CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION THE PEACH TWIG BORER Stanley F. Bailey September, 1948 Bulletin 708 THE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA • BERKELEY TtllS BUll&tllti written for the grower, pest-control op- erator, and entomologist, describes the life history and annual cycle of the peach twig borer from the view- point of recently discovered biological facts. It discusses the injurious, seasonal habits of the pest on peaches, apricots, nectarines, plums, and almonds, and presents the difficulties in attempting to predict the annual de- gree of crop damage. • The recommended control program is based on ac- cumulated experimental data concerning the two chief sources of control: CHEMICALS — the principal means of controlling infes- tations in areas where annual loss occurs. Experimental data are given on dormant sprays and on early spring and summer applications. The effectiveness of DDT sprays is compared with that of standard sprays. PARASITES — also an important means of control. New data are given on the reduction of the pest by native parasites. Control by introduced parasites is also given, as well as its present limitations. CONTENTS Page Distribution 3 Hosts 3 Economic importance 3 Injury 4 Description 11 Adult 11 Egg 11 Larva 11 Pupa 13 Life history and habits 13 Length of stages 13 Habits of moth 13 Egg stage 15 Habits of larva 16 Habits of pupa 22 Seasonal cycle 22 Parasites 24 Control 34 Cultural methods 34 Biological methods 34 Chemical methods— by banding 34 Insecticidal methods 35 Control experiments, 1937-1946 36 Control of feeding larva . 36 Control of dormant larva 41 Control with DDT 47 Discussion 50 Summary 52 Recommended control program 53 Acknowledgments 54 Selected references 55 In order that the information in our publications may be more intelligible, it is sometimes necessary to use trade names of products or equipment rather than complicated descriptive or chemical identifications. In so doing, it is unavoid- able in some cases that similar products which are on the market under other trade names may not be cited. No endorsement of named products is intended nor is criticism implied of similar products which are not mentioned. THE PEACH TWIG BORER Stanley F. Bailey The peach twig borer, Anarsia lineatella Zell., is a pest of major importance in peach growing. Considerable loss is also suffered every year to almonds, apricots, and plums, but not always in the same dis- trict nor on the same property. An annual spray program is necessary, therefore, es- pecially on peaches, to prevent a serious increase of the insect. The price of fruit and the size of the crop have considerable influence on the spray schedule and the subsequent amount of injury by the pest. For in- stance, as methods of grading and stand- ards of almonds were modified, the relative importance of the peach twig borer increased on soft-shelled varieties of this crop. The use of many new chemicals in the field of insect control has challenged the relative value and efficiency of the exist- ing methods of control of this and of other insect pests. Because of the rapid change in methods of control, any recommenda- tions set forth will be only temporary. For an established industry a middle course should be followed— for instance, a grad- ual change from established practice to more efficient and more economical meth- ods as they are proven. Although the biology of insects changes but little, new facts are discovered from time to time, which enable us to under- stand the problem better and to apply newer methods of control. DISTRIBUTION The peach twig borer occurs in many peach-growing states of this country. It is also known in Europe and the Old World. In California it is found in all peach- and almond-growing districts. The heaviest concentration of the pest is to be found in the upper San Joaquin and Sacramento [3 valleys. South and west of this area, in- festations are generally of less impor- tance. The peach twig borer has been recorded by the Insect Pest Survey Section of the United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quaran- tine, from the following states : Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Mary- land, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missis- sippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, and West Virginia. In hibernacula (a hibernaculum, ac- cording to Webster's International Dic- tionary, is "a hibernating-case constructed of foreign materials by certain insects") the peach twig borer is readily trans- ported on nursery stock, cuttings, and buds. It doubtless occurs in all areas where its deciduous host crops are culti- vated. «*%«- HOSTS The principal host plants of the peach twig borer are the peach and almond. In addition to these crop hosts are the apri- cot, cherry, nectarine, plum, and prune. In California, to our knowledge, this in- sect has never attacked any other crop or native plant. ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE Since the peach twig borer was first dis- covered in California about sixty years ago, it has annually been a pest of eco- nomic importance. As early as 1887, a 50 per cent loss of peaches was experienced 1 Received for publication October 7, 1947. 2 Associate Professor of Entomology and As- sociate Entomologist in the Experiment Station. in some districts. Clarke (1902) wrote that "In some seasons this loss has aggre- gated as high as 30 per cent of the entire crop." During the years 1898 to 1901 the total loss was estimated at $1,373,000. Essig (1926) reported that as much as 80 per cent of the late peaches was de- stroyed when control measures were not practiced. The heaviest known loss from this pest occurred in 1931. In a study of the infes- tation in the Sacramento Valley, Mackie and Jones (1931) reported an average of 10.78 per cent infested fruits in the peach belt. Many individual properties in the Yuba City area suffered as much as 50 to 70 per cent damage. Since 1931, the in- jury has been spotty and irregular. Economic factors in the soft-shelled al- mond industry have worked to focus at- tention on the losses caused by the twig borer. After a federal tolerance of 5 per cent on "bad meats" was established, shelling operations indicated that 90 per cent or more of the annual supply of bad meats was caused by the twig borer. From time to time "Almond Facts," the official publication of the California Almond Growers' Exchange, has referred to the seriousness of this pest. For example, the October, 1940, issue stated, "In consider- ing the problem of the peach twig borer this year, it is interesting to note that the most heavily affected areas were in the Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys. The Paso Robles district remained virtually untouched, as is disclosed by the figures in the next column, which represent an average of deliveries containing over the 5 per cent tolerance. Not all districts are shown, the tabulation being merely a cross section of the state. From 1937 to 1942, in our experimen- tal unsprayed plots (of Nonpareil) at Ar- buckle, the percentage of injured meats varied from 1.5 to 35.0 with a six-year average of 12.5. The economic loss to the Nonpareil variety of almonds from the peach twig borer for the years 1933 to 1945 inclusive has been compiled for this publication by the Almond Growers' Ex- change. This is presented in table 1. The injury to the IXL and to other varieties of almonds should be added to the total loss of $537,162 for the period shown in table 1. Nonpareil IXL NePlus Drake per per per per cent cent cent cent Arbuckle 41.5 23.4 6.0 35.5 Chico-Durham 31.5 33.7 5.6 11.5 Orland 47.8 52.8 23.0 32.8 Esparto 35.2 22.2 5.7 31.0 Contra Costa .... 7.9 1.8 1.2 Oakdale 23.7 22.6 .... 1.8 Salida 16.8 17.8 1.8 1.4 Merced 4.4 1.7 0.6 2.2 Live Oak 71.2 53.0 11.1 59.2 Paso Robles State-wide Average 27.3 29.2 9.9 17.1 The damage to plums occurs chiefly in the Vacaville, Penryn, Lodi, and Visalia districts. The so-called stem worms or small larvae which attack plums at har- vest usually appear at the time the early varieties ripen, but in delayed seasons the damage occurs on later maturing vari- eties, such as Kelsey, Grand Duke, and President. Even in the seasons of heaviest infestation affected fruit on plums is rarely greater than 20 per cent. Here again, the local degree of injury varies greatly and is difficult to predict. Conditions affecting injury to apricots are closely parallel to those on early plums. The damage to apricots is usually more severe in years of light crops, is spotty and unpredictable, but is not wide- spread. As is true of the result of most injurious fruit insects, the presence of damaged fruits and nuts immediately increases picking and sorting costs. This expense is in addition to the loss through reduction in salable tonnage. INJURY The damage caused by the peach twig borer is twofold : killing the twigs and di- rectly injuring the fruit. The former is of [4] £38 2 cn rHcoirtcN^ootoow to t£> tO~ t- CO^Ht-^MOCOlO tO rH co C5T3 o O »X5T3 ton -mag base thir ery t-l S8 (N^HOO'J'OCOOOOOl t- CO 0, 1 +> g U o o 2 w G a> - m rt o o S o "o •J* T3 jlled equivalent return on npareil meats : umn 6 divided y 60 per cent eat content of npareil variety d d o ft toc^oot-ooiooooioco co 10 ft CN NM^NNNCOt-^t* c- t> CO C £ gs^Sjg o 3 M •a ' o d eS >> d d o lO r erage ir eturns t< ange me or Nonp variet W rH CO d ■^©t>c^iocoo^co"^ o t- HNNHHHH^tN^ T* TJH <**" CD CO jjte^ o » — T>6g to OiOJOOOOHCOHt- tO ^ c- Iss d °° O |> i>^oqoi>cqi>iooqco Oit>l>oilOo6o6(Nc4o6 O »o ^ooojoj^co^ Sfl> HMIOrl^O^OOriH rH 6 o * * CD ft "Wa « Nonpareil meats base on estimate average me content of 60 per cen O co coooc4 IOtH00i> © to" d (N t> f «tf r-T rH lO CO*" ui" lO . ~TJ proximate ount of in- l Nonpare onds base deliveries Exchange O tooo^ooco-^ooo O "^ 2 t- 0"«tf©OOOtOiOO^c^co~rHodicr o" o~ co w ed a Total Californi almond productio o oooooooooo oooooooooo o o co o oo l c *?. tf ?. c l c l c i c i c J. c J. oo^^oioooicfcNfto"' r-T CO~ iH rH CM rH rH rH (N rH • • • . 1 ° Hi OO • . cd HO 1 OO • 00 0) | ea 0) HO | >• OO t-00 . « 1 o 44 HO 1 OO • 4) COt- 1 a .O d fc CO a B s§ • tH • rH 1 ^ wo 1 u o a HO • CO • CN CO • CN 1 <=> O Tjna • tH 1 CN 1 HO CM T* • CO O CO CO CO 1 *- OO CO • t> CN -** CC 1 ^ ■ tH 1 CO ^8 rH ^ • tp tN a "^ oo 1 cm CO t> • lO CM ^ r- 1 \a rH • tH l -9 TJ S H eg H * £ > g S » g j« fc>. *» o X: *- 73 Eh s £ fi « c 2 £ ea ea to Q. si 1-° twigs, particularly if given a choice. On young, nonbearing trees the feeding hab- its of the larvae are the same as those of the overwintering brood in the spring. Terminal buds are eaten out and the tips mined. The rate of growth is more rapid, seek more suitable food. In large peach orchards in which the ground is well shaded, larvae will mature and pupate in and on fallen fruit. Jones (1935) wrote that "the fruit feed- ing larvae rarely attack more than one Table 3: SEASONAL DEVELOPMENT OF LARVAE IN HIBERNACULA ON ALMOND Arbuckle, California Date Number of hibernacula Number of first instar larvae Number of second instar larvae Total 1940: May 28* June 19 .... . July 8 August 13 . . . September 13 1941: April 10 May 20 May 29 June 10 July 2 August 4 September 3 . October 3. . . November 4 . December 1 . . 1942: January 2 . . . February 4 . . February 17 . . March 2 March 16... . 