Yf THE famous translator of Maeterlinck, Fabre, Couperus, Ewald and many an- other, died suddenly at the end of 1921. In this biographical and critical sketch, Mr. Stephen McKenna, who was his most inti- mate friend during the last chapter of his life, pays a tribute to his subject's double genius for scholarship and friendship. It is doubtful whether Teixeira himself could have said offhand how many dozen volumes or how many million words he had trans- lated ; but the quantity is of less importance than the quality. His versions read like orig- inals, and originals of the highest literary order at that. Among his friends and acquaintances were numbered Oscar and Willie Wilde, Max Beerbohm, Bernard Shaw, George Moore, John Gray, Ernest Dowson and Alfred Sutro, to the last of whom this book is dedicated. An indefatigable worker, an accomplished wit, an enchanting companion, a whimsical acquaintance and a devoted friend, Teixeira paints his own portrait and delineates his own character in the many letters which he exchanged with his friend. p^ BY ^^ STEPHEN McKENNA TEX / a-r^^tCct /€^ ^ /Vo^ TEX A CHAPTER IN THE LIFE OF ALEXANDER TEIXEIRA DE MATTOS BY STEPHEN McKENNA NEW YORK DODD, MEAD AND COMPANY 1922 COPTEIGHT, 1922, By DODD, mead AND COMPANY, Inc. FEINTED IN U. S. A. • » '- VAIL-BALLOU COMPANV BINGHAMTON AND NEW YORK a ID O. PR To g ALFRED SUTRO ^, I dedicate to you this slight tribute to the memory of ^ our friend. You were the luckier, in knowing him the longer. I shall be more than content if you find, in reading this book, as I found in reading his letters } While undergoing his rest-cure, he not infrequently communicated with me by means of annotations to the letters which I wrote him. His comments are given in parenthesis. I . . . went to see As You Like It at the Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith, I wrote, 15. 5. 20. It is a good production but an uncommonly bad play, tike so many of that author's. If any dramatist of the present day served up that kind of musical comedy without the music, but with all the existing purple patches, I zuonder what your modern critic would make of it. (Laurence Irving used to go about saying, "Teixeira says that Shakespeare wrote only one decent play: Timon of Athens! JFha-art d'ye think of that? The mun's mud!" Talking of Shakespeare, if you want to laugh, really to laugh, ce qu'on appelle to laugh, read {you zvill never see it acted) a stage-play called Titus And- ronicus. . . .) 83 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos (Help! A man waved to me on the lawn y'day: an Ebrew Jew . . . had motored down to see his sister here; told me I'd find her very "bright." She's fifty bien sonnes. Told him I'd feel too shy to talk to anybody for weeks. But I'm lending her books. Help!) Strictly limited in the amount of work which he was allowed to do, Teixeira in these weeks read voraciously; and his letters of this period contain almost the only critical judgements that I was able to extract from him. On 25. 5. 20. he writes: Was Pearsall Smith the inventor of the pedi- gree tracing the descent of the English from the ten lost tribes of Israel? Isaac I Isaacson Saxon What was the other famous book, besides Erewhon, which George Meredith (whom I am beginning to dislike almost as much as Henry James and Pearl Craigie) caused Smith, Elder 84 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos &' Co. to reject? fVas it Treasure Island or something quite different? WJiich Satnuel Butlers am I to buy now? I have (in the order of which I have enjoyed them) : The Way of all Flesh Alps and Sanctuaries The Notebooks Erewhon Revisited Erewhon The machinery part of the last-named bored me; the philosophy also; and I fear I missed much of the irony. But the style! It's unbeaten. It's as good as Defoe. It knocks Stevenson silly because it's so utterly natural. Hats of to that for style. Should I enjoy The Humour of Homer, though knowing nothing or little about Homer? The Authoress of the Odyssey: would this be wasted on me? What is The Fair Haven about? I don't want to read Butler's religious views — all you Britons think and talk and write much too much about religion — nor his views on evolution: he is too much in sympathy, I gather, with that dishonest fellow, Darwin. What shall I read of that same Darwin, so that I may do my own chuckling? Please name 85 /Alexander Teixeira de Mattos the best t'wo or three, in their order as written. Where shall I find the quarrels between Hux- ley and Darwin? That accomplished gyurl, my stepdaughter, had read all about them before she was sixteen but was unable to point me to the book. At your leisure, my dear Stephen, answer me all these questions. As you see, I'm making progress. I have neither capacity nor inclina- tion (thank God) for work yet, but I can read day without end. Pearsall Smith's Stories from the Old Testa- ment would amuse you. It's too dear; but it would amuse you, in parts. In discussing Darwin's books, I suggested that Teixeira should find out whether the members of his church were encouraged to read them. He replies, 28. 5. 20: . . . I am very glad that Darwin is on the Index and I hope that this interferes with his royalties. . . . And on 2. 6. 20: Pray bear with a postcard. I noticed that you used "detour" on two occasions. . . . I sym- 86 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos pathize. There's no English equivalent save Tony Lumpkin's seriocomic "circumbendibus." But I meant to tell you of my recent discovery that Chesterton uses "detour," sic without an ac- cent or italics. And it's well worth considering. I, for my part, have made up my mind to adopt it in future, by analogy with "depot" and, for that matter, "tour," which is never italicized. I also intend to adopt your "judgement" . . . . What a lot one can still write for a penny! Tex. In acknowledging one of his translations, I wrote : Two of my worst faults as a reader are that I always finish a book which I have begun and always begin a book which has been presented to me by the author or translator. Teixeira comments: (I always thought highly of your brain till now. I regret to tell you that the only other human being who has ever confessed that vice to me is J. T. Grein's mother. . . . Drop that vice. JVhy, I once "began" to read the Bible! . . .) With most of your criticisms I agree, my let- ter continued. Teixeira had been reading the 87 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos manuscript of some short stories; though there are one or two points on which I remain adamant. If you wish to shorten your life, ask any Cold- streamer whether he belongs to the Coldstreams. It is always either the Coldstreajn Guards or the Coldstream. . . .^ (I suspected you of being right, but I was not ashamed to ask you. You may or may not have observed how much less of a snob I am than most of the people you strike. Cricketifig terms, nautical terms, military terms, Latin quantities, those endless excuses for the worst forms of Brit- ish snobbery, all leave me cold.) In discussing methods of work, he writes: ' (. . . It will interest you to know that Oscar JVilde dropped all his pleasures when he wrote his plays; retired into rooms in St. James' Place, hired ad hoc, to write the first line; and did not leave them till he had written the last. And one of them a least, The Importance, zvas a perfect work of art, whatever one may think of the others.) Though he enjoyed his rest-cure, it gave him —he complained — no news to communicate: 1 Incidentally, my father lived 85 years, during all of which he never spoke of his particular regiment, brigade, division or army corps as anything but the Coldcream Guards; not in jest but in sheer, manly, gentlemanly ignorance. 88 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos You're not interested in my hrozvn dog and I speak to no one else. On my pointing out that I could not be interested in an animal of which I had hither- to not heard, Teixeira wrote, 4. 6. 20: . . . It must have been my morbid delicacy that prevented me, knowing your dislike of dogs, from fnentionitig the brovcn dog before. As a man gains strength, he loses delicacy: that ex- plains though it does not excuse my late reference to him. He is an Irish terrier, endowed with a vast sense of humour, who runs about on three legs (which is one more than I, who am eighteen times his age, can boast) and plays with me from ten till half-past six (when I go to bed). He saves me from all boredom and I am grateful to him. . . . Little by little I am beginning to itch for work. . . I can't work yet; but I regard the itch- ing as a good sign. And I no longer find these longish letters so much of a strain. It takes a lot to kill a Portugal.^ Bring me to the gentle remembrance of your charming host and hostess. I wonder if I shall ever meet either of them at one of your pleasant 1 Perfectly good seventeenth-century English. 89 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos dinners agam. I wonder if I shall ever dine with you again at all. . . . On 8. 6. 20 he writes: . . . I send you a letter from . . . a Beau- mont master and scholastic in minor orders. Apart from its nice misspelling, its noble, broad- minded casuistry will explain to you why I love the Church, as it explains to me why you hate it. Cependant / suppose that I must set to work and read me a little Darwin. I am making fair progress, as my recent letters must have proved to you. But I do not yet consider myself near enough to complete recov- ery to return to town. . . . In June Teixeira was created a Chevalier of the Order of Leopold II. My letter of congratulation was annotated on this and other subjects: Referring to a criticism of Kipps, I had written: It is excellent stuff, and I always regard Wells as being one of the . . . greatest . . . comedy- writers. But I always feel that in Kipps and all the earlier books he is only working up to Mr. 90 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos Polly, which is the most exquisite thing that he has done in that line. (I have read both down here and prefer Kipps. The phrases underlined, quoted in the Times notice (attached) of fVells' Polly-Kippsian "His- tory of the World" reminds me irresistibly of the old lady who, witnessing a performance of "Anthony and Cleopatra," by your Mr. Shake- speare or our Mr. Shaw, observed: "How dif- ferent from the home life of our dear queen!") . . . Let me offer you — a trifle belatedly per- haps — my congratulations on your new dignity. ("Thanks." A. Kipps) Certainly you should tell the [Belgian] Ambas- sador that it is not only inconvenient but impos- sible for you to be invested in person and that he must send you the warrant and insignia. . . . Did I ever tell you the story of Mr. G.'s search for a decoration? The Kaiser refused to give him one on any consideration, and he therefore toured Europe, lending or giving money to one government after another in the hope of being ultimately rewarded with the 4th class of the Speckled Pig. In every court he was promised his decoration, but, when he presented himself for the investiture, the court officials turned from him with just that expression of loathing and nausea which he had formerly observed on the 91 Alexander Teixeira de Mattes face of the Kaiser. It was only when he reached Bulgaria that he found the Czar and his court less squeamish. On