t? University of California Berkeley From the Library of FREDERICK FOLGER THOMAS Pacific Coast Blue Book CONTAINING Specimens of Type.. Printing Machinery Printing Material... AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' COMPANY .. 405-407 Sansome St. SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA Second and Stark Sts. PORTLAND, OR. 1896 The Type in this book is all made of our celebrated COPPER ALLOY METAL, on the POINT System, thereby insuring perfect justification. All I/eads, Slugs, Metal Furniture and Brass Rules sold are made on the Point System American Type Founders' Co. 405 Sansome Street, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL,. Second and Stark $ts., PORTLAND, OREGON. PRINTER! SPARE THE BOOK. BY THOMAS MACKELLAR. Printer ! spare that book ! Cut not a single leaf! You know not half the pains we took, Or you'd regard our grief. For many a thoughtful hour We cull'd our fruitful brain To set before you type and flower All strung on beauty's chain. Printer! spare that book! It is our fancy's pet: Turn gently o'er its leaves, and look How tastefully 'tis set! There's learning in its page! There's humor in its lines! And there the wisdom of the sage With poesy combines. Printer! spare that book! Make it your office Pride, And keep it in a cherish 'd nook, Your cunning skill to guide. When types grow old, and fain You would your stock renew, Send us the number and the name But spare the book now do! American Type Founders' Company BRANCHED. BOSTON, 144-150 Congress Street NEW YORK, Rose and Duane Streets PHILADELPHIA, 606-614 Sansom Street BALTIMORE, Frederick and Water Streets BUFFALO, 83-85 Ellicott Street PITTSBURGH, 308 Wood Street CLEVELAND, 239-241 St. Clair Street CINCINNATI, 7-17 Longworth Street CHICAGO, 139-141 Monroe Street MILWAUKEE, 89 Huron Street ST. LOUIS, Fourth and Elm Streets MINNEAPOLIS, 113 First Avenue, South ST. PAUL, 84-86 East Fifth Street KANSAS CITY, 533-535 Delaware Street OMAHA, 1118 Howard Street DENVER, 1616-1622 Blake Street PORTLAND, Second and Stark Streets SAN FRANCISCO, 405-407 Sansome Street PRICE LIST -or- PRINTING TYPE .2 03 tH - & SSS 69 g w H " jo*> CC > -S fi^l SIZE OF TYPE. 11 T3 C fl 03 o3 fl C 03 1 M 6 S'o c3.g H j || '" S" 1 P Pu | S ^l r+ O H "o3 Ck 43^-Point.... Diamond $l.f>0 $2.00 $ $2.50 $3.20 5 ....Pearl 1.20 1.60 1.80 2.80 5% ... .Ruby or Agate .74 1.30 1.44 2.40 6 Nonpareil .64 1.00 1.16 2.00 7 ... .Minion .56 .90 1.00 1.80 8 Brevier .52 .80 .90 1.60 9 .. .Bourgeois .48 .70 .80 1.44 10 Long Primer.. 46 .65 .74 1.30 11 ... .Small Pica .44 .60 .70 1.22 12 Pica .42 .54 .66 1.16 14 . ...English 1 .62 1 12 16 Columbian .52 60 1 06 18 ....Great Primer . .52' .. .60 1 00 20 . Paragon .52 .60 .94 24 ... .Double Pica .50 56 .90 30 ... .Five- Line Nonpareil .... .50 .56 86 36 Double Great Primer. . .50 56 .86 42 Seven- Line Nonpareil. , .50 .54 .78 48 Four- Line Pica .48 .54 .72 54 . . .Nine-Line Nonpareil .48 .54 .72 60 .. ..Five-Line Pica .48 .52 .64 72 ... .Six-Line Pica .48 .52 .64 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. DISCOUNTS. The discounts vary and will be quoted upon application. They will be as low as consistent with first-class type, machinery and material. PRICES. The prices quoted on the machinery and material may change at any time, so that these prices and the discounts quoted are subject to change without notice. ELECTROTYPINGk We have the only complete Electrotype Foundry in the North west. Wood and Process Engraving, Copper Halftone and Zinc Etching, Box Brands, Soap Stamps, etc. We are prepared to do first- class work at reasonable prices. SPACES AND QUADS. 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 20 22 $1.25 24. $1 00 : 90 75 70 28. 30 32 1.00 1.03 1.00 65 36. 1 00 60 40 1 00 55 42. 1 00 ' 55 44 1.00 .... . . .55 48. 1 00 1.00 54 1.00 1.00 . 1.00 60 72 1.00 1 00 1.00 96.. 1 00 .. 1.00 120... .. 1.00 OLD METAL. Old Metal taken in trade. Prices will be quoted upon application. 6 COPPER ALLOY TYPE ACCOUNTS. We do not open accounts for small purchases. All orders for small amounts, from parties with whom we do not have accounts, should be accompanied by the cash. CASH. Cash means money with order upon shipment, so that goods can be charged to cash. CREDIT. Credit will be given for a reasonable amount to any one giving satisfactory reference or good security. If you are not known to us and wish credit, always send references or name security. COMPLAINTS. We earnestly request our patrons to report to us all cases of dis- satisfaction, as we are anxious that all our dealings shall be satisfac- tory to our customers. DAMAGED GOODS. Refuse all goods delivered from express or freight in a damaged condition, or sign for them as in bad condition and claim damage from carrier. ESTIMATES. Estimates furnished in detail for newspaper and job offices or binderies. When asking for estimate state amount of money the se- lection is to be limited to. REMITTANCES. Remittances for large amounts should be made by drafts on San Francisco, or enclosed in registered letters, and for small amounts either P. O. money order or W. F. & Co.'s money order. CATALOGUE. ADVERTISING RULES. 2-Point No. 1. (Sample showing face and bottom of Advertising Rule.) Cut from 12 to 15 ems each Cut Double Column, each ANNEX TYPE BOX. Price, each BELTING Leather. . 10.20 | Price, per doz 10.05 . $2.25 WlDT 1 ir 2 4 2V* H. Per foot, ch $0.12 16 20 24 28 32 .36 WlDl f' r 4 2 5 2 5U H. Per foot. ch $0.40 44 52 .60 WIDTI 6 in< 8 9 10 I. Per foot. }h . $0 92 1.00 '.'. 1>24 1.40 68 .76 1.56 .84 BELT LACING. Each W 100 ft. y. inch $0.10 $1.25 5-16-' .12 1.50 % " 15 2.00 BELLOWS. $1.15 8-inch $0.90 BENZINE CANS. Union Safety Success Safety Economic, tin, spring bottom Economic, brass, spring bottom . The Economic is pronounced by experienced printers far prefer- able to any high-priced patent can ever made Quarts ...$0.50 ... .75 . . . .20 .30 COPPER ALLOY TYPE BLANKETS For Cylinder Presses. RUBBER. WII 26in( 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 )TH No. 16, 1-16 thick ihes $5.50 WII 46 in 48 50 52 54 53 58 60 rm No. 36, 1-16 thick lies $10.45 . 11.50 . 6 05 6.35 13.20 6.90 15 40 . 7 15 17 60 8 00 19 80 8 25 22.00 8.O) 24.20 .. 9.35 FELT. Thick Felt, 3-ply. Elastic and Close Texture. 36 inches wide per yard, $6.00 44 " " " " 7.00 48 " " ' " 8.00 54 inches wide per yard, $9 .00 58 " " .... " " 10.00 BOOKS-For Printers. AMERICAN PRINTER, by Thos. MacKellar $2.00 Boss' USE AND ABUSE OF ABBREVIATIONS 25 DIAGRAMS OF IMPOSITION, Inland Printer 10 WILSON'S PUNCTUATION 1.50 ADVERTISEMENT COMPOSITION, COMMENT AND CRITICISM 25 VEST-POCKET MANUAL OF PRINTING 50 PRESSWORK, by Wm. J.Ke'.ly 1.50 NEWSPAPERDOM, monthly, per year 2.00 INLAND PRINTER, " " 2.00 PAPER AND PRESS, " " 2.00 NATIONAL PRINTER-JOURNALIST, monthly, per year 2.00 PAPER STOCK ESTIMATING SIMPLIFIED. PRICES OF 1,000 WHOLE SHEETS OF PAPER. THE EXACT COST OF STOCK WITHOUT FIGURING THE QUANTITY. BY w. w. WHITE. This book contains prices of 1,000 whole sheets of paper of any weight to the ream, fiom 10 pounds to 150 pounds, at any price from three cents per pound, varying an eighth oi a cent per pound to twenty-five cents perpound,and examples for quickly estimating; an Ames Card and Paper Scale; Wright's Tables of Comparative Sizes and Weights of Flat and Writing Papers, Book, News and Manila Papers, and one of the author's tables for calculating book work paper; also an envelope table for figuring the cost of envelopes. It is a book which should be in the hands of every printer who estimates the correctness of the work doing away with possible errors in this branch of estimating. Mailed or delivered anywhere upon receipt of net price, $5.00. For sale at this office. INLAND PRINTER ACCOUNT BOOK FOR JOB WORK. 200 Pages (1,000 Jobs) $3.50 400 Pages (2,000 Jobs) 5.00 COST OF PRINTING, Baltes 2.00 See Subscription Books, page 125. AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. BODKINS ANI> TWEEZERS. CASES OF NEAT'S LEATHER. No. 376, cases for tweezers, 2% inches long, each .10 TWEEZERS No. 302. No. 3C2, smooth back, flat file point, each Polished steel. .20 TWEEZERS NO. 315. No. 315, smooth back, flat file point, each. . . Polished steel. .20 TWEEZERS No. 300. No. 300, smooth back, flat file point, each. . . Polished steel. .25 TWEEZERS No. 335. No. 335, file back and points, polished steel, each. Swell center and steady pin. .65 TWEEZERS NO. 340. No. 340, hand-cut tile back and points, each Polished steel. 10 .50 CCPPER ALLOY TYPE BODKINS. FOLDING BODKIN TWEEZERS, No. 350. No. 350, hand-cut file back and points, each Polished steel. .$1.00 CLOSING SPRING BODKIN NO. 351. No. 351, smooth back, file points, nickel plated, each No. 361, polished steel . . .40 OPEN. POCKET BODKIN. No. 399, bodkin and case combined, nickel plated, each. 40 No. 1, above patte- n, wood handle, 5 inch 10 No. 2, round, wood handle, 5 inch 10 BOX BRANDS. Either Zinco or Electrotype, designed, engraved, electrotyped and mounted on iron plate for box presses. BRACKETS Case. DOUBLE CASE BRACKET. The Double Case Brackets hold two cases and may be screwed to the top of a cabinet, shelf or table. The Single Brackets hold one case and can be screwed to the wall. Double Case Brackets, per pair. . . . . 1.25 Single " " " 75 11 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS* CO. BK ACKETS Continued . HAMILTON PATENT TILTING BRACKET. (with galley rest.) Per pair $2.00 GALLEY BRACKET. Per pair 40 Bracket in Socket. Brackets (with sockets) per pair. Socket. .60 12 COPPER ALLOY TYPE BRACKETS Continued. ROLLER BRACKET. Roller Brackets for holding 6 rollers, 2 inches or less in diameter, per pair $0.50 BRASS BRACES. Nos. 1, 11/2, 2, 2%, 3, 3V, 4, 4%, 5, 5%, 6, 6V, 7, 7^, 8, 8^.... $0.12 Nos. 9, 9V, 10, 10^, 11, 11^,12 '. 15 Nos. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 18 Nos. 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 25 Nos. 23, 24, 25, 26, 26 30 The number indicates the length in Standard Pica ems. BRASS CURVES AND CLAMPS. Font of 170 pieces $8.00 BRASS HEAD RUL.ES. SERIES No. 2. Three-to-pica No. 2. 4 Point. Pearl No. 2. 5 Point. Nonpareil No. 2. 6 Point. SERIES No. 5. Three-to-pica No. 5. 4 Point. Pearl No. 5. 5 Point. Nonpareil No. 5. 6 Point. SERIES No. 7. Three-to-pica No. 7. 4 Point. Pearl No. 7. 5 Point. Nonpareil No. 7. 6 Point. 13 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. BRASS HEAD RUIZES Continued. LENGTHS AND PRICES OF HEAD RULES. The following are the standard lengths for columns 13 ems pica wide, with nonpareil column rules: No. cols. Length. 4 pt. 5 pt. 6 pt . Four-column 8% inches . $0.15 $0.25 .$0.30 Five-column 11^ inches 15 25 30 Six-column 13% inches 30 50 60 Seven-column 15% inches 30 50 ,... .60 Eight-column.... 17% inches 30 50 60 Nine-column 20*| inches 30 .50 60 BRASS COLUMN RULES. STANDARD SIZES AND PRICES. Nonpareil No. 1. 6-Point. BODY FACE. Prices of Nonpareil Column Ru'es: From 4-col. to 8-col. folio sizes inclusive, each $0.60 9-col. folio size, each 80 Minion No. 1. 7-Point. BODY. FACE. Prices of Minion Column Rules: From 4-col. to 8-col. folio sizes inclusive, each 70 9-col. fo. io size, each 90 Brevier No. 1. 8- Point. BODY. FACE. Prices of Brevier Column Rules : From 4-col. to 8-co 1 . folio sizes inclusive, each $0.80 9-col. folio size, each 1.00 STANDARD LENGTHS OF COLUMN RULES. Four-column folio or quarto 13% inches Five-column folio or quarto 18 Six-column folio or quarto 20 Seven-column folio or quarto 21j% Eight-column folio 23% Nine-column folio 25% Extra pieces, cut to labor-saving lengths, for use in making-up short columns, furnished promptly to o:der for any of these rules. COPPER ALLOY TYPE BRASS CROSS RUL.ES. Single Double Col. Col. Wave Rules $0.06 $0.10 Double and Parallel Cross Rules 08 .12 Waved Cross Rules, 2-point No. 75, 6c. each. Parallel Cross Rules, 4-point No. 2, 8c. each. Double Cross Rules, 4-point No. 5, 8c. each. Double Cross Rules, 5-point No. 6, 8c. each. (Samples showing face of Cross Rules, 13 ems pica.) Cross Rules cut from rule of any number selected from our Specimen Book. CUTTING STICKS. Square, 14 to 18 inches, each 20c ; per doz $2.00 " 25 to 30 inches, each 25c ; per doz 2.50 Hamilton's Patent, main body piece any length up to 38 ins. ea. . 5.00 " main body piece from 38 to 54 inches, each... 6.00 cutting strips, any length up to 38 ins. ty doz. .30 " " cutting strips, from 38 to 54 inches, <^ doz 40 15 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. BRASS CIRCLES. .$0.60 . .60 . .60 . .60 . .75 . .75 . .75 No. 12 No. 13 No. 15 No. 16 No. 18 No. 19 No. 21 The number indicates outside diameter in Pica ems. .$ .75 . .70 . .90 . .90 . 1.00 . 1.25 . 1.25 BRASS DASHES. No. 300 ... $0.20 Nos. 533 to 534 ... . .30 Nos. 301 to 322 25 No. 535 35 Nos. 500 to 530 10 No. 536 40 Nos. 531 to 532 25 Nos. 537 to 554 50 BRASS DIAMONDS. No. 1 %xl& inches $0.75 No. 3 Ij|x2% inches $1.00 No. 2 l%xlJi " 75 No.4 2&x3% " 1.00 BRASS L.EADS. Cut to Cut Column Labor Measure. Saving. 2 Point $0.75 $1.25 1%-Point 80 1.25 1 Point 90 1.50 1 Point 1.00 1.50 BRASS LEADS In 24-inch Strips. 1 Point or 12 to Pica, per Ib 95 1 Point or 10 to Pica, per Ib 85 1%-Point or 8 to Pica, per Ib 75 2 Pointer 6 to Pica, per Ib 70 3 Pointer 4 to Pica, per Ib 70 4 Pointer 3 to Pica, per Ib 70 6 Pointer 2 to Pica, per Ib 65 BRASS LEADERS. 6-Pt,, per Ib. .$1.60 | 8-Pt-, per Ib. .$1.60 | 10-Pt., per Ib. .$1.50 1 12 Pt., $1.40 Any desired face of rule may be ordered, and made to line with any face of our type, by sending lower case "m" for sample. 16 COPPER ALLOY TYPE BRASS OCTAGONS. No. 1 ! 9 d x j 9 6 inches $1 .00 No. 4 2 1 3 B xl 1 3 B inches $1.50 No. 2 l&xl,^ inches 1.00 No. 5213x213 inches 1.50 No. 3 l%xl% inches 1.25 Any size made to order from any face or number of brass rnle shown in our Specimen Book, where possible. BRASS OVALS. 7 $0.90 15 $1.00 90 15% 1.00 90 16U 1.25 90 17% 1.25 10'" 90 19 1.25 90 20 1.50 1.00 21 1.50 1.00 22% 1.50 14'" 1.00 24 1.50 The number indicates the longest outside diameter in Standard Pica ems. The proportion of ovals is about two to three. BRASS REGLET. 6-Point, per foot $0.15 | Per Ib $0.65 BRASS SLUGS. 6- Point and thicker, cut to Column Measure per Ib. $0.75 6 " " " " " Labor-Saving " 1.10 BRASS SPACE RULE. 2-Point ... per Ib. $2.00 H " " 2.75 1 " 4.00 BRASS RULE Labor-Saving. SINGLE, DOTTED, HYPHEN, PARALLEL AND DOUBLE. SIZE 1 Point . 2 3 4 P 8 9 10 11 12 2-lb. Font $6.00 4.00 3.50 3.20 3.00 3.00 300 3.00 3.00 3-lb. Font $9.00 6.00 5.25 4.80 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 5-lb. Font $14.50 9.50 8.25 7.50 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 10-lb. Font $29.00 19.00 16.50 15.00 14.00 4.00 14.00 14.00 1400 14.00 14.00 13.50 13.50 13.50 13.50 Sorts perlb $3.00 2.00 1.75 1.60 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 17 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. BRONZES FRENCH LEAF. Sha de 1 Green Gold 2 . 3 4 ... 5 Light Gold Rich Gold Pale Rich Gold . . . . Light Pale Gold 6.... 7 8 9 .. . 10 . .. Pale Gold Deep Pale Gold Copper Deep Copper 11 .. 12 .... Lemon Light Orange 13 14 15.... . Deep Orange Silver Deep Green The Gold, Silver, Copper and cheaper grades. Flora . 2d quality leaf . 3d quality leaf. Shade 16 Light Green 17 Deep Blue 18 Light Blue 19 Violet 20 Crimson Violet 21 Crimson 22 Deep Chamois 23 Light Chamois 24 Deep Chandelier 25 Light Chandelier 26 Pale Yellow 27 Pink 28 Pale Green 29 Pale Blue 30 Pale Violet Fire Shades are also carried in Per pound. Per ounce. $3.50 ?0.40 2.50 .30 2.00 .25 FINEST ALINE-COLORED SILVER BRONZES. Per pound. $5.00 Per ounce, 50 cents. Shade 31 . . . Yellow 32 Light Blue " 33 Deep Blue " 34 Blue Green " 35 Dark Green Shade 36 New Green " 37 Sea Green " 38 Yellow Green " 39 Red Purple " 40 Blue Purple BRUSHES. No. 1 l>x4 No. 2 2^x5 LYE BRUSHES. inches 30 I No. 33^x10 inches 65 40 I No. 4 3^x10 in., with handle .75 BENZINE BRUSHES. Small 25 | Large 35 18 COPPER ALLOY TYPE BRUSHES Continued. BENZINE BRUSH. Regular Bristle 40 STEREOTYPE BRUSHES. Price $3.00 to $5.00 BKONZER Elm City. Toe most perfect device for bronzing in the market. Receives the bronze in a cavity on top (which is closed tightly with a slide), and delivers it through valves, which are opened or closed by the thumb- screw at one end, and which regulate the flow of the bronze on a sieve in the midst of a fine beaver fur. No bronze escapes except on the work being done, and a large percentage of the bronze wasted by the old method is saved, as the bronze is fed only as fast as wanted, and just where wanted on the work, and not over the whole table. Elm City Bronzer, large size, 2 l ^x6 inches $2.50 Round Bronzer, for light work, 2% inches 1 .50 19 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. BRUSHES Continued. BRUSHES FOR PASTE, GLUE OR CEMENT. FRENCH BRISTLES Flat, Double Thick. 2V2 inch, each 1 inch, each $0.30 1^ " " .40 2 " " 55 $0.75 1.00 CABINETS Bookbinders'. BOOKBINDERS' CABINET. HALF CASE FOR BINDERS' CABINET. 6 Cases, % size 10 " % size 15 " % size .$ 9.00 15.00 19.00 These Cabinets are made of the best seasoned Cherry, highly fin- ished, and the Cases are ornamented with bronze handles. They are made of different sizes to suit the wants of purchasers. The price is low enough to be within the means of every bookbinder, and at the same time to be consistent with good workmanship and the best material. Tney are compact in form, and the sizes such as will readily admit of their being placed on a table or stand out of the way, and yet convenient for use. 20 COPPER ALLOY TYPE CABINETS Stained . FLAT TOP. 12 Two-third Cases $18.00 16 20 " " 12 Three-quarter Cases 16 " " 20 " " 12 Full-size Cases 16 " " 20 21.00 27.00 21.00 27.00 31.00 27.00 31.00 35.00 GALLEY TOP. 12 Two-third Cases $21.00 16 " " 2500 20 " " 30.00 12 Three-quarter Cases 25.00 16 " " 30.00 20 " " 34.00 12 Full-size Cases 30.00 16 " " 3400 20 " " 38.00 This is a new Cabinet to take the place of the high-priced Cherry Cabinet, and is exactly the same with the exception of the sides, which are stained and varnished, and while as good as the other, is sold at a much lower p~ice. Galley Top Cabinets have a drawer for copy. 21 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. CABINETS Wood Type. WOOD TYPE CABINET-CHERRY. The slots in the cases can be adjusted to any size type, and the cabinet is made dust tight, so that the wood type is always clean and ready for use. Flat Top. Galley Top 12 Cases, 23x32 $25 00 $28.00 16 20 12 16 20 23x32 30.00 23x32 35.00 23x44 30.00 23x44 40 00 23x44 . . 50 00 Wood Type Cases to fit Stands (21^x32 in. outside) 33.00 38.00 3300 43.00 53.00 1.25 WOOD TYPE CABINET CASE. 22 COPPER ALLOY TYPE CABINETS Galley. These Cabinets will hold a large quantity of matter in a very small space. They are very handy for stand- ing matter in a job office, and indis- pensible in book and newspaper estab- lishments. They will take in any gal- ley not over 8% inches wide. Cabinets for 20 Galleys $8.00 "30 " 11.50 " 40 " 15.00 " 60 " ..22.00 CABINETS Mailing. In this Cabinet wehave provided in the first place, a table 3 ft. square where one person can stamp names on the papers or wrappers and still leave room for doing up the bundles or han- dling the papers in single wrap- pers. One-half of \ this table lets \ down out of the \ way when not in use, leaving the cabinet but 18 inches wide. Un- der the table, on the right side, slides have been provided to hold 44 galleys, each of which will hold from 75 to 80 ad- dresses, thus ac- commpdating a mail list of over 3,000 names. THE MAILING LIST CABINET. .Price, complete, $20.00 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. ELM CITY CARD CUTTER. ACCURATE IN WORKING. MADE OF BEST MATERIALS. CUTS A FULL SHEET WITH A TWELVE-INCH BLADE. This Cutter is so made that with the 12-inch blade a full sheet of card board may be cut on it the sheet passing below the shear joint on the outside and above on the inside, and by the use of the adjusta- ble gauges accuracy is insured. Being made of the best materials tiiey are durable, and, considering the price, the cheapest Cutter made. Elm City Card Cutter . . $12.00 THE EAGLE CARD AND PAPER CUTTER. HANDIEST MACHINE EVER PUT IN AN OFFICE. With Automatic Binding Clamp to firmly hold sheets. Cuts cards, paper, light metal, etc. 2% inch steel blades and solid iron beds. Large enough for all work, as it cuts over 24 inches. By cutting narrow way first all size sheets may be done, and for small work it is perfectly adapted by simply changing the gauge bar to center of bed. Paper may be cut as well as card board, about a dozen sheets at once, as the binder, traveling just before the knife, clamps the sheet firmly while being cut. Thus moderate sized lots may be got out quicker on this handy little Bench Machine than on a cumbersome power cutter. For trimming pamphlets, after folding or binding, the Eagle is periection itself. Eagle Card and Paper Cutter, boxed $12.00 24 COPPER ALLOY TYPE BOSTON CARD CUTTER. A FIRST-CLASS CUTTER AT MODERATE COST. THE GAUGE is EXACT AND RELIABLE. These machines are made in a thorough manner. The upper knife is curved, and is made of the best steel, and balanced. The frame is of iron, and the table of hard wood, which is the best surface for mov- ing paper over easily. The front gauge is positive, easily set, and ac- curate, being controlled by a rack and pinion, which holds the gauge exactly parallel with the knife. It has a reversible iron back guage, extending 28 inches from the knife, and a side gauge, which may be placed in three different positions on the table according to the size of the work being cut. No clamp is required w r ith this cutter, as it has a drawing cut, which keeps the sheet straight. Sheets or strips of any length can be cut, as the standard holding the upper knife has an offset, allowing the inside strip to pass over it and the outside strip under it. Boston Card Cutter, cutting 24 inches, boxed... . 