50 39 76 75 48 22 104 91 113 108 122 115 106 103 71 84 92 72 94 25 2 52 21 13 54 50 35 20 34 7 1 25 20 10 37 12 9 62 45 23 23 24 14 50 22 62 58 13 66 59 97 65 57 30 25 14 * Many new hibernacula — all first instar larvae. and all sizes of larvae are commonly seen on the same tree. Twig borer larvae rarely attack over- ripe fruit, and they do not feed in rotten, watery, or mushy portions of fruit be- cause they readily become trapped and drowned in such media. Infested fruit often drops to the ground with feeding larvae inside. If such fruit lies in the sun or becomes hot, the larvae die or quickly leave and attempt to crawl up the trees or fruit or feed in more than one spot upon a single peach. Several larvae may attack one fruit; in 1931 as many as 15 were counted in one peach." The larvae in fruit typically mine cavities just beneath the skin; occasionally they tunnel into the flesh. Jones found that on 350 infested peaches there were 378 points of entry. Of these, 41 per cent were near the stem, 34.4 per cent on the side, 19 per cent in the seam, and 5.6 per cent in split pits. [21] In comparison with the hibernating larvae, there is very little evident para- sitism of the feeding larvae. Various pred- atory insects and birds consume a few larvae, but their effect on the population appears insignificant. Habits of Pupa. On young trees, the pupae are concentrated on the trunk from Additional data on abundance were se- cured by placing untreated corrugated cardboard bands on 24 trees from May 28 to June 10, 1940. These attracted 98 larvae for pupation, or an average of 4.0 per tree. The per cent of natural mortality of this collection was 20.5. No parasites were present. Table 4: WILTED TWIG COUNTS OF PEACH TWIG BORER ON ADJACENT ROWS OF THREE-YEAR-OLD ALMOND, ARBUCKLE, CALIFORNIA, 1940 Variety Total number trees Number trees infested Number newly wilted twigs Average number wilted twigs per tree May 13 June 10 July 16 May 13 June 10 July 16 May 13 June 10 July 16 Texas 52 52 52 52 35 37 51 48 47 48 18 30 35 23 8 10 197 192 546 568 186 137 23 49 72 35 13 12 3.78 3.69 10.50 10.92 3.58 2.65 .45 .95 1.38 Ne Plus .67 Nonpareil .25 Peerless .23 Table 5: PEACH TWIG BORER PUPAE FOUND UNDER TREE PROTECTORS ON THREE-YEAR-OLD ALMOND, ARBUCKLE, CALIFORNIA May 7, 1940 Variety Number trees Number trees infested Total number pupae Number pupae alive Per cent mortality Average number pupae per tree Peerless Nonpareil NePlus Texas 52 52 52 52 32 40 26 20 187 174 96 68 56 89 30 26 31.0 51.1 31.2 38.2 3.58 3.34 1.85 1.30 the ground up to the crotch and under the rougher bark of the main forks (fig. 11) . The description, time of pupation, and the length of this stage have been dis- cussed elsewhere. Pupae are readily dis- tributed in the corners and cracks of lug boxes where many mature larvae have pupated after crawling out of picked fruit. Observing that pupae often collect under tree protectors in young orchards (fig. 11 ) , we obtained data on their abundance by removing the tree protectors on four adjacent rows and recording the num- bers. These trees were the same unsprayed ones used in table 4. The results are shown in table 5 (see also table 16) . Seasonal Cycle. The seasonal cycle of this insect (table 6) is the same, no matter what the host is, but the number of annual generations varies. The period of seasonal activity is longer on peaches than on apricots, plums, and almonds and, consequently, there are one or two more annual generations in peach-growing dis- tricts. This difference is more clear-cut in areas where only peaches, apricots, or al- monds are grown. In districts where many types of orchards are within close prox- imity, the number and peaks of broods are less distinct. The annual cycle of the twig borer can be illustrated by using the two extreme [22] 00 H in m in M rH m rH rH rH CM tN CM iH t- OS •*~ cO cO z£ cO cO A V 02 lOIOOOHHUCOW c- o H H rl H N H H H CN CO os rl ■o Jo fe & £ S >?.-?.-? SP "S. 53 CD > 2 +» r-i 03 CO £ £ 03 G & CO 02 •o «o • to CO w l> w 3 — rH rH rH co rt J3 CO OS M . . >J » « 1-1 CO <- -"■ J? C G Xi o c9 OS O. OGO s p. 0.3 3 g < < fi b b O - Oi IO ^ CO • ^ 00 o CO W o CM CN rH CM • rH OS 1-1 CO fa Mar. Apr. May June co •■9 "5 O -a •a ■jj o o p ° T3 CO ■a .q.q : CD CO CD IS. yr broo ler bn summ summ nuts. S o o CSJD >> ® 2 •-*-. CO of mid of mid ng on •l-l > o cO CD fl CO CD CO CO CD ^ *e0 st larva st wilte st pupa st moth st larva pa of fir st moth st larva rvae fee O CO eO CD J-, f-, I-, i* J* £j Sh Sh Jg 3 rHc>ico^iacx>i>o6c> © r-{ cases— on apricots and on late cling peaches, such as Levi or Phillips. On apri- cots the overwintering larvae begin feed- ing under the bark in late February or as soon as the trees break dormancy. These larvae complete their maturity at a rather slow rate during the cool weather or early spring, and may be found tunneling into the twigs during March and early April. Pupation lasts 10 to 15 days. The mating and egg-laying period of the moth is about 2 weeks. The egg stage at this sea- son lasts 7 or 8 days. In early May the larvae of the first brood appear in small numbers. Stragglers of this brood may be found even a month later. By the time the second generation of the season hatches (early July), the apricots are harvested, 3 and the larvae distribute themselves over the trees as they feed on the new growth. Some of the larvae feed under the bark, and do not seem to develop beyond the second instar. In August it is difficult to find any larvae feeding on the new growth except occasionally in young orchards. Thus, since a very small third generation occurs on apricots, wilted shoots are very rarely seen at this time of year. However, more than 90 per cent of the larvae are to be found in the crotches feeding under the bark. From the above discussion, it can be seen that a large seasonal build-up does not occur on apricots. Hibernacula are found readily only on young apricot plantings. In contrasting the annual cycle of the pest on peaches with that on apricots we note some differences. Spring activity of the twig borer begins somewhat later on peaches than on almonds and apricots, but is fundamentally the same. The May brood also appears a little later. In years when cool weather causes very slow devel- opment, the May brood does not reach a peak of activity until the first of June. In most peach-growing districts in the upper San Joaquin and Sacramento valleys, the period May 15 to 20 will find this brood 3 The peak of the apricot harvest (at Winters, California) is May 25 to 28 in an average year. active. The first summer brood, or second generation, appears in early July at the time the Tuscan variety is being har- vested. From this time on, it is difficult to distinguish clear-cut broods. All stages can be found up to the first of September. The movement of moths to later-maturing va- rieties of peaches, as discussed elsewhere, contributes to a build-up in the total pop- ulation by the harvest peak of midsummer varieties in August. In districts of large acreages of the Phillips variety, the sea- sonal peak of these overlapping summer broods is not reached until early Septem- ber. It may be said, therefore, that there are three definite broods— in May, July, and late August— with a partial fourth brood in early September in some dis- tricts. It appears that the relative proportion of each brood tunneling under the bark increases throughout the season until late summer when, after the last varieties of fruit are harvested, all larvae form hiber- nacula. The annual cycle of the hiber- nacula is illustrated in table 7. The seasonal cycle on nectarines, plums, and almonds is very similar to that on peaches— two definite broods, May and July, with a partial third. On almonds, the third brood extends over a period of 4 or 5 weeks or until the last hard-shelled varieties are harvested. On these hosts, a much larger percentage of the newly hatched larvae of the July brood— the sec- ond generation— and nearly all of the Au- gust brood feed entirely under the bark (table 3). These larvae do not mature until the following spring. Occasional mature larvae may be found during warm days in September on any of the host crops. These individuals constitute, tech- nically, a fourth generation. PARASITES Ever since the peach twig borer was first studied by Marlatt and his associates, by Clarke, and later workers in Cali- fornia, parasites have been known to play 24 an important part in its abundance. In this parasite is given under the section on 1931, Paralitomastix pyralidis (Ashm.) control. Whether or not the remainder of was introduced into this state and liber- the parasites listed are all native enemies ated in both southern and northern Cali- is not known. The parasites and predators fornia. Although now established in Cali- include wasp and fly parasites of the fornia, it is rarely seen. It attacks the twig larva. In the hibernaculum, the larva is borer egg, but eventually kills the host in attacked by 2 species of wasps, a thrips, the larval stage. P. pyralidis is poly- 2 species of beetles, and the grain or itch embryonic. Additional information on mite, as listed in the following tabulation. KNOWN PARASITES AND PREDATORS OF THE PEACH TWIG BORER, Anarsia lineatella Zell. Hymenoptera Ichneumonidae Ephialtes sanguinipes (Cress.)— most common in 1932-1933 from pupa of host. Itoplectis obesus Cush.— from pupa. Aenoplex phryganidiae Ashm.— from pupa (may be secondary) . Dicaelotus pacificus Ashm.— from pupa. Eulophidae Secodella cushmani Crawf .— on larva in hibernacula. Pteromalidae Dibrachys boucheanus (Rata.)— stage of host reared from unknown. Pseudomicromelus deplanatus (Nees)— from pupa. Eupelmidae Tineobius californicus Ashm.— from pupa supposedly. Eupelmus sp. (near brevicauda Crawf.) —from pupa. Chalcididae Spilochalis torvina (Cress.)— from pupa (quite common) . Braconidae Microbracon mellitor (Say)— stage of host attacked unknown. Microbracon gelechiae (Ashm.)— attacks twig borer larva. Encyrtidae Paralitomastix pyralidis (Ashm.)— host egg parasitized and adult parasites hatch from host larva. Introduced from France in 1931. Copidosoma variegatum Howard occurs in New York but not in California. Elasmidae Elamus setosiscutellatus (Crawford)— from host larva. Tetrastichidae Hyperteles lividus (Ashm.)— on larva in hibernacula. Diptera Tachinidae Anachaetopsis tortricis Coq.— from host pupa. Thysanoptera Phlaeothripidae Leptothrips mali (Fitch)— on eggs and small larvae chiefly in hibernacula. [25] Coleopoptera Anthicidae Notoxus constrictus Casey-adult beetle predacious on pupae and larvae in hibernacula on almonds. Observed at Chico only. Hydnocera scabia LeConte-Larva predacious on hibernacula observed at Chico only. Arachnid a Tarsonemidae Pediculoides ventricosus (Newport)-predacious on larva in hibernacula. Espe- cially abundant in the Vacaville district and westward. Our attention has recently been called to the parasite host catalogue prepared by W. R. Thompson (1944). This author lists the following additional parasites of Anarsia lineatella: Apanteles anarsiae Faure and Alabouvette (Hym. Braconid) Apanteles emarginatus Nees (Hym. Braconid) Apanteles xanthostigmus Hal (Hym. Braconid) Dibrachys cavus Walk. (Hym. Pteromalid) Elasmus flabellatus Fonsc. (Hym. Elasmid) Euderus sp. (Hym. Eulophid) Hemiteles incisus Bridgm. (Hym. Ichenumonid) Paralitomastix varicornis Nees (Hym. Encyrtid) Perisierola gallicola Kieff (Hym. Bethylid) Phygadeuon rusticatus Wesm. (Hym. Ichenumonid) Spilochalcis side Walk. (Hym. Chalcid) In the period of years that the writer of pupae in sufficient numbers to be. has studied this pest, many observations, indicative is made most difficult by the counts, and miscellaneous data have been insect's habit of secreting the pupa in the gathered on parasitism, particularly on rough bark. On young trees, however, the hibernaculum stage. It has been hoped strips of cardboard, cloth, or tree pro- that some basis could be established for tectors wrapped around the trunk will re- predicting the relative numbers of over- suit in a concentration of pupae. The eggs wintering larvae and the subsequent in- of the twig borer are most difficult to find festation the following spring. This study, in the field. In addition to the parasite however, has brought out a number of P. pyralidis, adult and larval thrips (Lep- facts not previously known, and shows tothrips mali) have been seen feeding on that, as yet, we do not understand the en- the eggs. There are no known parasites of tire picture of natural parasitism. the adult moth. During the period of active feeding in On the other hand, during the greater the spring and summer, it is very difficult part of the year, hibernacula can be found to obtain data on the degree of parasitism on the young wood (table 7) . It is in this on the eggs, feeding larvae, and pupae, stage exclusively that overwintering takes Larvae may be collected from wilted place. Therefore, it has been possible to shoots and infested fruit. This process is make a detailed study of the parasites at- slow and yields very little data of value, tacking this stage, and their effect on the Many of the parasites thus collected seasonal abundance of the host insect, hatch from the pupae. The collecting The degree of mortality of the inactive [26] Table 7: ANNUAL CYCLE OF HIBERNACULA ON ALMOND Arbuckle, California Date Number samples 50 50 39 22 76 62 75 58 133 75 133 40 106 10 106 15 104 4 116 4 97 6 105 48 22 13 104 66 91 59 113 97 108 65 122 57 115 30 106 25 103 14 71 6 84 7 92 7 72 2 94 42 None present 49 26 39 14 73 49 93 52 99 49 104 66 65 4 23 42 37 121 77 108 46 87 41 84 55 95 66 104 69 166 84 Dead Empty Parasitized 17 14 15 1 20 21 44 23 51 15 50 25 90 8 102 10 75 8 99 4 43 2 9 25 28 1 11 2 33 6 44 10 48 25 49 22 63 17 48 12 48 24 62 22 64 6 89 5 42 23 23 23 33 3 43 2 30 2 57 3 23 6 31 4 45 12 41 1 29 23 1 30 2 54 20 Per cent mortality* 1940: June 19 July 8 August 13 . . . September 13 October 16 . . November 14 December 14 1941: January 9 . . . February 12 . February 24 . March 7 March 17 April 10 May 20 May 29 June 10 July 2 August 4 . . . . September 3. October 3 . . . November 4 . December 1 . . 1942: January 2 . . . February 4 . . February 17 . . March 2 March 16... April 16 May 22 June 5 June 11 June 24 July 7 August 3 . September 19 1946: March 15 April 24 May 27 June 29 July 29 August 27 . . . September 30 October 28 . . November 29 . December 27 . 17 26 30 16 Z 8 2 3 8 3 3 4 11 12 10 9 1.6 33.0 55.0 81.0 73.0 71.0 71.0 72.0 100.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 1.5 4.8 13.3 26.9 55.2 56.1 65.0 73.3 80.5 76.6 75.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 6.6 2.0 13.3 12.5 10.8 50.0 0.0 0.0 14.4 28.5 10.8 0.0 8.3 6.7 25.0 * The per cent mortality was determined by subtracting the number of empty hibernacula from the number of samples ; the number of dead and parasitized were added and this figure was divided by the number of hibernacula containing live larvae plus those dead and parasitized. For example, on December 27, 1946, of the 166 samples collected, 54 were empty. 166-54=112. There were 28 dead and parasitized — 28/112=25.0 per cent mortality. [27] larvae is negligible during May, June, and July, but in the fall it rises sharply and by February usually reaches the seasonal maximum. If bark samples are taken in late January and February to determine the degree of parasitism, a general indi- cation is had of the potential infestation for the season, at least in the orchard sampled. Neither Clarke nor Duruz found this par- asite, probably because the major portion of their work was conducted in a different area from that of Ehrhorn. The writer has noted a marked increase in the abundance of this mite progressively from Winters to Vacaville to Fairfield. Also, there ap- pears to be some correlation between the type and amount of covercrop and subse- Table 8: PARASITISM OF HIBERNACULA* ON ALMOND, ARBUCKLE, CALIFORNIA February 4, 1942 Row Num- ber hiber- nacula Alive Dead Empty Wasps t Parasites Per cent num- ber Larva Pupa Adult Thrips Mites Beetles Total tality 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 48 42 57 50 47 52 44 40 380 1 1 2 6 2 1 2 6 21 5 3 1 2 2 4 2 37 34 44 36 31 39 31 26 2 6 1 3 4 1 1 2 1 3 5 5 2 6 1 25 2 1 2 4 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 5 4 10 7 12 10 7 6 61 90.9 87.4 84.6 57.1 87.5 92.3 84.6 57.1 Total 19 278 18 9 3 80.1 * Variation of population of hibernacula and parasites in one orchard of four-year-old unsprayed almond trees, adjacent rows. All visible hibernacula removed from 5 trees in each row. t Hyperteles lividus (Ashm.). In conducting this study it was ex- tremely difficult to find sufficient hiber- nacula on apricots, prunes, and plums to compile any data, chiefly because of the light infestations on the young trees and the unusually rough bark on the older trees. Therefore, the majority of the hi- bernacula was obtained from peach and almond. A continuous record of parasit- ism in an unsprayed almond orchard at Arbuckle was obtained from June, 1940, to January, 1947. 4 These data are given in table 7. The grain or itch mite, Pediculoides ventricosus (Newport), was recognized by Marlatt (1898) as destroying as high as 95 per cent of the overwintering larvae. 4 Exclusive of November, 1942, to February, 3946, when the writer was with the Armed Forces of World War II. quent mulch in the orchard, and the abundance of the mite. Herms (1939) has reviewed the life history of this predator. The predacious thrips, Leptothrips mali (Fitch), frequently becomes suffi- ciently abundant to aid somewhat in re- ducing the peach twig borer but holds only a poor third place in abundance in the hibernacula. The details of its habits have been published by the writer (Bai- ley, 1940). The data in table 7 show very clearly the seasonal trend which reoccurs in the same order each year, at least for the prin- cipal hymenopterous parasite here in- volved, namely, Hyperteles lividus. The seasonal peak of mortality is reached in the late winter. In March and April, or at the time all of the surviving host larvae have emerged and have migrated to the [28] Table 9: PARASITISM OF HIBERNACULA* ON ALMOND, ARBUCKLE, CALIFORNIA January, 1942 Number Alive Dead Empty Waspsf Parasites Per cent samples Larva Pupa Adult Thrips Mites Beetles Total tality 88 24 11 41 3 4 2 3 12 49 88 26 10 32 14 2 4 20 53 116 * 53 14 35 5 7 2 14 34 106 53 8 38 4 3 7 22 91 21 15 45 2 2 3 1 10 54 104 21 17 44 11 4 2 17 56 76 26 6 27 6 8 3 17 46 126 16 30 57 8 2 9 3 1 23 76 59 14 15 23 3 4 7 65 129 58 9 47 2 1 12 15 29 68 21 13 21 4 1 8 13 55 80 22 17 28 9 3 1 . 13 38 Ill 35 16 52 3 2 2 1 8 41 Total 390 181 490 74 13 2 36 46 3 176 47 * Variation of parasite population of hibernacula in unsprayed portions of the spray plots. All visible hibernacula removed. t Hyperteles lividus (Ashm.). Table 10: PARASITISM OF HIBERNACULA* ON ALMOND, ARBUCKLE, CALIFORNIA 1940-1942 Date Num- ber samples un- sprayed Alive Dead Empty Waspsf Parasites Per cent mor- Larva Pupa Adult Thrips Mites Beetles Total tality 1940: Jan. 100 70 4 26 30 Dec. 81 46 10 23 2 2 20 1941: Jan. 500 257 18 219 4 1 7 8 Feb. 331 147 39 129 8 1 7 16 27 Dec. 328 120 31 94 49 1 2 7 12 2 73 43 1942: Jan. 1,242 390 181 490 74 13 2 36 46 3 176 47 Feb. 304 76 26 147 19 18 18 55 51 * In checks of the spray plots. All visible hibernacula removed. t Hyperteles lividus (Ashm.). 29 8 s S ca- rt •§ fa g o ■3 fa u O w s 1 p Nt-O W CO «o ^f w t- w *w On 1 o H N^rtONOOlOlOfflf 1 iH N iH iH iH to 4> 53 © 09 © i 00 • • iH • • • • 03 .2* • IN > 1 "^t-^ ^ N IO CO ^ ^ 73 cS C0 Q OrlOO^WOOOJMTji 3 (NNOO^OOOTHt-t* IO N WMHN H si lO^O © *H lO O COO Im V-i (NlOOt* ^ N t ^ rl H CO CO (O 00 o io CD O i-l Pnfi 3 O) (O (0 t> IQHOOHHCOCOOO CD © l> © OO o • -*— «- -*— *- C — i — 1 lO • tH • • • lO CO > 8 1 "* t> © lO iOt>CDO00CT ^ (fl O Tt lO Tj< s (N 00 l> 00 NO^^NINNW CO CO 00 "tf > i> a> co cs «0 M(N r- NIOOJOOOMHCN tH©i-IC 00 00 O) ^1 too CO ^ T-f iH iH tH tH iH tH ri H H iH &5 1 5 CO Q 2 <^ feW M |H O (N M 00 . IO tH Mil 5 w O ft fl 0) -ill •^ g a) d c! Sl-g I 8 > t»D p. +5 > O •3 s > iH tH iH » -• K o 11 sis ■S w £§ 2* » CD © WWEhS5 Table 13: PARASITISM OF HIBERNACULA ON TRAGEDY PLUMS Marysville, California January, 1942 Number samples* (unsprayed) Alive Dead Empty Waspsf Parasites Per cent Larva Pupa Adult Thrips Mites Beetles Total tality 92 87 97 Total : 276 74 53 69 196 3 4 6 13 15 27 22 64 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 11 8 7 Santa Rosa plums 101 50 18 22 3 5 2 10 35 * 100 bark samples removed from each plot. t Hyperteles lividus (Ashm.). Table 14: PARASITISM OF HIBERNACULA ON NECTARINES Marysville, California January, 1942 Number samples* (unsprayed) Alive Dead Empty Wasps t Parasites Per cent Larva Pupa Adult Thrips Mites Beetles Total tality 95 '.. 76 Total 171 23 32 55 14 10 29 21 50 23 11 34 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 4 29 13 65 41 24 1 42 54 * Samples obtained as in Table 13. t Hyperteles lividus (Ashm.). Table 15: PER CENT OF PEACH TWIG BORER PARASITISM FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY IN VARIOUS FRUIT-GROWING DISTRICTS 1940-1942 District 1940 Moderate infestation 1941 Bad infestation on almonds 1942 Moderate to light injury Average Chico Per cent 94 33 90* 93 98 Per cent 43 97 41 73 97 61 55 Per cent 61 83 30 73 82 69 65 Per cent 52 Gridley Tudor 90 55 Ar buckle 59 Winters Vacaville 89 76 Manteca 72 Average 81.6 66.7 66 * Not the same orchard as reported in 1941 and 1942. All samples (100 from adjacent trees) were taken from the same orchard each year. [33] Basinger (1935), and it is possible that some of the larvae recorded may be this species, but all the adults captured or reared proved to be H. lividus. CONTROL Control methods against the peach twig borer may be classified as cultural, bio- logical, and chemical. Cultural Methods. Destroying fallen fruit, sterilizing lug bpxes, and burning the prunings are orchard practices which aid in reducing this pest. In seasons of heavy infestation in peach districts, it is very desirable to destroy the infested fallen or dropped fruit of midsummer varieties to reduce the moth popula- tion which moves on to later-maturing orchards. Mackie and Jones (1931) have discussed this phase of control. In the vicinity of loading platforms, re- distribution points, and canneries, the population builds up greatly during pick- ing season. General sanitation around these areas, as well as sterilization of lug boxes, reduces local population. An additional method of cultural con- trol of the overwintering larvae is the burning of prunings. In the San Joaquin Valley, in orchards on sandy soil it is a common practice to disk under the prun- ings. In other areas the prunings are piled and burned. In 1938 the writer collected hibernacula from peach prunings at Davis and caged them for observation. During January, February, and early March the larvae thus confined remained in their cells, but as the bark dried out they crawled away or died. To secure the best results, the prunings should be gathered up and burned as soon as pos- sible after being cut. The proportion of the hibernacula removed