i la THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES '^(^) CITIZENESS BONAPARTE BY IMBERT DE SAINT-AMAND TRANSLATED BY THOMAS SERGEANT PERRY WITH PORTRAIT NEW YORK CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS 1894 COPYRIGHT, 1890, BY CHARLES SCRIBNER S SONS TROW DIRECTORY MINTING AND BOOKBINDING COMPANY Collage Library CONTENTS. CHAPTER 7AOB I. THE DAY AFTER THE WEDDING 1 II. THE FESTIVAL OF THE VICTORIES 14 III. BONAPARTE'S ENTRANCE INTO MILAN 25 IV. MADAME BONAPARTE'S ARRIVAL IN ITALY 34 V. JOSEPHINE AT THE WAR 46 VI. BETWEEN CASTIGLIONE AND ARCOLE 69 VII. ARCOLE 70 VIII. AFTER ARCOLE 83 IX. THE END OF THE CAMPAIGN 96 X. THE SERBELLONI PALACE 105 XI. THE COURT OF MONTEBELLO 114 XII. JULY 14 AT MILAN 123 XIII. BONAPARTE AND THE 18TH FRUCTIDOR 134 XIV. PASSERIANO 143 XV. JOSEPHINE AT VENICE 161 XVI. CAMPO FORMIO 168 XVII. BONAPARTE'S RETURN TO FRANCE 166 XVIII. THE FESTIVITY AT THE LUXEMBOURG 172 XIX. AN ENTERTAINMENT AT THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN RELATIONS 184 T 2040432 vi CONTENTS. CHAPTER PAG XX. BONAPARTE AND JOSEPHINE BEFORE THE EXPE- DITION TO EGYPT 193 XXL THE FAREWELL AT TOULON 202 XXII. PARIS DURING THE YEAR VII 212 XXIII. JOSEPHINE DURING THE EGYPTIAN CAMPAIGN 220 XXIV. BONAPARTE IN EGYPT 232 XXV. THE RETURN FROM EGYPT 246 XXVI. THE MEETING OF BONAPARTE AND JOSEPHINE 254 XXVII. THE PROLOGUE OF THE 18TH BRUMAIRE 263 XXVIII. THE 18TH BRUMAIRE 271 XXIX. THE 19ra BRUMAIRE 280 XXX. EPILOGUE.. . 292 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. I. THE DAY AFTER THE WEDDING. FOR two days the Viscountess of Beauharnais had borne the name of Citizeness Bonaparte. March 9, 1796 (19th Ventdse, year IV.), she had married the hero of the 13th Vende*miaire, the saviour of the Convention ; and two regicides, Ban-as and Tallien, had been present as witnesses at the wedding. Her husband had spent only two days with her, and during these forty-eight hours he had been obliged more than once to lock himself up with his maps and to plead the urgency of an imperative task in excuse, shouting through the door that he should have to postpone love till after the victory. And yet, although younger than his wife, she was nearly thirty-three, he only twenty-six, Bonaparte was very much in love with her. She was graceful and attractive, although she had lost some of her freshness, and she had the art of pleasing her young husband ; moreover, it is well known, as the Duke of Ragusa says in his Memoirs, "that in love it is 1 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. idle to seek for reasons ; one loves because one loves, and nothing is less capable of explanation and analy- sis than this feeling. . . . Bonaparte was in love in every meaning of the word. It was, apparently, for the first time ; and he felt it with all the force of his character." But he had just been appointed com- mander-in-chief of the Army of Italy. He was obliged to turn his back on love, to fly to peril and glory. March 11, he wrote this letter to Letourneur, Presi- dent of the Directory, to tell him of his marriage two days before : " I had commissioned Citizen Barras to inform the Executive Directory of my mar- riage with Citizeness Tascher Beauharnais. The confidence which the Directory has shown me in all circumstances makes it my duty to inform it of all my actions. This is a new tie of attachment to my country; it is an additional guarantee of my firm resolution to have no other interests than those of the Republic. My best wishes and respects." The same day he left Paris, bidding farewell to his wife and to his little house in the rue Chantereine (later the rue de la Victoire), where his happiness had been so brief. Accompanied by his aide-de- camp, Junot, and his commissary-general, Chauvet, he earned with him forty-eight thousand francs in gold, and a hundred thousand francs in drafts, which were in part protested. It was with this modest purse that the commander of an army that had long been in want was to lead it to the fertile plains of Lombardy. He stopped at the house of Marmont's THE DAT AFTER THE WEDDING. 3 father, at Ch&tillon-sur-Seine, whence he sent Jo- sephine a power of attorney to draw certain sums. March 14, at six in the evening, he stopped to change horses at Chanceaux, and from there he wrote a second letter, as follows: "I wrote to you from Chatillon, and I sent you a power of attorney to draw certain sums which are due me. Every mo- ment takes me further from you, and every moment I feel less able to be away from you. You are ever in my thoughts; my fancy tires itself in trying to imagine what you are doing. If I picture you sad, my heart is wrung and my grief is increased. If you are happy and merry with your friends, I blame you for so soon forgetting the painful three days' separa- tion ; in that case you are frivolous and destitute of deep feeling. As you see, I am hard to please ; but, my dear, it is very different when I fear your health is li;ul, or that you have any reasons for being sad ; then I regret the speed with which I am separated from my love. I am sure that you have no longer any kind feeling towards me, and I can only be satisfied when I have heard that all goes well with you. When any one asks me if I have slept well, I feel that I can't answer until a messenger brings me word that you have rested well. The illnesses and anger of men affect me only so far as I think they may affect you. May my good genius, who has always protected me amid great perils, guard and protect you I I will gladly dispense with him. Ah ! Don't be happy, but be a little melancholy, and above all, keep sorrow CITIZEN ESS BONAPARTE. from your mind and illness from your body: you remember what Ossian says about that. Write to me, my pet, and a good long letter, and accept a thousand and one kisses from your best and most loving friend." At this time, Bonaparte was much more in love with his wife than she was with him. He adored her, while she was but moderately touched by the fiery transports of a devoted husband who felt for her a sort of frantic idolatry. She remained in Paris, a little anxious, wondering whether the man with whose fate she had bound herself was a madman or a hero. At certain moments she felt perfect confi- dence in him ; at others, she doubted. As a woman of the old regime, she asked herself, " Was I wise to marry a friend of young Robespierre, a Republican general ? " Bonaparte had fascinated Josephine ; he had not yet won her heart. His violent, strange character inspired her, in fact, with more surprise than sympathy. He bore no likeness to the former courtiers of Versailles, the favorite types of nobility. What in him was later to be called genius, was now only eccentricity. Josephine was not very anxious to go to join him in Italy. She loved the gutter of the rue Chantereine as Madame de Stael loved that of the rue du Bac. In Paris she was near her son and daughter, her relatives and friends. She took delight in the varied but brilliant society of the Directory, which had acquired some of the old-time elegance, and where her grace, distinction, and ami- THE DAY AFTER THE WEDDING. 5 ability aroused general admiration. She saw with pleasure the opening of a few drawing-rooms, which seemed, as it were, to rise from the ashes ; and she was interested in the theatres and the social life in which even the most indifferent woman finds some charm. Meanwhile, Bonaparte had reached Nice, and on the 29th of March had taken command of the Army of Italy. " There were to be seen," says the General de Se'gur, "fifty-two thousand Austrians and Sar- dinians and two hundred cannon, with abundant am- munition ; and opposing them, thirty-two thousand French, without pay, without provisions, without shoes, who had sold half their belongings to buy tobacco, or some wretched food. Most of them lacked even bayonets. They had but sixty cannon, and insufficient ammunition ; the guns were drawn by lame and mangy mules, the artillery-men went on foot ; and the cavalry was of no service, for the men led rather than rode their horses." It was to those men that the young general addressed this famous proclamation : " Soldiers, you are poorly fed and half-naked. The government owes you much, but can do nothing for you. Your patience, your courage, do you honor, but they bring you no ad- vantage, no glory. I am about to lead you into the most fertile plains in the world ; there you will find large cities and rich provinces ; there you will find honor, glory, and wealth. Soldiers of Italy, shall you lack courage ? " CITIZENESS BONAPAETE. At the moment of beginning this wonderful cam- paign, in which success seemed impossible, so great was the numerical superiority of the hostile armies, Bonaparte, though his ambition was so eager, did not forget his love. Before the first battle he wrote this letter, dated Porto Maurizio, the 14th Germinal (April 3, 1796) : " I have received all your letters, but none has made such an impression on me as the * last. How can you think, my dear love, of writing to me in such a way? Don't you believe that my position is already cruel enough, without adding to my regrets, and tormenting my soul ? What a style ! What feelings are those you describe ! It's like fire ; it burns my poor heart. My only Josephine, away from you, there is no happiness ; away from you, the world is a desert in which I stand alone, with no chance of tasting the delicious joy of pouring out my heart. You have robbed me of more than my soul ; you are the sole thought of my life. If I am worn out by all the torment of events, and fear the issue, if men disgust me, if I am ready to curse life, I place my hand on my heart ; your image is beating there. I look at it, and love is for me perfect happi- ness ; and everything is smiling, except the time that I see myself absent from my love." Bonaparte, who was soon to be the prey of sus- picion and jealousy, was now all confidence and rapture. A few affectionate lines from the hand he loved were enough to plunge him into a sort of ecstasy. " By what art," he goes on, " have you THE DAY AFTER THE WEDDING. 7 learned how to captivate all my faculties? to con- centrate in yourself my whole being? To live for Josephine ! That's the story of my life. I do every- thing to get to you ; I am dying to join you. Fool ! I don't see that I am only going further away. How many lands and countries separate us ! How long before you read these words, which but feebly ex- press the emotions of the heart over which you reign ! " Alas ! the sun of love is seldom for long unclouded, and these rapturous whispers are soon fol- lowed by lamentations. That day he doubted neither of his wife's fidelity, nor of her love, and yet he felt the melancholy which is inseparable from grand passions. " Oh ! my adorable wife ! " he wrote, " I do not know what fate awaits me; but if it keeps me longer from you, I shall not be able to endure it ; my courage will not hold out to that point. There was a time when I was proud of my courage ; and when I thought of the harm that men might do me, of the lot that my destiny might reserve for me, I looked at the most terrible misfortunes without a quiver, with no surprise. But now, the thought that my Josephine may be in trouble, that she may be ill, and, above all, the cruel, fatal thought that she may love me less, inflicts tortures on my soul, stops the beating of my heart, makes me sad and dejected, robs me of even the courage of fury and despair. I often used to say, Man can do no harm to one who is willing to die ; but now, to die without being loved by you, to die without this certainty, is 8 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. the torture of hell ; it is the vivid and crushing image of total annihilation. It seems to me as if I were choking. My only companion, you who have been chosen by fate to make with me the painful journey of life, the day when I shall no longer pos- sess your heart will be that when for me the world shall have lost all warmth and all its vegetation. . . . I will stop, my sweet pet ; my soul is sad, I am very tired, my mind is worn out, I am sick of men. I have good reason for hating them; they separate me from my love." A man of Bonaparte's character never suffers long from melancholy. All at once the warrior reappears. He is suddenly aroused from his dream by the call of a trumpet, and he closes his letter thus : " I am at Porto Maurizio, near Oneglia ; to-morrow I am at Albenga. The two armies are in motion, each trying to outwit the other. The most skilful will succeed. I am much pleased with Beaulieu; he manoeuvres very well, and is superior to his predecessor. I shall beat him, I hope, out of his boots. Don't be anxious; love me like your eyes, but that's not enough, like yourself; more than yourself, than your thoughts, your mind, your life, your all. But forgive me, I'm raving; nature is weak, when one feels keenly, in him who loves you. To Barras, Sucy, Madame Tallien, my sincere regards; to Madame Cha'teau- Renard, the proper messages; to Eugene, to Hor- tense, my real love." April 3, Bonaparte had perfect confidence in his THE DAY AFTER THE WEDDING. 9 wife ; the 7th, he suspects her : the 3d, he blames her for writing too affectionately ; the 7th, he blames her for writing too coldly. He wrote to her from Albenga, the 18th Germinal (April 7, 1796): "I have received a letter which you interrupt to go, you say, into the country ; and afterwards you pre- tend to be jealous of me, who am so worn out by work and fatigue. Oh, my dear ! . . . Of course, I am in the wrong. In the early spring the country is beautiful ; and then, the nineteen-year-old lover was there, without a doubt. The idea of wasting another moment in writing to the man, three hundred leagues away, who lives, moves, exists, only in memory of you; who reads your letters as one devours one's favorite dishes after hunting for six hours. I am not pleased. Your last letter is as cold as friendship. I find in it none of the fire which shines in your glance, which I have sometimes fancied that I saw there. But how absurd I am! I found your pre- vious letters moved me too much ; the emotions they produced broke my rest and mastered my senses. I wanted colder letters, but these give me the chill of death. The fear of not being loved by Josephine, the thought of her proving inconstant, of But I am inventing trouble for myself. When there is so much that is real in the world, is it necessary to devise more? You cannot have inspired me with boundless love without sharing it, with your soul, your thought, your reason ; and no one can, in return for such affection, such devotion, inflict a 10 CITIZENES8 BONAPARTE. deadly blow. ... A memento of my only wife, and a victory, those are my wishes ; a single, complete memento, worthy of him who thinks of you at every moment." The victories were about to follow, swift and amazing. April 12, it was Montenotte; the 14th, Millesimo. On the heights of Monte Zemolo, the army saw suddenly at its feet the promised land, the rich and fertile plains of Italy, with their splendid cities, their broad rivers, their magnificent cultivation. The rays of the dawn lit up this unrivalled view ; on the horizon were to be seen the eternal snows, of the Alps. A cry of joy broke from the ranks. The young general, pointing to the scene of his future conquests, exclaimed, "Hannibal crossed the Alps, and we have turned them ! " April 22, the victory of Mondovi ; on the 28th, the armistice of Cherasco with Piedmont. Bonaparte addressed this proclama- tion to his troops : " Soldiers, in fifteen days you have won six victories; captured twenty-one flags, fifty cannon, many fortified places ; conquered the richest part of Piedmont ; you have captured fifteen thou- sand prisoners, and killed and wounded ten thousand men. You lacked everything, you have supplied yourself with everything ; you have gained battles without cannon ; crossed rivers without bridges ; made forced marches without shoes ; often biv- ouacked without bread; the Republican phalanxes were alone capable of such extraordinary deeds. Soldiers, receive your due of thanks ! " THE DAY AFTER THE WEDDING. 11 Bonaparte sent his brother Joseph and his aide-de- camp Junot to Paris. The 5th Flore"al (April 24, 1796), he wrote to his wife : " My brother will hand you this letter. I have a very warm friendship for him. He will, I hope, win yours ; he deserves it. He is naturally of a very gentle character, and unfail- ingly kind ; he is full of good qualities. I wrote to Barras asking that he be appointed consul in some Italian port. He wants to live in quiet with his little wife, out of the great whirl of important events. I recommend him to you. I have received your letters of the 16th and the 21st. You were a good many days without writing to me. What were you doing? Yes, my dear, I am, not jealous, but sometimes un- easy. Come quickly ; I warn you that if you delay, you will find me ill. These fatigues and your absence are too much for me." Henceforth Bona- parte's keenest desire was to see his wife come to Italy. He begs and entreats her not to lose a moment. "Your letters," he goes on, "are the delight of my days, and my happy days are not very many. Junot is carrying twenty-two flags to Paris. You must come back with him ; do you understand ? It would be hopeless misery, an inconsolable grief, continual agony, if I should have the misfortune of seeing him come back alone, my adorable one. He will see you, he will breathe the air of your shrine, perhaps even you will grant him the singular and unappreciable favor of kissing your cheek, while I am alone, and very, very far away. But you will come, 12 CITIZEN ESS BONAPARTE. won't you ? You will be here, by my side, on my heart, in my arms ! Take wings, come, come ! But travel slowly ; the way is long, bad, and tiresome. If you were to upset or be hurt ; if the fatigue Come, eagerly, my adorable one, but slowly." King Joseph, in his Memoirs, thus speaks of his and Junot's departure for Paris: "It was at Cherasco, the 5th of Flordal, that my brother commissioned me to set before the Directory his reasons for the speediest possible peace with the King of Sardinia, in order to isolate the Austrians in Italy. To his aide-de-camp Junot he assigned the duty of presenting the battle- flags. We left in the same postchaise and reached Paris one hundred and twenty hours after our depart- ure from Nice. It would be hard to form a notion of the popular enthusiasm. The members of the Direc- tory hastened to testify their content with the army and its leader. Director Carnot, at the end of a dinner at his house at which I was present, indignant with the unfavorable opinion which Bonaparte's ene- mies expressed, declared before twenty guests that they did him injustice, and opening his waistcoat, he showed the portrait of the general, which he wore on his heart, and exclaimed, ' Tell your brother that he is there, because I foresee that he will be the saviour of France, and that he must well know that in the Directory he has only admirers and friends.' " Murat, who had been sent from Cherasco, through Piedmont, to carry the draft of the armistice to Paris, arrived there before Joseph and Junot. Josephine asked of THE DAT AFTER THE WEDDING. 13 them all the most minute details concerning her husband's success. In a few days he had stepped from obscurity to glory. Citizeness Bonaparte did not regret her confidence in the star of the man of Vende'miaire, and already in the Republic she held the position of a princess. IL THE FESTIVAL OF THE VICTORIES. BONAPARTE'S glory had been, one might say, the work of an instant. The feeling in Paris was one of profound surprise. Even Josephine had been amazed at such swift and unexpected successes. Every one was asking for details about this young man who was known only from the part he played in the day of Vende'miaire, and whose origin was shrouded in mystery; but none knew anything more than how his name was pronounced and spelled. Of his family, his beginnings, his fortune, his character, the public knew absolutely nothing. But no one ever equalled Napoleon in the art of getting himself talked about. In his first proclamations to the army, in his first despatches to the Directory, we see this knowledge of effect which made the hero an artist. The Directory went to work to build him a pedestal with their own hands. At first the Moniteur mentioned the success of the Army of Italy without especial emotion. It was on the last page of the number of May 10, 1796, that was printed the account of the reception of the flags: TIIK FESTIVAL OF THE VICTORIES. 15 a ceremony at which Josephine was present. The Moniteur spoke thus : " The Directory received to-day, in public session, twenty-one flags captured by the French Republicans from the Austrians and the Sardinians, at Millesimo, Dego, and Mondovi. The Minister of War, in presenting the officer who brought these trophies, made a speech in which he paid homage to the valor of this Army of Italy which, to the glory of finishing the campaign by its victories, adds that of opening it again by its triumphs, the precursors of a peace worthy of the French Republic. The officer then spoke with the virile accent and modest air which characterize the heroes of liberty. In the name of his fellow-soldiers he swore that they would shed the last drop of their blood in defence of the Republic, in behalf of the enforcement of the laws, and of the support of the Constitution of 1795. The President of the Directory replied with an emo- tion which rendered the dignity of his words more touching. He offered the brave officer a sword and gave him a fraternal kiss. This session, which lasted but half an hour, presented a spectacle as imposing as it was moving. The sounds of military music added to the general enthusiasm, which frequently manifested itself by cries of 'Long live the Re- public!'" In her interesting Memoirs, the Duchess of AbrantSs speaks of the effect produced on that day by Madame Bonaparte and Madame Tallien, who were two of the principal ornaments of this patriotic fes- 16 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. tival. " Madame Bonaparte," she says, " was still charming. ... As for Madame Tallien, she was then in the flower of her wonderful beauty. Both were dressed after the fashion of antiquity, which was at that time regarded as the height of elegance, and as sumptuously as was possible for the middle of the day. Junot must surely have been very proud to give his arm to two such charming women, when they left the Directory after the reception. Junot was then twenty-five years old : he was a handsome young man, and had a most striking martial air ; on that day he wore a magnificent uniform of a colonel of hussars (the uniform of Berchini), and all that the richness of such a dress could add to his fine appear- ance had been employed to make the young and brave messenger, who was still pale from the wounds which had stained those flags, worthy of the army he represented. On leaving, he offered his arm to Madame Bonaparte, who had precedence as the wife of his general, especially on this formal occasion ; the other he gave to Madame Tallien, and thus he de- scended the staircase of the Luxembourg." Would not Junot, as colonel of hussars, with Josephine on one arm and Madame Tallien on the other, on the staircase of the palace of Maria de' Medici, make a charming subject of a genre picture ? The Duchess of Abrantds describes the excitement of the crowd, who were anxious to see the young hero and the two fashionable beauties. " The throng," she says, " was numberless. They surged and pressed for a better THE FESTIVAL OF THE VICTORIES. 17 view. ' See ; there's his wife ! that's his aide-de- camp ! How young he is ! And how pretty she is ! Long live General Bonaparte ! ' shouted the people. ' Long live Citizeness Bonaparte ! She is kind to the poor ! ' ' Yes, yes,' said a fat marketwoman ; ' she is certainly Our Lady of the Victories.' ' The poet Arnault, in his Souvenirs of a Sexage- narian, also describes the effect produced by Jose- phine's beauty on this occasion. Madame Bonaparte, who was much admired, shared the sceptre of popu- larity with Madame Tallien and Madame Re'camier. " With these two women for her rivals," says Arnault, " although she was less brilliant and fresh, yet, thanks to the regularity of her features, the won- derful grace of her figure, and her agreeable expres- sion, she too was beautiful. I still recall them all there, dressed in such a way as to bring out their various advantages most becomingly, wearing beauti- ful flowers on their heads, on a lovely May day, en- tering the room where the Directory was about to receive the battle-flags : they looked like the three spring months united to celebrate the victory." The young poet, who more than once had the honor of escorting Josephine, was veiy proud to accompany her and Madame Tallien to the first performance of Lesueur's TSUmaque at the Thdatre Feydeau. " I will confess," he says, " that it was not without some pride that I found myself seated between the two most remarkable women of the time, and it is not without some pleasure that I recall the fact : those 18 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. feelings were natural for a young man enthusiastic for beauty and for glory. It was not Tallien whom I should have loved in his wife, but it was certainly Bonaparte whom I admired in his." At that time Bonaparte passed for a perfect Repub- lican. He had written to the Directory, May 6 : " For a long time nothing has been able to add to the esteem and devotion which I shall display at every opportu- nity for the Constitution and the government. I have seen it established amid the most disgusting passions, all tending equally to the destruction of the Republic and of the French commonwealth ; I was even able by my zeal and the force of circumstances, to be of some use at its beginning. My motto shall always be to die in its support." The Directors thought that a general who expressed such an ardent devotion to Republican ideas ought to receive every encouragement and all praise. With no suspicions of the conqueror's future conduct, they were anxious to adorn themselves, as it were, with his victories, and to make them redound to the glory of their government. Hence the ceremony of May 10 seemed insufficient; they decided that the new festivals should be more brilliant and impressive. It was on the 10th of May, the day when the Directory formally received the flags captured in the first vic- tories, that Bonaparte won the battle of Lodi, a glorious day that made a deep impression on the imagination of the populace. None thought of any- thing except of the bridge over which, in spite of the THE FESTIVAL OF THE VICTORIES. 19 fire of the enemy converging on its long and narrow path, the young hero had led his grenadiers at the double quick. They already had begun to call him infallible and irresistible. May 15, he made his tri- umphal entry into Milan. The Directory was entranced. Its Commissary General of the Army of Italy, Salicetti, had written, May 11 : " Citizens Directors, immortal glory to the brave Army of Italy! Gratitude for the chief who leads it with such wise audacity ! Yesterday will be famous in the annals of history and of war. . . . The Republican column having formed, Bonaparte passed through the ranks. His presence filled the soldiers with enthusiasm ; he was greeted with incessant cries of ' Long live the Republic ! ' He had the charge sounded, and the men rushed on the bridge with the speed of lightning." To celebrate these new triumphs, the Directory prepared a festival, half patriotic, half mythological, one more Pagan than Christian, in which reminis- cences of Plutarch mingled with those of Jean Jacques Rousseau; one in which, besides the heroic feeling of the time, there found expression its fond- ness for declamation and its love of extravagant language. The "Festival of Gratitude and of the Victories " (such was its official title) was celebrated at the Champ de Mars, the 10th Prairial, Year IV., May 29, 1796. In the middle of the Champ de Mars, which was called also the Champ de la Reunion, there had been raised a platform about twelve 20 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. feet high. There led to it four flights of steps, each about sixty feet broad. At the foot of the steps were lions, " the symbol of force, courage, and generosity," according to the Moniteur. The circle describing trie limits of the space devoted to the ceremony was formed by cannon which served as barriers ; between the cannon, flags were arranged which were connected by festoons of flowers. On a pedestal in the middle of the rising ground appeared the statue of Liberty seated amid various military trophies, with one hand resting on the Constitution, and in the other holding a wand, on the top of which was William Tell's cap. Perfumes were burning in antique tripods placed about the statue. On one side arose a high tree on which were hung, like trophies, the captured battle-flags. Near by, on pedestals, stood the Victories, like figures of Fame. Each one of them held in one hand a palm, and in the other a military trumpet raised to her lips. Finally, on an altar, were oak and laurel leaves which the Directors were to distribute in the name of the grateful country. At ten in the morning, a salvo of artillery an- nounced the beginning of the festival. The slopes of the Champ de Mars were covered with tents. The Parisian National Guard, with its arms and banners, marched forward in fourteen sections, rep- resenting the fourteen armies of the Republic. To each one of these fourteen sections was added a certain number of disabled veterans or wounded THE FESTIVAL OF THE VICTORIES. 21 soldiers, and care had been taken to place them in the section representing the army in which they had received their wounds. Carnot spoke first, as Presi- dent of the Directory. His speech was, so to speak, a military eclogue. The former member of the Com- mittee of Public Safety celebrated military glory after the fashion of a pastoral. He blew in turn the trumpet and the shepherd's pipe. Sensibility mingled with warlike ardor. It was a sermon of a Tyrtaeus. Few documents so well reflect the ideas and tastes of the society of that time as this speech, which is full of words of war, and, at the same time, of hu- manity. It begins thus : " At this moment, when nature seems to be born anew, when the earth, adorning itself with flowers and verdure, promises us rich harvests, when all creatures announce in their language the beneficent Intelligence which makes over the universe anew, the French people gather, in this solemn festival, to render fitting homage to the talents and the virtues loved by the country and by every human being. What day could more fitly unite all hearts? What citizen, what man, can be insensible to the feeling of grati- tude ? We exist only by means of a long series of benefits, and our life is but a continual interchange of services. Feeble, without support, our parents' love watches over our infancy. They guide our first steps ; their patient solicitude aids the development of our members; from them we receive our first notions of what we are ourselves and of what is out- 22 CITIZEN ESS BONAPARTE. side of us." After this exordium comes the usual praise of sensibility, the fashionable term, which the most ferocious of the Terrorists, Robespierre himself, had employed with so much emphasis. " Sensibility," said Carnot, "does not confine itself to the narrow sphere of the family circle ; it goes forth to find the needy in his hovel, and pours into his breast the balm of aid and consolation, and though already rewarded for its benevolence by the feeling of benevolence, it receives a further recompense from gratitude. Hu- manity, how delicious is thy practice ! how pitiable the greedy soul who knows thee not ! " After this dithyramb in honor of nature, the family, and sensibility, come martial descriptions ; as after the harp, the trumpet. "The new-born Republic arms its children to defend its independence ; nothing can stem their impetuosity : they ford rivers, capture retrenchments, scale cliffs. Then, after a host of victories, they enlarge our boundaries to the barriers which nature itself has set, and pursue over the ice the fragments of three armies : there, they are about to exterminate the hordes of traitors and of brigands vomited forth by England, they punish the guilty leaders and restore to the Republic their brothers, too long lost; here, crossing the Pyrenees, they hurl themselves from the mountain top, overwhelming every obstacle, and are stopped only by an honorable peace ; then, scaling the Alps and the Apennines, they dash across the Po and the Adda. The ardor of the soldier is seconded by the genius and the audacity THE FESTIVAL OF THE VICTORIES. 23 of his leaders, who form their plans with wisdom and carry them out with energy, now arranging their forces with calmness, now plunging into the midst of dangers at the head of their companions." Carnot concluded his speech with an expression of gratitude to the soldiers of the Republic. " Accept," he exclaimed, "accept this solemn testimonial of national gratitude, O armies of the Republic ! . . . Why is nothing left but your memory, ye heroes who died for liberty ? You will at least live forever in our hearts ; your children will be dear to us. The Republic will repay to them what it owes you ; and we have come here to pay the first, in proclaiming your glory and its recognition. Republican armies ! represented in this enclosure by some of your mem- bers, ye invincible phalanxes whose new successes I see in the future, advance and receive the triumphal crowns which the French people orders to be fastened to your banners." Later, there was dancing on the Champ de Mars until nightfall. In the evening there was a great Republican banquet at which was sung a hymn, half patriotic, half convivial, composed for the occasion by the poet Lebrun, : Pindar Lebrun, as he was then called. It ran as follows : " O day of undying memory, Adorn thyself with our laurels ! Centuries, you will find it hard to believe The prodigies of our warriors. The enemy has disappeared in flight or has drunk the black wave. 24 CITIZEN ESS BONAPARTE. "Under the laurels, what charms has Bacchus? Let us fill, my friends, the cup of glory With a nectar fresh and sparkling ! Let us drink, let us drink to Victory, Faithful mistress of the French. " Liberty, preside over our festivities ; Rejoice in our brilliant exploits I The Alps have bowed their heads, And have not been able to defend the kings. The Eridanus recounts to the seas our swift conquests," etc., etc. We have seen what was going on in Paris. What had happened at Milan? III. BONAPARTE'S ENTRANCE INTO MILAN. rTlHE young and valiant army which had just made JL its triumphant entrance into Milan was full of ardor, fire, and enthusiasm. All were young, the commander, the officers, and the men, as were their ideas, feelings, and hopes. These short men of the South, with their sunburned faces, their expression of wit and mischief, their eyes of fire, had a proud and free air. They had the merits of the French Revo- lution without its faults. They were brave and kind, terrible and generous, magnificent in the battle, and gay and amusing on the day after the victory. Full of imagination, rather inclined to talking and bragging, but yet so worthy of respect for their hero- ism, their self-denial, their unselfishness ; they were not ambitious for themselves, but only for their country. They had no jealousy of one another, uml did not care for rank or money. The military career was not their trade, but a vocation, a passion. They preferred their ragged uniforms to the luxury of a millionnaire. They despised everything which was not military. Not only had they no fear of danger, 25 26 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. they loved it, and lived in it as if it were their ele- ment. In the redoubt of Dego, Bonaparte exclaimed, " With twenty thousand such men, one could march through Europe." A Gascon grenadier answered aloud, " If the little corporal will always lead us in that way, I promise that he will- never see us in retreat." Since Caesar's legionaries there had been nothing seen that could be compared with Bona- parte's soldiers. They were very happy at Milan. They who had so long been without shoes, " Barefooted, without bread, deaf to cowardly alarms, All marched to glory with the same step," were now well nourished, well clad and shod. Good shoes are a great happiness to a poor soldier. They were in this city, which is a sort of earthly paradise, with its magnificent marble cathedral, its beautiful women, its enchanting views. The city is surrounded by a remarkably fertile country : meadows, woods, fields, gilded by the sun ; in the distance appears the huge chain of the Alps, the summits of which, from Monte Viso and Monte Rosa as far as the mountains of Bassano, are covered with snow all the year round. The air is so pure and limpid that the nearest points of the Alpine chain, though really a dozen or fifteen leagues away, seem scarcely more than three. The soldiers gazed with rapture at this glowing panorama, at the rich fields of Lombardy, this promised land ; at gigantic Monte Viso, which had so long risen over their heads, and now they were to see the sun set behind it. BONAPARTE'S ENTRANCE INTO MILAN. 