2. Library Until i 3, it is ta. 4, depriv 5. ihe usi 6, any or. 7, Bonks The ars ab be reL THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES . be nf ^ j.. D 2- m 7 as I THE OLD CHJRCH. NORTHAMPTON, MASS THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA: OF HENRY LYMAN "The noble army of martyrs praise Thee." TE DEUM. NEW YOEK: ROBERT CARTER & BROTHERS, No. 530 BROADWAY. 1857. Entered, according to Act of Congress, In the year 185<5, BY EOBEET CARTER & BROTHERS, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Southern District of New York. TEREOTYPED BT PRINTED BT i. B. TBCKSO-:, THOMAS B. SMITH, E.O.JENKINS, BINDER, 82 A 84 Beekroan Stret. 24 Frankfort St. 82 A 84 Keekman St. TO THE YOUNG COUNTRYMEN OF HENRY LYMAN, li6 boltnne is Jnacribcb BY THEIR FRIEND, THE AUTHOR. 3022867 CHAPTER PAGB I. INTRODUCTION THE BOY. 7 II. THE CONVERSION . . . . . . .23 III. THE NEW MAN 45 IV. THE DECISION 91 V. THE HILL DIFFICULTY . . , . . .131 VI. THE ORDINATION 175 VH. THE CHAPLET FOR THE DEAD . . . . 205 Vm THE VOYAGE 237 IX. THE MISSIONARY HOUSEHOLD 263 ' X. THE BATOE GROUP . . -.'*. .299 XI. NYAS . . 365 XIL THE MARTYRDOM 399 I. Ifl Iff. My boast is not that I deduce my birth From loins enthroned, and rulers of the earth ; But higher far my proud pretensions rise, The son of parents passed into the skies. COWPEB. But the mercy of the LORD is from everlasting to everlast- ing upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children's children. PSALM ciii. 17. I THOSE who are now rapidly borne on the railroad through Northampton, Mass., almost wonder that they have heard so much of its exceeding beauty. Noble elms and hills greet the eye, but other places have seemed as fair and as pleasant. Let such, however, from Round Hill, look abroad at evening over hill and valley, river and woodland, with the distant mountain-girt horizon ; let them count beyond the Connecticut the spires of the village churches, each springing from its cluster of green, gaze upon Amherst College with its snowy tower, and then, following the windings of the broad river, view Holyoke and Mount Tom beyond it, cultivated each year further and further toward their summits; or let the eye rest upon the town beneath, the white villas and substantial houses under the overshadowing elms, the beautiful steeple of the Old Church rising over all, and they will no longer be surprised that the natives of Northampton consider it the most beautiful town of New England. Or let the stranger go to the quiet grave-yard where slumber the fathers of the place. The rustic 1* 10 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. stone wall has fortunately not been displaced by an iron railing. Entering the avenue of pine-trees he will mark on the right, a well-trodden path, and may follow in the steps of thousands to the spot where slumbers the dust how precious ! of the~ sainted Brainerd, while just at his side rest the remains of her who should have shared his watchings, and cheered his lonely home on the banks of the Dela- ware ; let him give himself up to the thick clustering associations of the place, and he will feel that North- ampton can boast of a shrine most sacred to every follower of Jesus. Near the remains of the holy Brainerd stands a stone bearing this inscription : IN MEMORY OF REV. HENRY LYMAN, SON OF THEODORE AND SUSAN W. LYMAN ; A MISSIONARY OF THE AMERICAN BOARD, WHO, WITH HIS ASSOCIATE, REV. SAMUEL MUNSON, SUFFERED A VIOLENT DEATH FROM THE BATTAHS IN SUMATRA, JUNE 28, 1834, AGED 24. "We are more than conquerors." We would write the history of the life whose ter- mination is thus recorded. We would tell of the THE BOY. 11 grace that found the boy, of the grace that trained the man, of the grace that made the martyr "more than conqueror," and we would do this if, perchance, by this example some parent may be led to lay his infant upon God's altar, or some son to give himself to the missionary work. " The harvest is plenteous, but the laborers' ' where are they ? From the spicy groves of the Moluccas, from the pepper jungles of Sumatra, from the ancient churches of Asia Minor, comes the cry for the preacher. English enterprise has forced an entrance into the Eastern Archipelago ; American perseverance has secured admission to Japan. Many a youthful heart has beat with the desire to imitate the Rajah of Sarawak, but who has been baptized for the martyr missionaries ? Who will carry to the Battahs the tale of Jesus' love, which will teach them to turn with loathing from their hideous trophies, and " learn war no more?" Truly, the blood of our missionaries calls aloud for ven- geance ; for a revenge like that which their Master taught when he said, "Beginning at Jerusalem." God grant that this little book may awaken in some youthful breast the desire to go "far hence to the Gentiles." On what is now the corner of Pleasant and Water- streets in the beautiful town already named, stood formerly an old gambrel-roofed house, shaded by large English cherry-trees. The long garden at the back 12 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. led to an orchard that stretched down to the Licking- water River, which, overhung by the button-ball and elm, and fringed by willows, wound its course onward to the Connecticut. Upon the brow of the first descent toward the river, John Lyman pitched his tent in the year 1658', and there dwelt his descendants, though no deed of the land was ever made out until the subject of this memoir had reached the age of nineteen. The bless- .ing of God had been upon his posterity from genera- tion to generation. The grandmother of Henry Lyman especially was a woman of no common piety. Well may one exclaim, standing by her grave, " The Covenant is with children's children." Of the eight who gathered around her knee to learn of Christ, all have gone hence, most of them at an advanced age, ''in the sure and certain hope" that their fathers' God was their pc^jjon. In the house we have described, lived, in the year 1809, a young couple who had within a few months united with the people of God. Already their home had been made happy by the birth of a daughter, and saddened by the death of an infant son, and the father, in the ardor of his first love, had consecrated his next child, if a boy, to the work of the holy ministry. And when on a dreary November morning, the twenty-third day of the month, an infant was laid in his arms, his wife alone knew how the parental heart was repeating the pledge, that the child was the THE BOY. 13 Lord's. A few weeks passed and death seemed hovering over the cradle. None supposed the babe could recover, but the pious parents gave him anew to his Master's work, and felt that He could do what He would with His own. He was carried to the house of God and there, amid the people among whom Edwards had prayed, and Stoddard labored, and Dwight was born, and Hooker died,' ? * the name of a youthful uncle, lately deceased, was given him ; there the baptismal water was sprinkled upon his head, and in the united prayer of the con- gregation " Grant, we beseech, thee, Almighty God, that what is signified by the outward washing of water may through thy grace be applied to the heart of this little one ; " the father again received a pledge that his offering would not be rejected. As the child advanced in years his religious in- struction was never neglected. itfLine upon line, precept upon precept," was given. Scarcely could the boy speak ere he lisped, " Though I am young, a little one, If I can speak, and go alone, Then I must learn to know the Lord, And learn to read His holy word." Every thing that could tend to cultivate right habits was cherished; he was taught to avoid evil because it was sin. Henry grew up, in the ordinary acceptation of the * Rev. Dr. Spencer's inaugural discourse. 14 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. words, a good boy; and his father had but little cause of complaint. To the habit of letter-writing, which he formed as early as his eighth year, he was probably indebted for the ease which in after life he manifested in epistolary intercourse, and for his love of it. He says in one of his letters to an aunt, in later years : " You, my dear aunt, may have forgotten, but I ever shall remember, that long winter evening when you with mother and myself were seated in the old dining-room. The conversation turned upon letter- writing. Mother and you spoke of its advantages especially to young persons, and urged upon me to learn to practice it, and to begin that evening, and address my first epistle to you. I provided apparatus and commenced." At school Henry was troublesome, and often re- ceived chastisei^it, not from any thing especially vicious in his disposition, but simply because he was one of those easy, good-natured boys who are reckless of consequences. One of his teachers remarked that he hoped he should never in future be obliged to punish any boy as much as he had done Henry Lyman.* Quite unknown to his father Henry learned to swear. He says, " My first oath is written on my * Years after, Mr. Lyman preached for this clergyman at Mod- ford, and as they returned from church, Mr. W. said, "Well, brother Lyman, who would have thought when I was flogging you so much, that you would ever preach to my people." THE BOY. 15 memory as with a pen of iron. The time, the place, the circumstances are before my mind, as if it were yesterday. When at the age of twelve or thirteen, and, with two or three of my companions, standing near my father's house, I was addressed by one of them, and in reply muttered out an oath, for I fear- ed to speak it boldly, ' Oh ! Henry Lyman, what would your father say if he heard that,' was his ex- clamation, and ' Oh ! Henry Lyman, what would your father say if he heard that,' was the simul- taneous echo of every mouth ; and ' Oh ! Henry Lyman, what will your father in Heaven say to that,' was the response of conscience. I felt as if I had taken a great stride in the broad road, or rather as if I had given myself up to sin as if I were now bound, and at full liberty to serve the adversary. I had before that ventured to say words which bordered on profanity, but had not dared to go further. Now I had taken a step. It was a fearful step. I felt it so. I felt my moral nature quiver and tremble under the shock like an aspen leaf. That oath rolled back on my conscience like a great mountain, as if it would crush me beneath its weight. There I stood like one who had vowed to God and to his companions which course he would take. It was a solemn moment. Every thing around, as if taking cognizance of the deed, to bear testimony of the fact at the judgment day, imprinted itself upon my mind. And at this day, although years have passed, I see the appear- 16 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. ance of the buildings, the earth, the sky, the atmos- phere, my dress, the countenances of my companions. I hear even now that oath ringing in my ears, the tone of voice in which the reproof was uttered the thunder of conscience. I feel yet that horrible heavy mountain that rolled back upon my soul that with- drawal of the restraints of divine grace. " In the stream which is floating so many to despair, there are frequent barriers. Below each the rapidity of the current increases in a geometrical ratio, but above the first the waters are smooth and placid and gentle, though not less strong. I had leaped the first barrier, and on I went careering in sin, and exulting in doing it before many of my more sober companions, till I could say, ' I was not a whit behind the very chiefest.' "I remember a reproof which, though not intended for me, weighed upon my conscience till it was hard to be borne. My father, in reproving a younger son for improper language, appealed to him, that he had "never heard his brother Henry swear." I knew that neither my father nor he was aware of my iniquity, yet to be held up as an example on the very point on which conscience declared my transgression so multiplied, made me shrink from myself, and wish I was away from the society of .the virtuous. No deep scrutiny of my countenance would have been necessary to detect my guilt. " If I could preach a whole sermon on the third THE BOY. 17 commandment, it would be, ' Beware of the first oath: f And now came to the father a time of perplexity. His three sons were just entering life. The two younger were permitted to choose their own employ- ment, but Henry was desired to prepare for college. To this he was very much averse. As the eldest son he thought it unreasonable that he alone should not be permitted to select his object of pursuit. He says himself in a letter written some years after to a little brother : "ANDOVER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, January 22d, 1831. " I used to ask father very often to let me go into a store, or on a farm, and once I recollect I went to him with tears in my eyes to beg him to allow me to do so. I thought it was very hard in him that he should give E. and J. their choice, and say that I must study whether I would or not. I felt so badly about this treatment that I was so wicked as to think of running off to be a sailor, and I got ready and actually started, but a kind overruling Providence prevented me. Do you ask then what made me con- tinue to study? why it was only because father wanted to have me. I was angry enough about it, but then I loved him so much that I was determined to persevere. If it had not been that I did not like to displease him, I should never have been here. It was merely this that induced me to go to college, and 18 THE MAETTR OF SUMATRA. now I am paid a thousand thousand fold. I can never sufficiently thank father, because he insisted upon my studying, nor enough thank God that He gave me such feelings that I would rather forego my own pleasure than to displease my father. " Another thing which I wish you to keep in mind is this ; during all your studies, keep your eye on the ministry. You must think of nothing else, but of being a minister, and of one day preaching the Gospel to your fellow-men. You must not think of being a lawyer or a doctor, but a minister. It is true that you should not attempt to preach to others till you love the Lord Jesus Christ yourself. You must hope that God will prepare your heart, and make that right. The reason why I wish you to keep your eye on the ministry is that you may shape all your studies that way, and form your tastes and habits for the office. It is worth every thing to a young man to have his future profession in full view. Then when he enters upon it, it is no strange work and he has nothing to do but to go forward in it. Permit me to speak again of my own experience. Wicked as I used to be in college, in my first and second years, I always in my heart looked forward to the sacred desk as my future sphere of labor. I could not for a moment entertain the thought of any other pro- fession. I hoped and believed that God would make my heart better before the time came for me to leave Amherst. I determined at any rate not to enter THE BOY. 19 upon the ministry without a new heart, and if this were not given me before the expiration of my four years' course that I would teach school till I was pre- pared and these feelings I often expressed to friends. "The result was, that I was always directing my studies and my reading to this object. The books I bought were usually preceded by the question, Will these be useful in a minister's library ? In taking up a volume to read, or in commencing a new study, it was still the same question. The consequence is that my views and feelings have been conforming to that mode of life, until I can be happy in no other. Thus should it be with you. As you grow older, keep your eye upon this holy office. Remember what the Bible says, ' He that desireth the office of a bishop desireth a good thing.' I intend, ere many months shall elapse, either to write to father or to converse with him on the course which you should pursue. In the meantime, " I remain as ever, " Your affectionate brother, "HENRY LYMAN." Speaking of his father's prayers for his conversion, though he knew nothing of the special consecration that had been made of him, he says : "There was a prevailing predilection in my mind for the pulpit. Through all my career of sin, there seemed to be an invisible hand restraining me from 20 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. making an entire shipwreck of my soul, and awaking me occasionally to call upon God to save me from the dominion of sin. I had at times, particularly after entering college, as much confidence that I should be a preacher of the Gospel, as that I was then living, and while full of all manner of sin used in a measure to direct my reading and study to that object." Of these workings of God's grace, however, Henry's father knew nothing. Yet with limited pecuniary resources, and a large and growing family, Mr. Lyman did not falter. "He believed God." He trusted in the promises, and with faith unshaken by all the irreligion of his son, he entered him as a member of Amherst College, in September, 1826. It would be wrong to leave this portion of young Lyman' s history without calling attention to an intimacy which had as much effect upon his career as any other earthly influence. His cousin, Charles Lyman of Troy, who had been compelled by his feeble health to relinquish his studies at Middlebury College, "spent many months with his relatives at North- ampton, where by kind nursing and judicious medical treatment, he regained in a great measure his health," and at the same time formed with Henry a friend- ship which, notwithstanding the disparity in their ages, was most tender and enduring. From 1813 to 1848. Charles Lyman,. in his druggist's shop actively engaged in business, accomplished as much for Christ as many ministers of . the Gospel. Unmarried till THE BOY. 21 seven years before his death, all his time was dedi- cated to his Master's cause. "The Bible, the Home Missionary, the Education, the Tract Society, found in him an active friend, an efficient helper. When the Rev. Levi Parsons, the late devoted missionary to Syria, visited Troy in 1819 under commission from the American Board, to endeavor to awaken an interest in the foreign missionary cause, he found in, Charles Lyman a chord which could vibrate in harmony to his appeals."* Few men have been more completely consecrated to the service of God than this devoted man. Yet withal there was no austerity about him, and his letters were enlivened by a delicate humor. The correspondence, so many extracts from which will enrich these pages, was commenced as early as 1822, and to give some idea of its advantage to Henry we subjoin a paragraph from his cousin Charles's first letter : " You asked me to correct all errors. There you puzzled me, cousin Henry. I was obliged to hunt for them like an Edinburgh reviewer ! After all, I shall think it strange and myself well off if you do not find more in my answer. Yes, I found one. Poor little thing ! It is so small, I can hardly find it now ! You knew how to spell very, when you wrote it with two f's, and it was only a slip of the pen an error of the hand, not of the head. A. S. always makes the same mistake in that word, so you * From a sketch of Charles Lyman, by Dr. Blatchford of Troy. 22 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. had, if not proper, at least good authority for your mode of writing it. Now do you criticise my spelling and show me no mercy. Pull my letter all to pieces, and I will continue "Your affectionate cousin, " CHARLEY." II. Lord thou hast won at length I yield ; My heart, by mighty grace compelled, Surrenders all to thee: Against thy terrors long I strove, But who can stand against thy love, Love conquers even me. NEWTON. Howboit for this cause I obtained mercy, that in mo 'first Jesus Christ might show forth all long-suffering, for a pattern to them who should hereafter believe on Him to life everlasting. 1 TIM. i. 16. II. THE lovers of antiquity are fond of praising the taste of the ascetics, which inclined them to select for their monasteries the loveliest sites of the old world, and which is even now crowning the hills of our beloved land with cross-capped towers. Yet many, of the colleges founded by the stern Puritans and their descendants may, in their position, challenge a comparison with the most picturesquely placed con- vents. The elm-bowers of New Haven and Cam- bridge are not inferior in this respect to the uni- versities of old England, while Middlebury and Burlington, Williams and Amherst, almost rival in point of locality the seven-hilled city herself. Amherst, to which our narrative now turns, over- looks the lovely valley of the Connecticut. Who that has stood upon the college tower at morning-tide, can forget the vast sea of mist below him ; at first gently undulating, then breaking away, until mountain-top smiles to mountain-top, spire salutes spire, village after village is un vailed ; while the vapor, gathering itself over the river and its tributaries, glides like a spirit up the sides of the hills, and as it rises higher, 2 26 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. reflects in roseate hues the sun's early beams, until it finally disappears in the blfce vault of heaven. At evening too, where does the sun linger more lovingly than within those valleys and on the sur- rounding hills ? The glories of an Amherst winter, in its be-jeweled coronation, are familiar through the vivid description of its scientific President ; but what pen or pencil can portray the gorgeous hues of autumn ! Nowhere are the maples so vividly and curiously tinted. Nowhere else is the red of the sumach darker, or the crimson of the American ivy deeper and "the sound of dropping nuts" in the chestnut groves on Mount Pleasant, and its sister hill behind it. Ah ! these pictures often rise in the mind of many a one now far away; for the sons of this missionary institution are scattered all over the earth, and no palm-tree grove, no cocoa shade, can ever seem to them so delightful as the sturdy tree beneath which they rested from the noon- tide sun, or the pine grove resounding with the rehearsal of their " Com- mencement Oration." They can sympathize with David's longing for "the water of the well of Beth- lehem;" for the old oaken bucket of the Amherst farm-houses has often come to their thoughts, when, fevered and exhausted by missionary toil, one draught from that bucket would, they thought, have invigor- ated them. To the college thus situated, we have already said, Henry Lyman was sent, and there, in the year 1825, THE CONVERSION. 27 he commenced his course of study or rather he did not commence it. The temptations which beset a youth on his entrance upon student life can hardly be exaggerated. To one of Henry Ly man's tempera- ment, easily influenced, loving popularity, they were increased tenfold; and the subject of this memoir, and another son of Christian parents, were speedily leaders in all that was wild and profane. Happily for the parents, the tales of these excesses never reached them, though the college faculty were not ignorant of them. The Rev. Dr. Humphrey, then President of Amherst College, says of Lyman : "It was apparent that he had within him the ele- ments of energy and enterprise ; but whether for good or for ill, was exceedingly problematical, as he was at that time far from being religiously inclined. At times we felt a good deal of uneasiness about him, as there were some perilous influences around him in college, and as he seemed too much inclined to yield himself to their sway." A class-mate writes : " My recollections of him from the time of his enter- ing college are quite distinct. His traits of character were such as almost necessarily to attract attention : he was peculiarly ardent, active and gay. During the first year and a half, he was the acknowledged leader of the 'wild part' of his class, and no great exploit could be performed without his aid. Sociable, frank and good-natured, he was a favorite companion." 28 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. Many have reacT with deep interest the follow- ing passage in the " Corner Stone," written by the Rev. Jacob Abbott, at that time Professor of Mathe- matics in Amherst College, but few are aware that the " leader" there referred to was Lyman : "About a year before this time, there had been similar indications of a returning sense of duty to God among the students. The officers were much encouraged, but our hopes were all dispelled by the success of a maneuver which is so characteristic of college life and manners, that I will describe it. The plan adopted by the enemies of religion was to come up boldly and face the awakening interest, and, as it were, brave it down. The first indication which I perceived of this design, was this. I had been invited by the serious portion of the students to address them one Saturday evening in a recitation-room. I took my seat in the great arm-chair which had been placed for me in a corner, with a Bible and hymn-book on the oval leaf attached to it, 'whose form and fashion any collegian will recollect, when the door opened, and in walked, one after another, six or eight of the most bold, hardened, notorious enemies of religion which the institution contained. They walked in, took their seats in a row directly before me, and looked me in the face saying by their countenances most distinctly : ' Sir, we defy you and all your religion' and yet it was with that peculiar address with which a wild college student can execute his THE CONVERSION. 29 plan, so that there was not the slightest breach of any external propriety, or any tangible evidence of inten- tional disrespect. Not one of them had, perhaps, ever been voluntarily in a religious meeting at college before, and every one in the room knew it. I can see the leader now, as distinctly as if he were before me ; his tall form, manly countenance, and energetic look. He maintained his ground as the enemy of God and religion for a year after this time ; but then, his eyes were opened : he prayed with agony of spirit, hour after hour in his own room, for forgiveness ; and now he is in a foreign land preaching to Pagans the Saviour whom I vainly, on this occasion, endeavored to bring to him. I do not know whether this descrip- tion will ever reach him ; if it does, he will remember the meeting in the Freshman recitation-room, and be as bold for God now, as he was then against him. He has been so already." But we need not trust to the memory of others. From the time of his conversion, Henry Lyman kept a minute journal. This was reviewed monthly, usually with fasting, the results carefully summed up, and each year a day of fasting and prayer was observed one part of which was faithfully devoted to an examination of the previous twelvemonth, and a new period of time commenced with "resolutions of new obedience." From this diary we shall "now extract the story of his rescue from the great ad- versary. 30 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. " The next spring after I entered college there was a little spiritual renovation among Christians, and I believe one or two hopeful conversions. At times I was quite anxious, and again quite loud in ridiculing the pious. I was unwilling to be known as seeking the Lord. While therefore the foremost among my companions in evil, I would, as soon as bj myself, call upon God to redeem my soul. About this time too, a revival occurred in my native place. A beloved sister was one of the first subjects of the work. Being but eight miles distant, I was often at home. I wit- nessed many of my friends, and those quite intimate, coming out on the Lord's side. The thought of being left alone in the world would at times make me un- happy; still I disregarded all their warnings and entreaties. My sister was especially earnest and persevering, but I met her with scoffs and jeering. " In the fall vacation I was determined to be out of the infected atmosphere, and absented myself on a journey. My understanding was convinced but my heart did not feel. At the close of vacation, I re- turned to college more hardened than ever." And now God sent his judgments upon the boy. A typhus fever broke out in the family in which Henry boarded. One of his class-mates, a dearly loved and joyous companion, died so suddenly that before his parents reached his bed side he was unable to speak. A judicious physician seeing the symptoms displaying themselves in Henry, advised him to go THECONVEKSION. 31 home. He reached his father's house, lay down upon the bed, and there, for many days, life and death struggled for the mastery. His skillful physician, Dr. Flint, said that his life was preserved by his mother's nursing, and that away from home he must have died. To return to the journal: " As strength began to return, my Christian friends and beloved pastor were faithful in warning me to flee from the wrath to come. I was somewhat alarmed, and almost per- suaded. One or two circumstances will never fade from my memory. On one occasion, it was one of those clear pleasant Sabbath days in November, when the birds, having deserted the leafless trees for a more genial clime, break not in upon the silence with their pleasant warblings ; when the sky presents a rich mellow tint, the sun shorn of his fierceness shines in his beauty, and the atmosphere, purified by autumnal frosts, appears teeming with health and vigor. On such a day, when all Nature seemed inviting to meditation, in a village where the rattling carriages of the pleasure-party are never heard, among a com- munity where the Spirit of God was moving upon the hearts of men, and causing a holy solemnity to per- vade all beings and things in the awful loneliness of that place " ' Privileged beyond the common walk Of virtuous life, quite on the verge of heaven, uninterrupted by the presence of attendants, I lay 32 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. and mused. Many of my family commemorating tho love of the Saviour, myself unfit for that ordinance, my recent nearness to the grave, my present weak- ness, all stood before me as so many arguments to yield my heart to God. But a little prayer and a few tears would not purchase salvation, and so the securing of this ' pearl of great price ' was given up as too difficult a task. " Again, one night I was awakened by a low voice in my bed-room, which I soon found was that of my elder sister my 'watcher' for the night in earnest anxious prayer for my conversion. It was like an arrow in my heart, though pride induced me to remain quiet and feign sleep ; I endeavored to banish it from my mind, but in vain. / must hear it. Oh ! how restless it made me. Still I did not realize what the trouble was, I only knew prayer was unpleas- ant. " When I returned to college at the commencement of the 'spring term' of 1827, I became alarmed lest dissipation should seriously undermine my constitution, and made a determination to reform, so as to live a very different life, though still opposed to the laws of God." The u Corner Stone" already quoted from, presents a vivid picture of the scenes in which Henry Lyman now found himself. After the revival commenced in college, he amused himself and his gay associates by the readiness with which he could suggest a cavil, or THE CONVERSION. 33 parry a serious remark, so readily turning into merri- ment every attempt to do him good, as to render it almost impossible for the grave friend who was re- proving him to suppress a smile. One of his class-mates has prepared a sketch of his intercourse with Henry at this time, and we gladly avail ourselves of his kind permission to transfer to our pages some passages. They will perhaps give a better idea of the character we are depicting than any thing else. " It was toward evening of a beautiful day in spring, while walking slowly along in front of the college buildings, that my eye fell upon a class-mate who was leaning against a door-post, with eyes intently fixed upon the ground. He stood as motion-' less as the post against which he leaned. Deep and stirring thoughts were plainly depicted upon his countenance. It was not study hours, and yet there was not another person to be seen, nor could any sound or voice be heard. A stillness like that of the holy Sabbath was all around us. I approached my class-mate. He did not, it is true, openly oppose religion, but had formed the habit, by a keen and playful wit, of turning every thing of a serious nature into a laugh. For this reason he had been avoided by the pious students generally as almost a hopeless case. " ' L.,' said I, in a tender but earnest tone. "He now raised his eyes apparently for the first 2* 34 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. time, and fixing them steadily upon me replied, ' And what would you have of me ?' " ' Would you like to walk?' I replied. " This short inquiry was at that time universally understood to be an invitation to the person addressed to have a serious conversation on the subject of religion. " ' Yes,' said he, instantly, ' I will walk as far as you please, only let me go up and get my staff.' So saying he went bounding and hurrying up the stairs which led to his room, two steps at a time, and in an instant was tearing down them in such a manner that the noise resounded through the silent halls and sent a thrill to my heart. ' ' Which way,' said I, in a trembling voice, ' which way will you walk ?' " ' Why to be sure,' said he, raising his great black staff with its ponderous crooked head high in the air ; ' why, down here in the main street, if you please. Nothing to be ashamed of I suppose ?' " My heart sunk within me at this decision. How unsuitable a place for conversation ! The street was filled with people going and coming. Everywhere we should be heard and seen, while back of the college lay a grove of pine, beneath whose shade was a sanc- tuary. Most gladly would I have walked in that direction, but I had given him his choice and he had chosen the broad and frequented way. He hurried along before me with rapid strides, down the steep THE CONVERSION. 