A S C A M O T ; OK, autlr THE CONGREGATION OF SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE JEWS, ENTITLF.P LONDON. i: !: r i s E D A N n A M K N n ED. 56101850. ILoniron : PRINTED BY E. VARTY, 27, CAMOMILE STREET, BISHOPSGATE. INDEX. ASCAMOT OF THE YEHIDIM. PAGE 1 . Union of the congregation vii 2. Institution of the Finta, penalties incurred by non- payment of the Finta and Offerings, and mode of election of Fintadores . . ix ASCAMOT OF THE ELDERS. 1. Election of the Pamassim and Gabay of the Kaal, penalties incurred by refusal to accept, and duties attached to the offices ...... 1 2. Regulations respecting the Finta, and election of Fintadores 7 3. Admission of Yehidim, their qualifications, and causes for which they may be excluded . . . .10 4. Eegulations respecting the Fintas for Bethaim, the purchase of reserved graves, and the guards of the burial ground . . . . . . .13 5. Meetings and duties of the Mohamad 17 IV INDEX. VAGE 6. Meetings of the Elders ; Election of their president, their authority, their duties, and the mode to be adopted for calling meetings of Yehidim . . 23 7. Presidency in Synagogue ; authority of the President, and penalties of disobedience . . . .29 8. Elections and Regulations respecting the Noivos de Ley .... ... 33 9. Elections and duties of the Hazanim . . .35 10. Elections of Hdham and Betlidin, and their duties . 39 11. Elections and' duties of the officers of the Kaal, viz., Secretary, Hazan de Hebra,Samas, Physician, and Surgeon of the Sedaca, Keeper of the Bethaim, and Keeper of the Bath 42 12. Offerings and Collections in the Synagogue . . 46 13. Distribution of the seats in Synagogue . . .48 14. Elections of the Parnassimof Heshaim, Hcbra, Terra Santa and Cautivos, and fines for not serving . . 50 15. Regulations for the government of Hcshaim . . 54 16. Authority of the Parnassim of Hebra, their duties, objects of that Society, and regulations for preserving order in Bethaim .59 17. Elections of Treasurer and I'arnassim of Beth-jffolim, their duties, fines for not serving, and objects of the Society . . 61 18. Regulations of the offerings for Terra Santa and Cautivos 65 19. Equality of Sepultures, honors to deceased persons, and dimensions of the graves and tombstones . . 66 20. Prohibition against making proselytes, against clan- destine marriages, and marrying with persons of another faith 70 21. Register of Births, Marriages, and Burials . . 72 22. Regulations respecting the Board of Deputies . . 74 23. Regulations respecting the properties of the Synagogue 79 24. Distribution of the Monthly Allowances and Charities of the Sedaca . . 82 INDEX. V PAGE 25. Administration to the effects of poor persons dying without heirs ....... 86 26. Regulations respecting Life Annuities . . .87 27. Disobedience to the Penalties of the Ascamot . . 89 28. Regulation of the Dower left by Abraham Rodriques Marques ........ 90 29. Regulations of the School of Isaac da Costa Villa Real 92 30. Regulations of the legacy of Moses Lamego . . 94 31. Regulations of the Society of Mahassim Tobim . . 95 32. Regulations of the Institution of Shaare Tickva . 96 33. Institution of the Yesiba of Mahane Rcphael . . 97 34. Institution of the Yesiba of Assifat Haberim . . 99 35. Gift of Moses Lara for benevolent purposes . . 101 The following Laws were chiefly promulgated in Portuguese, and in the year 5579 (1819), were translated by order of the Meeting of the Elders, by three Gentlemen from their body. The object sought by these Gentlemen in their labours was rather fidelity of version, than elegance of lan- guage. Hence, a foreign idiom is discernible in many parts of the Work, obviously demonstrating, a translated, not an original, work. AS C AM O T THE Y E H I D I M I. V" gtmon of tlif Duly considering how important and beneficial has been the Union of our Congregation, since our settlement in this country, in the year 5416 1656, and impressed with the conviction that the preser- vation of this Union is essential, not only to our present, but to our future welfare; it is resolved, that there be not allowed in this City of London and its suburbs, (that is, within six miles distance from our holy Synagogue,) any other than this our Synagogue of Shaar Ashamaim, unless two-thirds of the votes of the Yehidim, in meeting assembled, shall decide that another is necessary, when it may be established, under such conditions as may then be determined upon. In order, therefore, the more firmly to establish and secure this object, it is hereby enacted, That any member of this Congregation attempting to form, or aiding in the formation of any other Syna- A 2 Vlll gogue, within the limits above mentioned, shall be deemed a violator of this Ascama, and become sub- ject to the following penalties : To pecuniary fines, according to the gravity of offence ; to exclusion from the list of Yehi- dim, and forfeiture of all rights as a member of the Congregation ; and to refusal of burial in the Carreira of our Bethaim while in contumacy. And it shall be incumbent on the body of Elders, on learning any case of violation of this Ascama, to enforce these penalties, or such of them as may meet the case under consideration. It is further declared, that no Yahid or Congre- gator, shall be permitted to assemble for prayers with Minyan, in any private residence, on the mornings when the law is read, except on per- mission first obtained from the gentlemen of the Mohamad ; and any person violating this rule shall be fined c10., for the Sedaca, for each offence. Also, should any Yahid or Congregator, through illness, be incapable of attending the Synagogue on the days of Rosh Ashana and Kipur, and desire to have prayers read at his house, this may be allowed by the Mahamad, provided that all offerings made on such occasions be paid over to the Gabay of the Sedaca. IX II. limitation of tye The Finta (or assessment) was first instituted at a meeting of the heads of families, in the year 5467, when the maximum was fixed at 600 per annum ; it was subsequently (in the year 5498) increased by the Yehidim to 900 per annum, and lastly, it was again increased, in the year 5569, to the amount of 1400 per annum, always subject to the determina- tion of the elders, as to the sum which should be raised within these limits. In accordance, there- fore, with the above stipulation, and the regulations which from time to time have been established, it is hereby enacted, 1st. That the Elders of the Nation shall every two years fix the amount that shall be raised as Finta for the service of the congregation for the en- suing two years, and the same shall be assessed by the Mahamad (being complete), together with ten Fintadores, to be elected by the Yehidim at large, at a meeting duly summoned for that purpose ; these shall meet in three classes, each to make out a list of assessment, and the aggregate of such lists being divided by three, the result shall be the amount of each individual's assessment, it being declared and understood, that the highest Finta shall in no case exceed 40, nor shall the lowest be under 20s. per annum. Any deficiency in the number of the Mahamad, shall be supplied by the Yehidim, at the aforesaid meeting of election. 2nd. The following shall not serve together as Fintadores, viz., fathers and sons, brothers, uncles and nephews, brothers or uncles by marriage, nor shall either of the three classes consist of more than two first cousins, either by blood or affinity. 3rd. Every Fintador shall consider himself pledged not to suffer favour, and affection, or antipathy, to in- fluence him or his votes, but shall act to the best of his deliberate judgment, for the benefit of the Syna- gogue ; and he who does not accept being a Fin- tador, or does not join his associates in the class meetings, as well as in the meeting for making the division of the lists, shall pay a fine of 5 to the Sedaca. 4th. Any Yahid quitting the country, may with- draw himself on paying one year's Finta or assess- ment, besides what he may be indebted. And every newly admitted Yahid shall be assessed by the gen- tlemen of the Mohamad and their Adjuntos, those who assist at the election of Parnassim (seven to form a quorum), until the periodical assessment is made. 5th. The said Finta shall become due for the first six months, on the day of Purim, and for the second six months on the first of Elul, together with the offerings that may be due ; and in case of any person XI or persons evading the payment of the said Fintaand offerings, or any part thereof, and at the end of the year not having paid the Synagogue, every such person shall be considered as committing the offence of withholding the money of the poor, and should he continue in arrear twelve months longer, he shall incur the forfeiture of his seat (of which notice shall be given him) unless the Mohamad receive a satis- factory reason for the non-payment of his debt to the Sedaca. ASCAMOT OF THE ELDERS. I. vL-ir rtion of tiir iiJarua00tm *v atiai> of UK It being highly essential for the good government of this J&aal, that its Mohamad consist of persons of capacity and respectability, fearing God; the election of the four Parnassim and one Gdbay, of which the said "Mohamad is to be composed, should be made with all possible consideration and so- lemnity; to which end, 1st. The said election shall be made as follows : of two Parnassim, two days before Shabat Agadol; and of two other Parnassim and one Gabay, two days before the sabbath preceding Rosh Ashana,for which purpose the Mohamad shall summon in writ- ing, three days before the day of election, eight Adjuntos, being those who last served the office of Parnas or Gabay, preferring the elder of those who went out at the same time ; but if any of the Adjuntos so to be summoned, be residing or be absent, thirty miles from London, the Mohamad may in such case summon, in addition to the said eight Adjuntos, an equal number to those so absent or residing at such distance, following the same rule and order of selection ; and should one or more of the said Adjuntos, or of the Parnassim and Gdbay who may be serving in the Mohamad, fail to attend, each one so failing, shall be charged twenty shillings fine, unless ill at home, in Abel, or thirty miles distant from London. 2nd. Those present shall proceed to the election, not being less than seven in number ; and in case there are not seven, the Mohamad shall summon, in writing, on the same day, for the following, all the Elders, solely as Adjuntos, for the same election. 3rd. The said election shall be made in the Chamber of the Mahamad in the following form : they shall put into a bag, in the presence of all, five balls of equal size, four white and one coloured, or with a mark, of which, each of the Parnassim and the Gdbay shall draw one, those having the priority who are going out of office ; and should the number of the Mohamad be deficient by one or more, such of the Adjuntos shall proceed to draw, as went out last, the priority being with the eldest of those who went out at the same time, and he who draws the coloured or marked ball, shall nominate the person to serve the office of Parnas or Gabay ; and all present shall vote upon the said nomination, which shall only be deemed carried by a majority of votes ; and, in case of equal numbers, the presiding Parnas shall have the casting vote ; and in any case where the person nominated shall not have a majority of votes, his name shall not be proposed a second time at that meeting. The election of Gabay shall always precede that of the Parnassim. 4th. No person can be elected without having been a Yahid, at least two years, nor unless he be above the age of five-and-twenty years, for Gabay, or thirty-five years for Parnas, except he has already been elected Gabay. The following shall not serve together in Mohamad: fathers with sons, sons-in-law or step-sons, grandfathers with grandsons, brothers or brothers-in-law, uncles with nephews, whether by blood or affinity ; but in the relationship by affinity, it is intended only in case the wife through whom such relationship subsists be living ; and no person shall be again elected Parnas in less than four years from the day of his former election as Parnas or Gabay, nor a second time for Gabay, except he offer himself for either of the above offices ; and should it be a second or subsequent election, the four years shall be reckoned from the day on which the first was made; any election made by error, in contravention of any of the above rules, shall be void. 5th. If any person offer himself to serve any of the said offices, the Mohamad shall assemble with the Adjuntos^ in the same manner as for elections, and decide by a majority of votes whether the said offer shall be accepted. 