by the normal pruning operation, however, is so small that it has little effect on the infestation. Biological Methods. Biological con- trol methods have not been very success- ful against the twig borer. Aside from the established, natural parasites— discussed in the section on parasites— either intro- duced with the twig borer into California, or occurring on other hosts that have adapted themselves to Anarsia lineatella, there is one parasite which deserves spe- cial mention. This is the parasite, Para- litomastix pyralidis (Ashm.). Basinger (1935) has reported on this introduced parasite. In the summer of 1932, A. J. Basinger and F. H. Wymore made liberations of this parasite in Yuba City. Keifer and Jones (1933) reported on the parasites collected in this area in 1932 and the first half of 1933 and did not find P. pyralidis. However, it has been established, and has actually spread to the north and west since its liberation in northern California. The writer has found twig borer larvae attacked by this parasite on three oc- casions: May 3, 1940, at Chico; May 7, 1940, at Arbuckle; and June 10, 1941, at Arbuckle. In each instance the host plant was almond. It can be concluded that if in fourteen years this parasite has not become more abundant than is indicated above, it will not play an important part in the control of its host insect. The two most important enemies are the predacious mite, Pediculoides ventri- cosus and the parasite Hyperteles lividus, both feeding on the small larvae in the hibernacula. No attempts have been made to encourage, increase, or liberate these parasites. Additional data on the occur- rence, biology, and seasonal cycle of these parasites, as well as others, are given in another section. Chemical Method — by Banding. To our knowledge, no previous attempts to explore the possibilities of control of the twig borer by banding have been made. In 1940 a heavily infested three- year-old almond orchard at Arbuckle was selected for a test with corrugated paper bands treated with beta naphthol, such as are used for the' codling moth. Untreated bands were used as a check. Since the most concentrated and uniform time of pupation is early in June, the bands were [34 placed on the trunk, just below the fork on May 28, or as the larvae began to mature. The bands were removed June 10 when the first moths began to emerge. The moths were reared in the laboratory, and the data were compiled as indicated in table 16. Since less than half as many larvae pupated in the treated than in the un- treated bands, we infer that the beta naph- thol has a repellent action on the mature Smith has kindly made his unpublished notes available to us, and we cite below various data from this source. The oils, 60 neutral, 100 filtered pale, 70 filtered pale, one of 140 viscosity, and kerosene, were applied at full strength and then with 5 per cent pyridine, 5 per cent creosote, 5 per cent toluidine, and 5 per cent "selo- cide." Kerosene and 70 filtered pale were used also as a carrier of 5 per cent hexa- chlorobenzine, 5 per cent alpha-naphtho- Table 16: RESULTS OF EXPERIMENTAL CONTROL OF PUPAE BY BETA NAPHTHOL TREE BANDS Arbuckle, California, 1940 Number trees banded Average number pupae caught per band Total number of pupae Dead in bands Live moths emerged Per cent natural mortality Per cent control by treated bands 22 treated 1.8 4.0 40 98 38 pupae 9 moths 14 larvae 12 pupae 8 moths larvae 2 78 20.5 93.7 24 untreated larvae. The actual kill was surprisingly high by this method which is frequently used on apples as a supplementary means of controlling the codling moth. The method, however, would not be effective on large almond trees which have in- numerable roughened areas on the trunks and larger limbs where the larvae pupate. Insecticidal Methods. Periodically, as outbreaks of the pest have occurred, the newer insecticides have been tested in order to find more effective and cheaper methods. For those readers who wish to review early experimental work and con- trol suggestions on this pest, we point out the reports of Craw (1894), Marlatt (1898), Clarke (1902), Duruz (1923), and Plank (1936). G. L. Smith conducted some tests dur- ing February and March, 1933, at Yuba City, California, on sucker shoots of peach heavily infested with hibernacula. lamine, beta naphthol and PDB, as well as 0.5 per cent pyrethrum and "Nicolite" which were used in kerosene and the 60 neutral pale. In studying the data on the 45 combinations which Smith applied, we note that of the formulas giving more than 85 per cent kill, nearly all, as might be expected, showed injury to buds and bark. Those combinations that did not result in injury to the shoots were as follows : Date Per cent applied F °™» 1 »* »<£«* 2/20 60 neutral pale 5 per cent creosote 100.0 2/27 60 neutral pale, 0.5 per cent "selocide" 90.1 3/10 Water, 9 parts, "Petrotine" 1 part, 2}i per cent ^Nicolite" 100.0 * Materials within quotes not in general use at present time. [35 Smith states that the oils 100 and 70 filtered pale, and the 140 vis. oil gave the greatest penetration into the hibernacula and concludes that "so few hibernacula have been examined that no definite state- ments can be made on the toxic effects and of the effects on the peach." Smith also added that conditions varied so greatly in the district, it was not surprising that lime-sulfur was generally believed to give a good control. Under controlled condi- tions where accurate observations could be made, lime-sulfur gave a very poor kill. Based on observations made in many orchards in a test conducted by himself, Lawrence Jones, and Plank, G. L. Smith concluded that, in early spring, the best control from sprays was obtained when applied on trees in full bloom. Smith stated that when this early spray is omitted, the brood is so uneven by late May that, unless an ovicide is used with the basic lead arsenate, control is poor. Control measures employed in other states have been given by Edmundson (1916) in Idaho, Lovett (1923) in Ore- gon, List and Newton (1936) in Colo- rado, and Newcomer (1941) in the Pacific Northwest. In Michigan, Anarsia lineatella is found in peach orchards but has never re- quired control measures. It also occurs throughout the southern states but is rarely injurious. The usual spray of lime- sulfur— 1 gallon to 10 gallons of water— and lead arsenate— 3 pounds to 100 gal- lons of water— is used if necessary. Neither do fruit growers in New York State have to spray for this insect. R. C. Smith, et al. (1943) recorded this orchard pest in Kansas as being unimportant. Recent literature from the Georgia Experiment Station indicates that the peach twig borer is of so little concern in Georgia that spraying is unnecessary. CONTROL EXPERIMENTS, 1937-1946 Following the yearly increasing losses to almonds from 1933 to 1936 (table 1), the California Almond Growers' Ex- change requested advice from the Uni- versity of California. Dr. J. F. Lamiman of the Division of Entomology at Davis in 1937 and 1938 carried on control ex- periments at Arbuckle, which the writer took over in 1939. Control of Feeding Larva. In col- lecting the data cited in table 17, a ran- dom 5 pound sample of unhulled nuts was collected from the canvas at the end of each row after knocking. This totaled about 30 pounds per plot. These nuts were hulled, cracked, and the number of wormy meats tallied. The total number of meats counted per plot of 6 rows of trees each averaged about 2,000. This method was used on all plots for the six-year period, 1937-1942 and for 1947. After two years of work the Ne Plus variety was found to be uniformly lightly infested as compared with Nonpareil. The latter variety only therefore was used in the later plots. All applications were made with the same power sprayer and standard or- chard spray equipment. The dormant sprays using dinitro compounds in a power sprayer in 1940 and 1942 were dis- appointing when compared with the re- sults obtained with a knapsack sprayer in small plots of young trees in the same district. The poor control on the large trees may be partially accounted for by the fact that the rough bark absorbs a greater proportion of the oil than does the thin, smooth bark of the young trees. Too, less oil was used in comparison with the other tests listed in table 17. A summary of the lead arsenate sprays shown in table 17 is listed in table 18. It will be noted in table 18 that the jacket spray plus the May spray reduced the infestation only slightly below the effectiveness of the May spray alone. Therefore, the value received from the two sprays did not justify the additional expense ; and the two sprays were discon- tinued after three years. Since the chief objective of these experiments was to pre- 36 Table 17: RESULTS OF SPRAY PLOTS ON SOFT-SHELLED ALMONDS Arbuckle, California 1937-1940 Date Stage of growth Material Dosage Per cent injury to nuts sprayed Non- pareil Ne Plus 1937 Mar. 2 Bud opening Basic lead arsenate 4 lbs. per 100 gals, of water 5.1 1.1 Mar. 2 May 14 Bud opening Basic lead arsenate Basic lead arsenate 4 lbs. per 100 gals, of water 4 lbs. per 100 gals, of water \ 3.8 1.3 Mar. 30 Petal fall Basic lead arsenate 4 lbs. per 100 gals, of water 5.3 0.5 Mar. 30 May 14 Petal fall Basic lead arsenate Basic lead arsenate 4 lbs. per 100 gals, of water 4 lbs. per 100 gals, of water | 3.0 1.2 Mar. 30 Petal fall Basic lead arsenate Lime-sulfur 4 lbs. per 100 gals, of water 13^ gallons 7.0 0.9 Mar. 30 Basic lead arsenate Lime-sulfur 4 lbs. per 100 gals, of water l l A gallons !,. 2.4 May 14 Basic lead arsenate 4 lbs. per 100 gals, of water , May 14 Basic lead arsenate 4 lbs. per 100 gals, of water » 3.7 2.2 Check 7.3 1.2 1938 Mar. 31 Petal fall Basic lead arsenate 4 lbs. per 100 gals, of water 20.5 0.6 Mar. 31 May 24 Petal fall Basic lead arsenate Basic lead arsenate* 4 lbs. per 100 gals, of water 4 lbs. per 100 gals, of water .,, 0.3 Mar. 31 Petal fall Basic lead arsenate Lime-sulfur 4 lbs. per 100 gals, of water 13^2 gallons 23.1 0.5 Mar. 31 Petal fall Basic lead arsenate Lime -sulfur 4 lbs. per 100 gals, of water V/ May 16 Check Xanthone Spreader 2 lbs. to 100 gals, of water 1.5 2.1 1 O [38 Table 17 — Continued Stage of growth Material Dosage Per cent injury to nuts Non- pareil Ne Plus 1941 Feb. 26 Late jacket Basic lead arsenate Liquid adhesive 3 lbs. to 100 gals, of water Kgal. 18.0 May 9 Basic lead arsenate 4 lbs. to 100 gals, of water 17.9 Powdered spreader 3^ lb. .2 July 7 Hulls cracking Basic lead arsenate 4 lbs. to 100 gals, of water 19.3 s Powdered spreader Klb. ho o July 7 Hulls cracking Rotenone powder (0.58 per cent rote- none from Cube', other ether extrac- tions 1.16 per cent, plus 0.06 per cent pyrethrins) 5 lbs. to 100 gals, of water 21.4 a o ■i +» to o CM a to c3 T3 Check 20.8 O o o Feb. 7 Bud swelling Basic lead arsenate 10 lbs. 12.7 Oil concentrate J 10 gals. o 5 Zinc-copper concen- trate 15 lbs. Water 10 gals. (35 gals, per acre) Check 12.3 1942 Jan. 31 Dormant Sodium dinitro cresy- late (30 per cent) 1:200 £ 3 Dormant oil emulsion 3 per cent 10.0 i Jan. 31 Dormant DN(T.E.A. salt)§ 1:400 Pi Dormant oil emulsion 3 per cent 5.9 c9 May 26 Basic lead arsenate 4 lbs. per 100 gals, of water 4.2 o Spreader Mlb. ■fa to 9 July 17 Hulls cracking Basic lead arsenate 4 lbs. to 100 gals, of water 4.5 CO Liquid spreader lqt. oS July 17 Hulls cracking Fixed nicotine (14 per cent nico- tine sulfate) 4 lbs. to 100 gals, of water 4.9 ■*-» O o 4a O Check 8.4 £ [39] Table 18: SIX- YEAR SUMMARY OF PER CENT OF INFESTED