35 declivity, and, when in the street stopped, and allow- ing me to come up with him, said, in a laughing, care- less way, ' I suppose you want to talk to me on relig- ion.' I felt that the crisis had come, and lifting up my desires to God, I replied, ' My dear friend, you have a precious soul, and I desire affectionately and earnestly to ask your consideration of its value.' " 'Ay, indeed,' said he with a sneer, whirling the black cane over his head ' worth a great deal, one would think, from the interest my pious neighbors take in me. Here have I been through all this ex- citement, and no one has told me whether I had a soul. And now, I am to be honored with a soul.' " 'L.,' said I, with solemnity, 'you have but one life to live. That may be short, and the interests of the undying soul are too great to be trifled with in this manner.' " ' Perhaps so,' said he, 'but if all your professors go to heaven, there may after all be less occasion for concern. Don't you think so yourself? For my part, I think if I go to hell, I shall have good company.' " * It is not my design,' I replied, ' to vindicate the character of Christians. It is not their souls in which I now feel an interest, but yours ; your precious soul which is in danger of being lost lost forever. No doubt Christians have their faults, but will it be any alleviation of your guilt and misery at the judgment, that they were imperfect? Lyman, it is your own 36 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA eternal interests that I would persuade you to attend to. What have you to do with others ?' "'Well,' said he, 'there may be some truth in that, but then there are so many religions, I do not know which to believe !' " ' Believe the Bible,' said I, ' which declares that "without holiness, no man shall see the Lord." L., are you prepared to meet a holy God, whose laws you have broken, and whose grace you have de- spised ?' " ' But I do not believe,' said he, l in a religion of excitements. It is worse than nothing.' " 'My dear sir, there is a point beyond which you may not go with safety in insulting and abusing the Holy Spirit, and the mercy of an offended God. You have before passed through precious seasons of religious excitement when you grieved the Holy Ghost. If you pass through this season in the same way, if these golden moments are lost by you, you are lost forever. It is the settled conviction of many that this is your last time, and that eternal life or death depend upon the decision you now make.' ' ' He hesitated a moment. I saw plainly that a sim- ilar conviction rested on his own heart. In this way we conversed for half an hour, several times meeting his former companions in sin, and as we passed them, he swung his cane in the air, and pretended to give no heed to what I said. I dwelt much on the subject of his parents and their interest in his salvation. On THE CONVERSION. 37 this point he was tender, for he loved those pious relatives, and knew their anxiety for him. "As we ascended college hill and neared the build- ings, he stopped as if wearied with his walk, and assuming a pleasant tone and manner said, 'Will you allow me to ask you one or two questions ?' " ' Certainly,' said I, 'if they are pertinent to our conversation.' "'Well then, do you believe in the doctrine of election ?' " ' Lyman,' said I, sorrowfully, ' I shall not answer that question. You are not fit to talk on such matters. Go immediately to your room, and give your heart to God. Then if you desire it, I will converse with you on election till the morning light.' "He looked disappointed, but retorted: ' Shall I ask you one question that is practical ?' " ' Most certainly.' " ' Do you sincerely believe what you have been saying ?' " ' What in particular?' I asked. " ' Why that I am such an awful sinner, and in danger every moment of sinking into hell.' " ' Certainly, and not only believe it, but know it. God who can not lie, declares this of every impenitent sinner.' " 'Well then,' he replied, as he turned from me, ' I demand of you in the name of my precious soul, why you have not told me this before ?' 38 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. " This stern demand, though certainly unkind, had its intended effect: I went silently to iny room to spend the night in tears. Asleep or awake the part- ing inquiry of my class-mate was ringing in my ears, ' Why have you not told me this before ?' " The next day, after having passed through the form of observing study hours as we were all advised to do by our teachers, I walked out to breathe the air, and revive my fainting spirits by a view of the surround- ing scenery. No human being was in sight save my class-mate L. He was standing in the same position as when I saw him the day before. " ' Would you like to walk,' he asked in a subdued tone as I approached him. " ' Nothing,' I replied, ' would give me mere pleas- ure ; which way shall we go ?' " ' Back, if you please, toward the grove.' He made no mention of his staff. When we had crossed the college hall and proceeded a few steps in the rear of the building, he turned and looked me in the face with a countenance such as I never before witnessed. " ' E.,' said he, ' I have been thinking of what we said yesterday, and / am all in the wrong? Tears rolled down his cheeks. " I was taken by surprise." We resume Henry's own narrative : "I continued," he says, "opposing the work of God until Tuesday, April 17, 1827. I arose on THE CONVERSION. 39 the morning of that day with feelings such as I never before possessed. I had no longer a desire to keep company with my wicked companions, or to engage in any light or frivolous conversation. I felt as solemn as death. The Holy Spirit had evidently begun to strive in my heart. I was desirous of seeing Christians, and instead of disputing with them, began to inquire what I must do to be saved. "This seriousness increased upon me till, walking out before breakfast on Thursday, April 19th, I was very sensible of my need of religion. How to obtain it I knew not, but I made a solemn vow in the presence of God, that I would neither eat nor sleep till I had obtained it. At eight o'clock I attended a prayer-meeting of my class and wept very much. By the advice of one of my class-mates I called on the president (Dr. Humphrey), who seemed to know my case precisely, even before I told him my feelings. I repeated to him my resolution. He selected Scripture for me, and prayed with me. I took my Bible and retired to a grove, where I read the chapters pointed out, and spent the time in prayer till nearly twelve o'clock, and having fasted eighteen hours and not being able any longer to withstand my appetite, I came to the conclusion that it was impossible to get religion. I endeavored to quiet my conscience by saying that I had probably committed 'the unpar- donable sin,' in slighting the many warnings I had received.'' 40 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. After this, he says, "he felt quite calm," and after dinner returned to the college, and for the next twenty- four hours was among his wicked companions, describ- ing and ridiculing his serious feelings and the prayers of Christians in such a manner as made the worst among them tremble. In the mean time a knot of praying souls were fervently supplicating God on be- half of him who was finding it so "hard to kick against the pricks;" nor did they cease their prayers, even when the news spread among them, " Lyman has returned to his gay associates." He says, " I remember the face of one of my class-mates as we met that afternoon in the hall. He stopped and looked at me with a countenance expressive of sorrow and pity. That look pierced my soul, and made an impression upon me that time can never eradicate. "'The next day was one of fasting and prayer in college. To show my disregard of it, I sat for a fel- low-student* to take my portrait. As I left the painter, Professor Peckf called me to his room and inquired if the report were true that I had deliberately chosen the world for my portion, and had determined to abide the consequences. I replied in the negative, but added that I thought there was no hope for me. He then counseled me most judiciously, and I at- * The painter, it is believed, was at the time a Universalist, but before long artist and sitter could rejoice together in the love of Christ. f Rev. Solomon Peck, D.D., Secretary of the Baptist Board of Missions. THE CON VERSION. 41 tended the meeting all day. In the afternoon the president sent for me, and I left him with the resolu- tion to go on seeking till I should find. Anxiety for myself began again, and from this time increased till the next Wednesday. " On that day, the twenty- fifth, just before the bell rung for evening prayers, I was in very great distress, and cried unto the Lord that He would hear and have mercy upon me. My mind seemed to be torn in pieces. I thought I had entirely submitted to my Maker, yet I found no relief. Something was wrong, but what, I could not tell. It seemed to be sin to pray and sin to withhold prayer, and yet I could not assist myself in the least. It appeared to me that, all the time I had been under conviction, I had been sinning in the highest degree, for I had been trusting to my prayers and to the aid of Christians, rather than to Christ, and trying to climb up Borne other way, to get relief from some other source, and to be saved any way rather than by the righteousness of Christ. I just began to perceive that I had not been acting from the heart, had not been ' striving J and my heart had given the lie to my mouth. I had not before perceived that it was this wicked heart that stood in the way, that this was the only obstacle to my submission, that this was yet in rebellion against so much mercy. " What to do in this situation I knew not. I knew what was required in the Bible. I had been told 42 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. over and over again what I had to do. I thought I had done all that was required, yet conscience had told me I had not, and that something more was wanting. In distress, I thought I would go to my chum, and find out what he had done, for I had just begun to cry in earnest, ' What must I do to be saved.' He was not in. Meeting B. in the passage. I asked him. He smiled, and said he ' could not tell me what to do.' Oh ! how my soul loathed that smile. If he had aimed a dagger at my heart, he could not so much have stirred up my feelings. I burst into tears, and walked the room for the first time in my life in distress. It was so great I could not utter a word it was like tearing asunder soul and body. Never before did I know the meaning of agonize. But human words are inadequate. ' / looked on my right hand, and beheld, but there was no man thai would know me. No man cared for my soul.' " My mind could not long bear such a conflict. My feelings began to calm, and the question, Will you accept life or death ? to present itself to my mind, and strange to say, though I had only to answer, the former, to obtain pardon for the sins of my life, yet the same indifference continued. I could not, however, eat or sleep. I opened a letter from my uncle [David S. Whitney, Esq., of Northampton], and read it." This letter lies before the compiler of this memoir. Surely it was directed by the Spirit of God to arrive at that moment. It counsels in the most earnest, THE CONVERSION. 43 persuasive manner, instant submission to Jesus Christ. " Nearly an hour elapsed," the narrative continues, "before I, as it were, returned my answer to the before-mentioned question. As soon as I did this, as soon as I gave up the world, and submitted myself to the Almighty disposal, and was willing to throw my- self on his mercy, then, oh ! then, how shall I describe my feelings ? A sudden weight was lifted from my heart; a light suddenly broke in upon me like the light of day to the eyes of one who has long been deprived of it. I could not tell whether I was in the body or out of it. I seemed to move without touch- ing the earth, nay I seemed to fly. Space seemed no space to me. I prayed that if I was deceived, and my heart was yet opposed to God, that my life might be taken from me at that instant, so that I might not any more sin against God, and that if my heart had been renewed, I might grow in grace to all eternity. Yet I did not think of the question, whether I had hope toward God. That did not seem to come into my mind until a class-mate an hour or two after suggested it. I believe if there is any such thing as a man's being free from sin, that for a few moments, I know not how long, I was free from con- scious sin, and my affections entirely engrossed in God. "I would not exchange one hour of such happi- ness, such bliss, such ecstasy, for thousands of years 44 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. the most happy that a sinner can enjoy. I could but exclaim, " ' Let everlasting thinks be thine For such a bright display As makes a world of darkness shine "With beams of heavenly day. 1 " This flow of feeling continued to increase during the evening, and at night, though the two preceding ones had been nearly sleepless, it was with difficulty I could close my eyes, so glorious did my Saviour appear, bleeding and dying for me, and so merciful did that God appear whom I had so often called upon with the most bitter oaths to curse me, and whose commands I had so long, and so often violated. Oh I the joy, the happiness, the heaven on earth experienced by the pardoned sinner. Praised be God, that my eyes ever saw the light of the twenty-fifth of April, 1827. That day forms an era in my life." The narrative thus concludes, and then follows a solemn covenant, with the dates of its various renewals a covenant at length sealed with his own blood. III. "Wo need not bid, for cloistered cell, Our neighbors and our work farewell; Nor strive to wind ourselves too high, For sinful man beneath the sky ; The trivial round, the common task "Will furnish all we ought to ask; Room to deny ourselves ; a road To bring us daily nearer God. KEBLE. This one thing I do. ST. PAUL. III. IF ever a man was "a new creature" in Christ Jesus, on his conversion, Henry Lyman was such. All the force and energy of his character were con- centrated in that one direction. He was to be a minister of Jesus. His college exercises must be faithfully performed that he might be the better furnished for his work. His health must be cared for, that he might have the more strength to use for his Master. His friends must be warned of their danger, for they would bo needed in Christ's service. He must be more dutiful and amiable at home, for his brothers and sisters must be drawn to Christ by his example. His mother, some years after, was showing to a clergyman a very poor crayon sketch of him taken at this time. Said the minister, " This face reminds me of a text in Proverbs, which I should think your son obeyed : ' Let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eyelids look straight before thee.' ' It was a just description of the young man. But the first two years of college life being wasted, a student must go halting through the rest of his 48 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. course, and the subject of this memoir found it so. He could not wipe out all the results of his folly. He could never take in his class the position which industry at first might have given him. The early seed-time being lost, the harvest could not be so well matured nor so plentiful as if the warm spring rams had descended upon it, and the suns of June had de- veloped it. The extracts from his correspondence and diary which follow, will show that the desire to preach the gospel was almost simultaneous with its reception, and that the determination to "go far hence unto the Gentiles" was formed not long after. The main object kept in view, in selecting from the letters and journals, is, to show the development of the missionary spirit. The playfulness, which had formerly charac- terized his epistolary intercourse with his friends, almost disappears ; not that he believed it to be wrong in itself, but because he feared that in his own case it might degenerate into levity. TO CHARLES LYMAN, ESQ., TROY. AMHERST COLLEGE, April 26, 1827. DEAR DOCTOR: I am desirous of renewing a correspondence which I have reason to believe was dropped by you and justly so, on account of the description of a letter I received from a year since. With much anxiety did I the other day hastily glance over the file of THE NEW MAN. 49 letters from you, to obtain some relief to a troubled conscience, but alas ! only one sentence could I find. But I do not blame you. My feelings were not then as they are now. Now I hope, through the mercy and grace of God, through the blood of Jesus Christ, that I have been brought to see my lost and ruined condition by nature, that I have been humbled at the foot of the cross, and, as I trust, have obtained pardon for my sins. But, dear cousin, while you thank God for his infinite, unbounded, unspeakable mercy to me, do not forget to ask Him to make me humble that I may rely upon His strength and not upon my own, and likewise, as I have determined to devote myself to His cause and to preach the unsearchable riches of " Christ and him crucified," to enable me to do it for His glory and not my own. I feel happy in the extreme, but I am afraid I shall be too much elated, and thus be disabled from doing my duty in warn- ing my fellow-creatures to "flee from the wrath to come." Then follows a narrative of the conversion which, as it differs not materially from the one already selected, is omitted. The letter concludes : "The revival still continues. Twenty-three have been brought to the foot of the cross. There is scarcely a student, and in fact, I believe not one, who does not feel the subject very deeply. There is such a stillness and solemnity about college as have not 3 50 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. been witnessed before for four years past. Almost all studies are dispensed with. There will be no junior exhibition here this spring on this account. The prayers of Christians are much needed for us, that the last day of the term may see every member of this college a decided believer in Christ. " The twenty-fifth day of April, 1827 ! May God, in his infinite mercy, grant that I may remember it with joy to the day of my death ! " I remain your affectionate cousin, " And, as I trust, brother in Christ, "HENRY LYMAN." A part of the reply to the above will best illustrate the influence of this cousin, to which we have before alluded. TROT, May IQth, 1827. BELOVED COUSIN HENRY: It is now three weeks since brought me from the post-office, your letter. It was the Sabbath, and I felt somewhat grieved that he should have done so on that day of rest, until I opened it, when I suppose I had some of the sensations which good old Simeon expressed when he sang "Nunc dimittis." It was on our communion Sabbath, and fifty-two persons were that day admitted to our church. Your glad tidings . added another link to the chain of good things which God in mercy is permitting his people to enjoy, in THENEWMAN. 51 the midst of the trials and difficulties of this troubled city. The relation you gave me of the way in which the goodness of the Lord led you to repentance, was peculiarly interesting. It is always delightful to mark the dealings of His hand, and to trace the little incidents by which he brings us to a better ac- quaintance with ourselves. Though sometimes by a mysterious and clouded path at the moment, we after- ward can clearly see it to have been the wisest and best course to attain the end. When the tenderest mercies cease to allure us to a closer walk with God, and the tide of earthly prosperity elates us with pride, if we are God's children we shall find lean- ness and barrenness of soul, or some severe stroke of His providence to be the kind chastening of a father, which "though for the present, it seemeth not joyous but grievous, nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruits of righteousness." To avoid them we must " watch and pray." Watch our own hearts, and pray against all temptations to sin, and, avoiding every appearance of evil, " press toward the mark for the prize of our high calling in Christ Jesus our Lord." I am happy to find it in your heart and among your thoughts to preach to a dying world "the un- searchable riches of Christ." To God be the glory, for He has put it there, and my prayer to Hiip is. 52 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. that he may abundantly enrich your soul, and qualify you to "face a frowning world;" that He may give you the faith that will overcome, and the resolution which will persevere. It is an awfully responsible undertaking, but, if you are "determined to know nothing among men save Jesus Christ and Him cruci- , fied," you will "have abundant support, if you indeed feel that your own strength is perfect weakness, and that when you are weak then you are the strongest ! > It is the childlike dependence on God in little as much as in great things, which must be the foundation of the Christian's happiness, whether in the pulpit or in the pew. It is^ written of Dr. Scott that he never felt himself qualified .to comment upon a verse until he had lifted up an imploring eye for the Divine" assistance to preserve him from error. It is the faith that expects from God what we ask in Christ's name which receives. The condition on which the promise is made is " Nothing doubting." We must live by faith. ***** The Lord glorify Himself in us, and let us live near to Him, and love more and more unto the end. Your loving cousin-brother, CHARLES LYMAN. NOTE TO HIS FATHER. AMHERST COLLEGE, June 5, 1827. DEAR FATHER: I once thought it hard that you should choose for me my business for life, and permit E. and J. to flj *.. THE NEW MAN. 53 decide for themselves, but now I thank God that I began a college course, and regret very much that I have so long wasted my time, by not studying and not improving my mind as I ought. I have a great work to accomplish to make up for lost time, or, in other words, to employ the present to the greatest advantage. Yet when I look back and see that I had no object in view, I do not wonder that study was a hardship. Now it is a pleasure. I find no distaste for it. All my lessons are comparatively easy. The object now before me is worth studying and living for worth all the exertion I can make. I seem to be in a new world. Nothing appears as it did. My only fear is that I shall forget whence all my blessings flow, and begin to rely on my own strength. The next extract is from a long letter to a witty and impenitent cousin, to whom he says : "I have long enough advocated the side of the world, and wish to do something now for that Saviour whom I have so long neglected and despised, but whom I now profess to follow. And, "W., let me assure you that it is no hardship for me to take up my cross daily and follow Him. No, I never before knew how to enjoy life. I never knew before what happiness was. I say not this by way of boasting God forbid ! but to have you, dear W., come and taste that the Lord is gracious. We have long associated together, and what 54 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. should hinder it now when we meet at the end of this term ? Yet we can not meet as we have done. I can not ridicule with you religion and revivals, neither can you take pleasure in religious conversation. Yet I know you would not desire that I should go back again to the world."* In presenting some extracts from the journal of this period, we must remark that the college friends of Henry Lyman, who witnessed his earnest efforts to promote the cause of Christ among the unconverted, and who remember him as a Christian always full of hope and cheerfulness, would be surprised on turning over this private record, to perceive how seldom faith breaks forth exultant. Now and then there is a joy- ous strain ; but, in general, so minute was the self- inspection exercised, so stern the control over the passions, so high the standard set before him, that self-reproaches, humble confessions, mark most of the pages of this diary, in which he wrote almost every day, sometimes three times daily. And though more than twenty years have since passed, it seems almost sacrilege to draw aside the vail which shrouds the communion of the young Christian with his Master. * It is an instance of God's encouragement to His people to be faithful to his covenant, that this young man and his six brothers and sisters were all, one by one, gathered into the fold of Christ, though when their pious parents died, not one was decided for God, and many of them afterward appeared to be entangled in subtle error. The "W. to whom the above was addressed, preceded his martyr friend only by about twelve hours, in his entrance into heaven. THE NEW MAN. 55 Yet to Henry Lyman it is now but "a very small thing to be judged of man's judgment," and, were there more of this faithful introspection, which it has of late been so fashionable to decry, perhaps fewer professed Christians would make "shipwreck of their faith." " Sabbath, November 4 Evening. Attended another meeting of the negroes.* Convinced that it does no good to preach one thing, or pray for one thing, and live for another that I am very far from being as holy as I ought. I must conquer the re- maining evil propensities of my heart, such as levity, self-righteousness, etc." " Thursday, December 27 'th Noon. The first part of this day, I devoted to asking the direction of my heavenly Father, that I might spend the vacation to His glory. I have been in prayer most of the fore- noon, but have just found that I have been praying to God to direct me in the way my own heart should dictate, i. e., that I might not have any striving or warring, but might enjoy His presence at all times and in all places. I hope that my prayer is now, that I may dedicate my time to Him, and be conformed to His will, though my own heart may be deceiving me. Oh ! my God, teach me to pray as I ought." As an instance of conscientiousness in little things, the following extract is given : * The Sabbath-school in East-street. 56 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. 11 Sabbath Morning, December 30. Yesterday, gradual decline in feeling caused by spiritual pride and a contented spirit. In the evening was sleepy, and retired, after committing a great sin, in only half performing my duty to my God, and that in a sleepy manner, trusting that I should feel more awake and just as well on the Sabbath. Conscience accused, but I smothered it, and did not ask whether it would be to the glory of God thus to conduct. When I first awaked, felt inclined to take ' a little more sleep and a little more slumber,' but on observing my watch, and finding that I had wasted eight hours in sleep, and the thought coming to mind of the manner hi which I had retired to rest, I was convinced that I had been sinning. I hope now that God has been pleased to pardon this gross sin, doubly aggravated by being committed in holy time. When shall I ' cease to do evil, and learn to do well ?' Oh ! my God, and injured Saviour, grant of thine infinite mercy that I may for the future flee such temptations, and I pray thee, support me through the duties of thine holy day." FROM A LETTER TO CHARLES LTMAN. January 9, 1828. DEAR COUSIN : You are an experienced Christian. Do such have at all times a burning love to God, an abiding sense of the shortness of time and the danger of perishing souls? I once thought I experienced these feelings THE NE^Y MAN. 57 in the highest degree, but alas ! "where are they ? I knew not then the meaning of the command " WATCH and PRAY," nor did I ever understand it until about a week or two after I last wrote. I then knew, for four or five days in a little degree, what it was to feel entirely helpless and dependent upon the strength of the Almighty, the influences of the Holy Spirit, and the righteousness of Christ. Still, however, I had no return of the ardent love. Spiritual pride I believe was the cause of the departure of those feelings. My understanding and reason are convinced of the reason- ableness and justice of all the Almighty's require- ments, and tell me that all I desire is to be conformed to the will of God, but this heart tells another story, and says that this world, with all its vanities, is better than to be continually warring to please God. Once in a great while I have a little season when I feel happy, i. e., weak and strong, but when I arrive there, I stop as though I had attained all that I wish. I would write further, but there is a little meeting of young Christians that I wish to attend. From your affectionate and obliged cousin, HENRY LYMAN. Under date of January 2d, 1828, the following extract is surely the dawn of the martyr spirit : "The years are short. It is but a moment since January 1st, 1827, although within that time a revo- lution has taken place greater with me than the 3* 58 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. bloody contests of France or the protracted struggles of America. To look back I am happier, and the pain of the conflict I have endured to obtain this hap- piness is sunk in oblivion. So will it be with all our afflictions. For the present they seem ' not joyous, but grievous.' Oh ! let us from past experience, take lessons for the future, and strive oh ! agonize. For how much sweeter will be the rest in Jesus's bosom the bosom of Him who suffered for us, when we reflect that we labored to the utmost to obtain it. Did you never go to bed tired with manual labor, and was not the sleep you enjoyed far more sweet than when you had wasted your time in sloth and idleness ? Such will be the rest of those, who, with the glory of God and the cross of Christ for .their pole-star, labor and strive through this dark and cheerless wilderness. Or did you never exercise till you had acquired an appetite so keen that you would 'have given worlds, had you possessed them, for a little food, and was not the very coarsest morsel more delicious than when after a day or two of feasting you attempted to eat ? So sweet will be the bread we shall eat when we ' sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of God,' if we suffer hardships and trials here, and keep continually on the watch. Let us not be dis- heartened 3 but let the last dying groans of our Saviour open afresh the wounds of our hearts on account of our sins, and when once open, probe them deeper and deeper till all cause of complaint is removed, and at THE NEW MAN. 59 last we shall say with unspeakable joy, ' Thanks be unto God who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.' " " January 29M, 1828. Yesterday conversed with one whom I heard use profane language, and gave him 'the Swearer's Prayer,' and felt that I could heartily pray for him. I am convinced that the best way to address others on such subjects, is, not to stop long to meditate, for fear Satan will bring some ob- jections ; but to do it at once, trusting in God and lifting to Him an imploring spirit. We can not pray for them in earnest, unless we exert ourselves in warning them, and in laboring for them." LETTER TO AN AUNT. AMHEKST COLLEGE, March 28, 1828. I have nothing to relate with regard to my feelings very different from what every Christian has, unless it be to tell you of more sloth and inactivity than any body else can ; but since you wish it, I feel bound to do it, and I use the more freedom as it is to the con- fidence of a friend I relate them. The overflowing I at first experienced when I found my Saviour, con- tinued for two or three months, when it began to decline and continued to do so till the beginning of November. I joined the church and kept up the outer, and after a certain form the inner Christian life during this time, but without any spiritual vital- ity. About the beginning of November, I, with a 60 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. class-mate,* began to attend a Sabbath-school of colored children about two miles from college, and in the evening we held a conference meeting for all the colored people in the neighborhood. It was my en- deavor to lead these souls to the fountain to drink, that induced me to drink myself, though I knew not that I was dying with thirst. Then I began to see what sin is, and how it appears in the sight of a holy God. I started from my slumbers, though I had per- formed all public and private duties, and had thought I was doing well enough. From that time to this I have seen a great deal of my own heart, without any of the real, pure enjoyment of last spring. Then 1 stopped short and tried to make myself better before I could go forward in what appeared to be my duty. A week or more since, God was pleased to show me that I had only to throw myself upon Christ, and let His righteousness save me. I believe I did do it. Never before did I feel such a sweet, calm, childlike resignation to the will of God. I think I can say my will was His will, and instead of complaining that I had so much wickedness to struggle against, I felt rejoiced that He is pleased to give me a disposition to fight against it. Since then I have felt that though ignorant, sinful, and unfit to labor for the Lord, yet I am not in fault if I am not a Brainerd or a Payson. I have only to make a faithful use of the talents which are committed to me. I am conscious of neglecting * Rev. E. D. Eldridge, of Monticello, Ga. THE NEW MAN. 61 what I have. What should I do had I more com- mitted to my charge. Beside, the thought animates me that I am yet but a junior, yet but eighteen and in the time of preparation which I have before me, much may be accomplished, if I am diligent ; that I may be so is my prayer. I sometimes long to be in the field of labor, especially when I get among the negroes on Sabbath afternoon. It seems a kind of foretaste of missionary labor. But, after all, my destiny may be in the heart of New England. I desire to be in the hands of God "as the clay is in the hands of the potter." Four years seems but a moment, yet it is a long enough time in which to change the face of the whole world. I may, we all may, in that time be admitted to the New Jerusalem. Animating thought ! to commence those angelic lays, those songs of Zion, which will communicate such a thrill of joy unspeakable to every purified soul. "March 27th. One of the rules of Doddridge's life was ' never to lose one moment of time or to incur any unnecessary expenses, that he might have the more to spend for God.' May this be a rule for me also : " To use great moderation at meals, and to be sin- cere and earnest in prayers and thanksgivings at them. "Saturday Morning, YLth April. Visited Brain- erd's tomb with a class-mate, on our way to N. H. The emotions that I felt as I stood beside the monu- 62 THE MAftTYR OF SUMATRA. ment of this devoted soldier of the cross, were such as I never before experienced. My prayer to God w,as, and I thought it came from the heart : Oh ! that I may be as devoted, soul and body, to my Master's service. Lord, here I am, take me, and glorify thy- self with me. It is all that I can do for thee. "Saturday, April 19/A. Felt last night and to-day in a little degree what Brainerd calls ' Sweet wrest- ling with the Lord for souls.' It is truly hard work to drag the cross then it meets with obstructions, but it is easy to take it up and have it all on the shoulders, 'for my yoke is easy and my burden is light,' but who hath faith to believe it." TO CHARLES LYMAN, ESQ. "NORTHAMPTON, June 19, 1828. "One reason why I did not reply to your letter was that there was somewhat of a revival in college, at least a heart-searching time with Christians. There were a few conversions in the college and academy, and many at the Mount Pleasant school. The term closed three weeks since, and I have been pedestrian- izing with a class-mate to visit Mount Monadnock and Boston, to see who there was in the world and what they were doing." Then follows an enumeration of several revivals, and the writer continues " Such things speak loudly of the approach of that time when ' none will have occasion to say to his THE NEW MAN. 63 neighbor, know the Lord.' Yet again when we hear the Macedonian cry rolled in, louder and louder by every western breeze, and by every wave of the sea, all looks dark and gloomy, and we are almost ready to doubt whether the work can ever be, or will ever be accomplished. There are a great many yet wanted in the field. The present senior class at Andover consists of twenty-three or four members, and the secretary of the A. B. C. F. M. has applied for seven- teen laborers to go out the present year, and could only obtain five or six. The secretary of the American Home Missionary Society applied for one hundred, and could only secure about the same number. Somebody's prayers have yet to open the door-nail-clenched-fists of some of our old misers, to forward this work. I sometimes wish I were at work, and then the thought comes, 'What could you do?' Sure enough, What could I do? I wish I could feel a little the responsi- bility which in the course of four or five years I shall take upon myself. " Please write soon, and believe me still, though in haste "Your affectionate cousin, "HENRY LYMAN." " Monday Evening, June 23. Had a little meet- ing this evening of thirty of us to confer about the wants of the heathen, intending it as an introduction to regular meetings. 