12 $20.00 .. 12.00 CASES. CALIFORNIA JOB CASE. $1.00 Has been in constant use on the Pacific Coast for nearly 20 years. Pronounced the BEST full size Job Case ever made. 25 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. CASES 1 2 3 4 5 c 7 fi ff B fll fll A (E 8 9 ? A B c D E F G ' - j ! a b c d e f f H I K L M N h i k 1 m n '0 P Q n S T V W P q r s t V w X Y z J U $ & . . >. X 7 Z j u CALIFORNIA TWO-THIRDS CASE. The most popular two-third case in the country. Will "hold ninety- nine out of a hundred of the ordinary job fonts sold. Permits of a large office being arranged in very small space. Price, .80 CASES Plan for Laying. * t : 1 t -n i i I I 1 i i M CE JE OB CO i S i <- - - 4m hair space @ *3 ft) % X $ n m 2m 3m 4m 2m F 3m A B C D E F A B C D E G 11 I K L M N o H I K L M N O r Q R S T V w P Q R S T V W X y Z J U [ 3 ( ) X Y 2 J U ffl & ffi a 5m sp'ce 4m p'ce ' k 1 2 3 4 5 | 6 7 8 j C d e i ff 9 b s f e 1 fi 1 u m z 1 m n h o y P w ' quad quad X a t a V r Quads. space. q 26 COPPER ALLOY TYP CASES. nn I It " * 7 * I - - - - / 7^ JP Z A B C D I r G Li u i-l' P R S T V w 1 f * , v Y X ,1 p f tr ? a !-> IMPROVED NEW YORK CASE $1.25 The best of the full-size Combination Cases. Will hold a large font of caps, small caps and lower case. Has extra large cap boxes. 1 IS ff ffi fl ffl JS. (V, : 8 8 r j ; ? F G a b c d e f S H I K L M N h 1 k 1 m n ' P M. r s t V w F Q R s 1 V W - y 7. j u X Y Z J U $ & JUMBO JOB CASE $1.00 The ideal case for the Poster Printer, as it holds a double font of such letters as 48 pt., 60 pt., or 72 pt. Antiques, Square Gothics, heading letters, &c., without overrunning a box. 27 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. CASES. a e I b u A E 1 5 B A I * e i " A I 9 a e I u A * it A I U f7 L > - A p I u j Q [' . - r i y Y " C " " " a 6 ! 5 I -i I 6 ?: A E i 6 'I C i * A E I A & e i b 1 A k i o V A E i D i; A e I * it A I F a e i o u A I i o e A E I * e ' " '' A E 1 6 1 n D N 7i .V V ? g f // ACCENT CASE $1.25 The first successful Accent Case ever made. It is compact, sensi- ble, practical and the plan of laying readily understood and remem- bered by the compositor. '&~~* . NEWS CASES PAIRS. Upper and Lower (News), per pair .$1.75 TRIPLE CASE. Triple Case $1.00 Quadruple Case (to hold 4 cap fonts) ................ 1.26 23 COPPER ALLOY TYPE CASES. LABOR-SAVING RULE CASE. Labor-Saving Rule Case . ...... ...11.35 BLANK CASE. Blank Case, full size $0.80 % " 50 Wood Type Case, size to fit stands, (21^x32 inches) 1.25 Music Cases, in sets of three . .' 5.00 CHICAGO BORDER AND ORNAMENT CASE. This case is needed in every printing office. It will hold six fonts of border. Price, each $1.50 CHICAGO METAL FURNITURE CASE. This case is double depth, and will hold one hundred pounds of fur- niture. Price, each $1.60 29 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. CASES. FIGURE CASE. Figure Case $1.00 SPACE AND QUAD CASE. Space and Quad Case 3 em Spcs. Qds. $1.00 LABOR-SAVING LEAD OR SLUG CASE. Labor-Saving Lead or Slug Case .$1.10 TWO-THIRD CASES. PAIRS. Two-Third Cases, upper and lower, per pair $1.60 Two-Third Cases, each . . .80 30 COPPER ALLOY TYPE CASES. IMPROVED TWO-THIRD JOB CASE. For Caps, Small Caps and Lower Case .$1.00 TWO-THIRD YANKEE CASE. Two-Third Yankee Case : . |0.80 TWO-THIRD RULE CASE. Two-Third Rule Case .$1.25 TWO-THIRDS SPACE AND QUAD CASE. The case has larger boxes than those in the full- size pattern, and an extra box for hair s paces a very important feature in the larger sizes of type. Price $0.80 Miff SP/JCES SM SPCC H. .*> S'ACE UQo E*Qo SPACES QUA 06 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. CASES. No. 1. No. 2. I No. 4. | No. 3. HARRIS RULE CASE. (Saves time, labor and rule.) In the Harris Rule Cases, the rule cannot fall flat, and is always faee up, even if only one piece is in a compartment. Each compart- ment is plainly numbered and made to take only the length indi- cateda 9%-em pica will not go into a 9-em compartment prevent- ing mixing of the rule. The partitions are made low, so that the brass can be easily grasped. No space is wasted in the Harris Rule Case, and there is room provided for a large proportion of the small- est lengths the most valuable part of a font. It takes much longer to trim one 1-ein length than a 20-ern length, and not one man out of ten can get the 1-em piece square at that. As each Harris Case is only one-quarter the size of a full size case, the compositor can put it on his cap case, or on the stone, or on his galley rest, without inconven- ience. Price, Case No. 1 $1 .25 " "2 1.00 " " 3 1.00 " " 4 75 Blank Case, extra 80 These cases are made so that four will exactly fill a blank case. PATENT CLASP CASES. News, per pair $1.90 Italic or Job, each 1.10 Triple, each 1.10 Two-third News, per pair 1. 70 " " Italic or Job, each 90 Rooker News Cases 1.75 Furnished only to order. 32 COPPER ALLOY TYPE CASE STANDS. THE EUREKA JOB STAND FRONT AND BACK VIEW. Price of Stand $14.00 | Complete with 55 Cases $55.00 The Eureka stand is a printing office in itseif. It holds fifty-five cases. All cases draw out from back of stand. It has our new recessed galley, 9x70 inches, which may be used as a standing galley or for ptying matter. AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. CASE STANDS San Francisco. Price, with 34 Cases $40.00 Price, without Cases , 10.00 COPPER ALLOY TYPE CASE STANDS San Francisco. The foregoing view shows the job compositor's side of the stand, which contain fifteen full and fifteen two-third cases. It also shows the broad galley, size 14x60 inches, which gives as much room as a galley-top cabinet. This may be used as a dead galley, or as a galley- rest for live matter. The stands are made but twenty-one inches in width, thus being lighter, and occupying less floor space, an impor- tant consideration where heavy rents rule. The projecting brackets save, on a double stand, three feet of floor space. CASE STAND. "OUR OWN" BOOK STAND. This Stand, which was originated in our San Francisco Branch, has been the most extensively copied of any article in the trade. It is sold by every Eastern manufacturer under the name of the "City" Stand, and with slight changes, and iron brackets in place of wood, becomes an "Autocrat," a "Boston," a "Success" or a "Polhemus," according to the fancy of the various manufacturers. It possesses many points of advantage, such as sliding lower-case, galley tray, handy upper-case, economy of space, etc. Cases can be arranged to draw out from front or rear. Paneled ends or outside runners added at .$1.00 for each end. Price, without Cases .IJ510.00 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CG. CASK STANDS. NEWS STAND. NewsStand, racks for 12 full-size Cases $6.00 JOB STAND. Holds 15 full , 15 % and 2 ps. news $7.50 COPPER ALLOY TYPE CASE STANDS. THE AUTOCRAT CASE STAND. This is a Printer's Stand or Frame, in simple, compact and con- venient form. The prominent feature is the GALLEY TRAY under each lower case, adapted from "Our Own" Book Stand, where the compos- itor can empty his stick by simply pushing the lowercase up suffi- ciently to expose the galley, after which the case is drawn back to its place. Each Stand will accommodate two pairs of news cases, fifteen full size job cases and six news galleys. On the deck or top, back of the brackets, there is also a large space, which may be utilized for sort drawers or for more galleys. Single, holding 19 full Cases . . .................................... $10.00 " " 1'.) " paneled end and back ............... 12.00 Double, " 34 ...................................... 12.00 " " 34 " paneled sides ........................ 13.00 If made of black walnut, $3.00 extra. 37 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS* CO. CHASES. CHASES FOR JOB PRESSES FINISHED INSIDE. 7x11 inches Inside $1.25 8x12 " " 1.50 9x13 " " 1.50 10x15 " ' 2.00 11x17 inches Inside 13x19 " 14x20 " 15x23 " $2.00 2.50 2.75 3.00 FOLIO CHASES FOR NEWSPAPERS WROUGHT IRON. 5-Column 6 Special sizes made to order. QUARTO CHASES FOR NEWSPAPERS WITH CROSS BARS. Size of pair Size of each Price over all. inside. per pair. 4-Column, quarto 24 x33?4 15 x21% $14.50 5 " " 2834x4234 1914x2614 15.50 6 " ' 32>x49i4 22^x30 16.00 FOR COTTRELL PRESS. Center Cross Bar, 1 inch. Special sizes made to order. 38 COPPER ALLOY TYPE CHASES Wrought Iron. Outside Measure. 17x21 20x25 24x30 . 25x35 , Pi ice. ..$ 8.00 .. 8.50 . 9.00 . 9.50 29x42 10.00 32x46 11.00 34x50 12.00 36x52 13.00 40x54 14.00 42x60 15.00 Other sizes made to order. BOOK CHASE WITH SHIFTING BARS. Size over all. Price. 17x21 $ 5.00 20x25 5.50 24x30 6.50 25x35 7.00 29x42 8.00 32x46 9.00 34x50 10.00 36x52 11.00 40x54 12.00 42x60 14.00 Chases of any size made to order on short notice. POSTER CHASES. HEADING CHASE WITH CROSS BAR. No. Size over all. Size inside. Price. 1 8%xl9> 6x17 $6.50 2 10.^x23^ 8x21 7.00 3 10^x30}^ 8x28 9.00 These Chases are also made with short cross bars upon special order. 39 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO CHASE BACKS Single and Combination. SINGLE BACK. COMBINATION RACK. No matter how the form is put in the rack, not even the most care- less handling can by any possibility injure the face of the type. It is positively an absolute protection to the form. In ordering these racks be careful to give correct measurements of the chases. Racks for any number, size or style of chases are lurnished to order at correspond- ing prices. Single Racks, any size Job Presses $2.50 to |3.00 Combination 5.00 40 COPPER ALLOY TYPE COMPOSING RUIZES. 4 ems to 16 ems, each $0.20 | 36 cms to 40 ems, each . . 16 " 20 " " 25 41 " 45 " 21 " 25 " ' 30 | 46 " " 50 " 26 " " 30 " " 35 51 " " 55 " " .. 31 " " 35 " 40 | 56 " " 60 " " .. With initials engraved, 30 cents extra. $0.45 .. .-50 55 COMPOSING RULES Sets in Leather Cases. No. 38712 rules, 12 to 30 ems $1.50 No. 389 12 " ' " " " and 13 em make-up 1.75 Composing rule steel, per foot 35 COMPOSING STICKS. PERFECT NEWS STICK-No. 1. No. 1 Malleable Iron, milled, 13 or 13*4 ems pica $0.75 One depth only 2>^ inches. No greater nuisance exists in a newspaper office than imperfect composing sticks or composing sticks not accurately set to the meas- ure of the column. The imperfections cause unnecessary trouble in locking up and often tend toward disaster to the forms. Style No. 1 is made of malleable iron; the handle and under side are japanned so that the stick cannot rust ; the pan itself is milled out, the sides being absolutely square and rigid, and altogether the stick is as perfect as could be desired. 41 AMERICAN TYPE POUNDERS' CO. COMPOSING STICKS. PERFECT NEWS STICK No. 2. No. 2 Steel riveted, 13 or 1,3 No. 2 Aluminum, rounded ems pica ........... andle, 13 ems only . ..$0.75 . 1.25 Style No. 2 is made of the best of steel, and the set bar or knee is riveted firmly to the bottom and back of the stick. It is accurate in every respect. Both styles are made for 13 or 13^ pica and 2^ inches deep. BOSTON COMPOSING STICK. Malleable Iron (milled and steel-riveted) $0.75 13 ems measure, 2^ inches deep. This stick is made of malleable iron, milled and steel riveted, is 13 ems pica in measure and 2^ inches deep. The peculiar shape of the handle makes this stick one of the easiest known to the news- paper compositor. It is fitted perfectly to the hand, and does away with all lameness of the wrist, resulting from a stiff, awkward handle. THE BUCKEYE PATENTED Nov. 5, 1890. 6incl 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Lies fl ties, 2, 214 or 2% inc 2, 2J4 or 2^ 2, 214 or 2y 2 2, 214 or 2\4 2, 214 or 2^ 2, 24 or 2Y 2 2, 214 or 2y 2 2, 214 or 2V at. Quick and easy hes d* to sel ;ep . ... .$0.90 1.00 ... ... 1.20 1.40 l.GO 1 80 2.00 2.20 . Will not slip. Warranted accurate. 42 COPPER ALLOY TYPE COMPOSING STICKS. YANKEE STICK. For prices see list of screw sticks. SCREW STICK. 6inc 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 ,hes x 2. ... x 2 .. x 2 . x 2 x 2 .-..$ or 2Ulnel ...2fcor2l3 ...214 or 2^ ...2fcor2j3 . ..252 or 2% ics dc ep $0,75 , 80 1 00 1 15 . .... 1 30 x 2 x 2.. x 2 .2*4 or 2^ . . 214 or 2^ ...2#or2ll 1.15 1.60 .. 1.75 STANDARD NEWS COMPOSING STICK. This stick is especially designed for newspaper work, and is ad- justable from 12 to 15 picas, any standard. The knee is firmly clamped at both ends by screws, and, once set true, it cannot be sprung by tight spacing. There are no projections to obstruct the free use of the hand, and it weighs much less than any other stick made. Once set correctly it will remain correct. 6- inch, 2 inches deep 6 " 2l " " 95 oi| " " 1.00 2 or 2V inches deep, Aluminum 1.25 Nickel plating extra, 43 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS* CO. COMPOSING STICKS. ALBION STICK. English pattern, or Albion, 6 inch Nickel plated German Silver .$1.00 . 1.60 . 1.50 STANDARD JOB COMPOSING STICK. It can only be set to multiples of 6-point. No quads are needed to set it. It is graduated, and can be set instantly to any regular measure, and, once set, it is impossible for it to slip, as it is held by a case- hardened steel pin which extends from the clamp through back of stick into the knee. SIZES AND PRICES. 6-inch, 2 inches deep $1.75 6 " 214 " " . . . 1.85 6 " 2% " " 1.95 2.00 2.10 Nickel plating extra. 8-inch, 214 inches deep $2.20 10 2 " 2.25 10 " 214 " " 2.35 10 " 2U " " ... 2.45 12 " 2 " " . 2.50 POSTER JOB STICK. 20 inches $1.15 I 32 inches $1.50 1.60 1.30 | 36 1.40 I 40 " STANDARD-GAUGE SETTING STICK. 1.70 5 5i 8 ImilMii I Price, $1.50 each. One of the handiest little tooJs in a printing office. Every job compositor ought to have one on his make-up stand. It will be found useful in measuring leads and rules, in laying out work, in setting try lines, and it makes distributing pi a real, genuine pleasure. The Gauge is standard Pica ems, and has the ens cut to 10 picas. Every fifth cm is stamped with its length. 44 COPPER ALLOY TYPE COMPOSING STICK HANGING RACK. For 25 Sticks, $1.00; for 50 Sticks, $1.50. An article of prime necessity in a well-regulated job office, and saves lots of time usually spent in hunting around for sticks. It is to be fastened to the wall. Any size of stick, large or small, occupies a space of one inch. Pass the bottom of the stick through the slot, let- ting it hang by the outer flange. More sticks are destroyed in an office by throwing around than by use. The racks are made from two pieces firmly glued with grain crossed to prevent breaking off. Made to hold twenty-five or fifty sticks. Odd sizes to order. COUNTING MACHINES. DURANT'S COUNTER WITH GONG. No. 1, registers 10,000, without gong $8.00 No. 2, " 100,000, " " 10.00 No. 2, " 100,000, with 4-inch gong to give alarm at each 100.. 15.00 ELM CITY COUNTING MACHINE. Repeats automatically. Is accurate and durable. Is only b% inches long. It can be attached to any kind of machine where a direct horizontal or vertical movement is to be obtained. Counting 10,000 . $8.00 | Counting 100,000 $10.00 45 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. COUNTING MACHINES. HAWKINS' COUNTER. This machine is the simplest, most desirable and reliable, and the cheapest instrument in the market for indicating correctly the num- ber of movements of any machine to which it may be attached. Price.. ... $12.00 CURVING MACHINE Golding's. No. 1 Curves %to4 inches diameter $12.00 No. 2 Curves \ to 8 inches diameter 18.00 Dies for forming square corners, extra 1.50 Annealed Brass Rule, for making flourishes, etc., per foot 10 Soft Leads, for forming curved lines, 2 and 3-point, per pound ... .20 COPPER ALLOY TYPE DASH RULES. Single, each $0.09 | Double and Parallel, each . $0.10 These Rules are cut with face \, 1 inch or 1*4 inches long. Misere Dashes, 2-point, No. 1, 9c. each. Local Dashes, 2-point, No. 1, 9c. each. Editorial Dashes, 5-point No. 6, lOc. each. (Samples showing faces of Dash Rules). Cut from rule of any number selected from our Specimen Book. DATE LINES. Date Lines $0.75 Electrotyped from any face shown in our Specimen Book. DRYING RACKS Interlocking. With these Racks sheets are taken direct from the fly, and may be stacked ceiling-high in a perfectly straight and rigid pile, which can- not be knocked over by accident, and with no more weight on the bottom than on the top sheets. This pile is a most effective drying room, occupying only the floor space of one rack, and from the time the sheets are fed into the machine until ready for shipment they need not be handled. Each Rack is firmly locked on its neighbor, but each slides with ease on the rack immediately below it. They save handling, all the time of that operation, and the consequent waste of paper through offset, smearing, finger marks and tearing. In many cases these Racks save expensive slip-sheeting. They cir- cumvent electricity by receiving the sheet direct from the fly. They ensure evenness of temperature, and thereby assist in getting a per- fect register on lithographic work. They save seventy-five per cent, of floor space over any other method of drying sheets, and from one to two per cent, of paper, and a vast amount of time. NET PRICES. 8%xl3 inches inside, and under $0.25 11 x!7 " " 30 13 x!9 ' " 35 15 x'21 " " 40 18 x25 " " 50 24 x36 " " 60 32 x48 " " 70 38 x52 " " 75 47 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. EMBOSSING PUNCH. For embossing imprints on fine envelopes and stationery, espec- ially on invitation and ball work where an ordinary imprint is not allowed. Made to order, with two or three lines. Nickel-plated |5.00 EMBOSSING COMPOSITION. Whiteson's, per Cake ...$1.00 $ 4.50 10x12 in( >hes ea cli. $3.25 .. 6.50 .. 9.00 11 00 10x18 12x16 12x20 4.25 4.75 5.75 '.'. 15.00 16x16 .. 6.25 21.60 16x20 7.75 . '. 2.50 18x20 8.25 ENGRAVING SUPPLIES. HOKE ENGRAVING PLATE CO.'S CROWN ENGRAVING PLATES AND MACHINERY. PRICES OF PLATES: 3x4 inches, per dozen. 3^x5 4x6 5x6 5x8 6 xlO 8 xlO each. 15 per cent, discount on above prices when purchased. 15 per cent, rebate on above prices when used plates are returned. ENGRAVING TOOLS. Four constitute a set, each making a different sized line. The handles have cork ferrules, and are easy upon the fingers. Price of Set (4) with Scraping Brass $2.00 Price of Each .50 Tracing Needle, for transferring the drawing upon the compo- sition of the plate, each . . . 15 Metal T Squares, Swiveled, 8-inch, steel blade 1.25 " " " Plain, " " 75 CIRCLE FORMER. This is a thin plate of brass in which are a series of circular holes, varying from y s inch to 1 inch in diameter, and is very convenient in describing circles upon the plate. Price, each ........................................................... ?