four United States senators and two representatives in Congress, with Mr. Teller at their head, sol- emnly withdrew from the convention. William McKinley, of Ohio, was nominated as the candidate for President on the first vote, which resulted as follows : — Whole number of votes 906 Necessary for a choice 453^ William McKinley, Ohio 664 Thomas B. Reed, Maine 84^ Matthew S. Quay, Pennsylvania 61-| Levi P. Morton, New York 58 William B. Allison, Iowa 35^ J. Donald Cameron, Pennsylvania ....... 1 Blank 4 Garret A, Hobart, of New Jersey, was nominated as the candidate for Vice-President by the following vote : — Whole number of votes 895 Necessary for a choice 448 Garret A. Hobart, New Jersey 535^ Henry Clay Evans, Tennessee 277|f Morgan G. Bulkeley, Connecticut 39 James A. Walker, Virginia 24 Charles W. Lippitt, Rhode Island 8 Thomas B. Reed, Maine 3 Chauncey M. Depew, New York 3 John M. Thurston, Nebraska 2 Frederick D. Grant, New York 2 Levi P. Morton, New York 1 The Socialist Labor party held a convention in New Yorg city, beginning on the 4th of July and continuing for six days. THE FREE SILVER CAMPAIGN 539 Inasmuch as the Democratic convention was close at hand, the newspapers paid but slight attention to its proceedings. No exact statement can be made as to the number of members, or the States from which they came. The following platform was adopted : — The Socialist Labor party of tlie United States, in convention assembled, reasserts the inalienable right of all men to life, lib- erty, and the pursuit of happiness. With the founders of the American republic, we hold that the purpose of government is to secure every citizen in the enjoyment of this right ; but in the light of our social conditions, we hold, furthermore, that no such right can be exercised under a system of economic inequality, essentially destructive of life, of liberty, and of happiness. With the founders of this republic, we hold that the true theory of politics is that the machinery of government must be owned and controlled by the whole people ; but in the light of our indus- trial development we hold, furthermore, that the true theory of economics is that the machinery of production must likewise belong to the people in common. To the obvious fact, that our despotic system of economics is the direct opposite of our democratic system of politics, can plainly be traced the existence of a privileged class, the corruption of gov- ernment by that class, the alienation of public property, public franchises, and public functions to that class, and the abject de- pendence of the mightiest nations upon that class. Again, through the perversion of democracy to the ends of plu- tocracy, labor is robbed of the wealth which it alone produces, is denied the means of self-employment, and, by compulsory idleness in wage slavery, is even deprived of the necessaries of life. Human power and natural forces are thus wasted that the plutocracy may rule. Ignorance and misery, with all their concomitant evils, are perpetuated, that the people may be kept in bondage. Science and invention are diverted from their humane purpose to the enslavement of women and children. Against such a system the Socialist Labor party once more enters its protest. Once more it reiterates its fundamental decla- ration, that private property in the natural sources of production and in the instruments of labor is the obvious cause of all eco- nomic servitude and political dependence. The time is fast coming when, in the natural course of social evolution, this system, through the destructive action of its fail- ures and crises on the one hand, and the constructive tendencies of its trusts and other capitalistic combinations on the other hand, shall have worked out its own downfall. 640 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY We therefore call upon the wage-workers of the United States, and upon all other honest citizens, to organize under the banner of the Socialist Labor party into a class-conscious body, aware of its rights and determined to conquer them by taking possession of the public powers; so that, held together by an indomitable spirit of solidarity under the most trying conditions of the present class struggle, we may put a summary end to that barbarous struggle by the abolition of classes, the restoration of the land, and of all the means of production, transportation, and distribu- tion to the people as a collective body, and the substitution of the cooperative commonwealth for the present state of planless production, industrial war, and social disorder ; a commonwealth in which every worker shall have the free exercise and full benefit of his faculties, multiplied by all the modern factors of civilization. With a view to immediate improvement in the condition of labor we present the following demands : — 1. Reduction of the hours of labor in proportion to the progress of production. 2. The United States to obtain possession of the mines, rail- roads, canals, telegraphs, telephones, and all other means of public transportation and communication ; the employees to operate the same cooperatively under control of the federal government and to elect their own superior officers, but no employee shall be dis- charged for political reasons. 3. The municipalities to obtain possession of the local railroads, ferries, water-works, gas-works, electric plants, and all industries requiring municipal franchises; the employees to operate the same cooperatively under control of the municipal administration and to elect their own superior officers, but no employee shall be dis- charged for political reasons. 4. The public lands to be declared inalienable. Revocation of all land grants to corporations or individuals, the conditions of which have not been complied with. 5. The United States to have the exclusive right to issue money. 6. Congressional legislation providing for the scientific manage- ment of forests and waterways, and prohibiting the waste of the natural resources of the country. 7. Inventions to be free to all ; the inventors to be remunerated by the nation. 8. Progressive income tax and tax on inheritances ; the smaller incomes to be exempt. 9. School education of all children under fourteen years of age to be compulsory, gratuitous, and accessible to all by public assist- ance in meals, clothing, books, etc., where necessary. 10. Repeal of all pauper, tramp, conspiracy, and sumptuary laws. Unabridged right of comlnnation. THE FREE SILVER CAMPAIGN 541 11. Prohibition of the employment of children of school age, and the employment of female labor in occupations detrimental to health or morality. Abolition of the convict labor contract system. 12. Employment of the unemployed by the public authorities (county, city, state, and nation). 13. All wages to be paid in lawful money of the United States. Equalization of women's wages with those of men where equal service is performed. 14. Laws for the protection of life and limb in all occupations, and an efficient employers' liability law. 15. The people to have the right to propose laws and to vote upon all measures of importance, according to the referendum principle. 16. Abolition of the veto power of the executive (national, state, and municipal) wherever it exists. 17. Abolition of the United States Senate and all upper legisla- tive chambers. 18. Municipal self-government. 19. Direct vote and secret ballots in all elections. Universal and equal right of suffrage without regard to color, creed, or sex. Election days to be legal holidays. The principle of proportional representation to be introduced. 20. All public officers to be subject to recall by their respective constituencies. 21. Uniform civil and criminal law throughout the United States. Administration of justice to be free of charge. Abolition of capi- tal punishment. On the sixth day of the session, July 9, the convention made its nominations. It is reported that there was a serious — in the sense of sober, it is to be presumed, as well as in the sense of active — contest for the nomination for Pre- sident ; not that either of the candidates expected to be elected, but because the victory of the party not later than the year 1925 was confidently expected, and it was to be an honor to be the standard-bearer of the party in 1896. Mr. Charles H. Matchett, of New York, was nominated, receiving 43 votes to 23 for Matthew Maguire, of New Jersey, and 4 for William Watkins, of Ohio. Matthew Maguire, of New Jersey, was nominated by acclamation for Vice-President. The result of the Republican convention intensified public interest in the Democratic national convention, which met at Chicago on July 7. The explicit declaration at St. Louis in favor of the gold standard strengthened the position of the 542 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY Silver wing of the Democratic party, which, having a sufficient majority of the delegates, intended in any event to use its power to the utmost. Meanwhile the control of the national committee was in the hands of the anti-Silver wing, and most of the " old-liners " of the North and West were on the same side. A strenuous effort was determined on to prevent, if possible, the adoption of a free-coinage resolution. All the arts known to politicians were resorted to ; as the event proved, without avail. The national committee proposed as temporary chairman Senator David B. Hill, of New York. His election was challenged on the floor of the convention, and after a heated debate Senator John W. Daniel, of Virginia, the can- didate of the Free Silver men, was chosen in his stead by a vote of 556 to 349. On this, as on most other votes in the convention, the unit rule was observed ; that is, the majority of a state delegation cast the whole vote of the State for or against a motion, or for a particular candidate. On the second day of the session the Silver forces were augmented by three changes in the membership proposed in the report of the Com- mittee on Credentials : (1) the representation of each Terri- tory was increased from two members to six ; (2) the Gold Standard delegation from Nebraska was unseated and a dele- gation favorable to Silver, headed by Mr. William J. Bryan, was admitted ; and (3) four Silver delegates were substituted for four Gold delegates from Michigan, which gave the Silver party the control of the twenty-eight votes of that State. After these changes had been made. Senator Stephen M. White, of California, was made permanent president of the convention. On the third day of the session the platform was reported as follows : — We, the Democrats of the United States in national convention assembled, do reaffirm our allegiance to those great essential principles of justice and liberty, upon which our institutions are founded, and which the Democratic party has advocated from Jefferson's time to our own, — freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of conscience, the preservation of personal rights, the equality of all citizens before the law, and the faithful obser- vance of constitutional limitations. During all these years the Democratic party has resisted the tendency of selfish interests to the centralization of governmental power, and steadfastly maintained the integrity of the dual THE FREE SILVER CAMPAIGN 543 scheme of government established by the founders of this repub- lic of republics. Under its guidance and teachings, the great principle of local self-government has found its best expression in the maintenance of the rights of the States, and in its assertion of the necessity of confining the general government to the exer- cise of the powers granted by the Constitution of the United States. The Constitution of the United States guarantees to every cit- izen the rights of civil and religious liberty. The Democratic party has always been the exponent of political liberty and re- ligious freedom, and it renews its obligations and reaffirms its devotion to these fundamental principles of the Constitution. Recognizing that the money question is paramount to all others at this time, we invite attention to the fact that the federal Con- stitution names silver and gold together as the money metals of the United States, and that the first coinage law passed by Congress under the Constitution made the silver dollar the money unit, and admitted gold to free coinage at a ratio based upon the silver dol- lar unit. We declare that the act of 1873 demonetizing silver without the knowledge or approval of the American people has resulted in the appreciation of gold and a corresponding fall in the prices of commodities produced by the people ; a heavy increase in the bur- den of taxation and of all debts, public and private ; the enrich- ment of the money-lending class at home and abroad ; the prostra- tion of industry and impoverishment of the people. We are unalterably opposed to monometallism, which has locked fast the prosperity of an industrial people in the paralysis of hard times. Gold monometallism is a British policy, and its adoption has brought other nations into financial servitude to London. It is not only un-American, but anti- American, and it can be fas- tened on the United States only by the stifling of that spirit and love of liberty which proclaimed our political independence in 1776 and won it in the war of the Revolution. We demand the free and unlimited coinage of both silver and gold at the present legal ratio of sixteen to one without waiting for the aid or consent of any other nation. We demand that the standard silver dollar shall be a full legal tender, equally with gold, for all debts, public and private, and we favor such legisla- tion as will prevent for the future the demonetization of any kind of legal tender money by private contract. We are opposed to the policy and practice of siu'rendering to the holders of the obligations of the United States the option reserved by law to the government of redeeming such obligations in either silver coin or gold coin. 544 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY We are opposed to the issuing of interest-bearing bonds of the United States in time of peace, and condemn the trafficking with banking syndicates, which, in exchange for bonds and at enor- mous profit to themselves, supply the federal treasury with gold to maintain the policy of gold monometallism. Congress alone has the power to coin and issue money, and President Jackson declared that this power could not be delegated to corporations or individuals. We therefore denounce the issu- ance of notes intended to circulate as money by national banks as in derogation of the Constitution, and we demand that all paper which is made a legal tender for public and private debts, or which is receivable for duties to the United States, shall be issued by the government of the United States and shall be redeemable in coin. We hold that tariff duties should be levied for purposes of reve- nue, such duties to be so adjusted as to operate equally through- out the country, and not discriminate between class or section, and that taxation should be limited by the needs of the government honestly and economically administered. We denounce as disturbing to business the Republican threat to restore the McKinley law, which has twice been condemned by the people in national elections, and which, enacted under the false plea of protection to home industry, proved a prolific breeder of trusts and monopolies, enriched the few at the expense of the many, restricted trade, and deprived the producers of the great American staples of access to their natural markets. Until the money question is settled we are opposed to any agi- tation for further changes in our tariff laws, except such as are necessary to meet the deficit in revenue caused by the adverse decision of the Supreme Court on the income tax. But for this decision by the Supreme Court, there would be no deficit in the revenue under the law passed by a Democratic Congress in strict pursuance of the uniform decisions of that court for nearly one hundred years, that court having in that decision sustained con- stitutional objections to its enactment which had previously been