,Ll .4' aC'v. 5695 i¥ Reading and Reference List on Costume THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES 1 A Reading and Reference List on COSTUME PUBLISHED BY THE BROOKLYN PUBLIC LIBRARY BROOKLYN-NEW YORK 1909 A Reading and Reference List on COSTUME /; ^M^X PUBLISHED BY THE BROOKLYN PUBLIC LIBRARY BROOKLYN-NEW YORK 1.909 .»• ••• '•* EAGLE PRESS, BROOKLYN-NEW YORK. • « » ; • c < « •• • -<» _«. «i« • • t • I • • • \s ;/j) i.p PREFACE This list is in part composed of references used in answering ques- ~ tions asked of the Reference Department, and of references furnished by several of the branch librarians as having been useful in branch reference C_- work. The primary purpose is to furnish a partial guide to the resources of the Brooklyn Public Library on the subject of costume. Completeness j library, may serve as a contribution toward a bibliography of the subject. M Almost all the books listed are at the Montague Branch, but duplicates ^ of many may be found at the other branches, or the books may be obtained through the Interchange Department. '^ This list was prepared two years ago by Mr. Frank K. Walter, now «• Vice-Director of the New York State Library School, while he was Assist- n1 ant Reference Librarian of the Brooklyn Public Library. Additions have since been made by the Reference Librarian and the Assistant Reference Librarian of the Brooklyn Public Library. 2G1815 CONTENTS PAGE Abyssinia 13 Afghanistan 13 Africa 13 Albania. See Balkan states. Algeria 14 Arab costume 14 Armenia. See Turkish empire. Armor 15 Asiatic islands. See Malaysia, Philippine islands. Assyria 16 Australia 16 Austria-Hungary 17 Aztec costume. See Indians of North America. Balkan states 18 Bedouin costume. See Arab cos- tume, Egypt, Turkish empire. Belgium 18 Bibliography 5 Bohemia. See Austria-Hungary. Bosnia. See Balkan states. Bridal costume 19 Brittany. See France. Brooklyn 19 Bulgaria. See Balkan states. Burma. See India. Canada 19 Caricatures and Caricaturists 19 Carthage. See Africa. Central America 21 Central Asia 21 Ceylon 21 Children 22 Chile 22 China 22 Colonial costume. See United States. Corea. See Korea. Corsica. See France. Cuba 24 Denmark 24 Dutch costume. See Netherlands. Egypt 24 England 25 Military costume 31 Eskimo costume 32 Etruscan costume 32 Fancy dress 33 Fans 33 Flemish costume. See Belgium. Foot-wear 33 France 34 1 — Military costume 36 General works 7 Germany 36 Military costume 36 Gipsy costume 37 Gloves 37 Greece 37 Guatemala 39 Hair, Hats. See Head-dress. Hawaii 39 Head-dress 39 Hebrew costume. See Jewish cos- tume. Herzegovina. See Balkan states. Holland. See Netherlands. page Hungary. See Austria-Hungary. India 41 Indians of North America 43 Indians of South America 44 Ireland 45 Italy 45 Japan 46 Jewish costume 47 Korea 47 Lapland. See Norway, Russian empire. Macedonia. See Balkan states. Malaysia 48 Maori costume. See New Zealand. Marriage costume. See Bridal cos- tume. Mediffival costume 48 Mexico 49 Montenegro. See Balkan states. Nepal. See Tibet. Netherlands 50 New Zealand 50 Normandy. See France. Norway 50 Oceanica 51 Palestine. See Turkish empire. Peasant costume 51 Periodicals useful for the study of costume 6 Persia 51 Peru 52 Philippine islands 52 Poland. See Russia. Porto Rico 52 Portugal 52 Religious costume 53 Rome 53 Roumanla. See Balkan states. Russian empire 54 Samoa 56 Scotland 56 Servia. See Balkan states. Shakespearean costume 57 Shoes. See Foot-wear. Slam. See India. South America 58 Spain 58 Sweden 59 Switzerland 59 Theatrical costume 59 Tibet 60 Troubadours 60 Tunis. See Africa. Turkish empire 60 Tyrol. See Austria-Hungary, Swit- zerland. United States 62 Military and Naval costume.. 63 Venice. See Italy. Wales 64 West Indies 64 Zanzibar 64 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Barnard, F. P. Books for reference [on English costume] (In Ms Com- panion to English history: Middle ages. 1902. p. 115. Ref.942B25 Bibliography [of costume]. (In Encyclopedia Americana. [cl903-04.] V. 5.) Ref.031E56 See article on "Costume." 16 titles. Bibliography [of costume]. (In New international encyclopasdia. 1902- 04. V. 5. p. 333-34.) Ref.031l61Gi Annotated list of about 30 titles. Bibliography [of ecclesiastical costume]. (In New international encyclo- paedia. 1902-04. V. 5. p. 338.) Ref.031l61Gi 11 titles. Bibliography [of Jewish costume]. (In Jewish encyclopaBdia. 1901-06. V. 4. p. 294, 301, '303.) Ref.933S61 Brief lists. Bibliography [of Roman comedy costume], (hi Saunders, C. Costume in Roman comedy. 1909. p. 143-145.) 391 S25 Bouteli, Charles. Bibliography [of costume]. (In Encyclopaedia Britan- nica. 9th ed. 1875-88. v. 6. p. 478-79.) Ref.032E56 Classified and annotated list. Bliimner, H. Costume. (In his Home life of the ancient Greeks. 1893. p. 533.) 913B65 4 titles. Dillon, H. A. ed. Books treating of costume. (In Fairholt, F. W. Cos- tume in England. 3d ed. 1885. v. 1. p. xi-xiv. Also 4th ed. 1896.) 391 F17 Evans, M. M. Lady. [List of books on Greek dress.] (In Tier Chapters on Greek dress. 1893. pp. xvi-xvii.) 391 E92 Fletcher, A. C. [Bibliography of Indian adornment]. (In Hodge, F. W. ed. Hand-book of American Indians. 1907. pt. 1. p. 20. U. S. Bureau of Ethnology. Bulletin 30.) Ref.970.1U58 18 titles. [Gipsy costume.] (Iii Journal of the gypsy lore society. New ser. v. 1, p. 25. July, 1907.) Ref. Brief annotated list. Hough, Walter. [Bibliography of Indian clothing.] (In Hodge, F. W. ed. Hand-book of American Indians. 1907. pt. 1. p. 313. U. S. Bureau of Ethnology. Bulletin 30.) Ref . 970.1 U58 11 titles. Lipperheide, F. J., Freiherr von. Katalog der Freiherrlich von Lipper- heide'schen kostiimbibliothek. 2 v. 1896-1901. Ref.G016L76 Annotated and illustrated. The most complete bibliography. Litteratur [of costume]. (In Brockhaus' Konversations-lexicon. 14th ed. 1895. V. 10. p. 662.) Ref.G033B86 14 titles. Luard, J. History of the dress of the British soldier. 1852. 355L92 Brief list of authorities, p. III-IV. McClellan, Elizabeth. Authorities consulted. (In her Historic dress in America, 1607-1800. [1904]. p. 405-07) Ref.391IVI12 Peabody Institute, Baltimore. Catalogue of the library. Co.'stume, Part I, 1883, p. 807-8; 2d series, part II, 1897, p. 907; ecclesiastical costume, part I, 1883, p. 808; United States costume, 23 series, part VIII, 1905, p. 4875. Lists of books and periodical articles. [Quellen fur die Kenntnis der Kostiime.] (In Meyer: Konversations- lexicon. 4th ed. 1888. v. 10, p. 120-21.) Brief list of works on costume. 8ame. (In Same. 6th ed. 1904-08. v. 11, p. 539.) Ref.G033M61ko Preceding list revised and enlarged. Rhead, G. W. Bibliography [of costume]. (In his Chats on costume. 1906. p. 15-16.) 391 R46 Salmagundi Club, New York City. Catalogue of the costume books in the library of the Salmagundi Club. 1906. Pamphlet Sargent, J. F. Customs and costume [a list of books and magazine articles]. (In his Reading for the young. Issued by the Amer. Library Assoc. 1890. pp. 9-10.) Ref.028S24 14 annotated titles of books, 88 references to periodicals. Select list of works and references on costume. (In Finsbury [England] Public Library Quarterly guide. Jan. 1909. p. 227-34.) Annotated and classified list. Thurston, Rev. Herbert. Bibliography of clerical costume. (In Catholic encyclopedia [cl907— ]. v. 4. p. 421.) Ref.282C363 12 titles. Vinet, Ernest. Bibliographic du costume. (In Racinet, A. [C. A.]. Cos- tume historique. 1888. v. 1. p. 113-24.) Ref.F390R12 Classified list of about 400 titles. Waem, Cecilia. Note [bibliography of fans]. (In her Short historical sketch of fans. [cl895.] pp. 28-29.) 391 W1 2 Brief annotated list. Weiss, Hermann. Verzeichniss der abbildungen, nach ihren quellen. (In his Kostiimkunde. I, Alterthum. 1881. p. xxiii-xli.) G391W42 List of works on ancient costume. • Same. (In his Kostiimkunde. II, M'ittelalter. 1883. p. ii- xxviii.) List of works on medieval costume. Same. (In his Kostiimkunde. III. 1. 2., 14ten jahrhundert bis auf die gegenwart. 1872. pt. 2. p. 1371-88. List of works on costumes, 14th century to the present time. PERIODICALS USEFUL FOR THE STUDY OF COSTUME. Delineator. Godey's Lady's Book. Vols. 1-4; 8; 12-89; 92-114; 124-127; 129-136. (1830- 1898.) Graham's Magazine. Vols. 20-44; 46-49. (1842-1856.) 6 Graphic. Vols. 1-57; 59-71; 73-74; 76-77. (1869-1908.) Harper's Bazar. Vols. 21; 33; 37, pt. I; 38, pt. I; 39-41. (1888-1907.) Illustrated London News. Vols. 1-124; 128-132. (1842-1908.) L'lllustration. Vols. 1-132. (1887-1908.) Ladies' Cabinet of fashion, music and romance. Vols. 2; 4-8; 11-14 (1844-50.) Ladies' Home Journal. La Mode lllustree. National Geographic Magazine. Peterson's Magazine. Vols. 29-30; 39; 42-45. (1855-1897.) Punch. Vols. 1-125; 130-135. (1841-1908.) Sketch. Le Tour du Monde. Vols. 1-79. (1860-1905.) Ueber Land und Meer. Vols. 21-54; 57-70; 73-90; 92; 96-99; 101. (1869- 1908.) Young Ladies' Journal. GENERAL WORKS. This list includes works dealing with a number of countries or subjects. Accurate historical account of all the orders of knighthood at present existing in Europe. 2 v. n. d. Ref.929.7H25 Descriptions of costumes and regalia of the different orders. Aria, Mrs. E. Costume; fanciful, historical and theatrical. Illus. by- Percy Anderson. 1906. 391 A69 Historical, peasant, oriental, ceremonial, bridal, dancing, fancy and theatrical costume. Colored plates and half-tones. Armies of to-day. Edited by Wesley Merritt and others. 1893. 355M57 Articles, Illustrated by wood-cuts, on armies of United States, Great Britain, Germany, France, Russia, Austria-Hungary, Italy and Mexico. Bail in, A. S. (Mrs. Berry.) Science of dress in theory and practice, 1885. 613B19 Bel in... and others. Costumes de Su6de, Norwfege, Danemark, Hollande, et Allemagne; dessines par Belin, Girardet, Sharles, Verveer. [about I860]. Ref.F391B43 20 colored plates. Blanc, A. A. P. C. Art in ornament and dress. 1877. 646B63 "Personal adornment," p. 49-274. Many cuts and 2 colored plates of head-dress and apparel. Boehn, Max von. Die Mode-Menschen und moden im neunzehnten jahr- hundert. Ausgewahlt von Oskar Fischel. Text von Max von Boehn. 1907. G391B67 Covers the period 1818-1842. Many Illustrations, 36 in color. Bonnard, C. Costumes historiques des Xlle, Xllle, XlVe et XVe slides. Dessines et graves par Paul Mercuri avec un texte historique et descriptif par Camille Bonnard. Nouvelle Edition avec une intro- duction par Charles Blanc. 3 v. 1860-61. Ref.F391B71c 200 colored copper engravings, 7 Brownell, H. H. Eastern, or Old World, embracing ancient and modern history. 2 v, 1856. 909 B88 Has hand-colored wood-cuts, showing costumes from early times to 19th century. Clothes and the man; hints on the wearing and caring of clothes. 1900. 646C64 Discussion of modern male attire. Collier, John. Art of portrait painting. 1905. Ref.757C69 41 portraits in color and half-tone, showing costumes from Giotto to Watts. Costume. {In Encyclopedia Americana. [cl903.] v. 5.) Ref.031E56 Historical sketch with brief bibliography. Costume. (In New international encyclopaedia. 1902. v. 5. p. 328-34.) Ref.031l61Gi Historical. 2 plates (15 figures) and bibliography. Davis, R. H. Rulers of the Mediterranean. 1894. 910D21R Half-tone plates and wood-cuts of costumes of Gibraltar, Malta, Tan- gier, Egypt, Athens and Constantinople. Davy, Richard. Furs and fur garments, n. d. 391 D24 General historical sketch. 12 plates showing fur garments, 9th-19th centuries. Decorum; a practical treatise on etiquette and dress of the best American society. 1880. 395D29 Dewing, Mrs. M. R.(0.) Beauty in dress. 1881. 646D52 Esthetics of women's dress. Duller, E. Volkstrachten-Album von 50 Blatt Kostiimbildern. Ref.391 D88 Colored lithographs taken from Duller's work. Ecob, H. G. Well-dressed woman. 1892. 613E19 Numerous half-tones and wood-cuts. Egerton, M. M. Countess of Wilton. Book of costume; or. Annals of fashion from the earliest period to the present time, by a lady of rank. New ed. 1847. Ref.391 W75 Detailed descriptions of European and Asiatic dress. About 200 wood-cuts. Emerson, Edwin, Jr. History of the 19th century. 3 v. 1902. 909E53 16 colored and 32 half-tone plates, some of use for costume. Erskine, Mrs. Beatrice. (Mrs. Steuart.) Beautiful women in history and art. 1905. Ref.920E732 37 half-tone plates, showing English and French dress, 16th-18th centuries. Ferrario, Giulio, and others. (Le) costume, ancien et moderne. 18 v. 1815-29. Ref.F391F37 Africa (2 v.), America (2 v.), Asia (4 v.). Europe (6 v. in 9). General sketch of history of costume for practically every nation of historic note. Illustrated with hand-colored copperplates. Fox, G. P. Fashion, the power that influences the world. 3d ed. [cl871.] 391 F79 Chiefly discusses modern male dress. Gale, E. C. Hints on dress. 1872. 646G15 Discussion of modern costume. 8 [Grass, J. and St. Sauveur.] [Costumes.] n. p., n. d. Ref. Hand-colored engravings of costumes of all countries. Haweis, Mrs. H. R. Art of dress. 1879. 391 H38 Artistic principles of costume. Many wood-cuts. Heaton, H. A. Brooches of many nations. 1904. 391 H44 78 wood-cuts of brooclies, from Assyria to Scotland. Heyden, A. von. Die tracht der kulturvolker Europas von zeitalter Homers bis zum beginne des XIX. jahrhunderts. 1889. G391H61 222 illustrations (wood-cuts). Higgin, L. Art as applied to dress. 1885. 646H63 .Esthetics of dress. Hints about men's dress... by a New York clubman. 1888. 646H66 Principles of selection. [Hooge, Romeyn de]? [Costumes.] n. p., n. d. Ref.391H77 43 copperplates of costumes of many countries. Hope, Thomas. Costume of the ancients. 2 v. New ed. 1841. Ref.391H79 Brief descriptive sketch of Egyptian, Asiatic, Greek and Roman costume, followed by 321 outline plates. Hughes, T. P. Dress. (In his Diet, of Islam. 1895. p. 92-99.) , Ref.297H89 Mohamn^edan dress. 9 wood-cuts. Hunt, Mrs. M.[R.] (Averil Beaumont, pseud.) Our grandmothers' gowns, n. d. 391 H94 Hutchinson, H. N. and others. Living races of mankind. 