UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. OK / V Received M^2A The Practical Christian discontinued In war time Non-resistant defection and consequent protest Resolutions concerning the Rebel- lion passed and their effect Case of Conscription and the course pursued in regard to it Educational interests Missionary activities declining Old Testament ethics in the ascendant Religious interests and institutions New House of Worship built The Practical Chris- tian Church of Hopedale An Inductive Conference formed The Hopedale Parish constituted residuary legatee of The Hopedale Com- munity The end reached 297-336 XV11 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. CHAPTER X. Retrospective survey Founders of the Community Their logic invinci- bleComposition and character of Community membership Con- tributions to human need, comfort and happiness Fruits of fourteen years' associated industry, economy and practical wisdom Failure notwithstanding Causes thereof not primarily financial but moral and spiritual World not ready for so radical and comprehensive a reform Material for Community life not yet to be found Moral and religious teaching superficial and inadequate Christianity imper- fectly understood and applied Professed reverence for Christ's pre- cepts, but practical disregard and scorn of them Deficiencies and excellencies of the church Secondary causes of failure The still existing need The question involved not settled but postponed Principles and objects of the Community sacred and unimpeachable Some day they will be actualized and the Hopedale experiment will find triumphant vindication 337-367 Appendix A 368 Appendix B 397 HISTORY. CHAPTER I. 1839-1840. THE COMMUNITY IDEA ITS ORIGIN AND GROWTH ORGANIC FORM ASSUMED. llopedale Community was a systematic attempt to establish an order of Human Society based upon the sublime ideas of the Fatherhood of God and the Brother- hood of Man, as taught and illustrated in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The primordial germ, of which it was the natural outgrowth and consummation, first manifested itself in my own mind about the time of the opening of the year 1839. That germ, in its crude form, was commu- nicated to a few personal friends, interested, as I was, in promoting alike the interests of truth and the enduring welfare and happiness of mankind, who gladly welcomed it, Mini united cordially with me in developing it, in giving il definite form, and in carrying it out to legitimate, practical results in actual life. The evolutionary process by which all this was accomplished, this, the opening chapter of the present volume, is designed to delineate. Succeeding chapters will recapitulate and put on record, in their proper order and relativity, the different character- istics and phases of what subsequently transpired. At the date mentioned I was Pastor of the First Church and Parish of the town of Meudon, Mass., a position I 3 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. had occupied during the eight previous years. I had long before outgrown my early belief that the religion of the New Testament was chiefly concerned with the condition of mankind in a future state of being, and that it was the essential office and mission of Jesus Christ, in the plan and providence of the Infinite Father, to save men from damnation and misery aw.aiting the finally impenitent after death. I had come to see that the teachings of the Master were essential to human well-being in this world as well as in the world to come ; that it was one of the declared objects of Christ's labors to inaugurate the king- dom of heaven on the earth; and that it was the impera- tive duty of his disciples to pray .and to work earnestly for that sublime end, as one of the best preliminaries to immortal blessedness. The supreme, universal, un- changeable Fatherhood of God and the universal Brother- hood of Man had become settled articles of my faith, and whatever contradicted either of them, in theory or prac- tice, I was certain must be false and wrong. Consequently the seemingly mighty and almost sole concern of the nominal Christian Church to save souls from the tortures of never-ending fire and secure heaven for them beyond the grave, appeared to me a distortion of the Gospel requirement a delusion of superstition. On the other hand, among dissenters from the dogmas of prevailing theological systems, the then dominant Uni- versalism, which magnified the doctrine of the salvation of all men at death and knew of no condition beyond the grave but that of angelic beatitude, had become to me a scarcely less irrational and offensive extreme of so-called liberalism. I belonged to a small Association of Restora- tionists who had seceded from the Uuiversalist denomination, and were in a state of controversial protest against both extremes. About half of this Association felt strongly that their Restorationism meant radical reform in respect to personal and social abuses and evils, and had zealously PROGRESSIVE RESTORATIONISTS. 3 espoused the Temperance, Anti-Slavery, and Peace move- ments, as attested by a series of outspoken, uncompromis- ing resolutions passed not long before in public convocation and published to the world. The rest were more prudent and conservative, and sincerely thought their brethren rash and presumptions in their utterances and action running :iliend too fast in that particular direction. I was of the progressive wing and longed most ardently to see New Testament Christianity actualized made practically the controlling agency in all the relations and concerns of life. My sympathizing associates were like- minded ; enthusiastic in pressing forward to a wider and more authoritative application of Christian principles to human conduct in all its phases and manifestations, and our private meditations and mutual conferences soon brought us out generations in advance of our former position respecting the absolute requirements of the law of Christian righteousness. The growth of our ideas and convictions in regard to pure Christianity and the obliga- tions it imposes upon its confessors was rapid and intense, perhaps I should say precocious, in view of subsequent disclosures. This will appear from the fol- lowing remarkable Confession or Declaration of Sentiments drafted by me and sent forth as a comprehensive state- ment of the views which we had come to entertain touching the truths and duties included and enjoined by our holy religion, as we understood and believed it. "STANDARD OF PRACTICAL CHRISTIANITY. "At a conference of Christian Ministers called Restoration- ists holden by special agreement at Mendon, Mass., Feb. 19th, 20th, and 21st, and, by adjournment, Apr. 24th and 25th, 1839, there was a free and solemn discussion of the prevailing views, feelings, and conduct of professing Christians in com- parison with the precepts and example of Jesus Christ and his apostles; which discussion resulted in the adoption of the appended testimonial, to wit: 4 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. " Humbly desirous of promoting Christian piety and morality in their primitive purity, the undersigned do solemnly acknowl- edge and embrace the principles, sentiments, and duties declared in the following STANDARD. f " We are Christians. Our creed is the New Testament. Our religion is love. Our only law is the will of God. Our grand object is the restoration of man, especially the most fallen and friendless. Our immediate concern is the promotion of useful knowledge, moral improvement, and Christian perfection. We recognize no spiritual father but God; no master but Christ. We belong to that kingdom of 'righteousness, peace, and joy,' which is ' not of this world,' whose throne is holiness, whose sceptre is truth, whose greatness is humility, whose pre-eminence is service, whose patriotism is love of enemies, whose heroism is forbearance, whose glory is self-sacrifice, whose wealth is charity,' whose triumphs are salvation. Therefore "We can make no earthly object our chief good; nor be governed by any motive but the love of right; nor compromise duty with w r orldly convenience ; nor seek the preservation of our property, our reputation, our personal liberty, or our life by sacrificing conscience. We cannot live merely to eat, drink, sleep, display ourselves, acquire property, and be accounted great in this world, but to do good. All that we are and have, with all that God shall ever bestow on us, we unreservedly dedicate to the cause of universal righteousness; expecting for ourselves, in the order of divine providence, only a comfortable subsistence until death, and, in the world to come, eternal life. "Placing unlimited confidence in our heavenly Father, we distrust all other guidance and protection. We cannot be gov- erned by the will of man, however solemnly and formally declared, nor put our trust in an arm of flesh. Hence we voluntarily withdraw from all interference with the govern- ments of this world. We can take no part in the politics, the administration, or the defence of those governments ; either by voting at their polls, holding their offices, aiding in the execu- tion of their legal vengeance, fighting under their .banners, claiming their protection against violence, seeking redress in their courts, petitioning their legislatures to enact penal laws, or obeying their unjust requirements. Neither cau we participate STANDARD OF PRACTICAL CHRISTIANITY. 5 in any rebellion, insurrection, sedition, riot, conspiracy, or plot against any of those governments; nor resist any of their ordi- nances by physical force; nor do anything unbecoming a peaceable submisssion to the existing powers; but will quietly pay the taxes levied upon us, conform to all innocent laws and usages, enjoy all righteous privileges, abstain from all civil commotions, freely express our opinion of governmental acts, and patiently endure whatever penalties we may for conscience' sake incur. We cannot employ carnal weapons nor any physi- cal violence whatsoever to compel moral agents to do right or to prevent their doing wrong not even for the preservation of our own lives. We cannot render evil for evil, railing for railing, or wrath for wrath, nor revenge insults and injuries, nor lay up grudges, nor be overcome by evil, nor do otherwise than ' love our enemies, bless them that curse us, do good to them that hate us, and pray for them that despitefully use us and persecute us.' "We cannot indulge the lust of dominion, nor exercise arbitrary authority, nor cherish bigotry, nor be egotistical, nor receive honorary titles, nor accept flattery, nor seek human applause, nor assume the place of dignity. We cannot be Pharisaical, self-righteous, or dogmatical. We cannot do evil that good may come. We cannot resent reproof, nor justify our faults, nor persist in a known wrong. "We cannot excommunicate, anathematize, or execrate any apostate or reprobate person otherwise than by withdrawing our fellowship, refusing our countenance, and declining familial- intercourse . "We cannot be cruel, even to the beasts of the earth. We cannot be inhuman, unmerciful, unjust, unkind, abusive, or injurious toward any being of our race. We cannot be indif- ferent to the sufferings of distressed humanity, nor treat the unfortunate with contempt. But we hold ourselves bound to do good as we have opportunity unto all mankind, to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, minister to the sick, visit the imprisoned, entertain the stranger, protect the helpless, com- fort the afflicted, plead for the oppressed, seek the lost, lift up the fallen, rescue the ensnared, reclaim the wandering, reform the vicious, enlighten the benighted, instruct the young, admon- ish the wayward, rebuke the scornful, encourage the penitent, confirm the upright, and diffuse a universal charity. 6 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. "We cannot go with a multitude to do evil, nor take part with the mighty against the feeble, nor excite enmity between the rich and the poor, nor stand aloof from the friendless, nor court the great, nor despise the small, not be afraid of the terrible, nor take advantage of the timid, nor show respect of persons, nor side with a friend in what is wrong, nor oppose an enemy in what is right, nor forbid others to do good because they follow not with us, nor set up names and forms above personal holiness, nor refuse to co-operate with any man, class, or association of men on our own principles in favor of righteousness, nor contemn any new light, improvement, or excellence which may be commended to our attention from any quarter whatsoever. " We cannot make a trade or emolument of preaching the Gospel, nor be supported therein by unwilling contributions, nor keep back any truth thereof that ought to be declared, nor consent to preach more or les's than God directs us, nor encourage religious devotion in mere worldly show, nor pursue any course of conduct whereby the money, the smiles, or the frowns of corrupt men may overrule the divine testimony. We cannot surrender the right of serving God according to the dictates of our own consciences, nor interfere with others in their exercise of the same liberty. "We hold it impossible to cherish a holy love for mankind without abhoring sin. Therefore we can give no countenance, express or implied, to any iniquity, vice, wrong, or evil, on the ground that the same is established by law or is a source of pecuniary profit to any class of men, or is fashionable in high life, or is popular with the multitude; but we hold ourselves so much the more bound to testify, plainly, faithfully, and fearlessly, against such sins. Hence we declare our utter abhorrence of war, slavery, intemperance, licentiousness, covet- ousness, and worldly ambition, in all their forms. We cannot partake in these sins, nor apologize for them, nor remain neutral concerning them, nor refrain from rebuking their various manifestations; but must ever abstain from and oppose them. " We cannot promote our own advantage at the expense of others, by deceiving, defrauding, corrupting, degrading, over- bearing, or impoverishing them. We cannot take away their good name by defamation, nor by retailing the scandal of their STANDARD OF PRACTICAL CHRISTIANITY. 7 enemies, nor by spreading abroad evil reports on mere hearsay authority, nor by wantonly publishing their failings. We can- not be busy-bodies in other people's affairs, nor tale-bearers of domestic privacy, nor proclaimers of matters unsuitable for the public ear. We cannot rashly judge men's motives, nor raise evil suspicious against them, nor join in condemning the accused without a hearing, nor delay reparation to the injured, nor make any one's necessity our advantage, nor willingly render ourselves burdensome to others, nor cause any one unnecessary trouble for our mere gratification; but we will always deem it 'more blessed to give than to receive,' to serve than to be served; sacrificing nothing of holy principle, though, it need be, everything of personal convenience. "We cannot live in idleness or be carelessly extravagant; nor, on the other hand, be avaricious, parsimonious, or nig- gardly. We cannot indulge in any feverish anxiety concerning our temporal affairs, nor fret ourselves under disappointment, nor repine at anything which marks our lot. We cannot be austere, morose, or rude ; nor capricious, ungrateful, or treacherous. We cannot practice dissimulation, nor offer ful- some compliments, nor use a nattering courtesy. We cannot follow pernicious fashions, nor encourage [immoral] theatrical exhibitions, nor join in frivolous amusements, nor countenance games of chance, nor array ourselves in costly apparel, nor wear useless ornaments, nor put on badges of mourning, nor distinguish ourselves by any peculiar formalities of raiment or language. "We cannot indulge to excess in eating, drinking, sleeping, recreation, labor, study, joy, or sorrow ; nor permit our passions to tyrannize over our reasons. We cannot harbor pride, envy, anger, malice, wrath, ill-will, sullenness, or peevishness; nor cherish any unholy lusts, imaginations, or tempers. "We cannot swear by any manner of oath, nor make any rash vow, nor offer any extraordinary protestations of our inno- cence, sincerity or veracity, nor utter any blasphemy, impreca- tion, falsehood, obscene expression, foolish jest, or profane exclamation. "We cannot enter into the state of matrimony without grave deliberation and an assurance of divine approval. We cannot neglect or abuse our families, nor evince any want of natural affection towards our bosom companion, our aged OF THK JNIVERSITY 8 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. parents, or helpless offspring. We cannot imbrute our children by disregarding their education, nor by setting them an evil example, nor by over-fondness, nor by harshness and severity, nor by corporal punishments, nor by petulence and scolding. " We cannot desert our brethren in their adversity, nor call anything our own when their necessities demand relief, nor be silent when they are unjustly accused or reproached. We can- not speak of their faults in their absence without first having conferred with and admonished them; nor then, if they have promised amendment. "We cannot over-urge any person to unite with us, nor re- sort to undignified artifices of proselytism, nor seek debate with unreasonable men, nor protract a controversy for the sake of the last word, nor introduce sacred subjects for discussion in a company of scorners. Yet we will hold ourselves always ready to give an answer to every one that asketh of us a reason for our faith, opinion, or conduct, with meekness, frank- ness, and patience. "Finally, as disciples of Jesus Christ, before whose judg- ment seat all must appear, we acknowledge ourselves bound by the most sublime, solemn, and indispensable obligations, to 'be perfect as our Father in heaven is perfect' in all possible respects; and whereinsoever we come short thereof, to take shame to ourselves, seek divine pardon, repair to the utmost our delinquencies and bring forth fruits meet for repentance. And for all this, 'our sufficiency is of God,' to whom be glory, world without end. Amen. "ADIN BALLOU, DAVID R. LAMSON, GEO. W. STACY, DANIEL S. WHITNEY, WILLIAM H. FISH, Ministers; CHARLES GLAD- DING, WILLIAM W. COOK, Laymen concurring." This document was intended to cover the whole ground of personal and social righteousness on the high plane of Practical Christianity. It was accompanied with references to the principal passages of Scripture understood to teach its distinctive principles, sentiments, and duties, and with brief explanatory notes upon the more important and radical points. Thus verified and fortified, it was sub- mitted to the consideration and judgment of those who might deem it worthy of deliberate attention. It was RECEPTION OF THE STANDARD. 9 received widely-varying emotion, and provoked much comment friends, foes, and neutrals expressing in more or less emphatic terms their opinion concerning it. Some condemned it outright as extravagant, unsound, absurd, impracticable, though few of these attempted to show that it was in any wise hostile to, or inconsistent with, the teaching and example of Christ. Others, more appreciative and hospitable, regarded it with favor ; a small number with moral admiration and delight. But the great mass of those claiming to be followers of Christ and believers in his religion gave it little or no heed. As for myself, I accepted it at the time and endorsed it with .all my mind and heart and soul, and have remained a linn and unwavering adherent of it, with a few slight and unessential modifications, until this hour. However faulty I may have been concerning it in prac- tice, it has always expressed substantially my profound and settled convictions of pure Christian righteousness; such as the truly regenerate church of Christ will some day believe in, teach, and exemplify. Having devised and formulated the foregoing Standard, the germination and growth of the Community idea in my own mind were as natural and inevitable as are the flowering and fruitage of any productive plant of garden or field when the seed from which it springs is cast into congenial soil. Equally so were its acceptance, develop- ment, and ultimate practical realization, in the minds of those who, with me, had in good faith put their names to that manifesto, and of all in cordial sympathy with us. We were "a peculiar people" in the professing Christian world. We had taken a stand unlike that of any of our contemporaries in either church or state in any existing form of social life. We occupied a new and anomolous situation. We had gathered a fresh and hitherto unknown species of grape from the primitive Christian vintage, and had extracted therefrom a sample 10 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. of the "new wine" of the Kingdom of God. But where were the bottles to hold and preserve it? They were not to be found. Where was the church, the congregation, the social organism, prepared to accept, sustain, and illustrate such principles, virtues, obligations such high and noble ideals of duty to God and man as we had avowed and pro- claimed far and wide as a new revelation from the infinite source of all goodness and truth? Nowhere upon the face of the earth was there one of these one among all the sects of Christendom one among all the schools of philosophy, or orders of philanthropy, or movements of reform, prepared to embrace, maintain, defend, live by them in their entirety in all the length and breadth, height and depth of their far-reaching meaning and obli- gatoriness. As popular Christianity was, in church and state and general society, there was for such ideas, con- victions, principles as ours, no place of shelter, nurture, and practical actualization no congenial and permanent home. They were too radical, too unconformable to the established institutions, customs, practices, and fashions of this world the world of so-called Christian civilization to find, anywhere an open hearty welcome and a ready-made habitation to dwell in and to go forth from as a power of godliness and redemption to mankind. In several fundamental particulars w r ere we openly and uncompromisingly arrayed against the prevailing theory and practice of the world at large about us. (1) The great overshadowing War System, everywhere deemed essential to the maintenance of public order and the security of the common welfare, with its multiplex enginery of destruction, its appalling record of devasta- tion, bloodshed, and death ; its awful burden of degrada- tion, poverty, and wretchedness, crushing the life out of vast multitudes of people ; its manifold barbarities and cruelties, subversive of the essential principles and vital A NEW DEPARTURE INDICATED. 11 spirit of the Gospel of Christ, we unqualifiedly condemned and repudiated. (2) The vast complex mechanism of Politico-civil Gov- ernment in its existing form and mode of administration, based upon injurious and death-dealing force as a final resort, and claiming the unquestioning allegiance and sup- port of its subjects, with its ubiquitous agencies, offices, emoluments, excitements, honors, and rewards, its subtle methods of control and usurpations of authority, its dis- regard of the requirements of the moral law and of the rights of the weak and defenceless, the chicanery and corruption that often enter into its management, shaping its policy and dictating its legislation all this was tran- scended and set aside by us in our declared loyalty to that kingdom which is "not of this world," "whose officers are peace and its exactors righteousness," and wherein those that are chief and would be accounted greatest are servants of all. (3) The abounding spirit of competition, rivalry, self- aggrandizement, and open antagonism which dominates industry and trade, whereby mammon worship is per- petually encouraged and mutual helpfulness ignored ; whereby the strong make victims of the weak, the cunning and unscrupulous outwit and overreach the honest, simple- minded, and self-respecting, the arrogant and heartless take advantage of the necessities of the poor and unfortunate, resulting in class distinctions, in gross inequalities of condition, in revolting extremes of wealth and poverty, of prodigal luxury and famishing want, of gorgeous display and loathesome destitution, engendering discontent, ill- will, resentment, animosity, hatred, and sometimes the spirit of revenge and open violence; all this, and espe- cially the state of things producing it, we condemned and repudiated as utterly opposed to our doctrine of human brotherhood, which requires that kindly interest, mutual assistance, and friendly co-operation, according to the 12 THE HOPED ALE COMMUNITY. maxim "each for all and all for each," should be the supreme rule of action in all departments and activities of industrial and commercial life. Minor points of difference between ns and those of our contemporaries who were generally satisfied with the world as it was, or at least with the social system under which they were living, of which there were many of more or less significance, it is not needful here to enumerate. Enough have been mentioned to indicate the unique, the peculiar, the virtually isolated situation in which w r e found ourselves by reason of the new interpretations and appli- cations of Christian truth which we had adopted and testified to in our "Standard." Realizing our condition, it was a serious question with us what we were going to do about it. We could not renounce our faith, aban- don our avowed principles as false, visionary, chimerical, impracticable, and go back to the position to the eccle- siastical, political, social status and fellowship whence we came. That would be to shut out the light that had dawned upon us from heaven and to deny the Lord to whom we owed allegiance. We could not unite with any existing body of people, religious, reformatory, philan- thropic, or otherwise, with any assurance that we should find sympathy, co-operation, desirable assistance in main- taining our views of truth and duty or in proclaiming them and making them efficacious in enlightening, uplift- ing, and redeeming mankind. Nor could we stand in our separate and unrelated individuality apart from the world and all existing associations, institutions, organizations, and apart from each other. Not at all. We must our- selves, few in numbers as we were, strike hands together, be united in spirit and in action, co-operate, associate our interests, combine our forces, institute a church, a system of society, that should truly represent our convictions ; build a new civilization radically higher than the old, which should be in deed and in truth the realization of RELIEF FROM AN UNFORTUNATE POSITION SOUGHT. 13 a divine order of human life founded on the great ideas of the fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man. This would be to put the new wine of our Practical Christianity into the new bottles of an embryonic kingdom of heaven on the earth. In this way was conceived and quickened in us the germinal principle that in a few months was to become incarnated in Fraternal Community No. 1, after- wards known as The Hopedale Community. Another consideration of no trifling importance came in as a factor of the problem whose solution was command- ing our attention, and no doubt had considerable influence in determining our future course. Our acknowledged ''Standard" contemplated and required on our part, not only a devotion to whatever might conduce in a general way and by the more quiet methods of moral enlighten- ment and spiritual regeneration and growth to the pro- gress and redemption of mankind, but also a deep and active interest in those specific reforms which were then agitating the public mind and pressing their claims home upon the hearts and consciences of all those who loved God and their fellowmen. Recognizing and accepting the obligations imposed upon us in that respect, we had heartily espoused the Anti-Slavery, Temperance, and Peace movements, and had borne faithful witness in the pulpit and elsewhere against the great evils they were designed to overcome and banish from the world. Our course had aroused more or less opposition on the part of certain of our parishioners, some of whom threatened to withdraw their support from us and secure our discharge from our post of ministerial duty, as had been done under similar circumstances elsewhere. This was exceedingly embarrass- ing and unpleasant for us and led us to see how unfortu- nate was the position of a minister who was impelled by his conscience to proclaim unpopular truths and to arraign and denounce prevailing errors and abuses while dependent for the means of subsistence for himself and family, in 14 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. part at least, upon those who were brought under rebuke and condemnation by his testimonies. It also suggested the inquiry whether some way could not be devised or plan adopted whereby we. as occupants of such a posi- tion, could not maintain ourselves outside of our profes- sion, by week-day agricultural or mechanical labors, or otherwise and go out into the community at large on Sundays or week-day evenings, as opportunity should offer, and deliver our message upon questions affecting the interests of humanity, freely and independently, in fidelity to our highest convictions, whether men would hear or for- bear. The proposition to establish a Community seemed to be in line with that inquiry and to furnish a satisfactory answer to it. Under such a system as that to which our declaration of faith was impelling us, all our material wants would be adequately provided for and we could proclaim our Gospel of Reform as the Lord's freemen, uninfluenced by any financial or other worldly considera- tions, and make war against reigning abominations, fash- ionable iniquities, and spiritual wickedness in high places, regardless of the favor or hostility, the smiles or the frowns of men. So were we confirmed and strengthened in our purpose to move forward in the way already indicated a way which appeared to our thought and faith provi- dentially opened to us. While in the midst of the inquiries and deliberations set forth in the foregoing pages, seeking after and wait- ing for any new light that might be thrown upon our uncertain path, we commenced the publication of a small semi-monthly sheet, entitled, The Practical Christian, its first number being dated, "Mendon, Mass., April 1, 1840." It had fora standing motto, "Devoted to Truth and Righteousness." As stated in the prospectus, its leading design, in general terms, was to be an organ for "a faithful exposition, defence, and promulgation of THE PRACTICAL CHRISTIAN. 15 Primitive Christianity, in all the prominent character- istics, aspects, and bearings of its theology, piety, and morality," and "to bear aloft and magnify the standard of religious truth and duty for which Jesus of Nazareth died on the cross." Though naming the town of Mention as its phu-e of publication, it was not at first printed there, but at such localities as were most convenient. Its Editor in Chief and Publishing Agent was AIMS BALLOU ; with DAVID K. LAMSON, GEORGE W. STACY, DANIEL S. WHIT- NEY, and WILLIAM II. FISH, Contributors. These assistants for several years furnished a goodly proportion of the matter that appeared in its columns. On the last page of No. 1, was presented in full our "Standard of Prac- tical Christianity" adopted a year before, with all its Scripture verifications and explanatory notes. In the same issue I began a series of articles entitled Malposition of Faith, in which I endeavored "to furnish inquiring minds with a well digested, systematic, and comprehensive view of Christian theology, as understood by me and generally by those sympathizing with me in matters of religious faith and practice." It ran through the entire volume and near to the middle of the succeeding one. Concurrently therewith, both my brethren and myself, with now and then an outside correspondent, were unfolding, illustrating, and applying the general moral and spiritual ideas and sentiments that had been imparted to us, in such a manner as seemed calculated to instruct our read- ers in the things of the Divine Kingdom, to show them their duty to both God and man, to arouse in their breasts a sense of personal responsibility, and so build them up in the faith and life of Christ. A rational, a practical, a spiritual interpretation and application of the Gospel in its relation to the individual and social needs of our fellowmen constituted the principal theme of our discussions, the burden of our testimonies. All the virtues that dignify and adorn human character, all the graces 16 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. that enter into the Christian life, all helpful ministries of good, all disinterested philanthropies, all salutary reforms, received encouragement at our hands and the commenda- tion which we felt to be their due. Meanwhile the Community idea in our minds was strug- gling to make itself felt, and to gain a commanding place in our thoughts and deliberations. It entered more and more into our social intercourse as we met from time to time, and grew in importance as we dwelt upon it and suggested practical measures to one another in friendly conversation. But it did not seem advisable in its yet immature, undigested state, to make it the subject of deliberative discourse in any of our public convoca- tions, nor even to mention it in our paper, and for quite a while it was scarcely heard of outside our own little circle. At length, having as I thought sufficiently pon- dered it in my own private meditations and talked about it with my brethren, I was moved to make known our views and feelings upon it. more in the spirit of sug- gestion and inquiry than of positive conviction, through the columns of The Practical Christian, in its issue of Sept. 15, 1840: Vol. 1, No. 10. The article will show the still rudimental phase of the matter involved at that date, but as it was the first proclamation of what was fomenting in our own breasts and seeking an outward expression, ere long to be actualized in an organic form and stand forth before angels and men as a noteworthy achievement among the hurnanitary movements of the middle of the 19th century, it is given here complete. " COMMUNITIES. " A good deal has been said among our brethren in their social interviews at various times about the establishment of Practical Christian Communities. We have been frequently requested of late to lay the subject before the readers of this paper with a view to a free discussion of the general proposi- tion and its details. We have at length concluded to comply IDEA OF A COMMUNITY ANNOUNCED. 17 with this repeated request, but in doing so would respectfully premise that the whole matter is in a mere embryonic state as yet, and that little more can be done at present than to suggest, discuss, and consider. Whether in the end any enter- prise of the kind will be deemed desirable, or, if desirable, practicable, remains to be seen. We shall submit a rough sketch of a general plan for a Community, and leave it to the criticism and amendment of the brethren at large. The Shakers and the Moravians have established and maintained Communities after their peculiar fashion, neither of which we should at present wholly approve as models, though much might be selected from both worthy of adoption. With us. at present, perfect individuality is a fundamental idea of the true man. We believe that by setting the individual right with his Creator, we shall set social relationships right. We there- fore go for unabridged independence of mind, conscience, duty, and responsibility; for direct divine government over the human soul; and, of course, for as little human government as possible. We wish to know whether there is any such thing as man's being and doing right from the law of God written on his heart, without the aid of external bonds and restraints. We believe this is possible, and that it is every man's privilege, by the grace of God, to attain to such a state. And more than this, we believe that men in the flesh will yet by thousands actually arrive at that blissful state. Hence, our notions of a Practical Christian Community preclude very much of the governmental machinery employed in both the Shaker and Moravian establishments. " We are not prepared to embrace the doctrine of the Shakers respecting marriage, nor their plan of entire common property. The Moravians, it is true, retain marriage, preserve family integrity, and secure the inclividual rights of property, etc. But there is too much detail and complexity in their government. Both of these classes of Christians have taken a noble stand in favor of many points of Practical Christianity, as have also the Friends, Mennonites, and others. They are lights of Christian excellence to which we should do well to give heed: not implicitly as unto perfection itself, but judi- ciously, as unto lamps lighted at the great sun, Jesus Christ, which yet may be excelled in some respects by still brighter luminaries. Especially would we recommend, should our 18 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. brethren ever attempt to found a Community, that some suit- able persons be sent to the Shaker and Moravian settle- ments, for the purpose of investigating the practical working of their respective systems, in order that whatever is good in them might not be overlooked or rejected. We say this the more earnestly because we have made the foregoing remarks respecting their Communities wholly from book knowledge and not from actual observation, which last might perhaps render it necessary to modify our judgment in some respects. With these preliminary observations, we proceed to the busi- ness in hand. "(1) What is the great leading idea of the proposed Com- munity? Ans. A compact neighborhood or village of practical Christians, dwelling together by families in love and peace, insuring to themselves the comforts of life by agricultural and mechanical industry, and devoting the entire residue of their intellectual, moral, and physical resources to the Christianiza- tion and general welfare of the human race. "(2) What is the basis on which members are to be admitted into this Community? Ans. Assent to the document known among our friends by the title. Standard of Practical Chris- tianity. Those who profess the principles and acknowledge the duties declared in that Standard (together with their families and dependents) are to be the inhabitants of the Community, village, or neighborhood. "(3) How is a tract of land, or proper quantity of real estate, to be obtained for such an establishment? Ans. By means of a joint stock fund raised by subscription in definite shares and judiciously expended in the purchase of the requisite real estate; which estate, having been secured, should be afterwards partly or wholly divided among the joint pro- prietors according to the value of their several subscriptions unless all were agreed to hold it in common. "(4) Where shall the Community be located? Ans. In the East or West, according to circumstances. It should be on land capable of the highest degree of improvement at the least expense, in a healthful location, a little retired from the bustle of the world, with a good mill privilege, and within reach of a ready market for vegetable productions. "(5) What should be the maximum size of the Community? Ans. We think it should not comprise more than one hun- GENERAL PLAN OF ORGANIZATION OUTLINED. 19 dred families, and perhaps not so many. More good might probably be done by planting new colonies when those wishing to unite in such an enterprise should exceed fifty families, especially if it were to be undertaken in a part of the country where land is not easily obtained. Unforseen circumstances, however, would more definitely settle the question of size. It might vary in different localities. No precise limits can now be prescribed. "(6) What sort of a Constitution or Compact would be proper for such a Community? Ans. Something like the following, viz.: " We, the undersigned, professing the principles and acknowl- edging the duties declared in the document entitled Standard oj Practical Christianity, do covenant with each other and agree as follows: "That by divine permission and favor we will unite in the formation and establishment of a Community to be called THE FRATERNAL COMMUNION. " That we will purchase a suitable tract of land, lay out the site of a village, and, as soon as may be, settle thereon by families in a compact neighborhood. "That to this end we will create by subscription a joint stock fund in shares of fifty dollars each. " That said shares shall be transferable by the holders at their pleasure, provided only that no share shall be sold out of the Communion until the purchase thereof shall have been refused by all within its membership. "That when the joint stock fund shall have been invested in real estate, any stockholder shall be entitled, upon demand, to have his or her just portion of the joint property, or any specified part thereof, set off to his or her exclusive posses- sion. And that it shall forever be at the option of the stock- holders, as individuals, to continue in joint partnership with each other, wholly or in part, or to dissolve the same by an equitable division. "That this Communion shall from time to time elect such official servants as may be deemed necessary, all of whom shall be directly accountable to their constituents, and subject to their instructions and removals at their pleasure. "That any person professing the principles and acknowledg- ing the duties set forth in the forenamed Standard, may become a member by subscribing this Compact. 20 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. "That any membar of this Communion may be dismissed, or withdraw from the same, at any time, by expressing a desire or purpose to do so in writing. "That nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to countenance the slightest interference with the conscience, rights, duties, or responsibilities of any individual member. "That this Communion may at their pleasure amend this Compact, or adopt any rules or regulations for the transaction of business under the same not repugnant to its general object and spirit. "(7) Finally, What important advantages may be expected from the establishment of the proposed Community? Ans. Such a Community would furnish a happy home to many pure-hearted Christians now scattered abroad, insulated from each other, enthralled by a corrupt church, and oppressed by the world. It would enable them to secure, with less severe toil and more certainty, a comfortable subsistence for them- selves and their family dependents. It would render it much easier for them to reform pernicious habits of living and pro- mote the true physical health of themselves and their children. It would remove them from the dominion of many corrupt and demoralizing influences to which they are now exposed. It would enable them to set up and maintain a purer religious worship, a holier ministry, a more salutory moral discipline, and a better spiritual culture. It would enable them to send forth devoted religious, moral, and philanthropic missionaries into the world for its conversion men and women who could not be bribed nor frightened into subserviency to popular iniquities, and who, when weary, might return like Noah's dove to the shelter of a peaceful ark and find repose. It would enable them more effectually to prosecute every work of moral reform arid improvement, by means of the press, of well-ordered schools, and of trained teachers going out to inculcate their holy principles wherever the people might welcome them. It would enable them to 'bring up their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord,' away from those loose and de- grading influences so prevalent in existing society. It would enable them to build asylums for the orphan, the widow, and the outcast, wherein they might be led into the paths of life. "In fine, it would be a powerful concentration of moral light and heat which would make Practical Christianity known PROMINENT FEATURES OF THE PLAN. 21 and felt by all beholders. It would be in the moral and religious world what the sun glass and steam engine are in the physical. If one such Community could be established, ,the number might be indefinitely multiplied till at length the kingdoms of this world should be absorbed in the glorious kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thus the reign of ignor- ance, selfishness, pride, and violence would be terminated among men, and the whole great brotherhood of our race would dwell together in unspeakable peace under the govern- ment of Him to whom belongeth the kingdom, power, and glory, forever. "Shall the experiment be made? Who has faith in such small things? Let the believers speak." The above article, though the product of my pen, was in its general character a consensus of the sentiments and aspirations of all those whose names had been appended to the Standard. It is worth while to call attention to a few of its distinguishing features. It exhibits a strong determination to maintain unabridged individuality of per- sonal rights and responsibilities, the integrity of the mar- riage and family relationship, and the great safeguards against communal tyranny and absorption; yet at the same time it holds up the grand desideratum of fraternal unity and co-operation. It contemplates no unnatural, exclusive, monastic retreat from society at large, but only such a concentration of the benign social forces represented by us as should enable us most effectually to reach out a religious and philanthropic hand to all mankind. It pro- poses a definite moral and religious test of membership, but not a theological, dogmatic, sectarian one. It sup- poses those entering the association suggested to be Christlike enough to stand upon his super- worldly plane, sullicieiitly above the common level of existing civilization not to be involved in its semi-barbarism ; thus to uplift it instead of being debased by it, as has so long been the case with the nominal Christian Church. The weakest point of the proposition, perhaps, was its over- sang nine 22 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. assumption that such persons could be found, wilh the attainments, resources, and noble devotion requisite to the realization of the end in view, the formation of practical Christian Communities in those times or at some time not far away. The credulity on which such assump- tion was based may be regarded as a weakness, but can be no crime, and is morally far preferable to that pseudo- Christian skepticism which is forever postponing the advent of a truly Christian dispensation under the plea that in our day it is utterly impracticable. Whatever may be said of the article, it shows very plainly the drift of myself and brethren towards Community life. But as we advanced in that direction and began to confer together in regard to a plan of organization, almost insuperable obstacles hindered our progress. In the first place we were hardly more than novitiate confessors of our exalted Standard. And yet our understandings, con- victions, and consciences were far in advance of our circumstances, our habitual spiritual states of mind, and aptitudes for the exemplification of our sublime ideal. Hence we were very liable to trip and stumble in the presence of temptation. Moreover, our knowledge, skill, and experience as social architects was sadly inadequate to the designing and construction of the needed edifice. And then we could command but a fraction of the requi- site pecuniary means. Furthermore, we could muster only a handful of coadjutors, and most of these were untrained and undisciplined, and of doubtful capability for the work we were about to undertake. And finally, it was by no means certain that any of our families were disposed to enter heartily with us upon the untried and hazardous experiment. Under these circumstances what was to be done? Our ardent aspirations, our zeal and enthusiasm could not be repressed. Something we must do, if it were only to grope and flounder toward our well- determined object. We could meditate, we could plan, DISCUSSION AND CORRESPONDENCE. 23 we could agitate the subject if we could do nothing more, aud so prepare the way for systematic action when the proper time should seem to have come. After the publication of the article quoted, which brought the whole matter before our friends scattered abroad and the general public, it came under frequent and earnest consideration at our conferences and social meetings, as well as in our private interviews. Letters of inquiry from interested persons near and far away began to reach us, to one of which 1 responded in The Practical Christian of December 1, 1840, thus: " I wish the good and the true would give it (the Community question) their most serious and deliberate consideration. I look forward with high expectations of good to mankind through this instrumentality. The matter is maturing and will in due time ripen into cheering results. Encouraging- letters have been received from our friends at a distance in relation to the general proposition. T wish to hear from more of those who, I am sure, would be glad to take part iu such an enterprise. It has been deemed inexpedient to enlarge much on the topic in our paper, but all persons interested may rest assured that the discussion is going on, and that the project will not be abandoned without some attempt to carry it into execution. I would invite those of our brethren and sisters in various places who think favorably of it to com- municate with me on the subject, and especially to signify what amount of means they are prepared to invest in the undertaking, if they can see a rational prospect of success." In other ways than by correspondence were things moving on towards the practical realization of our fondly cherished hopes. Meetings were held in different locali- ties for the special purpose of bringing together persons known to be favorable to our particular movement, or to the general cause of Social reform, for mutual consulta- tion and suggestion ; many individuals, devoted to works of philanthropy and human improvement in a large and unsectarian way, were interviewed and consulted for the 24 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. purpose of securing their encouragement and moral sup- port, even when they were not prepared to co-operate personally with us or aid us with pecuniary assistance ; and certain localities were visited and examined somewhat in order to ascertain their fitness as a site for a Com- munity. Moreover, I had spent much time, thought, and energy upon drafting the form of a Constitution to be submitted to the brethren and sisters when the time for a permanent organization should come. An event of great significance to me personally had also occurred, the acceptance of the Community idea by my wife. She had demurred for some time, but at length, after a long conversation with me upon the subject, confessed herself satisfied and ready to second my efforts in carrying my plans into execution. This gratified me exceedingly and gave me fresh courage and zeal in pressing forward toward what had become the goal of my most cherished ambition and desire. It should be remembered by the reader of these pages that the year of which I am now writing, 1840, opened a decade of American history pre-eminently distinguished for the general humanitarian spirit w r hich seemed to per- vade it, as manifested in numerous and widely extended efforts to put away existing evils and better the condi- tion of the masses of mankind ; and especially for the w the Community from time to time the progress of their proceed- ings under this Resolve, as the general safety and satisfaction may in their opinion require. "RESOLVE TO GIVE A NAME TO OUR LOCATION. "Whereas it is convenient that the location of this Commu- nity should be known by some appropriate name ; and whereas we have been hoping anxiously for a home suitable to our wants, which now our heavenly Father has providentially granted us; and whereas hope in His wisdom and goodness is the great support of our souls in beginning and carrying forward our glorious enterprise for the regeneration of human society amid the contempt of scorners and the fears of doubt- ing philanthropists, Therefore " Resolved, (1) That our said location, formerly called ' the Dale,' afterwards 'the Jones' farm,' and latterly 'the Hastings. RESOLVES AND BY-LAWS. 55 Daniels' place/ be hereafter called, known, and distinguished by the name of HOPE DALE. " (2) That we do humbly acknowledge our gratitude to Almighty God for the success with which He has thus far sped the cause of the Fraternal Communion; that we reconse- crate our all to His service for the living out and extending the principles of pure practical Christianity among mankind; that our hearts are more than ever confirmed in these divine principles, both as to their holy excellence and their final triumph; and that we do unreservedly commend our bodies and souls, our property and lives, our welfare and happiness, to His guardianship, now and forevermore. "BY-LAW TO PRESCRIBE THE MANNER OF ENACTING LAWS, ETC. " Whereas it is proper that all our laws should be fitly arranged into sections, and also that they should be authori- tatively attested, therefore it is unanimously agreed and deter- mined, "SECTION 1. That in all cases where a law comprehends several consecutive specifications or prescriptions, it shall be divided into sections numerically designated. "SEC. 2. That all By-Laws, Resolves, Rules, and Regula- tions, passed or ordained by this Community, shall be attested by the signatures of the Prasident and Secretary under date of time and place, in form following, to wit: Passed in reg- ular meeting at 18 . Secretary. President. "SEC. 3. That all such Laws, Resolves, Rules, and Regu- lations shall be duly published by the President and Secretary in the official periodical of the Community or in some other printed form, and all the members served with one copy each at the common expense. "BY-LAW PRESCRIBING THE MANNER OF CALLING, NOTIFYING, AND CONDUCTING BUSINESS MEETINGS. SECTION 1. "All meetings of this Community for the transac- tion of regular business, whether annual, stated, or special, shall hereafter be called by written notification of the Executive Council, specifying the time and place of meeting with the 56 THE HOPED ALE COMMUNITY. principal subject matters of business to be acted upon, signed by the President and countersigned by the Secretary. " SEC. 2. Every notification of a meeting as aforesaid shall be published in the official periodical of the Community at least seven days previous to the time appointed for holding the same. Provided, nevertheless, that personal information given to each member by the President or Secretary, seven days previous to holding any meeting, shall be deemed sufficient. " SEC. 3. The President or some one of the Intendants shall preside at all meetings. He shall call the members to order at the proper time, direct the Secretary to read the notification, and after a suitable season of prayer, silent or audible, declare the meeting duly opened for the dispatch of business. " SEC. 4. Every important motion shall be reduced to writ- ing and seconded by some member in the usual form; where- upon, after satisfactory deliberation, the question shall ordinarily be taken by Ayes and Noes. If there be doubt, it shall be taken by Yeas and Nays', also, when one-fourth of the members pres- ent demand it. And the choice of all official servants shall uniformly be by written or printed ballots. " SEC. 5. Any meeting called and notified as aforesaid may be adjourned from time to time at the pleasure of the members present, until the business matter of the notification shall have been fully discharged. " SEC. 6. Every meeting shall be closed with a brief season of prayer, audible or inaudible, as at the opening thereof. "BY-LAW REGULATING THE ADMISSION OF MEMBERS. " SEC. 1. All applications for membership in this Community shall hereafter be made in writing through some actual member thereof, whose duty it shall be faithfully to question the appli- cant in manner hereinafter prescribed and upon obtaining satisfactory answers, to propose him or her as a candidate for admission substantially in the form following, to wit: [ It is not deemed advisable to insert the document here on account of its length, but refer those desirous of learning its contents to The Practical Christian, Vol. II, No. 11, in the Hopedale Public Library. Ed.] "SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the President and Secre- tary of this Community to get printed and keep constantly on RESOLVES AND BY-LAWS. 57 hand an adequate supply of the blank applications specified in the preceding section. "SEC. 3. [As subsequently amended.] Upon presentation of any application for membership, the Community shall proceed to consider and determine, in the first place, whether they will entertain the same; next, whether they will receive the appli- cant as a candidate for probationary residence; next and finally, whether admission to full membership shall be granted. Persons received as candidates for probationary residence, if not already connected with some Inductive Conference, shall be invited to join one at Hopedale. And no person shall be admitted to full membership until he or she shall have actually resided in the Community one complete year, nor then with- out good evidence of worthiness, according to the true spirit and intent of the Constitution. " SEC. 4. All applications for membership shall be carefully preserved on file in the Secretary's office for future reference and perpetual memorial. " SEC. 5. Every candidate finally admitted into the member- ship of this Community, after having been put on probation, shall, upon settlement of accounts, be dealt with in all respects precisely as if actual membership had commenced on the first day of such probation. And in order that no misunderstanding or serious difficulty may arise in cases of rejection, the Presi- dent, or some one of the Intendants, shall enter into special written contract with every probationer, attested by two com- petent witnesses, which contract shall clearly express, in as few words as the nature of the case will admit, the terms on which the probationer is to live and labor with the Commu- nity. And every such written contract shall be preserved on file in the Secretary's office. " SEC. 6. Every present member of the Community, on being furnished with a copy of the blank application prescribed in this act, shall make answer to the questions therein contained, precisely as applicants are required to do; and the same shall be placed on file by the Secretary in his office in a distinct package marked, 'Memorials of Original Members.'' ' BY-LAW REGULATING THE ENUMERATION AND RECORD OF SHARES. ETC. "All the shares of Joint-Stock, for which certificates are issued by the President and Secretary, shall be carefully num- 58 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. bered in the order of their issue. The number thereof shall be specified somewhere in the margin of the certificate and full record made accordingly. The certificate itself shall also be numbered. " BY-LAW TO REGULATE THE APPRAISAL OF PROPERTY, ETC. " SEC. 1. Whenever any subscriber to the Joint-Stock shall wish to turn in any kind of property instead of money, and the Executive Council shall deem it expedient to receive the same, they shall appoint three competent persons to act as appraisers thereof. " SEC. 2. Such persons shall carefully appraise every article, item, or parcel of such property, make out an inventory there- of, duly certified under their hands, and lodge the same in the Secretary's office for the use of the Council; who shall thereupon, if all parties be satisfied, take a bill of sale of such property and order the proper certificate to be issued. "Passed in regular meeting at Millville, Mendon, Mass.,. Aug. 26, 1841." It will throw some light upon the history of our move- ment in the constructive period of its existence, and per- haps interest the reader, to have some account given of the success attending our efforts to raise the six thousand dollars contemplated in the first of the foregoing Resolves. When we left the place of meeting, the pledged sub- scriptions received from those present amounted to three thousand dollars, just one-half of the desired sum. Six- teen persons had united in making them, no one of whom promised more than five hundred dollars, and several only fifty dollars each. None of us were rich, even in the moderate, rural estimate of wealth ; the majority were comparatively poor. And those approaching what might be termed under frugal management a competency were so conditioned that they could not readily convert even a small portion of their possessions into money. As to people of means outside who might be reckoned among our friends, they had too little faith in our untried scheme to risk anything in it. They wished us well and FIRST ANNUAL MEETING. 59" hoped we should succeed, but at our own cost. While the more unfriendly and worldly inclined used their influ- ence to deter those who in their hearts were disposed to uid us, from doing so. All this was natural and to a certain extent excusable at any rate, it was in accord- ance with the common course of the world. Wind and tide were against us in the matter of raising funds and we advanced slowly in that behalf, bringing us ere long to the conclusion, which was very repugnant to our feel- ings, that we should be obliged to resort to borrowing in order to realize the requisite amount. Fortunately my own personal credit was good for any ordinary emergency, as was that of others of our company ; and, if worse came to worse, we could give a partial mortgage of the farm we had purchased as security for a loan, should circumstances compel us to obtain one. And this was what was finally done as a means of putting us upon our feet and getting^ us ready for effective work. FIRST ANNUAL MEETING. This took place at my residence in Meudon, Jan 5, 1842. The first business done was that of considering and acting upon applications for membership and for pro- bationship in our body. As a result eight persons were received into full fellowship and three were placed on probation for the time being; their cases respectively to- be finally adjusted at a future date. The report of the Executive Council, which was a full expose of the affairs, the standing, and the prospects of the Community as related both to its internal economy and to the public at large, was then presented. Only those portions which have a direct bearing upon the con- dition of things within the body, testifying to what had been accomplished and what was in process of accom- plishment, are hereinafter given, the more discursive and hortatory passages being omitted. 60 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. " The Executive Council, at the close of their official term, respectfully submit the following report: " They are happy to announce that the aifairs and prospects of this infant Community, notwithstanding the many obstacles that impede its progress, are decidedly encouraging and demand acknowledgment of profound gratitude to the Author of all good. From the smallest possible beginning it has slowly ad- vanced to its present hopeful stage. It is, indeed, but * a little one ' yet creeping till it can walk. We trust, however, that the day is not far distant when it will stand erect in the full vigor of youth, master of its feet a*nd able to provide for all its wants. Friendly inquiries continue to come in from differ- ent parts of the country, whither the report of our enterprise has been carried; new applications for membership are made by worthy men and women from time to time; and there is little reason to doubt that another year will witness large accessions to our numbers and resources. When operations shall have actually commenced at Hopedale by those intending to locate there in the spring, and it is seen that even the * lazy ministers ' are hard at work under a wise plan of opera- tions, a powerful impression in our favor will be made on the public mind. Many will then know what they dare not now believe, that the projectors and wool-dyed friends of this cause are in earnest. ******* "We now turn our attention to the present and prospective financial condition of the Community its internal affairs. Under the resolve of August last, ' entrusting certain discre- tionary powers to the Executive Council,' we bought out Cyrus Ballou, as lessee of the Hopedale farm, together with all the hay in the barns, 150 bushels of potatoes in the cellar, one yoke of oxen and ten cows. For the potatoes we paid him $37.50 in cash. For entire possession of the premises from December 1st to April 1st we are to pay him $554.00 on the first of April next, without interest. For this we have given him private security. The hay of all kinds was estimated at thirty to thirty-five tons. The oxen were reckoned at $60.00; six cows at $16.00 each, and four others at $13.50 each. Four head more of young cattle have been purchased for $50.00 cash. The whole co?t of property bought amounts to $641.50. Besides this $9.00 have been paid for printing blank REPORT OF EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 61 applications and certificates. Bro. Henry Lillie now resides upon the farm and takes the entire charge of the Community property. "Having ascertained that it would be injudicious to begin any important improvements or outlays during the autumn, it was deemed unnecessary to urge the collection of funds; espec- ially as most of our friends could use their money to advan- tage in their business. Therefore one subscription of two shares $100.00 is the only money yet received into the treasury. Nearly all this has been paid out for the items above men- tioned. "The Practical Christian, which may be now considered the property of the Community, will just about clear itself, leav- ing, perhaps, a little in fund. About five hundred copies are printed, most of which are in circulation. The paying sub- scribers must exceed four hundred without a close count. The whole expense of the first volume was $113.43, nothing being charged for editorial services. The present volume will cost about $366.00. The whole sum received by the Publishing Agent from the outset to Jan. 1, 1842, is $650.90. This leaves- a balance on hand of $54.00, which, with what is due and collectable on subscriptions, will certainly defray the remain- ing expenses of the volume. It is hoped that new and suc- cessful efforts will be made another year for the increased circulation of this periodical. "Setting The Practical Christian aside as balancing its own debit and credit, the Community finances will stand thus: Farm, as contracted for, $3800.00; hay and stock, $604.00;. potatoes in cellar, $37.00; printed blanks, $9.00; making a total of $4450.00. Owing or due the first of next April, $4353.50, Cash actually received, $100.00; paid out, $96.50; on hand, $3.50. So that to meet our existing liabilities, according to contract, we must raise during the next quarter, $4350.00. Besides this, it is estimated that we shall need, to furnish our house, stock our farm completely, and provide for other indis- pensible wants, not less than $3000.00, in goods or cash; mak- ing, in all, about $7500.00. Much more than this is exceedingly necessary, and twice as much is desirable, for successful operations on even our small scale. But with less than $7500.00 we cannot get on to advantage and build what seems abso- lutely essential for the humblest commencement. We have 62 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. ;strong hopes that a much larger sum than this will come into our treasury during the next nine months, and that the year on which we are entering will see a substantial and respecta- ble beginning of our Community life. "Without anticipating the duties of the Council about to be elected or recommending measures which will belong to them to mature, we will only add, in conclusion, that we have caused the survey of a site and a building plat for a Commu- nity village; a plan of which is herewith submitted, in the hope that it will receive the general approbation. In executing this survey, as on a former occasion of leveling the water privilege, our friend, Newell Nelson, Esq., of Milford, prac- tical surveyor, kindly made the Community welcome to his .services; for which he is entitled to their cordial thanks. " And now, beloved associates, may the love of God continue to animate us, his wisdom guide us, and his grace finally crown us with eternal joy. " In behalf of the Council, ADIN BALLOU. " After accepting the Keport, it was Voted, to proceed to the choice of our official servants for the year ensuing. This was accordingly done with the following result, the brethren named being declared unanimously elected: " ADIN BALLOU, President; WM. W. COOK, Secretary; DAVID R. LAMSON, Auditor; Intendants : LEMUEL MUNYAN, Finance and Exchange; EBENEZER D. DRAPER, Agriculture and Animals; HENRY LILLIE, Manufactures and Mechanical Industry; BUTLER WILMARTH, Health and Domestic Economy; DANIEL S. WHITNEY, Education, Arts, and Sciences; WM. H. FISH, Religion, Morals, and Missions. " The meeting then dissolved." Settlement at Hopedale. No other meeting of the Com- munity was held until after a substantial settlement had been made on our Hopedale domain and practical opera- tions effectively inaugurated. Br. Henry Lillie had already gone thither with his family, having taken possession of part of the ancient dwelling-house the previous October, and assumed charge of the Community property on the premises. He was our pioneer settler. On the 28th of ERSITY EARLY SETTLERS AT HOPEDALE. V 63 X^^C the same month a daughter was born to himself and wife, the first Hopedale child, who was named Lucy Ballou Lillie in honor of my wife. This made the family, par- ents and children, six in number. On the 20th of Janu- ary, three weeks after the annual meeting just spoken of. the second family arrived, that of Br. Nathan Harris, consisting of himself, wife, and four children. Next appeared Br. Ebeuezer D. Draper, his wife, Anna T. Draper, and Wm. T. Stacy, a lad they had taken to bring up, about the middle of March. A few days later, on the 22d, I removed my family there, four of us, and also Mrs. Charlotte P. Hootou, to whom I had sub-let a portion of my house in Mendon some months before in anticipation of locating at Hopedale about this time, with her children, four more. Br. Daniel S. Whitney, Br. Wm. W. Cook and wife, and Brother Reuben H. Brown and wife, soon followed ; so that on the 1st of April, 1 1842, the Community family numbered twenty-eight per- sons. Meanwhile myself and the more responsible members of the Executive Council had been moving under high pressure to raise the funds indispensably requisite to enable us to meet our obligations and set in order a multitude of preliminary appointments. We were disap- pointed by the failure of several fair promises on the score of Joint-Stock capital, and were notified that some hundreds of dollars actually paid into our treasury would have to be refunded in order to meet sundry unexpected contingencies in the private affairs of subscribers. Under these circumstances borrowing on mortgage of the farm became an absolute necessity. Accordingly, I, in behalf of the Council, negotiated a loan of two thousand dollars ($2000.00) with Mr. William Cargill of Cumberland, R. I. This loan, with considerable sums obtained from several of my personal friends as stock, but which I guaranteed, enabled us to meet all just claims against us 64 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. on the first of April and to enter upon some of our con- templated improvements. But oui beginning was a hard rub. Our reliable Joint-Stock capital uncontingently paid in did not exceed four thousand dollars ($4,000.00) ; what seemed a formidable debt had been imposed upon our domain by the above-mentioned mortgage ; our time- shattered dwelling-house could afford but stinted accom- modations for our increasing Community family ; our outbuildings needed substantial repairs ; our water privi- lege w r as yet without dam or mill-structure ; we had a meagre amount of wood to be disposed of, or other salable productions that could be converted into money ; little profitable employment for those needing work was immediately available ; consumers among us greatly out- numbered our producers ; in fine, a host of disadvan- tages and hindrances beset us and taxed us sorely at the very start. And I would forewarn and counsel all who may hereafter propose to inaugurate kindred experi- ments to postpone them indefinitely rather than attempt them under so many untoward and embarrassing condi- tions. Nevertheless, our Community pressed forward, defying all hostile and discouraging circumstances and triumphing for the time being over all hostile elements and forces, though brought to disastrous failure at the last, even in the midst of comparative prosperity, not so- much by reason of unpropitious external causes, as from complex, subtle, internal ones: all of which will be made to appear in the sequel. On Wednesday, March 23d, the day after I took up my abode on the community domain, we began the work of appraising the household furniture and other personal property brought together by the several members already located there, which it was deemed mutually advantageous and desirable to have transferred to the ownership of th& Community ; crediting the amount of the valuation in each case to the proper person as so much Joint-Stock FIRST RELIGIOUS MEETING. 65 actually paid in and causing certificates for the same to be issued accordingly. On the evening of Thursday, the 24th, we held our first religious meeting a social con- ference for devotional exercises, counsel, and exhortation in the large front room on the west side of our ancient domicile, the very apartment in which what was afterward the First Church in Milford (Orthodox Congregational) was organized one hundred and one years and nine days before, that is, April 15, 1741. We were all weary with the labors and cares of removal to our new home, and with the difficulties attendant upon adjusting ourselves to our incommodious and crowded quarters ; but mentally we were in a state of impassioned ecstacy in the honey- moon of our new social life and our enthusiasm was at fever heat. We felt that we had entered the promised laud, and our humble sanctuary, which was also our temporary abode, was better to us than the palaces and temples of Egypt. So we sang, prayed, exhorted, and glorified with all our heart. It was a melting and joyous occasion ; none of us dreaming for a moment that any root of selfishness and discord would ever spring up among us to chill the ardor of our hope and zeal, or that daily familiar acquaintance with each other would ere long soil the gilt edges of the volume of our history we were just beginning to write. Thenceforth the Thursday evening conference meeting was an established community institu- tion and an effective and much-prized instrumentality for promoting the moral and spiritual life of our people. The Sunday following, March 27th, was my last as Pastor of the First Church and Congregation in Mendon, in the afternoon t of which I delivered a written valedic- tory discourse to a large and deepty interested audience, from the text in II Corinthians, 13:11: "Finally, breth- ren, farewell. Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace ; and the God of love and peace shall be with you." It was published in The Practical Christian, 5 66 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. June 25th following, Vol. Ill, No. 3. Most of our Hope- dale adult residents were in attendance on the occasion. 1 had preached in the pulpit occupied that day for the last time as a settled minister for more than eleven years, and had gathered about me many kind friends, who still clung to me with a cordial attachment and earnest good wishes as I left them to embark with my all upon a strange, uutraversed sea. The next Sunday, April 3d, witnessed our first services of public worship on our chosen territory. They were held in the "Old House," a goodly number of interested friends from the general vicinity joining our own little company to make a respectable audience. I preached an earnest discourse in the morning from Psalms 133 : 1 : 4 ' Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity." Br. Daniel S. Whitney deliv- ered a sermon in the afternoon. These exercises were accompanied by appropriate singing, praying, and exhor- tation, all being rendered under high inspiration from above and with marked impression upon all present. It was in its way a day of public and solemn dedication, on which our community domain with all pertaining there- to was consecrated to God and Humanity. Three days later I solemnized the first Hopedale marriage in the old- fashioned " East Room," which for many months served not only as our general reception voom, but as our Council Hall, our place of public convocation, and our Sabbath sanctuary. And now the Hopedale Community had become an established fact a bona fide institution a practical attempt to realize in individual and social life a grand idea of fraternal unity, co-operation, harmony, peace, on the broad Christian basis of "love to God and man." It had passed beyond the theoretical stage of its develop- ment, beyond a mere existence upon paper and in the speculations of its projectors, to the experimental stage, LETTER TO COMMUNITY ASSOCIATES. 67 to the actualization of its principles and promises in an undertaking which took its place in the great arena of human activity with other agencies designed to promote the well-being of mankind, challenging the attention of the world and ready to stand or to fall by what it might or might not accomplish in the broad field of human endeavor and attainment for human good and the upbuild- ing of the kingdom of God. This Chapter I bring to a close by copying the last of a series of seven ' 4 Familiar Letters " written about the time of our locating at Hopedale to the members of the Community, for the purpose of awakening in them a sense of the grave responsibilities they had assumed by cove- nanting together, and of preparing them for their new position and the duties it imposed upon them. The one inserted below appeared under date of April 16, 1842, just after the settlement on our domain had been effected. It speaks for itself : "Beloved Associates: Since my last 1 have gone through the bustle and fatigue of removal from Mendon to Hopedale in Milford, the selected home of our expected labors and enjoy- ments. There I have met a goodly number of dear brethren and sisters from the East, West, North, and South, and assisted them in organizing a Christian family and laying the foundation of our social fabric. We have been carried more pleasantly and quietly through the peculiar difficulties, toils and trials incident to the assembling of near thirty persons in one old house, than we had any reason to expect. Our heavenly Father has sustained iis by his grace and strength; and now that we are getting settled in our chosen dwelling-place, I once more take my pen in hand to address you. A throng of emotions crowd upon my soul and retard utterance of thought. The great era has actually commenced. We are no longer a Community on mere paper. Anticipation gives place to reali- zation and theory to experimental practice. Poor and humble as our beginning is, do we not find it good to be here? Are our ills greater or our privileges less than we expected? Not- withstanding the unavoidable inconveniences, discomforts, and 68 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. burdens of our pioneer service, who among us would go back to the Egypt of the old social state? Not one. We have been able to dissolve our former connections, to adjust our property affairs, to arrange our business, to spread a common table, to- institute the true worship, and to make an auspicious begin- ning of the new moral world, without any of that selfishness,, contention, and dissatisfaction which so many have always been predicting. Love, condescension, forbearance, patience, and the generous spirit of Christian self-sacrifice have gloriously reigned in our midst. We had faith that it would be so; and according to our faith hath it been unto us. Will it not be so in all time to come? Shall we not be and do all that with such a faith we strive for? Then let us not be weary nor faint in our minds. * Time, patience, and perseverance accomplish all things.' What happy meetings, what holy communion of soul, what deep and thrilling religious feelings, have we thus far enjoyed! How applicable to our case have been the words of the Psalmist: 'Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! ' We may now reasonably look for a diminution of our temporary disadvantages and the increase of those conveniences which result from rational industry and wholesome domestic economy. "But let us not feel that we are living and laboring wholly for ourselves. We are not of the world, even as Christ was and is not of the world. We have come out and separated ourselves from it. But we have done all this for the reformation and salvation of the world. Christ in us seeks as ever the redemp- tion of poor self-destroyed man. May He live Himself out afresh in our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. Let this great idea never depart from our minds, that the good we are toiling and suffering for is the good of all humanity. Thus we shall not only impart happiness of the purest kind to our fellow-creatures, but enjoy it in full measure, 'pressed down and running over,' in our own bosoms. Let the day never arrive when we become selfishly exclusive and affluently sordid. That day would be the funeral period of our holiest and sublimest purposes. ' The kingdom of God is at hand ' ; not. that kingdom which some are looking for of personal display and physical observation, but the reign of God in men's souls and over all their interests; the spiritual dominion of the Word once made flesh; the kingdom of 'righteousness, peace,. LETTER TO COMMUNITY ASSOCIATES. 69 and joy in the Holy Ghost.' It has already come within us and it is our mission to proclaim its laws by precept and example united to all around us. We are doing so with great power and effect. What a change is there in the views, feelings, and convictions of those who behold our onward movement since we first announced our general design! What inquiry has been awakened! What a press of souls towards the door through which we have passed! What a Community spirit is breaking out in different parts of our land! The bright morning star is already beginning to lose its lustre in the growing brightness of the dawning day. There are wonders before us glorious events most salutary and sweeping revolutions in the moral world. O, that we may be faithful to our light, true to our principles, and worthy of our high calling in Christ Jesus! You that are at Hopedale, you that are anxiously waiting for the first oppor- tunity to come, and all who are intending to dwell together in Fraternal Community, let your lamps be kept trimmed and burn- ing and the loins of your minds be girded about with truth and righteousness. Watch unto prayer and continue instant in good works. Publish the glad tidings of the true gospel and perse- vere with all patience unto the end in illustrating the divine life. Thousands of eyes are upon you, to scrutinize your con- duct and behold your progress. Walk as children of the light and that Redeemer, who has led you by a way you know not, will dissipate all darkness, make crooked things straight, and spread out before you in due time the new heaven and new earth to dwell in forevermore. " Affectionately yours, "A. B." CHAPTER III. 1842. A BEGINNING MADE EMBARRASSMENTS DISCORDANT NOTES PASSING A CRISIS HUMBLED BUT UNDISMAYED. TN the development of the family the incipient stages, -^ collectively denominated courtship, culminate in mar- riage, which is followed by the so-called honeymoon, whose poetry ere long is transformed into sober prose. Similarly was it in our Community experience. Having entered upon the common-place realities of closely asso- ciated life and become familiar with the details and drudgery of daily activities, as well as with each other's personal peculiarities, many of our dreams vanished utterly while others lost not a few of their illusory charms. It was inevitable not only that our theories and hopes should be tested, but our own fitness or capability for realizing them. And there could be no severer test than the intimate and complex relationships of social, domestic, industrial, and financial economy into which we had entered. A hundred people can enjoy the society of each other occasionally under favorable conditions, without suspicion of inharmony or serious defects of character, where ten can live together in familiar intercourse a year undisturbed by feelings of mutual repulsion or perhaps disgust. This is true not only of common worldiugs but of the so-called refined classes, and even of professing Christians. Whoever can summer and winter each other without friction or alienation of feeling may be deemed STARTING OUT IN COMMUNITY LIFE. 71 reasonably fit for a practical Christian Community, such as we were attempting to inaugurate. And whoever cannot stand this test ought to be ashamed to profess either Christianity or true refinement of character. It has been said that ordinary civilized society with its partition walls, its class distinctions, its conventional barricades, and compulsory insularities, allows mankind quite as much unit} 7 and closeness of association as they will safely bear; and therefore that it is presump- tuous to propose bringing them into more fraternal and harmonious affiliation and co-operation. And the incred- ulous cynic might upbraid me and my coadjutors for not knowing this before venturing upon our untoward and as it proved calamitous experiment. We did know it so far as respected the generality of our race who make no pretence to the ideals, the principles, the aspirations, or the moral and religious obligations of our distinctive form of Christian faith. But we did not know theu, nor do I know now or believe, that sincere and high-minded per- sons, intelligently acknowledging such ideals, principles, aspirations, and obligations, ought not to associate and live together on a more elevated, Christlike plane than that of the existing order of civil society. If they ought not to do this to transcend the prevailing civilization of the world, then I am confident, beyond all perad ven- ture, that the religion of the New Testament is theo- retically and practically false and worthy only of being ignored and reprobated. I have stated that the number of those resident upon the Community domain April 1, 1842, was twenty-eight. These were all congregated and living together as a com- bined household in the old dwelling already mentioned, a portion of which had been standing about one hundred and forty years and the remainder more than a century. Several of them were entire strangers to each other and scarcely any of the families had been more intimately 72 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. acquainted than as occasional visitors of one another, occupants of adjacent buildings, or worshipers together at the same house of public religious service. A few of us had enjoyed personal, domestic, social, and educational advantages open to the respectable middling classes of New England. But the larger number had lived and moved on a humbler, but in no wise dishonorable, level. There was, naturally, a corresponding diversity of man- ners, habits, and tastes, in addition to the varied per- sonal peculiarities of each individual. These manifold dissimilarities, and sometimes incongruities, though all our adult population had confessed the same fundamental truths, objects, and duties, had to be harmonized and reconciled, so that all would work together with as little attrition or confusion as possible for the common good and the accomplishment of the great end we all nominally had in view. One third of our residents were children and youth from the very beginning onward, and many of the characteristics of these needed important modifica- tions or transformations. Yet we were all domiciled under one roof, lived as one family, stocked a common larder, spread and sat at a common table, organized common industrial activities, placed our children under common regulations and restraints, and constituted to all intents and purposes a Community in fact as well as in name. In addition to the several appointments to places of responsibility by popular vote, as already recorded, the Executive Council had commissioned Lucy H. Ballou Director of house-keeping for the current year, while I, by common consent, became the governing father of the younger members of the household. Some of these were rude and uncouth in their manners, and unused to self- regulation and self-discipline. Finding themselves massed suddenly together without the immediate oversight of their parents or guardians, they very naturally were disposed to have good times together, roaming the whole house LIMITATIONS AND EMBARRASSMENTS. 73 over and making it ring with their clatter of feet and loud voices of merriment. Happily they all seemed to reverence and love me and to have respect for my wishes and requirements. I organized them into what was called the silent band; so that at a given signal from me their noise was instantly hushed, and their necessary movements up and down stairs or about the house were made with marked quietude and an almost inaudible tread. When I was at home I could always and with little effort secure their willing and orderly obedience. But how limited were our accommodations and conven- iences ! They were none too ample for the needs of two middling-sized families of working people. We had only a single, old-fashioned, two-story house, with a time- beaten ell in the rear containing simply a kitchen, which possessed the most inadequate facilities for cooking, laun- dry work, and other ordinary domestic uses ! Next to the kitchen, in the main building, was a long narrow apartment for our common table, and a pantry adjacent. The large west room in front we made a general sitting- room, while the corresponding east one served as a parlor, a council hall, and place of worship, as stated, and a guest chamber for visitors, having in it a folding bed of a rude sort and other conveniences. These, with a small entry and a few cupboards, were all that had place on the lower floor. The second story was partitioned off into as many lodging rooms as was practicable, and like- wise the attic. The President, his wife, and little boy, occupied a small bed-chamber at the northeast corner of the house, which was crowded with their indispensable personal effects and which served as a study and office wherein to prepare editorials, records, documents, and memoranda of various kinds requisite to the satisfactory prosecution of his multiform labors. This, too, was his only indoor retreat and place of refuge from the general din. 74 THE HOPED ALE COMMUNITY. Such were some of the difficulties and inconveniences under which our Community family started out in the house-keeping business. The case would have been suffi- ciently onerous and trying with our original smallness of numbers. But we could not be held to those limits. Every week almost from the outset fresh accessions pressed into our over-crowded camp, while plenty of transient callers and sojourners appeared among us all unawares, to occupy our room, take up our time, and tax our hospitality. Meanwhile, my wife, in her own quiet, unpretentious way, led off in the management of domestic affairs, with good Anna T. Draper for her faithful right-hand coadjutor, bringing order out of chaos, and putting the entire household machinery in running condition despite seeming impossibilities. As a matter of fact, our in-door family affairs were managed most efficiently and satisfactorily, and without the least friction or complaint. It had been confidently predicted by carping critics that however it might be with the men among us, our women would soon fall out with each other and come to open strife. Never were ill-omened prophecies proved more unfounded and misapplied, for through all the discouragements, privations, and misfor- tunes incident to those early days, no unkind word or grumbling wail was heard among our female associates ; to their perpetual praise let this testimony be remembered. They bore their burdens, vexations, and trials with most exemplary patience and fortitude ; though probably not without a frequently keen sense of unpleasantness if not of disgust. This must have been the case with the more sensitive and refined of them, who could 'but realize the striking and in some respects painful contrast between the pleasant, comfortable homes they had left behind and the multiform inconveniences and disagreeabilities of this to which they had come. But like most of their com- panions they calmly endured, as unavoidable, the tempo- PREVAILING SPIRIT OF BROTHERHOOD. 75- rary discomforts of this pioneer life for the sake of the cause of social reform and in hope of better times pro- spectively in sight. And when disquietudes and bickerings at length arose, it was the men and not the women who first proved weak, and wavered from the sacred standard of Christian amity and brotherhood. Nevertheless, during the early stages of our Community life, neither male nor female uttered a murmur of discontent or regret. All were genial, harmonious, and united; all were heroic and steadfastly persistent in their noble struggle for a better type of individual and social life. * To appreciate this fidelity to high ideals, their chivalric spirit, it must be remembered that several of us had left behind us prominent salaried positions, many professional advantages, alluring prospects of honorable success on the common plane of human affairs, and much of personal ease and enjoyment in our various relationships, dropping down voluntarily and cheerfully to a common fraternal level with those who had far less to share or hope for in the condition from which they had migrated. We were all here in one household, professionals, mechanics, farm- ers, ordinary laborers, male and female, agreeing alike to serve the Community if able, eight hours per day for fifty cents, and to pay for our board, lodging, etc., one dollar per week. Also to pay cost prices for clothing, livery, and other necessaries not included in the above. If ministers or others received any moneys -from the outside world for special services rendered, all above incidental expenses went into the general treasury.. Thus worldly and conventional superiority was abolished and the strong bore the infirmities of the weak. In these particulars the feeble and less productive classes among us were the only gainers by our peculiar arrange- ments, whilst the weight of responsibility and care must necessarily rest with intensified pressure upon those who elsewhere might have shared and profited by unusual 76 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. worldly opportunities, preferments, and benefits. Yet many weeks passed by without faltering or murmur of dissatisfaction. Enthusiastic hope, ardor, and firmness of purpose reigned universal and supreme. Perhaps I can best realize to the reader how we started out in our experiment at Hopedale by making a few- extracts from the Community Journal and Record Book as they appear during the first mouth of our residence there. Having already spoken of the removal of myself and family to the place on the 22d of March, 1842, when our unitory life actually began, and of the appraisal of goods on the 23d, I proceed with my quota- tions from and after that date, as follo^vs : " The 24th was the day appointed by the Council to pay for the farm and take a Deed. But the money not coming in as expected, and there being an old mortgage to discharge by Claflin and Daniels (our grantors), the matter was postponed till Saturday the 26th. The President, however, paid John Claflin, Esq., $1900.00 and took receipt accordingly. A Mr. Howard came down from Leverett bringing $200.00 from Bros. Butler Wilmarth and Phineas Field. He was taken ill and had to be provided for to the best of our ability. On the 25th the President went to Woonsocket, R. I., via Mendon and Chestnut Hill, bought various articles, called on his friend, Carlisle W. C apron, to see about promised money, got meal of Kelley, etc. Saturday, 26th, he attended funeral of Noah Cole's wife in the forenoon, p. M., he completed payment for the farm to John Claflin, Esq., $3500.00 (excepting the $300.00 due Cyrus Ballou), received the Deed and went to Worcester to enter it for record. Agreeably to vote of Council the title was taken in the sole name of the President. As agreed with William Cargill of Cumberland, R. I., a mortgage was executed to secure the payment of $2000.00 borrowed of him for two years. This instrument was also put on record for the satisfaction of Car- gill, who is to furnish the money next week. The President purchased sundry account books for the Community in Worces- ter before returning home, which he reached about midnight. " Sunday, 27th. He preached his valedictory discourse in Mendon (as before stated). Monday, 28th. Mr. Howard, hav- EXTRACTS FROM COMMUNITY JOURNAL. 77 ing recovered from his illness, left for his home. Tuesday r 29th. A. B. went to Upton and married John C. Sweet and Sarah Redfield. Afterwards gave a lecture in the school-house near by on 'The Spirits in prison.' 30th. Mr. Cargill, a brother of William, called on his way to Worcester to examine Registry of Deeds and see that everything was safe. Next day he returned, delivered to the President the $2000.00, and went his way. Friday, April 1st, was spent by the President in paying out money on contracts falling due: to Cyrus Ballon,. $854.00 $300.00 to complete payment on farm, which had been bought through him, and $554.00 for hay, cattle, etc.; to Hiram Hunt and Co. for goods from store; to Millens Taft for yoke of oxen, etc.; in all over $1000.00. We have some confusion and many inconveniences, all of which we endure like good soldiers for the sake of the great good we propose and hope to accomplish. God blesses and sustains us, for which all praise and thanksgiving be rendered to his holy name. "Sunday, April 3d. Our first public meeting in the old house (as described). Wednesday, 6th. A. B. married Amasa Parkhurst and Hannah P. Brown of Milford in the common parlor. Thursday, 7th. Annual Fast; Frederick Douglass, the fugitive slave, with us. O, what a fast! A Fast indeed! Such an one as we never observed before. All hearts were moved and melted. The Father and the Son were with us by the communion of their one Holy Spirit, p. M., A. B. went to Mendon and married Micajah C. Gaskill and Hannah Taft at the residence of her father, Leonard Taft. Sunday, 10th. A. Ballou preached at Bellingham to a large audience, and lec- tured at 5 p. M. in E. Mendon school-house. Meeting at home r small but good. Several brethren spoke to edification. "From 10th to 17th much business done and good progress made towards order and settlement of affairs. Preparations were completed for erecting a building for school-room, print- ing office, etc., at the south-west extremity of Water St. The frame is that of an old wood-shed to be vamped up. E. C* Perham and Samuel Taft helped our workmen: Perham as carpenter for several days, Taft as stonelayer for one day. Wednesday the 13th. A. B. married a couple a H. Nelson's, Milford, viz.: Daniel S. Chapin and Angeline P. Nelson. Sun- day, 17th. Clother Gifford, a phrenologist, visits us. Good meeting, A. M., A. Ballou and D. S. Whitney principal speak- 78 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. ers. P. M., A. Ballou went to Mendon to attend funeral of widow Nabby Aldrich. Brief sermon in meeting-house. Br. D. R. Lamsom preached at Mendon A. M., and was at Hope- dale P. M. John Hawkins, the celebrated Washingtonian chief, lectured at 4 p. M. in Mendon, most of our Hopedalians being there. He came fully up to the highest expectations; had a great audience and carried his hearers away like a flood, speak- ing two hours. Br. Whitney went to Millville in the evening, partly to attend a meeting with the friends there but more especially to marry a couple on the morrow. "Monday, April 18th. A severe northeast storm. Not much outside business done to-day. Bro. Gifford still here, and Phrenology and Animal Magnetism occupied most of our time and attention. He examined nearly all our heads and tried to put Barbara Colburn into a magnetic sleep but failed. Dis- cussion in the evening about the children. Settled it as a rule that they should not take lights by themselves to their sleep- ing apartments at night, but be accompanied by some one of proper age to attend to both them and their lights. 19th. Still stormy. C. Gifford goes to Milford town to prosecute his phrenological business. Our good friend, David Stearns God- frey, called and informed us of the triumphant success of Frederick Douglass last evening at his lecture in Milford Academy Hall. Great excitement; the 'baser sort' active; people turned out numerously; but they were wonderfully overcome by his ingenuity and eloquence. The tide (which was turbulent against him at first) turned strongly in his favor. He lectured again this evening at Milford town-hall. Eleven from Hopedale to hear him. A glorious lecture to a full house. Package made up by A. B. for Whitmarsh, Boston (our printer), with copy for Practical Christian and $15.00 enclosed. Wednesday the 20th. Stormy. Discussed at table the matter of division of labor and settled it more definitely so far as related to out-door work. Colburn takes care of the cattle, Cook of the garden, Draper of the farming proper, Whitney of the orcharding, while the carpenters confine them- selves to their distinctive calling. A. B. lectured in the even- ing at the Orthodox Meetinghouse, Milford, on Temperance, several of our people being present. "Thursday, April 21. Bright and lovely. Business brisk. p. M., raised the frame of the first new building at Hopedale. EXTRACTS FROM JOURNAL CONTINUED. 79 Dr. Wm. P. Metcalf, who had dined with us, and friend Hiram A. Morse of Holliston were present. A. B. subsequently went into town with the farm wagon and after doing business at Hunt & Co.'s store bought a logging axle and pole of Perley Hunt, Esq., at a cost of three dollars, to be hereafter paid. All hands busy at their proper work except the little time spent in the aforesaid raising. Lamson has gone to Provi- dence, R. I., to procure for himself a .new wooden leg (he having lost one of his lower limbs). In the evening our neighbors, Daniel Scammell and wife, called upon us and as we had our weekly Conference meeting they remained through its exercises. " Friday, 22d. Br. Draper was obliged to go to Blackstone on business in the morning. In the afternoon he and A. B. perambulated the farm, inspected the fences and pastures, and let off the cranberry swamp pond. Br. Lamson returns with his wife and children. Saturday, 23d. Pleasant. A. Ballou's 39th birthday. No ceremony; too much business in hand. Got home six bushels of potatoes from Eli Chapin's; paid $2.00. Charles Gladding, now with us, sends for his family to come here for a visit. An old acquaintance, Clark Jillson, calls with his son Orison, who look around and make inquiries. Br. Whitney off to Mendon in quest of materials for grafting purposes. Thos. J. Dunbar from Portsmouth, N. H., arrived to spend the Sabbath with us as an interested inquirer. Henry Chapin called to show us where we may cut birches on his land for pea-brush. President out with him noting the clumps and agreeing upon an estimated cord, for which we are to pay $2.00. "Sunday, 24th. Pleasant. A. B. at home. Spoke at length A. M. and P. M. Brs. Gladding, Cook, and Brown followed. Preached in So. Milford school-house at 5 o'clock; Brs. Brown and Draper exhorted. Br. Whitney was at Millville with Br. Fish; Br. Lamson at Mendon. Monday, 25th. Rainy. T. J. Dunbar left by stage for Boston. Sent by him $150.00 to Jos. A. Whitmarsh in advance for printing-press, materials, etc., before bargained for. Also a letter, and copy for next No. of P. C. Br. John Wheeler, one of our non-resident mem- bers, called and paid into our Joint Stock $50.00. In the eve- ning A. B. went to Hopkinton, nine miles, and married Adams Chapin to Polly R. Stone. Called at friend Perry Daniels on his way home, which he reached a little before midnight." 80 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. I will go no further with these quotations. What I have presented will furnish glimpses at the various activi- ties of the Community during the first few weeks of its existence and thereby afford a clearer and more complete insight into its practical experiences than any number of general statements could possibly do. I now proceed to subsequent occurrences. The next regular meeting of the Community was noti- fied to be held in Gardner, May 5, and 6, during the sessions of the Quarterly Conference at the same dates ; but failing of a quorum it adjourned to the 12th at Hope- dale. It took place there accordingly and was continued by subsequent adjournments to numerous dates through the summer, as the exigencies of the case seemed to require. Only the more important items of business, those relating chiefly to the management of Community affairs and the general economy of the enterprise, will be noted in these pages, a multitude of minor incidental details being for obvious reasons omitted. And so far as the admission of new members and probationers is concerned, it is deemed sufficient to state once for all that this was continually going on at longer or shorter intervals through our entire history, without mentioning each individual instance as it transpired, with the name and date belonging thereto. At some one or another of the several adjourned sessions of the meeting of May 5th,, the following Votes and Resolves were passed, to wit f "Voted, That the communion of the Christian Supper be ob- served without the use of wine for the edification of all who deem the same a religious privilege, on the 4th Sunday of every month. "Voted, That mothers, resident members of this Community, having nursing infants be regularly credited forty-eight hours per week; it being understood that they select certain portions of each day, amounting to eight hours, during which, if their health and the comfort of their children permit, they shall hold themselves in readiness to perform such labor as may reasonably be required of them. BY-LAWS, RESOLVES, ETC. 81 "Voted, To defer the erection of a dwelling-house for the. present, and proceed with all convenient dispatch to build a mechanic shop, 30 feet by 40, two stories above the basement, with dam and water-power sufficient to operate the more neces- sary labor-saving machinery usual in such establishments. "Voted, To accept the right to use a patent shingle machine purchased by the President and Intendant of Manufactures, etc., for SI 00.00. "Voted, That Tuesday evening of each week be devoted to improvement in singing; Thursday evening to religious confer- ence ; and Saturday evening to the reading of such public papers and periodicals as may be taken by the Community. "RESOLVE RESPECTING THE ADMISSION OF MEMBERS TO RESIDENCE. "Resolved, That no person shall hereafter be entitled to resi- dence on the Community domain in mere virtue of having been received to membership; but the question of residence shall in all cases be determined by the Community at some regular meeting. "BY-LAW REGULATING RECEPTION AND REPAYMENT OF MONEYS. " Hereafter no moneys shall be received into the Treasury of this Community either on subscription to the Joint Stock or on special deposit for gratuitous use, except on condition that the same shall not be withdrawn without at least ninety days' notice for all sums under five hundred dollars, six months' notice for all sums over five hundred and less than two thou- sand dollars, and one year's notice for all sums exceeding two thousand dollars. And this condition shall be expressed in the body or on the back of all certificates and receipts issued for moneys so received. "RESOLVE RESPECTING INDUCTIVE CONFERENCES. " Whereas, no eifectual measures have been taken to carry into effect the plan heretofore proposed for gathering our scat- tered friends into Inductive Conferences; and whereas the prog- ress of our cause demands the immediate prosecution of that plan slightly modified; therefore "Resolved, That wherever there are three or more persons seriously disposed to promote the principles of Practical Chris- 6 82 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. tianity as professed by the Fraternal Communion, they be advised to form themselves forthwith into a religious class or confer- ence inductive to this Community; and that to facilitate their organization the following be recommended as a suitable Con- stitution: " We, the undersigned, heartily desiring to promote in our- selves and others the growth of pure Christianity as professed by the Fraternal Communion in their 'Declaration' of princi- ples and duties, do form ourselves into a religious class, to be called 'The Practical Christian Conference, inductive to Fraternal Community No. 1. ' "1. Any serious person may become a member of this Con- ference by subscribing its Constitution. Any person may cease to be a member by requesting his or her name erased. Any unworthy member may be disowned after ineffectual admoni- tion. "2. This Conference may from time to time choose such official servants as shall be found necessary to the orderly con- duct of its affairs. "3. The members of this Conference shall meet regularly for Christian worship and edification at least once on the first day of every week, and by agreement at such other times as may be deemed proper. "4. This Conference, by a vote of two-thirds of the mem- bers present at any regular meeting, may amend this Constitu- tion or may establish such regulations not inconsistent with its spirit and design as shall at any time be found necessary. "In full ratification whereof we have hereunto severally sub- scribed our names under date of time and place of residence. "Resolved, That whenever any Inductive Conference may be organized in accordance with the advice and recommendation herein given, the proper official servant thereof be requested to report such organization immediately to the Secretary of this Community, in order that our Missionaries may visit it and a regular correspondence be maintained." The foregoing Votes, Resolves, etc., are for the most .part self-explanatory and hence can be easily understood by the reader. The one concerning Inductive Conferences, however, may need some further elucidation in order to be perfectly clear and comprehensible. It will have been INDUCTIVE CONFERENCES. 83 noticed that only a part of the members of Fraternal Community No. 1 were located on its central domain at Hopedale. Others of them, and for some time a major- ity, were scattered abroad here and there in general society, prevented from coming to us, either by our ina- bility to accommodate them with suitable housing and remunerative employment or by their own condition and circumstances in life. Besides these there were also many other persons in different directions, sympathizing friends and interested inquirers, who believed and felt that our principles and aims were nearer the true Chris- tian standard of faith and duty than those of the pro- fessing Christian world. They had lost confidence in the prevailing fashionable and conventional religion and morality. They were tired of the existing condition of things in church and state. They longed for something better. They desired and prayed for a higher, diviner type of individual, social, and civil life than was to be found in the world at large. They had heard of us and of our movement, and were inclined towards us and it. They would like to know more of both. They would be happy to become in some way associated with us and with kindred spirits for the purpose of learning more about us, about our views of truth and duty, about what we were doing and trying to do at Hopedale, and of improving themselves in the things that pertain to a noble character and a Christian life. And this they desired with an expectation of sometime actually joining us in our work, if, upon better acquaintance with us and it, they should feel bound in conscience to do so. It was for such as these detached members, special friends, and miscellaneous inquirers that the system of Inductive Conferences was devised and in a few instances put into practical operation. Under that system, the .several parties indicated, dwelling in the same town, village, or general neighborhood, could be associated with 84 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. each other and with us in an effective way for mutual counsel, instruction, and encouragement, for nurturing in themselves and each other the religious affections and capabilities, and for building up ultimately a fraternal order of human society among men and the kingdom of God upon the earth. They would be helped by affilia- ting with us, and we be strengthened and inspired by having them as allied co-workers, as fellow-devotees of a common faith and hope, and as possible members in full fellowship of our own or some similar Community. The Conferences thus formed were to be missionary sta- tions, to be regularly visited by our ministerial brethren and made candlesticks of truth and righteousness to all the region round about. Members of them would receive and distribute our writings, would assemble with us on public occasions, would be living testimonies to the excellence of our ideas and aims, and so help to extend our influence in the world. They would, moreover, be supplied with the means of educating their children and youth in the doctrines and precepts of the unadulter- ated Gospel of Christ, whereby they would be qualified to enter upon and carry forward to a triumphant success in years to come the work which we had inaugurated and which was so full of promise for mankind. Under these prepossessions and auspices was established the system of Inductive Conferences, first announced to the public by the Intend ant of Religion, Morals, and Missions, Br. Wm. H. Fish, in The Practical Christian of Oct. 2, 1841, but modified, perfected, and finally adopted by the Community as a part of its comprehensive polity, Aug. 8, 1842. In order to show still further how we were getting on as a Community during the first few months of our life at Hopedale, more especially in the matter of our indus- trial activities, I will make a quotation from an article which appeared in our little paper, June 11, 1842, enti- tled, " Community Affairs " : CONDITION OF THINGS AT HOPEDALE. 85 "We have now on the Hopedale estate forty-four persons, all boarded in one general family; ten men, twelve women, and twenty-two children under fifteen years of age. We have 13 cows, 4 yokes of oxen and steers, 2 horses and 6 swine. We have planted with garden vegetables for market and our own use some 3 acres, with indian corn 4 or more, and with pota- toes and beans 10 or more; in all from 17 to 20 acres. We \ have made numerous repairs in and upon our old buildings; j erected a new one 32 by 14 feet, one and a half story above the basement, calculated for a printing office, school room, two sleeping apartments on the upper floor and two rooms for\j/ .shops in the basement; all, of course, on a small scale. The brethren have just commenced a dam and the foundation of a mechanic shop, to be 30 by 40 feet in size, two stories high with a basement designed for various machines to be operated by water power. The erection and furnishing of this estab- lishment will require all the labor and resources we can spare from other demands for several months to come. Our business is multiform and arduous. There is everything to do and small means with which to operate. Division of labor is also difficult to arrange properly ; but we have got along better than most people might imagine and hope for better days ahead. "Our school is now in running order. We might have many boarding pupils if we could accommodate them, but that is not possible at present. A few children in the neighborhood who can come from their homes will probably be taught in the school. The printing establishment was started during the last week in May. We print The Practical Christian every fortnight, and are prepared to do most kinds of job work, for which we already have several orders. Regular meetings for religious instruction and worship are kept up in our own house twice on Sunday, and a conference for social prayer, praise, and exhortation on Thursday evenings. These meetings are free for all our neighbors and friends to attend who choose. They are also free for all the attendants to speak as they feel impressed with a sense of duty. " We are happy to say that the great body of the people in the region immediately around us evince a kind and friendly feeling toward us, and though the stand we have taken is new, strange, and doubtful to them, yet they seem to wish us nothing but success. And if there are others who feel hostile to us and 86 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. would be glad to see us explode, may God enable us to live down their opposition by righteousness and to overcome all evil by the unwearied exercise of love and meekness. Thus far we rejoice to know that our influence is salutary on one another and those around us. "Our internal affairs are getting along as well as could have been expected, especially when we consider the very great dis- advantages under which we are placed for want of funds, house room, and other conveniences. We have found ourselves in close contact with each other, and of course had ample oppor- tunities to find out each others weaknesses, failings, and beset- ting sins. It has been a most salutary school, in which the pupils have been unlearning old dispositions, habits, tastes,, and manners, and acquiring new ones, as we trust for the better. We have found the great principles and well-defined duties of our declaratory test equal to every emergency a bond of union and a correcting power for all errors of feeling and conduct. Our faith is therefore unwavering that by the help of God we shall one day realize our highest aspirations after a right social state. In the meantime our numbers and resources are gradually increasing, inquiries are becoming more frequent and urgent from all quarters, and we press forward to the fulfilment of our high mission." As the days, weeks, and months of that first summer came and went, we extended our stakes and strained our cords to the utmost. We in due time learned that both internally and externally we had undertaken over- much that we were overtaxing our resources and our energies. But we could not turn back ; we could not suspend our activities ; we must go forward, but more cautiously, more deliberately, more wisely. We had learned that nothing was to be feared from abroad, from the surrounding world. Whatever threatened us in that direction at the outset had practically disappeared and all motives or incentives to unity and fidelity originating in an external pressure of hostility had been shorn of their strength. Our chief if not only danger was of an internal nature from enemies within our own gates. Our prosperity, success, and happiness depended largely ELEMENTS OF UNREST EFFERVESCING. 87 upon reconciling domestic incongruities and preserving a healthy social core. As we were all human, possessed of the frailties and imperfections, to say nothing of the follies and sins, of our common nature, we had within us the elements of unrest, disorder, confusion, in embry- onic if not in nascent, active state. And it was not long under the trying circumstances of our lot before those elements began to effervesce. We had started out with too many raw recruits with too many undisciplined minds, hearts, and wills. There were whims, fancies, crotchets, in the heads of some of our members, which, after becoming somewhat acquainted with their associates, they were ambitious to ventilate, and magnify. This they sought to do by questions or propositions involving them, calculated and probably designed to elicit a reply or provoke discussion. The hour of eating was their opportu- nity and they improved it, modestly and suasively at first, causing only light and dispassionate table talk, chaffing or repartee. But this soon grew into something more serious and earnest into eager debate and sharp dispu- tation. From the table conversation or discussion was transferred to regular Community meetings held for busi- ness and other important purposes. For awhile the themes of inquiry, remark, or controversy were chiefly dietetic, physiological, and economic, and though pos- sessed of a certain intrinsic value and significance were not urged or maintained as of vital or even weighty import as related to the great problem of social recon- struction we were trying to solve. So long as this was the case so long as the talk was novel and suggestive or inquisitive, no harm came of it and no one was dis- turbed by it or complained of it. But when, as was the case after a time, the topics were magnified into matters of indispensable concern, entitled to paramount considera- tion like that given to the primary principles of moral and social order and the divinely imposed duties of life, and 88 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. were put forward in a dogmatic spirit and form, then the matter appeared in a new phase, assumed a more threat- ening aspect, and awakened apprehensions of coining ill to all concerned in the minds of our better and more responsible members. And when these, roused to a sense of impending danger, raised a firm but calm protest against the unwarrantable assumptions and claims that had been put forth, they were met, not with kindly and reasonable consideration, but rather with resentful petu- lance and with insinuations that after all the professions of fraternal equality made to the world, there was a smattering of aristocracy to be found even in that lowly old house. Under that pretence there were some attempts set in motion to draw our poorer and humbler members into a sort of democratic cabal for the maintenance of their proper rights under the Constitution. This move- ment, however, was of little avail, those thus appealed to realizing instinctively who were their real friends and under whose leadership they would be likely to fare best. Nevertheless, the uneasy elements, unwilling to yield or to be silenced, began to inveigh against our Joint-Stock system of finance and to glorify that of com- mon property as much more to be preferred in founding a new social state. This proved a more serious matter in the end, as will ere long be made to appear. Meantime a case of personal inharmony and unpleas- antness arose between two of our original number from whom we never expected anything but the most amicable relations. These were our carpenters whose business it was to build our projected Mechanic Shop in mutual co-operation. All at once it transpired that they could not agree in their consultations and operations and that considerable unhappy feeling existed between them. I was most painfully surprised when informed of this, as I had a high regard for both of the men. But the trouble sprang very naturally from their dissimilar tern- NOVELTY YIELDS TO REALITY. 89 pers, tastes, and judgments. One of them, the official he ad of the work, was a plain, unpolished, rustic sort of man, extremely sensitive, retiring, and secretive ; the other was more fanciful and sanguine, blunt and sarcas- tic in speech, and ambitious to direct withal, feeling no doubt a little chagrined that his associate held a higher position than he. The result was that they became mutually disagreeable and repellant, drawing apart from each other. This was the first palpable instance of dis- cord among us and was most mortifying to my feelings on the score of acknowledged principles, but no less so to my Community ambition. The inharmony was molli- fied and quieted down somewhat by our pacific social discipline, though never entirely healed. As the tinsel of novelty wore off and the hard actuali- ties of our uncomfortable domestic situation began to overtax our nerves, we lost a portion of our spiritual enthusiasm, firmness, and patience. Our religious natures no less than our physical suffered for want of needed solitude and repose, as they did for lack of wholesome nurture and stimulus to holy aspiration and endeavor. Social, secular, a^ud financial matters engrossed so much of our attention and energy that our higher faculties were partially starved. We suffered in the very partic- ular of which we were forewarned in the letter of Doctor Channing. As a consequence, every temptation that assailed us was less resistable than would otherwise have been the case. In such states of mind we were beset by those dis- cussions referred to a few pages back, which, though held somewhat in check by the controlling minds among us or rendered partially nugatory, nevertheless, could not be wholly suppressed or shorn of mischievous influence. Indeed, on the whole, they rather increased, growing from bad to worse, from mere annoyances to threat- ening perils. So that when they were met on this \BRAfTy OF THB /ERSITT 90 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. ground and when the points contended for by those lead- ing off in them were repudiated by the better sentiment of the Community, a crisis was brought on which resulted in the withdrawal of four of our new members. Reuben H. Brown and wife, Clother G-ifford, and Lorenzo Smith ; the first secession that had occurred among us. They were displeased with our general system, and when they left avowed a determination to start a new movement, basing it upon better principles and administering it in a more fraternal spirit ; a task, however, for which they had neither the capacity, the character, nor the pecuniary means. There was more rejoicing than sorrow at their departure, and their promised El Dorado was never heard of afterwards. Unfortunately, the leaven which wrought their disaffec- tion and separation from us was not all taken with them when they went away. Enough of it remained to work further trouble, and all the more trouble because it had found a lodgment in better and more influential minds. Even our ministering brother, David R. Lamson, from whom only the best things had been anticipated, became infected with it, causing him at length to follow on after those who had gone before. In his case it manifested itself in a resolute zeal in behalf of the poorer and more dependent members, for whom he demanded in the name of the Constitution greater privileges and more favors than they were in the way of enjoying. His first open demonstration in this direction was in the form of a claim that his own wife who had a nursing child, and other mothers similarly situated, should be allowed regular wages for taking care of their little ones, on the ground that a common nursery w r as guaranteed in our funda- mental law, and that, notwithstanding it was as yet an impossibility in form, its provisions should in substance be insured to those they were designed to benefit. Upon being questioned as to how many hours per day ought ECCENTRICITIES OF D. R. LAMSON. 91 to be credited to nursing mothers, be replied that in the case of his own wife sixteen would be no more than just. This would be twice as many as were allowed our common working men and women ; that is, one dollar per day while they received only fifty cents. Some of us were hardly in a mood to accept such an interpretation of the principle of justice or to grant the claims based upon it. After long consideration of the matter and much tedious discussion, I proposed a compromise regu- lation, which was duly approved by the Community, to the effect that nursing mothers be regularly credited for eight hours' service a day, provided, that if the nature of the case reasonably admitted of it they should perform more common domestic labor occasionally. Another manifestation of Brother Lamson's peculiar- cast of mind or eccentricity of judgment appeared in his proposition, or perhaps suggestion, that such of our min- isters as had occasion to go abroad to preach or lecture should offer rides to the mothers who were ordinarily confined and care-worn at home, especially when they went alone and when nothing would be added to the expense thereby. Brother Lamson seemed to have a special interest in and sympathy for the particular class of persons indicated, and to put himself forward as the guardian and champion of their rights and privileges, although, so far as ever came to the public ear, they never asked for or desired such interposition in their behalf. He even went so far as to admonish me directly in open Community meeting for calling on those referred to so seldom and paying them so little personal attention. This implication of neglect of duty and viola- tion of solemn pledges of fraternal interest and regard was as unreasonable as it was humiliating, inasmuch as the multitude of my cares and labors, keeping me busily employed from early dawn till late at night not infre- quently till near midnight and sometimes after together 92 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. with the wear and tear of my anxieties for the success of our common cause, was taxing my energy and strength to the utmost limit, as was obvious enough to every reflecting observer. Still, I did not presume to deny my sins of omission in the particular named ; I only offered what I felt to be sufficient excuses in vindi- cation of my course. This little breeze presently sub- sided. It was sometimes hard to feel that the brother who caused it was altogether disinterested and magnani- mous in his action, since his own wife was one of the few who were to be particularly favored by his scheme, while other women there were among us, as worthy of consideration as she, weighed down and worn to utter exhaustion almost by the toil and drudgery of twelve or fifteen hours per day imposed upon them by their position in the administration of household affairs, for whom he offered no method or proposition of recreation or relief. Another exhibition of Brother Lamson's solicitude for the well-being and protection of our humbler and more dependent ones was far graver in both its nature and results than those mentioned, and drew to his side several members of good esteem. It was made in , connection with the discussions that were carried on respecting the erection of new dwelling-houses for the general conveni- ence and comfort, and their permanent occupancy. Inci- dent to those discussions arose the question as to who should be put in possession of the new habitations and enjoy the many privileges they would offer when they were completed. There were of necessity but few of them at first and it was a foregone conclusion forced upon us by our limited means, that a considerable num- ber of us must for some time yet remain in the old quarters and share still longer the discomforts existing there, though the contemplated reduction of numbers would afford partial relief. And the question referred to elicited much difference of opinion and a sharp coutro- INGENIOUS ARGUMENTS. 9 versy. Brother Lamson was foremost in the field, declar- ing that our principles and constitutional pledges bound ns to give the poorest and least efficient the preference in the matter, and that the most talented and responsi- ble should be the last to receive favors and advantages of any sort at the hands of the Community. His argu- ments were elaborated with much ingenuity on the basis of those divine precepts to which we all bowed, viz. : "He that is chief among you let him be the servant of all"; "It is more blessed to give than to receive"; "We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves," etc. His plea was plausible and worn the endorsement of several of our most worthy associates. It would have been deemed more conclusive by others had not a few glaring and significant facts been closely connected with it; facts too apparent to escape notice. (1) That Brother Lamson and his warm sympathizers were inter- ested expectants of the preferments contended for; (2) That those of us who under his contention must endure yet longer indefinitely the existing discomforts were to furnish, either by subscription or personal credit, the capital requisite for the erection of the new structures and assume all the responsibility involved; (3) That some of us who would by his proposal be shut out of the prospective dwellings and deprived of the better accommodations they would offer, were in danger of sinking under the burdens we were voluntarily bearing for the good of all our members, and that our whole enterprise was likely to suffer great detriment, if not put in imminent peril, unless some relief could be furnished them like that which the new residences and the retire- ment and quiet of them would supply. In reply to Brother Lamson' s argument it was said that while the principles upon which it rested were sound, the application made of them was unwarrantable and THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. misleading ; that we, who must take the heavy responsi- bilities of erecting the prospective dwellings claimed no exclusive accommodations but were justly entitled to a reasonable share of them ; that we had made and should continue to make willing sacrifices for the comfort and happiness of all our associates ; that there was no just occasion for setting up class distinctions and preferences in the matter under discussion ; and finally, that it was absolutely painful and disheartening to find that past labors and sacrifices in behalf of our common cause and our more dependent fellow-members inspired them with so little confidence, love, and gratitude. Brother Lamsou took such umbrage at this last remark and its implied censure of some of our numbers for lack of appreciation of what had been done gratuitously and with no expecta- tion of payment or reward, that he warmly denounced it as contrary to our covenant obligations, and protested that the word ''gratitude" had no place in our Commu- nity vocabulary. We had come together as equals, to enjoy co-ordinate rights, and to do what each could for the other and for all concerned. And to talk of favors, sacrifices, and above all of gratitude, was wholly out of place and inexcusable. I as the mouthpiece of the majority replied that our whole movement recognized the primary right of the individual to whatever property, talents, and gifts of any sort were justly his or her own, and that the social fabric we were trying to build did not presuppose or require the annihilation of the distinc- tive personality of its members ; consequently, what was put into the Community for the benefit of all concerned and for the special benefit of the weaker and more needy persons among us was so contributed under the law of brotherhood and charity, not of arbitrary justice, and should be so understood. Appreciation of and gratitude for favors received imply no humiliation or degradation on the part of those upon whom they are conferred and no DIVERGENT TENDENCIES DEVELOPED. 95 condescension of assumed superiority on the part of those from whom they come ; but a reciprocal respect, affection, and confidence. When, in urging the merits of our cause before the public, I added, I have been met with the objection that the more dependent and less responsible of our number would claim every advantage extended to them as a right, and be made by the generosity of those able and willing to help them more discontented and exacting, I have denied the statement as an impu- tation upon the better impulses of human nature and upon the Christian spirit of brotherhood in the human soul. And I am disappointed and made heartsick at these contrary developments by these indications that our critics and detractors had a surer basis for their con- clusions than I dreamed of. And so the discussion went on for some time during that first summer and the succeeding autumn of 1842. There was nothing in it that could be deemed discourte- ous, caustic, or bitter, at least that savored of hatred and animosity, but it was earnest, determined, sharp at times, and unpleasantly personal. The general tendency and effect of it were to produce more or less of irritation, unrest, alienation. To the better minds among us it was a source of deep regret and discouragement. But it could not be suppressed or avoided. There was such a radical difference of views and feelings, convictions and judg- ments, between the two parties that had sprung into being, and withal such strength of purpose and pertinac- ity of will on both sides, that neither would or could in conscience yield to the other and so end the controversy. For the same reason no compromise could be made and no harmonious combination or warmhearted co-operation effected. As will have been observed, the trend of Brother Lam- son's mind and of his arguments as well as that of his sympathizers, was in the direction of an absolute extinc- 96 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. tion of what may be termed individualism in the Com- munity a denial of all exclusive right to property, to privilege, to the use and voluntary disposal of one's time, talent, endowment of any sort, on the part of any of its members. His interpretations of the Constitution were in that interest and behalf, as were also his pleas for nursing mothers who could perform no remunerative labor for an equal distribution of wages without regard to competency, fidelity, or efficiency, and for the assignment of the newly built houses to those who had assumed no responsibility and contributed neither money nor work in the construc- tion of them. But the Community was not established on any such foundation as that, and was never designed or calculated to foster, promote, and represent before the world such ideas, nor had its administration thus far been carried on in accordance with such principles and methods of operation. Moreover, the leading minds in our fellow- ship, with the exception of the brother named, were loyal to the original purpose of the movement and to the gen- eral system of Joint-Stock proprietorship and of personal rights, duties, and obligations which had thus far pre- vailed, and consequently averse to all theories or claims calculated to subvert them or in any way discredit or ignore them. And a large majority of our number were of the same way of thinking and acting. At this juncture and crisis of affairs we were con- fronted with this alternative : either the Community must be dissolved or its Constitution must be amended on the points relating to the dead level of wages, board, etc., and to some of its extreme and indiscriminate guarantees ; for on these points had most of the discordant issues been raised. The only third course that could be sug- gested was to follow Brother Lamsou's lead and transform our Joint-Stock Community into a Common-Stock Com- munity, making all the other changes in our organization and polity which such a transformation would necessitate. AMEMDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION. 97 But that was out of the question utterly impractica- ble, for various substantial reasons, and not to be con- sidered for a moment. So we were thrown back upon the alternative mentioned. But what was to come of dissolution? Nothing but shame, blasting, disaster to all our avowed principles and most sacredly cherished hopes ; a virtual denial of our much vaunted faith ; a trampling in the dust of our blessed Standard of Prac- tical Christianity. On the other hand, if the amend- ments of the Constitution necessary to save our little craft were made, several of our worthy, albeit mistaken members, as we thought, would be likely to secede, and that would impair our standing and lessen our influence with the outside public. Besides, in striving to escape the Scylla of threatening Communism, we might fall into the Charybdis of selfish, unscrupulous, and hard-hearted Individualism, which would be no less fatal to our highest purposes and noblest aims, to all we were trying to stand for before God and men. We were in a critical and dangerous strait. Nevertheless, after much painful reflection on my own part and numerous earnest conferences with several of my fellow-members, some of whom were also deeply exer- cised in regard to the matter, I addressed myself to the task of preparing such amendments of the Constitution as would meet the exigencies of the case and enable us to go on harmoniously and successfully with the work to, which we had sacredly pledged our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor. This was accomplished in due time and the result was submitted to the consideration, emendation, and final action of the Community in regular meeting assembled on the 16th day of November. The several changes made, approved, and adopted appear in the following form : 98 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. " AMENDMENTS. " ARTICLE IV. " Add one Section: "SEC. 4. For the accommodation of such members as may prefer to build houses and transact business independently of the Joint-Stock Proprietorship, each Community shall select a Village Site, lay off house-lots and sell the same, as oppor. tunity may offer, to any members who will come under obliga- tions that such lots with all their buildings and betterments shall revert to the Community at a fair appraisal whenever they shall cease to be owned within the pale of its member- ship, or whenever they shall be abused to purposes notoriously inconsistent with the principles of this Association. " ARTICLE V. "Strike out Sees. 3, 4, 5, and insert as follows: " SEC. 3. All operatives of every description belonging to any Community, whether employed at home or abroad by the Community or by individual members on their own account, shall be allowed a fair compensation according to the nature and productiveness of the service rendered as may be mutu- ally agreed on between the parties, never exceeding one dollar per day, six dollars per week, twenty-four dollars per month, or three hundred dollars per year. " ARTICLE VI. " Strike out at the end of Sec. 3 these words, ' its floating fund or ordinary resources,' and in lieu thereof insert the fol- lowing: 'funds raised by voluntary contribution.' " ARTICLE VII. "Strike out the whole Article and insert the following : " Every Community in this Association shall endeavor to grow, manufacture, purchase at wholesale, or otherwise provide, all articles of ordinary use and consumption, so as to supply the personal necessities of all its members and dependents. And every item furnished at a price for the supply of such necessities, whether by the Community or individual members, hall be afforded at cost as nearly as the same can be ascer- tained. NATURE OF CHANGES MADE. 99 "ARTICLE VIIL "Strike out the whole Article and insert: " The clear profits of every Community in this Association not exceeding four per cent, per annum on capital for the whole time of its investment, shall be divided among the Stockholders according to the amount by them severally in- vested. And all excess of profits over the said four per cent. shall be devoted to such religious, educational, or charitable purposes as the Community may from time to time determine. "ARTICLE IX. "Add the following words: "This article shall be carried into effect by voluntary con- tribution. "ARTICLE X. "Sec. 4, fourth line, strike out 'established' and insert * highest."' The intent and practical effect of these Amendments had been stated in The Practical Christian of October 29, and were elaborated more fully at the meeting in which they were finally adopted. I copy them as they appeared in their more condensed form, as follows : "1. They restore a large amount of individuality to the members of a Community and leave every one at liberty to associate his capital and labor in the Joint-Stock operations to such an extent from year to year as he may feel to be a duty and a pleasure; or, on the Bother hand, ^to dwell and transact business by himself, as he may prefer; in either case acknowledging himself bound to educate his children, trade, and assist his feeble brethren, on the same general principles as before. "2. They enable a Community to combine all the privileges of a well-ordered village of free-minded, conscientious individ- uals and those of a close association of capital and labor with- out the disadvantages of either. They adapt the Community organization to the wants of all classes of Practical Christians without imposing excessive burdens or restraints upon any, and thus give association the vantage ground of a fair experi- ment on its own merits. If it prove to be as pleasant and 100 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. economical as we have all hoped, it will tend to bring over the lovers of individuality and make them willing co-operators. If not, the same principles of justice and charity may be carried out in the other way. "3. They break up all unreasonable dependence on the capital and industry of the provident part of a Community, quicken self-reliance, induce economy, and make a just distinc- tion between alms and wages, gifts and debts. "4. They place all the members of a Community, whether resident or non-resident, having much or little in the Joint- Stock, on a common level, under the same reciprocal obliga- tions and responsibilities. Justice is done to all and charity is required of all. No one can hide behind the mass; none can screen themselves under constitutional prescriptions from voluntary contributions to support schools and relieve the needy. Every one will appear in his own true light. "5. They will disencumber capital of its present great risks and dangerous liabilities, give it a moderate but sure profit, and at the same time secure to labor its just compensation. " 6. Finally, they simplify our whole social machinery, make the experiment perfectly safe on a large or small scale, and render the Community relationship more equitable, more pleas- ant, and more practicable to all free, honest, and unselfish minds." The reader will naturally infer that such important changes as those specified could not have been consum- mated without serious opposition on the part of those whose unwarrantable claims under the original Constitu- tion had jeopardized both our harmony and hopes, and thereby rendered them necessary. Such inference is cor- rect. Long and earnest debates were carried on before the final decision was reached, but the requisite three- fourths majority was at length secured and the new policy was made imperative and obligatory. Whereupon, several of the opposition were so aggrieved as to imme- diately resign their membership and several others delayed doing so only for a short time ; while a few, not ready to take such a step and abandon the cause altogether, still felt that the Community had backslidden lamentably GLORIFICATION OF THE SHAKERS. 101 from its primal virtue. About a dozen in all seceded by reason of the action taken, some of whom, however, upon further deliberation, rejoined us. But the larger portion left us to return no more, carrying with them an ^vil report which no doubt for a time affected unfavora- bly our standing and influence wherever we were known. Of these, the principal, Brother Lamson, soon after went to reside with the Shakers at Pittsfield, thinking to find in their midst that heaven upon earth which he had hoped for in Hopedale but had not realized. For a while all went happily with him there, so that at the end of six weeks he wrote a letter to Brother Stacy extolling the situation in which he was placed and the people with whom he had cast his fortunes to the highest degree. The letter was given a place in the columns of our little paper. It was and still is interesting reading. A few extracts will indicate its spirit and character. "-They (the Shakers) are what they profess to be. And this 1 never could say of any other denomination of Chris- tians. They are in a very eminent sense Practical Chris- tians." "This people live under the divine government; and the greatest harmony and Christian affection prevail among them." "Their property is held in common; they do their own labor ; a personal equality prevails through- out, except that the sick, the feeble, and the aged receive the utmost care and tenderness. The intercourse among them is like that of a well-regulated family of natural brothers and sisters." "In order to know them and appreciate their religion and its blessed influence upon the life it is necessary to live with them." And yet, after a more conclusive trial, Brother Lamsou withdrew from these eminent Practical Christians, returned to gen- eral society, which he had professedly renounced and often denounced unsparingly for its unchristian charac- ter, purchased and settled upon a little farm in West Boylstou, and was never heard from afterwards ; cer- 102 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. taiuly not as a Social Reformer and an Apostle of Human Brotherhood. He died July 2, 1886, aged 80 years. His wife, an estimable woman, shared his varied fortunes sympathetically and devotedly while she lived, passing to the world of spirits some years before him. Our movement could but suffer more or less by the trying experiences which have just been narrated. Not only by loss of reputation and confidence in the public mind, but by the saddening, depressing effect produced upon those of us who had done so much for it, and who were resolved to stand by it still and to spend and be spent in its blessed behalf. As the prime mover in starting it and the accepted leader in the administration of its manifold activities, I was personally humiliated and weakened by what had transpired. I felt less confidence in my own moral competency for the work I had under- taken, less in the fitness of others for the kind of life upon which we had entered, and less in our desired speedy success. The more intelligent and conscientious of my associates sympathized with me in this regard. We were all of us shorn somewhat of our former strength. Our principles were as true as ever and as obligatory,, our cause was as sacred, our standard of duty as high> and our Heavenly Father as much our Friend and Helper in time of need. And so we tried to make the best of our adversities- and of our still imperfect conditions, and despite some heart-heaviness girded up our loins for renewed effort and an onward march. Though cast down we were not destroyed. There was a silver lining to the cloud that had cast its shadow upon us. Encouragements there were as well as discouragements. Many of our interests had been well fostered ; many of our activities had been fairly prosperous. Our field culture, gardening, haying,, etc., had gone on to general satisfaction. The harvest had yielded us, if not abundant, yet satisfactory returns* TOKENS OF PROSPERITY. 103 Our barns, our cellars, our larders, were by no means empty. Improvements upon our domain had been going on. The dam with its appurtenances was approaching completion. The basement of the mechanic shop had been finished and the frame of the superstructure was so far advanced as to admit raising on the 27th of October, which was followed immediately by the enclosing of the body of the structure and the putting on of the roof. The building designed for a school-house and printing office was considerably under way. A baker and a hat- ter had joined us and commenced operations in their respective callings, thus enlarging the field of our indus- trial activity. The general health of members and resi- dents had been good, though some sickness had prevailed among the children but not of serious or alarming nature. No death had occurred on our premises since settlement. Winter set in at length finding us comfortably housed and provided for, all the more so that its inmates were somewhat reduced in numbers, the withdrawals men- tioned having sensibly depleted our population and removed the pressure in that respect. Soon came our reckoning day with its itemized account of the year's operations and their results. The Annual Meeting was held Jan. 4, 1843, at which the Executive Council submitted to their constituency the following ANNUAL REPORT. " The Executive Council of Fraternal Community, No. 1, respectfully submit the following financial report: "The whole amount of property on hand is: Consolidated Fund, $4,300.00; Floating Fund, $2,504.40; Total, $6,804.40. Our debts to members, over dues is $1,298.85; leaving the present value, $5,505.55. The whole amount of Joint-Stock invested and for which Certificates have been issued is $5,600.00, showing an absolute loss of $94.45. But this loss would have been $597.54 had we not appraised our two new buildings $503.09 above their nomimal cost. We believed this to be a fair estimate and have therefore made it in the 104 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. confidence that future years of ordinary success will justify us in doing so. " The whole amount of labor employed has cost us $2,722.62, according to the following items: Agriculture and Animals, $739.47; Health and Domestic Economy, $999.00; Manufac- tures and Mechanical Industry, $577.00; Education, Arts, and Sciences, $31.92; Religion, Morals, and Missions, $78.00; Hat- ting, $74.39; Printing, $222.84. " The profit and loss account in the several departments and branches is as follows: Dr. Incidental Expenses, $104.12; Edu- cation, etc., $45.77 ; Tailoring, $2.51 ; Health and Domestic Economy, $475.24; Agriculture and Animals, $231.38; Printing, $46.33; Total, $905.35. Cr. Hatting, $21.72; Manufactures and Mechanical Industry, $503.09; Donations, $111.90; Religion, Morals, and Missions, $45.27; Practical Christian, $50.82; Fi- nance and Exchange, $36.00 ; Cash in Treasury, $42.10; making a total of $810.90. The balance shows the amount of loss as before stated, $94.45. " All of which is respectfully submitted in behalf of Council. IN BALLOU, Pres't. "Hopedale, Jan. 4, 1843." This was a small showing for our much vaunted enter- prise, exhibiting close calculation and leaving capital no dividend. But all things considered the loss was much less than might have been expected much less than we actually feared. We therefore waived any discourage- ments the result of our year's operations was calculated to create and set our faces hopefully and steadfastly towards the future. When we considered how much we had to learn by dear experience and anxious vigils, the theoretic errors we had to correct, and the injudicious attempt to accommodate and employ from April to Octo- ber so many persons at equal wages, we felt that we and all true friends of the Community had reason to be satis- fied with what had been accomplished and with the con- dition in which we found ourselves at the opening of a new year. OFFICIAL SERVANTS FOR 1843. 105 The official servants chosen at this second Annual Meeting of the Community were : ADIN BALLOU, Presi- dent ; ABBY H. PRICE, Secretary; EDMUND PRICE, Auditor; EBENEZER D. DRAPER, Intendant of Finance and Exchange; AMOS J. BALLOU, Intendant of Agriculture and Animals; HENRY LILLIE, Intendant of Manufactures and Mechanical Industry; BUTLER WILMARTH, Intendant of Health and Domestic Economy; DANIEL S. WHITNEY, Intendant of Education, Arts, and Sciences; WM. H. FISH, Intendant of Religion, Morals, and Missions. CHAPTER IV. 1843, 1844. STEPS OF PROGRESS SOCIAL REFORM CONFERENCES NEW INDUSTRIAL SCHEME CHEERFUL OUTLOOK. /COMMENCING on the day following the Annual Meet- ^ ing, which took place on the 4th of January, 1843, the present Chapter will outline the operations and pro- gress of the Community under the provisions of its modi- fied Constitution during the two succeeding years. This may be done more intelligibly and satisfactorily perhaps by a classified arrangement of the topics of chief interest indicated in convenient order by their respective titles. 1. Domestic Economy. Now that the opportunity was opened to such of our members as might desire it to establish and live in separate households, several families that preferred to do so and found it possible, at once began to form plans for leaving the hitherto unitary domestic mode of life and locating by themselves in the the usual order of the home. The facilities for doing this on the Community domain, however, were extremely meager and unsatisfactory. But almost anything was better than the incommodious and crowded condition which had been endured thus far by a severe tax upon human patience and fortitude, and the most contracted and unpropitious quarters were gladly accepted. Bros. E. D. Draper, D. S. Whitney, and Edmund Price, whose families were small, managed to set up their respective penates in the new building on Water Street, the school and printing press having been removed to the mechanic ut* K **)7 OF THB DOMESTIC CHANGES MADE. shop then approaching completion. The ,Old House was divided into three tenements ; one of which was occupied by Brother Lillie, another by Brother Harris, while the third, much the largest, sheltered the still existent Com- munity family, which, though greatly depleted, was yet of considerable size. There I remained, as did also Bro. Amos J. Ballou, with our wives and children and such other members and dependents as were not provided for elsewhere. There, too, all new comers took up their abode, and there visiting friends, inquirers, etc., were received and entertained as time went on. Meanwhile two new dwelling-houses were projected and put in process of construction my own humble cottage and a two-story double house belonging to A. J. Ballou and Edmund Price. They were able to move into their new quarters about mid-summer and I into mine early in September, where I and my family have ever since resided. Sr. C. P. Hooton was married to Elkauah Taft of Uxbridge, Feb. 27, and soon after left the premises with her children. Vacancies thus occurred from time to time in the common household, but only to be filled or more than filled by incoming members, probationers, and hired workmen needed to assist in the erection of the up-going buildings. All desired and aimed at a home of their own, and such as were able secured a half-acre house-lot in the Village Site to be built upon as soon as circumstances would permit Delays on the part of these were unavoidable, yet three were finished and taken pos- session of before winter set in. Besides those mentioned was one for Br. Geo. W. Stacy, in which he resided until his departure from Hopedale, his successor for many years being Br. Almon Thwing. Br. Dr. Wilniarth put up the ell part of his house, enabling him to occupy it during the succeeding winter or early spring in anticipa- tion of the completion of the main structure. To answer the call of applicants, A. J. Ballou and Edmund Price 108 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. fitted up a tenement each on the second floor of their spacious dwelling as soon as they were fairly settled in it. Such was the new order of domestic life with us separate families in a compact neighborhood. 2. Industrial Interests. There was no general uniform system adopted concerning them. They were all provided for and supervised by the Community under the direction of the proper Intendant, and most of different kinds of business were carried on through his direct personal man- agement. But exceptions were allowed in certain cases out of deference to individual enterprise and choice, abuses and dangers being guarded against by what were supposed to be adequate provisions and restrictions. Nathan Harris was permitted to engage in carpentry on his own account and in that capacity erected by contract the three dwellings heretofore mentioned. Printing was done by Brother Stacy, mainly at his own discretion, for several months ; at first in the new Water street house and afterwards at his own home in Mendon ; he being paid twelve dollars per number for bringing out The Practical Christian. Later, about the 1st of June, the press was located in an upper room of the mechanic shop, and thenceforth was run as a Community branch of industry. The department of Agriculture, which the previous year was managed under four heads, Farming, Gardening, Orcharding, and Stabling, was this year comprised in two divisions, Agriculture and Livery. A small amount of traffic was carried on by the Intendant of Finance and p]xchange. The manufacture of hats was continued ; the Boot and Shoe business started, also the making of boxes, Painting and Glazing, Tin and Sheet Iron work- ing, all on a small scale and all under Community management. What was called " General Service" was regarded as a distinct industry and had a separate accounting. This covered my own official and miscel- laneous labors as President of the Community, and also MULTIPLICITY OF INDUSTRIES. 100 those of others similarly employed for the common good. The department of Religion, Morals, and Missions in- cluded all the professional labors of our ministers and lecturers, whether rendered within or without our terri- torial boundaries. These brethren were active during most of the year, on Sundays generally and occasionally during the week, but their work brought in little pecun- iary revenue. The Practical Christian with its accom- paniments constituted an independent business enterprise and had its own distinctive reckoning. Also the depart- ments of Domestic Economy, the chief interest of which was the maintenance of the combined household, and Education, which concerned the proper schooling of our children, of which little was done systematically during the year under notice. There was considerable complexity, as can be readily seen, in our industrial management, and great skill and care were requisite to the proper keeping of our account books so as to render them at once intelligible and trust- worthy. It was perhaps a mistake, it was certainly a misfortune, that we felt ourselves obliged to establish or authorize so many business undertakings, but the skill, capacity, taste, and previous training of our members- were so diversified, and our anxiety to give each and every one remunerative employment at the earliest practi- cable date was so intense, that we did not feel at liberty to limit the introduction of new industries as we ought to have done. When a person apparently every way qualified to become a worthy, useful member of our fra- ternity proposed to join us, and, having been accepted,, wished to establish a business for which he was well equipped by natural aptitude and experience ; a business that would enable himself and family to be self-support- ing and furnish the opportunity of self-support to others, we were quite ready to hear his plea and yield to his solicitation, sometimes to our detriment and subsequent 110 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. regret and grief. It was chiefly in this way that our industries multiplied upon our hands and that we were made subject to many perplexing problems which under a more reserved and cautious regimen we should have escaped. Our desire to make as rapid progress as possi- ble and to help as many as possible to a better life led us into many errors. 3. Material Advancement. The mechanic shop was completed in the early Spring, and the first story and basement were supplied with a considerable amount and variety of labor-saving machinery for facilitating work in carpentering, joinery, box-making, and kindred callings. The story above was so partitioned and fitted up as to afford tolerable accommodations in its southern part for the printing press and its accessories, while the northern was made convenient and comfortable for school purposes and for services of public worship ; in which twofold capacity it met our needs, in a rude fashion to be sure, until we were in a condition to erect a building for the same purposes the following year. In the ways indicated the structure was at once put to use both above and below, and proved of great value to the Community in many respects. Nine half- acre lots were sold at an early day to individual members of our body, for which by com- mon consent and mutual agreement they were to pay $100.00 each into the common treasury, without pausing to estimate their comparative natural worth. This was a good beginning in that direction and an augury of better days ahead. During the season very considerable and important im- provements were made upon what were collectively desig- nated as the Community barns, though one of them was used up to the time of our occupancy of the premises as a cider house, the other two only having been devoted to the sheltering of cattle, horses, hay, grain, etc. They were somewhat remote from each other, inconveniently IMPROVEMENTS GOING ON. Ill arranged, and in a considerably dilapidated condition. Their frames, however, were heavy, firm, and strong, ren- dering them capable of being moved without serious detri- ment to them or danger to the movers. A basement cellar for them was excavated at the southwest corner of Union and Water Streets, diagonally opposite the ancient farm- house of the estate, and suitable foundations were laid, upon which they were in due time located in such prox- imity to and connection with each other as would best sub- serve the several purposes for which they were designed and needed. They were then put in respectable condition externally, and so fitted up internally as to contribute to the comfort and convenience of whomsoever might use them, and afford the proper protection and shelter for the animals and products of the earth that might thence- forth be housed in them. In their transformed condition they presented a somewhat straggling, unsymmetrical, inar- tistic, and withal unattractive appearance, but the change was a most desirable one, and one fully justified by the results secured. The conglomerate structure not only supplied the immediate needs of the Community, but has served important uses through all the intervening years down to the present time, and promises to do the same indefinitely in the time to come. Mention should be made in this connection of what was done the same year towards the construction of our main thoroughfare through the village, now called Hopedale Street. It had been laid out in a northwesterly and southeasterly direction in the original survey of the resi- dential portion of our territory without regard to any pre-existing highways, cutting across the old tortuous Magomiscock road near the junction of Hopedale and Union Streets, but little had been done towards making it passable. It ran over an uneven surface, rocky and considerably elevated in some places but low and marshy in others. Material excavated from the higher portions 112 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. of it was transferred to the more depressed and wet localities, and before winter set in a tolerably good wagon-way was opened and a promising beginning made of a future excellent thoroughfare. People of the pres- ent generation little dream of the labors undergone in those early days and afterward to make the rough places of Hopedale smooth and its uncomely areas fair and beautiful. An enterprise of still greater significance was set on foot early in the year and considerably advanced before its close, viz. : the erection of a building which should serve the purposes of a School-house and Chapel for our immediate and prospective needs. As early as February 4th, the following editorial and prospectus appeared in The Practical Christian, a copy of which will explain the matter. " SCHOOL-HOUSE AND CHAPEL. "We are very much in need of a School-house and Chapel at Hopedale. The establishment of a good permanent Semi- nary has always been a darling object with the founders of this Community. Scarcely less necessary is a comfortable room for our religious meetings, lectures, etc. The time has arrived when these objects must be attempted. Many friends have been advising us for months to this movement and have assured us of their readiness to lend a helping hand. The Community is too young and too poor to carry out any splen- did design. We must be content for the present with a build- ing which will answer the double purpose of School-house and Chapel. Might not such a one be erected for $800 or $1000? We think it might. And may we not confidently appeal to our friends in this general region for handsome contributions in money, materials, and labor towards the undertaking? There are many who ardently desire to see a good school and con- venient house of worship in this place. We have drawn up a paper for the purpose of providing these, which we shall circulate among those who, we believe, take a friendly interest in our general cause. In the meantime we wish them to be thinking upon the subject; and any friends at a distance, who PROPOSALS FOR A CHAPEL. 113 have the heart to aid us by donations, will Jay us under great obligations by communicating their kind intentions to the editor immediately. Who will speak and act? Shall the suggestion be taken up and carried into effect? " The following is a copy of the subscription prospectus drawn up for circulation: " PROPOSALS ''For the Erection of a Chapel and School-house at Hopedale. "In the name and behalf of Fraternal Community, No. 1, Adin Ballou proposes the erection of a decent and commodious building at Hopedale, to be used as a Chapel until a more suitable one shall be provided, and as a school-house perma- nently, to be under the general charge and regulation of said Community for preservation, proper use, and safe keeping. And the said Ballou, in said name and behalf, proposes and engages as follows, to wit: " 1. That the building to be erected shall be devoted to the purposes above specified, and to no others therewith incon- sistent. " 2. That, as a Chapel, its seats shall be free to all persons of peaceable behavior who choose to attend religious meetings therein so far as its accommodations may extend. "3. That a respectable and well ordered school or course of useful instruction and discipline, under Community regula- tions, shall be therein maintained for at least three-quarters of every year. "Now, therefore, all persons friendly to the object herein proposed, and willing to promote the same by contribution of money, materials, or labor, are respectfully invited to subscribe their names with the amount of their several offerings. Said subscriptions shall be paid to the said Adin Ballou, to be applied economically in the name and behalf of said Commu- nity to the purpose herein specified." In answer to this appeal about $200 were subscribed by outside friends, in sums of from $12 to 75 cents; individual members subscribed over $140 more, and the needful balance was guaranteed by the Community as such. So ground was broken, a basement with suitable 8 114 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. foundations for the superstructure prepared, and the frame of an edifice 26 feet square, exclusive of an appropriate vestibule portico in front, raised, the intention being to provide for immediate needs and add to the structure in the rear as future necessity, convenience, and ability might warrant. The portico was to be surmounted with a tasteful cupola and belfry. The project was well under way before severe weather came, and made ready for occupancy the ensuing spring. Another interesting item worthy of mention comes prop- erly under the present head. A warm and generous per- sonal friend in Cincinnati. O., Andrew H. Ernst, Esq., who was engaged in the Nursery business at Spring Garden, on the outskirts of that city, being kindly disposed towards the Community, made us a valuable donation, the receipt of which was acknowledged in our fortnightly publication of June 10, as follows : " The undersigned, in behalf of Fraternal Community, No. 1, gratefully acknowledges the receipt of 325 young apple trees, carefully packed in four boxes, comprising thirty choice vari- eties, sent as a donation by our kind friend and brother, A. H. Ernst of Cincinnati, Ohio. They arrived in good condition and promise to do well. " ADIN BALLOU." This much prized gift was heralded by a lengthy epis- tle from the donor and his estimable wife, expressing a most heartfelt interest in our endeavor to realize a true Christian order of society, promising future favors like that now shown us, and giving good practical advice in regard to setting out and caring for the trees. We were not in a condition to make the wisest use of them by reason of the unprepared state of the grounds where they were put and our want of skill in managing them, but those properly attended to did well and have been pro- lific of good fruit unto this day. We had ourselves started an infant nursery of our own, comprised of an RELATIONS WITH OTHER COMMUNITIES. 115 abundance of apple and pear sproutliugs, and had put a thousand or more peach and plum stones in the ground, but as yet these were of no avail to us in planting orchards or fitting up our little homesteads ; and hence the kindly thoughtfuluess of Mr. and Mrs. Ernst at that date was all the more timely and acceptable. 4. Relations ivith other Communities. As already stated, several Communities or Co-operative Associations besides our own were founded about the time we located at Hopedale. Others were in process of gestation merely. They all differed from each other very considerably, either in organization or method of administration, and they were too unlike ours in both respects to admit of any very close affiliation. Yet our principles and our polity disposed us to maintain a friendly attitude towards them, even towards those whose leading characteristics were radically dissimilar to ours, and whose controlling spirits were moved to criticize and denounce what we deemed most fundamental in theory and most vital to ultimate -success. Mention has already been made of the cordial feeling that existed at Hopedale towards Brook-Farm, the Northampton Community at Florence, both in this State, and the North American Phalanx in Monmouth Co., N. J., and of the overtures looking towards a combina- tion of interests and forces which were made and seriously considered between us and the former. There were many things that were common to us and to all these move- ments, and our intercommunication with each other was tilways amicable and kindly. Other movements there were mostly in the West, with which, though we were much interested in them and wished them well, we were less in sympathy, and of which we had less hope as agencies for fraternizing and blessing mankind. With the pro- jectors and apostles of some of these I was personally brought into verbal collision, as will be seen, as will also 116 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. the occasion and ground of it, by a brief account of what was called a Property Convention, held in Chardou St. Chapel, Boston, on the evening of June 8. It was gotten up by John A. Collins, sometime General Agent of the Mass. Anti-Slavery Society, and a few friends who agreed with him in certain ideas which he entertained respecting the rights of property and the true basis of social reconstruction. I was invited to be present and participate in the debates, an invitation that I cheerfully accepted. I give a few extracts from my report of what transpired, published in The Practical Christian: " Quite an audience convened. The meeting was addressed by John O. Wattles, Nathaniel Whiting, and John A. Collins. Friend Wattles, an amiable and benevolent man from the West, spoke in rather a poetic strain against the evils of the present social state as flowing from the assumed right of indi- vidual property, and painted in glowing colors the beauties of that proposed social state wherein no person should claim to own anything; where each individual should be a perfect com- munity in himself and the congregated whole a heavenly com- munion of wisdom, goodness, and enjoyment. He took it for granted that the abolition of all individual property would cer- tainly lead to these happy results, without any very careful analysis of facts or effort at argument. He was too indefinite in his speech to render an answer pertinent. Friend Whiting followed on the same side in a calm and candid style of address, yet with too little logical point to elicit an interesting debate. By this time it was 9 o'clock and the people began to think of going home. Friend Collins called on me to give my views, which I declined to do until he should state more definitely the positions he and his allies intended to maintain,, with a few of the more important reasons therefor. He thought this had already been done but concluded to attempt a further explication. When he had closed, I took up the subject and attempted to show that individual property grew directly out of individual existence, was inseparably connected with it, and could never be wholly abolished so long as man had a stomach which must appropriate food exclusively to PROPERTY CONVENTION AT BOSTON. 117 itself, and a body which must have raiment exclusively for itself, or so long as God and nature decreed the union of one man and one woman in marriage, devolving upon them the duty of nourishing and protecting their offspring through helpless infancy. That to perform these duties, mankind are endowed with faculties and furnished with means, in the right use of which by honest industry they may ordinarily avoid being burdensome to one another. That he who has produced food, or raiment, or any other good thing by such industry, has a natural right of property in such production. That he who can produce the necessaries and comforts of life and yet will not, has no right to consume the fruits of another's indus- try. That if he claims any such right he is virtually a rob- ber; but that by the law of universal benevolence all men are bound to relieve the personal necessities of their fellow-men as the dictate of charity, whether there be any demand of justice or not. That the right of individual property being a natural, inherent, and necessary one to a greater or less extent, the question could not be, shall we abolish it? but rather, what are its proper limitations and uses? That we are not warranted in ascribing all the evils of society to individual property, nor in concluding that its abolition would necessarily do way with these evils; such not being the primary cause of social disease, nor such the remedy. The cause lies in the heart of individual man, and can never be removed but by enlightening the mind and subordinating the will to right moral principles. Individuals do as much to make society what it is, as society does to form the character of individuals. Any reorganization of society which will more directly, ener- getically, and certainly, discipline the individuals composing it into obedience to the dictates of right moral principle, is desirable and will prove successful. But any reorganization of society which starts with the assumption that man is a mere creature of circumstances, or that anything short of the enthrone- ment of right moral principle in the individual mind will secure human happiness, is both undesirable and impractica- ble. And finally, I said, that as the kind of reorganization proposed by friend Collins and his coadjutors is of the latter description, its fundamental principles are essentially vicious, and all experiments for its practical illustration must inevita- bly fail." 118 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. The meeting adjourned to the next day. Imperative duties prevented me from being present only at the morn- ing session. The same general ground was again trav- eled over by the different speakers, with about the same variety of argument and conclusion. At one stage of the discussion, friend Collins undertook to explain the doc- trine of circumstances as he held it, that being a point in his general theory of social reform scarcely less import- ant and vital than that of common property. He affirmed with great emphasis that the lazy and vicious in the world at large were only what society made them, and that, if surroundings were right, they would be the good and use- ful men and women which they ought to be and which we all very much desired. As the talk was somewhat collo- quial, I asked him if he was prepared to contend that no- man can behave better than he does under the present condition of things in social life. His answer was that he did not wish to be forced into the minutiae of the ques- tion and be compelled by his argument to say that no one could possibly behave better then he did in any respect, yet he would maintain as a general affirmation that every man is in the main just what society makes him and there he would leave the matter. In this feature of his system he had taken the position that man is a creature of external circumstances, and he built his whole hope of ameliorating the condition of the unfortunate and suffer- ing classes of mankind and of bringing in the era of uni- versal equality and fraternity on so reorganizing society as to necessitate right action and consequent happiness ; on so ordering the externals of life, the environing cir- cumstances of men, as that they could not help being wise, good, and happy. I told him and his brethren to go ahead and live out their theories, but I could not accom- pany them though I wished them well. They heeded my counsel, went out to Central New York, established the Skaueatales Community, struggled along under great diffi- CONVENTION AT WORCESTER. 119 culties for a few years, and at length yielded to fate and went to pieces, the victims of their own delusions. A more congenial and gratifying occasion was enjoyed later in the season. It was a Convention called by George W. Benson and fourteen others to meet at Worcester on the second Tuesday and Wednesday of December, u to examine and discuss the propriety of reorganizing society into Associations or Communities in which all may have a common interest in whatever appertains to a physical, intellectual, and moral culture ; a common interest in all the advantages arising from the production and posses- sion of property." Of this gathering The Practical Chris- tian said : " Quite a number of the members from the Northampton and Hopedale Communities were in attendance, besides volun- teer friends from various quarters. We had hoped to meet delegates from West Roxbury also; but we believe none were present from that Association. The convention was animated by a good spirit and awakened an encouraging interest among the common people of the town. The evening sessions called out the best audiences, and we could but admire the very respectful, eager, and unfaltering attention of those present on the last evening. At the close notice was given that Mr. D. II. Barlow would deliver three lectures on the subject during the ensuing week. We hear that those lectures have been well attended and cannot doubt that they will leave a strong and salutary impression. Another convention was holden in Leomin- ster the same week which we learn was an interesting meeting. None of our people were present." A week later a meeting was held in Boston in response to "A Call to the Friends of Social Reform in New England " issued by David Mack, George W. Benson, James N. Buff urn, Oliver Johnson, William C. Nell, H. C. .Wright, William Bassett, and many others, u to aid the progress of the great cause of Social Reorganiza- tion " ; "to cheer each other's hearts by taking note of the advance of the Social Scheme discovered by Charles 120 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. Fourier"; and to enable those "who believe that Asso- ciation is to succeed the conflict and isolation of our present Social Order" and that through it "Man will achieve his destiny and our world be purified from vice, crime, and misery," " to concert means to actualize their idea and build a Home on the broad basis of Attractive Industry a Home where all who love Truth and would live it may find a refuge." As a. further indication of the widespread interest in the cause of Social Reconstruction that had been awak- ened in the breasts of philanthropists and reformers and through them in the general public mind, it may be stated that during the year 1843 a new Quarterly Peri- odical, entitled The Reformer, or Advocate of Industrial Association, was started at Pittsburg, Perm., designed "to discuss the general principles which underlie the movement for a better order of Society, to suggest and consider different systems of organization and methods of administration, to report what was going on in the differ- ent localities where experiments had been undertaken, to note the signs of progress that were to be seen in vari- ous directions, and stimulate endeavor in behalf of the great uprising in all possible ways." During the same year another publication The Phalanx was launched upon the tide of American Journalism. It was intended to be the organ of the Fourier Associationists in the United States, those who were either believers in or students of the plan of Social Reorganization devised or discovered by the distinguished French Philosopher and Reformer, Charles Fourier, of whom Horace Greeley and Parke Godwin of New York were noted disciples, and Albert Brisbane of Philadelphia a distinguished represen- tative and interpreter. Rev. Wm. H. Charming of Bos- ton, nephew of the renowned Rev. William Ellery Channing, D. D., was also a devoted follower of Fourier and an eloquent expounder of his system. RELIGIOUS AND MISSIONARY MATTERS. 121 All these things were not only for our edification but for our encouragement, and we made the most we could of them in both particulars. We were desirous of learning all we could of other theorists and experimenters in order to make our progress more rapid and sure, and we cer- tainly took heart and hope at every indication which we saw or thought we saw in any direction that the old order of human life was passing away and a new order was coming in that the kingdom of righteousness, broth- erhood, unity, peace, which is the kingdom of heaven, was at hand. So we girded the loins of our strength about us, became inspired with fresh zeal, and pressed forward toward the mark for the prize of our high calling. 5. Reliijious and Missionary Matters. Within the Community regular meetings for public worship on Sun- day were maintained morning and afternoon, without intermission or relaxation of interest and fervor, in the northerly upper half of the mechanic shop. Likewise the established Thursday evening Conference, usually, for con- venience and economy's sake, in the old house. If our ministerial brethren were engaged elsewhere, the exercises at both places were conducted by laymen and -women, of whom we had several qualified to serve in that capacity efficiently and acceptably. In those days there were among us few stay-at-homes or iudiffereutists. It was the joy and the security of our people that they were domi- nated largely by the religious sentiment, that the relig- ious life had been awakened in their souls, that the religious motive influenced their conduct and shaped their character, and that religious exercises singing, prayer, instruction, counsel, exhortation were sources of satisfac- tion and enjoyment to them. Outside of our boundaries, our preachers and lecturers labored vigorously ; seldom, however, going more than thirty or forty miles from home. Rarely did a Sunday pass by without an engage- ment in some church, hall, or school-house, ' and often 122 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. during the week were they in attendance upon some gen- eral public convocation or conducting the service in some gathering where they were the chief if not the only speak- ers respectively. Quarterly Conferences of sterling inter- est and of unquestioned profit continued to take place in various localities, as aforetime. The Anti-Slavery, Tem- perance, and Non-resistance reforms, enlisted much atten- tion and effort on our part, and called us frequently into the general field throughout our vicinage and sometimes far away. Moreover, this was the year of the great Millerite excitement, under which many were looking for the speedy coming of Christ in the clouds of heaven and the accompanying end of the world, and I was personally drawn into several public discussions upon the subject as I was also led to prepare and publish a large leafed pamphlet of 32 pages, entitled The True Scriptural Doc- trine of the Second Advent, an Effectual Antidote to 'Mil- lerism and all Kindred Errors. It was issued from the Community press and was widely called for up to the time of the bursting of the bubble in October, when all concern and interest in the subject suddenly subsided. The Practical Christian went forth from the printing office regularly on its mission to its readers at home and abroad, its columns well filled with interesting articles upon topics it was wont to discuss, myself being Editor- in-Chief, with Bros. Stacy, Whitney, and Fish, Assistants. 6. Other Incidents. There was little sickness with no fatal or serious cases on the Community domain during the entire twelvemonth. A single death occurred among our non-resident members, that of Mrs. Barbara Colburn, wife of Samuel Colburn, at Dedham, where they were tempo- rarily residing. Few new members joined us, owing largely to the doubt and distrust engendered by the withdrawals of the previous autumn. The places vacated at that time- were slowly filled. Several probationers entered our pre- cincts and three or four families of permitted residents. DEPREDATION BY LAWLESS OUTSIDERS. 12& The first ad only depredation that for some years was committed by lawless outsiders on Community property occurred, if my memory is not at fault, during the autumn of 1843. A gang of hen-roost robbers that had prowled about Milford and vicinity for some mouths, seizing poultry and carrying it away to some secluded place for a nightly feast, visited us and took a turkey and two chickens that they found on the branches of one of our old apple trees. I think they dug a few hills of potatoes to roast as a part of their surreptitious bill of fare. It had been predicted by our enemies that, by reason of our well-known Non-resistant principles and our published pledge not to prosecute offenders and bring them before the courts, we should be the victims of fre- quent burglaries and other offences ; in fact, that nothing of ours would be safe from the ravages and spoliation of the mischievous and criminal classes around us. Experi- ence proved the reverse of this, as we had confidently argued beforehand. We made no ado about this act of petty larceny, but learned that two of the offenders were overheard talking upon the matter not long afterward, the gist of their conversation being that while they did not care for those who kept dogs, set traps, and were ready to send them to jail if they could be caught, it was too bad to steal from the kind, peaceable people in the Dale, and they should not do it again. Two birthdays were celebrated during the year under notice, some account of which will give a fairly intelli- gible idea of those festal occasions which were observed from time to time among us, serving to relieve the tedium and tiresome drudgery and nerve-strain of our common life. They were not characterized by much display but were full of good cheer and innocent pleasure. The first was my own, and was described by Sr. Abby H. Price, who wielded a facile pen and who was a sort of poet-laureate to the Community for several years, in The Practical Christian of April 29th. The article is subjoined : 124 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. "Sunday, April 23d, was Brother Ballou's 4.0th birthday. The evening celebration was a happy time for Hopedale. Not with the festival and dance, not with merriment and feasting, but with one spontaneous feeling of grateful and fervent con- gratulation did the friends and associates gather around him. The communion of soul that we enjoyed was sweet. It was a bright oasis in the desert of earth. The full feelings of affec- tionate confidence that gushed forth must have been as cheer- ing as the union the assurance we all realized that we were indeed of one heart and one mind was to us. May our brother be spared to carry forward the enterprise so happily begun. May we be refreshed by many such birthday seasons, the harp that is then tuned be ever as harmonious till its numbers swell on the eternal shore. The following hymn, written for the occasion, was sung with enthusiasm: " Sing, Hopedale, sing ! your voices raise, Let every heart attuned to praise Sound forth the cheerful lay; Praise God who gave our brother dear Who spares his life from year to year To cheer us on our way. "United let our songs arise In grateful accents to the skies To God's almighty love; He gave our friend the power to bless, He turned his heart to righteousness, And raised his hopes above. "While passions raged and sin was rife, When earth was filled with war and strife, He sought a better way; His panting spirit sighed for peace, From all the crimes of earth release Sighed for a perfect day. "No flag was raised, no banner streamed, The light through fog and darkness gleamed Weak were true souls and sad; In this sweet vale he found a place, The standard raised of truth and grace To make the nations glad. BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARIES. 125 " Now let these trees luxuriant grow, Let this sweet stream more sweetly flow ; A work is here begun We trust will bless earth's distant shore Till war and sin are known no more, And Satan's work is done." Another record of a similar event which occurred a few weeks later was from the same pen. " Last Wednesday, June 14th, was Brother Draper's birthday. The meeting in the evening was pleasant and we trust profit- able. How much it becomes us on such occasions to look back in solemn reflection upon our past lives ; to let the bitter tears of penitence wash away every trace of our wandering from the straight path; and although shadows and fear may gather around us as we see our winding way through the wilderness, yet the kind encouragement of friends and new resolutions for the future may in a measure dispel our sorrow, and refreshed and invigorated we may begin anew the journey of life. The following was one of the hymns written for and sung on the occasion : "How sweet our birthdays are When spent with those we love, Kind words like sunbeams fair Make all our gloom remove, And love for friends so true and strong, Will cheer our pathway all along. "Then let us all unite To pray that this new year May shed a halo bright Around our brother dear; That still in grace he may improve, And ever onward humbly move. " And when his days shall end, And he have done with time, Find God a smiling friend Bliss in a holier clime; Join with the bright celestial choirs Where angels tune immortal lyres." 126 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. Financial Summary of 1843. Reaching the close of the year, the Community listened with much interest and satisfaction to the Report of the Council made at its Annual Meeting, Jan. 3, 1844. Without going into details as before and itemizing the several departments representing industrial and monetary interests it may be sufficient to state that the Joint-Stock property amounted, in the two funds representing it, to $6258.19 above all indebtedness ; and that, besides cancelling the old deficit of $94.45 there had accrued net profits estimated at $658.19, making the entire gain arising from the year's operations, $752.64. The individual property of the mem- bers invested in house lots, dwellings, business, etc., on the domain, never appeared in the Summary of Commu- nity affairs, nor was any statement ever made of their gains or losses. The yearly exhibit included only what had been done by the Community as such in its strictly unitary character, and the results thereof. Provision was made for the funds that might be required in carrying on the several departments of business for the year to come and for meeting all pecuniary obliga- tions, by instructing the Executive Council to raise by an equitable method of taxation such sums of money as in their judgment would be required, and direct the expenditure of the same. The following named official servants were chosen to fill the positions respectively indicated the ensuing year : ADIN BALLOU, Pres. ; ABBY H. PRICE, Sec.; EBENEZER D. DRAPER, Intendant of Finance and Exchange; AMOS J. BALLOU, of Agriculture and Animals; EDMUND SOWARD, of Manufactures and Mechanical Industries; DR. BUTLER WILMARTH, of Health and Domestic Economy; D. S. WHITNEY, of Education, Arts, and Sciences; WM. H. FISH, of Religion, Morals, and Missions. The meeting was a harmonious, enthusiastic, and highly gratifying one in all respects ; far different from that of AUSPICIOUS CONDITION AND PROSPECTS. 127 41 year before, when a cloud of uncertainty and fear hung over our deliberations, and cast a dark and depressing shadow upon all our hearts. Now the skies were bright above us, the future seemed full of promise, and we were ready to press joyfully onward in our great and benefi- cent work. The prevailing feeling on the occasion found expression in a stirring hymn sung with much earnestness and exultant joy, a single verse of which will convey a good idea of the spirit animating the whole : "Where are the dangers and quicksands we feared? All by his (God's) grace were removed; Where are the mountains our enemies reared? Transient as mist they have proved. Now on the sky see the rainbow of hope, Now let the brother desponding look up, Soon will our temple its pearly gates ope, People come in and be glad." Affairs in 1844. The general order and management of Community affairs during the year named continued substantially the same as they had been the twelvemonth before, though the tendency was to discountenance indi- vidualism in conducting business, and bring everything of that nature more and more within the sweep of Joint- Stock industrial operations. This policy was not univer- sally acceptable, and one of our early members, Nathan Harris, resigned his membership and erected himself a residence just outside the boundaries of our estate, on the northerly road to Milford. His wife, however, retained her connection with us, and our relations with him con- tinued cordial and friendly to the time of his death five years afterward. The Executive Council held weekly meetings with infrequent interruptions, being intrusted with large powers and weighty responsibilities as mana- gers of the industrial interests of the Association, the duties of which they discharged with untiring watch- fulness, diligence, and vigor. Measures beyond their 128 THE IIOPEDALE COMMUNITY. authority, yet deemed essential to the common welfare, were recommended by them to their constituents, and, for the most part, promptly sanctioned agreeably to consti- tutional requirements, thus becoming an integral part of oar established economy. Principal Events. 1. The village site was more com- pletely defined as to its boundaries, thoroughfares, public squares, etc. The names of streets and the designation of house- lots were determined upon, and a plan of the whole was drawn, properly representing the same, in accordance with which prescribed titles of conveyance should be made and recorded. This was done pursuant to a vote of the Council, passed March 18th, as follows: "Voted, (1) To name the Streets of the Village Site prepara- tory to drafting a |plan of the same. The following names were severally proposed and adopted, viz.: For the Street nearest the water privileges running from the horse-barn to the old dam, two rods wide, Water Street; for the next parallel Street east, running from Geo. W. Stacy's house by the school- house, three rods wide, Main Street; for the next parallel Street east, two rods wide, High Street; for the Street running from road to road across the old dam, or across the intended new dam, a little above the old one, 'Freedom Street. [The old road came down the hill from the northerly part of Mendon till it approached the river near the former dam, then by a sudden turn south swept downward around the front of the farm-house, thence northeasterly up the hill to the Scammell place on the Upton highway. Hence the phrase "from road to road" indicates a line forming a base to said bend.] For the next cross Street south, passing in front of the Chapel Site [where the public school-house now stands] arid north of the intended square, Chapel Street. [ This intended square was subsequently superseded by the one on which the Hopedale (Unitarian) House of Worship is now located.] For the next cross Street south, passing over the new dam by the mechanic shop and south of the square, Social Street; for the next cross Street south, passing in front of the old house and by A. J. Ballou's, Union Street: for the next cross Street south, passing by Adin Ballou's house, Peace Street; for the next cross Street- ENLARGEMENT OF COMMUNITY DOMAIN. 129 ^V south, passing by Geo. W. Stacy's house, Hope Street. [These cross streets were all two rods wide.] "Voted, (2) That Adin Ballou be a Committee to number the lots and draft a Plan of the Village." 2. An important transaction of the year was the pur- chase, through authorized agents, of several parcels of laud whereby the Community domain was very consider- ably enlarged in extent and enhanced in value. The first of these was mostly woodland adjoining the original Jones' farm on the northwest. It formerly belonged to Seth Davenport and was bought of his sons. It con- tained about nineteen acres for which we paid $362.38. The second piece was a detached lot of woodland con- taining six and a quarter acres lying on the westerly slope of Magomiscock Hill, purchased of Dana Perry for $270.00. The third and much the most important tract was the Amos Cook farm of 108 acres lying directly south of and contiguous to our territory with an outlying wood lot of twenty three and a half acres, for which we paid $3000. In order to make these new investments, more money had to be borrowed and secured by personal credit and mortgage. Our landed property was thus expanded more rapidly than our needs and pecuniary ability at the time would warrant. 3. Four new cottages were erected in 1844; those of E. D. Draper, Butler Wilmarth, Daniel S. Whitney, andl Henry Fish. Several additional lots were taken up and preparation for building on them the next season was. commenced. The School and Chapel building was com- pleted, having one large room and two ante-rooms on the main floor with a basement suitable for a small store.. The school and assemblies for worship were transferred to their new quarters in April, and soon after the room below was stocked with groceries and dry goods for the common convenience by the Community authorities. An old corn-house was removed to Water Street, extempo- 9 130 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. rized into a blacksmith shop, and supplied with the necessary equipment. A lead pipe aqueduct was laid from a reservoir on the northerly high land of our terri- tory, a fourth of a mile away, into our young village, for sundry public and private uses. The streets were con- siderably improved and the general external condition of our little settlement assumed a more orderly, refined, and attractive appearance. 4. The School for several months of the year was in charge of Br. Daniel S. Whitney aud during the remain- der, of Sr. Mary Jackmau, who became the wife of Br. Samuel Colburn ou the 23d of June, their marriage being the first one solemnized in the new Chapel and hence a somewhat notable event. A committee of two, Butler Wilmarth and Edmund Soward, under the direction of the Intendant of Education, was appointed to have the general oversight of school affairs, furnish needed sup- plies, provide teachers, examine classes, see that proper discipline was exercised, etc. Some difficulty was expe- rienced in adjusting the hours of juvenile labor, tuition, and recreation, as well as in maintaining salutary govern- ment over our heterogeneous brood. We might have sent our children and youth to the public district school of the town of Milford, for the support of which we were obliged to pay our due share by legal taxation. But we aspired to something better at our own additional expense ; besides, the public school-house was too far away and too small for our accommodation. We petitioned the town to be set off as a new district, but satisfactory terms could not be arranged and the matter went over to a later day. 5. Our promulgatory and missionary operations went forward in all directions with unabated activity without in any wise restricting or neglecting the established means and facilities for moral and religious instruction and quickening within our own borders. The Practical Chris- ASSOCIATIONAL CONFERENCES. tian and our several preachers proclaimed their testi- monies in all the old and in some new localities. The claims upon us of all the great moral reforms, as well as of our own distinctive Practical Christianity, sum- moned all our energies forth and put them to active aud unremittaut service. We had more irons in the fire than we were able to handle to advantage. And yet we were induced towards the close of the year to undertake the resuscitation of the suspended Non- Resistant, the organ of the New England Non-resistance Society. It was not a wise thing for us to do, as it increased to no little extent our burdens without contributing correspond- ingly to the advancement of the cause. The effort was :in a line with much of our experience. Our ambition to disseminate the truth as it had been made known to us and to aid in emancipating our fellow-men from the evils and disabilities under which they suffered, was continu- ally outrunning our ability and means of accomplishment. So we had to live and learn, and yet in this particular we learned but slowly. 6. Our interest in social reorganization and our friendly intercommunication with other laborers in the same field suffered no decline as the months went by. We watched what was going on in different localities under the direc- tion of various experimenters with sleepless eye, studied their systems and methods in so far as they were at vari- ance with ours, and occasionally met with those theoreti- cally and practically engaged in attempts to solve the same great problem which was so dear to our hearts and was taxing so severely our mental, moral, and physical energies and resources. We were represented in two or three Conventions of Associationists during the year. Of one of them the following notice appeared in our paper : " ASSOCIATIONAL CONFERENCE. "In accordance with an arrangement made last winter in Boston a Conference consisting of two delegates from each of 132 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. the three Associations in Mass., viz. : Northampton, Brook Farm, and Hopedale, met at Hopedale on the 24th ult. (May)^ Present the following delegates: Brook Farm, George Ripley and Ephraim Capen; Northampton, James Boyle and Josiah Hay ward; Hopedale, Adin Ballou and Butler Wilmarth. The object of this Conference was the promotion of a friendly intercourse between the several Associations and a careful inquiry into the practical working of their respective internal economies with a view to mutual correction and improvement. These Associations differ widely in some respects and are per- fectly independent of each other. It is not intended to bring them into any organic compact, but, by means of these friendly Conferences holden three times a year at each location in suc- cession, to maintain a good understanding, and especially to enable all of them to profit by a mutual comparison of merits and defects. The delegates and volunteers met at 9 A. M. and proceeded to institute a close inquiry into the statistics, resources, industrial arrangements, methods of education, and particular operations of the three Associations, whereof minutes were taken for preservation and future use. Interesting state- ments and remarks were made by George Ripley, James Boyle, and others, unfolding the peculiar organization and workings of the Brook Farm and the Northampton Associations. The Conference throughout was very pleasant and profitable. Prob- ably more solid practical instruction was interchanged than the inexperienced could acquire from a hundred theoretic lectures." The next meeting of these three bodies was held at Broughton Meadows (now Florence), Northampton, Mass., on the 31st of August. The call for it was issued by the officers of the Community located there, the organic name of which was " Northampton Association of Edu- cation and Industry," and was addressed "To the Friends of a Reorganization of Society that shall Substitute Fra- ternal Co-operation for Antagonistic Selfishness; a Relig- ious Consecration of Life and Labor, Soul and Body, Time and Eternity, in Harmony with the Laws of God and of Life, instead of Fragmentary, Spasmodic Piety." This call was published widely in reformatory journals NORTHAMPTON ASSOCIATION. 133 and brought together a large company of the friends of Truth and Humanity. A few extracts from the account of the meeting in The Practical Christian given under the heading of "Northampton Association" will indicate its character : "Br. E. D. Draper and myself (Adin Ballou) as Delegates from Hopedale to the Associational Conference at that place, reached our destination about noon of Aug. 30th, and were most cordially welcomed by generous friends who did all in their power to render our visit refreshing and pleasant. We were conducted over the fields, meadows, and various industrial establishments of the Domain, which exhibited great natural ^capabilities and many creditable improvements." " They have much excellent land and a capital water privilege. We had ;small opportunity to get acquainted with the Associates indi- vidually, but we were abundantly confirmed in our previous opinion that they have among them many high-souled, pure principled, generous men and women. They have had many trials to encounter, and like other Associations no doubt have committed some errors by which to profit in the future. May they struggle through every difficulty and from the mount of ultimate triumph pour down abundant blessings on humanity." " The Convention of Saturday and Sunday abounded with most important and animated discussions. A Mr. Rykeman from Brook Farm ably represented and defended the Fourier system; Henry Clapp, Jr., of Lynn, the anti-organization and anti-moral-test doctrine ; while Wm. Loyd Garrison and the writer of this notice earnestly contended that no Association oould ultimately prosper without making the fundamental principles of practical Christianity the test of action, charac- ter and fellowship." Individualism Checked. By the changes made in our Constitution near the close of 1842 much larger privileges were granted to members in the way of owning their own houses, carrying on business, and acting generally on their own account without being held amenable to Com- munity authority, than were allowed previously under our original compact. The experiences of 1843 and 1844. 134 THE HOPED ALE COMMUNITY. however, did not wholly justify our course at that time and so a reaction came before the expiration of the last named year. I was myself obliged to confess that in trying to shun Scylla we had steered the ship dangerously near Charybdis. The difficulty lay in the sad fact that too many of us were insufficiently disciplined in our acknowl- edged principles of Practical Christian wisdom and right- eousness. Hence if we communitized very strongly some claimed too much at the expense of the whole, and if we encouraged individualism beyond a certain point there was presently an annoying and reprehensible manifesta- tion of selfish egoism. Finding ourselves in this latter condition we tried to get back to the center of the nar- row strait in which we were obliged to sail. To effect this we made such new alterations in our Constitution and By-Laws as seemed necessary to save us from newly threatened perils. The former remained much as it had been for two years, and need not be reproduced at thi& time ; the most radical change being incorporated in a By-Law which introduced an entirely new feature into our industrial system. It is therefore inserted entire : "BY-LAW RESPECTING INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION. "SECTION 1. All the resident members of this Community with their family dependents shall be organized as far as- practicable into Bands and Sections. " SEC. 2. Each Band shall have charge of a particular inter- est and prosecute a definite subdivision of industry during a specific portion of each day, week, or month, and shall elect their Monitor once every fortnight. " SEC. 3. Sections shall consist of several Bands engaged in branches or sub-branches of the same general business, and shall elect their Director once in two months, subject to a negative of the Executive Council. " SEC. 4. The Bands shall be formed as far as possible by elective affinity; and no person over ten years of age shall be a member of any Band by constraint or against the will of a majority of the Band. INDUSTRIAL RE-ORGANIZATION. 135 " SEC. 5. No Band shall be formed (except for a temporary service) or dissolved without the approbation of the Executive Council, who shall determine all questions in dispute not sea- sonably adjusted by the members of the Bands and Sections among themselves. "SEC. 6. The average amount of time required of each individual for the service of the Community shall be forty- eight hours per week from the first of October to the first of April, and sixty hours per week during the other half of the year, abating for private use one day in each quarter. "SEC. 7. The hours of service for the different Bands shall be so arranged as to insure proper attention to all the various interests of the Community, day and night, at home and abroad, throughout the year. Also in such a manner as to allcw each individual reasonable opportunities to go abroad and to entertain visiting friends. Also in such a manner as to allow each individual an equal participation, if possible, in all the social privileges of the Community. " SEC. 8. The time pledged by individuals to the service of the Community covering certain specified portions of the day, week, or month, shall be held sacred to that purpose. If lost, except by severe sickness or unavoidable casual ity, it shall be made up in labor or cash to the satisfaction of the Executive Council. If used for the transaction of private business whereby the individual receives money or acquires gain, the entire net profit of -such business shall belong to the Community. But moneys received or profits acquired by business transacted in unpledged time shall belong to the individual. " SEC. 9. The operatives shall ordinarily pledge their time and perform their services between 4 o'clock in the morning and 9 o'clock in the evening, according to the necessities of business and their individual inclination. But to meet extra- ordinary emergencies the Executive Council or any one of the Intendants may request and accept service at any hour of the day or night. "SEC. 10. Each individual shall furnish him or herself with lodging, furniture, and all handicraft tools necessary to efficient industry, except such as general convenience may require the Community to furnish. And on the value of such furniture and tools the operative shall be allowed a fair per 136 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. cent, per annum. Otherwise the Community shall charge a fair per cent, per annum for the use thereof. SEC. 11. All who cheerfully concur in this organization shall be insured, as a fair compensation for their services, the following specified provisions, stipends, and contingent divi- dends, viz.: "Each operative over sixteen years of age shall be allowed for clothing and pocket money, payable in acceptable goods, cash or credits, at the option of the individual, twenty-five dollars per annum. Each operative under sixteen and over eight years of age shall be allowed for the same purpose in acceptable goods, cash or credits, fourteen dollars per annum. Children under eight years of age shall be provided with suit- able clothing to the value of eight dollars per annum. And the making up of said clothing, so far as the same may be done by Community operatives, shall be without charge. "Each family and individual shall be provided with house- room, fuel, light, food, washing and mending, medicine, medi- cal and nursing attendance, and conveyance by horse and carriage (reckoning only persons over sixteen years of age) fifty miles each per annum. "All State*, County, Town, and School District taxes on polls and on real estate situated within the limits of Hope- dale, not exceeding in value one thousand dollars, shall be paid by the Community. Also all governmental fines neces- sarily incurred by fidelity to the principles of our Declaration. " Such individuals as own houses and lots in the village which they intend to occupy and improve shall be allowed four per cent, per annum on the just valuation thereof, not exceeding one thousand dollars, and a reasonable amount of team work, manure, and manual labor, for the cultivation of their gardens. Provided, always, that they consume in their own families whatever they may need of the production of their lots, and, after making such friendly presents out of the same as they may desire, deliver the surplus to the Community for a fair equivalent; and provided also that they furnish their houses and keep them in repair at their own expense. "Each member shall receive of the net profits of the Com- munity after the Joint-Stock shall have been paid its constitu- tional four per cent., an equal proportion with all the other members not exceeding fifty cents for every ten hours of REGULATION CONCERNING CHILDREN. 137 service credited to him or her on the books of the Commu- nity. The services of dependents shall draw no dividend except by special vote of the Community. "SEC. 12. The Monitor of each Band shall keep a correct account of the time spent by each individual in service apper- taining to the province of his or her Band and report the same weekly to the Director of his or her Section, who shall make a monthly report of the whole to the Intendant of Finance and Exchange; and he shall prepare a quarterly abstract both of services rendered and of the pecuniary stand- ing of the Community for the inspection of the Executive Council. "SEC. 13. All children and youth under eighteen years of age connected with this Community shall be considered pupils, and after leaving the nursery shall be regularly instructed in the useful arts and sciences four hours per day through the year except on Saturdays and Sundays, and excepting also vacations of one week in each quarter. The infant class shall receive instruction two hours in the forenoon and two in the afternoon. The older pupils shall receive instruction wholly in the forenoon or in the afternoon so as to be regularly employed without interruption during the remaining half day in the industrial organization. No pupil shall be allowed to attempt more than three scholastic exercises in the same half day or to pursue more than four branches of study requiring recitation, analysis, or special instruction, during the same quarter. And it shall be the duty of the teachers to render every pupil as thoroughly proficient as possible in the studies attempted before permitted a transition to new or higher studies. It shall also be the duty of the teachers carefully to supervise the morals of the children and youth under their instruction, to check their vicious tendencies, refine their man- ners, oversee their recreations, and guard them against all evil habits. " Passed in regular meeting at Hopedale, Dec. 17, 1844. ADIN BALLOU, Pres't. We now arrive at the Community's Fourth Annual Meeting held in their School-house Chapel, Jan. 8, 1845. At that time what was called the Consolidated Fund of the Community covered four hundred acres of laud with 138 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. valuable mill privileges, three dwelling-houses, one large mechanic shop, a School-house Chapel, barns, and other out-buildings. Besides this property, which was owned in Joint-Stock, individual members owned and occupied in the village seven dwelling-houses built within the previous two years. These dwelling-houses and their respective half acre lots, with all improvements and appurtenances, though under the general control of the Community and for all practical purposes a part of its serviceable capital, were not included in the report of the Executive Council as belonging to its proprietorship. That report related solely to what was strictly associated capital and operations carried on with it under the direc- tion of Community officials. An abstract of that portion of it which pertained to financial matters is subjoined : " Whole amount of cash received into the Treasury during the year, $9,094.38; disbursed, $9,109.57; due the Treasurer, $15.19. Amount paid for labor during the year, $5614.53. The amount of property in the Consolidated Fund, $12,364.68; deducting debts owing on mortgage, $5,300.00, leaves an unin- cumbered amount of $7,064.68. Amount of Floating Fund clear, $2,992.23 ; making the entire Joint-Stock property free of all indebtedness, $10,056.91. The amount of Joint-Stock covered by certificates, $9,600.00 ; giving a net profit on the year's oper- ations $456.91. " Considering all the unfavorable cirumstances under which the Community has hitherto labored," the report concludes, " the Council can but congratulate themselves and their asso- ciates on so cheering a result. They can not doubt that future operations going on under the present auspicious arrangements will realize, by the divine blessing, a constantly increasing prosperity. " Per order of the Council. " A. BALLOU, Prest." The official servants elected in due form for the ensu- ing year were : President, ADIN BALLOU ; Secretary, LEMUEL MUNYAN ; Auditor, HENRY FISH ; Intendants :. FOURTH ANNUAL MEETING. 139- Finance and Exchange, E. D. DRAPER; Agriculture and Animals, A. J. BALLOU; Manufactures and Mechanical Industries, HENRY LILLIE; Health and Domestic Economy, BUTLER WILMARTH ; Education, Arts, and Sciences, WM. H. FISH; Religion, Morals, and Missions, GEORGE W. STACY. An article iii The Practical Christian of Feb. 1, 1845,, written by the Editor-in-Chief, giving an account of this- meeting, has the following passage : " Nearly all the other Associations and Communities started off with more ample resources, operated on a larger scale, and of course put in stronger claims to the attention of the public than ours. Our object was grand, our aim high, our funda- mental principles sublime. In these respects our Institution is second to no other. But in respect to numbers, pecuniary resources, and all that gives worldly distinction, it is compara- tively a diminutive thing. Incited by deep religious convic- tions of duty, impelled by the ardor of enthusiasm, sustained by the energies of hope and crowned with the blessing of God, our members have surmounted all obstacles and laid the foun- dation of a social structure which promises, in compensation for the slowness of its growth, strength, durability, and ulti- mate importance. The undertaking was a great one. It was surrounded with a host of difficulties, more heterogenous and complex than could easily have been anticipated. They still array themselves in formidable groups along our pathway, but the achievements of the past assure us of future victory and are a presage of our final triumph. And what a triumph will that be when we can behold religion, talent, skill, capital, and industry combined in sufficient force, even in one single loca- tion, to insure domestic independence, and to diffuse around it the salutary influence of a truly Christian Commonwealth. We will hope on and labor ever for the results which illuminate the prospects of the future. Who can devote life to a nobler end? It is a pleasure to toil and struggle under the inspira- tions of so glorious an expectation. With our present convic- tions of duty and tone of feeling no worldly advantages or distinctions would reconcile us to the abandonment of this enterprise, though comparative insignificance and obscurity 140 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. under the continuous pressure of anxious cares will in all probability be the lot of a life devoted to its support." Remarkably good health prevailed at Hopedaie through- out the entire year 1844, and no death occurred among either our resident or non-resident members. A former member, mentioned several times on the foregoing pages, Mrs. Charlotte P. (Hooton) Taft of Uxbridge, died by her own hand on the 5th of February. She had some months before fallen into a state of deep despondency, which ripened into partial insanity leading to the sad result. A great bereavement which befel my wife and her family connections, and indeed the public at large this year, must not be left unrecorded in these annals. It was the sudden decease of her honored and beloved father, Pearley Hunt, Esq., of Milford, who was fatally stricken with heart disease on the 29th of March in the 73d year of his age. He was a kind and devoted hus- band and father, a good friend to our Community, besides illustrating many excellent characteristics which entitled him to the distinguished respect so generally accorded him in the town where he had spent his life and the region round about. CHAPTER V. 1845-1847. VARYING FORTUNES NOTABLE EVENTS INCREASING ACTIVITY NEW PERILS A RECON- STRUCTED POLITY. IT will have been noted by the thoughtful reader that the economical polity provided for in the By-Law which was given entire near the close of the last Chap- ter and soon after put into operation among us, indicated a swing again towards a more closely associated and also a more complex administration of Community affairs. To those at all familiar with the elaborate and somewhat mystical system of social reconstruction devised by the French philosopher, Charles Fourier, already adverted to, and urged upon the attention of philanthropists and reformers of the country by Albert Brisbane, Horace Greeley, Parke Godwin, and others, it will suggest our acquaintance with, and perhaps a distant imitation, after a bungling fashion, of some of his unique and fanciful methods. At any rate, it put the previously dominant individualism, with all its annoying and dangerous excesses- of personal angularity, arrogance, and self-aggrandize- ment, for the time being under the ban, and made the idea of unitary interests and affiliated responsibilities the idea of "each for all" prominent and controlling. But this new arrangement we soon found to be beset by three difficulties which predetermined it to an early failure : First, smallness of numbers ; second, lack of skillful,, experienced leaders ; third, a continual influx upon us of 142 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. raw, undisciplined recruits. These were by no means novel with us. We had been encountering them from the outset, and they were our bane under whatever plan of operation we were tempted to act all because we began to build without patient, adequate, pecuniary means and suitable materials. Yet, go on, awhile at least, in the way the change required, we must. We could not stop the momentum of our social movement now turned in that direction if we would, and we flattered ourselves that the wheel-horses of our omnibus had become way- wise and reliable equal to all emergencies and so pressed forward with our continually increasing freight. Nor were we altogether unsuccessful, though our burdens and hindrances were great. The change of policy on our part seemed for a while to stimulate rather than check enterprise among us. Applications for membership or for probationship in our organization multiplied ; as also did applications for resi- dence in our midst with a view of learning something of our ideas, objects, manner of life, etc., and of joining us if all proved satisfactory. Indeed, this feature of our experience was one of our trials one of the burdens of responsibility that weighed upon us exceedingly. A considerable number of house-lots were sold during the summer of 1845, upon some of which dwellings were erected before the year expired, wholly or in part, and other improvements made. Gardens were cultivated, fruit and other trees were planted, streets were extended, operations on the Community farm were carried on vigor- ously, new industries were introduced, and a growing appearance of thrift and contentment was manifest in all directions, in all departments of our widely diversified undertaking. An interesting incident illustrative of the times and of the attitude of the Community towards a wronged and outcast race, is brought to notice in a vote passed the IIOPEDALE CEMETERY LOCATED. 143 28th of June, "to allow Rosetta Hall to reside at the Community house for an indefinite length of time and work for her board, education, etc." Rosetta was a protege of Frederick Douglass, the two having known each other as slaves some years before she appeared in our midst. On escaping from the house of bondage she appealed to him for aid in her forlorn condition. He kindly responded to her appeal and in due time brought her to Hopedale, where she would be among friends who would see that no harm came to her, and do all they could to educate her and help her in other possible ways. She was made welcome by our people, and treated with all due consideration and kindness while she remained within our borders. She proved herself a girl of most amiable disposition, of engaging manners, and of refined nature generally, winning the respect, confidence, and love, as she won the compassionate pity of all who knew her. Her stay with us was comparatively brief and she left with the best wishes of all our people for her future welfare and happiness. The Hopedale Cemetery. Although no death had as yet occurred on our territory, yet it was deemed advisa- ble early in the year 1845 that a suitable tract of land somewhere within our borders should be selected for burial purposes and properly laid out for use when occa- sion should require, and a vote to that effect was passed by the Community at a meeting held on the 8th day of April. Pursuant to that vote several parcels of ground that had previously been suggested were carefully examined, but found by reason of the rocky nature of the soil or an underlying ledge to be unfit for the pur- pose. These were located upon the original Jones farm and were first spoken of before we had made any out- lying additions thereto. But the recent purchase of the Amos Cook estate had brought a more favorable site into notice, to which the attention of the Council was in 144 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. due time directed. It commended itself to their best judgment and upon their recommendation the Community, on the 27th of September, " Voted, (1) That the lot of land situated on the Cook farm between the wood-lot of Henry Chapin on the west and the widow Amasa Parkhurst's meadow on the east, as the same is now fenced, be set apart, or so much thereof as may be deemed necessary, as a Cemetery for this Community. " (2) That the Executive Council be instructed to designate as soon as possible the particular part of said Cemetery ground on which it is proper to commence burying. "(3) That they cause a suitable portion of said ground to be surveyed and laid off into lots. " (4) That they enter a report of their doings, with a Plan of their survey designating all the avenues by name and the lots by number, in the Community Registry." Thus was set apart and devoted to its proper uses the tract of land where as time went on all that was mortal of our dearly beloved was to be consigned "earth to earth and dust to dust," and where we ourselves, or so- many of us as continued to reside in Hopedale to the end of our days, should finally, as to our material frames, sleep the last long sleep of earth and time. The location was happily chosen as not very far away and yet suffi- ciently removed from the bustle and toil of our common every-day life to insure that quiet which is becoming a place of sepulture and conducive to self-recollection, medi- tation, and communion with the spirits of those who are "not lost but gone before," and with the infinite Spirit,, the heavenly Father of all mankind. For some reason which does not now appear, but proba- bly because there was no immediate need of a burial place for any of our people, no death occurring for some time after the above votes were passed, and because of the urgent demands made upon the time and energy of the members of the Council in other directions, the care-- NEW POLICY UNSATISFACTORY. 145 ful survey and laying out of lots, etc., with an accurate plan of the same were not completed for some two years after, as will be noted in its proper place. By recurring to the records of Community action during the latter part of the year under notice, it is found that the industrial and economical policy inaugurated at its opening did not work so harmoniously and advanta- geously as was confidently anticipated. Like many other things, not only in Community life but in ordinary human affairs, it looked much better in theory than it proved to be in practice, its glowing promise not ripening into a happy fulfillment. In September the Executive Council was called upon "to make a special report of the finan- cial state of the Community up to this date " ; a very unusual occurrence, and one showing that an emergency had arisen demanding unusual action on the part of the members. Ten days later the required report was made through the Intendant of Finance and referred to a " select committee, who shall investigate the affairs of the Community in order to arrive at some method of obvi- ating present difficulties." That committee after a brief interval reported, recommending certain modifications in the existing system of operations and the suspension of certain questionable methods of management till the fol- lowing January. The report was accepted and the recom- mendations ordered to be carried into effect, a committee or board of direction being chosen to superintend the matter. From that time forward our social machinery ran smoothly and effectively, to the relief and satisfaction of most of those concerned, though one of our principal members had become so seriously disaffected that he soon after resigned and separated himself from us thenceforth s as will soon be seen. Visit of Robert Owen. An event of great interest to us, and of considerable significance to the friends of Social Reform generally, was a two days' visit in the 10 146 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. month of November from the renowned English Socialist, Robert Owen. He was the author of several works on the subject with which his name is identified, the most important of which was entitled 4 4 The Book of the New Moral World," in which he promulgated an original sys- tem of Religion and Ethics, founded, as he claimed, on reason, and applicable to the needs of individual and social life. He was also the projector of an interesting and temporarily successful social experiment at New Lanark, Scotland, and also at New Harmony, Ind., where, in 1824, he purchased of the Rappites, a colony of German Socialists, their entire estate consisting of 30,000 acres of land and dwellings for 2,000 persons. This ven-. ture proved a failure and he returned to England after a few years to experiment still further though with no better success, and write and lecture upon his favorite theme. His system was a modified communism based upon an absolute equality of all human beings in rights and duties, and the abolition of all superiority even that of capital and intelligence. He had immense wealth, a large part of which he spent in proclaiming his views to the world and in putting them to the test of practical application. At the time of his brief sojourn at Hopedale he was making a tour of the United States for the purpose of promulgating still further his views and of visiting the different Communities then recently started out in their varied and problematical career. Of him and his distinct- ive characteristics the editor of The Practical Christian spoke in the issue succeeding his call upon us, thus : "He is a remarkable man. In years, nearly seventy-five; in | knowledge and experience, superabundant; in benevolence of | heart, transcendental; in honesty, without disguise; in philan- thropy, unlimited; in religion, a skeptic; in theology, a Pantheist; in metaphysics, a necessarian circumstantialist; in morals, a universal excusionist; in general conduct, a philo- ESTIMATE OF ROBERT OWEN. 147 sophic non-resistant; in socialism, a communist; in hope, a terrestrial elysianist; in practical business, a methodist; in deportment, an unequivocal gentleman. We have enjoyed his visit, conversation, and public addresses much. We cannot sympathize with his Pantheism, skepticism, necessarianism, or universal excusionism, nor with all his hopes of speedily resolv- ing this ignorant and wretched world into a Community Elys- ium. We expect as much good and as complete happiness as he does for the human race, but not so soon, nor through the same philosophy, nor by precisely the same practical arrange- ments and operations. " And now for what we admire and sympathize with in the man. His benevolence and philanthrophy. He embraces the whole human race in ardent affection. He holds no human being an outlaw, an alien, a stranger, to be cast off, over- looked, or injured. He knows no enemies to hate, persecute, or punish. He loves all, seeks the good of all, labors for all, hopes for all. In this we admire him, agree with him, sympa- thize with him. We admire his frank, straight-forward honesty, coupled with tolerance, forbearance, courtesy, and kindness to opponents. He conceals nothing; he even dogmatises about his 'three errors' and their counter truths; he declares his abhor- rence of the evils of existing society and denounces them; he proclaims himself the uncompromising apostle of his new dis- pensation, and declares that his whole life and substance are devoted to radical reform ; and yet he is uniformly kind, calm, patient, conciliatory, and courteous in all his conversation, addresses and proceedings. This is noble, excellent. " His knowledge of men and things ; his extensive general reading and observation; his long and varied experience in the methods of conducting productive industry, manufactures, trade, education, and government; his accumulation and ready command of European statistics; his doctrines, schemes, and detailed plans for bringing mankind into a new social order; these render him one of the most intelligent, instructive, and entertaining conversationists and lecturers with whom we have ever met. Notwithstanding all our differences about matters of religion, philosophy, ethics, etc.. we shall always be thankful for his visit to Hopedale and are sure of having derived much valuable practical information from his communications. These we hope to turn to good account in carrying forward the great 148 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. enterprise to which we are devoted. One fact in his career will we mention which goes to confirm our confidence in the abso- lute practicability of Non-resistance. Mr. Owen testifies that he superintended at New Lanark in Scotland for thirty years a manufacturing establishment with 2500 population attached to it, originally from the dregs of the country. These he gradually rendered the best, the most orderly society of work- ing people in Europe. Yet he never had one person, old or young, prosecuted at law, corporally punished, imprisoned, or fined in all that time. This means something and deserves to be taken note of and remembered. "Mr. Owen has vast schemes to develop and vast hopes of speedy success in establishing a great model of a new social state which will almost instantaneously bring the race of man into a terrestrial paradise. He insists on obtaining a million dollars capital to be expended in lands, buildings, machinery, conveniences, and beautifications for his model Community;, all to be finished and put in perfect order before he introduces into their new home the well-selected population who are to inhabit it. He flatters himself that he shall be able, by some means, to induce capitalists, or perhaps the U. S. Congress, ta furnish the requisite means for attaining this object. We were obliged to shake an incredulous head and tell him frankly how groundless, in our judgment, all such anticipations must prove."" This nobly-endowed, great-hearted, sublimely enthu- siastic lover of his kind, labored on, struggled on. for thirteen years after this visit to Hopedale, with all the ardor, courage, and zeal of an inspired prophet, for the actualization of his "New Moral World," but "died without the sight"; breathing his last in his native place, Newton, Montgomeryshire, England, Nov. 19, 1858, at the advanced age of 87 years. Withdrawal of Bro. Geo. W. Stacy. Another but sadly interesting incident in the year's experience was the resig- nation of Bro. George W. Stacy from Community mem- bership, followed not long afterward by his removal to the neighboring village of Milford. The domestic and industrial arrangements under which we were operating WITHDRAWAL OF GEORGE W. STACY. 149 bad become increasingly distasteful to him, and probably some features of their administration decidedly offensive. Moreover, there had arisen occasional friction between him and other brethren concerning the management of affairs, resulting at times in sharp disputes, and he with his temperament naturally began to sigh for a larger liberty and a more unchallenged exercise of his individual rights of thought, of speech, and of action. His wife had never formally united with us, having no real sympathy but rather an instinctive aversion to such close social relations and- orderly methods of operation. This may have quickened his growing dislike of the existing policy, though he never pleaded it among the reasons for his course. Matters were brought to a crisis by certain arti- cles, pro and con, in The Practical Christian, the first entitled "Devotion to Principle" appearing over his name in the issue of Nov. 29. It clearly indicated what some of us had more than suspected was the drift of his thought, as it did the loosening of the hold of the Com- munity idea upon his mind and heart. A responsive article in the next number, from the pen of Clement O. Reed, reflected somewhat severely on Bro. Stacy's insinuations, and called for more specific statements of grievance, if grievance there really were, in the organ- ization or administration of Community affairs. This brought out an immediate reply from the aggrieved brother, which contained such grave charges against the existing order of things, that I, though referred to by the author in a most fraternal manner and absolved from all blameworthiness, felt it to be my duty to meet the accu- sations with a deserved denial and refutation; and this I clid in the same issue that contained Bro. Stacy's second article. A rejoinder on his part followed, with an accom- panying "Omega" from me. All this was done in plain frankness on both sides, but without bitterness or personal reproach. It was, nevertheless, exceedingly unpleasant, 150 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. nay, painful to me, as possibly it was to him. The newspaper controversy, which might as well have been omitted perhaps, no doubt hastened the final act of with- drawal though it could not under the circumstances have been long deferred. Thus the second of my brother ministers on whom I placed great dependence at the out- set of the enterprise, abandoned it at a critical hour of its history and remained permanently alien to it, though on quite dissimilar grounds from those upon which the first left us. Whatever of ungenerous feeling or harshness of spirit was aroused in these cases at the* time, has, I trust, long since been assuaged and overcome. Bro. Stacy has been our neighbor ever since he removed from our midst, and our relations to each other for these many years have been cordial and friendly. The infelicities and disturbances that agitated us dur- ing the early autumn and awakened gloomy apprehensions- in the minds of some of us, had for the most part passed by before the close of the year, and we came to our annual meeting in a calm and hopeful mood, with confi- dence restored and harmony prevailing throughout our entire membership. The report of the Executive Council for the year ending Dec. 31, 1845, presented an encour- aging and satisfactory condition of the financial affairs of the Association, as the subjoined statement witnesseth : "Property in the Consolidated Fund, $12,833.05 ; from which deduct mortgages, $5,300.00; leaving present value $7,533.05, Property in the Floating Fund is as follows, viz.: Stock on hand in the several departments, $7,664.64; due from individ- uals, $1,085.56; bills receivable, $884.03; profits on village site, $375.00; due from individuals on lost time, $193.72; making a total of $10,202.95. From this amount deduct debts owing to individuals, $3,772.91; bills payable, $1,396.23; Savings Insti- tute, $24.48; interest on borrowed capital, $464.87; due indi- viduals on gained time, $83.82; making a total to be deducted, $5,742.31; present worth, $4,460.64. Total property clear in the two funds, $11,993.69. Amount of Joint-Stock, $10,850.00; making the profits, $1,143.69." FIFTH ANNUAL MEETING. 151 A generous donation of $124.61 from E. D. Draper made the net gain for the year $1,268.30. This enabled the Community to pay a dividend of four per cent., agreeably to the provisions of the Constitution, on all the Joint-Stock for the entire time of its investment, and such dividend was accordingly declared ; so that we started out on the year 1846 with no incumbrance of arrearage, debt, or deficit whatever, a financial condition never before attained and truly gratifying. The official servants for the year ensuing were : ADIN BALLOU, President; EDMUND SOWARD, Secretary, HENRY FISH, Auditor; and the following Intendants: EBENEZER D. DRU-KK, Finance and Exchange; ABNER ADAMS, Agri- ami .-In unals; CLEMENT O. REED, Manufactures ^fr the singing all the exercises being " not "with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power; That our faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of God." The Inductive Communions which were instituted wrought effec- tually among young people, inquirers, novitiates, and sympathizing friends, in the way of indoctrinating them in the things of the divine kingdom and of qualifying them for efficient service in the work of building up that kingdom on the earth. The design of all these associations was highly useful and commendable, and their organic mechanism in our comprehensive scheme of human regen- eration was well fitted to carry that design out to a full accomplishment. They only lacked the men and the means adequate to that humane and sublime result a lack which a wiser and better future in the providence of God will no doubt supply. At the Annual Meeting of the Community held Jan. 10, 1849, it appeared from the Financial Report of the Board of Trustees that the industrial operations for the year ending Dec. 31, 1848, had been fairly successful, furnishing no occasion on that score for lamentation or regret no occasion to doubt that under wise and pru- dent management we were in the way of acquiring a well-earned and assured material success; indeed we had already acquired such a success, notwithstanding all the hindrances and drawbacks we had encountered. To be sure, the figures of the report as it was first presented did not give a sufficient balance of receipts over expen- ditures to enable us to pay our Joint-Stock capital the stipulated interest of four per cent. But no account had been taken of the considerable increase in value of our real estate by reason of the improvements made thereon, and when this had been duly estimated an act that was justified by a sound financial policy and the facts in the 190 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. -case the deficit was cancelled and the prescribed divi- dend was declared. The Community officials for the ensuing year were : ADIN BALLOU, President ; LEMUEL MUNYAN, Recorder ; ADIN BALLOU, EBENEZER D. DRAPER, HORATIO EDSON, ALMON THWING, and WILLIAM W. COOK, Trustees; ADIN BALLOU, CLEMENT O. REED, and EDMUND SOWARD, Board of Education; ASAPH G. SPALDING, Stew- ard. At an adjourned meeting held the second Wednesday in February it was " voted, that the order, prosperity and good faith of the Community demand that the rule adopted last year requiring monthly settlements be strictly adhered to in all business transactions." Also, "that the Trus- tees be requested to make arrangements for the regular transportation of the mail, and that letters and papers be taxed to pay the expense thereby incurred." The nearest U. S. Post Office was in the village of Milford, a mile and a half distant, and the plan hitherto adopted for the transmission of our mail matter to and fro having become inadequate and unsatisfactory it was deemed advisable to institute measures that would insure a more regular, definite, and acceptable administration of this department of the public service. A fixed Post Office pursuant to the foregoing vote was established, a Post Master appointed, and this important interest was thereafter cared for in a business-like way, though of course at the expense of those conveuieuced thereby, as before indi- cated. In order to supplement the amount of money received from the town and other sources for educational purposes and extend the length of our school, as well as to supply it with greatly needed apparatus, the Trustees were instructed "to levy a tax of one and one-half per cent, instead of one per cent, as heretofore, upon the net income of members and probationers, to be expended under the direction and according to the best judgment of the Board of Education." COMMUNITY LYCEUM. 191 Steps were also taken at this time which shortly after resulted in the establishment of a Community Lyceum, an institution that continued in active operation many years and proved to be an efficient and highly creditable educational force among all classes of our population. It was carried on under the auspices of the Community and by direction of the Board of Education, though it had its own inde- pendent organization, electing its own officers, and man- aging, within proper limits, its own distinctive affairs. The Board was authorized to furnish it with accommoda- tions and facilities for carrying on its legitimate work, expending money in its behalf, if their judgment so dictated ; but they were to see that it performed its legitimate functions, maintained a wholesome discipline, and so conducted its activities as to promote the real progress of its members in useful knowledge. Its meet- ings were held once a month from the first of April to the first of October, and once a week during the remain- der of the year, the exercises of which were many and various, consisting of Lectures, Debates, Compositions, Readings, Recitations of Classes pursuing different branches of study, etc., interspersed with vocal and instrumental music. This institution was maintained for many years among us, received the encouragement and support of most of our people, and proved of great value as a means and stimulant of intellectual training and culture. As a matter of permanent public policy and for the purpose of beautifying and rendering attractive our young and growing village, a Resolve was passed Feb. 20, 1849, requiring the owners of house-lots therein to set out and properly care for either forest or fruit trees along that portion of the street upon which their several estates respectively fronted. The same rule was observed by those having in charge lots belonging to the Community itself. As a result of this' action our village in a few years became a gem among the rural boroughs of the 192 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, its streets, well-graded avenues overarched with the outstretching branches of thickly planted maples, elms, etc., on either hand; its dwellings, embowered in the abundant foliage amid which they stood and thickly engirdled with shrubbery and flowers of multiform kind and coloring. The passing years lying between then and now, with the continued growth, culture, and improvement that have been going on, have only argumented and heightened the prevailing loveliness and fascination of the scene. In the interest of morality, good manners and the truest culture it was enacted on 8th day of April 4 that the parents of children and those who have children from abroad residing in their families be required to see that those under their care refrain from all profanity, from all vulgarities in word or action, and from all obscene utter- ances or writings ; that in their recreations they indulge in no habits of injuring, annoying or vexing their play- mates ; that they never leave the Community domain without the consent of their parents or guardians ; that they retire from their sports to their respective homes by 8 o'clock P. M. " Parents and guardians were also enjoined 4 ' to have a watchful care over their children during hours of meeting both in and around the house where it is held, and to see that their conduct is such as becomes the place and occasion, such at all times as will reflect honor upon themselves and the Community." About this time incipient measures ripening into an early fulfilment were instituted for the formation of what was at first termed an Industrial Army, afterwards changed to Industrial Union, the nature and purpose of which may be understood by presenting a copy of the more important portions of the Enactment establishing the same, which reads as follows : "SECTION 1. In order to promote the cheerful prosecution of public improvements and a generous assistance of persons HOPEDALE INDUSTRIAL ARMY. 193 needing occasional aid, all the members, probationers, and dependants of this Community capable of useful service, are hereby constituted a co-operative body to be called The Hope- dale Industrial Army. " SEC. 2. This Industrial Army shall be organized in two " general Departments: a Male and Female Department. Each Department shall have power to determine and adjust its own roll of members, form such divisions, elect such officers^ and establish such rules as may from time to time be deemed pro- motive of its orderly, energetic, harmonious and successful operation "SEC. 3. Whenever the Male Department of this Army shall make requisition for the use of any working vehicles, teams, implements, or alien employees of the Community, such requisition shall be promptly complied with ; provided, always, that at least three days' notice shall be given to the superin- tendent or manager in charge of such vehicles, etc.; and pro- vided also that no serious detriment shall be done to the Community property by insisting on such requisition." The agency thus created and empowered came to be of great service in developing plans promotive of the public welfare and in carrying into effect the stated or implied pledges of the Constitution. Its Female Department found much to do iu caring for and helping individuals and families that, by reason of sickness, misfortune, or other- wise, were brought into circumstances of dependence and need, thus obviating the necessity in numerous cases of presenting demands upon the common treasury for means of relief or in any way making public the exigencies to which improvidence or adversity or injustice may have brought those who silently or openly appealed to our sym- pathy and friendliness for aid. While the Male Depart- ment was even more busy in projecting and executing improvements of one sort or another calculated to con- tribute to the convenience, comfort, pleasure, and happiness of all classes of our people. By this instrumentality most of our sidewalks were originally laid, numerous rough places about the village made smooth, and ugly features 13 194 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. of the landscape removed. Many trees on public grounds and in the streets were planted, and betterments multi- plied on every hand. The most notable achievement of this arm of the public service was the laying out, grad- ing, terracing, and adorning with trees and shrubbery, of Community Square, making it in most respects suitable and ready for the building of the then proposed house of worsliip upon it in 1860, some years afterward. During the year now under review considerable addition was made to the Community Domain by the purchase of divers lauds contiguous to our previous estate, amounting in the aggregate to about 130 acres, thus increasing our territorial possessions to more than 500 acres. The largest and by far the most important of these additions was that of the so-called "South Cook farm," containing with its outlying wood-lots some 65 acres. This lay directly south of our before acquired landed property, on the opposite side of the Meudon and Milford road, and was divided by the highway leading to South Milford, Belling- ham, etc., and hence conveniently located for agricultural and horticultural purposes, to which it was admirably adapted by the nature of the soil and by careful hus- bandry in later years. We were now sole masters by legal title deeds of our little Mill River and nearly all the territory skirting it on both sides for about a mile in length, north and south, snugly ensconced between Magomiscock Hill in Milford on the east and Neck Hill along the border of Meudon on the west ; as pleasant a location as could be reasonably desired for the purposes to which it was consecrated by us. Another measure of public utility and of private thrift devised and put into practical operation this year was that comprised in an Enactment constituting the Commu- nity Treasury a Savings Bank "in which all persons residing on the general domain may deposit such parts of their earnings and income as they can conveniently HOPEDALE HYMN BOOK. 195 lay aside for future use," subject to certain prescribed conditions and regulations, with a promised interest of four per cent, per annum. This was a wise and justly appreciated expedient, the beneficent results of which were equally apparent proportionally as are those of similar institutions in the financial economy of the world at large. About the first of June there was issued from the Hopedale press a small volume of 224 pages, entitled "Tlie Hopedale Collection of Hymns and Songs for the use of Practical Christians." It was compiled by myself and contained 316 devotional, moral, philanthropic, and reform- atory pieces suitable for musical expression, arranged under eighteen different heads, and well adapted to further the great ends we were seeking to secure, and to fill an important place on all occasions of public convocation and in the more private circles of Christian nurture, instruction, and worship. The contents were mostly selec- tions from the Hymnals and Psalmodies commonly used in the various branches of the Christian Church, though about fifty of them were written by different members of the Community, usually for some special occasion or to serve some special purpose. Some twenty of these were from my own pen and about a dozen each from the pens of Srs. Abby H. Price and Mary J. Colburn ; the remain- ing six or eight coming from still other persons in our fellowship. Though urging no claims in their behalf to popular favor, on the ground of either poetical or literary merit, I yet deem it proper and fitting to put on record in these pages a few of these original productions, as illustrative of the spirit in which the work at Hopedale was carried on and of the means employed to nourish the better life in our own and each others souls, and to stim- ulate ourselves and others to a faithful discharge of the duties and obligations set forth and enjoined in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I present them as they stand 196 THE HOPED ALE COMMUNITY. in the volume from which they are taken, the number in the collection, the meter, and name of the author being prefixed. "123. C. M. Adin Ballou. " O Lord, our scanty faith we mourn, So languid weak and dim; We scarce perceive the heavenly bourn, And faint in every limb. " Far down thy holy mountain side, With Alps on Alps above, Vast distances our tents divide From thy bright throne of love. " How can we climb those rugged heights And gain those sinless skies, Till grace our dormant will excites To grasp th' immortal prize. " Rend off, O Lord, this sensual shroud That binds the torpid soul; By faith eternal things uncloud And speed us to our goal. "Then shall our darkness turn to light, Our rough ascent grow smooth, And tottering weakness clothed with might At length triumphant prove." "157. P. M. A. Ballou. "God shall be all in all And then shall marshalled warriors No more upon the plain Renew their battle fury To multiply the slain; Then shall the peaceful era By Zion's bards foretold, With all its promised glory, The ransomed world enfold. "God shall be all in all And then the horrid slaver Shall cross the waves no more, Defenceless men to ravish From Afric's injured shore; ORIGINAL HYMNS. 197 And all the sable millions, In bondage held abroad, Present a grateful tribute To their redeeming God. "God shall be all in all The church long torn with faction Will lay each quarrel by, And all her jealous watchmen See clearly eye to eye; Attired in bridal garments She'll take her Lord's right hand, And, free from spot or wrinkle, Fulfil his high command. "God shall be all in all And then shall dark rebellion Against his holy throne Be hushed in endless silence Where'er his name is known; The ail-prevailing Victor Will make an end of sins, And only yield the scepter When perfect love begins." "212. P. M. 0. Johnson. "The bondmen are free in the isles of the main, The chains from their limbs they are flinging; They stand up as men never tyrants again Their God-given rights in proud scorn shall profane It is Liberty's song they are singing. Hark, loud swells their strain o'er the foaming sea, 'Freedom! holy freedom! freedom, our joy is in thee.' "That shout of the freed-men bursts sweet on our ears; Their hymn full of joy hear it swelling; Their hearts throb with pleasure, their eyes fill with tears As ends the hard bondage of many long years; Now exulant with pride they are telling, * Free, free are we from the slave's hard yoke, Freemen, faithful freemen freemen, our fetters are broke.' 198 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. "Now praise to Jehovah, the might of his love At length o'er the foe is prevailing. His truth was the weapon and by it we strove In the light of his spirit sent down from above Of his truth and his love never failing. Thanks, thanks unto God! now the slave is free; Freedom ! holy freedom ! Father, our thanks are to thee. "O ye who are blest with fair Liberty's light, With courage and hope all abounding, With weapons of love be ye bold for the right; By the preaching of truth put oppression to flight; Then, your altars triumphant resounding, Loud, loud let the anthem of joy ring out; * Freedom ! holy freedom ! ' let all the world hear the shout."" " 254. P. M. Mary J. Colburn. "Onward, though the world's impeding. Onward, every foe unheeding, Jesus now the cause is leading He will be our guide; In his strength we'll conquer, In his strength we'll conquer, In his strength we'll conquer, For his truth is on our side. "Not with earth's proud armor shielding, Not with carnal weapons wielding, These to mightier ones are yielding, Furnished from above; And we'll surely conquer, For our sword is truth and love. " See the man of noble daring, Earth's proud laurels richly wearing, Leaving all and meekly sharing In this work of peace; Love will surely conquer, And all hate and war shall cease. "Yes this earth though stained and gory, Filled with scenes of woe her story, Shall arise to former glory And God's light shall see; Light will surely conquer, Earth will have a Jubilee." INDUSTRIAL REACTION. 199 "262. 10's M. AbbyH. Price. " O thou blest Comforter ! pure Spirit, hear ! Bend we thy shrine before, trembling with fear; Hate like a shadow dark clouds all below, Love floats her shining bark o'er waves of woe. "Spirit of Holy Power! give us thy light; And in the trial-hour guide through the night; Gird us with strength and will, mighty to save, Striving with error still, valiant and brave. "Keenly oppression's pain pierceth the weak; Help us the galling chains quickly to break; Earth's bitter founts of woe soon may we close, Making this world below bloom as the rose. " Give thou thy Spirit free, Savior and Lord ! Peace, love, and liberty follow thy word; While as a brother-band onward we move, Joy shall fill all the land gilded with love ! " The perplexities and disadvantages arising from the great diversity of interests represented in the management of business as it was carried on among us, causing more or less friction between the several branches and the different parties to whom they had been sold outright or rented for a definite period, became so apparent towards the close of the year and provoked so much criticism, that, on the 28th of December, it was resolved that "it is highly desirable that all kinds of business dependent on Community facilities should as soon as practicable be placed under Community management, and the Board of Trustees are hereby instructed to govern themselves accord- ingly." It was exceeding difficult to find the exact mean between too much and too little individual control in the conduct of our leading industries, which would prove pecuniarily advantageous to both the Community and the employes, and whatever policy was at any time adopted, despite all the reason, the persuasion, the diplomacy we could bring to bear upon the matter, was likely to offend 200 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. the judgment, the taste, the idiosyncrasy, or perhaps the selfishness of some of the brethren and cause disaffection and loss of members. But this could not by any possi- bility be avoided, and we who were thoroughly and wholly committed to the cause of Social Reconstruction were obliged to submit with the best grace we could, though often to our great regret and sorrow. All this was illus- trated in the case just spoken of, as will soon appear. Another cause of trouble and anxiety was brought to notice about this time, requiring thoughtful consideration and decisive action on the part of the Community^ The gradual multiplication and enlargement of our industrial activities on the farm, in the gardens, and in the shops, made it necessary to increase the number of workmen, who were often employed with too little regard to their moral character and the influence that they might exert upon our children and youth and even upon some of our adult population. It was found that in this way mischief was being done among us and that some of our most sacred interests were likely to suffer serious detriment unless a more careful and discriminating course was pursued in the matter. Whereupon, after due delibera- tion, the Community on the date last named "Resolved, (1) That the protracted residence on the Commu- nity domain of persons who are not sympathetically interested in our objects, principles, and social order has a demoralizing tendency and ought not to be encouraged. "Resolved, (2) That from and after the first day of April next no person, besides members, probationers, dependents, visiting friends, medical patients, nurses, or tenants holding under a contract prior to this date, shall be employed, boarded or har- bored on the Community territory for a longer term of time than one month, unless by special vote of the Community. "Resolved, (3) That the Recorder be instructed to open and keep a Book of Record with appropriate designations in which the names of all probationers and dependents (including all employes, whether engaged by the Community or individuals) NINTH ANNUAL MEETING. 201 of this Community shall be duly entered, either by their own orders or those of their responsible friends, and also a minute of their discharge and the date when they ceased to sustain such relation." Other less important resolves of the same nature aim- ing at the purification, homogeneity, harmony, and proper moral status of life within our borders were passed at the same meeting. We learned by repeated experience that in the new social order as in the old, ''eternal vigilance is the price of liberty," especially of that " liberty wherewith Christ maketh free." At the annual meeting held Jan. 9, 1850, the regular routine of business was followed with promptness and dispatch. Various reports of officers and special com- mittees were read and accepted as conclusive and satis- factory. That of the Treasurer in behalf, of the Board of Trustees represented our industrial affairs as in a health- ful and promising condition, justifying existing methods of operation and inspiring confidence in the financial success of the movement. The old President, ADIN BAL- LOU, was re-elected, and ADIN BALLOU, E. D. DRAPER, and WM. H. HUMPHREY were chosen Trustees; WM. S. HEYWOOD was made Recorder; WM. H. FISH, C. O. REED, and EDMUND SOWARD constituted the new Boardr of Educa- tion; while A. G. SPALDING became Steward for another year. A Relief Committee was determined upon as a needed supplement to the pre-existing corps of official servants, and ADIN BALLOU, BUTLER WILMARTH, ALMIRA B. HUMPHREY, and ANNA. T. DRAPER were elected to that position. At an adjourned meeting it was deemed advis- able to have a Standing Community Auditor, * ' whose duty it should be to make frequent examination of the accounts of all branches of business carried on under Community auspices, keep himself informed concerning their actual and prospective condition, and once in three months report in detail to the Board of Trustees." Lem- uel Munyan was chosen to the office. 202 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. In view of the increasing number of residents on our Community domain as members, probationers, family dependents, hired workmen, household servants, etc., and therewith the increasing liability to the introduction among us of some of the prevailing evils of ordinary human society, whereby our children and youth would be con- taminated, private and public virtue and happiness under- minded, and our whole movement imperilled, it was about this time deemed advisable to established a new Board of officials, which should act as a kind of moral police and judiciary in our social and civil economy. This was accordingly done, the name of this Board being " The Council of Religion, Conciliation, and Justice." It was the prescribed duty of the Council to examine all appli- cants for membership and probationship in our body and approve or disapprove them as they were deemed worthy or unworthy, to recommend persons as permitted residents on our territory, to maintain a scrupulous watchfulness over the morals and manners of our entire population, to apply proper restraints and correctives of existing wrongs and misdemeanors, to hear and pass judgment upon charges of ill-conduct of any sort, to arbitrate in cases of controversy or serious disagreement, and in a general way to exercise fraternal supervision and authority in all matters pertaining to the moral and religious status and welfare of all classes and conditions of people within our borders. This official Board was accustomed to hold monthly meetings for the proper discharge of the duties assigned to it, and proved to be, while the Community had a name to live and a power to exercise the functions of a self-governing institution, an efficient and most helpful arm of the public service. Its first members were Butler Wilmarth, Lemuel Munyan, Wm. S. Heywood, Anna T. Draper, and Phila O. Wilmarth. In consequence of the new managemental policy adopted the preceeding autumn as outlined a few pages back and A MUCH REGRETTED WITHDRAWAL. 20S the modifications consequent thereon, six of our much esteemed and highly useful members withdrew from our membership and ere long removed from the place. The ground of their action was not loss of faith in the dis- tinctive principles on which our movement was based a& expressed in our "Declaration," nor in the Community Idea as a solution of the great problem of Social Reform, but, as one of them was pleased to phrase it, "too much industrial consolidation, complexity and govemmeiitalism." Among those parting company with us at this time was Bro. Daniel S. Whitney, the third of my original minis- terial colleagues, and one upon whom I had relied with great confidence as a man of intelligence, sterling recti- tude, and honor, and as a reliable, trustworthy, unfaltering co-worker in the cause of Practical Christian Socialism. This step on the part of Bro. Whitney was the occasion of profound regret, disappointment, and grief, on my part and on the part of all his fellow-laborers, towards whom he professed to cherish only sentiments of respect and affection, charging none with any unfaithfulness to prin- ciple or duty as a reason for leaving them but ascribing his act of retirement from Community membership to "the industrial organization" which in his judgment was productive of many evils and "cost more than it was worth." Of the principles underlying the Hopedale move- ment he said, "I most thankfully accept them as the truth of God. They are alike needful in their spirit and power to redeem mankind, individually and socially." And yet while he could not remain with the Community in which those principles were acknowledged and made, according to his own confession, the supreme law, by reason of some real or supposed defect in their applica- tion and use, arising, not through any infidelity on the part of his brethren but by error of judgment or lack of insight into the bearing and tendency of things, which > if it existed, they were most anxious to have remedied^ 204 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. Cither by his superior wisdom and virtue or in some other way, while he could not conscientiously remain with us under such circumstances, he could go back into existing society, where, as he had often asserted, they were sys- tematically and persistently set at defiance and openly violated, engaging actively and without the least apparent scruple in the support or administration of a government whose fundamental law he had repeatedly declared to be hostile to and subversive of the government of God "a covenant with death and an agreement with hell." His Hopedale brethren, kindly disposed as they were towards him, were hardly able to see the consistency, wisdom, or moral perspicuity of this, but he seemingly did, and acted accordingly. He continued much interested in special reform questions, became a frequent participant in local and general politics, was for a long time an earnest member of the Republican party, though for several of the last years of his life he affiliated as ally and adviser with the political Prohibitionists or Third Party men. He had the distinction of representing the town of Boylston, where he located about a year after leaving Hopedale, in the State constitutional convention of 1853, gaining therein considerable notoriety and honor for his manly and persistent advocacy of the claims of woman to the free exercise of the right of suffrage. Removing subsequently to Southborough, he was there a highly esteemed citizen, and held for many years the office of postmaster under the Republican supremacy at Wash- ington. He died March 14, 1894, leaving a wife and two daughters, all of whom still survive. The Hopedale Water Cure Establishment. The method of treating disease by a free and judicious use of pure water accompanied by a greatly diminished resort to drugs and medicines, usually termed Hydropathy, had a few adherents among us at an early day. Our genial, cau- tious, openminded, conscientious physician, Butler Wil- WATER CURE ESTABLISHMENT. 205 marth, M. D., a skillful, successful practitioner of the Allopathic school, quite incredulous at first of the uew system, was led to look carefully into its workings and merits by witnessing the somewhat wonderful cure through its agency of a little boy the four year old son of Bro. Wm. H. Fish who had been stricken down with a severe and alarming attack of scarlet fever. The result of his investigation was a thorough conversion to and sub- sequent championship of its claims at home and abroad wherever his voice could be heard. Having become fully convinced of the essential efficacy of water as a remedial agent, and the antidotes and restoratives employed in connection therewith, he very soon started the project of founding an Infirmary at Hopedale for the accommodation and treatment of patients, however afflicted, according to the principles and requirements of the Hydropathic sys- tem. The Community, to whose members he made an appeal for approval and help as soon as his plans were sufficiently mature, being favorably disposed towards the undertaking, voted in April, 1850, "to appropriate $600.00* to establish a Water Cure Infirmary, provided new Joint- Stock can be obtained " for that purpose. The funds were forthcoming and the large double house built by Amos J. Cook and Edmund Price, which had come into the possession of the Community, was remodeled and fitted up for the purpose indicated during the ensuing summer. In the month of September it was opened to the public agreeably to the terms stated in the following advertisement : " This Establishment is situated in the pleasant and peace- ful village of Hopedale (Milford), Mass., and is under the care of Dr. Butler Wilmarth, who, with his wife, will devote their constant attention and services to restore to health all who place themselves under their care as patients. Terms: $4 to $5 per week (payment weekly) exclusive of washing. Extra privi- 206 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. leges or attention will subject the patient to extra charges. Patients will furnish the usual articles for treatment. B. WlLMARTH, M. D. Hopedale (Milford), Sept. 28, 1850. This institution was something entirely new in this part of the country, as was its mode of treatment for the various ills which flesh is heir to, and hence failed of sufficient patronage to render it pecuniarily successful. It was therefore deemed expedient, after it had been open a few months, to close it and restore the building to its original uses. This decision was made with the entire approval of Dr. Wilmarth who had received a somewhat flattering offer to take charge of a similar establishment at New Graefenburg, N. Y., which had already acquired a good reputation and standing with the general public, and to that place he removed with his family in the spring of 1851, much to the regret of all of us, by whom he was held in sincere esteem as a truly Christian man and a physician of high degree. Reconstruction of Land Titles. Early in the year now under notice it began to be feared by some of our num- ber that the manner of transferring house-lots and other pieces of real estate in the Community was not altogether legal and sufficiently guarded to insure the holders against all possible future misunderstandings and complications. It was therefore deemed advisable to refer the whole matter to Ellis Gray Loriug, Esq., of Boston, one of the most competent and experienced conveyancers in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and a good friend to all humanitary undertakings. This was accordingly done, and after a thorough investigation of the case in all its bearings, he gave it as his opinion that there was good reason for the growing disquietude in regard to it, and that there should be an entire recasting of our method of acquiring and transferring our lauded property and its appurtenances. The titles by which I had come into RECONSTRUCTION OF LAND TITLES. 207 possession of the original Jones' farm were good beyond all question, as were those by which I and others had obtained additional territory by subsequent purchases. There was no occasion for disturbing them or in any way tampering with them. But all later action needed revi- sion needed to be put upon a new and invulnerable basis. He therefore recommended that the Community choose five of its most reliable members to be known as Trustees of Real Estate, who, in their official capacity, should execute a Declaration of Trust setting forth their distinctive powers and obligations in due and lawful form, and have it recorded in the Registry of Deeds for the county of Worcester. These Trustees were to be the legally constituted and recognized financial Agents of the Community in all real estate transactions. He also recom- mended that all the members of the Community and others concerned, whether nominal laud owners or not, give a quit-claim deed conveying all their right, title, and interest in and to real estate within the limits of the town of Milford, to some disinterested person, who should at once quit-claim back again whatever of said property was out- side of the Community to its respective and proper owners, and all the rest pertaining to the Community domain to the aforesaid Trustees, as joint tenants and not as tenants in common. These Trustees should then distribute to the previous purchasers of house-lots and other real property, the pieces belonging to them, by regular legal convey- ances, as they should whatever pieces might be disposed of by regular sale in time to come. In this way each land owner would be made secure in his title to his estate, beyond all doubt or peradventure. Before pre- senting this plan of obviating the existing difficulty to the Community, Mr. Loriug submitted it to the careful examination and judgment of three other eminent convey- ancers of Boston, who pronounced it adequate to the exigencies to be provided for, and absolutely irrefragable. 208 THE HOPED ALE COMMUNITY. These recommendations were gladly accepted and meas- ures were at once taken to have them carried into effect. At a regular meeting of the Community, held May 1, the Board of Real Estate Trustees was chosen, consisting of ADIN BALLOU, E. D. DRAPER, WM. H. HUMPHREY, BUTLER WILMARTH, and ALMON THWING, who entered immediately upon the discharge of the duties assigned to them, and on June 1 the required instruments had been executed and transfers made and the entire real estate possessions pertaining to the Community were lodged in the hands of the legally constituted authorities, to be distributed, disposed of, and controlled, as equity and their best judgment might dictate. Thenceforward there was no trouble or anxiety on that score. The service done to the Community in this matter by Mr. Loring was of great value and highly appreciated, but he rendered it gratuitously, out of a sincere friend- ship for us and our cause, refusing utterly the compensa- tion we cheerfully proffered him. We could do no less than vote him an expression of heartfelt gratitude. The establishing of a Trusteeship for the proper holding and management of real estate made it necessary for us to amend or change our Constitution and By-Laws some- what, in order to have them conform to the new system and prevent all confusion and annoyance in respect to names of official Boards, etc. The most essential of these occurred in the third article of our fundamental basis of organization which was so modified as to read as follows : ARTICLE III. " SEC. 1. The Legislative powers of this Community shall be vested in the members thereof present and acting in regu- lar Community meeting. The Executive powers not necessarily- appertaining to the Trustees shall be vested in a President and Directory. The Directory shall consist of at least three mem- bers besides the President. The Judicial powers shall be SETTLEMENT WITH MR. BENNETT. 209 vested in such tribunals as the Community may from time to time establish. " SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the Directory to conduct the prudential affairs, industrial operations and general inter- ests of the Community in such a manner as to insure to every member, probationer and dependent, adequate employment, educational advantages and exemptions from the evils of pov- erty, ignorance and vice, and also at the same time, if possi- ble, to secure to the Stockholders their capital unimpaired, with a clear annual profit thereon of four per cent." Agreeably to the provisions of this Amendment the following named persons were on the 13th of July elected to serve in the official positions respectively indicated until their successors should be chosen at the next Annual Meeting in January, 1851, viz. : ADIN BALLOU, President; E. D. DRAPER, W. H. HUMPHREY, ALMON THWING, Direc- tors; E. D. DRAPER, Treasurer. Under the new auspices and methods of administration the Community became more homogeneous and consoli- dated than ever before, was more admirably and efficiently organized for the varied work it had in hand, and went forward on its mission with more substantial assurance of final success than had characterized any previous period of its history. Tlie Bennett Imbroglio Settled. One of the first acts of the new administration was to bring the long pending controversy with our neighbor, Nathaniel Bennett, already mentioned, to a successful termination. Time and reflec- tion had mollified his temper considerably and led him to change his policy toward the Community. He had become willing to sell the so-claimed injured laud to us, and to sell it for a sum, including the then present value of the* property and past damages, to be determined by a Board, of three Referees mutually agreed upon by both parties,, their decision to be accepted and submitted to as final in the case. The Directory concurred in the proposition, and united heartily with Mr. Bennett in securing the endi 14 210 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. in view at the earliest practicable date. The Referees were Henry Chapiu of Milford, Amariah Taft of Meudon, and Wm. H. Gary of Medway. Pursuant to their award of $272.67, rendered July 15, which included the appraised value of four and a half acres of land, all previous damages, and all possible future ones to adjoin- ing property, we paid the sum named and received the proper title deeds, and therewith exemption from any and all contingent claims in time to come. The whole expense to us, reckoning surveyor's fees, referees charges, and a gratuity to Mrs. Bennett, was less than $280.00. The conclusion of the matter was satisfactory to both parties and was reached by a process much cheaper no doubt for us, and probably for him, and better morally for all concerned, than the world's stubborn, litigious method of settling such controversies. At the Annual Meeting of the Community, held Jan. 8, 1851, the opening exercises being concluded, the customary required Reports were read and accepted. That of the Treasurer, which was supplemented by statements from the managers of the several branches of industry operated -under Community direction, represented the financial affairs of the body as in a fairly prosperous condition, although the profits accruing from the business activities of the previous year were not sufficient to enable the Directory to pay to Joint-Stock the contingently stipulated dividend of four per cent, due for the past two years. The indus- trial and economical interests of the Community had been well guarded and the several departments having them in ^charge had worked harmoniously and efficiently, giving promise of larger results and returns in the immediate future. Good feeling prevailed and a hopeful spirit, which were manifested by a cheerful readiness to adopt measures for meeting all existing obligations and for providing against possible deficits in years to come, as will appear in the next chapter. OFFICIAL SERVANTS FOR 1851. 211 Officers elected at this meeting for the year 1851 were : ADIN BALLOU, President; E. D. DRAPER, W. H. HUMPHREY, A. THWING, D. B. CHAPMAN, Directors; E. D. DRAPER, Treasurer; WM. S. HEYWOOD, Recorder; ADIN BALLOU, WM. H. FISH, E. SOWARD, Board of Education; D. H. CARTER, Steward; W. W. COOK, HENRY FISH, LUCY H. BALLOU, B. WILMARTH, SYLVIA W. BANCROFT, Council; EDMUND SOWARD, ALMIRA B. HUMPHREY, S. S. BROWN, ABBIE J. SPALDING, Relief Committee. CHAPTER VII. 1851-1853. ICARIA NEW LEGISLATION EDUCATIONAL HOME RETIREMENT OF A. BALLOU BEREAVE- MENTS FREE LOVE. TTTHEN it was made to appear by the Report of the Treasurer presented at the meeting referred to on the last two pages that the proceeds of the industrial operations for the year just closed were insufficient to pay the dividends then due on the Joint-Stock of the Community, it seemed to be the spontaneous and earnest feeling of the members convened that some measures should be devised and adopted, not only for the liquida- tion of obligations of that sort, but also for the prevention of similar emergencies thereafter. In order to provide for the immediate and prospective need in this regard and secure speedy, and efficient action, our faithful and generous brother, Ebenezer D. Draper, submitted a prop- osition for the consideration of his associates, offering, to contribute a certain percentage of what was then required to enable the Community to fulfil its promise to the stockholders, on condition that the remainder should be furnished by others of the brethren and that provision should be made whereby no such exigency could possibly arise in the years ahead. The proposition was favorably and gratefully received, and a committee was appointed to give it careful and thorough consideration, and report at a future meeting some plan by which the conditions- PLAN TO PREVENT FUTURE DEFICITS. 213 -specified could be met and the offered gift be rendered available. The Committee in due time reported, submitting and recommending a plan deemed adequate to the accomplish- ment of the end in view, which plan was freely discussed and finally adopted. It was embodied in the following resolutions, to wit : "Resolved, That the Treasurer of the Hopedale Community be instructed to assess 50 per cent, of the dividends due, on the Joint-Stock owned by members and others resident on the Community domain (the Stock of E. D. Draper, Matthew Sutcliffe and Charles May excepted), and a sum not exceeding 8 per cent, of the whole on all wages paid under the opera- tions of said Stock for the past year to members, probationers and dependents, for the purpose of creating a fund to be devoted to the payment of the dividends now due on Stock; Provided that the Directory have power to make any abate- ment on said assessment that in their judgment may appear necessary and proper. "Resolved, That the managers of the several branches of industry in the Community be hereby instructed to enter into such an agreement with the employes in their respective departments as that, from and after the first day of January, 1851, 10 per cent, of all wages agreed upon shall be retained in the hands of the Treasurer of the Community, for the purpose of establishing a contingent fund from which to liquidate any deficit that may exist in respect to the dividends due on Joint-Stock at the end of the year; with the under- standing that the said employes have the right to demand whatever portion of the sum retained has not been used for the purpose specified, and nothing more." These resolutions having been made a part of the eco- nomical policy of the Community, the Treasurer was then instructed "to declare a dividend on Joint-Stock of four per cent, per annum for the two years ending Dec. 31. 1850, payable in Stock or equivalent credits on account, subject to the reductions and offsets prescribed in the foregoing resolves." 214 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. In order to secure unity of action on the part of the several managers of business in respect to the carrying into effect the newly established policy towards employes, and gain the end sought with the least possible friction or cause of complaint, it was at an adjourned meeting ordered that they hold quarterly gatherings for mutual conference and counsel touching the condition and pros- pects of the particular branches of industry under their charge and the general monetary affairs of the Commu- nity. It has already been indicated that we of the Hopedale Community were sympathetically disposed towards all the movements and enterprises of our day and time which contemplated a radical transformation of the social rela- tions of men a reconstruction of human society. Of these there were many, of many a kind and name. With some of them we were largely in agreement as to princi- ples and methods, with others we were as largely in disagreement, though our ends were avowedly the same. Occasional correspondence was carried on between us and them, an instance of which may properly be given here as illustrative of the feeling of other workers in the same field with ourselves, though on quite different lines, towards us. It is in the form of a letter from M. Etienne Cabet, an eminent French Communist, who, about two years before it was written, with some three hundred others men, women and children had taken up his abode upon the vacated Morman estate at Nauvoo, Ills., and estab- lished there a Community according to his own distinctive ideal. The original was in the French language, a trans- lation of which by Edmund Soward, one of our scholarly members, reads as follows : "Nauvoo, March 31, 1851. "To our Friends at Hopedale: " Dear Brethren : I have received the letter which you wrote me last June; likewise your Constitution and the pam- THE ICARIAN COMMUNITY. 215 phlet accompanying it. I was desirous of answering it imme- diately but was so overwhelmed with business that it was not possible. "I perceive with much satisfaction that the object of your Community is the same as ours, though our methods may be somewhat different; for you aim as we do at the improvement of mankind. Therefore we extend to you the hand of brotherly love and pray for your success. "We publish an Icarian paper called the 'Popular Tribune,' ten numbers of which have appeared and been sent to you. The next number will contain the- sketch of your history, your Declaration of Principles, forming the first article of your Constitution, and your letter of June last. "As soon as we get one of our works translated into English we will send it to you. If you desire it, we will send you in French our two principal works, * Travels in Icaria ' and * True Christianity.' " Accept, I pray you, my fraternal salutations. " CABET." Nearly a year before this letter came to hand the author had written to Uro. A. G. Spalding acknowledging the receipt of several numbers of our little paper and giving some little account of himself and of his labors in behalf of a new social state. Jn that communication he says : " I am a Communist. My doctrine is the same as that of Christianity in its primitive purity. Our fundamental princi- ple is, 'The Fraternity of man and of nations,' the essential outcome of which is * Equality, Liberty, Unity.' Our society is based upon Education and Labor, upon Marriage and the Family. We admit fully the epitome of your doctrines. According to our views, God, or the Supreme Being, or Nature, is Love, Goodness, Kindness, Justice, etc. . . . "We call our society 'The Icarian Community,' or 'Icaria.' I have unfolded my system in a large work, entitled ' Travels in Icaria,' written in London during an exile of five years, and published in Paris in 1840. I have published forty other works for the purpose of developing and maintaining my theories, and a large volume, entitled ' True Christianity,' to prove that our 216 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. Communism is the same thing as Christianity at its origin. I have published also a Journal under the name of ' Le Popu- laire,' and a propagandism of ten years has procured me a host of supporters in France and Europe. . . . "We (at Xauvoo) are about 300 men, women, and children; we expect many others in the autumn and we are told that a very large number will follow later. . . . We live in com- munity, having separate apartments, but eating, laboring, pro- ducing together. We have among us workmen in the principal branches of business, and lands that we cultivate. We have purchased the remains of the Mormon temple and intend to reconstruct it for the purpose of establishing in it our schools, our assembly rooms and debating hall, a great refectory for a thousand persons, and sleeping apartments. Our government is radically republican, founded on Fraternity, Equality, and Liberty." M. Cabet was a man of eminent ability, of high char- acter, and of a broad, generous, humanitarian spirit. He made great sacrifices for the sake of his principles, and gained a large following as an advocate of social reform. His chief work, Travels in Icaria, passed through five editions in about the same number of, years, and exerted a widely extended influence among his fellow-coun- trymen. He gathered about him persons of exemplary habits and noble instincts, and the colony he established at Nauvoo was noted for the high moral tone that pre- vailed in it, and for the industry, purity, and honor of its population. Nevertheless, differences of opinion in regard to details of administration and matters of public policy soon sprang up, which, fostered by persistent discussion, at length produced such disaffection and alienation of feeling as to embarrass, confuse, and work injury to the whole undertaking, and finally cause its dissolution. Cabet retired to St. Louis, Mo. where he died in 1856, his disappointment, mortification, and grief at the failure of his magnificent plans and ambitions, hastening, it is said, the event. INDUSTRY, PURVEYANCE, AND TRADE. 217 During the year 1851 action was taken making the Community an Insurance Company for the protection of members, probationers, and others against loss or damage by fire and other casualties, and somewhat stringent regu- lations respecting the care of buildings and other property liable to loss or damage, the use of inflammatory articles and substances, the exercise of suitable precautions, etc., were adopted. Provision was also made for the appoint- ment of three Wardens who should have sole charge of men and means employed to suppress any given confla- gration or to rescue property at any time exposed to calamitous destruction. And all persons present on such occasions were admonished to yield cheerful and ready obedience to these Wardens. An ordinance was also passed u Respecting Industry, Purveyance, and Trade," the purpose of which was "to distribute, define, and intensify, the oversight of business ; to encourage useful talent and skill ; to give every member of the Community, if possible, an appropriate sphere of enterprise ; to increase productive industry and income ; to facilitate the necessary purveyance and exchange ; and to establish a well-ordered system of trade." Under this enactment regulations were adopted calculated to afford every one so disposed and -competent, either by himself or in company with others, an opportunity to set up and carry on any industry or handicraft pleasing to him ; to have all work in the several branches operated under Community auspices done by the piece, the quantity, the job, etc. ; to allow persons qualified to exercise greater skill or responsibility than they were ordinarily doing, the privilege of such exercise and furnish facilities therefor ; thus developing in all craftsmen and employes whatever latent capabilities they might possess and a deeper sense of personal accountability, thereby contributing to a more complete and self-respecting manhood and so to the great ends for which the Community was founded. 218 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. The regulations also provided for the establishment of what was called 4 'The Hopedale Commercial Exchange," which was to act as a sort of Commission and Clearing House, for the distribution and sale of the various prod- ucts of industry made ready for market on the Commu- nity domain and for the supply of material entering into the same, together with the multiform necessaries of human consumption ; and also for the transaction of any other kind of business in the way of traffic, barter, or mercantile agency, conducive to the financial, economical, industrial prosperity and well-being of the Community and of all those connected with it. TJie Hopedale Educational Home. The year now in review was especially memorable for the inauguration of a project, blasted, alas, in its very budding, which, in its nature, its constructive form, and contemplated results, was among the most important and ambitious ever gen- erated under Community auspices and devised as a constituent part of our general system of social regenera- tion and of our ideal type of rightly-ordered human society. It was nothing less than the founding of a great Educational Establishment, the characteristic feat- ures and predominating purpose of which may be learned from the Prospectus, published and widely distributed among the friends of moral and social reform and phil- anthropists, wherever residing, the more essential and explanatory portions of which are herewith given to the reader. " PROSPECTUS OF THE HOPEDALE EDUCATIONAL HOME. "One great want of the age is an Educational Institution,, in which the sons and daughters of the common people, espec- ially those friendly to the great Reforms and to constructive Progress, may receive a comprehensive and well-balanced devel- opment of all their natural faculties. An Educational Home HOPEDALE EDUCATIONAL HOME. 219 for children and youth is demanded one pre-eminently worthy of the confidence of good parents and guardians; where they can trust their young without hesitation; where by day and night, in study, in active exercise, in recreation, in the parlor, in the dining-room, in the dormitory, in social intercourse, and in public places, they may be judiciously cared for with parent- al fidelity; where they may be trained to useful industry, provident economy and self-subsisting enterprise; where their moral principles and character will be regarded as of funda- mental importance; where every requisite attention will be paid to their physical health, whether in the way of preserva- tion or recovery; and where, by due processes, they may be inducted into a thorough knowledge of all the scholastic arts and sciences necessary to give them a reputable standing in the intellectual world. Such an institution was contemplated by the projectors of the Hopedale Community as an integral department of their operational system. It has been deferred only till the material interests and social arrangements of the Community should become sufficiently consolidated to insure it a good foundation. That time has at length arrived. Mean- while the urgent inquiry has come in from every quarter, 'Can you receive into your charge for education, my son or daugh- ter, my nephew, niece or grandchild, my brother, sister, or ward?' We have been obliged to reply, 'Not yet! We can do nothing like justice to your child. We have no suitable establishment, accommodations or means, but we will have the institution needed when our preliminary work shall have been performed.' . . . The thing is now to be undertaken in earnest; and by the favor of Heaven it shall be accomplished. We offer you our plan and solicit your pecuniary aid. Are you ready to give us a helping hand? " To erect a suitable edifice and furnish the accompanying indispensables for two hundred pupils and students, we must raise Twenty-Jive Thousand Dollars. We are sure this can be done. Let every friend of the cause make ready accordingly. The practicability of this will be more credible to some when they understand the details of our plan. A responsible Asso- ciation has been formed with the full sanction of The Hopedale Community, and lands assigned to our permanent use for the purposes of a building site, public grounds and cultivation. The Constitutional Compact of our Association is herewith 220 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. presented as explanatory of our grand aim and general method of carrying forward the enterprise. Let it be carefully read and considered. CONSTITUTION. "Under the auspices of the Hopedale Community and in harmony with the various operative branches thereof, the undersigned hereby unite in an Educational Association to be called THE HOPEDALE EDUCATIONAL HOME. And we do ordain for the organization and government of the said Asso- ciation the following CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. 'SECTION 1. The grand aim and work of this Association .shall be to educate the young who may be entrusted to its care for that purpose; to develop properly, thoroughly, and harmoniously all their natural faculties, moral, intellectual, and physical; to give them, if possible, a high-toned moral char- acter based on scrupulous conscientiousness and radical Chris- tian principles a sound mind, well cultivated, stored with useful knowledge, and capable of inquiring, reasoning, and judging for itself a healthful, vigorous body, suitably fed, exercised, clothed, lodged, and recreated good domestic habits, including personal cleanliness, order, propriety, agreeableness, and generous social qualities industrial executiveness and skill in one or more of the avocations necessary to a comfortable subsistence, and withal practical economy in pecuniary matters. In fine, to qualify them, so far as a thorough and comprehen- sive education can do it, for solid usefulness and happiness in all the rightful pursuits and relations of life. " SEC. 2. Nothing shall be taught, encouraged, or allowed within the province of this Association, obviously repugnant to the Constitution, By-Laws, and Regulations of The Hopedale Community. " SEC. 3. This Association acknowledges its obligation as a regularly organized branch of Community operations, to aid equitably all the other branches in fulfilling the general guar- anties respecting employment, education, moral order, and succor to the needy." Articles II, III, IV, and V, of this Constitution pro- vide for the membership and organization of the Associa- HOPEDALE EDUCATIONAL HOME. 221 tion, the mode of raising and using money, of holding and managing real estate and other kinds of property, and for the proper ordering of the Institution which it proposed to build and equip after it should have been made ready for practical operation, the minutiae of which need not be recited here. The document closes with the following appeal : " Thus, friends, you have a full view of our general plan and system of operations. We trust the undertaking commends itself to your hearts and understandings as at once benevolent, noble, and practicable. What more need be said? Pardon a word from the General Agent (an office to which I was appointed November 25, before the Prospectus was issued) on his own individual responsibility. I make my appeal to all over whom it is my good fortune to possess personal influence. My heav- enly Father, the All-wise Lover of Humanity, has set my heart on the accomplishment of this work. He has impressed on my soul the assurance that He will open the way before me, give me the favor of many willing patrons, guide me by His suggestive wisdom in the adjustment of details, and crown the enterprise with a glorious success. Therefore have I made it the next, perhaps the last, leading object of my life. I shall give myself to it with all the zeal and judgment of which I am capable, firmly persuaded that the Guardian Hand which has hitherto sustained me in my labors for the good of man- kind will carry me triumphantly through. Who, then, will remember THE HOPEDALE EDUCATIONAL HOME in their wills? Already liberal bequests have been made to it. Who will come forward ungrudgingly to donate or loan it money? Already a single friend has pledged it one tenth of the twenty-five thou- sand dollars asked for; . . . who will follow this example of liberality? Who on visiting the Institution a few years hence, admiring its edifice, passing through its well-ordered apartments, beholding the cheerful faces of its youthful inmates at their recitations, studies, or innocent recreations, and con- templating the blessings to follow, will have secured the heart- thrilling satisfaction of saying, as he pronounces a fresh benedication on the establishment, ' /, also, was an original and willing patron of THE HOPEDALE EDUCATIONAL HOME.' "AoiN BALLOU, Gen'l Agent." 222 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. It will be evident to all readers of these pages, that this enterprise, though crudely anticipated and dimly fore- seen by my brethren in common with myself at the outset of our social experiment, and though projected under the favoring approval and assistance of our Community, many of whose members were profoundly interested in it and joined me in the endeavor to make it a notable feature of our general polity at Hopedale, was largely a child of my own begetting a creation of my own forming hand. To me had fallen the lot of putting into definite form the idea from which it had sprung of devising the plan by which our original purpose in this behalf was to be at an early day realized. Long time had we waited for our Community to attain a position in which it could foster and promote so gigantic an undertaking, but the hour had now struck when it seemed as if a beginning should be made in the work of putting our long deferred purposes in the matter into execution. And this feeling was confirmed in my own mind as also in the minds of others by the fact that my dear son, Adiu Augustus, was just entering upon active life, and that the founding of the proposed Educational Home at Hopedale, the princi- palship of which he was amply qualified to assume, would open to him a sphere of activity for coming years every way gratifying to his tastes and ambitions, pleasing to his parents and friends, and most inspiring in its promise of usefulness and happiness to the world. He was the only sou of his mother and myself dwelling with us upon the shores of mortality. Upon him we had lavished the warmest affection of our hearts and built our fondest and sublimest hopes for the future. We had given him the best home training of which we were capable ; we had furnished him with such opportunities for attending school as were at our command, and had rejoiced at the con- scientious fidelity with which he had discharged the duties devolving upon him there and at the evidences of native ADIN AUGUSTUS BALLOU. 223 talent and thorough scholarship he had there displayed ; he had passed through the regular course of study at the State Normal School at Bridgewater, Mass., graduating with honor and winning for himself the confidence and high regard of his instructors ; he had taken a supple- mentary course of a single term under the same tuition and had so commended himself to the authorities in charge of the Institution as to have been invited to the position of Junior Assistant Principal on the Board of Instruction, the duties of which he had already taken up and was discharging with praiseworthy ability and success. What reason and occasion had we all, parents and friends, to look forward with high expectation and exulting joy to the near future, when his brilliant talents and scholarly attainments would shine forth resplendent at the head of an Academic Establishment in our very midst ; an estab- lishment in which he had already manifested a profound personal interest, and to the development of which he had lent a helping hand, and for the promotion of which his last manual labor on earth was expended. Alas ! how little did any of us dream that two brief months, as time is measured by us, would give his mortal body to the grave, translate his spirit to immortal abodes, and blast all our grand and noble schemes built on the promise of his long-continued earthly career. Yet so it was, as will be duly seen a few pages farther on. The Community was at this time near the close of 1851 enjoying a season of unusual prosperity, and those who were at the head of its affairs indulged once more in emotions of exuberant self-gratulatiou and in pgeans of enthusiastic rejoicing. They felt that all seri- ous obstacles to the final triumph of their cause had been effectually overcome and that the future of their enterprise at Hopedale was assured beyond all doubt or peradven- ture. With them, virtually, "Hope had changed to glad fruition, faith to sight, and prayer to praise." It takes 224 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. many dark waves of adversity to drown the extravagant expectations of such people and suppress their surcharged aspirations. I was myself much elated at our condition and prospects, and deemed it a suitable time to retire from the Presidency, a position I had occupied from the beginning, feeling that I was no longer essential to the wise and safe management of affairs, and trusting that all would go well with another at the helm to direct our richly-freighted bark on a favoring tide to its destined haven of successful security and untroubled peace. I therefore signified to my brethren my determination not to allow my name to be used in the canvass for official servants of the Community at the approaching Annual Meeting in January, 1852, and prepared an elaborate Valedictory Address to be delivered on that occasion. An account of the meeting as it appeared in the columns of The Practical Christian is for obvious reasons given entire. " ANNUAL COMMUNITY MEETING. " The annual meeting of The Hopedale Community for 1852 took place on January 14th at the Chapel. An unprecedented attendance, interest, unanimity, and cheerfulness characterized the occasion. The proceedings commenced between nine and ten o'clock A. M. and continued, with a brief intermission, till late in the afternoon, when an adjournment was made to the 23d inst. for the completion of miscellaneous business. The general Financial Report, presented by Bro. E. D. Draper, the Treasurer, exhibited a more successful year's operations than ever before, and gave promising indications of increasing pros- perity in the future. For the first time in the history of the Community it had handsomely sustained itself compensated its operatives, cleared its incidental expenses, borne its losses, been, able to declare the highest dividend allowed by its Constitution, to Joint-Stock capital, viz., four per cent., and secured a small excess of clear profits. We are permitted to make the following Extracts from the Report. "'Beloved Friends and Associates: I have the pleasure of making a more favorable report of the Community's, standing. ANNUAL KEPORT OF TREASURER, 1852. 225 financially, than ever before. That word, Deficit, which has been rung so much among us, and especially among the enemies of our enterprise, will not have to be used by me as applicable to the operations of the past year. It is true that the sale of hcuse-lots has been a greater source of income than for some years before. But there has been decided improvement in several branches of business, which will be shown in the reports to be given by the managers. I think the gains made are attributable to several causes. The plan of jobbing, or piecing out the work has been one of the greatest of these; and in all cases has given better satisfaction to those who have done the work, and has taken much responsibility from the managers. " ' Having stated the present financial standing of the Com- munity, let me anticipate a little. I think it safe to prophesy that very few deficits will come hereafter, unless by fire or flood or some other casualty we suffer loss, and for several reasons: First and foremost are the new arrangements adopted by the Community in November last and now being put into operation, and also the formation of several new branches of industry. Among these, and not the least is The Commercial Exchange. This branch, I think, will greatly extend the busi- ness of the Community with a very small addition of capital, and furnish employment for many more operatives than we now have on our domain. " ' The new arrangements will give a very decided improve- ment to the Agricultural branch which has now to stagger under a heavy load, viz. : its four per cent, and taxes amounting to about $850.00 per annum, with large tracts of land unim- proved. The present policy separates it into several depart- ments which will divide the responsibility very much, and it is hoped increase the profits. Heretofore one man had the whole to manage and all the accounts (which were legion) to keep, and this has left him but little time to perform manual labor with those employed or to prosecute the different improve- ments as ought to have been done and as will be done when the division is completed and several responsible persons are put in charge of the different departments. In consequence of having large tracts of land without men or means to culti- vate them, we have run behindhand in this branch ; and some of our brethren have sighed for a new location a fatter estate. 15 226 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. But I contend that on our domain we have resources hitherto undeveloped and unused, which, with our proximity to good markets, will yet pay our landed investments well. We have from 75 to 100 acres of cranberry meadows, which, with small outlay, can be made to yield in a few years greater profits than we now realize from our entire territory, woodlands and all. " Wait a little longer," and with the blessing of heaven we will demonstrate to all that we have a good agricultural basis for our Community, and that agricultural activities will pay well, even here. Then the principal objection urged by some against our present location will have been done away.' "Interesting Reports were made by many of the Managers of Branches, by the Board of Education, etc., all evincing the growing intelligence, business talent, order and consolidation of our social superstructure. Before proceeding to the choice of officers for the ensuing year, Adin Ballou, hitherto President of the Community, delivered a valedictory address, declining a re-election to any of the active executive stations heretofore occupied by him; which address, with the response thereto, is published below. "Next followed the election of official servants for the year ending with the second Wednesday of January, 1853, viz.: EBEN- EZER D. DRAPER, President; ALMOX THWING, WILLIAM H. HUM- PHREY, DUDLEY B. CHAPMAN, WILLIAM W. COOK, Directory; CATHARINE G. MUNYAN, Recorder; LEMUEL MUNYAN, Treasurer; WILLIAM H. FISH, CAROLINE M. MAY, EDMUND SOWARD, Board of Education; DANIEL H. CARTER, Steward; ABBY J. SPALDING. HENRY LILLIE, WM. G. COMSTOCK, EMELINE H. BEAL, ANNA T. DRAPER, Council: ALMIRA B. HUMPHREY, ALMON THWING, CATHARINE G. MUNYAN, EDMUND SOWARD, Relief Committee. " VALEDICTORY ADDRESS. " 'Beloved Associates: Having presided for more than ten years over the affairs of this young Commonwealth as its chief executive servant, besides occupying sundry minor official stations therein, I now deem it my privilege to decline for the future these honors and responsibilities. I consent only to retain, during your convenience, the less changeable ami active office of Trustee. In retiring from official authority and direction, I may be permitted to state the motives that actuate me, and to offer a few words of valedictory reflection and counsel. VALEDICTORY ADDRESS. 227 " * My first motive is a desire to promote your improvement and solidity in self-government. As a local Community you no longer need my personal superintendence or official services. The difficulties of your experimental era have nearly passed away. You are well organized under a polity of arrangements at once judicious, practical and flexible to your further growth. You have become accustomed somewhat to orderly methods of procedure and you have a sufficiency of material in your membership for all official purposes. It is best for you to bring that material into use, to develop your own internal capabilities and to exercise all your talents for self-government. I stand out of your way that I may not be a hindrance to such progress and consolidation. " ' My second motive is a desire to witness results. I have assisted in constructing and setting in motion a system of social machinery which I feel confident will operate happily for mankind under the superintendence of any fairly honest and intelligent management. Some have predicted that it must soon fall into disorder and become impracticable when I shall have ceased to be at the head of it. I do not believe them and I wish to see their predictions falsified by demon- stration to the contrary. I wish to see the intrinsic merits of our social system vindicated against all such suspicions. Therefore let me stand aside and cease to exercise official authority. Let me not even be called to interfere by counsel, except in unusual emergencies. Let me become, as nearly as the nature of the case admits, what I expect to be after death, a silent spectator of your proceedings, though still a suggestive guardian in the hour of danger. Go forward, then, and act yourselves. Show forth the measure of your love and wisdom. Prosecute your well-begun undertaking to a glorious consum- mation. Fall not out by the way. Disappoint not the hopes that cluster around your social standard. Justify my confidence in you; actualize my ideal; and by your fidelity realize to me my cherished anticipations of a better day for humanity's unfortunate and perishing classes. " My third motive is a desire to devote my energies more concentratively to important labors in other departments of our great regenerative enterprise. Think not that I consign myself to indolence or to the indulgence of a curious spectatorship. I retire from one sphere of duty that I may enter the more 228 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. undistractedly on another. Our excellent social system is to be extended to the ends of the earth. Its great basilar principles are to be promulgated. The minds of men are to be enlight- ened and their hearts animated by the true faith, piety, philanthropy and morality of Jesus, as comprised in what we call Practical Christianity. The Word is to be preached, written and published abroad. A new order of Educational Institutions, is to be founded. Other Communities, in close confederation with yours, are to be established, wherever practicable. The kingdom of God's righteousness and peace is to be developed on earth as never before. I am called to contribute my mite of instrumentality to the accomplishment of all this. I shall have no excuse for standing idle. I do not ungird myself from labor. I only obey the Master's orders to serve in other fields. Dismiss me then cheerfully from positions where I am no longer needed. Apply yourselves with renewed zeal to your duties and send me mantled with your blessing to the discharge of mine. " * A few reflections. The universal Father moved us to- undertake the establishment of this Community. We were bondmen in the midst of the old social Egypt. He caused the light to shine through our heavy eyelids. He called us to seek a better land to find the place of a more peaceful city. His Holy Spirit brought unto us the maturer things of Christ's Kingdom. He showed us the true social significance and bearings of Christianity. We beheld and appreciated the out- lines of a divine government to be established on earth. We took our scanty substance in our hands and departed from the old church and state. We passed through the sea and the desert, led on by protecting angels. But like Israel of old we had much to learn by dear experience. We had many trials to endure, many difficulties to overcome, before we could plant ourselves in the goodly heritage which now is spread around us. " ' The voice of the murmurer, the despiser and the prophet of failure pained the ears of the faithful and turned away from us the feet of the unstable. A new social birth had to take place, fraught with pangs and struggles and haltings between life and death. But the issue was one of grateful joy. By degrees the infant learned to breathe the vital air and evinced an assured existence. And now, grown robust by wholesome discipline, the child enters on its youthful stage, able to tell VALEDICTORY ADDRESS. 229 in triumph the story of its own precarious nativity. Yes, our Community proclaims itself established. " ' Who hath watched over us all this while, wrought all these deliverances and secured to us all these blessings? Who hath led us by a way we knew not, smoothed the rough places, straightened every crookedness and turned darkness into light before us? Who hath sent the false prophet away ashamed, and silenced the croakings of the murmurer, and caused the scorner to withold his reproaches, and plucked up the roots of bitterness from our midst, and bruised the heel that lifted itself against the faithful, and saved us from ourselves when we unadvisedly fell into error and sin? It is the Lord our God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, ' the Giver of every good and perfect gift.' To him alone be all praise, thanksgiving and glory. He hath not done all things for our sakes alone but for the sake of our common humanity. Not because of our worth or wisdom but of his own spontaneous love and wisdom. Our cause was not our own but His. His name was engraven as with steel on all the foundations of our social fabric. We were but instruments in His hand for the begin- ning of a superstructure in which He purposes to bless the world. Therefore for His own infinite love's sake towards our race hath He wrought out our success, and crowned us with all our prosperities. Let us re-echo the chant of the angels, 'Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will among men.' " 'Accept, beloved associates, my grateful acknowledgments for the almost unanimous and uniform confidence, sympathy and co-operation which you have accorded me during these ten eventful years. As your elder brother and fellow servant, I have been with you from the beginning. I have participated with you in all your experiences of woe and weal. I have not coveted your silver or gold or goods; but have sincerely aimed always at your highest welfare as a Community. I have never sought to enrich or aggrandize myself at your expense. Thus far I have a conscience void of offence. But it was impossible that I should not sometimes betray the weaknesses and infirmities of a man possessing like passions with yourselves. I have done so many times. Yet you have borne with me; you have trusted me; you have respected and honored me. You have ral- lied at the sound of my voice and deferred to my counsels in 230 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. every trying emergency. You have sustained my humble efforts with a fraternal constancy which I shall remember with affec- tionate gratitude forever. I thank you, I thank the Highest, for it. Whereinsoever I have wronged you, or neglected you, or aggrieved you in anything, let me feel that you have for- given me, as God, I trust, has forgiven me my greatest sins, and as I desire to forgive all that have or ever shall have trespassed against me. If I have been instrumental of any good to you or to our common cause I demand no thanks for it. It has all come from Him of whom I received the ability to be useful. I have done only that which it was my duty to do and that but imperfectly. What have at the moment seemed hardships or sacrifices, all dwindle into nothingness when compared with those internal satisfactions which I feel in surveying the results of our common efforts, and in antici- pating the thousand times greater ones yet to follow. To see what I daily behold in this orderly, tranquil, thriving, hopeful Dale abounding in privileges and comforts and quiet dwell- ing-places and to hear the whisperings of angels assuring me that this is but a single cluster of unripe grapes compared with the luxuriant vintage of numerous vineyards yet to be planted surely this is a reward not to be estimated in dollars and cents. And my joy is, not that these lands and houses and good things are mine, to be bequeathed to my personal heirs, but that, without enriching myself, I have labored with you to render them blessings to many who else had been crushed under the huge car of that Juggernaut of selfishness which is continually rolling over the perishing classes of society. My portion is not with the world's successful adventurers who glory in fortunate battles, or in political triumphs, or in huge estates piled up at the cost of ten thousand ruined competitors, to be a curse to lazy and quarrelsome children. I fall back on those interior moral possessions which the world can neither give or take away; the untarnishable and indestructible treasures which I can carry with me through all the mutations of time and eternity. Give me these, O my God, and I can well afford to be laughed at for my simplicity by all the worshipers of Mars, Mercury and Mammon. Let me feel that I share, as a rightful partaker, in the inheritance of them that serve God by doing good to humanity, and it shall be enough. I shall lack nothing essential to true happiness. Be it then our com- VALEDICTORY ADDRESS. 231 mon consciousness, beloved associates, whatever our incidental failures and shortcomings may have been, that in laboring together to build up this Community, we have not lived merely for self but withal to better the condition of the human race. " ' It remains only that I offer a few words of valedictory counsel and fraternal admonition. "'1. Be true to your acknowledged Religion. That is the beginning, middle and end of your welfare. Succeed in this, and all will be well. Fail in this, and you perish. Remember that this religion is the one taught and exemplified by Jesus Christ. It came from the bosom of the Infinite Father and there is nothing that can be substituted for it. Remember that it is an absolute religion, not a temporary contrivance inductive to a higher; that it is a religion of fundamental, immutable principles, not one of external ceremonies, nor of subtle, scholastic dogmas, nor of technical formulas, nor of philosophical niceties, nor of poetical sentimentalities, nor of car- nal flexibility, nor of disfigured countenances, nor of solemn, cant phrases, nor one of exclusively holy places, times and seasons. It is a religion, not of the letter but of the spirit not a religion for the soul only, nor for the body only, nor for the next world only, nor for this world only, nor for indi- viduals only, nor for society only, nor for one people only, nor for one age only. But it is a religion for both soul and body, for the next world and for this world, for individuals as such and for society as such, for all peoples throughout all ages, for all the interests of mankind of whatsoever nature, world without end. It is a religion of faith and also of works, of the feelings and also of the reason, of piety and also of philanthropy, of truth and also of kindness, of justice and also of charity. It is a religion of divine truth, applicable by an enlightened conscience and understanding to all times, places, pursuits, occasions, and cases wherein man acts or suffers. Interpret this religion justly, truthfully, practically. Distin- guish carefully between essentials and non-essentials, between fundamentals and incidentals, between what is possibly allow- able to individuals on their own responsibility and what is absolutely prohibited to any and every human being. For the essentials of this religion be ready to sacrifice all earthly good, even life itself; in non-essentials be tolerant and accommodating to the last degree. Be a truly religious people in the highest 232 THE HOPED ALE COMMUNITY. and best sense ; not superstitiously, f ormalistically, pharisaically, cantishly, heartlessly, laxly; but rather spiritually, cheerfully, artlessly, earnestly, piously, and humanely religious. This is your all-important concern. Make sure of this and all things else shall be added unto you. "'2. Make progress. Be characteristically an advancing people. Do not crystalize, do not petrify. Great principles you will have no occasion to change. Those you have acknowl- edged are eternal and perfect as the divine attributes. Your grand object, the regeneration, holiness and happiness of all mankind, you can never change for a nobler. But applications of principles, particular arrangements, ways, means, forms, methods and minor details, may be susceptible of improvement ad infinitum. I would not have you unstable, fickle-minded and ready to be carried about by every wind of novelty. There is no need of this in order to progress. Your land-marks may be permanent as respects everything essential in religion, grand objects, and moral order. Only welcome new light; keep your minds open to conviction; cultivate knowledge; hail advance- ment; 'prove all things, and hold fast that which is good.' Never sacrifice the substance to the shadow of anything. " ' 3. Hold the Community in sacred regard. Be reverently and devotedly attached to it. Consider every merely individual and ordinary interest as subordinate to the honor, the welfare and the prosperity of the Community. Never place anything but God, divine principle and conscience above it. Why do I say this? Because your Community is founded on divine principles, aims at divine objects, and solemnly forbids injury to any human being, even your worst enemy. You cannot uphold such an institution, nor promote its welfare, nor sub- serve its honor, by doing anything which insults God or injures man. Therefore have I enjoined you to reverence it so supremely. I have so felt and acted from the beginning. I have regarded him who respected, befriended, and upheld the Community, as respecting, befriending, and upholding me; him who despised it as despising me; him who forsook it as forsaking me; him who slandered it as slandering me; and him who injured it as injuring me. Bound by its blessed principles to love my own enemies and to forgive my own offenders, I have endeavored to do the same by those of the Community. Thus have I indemnified myself with it at all VALEDICTORY ADDRESS. 233 times and held its welfare and honor as sacred as my own. I exhort you to do the same and never to leave its existence or any of its great interests in the hands of those who can justly be suspected of a readiness to betray or desert it in the hour of temptation. Be true to your Community until itself has ceased to be true to its fundamental ideas. Then you may and ought to abandon it. If at any time you feel that those who manage its affairs are unjust, or unwise, or unfaith- ful, seek friendly explanations, apply frank and fraternal cor- rectives, and do all you can in honesty and kindness to restore matters to a healthy tone. But do not fly off in a tangent from a noble institution, nor punish the innocent for the offences of the guilty, nor stealthily plot faction, nor work by intrigue to break down influences which you dislike, nor be alienated from your allegiance by accidental interferences of Community enactments with your individual peculiarities. Consider always whether what you happen to be crossed in is really anything worth contending for against the general welfare. Be humble, self-denying, generous, public spirited. Be true, practical Chris- tian Communitists, and you shall find yourselves unselfishly happy together. " * 4. Maintain and cultivate order in all things. This is the dictate of wisdom. All the love, good-will and kind intentions you can cherish will be insufficient, without method, system, regularity, order. Remember that Love must be married to Wisdom for the bringing forth of blessed offspring. Order is the eldest born of these parents. Therefore let there be order in your public assemblies, in your discussions, your delibera- tions, your legislation, your official proceedings, your public documents, your records, your accounts, and in all your organic transactions. Let there be order in your streets, your public grounds, your cemetery, your industrial operations, your work- shops, fields and gardens. Let there be order in your families, your private affairs, and in your individual souls. Xot an overstrained, unnatural, oppressive order; but a rational, benefi- cent, pleasant order, which shall commend itself to God, con- science and reason. Thus will you be happy in yourselves, happy in all your associate relations, and happy in commending your Community as a model one to the thousands that shall yet come from the east, west, north, and south, to learn its -excellences. See that you do nothing in a loose, confused, 234 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. disorderly manner, lest you bring reproach either on the Community or yourselves. " * 5. Finally, ' Endeavor to keep the unity of the spirit in the bonds of peace.' Be of one mind; be conciliatory; be forbear- ing; be frank and forgiving; have compassion one of another; love as brethren; be pitiful; be courteous. And 'whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things ara honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsover things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, if there be any praise, think on these things.' The things that ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in rne (always excepting what has been amiss), do; and the God of peace shall be with you and your children for- evermore.' " At the conclusion of the above address a committee consisting of Bros. Wm. H. Fish and Edmund Soward was chosen to make an appropriate response to it, which was done at an adjourned meeting in form following, to wit : "Dear Brother Ballou: Though your resignation of the Presidency of The Hopedale Community tendered at our late Annual Meeting was not unexpected by any of our Fraternity, it was nevertheless received with much general reluctance and a most sincere wish that you might change your purpose, and still continue in the position which you have so long filled with great ability, fidelity and usefulness. But we know that the duties of the office have been many and arduous, absorbing so much of your time, your thought and your energies, that there was left to you little leisure for study and other pursuits in which you have a deep interest; and we did not feel, there- fore, that we could justly insist upon your longer serving us in a capacity demanding so much labor. Whilst, then, we have submitted to your desire and decision, we have deemed it a duty and a pleasure to express the deep sense of obligation and gratitude which we feel towards you for your important services in our common cause. This we most cordially now do, as a Committee of the Community, and in accordance with the vote unanimously passed immediately after the hearing of your able, interesting and excellent farewell address. Of that address, though we were chosen partly for the purpose of RESPONSE TO VALEDICTORY ADDRESS. 235 responding to it, we deem it unnecessary to say anything at length, as it will go forth into the world to speak for itself. You know that it was appreciated and heartily responded to by all who heard it, and that they were prompted by its impressiveness and intrinsic worth to call for the publication of it. Such a response must be of far greater value than any formal eulogy our feeble words could pronounce; and those not of us will judge it by its own character, and therefore pass upon it a sentence of approbation. " We only add, that though you are succeeded in the Presi- dency by one competent and worthy to occupy the position,. being a pioneer and a constantly devoted and generous laborer in the cause of Christian Socialism, we shall still regard you r as you will naturally be regarded by the world, as really the leader in our enterprise, to whom we shall constantly look with fraternal sympathy, confidence and hope, certain of all the aid you can render us whenever needed and called for* We therefore take an affectionate leave of you as our nominal head, wishing you continued health and prosperity both tem- poral and spiritual, and, what will be still better for you r success in all your philanthropic and Christian labors; and after this earthly life a still higher and broader mission of love and usefulness, in association, under the Infinite Father, with the good and faithful who have gone before us, and whose rest is unwearied activity. "WM. H. FISH, EDMUND SOWARD, Committee." This response was unanimously adopted by the Com- munity as expressive of the most earnest and sincere sentiments of its members towards the retiring President. LAMENTABLE BEREAVEMENTS. Following closely upon these heartfelt, tender, impres- sive, jubilant exercises, were there occurrences of a far different nature scenes of trial, bereavement, calamity, and distress, which cast a deep shadow over our happy vale and pierced many of our bosoms with a sorrow that left a scar never wholly obliterated. The first of these occurrences was the decease, at Worcester, on the 21st of 236 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. January, of our excellent and much esteemed Sr., Susan Fish, in the 63d year of her age. She was for some years a resident member of the Community, of most exemplary character and life, endearing herself to all who knew her by her gentle and loving spirit, her devotion to high things, her self-forgetting usefulness, her calm and hopeful trust in her heavenly Father even to the last hour of her mortal pilgrimage. She was ever loyal to Hopedale, bequeathing a goodly portion of her worldly possessions to the promotion of some of its most cher- ished interests, and requesting with her almost dying breath that her body might have a final resting place in its peaceful cemetery. A tender tribute to her name and memory was written by our chief poet, Abby H. Price, a few stanzas of which are subjoined : "Weep not for the sleeper a gentle repose Spread over her form as she yielded her breath; As calm as a summer day comes to its close She laid her tired head on the pillow of death. "Her life like the sunbeam was radiant with love; In the pathway of peace, her true feet ever trod ; The joys that she sought were all born from above, And the pleasure she asked was the smile of her God. "The cause we here cherish was dear to her heart; Her prayer oft ascended that we might be blest; Though absent at last and dwelling apart. She longed in the peace of our valley to rest. * # * * * * * " As we pass one by one through the fathomless wave, Perhaps she will meet us with welcoming hand; With angels will come to the verge of the grave, And lead us away to the bright Spirit-land." The same number of The Practical Christian that con- tained the obituary of our departed friend just named, conveyed to its readers the startling announcement of a fresh and overwhelming affliction which had come to us DEATH OF ADIN AUGUSTUS BALLOU. 237 all in the sudden death of our own dear son. It was from the pen of Bro. Wm. H. Fish, whose communication is given entire : " ADIN AUGUSTUS BALLOU is DEAD. "Our esteemed friend, Samuel May, Jr. writes to us under date of the 10th inst. (Feb.), 'Is it possibly true as we see announced in to-day's Commonwealth that Augustus Ballou is- 1 dead?' and the answer to his question we have put at the head of this article. He died at Bridgewater, where he was connected with the Normal School as a teacher, on Sunday last, February 8th. He was attacked very violently with typhoid fever, of which disease he was sick only a little over a week. His father and mother were summoned to his bedside in time to be recognized by him, to exchange affectionate greetings and minister to his expiring wants. He lived two days after they reached him, when they returned home with his remains; which was the first intimation any of us had received of his departure. Our friend May exclaims, ' What a terrible blow it must be to his father and mother! The shock must have fallen upon them like a thunder-bolt from a clear sky!' And indeed it is so. We are prompted to say, 'No grief can be equal to their grief ! ' They are bowed in sorrow as never before. "Augustus by this name we always called him was a young man of uncommon ability and excellence, and of great promise; and he has gone down to his grave just as he was passing, early developed, into the man, and entering upon public life for himself. He had pure and high aspirations within him and noble objects before him, for the realization of which he had already marked out some of his life plans. He was only in his nineteenth year and yet as mature as many at twenty- five. But as he was, he has gone from us not dead but still living unto God, no doubt, and to great ends. He leaves a revered father, a most devoted mother, and an ardently affec- tionate sister, to mourn in sadness his early departure and the burial of many hopes garnered up in him, and without the Christian faith and trust they would be inconsolable. But their sorrow is not unto despair deep, overwhelming as it is. They have consolations not few nor small, and can rejoice even in their tribulation at least can be calmly, patiently, humbly sub- 238 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. missive. All the members of our Community are afflicted with them, as is also a wide circle of acquaintances here and else- where. "The funeral was attended by as large an assembly of rela- tives and friends as could possibly be accommodated in our Chapel, and it surely was an impressive and affecting occasion. The writer of this delivered a discourse appropriate to the event, and was followed with interesting remarks of sympathy and consolation by Revs. Henry A. Eaton, Samuel H. Lloyd, and Geo. W. Stacy of Milford, and Bro. Wm. W. Cook of our Community; Bro. Ballou simply saying from a full heart and in a most impressive and touching manner as he took leave of the corpse, * We bless the Lord God that He gave us such a son as this; we bless Him now that He has taken him away; and we bless Him that he liveth evermore.' " The discourse of Brother Fish, with accompanying trib- utes, hymns, etc., was published in the next number of the Christian and did it seem proper in this work I should follow my own strong personal inclination to insert here a full account of our dear sou's last sickness, death, funeral testimonials, and obituary eulogies. I, however, forbear, but warmly commend to my readers the little volume, entitled " Memoir of Adin Augustus Ballou." I prepared and published that work during the year 1853, :and I have never seen the person who read it that did not profess to have done so with much satisfaction and profit. I pass to other scenes of the sad year now in review with one of the poetical tributes of the funeral occasion from the pen of Abby H. Price : "As fair as the beams of the morning wert thou, As sweet as the fragrance of May: Love shone like a gem on thy frank, open, brow, And thy smile was as bright as the day. "Oh yes, we loved thee, a treasure so dear, We were glad as we thought thee our own; But selfish a love that would fetter thee here; Let us smile that the prisoner hath flown. HOPEDALE EDUCATIONAL HOME. 239 "Not far will he leave us, his bright soul will bend To breathe the soft whisper of love; As a guardian power he will gently attend To woo each grieved spirit above. " Adieu, then, our fairest ones, pass ye away, Lest we love this poor earth-home to well; Bereft of our jewels as longer we stay, It shall fit us with them yet to dwell." The tragic event thus depicted not only had a most depressing effect upon my health and spirits, rendering me for months almost wholly incapable of active service in any department of usefulness, but it crushed many of my most sacred and ardent hopes to the earth, and brought some of my most carefully devised and strongly cherished plans to speedy destruction. This was espec- ially true of 4 4 The Hopedale Educational Home " spoken of a few pages back, an enterprise " upon which I had lavished an incalculable amount of thought and labor, and in which centered so many glowing anticipations on niy part and on the part of our ascended sou." The proposi- tion to found such an institution had met a hearty recep- tion from the friends of progress and reform at home and abroad had indeed been hailed with delight by many of these and they could not well bear the thought of having so noble a project given up altogether. come to naught in its very budding. They appreciated the situa- tion in which I was placed by my bereavement in respect to it, and sympathized deeply with me, but had faith to believe and feel that with the aid that would be gladly furnished by those interested in the undertaking and the blessing of Heaven, the way would open to a grand success, if I and my immediate co-adjutors would press forward in the work that had been so auspiciously inau- gurated and received so cordial a welcome from those seeking a higher education and a nobler life for them- selves and for humanity. The feeling of such was fitly 240 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. voiced in a resolution passed at the Quarterly Conference of the general Practical Christian Communion held at Hopedale on the 20th and 21st of March, and appended hereto. "Resolved, That in this present day of darkness to 'The Hopedale Educational Home,' and particularly to the General Agent thereof, our beloved and revered Brother Ballou, we will pronounce upon it our holiest benedictions and express our most earnest desire that it may be carried forward with all the wisdom and efficiency that its immediate co-operators, under the direction of the Divine Wisdom, can bring to its aid; that so far as in us lies we will stay their hands and cheer their hearts, hoping, praying and believing that the Great and Good Father will never leave or forsake them, but will raise up true and faithful souls to fill the void that has been made in their expectations and plans, and by His overruling and fatherly Providence bring their and our eyes to see what we have so long desired to see, and our ears to hear what we have so long desired to hear; to the permanent good of our common brotherhood, to the honor of our cause the cause of Christ, and to the glory of His ever-blessed name." And yet, notwithstanding these and other expressions of sympathy and encouragement, of faith and confidence, with the accompanying assurances of kindly assistance, for which I am truly grateful, I had not the heart to go- on with the undertaking. The "staff of accomplishment," so far as early practical results were concerned, was gone, and I knew not where to look for what, was most needed to insure success. I therefore yielded, though with pro- found regret, to what seemed to me to be the inevitable,, and with many a sigh and pang saw one of my most sacredly cherished schemes for benefiting my kind pass- forever from my sight. Of Community affairs in general much more might be said than seems to be required in a work like that now in hand, the more marked and notable occurrences only NEW SCHOOL OF SOCIAL PHILOSOPHERS. 241 being of interest to historical readers. Some tolerable idea of the ordinary course of operations from month to month and from year to year must have been gleaned from what has been presented in the foregoing pages, and it is not desirable that further particulars be given. Suffice it to say that great activity prevailed in every department of our social economy during the period of which we are now writing industrial, educational, religious, promulga- tory ; that there was a constant influx of new comers to our domain, with frequent accessions to our membership, and some withdrawals and departures ; that our capital steadily increased and therewith business enterprise ; and that there was, moreover, sufficient friction in our com- plex machinery to require untiring watchfulness with some disciplinary treatment, and to awaken in the minds of the more far-seeing and thoughtful more or less anxiety for the future, although in a constantly diminishing degree. About this time there sprang up in and around the city of New York a new school of social philosophers under the leadership of one Stephen P. Andrews, a man of considerable ability and culture, of whom the present distinguished President of Brown University is a nephew, whose proposed system was denominated ' ' Equitable Com- merce," based upon two fundamental doctrines, "Indi- vidual Sovereignty" and "Cost the limit of price." These doctrines were originated by one Josiah Warren of Indiana, who started a Community in that state in illustration of them and also one at a place near Thompson's Station, L. I., some 40 miles from New York city, which was christened Modern Times. The primary idea of the move- ment, " Individual Soverignty," which made every man and women not only his own prophet, priest, and king, but virtually his own law-giver and law-maker his own God in fact captivated several of our Hopedale people and interested for a time quite a number of others. Two or three of the former falling into disrepute among 16 242 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. us, not by reason of their opinions but on moral grounds, finally left us and went to join this new Elysium on Long Island. The practical attempts to actualize that idea, East and West, were of brief continuance, the funda- mental postulate mentioned proving a rope of sand when brought to a practical test and made subject to any considerable weight or tension. A movement with which we were more in sympathy was projected in the autumn of 1852, at Raritan Bay, N. J., in which Rev. Win. H. Charming, already spoken of, was much interested, as a devoted apostle of social reform, and of which our good brother. Clement O. Read, for- merly of Hopedale, was one of the responsible originators. It claimed to be simply an Industrial and Educational enterprise, with no definite moral and religious standard or test of membership, though it courted the co-operation and support only of persons of high character and of humanitary aims in life. A public meeting in its aid and for the furtherance of its objects was held at Clinton Hall, New York City, Dec. 8, at which Bro. E. D. Draper and myself were present by invitation as delegates from our Community, the North American Phalanx also being represented on the occasion. The gathering was not large but made up of choice spirits, desirous of helping any and every effort calculated to improve the condition and uplift the life of their fellowmeu. The general plan and purpose of "The Raritau Bay Union," as the Association already formed to carry the project into execution was called, were stated and commented upon by Mr. Charming, and several others spoke words of sympathy and encour- agement, even though in some instances the proposed undertaking was not regarded as sufficiently radical and comprehensive to insure the most far-reaching and desir- able results. This was my own feeling, as 1 frankly stated, but I had nevertheless only the best of wishes for those engaged in it, who had already purchased lands, ANNUAL MEETING, 1853. 243 tc., to the value of $27,000.00, and who were resolved to press forward to the accomplishment of the laudable ends they had in view. I am happy to be able to say that their labors were crowned with a good degree of success. They were never very large in numbers, but they built up a Community on its own plane of rare excellence, founded a school of superior standing in the educational world, at the head of which was that distinguished scholar and reformer, Theodore D. Weld, illustrated a high type of private and public morality and showed to all thought- ful observers "what might be done if men were wise" to make the world better and happier. It filled a place in the procession of human advancement, made an honor- able record, and passed away. At the Annual Meeting held Jan. 12, 1853, and by adjournment at several succeeding dates, it appeared from the report of the Treasurer that the total amount of Community property Dec. 31, 1852, was $58,264.18; and the entire liabilities, including the maximum dividend of four per cent, on the Joint-Stock, $58,553.07; showing a deficit on the operations of the proceeding year of $288.89. This sum was duly cancelled by individual contributions and the Community started out on its career for 1853 free of all incumbrances from the past and hopeful of success for the future. Its newly elected official servants were : EBENKZKR D. DRAPER, President; WM. H. HUM- PHREY, ALMON THWING, WM. S. HEYWOOD, ALONZO A. COOK, Directory; MARY A. WALDEN, Recorder; LEMUEL MINYAN, Treasurer; DUDLEY B. CHAPMAN, WM. G. COM- STOCK, ANN E. FISH, ANNA T. DRAPER, HENRY LILLIE, Council; WM. H. FISH, EDMUND SOWARD, CAROLINE MAY, Board of Education; ABNER ADAMS, Steward; EDMUND SOWARD, JOSEPH B. BANCROFT, ABBY H. PRICE, ALMIRA B. HUMPHREY, Relief Committee. In the early part of this year a formal and definite proposition came to me, as representative of our Commu- 244 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. nity, from A. C. Church of Kingston, Lucerne Co. Pa. contemplating the establishment of a Community similar to our own, in the vicinity of his home. He had learned of us through Horace Greeley of the N. Y. Tribune, and was desirous of securing our co-operation in the projected enterprise. A tract of laud, 700 acres in extent, of excellent quality, capable of producing all kinds of grain, having upon it large areas of timber, with three saw-mills and other improvements, admirably adapted, as he thought, to Community purposes, could be had for a reasonable- sum, to the purchase and development and utilization of which in the way indicated, he was willing to contribute one thousand dollars. But we were not large enough to colo- nize, still needing all the capital, talent, skill, and moral vigor we could command for our own enlargement and consolidation, and were obliged to decline the proffered opportunity. We, however, commended it to the consider- ation of our friends scattered abroad but nothing came of it. This year like the proceeding one was marked by the decease of two of our most estimable associates. The first was that of Sally Borden, who passed on at Charlton on the loth of April, in the 44th year of her age. She was one of the original members of the Community and' paid the first hundred dollars into its Joint-Stock Fund. A noble-hearted, generous-spirited, outspoken friend of human reform and progress, she was also characterized by the affections and virtues that shine in the domestic circle,, and was deservedly dear to those who knew her best. Her health gave way some ten or twelve years before, and her active nervous system became sadly shattered and' deranged, producing insanity of a distressing and hopeless type from which she found no relief till death severed the chords that bound her to earth and time, and set her imprisoned spirit free. VICTIM OF RAILROAD CATASTROPHE. 245 Early the following month a terrible bereavement befell us in the calamitous death of one of the oldest, best known, most distinguished, and most beloved of our number, Dr. Butler Wilmarth. It occurred in the mem- orable railroad catastrophe at Norwalk Bridge, Conn, on the 6th of May, when many valuable lives were lost and a multitude of fond and loving hearts were overwhelmed with the tide-beats of indescribable distress and anguish. An article m TJie Practical Christian from the pen of Bro. Win. H. Fish, after announcing in appropriate terms the awful tragedy, due largely to reprehensible reckless- ness, speaks of our friend's death as follows : " One of our own and earliest Community members, greatly respected and beloved by us all and by hundreds of others, was whelmed in that wreck of ruin, and brought to us a corpse to be buried in our peaceful cemetery! We knew he had gone to New York to attend a Water Cure convention of physicans, but thought it more than probable that at the close he had visited the new Community at Raritan Bay as he proposed, and would return to his home on Saturday even- ing. But, alas! to what disappointment and anguish of spirit were his family and friends destined! On the Monday follow- ing that tragic and memorable Friday, his lifeless remains were brought to Westboro' (where he was residing for a season and fitting up a Water Cure establishment) by Dr. Welling- ton of New York, who very kindly and humanely took upon himself the service, leaving his home on purpose to see if he could find, as he feared he might, our lamented brother among the dead. He did find him! And we must leave our readers to imagine the distress of his family and friends which followed the first intelligence received of him after his departure. "On Tuesday, the body of Bro. Wilmarth was brought to Hopedale for interment, where the funeral was attended by a large concourse of people, many coming from adjoining towns to give expression to their respect, their sympathy and their sorrow. Brother Ballou gave the principal address which though brief was appropriate and impressive and worthy of the occa- sion. Remarks were also made by the writer of this, by a Mr. Campbell, a clergyman who had come from New York to put 246 THE HOPED ALE COMMUNITY himself under the medical care of the deceased, and who was greatly affected by the event, and by Brother Stacy. u Dr. Wilmarth was fifty-five years of age, and he died in. the Christian faith which he had honored for thirty years at least, not only by profession but by practice. * Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.' ' Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted.' " A memoir of this excellent mau was prepared by Brother Fish arid published not long afterward, and the interested reader is respectfully referred to that volume for further particulars of a character and career worthy of emulation. A Free Love Episode. As we at Hopedale, wherever we were known, had a reputation for hospitality to new ideas and a friendliness towards everything calculated to- benefit our fellowmen, we were frequently confronted with theories and doctrines, good, bad, and indifferent, claim- ing, through their apostles, consideration and acceptance on the ground that they were helps to human progress or panaceas for the maladies of mankind. Some of these were thoroughly false in principle and mischievous in tendency and effect. It was impossible to prevent the introduction of these pernicious theories and doctrines within our borders and the discussion of them among our people. It was no part of our policy to attempt ta do this ; but it was a part of our policy to prevent them from doing any of us harm ; it was a part of our policy to be continually watchful concerning them, lest they get a foothold among us, captivating the unwary and causing injury to personal character and the social well-being. Among these reprehensible speculations was that, which, under a plea for the broadest and largest liberty, contem- plated the removal of all conventional restraints pertaining to the relation of the sexes' to each other, and especially in the matter of marriage, and granting to each and every one the privilege of forming connubial alliances and dissolving them at will, as inclination, pleasure, conven- CASE OF MARITAL INFIDELITY. 247 ience, or whatever else, might dictate, under the general name of Free Love. But notwithstanding our vigilance, and in utter contravention of our solemn declaration con- cerning chastity and of our well-known adherence to the principle of monogamic marriage, there arose in our midst during the year 1853, a case of marital infidelity and illicit intercourse that caused great unpleasantness, per- plexity, and scandal, and that required, at length, Com- munity intervention. The story is simply this : One of our male members, the head of a family, became enamoured of a woman also a member who had for sometime resided in his household, and proportionally estranged from his faithful and worthy wife. Suspicions of something wrong arose among outsiders, causing considerable talk of a scurrilous nature, though nothing was absolutely known or could be proved to that effect. At length the unhappiness of the wife was revealed, and the cause of it, upon investigation, made public. The matter then very properly received attention from the Council, who summoned the delinquents before them for examination and discipline. Upon being questioned and confronted with proof of misconduct, they acknowledged culpability, professed regret, and penitence, and promised amendment. But these professions proved insincere, or at least, transient, and the parties were again called to account. They then did not deny or attempt to conceal their criminality, but rather justified it on the ground that it was consonant with the principles of the new philosophy touching personal liberty, sexual relations, and the conjugal bond, which they had embraced in a word, they openly and unhesitatingly avowed themselves to be Free Lovers, from conviction and in practice also. Having taken that position they could not do otherwise than withdraw from Community membership and leave the locality where both their theory and their action were held in almost universal derision and abhorrence. They went :1 248 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. from us to the settlement of kindred Individual Sovereigns on Long Island already adverted to "-Modern Times," where they undoubtedly found congenial companionship, and unbridled liberty to carry their doctrines out to the farthest possible limit, with no one to question or reproach them, or say them nay. For, as one who had been unwit- tingly induced to take up his residence among that ''peculiar people" for a time, and who knew them well a man of ability and character, well qualified to judge and to judge wisely said: "There is a lurking combina- tion among the leaders to do away entirely with the name and essence of marriage and to introduce instead an open and respectful sanction of promiscuous co-habitation. They not only cut the bonds of legality and set at nought the proprieties of custom, but they also scout the idea of constancy in love, and ridicule the sensitiveness of one who refuses to barter counubialities. Wife with them is synonymous with slave and monogamy is denounced as a vicious monopoly of affection." This case of marital infidelity and contempt of the marriage covenant occurring in our very midst and at a time when the most lax, corrupting, and dangerous senti- ments concerning the general subject to which they relate were bruited abroad and extolled throughout the general community under the specious and captivating guise of Liberty and Reform, led us at Hoped ale to declare our views and make our position known to the world beyond all doubt or peradventure. This we effected in a series of resolutions covering the whole ground involved in the divinely appointed distinction of sex, so far as it applies to the human race, which was passed in Community meet- ing held July 10, 1853. The series culminated in the last one which records most unequivocally and emphati- cally our conviction concerning the pernicious assumption adverted to, as follows : TESTIMONY CONCERNING "FREE LOVE." 249 "Resolved, (10) That, with our views of Christian Chastity, -we contemplate as utterly abhorrent the various 'Free Love' theories and practices insiduously propagated among susceptible minds under pretext of higher religious perfection, moral exaltation, social refinement, individual sovereignty, physiologi- cal research and philosophical progress; and we feel bound to bear our uncompromising testimony against all persons, commu- nities, books and publications which inculcate such specious and subtle licentiousness." The occurrence which has formed the subject of com- ment in the last few pages and which in justice to the truth of history could not have been omitted from the present volume was the only one of its kind that ever transpired during our entire existence the only one in which the inculpated parties justified themselves and took refuge under the bewitching sophistries of "Free Love." In the other few cases of indiscretion, similar in nature though by no means in degree, that came to light, the erring ones, when called to account, bowed to their acknowledged standard of duty, made due confession of their wrong, and in Scripture phrase "brought forth fruits meet for repentance." But on the whole, and to the credit of our young men and women as well as of those of riper years, it is to be put on record and kept in lasting remembrance that we were singularly exempt not only from positive scandal touching matters pertaining to the sexes, but also from covert suspicion and innuendo. Great freedom there was between male and female in the home, in the social circle, and in all public places, but few instances of excess, undue liberty, or impropriety, calling for reproof and reprehension. The Address of the President made at the end of the year 1853, which I have before me in the original manu- script, gave a comprehensive but succinct review of Com- munity affairs for the preceeding twelvemonth. It bore & good moral and financial tone, affirming that progress 250 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. had been made in most if not in all departments of public activity and service, and that the outlook for the future was auspicious of good to all interests and concerns. It would seem that a new basis of valuation of Community property was established at this time, the former one having been adjudged too high as compared with that upon which the estimates of similar property similarly con- ditioned elsewhere were made. This statement will suggest the reason why there is a reduction from the previous year's figures in the financial report of the year under notice, and how it happens that there is an appearance of finan- cial decline when it is claimed that there has been con- tinued advance in this no less than in other particulars. It is simply due to the fact that inflated values values determined by regarding simply the relation of property to business what it is worth to use gave place to market values what it would bring if offered for sale. With these comments and explanations, a few interest- ing and suggestive extracts from the President's Annual Report are introduced : "Total present valuation of Community property $55,225.22;. present liabilities $54,236.45. Leaving towards paying dividends on the Joint-Stock, $988.77. The operations of the year will pay all expenses and 3 1-2 per cent, on Stock, being only 1-2 per cent, less than its constitutional claim. The 10 per cent, reserve due from the several branches of business will amount to about enough to make up the deficiency, so that there will be little or no deficit. "I find by referring to the Community books that its prop- erty has increased rapidly since Jan., 1844, a period of ten years. The present valuation is $55,225.00; that of 1844, $8,658.00, omit- ing the decimals. Increase in ten years, $46,567.00. Add to this sum, the value of tools, machinery, etc., in the several branches of business not now appearing in the Treaurer's statement, which is $7,499.00 and the whole gain is $51,066.00. " The property invested in houses owned by individuals clear of debt Jan. 1, 1854, is $27,400.00; the same Jan. 1, 1844, was $3,200.00. Gain in this particular in ten years, $24,200.00. REPORTS OF ANNUAL MEETING, 1854. 251 The gain therefore in Community property and in private real estate is $78,266.00. And the amount of property now in Hopedale according to these estimates is $90,124.00. [This, of course, did not include the personal property of members, probationers, and others, residing on the domain. Ed.] "The following is an estimate of the increase of property in Community buildings and business equipments, during the year 1853. Houses and shops erected, $10.150.00: implements and fixtures in Machine Branch, $2,000.00; in Soap and Candle Branch, $800.00; in Printing and Publishing Branch, $1000.00; in Transportation Branch, $300.00; in Agricultural Branch, $850.00 ; in Boot and Shoe Branch, $1,600.00 ; in Division Store, $400.00; making a total of $17,100.00." The following paragraphs are copied from the Report of the Council made at the same time : "Of the thirty-one persons examined by the Council for probationship in the Community during the past year, twenty- three were approved; and of the nine persons examined for mem- bership, seven were approved. Of the twenty-three approved by us as probationers, only eleven have been received by the Directory; while of the seven approved for membership, all have been received by the Community. " One of our fellow-members has been removed by death during the year, three have withdrawn, and one has been dis- charged. The Community now numbers seventy-six resident and six non-resident members, twenty-two probationers, seventy- nine family dependents, and fifty-two permitted residents. So that the present population of Hopedale is two hundred and twenty-nine persons. Among these we are happy in expressing the belief that a good degree of harmony and fraternal feeling prevails. We do not think that the Community for a long time has exhibited a phase in which so much unity, kindliness and good feeling has existed as at the present time. " We think it proper to remind you in this connection that we are not here in this Community as mere neighbors, dwell- ing together for no other reason than because it is mutually convenient. But we are here as a great family of brothers and sisters, bound together by a common interest, pursuing together a common end. And no one of us can suffer essen- tially unless all suffer, neither can one of us do a wrong with- 252 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. out all in a greater or less degree feeling the effect of that wrong. And under these circumstances we ought always to feel free to advise, counsel and admonish one another as we would if bound together by the ties of consanguinity. Indeed, we are bound together by a far holier tie ; even that bond of spiritual union that embraces the entire Church of the redeemed and unites them in the service of Him by whose name they aspire to be called. " What we all need, is to be quickened in Spirit, and as an important means to the attainment of this end, we would recommend to your special favor our Conference Meetings and the Inductive Communion Meeting, together with all the oppor- tunities of moral and religious improvement provided by the Community; and that beside these you should not forget to seek for divine illumination and strength by earnest prayers made in the recesses of your own closets." Officers for the year 1854 : EBENEZER D. DRAPER, Presi- dent; MARY A. WALDEN, Recorder; DUDLEY B. CHAPMAN, ANNA T. DRAPER, ANN E. FISH, WM. H. HUMPHREY, ELIJAH S. MULLIKEN, Council; WM. S. HEYWOOD, ALMON THWING, Jos. B. BANCROFT, ALONZO A. COOK, Directory; LEMUEL MUNYAN, Treasurer; WM. H. FISH, CAROLINE M. MAY, CATHARINE G. MUNYAN, NOYES S. WENTWORTH, JEROME WILMARTH, Board of Education ; ALMIRA B. HUM- PHREY, NANCY M. COOK, HENRY LILLIE, DAVID BEAL, Relief Committee; ABNER ADAMS, Steward; WM. S. KEY- WOOD, DUDLEY B. CHAPMAN, WM. W. COOK, SARAH B. H. RICH, ANNA T. DRAPER, Promulgation Committee. CHAPTER VIII. 1854-1856. SIGNS OF PROMISE PRACTICAL CHRISTIAN REPUBLIC NEW COMMUNITIES THE FATAL ISSUE THE INEVITABLE ACCEPTED. nPHE Hopedale Community was now, at the opening of --the year 1854, passing through the palmiest period of its history. Nothing for a long time had transpired to seriously disturb the on- flowing tide of its prosperous career. Perplexing questions were, of course, continually arising, to tax our mental energies and sometimes our patience and our faith, as there were also differences of opinion, personal grievances, clashing of interests, irrita- tions of temper, outbursts of feeling, etc., showing that we had not yet risen above the infirmities and faults of our common human nature and were in no proper condi- tion to boast, as individuals, of our superior, unexcep- tionable moral and spiritual attainment. But these we regarded as purely incidental matters as eddies in the current grievous enough and regretful, to be sure, yet not of serious and threatening moment not deep-seated and virulent enough to worry or oppress us, or awaken apprehensions of coming disaster and woe. We felt, too, that they were sufficiently under the ban of both the private and public conscience, were sufficiently held in check, restricted, and watched by our Council and the guardians of our virtue and peace generally, and suffi- ciently subordinated to our distinctive principles, to the prevailing morality of the place, and to the influence of 254 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. our religious teachers, to be not only comparatively harm- less for the time, but to be gradually disappearing from our borders. So, despite our minor imperfections and defects, we were hopeful as never before and more expect- ant than ever before of good and happiness to our kind through the movement of w r hich we deemed ourselves the especial guardians, prophets, and apostles, called of God to the position we occupied and to the work we had undertaken to do. Of the thriving, perhaps I may say, felicitous condition of affairs with ~us at this time, no better idea can be given than by copying a few extracts from contemporaneous articles, entitled "Local Intelli- gence," appearing in our organ over the signature of W. S. H, (William S. Hey wood). "The condition and prospects of the Community in all out- ward concerns is as favorable and promising as has been the case at any former period of its history. There have been no recent withdrawals from our membership. Quite a number of probationers are residing on our domain, some of whom are nearly or wholly ready to be presented for admission to our fraternity, and will no doubt ere long be welcomed there. Besides, numerous families now abroad in the world are wait- ing with expectant hearts for an opportunity to locate in our midst and unite their energies and resources with ours in the endeavor to realize a new and divine social order. There is no lack of numbers, here and elsewhere, who profess to be prepared to help on by their means, efforts, and personal influence, our work. There is nothing to fear on that account. The occasion for apprehension has been and is, not that the Community will die or suffer from want of men and women to unite with and support it, but rather for want of those of the right kind to be co-laborers in it. And special care, watch- fulness and anxiety are now arid will always be needed in respect to that matter." " The general external appearance of the village is improv- ing from year to year. New dwellings are going up; new streets being opened ; new sidewalks laid ; new house-lots taken up and cultivated; fruit and ornamental trees appear along the public ways, in private gardens, and on the general domain; CURRENT EVENTS IN THE SPRING OF 1854. 255 shrubbery and flowers are constantly increasing in amount and beauty around family residences; the public square is gradually assuming a more pleasing aspect, preparatory to the erection of a more commodious and imposing Chapel than we now have and the laying out of lawns, walks, avenues, terraces, etc., all these things, contributing to the loveliness and charm of our beloved Dale, are receiving a due share of attention. Cellars are already dug and foundations are going in for two new cottages, while plans are in preparation for two others to be erected this season." " Aside from these, which are the work of individuals, the Community is about building a large barn, eighty feet long by forty wide with twenty-two feet posts, mainly for the use of the department of Agriculture. When it shall be ready for occupancy, the old barns will be devoted exclusively to the needs of the Tran sportation, Livery, Horticultural, and other Branches that can profitably use them." " In addition to this, it is deter- mined to enlarge the building hitherto assigned to school, chapel, and other purposes of a public nature. An extension of some twenty feet is proposed, to be so arranged internally as to have two rooms for schools, with folding doors between that can be thrown open when occasion requires, making a commodious auditorium for larger gatherings." " The various Industrial Departments are prosecuting their several distinctive activities with a good degree of attention and vigor. In many of them the demands are even greater than can be answered without overtasking the employes. The Agricultural Branch is in a remarkably prosperous and hope- ful state. The Orcharding Branch has had a good run of business in its nursery, which is stocked with a large number and variety of fruit, shade, and ornamental trees, shrubbery, etc., including an extensive assortment of flowers and foliage plants. Horticulture has some eight acres in garden vegetables, and will soon be running a wagon to the neighboring town of Milford, where a ready market can be found for all it can produce. The Machine Branch, which manufactures hatchets, picks and similar implements, together with power-loom tem- ples, boot lasting apparatus, etc., though not so well supplied with advance orders as last season has thus far kept all its operatives employed. The Soap-making business is brisk, and Hopedale is getting quite a reputation for this kind of manu- 256 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. facture. Boot and Shoe making is dull, but fortunately those- formerly engaged in this calling are able to find and execute other kinds of employment. The Box, Cabinet, and other Branches belonging to the Community, are flourishing, and promise a fair compensation to labor, above rents, expenses, etc., besides an equitable return to the capital invested in them." "Notwithstanding the general industry of the Hopedalians, and a devotion to business running almost to excess, there is unusual attention given to Education, General Culture, Corre- spondence, Moral and Religious Training, and the Nurture of the Spiritual Life among us. I doubt whether any neighbor- hood of the same population in the world furnishes so many subscribers to newspapers, magazines, etc., as ours. Besides, the P. C. exchanges, to the number of forty or fifty per week, mostly of a religious or reformatory character, are distributed among our different households. Nearly every family has a liberal supply of books of its own, supplemented by the Public Library containing six or seven hundred volumes, which is opened every week to applicants, and well patronized. Our regular School Year is of forty weeks' duration, while, during the Fall and Winter seasons, classes are formed by those not in the school for the acquisition of useful knowledge or for private instruction in some special lines of study. Our Lyceum, which is required by the enactment establishing it to meet every Tuesday evening for six months in the year and once a month for the remainder, has, for awhile past, given way to a Singing School, under the direction of one of our probationers. For moral and religious edification and nurture we have two regular meetings on the first day of the week, at each of which a discourse is usually delivered, with accompanying exercises of devotion and praise, perfect freedom of utterance being maintained for all present, whether agreeing with or dissenting from the regular speaker. Also, a Thursday evening Confer- ence for mutual improvement in spiritual things, a Monday evening meeting for young people presided over by Brother Ballou, and a monthly Sunday evening meeting for admonitory and disciplinary purposes, under the supervision of the Council of Religion, Conciliation, and Justice." So much for the state of things within our own borders in relation to the special work in which we were engaged THE GENERAL OUTLOOK ENCOURAGING. 257 and to the cause of Christian Socialism. Nor was the wider outlook upon the world around, and especially upon the world of general Reform and Moral Progress, less auspicious and inspiring. To be sure, a considerable number of social experiments which commenced operations about the time of our locating at Hopedale or soon after, ward had come to irretrievable disaster, so that the places that once knew them knew them no more ; to be sure, there was still abroad the same deep-seated and contumelious distrust of all forms of Associationism the same indifference or hostility to all radical, uncom- promising, high-principled methods of bringing the king- dom of God into the world among the dignitaries and acknowledged leaders in both Church and State; and yet there were on all sides signs of promise to the friends of Social Reform, and from diverse directions light streamed in through the dark, chronic conservatism of the day. A few particulars warranting such a statement may be noted. In the New York Independent of Feb. 16, 1854, an Orthodox Cougregationalist paper of distinctively progress- ive tendencies and aspirations, appeared an article under the caption of " Christian Colonies in the West," in which the essential principles of Christian Socialism were stated and urged much in the same fashion and for the same reasons that we had stated and urged them from the beginning. After descanting upon the kind of persons needed in those portions of our common country lying mostly beyond the Mississippi River to restore to their former allegiance " thousands of families lost to the Church by removal," to save " the once fair and flourish- ing professor who is seen relapsing in his principles, and with perverted taste conforming to the irreligious habits of frontier life," to stay the tide of demoralization sweep- ing over that fair and fertile region, and build up on sure foundations a Christian civilization there after 17 258 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. affirming that a high-minded, noble- hearted, consecrated class of people should emigrate to those far-off latitudes, the question of the manner of their going was considered at considerable length, indicating the extent to which the socialistic idea had taken possession of the author's mind and heart. Mark his words : "How then should such persons (as he had described) go West? Observation in the West, and a careful study of the whole question prompts this answer: In companies, with per- sons of congenial, moral, and religious sentiments, embracing mechanics and others of pecuniary ability to make the school and the church paramount institutions from the outset. To name the reasons for this opinion is enough. It will contribute to the protection of those emigrating." "If it be said that the Christian should be a light everywhere and as leaven among the ungodly, the position will not be denied; but the facts are, the few yield to the many, and a single Christian family or a few poor families can effect little in a community where there is a strong pre-organized irreligious sentiment. A weak "society may be formed with the best of principles, but, from its pecuniary dependence, only be led and perverted by designing men to the dishonor of religion, thus, as numer- ous localities evidence, inflicting a blow on a given denomina- tion from which it will require years to recover." " Organized emigration becomes a Christian duty if a new home is sought." " Fitful, chance lights on the shore will not suffice in the nights of darkness and storm; no more will single Christians, mostly poor, and of necessity secular in their pursuits, scattered through the West, effect that which requires to be done by a combination of influence. If Christians, then, would unite to this end, ' the solitary place would be glad for them,' and the report would go out through the land, * there are profits of godliness and conquests for Christ.' " " There are social and material bearings of this question which deserve a brief mention. We are made for society; but society is not ' got up to order ' like a military company for an emergency. Persons of the same faith, with a common aim and a free will, embarking together, will find a variety of pleasing correspondences in a new home where all are called to the same trials and inspired by kindred hopes. Construct- DRIFT OF HUMANITARIAN THOUGHT. 259 ing a social and religious fabric, and not complaining over that which cannot be remedied, is the proper employment, and contributes to real affinity, happiness and strength of charac- ter." "The economies of the question are evident." These passages are but samples of what was appearing with increasing frequency at that time in the more pro- gressive and reformatory publications of the land. They indicated a growing conviction in many directions of the insufficiency of the hitherto employed methods of alleviating the woes of mankind and bringing in the reign of right- eousness, and of the need of a radical change in that regard of some more comprehensive and unitary move- ment for human elevation and happiness than either the church or reformers generally had yet devised of some- thing indeed quite like what we were endeavoring to make a factor in the affairs of men at Hopedale. To our minds they were proofs that the drift of the better thought of the age of the deepening humanitarian spirit that was abroad was towards a reorganization of the entire social fabric, and we rejoiced and took courage, and pressed forward with new heart and hope in our work. Nor were these the only tokens of a widely growing interest in the cause we held so dear the only gleams of light shining out through the rifts of selfishness and sin to illumine our pathway and give us good cheer. The pulpit in certain directions began to utter itself in the same behalf, and to bear testimony to the glaring defects of the existing social system, though it rarely proposed any remedy save that of a slow outgrowth, produced by a wider diffusion and application of the principles and spirit of the Gospel to human life through individual responsibility and agency, like leaven, leavening, in the process of time, the whole lump of humanity. Neverthe- less, there were a few instances of clergymen who, pene- trating more deeply into the causes of human ill and comprehending more fully the remedy, openly and boldly 260 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. announced and defended the essential principles of Social Reform, or commended the efforts and sacrifices of those engaged in applying those principles practically to the manifold relations and activities of life. One of these, Rev. J. S. Dennis, a Uuiversalist minister, in a sermon upon "The State of the Times," after depicting the dis- abilities, the evils, and miseries pertaining to the existing order of society, proceeded to affirm that the only sure remedy for such a state of things ' ' lies in the adoption of such social and industrial arrangements as will do for- ever away our fierce competitions and strifes, and secure to the laborer the certain and full reward of his toil ; such arrangements as will preclude the possibility of any becoming immensely rich while multitudes are held in degrading poverty; such arrangements as will cause the wealth that industry produces to flow equally to all and secure to all a certain and never-failing abundance."" He then adds : "Do not let it be said that this state of things cannot be realized and that most easily. Above all let it not be said by any one who has studied the sublime principles of the Chris- tian Religion. When the lofty meaning of these principles is understood, there will be no doubt of what I have been asserting. When Christianity shall have been made practical, in the manner in which a noble Christian man whose name I delight to mention here to-day is endeavoring to make it practical, then truly the ills of our present social life will be removed. " * And poverty and wealth, the thirst of fame, The fear of infamy, disease, and woe, War, with its million horrors and fierce wrong, Shall live but in the memory of time.' "I refer to Rev. Adin Ballou, who, with a few kindred spirits, is working out at their Community at Hopedale the problem of unity and harmony in labor, by which man is to be led from want and misery to the blessings of abundance and to happiness." PROPOSALS FOR NEW COMMUNITIES. 261 In closing his discourse the preacher exhorted his hearers to give the subject he had discussed serious consideration, for " in it," he said, " is contained the wisdom that hereafter shall work our social regeneration tind restore the lost Eden." In calling the attention of the readers of The Practical Christian to this sermon which was published in its columns I said : " I hope we shall hear from him (the author) often. It greatly encourages us to see the flower of the progressive min- istry in various religious denominations advancing into the field of Christian Socialism. There is an elect host of them gradually ripening for the advocacy of this great, comprehensive and crowning reform." Facts like these, continually occurring, could not but make a very decided impression upon the minds and hearts of all our more thoughtful and aspiring members, find the friends of Social Reform generally. Moreover, letters from far and near were multiplying expressing faith in our distinctive principles and methods of uplift- ing, harmonizing, and blessing in many respects, our fellowmeu ; and repeated offers of lands and moneys were made to us in aid of movements kindred to our own that we or others might be moved to inaugurate. I have already referred to a proposition coming from the state of Pennsylvania, in which the writer was willing to put a thousand dollars into a Community enterprise and furnish seven hundred acres of land possessing unusual capabilities and resources at a merely nominal price. Another from the fertile areas of Wisconsin tendered the gift of a hundred acres and personal co-operation for the same purpose. A third interested party in Ohio would invest his entire property lauds, mills, etc., worth some eight or ten thousand dollars in a Community if one could be started where he resided. These and other considerations, added to my own never- tiring ambition and desire and the prevailing prosperity 262 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. of Hopedale affairs, induced me to undertake the elabora- tion and consummation of a scheme which I had for a long time contemplated. This was nothing less than the formation of a plan for a communal confederacy for the development of a grand system of society, which should bring the various kinds of Community that might be established agreeably to its provisions into close affili- ation and helpful co-operation with each other, as agencies in promoting the economical, industrial, domestic, social,, moral, and spiritual well-being of the children of men. This I was able to bring to a satisfactory conclusion) during the spring of 1854, in the production of a form of organization and government for such a union or con- federacy under the title of A Constitution of The Practi- cal Christian Republic. The Document was submitted to my brethren for examination, criticism, emendation, and perfecting, at a meeting held for that purpose May 7 r and, after long and patient consideration resulting in sundry alterations and amendments, was approved and adopted by a practically unanimous vote. By this action of the Community a well-defined public policy and the line of confidently expected progress for the future were clearly sketched and authoritatively pre- scribed. The accepted Constitution was formed on the most comprehensive and inclusive plan, making provision for a wide diversity of methods and activities in the direction of social reconstruction. It granted the right and privilege of forming, as conviction, inclination, or circumstances might suggest and allow, four different kinds of Fraternal Associations under the same general head and as co-equal constituent parts of the same great system, to be denominated, respectively, Parochial, Rural,. Joint-Stock, and Common-Stock Communities. All the needful details of organization and administration pertain- ing to each of these were set forth in due form according to the light I then had and to the best of my ability. TRUE SYSTEM OF HUMAN SOCIETY. 263 An unabridged copy of this document will appear in the Appendix of this volume, and to that the reader is referred for further knowledge of its nature and purpose. Another important and laborious achievement of the year 1854 in the interest of the cause with which our Hopedale undertaking was identified and for the further- ance of which we were devoting time, effort, money, energy, all we had of executive power and skill, is briefly delineated on pages 391, 392 of my Autobiography, from which I venture to copy herein a single paragraph as serving sufficiently the ends I have now in view. " This (the framing and adoption of the Constitution of the Practical Christian Republic) being accomplished, I felt the importance, as it was sent out into the world, of having it accompanied with some explanation or elucidation of its dis- tinctive characteristics and methods of operation; and this feeling grew upon me until I resolved upon preparing and having published a complete exposition of what I deemed the true system of human society, comparing it carefully with the prevailing system and with certain proposed new ones that were claiming the attention of philanthropists and reformers in both our own and foreign lands. I then addressed myself to the assigned task, devoting my time and strength, so far as they were not demanded by more urgent duties, for several months to the preparation of such a work. As a result there issued from our Community press towards the end of 1854, an octavo volume of six hundred and fifty-five pages, entitled, PRACTICAL CHRISTIAN SOCIALISM: A Conversational Exposition of the True System of Human Society. In Three Parts, viz. : I. Fundamental Principles; II. Constitutional Polity; III. Supe- riority to Other Systems." Under the circumstances indicated on the foregoing pages it was most natural and legitimate that the spirit of propagandism a determination to enlarge the field of our missionary operations a purpose to expand our work even to the extent of taking possession of new localities and of founding therein new communities, should be 264 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. engendered among us and prompt us to definite action in regard thereto. After the adoption of the Constitution of the Practical Christian Republic by the Community and subsequently by our Quarterly Conferenc^ at West Wrentham on the 25th of June, a leading subject of discussion among us was, What shall we now do to carry forward this Social Reform movement in the world at large ; to make its merits known and to give it increased power as an effective means of redemption to mankind? At a meeting of the Conference held at Hopedale Sept. 16 and 17, it was "Resolved, That the time has now come for this Conference to institute and put in operation an efficient system of pro- mulgation, and the Executive Council are hereby instructed to prepare and present to the next Quarterly Meeting of this body a draft of some definite plan for consideration and action." At the same meeting Wm. S. Hey wood delivered a "Discourse suggestive of efficient measures for proclaim- ing The Practical Christian Republic, disseminating its principles, and promoting its expansion," and Adin Bal- lon one in exposition of the said Republic, in its objects, principles, and polity, and of its claims upon all who accept the Religion of the New Testament. Pursuant to the action of the Conference and in illus- tration of the spirit that animated it, one thousand dollars were pledged to the prosecution of the proposed work for the coming year, provided an efficient system of mission- ary operations could be established as contemplated. At the next meeting the Executive Council reported that several tracts relating to the work in hand had been published arid were ready for distribution, but that endeavors to put lecturers into the field had not been crowned with success. Meanwhile, under the inspiration of the times, I had made announcement that I intended to devote myself /fJRSITY WESTERN COLONIZATION. thereafter (so far as domestic duties, health, strength, opportunity, and Divine Providence permit) to the Expan- sion and Consolidation of The Practical Christian Repub- lic, entering the field as a determined advocate of the New Order of Society, my plans and methods of opera- tion being in a general way outlined. Under the same inspiration the subject of Western Colonization began to be agitated in our borders, as it was being agitated in other localities, near and far away. Bro. Wm. H. Fish became deeply interested in the matter as one that commended itself to our people on the ground that it opened to us a way in which we could advance our peculiar work and make our influence felt more widely for good among our fellowmen. In several articles pub- lished in The Practical Christian during the autumn of 1854 and afterward, he enumerated the advantages to be derived from such colonization to those engaging in it, and the benefits that might accrue to humanity thereby. He made a special appeal to those interested in the cause of Social Reform and besought a favorable response. In the issue of our paper for November 4, he states the case and urges his plea thus : "It has long been a favorite idea of mine, and I think of the leading members of the Hopedale Community, to have some of God's acres in the far West redeemed from the curses of present civilization and devoted to the purpose of realizing upon them a more fraternal and Christian order of social life. And it would gladden my heart to know that something was being done to secure permanently that result. If I could aid such an undertaking in no other way, it should have my good will and my word of encouragement and hope. I doubt not that the right sort of persons, with right principles, though with moderate means, might in a few years attain to such a position of prosperity, excellence, harmony and happiness, as to receive the respect and commendation of all decently worthy beholders, and to teach by a living example and with powerful effect a more excellent way of life in its various 266 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY relations. The time, I believe, is not far distant when this Community or the Hopedale Quarterly Conference will take specific action in this direction." The subject discussed in the foregoing paragraph was- kept before the readers of our paper and the public at large by successive articles from the same pen and from the pen of others during the following two years. Unprec- edented interest was awakened in different 'directions and meetings of friends of the Western movement were held for the purpose of urging its claims, enlisting recruits for its service, and devising ways and means of securing its actualization. At one held in Millville early in 1855, which was largely attended, an advance was determined upon, an organization effected, a Constitution adopted, and two agents appointed to visit the West for the pur- pose of selecting a location and making needful prepara- tions for occupying it. Iowa, Minnesota, and perhaps Kansas and other states were to be visited in the search for the most desirable section in which to make a begin- ning. Some twenty or thirty families were said to be ready for immediate emigration, while letters from friends in the West itself gave assurances that goodly numbers there would gladly join the movement as soon as it should begin practical operations, and aid in carrying it forward to a successful issue. The outcome of all this agitation and action will be reported on a succeeding page. Celebration of West India Emancipation. It was our custom at Hopedale, as radical Abolitionists, to celebrate from year to year the Anniversary of the Emancipation of 800,000 slaves in the British West Indies ; an event which took place by a decree of the English Government on the 1st of August, 1834. This was done on the year in review in a pleasant grove near the southerly borders of our domain, half a mile from the central part of our village. It was estimated that an audience of about eight CELEBRATION OF W. I. EMANCIPATION. 267 hundred persons was in regular attendance upon the exercises and that not less than a thousand visited the grounds during the day. Besides speakers of our own, Adin Ballou, Wm. H. Fish, and Wm. S. Heywood, there were present from outside, Rev. James T. Woodbury of Milford, Rev. Robert Hassell of Mention, Rev. John Boy- den of Woonsocket, R. I., Rev. Geo. S. Ball of Upton, Rev. Daniel S. Whitney of Southboro', and those well- known redoubtable champions of Impartial Liberty, Henry C. Wright and Charles C. Burleigh. There was also with us a remarkable colored woman, once a slave in the State of New York, Sojourner Truth, whose impassioned utter- ances on the occasion were like the fiery outbursts of some ancient prophet of God " lifting up his voice like a trumpet and showing the people their transgressions and the house of Jacob their sins." The general tone of the meeting and the nature of the testimonies given may be inferred from one of the seven resolutions passed, which, in view of what afterward transpired, seems like a veritable prophecy written by inspiration from on high, as evidenced by its reproduction here : "Resolved, That the celebration of this day naturally turns our eyes to the horrible abominations of American slavery and inspires us with fearful forebodings of the tremendous retribution which our professedly Republican nation is treas- uring up for itself by obstinately persisting in the perpetration of its unparalleled crimes against God and humanity; that we abhor and deplore the brazen impudence with which its government justifies the wickedness of enslaving millions of beings confessedly endowed with uualienable human rights; that we behold in its merciless Fugitive Slave Laws, in its insatiable ambition to extend the ravages of slavery into new territories, in its daily declension from all its former professed love of liberty, in its utter contempt of British emancipation, in the recklessness of its aspiring politiciaus, in the subservi- ency of all its departments to the dictation of slaveholders, in its constitutional, inherent, habitual, confirmed, and inveterate "268 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. pro-slavery tendencies, unmistakable evidence that it is ripen- ing for some terrible convulsion some overwhelming visita- tion of calamity, in which the whole nation must inevitably .share." Hopedale Home School. During this year 1854 plans were elaborated and put into execution for the establish- ment within our borders of a private Boarding and Day School which should provide tuition in all the various branches of study that range from the first lessons for juveniles to those requisite for admission to the college and other educational institutions of equal grade. It was also designed that in connection with this scholastic train- ing the pupil should be taught the laws of health, in order that a symmetrical development of the body be secured; also the conditions and laws of moral and spiritual life, so that the roots of selfishness and sin should be elimi- nated from the nature of the child, and all the higher faculties of the soul be nurtured and inspired, to the end that he become amiable, kind, and loving to his fellow- creatures and grateful and obedient to our Father in heaven. And this was to be accomplished under influ- ences and amid surroundings which would in no wise hinder but help the attainment of the contemplated object. The active agents in this new and praiseworthy enterprise were Mr. and Mrs. Morgan L. Bloom, a young couple from New York City, well-fitted for the work by native endowment, scholastic training, refined manners, and a restless ambition to make themselves useful in the world and help bring a better kingdom in. The institution opened as a juvenile and rudimental Seminary in October, 1854, furnishing instruction only of an elementary character, but taking on its higher phases and more complete form the following spring, its curricu- lum including not only the studies usually belonging to a regular academic course, but also the Elements of Agricul- ture, Book-keeping, Vocal and Instrumental Music, Drawing ANNUAL COMMUNITY MEETING. and Painting, etc. It was the initiative of what afterward became a somewhat notable educational instrumentality in Hopedale and vicinity and throughout the reformatory public under the superinteudency of Wm. S. and Abbie B. Hey wood, continuing in operation about eight years, acquiring for itself an enviable reputation for scholarship, effective service, and moral standing, and leaving behind it, when by reason of the breaking out of the Civil War it was finally given up, a grateful and enduring memory. FOURTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING. The Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Community wa& held at the Chapel Jan. 10, 1855. Wm. S. Heywood was chosen Moderator, and Helen L. Mullikeu, Secretary pro tern. After an invocation of the divine blessing and the transaction of a few items of incidental business, the President, Ebenezer D. Draper, delivered an address embodying a general statement of the moral, social, and industrial standing of the Community, with such supple- mentary suggestions and recommendations as seemed to him wise and necessary to healthful progress and perma- nent prosperity. The Annual Report of the Treasurer was presented > accompanied by corroborative and explanatory statements from the Managers of the several branches of industry in the order named : Post Office, Livery, Transportation, Agriculture, Box-Making, Soap and Candle Factory, Boot and Shoe Manufacture, Painting, Machine Business, Horti- culture, Orcharding, Printing, Grist Mill, Cabinet Shop. From that Report it appeared that the whole amount of Community property, Dec. 31, 1854, was $60,441.08; of liabilities $59,090.87. There was, therefore, left to pay dividends, $1,350.21. Adding to this the sum of the deficits for 1852 and 1853, $471.23, which had been cancelled during the last year, and it made the net profits on the operations of 1854, $1,821.44. Deducting the 270 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. amount of dividends on the Joint-Stock, $1,574.00 and there remained a final net gain over all expenses and obligations of $247.44 a sum which, though small, was larger than ever existed before. From the statements of the Managers it appeared that the amount paid for labor within the jurisdiction of the Community was $18,341.68. Of this, residents on our territory received $15,090.50; non-residents, $3,251.18. The amount paid for labor on individual account was $3,039.00. Of this sum, there went to residents, $1,320.00 ; to non-residents, $1,719.00. The entire amount there- fore, paid for labor within our proper boundaries was $21,380.68; to residents, $16,410.50; to non-residents, $4,970.18. By this showing it was made evident that from a financial point of view the year 1854 had been advantageous to all concerned to the employed, who had received satisfactory compensation for their services, and to the Community, which, out of the proceeds of its industrial activities, had paid all its expenses, met all its obligations, returned the stipulated four per cent, to its stockholders, and was read} 7 to start out on another year owing no man anything but love and goodwill. The several Boards of Official Servants, the personnel . of which differed little from year to year, were filled at this meeting as detailed: E. D. DRAPER, President; ABBIE J. SPALDING, Recorder ; ALMON THWING, WM. S. HEYWOOD, JOSEPH B. BANCROFT, STEPHEN ALBEE, Directory ; WM. H. HUMPHREY, ANN E. FISH, E. S. MULLIKEN, LUCY H. BALLOU, SARAH B. HOLBROOK, JOHN LOWELL HEYWOOD, Council; LEMUEL MUNYAN, Treasurer; WM. H. FISH, NOYES S. WENTWORTH, CATHARINE G. MUNYAN, Board of Education; ALMIRA B. HUMPHREY, WM. W. COOK, ANNA T. DRAPER, HENRY LILLIE, Relief Committee; WM. S. HEYWOOD, ANNA T. DRAPER, WM. H. FISH, HELEN L. MULLIKEN, SYLVIA W. BANCROFT, Committee of Promulga- tion; ABNER ADAMS, Steward. ADDRESS OF THE PRESIDENT. 271 A few extracts from the Address of the President may not be out of place in this connection. It is significant as showing how unreservedly he at the time felt himself committed to the cause which the Community represented, and how unwavering was his faith in the ultimate triumph of that cause as a regenerating agency in the world of mankind. "Beloved Associates: We come together to-day, all things considered, under favorable circumstances. I think we are as united and harmonious in our various relations as ever before and that there is a growing interest in the welfare and suc- cess of our holy enterprise. I have reason to believe that on the whole selfishness is decreasing, and that the experience we have had is drawing us nearer and nearer to each other in the bonds of a true Christian Fraternity, where brotherly love shall more and more abound. Still we have many imperfections to outgrow and great progress to make before reaching that condition of individual and social excellence which our divine principles are capable of superinducing in our hearts and lives. May we now and ever seek the aid of our Heavenly Father the aid which we must have in order to fulfill the duties incum- bent upon us as members of this Community." " The present crisis in financial aifairs around us, compelling business men and men of wealth to pay 18, 20 and even 30 per cent, for money, suspending industrial operations, throwing hundreds into bankruptcy and thousands out of employment, suggests to us the importance of looking about us and of ascertaining, if possible, the causes of this state of things. And especially are we reminded of the necessity of looking at home, to see if we cannot improve our condition by more labor, more economy, and by more knowledge of the things in w hich the financial success of an individual and of a Commu- nity consists. I think the meetings held of late to discuss matters relating to expenditures and modes of living, and to consider the obligations of the Community to the individual and of the individual to the Community, have been and will be productive of much good. I am glad to see the improve- ment there is in the spirit which prevails at such meetings; that it is more fraternal and Christian. When we can come together and talk plainly concerning what we shall eat, drink, 272 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. and wear talk of economizing in a way that shall be under- stood by those at fault, and all preserve a loving disposition and maintain a proper self-control, I think it speaks much for our good. May we ever be wise in what we say and in what we hear." "May we learn wisdom by the experiences we are passing through as we labor together here in the great cause of Social Reform. May we be faithful to our high calling. As for me and my house, we have enlisted for life, and I thank God that he called me so early into the work and that he has blessed me with means to help it forward. That I may be more worthy of it and more worthy of your love and confidence, is the prayer of your friend and brother. "E. D. DRAPER." Brief extracts from the Report of the Board of Educa- tion are introduced to show what provision was made by us during those busy, responsible years for the proper intellectual and scholastic training and nurture of our children and youth, such training and nurture being always accompanied by sedulous care for their moral and spiritual well-being. "Our school has not been open as many months the past year as it ordinarily is, in consequence of the remodeling of the building in which it has been kept; but it has, neverthe- less, been making a commendable and encouraging improve- ment, both in education and deportment. It has been divided within the year into two departments, Mrs. Abbie S. Heywood having charge of the older and more advanced pupils, and Mrs. Helen L. Mulliken, the care of the younger ones. The former has been the teacher for several years and stands deservedly high among us for her varied qualifications for her work; and the latter though comparatively a new teacher is doing remarkably well and giving general satisfaction. They receive their remuneration from the school appropriation of the town of Milford for a part of the year, and from the Community for the remainder; the town and town's committee- always seeming to be disposed to do full justice to us." " There was a brief season when we did not get back any of our taxes in this way ; but now that an understanding is estab- lished between us, we anticipate only satisfaction and harmony^" REPORT OF SCHOOL COMMITTEE. 273 " The division of our school before referred to has worked well and has fully compensated for the extra cost consequent upon it. Our educational facilities and prospects were never before so good. And with our greatly improved accommoda- tions, with two such teachers as we have, teachers who are well qualified for their chosen mission and deeply interested in it it cannot be otherwise than that a more manifest improve- ment than heretofore will be constantly made. We shall be justified in expecting much and if visible progress is not real- ized during the year upon which we have entered we shall have sufficient cause for complaint. But whoever visits these schools will, we confidently believe, find them speaking for themselves and reflecting deserved honor upon the teachers, the pupils and the Community." " If parents and guardians do their duty, as we do not doubt they will do according to their knowledge and ability, then there will be nothing in the way of our yet having a ' model ' school a school in which each pupil will be able to receive the elements at least of that kind of education adapted to the peculiar calling in life which he or she may select, whether that of scholar, artist, mechanic, teacher, farmer, or whatever other employment a man or woman can honorably engage in. And gradually to create such a model school is our aim and ambition, and we shall ultimately accomplish our object." Under such flattering auspices as are indicated in the foregoing pages, the Community once more entered upon its annual career. All things conspired to invigorate our purposes and aims, to fill our hearts with gladness and gratitude, and to make us feel that our great humanitarian venture had reached the "full tide of successful experi- ment." Our activities, industrially and otherwise, as well as our ambitious hopes, were multiplied and intensified, and we pressed forward in our course with renewed and unquestioning courage and zeal. Our faith seemed chang- ing rapidly to sight; our victory drew near. At a meeting held on the 7th of February, an Enact- ment was passed providing for the creation of a Contingent 18 274 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. Fund by increased subscriptions to the Joint-Stock, the design of which was to insure the more prompt, effective and satisfactory conduct of the financial affairs of the Community and of individuals connected with it, in the carrying on of business, the payment of debts, and the meeting of all claims of a pecuniary nature. It was virtually the establishment of a sort of Bank of Exchange, to be in charge of the Directory and Treasurer, from which both the managers of Community industries and private parties could draw, in any case of emergency or special demand, for money with which to serve their temporary needs and relieve them of anxieties and per- plexities to which under ordinary circumstances they would not only be liable but frequently subjected. It was believed that this arrangement would contribute both to business efficiency and ease, and to the general harmony and contentment. An industrial enterprise of the early part of the year was the starting of a Book-bindery and Blank Book Manufactory under Community auspices and with the sanction of Community authorities. This establishment was equipped with the best modern machinery and other appliances for prosecuting the work to be done, and men competent to use the same. Our faithful and trustworthy brother, Lemuel Munyan, was chosen General Agent of the company interested in it. Our missionary operations, carried on with special refer- ence to Community expansion, were considerably enlarged and distributed over a continually widening area. I was myself busy in the general neighborhood of Hopedale, going hither and thither over a territoiy having a radius of some forty or fifty miles, with occasional visits to more distant localities, proclaiming the principles and polity of the Practical Christian Republic, and preparing, as I thought and believed, the way for its speedy upbuild- ing on the earth. Rarely a Sunday passed, when I was MISSIONARY LABORS. 275 not by permanent arrangement at home, that I did not hold two and frequently three services elsewhere, while many week-day evenings were employed in lecturing, either upon my distinctive chosen theme or subjects tributary to it. As all roads in the ancient time led to Rome, so in my philosophy and in my practice all specific moral reforms were suggestive and helpful of Social Reform pointed to and culminated in a new and divine order of society. At the same time Bro. Win. H. Fish was laboring diligently and conscientiously in the same blessed behalf. For a while we both occupied the same general field the region round about home. But in the month of April, he went out on a preaching and lecturing tour to the central part of the state of New York, in execution of a plan previously arranged and announced through the columns of The Practical Christian. The paper had many subscribers scattered here and there through that general region, and these gave him, as he journeyed from place to place, most hearty welcome, and provided facilities whereby he was enabled to deliver his message to large numbers of people interested in whatever proposed to ameliorate the condi- tion of mankind and bring in a better future to the world. He spent the greater part of the remainder of the year in the section of country named, and his letters to our organ bore abundant testimony to the unwavering fidelity and tireless industry with which he proclaimed the gospel of the new era to the children of men. He was occasionally wel- comed to Unitarian and Universalist pulpits, as he was to those of congregations which had seceeded from some of the more popular denominations on account of their complicity with American slave-holding and were main- taining the institutions of religion under the name of Christian Unionists the distinguished philanthropist and statesman, Gerritt Smith, being prominent in the move- ment. But much of his labor was performed in public 276 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. balls or school-houses, and in the homes of people hospi- table to progressive and reformatory ideas. Just how life at Hopedale in those days appeared to an outside observer may be gleaned from an editorial published in The Wbonsocket Patriot in the month of May, which reads as follows : "Hopedale Community. On Tuesday we made a flying visit to this home of Associated Industry located in the neighbor- ing town of Milford. The village is one of the pleasantest in this section of country, presenting an inviting, homelike aspect. The pretty dwellings and their surroundings give evidence of order and neatness ; while the inhabitants looked like pictures of happy content. All were busy; we saw not an idler in the village, notwithstanding the Community suffers, in common with all of us, by the general dullness of the times. There are sixteen branches of business carried on under Community auspices, among them a printing office and three occupied mill privileges. Of dwelling-houses there are forty-one, including three concrete octagons. The presiding genius of this * Happy Valley' is Adin Ballou, who has spent the prime of his man- hood in efforts to practically demonstrate the advantages of associated labor. He is a man of enlarged, philanthropic views, guided by a clear head, and governed by principle. We think he is not fully appreciated by the great world and perhaps this is consequent upon his being shut up in his little- world of 'Hopedale.'" The matter of emigration to the West was kept con- stantly in mind, forming a theme of frequent conversation and discussion with us and our friends at home and abroad, and entering more or less into the addresses of our ministers and lecturers. It had come to be taken for granted that new Communities were to be started at an early day, under which assumption some of our brethren who had the time and means visited the states of Minnesota, Iowa, etc., in quest of a suitable location for the same, though without any immediate definite results. At a Conference held in Hopedale on June 9, PLANS FOR COLONIZATION MATURING. 277 our President, E. D. Draper, who had recently returned from such an expedition, stated that while his search had not, for various reasons, been as successful as he and others had hoped, yet he felt that the time was near at hand when a site for a settlement should be secured. Through the columns of TJie Practical Christian its readers and the interested public were kept advised in regard to what was taking place respecting this contemplated forward step of our general cause. In its issue of June 30, one of our editors, over the signature of "H.," referring to it, says: "As yet, but little has been accomplished, either in the way of securing territory or of bringing forward persons suitable in responsibility or numbers for the undertaking. Nevertheless, it is quite certain that another year will not roll round before a domain will be obtained, either in Wisconsin or Iowa, and consecrated to the Divine Kingdom." In that of August 11, " W. H. F." says : " The project is not given up and its prospects seem to us better than ever. Our esteemed friend, David Campbell, of the New Lebanon Springs Hydropathic Establishment, has taken great interest in the matter, and, having three sons in Minne- sota, has given us such information respecting that terri- tory that we are now thinking seriously of going there, at least to explore. Let not our friends, therefore, whose faces are westward, despair, but be patient and hopeful awhile longer. And let those who are in earnest to go send us their names to record as prospective pioneers." Six weeks later, the same writer, who believed thoroughly in the movement and was its most active promoter, was authorized to announce that " a Commu- nity in Minnesota is a probable fact in the not distant future. Two of our enterprising and excellent brothers, George O. Hatch and Elijah S. Mulliken, young men, both carpenters, are to start from Hopedale for the above-named territory on the first day of October with a 278 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. view of spying out the laud and finding a good place to locate upon. They will probably spend the winter there and therefore be able to give us accurate information respecting that most dreaded season of so northern a latitude. Some other friends will probably join them on the way or follow them." The immediate result of this initiative step was reported November 1 7 as follows : "It is with great satisfaction that we announce to our friends abroad the success attending the explorations of Bros. Hatch and Mulliken, who left Hopedale some weeks since for the purpose of procuring and settling a domain for a new Community in the great West Recent letters from them inform us that they have succeeded in finding a location pos- sessing almost every conceivable natural advantage desirable for such an undertaking. Operations are to be commenced immediately. They are providing themselves with equipments for a winter's campaign in an entirely new territory twenty- five or thirty miles away from any human settlement or habi- tation. They are full of hope and zeal. Heaven prosper them. " The place selected is now government laud and not yet in the market. It can be obtained only under the U. S. Pre- emption Law every actual settler claiming and holding 160 acres aud no more. It is desirable, therefore, that a goodly number of persons join our friends as soon as practicable in order to secure a large tract for the purposes in view. They have accordingly called upon us for recruits. Several persons will leave Hopedale on the 19th inst. in response, and it is hoped that if there are any friends abroad favorable to this new movement they will do what they can to aid it. It would give all concerned great pleasure to have ten, fifteen, twenty, or more good men true Reformers go out at this time and take up "claims" with those from this place, holding them for the general purposes of the enterprise, at least until they can be secured by title deeds. What say you, friends? Those who go should be willing to enter into a mutual obligation whereby any certain portion or the whole of the land taken up shall be hereafter devoted to Community uses if a majority so decide, each individual being guaranteed a fair compensa- EXPERIENCES OF WESTERN COLONISTS. 279 tion for all improvements made by him previous to such appropriation. Will any come to our aid? Now is the time for action." The party referred to in the above quotation as in preparation for leaving Hopedale November 19 to join the one which went before, bade farewell to friends there as proposed, and hastened on their way as fast as rail- car and steamer could carry them. It consisted of four persons, thoroughly in earnest, looking forward with fond expectation to meeting those who had preceded them, and uniting with them in founding a new home for them- selves and their dependants on the virgin soil of the Minnesota prairies, so full of promise to the industrious and skillful husbandman. They hoped to reach their place of destination before cold weather should impede trans- portation or hinder them seriously in getting established in comfortable winter quarters. They confidently expected that their forerunners would have at least one cabin erected, a supply of provisions on hand, and other neces- saries for their protection and sustenance until they should be able to make ample provision in these regards for themselves. But all phases of human life have their difficulties, disappointments, and reverses, and a pioneer experience, beyond the sound of human habitation, in an unexplored region, with a bitter winter coming on, is not without its full share of them, as the sequel in this case fully showed. It is sufficient for the present to state that the plans and efforts of these resolute, high-purposed emigrants, going forth from their pleasant, cheerful, well-furnished homes, seeking what they believed would ultimately be to them a better inheritance, were destined to a complete temporary failure. The first party in their attempt to reach their chosen location a second time with teams purchased at St. Paul and loaded with lumber, household goods, provisions, and the like for immediate use, were 280 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. obliged, by reason of the severity of the weather, the irnpassableiiess of the country across which their journey ran, and their ignorance of the proper or best route for reaching their chosen place of settlement, to make a retreat and defer all further efforts till the coming spring. Seek- ing employment at different localities for the interim and failing to find it, they disposed of their team, goods and chattels, and the principals, Messrs. Hatch and Mullikeu, returned very soon after to Hopedale. Meanwhile the second party, of which J. Lowell Hey- wood and Lyman Allen were the responsible leaders, knowing nothing of their predecessors' discomfiture, hurried along their way with many hindrances and vexations, reaching Monticello, forty miles above St. Paul, some days after the others had turned their faces eastward, and learning there for the first time of the actual status of affairs and of the consequent dilemma in which they themselves were placed. After reviewing thoughtfully the situation and taking counsel of friends at Hopedale and elsewhere, they decided to remain where they were, get what they could of employment during the intervening months, and prepare for active preparations in the early spring. What they finally did will be detailed hereafter. In the undoubting expectation that these brethren and friends would be successful in their laudable venture, and that an offshoot of the Hopedale Community was to be planted in the western soil without further delay, I spent much time and thought during the summer and early autumn in devising and putting in proper form a Consti- tution suited to the needs of a Community formed and operating under circumstances like those amid which the one contemplated would be placed. It was published in full in The Practical Christian, and thereby submitted to the considerate judgment of whomsoever it might con- cern. But the progress of events and the convulsion that even then was hastening us on to irretrievable dis- NEW FEATURE OF COMMUNITY LIFE. 281 aster rendered such service oil my part, and many of my other labors, null and void. Ignorant as I was of the drift of things and iuappre- hensive of approaching doom, I later in the season con- ceived and elaborated into a definite plan a new idea concerning the constitutional structure and working policy of the general Community system. It was that provis- ion should be made for the organization of subordinate associations among the members wheels within the main wheel to be called Communes, composed of per- sons of similar tastes, inclinations, and pursuits, drawn together by elective affinity and acting under a simple compact or bond of agreement for the accomplishment of an object or of objects mutually agreeable and satisfac- tory, responsible to the parent Community only in matters pertaining to fundamental principles, interests of universal concern, and the common organic polity which it had established. It seemed to me that such Communes, prop- erly related to each other, would strengthen the Commu- nity itself and secure several very important results : 1. Variety in unity ; 2. Freedom from undue centralization of power and from prescribed uniformity of rules, formali- ties, and methods, in matters really unessential and extrin- sic ; 3. Congenial companionship in business affairs and in other cherished interests common to those associated together. To give this new feature of Community life the benefit and test of practical experimentation and to meet certain existing needs among our people, I myself led off in the formation of an association thus provided for. partly for the purpose of carrying on certain industries that had recently been introduced within our borders by some of our incoming members, and that were in rudimeutal and semi-chaotic condition, and partly to aid some of my fellow-associates in acquiring the means of independent and honorable self-support said association to be called, 282 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. as it was called during the brief period of its existence, Hopedale Commune No. 1, similar co-partnerships being expected to follow and to be designated by numerals in their proper order. An Act was passed by the Com- munity December 14 authorizing this new departure in our general polity, signatures were obtained to a Special Compact or Bond of Union, an organization was effected, and operations shortly after began. The body started with some six or eight members, myself included, and in order that the venture might be wisely inaugurated, I consented to act as its President and virtually to father its financial obligations. Several kinds of business were established by us, the principal of which was the manu- facture of a tackle-block, or device for lifting in a per- fectly safe way heavy bodies in warehouses, on board vessels, and elsewhere a contrivance invented and patented by one of our number. The required mone- tary investment exceeded our calculations and available resources, and we found ourselves at the outset heavily burdened with debt. Our chief article of production did not secure the market we anticipated, which, with the crisis that not long after came in Community affairs, produced confusion in our ranks and plans, the result of which was the dissolution of the Commune ere its impor- tance and value as a factor in our general movement had been fairly tested. And so the year 1855 was brought to its close a year of unusual activity in every department of our com- plex and comprehensive undertaking a year in which all our leading and most responsible members were taxed to the utmost ; in which great expectations were raised and great plans laid for the future ; in which we were reaching out into new territory whereon to build new outposts for the prosecution of the work ; in which our labors and prayers, our aspirations and self-denials, our faith and our hope seemed nearing their consummation, and our FIFTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING. 28S cause its triumph and its crown; but a year alas! whose weeks and months were hurrying us on as fast as time could carry us, to the end of our communal career. For the day of reckoning was at hand the day that sealed our fate as a Community, and visited us with disastrous overthrow ! The fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Community was held in our Chapel, Jan. 9, 1856, its sessions continuing through the day and evening. The President, E. D. Draper, presented his customary Address, embodying, in a general way, from his point of view, a summary of Community operations during the preceding year in its several departments, its then present condition, and its prospects for the time to come. The Treasurer, for rea- sons that were satisfactory at the time, asked leave to defer his yearly statement of the public finances for a month, and his request was granted. The Board of Education through Win. S. Heywood (the Chairman, Wm. H. Fish, being absent), made their Report, which was accepted. The Relief Committee also made a state- ment of the amount expended by them during the year, the names of beneficiaries and the sums received by them being, as was our custom, withheld. The balloting for Community Officers for the ensuing year, including that of Vice President, which had been added to the list by recent Enactment, resulted in the election of the follow- ing-named persons, viz. : E. D. DRAPER, President; WM. S. HEYWOOD, Vice President; CYRUS BRADBURY, Recorder; WM. H. HUMPHREY, ANN E. FISH, LUCY H. BALLOU, GEORGE GAY, ANNA T. DRAPER, Council; JOSEPH B. BAN- CROFT, STEPHEN ALBEE, WM. W. COOK, Directory ; LEMUEL MUNYAN. Treasurer; WM. S. HEYWOOD, ANN E. FISH, CATHARINE G. MUNYAN, MELISSA M. INMAN, GEORGE GAY, Board of Education; ALMIRA B. HUMPHREY, PHILA O. WILMARTH, RICHARD WALKER, DANIEL H. CARTER, Reliej Committee; WM. S. HEYWOOD, ANNA T. DRAPER, GEORGE. THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. O. HATCH, ELIJAH S. MULLIKEN, PHILA O. WILMARTH, Committee of Promulgation. The meeting passed off harmoniously and quietly, no one even suspecting that any peril to our organization and its interests was impending much less that we were on the brink of a precipice from which we were soon to be hurled to our doom. The reports generally were enlivened by a tone of cheerfulness, and that of the President was especially encouraging in its closing passages and calculated to allay any apprehension of coming ill that might have arisen in the minds of any of us. The more important portions of it are subjoined : "Beloved Associates: I have but a very brief and some- what imperfect statement to make to you of the affairs and operations of the Community in its various departments and dependencies during the past year. The Treasurer has not had time and assistance sufficient to render it possible for him to so audit his accounts as to make his usual statement with any degree of confidence and certainty, and proposes to ask your indulgence for a short time to enable him to finish up his work with due care and to his own satisfaction. The reports of the several branches of business operating under the auspices of the Community are made up, and will be read to you in their proper time and place. " The Directory acting concurrently with the Trustees have just obtained of each member, probationer, and responsible dependant, a detailed and definite statement of his or her financial standing, which they design to repeat in years to come. This plan will, I think, be of great advantage, if judiciously managed, to all parties concerned to the persons themselves and to the Community. It will enable the Direc- tory to know how each and all are getting along from year to year, to make their assessments justly, to favor and relieve those whose conditions and circumstances demand it, and to accept or require responsibilities and risks of those, and only those, who are able to take them without endangering the stability of their own or the Community's financial affairs. I think that this plan will be of especial service to the individ- ual. It will help all to know for themselves every family PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS. 285 to know for itself just where they stand in respect to the means and resources of subsistence, and to their worldly pos- sessions. They will ascertain how much their income is and how much are their outgoes. They will then be able to tell definitely whether they live within their means or not, and be led thereby to institute such inquiries in regard to industry, economy, and the like, as cannot be otherwise than salutary upon themselves and upon the whole body. I hold it to be the duty of every one to know his or her pecuniary standing, and whether their income is sufficient to cover their expendi- tures or not, and it seems to me that this new and more precise tnethod than any heretofore pursued will aid much in the way of discharging that duty. " From the statements obtained from individuals under this new method we find the whole amount of individual property to be $146,386; the whole amount of individual indebtedness, $53,479; making the individual property free of debt, $92,907. Amount of gains in the Community, $2,144; in business abroad, $6,574; total gains for the year of $8,718. Amount of losses for the year, $1,416; showing a net gain of $7,302 The whole amount paid for labor for the year past in the general operations of the Community, aside from what individ- uals may have expended on their own account, was $18,114.46 ; of which foreigners received about $2,400.00." "We may rejoice together in considering the degree of harmony that exists at the present time in the Community; greater I think than ever before. And I hope and believe that with our past experiences and present advantages we shall continue to increase in love and wisdom, and so become more and more a light to those around us, proving to the world that Christian Socialism opens a more excellent way in which men may live together, and that it gives us, as it will all who yield to its saving power, ' peace and good will ' to one another and the whole human race. May the good God prosper and bless us all. "E. D. DRAPER." In listening to these utterances one could hardly antici- pate that in less than two months it would be deemed necessary to abandon the Joint-Stock Proprietorship and 286 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. Industrial System of the Community, and so virtually give up the ship in which our hopes our fortunes and our destinies were launched. And yet to that inexorable con- clnsion were we brought and by processes not difficult of apprehension, as will be presently seen. It is to be observed that the cheering picture of the condition of property affairs presented in the President's address and of the gains made during the year 1855 did not relate to Community affairs at all,, but to those of individuals. And it should be understood that at least three fourths of the $7,302.00 net gain were made by himself and his brother George, in profitable business operations carried on entirely outside of our associated industries, in which neither the Community nor other indi- viduals had any direct interest whatever. It was a piece of good fortune for the brothers named and every way honorable on their part, but it concerned the rest of us no further, and was no further encouraging to us, than that it would enable them, out of their generosity and regard for the Community, to render it substantial aid in any unprovided for emergency or time of special need. At an adjournment of the Annual Meeting, held Feb- ruary 5, the Treasurer, Lemuel Munyan, submitted his deferred report, a summary of which is given to our present readers. "The amount of property on hand (Dec. 31, 1855) is as follows, to wit: Dues from branches including lands charged to Horticulture, Orcharding, and Agriculture, $25,117.92; Real Estate, including wood-land and buildings, $24,471.98; Sundry Book Accounts, $6,010.40; Bills Receivable, $8,053.41; Box Branch Tools, $290.25; Dues to Transportation and Saw Mill, $741.56; Interest on Bills Receivable, $469.57 ; Ten per cent, on Machine Branch gains, $120.00; total, $35,275.09. The liabilities of the Community are: Joint-Stock, $41,300.00; Bills payable, $14,792.14; Sundry Book Accounts, $8,042.40; Interest due, $990.67; Transportation Debts, $60.03; Taxes unpaid, $235.03; Total, $65,420.24. Deducting the Assets, $65,275.09, shows a deficit of $145.15." UNANTICIPATED REVELATION. 287 This statement was no doubt correct so far as it went, but it made no mention of what was required to meet the four per cent, dividends due on Joint-Stock, amounting to $1,652.00; nor is there in it any allowance or estimate for depreciation in the value of buildings, machinery, tools, etc., which had taken place during the twelvemonth pre- ceding, but which had not been cancelled by repairs, purchases, or improvements. The upshot of the whole matter, which could no longer be disguised or kept out of sight, was, that the Commu- nity had been running seriously behindhand in its indus- trial departments and that its financial condition was sadly demoralized. A shrewd business man or an expert in finance could easily see by looking over the situation, that the Community liabilities actually exceeded its assets by several thousand dollars, and that under our peculiar circumstances we were pecuniarily in a very bad way. Of this fact, I presume, Bro. George Draper was abun- dantly satisfied, or, at least, was convinced that as things ivere going, either the Community would ere long become bankrupt or be obliged to draw upon him and his brother Ebenezer for a greater sum to extricate it from its diffi- culties and meet its obligations than he was disposed to give it. At any rate it soon transpired that he was becoming weary of Community financiering, especially when his capital was involved and when it blocked the way of his money-making ambition. Nevertheless, when the situation was made apparent to us and it was seen that something must be done to meet the emergency, we set ourselves about devising some expedient by which that end could be gained. The one that finally obtained favor and secured adoption was that of assessing the members of the Community to an extent sufficient to liquidate the four per cent, dividends and cancel the nominal losses that had been experienced, and this was carried into effect, so far as outside parties were 288 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. concerned all such being paid their rightful claims in full. In accomplishing this result and therewith arranging many kindred matters, there were, as may be supposed, protracted and drastic discussions both inside and outside of our public meetings, which, on the whole, had no tendency to promote harmony and confidence but rather distrust and ill-feeling. If there were blame in the man- agement of business, as many believed to be the case, it was difficult to locate it, although the head of one branch openly confessed to what was at least a semi-betrayal of the trust reposed in him, practiced for several years and causing a considerable percentage of the existing losses ; as an idemnity for which he surrended his private property house, lot, furniture, tools, etc., to the Community. Failing to discover definitely, save in this instance, where the fault was, it was natural and easy to attribute it to the system, and this was the culminating accusation. In making it the lead was taken by George Draper, before-named, who had been with us but a short time,, and who probably never had more than a half-faith in Community life or in the fundamental principles which constituted the basis of our movement. He was a man thoroughly honest in his opinions, upright in his dealings, and of undoubted integrity and honor. A man, however, of inflexible will, and one not to be turned from his pur- pose if its attainment were within the realm of possibility. Hence, when he came to feel that our socialistic under- taking was financially impracticable, that it stood in the way of his success as a business man of the world, and that therefore it must be abandoned, so far at least as he was concerned, all his energies were directed to the accomplishment of that result. Inasmuch as he and his brother were intimately associated in an important indus- try, and must act concurrently in all matters affecting: that industry, it was his first concern, in taking measures PROFOUND DISAPPOINTMENT. 289 to gain the end he had in view, to win his brother to his own way of thinking and secure his co-operation in withdrawing their joint capital from the Community treas- ury. It was some time before he succeeded in doing this, but at length by argument and appeal urged with unre- lenting persistency, his point was gained, and this point gained the destiny of the Community was sealed. The two owned three-fourths of its Joint-Stock and the with- drawal of that from our working capital would cripple us beyond power of recovery. This I saw clearly as soon as I learned that these two men had decided to take the position indicated, and a deathlike chill settled upon and almost froze my heart. What I then and for months afterward suffered of disappointment, mortification, and grief, it would be alike difficult and useless to describe. But I was able finally to rise above it and am now not only reconciled to my seeming calamity but rejoice in it. Regarding things as I do at present. I would not lift a finger to save such a Community from its legitimate, predetermined fate. It served as a school of valuable experience to its members and others connected with it, and as an instructive lesson to those who looked upon it and knew of its varied for- tunes, and to coming generations. Such, in the Provi- dence of the all-wise, all-loving Father, was its mission, and that mission it fulfilled. I have stated that the decision of the Brothers Draper to withdraw their proportion of stock from the available funds of the Community was the culmination of the tragedy the verdict which pronounced the Community's doom. The rest of us, with our limited resources, were practically powerless. We were in no condition to pur- chase their interest in the property, except by using our credit, as we might have done, and raising the requisite means among our outside sympathizing friends or the 19 290 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. money-lending public. Some of our number were desirous of pursuing this course, and urged it with considerable persistency and zeal with a determination born of their faith in the underlying principles of our cause and worthy of the devotion with which they had ever sus- tained and defended it. But to have done this would have been alike fool-hardy and perilous would have loaded ourselves with a burden of debt, which, in all probability, would sooner or later not only have crushed the life out of us, but would have defrauded those who might yield to our appeal and befriend and help us. The proposition therefore was not to be entertained for a moment longer than was necessary to see its bearings and reject it. The only thing for us to do was to yield to the inevitable and make the best of it. Forced to this conclusion we at once set about arrang- ing the conditions and details of a transfer of the Com- munity property to the Draper brothers, agreeably to their wishes, and of adjusting all our financial and industrial affairs in a manner every way equitable and honorable. My position in respect to our movement from the begin- ning, among my associates and before the world, was such as to make me specially interested and responsible in this matter, and I determined that in the final settle- ment the Drapers should obligate themselves to take the entire Joint-Stock property at an appraisal that would enable them to cancel all the liabilities of the Community t which they were to assume, so that no further assess- ments should be made, or further losses fall, on any of our members or our friends and creditors outside. To this they willingly agreed and entered into written bonds for the execution of the contract ; and these they in due time discharged to the satisfaction of all concerned. The many preliminaries to this final arrangement of affairs were gone through with and decided upon in regu- lar Community meetings, held at frequent intervals during CONSTITUTIONAL CHANGE. 291 the month of February, and by the agency of Committees chosen to aid in the work. When everything was at length settled in these regards, it became necessary to take further definite Community action, in order to com- plete the revolutionary process and establish the changed regime in the History of Hopedale. These things were required : 1 . To decide by Consti- tutional vote that the change verbally provided for and agreed upon should be made. 2. To alter and amend the Constitution, By-Laws, and several Enactments of the Community, so as to conform them in all respects to the new order of things respecting property-holding, business .management, and other secular interests and concerns. 3. To institute measures for the appraisal of the property that was to pass into the possession of the Drapers, for its proper legal conveyance to the same, and for protecting the rights of each and every one in any way involved in the transactions that were taking place. All this was accomplished at a meeting held on the evening of Saturday, March 8, and before the month closed everything pursuant thereto was adjusted and per- manently settled. So that on the 1st of April, 1856, the new industrial and economical system in our village was fully established, and The Hopedale Community, as the type of a regenerated form of .human society, and an attempt to realize the Kingdom of God on earth, for which so many of us had prayed and toiled and sacri- ficed for so many years, had become a thing of the past had been transformed into a mere religious, moral reform, and mutual guaranty association. Its glory had departed ; its sun had set forever. From that time forward our beloved Hopedale village became gradually secularized and conformed to the habits, customs, and usages of similar boroughs elsewhere, losing that distinctive character and the well-earned reputation which its founders and responsible guardians always felt 292 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. was "rather to be chosen than great riches." Business- enterprise and management, having now assumed the scepter and the control of the fortunes of the place, returned to the methods and maxims of the unregenerate world, no longer subject, except as individual conscience might suggest and demand, to the principles of Practical Christianity dominant there from the beginning. Employes were engaged or discharged, as interest or convenience dictated with little regard to higher considerations. Old residents, whose services for any reason were not wanted, or who could do better elsewhere, departed, and new comers multiplied, not always of a moral type agreeable to the tastes and convictions of previous settlers. All that was left to the Community, as such, was moral power. This, to be sure, was very considerable at the outset,, and, although it perceptibly waned from year to year, somewhat of it has remained for good unto the present day. How long it will last and be availing to any appreciable extent, I cannot foresee. But from the moment that Community control over the general domain, over property, industry, labor, inhabitancy, etc., was surren- dered, it could, in the nature of things, be only a ques- tion of time when the last vestige of our undertaking must be obliterated, and when all its distinguishing ideas and principles so precious to many of us would be deemed of little account, even if they were not looked upon as an impertinence and an offence in the very places where they were once exalted and glorified. Some of our members did not see that such would be the ultimate result of what had transpired, and were disposed to hold on to our organiza- tion, to struggle on, and labor on, and pray on, in the hope that we should be able after a few years to regain what we had lost, take up once more the work that had been laid down, and go forward to a long deferred victory. I was myself inclined at first to take this view of the HOPE OF RECOVERY GONE. 293 situation ; but I soon came to understand from the revolu- tionary character of the change, from the spirit and ambition of those to whose demands we had yielded and in whose hands we were as potter's clay, and from many other considerations, that this could not be that all such hope was illusory and vain. I saw that if The Hopedale Community was ever to be resuscitated that if ever the truth it stood for, the principles it represented and held sacred and inviolable, were ever to be made the basis of a similar endeavor to set up the kingdom of righteousness, brotherhood, and peace on the earth, it must be in some new locality ; not on the ruins of our former venture, not where all our purposes, and plans, and expectations had gone down in disastrous overthrow, but on virgin soil, beneath more favoring skies, amid better surroundings, and with material better fitted by nature, by culture, by consecration, to the sublime, divinely appointed work. God in his great mercy grant that in his own good time that place may be found and that work be done. So shall The Hopedale Community have a glorious resurrection, an apotheosis, of which its earlier manifestation was but the harbinger and prototype. With the decadence of the Community, as an exponent and practical illustration of Christian Socialism, passed into oblivion or into a state of arrested development, many plans and schemes dependent upon or supplement- ary to it, while our whole system of propagandism received a shock and a set back from which it has never been able to recover. If our missionaries went abroad to proclaim the gospel previously represented by it, their words were shorn of much of their pertinency and power by the failure of our efforts to actualize that gospel in the manifold relations of life at home. As a moral and religious teacher, called of God, as I believed, to fill that office, I could not wholly cease from my ministrations in behalf of what, notwithstanding all disappointments and 294 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. failures, I still believed to be true and right, and, as a consequence, essential to the enlightenment, regeneration, and happiness of mankind ; yet I felt that I was seriously handicapped by what had transpired and that rny utter- ances had lost much of the vitality and effectiveness which formerly characterized them and made them acceptable and profitable to my fellowmen. Nevertheless, I must go- forward in the same general way as before, following the same lines of thought and discourse, though obliged by the circumstances of the case to deal more with the theo- retical than with the practical aspects of divine truth, save in its application to individuals in their more imme- diate personal relations to God and man, and to treat of it in its larger phases and applications, as a means of building up the divine kingdom on the earth, and of the obligations it imposed upon men in that regard, ideally and prophetically rather than otherwise as something to aspire after and to be realized in the sometime future, but not in the living present of the world's history. My brethren in the ministry felt much as I did in this- matter, and were impelled to adopt . essentially the same ministerial policy and pursue the same lines of ministerial service. To be sure, there was enough for us to do in the way of seeking to " turn men from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God " ; enough to do in war- ring against the great evils of social and civil life, Slavery, War, Intemperance, Licentiousness, Commercial Fraud, Political Corruption, etc., and in urging forward the specific reforms that were calculated to overcome these iniquities and banish them from the world ; but at the same time we still believed that pure Christianity meant more than these things, more than individual enlighten- ment and sanctificatiou, more than the abolition of social abuses and abominations and the triumph of great and good causes ; we believed it meant a Redeemed Order of Human Society, the Kingdom of God on the Earth. And WESTERN MOVEMENT POSTPONED. 295 tins belief must still come in to shape more or less our testimonies, to give direction to our endeavors, to fill the measure of our heart's desire for humanity and keep alive in our souls a sense of God's presence and providence in the world and of his beneficent purpose touching the children of men. So we wrought on as best we could in the places that opened to us here and there, trusting that though our fondest expectations were not to be realized by us or perhaps by any in the near future, our efforts, put forth in all sincerity and earnestness, would yet be to some extent efficacious in urging forward the cause of human progress and redemption and would contribute in some humble degree to the bringing in of that long prophesied era when the blessed doctrine of human broth- erhood should animate all hearts and bind men and nations together in amity, concord, and peace ; when they should "beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruniug-hooks and learn war no more " ; and when God, even in this world, should be " all and in all." As a result of the changed conditions and circum- stances under which we were placed at Hoped ale, the enthusiasm that had been growing among us for a year or two in favor of colonization rapidly subsided, and the so-called ' i Western Movement " which seemed so near its culmination in the establishment of a branch Community in the state of Minnesota at the very moment of the fatal collapse, was postponed forever. If anything of the kind contemplated should be undertaken in the indefinite future, as I still believe, it will be substantially a new experiment, wholly independent organically of that at Hopedale, though it would undoubtedly derive some important lessons for its guidance from Hopedale's experience and history, from its failure as well as from its temporary success. It may be proper to state that our brethren who went out from us in the autumn of 1855 and who through divers 296 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. difficulties and disappointments were obliged to suspend their labors and spend the succeeding winter at Monticello, as noted a few pages back, resumed them again at the opening of the spring. They soon found a satisfactory locality on the open rolling prairie about forty miles due west from Monticello, some eight Hundred acres of which they immediately took measures to secure under the U. S. Preemption Act, and proceeded to erect dwellings for the shelter, convenience, and comfort of themselves and their dependents. These they completed in the early summer, when, joined by the other members of their households, they re-established their home-life, and went on in the discharge of those duties and the performance of those labors, incident to pioneer experience in that then almost wholly uninhabited region. There they remained but a few years, one of the number dying meanwhile, when they left some of them on economic grounds, the others because driven away by Indian invasion returning to the East, and taking up their abode once more in the old Bay State. They christened their little settlement Union G-rove, from the fact that their habitations stood within the precincts of a sparsely wooded tract of land which skirted one end of their otherwise unshaded farms, which name it bears to the present day. It constitutes the northwest portion of Meeker County. It is needless to go into further details of what took place within our borders during the year 1856. It may be readily inferred from the delineations and intimations contained in the last few pages. CHAPTER IX. 1857-1876. DISMANTLED CONDITION INCREASING PARALYSIS IN WAR TIME RELIGIOUS ASPECTS THE HOPEDALE PARISH CONCLUSION. BEFORE proceeding to sketch the last act of the drama which this volume is designed to present to the reader, or, in other words, to recall and record the principal features of that process of deterioration which terminated at length in the utter extinction of The Hopedale Community, it seems fitting and desirable to set 'forth the exact status of its affairs at the opening of the year of 1857 to show, with considerable degree of precision, what was taken away from its original powers, rights, immunities and obligations by the revolution of the previous year, and what was left as an equipment for further service in the cause of Christian Socialism. It has already been stated that thereby the enterprise had cast off many of its former cardinal characteristics and become a merely religious, moral reform, and mutual guaranty society. This was in a certain way and in a large measure true. But something more specific and positive is requisite to a clear comprehension, on the part of the average reader, of the condition of things with us at that date. And hence a few paragraphs at the beginning of the present chapter are properly devoted to the elucidation of the matter. It must be obvious to the thoughtful mind that the abandonment of the united proprietorship of the Cornmu- 298 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. nity capital, including lands, buildings, machinery, money,, and other forms of real and movable estate, together with the surrender of the supervision and management of its multiform branches of industry and the operations they represented, was the obliteration of one of the most essential and distinguishing features of our movement, as it was of other movements of that period contemplat- ing the radical reconstruction of the existing order of human society. It was indeed so. The great watchwords of all Social Reformers then before the world, from Fourier to Robert Owen, were "Co-operation," " Com- bined Industry," "The Harmonization of Capital and Labor " ; some of them making the thing these terms stand for the leading, if not the only, object and end of their efforts. With us, this was not the only or the main desideratum, and yet it was a very important and vital one so important and vital, indeed, that when it was given up with us our whole structure was weakened and imperilled from foundation stone to topmost spire. Taken in connection with other things that went with it, its relinquishmeut was, as the sequel showed, the virtual overthrow and demolition of our entire system; at least the precursor and occasion of such overthrow and demo- lition in those respects that differentiated it from the prevailing civilization of the world. For with it went the control over residents on our domain, the regulation of trade and of the contraction and payment of debts, most of the restrictions upon the sale and uses of lands, the Community Post Office, Savings Bank, Fire Insurance Company, The Industrial Union, Enactments relating to the Employment and Supervision of Children, etc., etc. In all these things the Community, as such and in its gov- ernmental capacity, was rendered practically powerless. All these things, which had cost us infinite study, labor, care, and which constituted some of the most salutary and valuable characteristics of our undertaking, were gone,, and gone beyond the possibility of recovery. SAVED FROM THE WRECK. 299 On the other hand, what had we saved? What was left as a foundation upon which to build anything prom- ising and durable for the future? What, to prize, to conserve, to use, as agencies or working forces where- with to promote the great objects for which we had toiled so hard and sacrificed so much in the past for the furtherance of which we still felt ourselves bound in conscience and in fealty to our Practical Christian prin- ciples to labor and to pray, notwithstanding our disap- pointment and discomfiture? We had 1. Our organic fraternity and pledged fidelity to each other and to our common cause. A few of our associ- ates left us soon after the great change took place, and the number increased as time went on, but yet at the date named there had been but few withdrawals ; the great majority remained, a loyal band of brothers and sisters, animated by a common spirit and ambition, cheiv ishiug a common faith and hope, and seeking by united effort the attainment for ourselves and for humanity com- mon laudable and beneficent ends. 2. Our name The Hopedale Community; which was very dear to us by reason of the circumstances under which we first assumed it; by reason of what it repre- sented to us of truth, of righteousness, of a broad world- wide humanity, of what is noblest and best in individual and social life ; and because it stood in our thought and affections as a type an imperfect one, to be sure and yet a type of the kingdom of God. 3. Our distinctive ideas, principles, purposes, and aims, with dependent duties, as announced and avowed by us in the Preamble and Declaration of Article I of our Constitution. These were as true, as sacred, as obligatory upon us as when we first acknowledged them. By the change that had taken place we had in no proper sense disowned, renounced, or abandoned them. We still stood by them and were still bound to be governed by 300 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. them in all the interests and relations of life. We had only given up certain applications of them to certain economical concerns, holding them in abeyance for the time being as impracticable in such applications in the present moral and spiritual stage of human development. 4. Authority and control over certain kinds of prop- erty that were retained in our possession when the bulk of our estate passed into other hands. Of these there were several dwelling-houses, the School-house and Chapel, the village site, the public squares and other common lands, our Cemetery, etc. 5. Our religious meetings and their exclusive manage- ment ; the care of all our means and appliances for moral and spiritual culture, missionary operations, promulgatory agencies, etc. 6. A restricted supervision of our educational interests and institutions, subject, so far as our legally established School District was concerned, to the management of the general Committee of the town of Milford. All instruc- tion in excess of that provided for by them, and all extra apparatus, appliances, etc., were in our own hands. 7. Our Community Lyceum, which for several years was an important educational agency among our people, with its lectures, discussions, recitations, essays, classes, and other activities, established and maintained by Com- munity enactment, and provided for by special Commu- nity action from year to year. Also the Public Library, already well established and supplied with six or eight hundred volumes of well chosen books, representing every department of literature and a wide field of knowledge. 8. Our general Constitutional Guaranty against the evils of poverty, which made us organically a Mutual Aid Society for the help of one another, pecuniarily or otherwise, in times of misfortune, need, or distress. Eor the proper fulfillment of this Guaranty a Relief Com- mittee was chosen from year to year, and money was ap- PERPLEXED BUT NOT IN DESPAIR. 301 propriated and placed in their hands, to be used as their wisdom and sympathy should direct. 9. Certain funds, coming to us by donation or bequest and held in trust for the promotion of definitely specified objects ; said trust to be honestly administered and hon- orably discharged according to the best of our judgment and ability. 10. Our reputation, which, by fair dealing, regard for the rights and welfare of our fellowmen, interest in good causes, promptness and cheerfulness in meeting our obli- gations, and an exemplification in good degree of manly and womanly worth, secured us the confidence of the public and a host of faithful devoted friends through^ all the exigencies, transmutations, and diversified fortunes of our checkered and finally disastrous career. Such, in detail, was what was left to us and for us as a Community after the crisis of 1856 ; what was saved from the wreck of our ill-fated bark, which had been laden with most precious freightage, launched amid great hope and rejoicing, and been borne bravely along upon a now prosperous and now adverse tide for fourteen eventful years, only to founder at last on the shallows of worldly ambition and desire. In view of this condition of things in view of what remained of our former possessions, and of the opportunity still open to us at home and abroad for effective service of God and men, w r e all, with few exceptions, resolved to stand by each other and by our unfortunate experiment, making the most and the best of what we had at our command, and using it, as Providence should direct us, for our own and each other's good and for the good of the world. 4t We were per- plexed, but not in despair"; " cast down, but not de- stroyed." Our Vice-President, Bro. Wm. S. Heywood, who, in place of the President, made an address at the Annual Meeting held Jan. 14, 1857, voiced the general feeling of his associates and awakened a ready response 302 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. in all their hearts, when, after recapitulating the blessings we still enjoyed and the means of uplifting and benefiting our fellowmeu still at our command, he concluded his counsels and exhortations as follows : "Is it not certain that whatever is lovely and of good report among us, whatever is wise and advantageous, whatever is beneficent and salutary, can be sustained and perpetuated altogether better by union, by mutual co-operation, by the maintenance of our organization, than in any other way? In my judgment, if our organic connection, the bond that unites us in Community relationship, be given up, all is sooner or later gone; while, by continuing it and being faithful to its obligations, we shall accomplish much for ourselves, for each other, and for the world in the way of preserving the things that are desirable and good, and do it far more freely, effect- ually, heartily, and happily, than could be done in any other way. "In conclusion, then, I would most earnestly call upon you who still love our great and good cause, who still reverence the everlasting principles which it embodies, to stand by each other, and co-operate cheerfully and unitedly for the promo- tion of our declared objects, here and in the world. Failing in certain things, we have not lost all. What we need is a quickened sense of our individual and social obligations the mind and the heart to do. With a united purpose, a deter- mined resolution, and a reliant faith, we can realize to our- selves and to each other much of divine good, and make our Community still a light to them that sit in darkness. Shall it be done? God still lives; there is to us all the same inspiring presence as of yore; the loving angels bend down yet to bless us; our aspirations for a better state continue quick within us; the eternal truth is even now held out to us; humanity, as in days that are past, cries for help and salvation with her ten times ten thousand voices; the cause of Non-resistance, almost abandoned by her professed friends, urges us to renewed effort and to faithful service. In the name of all these I exhort you to a revival of hope, to union, to vigorous, manly, Christian exertion, to self-sacrificing fidelity in the work of Practical Christian Socialism. In their name I pledge my influence, my means, myself, anew to you, to the WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT. 303 Community, to our common cause. Let no mistakes entirely overcome us; let no disappointment drive us to despair; let no failures make us apostates; but, rising above all these, may we still do our duty, still cherish our sublime faith and hope, which are to us an earnest of the blessed era when "the kingdoms of this world shall have become the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ." In much the same strain and to the same general effect did I myself write a few weeks afterward, and publish in our organ, the brief article which follows, under the caption, "Our Cause What Is It?" "Do any ask what is proposed to be done? I answer, to establish the Practical Christian Republic at least to prepare the way for its establishment. Friends and fellow-laborers, calmly re-examine its objects, principles, polity. What noble aspiration of the immortal spirit does it not encourage ! What grand truth does it not recognize! What cardinal duty does it not magnify ! What needed reform does it not include and urge! What fundamental idea or measure of human regeneration does it not embrace! Shall we abandon it? Where are we to look for anything better anything half so worthy of our undying devotion? To what sect or anti-sect in religion shall we go? To what party or anti-party in poli- tics? To what progressive, reformatory, or socialistic enter- prise in the wide world? W r here can we find higher aims, diviner principles, or a wiser polity? We can find fragments of wisdom and goodness in all sects, parties, societies, and coteries; but where else so much of truth and good mixed with so little evil and falsity. " What if we cannot at present organize the higher kind of Communities! Are not Rural and especially Parochial Communities practicable? What if we cannot do much toward founding and multiplying even these? We can at least hold fast what we have already gained; we can foster true educa- tion; we can elevate individuals and families; we can discipline and purify our membership; we can be making new converts and steadily enlighten the public mind. All this must be done in order to ultimate success. It is our duty and privilege to labor faithfully in these ways; which, if done, the OF THB :/NIVERSITT 304 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. stones and cedars will have been prepared for a glorious Social Temple that will at length rise in symmetrical majesty 'with- out the sound of axe, hammer, or any tool of iron.' " With such words as these did I and my ministerial brethren strive to cheer the hearts and keep alive the faith and stimulate the fidelity and zeal of our fellow- associates, prompted by the earnest desire to preserve, as far as possible, whatever of good pertaining to the Com- munity we had at our command, and by the lingering hope that such good might be used, as a means or motive for renewing at some uot-far-distant day the struggle for a lost cause ; or as a basis for a new enterprise in some more favorable locality and under circumstances that would give us greater promise of success. But no efforts in that behalf seemed to be of any permanent value or practical use. The decree seemed to have gone forth that I and my generation should never enter the promised land; our eyes being merely privileged to look upon it from the mount Nebo of faith as it lay outspread in the dim dis- tance beyond Jordan. For, do what we could to stay its progress, the work of disintegration and spoliation went on around us as the years swept by one stone after another of our social structure being thrown down until now scarcely one is left resting upon another the last vestige almost of what was once so beautiful and fail- having either been carried away or defaced beyond recog- nition. The remaining portion of this History, which is the narrative of the Community in its dismantled condition, shorn of many of its most prominent and praiseworthy features shorn too of much of its power for good both at home and abroad of the Community in its "decline and fall," requires but little attention to details or to the regular methodical flow of its outgoing but never- returning tide. It might perhaps have been brought to a close with a recital of the incidents and resultants of the crisis COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION CONTINUED. 305 of 1856, since that was virtually and practically the end of its existence as au experiment in the science of a divine order of society, or an attempt to actualize in an organic form the kingdom of God on the earth. But certain things transpired in its subsequent career which in my judgment possess moral and spiritual value of their own and are calculated to throw some additional light upon the great problem we endeavored to solve. Even in its decline and disappearance from the face of the earth, the Community had some important lessons for individual souls and for students of the great questions that relate to the progress of the race and to the final enfranchisement and harmonization of the world. What is to follow will be presented topically rather than chrono- logically, as a matter of convenience and as serving equally well the ends just indicated and the general pur- poses of historical literature. Membership. The membership of the Community was at about its maximum when the change of 1856 was made, numbering some one hundred and ten persons. But for obvious reasons it at once began to decrease, the process of disintegration and excision going on by slow degrees until at the expiration of a dozen years scarcely more than forty remained, of whom not more than half were residents of Hopedale. The organization was preserved intact for that period, and such common interests and responsibilities as it represented were care- fully and systematically guarded and provided for by those of our number who continued to dwell on the original Community domain. In process of time, however, the last hour of organic existence came to the body, and membership in it ceased forever. Business Meetings, Official Servants, etc. Annual Meet- ings of the Community were held regularly on the second Wednesday of January from year to year until the 8th of that month, 1868, when the last one on record occurred. 20 306 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. Others also took place occasionally for several years, for the transaction of such special business as required atten- tion. At the former, reports from the several Boards of Officers the Directory, Treasurer, Council, Board of Education, Relief Committee, and Promulgation Commit- tee were presented, considered, and acted upon, in due order. Official servants were also elected for the ensuing year and business matters of interest and importance were formally introduced, discussed, and settled. Of these nothing requires notice in this connection, and only the more prominent officers elected subsequently to 1856 need be enumerated. E. D. Draper remained in the Presidency till Nov. 14, 1859, when he resigned and was succeeded by Wm. S. Hey wood, who held the position till 1863, declining re-election at that date as he was making arrangements for removing from the village. Wm. H. Humphrey was chosen in his stead, and served by successive re-elections to the end. The Vice-Presidents in their order were Wm. S. Heywood, from 1856 to 1859; Wm. H. Humphrey, from 1860 to 1863; and Wm. W. Cook, from 1863 to 1868. The Recorders were Cyrus Bradbury till 1863 and J. Lowell Heywood thence- forth. Cyrus Bradbury was Treasurer after the retire- ment of Lemuel Munyan in 1856 until the office was rendered needless and abandoned. The original Real Estate Trustees, appointed May 1, 1850, were Adin Ballon, Ebenezer D. Draper, Wm. H. Humphrey, Butler Wilmarth, and Almon Thwing. The first three continued in office to the last. In 1853 Stephen Albee took the place of Butler Wilmarth, deceased, and was succeeded, upon his resignation in 1858, by J. Lowell Heywood. Almon Thwing relinquished his place on the Board in 1861, and the vacancy was filled by Jerome Wilmarth. A few years later the last two removed to other locali- ties, the remaining three, who had been on the Board from the beginning and who constituted a legal majority, DISPOSAL OF LANDED PROPERTY. 307 discharging the required duties of the office as long as there were such duties to discharge. Landed Property, Buildings, etc. At the time of the dissolution of the Joint-Stock Proprietorship in March, 1856, and the consequent settlement of affairs pertaining thereto, nearly the entire bulk of our Real Estate posses- sions, including lands, mill-sites, streets, shops, barns, and other buildings, was transferred by legal conveyance to the firm of E. D. & Gr. Draper, for their sole use, behoof, .and disposal forever. The Community, however, retained the ownership of several parcels of similar property, as before stated, the aggregate appraisal of which was about $10,000. It consisted of three dwelling-houses and the lots on which they stood, the School-house and Chapel,- the village site. Community Square (so called), and the Hopedale Cemetery. The dwelling-houses were not long after disposed of to individual purchasers, the School- house and lot (the use of the building as a place of worship having been relinquished) to the town of Milford at a later date, and the village site was in process of time surrendered to the proper authorities of the resident population. The final act of transfer was executed on the 15th of December, 1873, when the Trustees of the Community conveyed to the Trustees of the Hopedale Parish, a religious body formed a few years before, " all right, title, interest and control in, unto and over Com- munity Square, the Meeting-house standing thereon and the Hopedale Cemetery." This transaction virtually con- cluded the real-estate operations of the Community and cancelled the last claim it had upon that once widely extended domain, which, more than thirty years before, we, in devout thanksgiving to the giver of all good and with abounding faith and hope, consecrated to God and humanity. The Practical Christian. The publication of this semi- monthly sheet, which commenced May 1, 1840, was 308 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. continued with varying fortunes and to little pecuniary advantage through manifold vicissitudes for twenty years, or until May 1, 1860. I had always been its leading editor, though receiving substantial assistance from my clerical brethren at home, and from valued contributors and correspondents abroad. From an early date it had been printed at our own Community printing office, which,, for my special convenience, was attached to my own little- cottage at the corner of Main and Peace Streets. For some years its business interests were cared for by Asapb G. Spalding and Wm. S. Heywood successively as Pub- lishing Agents ; the latter holding that position at the time of the great change and through the then current and succeeding volume. But on the 1st of May, 1857,, I, by definite arrangement with the Community, became sole proprietor and manager of all its interests and virtu- ally the sole occupant of its editorial columns, except as I still welcomed to them acceptable articles from corre- spondents, of which there were not a few, especially at at the time of the "John Brown Raid" and subsequently thereto. With the decadence of the Community and the waning, at home and abroad, of interest in or care for the principles and objects to the furtherance of which the paper had always been devoted, there was a correspond- ingly diminishing inducement to continue its issue. The growing unrest of the country touching the great question of American Slavery, which was already assuming most menacing forms, and the concentration of the thoughts and energies of the people at large upon the impending crisis in national affairs, attended by an intensified arousal in all directions of the war spirit, to whose unhallowed sway many professed Non-resistants seemed to be giving way. led me to see that there must be a decided falling off from the subscription list at an early day and an utter failure thereby of pecuniary support ; led me to see furthermore that the ideas and principles THE PRACTICAL CHRISTIAN. 309 which it was commissioned to disseminate among men, though constituting the very essence of the Gospel of Christ, were likely to become ere long the scoff and the scorn of men and to fail of a hearing even among the great masses of the people, and that consequently the continued publication of the Christian was largely a work of supererogation, and therefore, all things considered, inadvisable. Moreover, it appeared to me that whatever was demanded or warranted in the way of disseminating the truth we stood for could be accomplished satisfactorily through the agency of occasional tracts, which would impose but a light burden upon us, and one that could be assumed or laid aside at pleasure. So, after thor- oughly canvassing the whole matter and coming to an intelligent conclusion concerning it, I recommended the discontinuance of the paper at the close of the 20th vol- ume and the formation of a Promulgation Society, the work of which should be the preparation, printing, and distribution of such treatises, essays, dissertations, exposi- tions, lectures, and sermons, in the form of leaflets and pamphlets, as might at any time be deemed needful or desirable. My recommendation was accepted by the brethren upon whom I had relied for financial support, the suggested Promulgation Society was organized, and The Practical Christian became a thing of the past with No. 26, Vol. XX, April 14, 1860. The suspension of the paper, which was born out of an overmastering love for the truth and for humanity on the part of myself and my brethren, gave me not a littte pain, and was an occasion of regret to a large number of subscribers, personal friends, and friends of radical reform scattered up and down the land. Many letters were received from these, expressing a grateful apprecia- tion of the high character and salutary influence which the periodical had maintained, with sentiments of sincere esteem for the editor. The press also, especially the 310 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. progressive journals, philanthropic and religious, added testimonials equally kind and commendatory. To one of these, from the pen of Rev. Thomas Whittemore, D. D., editor of The Trumpet and Universalist Magazine a redoubtable dialectician and former antagonist of mine in the Restorationist controversy, was appended the follow- ing encomium upon our movement and its representatives : "One word as to the Hopedale Community. So far as we know they are a band of brothers and sisters who seek to honor God by good lives. They are good citizens: they live quietly and peaceably, and the Lord blesses them. Often when we have been in Milford, we have desired to visit their houses, but we felt (perhaps more than we ought) that in their sight we were a heretic, and they would not receive us. Never have we had an unkind word from them, however. Perhaps it was a mere suspicion on our part. We will yet go to Hopedale. We should love to live where Practical Christianity reigns." In War Times. The position of the Hopedale Com- munity as the great War of the Rebellion came rushing on and during its continuance, was unique and trying crucial even, to the utmost extent. We were tested by it as to our faith as never before, and some of us were found wanting. From the beginning we had been avowed, uncompromising Abolitionists, doing what we could to overthrow the system of American Slavery and hailing with gratitude and joy every indication that the day was drawing near when the last shackle should be riven from the limbs of the bondmen and when 4 ' liberty should be proclaimed throughout all the land to all the inhabitants thereof." We had hoped and prayed that this great consummation might be reached by peaceable means and without violence and war, by the proclamation of the principles of freedom and equity, and the consequent enlightenment of the understanding and awakening of the conscience of the people. But as time passed on and INCREASING NATIONAL DISTURBANCE. 311 the auimus of the slave power became more and more rampant and diabolic, we were gradually brought to the conviction that this could not be ; that the only way the gigantic iniquity would ever be brought to an end was by the effusion of blood by the avenging judgment rather than the tender mercy of Almighty God. The nation had sinned away its day of grace. Its crime and guilt had become too virulent, too deep-seated, too much a part of its very life, to be expiated and put away except by commotions and upheavals involving immense sacrifice of men and treasure, and imperiling, in fact, the very exist- ence of the Republic. Even under these circumstances and with such a pros- pect before us, we could but rejoice in what we felt assured would be the outcome of the increasing disturb- ance Emancipation though it was to be accomplished by means which we could not in conscience approve and through agencies against which we were pledged by the most sacred of vows. Yet it was not without more or less of apprehension and solicitude that we watched the gathering storm and awaited the unfolding of events whose progress we had no power to withstand or direct. We could do little more than keep silence and possess our souls in patience, trusting that He who hath all des- tinies in His keeping, who bringeth light out of darkness and good out of evil, would overrule the threatened clash of arms to the ultimate deliverance of the oppressed and to the honor of His most holy name. The question of American Slavery, which, in its primary and most radical aspects was of a moral and religious character, had for years obtruded itself into the political arena and affected to a continually increasing extent the organization and the policy of all political parties. With the growing aggressions of the Slave Power the agitation of it had increased in strength and in determination, until the time had come when the opposing forces were taking 312 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. 011 a distinctively belligerent aspect and assuming a decidedly warlike attitude. The ill-advised raid of John Brown served to intensify the existing feeling in that respect, inflaming the war-spirit in all directions, and hastening the bloody outbreak, which, under any circum- stances, could not long have been held in check. One after another of the old line Abolitionists seemed to be carried away from their moorings by the growing excite- ment, either renouncing outright their long professed Non- resistant principles or holding them in abeyance to such an extent as to enable them to eulogize and glorify the promoters of bloodshed and slaughter, and even the war system itself when employed for the emancipation of the slave. I was myself impelled to raise my voice in protest against and condemnation of such action on the part of my old friends and coadjutors, deeming it a violation of plighted faith and a practical adoption of the so-called Jesuitical maxim, " The end sanctifies the means." Never- theless, the tide was against me, not only in the world at large but among Anti-Slavery Reformers, including some of my Hopedale brethren, and my favorite doctrine of Non-resistance, with its scruples against voting "in any case involving a final authorized resort to physical violence," was almost wholly swept away and submerged by the rising tide of brutality and blood. So that when the insane wrath of slave-holding secessionists lighted the flames of rebellion on Carolina's soil and 4 ' let slip the dogs of war " against the Federal Government, and the cry of military patriotism went through all the land calling men to arms in the support of the Union, several of our members, struck by the fell contagion, resigned their positions in our fellowship, thus honorably relieving them- selves of their former acknowledged obligations 4 ' never under any pretext whatsoever to kill, assault or injure any human being, even their worst enemy," and also of the inconsistency of professing principles which they POSITION OF THE COMMUNITY. 313 deemed impracticable and of no account in the existing crisis. What now, in such a crisis, could the still adhering Community members do, those who were still loyal to the Declaration which was the corner-stone of their structure and the summary of their religious faith? Their movement was wrecked at least stranded on the shallows of time's outstretching sea and mid the thick- ening gloom they could see little to hope for in its behalf within the sweep of their vision. They could scarcely keep their standing as the tempest raged around. Their only safety consisted in being true to their principles and true to each other, bearing aloft the white banner of ' ' Peace and Good Will " while battle-flags were fluttering 011 every hand, and pledging themselves anew to each other and to the cause which they had in good conscience espoused, not for the passing hour or for peaceable and prosperous times alone, but for life. And so to keep their own record clean and their escutcheon immaculate ; to bear a united testimony for their avowed principles to their fellowmeu, and protect themselves against any charge of treason to their native laud or of indifference to its enduring welfare ; to make known in unmistakable terms their utter abhorrence of the Rebellion and of any and every measure, open or covert, North or South, which was seeking by force and arms to undermine and over- throw the Federal Government; and to have their exact position in respect to the suppression of the Rebellion, as was attempted on the part of said Government, duly understood, the faithful remnant of our number, in regular meeting assembled on the 16th of Sept., 1861, passed a series of resolutions, seven in number, the first, second, and last of which, with the preamble, contain the gist of the whole and hence are given herein entire, to the exclusion of the others. 314 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. " DECLARATORY RESOLUTIONS. " Whereas, a great and deplorable civil war has broken out between the Northern and Southern sections of the United States of America, the people of the latter being in organized revolutionary insurrection against the constitutional govern- ment of the Federal Union; and, whereas, we, the members of The Hopedale Community, are peaceable subjects of said constitutional government, though for reasons of conscience not active participants therein, nor martial combatants in any behalf; and, whereas, in the present momentous crisis our peculiar principles and position ought to be distinctly understood; therefore we the members of said Community, in regular meeting assembled, do adopt and publish the following Resolutions, viz.: " 1. Resolved, That we unanimously adhere with unwavering firmness to our fundamental religious principles as originally set forth by solemn Declaration in the year 1841 in the pub lished Constitution of our Community, and as again set forth with some enlargement by a like solemn Declaration in the year 1854 in the published Constitution of The Practical Christian Republic, whereof we are also members. " 2. Resolved, That we unanimously adhere with unwavering firmness to the declared fundamental objects, positions, and policy set forth in the two said Constitutions, and especially in respect to the governments under which we live as peace- able subjects thereof yet non-participants therein, being conscientiously scrupulous against all chattel slavery, death penalties, injurious force, war, and dernier resorts to carnal weapons. ******* " 7. Resolved, That in the light of the foregoing Resolutions our first and highest allegiance is due to the sovereignty of divine principles as taught by Jesus Christ: " That our first and highest attachment must be to the glorious white banner of His kingdom, with the cross of self- sacrifice in the center, radiating a benignant halo in all direc- tions, with a dove surmounting that cross, spreading her wings and bearing in her mouth an olive branch, and with a wolf and a lamb at its foot harmlessly resting together: DECLARATORY RESOLUTIONS. 315- "That we cannot aid the best existing government on earth in destroying human life though our refusal should subject us to the bitterest martyrdom: "That we are bound by our religious principles to be orderly, peaceable subjects of the governments under which we live, and to relieve the sufferings of our fellow-creatures around us to the utmost extent of a reasonable charity: "That we can neither excite nor encourage any mob, riot, rebellion, insurrection or war-like revolution even for an ostensibly good object much less such an abhorent insurrec- tion as the one now raging at the South for the extension and perpetuation of human slavery: " That while we deeply deplore the war itself now in pro- cess, we deplore still more the sinful causes which have ren- dered this great calamity inevitable under the eternal laws of divine order, as a just retribution for national transgressions, to wit: lust of wealth, lust of power, and lust of sensual pleasures, all culminating in the persistent upholding, by law and by force, of the gigantic institution of Africo-chattel slavery : "That though we have no moral sympathy whatever with the insurrectionists, but much with the Federal Government and its loyal adherents, and though we see that the loyalists on their own worldly plane of action must conquer the rebels by overwhelming deadly force or ignominiously abandon their constitutional government and falsify their solemn obligations of allegience; yet we feel none the less bound to abide with Christ on his high plane of peaceful righteousness, and thereby endeavor, however gradually, to leaven the minds of mankind with those benignant principles which alone can put an end to all disorder and violence: " That in the meantime we should be unfaithful to our convictions of truth and duty if we recognized this as a war for the emancipation of our down-trodden American bondmen, whatever may chance to be its actual results, and if we did not unequivocally reiterate our testimony against the afore- mentioned great national sins, especially the upholding of the slave system by both the Xorth and South, which has brought on our country this calamitous scourge; and if, also, we did not earnestly entreat the people of all parties concerned to hasten their repentance and make all possible reparation to 316 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. the injured millions whose cries are still going up to the infinite Father for redress: " That we do not deem ourselves in any wise responsible for this terrible conflict, having done what we could in our humble way, by warning and example, to prevent it, and to avert the storm of retributive sufferings with which it comes down on the nation; so that nothing now remains for us in relation to it but to abstain from all complicity with it, to bear patiently our portion of its ills, to relieve where we can the distresses of its victims, and to look forward with unwaver- ing confidence in the all wise providence of God to better days, when He shall have overruled all its wrath and woe for ultimate good: " And, finally, that we deem it our proper mission under Jesus Christ to bear such testimonies and lead such lives as will tend to regenerate mankind, elevate them to the true Christian plane of personal and national righteousness, con- form all human governments to the divine, abolish all dernier resorts to carnal weapons, supersede all deadly forces by beneficient ones, and thus consummate the reign of universal love and peace. " WM. S. HEYWOOD, President. * CYRUS BRADBURY, Recorder." These resolutions were printed in tract form and dis- tributed extensively among our friends and in the general community, serving no doubt a good purpose in making our attitude respecting the conflict that was already being vigorously waged and those engaged in it on both sides better understood than it could possibly have been before. And yet, however truthful, just, and meritorious the pro- uunciamento was, it was but a pebble thrown against the rushing tide of popular militant patriotism deluging the Union-loving but not yet slavery-hating North. And its effect was still less potent and salutary because it was cast by a palsied hand by the remnant of a Community which had confessed itself incapable of putting into prac- tice its own much vaunted principles of equity, brother- hood, and peace ; especially in their application to the COMMUNITY PRINCIPLES TESTED. 317 ownership and use of property, the management of busi- ness, the organization and right ordering of industry, and the maintenance of a miniature Christian commonwealth on its own proper domain. It served to appease the conscience of a few. devotees of an ideal, to which, notwithstanding the violence of the storm the wrath and scorn of men, they still could not be restrained from clinging, and to satisfy a small number of those who,, although they were in full sympathy with the loyal North and saw no way out of the trouble but that of the battle- field, could yet appreciate the motives and respect the moral and religious scruples of devout and sincere men and women striving to be faithful followers of the great Prince of Peace ; but it did not save those issuing it from the reproaches of the unthinking minions of the war-god, nor from the machinations of the agents of inexorable military power, than which no usurpation or despotism of autocrat or czar is more imperious, insolent, heartless, and unrelenting. This will appear from the following occurrence, which took place among us during* the continuance of hostilities. Case of Conscription. In the summer of 1863 one of our faithful and worthy members, J. Lowell Hey wood r was drafted into the military service of the United (?) States under the Conscription Act of March 3 in the same year. This was a sore trial and a cause of much anxiety to himself and family, and scarcely less so to all the rest of us. That he could not enter the army and serve as a soldier there, was a foregone conclusion. The only question was whether he should pay the pre- scribed $300.00 commutation money, as the law allowed him to do, or submit to such military penalties as might be pronounced against him, however severe they might be. Public opinion among us was divided upon that question. A strong feeling prevailed that absolute con- sistency required that he should suffer a heroic personal -318 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY martyrdom, and thus bear the most effective testimony to his religious principles ; but it was also thought that the commutation money might be paid by himself and friends in good conscience and without blame, if it were done under protest, thus saving him from indefinite incar- ceration in fortress or prison, or from possible death, should military infatuation or madness, as might be the case, carry the matter to such an extreme. My personal sympathies for his family in their distress overruled my sterner convictions, and I gave my adhesion to the latter view, drawing up a paper in remonstrance for presenta- tion at martial headquarters, which, at the time, I per- suaded myself met the moral demands of the case. This course was finally approved by a majority of our mem- bers and carried into effect. As a further token of our position at that great crisis of our national history, and of our adherence to our standard of faith under per- plexing circumstances, the document is herewith sub- mitted : " To the Governmental Authorities of the United States and their Constituents: The undersigned, John Lowell Heyw6od of Hopedale, in the town of Milford, in the eighth Congressional District of Massachusetts, respectfully maketh solemn declara- tion, remonstrance and protest as follows, to wit: " That he has been enrolled, drafted and notified to report himself as a soldier of the United States, pursuant to an Act of Congress, approved March 3, 1863, commonly called the Conscription Law: " That he holds in utter abhorrence the Rebellion which the said law was designed to aid in suppressing, and would devotedly fight unto death against it if he could conscientiously resort to the use of deadly weapons in any case whatsoever: " That he has been for nearly nine years a member in good and regular standing of a Christian Community whose religious confession of faith and practice pledges its adherents never to kill, injure or harm any human being under any pretext, even their worst enemy: COMMUNITY PRINCIPLES TESTED. 319 " That, in accordance with his highest convictions of duty and his sacred pledge, as a member of said Community, he has scrupulously and uniformly abstained from participating in the State and National governments under which he has lived not only foregoing the franchises, preferments, emolu- ments and advantages of a constituent co-governing citizen but also the privilege of righting his wrongs by commencing suits at law and of calling on the government for personal protection against threatened violence, in order thereby not to make himself morally responsible for their constitutional dernier resorts to war, capital punishment and other kindred acts, and also in order to commend to mankind by a consistent example those divine principles which prepare the way for a higher order of society and government on the earth: " That, nevertheless, it is one of his cardinal Christian prin- ciples to respect existing human government, however imper- fect, as a natural outgrowth and necessity of society for the time being, subordinate to the providential overruling of the supreme divine government, and therefore to be an orderly, submissive, peaceable, tribute-paying subject thereof; to be no detriment or hindrance to any good thereby subserved; to countenance no rebellion, sedition, riot or other disorderly demonstration against its authorities; to oppose its greatest abuses and wrongs only by truthful testimony and firm moral remonstrance; and in the last resort, when obliged for con- science sake to non-comply with its requirements, to submit meekly to whatever penalties it may impose: " That, with such principles, scruples, and views of duty, he cannot conscientiously comply with the demands of this Con- scription Law, either by serving as a soldier or by procuring a substitute. Nor can he pay the prescribed three hundred dollars commutation money, which the law declarative ly appropriates to the hiring of a substitute, except under explicit remonstrance and protest that the same is virtually taken from him by compulsion for a purpose and use to which he could never voluntarily contribute it and for which he holds himself in no wise morally responsible: " And he hereby solemnly protests, not only for himself but also in behalf of his Christian associates and all other orderly, peaceable, tax-paying, non-juring subjects of the government, of whatever denomination or class, that their conscientious 320 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. scruples against war and human life-taking ought in justice and honor to be respected by the legislators and administrators of a professedly Republican government; and that, aside from general taxation for the support thereof, no person of harmless and exemplary life, who is conscientiously opposed to war and deadly force between human beings, and especially no person who for conscience sake foregoes the franchises, preferments, privileges and advantages of a constituent citizen ought ever to be conscripted as a soldier either in person or property. " Now, therefore, I, the said John Lowell Heywood, do pay the three hundred dollars commutation money to the govern- ment of the United States under military constraint and in respectful submission to the powers that be, but earnestly protesting against the exaction as an infraction of my natural and indefeasible rights as a conscientious, peaceable subject. And for the final vindication of my cause, motives and inten- tions, I appeal to the moral sense of all just men, and above all to the inerrible judgment of the Supreme Father and Ruler of the universe. " Subscribed with my hand at Hopedale, Milford, Mass., this eighteenth day of August, 1863. "JOHN LOWELL HEYWOOD." Upon more deliberate and dispassionate examination of this whole matter, I had serious misgivings as to the rightfulness of the course that was pursued. The Protest ,. though inherently just and good, was too weak to meet the moral exigency of the case and produce salutary results. The spirit of conscienceless domination which tramples on such sacred scruples and rights as the docu- ment enumerates, seems to require a more stringent moral resistance in order to be made to feel its culpability and be brought to repentance in order to be regenerated. It is sheer extortion and persecution ; an outrage unwar- ranted, save in the ethics of brutal despotism, to con- script a man of such principles, character, and life as our victimized associate. And when committed, it should be met with unflinching moral heroism and personal martyrdom, even unto death, if need be, in order to I UNIVERSITY EDUCATIONAL INTERESTS. 321" arouse public attention to the enormity of the offence and induce a radical and most necessary reform in the practical administration, not alone of military affairs but of the concerns of states and nations. At least this is my present persuasion. Educational Interests. As Hopedale was a School Dis- trict, legally established by the town of Milford as a part of its general educational system, our common public school was properly under the care and supervision of the town's Committee. Nevertheless, we annually elected a Board of Education, which acted in concurrence with said Committee in public school matters, and exerted a positive and salutary influence over the nurture and cul- ture of our children and youth. Moreover, the Com- munity appropriated money from year to year for the purpose of extending the time of operating the school beyond that provided for by the town, and of procuring extra apparatus and supplies that might be deemed desir- able for the more successful prosecution of school work. Over this local appropriation and its expenditure, our Board of course, had entire control. This practice was followed down to the year 1861, our appropriations gradu- ally decreasing meanwhile, until at that date they ceased entirely ; although our School Board was continued and acted on substantially the same footing as before for some years afterward. Our original Chapel-School-house served, with sundry additions and improvements, though with decreasing comfort and convenience, till the year 1868, when it was superseded by the present commodious and better arranged establishment erected on the same square. This was built by the town, into whose hands the old public school property had previously passed. While the Community had a voice in the management of the schools they maintained a high standing, and I am not aware that they have in any essential respect degenerated since that time. 21 322 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. The Hopedale Home School, under the successful man- agement of Wm. S. and Abbie B. Heywood as joint Principals, was closed soon after the breaking out of the Rebellion, the troubled, uncertain state of things in the country at large contributing chiefly to that result. A private school at a later date was started and put in charge of Miss Lucy Patrick, an accomplished and effi- cient teacher resident among us. It continued some two years and was then given up. Missionary Activities. The Practical Christian Commu- nion, the organization which represeutated our cause in the general region covered by our missionary labors, continued to exist for some years after the opening of the period reviewed in the present chapter, and held its Conferences in different localities, though less frequently than before. The local Inductive Communions subordi- nate to it very naturally declined in interest at the sev- eral points where they had been established, and at length were given up altogether. The reasons for this have already been indicated. There was a continually diminishing call for the particular Gospel which our ministers and lecturers deemed themselves commissioned to proclaim and commend to the world, as there was an equally diminishing opportunity to obtain a hearing by any aggressive measures which we ourselves might be disposed to inaugurate. The increasing disturbance in the political world growing out of the multiplying usur- pations and more desperate intrigues of the myrmidons of oppression, unfitted the popular mind and heart for the serious consideration of any great moral question or theme of reform of any weighty subject indeed, save what related in one way or another to the essential cause of the existing trouble and to the evidently approaching crisis in the affairs of the nation. All else seemed out of place and could get no hearing. The usual popular ministrations of religion in all denominations were sensi- MISSIONARY ACTIVITIES. 323 bly affected by the prevailing excitement, and became to a very large extent charged with a politico-military spirit. The Old Testament rather than the New furnished texts for sermons and maxims for human conduct. The Jewish God of battles was the Deity to whom worship was rendered rather than the Christian Father of all mankind. And Joshua, leading the armies of the Lord against the Canaanites, was deemed more worthy of emu- lation and imitation than Jesus, going about doing good and teaching his disciples and all men to "love their ene- mies, bless those that cursed them, etc." What were we who were left of The Hopedale Community to do at such a time as that with our Practical Christianity and message of * 4 Peace on earth and Good Will" to all mankind? What could we do but wait until the storm had passed by, till -calmer days should come again and men were in a fitter frame of mind and in a better temper to receive and profit by the pure Gospel of the Son of God ? To have attempted anything else to have kept up our missionary activities, the instrumentalities of former days would have been as unwise as ineffectual an utter waste of energy and strength, of time and effort, on our part. And so our Conferences were given up, our Inductive Communions ceased to be, and our Promulgation Society, formed after the suspension of The Practical Christian for the purpose of issuing tracts and pamphlets when deemed advisable, soon fell into dreamless inactivity. Whoever of us was moved to go abroad, proclaiming the truth as he had received it and applying it to human life as he thought it wise and productive of good, did so on his own per- sonal account, but the missionary feature of our socialistic movement our Community propagandism, with its various appliances for service in the field of Humanity, was dead, without hope of resurrection. Religious Interests and Institutions. As was clearly indi- cated in the earlier chapters of this volume, The Hopedale 324 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. Community had a distinctively religious origin, and was- from the beginning to all intents and purposes a Christian? Church. So it was understood to be by its founders, and so it was represented to the outside world. Its real basis was an acknowledged Declaration of Faith, and its char- acteristic features and multiform activities were shaped and directed by fundamental religious principles. Its members all regarded themselves as pledged to loyalty to- Jesus of Nazareth, and to an earnest endeavor to lead a life conformed to his precepts and example. They regarded its various secular interests educational, industrial, finan- cial, social, civil, ail its administrative functions, as sub- ordinate to the dictates of divine and everlasting truth. Its crowning purpose was to institute an order of society conformed in all respects to the requirements of the Gos- pel of Christ. One of its first concerns, therefore, after securing a " local habitation and a name," was to provide for the religious culture and nurture of all classes of our people. As noted in its proper place, we established regular meet- ings on the first day of the week at the very outset for purposes of worship and instruction in the things of the spiritual life, and these were kept up during the entire period of our history. An active and highly prosperous Sunday School was opened early and became one of our cherished and permanent institutions and an effective instrumentality for good to our children and youth. The Thursday evening Conference was a source of refreshing and inspiration to considerable numbers of our population, outside as well as inside our membership. The Monday evening Meeting, designed more particularly for young people but hospitable to all comers, prospered for many years under my personal superintendence, and wrought a most excellent work in the way of imparting to those attending it a knowledge of religious truth and of nour- ishing the divine life in many souls. Even after the THE HOPEDALE PULPIT. 325 change of 1856, although the more secular affairs of our people were subjected to a system of management radi- cally different from what existed before, the religious activities remained virtually the same. And they contin- ued much the same until circumstances and justice to all parties concerned seemed to warrant a readjustment in this respect, as will soon be made to appear. In our early days nothing was paid as a pecuniary remuneration for preaching or otherwise conducting the services of public worship. There was a goodly number of professional clergymen, exhorters, and free-meeting talkers, in our home ranks, besides wayfaring public speakers from abroad, ready to serve us, both on Sun- days and on other religious occasions. At a later day the Community adopted a more systematic method and selected certain responsible persons to take charge more particularly of our Sunday gatherings, an allowance of $1.25 being appropriated for each discourse delivered, the sum being afterwards increased to $3.00 per Sunday. Until the year 1856. the duties of the position were performed by the several ministers whose names have been repeatedly mentioned in the foregoing pages, although there was always provision made for such speakers from outside as might be acceptable to those having the matter in charge. Subsequently to that date, Bros. George Gay, ti regularly ordained clergyman of the Uuiversalist denom- ination, and Byrau J. Butts, a graduate of the Meadville (Unitarian) Divinity School, both recent comers to our fellowship, shared the responsibilities of public relig- ious teachers with Bros. Fish, Heywood, and myself. Bro. Fish soon after removed from the place, Bro. Gay later, and subsequently Bro. Butts retired from active ministerial service. This left Bro. Heywood and myself ^occupants of the field for several years, when, the former having gone from Hopedale and entered upon the work of the ministry elsewhere, I became the only approved 326 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. preacher of the Community and continued so to the end of its days. The amount appropriated for the support of preaching rose from $150.00 a year in 1856, or about $3.00 each Sunday, to $6.00 dollars per Sunday in 1860, $8.00 in 1864, and $12.00 in 1866. Two years later the Community was virtually submerged in what has since been known as "The Hopedale Parish," and its agency in the management of the religious affairs of the village came to an end. The original school-house and Chapel building, com- pleted in 1844, was made by enlargement and improve- ment to serve the public need as a place of worship and general religious convocation until the year 1860, when it was supplanted by the neat and commodious structure which was erected on a commanding eminence at the rear of Community Square, so called, near the center of our growing village. The plot of land upon which it stood, consisting of about two acres of rough wild pasture to- begin with, had been in process of improvement for sev- eral years, chiefly by the labors of our Industrial Union,, and of being made ready for the completed edifice by grading, terracing, the planting of trees, etc. The build- ing was provided for by subscription, a paper circulated for the purpose of raising the requisite funds receiving signatures and pledges of money varying from $1,800.00 appended to the names of E. D. and Anna T. Draper, to $4.00 donated by one of our humbler members, the whole amounting to $4,423.00. Its entire cost, including- slips and furnishings, was somewhat over $6,000.00 the excess above the subscription pledges being generously supplied by the brothers, E. D. and George Draper. The structure was in rectangular form, according to the type of ecclesiastical architecture in vogue at that date, measuring 58 feet in length by 44 feet in width with 30 feet posts, the front being surmounted by an appropriate bell-tower. The Building Committee consisted of Wm. DEDICATION OF NEW MEETING-HOUSE. 327 H. Humphrey, E. D. Draper, and Wm. S. Hey wood. Mr Lewis Fales of Milford was the architect ; and Mr. Lowell Fales, the superintending carpenter until near com- pletion ; Bro. Wm. H. Humphrey succeeding him. The enterprise was brought to a fortunate conclusion in the autumn of the year named, and dedicatory services were held in the new sanctuary on the loth of November. An account of what transpired on the occasion from the pen of Rev. Samuel May of Leicester, who was present, was published in The Anti-Slavery Standard of New York, from which the following extracts are copied : "To the Editor, etc.: It is not often in this slavery-ridden country that the dedication of a new church building can have any special interest for the true anti-slavery reformer, or for the lover of Christianity in its genuine and incorrupt form. Very rarely would one of these receive an invitation to attend such an occasion and participate in its exercises. But the dedication of the new church edifice at Hopedale (Milford, Mass.) forms an exception to the rule on this subject; and as the Community there established is of a character to interest all true lovers of their kind, and all Abolitionists in an espe- cial manner, a notice of the occasion becomes appropriate to your columns and may also prove interesting to your readers." " Your correspondent was one of the numerous friends present and believes that all true Anti-slavery reformers may have a word of congratulation and God-speed for the Hopedale friends at this time." "A particular description of the house will not be attempted. In a basement story, but entirely above ground, is a large and commodious room for vestry purposes; over that, the entire second story of the building (with the exception of two ante- rooms at the sides of the platform and from which there is communication with the vestry ante-rooms below), is devoted to the meeting-house proper. This is large enough to seat comfortably five hundred persons. It is neatly carpeted and the seats are cushioned uniformly throughout the house. The walls are simply but tastefully painted in fresco, and the entire interior has a very pleasing effect. It proves to be as favora- ble for the purposes of speaking and of musical expression as could be desired. 328 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. "On Thursday the 15th inst., at 10 o'clock A.M., an audi- ence was collected from Hopedale and vicinity, which, with friends from greater distances, well filled the house. After an anthem by a choir of about twenty persons, the Building- Committee delivered to the chosen Trustees the title deed and the keys of the house. The statement therewith made by Wm. S. Hey wood was a very interesting one. The house had been built by voluntary subscription and donation; there had been no resort to a compulsory tax; there had been entire harmony and cheerful co-operation in the work; no accident to life or limb had occurred; and the completed building stood unencumbered by any debt. The pews were to be free to all without distinction to old and young, to rich and poor, to black and white and their occupancy would be entirely free of tax or charge; the house to be, in the first place, devoted to the uses of The Hopedale Community and of The Practical Christian Church there, and when not needed by them to be free to any person of good moral character who might desire to utter therein his or her convictions of truth and duty. Adin Ballou (the original mover and guiding spirit of the Community) then, on behalf of the Trustees, accepted the trust on the conditions named, adding that persons not con- nected with the Community were invited to come and take seats and share privileges in the house on the same terms with the members themselves, their contributions towards its expenses being wholly voluntary. After another anthem, an appropriate prayer was offered by Samuel May, and this was followed by the chanting of a hymn written for the occasion. " The morning sermon of dedication was then delivered by W. S. Heywood, Principal of the Hopedale Home School, one of the stated preachers of the place. He essayed to define and illustrate religion. No better definition or classification of the duties of religion, he said, could be given than the old one Love to God and love to man. The former of these two great heads he took as the subject of his discourse, the latter being reserved for the afternoon topic. The preacher proceeded in a manner clear, free and reverent, to set forth the being and character of God, the true nature of love to him and the ways of manifesting that love." " The hymn ' Nearer, my God, to Thee ' was then sung very beautifully. The musical exercises throughout the day were under the direction of Mr. Joshua SERVICES AT THE DEDICATION. 329 Hutchinson of Milford, N. H., and were admirably arranged, forming a most attractive and impressive feature of the occasion. " In the afternoon the numbers of the audience were per- ceptibly enlarged the house being filled to the utmost extent. After a voluntary by the choir. Rev. John Boyden of Woon- socket, R. I., read well-chosen selections from the Scriptures most impressively. Another original hymn, beginning 1 What house can we rear for the Infinite Mind,' was sung, when Mr. Ballou offered the dedicatory prayer. Mr. Heywood read a summary of the principles held by the Com- munity as sovereign and divine, and was followed by a song entitled ' What I live for,' from Mr. Hutchinson. " The second part of the dedication sermon was then given by Rev. Mr. Ballon. It was an admirable exposition of the Apostolic doctrine that ' he who loveth not his brother whom he hath seen cannot love God whom he hath not seen.' Rev. Mr. Boyden and Rev. Mr. May made congratulatory remarks, each enlarging somewhat on the topics treated during the day. "The house was then declared to be properly dedicated and set apart to the uses of religion as it had been defined and to the promulgation of those great principles relating to God and man and social life which had been set forth and enforced. "In the evening the house was again well filled. Rev. Mr. Boyden offered prayer. A truly good original hymn by Miss Lucy Whitney (of Westminster) was sung; and Mr. Ballou said the meeting was free for addresses and remarks from any friends present, each speaker to be followed by some musical selection from the choir. Rev. Mr. Hassell of Haverhill was the first speaker, touching upon several interesting points in addition to the subjects presented in the day's discourses, opening a discussion in which Messrs. Ballou, Heywood, Hill of Milford, and May took part. "Thus closed a series of uncommonly interesting and en- couraging meetings." "And thus was set apart to the best of human uses thereby best honoring the great and good Father of all the new Hopedale Church wherein we trust and believe that many a meeting shall yet be held promotive of human freedom, growth and happiness; many a faithful Anti-slavery meeting, before whose penetrating light and earnest rebuke the hideous darkness of oppression shall be scattered and its apologists and defenders be put to shame and converted to a. 330 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. better mind; many a Temperance meeting, which shall break the soul-bondage of degrading habits and bring him who was dead to be alive again, him who was lost to be found and restored to virtue and peace; many a Woman's Rights meet- ing, where the shackles which tyrannical customs and laws have imposed upon woman's just and rightful action shall be weakened, until, at length, they fall entirely away; many a Christian meeting, in short, where with all boldness the truths of the kingdom of God shall be unfolded and multitudes be brought by the beauty of holiness to lead lives of uprightness,, peace and good-will to man; thus rendering to God the high- est glory. " ' My soul shall pray again, Peace with this house remain, For here my friends and brethren dwell; And since my Father here Draws to his children near, My soul shall ever love thee well.' " Although the Community in its organic capacity was still in charge of the moral and religious activities of the place, and although the formalities of worship and the means of instruction and culture in the tilings pertaining to the divine kingdom were scrupulously provided for and maintained from year to year, yet, as time went on, there was a manifest falling away from the high plane of thought and conduct formerly occupied by the population of Hopedale, and an unmistakably increasing conformity to the spirit, maxims, customs, and general features of that old social order from which we had been so long striving to be emancipated. Plainly as some of us saw this and deeply as we deplored it we were utterly unable to* prevent it. The gradually diminishing number of our own members, the continual influx among us of individ- uals and families indifferent if not averse to our professed principles and objects, the dominant spirit of secularism and commercialism in our midst, and the spirit of politico- military patriotism that prevailed in the community at PRACTICAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH. 331 large, combined to relax and weaken the bonds that held the masses of our people to lofty and noble ideals and to cause a decline of the personally religious life on every hand. A realizing sense of this state of things and an ardent desire to stem the downward current, led a few of the more devout and earnest of our remaining associ- ates to propose the formation of a church, distinctively so called, to include those outside our fellowship as well as inside all residents on our former domain who might feel the embers of the divine life burning in their bosom& and be disposed by a formal consecration to God, by mutual pledges and confessions, and by whatever help could be derived from associating together, to have these embers fanned into a vigorous and perpetual flame. The proposition met with considerable favor and measures were taken to have it carried into effect. I hoped less from this movement than some of my brethren but lent it my encouragement, being in no wise disposed to throw cold water upon any scheme which had in it the least promise of promoting the Christian culture of any of those resident within our borders, and especially of our young people who were passing through the formative period of their character and life. On the 29th of Janu- ary, 1860, a church was organized, the nature, purpose, and general tenor of which may be inferred from the following extracts from its adopted " COMPACT. " In order more effectually to promote our own progress in the Christian life as well as th3 extension of Practical Chris- tianity among men, we, whose names are hereunto subscribed, do unite in a Religious Association, to be called THE PRACTICAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF HOPEDALE. " And we do hereby pledge ourselves to care tenderly for each other's welfare, both temporal and spiritual, and to- endeavor in all things to be to each other true and faithful brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus our Lord. 332 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. " Any person may become a member of this body by a hearty acknowledgment of the following Declaration, and by conform- ing to such regulations as may be established from time to time for purposes of orderly edification and discipline. " DECLARATION. "We believe that there is one God, the Father, who is the author of all beings and things; who is infinite in Love, Wis- dom, Justice and Power; and who is everywhere present both to will and to do as a self-conscious Spirit. "We believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God; that the Father ordained him to be the saviour of the world; that he must reign till all things be subdued unto him; and that no soul can be saved without becoming personally Christlike in spirit, conduct and character. " Therefore we acknowledge ourselves imperatively bound to reverence the teachings, obey the precepts, imitate the exam- ple, and cherish the spirit of Jesus Christ, according to our highest light and ability, in all the relations of life. And we further acknowledge ourselves imperatively bound by the pre- cepts, example and spirit of Jesus Christ never intentionally to kill, oppress or harm any human being even our worst enemy. " This Church shall from time to time establish or permit .such ordinances as may be deemed promotive of personal holi- ness among its members. Such ordinances, however, shall never be considered as ends to be attained, but as, at best, only means of improvement and tokens of discipleship; and therefore their observance can never be required of any one who does not feel that it would be a privilege; nor can their administration be denied to those, whether in or out of our membership, who may sincerely desire it." This movement started out promisingly and seemed to prosper for a year or two, attaining a membership, if my memory serves me, of fifty or sixty persons. But predominating influences were against it, the animus of the place being rather to acquire wealth and worldly -distinction than to seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness. Under such untoward circumstances, The Practical Christian Church of Hopedale languished ere long into oblivion. HOPEDALE INDUCTIVE CONFERENCE. 33$ The last struggling effort to revive the Community cause and turn back the tide of events towards those objects and aims which inspired us at the beginning of our career and prompted the labors and sacrifices of those early days, was the formation of what was known as The Hopedale Inductive Conference. This was fash- ioned somewhat after the plan heretofore outlined and adopted many years before by our friends in certain, favorable localities elsewhere. It was organized Sept. 26,. 1861, and entered at once upon the work of indoctrina- tion, unification, and consolidation it was designed to accomplish. It held regular weekly meetings, the exer- cises of which were conducted agreeably to a definite and carefully arranged system, devised and elaborated by me, and published the following year under the general title of u MONITORIAL GUIDE; For the use of Inductive Confer- ences, Communities, etc." It was of a liturgical character, and was designed, as may be inferred, to aid in the intellectual, moral, and spiritual quickening and culture of both youth and adults in the principles and objects of The Practical Christian Republic, preparatory to practical efforts in behalf of the system of society represented by that comprehensive name. Its merits were satisfactorily tested by several years' experience in our Inductive Con- ference, which, running well during that period, was at length, for want of interested, hearty, persistent co-opera- tion, indefinitely suspended at the close of the year 1867. The end of the Community was now at hand. That consummation was hastened by the formation of what was called The Hopedale Parish; a name which the organiza- tion still bears. The reason for this new movement can be briefly stated and easily apprehended. With the advance of time the disproportion between the number of Community members resident at Hopedale and non- members had so greatly increased that the latter were largely in the majority. And yet they had no voice what- 334 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. ever in the management of matters pertaining to the activities and institutions of religion, in which they took more or less interest, and for the maintenance of which they were year by year asked to contribute. There was an inequality in this which arrested attention a wrong which the common moral judgment recognized and affirmed ought to be righted. Measures were therefore initiated looking to some change in the administration of religious affairs whereby all the people of the village at least all who had any care or concern in regard to such affairs should have the right and opportunity of co-operating on equal terms with each other in the superintendence and control of them. These, after due deliberation and consultation with all parties interested, resulted in the organization on the 27th of October, 1867, of an association bearing the before mentioned name, under a Constitution setting forth its origin, its relations to the Community, its functions, and general mode of administration. This instrument, though quite unlike that upon which our movement was based, had in it nothing essentially hostile to its spirit or prescriptive requirements, and cduld therefore be approved ,and supported by our remaining members without falsify- ing any of their previous professions or avowals. It had a flavor of religion about it, but contained no creed, confession of faith, or declaration of principles, required no promises from those subscribing it, and imposed upon them no moral and religious obligations not even the obligation to lead an orderly, upright, humane, Christian life ; every one being left free to think, believe, and act according to the dictates of his or her own individual reason and conscience. It simply claimed to establish a Liberal Christian Society, to be called The Hopedale Parish, composed of those resident in the village who were willing "to co-operate, to a greater or less extent, in supporting public worship, religious meetings, a Sunday ORGANIZATION OF THE HOPEDALE PARISH. 335 school, sacred music and other instrumentalities for the promotion of moral order in the neighborhood." This new body, which three mouths later, with myself as Pastor, was admitted to "The Worcester Conference of Congre- gational (Unitarian) and other Christian Societies," entered directly upon the execution of its proper work, the respon- sibilities and duties of which were cheerfully transmitted to it by the Community, and as cheerfully assumed on its part. The formal act of transmission took place at the Annual Community Meeting held Jan. 8. 1868, the record of which reads thus : " Whereas, the inhabitants of Hopedale have recently formed a Liberal Christian Society, entitled The Hopedale Parish, under a Constitution which declares the same to be in general har- mony with this Community, particularly in respect to ' support- ing public worship, religious meetings, the Sunday School, sacred music, and other instrumentalities for the promotion of moral order in the neighborhood ' ; and whereas, said Constitu- tion pledges said Parish to exercise all its powers, rights and privileges in friendly concurrence and co-operation with this Community in the respects aforesaid, and never to make any Constitutional changes unfriendly to our organization; and whereas, with the general consent of our resident members, who are also members of the said Parish, it has accepted the responsibility of managing the principal parochial affairs here- tofore in charge of this Community all of which fully appears in the Parish records: "Now, therefore, be it Resolved and Declared by the Hope- dale Community in regular meeting assembled, that we fully assent to, approve of, and sanction the formation, organization, proceedings and measures thus far of the said Hopedale Parish. "And be it further Resolved and Declared that, so long as The Hopedale Parish shall discharge the parochial responsibili- ties it has accepted in general harmony with the fundamental principles of this Community and according to its constitu- tional pledges, this Community will not interfere with its management of parochial affairs but quietly acquiesce in the same. Provided, nevertheless, that nothing herein contained shall in any way debar the Community from exercising its 336 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. right to advise or remonstrate, as a co-ordinate body with said Parish, in respect to any future measure which may seem to require Community intervention. " Passed in regular Community meeting this 8th day of January, 1868. "Attest: E. D. DRAPER, Moderator. "J. L. HEYWOOD, Recorder." This was the last recorded act of The Hopedale Com- munity in regular meeting assembled, and with it the Community may be regarded as passing into a state of innocuous desuetude and becoming only a memory of bygone times. There had been chosen at a previous stage of this same meeting the usual official servants, but all occa- sion for action on their part had ceased and they had no successors. The Community, as such, now became utterly and forever extinct. Some six years afterward, Dec. 15, 1873, its Real Estate Trustees, a permanent Board of Officers and the only surviving representative of the parent body, transferred, as stated on page 307, all right, title, interest, and control in, unto, and over its remaining territorial posessions to the Trustees of The Hopedale Parish; and two years later, Dec. 7, 1875, passed into the same hands the balance of the so-called Soward Fund, which many years before had been donated by our esteemed and faithful brother, Edmund Soward, for the purpose of promoting the mental and moral improvement of the chil- dren and youth of the Community and village through the agency of the Sunday School Library. According to the conditions upon which this gift was made, only the income derived from it could be expended from year to yeai\ and it had been held in trust subject to that restriction ; it was put into the keeping of its new custodians charged with the same inhibition. Thus all transactions pertaining to the affairs of the Community were brought to an end, and the very name of our Hopedale movement became thenceforth only a historical designation. CHAPTER X. FOUNDERS OF THE COMMUNITY MEMBERS GENERALLY ACHIEVEMENTS PRIMAL CAUSE OF FAILURE SUBOR- DINATE CAUSES THE HOPEDALE IDEAL ITS FUTURE REALIZATION. THE opening paragraphs of this, the last Chapter of the History of the Hopedale Community, will briefly recount the more notable facts and features of our diver- sified experience in the new order of society we undertook to establish, as a prelude to an exposition of the defects and weaknesses of the enterprise, and especially of the cause or causes of its ultimate failure. During the twenty years that have transpired since it suffered the fatal blow that sealed its doom, I have had time to review the whole matter with painstaking and prayerful deliberation, which lias resulted in the recasting of some of my previous hastily formed opinions, and in reaching conclusions that I desire to put on record for posterity as my final verdict in the case. A rapid survey of the field whereon we toiled and suffered, won victories and sustained defeats, rejoiced and lamented, will aid me in carrying my purpose in this regard into effect. The founders of The Hopedale Community, as has been already shown, were so-called Independent Restorationists in speculative theology, and universal moral Reformers in respect to the application of religious truth to human life in its various departments, relations, and manifestations. They believed in the Fatherhood of God and the Brother- hood of Man, and in the principles and precepts of the 22 338 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. New Testament as taught and exemplified by Jesus Christ. They were animated by a rational and devout ambition to hold their faith, not merely as a dogmatic statement, or an intellectual conception, or a passional sentiment or emotion, but as the rule and the inspiration of life as the power of a renewed personal character and the incen- tive to, and basis for, a divinely ordered form of human society. To their apprehension theory ought to be exem- plified in practice, and the principles and spirit of Chris- tianity should have illustration in, as they were deemed applicable to, all human interests and concerns ; social and civil as well as individual. This view characterized their thought and directed their career. Their premises and conclusion were to their minds indissolubly related and invulnerable to just criticism. If God were their Father, they were to live before him and with each other as rev- erent, dutiful, trusting children. If all men were their brethren, they were under sacred obligations to love them and do them good ; nay, more, all injustice, hatred, vin- dictiveness, cruelty, oppression, violence, wrath, and war was wrong and ought to be overcome and put forever away ; and they were in duty bound to pray and labor to secure that important consummation. They ought, more- over, to espouse and do what they could to advance every good cause, to aid every movement calculated to benefit and bless mankind. If Christianity were a divine religion, charged with that truth and grace which are commissioned of God to redeem the world from sin and bring in the reign of universal righteousness, then it should control all human action ; and the habits, practices, and customs of men -their institutions, laws, and systems, whatever their name and by whomsoever maintained, repugnant to it, should be renounced and abandoned, and the whole com- plex order of society, in its unfraternal and unchristian features, should be reconstructed and made to conform to and represent its holy requirements. In case this could CHARACTER OF COMMUNITY MEMBERSHIP. 339 not be done, by reason of the ignorance, moral incom- peteucy, or uucbristianized will of those by whose agency these things were practised, upheld, and perpetuated, under the existing social system, then it became the true fol- lowers of the Nazareue to join hands, hearts, and all possible active efforts for the work of building a new system from the foundations upward, which should be in harmony with the Master's teachings and stand before men and angels as the type and imperfect, because human, realization of that kingdom of heaven which he came to establish upon the earth. Under the power and inspira- tion of such logic, which to them was incontrovertible, the founders of The Hopedale Community entered upon their work; under the same power and inspiration did they and their later associates and successors prosecute it to the end. The membership of the Community during its entire existence was composed of men and women belonging to the more substantial, self-respecting middle class of American society the rank and file of the American people. It included, first and last, six or eight ordained ministers of the Gospel, two experienced and skillful physicians, several well-equipped and competent teachers in the various branches of useful knowledge, writers for religious and reformatory journals, platform speakers, conference room exhorters. together with numerous farm- ers, gardeners, carpenters, machinists and a goodly num- ber of other handicraftsmen a plain, common sense, intelligent, high-minded population. As a whole, we were in no proper sense such a set of visionary dreamers, deluded fanatics, restless impracticable s, and thriftless incompetents, needing a guardian or some master spirit to take pity on us and save us from our own folly and imbecility, as has sometimes been represented by certain orators and authors, who seemed more desirious of depre- ciating us and our labors, sacrifices and achievements, 340 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. than of telling the truth about us and doing exact justice to us and our cause. To be sure, there were now and then persons who came to us from selfish and unworthy motives, seeking an easy place for themselves and a supply for their own and their family's needs which they were too indolent and shiftless to earn elsewhere. To be sure, we were beset by a great variety of visitors, good, bad, and indifferent, hailing from far and near, profess- ing a friendship for us and our movement; not infre- quently claiming to be philanthropists and reformers par excellence, and bringing with them, it may be, some special device for bettering the condition of world some new panacea for one or more of the manifold ills which human- ity is heir to, the crudest follies or impracticabilities perhaps. But few of either class ever gained an entrance within the pale of our organic fellowship ; or, if they did, were soon convinced that they were out of place and vol- untarily retired, never attaining any appreciable influence in shaping our polity or in the systematic management of any of our affairs. Follies no doubt we had and defects, whereof we had reason to be ashamed and repentant, but they were not of the sort alleged. If we were in any sense dreamers and visionaries, an imputation we were never disposed to take offence at or deny, we were only such as Jesus Christ and his Apostles were and taught us to- be, when they pictured to us a kingdom of righteousness, peace and joy for which we should pray, a coming reign of equity and brotherhood which we should seek to inau- gurate, under whose benignant sway "All crime shall cease and ancient fraud shall fail, Returning justice lift aloft her scale; Peace o'er the world her olive wand extend, And white-robed innocence from heaven descend." As a matter of fact, no one who knew us and was disposed to be just towards us could deny that, with the rare exceptions alluded to, we were a most practical r NO FOOLISH AND WICKED EXPENDITURES. 341 self-supporting company, industrious, ecomomical, hus- banding well our resources, and putting our means to good uses. Not a dollar was expended by us for intoxi- cating liquor, for enervating pleasure, or pernicious amusement. Bad habits, always more or less costly, were under proscription, and for the most part absolutely prohibited. Even tobacco, when previously used, was laid aside by those entering our membership, one person only continuing the indulgence, and that after repeated ineffectual attempts to overcome the appetite. We spent nothing on military trappings or displays ; nothing on spectacular and boisterous demonstrations of any sort ; nothing on political manceuvreiug or masquerade ; nothing on police supervision or litigation no occasion for the former ever existing and all differences or controversies Among ourselves or with our neighbors being settled by -amicable conference or peaceful arbitration. As to con- stables, sheriffs, criminal prosecutions, or court proceed- ings outside of simple probate concerns, we had no use for them. But it was not our chief ambition or desire to earn and save money for our own necessity, comfort, enrich- ment, or exaltation, with no thought or regard for the acquisition of those riches of the heart and soul which are an eternal possession, or for the contribution we -could make for the promotion of the welfare of our fellowmeu. Our chief labor was "not for the meat that perisheth but for that which endureth unto everlasting life." We sought first "the kingdom of God and his righteousnes." We were, I repeat, a sincerely and ear- nestly religious people : not on the ground of escaping the merciless inflictions of an Almighty avenger after sent us by friends or coming of their own accord to find within our borders a refuge from temptation, as also encouragement and aid to reformation. Other good causes, in their time and turn made their appeals to us for money or other means of promotion, nor ever made them in vain. Our reputation for kindness and charity in the general A SELF-SUPPORTING, BENEVOLENT POPULATION. 343 neighborhood about us brought us many a supplicant for alms, no one of whom was turned coldly away. We had advertised our Community extensively and were visited by professed inquirers, friends of social reconstruction, and others, from different parts of the country, to all of whom we offered entertainment for days and weeks some- times, usually without pecuniary return occasionally with sharp criticism and cheap advice as a recompense. Taking all things into account, it may be reasonably questioned whether any equal population in the country of corre- sponding pecuniary means gave, during the period of our Community's existence, a tithe of what we did for relig- ious, philanthropic, and reformatory purposes and objects, outside of its own distinctive boundaries. Moreover, for several years we educated our children at our own expense, never receiving a dollar from the town of Milford though we paid taxes continually into its treasury ; and through all our history the amount thus contributed to its resources year by year was hundreds and thousands of dollars in excess of what was returned to us under any and every form of expenditure in our behalf or re-imbursement whatsoever. And yet we never made a single pauper or criminal whereby the town was put to the least trouble or cost, or caused it to use any of its funds for the relief of any of our own poor, for police surveillance and protection, or for municipal inter- position and action of any sort. The Community was composed of not simply a busy, thrifty, self-subsisting class of people, but one eminently large-hearted and benevolent, their frequent and generous donations and their open-handed, ungrudging hospitality testifying to their enterprise, practicality, and power of production. Further testimony to the same effect may be found in a brief statement of what was actually accomplished by The Hopedale Community during the fourteen years in which it was master of the situation and exercised supreme 344 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. and undivided control over all industrial and business affairs within its recognized jurisdiction. It was organ- ized under the name of Fraternal Community No. 1 at Mendon, Mass., Jan. 28, 1841. The number of original members was 32, to which there were added by subse- quent admissions and at indeterminate intervals, 165, making the entire membership, 196. Of these there are left nominally associated together at this time of writing (1876), about 35, only 14 of whom continue to reside on its former domain ; the others who are still living being scat- tered far and wide over the country. The first purchase of lands at Hopedale for its occupancy and use was effected June 30, 1841, and consisted of what was known as "The Jones' Farm," containing 258 acres. Later addi- tions from time to time, which included two adjacent farms and other contiguous territory, increased the aggregate extent of its domain to nearly or quite 600 acres, com- prising the village site, horticultural grounds, orchards, farming fields, wood and meadow lots, mill-ponds, thorough- fares, etc. The earliest settlement on our territory was made sometime in October, 1841. by a family of five persons. In the latter part of the following March, at which date operations actually began, there was a colony of seven families on the premises, numbering twenty-eight persons. The population, including mem- bers, probationers, dependents, employes, and permitted residents, multiplied by gradual accessions until at the time of the surrender in 1856, it aggregated some three hundred. The first Joint-Stock property of the Association actu- ally in hand was $100.00 ; at the time of settlement in the spring of 1842, it was $4,000.00. It increased from 3^ear to year until it exceeded $40,000.00. The property of individual members of the Community was estimated to begin with at about $10,000.00; it was not less than $90,000.00 when the dissolution took place. IMPROVEMENT OF COMMUNITY DOMAIN. 345 The Community entered upon its career on a much run down estate, in a single ancient farm-house, with two -dilapidated barns and several outbuildings in similar con- dition; access to and egress from which were obtained over narrow, crooked, uneven, wretchedly built high- ways ; it left that estate and the accessions to it in excellent condition for agricultural and horticultural pur- poses, and made the center of its population and activities a neat village of some fifty pleasant dwellings, located amid gardens, orchards, shade-trees, shrubbery, and flow- ers, upon carefully laid out and well-constructed streets, with substantial manufacturing establishments along its western border one of the neatest, most quiet, beautiful, charming little hamlets in the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. A most desirable, highly prized, promising possession it was to us, purchased for and consecrated to disinterested, philanthropic, noble uses and objects, preserved, enriched, embellished by us, as the seat and center of a great movement for the bettering of the world ; but which, by force of adverse circumstances and condi- tions, we were compelled to convey to our successors, to become under their skillful management the theatre and vantage ground whereon to gain wealth, social distinction, political honor, and other like emoluments and rewards. The story of its varied experiences, joyous and sad, of its struggles and attainments, of its victories and defeats, the Community now bequeaths to coming generations, that the wise and good and true belonging to them may be instructed by its lessons, and perad venture helped to achieve, on kindred but not necessarily identical lines of effort, far larger, nobler, and more enduring results in the same beneficent and blessed behalf. Yes, we failed. Failed just as we had attained an apparently praiseworthy and permanent success ; just as we were feeling assured that we had overcome our most serious difficulties, surmounted our greatest obstacles, van- 346 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY quished our most obdurate foes, and were beyond the reach of peril ; just as we had planned and were begin- ning to put into execution schemes of colonization and programmes' for founding new communities offshoots of ours in some of the more attractive and promising sections of our great country. And our failure being a confessed fact, it is both desirable and important to understand the nature of that failure the causes that led to it and the reasons why it transpired. To the solu- tion of that problem the concluding pages of this volume will be chiefly devoted. And the point which first demands consideration is that involved in the inquiry whether or not our discomfiture the defeat of all our plans and hopes is to be regarded in any proper sense as a financial or business disaster; or in other words whether or not it was primarily and essentially due to a lack of business capacity on our part and to the special pecuniary straits in which we found ourselves at the opening of the year 1856. Had the Community become bankrupt, as the saying is, and was it compelled to stop operations in order to meet its pecuniary obligations and satisfy its creditors? By no- means. No one who knew the exact status of our several industries, the condition of our treasury, and our standing in the business world at the time, would decide the ques- tion affirmatively. Nor would any one familiar with our industrial and financial history from the beginning as it has been outlined on the preceding pages. Notable facts of that history having a definite bearing upon the matter may be formally recapitulated. 1. Our Joint-Stock invest- ment at the time of the suspension of our consolidated- activities was, as stated, more than $40,000.00, while our individual property was about $90,000.00; nearly all of which had been produced on our own territory since we first occupied it. 2. The Joint-Stock had never depre- ciated in value but remained at par from the beginning ; NOT A FINANCIAL FAILURE. 347 not a share having ever been sold, transferred, or surren- dered for one cent less. The final disposal of it was on that basis, and not a single person ever suffered loss by having it in his possession. 3. For the greater part of the time the entire list of stockholders received the stipu- lated four per cent, interest on their money, and outside parties always. 4. Every dollar of the Community indebt- edness from first to last was honorably paid and our credit wherever we were known was never impeached or ques- tioned. 5. The members, probationers, and dependents of the Community were able to secure under its manage- ment or by industries which it established or sanctioned upon its territory, a comfortable home, means of subsist- ence, and an adequate supply for all the material needs of themselves and families ; with money besides for intel- lectual, moral, and religious culture and for benevolent uses, while most of them realized an increase of individ- ual property ; the whole of such increase amounting to $80,000.00; or an average of about $2,000.00 for every household in our membership. 6. The reported deficit at the time of suspension was less than $2,000.00 ; reckoning actual depreciation of property, losses incurred, etc., it might have amounted to $10,000.00 or $12,000.00. But what was that compared with the average losses of the business world, where, as carefully prepared statistics prove, more than 90 per cent, of the enterprises and ventures result in bankruptcy? The deficits incurred by an equal population with ours engaged in similar kinds of industry for the same length of time, under ordinary circumstances, are far greater than we experienced. Sev- eral persons once in our membership and living comfort- ably, with gradually accumulating means while with us, sunk more in ten years after leaving than we all together did in fourteen, and in one instance six or eight times as much. 7. Again, the great majority of our people, both managers and common workmen, gained under our 348 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. regime such habits of industry and frugality, such lessons in handicraft and financiering, such development of pro- ductive ability, as enabled them to become more inde- pendent and successful from a secular point of view after Community administration was given up than they were before or probably would subsequently have been without that experience. They were therefore on this ground gainers rather than losers by the Community, to say nothing of the superior intellectual, moral, social, and religious advantages which, under its wise and generous provision, they were privileged to share. 8. Finally, it is to be noted that the successors of the Community in the ownership and management of business affairs, on the foundation which the Community laid and with the facilities which the Community had provided and passed over to them, proceeded at once, without disaster or serious hindrance, to build up a fortune that in a few years far exceeded the wildest fancies of any of our dreamers in that direction and would have been deemed Article 1, of this Constitution ; viz. : a comfortable home, suita- ble employment, adequate subsistence, congenial associates, a good education, proper stimulants to personal righteousness, sympathetic aid in distress and due protection in the exercise of all natural rights. And whereinsoever it shall find itself unable to realize the said guaranties, it may unite with other Communities to insure them, by such means as shall be mutually agreed on for that purpose. Each Community shall have the right to frame, adopt and alter its own Constitution and laws ; to elect its own officers, teachers and representatives ; and to manage its own domestic affairs of every description, without interference from any other constituent body or author- ity of this Republic; excepting always the prerogatives which it shall have specifically delegated or referred to others. SEC. 3. Each Communal Municipality shall be formed by a Convention of delegates chosen for that purpose by the Com- munities proposing to unite in such Municipality. The dele- gates shall be chosen equitably on the basis of population. These delegates shall frame a Constitution or Fundamental Compact, clearly defining the governmental powers to be exer- cised by the Municipal authorities, which, having been sub- mitted to the voting members of the Communities concerned and adopted, the Municipality shall be considered established and go into organized operation accordingly. But either of the Communities composing such Municipality shall have the right to secede therefrom, after giving one year's notice, paying all assessments due the corporation at the time of such notice, and relinquishing its share of public property therein. Or the union of two or more Communities constituting a Municipality may be dissolved at any time by mutual agreement of the federative parties. SEC. 4. Each Communal State shall be formed by a Conven- tion of delegates from the Municipalities proposing to unite in CONSTITUTION OF THE P. C. REPUBLIC. 405 the same, by a process substantially similar to the one pre- scribed in the preceding Section, but without the right of secession therein reserved. And each Communal Nation shall be formed by the States proposing to unite therein in general accordance with the same process. SEC. 5. The duties and powers of the Supreme Unitary Council shall be denned in a Fundamental Compact, to be framed by delegates from all the Communal Nations then existing and adopted by at least two-thirds of the citizen mem- bers of the Republic present and acting in their respective primary Communities, at meetings duly notified for that pur- pose. And all questions throughout this Republic, excepting the election of officers, shall be determined by a two-thirds vote. SEC. 6. No official servant of any grade in this Republic shall ever assume to distinguish him or herself by external display of dress, equipage or other artificial appliances above the common members; nor shall receive compensation for official services beyond the average paid to the first class of operatives at large, with a reasonable allowance for incidental expenses; but every official servant shall be considered bound to exemplify the humility, modesty and benevolence inculcated in the Christian precept. "Whosoever will be chief among you, let him be the servant of all." Nor shall it be allowable for any of the constitutional bodies of this Republic to burden the people with governmental expenses for mere worldly show or for any other than purposes of unquestionable public utility. ARTICLE VII. Religion. SECTION 1. Acknowledging the Christian religion as one of fundamental Divine Principles, to be practically carried out in all human conduct, this Republic insists only on the essentials of faith and practice affirmed in Article II of this Constitution. Therefore, no uniform Religious or Ecclesiastical system of externals shall be established; nor shall any rituals, forms, ceremonies or observances whatsoever be either instituted or interdicted; but each Community shall determine for itself, with due regard for the conscientious scruples of its own mem- bers, all matters of this nature. SEC. 2. Believing that the Holy Christ-Spirit will raise up competent Religious and Moral Teachers, and commend them, 406 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. by substantial demonstration of their fitness, to the confidence of those to whom they minister, this Republic shall not assume to commission, authorize or forbid any person to preach or to teach Religion ; nor shall any constituent body thereof assume to do so. But each Community may invite any person deemed worthy of confidence to be their religious teacher, on terms reciprocally satisfactory to the parties concerned. SEC. 3. It shall be the privilege and duty of members of this Republic to hold general meetings, at least once in three months, for religious improvement and the promulgation of their acknowledged divine principles. In order to this, Quar- terly Conferences shall be established in every general region of country inhabited by any considerable number of members. Any twenty-five or more members wheresoever resident shall be competent to establish a Quarterly Conference whenever they may deem the same necessary to their convenience. In so- doing they shall adopt a written Constitution subsidiary to- this general Constitution and no wise incompatible therewith, under which they may make such regulations as they may deem promotive of the objects they have in view. All such Conferences shall have power to admit members into the Adop- tive Circle of this Republic, and also, for sufficient reasons, to- discharge them. And each Quarterly Conference shall keep reliable records of its proceedings, with an authentic copy of this general Constitution prefixed. ARTICLE VIII. Marriage. SECTION 1. Marriage, being one of the most important and sacred of human relationships, ought to be guarded against caprice and abuse by the highest wisdom that is available. Therefore within the membership of this Republic and the dependencies thereof, Marriage is specially commended to the care of the Preceptive and Parentive Circles. These are hereby designated as the confidential counsellors of all members and dependents who may desire their mediation in cases of matri- monial negotiation, contract or controversy; and shall be held pre-eminently responsible for the prudent and faithful discharge of their duties. But no person decidedly averse to their inter- position shall be considered under obligation to solicit or accept it. And it shall be considered the perpetual duty of the Circles named to enlighten the public mind relative to the requisites of CONSTITUTION OF THE P. C. REPUBLIC. 407 true matrimony, and to elevate the marriage institution within this Republic to the highest possible plane of purity and happiness. SEC. 2. Marriage shall always be solemnized in the presence of two or more witnesses, by the distinct acknowledgment of the parties before some member of the Preceptive or Parentive Circle selected to preside on the occasion. And it shall be the imperative duty of the member so presiding to see that every such marriage be recorded within ten days thereafter in the Registry of the Community to which one or both of the parties shall, at the time, belong. SEC. 3. Divorce from the bonds of matrimony shall never be allowable within the membership of this Republic except for adultery conclusively proved against the accused party. But separations for other sufficient reasons may be sanctioned, with the distinct understanding that neither party shall be at liberty to marry again during the natural life-time of the other. ARTICLE IX. Education. SECTION 1. The proper education of the rising generation being indispensable to the prosperity and glory of this Repub- lic, it shall be amply provided for as a cardinal want; and no child shall be allowed to grow up anywhere under the con- trol of its membership without good educational opportunities. SEC. 2. Education shall be as comprehensive and thorough as circumstances in each case will allow. It shall aim in all cases to develop harmoniously the physical, intellectual, moral and social faculties of the young: to give them, if possible, a high-toned moral character based on scrupulous conscien- tiousness and radical Christian principles; a sound mind, well stored with useful knowledge and capable of inquiring, reason- ing and judging for itself; a heathful, vigorous body, suitably fed, exercised, clothed, lodged and recreated; good domestic habits, including personal cleanliness, order, propriety, agree- ableness and generous social qualities; industrial executiveness and skill in one or more of the avocations necessary to a comfortable subsistence; and, withal, practical economy in pecuniary matters. In fine, to qualifiy them for solid useful- ness and happiness in all the rightful pursuits and relations of life. SEC. 3. The Preceptive Circle of members shall be expected to distinguish themselves by a zealous, wise and noble devotion 408 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. to this great interest of education. And every individual, family, private association and constituent body of this Repub- lic, in their respective spheres, shall co-operate, by every reason- able effort, to render its educational institutions from the nursery to the university pre-eminently excellent. ARTICLE X. Property. SECTION 1. All property, being primarily the Creator's and provided by Him for the use of mankind during their life on earth, ought to be acquired, used and disposed of in strict accordance with the dictates of justice and charity. Therefore, the members of this Republic shall consider themselves stew- ards in trust, under God, of all property coming into their possession, and as such imperatively bound not to consume it in the gratification of their own inordinate lusts, nor to hoard it up as a mere treasure, nor to employ it to the injury of any human being, nor withhold it from the relief of distressed fellow creatures; but always to use it, as not abusing it, for strictly just, benevolent and commendable purposes. SEC. 2. It shall not be deemed compatible with justice for the people of this Republic, in their pecuniary commerce with each other, to demand, in any case, as a compensation for their mere personal service, labor or attendance, a higher price per cent., per piece, per day, week, month or year than the aver- age paid to the first class of operatives in the Community, or general vicinity where the service is rendered. Nor shall it be deemed compatible with justice for the members, in such commerce, to demand, as a price for anything sold or exchanged, more than the fair cost value thereof, as nearly as the same can be estimated, reckoning prime cost, labor or attention, incidental expenses, contingent waste, depreciation and aver- age risks of sale: nor to demand for the mere use of capital, except as partners in the risks of its management, any clear interest or profit whatsoever exceeding four per cent, per annum. SEC. 3. It shall not be deemed compatible with the welfare, prosperity and honor of this Republic for the people thereof to owe debts outside of the same exceeding three-fourths of their available property rated at moderate valuation by disin- terested persons; nor to give or receive long credits, except on real estate security; nor to manufacture, fabricate or sell CONSTITUTION OF THE P. C. REPUBLIC. 409 sham and unreliable productions ; nor to make business engage- ments, or hold out expectations, which are of doubtful ful- fillment. SEC. 4. Whenever the population and resources of this Repub- lic shall warrant the formation of the first Communal Nation, and the government thereof shall have been organized, a uni- form system of Mutual Banking shall be established, based mainly on real estate securities, which shall afford loans at the mere cost of operations. Also, a uniform system of Mutual Insurance, which shall reduce all kinds of insurance to the lowest terms. Also, a uniform system of reciprocal Commer- cial Exchange, which shall preclude all needless intervention between producers and consumers, all extra risks of property, all extortionate speculation, all inequitable profits on exchanges, and all demoralizing expedients of trade. Also, Regulations providing for the just encouragement of useful industry and the practical equalization of all social advantages, so far as the same can be done without infringing on individual rights. And all the members shall be considered under sacred moral obligations to co-operate adhesively and persistently in every righteous measure employed for the accomplishment of these objects. ARTICLE XL Policy. It shall be the fundamental, uniform and established Policy of this Republic: 1. To govern, succor and protect its own people to the utmost of its ability, in all matters and cases whatsoever not involving anti-Christian conflict with the sword-sustained gov- ernments of the world under which its members live. 2. To avoid all unnecessary conflicts whatsoever with these governments, by conforming to all their laws and requirements which are not repugnant to the Sovereignty of Divine Prin- ciples. 3. To abstain from all participation in the working of their political machinery and to be connected as little as possible with their systems of governmental operation. 4. To protest, remonstrate and testify conscientiously against their sins on moral grounds alone; but never to plot schemes of revolutionary agitation, intrigue or violence against them, nor be implicated in contenancing the least resistance to their authority by injurious force. 410 THE HOPED ALE COMMUNITY. 5. If compelled in any case by Divine Principles to disobey their requirements, or passively to withstand their unrighteous exactions and thus incur their penal vengeance, to act openly and suffer with true moral heroism. 6. Never to ask their protection, even in favor of injured innocence or threatened rights, when it can be interposed only by means which are condemned by Divine Principles. 7. To live in peace, so far as can innocently be done, with all mankind outside of this Republic, whether individuals, associations, corporations, sects, classes, parties, states or nations ; also to accredit and encourage whatever is truly good in all; yet to fellowship iniquity in none, be enslaved by none, be amalgamated with none, be morally responsible for none ; but ever be distinctly, unequivocally and uncompromisingly The Practical Christian Republic until the complete regeneration of the world. ARTICLE XII. Amendments. Whenever one-fourth of all the members of this Republic shall subscribe and publish a written proposition to alter, amend or revise this Constitution, such proposition of whatsoever nature shall be submitted to each Community for considera- tion. Returns shall then be made of all the votes cast in every Community to the highest organized body of the Repub- lic for the time being. And the concurrence of two-thirds of all the votes shall determine the question or questions at issue. If the proposition shall have been a specific alteration or amendment of the Constitution, it shall thenceforth be established as such. If a Convention shall have been proposed to revise the Constitution, a Convention shall be summoned and held accordingly. But no alteration, amendment or revi- sion of this Constitution shall take effect until sanctioned by two-thirds of all the members present and acting thereon in their respective Communities, at regular meetings duly notified for that purpose. INDEX. Accessions to Hopedale frequent, 74. Accommodations at first limited, 73. Achievements of fourteen years, 343. Activity the first summer, 86. Affairs during 1846, 155. Alien residents, action concerning, 200. Amusements, 180. Andrews, Stephen Pearl and his theories, 241. Annoyances and irritations, 161. Annual meetings, 59, 103, 126, 137, 150, 158, 176, 189, 201, 210, 224, 243, 249, 269, 283. Antagonism to existing Social order, 10. Appendix A, 368; B, 397. Army, Industrial, afterwards named Industrial Union, 192. Association and union of forces, 12. Associational Confei-ences, 131. Ballon, Abbie S., Teacher, 179. Ballou, Adin, Pastor of First Parish, Mendon, 1; religious belief, 2; Editor in Chief of Practical Chris- tian, 15 ; First President of the Community, 48; removal to Hopedale, 63; farewell sermon at Mendon, 65; valedictory ad- dress as President, 226; pastor of Hopedale Parish, 335. Ballou, Adin Augustus, entering upon active life, 222; natural and acquired talents, 223; his sudden and deeply lamented death, 237. Ballou, Lucy H., Director of domes- tic affairs, 72. Bank of Exchange, 274. Barns, Community, 110. Beautifying the village, 191. Beginning at Hopedale, 63, 71. Benson, George W., 25, 119. Bereavements, 156, 235, 237, 244, 245. Birthdays celebrated, 123, 125. Blank Book Manufactory, 274. Board of Education established 178 ; report of 1855, 272. Board of Trustees for the manage- ment of business, 171. Boston Convention of Friends ot Social Reform, 119. Brisbane, Albert, Apostle of Fou- rierism,25. Brook Farm Community, 24; cor- dial relations with, 25. By-Laws and Resolves, 52. Cabet, M. Etienne, a French Com- munist, 214. Cause of Failure, Primary, 346; sec- ondary causes, 362. Cemetery, Hopedale, selected, 143. Channing, Rev. Wm. Ellery, D. D., Letter from, 42. Channing, Rev. Wm. H., 25, 42, 242, Chapel and School-house built, 112. Chardon Street Chapel, Boston, Property convention in, 116. Charity of Community members, 342, 343. Children and Youth, Regulation concei-ning, 137; parental care of, 192. Christian Colonies in the West, Arti- cle upon in Independent, 257. Christian precepts, professedly rev- erenced, but systematically vio- lated, 357. 412 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. Christian Unionists in New York, 275. Christmas Festival, 181. Church, a regenerate one needed, 359. Church at Hopedale established, 331 ; given up, 332. Church, The, serious defects of, 355; important nevertheless, 358. Circumstances at the outset of the Community, 71, 75. Collins, John A., Social Reformer, 116. Combined Household, 71. Comeouters, 25. Commune formed, 281. Communion, Practical Christian, formed, 37. Communism, Tending towards, 96. Communities, Articles on, 16, 23; distinguishing features of, 21 . Community Idea, Origin and growth of, 9, 16. Community, The Hopedale, origi- nally called Fraternal Commu- nity No. 1, formed, 37 ; first meet- ing of, 38; second meeting, 47; organized, 48; third meeting, 49; domain secured, 53; location named, 54; affairs in 1842, 85, 86; crisis reached, 287; its doom sealed, 289; disposal of its prop- erty, 290; characteristic fea- tures given up, 291 ; in a disman- tled condition, 298; its extinc- tion, 333; only a historical des- ignation, 336; the story of it honorable, 365. Community material wanting at the present stage of the world's progress, 355. Community system arraigned, 288. Competition, Spirit of adjudged un- christian, 11. Complaints of neighbors, 172; satis- faction rendered. 173, 209. Condition and prospects in 1854, 254. Conference, Associational at Hope- dale, 132; at Northampton, 132. Conferences, Inductive, 81. Conscription, Case of, 317; remon- strance and protest, 318. Constitution of the Community, first adopted, 27; published, 40; amended, 98; superseded, 165; again changed, 208; final altera- tion, 291; full text, with By- Laws, Rules and Regulations, as revised in 1853, 368. Contingent Fund, deficit, 213; busi- ness, 274. Convention at Boston, 116, 119; at Worcester, 119. Co-operative Associations in Com- munity industries, 159. Cost the limit of price, 241. Council of Religion, Conciliation and Justice, 202 ; Report of 1854, 251. Critical Condition, 97. Dean, Rev. Paul, Restorationist clergyman, Attitude of, 46. Declaration of principles and du- ties, 28. Decline of religious interest at Hopedale, 330. Demoralization of Community forces, 164. Dennis, Rev. J. S., interested in So- cial Reform, 260. Depredation, Instance of, 123. Diary of current events 1842, 76. Difficulties encountered, 22, 73. Directory established, 208. Discipline and improvement, Meet- ings for, 184. Discussions, omnious, 89; pro- tracted, 95. Disgusted member, 169. Domain accepted, 53; enlarged, 129, 194. Domestic economy, 106. Douglass, Frederic, 77, 78, 143. Draper, Anna T., 74. Draper Brothers, not specially blameworthy, 350. Draper, Ebenezer D., elected Pres- ident, 226. Draper, George, 287, 288. Dreamers and visionaries, 340. Dwelling-houses erected, 106, 107, 129. Educational Home, Hopedale, pro- jected, 218; abandoned, 240. INDEX. 413 Educational Interests, 178; subse- quent to 1856, 321. Elements of unrest fomenting, 87. Encouraging condition of Commu- nity affairs 1855, 269. Ernst, A. H., Cincinnati, O., Gift from, 114. Equitable Commerce theory, 241. Executive Council, First Report of, 60. Expansion contemplated, 264. Exposition of First Constitution, 40. Exposition of Faith published, 15. Failure, not financial, 346; moral, 348; inevitable under existing conditions. 352. Familiar Letters, 67. Farm accepted for a Community Domain, 53. Fast at Hopedale, 77. Final adjustment of industrial and financial affairs, 290. Final Community action, 336. First building erected, 78. First meeting of Fraternal Commu- nity No. 1, 38. First religious meeting at Hope- dale, 65. Fish, Eev. Wm. H., 15, 49, 84, 275. Founders of the Community, Facts concerning, 337. Fourier, Charles, a French Social Philosopher, 25. Fourteen years' achievements, 344. Fraternal Communion, Constitution of adopted, 27. Fraternal Community No. 1, formed, 37; name changed to Hopedale Community, 170. Freedom to preach Reform wanted, 14. Free Love episode, 246; Community action upon, 249. Friends of Social Reform met in Convention, 119. Godwin, Parke, a Social Reformer, 25. Great question not settled, but post- poned, 366. Greeley, Horace, advocate of Social Re form, 25. Guaranty of Constitution, 178. Hall, Rosetta, an interesting case, 143. Hawkins, John H. W., Washing- tonian orator, 78. Heywood, J. Lowell, Conscription of, 317 ; protest of, 318. Hopedale from the outside, 276. Hopedale named, 54; settled, 62; a beautiful village, 345. Hopedale Community of Christian origin, 25; its meaning inter- preted and understood in a bet- ter future, 367. Hopedale Educational Home, 218, 240. Hopedale Home School founded, 268; suspended, 322. Hopedale Parish instituted, 333. Hopedale Street, 111. House of Worship erected and ded- icated, 326. Humanitarian spirit prevailing largely, 24. Humbug exploded, 170. Hymns, Hopedale collection of, 195. Icarian Community at Nauvoo, Ills., 214. Independent, N. Y., Suggestive arti- cle in, 257. Individualism checked, 133. Individual rights respected, 21, 351. Individual Sovereignty, 241. Inductive Communion, 187. Inductive Conferences, 81; one at Hopedale, 333. Industrial Army, afterwards Indus- trial Union, 192. Industrial Interests, 108, 183. Industrial Reorganization, 134, 159. Industries in 1855, 269. Industries rented and sold, 171. Industry, Purveyance and Trade, Ordinance concerning, 217. Inharmony, Humiliating case of, 88. Insurance of Buildings, etc., 172. Insurance Company, 217. Isolated Condition, 12. Juvenile Community formed, 173. Kingman, Joseph, a valued resident, leaves Hopedale, 162. 414 THE HOPEDALE COMMUNITY. Lamson, Rev. David R., 15, 49, 90,91, 101, 102. Land Titles, Rectification of, 206. Last Record of Community Meet- ing, 336. Lay Preaching encouraged and se- cured, 185. Letters of inquiry, sympathy, etc., 41. Liberal Christian Society at Hope- dale, 334. Lyceum established, 191. Mail facilities, 190. Marital infidelity, Case of, 247. Marriage, First at Hopedale, 66. May Festival, an interesting occa- sion, 181. May, Rev. Samuel, Leicester, 327. May, Rev. Samuel J., Syracuse, N. Y., 46. Mechanic shop built, 108. Members of Hopedale Community, Estimate of, 339. Membership, Extent of in 1856 and later, 305. Ministers after 1856, 325. Ministry, The Practical Christian instituted, 186. Missionary Movements, 121, 130, 274, 322, 323. Missionaries shorn of power, 293. " Modern Times," 241. Monitorial Guide published, 333. Moral and Religious culture, 184. Moravians and Shakers, 17. Mortgage of property, 63. Mothers credited for time em- ployed, 80. Movement based on individual rights, 351. Name given Community site, 54. New Communities, Applications for, 244, 261. New features introduced, 281. New House of Worship, 326. No foolish and wicked expendi- tures, 341. Non-resistants abandon their prin- ciples, 312. Non-resistant publication resusci- tated, 131. North American Phalanx, 25. Northampton Community, 25, 133. Obstacles encountei'ed, 22. Officers of Community after 1856, 306. Old Testament rather than the New at the front, 323. On the downward grade, 291. Organ of Practical Christian Social- ists started, 14. Organic Methods of Reform neces- sary, 366. Original Members of Fraternal Community No. 1, 37. Other Communities, Relations to, 115. Outlook encouraging, 257, 261. Owen, Robert, English Communist, visit to Hopedale, 145; estimate of the man, 146. Palmy period, 253. Peculiar people with peculiar ideas, 9. Periodicals, 14, 120. Permitted residents, Resolves con- cerning, 200. Phalansterian Associations, 25. Phalanx, The North American, 25. Politico-Civil Government, 11. Practical Christian started, 14; his- tory of, 307; discontinued, 309. Practical Christian Communion, 170. Practical Christian Ministry, 186. Practical Christian Republic, 262; Constitution of, 397. " Practical Christian Socialism " published, 263. Practical Christianity, Standard of, 3 ; how received, 9. Precepts of Christ systematically set at naught, 357. President's Addresses, 151, 250, 271, 284. Profound disappointment, 289. Promulgation Society formed, 309. Property Convention in Boston, 116. Prosperous days, 223. Provisional Committee of Commu- nity at the outset, 39. INDEX. 415 Quarterly Conferences, 188. Quincy, Edmund, a notable Re- former, 47. Radical changes in organization and government, 159. Raritan Bay Union, 242. Real Estate Trustees, 208. Rebellion, War of foreshadowed, 267 ; resolutions concerning, 314 ; their effect, 316. Recapitulation of notable facts and features, 337. Reform preaching, Opposition to causes embarrassment, 13. Relations to other Communities, 115. Relief Committee established, 201. Religious interests and institutions, Summary of, 323. Religious meeting, first one at Hopedale, 65. Remuneration for religious ser- vices, 325. Report of Board of Education, 1855, 27-2. Report of Council, 1854, 251. Republic, Practical Christian, 262. Residents, alien, Action concerning, 200. Residents, Number of April 1, 1842, 71. Restorationist Association, 2; pro- gressive wing, 3. Restorationist Denomination, Pros- pects of blasted, 46. Ripley, Rev. George, leading spirit at Brook Farm, 24, 25. Savings Bank, Community Treas- ury a, 194. School affairs, 130; District, Hope- dele a, 174; House and Chapel, 112. Scylla and Charybdis, 97. Second Advent, Pamphlet on, 122. Serious alternative, 96. Settlement at Hopedale, 62. Shakers and Moravians, 17. Smith, Gerritt, statesman and phil- anthropist, 47, 275. Social Reform, Clergymen upon, 259; convention, 119; meetings, 23. "Socialism, Practical Christian," published, 263. Stacy, Rev. George W., 15, 47, 148. Standard of Practical Christianity, 3; reception of, 9. Startling revelation, 287. Status in 1856, 297. Streets located and named, 128. Sunday meeting, first at Hopedale, Test of fitness for Community life, 70. Three fundamental objections to Society as it is, 10. Tilden, Rev. Wm. P., Unitarian clergyman, 46. Transcendentalists in and about Boston, 24. Trustees under new Constitution, 171 ; of Real Estate, 208. Unitarian Ministry, Attitude of, 46. Universalist Ministiy, Attitude of 46. Valedictory Address of First Presi- dent, 226; response, 234. War system, Opposition to, 10. Water Cure establishment, 204. Wattles, John O., founder of a Com- munity at the West, 116. Weld, Theodore D., a well-known Abolitionist and teacher, 243. Western movement, 265, 266, 276, 277, 295. West India Emancipation cele- brated, 266. What remained after the crisis of 1856, 299. Whitney, Rev. Daniel S., 15, 66, 181, 203. Whittemore, Rev. Thomas, D. D., Kind words from, 310. Wilmarth, Butler, M. D., 76, 204, 245. Women in the Community, Fidelity of, 74. Woon socket Patriot on Hopedale, 276. Worcester Convention, 119. Words of cheer amid defeat, 302, 303. 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