THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF Perigord MAKING YOUR OWN WORLD Being the Second of a Series of twelve Volumes on the Applications of Psychology to the Problems of Personal and Business Efficiency ISSUED UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE SOCIETY OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY COPYRIGHT I 914 BY THE APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY PRESS SAN FRANCISCO CONTENTS Chapter I. THE TWO FUNDAMENTAL PROC- ESSES OF MIND MIND AS A MEANS TO ATTAINMENT THREE POSTULATES FOR THIS COURSE EXPERIENCE AND ABSTRACTIONS PRIMARY MENTAL OPERATIONS Pag* 3 4 5 6 11. SENSATIONS AND OUR PERCEP- TION OF THEM mind's SOURCE OF SUPPLIES 9 DOES MATTER EXIST? lO FIRST-HAND KNOWLEDGE I I SECOND-HAND KNOWLEDGE I 2 ETHERIC VIBRATIONS AS CAUSING SENSATIONS I 3 THE ROAD TO PERCEPTION 1 4 THE PLACE WHERE SENSATION OCCURS 15 LABORATORY PROOF OF SENSE-PERCEPTIVE PROCESS 16 REACTION-TIME 1 7 THE HUMAN TELEPHONE I 8 THE LIVING TELEGRAPH I 9 THE SIX STEPS TO REACTION 20 UNOPENED MENTAL MAIL 21 SELECTIVE PROCESS THAT DETERMINES CONDUCT 2 2 IN TUNE WITH LIFE-INTEREST 23 PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF PERCEPTION PROCESS 24 630031 29 32 33 34 35 Contents Chapter in. SENSORY ILLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR THEIR USE p,^, UNRELIABILITY OF SENSE-ORGANS 27 BEING AND SEEMING USE OF ILLUSIONS IN BUSINESS MAKING AN ARTICLE LOOK BIG TESTING THE CONFIDENTIAL MAN TESTS FOR CREDULITY WHAT COLORS LOOK NEAREST TESTING THE RANGE OF ATTENTION 36 A GUIDE TO OCCUPATIONAL SELECTION 37 TEST FOR ATTENTION TO DETAILS 38 OTHER BUSINESS APPLICATIONS 39 IV. INWARDNESS OF ENVIRONMENT FACTORS OF SUCCESS OR FAILURE 43 SHOULD SEEING BE BELIEVING? 44 HEARING THE LIGHTNING 46 IMPORTANCE OF THE MENTAL MAKE-UP 47 UNREALITY OF "THE REAl" 48 "things" AND THEIR MENTAL DUPLICATES 49 EFFECT OF CLOSING ONe's EYES 50 IF MATTER WERE ANNIHILATED 5 I IF MIND WERE ANNIHILATED 52 AS MANY WORLDS AS MINDS 53 V. ESSENTIAL LAW OF PRACTICAL SELF-MASTERY OPTION AND OPPORTUNITY 57 PRE-ARRANGING YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS 58 HOW TO DEFINITELY SELECT ITS ELEMENTS 59 Contents Page AN INFALLIBLE RECIPE FOR SELF-POSSESSION 6o USING "UNSEEN EAR PROTECTORS*' 6 I HOW TO AVOID WORRY, MELANCHOLY 62 PUTTING CIRCUMSTANCES UNDER FOOT 63 RUNNING YOUR MENTAL FACTORY 64 ACQUIRING MENTAL BALANCE 65 DISSIPATING MENTAL SPECTERS 66 HOW TO CONTROL YOUR DESTINY 67 THE TWO FUNDAMENTAL PROCESSES OF MIND Chapter I THE TWO FUNDAMENTAL PROCESSES OF MIND N THE preceding book, " Psychol- ogy and Achievement," we estab- lished the truth of two proposi- tions: I. All human achievement comes about through bodily activity. II. All bodily activity is caused, con- trolled and directed by the mind. To these two fundamental proposi- tions we now append a third, which needs no proof, but follows as a natural and logical conclusion from the other two: Mind as a ileans to {ttainmeni Applied Psychology Three III. The Mind is the instrument you Postulates 1 t 1 T 1 r for this must employ for the accomplishment of Course . any purpose. With these three fundamental prop- ositions as postulates, it will be the end and aim of this Course of Reading to develop plain, simple and specific methods and directions for the most efficient use of the mind in the attain- ment of practical ends. To comprehend these mental meth- ods and to make use of them in busi- ness affairs you must thoroughly under- stand the two fundamental processes of the mind. These two fundamental processes are the Sense-Perceptive Process and the Judicial Process. The Sense-Perceptive Process is the Making Your Own World q process by which knowledge is acquired Experience through the senses. Knowledge is the "Ihstnxcuons result of experience and all human ex- perience is made up of sense-percep- tions. The Judicial Process is the reasoning and reflective process. It is the purely "intellectual" type of mental operation. It deals wholly in abstractions. Ab- stractions are constructed out of past experiences. Consequently, the Sense-Perceptive Process furnishes the raw material, sense-perceptions or experience, for the machinery of the Judicial Process to work with. In this book we shall give you a clear idea of the Sense-Perceptive Process and show you some of the ways in which Applied Psychology pyimary an Understanding of this process will be OMations useful to you in everyday affairs. The succeeding book will explain the Judi- cial Process. SENSATIONS AND OUR PERCEPTION OF THEM Chapter II SENSATIONS AND OUR PERCEPTION OF THEM HATEVER you know, or Mind's Som-a think you know, of the ^T7 ^L/ ^j