overruled by the ablest judges who have ever sat on that bench. We declare that it is the duty of Congress to use all the constitu- tional power which remains after that decision, or which may come from its reversal by the court as it may hereafter be con- stituted, so that the burdens of taxation may be equally and im- partially laid, to the end that wealth may bear its due proportion of the expenses of the government. We hold that the most efficient way of protecting American labor is to prevent the importation of foreign pauper labor to compete with it in the home market, and that the value of the home market to our American farmers and artisans is greatly fHE FREE SILVER CAMPAIGN 545 reduced by a vicious monetary system which depresses the prices of their products below the cost of production, and thus deprives them of the means of purchasing the products of our home manu- factories ; and, as labor creates the wealth of the country, we demand the passage of such laws as may be necessary to protect it in all its rights. We are in favor of the arbitration of differences between em- ployers engaged in interstate commerce and their employees, and recommend such legislation as is necessary to cai'ry out this prin- ciple. The absorption of wealth by the few, the consolidation of our leading railroad systems, and the formation of trusts and pools require a stricter control by the federal government of those arter- ies of commerce. "We demand the enlargement of the powers of the interstate commerce commission, and such restrictions and guarantees in the control of railroads as will protect the people from robbery and oppression. We denounce the profligate waste of the money wrung from the people by oppressive taxation and the lavish appropriations of recent Republican Congresses, which have kept taxes high, while the labor that pays them is unemployed and the products of the people's toil are depressed in price till they no longer re- pay the cost of production. We demand a return to that simplicity and economy which befits a democratic government and a reduc- tion in the number of useless offices, the salaries of which drain the substance of the people. We denounce arbitrary interference by federal authorities in local aifairs as a violation of the Constitution of the United States and a crime against free institutions, and we especially object to government by injunction as a new and highly dangerous form of oppression by which federal judges, in contempt of the laws of the States and rights of citizens, become at once legislators, judges, and executioner^ ; and we approve the bill passed at the last ses- sion of the United States Senate, and now pending in the House of Representatives, relative to contempts in federal courts and providing for trials by jury in certain cases of contempt. No discrimination should be indulged in by the government of the United States in favor of any of its debtors. We approve of the refusal of the Fifty-third Congress to pass the Pacific Railroad funding bill, and denounce the effort of the present Republican Congress to enact a similar measure. Recognizing the just claims of deserving Union soldiers, we heartily indorse the rule of the present Commissioner of Pensions, that no name shall be arbitrarily dropped from the pension roll ; and the fact of enlistment and service should be deemed conclusive evidence against disease and disability before enlistment. 546 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY "We favor the admission of the Territories of New Mexico, Arizona, and Oklahoma into the Union as States, and we favor the early admission of all the Territories having the necessary- population and resources to entitle them to statehood, and, while they remain Territories, we hold that the officials appointed to administer the government of any Territory, together with the District of Columbia and Alaska, should be bonajide residents of the Territory or District in which the duties are to be performed. The Democratic party believes in home rule, and that all public lands of the United States should be appropriated to the establish- ment of free homes for American citizens. We recommend that the Territory of Alaska be granted a dele- gate in Congress, and that the general land and timber laws of the United States be extended to said Territory. The Monroe doctrine, as originally declared and as interpreted by succeeding Presidents, is a permanent part of the foreign pol- icy of the United States, and must at all times be maintained. We extend our sympathy to the people of Cuba in their heroic struggle for liberty and independence. We are opposed to life tenure in the public service, except as provided in the Constitution. We favor appointments based upon merit, fixed terms of office, and such an administration of the civil service laws as will afford equal opportunities to all citizens of ascertained fitness. We declare it to be the unwritten law of this republic, estab- lished by custom and usage of a hundred years, and sanctioned by the examples of the greatest and wisest of those who founded and have maintained our government, that no man should be eligible for a third term of the presidential office. The federal government should care for and improve the Mis- sissippi River and other great waterways of the republic, so as to secure for the interior States easy and cheap transportation to tide- water. When any waterway of the republic is of sufficient impor- tance to demand aid of the government, such aid should be ex- tended upon a definite plan of continuous work until permanent improvement is secured. Confiding in the justice of our cause and the necessity of its success at the polls, we submit the foregoing declaration of prin- ciples and purposes to the considerate judgment of the American people. AVe invite the support of all citizens who approve them, and who desire to have them made eifective, through legislation, for the relief of the people and the restoration of the country's prosperity. A minority of the Committee on Resolutions, consisting of the members from sixteen States, submitted a dissenting report, i THE FREE SILVER CAMPAIGN 547 expressing their inability to give their assent to " many declara- tions " of the platform. " Some are ill-considered and ambig- uously phrased, while others are extreme and revolutionary of the well-recognized principles of the party." They offered two amendments, the first a substitute for the financial plank, as follows : — We declare our belief that the experiment on the part of the United States alone of free silver coinage and a change in the existing standard of value, independently of the action of other great nations, would not only imperil our finances, but would retard, or entirely prevent, the establishment of international bimetallism, to which the efforts of the government should be steadily directed. It would place this country at once upon a silver basis, impair contracts, disturb business, diminish the purchasing* power of the wages of labor, and inflict irreparable evils upon our nation's com- merce and industry. Until international cooperation among leading nations for the coinage of silver can be secured, we favor the rigid maintenance of the existing gold standard as essential to the preservation of our national credit, the redemption of our public pledges, and the keeping inviolate of our country's honor. We insist that all our paper currency shall be kept at a parity with gold. The Democratic party is the party of hard money, and is opposed to legal tender paper money as a part of our per- manent financial system, and we therefore favor the gradual re- tirement and cancellation of all United States notes and treasury notes, under such legislative provisions as will prevent undue con- traction. We demand that the national credit shall be resolutely main- tained at all times and under all circumstances. The other resolution was ofi"ered as an addition to the plat- form : — We commend the honesty, economy, courage, and fidelity of the present Democratic administration. A most earnest debate ensued upon the Free Silver policy, the most dramatic and interesting event of which was an im- passioned speech by Mr. William J. Bryan, of ^N^ebraska. This gentleman excited the Silver men to the highest pitch of enthusiasm by his oratory, and at once leaped into promi- nence as a presidential candidate. Indeed, it was believed that, if a vote had been taken on that day, he would have been nominated almost by acclamation. The financial plank offered 548 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY by the minority was rejected by ayes 303, noes 626 ; and the resolution commendatory of President Cleveland's administra- tion was defeated by ayes 357, noes 564. In all the votes thus far reported, the minority consisted of the members from New England, — except a few from Maine and Massachusetts, — the coast States as far south as Maryland, and the delegates from Wisconsin, Minnesota, and South Dakota. Senator Hill had offered, in addition to the amendments proposed by the minority of the committee, two other amendments. The first proposed to insert at the end of the clause opposing " the demonetization of any kind of legal tender money by private contract " the following proviso : — But it should be carefully provided by law at the same time that any change in the monetary standard should not apply to existing contracts. The other amendment was to add at the end of the finan- cial plank the following pledge : — Our advocacy of the independent free coinage of silver being based on the belief that such coinage will effect and maintain a parity between gold and silver at the ratio of sixteen to one, we declare as a pledge of our sincerity that, if such free coinage shall fail to effect such parity within one year from its enactment by law, such coinage shall thereupon be suspended. Both of these amendments were rejected without a division, and the platform as a whole, unamended, was then adopted by yeas 628, nays 301. The overwhelming victory of the Silver wing of the party made it certain that the defeated minority would be unable to prevent a nomination under the two-thirds rule always gov- erning Democratic conventions. The delegates who had con- tended so earnestly against the adoption of the free coinage plank were for the most part not men to yield their convic- tions because they had been outvoted. They did not with- draw from the convention, but on every convenient occasion they reiterated their determination not to accept the platform adopted, and not to take part in the nomination of candidates. On the first vote for a candidate for President, 178 delegates refused to be recorded, including the entire delegations of three States. William J. Bryan, of Nebraska, was nominated for President on the fifth vote. The successive trials resulted as follows : — THE FREE SILVER CAMPAIGN 549 Whole number of votes Necessary for a choice (two thirds) . . William J. Bryan, Nebraska .... Richard P. Bland, Missouri Robert E. Pattison, Pennsylvania . . Horace Boies, Iowa Jnspph S. C. Blackburn, Kentucky . . Joseph R. McLean, Ohio Claude Matthews, Indiana Benjamin R. Tillman, South Carolina . Sylvester Pennoyer, Oregon .... Henry M. Teller, Colorado Adlai E. Stevenson, Illinois .... William E. Russell, Massachusetts . . James E. Campbell, Ohio David B. Hill, New York David Turpie, Indiana Not voting let. 2d. 3d. 4th. 752 768 768 769 502 512 512 513 119 190 219 280 235 283 291 241 95 100 97 97 85 41 36 33 83 41 27 27 54 53 54 46 37 33 34 36 17 - _ - 8 8 - - 8 8 _ _ 7 10 9 8 2 1 1 - - - 1 1 1 178 lf.2 162 162 768 512 500 106 95 26 1 1 162 The fifth vote, it will be seen, left Mr. Bryan twelve votes short of a nomination. After the roll-call was completed and before the result was announced, 78 delegates who had sup- ported other candidates transferred their votes to Mr. Bryan and gave him the nomination. Arthur Sewall, of Maine, was nominated for Vice-President. Five trials were necessary to etfect this nomination. They resulted as follows : — Whole number of votes Necessary for a choice (two thirds) . Arthur Sewall, Maine Joseph C. Sibley, Pennsylvania . . Joseph R. McLean, Ohio George F. Williams, Massachusetts . Richard P. Bland, Missouri .... Walter A. Clark, North Carolina . . John R. Williams, Illinois .... William F. Harrity, Pennsylvania Horace Boies, Iowa Joseph S. C. Blackburn, Kentucky . John W. Daniel, Virginia .... James H. Lewis, Washington . . . Robert E. Pattison, Pennsylvania Henry M. Teller, Colorado .... Stephen M. White, California . . . George W. Fithian, Illinois .... Not voting 1st. 2d. 3d. 4th. 670 675 675 677 447 450 450 452 100 37 97 261 163 113 50 - 111 158 210 296 76 16 15 9 62 294 255 - 50 22 22 46 22 13 - - 21 21 19 11 20 - - - 20 - - - 11 1 6 54 11 - - - 1 1 1 260 1 1 1 255 255 253 5th. 679 453 568 32 9 22 11 36 1 It long had been evident that this canvass was to witness an unexampled shifting of the line between parties. In those parts of the country where the silver idea was almost univer- sally dominant, there had been an instant bolt of Republicans 550 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY from the platform of the St. Louis convention. And now a revolt of Democrats set in, not only greater in extent than any- other in the history of American politics, but distinctly unlike all others. Many of the oldest and most consistent Democra- tic journals proclaimed in emphatic terras their determination not to continue their support of the party, and not a few of them boldly advocated the election of Mr. McKinley. The dissension extended to all parts of the country ; and, although it was most pronounced in the Eastern section, it was so wide- spread that even in Kentucky, where the victory of the Silver wing had virtually enabled that faction to carry its point in the national convention, there was at the beginning of the can- vass not one daily newspaper that advocated the election of Mr. Bryan. At first, — so strong and aggressive were the opponents of platform and candidates within the party, — it was said openly by the leaders that in certain of the Eastern States no electors would even be nominated by the Democrats. The modification of this situation belongs to a later stage of the canvass. The next conventions in point of time were those of the People's party, commonly called the Populists, and of the Silver party, both of which met at St. Louis on July 22. If the Chicago convention had driven out of the Democratic party thousands of its oldest members and leaders, it had made easy the cooperation of other thousands of Populists ; indeed, in the view of many of the leaders of the party, the principles of the Populists were most effectively to be promoted by accept- ing the candidates nominated at Chicago. Yet there was an earnest faction of the party which deprecated alliance or asso- ciation with any other organization. The picturesque term " Middle-of-the-road men " was applied to and adopted by them, as indicating the independent course between the two old historic parties which they thought it judicious to take. The acceptance of the Democratic ticket involved the support of Mr. Sewall as the candidate for Vice-President, — a nomina- tion which was especially obnoxious to them. The conven- tion organized by the choice of Senator Marion C. Butler, of North Carolina, as temporary chairman. Senator William V. Allen, of Nebraska, was the permanent president. A test of strength between the "Middle-of-the-road" Populists and those who were favorable to an alliance with the Democrats ■was made upon an amendment ofi'ered to the report of the THE FREE SILVER CAMPAIGN 551 Committee on Rules. The Middle-of-the-road wing proposed that the usual order of proceeding should be reversed, and that a candidate for Vice-President be nominated before the can- didate for President. The motion was carried by ayes 785, noes 615. The platform was reported on July 24, as fol- lows : — The People's party, assembled in national convention, reaffirms its allegiance to the principles declared by the founders of the re- public, and also to the fundamental principles of just government as enunciated in the platform of the party in 1892. We recognize that through the connivance of the present and preceding administrations the country has reached a crisis in its national life as predicted in our declaration four years ago, and that prompt and patriotic action is the supreme duty of the hour. We realize that while we have poUtical indepeudence our financial and industrial independence is yet to be attained by restoring to our country the constitutional control and exercise of the func- tions necessary to a people's government, which functions have been basely surrendered by our public servants to corporate mo- nopolies. The influence of European money-changers has been more potent in shaping legislation than the voice of the American people. Executive power and patronage have been used to cor- rupt our legislatures and defeat the will of the people, and plu- tocracy has been enthroned upon the ruins of democracy. To restore the government intended by the fathers and for the wel- fare and prosperity of this and future generations, we demand the establishment of an economic and financial system which shall make us masters of our own affairs, and independent of European control, by the adoption of the following declaration of princi- ples : — FINANCE. 