27 Bonaparte entered Milan May 15, 1796. He found there a large force of the National Guard, wearing the Lombard colors, green, white, and red. Under the command of a great nobleman of the city, the Duke of Serbelloni, it was drawn up in line along his path. Cheers filled the air. Pretty women were look- ing out from every window. When Bonaparte reached the Porta Romana, the National Guard presented arms before him. With a large detachment of in- fantry in advance, and surrounded by his guard of hussars, he went on as far as the Place in front of the Archducal Palace, where he was quartered, and there was served a dinner of two hundred plates. A liberty-tree was set out in the square, amid shouts of " Hurrah for Liberty ! Long live the Republic ! " The day closed with a very brilliant ball, at which appeared several ladies of the city, wearing the French national colors. The same day, one of Bonaparte's aides-de-camp, Marmont, who was later Duke of Ragusa, wrote to his father: "Dear Father, we are to-day in Milan. Our triumphal entry recalled the entrance of the ancient Roman generals into Rome when they had deserved well of the country. Milan is a very fine city, large and populous. Its inhabitants are thor- oughly devoted to the French, and it is impossible to express all the signs of affection they have given us. ... It is easy to forget all the fatigues of a war as hot as this has been, when victory is our reward, Our successes are really incredible. They make 28 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. General Bonaparte's name forever famous, and it is perfectly clear that we owe them to him. Any one else in his place would have been beaten, and he has gone on simply from one triumph to another. . . . This campaign is the finest and most brilliant that has ever been known. It ought to be recorded and read. It is full of instruction, and those who can un- derstand it will get great profit from it. Such, dear father, is a faithful picture of our situation." That evening Bonaparte asked his aide-de-camp, "Well, Marmont, what do you suppose people are saying about us in Paris? Are they satisfied?" "They must be filled with admiration for you." " They haven't seen anything yet," replied Bona- parte ; " there are still greater successes for us in the future. Fortune has not smiled on us to-day for me to despise her favors ; she is a woman, and the more she does for me, the more I shall demand of her. . . . In our time, no one has devised anything great ; I must set an example." Bonaparte possessed to a wonderful degree the art of striking the imagination. One would have said that in him was revived one of the great men of Plutarch. His genius, fed on the history of the ancients, trans- ported antiquity into modern times. All his words and actions, even when they appeared most simple, were arranged for effect. He thought continually of Paris, as Alexander used to think of Athens. Tli3 feeling which he was anxious to inspire was a mixture of admiration and surprise. With an un- BONAPARTE'S ENTRANCE INTO MILAN. 29 rivalled audacity, and the adventurous spirit of a gambler who stakes everything for everything, he united a knowledge of the human heart most as- tounding in a man of his age. Nothing is rarer than this combination of a boundless imagination with a positive and scheming mind. There were in Bona- parte two different and complementary persons, the poet and the practical man. He dreamt and he acted; he adored at the same time Ossian and mathematics; he passed from the wildest visions to the most precise realities ; from the sublimest gener- alities to the humblest and most trivial details. It is this harmony between generally incompatible qual- ities that makes him such an original figure. The general's great merit lay in perceiving at once what he could do with such men as he had under his command. So humdrum a society as ours cannot easily understand heroic times when the richest banker is inferior to a simple sub-lieutenant, when the military spirit was every day calling forth fabu- lous exploits. Bonaparte's soldiers believed in him, and he believed in them. The strength of this un- rivalled army lay in this, that they had confidence. The French are knights by birth. The Republic, far from changing their character, only made them more enthusiastic. As soon as they had received their baptisms of fire, the Jacobins became paladins, the Sans Culottes found themselves filled with the aspirations of the Crusaders. The companions of Charlemagne or of Godfrey of Bouillon were not 30 CITIZEN ESS BONAPARTE. braver or more ardent. What an irresistible fire there was in that revolutionary chivalry, the nobility of a day, which already effaced the old coats of arms, and when applauded by the aristocracy of Milan, it could proudly say, like Bonaparte, " One grows old quickly on the battle-field." Stendhal knew how to describe most accurately this glorious poverty of the heroes of the Army of Italy, in the characteristic anecdote which he tells of one of the handsomest of its officers, a M. Robert. When he reached Milan, in the morning of May 15, M. Robert was invited to dinner by a marchioness, to whose house he had been billeted. He dressed him- self with great care, but what he needed was a good pair of shoes ; of his own, only the uppers were left. These he fastened very carefully with little, well- blacked cords ; but, I repeat, the shoes had no soles at all. He was received most cordially by the marchion- ess, and he found her so charming, and was in such uneasiness lest his poverty should have been detected by the lackeys in magnificent livery who were waiting on the table, that when he rose, he dropped a six- franc piece into their hands : it was every penny he had in the world. At that time, society was not thoroughly honey- combed with corruption ; there were great ladies who loved for the sake of love, and money was not the sole attraction. The desire of pleasure was most keen in those days when one counted on a short life. The deadlier the battles, the greater the eagerness for BONAPARTE 1 S ENTRANCE INTO MILAN. 31 amusement. The more they braved death, the more feverishly they pursued what makes life agreeable. What could be bought for money they did not care for ; but what could not be bought, like love and glory, they sought with the utmost ardor. Moreover, from the moment they entered Milan, the soldiers enjoyed a comfort to which they had long been strangers. They began to grow fat ; they had good bread and meat to eat, and good wine to drink ; they changed their rags for new uniforms supplied by the city. Monday, May 16, Bonaparte received the oath of allegiance from the city authorities : that evening there was a concert in the theatre of La Scala, which was brilliantly lit. The 18th, a new liberty- tree was planted, and a national feast was announced in the name of the Society of the People, in a decree dated Year I. of the Lombard Republic. The 19th, the city was illuminated, and everywhere was posted this proclamation, signed by Bonaparte and Salicetti : " The French Republic, which has sworn hatred to tyrants, has at the same time sworn fraternity with the people. . . . The despot who so long held Lom- bardy beneath his yoke did great harm to France; but the French know that the cause of kings is not that of their people. It is sure that the victorious army of an insolent monarch would spread terror throughout a defeated nation ; but a republican army, compelled to make war to the death against the kings it combats, promises friendship to the people whom its victories deliver from tyranny." 32 CITIZEN ESS BONAPARTE. Bonaparte seemed happy, yet even at the moment of his victory he was suffering. Stendhal has said : " Seeing this young general under the handsome tri- umphal arch of the Porta Romana, it would have been hard for even the most experienced philosopher to guess the two passions which tormented his heart." These were the hottest love excited by madness to jealousy, and anger due to the determination of the Directory. The very evening before his victorious entry into Milan, Bonaparte, unknown to any of those about him, had sent to Paris his resignation. He had just been informed by the Directoiy, that henceforth the Army of Italy was to be divided into two armies, one of which, that of the South, was to be confided to him, and was to set forth to conquer the southern part of the Peninsula; while the other, that of the North, was to be commanded by General Kellerman. Bonaparte perceived that this arrangement robbed him of his glory, and would destroy his power and fame. May 14, he wrote to the Directory a letter con- taining this passage : " I regard it as very impolitic Seine is but a step ; tremble I Your iniquities are 130 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. counted, and their reward is at the point of our bayonets." Division Bernadotte : " The Republican constitu- tion appears to be threatened. Our sensitive and generous souls are averse to believing it ; but if the fact is true, speak ! The same arms which assured national independence, the same chiefs who led the phalanxes, still exist. With such aid, you have but to wish it, to see the conspirators vanish from the picture of the living." Division Se'rurier : " Speak, citizen Directors, speak ; and at once the wretches who polluted the soil of freedom will have ceased to exist. It will doubtless suffice to crush them, to summon some of our brave companions in arms from the armies of the Rhine and Moselle, and of Sambre and Meuse. We yearn to share with them the honor of purging France of its crudest foes." Division Joubert : " What ! the odious Capet who for six years parades his shame from nation to nation, always pursued by our Republican phalanxes, would now bring them under the yoke! If this idea is revolting to any citizen whom love of country has once touched, how much more so to the old soldiers of the Republic ! " Division Baraguey d'Hilliers: "We renew the solemn oath of hatred to the factions, of war to the death to Royalists, of respect and fidelity to the Con- stitution of the Year III." Division Delmas : " We have sworn to defend, to JULY 14 AT MILAN. 131 the last drop of our blood, the liberty of our country. If it is possible that it should ever perish, we are determined to be buried beneath its ruins." Division Victor : " No more indulgence, no more half-way measures ! The Republic or death ! " The day after these addresses were signed by the officers and soldiers, Bonaparte wrote to the Direc- tory : " The soldier asks eagerly if, in reward for his toils and six years of war, he is to be assassinated in his hearthstone, at his return, the fate which threatens every patriot. ... Are there no more Republicans in France? After conquering Europe, shall we be forced to seek some little corner of the earth in which to end our sad lives ? By one stroke you can save the Republic, and two hundred thousand lives which are bound with our fate, and secure peace within twenty-four hours : have the Emigre's arrested, destroy the influence of the foreigners. If you need force, summon the armies. Demolish the presses in English pay, which are more sanguinary than ever Marat was. As for me, citizen Directors, it is im- possible for me to live amid such conflicting passions ; if there is no way of putting an end to our country's sufferings, to crushing the assassinations and influ- ence of Louis XVIII., I present my resignation." Bonaparte's soldiers looked upon him as a William Tell, a Brutus, the terror of tyrants, the saviour of liberty. Perhaps there was not a man in his whole army who suspected him of not being an ardent Re- publican. Yet, at that very moment, when he was, 132 CITIZENESS BONAPAHTE. so to speak, the inspiring spirit of the 18th Fructidor, he was already, in intimate conversation, indicating his plans of dictatorship and empire. In the Count Miot de Mojito's Memoirs there is to be noticed a very curious revelation : " I happened to be," he says, "at Montebello with Bonaparte and Melzi, and Bonaparte took us both" a long walk in the vast gar- dens of this beautiful estate. Our walk lasted about two hours, during which time the general talked almost incessantly. ' What I have done so far,' he said, ' is nothing. I am now only at the beginning of my career. Do you think I have been triumphing here in Italy for the greater glory of the lawyers of the Directory? Do you think it was to establish a republic ! What an idea ! A republic of thirty million men ! With our morals, our vices, is such a thing possible ? It is a chimera that fascinates the French, but which will pass away like so many others. What they need is glory, the gratification of the vanity ; but they know nothing of liberty. Look at the army. The victories we have already won have given the French soldier his real character. I am every- thing for him. Let the Directory think of deposing me from my command, and we shall see who is mas- ter. The nation demands a man illustrious by repu- tation, and not for theories of government, phrases, and the speeches of theorists, which the French don't understand in the least. Give them a rattle, and they are satisfied ; they will amuse themselves with it and let themselves be led, provided that one hides JULY 14 AT MILAN. 133 the end towards which one leads them. ... A party is moving in favor of the Bourbons. I do not mean to contribute to its triumph. I mean, some day, to weaken the Republican- party ; but it shall be for my own advantage, and not for that of the old dynasty. Meanwhile, I shall keep in line with the Republican party.' " He had to dissimulate for a few years more, and it was at the very moment that the young leader thus imprudently betrayed to Miot de Me'lito his most secret thoughts, that he assumed this thoroughly Revolutionary aspect before the eyes of his army, and that by sending Augereau to Paris he prepared for the 18th Fructidor, a day most fatal to the reac- tionary party, and full of the most direful results. We may say that in these circumstances, Bonaparte, who possessed all the Italian craft and astuteness, exhibited the skill and genius of a Machiavelli. XIII. BONAPARTE AND THE 18TH FRUCTIDOR. IN 1797 Bonaparte was a Republican, not, how- ever, on account of the Republic but for his own advantage. What he condemned in the Royalists was not that they threatened the Republicans, but that they desired to bar his way to the throne. His in- dignation with the Royalist reaction was above all things the result of personal ambition. Apparently he was defending the Republic ; in fact, he was laying the foundation of the Empire. " I have been blamed," he said one day to Madame de Re"musat, "with having favored the 18th Fructi- dor; it is like blaming me for supporting the Revo- lution. It was necessary to get some profit from the Revolution, and not let all the blood be shed in vain. What ! consent to surrender unconditionally to the House of Bourbon, who would have reproached us with all our misfortunes after their departure, and have silenced us by the desire we had shown for their return ! Change our victorious flag for the white flag, which had not feared to mingle with the enemy's standard! And as for me, I was to be pacified \vitli 134 BONAPARTE AND THE 1STH FRUCT1DOR. 135 a few millions and some duchy or other ! Thero is one thing certain : I should have thoroughly known how to dethrone the Bourbons a second time if it had been necessary, and perhaps the best counsel that could have been given them would have been to get rid of me." Bonaparte's double game never manifested itself more clearly than in the preparations for the 18th Fructidor. His official envoy to Paris, the man whom he sent to the Directory as the official repre- sentative of the Republican feeling of his army, and as the leader of the approaching coup cTtat, was the Jacobin general, the child of the Paris suburbs, Auge- reau. But at the same time he had sent on a recent mission to the capital a man in whom he had perfect confidence, his aide-de-camp, Lavalette, whose man- ners and social relations were those of a man of the old regime. Through Augereau, Bonaparte deter- mined to act on the Republicans ; through Lavalette, on the Royalists. Already, in fact, he was plotting the system of fusion which was to be the basis of his domestic policy, and later to enable him to give the titles of prince and duke to former members of the Convention, and to endow regicides with the broad ribbons of Austrian orders. Through Augereau, he won the confidence of the most ardent democrats; through Lavalette, he protected the families of the e'migre's. and Josephine's old friends. His plan was to secure for himself the benefits of the coup cTStat, and to appear to quell its excesses. By sending 136 CITIZEN ESS BONAPARTE. Augereau to Paris lie also derived this advantage, that he got rid of a general whose noisy Jacobin ways displeased him ; for he so dreaded his influence us a demagogue that he wrote to Lavalette : " Auge- reau is going to Paris ; don't confide in him ; he has sown disorder in the army. He is a factious man." The Directory soon detected this double play, but it regarded Bonaparte as essential for its purposes, because his army would serve as a counterpoise to the ever-growing reactionary spirit, and it felt too weak to break with the conqueror of Italy. Lavalette was equally an object of suspicion, and his goings and comings, his visits, his letters, and words, were all closely watched. The antagonism between Bonaparte and Barras, although latent, was already visible to those who could look beneath the surface. The Directory was about to win a victory which contained the seeds of defeat. The 18th Fructidor was to pro- duce the 18th Brumaire. C" Madame de Stael, whose drawing-room was a centre of influence, was most eager in defence of the Repub- lic and bitterly hostile to the reaction : she saw both Augereau and Lavalette. "Although Bonaparte," she said, " was always talking about the Republic in his proclamations, careful observers discerned that it was in his eyes a means, not an end. It was in this light that he regarded everybody and everything. The rumor ran that he wanted to make himself King of Lombardy. One day I met General Augereau, who had just come from Italy, and was everywhere BONAPARTE AND THE 1STH FRUCTIDOR. 137 looked upon, and I think rightly, as an ardent Repub- lican. I asked him if it was true that Bonaparte was thinking of making himself king. ' No, certainly not,' he answered ; ' he's too well trained for such a thing.' This singular answer fitted well with the ideas of the moment. Earnest Republicans would have consid- ered it a degrading thing that a man, however distin- guished, should wish to use the Revolution for selfish purposes. Why was this view so shortlived among the French?" 1 At this period Madame de Stae'l affected genuine adoration of Bonaparte. Lavalette met her at dinner at the house of M. de Talleyrand, the Minister of Foreign Affairs. " During the whole dinner," he says, " her praise of the conqueror of Italy had all the fire and exaggeration of inspiration. When we rose from table, we all went into a side room to see the hero's portrait, and as I drew back to let the others pass, she stopped, and said, 4 What ! should I think of going before an aide-de-camp of Bonaparte?' My confusion was so manifest that even she was a little embarrassed, and the master of the house laughed at her. I went to see her the next day ; she received me so kindly that I often called on her afterwards." C Madame de Stael at that time nourished two pas- sions: for Bonaparte and for the Republic. She, more than any one, urged on the coup cTtat of Fnu- tidor. "I am convinced," Lavalette says further, 1 Madame de StaePs Considerations upon the French Revolution. 138 CITIZEN ESS BONAPARTE. " that she had not foreseen the cruelties that would be inflicted on the defeated party, but I never sa\\ such zeal in urging them." She herself was alarmed by the deed which her words had helped to bring about. She records that in the evening of the 17th Fructidor, the alarm was so great that most well- known persons left their houses for fear of arrest. In spite of her Republican zeal, she felt alarmed on account of relations with Royalists. One of her friends found a hiding-place for her in a little room overlooking the bridge Louis XVI. ; there she passed the night, looking out on the preparations for the terrible events which were to take place a few hours later. Only soldiers were to be seen in the streets ; all the citizens were indoors. The cannon which were massed about the building in which sat the Corps Le*gislatif (the Palais Bourbon) rolled over the pavement ; but, with that exception, absolute still- ness prevailed. In the morning it was learned that General Augereau had led his troops into the Coun- cil of the Five Hundred, and there arrested the re- actionary deputies. Two of the Directors were pro- scribed, and fifty-one representatives were driven in wagons through the agitated country, and sent, in iron cages, to deadly exile in Cayenne ; the owners^ editors, and writers of forty-one newspapers were likewise all transported ; the elections of forty-height deputies were cancelled ; the press was gagged and silenced ; the priests and e'migre's were again driven out of the country : such were the consequences of BONAPARTE AND THE 18TH FRUCTIDOR. 139 the 18th Fructidor; the triumph of the military spirit. As Edgar Quinet says: "All respect for law was lost; nothing was seen or admired but the drawn sword. . . . After the victory of the soldiers, there was nothing left to do but to crown a soldier." It was Bonaparte who was to get all the profit from the 18th Fructidor; but before the Royalists of Paris, whom he was treating gently, with an eye to the future, he wished to appear as disapproving of the excesses of a day which was to be of so great service to him. Lavalette wrote to him that he would tar- nish his glory if he appeared to give his support to unjustifiable assaults upon the national representa- tives and upon worthy citizens. These views made so deep an impression upon Bonaparte that, during the days that preceded the coup d'etat, Bonaparte, in his letters to the Directory, abstained from expressing himself on the domestic affairs of France. Lavalette had passed the evening of the 17th Fructidor at the Luxembourg with Barras. From the ill-concealed excitement of the Director's courtiers, he conjectured what was in the wind, and went away early, deter- mined not to make his appearance there the next day, because he did not wish, by his presence, to make it seem that Bonaparte approved of such vio- lent measures. Nevertheless, Lavalette went to see Barras the next day but one. The Director said to him in a very threatening way : " You have betrayed the Re- public and your general. For more than six weeks 140 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. the government has received no private letters from him: your opinion on recent events is well known, and we do not doubt that you have painted our conduct in the blackest colors; I want to tell you that last evening the Director} 7 " seriously dis- cussed the question whether you should not share the fate of the conspirators who are on their way to Guiana. Out of regard for General Bonaparte, you remain at large ; but I have this moment sent my secretary to enlighten him on what has taken place and on your conduct." Lavalette replied with perfect coolness : " You are quite mistaken ; I have betrayed no one. The 18th is a calamity; I can never be convinced that the government has the right to punish blindly the rep- resentatives of the people, to break every law. For six weeks I have written nothing else ; and if you wish to convince yourself of this fact, here is the key of my desk ; you may seize my papers." Lavalette lingered a few days in Paris, lest his hasty departure should be ascribed to fear. Before starting, he visited General Augereau, to see if he could do anything for him. The general spoke about Bonaparte with great indifference, and about the 18th Fructidor with much more enthusiasm than he would have shown about the battle of Arcole. "Do you know," he said, "that you ought to have been shot for your conduct ? But don't be alarmed ; you may count on me." Lavalette smiled, and thanked him; but he saw that it was useless to put this kindness to the BONAPARTE AND TIIE 18TH FRUCTIDOR. 141 test, and the next day he left for Italy. He left Paris the 1st Vende'miaire, when the Directory, the ministers, and all the constituted authorities were proceeding to the Champ de Mars to celebrate the first day of the Year VI. of the Republic. For his part, Bonaparte, who posed before his army, which was entirely made up of Republicans, as an ardent supporter of the 18th Fructidor, had addressed the following proclamation to his troops : " Soldiers, we are about to celebrate the 1st Vende*- miaire, a date most dear to the French ; it will be a day of renown in the world's annals. This is the day from which dates the foundation of the great nation; and the great nation is called by fate to astonish and console the world. Soldiers, far from your country, and triumphant over Europe, chains had been prepared for you ; you knew it, you spoke of it ; the people awoke and seized the traitors ; they are already in irons. You will learn, from the proc- lamation of the Executive Directory, the plots of the special enemies of the soldiers, and particularly of the divisions of the Army of Italy. This preference does us honor; hatred of traitors, tyrants, and slaves will be in history our proudest title to glory and immortality." It was not Bonaparte alone who thus played the part of the fanatical Republican : there was Talley- rand, too, the former bishop, Talleyrand who, some years later, at the Vienna Congress, was to speak of legitimacy with so much fervor. He wrote to Bona- 142 CITIZENESS BONAPAETE. parte four days after the 18th Fructidor : " A real conspiracy, and wholly to the profit of Royalty, had long been plotting against the Constitution. Already it had cast off its mask, and had become visible to the most indifferent eyes. The name of patriot had become an insult ; every Republican institution was insulted; the bitterest foes of France had returned to it, and had been welcomed and honored. A hypo- critical fanaticism had suddenly carried us back to the sixteenth century. . . . The first day speedy death was decreed for any one who should recall Royalty, the Constitution of '93, or the d'Orle'ans." When Lavalette got back from Paris, he found Bonaparte installed at Passeriano, and he gave the fullest details of everything that had happened. The general asked, " Why, with such scornful processes, so much weakness ? Then why such rashness, when boldness was enough ? It was a piece of cowardice not to try Pichegru; his treason was flagrant, and the evidence was more than enough to condemn him. . . . Force is very well when one can use nothing else ; but when one is master, justice is better." Then he continued his walk in the garden in silence. Finally, he added, as he took leave of Lavalette, " On the whole, this revolution will prove a good spur to the nation." In fact, the real conqueror of the 18th Fructidor was not the Directory; it was Bonaparte. XIV. PASSBRIANO. rpOWARDS the middle of September, 1797, -L Bonaparte, accompanied by his wife, his fam- ily had left after Pauline's marriage with General Leclerc, had taken up his quarters in the Friuli, at the castle of Passeriano, there to conclude diplo- matic negotiations with the Austrian government. This was a fine country-place belonging to Manin, the former doge, and was on the left bank of the Tagli- amento, four leagues from Udine, and three from the ruins of Aquileia. Here the warrior appeared as a peace-maker. Being secured against the Royalists by the coup d'Stat of the 18th Fructidor, from which he got the profit without the odium, he at once appeared in the light of a conservative, and in his relations with the Austrian plenipotentiaries he re- membered with pleasure that his wife was of high rank and that he himself was a gentleman. He already manifested his pretensions to noble birth of which Prince Metternich speaks in his Memoirs. According to the famous Austrian diplomatist, he set great store by his nobility and the antiquity of his 144 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. family. " More than once," adds Prince Metternich, "he has tried to prove to me that only envy and calumny have been able to throw any doubts on his nobility. ' I am in a singular position,' he used to say. ' There are genealogists who trace my family back to the deluge, and others say that I am of low birth. The truth lies between the two. The Bona- partes are good Corsican gentlemen, not famous, because we have seldom left the island, and a good deal better than many of the coxcombs who pre- sume to look down on us.' " The Austrian plenipotentiaries were Count Louis de Cobenzl, the Marquis of Gallo, General Count Mersfeld, and M. de Ficquelmont. Count Cobenzl was at that time leading Austrian diplomatist. He had been ambassador to the principal Euro- pean courts, and for a long time in Russia, during the reign of Catherine the Great, whose especial esteem he had succeeded in winning. "Proud of his rank and importance," we read in the Memorial of Saint Helena, " he had not a doubt that his man- ners and familiarity with courts would easily over- whelm a general who had risen from the camps of the Revolution; consequently he met the French gen- eral with a certain levity, but the air and the first remarks with which he was greeted soon put him in his proper place, in which he remained ever after." M. de Cobenzl was an accomplished man of the world, a true representative of the old rdgime. He was a brilliant and witty talker, who told most cleverly PASSERIANO. 145 stories of every court of Europe ; he was famous for his social skill, and he greatly amused Madame Bonaparte, who found in him the manners of the old court of Versailles. The Marquis of Gallo, a most acute, supple, and conciliating man, was not an Austrian; he was a Neapolitan, and ambassador from Naples to the court of Vienna. There he had won such regard that Austria chose him for one of its plenipotentiaries. " Yours is not a German name," Bonaparte said to him the first time he saw him. " You are right," answered the Marquis of Gallo; "I am ambassador from Naples." " And since when," asked the French general dryly, " have I had to treat with Naples ? We are at peace. Has not the Emperor of Austria any more negotiators of the old stamp? Is all the old Viennese aristocracy extinct?" The Marquis, who feared lest these remarks should come to the official notice of the Vienna cabinet, at once devoted himself to smoothing down Bonaparte, who at once became gentle, being perfectly satisfied with having got an advantage over the Marquis which he never lost. The Marquis of Gallo, who later was ambassa- dor from the Bourbons of Naples to the First Con- sul, then ambassador from King Joseph Bonaparte to the Emperor Napoleon, confessed to him frankly, when speaking of their first meeting, that no one had ever in his life so frightened him. The two other plenipotentiaries were General von Mersfeld, a distinguished officer, an upright man, of 146 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. fine manners, and M. de Ficquelmont, who was thor- oughly versed in all the Austrian statecraft. Their meetings were held at Bonaparte's headquarters at Passeriano, and at the residence of the Austrian plen- ipotentiaries, at Udine, alternately. The negotiators took turns in dining at each other's houses. Distrac- tions were fewer than at Montebello, but life there was not wholly without charm. " Our stay at Pas- seriano," says the Duke of Ragusa, " comes back most pleasantly to my memory ; it had a quality that was nowhere repeated. . . . We devoted ourselves to active exercise, to maintain our strength and develop our skill ; yet we did not neglect study and the cul- tivation of our mind. Monge and Berthollet used to teach us every evening ; Monge giving us lessons in that science of which he established the principles, now so well known, descriptive geometry." It was at Passeriano that General Desaix visited Bonaparte. They spent several days together, and became much attached to each other. " Desaix," adds the Duke of Ragusa, "had not forgotten my prophecies, so quickly realized, about General Bona- parte ; he reminded me of them as soon as he saw me. He expressed to General Bonaparte his desire to ac- company him on his next campaign. It was from this visit that dates the first thought of the campaign in Egypt. Bonaparte liked to talk about this classic land ; his mind was full of memories of history, and he took great pleasure in forming more or less feasi- ble plans about the East." PASSERIANO. 147 Bonaparte's aides-de-camp found a peaceful pleas- ure in this agreeable stay at Passeriano ; but the gen- eral had most serious matters to fill his mind, and his relations with the Directory, whose servant after all he was, became every day more strained. He regarded it a special token of their distrust that Bottot, the private secretary of Barras, had been sent to Passeriano. At table he loudly and frankly, before twenty or thirty persons, used to accuse the government of injustice and ingratitude. He sus- pected the Directors of trying to make use of Auge- reau as a rival, and with similar craft and subtlety he kept writing and saying that his health and energy were destroyed; that he needed a few years' rest; that he was unable to get on a horse ; but that nev- ertheless the prosperity and liberty of his country always excited his liveliest interest. What would he have done if the Directory had taken him at his word? With regard to diplomatic questions his opinions differed fundamentally from those of the government. He was convinced that peace was possible only on the condition of sacrificing Venice to Austria. The Directory, on the other hand, considering that the French Republic could not without dishonor abandon a republic to a monarch, desired not only Venetian independence, but that the whole peninsula should be made republican, that the temporal power of the Pope should be broken, and the kingdoms of Pied- mont and Naples destroyed. This radical policy in 148 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. no way suited Bonaparte's views. He knew that in order to attain supreme power he should need the clergy; and although he had so often declaimed against tyrants, he thought it better to show some consideration for the sovereigns whom within a few years he should have to treat as brothers. The atti- tude which he adopted at Passeriano bespeaks such calculations. A clear-sighted observer might have already detected, in this tool of the Directory, the First Consul and Emperor. By his education, his tastes, his marriage, his ideas and principles, he belonged to both the old society and the Revolution. From each he took what aid he could, for the grati- fication of his ambition and the realization of his dreams. " My campaign was not a bad one," he said one day to Madame de Re'musat, speaking of this period of his life. " I became an important person for Europe. On one hand, by means of my order of the day, I encouraged the Revolutionary system ; on the other, I secretly won the e'migre's ; I let them form hopes. It's always easy to deceive that party, be- cause they never think of what is, but of what they want. I received most magnificent offers if only I would follow General Monk's example. The Preten- der wrote to me, in his hesitating, flowery style. I secured the Pope more by not going to Rome than if I had burned his capital. Finally, I became impor- tant and formidable ; yet the Directory, which was uneasy about me, could bring no charge against me." Never was the skilful dissimulation, which was one PASSERIANO. 