323 Mr * M; X, . ,>".*" DQCTOR MORSE's National Fajt Difcourfe^ SERMON, EXHIBITING THE PRESENT DANGERS, AND CONSEQUENT DUTIES OF THE CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. DELIVERED AT CHARLESTOWN, APRIL 25, 1799. THE BAY OF THE NATIONAL FAST, By JEDIDIAH MORSE, D. D. Paftor of the Church in Charleftown, PUBLISHED AT THE REQUEST OF THE HEARERS. and Sold by SAMUEL ETHER1DGE, next door to Warren-Tavern. 1799. PREFACE. 1 H E apprehenfion that fome parts of the following Difcourfe may have drawn upon its Author the cenfirre of fome for whom he feels affeftion, has operated with him as one inducement, among others, to permit it to be made more public* He cannot but hope that a cool, deliberate perufal of it, and a confederation, at the fame time, of the interefting nature of the facls therein related, and the deep impreffion they muft have made on the fpeaker's piind, who had contemplated them in all their diftreffing confequences to his religion and country, will effectually efface all unfavourable impreffions, and produce con- yi&ion that his zeal was honeft, feafonableand well founded. IT muft appear ftrange to a man who has impartially marked the career of abominations which the French government have purfued for feveral years part, that they fhould itill find advocates among fome Americans, who in the eye of charity are conf;dered as fincere in their profeffion of Chrifttanity. Mod willingly would the Author invent, for any fuch among his Chriflian Brethren, apologies which may in fome degree excufe, though they can never juftify, their encouraging the enemies of GOP and religion. It is not difficult to conceive that fome perfons of this defcription may yet pofiefs honed and good hearts. It ihould neverthelefs be remembered, that the mod virtuous propeniities of our nature, when mifguided by prejudice, paffion, and mifreprefen- tation of fafts, fometimes degenerate into the moft dangerous vices. Of this nature is the attachment which fome among us continue to cherifh for the French Revolutiqnifis. This originated in gratitude for benefits conferred by the French Monarchy ; and gratitude cannot thrive in a cold, ungenerous foil. Good wifhes to the French had be- come habitual in the bofoms of Americans. And no one felt them more ftrongly than the Author of the following Difcourfe, till he be- came acquainted with the hiflory of their perfidies ; till their crimes roufed his indignation, and confcience forbad that he fhould look with partiality on theprofefTed enemies of GOD, and the infidious deftrojers of men. Thofe who Were in fituations moft favourable for early dif- covering the atrocity of the French rulers, perhaps once looked on him with the fame mixture of wonder and compaffion, with which he now regards thofe of his Chriflian friends, whofe prejudices and want of in- formation, even now inflame them with honeft, mifguided zeal in the M180774 IV PREFACE. caufe of the French Revolutionifls. He flatters himfelf, however, that he did not obftinately refufe information, and fhut his eyes againft the light ; that he did not fuffer his refentment againft the Britlfli nation for injuries fuftained during oar Revolutionary war, to lead him to fupport the revilers of GOD, becaufe they were alfo the foes of Britain, It is to be feared that there are fome among us, and even Chriftians too, who cannot fay thus. But it ought to befol^nly remembered that we are accountable to GOD for the ufe and improvement we make of our underftanding ; that errors are excufable, only when the means of information cannot be enjoyed j and that a chriflian who refufes to hear and read with candour, and to examine with care and diligence, and in confequence of ftich refufal, ignorantly adheres to the caufe of injuftice and irreligion, and thereby aids in deflroying chriflian piety and human happinefs, commits aggravated fin againft GOD, and does terrible injury to men. WITH thefe impreflions the Author thought it his duty to paint ftpongly the atrocities of the French Revolutionifls -, to labour if poffi- bleto arrefl the attention of the people to whom he minifters, whofe welfare he has deeply at heart, and to lead them to ferious, candid, and folemn inquiry. He confefies that his own fears, in view of the wonder- ful prevalence of licentious principles, and the open and fecret attacks too fuccefsfully made on our holy religion, are thoroughly alarmed} and he conceived the only profpefl of effecting our falvation, fo far as depends on ourfelves, was to alarm the fears of others, and thus roufe them to an induflrious ufe of the means of felf prefervation. Under thefe 5mpreffions,and with this intention, hecompofed and delivered his difcourfe ; and he believes that events will in a very fhort time evince, that he has not founded either an undue or nnfeafonable alarm. If in the honeft and faithful difcharge of his duty, he fhail have loft fome of liis worldly friends, (which however, he does not believe) or fhall have even made to himfelf fome unreafonable enemies, he feels confcious that lie has incurred thefe temporary evils in the line of his duty, and he will endeavour to bear them with a becoming fortitude. To thofe who are offended at the plain declaration of the truth, he will fay with PETER and JOHN, when commanded not to (peak, WHETHER IT BE RIGHT IN THE SIGHT OF COD, TO HEARKEN UNTQ YOU MORE THAN UNTO C&D, JUDGE YE." A SERMON,^. PSALM XL 3. THE FOUNDATIONS BE DESTROTED, WHAT CAN THE RIGHTEOUS DO ? HE hiftory of David, of his fins, of his con- fequent afflictions, and of his behaviour under them, was written and tranfmitted down to us in the volume of Sacred Scripture, for our warning, inftruction, and confolation. The perfonal trials and fufferings of David, in many inftances refemble, and were intended to prefigure, thofe of the Church ; and fhe accordingly often ufes his lan- guage to exprefs her condition, her complaints, and her refolutions. The enemies of David, of Chr'ift his Antitype, and of the Church, have ever poffefled fimilar difpofitions, have had in view fim- ilar defignS) and in like circumftances, have adopted and purfued the fame means of gratifying the former ', and of accomplishing the latter. It is no lefs our wifdom than our duty to learn from the experience of others. THE pfalm from which we have feledted the text, feems peculiarly adapted to warn, inftruct. and comfort us in the prcfent times of ferious alarm and of real danger. It was compofed by David, while he ivas in great peril and diftrefs from the perfecuting hand of Saul. It contains a recital of the advice which he appears to have re- ceived from fome of his friends, or thofe about him, to flee and hide himfelf from the deftrudive fnares of his enemies ; and alfo of the reafons on which they founded their advice ; and a declara- tion of his own determination, and of the ftrong grounds of his hope, confolation, and encourage- ment. In consideration of the number, the malig- nity, the fecret artifices, the perfeverance, and fucccfs of his enemies, he is urged by thofe about him, to give up all further oppofition to them as unavailing, and to retreat to fome cave in the lonely mountain. How fay ye to my foul, faith David to his advifers, .flee as a bird to the mountain? For lo y the wicked bend their bow ; they make ready their arrow upon tbejh'ong, that they may .privily Jhoot at the upright in heart* The enemies of David are here reprefented truly, no doubt, as wicked and infidious ; as fecretly machinating plots to deilroy both his character and his life ; and as ejetfting their poifoned arrows in the dark, fo as to prevent his guarding againft their effects. Who- ever will be at the pains to read the hiftory of Saul's perfccution of David, will be convinced of the accuracy of the foregoing reprefentation, THE words of the text, which immediately fpl-? * Pfalmxi, 1,2. low the laft recited verfe, may be confidered as a further defcription of the real ftate of things, de- figned effedually to difcourage and difluade David from making any further efforts to fave his finking country. If the foundations be dejtroyed* 6, 7. confoled and fupported the mind of David, under the preflure of his woes, and animated him to a holy zeal, diligence, and perfeverance in defending and promoting the precious interefts of his religion and his country. My brethren, may the fame truths have a like effect on our hearts and conduct at the prefent time. To this purpofe let me in- vite you to confidcr, I. OUR PRESENT DANGERS. II. OUR CONSEQUENT DUTIES. THAT our prefent fituation is uncommonly critical and perilous, all perfons of reflection agree, though opinions greatly vary as to the fources and degrees of our danger. With all the franknefs and plainnefs becoming an honeft and faithful watchman, I intend, my brethren, to lay before you what I humbly conceive to be our real and moft alarming dangers j thofe which have a malign afpect, both on our religious and our politi- cal welfare. Believing, as I firmly do, that the foundations of all our mojl precious interefls are formidably aflailed, and that the fubtil and fecret affailants are increafing in number, and are multi- plying, varying, and arranging their means of at- tack, it would be criminal in me to be filent. I am compelled to found the alarm, and I will do it, fo far as GOD fhall enable me, with fidelity. I fear that holy BEING, who faid to one of his an** cient prophets, and who through him addrefles the fame language to the fucceflive Minifters of his B 1O 'Word , Son of man I have made thee a watchman unto the houfe of Ifrael ; therefore hear the word at my month y and give them warning from me. When I fay unto the wicked, Tthoujhalt furely die ; and thou gtvejt him no-t warning, nor fpeakeji to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to fave his life ; the fame wicked man Jhall die in his iniquity ; but his Hood will I require at thine hand. Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickednefs? norjrom his wicked way, he foal! die in his iniquity ; but thou haft delivered thy foul.* IT is not my intention to give offence to any one, unlefs the truth fliall offend ; and the Ihort lived and honourable reproach of fuch offences, I am willing to bear. Thofe whofe opinions, re- ligious or political, may not exadtly coincide with my own, will do me the juftice to believe that I mean not to wound their feelings, and that I am as honefl in maintaining my own opinions as they can be in theirs ; and that a fenfe of duty only* in the public flation which I hold under GOD, prompts me at this time freely to declare them. After thefe obfervations, which I have thought proper to premife, I proceed to lay before you, what I conceive to be our prefent moft threatening dangers. OUR dangers are of two kinds, thofe which af~ fed our religion, and thofe which affed our gov- ernment. They are, however, fo clofely allied * Faek. iii. 17, 18, 19. II that they cannot, with propriety, be feparated. The foundations which fupport the interefts of Christianity, are alfo neceifary to fupport a free and equal government like our own. In all thofe countries where there is little or no religion, or a very grofs and corrupt on^, as in Mahometan and Fagan countries, there you will find, with fcarcely a fingle exception, arbitrary and tyrannical gov- ernments, grofs ignorance and wickednefs, and de- plorable wretchednefs among the people. To the kindly influence of Chriftianity we owe that de- gree of civil freedom, and political and focial hap- pinefs which mankind now enjoy. In proportion as the genuine effects of Chriftianity are diminished in any nation, either through unbelief, or the cor- ruption of its doftrines, or the negled: of its infti- tutions ; in the fame proportion will the people of that nation recede from the bleffings of genuine freedom, and approximate the miferies of complete defpotifm. I hold this to be a truth confirmed by experience. If fo, it follows, that air efforts made to deftroy the foundations of our holy religion, ultimately tend to the fubverfion alfo of our political freedom and happinefs. Whenever the pillars of Chriftianity mall be overthrown, our prefent republican forms of government, and all the bleffings which flow from them, muft fall with tbem. FROM thefe obfervations we may perceive.the propriety of the following paftage in the Prefi- dent's excellent proclamation, which comprises and exprefTes our dangers of both kinds mentioned, viz. that the mo/1 precious inter efts of the people of the United States are Jiill held in jeopardy , by the hojlile defgns and injidious arts of a foreign nation , as well as by the dijfemination among them of tbofe principles, fubverfive of the foundations of all retig- ious, moral, and focial obligations, that have prt>- duced incalculable mif chief and mifery in other countries. THIS pafTage contains folemn and affecting truths, which merit our principal, our immediate, and deep regard. The violent oppofltion that has been made to this article in fome of our News pa- pers, is among the ftrongeft proofs that it con- tains an accurate flatement of our dangers. The puWic difclofure of the dark defigns of our ene- mies, always excites their refentment. Yes, my brethren, it is a facred truth, that our moft pre- cious religious and political interefts are at this moment imminently endangered, by the hojlile dejigns, the injidious arts and demoralizing princi- ples of a FOREIGN NATION ; and I plainly de- clare to you that I mean the FRENCH NATION. Do you afk for proofs of all this ? They are fo abundant, and fo flagrant, that I fcarcely know which to feled. To fay nothing of their long continued, and very fuccefsful war upon our de- fencelefs commerce, becaufe this is well known to all, and is not altogether peculiar to the French nation, I pray you to confider their inhuman and, in fome inflances, worfe than favage treatment of Jl thofe of our fellow citizens who have fallen into their hands. They have not only wreiled from them their property, but have in many inftances groflly infulted, beaten, and wounded them, and thruft them into loathfome prifons and dungeons, where multitudes have perifhed by difeafe or hun- ger. Nay worfe, to all their other enormities, thefe monfters in human form, have added mur- der, the moft Ihocking murder. Recent intelli- gence from the Weft-Indies, which has obtained general credit is, that one of our merchant fhips has been taken by feveral French privateers, and the prifoners, (five or fix excepted) confifting of 70 fouls, all immediately put to the fword, by the blood thirfty vidiors.* IF thefe things are inefficient to evince the hof- tile defigns of France towards this country, let me afk your attention to the following fad:, not gene- rally known, and which I ftate from authority on which full reliance may be placed. " Some time " ago the French Directory fent to St. Domingo, "their principal Weft-India pofleffion, an agent " of the name of Hedouville. This man on his " arrival, you may recoiled:, made fome profef- " fions of juftice and amicable condud: towards *' the United States ; he notwithftanding foon " equalled his predecefTors in depredations on our *' commerce. Laft fummcr, while Mr. GERRY * This intelligence has fince received full confirmation. " was ftill in Paris, and the Directory was ftill em* " ploying every artifice to keep him there and to " draw him into an endlefs negociation, Hedou- " ville was preparing to invade the Southern States " from St. Domingo with an army of blacks ; " which was to be landed with a large fupply " of officers, arms and amunition, to excite an " infurreflion among the negroes, by means of ' miffionaries previoufly fent, and firft to fubju- "gate the country by their affiftance, and then " plunder and lay it wafte. For the execution " of this fcheme, he waited only till the Englilh " fhould evacuate a certain port in the Ifland, " which lay moft convenient for the expedition. " But he was interrupted by a black general by " the name of Touiflant, who drove him from the " liland, compelled him to embark for France, " and took the authority into his own hands. "* THIS intelligence comes through a channel which entitles it to credit. And it inftrucSs us how to underftand the pacific profeflions and overtures of the French Government ; and clearly proves, what has long been believed by fome, that they have been, and ftill are, defigned only to veil the hoftile and deteftable defigns of this Gov- ernment againft us ; to lull us into a fatal fecurity, that we, in due time, may fall an eafy prey to their ambition and avarice. This is the way they have * See note (A.) conquered other countries ; and thus they are now attempting to deftroy us. And, my brethren, they will affuredly efteft their purpofes, if we are notfpeedt'fy aroufed from our {lumbers, and vigor- ous, adlive, and united in oppofing their infidious and feduftive arts. It was her flumber and her divifions, both effected by French " diplomatic Ikill," which ruined Switzerland.* THAT fuch arts are now pradtifing upon us there is no room to doubt. It has long been fuf- pedted that fecret focieties, under the influence and direction of France, holding principles fub- verfive of our religion and government, exiited fomewhere in this country. This fufpicion was cautioufly fuggefted from this defk, on the day of the laft National Faft, with a view to excite a juft alarm, and to put you on your guard againft their fecret artifices. Evidence that this fufpicion was well founded, has iince been accumulating, and I have now in my pofleffion complete and indubitable proof that fuch focieties do exift, and have for many years exifted, in the United States. I have, my brethren, an official, authenticated liil of the names, ages, places of nativity, profeffions, &c. of the officers and members of a Society of Iltuminati, (or as they are now more generally and properly ftyled Illuminees) confifting of one hundred members, inftituted in Virginia, by the * See Mallet Du Pan's " Hift. of the DeftrucUon of the Helvetic Union ;" a work, which every American ought to read, with application to his own country. i6 Grand Orient of FRANCE, This fociety has a deputy, whofe name is on the lift, who refides at the Mother Society in France, to communicate from thence all needful information and inftruc- tion. The date of their inftitution is 1786, be- fore which period, it appears from the private pa- pers of the European Societies already publifhed, (according to PROFESSOR ROBISON) that feveral focieties had been eftablifhed in America,* The feal and motto of this fociety correfpond with their deteftable principles and defigns. The members are chiefly Emigrants .from France and St. Do- mingo, with the addition of a few Americans, and fome from almoft all the nations of Europe. A letter which enclofed this lift, an authentic copy of which I alfo poflefs, contains evidence of the exiftence of a fociety of the like nature, and pro- bably of more ancient date, at New-York , out of which have fprung fourteen others, fcattered we know not where over the United States. Two focieties of the fame kind, but of an inferior order, have been inftituted by the fociety firft mentioned, one in Virginia, and the other at St. Domingo. How many of equal rank they have eftablifhed among us I am not informed. -f* You will perceive, my brethren, from this con- cife ftatement of fads, that we have in truth fe- cret enemies, not a few, fcattered through our * Robifon's Proofs, p, 153. Phila. Edit, f See Note (B.) I? country ; how many and, except in three or four inftances, in what places we know not ; enemies whofe profeffed defign is to fubvert and overturn our holy religion and our free and excellent gov- ernment. And the pernicious fruits of their in- fidious and fecret efforts, muft