-75 PRINTERS' GRAVERS. Per set of six, assorted .............................................. $2.00 48 COPPER ALLOY TYPE ENGRAVING SUPPLIES Hoke Chalk Process. PLATEOGRAPH. By the use of this machine any one can engrave upon the plates without any previous training whatever. By simply following with the tracing point of the machine the lines of the photo or picture to be reproduced, a reduced or enlarged copy, as may be desired, is en- graved upon the plate by the cutting point. Our purpose in making the machine is especially to help those who cannot draw with facility ; but it is also a great assistance to the expert artist and engraver, enabling him to save much valuable time and labor. They are made wholly of polished metal, accurately graduated, and have improved cone bearings for taking up all wear and lost motion. Price in brass, nickel plated $12.50 Write for full description of how it works. BULB BLOWER. This tool is a great convenience to the artist. The soft rubber bulb is held in the left hand and the hose connecting it with the hollow handle of the engraving tool is passed over the neck of the operator. A slight compression of the bulb forces a current of air through the handle of the tool, removing all dust as fast as it is cut. Price $1.00 STEREOTYPE CASTING BOXES. No. 1 Box. This is for amateurs or those using only small cuts. It casts any size of plate up to 3^x5 inches; it casts thin only, for mounting on wooden bases. Price, with Bars and Clamps complete $9.00 No. 2 Box. This will make a cast of any size plate up to 5x8 inches, either low or type high, according to gauge bars used. This is the box for ordinary job or newspaper work. Price ot Box with Clamps and one set of Gauge Bars (either type high or thin $16.50 Unless otherwise ordered, regular type high engraving plate bars will be sent. No. 3 Box. This will cast any size plate up to 8x10 inches, and is operated in the same manner as No. 2, possessing all the good features of the latter, while doing larger casting. Price, witn Clamps and 1 Set of Gauge Bars (either high type or thin) $22.00 Extra set of No. 3 Bars (any kind) 5.00 Extra set ot No. 2 Bars (any kind) 3.60 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS 9 CO. ENGRAVING SUPPLIES Hoke Chalk Process. SHOOT BOARD. Combined Shoot Board, Plane, Miter-Box, Clamp and Saw. The plane runs in a grooved bed at the right-hand end, in the us- ual manner. A slot in the elevation at the back of the board forms the front bearing for the saw, and two pins dropped in6o conical holes form the rear bearing. When not being used the pins are re- moved. The clamp slides in a dovetailed groove, and, by means of a winged set-screw, clamps the block while it is being sawn or routed with chisels. During routing a piece of mounting wood is placed in front and rear of cut to prevent the chisel coming in contact with the iron. The plane is used for smoothing and squaring the edges of the cut. The board and plane are entirely of iron and steel. Size of bed, 16x16. Price, with plane, saw (26 in.) clamp and pins, complete, $22.00 Shoot Board, Sordinary kind, 11x16, with one plane, price 16.00 COMPLETE CROWN PLATE OUTFITS. No. 1 Special outfit consists of the following articles: one patent No. 1 stereotyping box with one set of low gauge bars, two clamps and two handles, complete. One 5-inch ladle, one 6x14 inch mitre box (wood), one 16-inch back hand saw, three routing chisels, one set (3) engraving tools, one scraping brass, one sample engraved plate, one sheet tracing paper, one hammer, one box of brads, one brad awl, one piece of mounting wood, one No. 1 stereotype beating brush (finest quality of bristles), one-third dozen of our prepared matrix mats, 12x19 inches, one-fourth dozen 3x4 Crown Engraving plates, and three pounds stereotype metal. Weight, about 40 pounds. Price complete, net cash, packed ready for shipment $15.00 No. 2 Special outfit consists of the following articles: one No. 2 patent portable box, with clamps and one set of gauge bars complete; one set of engraving tools (4) with scraping brass, four routing chisels, one 7-inch ladle, one 22 inch back hand saw, 8x14 wood mitre box; one No. 2 matrix beating brush, % dozen prepared matrix mats, one pound matrix powder, one Plateograph and $5.00 assorted engraving plates. Price complete, net cash, packed ready for shipment $40.00 Send for illustrated price list. 50 COPPER ALLOY TYPE ENGRAVERS' TOOTHS. tftt ENGRAVERS' TOOLS PRINTERS' SET. Fine tempered steel, ground and sharpened ready for use. No. 418. Per set of 6, first quality $2.60 No. 418. Per set of 6, second quality 2.00 These tools will be found a very useful addition to printing offices, and more particularly to country offices. Boxwood, 2, 3, 4 and 5 cents per square inch, according to quality. Maple, 2 cents per square inch. ENGINES Gas and Gasoline. PRICE LIST OF THE HERCULES GAS AND GASOLINE ENGINE. Actual H. P. Style of Cylinder. Floor Space in. Size of Pul- leyin. Weight Ibi. Rev'ls per Minute I? 1 Single, Vertical. 36x22 6x 4 550 280 || 2 42x34 8x 6 875 260 o'a 3 45x26 8x 6 1100 270 P 3 p 4 Horizontal. 72x54 lOx 8 1400 260 ' 0, 6 84x54 12x12 1940 250 (D 8 84x54 12x12 2070 240 P? 3 10 72x56 14x14 3025 225 12 72x56 16x16 3250 225 i 15 92x68 18x18 3620 210 3 20 1 92x68 20x20 4000 200 o p For illustration, see next page. The Hercules is the latest gas and gasoline engine in the market, and embodies all recent improvements. It is built in two styles: vertical, and horizontal. The charge is ignited either by a glowing tube or battery, and it never fails of ignition. It is the simplest, most powerful and reliable, and consequently the cheapest gasoline en- gine in the market. Write for terms. Liberal discounts for cash. 51 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. ENGINES Gas and Gasoline. THE HERCULES GAB AND GASOUNE ENGINES. COPPER ALLOY TYPE FEEDERS. No. 445. Cylinder Press Feeders, tempered steel, finely polished, size 6x1^ inches, each $0.25 FEEDERS Peerless. Put up in neat wooden boxes, per dozen $1.25 FELT CLOTH For Distributors. In rolls, 2X inches wide, for power-press Distributors, 12 yards to the roll $5.50 The same, per yard 50 FELT CLOTH DISTRIBUTING ROLLERS. Size Covered with Felt If stock is Bed of Press. including Stock, furnished. 17x21 $6.90 $1.90 20x25 7.25 2.00 21x27 7.55 2.25 24x30 8.00 2.50 25x35 8.75 3.00 23x42 9.50 3.50 30x46 10.25 4.00 34x50 10.75 4.25 36x52 11.25 4.50 40x54 11.75 4.75 40x60 11.50 5.00 FLOURISHES Brass and Metal. Brass Fonts $5.00 New Metal 3.50 FLY STICKS For Cylinder Presses. Each. Per Doz. Fly Sticks for any Cylinder 25 $2.50 53 AMERICAN: TYPE FOUNDERS' co. FOLDING MACHINES. THE BENNETT "ECONOMICAL'* FOLDER. This machine is carefully, strongly and neatly constructed, of good material, is \ery light running and comparatively noiseless in operation, requiring only one-sixth horse power to operate. All ad- justments are positive and simple. Has delivery at third and fourth folds, ajid can be changed without stopping machine. Has pasting and trimming attachment for eight (8) page work. Built in hand- feed, or attachable to any cylinder press, front or back delivery. All journals are of tool steel, with journal boxes three diameters long, hung in self-adjusting pivot-hangers, making it possible to remove any fold roll, driving or rock shaft in a few moments and replace in line, and there is not a gear on the machine but can be reached con- veniently and removed easily. All adjustments are made by screw, each tape tightened independently, drop of fold blades can be regu- lated by the "turn buckle" adjustment to 100th of an inch. There are side guides to insure accuracy in folding, whether a sheet comes from a press or feed board. We do not make any extra charge for press fixtures in attachable machines except for front delivery press. Price for 32x44 (6 col. quarto) or 33x50 (7 col. quarto) F. O. B. Factory. 54 .... $240.00 COPPER ALLOY TYPE FOLDING MACHINES. BROWN CHALLENGE COMBINATION FOLDER. PRICES FOR HAND-FEED OR ATTACHING. 3 Folds 4 Folds No. 3124x36 to 42x58 $1,200 $1,300 No. 3224x30 to 42x54 1,100 1 200 No. 3322x30 to 35x54 1,000 1,100 No. 3122x28 to 36x48 950 1,000 No. 3520x28 to 32x48 900 950 No. 3620x24 to 32x42 850 900 No. 3718x23 to 28x42 800 850 F. O. B. Factory. These Folders are made with three and four folds, with packers at each fold. They will fold an ordinary four-page paper: fold, paste and trim eight pages from full size down to half size; fold and paste sixteen pages, and fold thirty-two pages. They can be quickly changed from one size sheet to another. They are fed to guides, registering by edge of sheet. Speed, 2,500 to 3,500 per hour, according to size of sheet. Write for terms, etc. FOLDERS. Bone, each 25 Bone, per dozen 2.00 FOOT SLUGS. Brass, 12-Point, cut for newspaper columns, each $0.15 18 ' " " " " 20 " 24 " " " " " 25 Metal, 18 ' " " " " 05 " 24 " " " " 06 55 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. FURNITURE AND REGLET Cherry. Per Yard. 6-Point to 18 Point 03 2-line to 5-line 05 6 " 8- " 07 9 " 12-" 08 13 " 14- " 10 15 " 16- " 12 Side Sticks 08 Pine Reglets 02 FURNITURE SAW. Twelve-inch Blade .$1.50 Miter Box, Black Walnut GALLEYS. NEW IMPROVED SMOOTH BRASS-LINED GALLEYS. Single Column, brass lined, 3^x23% inches inside *2.00 Double " " " 61^x23^ " " 2.50 BRASS-LINED JOB GALLEYS. 6 xlO inches inside ........ $2.00 8%xl3 " 10 x!6 " 12 x!8 " 2.75 ........ 3.25 ........ 3.75 14x20 inches inside .......... $4.25 15x22 18x25 " 5.00 5.50 COPPER ALLOY TYPE GAULEYS. MAILING GALLEYS. Brass Lined, with closed ends, 6 l 4x22^ inches inside 2%x24 outside Brass Re-lets for same, 6-Point th Metal " " " ickness, per Ib $3.00 2.25 75 18 ALL BRASS GALLEYS. ALL BRASS JOB GALLEYS. 6 xlO inches insHe 10 xlG 12 x!8 .$200 . 2.75 . 3.25 . 3.75 14x21 inches inside 15x22 " 18x25 ' " ....$4.50 .... 5.00 . ... 6.00 ALL BRASS NEWSPAPER GALLEYS. Single, 3^x23% ins. inside . . .$2.00 | Double, 6^x23% ins. inside. .$2.50 WOOD GALLEYS CHERRY. 4 x 6 inc 5x8 5 x!5 5^x18 6 xlO hes inside ...$020 .25 .40 .30 6x20 inches inside 7x22 " " 8x10 " " 8x21 " 10x24 57 .$0.50 . .55 . .40 . .60 . .75 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS* CO. GALLEYS Lead Distributing. 55 LEAD-DISTRIBUTING GALLEY. The purpose of this Galley is indicated by its name. It is a half- rimmed wood galley, with a printed scale on its face covered with glass. The lines are just a pica apart and are plainly numbered from one to sixty, each fifth line and number being more heavily printed than the rest, as shown in the cut. The leads, slugs or brass rule to be sorted are laid edgewise on the Galley across the lines, which reg- ister at once their respective lengths. A galley full is quickly dis- tributed by removing successively the longest lengths. Worth its weigh-t in gold to any office. Price, each. .$1.50 GALLEYS Heading. Size, 3tix3 inches $0.75 58 COPPER ALLOY TYPE GALLEY REST AND HACK. COMBINED GALLEY REST AND RACK. It will be seen that the Rest can be detached from the Rack for use on front of case, for placing galley upon when correcting. By this ar- rangement every box in the case is accessible, saving much time. It prevents breakage and injury to type, and as water from wet galleys drips on the floor, it keeps cases always dry and clean. These rests are sold separately, for use simply in correcting, or with necessary castings for attaching to end or back of stand, or against a wall, to suit the convenience of the compositor. Plain Rests, each $0.50 " " with Castings, each .75 Rack, complete with 6 Rests 6.00 " " " 8 " .... 7.00 " " " 10 " .. 8.00 GAUGE BUTTON. This Gauge is attached to the platen sheet wirh paste, and is easily removed by dropping a little water in the hole in the center, without tearing the sheet. It has three flanges, varying from ^ to T 3 3 of an inch wide, for narrow or wide margins. Price, per dozen 59 $0.40 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. GAUGE PINS. 2-PBONG WIRE GAUGE PINS. FIVE SIZES: No. 1, low; No. 2, medium; No. 3, high; No. 4, low, short lip; No. 5, long lip. Price, per dozen $0.25 ORIGINAL STEEL GAUGE PINS. FOUR SIZES: No. 1, low; No. 2, me- dium; No. 3, high; No. 4, low, short lip. Price, per dozen . $0.60 Golden Steel, per dozen 40 SPRING TONGUE GAUGE PINS. ONE SIZE: Low, with adjustable tongue, including extra tongue for each pin. Price, set of 3, .40; per doz $1.20 Extra tongues, long or short, dz. .25 PERFECT REGISTER GAUGE. Megill's latest patented and best invention. This new Gauge pastes on like a quad, is as substantial as a quad, and is adjustable after it is pasted on. Has an adjustable tongue. Also a very thin steel clip which prevents the sheets from slipping under the Gauge, holds the Gauge on while drying and betters its hold when drying. Has novel means of adjustment, calculative and strikingly simple and reliable. One size answers for all work. Three like above in set, with two dozen tongues. Price, per set $1.25 60 COPPER ALLOY TYPE GRIPPER FINGERS. LONG GRIPPER LENGTHENER. HAIR MARGIN % INCH BETWEEN LINE. These Fingers fasten to the grippers by set screws. Are especially useful for job work having small margin, or no margin at all, when the ordinary gripper would be useless. They attach firmly to the gripper and can be relied on to pull any sheet from the form. For label work they are indispensable. They vary in size and shape to suit all varieties of work. FOUR SIZES: l^j, 1, % and % inch. All fit any gripper as wide or narrower. 1-inch sent when size is not specified. Set of 10 Fingers, either size $3.00 Pair of Fingers, any form or size 75 Single Fingers, any form or size 50 Extra Screws, any length, per set 30 GLUE POTS. Glue Pots, lined with white enamel, No. 1, 1 pint Glue Pots, " " " " No. 3,1 quart Glue Pots, " inches long and may be cut down il' required. EXTENSION FEED GUIDES. Price per set, 2 in set, complete with an extra pair of short guides and tongues $1.00 GRIPPER ATTACHMENT. LITTLE GIANT AUXILIARY GRIPPER. Can be placed instantly on any Gripper. Admits the use of a left-hand gauge-pin on all jobs. If form has no margin the Gripper attachment can be thrown between the lines at the head or foot of sheet. Does not interfere with furniture in form. Valuable when using perforating rule. Price each, $0.60: per pair, $1.00 HAIR SPACES Copper. Machine-cut Copper Thin Spaces, put up in packages of 2 ounces of each size; five sizes in box, 12, 18, 24, 36 and 48 ems. Price, per box, gauge 30 to pica, net $1.00 HANDY GUIDE PUNCH. Handy Guide Punch 1.75 COPPER ALLOY TYPE JOB IMPOSING STONE AND FURNITURE CABINET. No. 1 contains the following lengths of Furniture, cut accurately to pica ems standard measure: 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, 60, 72, 84. The widths are nonpareil, pica, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 10-line. Ten pieces of each. Boxes 20 inches high. Quoin boxes at each end of stone. No. 2 contains in addition to the sizes enumerated for No. 1, the following: 96, 108, 120, 144, 168, 192, 216. Ten pieces of each below 84 ems and above that size half the number. Prices include Cabinet, Furniture and Stone. 30 x 90 Stone, Quoin Boxes, No. 1 Cabinet and Furniture $ 90.00 30x90 " " " *' 2 " " " 120.00 IMPOSING STONE, WITH TABLE. AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. IMPOSING STONES. STONE WITHOUT TABLE. Stone in Coffin. $15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 33.00 35.00 33.00 The coffin for the stone is made complete, with best hardwood frame, carefully mitred, and a solid bottom, so that the stone in its coffin is independent of frame proper, and can be lifted off at will. Size in Inches. Pages. Size of Paper. No. 1 26x44 2 7-col. folio . No. 2 28x50 2 8- " " No. 3 30x60 2 fl- " No. 4 26x76 4 7- " No. 5 28x80 4 8- " No. 6 30x90 4 9- '* No. 7 36x60 4 6- " quarto Stone with Table. .. $23.00 . . 28.00 . 33.00 .. 38.00 . . 41.00 . . -J5.00 .. 42.00 INKS News. 5-pound Cans, per pound 10 " ' " 25 ' Kegs, " 50 " " " 100 " Kegs, or larger, per pound . $0.20 20 20 .16 s to .15 Price List and Specimens of Job and Colored Inks sent on appli- cation. INK REDUCERS. Inkoleum, 6-oz. bottle Reducing Varnish, per Ib Superior Compound, put up in 1, 2 and 5 Ib. cans, per Ib Chesapeake Compound, 1-lb cans 5-lb. " " 10-1 b. " . . $0.50 . .50 . . . .50 . . . .75 . . 3.25 .. 6.00 64 COPPER ALLOY TYPE INK FOUNTAINS. . The size of this Foun- tain makes it practical to use expensive ink without waste, only a small amount being re - quired to fully supply the fountain. The bot- tom is so constructed as to permit all the ink to run down to the roller, there being no pocket or dead space. This fountain can be inter- changed from one press to another without re- moving the attachments so that by having two or more fountains the color can be changed without wasting the ink, which must occur if one fountain has to serve all colors. The roller can be removed for cleaning by turning back the thumb -screws until the caps can be removed through the slot in front, then by raising the roller it will come out through the same slot. Price, f. o. b. factory THE BUCKEYE INK FOUNTAIN. .$10 00 CHANDLER & PRICE REGULAR. Price, f. o. b. factory $20 00 This Fountain is so made as to permit contact with the whole length of the roller, and will thus furnish a greater supply of ink than a fountain feeding only to part of the roller. 5 te AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. KNIVES Ink. Finely Tempered Steel. No. 407. 6-inch Blade, each $0.60 8 " " " 75 " 10 " " " . 1.25 KNIVES Overlay. Price, each .30 KNIVES Overlay, with case. Price, with case, each ,50 KNIVES Paper. ST. JOHN PAPER KNIFE. Price, each .50 Made of fine steel and suitably pointed for cutting paper. Upon the back of the blade is fixed a broad guard, shaped to fit the finger, by which the operator is enabled to cut much faster and more easily than with the common knife. 66 COPPER ALLOY TYPE KNIVES Bullock's Tablet. Extra thin and strong, each $0.50 KNIVES Paper Cutter. For 22^ or 23-inch Cutter $ 8.00 For 25-inch Cutter , 10.00 For 30-inch Cutter 14.00 For 32-inch Cutter 16.00 DIRECTIONS Take the knife off the Cutter and lay it down on a piece of paper, then mark close around the sides and in the bolt-holes. Mark the top of the knife on this diagram and give the thickness of the blade. Send this in with your order and thus save considerable delay. KNIVES Printers' . Price, each .$1.50 67 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. LABOR-SAVING CHERRY FURNITURE. For prices see next page. LABOR-SAVING REGLET CASE. For prices see next page. COPPER ALLOY TYPE LABOR-SAVING CHERRY FURNITURE. Single Font, containing 560 pieces, with extra case partitions be- tween rows of Furniture $12.00 Single Font, with stained Case, containing 560 pieces 10.00 " " without Case 6.50 One-half Font, with Case, 280 pieces 6.00 " " without Case 3.25 Mammoth Case, contains pieces 2 to 10 ems wide and 10 to 160 ems long has no door 45.00 This Furniture is planed perfectly smooth, finished in oil, and made 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 ad 10 ems wide, and accurately cut to 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50 and 60 ems long, with size stamped on end of each piece. LABOR-SAVING REGLET CASE. No. 1 contains 1,800 pieces oil-soaked Cherry Reglet, half 12-point and half 6-point, cut from 10 to 60 ems long $ 9.00 No. 2 contains 2,400 pieces oil-soaked Cherry Reglet, half 12-point and half 6-point, cut from 10 to 120 ems long 15.00 LABOR-SAVING LEAD RACK. NO. 2 LEAD RACK. No. 1 will hold over 200 Ibs., running by ems from six to thirty ems in length. No. 2, size 42x13x10 inches, holds over half a ton, from six to 50 ems in length. Special sizes made. No.l $2.50 | No.2 $8.00 LEAD RACK, GOLDING'S. These are made in four sections, each 7x163^ inches, and may be used as shown or on a shelf, end to end. Each compartment is plainly marked. They are very compact, and will hold over 400 Ibs. No. 1 holds 4 to 15 ems $0.90 No. 2 holds 16 to 30 ems 1.20 No. 3 holds 31 to 45 ems 1.50 No. 4 holds 46 to 60 ems 1.80 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS 9 CO. LEAD RACK, EUREKA. This is the most economical and labor-saving lead rack ever introduced to the trade, and^ has been sold more largely than any other lead rack made. It will hold about one hundred and fifty pounds of leads and slugs, running from 4 to 25 ems in length. Price . $3.00 LABOR-SAVING LEADS. Two-point or thicker, in regularly graduated lengths, from 4 ems upward; 12-lb. Fonts $3.00 25 " 6.25 50 " .12.50 100-lb. Fonts Sorts, per pound. . $25.00 25 LABOR-SAVING SLUGS. Six-point or thicker, accurately cut, from four ems upward, in- cluding all sizes, to justify with our Labor-Saving Rule: 12-1 b. Fonts $3.00 25 " 6.25 50 " 12.50 100-lb. Fonts $25.00 Sorts, per pound 25 LABEL HOLDERS. Long Pr. Gothic Extra Cond. A Still Tongue Maketh a Full Stick. 12345 Price, 1x5% inches, per hundred $2.75 By using the Brass Label Holders and labeling type cases properly a most uniform and harmonious effect is produced. The composing room becomes neater and more attractive to visitors as well as to employer and employees. The compositor is kept familiar with the various faces of type in the office especially those only occasionally used and is greatly facilitated in the selection of lines; a great help to new compositors, and much time, labor and patience are saved in both composition and distribution. 