s 100 632 :ondon Socktp Tor Promoting Ibrisilatiitp amongst tDe !)cics. Greet PALESTINE EXHIBITION "HC Royal Agricultural Hall, Islington, London. IN JUNE, 1,907. Manager and Secretary: The Rev. SAMUEL SCHOR, Native of Jerusalem, and Originator of these Exhibitions Proposed Palestine Exhibition. One of London's greatest Show-places has been secured for a gigantic PALESTINE EXHIBITION, which is to be held (D.Y.) in June of 1907. It will be on a scale never attempted before in this or any other country. Even the greatest Palestine Exhibitions we have ever held will be dwarfed in comparison with this huge enterprise, which will combine all that is interesting, fascinating and instruc- tive from the East. Though called a " Palestine Exhibition " for the sake of brevity, other Bible Lands will be represented, such as Ancient Egypt, Assyria and Babylon. To describe the many thousands of Exhibits and Models, Lectures and " Side-shows " would require a volume. The following will, however, convey a rough idea of its nature and extent. The whole Exhibition will be classified under TWELVE DIVISIONS : 20985^8 DIVISION ONE. Agriculture. This will be one of the most complete Divisions of this Exhibition, dealing, as it does, with the greatest industry of the Jews in Old Testament times. Amongst the many Exhibits and Models will be the following : (i.) Specimens of every Agricultural Implement in use in the Holy Land to-day ploughs, yokes, goads, threshing instruments, &c., &c. (2.) A Field will be improvised, with a farmer actually at work. (3.) The Systems of Irrigation will be exhibited by means of the actual water-wheels, the Shadoof, " watering with the foot," &c. (4.) Beautiful Models will further illustrate many agricultural customs. (5.) Specimens of the Soil from different parts of Palestine, Weather Charts, illustrations and diagrams of the ancient Monuments, showing the agricultural customs ot three and four thousand years ago. (6.) Life-size Representations of a Watch-tower, a " Lodge in a garden," native Land-marks, &c. (7.) A Wine-press, Oil-press, and a " Sukkah " as used by the Jews in Jerusalem at their Feast of the Tabernacles. DIVISION TWO. Native Indastries and Rrts. A realistic JERUSALEM STREET will contain a long row of Shops, in which the following Trades and Industries will be represented with the artisans at work : (i.) A Carpenter's Shop in Nazareth. (2.) A Carpenter's Shop from Damascus. (3.) The Native Potter at his Wheel. (4.) A Weaver of the Black Tent-cloth. (5.) A Weaver of Cloth for Garments. (6.) A Cotton-cleaner. (7.) Native Spinning 1 by Women. (8.) A Silversmith at Work. (9.) A Coppersmith at Work. (10.) Native Confectioner. (n.) The Nazareth Oven. (12.) The Damascus Bakery. (13.) The Moslem Scribe. (14.) The Jewish Scribe. (15.) The Money-changer. (16.) The Native Artist. (17.) Shoe-making. (18.) A bit of the Corn Market. DIVISION THREE. Models. This Division will contain some of the most valuable and costly Exhibits, of gigantic proportions, which could only be exhibited in a building like the Agricultural Hall. Among them will be : (i.) A gigantic Raised Map of the whole of Palestine (the largest ever made in Europe). (2.) The Glorious Second Temple as it must have appeared in the days of her greatest glory. (3.) Gigantic Model of the Tabernacle and Encamp- ment in the Wilderness. (4.) The City of Jerusalem, Ancient and Modern. (5.) Life-size Model of a Rock-hewn Tomb, with Rolling Stone. DIVISION FOUR. How Easterns Live. Here will be represented the Home-life of the three great classes of the East, the Bedouin, the Fellaheen and the Towns' people. This will be illustrated by (i.) A Bedouin Encampment. A real tent of goat's- hair cloth from the Banks of the Jordan will be pitched, in which will live the modern repre- sentatives of Patriarchal times. (2.) A Home in Bethany, with the modern " Marys and Marthas " at their everyday work the quaint primitive life of Bible times. (3.) The House of a Rich Man, from Damascus, completely furnished and decorated. DIVISION FIVE. Antiquities. The Exhibits in this Division will be of the most highly evidential value, confirming the historical accuracy of Scripture. They will be divided into the following" five groups : (i.) Casts of Tablets, Cylinders, Inscriptions, &c., containing any allusion to Scripture History. (2.) Reproductions of all Idols mentioned in the Bible. (3.) An Ancient Egyptian Room, furnished as it must have been in the days of Moses. (4.) All New Testament Coins, and many ancient relics, some of them thousands of years old. (5.) Reproductions in cast or picture of any Kings mentioned in the Bible, whose figures in stone or marble have been discovered in Bible Lands. 8 DIVISION* SIX. Palestine Exhibits. The many hundreds of Exhibits here will represent the following great and important Sections : (i.) Eastern Music and Furniture. All the musical instruments named in the Bible, and a great variety of household utensils, furniture, beds, lamps, &c. (2.) Jewish Religious Curios. Illustrative of the religious life of the Jews. (3.) Natural History. The first great attempt to bring together as complete a collection as possible, including living birds, fishes, locusts, reptiles, &c. (4.) Botany. Collections, not only of pressed plants, flowers, shrubs, but also of many living plants, brought direct from the Holy Land. DIVISION SEVEN. Art Gallery. The object of this Gallery will be to exhibit pictures which correctly represent Scripture Scenes in the light of the East. The traditional Masters of sacred art were notoriously incorrect : the dress, features and environment savouring" more of Italy or Holland than Palestine. But many distinguished modern artists have visited the Holy Land, and painted their masterpieces in the very land and amid the surroundings they are depicting. Such works appeal in a very special manner to our religious instinct, and inspire our artistic fervour. It is hoped to secure many important and interesting works, rendering Scripture scenes true to Eastern life. 10 DIVISION EIGHT. Realistic Scenes of Eastern Life. Assisted by a large band of ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, who will appear in the dresses of the Holy Land, living representations of Eastern life will be given home life, banqueting scenes, wedding leasts, bridal processions, salutations, scenes in a market-place, school scenes indeed, every phase of Eastern life will be depicted with a realism which induced an Eastern tourist to say " It is like being once again in Palestine." Eastern Music, illustrations of the plaintive and weird music of the East, accompanied with the tabret and cymbals, timbrels and soft clapping of hands, will be given daily. Of these a Paper said, " More attractive than any entertainment, more instructive than any Bible Class." DIVISION N1NK. Historical Tableaux. Interesting representations and processions of all the nations who lived in Palestine, from the pre-historic cave-dweller to the present, and, indeed, to the very near future, when the wandering" Sons of Zion return to their ancient heritage. (B) Palestine by Limelight, Constant Lectures illustrated by very beautiful lime-light views, descriptive of the scenery, sites, manners and customs, and the most recent discoveries of Bible Lands. The Lecturers invited will be well-known Kaslern travellers, and those who can speak with authority upon the subject. 12 DIVISION TEN. The Products of Palestine. An interesting collection of exhibits, which will illustrate the marvellous fertility of " that good land," not very much larger than Wales, yet possessing the climate practically of the whole world. Many of the products will hail from the Jewish Agricultural Colonies, and will prove how unmistak- able is the success of these Jewish settlers, and the hopefulness of the Zionist Movement. DIVISION" ELEVEN. Jewish Hissionary Coart. (i.) A Medical Ward. (2.) Models of Hospital, Schools and Christ Church. (3.) Beehive Stall, for imparting" information and enlisting members. (4.) An L. U. Stall, for imparting" information and enlisting members. (5.) " Jewish Intelligence " Stall, to secure subscribers to this Paper. (6.) Pictures, photos., diagrams, &c. , representing every Station of our Society. A 000 091 822 7 DIVISION T\VKL\'K. Jerasalero Street Bazaar. Replete with all the interesting and fascinating native wares of the Holy Land native glass-work from Hebron, beautiful Mother-o'-Pearl work from Bethlehem, curios from Jerusalem, laces from Xazareth, silks and embroidered work from the Lebanon, lovely brass and inlaid pearl work from Damascus, articles of olive-wood, flowers, pictures, photos., picture post-cards, c.