149 of the principal qualities of Bonaparte's character, more ingenious and more refined. He wrote to the Directory : " My moral condition requires that I min- gle with the mass of citizens. A great power lias too long been entrusted to my hands. In every case I have employed it for the good of my country : so much the worse for those who, believing in no virtue, may have suspected mine. My reward is my own conscience and the verdict of posterity." October 1, 1797, he wrote to Talleyrand : " All that I am now doing, all the arrangements I am now settling are the last service I can render my country. My health is wholly destroyed ; health is indispensable, and, in war, nothing can take its place. The government will doubtless, in accordance with my request of a week ago, have appointed a commission of publi- cists to organize a free Italy ; new plenipotentiaries to continue or renew the negotiations ; and, finally, a general to whom it can entrust the command of the army, for I know no one who can take my place in these three equally interesting posts." The Directory was jealous and suspicious ; it al- ready had a presentiment that it would find its master in Bonaparte ; but it rivalled him in dissimulation, and, in refusing to accept his resignation, made pro- testations of friendship which were anything but sincere. Bottot, Barras's secretary, wrote to Bona- parte, after his return from Passeriano to Paris, that his last moments at Passeriano had sorely distressed his heart ; that cruel thoughts had accompanied him 150 C1TIZENESS BONAPARTE. to the very doors of the Directory; but that these cruel thoughts had been dispelled by seeing the admiration and affection which the Directors felt for the conqueror of Italy. In spite of these protesta- tions, which on both sides were mere political manoeu- vring, the hostility between Barras and Bonaparte, although lessened by Josephine's secret influence, was yet plain to clear-sighted eyes, and was to cease only with the act of violence of the 18th Brumaire. XV. JOSEPHINE AT VENICE. WHILE Bonaparte was at Passeriano, Josephine went to spend a few days at Venice, which had been occupied by a French garrison since May 16. Its old aristocracy had been overthrown, and a law- yer, Dandolo, had put himself at the head of the provisional government. Bergamo, Brescia, Padua, Vicenza, Bassano, Udine, were all separate republics. Everywhere were adopted the principles of the French Revolution ; the Italian national colors were adopted, a confederation was formed. The proud Venetian Republic hoped to preserve its independ- ence, but it was not without a secret uneasiness as to the negotiations at Passeriano. Its former atti- tude of haughtiness and hostility to Bonaparte and the French had become one of obsequiousness and entreaty. It besought the young conqueror to visit it, and promised him the most unheard-of ovations ; but Bonaparte had already decided to abandon Ven- ice to Austria in return for Mantua and the Adige, and he did not dare to show himself in a city which his plans were about to ruin. He clearly perceived 151 152 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. that after the ultra-democratic proclamations which he had written, after the solemn sending to Paris of busts of Junius and Marcus Brutus, he would appear very inconsistent if he were to give over a republic, bound hand and foot, to an emperor. If he had gone to receive on the square of Saint Mark the applause which the expiring city promised him, he would seem to have played a traitor's part. His spirit of dissimu- lation did not go so far as that; but Josephine, who was not admitted to diplomatic secrets, might go to the Venetian festivities as to a simple pleasure-party. She was averse to leaving Italy without seeing this wonderful and famous city, and she got her husband's leave to go there under the escort of Marmont. She appeared at the City of the Doges, with all her usual grace, kindliness, and amiability. " To see her so affable and so smiling towards every class of society, no one would have suspected the dark plans which her husband was weaving against the independence of the noble and illustrious Republic. Doubtless Venice was at fault : its neutrality had been neither prudent nor loyal; the Veronese Vespers had been a grave crime. But the punishment was terrible, and what would be the feelings of the patriots who were soon to see that most terrible sight, the annihilation of their country ? " Yet Venice was still rejoicing; the credulous populace still nourished illusions; so easy is it to believe what one hopes. The nobility of the main- land, with its long-lived jealousy of the aristocracy JOSEPHINE AT VENICE. 158 of the lagoons, saw with pleasure the fall of the oligarchy which it detested. The middle classes, fancying themselves emancipated, noisily welcomed the triumph of French ideas. As to the rabble, they thought no more of the past, and scarcely considered the future , delighted with the festivities, they gave themselves up to the pleasures awaiting them with true southern enthusiasm. The Venetians, with the best will in the world, being unable to prostrate themselves before the man who held their fate in his hands, spared no pains at the reception of his wife, to devise what could grat- ify and flatter her. Madame Bonaparte spent four days at Venice ; it was one perpetual magical en- chantment. The City of the Doges is most beautiful with its wealth of marble palaces and magnificent monuments, its pictures and frescoes, the master- pieces of Tintoretto, Titian, the two Palmas, Paul Veronese, with its Piazza of Saint Mark, its won- derful cathedral, its Ducal Palace, rich in treasures and memories! The visitor is overwhelmed with admiration and respect when he enters the cele- brated Greater Council Chamber, which in its won- derful pictures condenses the history of the Queen of the Adriatic just as the grand gallery of Versailles records the history of the Sun King! Here one sees popes come to seek shelter in Venice, emperors entreating its alliance, accepting its mediation ; one sees its fleets conquering islands, its armies scaling ramparts, its victories on land and sea, and in the 154 CITIZEN ESS BONAPARTE. middle of the ceiling, the Republic, in the form of a radiant woman, smiling at the display of its wealth and grandeur ; then there is the series of the por- traits of all the doges, from the first, Luca Anafeste, elected in 697, to the last, Manini, who, eleven hundred years afterwards, had just been deposed by the French ! A singular omen : the portrait of the Doge Manini filled the only place left empty at the time of his election : there was no room for a suc- cessor. But the Venetians did not trouble them- selves about this gloomy sign; they had but one care, to give Madame Bonaparte a grand reception. The first day the Grand Canal was in gala dress. A hundred and fifty thousand spectators filled the windows and roofs that overlooked it. There were boat-races; five or six long and narrow boats, pro- pelled by but one man, contended over the course which ran from the beginning of the canal to the Rialto. The second day, a trip in the boats; all the gondolas were covered with flowers and garlands. The third day, another excursion, but by night, when palaces, houses, gondolas, were all illuminated : it was like a sea of flame ; fireworks of many colors were reflected in the water, and the evening closed Avith a ball in the Ducal Palace. "If one reflects," says Marmont, "of the advantages which its situation gives to Venice, of the beauty of its architecture, of the endless movement of crowded boats, which make it look like a moving city, if one thinks of the efforts such circumstances called forth in this imaginative JOSEPHINE AT VENICE. 155 people with their exquisite taste and unbounded love of pleasure, one may conjecture the spectacle that was offered us. It was not Venice, the seat of power, but Venice, the house of beauty and pleasure." No, it was no longer Venice in its power, " Ven- ice," as Chateaubriand says, "the wife of the Adri- atic and Queen of the Seas, the Venice which gave emperors to Constantinople and kings to Cyprus, -princes to Dalmatia, to the Peloponnesus, to Crete the Venice which humiliated the Caesars of Germany ; the Venice of which monarchs esteemed it an honor to be the citizens ; the Venice which, republican in the midst of feudal Europe, served as a buckler to Christianity; the Venice, planter of lions, whose doges were scholars, whose merchants, knights ; the Venice which brought back from Greece conquered turbans or recovered masterpieces ; the Venice which triumphed by its splendor, its courtesans, and its arts, as well as by its great men ; Venice, at once Corinth., Athens, and Carthage, adorning its head with rostral crowns and diadems of flowers." No, it was no longer the former Venice. A profound decadence was visi- ble in these festivities given in honor of Madame Bonaparte. What had become of that freest of cities which had maintained its independence since its foun- dation in the fifth century ? Where were the famous bronze horses that had pawed the air above the en- trance of Saint Mark's? They had been sent to Paris as part of the spoils. And the famous lion, the lion of the holy patron of Venice ? He had suffered the 156 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. same fate. The great saint whose relics are in the church founded in the beginning of the ninth century by the liberality of Justinian Participazio no longer protected the city which had so trusted in him. Ah ! what had become of her who " looks a sea Cybele, fresh from ocean, Rising with her tiara of proud towers At airy distance, with majestic motion, A ruler of the waters and their powers : ******* In youth she was all glory, a new Tyre, Her very byword sprung from victory, The ' Planter of the Lion,' which through fire And blood she bore o'er subject earth and sea ; Though making many slaves, herself still free, And Europe's bulwark 'gainst the Ottomite. Witness Troy's rival, Candia ! Vouch it, ye Immortal waves that saw Lepanto's fight! For ye are names no time nor tyranny can blight." Childe Harold, Canto IV. It is all over; no more shall be seen the wedding of the doges and the Adriatic ! And where is the Bucentaur, the famous barge resembling Cleopatra's, the huge carved boat, with golden rigging? Where is the time when the Doge put forth from Venice in the Bucentaur, and, proceeding in triumph to the passage of the Lido, cast into the sea a consecrated ring, uttering these sacramental words : " Desponsa- mus te, mare, in signum veri perpetuique dominii," "Sea, we marry you in sign of true and everlasting dominion ! " The ambassadors of every power, even the Pope's nuncio, seemed by their presence to recog- JOSEPHINE AT VENICE. 157 nize the validity of this mystical marriage. What has become of the Bucentaur ? At first it had been intended to send it to France in tow of some frigate; but for fear lest it should be captured on the way by some English cruiser, it was decided to burn it. Also there was burned that famous Book of Gold, in which patricians, even monarchs themselves, were proud to have their names inscribed. Venice, instead of re- joicing, had better have put on sackcloth, and the flowers with which it decked itself in its folly would have been better thrown on the coffin of its independ- ence and glory ! Its cries of joy seemed sounds of irony. The song of the gondoliers should have been a funeral wail. The authority which presided over its festivities was not a majestic and formidable doge, but a foreigner, a Creole woman, who must have been surprised to appear amid the lagoons like a real queen. XVI. CAMPO FORMIO. r I ^HE diplomatic negotiations still went on, but the JL time was coming near when they would have to be brought to some settlement or to be broken off. Bonaparte's situation, in spite of wonderful victories, continued to be critical. He was acting in a sense opposed to the orders of his government, and could only succeed by imposing his will upon it. At any moment there might arrive a messenger from Paris with a despatch that would at once overthrow the scaffolding he had so carefully constructed. He had more fear of the Directory than of Austria, and it was from the Luxembourg that came his principal difficulties. Bonaparte was about to send a double ultimatum, one for the Austrian government, the other for his own. By his private letters ho had pre- pared Talleyrand, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, for the settlement on which he had already deter- mined, and foreseeing the agreement which was to exist between himself and this once great lord, he had assumed in his communications airs of sympathy and confidence. In this correspondence he made 158 CAMPO FORMIO. 159 short work of the Italian forces and of the revolu- tionary propaganda. He said : " I have no Italians in my army, except about fifteen hundred vagabonds picked up in the streets of the different cities. They are thievish, good-for-nothing fellows. . . . You im- agine that liberty produces great results from a weak, superstitious people. . . . The King of Sar- dinia, with a battalion and a squadron, is stronger than all the Cisalpine people together. That is a historic fact. All that is only fit to put into procla- mations and printed speeches is mere romantic stuff. ... If we were to happen to adopt the external policy of 1793, we should make all the greater mis- take because we have done well with the opposite policy, and we no longer have those great masses to recruit from, or that first outburst of enthusiasm which lasts but a short time." Being anxious to sacrifice the Venetians, he wrote, " They are a feeble, effeminately cowardly race, without land or water, of whom we have no need." At this very moment he received from the Direc- tory an order to revolutionize all Italy. This was the ruin of his plan, because he was anxious to main- tain the Papal States, the kingdoms of Naples and Sardinia, and to give up Venice to Austria, while the Directory desired not only to save the Venetian Republic, but also to transform all the Italian States without exception into republics. The divergence of their views was complete. No one but Bonaparte would have dared to act in opposition to the letters 160 CITIZEN ESS BONAPARTE. and spirit of the government's instructions, but already he depended only on himself. Paying no attention to the Directory, he followed only his own inspirations, and, October 16, he had an interview with the four plenipotentiaries, which was destined to be decisive. Count Cobenzl announced that Aus- tria would never renounce Mayence except in exchange for Mantua. Bonaparte, however, was de- termined that Mantua should remain in the Cisal- pine Republic. A violent scene resulted from disa- greement. Bonaparte arose in a fury, and stamping on the ground, exclaimed, " You want war ; well, you shall have it ! " And seizing a magnificent porce- lain teaset which M. de Cobenzl used to boast every day that Catherine the Great had given him, dashed it with all his might upon the floor, shivering it into a thousand fragments. " See ! " he shouted again; "such, I promise you, shall be your Austrian monarchy before three months are over ! " Then he rushed out of the room. Bonaparte was playing everything on one throw; he had smashed Count Cobenzl's porcelain, but was it so sure, if the Count had taken him at his word and the negotiations had been broken off, that he would have destroyed the Austrian monarchy so eas- ily as he said ? Was it certain that he would not be disavowed by the Directoiy ? Would Paris have pardoned him for sacrificing Venice and refusing to revolutionize all Italy ? Did he not run the risk of receiving that same evening a despatch which would CAMPO FORMIO. 161 upset his whole work? As on the battle-field, he adopted the boldest plan, and with no fear of the consequences that might ensue from his simulated wrath, he hastened the final result. A secret pre- sentiment told him that he would overcome every obstacle, whether on the part of Austria or of the Directory, and that events would take the course he desired; that he was the master. And, in fact, every- thing conspired to further his plans. He was enjoy- ing one of those runs of luck when the gambler sud- denly wins everything and is amazed at his own good fortune. He knew very well that if the treaty were once signed, the Directory would not dare to refuse its ratification. As he rushed from the room, he in a loud voice ordered word to be sent to the Archduke Charles that hostilities would be resumed in twenty- four hours, and sprang into his carriage without seeming to notice the entreating gestures of the Mar- quis of Gallo, who, with many low bows, was begging him not to depart. The next day the scene had changed. M. Cobenzl, on second thoughts, decided to accede to Bonaparte's proposition; and the French general, for his part, tried his best, by the utmost amicability, to secure a pardon for his pretended wrath of the day before. That same day (October 17, 1797) was signed the peace which took its name from the village of Campo Formio, which lies half-way between Udine and Pas- seriano. "Yet," says the Duke of Ragusa in his Memoirs, "not a single conference had been held 162 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. there ; it was merely the place where the treaty was signed. I was despatched thither to make the neces- sary preparations, and at the same time to invite the plenipotentiaries to push on to Passeriano, to which they very graciously assented. They signed before dinner, dating the treaty at Campo Formio, where the preparations had been made for form's sake ; and doubtless there are still shown in this village the room in which the great event took place and the pen and table that were used. It is with these relics as with so many others." The copying of the treaties took all day ; there were no more discussions. General Bonaparte was full of a charming gaiety, and, remain- ing in the drawing-room, he asked that no candles be brought when it became dark. They amused them- selves with conversation and even with ghost stories, as if they were all staying together in some old castle. At last, towards ten o'clock, word was brought that the copies were finished. Bonaparte signed gaily. At midnight General Berthier was on his way to Paris with a copy of the treaty. Twelve hours later a messenger from the Directory reached Passeriano, bearing positive orders which would have prevented Bonaparte from signing the treaty if he had received them the evening before. He felt anxious about the ratification. Would the Directory consent to the destruction of the Vene- tian Republic ? Would the provisory government of Venice make one final effort to save the independ- ence of the country? It commissioned three dele- CAMPO FORMIO. 163 gates, one of whom was the lawyer Dandolo, to go to Paris and spend whatever money was necessary to prevent the ratification of the treaty. The Duke of Ragusa remarks that this step, if it had succeeded, would have been the ruin of Bonaparte, the tomb of his glory ; he would have been denounced to France and to Europe, as having exceeded his powers and as having, through corrupt means, shamefully aban- doned a people and enslaved a republic. He would have disappeared forever from the scene in the deepest disgrace. Consequently, as soon as he learned of the departure of the Venetian delegates for France, his only thought was to have them ar- rested on the way. Duroc, who was sent in pursuit of them, seized them and brought them to Milan, where Bonaparte was. "I was in the room of the commander-in-chief," Marmont continues, "when he received them ; the violence of his remarks may be readily conjectured. They listened with quiet dig- nity; and when he had finished, Dandolo replied. Dandolo, who generally possessed no courage, was on that day filled with it by the greatness of his cause. He spoke easily, and was indeed eloquent. He enlarged upon the benefits of independence and liberty, on what a good citizen owes to his country. The force of his reasoning, his sincerity, his deep emotion, brought tears to Bonaparte's eyes. He ma < li- no reply, but dismissed the deputies most gently and kindly ; and ever since he has felt for Dandolo a con- stant kindness and fondness. Ho has always sought 164 CITIZEN ESS BONAPAltTE. for an opportunity to advance and benefit him ; and yet Dandolo was a very ordinary man : but this man had stirred his heart by his lofty sentiments, and the impression he made has never faded." In spite of the sorrow of the Directory, the Direc- tory did not dare to refuse the ratification of a treaty which gave to France its natural boundaries, and rec- ognized in Northern Italy the existence of a new republic founded on the principles of the French Revolution. " Peace at last," wrote Talleyrand, " and a peace such as Bonaparte desires ! Receive my warmest congratulations, my dear General. Words fail me to describe everything that is felt at this time. The Directory is satisfied; the public delighted; everything is in the best condition. To be sure, we shall hear some lamentations from Italy ; but that's nothing. Farewell, peacemaking General, farewell! friendship, respect, admiration, gratitude there's no end to the list." France, always mercurial, at that moment was longing for peace as ardently as, a few weeks before, it had longed for war. Bonaparte had consulted his own interests at a most propitious moment, and yet every one w r as praising his disin- terestedness. It was thought most admirable of him to renounce, out of patriotism, the game of battles for which his genius so well adapted him. He was compared to Cincinnatus returning to his plough ; he was everywhere represented as a model of self-denial. The Moniteur, which doubtless was controlled by his friends, was preparing to make his return very CAMPO FORMIO. 165 impressive. Everything was arranged for this pur- pose. The journey from Passeriano to Paris was to inspire a host of stories to strike the imagination of the masses and arouse public curiosity. Letters full of the minutest details of this triumphal progress appeared in swift abundance in the Moniteur, adding to the extreme interest which was felt in the slightest actions and most insignificant remarks of the con- queror of Italy. When he passed through Mantua, he slept in the palace of the former dukes. In the evening the whole city was illuminated. The next day he reviewed the garrison ; then he went to Saint George, where there took place a military celebration in memory of General Hoche, and at noon he em- barked on a boat, to see the monument he had had built in honor of the prince of Latin poets. He parted from Josephine, who stayed some time longer in Italy with her son Eugene ; and November 17, 1797, left Milan for Rastadt, where a congress was in session, destined to extend to the whole German Empire the peace concluded between France and Austria. XVII. BONAPARTE'S RETURN TO FRANCE. T3ONAPARTE left Milan November 17, 1797, I J accompanied by Marmont, Duroc, Lavalette, as well as by Bourrienne, his secretary, and Yvan, his physician. He passed through Piedmont, but refused to stop at Turin and see the King of Sardinia ; but that monarch sent him his compliments and a number of presents, two handsome horses with magnificent fittings, and two horse-pistols set with diamonds, which had belonged to the late King, Charles Em- manuel. Bonaparte crossed the Mount Cenis. When he reached Chambe'ry, he was greeted most warmly. Thence he went to Geneva, where he stopped for a day. He refused to call on Necker, who was waiting for him at the roadside, near the castle of Coppet. He also, in spite of the desires of his aides-de-camp, refused to visit Ferney, having a grudge against the memory of Voltaire. His carriage broke down a league from Morat, and he went part of the way on foot. The roads were filled by a vast crowd, who spent the night standing in order to see the conqueror of Italy. He reached Morat November 23; it was a 166 BONAPARTE'S RETURN TO FRANCE. 167 market-day, and his arrival was most anxiously awaited : the chief magistrate prepared to receive him with all possible honors. Let us quote from a letter sent to Paris from Morat, and printed in the Moniteur : " I looked with keen interest and extreme admiration at this extraordinary man, who has done such great things, and seems to promise that his career is not yet concluded. I found him very like his portrait, short, slight, pale, looking tired, but not ill, as I had heard. It seemed to me that he listened somewhat absent-mindedly and with no great interest, as if much more occupied with his own thoughts than with what was said to him. His face is full of intel- ligence, and wears an expression of constant reflec- tion, revealing nothing of what is going on inside this thoughtful head, this sturdy nature, in which doubt- less were forming plans destined to have great influ- ence over the fate of Europe. A worthy citizen of Morat, about five feet seven or eight inches tall, was much struck by the general's appearance. ' That's a pretty small height for such a great man,' he ex- claimed, loud enough to be heard by an aide-de-camp. * It's exactly the height of Alexander,' I said, bring- ing a smile to the aide's face. He said, ' That is not the most striking point of resemblance.' Bonaparte stopped near the monument of bones at Morat and asked to be shown the place where the battle it com- memorated was fought. They pointed out a plain in front of a chapel. An officer who had served in France explained how the Swiss, descending from 168 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. the neighboring mountains, were able, aided by a dense wood, to outflank the Burgundian army and rout it. 'How large was this army?' asked Bona- parte. ' Sixty thousand men.' ' Sixty thousand men ! They must have covered the mountains.' Then Gen- eral Lannes said, ' Nowadays the French fight better than that.' ' At that time,' replied Bonaparte, ' the Burgundians were not Frenchmen.' " The journey was a series of ovations. Reaching Berne at night, Bonaparte passed through a double line of brilliantly lit carriages, filled with pretty women. His entrance into Basle was announced by cannon on the city ramparts. At once the fortress of Huningue replied to the salvo of artillery. At Offenburg were the headquarters of Augereau, at that time commander-in-chief of the Army of the Rhine. Augereau was anxious to treat him as an equal; he sent an aide with his compliments to Bonaparte, and an invitation to stay a while with him. Bonaparte sent word that he was too busy to stop, and pushed on without seeing his former subor- dinate. He entered Rastadt under the escort of a squadron of Austrian hussars, and found there the plenipotentiaries of the German powers ; but he did not care to tire himself in long and tedious negotia- tions, and was glad to be recalled by the Directory. He hastened to take post for Paris, and reached there December 5, at five o'clock in the afternoon. Bonaparte went to the little house in the rue de la Chantereine whence he had departed, almost obscure, BONAPARTE'S EETUEN TO FRANCE. 1G9 twenty-one months before, and he returned famous. The ambitious men who leave Paris, and are as anxious about its judgment as was Alexander about that of Athens, can never return thither without anxiety. They wonder, and not without emotion, what their glory will amount to in that vast city, with its population so keenly susceptible, yet withal so fickle, and where everything is soon lost in the waves of that human ocean, the people. Great curi- osity was excited by the return of the young con- queror. How would the Directors greet this hero whose glory eclipsed their pallid renown? And what did he want? To be a Csesar? a Cromwell? a Monk? a Washington? Such were the questions that agitated the multitude ; but the prevailing im- pression was that Bonaparte was one of Plutarch's heroes, that his genius was only equalled by his self- denial. The Parisians, in their eagerness to create an idol, ascribed to their favorite every merit, every virtue. The infatuation was universal ; to see Bona- parte, to speak with him, became every one's ambi- tion. The newspapers showed unvarying zeal in printing the most trivial details about him. Every other subject seemed insipid. Talleyrand called on him the evening of his arrival. Bonaparte begged to be excused from receiving him, and the next day called at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where he was received with marks of the warmest respect. His interview with the Directors was most cordial. Everywhere his affability and modesty were talked 170 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. about. Gratitude was felt for the visits he returned, not merely to the principal state functionaries, but also to humbler officials. In the Moniteur of Decem- ber 10 we read : " General Bonaparte is living in his wife's hous"e, rue Chantereine, Chausse"e d'Antin. This house is simple, and with no pretence to luxury. It has been said that he will leave, on the 26th, for Rastadt. He goes out seldom, and unaccompanied, in a plain, two-horse carriage. He is often seen walking alone in his modest garden." This little house in the rue Chantereine, which he had left, two days after his wedding, to go to Italy, and which recalled so many happy memories, was for him once more, to use Marmont's expression, the temple of love. But it was no fault of his brothers if he did not suffer there the torments of a keen jealousy. We have said that he started from Milan Novem- ber 17, leaving Josephine there, who meant to pass a few days there with her son, Eugene de Beauharnais, who had come from Rome to see her before her return to France. Lavalette says in his Memoirs, that Bonaparte's brothers, wishing to be the only ones who had any influence over him, tried to lessen that which Josephine possessed through her hus- band's love. "They tried," he goes on, "to arouse his jealousy ; and for this purpose made the most of her stay at Milan, a stay which was authorized by Bonaparte. His regard for his wife, his journey ings, his incessant preparations for the expedition to Egypt, BONAPARTE'S RETURN TO FRANCE. 171 gave him no time to indulge in such suspicions. I shall speak later about the intrigues of Bonaparte's brothers, and their determination to undermine Jo- sephine in his heart. I was intimate with both, and thus fortunate enough to prevent, or much relieve, the mischief." Bonaparte had scarcely time enough for jealousy ; but, granting that he felt some pangs, the incessant gratification of his pride must have been an ample compensation. When he was at the theatre, no one listened to the actors; every glass was turned towards the box in which he half h'd himself to make curiosity the keener. As soon as he went to walk, a crowd gathered about him. Knowing the Parisian character, and that the attention of the great capital would not long linger on the same subject, he did not make himself common, and in his language, as well as in his dress and manners, he affected a sim- plicity in marked contrast to his glory, which could not fail of its effect on a Republican public. In spite of this assumed modesty, he was perpetually devising methods of giving France and the world new surprises. At this time, it was not love, but ambition, that ruled his soul. Nevertheless, he con- tinued to love Josephine ; and although his affection had no longer the fire and flame of the first days of his married life, he must have regretted her absence at the triumphal festival of December 10 at the Luxembourg. XVIII. THE FESTIVITY AT THE LUXEMBOURG. rTIHE festivity of December 10 took place at the -l_ Luxembourg, where the Directors were to give a formal reception to the conqueror of Italy. The rooms of the palace were too small for the occasion, so the large courtyard was turned into a vast hall adorned with trophies and flags. At eleven in the morning the members of the Directory assembled at the palace, at the rooms of their colleague, La Re*- veilldre-Lepeaux. The ministers, the members of the Diplomatic Body, the officers of the garrison of Paris, were announced in succession. At noon the artillery posted in the garden gave the signal for the beginning of the festival. A band, playing the favor- ite airs of the French Republicans, preceded the pro- cession, which passed through the galleries of the palace and went into the large courtyard. At the end, close to the main vestibule, rose the altar of the country, surmounted by statues of Liberty, Equal- ity, and Peace. Below the altar were five chairs for the Directors, who wore a Roman dress, and a plat- form for the members of the Diplomatic Body. On JTO TIIE FESTIVITY AT THE LUXEMBOURG. 173 each side rose a vast semicircular amphitheatre for the constituted authorities and the Conservatory of Music. To the right and left of this amphitheatre was a bundle of flags of the different armies of the Republic. The walls were adorned with tricolored hangings; and over the altar and the amphitheatre was suspended a large awning. A vast multitude filled the courtyard and the windows of the rooms, which served as galleries. All the leaders of Pari- sian society were gathered at this entertainment, which had been much talked about. Every one looked eagerly forward to seeing and hearing the man whose name was on every one's lips. The women wore their handsomest dresses, anxious to see and to be seen ; they and the spectacle itself at- tracted equal attention. The men, proud of their uniforms, the fashionable beauties, proud of their splendor, were greeting one another ; and the noisy crowd awaited with impatience its favorite's arrival. The President of the Directory gave orders to an usher to go and summon the Ministers of War and of Foreign Affairs, Generals Bonaparte and Joubert, and the Chief of Brigade, Andre'ossy, who were in the apartments of La ReVeille"re-Lepeaux. The Conservatory orchestra played a symphony, but suddenly .the noise of the instruments Mas drowned by an outburst of cheers. Cries arose from every side, "Long live the Republic! Long live Bonaparte ! Long live the great nation ! " " There he is ! " they shouted. " There he is, so young and so 174 CITIZEN ESS BONAPARTE. famous ! There is the hero of Lodi, of Castiglione, of Arcole, the peacemaker of the continent, the rival of Alexander and Caesar ! there he is ! " His modest stature, his gauntness, his air of feebleness, made him no less majestic, for he wore the majesty of glory. No further attention was paid to the Directors or to the famous men who were there ; on him, and on him alone, every eye was fixed. He advanced calmly and modestly, accompanied by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and of War, and followed by his aides. The chorus of the Conservatory sang the H} r mn to Liberty ; the Moniteur tells us that " the assembly, in a transport of delight, repeated the chorus of the martial song. The invocation to Lib- erty and the sight of the liberator of Italy electri- fied every soul ; the Directory, the whole procession, all who were there, arose and stood bareheaded during this solemn performance. General Bonaparte then advanced to the foot of the altar of the country, and was presented to the Directory by Citizen Tal- leyrand, Minister of Foreign Relations, who spoke as follows : ' Citizen Directors, I have the honor of pre- senting to the Executive Directory Citizen Bona- parte, who brings the ratification of the treaty of peace concluded with the Emperor. While bringing us this certain pledge of peace, he recalls, in spite of himself, the numberless marvels that have brought about this great event ; but let him reassure himself, I will pass over in silence all that which will win the honor of history and the applause of posterity ; I will THE FESTIVITY AT THE LUXEMBOURG. 175 say to-day that this glory, which casts so bright a glow on France, belongs to the Revolution. With- out that, indeed, the genius of the Conqueror of Italy would have languished in vulgar honors.' " Talleyrand took great pains to combine the Republic and the general in his eulogies. " All Frenchmen," he said, " have conquered in Bonaparte ; his glory is the property of all ; there is no Republican who cannot claim his portion. . . . Personal greatness, so far from offending equality, is its proudest triumph, and on this very day French Republicans ought to feel themselves greater." Citizen Talleyrand, as the future Prince of Bene- vento was then called, used the language of the most accomplished courtiers. Beneath democratic formulas appeared the most refined and subtle tone of the old regime. The ministers of Louis XIV. were not more accomplished in the arts of flattery. Life is full of curious vicissitudes! This Citizen Talleyrand, the Minister of Foreign Affairs under the Republic one and indivisible, was the former bishop who said mass in the presence of Louis XVI. and Marie Antoinette on the altar of the Champ de Mars, at the festival of the Federation. This ardent Republican, the insti- gator of the 18th Fructidor, was to appear one day as the champion of legitimacy, and to forget that he had ever been a minister of the Republic and of the Empire. Yet Bonaparte was extremely pleased by Talley- rand's delicate flatteries. Having been so often ac- 176 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. cused by the e'migre's of being a mere Jacobin general, he was highly gratified to be praised by a great noble- man, by one of the most important persons of the former court. For his part, Talleyrand, who had a keen appreciation of honors and wealth, knew very well that this young man before whom he made obei- sance would soon be in a position to distribute them ; hence the refinement in the flatteries which the for- mer bishop addressed to his hero. "And when I think," he said in closing, " of all that he has done to make us pardon this glory, of the antique love of simplicity that distinguishes him, of his love for the abstract sciences, of the sublime Ossian who appears to detach him from earth, when every one knows his disdain for show, luxury, and splendor, those petty ambitions of ordinary minds, then, far from dreading his ambition, I feel that some day perhaps we may be compelled to summon him from the calm joys of his peaceful retreat. All France will be free, but he, perhaps, never: such is his destiny. At this very moment a new enemy calls him, renowned for its hatred of the French and its insolent tyranny towards all the nations of the earth. May it, through Bona- parte's genius, promptly expiate both, and may a peace worthy of all the glory of the Republic be imposed upon the tyrants of the sea ; may it avenge France and reassure the world ! " They scarcely listened to Talleyrand, and found him long-winded; for they were impatient to hear Bonaparte, the hero of the day. Every instant which THE FESTIVITY AT THE LUXEMBOURG. 