1. We demand a national money, safe and sound, issued by the general government only, without the intervention of banks of issue, to be a full legal tender for all debts, public and private ; a just, equitable, and efficient means of distribution direct to the people and through the lawful disbursements of the government. 2. We demand the free and unrestricted coinage of silver and gold at the present legal ratio of sixteen to one, without waiting for the consent of foreign nations. 3. We demand that the volume of circulating medium be speedily increased to an amount sufficient to meet the demands of business and population and to restore the just level of prices of labor and production. 552 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY 4. We denoiince the sale of bonds and the increase of the interest-bearing debt made by the present administration as un- necessary and without authority of law, and demand that no more bonds be issued except by specific act of Congress. 5. We demand such legislation as will prevent the demonetiza- tion of the lawful money of the United States by private contract. 6. We demand that the government, in payment of its obliga- tions, shall use its option as to the kind of lawful money in which they are to be paid, and we denounce the present and preceding administrations for surrendering this option to the holders of government obligations. 7. We demand a graduated income tax, to the end that aggre- gated wealth shall bear its just proportion of taxation; and we regard the recent decision of the Supreme Court relative to the income tax law as a misinterpretation of the Constitution, and an invasion of the rightful powers of Congress over the subject of taxation. 8. We demand that postal savings banks be established by the government for the safe deposit of the savings of the people and to facilitate exchange. TRANSPORTATION. 1. Transportation being a means of exchange and a public ne- cessity, government should own and operate the railroads in the interests of the people and on a non-partisan basis, to the end that all may be accorded the same treatment in transportation, and that the tyranny and political power now exercised by the great railroad corporations, which result in the impairment, if not the destruction, of the political rights and personal liberties of the citizen, may be destroyed. Such ownership is to be accomplished gradually, in a manner consistent with sound public policy. 2. The interest of the United States in the public highways, built with public moneys, and the proceeds of extensive grants of land to the Pacific railroads should never be alienated, mortgaged, or sold, but guarded and protected for the general welfare as pro- vided by the laws organizing such railroads. The foreclosure of existing liens of the United States on these roads should at once follow default in the payment thereof by the debtor-companies ; and at the foreclosure sales of said roads the government shall purchase the same if it become necessary to protect its interests therein, or if they can be purchased at a reasonable price ; and the government shall operate said railroads as public highways for the benefit of the whole people, and not in the interest of the few, under suitable provisions for protection of life and property, giv- ing to all transportation interests equal privileges and equal rates for fares and freight. THE FREE SILVER CAMPAIGN 553 3. We denounce the present infamous schemes for refunding these debts, and demand that the laws now applicable thereto be executed and administered according to their true intent and spirit. 4. The telegraph, like the post-office system, being a necessity for the transmission of news, should be owned and operated by the government in the interest of the people. 1. The true policy demands that national and state legislation shall be such as will ultimately enable every prudent and industri- ous citizen to secure a home, and therefore the lands should not be monopolized for speculative purposes. All lands now held by railroads and other corporations in excess of their actual needs should by lawful means be reclaimed by the government and held for actual settlers only, and subject to the right of every human being to acquire a home upon the soil, and private land monopoly, as well as alien ownershiji, should be prohibited. 2. We condemn the frauds by which the land grants to the Pacific railroad companies have, through the connivance of the interior department, robbed multitudes of actual bond fide settlers of their homes and miners of their claims, and we demand legisla- tion by Congress which will enforce the exemption of mineral land from such grants after as well as before the patent. 3. We demand that hona fide settlers on all public lands be granted free homes as provided in the national homestead law, and that no exception be made in the case of Indian reservations when opened for settlement, and that all lands not now patented come under this demand. DIRECT LEGISLATION. We favor a system of direct legislation through the initiative and referendum under proper constitutional safeguards. GENERAL PitOPOSITIONS. 1. We demand the election of President, Vice-President, and United States senators by a direct vote of the people. 2. We tender to the patriotic people of Cuba our deepest sym- pathy in their heroic struggle for political freedom and independ- ence, and we believe the time has come when the United States, the great republic of the world, should recognize that Cuba is and of right ought to be, a free and independent state. 3. We favor home rule in the Territories and the District of Columbia, and the early admission of Territories as States. 4. All public salaries should be made to correspond to the price of labor and its products. 554 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY 5. In times of great industrial depression, idle labor should be employed on public works as far as practicable. 6. The arbitrary course of the courts in assuming to imprison citizens for indirect contempt, and ruling by injunction, should he prevented by proper legislation. 7. We favor just pensions for our disabled Union soldiers. 8. Believing that the elective franchise and an untrammeled ballot are essential to a government of, for, and by the people, the People's party condemn the wholesale system of disfranchisement adopted in some of the States, as unrepublican and undemocratic, and we declare it to be the duty of the several state legislatures to take such action as will secure a full, free, and fair ballot and an honest count. 9. While the foregoing propositions constitute the platform upon which our party stands, and for the vindication of which its organization will be maintained, we recognize that the great and pressing issue of the present campaign upon which the present presidential election will turn is the financial question, and upon this great and specific issue between the parties we cordially invite the aid and cooperation of all organizations and citizens agreeing with us upon this vital question. There were three distinct minority reports from the Com- mittee on Resolutions, each proposing amendments to the platform. All of them, together with several independent motions to amend, were rejected, and the platform as printed above was adopted. Thomas E. Watson, of Georgia, was nominated for Vice- President on the first vote, which resulted, on the roll-call, as follows : — Whole number of votes 1337 Necessary for a choice 669 Thomas E. Watson, Georgia 539| Arthur Sewall, Maine 257^ Frank Burkett, Mississippi 190| Harry Skinner, North Carolina 142^ A. L. Mimms, Tennessee ll^i% Mann Page, Virginia ^^j^e After the votes of all the States were announced, numerous changes took place, and Mr. Watson was declared nominated. No final declaration of the actual numbers seems to have been made. William J. Bryan, of Nebraska, was nominated for Presi- dent. The first vote resulted as follows : — THE FREE SILVER CAMPAIGN 555 Whole number of votes 1375 Necessary for a choice 698 William J. Bryan, Nebraska 1042 S. F. Norton, Illinois 321 Eugene V. Debs, Indiana 8 Ignatius Donnelly, Minnesota 3 J. S. Coxey, Ohio 1 It should be said with reference to the membership of this convention that the representation was on a different basis from that of the conventions of the older parties. Texas, entitled in those conventions to 30 votes, had 103 votes in the Populist assembly, while New York had but 36. Kansas had 92 votes, Connecticut but 6. The number of delegates was determined by the strength of the party in state elections. The convention of the National Silver party was held at St. Louis on July 22, simultaneously with that of the Populists. Frank G. Kewlands, of Nevada, was the temporary chairman, and William P. St. John, of New York, the permanent presi- dent. No vote was taken during the session of the conven- tion which disclosed the number of persons taking part in it, or the States of which they were citizens. The members, indeed, did not appear as duly accredited delegates, but rather as individual members of the party. The platform, which was reported on July 23, was as follows : — The National Silver party of America, in convention assembled, hereby adopts the following declaration of principles : — First, the paramount issue at this time in the United States is indisputably the money question. It is between the British gold standard, gold bonds, and bank currency on the one side, and the bimetallic standard, no bonds, government currency, and an Amer- ican policy on the other. On this issue we declare ourselves to be in favor of a distinctive American financial system. We are unalterably opposed to the single gold standard, and demand the immediate return to the constitutional standard of gold and silver, by the restoration by this government, independently of any foreign power, of the unre- stricted coinage of both gold and silver into standard money, at the ratio of sixteen to one, and upon terms of exact equality, as they existed prior to 1873 ; the silver coin to be of f uU legal ten- der, equally with gold, for all debts and dues, public and private ; and we demand such legislation as will prevent for the future the destruction of the legal tender quality of any kind of money by private contract. 556 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY We hold that the power to control and regulate a paper currency is inseparable from the power to coin money, and hence that all currency intended to circulate as money should be issued, and its volume controlled, by the general government only, and should be a legal tender. We are unalterably opposed to the issue by the United States of interest-bearing bonds in time of peace, and we denounce as a blunder worse than a crime the present treasury policy, concurred in by a Republican House of Representatives, of plunging the country into debt by hundreds of millions in the vain attempt to maintain the gold standard by borrowing gold ; and we demand the payment of all coin obligations of the United States as pro- vided by existing laws, in either gold or silver coin, at the option of the government, and not at the option of the creditor. The demonetization of silver in 1873 enormously increased the demand for gold, enhancing its purchasing power and lowering all prices measured by that standard ; and, since that unjust and indefensible act, the prices of American products have fallen, upon an average, nearly fifty per cent., carrying down with them pro- portionately the money value of all other forms of property. Such fall of prices has destroyed the profits of legitimate indus- try, injuring the producer for the benefit of the non-producer ; increasing the burden of the debtor, swelling the gains of the creditor, paralyzing the productive energies of the American peo- ple, relegating to idleness vast numbers of willing workers, send- ing the shadows of despaii* into the home of the honest toiler, filling the land with tramps and paupers, and building up colossal fortunes at the money centres. In the effort to maintain the gold standard the country has, within the last two years, in a time of profound peace and plenty, been loaded down with 1262,000,000 of additional interest-bearing debt under such circumstances as to allow a syndicate of native and foreign bankers to realize a net profit of millions on a single deal. It stands confessed that the gold standard can be only upheld by so depleting our paper currency as to force the prices of our products below the European, and even below the Asiatic, level to enable us to sell in foreign markets, thus aggravating the very evils of which our people so bitterly complain, degrading Ameri- can labor and striking at the foundations of our civilization itself. The advocates of the gold standard persistently claim that the yeal cause of our distress is overproduction, — that we have pro- duced so much that it made us poor, — which implies that the true remedy is to close the factory, abandon the farm, and throw a multitude of people out of employment, — a doctrine that leaves THE FREE SILVER CAMPAIGN 557 us unnerved and disheartened, and absolutely without hope for the future. We affii'm it to be unquestioned that there can be no such economic paradox as overproduction, and at the same time tens of thousands of our fellow-citizens remaining half-clothed and half-fed, atid piteously clamoring for the common necessities of life. Over and above all other questions of policy, we are in favor of restoring to the people of the United States the time-honored money of the Constitution, — gold and silver, not one but both, — the money of Washington, and Hamilton, and Jefferson, and ]Monroe, and Jackson, and Lincoln, to the end that the American people may receive honest pay for an honest product; that the American debtor may pay his just obligations in an honest stand- ard, and not in a dishonest and unsound standard, appreciated one hundred per cent, in purchasing power, and no appreciation in debt-paying power ; and to the end, further, that silver standard countries may be deprived of the unjust advantage they now enjoy, in the difference in exchange between gold and silver, an advantage which tariff legislation cannot overcome. We therefore confidently appeal to the people of the United States to hold in abeyance all other questions, however important and even momentous they may appear, to sunder, if need be, all former party ties and affiliations, and unite in one supreme effort to free themselves and their children from the domination of the money power, — a power more destructive than any which has ever been fastened upon the civilized men of any race or in any age. And upon the consummation of our desires and efforts we invoke the aid of all patriotic American citizens, and the gracious favor of Divine Providence. William