1902. Ref.572H97 Half-tones of nearly all extant nations in modern dress. Iconographic encyclopaedia. 1886. v. 2. Ref.033117 See "Dress" and "Costume" in Index and plates 34-38 (80 figures). Ireland, J. B. Wall-Street to Cashmere. . .five years in Asia, Africa and Europe... 1851-56. 1859. 910165 Colored plate of Arab costume and wood-cuts of other costumes. Jeune, M. S. E. (M.) S. Lady. Dress for motoring: dress for ladies. {In Harmsworth, A. C. and others. Motors and motor-driving. 1902. p. 66-71.) 621.4H28 4 cuts of motor costume. Jones, William. Coronation robes. (In his Crowns and coronations. 1883. p. 491-504.) 394J79 Wood-cuts of costumes. Joyce, T. A. and Thomas, N. W. Women of all nations. 2 vols. 1908. 572J89 25 colored plates and many smaller illustrations of the women of all countries. Koppen, F. von. Armies of Europe illustrated. 1890. 355K77 20 double-page colored plates and many cuts of uniforms of modern Europe. KostiJm. (In Brockhaus' Konversations-lexicon. 14th ed. 1895. v. 10.) Ref.G033B86 Ellstorlcal sketch, with 4 colored plates. Bibliography. 9 KostUm. (In Meyer: Konversations-lexicon. 4th ed. 1880. v. 10. pp. 120-21. Ref.G033M61ko Historical survey. 3 double-page colored plates (41 figures). Bibliography. Same. 10th ed 1905. v. 11. p. 537-39. 3 colored plates with smaller figures than those In the 4th ed. Kretschmer, Albert, and Rohrbach, Carl. Costumes of all nations from the earliest times to the 19th century. 1882. Ref.391K92 104 colored plates in general chronological arrangement. Lipperheide, F. J., Freiherr von. Katalog der Freiherrlich von Lipper- heide'schen Kostumbibliothek. 2 v. 1896-1901. RG016L76 603 illustrations from catalogued works, showing costumes of all periods. Half-tones. [Lord, W. B.] Corset and the crinoline; a book of modes and costumes from remote periods to the present time. [1865.] 391 L11 "54 full-page and other engravings." Louandre, Charles, ed. Les arts somptuaires. 1857-58. 3 v. (1 v. text, 2 V. plates). Ref. Special attention paid to French costume. Richly colored plates of costume, etc., from 5th-17th century mss. Malerische studien; eine reise um die welt in 200 farbigen photographien. Leipzig. Koehler, n. d. Ref.G910M24 Many of the 200 colored half-tones give the modern costumes of Euro- pean and Asiatic countries. Menard, Rene. (Le) vetement. (In his (La) vie privee des anciens. 1881. V. 2. p. 227-384.) F913M53 Ancient, Oriental, Greek and Roman costumes. Nearly 300 outline illustrations. Mercuri, Paul. Costumes historiques. See Bonnard. Merrifield, Mrs. M. P. Dress as a fine art; with suggestions on children's dress; with an introd. on head dress by Prof. Fairholt. 1854. Ref.391M56 Outline plates. Michel, F. F. F. (Antony Real, pseud.) Story of the stick in all ages and lands. 1891. 391 M62 History of walking sticks. Several plates incidentally showing costume. Miln, L. J. When we were strolling players in the East. 1894. 914.39035 Costumes of India, China, and Japan. About 20 plates. Moore, N. H. Lace book. 746M82 Half-tone plates of lace and lace-trimmed costumes. Morris, Charles. Home life in all lands. 1907. 910M97Ho "In the world's tailor-shop," chap. 2 ; "In the world's dressing-room," chap. 3. Many half-tones of costume. [Murray, A. S. and Boutell, C] Costume. (In Ency. Brit. 9th ed. 1878.) Ref.032E56 Historical and descriptive, with 52 wood-cuts and bibliography. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. Dress, n. d. 646047 ^Esthetics of dress. Several illustrations. 10 Parmentier, A. Album historique, publie sous la direction de Ernest Lavisse. 4 vols. 1900-1907. Ref.F909P25 Each volume has 1,500 to 2,000 wood-cuts. Pauquet freres. Illustrations of English and foreign costume from the 15th century to the present day. 1875. Ref.391P33l 90 colored plates (Europe, Asia, Africa), without text. Peterson's Magazine, v. 15-69. 1856-98. v. 16-23, 25-26, 31, 40, 57, 64, 67- 68 missing. 051 P48 Monthly articles on current fashions. Steel and colored plates of current female fashion. Phelps, Elizabeth S. See Ward, Mrs. E. S. Phelps. Pickering, C. Races of man. 1854. 572P59 12 colored plates of savage types. Pictures of other folks at home. n. d. 914.637 Illustrations of typical costumes. Planche, J. R. Cyclopedia of costume. . .from the commencement of the Christian era to the accession of George the Third. 2 v. 1876. Ref.391P69c Volume 1, dictionary ; volume 2, general history of costume in Europe. Many chromo-lithographs, "plain plates" and wood-cuts. Porter, Sir R. K. Travels in Georgia [Asia], Persia, Armenia, ancient Babylonia... during the years 1817, 1818, 1819, 1820. 2 vols. 1821. 915P84 Illustrated with portraits, plates and maps. Praga, Mrs. Alfred. "What to wear and when to wear it. 1903. 391 P89 .Esthetics of dress. 8 half-tones of head-dress and female costumes. Prlchard, J. C. The natural history of man. 1848. 573P947N 50 colored and 5 plain steel engravings, and 97 wood-cuts of native races. 21 of the colored are of American Indians. Same. 4th ed. 2 vols. 573P947 Quigley, Dorothy. What dress makes of us. 1897. 391Q6 Many outline cuts. Racinet, A. [C. A.] Costume historique. 6 v. 1888. Ref.F390R12 500 plates (300 colored) of practically every country and period. Bibliography. One of the most complete and accurate works on the subject. Real, Antony, pseud. See Michel, P. F. F. Rhead, G. W. Chats on costume. 1906. 391 R46 Colored frontispiece and 117 wood-cuts and line engravings. Bibli- ography. Treatment of drapery in art. 1904. 743R46 50 diagrams and line drawings and 32 half-tone plates. Ridpath, J. C. Great races of mankind. A v. [cl892.] Ref.572R54 See "Costume" and "Dress" in general index. Illustrations include colored "type pictures" and many wood-cuts of many nationalities. Universal history. 17 vcols. [cl896.] ,Ref.909R54U Practically same material as his "Great races." 11 Ritchie, Leltch. Beauty's costume. . .female figures in the dresses of all times and nations. 1838. Ref.391 R59 12 steel plates with brief descriptive text. Sangster, William. Umbrellas and their history. [1871.] 391 S22 Historical sketch, with caricatures. Seguin, L. G. Picturesque tour in picturesque lands. 1881. Ref.914S45 Nearly 100 wood-cuts of European costumes. Shoberi, Frederic, ed. World in miniature. 42 v. [1821-27.] Ref. Colored engravings of costumes of all nations. See under separate countries. Simpson, William. Picturesque people. . .groups from all quarters of the globe. 1876. Ref.915S61 18 colored plates. Seat of war in the East. 2 v. in 1. 1855-56. Ref.947S61 81 lithographs, introducing uniforms of Crimean war. Steele, F. M. and Adams, E. L. S. Beauty of form and grace of vesture. 1892. 613.7S81 ^Esthetics of dress. Sturgis, Russell. Costume. (In Universal cyclopaedia. 1900. v. 3. p. 209- 12.) Ref.031U58 Historical. Un siecle de modes feminines. 1794-1894. Quatre cents toilettes repro- duites en couleurs d'apr^s des documents authentiques. 1896. 391 S57 Uzanne, L. O. Sunshade, the glove, the muff. 1883. 391U99S Historical. Numerous photogravures. Vachon, Marius. (La) femme dans I'art. 1893. Ref.F759V11 400 wood-cuts from paintings and sculptures of women from Early Egypt to the present time. Wagner, L. Manners, customs and observances. 1895. Ref.390W13 Scattered notes on peculiarities of costume. See index. Wallier, Isaac. Dress; as it has been, is, and will be. 1885. 391 W17 General discussion. A few wood-cuts. Ward, Mrs. E. S. Phelps. What to wear. 1873. 613W25 No illustrations. Webb, W. M. Heritage of dress; being notes on the history and evolu- tion of clothes, ill. 1908. 391 W36 Weiss, Hermann. Kostiimkunde. Geschichte der tracht und geraths. 3 v. in 4. 1872-1883. G391W42 I. Der volker des alterthums. 2e auflage. 1881. • 454 wood-cuts and 8 chromolithographic plates. II. Im mittelalter vom 4.' bis zum 14. jahrhundert. 2e auflage. 1883. 367 wood-cuts and 8 chromolithographic plates. III. Vom 14ten jahrhundert bis auf die gegenwart. 2 pts. 1872. 418 wood-cuts (900 figures). Whitcomb, Merrick. History of modern Europe. 1903. 940W58 Several illustrations of costume. 12 Wilton, Countess c. See Egerton, M. M. Woo I son, A. G. ed. Dress-reform. Lectures on dress as it affects the health of women. 1874. 613W91 A few wood-cuts. Young, J. R. Around the world with Gen. Grant. 2 v. 1879. 910Y73 Many wood-cuts of costumes. Zogbaum, R. F. Horse, foot and dragoons. 1888. 355Z85 Wood-cuts of uniforms of France, Great Britain, Germany, and the United States. Zur geschichte der kostiime; nach zeichnungen von Wilhelm Diez [and others.] Herausg. und verlegt von Braun & Schneider, n. d. (Miin- chener bilderbogen.) Ref.G391Z96 119 colored plates [nos. 296-1212, not consecutive], allowing costumes of Europe and Asia, 4tli to 19tli centuries. No index nor systematic arrangement. ABYSSINIA. Skinner, R. R. Abyssinia of to-day. 1906. 916.3S62 [Abyssinian costume], p. 126-30, 135. 15 half-tone plates. AFGHANISTAN. Egerton, M. M. Countess of Wilton. Toilette in Afghanistan. (In her Book of costume. 1847. p. 449-56.) Ref.391W75 7 wood-cuts. Hamilton, Angus. Afghanistan. 1906. 915.8H21 [Costume in Kabul], p. 380-84. Several half-tone plates of costume. AFRICA. Angas, G. F. Kafirs illustrated. . .also portraits of... other races inhab- iting South Africa. 1849. Ref.916.8A58 Scattered references on costume. 30 colored plates and 11 wood-cuts. Ferrario, Giulio. Afrique. (Iti his Costume. 1815-29. Afrique v. 1-2. [V. 5-6.]) Ref.F391F37 Colored copperplates of ancient and modern costume. Hall, R. N. Great Zimbabwe, JVIashonaland, Rhodesia. 1905. 916.8H17 Several half-tones of natives. Johnston, Sir Harry. Liberia. 2 v. 1906. 966J22 "Clothing," V. 2, p. 954-70. Several colored plates and numerous half-tones of natives. Kidd, Dudley. Essential Kafir. 1904. 916.8K46 19 half-tone plates of costume. Savage childhood: a story of Kafir children. 1906. 572K46 32 half-tone plates of children. Landor, A. H. Savage- Across wildest Africa. 2 v. 1907. 916.6L26 See "Costumes" in index. Many half-tone plates of African and Moorish dress. Lloyd, A. B. Uganda to Khartoum; life and adventures on the upper Nile. 2d ed. 1907. 916.7L79 Dress [of the Gangs], p. 173-77. Over 30 illustrations of costume. 13 Mackintosh, C. W. Coillard of the Zambesi. 1907. BC679M About 25 half-tones of Zambesi natives. Neufeld, Charles. Prisoner of the Khaleefa. 1899. 916.2N48 25 half-tone plates of Soudanese Arab dress. Powell, R. S. S. Baden- Natives of British East Africa. (In his Sketches in Mafeking and East Africa. 1907. p. 140-46.) Ref.R916P88 Numerous sketches and wash-drawings of natives of South and East Africa. Shoberl, Frederic. World in miniature: Africa. 4 v. (vol. I missing). n, d. Ref.916S55 45 colored engravings of Moors and negroes. Sladen, Douglas. Carthage and Tunis. 2 v. 1906. 916.1S53 Numerous half-tone and one colored plate of costumes of Tunis. Stow, G. W. Native races of South Africa. 1905. 572S89 See "Clothing" in index. Tully, Richard. Narrative of a ten years' residence at Tripoli in Africa. . .also, an account of the domestic manners of the Moors, Arabs, and Turks. 2d ed. 1817. Ref.916.1J92 6 of the 8 colored plates show costume. Werner, A. Natives of British Central Africa. 1906. 572W49 [Dress of children], p. 105-06. Most of the 32 half-tone plates show costume. ALBANIA. 8ee BALKAN STATES. ALGERIA. Berbrugger, M. Algerie, historique, pittoresque et monumentale. 3 v. 1843. Ref.RF965B48 Lithographs and wood-cuts of natives and French soldiers. See also V. 1, p. 13-15 (Moorish women), and v. 3, pt. 5 (Algerian races). Simpson, M. H. Hilton-. Algiers and beyond. 1906. 916.5S61 9 half-tone plates of costume. See also ARAB COSTUME and AFRICA. ARAB COSTUME. Burckhardt, J. L. Dress of the Bedouins. (In Ms Notes on the Bedouins and Wahabys. 1831. v. 1. p. 230-35.) 915.3B94N Egerton, M. M. Countess of Wilton. Toilette in Palestine and Syria. {In her Book of costume. 1847. p. 476-82.) Ref.391W75 3 .wood-cuts. Ferrario, Giulio. Costumes barbaresques. (In his Costume. 1815-29. Afrique v. 1. [v. 5.] p. 354-417.) Ref.F391F37 6 colored copperplates of Arabs of Barbary States. Ireland, J. B. From Wall Street to Cashmere. 1859. 910165 Colored frontispiece of Arab costume. iLane, E. W. Arabian society in the Middle Ages. 1883. 915.3L26 [Dress], p. 116-18, 157. 14 Levati, Ambrogio. Arabes. (In Ferrario, G. Costume. 1817. Asie. v. 3. [v 3.] p. 173-261.) Ref.391F37 8 colored copperplates of Arab costume. Neufeld, Charles, Prisoner of the Khaleefa. 1899. 916.2N48 25 half-tone plates of Soudanese Arab dress. [Ruete, Emily.] Memoirs of an Arabian princess; tr. by Lionel Strachey. 1907. BR921S "Female fashions" [of Zanzibar], p. 85-91. 6 half-tone plates of Zanzibar Arabs. Sladen, Douglas. Carthage and Tunis. 2 v. 1906. 916.1S63 Several plates of Bedouins. See also AFRICA, EGYPT, TURKISH EMPIRE. ARMENIA. See TURKISH EMPIRE. ARMOR. Calvert, A. F. Spanish arms and armour, 1907. 399016 386 illustrations. Davies, A. C. Fox-. Art of heraldry; an encyclopaedia of armory. 1904. Ref.929.2D25A Plates (some colored) and cuts of armor. Dennison, Auguste. Illustrated history of arms and armour. 1877. (Bell's artists' library.) Nearly 2,000 outline Illustrations. Druitt, H. Manual of costume as illustrated by monumental brasses. 1906. 391 D79 110 illustrations (half-tone) of English armor and dress of the 14th and 15th centuries. Eccleston, James. Introduction to English antiquities. 1847, 913E17 See "Armour" in index. Outline cuts of armour to about 1660. Gardner, J. S. Armour in England from the earliest times to the 17th century. 1898. 399G22 16 colored plates and more than 80 other illustrations. Gosse, P. H. Assyria. 1852. 913G678 "War," p. 203-397. Cuts of Assyrian armor and military dress. Hewitt, John. Ancient armour and weapons in Europe... to the end of the 13th century. 3 v. 1855. 399H61 "Illustrations from contemporary monuments." Hodgetts, J. F. (The) English in the Middle Ages, from the Norman usurpation to... the Stuarts. 1885. 