177 postponed the moment when the hero of Arcole was to speak seemed to them like time lost, and only the extravagant praise which he heaped upon the hero of the day excused the length of the Minister's speech. Citizen Talleyrand finished his peroration with these words : " Carried away by the pleasure of speaking about you, General, I perceive too late that the vast throng which surrounds you is impatient to hear you, and you, too, must blame me for delaying the pleasure you will have in listening to one who has the right of addressing you in the name of all France and of addressing you in the name of an old friendship." At last Bonaparte was about to speak. His simple and modest countenance, said the Moniteur, con- trasted with his great reputation. Every one imagined him commanding at the bridge of Lodi, at Arcole, at the crossing of the Tagliamento, or dictating peace at Campo Formio. There was a deep silence. Bona- parte handed to the President of the Directory the Emperor's ratification of the treaty of Campo For- mio, and spoke as follows : u Citizens, the French peo- ple, in order to be free, had to fight with its kings. In order to attain a constitution founded on reason, it had to contend with eighteen centuries of preju- dice. The Constitution of the Year III. was made, and you triumphed over every obstacle. Religion, feudality, royalty, have successively governed Europe for twenty centuries, but the peace you have just concluded dates the era of representative govern- 178 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. ments. You have succeeded in organizing the great nation whose vast territory is limited because nature itself has drawn its boundaries. You have done more. The two fairest parts of Europe, long since so famous for the arts and sciences, and for the great men whose birthplace it was, see with the greatest hopes the genius of liberty rising from the tomb of their ancestors. They are the two pedestals on which destiny is to erect two powerful nations. I have the honor to hand to you the treaty signed at Campo Formio and ratified by His Majesty the Emperor. This peace assures the liberty, the prosperity, and the glory of the Republic. When the happiness of the French people shall be established on better organic laws, all Europe will become free." This short speech, delivered in a jerky voice, in a tone of command, produced a deeper impression than would have done the voice of the most famous orators of the century. When Bonaparte had finished, rap- turous applause broke forth on every side, and spread- ing from the rooms, it continued all about in the neighboring streets, which were filled by a dense crowd. Then Citizen Barras began to speak as President of the Directory, and it must be said that if, as gen- erally asserted, he nourished a secret jealousy of Bonaparte, he was able to conceal it ; for his speech was even more enthusiastic than Talleyrand's, as may be inferred from the opening words : " Citizen Gen- eral, Nature, chary of prodigies, bestows seldom great THE FESTIVITY AT THE LUXEMBOURG. 179 men upon the world, but it must be desirous to mark the dawn of liberty by one of these phenomena, and the sublime Revolution of the French people, without precedent in the history of nations, has been permitted to add a new genius to the list of great men. You, first of all, Citizen General, have known no equal, and by the same force with which you have shattered the enemies of the Republic, you have surpassed all the rivals that antiquity held up before you. . . . After eighteen centuries, you have avenged France for the fortune of Csesar. He brought into our coun- try subjection and destruction ; you have carried into his ancient land liberty and life. Thus is paid the huge debt which the Gauls had contracted to haughty Rome." Bonaparte avenging Caesar's good fortune is, to say the least, a singular notion. Then Barras, adopting a less austere tone, denounced " that herd of intriguing, ambitious, ignorant, destructive men, whose plans are destroyed, whose powerlessness is unveiled, whose ill-gotten wealth is unmasked by peace." Then he broke out against the cabinet of London, " which, ignorant of the art of war, under- stands only how to mix poisons and to sharpen assas- sins' daggers." After a long eulogy of the "immortal 18th Fructidor," Barras ended by inviting Bonaparte to punish the British government. " Your heart," he said, " is the Republican temple of honor ; it is to the mighty genius which fills you that the Directory en- trusts this grand enterprise. Let the conquerors of the Po, the Rhine, and the Tiber follow in your foot- 180 C1T1ZENESS BONAPARTE. steps ; the ocean will be proud to carry them, for it is an unconquered slave who blushes at his chains ; as it roars, it invokes the earth's wrath against the tyrant who burdens it with his fleets. It will fight for you ; the elements second a free man. . . . You are the liberator whom outraged humanity summons with plaintive cries. ... Of the enemy you will find only his crime. Crime alone sustains this perfidious government ; crush it, and its fall will speedily teach the world that if the French people is the benefactor of Europe, it is also the avenger of the rights of nations." After his long and pompous harangue, Barras held out his arms to Bonaparte and gave him a fraternal embrace. " All the spectators were moved," says the Moniteur ; "all regretted that they, too, could not embrace the General who has deserved so well of his country, and offer him their share of the national gratitude." Bonaparte then descended the steps of the altar, and the Minister of Foreign Relations led him to a chair set in front of the Diplomatic Body. Then the choruses and the orchestra of the Conservatory performed the Song of the Return, the words by Citi- zen Che'mer, the music by Citizen Me'hul. There was a couplet for warriors, one for old men, one for the bards, one for young girls. The song ended thus : "TnE WARRIORS. Let us unite in bonds of Hymen our hands and our hearts. THE FESTIVITY AT THE LUXEMBOURG. 181 THE YOUNG GIRLS. Hymen and love are the Conqueror's reward. THE WARRIORS.' Let us create other warriors, and bequeath to them victory THE WARRIORS AND THE YOUNG GIRLS. That some day, at their words, their bright eyes, One will say : They are the children of the brave ! That, deaf to tyrants, to slaves, They always hearken to the voice of the oppressed." The Minister of War then presented to the Direc- tory General Joubert and Chief of Brigade Andrc*- ossy, whom Bonaparte had commissioned to take to the Directory the flag presented to this brave army, in token of the national gratitude, by the Legislative Body : it bore inscriptions in gold letters recounting the principal exploits of the conquerors of Italy. They formed most glorious record: that they had taken one hundred and fifty thousand prisoners, five hundred and fifty pieces of siege artillery, and six hundred field-pieces; that they had won eighteen pitched battles ; that they had sent to Paris the mas- terpieces of Michael Angelo, Guercino, Titian, Paul Veronese, Correggio, Albano, the Carracci, Raphael, and Leonardo da Vinci ! There was the famous standard, the oriflamme of the Republic! "What Frenchman," exclaimed the Minister of War, " what Frenchman worthy of the name will not feel his heart beat at the sight of this banner? Eternal monument of the triumph of our arms, be forever consecrated in the French capitol, amid the trophies won from conquered 182 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. nations ! Glory to you, valiant defenders of our coun- try, generals and soldiers, who have covered with such glory the cradle of the Republic ! " After a speech from General Joubert and another from Andre'ossy, the artillery saluted the banner with a general salute. The President of the Directory received it from the hands of the two warriors. " In the name of the French Republic," he exclaimed, " I salute you, the flag recalling such mighty feats ! . . . Brave soldiers, proceed to the banks of the Thames to rid the universe of the monsters who oppress and dishonor it. ... Let Saint James's Palace be over- thrown ! The country wishes it ; humanity requires it; your vengeance commands it. ... Citizen Gen- eral, you appear surrounded with the halo of your glory within the walls where, a few months ago, rav- ing conspirators madly shouted, ' And this man still lives ! ' Yes, he lives for the glory of the nation and the defence of the country." The Conservatory cho- ruses chanted the Song of Return, the public joining in, as a superior officer carried away reverentially the banner of the Army of Italy, to hang it aloft in the Council Room of the Directory. It was a grand festivity ; the transports of enthusiasm were sincere and generous. The government that pre- sided over these solemn rites has been too often the subject of derision. Did it not possess one talisman to console every misfortune, victory ? Could it, in sight of the amazed and fascinated Diplomatic Body, give to France that fine, glorious name, of which the THE FESTIVITY AT THE LUXEMBOURG. 183 whole world judged it worthy, that of the great nation ? Yes ; it was with a sort of religious awe that this joyous multitude pronounced the word, liberty. Yes ; on that day the Revolution appeared under an immortal aspect. Yes; the valiant soldiers who had wrought such miracles of heroism felt that at last they were amply rewarded for their fatigues, their sufferings, their triumphs. Doubtless it is easier to criticise than to imitate the Directory. A govern- ment which could use such haughty language in the face of Europe has claims, in spite of its faults and weaknesses, upon the indulgence of posterity. A government that gave to France its natural bounda- ries, and which could win not merely the territory, but also the hearts of the people it annexed, rested on principles and ideas of a grandeur that cannot fail to be recognized. XIX. AN ENTERTAINMENT AT THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN RELATIONS. IN his Souvenirs of a Sexagenarian, the poet Ar- nault narrates that in June, 1789, while walking near the Swiss lake, at Versailles, he noticed a man lying down under a tree, apparently plunged in solitary and philosophic thought. " His face, which was not devoid of charm," he goes on, "struck me less by its beauty than by its expression, by a certain combination of indifference and malignity, which gave it a very singular air, as if it were the head of an angel animated by the mind of a devil. It was evidently of a fashionable man, who was accustomed to arouse more interest in others than he felt for them ; of a man who, though young, was already sated Avith worldly pleasures. I should have inclined to suppose it was the face of some favorite colonel, had not the cut of the hair and the bands told me that it belonged to an ecclesiastic, and the pastoral cross assured me that this ecclesiastic was a bishop." A year later, July 14, 1790, among the half-million spectators who covered the slope of the Champ de 184 AN ENTERTAINMENT. 185 Mars was Arnault, watching the Festival of the Fed- eration, when he saw on a hillock where mass was to be celebrated in the open air, a bishop advancing, a cope on his back, a mitre on his head, cross in hand, distributing floods of holy water with patriotic prodi- gality on the royal family, the court, the army, and the populace. " What was my surprise," he goes on, " to recognize in him the prelate of Versailles ! For a year I had heard the Bishop of Autun much talked about. His face explained to me his conduct ; and his conduct his face." Arnault must have been still more surprised to find, in 1797, Monseigneur the Bishop of Autun transformed into Citizen Talleyrand, the Minister of Foreign Relations of the French Republic. Such a metamorphosis was without parallel; it was r.u avatar. How many things had happened since the Festival of the Federation ! On the day after the September massacres Talleyrand had obtained a passport for England, signed by all the ministers, on Danton's motion. From London he continued, it was said, to maintain relations with this terrible leader, which, however, did not prevent his being accused and in- scribed on the list of e'migrds at the end of 1792, on account of the discovery, in the celebrated iron ward- robe, of a letter in which he secretly offered his ser- vices to Louis XVI. In London he was generally regarded as a dangerous person; and early in 1794 the Alien Bill was applied to him. He set sail on a 18G CITIZEN ESS BONAPARTE. Danish ship for the United States, and there awaited events. After Robespierre's death he tried hard to get leave to return to France. His former vicar-general and acolyte at the mass of the Federation, Desre- naudes, solicited the favor of persons of influence. As M. Frederic Masson has said in his remarkable book, The Department of Foreign Affairs during the Revolution, the exile reminded his former mistresses of his good fortunes ; Danton's friends, of his relations with their chief; the stock-jobbers of old times, of the speculations which had made him their master. Legendre was for him, and Madame de Stael, and Boissy d'Anglas. Madame de la Bouchardie sang to Chillier the Exile's Romanza, and Che'nier decided to support, before the Convention in the meeting of September 4, 1795, the petition which Talleyrand had sent from Philadelphia, soliciting permission to return to France. The Convention granted his re- quest. He received a warm welcome in Paris on his return. Ladies who had formerly been leaders of fashion remembered his wit and his fine manners ; their successors took him up out of curiosity. He became acquainted with one of the influential people of the day, Madame de Stael, who wanted him to be made a minister; but this, Carnot flatly opposed. "Don't let me hear a word about him," said the former member of the Committee of Public Safety. " He has sold his order, his king, his God. This Catelan of a priest will sell the whole Directory." AN ENTERTAINMENT. 187 But Madame de Stael had more influence than Car- not: and the ex-Bishop of Autun was appointed Minister of Foreign Relations in July, 1797. His first thought, for he had the gift of foresight, was to secure the good graces of the man of the future, of the commander-in-chief of the Army of Italy. He wrote to him : " I have the honor of informing you, General, that the Executive Directory has just ap- pointed me Minister of Foreign Relations. Naturally awed by the functions of which I feel the perilous importance, I need to reassure myself by reflect- ing what means and aids your glory brings to our negotiations. The mere name of Bonaparte is an ally able to remove every difficulty. I shall hasten to send to you all the views which the Directory shall charge me to transmit to you ; and Fame, your ordinary means of communication, will often deprive me of the happiness of informing it of the manner in which you shall have carried them out." When Bonaparte returned to Paris, Talleyrand was anxious to overreach him, to get possession of him, and determined to give a great entertainment in his honor, but he waited until Josephine should come. The former Viscountess of Beauharnais would well suit a place where met those of the old nobility who had come over more or less to the Revolution. Ma- dame Bonaparte had a weakness for luxury, dress, and pleasure ; in the drawing-room of the Minister of Foreign Relations she would feel herself in her element. Her grace and amiability would work 188 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. wonders; she would modify the effect of her hus- band's rough, violent manners. She would recognize with emotion old friends who would hope to obtain honors and money through her influence. How de- lighted she would be to see arising again what she had thought forever lost, the elegance, urbanity, the life of the drawing-room ! Josephine reached Paris from Italy January 2, 1798. The ball of the Min- ister of Foreign Relations was set for the day fol- lowing. First a word about the ball-room. The ministry was a mansion of the Faubourg Saint Germain, the H6tel Gallifet, a rich and costly dwelling, still un- finished in 1786, so that its former owners had had scarcely time to get settled in it. It was in the rue du Bac, at the corner of the rue de Grenelle, between a courtyard and a garden ; the mansion on the side of the court being adorned by a great open peristyle, consisting of Ionic columns thirty feet high. To the left another peristyle with Doric columns forms a covered passage leading to the grand staircase. The fa9ade towards the garden is adorned with Ionic columns; to the left is a gallery ninety feet long. Talleyrand prepared everything with a lavish hand. It was a magnificent ball: the grand staircase was covered with sweet-smelling plants, the musicians were placed in the cupola, decorated with arabesques, at the top of the staircase. All the walls of the drawing-rooms were painted over anew. A little Etruscan temple was built, in which was set the bust AN ENTERTAINMENT. 189 of Brutus, a present from General Bonaparte, In the garden, which was illuminated by Bengal lights, were tents in which were soldiers from all the differ- ent corps of the Paris garrison. At length the ball began. The Minister did the honors with perfect grace : he had altered his political opinions, but not his manners. He was a Republican whose ways con- tinued those of the Monarchy. He loved show and splendor, and had the cold politeness, the repose of good society, the indifference tinctured with malice, the exquisite tact, the delicate perceptions, which marked the men of the old regime. He brought into a new world the manners of the (Eil de Bceuf and of the court of Versailles. This entertainment given by a former bishop, in an aristocratic dwelling, which had been made national property and turned into a ministry, was a sign of the times. For many years no show, pomp, and splendor had been seen. No one would imagine himself in the city of revolutionary dances, of red caps, of the scaffold. Perfumes took the place of the smell of blood, and the sufferings and perils of the past seemed but a bad dream. The pretty women, the flowers, the lights, one would have thought the happy days of Marie Antoinette had returned. Madame Bonaparte was much impressed. She was looked at a great deal, but her husband produced infinitely more effect. The presence of the hero of Arcole, the signer of the peace of Campo Formio, was the great attraction of the evening. His un- 190 CITIZEN ESS BONAPARTE. usual, strongly marked face, his Roman profile, his eagle eye, aroused much more admiration than did any of the fashionable beauties. A glance, a word, the slightest token of attention on his part, was regarded as a great favor. As he entered the ball-room he said to the poet Arnault : " Give me your arm ; I see a great many who are ready to charge on me ; so long as we are together, they won't dare to break in on our talk. Let us walk about the hall ; you will tell me who all the masks are, for you know everybody." There was a young girl approaching with her mother, matre pul- chra, filia pulchrior, both dressed alike, in a dress of white crape, trimmed with two broad satin ribbons, and the edge bordered with a puff of the size of a thumb, in pink gauze worked with silver. Each wore a wreath of oak-leaves. The mother wore diamonds ; the daughter, pearls : that was the only difference in their attire. The mother was Madame de Permont ; the daughter, the future Duchess of Abrantes. The Turkish Ambassador, a favorite with all the ladies, to whom all the theatre proprietors had given nu- merous entertainments to make money and escape failure, the Turk whose popularity had waned before that of the conqueror of Italy, was most enthusiastic over the beauty of Madame de Permont, who was a Comnena. "I told him," murmured Bonaparte, " that you were a Greek." Arnault, when the general had left his arm, sat down on a bench between two windows. Scarcely AN ENTERTAINMENT. 191 had he taken his place when Madame de Stael sat down beside him. " It's impossible to approach your General," she said ; " you must present me to him." She grasped the poet and led him straight to Bona- parte through the crowd that drew back, or rather, that she pushed back. " Madame de Stael," said Arnault to the general, "declares that she needs some other introduction to you than her name, and asks me to present her to you. Allow me, General, to obey her." The crowd gathered about and listened with great attention. Madame de Stael first overwhelmed the hero with compliments, and after giving him clearly to understand that he was in her eyes the first of men, she asked him, " General, what woman do you love best?" "My wife," he answered. " That is very natural ; but whom do you esteem the most?" "The one who is the best housekeeper." "I can understand that. But who do you think is the first of women ? " " The one who has most chil- dren, Madame." The company burst out laughing ; and Madame de Stael, much discomfited, said very low to Arnault, "Your great man is a very odd man." At midnight the orchestra played the Parting Song, and all the women made their way to the gallery and sat down at a table with three hun- dred places. Talleyrand proposed toasts, each one being followed by couplets composed by Desprds and Despre*aux, sung by Lays, Chenard, and Che'ron. Between the songs, Dugazon told a comic story about a German baron, a sort of entertainment much ad- mired at that time. 192 CITIZEN ESS BONAPARTE. After the supper the ball went on again. Bona- parte took leave at one in the morning. Throughout the supper he kept close to his wife, paying atten- tion to her alone. According to Girardin he was not orry to have it said that he was much in love with her and excessively jealous. The ball cost 12,730 francs, without counting the singers, the supper, and the police. It was a large sum for a ball, but it was money well spent. From this investment the ex-Bishop of Autun was to draw large profits. The entertainment of the Minister of Foreign Relations had been a union of the old and new society, a gracious and brilliant symbol of con- ciliation and fusion. Members of the Convention, regicides, Jacobins, had appeared there side by side with the great lords and ladies of other days. That is why it so pleased Bonaparte, who recalled it at Saint Helena, and said, "Minister Talleyrand's ball bore the stamp of good taste." It was indeed a political and social event, a real restoration ; a resto- ration of the manners and elegance of the old re*- gime ; the beginning of a new court. From beneath the democratic mask of Citizen Talleyrand was al- ready peering the face of the Lord High Chamber- lain; and Bonaparte, knowing that under every form of government the French would love luxury and show, festivities and pleasure, honors and decorations, was doubtless already dreaming of the future splen- dors of the Tuileries. XX. BONAPARTE AND JOSEPHINE BEFORE THE EXPE- DITION TO EGYPT. BONAPARTE appeared at the height of glory, and yet he was not contented. In vain the nlultitude worshipped him with something like idol- atry : nothing could satiate his ambition. The Moni- teur was filled with praise of him in prose and verse. There was this distich by Lebrun, surnamed the French Pindar : " Hero, dear to Peace, the Arts, and Victory, In two years he wins a thousand centuries of glory 1 " and this impromptu of an old man, Citizen Palissot, who in his own fashion thus reproduced the denun- ciation of Simeon : " Over tyrants armed against us I have seen my country triumph. I have seen the hero of Italy He chained to his knees With a triple knot of brass Discord and Envy. " Fate, I scorn thy shears ; After so glorious a sight What does life still offer me ? " 193 194 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. No sovereign in his own capital has ever produced a greater impression than the hero of Arcole. His modest dwelling in the rue Chantereine was more famous than mighty palaces. One evening when he was going home he was surprised by finding work- men changing the sign bearing the name of the street, which henceforth was called rue de la Vic- toire. At the theatre it was in vain that he hid himself at the back of the box ; he was, in spite of himself, the object of enthusiastic demonstrations. One morning he sent his secretary, Bourrienne, to a theatre manager to ask him to give that evening two very popular pieces, if such a thing were possible. The manager replied, " Nothing is impossible for General Bonaparte ; he has struck that word out of the dictionary." When he was elected a member of the Institute, December 26, 1797, he produced perhaps a greater effect in his coat embroidered with green palm-leaves than in his general's uniform. The day of his reception at the palace of the Louvre, where the meetings of the Institute were held at that time, the public had eyes only for this wonderful young man. Che'nier happened to read that day a poem in com- memoration of Hoche ; but the hero of the occasion was not Hoche, but Bonaparte, and the passage which provoked the heartiest applause was one in which the poet spoke of a projected invasion of England. The whole company burst into cheers, and that evening Bonaparte received, among other BEFORE THE EXPEDITION TO EGYPT. 195 visits, that of Madame Tallien, who came to congrat- ulate him on his new triumph. Josephine greatly enjoyed her husband's glory, and nothing troubled her happiness. Her son Eugene had returned from Italy ; her daughter Hortense, who was a pupil in Madame Campah's boarding-school at Saint Germain, seemed to share her brother's amiable and brilliant qualities. In the month of March, 1798, this charm- ing girl, whom Bonaparte loved as his own child, acted before him, at her school, in Esther, recalling thus the performances at Saint Cyr under Louis XIV. Josephine had never been happier ; her brothers-in- law, in spite of their dislike of her, had not been able to make any trouble between her and her husband, who then had neither time nor cause for jealousy. She was very fond of society, and liked to see her little house in the rue de la Victoire crowded with all the principal people of Paris. She used to give literary dinners there, when her husband's sparkling, profound, and original conversation amazed such students as Monge, Berthollet, Laplace ; such writers as Ducis, Legouve", Lemercier, Bernardin de Saint- Pierre ; such artists as David and Mdhul. The Moniteur was untiring in its praise of the universal genius of this young general, who called forth the admiration of his colleagues of the Insti- tute, who talked of mathematics with Lagrange ; of poetry, with Chdnier ; of law, with Daunou ; and of all, well. But Josephine's love, the circle of cour- 196 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. tiers who surrounded him, his universal success, the perpetual gratifications of his pride which fortune showered upon him, were all incapable of satisfying his ardent, restless spirit, which imperatively de- manded great emotions, great risks, great dangers. Restless, and yearning for action, he uneasily waited for the moment to come when the public should grow tired of his glory as of everything else. " No one remembers anything at Paris," he said to Bour- rienne. " If I stay long without doing anything, I am lost. One fame succeeds another in this great Babylon ; no one will look at me if I go three times to the theatre, so I go very seldom." The adminis- tration of the Opera offered him a special perform- ance, but he declined it. When Bourrienne sug- gested that it would be a pleasant thing for him to receive the applause of his fellow-citizens, " Bah ! " he replied, " the people would crowd about me just as eagerly if I were going to the scaffold." " This Paris weighs on me," he said on another occasion, " like a coat of lead." In this city which swallows so many reputations, and where everything so soon grows old, he remembered Caesar, who would have preferred being first in a village to being second in Rome. Doubtless there was in all France no name so famous as his, but officially, the Directors were above him ; they were, in fact, the heads of the gov- ernment of which he was but a subordinate. By a simple official communication they could have de- prived him of his command. The Duke of Ragusa BEFORE THE EXPEDITION TO EGYPT. 197 has justly remarked: "If Bonaparte, who was des- tined to have an easy success the 18th Brumaire, had, early in 1798, made the slightest attempt against the Directory, nine-tenths of the citizens would have turned their back upon him." Madame de Stael tells the story that one evening he was talking to Barras of his ascendancy over the Italians, who wanted to make him Duke of Milan and King of Italy. " But," he added, " I contemplate nothing of the sort in any country." " You do well not to think of such a thing in France," replied Barras ; " for if the Direc- tory were to send you to the Temple to-morrow, there would not be four persons to object to it." Bonaparte felt in his heart that Barras spoke the truth. A capital like Paris seemed to him odious unless he were its master. To have to depend on the Directors, the Councils, the ministers, the newspapers, was an intolerable weariness. For two years he had been without superior control ; he had acted like an absolute monarch, and he felt out of his element in a city where the reins of government were not in his hands. At the end of January, 1798, he said : " Bour- rienne, I don't want to stay here ; there is nothing to do. They won't listen to anything. I see very well that if I stay, it will be all up with me very soon. Everything wears out here ; my glory is all gone ; this little Europe can't supply any. I must go to the East; that's where all great reputations are made. But first I want to visit the ports, to see for myself what can be undertaken. I will take you, and 198 CITIZEN ESS BON APART/:. Lannes, and Sulkowski. If, as I fear, an invasion of England seems doubtful, the Army of England will become the Army of the East, and I shall go to Egypt." Bonaparte's visit to the northern ports, which he began February 10, 1798, was of only a week's dura- tion. He returned to Paris through Antwerp, Brus- sels, Lille, and Saint Quentin. " Well, General," asked Bourrienne, "what's the result of your trip? Are you satisfied ? For my part, I must confess that I didn't find any great resources or grand hopes in what I saw and heard." Bonaparte replied : " The risk is too great ; I sha'n't venture it. I don't want to trifle with the fate of France." From that moment the expedition to Egypt was determined. The year before, at Passeriano, Bona- parte had said : " Europe is a mole-hill ; you find great empires and great revolutions only in the East, where there are six hundred millions of men." To grow greater by remoteness ; to win triumphs in the land of light, of the country of the founders of relig- ions and of empires ; to use the Pyramids as the pedes- tals of his glory ; to attain strange, colossal, fabulous results ; to make the Mediterranean a French lake ; to traverse Africa and Asia ; to wrest East India from England, such were the vast dreams of this man who, with more reason than Fouquet, for Fouquet had only money, and he had glory, was tempted to exclaim, in a moment of rapture : " Quo non ascertr dam ? " " Whither shall I not rise ? " BEFORE THE EXPEDITION TO EGYPT. 199 The aim of the expedition he proposed to under- take was unknown, yet every one wanted to accom- pany him. No one knew where he was going, but he was followed blindly, for faith was felt in his star. Strangely enough, Bonaparte did not give any indica- tions, even to his principal generals, of the point of destination. The Moniteur, in its issue of March 31, having had the imprudence to mention Egypt, the Directory nullified the effect of the blunder by pub- lishing an order commanding General Bonaparte to go to Brest to take command of the Army of Eng- land. Military men were not alone in asking to take part in this expedition : civilians, scholars, engineers, art- ists, also wished to go along. Bonaparte always re- gretted that he had not been able to take with him Ducis, the poet, Me"hul, the composer, and Lays, the singer. But Ducis was too old to endure the hard- ships of a campaign, Me"hul was bound to the Con- servatory, and Lays to the Opera. " I am sorry that he won't go with us," said the general to Arnault, speaking of this singer; "he would have been our Ossian. We need one ; we need a bard, who might, when the occasion arose, sing at the head of our col- umns. His voice would have had such a good effect on the soldiers. No one would suit me better than he." Bonaparte wished to transfer the civilization of Paris to the shores of the Nile. From the savants he chose Monge, Berthollet, Denon, Dolomieu ; from the authors, Arnault and Parceval ; from the artists, Rigel, 200 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. the pianist, and Villeteau, the singer, who took Lays's parts at the Opera. Bourrienne, who was in the secret of the expedi- tion, asked the general how long he meant to stay in Egypt. "A little while, or six years," answered Bonaparte ; " everything depends on circumstances. I shall colonize the country; bring over artists, all sorts of workmen, women, and actors. We are only twenty-nine ; we shall be thirty-five : that's not old ; these six years will see me, if all goes well, in India. Tell every one who speaks of our departure, that you are going to Brest. Say the same thing to your family." Bonaparte was eager for action. He missed the smell of powder. All the time he was in Paris, between the Italian campaign and the Egyptian ex- pedition, he continually wore his spurs, although he did not wear his uniform. Night and day, he kept a horse in his stable, saddled and bridled. One moment, the Egyptian plan was nearly aban- doned, because war with Austria seemed imminent ; but the complications soon vanished, and the prepara- tions were resumed with vigor. There were many who regretted Bonaparte's departure, and said that his real place was in France. " The Directory wishes to get you away," the poet Arnault told him ; " France wishes to keep you. The Parisians blame your resignation; they are crying out more bitterly than ever against the government. Aren't you afraid they will at last cry out after you ? " " The Parisians BEFORE THE EXPEDITION TO EGYPT. 201 cry, but they will never do anything ; they are dis- contented, but they are not unhappy. If I got on horseback, no one would follow me ; the time hasn't come. We shall leave to-morrow." XXI. THE FAREWELL AT TOULON. MAY 3, 1798, Bonaparte and Josephine, after dining quietly with Barras at the Luxem- bourg, went to the Theatre FranQais, where Talma was acting in the Macbeth of Ducis. He was received as warmly as on the first days of his return. When the play was over, he went home, and started at midnight, taking with him, in his carriage, Eugene, Bourrienne, Duroc, and Lavalette. Paris knew noth- ing of his departure ; and the next morning, when every one thought that he was in the rue de la Victoire, he was already well on his way to the South. With the desire of outwitting the English spies, who were still in ignorance of the destination of the expedition, he had made all his preparations quietly, and had not even let Josephine go to Saint Germain to bid farewell to her daughter, before leaving. Yet Josephine still did not know how long she would be away, and Bonaparte had not told her whether he should allow her to accompany him on this mysterious expedition on which he was about to start. 202 THE FAllEWELL AT TOULON. 