J. Bryan, of Nebraska, was nominated for Pre- sident, and Arthur Sewall, of Maine, for Vice-President. Both nominations were made by acclamation. Immediately after the adjournment of the Democratic con- vention a movement was set on foot to organize into a party those whom that convention had turned, politically, out of doors. There were thousands of such men, who would not accept a platform which their spokesmen at Chicago had pronounced " extreme " and " revolutionary," and who nevertheless felt that it would be impossible to vote for the Republican can- didates. The result of repeated conferences among the leaders of this group was a delegate convention which was held at Indianapolis on September 2. Forty-one States and three Territories were represented. There were no delegates pre- 558 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY sent from Idaho, Nevada, Utah and Wyoming. The name of National Democratic party was adopted as a designation. Governor Koswell P. Flower, of New York, was the tempo- rary chairman, and Senator Donelson Caffery, of Louisiana, the permanent president, of the convention. The platform, reported September 3 and unanimously adopted, was as fol- lows : — This convention has assembled to uphold the principles on which depend the honftr and welfare of the American people, in order that Democrats throughout the Union may unite their pa- triotic efforts to avert disaster from their country and ruin from their party. The Democratic party is pledged to equal and exact justice to all men, of every creed and condition ; to the largest freedom of the individual consistent with good government; to the preser- vation of the federal government in its constitutional vigor, and to the support of the States in all their just rights ; to economy in the public expenditures ; to the maintenance of the public faith and sound money ; and it is opposed to paternalism and all class legislation. The declarations of the Chicago convention attack individual freedom, the right of private contract, the independence of the judiciary, and the authority of the President to enforce Federal laws. They advocate a reckless attempt to increase the price of silver by legislation, to the debasement of our monetary standard, and threaten unlimited issues of paper money by the government. They abandon for Republican allies the Democratic cause of tarifE reform, to court the favor of protectionists to their fiscal heresy. In view of these and other grave departures from Democratic principles, we cannot support the candidates of that convention nor be bound by its acts. The Democratic party has survived defeats, but could not sur- vive a victory won in behalf of the doctrine and policy proclaimed in its name at Chicago. The conditions, however, which make possible such utterances from a national convention are the direct result of class legisla- tion by the Republican party. It still proclaims, as it has for years, the power and duty of government to raise and maintain prices by law, and it proposes no remedy for existing evils, except oppressive and unjust taxation. The national Democracy here convened therefore renews its declaration of faith in Democratic principles, especially as appli- cable to the conditions of the times. Taxation — tariff, excise, or direct — is rightfully imposed only for public purposes, and not THE FREE SILVER CAMPAIGN 559 for private gain. Its amount is justly measured by public expendi- tures, wliich should be limited by scrupulous economy. The sum derived by the Treasury from tariff and excise levies is affected by the state of trade and volume of consumption. The amount re- quired by the Treasury is determined by the appropriations made by Congress. The demand of the Republican party for an increase in tariff taxation has its pretext in the deficiency of revenue, which has its causes in the stagnation of trade and reduced con- sumption, due entirely to the loss of confidence that has followed the Populist threat of free coinage and depreciation of our money, and the Republican practice of extravagant appropriations beyond the needs of good government. We arraign and condemn the Populist conventions of Chicago and St. Louis for their cooperation with the Republican party in creating these conditions, which are pleaded in justification of a heavy increase of the burdens of the people by a further resort to protection. We therefore denounce protection and its ally, free coinage of silver, as schemes for the personal profit of a few at the expense of the masses, and oppose the two parties which stand for these schemes as hostile to the people of the republic, whose food and shelter, comfort and prosperity, are attacked by higher taxes and depreciated money. In fine, we reaffirm the historic Democratic doctrine of tariff for revenue only. We demand that henceforth modern and liberal policies toward American shipping shall take the place of our imitation of the restricted statutes of the eighteenth century, which were long ago abandoned by every maritime power but the United States, and which, to the nation's humiliation, have driven American capital and enterprise to the use of alien flags and alien crews, have made the Stars and Stripes almost an unknown emblem in foreign ports, and have virtually extinguished the race of American sea- men. We oppose the pretence that discriminating duties will promote shipping ; that scheme is an invitation to commercial warfare upon the United States, un-American in the light of our great commercial treaties, offering no gain whatever to American shipping, while greatly increasing ocean freights on our agricul- tural and manufactured products. The experience of mankind has shown that, by reason of their natural qualities, gold is the necessary money of the large affairs of commerce and business, while silver is conveniently adapted to minor transactions, and the most beneficial use of both together can be insured only by the adoption of the former as a stand- ard of monetary measure, and the maintenance of silver at a parity with gold by its limited coinage under suitable safeguards of law. Thus the largest possible enjoyment of both metals is 560 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY gained with a value universally accepted throughout the world, which constitutes the only practical bimetallic currency, assuring the most stable standard, and especially the best and safest money for all who earn their livelihood by labor or the produce of hus- bandry. They cannot suffer when paid in the best money known to man, but are the peculiar and most defenceless victims of a debased and fluctuating currency, which offers continual profits to the money changer at their cost. Realizing these truths, demonstrated by long and public incon- venience and loss, the Democratic party, in the interests of the masses and of equal justice to all, practically established by the legislation of 1834 and 1853 the gold standard of monetary mea- surement, and likewise entirely divorced the government from banking and currency issues. To this long -established Democratic policy we adhere, and insist upon the maintenance of the gold standard, and of the parity therewith of every dollar issued by the government, and are firmly opposed to the free and unlimited coinage of silver and to the compulsory purchase of silver bullion. But we denounce also the further maintenance of the present costly patchwork system of national paper currency as a constant source of injury and peril. We assert the necessity of such intelligent currency reform as will confine the government to its legitimate functions, completely separated from the banking business, and afford to all sections of our country uniform, safe, and elastic bank currency under governmental supervision, measured in volume by the needs of business. The fidelity, patriotism, and courage with which President Cleveland has fulfilled his great public trust, the high character of his administration, its wisdom and energy in the maintenance of civil order and the enforcement of the laws, its equal regard for the rights of every class and every section, its firm and dig- nified conduct of foreign affairs, and its sturdy persistence in up- holding the credit and honor of the nation, are fully recognized by the Democratic party, and will secure to him a place in history beside the fathers of the republic. We also commend the administration for the great progress made in the reform of the public service, and we indorse its effort to extend the merit system still further. We demand that no backward step be taken, but that the reform be supported and advanced until the un-Democratic spoils system of appointments shall be eradicated. We demand strict economy in the appropriations and in the administration of the government. We favor arbitration for the settlement of international dis- putes. THE FREE SILVER CAMPAIGN 561 We favor a liberal policy of pensions to deserving soldiers and sailors of the United States. The Supreme Court of the United States was wisely established by the framers of our Constitution as one of the three coordinate branches of the government. Its independence and authority to interpret the law of the land without fear or favor must be main- tained. "VVe condemn all efforts to degrade that tribunal or im- pair the confidence and respect which it has deservedly held. l"he Democratic party ever has maintained, and ever will maintain, the supremacy of law, the independence of its judicial administration, the inviolability of contracts, and the obligations of all good citizens to resist every illegal trust, combination, or attempt against the just rights of property and the good order of society, in which are bound up the peace and happiness of our people. Believing these principles to be essential to the well-being of the republic, we submit them to the consideration of the Amer- ican people. John M. Palmer, of Illinois, was nominated for President on the first vote. He received 769^ votes ; General Edward S. Bragg, of Wisconsin, 118^ votes. General Siraon B. Buckner, of Kentucky, was nominated by acclamation for Vice-President. The canvass so remarkably begun continued to be unique and sensational to the end. The Republicans who seceded from the convention at St. Louis, and most of those who agreed with them on the silver question, made common cause with the Democrats. The dissident Democrats were divided in their course of action, but were animated by one and the same purpose, namely, to defeat the regular candidates of their own party in the only possible way, by helping the election of Mr. McKinley. Where a separate organization seemed to pro- mise to draw away more votes from Mr. Bryan, they rallied around the " National Democratic " standard. Where direct support of the Republican candidates seemed necessary, they were ready to give that support. Many of them participated in the nomination of National Democratic candidates for office, and even addressed audiences on the stump in favor of them, in order to draw away votes from Mr. Bryan ; hut they them- selves voted for McKinley. The Prohibition party, never large, was divided ; the faction which had insisted at the national convention, that the question of the sale of intoxicat- ing liquor was the great issue before the people, could not 562 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY hold its own members to that position ; the other faction was strongly attracted, in a body, toward the coalesced forces of Free Silver. Even the Populists were in a state of hopeless dissension. It was apparent to the merest tyro in politics that a separate electoral ticket in any State for Bryan and Watson was as little in favor of Bryan as the ticket for Palmer and Buckner. In short, the " Middle-of-the-road " programme was one of practical though undeclared hostility to the head of the ticket it professed to support. This fact was recognized by many of the leaders of the party, especially by those who had been intrusted with authority to speak in the name of the party. Mr. Watson, the candidate for Vice- President, reproached them for taking a course which he re- garded as resulting in a sacrifice of himself, of the principles of the Populist party, and of its separate organization. It does not seem unjust to them to surmise that they were, in fact, chiefly desirous of the election of Mr. Bryan, and that at any cost to Mr. Watson they would do that which they thought would contribute most to the success of the head of the ticket. At first sight the action of the Democratic convention, in taking a position where a great number of the members of the party could not support platform and candidates without a tremendous sacrifice of principle, might seem the height of political folly. Examined more carefully and critically, the reason of their action and the justification of it are obvious. The leaders in the Silver movement had no hope of success in a canvass based on the tariif issue. There was therefore nothing to lose by shifting the field of contest. In taking a firm stand in favor of free coinage, these men doubtless had two things in view, as to both of which the event showed their judgment to have been sound : first, that, whether it were self- consistent or not, the great body of the party would continue to support the ticket; and, secondly, that an addition of the Populist vote to the Democratic vote would in many of the States convert a minority into a majority. They were sure, moreover, that all the so-called " Silver States " would give their electoral votes to the Silver candidate ; and were con- fident that in all the States there were many Silver Repub- licans who would leave their party rather than vote for the gold standard. In the early days of the canvass these facts impressed themselves so strongly upon the Republicans that THE FREE SILVER CAMPAIGN f>63 many of them believed Mr. Bryan's chances of election to be alarmingly good. The voters had never stood up to be counted on the silver question. Democrats who had declared most solemnly that they could never be drawn into the support of Free Silver went back into the party ; some who would not give their assent to the platform nevertheless announced their purpose to vote for the candidates. The whole of the extreme We«t and the Pacific coast seemed so devoted to the cause of Free Silver that Republicans were inclined to concede all those States to Mr. Bryan. The first notable event of the canvass was the appearance of Mr. Bryan in New York city, where he made a speech. The time was midsummer, the most unpropitious season that could have been chosen, and the extreme heat that prevailed made against the candidate. Before the speech the Repub- licans were in a state of alarm as to the result in November ; after it they hardly regarded Mr. Bryan as a dangerous ant- agonist. A week or two later, indications of the impending result began to appear. Alabama and Arkansas elected state officers in August. In each of the States the Democratic ma- jority showed an increase over that of preceding elections ; but no special significance was attached to the fact in any quarter, save in so far as it gave reason for thinking that the new departure of the Democratic party would not cause it a loss of electoral votes in the Southern States. In September Ver- mont gave a Republican majority of more than 29,000 over all other parties combined — by far the largest majority ever given in a Vermont state election. Next came the election in Maine, where the Republican candidate for governor received more than two thirds of the whole vote, and had a majority of 42,000 over the combined opposition. In these States the result alarmed the Democrats as little as the Southern elec- tions had disturbed the Republicans. Nevertheless, after the event we can see that it foreshadowed the election of Mr. McKinley. It indicated the drift of public sentiment through- out the North. The causes which produced the great major- ities in the two New England States were operating with equal force in Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and In- diana, — the four doubtful States of the