914.2H68 "Armour," p. 111-43. Lacombe, P. Arms and armour in antiquity and the middle ages. 1869, 399L14 Same. 1870. Lacroix, Paul. Arms and armour. {Tn his Arts in the middle ages. n. d. p. 75-105.) Ref.970L14 Colored plate and wood-cuts. 15 Macklin, H. W. Brasses of England. 1907. 739IVI15B Wood-cuts and descriptions of armor, 1277-1625 Monumental brasses. 1905. 739M15 "Armour," 13th-17th centuries. Wood-cuts from rubbings. Michaud, J. F. History of the crusades. 2 v. n. d. Ref.940M62H 100 plates by Gustave Dore. Saxon, Mrs. A. L. Belt and spur; stories of the knights of the middle ages. 1883. 940S27 16 colored illustrations from contemporary mss. Scott, Sir J. S. D. British army. 3 v. 1868-1880. 355S42 "Body armour," v. 1, p. 192-222. Many plates with notes. Seymour, T. D. Homeric arms. (In Ms Life in the Homeric age. 1907. p. 629-82.) 913S52 13 cuts of arms and armor. Trumble, Alfred. Sword and scimetar; the romance of the Crusades. 1886. 940T86 Tlie illustrations, by Dore, show costumes of the Crusaders. More plates in Michaud ; History of the crusades. Viollet-le-Duc, E. E. Military architecture. 1879. 623V79 Many wood-cuts of fortifications and weapons of the Roman and medieval periods. ASIATIC ISLANDS. See MALAYSIA, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. ASSYRIA. Ferrario, Giulio, and others. Costumes des Assyriens, des Babyloniens. (In his Costume. 1817. Asie. v. 3 [v. 3]. p. 351-81.) Ref.l391F37 Colored copperplate of Assyrian costume. Gosse, P. H. Assyria. 1852. 913G678 "Costume," p. 437-87. 20 cuts. Military costume, p. 203-397. Layard, A. H. Ninevah and its remains. 1852. 913L42 [Dress], p. 248-63. A few wood-cuts show costume. Maspero, G. Life in ancient Assyria. (In Ms Life in ancient Egypt and Assyria. 1892. p. 194-376.) 913M41 Cuts of costume from Assyrian antiquities. AUSTRALIA. Lumholtz, Carl. Among cannibals. . .in Australia. . .and the aborigines of Queensland. 1889. 919.4L95 See "Costume" in index. Wood-cuts of aboriginal costume. Spencer, W. B. and Gillen, F. J. Native tribes of Central Australia. 1899. 572S74N "Clothing, weapons, implements, decorative art," p. 567-655. Many half-tones and wood-cuts of native costumes. Northern tribes of Central Australia. 1904. 572S74 "Clothing and ornament," p. 683-95. Half-tones and cuts of dress. Thomas, N. W. Natives of Australia. 1906. (Native races of the British Empire.) 572T45N "Dress," p. 63-69. Half-tone plates. 16 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. Alexander, William. Picturesque representations of the dress and manners of the Austrians. n. d. Ref.391A37P 50 colored engravings, with descriptive text. Boner, Charles. Transylvania; its products and its people. 1865. 914.39B71 See "Costume" In index. 2 plates (1 colored) and 3 cuts of costume. Colquhoun, A. R. and Colquhoun, Ethel. Whirlpool of Europe; Austria- Hungary and the Hapsburgs. 1907. 943.6C72 About 40 half-tone plates of costume, especially peasant costume. Egerton, M. M. Countess of Wilton. Toilette in Hungary. (In her Book of costume. 1847. p. 355-59.) Ref.391W75 2 wood-cuts. Eighty club. Hungary; its people, places and politics. 1907. 914.39F34 8 half-tone plates of national costume, peasant (3) and official. Gerard, E. Land beyond the forest; facts, figures and fancies from Transylvania. 2 v. 1888. 914.39G35 See "Contents" of each volume. 6 photogravures and 15 wood-cuts of costume. Grohman, W. A. Baillie- Land in the mountains. . .past and present of Tyrol. 1907. 943.7G87 A few half-tone plates of costume. Koppen, F. von. Austria-Hungary. (Z» his Armies of Europe illustrated. 1890. p. 36-51.) 355K77 2 double colored plates (12 illustrations, including 1 of naval uni- forms) and 4 text illustrations of Austrian uniforms. Kuhn, Gen. — von.] Austro-Hungarian army. (In Armies of to-day. 1893. p. 260-310.) 355M57 13 cuts of uniforms. Rossi, Francesco. Costume ancien et moderne des Hongrois. (In Fer- rario, G. Costume. 1827. Europe, v. 6 [v. 17].) Ref.391F37 6 colored copperplates of Hungarian costumes from Attila to peasants of 1825. Plates 3 and 4 show military uniforms. Shoberl, Frederic. World in miniature; Austria. 2 v. n. d. Ref.914.36S55 32 colored engravings. Smith, F. B. Budapest; the city of the Magyars. 1903. 914.39S64 Colored plate and about 50 half-tone illustrations of Hungarian costumes. Trollope, Frances. Vienna and the Austrians. 2 v. 1838. 914.36T84 7 plates of costume. Uniforms of the six great powers of Europe. {In Standard Dictionary. Sup. 1903. p. 2187.) Ref.423F98Su Section of colored plates, showing 14 Austrian uniforms. Waring, G. E. Tyrol and the spirit of the Alps. 1880. 914.37W27 13 wood-cuts of costume. AZTEC COSTUME. See INDIANS OF NORTH AMERICA. 17 BALKAN STATES. Asboth, J. de. Official tour through Bosnia and Herzegovina. 1890. 914.39A73 16 wood-cuts. Occasional references to costume. Brailsford, H. N. Macedonia; its races and their future. [1906.] 914.96B814 Several half-tone plates of costume. De Windt, Harry. Through savage Europe. 1907. 914.97D52 About 30 illustrations of costume. Durham, M. E. Burden of the Ballcans. 1905. 949.6D96 12 illustrations of costumes of Albania and Montenegro. Through the lands of the Serb. 1904. 914.97D96 Illustrations of costumes of Albania, Montenegro, Servia. Evans, A. J. Through Bosnia and the Herzegovina on foot. 2d ed. 1877. 914.39E92 Numerous wood-cuts and scattered references on dress. Herbert, W. von. By-paths in the Balkans. 1906. 914.96H53 "Costumes and customs," p. 133-46. Jackson, F. H. The shores of the Adriatic. The Austrian side, the Kiis- tenlande, Istria, and Dalmatia. 1908. 914.37J12 32 half-tone plates, from photographs; many line-drawings. Consult index under "costume." Koppen, F. von. Turkey and the states of the Balkan peninsula. {In his Armies of Europe illustrated. 1890. p. 73-78.) 355 K77 Colored plates of uniforms of Servia (5 figures) ; Bulgaria (4 figures) ; Roumania (16 figures, 82 text illustrations). Observer in the near East. 1907. 949.7014 About 30 plates of Balkan costumes. Shoberl, Frederic, ed. World in miniature; Illyria and Dalmatia. . .and ...the adjacent countries. 2 v. n. d. Ref.914.37S55 32 colored engravings of Balkan costumes. Singleton, Esther, ed. Turkey and the Balkan States as described by great writers. 1908. 949.6S61 40 half-tone plates, Bulgarians, Servians, Croatians, Albanians, etc. Strati lesco, Tereza. From Carpathian to Pindus; pictures of Roumanian country life. 1906. 949.8S89 "Costumes," p. 112-17. Most of the 63 half-tone plates show costume. See also TURKISH EMPIRE. BEDOUIN COSTUME. See ARAB COSTUME, EGYPT, TURKISH EMPIRE. BELGIUM. Boulger, D. C. Belgian life in town and country. 1904. 914.93B76 4 half-tones of costume. Koppen, F. von. Holland and Belgium. (In Ms Armies of Europe. 1890. p. 70-72.) 355K77 Colored plate (9 figures) and 2 text illustrations of Belgian uniforms. 18 Omond, G. W. T. Bruges and West Flanders, painted by Amadec Fores- tier. [1906.] 914.93056 13 colored plates of Flemish costume. Shoberl, Frederic, ed. World in miniature: the Netherlands, n. d. Ref.914.92S55 18 colored engravings of Dutch and Belgian costume. BOHEMIA. See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. BOSNIA. See BALKAN STATES. BRIDAL COSTUME. Aria, Mrs. E. Of ceremonial and bridal dress. (In her Costume. 1906. p. 211-24.) 391A69 Hutchinson, H. N. Marriage customs In many lands. 1897. 392H97 Cuts of bridal and other wedding costumes. Miln, Mrs. L. J. Wooings and weddings. 1900. 392M65 BRITTANY. See FRANCE. BROOKLYN. Vanderbilt, G. L. Dress [of Flatbush]. {In her Social history of Flat- bush. 1881. p. 127-48.) 974.72V22 BULGARIA. See BALKAN STATES. BURMA. See INDIA, CANADA. Hind, H. Y. Explorations in the interior of Labrador. 2 v. 1863. 917.19H66 Chromo-lithographs and wood-cuts of trappers and Indians. Narrative of the Canadian Red River exploring expedition of 1857 and of the Assiniboine and Saskatchewan exploring expedition of 1858. 2 V. 1860. 917.1 H66 Chromo-lithographs and wood-cuts of Canadian Indians and their costume, (v. 2). CARICATURES AND CARICATURISTS. Under this heading will be found such works as are related to the general subject of Costume. [Arnoux, C. A. d' (Bertall, pseud.)] (La) Comedie de notre temps. La civilite — les habitudes — les moeurs — les coutumes — les maineres — et les manies de notre epoque. 2d ed. 2 vols. 1874. Ref.741A76 Pencil and pen studies by Bertall. Boyd, A. S. Glasgow men and women; their children and some stran- gers within their gates. 1905. Ref.741B78 A selection from the sketches of Twym. Brinton, S. The eighteenth century in English caricature. 1904. 741 B85 16 lllustr.itlons by Bunbury, Hogarth, Gillray, and Howlandson. 2 colored prints. 19 Carleton, G. W. Our artist in Cuba. 1865. 741 C28 Leaves from the sketch-book of a traveller during the vsrinter of 1864-5. 50 drawings on wood. Our artist in Peru. 1866. 741C280 Leaves from the sketch-book of a traveller during the winter of 1865-6. 50 drawings on wood. Gary, E. L. Honore Daumier. A collection of his social and political caricatures together with an introductory essay on his art. 1907. 741 C33 76 full-page illustrations, depicting types in France about the year 1830. Chesson, W. H. George Cruikshank. n. d. BC955C 55 illustrations from his drawings in order of their date of publication. Cruikshank, G. Bachelor's own book; or the progress of Mr. Lamb- kin (gent), in the pursuit of pleasure and amusement and also in search of health and happiness. 1844. 741C955B George Cruikshank's omnibus. [Ed. by Laman Blanchard, esq.] 1869. 820.8C95 Illustrated with 100 engravings on steel and wood. Cruikshank's water colours; with an introduction by Joseph Grego. 1903. 741C955 68 illustrations in color, illustrating Dickens' "Oliver Twist" ; Ains- worth's "The Miser's Daughter" ; Maxwell's "History of the Irish Re- hellion In 1798" ; and Emmett's "Insurrection in 1803." Currier and Ives, pub. Caricatures pertaining to the Civil War; repro- duced from a private collection of originals... 1892. Ref.741C97 Dore, P. G. Two hundred sketches, humorous and grotesque. 1867. Ref.741 D69 86 pages containing caricatures, chiefly of the French and English. DulVIaurier, G. Pictures of English society. . .from "Punch." 1884. 827D88P 41 illustrations of English society. Social pictorial satire; reminiscences and appreciations of Eng- lish illustrators of the past generation. 1898. 741D88S 23 illustrations. Everitt, G. English caricaturists and graphic humourists of the 19th century. How they illustrated and interpreted their times. 1893. 741 E93 Many wood-cuts. Furniss, H. Confessions of a caricaturist. 2 vols. 1902. BF989 Autobiography of Harry Furniss, with many illustrations from his sketches of English life. Harry Furniss at home; written and illustrated by himself. 1904. BF989H Pen and pencil in Parliament. 1897. 741 F98 Illustrated by the author. Gill ray, James. Works of James Gillray, the caricaturist, with the story of his life and times, edited by Thomas Wright, n. d. Ref.741G48 i 20 Grego, Joseph. Rowlandson, the caricaturist. A selection from his works. . .and a sketch of his life. 2 vols. 1880. Ref.741G81R 400 illustrations. Wood-cuts. Political and social caricatures of his period. Hammerton, J. A. Humorists of the pencil. 1905. 741 H22 86 Illustrations by the leading humorous artists of the day. Jerrold, Blanchard. Life of George Cruikshank in two epochs. 2 vols. 1882. BC955J Numerous illustrations. Kay, John. A series of original portraits and caricature etchings. . .with biographical sketches and illustrative anecdotes. 2 vols. 1877. Ref.741 K23S 361 portraits, drawn and engraved by John Kay during the latter part of the 18th century. Parton, James. Caricature and other comic art in all times and many lands. 1877. 741 P27 203 illustrations in caricature from the time of the Romans to the present day. Fasten, George. Social caricature in the eighteenth century. 1905. Ref.741 P29 Over 200 illustrations. Stephens, F. G. Memoir of George Cruikshank. 1891. BC955S 44 illustrations from his drawings. Frontispiece portrait. Thackeray, W. M. On the genius of George Cruikshank; reprinted verba- tim from "The Westminster Review." 1884. BG955T With upwards of 40 illustrations, including all the original wood-cuts. CARTHAGE. See AFRICA. CENTRAL AMERICA. Davis, R. H. Three Gringos in Venezuela and Central America. 1896. 918.7D26 3 plates of costume. CENTRAL ASIA. Hedin, S. A. Scientific results of a journey in Central Asia 1899-1902. 6 vols. 1904-07. Ref.508H45 Vol. VI Part III has many illustrations of racial types from Western and Central Asia. CEYLON. Campbell, James. Excursions, adventures and field-sports in Ceylon. 2 v. 1843. 915.4C188 Dress, v. 1, p. 405-07. 8 colored plates of natives, and 7 other plates of costume. Cave, H. W. Golden tips; a description of Ceylon and its great tea industry. 1900. 915.4C37G See "Costume" in index. Several half-tone plates of costume. Bee also INDIA. 21 CHILDREN. Auker, A. and others. Child-life in pictures. 1876. Ref.759A61 Ileliotypes of paintings from Corregio to late 18th century. Boughton, G. H. Sketching rambles in Holland. 1885. 914.92B75 Includes several wood-cuts of Dutch children. Bryson, Mrs. M'. I. Child life in China. 1900. 915.1B91 8 Illustrations of Chinese dress. Earle, A. M. Child life in colonial days. 1899. 390E12 "Children's dress," p. 34-62. Half-tone illustrations from photographs. Kidd, Dudley. Savage childhood. 1906. 572K46 32 half-tone plates of Kafir children. [Marston, A. W.] Children of India, n. d. 915.4M37 Several wood-cuts of children. Menpes, Dorothy. "World's children, by Mortimer Menpes. 1903. 390M54 100 colored plates. Merrifield, Mrs. M. P. Dress as a fine art; with suggestions on children's dress. 1854. 391 MSB Miln, Louise. Little folk of many lands. 1899. 910IV165 Numerous references in text. About 50 half-tone plates of children. Peary, R. E. Northward over the great ice. 2 v. 1898. 919.8P362 Includes several illustrations of Eskimo children. Schwatka, Frederick. Children of the cold. [cl899.] 