64 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. ' ' July 26. Last night had more freedom, and nearer access to the mercy-seat than I have had before, this term. Believe I found yesterday, what has been the matter with me. I have had a light spirit have .been like a ship without ballast tossed here and there, and inclined rather to lower than to raise the standard of piety, jl have wanted to see a revival of religion in college, but I have not felt the pressing importance of it, neither has there been any alarm in my own heart on account of the danger of the impenitent. Now the reason of all this I believe to be that I have had no object in view. Last winter I felt that there must be a revival of religion among us, and as if it all depended upon my individual exertions. It lay like a great weight upon my shoulders, and with these feelings I tried to act. Now what I want is some particular object in view some great one. What shall I place before me? The perfect character of Christ; more particularly, 1. The conversion of every soul in college. 2. The fulfillment of every college duty. 3. To be prepared to go out in vaca- tion and exert not only a good influence on the side of Christ, but to be actively employed in the great work of saving souls ; in arousing Christians, and in persuading sinners. To accomplish all this, I must be. 1. Much in prayer; 2. Diligent in studying the Bible; 3. In humbling myself before God; 4. In acquiring faith ; 5. In the active performance of all duties whether public or private, which includes en- THE NEW MAN. 4- 65 deavors to overcome sloth and indolence, and constant watchfulness over every action, word, and thought. Finally, all these points may be summed up in either the fourth, fifth, or seventh resolutions long since made. Oh ! that God would enable me to live in the continual light of the Holy Spirit, that I may lead a more holy life, and glorify Him, who for our sake ' gave his back to the smiters.' Oh ! for grace to enable me to live. "July 30, Evening. Have not had so much en- joyment in religion to-day as yesterday, until this P. M., at the regular social prayer-meeting. I had 'the old woman's meeting,'* i. e., a very good meet- ing, although there was no one visibly present but herself. I have been led to see to-day how true faith will operate on the conduct; i. e., if I go to the throne of grace, and pray for any object or person, for instance college or the students or any one student in it what will be my feelings after prayer if it is offered in ' Faith ?' jCWhy, I shall be watching college in all its operations, anxious to know all about its concerns ; or if it is a student, I shall watch his con- duct, and the least thing out of the way will cause me * Many years ago, an aged woman, went to the usual place of prayer-meeting in the school-house on the plain in Northampton. She returned at the accustomed hour, and on being asked, " Had you a good meeting, mother ?" replied, " Yes, a very good one." "Who was there?" continued her son. "The Lord Jesus Christ was there, and I was there we had a good meeting." She had staid through the usual hour alone, and from that period dates a powerful revival of religion in that town. 66 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. pain, and induce me to seek the mercy-seat, with prayers and tears, and to look for an opportunity of conversing with him, and to do all I can to promote his spiritual welfare. I shall ever be as active for others as for myself. It is as impossible for a man to pray for another in faith, and not to feel a love for him, as it is for an unholy man to love God. God grant me more light and heat within, so that I may 'be a green olive-tree in the house of my God,' and praise Him forever. Oh ! that I might on the mor- row, if God should be pleased to spare my life, make a better improvement of time, for Jesus' . sake. " Tuesday, August 12. Have been reading the 'Life of Rev. Jeremiah Hallock.' His great piety and usefulness depended on his being often at a throne of grace, often in prayer and fasting, and often perusing the word of God. He was an uncommon example of Christian meekness and humility ; always living in such a frame that he could spiritualize every thing that transpired around him. He kept the world under his feet. Though bold as a lion when his master required his services, yet his humility did not desert him. He had zeal, but not without knowledge. Conviction of truth generally accompanied his words. " September 25, 1828. Commencement of first term senior year. "To thee God, would I dedicate this room, and all there is, and may be in it ; and all the time I may spend in it. Thou hast given it to me, use it for thy THE NEW MAN. 67 glory. Established this eve a little season of prayer [among the students who roomed at the house] : God has made all hearts to incline to it, and all attended to-night. Oh ! that they may be blessed, and a spirit of prayer increased, till all in this house shall love God. " " October 6. Rev. Mr. Brigham of the American Bible Society met the officers of the College Bible Society this morning. The news he brought us was really cheering. How much that Society is doing, and how much it has still to do. This interview, together with searching out the condition of Malta to bring before the association to-morrow, has somewhat aroused my feelings on the subject. Shall I not feel the greatness of the cause ! It is one in which the angels would rejoice to engage. Oh ! that God would show me if it is not my duty to leave my country and home, and if it is, that He would purify my motives, and prepare me for the work for Jesus' sake. Oh, may my motto be onward forever ! " October 11. Attended the missionary association this evening. I shall not do for a missionary till my heart is quickened, and affections warmed, and faith is strengthened, and humility increased, and the world given up. and indeed until I am made { a new creature in Christ Jesus.' " 68 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. TO A SISTER. "AMHERST COLLEGE, November 2, 1828. "M\ r DEAR SISTER: " I was glad to hear of your prosperous journey and safe arrival. How thankful ought we to bo that our heavenly Father kindly watches over and protects us in all our clangers. I rejoice that you have a heart that can be touched by the melancholy condition of the poor people around you; that you can feel for their souls those souls that bear the impress of the Almighty. And while you feel for them, will you not pray for them ? And while in your closet you contemplate, before God, their condition here and hereafter, and your own relation to Jesus, do you make the anxious inquiry. ' Lord what wilt thou have me to do?' Is there not much that you can do? Who knows but that your master has sent you into those desolate regions for a time that you might be the means of the conversion of some poor soul ! One soul ! would it not be a recompense for the winter's anxious prayers and active exertions." * * * # # " But, dear sister, is there no portion of the world destitute but . My feelings have this term taken a stronger turn toward this subject than ever before. It makes my soul bleed to hear the cry from Europe, Asia, Africa and South America ; to say nothing of the voice from our own southern and western States, where in many places, and especially in the State of TUB NEW MAN. 69 Ohio, they have only one minister to every ten thousand inhabitants, and in some only one to every twenty thousand. Millions bow to Juggernaut, mil- lions to Mohammed, millions to the Pope, and millions more to idols of then' own making. Now what shall be done for them ? Few are willing to go, although they know they can not ' hear without a preacher,' and declare to them the news, good and joyful, that a Saviour stands ready with .. open arms to receive them. But by the leave and assistance of Divine Providence I will go. When four years have rolled around, I shall probably be in my grave, on a sick bed, or on mission ground. Yes, the pleasures of home, and country, and kindred shall be sacrificed. But what do I say ? Bather, the pleasure of leading the poor benighted heathen to Jesus shall not be sac- rificed for home, country, or friends. Would that to- morrow's rising sun might witness my final departure from New England! . " We have had a communion season to-day. I felt willing, I think, to be Chrst's forever. Have just returned from our meeting of negroes. It is more and more interesting. We are now upon the story of Joseph in the Bible-class. " Pray for me that my faith fail not, and believe me, "Your very affectionate brother, HENRY." November 8th is recorded as a day of special prayer and fasting, that God would pour out his 70 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. blessing upon the meeting of the Bible Society on the next Wednesday ; and on the day of its meeting Lyman was elected its president. " November 12. Had some interesting conversa- tion with Professor ' Peck to-day, especially on the mission cause. He said there were some things in my character that would make it better for me to stay, and be an Evangelist. Nevertheless I can pursue my inquiries, cultivate a missionary spirit, and if Provi- dence seems to open my way, offer myself to the Board if they need my services. "November 30 Lord's Day. Have feared sometimes 'lions' in my path, but have invariably found them 'chained;' especially last evening, when in conversation with friend Riggs, whether or not to allude to the 'times' we had had together", and the difference in my feelings since. Finally I thought I would, though it was not till just as we were about to separate. Then I found him quite tender on the sub- ject of religion, and he requested another interview this evening. Oh ! that I could remember that the Lord always supports those who would plead his cause, and assists them in doing their duty. There never is any thing lost in owning Jesus. " December 14 Sabbath. Have just been read- ing the Life of Mrs. Newell ; and did she, at so young an age, and at so early a period of missionary opera- tions, devote herself to the service of Christ in thai field ? Whv do / not feel more for the heathen ? THE NEW MAN. 71 Why do I not feel more for those with whom I am immediately connected ; who are more guilty than the heathen ? Can I leave my country and engage in this work ? I want to do it. No, I do not. I want to do just what God will have me to do, whether to go there or to stay here. I have no choice between the most renowned station in the church, and the lowest and most despised of all private Christians ; between laboring in heaven-exalted, heaven-privileged America, and the most degraded pagan nation upon earth ; between the burning sands of the tropics, and the ice-bound coasts of the poles. Everywhere is heard the cry, ' Come over and help us !' " ' From Greenland's icy mountains, From India's coral strand.' Lord here am I, send me. Where ? To the heathen to preach the Gospel anywhere. But where are my faith, humility, and love? "Where are the effects of my godly life and Christian walk in college? Lord, have mercy ! Humble me at the foot of the cross for Jesus Christ's sake. Awake me arouse me." Again, December 15th, after some other remarks, the journal continues : ' ' Oh that I were now in some lone missionary station with one, two, or even no other follower of lesus ! But this is wicked. I must live and labor where God has placed me, and ' hold forth the word 72 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. ot life,' and be 'blameless and without rebuke in the midst of a wicked and perverse nation.' Would it not be well for the future to spend the first day of every month ; 1. As a day of fasting and prayer for mis- sions ; 2. To examine myself as to this work and see what portion of the church He is fitting me for ? for ' I am ready to 'go, even to prison and to death for the name of Jesus ;' 3. To select some portion of the moral world, or some missionary station, for investi- gation during each month, and also to read some missionary biography. God, make me holy in heart, enlightened in mind, and sound in body. Direct how I may best accomplish these three objects, so that I may live long and bring thousands and millions of souls to Jesus." Amen." In another place he asks : " Will it not be well to double my monthly concert contribution next year?" On the evening of the same day, we read in con- clusion : "Would that I might love thee, God, all the time every moment ! I want to do nothing on earth but to study the Bible and lead souls to Jesus Christ. I want to go off somewhere, into some dark corner where I can have my Jesus, and my Bible, and then tell poor heathen that the blessed Saviour died for them, and wants them to love Him. Where shall I go, ' I would seek unto God to God I would commit my cause.' THE NEW MAN. 73 '' Thursday, December 18. Did not enjoy myself much yesterday, but should I look for enjoyment here ? No. I did not do any thing for Jesus. How blessed it is that God has made all our comforts depend upon our fulfillment of duty. The very means we use for the advancement of His kingdom are the only means we can use to promote our own happiness." In December, in a review of the term, there is a lamentation over neglect of duty ; especially the having neglected to pray and labor more for the col- lege of which he was a member. He continues thus : " Our colleges are among the bulwarks of Jesus' kingdom in this land, so far as human means are concerned. Those who leave them impenitent are prepared to ' scatter fire-brands, arrows, and death.' Whereas, were the young men there brought into the kingdom in this stage of their education, when im- pressed with an ardent desire to devote all to the service of God, they would naturally consecrate their talents to Him, and devote themselves to the sacred ministry. Even if enough youth were converted in our town revivals, and entered college pious, we should still need a revival to quicken those who are looking forward to the ministry, and upon whom, in a great measure, the future hopes of the church will depend. Oh ! on this college especially is the dependence of the churches of middle and western Massachusetts. Prayers are constantly ascending 74 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. that laborers may be brought forth to preach the Gospel, and how have I, as one here, ' born out of due time,' and as one since placed as an evidence of the transforming influences of the Bible, how have I lived ? I have not watched over my conduct in public, and as to private, I shrink from the view. Such wickedness of thought ! Oh ! the vileness of my heart any thing but Christ has been the lan- guage of my life. " Thursday, December 25th. Felt this morning in prayer as though I wanted to have thousands and millions of my fellow-sinners brought into the king- dom, so as to swell to a louder and yet a louder strain the song of redeeming love. Oh ! when shall I go and sing? I believe the only sure evidence a person can have that he loves Jesus, is his anxiety of soul for the impenitent, and he will know when he feels this sufficiently by the exertions he is led to make for those around him, or if circumstances are such as to prohibit that (which is more rarely the case than Christians generally believe), the sorrow he feels, or rather the increased anxiety with which he prays. We can not be full of the Holy Ghost and confine it within our own bosoms : others must see the light shine and must be led to glorify our Father in heaven. " December 29th. Felt my heart enlarge toward the heathen in prayer this morning. It seems to me I can pray for them with more earnestness than for THENEWMAN. 75 any thing else. When -will the time come that they shall be brought to the light ! God let the time be hastened ! "Evening. Feel almost ready to say, No life but a missionary to the heathen. But who knows if the desire may not be used as a chastisement, permitting me to set my heart upon it, and then withholding from me the privilege and -the blessing. To thee, O God, would I commit my ways. Glorify thyself with me here and hereafter, through Jesus Christ, thy dear Son. Amen." TO AN AUNT. NORTHAMPTON, January 13, 1829. I suppose now it is pretty much decided that the family will remove to Amherst in the spring. This arrangement will, however, bring me no nearer home for any length of time, as I shall, if the Lord will, go to a Theological Seminary early in the fall. To what one father has not yet decided. He is hes- itating between Princeton, New Jersey, and Andover. I hope our heavenly Father will wisely order all things in the decision for His own glory and the good of His church. When I look back and consider all the way by which the Lord has led me, especially in inclining me to go to Amherst .College, I can not but call upon my soul and all that is within me to rejoice and bless His holy name forever for His goodness and loving-kindness to me. and tn sa T .. 76 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. the future, " Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?" " Here aim I, send me." Oh ! what a blessed privilege to be permitted to devote our time, our talents, our all to His service, whose we are and whom we profess to love. One thinks if there is any thing that will give a greater zest to the pure joys of heaven, any thing which will cause us to strike those golden harps with a higher and yet a higher strain, it will be to hear the triumphal songs of those who through our instrumentality have been saved from " the worm that never dieth and the fire that never is quenched." And with views of such an immortality beyond the grave, how can we but devote all ! When I consider my selfishness and love of the world, and love of ease, and how much I like to say, iny will, not "thy will be done," I almost despair of doing. any good even if I enter the ministry. But blessed be God for the consolation, and were it not for this, I should despair, " My grace is sufficient for thee." He has promised to build up His church. This glorious work He will carry forward, and if we are willing that He should, He will use us as instruments, "poor, weak, unworthy though we be." As I wrote to Abby, the prospects of the church here are more encouraging. The Sabbath School Teachers' meeting, ^ last evening, all said, was un- usually interesting. There seemed to be a feeling that efforts must be made greater and more strenuous than heretofore, for the salvation of the children for THENEWMAN. 77 an immediate revival in the school. And. how can we resist such impressions when we take a serious view of what Sabbath Schools are, and what an influence they are to exert on the evangelization of the world. These children must some day take charge of these same schools. From these must our churches be replenished. From these must our colleges, our theological seminaries, our law and medical schools be filled. These must supply our Bible, tract, and missionary establishments. Fathers and mothers, masters and servants, rulers and people all are to come forth a host for the service of the Lord from this institution. And they will if we are faithful. If we are not, they will be a 'host for evil. The future destinies of our own country the destiny of the world all, all is depending very much on the Sabbath School. It seems to be a foundation on which other benevolent operations are to be built up. Oh, that we may be faithful and persevere unto the end : that we may live holily and die triumph- antly. Your affectionate nephew, HENKY LYMAN. u January ^th. Had a most interesting inter- view with our good minister, Mr. Spencer.* 0, how small it made me feel ! How much pride of heart * Eev. I. S. Spencer, D. D., late of Brooklyn, L. I. 78 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. was God then pleased to show me. When I told him that in view of the greatness of a minister's office I was almost tempted to draw back, he said, ' God requires nothing more of any man than he is able to accomplish. God must do all the work. If we think we can do any thing, we are fools. Ministers are nothing but old " ram's-horns ;" we must study and stick to the truth : to God's word.' ' Through the winter vacation of six weeks, mostly spent beneath the paternal roof in Northampton, the most minute watchfulness was exercised by Henry Lyman over his daily life and conversation. Day by day is recorded the struggle with sin. No visit was paid which was not severely scrutinized and the result recorded. Every conference meeting, every assembly of God's people, was gladly welcomed, and his prayers and anxieties for a revival in " the dear old church" at Northampton seem scarcely less than those called forth by the necessities of Amherst College. "February Qth. Have been reading Stewart's ' Journal of a Residence on the Sandwich Islands ;' more and more I feel attached to that mission. But I must guard against a predilection for any post of duty. God direct me and be Himself glorified, is all I ask. Had an interesting interview with Russel this evening. My heart burned. We prayed to- gether. God grant, for Jesus' sake, that his work T H E N E W M A N . 78 may be revived, and I permitted to labor, though I have so departed from Him, and have so little faith. " February 1th. Have been engaged in inves- tigating the Sandwich Island mission. My heart seems drawn out in love toward it, especially toward Mr. and Mrs. Richards. I do not know that I would prefer going there to labor. It is too nearly a par- adise for a missionary to go there now. I should rather commence from the beginning than ' to build on another man's foundation.' " February 13th. Have selected as subject for declamation before chapel, ' Literature and Science indebted to the Missionary Enterprise.' that He who put it into my heart to select it, would bring into activity all my pOAvers of mind, energies of soul, and affections of heart, to plead His cause with effect. "February \4tth. I am so full of sin, and so liable to err that I need to have my heart raised every moment to God for strength. I need to have my strength renewed every moment. Which must I do, fight against sin and look to God to assist me, or let alone my sins and my heart, trust them to Jesus, and go. about His work ? Undoubtedly the last. "February 15th Lord's Day Evening. Have reason to bless God for His signal mercies to me this holy day, and shall, no doubt, praise Him through the ceaseless ages of eternity, that I have been 80 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. permitted to see its light, and enjoy its heaven- exalted privileges. The morning prayer-meeting was good : God was there. Forenoon sermon from our beloved Professor Peck, was 'a feast of fat things.' Something he said suggested to my mind the analogy between the Christian's life and a journey in an un- known country, up hill and down. We can not see our way before or behind. Soon, however, we mount a summit, where Ave have a full view of all our path except the hills we have come up. All appears pleasant, the toil is forgotten, and the mercies are then in view. Here too we take a look forward and get a glimpse of the goal which lies beyond many more hills and valleys. We start for a certain point on the next eminence after having been refreshed by this Pisgah view. We descend rapidly, and rejoicing in renewed strength, till at last we reach the valley, where, surrounded by forests impenetrable, and sink- ing in the mire, we think we are lost can neither see the way before nor behind. However, having con- sulted our compass, we press onward for the point, hoping to come out at last, and after long struggling we succeed, and so we proceed. " East-street Meeting (the colored people's Sun- day School). God was present; I believe it was not in vain. that God would sanctify it more fully. When I went to visit a sick man in the next house, the older people all followed, and again I had an op- portunity to speak and to pray with them. Two or THE NEW MAN. 81 three seemed dejected. Good conversation with brother Schneider * who attended with me. Never were my desires to labor for God so great. Never did the missionary cause appear so lovely. " February 20th. DAY OF FASTING AND PRAYER FOR COLLEGES Evening. Good season of prayer with Porter, Maxwell, and Matthews also with Bliss and Page. Have had many sweet moments alone. The most solemn day I ever knew. Have been ena- bled to plead with God for His blessing. He has, I trust, answered prayer. There is evidently more feeling. This morning had little praying circles scattered about all over college. At half-past ten met by classes with instructors. President with us (Seniors), who called attention to the fact that so many were praying for the students ; to the shortness of time ; to the wants of our own country, two hundred and sixty ministers being needed in New England Con- gregational churches, and in the United States three or four thousand among Congregational, Presbyterian, and Baptist churches. The wants of the world also call upon us. " At 2 P. M. Professor Hitchcock spoke to us all in chapel. The President followed with remarks upon the sovereignty of God. At half-past six, meeting in rhetorical room. Professor Abbott preached from ' take heed how ye hear.' A nightly prayer-meet- ing has been established in Harrington's room. * Rev.'B. Schneider of the Armenian Mission. 82 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. " An hour's conversation with brother Lane.* It was like the joy of my espousals. 0, I longed to have eternity begin that I might commence my song. I would sing it if I were confined in the lowest depths of hell. I would make all hell ring with the praises of redeeming love. But I feared it not. I could lean on the arm of Jesus. I could not make myself to doubt. I gave all up into His hands whose credit is good. I am Christ's; heaven is mine. When shall I go and be like him ? Eternity will be too short if not soon begun. Stop ! stop ! some must go and begin it with me. I must yet labor and wrestle 'with sins, and doubts, and fears.' Souls must be saved. God must be glorified on earth, before He can be praised in heaven. I must first be tried and see if I can love when He frowns. After I returned to my room I could wrestle for the influence of the Spirit to descend upon college. may I be enabled to bear prosperity, or adversity ; rejoicing on Pisgah's top, or struggling with the roughest seas. ''March 29th. If in times of apparent security we are wrestling with sin, and digging up and rooting out, and overturning ; then when temptation assails, or God smites in mercy, we shall be prepared to re- ceive the one with strength, and the other with hu- mility. A constant watch must be kept a constant din of battle must be heard. " July 10/A. Last eve heard Mr. Dwight, a * David B. Lane, of Stirling, Conn. THE NEW MAN. 83 missionary appointed to Greece ; text, ' Go ye into all the world, etc.' Afterward he met our 'Friends.' / be a missionary ! How then must I deny self! Oh ! that from this hour I could begin a thorougli course of self-denial. Lord Jesus have thou mercy upon me. " July IGth. ' No man when he hath lighted a candle covereth it with a vessel or setteth it under a bed, but on a candlestick, that he that cometh in may see the light.' So it is, so it ever will be. It is as impossible for him who is in the exercise of living grace to be in company with another a few minutes and that person not feel the influence of it, as it is for a man to stand with his head uncovered in the blaze of the noon- day's sun, and not feel its rays ; or for the king of day to shine forth in his glory upon the earth and not emit his light. By this I am con- demned. Often have I been in company when I have exerted naught but a negative influence and often not that. my prayer unto God is for more grace! Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me ! "July 19th. Took up Mrs. Judson's Memoir; not much prayer over it, hence not much benefit. I was led to exclaim, ' Where are my qualifications for missionary service, either in piety, or intellectual at- tainments?' I am almost always discouraged in reading the lives of such persons, and sometimes I am tempted to renounce the service and enter upon some secular employment. I do not doubt but that a spark 84 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. of Divine grace has been implanted, but who wants to be ' saved so as by fire ?' "July 2Qth Sunday. As I was going to church the evangelization of the world burst upon my soul in all its beauty, its grandeur, its greatness. 0, I wanted to be endowed with a tenfold portion of the Spirit; to have my heart, mind, and body prepared for a great and arduous labor in the vineyard. What is the use of living, if a man can not have his influ- ence felt in the cause of Christ. I ought to pray more that I may not go down to the grave till thou- sands in my day and generation shall have been brought out of darkness into the marvelous light of the Gospel, and till I shall have left an influence that shall be felt as long as the earth shall exist so long as the throne of God shall stand. And my prayer ought to be more earnest that God would use all my talents entirely and directly in His service and for the promotion of His cause. So great did this subject appear that I was constrained to adopt as a motto, 'Six hundred millions are perishing ! !' "July 31s. Had the pleasure, and I hope profit, of meeting the Rev. Mr. Nettleton this evening with a few classmates. Spent about two hours. He dis- coursed upon the motive which should induce us to enter the ministry that should be the salvation of one soul, and we should feel our unworthiness to be the instrument even of this. ' Then if you don't get a living, what of it?' ' It is not what you were after. THE NEW MAN. 85 If you don't obtain a name, etc. If you have insult, etc. If not even permitted to see one soul converted what of it? God looks at the motive. When we are laboring, we should make as little noise as possible, or rather none at all about the work. It will go on the best when you do not care whether any body knows or not, if you can be the means of saving any. . We should not be free to express our opinion to every body about those who are serious or anxious should not talk about other denominations.' " He then gave us an interesting account of the glo- rious work of grace he had been permitted to witness in Virginia. Believe I was led to see in some degree my darkness, and love of reputation, and desire to glorify self, rather than God." The following was probably written about the last of June, 1829 : "MY MUCH LOVED SISTER: "Yours of came safely to hand, but unavoidable circumstances have prevented my answering it. I am much obliged for the good, wholesome advice it contained and should like more of it. I want to know all that there is about me unfavorable to the holy office toward which I am looking, and a remedy for it ; so whenever you write to me, lift up your hand and spare not. It is a holy and responsible place and it is well to be prepared. ******* 86 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. " Again I am glad you are gone because it will be better for me perhaps to have one link broken at a time : at least I shall not so sensibly feel the separa- tion, for separation it will be with me. so soon as my education is completed." " AMHERST, August 4, 1829. "DEAR SISTER: "You say 'you can not bear the thought of my going beyond the seas.' This reminds me of what Mr. Nettleton he is in town now and met our class last Friday told us : 'In the ministry always have this question before your minds, How shall I wish I had acted or spoken a hundred or a thousand years hence?' Methinks the meeting of the missionary with his friends at the consummation of all things, must be made a thousandfold more pleasant by the separation and its trials. "Again 'Perhaps you may think differently be- fore three years expire.' Do not think that I have determined to go whether or no. I mean to keep an ' if the Lord will,' in the business, and not to make up my mind for a certainty till I find myself upon missionary ground. Should I follow the bent of my own inclinations, I should be a traveling agent for the Board ; and I may yet find it my duty to stay here in New England as a settled pastor. I want to fill, if I know my own feelings, just that niche for which I was made, and for which my talents are THE NEW MAN. 87 fitted. If my friends think me better adapted for some other station than that of missionary, and the path of duty seems plain, the only thing I shall have to do, will be to obey the command, 'Walk ye in it.' " I may formerly have expressed myself rather too strongly upon this subject. I always meant this, but my prevailing feelings and expectations were, that such would be my course did Providence throw no obstacles in the way. If there are any books which interest my feelings, they are the lives and journals of missionaries. If there are any parts of the Bible that rejoice my heart, they are those which speak of the heathen being given to Jesus for an inheritance : ' Ethiopia stretching out her hands unto God, etc.' If there are any which speak consolation to my soul, they are those which extend the promise of support and consolation to him who forsakes house and lands, father and mother, brothers and sisters, for Jesus. If there is any thing which animates me in duty, or leads to self-denial, it is the thought that souls are perishing. If there is any pleasure in prayer, it is in praying for benighted pagans. If any thing for which my heart is drawn out to God, it is for the missionary. And I have often felt peculiar pleasure of late in prayers for Mr. and Mrs. Richards.* " ' More young men have applied to the Board,' * Of the Sandwich Islands mission. Mrs. B. was a native of Northampton. 88 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. you saj, 'than can be sent.' This, I fancy, is a mistake. The Board are now in want of twenty or thirty such." ***** The essay which young Lyman prepared for Com- mencement, was on the " Moral Courage of John Knox," and there was certainly manifest in the pro- duction a strong sympathy with this trait of his hero. The degree of A. B. was received, and the walls of college left. The desire the steady development of which we have endeavored to show that he might go " far hence to the Gentiles," was as yet unknown to his parents. And this not from any want of confidence in those whom the son most tenderly loved and revered, but because he saw that their hearts were filled with the idea of having him near them as a settled pastor, and until the matter was more matured in his own mind, Henry dreaded to disturb them. For the last three months of his stay in Amherst, he dwelt again under the paternal roof, his father having purchased the Pleasant Valley farm. His younger brothers and sisters can well remember his order and method, his interest in their plans of amuse- ment, his room accessible to them at all hours of the day save three. Soon had they found that at even- ing, morning, and at noon, there was no admission there. And they had felt the earnest but gentle THE NEW MAN. 89 force of his efforts to lead them to Christ. Between the father and - son grew a confidence most complete and tender. Every trial, every difficulty was con- fided to Henry, and in his after letters the parent reaped a thousandfold all that he had sowed. o IV. t iuisio. For a necessity is laid upon me ; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the Gospel! ST. PAUL. Depart, for I will send thee far hence unto the Gentiles. ACTS xxii. 21. IV. THE history of Henry Lyman's seminary course must be mainly supplied by his correspondence and journals. The following letter to Charles Lyman, written from Amherst, August 4th, 1829, gives tho appropriate introduction to the new scene. After some remarks upon pecuniary matters, he says : "It is difficult, I find, to tell what is the path of duty. It has been a question in my mind of late, whether I ought not to wait a year or two before entering the theological school, on account of my age, being only nineteen and two thirds. But my heart's desire is to go x forward, though not if it would destroy my future usefulness. I have, I believe, thoughktoo much of these things. For the future it seems to me best to inquire" what shall I do to-day, and regulate myself to-morrow for the duties of that day, as cir- cumstances may seem to direct. If I finally conclude to go to Princeton and go this fall, I shall probably see you on my way. * * * " I felt, when we were declared candidates for A. B., like a vessel without a pilot, just let out upon the 94 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. broad ocean. Blessed be God ! He has taught me where to look for a pilot, and a compass. If Jesus is only ours, we need fear no storm." TO HIS PARENTS ANDOVEB, October 12th, 1829. DEAR PARENTS: Of my safe arrival, journey, etc., I suppose you have heard through Mr. Strong. I am settled as pleasantly as I could wish. I have not been sorry for a moment that Providence so ordered events that I was compelled to come here. I do believe "'tis all for the best." I need, I think, the Andover discipline. I feel confident of having pursued the course which will best fit me for the responsible office toward which I am looking. You will be astonished when I tell you I have be- gun my public labors, though without authority. I preached yesterday all day, and held a conference in the evening at West Haverhill, eleven miles from the seminary. The minister was ill, and they could get no one else, so I went; and as they were all strangers, they did not know but that 1 could preach. I had no notice of it till two o'clock Saturday P. M., and started off immediately, returning this morning. Besides three services, I attended a Bible class. I spoke extemporaneously of course from Luke xviii. 7, in the morning, and Hebrews ii. 3, in the after- Tr> the evening I took a portion of the first THE DECISION. 95 chapter of Isaiah. The benediction, of course, I was not allowed to pronounce, merely saying, " the exer- cises are closed." I 'felt humble enough in the Bible class, when I asked a gray-headed old deacon a ques- tion, and he rose from his seat with all reverence to answer me. I never performed a harder still it was a pleasant day's work. The effort of speaking, espec- ially of speaking extempore, and the anxiety, are greater than any one can imagine who has not tried it. If I were only looking to the ministry as a busi- ness, I would never again open my books. No, were it not for the love which I feel for my Saviour and my fellow-men, and the hope that, feeble as I am, I can be the honored instrument of saving their souls, and building up His kingdom, I would prefer to leave my studies and labor on a farm. There is nothing but this that can compensate for the toil, and anxiety, and responsibility of the station. It is indeed an awful thing for one weak worm of the dust to take upon himself to direct his fellow-creatures to everlasting happiness. I need, as I trust I have, your constant prayers, that God would glorify Himself in and through me. I could not help thinking yesterday, if it is so hard to labor one Sabbath in this goodly land, where Christian friends are many, and where there is plenty to supply the temporal wants, what would it be to toil all my life, in privation and want, among the heathen, if God in his holy Providence should call me there. Since I have been here, I have concluded 96 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. to take up the question as to the part of the vineyard I shall occupy, soon after the term commences, so as not to be influenced by any popular excitement which there may be among the students. I should like your views on the subject when you write. I feel that I am equally ready for New England, the torrid zone, or the frozen poles, if the Lord says: "This is the way ; walk ye in it." Love to all. Your affectionate son, HENRY. TO CHARLES LYMAN. ANDOVER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, November 13tb, 1829. * * * Verily, the Lord's "ways are not as our ways," or I should not have been privileged to date a letter from so holy, so consecrated a spot as this. It is good to observe our heavenly Father's dealings with us. It has seemed especially so to me in meditating upon the manner in which, in His mer- ciful Providence, He hath brought me hither. But here I have arrived. I have given up myself, with all my unworthiness and unfitness. to spend and be spent in the holy office. I have taken upon myself a responsibility under which Gabriel might well trem- ble " how much more, then, man who is a worm;" and how much more still, such an one as I, who am as yet but as an infant in the school of Christ. I ask more than ever for an interest in your prayers. I want to be made more heavenly-minded. What ia THE DECISION. 97 the use, dear cousin, in our groveling along on earth, when we are bid to "taste, and see that the Lord is good?" Is there any such thing as concentrating our affections in Jesus? I verily think, with Baxter, if it were "only the exercise of the body, the moving of the lips, the bending of the knee, men would as commonly step to heaven as they would go visit a friend. But to separate our thoughts and affections from the world, to draw forth all our graces, and in- crease each by its proper object, and hold them to it till our work prospers in our hands ; this, THIS is the difficulty." I find I must keep drive, drive, drive all the time, pell mell. If I stop to take breath, " in slips the devil." Andover, though a heaven on earth, is not heaven. It is not out of the world. I find I felt not my wicked heart at college, but rather seem to be more than ever given over to its influence. (See Saints' Rest, p. 216.) I quote Baxter because it is so apro- pos. Verily it is a treasure. It is a mine of gold in which, when you have cleared one vein of rich ore, you strike upon another. I think of you more than once every day when I peruse this and the other ex- cellent books you have added to my library. "The blessing of many ready to perish" be upon you. In a letter to his uncle, D. S. Whitney, Mr. Lyman, after many expressions of humble gratitude to God, says : "I mentioned to you the subject of my 98 THE MARTT.R OF SUMATRA. offering myself to the A. B. C. F. M. My feelings strengthen toward it every day. Some friends, who have been conversant with my character during my college course, encourage it. Do you know any thing concerning me why I should not submit myself to their disposal?" It is sometimes imagined by those not personally acquainted with missionaries, that, being men of cold, unsocial temperaments, they suffer less than others would, in their separation from home and kindred. The following letter will show the warmth of Henry Lyman's heart : TO HIS PARENTS. ANDOVER, November 22, 1829. DEAR PARENTS: Having written three or four letters this evening, and S. Hopkins intending to take an early start in the morning, you will not expect a long communication. Still a few words I will write, and have reserved it till the last, that I might have the best to wind up with. Especially do my thoughts turn this evening with peculiar pleasure to the authors of my being, for to- morrow numbers a score of years in my life. I should be worse than a brute, could I, on such an occasion, forget all your care and anxiety on my account ; care and anxiety too, which, having been so often for- feited, it seems a wonder to me that your patience has not been a thousand times exhausted. Still your fos- TUB DECISION. 99 tering care has preserved me, under the smiles of a kind Providence, till I have arrived at two sevenths of the age allotted to man, and, as I fear, to half of all the time which will be appointed to me on the earth. I would not limit Providence, but would it were so, if I could finish the work He has given me to do ere that time. The sooner we enter upon our eternal rest the better for us. Welcome death, if we can only sing that triumphant song, "0, death, where is thy sting ? 0, grave, where is thy victory?" Thanks to God that we obtain the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. I could wish, did not duty prevent, to be present in the family circle, on the approaching joyful anni- versary.* However, as far as the thanksgivings are concerned, I see not why we may not mingle in them though separated by such a distance. Still it would be pleasant to make one around the family altar on that day. That I shall be remembered there makes up for all. What -reason we have for real, heartfelt thanksgiving ! Many have been the changes in our family, yet, for aught we can see, all in mercy. Death, though he has been very near, has not been permitted to enter our doors. Though the life of one was endangered, God said, " Thus far shalt thou come, and no further," and he is recovering. One has left home, but for a new home, concerning which we could all say, " Depart in peace." * The annual " Tir anksgiving Day." THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. As for temporal prosperity, what more could the Lord have done that He has not done. So far His dealings have been in mercy. Though there have been seasons of darkness, no doubt, we are all ready now to praise the hand of our heavenly Father. How do Sabbath Schools flourish now in Amherst ? I teach in the west parish, two miles from the sem- inary. There are three hundred scholars of all ages and both sexes, from five years old up to sixty. In this parish there are four hundred and fifty of the same ages, and sixty- three teachers. Letters to E. J. and J. accompany this. I suppose they will all be at home on the 25th. Your affectionate son, HENRY. ANDOVEK, January 1th, 1830. DEAR FATHER: I hasten to answer your kind and highly interest- ing letter by Kidder. The books I shall probably need, go where I will. A missionary must study every day as well as ministers at home, for this is the only way in which he can ' ' bring out of his treasures things new and old." It is impossible for a man to continue to interest his fellow-men as a teacher or minister, unless he is improving his own mind and learning something new himself. You mention many failures, and some of them truly unexpected to me. I can not say, however, THE DECISION. 101 that I am sorry. Among whom have they happened ? Are they not men of this world ? men who have been laying up treasures " where moth and rust corrupt?" And are these not afflictions sent in mercy to lessen their confidence in the perishing things of time and sense, and to induce them to look to Him, whose love nothing can takeaway? (Rom. vii. 31-39.) I believe these failures are a means which God has used for promoting his own cause. Revivals have not been more numerous for some years than they are now in our churches and at the missionary stations under their care. New revivals and increase of old ones are reported frequently at our meetings. Individual Christians were too strong, too rich, too much in- creased in goods, and were saying to their souls, " Take thine ease," etc., but God, in the plenitude of His grace, instead of saying, " Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee," has only said, thy property, and is thus bringing them to Him- self. I find occasion to bless God daily, that He has so placed me that I can pray for you. The light of God's countenance is what all need to bear them through external troubles. With this every thing seems right, because every thing seems ordered by Him who has said, afflictions for the present seem " not joyous, but grievous, nevertheless afterward they yield the peaceable fruits of righteousness." " For, whom the Lord loveth, he chasteneth, and 102 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. scourgeth every son whom he receiveth," etc. More- over, we have the example of Job, who, when stripped of all his earthly comforts, said, "The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away, and blessed be the name of the Lord." It is hard work to trust when all is dark and gloomy, and there seems no way of escape ; but is not this the very time in which our faith in God is called into exercise. We do not use the reins for the horse when he is standing still. It is only when he is running that they are required. So faith is not exercised when we see the way clear and all is prosperous. But when all is dark, and there is, to our view, no way of escape, then it is that we must trust the Lord. You say, "It is not best to borroff trouble before it comes." I believe that a great part of our misery here consists in the anticipation of evil. The Lord will not send more than we can bear. Still it is best to be prepared for the worst. Even the very worst, after all, what is it? It all, I believe, lies in our own feelings whether it shall affect us unpleasantly or not. The above was written at odd times do n't know as you can read it. Love to all. As ever, yours, H. L. tor the first two months, Henry Lyman's Andover diary is filled with lamentations over his want of earnest longing for the influences of the Holy Spirit, THE DECISION. 103 while the joyful record of revivals here and there, his growing watchfulness over self, and earnest devotion to the work of saving souls, would give the impression that he was day by day growing in grace. Still be- fore his mind was more prominently placed than any other subject, the great question of the missionary work. He writes in his journal, under date of October 6th : "Had the privilege of attending a conference this evening, with three or four of the brethren. It showed me, in some little degree, that I feel not the value of the soul. I must condemn myself in all I have done to-day. And why be constantly condemning myself? Because I have been sinning ; because I am constantly sinning. Have felt to-day more my own inefficiency. Felt as though I did not want to do any thing but to love God and to be swallowed up in Him wholly conformed to His image. This has been the burden of my prayers of late. This P. M., while viewing the idols formerly worshiped by the Sandwich Islanders, I received a fresh impulse to spend and be spent on heathen shores. It seems to me this is the Lord's will. I asked Him to-day to con- tinue these desires for their salvation, even if He had ordained I should labor in some other part of the vineyard. " Thursday Evening, October 8th. Have thought that I was something, and that I wanted to do something till this evening : visited brother Schauf- 104 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. fler,* and oh, how small and insignificant did I appear to myself! How little love! How much worldliness ! What am I ? what am I ? " Monday Morning, November 23d, 1829. To- day is the anniversary of my first drawing breath in this world of sin. " To-day reminds me that I have lived a score of years. 11 To-day reminds me that I have passed two sevenths of all the time allotted to man on the earth. ' ' I have had something of a conflict in my mind as to duty : f study has seemed so pressing here in the Institution. After prayer. I have determined, God giving me strength, to look back upon the past year and seek His guidance for the future. " 10 o'clock, A. M. As I look from my window, the clouds roll past in the west in awful grandeur. There is a constant mingling of black, deep black, blue, deep blue, light, white, heavy, fleecy. ' ' Though engaged in reviewing my life, I can not but stop to reflect thereon. Now they ride and clear the western hills. Now the hills are enveloped in them. Now the opposite houses are almost hidden from view. Again they break, and light appears. Again all is shrouded in twilight-darkness. ' Can any understand the spreading of the clouds ?' ' Dost thou know the * Rev. W. G. Schauffler, D.D., missionary to the Jews at Con- stantinople. f It was Lyman's custom to spend his birth-day as a time of special devotion. THE DECISION. 105 balancing of the clouds, the wonderful works of Him who is perfect in knowledge ?' " 'Who can number the clouds in wisdom, or who can stay the bottles of heaven ?' " ' Bless the Lord, my soul. Oh Lord my God. thou art very great.' " ' Who maketh the clouds His chariot, who walketh upon the wings of the wind.' "'Sing unto the Lord with thanksgiving; sing praises upon the harp unto our God.' ' ' ' Who covereth the heavens with clouds, who pre- pareth rain for the earth.' " ' Who hath His way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of His feet.' "They are glorious as being the throne on which the Lord Jesus will make His appearing in the last great day, when he ' cometh in his glory and all the holy angels with him.' ******* "This eve had a good class meeting and finished review. Comfort in intercession for my parents this evening. In social devotions and in class meeting, not that heart work in prayer which constitutes its very essence. I have pleaded to-day for deadness to the world and the flesh. This is essential to k&ping a day of fasting and prayer. It was such observances which gave the prophets power, and strengthened the hands of the apostles. It was a Brainerd's strength, a Hallock's support. In short, where are the holy 5* 106 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA men or holy women, of olden or present time, who have not made this a means of great communication with Jesus. 0, my soul, do thou likewise. "Friday Evening, Zlth. In p. M. brother Schauf- fllcr called, on the subject of missions. Good visit. I felt ready, to go, only waiting for friends' advice. Was privileged to hear from my dear family to-day. The letter which most interested me was from father, saying that he would not advise me to go to the hea- then, but still wishes me to decide for myself. " Lord's Day, November 29/7*. Sabbath School peculiarly interesting. Sufficiently so, and infinitely more than, to repay me for four miles' walk in the snow and water, and two or three hours' wet feet. Have taken the missionary class, and the Lord pre- vailed upon four or five, through my instrumentality, to listen to the truths of His word. Have to mourn over indulgence of appetite. After tea, Sabbath School teachers' meeting. Had a visit and prayers with brother Clarke, especially on missions. My heart was enlarged for perishing heathen ; also with breth- ren Schauffler and Hathaway a very interesting con- versation. 0, it was precious to talk over the wants of Jesus' kingdom and consider the promises. Had an uncommonly delightful season of prayer. My de- sire was for the heathen, especially for those who have not the bread of life, and that I may be privileged to go and tell them of a dying Jesus. Sweet season of intercession in social devotion to-night, especially THE DECISION. 107 for the heathen and for more of Jesus' love in my heart. that ray countrymen were awake to this subject ! that they would take one soul and count its worth, and then look at the millions that are per- ishing for the word of life, and then see if there is not a motive for exertion ! What is the church, from its foundation, but a missionary establishment ? If a soul is added to it in any part of the world, is it not increased ? Why not then send the Gospel to those who have it not ? Must the church first be increased at home ? Then why not wait till every soul at home is converted ? Is there no encouragement to labor for the heathen? The promises are vast. They have been in an eminent degree fulfilled considering the little exertion the church has made. Oh ! church of Christ, I entreat you by the love you bear to perishing souls ; by Jesus' bloody sweat ; by a Saviour's suffer- ings ; by a Redeemer's dying groans ; by your own professions ; by your own constant vows ; by all that you hold dear on earth and in heaven ; by all you hope to shun in hell ; by the promises of God ; by the commands of Jehovah ; by the threatenings of the Almighty, I beseech you. if you have any grace, any love, send the bread of life to the perishing, dying heathen ! " Tuesday Evening, December 1st. This evening had interesting conversation with brother Hubbard concerning missionary consecration. Found him re- volving the subject in his own mind, as to duty. My 108 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. heart burned within me as I talked with him; so grand, so beautiful, so sublime, so holy, so glorious, did the work of evangelizing the heathen appear! How a contemplation of the subject expands the mind and heart ! I had almost said, well might the Son of God die to save a lost world ! may he soon ' see of the travail of His soul and be satisfied !' " Monday Evening, December 1th. After prayer for guidance and walk with brother Lane, I concluded not to give up my studies [for a regular day of fast- ing and prayer], but to take less food than usual, and tO MEDITATE AS I HAVE OPPORTUNITY UPON THE CON- SEQUENCES ATTENDING MY DECISION OF THIS MO- MENTOUS QUESTION. And what are they ? "I. Provided I go, and afterward find by bitter experience that I am not i>i the path of duty. It seems to me this would be more than I could bear. It would be an injury to Christ's cause. It would dishonor Him who has done so much for me so much for a dying world. It would injure the cause at the particular station, and at home. "At the station. Look at that little band, who for so long a time have been laboring and toiling against error, superstition, and depravity. All has as yet been confusion. Order and system have not been at- tained. But many of these obstacles have begun to disappear. The forest has been cleared, and the ground broken. The seed is sown, though yet among stumps and stones. The blade has sprung up, and THE DECISION. 109 now the prayer is for another laborer. Apparently in mercy one arrives, but the Lord is not with him. From enthusiasm or some worldly motive, perhaps to get a name, he had determined to offer himself for the service. Or possessing naturally a roving disposition, he was not sufficiently earnest in the cry ' Lord what wilt thou have me to do ?' He labors awhile. No souls are converted. He grows dissatisfied and im- patient. Conscience will not allow him to remain, and pride will not allow him to return home. Per- haps he walks disorderly. His brethren are grieved, and the enemies have a new reproach put into their mouths to cast in the teeth of those who have long been endeavoring to teach them. And in short, he undoes all that had been done ; or he finds it was not the field designed for him, and at last is obliged to re- turn home. But what is the effect produced at home ? The confidence of the Board in their missionaries is lessened. The confidence of the public not only in him, but in the Board, is diminished. The enemies triumph the treasury is injured. Is this all? He wastes the Lord's money gleaned with so much labor from His children. He wastes his own time and talents ; above all, souls are lost who might have been saved, had he been at home laboring where he ought. Now all this is the result of an imperfect examination of the leadings of Providence, and a self-sufficient choice as to the field of labor. that I could feel something of this evil as I seem to see it in all its 110 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. ramifications. Money, time, talents, are too precious to be wasted. "II. Provided I stay at home when it is my duty to ffo to the heathen, I should be what ? I could not look to God for His blessing on my labors ; or even if I should, He would withhold it, and I should bd a dead, inactive minister a burden to the Church -a dog in the manger a possessor of the keys, not entering in myself, nor suffering those who would, to enter in. Besides, many heathen might be perishing through want of my instrumentality. ' But then you can try it at home and afterward go.' True ; but what would become of the heathen in the mean time, and what of my desire to go to the heathen af- ter that had been laid aside to try the experiment, or had gradually cooled and died away amid the thick- ening, seducing pleasures of the world. " Such is the view I have taken to-day, and do I not need care and anxiety ? Ought not my prayer to be constant and earnest, ' Lord, what wilt thou have me to do ?' Still I have not that anxiety which Par- sons, Fiske, etc., had. The way seems so plain that ' the wayfaring man, though a fool, need not err therein.' It seems plain as daylight ; yet this very thing makes me doubt, and say there is no need of argument to convince me. The Lord guide me. Had a good monthly concert this evening and exceeding much enlargement in prayer; in evening, devotions for the perishing heathen. THE DECISION. Ill " Tueslay Evening, 8th. The question which I have had up to-day has been, ' What are the claims which my own country has upon my talents?' In other words, what is the moral condition of the United States?" Then follows, occupying several pages of the diary, a review of the religious condition of his native land. " Wednesday Morning, Qth. To-day, with the assistance of Divine Providence, I propose to meditate upon the condition and prospects of the heathen, and their claims upon my labors. "Evening. Verily a world lieth in wickedness. This is enough. That five eighths of them never heard of Jesus is all we want to show us their present condition. But to bring the picture nearer to our eyes. Take one of our New England parishes, say this one; here we behold twelve hundred people, civilized, educated, refined, pious, surrounded by all that can make life dear and pleasant friends, social * fireside, houses, lands, the comforts, and in many in- stances the superfluities, of life. But more than all, they worship God according to the dictates of con- science, and the direction of His word, in the full enjoyment of Sabbath and sanctuary privileges, with their train of attendant blessings. Now, suppose this society should forsake God, the sanctuary be de- molished, the minister be dismissed, the Sabbath blotted out, and all the attendant blessings of religion 112 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. be cast with it into non-existence. Still, though they should retain their refinement and all temporal bless- ings, would .we not say from our hearts, ' How are the mighty fallen I' Verily it is heart-rending to behold so much sin and wickedness ! "But, further, suppose their temporal blessings to remain, but the people themselves to have fallen into all kinds of vice, and to have sold themselves to com- mit all manner of iniquity. Drinking, gambling, stealing, murdering, all are countenanced. How would our hearts bleed to see them thus living, and their children thus educated, every new gen- eration, one more remove from the knowledge of God than the preceding, till finally the name, the existence, of God is unknown. Would you not mourn to see them in such a case? But I have not yet done. Look at them once more. They have made gods which, 'having eyes, see not,' etc. Yes, they have taken a huge block of wood, without form or comeli- ness, and have set it up as their god, before which they bow the knee, and to which their prayers ascend ; and not only this, but they sacrifice their friends and children to appease its imagined wrath. They lay themselves before its altar, or throw them- selves before the ponderous wheels of its car, that thus they may go where ? The widow, too, in the bloom of her youth, reckless of her infant orphans, volun- tarily commits her body to the flames, that thus she may rejoin her departed husband. Does not the THE DECISION. 113 heart sicken at such a sight? Would we not give all, yea, hold not our own life dear, that we might win them to Jesus, knowing that to be the only way of escape from this thralldom of sin and Satan. Now, there is not only one parish thus, but five hundred thousand just such parishes as this are on our globe in this condition. Behold them naked, or, at most, with the skin of some wild beast thrown around them, living in huts, or, perchance, in holes of the rocks, or caves of the earth, herding together like beasts of the field, feeding upon the reptiles on which we are ac- customed to look Avith so much disgust; on living flesh, and even see them devouring one another. And is this the height of their misery ? Stand at the bar of God when all nations under heaven shall be gathered before His throne. See them under the frown of the judge, taking their places on the left hand. Listen to the sentence, ' Depart,' etc. Then behold them driven away to ' blackness of darkness,' to ' the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone,' with only one exclamation, Why did you not warn us ? Why did you not send us the Gospel ? And after thousands of years shall have rolled past, see still the smoke of their torment ascending up forever and ever, bearing upon it the question, Why did you not send us the Gospel ? Here there is misery, consummate misery; tremendous misery. And have they no hope of emancipation ? Have they no one to teach them the good news of salvation ? Has nothing been 114 THE MARTYR OP SUMATRA. done for them? There are, perhaps, six hundred teachers. But 'what are they among so many?' While here in New England we have 'one preacher to every one thousand of the enlightened and Chris- tianized inhabitants, they have but one to one mil- lion. But the labors of these instructors are confined to one million. There are five hundred millions who know not that there is ' balm in Gilead and a physi- cian there,' nay, who see not that they are covered with ' wounds, and bruises, and putrefying sores.' Some effort has been made to send them the Gospel. As yet, however, the church has taken but one step toward the commencement of the labor. There are five hundred millions to whom it is to be carried ere ' the knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth, as the waters cover the sea.' " Now where are greater claims for my labors in the cause of Jesus ? " Thursday Evening, December IQth. To-day have meditated somewhat on the sitccess of mis- sions." Seven closely written pages here review the course of missionary enterprise and its success in different parts of the world, but as it is presented in a condensed form in the letter to his father, we omit it. "Saturday Morning, December 12th. I was obliged to carry 'The Success,' etc., so far into yes- terday, that I was unable to investigate, as I had THE DECISION. 115 intended, The Promises of God Concerning the Heathen, together with the encouragement or dis- couragement from the Bible, to engage personally in evangelizing the heathen, any further than the first part. I have found them abundant: Gen. xviii. 18, xxii. 18, xxvi. 4, xlix. 10; Ps. ii. 8, xxii. 27, xlyi. 10, Ixviii. 31, Ixxii., cii. 13-15; Isa. ii. 2-4, xi., xlii. 1-12, xlix. 1-16, Ii. 5, lii. 9, 10, liv. 1-10, lix. 19, lx., Ixii. 1, Ixv. 17-25, Ixvi. 7, 8, 18-24; Jer. xxxi. ; Mai. i. 11; Dan. vii. 1-27; Micah iv. 1-7; Zeph. ii. 11,-iii. 8-10; Hab. ii. 14; Zech. ix. 9, 10, xiv. 9; Matt. vi. 10, xxiv. 14, xxviii. 