be vifible to every eye not obftinately clofed or blinded by prejudice. Among thefe fruits may be reckoned our un- happy and threatening political divifions ; the un- ceafing abufe of our wife and faithful rulers ; the virulent oppofition to fome of the laws of our country, and the meafures of the Supreme Ex- ecutive ; the Pennfylvania infurrediion ; the in- duftrious circulation of baneful and corrupting books, and the confequent wonderful fpread of in- fidelity, impiety and immorality ; the arts made ufe of to revive ancient prejudices, and cherifli party fpirit, by concealing or difguifing the truth, and propagating falfehoods ; and laftly, the ap- parently fyftematic endeavours made to deftroy, not only the influence and fupport, but the offi- cial exiftence of the Clergy. THE definition of the Clergy in all countries is evidently a part of the French fyftem,* and all their engines are now at work to accomplifh it. The Clergy have been among the firft vi&ims to that fanguinary revolutionizing fpirit which now * As early as December, 1793, a member of the National Conven- tion, publicly avowed it to be a part of their plan to annihilate all frivi- s, and to ABOLISH every ECCLESIASTICAL incorporation. C i8 convulfes the world. In France, and in the countries which flie has fubdued by her intrigues and her arms, the Clergy have been inalmoft all inflances either deprived of their livings, fepa-* rated from their people, plundered, imprifoned, banifhed, or inhumanly maflacred. I have a letter from a refpedlable correfpondent in Europe, in- forming me, that when the French, fome years ago, entered Holland, a proteftant country, and blefled with as pious and learned a miniftry as any on the globe, one of their firft objefls was to dik place fome of their moft refpe&able and influen- tial Clergy, and to concert meafures for depriving minifters and univerfity profeffors of their legal falaries. How far they have proceeded in this diforganizing bufmefs I am not informed.* THE fame malignant fpirit is vifibly at work to deftroy the Clergy in thefe United States. And what have they done to provoke this hoftil- ity ? Why they have " preached politics. "-] This, fo far as I know, is the principal, if notjhe only, charge alledged againft them. But is this any new crime ? No ; it is as old as Christianity ; nay it is as old as the priefthood itfelf. The priefts and prophets under the Old Teftament difpenfation ; Chrift and his Apoftles under the New ; the faith- ful Chriftian Clergy in every age and every coun- * See note (C.) t My idea of the politics which become the pulpit, I have heretofore given in an extract from Boucher's Difcourfes, which it nny not be amife Jiere to repeat, By politics, I do not m^an " the wrangling debates of try, have preached politics ; that is, they have inculcated fubjedion to civil magiftrates, and obe- dience to the laws ; have cautioned the people againft animofities and divifions ; warned them of their dangers, whether from foreign or domeflic enemies, and have exerted their talents and influ- ence to fupport the religion and lawful govern- ment of their country. . I appeal to the Sacred Scriptures, and to hiftory for the truth of what I have afferted. And what have, the Clergy of the prefent day done more than we have jufl ftated ? What have they done more than the Clergy in this country have always done in times of danger ? What more than has heretofore been required and expeded from them ? And yet, for doing what only twenty years ago they were called upon to perform as a duty? they are now cenfured and abufed, and reprefented as anexpen- five, ufelefs, nay even, noxious body of men. In fome of our news papers, which are read by too many with more avidity, and more faith than the Holy Bible, they are continually reproached and modern aflemblies ; debates, which .far too often turn entirely on the narrow, felfifh, and fervile views of party. The term has been, and in difcourfes from the pulpit ought to be, ufed in a much more extended and more dignified fenfe ; as comprehending all that long lift of duties which every man owes to fociety in his public capacity. Every man is at leaft as much concerned to be a good fubjeft, as he is to be a good neighbour ; and fo far is a preacher trom being chargeable with being guilty of a confufion of duties, orofafiiiming a character which does not belong to him, that he acts ftriftly within the line of his profeffion, when he explains as well as he is able, and enforces on the people com- mitted to his care, their public as well as their private duties. Such pol- itics are literally the foaling voice ofchriftian charity.'' 1 * See a circular letter addrefied to the Clergy of Maflachufrtts, by th< Provincial Congrefs, inferted in the appendix 10 my late Thankfgiving Sermon, page 65, vilified ; and every low artifice is ufed to leffeft their influence and ufefulnefs ; and what is deeply to be lamented, this poifon is greedily fwallowed, and affiduoufly diiTeminated by fome even, who profefs to be the warm friends and fupporters of Chriftianity, and of the Chriftian Miniftry. Lit-* tie are thefe good people aware of what they are doing. Little do they believe that, blinded by their prejudices, they are in fadt aiding with all their influence, the adverfaries of religion in fub- verting its foundations; that they are aft ing a part dire&ly contrary to their prayers and their profeflions. I would to GOD the veil might be fpeedily torn from the eyes of fuch Chriftians, as are ignorantly affifting to pull down the pillars which fupport the chriftian fabric, left they too late deplore their folly amidft its ruins ! So numerous indeed and bold have the adverfa* ries of the Clergy become, fo confident of their ftrength, that even in our legislature, they have lately ventured to bring forward and ftrenuoufly to advocate meafures, and publicly to avow opinions, tending diredly and almoft infallibly to deprive a great part of the prefent Clergy of regu- lar fupport, and to difcourage and effectually to prevent young men from enteringinto the work of the miniftry .* How can we account for this gen- eral, uncommon, and determined oppofition to the Clergy ? The deep intereft which they have taken in the political welfare of their country, furely, for * See note (D) the reafons we have mentioned, cannot be confid- ered either as a good, much lefs as an adequate caufe for fuch a mighty effeft. It cannot with truth be alledged againft them that they are de- ficient in patriotifm ; that they are inimical to freedom, or that they have any intereft to ferve feparate from that of the people, No, my breth- ren, the true ground of oppofition to the Clergy of America, at the prefent time is, they are decidedly oppofed to the hoftile dejigns and infidious arts of the French Government. They are oppofed to thofe atheiftical, demoralizing, and deteftable principles, which their emiffaries are endeavouring to difTeminate in our country, as in others, to pre- pare the way for our overthrow. They are a phalanx in the way, to prevent the execution of their impious defigns upon us. Thefe are the true caufes of the prefent warfare againft the American Clergy. And I pray GOD we may never fhrink from fo glorious a conteft. I earn- eftly entreat you who love Chriftianity and its holy inftitutions, to confider the nature andconfe- quences of this conteft. Suppofe the Clergy van- quifhed, their influence deftroyed, and their office abolilhed, agreeably to the wiflies and defigns of their enemies ; what becomes of public worfhip ? of the holy facraments ? and of the Sabbath ? Without a regular Clergy, the two former cannot be maintained, and the latter would foon ceafe to be regarded. And when thefe inftitutions ihall be abolifhed, the foundations of Chriftianity fink of courfe, and then what will the righteous do ? 22 I AM aware that for thefe gloomy forebod- ings, and for this vindication of the Clergy, 1 may, by fome, be called vifionary, .fplenetic, credulous, and felfifti ; but, feeling as I do for my religion and my country, reproaches of this kind, I thank my GOD, are to me harmlefs things. Confcious that I declare to you only fol- emn and feafonable truths, I am perfectly fearlefs of the confequences* Reproaches for vindicating my own profeffion againft the calumnies of the enemies of Chrift and his religion, I fhall always deem honorable. I am only concerned, my breth- ren, left the fituation of the American people gen- erally, be like that of the poor deluded Swifs, pre- vious to their awful and deplorable overthrow, and which is thus defcribed by their energetic hiftorian :* " 63" The inhabitants, he fays, feemed fearful of being roufed from their indiffer- ence, and were offended at predictions meant to put them on their guard. Woe to him who difturb- ed the general quiet by peevilh reafoning on the future, and on the danger of connexions in which they were finking deeper and deeper. The ma- jority of the Swifs were like thofe patients who are angry with' the phylician for defcribing to them their diforder." THE conteft which now engages the attention, and fills with fearful apprehenfions all the civil- ized world, is fingular in its kind. " It is a con- teft of liberty againft defpotifm ; of property againft rapine ; of religion againft impiety ; of * MalJet Du PJD, p. 109. ' civilized fociety againft the' deftroyers of all focial order. Thefe terms feebly exprefs the calamities which the principles and the arms of France have produced in their baleful progrefs ; and which the wounds of a bleeding world will atteft." THESE fame principles, my brethren, whichbave produced incalculable mifckief and mifery in other countries, are deeply rooted and widely fpreading through our own, and are preparing the way for the armies which have defolated Europe. Of the ef- fedls of a French army, co-operating with their par- tizans in this country, we may form force idea if we look at Switzerland. May a merciful GOD fave us from fuch awful calamities ! I FULLY concur in opinion with an able and pi- ous divine, as expreffed in a late difcourfe on the fulfilment of the prophecies, that " we are come M to what the fcripture emphatically calls THE "LAST DAYS;" that " the laft tyrannical form " of government is falling to pieces ;" that " the " fourth beaft is now dying, and with his pangs " convulfing the world ;" that ** during his laft * ' agonies the miferies of mankind will every "where be great, and greateft on thofe nations " which have contributed moft to the fupport of " the civil and religious tyranny of the beaft." And I would fain imprefs on my own mind, and on yours, the folemn exhortation which he fub- joins, "$3r Let us not come near it, for its dying " breath is contagious. It is the body of Daniel's " fourth beaft that is dying, and infidelity with 24 44 its natural confequences,war and diforganization, *' are the plague by which it is confuming. All " wife people will withdraw their embraces, both " from the dying body, and the difeafe by which "itperifheth."