6th. Any person elected refusing to serve the office, or neglecting to inform the Mohamad within eight days, of his intention to accept it, shall be fined <30, which fine, as well as all others men- tioned in this Ascama, shall be for the Sedaca ; but if the person elected be above seventy years of age. and shall, within four days from the day of his election, declare to the Mahamad that it does not suit him to accept the office, he shall be exempt from the said fine ; but if he accept the office and should subsequently resign it, he shall pay the same fine as if he were not of that age. 7th. When any person elected shall refuse to serve any of the said offices, or when any election shall be null, another election shall be made in its stead ; the Mahamad calling together the Adjuntos as for the first election, under the same penalties, and if seven persons do not attend, they may call the same Adjuntos a second time, before they convene the elders as Adjuntos^ observing that for Gdbay there shall not be made more than a second election; and if the person then elected shall refuse to accept, and no other shall offer and be approved of for the said office of Gabay, all the duties of that office shall devolve on the Parnas who presides, during the time of his presidency, under the same penalty of 30. 8th. The above named elections shall be pro- claimed in Synagogue, on Shabat Agadol, and on the sabbath preceding Rosh Ashana, or within four days after any other election, first naming the elder of the two Parnassim elected ; and the Mohamad shall not, prior to any election, admit solicitations nor protests from any person wishing to be exempted from any of the said offices ; nor can the meetings of the Elders ever interfere in the election of Parnassim or Gabay, except it be to relieve any person from the fine for not serving the said offices ; and at any time when it shall appear to the Mohamad for the time being, that any election of Parnas or Gabay, made within the antecedent one month, is wholly improper, for very important reasons, the said Moha- mad shall have the power to propose in a meeting of Elders, to annul the said election ; but no indivi- dual Elder, shall have the privilege of making such proposition, nor shall it be deemed to pass in the affirmative unless two-thirds of the Elders present vote in favour of it, as well at the confirmation, as in the first instance. 9th. Every person accepting the office of Parnas or Gabay shall be obliged to attend to all its duties for the term of a year, or for the term for which he may be elected, and to offer, equally with his col- (5 leagues, in all the offerings in which the Mohamad are accustomed to offer jointly, not exceeding five shillings each time ; but in Ascabot an offering of one shilling shall be made when the family offer but one shilling, or two shillings and sixpence when that sum or more be offered, and each one of the Paruas- sim shall preside three months, namely, from Shabat Agadol till Rosh Hodesh Tamuz, from that day to the sabbath preceding Rosh Ashana, from that day till Rosh Hodesh Tebet, and from that day till Shabat Agadol, beginning with the eldest of those elected, in the antecedent six months. 10th. Every person who has served or fined for the office of Parnas or Gabay, shall, from the time of his election, be summoned to all meetings of the Elders, as an Elder of the Congregation, during the time of his continuing Yahid. llth. In the event of there being no person serv- ing in the Mahamad, all the duties of Parnas shall devolve on the eldest Adjunto of those who last went out of office ; and in his absence, on the next in suc- cession, and so on, following the order prescribed by the Ascama of Elections, until there be a meeting of the Elders, which he shall call within fourteen days from the day on which the duties of the office devolve on him. II. Uc gulattou* rwrcting tf)e dFtttta, anU IBIrctton of To provide for the expences of our Synagogue, as well as for the assistance of our poor, the Finta annually paid in the Congregation, was established ; and in the year 5569 a meeting of the Yehidim fixed the maximum amount thereof at 1400 per annum. The mode of raising the said Finta shall be as follows : 1st. Every two years, at the Annual Meeting of the Elders, the said gentlemen shall take into con- sideration the amount to be raised as Finta, within the limit of the said 1400, and in the month of Tebet ensuing, notices shall be issued to the Yehi- dim to meet in the Chamber of the Mohamad, on the day and hour which the said Mohamad shall appoint, to elect ten persons, who, jointly with the five gentlemen of the Mahamad, shall be the Finta- dores (assessors of the Finta), the ballot for which shall be open not less than two hours nor more than three. 2nd. The said ten persons shall be elected by a majority of votes, observing that each of them must be a Yahid, and that there do not exist between them and the gentlemen of the Mahamad, any of the degrees of relationship, which, according to the 8 Ascama of Yehidim, No. 2, prevent their serving toge- ther. And he who shall refuse to accept the office of Fintador^ or shall not declare his intention to accept it within eight days of his election, of which imme- diate notice shall be given him, shall pay a fine of 5 to the Sedaca, and the like fine shall be paid by any Fintador, not joining with his associates in the class meeting, as well as in the meeting for making the division of the lists, and new elections shall be made by the Yehidim in all such cases. 3rd. To make out the list of the Finta, the afore- said fifteen Fintadores, shall meet in three classes, namely, the five gentlemen of the Mohamad forming one, and if there be not five persons in the Mohamad the Yehidim shall also elect, besides the ten Finta- dores, the number of persons wanting to complete the Mohamad, and the other ten shall be divided into two classes, each class making a separate list of assessment : and after these three lists are made out, the whole fifteen Fintadores shall meet, and, summing up the amount at which each person is assessed in the three different lists, they shall divide the product by three, and the result shall be the annual Finta for the two years following, observing that all this must be done before the 15th Sebat. 4th. Should any one of the Fintadores who are elected fall ill, absent himself, or die, before having met the other Fintadores of his class, and should this happen after the 10th Sebat, so that there be not time to call a meeting of the Yehidim for a fresh election, the Mohamad may elect another in his stead, under the same restrictions as regards relationship; and the person so elected shall be subject to the same fine for refusal, and his answer shall be given within four and twenty hours. 5th. When, at a meeting of the Elders, any new Yahid is admitted, the Mohamad, immediately after the confirmation, shall call together the same Ad- juntos that serve for the election of Parnassim, and, together with them, shall assess the said new Yahid ; which assessment shall serve until the period of making the new general Finta ; and if any one of the Gentlemen of the Mohamad or Adjuntos, do not attend, having been summoned in writing for that purpose, he shall pay a fine of twenty shillings to the Sedaca, save with the same exceptions as there are in the elections of Parnassim of the Kaal. 6th. Also, if any person represent to the Moha- mad, that in consequence of his capital or business being diminished, subsequently to the establishment of the last Finta, he cannot pay the whole Finta imposed on him, the Mohamad in complete Moha- mad, may lessen it for the future, as shall appear just to them, until a new Finta be made. 10 III. of l>rljtUtm. As one of the principal points on which depends the prosperity of this Congregation, is the selection of its Yehidim, great care and consideration should be had as to the persons to he admitted into their number, for which end, 1st. Only the Meeting of Elders shall have authority to admit persons as Yehidim, all Spanish and Portuguese Jews, or the descendants of such, or who shall have congregated with our community for at least twelve months, shall be eligible ; also those who, coming from abroad, have always followed our ritual, and those who shall, have married, or be about to marry, the daughter of a Yahid. And the Gentlemen of the Mohamad shall lay before the Elders at their annual or other meetings, the names of persons who desire to be admitted, or whom they may deem proper for election ; but in the case of persons marrying the daughters of Yehidim, that fact shall not of itself give the right of nomination to the Gentlemen of the Mohamad ; but the appli- cation for election must emanate from the individual desirous of being elected. 2nd. All persons above the age of twenty-one years may be proposed for Yehidim, except married 11 ladies, or those who may be indebted to the Sedaca, for more than one year's offerings. 3rd. The person proposed for admission as Yahid must have two-thirds of the votes in favor, as well in the first proposition as in the confirmation. 4th. Every Yahid from the time of admission, shall become subject to, and bound to observe all the Ascamot in force at that time, and all others that shall afterwards be made by the Yehidim or Elders, and the said Ascamot shall be printed and furnished to all the Yehidim, charging two shillings and sixpence for each copy. 5th. Should any Yahid be admitted on the list of Sedaca, he shall immediately cease to be Yahid; also, when any Yahid shall be indebted for three years' Finta, and offerings, his name shall not be put in the new list, provided that he shall have received at least three months' notice of his position. 6th. Any Yahid, being an Elder, having been withdrawn from the list, either from having quitted the kingdom, or from being in arrear, may, on being re-admitted as Yahid, be also received as an Elder, but only by a vote of the Body of Elders ; but any Yahid withdrawing himself for any other reason, not approved of by the Elders, shall not be re- admitted without giving satisfaction, and paying such fine as the said gentlemen may impose on him, according to his circumstances; and should he die, without having given such satisfaction, he 12 shall not be buried in the Carreira of our Bethaim, except his executors or representatives, shall for- mally engage to pay what the Gentlemen of the Mohamad, in complete Mohamad, shall impose, be- sides his debt to the Sedaca. 7th. Should any Yahid of this Congregation depart from our religion (which God avert), either by being baptized, publicly professing some other religion, or publicly profaning the Sabbath, such person shall be immediately excluded from the list of Yehidim, provided that the Elders shall be con- vinced of the existence of the fact. 8th. Should any Yahid dismiss himself, alleging his intention to quit the kingdom, or the limits of this Congregation, and under this consideration his resignation be accepted, and at the expiration of two years he be found established within the said limits, he may be again proposed for Yahid. 9th. Should any Yahid be convicted of fraud, or any other criminal offence, he shall immediately be excluded from the list of the Yehidim of the Con- gregation. 13 IV. lirguUtion* rreprr ting tlir ^Ttnta for ttr tliatm. The expenses we are at for the cost and mainte- nance of our burial grounds being very considerable, independently of the payments to the officers and guards for the safety of the bodies, it has been found necessary to impose at different times the following rates to reimburse the said expense : 1st. When any person, either man or woman, being the head of a family, of the Jews that congre- gate with us, shall come from abroad to settle within the district of this our Congregation, the said person shall pay a rate of five pounds to the Beth Haim, which shall serve for the said head of family and his or her descendants ; and should it be a man, also for his wife. Every person coming from abroad shall pay the same rate (not being son or daughter of a family that has already paid it,) at the time of mar- riage or death, and it shall be at the option of the Gentlemen of the Mohamad, not to require the said rate of those, who, they conceive, may not have the ability of paying it, but they shall accept from no one less than five pounds ; and if any refuse to pay it, not giving a satisfactory excuse to the Mahamad, no seat shall be given to him in the Synagogue, nor when he dies, shall he be buried in the Carreira of Bethaim ; and, in the event of the decease of any casual resident amongst us, not having paid the above rate, the Mahamad, in complete Mahamad, shall have authority, previously to the burial of such person, to demand of his or her representative, any sum they may think just, not exceeding twenty pounds. 