NONPAREIL ALMOND MEATS IN BASIC LEAD ARSENATE SPRAY PLOTS Arbuckle, California 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 Average Check 7.3 5.3 3.7 3.0 35.0 20.5 11.4 9.1 1.5 1.8 1.6 1.4 2.1 2.7 2.2 20.8 18.0 17.9 19.3 8.4 4.2 4.5 12.5 Jacket spray only May spray only 9.6 6.8 Jacket plus May spray . . . July spray vent the midsummer brood of larvae from All of the rotenone compounds listed attacking the meats of the soft-shelled killed the larvae by contact. The general varieties, a July spray was added to the observation was made that the period of tests in 1941. As can be seen from the effectiveness was largely dependent on the above figures, the results were somewhat rate of growth of the terminal leaves to disappointing. which the larvae migrate. These new In the summer of 1942 an experiment leaves were without spray residue. This was conducted at Davis on young peach accounts for the variation in the effective- trees to determine the maximum period of ness of duplicated treatments. Also, from effectiveness of sprays against the twig the standpoint of practical field control, borer larvae. it accounts readily for the lack of control During May, June, and July the sprays by the May spray often reported in years listed below were used; fresh larvae were of heavy infestation. If there is a marked caged each successive day over the grow- overlapping of stages at this time, a single ing terminals after the spray had dried. May spray is not too effective. Maximum period Material f effectiveness (days) Rotenone powder (about .60 per cent rotenone plus 0.06 per cent pyrethrins and 17.00 per cent petroleum oils) 5 lbs. to 100 gals 5 Rotenone powder (about .60 per cent rotenone plus 0.06 per cent pyrethrins and 17.00 per cent petroleum oils) 5 lbs. to 100 gals 9 Rotenone powder (about .60 per cent rotenone plus 0.06 per cent pyrethrins and 17.00 per cent petroleum oils) 5 lbs. to 100 gals 4 Rotenone powder (about .60 per cent rotenone plus 0.06 per cent pyrethrins and 17.00 per cent petroleum oils) 2% lbs. to 100 gals 4 Rotenone powder (about .60 per cent rotenone plus 0.06 per cent pyrethrins and 17.00 per cent petroleum oils) 2% lbs. to 100 gals 2 Rotenone powder, 4 per cent, 2 lbs. to 100 gals q Rotenone powder, 4 per cent, 2 lbs. to 100 gals ' 5 Rotenone powder, 4 per cent, 1 lb. to 100 gals 2 Rotenone powder, 4 per cent, 1 lb. to 100 gals 6 Rotenone liquid concentrate (5 per cent rotenone and 1 per cent dispersing oil) 2 Rotenone liquid concentrate (2.8 per cent rotenone) 1/400 Sodium fluoaluminate, 3 lbs. to 100 gals., % lb. spreader 5 Sodium fluoaluminate, 3 lbs. to 100 gals., % spreader, with 1 lb. sugar ...... . ....... 8 Sodium fluoaluminate, 3 lbs. to 100 gals., % spreader, with 1 lb. sugar 4 Xanthone, 3 lbs. to 100 gals. V 2 lb. spreader Tartar emetic, 3 lbs. to 100 gals., sugar 3 lbs Liquid basic lead arsenate, 2 qts. to 100 gals 13 Liquid basic lead arsenate, 2 qts. to 100 gals., with 4 lbs. sugar 8 Basic lead arsenate, 4 lbs. to 100 gals., V 2 lb. spreader 4 [40] In 1940, reports indicated that in the Sacramento Valley heavy worm infesta- tions were building up on midsummer peaches. Various orchards having dif- ferent treatments were checked at picking time (table 19) to determine the actual degree of injury and the relative effective- ness of the control measures locally em- ployed. No check trees were left by growers. None of the trees at Gridley received a spring spray. The newly hatched larvae of the midsummer brood first appeared about July 30 and reached a peak August 13 to 15. The above counts were made from the boxes immediately after picking. The total per cent of infested fruit was not ascertained since many badly injured fruits with split pits, thrips scars, and other defects— were not placed in boxes by the pickers. All applications, which were unsuper- vised, were made by the growers. The sul- fur was used for disease control, and the DN for red spiders. From these data and from observations in many peach orchards over a period of years it can be concluded that, where a heavy infestation of larvae appears at picking time, about 50 pounds of 70-30 dust (70 per cent sulfur and 30 per cent basic lead arsenate) per acre, applied under ideal conditions, are necessary to give adequate protection. The majority of the commercial applications is made carelessly, with inadequate dusters, and with too small an amount of dust applied per acre to obtain satisfactory coverage of all fruit. In addition, as has been pointed out several times in this report, the infestations vary so greatly from or- chard to orchard that growers often be- lieve a good control has been obtained from what was actually a poor applica- tion. When serious outbreaks of the pest do occur, such control measures quickly show their shortcomings. Data on Santa Rosa plums were ob- tained in 1942, and the results are sum- marized in table 20. From the dates in- dicated, it can be seen that the larvae were very late in hatching that particular sea- son. While this experiment was not very conclusive in some respects, it indicates that nicotine spray powder has value in the program, especially if a poisonous residue is to be avoided. Also, it is to be noted that the 70-30 dust which is of value at this time of year likewise reduces the residue problem. Control of Dormant Larva. After studying the results of the experimental dormant control of the twig borer, re- ported by other workers, it seemed desirable to test many of the newer in- secticides and especially the new wetting agents, to determine their value. Also, a review was made of published reports of attempts to control other fruit insects hav- ing similar hibernating habits, particu- larly the codling moth, oriental fruit moth, pecan nut casebearer, and pecan leaf casebearer. Various workers, especially Garman (1930) , have tested many emulsions and toxicants in attempts to control the hiber- nating oriental fruit moth. The materials showing the greatest promise have been too expensive or have resulted in too much injury to the trees to be practical. Similar experiments with the hibernating codling moth have been conducted as newer chemicals became available. Among the latest reports is that on the work of Gnadinger et al. (1940) in which the best results were obtained, on apples, with a spray containing 60 milligrams of pyrethrins per 100 cc of kerosene. Aqueous sprays did not give adequate penetration, even at 700 pounds pres- sure. The above-mentioned kerosene- pyrethrum spray would obviously cause injury to the trees; therefore, the upper two thirds of the tree was scraped, and only the lower portion sprayed. This method is, of course, impractical for the twig borer. Bilsing (1926) has experimented with the possibility of dormant control of the pecan nut casebearer with poor results. 41 Table 19: PEACH TWIG BORER CONTROL ON PEACHES, 1940 Variety and location Haus (Gridley) Haus (Gridley) Peak (Gridley) Simms (Gridley) Halford (Tudor) Halford (Tudor) Simms (Gridley) Phillips (Gridley) Treatment* Basic arsenate of lead and sulfur 30-70, July 14. DN 1.5 per cent. Sodium fluo- aluminate 49 per cent and sulfur 49.5 per cent, July 29 Basic arsenate of lead and sulfur 30-70. July 14 Basic arsenate of lead and sulfur 30-70. July 14 and 23 30-70 dust. August 6 Xanthone, 2 lbs. to 100 gals, (with y z lb. spreader). May 22 Basic arsenate of lead, 4 lbs. to 100 gals. May 22 DN 1 per cent, sodium fluoaluminate 60 per cent and sulfur 39 per cent. August 6 28 per cent basic arsenate of lead, 60 per cent sulfur, remainder inert. August 14 Number peaches counted 734 (6 boxes) July 30 768 (6 boxes) July 30 882 (8 boxes) August 8 872 (8 boxes) August 13 784 (8 boxes) August 14 804 (8 boxes August 14 395 (4 boxes) August 15 857 (6 boxes August 23 Number peaches infested 46 73 53 262 58 34 97 89 Per cent infested 6.2 9.5 6.0 30.0 7.3 4.2 24.5 10.3 * Dusts applied with power machine; amount per acre varied from 30 to 50 pounds. Table 20: PEACH TWIG BORER CONTROL EXPERIMENT ON SANTA ROSA PLUMS Marysville, California, 1942 Date treated Material Dosage Average number of wilted shoots per tree* May 23 Basic lead arsenate 4 lbs. per 100 gals, of water 2.2 June 5 Basic lead arsenate 4 lbs. per 100 gals, of water 0.1 June 10 Basic lead arsenate 30 lbs. 0.9 Sulfur 70 lbs. 40 lbs. dust per acre June 10 DND8f dust 40 lbs. dust per acre 4.7 June 12 Fixed nicotine J 6 lbs. per 100 gals, of water 0.2 Check 3.6 * 40 trees per plot; count made on June 19. t Dicyclohexylamine salt of DNOCHP— 1.5 per cent. Petroleum oil (70 U.R., 100 vis.)— 2 per cent. \ Proprietary compound of about 14 per cent nicotine sulfate. [42] This worker, in correspondence, cites some of his recent unpublished data as follows : "I have obtained the best control by the use of an oil with a viscosity of 200 to 220. I am inclined to believe that a with this material but have not been able to get as good control on the nut case- bearer which spins a tougher cocoon." Bilsing further states that the twig burn- ing, which resulted from this mixture, is Table 21: SUMMARY OF DORMANT SPRAY EXPERIMENTS ON THE PEACH TWIG BORER . Season Number of different formulas applied Number of hibernacula examined Average mortality of all sprays Average mortality of all checks 1939-40 33 48 86 167 2,108 6,491 10,655 per cent 49.4 41.5 68.7 per cent 68.0 1940-41 1941-42 19.4 47.1 19,254 Table 22: PER CENT MORTALITY OF DORMANT LARVA TREATED WITH DN AND OIL* COMPARED WITH UNTREATED LARVA Dates of sampling hibernacula Sprayed Dec. 6. 1941 Check Sprayed Jan. 5, 1942 Check Sprayed Jan. 31, 1942 Check 1941: December 12 December 19 December 26 1942: January 2 January 9 January 16. . January 23 f. January 30. . February 6. . February 14. Average per cent 77.0 93.4 64.3 77.4 88.7 73.8 88.3 80.8 86.0 81.0 per cent 44.0 53.4 47.2 44.0 41.3 54.3 34.5 40.3 45.5 44.7 per cent 66.6 85.4 95.5 96.4 97.6 88.6 per cent 53.5 56.6 55.3 51.6 47.4 52.4 per cent 98.2 90.0 94.1 per cent 68.4 66.1 67.7 * The formula used was the tri-ethanolamine salt of DNOCHP at 1:200 (30 per cent) oil emulsion (80 vis., 70 U.R.) at 2 per cent, and a 10 per cent solution of wetting agent at 1:500. t Heavy rain; no sample taken. peach tree would not withstand an oil of that viscosity, however. I have also ob- tained very good control with an oil hav- ing a sulphonation of 70 and a viscosity of 108. To this oil (at 2 per cent) I have added about 2 pounds of dinitro-ortho- cyclo-hexyl-phenol to each 100 gallons of water. We have obtained practically 100 per cent control on the leaf casebearer a serious disadvantage, and that water- soluble dinitro compounds show greater promise. The dormant work reported below was begun in December, 1939, and continued for three winters. The experiments were conducted in Colusa, Yuba, and Solano counties with peaches, nectarines, plums, and almonds. The majority of the work 43 Table 23: MOST EFFECTIVE DORMANT SPRAYS FOR THE CONTROL OF PEACH TWIG BORER LARVA ON PEACHES (1939-40) AND ON ALMONDS (1941-42) Material and dosage Date sprayed (1) and examined (2) Number hibernacula Per cent mortality 1. DNOCHP, 1:600. Dormant oil (100 vis., 72 U.R.) emulsion 2 per cent (1) Dec. 15, 1939 (2) Dec. 29, 1939 137 93 2. DNOCHP, 1:200 (1) Jan. 29, 1940 (2) Feb. 3, 1940 160 90 3. DNOCHP, 1:600 (1) Jan. 29, 1940 (2) Feb. 3, 1940 143 100 Check (2) Dec. 29, 1939 46 90 4. DNOCHP (Tri-ethanolamine salt), 1:400 (1) March 5, 1940 (2) March 8, 1940 31 100 5. As above with pine oil 1 per cent, 1 :800 (1) March 1, 1940 (2) March 4, 1940 12 100 