* In this connection I cannot forbear inviting your attention to a paffage in a late excellent difcourfe of the Bifliop of Quebec, which is too pertinent to our prefent purpofe, and too val- uable not to be here introduced. The candid reader, I prefume, will need no apolegy for its length. " Judicious commentators upon the *' prophecies, he fays, have directed our attention ** to the conclufion of the prefent century, as the " beginning of a period of great trouble and fuffer* *' ing to the nations, and of much danger to the " general faith of Chriftians. They have even " explained the particular nature of thofe troubles " with an exa&nefs which is truly aftonifhing. " Thefe interpretations of the predi&ions, it " Ihould be remembered, were given, fome long " ago, and all of them before the commencement " of that feries of events which has fo much agi- " tated Europe and the world." " THE images made ufe of by the facred wri- " ters are diftin&ly interpreted to predid a great " definition, approaching to annihilation of thofe * lawful powers that, at the time under contem- plation, foould reign in the earth : a dreadful * See note (E.) " diminution of tiiz dignity and fplendour of all 44 greatnefs ; a fubverfion of facial fubordination * * and of civil government ; and a contempt of all *' law fid authority. They are interpreted to pre- * 4 diifl that menjhould be let loofe upon each other in * * defiance of civil power, jufl rule, and legal rejiraint. 44 They are confidered as intimating that irrelig- 44 ion, vanity, a total abfence of ferious principle, 44 and a mifapplication of the refinements of civil iz- 44 ation, were to produce thefe mifcbiejs precifely in ** thefe times.* 44 WHAT fhall we fay then to thefe things ? 44 Thefe are the interpretations of the PROPHE- <4 CIES, interpretations made all of them before 44 the commencement of the events that they "defcribe!" 44 CERTAINLY at no period in the hiftory of ** mankind, has the hand of GOD more clearly 44 appeared to overrule the a6ts of nations and em- 44 pires, than in the circumftances which diftin- 4< guifh the prefent times ; and in the very ftriking 44 and wonderful manner in which the occurrences 44 which are daily taking place in the world, are " ful filing the PROPHECIES, as thofe prophecies i4 have been previoujly underjlood, and interpreted, " by men moft confpicuous for learning and ** genius !" 44 UNDER this view of the fubjedt, we appear " to be diredlly led to confider the revolutionifls of * See, more particularly, Mr. KING'S Criticifms, tending to illuftrate fume palTagesin the Holy Scripture?, " France as fpecially appointed to execute the Di- 4 'vine counfels , as ordained to be inftruments " of punifhment ; a&ing with fearful feverity *' upon the more abandoned of mankind ; and 44 purifying, like a refiner's fire, the hearts of thofe "who continue to hold faft the prof effion of their " faith as it was once delivered to the Saints. " " THE wonderful feries of fuccefles which have " fo long diftinguiflied the arms of a people be- "yond example impious, and the facility with " which they have fpread their pernicious princi- *' pies, and opened a way for their ambitious pro- c< jedts among other nations, muft have equally M perplexed and alarmed the mind of every re^ M fleding man who has cbnfidered the fubjedl in *' this light ; but viewing them as a SCOURGE in " the hand of Heaven, to chaftife the wickednefs c< of an ungrateful world, his fears will change M their objed:, and his perplexity will ceafc." " BY what fteps they arrived at this dreadful " pre-eminence, is now fufficiently underftood.*' " The long and infamous labours by which they *' introduced infidelity and anarchy ; the confpi- '* racy, directed with remorfelefs treachery, with " envenomed malice, and with unwearied perfe- ** verance, not only againft all eftablifhed forms *' of Chriflian ivorfoip, but againft the Religion of " J e f us thrift, are now known to the world. The " progrefs which they have made in this diaboli- BARRUEL'S Hid. of Jacobinit"m ; and ROB ISON'S Proofs of a Con- fpiracy 16 cal warfare is recorded in chara&ers of blood."* IF the foregoing reprefentations be correct, we fhall perceive that it is our lot to live in perilous times ; in the period when there lhall be " upon the earth diflrefs of nations with perplexity, the fea and the waves roaring ; men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking for thofe things which are coming on the earth" I HAVE thus endeavoured, my brethren, to ex- hibit a faithful picture of fome of the dangers with which our religion and our country are now im- minently threatened. Admitting the reality of thefe dangers, it is natural to inquire, What are Our CONSEQUENT DUTIES ? WE are not to be difmayed or difheartened at the profpedt before us. It is gloomy, I acknow- ledge, but far from being hopelefs. A ftate of things like the prefent has been long expeded by many pious, reflecting, and enlightened Chriftians. The Wife and Mighty GOD is accomplifhing his grand deilgns ; and the winding up of the awful and tremendous fcene now ailing in our world, will doubtlefs be glorious to himfelf. If then dan- gers multiply around us ; if the foundations of our religion and government are affailed and fhak- en ; (GOD be praifed they are not yet, as in many European countries, deftroyed) let us not like cowards defert our ports, a&djf&l like a bird to the mountain. But, after the example of David, let * Bilhop of Quebec's Thankfgiving Difcourfe, preached Jan. 10, 1799- us encourage ourfelves in the Ldrd, and quit our- felves like men in the caufe of GOD and our coun- try. To comfort and animate us in the glorious conflict, let us refledl, with the exemplary Pfalm- ift, that the Lord is in his holy temple ; that His throne is in the heavens ; that His eyes behold and his eyelids try the children of men ; that He trieth the righteous ^ but the wicked and him that loveth vio- lence ^ his foul hateth ; that The ultimate portion of the wicked Jhall befnares, fire And brimjlone^ and an horrible tempeft ; and that The righteous Lord loveth righteoufnefs^ and his countenance beholdeth the up- right. THIS do&rine of a Divine fuperintending Providence, fo precious to David, and to the people of GOD in every age, and fo neceflary to fupport us in thefe eventful and diftreffing times, it is deeply to be regretted, is, with other important truths connected with it, falling into difcredit and negleft before the impious principles of the new philofophy. Our pious anceftors faw the hand of GOD in every thing, more efpecially in all fignal events, fuch as peftilence, famine, earthquakes* war, and other Calamities . But it has become fafh- ionable of late, to afcribe thefe things to the uncon- trouled operations of natural caufes, and to keep out of view the Divine agency. This has been remarkably the cafe in refped to the defolating licknefs, which has proved a fevere and increafing calamity to our country. From the difagreement among phyficians as to the origin, nature, and methods of preventing and healing this malignant difeafe, and from its remarkable progrefs and in- creafe, it is very evident that it is brought upon us in judgment, by the fpecial hand of Providence, to punijh us for ourjtns. And however attentive and careful we may be to remove natural caufes, which ought by no means to be omitted, yet we can have no good reafon toexped: that this calam- ity will ceafe from among us, till the moral caufes be removed, till we acknowledge the righteous hand of GOD in it, and are truly humble for our fins and reform our lives. THE hiftory of fome of the heathen nations, will inftrudt and fhame us on this point. The Romans afcribed their good or bad fuccefs to their ftridl obfervance, or their neglecft of the public and private duties of their religion. " They received public prosperities, or public calamities ', as bleffings conferred, or punifhments inflicted by their Gods. 39 WE have the teftimony of Cicero, that the Ro^ mans " furpafled all nations in the only point '* which can be called true wifdom, viz. a thorough ** conviction that all things here below are directed " and governed by a Divine Providence " While the Roman people felt the influence of this firft principle of all religion, they were virtuous, free, and invincible. But when the Atheijlical dodrine of Epicurus had infinuated itfelf among them un- der the fafcinating title of philofopby, it by degrees undermined and deftroyed this great principle, and with it that " individual fimplicity of manners, and enthufiafm of public virtue ; that chafte re** ' gard to the union of the fexes by marriage, and *' pious attention to the improvement of the mor- " als of the people by religion, which, in all coun- " tries are the ftrong pillars by which every po- *' litical fociety is fuftained, and its component 44 parts cemented." The fpread and influence of the Epicurian philofophy was the real caufe of that rapid depravity of the Roman manners, which terminated in the ruin of the empire itfelf.