2nd. And when any one shall be admitted Yahid of this Congregation, and assessed, he shall pay the first year for once only, besides his Finta for the Sedaca, the half of the said rate for Bethaim, notwith- standing that, having come from abroad, he may have already paid the five pounds rate above-mentioned, and under the same penalties which he incurs that does not pay the Finta of the Sedaca ; but the widows of the Yehidim of this Kaal, when they shall be assessed, shall be exempt from paying the said half-rate. 3rd. If any Yahid or Congregator choose to buy ground for one or more graves to be reserved in the Carreira of our burial-ground, for himself or for others, he shall pay for each place five pounds, whether it be in the great Carreira, or in the small ; but, if within thirty days, he shall desire to cede his right to any of the said reserved graves, there shall be returned to him the half of what he paid for them, and the said graves shall be considered the first in the Carreira ; and any Yahid or Congregator, who may wish to have a foundation to any grave, pre- viously to depositing the body therein, or who may purchase reserved graves with the intention of having 15 a foundation made, shall pay fifty shillings extra to Bethaim. 4th. Be it understood, that neither the payment of the rate of Bethaim, nor of the half-rate above- mentioned, nor the purchase of any reserved grave, shall entitle any person to be buried therein, or in the Carreira, if, according to the Ascamot, he shall have incurred the penalty of not being buried in the said Carreira. 5th. There shall be kept in the books of the Sedaca, an account of the expenses and receipts of Bethaim, in which the said Bethaim shall be always valued at fifty pounds, and this account shall be debited, with expenses of repairs, taxes, salaries to the Keepers, and Hazan of Hebra, and other contin- gent expenses ; and credited for the said rate, and the half-rate, and the purchase of reserved graves, the balance at the end of each year being carried to profit and loss, there always remaining in the account the fifty pounds valuation above-mentioned. 6th. The Mohamad shall appoint guards for the safety of the bodies in Bethaim, to be one man every night except Friday night, when a Christian be engaged to attend in addition, the hour of watch shall be from sunset till five in the morning in summer, and till seven in the winter ; and in aid of this expense, the Hebra, in the account which it delivers of the expenses of each burial, shall insert an article in blank, saying " For Sedaca, in aid of 16 the expense of the Guards," to which each person may contribute as he thinks fit, and the amount of the said contribution, and that which the Society of the Hebra may likewise annually contribute towards the said expense, shall be credited in the account of Bethaim. 17 V. jftteettnga antt Dutirs of t()e The institution of the Mohamad in this Congre- gation is very ancient, and its continuance has tended greatly to our prosperity, and it being ne- cessary that the said Mohamad, (which is com- posed of the four Parnassim and a Gdbay, elected annually, according to Ascama of Elders No. 1,) should meet frequently, as well to regulate the ma- nagement of our Synagogue, as to relieve the neces- sities of our poor. 1st. It is the duty of the presiding Parnas, by a written summons signed by the Secretary, to convene the other Gentlemen of the Mohamad to meet at all times, when according to the Ascamot they ought to meet, and at other times, when deemed necessary, it being never less than once in each month, and when it shall be necessary to call a meeting of the Ma- hamad, and the presiding Parnas, either through absence or other sufficient cause cannot do it, or shall neglect calling it, having been reminded so to do, the Vice-President, or any two of the Gentlemen of the Mohamad, shall have authority to convene it. 2nd. The notice for meetings of the Mohamad shall be delivered to each Gentleman of the said Mohamad, or be left at his house at least one day before the day appointed for the meeting, and every 18 person not attending, shall pay a fine of twenty shillings for the Sedaca, unless he be in Abel, or confined at home by illness. 3rd. The meetings of the Mohamad shall be held in its Chamber, where the said Mahamad shall decide all matters under its jurisdiction, by a majority of votes, there not being less than three persons present; and in case of equal numbers, the Parnas who pre- sides shall have the casting vote ; and at all times when the Mahamad shall be deficient in number, they shall call in to complete the required number, whether for the ordinary Mahamad or for complete Mahamad, any of the Elders, provided that none of them come within any of the degrees of relation- ship, which prevent their serving together ; and should there be time to give them notice in writing at least the day before, each person so called shall be obliged to come or pay twenty shillings fine for the Sedaca, except he send a satisfactory excuse for his non-attendance, in that meeting or the fol- lowing. 4th. In the meetings of the Mahamad shall be received and read, the petitions of our poor, as well natives as foreigners, and the said Mahamad, either jointly with the Board of Guardians (as specified in section 11) or separately, shall answer them as they may think just, distributing the money of the Sedaca with impartiality and economy, within the limits annually fixed by the Elders, always conforming to 19 the regulations of the Ascamot, as well with respect to the age, as to the condition of the parties ; but at no time shall they give to any person or family more than ten pounds for once, and this only in an urgent case, nor shall they grant a monthly allowance which with the quarterly money, shall amount to more than thirty shillings a month, and this only to very de- serving persons or families. 5th. Also shall the Mohamad distribute the chari- ties which either by will or by gift have been left to its administration, or that shall in future be left or given, and have been accepted in a meeting of the Elders, always conforming, with the most faithful exactness, to the will and orders of the testators or donors. 6th. The Gabay of the Sedaca shall be obliged to receive and pay all sums under its administration ; and, whenever the said Gabay shall report to the Mohamad that he is in advance more than 100., they shall adopt such measures as may be necessary to reimburse him. 7th. The Mohamad shall also hear the complaints or disputes that may arise between any of the Yehidim or Congregators, whether for offences or for debts, and shall endeavour to reconcile the contend- ing parties, persuading them to that which is just and reasonable, or advising them to leave their cases to the decision of arbitrators, making every exertion to prevent the parties from carrying their complaints into the public courts of justice. And no member 20 of our Congregation shall commence a suit in any court of justice, without first citing the party before the Gentlemen of the Mohamad, except in any case where delay would be prejudicial to his claim. Any person contravening this law, shall be subject to a penalty, not exceeding <5., to be levied in complete Mohamad; and a party not obeying a summons to appear in such case before the Mohamad, shall be liable to the same infliction of penalty. 8th. The resolutions made in complete Mohamad, and which it may be found necessary to enter in its books, shall not be altered or annulled, without first convening the persons who composed the Mohamad in which they were made, or such of them as may be living within the districts of this Congregation, giving them notice wherefore they are called ; and if they do not attend, any alteration or repeal may be made therein, provided it be done in complete Mohamad. 9th. The Mohamad shall have under its manage- ment and control, the Synagogue, the Bate Haim, and all buildings appertaining to the Congregation, and the distribution of the rooms therein, to poor and deserving persons; it shall also be their duty to regulate the conduct of the officers of the Sedaca, and see that they fulfil their duty ; they shall also have to their charge the insurance from fire of the Holy Synagogue, and all the buildings belonging thereto, which shall be made at one of the public 21 offices ; the Mahamad, in complete Mahamad, shall have the distribution of the seats in Synagogue, con- forming to the Ascama on that subject. 10. The Mohamad shall summon a meeting of the Elders, annually, within three weeks after Shabat Bereshith, also within eight days after they shall have been required so to do, in writing, by eight of the said Elders, not being of the Mahamad; and further, at all other times when it may be deemed necessary by a majority in complete Mahamad ; and no meeting of the Elders shall be summoned for evening, except it be for a very urgent cause, which does not admit of any delay ; and at all times, when any resolution shall be passed in any meeting of the Elders, the said Mahamad shall call a meeting within thirty days, for the confirmation thereof. llth. A Board of Guardians of the Poor, consist- ing of four elders and four Yehidim having been established, to aid the Mahamad in the distribution of relief to the poor, whether pecuniary or otherwise ; the said Board shall be renewed by the Annual Election of two Elders and two Yehidim, to replace the like number vacating their office ; the Elders to be elected by the meeting of Elders, and the Yehidim by the Mahamad, such Board, jointly with the Mahamad, having power to make rules and regu- lations for the administration of relief, or for im- 22 proving the condition of the poor, in any way they may deem expedient. 12th. Finally, the Mahamad shall put in execu- tion, all the Ascamot, and orders of the meetings of the Elders, and they shall be vigilant in every other thing that may conduce to the welfare of our Congregation. 23 .VI. jHrrtmg<$ of Htin0 of UK al)am auto tJrtD&in. The office of Haham, as one of the most impor- tant in this Kaal, ought to be provided for with particular attention, in order that its obligations may be discharged with the utmost fidelity and zeal, to which end 1st. Whenever the above office shall be vacant, the MaKamad shall call a meeting of Elders within three months, to decide whether there shall be a fresh election ; and, in case of their so resolving, they shall determine the conditions regarding the said office, which shall require confirmation at another meeting, "and the said election shall be made by the Elders. 2nd. The meeting for election shall be summoned at least eight days previously, declaring its purpose; and should there be more than one candidate, each shall be balloted for in turn, and the name of him who shall have most votes, shall be again put up to decide on his election, which shall only be deemed carried in the affirmative, by two-thirds of the votes being in favor, and the same majority shall be required in confirmation ; should the election not be carried, no further election shall be entered into, except by a fresh resolution of the Elders, which shall not be called until the expiration of six months. 40 Whoever may be finally elected shall be named in Synagogue. 3rd. The Haham is the head of the Bethdin and Medrash, and shall declare the Din, when required by any of the Yehidim or Congregators, and decide any disputes among them, which require to be deter- mined according to Din. He shall preach in Syna- gogue when the Mahamad may require it, and attend therein, and at the Medrash as much as possible. He shall marry all persons of our Congregation by per- mission, in writing, from two of the Mahamad, and not without such permission ; he shall provide all the Quetabot, and copy them in the register kept in the Mahamad Chamber. 