payment of a considerable sola- tium he was invested with the igth class of the Expiring Porpoise and returned in triumph to his native Stettin. Here, however, his troubles were only beginning, as he was unable to obtain per- mission to wear the Expiring Porpoise at any public function in Gerfnany. Seeing that he had paid one considerable sum to the Bulgarian Czar and another to the firm of jewellers, who sub- stituted diamonds for the paste of the jewel he felt, naturally enough, that he ivas receiving little value for his lavish expenditure. Bulgaria, it seemed, was the only country where the Expiring Porpoise could be worn. Accordingly he re- turned to Sofia and paid a further su7n to be in- vited to the banquet which the burgomaster of Sofia was giving on the Czar's birthday. Here he was at length rewarded for so many months of disappointment and neglect. Before the soup had been served, the Czar had hurried round to his place and was kissing him on both cheeks. ''My dear old friend!" said he, "No, you are not to call me 'sir' ; henceforth it is 'Fritz' and 'Ferdinand' betzveen us, is it not? How long it is since last I sazu you! I have been waiting to express my heart-felt regret for the unpardonable Alexander Teixeira de Mattos carelessness of my Chamberlain. When it was too late and you had left Sofia (/ feared for ever) ^ my Chamberlain discovered that you had been invested with the igth Class of the Expiring Porpoise. You must have thought me mad, for no sane man would offer the igth class to a per- son of your distinction. It was the ist class that I intended. This bauble that I am wearing round my neck to-night. Tell me, my dear Fritz, that it is not too late for me to repair my error." PVith that word the Czar removed the collar and jewel from his own neck and slipped it over the head of G. taking in exchange G.'s despised collar and jewel of the igth class. It was only when our friend returned to his hotel that he discovered the new jewel to be of the most unfinished paste, as cheap or cheaper than the paste which he had previously retnoved at such expense from the jewel of the igth class. (This is a splendid story.) I am afraid, I added, that I have no idea who is the official to zvhom you apply for leave to wear these things. . . . (My dear Stephen, you had better here and now adopt as your maxim what I said to Brown- ing soon after he had engaged my services on behalf of H. M. G.: "I yield to no man living in my ignorance on every subject under the sun." 93 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos You outdo and outvie me. You never know anything. In other words, you know nothing. But I'll wager that these are worn without per- mission. What's the penalty? The Morning Post to-day names a couple of dozen to whom it's been granted.) Evidently feeling that I was living to> much alone, Teixeira enclosed a copy of Th. Times' list of forthcoming dances: (Don't wait for invitations, he urged in a post- script. Ring the top bell and walk inside.) The next letter needs to have Teixeira's use of the word palimpsest explained. His good-nature in reading his friends' manu- scripts was inexhaustible. I never intended him to do more than give me a general opinion; but his critical vision was micro- scopic, and he filled the margins with ques- tions and comments. In returning me one manuscript, he wrote: / have made some 8oo notes, of which 600 are purely frivolous. Six are worth serious atten- tion. While this textual scrutiny was quite inval- 94 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos uable, Teixeira seldom gave that general opinion of which I always felt in most need at the moment when I had lately finished a book and was unable to regard it with detach- ment. Accordingly, the manuscript, on leav- ing him, was usually sent to another friend, who commented not only on the text but also on the marginalia. As her occasional con- troversies with Teixeira (expressed in such minutes as: "Pull yourself together, Mr. T!" ''You men! One's as bad as the other, you know." "Never mind what Mr. T. says, Stephen: I understand." "I u^ish my brain worked as quickly as that.") and with me invited rejoinders, the first ver- sion of a manuscript sometimes took on the appearance of a contentious departmental file. It was in this form that Teixeira called it a palimpsest. On 22. 6. 20 he writes: Thanks for your letter and the palimpsest. . . . I've studied it amid distressing circumstances, in 95 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos a long-chair, on a lawn, beneath the sun, sur- rounded by breezes and patients, who being for- bidden to speak to me, dare not help me to collect the scattered pages. . . . Lady D. is another of England's darlings. In the first place, she nearly always agrees with me and there she's right: I have told you time after time that, if only everybody would agree with me, the world would be an infinitely sweeter place. In the second place, she dislikes Brown- ing almost as much as I do. No one can dislike him quite so much; but she certainly disapproves of your particular taste in extracts from the bur- joice mountebank's rhymed works. I can understand that she sometimes unsettles you by condemning you for the quite logical be- haviour of the male characters in your trilogy: you might meet this by presenting her zvith a copy of Thus spake Zarathustra in addition to those pencils which will mark which you already had in mind for her. On the other hand, I think that you may safely take her word for it when she says: "Oh, Stephen, women aren't like this!" Send me more! Send me more! In a letter of 22. 6. 20, he wrote: To-morrow I make my way up to Oxford for 96 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos the House Gaudy but before leaving I may find a moment to report my movements. Teixeira comments: (I have heard of the House Beautiful but never of the House Gaudy. Now don't be a British snob but answer like a little Irish gentleman, as I should answer if you asked me what "acht- eti-tachtig Jchtergracht" mean in Dutch. Of course, working it out in the light of my own in- telligence, I feel that, if "House" is an Oxford sobriquet for Christ Church and "gaudy" Oxford slang for a merrymaking of sorts, you ought to have suppressed that capital G and written "the House gaudy," in distinction from the Balliol gaudy, the Magdalen gaudy, etc. You are not a Hottentot (Loud cheers), hut you are as fond of capital letters as a Hottentot is of glass beads. I'm feeling rather full of beans to-day . . . (as you perceive.) . . . The improvement was visibly maintained in his letter of 25. 6. 20: Thanks for your two letters of the 2^rd and 2^th instant postum. Don't start; instant pos- tum is the ridiculous name of the toothsome bev- . 97 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos erage ivliich my specialist ordered me to take instead of tea or cojfee. . . . I jump at the chance of playing the school- master in the matter of those capital letters. It is too utterly jolly finding you in a compliant mood. . . . My rule and yours might well be to start with a definite prejudice against capital letters in the middle of a sentence, cofubined with a resolve never to use them if it can be avoided. Having taken up this firm standpoint, we can afford and we can begin to make concessions. For instance, my heart leapt with joy, nearly iwenty years ago, when the founders of the Burlington Review decided to abolish all capitals to adjectives, to print "french, german, egyptian, persian," etc. You have no idea how well this affected the page. But what is all right in a majestic review (or was it magazine, by the way?) like the Burlington may look ultraprecious in a novel. Therefore I concede French, German, etc. Only remember that it is a concession, a concession to Anglo- American vulgarity. A Frenchman writes (and that not invariably : I mean, not every French- man). "Un Francais les Anglais," but (invar- iably) "L'elan francais, le rosbif anglais '^ The Germans and Danes begin all nouns with a capi- tal (as the English did, in some centuries), but 98 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos no adjectives whatever. The Italians, Norwe- gians and Swedes have no capitals to their ad- jectives; the Dutch are gradually discarding them; they are discarded entirely in scientists* Latin: the Narbonne Lycos a (a certain spider of the Tarantida genus) in Latin becomes Lycosa narbonniensis. . . . Your question about "high mass" is, involun- tarily, not quite fair. Mass quite conceivably comes within the category of such words as State and a few others, which are spelt with a capital in one sense and not in another.^ I write "going to mass" (no French catholic would write "allant a la Messel") and I see no reason why catholics should write Mass except in a technical work. They would write "the Host" because of the real presence; but I see no more reason for the Mass than for Matins or Compline. Obviously, it is different in a technical work in translating Fabre, I speak of a JVasp, a Spider, a Beetle; in translating Couperus, I do not. . . . "The Colonel, the Major, the Vicar," in a novel; don't they set your teeth on edge? As well write about the Postmistress of the village. When in doubt, as I wrote to you on the sub- ject of the hyphenated noUns, take little Murray ^ 1 Even the French ivriie, invariably, un coup d'Etat, ie conseil d'Etat, but I'etat des coups, I'etat du conseil. 1 The Concise Oxford Dictionary. 99 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos for your guide. He has the sense to begin the vast, the i7nmense majority of his words with a lower-case letter. And there are doubtful words: Titanic, Cyclopean. I never know these without turning 'em up for myself. To sum up: (a) take a firm stand against capitals gener- ally; (b) be prepared to make moderate (i. e. grudging,) concessions ; (c) have little Alurray at your elbow. After so long a letter, Teixeira contented himself with a few annotations to one next day. On my telling him that I had congratulated a common friend of his son's "blue", he inter- posed: (I would write to A. P. if I knew what a "blue" was; but I really have not the remotest idea. Word of honour, I'm not conniegilchrist- ing. I presume it has to do with cricket; and it's a mere guess.) I have studied your exposition of capitals, I continued, with great interest and, I hope, profit, though there is a fundamental difficulty which I lOO Alexander Teixeira de Mattos hasten to put before you. ... So long as proper names intrude their capitals into mid- sentetice you cannot arrive at flat uniformity, and a few capitals more or less do not offend me. . . . / did not intend to be unfair about High Mass and first thought of suggesting for your consid- eration either Holy Communion or that hideous, hypocritical, pusillanimous compromise beloved of Anglicans, the "eucharist," then substituted the name of a ceremonial in your own church. You, I see, write of the Real Presence without capitals. (Gross knavery and insincerity on my part; rank scoundrelism. I'd have put caps, on any other occasion.) I should give capitals to this and to such words as Incarnation, Crucifixion and Ascension, when used in a religious connection. Also to the word Hegira and any similar words culled from any other religion. As I told you before, I am with- out a rule and would let almost any word have its capital, if I could please it thereby. Words used in a special sense also have their capitals from me, as for example Hall, when that means a college dinner served in hall. No, I am afraid that a capital for colonel, major and vicar leaves my teeth unmoved, and I could write postmis- lOI Alexander Teixeira de Mattos tress with a capital light-heartedly. On the other hand I should not use a capital for dustman, as this is not a title or office. I am, as you see, cjuite illogical and inconsist- ent; and, if I try to follow your rides, it will be only in the hope of pleasing you. I cannot rouse myself to any enthusiasm for or against a liberal use of capitals and I do not think that it is a matter of great importance. On consid- erations of comeliness, I think the French printed page, with its vile type and vile, fiufy paper, is one of the ugliest things (Nonsense, nonsense, you iinasthetic Celt! The unsought, natural beauty and perfection of the page make up for all the inferiority of the material. Never say that again! Your friend Seymour Leslie would scratch and claw you for it.) ever allowed to issue from a printing press, but that may be only insular prejudice. . . . Forgive a boring letter, I beg, but I am in a thoroughly boring mood. (Grawnted.) . . . A postscript to this controversy came on a postcard dated 28. 