* THIS flame philofophy which ruined Rome has been revived in the prefent age, and is now wide- ly fpreading its defolations over the world. Its contagious influence has reached us, and is vifibly marring the foundations of all our moft precious interefts. The principles of this philofophy 44 deftroy all before them ; and though they may " firft inflame the palace, they will in the end *' confume the thatched cottage." I HAVE ftrong and confoling hope that the reign of this impious philofophy will not be gen- eral, or of long continuance, in our own country, and particularly in this part of it. We have, I truft, many to ftand in the gap who, in the name of the Lord of Hofts, are already oppofing them- felves with zeal and firmnefs, in the ufe of the proper means, againft the deftru&ive torrent. And this number I truft is increafing and will increafe. The alarm is given, the ruined republics of Europe * Sfenote(F.) JL are exhibited before our eyes as fo many beacons to guard us againft the rocks on which they have been fhip wrecked, and the American people in confequence are roufing, too flowly and reluctantly indeed, from their flumbers. Many good peo- ple, however, are ftill afleep, and infenfible to our prefent dangers. The Lord in his own time and manner will open their eyes, and conquer their unreafonable prejudices ; and then they will cor- dially join their prayers and their efforts againft the common enemy. But before this (hall be generally the cafe, there is reafon to fear we {hall be obliged to drink deeper than we have yet done of that cup of calamities, mingled by a juft GOD, of which many of the European nations are now drinking even to the very dregs. To prevent this as far as in us lies, it behoves us to liften to the voice of Providence in the prefent events, which loudly warns us to avoid all polit- ical connection with thofe nations which feem de- voted to deftruCiion ; C^r to watch the movements, and detedt and expofe the machinations of their numerous emiffaries among us ; to rejeCt, as we would the moft deadly poifon, their atheiftical and deftruCtive principles in whatever way or fhape they may be infinuated among us ; to take heed that we partake not of their fins, that we may not receive of her plagues. *' Let us fear the Lord ; " live in all due fubjeCtion to our rulers, and " meddle, not with them that are given to change/* IT is a duty fpecially incumbent on us at this time, to promote to offices of truft and influence fuch men only, as have good principles and morals; who refpedt religion and love their country ; who will be a terror to evil doers, and will encourage fuch as do well. If ever the time fhall come when the new philofophy fhall obtain afcendency over public opinion, and men who have embraced its principles, fliall be able to controul our flate and national counfels, " America muft drink the cup of Babylon. Then flie will become a limb of the beaft, whofe body GOD hath faid lhall be given to the burning flame. "* LET us not then become enamoured of this vain and impious philofophy, nor imagine that infidel- ity is any mark of profound thinking, or of acute penetration. *' A little philofophy (faid Lord Bacon) inclineth men's minds to atheifm ; but depth in philofophy bringeth men's minds about to religion" Chriftianity can reckon among her fup- porters and advocates many of the brighteft orna- ments of our race, men of the moft fhining talents, the deepeft refearch, and the moft profound and extenfive learning that the world ever witnefled. Let this religion theri, which ftrengthens all the motives of virtue ; binds together the members of fociety, and whofe do&rines and precepts tend in the higheft degree to promote univerfal happi- nefs, be the "ANCHOR of all our hopes ; and let us never forget the infeparable connexion that exifts between the virtues which flow from it, and the profperity of our country." * STRONG. AMEN. NOTES. NOTE (A.) page 14. Jl H E foregoing Extract is from the honourable R. G. Harper's Sketch cf the principal afis of Congrtfs, during the Jejjion which clojed the $d of March lait, and is dated at Philadelphia, March go, 1799. He adds, " This fcheme came to our knowledge in the following manner. A very rich fhip from the Eaft Indies, valued at nearly feven hundred thoufand dollars, was taken laft fummer by one of Hedouville's priva- teers. The owners, merchants of this town (Philadelphia) employed a man of honor and character, well known here, and well acquainted in the Weft Indies, to go and endeavour to purchafe the fhip, at a low rate. He went to St. Domingo for that purpofe j and while there, converfed with fome of the black officers who were to be employed in the expedi- tion. As he fpoke their language well, he was led to cultivate an ac- quaintance with them j and from them, in their moments of conviviality, he learned the project. / have it from him, through a psrfoti oftht highejl confidence." NOTE (B.) page 16. IN my Difcourfe on the National Faft,* May 9111,1798, after giving fome account of ROB ISDN'S Proofs of a Conj piracy, c. a work which had then juft arrived in America, I faid, " There are too many evidences that this order (the Illuminati,) has had its branches eftablifned, in fome form or other, and its emiffaries fecretly at work in this country, for leveral years part." t Being often publicly called upon for evidence to fupport this infinua- tjon, I engaged, when my health and leifure would permit, to lay it be- fore the public. This engagement was in part fulfilled, in the Ap- pendix of my Thankfgiving Sermon of Nov. 29, 1798, Note, (F.) p. 73, to which I refer the reader. Since this I have received a letter from Prefident DwipHT, confirming the facl which he hat} aiferted in a note to his Difcourfe on the 41)1 or July, 1798, viz. that Illuminatifm exifts in this country ; and the impious mockery of the Sacramental Supper,defcribed by Mr. RoBisoNt has been a&ed here." Knowledge of tnis fad: was received by Preiident Dw IGHT from an unqtieftionable fource. He fays that, " his informant, a refpecla- bleFree Mafou, declares, that among the Higher Orders of JMafons in this country, this piece of Illuminatifm (meaning the mockery of the holy Supper) is, at times, I know not how often, prafiifed. The gentleman from xvhoml have the intelligence informed me, that this fail was a decifive proof of Illuminatifm in America, as the celebration of the Si-cred Supper, was not, in any fenfe, a part of the rites of the original Mafonry. Of this ! know he ran ft be certain; as being one of the principal officers of th^ Mafonic Brotherhood," But if all this evidence, added to that which arifes priina facie from the exiting ftate of things ; from the wonderful and alarmimr change which has been fuddenly and imperceptibly produced too generally in thff principles and morajs of the American people, be infufficient to convince and fatisfy candid minds of the actual exiftence, and fecret and extenlive operation, of Illuminatifm in this country, the following documents which were received through a mod refpeclable channel, and lor the authenticity of which I pledge myfelf, malt, I conceive, remove every * Page 23.- -} P. 137, and 138, Fhi'a, Edit. E 34 doubt remaining on the minds of rttajonable men. If any branches of this Society are eftablifhed in this part of the United States, the members no doubt will feel irritated at this difclofure, and will ufe all their Jecret arts, and open endeavours, todiminifh the importance of thefe documents and the reputation of him who makes them public. As to the latter, I feel little concern, having made up my mind to facrifice every thing I pofTefs, and even my life, if necefTary in the caufe of my religion and my country. But I am anxious to guard the public againlt the artifices of defigning perfons which may probably be ufed to leflen the importance of evidence adduced in confirmation of facls of infinite moment to their welfare. I earneftly invite the readers unprejudiced attention to the following documents. COPY OF AN ORIGINAL LETTER, A L'Ot... de Portfmouth, En Virginie le ij* du 5e.m. en L'an de la V.*. L.. 5798^. La R.. L.'. Pte.-. Fse.. regulierement conftitue fous le titre diflinclif de la Sagefle No. 2660. par le G.- Ot.. de France. A LaT.. R.. L.. L'union-franqaife No. 14. conftitule par le G.-. Ot.. de New-York. S.-. F.. V.-. TT.s CC.-. & RR.-. FF.-. LA ?Iacxhe dont vous nous avez favorifes en date du i6c du 2c. mois de la prefente annee Mque.., ne nous eft parvenue que depuis peu de jours ; Elle a etc mife fous les yeux de notre R,. L... en fa feance extra- ordinaire du I4.e. du prefent. Nous vous telicitons TT.-. CC. k . FF.% des noiivelles Conftitutions que vous avez obtenues du G.-. Ot.. de New-York. Nous nous ferons en confequence un plaiiir & un devoir d'entretenir avec votre R.. L.'. la correfpondence la plus fraternelle, comme avec toutes les LL.'. reguliere qui voudront bien nous favorifer de la leur. C'eft a ce titre que nous croyons devoir vous donner Connoiflance de PetabliiTement de deux nouveaux attellieres maqoniques regulierement conditues et inftalles au rite franqais par notre R>. L.-. provincialle, L'un depuis plus d'un an fous le titre de L'amitie a L'Or.*. de PeterAburg, en Virginie ; 1'autre, plus recent, fous le titre de la Parfaite-Egalite a L'Ot.*. du Port de Paix ille St. Domingue. Nous vous remettons cy -joint quelques exemplaries de notre Tableau de cette annee que notre L.. vous prie d'agreer en retour de ceux qu'elle a re9U de la votre avec reconnoifTance. Puifle le G.. A.. tie 1'U.-. benir vos travaux et les couronner de toutes fortes de fucces ! C*eft dans ces fentiments que nous avons la i'aveur d'etre, P,-. L.