6. Pyrethrum extract (about 0.5 per cent pyreth- rum), 10 per cent wetting agent, 1:400. Pine oil, 1 per cent (1) March 5, 1940 (2) March 8, 1940 28 100 Check: (2) March 4, 1940 32 53 7. Rotenone (0.25 per cent by wt.) in oil emulsion (82 vis., 76 U.R.), 4 gals. Wetting agent, 4 oz., blood albumen, 4 oz. to 100 gals, water (1) Jan. 9, 1941 (2) Jan. 20, 1941 118 93 8. DNOCHP (T.E.A. salt) 1:200. Oil emulsion, 82 vis., 76 U.R., 2 per cent. Wet- ting agent, 4 oz. (1) Jan. 10, 1941 (2) Jan. 24, 1941 120 90 9. Sodium dinitro cresylate (30 per cent) 1 :200. Oil emulsion, 82 vis., 76 U.R., 2 per cent. Wetting agent, 4 oz. (1) Jan. 10, 1941 (2) Jan. 27, 1941 109 91 Check (2) Jan. 24, 1941 121 19 10. Sodium dinitro cresylate 30 per cent, 1 :200. Oil emulsion, 80 vis., 73-79 U.R., 4 per cent (1) Jan. 16, 1942 (2) Jan. 27, 1942 134 91 11. DNOCHP (T.E.A. salt) 1:200. Oil emulsion 80 vis., 73-79 U.R., 4 per cent (1) Dec. 22, 1941 (2) Jan. 5, 1942 71 100 Check (2) Jan. 5, 1942 126 77 12. DNOCHP (T.E.A. salt) 1:200. Oil emulsion, 105 vis., 70 U.R., 4 per cent (1) Jan. 16, 1942 (2) Jan. 28, 1942 98 100 Check (2) Jan. 20, 1942 129 29.1 Table 23— Continued Material and dosage Date sprayed (1) and examined (2) Number hibernacula Per cent mortality 13. DNOCHP (T.E.A. salt) 1:200. Oil emulsion, 80 vis., 73-79 U.R., 4 per cent (1) Jan. 16, 1942 (2) Jan. 27, 1942 91 90.9 14. DNOCHP (T.E.A. salt) 1:200. Oil emulsion, 80 vis., 80 U.R., 4 per cent (1) Jan. 6, 1942 (2) Jan. 13, 1942 67 95.5 15. DNOCHP (T.E.A. salt) 1:200. Oil emulsion 105 vis., 70 U.R. (cut 25 per cent with kerosene), 4 per cent (1) Jan. 9, 1942 (2) Jan. 29, 1942 102 93.2 16. DNOCHP (T.E.A. salt) 1:200. Oil emulsion 80 vis., 73-79 U.R. (cut 25 per cent with kerosene), 4 per cent (1) Jan. 16, 1942 (2) Jan. 28, 1942 110 90.6 17. As above with 10 per cent wetting agent, 1 :1500 (1) Jan. 16, 1942 (2) Jan. 28, 1942 78 95.8 Check (2) Jan. 28, 1942 68 55.3 18. As above but oil emulsion at 2 per cent (1) Jan. 9, 1942 (2) Jan. 27, 1942 115 98.4 19. As above with oil emulsion 105 vis., 70 U.R. (cut 25 per cent with kerosene), 2 per cent (1) Dec. 18, 1941 (2) Jan. 5, 1942 87 92.1 Check (2) Jan. 5, 1942 76 46.9 20. DNOCHP (T.E.A. salt) 1:200. Kerosene, 1:200. 10 per cent wetting agent, 1 .1500 (1) Jan. 9, 1942 (2) Jan. 27, 1942 123 98.4 was concentrated at Arbuckle on almonds. Two progress reports were made on this work by the writer in "Almond Facts" (Bailey, 1941, and 1942). Unless otherwise indicated, the applica- tions were made with a knapsack sprayer to young trees three to five years old. From 5 to 15 trees were sprayed with each material or mixture, the number depend- ing on the visible number of hibernacula present, in order that about 100 larvae be subjected to each treatment. The entire tree was sprayed with a uniform cover- age. After sufficient time had elapsed to make it possible to determine definitely the dead larvae, the hibernacula were cut from the test trees and from adjacent un- sprayed trees, taken to the laboratory, and examined under a microscope. The following types of insecticides used in these tests were found to have little or no value in dormant control: thiocya- nates, alkyl phenol, several proprietary mixtures of dinitro phenols and cresols (both dry and liquid), three proprietary pyrethrum extracts, two types of rotenone concentrates in solvents, nicotine sulfate, dichloropentane, ortho-dichloro-benzene (saturated solution in kerosene) , pine oil, liquid lime-sulfur (at 2, 6, 8, and 10 per cent), liquid lime-sulfur at 2 per cent with 4 per cent oil emulsion (80 vis. and 79 U.R.) ; and heavy oil emulsions listed at the top of the next page. 45 100-110 vis 60-70 U.R. 130 vis 73 U.R. 144 vis 78U.R. 150 vis 60-70 U.R. 160 vis 73U.R. 175 vis 60-70 U.R. 200 vis 60-70 U.R. Several oil emulsions in common use in the range of 80-105 vis. and 70-80 U.R. Following the first two winters of work, one of the most satisfactory formulas was used on almonds in a test to determine the best time to apply such dormant sprays. Three applications were made about one month apart. At weekly intervals there- after, approximately 100 hibernacula were cut out of the bark of the sprayed and unsprayed trees and examined under Table 24: DORMANT SPRAY EXPERIMENTS FOR THE CONTROL OF PEACH TWIG BORER LARVA WITH DN AND OIL Material and dosage Date sprayed (1) and examined (2) Number hibernacula Per cent mortality 1. DNOCHP powder,* 2 lbs. Diesel fuel oil, 6 per cent Dried blood, 8 oz. to 100 gals, water (1) Jan. 15, 1942 (2) Feb. 9, 1942 111 95.3 Check (2) Jan. 21, 1942 87 11.6 2. DNOCHP powder,* lib. Oil emulsion, 80 vis., 80 U.R., 4 per cent Oxalic acid crystals, 2 oz. to 100 gals, water (1) Jan. 15, 1942 (2) Feb. 9, 1942 115 97.5 Check (2) Jan. 21, 1942 92 3.8 3. DNOCHP (T.E.A. salt),f 1:300. Oil emulsion, 80 vis., 80 U.R., 4 per cent Oxalic acid crystals, 2 oz. to 100 gals, water (1) Jan. 15, 1942 (2) Feb. 9, 1942 107 91.4 Check (2) Feb. 9, 1942 97 8.0 * 12.5 per cent active ingredient. t 30 per cent active ingredient. were used at 4 per cent alone with poor results. Many of the materials were experi- mental or were special preparations, and certain others, offered for sale at the time, are not on the market at present. The con- tact toxicants were used in various stand- ard dilutions— for instance, 1 :200, 1 :400, 1:800, with and without spreaders and wetting agents, as well as with and with- out oil emulsions. The heavy oil emul- sions, used at 2 to 6 per cent, did not give satisfactory penetration. They are danger- ous to use in the delayed dormant period. Kerosene alone evaporates too quickly to give adequate penetration of the bark. A summary of this work is given in table 21. the microscope to determine the per cent of mortality. The results are presented in table 22. It can be seen from these data that when the spray was applied at the latest possible date, the control was better. The most effective formulas used in these experiments are listed in table 23 with the per cent control (or mortality) obtained. No injury to the trees with any of these mixtures was observed. The mor- tality in the checks was from parasites. A preliminary trial was made with dry-mix dinitro powder which showed promise. Following this trial, 16 combi- nations of the material with various oil emulsions, kerosene, and diesel fuel oil, with and without a spreader and/or 46 wetting agent, were applied to plums with a power sprayer. The three combinations giving better than 90 per cent control are listed in table 24. This plot was studied throughout the spring. A wilted twig count made on April 2 is shown in table 25. These data would seem to indicate that the DN powder did not give quite such good results as the liquid concentrate by the time the overwintering larvae had all emerged. The individual applications The DDT wettable powder was tested on a small scale in 1946 and 1947 against the spring broods in the field on young almonds. The data, presented in tables 26 and 27 were based on the shoot damage caused by a rather light infestation. It in- dicates, nevertheless, that DDT gives con- siderable promise in the control of the twig borer, in every instance being slightly better than the basic lead arsenate. Furthermore, the widely used wettable DDT powder was compared with the basic Table 25: WILTED TWIG COUNT ON PLUMS Marysville, California, April 2, 1942 (Sprayed as indicated in table 24) Plot Total trees counted Total injured twigs Average per tree Per cent control 1 Check 24 19 23 24 24 24 87 216 40 391 28 376 3.6 11.3 1.7 16.2 1.1 15.6 68 2 88 Check 3 93 Check were not replicated. A practical control was obtained, however. Control with DDT. In the early spring of 1946 a small-scale test of wetta- ble DDT powder on the larvae was made in the laboratory. Newly leafed out ter- minal twigs of prune which had been sprayed with wettable DDT powder (1 pound of DDT per 100 gallons of water) were brought into the laboratory. Twig borer larvae, about one half to two thirds grown were caged on these shoots. All larvae, whether crawling on the bark or on the leaves, became excited and very active within 20 minutes after contacting the residue. Many individuals dropped from the shoots and made no attempt to return. No actual feeding was observed, and all larvae were dead in 24 to 36 hours. The same results were obtained when this test was repeated. Furthermore, it was ob- served that many of the larvae exuded salivary fluid from the mouth a few minutes after contacting the DDT. lead arsenate in the almond orchard in which we have records for several years (table 17) . It can readily be seen that the infestation was too light for us to have arrived at any conclusion (table 28) . No difference in the red spider infestation was noted in any of the plots. In parts of Stanislaus County in 1946 and 1947, how- ever, twig borer infestations were rather severe on cling peaches. In this area, DDT is being more generally used each season, since basic lead arsenate apparently fails to give control, even when four applica- tions are made. The reason is unknown unless an arsenic-resistant strain of twig borer is being developed here. In no case known to us has DDT given poor results when used against the peach twig borer. Growers feel that if such obstinate twig borer infestations can be controlled by DDT, red spider injury can be reduced if necessary by spraying after harvest. For many years it has been a standard practice not to apply basic arsenate of 47 lead spray to peaches within 60 days of harvest because of the potential residue of lead and arsenic. Studies made by Plank (1933), however, proved that "peaches sprayed from one to four times with basic arsenate of lead up to within five days before harvest never contain Division of Entomology and Parasitology samples of peaches were analyzed from orchards sprayed with DDT for adult mosquito control before picking opera- tions. The residue on the fruit was found to be 2 to 6 p.p.m. (parts per million). During the summer of 1946 further DDT Table 26: PEACH TWIG BORER CONTROL* WITH DDT ON ALMOND Dixon. California. 