6. 20: . . . Darwin spells "the king'' with a small "k." He is rather good in spelling, bad in punctuat- ion, execrable in statement, logic, deduction. In 102 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos The Descent of Man he says: "Music arouses in us various emotions, but not the more terrible ones of horror, fear, rage, etc.'' lie had never heard of me, though I was ij when he died. Tex. Crowborough, JO June (alas, how time flies!) igzo. For your two letters of 28, 2g June, many thanks. I really can't write and congratulate H. o« that! How awful! And to think that, if Lionel [the recipient of the "blue"] had been "vowed" to the B. V. M. in his infancy, he'd have worn nothing but blue and white, anyhow, till he came of age! . . . (Objecting to my having enclosed the phrase ^'honest broker" in inverted commas, he continues : Lady Y., you may remember, said: "Good beobles, we come here for your goots." "Ay," they replied, "and for our chattels too!" I don' t zvant your chattels; but I am convinced that I came to England for your goots and to save you from degenerating into a lady novelist. 103 Alexander Teixeira de JVLattos The worst of it is that Lady D. agreed with you. . . . Seriously, however: suppose Winston were to use a perfectly commonplace metaphor, to say, e. g., that he had ordered the Gallipoli expedi- tion off his own hat. Would that for all time raise those four words from the commonplace to the exceptional? Could you never employ that phrase except in '' quotes"? . . . Be sensible. Do not fight against your res- cuer. Let me, when I receive the Royal Humane Society's medal, feel that my gallant efforts were not in vain, that I succeeded in saving your life and sold! . . . P. S. An invitation to the . . . Oppenheim wed- ding has just arrived. Like the man ivho an- swered the big-game-hunter's advertisement, I'm not going.^ ^ The reference here is to a story illustrative of the tricks which a man's memory sometimes plays him: Reading in the Morning Post, that Mr. John Brown, of 500 Clarges Street, is shortly leaving for Uganda on a big-game- shooting expedition and would like a gentleman to come with him, sharing expenses, thought no more of the advertisement and went about his day's work. That night he dined intemper- ately. On being ejected from his club, he was bound for home when he recalled the forgotten advertisement and decided that something must be done about it. Driving to 500 Clarges Street, he demanded to see Mr. John Brown. "Are you Mr. John Brown?" he enquired of a sleepy and illhumoured figure in pyjamas. "I am, sir," answered John Brown. 104 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos "You're the Mr. John Brown going shooting Uganda?" "Yes." "You want shome one come with you?" "Yes." . . . "Share 'spenshes?" "Yes." "You put that 'vertisshment in Morning Posht?" "Yes." "I thought sho. Shorry Icnock you up. Felt I musht tell you. , . . that I'm not coming." . . . Trusting thai this mill find you alive, he writes 7. 7. 20, / write to thank you for your letter and to return the book. [The Diary of a No- body]. // amused jne, though I am not prepared to go as far as Rosebinger, Birring er or Bel- linger. I could certainly furnish a bedroom with- out it; in fact, I hope to die before I read it again; I don't rank it with Don Quixote; and I have never seen the statue of St. John the Bap- tist, so "can't say." I think that Mr. Hardfur Huttle, towards the end, does much to cheer the reader. I have bought pahnds and pahnds' worth of hooks; I am rou-inned; and yet I never have aught to read. Can you lend me Huxley's Col- lected Essays? Can you lend me anything in which somebody "goes for" somebody else? I yearn to read savage attacks; you know what I mean: not attaxi-cabri-au lait, but attacks free from all milk of human kindness. 105 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos Here is a typical quotation from your fav- ourite "poet", whojn, by the way, Benjamin Beac- ons field disliked as much as I do: "Out of the wreck I rise, past Zeus to the P(sic)otency o'er him." Nice and typical, isn't itf But you mustn't use it, as the first six words form the title of a novel by Beatrice Harraden which I have been driven to read down here by the dearth of books. My last two purchases have just arrived; series i and ii of the New Decameron. Shall I enjoy them? . . . You will want something to read in the train, he writes on lo. 7. 20. Read this Muddiman s jMen of the Nineties. Bilt please return it to me; it will serve to keep the child quiet when she next comes down. And it served to make me feel very young again (seven years younger than you are now) to read of all those remarkable men with whom I foregathered in the nineties. They would probably have accepted Squire and Siegfried Sassoon.^ None of the other poets; none of the prose-writers, painters, "blasters" or blighters. . . . In acknowledging the book, I objected to what I considered the excessive importance ^ They would have gone quite mad over the Russian Ballet. 106 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos that is still attached to the men of the nineties and to their work: / doubt, I wrote, 12.7.20, whether the years iSgo to igoo have produced more per- manent literature of the first order than any other decade of the igth century — or the twentieth. Paris was discovered anew in those days and seemed a tremendous discovery, though its in- fluence was meretricious, and the imitations from the French were usually of the worst French models. The discovery of art for art's sake was, I ahvays feel, the most meaningless and preten- tious of all other shams. Even Wilde never made clear 'what he meant by the phrase, though he and his school interpreted it practically by a wholly decadent over-elaboration of decoration. The interest of the period lies in the astounding success achieved by this noisy and self-sufficient coterie in imposing itself on the easily startled, and easily shocked and still more easily impressed middle and upper classes of London society. But that is a thing that so many people can do and a thing that is so seldom worth doing. In a later letter, I added, 15.6. 20: / believe that the great bubble of the nineties has been pricked for the present generation. All 107 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos the zi-ork of Max, most of Beardsley and a little of Wilde have a permanent place; and, if some one would do for the poets and essayists of the mineties zihat Eddie Marsh has done for the Georgian poets, we might have one volume of moderate size containing the poetry of interest and good craftsmanship though of little power or originality. . . . Whether [the artistic movement of the nineties] effected any great liberation of spirit or manner from the fetters of mid-Victorian litera- ture I cannot say, though I am inclined to doubt it. That liberation was being achieved by individual writers such as Meredith and Kipling, who never had anything to do with the domino-room of the Cheshire Cheese. Never, I am sure, was any artistic group so void of humour as the men of the nineties. Having damned them, their period and work so far, I may surprise you by conceding that they do still arouse great interest. . . . I have been thinking that it is almost your duty to put on permanent record your own knowledge and opinions about this school. Max Beerbohm is unlikely to do it, and you must now be one of the very few men living who were on terms of intimacy with the leaders of the movement. . . . Men under thirty have never heard of John Gray, io8 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos Grackanthorpe or your over advertised American friend Peters. Your annotations to Muddi- man's book go some very little distance towards filling this gap, but I think you should undertake something more substantial. For heaven s sake do not call it The History of the Nineties, but is there any reason why you should not — from your memory and without consulting a single work of reference — compile a little book of Notes on the 'Nineties? Make it an informal dictionary of biography, put down all the names of the men associated with that movement at leisure, record about each everything that has not yet appeared in print and correct the occasionally incorrect accounts of other writers. Such a book would be a valuable addition to literary history, It would be amusing and not difficult for you to write, it could be turned to the profit of your reputation and pocket. . . . For this criticism Teixeira took me to task in his letter of 14. 7. 20. And now, Stephen, tremble. How often have I not called you "the wise youth!" How con- stantly have I not believed you to be filled with knowledge, either acquired or instinctive and in- tuitive, of most things! And nozv your letter . . . has disappointed me almost to tears. 