North in former elections, — as well as in the large States of the central Northwest. Yet the supporters of Mr. Bryan looked for- ward with confidence to the verdict of the people. They 564 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY were assured that thousands of the voters in every State were concealing their intentions, and while professing to be in favor of Mr. McKinley, and even wearing his badges, would never- theless cast a quiet vote for Mr. Bryan on election day. Their confidence was fostered by the extraordinary thronging of the people to hear Mr. Bryan, who was travelling almost inces- santly for several months in all parts of the country, and addressing many audiences every day. Mr. Bryan's physical endurance under the tremendous strain of his protracted and busy campaign, and the eager desire of the people to see and hear him, were two of the most remarkable incidents of the canvass. The days and weeks passed in the most intense popular ex- citement. Almost nothing was discussed but the silver ques- tion ; almost nothing excited interest save the prospects of the two candidates. Mr. McKinley's part in the canvass was as active as Mr. Bryan's, although quite different in method. He remained at his home in Canton, Ohio, where he received and addressed hundreds of visiting parties. Excursions to Canton were organized not only all over Ohio, but in other and in some far-distant States. Parties consisting of a large number of persons went in many cases hundreds of miles to call upon Mr. McKinley, to assure him of their support, and to be ad- dressed by him. The Republican candidate was inclined at first to lay more stress upon the tariff policy of his party than upon the importance of maintaining the gold standard. But the paramount interest in the financial question did not allow him to continue on that line, and when he spoke upon the money issue he spoke boldly and courageously. The Silver forces effected an almost complete fusion. The Populist managers disregarded to a great extent the policy which their national convention had favored, — the " Middle- of-the-road " policy. They were deaf to the somewhat frantic expostulations of Mr. Watson, and effected a close alliance with the Democrats. In twenty-six of the States they made a division of the electors, but in eighteen of these States they allowed the Democrats to have a majority of the candidates on the ticket; in four there was an equal division, and in the other four the Populists had one majority in each. In all the twenty-six States there were 197 Democratic electors and 79 Populist electors on the fusion tickets. Mr. Watson was not so blind as not to see that, even if Mr. Bryan were elected, there THE FREE SILVER CAMPAIGN 565 would be no choice of a Vice-President by the electors ; that Mr. Hobart and Mr. Sewall would be the two candidates eli- gible, under the Constitution, to be voted for by the Senate ; and that Mr. Sewall would probably be elected. The Pop- ulist managers also were fully aware of this fact, but they did not intend to imperil any chance Mr. Bryan might have by presenting separate electoral tickets in order to please Mr. Watson. In a few States, nevertheless, the '' Middle-of-the- road " men refused to be " sold out " to the Democrats and set up independent tickets. Por the most part, however, the two parties worked in harmony. Indeed, the word "Popocrat" was invented to describe the combined forces of the two parties who, on other issues beside that of silver, — notably the " government by injunction,'' and the income tax, — were in full agreement. The following table shows how, had the coalition been successful, the electoral votes for Vice-President would have been distributed in the twenty-six States where there was a fusion : — States. Arkansas . California . Colorado * . Connecticut Idaho* . . Illinois . . Indiana . . Iowa . Kentucky . Louisiana . Massachusetts Michigan . Minnesota . Missouri 5 5 2 5 2 20 10 10 11 4 13 9 4 13 States. Montana . . Nebraska . . New Jersey . North Carolina Ohio . . . Oregon . . . Pennsylvania . Utah . . . Washington . West Virginia Wisconsin . . Wyoming . . Total. 1 4 9 5 18 2 28 1 2 4 198 CL,H 78 * The Populist electors in Colorado and Idaho, and some others in other States voted for Mr. Sewall for Vice-President. At the close of the canvass the people were wrought up to the highest pitch of excitement. Never before was the dis- play of political emblems so profuse. The city streets Avere decorated from end to end with huge flags and banners bearing the names of the candidates. Lithograph portraits of McKinley 566 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY or of Bryan were exhibited in the front windows of dwellings and shops. Buttons showing the familiar features were worn in the lappels of their coats by hundreds of thousands, if not by millions, of men and boys. Almost fourteen million citizens went to the polls. The num- ber of votes given in the table on the next page is 13,936,957, — by far the largest number ever cast at a popular election in any country. Throughout the country the polling was orderly. Although the indications of a great Kepublican victory had been apparent for weeks, even months, to the most casual observer, many of the supporters of Mr. Bryan entertained hopes, some of them were even confident, of success to the last. The earliest returns gave assurance of an overwhelming majority for Mr. McKinley, and the prognostication was con- firmed as one State after another was heard from. The East- ern, Middle, and Central Northwestern States were carried by the Republicans, without an exception, by unprecedented majorities. The South even was not " solid " for Bryan. Only during the reconstruction period had the Republicans ever obtained any electoral votes in the States from Delaware to Texas. Now Delaware, Maryland, and West Virginia gave McKinley substantial majorities ; and even Kentucky, the " dark and bloody ground " of the Democratic conflict between the Gold and the Silver forces, yielded him a narrow margin. No northern State east of the Missouri River gave Bryan a single electoral vote, and even on the Pacific slope the Repub- licans won California and Oregon. On the other hand the Democrats wrested from the Repub- licans Kansas and Nebraska, together with the whole group of mining States, except California ; and their majority in such States as Arkansas, Alabama, Missouri, and Texas, was im- mense. In presenting the accompanying table of the popular vote, it is proper to say that it differs from any other table pub- lished. Errors more or less numerous are discoverable in all the tables published by the political almanacs and by Apple- ton's Annual Cyclopaedia. Where the figures given in these tables differ, an attempt has been made to obtain from state authorities the final official figures. In a few cases no re- sponse has been made to requests for the true returns. It cannot be claimed for the returns which follow that they are absolutely correct, but they are believed to be more nearly so THE FREE SILVER CAMPAIGN 567 POPULAR VOTE. 1 B d e3 u .a 1 « .a States. M CO ^ •3 <£ «1 ^tS .2 i a 1^ 1 SS5 % 1 pq •-5 u Alabama .... 54,737 131,226 24,089 6,462 2,147 Arkansas . . 37,512 110,103 - _ 839 893 _ California . 14G,C88 144,766 21.730 2,006 2,573 1,047 1,611 Colorado . . 26,271 161,269 2,389 1 1,717 386 160 Connecticut . 110,285 56,740 - 4,336 1,806 - 1,223 Delaware . . 20,452 16,615 - 966 602 - - Florida . . 11,257 31,958 1,977 1,772 644 - - Georgia . . 60,091 94,672 440 2,708 5,716 - - Idaho . . . 6,324 23,192 - _ 181 _ _ Illinois . . 607,130 464,-523 1,090 6,390 9,796 793 1,147 Indiana . . 323,754 305,573 - 2,145 3,056 2,267 324 Iowa . . . 289,293 223,741 - 4,516 3,192 352 453 Kansas . . 159,541 171,810 46,194 1,209 1,921 630 _ Kentucky . 218,171 217,890 - 5,114 4,781 - - Louisiana 22,037 77,175 - 1,915 - - - Maine . . . 80,461 34,587 2,387 1,866 1,589 _ _ Maryland 136,978 104,746 - 2,507 5,922 136 588 Massachusetts 278,976 105,711 15,181 11,749 2,998 - 2,114 Michigan . . 293,582 237,268 - 6,968 5,025 1,995 297 Minnesota . 193,503 139,735 - 3 222 4,363 - 954 Mississippi . 5,123 03,793 7,517 hon 485 - - Missouri . . 304,940 363,652 - 2,355 2,169 293 599 Montana . . 10,494 42,.537 - - 186 - - Nebraska . . 103,064 115,999 - 2,797 1,243 797 186 Nevada . . 1,938 8,377 575 - - - - New Hampshire 57,444 21,650 379 3,520 779 49 228 New Jersey . 221,367 133,675 - 6,373 5.614 - 3,985 New York . 819,838 5.51,369 - 18,950 16,052 - 17,667 North Carolina 155,222 174,488 - 578 676 245 - North Dakota 26,335 20,686 - - 358 - - Ohio . . . 525,991 477,497 2,615 1,858 5,068 2,716 1,167 Oregon . . 48,779 46,662 - 977 919 - - Pennsylvania 728,300 433,2.30 11,176 10,921 19,274 870 1,683 Rhode Island 37,437 14,459 - 1,166 1,160 5 558 South Carolina 9,313 58,801 - 824 - - - South Dakota 41,042 41,225 - - 683 _ _ Tennessee 148,773 166,268 4,525 1,951 3,098 _ _ Texas . . . 167,520 370,434 79,572 5,046 1,786 - - Utah . . . 13,491 &1,607 - 21 - - - Vermont . . 50,991 10,607 461 1,329 728 - - Virginia . . 135,388 154,985 - 2,127 2,350 - 115 Washington . 39,153 51,646 - 1,668 968 148 - West Virginia 104,414 92,927 - 677 1,203 - - Wisconsin 268,135 165,523 - 4,584 7,609 346 1,314 Wyoming . . . 10,072 10,655 286 - 136 - - Total . . . 7,111,607 6,509,052 222,583 134,645 131,312 13,968 36,373 * Bryan and Watson's vote is included in the vote for W. J. Bryan. than any previous table. They are made up upon the princi- ple of giving the highest vote for any name on the electoral 568 A HISTORY OF THE PRESIDENCY ELECTORAL VOTE. Pbesident. Vice-Prbsidbnt. States. n o 1 d ^ 8 6 3 24 15 13 12 6 8 15 14 9 4 10 36 3 23 4 32 4 4 6 12 11 8 1 4 4 13 3 10 1 8 9 17 3 8 3 11 9 4 12 15 3 12 4 3 8 6 3 24 15 13 12 6 8 15 14 9 4 10 36 3 23 4 32 4 4 6 12 11 5 1 4 4 13 3 10 1 4 9 13 2 4 3 6 9 2 12 15 2 12 2 2 3 _ _ _ Florida _ _ _ Kentucky Louisiana 4 Maryland - Michigan Minnesota • Mississippi 4 1 4 - 5 Ohio 2 Utah 1 2 1 271 176 271 149 27 ticket, and not for the first name on the ticket. The vote for Bryan is the combined vote for Bryan and Sewall, and for Bryan and Watson. The Bryan and Watson vote is given separately, but is to be disregarded in making up the total vote. THE FREE SILVER CAMPAIGN 569 According to the figures here presented the plurality for Mr. McKinley was 602,555, and his majority over all the can- didates combined was 286,257. The electoral vote, which is given in a separate table, re- flects the closeness of the vote in California and Kentucky, in each of which States one elector voted for Bryan and Sewall. The electoral count took place on the 10th of February, 1897. It was conducted in accordance with the law, and was strictly without incident. The inauguration of Mr. McKinley on the 4th of March was made the occasion of a great popular demonstration by the Republicans, who flocked to Washington in large numbers to witness the ceremony. The immediate subsidence of excitement after the result of the election was ascertained, and the good-humored acceptance of that result by all save a few grievously disappointed lead- ers of the defeated party, is not a new experience in American political life. We have seen it after other historic struggles. The Federalists thought that all was lost when Jeff"erson was elected. Jackson's triumph seemed to his opponents a victory of evil over good. The Democrats lost faith in popular gov- ernment when Harrison was chosen. To the supporters of Mr. Tilden the declaration that Mr. Hayes was elected was nothing short of a great political crime. Yet after a momen- tary loss of temper all these good people recovered themselves and devoted their energies to the public service with zeal and with undiminished hope and confidence. So it was in 1896. In some respects the result was the greatest trial of the tem- per of the defeated party the country has ever known. The aims of the Democratic party were, — not to use the phrase offensively, — in a certain sense revolutionary. They were intended to array the weak, the poor, the debtors, the em- ployed, against the men who were designated as plutocrats. The failure of such an attack is sometimes almost as dangerous to society as its success. The fact that, when the American people had spoken at the polls upon questions that involved the highest interests of society, the decision was quietly accepted as conclusive until a new occasion should arise for passing upon them in the orderly American way, is most cred- itable to them, and a happy augury for the future. INDEX Abolitionists, condemned by tbe Democrats, 200, 266 ; convention of 1839, 202; of 1843, 216; defeat Clay, 224 ; convention of 1847, 232 ; of 1852, 253. Adams, Charles Francis, nominated for Vice-President, 239; in canvass of 1872, 340, 344. Adams, John, suggested for .Vice- President, 24 ; elected, 27 ; his jour- ney to New York and inauguration, 30; reelected Vice-President, 39; named for President, 44; virulent attacks upon him, 45 ; elected Pres- ident, 51 ; his inauguration, 53 ; counts the votes and declares his own election, 52; relations to the Federalist party, 56; defeated in 1800,63 ; elector for Monroe, 1820, 118. Adams, John Quincy, goes over to the Republican party, 93; on the Missouri Enabling Act, 117 ; receives one vote for President in 1820, 118, 121 ; candidate in 1824, 126, 129. 131 ; popular votes for, 136 ; electoral votes, 140 ; chosen by the House of Representatives, 140 ; his inaugura- tion, 141 ; his character and admin- istration, 142; attacks Massachu- setts Federalists, 146 ; popular votes for, in 1828, 148 ; defeated, 149 ; in the House of Representatives, 19.3. Adams, John Quincy (the younger), 350. Adams, Samuel, suggested for Vice- President, 24; his course in the can- vass of 1796, 48 ; votes for, in 1796, 51. Adet, M.. French ambassador, endea- vors to defeat John Adams, 46. Alabama, admitted to the Union, 118. Alien and sedition laws, 67, 201. Alien ownership of land. See Land, public. Allison, William B., 392, 538. American party. See Native Amer- ican. American party of 1888, conven- tion, 480. Annexation of Texas. See Texas. Anti-Federalist party, 32 ; see Re- publican party. Anti-Masonic party, its origin, 155; national convention in 1830, 155; merged with Whig party, 180. Anti-Monopoly party, convention of. in 1884, 421. Anti-Nebraska Democrats, 260. " Anti-Snappers" of 1892, 493. Arbitrary arrests during the Civil War, 298, 304. Arbitration, settlement of interna- tional disputes by, 256, 365, 441, 462, 466, 507, 520, 621, 560. Arkansas, admitted to the Union, 184 ; vote of 1872 objected to, 354. Armstrongr, James, votes for in 1789, 27. Army vote in 1864, 307. Arthur, Chester A., nominated for Vice-President, 408; elected, 417; becomes President, 419 ; In canvass of 1884, 427, 432. Ashburton Treaty, 238, 250. Baltimore, the Harrison procession in, in 1840, 196. Bank of the United States, second bank incorporated, 108 ; war upon, by Jackson, 155, 157, 178 ; veto of char- ter renewal, 162; the panic of 1837, 191 ; Van Buren continues war upon, 192 ; condemned by Democrats, 200 ; Tyler's opposition to, 207; in plat> forms, 200. Banks, national, in politics and plat- forms, 333, 365, 367, 409, 544, 561. 