203 In his Memoirs, Marmont records an incident that came near having serious results for the party. At nightfall they had reached Aix-en-Provence, on their hurried journey to Toulon. Being eager to push on, without stopping at Marseilles, where they would in all probability have been delayed, they took a more direct road, through Roquevaire, a highway, but one less frequently taken than the other: for some days the postillions had not been that way. Suddenly, as they were rapidly going down the slope of a hill, the carriage was stopped by a violent shock. Every one sprang up, and got out of the carriage to see what was the matter. They found that a large branch of a tree stretching across the road had stopped the carriage. Ten steps further, at the foot of the descent, a bridge crossing a torrent over which they had to go had fallen down the previous evening. No one knew anything about it ; and the carriage would have gone over the precipice, had not this branch stopped them at the edge. " Does not this seem like the hand of Providence ? " asks Marmont. " Is not Bonaparte justified in thinking that it watches over him ? Had it not been for this branch, so strangely placed, and strong enough to hold, what would have become of the conqueror of Egypt, the conqueror of Europe, whose power for fifteen years prevailed over the surface of the earth ? " On what trifles human destinies depend ! In the eyes of Providence, men are but pygmies. If that branch had been a trifle thinner, it would have been 204 CITIZEN ESS BONAPARTE. all over with Napoleon : no battle of the Pyramids, no 18th Brumaire, no Consulate, no Empire, no cor- onation, no Austerlitz, no Waterloo ! Were the ancients right when they said that those whom the gods love die young ? And would it have been well for Napoleon to die at twenty-nine, before his great- est glories, but also before his misfortunes ? Do not the men who are called indispensable live too long for themselves and for their country? Short as is human life, it is too long for them. But in 1798 Bonaparte was far from making such reflections. When he reached Toulon, May 9, he was all pride, enthusiasm, hope. In Paris, he was smothering ; at Toulon, he drew a full breath. In Paris, in the neighborhood of the Directors, he feared to seem to be their subordinate ; and in his relations with them he assumed alternately an air of dignity and one of familiarity ; but, as Madame de Stael said, " he failed in both. He is a man who is natural only when in command." At Toulon, he felt himself the master. He meant, to quote Madame de Stael again, " to become a poetic person, instead of remaining ex- posed to the gossip of Jacobins, which in this popular form is no less ingenious than that of courts." For all its animation and brilliancy, Paris had seemed a tomb, and he was glad to have lifted its heavy lid. In the presence of his army he felt himself a new man. The cheers of the soldiers and sailors, the clash of arms, the murmur of the waves, the voice of the trumpets, the roar of the drums, inspired him. He THE FAREWELL AT TOULON. 205 saw only the brilliant side of war. No one knew whither he was going: to what coast his fleet was bound whether to Portugal or to England ; to the Crimea or to Egypt. Did he mean to conquer the land of the Pharaohs ? To pierce the Isthmus of Suez ? To capture Jerusalem like Godfrey of Bouillon, and to penetrate into India, like Alexander? Those mysteries fired the imagination of the masses. The great interest in the expedition was due to ignorance of its destination. The same uncertainty prevailed over Europe, Africa, and Asia. England was anx- iously wondering where the thunderbolt would fall. The more perilous the adventure, the greater its charm for Bonaparte. He was like those riders who care only for a festive horse. It was a keen joy to him to stake everything and defy fortune. Through- out his career we find this love of the extraordinary, of the unknown, this desire to cope with obstacles generally thought insuperable. He always pursued victory as a hunter pursues his prey, as the gambler tries to win, with a devouring passion. When he was about to leave his wife and country, any feeling of regret would have seemed to him unworthy of a man ; a tear he would have thought a weakness. What he really loved, was no longer Josephine, but glory. A few months before, he would perhaps have taken his wife with him to the wars ; but now the lover has given place to the hero. He was to write to her no more love-letters such as he wrote from Italy. It was 206 CITIZEN ESS BONAPARTE. no longer Jean Jacques Rousseau who interested him ; but Plutarch, the Bible, the Koran. As soon as they reached Toulon, he told Josephine that he could not take her to Egypt, since he was unwilling to expose her to the fatigues and dangers of the voyage, the climate, and the expedition. Josephine said that all these things had no terrors for a woman like her ; that in three voyages she had already sailed more than five thousand leagues ; that she was a Creole and the heat of the East could do her no harm. Bonaparte, to console her, promised that she should follow within two months, when he should be settled in Egypt; and that he would send to fetch her the frigate Pomone, which had brought her to France the first time. So Josephine wrote to her daughter, May 15 : " My dear Hortense, I have been for five days at Toulon ; I was not tired by the journey, but was very sorry to have left you so suddenly without being able to say good by to you and to my dear Caroline. But I am somewhat consoled by the hope of seeing you again very soon. Bonaparte does not wish me to sail with him, but wants me to go to some watering-place before undertaking the voyage to Italy. He will send for me in two months. So, dear Hortense, I shall soon have the pleasure of pressing you to my heart, and of telling you how much I love you. Good by, my dear girl." Bonaparte knew from the movements of the Eng- lish that he had better be off without delay, but con- trary winds kept him detained for ten days at Toulon. THE FAREWELL AT TOULON. 207 He spent this time in addressing the army, completing the loading, and organizing a system of tactics. Five hundred sail were about to set forth on the Mediter- ranean. The fleet, which was supplied with water for a month, and with food for two months, carried about forty thousand men of all sorts, and ten thousand sailors. Five hundred grenadiers, accustomed to ar- tillery, were placed on each three-decker, with orders, in case the English fleet was sighted, to bear down on it, and range alongside in order. Never had so vast a naval expedition been seen. Soldiers and sail- ors were full of confidence. Yet cooler heads, not carried away by warlike ardor and by the twofold fervor of youth and courage, were well aware of the great dangers which rendered the success of the expe- dition improbable, if not impossible. Arnault, who sailed with the army, said that if the fleet had met the enemy on the voyage, it would have been lost, not because the flower of the Army of Italy was not present in sufficiently large numbers, but for the very opposite reason. Since they were distributed about in ships with their full quota of men already on board, the soldiers tripled on each ship the number of men necessary for its defence ; and in such case every- thing superfluous is a positive disadvantage. If a fight had taken place, their movements would have been confused, the handling of the ships encumbered, and cannon-balls of the enemy would necessarily have found three men where, in ordinary circumstances, it would have found one or no one at all. Arnault 208 CITIZEN ESS BONAPARTE. also mentions the inconvenience produced by the ar- tillery and its material : the shrouds were obstructed, the decks littered by it. " In case of attack, all would have had to be thrown into the sea, and we should have begun by sacrificing to defence the means of conquest. Even a victory would have ruined the expedition. We prayed Heaven that the generalis- simo would not find himself compelled to win one ! " Marmont says the same thing, and that he would not undertake to justify an expedition made in the face of so many adverse chances. He adds that the ships were insufficiently equipped, the crew short- handed and ignorant, the men-of-war encumbered with troops and the artillery material which pre- vented proper handling ; that this vast fleet, composed of sloops and vessels of every sort, would have been of necessity scattered, and even destroyed, by meeting any squadron ; that it was impossible to count upon a victory, and even then a victory would not have saved the convoy. " For the expedition to succeed," Marmont goes on, "there was required a smooth voyage, and no sight of the enemy ; but how expect such good luck in view of the enforced slowness of our progress, and of the pause we were to make before Malta ? All the probabilities were then against us ; we had not one chance in a hundred; we were sailing with a light heart to almost certain ruin. It must be acknowledged that we were playing a costly game, which even success would scarcely warrant." Yet Bonaparte could not admit that Fortune would TUE FAREWELL AT TOULON. 209 be unkind to him. He had won so many favors from her that he deemed her his slave. He feared storms no more than he feared Nelson's ships. In his eyes obstacles were idle dreams. Returning, as well as going, he never thought of fearing the English cruisers. He said to himself, What can there be to fear for the ship that carries me and my fortune ? But he was not alone in this faith in his destiny ; he succeeded in communicating it to his companions. He believed in himself, and they believed in him. He had, in fact, reached one of those moments when great men sincerely imagine themselves above human nature, and look upon themselves as demi-gods. May 19, the day of the departure, Nelson, the English admiral, was guarding the port. A violent squall, which damaged only one of the French frigates, drove the English fleet into the offing, and damaged it so severely that Nelson was obliged to withdraw for repairs, and he could not resume his station before. Toulon till June 1, twelve days after the French fleet had sailed. The farewell of Bona- parte and Josephine was most touching. " All who have known Madame Bonaparte," says Bourrienne, " know that there have been few women so amiable. Her husband loved her passionately. He had carried her with him to Toulon, to see her until the last moment; could he know when he parted from her when he should see her again, even whether he should ever see her?" The hour of departure had come. Bonaparte's 210 CTTIZKXKSS proclamation had found the hearts of all his men. "Soldiers, 3-011 have fought on mountain, plains, in sieges ; there remains war at sea for you. The Ro- man legions, whom you have sometimes imitated, but not yet equalled, fought Carthage both on this sea and on the plains of Zama. Victory never de- serted them, because they were brave, patient to endure fatigue, disciplined and united. The Genius of Liberty, which, since its birth, has made France the arbiter of Europe, demands that she become that of the seas and of the remotest nations." The fleet awaited the signal ; the cannon of the ships replied to those of the forts. A vast multitude covering the heights above the port gazed with patriotic emotion on the imposing spectacle, which was lit by a bril- liant sun. Josephine was on a balcony of the In- tendant's house, trying to make out her husband, who was already embarked, through a spyglass. What was to become of the French fleet? Would it be able to get supplies at Malta? Would the im- pregnable fortress open its doors ? Would he get to Egypt ? Would they be able to land ? Would they have to fight, not merely against the Mamelukes, but also against the numberless hordes of Turkey? What did it matter? Bonaparte believed himself master of fortune. Josephine was at once alarmed and proud, alarmed at seeing her husband brave the equally fickle waves of the sea and of destiny ; and proud of the cheers that saluted the departing hero. At a signal from the admiral's flagship, the sails were bent, the THE FAREWELL AT TOULON. 211 ships started, with a strong breeze from the north- west. But it was not without difficulty that the fleet got out of the roadstead. Many ships drag their anchors and are helpless. The Orient, carrying one hundred and twenty guns, on board of which was Bonaparte, careened so much as to cause great anxieties among the spectators upon the shore. Jose- phine trembled, but soon she was reassured ; the ves- sel righted, and while the cheers of the multitude mingled with the music of the departing bands and the roar of the guns from the fleet and the forts, it sailed forth majestically upon the open sea. XXII. PAEIS DURING THE YEAR "FUST as in the most irascible natures a calm fJ always follows violent wrath, so a city, however fiery its passions, cannot always remain in a paroxysm of energy or hate. After terrible popular crises there comes a lassitude which often ends in indifference or scepticism. A revolutionary song, the Marseillaise, for instance, at one moment arouses every one, and sounds like a sublime hymn ; at another, like an old- fashioned, worn-out chorus. Orators who a few months ago moved the masses suddenly resemble old actors who cannot draw. Of all cities in the world, Paris is perhaps the ficklest in its tastes and passions. During the Year VII. Paris was weary of everything except pleasures and military glory. Politics, literature, newspapers, parliamentary de- bates, had but little interest for a populace which for nearly ten years had seen such varied sights and endured such intense emotions. As The'ophile Lavalle"e has said : " Every one laughed at the Republic, not merely at its festivals and absurd dresses, but at its wisest institutions, at 212 PARIS DURING THE TEAR VII. 213 its purest men." A goddess of Reason would not have been able to walk through the streets without exciting the jests of the crowd. Patriotic processions began to be looked upon as masquerades. The club orators were regarded as tedious preachers. The vast majority of Parisians cared no more for the Jacobins than for the Emigre's, and listened no more to the denunciations of the one party than to the lamentations of the other. There was no room for the Republican legend or for the Royalist. What ruled Paris was not an idea, but selfishness, the love of material joys, scornful indifference for every form of rule except that of the sword. Only a few sin- cere, honest Republicans, like the upright G older, re- mained true to their principles and determined stren- uously to resist every attempt to found a dictatorship ; but abandoned by public opinion, which, after having had liberty for its ideal, had got a new idol, and bowed down before force, these men, whose austerity no longer suited the manners of the day, found them- selves estranged from all about them. The Directory, too much tinctured by Royalism to suit the Republicans, too Republican for the Royal- ists, was no longer taken seriously. It inspired, not wrath, but contempt. The flatterers of Barras paid court to him merely with their lips ; and he for he was very clear-sighted felt that he had come to the end of his tether. The following lines upon this democratic gentleman were passed from hand to hand : 214 CITIZENESS HONAPARTE. " More than Nero is my viscount a despot ; Strutting beneath his red cap This king of straw harangues in a tone At which the idler laughs low in his grime ; 'Tis Harlequin, Pantaloon, or Jack pudding, Putting on the airs of Agamemnon." The festivities of the Luxembourg had lost all their importance, and every one was watching the horizon where the rising sun should appear. Paris was not conspicuous for morality. The re- suscitation of the religious feeling, of which the pub- lication of the 6rnie du Christianisme was to be the signal, was yet almost invisible. The worship of the Theophilanthropists, founded by La ReVeill&re Le- paux, one of the Directors, was a mere burlesque. The new religion imposed upon its adherents a very short creed. As the Goricourts have said : " It was a belief of the compactest form. Its temples were distinguished by the inscription : ' Silence and Re- spect ; here God is worshipped.' It recommended virtue by means of handbills. With compilations from Greek and Chinese moralists, Theophilanthropy had pilfered the wisdom of nations to make of it a moral code. It rested on a library instead of on a tabernacle. Its Pater Noster, as proposed by one of the members of the sect, had expunged the phrase, who art in heaven, because God is omnipresent ; also the phrase, forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who have trespassed against us, because that is equivalent to saying imitate us; and finally the phrase, lead us not into temptation, on the ground that PARIS DURING THE YEAR VII. 215 it changes God into a devil. Every one Catholics, Jews, Protestants, Mohammedans could be The- ophilanthropists, preserving whatever they wanted of their religion. The feast days of the new worship were those of the Foundation of the Republic, of the Sovereignty of the People, of Youth, of Married People, of Agriculture, of Liberty, of Old Age. The priests of Theophilanthropy, by means of their prayers for all the acts of the government, secured official favor. The Catholic churches were allotted to them in common with their original possessors, and the same churches were open from six till eleven in the morning for the rites of Catholicism, and after eleven for those of the Theophilanthropists. But the sect of the hunchbacked Director Mahomet, the The- ophilanthropist, La ReVeilleTe-laid-peau, as he was called was to last but four years at the most, and to succumb to ridicule. This grotesque imitation of Christianity could no longer please the impious more than the devout, and wags were going to call this -> I;O\A r.\ i; IK. cuted each in turn. Conquerors and conquered, pro- scribers and proscribed, met in the same dance. People of the old regime plunged into amusement like the rest, with hearty zeal, but yet with some alarm. Who could pass through the Place de la Revolution without recalling the scaffold? Blood- stains still seemed to mark the stones. And the 18th Fructidor, the transportation to Cayenne, the dry guillotine, as it was called, made the blood run cold. However short a Parisian's memory, those events were of too recent a date for him not to dread the future. The survivors of the Jacobins had opened the Club du Manage. It had not the renown of the old clubs, but it was still alarming, and the orators' voices sounded like a funeral knell. The enemies of liberty and friends of the approaching dictatorship never forgot to recall the red spectre against the Republic. Without suspecting it, all parties were preparing to play Bonaparte's game. This man, who bewitched France, was to persuade all, without saying a word, that he was the protector and saviour of every one. Everything was to crumble into ruins; only one man would be left. Of the Republican legend, only the military side sur- vived. Those who were tired of speeches were eager for bulletins of victories. The Parisian public became more interested in the shores of the Nile than in those of the Seine. News from Bonaparte became more interesting, as English cruisers made it even more difficult and rarer. As Madame PARIS DURING THE YEAR VII. 219 de Stael said, "letters dated Cairo, orders issued from Alexandria to go to the ruins of Thebes, near the boundaries of Ethiopia, augmented the reputa- tion of a man who was not seen, but who appeared from afar like an extraordinary phenomenon. . . . Bonaparte skilfully utilizing the enthusiasm of the French for military glory, allied their pride with his victories as with his defeats. Gradually he acquired with all people the place the Revolution had held, and gathered about his name all the national feel- ing which had made France great before the world." The period of incubation of the dictatorship is a most interesting study. Paris of the Year VII. ex- plains Paris of the Consulate and of the Empire. The change was made in morals and manners before it appeared in politics. There is something strange in the fluctuation of the Parisian between liberty that is license and order which is despotism. This illogi- cal and fickle populace is in turn the most ungovern- able and the most docile in the world. Everything lies in knowing whether it is in a period of agitation or of repose. When it is agitated, it would break any sword, any sceptre. When it is at peace, it asks its masters only to guard its slumbers. XXIII. JOSEPHINE DURING THE EGYPTIAN CAMPAIGN. WE have just glanced at Paris in the Year VII. Let us now see what place was taken there by Madame Bonaparte, her relatives and friends, and the society of which she formed a part. Josephine did not return directly to Paris after her husband sailed from Toulon, but went to Plombieres for the waters, and stayed there three months. She met with an alarming accident there : a wooden balcony on which she was standing with several ladies of her acquaintance, gave way, and she was severely bruised by the fall, so that for some days she was in danger. At Plombieres she received her first tidings from the Egyptian expedition, from the capture of Malta to that of Cairo, and learned from Bonaparte's letters that she must give up all hope of joining him there. Later she heard that the Pomone, the ship in which she meant to sail to Egypt, had returned to France, and had been captured by an English cruiser just as it had left the harbor of Toulon. At the end of September, 1798, Josephine returned to Paris and bought the estate of Malmaison, near the 220 DURING THE EGYPTIAN CAMPAIGN. 221 village of Rueil. It cost one hundred and sixty thou- sand francs, and she paid for it in part with her dowry, in part with her husband's money. Here she passed the late autumn of 1798 and the summer of 1799. The winter she spent in Paris in her little house in the rue de la Victoire. Her position at this time was not a wholly happy one. No one knew when her husband would come back from Egypt. He had himself told her when he left that he might be gone five or six years ; and possibly he carried with him some suspicions about his wife which had been carefully strengthened by Joseph and Lucien, who were jealous of their sister- in-law's influence over their brother. Josephine's detractors asserted that she was untrue to her hus- band, but they could give no proof of their insinua- tions. Besides, when there is no public scandal, history has no right to pry into such matters. For all their malevolence, Bonaparte's brothers were un- able to tarnish the reputation of a woman who, far from her husband and son, had no one to defend her. Madame de Rdmusat describes, in her Memoirs, a visit which she and her mother, Madame de Ver- gennes, made at Malmaison. " Madame Bonaparte," she says, "was naturally expansive, and even some- what indiscreet; and she had no sooner seen my mother than she confided to her a number of things about her absent husband, her brothers-in-law, in short, about a world of which we knew nothing. Bonaparte was looked upon as lost to France ; his 222 CITIZEN ESS BONAPARTE. wife was neglected. My mother took pity on her; we paid her some attentions, which she never forgot." Does not this language betray some of the scorn which the people of the old regime felt for the new ? Legitimist society had no more respect for Bona- parte than for the other prominent persons of the Revolution, and tried to turn to ridicule this family of insignificant Corsican gentry who would have cut such a modest figure at the court of Louis XIV. It found fault with Madame Bonaparte for her relations with Madame Tallien and the set of the Directory. The habitue's of Coblentz did not respect even mili- tary glory, and those who, a few years later, were to throng the Emperor's palace, spoke contemptuously of the Republican general. If the hero of Arcole had fanatical admirers, he had also implacable detractors. When he was leaving for Egypt, these satirical lines were in circulation : " What talents are thrown into the water I What fortunes squandered ! How many are hastening to the grave, To carry Bonaparte to the clouds 1 This warrior is worth his weight in gold. In France no one doubts this ; But he would be worth still more If he were worth what he costs us." Madame Bonaparte, whose main interest lay in the fragments of the Faubourg Saint Germain, suffered much from these pin-pricks. She especially dreaded the beautiful and caustic Madame de Contades, DURING THE EGYPTIAN CAMPAIGN. 223 daughter and sister of the MM. de Bouille*, whose name is inseparably connected with the affair of Varennes. "Everything about her was eccentric," says the Duchess of Abrante"s, speaking of this lady, who had recently returned to France. " She was not melancholy, far from it, yet no one would have dared to laugh in the room where she was, unless she had set the example. Her hatred for Bonaparte was most amusing. She would not even acknowledge that he deserved his reputation. ' Come, come,' she used to say when my mother spoke of all his victories in Italy and Egypt; 'I could do as much with a glance.' " Let us listen to the Duchess of Abrant^s as she de- scribes a ball at the Thelusson mansion (at the end of the rue Cerutti, now rue Laffitte). " ' Who are those two ladies?' asked Madame de Damas of the old Marquis d'Hautefort, on whose arm she was. ' What ! don't you recognize the Viscountess de Beau- harnais ? That is she with her daughter. She is now Madame Bonaparte. Stop ! Here is a place at her side ; sit down here, and renew your acquaintance.' Madame de Damas's sole reply was to shove the old marquis so hard that she hustled him into one of the little rooms before the large rotunda. ' Are you mad ? ' she asked when they were in the other room. 'A nice place, upon my word, next to Madame Bona- parte ! Ernestine would have had to be introduced to her daughter. You are beside yourself, Marquis.' ' Not at all ! Why in the world shouldn't Ernestine 224 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. make her acquaintance, or even become a friend of Mademoiselle Hortense de Beauharnais? She is a charming person, gentle and amiable.' ' What differ- ence does that make to me ? I don't want to have anything to do with such women. I don't like peo- ple who dishonor their misfortunes.' The Marquis d'Hautefort shrugged his shoulders and made no reply." Many Royalists could not forgive Bonaparte either the 13th Venddmiaire or his indirect participation in the 18th Fructidor, and blamed Josephine for her friendship with regicides. They thought that these ties on the part of the wife of a guillotined nobleman ill became her birth and antecedents, and that in her new position there was something like apostasy. She consoled herself, however, for the intensity of some of the Legitimists with others who, with more fore- thought, were already paying their court to her in anticipation of the near future. The Marquis of Caulaincourt (the father of the future Duke of Vicenza) saw her very often and gave her wise ad- vice. In the drawing-room of Madame de Permon (mother of the future Duchess of Abrantds) she met all that was left of the former society of the Faubourg Saint Germain, and the brilliant circle of fashionable young men, de Noailles, de Montcalm, de Perigord, de Montron, de Rastignac, de FAigle, de Montaigu, de la Feuillade, de Sainte-Aulaire. Josephine appeared very well in this centre of elegance. The life of Paris suited her to a charm. She liked balls, dinner-par- DURING THE EGYPTIAN CAMPAIGN. 225 ties, concerts, the theatre, pleasure-parties. She was a delightful hostess, and presided with great success over a circle of friends and admirers. Her Thursday receptions in the rue de la Victoire were deservedly famous. Among the women she knew intimately were the Countess Fanny de Beauharnais, Madame Caffarelli, the Countess of Houdetot, Madame Andre"- ossy, and the two rival beauties, Madame Tallien and Madame Regnault de Saint-Jean-d'Angely. Al- though indifferently educated, Josephine had a vague notion of literature, and gladly received famous writ- ers and artists. It was at her house, at the time of the Egyptian expedition, that Legouve* read his Merite des Femmes, and that Bailly recited his drama, the AbbS de VEpe. In her drawing-room there used to meet Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, Ducis, Lemercier, Joseph Che"nier, Me"hul, Talma, Volney, Andrieux, Picard, Colin d'Harleville, Baour-Lormian, Alexan- dre Duval. With the Bonapartes Josephine exercised diplo- macy. With great tact she concealed her discontent with them, and avoided an open breach with any of the members of this vindictive family, who were all annoyed by her influence over Napoleon. Before he left for Egypt he had desired to see his mother and brothers and sisters comfortably settled in Paris. Al- though younger than Joseph, he already regarded himself as the head of the Bonaparte family, and was determined to assert his authority. In his absence, his mother, Madame Letitia, who was t>orn at Leg- 226 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. horn in 1750, and still preserved traces of marvellous beauty, still held much control over her children. She was a woman of great energy, with an impetuous character and an iron will, firm to the point of ob- stinacy, economical even to avarice for herself, but generous to the poor, and lavish so far as her son Napoleon's glory was concerned; she was kind at heart, though with a cold exterior, but with no breed- .ing. Madame Letitia, who was rather a Roman ma- tron than a modern woman, never forgave Josephine her frivolous ways, her extravagance, her inordi- nate love of dress. She would have preferred for Napoleon a more serious and more economical wife, and deeply regretted a marriage which she thought had not made her son happy. Joseph, the oldest child, was an honest man, gentle, sympathetic, well-bred, straightforward ; his man- ners were courteous, his face was attractive. He was born in 1768, and had married, at the end of 1794, a rich young woman of Marseilles, Mademoi- selle Marie Julie Clary, and was the possessor of a moderate fortune for that time. After being Am- bassador of the French Republic at Rome, he had returned to Paris, bringing with him his wife's sister, Mademoiselle De'sire'e Clary, whom Napoleon had wished to marry. At that time she was in deep affliction on account of the tragic death of General Duphot, who had been killed at Rome, almost before her eyes, shortly before the day set for their mar- riage. After a few months of mourning, she was DURING THE EGYPTIAN CAMPAIGN. 227 consoled, and August 16, 1798, while living with her brother-in-law, Joseph, in the rue du Rocher, she mar- ried the future King of Sweden, Bernadotte. Lucien, who was born in 1775, was the youngest of the Deputies of the Council of Five Hundred. He possessed a rare intelligence, was well educated, and had a real passion for letters. He wrote much, composed verses, and aspired for fame of all sorts. He was a ready speaker, familiar with antiquity, a man of both imagination and action, and skilfully furthered his brother's glory and interests. He was active, ardent, full of resources, and, in spite of his youth, he exercised considerable influence on his colleagues in the Council of Five Hundred. He was considered a Republican, and he was one in fact; and even on the 18th Brumaire he imagined that lie was still loyal to the Revolutionary cause. In 1794 he had held a modest position as warehouse- man in a little province village of the name of Saint Maximin, which, after 1793, had assumed the name of Marathon. He adopted the name of Brutus. Citizen Brutus Bonaparte for so the future Prince of Canino was called fell in love with a pretty and respectable girl, Christine Boyer, whose father was an innkeeper at Saint Maximin. Lucien married her, and Napoleon was furious at a marriage which he looked upon as most unsuitable ; but Madame Lucien Bonaparte, who was handsome and gentle, soon acquired the manners of good society, and was perfectly at home in the finest drawing-room. 228 CITIZENESS SONAPAHTE. Louis Bonaparte, who was born in 1779, had accompanied Napoleon to Egypt, but returned to Paris with, despatches. Although later he was to prove more hostile to Josephine than either Joseph or Lucien, before the 18th Brumaire he maintained friendly relations with his sister-in-law, who perhaps thought of him as a son-in-law. The youngest of Napoleon's brothers, Jerome, was born in 1784; he was lively, amiable, intelligent, clever ; but rattle-pated, turbulent, fond of pleasure, and tired of always having Eugene de Beauharnais spoken of as the model whom he should imitate. Madame Letitia lived in the rue du Rocher with her son Joseph and his wife, an agreeable and worthy woman. Of Napoleon's three sisters, the eldest, Elisa, who was born in 1777, and married in 1797 to Felix Bacciochi, lived in the grande rue Verte, like Lucien. The second, Pauline, who was born in 1780, and during the Italian campaign had married General Leclerc, lived in the rue de la Ville FEveque. Caroline, who was born in 1782, was finishing her education at Madame Campaii's school at Saint Germain, where she was a companion of Hortense de Beauharnais. All these girls had inherited their mother's beauty, especially Pauline, who was called the handsomest woman in Paris, and was the belle of every ball at which she was present. With the ambition of a daughter of Ccesars, and her irresistible beauty, she triumphed in every drawing-room as did her brother DURING THE EGYPTIAN CAMPAIGN. 229 on the battle-field. She was one of those coquettes who wring from the public a cry of admiration and surprise as soon as they appear in sight ; who make the most of all their advantages, and, regarding the world as a stage, are, so to speak, artistic beauties. Madame Leclerc was moderately fond of her sister- in-law, Josephine, who, although older and less beau- tiful, held a much more important position in the Paris world. As for Caroline Bonaparte, she promised not only to possess great beauty, but even a more ambitious spirit than her sister Pauline. It was not easy for Josephine to remain even on decorous, not to say affectionate, terms with this large and powerful family. Already the antagonism be- tween the Bonapartes and the Beauharnais began to manifest itself ; and the intrigues, the jealousies, the contesting influences to be seen in courts, appeared under the Republic, even before Napoleon attained power. The house in the rue de la Victoire was, so to speak, a palace of the Tuileries on a small scale ; in it could be discerned the rising germs of the am- bitions, heart-burnings, quarrels, which were to flour- ish full-grown under the Consulate and the Empire. Besides these family annoyances, Josephine \\ as often short of money. She spent vast sums on dress, and displayed that combination of luxury and want which distinguishes thriftless people. She owned costly jewels, and often lacked money to pay the most insignificant debts. Madame de Rdmusat tells us that at this period Madame Bonaparte showed her, 230 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. at Malmaison, "the prodigious quantity of pearls, diamonds, and cameos which she possessed; they were already worthy to figure in the Thousand and One Nights, and were yet to be added to enormously. Italy, grateful after the invasion, had contributed to this abundance, and particularly the Pope, who was touched by the consideration displayed by the con- queror in denying himself the pleasure of planting his banners on the walls of Rome." Madame de Re*musat adds that the owner of these treasures, whose place was filled with pictures, statues, and mosaics, was often in want. But Josephine bore her troubles very lightly ; and the money troubles that beset her did not distress her beyond measure, for she had no doubts of the happy fortune that awaited her. Amiable, affection- ate, insinuating, with gentle manners, an even temper, a deep voice, a kindly face, Josephine was a charm- ing woman. Never offending any one, never disposed to argue about politics or anything else, distinctly obliging, endowed with that careless grace that distinguishes Creoles, anxious to win every one's sympathy, pleasing, people of every social position, she also possessed most fully the rare quality which covers every fault and is especially attractive in women, kindliness. Royalists forgave the Republi- can origin of the hero of the 13th Venddmiaire, when they said, "His wife is so kind." People who had dreaded a presentation to Bonaparte paid homage to Josephine. We shall see, under the Consulate, peo- DURING THE EGYPTIAN CAMPAIGN. 