70 COPPER ALLOY TYPE LEAD AND FURNITURE RACK, SURPLUS. Keeping the surplus material in an office has always been a vexed problem. Of several of the sizes of leads you have many more than your regular lead rack will accommodate. Sets of furniture for a special form are cut from time to time of some odd size not provided for in the furniture cabinet, and when the job is complete, there is no place to keep them. We have here just what is needed for this pur- pose. This rack consists of a shallow box with twenty movable slides, marked A (see small cut), to which the ends B B are permanently attached. The strip C, which forms the back of the pigeon hole, is to be fastened in position to suit the material you wish to place in it. When filled, stamp the length in pica ems on both top and bottom on the end of the strip B. Place the smallest size on the left, and in- crease toward the right. The slides, being movable, intermediate sizes can always be placed in correct position. Place the rack so that the top inclines back, to keep material from falling out. The rack here shown is 30 inches high, 24 inches wide, and 6 inches deep. Any size made to order. Price, above size $4.50 LEADS AND SLUGS. 1-Point , LEADS. Per Ib. ....$0.70 60 32 16 16 .16 SLUGS. . Per Ib. 6-Point $0.16. 8 10 12 18 24 16 16 16 16 16 2-Point and thicker, cut to column measure ........................ 18 71 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. LAMP HOLDERS. t'V CHALLENGE. The above illustration represents our Lamp-Holder, a most con- venient and safe attachment for holding a lamp over the compositor's case. It will be readily understood by reference to the cut that the fount-holder A can be instantly raised from C to B, as shown by the dotted lines, to adapt the position of the light to suit the compositor. Small sprockets at the top of B and C. with suitable recesses in A, retain the light in any position desired, perfectly stationary. Price 75 LEAD AND SLUG MOLD "Perfect." These cuts represent a mold for casting 3-point leads and 6-point and 12-point slugs. No office, especially any outside of the large cities, should be without one. With a little practice anyone can cast good leads and slugs. The cost of leads and slugs is so high and the waste so great from constant cutting in job work that but few offices have an adequate supply, and hence much time is lost in "picking" and patching by compositors. Most offices have plenty of old type metal and electro or stereotype plates of little value, which can be utilized by the aid of this mold, and can be made into those indis- pensable adjuncts to job and newspaper work leads and slugs o f standard sizes. This mold is made in our own foundry, by the best of workmen, and is reliable in every way. It will save its cost in a few hours. Price, including ladle and clamp $5.00 Surguy 's Lead and Slug Mould 2.00 72 COPPER ALLOY TYPE LEAD CUTTERS. Price LEAD CUTTERS. UTILITY LEAD CUTTER. ?2.00 PEARL LEAD CUTTER. A cheap cutter, for leads only, with front and back gauges, and balanced lever. Price $2.00 NONPAREIL LEAD CUTTER. The most powerful cutter in the market. Has a long, adjustable bearing for theieve and both front and back gauges. Price, No. 1 $4.00 " 2, graduated to picas 5.00 73 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CG. LEAD CUTTERS. LITTLE GIANT LEAD AND RULE CUTTER. Six-point rule may be cut on Nos. 1 and 2, and 10 point rule on Nos. 3 and 4, and for lead cutting it has no superior. The back gauge is reversible; while the bed on a No. 1 Cutter is only 8 inches long, a rule may be cut 12 inches long. The front gauge is for cutting narrow pieces of lead or rule rapidly. Leads should be cut on the front section of the bed and brass rule on the rear section only. When cutting rule the bottom of the rule should be placed against the ridge in the center of the bed. The sectional view shown here gives such a clear idea of the new gauge as to render any extended description unnecessary .Narrow slots are made in the bed of the cutter, and the adjustable gauge is provided with a tooth fitting the slot and rendering it im- possible for the gauge to slip. STANDARD GAUGE FOR LITTLE GIANT. No. 1, gauges 12 inches $ 8.00 No. 2, " 12 " with standard gauge 9.00 No.3; ' 18 ... 12.00 No. 4, " 18 " with standard gauge 13.50 74 COPPER ALLOY TYPE [LEADER BOX May's Patent. The box occupies just one-half of the lower case "e" box, and utilizes all space of case partitions etc. While it appears, and is small, its peculiar construction admits of its holding nearly as many leaders as the big, awkward cigar box. With the aid of two steel points on the under side, and the two arms which drop against the partitions of the "k" and "1" boxes, it is held so firmly in position that it is impossible to remove it without lifting the side-arms. Price complete, net, each $0.50 MAILING MACHINES. MUSTANG MAILER. These machines occupy a space of 37 inches in length and 41^ inches in width, and are wholly of iron, without springs or compli- cations of any kind. They are capacle of printing addresses on papers or wrappers at the rate of from 1,500 to 2,500 an hour. The mail list is made up in galleys 10 ems 12-point in width inside. Each galley will contain 75 addresses. The weight of the machine is 15 pounds, and the galleys 1 pound each. Price $11.00 Galleys, 10 ems 12-point, each 50 Reglets, per 100, 30c ; per 1,000 : 2.00 MAILING GALLEYS. FOR "LEVER CUT," "ACME" OR "DICK" MAILERS. Brass lined, with closed ends, 6^x22^ inches inside . . . . .$3.00 10x22^ " " 4.00 Brass Reglets for same, 6- point thickness, per Ib 75 Metal " " ' " 18 75 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. MAILING MACHINES. ACME STANDAKD MAILER. This machine was designed by a practical mailer, for years at the head of the mailing department of a great daily paper. It will per- form the same work as the higher priced mailing machines, and is in many respects superior to them. Price, net . . .$15.00 COPPER ALLOY TYPE MITER BOXES. Hard Wood $0.50 " " with Saw 2.00 MKTAI* FURNITURE. 12 Ib. Fonts . . $3.00 I 50 Ib. Fonts $12.50 25" ' 6.25 100" " 25.00 METAL FURNITURE. QUOTATIONS. SIZES 2x4, 3x4, 4x4. Metal Quotations, cast accurately to 12-point ems, per Ib $0.25 LABOR SAVING QUOTATION FURNITURE. This Labor-Saying Quotation Furniture is a most desirable and convenient auxiliary in a printing office. The pieces are cast in a type-mould, and are finished with the strictest regard to accuracy, so that the printer who takes pride in the perfection of his work may rely upon them as a most serviceable assistant. This article is equally valuable as Furniture for the imposition of forms, and as quotations for blank and rule work, posters, color printing, etc. The pieces are from 4 to 20 ems pica in length, and from 2 to 4 ems in width, quadrate height, with suitable spaces. Fonts 25 and 50 pounds, per pound $0.25 77 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. METAL FURNITURE. RAILROAD. Railroad Furniture is cast in lengths of 8, 9 and 10 ems wide, for use in book forms. inches, and 3, 4, 5, 6, Price per pound, cut to measure ........ ............................ $0.25 Not put up in labor-saving fonts. QUOTATION-FURNITURE CABINET. 4- 8 12 16 20 4 -^ 12 11 20 3 3 4 I 12 16 20 \ \ \ \ 4 8 12 16 20 This Quotation-Furniture Cabinet is made 27 in. high, and has the same number and size of boxes on both front and back. Each space holds 16 pieces, making 32 in all, each size, or 480 pieces in a space 27x7x5% inches, a weight of about 150 pounds. The length of each piece in pica ems will be stamped on the top and bottom of each box as shown in cut, and the width on the partitions. A font of this furniture, no matter how large, has but five lengths and three widths. Cabinets will be made any size that may be ordered. Price $4.50 78 COPPER ALLOY TYPE METAL, FURNITURE CABINET. 4 5 6 8 iO 15 ?0 23 50 \j 4 \, j>_ \ 6 s, _8_ S^ 12. ^ IS ^ i \^ 25 S^ 50 s> 4 \ $_ \ _6_ \, _8_ ^ J \^ !^. s> 12 \^ 11 J ^ 50 4 \ \ _5_ \ 6 \ _8_ \ 10 \ 11 \ 20 \ 25 4 ^ 50 \ \ \ _6_ \ Q_ \ 10 \ 11 \ \ 25 \ 50 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ _8_ 10 15. ?o Zi 50 6 \ \ \ \ 10 \ 15 20 \ 25 \ 50 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \| 10 15 20 25 50 This Metal Furniture Cabinet is five feet high, one foot wide, and nine inches deep, has two faces, accommodates 16 pieces of each size, or over 300 pounds in all. Across the face the pieces are all one thickness, increasing in length toward the right. Up and down the face the pieces are all one length, increasing in thickness as they go down. Price, each $7.50 79 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO, METAL REGLETS. Width of Mailing Galley, 6 or 8-point, per Ib 15 METAL STANI>AKI> BLOCK. Price, 13 ems, 12- point, or any column measure, each $0.40 MITERING MACHINES. WESEL "SUCCESS" PATENT UPRIGHT MITERER. In this machine, the cutting head having no sidewise motion, the knife will always shave as much from the bottom as from the top of the rule. The cutting head is regulated by set screws. The smallest piece of rule can be shaved without a clamp or any other device. The machine needs no fastening to a bench. It is mounted on a rimmed wooden platform to catch all the shavings, and can readily be moved to a stone, table or case. The platform is also provided with an emery board on which any burr can be rubbed off promptly. The micrometer gauge (extra) enables the operator, through its extremely accurate gauge combinations, to shave a piece of rule ex- actly to point system. PRICES. Machine, with sliding gauge $13.00 " " micrometer gauge 20.00 80 COPPER ALLOY TYPE MITERING MACHINES. GOLDING'S UPRIGHT. Combines great power in a compact space, with a quick and direct action. Has balanced handle and large bearings. Price.. $13.00 MAKE-UP RULES. Price, each, 15 ems and under $0.30 15 to 20 ems 35 20 to 25 ems 40 Nickel Plating, extra 15 MALLETS. Hickory, 2^x4i/ 2 ' $0i30 " 3 x5 40 " 3%x6 , 50 Iron bound 1.00 Lignum Vitse .50 Rawhide ends, small 75 " " medium 85 " large - 1.00 *; 81 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. MONARCH NUMERATOR. Triple Action, Steel Wheels, for Duplicating, Repeating and Consecutive Num- bering. In introducing this numbering machine at such a greatly reduced price, we distinctly wish our pat- rons to understand that the arti- cle is not in any manner inferior to other machines; on the con- trary they are improved, from the fact of changes having been made in our new Monarch as fol- lows: The attachments for chang- ing the different actions for num- bering have been simplified to prevent any mishap through in- experience in operating. The inking attachment is entirely new, having a more direct and straight action of the ink pad to the figure wheels (patented), also being more compact, producing a lighter, stronger and easier-work- ing machine. The frame and wheels are of steel, highly finished and thoroughly nickel-plated. The important features of this machine are the simplicity of its construction and the direct action of its working parts, especially the process of inking, which is done by the same method as is used on the ordinary numbering machines The Monarch is the simplest machine extant, without compli- cated attachments to be continu- ally getting out of order. We keep in stock the styles and sizes of figures shown in margin. Special stylas made if desired, at slightly advanced cost. Be sure and designate style of number de- sired. Each machine in wood box, with a bottle of ink, red or blue. 4 Wheel . STYLE OF FIGURES: STYLE B. 1234567890 STYLE C. 1234567890 STYLE E. 1234567890 STYLE G. 1234567890 .113.50 . 15.50 . 17.50 82 COPPER ALLOY TYPE NEWSPAPER FILES Hamilton. These files are made of cherry, nicely finished in oil. The fasten- ings are brass, with steel thumb- screw, having polished heads. The clasp end of the file has a flat- headed thumb-screw which is passed through a slot, and by giv- ing the screw one-quarter of a turn the file is securely locked. Price, each $1.25 FASTENING. They are made in the follow- ing regular sizes; other sizes fur- nished if desired. To hold sheet 20 inches wide. 22 24 26 28 30 34 NEWSPAPER HEADINGS, Electrotyped, each word in one block $2.00 to $5.00 If engraved to order, add the price of engraving, from. . . .10.00 to 18.00 See specimens of Newspaper Headings. NUMBERING MACHINES. BATES TYPOGRAPHIC NUMBERING MACHINE. ESPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR THE USE OF GENERAL JOB PRINTERS. CUT ACTUAL SIZE OF MACHINE. A new type-high Automatic Numbering Machine, to be surrounded by type, rules, etc., and locked in the form of any printing press. Printing and numbering at one impression. This machine is constructed without a plunger. Size: length, 1 1-32 in., width, 1 6-64 in. Price, 5 wheel $30.00 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. OIL.S. Star No. 1, Printing Press, y, Gal $0 60 " " " " " I " 1.00 " 5 " 4.25 Star No. 2, % Gal 50 " " " 1 " '.90 " " " 5 " 3.75 Thome Type Setting Machine Oil, 1 Gal.. 2.50 Hercules Gas P^ngine Oil, 1 Gal 75 " " " 5 " 3.25 Oil, CANS. Tin, small : Tin, large Copper or Brass furnished on order. ...$0.20 . . . .25 PAPER CUTTERS. PARAGON CUTTER. Cuts 2% inches thickness of paper. Squares 14 inches. This handy little cutter will be found very useful in all Job Printing Offices. It will effect a great saving of time. and labor in the cutting of small work, such as labels, bands, circulars, cards, etc. Avoid the trouble and expense of having the knife of your larger cutter ground so often because of the little space in the middle of its cutting edge getting dull from use on small jobs. A very desirable feature is the ability to gage and cut accurately very narrow jobs. It is a well built and substantial machine, made entirely of iron and steel, and will sustain the well earned reputation of the Paragon. Price, F. O. B. San Francisco $50.00 84 COPPER ALLOY TYPE PAPER CUTTERS. RELIANCE CUTTER. The Reliance Paper Cutter is intended to meet the wants of print- ers and others whose business demands a lever cutter, but who can- not as yet afford to invest in a high-priced machine. It is built with the strictest mechanical simplicity, in order to bring the price within reach, and yet no essential quality is sacrificed that is required in a cutter designed for general use in a printing office. It is strong, has powerful leverage, and contains no gears or springs to wear or get out of order. Prices, f.o.b. San Francisco or Portland, on skids: 22K inches Cuts 76 quires 23 inches ,$97.50 25U " " " 25 " 120.00 28% " " " 28W " 150.00 PAGE CORD. Per ball . $0.40 PAD COUNTER ..$0.75 85 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. PAPER CUTTERS. GOLDEN GATE PAPER CUTTER. The Golden Gate Paper Cutter is intended to meet the wants of printers and others whose business demands a lever cutter, but who cannot as yet afford to invest in a high-priced machine. It is buiit with the strictest mechanical simplicity, in order to bring the price within reach, and yet no essential quality is sacrificed that is required in a cutter designed for general use in a printing ofhce. It is strong, has powerful leverage, and contains no gears or springs to wear or get out of order. Cuts 25 inches square. Manufactured in the best manner from first-class material. Price, on skids, f.o.b. in San Francisco $120.00 Boxing extra 3.00 86 COPPER ALLOY TYPE PAPER CUTTERS. GEM PAPER CUTTER. This cutter is identical in every respect with the well-known "Gem," and has been manufactured by the American Type Founders' Co. to meet the demand of printers who need a first-class article but cannot afford to pay a high price. It is manufactured from the best material, is very powerful and of extra strength, and will be found fully equal in its capacity to cutters of a much higher price. It cuts full 30 inches square, and has a back and side guage. It is also sup- plied with the slotted gauge and clamp that will allow the gauge to come within one-half inch of the knife. Price, F. O B. San Francisco on skids $190.00 Boxing, extra 5.00 87 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. PASTERS. This invention con- sists of a tight box, molded outof pressed brass into graceful shape, with a handle andarevolving wheel so constructed tha the flow of paste can be regulated to a nicety, or the line made coarse or line . __ oHhe paper may de- The paster is car- KENNEDY HAND PASTER ried in the hand, while the sheets are being folded, between the thumb and forefinger, without inconvenience. Price, including 2 wheels, 4 gates, etc ............................ .$3.50 PAPER JOGGERS. THE COMBINATION PAPER JOGGER. Made with wings to be instantly removed if desired. No project- ing rod on front side to tear clothes. This of itself is worth the price of a Jogger. Patent attachable wings for small Joggers by which you can even up letter heads. Our machines have of late been sold in over 200 of the best printing houses in the United States, which is a guarantee of their utility. Three-fourths sold after giving first order. Will pay from 100 to 200 per cent on the investment to say the least. Price, each, 24x36 or less ' " larger than 24x36 .$18.00 . 20.00 88 COPPER ALLOY TYPE PL.ANERS. White Maple ... .,$0.30 " ' ' with leather top 50 Proof Planer, 3^x8 75 PROOF PLANERS. 3> inches wide $i.50 This planer is especially adapted to book and newspaper proofs, and forms containing fine ornaments and cuts. PUNCH, ELM CITY. This punch is about 1-32 of an inch lower than type, and can be locked up in a type form, thus enabling print- ers to punch holes in stock at the same time it is printed, without extra expense. A piece of 2-point brass rule should be cemented to the tympan sheet for the punch to strike on, and an opening left in the form opposite opening in base of punch, to prevent it from becoming clogged. Made of best tool steel, tempered. Y^ 3-16 or ^ inch hole, each $1.00 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. PRESSES. WASHINGTON HAND PRESS. No. Size of Paper Printed. Bed. Platen. Price. No. 2 .. . 6 column folio 26 x34 . 22 x30 $225 00 No. 3 . . 7 " " ... 27 x39 23 x35 225 00 No. 5 8 " " 28%x43 24%x39 250 00 No. 7 .. .... 9 " " .... ....35 x51.... 31 x47 . 325 00 Price includes one wrench, one pair bearers, and one extra frisket. Extra bearers, per pair, 50 cents. Extra frisket, $3.50 to $6.00. DIRECTIONS FOR SETTING UP. After setting the frame upon its legs and putting on the ribs and bed, lay the platen on the bed, placing under it two bearers about type high, then run in the bed so as to bring the platen under the spring rods and screw them fast to the platen, after which put in the bar-handle, standard and lever. Turn the nuts on the suspending rods so as to compress the springs just enough to give the platen a quick retrogade motion, observing at the same time to get the surface of the platen parallel with the surface of the bed. After having put the press together and leveled it, be particular not to raise the end of the ribs by the gallows, but let it go under loose, which will have a tendency to make the bed slide with more ease on the ribs. JP^-See that the different parts of the press are well oiled before starting, and do not take a pull until the bed is completely run in to its place. 90 COPPER ALLOY TYPE INKING APPARATUS. FOR HAND PRESS. No. 2, for 6 column folio $20.00 3, 7 " 20.00 5, 8 " " . 22.50 7, 9 " " 25.00 Including two cylinders, roller handle, and two roller cores com- plete. CASTING ROLLERS. 36 inches $2.75 40 inches 3.25 44 inches 3.75 48 inches 4.25 91 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. PRESSES. This machine is a new depart- ure for country newspaper printing. Illustration shows Ideal Press ready for lowering tympan and tak- ing irapresston. Freight from factory added. VAUGHN'S IDEAL HAND CYLINDER PRESS. No. 1 8-col. folio or 5 col. quarto, bed 28^x43 $200.00 No. 2 9-col. folio or 6-col. quarto, bed 3314x48^ 225 00 No. 1 Floor space 31x55; weight, 700 Ibs.; shipping weight, 975 Ibs. No. 2 Floor space 35x60; weight 800 Ibs; shipping weight, 1,100 Ibs. Frisket for No. 1, $6.00 extra; for No. 2, $6.50. ARMY PRESS. 6-column folio, 14 x20 inches $ 65.00 7 " ." 16%x22% 90.00 8 " " 19^x25% 130.00 2- Page 5-column folio, 19^x26 inches 135.00 Each Press is furnished with two chases, six patent quoins, roller frame and cast roller, oiler and wrench. 92 COPPER ALLOY TYPE PRESSES. THE CALIFORNIA RELIABLE JOB PRESS. We are now building all our California Reliable Presses complete with our New Fountain, without extra charge. (Cannot be used on any press but the California Reliable.) The change we have made in the roller saddles, enables the pressman to use two form rollers without the fountain, each roller covering the ink plate as fully as the two top rollers of any other Old Style Gordon, and covering the form com- pletely, or with fountain roller and three form rollers covering the entire surface of the plate and form, giving the best distribution of any Platen Job Press on the market. SIZES AND PRICES: Sizo SIZES. Eighth Medium Eighth Medium (large) Quarto Medium Quarto Medium (large) Half Medium (large) 8x12 9x13 10x15 11x17 14x20 Half Super Royal (large) 15x23 Throw-off Ship- Inside and ping Chase. Fountain. Wt. Box'g 1200.00 1000 235.00 1100 300.00 1400 350.00 1603 450.00 2300 525.00 2600 $ 5.00 600 6.00 800 10.00 12.00 Overhead Counter Shaft, $20.00; Side Fixtures and Belt Shifter, $15.00. Each Press includes three Chases, Roller Mold, Wrenches and two sets of Roller Stocks. 