external world comes to ▼ » you through some one of your five primary senses, sight, hear- ing, touch, taste and smell, or some one of the secondary senses, such as the muscular sense and the sense of heat and cold. The impressions you receive in this way may be true or they may be false. They may constitute absolute knowl- Does Mailer Exist: I o Applied Psychology edge or they may be merely mistaken impressions. Yet, such as they are, they constitute all the information you have or can have concerning the world about you. Philosophers have been wrangling for some thousands of years as to whether we have any real and absolute knowledge, as to whether matter actu- ally does or does not exist, as to the re- liability or unreliability of the impres- sions we receive through the senses. But there is one thing that all scientific men are agreed upon, and that is that such knowledge as we do possess comes to us by way of perception through the organs of sense. If you have never given much thought to this subject, you have nat- Making Tour Own World \ \ urally assumed that you have direct knowledge of all the material things that you seem to perceive about you. It has never occurred to you that there are intervening physical agencies that you ought to take into account. When you look up at the clock, you instinctively feel that there is nothing interposed between it and your mind that is conscious of it. You seem to feel that your mind reaches out and envel- ops it. As a matter of fact, your sense-im- pression of that bit of furniture must filter through a great number of inter- vening physical agencies before you can become conscious of it. Direct perception of an outside re- ality is impossible. First-liafid <'coud-liand Knotvledse 1 2 Applied Psychology Before you can become aware of any object there must first arise between it and your mind a chain of countless dis- tinct physical events. Modern science tells us that both light and sound are due to undulations or wave-like vibrations of the ether. These vibrations are transmitted from one particle of ether to another, and so from the thing perceived to the body of man. Think, then, what crisscross of ether currents and confusion of ether vibra- tions, what myriad of physical events, must intervene between any distant ob- ject and your own body before sensa- tions come and bring you a conscious- ness of that object's existence! Nor can you be sure, even after any >>CllS(lllOUS Making Your Own World \ o particular vibration has reached the i-^incnc ^ _ I'ibratioiis OS surface of your body, that it will reach Causing your mind unaltered and intact! What goes on in the body itself is made clear by your knowledge of the cellular structure of man. You know that you have a system of nerves centering in the brain and with countless ramifications throughout the structural tissues of the body. You know that part of these nerves are sensory nerves and part of them are motor nerves. You know that the sen- sory nerves convey to the brain the im- pressions received from the outer world and that the motor nerves relay this information to the rest of the body coupled with commands for appropri- ate muscular action. p,-, ,-,,/,;„,,, 1 4 Applied Psychology iheRoad The outcr end of every sensory nerve exposes a sensitive bit of gray matter. These sensitive, impression-receiving ends constitute together what is called the "sensorium" of the body. When vibrations of light or sound impinge upon the sensorium, they are relayed from nerve cell to nerve cell until they reach the central brain. Then it is, and not until then, that sen- sations and perceptions occur. Consider, now, the infinitesimal size of a nerve cell and you will have some conception of the number of hands through which the message must pass before it is received by the central office. Many of our sensations, especially those of touch, seem to occur on the DIAfiRAM SHOWINC; IHK I (UK e llli:i ASSOCIATION CKNTEKS OK THK HUMAN BRAIN Making Your Own World \ r periphery of the body — that is to say, at The Place Where that part of the exposed surface of the sensation body which is apparently affected. If your finger is crushed in a door, the sensation of the blow and the pain all seem to occur in the finger itself. As a matter of fact, this is not the case, for if one of your arms should be amputated, you would still feel a tin- gling in the fingers of the amputated arm. Thus has arisen a superstition that leads many people to bury any part of the body lost in this way, thinking that they will never be entirely relieved of pain until the absent member is finally at rest. Of course, the fact is that you would