109 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos Your only excuse would be that you took Oscar Wilde and Bernard Shaw to he and practically alone to be the men of the nineties. That is not so. And, if you agree with 7ne that Oscar was a man of the eighties and that Shazv is a man of the twentieth century, you have no excuse what- ever and g8^/o of the first paragraph in your letter is dead wrong. I presume that you keep copies of your letters to me: you should; they will be Useful for your Memoirs of a Celibate (John Murray: 1950; i05/-net). Anyhow, here goes: There was no question of either a literary re- vival or revolution in the nineties and there was no sham, colossal or minute. The 7nen engaged were not pretentious, not conceited, not humbugs. They were a group of 7nen, mostly under JO, who just wrote and drew and painted as well as they could, in all sincerity and with no view of financial gain. Dowson, John- son, Horner, Image, etc., etc., etc., were the hum- blest, most modest lot of literary men I ever met. Their output was not immense: it was infin- itesimal, just because they were so careful to produce only work that was ''just so." Think, Stephen. What did Henry Harland, one of the few to live to over 40, put out? The Cardinal's Snuff Box, My Friend Prospers, Mademoiselle no Alexander Teixeira de Mattos Miss and Other Stories: that is all! Ernest Dowson: two slim volumes of verse, half-a- dozen short stories, a collaborator s share in two novels. John Gray: one slim volume of verse. Lionel Johnson: God knows how little. And so on. Arthur Symns has worked on steadily, but, though he is getting on for sixty, you cannot say that his output is immense or contains anything that was not worth doing. Immensely advertised! Where? And by whom? Beardsley's output was immense, for his years. Ought not the world to he grateful for it? He told me once that he had an itch for work; and it looked afterwards as if he knew that he was doomed to die at 24 or 26 and wanted to throw of all he could before. When he worked no one knew: no one ever saw him at work and he was always about and always accessible. He was not conceited. . . . Rickets and Shan- non were a little conceited: they had a way of "coming the Pope" over the rest, as Will Roth- enstein once put it to me. (Will always took "a proper pride" in his excellent work, but no more). But, Lord, hadn't they the right to he? Was ever a book more beautifully designed than Silverpoints (cover, page, type, typesetting by Ricketts)? Place Ricketts' cover of the Pageant III Alexander Teixeira de Mattos beside any other book in your library and tell me how it strikes you. Look at anything that Charles Shannon condescends to exhibit in the Academy and see how the quality of it slays everything around it exactly as a picture by Whis- tler or Rossetti would do. To revert to immensity of output (I have to keep levanting and tacking about), I call im- mense the output of Belloc (the modern Sterne) , Chesterton (the modern Swift), E. V. Lucas (the modern Addison) ; they themselves would be flattered at the comparisons. These chaps, though they can and sometimes do write as well as the men of the nineties, spoil their average by writing immensely ; and they write immensely be- cause they want a good deal of money. Now the men of the nineties hadn't clubs, homes, wives or children; lunched for a shilling; dined for eighteen pence; and didn't want a lot of money. They cared neither for money nor fame; they cared for their own esteem and that of what you call their coterie and I their set. And that (to answer a question which you once asked me) is art for art's sake; and I maintain that it is not right to call this meaningless or pre- tentious or a sham. This coterie, or set, was not noisy: I never met a quieter; it was self-sufficient only in the I 12 Alexander Tetxeira de Mattos best sense; and it in no way imposed or impressed itself on the middle and upper classes of London society. How could they? I doubt if any num- ber of the Savoy ever sold i ,000 copies; certainly no number ever sold 2,000. And they . . . were never in society, were never in the outskirts of society and never wanted to be in either. But there! I daresay you were thinking of Oscar all the tifne. . . . Enter on the lawn a nurse bearing my dinner- tray. After dinner I retire to bed. . . . One day, Teixeira added, 17. 7. 20, I'll re- turn to those men of the nineties (I will never write a book about the??i: really I was too much outside them). . . . I trust that some Leonard Merricks are on the way: I'm nigh starved for books again. Don't send me Zola or Balzac in English: I couldn't stomach the translations. And I ex- pect you're right about Balzac's French style. Those giants were awful chaps: Balzac, Rubens, the pylon-designing Baincs, brrrf . . . On 22, 7. 20 he writes : / beseech you, if you haven't it, buy yourself a copy of The Home Life of Herbert Spencer. By "Two." // is the book praised by "Rozbury" in his letter to Arrowsmith prefacing The Diary 113 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos of a Nobody. / bought it and began to shake zvith laughter at Rosebery' s being such an ass. But, after a few pages, I began to see what he meant; and then, time after time, I nearly rolled off my long-chair with laughing not at Rosebery but ivith him. I'd lend it you, but it'll only cost you 3/6; and I want you to have it as a com- panion volume to The Diary. However, if you will not buy it, I will lend it to you. You've ''got" to read it, or I will never write you another letter. And on 23. 7. 20: Some 32 years ago, "Pearl Hobbes" wrote to me that I ought to translate Balzac; and I am sorry it is too late for me to do Goriot. / am rereading it all the same with much enjoyment, though I think that these gala editions should be at least as well translated as my Lutetian set of six Zola novels. Huxley, in his little autobiography, writes: "As Rastignac, in the Pere Goriot, says to Paris, I said to London: " 'A nous deux!' " I remembered that this came at the end of the book, turned to it and found: "Rastignac . . . saw beneath him Paris, . . . The glance he darted on this buzzing hive seemed 114 } >) Alexander Teixeira de Mattos in advance to drink its honey, while he said proudly: " 'Nd'-jo for our turn — hers and mine. An epigrammatic tag sadly boshed, I think. I find that "leave them nothing but their eyes to weep with'' occurs in this hook; so we must absolve poor old Bismark at any rate from in- venting this bloodthirsty phrase. And I find the Ukraine mentioned! The Ukraine! The dear old Ukraine! A sweet land of which I — and you? he honest! had never heard before the days of the W . T . I. D. I have sent for a complete set of Heine from Heinemann; it just occurred to me that I have read little of this great man's. And I am told that the translation is good. . . . Do E. and J., he asks, 26. 7. 20, ever perpet- rate those plays upon words of zvhich Heine zvas so fond? They are not exactly puns; I am not sure that quodlibets isn't the word for them. E. G. : Herr von Schnabelowpski smites the heart of a Dutch hotel-proprietress. Over the real china cups she gazes at him porcela (i) nguidly. That is not a very good example. This one is better: Heine calls on Rothschild at Frank- furt. Rothschild receives him quite famillion- airly. Good-bye. It threatens rain; and I propose 115 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos to spend the day in bed, with the proofs of The Inevitable. . . . A criticism of Plarr's Life of Dowson leads Teixeira, 27. 7. 20, to annotate the letter that contained it: . . . I was suggesting, I wrote, that the ef- fect . . . on the minds of a generation which knew not Dowson zvotdd be to make it feel that it did not want to know him. . . . (Your cecession from Catholicism, he replies, has done you McKennas a lot of harm. You flout tradition and go in for rational inference and deduction in its place. Horrible, horrible! The apostles are not all dead; many of them are your living contemporaries; you could, if you like, leceive at first hand their memories of their dead fellows; and you prefer to make up your own mistaken impressions in the light of your own mistaken intellect. fVell, well! And, if you write just that sort of life of me, I'll wriggle zvith pleasure in my coffin.) This evening Henry Arthur Jones is giving a dinner . . . to James M. Beck. . . . I have been hidden to attend. . . . (Beck is the finest orator I ever heard; and I've heard Gladstone inter alios. 116 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos Those Heine qiiodlihets about which I wrote y'day are, I believe, called "split puns," though I doubt the happiness of the term. I made one in my sleep this morning: rowdies on the Brighton road indulging in a charabanquet. . . . ) I can never have news, as you may imagine, writes Teixeira, 29. 7. 20; my letters must be always replies to yours. . . . I like your Cave-Brown-Cave story if it was true; it probably zvas, as a family of that name exists.^ I never heard John Redmond, I am sorry to say. He was, so to speak, after my time. I heard Parnell and, if I were only a mimic, coidd give you his curiously contemptuous, high-bred, high-pitched voice to-day. I heard Randolph; and at the time, in the eighties, both he and Arthur Balfour used to lisp. Does A. B. lisp now? Answer this: it interests 7ne; and it has a sort of bearing on that passing-fashion com- petition which you were starting. So essential to birth and breeding was the lisp in those days that even the English-bred Comte de Paris lisped . . . in French! I was at his silver wed- 1 The story in question was of a member of the Cave-Brown- Cave family, who, after conversing with a stranger in a rail- way-carriage, was asked his name. "Cave-Brown-Cave," he replied. "And may I ask yours?" "Home-Sweet-Home," answered his infuriated interlocutor. 117 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos ding and well remember his reception of me. "Youth etes le bienvenu ithi!" Incidentally I remember that good King Ed- ward ("then Prince of Wales," as the memoir- writers say) glared at me furiously on that oc- casion, because I was wearing trousers of the identical pattern as his: an Urquhart check with a pink line. . . . In the course of a dinner-party given at this time, the conversation turned on those men and women who had won everlasting renown with the least effort or justification. The United States Ambassador (Mr. Davis) pro- posed Eutychus, of whom little is known but that he fell asleep during a sermon and tumbled from a window: I suggested the uncaring Gallio, who did less and is better known. Some one else put forward Melchis- edec. Agreeing that every name in the Bible has a certain immortality, we turned to sec- ular history. At the subsequent instigation of Mr. Davis, Lord Curzon of Kedleston propounded "the apple-bearing son of Wil- liam Tell." I invited Teixeira to give his opinion. ii8 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos I can't compete with Ciirzon, he replied on 6. 8. 20, though I've tried. After all, he was one of the Souls! I did think of Alfred and the cakes; but that monarch owes only % of his immortality to those cakes and young Tell owed all his to the apple. But stay! Many hold Tell and his offspring to be mythical persons. If so, what about the good wife who scolded Al- fred? I should like you to find some one who will say that I have beaten Curzon. . . . I shall be in town from 8 September to a few days later. If you want to see me, you must arrange your engagements accordingly. I am the colour which we can never get our brown shoes to assume till just before the moment when they drop off our feet. But I am as weak as ten thou- sand rats. . . . On 7. 8. 20 he writes : You will remember that . . . I declined to join your Passing Fashion Research Society, or what- ever you decided to call it. But I have no ob- jection to being an honorary corresponding mem- ber. And I will set you a subject. To establish the year in which it first became the vogue for smart British males to don a de- liberately dowdy attire. 119 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos The dozvdiness all burst upon my astonished eyes at once: the up-and-down collar worn with a top hat and a morning coat; permanently turned trousers worn with Oxford shoes, so as to display an inch or so of sock; tie usually to match the socks and often "self-coloured" and pat- ternless. There are three items of sheer deliber- ate ddivdiness for you. Another dowdy item was even a little earlier, I believe: the one-but- toned glove, showing a bit of bare wrist between it and the shirt-cuff. But the soft-fronted dress- shirt, also a piece of dowdy dandyism, came in much at the same time as the three specimens cited above. I should guess the year to be either igoj or iQoS, but I am not quite sure. You, with your wonderful memory, may be able to place it, for igoy-S marks the period when you burst upon the London firmainent. I — who con remember witnessing a departure for Cremorne — I, I need hardly tell you, remem- ber much older and almost as strange things. I remember peg-top trowsers, skin-tight trowsers-, bell-shaped trowsers, though I can't fix the epoch of any of these phenomena; and I can remember when we deliberately wore our trowsers so long that we trod upon them with our heels and frayed them; and that was in 1880-1. 120 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos But all I ask that you should fix is the date of the deliberately dawdy well-dressed man. . . . I think, he writes, 9. 8. 20, that the time has come for you to write . . . a big political novel, a big, serious, flippant, earnest, sarcastic, political novel. . . , Your book should be quite Disrael- ian in scope; it should be a roman a clef to this extent, that it would contain half — or quarter- portraits; and you ought to concentrate on it very thoroughly. I am convinced that the world is waiting for it. Do you observe the comparative sweetness of my mood. It is doojned entirely to this glorious weather. For the rest, I hope and believe that you never resent those zvhacks with which, when the sky is overcast, I am apt to belabour my cor- respondents like an elderly Mr. Punch on his hustings. My good, kind Brighton doctor — good because he is clever, kind because he charges me no fee — was over here from Brighton y day to see me. He tells me that this peculiar susceptibility of mine to atmospheric influence is a sympto^n of convalescence rather than ill-health. He is much pleased with the improvement in my condition; and he approves of my winter plans, though he would rather have dispatched me to San Remo or even Egypt had either been feasible. 121 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos Read Max on Swinburne in the Fortnightly Review when you get the chance and contrast it with George Moore' s account of his visit to Swin- burne, in which he can only tell us that he found the poet naked in bed. I forget where it oc- curs. . . . In answering this letter I pointed out that Disraeli avoided the great political issues of the days in which he was writing and that any author, such as H. G. Wells in The Neiv Machiavelli, Granville Barker in JVaste and H. M. Harwood in the Grain of Mustard Seed, who attempts a political theme is al- most bound to impale himself on one or other horn of a dilemma ; if his novel or play revolve round a living controversy such as the right to strike in war-time or the justice of order- ing reprisals in Ireland, the theatre may be- come the scene of a nightly riot and the critics will consider their own political preferences more earnestly than the literary merits of the book; if the action of play or novel be based on a dead or unborn controversy, it will fail to arouse the faintest interest. I was sure that the other admirers of the three works 122 Alexander Teixeira de Maftos which I quoted were unmoved by the endow- ment of motherhood, by educational reform and by housing schemes. In reply, Teixeira wrote, ii. 8. 20: . . . Don't slay the siigyestions of the big political novel ojf-hand or outright. I mean a bigger thing than you do; a thing that not Wells nor Barker nor Harzvood . . . could write, whereas you, I think, could; a thing as big as Coningsby; a thing called The Secretary of State or The First Lord of the Treasury, or some such frank affair as that. You have kept up a ''very average" logical position in life. You know a number of states- men, but you know only those whom you like and you like only those zvhom you esteem. Your por- traits of those whom you esteem could not offend them; your sketch even of a genial rogue . . . could not offend him; and you don't or ought not to care if your daguerreotypes of S., M. and B. offended them or not. . . . Incidentally you might do no little good, to Ireland, which should have been your native land, to England, which by your own choice remains your home, and to the world in general, to which I hope that you bear no ill-will. . . . 123 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos In his next letter, 14. 8. 20, he returns to the same subject: Your letter . . . pretty ivell convinces me, at any rate about the Coningsby novel. Dizzy never zvrote about the period in which he was just then living. All his novels are antedated a good many years. This by way of defending him against any idea that he ever of ended by betraying private or official secrets in his novels. . . . One of Teixeira's last letters (19.8.20) from Crowborough contained a translation of the terms (already quoted) in which Couperus congratulated him on his version of The Tour'. Couperus writes : ''Your last envoi has given me a most delight- ful day. What a magnificent translation. The Tour is; what a most charming little book it has become! I am in raptures over it and read and reread it all day and have had tears in my eyes and have laughed over it. You may think it silly of me to say all this; but it has become an exquisitely beautiful work in its English form. My warmest congratulations! . . . "Thank McKenna for his assistance: the hymn has become very fine. For that matter the 124 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos whole hook is a gem, if I may say so myself." So I've had one appreciative reader at any rate! . . . On 27. 8. 20 he adds: Tell Norman [Major Holden, then liberal candidate for the Isle of Wight] that, shotdd there be an election in "the island" before I leave Fentnor, he'll find me both able and ready to impersonate the oldest inhabitant and gallop to the polling-station, in my bath-chair, and vote for him. . . . And, finally, in praise of toleration: J/ August ig20 (being the birthday of Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands). It won't do to insist on this racial aspect of things. I was never of those who called L. G. a damned little fVelsh solicitor. He would have been just the same had be been Scotch or English or Irish. After all, our friend R. is little and JVelsh and was a solicitor and zcill as likely as not be damned if he doesn't join his wife's church. And there is the converse case, when you hear men describing an outrage committed by English- men as "unenglish." How can the things be un- ) I english which the English do? 125 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos Like yourself, the late JV. H. Smith was shocked when Parnell stood up and told the House of Commons . . . that he had lied to them in the interests of his country. I like to think of you as occupying a subtler and more philosophi- cal standpoint than the late W . H. Smith. . . . I continue to feel better; and the arrival of two very pretty women patients has loosed my tongue and given me an outlet for many a child- ish and innocent jest. I excuse these jests by [ saying that they're due to Minerva. 'Who's Minerva?" \ ''Mi-nervous breakdown. By the way, I hope you like your Jiff" "Our 'Alf? What do you mean?" "Your al-f-resco meals." Just like that! . . . 126 XI For the next few days Teixeira was ab- sorbed in his preparations for leaving Crow- borough. On arriving in London, he came to stay with me until he and his wife went to the Isle of Wight for the autumn and winter. In acknowledging, on 1.9. 20 his instruc- tions about the diet on which he now lived, I wrote : Many thanks for your letter written on the anniversary of Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands. Do not forget to date any letters you may write on Friday the anniversary of Naseby, the crowning mercy of JVorcester and the death of O. Cromwell. Teixeira interpolated here: (And the birthday of my late aunt Judith Teix- eira.) On 2. 9. 20 he writes : Dodd [Dodd, Mead and Co. Inc.] is going to reissue [Couperus'] Majesty in America and Alexander Teixeira de Mattos zvoiild like you to write a preface to it. . . . JVill you do this? I should very much like you to. It involves re-reading the book, I fear; but after that you zmll not have much to do except to draw an analogy between the hero and the poor Czar, on whose character the recent articles in the Times have thrown an interesting light. I reminded Teixeira that I had never read Majesty^ as I had never been able to secure a copy. You're perfectly right, he replied on 5. 9. 20. ril bring the only copy in the world, that I know of, in my suit-case. You will be able to point to some remarkable prophecies on C's part (he foretold the Hague Conference years before it happened) and, for the rest, to let yourself go as you please on high continental dynastic politics. I doubt if any zvriter ever entered into the soul of princes as this astonishing youth of 25 or so did. . . . I propose to revise Majesty so thoroughly that I shall be entitled to eliininate Ernest Dowson's name from the title-page, even as I eliminated John Gray's from that of Ecstacy. There was no true collaboration in either case ; and they did little more for me than you did in Old People: 128 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos not so much as you did in The Tour. Neither had the original before him. I look forward greatly to my stay with you . . . Eimar O' Duffy [the author of The Wasted Is- land] has been married by another novelist and has gone to live with her in a cottage in Wexford. She spells her name Cathleen; and he has sent me his early poems, in which he spelt his name Eimhar. He tells me that this spelling was abandoned because it. didn't look well; this I ac- cept. He adds that it is pronounced Avar: this I do not believe. . . . On leaving me, Teixeira wrote 24. 9. 20 to tell me that he had reached Ventnor without mishap : This is not to acknowledge the receipt of any letter from you that may or may not be awaiting me at the County Cff Castle Club, an edifice into which I have not yet made my comital and cas- tellated entry. Rather is it to announce my safe arrival, after four hours of wearying travel, and my complete revival, after ten hours of refresh- ing sleep, and to repeat my thanks for your ut- terly exceptional and debonnair hospitality. The first impression of Ventnor is favour- able. . . . 