93 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. PRESSES. THE CHANDLER & PRICE OLD STYLE GORDON PRESS SIZES AND PRICES. 7 Xll, with throw-off and depressible grippers, f. o. b. factory 8 X12, " " " " " " 10 X15, " " " " " " " 12 X18, " " " " " " 14 X20, " " " " " " " $150 00 165 00 250 00 300 00 400 00 45000 Steam Fixtures, f. o. b. factory ...................................... 15 00 Chandler & Price Fountain, f. o. b. factory .......................... 20 00 Buckeye Fountain, f. o. b. factory ................................... 10 00 With each press there are 3 chases, 1 brayer, 2 sets of roller stocks, 2 wrenches and set of three cast rollers. SPECIAL FEATURES. Steel shaft and steel side arms, forged from solid bar, without seam or weld. The most positive and practical impression throw-off yet introduced. Best material used. Most carefully finished. Hardened tool - steel cam rollers. Depressible grippers. These presses have been greatly improved, enlarging and strengthening the parts, and so arranging the disk and roller carriers as to give largely increased distribution. 94 COPPER ALLOY TYPE PRESSES. GOLDEN GATE JOBBER. The entire frame of the Press, including the bed, being cast in one solid piece, it cannot spring or get out of line, even if it does not set on a level floor. It can be run with ease, the speed being limited only by the capacity of the person feeding. It has a simple impress- ion adjustment and is complete with two chases, two rollers, brayer, and ink table, wrench and gauges; also extended shaft for adding side steam fixtures. Price, F. O. B. San Francisco on skids. Boxing, extra ..$110.00 .. 3.00 95 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. PRESSES. A 7x11 PEARL WITH THROW-OFF AND LONG FOUNTAIN. Bed and frame being cast in one solid piece gives added strength and rigidity. Throw-off convenient and easily operated. REQUIRES BUT THREE TREADS TO ONE IMPRESSION. Fountain quickly adjusted by feeder without leaving his position, and while press is in motion. Can be thoroughly cleaned inside of five minutes. Ink distributor does not touch the form. BALANCED TREADLE AND ROLLER CARRIAGE. Has drop door in bottom of cabinet, forming convenient recepta- cle for inks, stock, and fitted with roller rack. PRICES F. O. B. FACTORY. No. 11 Pearl, with impression throw-off and long fountain $135.00 Steam fixtures and brake 12.00 COPPER ALLOY TYPE PKESSKS. IMPROVED GOLDING JOBBER. The manufacturers claim for the Improved Golding Jobber that it is in all points equal to any job press yet invented, and superior to all in speed, noiselessness, distribution of ink, ease in running, solidity of impression, and facility for making ready quickly. F.O.B. Factory. No. 6 8x12 inside of chase $200.00 " 710x15 " " 275.00 " 812x18 " 350.00 " 915x21 " " 450.00 These prices are with three machine rollers complete, extra set of roller cores, extra set of roller wheels, two chases, ink-plate, hand roller, wrench, treadle and brake. By using steel screw chases, forms of type lerger than the sizes can be printed on these presses. Nos. 7 and 8, have folding delivery boards for convenience in reaching the form and making ready. PRICE LIST OP EXTRAS F. O. B. FACTORY. Ink fountain and automatic brayer. Duplex distributor Chromatic attachment No. 6. .$25.00.. . 12.00.. No. 7. ..$35.00.. . . 16.00.. . 125.00 No. 8. ..$40.00.. .. 20.00.. 150.00 No. 9. ..$50.00 .. 24.00 Chase " screw " cross bar " spider Steel screw chase Boxing: . . . . 1.25.. . 1.75.. '. 'i.50'.'. . 4.00.. . 4.00. . .. 1.50.. .. 2.00.. .. 2.00.. .. 1.75.. .. 5.00.. . 5.00.. .. 1.75.. .. 2.50.. .. 3.00.. .. 2.00.. .. 6.00.. . 6.0).. . . 2.25 ! '. 3.75 '. 7.50 . 8.00 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO- PRESSES. M. GALLY'S IMPROVED UNIVERSAL PRESS. STYLE No. 1. This press has new style cams, heavy bridge, with extra jack-screw bear- ings, steel shafts, steel adjuster bar, all parts interchangeable, and easily oper- ated by treadle. It is the style used for general commercial work. PRICES. 10X15, f. o. b. factory $320 00 13X19, " " 41500 14X22, " " 480 00 ' Steam Fixtures for either size, f. o. b. factory 10 00 Fountain for 10X15, f. o. b. factory 20 00 " 13X19 or 14X22, f. o. b. factory 25 00 Gross weight, 10X15, 1,850 Ibs. ; 13X19, 2,600 Ibs. ; 14X22, 2,900 Ibs. The following is a list of the small parts that are included with each press : Three chases, one roller mold, six form-roller stocks, four distributor stocks, two vibrator stocks, twelve roller wheels six large, six small ; two changers, two feed tables, one small impression or frisket finger wrench, one large impression wrench, one socket wrench and one chase-latch wrench. At option of purchaser two extra chases will be given in lieu of either roller mold or of treadle, or four extra chases for both mold and treadle. By steam fixtures is meant the tight and loose pulleys that are attached to the pinion shaft of press, the brake, the brake seat and belt shifter. No over- head fixtures are included; but complete sets of overhead fixtures, z. e., cone pulleys, driving pulley, countershaft, hangers, etc., can be furnished to order. COPPER ALLOY TYPE PRESSES. STYLE No. 2. This press differs from Style No. 1 in the following particulars: The ink- ing cylinders are nickel plated for use with fine chemical, and especially aniline colors. It has also special attachments for commencing the rolling of forms from both top and bottom, which specially adapts it for fine or large tint work. 10X15, f. o. b. factory ............................................. $400 00 13X19, " " ............................................. 500 00 14X22, " " ............................................. 600 00 These prices include both steam fixtures and fountain complete. Gross weights, from 150 to 300 Ibs. heavier than Style No. 1. WITH OR WITHOUT "DWELL." Our No. 1 and No. 2 presses are furnished with connecting rod cams, which produce the platen dwell so desirable when care- ful feeding and accurate register are required. When customers do not want a platen dwell the press is furnished without cams if so ordered. When made without cams the platen has nearly a horizontal position when receiving the sheet, which is desirable in some kinds of work. STYLE No. 3. No. 3 presses are made as follows : 3A For wood printing only. 3B " book cover inlaying only. . 3C " letter press printing only. 3D " all styles of printing, as above. Prices, F. O. B. factory with steam fixtures and fountain : 10X15 13X19 14X20 3A, f. o. b. factory ......... . ............ $450 .......... $600 .......... $650 3B, " " ...................... 450 .......... 600 .......... 650 3C, " " ...................... 450 .......... 600 .......... 650 3D, " " ...................... 465 .......... 620 .......... 675 Steam Blanks for hot work, extra ........ 50 .......... 60 .......... 70 Gross weight ...................... 2,200 Ibs ...... 2,900 Ibs ...... 3,200 Ibs stampng or emossng, an te nest an eavest casses o cu an so n printing. Any one of these presses may be adapted for a single purpose or for a combination of uses. When ordering these presses, state what kind of work is to be done, and if for wood printing, state what will be the THICKEST board necessary to print. To accommodate the work to be done the platen is set back from type- nigh from $ to 1| inches, according to order. Any intermediate thickness can be printed. SPECIAL POINTS. THE IMPROVED UNIVERSAL PRINTING PRESS returns to its owner and opera- tor the maximum of results for the minimum of expenditure. This assertion cannot be successfully contradicted, being based upon the FACT that it stands unrivaled in possession of the following combined essential advantages : Great power of impression, with an absolutely rigid bed and platen. Direct platen motion, giving equal pressure upon all parts of the form. Throw -off and platen adjustment in one combination of parts. No altera- tion of corner screws or tympan when changing jobs, light or heavy. Roller carriage stop, retaining the rollers upon the cylinders upon the will of the operator. Ink distribution adaptable to any quality of work to be executed, and equal to that of the best stop cylinder press. To the PROGRESSIVE printer the IMPROVED UNIVERSAL offers new possibili- ties in the production of the highest grades of work at the largest amount of profit. 99 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. PRESSES. EMBOSSING MACHINE. A machine built only for -very heavy embossing and book -cover stamping ("smashing"), and has no inking apparatus whatever. The following memoranda of its dimensions and principal features will give a fair idea of what the nress is canable of doincr: wheel having 400 Ibs. of iron in its rzm, or 800 Ibs. in both, for very powerful impression, revolving eight and a quarter times to each print. When open to receive the sheet the pjaten is thrown back nearly to a horizontal posi- may be arranged for super neaieu steam, n uesirauie as in very neavy crusn- ing of hard and unyielding material. This style is built in two sizes, with or without a stop motion. The stop motion operates automatically without stroke or jar, stopping and starting the platen as desired while the fly-wheel continues in full momentum, thus giving any required time for accurate pointing or placing the sheets without losing the force of a cjuick impression. The prices of these machines are as follows : 21JX22 bed plate, f. o. b. factory $800 00 24 X 26 bed plate, " " 90000 Steam Blank, extra, " " $80 00 and 90 00 Stop Movement 100 00 Special catalogue sent upon application. 100 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CC. PRESSES. STAMPING AND PAPER -BOX CUTTING AND CREASING MACHINE, Early in the year 1876 the first printing presses adapted to the work of cut- ting and creasing pasteboard for boxes were made by M. Gaily, since which time he has placed a large number in most of the paper-box manufactories of the United States. His present press, for this purpose, is his latest improvement, and is the largest and most powerful machine ever produced for this kind of work. Having the improved platen movement of the "New Universal," remark- ably simple, and being solid in its build, it is peculiarly adapted for either stamp- ing or paper- box cutting and creasing. The construction of this machine is substantially the same as the embossing pressee. It has a soft steel plate, screwed to face of platen, and the face of this plate is set .9185 inches from and parallel to the face of the bed. This machine is built in three sizes, as follows : 22^X30, f. o. b. factory $750 00 23X31 " " 900 00 Larger sizes to order. Above prices include skidding and crating of parts and delivering on board cars or boat at manufactory, Hartford, Conn. Gross weight, complete, for domestic shipment, No. 1 machine, 4,500 Ibs. ; No. 2 machine, 5,000 Ibs. The American Type Founders' Company are special agents for the sale of the Gaily presses. The best prices and terms can be obtained through the branches of that company. Special attention is paid to orders for machinery. 101 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. PRESSES. 102 COPPER ALLOY TYPE PRESSES. PATENT AIR SPRING COUNTRY PRESS THE "TRIUMPH." NEW SERIES. The illustration on opposite page shows the latest improved Cottrell Country Press new series. It is adapted to printing newspapers, posters, pamphlets, cir- culars and all classes of commercial printing. This machine has been thor- oughly remodeled and reconstructed; special attention has been given to the design and to the proportioning of all the parts to the work required, making a strong, simple and rapid machine. The side frames are changed in design, the flanges projecting inward, the whole presenting a smooth, massive and cleanly appearance. The press is sup- plied with the patent air springs, the resistance of which is increased or decreased according to the speed of the press. It is well known that the faster the speed the greater strength of spring is required; the patent air spring covers these re- quirements. If the press is running at five hundred per hour, the spring can be easily regulated for that speed ; and if running at one thousand per hour, the pro- portionate increase of spring can be obtained, and so up to the highest speed of which the press is capable. The air spring is provided with an automatic throw -off that releases the spring when the press is stopped, and the pressman can move the bed to and fro without compressing the air; when the press is started the spring is applied automatically. The patent hinged roller frames permit of the form rollers being instantly uncovered for removal or other purpose without unscrewing the sockets. The rollers can be taken out and put back without changing their set. The well fountain is used, being easily regulated and cleaned. It is set high, giving easy access to the form. The distribution is ample ; two three- inch rollers cover a full form. The bed has four supports while under the impression. This is impor- tant, as a clear, even impression can be taken without overlaying the form. The shoes, tracks and roller are of hard steel. The gearing is accurately cut, which, together with registering rack and segment, insures perfect register. The fly is balanced, laying the sheet gently on the pile table. The whole machine is substantially built, simple in construction ; can be set up and run by any printer, and by the aid of the patent air springs will run one- third faster than any other country press. Manufacturers' Circular. SIZES AND PRICES. Size of Bed Size Form Covered p inside Bearers. by Two Rollers. No. 3, f. o. b. factory 26X37 22X33 $1,000 " 5, " " 33X47 28X44 1,100 Steam fixtures, $50 additional; table distribution, $75 additional; tapeless delivery, $75 additional ; f. o. b. factory. 103 AMERICAN: TYPE FOUNDERS' co PRESSES. COTTRELL MONARCH PRESS. For a certain grade of offices who do not wish to be considered country printers, and yet want a machine that shall be constantly employed and produce a good grade of work, we recommend the Monarch Press. It has many advan- tages and improvements, including patent air springs, patent tapeless delivery, back-up and hinged roller frame, geared sliders, iron steps and feeder's stand, and is the best press which can be made and satisfy the consideration of low price. It is a press of excellent design, of the best materials, of high speed, but by manufacturing them in large quantities and building but two sizes, we are en- abled to make the price within the reach of the printer of moderate means. The Monarch was designed and is sold in competition with the lower grades of presses of other manufacturers, but easily outclasses all other presses which claim the consideration of a reduced price. It is fast 1,700 an hour for the No. 5, and 2,000 for the No. 3. There are four bearings under the bed, steel tracks and slider rolls, heavy flange on the ends of the cylinder, and, coming between the Country and Job and News, is an extremely popular machine. Manufacturers' Circular. SIZES AND PRICES. Size of Bed Size Form Covered p inside Bearers. by Two Rollers. No. 3, 26X37, f. o. b. factory 22X33 $1,500 " 5,33X47, " " 28X44 1,800 Table distribution, $75 additional, f. o. b. factory. 104 COPPER ALLOY TYPE PRESSES. COTTRELL JOB AND NEWS PRESS THE "PARAGON." In construction and finish the Job and News Press resembles our first -class extra heavy machine, but is simpler and can be run by any person capable of running a country drum. The design is handsome, compact and solid, being perfectly smooth on the outside and easily kept clean, and being constructed with few working parts, sets nearer the floor, making it easier to handle and feed than the average drum cylinder. Its mechanical construction is very complete. It has a solid bed-plate, or foundation with cross -girt, cast solid in one piece. To this superstructure are bolted the side frames and standards supporting the ribs and two centre -bearing wheels, which, in connection with the slider roll tracks, give four bearings under- neath the impression. The end of the cylinder is flanged, giving additional stiffness. The material is of the very highest grade of special iron, and all gears and small wearing parts are constructed of gun metal, giving a wearing capacity equal to any press manufactured. Our patent tapeless delivery, with all its advantages of handling the sheet without smut or dirt, is an essential feature. Our patent improved air- springs, with vacuum valve, are used on this machine, and a full form of type can be run at a speed of 1,650 per hour with but little or no jar or vibration. We use a well fountain, which will use every particle of ink without waste. It can be easily cleaned when changing from one quality of ink to another. The machine is provided with hinged roller frame, iron steps and feeder's stand, our patent geared sliders, for preserving unity of travel between the bed and sliders, balanced fly-wheel with continuous fly cam, patent micrometer feed guides, double tympan rods, gibs for holding down the bed, flanged ends to the cylinder, all of which go to make up the solid, speedy, convenient and easily handled machine. Mfrs. Circular. No. 5, f. o. b. factory. " 6, " SIZES AND PRICES. Size of Bed Size Form Covered inside Bearers. by Two Rollers. ....33X47 29X43 ....33X50 29X46 FLANGE FRAMES. ....34X52 ....37X54 Price. ...$1,900 ... 2,000 No. 7, f. o. b. factory 34X52 31X49 .34X51.... Above prices are for rack and cam distribution. Table distribution, $75 extra, f. o. b. factory. $2,200 2,500 105 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. PRESSES. 106 COPPER ALLOY TYPE PRESSES. COTTRELL TWO -RE VOLUTION PRESS NEW SERIES. The engraving on opposite page represents a Two -Revolution Press of our new series. This machine has been entirely reconstructed and strengthened throughout, and many of the mechanical arrangements greatly simplified. This reconstruction and entire change of design and patterns enables us to present to the trade a machine exceedingly simple in its construction, as a glance at the cut will show, yet embodying all our patented improvements, in which we have always kept the lead, and which have rendered our presses so justly popular. The bed runs on four steel tracks upon hardened steel rollers, the rollers be- ing ground to exact size by special machinery. All of the four tracks are supported in direct line with the impression upon standards raised from the girt, the girt itself being cast solid with, and a part of the bed-plate. A great advantage in this construction is the economy of time in making ready, as the heaviest impressions in cut forms can be worked without the least possibility of spring in either tracks or bed. Our patent air-springs, with which this press is equipped, and which have been one of the distinctive features of the Cottrell press for so many years, make the machine almost noiseless in operation, and the accurately -cut gearing, to- gether with our patent attachment for controlling the momentum of the cylinder, insures perfect register. This machine has a power backing -up motion, and a trip, enabling the operator to throw off the impression at will, or to roll the form any number of times. Mfrs. Circular. FITTED WITH FOUR FORM ROLLERS. Size of bed Size form inside covered by bearers. four rollers. Price. No. 4. ..29X43. ..25X39... ,$3,900 " 5. ..33X46. ..29X42... , 4,300 " 6. ..33X50. ..29X46... , 4,500 " 7. ..35X52. ..31X48.., , 4,750 " 8. ..38X55. ..34X51... , 5,300 Size of bed Size form inside covered by bearers, four rollers. Price. No. 9 ...43X56. ..38X52. ..$5,700 " 10. ..43X60. ..38X56.. "11. ..46X60. ..42X56.. "12. ..46X64. ..42X60.. FITTED WITH TWO FORM ROLLERS. No. 5 ...33X46... 29X42... $3,500 " 6 ...33X50. ..29X46... 3,700 " 7... 35X52... 31X48... 4,100 No. 8 ...38X55... 34X51.. " 9 ...42X60. ..38X56.. 