only seem to have feeling in the ampu- tated arm. The sensation would really 1 6 Applied Psychology Laboratory occuT in the Central brain tissue as the '^Sense- Organ of the governing intelligence, the Perceptive organ of consciousncss. Process ° And you may set it down as an established principle that all states of consciousness, whether seemingly local- ized on the surface of the body or not, are connected with the brain as the dom- inant center. The facts we have been recounting have been established by the experi- ments of physiological psychology. Thus, the work of the laboratory has shown that between the moment when a sense vibration reaches the body and the moment when sensation occurs a measurable interval of time intervenes. If your eyes were to be blindfolded and your hand unexpectedly pricked Making Tour Own World \ n with a white-hot needle, the time that Reactum Time would elapse before you could jerk your hand away could be readily meas- ured in fractions of a second with appropriate instruments. This interval is known as reaction- time. It varies greatly with different persons. During this reaction-time, the cell or cells attacked upon the surface of the hand have conveyed news of the assault through numberless intermedi- ate sensory nerve cells to the brain. The brain in turn has sent out its mandate through the appropriate motor nerve cells to all the muscle and other cells surrounding the injured cell, command- ing them to remove it from the point of danger. The work of the nervous system in I 8 Applied Psychology The Human dealing with the ether vibrations that Telephone , . . . are constantly impinging upon the sur- face of the body has been likened to that of the transmitter, connecting wire and receiver of a telephone. Air-waves striking against the transmitter of the telephone awaken a similar vibratory movement in the transmitter itself. This movement is passed along the wire to the receiver, which vibrates respon- sively and imparts a corresponding wave-like motion to the air. These air-waves when heard are what we call sound. In the same way, air-waves striking the ear are communicated by the audi- tory nerve to the brain, where they awaken a corresponding sensation of sound. But these waves must be vibrat- Making Your Own TForld jg ing at between 14,000 and 40,000 times The Living Telegraph a second. If they are vibrating so slowly or so rapidly as not to come within this range, we cannot hear them. This process is by no means a me- chanical affair. On the contrary, it is a series of mental acts. Every cell in the living telegraph must receive the mes- sage and transmit it. Every cell must exercise a form of intelligence, from the auditory cell reporting a sound- wave or the skin cell reporting an in- jury to the muscle cells that ultimately receive and understand a message di- recting them to remove the part from danger. Reaction-time, so called, is thus occu- pied by cellular action in the form of mental processes intervening between ao Applied Psychology The Six Steps the ncrvc-ends and the brain center, in to Reaction , , • , i i much the same way that light and sound vibrations intervene between the object perceived and the surface of the body. For even the simplest of sense-per- ceptions we have, then, this sequence of events: first, the object perceived; sec- ond, the series of vibrations of ether particles intervening between the ob- ject and the body; third, the impression upon the surface of the body; fourth, the series of mental processes, cell after cell, in the nerve filaments leading to the brain; fifth, when these impressions or messages have reached the brain, a determination of what is to be done; and, sixth, a transmission by cellular ac- tion of a new message that will awaken some response in the muscular tissues. Making Your Own World 21 This process is completely carried Unopened 1 . , . , Mental out, however, in only comparatively \[„ji few instances. The vast majority of sense-impressions awaken no reaction. They are registered in the mind, but they are not perceived. We are not con- scious of them. They form a part, not of consciousness, but of subconscious- ness. They are messages that reach the mind but are laid aside like unopened mail because they possess no present interest. Wherever and however you may be placed, you are always and everywhere immersed in a flood of etheric vibra- tions. Light, sound and tactual vibra- tions press upon you from every side. At a busy corner of a city street these vibrations rise to a tumultuous fortis- 2 2 Applied Psychology Selective simo ; in the hush of a night upon the Process that Determines plains they