231 pie of the old regime visiting Madame Bonaparte on the ground floor, without going a story higher, where the First Consul lived. Josephine, while seeking Legitimist society, took care to be well received in Republican society. She went to all the entertain- ments of the Directory, and secured the good graces of the official world. Her relations with Barras, who had been one of the witnesses at her wedding, and the main author of her good fortune, continued to be excellent. She especially cultivated the friend- ship of a Republican lady of austere virtue, Madame Gohier, wife of one of the Directors. She thought, and rightly, that intimacy with a woman whose repu- tation was spotless would defend her own. Moreover, the Gohier conciliated those Republicans whose in- stinctive dread of her husband's ambition needed to be allayed. According to Josephine, Bonaparte was the purest of patriots, and those who dared to doubt this were moved by malice or envy. This woman, in spite of her frivolous, insignificant appearance, intrigued like an experienced diplomatist. She did not think herself skilful, yet she was; just as many think they are, and are not. The greatest men have been aided by women, whether they knew it or not. Without Jo- sephine, it is probable that Napoleon would never have become Emperor. It was in vain that he told her not to talk politics or to meddle with affairs : she was still the most efficient aid to his plans, and dur- ing his absence she prepared the field on which he was to show himself the master. XXIV. BONAPARTE IN EGYPT. TACITUS uttered a profound truth when he said, "Major e longinquo reverentia" which may be thus translated: " Distance adds to glory." Bonaparte in Egypt became for the Parisians an epic hero ; the Pyramids were the pedestal of his glory. The forty centuries of their history became the prologue of his career. Egypt, Palestine, Syria, those famous and wonderful names, what memories they called forth : the Pharaohs, the Holy Land, Christ, the Crusaders, the Bible, the Gospel, the Delivery of Jerusalem ! Bonaparte, who wrapt himself in his fame, like Talma in a Roman toga ; Bonaparte, who said, " It's imagi- nation that rules the world " ; Bonaparte, who during all the acts of the great drama of his life, kept thinking of the Parisians as Alexander ever thought of the Athenians, had conjectured the effect which such an expedition would produce on the democratic chivalry ; sprung from the Revolution, and felt the same ardor, the same courage, the same thirst for adventures as the old French nobility. Did the Crusaders display more audacity or heroism than the 232 BONAPARTE IN EGYI'T. 233 companions of the conqueror of the Pyramids, and is there a Golden Book greater than the collection of his proclamations, in which are inscribed the imper- ishable names of so many brave men ? Heated by the sun, fired by perpetual victory, the young general conceived gigantic plans. Nowhere did this poet who carried out in life his visions feel so fully at ease as in this old land of Egypt, which opened its vast and brilliant horizons before him. Even after his coronation, after Austerlitz, he was to regret this land of his dreams, where he had planned the conquest of Africa, and Asia, and then of Europe, attacked from behind. Plutarch was not enough for this soul tormented by a colossal ambition. His books were the Bible and the Koran. His Titanic imagination filled with Hebrew and Mahometan poetry, strayed in unknown and infinite regions. Later he told Madame de Rdmusat what he felt at this strange period of his life, when nothing seemed impossible. "In Egypt," he said, "I found myself free from the bonds of a hindering civilization; I dreamed strange dreams and saw the way to put them into action; I created a religion; I fancied myself on the way to Asia on an elephant's back, a turban on my head, and in my hand a new Alcoran, composed by me. In my enterprises I should have concentrated the experiences of two worlds, exploring for my own use the region of all histories, attacking the English power in India, and thereby renewing my relations with the old Europe." 234 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. What a succession of amazing pictures ! what varied scenes ! what picturesque visions ! The Nile, the Pyramids, the Mamelukes, their terrible cavalry dashing itself to pieces against the squares ; the tri- umphal entrance into Cairo ; the Arabs in the mosque singing, " Let us sing the loving-kindness of the great Allah! Who is he who has saved from the perils of the sea and the wrath of his enemies the son of Victory ? Who is he who has led to the shores of the Nile the brave men of the West? It is the great Allah, who is no longer wroth with us ! " Listen to the Oriental dialogue between Bonaparte and the Mufti in the Pyramid : " Bonaparte. Glory be to Allah ! There is no God but God, and Mahomet is his prophet. The bread stolen by the wicked man turns to dust in his mouth. " The Mufti. Thou hast spoken like the wisest of Mollahs. "Bonaparte. I can bring down from heaven a chariot of fire and drive it on earth. " The Mufti. Thou art the greatest captain, and art armed with power." Bonaparte's condition in Egypt was at the same time one of grandeur and of distress. If at certain moments his ambition and pride fired him with the belief that he was not merely a conqueror but also a prophet, the founder of a religion, a demigod, at other times he was brought back to the reality by the cruel force of destiny. His soul was filled with BONAPARTE IN EGYPT. 235 mingled enthusiasm and melancholy, with a frantic passion for glory and an utter contempt for all earthly vanities. The melancholy from which he had already suffered in the Italian campaign attacked him again in Egypt, and perhaps more severely. It inspired this letter to his brother Joseph, written at Cairo, July 25th, 1798 : " You will see in the public prints the result of the battles and the conquest of Egypt, which was hotly enough disputed to add a new leaf to the military glory of this army. ... I have many domestic trials. . . . Your friendship is very dear to me ; nothing is needed to make me a misan- thrope except to lose you and see you betray me. It is a sad condition to have at once every sort of feel- ing for the same person in one heart. Arrange for me to have a country-place when I return, either near Paris or in Burgundy. I mean to pass the winter there in solitude; I am disgusted with human nature; greatness palls upon me ; my feelings are all withered. Glory is trivial at twenty-nine ; nothing is left me but to become a real egoist. I mean to keep my house ; I shall never give it to any one whatsoever. I have not enough to live on. Farewell, my only friend ; I have never been unjust to you." In Egypt, as in Italy, Bonaparte's heart was torn with jealousy. He had doubts of Josephine's feel- ings, of her fidelity, and this thought pursued him even in his military occupations in Syria. Amid all these adventures and perils his imagination often turned to Paris. He forgot the East in thinking of 236 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. the little house in the rue de la Victoire, and the fair image of Josephine appeared to him, always fascinat- ing, but at times disturbing. He imagined her at the Luxembourg, at the entertainments of Barras, surrounded by young musicians and adorers whom perhaps she encouraged by her smiles. This is what is narrated by Bourrienne, who was present at an outburst of suspicious wrath before the fountains of Messudiah, near El-Arish. Bonaparte was walking alone with Junot; his face, always pale, had become paler than usual. His fea- tures were uneasy, his eye wild. After talking with Junot for a quarter of an hour, he left him and went up to Bourrienne. "You are not devoted to me," he said roughly. "Women! Josephine! If you were devoted to me, you would have told me what I have just learned from Junot. He is a true friend. Josephine and I'm six hundred leagues away ! You ought to have told me. Josephine ! to deceive me in that way ! She ! Confound them ! I will wipe out the whole brood of coxcombs and popinjays ! As for her ! divorce ! -yes, divorce ! a public divorce ! a full exposure ! I must write ! I know everything. You ought to have told me." Is not this like Shakspeare's Othello ? " Look here, lago ; All my fond love thus do I blow to heaven : 'tis gone. Arise, black vengeance, from thy hollow hell ! Yield up, O love ! thy crown, and hearted throne, To tyrannous hate 1 swell, bosom, with thy fraught, For 'tis of aspics' tongues 1 " BONAFAHTE IN EGYPT. 237 Bonaparte's face changed, his voice broke. " O I beware, my lord, of jealousy ; It is the green-eyed monster, which doth mock The meat it feeds on : that cuckold lives in bliss, Who, certain of his fate, loves not his wronger : But, 1 what damned minutes tells he o'er, Who dotes, yet doubts; suspects, yet strongly loves 1" Bourrienne tried to calm the general ; he blamed Junot for a lack of generosity in thus lightly accus- ing a woman who was absent and unable to defend herself. " No," he went on ; " Junot does not prove his devotion by adding domestic trials to the uneasi- ness you feel over the situation of his companions at the beginning of a hazardous enterprise." Bonaparte was not pacified ; he kept muttering something about divorce. Bourrienne spoke to him about his glory. " My glory ! " he replied ; " I don't know what I wouldn't give to know that what Junot has told me is not true, so much do I love that woman ! If Jose- phine is guilty, a divorce must separate us forever. ... I don't wish to be the laughing-stock of all the idlers in Paris. I am going to write to my brother Joseph ; he will see to the divorce." Nevertheless, Bonaparte softened a little, and Bour- rienne at once availed himself of the moment to say : "A letter may be intercepted; it will betray the anger that dictated it; as for the divorce, there is time enough for that later, when you shall have reflected." Bourrienne in this case was a wiser coun- sellor than Junot, and Bonaparte did well to listen to his secretary rather than to his fellow-soldier. 238 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. His jealousy was so wild at this time, that he dis- cussed it with his step-son, Josephine's own child, Eugene de Beauharnais, who says in his Memoirs : " The commander-in-chief began to have great causes of annoyance, from the discontent which prevailed in a certain part of the army, especially among some generals, as well as from news he received from France, where attempts were made to undermine his domestic happiness. Though I was young, I inspired him with so much confidence that he spoke to me of his sufferings. It was generally in the evening that he made his complaints and confidence, striding up and down his tent. I was the only one to whom he could unbosom himself freely. I tried to soften his anger; I consoled him as well as I could, so far as my youth and my respect for him permitted." The situation of a youth of seventeen receiving confidences of that sort is, at the least, a delicate one. In the whole matter he showed tact and a precocious wisdom, for which Bonaparte was grateful. " The harmony existing between my step-father and me," he says, " was nearly broken by the following incident : General Bonaparte had been paying atten- tions to an officer's wife, and sometimes drove out with her in a barouche. She was a clever woman, and not bad-looking. At once the rumor ran that she was his mistress ; so that my position as aide-de- camp and step-son of the General became very painful. Since it was part of my duty to accompany the General, who never went out without an aide-de-camp, BONAPARTE IN EGYPT. 239 I had already had to follow this barouche ; but I felt so humiliated that I called on General Berthier to ask for a place in his regiment. A somewhat lively interview between my step-father and me was the result of this step ; but from that moment he discon- tinued his drives in a barouche with that lady, and he never treated me any less well on account of it." Of the eight aides-de-camp whom Bonaparte took with him to Egypt, four perished there, Julien, Sulkowski, Croisier, and Guibert ; two were wounded, Duroc and Eugene de Beauharnais ; Merlin and Lavalette alone got through safe and sound. If there was a dangerous duty, to ride into the desert and reconnoitre the bands of Arabs or Mamelukes, Eugene was always the first to volunteer. One day, when he was hastening forward with his usual eager- ness, Bonaparte called him back, saying, "Young man, remember that in our business we must never seek danger; we must be satisfied with doing our duty, and doing it well, and leave the rest to God ! " Another time, during the siege of Saint Jean d'Acre, the commander-in-chief sent an officer with an order to the most exposed position ; he was killed. Bonaparte sent another, who was also killed ; and so with a third. The order had to go, and Bonaparte had only two aides with him Eugene de Beauharnais and Lavalette. He beckoned to the latter to come forward, and said to him in a low voice, so that Eugene should not hear : " Lavalette, take this order. I don't want to send this boy, and have him killed 240 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. so young; his mother has entrusted him to me. You know what life is. Go ! " Another day, also before Saint Jean d'Acre, a piece of shell struck Eugene de Beauharnais in the head: he fell, and lay for a long time under the ruins of a wall which the shell had knocked down. Bonaparte thought he was killed, and uttered a cry of grief. Eu- gene was only wounded, and at the end of nineteen days he asked leave to resume his post, in order to take part in the other assaults, which failed, like the first, in spite of Bonaparte's obstinacy. " This wretched hole," he said to Bourrienne, " has cost me a good deal of time and a great many men ; but things have gone too far ; I must try one last assault. If it succeeds, the treasury, the arms of Djezzar, whose fierceness all Syria curses, will enable me to arm three hundred thousand men. Damascus calls me ; the Druses are waiting for me ; I shall enlarge my army ; I shall an- nounce the abolition of the tyranny of the pashas, and shall reach Constantinople at the head of these masses. Then I shall overthrow the Turkish Empire, and found a new and great one ; I shall make my place foi posterity, and then perhaps I shall return to Paris by Vienna, destroying the house of Austria." All this was but a dream. It was in vain that Bonaparte's obstinacy lashed itself into a fury. It was to no purpose that he stood on a redoubt, with arms crossed, his eye fixed, a target for all the guns of the town, and commanded a final effort. His army, be- ing destitute of artillery, had to raise the siege and BONAPARTE IN EGYPT. 241 return to Egypt. There was an end to the conquest of Asia Minor, the entrance into Constantinople, the attack on Europe in the rear, and a triumphal re- turn to France by the banks of the Danube and Ger- many ! Bonaparte was not to be the Emperor of the East, and in speaking with vexation of the English commodore who defended Saint Jean d'Acre, he said: "That Sidney Smith made me miss my for- tune." But how skilfully he managed to conceal his failure, and to paint the Syrian expedition with brilliant colors ! What cleverness in his proclama- tion of May 17, 1799: "Soldiers, you have crossed the desert that separates Africa from Asia more swiftly than an Arab army. The army which was marching to invade Egypt is destroyed ; you have captured its general, its wagons, its supply of water, its camels. You have taken possession of all the strong places that defended the oases. You have scattered in the fields of Mount Tabor the swarms of men who had gathered from all parts of Asia, in the hope of pillaging Egypt. ... A few days more, and you hoped to take the Pasha himself in his palace ; but, at this season, the capture of the fortress of Acre is not worth the loss of a few da}^s ; the brave men whom I should have had to lose there are now required for more important operations." In spite of great privations and of a heat of 107 F., the army took only twenty-five days, seventeen of which were spent in marching, to make the one hun- dred and nineteen leagues that separate Saint Jean 242 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. d'Acre from Cairo. Bonaparte re-entered this city like an ancient general on the day of his triumph. The procession resembled that of a conquering Pharaoh, with its Oriental magnificence, its music, and the applause. The captured enemy opened the march; then came soldiers bearing the flags taken from the Turks. The French garrison of Cairo and the leading men of the city went as far as the suburb of Couble", to see the man whom the Arabs called Sultan Kebir, the Sultan of Fire. The Sheik el Bekri, a revered descendant of the Prophet, offered him a magnificent horse, with a saddle adorned with gold and pearls, and the young slave who held his bridle. This slave was Rustan, the Mameluke of the future Emperor. Other presents were also offered : slaves, white and black, superb arms, costly rings, dromedaries renowned for their speed, scent-boxes filled with incense and perfumes. Preceded by the Muftis and Ulemas of the mosque of Gama el Azhar, the hero of Mount Tabor, with all the majesty of a Sesostris, entered Cairo by the Gate of Victories, Bab el Nasr. A few days later the Turkish army, which had assembled at Rhodes, appeared, escorted by Sidney Smith's fleet, in sight of Alexandria, and anchored at Aboukir. The Turks landed, to the number of eigh- teen thousand. Bonaparte marched out to meet them, and, July 24, destroyed the entire army. That even- ing Kle*ber said, as he embraced him, " General, you are as great as the world ! " But the hour was draw- BONAPARTE IN EGYPT. 243 ing nigh when the hero of Aboukir was about to return to France. Fate had robbed him of his Orien- tal glory ; his fortune was going to change the scene. He was to be neither an Alexander nor a Mahomet, but a Charlemagne. For six months he had received no news from France. He sent a flag of truce to the enemy's fleet to try to get some information under pretext of arranging an exchange of prisoners. Sid- ney Smith took a malign pleasure in communicating to Bonaparte a long list of disasters: the coalition victorious; the natural boundaries of France aban- doned ; the Rhine recrossed ; Italy lost ; the fruits of so many efforts and so many victories destroyed. " Knowing General Bonaparte to be deprived of news," said the English commodore, "I hope to be agreeable to him in sending him a fresh batch of papers." Bonaparte received them in the night of August 3, and read them till morning with a mixture of curiosity and wrath. At that moment his plan was formed ; he determined to return to France, in spite of the vigilance of the English cruisers. A lack of water and an accident to one of the ships compelled the enemy to raise the blockade, and so favored his departure. Meanwhile he kept his secret to himself, went up the Nile to Cairo, stayed there six days, pre- tended to be summoned to an inspection in the prov- ince of Damietta, and returned mysteriously to the neighborhood of Alexandria. He made Rear-Admiral Gantheaume prepare two frigates, the Muiron and the Carridre, and two despatch-boats, the Revanche and 244 CITIZEN ESS BONAPARTE. the Fortune. It was between the arm of the Nile and Pharillon that he was to embark with a few com- panions, Murat, Berthier, Eugene de Beauharnais, Bourrienne, and one or two others, in the night of August 22. Sidney Smith did not even suspect so rash and unlikely a project. Prince Eugene, in his Memoirs, thus describes this departure, which reads like a bit of romance : " As we drew near Alexandria, I was sent down to the edge of the sea to ascertain if our preparations for departure had been observed. On my return, the General interrogated me somewhat anxiously, but his face was soon lit with satisfaction when I told him that I had seen two frigates, but that they seemed to carry the French flag. In fact, he had every reason to be satisfied, since he saw his plan successful ; for these two frigates were to carry us to France. He informed me of this at once, saying, ' Eugene, you are going to see your mother.' These words did not give m'e the joy I should have expected. We em- barked that very night, and I noticed that my com- panions shared my awkwardness and sadness. The mystery surrounding our departure, regret at leaving our brave companions, the fear of being captured by the English, and our faint hope of ever seeing France, may explain this feeling." Bonaparte alone had no doubts of a safe journey. A dead calm delayed the frigate in which he had just embarked. Gantheaume was discouraged, and proposed that he return to shore. " No," he answered BONAPARTE IN EGYPT. 245 the admiral. " Don't be uneasy ; we shall get off." The next day, August 23, at sunrise, the calm con- tinued, but at nine in the morning the wind rose, and Bonaparte, bidding Egypt an eternal farewell, put out to sea, sure that fortune would not betray him. XXV. THE RETURN FROM EGYPT. THE Egyptian campaign was of little service to France, but to Napoleon it was most useful. It gave strange, mysterious quality to his glory, and placed him on an equality with the men who most impress the popular imagination ; with Alexander, Csesar, and Mahomet. Napoleon also had the gift of keeping his successes prominent, and letting his de- feats sink out of sight. When he returned from Syria, after a serious check, he made the authorities of Cairo receive him with as much distinction as if he had taken Saint Jean d'Acre. Pie effaced the memory of the naval defeat of Aboukir by winning on land a victory called by the same name. Egypt is remote ; the French at home noticed only the more brilliant points of the expedition, and all the failures sunk out of sight in a success which was thought to be decisive, though it was really only ephemeral. Bonaparte staked everything on one throw by leav- ing his army. If he had been captured by the Eng- lish cruisers, he would have been severely blamed by the public, and all their accusations would perhaps 246 NAPOLEON BONAPARTE THE RETURN FROM EGYPT. 247 have crushed in the egg the imperial eagle, to use the poet's phrase. If great men would cease to be infat- uated about themselves and would honestly analyze their glory, they would see that they often owe more to chance than to skill; that they won when they ought to have lost, and lost when they should have gained ; and that the applause of the multitude accompanies success rather than merit. Of all Napo- leon's conceptions, the campaign in France was doubt- less the finest, but it was a failure. His Egyptian expedition, according to his greatest admirers, was badly planned, and yet it proved a stepping-stone to the throne. When men of strong character succeed, they explain their blunders which have turned out well by saying that they had confidence in their star, and never doubted the result. This fatalism has no real foundation. How many of these pretended stars vanish from the sky of politics ! These men are in fact gamblers who excuse their love of adventure with the first pretext that occurs to them, to atone for their audacity and impress the popular spirit. For our part, we have little faith in this sort of fatalism, of which the inventors are the first victims. The whole Egyptian . campaign was made up of rashness and risks. It was only by a miracle that the invaders were able to arrive there without being scat- tered by the English fleet, against which they could have done nothing. Another miracle was Bonaparte's return to France without meeting the enemy's cruis- ers. Very often on this long and perilous voyage he 248 CIT1ZENESS BONAPARTE. narrowly escaped capture. And what would his two frigates and two despatch-boats have done against the English fleet? The four old-fashioned Venetian crafts were slow sailers that would have been over- hauled in a few hours, and would have been power- less against the finest ships in the world. Bonaparte's only chance lay in not meeting the English ships, and they were active on the Egyptian coast, and, indeed, throughout the Mediterranean. The wind at first drove the four vessels to the left of Alexandria, in sight of the Cyrenaic coast, a hundred leagues from Sidney Smith. Then they sailed to the northwest and were detained twenty-four days off that arid and uninhabited coast, where no one suspected their pres- ence. Bonaparte ordered Admiral Gantheaume to hug the African shore in order that he might tarry in case of an attack by the English, and then with a handful of men and the petty sum of seventeen thou- sand francs, which was the sole treasure he brought from Egypt, he would make his way to Tunis or Oran, and there again take shipping. September 15, the wind changed and blew fresh from the southwest, and they availed themselves of it. September 19, they were running between Cape Bon and Sicily, a dangerous place, because it was always full of English ships. Fortunately they arrived there at nightfall ; had they got there earlier, the enemy would have seen them ; later, it would have been too dark to risk pushing on. The four ships thus favored by fate continued on their way, and after seeing in the dark- THE RETURN FROM EGYPT. 249 ness the lights of an English cruiser, were out of sight at sunrise the next morning. A favorable wind brought them off Ajaccio. Was Corsica still in possession of the French? Bonaparte did not know; and if he were to land there, he might be captured. He hesitated, and one of the despatch-boats hailed a fishing-smack and ascertained that Corsica still belonged to France. The fishermen could not say whether Provence was free or invaded by the Austrians, so Bonaparte de- cided to land in Corsica and find out the state of affairs. At that moment a ship sailed out of the harbor of Ajaccio ; when it heard that Bonaparte was so near, it saluted him with all its guns, and hastened back to carry the news to the people of the town. At once there was firing of cannon, and soldiers, citizens, workmen, and peasants hastened to the water's edge ; the sea was covered with boats that had put forth to meet the famous Corsican. In one of these boats was an old woman, dressed in black, who stretched out her arms to the great man, rapturously exclaiming, " Caro figlio I " It was his nurse. Without stopping for quarantine, which was relaxed in his case, he landed and visited the house in which he was born ; and as if he were al- ready a sovereign, he administered justice and freed prisoners. For the next few days contrary winds prevailed. For nine days Bonaparte was compelled to linger in Corsica, in continual fear lest the English should get 250 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. wind of his presence. At last, October 7, the wind was fair, and he decided to sail for the coast of Provence, in spite of every obstacle ; so they heaved and set forth, the Muiron being towed to sea by a boatful of sturdy rowers. Bonaparte must have had his fill of strong emotions. The nearer he came to port, the more his danger grew. In a few hours, in a few minutes, he might be in the hands of the English; everything depended on the wind. Once on French soil, nothing could mar his future ; but if he should fail to reach it, if after abandoning his army in Egypt he should be captured by the English, what would not his enemies say about his wild adventure ? On one side ridicule, on the other omnipotence ; to be branded as an adven- turer, or to be glorified as a hero. This hardy gam- bler, who was forever playing at high stakes with fate, and so far had always won, liked these extreme crises, which fed his ardent imagination and fearless nature. During the Avhole day, October 7, they sailed along smoothly; already Bonaparte and his companions could see the mountains of Provence, and were congratulating themselves on landing in a few hours, when suddenly a lookout called down from aloft that he saw many sails, six leagues off, lit up by the sunset. Evidently they were the enemy's ships ; and they all thought themselves lost. Gantheaume declared that Bonaparte's only chance was to jump into the boat that was towing the Mui- ron and to return to Ajaccio; but he quickly an- THE RETURN FROM EGYPT. 251 swered the admiral : " Do you think I could consent to run away like a criminal when fortune deserts me ? I am not destined to be captured and killed here. . . . Your advice might be of use as a last resource, after exchanging a few shots, when there is absolutely no other means of escaping." It was his fatalism that gave the hero of the Pyramids this imperturba- bility, and his instinct did not deceive him. Sud- denly he restored confidence to the whole crew ; he bade them notice that it was the sunset that lit up the enemy's ships on the horizon, and that it left Muiron and the Carriere in darkness. "We see them, and they don't see us ; so take courage ! " Does it not seem as if the winds obeyed him and blew as he commanded, and that the sun, too, obeyed him when it lit up the English fleet and hid in dark- ness the ship that bore the future Caesar? "Away with fears and cowardly counsels ! Crowd on sail ! " shouted Bonaparte. " All hands aloft ! Head north- west ! " The whole crew recovered confidence. They made for the nearest anchorage, and the next morn- ing, October 9, at nine o'clock, entered the bay of Saint Raphael, eight hundred metres from the village of that name, and half a league from Fre"jus, after a voyage of forty-four days. Was Bonaparte going to submit to the quarantine ? He pretended that he was, but it was only a feint. The quarantine station was about a half a mile from Fre"jus. An officer of the Muiron went lOshore in a small boat to announce Bonaparte's arrival, and 252 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. his intention to go into quarantine ; but no sooner was the officer seen, than the wildest excitement broke out on the shore, which was soon covered with a dense throng. The people of Fre'jus hastened into their boats, crying, " Long live Bonaparte ! " and sailed out to the frigate on which he was. " No quarantine for you!" they shouted. "We had rather have the plague than the Austrians ! No quarantine for our protector, for the hero who has come to de- fend Provence." Bonaparte went ashore, and a white horse was brought to him ; he got on its back, and entered Fre'jus amid the cheers of the populace. He stayed there only four hours, and then pushed on, enjoying one long triumph. At Aix, at Avignon, at Valence, he was received with indescribable en- thusiasm. At Lyons he spent a day. A huge crowd gathered under his windows, calling upon him to show himself. In the evening he went to the theatre, and hid in the back of the box, making Duroc sit in front. " Bonaparte, Bonaparte ! " shouted the excited audience, and so hotly, that he was forced to show himself : at the moment he appeared the wildest applause broke out. At midnight he started again, and instead of going through Macon, as was expected, he took the road by the Bourbonnais, in a post-chaise which pushed on swiftly night and day. Paris had already received word by the telegraph of his landing. Within a fortnight information had been received of Masse"na's victory in Switzerland ; of Brune's in Holland; of Bonaparte's at Aboukir, ami THE EETURN FROM EGYPT. 253 of his arrival in France, and the joy universal. The bells were rung in every town and village through which he passed. At night bonfires were lit along the road. In the Paris theatres the actors announced the good news from the stage, and the plays were interrupted by cries and cheers and patriotic songs. In the Council of the Ancients, Lucien Bonaparte, though the youngest member, was elected President. When the news came that the hero of the Pyramids was returning, there were Republicans and patriots who were beside themselves with pleasure. It was when dining at the Luxembourg with Gohier, the President of the Directory, October 10, that Jo- sephine heard that her husband had landed. She noticed that the news caused her host more surprise than pleasure. "Mr. President," she said, "do not be afraid that Bonaparte is coming with any inten- tions unfavorable to liberty. But you must unite to prevent his falling into bad company. I shall go to meet him. I must not on any account let any of his brothers, who hate me, see him first. Besides," she added, turning a look to Gohier's wife, "I need not fear calumny, when Bonaparte hears that you have been my most intimate friend ; and he will be both pleased and grateful when he hears how well I have been treated here during his absence." Thus reassuring herself, Josephine at once left Paris to meet her husband ; but since she took the road through Burgundy, and he the one through the Bourbonnais, she failed to meet him on the way, and he was back in Paris first. XXVI. THE MEETING OF BONAPARTE AND JOSEPHINE. ONAPARTE arrived in Paris the morning of J3 the 24th Venddmiaire, Year VIII. (October 16, 1799). He went at once to his house in the rue de la Victoire, and alone, as he did after his return from Italy. But then he knew that he would not find Josephine there, whereas now he felt sure that she would be there. The empty house filled him with bitterness. Where was his wife ? Was she guilty, and did she dread to meet her enraged hus- band? Was everything that had been said about her true? Bonaparte's suspicious heart was full of wrath. His brothers, who were extremely hostile to Josephine, less from zeal for morality than from envy of her influence, skilfully fed this feeling of jealousy and anger. Bonaparte, who was deeply distressed already, began to think of separation and divorce. His old love, rekindled by his annoyance and fury, tortured him again. For a moment, he forgot the supreme power he was about to grasp, and thought only of his conjugal infelicity. Josephine, too, was uneasy. She had tried to meet her husband to anticipate the accusations that would BONAPARTE AND JOSEPHINE. 255 be made against her. Confident of the power of her beauty, she had said to herself: "Let me be the first to see him, and he will fall into my arms." But she had not been able to meet him on the way ; and he when he arrived had found a solitude. What must he have thought in the empty rooms ? He had been there two days when Josephine reached Paris. She trembled with anxiety. What was going to happen ? Was she to see a lover's or a judge's face confronting her? Was she to meet the Bonaparte of other days, so loving and affectionate, or a Bonaparte angry, black, and terrible ? It was a cruel uncertainty, full of anguish. Poor woman ! She was full of joy and of uneasiness, uncertain whether she was to find happiness or misery. Swiftly she ascended the little staircase leading to her husband's room, but, to her grief, the door was locked. She knocked; it was not opened. She knocked again, and called, and begged. He, protected by the bolts, answered from within that the door would never again be opened for her. Then she fell on her knees and wept. The whole house was filled with her sobs. She prayed and implored, but in vain. The night wore on ; she remained at the threshold of the for- bidden room, Avhich was a sort of paradise lost. She did not lose all hope ; her entreaties and tears did not cease. Are not tears a woman's last argument ? Were not those tears to be dried by kisses? She could not believe that after having been so much adored, she would not be able to regain her empire. 256 CITIZEN ESS BONAPARTE. Bonaparte might resist her voice when he could not see her face, but he would not resist her tearful smile. When she seemed in the deepest despair, Josephine still hoped, and with reason. Yet she had long to wait ; Bonaparte was so inflex- ible that at one moment she thought of ceasing the struggle. She was about to withdraw, exhausted by fatigue and emotion, when it occurred to one of her women to say to her, "Send for your son and daughter." She followed this wise advice. Eugene and Hortense came, and added their entreaties to Josephine's. " I beg of you. . . . Do not abandon our mother. ... It will kill her. And we, poor orphans, whose father perished on the scaffold, shall we also lose him whom Providence put in his place ? " Bonaparte at last consented to open his door. His face was still severe ; he uttered reproaches, and Josephine trembled. Turning to Eugene he said, " As for you, you shall not suffer for your mother's misdeeds; I shall keep you with me." "No, Gen- eral," answered the young man; "I bid you farewell on the spot." Bonaparte began to yield ; he pressed Eugene to his heart, and seeing both Josephine and Hortense on their knees, he forgave, and with eyes bright with joy, let himself be convinced by Jose- phine's arguments. The reconciliation was complete. At seven in the morning he sent for his brother Lucien, who had brought the charges, and when Lucien entered the room, he found the husband and wife reconciled and lying in the same bed. BONAPARTE AND JOSEPHINE. 