-. N.-. M.-. Q... V.-. S.-. O. XT.-, CC,-. et TT... RR... FF.-. Votre tres atfeitiones FF'. Par Mandement de la T.. R,, L... Pte.-.-de la SagefTe Guieu Secretaire. TRANSLATION. At the Eafl of the Lodge of Portfmouth in Virginia, the iyth of the ^th month, in the year of (V.. L..) True Light 5798./: The (R... L,. Pie.-. Ffe...) refpeftable French Provincial Lodge, regularly appointed under the diftinitive title of WISDOM, No. 2660 by the CRAND ORIENT OF FRANCE. TO The (T.vR.% L..) very refpefl: able French Lodge, The UNION, No. 14, contlituted by the Grand Orient of NEW Yt)RK. S.-. F... V.-. TT.-. CC.-.andRR... FF.-. THE plate or opening (la Blanche) with which you have favoured us in date of the i6th of the 2d month of the current year (Mque.-.) Mafonic, came to us but a few days fince. It was laid before our (R.*. L.-.)re~ ipectable Lodge, at its extraordinary felfiooson the 14th infh We congratulate you TT.'. CC.-. FF.-. upon the pew Conftitutions or Regulations which you have obtained from the Grand Orient of New York. We will therefore make it our pleafure and duty to maintain the moft fraternal or intimate Correfpondence with your (R.'. L..) refpefta- ble Lodge ; as alfo with all the regular Lodges who are willing to favour us with theirs. It is on this ground (a cetitre) that we think it our duty to inform you of the eftablifhment of two new Mafonic Workfhops (attellieres) regu- larly conftituted and installed according to the French ritual, by our Provincial (R. . L. . ) refpeclable Lodge ; one, more than a year fince, under the title of FRIENDSHIP in the Eaft fide of the Petersburg in Vir- ginia ; the other more recent, under the title of PERFECT EQUALITY, in the Eaft of Port dePaix in the Ifland of St. Domingo. We herewith tranfmit to you fome copies of our Lift (Tableau) for this year, which our Lodge prays yon to accept in return for thofe which it hath received from your Lodge with thankfulnefs. May the Grand Architect of the Univerfe blefs your labours, and crown them with all manner of fuccefs. With thefe fentiments we have the favour to be P.. L.-.N.-. M.. O.-. V.-. S.. C.-. TT.-. CC.-. ATT.-. RR.-. FF.-. Your very affectionate FF. . By order of the very refpeclable Provincial Lodge of WISDOM, G1EU, Secretary; TABLEAU t)e s F. F. qui compofent la Loge Prwituiak Francatfe, Sous le Titre Diftindif de la S A G E S S E : A I/ORIENT DE PORTSMOUTH, EN VIRGINIE, ETAT DE L'AMERIQUE SEPTENTRIONALE, A TEpoque de la jSt. Jean, 5798. NORFOLK; IMPRIME PAR WILLETT & O'CONNOR. F.'. F.'. Dignitaires. VENERABLE PIERRE VALENTIN DAVEZAC, habitant de St. Domingue, ne Aux Cayes, age de 44 ans, membre de la L.. la Raifoa Perfect! onnee, O.-. de Petit Trou. R.-. s!.. ier, SuRViELLANT-LOUlS PATRICOT BORDENEUVE, habitant de St. Domingue, ne a Lavaur, age de 47 ans, membre dela L. de la Sol- itude, O.'. du Terrier Rouge. R.-. ?.. ae. SURVEIELLANT JEAN BAPTISTE FDULON, negotiant, ne a St. Quentin, age de 54 ans. R.-.r;*.-. ORATEUR JOSEPH ANTOINE DUFORT, docteur en medecine, habitant de St. Domingue, ne a St. Marcelin, age de 41 ans. R.'. i*;.. SECRETAIREJEAN ANTOINE GIEU, notaire, au Port-au-Prince : ne a Marfeille, age de 44 ans. M. TRESORIER VINCENT PARLATO, Md. n6 a Naples, ag6 de 41 ans. R.. ap.. Me. DES CEREMONIES JOSEPH MAGAGNOS, Md. ne a Toulon, age de 25 ans. M.-. TERRIBLE LOUIS SAUTEJEAU, Md.ne a Nates, age de 30 ans. M.% i. EXPERT JEAN BAPTISTE CAPAMAGY, Md. ne a Conftaii- tinople, age de 42 ans. R.'. sir.* 2me. EXPERT JEAN BAPTISTE MARIE BONNEAU, habitant de St. Domingue, ne a Marfeilles, age de 39 ans. M.. HOSPITALIER GEORGE FKRTE, dofteur en medecine, habitant de St. Domingue, ne a Ham, age" de 71 ans. M.. ADJOINT AU SECRETAIRE, ET GARDE DES SCEAUX ET ARCHIVES LOUIS DECORMIS, ancien direfteur de FHopital Francois, ne a Toulon, age de 38 ans. R.. tftj. Ex-Venerabk. L.. T.. C.% F.'. PIERRE JULIEN, minor, ancien ingenieur de 1'etat, habitant duPoft- au-Prince, ne a Beurdeaux, age de 46 ans. M.. Membres Refidans. BERNARD MAGN1EN, negociant, ne a Luneville, age de ^2 ans. J"V** /#*,* ALEXIS REMOUIT, ancien capitain de la marine, marchande, ne a Toulon, age 54 ans, membre de la L.-, de St. Jean d'Ecofle, a TO.-, de Marfeille. R.-. *.-. GEROME DUBORD, ne a Meulam en France, age de 39 ans. M.-. PIERRE GERMAIN, habitant de St. Domiugue, ne a Marfeille, age de 37 ans. R.. ,-. THOMAS CROUZEILLES, negociant au Cap Francois, ne a Laguien, age de 50 ans. R.. ... JEAN PIERRE LA PEIROUSSE, Md. ne a Bolenne, age de 48 ans. R.-. *.-. AUGUSTIN PIERKE TAXIS - BLAIREAU, homme de foi, ne a Paris, age de 63 ans. M.. Ecc. JOHN COX, capitaine de navire, ne a la Bermude, age de 40 ans. M.% ANNE FRANCOIS BRIFFAULT, notaire de St. Domingue, ne a t-oche, pres Tours, age de 33 ans. M.*. HENRY DICKSON, capitain de navire, ne" en Engleterre, age* de 4$ ans. C.*. WITRE WILLIS, capitaine de navire, ne a la Bermude, age de 40 ans. R.-. &.. GEORGE MORPHY, maitre voilier, ne en Irelande, age de 32 ans. M.. WILLIAM WARD, maitre taileur, ne a Princcfs-Ann en Virginie, age de 31 ans. M.-. MATHEW HAREY, Md. ne a Langeindhall, en EcofTe, age de 34 ans. LOUIS MAR'ECHAL, horloger, nc a Bruxelle, age de 40 ans. C.'. JOSEPH MEYFREN, habitant de St. Domingue, ne a. Aix en Prov- ence, age de 47 ans. M.'. P.*. HAUSE MILLER, capitaine de navire, ne en Denmarck, age de 43 ans. M.*. PIERRE ARM AND LANDRY, bijoutier, ne en Connecticut en Amerique, age de 44 ans. M.*. CHARLES BAILLE, Md, ne a la Senne en Provence, age de 39 ans. M.'. ROBERT DIEUDONNE GAGNERON, habitant de la Guadalonpe, ne au meme lieu, age de 62 ans. M.*. Ecc.. ETIENNE FAURE, boulanger,ne a St. Domingue, age de 32 ans. M.-. JA^UE LAROQUE, dofteur en medecin, ne a la Mazelle de Mirande, age 50 ans. M.*. Ecc.*. ROBERT SHELTON, ne a Newcomte en Virginie, age de 24 ans.App. LOUIS ETIENNE DURAND, negotiant, ne a 1'Ifle St. Croix, age de 28 ans. C.*. JOHN TRIMBLE, habitant, ne en Irelande age de 49 ans. M.-. P.'. JOHN SMITH, habitant, ne a Norfolk, age de 64 ans. Ecc. RICHARD OWENS, capitain de navire. ne dans le comte de Norfolk, age de 29 ans. C.'. HUGUET, ancien officier miiitaire, ne a Verafille, ag^ de 42 ans. M.. F. 1 . Servant. * LOUIS SENECHAL, tailleur, ne a Abrai fur Sorame an Picardie, age de 40 ans. Ap.*. Depute de la L.-. pres le G.'. 0.'. de France. Le TV. c.s F.'. LAURENT, entrepreneur inhabitant of St. Domingo, born at Ham, aged 71. M. ASSISTANT SECRETARY AND KEEPER or THESEALS AND ARCHIVES, LOUIS DECORMIS, Senior Direftor of the French Hofpital, born at Toulon, aged 38. R. Ex Venerable. L. f. c. F* Undoubtedly intended for le tres cher frere> The much ejleemed Brother. PIERRE JULIEN, jun. chief engineer of State, inhabitant of Port-au- Prince, born at Bourdeaux, aged 46 year?. M. Refident Members* BERNARD MAGNIEN, merchant, born at Lanenville, aged 42, R, &. ALEXIS REMCTUfT, Senior Sea Captain, Merchant', born at Toulon, aed 54, Member from the L. of St. John of Scotland, to the O. (Eaft) of iVfarfeilles. R. &. GEROME DUBOKD, born at Meulam in France, aged 39. M. PIERRE GERMAIN, Inhabitant of St. Domingo, born at Marfeilles, nged37- R.&. THOMAS CROWZEILLES, Merchairt at Cape Francois, born at Lagiuen, aged 50. R, %. JLAN PIERRE LA PIEROUSSE, Phyfician, (Md.)born atBolenne, aged 48 years. >:. AUGUSTIN PIERRE TAXIS -BLAIREAU, Lawyer, born at Paris, aged 63. M. Ecc. JOH N* COX. Sea Cipfiiin, born ar P'ermucla, agerl 40. M. ANNE '. R ANCOIS BRfFFAULT, Notary of St. Domingo, born at Loche^neur Tours, a^ed 32, M. 43 , Sea Captain, born in England, aged 49. C. \VITRE WILLIS, Sea Captain, born at Bermuda, aged 40. R. &. GEORGE MORPHY, Sailing Matter, born in Ireland, aged 32. 'iVl. \V1LLIAMWARD, Mailer Taylor, born at Priucefs Ann in Virginia, aged 31 : MATTHEW HAREY,Phyfician(Md)born at Langeihdhall in Scot- land, aged 31 : M : P : LOUIS MARECHALL, Watch- Maker, born at Bruxelle, aged 40 : C ; JOSEPH MEYFREN, inhabitant of St. Domingo, born at Aix in Prov- ence, aged 47 : M : P : HAUSE MILLEB-, Ship Captain, born in Denmark, aged 43 : M : PIERRE ARMAND LANDRY, Jeweller, bom in Conhefticttt, in America, aged 44 : 1VJ : CHARLES BA1LLE, Phyfician- (Md)born at Senne in Provence, aged 39 : M : ROBERT DIEUDONNE GAGNERON, .inhabitant of Guadaloupe, born at the fame place, aged 62, M : Ecc : ETIENNE FAURE, Baker, born at St Domingo, aged 32, M : J AQUE LAROqUE, Doctor in Medicine, born at Mazelie de Mirande, aged 50, M ; Ecc : -ROBERT SHELTON, born at New County in Virginia, aged 24 : LOUIS ETIENNE DURAND, Merchant, born at the IflandofSt Croix, aged 28 years, C : JOHN TRIMBLE, inhabitant, born in Ireland, aged 49 years, M : P : JOHN SMITH, inhabitant, born at Norfolk, aged 64, Ecc : RICHARD OWENS, Ship Captain, born in the County of Norfolk, aged 29 years, C : HUGUET, Senior Military Officer, born at Verfailes, aged 42, M : F. Servant. LOUIS SENECHAL, Taylor, born at Abraon the Summit inPicardy, aged 40 years, Ap : Delegate from the Lodge at the Grand Orient of France. The very dear Brother LAURENT, Ship Builder, Officer of the Grand Orient. Addrefs of the Lodge Wlfdcm. To the very dear Brother Secretary of the Lodge Wifdom, at his ufual Refidence at Norfolk in Virginia,. Injunction. The Provincial Lodge of Wifdom, afTembies itfelf regularly every firft Monday of each month. Non Refident Members. LOUIS VALETIN, Doctor of Medicine, born at Soulange, aged 49. R. #: LOUIS CLAUD HENRY MONTMAIN, Inhabitant of St. Domingo. born at Tonnere, aged 57 . R. '$. JEAN JAQUE DAKRAS, inhabitant of Guadaloupe, born at Pont St. Efprit, aged 43, M. JOSEPH VINCENT, inhabitant of St : Domingo, born at Malltre, C: 44 LOUIS MAXIMILLIAN MILLET, CommifTary, employed in the fervice of the French Republic, born at Paris, aged 26. M. JEAN JAQUE LATOUR, employed in the fervice of the French Re- public, born at Lnira, aged 28. M. ANNE NOURRI, employed in the fervice of the French Republic, born at Rochelle, aged 26 : M : DON