UC-NRLF II $c la &Ei THE STORY OF THE STADIUM 456459 1] r*° 'We have a heritage from the Illini Indian — the Great Heart, the fighting spirit' AN INDIAN TBJBE BEGAN IT A LONG TIME AGO LISTEN to the historian, and learn what manner of man lived where ^d today is Burrill avenue, Green street, and the Boneyard .... The Illini Indian, he was called, and he was a hunter, and a fighter, and more generous in war and in peace than his neighbors, the Shawnees, the Iroquois, the Sioux, the Chippewas, and the Kickapoos. He was an individualist, and his children, whom he loved, were given freedom to grow as they willed, only they had to be brave and self-denying, and each had to find his god — his Manitou — to protect and inspire him; for this was the law of the tribe. Never were people better made than the Illini, said a traveler who ob- served them. "They are neither large nor small .... They have tapering legs which carry their bodies well, with a very haughty step, and as graceful as the best dancer. The visage is fairer than white milk so far as savages of this country can have such. The teeth are the best arranged and the whitest in the world. They are vivacious . . . ." Although they had religious ceremonies, they were "too well off to be really pious," and to none of their deities did the Illini attribute moral good or evil. No temples have these ancient Indians left us, and no books. But we have a heritage from them, direct through the pioneers who fought them and learned to know them. It is the Great Heart, the fighting spirit, the spirit of individualism, of teaching our children to be free but brave and to have a God — for these are the laws of our tribe. t See us today living vitally in our heritage. 2k/ Watch us play football; see us on the M cinder track, on the base- >C ball diamond .... We are different, somehow, we of i Jk uniquely ourselves. ^^fr*^^^ "He was an individualist" But how can we express this self of ours — this character which we have inherited from the Illini Indian and from our pioneer forefathers? How can we leave a mark of it which will never be forgotten — a mark with beauty, with distinction, with truth? Beauty is old, and truth is old. Greece knew it, and so did Rome, thousands of years ago. And for great expression of great things the world has always gone back to the spirits which built the Dionysian Temple, the Parthenon, and the Colosseum. And so do we go back into the dim ages that tomorrow a white magnifi- cence — a Stadium — may tell the world that we of Illinois have fought and died for our country and fought and lived for our fellow men. There will be a court of honor for every hero who died in the war and a great recreation field to bring greater vigor and life to our young men and women. And there will be a vast enclosure where seventy-five thousand may see twenty-two men in the heat of sportsmanlike conflict or, as the May sun sets, many maids in harmonious and rhythmic welcome to the springtime. LEO KLEIN, '18 "The Stadium! What could more fittingly be- speak the spirit and tra- ditions of Illinois since its inception? No grander monument to those who gave their lives in the great conflict ould be built." GEORGE HALAS, '18 "/ think the Stadium drive is the greatest undertaking in the history of the Uni- versity and that its success or failure will determine whether Illinois wilt be greater than ever or will ^atl back." DAVID H. CARNAHAN, '96 "Teaching the classics has brought me closer to a higher view of athletics rather than drawn me away. I believe in the greatness of the idea of the Stadium." DEWEY ALBERTS, '21 "We students feel more keenly than anyone the need for a powerful alumni mor'.l support, both in our studies and in our activi- ties. The Stadium should consolidate such an alumni s u pport . ' ' FRED (Louie) LOWENTHAL. 01 "What good member o. the tribe can see in the Stadium anything but a visible sign of and a sacred shrine to an invisible thing — the spirit of the Illini?" MANY MEN LIVED AND LEARNED HEKE WHILE you are sitting back in your chair, reading these pages, your alma mater will be making the last move to accommodate a regis- tration of 4,000 freshmen. It's a far cry from 4,000 freshmen and 1 1 ,000 students to 200 freshmen and some 500 students. It's a far cry from the days when healthy young spirits expressed themselves by wrecking the corridors of Uni Hall, by throwing "eye- water," and by kidnapping, abetted by eggs and chemicals, young swains from the freshman dance downtown — from those days to these days when every tennis court is alive with flanneled youngsters, when every block of the south campus is the scene of a football or baseball game, when the gymnasium is swarming with vigorous figures, and the swim- ming tank and the outdoor track are pictures of strenuous, shouting activity. And yet this miracle has occurred in only twenty-five years. To most of you twenty-five years ago is a long time ago, but to some of you it seems only yesterday. Yesterday, when the first class rush broke out spontaneously in old Uni Hall, when clothes were ripped from backs. i* - . ''Yesterday, when we had the color rush, as exciting as an Indian fight, and almost as dangerous" Yesterday, when we had the color rush, as exciting as an Indian fight, and almost as dangerous. Yesterday, when Dr. Peabody, speaking in chapel, proudly announced the dedication of the new Military Hall, at a cost of $15,000, "the fittest building for its purpose in the northwest, and, so far as I have seen, in this country," and added, when the Natural History Building was finished, "if we can have only one more building, it's as much as the University can ever hope to attain!" Yesterday, when you got so excited to find the College of Engineer- ing leaping in growth— adding 250 students to the enrollment! Yesterday, when the main social feature at the University was the annual declamation contest between Adelphic and Philomathean, and when the only real student dance of the year was the Senior Ball, held at the old Walker Opera House, when they put a false floor over the dress circle seats and everybody danced on a level with the stage. Yesterday, when Dr. Burrill took a deep breath and asked the state legislature for $551,000 to build a library, an engineering hall, and a museum, and was delighted when he got $295,700, for it was twice as much as the University had received ever before. Yesterday, when Dr. Burrill complained that there were too few women at the University; when he demanded an auditorium, an agricul- tural building, a law building, an observatory; when Dr. Draper be- came our first president and the registration began to leap into the thousands, and the co-ed became an institution. Yesterday, when the names of David Kinley, T. A. Clark, H.J. Barton, A. H. Daniels, L. P. Breckenridge, E. B. Greene, J. M. White, and D. K. Dodge were new names .... B jJMggsyBBnyaM synsm^py ffiUByjBUBs^ GEORGE KREDERICKSON. '94 "The Memorial Stadium and Recreation Field at Illinois is a wonderful undertaking. The Sta- dium must be built and should be the largest and best in the world.'' R. L. (Kink) SANDERS, '14 "The Stadium is Illinois' only method of giving her students their just physical education, to retain her athletic supremacy and to commemorate her heroes in the Great War." H. H. McCURDY "Building the Stadium is the greatest thing we can do to immortalize in the minds of the students, the alumni, and the people of the Stale, the memory of the men who made the supreme sacrifice." ALFRED SMART. '17 "The greatest incentive for upholding past honors and creating new ones will be the erection of that which will become a by- word in collegiate athletics, the Illinois Memorial Sta- dium." AND TODAY IT S WARMS WITH VIGOROUS YOUTH SEE them going to their eight-o'clocks. From a radius of more than a mile around the campus the streets swarm with them. The campus walks are crowded. There is haste; there is laughter; there is life. It is autumn, and the streets are thick with golden maple leaves. (Do you remember the maple leaves in the fall?) The last bell has rung, and the tardy ones are making a last running spurt — and now the campus is almost deserted. Pause under an open window in Uni Hall. Glance in; some of them may see you and giggle, but most of them are absorbed. They are hearing that Robert Louis Stevenson had a brave and beautiful soul; this is known as the study of literature. Stroll over to the Engineering building. Pause outside an open door. How absorbed they are, these youths from farm and suburb and slum! With pencil and paper they are learning to build bridges and homes and skyscrapers, that life may be smoother and better for the rest of us. And in the Natural History building, in Lincoln Hall, in the Ag building and the Commerce building, boys and girls — yesterday's children and tomorrow's men and women — are studying the past that they may be the makers of the future. Eleven thousand of them .... filling 51 buildings .... covering 1229 acres of ground .... '** * : ?ii m } esterday s children and tomorrow's men and women" "The last bell has rung .... and now the campus is almost deserted" Go out to the football field in the afternoon and feel again breath- less suspense as you watch varsity practice, feel again hopes and fears. Drop into the new plant of the I Hint on Green Street and watch the big presses turn out the greatest college newspaper in America; see the Associated Press reports come in; see the scores of young reporters intent on making good. Tomorrow^ these children will sway governments. See Homecoming again; you make it the biggest day of the year for them, and they make it the biggest day of the year for you. The mass meeting. Hobo band. The big game. And the winter, with examinations, basketball, the Prom, the Ag Dance, the Military Ball, and the rest of it. And spring, w r ith the haze of morning sunshine over the campus. Tennis from dawn to sunset; quiet strolls in the evening, often with girls; baseball and peanuts and victory for Illinois; military drill, a magnificent sight with thousands of cadets; the band concert in the gloaming. Can't you see it all over again? Interscholastic, and the Circus. Has ever any student not laughed at the Circus? And the May fete, with the red sun sinking over the old w r est bleachers and the long shadows of hundreds of girls, costumed in many colors, shifting gracefully about the beribboned May-poles, and, while the band plays as evening approaches, dancing a welcome to May and to summer. And then, Commencement .... And, after that, memories — memories clustered mainly around old Illinois Field .... E. D. (Dave) BROWN. '21 "/ carried the Stadium slogan on a touring car from Urbana to Pasadena, California, and hack. I only wish I could have carried it arou nd the world." RALPH WOODS, '17' "/ never met an alumnus of a University that has built a Stadium who wasn't glad that he had a Part in the movement. I shall be glad to do alt I can for the Illinois Stadium." SVEN DUNER, 15 ' "A Stadium that wilt enable the athletic offi- cers to carry out 'G' Huff's intra-mural sys- tem is certainty a worthy Project, to say nothing of the be nefit to varsity athletics." JUST A M . LINDGREN, '02 "Our subscription to the Stadium fund is an ex- pression of gratitude to the brave men who died for us and to our alma mater who has done so much for us." ^^^s^^^^^^^mmm^mmm^mms^^tM^ssimMmmi^ts^s^^ ILLINOIS FIELD IS A BATTERED VET- ERAN, GRACEFULLY RESIGNING IT IS hard to say when the first game of baseball was played on the old fair grounds between First, Fourth and John Streets and Armory Avenue, but it must have been a long, long time ago. We do know, how- ever, that in the old days, up to 1888, Illinois teams played baseball there and that track meets were held there and that the first football game ever played by the University and the first game ever played in the Twin Cities was played there. And then in 1888, when baseball and oratory were the only fields of contest among colleges, a baseball game was played on what is now Illinois field. The diamond was located in the northeast corner of what is now the football gridiron. There were no fences and there were no tickets of ad- mission. You wore a tag and they let you in. Proudly the students trooped to the games in those days, several hundred strong, feeling that with the overwhelming might of their numbers they would inspire their team to victory. Still more proudly did they march in the spring of 1891 into the first athletic field, a tiny field compared with Illinois Field of today, a field whose south boundary was just south of the big tree on the present field and whose north boundary was 150 feet south of University Avenue, a field on which still stood the ruins of the first building of our University. They used the stones from this ruin as a basis for the new baseball diamond by spreading six inches of earth over them. What a great project it was in those days to build that first athletic field! How important the wooden palings seemed, at $8 a thousand feet! The lumber was bought; and merchants, students and faculty united enthusiastically to raise the money. The grandstand, seating 300 people, was the pride of the undergraduate body. And then William B. McKinley donated some money and a track was built! Mr. McKinley owned the waterworks and allowed the committee, of which G. Huff was a member, to take cinders, and from these cinders was made the track which made history in the annals of American athletics. How surprised everyone was when this field with its fine grandstand and its track proved inadequate. How anxious everyone was about enlarg- "The grandstand, seating 300 people, zcas the pride of the undergraduate body" ing it, and how pleased they were when the north fence was extended to University Avenue. And yet it was not large enough. Finally, in 1905, the field was extended to Springfield Avenue, the bleachers were consecrated for baseball games, a new gridiron was installed, and the first football bleachers were built. In 1914, our football bleachers could seat 4,000 people. But even that was not enough, and twice they have been enlarged. Since then, standing-room platforms have been built at the south end of the field. The present capacity of Illinois Field is 17,000. Standing room at the south end adds 3,000, which makes a total of 20,000; and that number of people attended the Ohio State game — a game which more than 50,000 people wanted to see, and would have seen if there had been room for them. It is a long time since a handful of students watched Scott Williams' first football game, when he played wearing a derby hat (at first), until .-/ tiny field compared tcith Illinois Field of today" today when there are thousands of students, alumni and friends of the University who are turned away from every big game. Illinois Field, beginning modestly and, like Topsy, just "growing," has served its purposes nobly. Lithe youngsters have raced about on its cinders, have leaped across its turf and have hurled weights over its green. Skillful and speedy youngsters have batted balls and run bases and learned discipline of team work on its diamond. Sturdy youngsters have hurled their bodies, have zig-zagged with machine-like accuracy through the sinister opposing line, hugging a leather ball to their bosoms across its gridiron. Many thrilling moments has Illinois Field seen, many acts of heroism. It has taught thousands upon thousands of the youth of America self- denial, courage, freedom — it has developed the Great Heart, the fighting spirit. It has seen years like 1915, where we won at once football, baseball, track and basketball championships — years like 1914, where we won baseball, track and football championships — years like those between 1900 and 1921 where about two-thirds of the baseball championships were won by Illini. Few fields in the history of the United States can parallel the record of the victories of Illinois Field. And now Illinois Field, a battered veteran, is ready to resign. Greater multitudes than it ever dreamed of are wanting to see our teams in action. The rumbling demand of these multitudes is rising; it cannot be ignored. It is not being ignored. They shall have what they want, for it is a good thing that they want. Reluctantly shall we leave Illinois Field, and with tender memories. Proudly will we march to the new Stadium — with a greater, finer outlook for the future. And the human tie, the personality, which will keep in us the glow of the past and lift us bravely into the future is "G" Huff. FRANK B. (Shortyt LONG. '87 "All Universities re- quire some big thing, the doing of which will unite students, alumni, faculty and friends — something they can feel is their own work. For Illinois, the Memorial Stadium is the thing." m OTTO VOGEL, '23 "It is a great inspiration to a varsity team to play in a splendid Stadium. It consolidates team spirit and makes the playing more intense and tri- umphant. For that and many other reasons, I am strong for the Stadium idea." JAMES Q. PETTIGREW. "09 "Of tale years Illinois has taken her place in the front rank in athletic achievements, and it is a fitting tribute to her athletic supremacy to build a magnificent Stadium within which to hold the various contests." EDWIN B. STYLES. '12 "There is nothing too good for the athletic teams of Illinois that uphold her prestige in fields that her graduates enter and seek to conquer. The teams do the publicity that puts the alumni on the map with- out an introduction." C. J. MOYNIHAN. '08 "Itlini sportsmanship de- serves a lasting monu- ment, both as a tribute to its past and as an inspira- tion for its future. The Stadium will ensure this. The question is not 'Do I favor it?' but ' What is the most I can give?' " BERT W. (Happy) ADSIT, 01 "Illinois should have a Stadium in keeping with her athletic eminence. It is important that facilities for athletic training be given, not only to those who may represent the Uni- versity on her athletic teams, but to the student body at large. I most heartily approve of your plan for general athletics." M. G. DAOANT. 08 "We. Illini alumni, should certainly be a unit in get- ting behind the Stadium Project not only in com- memoration for our 'Fight- ing Illini' but that ILLI- NOIS may stand at the fore in furthering wr State's and our N alien's development, physically as well as mentally." £l J. T. (Swede) HANLEY. *10 "The Memorial Stadium is the biggest and grandest thing ever suggested by the alumni of our University, and no red-blooded Illini will be content to be doing anything short of his ut- most for its successful realization." 1* A. R. (Artie) HALL. 01 "Years in Illinois athlet- ics show me our great Stadium, not only as a fitting memorial to our warrior dead, but as a living opportunity to re- pay, in part, our debt to Illinois by contributing towards the well-being of student thousands yet to come." BART MACOMBER. '17 "The Stadium will beau- tify the campus and glad- den all Illinois hearts. The massive structure can- not help but signify the great appreciation of all of us for our Alma Ma- ter." E. A. (Prep) WHITE. '08 "For a greater Illinois! In its beauty, size and utility, the Stadium will typify the service which the entire institution is rendering to the State and Nation. It is entirely fitting that this edifice be erected by the men and women who do now or who hope to call Illinois 'Alma Mater' ." PHIL M. SPINK. '20 ' ' From the plans pro- jected, it would appear that this Stadium will be a classic. It will do a great deal more in attract- ing all types of genius to the University than the poor old out-of-date ath- letic field which it has been our lot to display to pro- spective students." FRED B. CORTIS. 13 "The Stadium will fill a long-felt need, and wilt also serve as a lasting memorial to the Illinois men who fell in the war. I am sure it will serve as an inspiration to all Illi- nois men in the years to come." LION GARDINER, 09 "The University has given us more than we can ever repay; it is stilt giving us riches in memories and recollections and wilt con- tinue to do so while we live. It is only right that we should be called upon to assist in building a Sta- dium which will add to the glory and dignity of Illinois." DON S. JOHNS. 17 "A Stadium assures the perpetuation of the high standards of sportsman- ship for which our Uni- versity has so long been credited by the athletic world. You may rest assured that when the big drive starts. I shall line up with the rest of the loyal Illini." "RVSS" WHARTON. •22 "The finest memory in most men 's lives is the four years they spent in college. The more college spirit, the finer the mem- ory. The Stadium will make Illinois men as proud as any alumni in the world to talk of their college days." HARRY CLAY COFFEEN. "98 "Financing this Stadium should be the first step on a program of One Million Dollars to Illinois, every two years, from her sons and daughters as part pay- ment for their free educa- tion. We dare not fail." SCOTT WILLIAMS. '94 "The little old school we loved so well provided for athletics on a scale ade- quate to the needs of the times. The magnificent University of today will do the same. Nothing short of the Stadium can meet requirements." i 3 imi^rMr»vm f JAMES ASHMORE, 'OS CL\ DE (Ham) "/ believe we have needed ALWOOD, 17 a Stadium for several A Stadium which honors vears, and now I am glad '«* dead and at the same to see that we are going to ttrne is a blessing to the get it. You may count '*«««.. " really worth upon my whole-hearted while, support." J. GRANT BEADLE, '88 "The Stadium plan is a wonderful one, and I think that every alumnus should certainly get behind and do his or her bit and, if necessary, more." ERNEST OVITZ, '09 ' ' Every man should get part of his education on the athletic field. Any movement -which will give more students an insight into the Strenuous Life is a great movement. I am heartily in favor of the Stadium." BOB HOTCHKISS. '97 "Illinois must have a Sta- dium to compete on an even basis with other uni- versities of the East ami West, and we should not delay the building of a proper athletic center." ORLIE RUE, 15 ' ' / know of no nobler memorial to war heroes than a Stadium and Recreation Field. It is every alumnus' duly to put this Stadium on the map of the world." C. E. DURLAND, '04 "The Stadium project has a wealth of commendable features, is a wonderful idea and deserves the sup- port of all Illinois people. I sincerely hope the plan for funds succeeds." WILBUR E. KREBS. 16 "The Stadium will mark another milestone along the road of Illini tradition. The idea of the memorial is both fitting and proper. The alumni will respond unreservedly." aS51£5M5Qfg5?SglMig5irJan£g^Q^ THE GREAT MASS MEETING ON APRIL 25^ I9SII THE gym annex looked like the Chicago Coliseum during the Re- publican convention. It was packed with men and girls, seated in orderly rows, with county, state, and country standards lifted high. The auditorium was compactly filled — to the last seat. Both build- ings were electric with excitement. Bands played. Thousands of horns tooted. The platforms swarmed with committeemen, University exec- utives, distinguished athletes and coaches. There were cheers — the usual cheers, Oskey-Wow-Wow, Chee-Hee, Nine-and-Seven, and the rest — but they had an unusual quality. You homecomers know the quality. You've heard it between halves at big football games. President Kinley spoke first at the auditorium, then at the gym annex. He gave a dignity to the Stadium idea which sobered the vast assemblages. It sobered them and lifted their spirits still higher, for when G. Huff rose to speak the din of cheering lasted very long. There was something which caught at the heartstrings of those thousands as "G" stood there. Bulky, slow in speech, this man kindled the imaginations of the counties and the states and the foreign countries. Standards — here "Peoria," there "Philippines" — swayed and swung. The band blared. Rain streamed down on the roof of the gym annex. Waiting for the ovation to exhaust itself, "G" stood there, smiling that slow, friendly, sad smile of his, and it came to us that this man was born in the wrong age and in the wrong country. That greatness which everybody senses who has seen him, we said to ourselves, is being wasted in a business age and a business country. We could see him, serene and mighty, ruling domains a thousand years ago — dominating savage soldier captains with his mightier quietness, making the church a blessing and the state a benediction, listening to the wise men and, in his gentle way, giving them understanding. And there he stood, an athletic director in a middle-western college, with 4,000 young men and women pouring out their love and trust in a turmoil of vitality, and with another 2,000 in another building waiting for his kindly mien and his slow speech. And he spoke gently, simply, "The gym annex looked like the Chicago Coliseum during the Republican Convention" with Olympian moderation. Not a clever word, not one oratorical trick. There are no epigrams in Greek drama. " I want to see a great Stadium at the University of Illinois," he said. "I believe that you will get it. I believe there is a great spirit at this university. The Stadium will be many things — a memorial to Illini who have died in the war, a recreational field, and an imposing place for our varsity games. But it will also be an unprecedented expression of Illinois spirit. The Athletic Association, out of its own funds, is paying the ex- penses of this campaign. The money you pledge will be devoted solely to the Stadium. What you have started, our alumni will finish." Elmer Ekblaw, '10, a burly, quick-stepping figure, moved to the front of the platform. Overflowing with gratitude to everyone who had made this moment a reality, the director of the drive spoke boyishly, winningly, from the heart. And then Zuppke, small, tense, his hands rigidly clasped behind his back, stepped out, and again the multitudes broke into roaring enthu- siasm. Like lightning his sentences zig-zagged across the great hall, and when he ended with a request for voluntary donations of $1,000 for the Stadium, there was a deep hush of expectancy. Everybody was staring out into the main section of the hall, where, on floor and balcony, the United States was represented. Some banker's son, or perhaps the heir to rolling acres of farm land, would rise and offer a pledge of $1,000 for his alma mater. No one thought of looking behind the platform at the terraces of Filipinos, Latin-Americans, South Africans, Chinese, Japanese and Hindu students, until a dark-haired, dark-eyed youth arose, and in broken English, said: "I will give, sir!" Pandemonium broke loose. The youth was hoisted upon the plat- form. His name was announced by Zuppke — R. L. Cavalcanti, a Latin- American. The sorority float parade on the day before the mass meeting Student Stadium Executive Committee Top Row: Milton Marx — Kenney Williamson — Justine Pritchard — Robert Preble — Harold Babbitt Middle Row: Gladys Pennington — Clara Dunseth — David Malcolmson — Jeanne White — Ann Williams Bottom Row: William Lockwood — Nellie Holt — Reuben Carlson — Anna Coolley — Paul Cornelison — Lois Wine In a fever of excitement came thousand-dollar offers from Princess Tarhata Kiram of Sulu, from J. C. Aguilar of Tampico, and five-hundred- dollar offers from everywhere in the foreign sections, and then from the American parts of the hall. A messenger came from the auditorium, where "Prof." Russell was officiating, to announce that the students from Cook and Champaign counties, there assembled, had pledged themselves for $300,000. One wondered how the gym annex could hold all that sound, but within ten minutes one marveled more, when Zuppke announced that we had in pledges altogether $700,000 from the undergraduate body. This achievement may be credited almost entirely to the