919.8S41C "How their clothes are made," p. 171-74. Half-tone and wood-cut plates of Eskimo children. Spielman, M. H. and Layard, G. S. Kate Greenaway. 1905. BG798S 53 colored plates and many sketches in black and white ; nearly all of children. Wright, H. M. Handbook of the Philippines. 1907. 919.1W94 Includes several half-tone plates of Filipino children. CHILE. Schmidtmeyer, Peter. Travels into Chile... in the years 1820 and 1821. 1824. Ref.914S45 30 plates (11 colored) of Spanish and Indian costumes of Chile. CHINA. Alexander, William. Picturesque representations of the dress and manners of the Chinese, n. d. Ref.391A37 50 colored engravings with descriptive text. Breton de la Martinlere, J. B. J. China; its costume, arts, manufactures, etc. 4 v. in 2. 1824. Ref.915.1B84 About 80 colored engravings of costumes of China, Tartary and Thibet. Browne, G. W. China. {In his New America and the Far East. 1907. V. 4-5.) 910B882 13 plates (3 colored) and numerous cuts of costume. Bryson, Mrs. M. I, Child life in China. 1900. 915.1B91 Several illustrations of costume. 22 Chitty, J. R. Things seen in China. 1909. 915.1C543 50 half-tone illustrations. Doolittle, Rev. Justus. Social life of the Chinese. 2 v. 1865. 915.1 D69 150 illustrations, wood-cuts, many showing costume. Egerton, M. M. Countess of Wilton. Toilette in China. {In her Book of costume. 1847. p. 457-64.) Ref.391W75 6 wood-cuts. Eyries, J. B. B. La Chine, ou costumes, moeurs, et usages des Chinois. (In his L' Angleterre. n. d.) Ref.F391E98 Illustrated by colored plates. Ferrario, Giulio. Costume ancien et moderne des Chinois. {In his Cos- tume. 1815. Asie. v. 1. [v. 1.] p. 37-366.) Ref.391F37 Over 20 colored copperplates of costumes of China and Formosa. Hardy, E. J. John Chinaman at home. 1905. 915.1 H26 7 plates (half-tones) of costume, p. 91, 130-37. Hawks, F. L. Narrative of the expedition of an American squadron to the China Seas and Japan. . .1852, 1853 and 1854 under... Com- M. C. Perry, v. 1. 1856. Ref.915.2U58 Lithographs and wood-cuts of Chinese and Japanese costume. Little, Mrs. Archibald. Round about my Peking garden. 2d ed. 1905. 915.1L77R "Official and rank distinctions," p. 60-72. Several half-tones and one colored plate of costume. McNabb, R. L. Women of the middle kingdom. cl903. 915.1M16 "Dress," etc., p. 25-33. 10 of the 18 half-tones show costume. Martin, W. H. P. Awakening of China. 1907. 951M38A Several plates of costume. Mason, G. H. Costume of China; illustrated by sixty engravings [colored] with explanations in English and French. 1804. Ref.391M39 Contains colored plates. Norman, Henry. Peoples and politics of the Far East. 1895. 915N54 Half-tone cuts of Chinese dress. Same. 1904. Penfield, F. C. East of Suez. (Ceylon, India, China and Japan.) 1906. 915P39 Several plates of Chinese costume. Ralph, Julian. Alone in China. 1898. 915.1 R16 Several of the Illustrations show costume. Shoberl, Frederic, ed. World in miniature; China. 2 v. [1827.] Ref.915.1S559C 30 colored engravings with descriptive text. Thomson, John. Illustrations of China and its people. 1873. Ref.915.1T48l 200 photographs with descriptive letter-press. See also JAPAN. COLONIAL COSTUME. See UNITED STATES. 23 COREA. See KOREA. CORSICA. See FRANCE. CUBA. Browne, G. W. Cuba. {In his New America and the Far East. v. 6. 1907. 910B882 3 plates and several cuts of costume. Olivares, Jose de, and others. Cuba. (,In Bryan, W. S. ed. Our islands and their people. [cl899.] v. 1. p. 9-256.) Ref.917.29B91 Half-tone and colored illustrations, showing costume. DENMARK. Egerton, M. M. Countess of Wilton. Toilette in Denmark. (In her Book of costume. 1847. p. 352-54.) Ref.391W75 2 wood-cuts. Kiippen, F. von. Denmark. (In his Armies of Europe. 1890. p. 59-60.) 355K77 Colored plate (8 figures) and 2 text illustrations of uniforms. Meyrick, S. R. and Smith, C. H. Costume of the original inhabitants of the British Islands. [1821.] Ref.391M61 Includes colored plate of 2 ancient Danish costumes. DUTCH COSTUME. See NETHERLANDS. EGYPT. Clark, E. L. Daleth; or, The homestead of the nations. 1864. 916.2C59 Reproductions (some colored) of ancient Egyptian art, showing costume. Curtis, W. E. Egypt. (In his Egypt, Burma and British Malaysia. 1905. p. 11-222.) 910C98 8 half-tone plates of modern Arab, Bedouin, and Egyptian costume. Davis, R. H. Cairo. .. [and] ths Englishmen in Egypt. (In his Rulers of the Mediterranean. 1894. p. 102-77.) 910D26R Notes on costume and 10 plates and cuts of modern Egyptian dress and uniforms. Ferrario, Giulio, and others. Egypte ancienne et moderne. (In his Cos- tume. 1815-29. Afrique. v. 1 p. 26-247.) Ref.F391F37 Colored copperplates of ancient and modern Egyptian costumes. Hope, Thomas. Costume of the Egyptians. (In his Costume of the ancients. 1841. v. 1. p. 1-9. pi. 1-11.) Ref.391H79 Outline illustrations of male and female costume. Kelly, R. T. Egypt. 1902. 916.2K29 7 plates of costume. Lane, E. W. Account of the manners and customs of the modern Egyp- tians. From the 3d ed. 3 v. in 1. 1846. 916.2L26Ac Personal characteristics and dress, p. 49-80. Female ornaments, p. 211- 28. Many wood-cuts. Same. 5th ed. 2 v. 1871. 916.2L26A2 Personal characteristics, v. 1, p. 31-64. Female ornaments, v. 2, p. 312- 24. Same cuts as earlier edition. 24 Maspero, G. Life in ancient Egypt and Assyria. 1892. 913M41 Outline cuts from Egyptian monuments. Wilkinson, Sir J. G. Egyptians in thie time of the Pharaohs ... Crystal Palace Egyptian collections. 1857. 932W68E "Dress," p. 32-43. 2 colored plates of textiles and many wood-cuts of costume. Manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians. Rev. ed. 3 v. 1878. 932W68 See "dress" in index (v. 3). Plates (2 colored) and wood-cuts of costumes. Popular account of the ancient Egyptians. 2 v. 1854. 932W68P See "dress" in index, v. 2. Many wood-cuts. ENGLAND. Andrews, Alexander. Eighteenth century; or, Illustrations of the manners and customs of our grandfathers. 1856. 914.2A56 "Costume," p. 20-40. Ashbee, C. R. and Harwood, C. (The) Masque of the Edwards of Eng- land; being a coronation pageant to celebrate the crowning of the king. 1902. Ref.822A81 Large folio, Illustrated, printed in colors. Ashton, John. Dawn of the 19th century in England. 2 v. 1886. 942A82D2 Men's dress, v. 2, chap. 30-31. Ladies' dress, v. 2, chap. 31. Numerous caricatures from contemporary engravings. Social England under the regency. 2 v. 1890. 914.2A82S2 Numerous outline cuts and 7 plates of costume, 1811-20. Same. 1899. Social life in the reign of Queen Anne. 1897. 390A82 Wood-cuts of costumes. Barnard, F. P. Costume, military and civil. (In Ms Companion to Eng- lish history. Middle Ages. 1902. p. 90-115.) Ref.942B25 Wood-cuts. Bibliography. Bedford, Jessie. See Godtrey, Elizabeth, pseud. Beniiam, William. Tower of London. 1906. 942B46 3 half-tone and 3 colored plates of costume before 16th century. Besant, Sir Walter. London in the 18th century. 1903. Ref.942.1B55 "Dress," chap. 4, p. 250-62. Half-tones, from contemporary sources, of costume. London in the time of the Stuarts. 1903. Ref.942.1B55L "Dross and manners," "weddings and funerals," p. 298-310 ; "sports and amusements," p. 328-337. Half-tones from contemporary sources. London in the time of the Tudors. 1904. Ref.942.1B55Lo "Dress. Weddings," p. 303-1.5; "soldiers," p. 316-22; "prentice," p. 329. Numerous half-tones, mostly from contemporary sources. Mediaeval London. 2 v. 1906. Ref.942.1B55IVI Half-tones from contemporary sources. Boulton, W. B. Amusements of old London. 2 v. 1901. 790B76 Includes colored plates showing costumes. 25 Brinton, S. Eighteenth century in English caricature. 1904. 741 B85 2 color-prints, 13 half-tones of illustrations by Bunbury, Hogarth, Rowlandson, Gillray. Calthorp, D. C. English costume painted and described. 4 v. 1906. 391C16 V. 1, Early English ; v. 2, Middle Ages ; v. 3, Tudor and Stuart; v. 4, Georgian. Civil costume only. 72 colored plates and numerous wood-cuts. Carter, John. Specimens of the ancient sculpture and painting. . .in this kingdom from the earliest period to... Henry VIII. 2 v. [1786.] Ref.709C32 Many of the 120 engraved plates show costume. Same. Reprinted. 1887. Clinch, G. English costume from prehistoric times to the end of the 18th century, n. d. 391 C64 Cook, C. C. ed. Costumes of the time of the French revolution 1790-1793; together with English costumes 1795-1806. Drawn from the collection of Victorien Sardou. 1889. 391 G95 "65 etchings, executed by Guillaumot fils, colored by hand." 40 of French, 25 of English costume. (The) Cries of London as they are daily exhibited in the streets. . . 1804. Ref.821C92 "Embellished with 48 elegant characteristic engravings," colored. Dallaway, James. Inquiries into the origin and progress of the science of heraldry in England. 1793. Ref.929.6D14 12 plates (5 colored) and 1 text illustration of early English coetume. Davey, Richard. Pageant of London. 2 v. 1906. 942.1 D248 See "dress" in index. Davies, R. English society of the eighteenth century in contemporary art. 1907. 759D25 4 illustrations in color and 33 in monochrome. Dawson, Thomas. Memoirs of St. George. . .and. . .the. . .Order of the Garter. 1714. Ref.929.7D27 Engraving of George I and extra illustration of the regalia. Doran, J. London in Jacobite times. 2 v. n. d. 942.1 D69 Plates of dress of the period. Druitt, H. Manual of costume as illustrated by monumental brasses. 1906. 391 D79 110 half-tone illustrations of English armor and dress of 14th and 15th centuries. Dryden, Alice, ed. The art of hunting, or three hunting mss. 799D799 Costume, p. 89-101, covers period from 13th to 17th centuries. A few wood-cuts. Dugdale, Sir William. Antiquities of Warwickshire. 1656. Ref.913D86 Some of the illustrations show dress. Du Maurier, George. English society. 1897. Ref.741D88E 89 plates, with an introduction by W. D. Howells. English society at home. 1880. Ref.741D88 63 of Du Maurier's contributions to Punch, engraved by Joseph Swain, and printed on India paper. 26 Eccleston, James. Introduction to English antiquities. 1847. 913E17 See "costume" and "armour" in index. Outline cuts of English cos- tume to about 1660. Egan, Pierce. Tom & Jerry: Life in London; or, the day and night scenes of Jerry Hawthorn. . .and Corinthian Tom. [Reprint, n. d.] 827E28T Colored plates by I. R. and G. Cruikshank of early 19th century costumes. Egerton, M. M. Countess of Wilton. Toilette in England. (In her Book of costume. 1844. p. 39-175.) Ref.391W75 Numerous wood-cuts. Eyries, J. B. B. L' Angleterre, ou Costumes, moeurs et usages des Anglais, n. d. Ref,F391E98 Illustrated by colored plates. Fairholt, F. W. Costume in England; a history of dress from the earliest period till the close of the 18th century. 1846. 391F17C About 600 wood-cuts. Same. 3d ed., enl. 2 v. 1885. (Bohn's artists' library.) V. 1, History ; v. 2, Glossary. About 700 wood-cuts. Bibliography by [H. A. Dillon]. Same. 4th ed. 2 v. 1896. Gardner, J. S. Armour in England. . .to the 17th century. 1898. 399G22 16 colored plates and more than 80 other illustrations. Gibb, William, illus. Royal house of Stuart illus.. . .from relics of the Stuarts. 1890. Ref.920G43 40 colored plates, many showing wearing apparel. Godfrey, Elizabeth (pseud., Bedford, Jessie). Home life under the Stuarts. 1603-1649. 1903. 390G58 "Dress and fashion," chap. 17. Illustrations showing dress. Social life under the Stuarts. 1904. 390G58S 18 plates, engravings and half-tones. Gronow, R. H. Reminiscences and recollections of Capt. Gronow, 1810-60. 2 V. 1889. Ref.BG876R 25 etched and aquatint illustrations, with hand-colored duplicates. Haines, Rev. Herbert. Manual of monumental brasses. 2 v. 1861. 739H15 200 wood-cuts of costumes, 14th-17th century. Hall, Hubert. Society in the Elizabethan age. 1886. 942H17So From contemporary documents. Wood-cuts of Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth. Hardie, Martin. John Pettie, R.A., H.R.S.A. 1908. BP511H 50 illustrations in color, many of use for Scottish and English costume. Harris, M. D. Life in an old English town. 1898. 942.4H31 2 plates of dress. Haweis, H. R. Chances for children. 1900. 821C496H Wood-cuts of early English costumes. Hill, Georgiana. History of English dress from the Saxon period to the present day. 2 v. 1893. 391 H64 13 engravings with descriptive notes. 27 Hodgetts, J. F. (The) English in the middle ages, from the Norman usurpation to the days of the Stuarts. 1885. 914.2H68 Armour, p. 111-43; civil dress, p. 147-75. Holbein, Hans, the younger. Portraits of illustrious personages of the court of Henry VIII. 1828. Ref.769H72 Contemporary costume. Holt, E. S. Ye olden time; English customs in the middle ages. 914.2H75 Clothing, p. 72-98. Frontispiece, costumes of Henry IV. Jerrold, Douglas, and others. Heads of the people, or portraits of the English. Drawn by Kenny Meadows. 2 v. 1st pub. 1838-40. 827J563H "Cliaracteristic pictorial sketches from every grade of life." Jewitt, Llewellynn. Half-hours among some English antiquities. 1877. 913J59 Among arms and armour, p. 102-13 ; among personal ornaments, p. 203-33. Outline illustrations. Same. Rev. and enl. ed. 1880. Jusserand, J. J. English wayfaring life in the middle ages. 2d ed. 1889. 914.2J96 Many cuts, from contemporary sources, of 14th century costumes. Knight, Charles. London. 6 v. 1841. 942.1 K69 See analytic contents to each vol. Many wood-cuts of costumes of all periods. Same. 6 v. in 3. 1851. 942.1 K69L3 Popular history of England. 8 v. Lond. 1858. See "costume" in indexes of v. 4 and 8. Numerous wood-cuts. Larned, J. N. History of England. [cl900.] 942L32 Several cuts of typical costumes. Legg, L. G. W. ed. English coronation records. 1901. Ref.394L51 17 illustrations (1 colored) of early coronation scenes, from con- temporary sources. Lennox, Lord W. P. Fashion then and now. 2 v. 1878. 390L56 Many scattered notes on 18th and 19th century dress. Levati, Ambrogio. Costume des habitans des lies britanniques. {In Ferrario, G. Costume. 