JEUX, fenior captain of infantry, merchant at Northampton, born in Lorraine, aged 45 : JOSEPH BERMOTTE, merchant at Charlefton, born at Arras, aged 46 : M : P : CLEMENT RICHARD, trader at New Cattle, born in France, aged 51: M: P: HONORE NELLE, merchant at Edenton, North-Carolina, born in France, aged 61 : C : JOHN CONTON, chemift, refulent at Charleflon, born at Marfeilles aged 63 : C. MATTHEW WILLIS, inhabitant of Virginia, born in the county of Norfolk. WILLIAM HOFFLER, refiding in the county of Norfolk, born in Virginia, aged 46 years, M. PIERRE DABABIE, fenior, (hip captain, born at Bayonne, aged 51 : R : $ : MAYER DARKIN, Merchant at Peterfburg, born at Berlin inPruflia, aged 6 1 : M : BLOUET, curate of Jacmel, in the Ifland St. Domingo, born in Brit- tanny, aged 43 : R : & : OLIVER AIMABLE COURSATT, born at Havre, aged 43 : R : $. CHARLES HERVIEUX, fea captain, born at Dieppe in Normandy, aged 38 : R : & : JACOB ABRAHAM, merchant at Richmond, born in Poland, aged 65 : E) : JOHN SANS, inhabitant of York, born at Bayonne, aged 40: El: PIERRE VERGNE, merchant at Philadelphia,born in France, aged 6r ANTOINE- TROUIN, merchant at Richmond, born at Toulon, aged 41. R. &\ NICHOLAS PETIT, (hip captain, b'prn at Sanmur, aged 34. R. &> M. MORDECAI, chemiftand merchant at Richmond, born in Poland, aged 66. M. P. AUBIN DE LA FOREST, merchant at Richmond, born at Roche- fort, aged 58. M. FRANCOIS VIGIE, Merchant, born at Montpellier, aged 36, M: FRANCIS GRUAU, inhabitant of Petit Goave, in the Ifland ofSt Domingo, born at Paris, R : '$ : FRANCOIS DOMENGEOD, inhabitant of Miragonane, Ifle of St Domingo, born at the Ifle of'France, aged 39, R : j$[ : GABRIEL DESIRE NICHOLAS, inhabitant at Aquin, in St Domin- go, born in the fame quarter, aged 32, M : JOSEPH NICHOLAS DUHAMAU, inhabitant of Miragouane in S: Domingo, born (an fond des Negres) in the fame quarter, M : PIEKRE FRANCOIS ELIE LOLAIGNE, inhabitant of Miragouane, St Domingo, born at Logan, the fame Ifle, aged 37, M : JOSEPH MARTIN, Merchant at Alexandria, born at Digne in Prov- ence, aped 48, M:P: JEAN MARAULT DUPONT, Merchant at Miragouane St Domingo, born at Cartel, Moron, aged 49, M : GUSTAVUS ADAMUS RESTI^IIUS, Sea Captain, a Swede, born at Diflad in Sweden, aged 45, M : JACQUES BOUTEILL1ER, Lieutenant of a French veffel, born in, the Department of the Mozelle, aged 50, M: FOKZI, Doctor in Medicine, born in Ville Entardenois, Department of Maine, aged 37, C : FRANCOIS BERTHOME, Doctor in Medicine, born at Pelerin near Nantes, C : JOShPH NATHAN, Merchant, Aux Cayes St Domingo, born at Li bourne in Tnfcany, aged 29, R : NICHOLAS HENNEQU1N, born at Metz, department of Mozelle, aged 25, M : P : CESAR AUGUSTyE DEtlVEZ, doflor in Medicine, born at Loch- elle, department of Aifne, aged 35, M : JEAN BAPTISTE CAbRlT, Doctor in Medicine, born at Cabrit, de- partment of Loz and Gironde, aged 35, M : LOUIS PROUVhUR, merchant, Dorn at Havre, aged 29, M : JEAN JOSEPH BONNAUD, inhabitant ot Fort Dauphin St Domingo, born at Tourbes in Province, aged 38, Ap : ET1ENNE ROC^UE PLANE, merchant at St Domingo, born at Siotat in Province, aged 28, App : PIERRE RESCAN1ERE, inhabitant of St Domingo, born in Langue- doc, aged 3,5, Ap : CHARLES DE SAINT LAURENT, Marine officer of France, bom in Erittanny, aged 31, M : JEAN CLEMENS, doctor in Medicine, borne at Lifle,aged 37, M : P : JEAN FRANCOIS XAV1ER DANIEL, Marine Oflicer, born at St Malo, aged 37, C : LOUIS GIN AT, Marine Officer, born at Geneva, aged 29, M : P : JUETTE, Merchant at Baltimore., born in Normandy, aged 34, Ap : MARTHURIN PIERRE COUSSY, inhabitant of St Domingo, born at Nantes, aged 40, M : P : LOUIS HAMEL, Sea Captain, born aged M : RICHARD RIMBAUD, Merchant, born at Bordeaux, aged 31, Ap : HONORE MONIER, Sea Captain, born at Marfeiiles, aged 39, M : BERTRAND LANGE, jun. born at Bayonne, aged 29, M : Ecc : FRANCOIS FRAISSE, born at Toulon, aged 28, M : Men believe their eyes farther than their ears. The way ly precept is long, butfiort and effica- cious by example. By order of the very Refpeffaslt 'G1EU, Secretary. EXPLANATORY* REM1RKS. FROM the preceding documents we learn that the Lodge of Wifdom, eftablifhed at Portfhiouth in Virginia, is a branch of the Grand Orient of France; and confifls chiefly of foreigners, and thefe Frenchmen from France or her Weil-India dominions ; that it was inftituted as early as 1786,* and was at that period the TWO THOUSAND six HUNDRED AND SIXTIETH branch from the original flock. We further learn that there is a fifter Lodge at New-York, called the Grand Orient of New-\ork t which from its name and the number of Lodges it has inllittited, is probably the firft and principal branch which the Mother Club in France has eftabiifhed in America. From this New- York Lodge iffued the French Lodge, called the UNION, to which the preceding letter was addrefied, which appeals to have been conflitu- ted about a year ago, and was the fourteenth branch from its fecondary flock. The places where thefe 14 branches exift we are left to conjecture from their fruits. From the documents it alfo appears that there is maintained an in* timate and fraternal correfpondeuce between the various branches of this fociety in America and St. Domingo, and alfo with the Grand Orient of France, where there is a regular deputy, from the Lodge of Wifdom in Virginia ; and that they interchange lifts of the names of their mem- bers, with fuch defcriptions annexed, as are well calculated to make them known to each other. The befl informed Free Mafons among u?, who have feen the preced- ing documents, difciaim thefe focieties. The titles of fome ot their Dig- nitaries, their feal and motto, they declare are not Majonic. Thefe fo- cietiet have prefumptuoufly afTumed the forms of Mafonry ; but are not of the order of true and good Mafons. - They are impoftors. The Lodge of Wijdom, a lift of whole members is here given, confifts of one hundred. It appears that there arejixteen other Societies, includ- ing the Mafonic Work-mop at Peterfburg in Virginia, which feems to be of an inferior grade, fomewhere among us ; admitting that they all con- fifl of an equal number of members, there are no lefs thanfeventeen hun- dred of thefe Illuminati among us, all bound together by oath and the mofl intimate correfpondence. Nay there is too much reafon to fear that the many thoufands of Frenchmen who are fcattered through the Unit- ed States, particularly fouthward of New-England, are combined and or-> ganized (with other foreigners, and fome difaffe^ted and unprincipled Americans) in thefe Societies j and are regularly inftrufted and directed by their matters in France, and that they are in concert, fyftematically conducting the plan of revolutionizing this country. The principles and objects of this Society are in part deducible from their Latin Motto, and their horrid feal ; but more fully from a recur- rence to Proteilbr Robifon's and the Abbe BarruePs accounts of the infti- tution, principles and objects of the Grand Orient of France ; for the flreams muft always partake of the qualities of the fountain. The Motto of this fociety is remarkable. Amplius homines, occuU^ quam auribus credunt. her longum eft per precepta, breve et efficax per exempla. Literally rendered, it is thus : " Men believe their eyes far- ther than their ears. The way by precept is long, but fliort and effica- cious by example." The fpirit of the motto is better exprefled in the following more liberal tranflation, " Men more readily believe what they This appears frera the Sea!. fee than what they hear. They are tsnght flowly by precept, but the ef- fect of example, is fudden and powerful." This infcription, it may be prefumed, was chofen as indicative of the primary objects of the Society. It was formed then, not for /peculation but for aQivity. Precepts are fcorned, while attioiis are confidered as the only effectual mode of teaching mankind, and of prodncing a change in their opinions. This is clearly the object, it the infcription has any meaning. If the opinions of men refpecting government ami religion are not thofe which are to be changed by the fcenes now pafling before their eyes, what is the object ? The Society alone can anfwer. Their own actions as a fbciety furely csnnot be intended, for the very exiftence of the Society is defigned to be a/ecret. The changes which they can pro- duce by Jecret influence and intrigue, the novel arts which they can thus exhibit before the eyes of men, are doubilefs to be the efficacious means of teaching men the new fyftem of philofophy, which lets at defiaace, and contemns all old and fettled opinions, by which the government of na- tions and the conduct of individuals have heretofore been directed. The Seal of this Society is doubtlefs intended as a further indication of their defigns ; and an infpection of it in this view, will induce one to believe they muft be of the moft horrid nature. I have caufed an exact: copy from the original to be annexed, becaufe no defcription of mine can do it juiUce. It may probably be emblematical of one of the rituals of the Grand Orient of France, which I here recite from PrcfeflbrRoBi- SON, as the beft comment upon it, " A candidate for reception into one of the higheft Orders, after hav- ' ing heard many threatenings denounced againil all who fliould betray *' tte Secrets of the Order, was conducted to a place where lie faw the < dead bodies of feveral who were faid to have fuffered for their treach- " ery. He then faw his own brother tied hand and foot, begging his " mercy and interceflion. He was informed that this perfon was about to fuffer the puniftiment due to this offence, and that it was referred for * him (the candidate) to be the inftrument of this juil vengeance, and that f this gave him an opportunity of manifeding that he was completely de- voted to the Order. It being obferved that his countenance gave figns of inward horror, (the perfon in bonds imploring his mercy all the ' while) he was told that in order to fpare his feelings, a bandage ' fhould be put over his eyes. A dagger was then put into his right ' hand, and being hood-winked, his lett hand was laid upon the palpi- tating heart of the criminal, and he was then ordered to ftrike. He ' inftantly obeyed j and when the bandage was taken from his eyes, he "- faw that it was a Iamb that he had llabbed. Surely fuch trials and ' fuch wanton cruelty are fit only for training confpirators."