efforts of the students themselves. "Two thousand five hundred of them were on committees," said Elmer Ekblaw, "and, under Reuben Carlson and Ann Coolley, they seemed to work as many business men would love to have their employes work. Day and night they lived and breathed Stadium, and the success of the drive is their legitimate reward." We wish we could reproduce for you alumni who have relinquished the joyful undergraduate life for the grimmer struggle for existence the great sounds and sights of that memorable April 25, the surging exultation on every face, the buoyant talk from all lips, the serious-eyed, proud faces of the streaming lines of students — co-eds and ags, engineers and L. A. & S., commerce and education — as they left those halls. Somebody took movies of the mass meeting, and when we saw them last Saturday night, we got the "kick" all over again. BOB ZUPPKE BLAZED THE TRAIL THE memorial, said Bob Zuppke, should be an honor court; and, since one hundred and eighty-three Illini were killed in the war, there should be one hundred and eighty-three columns in the honor court. People should enter the honor court first, he said, and then the Stadium. The entrance should be a long, open colonnade with two flanking towers. One of the towers should be a memorial to the soldiers, the other to the sailors and marines; and there should be a memorial and trophy room. More details, many more, were decided upon. And Bob Zuppke, chairman of the Stadium executive council, told the world about these details. He told the world in his own way. The towers, he said, "will be so high that if a searchlight is placed on top, they will illuminate the name of Illinois from the Statue of Liberty to the Golden Gate." This is not academically precise, but it renders faithfully Bob Zuppke's spirit — the spirit which gave Illinois, in his second year here, victory over every team in the Conference, and the championship; the spirit which battled Minnesota to a tie the following year, which won another cham- pionship in 1919 and which battled the Conference to the finals in almost every other year, losing the championship, in 1920, only in the last minute Present Illinois Field "Chuck" Carney, '22 All-American end Harold Pogue, '17 All-Conference halfback of the last game — with Ohio. In this spirit he went to students and alumni and the University's friends. Seventy-five thousand people, he told them, will see athletic contests in the great concrete Stadium. It will be 65 seats high and will have a front- age of 360 feet. If placed side by side in a continuous row, the seats would go 25 miles. And there will be a track — a quarter-mile; and perhaps a 220-yard straightaway, a rare and important feature. Under the stands will be many basketball floors, handball and wrestling courts, lockers and showers. Outside the structure there will be a 100-acre recreation field containing baseball diamonds, football gridirons, hockey and soccer and lacrosse fields, clay tennis courts, archery courts and perhaps a polo field. Larger than the Yale Bowl and the Harvard Stadium will be our Illinois Stadium, he told them, and the new automobile roads from all points in the middle west will bring the greatest crowds in America to see the fighting Illini in sportsmanlike conflict. And, he concluded, it will take $2,500,000 to build it; for the memorial features, $1,200,000 and for the stands $1,300,000. Where the Stadium would be, he could not say for sure, although it is likely to be on the new University athletic field at First Street and Armory Avenue. Thus Bob Zuppke went about, to Illini clubs on the Atlantic seaboard and on the Pacific coast, always accom- panying his friend "G," telling the world — particularly the Illini world — of the plans which were growing out of "G" Huff's vision. |3P i mm "Slooey" Chapman, ' 16 Ail-American center "Potsy" Clark, '16 All-Conference quarterback ■ awings by Charles Morgan, *14 J HE STADIUM! Here it is as we hope to make it look when alumni, students and friends of the University of Illinois have played their part during the great Stadium Week of November i, 1921: honor court and fountain and triple-deck stands; colonnades and towers and wide-spread- ing fields — a Held for sports, and an everlasting source of inspiration. Detail sketch of one corner of Stadium from field ^MBBB^ nH^M^BaBMaHMHB ^^EM ^MBaEBBMH RODNEY L. BELL, '09 '*/ think the Stadium is the finest thing for Illi- nois athletics that could be done , and I will be mighty glad to have the Privilege of paying my share." '3k F. M. BANE, '15 "The idea of building a Stadium is a splendid one and entirely in keeping with the development of the University." WILLIAM H. (Bill) WOOLSTON "Alumni and students of the University of Illinois should put alt their energy into the movement to build a Stadium." CHESTER C. (Bull) ROBERTS. '12 "From the practical side, •we need it badly. If the miracle of the last decade of our growth and in- fluence be repeated in the next, I doubt if even then we will have builded with vision enough." HOWARD N. YATES, '22 ' ' Illinois has given us much and we owe much to her. The Memorial Sta- dium gives every true Illini the chance to pay, in Part, that debt." JACK WATSON, '16 "Illinois should have a Stadium. The Stadium should be the means of Pledging each Illinois alumnus to even greater loyalty than he now has." CHARLES FAIRWEATHER '04 "With an unparalleled coaching staff and un- paralleled teams, we ought to have an unparalleled athletic and recreation field." FRED (Cv) FALKENBERG, '02 "George Huff and a Sta- dium — what greater com- bination could any uni- versity have?" C. G. LUMLEY, '86 "Physical development is a vital requisite in the making of a well-rounded education. The Stadium will meet all require- ments." H. F. (Slip! COGDAL, '15 "Magnificent.' I know of no move the University or the Athletic Association has ever made which pleases me more. Count me as an enthusiastic, supporter of the Stadium idea." IRA CARRITHERS, '08 "/ believe firmly in the principle of intra-murat sports and I am strongly in favor of the Stadium because it will perpetuate that principle on a broad scale." W.'H. BECKER, '17 "The Stadium is truly an undertaking of a worthy purpose. It deserves the unreserved support of all true Itlini." H. F. KEMMAN, '12 "/ have always been proud of my alma mater, but this Stadium project makes me feel that Illinois will soon be second to no Uni- versity in the world." JAMES (Burley) NEEDHAM. '93 "Being an old-timer, I could not realize the neces- sity of providing for 75.000 spectators until I attended the Chicago game a few years ago. I was con- vinced. We must expand or contract." J V. RICHARDS, '10 "When the Stadium is built, the East will become more than ever impressed with the importance of the West in the athletic world. I look forward with pleas- ure to such a day." FRANK J. NAPRSTEK, '14 "Let us have that Stadium which will serve not only as a Recreation Field but as a fitting War Memo- rial." JAMES B. SNYDER.'09 "The Stadium had to come on account of the wonderful growth of Illi- nois, and I am very glad it has been started." J. C. PHELPS. '14 "The Stadium will bring the alumni together in a warmer kinship than ever before and a live alumni body makes a great uni- versity." DON SWENEY, '96 "Illinois needs the Sta- dium — alt of it — just as planned. I hope that Illini as a whole are not less valiant than our vic- torious teams. Let us build the Stadium and show the world Illini wins." C. H. BELTING. 12 "/ certainly believe that the Illinois Memorial Stadium will boost Illi- nois athletics as nothing else can do. I am back of it one hundred per cent." C. N. BOYD, '81 "/ am glad to hear of the progress in the Stadium drive. When thousands of old graduates return, we wa n t room . We all see a great future for 'old Illinois'." JOHN BUZICK. '10 "Good sportsmanship is my ideal, and a Stadium will inspire good sports- manship. Therefore, let us help the great cause, as all loyal alumni should." PERRY GRAVES. '15 "The Stadium, backed by alumni, will be an im- pressive memorial to our fighting Illini, to our future Illini." JOHN T. (Jack) BRADLEY. '16 "We always have had a great man at Illinois — George Huff; now we have a great structure to symbolize him." HARVEY J. SCONCE, '98-21 "The athletic teams are one of the greatest advertising mediums the University has. If athletics are to keep pace with agriculture engineering, chemistry, and other departments, we need the Stadium." lEansaiM3aanonanQnaaiBs9B3ffii^^ LEST WE FORGET THOSE 1LLINI WHO DIED IN THE WAR THERE were nine thousand four hundred and forty-two of them in uniform when their country called. Trained they were, for in their four years at this University they had learned what it means to wear a uniform and they had caught something of the discipline of the soldier. Willing they were: 183 of them died, 158 of them were wounded, and 120 of them were decorated for distinguished service. Nine thousand four hundred and forty-two .... and tomorrow, should their country call again, there would be probably fifteen thou- sand or even twenty thousand. And perhaps even more would be deco- rated — and, perhaps, even more killed and wounded. But the spirit that sent them into action, the spirit which brought 183 of them forever out of our vision and understanding, is still with us. It is a living thing, and the Stadium will exist to keep that living thing before the eyes of future generations, of the hundreds of future generations who will walk through its archways, sit in its seats and move strenuously on its fields. Each of the 183 will have a column erected to his memory. This column will be dedicated to him alone, so that Illini never will forget that Illini have made the supreme sacrifice. And, that you who may not see the Stadium and be in it as frequently as the younger sons and daughters of Illinois who are here today, may have near you always the names of those who gave their lives in the war, we print these names. "the spirit that sent them into action . . . is a living thing" Detail sketch of fountain and entrance, showing memorial columns which will encircle the Stadium Truman Obet Aarvig, '18 Alvin James Adams, '20 Charles Patrick Anderson, '18 Michael Louis Angarola, 'IS Edward Kent Armstrong, '05 Alan Newton Ash, '14 John Willard Bailey, '15 Harold John Barnes, '17 Lloyd Kaylor Bartholemew, '22 Lowell Wilson Bartlett, '19 Bohuslav Bartos, '19 Beauthien Frank Allyn Benitz, '15 Frank Stanley Bennehoff, '20 Merrill Manning Benson, '18 Edwards Hall Barry, '14 Arthur Lewis Beyerlein, '12 Benjamin Harrison Bloebaum, '13 Irving Jerome Bluestein, '19 Vinson Runyan Boardman, '17 Arthur Lee Bonner, '18 Marcus H. Branham, '20 George Ray Brannon, '15 William Edgar Brotherton, '17 Waldo Reinhart Brown, '15 Bayard Brown, '16 Harold Charles Buchanan John Edward Burroughs, '08 Charles Bowen Busey, '08 Charles Edwin Caldwell, '12 William Joseph Callahan, '15 Jay Ira Carpenter, '16 Leo S. Cassel, '14 Leslie George Chandler, '18 Minor Judson Chapin, '19 Harry Leslie Clayton, '17 Paul McKinley Clendenen, '09 Frank Maynard Colcord, '14 Henry R. Colton, '19 Linn Palmer Cookson, '19 William Hugh Cork, '19 Bruce Nutter Culmer, '14 Robert Marshall Cutter, '19 Homer Walston Dahringer, '13 John Henry Dallenbach, '14 Theo. Frederick Demeter, '20 Townsend Foster Dodd, '07 David Woods Dunlop, '15 James Edward Durst, '14 Vincent John Dushek, '17 Albert C. D'Vorak, '18 William Franklin Earnest, '19 Adrian Clair Edwards, '16 Elmo Krehl Eson, '22 A. M. Evans Emery C. Farver, Grad. James Alva Gain, '22 Francis Moses Gaylord, '19 William Geuther, '21 Lloyd Havens Chislin, '18 Ralph Egley Gifford, '17 Orlando Merrill Gochnaur, '15 Isaac Van Tyle Goltra, '06 Thomas Goodfellow, '20 Algernon DeWaters Gorman, '19 Otto Benton Gray, '18 Julius Elmer Gregory, '19 Edward Forbes Greene, '03 Robert Marion Greene, '20 Charles LeRoy Gustafson, '12 George Philip Gustafson, '16 Nelson Gustafson, '15 Chester Gilbert Hadden, '16 Frederick Hadra, '86 Milo Lincoln Haley, '22 William Jacob Hamilton, '17 John Connor Hanley, '15 Howard Henry Hardy, '19 Everett Leonard Harshbarger, '17 Calvin W. Hesse, '18 James Burr Hickman, '15 John A. Hirstein, '17 Cyril George Hopkins Leonard Cunningham Hoskins, '17 Peter Marion Huisinga, '22 Allen Kirk Hyde, '07 Ralph Imes, '17 Frank C. Jarret, '17 Joseph Henry Johnston, '16 Hubert Jessen, '15 Lenton Willis James, '15 Archibald Floyd Keehner, '14 Orris Herbert Kirchert, '22 Elmore Archibald Kirkland, '20 Robert Dudley Kirkland, '20 Bayard Taylor Klotsche, '18 John Carl Kromer, '13 Lynn Elmer Knorr,Ass't Comptroller Oscar Edwin Landsea, '22 Edgar Alfred Lawrence, '16 Theo. Edwin Layden, '13 John Charles Lee, '13 Raymond George Leggett, '12 Samuel B. Leiservitz, '17 Everett Robertson Leisure, '18 Lester Ray Lewis, '21 Wilfred Lewis, '07 John Royer I.indsey, '17 Robert Lewis Long, '20 Clare Parsons McCaskey, '09 Louis Douglas McCaughey, '14 Isaac Frost McCollister, '20 Leo Glenn McCormick, '21 Joel Furnas McDavid, '16 John McDonough, '09 William Howard Manderville, '17 Lewis Vinton Manspeaker, '09 Leo Joseph Mattingly, '16 Dean Ellsworth Memmen, '18 Alexander Val Mercer, '07 Russell Micenheimer, '20 Donald Joseph Miller, '21 Leo Cassins Miller, '06 Wayne Kenneth Moore, '18 Alfred Thorpe Morison Guy Edward Morse, '19 William Earl Mosher, '13 Charles Sol Narkinsky, '12 John Lowrie Needham, '01 Ralph Mathew Noble, '11 Tomas Olazagasti, '20 Edwin August Olson, '21 Thomas Jefferson Palmer, '05 Raymond Webb Parker, '15 Miles McKinstry Parmely, '18 Lloyd Melvin Parr, '21 Clyde Fugate Pendleton, '17 Herbert Christian Peterson, '13 William Chandler Peterson, '16 James Blaine Phipps, '18 Lewis Irving Pillis, '18 Eric Frederick Pihlgard, '16 Horatio Nicoles Powell, '13 Benjamin James Prince, '18 Hugh Mitchell Price, '03 Roy W. Purdun James Kempt Read, '16 Lawrence Scott Riddle, '11 John W. Sackett, '79 Harold Cordes Schreiner, '17 Harold Setin Seibert, '20 William Joseph Sense, '14 A. Vernon Sheetz, '16 Bruce Lucius Sizer, '16 Clarence Walter Smith, '18 Philip Overton Smith, '17 Thurston Smith ,'99 William Everett Smoot, '17 Reginald Gardiner Squibb, '18 Otto Staeheli, '16 Charles Leslie Starkel, '18 Harry Henry Strauch, Fac. Med., '16 R. DeV. Stitt, '15 Harold Hoyle Sutherland, '18 Dana Elery Swift, '20 Alexander Steven Tarnowski, '15 John Lawrence Teare, '17 Ralph Waldo Tippet, Grad. Norman James Tweedie, '18 Arnold M. VanDuyn, '91 Charles Arthur Wagner, '18 Elliott Pyle Walker, '19 Edward Wallace, '13 Burt H. Ward, '18 Manniere Barlow Ware, '17 Leslie Abram Waterbury, '02 George Lynn Weaver, '19 William Erastus Wheeler Jr., '17 Hiram Hannibal Wheeler, '07 George Edward Wilcos, '11 Lloyd Garrison Williams, '12 Frederic Hance Winslow, '04 Warren Crooke Woodward, '10 THE GREAT CALL OF LIVING THOUSANDS IF EACH one of the Illini who gave his life in the war could be met again today in some dim, far-off place, and if he were asked what kind of a memorial would be dearest to his heart, could he feel more warmly toward any memorial than to the memorial which this Stadium will be? Could he ask anything better than that his heroism should be commemorated in a place of beauty where thousands of living youths and maidens shall breathe the fresh air, shall leap and run in wind and sun, and shall grow increasingly vigorous and healthy and better able to meet the problems of life? Surely the great Recreation Field which will answer the call of living thousands will answer equally well the im- perious mandate of the dead hundreds. Today thousands of young people who want to play tennis and foot- ball and baseball and lacrosse and hockey and soccer and polo are practically barred from any but the meagerest exercise of these good pleasures. We have here men eminently capable of directing the physical energies of our undergraduates into profitable channels. In basketball, we have Frank J. Winters, who, like our other coaches, is more than a coach in the narrow sense of the word. He is interested in encouraging every youth to play basketball, as well as developing the abilities of the trained athletes on the teams. In the Y. M. C. A. Training School of Physical Education at Springfield, Massachusetts, where he graduated in 1910, he developed his ability to give personal .^. "where thousands of living youths and maidens shall grow increasingly vigorous and healthy" ? - ' too' TENN 13 COURTS - 3 lo SR.1DIRONS , lo soccEfi- FIEUD3 fcunt 25 >ALL Dl< iMONOS POLO "It is the call of the living thousands as well as the silent voice of the heroic dead which will be answered by the one-hundred acre Recreation Field" and careful attention to large groups of young people. As director of athletics at the State Normal School in Missouri, and in several Middle- Western high schools where he made remarkable records, his talents became seasoned. Since last year, when our basketball team was in first place, until the last game, when, by a trick of percentages, it dropped into third place, he has been an Illini coach. Edward J. Manley, who has taught swimming to good swimmers and to bad swimmers since 1912, who was a member of the swimming and water polo teams of the Missouri Athletic Club which won the A. A. U. championship, has an enviable record. Never since he has been here have Illinois swimming teams finished below third place in the Frank J. Winters, Basketball Coach *-* r j ■• Til* - ■ 111 Conference, and at one time Illinois swimmers held every Conference record. Men like Vosberg, one of the best crawl stroke swimmers in the country, and Lichter, who holds the world's record for the sixty-yard plunge, are products of Manley's, and men like Mac- Gillivray and Raithel took instructions from him. Manley sees to it that every student in the University knows how to swim and, in addition to these duties, he is director of all Intra-Mural and Inter-Class games. He has developed these contests until last year more than 3,000 students, representing 204 different teams, took part in them. This includes football, soccer, basketball, baseball, swimming, boxing, wrestling, track, tennis and golf. And all this activity has con- tinued in spite of the awkwardness in carrying it out — an awkwardness due to the limited recreation facilities. Arthur J. Schuettner, who directs the men's gymnasium and is coach of gymnastics, deals with the student who needs the parallel bars, the pulleys, the Indian clubs, the horizontal bar and the trapeze. He was supervisor of physical training and athletics in the public schools of Buffalo, New York, and has won many competitions, including the all- around gymnastic and athletic championship of the United States at St. Louis in 1914. He has developed an astonishingly wide and con- sistently increasing interest on the part of students in exercise on gym- nasium apparatus. Paul H. Prehn, who has made a remarkable record as a wrestler him- self, is developing an unprecedented interest in wrestling among students. In the Inter-Allied Games overseas, he won in the middle-weight division, and he has defeated some of the best men in the United States in this division since, having been defeated only by Johnny Meyers, world's champion middleweight. He is a skillful and powerful wrestler, and a remarkable teacher. He has produced not only consistently vigorous wrestling teams for the University, but has brought wrestling and boxing from the obscurity of specialized activities into the realm of increasingly popular sports. Men of this kind are symbols of a new life at Illinois, of a higher, more courageous, fuller life; and already their mark is indelibly upon the student body. It is through them that we hear the call of living thousands, and it is this call, as well as the silent voice of the heroic dead, which will be answered in the great one-hundred -acre Recreation Field which will be included in the Stadium. 3MSfflWHW-?5WWfflMfflHMSWMK® 555 55 5 5 55 5 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 35 55 35 555S55252MS AS A MONUMENT TO PAST AND AN INSPI- RATION TO PRESENT AND FUTURE TEAMS'; AVERY BRUNDAGE SUBSCRIBES $1000 strengthening of the powers, mental or physical.' Two thousand years ago when ancient Greece was the center of civilization, a man to be considered educated had to have a trained body as well as a trained mind. Greek culture was mental and physical and there resulted that glorious and en- lightened age of Hellenic supremacy in literature, athletics, civics and art that has never been surpassed. "Some day physical training in its broadest sense will be as much and as important a part of our educational program as mental training. We have the best athletic department in the United States today at the University of Illinois — we must have the best athletic plant. As a monument to past and an inspiration to present and future teams, I am glad to con- tribute to the building of the most imposing Stadium in the country." Avery Brundage, 'op, three times amateur all around track champion of the United States and a star at the Olympics STRENGTH, speed, agility, stam- ina, and endurance are not the only qualities acquired on the athletic field. The value of the resourcefulness, loyalty, ability to think quickly, gameness, good sportsmanship, will power and poise learned under the direction of competent coaches cannot be over-emphasized in the development of men. "The dictionary says that culture is 'the training, development, or mmxxmswmzmpsMm'iS. THE SPURTING TURF THE HURTLING JAVELIN.THE SPINNING DISCUS -AND HARPvYGILL I T doesn't matter very much whether we seem to have phenomenal track men or not, so long as we have with us Harry Gill. Out of gasping novices he seems to make consistent winners of first place, out of strain- ing youngsters he seems to make leaping wonders, out of big, bulky slow-moving young giants he seems to make the source from which a heavy discus spins and swirls across great distances or from which the long, slender javelin seems to vibrate amazingly through the air. Avery Brundage, three times the all-around cham- pion of America; Billy May, who still holds many dash records; Jack Case of the 1912 Olympics, and Fred Henderson, who holds our 880-yard record, are some of his outstanding achievements. But teams are his specialty rather than individuals, and victories rather than startling single records. So, Harry l. c.xii j n S pi|- e f j- ne fact that Illinois has its share of individual record-breakers, we have won, since Harry Gill came here in 1906, 67 dual meets out of 73. We have won the Big Ten Outdoor Conference meet 5 times in 14 years and the Indoor Intercollegiate 4 out of 10 times. "Mike" Mason, ' 16 who beat Joie Ray in the mile Fred ( Alabam J Henderson, '14, our 880-yard record-holder Bob Emery, '20 holds Illinois record for the 440 Billy May, '00, one of our greatest dash men THE SECRET OF OUR SUPERIORITY IN BASEBALL E Carl L. Lundgren, '02 SO VERYBODY knew that some day there would be too many things for G. Huff to do. Everybody wondered where this greatest of all baseball coaches could find a successor. 220 won out of 299 games played is a precedent great enough to dishearten almost anyone. But Carl L. Lundgren, '02, who pitched for the Chicago Cubs, who was assistant coach at Princeton and who was head coach at Michigan for seven years, stepped in and won a championship in his first year — 1921 beautifully that it was hard to believe "G" wasn't there. "Lundy" began with an inexperienced squad of players and devel- oped three excellent pitchers. He taught his team how to bat, how to field, how to run, and, best of all, how to think. Out of 12 Conference games we lost only one, and always in a crisis our team showed power and coolness and the fighting Illini spirit. With the school which has the tradition of men like "Jake" Stahl, Billy Fulton, "Red" Gunkel, Grant Beadle, "Shorty" Righter, John Busick and Frank Pfeffer as baseball stars, any new coach is facing an apparently insur- mountable wall to establish a reputation for himself; yet today we have already figures like Otto Vogel and Harry McCurdy, and kas never forgotten that t-nrnntt-nn, .'o o rrl^nnrr nmm ; co '<*?, a great ball player, is a he is an Illini tOmOrrOW IS a glOWing promise. T.N. E. and Phi Beta Kappa "GREEK GLORY ON THE PRAIRIE ."SAYS PRESIDENT KINLEY PERHAPS my greatest interest in the Stadium is its cultural effect. "Our Stadium will bring a touch of Greek glory to the prairie. "Young men and women spending four years of their lives in the vicinity of such an edifice cannot help absorbing some of its lofty inspiration. "A still more practical cultural development will come from the Greek theater, seating 10,000 persons, which will stand in the honor court. It will be a setting for outdoor plays, pageants, May fetes and music festi- vals enriching the imagination of the participants and the beholders. "The setting, that of an old Ital- ian garden, with the proscenium arch at one end, with the colonnades, archways and shining towers of the entrance, will bring an appreciation of old-world beauties, of fine and eternal traditions, which, blended with the ruggedness and shrewd intelligence of our people, will help us to realize the greatness which is "The Greek theater will be a setting for outdoor .. . . , ,, plays, pageants, May fetes and music festivals" OUT Dirtmlgnt. "1 LOVE THE PAST BECAUSE I SEE THE FUTURE," SAYS PRESIDENT- EMERI- TUS JAMES THERE is a room on the third floor of the Administration building which is reserved for Dr. Edmund Janes James, President-Emeritus. After having been in various parts of the United States in order to recover the health which he lost in service to his University and his coun- try, he came back for a while to Urbana. It was in this office, at his old desk with long shelves full of books — books of literature, statistical books, books of history and books dealing in many ways with the adventures of mankind; all books very dear to the heart of Dr. James — he leaned back in his old swivel chair and talked about the subject which is nearest to his heart, the proposed memorial Stadium and recreation field. As he sat there, straight and proud, it was very easy to picture him again in his military uniform, on horseback, cantering through the streets of Urbana and Champaign, saluting the many students and faculty men who loved him. It was easy to see him again in that big office of the President, genial and yet rigorous, crisp but sympathetic, understanding always the little things and never losing his grip on the big things, both of today and tomorrow. "I have been the president of an adolescent university which is grow- ing rapidly into maturity," he said. "I have also been and am a father. I know of no greater miracle in all human experience than the miracle of growth. I have watched with never-ceasing amazement the develop- ment of my children and with similar amazement the development of — may I call it mine own? — university. There is a stage in all higher growth where youth takes the reins and shapes its own future. A wise father encourages and applauds. I feel great joy and the satis- faction of doing the wise thing in offering my heartiest support and ap- proval of the Stadium project. "I cannot separate the growth in athletics at our alma mater from growth in service to state and country. When we were small, our athletics were small. Today we are great and growing greater, and our athletics are moving at an equal tempo. "It is a good thing in a society to admire sportsmanship, courage, speed, skill, and self-denial. Athletics teach these things. I firmly believe that a great soul can live better in a strong body than in a weak one. Any project which will give greater health and vigor to all of our students, which will set a higher standard of achievement for our athletics, which will bring a reverent and lofty memory of the heoric dead to future generations and which will imbue it all with the beauty of beautiful archi- tecture, is a great project and one which every alumnus should support." ut®Jl®J^4®Jt^tt!{lia8!SS3aSlsa!^ BURT A. INGWER- SON, '19 "/ think that the Illinois Stadium will rejuvenate alumni interest as nothing has ever done before; and it is a good thing for every alumnus to stay interested in his alma mater." 3 KENNETH (Tug) WILSON, '20 "I think the finest move- ment in America is the .Stadium movement and it makes me proud to think that Illinois will have the greatest Stadium of all." W. W. (Red) GUNKEL. '16 "Our hearts are with Illi- nois, and the Stadium will not only make us proud as well as loyal, but will give us seats that will en- able us to enjoy the games." ft ■J JOHNNY MERRIMAN '16 "// is only natural that Illinois should take the lead in building a Stadium. Hundreds of Springfield people would go to the games if they could be sure of good seals." H.J. POPPERFUSS, "10 "The undergraduates have shown an amazing spirit by contributing $700,000. I know the alumni will at least equal this great per- formance." ' H. A. WHITSON. *18 "The greatest thrill in an ordinary life is attending the first Homecoming foot- ball game. Many renew the thrill annually. The new Stadium will solve the problem of accommodating the 'Old Timers'." R. WALTER M ILLS. 99 "When I recall the little, square, poorly banked, weedy track on which we used to run in the 90' s, my sentiments are all in favor of better things for the boys who are trying to clip off the fifths today." GEORGE BUCHEIT.20 "/ envy the Illinois under- graduate of three years from today the splendid facilities he will enjoy for health and recreation, but I am glad that I am an alumnus and may boost the Stadium for the benefit of future generations." W. E. BURROUGHS. '00 "Nothing has come along in a long time that has pleased me so much as the idea of a Memorial Sta- dium. It will add to the dignity and prestige of the University and of its alumni." J. F. (Heavy) TWIST. ■11 "// Illinois doesn't get a Stadium soon, she will fall back in the Conference , for teams like Ohio and Chicago would rather play to big crowds than limited crowds." RS^EI^MlgggSMinQnfinggfrM^EigSs^^ |MMMMLfflMMMMPMiWM«5^SKM^MMMMI BBKgs ags^MgsaEasaBag CLARENCE AFPLEGRAM, 17 "The Stadium wilt be a •splendid memorial to the Illini heroes who died in the war berause it will be vital, and a beautiful memorial '" A. H. (Mike) MASON. '16 "/ think a Stadium will inspire manv students to participate more actively in athletics and that is a very important thing." C. B. OLIVER, 12 "The Stadium idea is a great one, but not too great for the University of Illinois." F. W. VON OVEN. '98 "/ am heart and soul in favor of a Memorial Sta- dium and Recreation Field. Every alumnus should feel proud of his alma mater and should show his loyalty now if ever." J? -^Q H Iff ff, • RAY WOODS. 17 "The Stadium will be a point of pride to all Illi- nois men and women and will enable us to answer the criticism that alumni of state universities have little pride in their insti- tutions." CARL STEINWEDELL. '03 "Whenever George Huff is back of anything. the proposition needs no in- vestigation. Let's put this Stadium over big for him!" TOMMY JASPER. '9-1 "Long live the Stadium.' We have and will need it to give us the proper place in the sun in competition with other large universi- ties." 47J» KRAFT. "18 expression of REN "As an Illinois spirit and loyalt no better medium can be found than the Stadium." J. F. (Jimmy) BRETON. 14 "/ feel safe in predicting that ten years from today even this great Stadium will not be large enough to handle the crowd that will attend athletic contests at Illinois." HARVEY D. McCOLLUM. 01 "// you ever felt the fight- ing Illinois thrill on the bleachers, or responded to it on the field, boost for this long felt want, ap~ propriate and necessary — the Stadium." E A. WILLIFORD. '15 "The Stadium will be a Point of pride to all Illi- nois men and women and will enable us to answer the criticism that alumni of stale universities have little pride in their insti- tutions." J. R. CASE, '13 "Outside of the idealistic value of the Stadium, I think every alumnus will be glad to make an invest- ment which will give him an option on good sects for all vames." CHARLES P. VAN GUNDY, '88 "/ think the Stadium is an excellent idea from every standpoint and I will help to the extent of my ability to insure its success." LYLE HERRICK. 03 "I am proud of the splen- did showing made by the undergraduates when thev pledged $700,000 and I know that our alumni will go them one better." VIRGIL T. J ESSEN. 21 "/ firmly believe that the Stadium will be a success, because a Stadium for Fighting Illini will mean a Stadium for all Illini." A. W. MERRIFIELD. 92 "// is the best project ever undertaken by good old Illinois." T. E. LYONS. 11 "The leading educational institution of the Middle West is deserving of an athletic plant in keeping with its position. The Stadium should receive the undivided support of every one of us." C. H. WATTS. '13 "I think the Stadium wilt be the crow/ting achieve- ment of the University of Illinois." x5ff PAUL r. HAZELWOOD. '12 ".4. glorious memorial to the dead of the University and the State is something which must touch the depths in every patriotic American. Such a memo- rial will be the Stadium." EUGENE SCHOBINGER. 15 "The Stadium will prove to the world that the or- ganization and coopera- tion on the campus, which has made the University great, exists also among the alumni." C. J. ROTHGEB. 04 "The proposed Memorial Stadium and Recreation Field has aroused my interest in Illinois to an even more intense degree than it was when / was an undergraduate — and that is going some!" E. B. (Shorty) RIGHTER. 10 "/ believe that the grandest thing the alumni can do to further the success of the great Memorial Stadium is to open their hearts and their pocketbooks." WILLIAM F. SLATER. '94 "The Stadium, a memorial to the boys who made the 'Great Sacrifice.' deserves our greatest support and loyalty." a. p. Mcdonald. '16 "At last we have some- thing big enough to meas- ure up to the calibre of George Huff — a Stadium!" BASIL BENNETT. '1? "The Stadium would be a great influence in at- tracting men into athlet- ics. It would develop more competition and give everyone a chance. Every- one should push the drive and give his mite." I ^wffiwmibirimzifimt&itfSffiSMWMtfmTMmmm tf«t/mlv«t/AT/»t/«\lr/»t/«\ir/»\lv«\l:/w\t/«\l.v«\./»*« SEVEN THOUSAND YOUNG EYES ARE UPON YOU, MR. ILLINI f Merle J. Trees, '07, was Phi Delta Theta, Phoenix. Civil Engineering Club, University Band, and on the class football team in his undergraduate days. When he graduated, he became a foreman with the Foundry Griffin Wheel Company. Soon after, he went with the Chicago Bridge and Iron Works and rose until today he is Vice-President. lie is a member of the Western Society of Engineers, the Chicago Engineers Club, the University Club of Chicago, the Chicago Illini Club, the New York Engineers Club, the A. S. C. E., and is President of the National Railroad Appliances Association. To All Illini Everywhere: You read "The Story of the Stadium" with many and mixed emotions. Among them surely is a poignant feeling of regret that the student body of which you were a part did not have the opportunity for such an achievement. But your opportunity is at hand. Yours is the high privilege today of carrying to a successful conclusion the Stadium campaign so well begun by the students last Spring. Seven thousand young eyes are upon you, Mr. Illini; seven thousand young hearts and minds eagerly await your cooperation and support. Their spirit has electrified the public mind with confident expectations as to what you will do. In every state in the Union, and in foreign countries, college men know about this great Stadium project. They are looking forward to the day when it becomes a reality. You will make that day. You have the Illini heart, the Illini spirit. To that heart and spirit, as President of the Alumni Association, I now appeal. Let's get together and "Build That Stadium for Fighting Illini!" Loyally yours, l/t^J^^ President, Unhersity of Illinois Alumni Association. "I AM BUYING $10000 WORTH OF HAP- PINESS'-ROBEKT E CAKPv Robert F. Carr, 'qj, was president of his freshman class, a Major in the U. S. Army during the war, Trustee of the University IQ15-21, and president of the Dearborn Drug y Chemical Works of Chicago since IQ06 I HAVE found that I share most things with other people, that the things I do not share are not as enjoyable as the others. "Pleasure in life to me does not consist of a one-seat automobile, a one-person house or a one-meal table. If I have a beautiful home, I want others to appreciate and enjoy its beauty. If I have a car, I want others to share its convenience and comfort. If there is good food at my table, I want the pleasure of good company with it. "When I pledge $10,000 to the Stadium, I am doing it, in a way, selfishly. It is a most profitable investment in happiness. "I am sharing a great thing with a vast number of people. I shall be able to point to that beautiful structure with a certain sense of proprietor- ship. I shall be able to feel that I was substantially a factor in making the Stadium an actuality. I should rather have my modest share in that great memorial than have a large share in a lesser thing. "I have talked to other men about things of this kind. I have asked them what their feelings are about making financial contributions. Those among them who have given with any degree of generosity have told me invariably that they have never done anything which they regretted less. All of them enthusiastically insisted that every year brings a new sense of gladness that they helped, and a new sense of satisfaction that they are a part of a larger and greater movement than any one man can contain within himself. "I believe I can say quite sincerely that when I pledge $10,000 to the Stadium I am buying $10,000 worth of happiness." "WHEN I PLEDGED $1000 I WAS THINKJNC OF HOMECOMING, IO24" -ALBERT MOHR Albert Mohr has three sons in the University — Joseph, '21, who has been track manager and football manager; Albert,' 22, All-Western football guard; and Louis, '23, baseball pitcher I AM not an alumnus of the University of Illinois. My only claim to a connection is that I live in the State and that my three sons attended the University. But I feel very close to the heart of the alma mater of my sons — as close, I am sure, as any alumnus. "I have attended the Homecomings regularly for years, and I have never failed to find a renewing of my youth and a brighter outlook on life. "When I heard about the Stadium, I pledged $1,000. I made this pledge for various reasons, but one of them, perhaps the foremost, was the picture in my mind of the Homecoming football game in 1924, the first year when the Stadium will have been built. "I could see myself standing, a tiny figure against the massive towers of the Stadium, with my sons and friends. I could see myself looking up, up, up at the great graceful white bulk of the greatest college stadium in America, and at a moment like that it is very good for one to know that he has a vital part in the whole affair. "I could see myself going through the honor court, examining, on the Doric columns, the inscriptions to the dead war heroes. I could see myself entering the great gates and mounting across vast tiers of seats to my special, reserved place — always with my sons and with their friends and my friends. "It was such a vision mainly which made me so eager to pledge $1,000 and which makes me now very glad, indeed, that I made that pledge." "OURILLINI MUST WORKTOGETH ERAS THEY HAVE NEVER DONE BEFORE" says SENATOR WILLIAM B.McKlNLEY IN THE great Memorial Stadium and Recreation Field projected for our campus I see the beginning of greater glory and finer loyalty for old Illinois. "If we are to have a Stadium worthy of our class sportsmanship and our athletic prowess; if we are to have a Memorial symbolic of the courage and loyalty and devotion of our men and women, our Illini must stand together and work together as they have never done before. The project demands our loyal, united support. "This movement heralds the dawn of a new day, when every alumnus shall feel his deep obligation to his alma mater and realize his own indi- vidual responsibility for her continued progress and greater usefulness. The movement expresses the conviction of our people that we must pro- vide for the development of sound healthy bodies to nurture sound healthy minds." William B. McKinley, 76 'A FITTING TESTIMONIAL OF AFFECTION"^ GOVERNOR LEN SMALL THE great institution of learning maintained by the State of Illinois at Urbana is to be enriched and aug- mented by the erection of a magnificent Stadium and Recreation Field, the gift of the alumni of the University. "The University of Illinois ranks among the first in the United States, and it is contemplated that the pro- posed arena for athletics and sports shall also take first place among the stadia of the country. "The people of Illinois may take great pride in a memorial so mag- nificent, so dignified and yet so fraught with rich life and vigor for the youth of today and tomorrow. The promi- nent place which our University has won in the athletic world is, I believe, a true indication of the vitality which is characteristic of our State. This gift is a generous and fitting testi- monial of the affection in which the graduates hold their alma mater." Len Small. "ASTADIUMWILLBEA FINETHING'w^SENATOR MEDILLMcCORMICIC ■'AGi f\ R iREAT Memorial Stadium and Recreation Field at our State Uni- versity will surely be a fine thing. "I am proud of our University, and I hope that everything essential to her work in developing and training our youth to its highest usefulness and efficiency may be provided. I firmly believe that carefully supervised ath- letic training is as essential as intel- lectual or manual training. "Everywhere in our land great stadiums are being built. They are a material expression of our national zest and joy in clean, healthful athletic competition. On the campus of the University of Illinois, the Stadium movement should attain its climactic development in a temple of incom- parable beauty and dignity, a monu- mental structure which will be a wonderful Stadium, a worthy memo- rial, and a significant symbol of Mini loyalty and courage — all in one!" Medill McCormick. "THE PROPOSALTO ERECT A STADIUM SHOULD COMMEND ITSELF TO EVERY ILLINOISAN" says EX-GOVERN OR EDWARD F. DUNNE THE proposal to erect a Memorial Stadium dedicated to the memory of the Illinois dead in the World War is one which should commend itself to every Illinoisan, and particularly to the students and alumni of our great Uni- versity. As outlined, the program will furnish to our University one of the greatest, if not the greatest, Stadium and athletic fields in the world. The students of the University have already shown a magnificent spirit in subscrib- ing seven hundred thousand dollars to the total of two million needed for the completion of this noble enterprise. I have not the slightest doubt but that the alumni and friends of the Univer- sity throughout the state and nation will do their part within the next few weeks in completing a subscription of two million. As designed, this Stadium will not only furnish badly needed "1 SINCERELY HOPE THAT THIS NOBLE CONCEPTION SOON MAY BECOME AN ACCOMPLISHED FACT," says EX-GOVERNOR FRANK Q LOWDEN THE great institution of learning maintained by the State of Illinois at Urbana is to be enriched and aug- mented by the erection of a magnifi- cent Stadium and Recreation Field, the gift of the alumni of the Uni- versity. The University of Illinois ranks among the first in the United States, and it is contemplated that the proposed arena for athletics and sports shall also take first place among the stadia of the country. This gift is a generous and fitting testimonial of the affection in which the graduates hold their alma mater." Frank O. Lowden. facilities for athletics in the University, but will establish a monument to the patriotism of Illinois to which every Illinoisan can point with pride." Edward F. Dunne. '. . ••/• ; : . : .'V: •'": :• : : .• THE PAYMENT SCHEDULE IS SIMPLE AND CONVENIENT YOU don't pay a cent until January 1, 1922. Then, if you have sub- scribed the regular quota, which is $100, you have 2 l A years in which to pay. The payments will be due every 6 months, on January 1 and July 1 of each year, ending on July 1, 1924. Each payment will be $20. If you have subscribed $200, which is the honor quota, you have 5 years in which to pay. The payments will be due likewise every 6 months. Each payment will be $20. The last payment will come on July 1, 1926. If you have subscribed more than $200, you pay one-tenth of your total subscription every 6 months for 5 years. Do- not send the Athletic Association a check or money in any form. You will be called on by alumni who are voluntary solicitors and you will be given cards to sign. If you live far from an Illini organization, you will receive cards in the mail. When you sign these cards, you will get a receipt. That is all you have to do until January 1, 1922, when the first payment is due. With each $100 pledge you receive an option on one good seat in the Stadium for 10 years, or on 2 good seats for 5 years. As your sub- scription increases, the number of seat options increases in the same ratio. A $200 subscription entitles you to 2 seats for 10 years, or 4 seats for 5 years. And so on. Memorial columns may be subscribed for and dedicated to any Illini who died in the war. Such a subscription is fixed at $1,000. It entitles you to a bronze tablet on the column with your name inscribed upon it. It also entitles you to an option for 10 years on 20 seats, or for 5 years on 40 seats. None of the options will be maintained longer than 10 years. Please get out a pencil tonight. Reread this page carefully, and figure how much you can afford to subscribe to your alma mater for a memorial Stadium and recreation field. Do not, under the influence of your enthusiasm for your University, promise more than you are sure you can afford to give. Stadium sub- scriptions should be given with an untroubled mind. Wheri you have gone over the figures carefully, make your decision, so that you will know exactly what to do when you are asked to build that Stadium for fighting Illini. ., p (, helped to build that Stadium for Fighting Illini THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. itim % a 10' >o 1 AUG J 4 19 m LD 21-20m-5,'39 (9269s)