129 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos This pococurantist attitude, if I may employ a phrase beloved by Teixeira, was not sup- ported by his wife in the postscript which she added: Poor fellow, he was so tired travelling and so good over it. This place one could wear rags in, it's so antiquated; and we shall return confirmed frumps and bores. There is some miniature beauty in a low hill and a tinkly pier that would be blown away in a quarter of a gale. . . . I have seen the sun and feel reasonably well and happy, Teixeira proclaims in a second letter on the same day. . . . From the end of September to the end of December, when I left England, our letters ' — though we corresponded almost daily were much taken up with business matters. I therefore only reproduce such extracts as throw light on Teixeira's literary opinions and on his life at Ventnor. My dear Stephen, loyal and true, he writes on 3. lo. 20; A thousand thanks for Lady Lilith, with its charming dedication, and for your let- ter. . . . I cannot well lend you the Repington volumes. I have them from the Times Book 130 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos Club, zvhich is all that my poor wife has to supply her with books. But seriously I advise you to buy them. They are as admirable as they are beastly. They form a perfect record of the war as you and I saw it; you will refer to them often in years to come; they mention every one that I know (except yourself) and a host more, every one that you know and a few more; and there is a very full index to them. . . . No, do not send me the Tree book: it will arrive in the next parcel from the Times Book Club. . . . There follows an account of a charac- teristic dialogue between Teixeira and his dentist: New (enumerating every action, like a comic- con fur er) : ''Spray!" Tex: "Oremus!". . . / wish, he writes on 6. lo. 20, that I had no correspondent but you: what good stuff I could write to you! But ig letters in one day: think of it! . . . My age is a melancholy one. The man of ^0 or 60 sees all his acquaintances and friends dying of in ones and twos: Heinemann and William- son to-day; who will it be to-morrowf When 131 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos he's yo, he begins to he a sole survivor, ivith no friends left to lose. You vcill find the Tree hook amusing as you go on with it. Four-fifths of it represent the life of a dead fairy told hy living fairies, one wittier and more whimsical than the others. I confess to tittering over Viola's ''screwing their screws to the sticking -point" and "peacocks held in the leash." And that's a glorious portrait of Julius, though, when I knew him, he was more mature and more majestic. . . . On II. lo. 20 he breaks into verse : My very dear Stephen McKenna, I'm reading your Lilith again, With much intellectual pleasure And some little physical pain. This jingle shaped itself within my head As I stepped to my table from my bed. It' s that physical pain I'm after for the present. The book hurts my eyes. . . . I've had a little petty cash from the Couperus books. It's been amusing to see that Small Souls in a given six months produces 75 times as much in America as in this benighted country. . . . Though he commonly kept his religion and politics to himself, Teixeira's sympathy with 132 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos the Irish moved him to write, 27.10.20: I'm angrily unhappy at the death of McSwiney. To kill a man with a face like that! Compare the faces of those who killed him! . . . It's a brute of a world that the sun is shining on so brightly. . . . I had contemplated spending the winter in a voyage up the Amazon, but abandoned it in favour of one down the east coast of South America. Teixeira comments, 29.10.20: Your new voyage is the more sensible and in- teresting by far. What's Amazon to you or you to Amazon? I pictured you and trembled for you, steaming slowly up that mighty river be- tween alligators taking pot-shots at you with pois- oned pea-shooters from one bank and humming- birds yapping split infinitives at you from the other. You will be much better off on board your goodish coasting tramp. . , . . . . It interested me, he adds, 20, 10. 20, to read in this morning's Times that Brazilian stock has risen a couple of points at the nezvs of your contemplated visit. I hope that Argentine rails will follow suit. . . . [A lady] when returning Shane Leslie's book, 133 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos ivhich I had lent to her and she enjoyed . . . had the asinine effrontery to ivrite to me . . . of "McSwiney's farcical death." Isn't it dreadful to think that the world has given birth to women who can write like that? Can death ever be farcical? We know that the epithet is wholly inapposite in the present in- stance. But can death ever be farcical? I told you, I think, of Major Johnson, who, throwing hot coppers from the balcony of the Grand Hotel in Paris at the crowd cheering Kruger, overbal- anced himself, fell to the pavement and was killed. That is the nearest approach to a farcical death that I can think of. But I should call it ironical. A farcical death. Alas! . . . On 31. 10. 20 he writes : / fear you will have a hell of a windy time at Deal or Dover or wherever JValmer Castle has its being (JVahner perhaps, as an afterthought) ? It is blowing half a gale here. The Dutch say "to lie like a horse-thief." The English ought to say "to lie like a guide-book." One lies before me at this moment: "In fact, Ventnor is a sun-box; and the east and north winds would have to confess that they 134 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos have not even a visiting acquaintance with her." At the same moment, these self-same winds are ''a-sharting in my ear" : "fVe don't confess to nothink of the sort! Ho, leave us in yer will before yer die!" 'Tis well to be you, looking forward to sailing the Spanish Alain. . . . Of Philip Guedalla's Supers and Super- men^ Teixeira writes, 7. 11. 20: / have got it out of the Times Book Club be- cause of a kindly notice. There are two or three delicious plums in it. . . . Among the happy phrases is one — "nudging us with his inimitably knowing inverted commas" — to which I \would in my mean, Parthian way call your attention, as bearing upon one of our recent controversies. . . . What is B. N. C, a N oxford college mentioned in Galsworthy's book? ^ he asks, 10,11.20. Bras (fz) enosf Hozv I hate these initials! . . . On St. Stanislaus' Day, he writes: Many thanks for your letter of yesterday (zvhich was the eve of St. Stanislaus) . . . I have no . . . bright social news for you. 1 In Chancery. Alexander Teixeira de Mattos Yet stay. A card was left upon me, a few days ago, by Captain Cave-Brown-Cave, R. N., with a verbal message: "fFoidd Mr. T eixeira-de-M attos-T eixeira care for a rubber of bridge one afternoon f Yesterday I accepted the soft invitation and took i^/- of Captain Cave-Brown-Cave and his fellow troglodytes. This would have been £'J at my normal points. These are our island adventures. Here is your Inevitable. Make me a list (zvill you?) of people who to your knowledge have entreated me hospitably during the past twelve-month, so that I may send them copies of this or some other book when Christmas co7neth round. With their addresses, please, of which I re- memhreth not one single one. . . . I had been recommended to go from Buenos Aires across the Andes to Valparaiso and to come home by Chile, Peru and the Panama Canal rather than to sail twice over the same course between Buenos Aires and South- ampton. 136 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos Teixeira comments on this change of plans in his letter of i6. 1 1 . 20 : They have had a cyclone, I see, at "Baircs," as tJie wireless used to have it at the JV. T. I. D; hut, as we had a gale y'day at Ventnor, there's not much in that. On the other hand, how do you propose to travel from Baires to Paradise Valley? I ask in all ignorance : is there a rail- way? I know there are Argentine Rails; but are the Andes tunnelled? If not, what about it? You can travel from London to Ventnor via Cowes but also via Ryde; in my days, the route from Baires to Valparaiso knew but one method: to Ride, if you like, but to Ride via Llamas. Let me warn you, a llama would spit in your eye as soon as look at you. And you not knowing a word of the language! How's it to be done, Stephen, how's it to be done? There are hits of the Andes where you cross a crevasse, llama and all, in a basket slung on a rope which stretches from precipice to precipice. Of all the cinemato- graphic stunts! Well, there! Have you a nice revolver? . . . . . . Tell me what you think that you are go- ing to eat between Baires and Valparaiso, he adds next day. They grow comparatively few fish on 137 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos the slopes or even on the crests of the Andes. . . . As a matter of curiosity, write to me to-morrow what your weather was like now at g.i S a. m. to- day. I am sitting at a wide-open window actually perspiring (saving your presence) with heat. I reassured him as best I could (17. 11. 20) : . . . Those who know tell me that there is a perfectly good railway from Buenos Aires to Val- paraiso with a permanent way, rolling slock, points and signals, tunnels to taste and all the paraphernalia that one might buy on a small scale at Hamley's toy-shop. The Andes ought, of course, to be crossed on mule-back, but this takes long and I do not know any mules. Nor, from your exposition of their habits, am I desirous of meeting any llamas. ... My faithful Stephen, many thanks for your three letters, he writes, 21. 11.20. I've been feeling rather out of sorts these last few days and have not written to you since Thursday, I believe; not that I have much to tell you . . . except that, were I weller and stronger, I should write and offer tny sword to that maligned mon- arch, Constantine I. of the Hellenes. I am growing heartily sick of seeing countries meddling in other countries' business. . . . 138 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos It were the baldest side on my part, he confesses on 23. II. 20 to pretend that the weather here has not turned cold. The winds are what is known as bitter. But the sun is shining like blazes. And there you have what I was leading up to: once bitter, twice shining. Ever yours, Alexander Crawshay. Not content with emulating Mrs. Robert Crawshay's wit and appropriating her name, Teixeira laid his witticism before her and challenged her to say that it was not of the true brand. There is a reference to this in a later letter; his next communication was a picture-postcard of Ventnor, annotated by himself : A. [A bathchair man] This is not me. B. [A child with a hoop] Nor is this, really. C. [An indistinguishable figure] This might be. D. [A picture of the hotel] But probably I am here, lurking in the Royal Hotel, where I can sea the sea but the sea can' t see ?ne. I think little of your latest joke, I wrote, 24. 11.20, and have myself made several of late that put yours into the shade. Thus, on learning 139 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos tliat a woman of my acquaintance had left her rich husband and run away with a penniless lover, I added the conclusion that they were now living in silver-gilty splendour. I can assure you that that is far more in the true Crawshay tradi- tion. . . . My efifort met with less than no approval: My poor Stephen/, Teixeu-a wrote 25. 11. 20. The worst of your jokes, when you attempt to play upon words, is that they have all been made before. It must he ^6 (thirty-six) years (I said, years) since I saw at the old Strand Theatre a play called Silver Guilt parodying The Silver King. / am glad or sorry, whichever I should be, that your arm ^ has taken (arma virumque cano: beat that if you can! Virus poison, ace. (I hope and trust) virum). . . . My conscience smites me, he writes, 26. 11. 20, for having omitted in either of my last two letters to express the sympathy which I feel with Seymour Leslie — and you — in this serious illness of his. JFhat is it exactly? Whatever it may he, I hope that he will get the better of it. . . . His aunt Crawshay has been good enough to ^ In preparation for visiting South America I had been vaccinated. 