1946 Treatment Variety Row Count before spraying (May2)f Count as worms begin feeding (May 27) Count at end of larval activity (June 18) Per cent control Check Peerless 1,2 2.6 0.8 2.5 DDT (50 per cent) Wettable— 2 lbs. Yz lb. spreader 1 pt. kerosene to 100 gals. Texas 3,4 5.1 0.0 0.15 94.0 Check Nonpareil 5,6 1.8 0.05 1.3 DDT (10 per cent) and Wettable sulfur (83 per cent) 10 lbs. to 100 gals. Peerless 7,8 4.3 0.0 0.05 96.1 Check Jordanola 9,10 3.2 0.8 3.8 Check Texas 11,12 2.0 0.6 3.1 Basic lead arsenate 4 lbs., 3^ lb. spreader to 100 gals. Nonpareil 13,14 2.9 0.15 0.5 83.8 * Counts based on number of wilted shoots per tree (20 trees per plot) and average only given. Trees were sprayed May 14 as eggs were hatching. t This damage was caused by the spring brood and is an index of the infestation. No red spiders were present before or after spraying. Following spraying, very cool, rainy weather delayed larval activity and washed off con- siderable deposit. more than negligible minute traces of arsenic when subjected to the accepted peeling and washing process now com- mercially used." On plums, the poisonous and objection- able visible residue problem has been cir- cumvented by the use of rotenone and nicotine sprays. The sulfur and basic lead arsenate dust (70-30) has been com- monly used in canning peach districts during early summer with no objection- able residue left. In 1945, through the facilities of the residue studies were made in cooperation with the Division of Chemistry (at Da- vis), the Agricultural Extension Service office at Modesto, and the Research De- partment of the California Packing Cor- poration. The data, listed in table 27, are from peaches. From these preliminary data it can be seen that the present forms of DDT, ap- plied at the strengths employed, leaves a very small amount of residue. No resi- due was found on the lye-peeled sprayed fruit, and determinations were not run [48] Table 27: PEACH TWIG BORER CONTROL WITH DDT ON ALMOND Arbuckle, California, 1947 Spray material Date sprayed Average wilted shoots per tree * Per cent control Remarks Wettable DDT (50 per cent) : 2 lbs. to 100 gallons Mar. 13 2.3 (20 trees) 73 The March 13 spray for the emerging larvae should have been applied about 5 days earlier for the best results, but the weather did not per- mit. Basic lead arsenate: 4 lbs. plus 1 qt. liquid spreader to 100 gallons Mar. 13 3.9 (20 trees) 55 No red spider infestations de- veloped in this plot. Wilted shoot count made Mar. 25 Check 8.7 (20 trees) Wettable DDT (50 per cent) : 2 lbs. to 100 gallons Apr. 30 0.08 (58 trees) 84 The April 30 spray was applied after all moths had emerged in this area and before any wilted shoots were seen (the first larva was found May 5). Basic lead arsenate: 4 lbs. plus 1 qt. liquid spreader to 100 gallons Apr. 30 0.11 (54 trees) 78 No red spider build-up in this orchard. Wilted shoot count made May 22. Check 0.51 (56 trees) Five- to seven-year-old almond trees. Table 28: PEACH TWIG BORER SPRAY PLOT ON NONPAREIL ALMONDS* Arbuckle, California, 1947 Date sprayed Stage of growth Material Dosage Per cent of injury tojiuts March 13 Late jacket Check Wettable DDT (50percent) 2 lbs. to 100 gals, of water 0.3 0.3 March 13 Late jacket Check Basic lead arsenate Liquid spreader 4 lbs. to 100 gals, of water 1 qt. 0.3 0.2 April 30 Check Wettable DDT (50percent) 2 lbs. to 100 gals, of water 0.3 0.5 April 30 Check Basic lead arsenate 4 lbs. to 100 gals, of water 0.7 0.3 In this test, 26,222 nuts were hulled, cracked, and counted. [49 1 Table 29: DDT RESIDUE ANALYSIS ON PEACHES Sample Variety 1 Palora 2 Phillips 3 Palora A Phillips A Phillips B Phillips B Phillips C Phillips D Phillips 4 Phillips Treatment May 15, wettable spray (1 lb. actual DDT to 100 gallons of water) June 26, as above July 19, dusted. DDT, 5 per cent and sulfur 50 per cent, about 30 lbs. per acre August 15, wettable spray (1 lb. actual DDT to 100 gallons water, 300 gallons per acre) As above As above As above As above As above July 30 and August 15 DDT 5 per cent, sulfur 50 per cent, 33 lbs. per acre Date picked July 30 July 30 July 30 Aug. 30 Aug. 30 Aug. 30 Aug. 30 Sept. 6 Sept. 6 Sept. 11 Condition of fruit Ripe Green Ripe Ripe Ripe Ripe Ripe Ripe Ripe Ripe . DDT residue in parts per million 2.0 1.8 1.5 5.45 (Average of dupli- cates) as received 0.0 (Average of dupli- cates) lye-peeled 2.45 (Average of dupli- cates) as received 0.0 (Average of dupli- cates) lye-peeled 2.3 (Average of dupli- cates) 2.9 (Average of dupli- cates) 2.1 on the canned peaches. It is unknown whether or not, under average cannery conditions, the DDT residue in the lye- peeler, when handling a large volume of DDT-sprayed fruit, would accumulate sufficiently to contaminate the commer- cial pack. DISCUSSION The most outstanding fact observed in this entire study is the great variation in the twig borer population. This fact is very evident in studying the work of Clarke, Duruz, and others, as well as in our own studies of parasitism and degree of injury, in both the test and the control plots. Even during the most severe epi- demic of the twig borer on record, Mackie and Jones (1931) showed that the de- gree of injury varied from 0.1 per cent to 20.7 per cent on 110 properties in Sut- ter and Yuba counties. Since 1932 no ex- tensive survey of this type has been made, but the irregularities of outbreaks of this pest in the principal peach-growing dis- tricts are well known. The injury is not only unpredictable from year to year but also from district to district. Our studies have been more closely concentrated on almonds, and the facts gathered on this crop and reported in the tables of this study well bear out this [50 habit of great variation. Wide variation occurs not only in the density of hiber- nacula and parasitism, but in the number of wilted twigs and number of pupae as well as in the degree of infested fruit, even in adjacent plantings. The percent- age of injured soft-shelled nuts varies widely every year in different districts, as is pointed out by the Exchange records. Our winter studies show that a consis- tently high population is maintained in Colusa and Butte counties and that, in general, to the south and west progres- sively the infestations become somewhat lighter. The Paso Robles district suffers no loss from this pest and the Santa Clara Valley, lower San Joaquin Valley, and southern California areas rarely report any economic damage. Following a comparative study of the data gathered from the 1937, 1938, and 1939 spray plots at Arbuckle, consider- able variation was noted in the degree of injury occurring even from row to row. In 1940 and 1941 records were carefully kept to determine the degree of variation in the infestation in the experiments re- ported in table 17. An analysis of these data— based on a count of over 19,100 almond meats— indi- cated a great range of injury from row to row and plot to plot in the same orchard, in two successive seasons, one of low and one of medium injury. This variation tends to throw doubt on the reliability of the data obtained in the spray plots since replications (or the Latin square method) were not used. The great amount of work involved in collecting and dissecting the hibernacula, as well as in the harvesting, made it impossible to replicate the various sprays. We feel, however, and it has been dem- onstrated, that a practical reduction in the number of overwintering larvae can be accomplished by delayed dormant appli- cations of an oil emulsion of about 80 vis. and 80 U.R. with a toxicant, such as dini- tro, on almonds and plums. At least many materials have been eliminated, even though DDT and other newer chemicals are yet to be thoroughly tried. The mat- ter of cost of such an application is still a limiting factor as compared with basic lead arsenate. The advent of new spray materials for disease control also raises many unanswerable questions of compati- bility of the new chemicals and the possi- bility of more efficient combinations of insecticides and fungicides. It was hoped that a determination of the degree of parasitism of the hiber- nacula in January would furnish a good basis for predicting the severity of the infestation the following summer. How- ever, as pointed out above, the variation is so great that such data are not too re- liable. Furthermore, if conditions are very favorable during the growing sea- son, a moderate number of overwintering larvae may build up to a sizable infesta- tion by midsummer. There is no obvious or regular cycle of epidemics of this pest. The year-to-year variation in the de- gree of injury to varieties of plums and peaches depends on the time of ripening in relation to the appearance of the mid- summer brood. This is also true of apri- cots. For instance, in some years the fruit ripens at the peak of hatching of a brood ; the considerable amount of damage which results could not have been predicted in February solely on the basis of the degree of parasitism. Also, if the crop is heavy, or light, the total injury is proportion- ately small or great with a given number of larvae. One of the principal factors in- fluencing the severity of outbreaks is eco- nomic—the price of fruit which, if good, is usually reflected in a conscientious local spray program which keeps the worm population down to a minimum. At present, biological control by para- sites—as has been accomplished with cer- tain scales and other insects— does not seem practical, although there is room for additional work on this phase of con- trol. The native parasites operating so effectively in the coastal areas and in the lower San Joaquin Valley have their limi- 51 tations. The relative importance of the twig borer will determine the desirability of searching abroad for additional and more effective parasites. Preliminary tests with wettable DDT sprays indicate that it is somewhat better than the widely used basic lead arsenate. If DDT comes into general use, it is al- most sure to throw certain local insect and red spider populations out of balance, particularly if applied after early May. Experience only can indicate whether the advantages of DDT will overcome the dis- advantages in the control of the peach twig borer. SUMMARY The peach twig borer, Anarsia linea- tella Zell., is an introduced insect. It has been an important insect pest in Cali- fornia for over sixty years. Its two most important host plants are the peach and the almond. Irregular epidemics have occurred in the principal peach-growing areas of the great valleys of California during this period. Local infestations of major pro- portions often arise in plum and almond orchards in the upper San Joaquin and Sacramento valleys. It is found in all peach- and almond-growing areas of this state as well as in nearly all deciduous fruit sections of the United States. In epidemic years, a 50 per cent loss of peaches is common, and 20 to 30 per cent damaged meats of soft-shelled almonds is frequently encountered in the Sacramento Valley. The damage to plums and nectar- ines is usually less and more localized. Great irregularity is observed in the infestations. This makes the prediction of outbreaks impossible with present meth- ods of control. The injury to the trees themselves is unimportant as compared with the direct damage by midsummer broods to the ripening fruit. The dark-gray moth is about % 6 inch long. The minute yellowish-white, oval eggs are laid on bark, leaves, and fruit, singly or in small groups. The larva is chocolate brown in color, with a black head, and is about % inch long when full grown. The naked pupa, usually found under the bark, is dark brown and about % inch in length. During the summer season the approxi- mate length of the life history stages is as follows: egg, 5 to 7 days; larva, 10 to 20 days; pupa, 6 to 7 days; adult longevity, about 10 days. The winter is passed in a cell— the hibernaculum— hollowed out in crotches of two-year-old wood and lightly covered with frass and silk. Emergence of these immature larvae takes place at blos- soming time. There is a brood in May, additional broods with a wide spread in July and August, and a partial brood in September. Some larvae from each brood form hibernacula. There are many known parasites and predators of various stages of the peach twig borer. The two most important at- tack the dormant larva, namely the hy- menopteran, Hyperteles lividus (Ashm.) , and the grain or itch mite, Pediculoides ventricosus (Newport). The principal control measure is by direct chemical control with insecticides applied against the feeding larva during early spring and in May. Spraying with basic arsenate of lead, 3 to 4 pounds per 100 gallons of water, is the most widely used program. Wettable 50 per cent DDT spray powder has been used on a small experimental scale only and may, in the future, with limitations, partly replace the lead arsenate. The potential poisonous residue problem on market fruit must be remembered; therefore, summer sprays should be applied with caution. Prehar- vest control may be obtained on canning peaches with the generally used 70-30 dust (70 per cent sulfur and 30 per cent basic lead arsenate) if a modern power duster is employed, and about 50 pounds of dust applied per acre in mature or- chards. DDT dust of 5 per cent strength likewise has shown great promise, but should be used on a small scale only until 52 more data are available on its relative value and limitations. In general, the use of DDT in orchards after late May tends to increase the red spider hazard. Experi- mental work with delayed dormant sprays has demonstrated that a practical reduc- tion in the number of overwintering lar- vae can be accomplished by the use of an oil emulsion of about 80 vis. and 80 U.R., with a toxicant such as dinitro on al- monds and plums. RECOMMENDED CONTROL PROGRAM Little change can be made in the con- trol recommendations for the peach twig borer at this time. Many new chemicals have been introduced into the field of insecticides in recent years, but the ma- jority is not adapted to this insect. Pre- liminary experimental work with DDT has been conducted, but not enough is known concerning its value against the twig borer to recommend its general use in place of basic lead arsenate. 1. Dormant application. Until the advent of DDT, the newest method of at- tack was delayed dormant applications of dinitro compounds with medium spray oil emulsion. Growers have made little use of this method of control. This type of treatment must not be used on peaches. On prunes and plums it has a place, espe- cially where aphid eggs and scale also are being treated during the dormant season. Heavy infestations on almonds may also be markedly reduced by such a spray. To obtain the best results, apply the follow- ing formula after about January 15 and up to the early green bud stage : Sodium dinitro-o-cresylate (30 per cent) l]/ 2 to 2 qts. (1:200 or 1:300) or wettable dinitro powder (DNOCHP, 20 to 30 per cent) .... 1 pound to 100 gallons Medium oil emulsion (about 80 vis., and 80 U.R.) approximately 85 per cent actual oil 2 to 3 gallons Water 100 gallons 2. Prebloom spray. Where light in- festations occur, annual early basic lead arsenate sprays apparently hold down the pest. This application is widely used on apricots. In wet seasons such early treat- ment is not physically possible and rains reduce its effectiveness. Heavy infesta- tions cannot be controlled by one early application. The spray should be applied from the bud-swelling stage to the pop- corn stage. Basic lead arsenate 3 to 4 pounds Spreader or sticker ... 1/3 pound or 1 quart Water 100 gallons NOTE: If the basic lead arsenate is used with bordeaux, no spreader is necessary. Also, when there is a shortage of help and a large acreage must be covered between rains, the "Vapo" type of application — employing oil concentrate, 10 to 12 gallons and 10 to 12 pounds of basic lead arsenate per acre — may be used with considerable success for the first brood. Our experiments, as well as those of others, have indicated actually a very poor kill of the larvae with lime-sulfur. In the central and lower portions of the San Joaquin Valley, the worms become active somewhat earlier and prebloom sprays are very effective. 3. Jacket spray. This spray is par- ticularly desirable on apricots, plums, and peaches after petal fall. Use basic lead arsenate as above. 4. May spray. The time of applica- tion (May 5 to 25) varies from year to year and is best correlated with the first wilted shoots seen on young trees and replants. Use powdered spreader (or wet- table sulfur) and avoid "deposit build- ers" or oils. Where mixed varieties occur, all trees must be sprayed. Both the jacket spray and May spray (basic lead arsenate as above) are necessary in many peach- growing districts. 5. Midsummer treatment. Substi- tutes for the basic lead arsenate spray must be used (except on almonds) to avoid poisonous residue. The 70-30 dust is widely used on peaches. On mature trees, 50 pounds per acre are necessary for adequate protection. On plums, spray- ing with rotenone powder (3 to 5 pounds, depending on strength of rotenone per 100 gallons of water) or with about 6 53 pounds of fixed nicotine spray powder (14 per cent strength) about a week be- fore picking has given excellent results; each variety must be sprayed as it ripens. Such crops should be treated as soon as any small stem worms are observed on the first fruits to turn color. 6. DDT. This compound has been tested against nearly all our important pests, including the twig borer. To date, we have used the wettable DDT powder in controlled tests on almonds only. Some growers have used 2 to 4 pounds of the wettable powder (or 1 pound of actual DDT) to 100 gallons of water, as well as a 5 per cent dust, on canning peaches in July and August, and report excellent control during 1946 and 1947. The 5 per cent DDT dust (particularly with 50 per cent sulfur) appears to give excellent promise of stopping the small larvae at harvest time on late cling peaches. As is true with any new material or method, refinements and modifications are necessary, partly by trial and error, over a period of years before the best standard of mixture and strength can be established. Therefore, the above sugges- tions for DDT are only preliminary. Growers should keep this in mind, to- gether with the fact that red spiders and aphids are a serious potential problem where DDT is employed. We do not have sufficient data to recommend the whole- sale use of DDT for the peach twig borer at present, and before using it on fruit trees, growers should obtain a clearance from the canner or shipper. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Modern research is rarely the product of one individual's efforts, thoughts, and observations. Such is true of this report. The first bulletin on the twig borer (144) prepared at the Experiment Station was by W. T. Clarke in 1902. In 1923, W. P. Duruz published bulletin 355 which pre- sented more recent information on newer spray materials. Over a period of years various other staff members of the Division of Entomol- ogy and Parasitology have studied the peach twig borer. Some of these workers are no longer connected with the Univer- sity and others have taken up different types of research. I wish to acknowledge at this time the contributions of A. D. Borden, E. 0. Essig, J. F. Lamiman, G. L. Smith, and F. H. Wymore. From time to time, various students have helped with the field control work and have since become professional en- tomologists. I am happy to recall the en- thusiastic aid rendered by B. J. Konk- right, I. R. Burden, Ray Barron, R. L. Suggett, and Warren Stoner. The field work has been conducted in various fruit-growing counties, the offi- cials of which have been most cooperative and helpful. I wish to acknowledge par- ticularly the aid of and pleasant associa- tions with H. E. Catlin, V. W. DeTar, J. N. Fiske, H. I. Graser, A. A. Jungerman, R. H. Klamt, W. D. Norton, A. D. Rizzi, J. E. Spurlock, C. H. Swanson, T. D. Urbahns, A. G. Volz, and S. V. Walton. Various fruit growers have been very cooperative in the control experiments, furnishing labor and equipment. I wish to thank A. K. Andross, Harold Angier, William Bethel, B. T. Mathews and son, Ralph Newcomb, and Howard Rogers for this type of aid. Insecticides and various adjuncts, as well as field aid and helpful suggestions have been supplied by Dr. K. E. Maxwell, William B. Parker of the California Spray-Chemical Corporation, R. W. Underhill of the Dow Chemical Company, various members of the Stauf- fer Chemical Company, and Warren Westgate of the Standard Agricultural Chemicals, Inc. 54] SELECTED REFERENCES We cite here only the principal references to the peach twig borer and especially those reporting studies made since Duruz who cited thirty-seven references to earlier work. Certain other references cited in the text are also listed. Bailey, S. F. 1940. The black hunter, Leptothrips mali (Fitch) . Jour. Econ. Ent. 33(3) :539-44. June. 1941. Summary of twig borer studies for the season 1940. Almond Facts 7(1) :1, 6. January. Sac- ramento, California. 1942. A progress report on the twig borer. Almond Facts 6(2) :1, 6, 7. February. Basinger, A. J. 1935. Notes on the parasites of the peach twig borer in Southern California. California State Dept. Agr. Mo. Bui. 24(4-6) :245-46. April-June. BlLSING, S. W. 1926. The life history and control of the pecan nut case-bearer. Texas Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 328:51, 76. April. Clarke, W. T. 1902. The peach worm. California Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 144:1-44. Craw, A. 1894. Insect pests and remedies. California State Bd. Hort. Bui. 67:9. Duruz, Willis P. 1923. The peach twig-borer (Anarsia lineatella Zeller) . California Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 355:1-57. March. Edmundson, W. C. 1916. Insect pests of the orchards and gardens of Idaho and their control. Idaho Agr. Exp. Sta. Dept. Hort. Bui. 87:19-20. February. Garman, P. 1930. The oriental peach moth in Connecticut. Connecticut Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 313:423. March. Gnadinger, C. B., J. B. Moore, and R. W. Coulter. 1940. Experiments with pyrethrum for the control of codling moth (Carpocapsa pomonella Linn) . Jour. Econ. Ent. 33(1) :144, 147. April. Herms, W. B. 1939. Medical entomology. 582 pp. (See specifically pages 459-90.) The Macmillan Company, New York. Imms, A. D. 1934. A general textbook of entomology. 727 pp., 3d ed. (See specificially page 195.) E. P. Dutton and Company, Inc., New York. Jones, L. S. 1935. Observations of the habits and seasonal life history of Anarsia lineatella in California. Jour. Econ. Ent. 28(6) :1002-11. Keifer, H. H., and L. S. Jones. 1933. Some parasites of Anarsia lineatella Zell. in California. California State Dept. Agr. Mo. Bui. 22(7-11) :387-88. July-November. List, G. M., and J. H. Newton. 1936. Insect and mite pests of the peach in Colorado. Colorado Exp. Sta. Bui. 427 : 18-20. May. Lovett, A. L. 1923. The peach and prune twig-miner. Oregon Agr. Exp. Sta. Cir. 38:1-4. April. Mackie, D. B., and M. L. Jones. 1931. Some biological aspects of the 1931 peach situation. California State Dept. Agr. Mo. Bui. 29 (10-11) :661-65. October-November. f 55 1 Marlatt, C. L. 1898. The peach twig-borer. U. S. Dept. Agr. Farmers' Bui. 80:1-15. Newcomer, E. J. 1941. Orchard insects of the Pacific Northwest and their control. U. S. Dept. Agr. Cir. 270:64-65. June. Peterson, A., and G. J. Haeussler. 1928. Some observations on the number of larval instars of the oriental peach moth, Laspeyresia molesta Busck. Jour. Econ. Ent. 21 (6) :843-52. December. Plank, H. K. 1933. Removal of spray residue from canning peaches sprayed for twig borer control. California State Dept. Agr. Mo. Bui. 22(2-3) :113-30. February-March. 1936. Results of miscellaneous insecticides used on larvae of the peach twig borer in hibernation. California State Dept. Agr. Mo. Bui. 25(2) :216-25. April-June. Smith, R. C, et al. 1943. Common insects of Kansas. (See specifically page 221.) Kansas State Bd. Agr. LVII, No. 255. June. Topeka. Thompson, W. R. 1944. A catalogue of the parasites and predators of insect pests. Section I, Part 5 (A-Ch) . (See specifically pages 43 and 44.) Imperial Agricultural Bureaux, Institute of Entomology, Parasite Service, Belleville, Ontario, Canada. 10m-9,'48(A8248) [56]