4th. He shall not intercede in favor of any can- didate for an office in the Kaal, or applicant for assistance from the Sedaca, lest the respect due to him should induce a deviation from impartial justice. 5th. Should the Haham at any time commit any dereliction of his duty, a meeting of Elders shall be convened to consider of the case ; but should the same occur with any other of the Bethdin, the Mahamad in complete Mahamad may suspend him for a limited time, or until the first meeting of Elders. 6th. The Elders shall provide two efficient persons to compose the Bethdin, jointly with the Haham, or three persons, in case of the office of Haham being vacant, any one of whom may declare the Din. And should a case occur, which, according to Din, re- 41 quires to be decided by more than three, the said Bethdin shall call those they think proper for that purpose, and no other persons shall be permitted to give Dinim within the districts of this Congregation, under a penalty of five pounds, to be levied in com- plete Mahamad. 7th. In all cases of vacancy of Haham, the per- formance of the marriage ceremony shall devolve on the Hazanim of the Kaal, and the Quetubot shall be prepared by the gentlemen of the Bethdin, who shall divide between them any emoluments they may receive. 8th. Should any person offend the Haham, or any of the Gentlemen of the Bethdin, in any matter con- nected with their office, such person may be con- demned in complete Mahamad, in a sum not exceed- ing five pounds. XL iL*lrrtton0 anH Dutirg of tljr cOtfirn of UK ftoal* The following officers of this jSToa/ shall be ap- pointed by the Elders, as vacancies may occur from time to time : The Secretary ; the Hazan of Hebra ; the Samas of the Synagogue ; the Physician and Surgeon of the Sedaca ; the Keeper of Bethaim, and the Keepers of the Baths. 1st. When there shall be a vacancy in either of the above named offices, the Mohamad shall declare it to the Elders, in a meeting which they shall call for that purpose, at latest within three months, in which meeting it shall be resolved whether a new election is to be made or not, and also the terms on which the vacant office is to be offered. As soon as these resolutions shall be confirmed, the said Gentle- men may immediately proceed to an election, follow- ing the same method as for the office of Haham, except that a majority of votes, as well in the election as in the confirmation, shall suffice to make it valid ; and the summonses for the above named meetings shall be delivered eight days before hand. 2nd. In the event of any of the above named officers being incapacitated from attending to his duties, either from illness or any other cause, the Mahamad may appoint another person to serve in his stead, 43 and the same during the vacancy or suspension of any of them. 3rd. The particular obligation of the Secretary shall be to attend all the meetings of the Elders, and likewise those of the Mahamad, or of the Committees which may be appointed ; to make out the summonses to them, and copy all the orders and resolutions made therein, to attend Synagogue at all times of prayer, and also at circumcisions and weddings ; to take an account of the offerings made for Sedaca, to keep the books of accounts, and make therein all the necessary entries of the expenses and income of the said Sedaca, and of the charities which are under its administration, to draw out twice a year the accounts of each person indebted to the Sedaca, and make application for them within one month after their delivery, to receive the money due to the said Sedaca, and to pay all the expenses or charities that the Elders or the Mahamad shall order, giving an account of all the said receipts and pay- ments to the Gabay of the Kaal, and to attend in the Mahamad Chamber two days in each month, either those immediately preceding Roshhodesh, or on the days of Roshhodesh, to pay the salaries to the officers, the monthly and quarterly allowances, and other charities to the poor. 4th. The Hazan of the Hebra shall accompany to the grave every deceased person who shall be buried in the Carreira, or in a reserved grave, in any of 44 our BaUhaim, and shall officiate on all such occa- sions in the usual form, but he shall not accompany any one, who, according to the Ascamot, shall be buried out of the Carreira. He shall say prayers at the house of mourners who may require it, morning and evening during the seven days of Abel; he shall go attired in black, like the Hazanim of the Kaal, and attend at Synagogue at the completion of any Abel, and at other times as often as possible. 5th. It shall be the duty of the Samas of the Synagogue to attend constantly therein, opening it for, and shutting it after, public prayers, having at his charge the cleanliness of the Synagogue and its courtyard, to be in attendance at the meetings of the Elders, Mohamad, and Committees, that may be appointed to attend at the circumcisions and wed- dings that may take place in the Congregation, to deliver the summonses on the day of their date, to attend the Secretary in the payment of the salaries and distribution of the monthly and quarterly allow- ances, and alms of the Sedaca among the poor. 6th. The physician and surgeon of the Sedaca shall visit the sick poor, and the officers of the Kaal, each one in his profession, prescribe for them, and perform the surgical operations that may be neces- sary, either in the hospital, or at the houses of the said officers and poor, being bound in respect to the above, to obey the orders of the Mahamad, and of the Parnasssim of Beth-Holim. 45 7th. The duties of the keepers of the burial- grounds shall be to attend, each one in his ground ; they shall have an exact register in a book of all the persons buried in them ; they shall take care that the grave-stones do not exceed the limits appointed by Ascama, and that the graves be made in rows in the usual manner, and that these likewise do not exceed the limits mentioned in the said Ascama of the Elders, No. 19. 8th. The keepers of the baths shall be obliged to have them ready for all the women of our Nation, but from the poor they shall not take any payment. 9th. No officer of the Kaal shall intercede or make interest with the Elders or Yehldim, in favor of any candidate for election to any office in the Kaal. 10th. All the officers of the Kaal before men- tioned shall be subject to the resolutions of the Elders, and bound to obey the orders, of the Maha- mad, and, on their refusing to comply therewith, or neglecting their duties, the Mohamad in complete Mohamad shall have power to suspend them for a time, not exceeding three months, or to represent their neglect to the said Elders. 46 XIT. Offerings antr ifollrrttons in tfje As the great and necessary expense of our Syna- gogue, as well as the charitable assistance given to the poor of our Congregation, are supplied from the Sedaca fund, it is just that the offerings of the said Sedaca should precede all others ; therefore 1st. Every person called to Sefer shall make an offering of at least one shilling for Sedaca, or oil, which is likewise for the fund of Sedaca ; and in all cases the first offering shall be for Sedaca, except at Sefer, where the person may offer for oil first, but the second offering in such case must be for Sedaca, after which he may offer for Heskaim, Hebra, Beth Holim, Shaare TicJcva, Terra Santa, and Cautivos, and for repairs of the Synagogue. The same order shall be observed at the house of Noivos or Baal-a- Berit. On occasion of Berit, an offering may be made for the Baal-a~Berit, and for the Samas of the Society of Baal-a-Berit ; complimentary offerings are only permitted by a party called to Sefer, or saying Aftorah, or at a wedding or Berit. 2nd. The following collections shall be made in Synagogue, and no others, except on some urgent occasion by order of the Elders. On the Sabatot preceding the three Festivals, the 47 Nedabot of " Shalosh Pengamim" and every Yahid not offering therein, shall be charged one shilling each time. On the day of Kipur, a Nedaba for the wax of the Synagogue, and for Shaare Tickva. On the morning of the first day of Pesah, one for Beth Holim. On the morning of the seventh day of Pesah, one for Hebra. On Purim morning, the presiding Parnas and the two next in rotation, shall go round the Synagogue, each with a plate ; the first to collect the half-shekel, which is valued at one shilling and sixpence ; the second, for the money of Purim ; and the third, for Sedaca. The two last are voluntary, but the first is compulsory on all above twenty years of age, and if not paid shall be charged in his bill. On the five Fasts of Guedalla, Tebet, Esther, Tamuz, and Ab, the Secretary shall go round at Minha with a plate, to collect for the Sedaca. 3rd. There shall also be in Synagogue four small boxes, two at the pillars for the Yehidim, and two in the galleries for the Ladies, which shall be opened annually, and whatever may be found in them, shall be for Sedaca. 48 XIII. Dietvtimtiou of Ujr ~rai& in That the distribution of the seats in Synagogue be made with equity, and to avoid the confusion or dis- pleasure which the failure thereof might cause to any of the Yehidim. 1st. The said seats shall always be granted in a meeting of complete Mohamad, to the Yehidim or Congregantes, as the said Mohamad may think just, provided that none be given to a person who, con- formably with the Ascama, is unworthy to hold one ; nevertheless observing, that when there may be a vacant seat in either of the ends of any bench, or in the two seats nearest to either of them, before it be given to any person, the Mahamad shall give notice to the person sitting in the next seat more towards the centre of the said bench, that he may declare within eight days, whether he choose to move to the vacant seat, in which case the said notice shall be given to the next person, until they come to the centre of the bench ; but if any one of the persons to whom the said notice be given shall not choose to remove from his seat, that shall not prevent the next person from passing onwards and exchanging his seat. 2nd. A register book shall be kept, wherein shall be set down the names of the persons who now hold, 49 or to whom may hereafter be given seats in Syna- gogue. And to each person to whom a seat be granted, a ticket shall be given specifying the number of the seat, and the bench, declaring it is granted to him as a loan ; which ticket shall be signed by the President or Gdbay of the Sedaca, in order that at any time when such person shall die, quit the kingdom, or incur the penalty of any of the Ascamot, rendering him unworthy to hold a seat in Synagogue, the Mohamad may have autho- rity to dispose of it to another person. 50 XIV. Kir; tiono of Uir iparmi0$im of ?l}r$l)iitnt, 3l)ftir,i, Cerra $*nta, anti if autibos. The elections of Parnassim of Heshaim, Hebra, Terra Santa, and Cautivos, shall always be with the approbation of the Mahamad, in the following manner : 1st. Annually, two days before the Sabbath pre- ceding Rosh Ashana, there shall be an election of two Parnassim of Hebra, and annually, two days before the Sabbath preceding Sebuoth, there shall be an election of a Treasurer, and a Parnas of Heshaim, a Parnas of Terra Santa, and a Parnas of Cautivos, for which the Mahamad shall summon in writing, three days before the above-mentioned days of election, the Treasurer or Parnassim who have served during that year, and who are to go out, and they shall have the nomination each one, of the person to succeed him in his office; and no election shall be made without having at least four persons present, three of whom are to be of the Mahamad ; and if either of the above-mentioned Treasurer or Parnassim shall fail to attend, or to send in writing the nomination of a person to succeed him in his office, he shall pay forty 51 shillings fine to the Sedaca : and likewise, if any one of the Mohamad should fail to be present at any of the said elections, without sending a satis- factory excuse, or being in Abel, or distant thirty miles from London, he shall pay twenty shillings to the said Sedaca. 2nd. The above mentioned elections shall be made in the chamber of the Mohamad, the power of voting therein being solely with the Mohamad, together with the Treasurer and Parnas of Heshaim in the elections for the said Society, and with the Parnassim of Hebra in the elections for Hebra, and with the Parnassim of Terra Santa and Cautivos respectively, in the elections for their Misvot; and on the nomination being made by the Treasurer or Parnassim of the said societies and Misvot, each one of a person to succeed him in his office, it shall be decided by majority of votes ; and in case of equal numbers, the Parnas who presides shall have the casting vote, and should the person nominated not be elected, the said Parnas who presides shall nominate another, or he shall have the first nomina- tion, in case the Treasurer or Parnas whose turn it is to go out should not attend or send such nomina- tion in writing. 3rd. And for the Treasurer of Heshaim, or first Parnas of Hebra, there shall always be no- minated one of the Elders, (those having always the preference who have not served the said offices); E 2 unless any one of the Elders should offer himself and be approved of by the said meetings ; and for the second Parnas of Hebra and Parnas of Heshaim, Terra Santa, or Cautivos, any of the Yehidim may be nominated, not having previously served ; but every person above seventy years of age shall be exempt from fine for not serving, unless he offer himself, or accept the said office. And if the person elected for Treasurer, or Parnas of Heshaim, be not a member of the said Society, he shall be considered one during his year of office ; and in like manner for either of the Parnassim of Hebra who may not be a member of that Society. 4th. The election of the Parnassim of Hebra shall be proclaimed in Synagogue on the Sabbath preceding Rosh Ashana, and the first Parnas shall serve from that day till Shabat Agadol ; and the second from Shabat Agadol till the Sabbath preceding Rosh Ashana. And the election of Treasurer and Parnas of Heshaim, and of Parnassim of Terra Santa and Cautivos, shall be proclaimed on the Sabbath preceding Sebuoth, on the first day of which festival the Treasurer of Heshaim going out, or, in his absence, the Parnas of the said Society going out, shall preside and distribute the Misvot. 5th. The Parnassim of Terra Santa and Cautivos shall take an account of and receive the offerings that may be made for the said Misvot, respectively, before quitting their office, and give in their 53 accounts, and deliver to the Gabay of the Sedaca what they may have received for the said Misvot. 6th. When any person elected shall refuse to serve either of the above mentioned offices, or shall not declare to the Mohamad his intention to serve it within eight days after his election^ he shall pay a fine of Ten Pounds ; and the fines for Treasurer and Parnas of Heshaim shall be for Heshaim, and for the Parnassim of Hebra for Hebra, and for Parnassim of Terra Santa and Cautivos for Sedaca. 7th. And in case of refusal to serve either of the above named offices, the Mohamad shall make a new election, or elections, until the same be filled. And for the said new elections it shall not be necessary for the Mohamad to call the persons who last served the office, and each new election shall be proclaimed in Synagogue within four days. 54 XV. lirgulatton* for tl)r cretin nmrnt of Conscious of the obligation we are under to patronize the study of our holy law, as a most necessary step to its proper observance ; and a Bet- amedrash, under the title of Heshaim, having been instituted for this purpose, from a period of time nearly coeval with our holy Synagogue, which insti- tution was originally under the government of the Society of Heshaim, but requiring increased support, has been placed under the direction of the Elders of the congregation ; the better, therefore, to secure the permanency thereof, and provide for its future man- agement in strict accordance with the conditions entered into with the Governors of Heshaim, it is enacted, 1st. That the Medrash, as the most important institution in the Congregation, is placed under the special protection of the Elders. 2nd. That its present funds, which consist of ,4303 10s., South Sea Stock, and 74 11s. 4d., Reduced Three per cent. Annuities, shall always stand in the names of at least four Trustees ; and at all times when any one of the said Trustees shall be deficient, the Elders shall appoint another to supply such vacancy. That the capital of said fund 55 is declared to be inviolable, thereby forbidding, under any circumstances, the disposal of any part thereof, the interest alone being applicable to the use and benefit of the institution, and not to any other purpose whatsoever. And that in future all legacies bequeathed, or donations given, be added to the capital, as a permanent investment, unless the persons so giving or bequeathing the same, shall otherwise direct. 3rd. That the institution shall be supported by the interest or dividends on its funded property, by the annual subscriptions of its members (which is fixed at twelve shillings per annum for gentlemen, and six shillings per annum for ladies, payable on the 1st of Elul in each year, and redeemable by a payment, at one time, of five guineas for the former, and three guineas for the latter), by the offerings and Nedaba for Heshaim allowed in the Synagogue, and by such annual assistance from the Elders as they may be pleased to grant. 4th. That its government be vested in the Gen- tlemen of the Mahamad, assisted by the Treasurer and Parnas of Heshaim for the time being, and three Inspectors, who must be members of the insti- tution, selected every two years by the Elders, these jointly shall administer the affairs of the institution under the designation of "the Committee for the affairs of Heshaim;" five members shall form a quorum, three of whom must be of the Mohamad. 56 5th. That the number of students in the Medrash shall not be less than six, provided fit and proper persons to compose that number be attainable, pos- sessing a knowledge of the English language. And that in future the highest pay at which any student can arrive shall not exceed three pounds per month ; that on admission no one be allowed more than forty shillings per month (except a majority of three- fourths of the Meeting of Election shall determine to exceed that sum, which may be done to the ex- tent of ten shillings additional per month, and no more), and that the pay of each student shall, if deserving, be increased by the sum of five shillings per month every two years, until it reaches the aforesaid highest rate of pay. 6th. That the Medrash shall be opened daily from nine to eleven in the morning, and five to seven in the afternoon from Pesah until Hosh Ash- ana ; and from ten to twelve in the morning, and for two hours after the afternoon service at Syna- gogue, from Rosh Ashana until Passover, except on the days usually kept as holidays, which shall be regulated by the Committee. 7th. That the election of Students be by votes of the subscribers, the Treasurer and Parnas of Hes- haim, and the Gentlemen of the Mahamad, being always deemed such ; that the candidates for admis- sion be first approved of in a meeting of the Com- mittee, and their names inserted in the summonses 57 for the meetings of election; no subscriber being entitled to vote, unless he shall have been such for at least one year, and not in any arrear for either subscription or offerings. 8th. That any student not present at the Medrash by fifteen minutes after the appointed hour of meet- ing, or quitting, without reasonable cause assigned, before the expiration of the time devoted to study, shall be subject to a fine of one shilling, and a book shall be kept for the daily entry of the students' attendance, which shall be removed by the Samas, at latest half an hour after the time of meeting. 9th. That a select number of boys from the public schools, in no case exceeding six, shall be allowed to attend occasionally at the Medrash, for the pur- poses of study, under the sanction of the Committee, who shall be at liberty to award them such small monthly stipend as they may deem proper, as a stimulus to their advancement. 10th. That the meetings of the Committee shall be held quarterly, for the transaction of any business that may offer; and general meetings of the sub- scribers shall take place half-yearly, for the admis- sion of students, and for general purposes; such general meetings to be convened in the last week of the months Hesvan and lyar in each year, and seven members present to constitute a quorum. That at the meeting in lyar, the Treasurer shall present an account of the income and expenditure of 58 the year, for the information of the subscribers, it being the province of the Treasurer to receive and pay all monies on account of the institution ; special general meetings may be called whenever deemed necessary by the Committee. llth. That any of the Gentlemen of the Maha- mad, and the Treasurer and Parnas of Heshaim, failing to attend either the quarterly or the general meetings, shall incur a fine of twenty shillings for the institution, unless confined at home by illness, or be in Abel, or thirty miles distant from the Synagogue; and they, together with the three In- spectors, shall establish a rota for visiting at the Medrash weekly. 12th. That the Committee shall have power to suspend students for neglect of duty, or other reason- able cause, reporting the same to the first general meeting. 13th. That the Committee shall provide a person to fulfil the duties of Secretary to the institution, a Librarian to have the care of the books, who shall be one of the students, and a Samas, if necessary, to attend the duties of that department. 14th. That at no time shall the Sedaca be respon- sible for any part of the expenses of the institution, beyond what the Elders may grant towards its support. 59 XVI. 3utbo vit j> of ttic iJarna$$im of It being most important to preserve order and decency in our burial grounds, at all times, the Parnassim of the Hebra shall have authority therein to enforce the following regulations : 1st. If any person, within the districts of the Bate-haim, which is understood to be within the walls which separate them from the high road, should strike, or raise his hand to strike another person, or should insult any person by offensive expressions within the said districts, he shall be fined forty shillings for the Sedaca. 2nd. In the Arrodeamentos which it is customary to make in Bate-haim, no one shall be permitted to join except married men, or bachelors belonging to the Medrash, or other persons above forty years of age, and in carrying the deceased to the grave, or putting them into the ground, the members of the Hebra shall always have the preference, and of these such as are drawn by lot for each burial; but the better to avoid any dispute that may occur in these or other matters, the Parnassim of Hebra shall have authority within the said Bate-haim to order what they may think best, and whoever shall oppose the said orders, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding 60 forty shillings for the Sedaca, which fine, as well as that in the preceding section, shall be imposed in a Meeting of the Mohamad, in company with the Parnassim of Hebra, five forming a quorum. 3rd. The said Parnassim of Hebra are recom- mended to accompany every Misva to the Beth Haim, as often as possible to prevent any disorder that might happen at such time; and finally, the said Parnassim, each one in the six months of his office, shall call a meeting of the Members of the said Society, to lay before them the state thereof, that the meeting may adopt such regulations as shall be found necessary, and the Gentlemen of the Ma- hamad shall be called to, and have a vote in, all the said meetings, and the said Parnassim of Hebra shall be bound to attend such meetings, and failing to come to them, or to convene them, each one in his six months, shall pay a fine of forty shillings for the said Society, except he be ill at home, or in Abel, or thirty miles distant from the Synagogue. 61 XVII. v-lmioua of vr a of r)iultuiT0, aim ii)onottr0 to DrrraseU As death makes no distinction of persons, it has been a very laudable custom in our Congregation, and one which we ought to preserve, not to make any distinctions among the deceased, whether in respect to the graves, or the honours conferred in Synagogue. 1st. All persons of either sex, and of whatever condition, being Yehidim or Congregators of this Kaal on dying, shall be buried in our Bethaim. following each other in rows, in the order of their burial, always excepting those who, according to our Ascamot, shall have incurred the penalty of not being buried in the Carreira ; and for children there shall be made a separate row, between the rows of adults, as may be found necessary, observing that whoever shall be interred in a reserved grave, purchased before death, shall in all respects be con- sidered as if buried in the regular Carreira. 2nd. In the measurement of the tombs to be placed upon the graves, there shall also be the same equality none exceeding six feet and a quarter in length, three in breadth, and one and a half in height, including the thickness of the stone in the rows of 67 adult persons, except it be to cover two graves, in the like proportions ; and in the rows for children, they shall not exceed three feet and a half in length, one and a half in breadth, and one and a half in height, including also the thickness of the stone, and should any one exceed these limits, the party placing it shall be obliged to reduce it immediately without, any excuse being of avail, and the Keeper of the Bethaim shall have to his charge to give notice to the Mahamad whenever any one shall put a stone exceeding the above limits, that they may order it to be altered ; and the said Keeper shall have under his care to measure the ground for each grave before it is opened, in order that they may not take more space than two feet and a quarter in breadth for each grave of an adult, or three feet and three quar- ters if with a foundation and a half foot between each, and that each grave for children do not exceed one foot and a quarter in breadth, one quarter of a foot between each : the depth for an adult's grave being at least four feet, and for a child's at least three feet. 3rd. Each deceased person buried in the Carreira shall be accompanied to the grave by the Hazan of Hebra, and have the usual ceremonies performed in Bethaim, according to age and sex, and time of burial; an Ascaba shall be said for such person in Synagogue on the following Sabbath, if it be not a day of festival, and during the days of the Abehtt , 68 in the morning, in case prayers are not read with Mini/an, in the house of the deceased, or of the Abelim, and likewise on the mornings when it is customary to make the Honras in Synagogue, which are on the seventh day, the thirtieth day, and at the end of the eleven months. 4th. In the Ascaba to he said in Synagogue on the first Sabbath after the burial, the relations of the deceased shall offer as customary, but if there be none, nor any one to offer in their stead, the Parnas of Hebra shall offer, and also the Makamad shall offer in the said Ascaba whether present or not, but should there be more than one Ascaba on the same day, the Mohamad shall not be obliged to offer except in the last. 5th. An Ascaba may likewise be said in Syna- gogue for any Jew not buried in our Bethaim, if any one desire it, and make an offering therein, but for the first time it shall not be done without per- mission from the presiding Parnas ; and should there be two or more Ascabot on the same day, they shall give precedence to those, buried in our Bethaim, and to those for men, over women, and where other circumstances are equal, to the person first buried. 6th. On each Sabbath afternoon Ascaba shall be said for all those who have had the first Ascaba in the customary manner, until the completion of eleven months after decease ; likewise for all the deceased 69 who shall have left, or whose relations have paid for them, a Legacy for the Sedaca of ten pounds or upwards, Ascaba shall be said every month during the afternoon service ; dividing their number between the several Thursdays of each month, and likewise on Kipur night after Harbit, which shall serve for all the month of Tisri, and the Mahamad, in complete Mahamad, may include in this number any person appearing to them meritorious, even where no legacy has been left. 7th. On the three days on which it is customary to make Honras in Synagogue for any deceased person,, there, shall be lighted two large wax-lights at the Echal^ and two on the Theba, (and the Ma- hamad shall also be obliged to offer in the said Honras.} No corpse shall be brought to Synagogue or to the Medrash before burial, for the purpose of receiving Honras , except that of the Haham of this Kaal, and only in that case, or for the death of a Haham of another Kaal, shall funeral sermons be preached in Synagogue, and then only with the per- mission of the Mahamad. 8th. The Misva of saying Kadish in Synagogue shall only be given to one having lost father or mother, during the first eleven months after their decease, and no Ascaba shall be said for a person dying under thirteen years of age. 70 XX. ih olittmion against matung tfrogrlijtrg, against trianUf stinr iHavrtagr 0, antt j-Hamnng toitf) a Ii)rr0on of Slnotiirr 1st. It is expressly prohibited to every Yahid or Congregante of this Jifaa/ to persuade any person of another religion to change it for ours, or to cir- cumcise or bathe, or assist in the circumcision or bathing of any such person. 2nd. It is also expressly prohibited to every Yahid or Congregator to contract marriage with a person of another faith, or to consent to any such person passing by his name, this being at once a high religious offence, and tending to the injury and disquiet of the congregation. 3rd. It is also expressly prohibited to all parties under the guardianship of parents or guardians, to contract marriage, or give or take Kidusim without their consent and sanction. It is also forbidden to any one in any way to act or assist in the celebration of such marriage. Nor is it permitted to any Yahid or Congregator to marry, except through the recog- nised officer of the congregation, and with the proper authority obtained from the gentlemen of the Ma hamad. 4th. In all cases where it shall appear that parties seeking permission to be married have rendered themselves unworthy of having the ceremony per- formed by the usual officer of the Kaal, the Ma- hamad shall appoint another person to officiate at such marriage. 5th. That any Yahid or Congregator intending to marry in some town or place in the country, where there is a recognized Jewish congregation may, with the sanction of the gentlemen of the Mohamad, have his marriage solemnized by the Hasan of that con- gregation; but in all cases where the appointed officer for marriages, and the Secretary, as Registrar, sjiall have to attend in the country, their travelling expenses, and an adequate sum for their attendance, shall be paid to them by the person marrying at such distance. 6th. In case of violation of any clause of this Ascama, the gentlemen of the Mohamad, in company with four Adjuntos, the last who served the office of Parnas, shall have authority to inflict pecuniary penalties on the parties according to the nature and degree of the offence, but not exceeding the sum of twenty pounds. But in case it shall appear to them that the offence deserves exclusion from being Yahid, they shall submit the matter to the meeting of Elders for their decision; and at such meeting of the Mohamad and Adjuntos five shall form a quorum, and each person failing to attend shall be subject to a fine of twenty shillings. 72 XXI. of tfirtfje, ^Watttage0 t anfc tturtato. It having been found highly important to have authentic registers to certify the dates of the birth, marriage, and death of persons belonging to our congregation, independently of the registry of the country, it is resolved as follows : 1st. There shall always be kept in the Mahamad chamber a book, wherein the Secretary shall registe^ both by the Hebrew and English name, the day of birth of every son and daughter of a Yahid or Congregator of this Kaal by a Jewess, for which purpose early notice shall be given by the parent to the said Secretary of the day of birth of his son or daughter, which date is to be registered as well by the Jewish calendar as by that of the country. And the said Secretary shall be annually paid for his trouble out of the funds of the Sedaca, what the Mahamad may think proper ; for the reimbursement of which, there shall be charged to each person having a son or daughter one shilling on each occasion, to be placed to his account of offerings, except to poor persons who may be unable to pay it. 2nd. There shall also be kept a register of the marriages celebrated in our congregation, which 73 shall consist of a copy of the Ketubot, to be made in a book, either by the Haham of the Kaal or the other officer or officers of the Kaal whom the Mohamad may appoint for the purpose of marrying and preparing the Ketubot; which book shall be always kept in the Mohamad chamber, and each person on being married shall pay the cost of the stamps of his Ketuba, if any be payable, as also any other tax that may be imposed by government. 3rd. A register shall also be kept by the Secre- tary of the persons buried in our Bate-haim> with the date of their burial, both by the Hebrew and common calendar; which particulars the keepers of the said Bate-haim shall give in, every three months to the Secretary, and this register shall also be kept in the Mohamad chamber. 74 XXII. Ur giUation$ rr 0prrting tijr Dcputir* of tl)r It having been found beneficial to have a depu- tation to watch over our interests, and consult on what may conduce to our welfare; and a Board of Deputies composed of representatives from each of the Synagogues in London, and designated the " Deputies of British Jews, 1 ' having been instituted for this purpose, be it enacted, 1st. That the deputation from our congregation to the said Board of Deputies shall consist of seven gentlemen, to be chosen from the body of Elders or Yehidim, by the suffrages of the Yehidim at large. That on the non-acceptance, resignation, or death of any of the said deputies, the Mohamad (which shall be complete,) shall, within two months of such vacancy occurring, give public notice of the same, either by proclamation in Synagogue, or by any other means they may deem fit, and invite the Yehidim to meet at the Mohamad chamber on a day to be appointed for that purpose, to put in nomination any person or persons they may think proper to be elected a deputy or deputies ; and that at an interval not exceeding fourteen days from such day of nomination a ballot shall be taken in 75 the said chamber for the election of such deputy or deputies, which ballot shall remain open from the hours of eleven to two in the day ; and the person or persons having the largest number of votes (or, should the votes be equal, the eldest of those having such equal votes,) shall be declared elected, and proclaimed in Synagogue ; that no proxies shall be admitted at such elections, nor any Elder or Yahid be allowed to vote, or be returned a deputy, who shall be in arrear with the Syna- gogue for more than eighteen months Finta and offerings; and every deputy must be at least twenty- five years of age. 2nd. That the said deputies shall make observa- tion of all legislative or municipal enactments, and take such steps as they may deem requisite, in order that no infringement upon the religious rites, customs, and privileges of the Jewish community may ensue therefrom. They shall also watch over the interests, and deliberate on what may conduce to the welfare and improve the political condition of the Jews in this empire ; and for these purposes they may adopt the measures they may think meet, consult the best legal opinions, and call to their aid and advice, and obtain the co-operation of such persons as they may deem requisite and proper. 3rd. That the expenses which may be incurred shall be borne by our congregation, in the propor- tion which the relative number of our representa- 76 lives bear to the whole number of deputies, and shall be paid out of the funds of the Sedaca, the said deputies giving an account thereof to the meet- ing of the Elders ; and at no time shall they incur an expense of which the contingent of our Syna- gogue shall in any one year exceed c100, without first obtaining the consent of the Elders. 4th. That at any time when the said deputies shall have occasion to interfere with regard to mat- ters of a religious nature, they shall always do so under the advice and direction of the ecclesiastical authorities, with whom alone rests, as heretofore, the spiritual guidance of the community. 5th. That the period of service of the deputies shall be three years, at the termination of which they shall be eligible for re-election ; and any ap- pointment of "deputies made in that interval of time shall only extend to the periodical election, the ballot for which shall always take place on the first Sunday in the month of lyar. 6th. That in any meeting of the Elders where the deputies shall declare that they have any matter to propose, the said matter shall have preference to be submitted immediately after those contained in the speech of the presiding Parnas ; and at all times when the deputies shall request the Mohamad to call a meeting of the Elders, the Mohamad shall be obliged to call the said meeting for the time required. 77 7th. That the deputies shall, in the months of Adar and Elul in each year, furnish the Parnas president with a report of their proceedings, who shall lay the same before the next ensuing meeting of the Elders. 8th. That in all proceedings of the deputies rela- tive to any legislative or municipal enactments, and in all matters of importance, they shall, fourteen days previously to taking any measures founded thereon, report their intention to the Parnas presi- dent, who shall forthwith cause such report to be publicly announced, as open to the perusal of the Yehidim of the congregation. 9th. That in cases of emergency, when even a short delay would be fatal to the object to be attained, the deputies may adopt such proceedings as may appear to them in such case to be indis- pensible, and report forthwith to the Parnas presi- dent, who shall communicate the same to the Yehidim, as before mentioned. 10th. That on a requisition in writing, signed by fifteen of the Yehidim, addressed to the Parnas president, it shall be incumbent on him to convene forthwith a meeting of the Yehidim, to deliberate upon and to express their sentiments on any mea- sures about to be proposed or undertaken by the deputies ; and the president shall communicate the result of the deliberations of such meeting to the deputies. 78 llth. That the body of deputies shall be the only medium of communication (for the purposes of their appointment) with the government of the country. 12th. That the said deputies shall have power to receive into their body representatives from any of the Jewish Synagogues in this empire, subject, however, to such regulations with regard to their proportionate numbers as may be determined upon by the board of deputies. 79 XXIII. Ur gulations rrsprrting tlif Droprrtife of For the due security and preservation of the pro- perties of the Synagogue, it is resolved, 1st. The real property of the Synagogue being invested in the names of seven Elders, whenever the said number shall be reduced by death, or otherwise, to three, the Elders shall name others to complete the number of seven; and every such trustee shall sign a deed declaring that he holds it in trust for the use of the Yehidim, and at the disposal of the Elders, whose orders in regard to the said property they engage to abide by. 2nd. That of the funds that have hitherto been bought, or that shall hereafter be bought with the amount of legacies left to the Sedaca, the interest or dividends alone are to be expended ; but the capital shall always continue permanent, and shall not at any time be sold, except it be to relieve the con- gregation from some urgent necessity, from which God protect us ; and even then only by a resolution of the Elders at a meeting convened for that pur- pose, there not being any other fund or income to recur to. 3rd. When any sums of money shall in future 80 be bequeathed or given to the Sedaca, the Mahamad shall, before the annual meeting, invest them in government stock, as part of the fund of legacies, unless the persons who give or bequeath them, or their executors, declare that they are towards the annual expense of the Sedaca. 4th. At any time when the fund appropriated for the repairs of the Holy Synagogue and its buildings shall be reduced to less than 2,000 capital, the Elders shall adopt some method to supply such deficiency, either by reserving for that purpose some part of the annual income, or by any other mode that may appear to them advisable, in order that the said fund may always be / sufficient for its purpose. 5th'. As well the securities belonging to the two funds above mentioned of legacies, and for repairs of the Holy Synagogue, as all others that may be the property of Sedaca, shall stand in the names of four persons appointed by a meeting of the Elders ; and at any time when a vacancy may occur by death, or any other cause, the Mahamad shall re- present it to the Elders at their first meeting, in order to the appointment of another person or per- sons to supply the deficiency ; and the same shall be done with all the other securities under the administration of the MaJiamad, except those which, for reasons that have occurred, are placed in trust in the names of persons appointed for that purpose. 81 6th. In regard to the securities placed in trust in the names of persons appointed for that purpose, at any time when a vacancy may occur by death or any other cause, the same course shall be followed as with the funds belonging to the Sedaca. And it is declared and understood that all trustees in whose names may be placed any funds belonging to the congregation, are bound to resign their trust when- ever called upon so to do by a resolution of the Elders. 82 XXIV. DiatritwiiOH of tljr iHont1)U> auotoanrr* Oavitif of ttir The assistance of our Poor being one of the principal objects of Sedaca, and the provident ad- ministration of the said charity being of the utmost importance to the welfare of this congregation, it has been found necessary to establish the following regulations : 1st. The charities of the Sedaca shall be adminis- tered by the Mohamad, assisted by a Board of Guardians consisting of four Elders and four Yehi- dim, the Elders to be named by the meeting of Elders, and the Yehidim appointed by the Mahamad, two Elders and two Yehidim to go out annually by rotation. Such Board of Guardians shall have power to make rules and regulations for the administration of relief as they may deem conducive to the improve- ment of the condition of the poor, subject always to the restrictions in the following sections. 2nd. No person or family can be admitted on the Sedaca list to have monthly or annual stipend, unless by a resolution of a meeting of the Elders ; and that such person or family be of the Portuguese or Spanish Jews, or of others accustomed to con- gregate with us, and natives of this kingdom, or 83 having resided therein at least five successive years ; but where any person shall be upwards of sixty years of age, having at the same time the above named qualifications, the Mohamad shall have authority to admit such person on the said list; and likewise they may admit, at all times, the widow of any person dying in the receipt of monthly allow- ances from Sedaca : but no person who has married within three years shall be admitted on the said list of monthly stipends, nor entitled to receive any other assistance except Matsot; and all such as shall not have been married by the Haham, or whom in his place officiates, shall be excluded from all relief, with the same exception, for a period of five years, except on some very urgent occasion. 3rd. If any person or family of those admitted on the Sedaca list, or receiving any assistance therefrom, should desire to leave this kingdom, the Mohamad may grant them as Despaclio, to the amount of one year of the monthly or other allowance which they receive from the Sedaca ; and if they desire to pro- ceed to America or Asia, they may grant them to the amount of three years of the said monthly or other allowances : but in case the person or family receiving said Despacho do not quit this kingdom, or, having quitted it, return back, they shall be excluded from receiving assistance from the Sedaca, except Matsot, for the term of three years, having received the Despacho of one year, or for the term a 2 84 of ten years if they have received the Despacho of three years. To other persons a grant may be made sufficient to defray the expense of their pas- sage to Holland or France, or the nearest port in the route of their destination. 4th. All persons receiving monthly allowances, or any other assistance from Sedaca, shall be obliged to attend Synagogue every Sabbath and Festival, and on other days of the week as much as possible ; and whoever shall fail doing this, not giving satis- factory excuse to the Mohamad, may be condemned by the said gentlemen to lose part or the whole of his assistance from the Sedaca for the time that may appear to them just, not exceeding three months. 5th. Should any poor person pledge any monthly allowance, or other benefit which he may receive from the Sedaca (except only to the Society of Beth Holim, to be admitted an invalid, the consent of the Mohamad being first obtained in writing,) or sell the coals or Matsot given him, he shall be excluded from all benefit therefrom for such time as the Mohamad may think proper. 7th. And should any person summon the gentle- men of the Mohamad, or the Elders of the congre- gation, or any one of them as an Elder before any magistrate or court of justice, to complain of their not having answered his petition, or granted the charity he required, or any other complaint against our government, he shall be excluded from all 85 benefits which he receives, or might receive from the Sedaca or Synagogue, until he have given satisfaction to the said Elders or Mohamad whom he have summoned. 86 XXV. to ttif ii-ffrrts of $00 r Djnng untftout As well as it is the duty of the Mahamad to distribute the money of the Sedaca amongst the needy of our congregation, it is also their duty to endeavour to receive what they can in reimburse- ment of the expence they may have been at, with any particular person, as far as they can do so legally. When any person receiving monthly allowance, or other assistance from the Sedaca, happens to die, without leaving wife, children, or grandchildren, the Mahamad shall endeavour to possess themselves of all the effects which such persons may leave, making an inventory thereof, and converting the whole into money, of which they shall enter an exact account in the books of the Sedaca ; and from the nett proceeds they may deduct what the Sedaca expended for the deceased and pay the Parnassim of Hebra and of Beth Holim what those Societies likewise expended for the deceased ; and the remainder shall be kept in re- serve, to be delivered to any person who may afterwards appear, and to whom it may be proved to belong; otherwise the Elders may dispose of the same as they may think fit. 87 XXVI. Lirgulanou* respecting Htfe lnnmtte*. It having been found expedient to take from Members of the Congregation certain sums of money, or government securities, and grant them in return annuities on their lives, as well on account of the increase which, in the course of years, would accrue to the capital of Sedaca, as for the purpose of pre- venting persons of limited property from spending it, and afterwards becoming a charge on the Congrega- tion, it is resolved, 1st. When any person of our Congregation may desire to lay out money on his own life, or that of another, and shall offer it to the Sedaca, the Maha- mad, in complete Mahamad, may accept to the amount of three hundred pounds, provided that the person, on whose life it is to be placed, be not under forty years of age, and they shall fix the annuity to be paid as they may think just; and the capital which they receive they shall immediately invest in government securities, in the names of trustees, and the amount shall be credited in the books of the Sedaca, in the account of funds belonging to life annuities, and shall not be sold except by a resolution of the Elders. 2nd. Should any person offer a larger sum than 88 the above three hundred pounds, or for more than one life, or for the life of a person under forty years of age, the Mohamad shall submit the proposition to a meeting of the Elders, for their decision, provided that the sum offered do not in any case exceed five hundred pounds, and that where it exceeds three hundred pounds, the person or persons requiring the said annuity be fifty years of age or upwards. 89 XXVII. to tf)f tiirnaitirs of Uir 3$camot. The better to secure obedience to the penalties imposed by the different Ascamot, In all cases and at all times when any person shall be condemned by the Mahamad, in complete Maha- mad, in any penalty, and shall not conform to the same within thirty days from the imposition thereof, no Misva shall be given him, nor shall an offering of more than a shilling be accepted from him, and that only for the Sedaca, nor shall any benefit from the Sedaca be granted to him except Matsot, but if at any time afterwards he shall profess himself ready to submit to the said penalty, and to what further the Mohamad and their Adjuntos shall impose on him, in consideration of the time he persisted in his con- tumacy, he shall be relieved from the above named penalties. 