6,000 6,500 6,800 ,$4,700 5,300 Prices quoted above, f. o. b. factory. COTTRELL TWO -REVOLUTION PONY NEW SERIES. The Cottrell Two -Revolution Pony is the latest arrival in the printing world. It comes equipped with every appliance and improvement for conven- ience of operation including trip-at-will and back-up. In proportion to its cost it is the quickest money -getter that has ever been erected on the floor of an American pressroom. The popular size is 25X30 on the bed (between bearers). This hustles a 22X28 sheet as it never was moved before. Remember, the press is built with a stout bed -plate, and does not stand like a chair, but is firmly grounded like a steam engine. For stationers' work, insurance work, railroad or express work, for all rapid transit and for a full " charging drawer" at six o'clock each night the Cottrell Two -Revolution Pony is the only certain solution. Mfrs. Circular. Size of bed inside bearers. TWO ROLLERS. Size form covered by two rollers. Price. 25X30 21X27 $2,200 Size of bed inside bearers. FOUR ROLLERS. Size form covered by four rollers. Price. Prices quoted above, f. o. b. factory. 107 26X37 22X33 $2,700 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. PRESSES. 108 COPPER ALLOY TYPE PKESSES. THE IMPROVED CAMPBELL COUNTRY HAND SERIES. This press has been long and favorably known to the trade as the best, most simple, most durable, and most profitable cylinder press for the general use of a country office. The cut shows the new machine, which is the old style Campbell "Country" remodeled, simplified, and improved with special refer- ence to easy running by hand power. In the new machine all of the peculiar advantages possessed by the old have been retained and new features added to them, until the press represents the nearest approach to perfection yelTattained. In simplifying, it has been made possible to reduce the cost, mak- ing the cheapest as well as the best press of this character in the market, and although especially designed for a hand-power press, tight and loose pulleys and belt-shipper can be applied at the nom- inal additional cost of $15.00. No. 2, bed 33x48, form 28x44, standard size for 9-column folio and 6 column quarto . .$800.00 No. 3, bed 30x43, form 25x39, standard size for 8-column folio and 5-column quarto 700.00 Speed, 600 to 800 per hour. The price covers everything that legitimately belongs to a cylin- der press, including a rubber blanket and all expenses of boxing and shipping at the factory, Taunton, Mass. 109 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. PROOF PRESSES. NO. O REGULAR. THE NEW AND IMPROVED RELIANCE PROOF PRESS. SIZES AND PRICES: No. O, with iron stand, 9x27 inches * $30.00 No. O, without iron stand, 9x27 inches 24.00 No. 1, with iron stand, 10^x32 inches 37.50 No. 1, without iron stand, 10^x32 inches 30.00 No. 2, with iron stand, 16^x35 inches 47.50 No. 2, without iron stand, 16^x35 inches 37.50 Larger sizes made to order. PROOF PRESSES. NO. OO SPECIAL. THE "OO" RELIANCE PROOF PRESS. No. OO, 9x34 in. (shipping weight 75 pounds) $15.00 110 COPPER ALLOY TYPE PROOF ROLLERS. This engraving fully represents this late produc- tion for the con- venience of the craft. Its simpli- city and utility is at once apparent, and the nominal price which it is furnished at brings it within the means of all printers. On ex- amination it will be found to re- semble the ordin- ary brayer roller, with this, differ- ence it works on wheels. The wheels, together with a spiral lev- erage, raise the India rubber im- pression cylinder a little over the proper height for taking the i m- NOVELTY PROOF ROLLER. pression from a galley, which is supposed to be lying flat upon an im- posing stone or an ordinary table. Price, 9 inches between wheels. . .$5.00 PERFORATORS, ROSSBACK. A very excel- lent feature of this machine is the sliding slot- ted plates on front of needle- bar, which ena- ble one to easily and quickly pro- vide for stubs of checks, etc., rendering a por- tion of the nee- dles inoperative Perforate 24 inches.. $100.00 Perforate 28 inches.. $125.00 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. PERFORATORS. THE FRANKLIN HAND PERFORATOR. This hand perforating machine we can fully recommend to be as good as any perforator made. Just the thing for binders, printers and lithographers whose trade does not warrant a larger machine. Five chicks can be perforated without turning. Table is made of oak; machine is japanned and ornamented, and is far superior in material and workmanship to the machines of other makers. It makes a round hole, the same as on postage stamps, and the per- forating is large enough for any check-book. There is no taking out of needles, and in case of accident these can be replaced at very little expense. It will pay any printer to buy this machine who prints checks, clothing tickets, price marks, and such other matter as requires separating from pads or books. There is a great variety of work which a small printing office can do with the aid of this ma- chine which would otherwise go to larger offices. It is a cheap, first- class, durable perforator. Weight of machine boxed ready for ship- ment, 100 Ibs. Price, to perforate 10 inches, boxed. . . 112 .$25.00 COPPER ALLOY TYPE QUADS. Hi TWO-LINE PICA. THREE-LINE PICA. ANGULAR QUADS. The repeated demand made for these quads has led us to produce them. They are of ordinary space and quad height. All sizes complete . 12 point, set of 4 18 " " 24 " . . $1.50 . , . .20 , . . .20 . . . .20 36-point, set of 4 |0.25 48 " " 30 60 " " 35 72 " ' 40 CORNER QUADS. Corner Quads insure a better junction of mitred corners, by pre- venting them from slipping past each other. The 7-em size will lap by the joint between mitred corner and next piece of rule. 2-point Brass, 3-em, set of 4. .$0 15 2 " " 7-em, set of 4.. .20 6-point Metal, 3-em, set of 4. $0.20 12 " " 5-em, " .20 HOLLOW QUADS. Font of 78 pieces (quad high) $10 00 The Mortises are graduated to suit our Brass Circles and Ovals. Can be had singly if desired, at from 10 cts. to 30 cts. each. ft 113 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CCX QUADS. CIRCULAR QUADS. These Quads, as their appearance indicates, are for use in setting curved lines, circles, etc., rapidly and accurately. They are all cast on the point system, and the steps are even 6-point. Per Font, containing 96 pieces $3.50 QUOINS. THE MIDGET QUOIN LOCKED. Smallest quoin on the market occupies a space of 18 points by 120 points. It is a saver of time also of money. To say that the average printer is up to the times would be a falsity, but to say that he has not reached the goal of perfection is true. There are so many points where the craft are destined to im- provement. The Midget is not an improvement, but is a thoroughly new idea. It does away with an annoyance that has been in exist- ence from away back that of making some forms tight by forcing in leads. THE MIDGET QUOIN UNLOCKED. The Midget which we have is a very small lock, and will lock up a form in a very small space. You can put it anywhere in a form. To a practical printer all this is evident the quoin speaks for itself. You should have it in your plant. No printing office complete with- out it. SOME POINTS WORTH NOTING. Tapping it with the ever-present mallet fastens it. It occupies no more space in length when locked than unlocked. The proof of its safety is the fact that when looked it rests 011 its corresponding flat surfaces, It can be put anywhere in a form, as the space it occupies is so small that it is not noticeable in the printed job. Unlike other quoins, the harder the substance is it rests against, the better. Price, per doxen, with key $2.00 114 COPPER ALLOY TYPE QUOINS. HE-MPEL'S IMPROVED PATENT QUOINS. Size No. 112 pairs . . .$2.50 212 " ... 3.00 Key, plain 50 " nickeled 75 These Quoins are so well known to the trade that they need no recommen- dation as to their merits. THE PEERLESS QUOIN. Perfect in operation ; their contiguous faces are solid bearings; they cannot tilt; the motion of the key draws the wedges together, does not force them apart; its point of contact is against the base of the sockets at their strongest point; any- body can use them perfectly at sight. Popular because reliable. No. 1 Per dozen, $2.50 No. 2 " 3.00 Keys: Plain, 50c.; Nickel plated, 75c. WICKERSHAM PATENT QUOINS. Per dozen $2.50 | Keys, each PERRY PATENT QUOINS. Per dozen $2.50 | Keys, each THE BROWER QUOIN. No. 1, per doz $2.03 No. 2, per doz 2.50 Hickory Quoins, per 100. . . Boxwood " " Keys, each.. . 50 50 .50 50 75 ROLLERS. BRAYERS. Length. Diameter. Frame & Core. Casting. Complete. 5-iuch IK-inch 9D cents 35 cents $1.25 6 " VA " 90 " 35 " 1.25 8 " 1% " ....$1.00 50 " 1.50 115 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. ROLXERS. PROOF ROLLERS. Length. Diameter. Frame & Core. Casting. Complete. 6-inch... 3^-inch $1.20 60 cents .... $1.85 8 " ..3^ " 1.50 80 " 2.30 10 " ..3^ " 1.75. ... $1.00 2.75 HAND ROLLER. Length. 12 inches 14 " 16 " 18 " 20 " 22 " 24 " Diameter. ..Scinches 31* Frame and Core. $2.00 2.25 2.50 2 75 300 .. 3.25... Casting. $1,20 1.40 1.60 .... 1.80 .... 2.00 . 2.20... 3.50 2.40. Complete. $3.20 3.65 ...... 4.10 ....... 4.55 5.00 5.45 .... 5.90 HAND PRESS ROLLERS. Length. 24 inches Core. Cast'g. C'mp'te . $1.00 $2.55 $3.25 Length. 44 inches. 36 " .. 120 2.75 3.95 48 " 40 " . . 1.40 3.25 4.65 52 " Core. Cast'g. C'mp'te $1.60 $3.75 $5.35 . 1.80 4.25 6.05 . 2.00 4.75 6.75 116 COPPER ALLOY TYPE Eighth-medium " " large Quarter-medium " " large Half-medium " " large . ./o .80 .85 .90 1.00 1.15 ROLLERS. JOB PRESS ROLLERS. Size. Core. Smaller than Eighth-medium $0*.50 Casting. Compl. $0.50 .50 .75 .80 .85 .90 1.00 $1.00 1.25 1.55 1.65 1.75 1.90 2.15 CYLINDER PRESS ROLLERS. PRICES FOR CASTING ONLY. Diameter and Price. Length. 2-inch. 3-inch. 3|-inch 36 inches $1.75 $2.25 $2.75 40 " 2.00 2.50 3.00 45 " 2.25 2.75 3.25 50 " 2.50 3.00 3.50 55 " .. 2.75 3.25 3.75 ROLLER COMPOSITION. Star Roller Composition, per pound $0.30 Remelting Roller Composition, remelts indefinitely, per pound. . .50 ROLLER SUPPORTERS. These Bearers for job presses are locked up with the form in the chase. They take the undue weight of the rollers off the form, pre- vent over-inking, cause a more even distribution and prevent the cutting of the rollers by rules or leaders. In other words, they will save the rollers and improve the presswork. PRICE, PER PAIR. .$0.75 .75 .90 .90 5x 9 . $0 35 12 x!8 7x11 8x12 40 45 13 14 x!9 x20 10x15 .50 ^x22 11x17 , . .60 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. RULJE BENDER Elite. The bender is made of tool steel. It cannot wear out and will last a lifetime. Can be carried in vest pocket. It bends rule from one to six points in thickness. Price $2.00 RULE MACHINE. THE LITTLE WIZARD. This handy little machine is specially designed for making grace- ful borders, dashes, corner pieces, word and line ornaments, etc., out of 1-point brass rule. Full directions for operating sent with each machine. Price $7.50 SAWS. GRIFFIN HACK SAWS. This Saw will cut iron, brass, steel and metals of all kinds. It requires no sharpening, as the blade can be thrown away when dull and replaced by a new one at less cost than it requires to file an old Saw. Each Saw has twelve extra blades with it. 8-inch Griffin Hack Saw, with 13 blades $2.00 118 COPPER ALLOY TYPE SAWS. HOPKINS PLATE CUTTER. The Hopkins Plate Cutter cuts the plate or matter quicker, easier and neater than it can be cut by any other method. It is simple and durable. Being automatic in its action, the cut is bound to be abso- lutely straight and the letters on the matter cannot be mutilated, which is so often the case with the mitre-box and saw. When in a hurry to "make up" you can with this machine cut off a plate to fit quicker than you can with the mitre-box and saw, and in less time than it would take to hunt up a "dead ad." It is always ready, being in one piece. It is valuable to job offices as well as newspaper offices, as it cuts stereotype bases, wood or metal furniture, brass rules, slugs, etc., and never makes a mistake. Aside from its utility in cut- ting up stereotype plate-matter, the machine is a real convenience to any printing office. There is a great deal of miscellaneous cutting, in connection with which this device w r orks into the best advantage. The only thing to wear out is the saw, which can be replaced by us for 25 cents, and can be attached in a minute by you. The device can be operated as easily by the apprentice as by the foreman. Weighs ten pounds. It saves time and labor, and prevents that bungling and mutilating of plates which are a consequence of the present unsatis- factory method. Price $6.50 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. SHOOTING STICKS. 7 inch nickeled . 9 " " Wood... .$0.50 . .90 .06 SOLDERING OUTFIT. Soldering Coppers, 4 oz Blow Pipe, Sin Soldering Acid, bottle Wire Solder, bunch Round Pliers Flat Pliers File Stone Square Graver File, 6-inch Try Square .$0.40 . .40 . .20 . .10 . .35 . .35 . .25 . .25 . .30 . .90 Complete $3.50 STAPLING MACHINES. PATENT FEB. 78. OTHER PATENTS PENDING.. BREECH-LOADER WIRE STAPLE BINDING MACHINE. Price $3.00 Staples. Sizes: C 3-16 in., D % in., E 5-16 in., per box of 1,000 of one kind 50 This machine binds papers of all kinds with wire staples; holds 100 staples at a charge; feeds them automatically; inserts them one by one into the job and clinches them flat on under side of the paper. Its capacity is from 1 to 50 sheets, and it does its work easily. 120 COPPER ALLOY TYPE STAPLING MACHINES. TREADLE CLINCHERS, H. G. F. THE HERCULES BINDER FOR FOOT POWER. Price $1000 Staples (In boxes of 5,000), per box 1 25 This machine is intended for binding pamphlets or papers that require to be quickly and cheaply fastened together by staples. It was designed in answer to a demand for a wire stapler of great capacity, at a price lower than that charged for the large and expensive machines. It is entirely automatic in its action, being " loaded" with a large number of the staples, and discharging and fasten- ing them through the paper at one action of the lever or treadle. It will do its work well as fast as the operator can handle the sheets and work the lever, and will bind any pamphlet, from the thinnest to two hundred pages. It holds one hundred staples at a time, and will take four different sizes. Any further infor- mation relative to it will be sent on application. We carry them in stock, ready for shipment. 121 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' cO. STAPLING flACHINES. An indispensable machine for bookbinders, printers and sta- tioners. For binding pamphlets of any thickness under 125 pages through the saddle. Length under arm, 12 inches. MIDDLE STITCH OR "SADDLE BACK" BINDER. Price, complete with foot power $30 00 Staples put up in boxes of 5,000. Price, per box 1 25 Flat table, extra 1 50 122 COPPER ALLOY TYPE STAPLING MACHINES. Does heavy woric with a half - inch staple. This is the best of this series of machines, working on the same principle, but with great improvements. The new clinch- ing device perfects the clinch equally as well as most of the high -cost steam-power ma- chines. It stitches through the fold or through the back, and drives staples 9 inches from margin, and through a thickness of s of an inch. Complete, with flat and saddle -back tables Staples, No. 1J, ^-inch long, per box of 5 000 2, i ; " 3, & . 123 .$36 00 . 1 25 . 1 25 . 1 25 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. STAPL.E PRESS, MEGIL.I/S SINGLE STROKE. This is one of the most useful articles to be found in a printing office. It is simple in construction and easily worked. It instan- taneously inserts and clinches the staples. Needs only to be seen to be appreciated and to find a place in every small job office. Price, each -. $1.50 Staples, in boxes of 500 each , per box 50 STEAM FIXTURES. COUNTERSHAFT HANGER AND CONE PULLEYS. First size, for eighth-medium presses, three speeds $20.00 Second size, for quarto and half-medium presses, three speeds. . . 25.00 Third size, for folio to super-royal cylinder presses, four speeds. 30.00 Fourth size, for double-medium and larger presses, four speeds. 40.00 124 COPPER ALLOY TYPE STEEI, RUIZES. Scoring, 2 pt., per foot 30 Cutting, 2 " " 35 Perforating, 2 pt., per foot 75 Composing rule, steel, per foot 35 Make-up rule, " " 75 SIDE AND FOOT STICKS. Malleable or wrought iron, per inch, straight 05 " " " " " " beveled .06 Accurately planed and dressed. SUB-HEADINGS. DAILY RECORDER. Electrotyped from any style of type |0.50 to $0.60 If engraved, about ; 2.00 to 4.00 Each additional electrotype from the engraving 30 to .50 SUBSCRIPTION AND RECORD BOOKS. CHALLEN'S JOB PRINTER RECORD. PRICES: 52 pages, one leaf to the letter, flexible, $1.00; 100 pages, two leafs to the letter, half roan, $2.00; 200 pages, $3.00; 300 pages, $4.00; 400 pages, $5.00. Size, 9x12. CHALLEN'S ADDRESS RECORD. Size, 4x7. Flexible, $0.50; half roan, $1.00 CHALLEN'S ADVERTISING RECORD. PRICES: 52 pages or one leaf to the letter, flexible, $1.00; 100 pages, two leaves to the letter, half roan, $2.00; 200 pages, $3.00; 300 pages, $4.00; 400 pages, $5.00. Size, 9x12. CHALLEN'S SUBSCRIPTION RECORD, FOR WEEKLY, SEMI-WEEKLY AND MONTHLY JOURNALS. PRICES: 100 pages, half roan, cloth sides, $2.00; each additional 100 pages, $1.00. CHALLEN'S ADVERTISER'S RECORD OF CONTRACTS. PRICES: 52 pages, or one leaf to the letter, flexible, $1.00; 100 pages, two leaves to the letter, half roan, $2.00; 200 pages, $3.00; 300 pages, $4.00; 400 pages, $5.00. Size, 9x12. 125 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. STEREOTYPING OUTFITS Surguy's. No. 2 Outfit. No. 1 Outfit. Prices at Factory. Size, 8^x15. Size 15x25. Casting machine, with either gas or gasoline heating attachment $20.00 $40.00 Iron bars, spacings, cores, etc., for type-high casts 10.00 13.00 Improved iron miter box and saw 10.00 12.00 Iron shuteboard and plane 9.00 12.00 Furnace, hood, melting pot and ladle 8.00 10.00 Beating brush 3.00 3.00 Small tools, brushes, blankets, etc 4.00 4,00 One dozen prepared matrices and stereotype paper 1.00 1.00 Total $65^0 |95T66 Any part will be sold separately. STEREOTYPING OUTFITS STROHM'S. PRICES AT FACTORY. Size of casting boxes 6x12 8x18 11x18 14x24 Swinging Casting Box $12.50 $22.00 $25.00 $42.50 Type high and pica bars 2.50 4.00 5.00 7.50 Shuteboard and mitre box 4.25 6.75 9.25 12.00 Plane and saw 1.50 2.00 4.00 6.50 Ladle and chisel 1.05 1.50 1.50 2.00 Hammer and chase 75 1.00 1.50 3.00 File and cores 75 .75 .75 1.50 Brushes, blankets, matrice material, etc 1.70 2.00 3.00 5.00 Total $25.00 $40.00 $50.00 $80.00 In the $25.00 and $40.00 outfits, the shutebox and mitre box meas- ures 8x18 inches. One end is for sawing and the opposite end has a "rest" on which casts are placed when trimming off rough edges. The plane used in these outfits, is a patent iron block plane. It is a sim- ple and easy contrivance for quick trimming. The 8x18 outfit at 40.00, with the same plate trimmer included, as the 11x18, at $50.00, will be furnished at $45.00 The plate trimmer in the $50.00 and $80.00 outfit is 14x16 inches, with a 12-inch hand plane, that works in a groove. TYPE GAUGE Brass. Price, each $1.50 TINT BL.OCKS Labor Saving. These consist of strips of engraver's maple, with polished face, cut to even picas and nonpareils in width. A font consists of two pieces each 1, 1^, 2, 2%, 3, 3%, 4, 5, 6 and 8 ems pica wide all 8 inches long. All the printer has to do to make a tint is to set his panel to even Picas, select a tint strip of same width, and cut it the desired length. e, per font $1.00 126 COPPER ALLOY TYPE TAKE SLUGS. 1O THE ST. JOHN TAKE SLUG. The above cut represents a useful improvement in "Take Slugs," made of brass, solid and substantial; they have bearers above and below the figures, which protect them from injury, and give a line to measure from. The hole in the center is the exact size of the type used, and when the figures become useless they can be replaced at a very trifling cost. To the foreman or compositor in the newspaper office the sing speaks for itself more eloquently than words can. Cut to any measure, 2<3c. each. BRASS INDENTED TAKE SLUG. This slug is made of solid brass, and is almost indestructible. The figures are plainly indented in the face of the slug, and the line to measure from is unmistakable. They are cheaper than the ordinary electrotyped slug, and preferable in every respect. Cut to any meas- ure, 20 cents each. ELECTROTYPED TAKE SLUGS. OJXTE 1O Made from any figure or letter se- lected, not over Great Primer Body 2Oc. <-acli. 127 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO TYPE WASH Eureka. The most perfect compound for thoroughly removing ink from type, rollers and plates. Does not injure brush or corrode type. 50-pound tub $5.00 10 " can 1.25 5 " can 75 1 " can .20 TYPE WASH-Lye. Greenbank, 1-1 b. can $0.15 TAPES. S^-inch wide, per roll $0.65 " 75 " 90 ""'.'.! !! i.