19, 20; Mark xiii. 10, xvi. 15, 16; Luke xi. 2, xxiv. 47 ; Rom. xv. 12 ; Gal. iii. 8 ; Heb. viii. ; Rev. v. 9, vii. 9, xiv. 6, xv. 4. The promises are truly rich. " Encouragement, etc. ' Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost ; teach- ing them to observe all things, whatsoever I have commanded you, and lo ! / am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.' What need have we of further witnesses? None. Yet there is encouragement and duty set forth in the following among many other passages of holy writ : Mark xvi. 15 ; Luke xiv. 26-33, xvii. 29, 30 ; John xii. 26, 27 ; Rom. viii. 31, 32, 35, 39 ; Gal. i. 15, 16 ; Heb. xi. ; Luke x. 1, 2, xxix. 37." The remainder of this examination is rather an act 116 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. of special pleading, than a fair and candid investiga- tion of the subject. We have hesitated to introduce it, yet, few things could more decidedly show what a passion with Lyman was the missionary work, than what follows. There are two letters referred to repeatedly : the one we here introduce, that it may be borne in mind, without again interrupting the nar- .rative, the other can not be found. It was from a beloved room-mate, D. T. Lane, of Sterling, Connec- ticut, who had intended himself' to engage in the missionary work. But it pleased the master to say to him, "Come up higher," and he "entered into rest" in 1832. LETTER FROM REVEREND S. PECK, D.D. AMHERST COLLEGE, November 15, 1829. MY DEAR BROTHER: Your letter of October 14th, did not reach me till several weeks after date, and since then I have been prevented from answering it by a variety of engage- ments that could not have been conveniently set aside. It is with real pleasure, and not without prayer to God for you, that I avail myself of the present opportunity to give a candid, though very brief reply to the ques- tions you have proposed, reminding you, however, not to attach too much importance to either of the opinions I may express, founded as they must be, on an imperfect knowledge of your character, yet bearing on a subject of so vast importance. THE DECISION. 117 To your first inquiry I can reply, \vith Christian sincerity, I know of no trait or traits in your charac- ter that forbids your offering yourself to the Board, nor have I learned from a recent conversation with the President, or from conversation with others at different times, that any of your acquaintance here en- tertain a contrary opinion. We cherish the hope, indeed, that if God shall grant you the distinguished privilege of preaching the Gospel to the heathen. He will pour out upon you such an abundant measure of His grace, and will so accompany your ministrations by the power of the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven, that it will not at any future time become a question of distressing uncertainty whether you had entered on the work which was assigned you by our Lord. With like sincerity I would say in answer to your second inquiry, that while I know nothing of a moral or religious nature requiring animadversion, I think it highly desirable that you should make it a constant and special aim during your connection with the sem- inary, second only to the cultivation of your own heart, to discipline and furnish your mind to the highest possible degree by laborious application and entire faithfulness in all the departments of theolog- ical study as they are there pursued. I was very desirous you should go to Andover precisely on this ground. Noplace, I believe, furnishes greater facili- ties, or lays one under a more direct necessity to cul- 118 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. tivate his intellectual powers, and on one of your age and character, I believe, also, it is peculiarly calculated to exert a salutary influence. In regard to the time of offering your services to the Board, I think the reasons you have suggested for preferring an early occasion after determining the question in your own mind, are entitled to great con- sideration. Not only will your friends become more fully reconciled to the course, and impediments of any other nature more easily and entirely removed, but your own mind will be more at rest, and your prepar- atory studies will be stimulated and modified by the habitual contemplation of the great object to which they are all subservient. Objections to this measure there may be, but I am not aware of any of a very serious magnitude. And now, my dear brother, I commend you to God, and to the word of His grace. May the great Head of the church Himself be your counselor and guide. I doubt not that you are daily at His feet, endeavoring to learn of Him. Nor do I doubt that in due time he will distinctly say to you, " This is the way." In His strength, and under His protection, may you go forth, and may His good Spirit enlighten, sanctify, encourage, and comfort you in the faithful performance of His will, whether on Christian or heathen ground. With much affection, Your brother in Christ, SOLOMON PECK. DECISION. 119 " Saturday Evening. My Qualifications is the question which to-day I have thought of considering. "Piety. This is the great thing. This is the found- ation of all. Here my wicked heart, sins of omission and of commission, want of love and faith, come up, but what have I to do with them here ? If I should attempt to enumerate them, it would keep me writing not only all night, but all my life. If I regarded these, I certainly should not go. Let me then look a little at the other side. " I can not, I will not doubt, that Jesus has redeemed, by His blood, this soul from eternal burnings. I re- joiced, when first He showed me the Father, to be in His hands, to be any thing for Him. I saw the terrors of Sinai removed. I beheld all love, all mercy. It was nothing but ' come, come' and ' take of the wa- ters of life freely.' Ever since that time I have re- joiced in Jesus. I have never for the least part of a moment doubted tha.t ' I am thine, thou art mine.' It has ever seemed to me that all I had to do was to go on and labor. I was safe with Jesus : I need not care for myself. I have, when desponding, tried to realize my hopes, but never could succeed. The voice has always been, ' Work for Jesus. He has done enough for you.' Whenever I have been down-hearted, it is because I have swerved from the path of duty ; have been un- willing to cut off a 'right hand,' or pluck out a 'right eye.' I do n't know that I have ever lost sight of Jesus, though often He has been so far distant, that I 120 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. was scarcely able to discern whether it was He or not. I have been wanting in a deep, devotional, prayerful, teachable frame of mind. The Bible, ever since I have been brought 'out of nature's darkness,' has seemed to me more and more lovely, desirable yea, I would rather read it, than do any thing else on earth. Jesus has been increasingly all my hope and desire ; just the Saviour I want, and the way of sal- vation the most glorious and efficient and desirable that could be provided. The justice of God I can rejoice in ; yea, should He send me to hell, I would still spend my breath in exalting it, and though cast away myself, would still rejoice that so many souls are saved through Jesus. My closet, especially since I have been here, has seemed more and more pleasant to me. I have often longed for the hour of secret prayer and reading God's word. I do not feel enmity toward any one, but as though I could shake all the world, high and low, rich and poor, by the hand, and hail them as brethren. I have loved Christians more than the impenitent, yet for the impenitent I have often felt distress and anguish of soul. All has been prosperous with me as yet. I can not tell what ad- versity may do. But ' Shall I bring to the birth and not cause to deliver ?' " My desires for the salvation of the heathen, and love of the work. My inclinations, my feelings, my taste, every thing urged me to the ministry. I seemed to go forward to it instinctively. Just so THE DECISION. 121 plain has been the duty, or I would rather say privi- lege (for it has always seemed to me the greatest possible privilege that could be conferred on me), to go to the heathen. It seems to be the only place for me. All the wealth of the Indies would not tempt me to swerve, though I do not know what temptation would do, if God should leave me to myself. My soul is engrossed in this. It is, and has been for more than two years, my darling object. . The fact that so many millions are perishing without the light of the Gospel, has touched a chord of my heart which only the chill of the grave can cause to cease vi- brating. But I can not express my feelings. Suffice it to say that the greatest trial that I could be called upon to endure, would be to settle over a New England congregation. Nothing but a clear conviction of duty, amounting almost to immediate revelation, could in- duce me to stay. I have often thought that if the A. B. C. F. M. will not send me, I can apply to some other Society. If none in this country will, and none in England will, then my last resource will be to work my passage out as chaplain, and throw myself on the charity of the natives in some dark corner. " Little points in my character, such as temper, etc. These I can not stop to consider. I have only to say, I see nothing in the way of my laboring as successfully among the heathen, as at home, even more so, ceteris paribus. Besides, friends whose advice I have craved have said go as Professor Peck and brother Lane. 122 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. " Obstacles in the way. There is not one, or a sign of one, that I can see. My attachments to friends and country have always seemed to me as nothing when looking at this subject. I have for two years been praying the Lord to make a clear path. So far the sun has shone in meridian splendor. My beloved father advises not, but still does not object. Indeed how could he, when he dedicated me to God's service, as a preacher of the Gospel, the night I first opened my eyes in this revolted world. I would not care if all my friends ' weep and break my heart ;' I would not care ' if there were devils in the way, as many as the tiles on the houses.' ' Talents, fortitude in danger, and perseverance in toil and hardship, habits of life, and health, are all considered in the same way. The result is summed up in the letter which follows : " Lord's Day Evening-, December 13th, 1829. Having attended at the communion table this day, and resealed my vows to the Lord, before his people ; hav- ing set apart the latter part of the day as a season of fasting and prayer ; having reviewed last week's work, and the letters alluded to ; and having again and again called upon God. and committed my way to Him, I have with much fear and trembling, on account of my liability to err, and the consequences thereof to Jesus' cause, said, ' Lord I will go to the heathen, provided thou dost not close the door. And here now, God, THE DECISION. 123 Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, I consecrate my talents, my time, my all, to carry the Gospel to the destitute heathen. May I never lose sight of this consecration. In my trials and temptations, blessed Jesus, remember I am but an 'earthen vessel,' and fulfill thy blessed promise, ' Lo I am with you alway, even to the end of the world.' Amen and amen. "HENRY LYMAN." The following letter is that hi which the decision, above recorded, was announced to his parents. The father proposed, in reply, sending it to the New York Observer for publication ; and the son consented, merely altering dates, that its author might not be suspected. No doubt there were in the original manu- script some sentences which are here wanting; but as that can not be found, we are compelled to insert it just as it appeared in print : THEOLOGICAL SEMINABT, * * * February 10th, 1830. DEAR PARENTS: I embrace the present opportunity of answering yours of the 19th ult. I have employed my leisure time the past week in considering the great question to which I have alluded in former communications, and which was the principal theme of your last letter. I have considered, "He that loveth father or mother more than me, is not worthy of me; and he that loveth son or daughter more than me, is not worthy of 124 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. me;" "and he that taketh not his cross and folio weth after me, is not worthy of me;" "he that loveth his life shall lose it, and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal;" "if any man serve me, him will my Father honor ;" also, " Ask of me and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inherit- ance, and the uttermost part of the earth for thy pos- session ;" " Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands unto God;" "the isles shall wait for His law, and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God;" " but whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, shall be saved;" "how shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed ? and how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher ?" also Christ's command, "Go ye, therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy GhosE" I have also examined, 1. The moral condition of my own country. 2. The condition and prospects of the heathen. 3. The success of missions ; and 4. My own talents, character, and feelings, etc., and I can find nothing in the way of my going to the heathen, and there spending my days in building up Christ's kingdom, unless the Lord should, in His holy Providence, place some obstacle in the way. 1. I can not here give in full my thoughts on the above topics, for want of room, and will only say con- cerning the first, our country contains only one sixty- THE DECISION. 125 sixth of all the inhabitants of the world. It has one evangelical minister to every two thousand inhabitants (and New England has one to one thousand). Its influence is on the side of piety; it has Sabbath Schools, Bible classes, etc., etc. ; and in two years the Bible will be placed in the hands of every family. Verily we may say of the United States of America, "They have Moses and the prophets, let them hear them !" But, it may be said, " allowing one minister to one thousand inhabitants in New England and the middle States, it will leave the South and West very destitute." They will not suffer, however. The country is awake to this subject, and our young men are flocking thither. In twenty years that region will be as well supplied as New England now is. Now we have no right to confine the Gospel to this little portion of the world. Christ has said, "The field is the world;" and when one asked Him "Who is my neighbor?" he pointed him to the man in want, and said, " Go and do likewise." 2. As to the second topic, suffice it to say, five hundred million souls have never heard of Jesus. Now the whole object of Christ's mission to earth was to save souls. Hence, if we are possessed of His spirit, we shall give our lives, our talents, our wealth, our all for this object. Our happiness is not here; " we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens." 3. The Success of Missions. This, and the first 126 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. topic, I have examined more critically, on account of suggestions in your letter. I find that success has, in every instance but two or three, attended them. At the Nicobar Isles and in South America the mission- aries were unsuccessful, but thousands have been hope- fully converted in Asia, Africa, and North America. The friends of missions hardly yet look for fruits of labor, on account of the time necessary to be spent in learning the languages, and translating the Bible, etc., and yet there are as many converts, on an average, on heathen ground, take the world through, to each missionary as there are to ministers of the Gospel at home, and, if the truth were known, I believe there would be found to be more. This, however, will make the numbers small when compared with five hundred millions, for there are not more than six or seven hundred missionaries in the whole world, and the number of students in this seminary now, is greater than that of all the missionaries that have ever gone from this country. Add to this the m- fluence these have over others, for we must consider half the work done in getting a footing among the heathen. Missions have raised the standard of piety at home ; have added to science and literature. Even men of this world say that "the geographical knowl- edge obtained through missionaries will repay all the lives lost, tune spent, and money expended, in the cause." Commerce, too, has been aided. In short, missions have given an impulse to science, literature, THE DECISION. 127 the arts, and the business of life, besides extending the Redeemer's kingdom, and saving souls. 4. I see nothing in my talents, etc., in the way. To be sure, I have nothing to boast of, but then some- body must go. Better men wait A poor hand is better than none ; besides, the cause calls for all kinds of men, as much as the ministry at home. Why then should not I go ? Concerning my feelings, I would say, this object has been before my mind, as much as the ministry, ever since I had hope in Christ. It has been "growing with my growth, and strengthening with my strength." If ever I have had any pleasure in contemplating the future, or enlargement in prayer, it has been concerning the heathen. They have seemed to me to be in such a wretched condition without the Gospel, that I have always been con- strained to say, "Here am I, send me." Indeed my future happiness is dependent upon going to them with the news of salvation. Their darkness and pfospects have touched a chord in my heart which will not cease to vibrate while life remains. You see that in my decision I endeavor to follow Paul's example concerning "preaching among the heathen." "I confer not with flesh and blood," Indeed why should I ? We live in an age when con- secration to the service of Christ must be so entire as not to stop for trials of this kind. We ought certainly to be willing to endure as much as the ancient worthies in the latter part of Hebrews xi. 128 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. " Shall I be carried to the skies On flowery beds of ease, While others fought to win the prize, And sailed through bloody seas ?" Think not that I have looked only at the pleasures and happiness of a missionary life. I have seemed to see myself separated entirely from the tender watch- fulness, and solicitous care, and kind advice, of my parents, exposed, perhaps, like Brainerd and Martyn, to the inclemency of a stormy night, with naught but a tree for a bed, and the canopy of heaven for a cover- ing ; or, like Judson, to prison and death, or burning sands, or driving snows, or inhospitable climes, or in- human savages yet, what of it? "If God be for us, who can be against us?" The treasure is committed to earthen vessels, that the " excellency of the power may be of God and not of us," and Christ says, " Lo I am with you alway even to the end of the world." The cause is the Lord's. It is to build up Zion, of which he has said, "Behold! I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands ; thy walls are contin- ually before me." Perhaps I may meet an early grave, and what if I should ? " It is better to wear out than to rust out." I shall soon be free from sin, and serve God without weariness and without end. Though I should have rejoiced, had Providence so ordered my lot that I could live near my parents, and enjoy their society, and do something to re- pay the immense debt of gratitude I owe to them, THE DECISION. 129 and, if I should survive them, to smooth their passage to the tomb, yet, the path of duty is too plain to be mistaken. If I regard the first passage of Scripture which I have quoted above, I shall have no hesitation in going. It is not as though I left them destitute. They are surrounded by offspring who will, probably, be more faithful in caring for them than I should. Did I say leave ? How can I leave, especially to go and endure the trials of a missionary life without their blessing ? I hope my parents will not only be willing, but rejoice to have me go, if Providence should so order it, for I have not only now made myself willing, but ready to go, if the Lord should call me. These are the feelings of Your affectionate son, HENRY LYMAN. A part of the father's reply is subjoined. FROM THEODORE LYMAN. "AMHERST, December 22, 1829. "DEAR HENRY: " I received your kind and interesting letter of the 13th instant, in which you informed us of your decision as regards your future destination. You have decided just as we expected you would, and, if the feelings expressed in that letter are yours, just as we should wish you to. Although it may be a pain- ful and severe trial to part with you, yet, the thought 6* 130 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA^ of your being in the service of our Lord and Master, in that part of His vineyard where you think you can do the most good, and where you can be most happy, will alleviate, in*a great measure, the trial. The suf- ferings of a missionary are great, especially a foreign one, yet the Lord can and will sustain you. How precious His promises are, especially those to His children, and to those who devote themselves and their all to His service ! May you always enjoy the light of His holy, reconciled countenance, and be sup- ported in all your trials, is the prayer of your affec- tionate parents." ***** " Wednesday, December \th. In the evening was introduced to the " brethren." How solemn it seemed to take the place of Mills, Hall, Judson, Fiske, Parsons, etc. There was a sacredness about it. To think I was a member of the Society which is the mother of the American Board, American Bible Society, etc., etc., branches of which are now estab- lished at Auburn and Princeton. Jesus Christ and His angels watch over it." In the " Memoir of the Life of the Rev. Dr. Wor- cester, of Salem," page 84, will be found the first published account of this Society. It is deeply in- teresting. The association was founded by Samuel J. Mills, at Williams' College, 1808. " Its record is on high." V. ill Difficult]*. But chiefly ye should lift your gaze Above the world's uncertain haze, And look with calm, unwavering eye On the bright fields beyond the sky, Te who your Lord's commission bear His way of mercy to prepare ; Angels, He calls ye ; be your strife, To lead on earth an angel's life. [ CHRISTIAN YEAR. And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. ST. PAUL. V. "!F any man will come after me let him deny him- self, and take up his cross daily and follow me," said our Lord Jesus Christ. This passage our young theological student received literally, and in attempt- ing to follow it, perhaps went to an extreme which might, in time, have seriously impaired his constitu- tion. The keeping under his body formed no small part of 'his daily efforts in the Divine life. His seasons of fasting were frequent, and one by one he relinquished the use of many articles of food to which he had been accustomed, and of which he was fond, but which he fancied prevented him from enjoy- ing the spirit he so much desired. As he had a large frame and took a great deal of violent exercise, both by working in the students' carpenter's shop, and hi walking, it is, perhaps, true that his rigid abstinence was injudicious. It certainly rendered him thin, and sometimes "wan," but however we may doubt the judgment, none can help respecting the piety which urged to such sacrifices. Nay, it is possible that some of those who so sorely dread, and so carefully 134 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. avoid asceticism a trait easier to ridicule than to imitate might be benefited by following at a humble distance the self-control sought and practiced by Henry Lyman. Fancying that "should the Board see fit to send him to Greenland," he must learn to bear the rigor of the climate, he laid aside the use of flannel. The first year of the trial at Amherst he accommodated himself to the change without difficulty. But at Andover the piercing winds had nearly proved fatal to him, until, after having suffered for some weeks from a succession of colds, he yielded to his mother's wishes, and once more equipped in warm clothing, decided that the polar regions would scarcely suit his constitution. He complains one Sunday of having slept in church, "-owing probably to excess in eating," al- though he had confined himself at dinner to "plain bread and butter." But -it will be seen that as he advanced in the conflict, these things assumed their proper place, while the strength matured by self-con- quest was most valuable. One of his sisters writes : "I well remember in one of his vacations, how much Henry talked to us about our dress, reading to us ' Dr. Judson's Letter to the Females of America on Ornamental and Costly Attire.' Every unnecessary button or superfluous bow was the subject of his ani- madversion, until one of us laughingly told him that THE HILL DIFFICULTY. 135 he was engrossing our attention with our costume, and that we had bestowed more thought upon it dur- ing his brief visit than in all our lives before. No ridicule moved him, however ; and when again we met in the spring of 1832, we were surprised to hear not one word on the old point. At length, A remarked to him, 'Henry, you do not talk so much of dress as you did ;' his reply was, in effect, this : ' No, sister, I have learned that there are things of more importance, and if the heart be filled with love to Christ, such things will adjust themselves.' ;: We resume the extracts from journals. That of January 2d, 1830, is a review of all the Sabbaths of 1829, with a memorandum concerning each, as, for example, " Anther st, March 8th. Solemn, prayerful, of course, profitable Sabbath. " Amherst, May 3c?. Communion best I ever had spirit of prayer. . "Amherst, May IQth. Good spirit of prayer, and profit from sermon. "Hartford, May 31s. But little spirituality. "Amherst, July ~L2th. Not much life In private all day. "Amherst, August 30/A. Assistance from God in the performance of duties." The whole concluded with a summary of the proper- 136 THE MARTYE OF SUMATRA. tion of Lord's days profitably, and those unprofitably spent. " Wednesday, January 20th. After breakfast, brother Thompson proposed a walk to Boston, to wit- ness the departure of Messrs. Dwight and Whitney, with their wives, as missionaries to the Armenians. I accepted the proposition, and started with him and brother Lane. I think the scene removed somewhat of enthusiasm, and presented the work more as a re- ality ; but my desire to go was" not lessened, but rather increased. I felt more than ever, ' Without me ye can do nothing ;' but ' through Christ strength- ening me, I can do all things.' " February 1st, 1830, is recorded as a day set apart by a few of the students as one of fasting and prayer on account of missions. "Have never," he says, " enjoyed so much, such a day." " Saturday Evening, February th. Yesterday and to-day have seen something of my selfishness. When, Jesus, shall I be conformed to thine image, and engrossed in thy love? In 'brethren' meeting this evening, felt that I wanted to be more entirely the Lord's, that I had not been half given up to Him, in the cause of missions. My desire this evening was, to give up all for Jesus to select some hitherto un- attempted field, and tell the church how much a mis- sion was needed there, and that they must send me and another companion, perhaps brother Lane, to es- tablish a mission there. TIIE HILL DIFFICULTY. 137 " Wednesday Evening, February 17 th. The Lord was graciously pleased to favor efforts to form the missionary brethren in our class into an associa- tion, and adjourned to meet next week in the room where the immortal Mills held all his meetings. Sacred place ! Jesus will be there, for it is ' sancti- fied and meet for the Master's use.' ' The following is an extract from a letter to a little brother : "You say you are ten years old. That is just half as old as I am. I do not feel much older than I did ten years ago. Time passes away very rapidly ; so you must improve it every day. It will only be a little while, if you live, before you will be out of col- lege. And what will you do then? I want you to come here, and be a minister. You can not tell how pleas- ant it is. I wish you would think every day about it. You will like it better than any thing else. Before you can be a minister though, you must do as it says in Deut. vi. 6 ; and in Lev. xix. 18." To another brother of about twelve years of age : * # * When you are as old as I am, you will wish you had begun now to study. But there is another thing you will wish more than this, dear brother, if you neglect it, and that is that you had begun now to love the Lord Jesus Christ. Every year you put it off it will be harder and harder, until finally you will take up with wishing you had at- tended to religion when you were young. Besides, I" 138 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. hope you will make a minister if you live long enough ; you must think about this every day, and be determined you will be a minister at any rate, and you will always wish you had become pious when you were young, so that you might have had a longer time in which to overcome the wickedness of your heart, and be prepared better to labor. " I have just returned from preaching in a confer- ence meeting, which I attend, with D. T. Lane, every Sabbath evening. We had about thirty in to-night. It is in the factory village the people rather worse than those at Shepherd's factory in Northampton. We hope, however, to do them some good. I will tell you how I have employed my time since tea last evening, which is a specimen of the manner in which I spend every Sabbath. You will see it is the most laborious day in the week. "Immediately after tea last night, I attended a prayer meeting ; after that a missionary meeting (the brethren), and at ten o'clock another little prayer- meeting up in Mrs. Emery's parlor, where I go every night at that hour to pray for a revival here. There has not been one in this place for more than twenty years. After breakfast this morn studied my Sab- bath School lesson. At nine o'clock, attended the prayer-meeting for colleges. At ten, church ; as soon as that was over, Sabbath School at the next parish two miles off We have to run to get there, and then run back to get our dinner before afternoon service. THE HILL DIFFICULTY. 139 which commences at a quarter to two o'clock. After church studied subject for the conference in the even- ing, attended there at half past six, a mile off, and was back here at eight, when I ate my supper ; and having just finished that, and having a letter to scrib- ble to , and the meeting in Mrs. Emery's parlor yet to attend, and withal, being a little tired, I bid you good night, hoping you will not forget your brother, " HENRY." "March 1.2th. A special season of prayer. I was bowed down under a sense of my past unfaithfulness, and more especially from the consideration, ' Can you be the Lord's and feel like serving Him, only when He smiles ? Can you only return gratitude for gifts ?' The natural man does this. Here I found myself in a great error. I have always thought I was doing well, because I felt gratitude to my heavenly Father for His mercies, and a desire at every new expression of His goodness to spend and be spent in His service and to do more for Him than heretofore. I should have served Him with increased alacrity when He frowned, knowing that He chasteneth for our good. Lord Jesus, my prayer is to thy throne. Make me more entirely thine. " The last thought at night and the first in the morning must be upon God, in order to one's growth in grace." 140 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. LETTER TO CHARLES LYMAN, ESQ. ANDOVEB THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, March ilth, 1830. Yours of the 8th, cousin Charles, which arrived last Sunday, ought to have received an earlier notice. It certainly deserved it. I have had not a little to do, or I should have attended to you. I spent Satur- day morning in studying Hebrew. Evening in a missionary tour in behalf of my class in Sabbath School. Visited among the rest the parents of Mrs. Bardwell, formerly of the Bombay mission; also a Mrs. Morril, who, though she has not walked a step for fourteen years, nor helped herself for half that tune, is almost in heaven, and rejoicing in the mercy God has constantly manifested to her. Saturday evening attended a missionary meeting. * * * * * Monday night watched with a man, who, though "guilty of a skin not colored like our own" was not guilty in having neglected his Saviour in health, and is rejoicing in Him. On the verge of Jordan he fears no ill. His "rod and His staff" they comfort him. It was a room about fourteen feet square and seven high, warmed by a little sheet-iron stove, being not only the nursery, but the parlor, kitchen, sick- room, in short all the rooms they had in the house ; for it was the house itself. In it was a boy of twelve years, sick in another bed with the measles, and beside THE HILL DIFFICULTY. 141 the child lay the man's mother, while under the table a dog slept. Yet the Lord I trust was there. I made out, by dint of a little fire and two windows partly open, to keep the air tolerable. * * * Yesterday evening visited an old saint whose years numbered upward of threescore, who has been con- fined two years with the dropsy, and with whom the Saviour has deigned to hold constant communication, "except" as she says, "when a dark cloud comes across for a few moments," although she can not boast of a white skin or immense riches. This morning, imme- diately after study, an interview with Mr. Anderson of the missionary rooms, who is up here with his drum, beating for recruits. The receipt of your " old bachelor's present" caused me to rejoice and weep ; rejoice, that the Lord hath hitherto helped me ; that He has raised up so many who take a deep interest in my welfare, that His mercy has constantly attended me ; weep, because of my unfaithfulness and hardness of heart, and blind- ness of mind, and unwillingness to serve Him and to be all the time at the foot of the cross, learning of Him and obeying all His commands. All I can do is to praise God for His grace. It is all of grace. I can see nothing, which ever I have done, or tried to do, that has given me the least claim. Oh ! do not forget me when at the throne of mercy. The reason why I have not advised with you on a subject involving such momentous consequences as 142 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. the choice of my field of labor, you have stated in your letter. For my views, etc., I refer you to the New York Observer y February 17, the day on which I last wrote you. The letter, as you will see by the style, was not prepared for the public eye. I wrote it one night two or three hours after I ought to have been sleeping, but as father expressed a wish to pub- lish it, I did not object, hoping the Lord would do good with it. Besides, it would save me the trouble of writing some things again to my friends. You are at liberty to put it into the hands of any one who cares so much about me, and so little about the Lord as to object to my going, and if that won't satisfy them I will take the trouble to write to them. There are facts enough on the subject to answer any man who will be converted by reason. Tell there is no need of his fears : I know of naught but the Holy Spirit that has ' prejudiced 1 me thus to decide. Ever since I indulged the hope that I was Christ's, you have seen that it has been uppermost in my mind. ''Journal, March 27/A. Two more arguments for the heathen ; the first drawn from Luke xiv : 15 24. When proud sinners reject the Gospel, as here in this country, then it is our duty to go out into the 'highways and hedges' (i. e., heathen lands) and compel the poor starving souls to come in. Sec- ondly, we can not expect, even if we keep our young Tv>or, ^ *"VIA till there is one minister of the Gospel ' THE HILL. DIFFICULTY. 143 to every hundred souls, to do away with all error and sin. It will abound till the millennium comes. That will not come in this country first. No. it is not possible that we should have an entirely holy people while all the rest of the world lies in the grossest darkness. ' A nation shall be born in a day.' It will come over all the world at the same time, but it must be gradual all over the world, i. e., the Gospel must be introduced gradually. Bibles can not rain down, neither will the Holy Spirit without the Bible. It is not to be accomplished by miracles. The heathen must have a preacher. He must preach. Christians must send him." The following entry is interesting as our first intro- duction to Henry Lyman's colleague and fellow martyr. " April 4:th. Interesting conversation with brother Munson on the subject of missions on our way to Sabbath School." Mr. Munson the next year became the occupant of the same rooms with Mr. Lyman, replacing his be- loved friend Maxwell. Those familiar with the course of the Secretaries of the A. B. C. F. M. know something of their care and pains in the selection of missiona- ries, and of the wisdom displayed in their designation to different fields of labor. Rarely however has more discrimination been shown than in the arrangement which united these two brethren. It was the delight of the younger man to honor his senior. He con- sidered Mr. Munson' s talents superior to his own, 144 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. and his diligence in study greater. This is perhaps the most suitable place in which to introduce a sketch of this valued associate, and we take the liberty of extracting one from the much admired pen of Dr. Cheever. as given in the ''Missionary Memorial."* "The conversion of Samuel Munson took place at nineteen years of age. He was born at New Sharon, in the State of Maine, IP the year 1804. He had been left an orphan at ten, but had been religiously instructed by parents, both of them the subjects of the grace of God. His native qualities were a win- ning frankness, sweetness, and cheerfulness of temper and disposition, a kind and sympathizing heart, joined with a quiet decision of character, an accurate judg- ment, and great perseverance and patience in the application of his powers. He was modest, unassum- ing, and conscientious; and his religious character, developed in his college life at Bowdoin with beauti- ful harmony and consistency, manifested the traits requisite for a patient and devoted missionary. " He received his theological education at Andover. From the outset his attention had been turned, through the whole of his religious experience, to the work of the Gospel among the heathen ; but jus.t before enter- ing on his theological course, he seems to have received a new impulse in the same direction, by a missionary sermon preached to the students at Bowdoin College * The " Missionary Memorial," by H. W. Fierson. New York : Harpers. THE HILL DIFFICULTY. 145 by the Rev. C. Stewart from the Sandwich Islands. His career of study at Andover, and of progressive intellectual improvement, was thorough, systematic, and, at the same time, more varied than usual. The development of his piety continued, as from the first, deep, earnest, habitual ; and his intentions toward the work of foreign missions were constantly ripening to an intense, unalterable, determination. Yet he analyzed with great care his motives, his feelings, his views, and was anxious to admit nothing merely imaginative, but to be filled with the sense of duty, and the love of Christ. The year after leaving Andover, he studied medicine in Boston and Bruns- wick, in order that he might go forth with a fuller and more abundant preparation for usefulness among the heathen. His sermon, before embarking for the missionary field, was from Acts viii. 4 : ' There- fore they that were scattered abroad went every where, preaching the word.' It was published by the American Board as one of their missionary papers. " Its author had been made by the Saviour to drink deep himself into the spirit of primitive Christianity, and, like the early disciples, he went forth on no romantic expedition, nor with any fitful or transitory impulse, but in the solemn and habitual dedication of his whole life to the service of his God and Saviour. It had not been without great struggles that he gained his education ; hardships had to be borne, difficulties 7 146 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. overcome, strong faith exercised ; and from the outset his heart had been set on the work of missions." The entry of April 19th, shows us the reason for Ljman's minute watchfulness over his conduct. " Evening very unprofitably spent. -My levity has been returning to-day. It may do for others to associate together and talk about this and that, but it will not do for me. My heart is still so prone to every thing that is light, vain, and worldly, that I injure the cause of Jesus. Watch, my soul, watch and pray. " Friday, 23d. Attended yesterday an ordination at Billerica. Had good missionary talk by the way with brother Munson, and good season of prayer in the woods." EXTRACTS FROM A LETTER TO D. S. WHITNEY, ESQ. " I was sorry you allowed your train of thought on stability and principles of action to be interrupted by the thought that you were ' addressing one studying for the ministry, and drawing his knowledge from the fountain-head.' Such advice from Christian friends is very much needed. The more the better. The dangers incident to a student's life are greater here v than in college, for this reason, that in college we always put ourselves under restraint while reading profane authors, and pursuing studies merely of an intellectual nature, while here we feel a licence to give ourselves up to them, arising from the fact that THE HILL DIFFICULTY. 147 they are connected with the Bible. Now, the Bible can be studied like any other book, without in the least affecting the heart. So notwithstanding I am at Andover, I have not got out of the way of a wicked heart, the world, or the devil. Notwithstanding I am 'drawing from the fountain-head' (of sacred liter- ature), I am not the less in want of good, plain, Christian advice, warnings, reproofs, exhortations; and I trust my dear uncle will still continue to point out those landmarks which he has set up in passing over the ground, that one just commencing the journey may be enabled to stefcr clear of diffi- culties which otherwise might give him great trouble. ' ' You say I did not ask your advice as to giving myself up to the A. B. C. F. M. I am sure I asked and received advice last fall before I left home. But then, if I did not, what more do I want to know than { whether there is any thing in my character objec- tionable ?' If there is nothing, what right have I tor stay at home ? That the call of the heathen is great- est is beyond all dispute. The only questions are, Am I willing to go ? and then, Is there any thing so ob- jectionable that the church can not place confidence in me ? However, ere this you have, doubtless, learned my determination from father. In this determination I grow stronger and stronger every day. I long to be off. However, if I am wrong in my decision, my daily prayer is that my eyes may be opened. 148 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. " Give love to grandfather, aunts, to C., etc. I shall not, probably, see N. H. till fall vacation. "Your nephew, "HENRY LYMAN." " ANDOVER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, April \th, 1830. " FATHER, MOTHER, SISTERS, BROTHERS : " I am very well, and hope these few lines will find you ditto. This I write to all as a sort of apology for not showing my face in the midst of you the coming vacation. I do not remain here because I have forgotten you, or because I do not love your company as much as ever, but because I have some- thing else to do beside visiting. It will, probably, not be a great while before I am separated from you for- ever, and I must get broken away from home now. I have often, especially within these two . or three weeks past, imagined to myself the shaking of hands, and hugging, and kissing, and cordial welcome I should meet with ; and even have seemed to see S. running out with the question, ' Brother, has not the chunk* come ?' And I have let my mind run on till I have almost felt your hands and heard your voices, and seen your glad countenances, but when I awoke from my reverie I found myself still at Andover. However, if I get too lonely and low-spirited, you may possibly see me pop in upon you some evening with my pack on my back. * The child's mistake for chum, three years before. THE HILL DIFFICULTY. 149 " But, though far from home and my family, I am not yet away from friends, for a merciful Providence has been kind in raising them up for me here. I have sometimes thought my heavenly Father wanted to show me how much mercy He could bestow upon a great sinner ; that He wanted to contrast my wicked- ness and ingratitude with His mercy and love. Bound- less mercy it is ! Boundless love it is ! Should we not consecrate soul and body to His service, all that we are, and all that we have, for time and for eternity? I have half a dozen invitations from families here, to drop in as occasion offers and take tea with them. Then I have to visit my Sabbath class at the west parish. I shall have conference-meetings in abundance to attend, as but few students will remain. I shall visit Newburyport, shall spend part of a week at Salem, and anniversary week at Boston. The rest of the time I shall prob- ably board myself. I find I can live on bread and water night and morning. I have drank milk all winter, till a few weeks past I have come down to cold water, as have some thirty or forty of the students on account of the injurious effects of tea and coffee, and no one can tell how much better we feel. " I have likewise given up the use of butter, which is also injurious to the system. But you little ones are all ready to laugh at Henry's nonsense, and in- quire ' How do you get along ?' Why, I never en- 150 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. joyed my breakfast and supper so much in my life, as now, eating bread and drinking water. You can not only get along without these, but your health will be better, your life be prolonged, and you will be hap- pier. But that is not all. You can give the money these things cost to send the Gospel to the poor pagans. I suppose you know that while you are en- joying your tea and coffee, a great many children in Asia are thrown by their parents into the sea, or to the wild beasts, or out into the streets. The parents think it is right to do so, and that it will carry them to heaven ; and all this is because they never had the Bible to teach them about God and Jesus. ***** " April IGth, 6 o'clock A. M. Have just returned from Prospect Hill, an eminence about two miles from the seminary, from which there is a fine view, extending about a hundred miles to the north, forty west, and bounded by Salem and Boston on the coast. Our object this morn was to see the sun rise. As he came up out of the ocean, the waves began to change their blue, until they became so bright that we could distinctly see them run." * * * The letter continues in journal form to a very great length. The preceding letter to his family brings into view the young student's vacation employments. His ex- cursions and journeys were almost entirely pedestrian ; THE HILL DIFFICULTY. 151 and this for two reasons, the one economy, and the other preparation for the tours in a foreign land which might be necessary. A little note-book, a few inches square, carried in his pocket, received the jot- ting down of his doings. On the fly leaf was written, as was the case with all his later journals, 600,000,000 ARE PERISHING ! ! ! Calvary. This last word was added for the first time in May of this year. He often walked between forty and fifty miles a day. Sometimes a friend's house would form his home for the night. Some of his entertainers re- member well the fervor of his prayers in the family. As he trod his solitary path, the wayfarer who joined him had a word in season given him, and a tract was offered to those who would receive it. " The solitary place" was his Bethel. We have already seen his friend Munson and himself turning aside into the woods for communion with God. Another of his most tenderly attached friends reminds him in a letter of their social prayer on the top of Mount Monadnock. Many a pine grove has added to " its soft and soul- like sounds" the murmur of his intercession for perishing sinners. Many a stately tree has been the witness of the young missionary's wrestling with God for grace to fit him for his work. 152 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. When the time of Henry's probable arrival at home, on foot, was known, his little brothers would surprise him with the horse and wagon at the last vil- lage on the route; and glad indeed was the dusty, weary traveler to avail himself of the services of even the old horse whom he boasted of outwalking. How well the younger members of the family recall the watchings at the window, the running to the gate, when, all fatigue gone in a moment, Henry would spring from the carriage, and with one on each side of him, and "little Helen" in his arms, stride up the front yard to meet his father's welcome, and his mother's kiss. How joyful was the greeting, how pleasant the chat, how great the astonishment of the "tinies" to see "brother" refuse mother's dainties, and take a bowl of bread and milk, resisting even the tender, "My son, after such a journey, do take a cup of tea." They saw, too, their brother's unremitting atten- tion to their parents ; and though the cause might not be quite comprehended, they could perceive that their father's step seemed lighter during Henry's visit. The skill acquired in the seminary workshop was exercised in constructing a box for his mother's hydrangea, or he trained her honey-suckles, and weeded her flower beds. One of the four fir-trees is still standing which he set out before the house, turfing a little mound around each. Heartily did the youngsters reciprocate Henry's regrets when the vacation did not take him THE HILL DIFFICULTY. 153 to Amherst, for in nutting or berrying, fishing, skating, or sliding down hill, he was a delightful companion, while the lessons, above all that for the Sabbath, were by his aid rendered easy and pleasant. In -the spring of 1830, stern self-control kept the student at the east. We read of his day of fasting and prayer for direction as to his vacation; "a good season of prayer with brother Schauffler before setting out;" of his accomplished visits, and his self-chidings for neglect of duty, and levity of manner. On his return to Andover, another day was set apart for devotion in view of the coming term, feeling it a "bounden duty to keep heart, mind, and body in such a state as that I can improve to the utmost the ex- alted privileges I here enjoy." Some of his errors of last term he attributed to his "want of decision." Then he guards himself against neglecting his studies from indulging his feelings. "I must," he says, "improve every lecture, and make the most of every recitation. No slight thing must prevent thorough hard study every day." " Wednesday, June 8th. Have had many good seasons of prayer with brethren, as one after another they have returned and called at my room : but still have wanted the constant 'hungering and thirsting after righteousness.' Faith has been wanting. Faith, my want of faith ! ! Had my feelings called forth to-day on the subject of missions. It seemed to mo 7* 154 THE MAKTYR OF SUMATRA. as though I was away from home till I set my foot on pagan shores." But later in the season, and most unexpectedly to him, a family meeting summoned Henry home, and the following letter to his sister is the first written after his return to the beloved seminary : . PART OF A LETTER TO HIS ELDER SISTER. "ANDOTEII THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, June 21lh, 1830. " DEAR SISTER : "I left home as you know, ere you had ceased giving a little more ' sleep to your eyes, and slumber to your eyelids.' though not till the sun had for some time illuminated ' Pleasant Valley' with his life-giving beams. I labored under a very great depression of spirits all the time I was with you. The cause I suppose to be as follows : I started after a long con- finement in my room, over my books, and traveled fifty miles the first day, and nearly forty the second, both as hot days as we have had this season. Add to this, the anxiety to get home which prevailed in spite of me and the change of diet, which produced a little fever. I was not myself. I wanted to speak of a thousand things and ask ten thousand questions, but I did not feel like saying any thing to any body. However, I saw that you were alive and well; saw how you looked as a mother, and how I looked in the capacity of uncle ; and if I did not add any thing to the pleasure of the family meeting you must take the THE HILL DIFFICULTY. 155 will for the deed and hope for the future. I started, as I before said, low-spirited; but in the afternoon having again entered upon my exercise, and cold water system, I began to brighten, and had half a mind to return home and finish my visit. However, duty constrained me and kept my face like a flint eastward till I arrived at Stirling at half past seven o'clock, having traveled the distance an hour and a half quicker than ' Old Graves'* did when we came down last fall. Thursday morning started at half past four o'clock, and arrived at my room (by way of Concord, forty-eight miles), at nine o'clock hi the evening. Took my last morsel of gingerbread the second day at noon. Cost of journey back, fifty cents." EXTRACT FROM A LETTER TO AN AUNT. August 19th, 1830. " I was at Boston three weeks since at the embarka- tion of the missionaries for Bombay and Bunnah, Messrs. Hervey and Read. As you have ere this seen an account of the exercises, I will only say that I was one of the thirty who accompanied our beloved breth- ren and sisters nine miles down the harbor. They were full of joy and gladness at the prospect of being privileged to carry the Gospel far hence to the heathen. When we left the ship I took Hervey's * An old horse. 156 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. hand. Said he, ' Good by, or rather good night, for we shall see each other again in the morning !" My only regret on parting with them was that I could not accompany them to the end of the voyage. Yes, I was ready to bid a last farewell to the shores of New England. Witnessing their departure divested the subject of enthusiasm, and made it appear more a reality. But the nearer it comes to reality, the more the spirit is willing to go, though the flesh shrink the more." The journal says : " I sorrowed most of all, not that they were to leave me, but that I was to leave them and return to New England. * * * " Left Boston at five in the evening, accompanied by brother Parker ; * attended monthly concert at South Reading, and arrived (at seminary) at half past one on Tuesday morning ; and well paid too for the night's work, for I never attended a better concert. The Lord sanctify it to those present. " September 1st. A brother yesterday remarked that you could not go into a house within five miles of Middlebury but what every old woman knew and would talk about the influence Fiske and Parsons ex- erted on them, and they made their labors in vacation tell. As for me, I am such a sinner that the Lord never has, and I don't know that He ever will, let me * Probably Rev. W. Parker, missionary to the Sandwich Islands. THE HILL DIFFICULTY. 157 do any thing whereby any would remember me as the means of their spiritual good. All my vacations have been, and are likely to be, spent in inglorious sloth. "September 17 th. Last night sinned very greiv- ously in conversation with two or three. I told over some of my former life, and especially some few of my evil deeds, in a boasting way. What ! boast that you had served the devil ! What ! tell the devil's subjects how cunningly you used to work, that they may learn from your experience ! And all this when you are a sworn enemy to the father of lies and all his host of myrmidons ! Had a season of sorrow, bitter sorrow, ere I gave myself to sleep. ' ' Motto for vacation : ' Seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness.' " November 23c? - Birth day. How solemn the thought, I am this day to be turned over from boyhood to manhood. Yes, J have at last arrived at the turn- ing point. I stand to-day balancing on the line of demarcation traced out by the world. My imperfec- tions for past years, I have cloaked under my youth, but thanks to God that can be no longer. However I may look upon myself in future, my fellow-nftn will regard me as a man. They will expect from me the actions of a man. I am then to consider this day what boyish things to renounce and what character- istics of manhood to assume. It has seemed to me of late that my habits were rapidly forming. To what then have I been prone in times past which 158 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. should now be corrected ? It seems to me all my habits have been forming according to the state of my heart. I wish then to attend solely to the condition of my heart this day." Then follows a long self- examination. TO CHARLES LYMAN, ESQ. AKHEEST, October^ 16&, 1830. DEAR COUSIN: I arrived at the family mansion Tuesday evening last, in two days from Andover on foot, where I found yours of September 24th. containing sundry valuable papers, and Thursday found at Northampton an epistle bearing date October 9th. It is needless and impossible for me to express to you the obligation under which I feel myself laid. Suffice it to say, I will endeavor ever to bear in mind that you have consecrated this -portion of your sub- stance to the Lord, and not to Henry Lyman, and my prayer is that I may be made more holy and be enabled to live according to the increase of my responsibilities. * * * v erily, your Society are doing well in the tract and education departments. But, dear cousin, wherefore raise up more. ministers to send abroad, when the A. B. C. F. M. must withdraw some of their missionaries, and break up some of their stations ? I, last Thurs- day, attended the anniversaries of the Hampshire county benevolent associations, and there heard, not THE HILL DIFFICULTY. 159 for the first time, a great cry as of much distress, lest these United States of America will not be sup- plied, every family, with a Bible " within two years," and lest every individual in the Mississippi valley will not have a tract placed in his hands in the course of six months ; and lest every five hundred inhabitants in the western wilds should not have a minister, while the claims of the world are passed by in com- parative silence. To see all these home operations carried forward would rejoice my heart and lead me to say "I thank thee, Father, Lord of heaven and earth." But what if it should be even six years before every family in this Protestant land should be supplied? What if it should be a year before a Sunday School should be established in every hamlet in the west ? What if every individual should not receive a tract ? Would it greatly retard the great movement ? Would it dampen the ardor or diminish the faith of him who is praying, " Thy kingdom come?" Christians of our land seem to feel so; and all the charities of this Christian country have been for the past two years flowing into her own bosom. But the stream which merely flows back into its own fountain, can not widen and deepen in its course, and increase as it proceeds, till it grows into a mighty ocean covering the whole earth. I believe that Christians must not neglect that ascending com- mand, attended with the ascending promise, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every 160 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. creature" "and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world." The American Board comes short in its receipts this year $20,000, and taking into account that it ought to have increased $20,000 upon last year, we have a deficiency of $40,000 in the receipts of this corner-stone of benevolent Societies the one, and we may say the only one, founded directly in obedience to the last command of Jesus, our Saviour and Redeemer. And ought these things so to be ? Shall Meigs, or Poor, or Richards, or Temple, or Smith, or Dwight, or Read, return? Shall a school be given up, and the half-reclaimed idolaters be suffered to return to their images or superstitions in Bombay, or Ceylon, or the Sandwich Islands ? Shall the press, which is teeming with its thousands of Gospels and of tracts, scattering light and heat through the dark domains of sin, and infidelity, and paganism, be stopped at Malta, or in that nation which is just emerging from idol worship, and where forty thousand pupils in the schools are crying for "books, books?" Yet this must be done or the Christian public must pray more at the monthly concert, must pray more in the family, must pray more in the closet, must contribute more of their substance to this work, must labor more to save the heathen. Talk about withdrawing aid from the old stations ! Every people under heaven, except the Mohammedans, is now in a state for receiving a mission. The voice of God in His providence is say- THE HILL DIFFICULTY. 161 ing, "Go forward, go forward, go forward,' 1 and yet we are going backward. Do we in thus doing look unto the great "Captain of our salvation?" The disciples did not stop to convert every soul in Jerusalem, although they were there to begin to preach, before they proceeded to another city. Paul did not stop short of Rome. Jesus Christ confined not his labors to the Jews, his own countrymen, and shall we see every soul in this land converted before we go to the heathen ? Will the millennium come here while all around are the habitations of sin ? No. no. Let us plant the Gospel standard in every nation, and let us go to work to convert every soul in every nation. But I am filling up my letter with what you no doubt already know and feel. Forgive me for so doing. You see by the appearance of it that it has been run off from my brain without form or comeli- ness in its eagerness to escape. All well, and unite in love. Yours truly, HENRY LYMAN. EXTRACT FROM A LETTER TO MRS. C. " I suppose you have heard from Amherst since I left, which was three weeks since. I performed my journey home on foot in two days, and back again, walking nearly all the way, in the same time. I walked last vacation about two hundred and fifty 162 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. miles, and rode one hundred and fifty : the latter, however, was the hardest part. When I go to M., if ever I do, I shall try walking. I can easily travel forty miles a day. " To-day has been a fast in the American churches on account of the profanation of the Sabbath. We have of course observed it in the seminary. It seems to me, the week, in spiritual things, is according to the Sabbath. If we slight the Lord's day, woe be to our souls for the remainder of the week ! I felt the want of Sabbaths very much last term.* I used to go to Wilmington Saturday evenings, six miles, to superintend the Sabbath School there, at noon, and in the afternoon go to Reading, two miles, and hold a conference in the evening. But my school closed last Sabbath, and I shall now have only to see to the con- ference, which will be sufficient, as there seems to have been a little increase of attention within a few weeks, and we are looking to see the ' little cloud' come in sight. Pray for us, dear aunt. It is a desolate place, and the inhabitants scattered, yet eighty or ninety impenitent come together every Sabbath evening to hear what I have to say. Last Sunday was the most interesting service we have ever had. Private Christians hardly realize how much * Is not this a want which many Christians feel now? Sabbatli schools, tract distribution, and public worship, so engross their time as to compel them to acknowledge that " Sunday dawns no Sabbath day to them." ED. THE HILL DIFFICULTY. 163 they enjoy in having holy time quietly to themselves as hearers. The influences of the day are almost lost to preachers I mean that profit arising from medita- tion." The next letter which will be given is a family one, too long to present in full. Some extracts follow : "ANDOVEB THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, November 18th, 1830. "BELOVED PABENTS, BROTHERS, AND SISTERS: " Four weeks have now elapsed since I left home. However long the time may seem to you, to me it is but a dream, yet, many and many a time have my thoughts been hovering over the family mansion, endeavoring to conjure up in my mind your looks, and words, and actions. And I have not unfre- quently found myself conversing with some one or more of you, although a hundred miles separate us. I have loved to indulge in these illusions, as they have carried me home, or brought home to me. " * * * As my stay among you last vacation was so short, I suppose you would like to know what I did with my five weeks. So I will endeavor to let you a little into the mystery, premising, however, that if you are likely to weary before you have waded through my ponderous tome, you had better commit it to the flames ere you begin ; as a story half told is just no story at all. 164 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. "Well, to commence. It was on 'Thursday, Sep- tember 23d, that the cage was set open, and we had to try our skill in obtaining our own food. It was a joyful, yet solemn, day to us all. We were, to be sure, freed from a four months' confinement with the patriarchs, prophets, sages, and fathers, who have successively appeared, added one or two to the -rays of light given to illuminate the moral, intellectual, and spiritual darkness of our world, and then laid aside their tabernacle of clay, and wended their way upward, to commence their existence as disembodied spirits ; yet, we were to go forth among those who were looking to see 'the sons of Levi' purified from the world, and ' fervent in spirit, serving the Lord.' We separated, one to the north, and one to the south ; this one to the east, and that to the west ; one to join the domestic circle, another to enjoy a tete-a-tete with , who had been anxiously wait- ing for the dawning of the long wished-for day, while another, perhaps fatherless and motherless, friendless, houseless, penniless, entered upon this or that sphere of labor to replenish his exhausted treasury, and gratify the feelings of a benevolent heart. " A few, unwilling, or unprepared so soon to ven- ture forth upon the wicle world, lingered about the now deserted halls. Among these you might have seen Maxwell and his chum, for on that morning, ere / O7 the sun had gilded the eastern sky, they were busy as ants and gay as larks removing the household stuff THE HILL DIFFICULTY. 165 from their last year's residence to a more commodious and pleasant situation. But methinks that little black eye looks up and says, ' Mother, I wonder what kind of a room Henry lives in at Andover ; is it just like this ?" If it will be any gratification, I will describe it and let you see how comfortable AVC are, and how much reason we have to thank our kind heavenly Father for temporal mercies. Our study- room is almost as large as ' Pleasant Valley' parlor, handsomely furnished, on the lower floor, facing the west, and supplied with a good stove. On the right of the fire-place is a book-closet, containing our libraries, except those volumes in daily use, which lie on our desks : on the left is a large closet containing wood, lamp, washing apparatus, etc., etc. On the north side of the room are two sleeping closets. The furniture consists of a complete fire set, two desks, four chairs, a bureau, and a looking-glass. These rooms are thus comfortably provided through the benevolence of ' old father Bartlett.' * * * "I, as is my custom, went on Saturday afternoon to Wilmington, and so on Sabbath morning I set off for meeting in a drizzling rain, shielded, however, by Dr. B.'s surtout. But this mile-and-a-half walk was almost in vain, for I found only twelve people at church, and one boy at Sabbath School. "* * * Lodged at a house which, like many others in this vicinity, was ' anti-masonic,' or in other words, destitute of lath and plaster, and overhead but 166 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. a single floor. I slept in one of the lower rooms, which was used as kitchen, drawing-room, dining- room, parlor, bed-room, and china-closet, and the young man, his wife, and two children, were over- head. And here was the benefit of the one tier of boards between us. Had it not been thus, I should have been deprived, yes, utterly deprived of the cheering music of one of the little folks, to keep alive my spirits, and wile away the tedious hours of night ! ! " November 2Qth. Morning came at last ; the cock crew, the day dawned, the sun rose, not, however, till I had been braced by a warm breakfast, and had made half an hour's headway toward the sea-coast. Arrived at Salem (fourteen miles) at 10 A. M. The road is like all other roads that are not specially interesting." We omit the description of Salem and Marblehead, with a journal of visits. " Returned after dinner by way of N. Reading to Wilmington, and arrived at Dr. Brown's about eight o'clock. The next morning attended a church con- ference at Woburn (seven miles). Four churches were represented. The meeting was very solemn and interesting. * * * Returned same night to Wilmington, to Mr. . After joining the old gentleman in a flowing bowl of baked apples and milk I sought to take rest in sleep, and found it amid a pile of feathers up garret THE HILL DIFFICULTY. 