90 XXVIII. Regulation of tljr Douier left tip aimifiam The late Abraham Rodriques Marques, having left by Will, one thousand pounds, that out of the Interest thereof the Mohamad of this Kaal should give annually a dower of fifty pounds to a female orphan, and the funds bought with this sum, being under the administration of the Court of Chancery, and their annual dividend amounting only to forty- six pounds and twopence ; to fulfil in the best manner the Will of the Testator, the following is resolved : 1st. That the Mohamad shall annually cause notice to be given, one month before the said dower is to be granted, in order that any female orphan who is desirous of becoming a candidate may send in her petition, and the Mohamad shall give the said dower to such one of the candidates as may appear to them most deserving, or they may decide it by lot, in whichever way they may judge it advisable to deter- mine, observing, however, that should there be among the candidates any one who can prove her affinity to the Testator, she shall be preferred to the rest, according to the express recommendation of the said Testator. 91 2nd. Should the person to whom the dower is allotted, not marry within two years with one of our Yehidim or Congregators, who shall be approved of by the Makamad, she shall lose the said dower ; and in no case shall the money be withdrawn from Chancery until such marriage be arranged, and the papers signed. 3rd. The Mohamad shall not dispose of any such dower, without there being sufficient funds in Chan- cery at their disposal for that purpose, and whenever, owing to parties not marrying within the limited time, there shall be enough for two dowers, the said Mohamad may give them away at the same time. 92 XXIX. lir gulations of ttjr $c!jool of Baar Da f osta The late Isaac Da Costa Villa Real having given in his life time certain funds for the establishment, with the interest thereof, of a school for the instruc- tion of girls, the daughters of indigent Yehidim or Congregators of this Kaal, which establishment began in the year 5490, and the property now in existence belonging to this Misva being one thou- sand six hundred and fifty pounds capital of New South Sea Annuities, and five hundred and eighty- three pounds capital in the Stock of the said South Sea Company, which stand in the names of four trustees : 1st. At all times when any of the said four trus- tees shall be deficient, the Mohamad shall fill up the vacancy, and at no time shall the capital, or any part thereof, be expended, but its annual produce shall be applied for the instruction and clothing of twenty girls, or as many as the funds will admit of. 2nd. The election of the master or mistress of this school shall be made by the said Mohamad, in company with the heirs of the said donor, who choose to be present thereat; likewise the Moha- mad shall elect the girls to be admitted into this school, except that out of the twenty the said heirs 93 of the donor may make choice of four ; and for the task of purchasing the clothing for the said girls, and whatever else may be necessary for this Misva, the Mohamad shall provide a person whom they shall pay out of the funds of the Sedaca. 3rd. And with respect to the age of the girls, the instruction they are to receive, and every thing else concerning this charity, the Mahamad shall strictly follow the directions left by the deceased donor, which are written down in a book marked by him- self, which shall always be kept in the Mahamad Chamber, to enter therein the account of the receipt and expenses of this charity, as also any new regu- lations which the Mahamad may think proper to adopt respecting it. 94 XXX. Regulation* of ttir ?lr gan> of ittosre lumrgo. The late Moses Lamego having given, in the year 5517, five thousand pounds capital of Bank Reduced Annuities, for the Mohamad to pay over the interest of four thousand pounds annually to the adminis- trators and treasurer of the Orphan Society, entitled Shaare Ora Veaby Yetomim, and the interest of one thousand pounds to be for the salary of an English master for the Heshaim Schools, according to his declaration, dated 30th Tisri, 5517 : for the fulfil- ment of this pious intention, it is ordered, 1st. The said five thousand pounds annuities shall continue in the names of four trustees, under the conditions above specified. 2nd. The Schools of Heshaim having been abo- lished, the Elders, by virtue of the authority dele- gated to them by the deceased donor, resolve, that the dividends on the said one thousand pounds Re- duced Bank annuities, be paid over to the Treasurer of the School of Shaare Tikva, during the pleasure of the said Elders, to be applied in aid of the payment of a salary to the English teacher. 95 XXXI. Regulation of tfjc S>onrti> of jttafjiWim rotum. A Society entitled Mahassim Tobim having been established in this Kaal in the year 5509, with the approbation of the Elders of the Congregation, its intention being to assist our poor, by lending them money to follow their trades, and to establish in employment the children of the said poor, which good purpose merits all the protection which the government of our Congregation can give. The said Society shall be regulated by its Gover- nors, who, to be admitted shall always be approved of by the Mahamad ; and to all general meetings held of the said Society, the Gentlemen of the Ma- hamad shall be summoned, and have a vote therein. 96 XXXII. Rrgtilatton of tljc institution of *fjaarr flTi The schools under the management of Heshaim, having been abolished, and a society established in lieu thereof, under the name of Shaare Tickva, for the support of a Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Charity School, for the education of the youth of our poor in the principles of our holy religion, the Elders of the Congregation, anxious in every way to pro- mote so laudable a purpose, have resolved, 1st. That the said Institution of Shaare Tickva be administered by Governors chosen by its own members, and subject to such regulations as they may from time to time think it advisable to adopt. 2nd. That a Nedaba for the said Society be made annually, on the day of Kipur, and offerings at any other time. 3rd. That a grant in aid of the said Institution be proposed at every annual meeting of the Elders. 4th. That the Mahamad be always considered honorary Governors, and be summoned to all meet- ings, and individually have a right to vote on all occasions, although they may not be subscribers to the Charity. 97 XXXIII. Xnetttution of ttir e0itia of iHafjanr The late Benjamin Mendes da Costa having, with the approbation of the Elders of the Congregation, in the year 5494, founded a Yesiba entitled Mahane Rephael, for the maintenance and government thereof after his demise, the following regulations were adopted and established. 1st. That the funds of this Yesiba (which were originally .1900 South Sea Stock, and afterwards changed into 71 8s. 8d. per annum, Long Annui- ties, and by a subsequent exchange are now 2094: 12s., reduced 3 per cent, annuities) be always held in trust in the names of three persons appointed for that purpose ; and on a vacancy occur- ring, the Elders shall appoint another to supply such vacancy. That the said fund be not at any period sold, except to exchange it for some other more advantageous and of equal security, and then only by a resolution of the Elders. 2nd. That the dividends on the said funds shall be paid over to the Gabay of the Sedaca, who shall pay therewith the Aspacot, or monthly allowances, to the Rosh and students of the said Yesiba, the whole of which shall not exceed 5 per month, in order that in the present state of the income they 98 may also be enabled to pay for the rolls which are given to the junior boys of the public schools ; and that the remainder of the income, to the amount of 6 per annum, if so much remains, be for the pur- chase of books for the use of the Yesiba and the boys in the public schools. 3rd. There shall be held annually two days before the Sabbath preceding Sebuoth, a meeting of the Mohamad with the Treasurer and Parnas of He- shaim, for the regulation of this Yesiba, and the admission of students thereto. 4th. The principal object of this Yesiba is for the students to study therein the reading that is to take place in the Medrash ; for which purpose they shall always meet one hour in the morning after the Medrash hours of attendance, and the Haham of the Kaal shall always be Rosh thereof, and have one guinea per month for his Aspaca. The students on entering shall have two shillings and sixpence per month, and their pay shall go on increasing according to their merits, their number, and the income of the Yesiba. The rolls to be given to the boys of the public schools shall be limited to the younger boys. 5th. Should any person be inclined to give or leave a sum for the benefit of this Yesiba, provided it is not to alter the object thereof, it shall be accepted, and the money be added to its funds. 99 XXXIV. f:it*titmton of ttjr Yr 0ttia of &0$tfat 3i)alirvtm, The late Benjamin Mendes da Costa and Isaac de David Levy having in the year 5522 given 30 a-year, Long Annuities, to support a Yesiba entitled Assifat Haberim, which fund, in the year 5590, was, by a resolution of the Elders, converted into ,632 reduced 3 per cent, annuities, to fulfil the good intentions of the donors it is ordered, 1st. That the said fund of reduced 3 per cent, annuities shall always continue in the names of four persons, and on the death of either of them the Elders shall appoint another to supply the vacancy ; that the interest and annual proceeds thereof, shall be distributed among the students who shall attend the said Yesiba two nights in each week, which shall be Sunday and Wednesday, two hours and a half each night, from eight days after Sucoth until after Purim, except on holidays or fast days, to read therein Arambam and his Commentators. 2nd. The distribution of the said money, as well as the election of persons to belong to the Yesiba, shall be vested in the Treasurer and Parnas of Heshaim, whose duty it shall be to perpetuate this good purpose. 100 3rd. And if any person should be inclined to give or leave any sum for the benefit and increase of this Yesiba, provided it be not to alter its object, the same may be accepted and added to its funds. 101 XXXV. (Bitt of ifHoses fUra Cor JSeite&olent The late Moses de Benjamin Nunes Lara, having in his life time placed in trust and presented to the Congregation certain funds and effects, to be applied in the establishment of various charitable and other objects, to take effect after the demise of himself and his wife, and the Elders having accepted the same under the conditions stipulated by the benevolent donor, as set forth at length in a Deed of Trust, bearing date the 13th December, 1827, which is deposited in the archives of the Synagogue, for the due execution of such Trust in conformity with the intentions of the deceased, it is resolved, 1st. That the said funds and effects now standing in the names of four trustees, shall always continue invested in four names, and on the death or resigna- tion of either of them, the Elders shall appoint another to fill up such vacancy, so that the funds may always remain in the names of four trustees. 2nd. That the entire management and disposition of the interest of said Trust funds shall, in conformity with the stipulations of the said donor, be placed under the administration of the Gentlemen of the Mohamad, together with the said four trustees, who shall be designated, " The Special Committee for Benevolent Purposes." 102 3rd. That the said Committee shall, in the ad- ministration of the said Trust funds, follow the orders and directions set forth in the aforesaid Deed of Trust, both with regard to the institutions to he established, and the persons to be selected for the benefits thereof, and conform in every respect to the instructions laid down. 4th. That the Gentlemen of the Mohamad shall lay before the Elders, at every annual meeting, a statement of the funds of this Trust, and of any ad- ditions or alterations which may be made therein by virtue of the powers delegated to them. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FA A 000 062 240 7