572 INDEX Banks, Nathaniel P., 271 : electoral vote for, 353. Barbour, James, 114, 119, 145, 194. " Barnbiirners," faction of the Dem- ocratic party, 229 ; convention of, 1848, 238. Bayard, James A., reasons for aban- doning Burr, 71. Bayard, Tbomas F., 349, 379, 387, 412, 414, 415, 440. Bell, John, nominated for President, 289 ; popular and electoral votes for, 297. Bentley, Charles E., nominated for President, 532; popular votes for 567. Bidwell, John, nominated for Presi- dent, 508. Bimetallism. See Silver. Bimey, James G., nominated for. President, 202; popular votes for, 203; nominated, 1843, 216; popular votes for, 223; accused of seeking alliance with Democrats, 224. Black, James, nominated for Presi- dent, 340 ; popular votes for, 352. Blaine, James G., 330, 362, 368, 373, 402, 407, 408, 427 ; nominated for Pres- ident, 432; popular and electoral votes for, 448; Paris interview on the tariff, 458; withdraws from the canvass for 1888, 459; attempt to stampede convention for, 478; Sec- retary of State, 489, 492; resigns, 493 ; votes for, in convention of 1892, 497. Blair, Francis P., Jr., nominated for Vice-President, 326 ; popular and electoral votes for, 328. " Bloody shirt," waving the, 357. Bonds, taxation of United States, 316, 322, 336 ; payment of, with green- backs, 316, 322, 333, 336 ; issue Of, in time Of peace, 544, 552, 556. Booth, Newton, nominated for Vice- President, and declined, 367. Botts, John M., letter from, on Tyler, 207 ; in canvass of 1860, 289. Bradley, Stephen R., call for a con- gressional caucus in 1808, 90. Bramlette, Thomas E., votes for, as Vice-President in 1872, 353. Breckinridgre, John C, nominated for Vice-President, 265 ; elected, 276 ; nominated for President, 285, 287; popular and electoral votes for, 297. Bristow, Benjamin H., 363, 368, 373. " Broad g'augre " Prohibitionists, 528. Brooks, John A., nominated for Vice- President, 468. Brown, B. Gratz, nominated for Vice-President, 344, 349; electoral votes for, 353. Brown, John, raid by, 281. Bryan, William J., 542, 547; nomu nated for President by the Demo- crats, 548; by the People's party, 554; by the National Silver party, 567 ; his personal canvass, 563, 564 J popular votes for, 567 ; electoral votes for, 568. Buchanan, James, 138, 209 ; votes for, in convention of 1844, 212; of 1848, 233 ; in canvass of 1852, 247 ; the Os- tend Manifesto, 261; in canvass of 1856, 264; nominated, 265; elected, 276 ; his administration, 280. Buckner, Simon B., nominated for Vice-President, 561. Burr, Aaron, votes for, in 1792, 39 ; candidate with Jefferson in 1796, 44 ; votes for, 51 ; nominated by cau- cus in 1800, 59 ; votes for, 63 ; be- comes Vice-President, 73. Butler, Benjamin F., 283, 330; in electoral count of 1869, 331 ;" in can- vass of 1880, 411 ; nominated for President, 423, 427; popular votes for, 448. Butler. William 0., nominated for Vice-President, 234; electoral votes for, 243 ; in canvass of 1852, 249. Calhoun, John C, 98, 117; proposed for President, 126; candidate for Vice-President, 132 ; elected, 135 ; re- elected, 149 ; suggested for President in 1844, 208; votes for, in conven- tion, 212; negotiates treaty for an- nexation of Texas, 227 ; votes for, in convention of 1848, 233; the com- promises of 1850, 245. California, admitted to the Union, 246, 257; its vote divided in 1880, 418 ; in 1892, 517 : in 1896, 566. Cambrelengf, Churchill C, political mission in the South, 144. Carlisle, John G., 440. INDEX 573 " Carpet-bagre'ers," 357. Gary, Samuel F, nominated for Vice- President, 367. Cass, Lewis, votes for, in convention of 1844, 209; nominated for Presi- dent, 233; popular and electoral votes for, 243 ; in canvass of 1852, 247. Casus omissus, 119, 271, 450. Caucus, Cougrressional, nominations. Federalist and Republican, in 1800, 58, 59 ; JefEerson and George Clinton nominated in 1804, 82 ; opposition to, in 1808, 90 ; Madison nominated, 91 ; nominations in 1812, 99; opposition to, in 1816, 109, 110; abortive caucus in 1820, 117 ; discussion of, and war against, 1822 to 1824, 126, 130 ; result of, 131 ; faults of the caucu^ system, 168. Chambers, B. J., nominated for Vice- President, 411. Chase, Salmon P., 270, 290, 294, 321, 325, 340, 344. Cherokee and Creek Indians, their removal, 154, 157. Chinese labor and immigration, in politics and platforms, 335, 336, 371, 377, 401, 405, 410, 414, 416, 419, 430, 438, 444, 462, 469, 474, 502. Cipher despatches, 381. Civil rights bill vetoed by Mr. John- son, 315. Civil service reform, in politics and platforms, 153, 158, 334, 337, 343, 34T, 370, 406, 419, 430, 437, 457, 466, 469, 477, 496, ,501, 536, 546, 560. Clay, Henry, 98, 99 ; opposes the cau- cus in 1816, 109 ; on electoral vote of Indiana, 113; on electoral vote of Missouri, 119; candidate for Presi- dent in 1824, 126 ; suggestion of a coalition with Crawford, 132 ; popu- »lar votes for, 136; charged with a corrupt bargain, 138 ; electoral votes for, in 1824, 140 ; suggested for Vice- President, 1828, 145 ; nominated by National Republicans, 157 ; popular votes for, 163 ; electoral votes, 164 ; inquiry by, into qualifications of electors, 184; his attitude in 1839, 193, 194; his letter on Texas, 210; nominated by Whigs in 1844, 220; popular and electoral votes for, 223 ; defeated by Abolitionists, 224; in canvass of 1848,230 ; defeated in con- vention, 237; the compromises of 1850, 245. Cleveland, Grover, elected Governor of New York, 420, 433 ; nominated for President, 440 ; elected, 448 ; and civil service reform, 457 ; events of his first administration, 458; nonii nated for reelection, 471 ; popular and electoral votes for, in 1888, 483; in canvass of 1892,493 ; nominated in 1892, 504 ; elected, 517 ; foreign rela- tions dm-ing his second administra- tion, 519; alienated from his party, 523 ; Democratic convention refuses to approve his administration, 547, 548; commended by National Dem- ocrats, 560. Clinton, DeWitt, 78, 79, 92 ; candidate for President, 100 ; votes for, in 1812, 104 ; a candidate in 1824, 126 ; favors popular vote for appointing elec- tors, 147. Clinton, Georgre, candidate of the Anti-Federalists, 26; votes for, in 1789, 27 ; opposed to John Adams, in 1792, 34 ; votes for, as Vice-Presi- dent in 1792, 39 ; votes for, in 1796, 51 ; nominated by caucus for Vice- President, 82 ; elected, 84 ; nomi- nated in 1808, 91 ; repudiates the caucus, 92; reelected, 95; died in office, 99. Cochrane, John, nominated for Vice- President, 300 ; withdraws, 301. Colfax, Schuyler, 318 ; nominated for Vice-President, 321 ; elected, 328 ; defeated in 1872, 348. Colorado, act to admit as a State, vetoed, 315 ; admitted to the Union, 380. Colquitt, Alfred H., votes for, as Vice-President in 1872, 353. Commission, Electoral. See Elec- toral Commission. Compromises of 1850, 245; in plat- forms, 249, 252, 254, 258, 267. Conant, John A., nominated for Vice- President, 442. Conklingr, Roscoe, 361, 368, 373, 402, 408, 419. Constitution of the United States, provisions respecting election of President, see Electoral System and Presxdent. 574 INDEX Constitutional Union party, its for- mation, 282 ; convention in 1860, 288. Convention system : the first na- tional convention, 101; convention suggested in Pennsylvania. 1824, 130 ; the system discussed, 166 ; origin of the system, IVO ; development of the idea, 171 ; reforms made and sug- gested, 174, 175, 420, 428. Conventions, party. Abolition or Liberty party, in 1839, 202 ; in 1843, 216 ; in 1847, 232 ; in 1852, 253. American, in 1888, 480. Anti-Masonic, in 1830, 155. Anti-Monopoly, in 1884. 421. Barnburners, in 1848, 238. Constitutional Union, in 1860, 288. Democratic, in 1832, 160; in 1835, 181 ; in 1840, 199 ; in 1844, 211 ; in 1848, 232 ; in 1852, 248 ; in 1856, 264 ; in 1860, 282 ; of seceders, 285, 286 ; convention in 1864, 304; in 1868, 321 ; in 1872, 349 ; of " Straight " Democrats, 349; convention in 1876, 374 ; in 1880, 411 ; in 1884, 433 ; in 1888, 468 ; in 1892, 498 ; in 1896, 541. Free-soil, in 1848, 238 ; in 1852, 253. Greenback party, in 1876, 367; in 1880, 409 ; in 1884, 423. Know-Nothing, in 1856, 261. Labor Keformers, in 1872, 335. Liberal Kepublican, in 1872, 340. Liberty League, in 1848, 232. National Democratic, in 1896, 557. National Kepublican, in 1831, 157 ; of young men, in 1832, 157. National party, in 18%, 530. National Silver party, in 1896, 555. Native American, in 1847, 231; in 1856, 261. People's Party, in 1892, 508 ; in 1896, 550. Prohibitionists, in 1872, 339; in 1876, 364; in 1880, 411; in 1884,441,442; in 1888, 465 ; in 1892, 505 ; in 1896, 528. Eadical Eepubliean, in 1864, 299. Kepublican, in 1856, 269 ; in i860, 290 ; in 1864, 301 ; in 1868, 318 ; in 1872, 345 ; in 1876, 368 ; in 1880, 402 ; in 1884, 427 ; in 1888, 472 ; in 1892, 494 ; in 1896, 532. Socialist Labor, in 1892, 513; in 1896, 538. Union and Harmony, in 1839, 194. Union Labor, in 1888, 460. United Labor, in 1888, 463. Whig, In 1839, 193 ; in 1844, 220 ; In 1848, 237 ; in 1852, 250 ; in 1856, 273. Cooper, Peter, nominated for Presi- dent, 367 ; popular votes for, 383. Copperheads, 298. Corrupt barg'ain, alleged, of Henry Clay, 138. Count of electoral votes. See Elec- toral votes. Cowdrey, Bobert H., nominated for President, 466; popular votes for, 483. Cranfill, J. B., nominated for Vice- President, 508. Cravens, Jordan E., proposes amend- ment to Constitution, 394. Crawford, WiUiam H., 98; intrigue in favor of, 109 ; favorite of the ad- ministration, 126 ; candidate of the caucus, 131; popular votes for, in 1824, 136 ; electoral votes, 140 ; votes in the House of Representatives, 141 ; suggested for Vice-President, in 1828, 145; his quarrel with Mon- roe, 145 [note]. Credit Mobilier, 416. Creeks. See Cherokees. Crittenden, John J., 275, 289. Cuba, acquisition of, 261, 272, 284, 287 ; the rebellion in, 520, 536, 546, 553. Currency, the, in politics and plat^ forms. See Greenbacks, and Silver. Curtis, James L., nominated for Pres- ident, 480. Cushingr, Caleb, 282, 285, 286. " Czar," Mr. Speaker Keed as, 488. Dallas, George M., 162; nominated for Vice-President, 214 ; elected, 223 ; votes for. in 1848, 233. Daniel, William, nominated for Vice- President, 446. Davis, David, nominated for Presi- dent, 338; declines, 339; in Liberal Republican convention, 344; elec- toral votes for, 353 ; retires from Su- preme Court, 3S8. Davis, Henry Winter, on power to count electoral votes, 277. Davis, Jefferson, 284. Dayton, William L., nominated for Vice-President, 271 ; electoral votes I for, 276 ; in canvass of 1860, 294. INDEX 575 Dearborn, Henry A. S., nominated for Vice-President, 231. Debt, the public. See Public Debt. Delaware, appointment of electors by, in 18'24, 134 ; adopts popular vote, 1G4. Democratic party (successor of Ke- publican), convention of 1832, IGO ; of 1835, 181 ; of 1840, 199 ; condition of, in 1843, 209; convention of 1844, 211; of 1848, 232; divisions in the party, 233 ; convention of 1852, 248 ; of 1856, 264 ; of 1860, 282 ; seceders' convention, 285, 286; convention of 1864, 304 ; of 1868, 321 ; of 1872, 349 ; " Straight " Democrats, 349 ; conven- tion of 1876, 374 ; of 1880, 411 ; of 1884, 433 ; Of 1888, 468 ; of 1892, 498 ; divided by the silver question, 526 ; conven- tion of 1896, 541. Dickerson, Mahlon, proposes an amendment to the Constitution, 122. Direct vote for President. See Pres- ident. Disqualified electors. See Electors. District system of choosin? elec- tors, 23, 38, 83, 93, 103, 148, 516. Disunion, considered or threatened, 76, 146, 295, 298. Donelson, Andrew J., nominated for Vice-President by American party, 264;by Whigs, 273. "Doughfaces," origin of the word, 116. Douglas, Stephen A., 247, 258 ; In can- vass of 1856, 264 ; leader of a Demo- cratic faction, 280 ; debate with Lin- coln, 281 ; in convention of 1860, 284 ; nominated for President, 286 ; popu- lar and electoral votes for, 247 ; sup- ports the Union cause, 298. Dow, Neal, nominated for President, 411 ; popular votes for, 417. Dred Scott decision, 279. Earl, Thomas, Abolitionist candidate for Vice-President, 202. Eaton, Mrs. General, 151, 160. Eaton, William W., proposes an amendment to the Constitution, 396. Edmunds, George F., 329, 387, 398, 402, 407, 408, 427, 432. Eight-hour day for labor. See Hours of Labor. Elections, federal interference in, 304, 401, 413, 498. Electoral commission, text of the law creating it, 382 ; its membership, 387, 391 ; action of, 388. Electoral system, first proposed, 4; adopted, 9 ; its working in practice, 9; law of 1792, 36; the system changed, 11, 12, 80; propositions to amend or abolish, 122, 358, 394, 395, 396, 397. Electoral votes, time of casting, 36, 453 ; manner of voting, 9, 80 ; returns of, 9, 36, 80, 453 ; determination of contests, 64, 398, 453. count of, in 1789, 29 ; in 1793, 40 ; in 1797, 51 ; in 1801, 67 ; in 1805, 84 ; in 1809, 95 ; in 1817, 112, 113 ; in 1821, 120 ; in 1825, 139 ; in 1837, 184 ; in 1857, 275 ; In 1861, 296 ; in 1865, 309 ; in 1869, 329 ; in 1873, 354 ; in 1877, 382, 399 ; in 1881, 418 ; in 1889, 484. rejection of, discussed and exer- cised, 64-67, 114, 123, 275, 309, 329, 354, 388; twenty-second joint rule, 309; text of, 310 ; pronounced unconstitu- tional,359; rescinded by the Senate, 382 ; law Of 1887, 453. Electors, methods of appointing: in 1789, 21 ; in 1792, 38 ; in 1796, 47 ; in 1800, 59 ; in 1804, 83 ; in 1808, 93 ; in 1812, 103 ; in 1824, 133 ; in 1832, 164 ; in 1868, 327 ; in 1872, 351 ; in 1876, 380 ; In 1880, 418 ; in 1892, 516, 518. time of appointment, first election, 20; law of 1792, 36 ; law of 1845, 242 ; Wisconsin's electors, in 1856, 276; Georgia's electors in 1880, 418; law of 1887, 453. official returns of appointment, 9, 36, 80, 453. determination of contests, by grand committee, proposed, 64 ; law of 1887, 453. ineligible persons appointed, 185 ; see also Electoral votes, rejection of. attempted bribery of, 388. EUmaker, Amos, nominated for Vice- President, 157; electoral votes for, 164. Ellsworth, Oliver, votes for. In 1796, 51. Emancipation, 299, 302. Embargo, the, 89, 97. England. See Great Britain. 576 INDEX Engrlish, William H., nominated for Vice-President, 415. Equal Kig-hts party. New York fac- tion, 228. Era of grood feeling's, 115, 117. Evans, Samuel, nominated for Vice- President, 463. Everett, Edward, nominated for Vice-President, 290; popular and electoral votes for, 297. Expunging resolution, 179. Farmers' Alliance, 491. " Federal thirteen," the, 61. Federalist party, the, at first elec- tion, 24 ; supports Burr against Jef- ferson, 69 ; its attitude during Jef- ferson's administration, 76 ; coquets with the CUnton faction, 92; sup- ports Pinekney and King, in 1808, 93 ; its course in the election of 1812, 101 ; destroyed by the success of its own principles, 106 ; last appearance In national politics, 112; attacked by J. Q. Adams, 146. Field, James G., nominated for Vice- President, 513. Fillmore, Millard, nominated for Vice-President, 238; elected, 243; becomes President, 246 ; in canvass of 1852, 247; nominated in 1856 by Americans, 264 ; by Whigs, 273 ; pop- ular and electoral votes for, 276. Finley, Ebenezer B., proposes an amendment to the Constitution, 396. First election ordered by Congress, 20. First national convention, in 1812, 101. Fisk, Clinton B., nominated for Pres- ident, 468 ; popular votes for, 483. Fitzpatrick, Benjamin, 266; nomi- nated for Vice-President and de- clined, 286. Five-twenty bonds. See Bonds. Florida, admitted to the Union, 242 ; electors of, appointed by legislature, in 1868, 327 ; vote of 1876 disputed, 381, 388. Floyd, John, on vote of Missouri, in 1821, 120 ; votes for, as President, in 1832, 164. Foote, Charles E.. nominated for Vice-President, 232. " Force Bill,' ' 490, 495, 498. Fourth of March, beginning of Pres- idential term, 29, 38. France, relations with, as affecting politics, 33, 41, 46. Franklin, Benjamin, suggested for President, 26. "Fraud of 1876," in politics and platforms, 413, 416, 435. "Free ballot and fair count," in politics and platforms, 413, 432, 437, 473, 495, 498, 512, 536, 554. Free homesteads. See Land, pub- lic. Free-masonry, a political issue, 144, 155. Free ships and navigation laws. See Na vigation latvs. Free silver, in politics and platforms. See Silver. Free-soil party, convention of 1848, 238 ; of 1852, 253. Free trade, in politics and platforms. See Tariff. Freedmen's Bureau, 315, 323. Frelinghuysen, Theodore, nomina- ted for Vice-President, 220 ; electoral votes for, 223. Fremont, John C, nominated for President, 264, 270; popular and electoral votes for, 276; nominated in 1864, 301 ; withdraws, 301. French Bevolution, its influence on American politics, 33, 41, 46. Freneau, Philip, 34. Fugitive-slave law, 245, 249, 252, 254, 284, 287: Funding System, Hamilton's, 42. Fusion, in 1860, 296; in 1880, 417 ; in 1892, 515, in 1896, 564. Oallatin, Albert, nominated for Vice- President by caucus, 131; with- draws, 132. Garfield, James A., 387, 402, 407; nominated for President, 408 ; as- saults upon, 415; elected, 417; as- sassination of, 419. Genet, " Citizen," French ambassa- dor, interferes in American politics, 42. Georgia, vote of, in 1868, 327, 329, 331 ; votes for Greeley, in 1872, rejected, 354 ; its vote in 1880, 418. Gerry, Elbridge, proposes choice of electors by State Governors, 4 ; plan INDEX 577 of apportioning electors, 5; votes for John Adams, 48 ; nominated for Vice-President, 99 ; adds a word to the language, 104 ; elected, 104. Gold standaxd, in politics and plat- forms. See Silver. Graham, William A., nominated for Vice-President, 261 ; defeated, 257 ; in canvass of i860, 289. Granirer, Francis, nominated for Vice-President, 183 ; votes for, 188. Grant, Ulysses S., 303, 315, 316 ; nom- inated for President, 320 ; elected, 328 ; condemned by Liberal Repub- licans, 341; nominated for reelec- tion, 348; reelected, 352; on third term, 360; vetoes the "inflation" bill, 366 ; proposed in 1880, 402, 407, 408. Great Britain, relations with, as af- fecting politics, 43, 87, 97, 482. Greeley, Horace, on Know-Nothing party, 260 ; opposes Mr. Seward, 290 ; opposes Grant, 334 ; in canvass of 1872, 340; nominated for Presi- dent, 344, 349; dies, 351; popular votes for, 352; electoral votes for, 353; votes for, objected to and re- jected, 354. Greenback party, convention of 1876, 367 ; of 1880, 409 ; of 1884, 423. Greenbacks, payment of bonds with, 316, 322; volume of issue of, 365, 409, 429. Greer, James K., nominated for Vice- President, 480. Groesbeck, William S., 349 ; electoral vote for, in 1872, 353. Habeas corpus, suspension of the writ, 298, 300, 323. Hale, John P., nominated for Pre- sident, 232; withdraws, 232; nomi- nated in 1852, 253 ; popular votes for, 257. "Half-breed," a faction of the Re- publican party, 419. Hamilton, Alexander, on the elec- toral system, 2 ; proposes choice of electors by the people, 4, 5; decides to support John Adams, in 1789, 25 ; supposed intrigue against Adams, 26 ; antagonism with Jefferson, 32 ; his funding system, 42 ; not a candi- date for President, 44 ; his course in the canvass of 1796, 49 ; his influence over the members of Adams's cabi- net, 54 ; opposes the Federalist sup- port of Burr, 70; opposes Federal- ist disunion intrigue, 76 ; proposes amendment of the Constitution, 78. Hamlin, Hannibal, nominated for Vice-President, 295; elected, 297; in canvass of 1864, 303 ; presides over the count of 1865, 311 ; in canvass of 1868, 318, 321. Hancock, John, suggested for Vice- President, 24 ; votes for, in 1789, 27 ; protests against law of 1792, 39. Hancock, Winfield S.. 321, 325, 363, 379, 412, 414 ; nominated for Presi- dent, 415 ; popular and electoral votes for, 417. Hard Cider campaign, 190. "Hards," Democratic faction, in New Yorlc, 264, 282. Harper, Bobert G., votes for, as Vice- President, in 1816, 112; in 1820, 121. Harrison, Benjamin, nominated for President, 479; popular and elec- toral votes for, 483 ; declared elected, 485; his administration, 486, 492; nominated for reelection, 1892, 497 ; popular and electoral votes for, 517. Harrison, Bobert H., votes for, in 1789, 27. Harrison, William H., suggested for Vice-President, 1828, 145 ; nominated for President in 1836, 183; popular votes for, 185; electoral votes for, 188 ; Whig candidate, 195 ; tal^es the stump, 202 ; popular votes for, 203 ; elected, 204 ; his inauguration, 205 ; dies, 207. Hartford convention, 106. Hawaii, proposed annexation of, 519, 535, 546, 553. Hayes, Butherford B., 363,368 ; nom- inated for President, 373; popular votes for, 383 ; declared elected, 393 ; his administration, 400. Hendricks, Thomas A., 325, 330; votes for, as President, in 1872, 353 ; nominated for Vice-President, 379; in canvass of 1880, 412, 415 ; again nominated, 441 ; elected, 448 ; death of, 472. Henry, John, votes for, in 1796, 51. Hill. David B.. 492, 493, 505, 542, 548, 649. 578 INDEX Hobart, Garret A., nominated for Vice-President, 538 ; elected, 567, 568. Homesteads, free, in platforms. See Land, public. Hours of Labor, in politics and plat- forms, 370, 410, 422, 425, 462, 464, 512, 513, 540. House of Representatives, election of President by, 71, 140. Houston, Samuel, 248, 288. Howard, John E., suggested for Pres- ident, 111 ; Votes for, as Vice-Presi- dent, in 1816, 112. " Hunkers," Democratic faction, 229. HuntiniTton, Samuel, votes for, in 1789, 27. Idaho, admitted to the Union, 518. Illinois, admitted to the Union, 118. Immigrration, restriction of, in poli- tics and platforms, 303, 320, 371, 401, 405, 410, 414, 419, 430, 438, 444, 462, 467,474, 481, 496, 502, 506, 512, 531, 536, 544. Impressment of American seamen, 87, 88. Income tax, in politics and platforms, 410, 422, 425, 431, 462, 511, 514, 540, 544, 552. Independent Treasury, 192, 207, 227. Indiana, admitted to the Union, 112 ; disputed votes of, in 1817, 113. Informalities in certificates of elec- tors, 85 ; of Massachusetts electors, 1808, 94 ; suspected in 1824, 137. IngrersoU, Jared, Federalist candi- date for Vice-President, 102; votes for, in 1812, 104. "Injunction, government by," 545, 554. Internal improvements; in politics and platforms, 115, 143, 154, 158, 200, 241, 252, 255, 273, 294. Inter-state commerce; in platforms. See Railroads, regulation of. Intoxicating liquor; in poUtics and platforms, 339, 364, 426, 441, 443, 466, 505, 529, 530. Iowa admitted to the Union, 242. Iredell, James, votes for, in 1796, 51. Irregularities: See Informalities. Jackson, Andrew, candidate for President, in 1824, 126; popular votes for, 136; electoral votes for, 140; votes in the House of Repre- sentatives, 141 ; becomes a candi- date for 1828, 144 ; popular votes for, 148 ; elected, 149 ; inaugurated, 150 ; his conduct in office, 151; his influ- ence upon politics, 153 ; his war on the Bank, 153, 162 ; forces the nom- ination of Van Buren, 160; nomi- nated for reelection, 161 ; popular votes for, 163; reelected, 164; his popularity, 179; opposes Judge Hugh L. White, 181 ; at Van Buren's inauguration, 189. Jacobins, opprobrious name of De- mocrats, 74. Jay, John, votes for, in 1789, 27 ; Brit- ish treaty, 43 ; votes for, in 1796, 51 ; in 1800, 63. Jefferson, Thomas, antagonism with Hamilton, 32 ; votes for, in 1792, 39 ; leader of the Republican party, 44 ; named for President, 44 ; attacked by " Phociou," 45, 49; elected Vice- President, 51 ; votes for, in 1800, 63 ; elected by the House of Representa- tives, 72; his inauguration, 73; his course, in office, 74, 77 ; nominated by caucus, 82 ; reelected, 84 ; rejects Monroe's treaty, 88 ; induces Monroe to withdraw, 92. Jenkins, Charles J., votes for, as President, 1872, 353. Johnson, Andrew, 284; nominated for Vice-President, 303 ; elected, 307 ; becomes President, 313; his char- acter and administration, 313 ; his contest with Congress and impeach- ment, 315; denounced by Republican convention, 319; in the canvass of 1868, 321; praised by Democrats, 325. Johnson, Hale, nominated for Vice- President, 530. Johnson, Herschel V., nominated for Vice-President, 286; popular and electoral votes for, 297. Johnson, Sichard M., nominated for Vice-President, 182 ; electoral votes for, 188 ; elected by the Senate, 187 ; opposition to, in 1840, 198 ; not re- nominated, 201 ; electoral votes for, in 1840, 204 ; candidate for the Presi- dency, 1844, 208 ; votes for, in con- vention, 212. Jolinston, William F., nominated for INDEX 579 Vice-President, 264 ; not adopted by Republicans, 271. Joint rule, twenty-second. See Elec- toral i>!/stem. Julian, Georsre W., nominated for Vice-President, 253; in canvass of 1872, 338, 344; electoral votes for, 352. Kansas, the contest over, 258, 260, 268, 272, 279, 292. Kentucky, admitted to the Union, 38 ; legislature nominates Clay, 126; contest in 1896 between Gold and Silver forces, 626 ; electoral vote di- vided, 567. King:, Leicester, nominated for Vice- President, 232. King:, Bufus, 34; Federalist candi- date for Vice-President, 83; votes for, in 1804, 84 ; in 1808, 95 ; opposes coalition with Clintonians, in 1812, 101, 102 ; votes for. for President, in 1816, 112. King, William E., named for Vice- President, 1840, 199; votes for, as candidate, 1848, 234 ; nominated for Vice-President, 249 ; elected, 257. "Kitchen Cabinet," the, 152, 154, 159. Know-Nothingr order and party, 259 ; convention of 1856, 261. Knox, General Henry, suggested for Vice-President, 24. Kremer, George, charge by, against Henry Clay, 138. Ku-klux-klan, the, 333. Labor questions, in politics and plat- forms, 325, 337, 347, 350, 409, 414, 422, 426, 430, 437, 441, 462, 503, 512, 531, 540. Labor Reformers, party of, conven- tion of 1872, 335. Land, public, questions relating to in politics and platforms, 154, 179, 215, 221, 236, 255, 293, 324, 336, 344, 347, 350, 371, 377, 410, 423, 425, 430, 437, 438, 444, 461, 463, 469, 474, 500, 506, 512, 514, 531, 536, 540, 553. Lane, Joseph, 248, 284 ; nominated for Vice-President, 285, 287 ; popular and electoral votes for, 297. Langdon, John, presides over the first count, 29 ; votes for, as Vice- President, in 1808, 95 ; nominated for Vice-President, 99 ; declines, 99. Lecompton constitution, for Kan- sas, 279, 292. Lee, Henry, votes for, as Vice-Presi- dent, in 1832, 164. Legral-tender notes. See Greeih- backs. Legislatures, State, as nominating bodies, 168. Levering, Joshua, 508 ; nominated for President, 530; popular votes for, 567. Liberal Republicans, origin of the party, 335 ; convention in 1872, 340. Liberty League, the, convention of 1848, 232. Liberty party. See Abolitionists. "Lily White" Republicans. 516. Lincoln, Abraham, 271 ; the debate with Douglas, 281 ; in the canvass of 1860, 290 ; nominated for President, 294; elected, 297 ; his administration, 299 ; nominated in 1864, 303 ; elected, 307 ; his reconstruction plan, 309, 313 ; assassinated, 313. Lincoln, Benjamin, vote for, in 1789, 27. "Little Magician," the [Van Bu- ren], 191. " Loco-focos," New York party fac- tion, 228. Logan, John A., 427 ; nominated for Vice-President, 432; popular and electoral votes for, 448. Log cabin and Hard Cider cam- paign, 190. Louisiana, purchase of, 75 ; admitted to the Union, 103 ; frauds in Plaque- mines Parish, 16, 224; vote of the State, in 1864, rejected, 311 ; vote in 1868 objected to, 330; returning boards, 351, 381 ; vote in 1872 dis- puted and not counted, 354 ; vote of 1876 disputed, 381, 389. Lyon, James, nominated for Presi- dent and declined, 350. Machen, Willis B., votes for, as Vice- President, in 1872, 353. McClellan, George B., 299; nomi- nated for President, 305 ; his view of the Democratic platform, 306 ; popular and electoral votes for, 307. 580 INDEX McKinley, William, "tbe McKinley bill," 489, 499, 524 ; votes for, as can- didate for President, 1892, 497; in the canvass of 1896, 527, 532 ; nom- inated for President, 538 ; his course during the canvass, 564 ; elected, 566; popular votes for, 567; elec- toral votes for, 568. McLean, John, considered as a can- didate for President, 1830, 156 ; nomi- nated, 1836, 183 ; in canvass of 1848, 230 ; votes for, in Whig convention, 237 ; in conventions of 1856, 264, 270 ; in canvass of i860, 289, 294. Macon, Nathaniel, proposes amend- ment to the Constitution, 122 ; votes for, as Vice-President, in 1824, 140. Madison, James, 6; nominated for President, in 1808, 91 ; elected, 95 ; his inauguration, 96; his first ad- ministration, 97 ; yields to war party, 98; renominated, 99; elected a se- cond time, 104. "Magician, the little" [Van Bu- ren], 191. Maffuire, Matthew, nominated for Vice-President, 541. Maine, admitted to the Union, 118 ; liquor law, 339. Maish, Levi, proposes an amend- ment to the Constitution, 396. Manrum, Willie P., votes for, as President, 188. March 4th, beginning of Presiden- tial term, 29, 38. Marcy, William L., 153, 247, 261. Marshall, Humphrey, on power to count electoral votes, 277. Marshall, John, on the proposed law of 1800, 66 ; votes for, as Vice-Presi- dent, in 1816, 112; attends anti- Masonic convention, 156. Maryland, last State to abandon the district system, 164. Mason, James M., on electoral votes of Wisconsin, 275. Mason, John Y., 261. Massachusetts, choice of electors In 1789, 23 ; in 1792, 38 ; by the Legisla- ture, in 1800, 60 ; defeat of Federal- ists in 1804, 84; choice of electors, in 1808, 93; in 1812, 103; in the Hart- ford Convention, 107. Matchett, Charles H., nominated for Vice-President, 1892, 513 ; nominated for President, 1896, 541; popular votes for, 567. Mexico, and Texas, 226 ; war with, in platforms and politics, 227, 230,234, 249. Michig'an, admitted to the Union, 184 ; votes of, how counted in elec- tion of 1837, 187; an elector of, ob- jected to, in 1877, 390 ; chose electors by districts, in 1892, 516. "Middle of the Road" populists. 550. Military interference with elec- tions. See Elections. Mills bill, tariff, 459, 468, 471, 473, 482. Milton, John, votes for, in 1789, 27. Minnesota, admitted to the Union, 296. Minority Presidents, 17. Mississippi, admitted to the Union, 118 ; votes of, in 1872, objected to, 3.54. Missouri, question of admission to the Union, 116, 118 ; controversy over its vote in 1820, 118 ; its vote in 1872, 354. Missouri Compromise, repeal of, 260, 271. Monroe doctrine, 268, 300, 303, 476, 496, 520, 535, 546. Monroe, James, diplomatic services abroad, 86, 88 ; candidate for Presi- dent, in 1808, 89, 90; persuaded to withdraw, 92 ; votes for, as Vice- President, in 1808, 95 ; opposition to, in 1816, 108 ; nominated, 109 ; elected, 112 ; inauguration, 114 ; reelected, 118 ; second inauguration, 120. Montana, admitted to the Union, 487. Morey letter, 416. Morris, Gouverneur, 3, 6, 12, 34, 58, 78, 83, 101, 111. Morris, Thomas, nominated for Vice- President, 216. Morrison, William E., tariff bill, 458 ; votes for, as candidate for Pre- sident, 505. Morton, Levi P., nominated for Vice- President, 479; elected, 483; in the canvass of 1896, 527 ; votes for, as candidate for President, 538. Morton, Oliver P., proposes amend- ment to the Constitution, 358 ; can- didate for Presidential nomination. INDEX 581 361, 368, 373 ; member of the electoral commission, 387. " Mugrwumps," or independent Re- publicans, 419, 432, 446, 457; de- nounced by Republican convention, 477. Murchison, Charles F. (fictitious name), letter to Lord Sackville, 482. "Narrow graugre" Prohibitionists, 528. National Banks. See Banks. National Democratic party (of 1896), origin of, 650, 657 ; convention, 558. National party. See Greenback party. National party (of 1896), 530. National Bepublican party, conven- tion of, in 1831, 157 ; fusion with Anti- Masons, 163 ; merged with Whig party, 180. National Silver party, convention of 189C, 555. Native Americans, the party of, 231 ; revival of, 259; convention of 1856, 261 ; condemned by Democratic con- vention, 266. Navigation laws and free ships, in politics and platforms, 414, 431, 439, 476, 496, 534, 559. Nebraska, act to admit as a State, vetoed, 315 ; admitted to the Union, 327 ; an elector objected to, in 1877, 390. Nevada, an elector for, objected to, in 1877, ,390. New Hampshire, choice of electors in, in 1789, 22 ; in 1804, 84 ; calls Dem- ocratic conventions, 159, 199 ; choice of electors in, in 1848, 242. New Jersey, a Democratic manoeuvre in, in 1804, 94; extraordinary pro- ceedings in, in 1812, 103 ; vote divided in 1860, 297. New York, loses its vote in 1789, 23 ; decided the election of 1800, 59; in the contest of 1824, 128, 129, 135 ; in Democratic convention of 1848, 228, 232 ; its great influence in politics, 15, 59, 229, 447, 449 ; party warfare and factions in, 23, 86, 100, 228 ; its popular vote in 1868, 329, NicaraGTua canal, 476, 497, 502, 535. North Carolina, peculiar appoint- ment of electors in, in 1792, 38 ; ap- points electors by the Legislature, in 1812, 103, 122. North Dakota, admitted to the Un- ion, 487. Nullification, 154. Objections to electoral votes. See Electoral votes, rejection of. 0' Conor, Charles, 305,339; nominated for President, 350 ; popular votes for, 3,52. Of&cial returns of elections, discrep- ancies in, 484, 616, 568. Ohio, admitted to the Union, 83. Orders in council, British. 88. Oregron question, the, 215, 228; the State of, admitted to the Union, 296; electoral vote of, in 1876, 381, 390. Ostend Manifesto, the, 261, 272. Pacific Bailroad, 273, 283, 287, 294, 303. Palmer, John M., 321, 338, 340; elec- toral votes for, as Vice-President, in 1872, 353; nominated for Presi- dent, 561 ; popular votes for, 567. Panama mission, opposed by Ad- ams's political enemies, 143. Panic, financial, of 1837, 191 ; of 1873, 357. Parker, Joel, 325; nominated for Vice-President, 338 ; declines, 339 ; in canvass of 1876, 379. Pendleton, Georgre H., nominated for Vice-President, 305; popular and electoral votes for, 307 ; in canvass of 1868, 316. 321, 325. Pennsylvania, appointment of elect- ors in 1800, 60 ; its vote in 1876, 390 ; its influence in poUtics, 15, 60, 86, 92, 93, 100, 275. Pensions, in politics and platforms, 302, 320, 324, 347, 371, 405, 426, 430, 436, 462, 476, 502, 507, 512, 531, 535, 645, 554, 561. People's party, origin of, 491 ; con- vention of 1892, 508; Of 1896, 550; fusion on electors with Democrats, 564. Pickens, Israel, proposes an amend- ment to the Constitution, 122. Pickeringr, Timothy, 54. Pierce, Franklin, nominated for President, 248 ; elected, 267 ; his at- 582 INDEX titude on' the slavery question, 260 ; in canvass of 185G, 264 ; of I860, 284. Pinckney, Charles, plan of, for an Executive, 2. Pinckney, Charles C, votes for, in 1796, 51 ; minister to France, 56 ; re- fuses to be a party to a treacherous coalition, 62 ; votes for, in 1800, 63 ; candidate of Federalists for Presi- dent, in 1804, 83; votes for, in 1804, 84 ; in 1808, 95. Pinckney, Thomas, candidate for Vice - President, 44 ; votes for, in 1796, 51. Plaquemines, frauds in, 16, 224. Platforms, party. Abolition or Liberty party, in 1843^ 216. American, of 1888, 480. Anti-Monopoly, in 1884, 422. Barnburners, in 1848, 239. Constitutional Union, in 1860, 289. Democratic, in 1840, 199 ; in 1844, 215 ; in 1848, 234 ; in 1852, 249 ; in 1856, 266 ; of Douglas Wing, in 1860, 283 ; of Breclcinridge Wing, 287 ; in 1864. 304; in 1868, 322; in 1872, 349; of "Straight" Democrats, 349; in 1876, 374 ; in 1880, 413 ; in 1884, 434 ; in 1888, 468 ; in 1892, 498 ; in 1896, 542. Free-soil, in 1848, 239 ; in 1852, 253. Greenback party, in 1876, 367; in 1880, 409 ; in 1884, 423. Know-Nothing, in 1856, 261. Labor-Keformers, in 1872, 336. Liberal Republicans, in 1872, 341. National, in 1896, 530. National Democratic, in 1896, 558. National Silver, in 1896, 555. Native American, in 1856, 261. People's, in 1892, 509 ; in 1896, 551. Prohibitionist, in 1872, 339; in 1876, 364; in 1880, 411; in 1884, 441,442; in 1888, 466 ; in 1892, 505 ; in 1896, 529. Radical Republican, in 1864, 300. Republican, in 1856, 271 ; in 1860, 291 ; in 1864, 301 ; in 1868, 318 ; in 1872, 346 ; in 1876, 369 ; in 1880, 403 ; in 1884, 428 ; iu 1888, 472 ; in 1892, 494 ; in 1896, 533. Socialist Labor, in 1892, 513 ; in 1896, 639. Union Labor, in 1888, 461. United Labor, in 1888, 463. Whig, in 1844, 220; in 1852, 251; in 1856, 273. Young Men's National Republican, in 1832, 168. Pocket veto, 179, 317. Polk, James K., vote for, as Vice- President, in 1840, 204; nominated for President, in 1844, 213; elected, 223; his inauguration, 225; his ad- ministration, 227 ; jealousy of, to- ward Silas Wright, 229. Polygamy, in politics and platforms, 364, 371, 405,419, 430, 442, 466, 475. Pomeroy, Samuel C, nominated for President, 442. Popular Sovereignty, 258, 280. Popular votes for President, in 1824, 135; in 1828, 148; in 1832, 163; in 1836, 185 ; in 1840, 203 ; in 1844, 223 ; in 1848, 243 ; in 1852, 257 ; in 1856, 276 ; in 1860, 297; in 1864, 307; in 1868, 328; in 1872. 352; in 1876, 383; in 1880, 417 ; in 1884, 448 ; in 1888, 483 ; in 1892, 517 ; in 1896, 567. Populists. See Peojjle's party. President of the United States, method of election of, 2-9, 68, 71, 77- 82, 121, 140, 358, 394 ; proposed elec- tion of, by direct popular vote, 3, 13, 154, 300, 358, 365, 394, 396, 397, 431, 442, 553 ; length of term of office of, 9, 153, 395; reeligibility of, 1, 2, 6, 153, 221, 300, 337, 343, 395, 513 ; third term, 360, 402, 546 ; resignation of, 38 ; special elections in case of va- cancy, 37, 395; succession to the of- fice, 37, 450. Prohibitionist party, convention of 1872, 339 ; Of 1876, 364 ; Of 1880, 411 ; of 1884, 441, 442 ; of 1888, 465 ; Of 1892, 505 ; of 1896, 529. Protection of American industry, in politics and platforms. See Tariff. Public debt, the, in politics and plat- forms, 303, 316, 319, 322, 370, 409, 422, 462. Public lands. See Land, public. Badical Bepublicans, convention of 1864, 299. Bailroads, land grants to, see Land, public; regulation or public owner- ship of, in politics and platforms^ INDEX 583 337, 364, 41(1, 422, 425, 430, 461, 474, 506, 512, 513, 531, 540, 552. £andolph, Edmund, plan for an Ex- ecutive, 2. Bandolph, John, opposition to Jeffer- son, 87 ; makes an objection, 95 ; on the count of Missouri vote, in 1821, 119, 120. Readjusters of Virginia, 417. Eeannexation. See Texas. Reciprocity treaties, in politics and platforms, 400, 495, 500, 534. Reconstruction of rehellious States, in politics and platforms, 301, 308, 313, 318, ,333. Red handanna, 472. Reed, Thomas B., Speaker, and the rules of the House, 487 ; votes for, as candidate for President, 1892, 497 ; in the canvass of 1896, 527 ; votes for, as candidate for President, 538. Reeligrihility of a President. See President. Reid, Whitelaw, nominated for Vice- President, 498 ; popular and electoral votes for, 517. Rejection of electoral votes. See Electoral votes. Removal of deposits from the Bank of the United States, 178. Removals from office, in politics and platforms. See Civil Service Re- form. Republican party, creation of the, 260 ; convention of 1856, 269 ; of 1860, 290 ; Of 1864, 301 ; of 1868, 318 ; of 1872, 345 ; Of 1876, 368 ; of 1880, 402 ; of 1884, 427 ; Of 1888, 472 ; of 1892, 494 ; of 1896, .532. Republican party (Jeffersonian), first known as Anti-Federalist, nom- inates Jefferson and Burr, in 1796, 44 ; its triumph in 1800, 63 ; see De- mocratic party. Resignation of President. See Pre- sident. Resumption of specie payments, in politics and platforms, 333, 343, 366, 367, 370, 372, 375, 376, 379, 401. Returns of electors. See Electoral System. Rhode Island, an elector for, objected to, in 1877, .SOI. Riddle, Haywood Y., proposes an amendment to the Constitution, 396. Rives, William C, 182, 195 [note], 289. Rodney, Daniel, votes for, as Vice- President, in 1820, 121. Ross, James, votes for, as Vice-Presi- dent, in 1816, 112. " Rum, Romanism, and Rebellion," 447. Rush, Richard, vote for, as Vice- President, in 1820, 118, 121 ; nomi- nated in 1828, 146 ; votes for, 149. Russell, John, nominated for Vice- President, 340. Rutledire, John, votes for, in 1789, 27. Sackville, Lord, British minister, 482. St. John, John P., nominated for President, 446 ; popular votes for, 448. Sampson, Ezekiel S., proposes amendment to the Constitution, 396. Sanford, Nathan, proposes amend- ment to the Constitution, 122 ; votes for, as Vice-President, in 1824, 140. Santo Domingro, annexation of, 333. " Scallawagrs," .357. Schools, public, in politics and plat- forms, 304, 371, 475, 502, 507, 514, 531, 540. Scott, Winfield, votes for, in Whig convention, 1848, 237 ; in canvass of 1852, 247; nominated for President, 251 ; popular and electoral votes for, 257. Seceded States, electoral votes of, re- jected, 309, 329. Secession, 298. Sergreant, John, nominated for Vice- President, 157 ; electoral votes for, 164. Sewall, Arthur, nominated for Vice- President by the Democrats, 549; votes for, in Populist convention, 554 ; nominated by National Silver party, 5.57;. popular votes for, 567; electoral votes for, 568. Seward, William H., his relations with Taylor and Fillmore, 247 ; in the canvass of 18,56, 270 ; in the can- vass of I860, 290, 294. Seymour, Horatio, 304, 305. 321 ; nom- inated for President, 326 ; his politi- cal position, 327; popular and elec- toral votes for, 328 ; in canvass of 1880, 412. 584 INDEX Sherman, John, 402, 407, 408, 427, 432, 478, 479. Sherman silver purchase act, 490, 501, 521 ; repealed, 522. Silver question, the, in politics and platforms, 366, 368, 401, 409, 413, 430, 437, 462, 475, 490, 494, 495, 501, 506, 508, 511, 521, 526, 529, 531, 532, 535, 537, 541, 543, 547, 551, 555, 559. Slavery, in politics and platforms, 115, 200, 202, 216, 226, 236, 239, 249, 252, 254, 258, 262, 266, 271, 273, 279, 283, 287, 292, 299, 300, 302. Smith, Gerrit, nominated for Presi- dent, 232. Smith, Green Clay, nominated for President, 364. Smith, William, votes for, as Vice- President, in 1828, 149 ; in 1836, 188. Socialist Labor party, 513, 538. "Softs," Democratic faction, in New York, 264, 282. Soldiers' vote, in 1864, 307. "Solid South," 105, 406, 447. South Carolina, appointment of elec- tors by the Legislature, 148, 164; abandons the system, 327 ; vote of 1876 disputed, 381, 391. South Dakota admitted to the Union, 487. Southgrate, James H., nominated for Vice-President, 532. Spain, relations with, 520, 536. Special elections of president. See President. Specie circular, Jackson's, 179. Specie payments, resumption of. See Resumption. Spoils System, and civil service, in politics and platforms. See Civil Service Reform. Spring'er, William M., proposes an amendment to the Constitution, 395. " Squatter Sovereignty." See Pop- ular Sovereignty. "Stalwarts," a faction of the Eepub- lican party, 419. Stampede, rules for prevention of, 174, 369, 468. Stanton, Ediwin M., contest with President Johnson, 315, 405, 430. Star-route frauds, 419. State rigrhts, in politics and plat- forms, 75, 106, 180. Stevenson, Adlai E., nominated for Vice-President, 505 ; elected, 511 j votes for, as candidate for Presi- dent, 1896, 549. Stewart, G. T., nominated for Vice- President, 364. Stockton, Bichard, votes for, as Vice President, in 1820, 121. Streeter, A. J., nominated for Presi- dent, 463; popular votes for, 483. Succession to the presidency. See President. Sumner, Charles, 270 ; opposes Grant, 334. Tammany Hall, 228, 363, 412, 433, 446, 615. Tariff, the, in politics and platforms, 108, 115, 143, 154, 158, 200, 220, 227, 252, 268, 293, 336, 343, 347, 350, 371, 376, 405, 416, 419, 423, 426, 429, 436, 442, 444,458, 466, 467, 473, 480, 489, 494, 499, 504, 606, 508, 523, 531, 533, 544, 558. Tariff commission of 1882, 419. Taylor, Zachary, movement in his favor, 230 ; recommended by Native Americans, 231 ; nominated for Pres- ident, by Whig party, 237; elected, 243 ; his conduct in office, 244 ; dies, 246. Tazewell, L. W., named for Vice- President, in 1840, 199; electoral votes for, 204. Telfair, Edward, votes for, in 1789, 27. Teller, Henry M., 537, 538; votes for, as candidate for President, 549. Tennessee, admitted to the Union, 47 ; legislature nominates Jackson, 144 ; its vote not counted in 1864, 311. Tenure of office act, 315, 457. Term of the presidential office. See President. Texas, annexation of, 209, 215, 226, 227 ; state of, admitted to the Union, 242; vote of, in 1872, objected to 354. Third term for a President. See President. Thompson, A. M., nominated for Vice-President, 411. Thurman, Allen G., 379, 387, 423, 'i40; his red bandanna, 472; nominated for Vice-President, 472 ; popular an*! electoral votes for, 483. Tilden, Samuel J., 363, 374: nos}i> INDEX 585 nated for President, 379; popular votes for, 383; electoral votes for, 392 ; in canvass of 1880, 411 ; in can- vass of 1884, 439. Time of appointing electors. See Electors. Tippecanoe, the hero of, 196. Tompkins, Daniel D., proposed for President, 1816, 109; nominated for Vice-President, 110; elected, 112 ; re- elected, 1-21. Treasury circular, Jackson's, 179. Trusts, iu politics and platforms, 463, 466, 474, 496, 500, 507, 545. Tweed ring, 329, 363. Twenty - second joint rule. See Electoral votes. Two-thirds rule, iu Democratic con- ventions, 161, 175, 182, 212, 233, 284, 286, 288, 433. Tyler, John, favors a caucus nomina- tion, 1824, 128; nominated for Vice- President, 1836, 183 ; electoral votes for, 188; nominated by Whigs, 195 elected, 204; becomes President, 207 his breach with the Whigs, 207 nominated for reelection and with- draws, 221. Union Labor party, convention of 1K88, 460. United Americans, order of, 259. United Labor party, convention of 1888, 463. Unit rule, In conventions, 173, 374, 403, 433. Utah, Territory of, 246; State of, fu- sion in, 565 ; its fli-st vote for Presi- dent, 567, 568. Van Buren, Martin, his first appear- ance in politics, 100; in caucus of 1824, 131; votes for, as Vice-Presi- dent, in 1824, 140; political mission in the south, 144 ; rejected as Minis- ter to England, 155; candidate for Vice-President, 155 ; nominated by the Democrats, 161 ; elected, 164 ; nominated for President, 182 ; popu- lar votes for, 185 ; elected, 188 ; his inauguration, 188; estimate of his character, 190 ; his opposition to banks, 192 ; renominated, 201 ; popu- lar votes for, 203 ; defeated, 204 ; the Democratic favorite for 1844, 206; his letter on Texas, 210 ; defeated by the two -thirds rule, 212, 213; praised by Democratic convention, 216 ; nominated by " Barnburners," 238; by Free - soilers, 239; popular votes for, 243. Venezuela, President Cleveland's ac- tion, 520. Vermont, admitted to the Union, 38 ; disputed validity of its votes, 52 ; its electoral vote of 1876, 391. Veto, "pocket," 179; power, in plat- forms, 215 ; Mr. Johnson's numerous vetoes, 315 ; Mr. Cleveland's use of the, 458. Vice-President, the office of, sug- gested, 7 ; abolition of the office proposed, 79; method of electing, changed, 80 ; elected by the Senate, 187. Virgrinia, and Kentucky resohitions, of 1788 and 1789, 57. 249, 267 ; adopts general ticket system in 1800, 60; the " Virginia dynasty," 89, 106. Voorhees, Daniel W., 305, 522. Wakefield, W. H. T., nominated for Vice-President, 465. War Democrats, 298, 306, 356. War of 1812,98,106. Washington, Georgre, universal choice for first President, 24; ac- quiesces in the choice of Adams for Vice - President, 25 ; election pro- claimed, 30 ; first inauguration, 31 ; reelected in 1792, 39 ; second inaugu- ration, 41 ; opposes " Citizen " Genet, 42 ; supports the Jay treaty, 43 ; de- clines a third term, 44 ; Farewell Address of, 45 ; votes for, in 1796, 51 ; attempt to elect him in 1800, 58. Washingrton, State of, admitted to the Union, 487. Watson, Thomas E., nominated for Vice-President, 554; his position in the canvass of 1896, 562, 564 ; popu- lar votes for, 567 ; electoral votes for, 568. Weaver, James B., nominated for President, 1880, 411; popular votes for, 417; nominated for President, 1892, 513 ; popular and electoral votes for, 517. Webster, Daniel, elector for Monroe, in 1820, 118; nominated for Presi- 586 INDEX dent, in 1836, 183 ; popular votes for, 185 ; electoral votes for, 188 ; in can- vass of 1848, 230 ; votes for, in Whig convention, 237 ; the compromises of 1850, 245 ; in canvass of 1852, 247 ; un- successful manoeuvre to nominate him, 250 ; popular votes for, 257. West, A. M., 423 ; nominated for Vice- President, 427. West Virginia, the State of, formed, 308. Wheeler, William A., nominated for Vice-President, 373 ; elected, 393. Whig party, origin of, 179; attitude of, on the Bank, 184, 192 ; convention of 1839, 193; disclaims responsibil- ity for Tyler's acts, 207 ; convention of 1844, 220 ; of 1848, 237 ; Of 1852, 250 ; moribund after the election of 1852, 258 ; convention of 1856, 273. Whiskey insurrection, 42. Whiskey riner, 357, 363. White, Hug'h L., nominated for Pres- ident, 183; popular votes for, 185; electoral votes for, 188. Wilkins, William, nominated for Vice-President, 160; electoral votes for, 164. Wilmot proviso, 230. Wilson, Henry, 318, 32-1, 345; nom- inated for Vice - President, 348 ; elected, 352. Wilson, James, proposes electors, 4. Wilson tariff bill, 524. Wine, Simon, nominated for Presi- dent, 513 ; popular votes for, 517. Wirt, William, nominated for Presi- dent, by anti - Masonic party, 156; electtoral votes for, 164. Wisconsin, admitted to the Union, 242 ; disputed electoral votes, in 1857, 275 ; in 1877, 391. Woman suffraere, in politics and platforms, 340, 348, 371, 426, 441, 445, 462, 466, 467, 506, 514, 530, 536. Wood, Fernando, 282. Wool, tariff on, 429, 473, 524, 534. Wrigrht, Silas, nominated, and de- clines, as Vice-President, 213; war upon him in New York, 229; dies, 230. Wyoming, State of, admitted to the Union, 518. Tancey, William L., resolution of° fered by, 236. Ehctrotyped and printed by H. O. Houghton 6r> Co. Cambridge, Mast., U. S. A. 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