167 " Awoke bright and early Thursday morning, par- took of a plentiful breakfast, left this hospitable man- sion at eight o'clock, visited all the school districts in town, set half a dozen ladies at work collecting money for the enlargement of our Sabbath School library, and arrived at Andover about half past seven, having made about twenty miles. " Friday, October 1st. At four P. M. started for Wilmington. Took tea at Dr. B. 's, lodged at Mrs. E. 's (twelve miles). Mrs. E. is the mother of Mrs. Allen, missionary to the Choctaws. She is a pious, devoted, intelligent, energetic, benevolent, go-forward woman ! Sabbath morn attended meeting, afterward started for my conference (three and a half miles) ; supped at , and after conference rode home part of the way, and arrived at nine o'clock, having be- guiled the tediousness of the latter part of it by transporting myself on imagination's wing to ' Plea- sant Valley.' " TO CHARLES LYMAN, ESQ. ANDOVER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, December 2d, 1830. DEAR COUSIN: As this is the evening of a Thanksgiving day, and I have had occasion to call to mind the temporal mer- cies of the past year, I could not but remember those who have been the second causes in bestowing these blessings. And I must give up to my own feelings 168 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. and devote a few minutes to one who has had not a small share of the burden to bear. I have just come out of the meeting of the Society of Inquiry. The dissertation read was on "Thibet and Lamaism." What a picture of sin does that re- ligion present, and how wide-spread its ravages! Two hundred and fifty millions, or one third of the human family, bow to a fellow-man, and worship flesh and blood like their own, believing it to be inhabited by the omniscient, omnipresent Jehovah. ' ' Kings are his nursing fathers and queens his nursing mothers." As for the number of his servants, or inferior Lamas, they are as numerous as the locusts of Egypt, and no less voracious. Twenty thousand reside on the holy hill, on which his royal temple is built. There is one to almost every family throughout *the whole of Thibet. There are one million in China, and they are not less numerous in other parts of Asia. The King of Burmah annually contributes to the support of these temples more than eighty thousand pounds of silver. Crowned heads fall prostrate before the Grand Lama, and all in authority bow themselves nine times in the dust when they approach into his august presence. But enough, for you have doubtless read the history of this abominable idolatry. Two thoughts irresistibly urge themselves upon my mind. First, we must emulate the heathen in our self-consecration to our religion and worship of the true God. Sec- ondly, we must do more for the salvation of a world THE HILL DIFFICULTY. 169 lying in darkness that can be felt, horribly felt, painfully felt. Let the pagan world be divided equally among Christians, and every Christian has seventy-five souls for whose salvation he is to pray and labor. Let one missionary be sent forth to every twelve thousand heathen, and fifty thousand ministers are needed. What is to be done? One is almost led to cry out, Lord, hast thou promised, wilt thou not fulfill ? A door of entrance is opened into al- most every country on the habitable globe. Even the lofty wall of China begins to totter. But the American Church, which God seems to have raised up to do this work, is asleep, or nearly so ; I mean the great body of it. The Board must drop their schools or withdraw some of their missionaries, when the increase of their funds ought to be going forward in geometrical ratio. Twenty or more in this school of the prophets stand ready, as soon as sufficiently fledged, to fly to the utmost verge of day to tell the sto- ry of Jesus. But, alas ! because some have ' ' kept back a part of the price" they must tarry at home, or, at least, spend a portion of their precious time to solicit aid to embark from their native shores. We pity the heathen, and wonder at their feasting on the bodies of their fellow-men. Let us rather turn our thoughts homeward? Do not Christians sometimes, I will not say feast on their fellow-men, but RIOT ON THEIR SOULS? How many thousands of dollars were needlessly wasted in this and the neigh- 8 170 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. boring States last week !* Would that I could ask some thousands of Christians, Will you sell the soul of a fellow-being for a plum pudding ? But these things are no doubt inscribed in glowing colors on the walls of your closet, and I am wasting time and paper. Messrs. Tinker and Dibble, of Auburn, destined for the Sandwich Islands, preached here last Sunday with very happy effect. Quite a library was collected for them the next day. Last Sabbath brother Schauffler, who graduated last fall, and is residing here another year to fit himself further, to carry the Gospel to the Persians, preached all day on "the duty of Christians to consecrate their property to the Lord." Last evening we had an uncommonly inter- esting monthly concert. Revivals were reported from almost every part of New England and New York. Reports from all the missionary stations encouraging. We are endeavoring to live more temperately in this evil world. At the commencement of the present term the brethren voted the following bill of fare for commons hall : Breakfast, porridge or warm milk and bread, with baked apples. f Dinner, one dish of meat and vegetables water for drink. Supper, same as the morning, except butter in place of baked ap- ples. No pies, puddings, cakes, tea, coffee, sugar, * At the annual "Thanksgiving." f Many a student of Andover will smile as this excitement is thus recalled to him. THE HILL DIFFICULTY. 171 molasses, cheese, or butter, except at night, or any other article of dyspeptic food is now admitted. A few, who are disaffected, and can not give up the flesh-pots of Egypt, have gone out to board, where they can get something besides "this manna ;" but we trust the King will find at the end of the term that those who have "lived upon pulse" are "better favored" than all others. As to spiritual things, our meetings have not been so full, nor solemn, nor interesting as now, since I have been here. I believe there is more real closet religion than last year. Yet how far are we off! How far am I, for one ! My easily besetting sin is, giving way to appetite. The more I fight against it, the more it seems to rage. All effort seems vain. I have been almost ready to exclaim, What profit is there in prayer ? I thought to-day I would try a new way : think no more about it, try to do the work the Lord has given me to do, and let Him take care of my ap- petite. Is this right? Were you ever assailed on every hand by so powerful an enemy ? If so, how did you manage him? " Pilgrim," as his last resort, betook himself to "the weapon called all-prayer." You speak, I believe, in one of your letters, con- cerning the Roman Catholics, or infidels, or at least uncle L does. Now the only way to get rid of this host is, to send missionaries abroad. Satan needs no effort to keep quiet possession of the heathen world as long as Christians are inactive ; and, having 172 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. nothing to do there, he comes into our very camp to give us battle. Let missionaries go forth, and attack him in these secure retreats, and he- will soon be alarmed, and draw off his forces from this country, in order to maintain his cause abroad. The world will never be converted so long as we attempt to drive out the prince of darkness from one spot, while all around is his own. No, we must scatter the heralds of the cross from the Arctic to the Antarctic, " from the rising of the sun, to the going down of the same." We must scatter his forces as much as possible, and with the Lord's help, we will make him an easy con- quest. Pray for the world. Pray for your COUSIN HENRY. TO HIS FATHER. December 29th, 1830. DEAR FATHER : I read yours of December 6th, with mingled pain and pleasure pain, that you have had so much trouble with your worldly affairs, and pleasure yes real heartfelt pleasure it gave me that your afflictions have been sanctified to you, and especially that this latter trial has proved for the furtherance of your growth in grace. * * * But the word of God speaks more than I can ex- press concerning sanctified affliction. I will here note several texts, which I would write out fully had I time. Job v. 17, 18 ; Ps. xciv. 12, 13, cxix. 67, 71, THE HILL DIFFICULTY. 173 75; Prov. iii. 12; .Horn. v. 3; 1 Cor. xi. 32; 2 Cor. iv. 16, 17 ; Heb. xii. 6, 11 ; Rev. iii. 19. I have long felt much for you under your multi- plied troubles. I console myself with the reflection that this life was not made for us all to live peaceably and smoothly in. It is but a state of probation. Trials must be looked for, expected. Indeed we ought and do pray for them every time we pray to be made more holy and more conformed to the image of God. I often wish I could be afflicted in some way, so that my pride would be abased, and my depravity subdued. This accursed pride is stubborn. It will not be brought into subjection by kindness and mercy. These only feed the flame, and cause it to burn the fiercer. I feel as though I must have some sore chas- tisement or other before I can be useful in the vine- yard of the Lord.* Our cares and our troubles we can not manage ourselves. The Lord is ready to take them; and "we must walk by faith, not by sight." " Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee ; He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved." Lam. iii. 33 ; John xvi. 33. I should be glad to pursue this subject, but am obliged to desist. * Mr. L. forgot that our Saviour's prayer was, " Sanctify them through thy truth; thy word ia truth." ED. VI. r & i tt t i n . Within this temple, Christ again, unseen, Those sacred words has said ; A.nd his invisible hands to-day have been Laid on a young man's head. And evermore beside him on his way, The unseen Christ shall move, That he may lean upon his arm and say, " Dost thou, dear Lord, approve ?" LONGFELLOW. For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ. ST. PAUL, VI. THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, ANDOVER, January IQth, 1831. DEAR COUSIN CHARLES: I have been employed, during the past six weeks, in investigating " The Condition of Females in Hea- then Countries." I finished my dissertation of forty-six pages yesterday, and expect to read it before the Society of Inquiry next Tuesday evening. Although it has been laborious, having been obliged to visit Boston, and ransack book-stores, and the library at the rooms of the A. B. C. F. M., and to neglect all my correspondents, yet it has been profit- able to me. I was never before so fully convinced of the woes and miseries of paganism. I have been fully confirmed in the missionary faith. I have also found that facts fully substantiate the latter part of the first chapter of Romans. The women are, of degraded tyrants, the more degraded drudges. They are as debased as the African slaves. Nay, more, they are as impure as impurity itself as immoral as the imagination can conceive. As for virtue, it is an unmeaning term with them. I might relate facts 8* 178 THE MARTYR OP SUMATRA. which would make decency blush, and debauchees of Christian countries hang their heads. This we might expect from the ignorance in which they are kept. A mental " darkness that might be felt" is extended over them : not one in a million can either read or write. In such a state of things do we wonder that the mother can stifle the cries of her prattling babe in the river, or expose it to the beasts of prey, or dash its tender head against a stone, or, with her own cruel hands, draw its flowing blood, or check its gentle breath, or stamp its little body under her feet, or cover it in the cold grave while yet it is screaming for protection ? In such circumstances are we amazed that she prefers for herself the flaming pile or the living tomb rather than drag out her miserable exist- ence on earth? Again, she has nothing to dread hereafter. She is taught either that she has no soul, or that such a death is the certain and only way of insuring heaven for herself or her husband. Then follow these deluded creatures into eternity. But enough. I can not longer dwell at this time upon this interesting, though horrible subject. I have only one inference to draw. How shall I, in view of this subject, and of the judgment-day, when I shall meet these wretched idolaters, answer the question in your last, "What think you?" (concerning a Congregational church in T.) Shall I say, "Go forward, and draw away a missionary from those stations?" If so be that THE ORDINATION. 179 Christ is preached, what matters it whether it is by Presbyterians, Congregationalists, Baptists, or Meth- odists ? Go to one of the anxious sinners by whom you are surrounded, and ask him whether he was convicted under the preaching of a Presbyterian or a Congregational minister. Would he not say, " 0, tell me what I must do to be saved." And in full view of the danger of sinners, of death, judgment, and eternity, ought we not to be snatching them as brands from the eternal burning ; and worship with whatever denomination of real Christians there may be in the place where, in Providence, we are located. If you have room for all church-going people, this is all I have to say in answer to your question. Providence permitting, I may possibly have occa- sion to visit Troy during the spring vacation. My present intention is to take an agency for the Mis- sionary Herald, and spend five weeks in getting my soul more enlisted in this glorious cause. A happy New Year, and much love to all the friends. From your affectionate COUSIN. . TO A YOUNG SISTER. "ANDOVER, January 2lst, 1831. # * * Were you to sit down to the examin- ation of a difficult sum in arithmetic you would give up your whole mind to it. You would be free in 180 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. your thoughts from other things, ready to receive the truth as soon as you had finished. So must you receive Divine truth. You must be willing to be convinced of your sins." The considerations urged in the following letter to D. S. Whitney, Esq., are not now less important than when they were written : " I suppose you and others about you have your eye on the day of fasting and prayer for colleges which is approaching. It will be an interesting occa- sion for Zion, no doubt. An immediate supply of ministers we must have. For them we have nowhere to go but to the youth in our colleges. The Lord has heard the prayers of His children for this object in days past. His ear is not now heavy, nor His arm shortened. A revival of religion in college why, what is it ? Twenty, thirty, or forty young men are sent immediately to the theological seminary. Old Christians are revived, and the hopes of the church are raised, which gives her an onward impulse. When a young man in college hopes in Christ, the question arises, ' Lord, what wilt thou have me to do ?' He has no property to consecrate. Nothing is left him but his education. He says, l Lord, here am /, send me? He does not then go out to scatter fire- brands, arrows, and death through the land. He goes, in the name of Jesus, to win souls to Christ ; THE ORDINATION. 181 those win others. He also, perhaps, leaves behind him a ' Dairyman's Daughter,' or a ' Rise and Prog- ress,' or a ' Saints' Rest,' which tells upon distant nations at remote ages. Amherst has now (1831, it will be recollected.) five foreign missionaries in the field, two of whom loved not Christ when they entered college. She has also forty of her sons at this sem- inary, one fourth of whom first learned the language of the upper world in college : one fourth of them design to spend their lives among the heathen. " Indeed these are the fountains which send their streams over the earth. Shall they leave traces of devastation in their course, or shall they fertilize all around, and make the earth what it should be, the garden of the Lord? Let us pray for the salt of Divine grace to be cast into them that they may be for the healing of the nations. "Love to all at grandfather's. I often think of him these cold days. How does he stand the winter ? "In haste. " Your affectionate nephew, "HENRY LYMAN." ANDOVEB THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, February, 28th, 1831. DEAR SISTER: It is needless for me to say, I was gratified exceed- ingly at receiving your dateless letter in the family package. Especially did it rejoice my heart, that you expressed yourself so freely concerning your feelings 182 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. on the subject of religion. And now you wish me to answer it immediately, and tell you "what to do." I might reply by asking, Why come to me? Why not go to your Bible, the only sure guide to heaven ? I might tell you to follow the apostle's direction to the trembling jailor, when he asked the same question: "Repent, and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." This, you say, you know already, but "do not know how to set about it." Now, how can you set about being sorry for any thing ? What does the seventy- seventh Village Hymn 'say? What says the fif- teenth of Luke ? How did the prodigal son set about being sorry for what he had done ? Did he sit down and reason with himself thus ? How shall I be sorry ? How shall I feel my sin more ? I do not yet feel it enough to want pardon from my father ? No ; he did not stop for this. He was starving ; and he says, Why need I starve when there is sufficiency in my father's house? No, "I will arise, and go to my father, and say, I have sinned, and am no more worthy to be called thy son." He thought nothing about making himself better before he went. He felt his sin. made confession therefor, and "his father had compassion on him." So in your case, you can never make yourself better more acceptable in the sight of Christ if you pray and read your Bible all your life. You think these would be the means of your feeling more your sins ; and if you could only feel, THE ORDINATION. 183 then you could come to Christ, and He would accept you. .But, dear sister, you never can make yourself better never can merit salvation. Bead Village Hymns 43, 44. "Stop, and think," then, what is your condition. You are a sinner against an infinitely holy God, and an infinitely merciful Saviour. You are every moment in danger of being cast into the lake " where the worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched." Still there is a heaven of everlasting happiness in store for you, and sovereign mercy is calling yet with open arms, " Come unto me, and I will give you life." Think what it is to be lost and lost forever. Think what it is to glorify God and enjoy him forever, then arise, and go to Jesus, con- fess your sins, and throw yourself upon His mercy. If He has compassion upon you, give Him the praise ; if He casts you off forever, acknowledge His justice in so doing. You have no merit, no claim. If ever you are saved, it will be by infinite mercy in Jesus Christ. Remember, "I can but perish if I go," and "if I stay away, I know I must forever die." You are looking too high. You think you have some great work to do before you can have salvation. Lower then your views, simplify them, bring them down to the level of the Gospel, and trust in Christ. There is a high wall which you are endeavoring to climb over ; and all you want is to creep through a hole there is close to the ground. To repent, is to come to Christ and acknowledge your sins ; to believe 184 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. on Him, is to resign your immortal soul into His hands to be at His disposal, believing that He Avill do that for you which will be for His own glory. If this letter finds you still at enmity with God, let me beseech you, dear sister, no longer to delay this. Every thing is at stake. This world is all a shadow and vanity ; in a moment you will be at the judgment, where no one but Jesus can be your friend : and oh, what if He should be your enemy ! Your brother, . HENRY. In April, Henry received from his father a letter full of thanksgiving. A powerful revival, which commenced in Northampton under the pastorate of the Rev. I. S. Spencer, had extended to Amherst, and two of Mr. Lyman's children were rejoicing in Christ. There are many who recollect the manifest- ations of Divine grace at that time, when, in numer- ous places, the whole population seemed with one con- sent to turn to the Lord. These were chronicled by the young student, in his letters and journal, with ex- ultation, while he was unceasing in his efforts to stir up others to pray for those in preparation for the holy office ; as, for example, in the following extract from a letter to D. S. Whitney, Esq. : " I hope, too, you will remember this seminary. Do Christians generally, in our country, feel the need of being muck in prayer in behalf of the ris- THE ORDINATION. 185 ing ministry ? We must at any rate have a purifying in this fountain, or- we shall send out a lukewarm stream one neither cold nor hot-^one which shall not refresh nor purify. There have been revivals of God's work in other theological seminaries of our land, and we have been passed by. If we can not pray for ourselves, ought not the Church to make prayers without ceasing unto God on our behalf." As a manifestation of Christian love in giving and receiving reproof, the following notes are introduced. They were written about this period. HENRY LYMAN TO * * * MY DEAR BROTHER : Christian faithfulness is a virtue in which we are all wanting, especially in reminding one another of little things, easy to be corrected, but which, left to gain the power of habit, will prove, in a greater or less measure, an obstacle to our usefulness as ministers of the Gospel. I fall short in this thing myself; no more, however, than others do in their duty to me. If I now take the liberty to mention something I have noticed in you, which,. though small in itself, I am confident in some circumstances of future life, might, in the more refined part of the community, excite pre- judices against you which would be remembered even when in the sacred desk, I hope you will be as free with me in detecting any little irregularities of a like nature. I have reference now to table etiquette. 186 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. Your own good sense will preclude the necessity of any thing other than this gentle hint ; still, as I have commenced, permit me to mention two or three things I have observed, such as helping your neighbor to meat with your own fork, when a carving fork was at hand, cutting vegetables with your own knife, stick- ing your own fork into two or three pieces of meat before being able to suit yourself, reaching over your neighbor's plate, etc., etc., etc. Allow me one further remark, hoping still it will be received in Christian kindness. We are all prone to take care of self. I feel this in my own case every day. Some have much of this, but so manage them- selves as not to have it appear to their neighbors. Others are not conscious of loving self too well, who still so conduct as to carry the appearance of it. I hope in your case the manifestation is the result of heedlessness. I refer to appropriating this or that particular thing to yourself, without regard to mess- mates. I am aware this is a point in which most, if not all of us are prone to err in " Commons Hall," but if we could only bring ourselves to observe the precept, " Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself," it would give us true politeness at all times. I hope you will be as faithful to me, and receive this in Christian love, from your brother, HENRY LYMAN. THE ORDINATION. 187 FROM * * * TO HENRY LYMAN. DEAR BROTHER LYMAN: Your letter was received as a kind and friendly admonition. I must commend you for your Christian fidelity and return you my hearty thanks. In regard to those who give me friendly hortations, I feel my- self bound to adopt the language and sentiment of the apostle in 1 Thes. v. 13. I am ever grateful for any suggestions which will tend to my improvement, either as a gentleman or a follower of Christ. When such suggestions seem to be prompted by a Christian spirit can not receive them otherwise than with kindness. Your remarks in regard to " table etiquette" in general I feel to be just, and my irregularities such as require correction. I am aware that my manners at our Commons-table, have often been unseemly, and unlike the manners of polite circles. It has arisen partly from inadvertence or heedlessness, and partly from a habit brought from college, where little other ceremony was used, than that of helping one's self as well as he could. At first I was disgusted, but soon fell in with the customs of the Commons- table. This, however, I do not offer as the least apol- ogy, but it tends to show the power of habit, and the importance of avoiding such things at all times, in all seasons, and in all places. For had I always been careful, it would have cost me less attention to be so 188 THE MAKTYR OF SUMATRA. now. It is with me, in this matter, as it is with some swearers, who can easily refrain from oaths while in serious company, but among their companions throw off that very necessary restraint which they ought always to wear. I do not so sensibly feel your re- proof in regard to "taking care of self," as I do in respect to the others named. Nevertheless, it may have seemed so to others, if not to myself. I hope I shall in future avoid not only the sin, but even the appearance of it. I trust also that I shall give good heed to your friendly suggestions and receive more of them when it shall seem to you that occasion requires ; not only in regard to " table etiquette," but on any other sub- ject. We should all, I believe, make more rapid im- provement, and eventually be far better ministers of the Gospel, did we faithfully follow the injunction of the apostle to "admonish one another daily." Had your letter breathed" any other than a Christian spirit. I should not probably have received it kindly. Let brotherly love abound, and instances of Christian fidelity be multiplied between us, and around us, and believe me Yours in the purest bonds of Christian love, FROM A LETTER TO MRS. C. " November 30^/i. I am now in the midst of writing my first sermon, and have chosen that precious THE ORDINATION. 189 theme which occupied the pens of the sacred historians and prophets ; which inspired Israel's bard and stayed the heart of the Gentile apostle ; which caused the morning stars to sing together for joy, and now leads heaven's holy choir to one united, universal symphony of praise the love of Christ. It seems almost preposterous to one who knows nothing of this love to attempt to speak of it. I fear I may be-little the subject. Still who can forbear making this the theme of his first discourse? Who that is privileged to stand up before his dying fellow-men, a herald of salvation from God, can avoid commencing his proc- lamation with a theme so commanding, so enchanting, so infinite ! Truly, if one can not speak well on this subject, he is fit to speak on none ! I think a plain and obvious inference from this subject is that Chris- tians should be ready to perform any duty their Lord may assign them ; however small, however great. They should especially do all in their power to spread abroad a knowledge of this love. Christ's love to man forbids every thing like selfishness. A benevo- lence higher than heaven, deeper than hell, longer than the earth, and broader than the sea, glowed in the breast of the Son of God. This same spirit in kind is implanted in every one of Kis real children, and in degree according as they are more or less con- secrated to His service. How then can they help laboring to disseminate this love and to bring others to a knowledge of this salvation ? 190 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. " 0, aunt, how long shall it be ere we are able to give up all for Christ ? I say give up ALL ; not keep back a part of the price. How long ere the church will rejoice that they may have the privilege of con- tributing of their substance; of pleading in their closets ; of giving up their friends, or of going in person, that salvation (0 the joyful, joyful sound !) may be proclaimed to the poor, benighted, ignorant, deluded, earth-sorrowing pagan ? " Let us say with the sainted apostle, ' The love of Christ constraineth us, that we henceforth live, not unto ourselves, but to Him who died for us and rose again.' Whatever work the Lord has for us to do, ' Here we are, send us,' should be our language. We may in doing so be called to forego the gratification of self ; but what of it ? Can He not, and will He not make us more happy in a course of self-denial for His sake than in the possession of all earthly good. the stings of a guilty conscience ! the blessedness of a ' conscience void of offence towards God and towards man !' Give me the latter, and come life, come death, I care not, for then I shall be ready at any time to ' depart and be with Christ' where I shall see as I am seen and know as I am known. " 0, dear aunt, there are few privileged with the blessedness of being constrained by the love of Christ. It is but a few who have the luxury of doing good. The world knows not of it. If, in the Providence of God, we are permitted to be of the number, let THE ORDINATION. 191 us do with our might what our hand findeth to do, for the night is approaching when we can not work." ANDOVER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, December 21st, 1831. DEAR SISTER: I hope the extreme frosts of the winter do not have the tendency to pinch the soul. They certainly will not if you do two things, viz. : pray much, and read your Bible much. I suppose you have begun the Christian life with a resolution to be a whole Chris- tian or none at all ; of course you have learned to pray. Prayer is, indeed, the Christian's soul his life. The 289th Village Hymn expresses what I wish to say of the utility of prayer especially the second verse. But I will mention one thing for which I wish you to pray : that God would show you something of your own heart. You are but little aware what a sink of pollution that is. You are sanctified, if at all, but in part. There remains yet very much depravity to be rooted out, which can only be done by Divine grace. You should also pray much to be kept from temptation and to be preserved in the hour of trial. Then it is that the Christian is proved whether he is the child of God or not. If he can not resist sin, and is not inclined to look upward whence cometh help, how can he believe himself such ? In reading the Bible look much to God for the holy Spirit to enlighten your mind. . (See Luke xxiv. 45, 192 THE MARTYE OP SUMATRA. and Acts xvi. 14.) If you read any books besides the Bible for your spiritual growth, you will find none to exceed John Newton's works, Hannah More's, Baxter's ' Saints' Rest,' and ' Pilgrim's Progress.' These bring out the heart more, and better detect its deceitfulness than any others with which I am ac- quainted. Aim not only to keep along respectably in a profession, but to go forward and set an example. Never let another's failings be an excuse for yours. Always be in the habit of reproving sin whenever you see it. Be determined, whatever others may say or think, to be an active Christian. Resolve you will never leave a person you meet without their feeling that you have been with Christ. Always endeavor to introduce religious conversation, and always sup- port others who do. Much more I would say, but good-by, and the Lord bless you evermore. HENRY. ANDOVER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, January 3lst, 1832. DEAR SISTER HELEN : Though you are " the baby," you have grown so large by this tune that I suppose you will not like it if I do not send you a letter as well as the rest of the girls. Father wrote me that you were very sick and the doctor did not think you would live. This made me very sorry, because I thought if Helen should die I should never see her again in this world, and could not give her a kiss when I get home the next time. THE ORDINATION. 193 So I went away by myself where nobody could see me but God, and prayed to Him that He would spare Helen's life. But this was not all. I thought if she should die now, what would become of her afterward, for she does not love the Lord Jesus Christ ? So I prayed more and more that the Lord would make that sickness the means of leading her to the Saviour, so that she might always afterward love God while she lives, and when she dies go to heaven and live for- ever and ever, with her father, and mother, and sis- ters, and brothers. Now, the reason, my dear little sister, why God sent this sickness upon you is, that you do what dis- pleases God and He, in this way, has been punishing you, to keep you from doing these bad things, and to make you love Him all the time ; just the same as father does. You know when any of the children do what he thinks wrong, he punishes them so as to make them remember to obey him. He never does it because he likes to see them suffer pain or to hear them cry. It always gives him more pain than it does them, but he must do it for their good to make them better. God does not love to give pain to any of His creatures. He takes away the property of some, and sends sickness upon others in order to make them love Him ; for every one that does not love God does wrong. God sent sickness upon you to make you love Him, and to pray to Him every day. I want to have you think of this. You can begin to 194 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. love Him now a good deal better than you can by- and-by. You should go away by yourself and pray that He, by His holy Spirit, will show you what to do, so that you may love Him all the time, and may not do any thing else that will make Him displeased with you. I can not now write any more. Though you can not answer it now, I hope one of these days, if I live, and you live, after I go across the great ocean, that you will write me many long letters. From your affectionate brother, HENRY. EXTRACT OF A LETTER TO D. S. WHITNEY, ESQ. "ANDOVER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, February 4th, 1832. " * * * I am more and more impressed with the necessity of a thorough preparation for the ministry ; not in mind only, but also in heart. A minister, above all men, ought to be dead to the world, and have entire control over the things within ' that Avar against the soul.' I despair of ever doing this. I sometimes think it my heaviest curse that I was so profane and dissipated before the Lord had mercy on me and snatched me ' as a brand from the burning.' These sinful habits which have become so firmly inwrought with my constitution, are a continual occasion of my falling. I begin to see and feel a little the force of what you and aunt H. E. urged so continually upon me the first vacation after I indulged THE ORDINATION. 