*7o TAPE COUPLER Metallic. The "Metallic Tape Coupler" for connecting ends of tape used on printing presses, folding machines, etc., is something new. In pre- vious years there has been a great deal of time and energy wasted experimenting on various devices for connecting ends of tape with- out sewing, and at the same time have perfect register. This device will surely be appreciated by all who have had experience sewing ^ape, and whose duty it is to see that the registration of paper on folding machines is perfect. It frequently happens that tape joined by sewing will wear out on the sides where it is sewed, causing the tape to run crooked, which will invariably throw the paper out of register. By using the "MetalicTape Coupler" you will find the tape to run perfectly true and accurate. It is more durable than sewing and can be adjusted in a few seconds, (with the aid of "Parallel Pliers," especially made for the purpose), making it a great time- saver. The Coupler for Webb presses is a little different from the folding machine Coupler, and an advantage over eyeleting together the ends of tape. No. 1, for ^-inch tape, per box of ">.) .$1.25 No. 2, for % " " " " " 1.50 No. 3, for % " " " " " 1.50 No. 4, for % " " " " " 1.75 No. 5, for 1 " li " " " 1.75 No.G.forl^ " " " " " 1.75 Smooth Jaw Parallel Pliers, per pair 1.00 These Pliers can be used for all sizes of Couplers. 128 COPPER ALLOY TYPE THORNE TYPE-SETTING AND DISTRIBUTING HACHINE. Price, complete with all fixtures, on application. The Thorne machine, using type, produces perfect typographical results as well as great economy. It is simple in construction, and does not require the attendance of a machinist. The distribution is automatic, and, while both the distributing and setting mechanisms are contained in one machine, each operation is independent. The key-board resembles that of a type-writer, except that it is larger and has more keys. The arrangement of the keys is such that in playing in the direction indicated by the figures 1-2-3-4, etc., to 90, the operator may play with the utmost rapidity; thus the word "and" with the space which would follow it, is located as represented on the diagram by keys numbered 12-14-16-19, and even if these keys should be played simultaneously, the word would come into the line correctly and be followed by its space. Repeated tests of speed taken while operators were engaged in actual work have demonstrated that the machine will produce type at the rate of over 9,000 ems of solid type per hour, seven or eight lines per minute of minion, containing twenty-two ems of type each, being frequently produced by rapid operators. 9 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. THORNE TYPE-SETTING AND DISTRIBUTING MACHINE. The power required to drive each machine is very light, three to five machines being driven by a one-horse power electric motor. While any steady power is all that machines require, electric power, being most steady, is recom- mended. Electricity has come into such universal use that it can now be obtained for power at very low rates in almost any of the cities of this country. FEATURES OF THE THORNE. Among other decided advantages possessed by the Thorne are that it sets and distributes simultaneously or separately, at will ; requires less than five feet square of floor space for the machine ; is simple in construction, and made to the highest standard of mechanical excellence. The Thome is thoroughly adapted for all kinds of book and newspaper composition. The shortest "takes" can be handled as expeditiously on the machine as by hand compositors which feature will be especially appreciated in its use in daily newspaper offices. The machine is easily kept in working order, is simple and durable in construction, and for running requires but little more power than an ordinary sewing machine. "Proofs" from matter set on the machine are much " cleaner " than those from matter set in the ordinary way; the " distribution" being automatic and absolutely correct, there can be no typographical errors from that source. The machine may be used twenty -four hours a day if desired, the distribution being automatic, as above stated, and no time required to " fill the cases" as in hand work. Wherever used they displace all frames and cases for body letter, except cases for the type used in correcting proofs. One machine occupies about the same floor space as a compositor's frame. In a room filled with machines twice as much type can be set as in the same room filled with frames and cases. Anybody who has intelligence enough to run an ordinary type -writer can easily learn to operate the Thorne; yet it is doubtless true that practical com- positors, by their familiarity with the use of type, the rules of the craft, and various little dexterities which are well understood among printers, become expert in the use of machines more quickly than the ordinary mortal. The shortest "takes," two-line letter " ads," market reports, sporting pro- grammes, foot -ball results, and open advertisements not containing many different sizes of type, are set with great celerity and economy by aid of the Thorne, features specially valuable in newspaper composition. Italics also are readily inserted. Composition by the Thorne is very compact, having few, if any, make -evens, and saves both the time and the money (paid for inserting quads) expended in the numerous make -evens resulting from hand composition when copy is cut into short "takes.'* The wretched tedium of distribution is avoided, and the physical and mental strain involved in composition is minimized. For circulars and further information address Walter S. Harder, Fourth and Elm Streets, St. Louis, Mo. COPPER ALLOY TYPE TABLETING PRESSES. . GOLDING'S. SIZES AND PRICES. No. 1 holds 2,000 sheets, any size up to 6x12 inches $ 6.00 No. 2 holds 5,000 sheets, any size up to 8x16 inches 12.00 TABLET GLUE. Always ready for use. Can be applied cold as easily as paste Pint. Quart. Gal. Red or Blue $0.50 $1.00 3.75 Shattuck's red, blue, green, colorless. TAPE FASTENERS. FOR FASTENING TAPE ON POWER PRESSES. Price, including one box of eyelets $1.25 TAPE TIGHTENERS. Price $5.00 UNION FORM TRUCK Witli Heavy Rubber Tires. This Form Truck is made of best malleable iron and is therefore of equal strength to the old style common cast iron trucks, though weighing but 5 pounds to their 15 or 20 pounds. It is painted red is handsome and attractive in appearance. As it is readily seen on the floor no one .should hit his foot against it j though if you do, instead I of causing a fall as do the 1 heavy trucks, it will simply glide away. Price, each $3.50 131 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. VIC 15 Printers' . PRINTERS 5 VICE. Price, $2.50 This is a convenient tool for filing rule at I either angle of 45, 67 J or 90. The surfaces controlling the angles are hardened so that a I file will not scrctch them. The rule is held by a screw clamp, and the length in controlled by a reversible gage extending 11 inches. WRENCH Screw. 10-inch , Black $1.00 10-inch , Polished 1.50 WOOD CIRCLES. Made any size, mortised, with square or round bodies, as preferred. 1 to 2 inches inside, each $0.40 2 to 4 " " " 75 4 to 6 " " " 1.00 6 to 8 " " " . 1.25 8 to 10 " " " 1.75 WOOD RULE. Assorted Faces, per yard .$0.12 J32 COPPER ALLOY TYPE WIRE STITCHING AND BINDING MACHINE. THE SUCCESS No. 2 STAPLER. This machine is specially constructed to work extra thin wire staples, and will stitch pamphlets of one section through the center of the fold, or bind books of several sections, to nearly a quarter of an inch in thickness through the side, after the manner of stabbed work, at an average speed of 700 to 1500 books or pamphlets per hour, or they can be used as a saddle back as shown in cut. The tinned steel wire staples used in this machine are supplied in various sizes, to suit thin or thicker work, at 25 cents per thousand. These staples are supplied strung on wooden blocks. A package of ten such blocks contain 4,000 staples. Price, No. 2, for hand power only $25.00 Staples, 5 mm. or 3-16 in., 6 mm. or % in., 8mm. or 5-16 in., 10mm. or % in., strung on wooden blocks, per 1,000 25 In packages of 4,000. No less than package sold. 133 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS* CO. WIRE STITCHING AND BINDING MACHINE. THE SUCCESS NO. 5 FOR HAND OR TREADLE POWER. These machines are constructed so that they make the staples from wire, fed from a spool, at a cost of 3 cents per thousand for thin work and not to exceed 5 cents per thousand for the heavier wire and thickest work. Every part works autimatically and is simple and reliable. No. 5, hand power or treadle, capacity 1-5 in $75.00 No. 5J4, " " " " " %" 135.00 No. 6, . " " " %" 190.00 Special Round German Wire on spools, averaging 5% Ibs., per Ib. .20 Numbers 28, 26, 25, 24, 23, 21, 20 and 18 carried in stock. 134 COPPER ALLOY TYPE WIRE STITCHING AND BINDING MACHINE. THE SUCCESS NO. 7^ FOR STEAM POWER. No. 7%, steam power, capacity % in $300.00 No. 18^, " " " 1 " 410.00 185 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. BRASS RULES. ALL THESE RULES ARE ON POINT BODIES. All Rules except those designated (f) can be made in labor-saving fonts to order. Price quoted is per foot. 12- POINT No. $0.60 12-PoiNT No. 1 8-PoiNT No mamrnm 7-PoiNT No. .35 MM 6-PoiNT No. 5-POINT NO. .25 4-PoiNT No. .20 3-PoiNT No. 2g-PoiNT-No. .12 2-PoiNT No. .10 1^-PoiNT-No. - POINT No. .06 1-PoiNT No. .05 PAGE IN CENTER. 2-POINT No. 168 $0.10 2-POINT NO. ] .10 2-PoiNT No. 158 .10 2-PoiNT No. 159 fO.fiC 10-PoiNT-No. 1 8-POTNT NO. 1 7-PoiNT No. 1 .40 .35 6- POINT No. 1 .30 5-POINT No. 1 .25 4-POINT No. 1 .20 3-PoiNT No. 1 .15 2g-PoiNT No. 1 .12 2- POINT No. 1 .10 1^-POINT NO. 1 .08 H-POINT No. 1 .05 1-POINT NO. 1 .05 FACE ON SIDE. 2-PoiNT Shoulder Rule $0.10 3-PoiNT Shoulder Rule .15 6-PoiNT Shoulder Rule .30 136 COPPER ALLOY TYPE BRASS RULES. 12-POINT NO. 2 10- POINT No. 2 8-PoiNT No. 2 7-PoiNT No. 2 6-PoiNT No. 2 5- POINT No. 2 4-PoiNT No. 2 3-PoiNT No. 2 2-PoiNT No. 2 2-PoiNT No. 2 1^-POINT No. 2 1-POINT NO. 2 12-PoiNT No. 16 $0.60 .50 .40 .30 .25 .20 .15 .12 .10 .06 $0.68 10-PoiNT No. 3 8- POINT No. 3 7- POINT No. 3 6-PoiNT No. 3 5-PoiNT No. 3 4-PoiNT No. 3 3-PoiNT No. 3 12-PoiNT No. 4 10-PoiNT No. 4 8-PoiNT No. 4 7-PoiNT No. 4 6-PoiNT No. 4 5-PoiNT No. 4 4-PoiNT No. 4 3-PoiNT No. 4 $0.60 .40 .35 .25 .20 .15 .50 .40 .35 .30 .20 137 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. 12-POINT NO. 5 BRASS RULES. $0.60 $0.60 12-POINT No. 7 10-PoiNT No. 5 .50 30-PoiNT No. 7 .50 8-PoiNT No. 5 .40 5-PoiNT No. 7 .40 7-PoiNT No. 5 .35 7-PoiNT No. 7 .35 6-PoiNT No. 5 .30 6-PoiNT No. 7 .30 5-PoiNT No. 5 .25 5-PoiNT No. 7 .25 4-PoiNT No. 5 .20 4-PoiNT No. 7 .20 3-PoiNT No. 5 .15 3-PoiNT No. 7 .15 2-POINT NO. 5 .10 2-PoiNT No. 7 .10 12-PoiNT No. 6 $0.60 12-PoiNT No. 8 $0.60 10-POINT NO. 6 .50 10-POINT No. 8 .50 8-PoiNT No. 6 .40 8-POINT NO. 8 .40 7-PoiNT No. 6 .35 7-POINT NO. 8 .35 6-PoiNT No. 6 .30 6-POINT NO. 8 .30 5-POINT NO. 6 .25 5-PoiNT No. 8 .25 4-POINT NO. 6 .20 4-PoiNT No. 8 .20 3-PoiNT No. 6 .15 3-POINT NO. 8 .15 138 COPPER ALLOY TYPE BRASS RULES. $0.68 12-PoiNT No. 12 $0.60 12-POTNT NO. 14 10-PoiNT No. 12 .50 10-POINT NO. 14 .58 == 8-PoiNT No. 12 .40 9-PoiNT No. 14 .53 7-PoiNT No. 12 .35 8-PoiNT No. 14 .48 6-PoiNT No. 12 .30 7-POINT NO. 14 .43 5-PoiNT No. 12 .25 6-POINT No. 14 .38 4-PoiNT No. 12 .20 5-POINT NO. 14 1 .31 ' 3-PoiNT No. 12 .15 4-PoiNT No. 18 .26 12-PoiNT No. 13 $0.60 2-PoiNT No. 71 $0.12 2-PoiNT No. 67 .12 10-PoiNT No. 13 .50 2-PoiNT No. 68 .12 8-PoiNT No. 13 .40 2-PoiNT No. 69 .12 2-PoiNT No. 137 .12 7-PoiNT No. 13 .35 2-PoiNT No. 72 .12 6-PoiNT No. 13 .30 2- POINT No. 99 .12 2-PoiNT No. 73 .16 5-PoiNT No. 13 .25 2-PoiNT No 74 .16 .16 .16 4-PoiNT No. 13 .20 2-PoiNT No. 75 2-PoiNT No. 77 ^/xys^s^v^^N^-vy^^v^v^^^^x^^ 1 3-PoiNT No. 13 .15 139 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. 2g-PoiNT No. 86f 2-PoiNT No. 166 1-PoiNT No. 069 12-PoiNT No. 17 9-PoiNT No. 15 6-PoiNT No. 15 BRASS RULES. .18 .16 $0.68 .53 .38 8-PoiNT No. 143f $0.48 6-PoiNT No. 142f .38 5-PoiNT No. 102f 5-PoiNT No. 105f .31 7-PoiNT No. I46f .43 5-PoiNT No. 144f 6-PoiNT No. 108f 8-PoiNT No. 147 f .48 COLUMN AND HEAD RULES. PRICES. COLUMN RULES 12 ins. or less, Nonp. body, each $0 30 24 " " " " " 60 24 to 28 ins. " " " 080 12 ins. or less, Minion body " 35 24 " . ....'.... 070 24 to 28 ins. " " " 090 " 12 ins. or less, Brevier body " 40 24 " " " " " 80 24 to 28 ins. " " <( 1 00 HEAD RULES Pearl thickness, 12 ins. and under 25 Agate " Nonp. Heavier Column rules to order. 140 24 12 24 12 24 50 30 60 30 60 COPPER ALLOY TYPE LABOR-SAVING- BRASS RULE. These Rules can be cut to any Body, usually 12-Point, graduated by ems or ens, and 6*f almost any kind of Brass Rule in our specimens. They are put up in fonts at the prices given, including a fair propor- tion of Mitred Corner Pieces. Fonts of only one and one-half pounds are graduated by 12-Point ems; fonts of three pounds or over are graduated by 12-Point ens or 6- Point ems up to 10 ems. The following are the Labor-Saving Rules most commonly used, and which we constantly keep in stock. Prices in fonts of convenient size per pound: 1%-Point $2.CO 2-Poiut 1.75 3- Point 1.75 4-Point 1.60 5-Point 1.50 6-Point $1-50 8-Point 1.50 10-Point 1.50 12-Point 1.50 Larger than 12-Point 1.50 Cut from any No. of Rule shown in our specimens. No. 1. $1.75 per Ib. No. 71. $1.75 per Ib. 141 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. LABOR-SAVING BRASS RULE. 5-PoiNT No. 2, $1.50. 3- POINT No. 3, $1.75. 4-PoiNT No. 4, $1.50. COPPER ALLOY TYPE LABOR-SAVING- BRASS RULE. 5-PoiNT No. 5, $1.50. 6-PoiNT No. 4, $1.50. 6-PoiNT No. 6, $1.50. 143 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. Labor-Saving Rule Metal Corners. 3- Point No. 7, Font contains 10 feet 3- Point Labor-saving Rule and two sets of each Corner-piece, $4.80. 1O to Pica No. O. Font contains 10 feet IJ-Poiut Labor-saving Rule and two sets of each Corner-piece, $4.50. 144 COPPER ALLOY TYPE Labor-Saving Rule Metal Corners. Font contains 10 feet 5-Point Labor-saving Ride and two sets of each Corner-piece, $5.00. 8 -Point No. 3 Font contains 10 feet 8-Point Labor-saving Rule and two sets of each Corner-piece, $8.75. 6-Point No. 4 Font contains 10 feet 6-Point Labor-saving Rule and two sets of each Corner-piece, $7.00. 10 145 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. Labor-Saving Rule Metal Corners. 6-Pt. No. 14 Font contains 10 feet 6-Point Labor-saving Rule and two sets of each Corner-piece, $6.50. 12-Pt. No. 14 Font contains 10 feet 12-Point Labor-saving Rule and two sets of each Corner-piece, $10.50. -:*> ->- l^-Pt. No. f Font contains 10 feet 1^- Point Labor-saving Rule and two sets of each Corner-piece, $4.00. 146 COPPER ALLOY TYPE METAL FURNITURE. Order Metal Furniture when you Order Quotation Furniture if wish this style. this style is wanted. Sizes 4, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20, 25, 50 ems long; 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10 ems wide. Fifty ems omitted from smaller fonts. Metal Furniture, 12 Ibs. $3.00; 25 Ibs. $6.25; 50 Ibs. $12.50; 100 Ibs. $25.00. Quotation Furniture, 25c. per Ib. Sizes 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 ems long; 2, 3, 4 ems wide. QUOTATIONS. Sizes, 2x4, 3x4, 4x4. Price, 25e. per Ib. Put up in 10 Ib. fonts, at $2.50 or sold separate in any quantity. 147 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS 1 CO. : UJ n [VI M S HH o QQ - <{ 8 Q CQ i ^ ^ 1 s , | ; 8 g' i pq - T-1 ' 1 ' O : r i * J i y o S 1 j c p 5 148 COPPER ALLOY TYPE OQ * | OQ m 1 |i |- 1 T ~ 1 1 I' ' 1! I* ^ 5*1 ' rt 1 1 1 1' ii I n oS g s t> * 1 149 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. NEW BRASS DASHES. 531. 25c. 533. 25c. 534. 25c. 535. 25c. 300. 20c. t 301. 25c. 302. 25c. 303. 25c. 304. 25c. 305. 25c. 306. 25c. 307. 25c. 308. 25c. ISO COPPER ALLOY TYPE NEW BRASS DASHES. 309. 25c. 310. 25c. - ^ 311. 25c. 312. 25c. 313. 25c. 314. 25c. 315. 25c. 316. 25c. 317. 25c. 318. 25c. 319. 25c. 320. 25c. 321. 25c. 322. 25c. 151 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. BRASS CIRCLES. All kinds and sizes of Circles, Ovals, Squares, Hexagons, Octagons and other Brass Rule Work furnished to order at short notice. Send explicit description of the work required, and kind of rule wanted, whether single, double, parallel, dotted or waved. PRICES OF CIRCLES Nos. 1 to 6, 60c. each; Nos. 7 to 13, 75c. each; Nos. 14 to 18, 90c. each; Nos. 19 to 21, ,$1.00 each. 152 COPPER ALLOY TYPE BRASS OVALS. PRICE OF OVALS Nos. 1 to 6, 90c. each; Nos. 7 to 11, $1.00 each; Nos. 12 to 14, $1.25 each ; Nos. 15 to 18, $1.50 each. Larger sizes made to order. 153 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS* co. LABOR-SAVING- BRASS LEADERS. FACE 72. POINTS. BODY. 6 FACE 137. FACE 99. Leader Rule furnished to match any face of type made and on any body up to 12 point. Face No. 137 is furnished with all Law Italic Fonts, unless other- wise ordered. When ordering, be particular to state the style of leader by num- ber, as well as the face of type with which the leaders are to be used. A specimen letter must in all cases accompany the order. PRICE 6-Point, per Ib. $1.60; 8-Point, per Ib. $1.60; 10-Point, perl b. $1.60; 12-Point, per Ib. $1.40. LABOR-SAVING- LEADS AND SLUGS. Regular fonts of LEADS and SLUGS are put up, cut in graduated lengths from 4 to 25 ems pica, in fonts of 12-lbs., 25-lbs., or 50-lbs., at 25c. per Ib. Odd Sizes Cut to Order in any quantity. FULL LENGTH LEADS. 1-Point, per Ib . . ...$0.70 l|-Point, perlb 60 li-Point, per Ib 32 2-Point, per Ib 16 FOOT SLUGS. 13 ems pica measure, Metal, 4c. each ; Brass, 25c. each. Both kinds on 18-Point body. 154 tOPPER ALLOY TYPE BRASS LEADS. CUT TO MEASURE. 1-Point, per Ib l|-Point, per Ib iJ-Point, per Ib 2- Point and larger, per Ib $1.00 90 80 75 BRASS SLUG-S. CUT TO MEASURE. 6-Point and thicker, per Ib.. .10.75 BRASS SPACE RULE. 2-Point, per Ib li-Point, per Ib 1-Point, per Ib $2.00 2.75 3.50 PERFORATING- RULE. Brass, per foot Steel, per foot $0.15 75 COLUMN AND HEAD RULES. STANDARD MEASUREMENT. The accompanying table gives the length of Column and Head Rules for the regular standard sizes of Folio and Quarto Newspapers. Column Head Rules Rules 4 col. quarto or folio, inches 13% 5 col. quarto or folio, inches 18 6 col. quarto or foiio, inches 20 7 col. quarto or folio, inches 21% 8 col. folio, inches 23% 9 coi. folio, inches 25% The length of the Head Rules given are for columns 13 ems pica wide and nonpareil column rules. 155 I W QQ q AMERICAN: TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. USEFUL, INFORMATION. CO (H rH 3- rH CO rH CO CO rH 5 !| 1 ^H iO O C5 O 1 rH GO CO lO (N C<| rH rH rH CO rH OO . *-i O r < 03 CO t^ Oi lO OO O O5 CO lO CO CO g ^< Cfi . Q O 1^-1 s e s s s qe rH 3 *>*& S> ^ o 3 O (M O 00 Tf 1- CO 'H (M rH 00 o *-> III (^ lO GO O5 GO CO C^ O O5 OO rH rH rH s B S2? T o3 * a i -|M g punoj o; So o o o CO CO CO CO 8 ;o be leaded with Leads. 8. Size of Body Ty] 6-to-pi ^ 1 -i . J g^ . 8) ? S '8 o 8 fcjD g g *4 ft g pq pq Long Primer . . 156 COPPER ALLOY TYPE USEFUL INFORMATION. g w PH W g g PH PH o3 .S I M 2 -3 03 rC P t Q p &-S 8 1 a Sti +H 80 Q (D rj ' ^ CM o 1 S rH g OS O S T 1 CO U ' J 10 CD ^ ^ GO C5 B 2 & .B P ' hH o S p o tf o o ^ =H S OQ a: 03 g 5 M 0> o T 1 cr ~ * ? Q g C SH "* OD O OQ QD 02 0^ 0> CJ 'o I CO Number of em Number of lin Number of in Four-column f Five-column Six-column Seven-column S a 3 Nine-column 157 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. USEFUL INFORMATION. 111 M TJ | ^4 I O H w w o cc B|*H 5 S M 8 >H rj O .S ^3 rO O S eg ^ + " &D 00 Q; O "C t! "o 'S P a; 2 r ~ H 3 ^ > - *s ' D S3 3 ^C *r^ DO ^ "^ T3 ^ *S "tJ 03 PQ jf II ^ I . CO o o CH I s 02 M H H ft d ; H O Primer s H a fl ^3 ^ : c P fc P jfc h-5 * ; s 2 tc . O o> be 60 *1 2 % ^ |} P W ^ p ' o _ 5g ! be -s i^^ 1 i GC ^.^0)0 PH 158 COPPER ALLOY TYPE STANDARD SIZES OF NEWSPAPERS. The following are the regular sizes of newspapers adopted by the auxiliary printers. We would advise parties planning new news papers to adopt one of these sizes. The width of colum is 13 ems pica, with nonpareil column rules: FOLIO. Size of Paper. Size of Form. Head Rule. Col. Rule. 5-Column Folio 6 7 20x26 22x30 24x36 18 x23% 20 x28>4 21%x33 11^ 13% 15% 18 20 21% 8 9 26x40 28x44 23%*37^ 25%x42 ITfZ 20^8 23*4 25V 4 Quarto 22x30 I8%x29 &/ 13% 5 26x40 23^x37 11% 18 6 30x44 27%x41 13% 20 7 36x48 32^x45 15% 21% TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION STANDARD. The International Typographical Uhion has adopted the follow- ing standard: WIDTH OF LOWER CASE ALPHABET FROM A TO Z. 4^-Point . . . 