257 Bonaparte did wisely in thus making a reconcilia- tion with his wife. A separation would have been a choice bit of scandal for the ill-disposed Royalists to turn to their profit. Bonaparte was not yet a Caesar ; his wife might be suspected. Besides, accord- ing to the tenets of society under the Directory, sus- picions of that sort were not fatal to a fashionable woman, and public opinion had more serious ques- tions to consider, than whether Citizeness Bonaparte had been, or had not been, faithful to her husband. The hero of the Pyramids did the best thing possible when he thus put an end to the not wholly disin- terested accusations of his brothers, and turned his attention to more serious matters than the recrimina- tions of a husband who, rightly or wrongly, thought himself deceived. Josephine was once more to fur- ther her husband's plans. She was bright, tactful, and perfectly familiar with Parisian society and the political world. Knowing all about everything, she was about to play, with consummate skill, her part in preparing for the coup d'etat of Brumaire. As soon as he arrived, Bonaparte became conscious of the distrust of the Directoiy. The very first day he went to the Luxembourg with Monge, a friend of Gohier, the President of the Directoiy. " How glad I am, my dear President," said Monge, " to find the Republic triumphant I " "I too am very glad," said Bonaparte, in some embarrassment. " The news we received in Egypt was so alarming, that I did not hesitate to leave my army to come to share its perils." 258 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. " General," answered Gohier, " they were great, but we have made a happy issue. You have come just in time to celebrate the glorious victories of your companions-in-arms." The next day, the 25th Ven- ddmiaire, Bonaparte made another visit to the Direc- tory. " Citizen Directors," he exclaimed, touching the handle of his sword, " I -swear that this sword shall never be drawn except in defence of the Republic and of its government." Gohier replied : " General, your presence revives in every Frenchman's heart the glorious feeling of liberty. It is with shouts of ' Long live the Republic ! ' that Bonaparte ought to be received." The ceremony terminated with the fraternal embrace, but it was neither given nor re- ceived in a spirit of brotherly love. The moment of the crisis drew near. Where was Bonaparte to find support? Among the zealous revolutionists, or on the side of the moderate ? The head of the moderate party was one of the Directors, Sieyes. For this former abbe* he had an instinctive repulsion; but on reflection he felt that he needed him, and he decided to make use of him. Moreau, who had won celebrity by his victories, might be his rival ; he conciliated him. Gohier has described their interview. He had invited to dinner Bonaparte, Josephine, and SieySs. When Josephine saw the last-named in the drawing-room, "What have you done ? " she asked Gohier ; " Sieyds is the man whom Bonaparte detests more than any one. He can't endure him." In fact, during the whole dinner. BONAPARTE AND JOSEPHINE. . 259 Bonaparte did not once speak to Sieye's ; he even pre- tended not to see him. Sieye*s was furious when he rose from the table. " Did you notice," he asked his host, " how the insolent fellow treated a member of the board which ought to have ordered him to be shot?" After dinner Moreau arrived. It was the first time the two distinguished generals had met, and each seemed delighted to see the other. It was Bonaparte who made all the advances. A few days later he gave to Moreau, as a token of friendship, a sabre set with diamonds, and on the 18th Brumaire he was able to persuade him to be the jailer of the Directors who would not aid the coup (Ttat. Madame Bonaparte was always of service to her husband in his relations with the men of whom he wanted to make use. She fascinated every one who came near her, by her exquisite grace and charming courtesy. All the brusqueness and violence of Bona- parte's manners were tempered by the soothing and insinuating gentleness of his amiable and kindly wife. She was to exercise direct influence on the victims and accomplices of the coup d'ttat, on Bar- ras, Gohier, Sieye's, Fouche', Moreau, and Talleyrand. Who knows? Without Josephine's skill and tact, Bonaparte might, perhaps, have made a failure, have broken prematurely with Barras, have thrown off the mask too soon, before he had had time to make a for- midable plot. The 8th Brumaire (October 30), when dining with Barras, he had great difficulty in re- 2GO CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. straining himself. Barras played the same game that lie did, and spoke of his unselfishness, his fatigue, his shattered health, his need of rest, and said that he must resign and have a wholly unknown person, General Hedouville, put at the head of the govern- ment. Bonaparte was on the point of breaking out. He left Barras's rooms in a rage, and before going from the Luxembourg, went into those of Sieyes. " It's with you, and with you alone, that I mean to march," he said, and it was agreed to have everything ready for the 18th or 20th Brumaire. Meanwhile Bonaparte became more crafty than ever. He said he was tired of men and things, that he was ill and quite upset by changing a dry climate for a damp one ; he posed for a Cincinnatus anxious to return to the plough, and kept out of the eyes of the public, arousing its curiosity the less he gratified it. If he went to the theatre, it was without giving notice, and he took a close box. He dressed more simply than usual. Instead of a full uniform or epaulettes, he wore the gray overcoat which was destined to become a subject of legend. He affected to prefer to anything else scientific or literary con- versation with his colleagues of the Institute. The austere Gohier, who was naturally credulous, and, besides, deceived by Josephine, refused to believe in any lawless plans on the part of such a man. Him- self a patriot and a Republican, he imagined that every one agreed with him regarding the Constitu- tion of the Year III. as the holy ark. All this time BONAPARTE AND JOSEPHINE. 261 IK; was weaving his political plans as if lie were form- ing a plan for a battle. Eveiy party regarded him as its mainstay, and every party was mistaken. Bona- parte meant to make use of one of them, perhaps of all, but not to be of service to any one of them. As he said afterwards to Madame de Rdmusat, in talking about this period of his career : " The Directory was not uneasy at my return ; I was extremely on my guard, and never in my life have I displayed more skill. I saw the Abbe* SieySs, and promised him the carrying out of his long-winded constitution ; I re- ceived the leaders of the Jacobins, the agents of the Bourbons ; I gave my advice to every one, but I only gave what would further my plans. I kept aloof from the populace because I knew that it was time ; curiosity would make every one dog my steps. Eveiy one ran into my traps, and when I became the head of the State, there was not a party in France that did not base its hopes on my success." The hour was approaching when there was to be realized the wish, the prediction, which Suleau had made in 1792, in the ninth number of his paper which he published among Conde"s soldiers at Coblentz. " I repeat it calmly that the tutelary deity whom I in- voke for my country is a despot, provided that he be a man of genius. It is the absolute inflexibility of a Richelieu that I demand ; a man like that needs only territory and force to create an empire. France can be made a nation again only after it has been bowed in silence beneath the iron rule of a severe and relentless 262 CITIZEN ESS BONAPARTE. master. When I call on despotism to come to the aid of my unhappy country, I mean the union of powers in the hands of an imperious master, of a cruel capacity, jealous of rule, and utterly absolute. I demand a magnanimous usurper who knows how, by means of the haughty and brilliant spirit of a Crom- well, to make a people admired and respected, whom he compels to respect and bless their subjection." This issue was about to appear. The long plot framed by the reaction since 1795 was finished. XXVII. THE PBOLOGUE OP THE 18TH BRUMAIBE. A FEW days before the 18th Brumaire, Bona- parte happened to be at the estate of his brother Joseph, at Mortefontaine. Being anxious for a free dis- cussion with Regnault de Saint Jean d'Angely, of the events that were preparing, he proposed to him that they should take a ride together. As the two men were galloping wildly by the ponds, over the rocks, Bonaparte's horse stumbled on a stone hidden in the sand and threw the general off with some violence to a distance of twelve or fifteen feet. Regnault sprang from his horse and ran up to him, finding him senseless: his pulse was imperceptible; he did not breathe ; he thought him dead. It was a false alarm. In a few minutes Bonaparte came to himself, with no bones broken, no scratch, no bruise, and mounted his horse. "Oh, General," exclaimed his companion, " what a fright you gave me ! " and Bonaparte said, " That was a little stone on which all our plans came near shattering." It was true ; that pebble might have changed the fate of the world. The conspiracy was organized, and the end was ap- 264 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. proaching. Bonaparte, who was a conspirator as well as a soldier, prepared it with thoroughly Italian sub- tlety and wiliness. With consummate skill he antici- pated public opinions, while pretending aversion to the coup d'etat which was his heart's desire. For several days the officers in Paris had been trying to get an opportunity to present their respects, but he had not consented to see them. The officers com- plained, and the public began to say, " He won't do any more than he did after his return from Italy. Who will help us out of the mire ? " To the end he haunted Republican society. Josephine and he were untiring in their attentions to Gohier and his wife. At the same time he understood how to call up memo- ries of the Terror, to impress men's imaginations, and to evoke the red spectre which always made the blood of the middle classes run cold. As Edgar Quinet has put it, the 18th Brumaire was to be a union of fear and glory. Every one was anxious and in terror of worse things yet, of riots, proscriptions, the guillotine, and sure that no one but Bonaparte could prevent the return of 1793. He was entreated to take some step, and when he com- plied, he seemed to be yielding to popular clamor. The coup d^tat was in the air. Everywhere Bona- parte found allies and accomplices. To secure gen- eral approval only one thing was wanted, success. The 15th Brumaire (the final plan of the conspi- racy was to be determined on that day), Bonaparte was present at a subscription dinner given him by TIIE PROLOGUE OF THE 18TH BRUMAIRE. 265 five or six hundred members of the two Councils. " Never at a civic banquet," says Gohier in his Me- moirs, " was there less expression given to Republican sentiments." There was no gaiety, no mutual con- gratulations. The dinner was given in the Temple of Victory, otherwise known as the Church of Saint Sulpice. It seemed as if no one dared to speak aloud in the sanctuary, and as if every one were op- pressed by some gloomy foreboding. Every one was watching and knowing that he was watched. Bona- parte, who sat at the 'right hand of Gohier, the Presi- dent of the Directory, appeared out of spirits and ill at ease. He partook of nothing but bread and T /ine brought to him by his aide-de-camp. Was he afraid of poison? The official toasts, proposed with- out enthusiasm, were drunk coolly. Bonaparte did not even stay till the end of the dinner ; he sud- denly rose from the table, walked about, uttering a few hasty words to the principal guests, and went away. Arnault describes that evening at the general's house. Josephine did the honors of her drawing-room with even more than her usual grace. Men of all parties were gathered there, generals, deputies. Royalists, Jacobins, abbe's, a minister, and even the President of the Directory. From the lordly air of the master of the house, it seemed as if already he felt himself to be a monarch surrounded by his court. Minister Fouchd arrived and sat down oii the sofa by Madame Bonaparte's side. 266 CITIZEN ESS BONAPARTE. ' G-ohier. What's the news, Citizen Minister ? " Fouch. The news ? Oh ! nothing. " Giohier. But besides that? " Fouche". Always the same idle rumors. " aohier. What? " Foucht. The same old conspiracy. " G-ohier (shrugging his shoulders'). The conspiracy ! " Fouch. Yes, the conspiracy ! But I know how to treat that. I thoroughly understand it, Citizen Director ; have confidence in me ; I am not going to be caught. If there had been a conspiracy all the time it's been talked of, would there not be some signs of it in the Place de la Revolution or in the plain of Greuelle? [At these words Fouch6 burst out laughing.] " Madame Bonaparte. For shame, Citizen Fouchd ! Can you laugh at such things ? " Grohier. The Minister speaks like a man who understands his business. But calm yourself, Citi- zeness ; to talk about such things before ladies is to think they will not have to be done. Act like the government; do not be uneasy at those rumors. Sleep quietly." Bonaparte listened with a smile. The evening passed as usual ; there was no excite- ment, no uneasiness on any one's face. Her draw- ing-room gradually emptied. Fouchd and Gohier took leave of Josephine, who withdrew to her own room. Arnault stayed to the last and had this con- versation with Bonaparte. TUB PROLOGUE OF THE ISrrr BRUMAIRE. 267 "General, I have come to know if to-morrow is still the day, and to get your instructions." " It's put off till the 18th." "Till the 18th?" "The 18th." " When it has got out ? Don't you notice how every one is talking about it ? " " Everybody is talking about it, but no one believes in it. Besides, there is a reason. Those imbeciles of the Council of the Ancients have scruples. They have begged for twenty-four hours for reflection ! " "And you have granted them ?" " What's the harm ? I give them time to convince themselves that I can do without them what I wish to do with them. To the 18th, then. Come in and drink a cup of tea to-morrow ; if there is any change, I'll let you know. Good night." Two days were not too many for the final prepa- rations. "Josephine was in the secret," says Gen- eral de Se'gur. "Nothing was concealed from her. In every conference at which she was present her discretion, her gentleness, her grace, and the ready ingenuity of her delicate and cool intelligence were of great service. She justified Bonaparte's renewed confidence in her." The 16th and 17th, Bonaparte and his adherents completed the elaboration of their programme, which was simple and ingenious. A provision of the Con- stitution, that of the Year III., authorized the Coun- cil of Ancients, in case of peril for the Republic, to 268 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. convoke the Legislative Body (the Council of An- cients and the Council of Five Hundred) outside of the capital, to preserve it from the influence of the multitude, and to choose a general to command the troops destined to defend the legislature. The Con- stitution also provided that from the moment when this change of the place of meeting was voted by the Council of Ancients, all discussion on the part of the two councils was forbidden until the change was made. This was the corner-stone on which the con- spiracy was to build. The alleged public peril was a so-called Jacobin conspiracy, which, according to Bonaparte's partisans, threatened the Legislative Body. The 18th Brumaire was set for the day when the Council of Ancients should vote to change the place of meeting to Saint Cloud, 'and Bonaparte should be' assigned the command of the troops. The Council was to be convoked at the Tuileries, where it always met, at eight in the morning; some one should take the floor and enlarge on the perils of the so-called Jacobin plot, and, the vote to change the place of meeting once carried, the Council of Five Hundred, which did not meet till eleven, would have to submit in silence. But how collect the troops about Bonaparte in the morning before the vote was taken? and to succeed, he needed their presence at the very beginning. The 17th Division, with its headquarters in Paris, was not under his orders. He was not Minister of War, and had no command. How was it possible, THE PROLOGUE OF THE 18TH BRUMAIRE. 269 without exciting suspicion, to assemble, under the very eyes of the government, the forces that were about to overthrow it? What pretext could be de- vised for gathering a staff in the house in the rue de la Victoire, and regiments about the Tuileries ? For many days the officers of the Army of Paris and the National Guard had been desirous of presenting their respects to General Bonaparte. It was decided that he should receive them at his house, at six in the morning, the 18th Brumaire ; and this untimely hour was accounted for by a journey on which it was pretended that the general was about to depart. Three regiments of cavalry had sought the honor of riding by him. Word was sent that he would receive them at seven o'clock in the morning of the same day. To go from the rue de la Victoire to the Tuileries he needed a cavalry escort ; word was sent to one of his most devoted adherents, a Corsican, Colonel Sdbastiani, who was invited to be on horse- back at five in the morning, with two hundred dra- goons of his regiment, the 9th. Sdbastiani, without waiting for orders from his superiors, at once accepted this mission. With a brilliant staff of generals and mounted officers, preceded and followed by an escort of dragoons, Bonaparte would ride in the morning to i he Tuileries at the very moment that the change of the place of meeting should have been voted by the Council of Ancients ; he would receive command of the garrison of Paris and its suburbs, and be onU-ivd to protect the two Councils, who should sit the next 270 CITIZENES8 BONAPARTE. day, the 19th, at Saint Cloud. In the course of the 18th Barras would be persuaded to hand in his res- ignation. This, following close on the heels of the resignation of Sieve's and Roger-Ducos, would dis- organize the Directory, which, consisting of but two members, Moulins and Gohier, would be kept under guard at the Luxembourg by General Moreau, and would give way to a new government, which had its constitution all ready, with Napoleon for its head. It was hoped that the Council of Five Hundred would not oppose their plans, and that the revolution, which assumed an appearance of legality, would be accom- plished without violence. In any case, Bonaparte would go on to the end. If the Five Hundred re- fused their approval, he resolved to proceed without it. The snares were set. The legislature was to fall into them. Every preparation had been made. The conspirators bade one another farewell till the morrow. XXVIII. THE 18TH BRUMAIRE. AT five in the morning, Sdbastiani, the colonel of the 9th Dragoons, had occupied the garden of the Tuileries and the Place de la Revolution with eight hundred men. He himself had taken a place with two hundred mounted dragoons before Bona- parte's house in the rue de la Victoire. At six, arrived Lefebvre, the commander of the military division. Orders had been sent to different regi- ments without saying anything to him, and he was surprised to see S^bastiani's dragoons, but Bonaparte was in no way disconcerted. " Here," he said, " is the Turkish sabre which I carried at the battle of the Pyramids. Do you, who are one of the most valiant defenders of the country, accept it ? Will you let our country perish in the hands of the pettifoggers who are ruining it ? " Lefebvre, wild with joy, exclaimed, " If that's what's up, I am ready. We must throw those pettifoggers into the river at once." The house and garden were speedily rilled with officers in full uniform. Only one was in citizen's dress ; it uas Beruadotte. Resisting Bonaparte's offers, he said, 272 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. " No ! no ! you will fail. I am going away where perhaps I shall be able to save you." Eight o'clock struck; a woman entered; it was Madame Gohier, wife of the President of the Direc- tory. The evening before, her husband had received this note, brought by Eugene de Beauharnais : " 17th Brumaire, Year VIII. "Mr DEAR GOHIER: Won't you and your wife breakfast with us to-morrow at eight. Do not fail us ; there are a good many interesting things I should like to talk to you about. Good by, my dear Gohier. " Believe me always " Sincerely yours, " LA PAGERIE-BONAPARTE." The early hour aroused Gohier's suspicions. He told his wife : " You will go ; but you must tell Madame Bonaparte that I can't accept her invita- tion, but that I shall have the honor of seeing her in the course of the morning." When Bonaparte saw Madame Gohier arrive alone, he frowned. " What ! " he exclaimed, " isn't the President com- ing?" " No, General, he couldn't possibly come." " But he must corne. Write him a line, Madame, and I will see that the note is sent." " I will write to him, General, but I have servants here who will take charge of the letter." THE 18TH BRUMAIRE. 273 Madame Gohier took a pen and wrote to her hus- band as follows : " You did well not to come, my dear : everything convinces me that the invitation was a snare. I shall come to you as soon as possible/' When Madame Gohier had sent this note, Madame Bonaparte came to her, and said : " Everything you see must indicate to you, Madame, what has got to happen. I can't tell you how sorry I am that Gohier did not accept the invitation which I had planned with Bonaparte, who wants the President of the Directory to be one of the members of the govern- ment which he proposes to establish. By sending my son with the note, I thought that I indicated the importance I attached to it." " I am going to join him, Madame ; my presence is superfluous here." " I shall not detain you. When you see your hus- band, bid him reflect, and do you yourself reflect on the wish I have been authorized to express to you. . . . Use all your influence, I beg of you, to induce him to come." Madame Gohier returned to the Luxembourg, leav- ing Bonaparte amid the officers of all grades who were to help him in the coup d'ttat. What was going on at the Tuileries meanwhile? The Council of Ancients met at eight o'clock. Cor- net took the floor, and began to speak about con- spiracy, daggers, Terrorists. "If the Council of Ancients does not protect the country and liberty 274 CITIZEN ESS BONAPARTE. from the greatest dangers that have ever threatened it, the fire will spread. ... It will be impossible to stop its devouring progress. The country will be consumed. . . . Representatives of the people, ward off this dreadful conflagration, or the Republic will cease to exist, and its skeleton will be in the talons of vultures who will dispute its fleshless limbs ! " This declamatory outburst produced a distinct effect. The Council of Ancients, in accordance with articles of the Constitution authorizing, in case of public peril, a change in the place of meeting of the Legislative Body, passed the following votes : " Article 1. The Legislative Body is transferred to the Commune of Saint Cloud ; the two Councils will sit there in the two wings of the palace. "Article 2. They will meet there at noon to- morrow, the 19th Brumaire. All official acts and deliberations are forbidden at any place, before that hour. " Article 3. General Bonaparte is charged with the execution of this decree. . . . The general com- manding the 17th military division, the Guard of the Legislative Body, the stationary National Guard, the troops of the line now in the Commune of Paris, are hereby placed under his orders. "Article 4. General Bonaparte is summoned to the Council to receive a copy of this decree and to take oath accordingly." Scarcely had the vote been taken when Cornet has- tened off to tell Bonaparte in the rue de la Victoire. THE 18 TH B SUM AIR E. 275 It was about nine o'clock. The general was address- ing his officers from the steps of his house, "The Republic is in danger; we must come to its aid." After he had read the vote of the Ancients, he shouted, " Can I depend on you to save the Repub- lic?" Cheers were their answer. Then he got on his horse, and, followed by a brilliant escort, among whom were noticed Moreau, Macdonald, Lefebvre, Berthier, Lannes, Beurnonville, Marmont, Murat, he rode to the Tuileries. Se'bastiaui's dragoons opened and closed the way. There were but few people about the Tuileries, for most had no idea of what was going to happen. The gates of the garden, which was full of troops, were closed. The weather was very fine ; the sun lit up the helmets and bayonets. Bonaparte rode through the garden, and, alighting in front of the Pavilion of the Clock, appeared bqfore the Council of An- cients, the door being opened to him. " Citizen Representatives," he said, " the Republic was about to perish ; your vote has saved it ! Woe to those who dare to oppose its execution ! Aided by my comrades, I shall know how to resist their efforts. It is vain that precedents are sought in the past to dis- turb your minds. There is in all history nothing like the eighteenth century, and nothing in the cenlui y is like its end. We desire the Republic ; we desire it founded on true liberty, on the representative system. We shall have it ; I swear this in my own name and in that of my fellow-soldiers." 276 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. Only one deputy observed that in this oath no mention was made of the Constitution. The Presi- dent, wishing- to spare Bonaparte too open perjury, silenced him and closed the meeting. Bonaparte went down into the garden again and reviewed the troops, who cheered him warmly. It was eleven o'clock, the hour set for the meeting of the Council of Five Hundred. The Deputies heard with indignation the vote of the Ancients, but their President, Lucien Bonaparte, silenced them. The Constitution was imperative ; all discussion was for- bidden. They had nothing to do but to agree to meet at Saint Cloud the next day. Of the five Directors, two, Sieye"s and Roger-Ducos, had already handed in their resignations ; the third, Barras, at the request of Bruix and Talleyrand, had just followed their example, and had started for his estate, Grosbois ; the other two, Gohier and Moulins, made one final effort. They went to the Tuileries, and found Bonaparte in the hall of the Inspectors of the Council of Ancients. After a lively altercation, they returned to the Luxembourg, having accom- plished nothing. A few moments before, Bonaparte had spoken thus to Bottot, Barras's secretary : " What have you done with this France that I left so full of glory ? I left peace ; I find war ! I left you victorious ; I find you in defeat! I left you the millions of Italy; I find everywhere ruinous laws and misery! . . . What have you done with the hundred thousand Frenchmen THE 18TH BRUMAIRE. 277 whom I knew, the companions of my glory ? They are dead ! This state of things cannot last. In three years it would lead to despotism." In her Considerations on the French Revolution, Madame de Stael says : " Bonaparte worked to make his predictions true. Would it not be a great lesson for the human race, if these Directors were to rise from their graves and demand of Napoleon an account for the boundary of the Rhine and the Alps which the Republic had conquered, an account for the foreigner who twice entered Paris, and for the Frenchmen who perished from Cadiz to Moscow?" But who on the 18th Brumaire could predict these future disasters ? Bonaparte's soldiers imagined them- selves forever invincible. The military spirit was triumphant. No more red caps, but the grenadiers' hats ; no more pikes, but bayonets. The Jacobins had lived their day. The furious diatribes of the Club du Mandge called forth no echo. The terrible San- terre was a mere harmless brewer. The faubourgs had grown calm. The roll of the drum had silenced the voice of the tribunes. Even the men of the old regime were fascinated by the career of arms. This is what a young aristocrat said, who was one day to be General de Se*gur, the historian of the exploits of the grand army : "It was the very moment when Napoleon, sum- moned by the Council of Ancients, began in the Tui- leries the revolution of the 18th Brumaire and was haranguing the garrison of Paris to secure it against 278 CITIZENES8 BONAPARTE. the other Council. The garden gate stopped me. I leaned against it, and gazed on the memorable scene. Then I ran around the enclosure, trying every en- trance; at last I reached the gate near the draw- bridge, and saw it open. A regiment of dragoons came out, the 9th ; they started for Saint Cloud, with their overcoats rolled up, helmets on their heads, sabres in hand, and with the warlike excitement, the fierce and determined air of soldiers advancing on the enemy to conquer or die. At this sight, all the soldier's blood I had inherited from all my ancestors boiled in my veins. My career was determined. From that moment I was a soldier; I thought of nothing but battles, and despised every other career." Madame de Stael records that on the 18th Bru- maire she happened to arrive in Paris from Switzer- land. When changing horses at some leagues from the city, she heard that the Director Barras had just passed by, escorted by gens d'armes. " The postilions," she goes on, "gave us the news of the day, and this way of hearing it made it only more vivid. It was the first time since the Revolution that one man's name was in every mouth. Previously they had said : The Constituent Assembly has done this, or the people, or the Convention ; now nothing was spoken of but this man who was going to take the place of all. That evening the city was excited with expec- tation of the morrow, and doubtless the majority of peaceful citizens, fearing the return of the Jacobins, then desired that General Bonaparte should succeed. THE 18 TH BRUMAIBE. 279 My feelings, I must say, were mixed. When the fight had once begun, a momentary victory of the Jacobins might be the signal for bloodshed; but nevertheless the thought of Bonaparte's triumph filled me with a pain that might be called prophetic." He himself, well contented with his day, returned to his house in the rue de la Victoire, where he found Josephine happy and confident. All the military preparations were complete : Moreau occupied the Luxembourg. Lannes, the Tuileries ; SeYurier, the Point du Jour; Murat, the palace of Saint Cloud. Bonaparte fell asleep as calmly as on the eve of a great battle. XXIX. THE 19TH BRUMAIKE. r I 1HE revolution which Bonaparte effected is _l_ called the 18th Brumaire, yet in fact the 18th Brumaire was a mere prelude ; the decisive day was the 19th. On the 18th respect was paid to the law; on the 19th the law was violated, and for that reason the conqueror, desiring to excuse himself before his- tory, chose the 18th as the official date of the revo- lution. The night passed quietly; the faubourgs did not dare to rise. The people of Paris looked on what was happening as if it were an interesting play which aroused no emotion or wrath. The morning of the 19th saw the road from Paris to Saint Cloud crowded with troops, carriages, and a throng full of curiosity. Bonaparte's success was predicted, but the issue was not yet certain, and thus the public interest was all the more excited. It had been decided that both Councils should meet at noon. The Representatives were punctual, and a little before twelve o'clock Bonaparte was on horse- back, opposite the palace of Saint Cloud, at the head THE WTH BRUMAIRE. 281 of his troops. The Ancients were to meet on the first floor in the Gallery of Apollo, full of Mignard's decorations, and the Five Hundred in the orange house; but the preparations were not completed at the appointed hour, and it was not till two that the sessions began. While waiting, the deputies strolled in the park. It was evident that the Five Hundred were distinctly unfavorable to Bonaparte. He, much annoyed by the delay, kept going and coming, giving repeated orders, betraying the utmost impatience. At two, the sessions of the Councils were opened. That of the Ancients began with unimportant pre- liminaries ; that of the Five Hundred, with an outbreak of passion. Lucien Bonaparte presided. Gardin proposed that a committee of seven be ap- pointed to make a report on the measures to be taken in behalf of the public safety. Hostile murmurs made themselves heard. Delbel called out from his seat : " The Constitution before everything ! The Constitution or death ! Bayonets do not frighten us ; we are free here ! " A formidable clamor arose : " No dictatorship ! Down with dictators!" Grand- maison moved that all the members of the Council of Five Hundred should be at once compelled to renew their oath of fidelity to the Constitution of the Year III. The motion was carried amid great enthusiasm. The roll was called for each member to swear in turn. Lucien Bonaparte himself swore fidelity to the Constitution which lie was about to destroy. A letter was brought from Barms. Amid general 282 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. excitement, the secretary read aloud this letter, in which the Director announced his resignation ; it ended thus : " The glory Avhich accompanies the return of the illustrious warrior, for whom I had the honor of opening the way, the distinct marks of the confidence accorded him by the Legislative Body, and the decree of the National Representatives, have con- vinced me that whatever may be the part to which the public interests henceforth may summon me, the dangers to liberty are surmounted and the interests of the army guaranteed. I return with joy to the ranks of private citizens, happy, after so many storms, to restore, uninjured and more deserving of respect than ever, the destinies of the Republic of which I have had in part the care." This letter produced a feeling of angry surprise. Of the five Directors, three had resigned. The government was dissolved. Resistance to Bonaparte had nothing to stand on. Grandmaison said from the tribune : " First of all, we must know whether the resignation of Barras is not the result of the ex- traordinary circumstances in which we are placed. I think that among the members present there are some who know where we came from and whither we are going." While the session of the Five Hundred began thus, what had been taking place among the An- cients ? Bonaparte had just made his appearance there and had spoken as a master. " Citizen Rep- resentatives," he had said, "you are not now in THE 19TH BRUMAIRE. 283 ordinary conditions, but on the edge of a volcano. Already I and my fellow-soldiers are overwhelmed with abuse. People are talking of a new Cromwell, a new Caesar. If I had desired to play such a part, I could easily have taken it when I returned from Italy. . . . Let us save the two things for which we have made so many sacrifices, liberty and equality." And when a deputy interrupted with, " Speak about the Constitution," he answered : " The Constitution? you no longer have one. It is you who destroyed it by attacking, on the 18th Fructidor, the national rep- resentation ; by annulling, on the 22d Flore*al, the popular elections ; by assaulting the independence of the government. All parties have striven to destroy this constitution of which you speak. They have all come to me to confide their plans and to induce me to aid them. I have refused ; but if it is necessary, I will name the parties and the men." Then he men- tioned Barras ; then the name of Moulins escaped him, but stormy contradictions followed this inexact statement. Bonaparte, who was rather a man of action tluin a debater, was for a moment disconcerted. The tu- mult was growing; but be, abandoning persuasion, resorted to threats. Assuming the air of a protector who makes himself feared by those he guards, he said: "Surrounded by my companions in arms, I shall know how to aid you. I call to witness these brave grenadiers whose bayonets I see, and whom I have so often led against the enemy. If any orator, 284 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. in the pay of foreigners, should speak of outlawing me, I shall summon my companions in arms. Re- member that I march In the company of the God of fortune and of war." The Council of Ancients re- plied to this stormy outbreak by respectfully accord- ing to Bonaparte the honors of the meeting, and he left the hall and returned to his soldiers : he had a note taken to Josephine in which Ije told her to be calm, that all was going on well. At the same time he heard of the outburst of pas- sion in the Council of Five Hundred. Thereupon he ordered a company of grenadiers to follow him, and leaving it at the door of the Chamber, he crossed the threshold and stepped forward alone, hat in hand. It was just when Grandmaison was in the tribune speaking about Barras's letter. It was five in the afternoon ; the lamps were lit. At the sight of Bonaparte the Five Hundred uttered a long cry of indignation : " Down with the Dictator ! Down with the tyrant ! " They all rushed to meet the general, crowding him and denouncing him ; they forced him several steps back. Many brandished daggers and threatened his life. It was, he said later, the most perilous moment of his life. He was saved by Beau- vais, a Norman deputy of enormous strength, who drove back his assailants and brought him to his soldiers, who were hastening to his aid. One of the soldiers, Grenadier Thomd, had his clothes cut by a dagger. The tumult was indescribable ; the orange house was like a battle-field. THE 10TH BRUMAIRE. 