sink to pianissimo. Yet at Conduct every moment of your day or night they are there in greater or less degree, titil- lating the unsleeping nerve-ends of the sensorium. Your mind cannot take time to make all these sense-impressions the subject of conscious thought. It can trouble itself only with those that bear in some way upon your interests in life. Your mind is like the receiving ap- paratus of the wireless telegraph which picks from the air those particular vi- brations to which it is attuned. Your mind is selective. It is discriminating. It seizes upon those few sensory images that are related to your interests in life and thrusts them forward to be con- Making Your Own World 2 X sciously perceived and acted upon. All In Tune with ... . , . Life-Interest others it diverts into a subconscious reservoir of temporary oblivion. You will have a clearer understand- ing of the sense-perceptive processes and a more vital realization of the prac- tical significance of these facts v^hen you consider how they affect your knowledge of material things and your conception of the external world. This subject possesses two distinct as- pects. One aspect has to do with the inability of the sense-organs to record the facts of the outer world with perfect pre- cision. These organs are the result of untold ages of evolution, and, generally speaking, have become wonderfully efficient, but they display surprising Process 24 Applied Psychology rmctuat inaccuracies. These inaccuracies are Perception Called Scnsory Illusions. The other aspect of the Sense-Per- ceptive Process has to do with the men- tal interpretation of environment. Both these aspects are distinctly prac- tical. You should know something of the weaknesses and deficiencies of the sense- perceptive organs, because all your efforts at influencing other men are directed at their organs of sense. You should understand the relation- ship between your mind and your en- vironment, since they are the two prin- cipal factors in your working life. SENSORY ILLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR THEIR USE Chapter III SENSORY ILLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR THEIR USE IGURE 1 shows two lines of Unreliability equal length, yet the vertical orgZ^' line will to most persons seem longer than the horizontal one. Fig. 1. 27 2 8 Applied Psychology Unreliability In FiguTC 2 the Ifncs A and B are of of Sense- Organs the samc length, yet the lower seems • much longer. -^— ^ > > ^ < Fig. 2. Those things look smallest over which the eye moves with least resist- ance. In Figure 3, the distance from A to B looks longer than the distance from B to C because of the time we involun- tarily take to notice each dot, yet the distances are equal. Fig. 3. Making Tour Own World 20 For the same reason, the hatchet Being and line (A — B) appears longer than the unbroken line (C — D) in Figure 4, and the lines E and F appear longer than the space (G) between them, although all are of equal length. f^ ////////////// ^ c- ///yMm "" //////////// Fig. 4. Filled spaces look larger than empty ones because the eye unconsciously stops to look over the different parts of the filled area, and we base our estimate upon the extent of the eye movements necessary to take in the whole field. 3° Applied Psychology Being and Thus the filled Square in Figure 5 looks larger than the empty one, though they are of equal size. Fig. 5. White objects appear much larger than black ones. A white square looks larger than a black one. It is said that cattle buyers who are sometimes com- pelled to guess at the weight of animals have learned to discount their estimate on white animals and increase it on »s %^-; X 1 HIS MAN AM) I HIS li<)V AkK ol- K <^ f o J 'Unseen Ear said: 'I see that you are disturbed by Protectors" the noise made by your neighbors in the conduct of their afifairs; pardon me if I leave with you an infallible recipe for peace in the midst of commotion: Hear only what you will to hear/ With this terse counsel he quietly bade the astonished listener adieu. After his visitor had departed, the nervous man felt unaccountably calm, and was con- strained to meditate upon his friend^s advice, and no sooner did he seek to put it into practical use than he learned for the first time that it was his rightful prerogative to use unseen ear protectors as well as to employ his ears. Six or seven weeks elapsed before he saw his mysterious visitor again, and by that 62 Applied Psychology How to Avoid time he had so successfully practiced IVofry, Melancholy the simplc though foFCcful iujunction, that he had reached a point in self-con- trol where the Babel of tongues