1827. Europe, v. 6 [v. 17]. Ref.391F37 20 of the 31 colored copperplates show costume from pre-Roman period to 19th century. Loftie, W. J. Kensington; picturesque and historical. 1888. 942.1 L82K 6 of the colored plates show 18th century costume. London, Society of Antiquaries. Vetusta monumenta. 6 v. 1747-1842. Ref.913L84 Nearly 100 of the 320 copperplates (including 28 colored) include costume to time of Elizabeth. Elizabeth's funeral procession (v. 3) and the Bayeux tapestry (v. 6, colored) are given entire. Macklin, H. W. Brasses of England. 1907. 739M15B Numerous cuts of costume and armor, 1277-1625. Ecclesiastical dress. 28 Macklin, H. W. Monumental brasses. 1905. 739IVI15 "Armour, dress, and ecclesiastical vestments," 13th-17th centuries. Wood-cuts. Maclise, Daniel. The story of the Norman Conquest. 1866. Ref.741M16 42 illustrations engraved [on wood] under Professor Gruner, from drawings by Maclise. "Coronation of Harold," and other scenes, show- ing Saxon and Norman costume. Malcolm, J. P. Anecdotes of the manners and customs of London during the 18th century. 2 v. 1810. Ref.914.21M24 "Anecdotes of dress and the caprices of fashion," v. 2, p. 312-57. 12 engravings of dress, 1690-1807. Anecdotes of the manners and customs of London from the Roman invasion to the year 1700. 3 v. 1811. Ref.914.21M24A "Dress," v. 2, p. 279-341. 12 hand-colored engravings of dress, 1053- 1675. Martin, Charles and Martin, Leopold. Civil costume of England from the Conquest to the present time. 1842. Ref.391M37 Series of colored etchings. Meyrick, S. R. and Smith, C. H. Costume of the original inhabitants of the British Islands and adjacent coasts of the Baltic. Imp. ed. [1821.] Ref.391M61 24 colored aquatints, including Britons, Druids, Ancient Irish, Danes and Goths. Montgomery, D. H. Leading facts of English history. 1903. 942M78L See "dress" in index. Nayler, Sir George. Coronation of His Most Sacred Majesty, George the Fourth. 1839. Ref. 42 colored plates. Nevill, Ralph. Old sporting prints. 1908. (Connoisseur, Extra Number.) 760 N 520 52 plates, 36 in color, showing English costume at the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th centuries. New bon ton magazine; or. Telescope of the times, v. 1-6. May, 1818 — Apr. 1821. 052N53 Colored caricatures of costume of period. Nicolas, Sir N. H. History of the orders of knighthood of the British Empire. 4 v. 1842. Ref,929.7N63H Colored plates of regalia, 5 portraits in full regalia. Oxford University. Oxford historical pageant. 1907. 8220988 35 half-tone illustrations, mostly contemporary. Paston, George, {pseud, of B. M. Symonds). Social caricature in the 18th century. 1905. Ref.741P29 Colored frontispiece and over 200 half-tone caricatures of 18th century costume. Paul, H. [W.] Queen Anne. 1906. Ref.942P32Q Numerous portraits in Queen Anne costume. Perkins, Mrs. L-(F.) Robin Hood; his deeds and adventures. [cl906.] 821.04P44 Has colored plates, etc., showing old English costume. 29 Pictures of society; grave and gay. From the pencils of celebrated artists and the pens of popular authors. 1866. 820.8P61 95 plates, lithographs, a re-issue of the best engravings from "London Society." Picturesque representations of the dress and manners of the English, illus. in 50 colored engravings with descriptions. [1814.] 391P61E Planche, J. R. History of British costume from the earliest period to the close of the 18th century. 1834. 391 P69 Numerous illustrations. Same. 3d ed. Reprinted 1907. Repository of arts, literature, fashions, etc. [by R. Ackermann]. Ser. 1, V. 3-6, 9-14; Ser. 2, v. 1-14; Ser. 3, v. 1-12. Jan. 1810— Dec. 1828. 052 R42 Letters on London and Paris fashions. Colored steel plates of women's dress. Russell, W. H. Memorial of the marriage of H. R. H. Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, and H. R. H. Alexandra, Princess of Denmarlv. [1864.] Ref.394R96 Includes several chromo-lithographs of court costumes. Schild, Marie, comp. Old English costumes; an epitome of ladies' cos- tumes from the 1st to the 19th century, n. d. Ref,391S330 40 steel plates and 4 colored engravings, many of historical characters. Old English peasant costumes. 1898. 391 S33 Shoberl, F. World in miniature; England, Scotland and Ireland. Edited by W. H. Pyne. 4 v. 1827. Ref.914.2S559 84 colored engravings. Stone, Mrs. E. (Menzies, Sutherland, pseud.). Chronicles of fashion, from the time of Elizabeth to the early part of the 19th century. 2 v. 1845. 914,2M55 "Costumes," v. 1, p. 394-434 ; v. 2, p. 363-455. 15 steel engravings. Strutt, Joseph. Complete view of the dress and habits of the people of England from the establishment of the Saxons to the present time. . . 2 v. 1842. Ref.391S92 Illustrated by engravings and colored plates. Regal and ecclesiastical antiquities of England. 1843. Ref.913S927 72 copperplate portraits from Edward the Confessor to Henry VIII. Sports and pastimes of the people of England. New ed. by Wm. Hone. 1850. 790S92 140 wood-cuts, representing popular diversions. Sydney, W. C. England and the English in the 18th century. 2 v. 1891. 942S98E "Dress and costume," v. 1, p. 89-130. Synge, M. B. Short history of social life in England. [cl906.] 942S99 See "dress" in Index. Brief references. Traill, H. D. ed. Social England. 6 v. 1894-97. 942T76S See "costume" and "dress" in index of each vol. Same. II. ed. 1901-04. 942T76 Many colored illustrations. 30 Trowbridge, W. R. H. Court beauties of Old Whitehall; historiettes of the Restoration. 1906. 920H8632 32 Restoration portraits. Tuer, A. W. comp. Follies and fashions of our grandfathers (1807). 1886-7. Ref.914.2T91 Digest of magazine material of 1807. 37 hand-colored plates. Walker, G. Costume of Yorkshire in 1814. 1885. Ref.391W179 A series of 41 facsimiles of original drawings. Wingfield, Lewis. Notes on civil costume in England from the Conquest to the Regency as exemplified in the International Health Exhibition of 1884. 1884. Ref.394W77 24 colored illustrations, lithographs, of the period 1066-1820. Woodward, G. M'. Eccentric excursions; or, Literary and pictorial sketches. . .in. ..England and South Wales. 1796. Ref.827W89 About 100 colored caricatures of contemporary dress. Wright, Thomas. (The) Celt, the Roman and the Saxon. 1852. 913W95C [Dress of Romans in Britain], p. 326-33. 3 cuts of ornaments. Homes of other days. 1871. 914.2W953 Many small wood-cuts from contemporary sources of costume from Anglo-Saxon times to 16th century. ENGLAND. MILITARY COSTUME. Archibald, J. F. J. Blue shirt and khaki. 1901. 355A67 Many half-tones of English and American soldiers. Besant, Sir Walter. Soldiers. {In Ms London in the time of the Tudors. 1904. p. 316-22.) Ref . 942.1 B55LO Several illustrations. (The) British Army. By a lieutenant-colonel in the British army. With an introduction by Major-General F. Maurice. 1900. 355B86 27 full-page plates (13 in colors) and 30 illustrations in text. Ellis, A. B. History of the 1st West India regiment. 1885. 355E47 2 colored plates of negro uniforms. Groves, J. P. History of the 42d Royal Highlanders, "The Black Watch" ...1729-1893. 1893. Ref.355G88H p. 1-3, 14. 4 colored plates of uniforms, 1729-1893. Koppen, F. von. Army of the British empire. (I7i his Armies of Europe illustrated, 1890. p. 1-19.) 355K77 Descriptions in text. 3 double colored plates (23 illustrations, includ- ing 2 naval) and 6 text illustrations of uniforms of the period. Luard, John. History of the dress of the British soldier from the earliest period to the present time. 1852. 355L92 50 outline plates. Milne, James. Gordon Highlanders. 1898. 355M65 Includes half-tone plates, showing Highland uniforms of different periods. Perry, 0. L. Rank and badges. . .in Her Majesty's army and navy. 2d ed. 1888. 355P46 Badges and uniforms of military and naval organizations. 31 Robinson, C. N. ed. Navy and army illustrated. 2 v. 1895-96. Ref. Illustrations of British uniforms, including native troops. Scott, Sir J. S. D. British army. 3 v. 1868. 355S42 "Body armour," v. 1, p. 192-22J ; "clothing of troops," v. 2, p. 431-45. Many plates with descriptive notes. Smith, J. H. Historie booke...to keep in remembrance the. . .meeting of the Honourable Artillery Company of London and the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of the Massachusetts Bost. 1903. [C1903.] Ref.358S65 Colored plates of Royal Artillery uniforms, 1660-1900, and numerous plates and text illustrations of 17th-19th century costume. Thorneley, J. L. Monumental brasses of Lancashire and Cheshire. 1893. 739T51 Outline illustrations, from rubbings, of costumes of 1458-1650. Uniforms of the armies of the six great powers of Europe. {In Standard dictionary. Sup. 1903. p. 2187.) Ref.423F98Su Section of colored plate, showing 18 English uniforms. Wolseley, Viscount Garnet. Standing army of Great Britain. {In Armies of to-day. 1893. p. 57-96.) 355M57 8 cuts of British uniforms. Zogbaum, R. F. Great Britain; a home of Tommy Atkins. {In his Horse, foot and dragoons. 1888. p. 49-74.) 355Z85 10 wood-cuts, plates, and text illustrations of uniforms. ENGLAND. See also CARICATURES AND CARICATURISTS. ESKIMO COSTUME. Carstensen, A. R. Two summers in Greenland. 1890. 919.8C32 Photogravures and cuts of Eskimo dress. Gilder, W. H. Schwatka's search; sledging in the Arctic in quest of the Franklin records. 1881. 919.8G40 "Arctic costumes," p. 136-46. 4 or 5 plates of costume. Nansen, F. First crossing of Greenland. 2 v. 1890. 919.8N18Fi2 Many wood-cuts. Consult index. Nordenskiold, A. E. Voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe. 1882. 919.8N83V Consult index. Wood-cuts. Peary, R. E. Northward over the "great ice." 2 v. 1898. 919.8P362 Many half-tone cuts of Eskimos. Schwatka, Frederick. Children of the cold. [cl899.] 91 9.9841 C Half-tone and wood-cut plates of costume. ETRUSCAN COSTUME. Desvergers, M. J. A. N. L'Etrurie et les Etrusques. 3 v. 1862-64. Ref.F913D47 Two-color plates of objets-d'art, showing costumes. Magnetti, Carlo. Costume des Etrusques. {In Ferrario, G. Costume. 1820. Europe, v. 2. p. 7-219.) Ref.391F37 Many of the 42 colored copperplates show dress. See also ROME. 32 FANCY DRESS. Aria, Mrs. E. Of fancy di-ess. {In her Costume; fanciful, historical and theatrical. 1906. p. 178-189.^ 391A69 1 colored plate and 4 other illustrations of costume. Holt, Ardern. Fancy dresses described; or, What to wear at fancy balls. 3d ed. enl. [1882.] 391H75Fd Outline illustrations, "Restricted to the costume of ladies and children." "16 . . . models ... in color, as well as a new series of smaller il- lustrations." Sa7ne. 5th ed. [1887.] Same. 6th ed. n. d. Gentleman's fancy dress; how to choose it. 4th ed. n. d. 391 H75 Outline cuts. Same. 6th ed. n. d. Lumm, E. G. Twentieth century speaker. [cl898.] 808.5L95 Several colored and half-tone plates of costumes for tableaux, etc. (The) "Sketch." London, Jan. 2, 1907. p. 6-7. Carmen — Pompadour flower girl— Directoire — Soubrette of the Second Empire — Astarte — Mireille — 'Delilah — Louis XVI period — M61i- sande — Empire court dress. Spielman, M. H. and Layard, G. S. Kate Greenaway. 1905. Ref.BG798S 53 colored plates and many cuts of Kate Greenaway costumes. Weldon. Weldon's practical fancy dress for children. [1887.] 391 W34 49 illustrations with descriptive text. FANS. Flory, M. A. Book about fans; the history of fans and fan-painting. 1895. 391 F64 29 wood-cuts and half-tones. Grolier Club (New York). Fan in all ages; a brief history of its evolution. [1891.] Ref.391G87 19 wood-cuts. Salwey, C. M. Fans of Japan. 1894. Ref.391S18 10 colored plates and 39 illustrations in black and white. Uzanne, L. 0. (The) Fan. 1884. Ref.391U99F Waern, Cecilia. Short historical sketch of fans. [cl895.] 391W12 8 half-tones of fans. Brief bibliography. FLEMISH COSTUME. See BELGIUM. FOOT-WEAR. Becker, W. A. Shoes. (In Ms Charikles. 1845. p. 326-31.) 913B39Ch 4 cuts of shoes of Homeric times. Same. 5th ed. 1880. (p. 442-52.) Hall, J. S. Book of the feet; a history of boots and shoes. 3d ed. 1847. 391H17 4 colored plates (42 figures), and many wood-cuts of foot-wear. 33 Lacroix, Paul, and others. Histoire des cordonniers. . .pr6c6d6e de I'his- toire de la chaussure. 1852. Ref. Many cuts of boots and shoes of all periods and countries. Menard, Rene. Le chaussure. (In his La vie privee des anciens. 1881. V. 2. p. 322-30.) F913M53 22 outline illustrations of boots and shoes. Redfern, W. B. Royal and historic gloves and shoes illustrated and described. 1904. Ref.391R31 32 plates (1 colored) of boots and shoes of various nations and times. Rhead, G. W. Boots, shoes and other coverings for the feet. (In his Chats on costume. 1906. p. 279-301.) 391 B46 Historical and descriptive. Wood-cuts and half-tone illustrations. FRANCE. Arnault, A. V. Vie politique et militaire de Napoleon. 2 v. 1822-26. Ref.FBN216Ar Lithographed plates after original designs of the first painters of the French school. Bourgeois, Emile. France under Louis XIV... [tr.] by Mrs. Cashel Hoey. 1897. Ref.944B77 Many of the copperplates show costume. Boutet de Monvel, Roger. Beau Brummell and his times. With a chap- ter on dress and the dandies by Mary Craven. 1908. BE8933o Bruyn, A. de. Costumes civils et militaires du XVIe siecle. . .1872. Ref.F391B91 33 photolithographic plates. Challamel, J. B. M. A. History of fashion in Prance; or, The dress of women from the Gallo-Roman period to the present time. . . [tr.] by Mrs. Cashel Hoey and John Lillie. 1882. Ref.391C43 20 colored plates [80 figures]. Clouet, FranQois, called Janet. 300 French portraits. . .of the courts of Francis I, Henry II and Francis II. 2 v. 1875. Ref.741C64 "Auto-lithographed from the originals at Castle Howard." Cook, C. C. ed. Costumes of the time of the French revolution 1790-1793; together with English costumes 1795-1806. Drawn from the collection of Victorien Sardou. 1889. Ref.391G95 "65 etchings, executed by Guillaumot fils, colored by hand." 40 of French, 25 of English costume. D'Este, Margaret. Through Corsica with a camera. 1905. 914.59D47 17 of the half-tones show costume. Drumont, Edouard. (Les) Fetes nationales a Paris. 1889. Ref.RF944D79 French costumes from 1389, illustrated in plates. Text illustrations of national fetes. Duplessis, G. Costumes Historiques des XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe si^cles. 2 V. 1867. Ref.F391D93 Full-page colored illustrations. Egerton, M. M. Countess of Wilton. Toilette in France. (In her Book of costume. 1847. p. 192-270.) Ref.391W75 Numerous cuts of head-dress and costume. 34 .^ponow, G. W. Reminiscences and recollections of Capt. Gronow, 1810-60. 2 V. 1889. Ref.BG876R References to and illustrations of French and English dress of period. Hand-colored, etched and aquatint plates. Guillaumot, A. E. Costumes du XVIIIe siecle; d'apres les dessins de Watteau fils, Desrais, Leclerc, Cochin, etc. Ref.F391G95 60 etchings. Hoyt, Eleanor (Mrs. Brainerd). In Vanity Fair; a tale of frocks and femininity. 1906. 914.4H86 Janin, J. G. and others. Pictures of the French. 1840. Ref.914.4J33 230 engravings from Gavarni, Monnier and Meissonier of French costume of 1840. Koppen, F. von. France, (hi his Armies of Europe illustrated. 1890. p. 46-53.) 355K77 2 double colored plates (13 illustrations. Including 3 naval) and 6 text Illustrations of French uniforms. Lacroix, Paul. Dress and fashions. {In his Eighteenth century. 1876. p. 452-89.) Ref.914.4L14 10, colored plates, and many illustrations of dress of the period. Menpes, Dorothy. Brittany [11.] by Mortimer Menpes. [1905.] Ref.914.4M54 About 50 of the 75 colored plates shovr Breton costume. Miltoun, Francis. Rambles in Brittany. . .illus. by Blanche McManus. 1906. 914.4M66Rb "Manners and customs," p. 70-87. Many of the half-tone plates and wood-cuts show costume. Musgrave, Rev. George. Nooks and corners in Old France. 2 v. 1867. 914.4M987N "Touraine caps," v. 1, p. 225. Pauquet freres. Modes et costumes historiques. [1865?] Ref.391P33 96 colored plates of French costume, 493 A. D.-1864. -Quicherat, J. Histoire du costume en France. . .jusqu'a la fin du XVIIIe si6cle. 1875. Ref.F391Q62 481 wood-cuts of both male and female costume. Repository of arts, literature, fashions, etc. [by R. Ackermann.] Ser. 1, V. 3-6, 9-14; Ser. 2, v. 1-14; Ser. 3, v. 1-12. Jan. 1810— Dec. 1828. 052 R42 Monthly letters on Paris "female fashions." Colored steel plates. Robida, A. "Yester-year"; ten centuries of toilette. 1891. 391 R65 29 colored plates and numerous wood-cuts of French female costume from the middle ages to about 1880. Smith, J. H. Troubadours at home. 2 v. 1899. 849S65 See "costume" in Index. A few cuts of costume. Uzanne, L. 0. Fashion in Paris. . .feminine taste and esthetics from 1797 to 1897. 1898. Ref.391U99 100 hand-colored plates and 250 text illustrations of both male and female dress. Frenchwomen of the century; fashions, manners, usages. 1897. Ref.394U99 Contains colored plates. 35 Viollet-le-Duc, E. E. Dictionnaire raisonne du mobilier fran^ais de I'epoque carlovingienne a la renaissance. 6 v. 1858-72. Ref.F703V79 Dress ; personal jewels ; toilet articles, v. 3 and 4. Many wood-cuts and a few colored plates. FRANCE. MILITARY COSTUME. [Lewal, ] French army. {In Armies of to-day. 1893. p. 161-215.) 355M57 16 cuts of French and French colonial uniforms of the period. Uniforms of the armies of the six great powers of Europe. (In Standard dictionary. Sup. 1903. p. 2187.) Ref.423F98Su Section of colored plate, showing 16 modern French uniforms. Zogbaum, R. F. France; war pictures in time of peace. (In his Horse, foot and dragoons. 1888, p. 1-47.) 355Z85 15 wood-cuts, plates and text illustrations of modern French uniforms. FRANCE. See also CARICATURES AND CARICATURISTS. GERMANY. Avenarius, Tony. Historischer festzug veranstaltet bei der feier der vollendung des Kolner domes am 16 October, 1880. n. d. Ref.750A95 29 large lithographed plates of German costumes, 1248-1880. Bossi, Luigi. Costume ancien et moderne des Germains. {In Ferrario, G. Costume. 1824. Europe, v. 4. [v. 15.] p. 173-816.) Ref.391F37 Over 40 colored copperplates of ancient and modern German costumes of all classes. Egerton, M'. M. Countess of Wilton. Toilette in Germany. {In her Book of costume. 1847. p. 271-87.) Ref.391W75 Several wood-cuts of male and female costume. Grohman, W. A. Baillie- Land in the mountains. . .past and present of Tyrol. 1907. 943.7G87 "Costume of the Landesknechte," p. 232-35. Guinot, Eugene. Summer at Baden-Baden. [1876.] 914.3G96 6 colored plates of costumes. Hottenroth, F. Trachten, haus — , feld — , und kriegsgerathschaften der volker, alter und neuer zeit. 2 vols. n. d. G391H83 120 plates and numerous wood-cuts. Johnson, A. C. Pleasant life in Germany. 1858. 914.3J66 See "costumes" in index. Kohler, K. (Die) Entwickelung der tracht in Deutschland wahrend des mittelalters und der neuzeit. 1877. G391K77 100 plates. Schwind, Moritz von. Schwind; des meisters werke in 1265 abbildungen. 1907. G759W41 Many portraits in 19th century German costume, and a number of cuts of historic German dress. GERMANY. MILITARY COSTUME. Dally, A. Uniforms de I'armee allemande en 1866 [il.] by M. Roy. n. d. [Cahiers d'enseignement. no. 13-16.] (3 Unbound pamphlets) 16 colored full-page illustrations, with a few cuts of German uniforms of 1886. 36 [Exnep, ] German army of to-day. (In Armies of to-day. 1893, p. 97-160.) 355M57 "Equipment and clothing," p. 147-49. 14 cuts of modern uniform. Guinot, Eugene. Summer at Baden-Baden. [1876.] 914.3G96 3 colored plates of uniforms of Baden. Koppen, F. von. German army. (In his Armies of Europe illustrated. 1890. p. 20-35.) 355K77 3 double page colored plates (20 illustrations, including 3 naval) and 8 text illustrations of uniforms. Landesknechte. (/» Meyer's Konversations-lexicon. 6th ed. 1905. v. 12. p. 126.) Ref.G033IVI61Ko Brief historical article and plate of 10 cuts of German foot-soldiers, 15th-16th centuries. Same. 4th ed. 1888. (v. 10. p. 469.) Uniforms of the armies of the six great powers of Europe. (In Standard dictionary. Sup. 1903. p. 2187.) Ref.423F98Su Section of colored plates, showing 19 modern German uniforms. Zogbaum, R. F. Germany; a night with the Fourth Corps. (In his Horse, foot and dragoons. 1888. p. 75-99.) 355Z85 10 plates and cuts of German uniforms. GIPSY COSTUME. Boner, Charles. Transylvania; its products and its people. 1865. 914.39B71 Plate of gipsy group, with brief scattered references in text. Gerard, E. Land beyond the forest; facts, figures and fancies from Transylvania. 2 v. 1888. 914.39G35 2 photogravures and 5 wood-cuts of Gipsy costume. Pennell, E. R. To gipsyland, illus. by J. Pennell. 1893. 914.39P41 Frequent reference to gipsy dress. Many black-and-white illustra- tions of gipsy costume. Smith, F. B. Budapest; the city of the Magyars. 1903. 914.39S64 Illustrations include 17 half-tones of Hungarian gipsies. Yoxall, J. H. Word on gypsy costume. (In Journal of the gypsy lore society. New ser. v. 1, July, 1907, p. 23-25.) Including 1 illustration and bibliographical notes. GLOVES. Beck, S. W. Gloves, their annals and associations. 1883. 391 B39 Many wood-cuts. Redfern, W. B. Royal and historic gloves and shoes illustrated and described. 1904. Ref.391R31 46 plates (4 colored) of gloves, chiefly English and Scotch. Uzanne, L. O. Sunshade— the glove — the muff. 1883. Ref.391U99S Ilistoric and descriptive. Numerous photogravures. , GREECE. Abraliams, Ethel B. Greek <]4ess. 1908. 391A15 54 half-tone Illustrations. 37 318:J5 Becker, W. A. Charikles; or, Illustrations of the private life of the' ancient Greeks. 1845. 913B39Ch [Dress], p. 159-71, 304-25 ; "Shoes," p. 326-31 ; "Hair and beard," p. 332-38. 1 plate and 9 wood-cuts of dress. Same. 5th ed. 1880. Notes somewhat fuller than in earlier edition. See "Dress" in index. BliJmner, H. Home life of the ancient Greeks. . .tr. by A. Zimmern. 1893. 913B65 "Costume," p. 1-77. See also "Costume" in Index. Many wood-cuts. Brief bibliography. Choisseul-Gouffler, M. G. A. P., comte de. Voyage pittoresque de la Grece. 2 V. in 3. 1782-1822. Ref.F914.95C54 Many of the 325 copperplates show ancient and modern Greek dresa. Descriptive text. Davis, R. H. Modern Greece. (In Ms Rulers of the Mediterranean. 1894. p. 178-97.) 910D26R 8 cuts of modern Greek costume, several of peasants. Dupre, L. Voyage a Athenes et a Constantinople. 1825. Ref. Colored plates of modern Greek costume. Descriptive text in French. Egerton, M. M'. Countess of Wilton. Toilette in Greece. {In Tier Book of costume. 1847. p. 388-407.) Ref.391W75. 10 wood-cuts, mostly of modern costume. Evans, Lady M. M. Chapters on Greek dress. 1893. 391 E92 74 cuts of classic dress. Bibliography. Furtwangler, Adolf. Masterpieces of Greek sculpture. Ref.733F99 19 photogravures and 200 wood-cuts show classic dress. Many text references to costume. Gironi, R. Costume ancien et moderne de la Grece. (In Ferrario, G. Cos- tume. 1815-29. Europe, v. 1. pt. 1-2.) Ref.F391F37' 153 colored copperplates include ancient, Byzantine and modern Greek- costumes. Guhl, E. and Koner, W. Life of the Greeks and Romans described from antique monuments. 1875. 913G94 "Dress," p. 159-84. 20 outline cuts. Gulick, C. B. Life of the ancient Greeks. 1903. 913097 "Clothing," p. 153-78. "The Warrior," p. 188-205. Many half-tones and cuts of dress. Harrison, J. E. and MacCoii, D. S. Greek vase painting. 1894. Ref.738H3-S Black and white illustrations, Introducing classic dress. Hope, Thomas. Grecian costume. {In his Costume of the ancients. 1841. V. 1, p. 16-38; V. 2, p. 37-230.) Ref.391H79 Outline illustrations. Laurent, P. E. Recollections of a classical tour through Greece, Turkey and Italy, in 1818 and 1819. 2 v. 1822. Ref.914L38 4 hand-colored plates, showing Greek ladies, Greek sailors, etc. Menard, Rene. Costumes de la Gr6ce. {In his La vie priv6e des anciens. 1881. V. 2. p. 271-87.) F913IVI53 22 outline illustrations. 38 St. John, J. A. History of the manners and customs of ancient Greece. 3 V. 1842. 913S14 "Toilette, dress and ornaments," v. 2, p. 50-74. See also "Costume" In index, v. 3. Seymour, T. D. Life in the Homeric age. 1907. 913S52 "Dress and decoration," p. 153-77. "Homeric arms," p. 629-82. 2 plates and 17 cuts of dress and armor. Smith, J. M. Ancient Greek female costume. 1882. 391 S65 112 outline plates and many smaller illustrations, with explanatory text. Timayenis, T. T. Greece in the times of Homer. 1885. 913T58 "Dress and ornaments," p. 226-40. Tucker, T. G. Life in ancient Athens; the social and public life of a classical Athenian. 1906. 913T89 Dress, p. 108-20, 167-74. Several cuts of costume. [Uniforms of Greece.] (In Koppen, F. von. Armies of Europe illustrated. 1890.) 355K77 Section of colored plate, showing 5 modern Greek uniforms. GUATEMALA. Maudslay, A. C. and A. P. Glimpse at Guatemala. 1899. Ref.917.28M44 Occasional references to costume. Photogravures of costume and colored plates of native textiles. HAIR. See HEAD-DRESS. HATS. See HEADDRESS. HAWAII. Browne, G. W. Hawaii. (In his New America and the Far East. v. 1. 1907.) 910B882 "Dress," p. 30-31. 9 colored plates, including one of children, and many cuts of dress. Musick, J. R. Hawaii; our new possessions. 1898. 919.6iVI98 2 plates of native costume. Olivares, Jose de. Our islands and their people. 2 v. Lcl899.] Ref.917.29B91 [Hawaii], V. 2, p. 417-538. Many plates [some colored] and other illustrations of Hawaiian costume. HEAD-DRESS. Becker, W. A. Hair and beard. (Iti his Charikles. 1845. p. 332-38.) 913B39Ch 4 cuts of female hair-dressing of Homeric times. Same. 5th ed. 1880. (p. 453-61.) Ref.913B39C Child, Theodore. Wimplts ^nd crisping pins. . .studies in the coiffures and ornaments of women. 1895. 391C53 Ancient Egypt to modern times. Many wood-cuts and half-tones. Description de tous les genres de turbans et coiffures modernes d'Egypte, Syrie, Turquie, etc. (hi IMagasin pittoresque. 1841. p. 4-6.) F054IV118 16 wood-cuts of modern turbans. 39 Dulaure, J. A. Pogonologia; or a philosophical and historical essay on beards. 1786. Ref.391D87 No illustrations. Fairholt, F. W. Description of .. .head-dresses. (In Merrifield, Mrs. M. P. Dress as a fine art. 1854. p. 1-9, 53-60.) Ref.391M56 3 plates (45 figures) of styles of head-dress. Hei^d-dress. (In Ms Costume in England. 1846. p. 524-47.) 391F17C Illustrated by wood-cuts. Same. 1885. (v. 2. p. 217-53.) Same. 1896. (v. 2. p. 217-53.) Gen in, J. N. Illustrated history of the hat from the earliest ages to the present time. 1848. 391 G33 Jones, William. Crowns and coronations; a history of regalia. 1883. 394 J 79 Chaps. 1, 2, and 11. Cuts of crowns and coronets. Lichtenfeld, J. Principles of physiognomical hairdressing. n. d. 646L69 21 illustrations, wood-cuts. Moler, A. B. Manual on barbering, hairdressing, manicuring, etc. [cl905.] 391 M71 Musgrave, Rev. George. Nooks and corners in Old France. 2 v. 1867. 914.4M987N "Touraine caps," v. 1, p. 225. Ortner, Jessica. Practical millinery. 1892. 646077 Illustrated. Pauquet freres. Modes et costumes historiques. [1865?] Ref.391P33 The 96 colored plates are valuable for French head-dress, 493-1864. Praga, Mrs. Alfred. What to wear and when to wear it. 1903. 391 P89 Half-tones of head-dress and female costumes. Quigley, Dorothy. What dress makes of us. 1897. 391Q6 Includes illustrated discussion of hairdressing and head-dress. Repton, J. A. Observations on the various fashions of hats, bonnets or coverings for the head, chiefly from the reign of Henry VIII to the 18th century. (In Archseolgia. v. 24. 1832. p. 169-89.) Ref. 8 steel plates, with many outline figures of hats, etc. Rhead, G. W. Hats, caps and bonnets. (In Ms Chats on costume. 1906. p. 205-77.) 391 R46 Cuts of all kinds of head-dress. Speight, Alexanna. Lock of hair; its history, ancient and modern. 1871. 391 S74 Stewart, James. Plocacosmos; or. The whole art of hair-dressing. 1782. Ref.646S84 9 copperplates. Winter, F. (Die) Kamme aller zeiten. [1906?] Ref.G391W78 48 plates [about 300 figures], with notes on combs from the stone age to the present. 40 HEBREW COSTUME. See JEWISH COSTUME. HERZEGOVINA. See BALKAN STATES. HOLLAND. See NETHERLANDS. HUNGARY. See AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. INDIA. Asiatic costumes ... 44 engravings. . .with a description to each subject. 1828. Ref.391A83 "Engraved from drawings taken during . . . residence in India." Birt, F. B. Bradley-. Chota Nagpore; a little-known province of the empire. 1903. 915.4B61 About 20 half-tone plates of costume. Conway, M. D. My pilgrimage to the wise men of the East. 1906. 910C76 7 half-tone plates of Indian costume, mostly religious. Crooke, William. Natives of northern India. 1907. (Native races of the British empire.) 572C94 Frequent text references to costume. 32 plates of costume. Things Indian. 1906. 915.4C94 Dress, p. 155-67 ; jewelry, p. 287-91. Curtis, Lillian J. Laos of North Siam. 1903. 915.9C97 Dress, p. 108-113, etc. Half-tone illustrations, showing costume. Curtis, W. E. Burma. {In his Egypt, Burma and British Malaysia. 1905. p. 251-348.) 910C98 6 half-tone plates of Burmese costume. Del Mar, Walter. Romantic East, Burma, Assam and Kashmir. 1906. 915.9D33 Costume [of Burma], p. 8-9. Several half-tone plates of costume. Ferrario, Giulio. L'Inde. . .appelee Indostan. . . [et] L' Indo-Chine. (In his Costume. 1815-29. Asie, v. 2.) Ref.F391F37 92 colored copperplates of Hindoo, Burmese, Siamese, and other costumes. Gurdon, P. R. T. The Khasis. 1907. [Ethnographical monograph pub- lished under the orders of the Government of Eastern Bengal and Assam.] 572G97 8 colored and 11 monochrome plates. Hart, W. H. Everyday life in Bengal and other Indian sketches. 1906. 915.4H32 Illustrations include several half-tones of costume. Hodson, T. C. The Meitheis. 1908. [Ethnographical monograph pub- lished under the orders of the Government of Eastern Bengal and Assam.] 572H69 9 colored and 7 monochrome plates. Illustrating this "dominant race of Manipur." Jacob, S. S. and Hendley, T. H. Jeypore enamels. 1886. Ref.748J15 Colorod frontispiece of .Jeypore cnamellers. Kelly, R. T. Burma painted and described. 1905. 915.9K29 Several of the colored plates show costume. 41 Malcolm, Ian. Indian pictures and problems. 1907. 915.4M24 About 20 of the 50 half-tone plates show costume. Marston, A. W. Children of India, n. d. 915.4M37 Many wood-cuts of costumes. Menpes, Dorothy. The Durbar [il.] by Mortimer Menpes. [1903.] Ref.915.4M54 Numerous references in text to dress. Most of the 100 colored plates show costumes of all parts of India. Murray, A. H. H. High-road of Empire; water-colour and pen-and-ink sketches in India. 1905. 915.4M981 Wood-cuts and colored plates, many showing dress. Norman, Henry. Peoples and politics of the Far East. 1895. 915N54 Half-tone plates of dress of Slam and Indo-China. Same. 1904. Penfieid, F. C. East of Suez (Ceylon, India, China and Japan). 1906. 915P39 Text references. A number of the plates show Indian costume. Shoberl, Frederic, ed. "World in miniature: Hindoostan. 6 v. [1827.] Ref.915.4S559 Illustrated by 103 colored engravings. World in miniature: Thibet and India beyond the Ganges. [1827.] Ref.915.1S559 12 colored plates of costume. Solvyns, B. The costume of Indostan elucidated by sixty coloured engrav- ings with descriptions in English and French taken in the years 1798 and 1799. 1804. Ref.391S69 Stack, E. and Lyall, C. The Mikirs. 1908. [Ethnographical monograph published under the orders of the Government of Eastern Bengal and Assam.] 572S77 4 colored and 4 monochrome illustrations of this tribe of Assam. Thompson, P. A. Lotus land. . .account of the country and the people of Southern Siam. [1907.] 915.9T47 See "Dress" in index. 7 plates, including 2 of children, of Siamese costume. Thurston, Edgar. Ethnographic notes in Southern India. 1906. 572T54 "On dress," p. 520-31. 40 half-tone plates. Watson, J. F. The textile manufacturers and the costumes of the people of India. 1866. Ref.677W338 Eight plates of costume Illustrations. Young, Ernest. Siam. With 12 full-page illustrations in colour by E. A. Norbury. 1908. (Peeps at many lands series.) 915.9Y71P "Food and dress," p. 52-56. Yusef-Ali, Abdullah. Life and labour of the people of India. 1907. 915.4A136 Bridal dress, p. 271. Dress traditions, p. 812-15. Colored frontispiece and 4 other plates of costume. 42 INDIANS OF NORTH AMERICA. Berlin. Royal Museum. North-west coast of America. . .ethnological researches. . .of the Royal museums at Berlin, n. d. Ref. The lithoiiraphic plates include head-dress and masks. Photogravures of Chilkat blanket. Biart, Lucien. Aztecs; their history, manners and customs. 1887. 972B57 Clothing, p. 292-94. Bourke, J. G. Snake-dance of the Moquis of Arizona. 1884. 970.3B77 See "Costume" in index. 10 colored plates of Moqui and Navajo costume. Catlin, George. 0-kee-pa; a religious ceremony and other customs of the Mandans. 1867. Ref.970.6C36 [Ceremonial dress], p. 16-22. Seven of the colored plates show cos- tume. Notes of 8 years' travel. ..with his North American Indian collec- tion. 2 V. 1848. 970.6C36N Many outline engravings from the author's original paintings of Indians. Illustrations of the manners, customs and condition of the North American Indians. 9th ed. 2 v. 1857. Ref . 970.1 C36I Many notes on costume. 360 engravings from paintings by author. Curtis, Natalie. Indians' hook. 1907. 970.1 C97 Text does not treat costume. 22 plates from photographs of Indians and several colored plates, showing Indian pictures of apparel. Oellenbaugh, F. S. North-Americans of yesterday. 1901. 970.1 D35 "Weaving and costume," p. 123-60. Many illustrations of Indian cos- tume and ornament. Oodge, R. I. Our wild Indian. 1882. 970.1 D64 "Clothing, finery and personal adornment," p. 297-310. 6 colored plates and a number of wood-cuts of costume. 'Ferrario, Giulio. L'Amerique. (In his Costume. 1815-29. Amerique. V. 1.) Ref.F391F37 Many colored copperplates of North American Indians. Hind, H. Y. Explorations in the interior of the Labrador peninsula, the country of the Montagnais and Nasquapee Indians. 2 v. 1863. 917.19H66 Chromo-Uthographs and wood-cuts of trappers and Indians. Narrative of the Canadian Red River exploring expedition of 1857 and of the Assiniboine and Saskatchewan exploring expeditions of 1858. 2 V. 1860. 917.1 H66 Lithographs and wood-cuts of Canadian Indians and apparel (v. 2.). Hodge, F. W. ed. Handbook of American Indians north of Mexico, 1907. pt. 1, A-M. (U. S. Bureau of Ethnology, Bulletin 30.) Ref.970.1U58 "Adornment," by Alice C. Fletcher, p. 16-20 ; "Clothing," by Walter ETough, p. 310-12. 22 cuts and bibliographies. Hooge, Romeyn de. [Costumes; a series of 43 copper engravings of the peoples and castes of different nations. Ref.391H77 Several plates of North American Indians. Howard, O. O. My life and experiences among our hostile Indians. 1907. BH851H 10 colored plates, showing dress and weapons. 43 Humfreville, J. L. Twenty years among our savage Indians. 1897. 970.1 H92 See "Dress" In Index. 10 chromo-lithographs and numerous half-tone cuts of Indian costume. M'Kenney, T. L. and Hall, James. History of the Indian tribes of North America. 3 v. 1838-44. Ref.970.1IVI155H "120 [colored] portraits from the Indian Gallery in the Department of War at Washington." Mason, O. T. Aboriginal American basketry. (7m U. S. National museum report. 1902.) [publ. 1904.] p. 171-548. (U. S. Doc, Serial 4549.) Ref, 248 plates, including 29 of Indian women. Indian basketry. 2 v. N. Y. 1904. Ref.689M41 The same work as the preceding. Schoolcraft, H. R. Information respecting the history, condition and prospects of the Indian tribes of the United States. 5 v. 1853-56. Ref.970.1U58S Costume, v. 3, p. 65-69; v. 4, p. 58-59. 10 monotone lithographs of costume. Same. v. 1-3. 1851-53. Several of the plates of costume in this edition are colored. Starr, Frederick. Indians of Southern Mexico. 1899. Ref .970.1 S79I Photogravure plates, preceded by descriptions, mostly showing costume. Tout, C. Hill-. British North America, v. 1. The far west. 1907. 572T73 Dress and personal adornment, p. 63-88. Most of the 33 half-tone plates show Salish and D^ne costume. Tozzer, A. M. Comparative study of the Mayas and the Lacandones. 1907. (Archaeol. Inst, of America. Report of the fellow in Amer. archfeol. 1902-05.) 970.3T75 Costume, p. 29-32. U. S. Census office. 11th census. Report on Indians taxed and... not taxed in the United States (except Alaska)... 1890. 1894. Ref. Statistical, historical and ethnographic monographs by Brinton, Donald- son, Lord, and others. Many colored and half-tone plates of costumes of all types of Indians. Same. {In U. S. Documents. Serial 3016.) Ref. INDIANS OF SOUTH AMERICA. Ferrario, Giulio. L'Amerique meridionale. (In his Costume. 1815-29. Amerique. v. 2.) Ref.F391F37 Many colored copperplates of South American Indians. Schmidtmeyer, Peter. Travels into Chile, over the Andes, in the years 1820 and 1821. 1824. Ref.918.3S35 30 plates, Including 11 in color. 4 show Araucanos. United States astronomical expedition to the Southern hemisphere, 1849- 52. 1856. (U.S. 33d Congress, 1st sess. House exec, doc, 121. Serial 728.) Ref. Note on Araucanian dress (v. 1, p. 67-68), with colored plate of chief. Wright, Mrs. M. R. Primitive inhabitants of Bolivia. (In her Bolivia. Ccl907.] p. 439-50.) Ref.984W95 16 half-tones of modern Indian costume. 44 IRELAND. Bonwick, James. Our nationalities: I. Who are the Irish? 1880. 572B72 Brief historical notes of Celtic dress and ornament, p. 69-76. Egerton, M. M. Countess of Wilton. Toilette in Ireland. {In her Book of costume. 1847. p. 186-89.) Ref.391W75 3 small wood-cuts. Joyce, P. "W. Social history of ancient Ireland. 2 v. 1903. 941.5J89S '•Dress and personal adornment," v. 2, p. 176-263. 21 illustrations of apparel, mostly from ancient mss. and sculpture. Meyrick, S. R. a7id Smith, C. H. Costume of the original inhabitants of the British Islands. [1821.] Ref.391M61 Including 6 colored plates of ancient Irish costume. O'Curry, Eugene. On the manners and customs of the ancient Irish... ed. by W. K. Sullivan. 3 v. 1873. 913021 Dress and ornament, v. 1, CCCLXXVIII-CCCCVII [by Sullivan] ; V. 3, p. 87-211, Historical summary. Shoberl, F. ed. World in miniature: England, Scotland and Ireland. Edited by W. H. Pyne. 4 v. 1827. Ref.914.2S559 2 colored plates in v. 4, of Irish costume. See also ENGLAND. ITALY. Allom, Thomas. Character and costume of Turkey and Italy with descrip- tive letter-press by Emma Reeve, n. d. Ref.914.96A44 12 lithographic plates of Italian costume of about 1840. Carmichael, Montgomery. In Tuscany. 1901. 914.5C28 11 small half-tones of costume. Egerton, M. M'. Countess of Wilton. Costume in Italy. . .Sicily and Malta. {In her Book of costume. 1847. p. 315-34.) Ref.391W75 11 wood-cuts. Ferrario, Giulio. Costume des Italiens. {In his Costume. 1815-29. Europe, v. 3, pt. 1-2.) Ref.F391F37 General sketch of the history of Italian costume. 141 colored plates, mostly showing costume. Plates 79 and 80 show uniforms of about 1820. Gifford, Mrs. A. (H.) Italy, her people and their story. cl905. 945G458 Illustrated from portraits and famous paintings. Goiran, G. Italian army. {In Armies of to-day. 1893. p. 311-58.) 355 M 27 12 cuts of uniforms. Gordon, Lina Duff. Home life in Italy. Letters from the Apennines. 1908. 914.5G66 28 half-tone Illustrations, chiefly of peasant life. Koppen, F. von. Italy. {In Ms Armies of Europe illustrated. 1890. p. 42-45.) 355K77 Double colored plates (7 figures. Including 1 of naval uniform) and 2 text illustrations of uniforms of the period. Molmenti, P. G. Venice. . .from the earliest beginnings to the fall of the republic. . .tr. by H. F. Brown. 6 v. 1906-08. 945M72 "Costume," v. 2, p. 1-22; v. 4, p. 81-2.53; v. ."j, p. 201-20. A few colored and many half-tone plates of 14th-lbth century drees. 45 Perl, Henry. Venezia . . . f rom the German, by Mrs. Arthur Bell. 1894. Ref.914.5P45 Many full-page and text wood-cuts of Venetian costume. Pinelli, Bartolomeo. Nuevo raccolta di cinquanta costumi. Ref. 50 copperplates of Italian costume. Sketch-book by an American in Venice. 1860. 391 S62 22 plates, colored by hand. No text. Souvenir de St. Lazare, Venice, n. d. Ref.271S72 14 colored plates. Steiler, Karl, and others. Italy from the Alps to Mount Etna. n. d. Ref.914.5S85! Includes a number of wood-cuts of modern Italian costume. Strutt, A. J. Illustrations of a pedestrian tour in Calabria and Sicily. n. d. Ref.914.5S92: Book of etchings. Tuker, M. A. R., and Malleson, Hope. Rome, painted by A. Pisa. 1905. Ref.914.5T91 Peasant costumes in color. Uniforms of the armies of the six great powers of Europe. (In Standard dictionary. Sup. 1903. p. 2187.) Ref.423F98Su Vaughan, H. M. The Naples Riviera. 914.5V36 A few of the 25 illustrations in color, by Maurice Greiffenhagen, show costume, painted in 1904. Zimmern, Helen. Italy of the Italians. 1906. 914.5Z76 A few half-tones of modern Italian costume. JAPAN. Anderson, William. Pictorial arts of Japan. 1886. Ref.709A55 Includes many colored plates, photogravures and wood-cuts of costume by native artists. Arnold, Sir Edwin. Japonica. 1891. 915.2A75J Black and white illustrations of Japanese dress. Browne, G. W. Japan. {In his New America and the Far East. 1907. V. 2-3.) 910B882 Customs and costumes, v. 2, p. 355-62. 18 plates (12 colored) and many cuts of costume. Japan; the place and the people. 1904. 915.2B882 Same text and plates as preceding work. Griffis, W. E. Mikado's empire. 1876. 952G85M Includes many references to and cuts of costume. Same. 1883. Same. 1899. Same. 9th ed. 1900. Same. 10th ed. 1903. Same. 11th ed. 1906. 46 Hawks, F. L. Narrative of the expedition of an American squadron to the China Seas and Japan. . . 1852, 1853 and 1854 under. . .Com. M. C. Perry, v. 1. 1856. (U. S. 33d Cong. 2d sess. House exec. doc. v. 12. Serial no. 802.) Ref.915.2U58 Many wood-cuts and lithographed plates of Japanese costume. Holland, Clive. Things seen in Japan. 1907. 915.2H73 50 half-tone Illustrations. Knox, G. W. Imperial Japan; the country and its people. 1905. 952K74 Numerous illustrative plates of Japanese women. Levati, Ambrogio. lies du Japon. {In Ferrario, G. Costume. 1815. Asie. V. 1. p. 383-453.) Ref.391F37 6 colored copperplates of Japanese costume. Salwey, C. M. Fans of Japan. 1894. Ref.391S18 10 colored plates and 39 other illustrations. Silver, J. M'. W. Sketches of Japanese manners and customs. 1867. Ref.915.2S58 27 chromo-lithograph fac-similes of native drawings. Wilson, H. W. Japan's fight for freedom. . .the war between Russia and Japan. 2 v. 1904-05. Ref.951W74 JEWISH COSTUME. Abrahams, Israel. Jewish life in the middle ages. 1897. 296A15 "Costume in law and fashion," p. 273-90; "The Jewish badge," p. 291-306. De Quincey, Thomas. Toilette of the Hebrew lady. {In his Collected writings. 1890. v. 6. p. 152-78.) , 828D42 No illustrations. Same. 1896-97. Levati, Ambrogio. Juifs. {In Ferrario, G. Costume. 1817. Asie. v. 3. p. 70-172.) Ref.391F37 3 colored copperplates of ancient Jewish costume. Nowack, William, and others. Costume. {In Jewish encyclopedia. 1901- 06. V. 4. p. 292-303.) Ref.933S61 Series of articles on Biblical to present-day Jewish dress, with bibli- ographical notes. Double-page colored plates (30 figures) and 17 wood- cuts. Pierotti, Ermete. Customs and traditions of Palestine, illustrating the manners of the ancient Hebrews. 1864. 915.6P51 [Costume], p. 130-53. Stapfer, Edmond. Palestine in the time of Christ, [pref. 1885.] 933S79 "Clothing," p. 190-201. See also TURKISH EMPIRE. KOREA. Bishop, Mrs. I. B. Korea and her neighbors. 1898. 915.1B62K See "Costumes" In index. 5 half-tone plates of costumes. Griffis, W. E. Corea the hermit nation. 1882. 915.1 G85Ce "Costume," p. 81, 273-70. 2 wood-cuts. 47 Hamilton, Angus. Korea. 1904. 915.1 H21 [Costume in Seoul], p. 35-40. Several half-tone plates of costume. Hulbert, H. H. Passing of Corea. 1906. 951H91P Many half-tone plates of costume. Lowell, P. Clioson the land of the morning calm. 1888[c'85]. 915.1 L91 "Costume," p. 316-31. Wood-cuts. Norman, Henry. Peoples and politics of the Far East. 1895. 915N54 Several half-tones of Korean costume. Same. 1905. See also CHINA. JAPAN. LAPLAND. See NORWAY, RUSSIAN EMPIRE. MACEDONIA. See BALKAN STATES. MALAYSIA. Hurgnonje, C. S. The Achanese. . .tr. by W. S. O'Sullivan. 2 v. 1906. 919.2H96 [Dress], v. 1, p. 25-30. See also "Apparel" in Index. Numerous wood-cuts and half-tones, showing male and female costume. Shoberl, Frederic, ed. World in miniature; the Asiatic Islands and New Holland. 2 v. n. d. Ref.919S559 26 colored illustrations. Skeat, W. W. and Blagden, C. O. Pagan races of the Malay peninsula. 2 V. 1906. 572S62 See "Dress" in index. Many half-tones of natives. MAORI COSTUME. See NEW ZEALAND. MARRIAGE COSTUME. See BRIDAL COSTUME. MEDI/EVAL COSTUME. Cutts, E. L. Scenes and characters of the middle ages. 1885. Ref.940C99 Costume [of the merchant class], p. 518-28. Many wood-cuts. Davies, A. C. Fox- Art of heraldry; an encyclopaedia of armory. 1904. Ref.929.2D25A Heraldic costume, p. 12-32. Plates (5 colored) and wood-cuts, show- ing heraldic costume and armor. Gautier, Leon. Chivalry. Translated by Henry Firth. 1891. 394G27 Numerous wood-cuts. Lacroix, Paul. Arts in the middle ages. n. d. Ref.709L14 10 colored plates and many wood-cuts of costume. Costumes. (In his Manners, customs and dress during the middle ages. n. d. p. 509-54.) Ref.940L14M Many colored plates and wood-cuts of costume. Military and religious life in the middle ages. n. d. Ref.940L14Mi Colored plates and wood-cuts of dress and armor. Science and literature in the middle ages. 1878. Ref.940L14 Most of the wood-cuts and colored plates show costume. 48 Lonsdale, H. W. and Tarver, E. F. Illustrations of mediaeval costume. 1874. Ref.391 LSS 50 plates. Michaud, J. F. History of the crusades. 2 v. n. d. Ref.940IVI62H 100 plates by Gustave Dore. Munro, D. C. History of the middle ages. 1902. 940M96 Many of the half-tones and cuts show dress. Shaw, Henry. Dresses and decorations of the middle ages. 2 v. 1858. Ref.391 S53 From Anglo-Saxon times to end of IGth century. Special attention to English costume. Many colored plates and wood-cuts. Trumble, Alfred. Sword and scimetar; the romance of the Crusades. 1886. Ref.940T86 Plates by Gustave Dorg, showing costume and armor of the Crusaders. A fuller collection of plates by Dore in Michaud's Crusades. Viollet-Ie-Duc, E. E. Military architecture. 1879. 623V79 Many wood-cuts of fortifications and weapons of the Roman and mediaeval periods. Weiss, Hermann Kostiimkunde; geschichte der tracht und des geraths in mittelalter. 2d ed. 1883. G391W42 8 colored plates and 367 wood-cuts. List of sources. See also under the various countries. MEXICO. Decaen, J., ed. Mexico y sus alrededores. Coleccion de monumentos, trajes y paisajes. 1864. [Spanish and French text.] Ref.S917.2D29 47 lithographs by Mexican artists ; of value for costume. Ferrario, Giulio. Mexique. (In his Costume. 1815-29. Amerique. v. 1, p. 501-625.) Ref.391 F37 Colored copperplates of Indian and Spanish costumes from Aztec times to 1820. Garcia Cubas, A. Republic of Mexico in 1876. 1876. Ref.917.2G21 8 colored plates of Spanish and native types. Janvier, Thomas. Mexican army. (In Armies of to-day. 1893. p. 359- 96.) 355M27 14 cuts of Mexican uniforms of the period. Plummer, M. W. Roy and Ray in Mexico. 1907. 917.2P73 9 half-tone plates of modern costumes. Sierra, J., and Ballesia, S., ed. Mexico; its social evolution. Translated from the Spanish by G. Sentinon. 3 v. 1900-04. Ref.972S57 Many half-tones, some of which show costume and army uniforms. Starr, Fredericic. Indians of Southern Mexico. 1899. Ref.970.1S79 1 Photogravures, preceded by descriptive text. See also INDIANS OF NORTH AMERICA. MONTENEGRO. See BALKAN STATES. NEPAL. See TIBET. 49 NETHERLANDS. Boughton, G. H. Sketching rambles in Holland. 1885. 914.92B75 Illustrations [wood-cuts], by Boughton and E. A. Abbey, more than 50 of costume. Egerton, M'. M. Countess of Wilton. Toilette in Holland. (In her Book of costume. 1847. p. 311-14.) Ref.391W75 3 wood-cuts. Ferrario, Giulio. La Hollande ou Batavie. {In his Costume. 1815-29. Europe, v. 6. p. 23-172.) Ref.391F37 Colored plates (14 figures) of 17th century Dutch dress. Jungmann, Nico, and Jungmann, Beatrix. Holland. 1904. 914,92J95 Many references to costume. Most of the 75 colored plates show dress. Koppen, F. von. Holland and Belgium. (In his Armies of Europe illus- trated. 1890. p. 69-70.) 355K77 Colored plates (11 figures, including 4 naval) and 2 text Illustrations of uniforms. Shoberl, Frederic, ed. World in miniature: the Netherlands. [1827.] Ref.914.92S55 18 colored engravings, including Belgium. NEW ZEALAND. Reeves, W. P. New Zealand. Painted by F. and W. Wright. Described by W. P. Reeves. 1908. 993R33Nw 75 illustrations in color. Wakefield, Edward. New Zealand after fifty years. [cl889.] 919.3W14 3 half-tone plates of Maoris. NORMANDY. See FRANCE. NORWAY. Bossi, Luigi. [Costume des Norvegiens.] (In Ferrario, G. Costume. 1815-29. Europe, v. 6. p. 260-91.) Ref.391F37 Du Chaillu, P. B. Viking age. 2 v. 1889. 948D82V Dress of men, v. 2, p. 285-300 ; dress of women, v. 2, p. 301-31. 128 wood-cuts of dress and ornament. Egerton, M. M. Countess of Wilton. Toilette in Norway. (In her Book of costume. 1847. p. 346-48.) Ref.391W75 2 wood-cuts. Hyne, C. J. C. W. Through Arctic Lapland. 1898. 914.7H99 Several half-tone plates of Lapp costume. Jungmann, Beatrice. Norway [il.] by Nico Jungmann. [1905.] 914.8J95 Scattered references to costume. About 30 colored plates show costume. Koppen, F. von. Sweden and Norway. (In his Armies of Europe. 1890. p. 61-63.) 355K77 Colored plates (6 figures) and 2 text illustrations of uniforms. Monroe, W. S. In Viking land; Norway: its peoples, its fjords, and its fjelds. 1908. 948M75 Consult index under "dress." Of the 48 half-tone plates 3 are definitely of costumes. 50 Pritchett, R. T. "Gamle Norge"; rambles and scrambles in Norway. 1879. 914.8P96 Frequent references to and several Illustrations of national costume. Steele, T. S. Voyage to Viking-land. 1896. 914.8S81 8 half-tones of Norwegian and Lapp costume. OCEANICA. Brassey, Lady A.[A.] Tahiti. 1882. 919.6B82 Illustrations, from photographs, including 6 of costume. Elkington, E. W. Savage South Seas. 1907. 919.3E43S Most of the 68 colored plates show native costumes. Ferrario, Giulio. Oc§anique. {In his Costume. 1815-29. Asie. v. 4. p. 285-585.) Ref.391F37 Many colored copperplates of costume. ■Grimshaw, Beatrice. From Fiji to the Cannibal Islands. 1907. 919G86 Many half-tones, plates and insets of costume. Shoberl, Frederic, ed. World in miniature; South Sea Islands. 2 v. n. d. Ref.919S72 Illustrated by colored engravings. PALESTINE. See TURKISH EMPIRE. PEASANT COSTUME. .Aria, Mrs. E. Of British peasants. . .of some foreign peasants. (In her Costume; fanciful, historical and theatrical. 1906. p. 115-46.) 391 A69 2 colored plates and 10 half-tones. i Same. p. 201-56.) 917.471S61 Several half-tones of apparel. Wharton, A". H. Social life in the early republic. 1902. 390W55S Colored frontispiece, and many half-tone portraits of 1790-1850. UNITED STATES. MILITARY AND NAVAL COSTUME. "Archibald, J. F. L. Blue shirt and khaki. 1901. 355A67 Many half-tones of English and American soldiers. Bennett, F. M. Uniforms and corps devices of the Engineer Corps. (In his Steam navy of the United States. 1896. p. 713-31.) 359E47S Bolton, C. K. Private soldier under Washington. 1902. 973.3869 [.Uniforms], p. 89-104, and double half-tone plates showing uniforms and plate showing hunting shirt. Eggleston, Edward. Household history of the United States and its people. 1889. 973E29 2 colored plates of U. S. uniforms, 1776-1865, and 1 colored plate of Confederate uniforms, with several vignettes of uniforms. Logan, J. A. Volunteer soldier of America. 1887. 355L83 Colored frontispiece, and several wood-cuts of uniforms. McClellan, Elizabeth. Uniforms in America, 1775-1800. (In her Historic dress in America. [1904.] p. 340-77.) Ref.391M12 Half-tones of Continental uniforms of army and navy. Merritt, Wesley. Army of the United States. (In Armies of to-day. 1893. p. 1-55.) 355M57 4 cuts of uniforms of the period. Nelson, H. L. Army of the United States. [1889.] Ref.355N42 Same plates as in "U. S. army Q.-M. G. — Uniform of the Army of the U. S." Rodenbaugh, T. F. From everglade to canon with the 2d Dragoons... 1836-75. 1875. 355R68 5 chromo-lithographs of cavalry uniforms, 1836-75, and 4 wood-cuts of French cavalrymen. Smith, J. H. Historie booke...to keep in ... remembrance the. . .meeting of the Honourable Artillery Company of London and the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of the Massachusetts. . .Boston, 1903. [cl903.] Ref.358S65 Plates and cuts, showing uniforms of 17th-19th centuries. Uniforms of the army of the United States. (In Standard dictionary. Sup. 1903. p. 2187.) Ref.423F98Su Colored plates, showing 27 uniforms of 1903. United States Army. Quartermaster-general. Uniform of the army of the United States, 1882. [1882.] Ref.355U58 Lithographed plates of uniforms. Several cuts of details. 63 United States Army. Uniform of the army of the United States illustrated from 1774 to 1889. [1890.] Ref.355U58U 44 colored plates. Key to plates and descriptive text. United States. Navy Dept. Regulations governing the uniform of com- missioned officers, warrant officers, and enlisted men of the navy of the United States. 1886. Ref.355U58N 54 lithographed plates of uniforms. Wagner, A. L. and Kelley, J. D. J. United States army and navy... from the era of the Revolution to the close of the Spanish-American war. [cl899.] Ref.355W130u Lithographs of military and naval uniforms, 1776-1899. Walton, W. G., and others. Army and navy of the United States from the period of the Revolution to the present day. 12 pts. [cl889-95.] Ref.353.6W24 44 colored plates, mounted, with duplicate etchings, and many other etchings and photogravures of military and naval uniforms. Zogbaum, R. F. Across country with a cavalry column [and] with the bluecoats on the border. (In his Horse, foot and dragoons. 1888. p. 100-176.) 355Z85 25 plates and cuts of uniforms of the period. VENICE. See ITALY. WALES. Bradley, A. G. Highways and byways in North Wales, illus. by J. Pennell and H. Thomson. 1898. 914.29B81 6 wood-cuts of costume. Davies, D. John Vaughan and his friends. 1897. 914.29D255 Several cuts of Welsh costume. Egerton, M. M. Countess of Wilton. Toilette in Wales. (In her Book of costume. 1847. p. 190-91.) Ref.391W75 Rhys, John and Jones, D. Brynmor-. Welsh people. 1900. 942.9R47 Dress [ancient], p. 251; [modern], 565-70. Trevelyan, M. Glimpses of Welsh life and character. [1893.] 914.29T81 See "Costume" and "Dress" in index. See also ENGLAND. WEST INDIES. Henderson, John. West Indies, painted by A. S. Forrest. 1905. 917.29H49 About 30 of the colored plates show costume, chiefly of Jamaica. Paton, W. A. Down the islands. 1890. 917.29P31 Frequent references in text. Several illustrations show costumes. See also CUBA, PORTO RICO. ZANZIBAR. Lyne, R. N. Zanzibar in contemporary times. 1905. 967L98 2 half-tone plates of costume. [Reute, Emily.] Memoirs of an Arabian princess; tr. by L. Strachey. 1907. BR921S Female fashions [of Zanzibar], p. 85-91. 6 plates of Zanzibar Arabs. 64 j^a;.:' .t/.ir.'KxtL.'.::s:~~i.Mj^i^ ^XKLy__i'.^?,j».'_4V:u(vJV i «"pS., UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on tlie last date stamped below "^ 3 133* .. 9 194? NOV 8 1955 MAY 161957 1^^ 0\^^^ u» JUL IE' URL - ' ^ 1 BECLi LD-URL JUN 21981 MA URC AP»2 Wi'O Po-^-r^-15m-3,'34 '??- 1 81967 :r "Ul. LISITY of CALIFORNfA AT ^ LO.^ ANGKLES LIBRARY (ja\flord •==. PAMPHLET BINDER Syrocuse. N. Y. ?'c:''3ri. Calif. A o = !3 a» CD O o « Co A A nnn485 5io 2 PLEAgp DO NOT REMOVE THIS BOOK CARDZ •i^iTIbraryq^- ^ 00 ^. <: rr University Research Library EZ] !Ea iZ3 E3 cn IZJ