195 a hope in Christ (though at the time I saw no occa- sion for the caution), viz., that the Christian's life was a continual warfare. I begin to find it a terrible contest. Sometimes, e. g., by a day of fasting and prayer, I am enabled to get away from the world, and all appears vanity. I feel willing to resign all to Christ, and to trust entirely in Him. In an un- guarded moment, however, I find myself again in- volved in sin. and my heart is polluted, my conscience is defiled. And so it is, up and down, up and down, all the time. At times I am almost discouraged ; but a momentary glimpse through the shepherd's glass,' toward the celestial city, inspires fresh courage, and I try to move on again. My life seems to be a con- tinual round of promising, and breaking promises; and, what is worse than all, I do this directly in the face of motives which I urge upon the sinner, and think sufficient to take from him all excuse. "Must this be so always? In what way can the heart be purified ? How caji we lead a devout,' holy life all the time?" "April 22c?, 1831. Christian self-denial con- versed upon. I have in days of yore been very fond of purchasing little knick-knacks, and the habit still remains to some extent. A brother, after the meet- ing, mentioned that my example had eased his con- science in the same things in several instances. The Lord save me from this and every evil practice, 196 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. and help mo to be ' an ensample to the flock' in all things. "June 4th. I do a great deal of injury to my fellow-students and get still more by so much light and trifling conversation. Let my theme, then, be for this term, ' Christ and Him crucified? Let me speak if it be but 'five words' in the language of Canaan, rather than a great many ' in an unknown tongue.' " June 20th Evening. Blessed be thy name, 0, thou chief among ten thousand, l and altogether lovely.' How glorious it is, once in awhile, to break away from earth, and feel a freedom with Christ, a freedom in prayer. It is like the rising of the sun in a cool, clear June morning, after a week's easterly storm. It diffuses a joy and serenity through the whole frame, and seems to compensate fully for the days of darkness. 0, for a childlike, humble spirit, that will take hold of Jesus, and with filial confidence look up and say, ' My Father,' in all times of ap- parent darkness ! " June 23d. The apostles could not face death in the cause of Christ till the Comforter was sent ! So it is now. Without the Spirit of Christ, man can not face a Felix and an Agrippa. With the Spirit, ' Come life, come death, I am for Christ.' So is a man's courage according to the degree of the influences of the Spirit in the heart. How important that I be diligent and earnest in cherishing the secret influences THE ORDINATION. of the holy One, and avoid every thing tending to drive Him away ! " June 24/A. It is one thing, I found last evening, to talk about Christian self-denial, and another thing to practice it. It is no self-denial to do this thing or that thing, because it suits our taste, though it may appear self-denial to others. It is no self-denial to give up a thing because we have an aversion to it, though it may appear so to others. Doing real good to others, and in order to it, denying one's self, is denying self. Overcoming a fit of drowsiness or lazi- ness, in which we love to indulge, while the fit is yet upon us ; this is denying self. "August Qth. I would this morning devote a few moments to a consideration of the manner in which Fiske and Parsons lived in this seminary, in order that I may ascertain wherein I can do better than hitherto. " The first thing that meets my eye from Parsons is this : ' When I walk with my fellow-students I would have devotional and interesting subjects employ our time.' (1st ed., page 47.) Again. (page 48) : 'It shall be my constant prayer that I may be preserved from wicked conversation, from the appearance of vanity before my fellow-students.' What a depth of piety runs through the whole of Parsons' journal, while a member of this beloved institution. What fervor of soul he ever manifested ! What an entire consecration to God is apparent! What a constant 198 THE MAKTYR OF SUMATRA. meditation on heavenly and Divine things shows itself! Did Parsons live thus ? Was this the breathing of his soul? 0, how small does it make me appear! How does a perusal of his life cause me to shrink back from the bright light which shows me so clearly my own darkness ! I would fall down, down, down into the lowest dust. Do I number myself among the children of God ? Have I a part in His love ? and is that love shed abroad in my heart ? When it operates thus upon another, why is it so weak in me? 0, the depth of my depravity I 0, the hardness of my heart! Dear, blessed Saviour, come take possession of thine own. Come fill me with thyself; make me holy. 0, I have but a spark of grace. " February 8^, 1832. I have this day accepted the appointment of the A. B. C. F. M." In reply to the Secretary's announcement of this fact, Henry Lyman writes : " In accepting this appointment, I do it with trem- bling, yet willingly, joyfully; for while a great treasure is to be committed to an earthen vessel, it is a consolation that God has so ordained it, ' that the excellency of the power' may be of Himself, and not of man. The addition of my influence in the ciuse, I feel to be less than a drop to the ocean; yet siuh as I am, I have consecrated all unreservedly to this work. So clear are, and ever have been, the convic- tions of duty, that I can say, ' Woe is unto me, if I preach not the Gospel' to the heathen. I do most THE ORDINATION. 199 earnestly request that the committee, in assigning my particular field of labor, will weigh well my im- perfections, and send me with some one in whose judgment I can place confidence. My desire is to be of the greatest possible benefit to the souls of dying millions, whatever of toil or suffering may attend it. I feel as though to accomplish this, I ought to have an associate of age and maturity of mind to whom I could look for advice, although I have laid down the principle in every question of duty, however trivial, to look first to the Lord. "In thus surrendering unconditionally my future location, in the vineyard of the Lord, to the com- mittee, I do it, not because I am indifferent and care- less on the subject, but from a conviction that they are better qualified to judge, and will give, if called upon, sufficient reasons for the assignment they may make ; and, with earnest prayer to the Holy Ghost, that He Avill so guide them in judgment that the great- est glory shall redound to God, I subscribe myself "Yours respectfully, "HENRY LYMAN." In the spring of 1832, Mr. Lyman visited his sister in Montreal, preaching, and delivering his address on the Condition of Females in Pagan and Mohammedan Countries, as he had opportunity. Forty-two times was this thrilling display of the degradation of woman repeated before he left America. And there was 200 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. need of it. The state of the heathen was not then so thoroughly known as it is now. Twenty years have so multiplied books, tracts, and newspapers, that the necessity which then existed for such an array of facts can scarcely be comprehended by the rising genera- tion. Nor was Lyman alone in such efforts. The missionary brethren, then at Andover, were instant in season, and out of season, in diffusing information concerning the fields they were to occupy. Thus they became "known by face to the churches," and a mu- tual interest was established. The following extract of a letter will show the ar- rangements for the winter : TO CHARLES LYMAN, ESQ. ANDOVEU THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, July 27 till nation after nation shall see the light of salvation, and rejoice in the hope of the glory of our God. Dear brethren, who go to Siam, and sisters also, T think the Lord will show you there how great THE MISSIONARY HOUSEHOLD. 297 things you must suffer for His name's sake. Jones, who has gone there, has been deeply afflicted by sickness, but the Lord restored him, and he is able to restore you and to preserve you from the heat, and the moisture, and the vapors of that climate. The Lord of hosts go with you the God of Jacob be your refuge. There lie the remains of poor Mrs. Gutzlaff, whose heart was so set on coming into China with her husband that when it was thought she ought not to go, she replied that then she should die. she knew that she should die. And she did die before he went. Her prayers remain yet to be answered, and may prepare the way for you there in Siam. Will those of you who remain in Batavia study the Chinese language? Mr. Medhurst is so good a Chinese scholar that some of the best assistance may be had there. But in all these matters I will not presume to say any thing. But permit me to add my most hearty welcome to you, and thanks to Almighty God who has inspired your hearts to re- member these populous nations, and who has watched over you, and brought you thus where Satan's seat is. I view it as indicative that in the mind of the Lord there is more good in store for these our degraded fellow-men. 0, if the Redeemer's heart is now fully set upon the renovation of these nations, we shall see change after change, and all conspiring for the fulfill- ment of His gracious plans. 13* 298 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. Though I have welcomed you in so paternal a style, yet the term of my residence here has been but one year. Let me introduce myself. I am now in the service of the A. S. F. Society, at the post of Canton, with the ultimate hope and design of trans- ferring myself to the missionary service. How much brother Medhurst has suffered in Bata- via, and been impeded in his work by unholy Chris- tians, no one else can fully appreciate. Bridgman is well and busy, and very useful. Dr. Morrison is feeble : I think he never will do much more work in his shattered body. His son is increasingly active and useful. Give my bachelor welcome to your beloved part- ners ; they are the first American females who have come so far eastward, solely for the Lord's work. I think there will "once," as Gutzlaff says, be room for them in China. Yours very affectionately, EDWIN STEVENS. X. Gales from heaven, if so He will, Sweeter melodies can make On the lonely mountain rill, Than the meeting waters make; Who hath the Father and the Son May be left, but not alone. Sick or healthful, slave or free, Wealthy or despised and poor, What is that to him or thee So his love to Christ endure? When the shore is won at last, Who will count the billows past ? KEBLB. Surely the isles shall wait for me. ISAIAH. Ix. 9. X. THE true missionary work of the young brethren was now to commence. Like the apostles of old they were to go forth in their Master's name. Nor did they proceed blindly. Well did the little household feel that an unhealthy climate, a perilous voyage, a fatiguing journey, were not the only dangers to be encountered, and heart-rending and solemn was the farewell. what an hour was that when the last adieu was spoken, the last embrace given! With what sickening hearts the poor wives sat down to their lonely meal, or knelt at the family altar ! The household band was broken. Would it ever again be united? The island of Sumatra stretches along, on the west of the peninsula of Malacca, from which a nar- row strait separates it. Its beauty of scenery and of vegetation can hardly be exaggerated. The flower- scented breeze warns the voyager of his approach to its shores, and the agreeable impression is not re- moved by a closer inspection of the land. The inhabitants of the coast are principally Ma- lays. Those of them who are not pirates, are the 302 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. most trusty people on the island, and even with re- gard to piracy, it is more than probable that much which is so called is but savage revenge for the out- rages of Europeans. The native Sumatrans are, in general, mild, peaceable, and forbearing, except when roused by vio- lent provocation. Then their anger is implacable. Their only beverage is water. Their diet is mostly vegetable, and though they will kill a fowl, or a goat for a stranger who lodges with them, they rarely par- take of it themselves.* They are devoid of cunning, yet endued with quickness of apprehension, and a good degree of penetration and sagacity. On the other hand, the Sumatrans are described by the same author as indolent, addicted to gaming, dishonest in their dealings with strangers, regardless of truth, servile, filthy in their apparel, and improvident. The island is divided into several small kingdoms, and the habits and customs differ somewhat in the different tribes, of which the Batta is perhaps the most interesting. Large and populous as are their villages, the earth brings forth abundantly for all their wants ; while cattle, pigs, goats, and fowls are in the best condition, and without number. They have manufactures of cotton and silk, and are, in the main, a simple, inoffensive, and happy people. They believe in three gods : one above, one in the air, one below, but they offer no petitions, and pay no * Anderson's " Sumatra." THE BATOB GROUP." 303 adoration. Their only worship is beating a drum. When they die they believe they shall become ghosts. But one dark stain rests upon this fair picture. The demon of war rouses into malignity this other- wise gentle people, and whenever a captive is taken, a feast is celebrated, at which his flesh is devoured, while his skull is suspended as a trophy in the house of his captor. Such is human nature without the Gospel. Such was the tribe to whom Munson and Lyman were to go. The Dutch have settlements on the western coast of Sumatra at Padang, Palembang, and Bencoolen, and not far from these lies a long chain of islands to which the attention of the missionaries was to be first directed. Afterward they were to return and explore the country of the Battas. We shall endeavor to select from the journals what- ever is of special interest, and of the few letters written, omit only such parts as are repetitions of others. Each day, according to an agreement with his be- loved mother, Henry read the text in " Daily Food," so that the same portion of manna supplied each. And at family prayer the two lonely wives read by agreement, the same Psalm which was sustaining the faith of their sea-tossed husbands. Mr. Lyman writes : "Monday, April 1th. Embarked on board the Diederieka Captain Townsend, for Padang. In looking forward to this time, I have had some anxicm forebodings as to the future, and even the startling 304 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. question came up, Can I leave my family ? But the Lord happily brought me to a full and entire acqui- escence in His will, in a way peculiarly His own. A few evenings since, a thunderbolt broke so near our house, that the sound seemed to catch my attention, before the flash, and with a startling crash such as I never before heard. It brought home to my mind with such force the power of the Almighty, that it was His to take life, even when we might be dwelling under the same roof, and to preserve it, even though we might be exposed to the ferocity of wild men and wild animals, that I fell like a little child at His feet, and have since felt naught but a perfect acquiescence in His will on the subject. I have rejoiced that my name is written in heaven. And truly I can say when the time of separation came, I seemed to lean on the promises, ' As thy day is, so shall thy strength be ;' ' Lo I am with you always,' as one would lean on the arm of a friend. I thought I could say with all my heart, if I must return and find my wife in the grave, ' Thy will be done ;' or if I must be sacrificed to the un- tamed passions of cruel men, or to the ferocity of wild beasts, ' Even so, Father, for so it seemeth good in thy sight,' shall be my language. Still hope has not deserted me. I had not rode a mile toward the ship, before I began to say, ' Only six months more, and I hope to be restored to home.' " To separate from one's family, and plunge still deeper into the depths of heathenism, is quite another THE BATOE GROUP. 305 thing from leaving home, to go on a foreign mission. Still the great God can, and will protect. He who could open the Red Sea, stay the flames of the fiery furnace, and shut the mouths of lions, can now do the same. So 'I will not fear what man can do unto me.' 'If God be for me, who can be against me?' " Tuesday 8th. We weighed anchor this morning, and with a gentle breeze, soon left the shipping of the roads far on our stern. It is encouraging to reflect that as the sails are filling with the breeze, to bear us on our perilous and responsible enterprise, the friends of Christ are assembling in our native land for united prayer to the God of missions, thatf He will prosper those who are laboring in foreign lands. And we, too, are especially remembered by some, because of the reference which our labors have to the cause of God. To move out of the harbor under the prayers of the church is indeed animating. ' ' We find our accommodations good in the extreme, if we except the annoyance of cockroaches, ants, and centipedes. But alas ! I am not on board a temper- ance ship. At eleven o'clock the old square bottle is brought out, and I must witness the same scenes that I might have done formerly in my native land. All on board have their allowance of arrack, except the convicts, twenty-five of whom are here in chains. " Tuesday night we passed Angier, and are now, Thursday, in sight of the coast of Sumatra, and 306 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. fifteen miles from it. It is an even highland, without any mark to guide the ship. "April \\th. To-day and yesterday have been reading 'Landers' Expedition to Africa.' I could not but reflect if these men were willing to undergo so much for the sake of benefitting science and obtain- ing their wages, shall I shrink back when my object is to benefit the soul for time and eternity ? No, no. Blessed be God if I may be ' counted worthy to suffer for His name.' If I am never permitted to return and reap the reward of my labors here, by seeing the kingdom of God established among these people to whom I am sent, while in this world, yet I know in whom I have trusted, and in eternity all will be seen to be right. " Our passengers consist of a lieutenant in the Dutch service, a French Catholic infidel, and a young man in the employment of government. "We had this evening quite an interesting dis- cussion. The lieutenant had read Voltaire ten times, but the Bible not once, because he was not allowed by the priests to do so. With him it was ' all a lie,' ' on the same footing with the Koran,' etc. He is very much of a gentleman, and stated his objections with a great deal of apparent honesty. I endeavored to answer them at some length, although I regretted that my limited knowledge of Malay, in which lan- guage only we can converse, prevented my presenting the arguments as clearly as I could wish. THE BATOE GROUP. 307 " But the most convincing argument in favor of the Holy Scriptures as being what they profess to be, and that which I have often found most successful with skeptics in New England, was the incomparable excellence of their doctrines and precepts, and their tendency to make society better, as well as the lives of those who adhere most closely to their precepts, particularly as manifested in their benevolence. "It is a lamentable fact that infidel books are abundant in India, having been brought out and sold at auction at just sufficient to cover the duty. Who will try the speculation of sending in the same way a cargo of Bibles ? " Saturday 12th. This afternoon we drew near the coast, and most beautiful was the scenery. A tier of hills two or three hundred feet in height, sometimes rising abruptly from the ocean, at others with a gentle slope, interspersed with woodlands or cultivated fields, was overtowered by others, some of them deserving the name of lofty mountains. Floating along their blue sides, or resting upon their summits, were light, fleecy clouds, sometimes heavy enough to resemble a newly-fallen snow-bank. In the morning we were favored with a sunrise more beautiful than any thing I have ever seen. The sun's rays pouring out from a small opening in the cloudy canopy above us, gave the water the appearance of a sea of molten silver." 308 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. TO HIS WIFE. "BARK DIEDERIEKA, AT SEA, OFF WEST SUMATRA, April \3th, 1834. "You perceive, my dear -wife, that it is the Sab- bath day, yet we are floating on the mighty deep. Rat Island and Bencoolen are just in sight. Twenty- four hours of such fair wind as we often had on board the Duncan, and we should soon drop anchor in our destined port. * * * " And now you ask, dearest, how we are employ- ing our Sabbath. With ninety souls on the ship you suppose us to be preaching and doing much good otherwise. But there are thirteen or fourteen differ- ent languages spoken on board. True, all under- stand a little Malay, but it is only a little. I have been reading to-day in Baxter's ' Saints' Rest,' and if you are troubled at all with despondency, or mis- givings as to the future, I advise you to read, nay, to study it. Surely in view of the rest that remaineth for us, we can not be borne away and overwhelmed by the troubles that may fall to our lot, in this proba- tionary state. With Christ our friend, God our sup- port, the Holy Spirit our comforter, and heaven the end of our toils in the flesh, why need we ' fear what man can do unto us?' Even supposing the very worst that may befall us, though it may be ten times more than Paul's ' thorn in the flesh,' and the afflictions of Job, yet will not we be afraid, for nothing shall be able to ' separate us from the love of Christ.' THE BATOB GROUP. 309 I Lave thought much since leaving you that there must como at some time a separation between us, for this world. We can not both expect to live here always. I hope and pray that, if consistent with His will, it may not take place during this tour. Then, again-, I ask myself, Shall I be any more willing for it to occur at another time ? and I am unavoidably led to say, ' Not my will, but thine, God, be done.' Only grant that we may be so prepared that that hour shall not ' so come upon us as a thief in the night,' but whether it be to-day, or to-morrow, or next year, it may find us fulfilling the responsible duties devolving upon us as soldiers of the cross. So let us live, E., not over anxious as to what shall befall us, but discharging the duties of each day, and then, if the Lord in mercy spares us to meet in the flesh, we shall enjoy it far more than if our absence had been passed in brooding over the future. " Think often of the portion of ' Food ' for the day I left Batavia roads, April 8th. "To-day is no time for news. You may expect other letters, and I will retire to my state-room to pray God on your behalf, and to gain strength for my own soul." * * * "MY DEAR WIFE: Not at Padang yet? you will say. Nay. Not long after my last we encoun- tered a north-west gale which floated us back forty- five miles per day. After rolling and tumbling one day and two nights, and having our shrouds carried 310 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. away, our sails split, and our seamen almost killed with incessant labor, we put in to Poeloe Bay, near Bencoolen. Monday morning we went up to Ben- coolen, twelve miles." " April 2Qth. Went on shore to see if any mis- sionary work could be done. Had a long and inter- esting conversation with a Malay gentleman, formerly a writer for the government. He was far the best specimen of his race that I have seen. He invited me to stop with him while the ship remained in the bay, and, at any rate, to come to-morrow and hunt wild deer. In giving him medicines, I asked for a piece of paper. He called for his writing-desk with the nonchalance of an old veteran in civilization. He gave me to drink what he said was cocoa-nut water, taken that morning and slightly fermented. The taste was exactly that of wine whey flavored with nutmeg. When his servant approached him, it was in a squatting position, waddling up for six feet or so. " The houses are all of bamboo, with verandah and floor of the same, elevated about five feet from the ground, on posts. Some of them were cleanly swept beneath, while others were untidy. Their padatis, or buffalo carts, are of a peculiar construction. The wheels, about three feet in diameter, are solid, and the cart is raised upon a frame on the axletree, about one foot above the top of the wheels. The roof is like THE BATOB GROUP. 311 that of a house, except that the ridge pole is depressed in the middle and the front point is a little higher than the one behind. It is covered with mats. A small door in front gives ingress and egress. I should judge them to be three feet wide by five long, designed for one buffalo. " The grass was not far from three inches in height, and without exaggeration, twice as fine, and four times as thick as I ever saw it in the most cultivated parts of New England. It was truly like velvet. " April 21st. We learned much in Bencoolen, that is likely to be of use to us. We have hitherto been advised in regard to Nyas, to make our chief residence at a Malay or Mohammedan village, and not to trust ourselves among the Nyas people. Now we are told to avoid the Malay village, but to go directly in among the people, and we shall be well received. There is a Christian, a native of Tappanooly, on the island, Mr. Messam, married to one of the Prince's daughters. We have previously been advised to go armed, which we have strongly resisted, and -had determined to risk the contrary course. Now we are recommended to go without arms, and to give up our- selves to the generosity of the natives. This is the advice of a worldly man. Much more may we pur- sue this course going, as we do, in the name of the Lord. " Bencoolen was built by the English, and was only given up by them to the Dutch in 1825, as an equiva- 312 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. lent for other places. It now forms a part of the Residency of the western coast of Sumatra, and has an assistant Resident stationed here, the Resident liv- ing at Padang. The former assistant Resident was murdered last year by the natives, on account of his tyranny, and when the government came to investigate the matter, his course had been so outrageous, that the people could hardly be blamed. ' ' The town is built on a point of land on the outer entrance to Poeloe Bay. A sand-bank and coral reef extend far out, so that ships of large burden usually anchor at Rat Island, seven miles distant. The fact that most of the houses have, for want of inhabitants, been going to decay, together with the damage done by earthquakes, gives to the place any thing but an appearance of life, business, and im- provement. There are five hundred Chinese, then a mixture of Malays, Bugis, Nyas, etc., all professing Mohammedanism. The whole number of inhabitants is not far from one thousand five hundred. The trade is in the spices which grow luxuriantly. The nutmeg and clove have much the appearance of the pear-tree." The next day, the missionaries called on the Res- ident who expressed himself as kindly disposed toward them, and gave them permission to distribute books. Mr. Lyman took the Malay part of the population, but met with little success, until encountering a priest, he says, " I entered into conversation with him, giv- ing him a Testament, and two tracts, after reading THE BATOB GROUP. 313 aloud which for a few moments he walked on with them in his hand, through the bazaar. Soon I was necessitated to return to my lodgings for more books, and when all were gone, I had still applications for them. "Mr. Munson was as successful, and like myself regretted the small supply we had brought from the ship. I was surprised at the number of children able to read, and the earnest request of their parents for books for them. The Lord grant that this seed may bring forth fruit an hundred fold. "Fort Marlborough built by the English, is the strongest fortification in the Eastern Archipelago. Its white walls in contrast with the lively green of the grass around and on the top of its bastions, together with its square tower, present a beautiful, though formidable appearance. " While British power prevailed, Mr. Ward and his associates in the missionary work, labored here, and some of the productions of the mission press are still extant, and are most valuable. At evening we put off to the ship. " April 2Sd. At sunset, we enjoyed one of those pleasant scenes that appear on a sea- voyage like an oasis in the desert. The breeze fanning one with its gentle breath, neither hot nor cold, but most delicious, fitting one to view the sun gradually sinking in the west, and to watch while the vessel glides on silently and easily, the almost unruffled surface of the dark 14 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. blue waters contrasted with the gradually melting golden hues of the sky spotted here and there by a fleecy cloud, till one star after another begins to twinkle. One could not well avoid meditation, nor being subdued into a heavenly state of mind, at peace with himself, at peace with his fellow-men, at peace with God. So may it ever be with me while I live on earth. " April 2Qth. About noon, Padang Head and Poeloe Pisang were in sight, and just as the sun was setting, orders were given to let go the anchor. We proceeded immediately to the town, distant three miles, and after a voyage of nineteen days, once more took lodgings on terra jirma. " The coast, all day, has been extremely romantic. Lofty mountains come boldly down upon the sea, com- pletely wooded, broken into peaks and ridges, towering one above another. The small islands, too, which are numerous near the coast, and in themselves are low mountains, add much" to the scenery by presenting to the eye the appearance of small bays and inlets, while here and there the view opens on a fisherman's hut or small village on a bit of level ground with a cocoa- nut grove. "The row from the anchorage to the town is very picturesque. We landed in a little bay, and blindly followed our captain till we found ourselves comfortably situated in his father's family circle. " April 29#A. Spent most of the day with Mr. N. THE BATOE GROUP. 315 M. Ward, formerly of the English Baptist Society. He now cultivates a sugar plantation, but still pur- sues the study of Malay. He has translated the New Testament and has collected forty thousand words for a Malay dictionary. This is many more than Mars- den has accumulated. He came out as missionary printer, and labored successfully for five years at Bencoolen, having established well-regulated schools in all that vicinity. When the Dutch took possession, Mr. Ward removed to Padang, where he labored for two years. Mr. Evans, who had toiled here for five years, left for England about the time Mr. W. came. " Mi'. Burton labored for two years at Tappanooly, and vicinity, among the Battas. He gathered two small schools, when ill health compelled him to pro- ceed to Bengal, where both he and his wife died. A manuscript collection of Batta words, made by him, and some other of his manuscripts, are in the college at Serampore. Copies of them might be obtained which would be of use to future missionaries. " These missionaries found the Dutch officials al- ways fair-spoken, but as regularly secretly opposing their efforts. " Messrs. Ward and Burton made a short incursion into the Batta country, but did not reach the most thick- ly inhabited part, which is on the borders of the great Lake Tobah. The furthest point they obtained was a fine level plain, covered with rice and houses as far as the eye could see. It is called the Salindong District. 316 THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA. They went up at the invitation of the people, who traded at Tappanooly and soon after starting fell in with a chief who accompanied them, and at whose house they remained during the six days of their stay, making three short excursions. Everywhere the people gladly received them. " As the first white men known there, they attracted great attention. The whole population came out to see them, and feel of them, whether they were flesh and blood. Sometimes the crowd fairly blocked up the way. The missionaries carried the British flag always flying. This was reverenced by the Battas as a charm. A double-barreled fowling piece, or ' a gun that could speak twice,' excited their wonder, as did their clothes, candles, etc. " All the chiefs in the vicinity assembled to hear the object of the missionaries explained. The ten commandments were read and expounded to them, and they discussed whether or not they should follow the moral law. Then they had two dances, one to the English flag and one to the missionaries. The meet- ing lasted from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. " Lake Tobah is thirty miles in length, and has a regular tide ; attributed by the natives to the influence of evil spirits. "The natives had a dread of white men. They are opposed to the Mohammedan religion. "April 30^A. Visited Mr. I., a truly venerable patriarch, a Dutchman. . The half century passed by THE BATOE GROUP. 317 him in India has left him healthy and vigorous. For- merly he used to translate sermons into Malay and read them of an evening in the church to a congrega- tion, in that language. "We found at his house many American pamph- lets. Among them was a ' Farmer's Almanac,' and the first number of ' The Shrine' published at Am- herst College. The latter' awakened a train of pleas- ing associations which exhilarated my spirits, and long after I retired kept me from sleep. That institu- tion interests me more and more, the further I recede from it. " We are now living in the old mission-house which is yet unsold. It is in a healthy and pleasant neigh- borhood, within a few yards of the beach, and the waves roar, break, and die along the shore just under our windows. " M