about him no longer reached his conscious- ness." Herein lies a remedy for worry, with its sleepless nights and kindred tor- ments; for melancholy and despair, with their train of physical and finan- cial disaster. How? Simply by shutting off the flow of disagreeable thoughts and sub- stituting others that are pleasant and refreshing. You are master. You can change the setting of your mental stage from por- tentous gloom to sun-lit assurance. You can concentrate your thought upon the Making Your Own World 6 % useful, the helpful and the cheerful, Puttmg Circumstances ignore the useless and annoying, and Under Foot make your life a life of hope and joy, of promise and fulfilment. You will not question the statement that what you do with your life is the combined result of heredity and en- vironment. At the same time you doubt- less possess a more or less hazy belief in the freedom of your own will. The chances are that in any previous reflections on this subject you have magnified the influence of outside agencies and wondered just how a man could make himself the master rather than the victim of circumstances. You now realize that your environ- ment is an environment of thought, that your material universe is a thing of your 64 Applied Psychology Running Your own making, and that you can mold it Fac'tory ^s you wiU simply by the intelligent control of your own thinking. In Book I. you learned that — I. All human achievement comes about through bodily activity. II. All bodily activity is caused, con- trolled and directed by the mind. In this volume you have added to these propositions a third, namely: III. The mind is the instrument you must employ for the accomplishment of any purpose. Acting on this third postulate, you have begun the consideration of pri- mary mental operations with a view to evolving methods and devices for the Making Tour Own World 6c scientific and systematic employment of Acquiring . , . , . f Mental the mind m the attamment of success. Balance You have concluded your study of the first of the two fundamental processes of the mind, the Sense -Perceptive Process, and have learned to distinguish between seeing or hearing or feeling on the one hand and perceiving on the other. Realizing this distinction and apply- ing It to your daily life, you can at once set to work to acquire mental poise and practical self-mastery, the essence of personal efficiency. There never has been a moment in all your life when sense-impressions were not pouring In upon you from every side, tending to disturb and annoy you and interfere with your concentration 66 Dissipating Mental Specters Applied Psychology and progress. Heretofore you have struggled blindly with these distracting influences, not knowing the elements with which you had to deal nor how to deal with them. But the mask has been torn from the Specter of distraction, and hereafter when irrelevant sights, sounds and other sensations threaten to interrupt your work, just stop a moment and consider. So far as you and your actual knowl- edge are concerned, nothing exists in substance and reality outside your men- tal picture of it. So far as you and your actual knowledge are concerned, all matter is simply thought, and you have never doubted your ability to dismiss a thought. It is for you, then, here and now, to decide whether you will har- Making Tour Own World 67 bor sensory pictures that impede your How to progress and allow them to harass ^^J/f^ and dominate you and interfere with the achievement of your ambition, or whether you will ignore these intru- ders and thereby annihilate them. Success is a variable term. In the last analysis, it means simply getting the thing that you want to have. Whether you succeed or fail depends altogether upon your own attitude to- ward the external facts of life. You have within you a living Force against which all the world is power- less. You have only to know it and to learn how to use it. Learn the lesson of your own powers, the secret of controlling the selective and creative energy within you, and you 6 8 Applied Psychology How to can bring any project to the goal of ac- Control Your , . , j;)c,;tiny complishment. In the closing volumes of this Course we shall instruct you in practical methods by which the selection of those elements of experience that are helpful may be made absolutely automatic. ■"'"V^naa^ OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. ,-■ ■le^'^.' icr. •ilAR 1 2 ,3i;j Form L9-42m-8,'49(B5573)444 THE LIBRARY UNP/SKSITY OF CAY.lwt^jnnk UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 504 845 9 BF 636 A65 V.2 i'iiTlifi[M!)imMf'''''"''-'-°5*"9«i« L 006 877 597 2