285 It was in vain that Lucien tried to support his brother. Cries arose: "Outlaw him. Down with Bonaparte and his accomplices ! " His desk was over- run. " March, President," said a deputy ; " put to vote the proposition to outlaw him." Lucien descended the steps, denounced on every side. " Go back to your place ! Don't make us lose time ! Put to vote the outlawry of the dictator I " " Tell my brother, " he said " that I have been driven from my chair. Ask him for an armed force to pro- tect my departure." Fre*geville ran to inform Gen- eral Bonaparte, who had just left the orange house, under the guard of his soldiers, and had got on his horse, telling the soldiers that he narrowly escaped assassination. The troops cheered their general and brandished their weapons. He had but a word to say, and the Five Hundred would be dispersed, but this word he hesitated to utter. He, who knew no fear, became confused, like Caesar, as Lucan describes him, undecided at the Rubicon. Meanwhile the tumult in the orange house was be- coming more intense. After two speeches, one from Bertrand of Calvados, the other from Talet, both hos- tile to Bonaparte, Lucien began to speak: "I do not rise," he said, "to make direct opposition to the motion [of outlawing Bonaparte] ; but it is a proper moment to remind the Council that the suspicions which have been brought up so lightly have pro- duced lamentable excesses. Can even an illegal step make us forget such noble deeds and important ser- 286 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. vice in behalf of the country ! " Lucien was inter- rupted by continual murmurs. There were cries, " Time is flying ; put the motion ! " " No," resumed Lucien, "you cannot vote such a measure without hearing the General ; I ask that he be called to the bar. . . . These unseasonable interruptions which drown the voice of your colleagues are indecent. They continue and become more violent. Then I shall not insist. When order is once more estab- lished, and your extraordinary indecorum has ceased, you will yourselves render justice where it is due, without passion." The uproar became so violent that Lucien could not face the storm ; so taking off his toga, and laying it on the tribune, he said : " Liberty no longer exists here. Since I have no means of making myself heard, you will at least see your President, in token of public grief, placing here the insignia of the pub- lic magistracy." " It is a lamentable thing," says Edgar Quinet, in his Revolution, "that this last Assembly, already threatened, surrounded, denounced, with swords at its throat, should have no other defence against the soldiers' arms than such blunt weapons, a con- science, new oaths, a roll-call, promises to die, up- roar, and the vain protests with which an Assembly, deserted by the nation at the hour of peril, deceives despair and amuses its last hour. Then were there moments of indescribable anxiety, when history lay in the balance between two opposing destinies, liberty THE 19TH BRUMAIRE. 287 knowing no way in which to save itself, and the general, averse to putting an end to the complica- tions, not daring to make a violent usurpation." After he had placed his toga on the edge of the tribune, Lucien ceased speaking. He saw the com- pany of grenadiers which he had asked of his brother. To the officer in command, who said, " Citizen Presi- dent, we are here by the General's orders," he re- plied in a loud voice, " We will follow you ; open a passage." Then turning to the Vice-President, he made a sign to him to close the meeting. Leaving the orange house, he hastened to the courtyard, where he found his brother motionless and silent, on horseback, surrounded by his soldiers. " Give me a horse," he shouted, " and sound the drums ! " In a moment he was on the horse of one of the dragoons, and after a roll of the drums, which was followed by profound silence : " Citizen soldiers," he said angrily, " I announce to you that the vast majority of this Council is at this moment intimidated by a few representatives armed with daggers. The brigands, doubtless in English pay, desire to outlaw your general ! Being entrusted with the execution of the vote of the Ancients, against which they are in re- volt, I appeal to the military. Citizen soldiers, save the representatives of the people from the represen- tatives of daggers, and let the majority of the Council be delivered from the stiletto by bayonets ! Long live the Republic!" To this cry the soldiers an- 288 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. swered with "Long live Bonaparte!" And Lucien, waving a sword, cried out, " I swear with this sword to stab my own brother, if he ever does violence to the liberty of the French ! " The general hesitated no longer. He ordered the grenadiers commanded by Murat and Leclerc to enter the Chamber of the Five Hundred. The drums were beaten ; their roar drowned the voices of the representatives of the people, as they had drowned the voice of Louis XVI. In a moment the hall was empty, the deputies having fled through the windows of the orange house into the garden. Only one clung to his seat, saying he wished to die there. They laughed at him, and at last he took flight like the rest. In Paris news was impatiently awaited. At one moment the rumor ran that Bonaparte was proscribed and outlawed ; the next, that he was victorious and had expelled the Five Hundred. It is thus that Ma- dame de Stael describes her different impressions during this agitated day : " One of my friends who was present at the sitting in Saint Cloud sent me bulletins every hour. Once he told me the Jacobins were going to carry everything before them, and I made ready to leave France again ; the next moment I heard that Bonaparte had triumphed, the soldiers having expelled the National Representatives, and I wept, not over liberty, which never existed in France, but over the hope of that liberty without which a country knows only shame and misery." THE 19TH BRUMAIliE. 289 All day Madame Bonaparte, the general's mother, had been very anxious, though outwardly calm. Three of her children were engaged in the struggle, and in case of Napoleon's failure, all three would be severely punished. Nevertheless, with her usual energy, she concealed her emotions. In the evening, when the definite result was still unknown, she was yet courageous enough to go with her daughters to the The'&tre Feydeau, the fashionable theatre, where the Auteur dans son manage was given. In the course of the play some one stepped forward on the stage, and shouted out, " Citizens, General Bona- parte has just escaped being assassinated at Saint Cloud by traitors to this country ! " Madame Leclerc screamed with terror. It was half-past nine o'clock. Then Madame Bonaparte and her daughters left the theatre and hastened to the rue de la Victoire, where they found Josephine, who reassured them. The Bonaparte family had nothing more to fear. All resistance was impossible at Paris or at Saint Cloud. The soldiers of the man who was about to be the First Consul camped that night on the battle- field. At eleven o'clock he summoned his secretary : " I want the whole town, when it wakes up to-morrow, to think of nothing but me. Write ! " And he dictated one of those showy proclamations which he knew so well how to compose for an effect upon the masses. He gave to the coup d'Stat a false appear- ance of legality. The two Councils had just met for 290 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. a night session. Most of the Five Hundred were absent. But it made no difference ; the minority was to be taken for a majority. Bonaparte, Sieyes, and Roger-Ducos were appointed consuls and were en- trusted with the preparations of a new constitution, aided by two legislative commissions. Sixty-one deputies of the Five Hundred, guilty of having wished to make the law respected, were declared in- capable for the future of serving as representatives. Lucien ended the night session with this speech: " French liberty was born in the tennis-court of Versailles. Since that immortal meeting it has dragged itself along till our time, the prey in turn of the inconsistency, the weakness, and the convulsive ailments of infancy. To-day it has assumed its manly robes. No sooner have you established it on the love and confidence of the French than the smile of peace and abundance shine on its lips. Representatives of the people, listen to the blessing of the people and of its armies, long the plaything of factions, and may their shouts reach the depths of your hearts ! Listen also to the sublime voice of posterity ! If liberty was born at the tennis-court of Versailles, it has been consolidated in the orange house of Saint Cloud. The Constituents of '89 were the fathers of the Revolution, but the legislators of the Year VIII. will be the fathers and peacemakers of the country." There is nothing in the world easier than to set what has succeeded in brilliant colors. In Brumaire, as THE 19TH BRUMAUtE. 201 in Fructidor, might had overcome right., and niiglit never lacks worshippers. All was over ; the game had been won. At three in the morning Bonaparte got into his carriage and drove back from Saint Cloud to Paris, where the inhabitants had illuminated their houses, in celebration of his illegal victory. XXX. EPILOGUE. IpONAPARTE returned from Saint Cloud to i ) Paris, between three and four in the morning, having in the carriage with him his brother Lticien, Sieve's, and General Gardanne. All the way he was absorbed, thoughtful, silent. Was it physical and moral fatigue following so many emotions? Was it a presentiment of the future, the thought of his fu- ture deeds, which were busying the imagination of this great historical character? What reflections he must have made on the turns of fortune ! Had he been beaten, he would have been outlawed ; as the con- queror, he knew no law but his own will. Beaten, he would have been an apostate, a renegade, a wretch ; his laurels would have been dragged in the dust, and he himself would have been carted to the gibbet. As conqueror, he was to ascend the steps to the capitol, swearing that he was his country's saviour. Con- quered, he would have been a vile Corsican, unworthy the name of Frenchman. As conqueror, he was the man of destiny, the protecting genius. Instead of abuse, he was to hear songs of praise, and to see the 292 EPILOGUE. 293 old parties laying down their arras; young Royalists enthusiastically joining him under the tricolored flag ; the army and populace rending the air with their cheers ; priests singing hymns ; in the forum, the camp, the churches, he was to find everywhere the same outburst of joy. Yet those who make the coup cCStat know very well that the ovations which greet them depend solely on their success, and that their success depends on the merest trifles. Succeed, and you are a hero; fail, and you are a traitor. How ridiculous is human judgment, how vain and uncer- tain the verdict of history ! Posterity, like universal suffrage, is forever altering its judgment. What is truth one year is false the next. The voice of the people is not the voice of God. Bonaparte was back in the house in the rue de la Victoire, which had always brought him happiness, where he was married, whence he started for Italy and Egypt, whither he always returned victorious, and where two days before he had felt confident of the success of the coup d'Stat, the origin of his su- preme power. He kissed Josephine tenderly and told her all the incidents of the day, passing rapidly over the danger he had been through in the orange house, and jesting about the embarrassment which he, a man of action, felt when compelled to speak. Then he rested a few hours, and woke up in the morning, the master of Paris and of France. Fate had spoken. Who could resist the man with whom marched " the God of fortune and of war " ? 294 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. This is what is said by Edgar Quinet, the great dem- ocratic writer, who describes the passive adhesion of the whole people : " This was, I imagine, the greatest grief of the last representatives of liberty in France ; after which all grief is but a jest. They imagined that they were followed by people whose souls they owned. For many days they were going here and there, peering into the cross-ways and public places. Where were the magnificent orators at the bar of the old assemblies ? Where the forests of pikes so often uplifted, and the repeated oaths of fourteen years, and the magnanimous nation which the mere shade of a master had so often driven wild with anger? Where was their pride? Where the Roman indigna- tion? How could those great hearts have fallen in so few years ? No echo answered. The Five Hun- dred found only astonished faces, sudden conversions to force, incredulity, and silence. All was dissipated in a moment ; they themselves seemed to be pursuing a vision." The time was drawing nigh when republican sim- plicity was to give way to the formal and refined etiquette of a monarchy ; when the woman who lan- guished in the prison of the Carmes, under the Terror, was to be surrounded with the pomp and splendor of an Asiatic queen; when Lucien Bonaparte was to congratulate himself, as he said, that " he had not got into the crowd of princes and princesses who were taken in tow by all the renegades of the Republic." For, he goes on, " who knows whether the example EPILOGUE. 295 of all these apostasies might not have perverted my political and philosophic sentiments?" The more one studies history, the more depressing it is. The illusions in which peoples indulge call forth a smile illusions about liberty, about absolut- ism. Every government thinks itself immortal ; not one, before its fall, sees the abyss yawning before it. If we compare the results and the efforts, we can only lament the vicious circle in which unhappy humanity forever turns. What would Bonaparte have said, what his admirers and officers, if any one had an- nounced to them what the end of their epoch would be? And what did the Republicans, formerly so haughty and arrogant, think of their change of heart? France has paid a high price for these inces- sant apostasies. By dint of burning what she has adored, and adoring what she has burned, she has be- come distrustful of her own glories, ready to destroy the most illustrious legends of centuries, to scoff at royalty, imperialism, and the republic in turn, and to get rid of ideas, enthusiasms, and principles as readily as an actress gets rid of a worn dress. It was done. Josephine had a new position. She was no more to be called Citizeness Bonaparte, but Madame, like the ladies of the old regime, until she should bear the title of Empress and Your Majesty. The Republic existed only in name ; its institutions were gone. One man alone was left: Bonaparte as First Consul was more than a constitutional sovereign, and many queens possess less influence and prestige than 296 CITIZENESS BONAPARTE. did his wife. Yet on the whole, the really republican period of their lives was the happiest portion. Before Brumaire Bonaparte counted for a soldier of liberty, and his wife was deemed a truly patriotic woman. All that time, she had served the interests of her am- bitious husband with great intelligence. Without her he would hardly have attained such wonderful results. She it was who secured for him the support of Barras, and had him made, when but twenty-six, the commander-in-chief of the Army of Italy ; at Milan she was as useful to him as in Paris, by concil- iating aristocratic society in both cities ; during the Directory, she allayed the jealousy of the Directory, and made herself welcome to both Royalists and Republicans ; on the morning of the 18th Brumaire, she covered his sword with flowers, and in her per- fumed note laid a snare for Gohier. The movement was irresistible ; Madame Bonaparte's smiles com- pleted her husband's work. After the 18th Brumaire Lucien still nourished liberal hopes, like Daunou, Cabanis, Grdgoire, Carnot, and Lafayette. He was sure that the Republic would never turn into a monarchy, and sincerely believed that he had saved liberty. Later, he said at Saint Cyr to General Gouvion : "Will you not acknowledge, dear General, that you knew this sol- dier, once your equal, now your Emperor, when he was a sincere and ardent Republican ? No, you will say, he deceived us by false appearances. Well, for my part, I will say that he deceived himself ; for a EPILOGUE. 297 long time General Bonaparte was a Republican like you or me. He served the Republic of the Conven- tion with all the ardor which you saw, and as you would not, perhaps, have dared to do yourself in such a land, amid such a population. . . . The indepen- dent character of the sturdy mountaineers among whom we were born taught him to respect human dignity ; and it was only when the temporary consul- ship was succeeded by the consulate for life, when a sort of court grew up at the Tuileries, and Madame Bonaparte was surrounded by prefects and ladies-in- waiting, that any change could be detected in the master's mind, and that he proceeded to treat every- body as everybody desired to be treated." It was possibly in spite of himself that Napoleon became a Caesar. The evening of the 18th Brumaire he still hoped to secure the consent of the two Coun- cils and to avoid all illegality. Who knows ? If the Directors had consented to lower the limit of age, and to receive him as a colleague, although he was not yet thirty, and the Constitution required that the Directors should be forty years old, the coup d^tat might never have happened. On what things the fate of republics and empires depends ! At first, Bonaparte was a Republican, and Jose- phine a Legitimist. As Emperor and Empress they became Imperialists. But royal splendors cannot make us forget the Republican period. The modest uniform of the hero of Arcole was perhaps preferred to the gorgeous coronation robes, and more than 298 CIT1ZENESS BONAPARIE. once, beneath the golden hangings of the Imperial palaces, Josephine regretted the modest house in the rue de la Victoire, the sanctuary of her love. The bright sun of the South could not make her forget the first rays of dawn. Like France, she lost in liberty what she gained in grandeur. A life of almost absolute independence was followed by all the slavery of the highest rank. She was already a queen except in name. When she left her little house in the rue de la Victoire a few days after the 18th Brumaire, it was to take up her quarters in the Luxembourg. But the residence of Maria de' Medici was not large enough for the First Consul and Madame Bonaparte. They went in a few days to take the place in the Tuileries of the King and Queen of France, and Lucien, the unwitting promoter of the Empire, was to regret, as he put it, " that the Constitution of the Consular Republic could have been so readily sacri- ficed to what may be called the personification of the monarchical power, which in the person of the unfor- tunate Louis XVI., the best-meaning of sovereigns, had been so barbarously destroyed." Madame Bona- parte was to be compelled to part company with Ma- dame Tallien and several of her best friends of the soci- ety of the Directory. Even the name of Barras, once so powerful, now obscure and forgotten in his estate of Grosbois, was never to be uttered. Bonaparte could not bear to be reminded that once he had been de- pendent on that man. Already the herd of flatterers, who were to form the consular court, had begun to EPILOGUE. 299 gather. The ideas and fashions of the past were about to reappear. Many Republican innovations did not outlaw the new almanac. A dead society came back to life. Madame Bonaparte appeared what she was in fact, though not to a careless observer, a woman of the old regime. The Tuileries were not far from the Faubourg Saint Germain. But for all her success, her wealth, her greatness, Josephine could not recall the days of the Republic without emotion. Then she was young ; and nothing can take the place of youth. Then she was powerful ; and is not hope always sweeter than the reality ? Then she was beautiful ; and for a woman is not beauty the only true power ? Then she was worshipped by her hus- band, and to appear charming in his eyes she did not need the splendor of the throne. In her plain dress of white muslin and a white flower in her hair, she seemed to him more beautiful than in her coronation robes of silver brocade covered with pink bees, and her crown sparkling with gems. She had no equer- ries, chamberlains, or maids of honor ; but her youth adorned her more than a diadem. As Empress and Queen, Josephine was doubtless to regret the time \\ hen in a Republican society she bore no other title than that of Citizeness Bonaparte. INDEX. Aboukir, the battle of, 242. Abrautes, Duchess of, her account of the reception of the captured battle-flags, 15 ; describes the conduct of Madame de Damas to Josephine, 223. Abrantes, Duke of, 91; see Junot. Aides-de-camp of Bonaparte in Egypt, 240. Alvinzy, advance of, 67, 71. Ancients, Council of the, to vote to change the place of meeting, 268; does so, 274; meets at Saint Cloud, 280. Arcole, battle of, 80. Army, the, of Italy, enthusiasm of, 25; the poverty of, 30; swiftness and success of, <>!!; discourage- ment of, 72; heroism of, 78; wild with joy over its triumphs, 111; regard Bonaparte as an ardent Republican, 131. Arnault describes the effect of Jo- sephine's beauty, 17; quoted, 39, 43, 105; liis reminiscences of Tal- leyraml, isi ; with Bonaparte at Talleyrand's ball, 190; on the Egyptian expedition, 200; sails with the army for Egypt, 207; conversation of, with Bonaparte about the 18th Brumaire, 2(i7. Anueivait counsels lighting, 59; sent to Paris by Bonaparte to win the confidence of the Demo- crats, 135; arrests the reaction- ary deputies, 138. Ball, Talleyrand's, in honor of Bonaparte, 188 ; cost of, 192. Barras, a witness of Napoleon's marriage to Josephine, 1 ; con- ciliated by Josephine, 109 ; threat- ens Lavalette, 140; speech of, at Bonaparte's reception in Paris, 178 ; at the end of his tether, 213 ; Bonaparte's disgust with, 260; resign ationj)f. 27<5, 281. I'.riiuhaniais, Kugetie de, taken into Bonaparte's confidence, 238 ; Bonaparte's affectioa_ior, 240; wounded at Saint Jean d'Acre, 240; describes the departure of Bonaparte from Egypt, 244; pleads with Bonaparte lor Jose- phine, 25G. Beauharnais, Hortense de, acts in Esther before Bonaparte, 195. I'.eaiivais, a Xorman deputy, saves Bonaparte, 284. r., 73, 87, 89, 98, 100; takes command of the Army of Italy, 5; his victories, 10; his. swift successes, 14; passes for a Republican, 18 ; effect of his vic- tory at I.oili, IS; enters Milan. _'7 ; his power nf striking the im- agination, 28; his hold on his soldiers, 29; sends his resigna- tion to the Directory, 32; liis lack of heart, 34; his_affcction_ for Josephine. :Vi ; urges her to join him, 39 ; takes her with him on his campaign, 47; a sentimen- 301 302 INDEX. tal chord in his character. 30; inspired by love and patriotism, 50; announces in advance tlie defeat of Wurmser, 58; defeats Wurmser at Castiglione, GO, and in the Tyrol, G3 ; impatient with the Directory, 67 ; assures Carnot of his devotion to the Republic, 68; his anxieties, 70; forced to retreat, 72 ; confesses he had lost hope, 75 ; his despairing letter to the Directory, 76; his peril at the bridge of Arcole, 80; victory of Arcole, 81 ; his faith in his destiny, 83; his disposition to revery and melancholy, 84; suf- fers from physical disorders, 87 ; his demeanor at Milan after Ar- cole, 90; his aides-de-camp, 90; happy in his wife's society. 93; ill of a fever, 95 ; wins the battle of Rivoli, 96 ; signs the treaty of Tolentino, 99; his letter to the Pope, 100; defeats the Archduke Charles and enters Germany, 102; makes peace with Austria and de- clares war against Venice, 104 ; his court in the Serbelloni Palace in Milan, 105 ; pleases all parties, 109 ; his contempt for the Direc- tory, 109 ; joyjtl to Josephine* 110 ; his court at the castle of Monte- bello, 115; declares ..Josephine's dot:. Fortune, his rival, 121 : insti- tutes a -rand military festival at Milan, 124 ; happy among his sol- diers, 127 ; reveals his real inten- tions to Melito, 132 ; a Republican at first for his own advantage. 134 ; his double game, 135 ; makes a Republican proclamation to his army, 141; at Passeriano, 143; accuses the Directory of injus- tice, 147; letter of, to Talleyrand, 149; decides to abandon Venice to Austria, 151; his situation critical, 158; gains Talleyrand by letters of sympathy and con- fidence, 158 ; refuses to obey the commands of the Directory to revolutionize Italy, 159 ; smashe^ CobenzFs porcelain and declares war with Austria, 160 ; signs the treaty of Campo Formio, 161 ; has the Venetian deputies arrested and brought before him, 163; re- ceives a letter from Talleyrand congratulating him on the peace, 164; sets out on his return to Paris, 165 ; his journey a series of ovations, 1(>8; arrives in Paris, 168 ; his popularity, 171 ; pub- lic reception to, at the Luxem- bourg, 172; pleased by Talley- rand's flatteries, 175 ; his speech at the reception, 177: attends Talleyrand's ball in his honor, 189 ; elected a member of the In- stitute, 194; determines not to stay in Paris, 197; visits the northern ports, 198; determines on the Egyptian expedition, 198; leaves Paris secretly, 202 ; his es- cape from a serious accident, '_'():' : at Toulon, 204 ; sails from Toulon, 207 ; his faith in his fortune, 2i n' : proclamation of, to his men, 210 ; contempt of the Legitimists for, 222; his calculation of the effect of the Egyptian expedition on the Parisians, 232 ; his gigantic plans, 233; his melancholy, 235; talks of a divorce, 236; is calmed by Bourrienne, 237; dismisses, with Eugene de Beauharnais Jose- phine's unfaithfulness, 238; fails at Saint Jean d'Acre, 240; dis- cusses his plans with Bourrienne, 240 ; his proclamation to his army, 241 ; his wonderful march to Cairo, 242 ; destroys the Turkish army at Aboukir, 242 ; determines to return to France, 243; the Egyp- tian campaign of service to Bona- parte, 246; his skilful use of it, 246 ; his perilous return to France, 247 et seq.; arrives at Corsica, 249; lands at Frejus, 251 : arrives INDEX. 303 in Paris, 254 ; refusea_io see Jo- sephine, '2~>~> ; is reronriled with her, 256; decides to ally liim-i-lf with Sieyes, 258, 260 ; meets Mo- reau, 259; his craft, 2GO; acci- dent to, while riding, 263; con- duct of, at the civic banquet, 2<>5; arranges the coup d'etat of the 18th Brumaire, 269 et seq.; hiils Madame Gohier to summon. In i- Imshand, 272; appears be- fore the Council of Ancients, 27"> ; reproaches the Directory with ruinous laws and misery, 27i; ; well content with the course of events, 279; appears among the Ancients and speaks as a master, 282; enters the Council of Five Hundred and is assailed, 2S4; his proclamation, 290; mas- ter of France, 293; possibly a Cstsar in spite of himself, 297. Bonaparte, family, the, at Monte- bello, 115. lionaparte, Citizeness. See Jose- phine.' I'.onanarte, Madame I.ctitia, at < icnoa, 116; character of, 226; n-si. Inl \\ith her sun Joseph, 228; her self-possession the 19th I'.ru- maire, 289. UonapartCj Caroline, 228; aiubi- : iou.s. 22'J. r.oiiapartr, Klisa, 22-S. I'.onaparte, .lerome, character of, 22.s. I'.onaparte, Joseph, sent by Xapo- Ifoii to the Directory. 12; charac- ter of, 22i. liouaparte, Louis, aide-de-camp to r.onaparte, !>2; hostile to Jose- phine, 228. I'.onaparte, Lucien, character and career of, 227 ; elected president of the Council of the Ancients, 2.">:',; silences the Deputies, 27ii, 281; denounced by the Depu- ties, L'.sTi; cherishes liberal hopes, 198, Bonaparte, Pauline, frivolous con- duct of. US; tin- handsomest woman in Paris, 228. Bottot, Barras' secretary, sent to Bonaparte at Passeriano, 147, protests to Bonaparte that the Directory admire and love him, 150. ^ Bourrienne, in the secret of Napo- leon's Egyptian expedition, 2(>t); calms Bonaparte's jealous rage, 237. Boyer, Christine, wife of Lucien .Bonaparte. 227. Brumaire, the 18th, 263 et seq.; the 19th, 280. Bucentuur, the, fate of, 156. Carnot, his speech celebrating mili- tary glory, 21 ; opposes Talley- rand's entrance into the ministry, 186. Charles, the Archduke, defeated by Napoleon, 102. II l Ju his i ntnivnit rsft yn tjl I'.onaparte, 144 ; Bonaparte's vio- lent scene with, regarding Man- tua, 160; accedes to Bonaparte's proposition, 161. Milam di', bur hatred ol-Bonaparte, 223. Cornet, his address to the Council of Ancients, 273; informs Bona- parte of the action of the Council, 275. Council of Five Hundred, indigna- tion of, 276; meet at Saint Cloud, 280; unfavorable to Bonaparte, 281, 284; uproar in, 285; dis- persed by the Grenadiers, 288. Croissier, aide-de-camp to Bona- parte, 93. . Madam.' de, her ivfusal to niftftt .Tombing, 223. Pan.iolo. at III.- head of ihe |.ro\U- ional government in Venice, 151; speaks courageously and el quently for liis country, 163. 304 INDEX. Desaix, General, visits Bonaparte at Passeriano, 146. Directory, the, glorify Napoleon, 15; celebrate the "Festival of Gratitude and of the Victories," 19; detect Bonaparte's plans, but hope to use him, 136 ; suspicious of Bonaparte, protest friendship, 149; no longer taken seriously, 213 ; the resignation of, 270, 276. Duroc, Bonaparte's aide-de-camp, 92. Egyptian expedition starts from Toulon, 206; useful to Bonaparte, 246; made up of rashness and risks, 247. Elliot, Bonaparte's aide, killed at Arcole, 82, 86. " Festival of Gratitude and of the Victories," celebration of, 19. Fortune, Josephine's dog, 121. Fouche', conversation of, with Go- hier, 266. Gallo, Marquis of, snubbed by Bonaparte, 145. Gantheaume, Rear Admiral, takes Bonaparte on his ship, 243. Genoa, Bonaparte's ultimatum to, 116. Gohier, M., true to Republican principles, 213; disturbed at Bona- parte's arrival, 253; receives Bo- naparte, 258; conversation of, with Fouche, 266; declines Jose- phine's invitation, 272; protest of, 276. Gohier, Madame, friendship of, cul- tivated by Josephine, 231; in- \ forms her husband of the Bona- partes' plot, 272. Goncourts, the, on the worship of the Theophilanthropists, 214. Grassini's interview with Napo- leon, 111. Gros, paints the first portrait of Bonaparte, 93. Holland, King of, see Louis Bona- parte, 92. Junot, sent to Paris with the cap- tured battle-flags, 12, 16; charac- ter of, 90; tells Bonanarte_th:u Josephine is unfaithful, 23T.. Josephine, her marriage with Bo- naparte, 1 ; fascinated by, but not in love with, her husband, 4; her appearance at the festival of the reception of the captured flags, 15; her feelings for Bona- parte, 36 ; dislikes to leave Paris, 37 ; criticised, for not joining Na- poleon, 38 ; goes to Milan to meet Bonaparte, 44 ; saves Bonaparte by inducing him to leave Brescia, 55 ; in peril, 55 ; fired on from Mantua, 57 ; longs for Paris, 64 ; letter of, to Hortense, 65; stays at Milan to prevent an insurrec- tion there, 75 ; entertained by the city of Genoa, 88; holds Bona- parte on her lap while his por- trait is painted by Gros, 93; her letters to Bonaparte not pre- served, 101 ; hef court in the Serbelloni Palace in Milan, 107 ; of great service to Napoleonj, 108 ; conciliates Barras, 10'.); Jier per- sonal appearance and charm, 110; tact and kindness of, 1'JO: grand reception given to, by the Venetians, 157 et seq. ; her happi- ness complete, 195; wishes to accompany Bonaparte to Egypt, 206; views the departure of t In- flect, 210; accident to, at Plom- bieres, 220; buys Malmaison, 221; lmrt^byJJie_ ridicule Qi -the- Legitimiste, 222; ier-*elatiau*- withtKemT~224 ; her salon, _"_'."> : exercises diplomacy with the Bo- napartes, 225, 229; often short of money, 225); her kindly disposi- tion, 230; cultivates Madame Gohier's friendship, 231 ; w'tl'- outjier aid Bonaparte would not INDEX. 305 have become Emperor, 231 ; hears at M. Uohier's of Bonaparte's ar- rival, 253; starts to meet him and takes the wrong road, 253; denied admittance to Bonaparte's a|>artment,255; is reconciled with him, 250; her tact and skill of un-at service to Bonaparte, 259; Tii the secret of the 18th Bru- maire, 2G7; her attempt to in- volve, the (Jolliers, 27.'; her pres- tige and influence, _".),">; takes up lirr (juarters in the Tuilerics, 2! IS. Lanfrey, M., describes. Josephine's attachment for Napoleou. .'!5. Laniies. (icueral, heroism of, at Ar- cole, 81, 86. Lavalette, Bonaparte's aide-de- camp, !)3; sent to Paris by Bo- naparte to act on the Royalists, 135; threatened by Barras, re- turns to Bonaparte, 140; his tes- timony regarding the intrigues of Bonaparte's brothers against Josephine, 170. Lavalee, Theophile, quoted, 212. Lelirun, the poet, his hymn at the Republican banquet, 23. Lefebvre, General, won over by Bo- naparte, 271. Lemerrois, Bonaparte's aide-de- camp, 92. Lodi, the battle of, 18; festival celebrating the victory of, 19. Luxembourg, public reception to Bonaparte at, 172. Marmont, describes the entry into Milan, 27; Napoleon's conversa- tion with, 28 ; character of, 91 ; his account of the stay at Mon- tebello, 119 ; on the signing of the treaty at Campo Formio, 161 ; de- scribes Bonaparte's narrow es- cape at Roquevaire,203; describes the perils of the Egyptian expe- dition on the way to Egypt, 208. Mclito, Miot de, relates Bonaparte's conversation with him at Milan, concerning his real plans and ideas, 132. Mersfeld, General von, Austrian plenipotentiary at Passeriano, 146. Metternich says that Napoleon was not irreligious, 99. Michelet, quoted, 50. Milan, Napoleon's entrance into, 25 ; the comfort of the soldiers in, 31 ; society in, after the vic- tories of Bonaparte, 112; grand military Republican Festival at, 124. Montebello, Bonaparte's court at the castle of, 114 ; Austrian pleni- potentiaries at, 115; description of, 118. Murat, sent to Paris by Napoleon, with the draft of the armistice, 12. Nelson guarding Toulon with his fleet when the Egyptian expedi- tion sailed, 209- Paris, under the Directory, 37; fickleness of, 212; not conspicu- ous for morality, 214 ; all parties prepared to play Bonaparte's game, 218. Pope, the, compelled by Bonaparte to pay a subsidy and cede terri- tory, 100. Quinet, Edgar, quoted, 83, 139, 264, 286,294. Kagusa, Duke of. See Marmont. Remusat Madame de, says Nape- Icon had no heart, .'VI: but ad- mits his affection for Josephine, 40, 74, 101 ; describes a visit to Malmaison. '_"J1. Rivoli, the battle of, 96. Sardinia, armistice with. 12. Saint Jean d'Angely, Regnault de, 300 INDEX. accident to Bonaparte while rid- ing with, L'ti.'i. Scott, Waiter, calls Napoleon fiery in love as in war, 42; describes the reception of Josephine at Genoa, 88 ; describes her honors in Italy, 117. Sebastian!, Colonel, ordered by Bo- naparte to guard the Tuileries, 269, 271. Se'gur, General de, his account of the scenes at the Tuileries the 18th Brumaire, 277. Serbelloni, Duke of, meets Jose- phine at the gate of Milan, 45 ; his palace the residence of Bona- parte at Milan, 46. Sieyes, Abbe', Bonaparte refuses to speak to him, 259; in league with him, 260; resignation of , 27G. Smith, Admiral Sidney, checks Bonaparte at Acre, 241; sends him news of French reverses, 243. Staiil, Madame de, discovers that the Republic was only a means for Bonaparte's ends, 136 ; affects a passion for Bonaparte, 137 ; in hiding, the 17th Fructidor, 138 ; efforts to get Talleyrand into the Ministry, 186 ; presented to Bona- parte, and questions him, 191 ; her anecdote of Bonaparte and Barras, 197; quoted, 204; her Considerations on the French Revolution quoted, 277; her impression on the 19th Brumaire, 288. Stendhal, his anecdote of M. Robert, 30; of the French army in Milan, 111. Suleau, prediction of, 261. Sulkowski, Bonaparte's aide-de- camp, 92. Theophilanthropists, the worship of, 214. Talleyrand, plays the part of a fanatical Republican, 141 ; his letter to Bonaparte on the events of 18th Fructidor, 142; Bonaparte gains him by letters of confidence and sympathy, 158; writes to Bonaparte congratulating him on the peace of Campo Formio, 164 ; speech of, at Bonaparte's recep- tion in Paris, 175; his transfor- mation from the Bishop of Au- tun to Citizen Talleyrand, 185 et seq. ; tries to overreach Bona- parte, 187; gives a grand ball in Bonaparte's honor, 189. Tallien, Madame, 16. Venice, grand reception to Jose- phine at, 151 et seq.; decadence of, 155. Women's fashions under the Direc- tory, 216. Wurmser, marches to relieve Man- tua, 54 ; defeated at Castiglione, 60, and in the Tyrol, 63; takes refuge in Mantua, 65 ; surrender of, 97. 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