5 5M " - 6 7 10 11 12 18 Ems ....17 " ....16 " ....15 " ....14 " ....14 " ..13 " ...33 " ...13 " ...13 " AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. No. 11. Width of alphabet, 16 ems. John Milton, the most illustrious of the whole line of English poets, was born in his father's house, the Spread Eagle, in Bread street, London, on the 9th December, 1608. His father was a scrivener, or money broker, who had embraced the Protestant faith, and who appears to have been a man of considerable parts. The scrivener seems to have been most anxious to give his son a good education, and placed him early under private tuition; from thence he was sent to St. Paul's School, and afterwards to Christ's College, Cambridge. It is believed that his intense study at college laid the seeds of his future blindness. After leaving Cambridge he retired to Horton, in Buckinghamshire, where his father nad purchased a small estate. Here he composed some of his beautiful minor pieces. At twenty-one he composed Milton, the most illustrious of the whole line of English poets, was born in his father's house, the Spread Eagle, in Bread street, London. His father abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKL 1234567890 5%-PoiNT No. 14. Width of Alphabet, 16 ems. THE future prosperity and glory of California do not depend upon her beautiful climate, nor upon an aristocracy of wealth, but rather upon an aristocracy of honesty and intelligence. If her sons realize this, if they prepare for manhood's calling, then indeed, even in this age, with Progress crowding upon the heels of Time, will she outstrip all competitors and retain her title of the Golden Land. So said the speaker of the day at the Native Sons' Celebration at Santa Cruz. And continuing, he said : We know that she will not trust us in vain. We believe that in the care of her sons place our being, down the corridors of time comes the answer It is, it is. We glory in the diversified industries of our State, and well we may. We have seen the abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKL 1234567890 (J-POINT ROMAN No. 10. ^ ~ Width of alphabet, lUYz ems. THE future prosperity and glory of California do not depend upon her beautiful climate, nor upon an aristocracy of wealth, but rather upon an aristocracy of honesty and intelligence. If her sons realize this, if they pre- pare for manhood's calling, then indeed, even in this age, with Progress crowding upon the heels of Time, will she outstrip all competitors, and retain her title of the Golden Land. So said the speaker of the day at the Native Son's celebration at Santa Cruz. And continuing, he said: We know that she will not trust us in vain. We believe that in the care of her sons Cali- fornia can place dependence for her future. Here beneath Freedom's flag, determined, theirs was the work of development, and from the pioneers of California there has descended to us a heritage, this mighty State, with abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKL 1234567390 160 COPPER ALLOY TYPE 6-PoiNT No. 11. Width of alphabet, 16 ems. John Milton, the most illustrious of the whole line of English poets, was born in his father's house, the Spread Eagle, in Bread street, London, on the 9th December, 1G08. His father was a scrivener, or money broker, who had embraced the Protestant faith, and who also appears to have been a man of considerable parts. The scrivener seems to have been most anxious to give his son a good education and placed him early under private tuition; from thence he was sent to St. Paul's School, and afterwards to Christ's College, Cambridge. It is believed that his intense study at college laid the seeds of future John Milton, the most illustrious of the whole line of English 'poets, was born in his father's house, the Spread Eagle, in Bread street, London, abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHI 1234567890 6-POINT NO. 14. Width of alphabet 16 ems. THE future prosperity aud glory of California do not depend upon her beautiful climate, nor upon an aristocracy of wealth, but rather upon an aristocracy of honesty and intelligence. If her sons realize this, if they prepare themselves for manhood's calling, then indeed, even in this age, with Progress crowding upon the heels of Time, will she outstrip all competitors and retain her title of the Golden Laud. So said the speaker of the day at the Native Sons' celebration at Santa Cruz. And continuiug, he said: We know that she will not trust us in development, and from the pioneers of Calif ornia there has descended to us a heritage, this mighty State, coupled with a trust that we shall transmit to our abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGH 1234567890 6- POINT ROMAN No. 15. ^ ^ - ^ Width of alphabet, 15 ems. The future prosperity and glory of California do not depend upon her beautiful climate, nor upon an aristocracy of wealth, but rather upon an aristocracy of honesty and intelligence. If her sons realize this if they prepare for manhood's calling then, indeed, even in this age, with Progress, crowding upon the heels of Time, will she outstrip all competitors, and retain her title of the Golden Land. So said the speaker of the day at the Native Sons' celebration at Santa Cruz. And continuing, he said: We know that she will not trust in vain. We believe that in the care of her sons California can place dependence for the future. Here, beneath a trust that we shall transmit unimpaired to our children, and through them to coming generations. The time is not far distant when there will 'not be a abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJ 1234567890 U AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. 6-PoiNT ROMAN No. 17. Width of alphabet, 15% ems. THE future prosperity and glory of California do not depend upon her beautiful climate, nor upon an aristocracy of wealth, but rather upon an aristocracy of honesty and intelligence. If her sons realize this, if they prepare for manhood's calling, then indeed, even in this age, with Progress crowding upon the heels of Time, will she outstrip all compe- titors, and retain her title of the Golden Land. iSo said the speaker of the day at the Native Sons' celebration at Santa Cruz. And continuing he said: We know that she will not trust us in vain. We believe that in and determined men, theirs was the work of development, and from the pioneers of California there has descended to us a heritage, this mighty abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHI 1234567890 6- POINT ROMAN No. 18. Width of alphabet, 17% ems. THE future prosperity and glory of California do not depend upon her beautiful climate nor upon an aristocracy of wealth, but rather upon an aristocracy of honesty arid intelligence. If her sons realize this, if they prepare for manhood's calling, then in- deed, even in this age, with Progress crowding upon the heels of Time, will she outstrip all competitors and retain her title of the Golden Land. So said the speaker of the day at the Native Sons' celebration at Santa Cruz. And continuing, he said: We know that she will not trust us in vain. We believe that in the care of And now, brothers, let us not shrink from the duty we owe to our country, to our forefathers, to our homes, to ourselves. Let us prepare for to-morrow abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFG 1234567830 7-PoiNT ROMAN No. 10. ^^ -~n Width of alphabet lkY & ems. THE future prosperity and glory of California do not depend upon her beautiful climate, nor upon an aristocracy of wealth, but rather upon an aristocracy of honesty and intelligence. If her sons realize this, if they prepare for manhood's calling, then indeed, even in this age, with Progress crowding upon the heels of Time, will she outstrip all competitors and retain her title of the Golden Land. So said the speaker of the day at the Native Sons' celebration at Santa Cruz. And continuing, he said : We know that she will not trust prosperity of the future join hands and ask: Cannot this problem oe solved with justice to all and injury to none ? From the patriot- abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDE 1234567890 162 COPPER ALLOY TYPE 7-PoiNT No. 11. ^Q _ _ 3 Width of alphabet, 15 ems. John Milton, the most illustrious of the whole line of English poets, was born in his father's house, the Spread Eagle, in Bread street, London, on the 9th December, 1G08. His father was a scrivener, or money broker, who had embraced the Protestant faith, and who appears to have been a man of considerable parts. The scrivener seems to have been most anxious to give his son a good education, and placed him early under private tuition ; from thence he was sent to St. Paul's School, and af ter- John Milton, the most illustrious of the whole line of English poets, was born in his fathers house the Spread Eagle, in Bread street, on abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCD 1234567890 7-POINT NO. 14. ^Q _ _ 1 Width of alphabet, 15% ems. THE future prosperity and glory of California do not depend upon her beautiful climate nor upon an aristocracy of wealth, but rather upon an aristocracy of honesty and intelligence. If her sons realize this, if they prepare for manhood's calling, then indeed, even in this age, with Progress crowding upon the heels of Time, will she outstrip all competitors and retain her title of the Golden Land. So said the speaker of the day at the Native Sons' celebration at Santa Cruz. And continuing, he worth living? From those we honor and love, from the possibilities of the morrow, from every noble impulse of our being, the answer: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCD 1234567890 7-PoiNT ROMAN No. 15. ^ o ^ ^ j Width of alphabet, 1% ems. The future prosperity and glory of California do not depend upon her beautiful climate nor upon an aristocracy of wealth, but rather upon an aristocracy of honesty and intelligence. If her sons realize this if they prepare for manhood's calling then, indeed, even in this age, with Progress crowding upon the heels of Time, will she outstrip all competitors and retain her title of the Golden Land. So said the speaker of the day at the Native Sons' celebra- tion at Santa Cruz And continuing, he said : We know that she memories of the past and the prosperity of the future join hands and ask: Cannot this problem be solved with justice to all and injury to abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDE 1234567890 163 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. 7-POiNT ROMAN No. 17. ^ 1 Width of alphabet, 15 ems. THE future prosperity and glory of California do not depend upon her beautiful climate nor upon an aristocracy of wealth, but rather upon an aristocracy of honesty and intelligence. If her sons realize this, if they prepare for manhoods' s calling, then indeed, even in this age with Progress crowding upon the heels of Time, will she outstrip all competitors, and retain her title of the Golden Land. So said the speaker of the day at the gave our State its golden name appeals to us to-day to solve the prob- lem. The memories of the past vnd the prosperity of the future join abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCD 1234567890 7-PoiNT ROMAN No. 13. ^ o Width of alphabet, 15 l / 2 ems. THE future prosperity and glory of California do not depend upon her beautiful climate nor upon an aristocracy of wealth, but rather upon^an aristocracy of honesty and intelligence. If her sons realize this, if they prepare for manhood's calling, then indeed, even in this age, with Progress crowding upon the heels of Time, will she outstrip all competitors and retain her title of the Golden Land. So said the speaker of the day at the The great struggle is to-day a -fight for the truth. Truth is on every side. Like waves on the seashore it cannot be hushed will not be abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCD 1234567890 8-PoiNT ROMAN No. 10. Width of alphabet, 13 ems. THE future prosperity and glory of California do not depend upon her beautiful climate nor upon an aristocracy of wealth, but rather upon an aristocracy of honesty and intelligence. If her sons realize this, if they prepare for manhood's calling, then indeed, even in this age with Progress crowding upon the heels of Time, will she outstrip all competitors and retain her title of the Golden Land. So said the speaker of the day at the Native State, and well we may. We have seen them grow and pros- per side by side. We have heard the hum of the reaper and abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCD 1234567890 1G4 COPPER ALLOY TYPE 8-PoiNT No. 12. Width of alphabet, lk% ems. THERE is a flippant and heedless spirit in which the country editor is often treated by city journalists, for which I have the utmost contempt. It proceeds either from shallow or insincere natures, or from profound igno- rance of the country editor's real influence. Every man who expects to make a State his home should, as quickly as possible, put himself in unison with its conditions, its what he has to in as few words as possible, and adds terseness and vigor to his methods. The best paragraphers come from abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABODE 1234567890 8-PoiNT No. 14. Width of alphabet tt% ems. THE future prosperity and glory of California do not depend upon her beautiful climate, nor upon an aristocracy of wealth, but rather upon an aristocracy of honesty and intelligence. If her sons realize this, if they prepare for manhood's calling, then indeed, even in this age, with Progress, crowding upon the heels of Time, will she out- again ask the question: Is life worth living? From those we honor and love, from the possibilities of the morrow, impulse abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABODE 1234567890 8-PoiNT ROMAN No. 17. Width of alphabet, Ik ems. THE future prosperity and glory of California do not de- pend upon her beautiful climate, nor upon an aristocracy of wealth, but rather upon an aristocracy of honesty and intel- ligence. If her sons realize this, if they prepare for man- hood's calling, then indeed, even in this age, with Progress crowding upon the heels of Time, will she out strip all com- from every noble impulse of our being, down the corridors of time comes the answer: It i's, it is! We glory in the diversified abcdefghijklmnopqrstuqwxyz 1234567890 165 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. 8- POINT ROMAN No. 18. Width of alphabet, THE future prosperity and glory of California do not depend upon her beautiful climate nor upon an aristo- cracy of wealth, but rather upon an aristocracy of hon- esty and intelligence. If her sons realize this, if they prepare for manhood's calling, then indeed, even in this age, with Progress crowding uponthe heels of Time, will intelligence to solve the burning questions of the day, to guand against the evils of the hour The great struggle is to-day a fight abcdefghijklnmopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 9-PoiNT ROMAN No. 10. Width of alphabet, 1% ems. THE future prosperity and glory of California do not depend upon her beautiful climate nor upon an aristocracy of wealth, but rather upon an aristocracy of honesty and intelligence. If her sons realize this, if they prepare for manhood's calling, then indeed, even in this age, with Progress crowding upon the heels of Time, will she outstrip all competitors and retain the past, the history of life, living between the memory and hope of two eternities, we again ask the question : Is life abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 9-POINT NO. 14. J o 1 Width of alphabet 13 ems. THE future prosperity and glory of California do not depend upon her beautiful climate, nor upon an aristoc. racy of wealth, but rather upon an aristocracy of honesty and intelligence. If her sons realize this, if they prepare for manhood's calling, then indeed, even in this age, with Progress crowding upon the heels of Let us prepare for the morrow. Let us recognize the truth. Do this, and in the sunset of each day we see for ourselves abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 16G COPPER ALLOY TYPE 9-PoiNT ROMAN No. 17. JTJ i Width of alphabet, 1U ems. THE future prosperity and glory of California do not depend upon her beautiful climate, nor upon an aristocracy of wealth, but rather upon an aristocracy of honesty and intelligence. If her sons realize this, if they prepare for manhood's calling, then indeed, forefathers, to our homes, to ourselves. Let us prepare for to- morrow. Let us recognize the truth. Do this, and in the abcdef ghi j klmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 IO-POINT ROMAN No. 10. Width of alphabet, 11% ems. THE future prosperity and glory of California do not depend upon her heautiful climate, nor upon an aristoc- racy of wealth, but rather upon an aristocracy of honesty and intelligence. If her sons realize this, if they prepare for manhood's calling, then indeed, even aid in the exposure of all shams and sustain truth, life is worth living. And now, brothers, let us not abcdef ghij klmnopqrstuvwxyz 123 45 67890 10-POINT NO. 14. Width of alphabet 13 ems. THE future prosperity and glory of California do not depend upon her beautiful climate, nor upon an aristocracy of wealth, but rather upon an aristoc- racy of honesty and intelligence. If her sons realize this, if they prepare for manhood's calling, then the seashore it cannot be hushed will not be stilled. It may be hidden, but it cannot be destroyed. If we ubcdefghij klmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 167 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. IO-POINT ROMAN No. 17. Width of alphabet, 13 ems. THE future prosperity and glory of California do not depend upon her beautiful climate, nor upon an aristocracy of wealth, but rather upon an aristo- cracy of honesty and intelligence. If her sons realize this, if they prepare for manhood's calling, Reading to-day the record of the past, the history of life living between the memory and hope of two eter- abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 11-PoiNT ROMAN No. 10. L O Width of alphabet, 11% ems. THE future prosperity and glory of California do not depend upon her beautiful climate, nor upon an aristocracy of wealth, but rather upon an aris- tocracy of honesty and intelligence. If her sons realize this, if they prepare for manhood's calling, on every side asking for recognition. Like the waves on the 'seashore it cannot be hushed will abcdef ghij klmnopqrstu v wxyz 1234567890 H-POINT ROMAN No. 14. Width of alphabet, 13 ems. THE future prosperity and glory of California do not depend upon her beautiful climate, nor upon an aristocracy of wealth, but rather upon an aristocracy of honesty and intelligence. If against the evils of the hour. The great struggle is to-day a fight for the truth. Truth is on every abcdefghijklmnopxrstuvwxyz 1234567890 168 COPPER ALLOY TYPE 12-PoiNT ROMAN No. 10. Width of alphabet, 12 ems. THE future prosperity and glory of California do not depend upon her beautiful climate, nor upon an aristocracy of wealth, but rather upon an aristocracy of honesty and intelligence. If her sons realize this, if they prepare for man- hood's calling, then indeed, even in this age, with Progress crowding upon the heels of Time, will she outstrip all competitors and retain her title of the Golden Land. So said to ourselves. Let us prepare for to-morrow. Let us recognize the truth. Do this, and in abcde fghij klmnopqr stu v wxy z 1234567890 12-PoiNT ROMAN No. 14. Width of alphabet, 13 ems. THE future prosperity and glory of Cali- fornia do not depend upon her beautiful climate, nor upon an aristocracy of wealth, but rather upon an aristocracy of honesty and intelligence. If her sons realize this, if they prepare for manhood's calling then indeed, even in this age, with Progress crowding upon the heels of Time, will she rise on the morrow. Reading to-day the record of the past, the history of life, living between abcdefghijkimnopqrstuv 1234567890 169 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS' CO. 6-PoiNT OLD STYLE No. 2. -^ o ^ ^"j Width of alphabet, 14 ems. THE future prosperity and glory of California do not depend upon her beau- tiful climate, nor upon an aristocracy of wealth, but rather upon an aristocracy of honesty and intelligence. If her sons realize this, if they prepare for manhood's calling, then indeed, even in this age, with Progress crowding upon the heels of Time, will she outstrip all competitors, and retain her title of the Golden Land. So said the speaker of the day at the Native Sons celebration at Santa Cruz. And continuing, he said : We know that she will not trust us in vain. We believe that in the care of her sons California can place dependence for her future. Hardy, generoits and determined, theirs -was the ivork of development, and from the pioneers of California there has descended to KS a heritage this mighty ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 7-PoiNT OLD STYLE No. 2. -