140 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos pass ''once bitter, twice shining." She says that it "is a really worthy phrase and will be of use to us all!" . . . I have been reading a lot of French lately, in those very cheap, double-columned, illustrated editions. It is perfectly marvellous to see how happily the French draughtsmen succeed in catch- ing their authors' ideas, whereas one may safely say that "our" British illustrators do not catch them once in ten times. Why is this? I am not sure that a certain rough, unwashed Bohemiati- ism is not at the bottom of it, achieving results which are beyond that prim, priggish mode of life zuhich nowadays governs the artists on this side. I may be wrong: I certainly couldn't elaborate my theory; on the other hand, I may be perfectly right. . . . In an earlier letter I had asked why he sought a refuge where he could see the sea but where the sea could not see him. The answer is given in a postscript: / 7night turn giddy if the sea saw me; but it would look very ugly if I saw it. By way of revenge I reminded Teixeira that the gender of virus was neuter: Alas!, he replies, 27. 11. 20. 141 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos I suspected it at the time; and now my up- rooted hairs are heglooming the pink geraniums below my window. I have taken my oath; and nc w you and I are pledged: no French, you; no Greek or Latin, I. It may he all for the best. And arma virusqus cano would have sounded so much better! . . . Returning to the subject of French Illus- tration, he adds, 28. ii. 20: It's the knock-about, rough-and-tumble , cafe life i« Paris I expect, that accounts for the greater siiccess of the French illustrators. They all of them meet all the authors in the great Bourse a poignees de main that are the Paris coffee-houses. The subjects are discussed over a thousand books ; and the draughtsman is not overpaid. . . . What I'm "after" is this, that the British illus- trators, sitting at home in their neatly-swept flats or studios, decorated mainly with Japanese fans, furnished with wives instead of mistresses, that these smug dogs, with their pappy brains, cannot turn out such good work or enter so well into the spirit of things, as the Frenchman. And, if all this sounds damned immoral, I can't help it. The shadow of Christmas fell across Teix- 142 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos eira's mind so early as the first day of De- cember: / ask myself, he writes : "What shall I give this Stephen? A hook? . . . But he's got a book! . . . Ah, but has he a three-volume novel? No, bedad! . . . And, as I live, I don't believe that Violet Moses is included in his collected edition of the ivorks of that mighty zuriter, Leonard Merrick." So here's a first edition for you, with my bless- ing. [Your secretary] should try to remove the labels with that nastiest of utensils, a wet, hot sponge. . . . For the first time in many months Teixeira was driven back on The Wrong Box to find an adequate comparison with the informative newcomer who now disturbed the noiseless tenour of his way: Joseph Finsbury has arrived, he writes, 2. 12. 20. Overhearing me tell my wife that Bucharest is the capital of Roumania, he leant forward and asked me if I had been to Bucharest. Tex: No. Joseph: Oh, I thought I heard you mention Bucharest. 143 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos Tex: I sometimes mention places which I have never visited. Joseph: Bucharest is a second Paris. Tex: Grrrrrrrrmph! Joseph: Though I daresay it has been de- stroyed by notv. Tex: (to his wife) . .Have you done with Fem- ina ? // so, I'll give it to those Dutch ladies. (Stalks of to Mrs. and Miss van L.) Joseph: (to an Irish widow) I have been to all the capitals of Europe . . . (and holds the zvretched Mrs. N. enthralled, so I am told, for two mortal hours). . . . Later. Joseph (to [my wife] ) : How clever of your husband to speak Dutch to those ladies! [My wife] : Not at all! He's a Dutchman. Joseph: I know Holland very well. I have been to Rotterdam. I have been to Java. The finest botanical gardens in the world are at Buitenzorg near Batavia. [My wife] : Re-e-ally! Can you Teixeira asks, 2. 12, 20, lend me that hook by James Joyce (Portrait of the Artist), which you once wrote to me about? I see Bar- hellion praises it enthusiastically in the new diary. Would you like me to lend you A Last Diary or have you bought it? Your Uncle Joseph was in disgrace yesterday. 144 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos JVe have a girl trio of musicians here, who play at tea-time and eke after dinner. The pianist reports that he said to her: "I have been to Japan. I was very ill there and I found myself in the arms of a Japanese woman." To-day he stopped me in the road and said: "I wish I could speak Dutch, sir, as well as you speak English. I once learnt a continental lan- guage, but I mustn' t speak it now. What it was" (throwing out his arms) "you can guess. . . ." I had read Barbellion's two books without sharing Teixeira's admiration for them, in part because I thought that a book of self- revelation so unreserved should only have been published posthumously, in part because it was incongruous — ^to use no stronger word — to find a man, who had aroused wide-spread compassion by what was taken to be the ac- count of his last hours, reading with relish the sympathetic press notices which it brought him. To this criticism Teixeira replies, 5. 12. 20: Thank you for your tivo letters and the loan of James Joyce. . . . Barbellion I like and aU 145 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos most love — / should love him entirely but for a common strain in him that makes itself heard occasionally — hut then I was taught very early in life to make every allowance for men of any genius, whereas you look for the public-school attitude towards all and sundry. Apart from this, B. seems to me to have borne almost unpar- alleled suffering with remarkable courage and to have shown a good deal of pluck besides in laying bare his soul in the midst of it all. You see, if one cared to take the pains, one could make you detest pretty well everybody you know and like. For everybody has a mean, petty^ shabby, cowardly side to him; and one has only to tell you of what the man in question chooses to keep concealed. B. chose to reveal it; that's all about it. . . . My wife bids you be sure to say good-bye, when you go on your travels, to the woman, whoever she may be, in whom you are most in- terested. Her reason is that she dreamt two nights ago that you were prevented from doing so. This does not imply that you will not return alive. It means only that something prevented you from saying good-bye to that person and that it would be fun to stultify the dream. . . . On 7. 12. 20 Teixeira writes: 146 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos . . . I am reading James Joyce, skippily. The fellow has a great deal of talent, but much of it is misdirected. I should not he surprised if one day he began to write books that he and his country will be proud of. . . . Incidentally I admire his ruthless suppression of capitals and am interested in his ditto ditto of hyphens. ... On Christmas Eve, he writes: Forgive us our Christmases as we forgive them that Christmas against us. fVhat I want to know by your next letter and what you have not told me, though you may think that you have, is hokv you propose to travel home from the west coast of South America. . . . And on 27. 12. 20: / zvas asked to "recite" yesterday! I refused. I was asked to take part in a hypnotic experi- ment: would I rather be the professor or the subject? "The subject," I replied. "But I would even rather be dead." And on 29. 12. 20: . . . This is the last letter but one or two 147 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos which I shall he writing to yoii before you sail or puff down the Solent. . . . Needless to add that I feel sad at the thought of your im^ninent de- parture and glad at the thought that you appear to feel a trifle sad too. The Almanzora ! W ell, God speed her across the Atlantic! But she's got a plaguy hair- dressing name. On my dressing-table stand two bottles and two only. One contains Anzora cream; the other Pandora brilliantine. Both are meant to preserve and beautify my already well- preserved and beautiful hair. I must try to "be- come" some Almanzora to keep them com- pany. . . . 148 XIII The diary which Teixeira kept for me during my absence in South America was, so far as I am aware, his first venture in this kind of literature. Approaching it with trepidation, he abandoned it with loathing. The mystery of a double cash-column quickly palled; and he was not long intrigued even by printed reminders of the moon's phases and of the days on which dividends and insurance- policy renewals became due. 30 December 1920. As a large number of these Diaries circulate abroad it may be well to point out that the As- tronomical Data, such as phases of the moon etc. are given in Greenwich time. Perhaps it may be as well, Teixeira concurs, 30. 12. 20. 31 December 1920. / did not see the old year out. I played i / — bridge in the afternoon at Captain Cave-Brown- 149 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos Cave's, with him, Captain B. and Dr. F. and won £ — 18.0. which at normal points would have been g. 5. 0. (I presume that is what the right-hand column is for. But the left-hand columnf Ah, thai left-hand column! . . .) The last that I saw of the old year was a 68- 7-0, grey-haired parson in pumps and a prince- consort moustache and whiskers waltzing a polka, or polkering a waltz — in short, dancing soiuething exceedingly modern — with a 15-7-0 flapper. Then we went to bed, wondering how Stephen was spending his New Year's Eve, on board the Almanzora, in a south-ivesterly gale. Saturday, i January. JVhen at 5. JO / switched on my light and rose, I saw a leprechaun standing on my writing- table, looking like a little sandzvich-man. Fear- lessly I approached; and he changed into a bottle of eau-de-Cologne with an envelope slung round his neck, inscribed, ''To my Best Beloved." Mark [my wife's] bold capitals. And show me another couple whose united ages amount to I ly years or more and who still do this sort of thing. O olden times and olden manners! . . . 150 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos Monday, 3 January. Bridge at Cave's with Captain B. and Dr. C. [My wife:] "What did you talk about at tea?" Tex: "Jam." This question and answer never vary, after my return from a visit to the C.-B.-C's. . . . I foresee that this compilation is going to rival the Diary of a Nobody. And I am pledged to keep it up until the yth of March. Kismet! Or, as the dying Nelson said, "Kismet, Hardy." Wednesday, 5 January. Dividends due What dividends? Sunday, 9 January. Thank goodness that I have only space to thank goodness that I have only space wherein ... ad Infinitum. . . . Thursday, 13 January. Received from Stephen s mother his letter to his mother. . . . Received from Lady D. Stephen's letter to [her] and wrote to her in appropriate terms, ex- pressing doubts upon Stephen's dietary zvhile 151 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos crossing the South-American continent, where there are neither fish nor eggs, save the eggs of condors and hummingbirds. . . . Friday, 14 January. . . . My bank-balance is overdrawn, but I make ig/6 at bridge. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Martin arrive. I do not know if this is the Daily News' Irish cor- respondent whom the Black and Tans wanted to murder. Tuesday, 18 January. Begin Couperus' Iskander : The novel of Alexander the Great; tivo enormous volumes, which I may hardly live to translate. It is a great joy to see this artist building up his story with frm and elegant perfection from the very frst page, with conviction and a fine self-con- fidence, no grouping, no floundering, no hesita- tion. . . . Saturday, 23 January. Need something happen every day at Vent- nor? Danged if there need! Monday, 24 January. . . . The new rich arrive, Rolls-Royce and all. 152 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos Tuesday, 25, January. Those new rich! So new, so rich, so drearily unostentatious! Young new richard bald, pan- snayed, ill-dressed; young new wife and sister-in- law dozvdy ; young new secretary without a dinner- jacket to his backside; young new baby and young new nurse all over the place; young new Rolls- Royce, careering over the island, the only sign of wealth. If only there were a few diamonds, a few banded cigars, a few h's dropping on the floor with a didl thud, one could at least laugh. But the drabness, the gloom of these particular new rich: O my lungs and O my liver! . . . Thursday, 27 January. It is terrible, the number of people who come to this hotel; and I regret the pleasant, non- "paying" days when we zvere six visitors and three musicians, with a full staff of servants to wait on us. There are now over thirty people at meals, one uglier than the other. And as soon as one goes two others take his place. . . . Sunday, 30 January. . . . To bed at 5, with my "special dinner'^ at J, John Francis Taylor's meal: "Give me 153 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos so77ie milk; and let the milk he hot. And give me some bread; and let the bread be inside the milk." Monday, 3 1 January. The Insurance herein contained is not valid until your name has been registered. / don't care. Yer can 'ave the insurance. The new rich have some business visitors. Tuesday, i February. . . . Departure of the new riches' little thyn- dicate of friends. Arrival of ihe dividend on my Benson ^ Hedges' 10% 2nd pref., the only shares wherein I have ever invested that have ever paid any dividend whatever. Lord, how I have moiled and toiled to sink money in stumer companies! Shrewsburry ^ Talbot Hansoms! Galician Oil- field^! Rubber substitutes! Cork substitutes! Tampico-Panuco Deferred! United Transport Co.! In the three last I still have hold- ings: about £2^0 in all. And the things that I have inherited: thousand of dollars' worth of Mexican (and Turkish and Hungarian and Russian) rubbish, which would barely fetch a tenner, all told! ... 154 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos Thursday, 3 February. . . . The new arrivals include a long, lean man . . . and his wife. His hair is dyed to suggest SS; he is probably a cadaverous JJ . He comes down to dinner in a white tie and tails.' His digestion is of the weakest. He refuses soup, leaves the fish, refuses a cutlet, leaves the goose and seems to dine mainly on creme Beau Rivage, which is a creme carmel decorated with a blob of whipped cream and angelica. His con- versation with his wife consists purely of whis- pered smiles. Friday, 4 February, / received letters from Stephen to me and from Stephen to his mother. I have still to re- ceive a letter from Stephen to Lady D. . . . On his return he will borrow from me Frank Harris' second series of Contemporary Portraits, just arrived from New York. There is no bridge at the Home-Sweet-Homes. I go to the club, play with P. the local solicitor; Dr. W ., of Harrogate; Mr. S., of the same and win the sum of £ 2j/^^. Saturday, 5 February and ^55 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos Sunday, 6 February /in episode of "And oh, the children s voices in the lounge!" zvas followed by my going to tlie office and saying: "I am going to bed lest these children be the death of me. May I have a spefial dinner, please?" "Certainly. IFhat zvould you like?" "Send me some milk and let the milk be hot. And send me some bread and let the bread be in- side the milk." Next morning, having slept eight hours and fifteen minutes, I went to the manageress and: "People," I said, "are far too proud of their children and too fond of displaying them in public. . . . There is nothing wonderful about parentage and nothing clever. Most people are parents. I have been one myself. . . . Children should be seen and not heard. . . . If they raise their voices in the public rooms, they should be sent to their bedrooms. Some zvould suggest the coal-hole; but I, as you know, have a gentle heart. . . . Remember that we live in an age of reprisals. The privilege of screaming and yelling is not confined to children. Adults enjoy equal rights. Next time a child raises its voice in my presence, I shall in quick succession bellow 156 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos like a bull, roar like a lion, howl like a jackal^ laugh like a hyena. If you drive me to it, I shall copy all the shriller domestic animals. . . . The matter is now in yoitr hands." Monday, 7 February. Peace reigns at Ventnor. . . . Wednesday, 16 February. . . . I start my sock-and-tie stunt, which con- sists in "copycatting" daily, Justin Read second- ing, an absurd young man of half my age. Thus do the elderly amuse themselves for the further amusement of a limited circle. . . . Tuesday, 22 February. Stephen s letter of 20. 1.21 to his mother arrives. [I again varied my itinerary and had decided to make my way to Valparaiso through the Straits of Magellan rather than across the Andes.] So he is travelling in the wake of H. M. S. Beagle and the late Charles Robert Darwin! He'll be perished with cold; but he's more likely to get a fish or tzvo to eat. . . . Sunday, 27 February. Stephen's birthday. His health shall be drunk in brimming barley-water; and, though I believe 157 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos he has already had a birthday-present, he shall have a copy of The Tour the moment it arrives. Good luck to him! P. S. Absolutely a good notice of The Tour in the Sunday Times. My wife says that the critic must have been drunk. Monday, 28 February, Arrival of a terrible Yorkshire group, two men and a woman. . . . They foregather with . . . a man who appears in carpet-slippers, like Kipps, and talk of nothing but food, in broad Leeds. Tuesday, i March. . . . "Ah had hum-und-eggs to my breakfast this morning. Ah was always partial to hum- und-eggs for breakfast. . . . Ah had new potai- i-toes ut the dinner. Ah said to McKanner, 'These are too good to pass.* We had summon zvith 'em, summon und new potai-i-itoes." They seem to be bank-managers and to have dined with Reggie at sotfie London City and Midland Bank-wet. . . . Thursday, 3 March. T. takes me to East Dene, the childhood home of Swinburne, now a convent of the Sacred Heart. 158 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos I am shown over the entrancing grounds by the Mother Superior. Before taking me into the chapel: "You are not a catholic, I suppose?'' she asks. "Indeed I am." "I vie an, a Roman catholic?" "Reverend mother, are there any others?" "Oh, they all call themselves Anglican cath- olics nowadays!" Then on to Craigie Lodge, where Pearl Hobbes pesters the tenants zvith trivial spirit- messages. Home, feeling cold as death. . . . Saturday, 5 March. . . . I ani correcting proofs of The Three Eyes for Hurst &' Blackett. Altogether I shall have four books out this spring. The Tour, Butterworth. The Three Eyes, Hurst &' Blackett. Majesty, Dodd. More Hunting Wasps, Dodd. Not so bad for an ozvld, infirm mahnf Sunday, 6 March. It is pleasant to see the sun gain strength daily, with every sort of flower appearing, al- 159 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos mond-hlossoms in full swing, cherry-blossoms hard at it and pear-blossoms inaking a beginning. Monday, 7 March. Departure of [the married Yorkshire visitors.] "Thank God, they're gone!'' the survivor is heard to say. Arrival of the survivor's women-folk. He sees them to their rooms and comes down to gloat over some woman. When his wife returns to the hall: "Hullo, Helen!" he says. "Are ye dahn ol- ready?" And repeats the bright question: "Hullo, Helen! Are ye dahn already f" What a people, the men of Yorkshire! . . . Wednesday, 9 March. / begin a collodial sulphur treatment . . . for that picturesque right leg of mine. Irving's left leg was a poem (Oscar Wilde) ; my right leg is a money-box, adorned with three patches the size of a shilling, a sixpence and a groat, all very nice and silvery. I asked [the doctor] whether it was leprosy or dropsy. He said it was sor- iasis, scoriasis, scloriasis: I don't know which and I don't care. 160 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos Thursday, lo March. The [other Yorkshire visitors] arc to go on Monday, when I can say: "Thank God, they're gone!" And I pray that the table next to ours may not he given to people with provincial accents. Let it be noted that the friend of "McKannar" is manager of the — branch of the L. J. C. M. at Leeds, so tliat, when I go to live at Leeds, I may bank elsewhere. . . . Friday, 1 1 March. At the club, I win iS6i points at bridge in go minutes. £. s. d. In money, at 2^^ the lOO, this repre- sents 4 O At the Cleveland it would have rep- resented g 12 At the Reform Club it would have represented 280 Sunday, 13 March. John ("Shane" ) Leslie's book on Cardinal Manning seems to me very good. Leslie is very nasty to Purcell, who no doubt deserves it. 161 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos Monday, 14 March. Departure of [the last Yorkshireman], leav- ing his women-people behind him. He asked for it and he shall have it: "Thank God he's gone!" He used to stare at me till I devised the re- tort: closing my eyelids and yawning at him like a lion. I think I must talk to Reggie about him some day. Tuesday, 15 March. . . . The hotel is filling up madly for Easter. There will be more here then than at Christmas. Help! . . . Thursday, 17 March. S. Patrick D First Quarter, 3.49 a. m. Well^ I went to church to pray for Ireland: what else was there to be done? Stephen's return seems to be unduly delayed; and I've forgotten the name of his ship. Friday, 18 March. The sun shines in the morning. The rain falls in the afternoon. I play a little bridge. 162 Alexander Teixeira de Mattos The sun shines all day. Thank God, a letter from Stephen and an end to this beastly diary! 163 XIV Teixeira continued to live at Ventnor until the beginning of May, with spirits, health and powers of work all steadily improving. He returned to London in time to welcome Coup- erus, who arrived in the middle of the month and was entertained privately and publicly for five or six weeks. / don't know exactly when you II he hack, he writes, 11.3. 21, hut I welcome you home with all my heart . . . and with an S. O. S. The title of [Couperus'] The Inevitable ^ has been forestalled, in a novel puhlishing with Holden