* But we cannot with certainty and accuracy determine what are the principles and objects of this extenfive ailbciation without recurring to the accounts which ProfeiTor Robifon and the Abbe Barrnel have given us of the principles and objects of the Grand Orient of Francs. This is a fubject of great moment, and requires more attention than I have at prefent either health or leifure to beftow. I intend not to lofe light of If, however, and will, as early as pofiible lay before the public fuch a view of the original Inftitution, as the two forementioned work?, and other documents (hall furnifh. I will only obferve here that it appears from Profeflbr Robijon\ that about eight years before the Revolution in France, the Duke of Orleans, whnfe character is Cf flamed with every thing that can degrade or difgrace human nature/^ had the addrefs, by * Rob. p. zSj. f 178, *79i PW'a. Edit. t Ibid. p. 2:4. means of much intrigue and many bribes and promifes to procure hinu felf elected Grand Matter of France, and to get under his direction all the Improved (another word for Illuminated) Lodges of France. " The whole afTociation, fays Mr. Robifon, was called the GRAND ORIENT ofc FRANCE, and in 1785, contained 266 of thefe Lodges.* Thus (adds Mr* Robifon) the Duke of Orleans had the management of all thole Secret Societies; and the licentious and irreligious fentiments which were cur- rently preached there, were fure of his hearty concurrence. The fame in- trigue which procured him the fupreme chair mu ft have filled the Lodges with his dependents and emifTaries ; and thefe men could not better earn their pay than by doing their utmoft to propagate infidelity, immorality, and impurity of manners "\ From a work written by a Mr, Lefranc, Prefident of the Seminary of Eudijls at Caen in Normandy, the 2d Edition of which was published at Paris, 1792, it appears that the Author has, from collection of papers \vhich had fallen into his hands upon the death of a friend, made impor- tant difcoveries concerning the principles and views of this affbciation. " The perufal of thefe papers, he fays, filled him with aftonifhment and anxiety. For he found that doctrines were taught, and maxims of con- dud were inculcated, which were fubverfive of religion and of all good order in the ftate ; and which not only countenanced difloyalty and fedi- tion but even invited it."}: That there are branches and confiderably numerous too, of this in- fernal affectation in this country we have now full proof. That they hold and propagate (imilar doctrines and maxims of conduct is abundant- ly evident from what is paffing continually before our eyes. They even boaft that their plans are deeply and extenfively laid, and cannot be^de- feated, that fuccefs is certain. If then, Americans, we do not fpeedily take tor our motto, Vigilance, Union and Activity, and act accordingly, we muft expert foon to fall victims to the arts and the arms of that na- tion, ''on the title page of whofe laws, as well as on its ftandards, is written the emphatic and deforiptive motto of " HAVOC AND SPOIL AND RUIN ARE OUR GAlN." Note (C.) page 18. A Letter from Holland, an extract ,of which is now before me, in- forms, that fince the French had taken pofTeffion of that country, " the people were not called together, as formerly, by ringing of bells, and iDiniiters were not permitted to wear a band or other diftinctive orna- ments, without the walls of the church." Letters from a correfpondent, in Edinburgh, alfo in my pofleifion, dated January 27, 1797, fay, * The Rev. Dr. Hinlopen, a worthy Minifler of Utrecht, was fufpended fome months, by the prefent rulers in Holland ; but this occafioned fuch general murmurings and difguft, that they found it neceflary to replace him. The depriving all Minifters and Univerfity Profefibrs of legal fala- ries from government, is a meafure, of which many in power are fond. Eut I have not iutiicient information how far they have or have not fucceeded." * In this number ?.re probably included the Lodges in France only, otherwife the increaCe muft -n aftonifhingiv rapid, in order to have hud the tiuo tkoiifand fix hundred and fat. e:h 'i-d in Ar.:crivaia i t Robifon, p. 2-9. t ibid. p. iBo. $ See Mallet Du Pan, p. no. i, 1797. . ft Dr. Peirfon Minifter in Amfterdam has fuffered feverely by the Revolu- tion. Hislofs is ellimatedat^sooo fterling. For about a year and an lialf he was in fad a prilbner in his own houfe. But on the i5th of April, 1797, the committee of vigilance forced him out of it, and put him in prifon, none having accefs to him except the Jailor and his fervants, and he and his lady were not permitted to write each other without their Infpeftion. The firft ten days Mrs. Peirfon was not allowed to fend him any viftuals. The 27th of April they delivered him up to the committee of juilice. A Lady writes to a Friend in Scotland that " his enemies can lay noth- ing to his charge. 7 * Thefe are among innumerable facts to prove the hoftiiity of the French Revolutionifh to the Clergy. Anacharlis Cloots, a meiuber'of the National Convention was' wont to fay Rings and PrieHs are ufelefs things. They are defpors and cor- rupters." And they are treated by the French and their emiflanes \vith- out dillin&ion and in every country, as if what this avowed Atheiit aiTer.ts concerning them were true. NOTE (D.) page 20. THE meafures alluded to in the foregoing paragraph were propoful to the Legillature during the laft feffion in the form of a Bill, which was lupported with much zea\ by fome of the members. The purport of this Bill, as I bave been informed, from very relpe&able authority, was that any individual producing a certificate from the clerk of any. aflb- ciation of men for religious purpofes, that he or (he, actually contributed to the fupport of public worlhip, mould exempt (hch perfon from all le- gal affefiments or requifitions, for the maintenance of public teacher?.* Had this Bill palled into a law, it is eafy to fee that it would have juf- tified and protected (as was no doubt the intention of the Bill, though by no means of all who may have voted for it)t the difaffe&ed, the irre- ligious and the defpifers of public worfliip and of theChriftian Sabbath, in every town and parifli, in withdrawing that fupport of theChriftian Mm- 3 dry which the laws now oblige them to give. This clafs ot people is not fmall in many of our towns and parishes ; and their fupport taken away would reduce many of the Clergy to a fituation that would compel them to leave their people. The ultimate effeds of fuch a law, it is eafy to forefee, would be the divifion and ruin of many of the parifties in the Commonwealth. Happily the wifdom of the Legiflature torefaw the evil and prevented it. * Not having feen the Bill, I Rate Us content* a* given by one who was perfonally interefted in the qucftion, and confirmed by others in a like fituation, and may therefore be relied on as corrtd as to its tffence. t It was introduced at the clofe of-the feffion, when the houfe was thin, and the member* prefent many of hem, anxious to return to their homes, and fome who may have given their rotes in favour of the Bill, may not, on thefe accounts, have paid that attention to it which it* importance demanded. NOTE (E.) Page 24, SEE a Sermon, replete with found fenfe and piety, entitled Political Jnftruftioti from the Prophecies of GOD'S Word," preached at Hartford, (Con.) on. the State Tl?ankfgiving, Nov. 29, 1798, by the Rev. NATHAN STRONG, " An ingenious and learned ferijion, lately publilhed by the Rev. Prefident.it) wight, hath juftly explained the three impure fpirits, under the fixth vial, that went out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the bead, and out of the mouth of the falfe pro- phet, to mean the principles of infidelity, which within a century have rifen in the old chrlman world. The events and the effe&s fo precifely mark the period of prophecy, that we cannot miftake it. The caufes of the prefent war in Europe lie in the moral world. Tbefe impure fpirits, have, already gathered the kings or nations, to the battle of the great day of GOD Almighty. The battle is fighting the blood is running, and it will run. There may be a multi- tude of contradicting events, but the principal features of t"he fcene will be the fame until this Babylon is fallen. It is the irrefiftible work of GOD and muft go on, for the mouth of the Lord himfelf hath fpoken it. And while the work is going on, fome will fee and give glory to the GOD of heaven ; but thofe who are nooft deeply involved in thefe events will neither fee ,nor fear." fyid. NOTE (F.) Page 30. " IT is a matter of extreme aftoniftiment to me, (fays Bifhop Watfon*) how any man of fenfe can expeft to carry on any government without the aid of religion. The Greeks and Romans had their Elyfium and their Tartarus, their hopes and. fears o futurity, to affift the impotency,and to extend the agency, of civillaw. But when the dodlrines of Epicurus be- came general at Rome $ when men were taught that there was no future ftate ; that Death was Eternal Sleep, the bonds of moral obligation, thofe flnews of fociety, were broken. Then, fays Paterculus, non gradujed, predpiti curfu a virtute dejcitum et ad vitia tranfcurjum eft and Rome felt/." * Charge to the Clergy of the'Diooefe of Landaff, June 1798. 0W/V if X M180774: THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY