«J. A CATALOGUE OK THE KANNADA, BADAGA, AND KlIRG BOOKS IN THE LIBBAEY OF THE B E I T I S H M U S E U ^I COMPILED BY L. D. BARXETT, M.A., Litt.D. KEEPER OF THE DEPAliTMENT OF ORIENTAL PRINTED BOOKS AND MSS. rniNTKI) BY onDER OF THE TBUSTEES OF THE BIIITISH MUSEUM. Uoiitjon : SOLI) AT THE BRITISH M D S E U M ; AMI BY MusHRS. LONGMANS .t CO., .^O, Paternoster L'ow ; Mu. liEKNAUD QUAKITCII, 11, Ouakton- Stueet, New r.oNi) Street, \V. ; Messrs. ASHER it CO., 14, I'.edford Street, Covent (Iarhek; and Mi;. lll'.NHV FROWDE, Oxford Universitv Pukss Wareiihusi;, A.mk.v Couneu. 1910. \_AU riijht.i riservcd.] LONDON : PBISTEn BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, liUKK STREET. STAMFORD STREET. S.E., AND GREAT WINDMILL STREET. W UMVERSITY OI- CALIFORNIA SANTA BA.-.U \i{A PEEFACE, Kannada or Karndfaka, less correctly styled Ganarese, Knnarese, or Carnatk, is " the principal language of Mysore and the adjoining parts of Coimbatore, Salem, Anantapiir, and Bellary. The frontier Hue thence goes northwards, through the dominions of His Highness the Nizam, as far as Bidar, where it turns almost due west on to about the 78th degree, and, further, southwards so as to include the south-eastern portion of Jat and Daphlapur. Kanarese is also spoken in the extreme south-east of Satara, in Taluka Tasgaon ; to some extent in the Aundh State of the Satara Agency ; and in the south of Belgaum, and, further to the west, in Kolhapur, almost so far west as the town of Kolhapur. The line then turns southwards, following the Ghats to about Honawar, where it goes down to the sea. In North Kauara Kanarese is the official language all over the district. It is the principal language of South Kauara, with the exception of the southernmost corner. The frontier line thence coincides with the southern frontier of Mysore. Kanarese dialects are also spoken in the Nilgiris, and the language has, lastly, been brought by immigrants to Madura and to the Central Provinces " {Linguistic Survey of India, vol. 4, pp. 362-3). The word Kannada, which from very aucient times has been applied both to the country and the language of its inhabitants,* is of very doubtful origin ; its doublet, Knnidf.a or Karnataha, seems to be the result of an attempt to find a Sanskrit etymology at all costs. f Like the Tamil, the Kannada language possesses an ancient and rich literature. Of its earliest period, reaching down to the end of the 7th century, when the language was in the stage known later as fftrvada hala-gaunada, or " Primitive Old Kannada," no works have survived. The second is the classical period, the age of hala-ijunnada, or " Old Kannada," which ended about the 14th century. To this belongs the oldest surviving monument of Kannada, the Kavi-raja-nififga. Uutil the middle of the Pith century most of the classical writers wore Jains; we may mention Pampa, Ranna, Naga Varma, Naga-chandi'a, Aggala, Nemi-chaudra, .Janna, Kesi-raja, and Andayya. After them came a series of Saiva poets, among tiie earliest of whom were Hari-hara Deva, Raghavanka, and Somesvara. About the 14lh centui-y begins the period of the "Modern Kannada," Iw^a-ijannadn. Badiign, i.e. the " Northern " language, in which are written one or two books included in this Catalogue, is merely an archaic dialect of Jvannada, and is spoken, * It is estimated on tlie basis of the Census of 1001 that K.-mnada is spoken by 10,319,117 poisons (Lhiijuixtic Survey, vol. 4, p. 3G4). t Tlie usually accepted derivation is from Kur-ii'if/ii or Khii-ikk/ii, the "bhiek region," referring to the black cotton soil of trappean character fouml in a large part of the Kannada countr}-. iv PREFACE. according to the census of 1901, by 34,229 persons, cliiefly Badagas resident in the Nilo:iris. The Kurg or Coorrj language (properly Kodagn) is spoken, according to the latest census, by 39,148 natives of the province of Coorg. It has afKnities on the one hand to Old Kannada and on the other to Tulu and Malayalam. Like Badaga, it is still almost without a literature. In preparing the following catalogue the same methods have genei'ally been followed as were observed in the recent Catalogue of Tamil Books. Thus the heading Lakshmisa, Dccapurada. Annama, denotes that this author was son of Annama, of Devapura. It may be remarked that the Dravidian order of names, which gives successively (1) the name of the native town or tribe, (2) the father's name, and (3) the person's own name, is in North Kanara and in souie adjoining districts superseded by tiie Marathi mode, in which this order is completely reversed. The following is the scheme of transliteration which has been adopted : — w a ^ (II i2 11 a ra na dj mit w a z. ^ cha ^ ta ciJ !/"■ -a (■ L ^ Clllllt 4 til a ti ra ^ i an a ja ci da t) la m u m ^^ jha ^ dim. ^ va «IU3 H s h. '^ ha ^ ■lilt :i sa oij ri ^ in U /-( t> pa ^ sill oiJ3 rj SJ l-ha ^ tha ^ pli " A sa ^ e rt ga ^ (la u hfi 3^ ha a t! ^ glut 4 (Ilia -J 111 a '^ la The extremely rare '? (Iri) and tt {Irl), and the obsolete letters x (/;, the jihvci- m/V'n/a sibilant breathing), oo or es (the itjyadhmdmga sound, corresponding to the Tamil /d, ra), and cj (the sound commonly written /«, corresponding to the Tamil tp), do not occur among the titles transliterated in the present Catalogue. The abbreviation ;iijoi! is used to denote our " etcetera." In conclusion I offer my sincere thanks to Dr. J. F. Fleet, I.C.S. (Retd.), and to Mr. R. Narasimhachar, OfBcer in charge of Archaeological Researches in Mysore, for philological and bibliographical help; to the Superintendent of the Basel Mission Press in Mangalore, who has communicated much information respecting the publica- tions of his press and their authors ; and to Mr. H. F. Moule, who lent me advance proofs of the Kannada section in his catalogue of the British and Foreign Bible Society's library. L. D. BARNETT. British Musecm, Juli/, 191U. CATALOGUE OF KANNADA, BADAGA, AND KURG BOOKS. [7h the folloiving dcscri-plions it is to be understood that unless books are especially mentioned as being in the Badacja or Kurg languages, they arc, either wholly or in fart, Kannada works or translations thereof.'] AAEOX (Daniel)- Daniel and his Companions. cssciJ-Wfio w^fi K^rRdtifi. pp. 40. Basel Mission Press: Mangalore, 1867. 16°. 14176. a. 31.(14.) ABAJ! EAMA-CHANDKA savant, gijiri si^.S.d- S3rii3.B°5!So3JJ oqisB zi.^msti7:3io^. [Kannada patra- vyavahara-bodhini. A guide to legal and com- mercial letter-writing, comprising lithographed specimens and appended matter. Second edition.] pp. ii. iv. 114,48. li^nso^ nrot. [Eclgawn, 1900.] 8°. 14176. i. 30. 'ABD al-KADIR SABI, Sahjid. See Thag. drtd . . . dO:3jCi)J. [Thagar'embuvaphasi-kararacharitreyu. Translated by Veiikata-subb'-ayya and 'Abd al- K5dir.] [1842.] 8°. 14176. d. 36. ABERCROMBY (RouKia'), Lieutenant. See VIra- E.\jENi)i!A Odkyak. us&czfti^^- (Rcijeudrananie . . . with an English translation by . . . R. Aber- crombie, e^W^^}So^,is^ S&iOll (Brahma siitrartha sangraha. The Brahma Sutras . . . expounded ... in accordance with the com- mentary of Sri Madhva charya, en'mrrt»T: [Anu-bhashya. A metrical Sanskrit summary by Ananda-tirtha of his com- mentary on the Brahraa-siitra, in four chapters. With grammatical analysis and Kannada inter- pretation and paraphrase. Edited by Krishna- charya Puranika of Hubli.] ff. i. 26. ■VK^TT^ [Dharwar, 1905.] obi. 12°. 14049. b. 28. [Maha-bharata-tatparya-nirnaya. A compendium of the religious doctrines of the Malia-bbarata. Translated from the Sanskrit into Kannada by Vadi-raja Svami. Edited by Bodharayacharya Annlgeri and others.] ff. iii. 348 ; 1 pJute. ^■^5- TTt^ '\t'i.'\ [Bel gaum, 1891.] ohl. 4°. 14176. g. 9. ANANTACHARYULTT, Komdnduru. The Uttara Harischaudra charitre. [A Kannada version] by A. Krishna char [of Anantacharyulu's Telugu prose work of that name, based on the Mar- kandeya-purana, and narrating the later history of the legendary king Harischandra and his suffer- ings in the cause of truth] . . . m^ cSsoOr! odMQ^ ■ pp. iii. i. ii. 70. 1902. See Peeiodical Publica- tions. — Mysore. The "Karnataka Granthamala" Series, no. 31. 1893, etc. 8°. 14176. k. 16.(no. 31.) ANANTA-NARAYANA SASTRI, Nanjann-gudu. See Haesha-deva. '^vsstU'^ ^ns^od ..." Karna- taka Nagauunda Natakum." [Translated by An- anta-narayana.] 1894. 8°. [Karnataka Grantha- male.'] 14176. k. 16.(no. 3.) See ViRESA-LiNGAM, K. Sathyavathighari- thre [sic], A translation [by Ananta-narayana], etc. [1897.] 8°. [Karndfal-a Grantha-mdle.'] 14176. k. 16,(no. 11.) ANANTA SIVA-RAMA MUDBHATKAL. A Modern Canarese Grammar explained in English : raoft ;i j^a^cxbo u6d saSsJrtS^d TO.B^dra;^. By A. S. Mud- bhatkal. pp. vi. 277. Karwar, 1899. 8°. 14176. i. 24. A.'N'DAYYA, son of Santa, ooo b'sS rtd^do. [Kabbi- gara kavam, also called Sobagina suggi or Madana- vijaya. A champu romance in pure Kannada, written about 1235 A.D., in 350 verses, on a story of the attack of the Love-god upon Siva, his punishment, and final deliverance. With notes.] pp. i. Ivi. 72. 1893. See Karnataka Kavya- MANJARI. ^rrasriis' vszi.^ouQ ctc. no. 2. 1892- 1898. 8°. 14176. ff. l.(no. 2.) Second edition revised. pp. v. 72, 32. Miisorc, 1896. 8°. 14176. f. 71. ANKLE (Sangappa Mallappa). See Sangappa Mal- LAiTA Ankle. ANNAJI RAIT, Gidvadi. &ra?2oc^ -aw S rad^^ ^cd^. [Rohiui, or Sarasvata-mandala. A story treating of the social questions of the Sarasvata com- munity.] pp. i. i. 231, iii. '^cj^snti^ [Calicut,] 1906. 12°. 14176. d. 63. ANNAJI RAU, Malh'svara R. See Bdlwee, after- wards Lytton (E. G. E. L.). Oollasini ... By ANNAJI- -AExVBIAN 10 M.K. Annaji Rao. [A romance founded on Bulwer Lytton's " Harold."] 1902. 8°. [Karnilfaka Grantha-mrde.] 14176. k. 16.(no. 33.) See Fielding (H.)- Kannada Translation of Tom Jones . . . [Rendered by Annaji Ran.] 1905. 8°. [KarnataJca Graiitha-vwle.^ 14176. k. 16.(no. 40.) 5'j;i)jfc)B'd. Kusum.ikara. A prose adap- tation of Shakospear's ' Two Gentlemen of Ve- rona" by M. R. Annaji Rao. pp.44. Bangalore, 1897. 16°. 14176. e. 26. Second edition, pp. 57. Bangalore, 1906. 16". 14176. e. 30. ANNAJI VARNARU, V. Krishna. tfrfodosjiDGlica^^a ^oJjo^jrf). [Padmakshana kalagavu, Sita-udayavu, and Madana-sundari-svayamvara. Three episodes from the epic Anauda-ramayana, operatically ren- dered as i/rt/rs/iu-(/a?ias by Annaji.] 3 pts. tSort's'jjrfj [Bangalore,] 1899-1900. 16". 14176. ee. 8. ANNA SAVADI. Savadi. See Srinivasa Rama-chandra ANSTEY (G.), Miss. See BiHL^.— Selections. The Daily Text Book . . . arranged ... by Miss Anstey, etc. 1871. 16°. 14176. a. 4.(8.) The Strait Gate. -a^^U ?i jpsrioj [sic]. [A ■i ti Christian tract.] (Tract and School Book Society. No. 20.) pp. 8. Wesleyan Mission Press : Ban- galore, 1866. 16°. 14176. a. 31.(20.) ANSTEY (L.), Miss. Lyrics. Selected and arranged by Miss L. Anstey. ■^ei^rSrt's'o. (Tract and School Book Society.) pp. ii. 45. Wesleyan Mission Press : Bangalore, 1869. 16°. 14176. a. 12. APPACHCHA, Appanernvanda. ;!iju a^, re,;c3,3jf53y3'. [Subrahuuinya-svami-nataka. A Kurg drama on the myths relating to the god Subrahmanya.] pp. 92. Mangalore, 1908. 8°. 14178. f. 21. oijodraa osac:^ jtbU^. [Yayati-riijanda nataka. A Kurg drama on the legend of king Yayati.] pp. ii. 103. Mangalore, 1906. 8°. 14178. f. 14. APP'-AYYA, Darhar Surgeon, Mysore. tfjscSric! B'josiJDOsa ^ia^?a ess ^oooii [Kodagara kulacharadi- tattvqjjivini. An account ofthe history and religious practices of the Kurg tribes.] pp. xx. iii. 102. ;3j/j3rfj nrcj, [M7jsore, 1902.] 12°. 14176. cc. 14. APPANACHARYA. iS^ . . . TT^-JM>^ Tn° [Ragha- vendra-stotram. A Sanskrit hymn iu praise of the Dvaita teacher Raghavendra, with a Kannada paraphrase.] fF. 21. ^*i|lH ^^ [Belgaum, Bom- hay printed, 1906.] obi. 12°." 14028. bb. 13.(3). APPANNA SETTI, H. i£^d^ ps^, aS^dc^ eseol) zioi_^. Hyder Nameh, or The Life of Hyder AH. pp. iii. viii. 134; 1 I'late. Mysore, 1897. 12'. 14176. d. 57. APPA-SAMI PILLAI, C. The Student's Guide, comprising terms relating to grammar, geography, ai'ithmetic and geometry . . . English and Canarese . . . Compiled ... by C. Appasawmy Pillay. pp. ix. 153, i. Wesleyan Missioji Press : Bangalore, 1867. 12°. 14176. h. 37. APPAYA DIKSHITA, son of Eaf/ga-raja. SotOb*,. [Sivadhikya. A Sanskrit poem upon the su- premacy of the god Siva. With a Kannada com- mentary, purporting to contain the arguments advanced by Appaya against Tatachiirya, a Vaish- nava teacher, translated from the Sanskrit by Siva-rama Sastri.] pp. 54. dJ^s^dj nroq [Mysore, 1903.] 8°. 14033. aa. 35.(2.) ARABIAN NIGHTS. The Arabian Nights' Enter- taiiimeuts, translated into Canarese, by Venkut Rungo (Moodholoker). edu jos^oijo d Ti^M ^^rt<^ ;ior!,!ii4. 2 pts. pp. 168, ii. 153, i. Bomhay, 1803, 1865. 8°. 14176. d. 20. [Yavana-yamini-vinoda-kathegalu. A translation of the Arabian Nights, by P. Veda-mitra.] pp. ii. 464. dj^Tiraijj nros^ [Mysore, IdOo.] 8°. 14177.0.12. esuBQoij orfo ;^Q?5j^c!j)dts^:?. [Aladiya. ad- bhuta-dipa-stambhada katho. The story of Aladdin and the wonderful lamp, translated into Kannada by U. Dakshinfi-nmrti Sastri.] pp. 152. ii^crt^f-rati) c^To [Bangalore, 1890.] 8°. 14176. d. 38. adjioi)?!* S^&J^ tsijisra oiidfioirasoRe a^erfrt'v. dra oosd Aorfij3C3* iTOSa*. (The marvellous Adven- tures of Sindbad the Sailor. [Translated] by Bapu Subba Rao.) pp.78. J%sorc, 1001. 12°. 14176. 00. 10. Forms no. iv. of the Books for the iiau'ns. 11 AEADHYA- -BABACHAEYA 12 ARADHYA VIRESVARA SASTRI. See VIresvara Sastri. ARITHMETIC. rirf^jra^drfo'^esrfssd^jjo^ii^ ii . . . Compendious Aritlimetic, etc. pp. 46. neJMsJ [^Catholic Mission Press : Bangalore, 1858.] 12°. 14176. h. 46.(1.) Abrida^ed Arithmetic in Canarese. rtrl^ ssrfjd ?io^?3j;d. pp.96; 2 plates. Catholic Mission Press : Bangalore, 1864. 12°. 14176. h. 43. tJos'rirf^d ;3jtirfu;3? sgi?! ^^. [Anka-ganitada modalane pustakavu. A first book of arithmetic] pp. 52. qraSsrad ncjiai [Dharivar, 1875.] 12°. 14176. h. 46.(5.) ARNONE (Petee). See Mhliyil (.J.) and Kuri- yan (J.). The English Primer . . . Canarese edition [by C. Maben and P. Arnone], etc. 1901. 8°. 14176. h. 81. AROGYAM PILLAI, i■^^^Q^^ c-SmoII [Su- dliama-charitra. Edited by Bala-krishna Riiu.] [1895.] 12°. 14176. ee. 5.(1.) See Tammanna-dasa. ef>-!r'§^sin>j^. [A- dhyatma-mala. Edited by Bfda-krishna Rau.] [1896.] 8°. 14177. b. 4 BALAPPAYA (P.). See Ephemerides. Tho Ca- nareso Almanac, etc. [Prepared by P. Balappaya and C. Vatsa.] 1870, etc. 8°. 14176. k. 2. BALA SASTRI NAREGALLA. Vaiii mukura, a comprehensive grammar of the modern Kanaresc language, (nsri? djJB'jd.) pp. xviii. iii. 298. Btl- gaum, 1884. 8°. 14176. h. 52. BALVANT BHASKARA MARATHE, 7icft?^sira ;33?- SOtsoi) tsniro S,?s:re7J ifvs.m srotis^. [Padmavati- parinaya, or Srinivixsa-kalyana-nataka. A drama in 5 acts.] pp. 8, 224. -JcriVJSci) [Bangalore,] 1882. 12°. 14176. f. 17. 15 BANA- -BAETH 16 SANA. Karnataka Kadambari. is'raarU^ radoUO. [A metrical Kannada translation by Naga Varrna uf Baua's Sanskrit prose romance. Edited by B. Mallappa.] pp. vi. 417. Govt. Branch Press : Mysore, 1892. 8°. 14176. d. 40. Vachana Kadambari ... is'si,!^ rfz^sJradojJO. [A prose rendering of pt. i. of Bana's Kadambari.] pp. i. 91. 1901. See Karkataka Kavya-kala- NiDHi. Karnataka Kavya Kalanidlii Series, etc. no. 3. 1899-1902. 8°. 14176. ff. 2.(no. 3.) sjrfoUO? ^^. [Kadambarl-kathe. An epi- tome in Kannada by G. V. Krishnacharya.] pp. iv. 73. [1899.] See Periodical Publications. — Mi/ftore. The ' Karnataka Gran thamala" Series, no. 20. 1893, eic. 8°. 14176. k. 16.(iio. 20.) A Canarese Kadambari. Bsrfozja;^':?. (Bana's Kadambari. In Kanarese.) [An epitome of the Kadambari by K. V. Gangadhara Madivalesvara Tdramari. Published by the Karnataka-vidya- vardhaka-sarigha of Dharwar. Third edition.] pp. xii. ii. 127. Dharwar, I90b. 12°. 14176. d, 60. The second title is from the cover. »3jr2i0^o. [Harsha-eharitam. A romanti- cally coloured account of the author's patron Harsha-deva, in ornate prose. Rendered from Sanskrit into Kannada by Kundalagiry-acharj^a.] pp. 142. [1900.] See Periodical Publications. — Mysore. The 'Karnataka Gr:inthamala" Series, no. 23. 1893, etc. 8°. 14176. k. 16.(no. 23.) BANGALORE. — Brdhmanyaikya - vardhalca - salJie. ?j4?«>?rf. [Satya-sadhana. A work on intermarriage between Brahmans and Chitpilvanas.] pp. vi. vi. 303. t3oriv'J3(jj nsjro [Bangalore, 1890.] 8°. 14176. c. 22. BANKIM- CHANDRA CHATTOPADHYAYA. tfrfod- ji)ci. [Ananda-matha. A novel founded on the history of the Sannyasi rebellion of 1772-73. Translated from the Bengali by B. Veiikatacharya.] pp. ii. 182, vi. ii. dj^^irai) nare [Mysore, 1899.] 8". 14177. c. 3. d;a; ^^pusd. [Devi Chaudhurfini. A novel. Translated by B. Venkatacharya.] p]). i. 230, i. A>^;!:j2dJ njjre [Mysore, 1899.] 8°. 14177. c. 2. BANKIM - CHANDRA CHATTOPADHYAYA (con- tinued). Durgesa Nandiui, or The Chieftain's Daughter. An historical Bengali novel by Babu Bankim Chander Chaterji. Translated by B. Veu- catachar ... in Kanarese. (ciortfrsioioas?.) pp. xii. 296. Bangalore, 1885. 8°. 14177. c. 19. 'aoaos (Sssjds'). [Indira and Visha-vriksha. Two novels. Translated from the Bengali into Kannada by B. Veiikatacharya.] pp. ii. 39, i. 254, ii. [1897,1900.] See Periodical Publications. — Mysore. The "Karnataka Granthamala" Series, nos. 12, 21*. 1893, etc. 8". 14176. k. 16.(E0S. 12, 21*.) BAPU SUBBA RAU. See Arabian Nights. (fitii2o±,^ ^^^ ^jcii (The marvellous Adventures of Sind- bad the Sailor. [Translated] by Bapu Subba Rao.) 1901. 12°, 14176. cc. 10. BAREILLE (J.). See Beschi (C. G. E.). Para- marta Guru . . . Edited by ... J. Bareilie. 1877. 12°. 14176. d. 8. See Beschi (C. G. E.). 3iddi3i;Sr rtJdjasiB':? [Paramartha-guruvina kathe.] Edited by . . . J. Bareilie. [1877.] 12°. 14176. d. 9. See Beschi (C. G. E.). Paramarta Guru . . . Opus curante ... J. Bareilie editum. 1877. 12°. 14176. d. 15. BARTH (Christian Gottlob). See Bible. — Com- jilete Bibles. A Commentary on the Old Testa- ment [and New Testament] . . . [Being a trans- lation of Barth's commentary, popularly known as the "Calwer Bibel," into Kannada.] 1861, etc. 8°. 3068. h. 7. rfdsqrard Q^zious^^). [Bible Stories. Translated into Kannada by W. Hoch.] 2 pts. pp. 138, 107, lith. Mission Press : Mangalore, 1847. 8°. . , , 14176. b. 30. Pt. ii. is of the 2nd edition. [Second edition of pt. i. (1848), and first edition of pt. ii. (1843).] pp. 150, 70. Mission Press : Mangalore, 1843, I8i8. 8°. 14176. b. 11. Bible Stories in Canarese. Old (New) Testa- ment. n?d333;,d a.sjoiroSs* ^rfrs^srti. [Translated 17 BASAPI'A- -BENDIGIRI 18 / by J. A. Biihrcr. Fifth edition.] 2 pts. pp. iv. 247, vi. 185. Basel Mission Press: Mainjalorr, 1868, 1869. 12°. 14176. a. 52. BASAPPA ANNA JEV ALL -JToSf^lf^ ?m3I^^. isuSO^ c^OSa'jjJ^. [Jala-silpi lialli-sakunavu. A book oil omens connected with building of tanks and wells, and the presages conveyed in the sounds made by liz:n-ds.] pp. 31. •Jcrlv'jjrfj nsJeyo [Ban- galore, \8S] .] 8^ 14176. c. 18.(1.) BASAPPA SASTRI, Court Pandit, of Mysore. AiU,. Ti'j.^ijsji" a'^djjO.'es rr,o!5!rfii>^ b'jS^j. [A criticism on Srinivas'-aiyangar's Notes on the Matriculation Kannada Text for 1890.] pp. 16. ^i/^ri^ [Mysore, 1890.] 8°. 14176. f. 63.(4.) BASAPPA SASTRI, author of " Karmfalca Sakun- tald." See Basavappa Sastri. BASAVA, Channa. See Channa Basava. BASAVA, Founder of the Lingayat Sect. [For the biography of this teacher (flor. c. 1160-70), see under the foUowicg headings :] Sankara Araduta. VirOpaksha Pandita. BuiMA. BASAVA-LINGA, disciide of SantHsvara, of Siva- ganga. S^? . . . 'isaiiafii ii%^Ti sPosra^ [Kotturu- basavesa-pauranavu. A poetical version, in viir- dhika-shatpadi metre, of the legends concerning the Vira-saiva saint Kotturu Ba.savesa. Edited by N. R. Kari-basava Sastri and M. Basava-linga Sastri, with preface by V. Vira-sangappa.] pp. i. 252. Ai^iCaxf [Mysore,] 1894. 8°. 14176. f. 69. According to the preface, Basava-lihga's date is 1078. BASAVA-IINGA SASTRI, M. See B/sava-linqa, diseipla of Sdidesvara. ^! . . . jj7Jd?rf Tpcsts^. [Kotturu-basave.sa-pauranavu. Edited by Basava- linga.] 1894. 8°. 14176. f. 69. See Guru-raja. 5i » [Lokaradhya - mall ikftij una- paiiditaradhya- chari- tam. Edited by Basava linga.] 1908, etc. 8°. 14028. ddd. 1. See SiiAiJAKSiiARi Maniri. ^? . . . a?d3^,d- i;Jd&fifii?;l)d ;ioJoii [Vira-saiva-dharina-siiomani. Preceded by Basava-kshitindra-vamsiiviili, wiili Kannada translation by Basava-linga. EiHt(>d by the latter.] 1908. 8°. 14028. ddd. 2. BASAVA NAYAKA, Keladi, Raja of Bidnur. See Suauakshaki ]\1antri. hj? . . . a;ci3^;i5;rf35j3;dori ;i)Joii [Vlra-saiva-dharma siromani. Preceded by Basava-kshitindra-vaipsavali, giving the pedigree of Basava (reigned from A.D. 1740).] 1908. 8°. 14028. ddd. 2. BASAVA-PAURANADURU MALLANARYA. See Mallanarya. BASAVAPPA SASTRI, author of"Karnafal-a Sakun- tald." See KshemIsvara. Karnataka Cliauda kousika natakam . . . [Translated] by . . . Basa- vappa, e. 8°. [Karnataka Grantha- rtiale.] 14176. k. 16.(no. 45.) BHAVYAMRITA. jjiss^rfj^^. [Bhavyamrita. A tract in 110 verses on Jain ethics and doctrine. Edited by Padma-raja Pandita.] pp.10. "Jort's'jsijj n(sr3 [Bangalore, 1892.] 8°. 14176. b. 35.(2.) BHIKAJI HARI SAMANTA. ooo ^jjoj^^gi^. [Koshta- kavu. Tables of weights and measures.] pp. 12. 'Mmo naz-z. [Belgaum, 1877.] 8°. 14176. h. 59.(3.) BHIMA, son of Siva Kavi. !j;!id;gD3C3^. [Basava- puranavu. A poem in shafpadi metro on the legends of the Saiva devotee Basava, in 61 chapters, completed in the year 1369 A.D.] pp. 670, lith. ;iJcrt-vJ3d) nejsio \_Mangalore, 1850.] Fol. 14176. g. 2. BHIMA-RATJ, Court Thysician, of Mysore. jsaa'- tics^ [Nadi-nidilna, or N°.-prakarana. A treatise on the diagnosis of disease from the pulse, ex- tracted from Bhima-rau's S:inskrit compendium of medicine called Vaidya-bliiishana and done iuto Kannada verse by Jayarayacharya son of Nara- hari.] pp. iii. iv. 31, iii. Mysore, ^rfre© [1879.] 8°. 14176. c. 7. BHIMA-RAU RAGHAVENDRA AIHOLI. osdj roo- 233^. Sjdcifflii rtjOqS^. [Rama-parijilta. A metrical paraphrase of the Bala-kanda of Valmiki's Rama- yana.] pp. 79. i3!33^a narj) [Bijajmr, 1892.] 8°. 14176. f. 64. BHIMA-RAU SVAMI-RAU KAMLAPUR. WrS^T j" [Sat-katlia. Biograpliics of Madlivacharya and other notable teachers in tlio Dvaita Church founded by him, with their jiedigreo.] pp. iii, 110, iii.; \ plate. VIT^'TVS '\C<^C [lUiarinir, \S9C)J 8°. 14176. b. 44. 23 BHIMAVADHUTA- -BIBLE 24 BHIMAVADHUTA. ^ss^^^oi^s^ [Tattvanusan- dhana. A catechism of the Advaita-vedanta philosophy.] pp. ii. iv. 221. SiJasS^ci [Bijapur,'] 1899. 16°. 14177. a. 3. BHOJA-DEVA. See Bhoja-eaja. BHOJA-KAJA, King of Dhara. Ij -^saded ?J sJ^B* ^ ^^5Jj 53^53 ^.>c ii [Tattva-prakasika, or °prakasa. A summary of the Saiva system of philosophy and physics, in 75 Sanskrit verses. With a Kan- nada interpretation by Parvatesa Svami.] pp. 2, 29. Mysore, 1908. 8°. 14028. ddd. 3. Forms no. 3 of the Vira-saiva-grantha-prakasika-graiitha- vali. BHtJTALA PANDYA. tiJ^^stood.rf «*oJ3rfo3srfd B^lij s'ii.s? [Aliya-sant;inada kattu-kattale. A code of law attributed to king Bhutala Pandya, on the devolution of inheritances to sisters' sons.] pp. 28. docrts;'J3[ii nejsii \_German Mission Press : Manrjalore, 1857.] 8°. 14176. c. 3. tjirasss^raoi^,. [Bhiitala Pandya's Code.] See Keishna-rau, G. a Treatise on Aliya Santana Law, etc. 1898. 8°. 14176. c. 32. The Bhutala Pandya's Aliya Santana Law [explained in English] by T. Gopal Kristnah Piliay. [With appendices containing a literal English translation of the Code by M. 0. Singala- charyar, e/c] pp. vi. iv. 58. Madras, \81Z. 8°. 5319. aaa. 3. BIBLE. COMPLETE BIBLES. Begin. ^ti^aijadzS^sS. ;tod«^?B3od. [Old Testa- ment, comprising Genesis — Esther as translated by W. Reeve and the other books as translated by J. Hands, with the assistance of J. Taylor, A. D. Campbell, and R. C. Gosling, in the editions of 1827 (Pentateuch), 1829 (Joshua — 2 Sam., Isaiah, Daniel), 1830 (1 Kings — Ezra, Job, Prov. — Song of Solomon), 1831 (Jeremiah— Ezekiel, Minor Prophets), and 1839 (Psalms revised by J. Reid). New Testament, comprising Gospels, Acts, and Ephesians — Philippians as translated by J. Hands, in the revised edition of Hands and Reid (Gosp. 1836, Acts 1837, Eph.— Phil. 1838), and Romans — Galatians and Colossiaus — Revelation in the original 1830 edition of Hands' translation.] \_Madras Auxiliary Bible Society : Mission Press : Bellary, 1830-1839.] 8°, 1109. d. 2-5. No title-pages. Each book has separate pagination. [Another copy.] 3068. bb. 15. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testa- ments ; translated out of the original tongues into Canarese. By a committee of missionaries [viz. G. H. Weigle, H. Moegling, C. Campbell, B. H. Rice, J. Garrett, and D. Sanderson] of the Germau, London, and Wesleyan Missionary Societies ; for the Madras Auxiliary Bible Society. ^^ aoJ3?g t^doua#ri'!*j t5dndj;i X-^.. ;3?rf. Weslfi/an Mission Press : Bangalore, 1860. 4°. 14176. bb. 1. Coyitains the O.T. in the tentative version prepared hy Weigle and revised hy the rest of the committee, and the N. T. in a revised version of the translation of 1854, of which the chief author was Weigle. There is no pagination. The sheets hear the signatures A-3P in O.T. and A-3K in N.T. The Holy Bible . . . translated out of the original tongues iuto Canarese by a committee of mission- aries of the German, London and Wesleyan Mis- sionary Societies ; for the Madras Auxiliary Bible Society. With references, contents of the chapters, and chronology . . . ?j4 °5?d. pp. i. 1212. Wesleyan Mission Press : Bangalore, 1865. 4°. 3070. dd. 23. A revision of the edition of 1860. SoS? ^?i z^douQ^ri^j . . .7i^, *rf^. (The Holy Bible . . . translated into Canarese ... by a committee of missionaries of the German, London, and Wesleyan Missionary Societies.) pp. ii. 1044, 318. Bangalore AiuiUary Bible Society : Basel Mission Press: Mangalore, 1877. 8°. 3068. f. 2. A reprint of the 1865 edition. A Commeutary on the Old Testament [and New Testament] . . . ssasri.aosjdfira^a d, d?rfOT3%ro;„aj3,5J;3 . . . 3oi.ai) ?^a oi) IjtJj ^. wJ^s'o u6drfj . pp. 128. Madras Auxiliary Bible Society : Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, 1890. 12°. 3070. aaa. 59. [John.'] (The Gospel of John. ojjasoosSriJ uSd ?ijn3;3e.) [A revision by the Committee of Missionaries.] [Madras Auxiliary Bible Society : Wesleya n 3nssion Press: Bangalore, I8bi?] 12°. 3070. aaa. 6. No jHifjinaiion : the sheets are W-2 C. The Gospel of John. cAojaoSfisiJ u3d sSjssTs'd^a'fJ do^. [In the version of the Committee of Missionaries.] pp. 88. Bangalore Auxiliary Bible Society : Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, 1882. 16°. 3068. a. 42. The Gospel of St. John. Revised translation. 0jJ3?2o3f!?ii vSd A^;^^r wcdd 2srt:i,i^B'si zio^i^. Tenta- tive edition, pp. 99. Bangalore Auxiliary Bible Society: Basel Mission Press: Mangalore, 1900. 1(3°, 14176. a. 70,(3.) Acts. The Acts of the Apostles, in Canarese. w^ri wd ■» c5jrt«'J. [A revision by the Committee of Mis- sionaries.] Madras Auxiliary Bible Society • Wesleyan Mission Press: Bangalore, 1853. 12°. 3068. aaa. 35. Without pagination : the sheets hear the signatures 2D-2L. 31 BIBLE- -BODHAEAYACHAEYA 32 BIBLE {continued). Epistles. Begin. t?^?^y^djf tOoi4)!Asi^driOi^tJdd3iaj^oi3J. [Ephesians and Philippians. Translated intoKan- nada by J. Hands.] pp. 17, 12. [Calcutta Auxiliary BiUe Society: 3fadras, 1822?] 8°. 1110. f. 4.(2.) There are two copies of Philip2nans. No title-pages. The pages are not numbered, hut marked respectively A-Q and A-L at the foot. The Epistle of St. James. A new translation with introduction notes and commenta by the Eev. Henry Haigh. pp. i. 90, iv. Wesleyan Mission Press: Mysore, 1895. 8°. 14176. b. 45. The First Epistle of Peter. |j?53s^5Si u3d ;3fldu^ 5ja,# ^oo II [Translated with commentary by Henry GulHford.] pp. xxvi. 63. Tract and Boole Society : Bangalore, 1902. 8°. 14176. b. 52. Studies in the Book. ^i.^^d rtcqi a?^j^. The Epistle to the Romans. Srd?^..d sc!^^. Adapted from the English by the Rev. Alexander Ezra. [Kannada text and commentary.] pp. 4, 88. Wesleyan Mission Press : Mysore, 1897. 12°. 14176. a. 73. APPENDIX. See Earth (C. G.). d?d;33gL dojon [Bible Stories.] 1847. 8°. 14176. b. 30. ■ 1813, 1848. 8°. 14176. b. 11. See Barth (C. G.). Bible Slories, etc. 1868, 1869. 12=. 14176. a. 52. See KiTTEL (F.) . A Selection of Scripture Stories in Hindu metre. New Testament, eic. 1862. 12°. 14176. a. 53. See Ldetqi (B.). Short Bible Stories, dc. 1901. 12.°. 14176. a. 61.(2.) See Rice (B. H.). Essence of the Bible, etc. 1865. 16°. 14176. a. 4.(5.) wa^.OTdd ecJj ^dcu 3cs?; d?d scjsrf d?dd Ad^siA. [Aditya-varada adbhutavu] . . . Historiae Veteris et Novi Testamenti Compendium (secundum nu- merum Dominicarum uuius anni), curante uno Missionario Apostolico [scil. A. Bouteloup] . . . digestum et typis mandatum. Secunda editio. 2 vols. pp. 398, ii. 353, 4. ii. Typorjrapliia Catho- lica : Bengalori, 1864. 8°. 14176. b. 2. [An earlier edition of pt. i. of the pre- ceding, although termed secunda editio, with a similar title-page.] pp. 401, iii. Typograpkia Catholica: Bengalori, 1861. 8°. 14176. b. 3. [Third edition.] 2 vols. pp. 489, 15, 443, 7. i3oris;*J3!iJ [Catholic Mission Press: Ban- galore,] 1903. 12°. 14176. a. 81. Catechism of Scripture History. dsdssis^, doi - rts^siy ^.taj^i drt^od ^d ?5i;raft tm^Q^zi ^si 5*4. (Ban- galore Bible, Tract, and Book Society.) pp. 54. Wesleyan Mission Press : Bangalore, 1842. 12°. 14176. a. 58.(2.) Epitome of the Bible in the words of Scrip- ture. Old Testament (New Testament). By the Eev. B. Eice. ^^d ^sJcrt,^ ^Jon 2 pts. pp. v. vi. 339, V. 7, vi. 246, iv. Tract and Booh Society: Wesleyan Mission Press : Bangalore, 1861. 12°. 3125. bb. 19. ?;4d;rf z^O^rts;* ^id^ii^n [Satya-veda-chariti-egala sankshepavu. A compendium of Bible history for Eoman Catholic Schools. Translated from the Tamil by A. Bouteloup.] pp.80. [Catholic Mission Press : Bangalore, I86i ?] 16^ 14176. a. 9.(1.) WitJiout title-page, ?J4°3;dd sri9^ oijo. [Satya-vedada pariksheyu. A work on the elements of the Christian religion. Translated into Kannada from the Tamil, and said to have been originally written by a Jesuit missionary in Telugu. Eevised by E.-L. Char- bonnaux.] pp. 368. i3crt«;*.raclj neJD^j [Catholic Mission Press : Bangalore, 1852.] 12°. 14176. a. 49. BIBLIOTHECA CARNATICA. Bibliotheca Car- natica. Published under the direction of B. Lewis Eice. Bangalore, 1884, etc. 8° & 4°. In progress. For works published in this series, see under the headings : — 1. 6. Naga Varma. 2. Bhattiikalanka Dt-va. 3. Naga-chandra. 4. Pampa. 5. Kavi-raja-marga. BODHARAYACHAEYA ANNIGERJ. See Ananda- TIKTHA. ^'t .. . 1?THK7nnr^^f'Jn&^° [Maha-bharata- tatparya-nirnaya. Edited by Bodharayacharya.] [1891.] obi. 4°. 14176. g. 9. BOilBAY- -BOUTELOUP 34 BOMBAY, Presidencij of. Gazetteer of tlie Bombay Karuatik, or the districts of Dharwar, Belgaum, Bijapur and Kanara, with the southern Mahratta states. Translated into Kanarese by order of Government by Mr. Veukat Range Katti. pp. iii. 635, xix. xvi. ii. ; 4 maps. Bombay, Mamjalore [printed], 1893. 8°. 14177. d. 1. First Book of Lessons in Canarese. Part I (II) . Printed for the use of Government Canarese schools in the Southern division of the Bombay Presidency. (i3sej?rd ^rf^ci sraiirt"!* draritiS? ^^^^.) 2 pts. Basel Mission Press: Mangalore, 1866, 1867. 16°. 14176. h. 2.(2.) Ft. 1 is in the ith edition (1867), pt. 2 in the 3rd (1866). Canarese Spelling Book. II (III). ^?a udoiiJd roiSrt'c'j . . . Printed for the use of the Government schools in the Southern Mahratti country. pts. 2, 3. ^cris;'jssi) nua^r [German 3fission Press: Mangalore, 1859.] 16°. 14176. h. 2.(1.) Second Book of Lessons in Canarese iraw^rd ^^,d SJ3cirl«i .iddS? ^^i b'sS For the use of Government Canarese schools in the Southern division of the Bombay Presidency. Third edition, pp. 60. Basel Mission Press: Mangalore, 1867. 12°. 14176. h. 10.(3.) Third Book of Lessons in Canarese. Trans- lated by Venkat Rungo . . . for the use of Govern- ment Canarese schools in the Southern division of the Bombay Presidency. Second edition. (3*^^:^ sradrt?' rijjsd^? ^?j tf^.) pp. iv. iv. 130. Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, ISGG. 12°. 14176. h. 22. Kanarese Fourth Book, etc. {'d^^d ssu^^? 4^3*.) (The Department of Public Instruction, Bombay.) pp. x. 226. Bombay, Mangalore[prmted], 1880. 12°. 14176. h. 11. Outlines of Geography, tjtortjsejsra. dijsrf- t)^? si)^^. [Published by order of the Board of Education for the use of Government Kannada schools. Second edition.] pp. S4,litli. ;i)Jct330iJ ntsvz. [Bombay, 1847.] 16°. 14176. h. 32. Treatise on Mental Arithmetic for Be- ginners. Revised and translated for tlio use of Government Vernacular Schools by Venkat Rango. (tssoJj'Jsj M ^^3^S.) PP- 28, lith. Dharwar, 1803. 12°. 14176. h. 46.(2.) BOMMA (CiiATUKANANA, or Cuatuuasya). z^^os:;^- S^oib [Chaturasya-nighantu. A repertory of synonyms, in 137 kanda verses, composed about 1300 A.D.] pp. 28. 1893, See Karnataka Kavya-manjari. t^HsrU^ rad,;i)cao etc. no. 5. 1892-1898. 8°. 14176. ff. l.(DO. 5.) BOUTELOUP (A.). See Bible. — Appendix, ua;^.- K3d:d i3±> ^ . . . Historiae Veteris et Novi Testa- menti Compendium, curante uno Missionario Apostolico [soil. A. Bouteloup] . . . digestum et typis mandatum, etc. 1864. 8°. 14176. b. 2. 1801. 8°. 1903. 12°. 14176. b. 3. 14176. a. 81. See Bible. — Appendix. ?i^,d?d tioij rijjon [Satya-veda-charitregala sankshepavu. Trans- lated by A. Bouteloup.] [1863?] 10°. 14176. a. 9.(1.) (See Butler (J.). siijs.^sicjJEJ^ ^-JO" [Jiiiino- padesavu. Translated by A. Bouteloup.] [1863 '!] 12°. 14176. a. 9.(2.) See Reeve (J.). Reeve's History of the Church, abridged and translated into Canarese [by A. Bouteloup], e/c. 1867. S°. 14176. b. 14. See Rome, Church of. ?iSc..;3ic?:J^ ^iiJo : [Habba sangyagala vyakhyanavu. Translated by A. Bouteloup.] [1863?] 12°. 14176. a. 9.(3.) raona^oo^ Ae^iioio doijOii 5jj!5j3^?^d;33d ?jo#?S; A Catechism of the History of England, pp. 19 I. Catholic Mission Press: Bangalore, 18l')4. 12°. 14176. h. 41. Elements of Geography. tjiJsrtJSJ's' zdt.zi 7ioi??Sj4. pp.438. Catliolic Mission Press : Ban- galore, 1864. 12°. 14176. h. 58. 'So!\^^ pi^SoiJstJ^ ts'O^ ^jsvij^rfd^^ . . . sracirts.-'j. The English and Canarese Instructor. [Heading lessons in English, with Kannada interpretation.] pj). 227. Catholic Mission Press : Bangalore, ]8(i7. 12°. 14176. h. 17. D 35 BEAHMAN- -BUTLEE 36 BRAHMAN, of Xagpur. An Essay on the Second ]\Iarriage of Hindoo Widows, by a learned Bramin of Nagpoor. Translated from tbe Mahratta lan- guage into Cauarese, by C. Kristoamah, etc. Sjjo") pp. 38, 25. [Bamjniore,'] 1852. 8°. 14176. c. 8.(1.) BRAHMANANDA, Svdmi, Pnrama-hamsa. hjtiUDti- Sjooii [Vichara-dlpaka. A Sanskrit metrical digest of Vedantic philosophy. Edited with a Kauuada translation of the author's Hindi com- mentary by Sivananda Subrahmanya.] pp. 19, 214, 2. dcrts;fj:idJ [Danrjalore,] 1902. 8°. 14049. b. 15. BRAHMANANDA YOGI. h,^ ... iro,;^ dro sb?jsci djooii [Brahma-dharmanusara. A manual of the Brahma Samaj, in 10 parts, comprising hymns and prayers in Sanskrit and Kannada, devotional readings, eic] pp. 2G1. iicT\^.Rd> riTok. [Bangalore, 1906.] 12°. 14177. a. 6. BRAHMA SAMAJ. See Brahmananda Yogi, b,? . . . jTOjcd, qjcs. FijArad ^ooii [Brahma-dharmanusara.] [1906.] 12°. 14177. a. 5. Theist's Hymn Book in Canarese. By the Bangalore Brahmo Somnj. j^^ ?jjc?3d?j. pp. 20. Bangalore, 1870. 8°, 14176. b. 19. BRIGEL (JoHANN Jacob). See Periodical Pub- lications. — MangaJore. 7i:^^:ij (Sabhapatra.) [Edited by J. J. Brigel.] 1868-1871. 8°. 14176. k. 5. BRIGEL (JoHANN Jacob) and others, A collection of [18] Canarese Sermons [reprinted, witli the exception of nos. 17-18, from the periodical " Sabha-patra"]. 'd^^U s^TioM^o. pp. i. 64, 32, 82. Basel Mission Press ; Mangalore, 1872. 8°. 14176. b. 7. BROCKMAN (Henry James), Captain. See Gal- i.AUDET (T. H.). The Class Book of Natural Theology . . . Translated into Canarese by . . . H. J. Brockman, ffc. 1851. 12°. 14176. a 59. BROWN (Charles Philip). See Dialogues. Dialogues in Kanada and English . . . [With a prefatory note signed C. P. B.] 1852. 8°. 14176. i. 2. BUCHER (J.). A Kannada - English School- dictionary. Chiefly based on the labours of the Rev. Dr. F. Kittel . . . ^^,ri ^^ 'Soft S^ sseressi'otJj. pp. ix. 456. Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, 1899. 8°. 14176. i. 27. BTJEHRER (J. Adam). g«e Barth (C. G.). Bible Stories . . . [Translated by J. A. Biihrer.] 1868, 1869. 12°. 14176. a. 52. BULWER, afterwards BULWER LYTTON (Edward George Eaele Lytton), Baron Lytton. OoUasini. eruos^AS. By M. R. Annaji Rao. [A romance founded on Bulwer Lytton's ' Harold."] pp. iv. i. ii. 88. 1902. See Periodical Publications. — Mysore. The " Karnataka Granthamala " Series, no. 33. 1893, etc. 8°. 14176. k. 16. (no. 33.) BUNYAN (John), oira;^?! si jiotasii^ [Yatrasthana samchiiravu. The " Pilgrim's Progress," trans- lated into Kannada by G. Weigle.] 2 pts. pp. 2-io, 2bb,Uth. jjjort^'jsdj nuy^, nerve [Mangalore, 1847, 1849.] 8°. 14176. b. 16. The Pilgrim's Progress from this World to that which is to come ... in Canarese. Part i. Edited by the Rev. B. Rice from a translation by Rev. G. Weigle and Rev. Dr. Moegling. (:3!Jsc3,oJj 3ijOd53C3.) pp. 201, v. German Mission Press: Man- galore, 1861. 12°. 14176. a. 55. John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress from this World to that which is to come. Second part . . . cdraSjts'si ?Joi33d4 ;i)Jon [Done into Kan- nada by Christauuja Vatsa.] pp. 160. Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, 1908. 12°. 14176. a. 46. Pi. i. of this edition was a re-issue of the translation by G. H. Weigle, and appeared in Oct. 1881 {see Catalogue of Books registered, 1882, first quarter, p. 10). BITRNELL (Arthur Coke). See Bible. — New Testament. — Gospels. [Matthew.} Specimens of S. Indian Dialects . . . Collected by A. C. Burnell, etc. 1873. 16°. C. 40. b. 38. BUTLER (James), R. C Archbishop of Cashel. 7iisi.°^i?:i^ . . ■ !3S ;iB?33d?Ji4ii [Jiianopadesavu, i.e. Butler's Catechism of Roman Catholic doc- trine. Translated by A. Bouteloup.] pp. 124. [Catholic Mission Press : Bangalore, 1863 ?] 16°. 14176. a. 9.(2.) Without title-page. The hooh is the second in the series Satyopadesavu. 37 BUTT- -CASTE BUTT, afterwards SHERWOOD (Mary Martha). The Ayah aud Lady, an Indian story . . . Trans- lated into Canarese [by C. Campbell]. diS3?:3Soi)(Ss^ □aQoijfJfi^ 3*00^015! r^^. Second edition, pp. 99. Wesleyan Mission Press: Bangalore, IS-lt. 12°. 14176. a. 57.(1.) The Ayali and Lady. Translated into Canarese. ^^sdJS^. Tliird edition. pp. 126. Wesleyan Mission Press: Bangalore, 18G3. 1G°. 14176. a. 14. (t3^ djsd aoS_,. «riS tJfl^oO) 'a;id?i'!?oijj.) [The History of little Henry and his Bearer. Trans- lated into Kannada by H. iloegling.] pp. 102, lith. ;i)crttfJ5di ncjwr [Mangalore, 1849.] 12°. 14176. a. 57.(2.) Without title-page. Little Henry and his Bearer. t3^ djisrf ^iSjOjjjj, e;rf3 i3JS?oDoi)j3. [Translated into Kannada by H. Moegling.] Fourth edition, pp. 87. Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, 1867 . 16°. 14176. a. 31.(13.) See Smith (T.). The Last Days of Boosy ... [A sequel to "Little Henry and his Bearer."] 1869. 16°. 14176. a. 31.(15.) CALDWELL (Robert), Coadjutor Bishop of Madras. The Three Way-marks. Ji^^ drertrd rtJcJj^rti^j. [A Christian tract.] (Tract and School Book Society. No. 25.) pp.107. Wesleyan Mission Pres.t : Ban- galore, 1866. 16°. 14176. a. 32.(3.) CALIDAS. Sec Kalidasa. CAMPBELL ( ), Mrs. See Biblk.—- Se/ec/Zojis. Daily Bread ... [A text for every day, arranged by Mrs. Campbell.] 1857. 32°. 14176. a. 1. CAMPBELL (Colin). iSee Bible. — Complete Bibles. The Holy Bible . . . translated ... By a committee of missionaries [viz. C. Campbell and others], etc. I860. 4°. 14176. bb.l. 1865. 4°. 1877. 8°. 3070. dd. 23. 3068. f. 2. [For portions of the Bible in tlie trausla- tion issued by the Committee of Missionaries, in- cluding C. Campbell :] See Bible. CAMPBELL (Colin) {continued). See Butt, after- wards SiiEKWOOD (M. M.). The Ayah aud Lady . . . Translated into Canarese [by C. Campbell], etc. 1844. 12°. 14176. a. 57.(1.) See Nesbit (R.). Tlie true Atonement [Translated into Kannada by C. Campbell.] 1860. 16°. 14176. a. 32.(1.) Elements of Canarese Grammar . . . 5i^,d ro.^dra ?;scl^. Third edition, pp. ii. 83. Wesleyan Mission Press : Bangalore, 1849. 12°. 14176. h. 18. • Elements of Canarese Grammar . . . . . . T^fid OT-S^dra ?33c3^. Fifih edition, pp. ii. ii. 82. Wesleyan Mission Press : Bangalore, 1870. 16°. 14176. a. 20. Instruction for Youth. No. 3... V!s6a.?sii^Ti. pp. 159. Wedeyan Mission Press : Bangalore, 1852. 12°. 14176. h. 56. CAMPBELL (W.) . Theology addressed to Hindoos. ri^,d!rf rm fisd,ti;s?d ... in a series of discourses on the attributes of God, the fallen state of man, and the plan of salvation. Mission Press : Bellary, 1838. 8°. 14176. b. 15. Each discourse is separately paged. CANARESE. See Kannada. CANDY (Thomas). Canarese Sixth Book, for the use of Government Schools . . . translated from the Sixth Reading Book of Major Candy's Marathi series by G. Maduvaleshwar Turmuri, etc. (3'f!,cS «ti;3e ^'i a*^.) pp.iv.455. Wesleyan Mission Prtss : Bangalore, 1870. 12°. 14176. h. 24. In whom shall we trust ? oiad^J^ Sojj 'Jj^^j? [A Christian tract, originally published iu Marathi.] (Tract aud School Buok Society. No. 18.) pp. 34. Wesleyan 3fission Press : Bangalore, 1865. 16°. 14176. a. 31.(25.) CASAMAJOR (Georhe). S'c Bible.— New Testa- ment. — Gosi'ils. [Luke.] The Gospel of Luke iu Badaga [translated by G. Casamajor (ch. i.-viii.)], ' etc. 1890. 12°. 3070. aaa. 59. CASTE. Strictures on Caste, ^jostasd sio^. [A Christian tract.] Second edition. (Tract and School Book Society. No. 6.) pp. 18. Wesleyan Mission Press : Bangalore, 1864. 16°. 14176. a. 31.(10.) 39 CATECHISM- -CHANDEA-SEKHAEA 40 CATECHISM. See Bible. — Appendix. Catechism of Scripture History, etc. 1842. 12°. 14176. a. 58.(2.) [For editions of tbe Roman Catechism con- tained in ritual works :] See Liturgies. — Rome, Cliurch of. See Weigle (G.). Second Catechism, etc. 186S. 12°. 14176. a. 58.(10.) [For the Catechism of tbe Wesleyan Methodists :] See Wesleyan Methodists. ■ Ts'j;i-3da?sj!3?s!2 [Kumaropadesa. A Christian catechism for confirmation.] pp. 40, ////i. jiiJozrocOJ n'JV3 [Bombay, 1842.] 12°. 14176. a. 58.(1.) First (Second) Catechism. From the English. [Translated] by the Rev. B. Rice. Sadv^? (.id:^;3?) ^Sp^?^rf 'cJfl!^. 2 pts. pp. 36, 54. TFes- lei/an Mission Press : Bangalore, 1860, 1861. 16°. 14176. a. 16, 17. d:j,33d ezd.ort^, woajiissncijrf rss ;iB?3bn;j!4 [Bhadrav' ada abhyangakke ayittav' ag' iruva jnilnopadesavu. A Roman Catholic catechism for the use of candidates for confirmation.] pp. 18. tJortsAarfj n^h.^ [Bangalore, 1868.] 16°. 14176. a. 18.(2.) CENTRAL HINDU COLLEGE. See Benares. CHAHAR DARViSH. Char Durvis, or Adventures of Four Fakirs. %i5xfji5,7f ^ou dOwJ3?3od;te)d ^tu,- ^o3^-&;dd5'*rl«*o. [Rendered into Kannada by Siddhanti Subrahnianya Sastri.] pp. vi. 178. tioMa^ [Bangalore,] 1883. 8°. 14177. c. 20. CHALUVAJ'-AMMANNI, Queen of Dodda Krishna- raja Odeyar. ° ° ° l^eddrfoQ? t^os.rao |j?d?o?^53;SziO^ jjoooii [Vara-nandi-kalyanani. A poem in 7 cantos on the union of the princess Vara-nandl of Delhi with the god Cheluva-raya of Melkote. Followed liy Veiikatesa-charite, a devotional poem inl canto. Edited by Jayarayacharya.] pp. v. 150,35. Aj^i^iKdj (ron [^.-.-ore, 1901.] 8°. 14176. ee. 9. CHAMA-RAJA ODEYAR VI., Maharaja of Mysore. See Pqranas. [Slcanda-iiurdna.] jj,aara ?^dajo:^^. [Brahmottara-khanda. Translated into prose by Charaa-raja.] [1872.] 8°. 14176. b. 23. CHAMA-RAJA ODEYAR VL, Maharaja of Mysore (continued). Sec Valmiki. |j?133^D3^?-3;^ Sos?j ^ooii [Chama-rajokti-vilasa. A pi-ose transla- tion of the Ramayana, prepared by Maharaja Chama-raja.] [1894-1897.] 4°. 14176. g. 12. CHAMA-RAJENDRA ODEYAR, Maharaja of Mysore. See BiiTE-RAYA DlKSHITA. |j?13S^DSj2!cd, £03?!^ bjooii [Chama-rajendra - vilasavu. A poetical account of the Maharaja.] [1897.] 12°. 14176. ee. 5.(3.) See Mysore. dJ2o?!ij-«d rfoSi (333, ?rd. [MahTsiira-sriman-maha- raja-chatna - rajendra- odeyar-avara vamsa-ratnakara. A history of the Odeyar dynasty, down to the Mahar;ija Chama- rajendra.] [1887.] 8^ 14177. g. 1. See SlNGRAYYA, M. dJi;!lK)d) ;iJ2o3D3J339D3 2S [1889.] 8°. 14176. b. 28. . . . 2^0:^, Biography of . . . Sri Chamarajendra Wadiar Bahadur, G.C. S.I. 1905. 8°. 14177.0.11. CHAMIER (Charles Frederic). See Ephemerides. The Mangalore Almanac for . . . 1854 (1855). [By C. F. Charaier.] [1853-1854.] 4°. 14176. m. 1. CHANDAVARKAR (P. S.). See Padma-nabha Sankara Chandavarkar. CHANDRA-KIRTTL 5Jddrartdo?rad. [Paramagama- sara. A tract in 132 verses on Jain doctrine.] pp. 13. 1891. See Padma-eaja Pandita. The Budhajana mauoranjani, e. 130), is C. S. Eumdkshi Amma. CHANNA BASAVA, Vira-saiva Teacher. [For biographies of this teacher, see under the follow- ing headings :] Kaki-basava Sastri, .v. 7?. ViRUPAKSHA Pandit A. CHANNA BASAVA, son of Bamva-lhiga, of Chitsali Matli, llliiirwar. &!33d?3»rn)j^^3srfTOdi) !?3d33:j- :S*fejrfdc3r;3 SoiU *,;!lfl«rtfOoi3 !i)cdj;3j [Sita-devi- agnata-vasavu, a ballad on the epic legend of the Ramayaiia ; Dharavadada vakilara varnane, a ballad satirising the advocates of Dharwar ; and Hubballi-suligeriya varnane, a local satire on Hubli.] pp. 13, lith. qratiTOrf nat-i [Dharwar, 1867.] 8°. 14176. c. 14. CHANNA MALLESA, SrJglri. a?5id 5^001)3 bs^.^. ^cu 4t rTpqig. [DIpada Kaliyara kavyavu. A poem in 9 cantos on the legend of the Saiva votary Dipada Kali of Kanchi, based on the Basava-purana xvi.] pp. 7G. :2oMjitii [Bavga- lorc,] 1893. 8°. 14176. b. 40.(1.) CHANNAPPA DEVA, of Nidugal. hj . . . 4^ JJdra- 0?O3:iJ i^douri oqJd) [Sarana-lilamritavu, or Siva- sarana-l°. A Vira-saiva poem of 1 1 chapters, in yaksha-gdna stylo, on legends of saints and other myths. Edited by Siddhanti Subrahmanya Sastri.] pp.281, tijrt^fjsci) nwio [5a nr/aZore, 1871.] 8°. 14176. f. 27. li . . . j!de30?OT;i3^ dJJoii [Sarana-Iila- niritavu. A reprint of the preceding. Third edition.] pp. 230. tiortirtBtiJ [/?a»^rt/ore,] 1892. 8°. 14176. f. 68. CHARBONNAUX (IiJtienne-Louis), Bishop of Jasso. See Bible. — Ap2?endix. sist.dedd !So^o1)j. [Satya- vedada pariksheyu. Revised by E.-L. Charbon- naux.] [1852.] 12". 14176. a. 49. jbVe Daiva. rfjdii0^oi)o. [Daiva-parikslieyu. Revised by li.-L, Charbonnaux.] [ISb'I.] 12°. 14176. a. 62. CHARBONNAUX (Etienne-Louis), Bishop of Jnsso {continued) . See Jesus Christ. arf,rfra^ ^oi)j. [Divya-matrikeyu. Translate(J from the Tamil, and revised by E.-L. Charbonnaux.] [1862.] 16°. 14176. a. 10. Sec Liturgies. — Rome, Church of. zssci ^ftiij^^. [Japada pustukavu. Edited by E.-L. Charbonnaux.] [1863.] 16°. 14176. a. 35. See Liturgies. — 'Rome, Church of. ooo -^g! ^ dJo^rt«*j :iJJo II [Private prayers, an abridged Catechism, etc. Edited by fi.-L. Charbonnaux.] [1866.] 12°. 14176. a. 44. See Protestantism, ijp ;i?:3 o^ . . . S:?rtr. Strictures on Protestantism. [Translated from Tamil and edited by E.-L. Charbonnaux.] [1867.] 8°. 14176. b. 13. See PuRViKA Mata. s^SiT^'^ rfj^d ^ra.sjs.S^i. [Purvika-matada vyakhyanavu. Translated from the Tamil, and edited by E.-L. Charbonnaux.] [1858.] 16°. 14176. a. 34. CHAR DTJRVIS. See Chahar Darvish. CHATURANANA, or CHATTJRASYA. See Bomma. CHAUNDA-RAJA, son of Madhu-sUdana, Bhdra- dvuja. See Dandi. Abbinava Dasakumara charite by Chounda Raja. [A cliaiapu version of Dandi's romance,] etc. 1902. 8°. [Knrndtaha Kcivija- kuld-nidhi.] 14176. ff. 2. (no. 9.) CHENNA BASAVESA. See Channa Basava. CHETTY (IT. A.). See Appanna Setti, if. CHIDAMBAR' - AYYA, II., of Anglo- Vernac^dar School, Kadur. Aj^cid^siorVaS. [Stri-dharma-saugraha. Five chapters of verses on women's education, moral conduct, and domestic duties.] . . . Re- printed from " Vivekodaya." pp. ii. 37. ^h7iJi:ii [Ml/.iore,] 1907. 12". 14176. cc. 8.(2.) CHID-ANANLA AVADHUTA, disci/jle of Chid- dnanda ilhdrati. [Life.] See Ayyappa. ■* tJasFJcd irou(D««3 dJJo M [Chid-ananda-bala-lile.] [1895.] 8°. 14176. b. 43. aa rfAo?Sj »3oU d?a3o^ ro^^ [Jnana-sindhu. A poem of 48 cantos, in hlidminishalpadi metre, ou Vedantic philosophy and theology. Second edition.] pp. ii. 420. Madras, n^aa [1888.] 8°. 14176. b. 29. 43 CHIKA- -COWDELL 44 CHIKA DEVA RAYA, Maharnja of Mysore. Sec Tikumal' - AYYANGAR, SOU of Sciumya NrisimlLa. coo o^^;ij3?b2Sii [Apratima-vira-charitam. A treatise on the art of poetry, witli examples serving as a panegyric of Cliika Deva.] 1893. 8°. l^KarndlaJiii Kdvi/a-marijari.l 14176. fF. 1. (no. 8.) See Tirumal'-ayyakgar, son of Saumya Nrisiinha. o o o t35':3?rf03a SaoiJo. [Chika-deva- rfija-vijayarn. A poem upon Cliika Deva, eic] 1896. 8°. [KarndtaJca Kdvya-maTijari.^ 14176. fF. l.(no. 17.) See Tirumal'- AYYANGAR, soii of Saumya Nrisimha. o o o i§^D?dC3oio^o33d* [Cliika-deva- raya-vamsavali. A history of the ancestors of Chika Deva.] 1895. 8°. [Karndtaha Kdvya- viavjari.] 14176. ff. l.(no. 13.) 00 uta^^^doaabjS^^^sjo." [Chikka-deva-raya- binnapam. A series of 30 verses on themes of religion and theology, with prose amplification, in the form of prayers.] pp. 61. [1890.] See Ramanuj'-ayyangar, M. a. Arya matha sanjivini, etc. [1890-1891.] 8°. 14176. k. 10. Chilx-a Deva, son of Dodda Deva and Amritnmhn, reigned from 1672 to \1Q\. This work gives some information as to his conquests. ^^ d;;3?od,do3sd*. [Chikka-devendra-vam- savali. A poetical cliampTi history of Chika Deva, in 137 verses.] pp. i. 30. 1901. See Karnataka Kavya-kala-nidhi. Karnataka Kavya Kalanidhi Series, etc. no. 6. 1899-1902. 8°. 14176. ff. 2.(no. 6.) Written by a contemporary, hy request of GdpCda Guru. CHIKKA DEVA MAHA-RAJA. See Chika Deva Raya. CHIKKA NANJ' - ACHARYA, disciple of SidJha Nanj'-acharya of PUvallipura Math, Hubli. os^- nso^cl33;i.o. [Kaghavankara kavyam. A bio- graphical poem in shatj'adi metre, written ap- parently in 1650 A.D., upon Raghavarika, a VIra-saiva poet.] pp. 16, 312. i3orts;*J3tiJ [Ban- gcdore,] 1904. 8°. 14176. ff. 5. CHINNAPPA (Christian). Liugaitism examined. Oonaoii^Sj^airod [A Christian tract.] pp. 48. Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, 1874. 16°. 14176. a. 31.(19.) CHOCKALINGUM. See Sokka-lingam. CH5RA-KATHE. oii^n3?J, djssd^cp. [Cbora-kathe. A yahsha-fjilna poem on the adventures of the princes Soma-sekhara and Chitra-sekhara, who played the part of robbers. Edited by P. Subrah- manya Sastri. Second edition.] pp.84. :3crts;ijadJ njjcjn [Bangalore, 1881.] 8°. 14176. f. 22.(1.) A poem of this name, and on the same theme, is ascribed to Mallikurjuna, father of Kifi-rSja. CHOUNDA RAJA. See Chaunda-raja. CLARKSON (W.). On Pantheism, u.^.tra si3io# . [Translated from pt. 1 of Clarkson's Gujarati tract "Destruction of Superstition."] (Tract and School Book Society. No. 14.) pp. 30. Wesleyan Mission Press : Bangalore, 1861. 16°. 14176. a. 32.(2.) CLASS-BOOK. s'idd 7ii>'3M e(Uiic^eriB3,ftd);i s?3oi> au5Cij3?jid ra^ri«'j. [Nitiya upadesada pathngalu. Chamber's' " Moral Class-book," translated into Kannada for Christian schools.] pp. 449, litli. ziioMji^i neJ«e5 [Mangalore, 1848.] 12°. 14176. h, 15, COLE (Robert Andrews). See Sathak6px1ch.\rlu, F. A Manual of Mahamadan Civil Law . . . Trans- lated into Canarese by . . . Robert A. Cole. 1863. 8°. 14176. c. 11. COLENSO (John William) , Bishop of Natal. ^jssS^ oJirfci riri^ad, . . . Colenso's Arithmetic in Canarese. [Translated by H. A. Kaundinya.] pp. 263, iv. Basel 3Iission Press : Mangalore, 1862. 12°. 14176. h. 44. CONOLLY (Henry Valentine). See Liturgies. — England, Church of. The Book of Common Prayer . . . [Translated into Kannada by H. V. Conolly.] 1838. 8°. 1106. c. 22. COSTA (Titus). Canarese Grammatical Primer. ^rf d zjswsra.s'dcs. pp. 30. Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, 1877. 16°. 14176. h. 1. COTTCHMAN (Malcolm Edward). See Venkata- rau, G. Indira Bai . . . Translated . . . by M. E. Couchman. 1903. 12°. 14176. cc. 9. COWDELL (A. S.). See Kanaka (J.). A Song about the Daughter of Zion . . . [With preface by A. S. Cowdell.] 1886. 12°. 14176. a. 61.(1.) 45 DAIVA- -DEFOE 46 DAIVA. di^zi ^iO^djJ. [Daiva-parikshcyu. A lioinan Catholic missionary work on the nature of God, idolatry, Hinduism, etc., translated from the Tamil. Revised by E.-L. Charbonnaux.] pp.107, ii. dorts;*JsdJ 0^313 [Catholic Mission Press : Banga- lore, \8o2.] 12°. 14176. a. 62. DAKSHINA - MtJETI SASTRI, of .Vi/sore Covt. Oriental Lihrarij. See S.\Yan.\. 000 gcS'dSJSol)^. [Sankara-vijaya. Edited with a Kannada transla- tion and commentary entitled Vag-vritti by Da- kshina-miirti.] [1898.] 8°. 14070. dd. 15. DAKSHINA-BT&RTI SASTRI, U., of Bangalore. See Arauian Nights. tJOBaci) wij ^3? Srf cijJds':?. [Ala- diya adbhuta-dlpa-staiubhada kathe. The story of Aladdin, translated into Kannada by Dakshina- mQrti.] [1890.] 8°. 14176. d. 38. See Shaoakshari Deva. 03a3?Jurf303?J4. [Raja-sekhara-vilasavu. Edited with a commen- tary and paraphrase, styled Raja-sekhara-vilasa- chandrike, by Dakshiiiil-murti.] [1890-1893.] 4°. 14176. g. 11. Shabda bhaskara . . . j!u m?j rf ;3ou ^ s'sJ.d TO.s'cits^ djooi: [A Kannada grammar.] pp. ii. 61. Bangalore, IS71. 8°. 14176.1.3. Ij ... d^aradrsiz^oaj^. [Vaidikarchana- chandrike. An apologia of the worship of Raiiga- uatha at Seringapatam, in Sanskrit, with Kannada version.] pt. i. pp. 80. dcrt^jstjj ncjrs? [Bavga- lorc, 1898.] 8°. 14028. d. 60. DANAPPA SASTRI, K. M. See Sueanoa. 000 3 yj, . ;6C3:^S:iU2?jo Ajoh [Tri.sliashti-puratinia-viirisam. Edited by Danappa.] [1902.] 8°. 14177. b. 9. DANDI. ?rS,d dis'jdjacizioi^.oijo. [Kannada Dasa- kumara-charitreyu. A version by Srinivasa- puradaLoka-natha Kaviof the Sanskrit romance.] pp. 172. tiort'«fj3dJ ncJeJt. [Bangalore, 188G.] 8°. 14177. c. 23. Abhinava Dasakumara cLarite by Chounda Raja. [A champu version of Dandi's romance Dasa-kumara-charita.] Volume i. ... «:p5!ddi- B^o^todsiOi. pp. i. ii. 170. 1902. See Karnataka Kavya-kai.a-niphi. Karnataka Kavya Kalanidlii Series, dc. no. 9. 1399-1902. 8°. 14176, ff. 2.(no. 9.) DASARU. The Dasara Padagalu. nsjirfjjdrtv^j. [A collection of 174 Vaishnava religious songs. Published by order of J. Garrett, and 'edited by Holakallu Narasimh'-ayya. Second edition.] pp. 171. rSoii^Si^ n-Jin [Bangalore, 1871.] 8°. 14176. f. 25. A7nong the authors of these verses arc Pin-andaraddsn, Vardha-duaa (Timmappa), Kanaka-diisa, Vithala-diisa, Vehkaia-dasa, Vijaya-dusa, Madhva-di'isa, Udupu Krishna- dfiaa, and Vaihuntha-diisa. See the Indian Antiquary, vol. ii., p. 307. usti tiM'ii. [Dasara padngalu. A shorter collection, comprising nos. 1-100 of the preced- ing.] pp. 58, lith. ;ijori?,-'J5c!j ntsa^o [Mangahre, 1850.] Fol. 14176. g. 6.(3.) TOTid licjrt'iiSj. [Dasara padagalu. 25 poems from the same collection.] See Somksvara, Bal- kurike. ^?;3j?^d S^s* djooii [Somesvara-satakavu, etc.] pp. 22-50. 1870. 10°. 14176. a. 13. !<^i. [Aparoksha-jiianigala padagalu. Devotional- philosophical lyrics for the cult of Vishnu, b}' Pui-andara-diisa, Srl])ada-raya, Vyasa-raya, Vadi- rSja, Kanaka-dasa, Vijaya-dasa, Jagannatha-raya, Gopala-dasa, Veiiu-gopiila-dasa, Guru-gopala-dasa, Varada-gopnla-diisa, Sridha- vithala-diisa, Sri pat i- dasa, Vyasa-vithala-dasa, Mohana-diisa, Vasudeva- vithala-dasa, and Vaikuntha-diisa. Compiled by Madakasira Bala-krishna Rau.] vol. 2. pp. 2, viii. 260; 1 jilate. SMiJTr»^ no-i^>t [.Vadras, 1895.] 8°. 14176. b. 41. DATTATREYA BALVANT PARASNIS. tijjae-^ TicTB rfd ^Esosr^ y4 "ZKcaj ?:3;f?u''c PKKionicAi, Prill, u'ations. — Ml/sore. The " Karnataka (irantliainala " Series, no. 17. 1893, e'U'RGA-SJ'K'EA,3fahd-sandhi-vigrahi. Sec Pancha- TANTRA. (jJoj^^o^o.) [Pancha-tautra. Durga- simha's version.] 1896, etc. 8°. [Karnritaha Kavya-munjari.] 14176. ff. l.Cno. 23.) EDGEWORTH (Maria) . Cliicka Banajigaru. A Kaunada adaptation of Miss Edgoworth's The Little Merchants, by M. L. S. Gowd. ('^^ jjrsjartd) .) pp.103. %sore, 1901. 12°. 14176. cc. 11. EKA-NATHA, the Marathi Poet. See Guru-basappa FakIe-appa Halakatti. Life of Ekanath, etc. 1 894. 12°. 14176. d. 46.(1.) ELLIOT (SiV Walter) . See Aesop. Carnatca[sic] Translation of Esop's Fables. Prepared under the superintendence of Walter Elliot. 1840. 8°. 14177. d. 2. See Sdbba-eau, Adalcki. A Selection of Stories and Revenue Papers in the Karnataca language . . . Revised by Walter Elliot. 1864. 8°. 14176. i. 10. ENGLISH. Easy Lessons in English and Canarese. No. 1. (dJsduM? roijrt's'J.) pp. 7, 8. 3Iission Press: Bellary, 1847. 12°. 14176. h. 29.(1.) Elements of English Grammar [in cate- chetical form] interpaged with a Canarese trans- lation. frs!,d tps^SoioO ^ardj^Drfy ii,oB3 •acfi a*^ ;j3.i#dcs^. pp. 137, ii. Catholic Mission Press ; Bangalore, 1868. 16°. 14176. a. 25. EPHEMERIDES. The Mangaloro Almanac for the year of Christ 1854 (1855). . . . siouscrt. [By C. F. Chamier.] German Mission Press: Manga- /orc, [1853-1854.3] 4°. 14176. m. 1. Mangalore Almanac for tlio year of Christ 1859. s^c^d 5ioi33orl4 ^Jon pp. 52; 1 plate. German Mission Press : Mangalore, [1858?] 8°. 14176. k. 3. The Canarese Almanac 1870 (1873, 1874, 1876-78). ^crfd Sot33ori^ Sjjoh [Prepared by P. Balappaya and C. Vatsa.] 6 pts. Basel Mission Press: Mangalore, 1870, etc. 8°. 14176. k. 2. ESDAILE (D. A.). Catechism of the Geography and History of Maharashtra. rfjaraossJ,, drcrS tJoi rt«i d,&»,?^tirt^J. [Translated from Esdaile's epitome of J. G. Duff's History of the Mahrattas.] pp. 104. Wesleyan Mission Press: Bangalore, 1857. 16°. 14176. a. 28. EUCLID. Euclid's Elements of Geometry, in Canarese. The first book. [Translated by B. Riima Riiu, and edited by J. Garrett.] i3?a33 rtrf^. pp. i. 103. Mysore Govt. Press: Bangalore, 1806. 8°. 14176. h. 60. [Another edition.] pp. xi. 75. Mysore Govt. Press: Bangalore, 1871. 8°. 14176.1.14. abo* dsJ AiC33 o;^ri«* nS; sg?! 9^4. [Euclid's Geometry, bk. i. Translated into Canarese by Gopala Srinivasa Tonapi. Edited by Venkata Rango Kattl.] pp. i. 121, lith. t^ti^nd nsJiS! [Bhanvar, 1875.] 8°. 14176. h. 59.(1.) EZRA (Alexander). See Bible. — New Testament. — Epistles. Studies in the Book . . . Adapted from the English by . . . Alexander Ezra. 1897. 12°. 14176. a. 73. FIELDING (Henry). Kannada Translation of Tom Jones (a brief abstract of the story) . . . Syrana- gata [sic] ^tim>H^. [Rendered into Kaunada by M. R. Anniiji Rau.] pp. 2, i. ii. 123. 1905. See Periodical Publications. — Mysore. The' Karna- taka Granthamala " Series. no. 40. 1893, etc. 8°. 14176. k. 16.(no. 40.) FLATTICH (Johann Feiedrich). Flattich's House- hold Rules in Canarese. ^^"^ ■ ■ ■ ?jcTOd^^r(«' ^tJ 3*^. [Translated by J. Huber from the German.] Third edition, pp.62. Basel Mission. Press: Mangalore, 1867. 16°. 14176. d. 1.(1.) GALLAUDET (Thomas Hopkins). The Class Book of Natural Theology . . . Translated into Canarese by Capt. H. J. Brockman, assisted by T. Venkata- soobiah and B. Ramasawray. d;d4jOto 7iJ„iii^. pp. 333. School Booh Society: Wesleynn Mission Press: Bangalore, 1851. 12°. 14176. a. 59. GANAP'-AYYA, Chandduar. A Manual of Cattle Breeding and Managemeut and Treatment of tlieir Diseases, to which are added medicines for horses 51 GANESA-RAU- -GAETHWAITE r.2 and sheep . . . rtJ3?^,S2i!3£)ri?* slod^cs ;3^ro,.ar1s/ t^_.^^ ^you pp. xii. 52. Basel Mission Press: Manga- Jorc, 1877. 12°. 14176. c. 5. GANESA-EAU (Paul). The Life of Jehangir . . . C5j53oft;dfJ tia^^. pp. 20. Basel Mission Press; Mangalore, 1878. 12^ 14176. d. 3. GANESOPASAKA KAVI. See Gdnda Bhatta Bela- GDPPI. GANGADHARA MADIVALESVARA TURAMARI. See Bana. A Canavese Kadainbari . . . [An epitome by Gaiigadhara Tiiramari.] 1905. 12°. 14176. d. 60. See Candy (T.). Canarese Sixth Book . . . translated ... by G. Maduvaleshwar Turmurij etc. 1870. 12°. 14176. 11.24, Second Book of Kanarese Poetry. Being -1 J e (V8 DASA, M. Ij? sii-vaishnava-jiva-ratua, etc. dhara.] 1907. 8°. [Sattada- Edited by Gahga- 14177. b. 16. GANTYAPP'-ACHARI. SeeMuLA-STAMBHA. °°°^si- vA c'^J^coS^csraS,- [Mula-stambha-maha-puranavu. With Kannada translation by Gantyapp'-iichari and Siddapp'-achari.] 1893. 8°. 14028. c. 63. GARRETT (.John). See Bible.— Complete Bibles. The Holy Bible . . . translated . . . By a committee of missionaries [viz. J. Garrett and others], etc. 1860. 4°. 14176. bb. 1. 1865. 4°. 3070. dd. 23. 1877. 8°. 3068. f. 2. GARRETT (John) {continued). [For portions of the Bible in the translation, issued by the Com- mittee of Missionaries including J. Garrett :] See Bible. SeeEccLiD. Euclid's Elements of Geometry . . . [Edited by J. Garrett], etc. 1866. 8°. 14176. h. 60. 1871. 8°. 14176. i. 14. See Kesi-raja. Shabda mani darpana . . . Edited by J. Garrett. 1868. 8°. 14176. f. 18. See Maha-bharata. The Bhagavat-geeta . . Edited 14060. 6. 7. . . . Sanscrit, Canarese, and English bv ... J. Garrett. 1846-1848. 4°. selections from some old Kanarese poets s'aioio ^i:i^ ^^^.) (The Department of Public Instruction, Bombaj^) pp.72. Bomhai/, Mangalore [printed], 1875. 12°. 14176. h. 13. Kanarese Third Book, etc. {^?i^zi ^jiti^i 4^?r.) (The Department of Public Instruction, Bombay.) pp. viii. 128. Bombay, Mangalore [printed], 1880. 12°. 14176. h. 23. Sabda-manjari, or A Dictionary of the Kanarese Language. Originally compiled by . . . Gangadhar Madwalesvar . . . Now revised and enlarged by some Kanarese scholars. (jiurfJoao ^js;e!^.) pp. ii. 357. D/mrwar, 1890. 8°. 14176. 1. 19. GANGADHARA SASTRI, Hehhuru. See Eanga- See Pancha-tantea. The Paucha Tantra . . . With an introductory sketch of the work, by John Garrett, etc. 1865. 12°. 14176. d. 16. See Tandava-raya Mudaliy.Ir. 3^53 ^otsa. The Katha rnanjari . . . Edited by John Garrett. 1866. 12°. 14176. d. 14. A brief Sketch of the History of India. . . . Zood) CjsSd iSo^ ?jortj5o . . . Translated into Canarese ... by M. D. Singarachary. Third edition, pp.124. Mysore Govt. Press: Bangalore, 1867. 16°. 14176. a. 30. Canarese Reading Lessons for Children. No. 3. i3#dOn ^#oq5 5adrts;*J. Fourth edition, pp. 83. Bangalore, 1853. 16°. 14176. h. 7.(3.) A first History of England for Junior Classes . . . iss*, saJdirlrfj Lrf i"^, "aort cw !3!iJrf j^oi,. Translated into Canarese by S. B. Krishnasawmy Iyengar. Second edition, pp. 154. Mysore Govt. Press : Bangalore, 1866. 16°. 14176. a. 29. GARTHWAITE (Liston). First Book of Lessons ... Third edition . . . s'iS.d radrl^ dradoS ^^Js^^- pp. 32. Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, 1871. 8°. 14176. h. 62.(1) An English Primer, or Progressively arranged First English Book, for the use of natives .. . drad'jS? raoft s* ^tJ^. (Madras School Series: English Readers.) pp.62. Basel Mission Press ; Mangalore, 1876. 8°. 14176. i. 17. The Tencher's Handbook to the Enj^'lish Primer, or Progressively arranged First English 53 GEIKIE- -GULLIFORD r,4 Book for Natives . . . dflrfy^? raoft ^ tiK^ ■. tte?- qJ^*^ Tiaosoios'. (First Reader. Notes of Lessons for the use of Teachers.) pp. iv. 60. Govt. Diatrict BoolcDepCt: Mangalore, IS77. 8°. 14176.1.9.(1.) GEIKIE [Sir Akchibald). Physical Geography. Translated from Archibald Geikie's primer . . . by Venkat Rango Katti. {^^ i^ tjjjsrtraee) sra^sg).) (The Department of Public Instruction, Bombay. Science Primers in Kanaresc.) pp. vi. 107. Bombaij, Mangalore [printed], 1880. 12°. 14176. h. 33. GELLERT (Cheistian Fderchteoott). Gellert's Hymn, rty iirrf ft?^. [A tract.] (Juvenile Series no. 9.) pp.22. Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, 1907. 16°. 14176. a. 66.(2.) GEOGRAPHY. A Catechism of Geography and Astronomy [in English and Kannada]. ('ijirartraj's'd- aJd^; sSjj.?.^;^^.) pp.60. Wesleyan Mission Press : Bangalore, 1842. 1(3°. 14176. h. 5.(1.) !iJj3rti3e«*^. [BLiigolavu. A manual of geography.] pp. 220, lith. Mission Press : Man- galore, 1845. 8°. 14176. i. 12. A Manual of Geography, for the use of schools. zjJjsdrastfd add^. pp. 499. Wesleyan Mission Press ; Bangalore, 18t6. 12°. 14176. h. 57. • First Geography, in Canarese. d.radoS? 5^rti3?«i 33^^. (Tract and School Book Society.) Second edition, pp. ix. 134. Wexhyan Mission Press : Bangalore, 1867. 16°. 14176. a. 27. GOJAR (Charles). See Walz (T. M.) and Gojar (C). c^?:4!?i5SJ rfjooii [Tlie Story of Joseph.] [1878.] 16°. 14176. a. 4.(9.) GOKARNKAR (R. 51.). See Rama-kuishna Ma.nja- NATIIA GOKAKNKAK. GO-LAKSHANA. fia^ti^cs [G6-lakshana. A San- skrit tract on tlic jioints of oxen. Edited witli Kannada translation by B. Padma-raja Pandita.] l)p. 10. ^oMjirii [Bavgalore,] 1905. 8°. 14053. ccc. 40.(3.) GOPALA-DASA. S'-r Biiagana-dasa. GOPALA-KRISHNA PILLAI, T. See Bhut.Ila Pandya. The Bliutala Pandya's Aliya Santana Law [explained in English] by T. Gopal Kristnah Pillay. 1873. 8°. 5319. aaa. 3. GOPALA SRINIVASA TONAPI. See Euclid. oijJ- ■8- dsi ATO c^ rfoooii [Euclid's Geometry, bk. i. Translated by Gopala Tonapi.] [1875.] 8°. 14176. h. 59.(1.) GOPALA- VITHALA. See Bh.\oa>ia-dasa. GOVER (Charles E.). The Folk-songs of Southern India, [translated] by Charles E. Gover. LomJnu., ilfa(fra.9 [printed], 1872. 8°. 14170. k. 71. GOVINLA SESH5 SIR5LKAR. See History. art.B ^ 'a.a2o3?j?rad4- [Jagattina itihasa-saravu. Trans- lated by Govinda Sirdlkar.] [1875.] 12°. 14176. h. 5.(5.) GOWD (M. L. S.) . See Sei-kanthesa Gauda, M. L. GRAETER (A.). First Canarese-EngHsh Trans- lator. A course of 42 exercises . . . ^^^d •aoft^s' Sjsdu^; tpssso^d s^ii'^^. pp. iv. 92. Basel Mission Press: Mangalore, \8ii8. 8°. 14176.1.1.(1.) A short Description of Coorg . . . '^jsdrlj djEid dcsr^. pp. 32, i. ; 1 j'late. Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, ISGO. 12°. 14176. h. 35.(3.) GRAETER (J. Benignus). See Hymnals. Canarese Hymn-book. [Edited by J. Griitor and F. Ziegler^, etc. 1867. 12°. 14176, a. 39. GREENWOOD (John). See Mullens (J.). On Transmigration . . . Extracted and translated from Dr. Mullen's Hindu Philosophy by ... J. Green- wood. 1870. 16°. 14176, a, 31.(22.) GRIERSON (Gkouge Abraham). See iNniA.— Z>m- guistic Sun-ey. Linguistic Survey of India . . . Compiled and edited by G. A. Grierson. 1904, etc. Fol. 759. k. 2. GUBBI MALLANARYA. Sec Mallanakya. GULLIFORD (IIunry). See Bihle. — New Testa- ment. — Epistles. The First Epistle of Peter . . . [Translated with commentary by H. GuUiford.] 1902. 8°. 14176. b. 52. 55 GUNA-BHADEA- -GUEU-EAMA 56 GUNA-BHADRA ACHARYA. rarJ^rsraqJi^^ai ^dscso. [Parsva- natlia-svami-puranam. A Sanskrit poetical account of the Jain tlrthamkara Parsva- natha, extracted from the Uttara-purana or sup- plement by Guna-bliadra to the Maha-purana of Jina-sena, parva 73. Edited with Kannada version by Padma-raja Pandita.] pp. 30. t3oris;*J3d3 n-jrq [Bangalore, 1893.] 8°. 14100. b. 3.(1.) GUNDA BHATTA BELAGUPPI, of Hombal (Gane- s5pasaka Kavi). tiojjrarfj^r ^o^ssd^. [Rambha- suka-samvadavu. A poetical dialogue on the rival claims of love and wisdom, with prose ex- planation.] pp. ii. 22. qrad^jsd nvoo [Dharwar, 1900.] 12°. 14176. ee. 5.(2.) GUNDA SASTRI, B. S.sasio xijszissti ^^s^oI\,i^^ . . . |^^C3iraci)ra T^^s/iortES ;i50oii [Vishnu-dasavatara- katha-sangrahavu. A prose account of the legends of Vishnu's 10 incarnations, including (l) the stories of 7 incarnations, (2) a Earuayana-katha- saiigrahavu or prose epitome of the Eamayana, preceded by a Ravana-dig-vijaya or tale of Ra- vana's conquests, (3) Krishnavatarada kathe and Bauddhavatarada k°., tales of Vishnu's incarna- tion as Krishna and Buddha.] pp. viii. 376. Madras, 1906. 8°. 14177. c. 13. GTJRU-BASAPPA FAKIR-APPA HALAKATTI. Life of Ekanath in Kanarese . . . a^r^qi raqi^ri's* tia^djj. pp. ii. i. 60. D/aY J- war, 1894. 12°. 14176. d. 46.(1.) GTJRU-GOPALA-DASA. [For verses of this poet included in devotional collections :] See Dasaeu. GURU-LINGA JANGAMA (Samartha Sad-goru), of Nimharrji. ^la1^?TO^. ^^^^iT^KTjR^^ «T5ini ^frj »nf?^ '5R75I (t^KT^H;^ ^^^). [Maha-rajara- vara vacliana. 45 discourses iu prose and verse expounding with many quotations the moral and theological doctrines of Rama-dasa's Marathi Dasa-bodha. Followed by some verses (pada), also by Guru-lihga. Edited by BabacharyaKavya.] I)p. vi. 252, iii. fmtvp: <\toC [Bijapur, 1908.] 8°. 14177. b. 15. GURU-RAJA, son of Huliyura Mallappdrya. \^° . . . Sj^rfj?! O^BSJSjrS 3jcQ33C3qS. jiO^o. [Lokaradhya- mallikarjuna-panditaradhya-charitam. A Sanskrit poetical account of the history and doctrines of Mallikarjuna Panditaradhya, an apostle of the Vira-saiva church, the son of Gaurambiko and Bhimaua Pandita (a brahman of the Panasa lineage, who was priest of the Bhimesvara Linga at Draksharama in the land of Vyangi), and disciple of Kotipalya, a pupil of Avantararya. With Kannada prose translation by N. R. Kari- basava Sastri. Edited by the latter, P. R. Kari- basava Siistri, and M. Basava-linga Sastri.] Mysore, 1908. 8". 14028. ddd. 1. In progress. Forms no. 1 of the ^^ra-saiva-grantha-pra- kasika-granthavali. The work is based upon the Telugu biography by PCilTcu- rike Somesvara. GURU-RAMA VITHALA, Bagepalli, Sitbrahmanya- ddsaru. |j? . . . ;^?sJ303oiJd ^4 ^Joii [Setii-rayara kathe, Bhojana-kala-nirnaya, and Kanaka-dasara kathe. Vaishnava tracts in verse on the stories of two votaries and the conditions for lawful meals. Edited by Bagepalli Srmivasacharya and others.] pp. 18, 28. -Jori^'JsdJ oros^ [Bangalore, 1905.] 8°. 14176. b. 40.(6.) S,; . . . d?ridf33^rts;*o [Devara nfimagalu. Vaishnava hymns. Edited by Bagepalli Sriuiva- sacharya and others.] pp. 143. "Jorl'^jauJ nros? [Bangalore, 1905.] 8°. 14176. b. 40.(3.) . S/djE" ^?l. Ana o^^ti [Madhva- siddhanta-sara. A poem in 10 cantos on the dualistic theology of Madhviicharya. Edited by Bagepalli Srinivasacharya and others.] pp. 87. 'Joris^ijsii) nrosf [Bangalore, 1905.] 8°. 14176. b. 40.(2.) Si,? ... 3jo2^3*q33. [Pancha-katha, scil. Pralilada-charitre, Madhavana ch°., Anas{iya-ch°., Durvasa-ch°.,and Dyuta-parva-katha or Draupadi- mana-rakshanavu. Five purauic and epic legends operatically narrated in yaksha-gdna style. Edited by Bagepalli Srinivasacharya and others.] 5 pts. tSori^jscb oroD? [Bangalore, 1905.] 8°. 14176. b. 40.(4.) S ? ... dJ53, ortrf fjsiiB' ;i30oii [Rukmangada- nataka. A drama on the Vaishnava puranic lei'-end of king Rukmangada, who was ready to sacrifice his son in order to keep his word. Edited by B. Siva-rama Sastri.] pp. 49. :3oris,^J3dJ nroas [Bangalore, 1905.] 8°. 14176. e. 3.(3.) 57 GITRU-EAU- -HANAMANT 58 GURU-RAU RAGHAVENDRA MAMDAPtJR. ji:ft?^ "ac^S^Bcisiis'^- [InJra-sabha. A tlrania iu 5 acts on the loves of the celestial nymph Tilottame and prince Chandra-sena, the imprisonment of the latter by the god Indra, and the appeasement of Indra's wrath.] pp. vi. 2, 141. ^sdss^i O'jr^ [Dkanvar, 1893.] 16°. 14176. e. 21. GURU-RAU VITHALA MOHRE. a^a^dj dfld«j^! <)rf5'4^'ion [Kaviteya raodalane pustakavu. A first book of poetry, comprising select verses with glossaries and paraphrases. Third edition.] pt. ii. pp. 44, lith. tpsdnsd n^isi [Bharvar, 1875.J 12°. 14176. f. 14.(2.) GURU-RAY ACHARYA, Tumbinakafte. jpsrtd^dffltffiFi i3^#!^c3JsS ^4- [Chitra-ketu-rajana kathe. A dramatic poem on the legend of king Chitra-ketu as told in the Bhagavata-purana, vi. 14 foil.] pp. Ill; 1 I'Jate. lioMJitid nsjew [Bangalore, 1895.] 8°. 14176. f. 22.(2.) GURU-SIDDAPPA, Gubbi V. P. Karnataka Saran- gadhara natakum. xs'frariJs' i^tjoriqicissyg*^ ^Jo n [A play on the legend of Sarangadhara, who was steadfast in his virtue when tempted by his stepmother.] pp. 55. 'JoriSi^jstfo [Bangalore,] 1897. 8°. 14176. e. 10.(4.) TJS.ozis^^Aii';^ ^jdzi, rfj'Sij, od?ci)^U5'^. [Jlar- kandeya-natakavu. A drama upon the legend of Markandeya as told in the Skanda-purana. Edited by D. Syama-riiu.] pp.46. ^oii'^s«^ [Bangalore,] 1897. 8°. 14176. e. 10.(3.) GURU-SIDDHA SASTRI, of Hampasagar Araleli Math. See ViRUFAKsnA Sastri, T. M., and GoRU- SIDDHA Sastri. 00° rtJ3?J33d^yd5jrr3 Sjjoii [Goehiira- phala-darpana.] [1907.] 8°. 14176. c. 38. HAEMMERLEIN (Thomas), a, Kempis. [For the " De Imitatione Christi " ascribed to this author :] See Jesus Christ. HAIDAR SHAH (Haidar 'AlT), Khan Bahadur, Nawab of Mysore. [Life.] See Appanna Setti. ^^d,:f jas! zJ'Jrt tos! Come to Jesus ! . . . Translated into Canarese, by D. Sanderson. [Published by the Bangalore Tract and School Book Society.] Second edition, pp.107. Weslei/an Mission Press: Bangalore, 1864. 12°. 14176. a. 31.(9.) HAMPA. See Pampa. HAMPA, the Younger. See Naga-chandra. HAMSA-RAJA, Sriiigdra-sri-kavi. °°° dss B'os^ssJ.d tJ^a'o . . tsSD32S^;^ci 3^3*0. [Ratnakaradhisvara- satakam, by Hanisa-raja, and Aparajitesvara-sata- kam, by Ratuakara. Two centuries of Jain devo- tional verses.] pp. ii. 53. 1893. See Karnataka Kavya-manjari, ^msrU"^ rad^djoaa etc. no. 1. 1892-1898. 8°. 14176. ff. l.(no. 1.) HANAMANT GOVINDA JOSI. See Hoogwerf (E. H.) and Hanamant Govinda Josi. ssobsuo?- rira«3. Shala-nibandha-male, etc. 1897. 12^. 14176. d. 47. Samati-sangraha, or A Collection of Cana- rese Proverbs with their English equivalents . . . CTdoa;!jcrt,cd. pp.52. Bclgaum, 1894. 8°. 14176. d. 44.(1.) Samati-sangraha, or A Collection of Cana- rese Proverbs, with their English equivalents. Revised, improved and enlarged . . . Second edition, pp. i. i. 124. Belgaum, 1906. 12°. 14176. d. 44.(2.) HANAMANT KESAVA, Jagirdar of Huilgol. See Hatim Ta'i. Hataiuau Jfanorain Cliaritravu . . . [ihu story of llutim Tu'i, done into Kannada] by Hanamant Keshao Jahagirdar Huilgol &c. 1897. 8°. 14176. d. 58. o9 HANAMANT- -HAESHA-DEVA GO HANAMANT VENKATESA CHINNAMULGUND. I Hindu Law. By Haumant Venkatcsh Cbinmul- gund. (cocrfjsiJSirss?!.^.) pp. iv. iii. v. 17, 508, Iv. viii. Bijaimr, 1896. S°. 14176. c. 28. HANDS (John). See Bible. — Complete Bibles. Begin. d/3;;5odj . . . dJ3du^?53od. [Old Testament, comprising Genesis — Esther as translated by W. Reeve and the other books as translated by J. Hands. New Testament, comprising Gospels, Acts, and Ephesians — Philippians as translated by J. Hands, in the revised edition of Hands and Reid (1S30-8), and Romans — Galatians and Colos- sians — Revelation in the 1830 edition of Hands' translation.] [1830-1839.] 8°. 1109. d. 2-5 See Bible. — New Testament. — Gospels and Ads. Begin, ^ioiio ;3jjoii [Gospels and Acts. Translated by J. Hands.] [1820.] 8°. 1110. f. 4.(1.) See Bible. — New Testament. — Epistles. Begin. tf^??J tijsaasJ'oOoJ^jSAiSjU rfSort ^iooci: [Ephe- sians and Philippians. Translated by J. Hands.] [1822?] 8°. 1110. f. 4.(2.) HANMANT. See Hanamant. HANUMANT SANJIVA SAGARA. ^?ld B^a^cii ;i»rfuS? (.id:^;5?) ^^xs'd wqSr^ (efi^otoqir^). [Notes by Hauumant Sagara on the First Book of Kan- nada Poetr^', and by Sanjiva Vefikatesa Parvati on the Second Book.] (Mr. Sagar's School Series.) 2pts. Bangalore, 1893. 12°. 14176. h. 70.(1, 3.) Pt. i. is in the ith edition, pt. ii. in the Ind. HARI- CHANDRA, son of Ardra-deva. tidorji^r- ijjj.wcl)^''. [Dharma-sarmabhyudayam. A Jain romance. Translated from the Sanskrit into Kannada by Kundalagiry-acharya.] pp. i. 102. [1901.] See Periodical Publications. — Mysore. The "Karnataka Granthamala " Series, no. 29. 1893, etc. 8°. 14176. k. 16.(no. 29.) HARI-DASA, M. Sriniviisa. See SrInivasa Hari- n.isA, M. HARI-HARA DEVA (HARisVAEA),JEram25e2/a. [Vira- saiva hymns, in ragale metre.] See Kari-basava Sastri, N. R. ^ arfjoss d«3 [Stuti-muktavali.] pp. 33-47. 1908. 12°. 14177. a. 9. — Paiupa satakam . . . srfoss jJ^s^c. [A cen- tury of Saiva religious verses in praise of Virii- paksha of Hampe.] pp. 3, 17. 1899. See Kar- nataka Kavya-kala-nidhi. Karnataka Kavya Kalanidhi. no. 1. 1899-1902. 8°. 14176. S. 2.(no. 1.) Hari-hara (Har'tsvara Diva, Hariga, Hariyanna), author also of the Giriji'i-liahjana, ragale verses on Siva's gana, and jierha2>s also the lialisha-sataTia, Sivi'iksltara-mdle, and Mudi- geya Ashfaka, lived c. 1283 a.d. He was the uncle of Ha- ghavdhha, and disciple of Miiyi Deva of Hampe. HARI-RAMA SASTRI, GUdapalli. See Indea- KANTEA-VALLABUACHAEYA. Si? ... did-ZScSsSiJ^. [Vaidya-chintamani. Edited with Kannada trans- lation by Hari-rama.] 1897. 8°. 14043. c. 47. HARiSVARA DEVA. See Hari-haea Deva. HARSH A-DEVA, King of Thanesar. Karnataka Naganandanatakam [freely translated from the Sanskrit drama of Harsha-deva] by G. V. Ki'ishna charyar . . . sna^slcrffKii^ro. pp. ii. 62. Madras, 1888. 8°. 14176. e. 6. B^rasrlis' fjD re sicrf 53 iis'o. ' Karnataka Naga- nunda natakum.'' [Translated from the Sanskrit by Nanjana-gudu Ananta-narayana Sastri.] pp. ii. ii. 86. 1894. See Periodical Publications. — Ml/sore. The " Karnataka Granthamala " Series, no. 3. 1893, etc. 8°. 14176. k. 16.(no, 3.) 5j? . . . i^oiidSir^ ocu fsay^cii . . . s'fJ^dzjs- sso^d^ oqiro ^on?^-&,oiodSr^. [Sangita-priyadar- sike. A translation by SrInivasa Venkatesa Katti of Harsha-deva's Priyadarsika, a Sanskrit drama in 4 acts.] pp. xxiv. ii. 114, ii. cpsCnsS n^rq [Dharwar, 1893.] 12°. 14176. e. 17. ?rF53ry^ & obdSrss ?!3y#. Karnataka Priya- durshika natikey. [Translated by N. Sri-kantha Sastri.] pp. i. 3, 56. 1905. See Periodical Publications. — Mysore. The "Karnataka Grantha- mala '' Series, no. 39. 1893, efc. 8°. 14176. k. 16.(no. 39.) Rathnavali. [A Kannada version of Harsha- deva's drama] by Siddanthi Sivasankara Sastri . . . dss^a*? sraii#[su']. pp. i. ii. 85. 1899. SVe Periodical Publications. — Mi/sore. The "Karna- taka Granthamala" Series. no. 21. 1893, etc. 8°. 14176. k. 16.(no. 21.) 000 ju^acoartfltScdc. [Mitravinda-govindani. A drama in 4 acts, translated with some modifica- tions from Harsha-deva's Ratnuvali by Kausika 61 HATIM- -HONNAMMA 02 Singararya. With notes.] pp. i. ii. ii. xv. 92. 1893. See Karnataka Kavya-manjari. B'nsryg' TOrfjdioaO etc. no. 7. 1892-1898. 8°. 14176. £F. l.(no. 7.) Sihgararya was brother of TirumaV -ayyangiir, mintKlc-r of Ckika Dcva (reigned 1672-1704), and was himself a minister in the next reign. He also lorote a RrighavCibhyu- daya, a Glfa-rahgesvara, a Sanskrit commentary on his brother's Yad ug i ri-nd nlyana-stava , etc. HATIM TA'I. Hatatuan Manoram Charitravu, or The Hatam's Interesting History [the story of the generous Hatim Ta'i, originally composed in Persian, done into Kannada] by Hanamant Ke- shao Jahagirdar Huilgol &c. (aJ3^A>^ ^;3Ji?d;l) zio^^.) pp. i. 338, ii. J/'rt?)<7«/o)-e, 1897. 8°. 14176. d. 58. HAY (J.). Believe and Live. rfoJS, e3?o.^a. [A Christian tract.] (No. 10. Bangalore Tract and School Book Society.) Third edition. pp. 18. Wesleyaii Mission Pre.ts : Bangalore, 18G0. 16°. 14176, a. 31.(3.) HEART-BOOK, (^^riojj rfsirra.) [Eridaya-darpana. The "Heart-book." A Christian religious work, introduced into India by S. Hebicli, and trans- lated into Kannada by H. Mocgliug.] pp. 62, nth. ■ 8 plates. [Maiujalorc, 1845 ?] 12°. 14176. b. 9,(2,) No title-page. Tlie Heart Book in Canaresc. Sixth edi- tion, ^.dab djjets. pp. 80. liascl Mission Press : Mangalorc, 1869. 16°. 14176. a. 32.(10.) The Heart Book in Badaija. jiosig^NQ, [Translated by J. Kanaka from the Kannada.] pp. 78. Basel Mission Press : MangaJore, 1894. 16°. 14176. a. 66.(1.) HEMA REDDI, Milium Lnk.tlimana. ^^rii^ oij^ n3?i 5j,ao3 ddOi . [Yaksha-trana Prahlada- charitre. Tlie story of Praldfula and his salvation by Vishnu, operatically told in yaksha-g'tna style. Edited by M. Seshadr'-ayya.] pp. 10. i3criv*J3do [nangalorc,'] 1897. 8°. 14176. f. 57,(3,) HERMELINK (Jan). See Biblk.— AViw Tcstnmmt. The New Testament . . . translated . . . by a Com- mittee appointed by the Bangalore Auxiliary Bible Society 1891-1906 [and consisting of J. Herriu'link and others,] ta?^^dt3 ^joii [Nadi-nidana. Done into Kannada verse by Jaya- rayacharya.] [1879.] 8°. 14176. c. 7. See Chaldvaj'-ammanni. o o o ^j^rf^oS; ^as.rao rfjoo II [Vara-nandi-kalyanarn, e. 17. t3orls,^j5dj n . . . ^HK^. [Aparoksha-jiianigala padagalu.] pp. 117-152. [1895.] 8°. 14176. b. 41. °oo dd5i3?^s!^doftric3joU ^,^zia^,. [Vara- mohana-tarangini, or Krishna-cbaritre. A poem of 42 cautos in ragale metre upon tlie myths of Krishna. Edited by A. Verikata-subba Sastri.] pp. 214. z3ortv^J3dj nejrt. [Bangalore, 1896.] 8°. 14176. f. 2. KANNADA. 'jrau^^do 4o?rf ;^^^ radrts;*o. [Balakaru XT voda takka pathagalu. A first primer for Roman Catholic missionary schools.] pp. ii. 74. dori«*j5d) nejfe.ey \_Catholic Mission Press : Bangalore, 1868.] 16°. 14176. a. 23. 233udo LA>^ 5Bc)rts;*j. [A Second Book of reading lessons for children in Catholic missionary schools.] pp.72. tSort'^JSci) naK^[Catholic 3£issio7i Press: Bangalore, 1863.] 16°. 14176. a. 21. t33t;33.^tjc3^ [Bala-vyakaranavu. A school catechism of grammar.] pp. 22, Z/i/t. ^io^, ntsv^ [Bombay, 1843.] 8°. 14176. h. 62.(2.) Canarese School-grammar. ^?S d ssossra.- TS^dcs. Fifth edition, pp. iv. 124. Govt. School- bovk De2wt: Mangalore, 1872. 12°. 14176. h. 61.(1.) Canarese Third Book (an abridged trans- lation of the Tamil Third Book, etc.) . . . From the Tamil by ... B. Rice. 1860. 12°. See Tamil. 14176. h. 21. Easy Lessons in English and Canarese. no. 1. 1847. 12°. See English. 14176. h. 29.(1.) Canarese Grammar. x^^d ro.ts'dra?Jori,s'd). (Bangalore School Book Society.) pp. 57. TKes- Icyan Mission Press : Bangalore, 1841. 12°. 14176. h. 68. B'rasrU^ S^otb. [Karnataka-nighantu, or Kabbigara kai-pidi. A treasury of synonyms, in 99 verses.] pp. 21. 1893. See Karnataka Kavya-manjaki. '^sstU^ «3d,;i)cao etc no. 3. 1892-1898. 8°. 14176. ff. 1 (no. 3.) xS^rasfUs' Szo ?rado [Karnataka-sabda-saram. A prose dictionary of 676 articles, or 1416 words, composed about the 14th century.] pp. i. 32. 1897. See Karnataka Kavta-manjari. B'eosrH^ 53;i,^ojso etc. no. 18. 1892-1898. 8°. 14176. ff. l.(no. 18.) KANNADA - ENGLISH - HINDUSTANI CONVERSA- TION. A Guide to Kannada-English-Hindustani Conversation. B'ji, d-'aon si^'-Soorfj?:^ s "^ssrfjcao. pp. 75. Wesleyan Mission Press: Mysore, 1905. 8°. 14176. i. 29. In the Catalogue of Bools registered, Dec. 1905, the author or editor is given as Muddiippa. KANNADA PEOSE. Kannada Gadyasangraha, Being selections from Canarese classical prose works. ?rsJ,d rt!:i.;!iort,2^^. pp. iv. 116. Basel Mission Press ; Mangalore, 1898. 1 2°. 14176. cc. 3. KANNAK (J.). See Kanaka. KARGUDRI (N. G.). See Naeayana Gorq-natha Kakgudri. KARI-BASAVAPPA, MunsU, of Mysore. See Ku- MARA Vyasa. The University of Madras. The Kauarese text for the Matriculation Examination 1880. With . . . notes by . . . Karibasavappah, etc. 1880. 8°. 14176. f. 49. KARI-BASAVA SASTRI, N. R. See Basava-linga, disciple of Santesvara. hj? . . . U7i;3;sS sPdbo^ [Kot- turu-basavesa-pauranavu. Edited by Kari-basava.] 1894. 8°. 14176. f. 69. See Guru-raja. |^e 5ioQ33C3c!. dO;^o. [L6- karadhya- mallikarjuna-panditaradhya - charitam. With Kannada translation by Kari-basava. Edited by the latter.] 1908, etc. 8°. 14028. ddd. 1. See Maei Tontad'-arya. hj . . . ^^rli !iu ^ozsd ;jjjoii [Karnata-sabda-manjari. Edited with an interpretation styled Sujanollasini by Kari-basava.] 1891. 8°. 14176. h. 66. See Shadakshari Mantri. ^e . asb^^d- qid Sds?riorl ;i)ooii [Vira-saiva-dharma-siromani. Edited by K.ari-basava.] 1908. 8°. 14028. ddd. 2. 73 KARI-BASAVA- -KAVI-EAJA KARI-BASAVA SASTRI, N. E. (contimiej [Vira-saiva- diksha-vidhi. Edited with Kannada paraphrase by Kari-basava.] 1897. 8°. 14028. d. 64. !3?i^jj:!3d?Saj3cxiJo. [Chenna-basavesa-vijayam. A prose accouut of the life and propaganda of tlie Vira-saiva apostle Channa Basava, nephew of Basava, the founder of the Liugayat sect, based on Virupaksha's Purana.] pp. vi. 444. d)^sind) [Mysore,] 1906. 8°. 14177. b. 13. Tio a;iJJ53 d<8. [Stuti-muktavali. Hymns to the Vira-saiva apostles Basavesa and Chanua- basavesa, and devotional poems on their doctrineSj chiefly (perhaps entirely) by Palkurike Sdmesvara, Hampeya Hari-hara (Harisvara) , and Chennailje Deva, in Kannada and Sanskrit.] pp. vi. 50. M7jsorc, 1908. 12°. 14177. a. 9. KARI-BASAVA SASTRI, P. I?. See Gueu-eaja. b,; . . . 33^33303:;. tJO^o. [Lokaradhya-mallikar- juna-paiujitaradhya-charitam. Edited by Kari- basava.] 1908, etc. 8°. 14028, ddd. 1. .SVe ^Iaiu Tontad'-aeya. S,? . . . 5 ?An :j rf- ^Dsca^. [Siddhesvara-puranavu. Edited by Kari- basava.] [1895.] 8^ 14176. b. 36. See Shadakshaei Mantel ^? . . . t)?tit^zi:fd. hiaiziifi rfwoiiCVira-saiva-dharma-siromani. Edited by Kari-basava.] 1908. 8°. 14028. ddd. 2. KARNATAKA-KAVI-CHAKRAVARTI. See Sueanqa. KARNATAKA KAVYA-KALA-NIDHI, Karuataka Kavya Kalanidhi Series. (A monthly journal intended for the publication of rare and excellent Kannada works . . . i^^sTUrf raJ.B^ejjftQ.) . . . Edited & published by S. G. Narasimhachar . . . and M. A. Ramanuja Iyengar, pts. 1-29. Mysore, 1899-1902. 8°. 14176. ff. 2. Works puhlished in this series are catalogued under the headings : — No. 1. Hari-hara Deva. No. C. Chika DCva Rfiya. ,, 2. Mallanarya, Ouhbi, „ 7. Purnnas.[Pad»»c^puran(i.] „ 3. Bnna. „ 8. Surya Kavi. ,, 4. .Srivasa. ,, 9. Dandi. „ 6. Aggala Deva. „ 10. Bbava-bhuti. KARNATAKA KAVYA-MANJARI. g'rasrtJa' Bsri.. ;iJo2S0. [Karnataka Kavya-maujari] ...A monthly magazine, containing rare and excellent works in old Kannada language. Edited by S. G. Nara- simhachar and M. A. llamanuja Iyengar, pts. 1-70. Mysore, 1892-1898. 8°. 14176. ff. 1. Works published in this series are catalogued under the follounng headings : — No. 1. Hamsa-raja. No. 1.3. Tirumar-ayyang,"ir. „ 2. Andayya. „ 14. .Sata-kfiti Hama-charita. ,, 3. Kannada. ,, 15. Maha-laksbmi. ,, 4. Hounamma. „ IG. [Wanting.] „ 5. Bomraa. „ 17. Tirumal'-ayyangar. „ 6. Udaynditya. „ 18. Kannada. „ 7. Harsha-dcva. ,, 19. JIanga-rasa. „ 8. Tirumal'-ayyangar. „ 20. Vidyananda. „ 9. KSma-deva. „ 21. NPrai-chandra. „ 10. Krishna. „ 22. Raghaviinka. „ 11. Nnga-cliandra. „ 23. Paiieha-tantra. „ 12. Kanna. ,, 24. Niiga Varma. KARNATAKA-NIGHANTU. See Kannada. KAKNATAKA-SABDA-SARA. See Kannada. KASi-NATHA BAPU PATHAKA. See Kavi-eaja- makga. Xripatuuga's Kavin'ijamargga . . . Edited by K. B. Patliak. 1898. 8°. 14176. i. 25. KATHA - SAPTATI. The Seventy Stories . . . .id ^ e^c^rt'i' z^t'^^. Fifth edition, pp. iv. 100. Wesley an Mission Press : Bangalore, 1800. 12°. 14176. d. 11. Kathd saptati. s'qrasisj 3. pp. vii. 102. Mysore Govt. Press: Batujulore, 186S. 12°. 14176. d. 10. KATTI (S. v.). See SrInivasa Venkatesa KattI. KATTI (V. R.). See Venkata Rango Katti. KAUNDINYA (11. A.). See Ananda-e.Iya Kaun- UINYA. KAUSIKA SINGARARYA. See Singaeaeya. KAVIKUNJARA. See Nemi-cuandra. KAVI- RAJA -MARGA. Nripatunga's Kaviraja- riiargga. A treatise of the 9th century on Alan- kara [apparently adapted by Kavisvara from a Kannada version by Srl-vijaya of Dancii's Kfivya- darsa, under the patronage of king Nripa-tuiiga (Amogha-var.sha I.)]. The oldest Kanuad.a work of which manuscripts have been found . . . a'acsts^lisrt r. Edited [with introduction] by K. B. Pathak. pp. 21, G7, 79, i. Banrfahre, \S9S. 8^ 14176. i. 25. Forms no. 5 of the BiUIiothcca Ciirnatica. The text is given in both Roman and Kannatla characters. On the authorship sec the Indian .\ntiiniary, vol. .'!.". (l'.)04|, pp. 2bSjf., and Journal of the ]5oiiil)ay IJranch of the Koyal Asiatic Bociety, vol. 22, no. 61, pp. ^Iff. '■ va KAVI-RANNA- -KITTEL 76 KAVI-RANNA, or KAVI-RATNA. See Ranna. KAVISVARA. [For the Kavi-raja-marga, appa- rently adapted by Kavisvara from the work of Sri-vijaya :] See Kavi-kaja-marga. KEMPIS, Thomas a. See Haemmerlein (T.)- KEMPTJ-NARAYANA. djjro, ;iictiSi^^ Mudra Maiijusha, or The Story of Chandragupta and Chanakya (a translation [or rather, an adapta- tion] ... of the Sanskrit Drama, variously en- titled Mudra Rakshasa, Mudra Maiijusha, and the History of Chandragupta and Chanakya). Revised and edited by . . . John Stephenson. Third edi- tion, pp. i. ii. 395. Wesleyan Mission Press ; Mysore, 1905. 8^ 14176. d. 62. KESAVA-RAJA. See Kesi-eaja. KESI-RAJA. Shabda mani darpana. A celebrated grammatical manual of ancient Canarese literature. Edited by J. Garrett, pp. vi. 321. Mysore Govt. -Press : Bangalore, ]868. 8°. 14176, f. 18. Kesi-n'ija wrote also Kirata, Chdla-pillaJca-charita, Pra- bodha-chandra, and Suhhadnl-'harana. He was a nephew of Janna, who wrote his Yasodhara-charita in 1217. ^jSosaB^aoii siu riodddrcao [Sabda-mani-dar- panam] . . . Kesiraja's Jewel Mirror of Gram- mar, with the Commentary of Nishthiirasanjayya. [Edited with English preface, notes, rubrics, etc., hy F. Kittel.] pp. xxvi. 420. Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, 1872. 8°. 14176. i. 16. ^;SiC3a3'3oij s!zj dorfrfsirrao . . . Kesiraja's Jewel Mirror of Grammar (with the commentary of Nishthura Sanjayya) . Edited by the Rev. F. Kittel. Second and revised edition, pp. i. 408. Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, 1899. 12°. 14176. h. 74. KHANDO KRISHNA BABA GARDE. See Sayana. g'fi^d Solicit? . [Paiichadasi. With Kannada trans- lation by Khando Krishna Garde.] [1887.] 8". 14048. bb. 38. KIES (J. GusTAv). See Bible. — Selections. Selected Scriptural Sentences. [Compiled by G. Kies], etc. 1863. 12°. 14176. a. 51. See Bible. — Selections. A Selection of Bible-passages . . . [Compiled by G. Kies.] 1865. 12°. 14176. a. 58.(5.) KIES (J. Gustav) (continued). See Liturgies. — India, Evang. German Mission Church in. Liturgie . . . [Compiled and translated by G. Kies and others], etc. 1858. 8°. 14176. d. 35. 1878. 8°. 3408. f. 2. See Madras, Presidency of. Manual of Geography . . . Translated . . . [by G. Kies], etc. 1866. 8°. 14176. i. 11. See RiEGER ( ). Burrial [s/c] Sermon ... [Translated into Kannada by G. Kies.] 1867. 16°. 14176. a. 32.(7.) Second Catechism of Canarese Grammar. Sixth edition. ^^^d j^sons.^dre a^^odj 5j,Ss,?;^rf- jooJrad. pp. 64. Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, 1868. 12". 14176. h. 5.(3.) Christian Names in Canarese, proposed by Rev. G. Kies. [In English and Kannada.] pp. 22. Basel Mission Press: Mangalore, 1866. 12°. 14176. h. 9. Geographical Primer in Canarese. s^rlfsss^ drar^oi) djsrfu^? ^^b*. pp. 36. Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, 1868. 12°. 14176. h. 35.(2.) '4iJ5rtj5?s;* ssrfj Soodjxra ^ [A geography of Hindustan, with map.] pp. 31 ; 1 plate. German Mission Press : Mangalore, n^k.o [I860.] 12°. 14176. h. 34.(1.) Outlines of Geography sjirartra;?* arf.TJsS. pp.56. German Mission Press : Ma7igalore, 1861. 12°. 14176. h. 34.(2.) Outlines of Geography in Canarese. t^rtjs;^' ss^srad. [Second edition.] pp. 88. Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, 1867. 12°. 14176. h. 35.(1.) Short Stories. B^^rt't'j. [English text, followed by the Kannada text.] (Mangalore School-books. Canarese English Series.) 2 pts. pp. 28, 42. German Mission Press : Mangalore, nyjie [1859.] 1G°. 14176. h. 4.(2.) KITTEL (Ferdinand). See Bible. — New Testa- ment. — Gospels. \_Matthew.'\ Specimens of S. Indian Dialects, being translations of the Parable 77 KITTEL- -KOXDAMACHAEYA of the Sower . . . No. 3. In the Koijajru . . . language. [Translated by F. Kittel.] 1873. 10°. C. 40. b. 38. See BoCHER (J.). A Kannada-Engli.sh School-dictionary. Chiefly based on the labours of ... r. Kittel, etc. 1899. 8°. 14176. i. 27. See Kesi-raja. '#?So3a^soij t!u rforfdSrtso . . . Kesin'ija's Jewel Mirror of Grammar . . . [Edited with preface, notes, etc., by F. Kittel.] 1872. 8°. 14176.1.16. 1899. 12°. 14176. h. 74. • See Morris (H.). The History of England . . . translated into Canarese [by F. Kittel], etc. 186i. 12°. 14176. h. 39. 1806. 12°. 14176. h. 38. See Naga Varma, son of Vennam'-at/ya. psrtdrfirrf ^^,zi ^ctiAi Nagavarma's Canarese Prosody. Edited ... by Rev. F. Kittel. 1875. 8°. 14176. g. 1. See Periodical Poblications. — Mangalore. The Illustrated Canarese Journal . . . [Edited by F. Kittel], etc. 1862-1803. 4°. 14176. k. 12. Minor Canarese Poetical Anthology. Second edition. ?Jc3 ^(SurUa' 5srf.dJ3s3. [Compiled by F. Kittel, with introduction, notes, and voca- bulary.] pp. 15-1. Basel Mission Press: Mangalore, 1868. 8°. 14176. f. 28. Canarese Poetical Anthology. Third, thoroughly revised and enlarged edition of the " Minor Canarese Poetical Anthology. ' e^^rlia* Bad.dJ36. [With bibliographical preface in English and a dictionary.] pp. xx. 401. Basel Mission Press: Mangalore, 1874. 8°. 14176. f. 29. A short Grammar of the Ancient Dialect of the Canarese Language. [In Kaiinada.] Pre- pared by order of the Director of Public Instruc- tion. aSs? s'jj.dd ;!jo^ vji ro.B^dcs TiB^.rtt'o. pp. 104. Basel Mission Press: Mangalore, 1866. 12°. 14176. h. 28. A Grammar of the Ancient Dialect of the Canarese Language. Second edition . . . aStfri^!;^ ^s,^6!sAa^Mi . pp. i. 184. Basel Mii^sion Press: Mangalore, 1889. 12°. 14176. h. 61.(2.) KITTEL (Ferdinand) (continued). A Grammar of the Kannada Language in English, comprising the three dialects of the language, ancient, mediaeval and modern, pp. vi. i. 483. Basel Mission Press: Mangalore, 1903. 8°. 14176. i. 26. Kavyamanjari. First book of Canarese poetry with notes and vocabulary . . . 53rf.;iJoaa rfoooii pp. iv. 60. Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, 1877. 12°. 14176. f. 13. jjdrfra^, 833 5i [Paramatma-jnana.] Know- ledge of the Supreme Spirit, a dialogue on the Hindoo doctrine of God's being the author of sin &[c.] by the Rev. F. K[ittel]. pp. 90. Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, 1863. 1 2°. 14176. a. 56. A Selection of Scripture Stories in Hindu metre. New Testament, ^qrarfrad. i/a?i^aZore,1862. 12°. 14176. a. 53. No pagination ; the sheets are 7iu>yibercd n-nj*. The Sufferings of Christ. c3i;?Jj *,^s! ^dj?- 1^0:^ rfjjoii Third edition. pp. 62, i. Basel Miss{o7i Press: Mangalore, 1869. 16°. 14176. a. 31.(18.) Also included in the editions of the Mangalore Liturgy. Third Book of Lessons in Canarese. Adapted to the vernacular schools of the Madras Presidency . . . ^r{ji sradrt's* rfoj3d;3? ^^^4- Second, revised edition, pp. viii. 246, ii. Basil Mission Press: Mangalore, 1866. 8°. 14176. h. 53. Third Book of Lessons in Canarese. Adapted to the vernacular schools of tlio Madras Presidency . . . '^^^d rodrtsi* ;i)j3dS? ^J^e'^. Third edition. pp. viii. 268. Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, 1870. 12°. 14176. h. 54. KONDAMACHARYA, PrahhuvanahalU D. Hsi^g^S,?- di^S d;i)^ 7:i'itcT\,:i>%. [Sattvika-sri- vaislmava- mata-sara-saugralm. A compilation treating of the religious and j)hilosopliic dogmas and the social divisions of the Sri-vaishnavas, consisting chiefly of excerpts from Sanskrit authorities with Kannada translations and expositions.] ])t. 1. pp. ii. iv. 146, vi. iSort^Jscb [Z?ci7i(/(i/ore,] 1901 . 8°. 14033. bbb. 12. 79 KONOW- -KllISHNAMA 80 KONOW (Sten). See India. — Linguistic Surtwy. Linguistic Survey of India . . . edited by G. A. Gi'ierson [assisted by S. Kouow]. 1904, etc. Fol. 759. k. 2. KRISHNA. ^ 7^, rl(;?»j?303?ic [Krislma-gopi-vilasam. A poem in 3 cantos (Bala-vihisa-sataka, Venu- v°.-s°., and Sringara-saptati) on tlie legendary loves of the god Krishna with the herdswomen of Vraja.] pp 41. 1894. See Kaenataka Kavya- MANJARi. tfras'etjs' sarf.rfjcao etc. no. 10. 1892- •u 1898. 8°. 14176, ff. l.(no. 10.) KRISHNACHAR, A., of Kolar High School. See Anantachakyulu, K. The Uttara Harischandra charitre. [A Kannada version] by A. Krishna char, etc. 1902. 8". [Karndlaka Gfantha-indle.] 14176. k. 16. (no. 31.) tpssso^d j3j5?PS [Bbashantara-bodhini]. A Treatise on Translation, Anglo-Kanarese, part i. For primary schools in ilysore. By A. Krishna- char. (Part ii. For use in Lower Secondary Schools . . . By A. Krisbnachar . . . assisted by Mr. C. Subba Rao.) 2 pts. Madras, 1899, 1901. 8" & 12°. 14176.1. 9.(2.) KRISHNACHARI, Frodduturu, Bhavi. ^^ ^5;'&>- c63Ko3-^sSDoa6 [Prameya-mukta-manjari. A text- book of the Madhva school of Vaishnava theology and philosophy, in Sanski-it and Kannada, in Telugu character.] pp. 70. ^r,V^; h omtiijdiMd [Namdar-bala-ganga- dhara-tilakara hivani. Ballads in honour of the Hon. Bala Gaiigadhara Tilak.] pp. 11, Jith. i33rtu^j3;iJ [Bagalkot, 1899.] 12°. 14176. ee. 6. KRISHNAM-ACHARYA, Srirangajmfnada. Hosa- gaunada uudi gannadi : a grammar of the Modern Canarese Language. (aS;3?jrifJj^:S fiJQ ri^Q.) pp. xvi. 210. Madras, 18-38. 4'. 14176.1.18. KRISHNAMA NAYAKA, K. See Brahman, of Nagpur. An Essay on the Second Marriage of Hindoo Widows . . . Translated . . . into Canarese, by C. Kristnamah, etc. 1852. 8°. 14176. c. 8.(1.) !1 KlUSHNA MISRA- -KRISHNA-RAJA 82 KRISHNA MISRA, Dramatist. See Rama-sv.vmi, D. Manaschiindra bodha . . . [based on Krishna Misra's Prabodha-chandrodaya, eol)Fio. [Auubliava-rasfiyanam. A treatise, in dialogue form, on mystical theology, with a strong anti-Christian tendency. Edited by V. Venkatesa Sastri.] pp. 85. nitjz. [BaiKjalore, 18Go.] 8°. 14176. b. 22. The Vivch'ihharana of this author was completed in A.D. 1770. eii)t;5;id?>3oi>;jo . . . 'asr -^rtjCtii^ [Anubliava- rasayanarn.] pp. 67. ticritfjjti) neyeJo [Bangaloi-f, 1880.] 8°. 14176. d. 30. o o o S33?ij=3 aSfl?d^^dc2J 4k rtjc:;!^. [Nija- dlpika-siroratnavu. A poetical exposition of Advaita philosophy and Saiva religion, in prose and verse. With a commentary by Vedanta Raghavacharya, and a supercommentary called Ratna-prabhe by Doddabele Narayana Sastri.] pp. ii. 247. iSort^dJ [Bangalore,] 1893. 8°. 14177. b. 2. a,? . . . sss3?i53 ti^^Scu *ri__o!ii^. [Nija- dlpika-ratnavu, or °sir6ratnavu. With a com- mentary by Vedanta Raghavacharya. Edited by Parama-hanisa Deviinanda Svami.] pp. i. 107. :3srttfJ3rfj noTV [Bangalore, 189 k] 8°. 14177. b. 1. KRISHNA-RAJA OpEYAR.A/tfmwrtr/tjCNANJA-RAjA), late Maharaja of Mi/.sore. See LiNGA-EAJE Arasu. oo« oibjJaiiO^o Narapati charitam ... [A treatise on the art of poetry, illustrated by verses in eulogy of Maharaja Krishna-raja.] 1899. 8°. [Kariid/aka Grantha-nuile.] 14176. k. 16.(no. 19.) See Maha-bhauata. 5rerf;ao3?5 ^jo:i [Krishna- raja- vanl-vilasa. A translation of the Maha-bharata, by Krishna-raja.] [1889-1893.] 4°. 14176. g. 7. See Maha-bharata. y [Krishna-i-aja- vanl-vilasa. Adi-parva.] [1899.] 8°. 14176. f. 65.(3.) See Maha-bharata. 5,? . . . s'ri dt^rtda ?^. [Bhagavad-gitfi. Tlio prose version contained in the Krishna-ruja-vani-vilasa.] [1890.] 8°. 14176. f. 56. KRISHNA-RAJA OpEYAR,ilf(u/iwaJoii pp. iii. 220, iii. Dhanvar, [1893.] 12°. 14176. cc. 13. LAKSHMAN'-AYYA, HosUnt B.Y. °°o ?ioR?33- ;i)^?rad^. [Sangitamrita-saravu. A Christian drama on the Gospel uarrativ^e.] pt. i. pp. 2, 74. Bangalore, 1893. 12°. 14176. e. 19. LAKSHMI-BAI, il/a/i(ir(j)it o/ //ionsi. [LifeP[ See DaTTATREYA BaLVAKT PaRASNIS. tf^j'3i~A . . . rfOcoS- D3f3 ej-3- ?2o3caj dJOoii [Jhansi-samsthanada maha- rani Lakshmi-bayi-sahebala charitre.] 1903. 8°. 14176. d. 59. LAKSHMI-NARASIMHA SASTRI, Aklcale. See Jaya-ijeva. B^HBrti^^ 2ic33 '-XtiJ^* jSojcii [Karnataka Chandraloka. Rendei'ed into Kannada verse with commentary by Lakshmi-narasimha.] [1905.] 8°. [Karndtaka Grant ha- male.] 14176. k. 16. (no. 42.) See Maha-bhakata. acl)ds?.S. [Vidura- niti. Done into Kannada verse by Lakshmi- narasiniha.] 1897. 8°. [Karndtaka Granfha- mdle.] 14176. k. 16.(no. 13.) LAKSHMI-NARAYANACHARYA, Udupi. %itss^ ^s^ri^. [Subahu-kalagavu. An episode from the Padma-purana, Patala-khanda, on the conflict of Rama and Subahu, metrically adapted in yaksha- gnna style.] pp. 35. tScrt^jsdj naan [Bangalore, 1881.] 8°. 14176. f. 43. LAKSHMI-NRISIMHA SASTRI, V. t^^i^^. [Bhanu-sataka. 109 verses on ethical themes.] pp. 14. [1901.] See Periodical Publications. — Mysore. The " Karnataka Grauthamala " Series, no. 26. 1893, etc. 8°. 14176. k. 16.(no. 26.) LAKSHMi-PAT'-AIYYA, of Govt. School, Malvalli. The Ganitarnava . . . rtdsscsrri. [A manual of arithmetic] pp. i. iv. 340, 19, 2. -Jortsi^JJciJ [Ban- galore,] 1878. 8°. 14176. i. 15. LAKSHMI-PATI, BhUrjati. S^orobtisJsijCpssissrf * aoc?5aoS3?rvr(Sr^o [Hanisa-vimsati-kathegalu. Twenty stories, of erotic tendency. Translated from the Telugu of Dhurjati Lakshmi-pati by M. S. Krishii'- ayya.] pp. 58. Bangalore, 1871. 8°. 14176. d. 27. 89 LAKSHMISA- -LIGOPJ 90 LAESHMISA, Dcvai'urada Aniiama. jJ^S^nspsci^^. [Jaiiiiiui-bharata. A poem in 34 chapters, founded on the Sanskrit Asva-medha-parva or Jaitnini-bluirata ascribed to the legendary sage Jaimini, and partly parallel to the Asva-medha-p°. of the Maha-bharata.] pp.353, ?(7/t. Siori's'JsSj nsJVs; [Mangalore, 1848.] Fol. 14176. g. 6.(1.) The Jaimini bharata, celebrated Canarese poem . . . s'i^dsS^Sioszira"^^^- PP- i- "• 338. li^^- sM.Tton nak.T [Madras, 1869.] 8°. 14176. f. 34. The Jaimini bharata, celebrated Canarese poem . . . ^^^d^jtid?>ip,ti^^. [Second edition.] pp. ii. iv. 60G. Bangalore, ]870. 12°. 14176. f. 7. The Jaimini bharata, celebrated Kaiiarese poem . . . j3^ajs'^d;^dc23; 'sszi.^. pp. v. 283. Ban- galore, 1880. 8°. 14176. f. 35. [Another issue, with similar title-page.] pp. iv. 286. dcrtv^jJiJ [Bajigcdore,] 1882. 8°. 14176. f. 36. o o o ^^justpsci^^ rfjjoi [Jaimini-bharata. With a paraphrase styled Bhiiva-Lodhini by B. M. Siddha-linga Sastri.] pp. v. 872. j5:rt's'J3ci) [Ban- galore,] 1897. 8°. 14176. f. 31. The Jaimini Vjharata, a celebrated Canarese poem. With translation and notes by Daniel Sanderson. [Chapters i.-xi.] pp.217. Wesleyan Mission Press : Bangalore, 1852. 8°. 14176. f. 52. ^^ajSJjTOd^^. [Jaimini-bharata, chapters i.- iv. With a commentary by Veiikata Raiigo Katti. Second edition.] pp. 170, lith. qisd^isd o^JiM [Dharwar, I87b.] 12°. 14176. f. 6. Erstes und zwoitos Kapitel des altkaua- resischen Jeimiui Bharata . . . aus dcm Kanares- iscben umgeschrieben, wortlich iibersetzt und niit Erliiuteruiigen versehen von Dr. H. Fr. Miigling. (Zeitschrift der Deutseheu Morgcnliindischen Gesellschaft. xxiver Bd., pp. 309-324, xxver Bd., pp. 22-41, xxviier Bd., pp. 3G4-39G.) Leipzig, 1870-1873. 8°. Ac. 8815/2. (Bd. 24, 25, 27.) Shri Jaimini bharata. Canto xi (-xiii). LAESHMISA, BPvapurada- Anuama {continued). [For extracts from the Jaimini-bharata published in Kittel's Anthology :] See Kittel (F.). With a Kanarese gloss and a translation into English by K. B. Bendigiri. 3 pts. Dharwar, BIjapur, ]80d-l902. 8°. 14176. f. 61. See SeInivas'-aiyangar, B. University of Madras . . . notes on the Matriculation . . . Text 1890 [i.e. Jaimini-bharata i.-v.], etc. 1890. 8°. 14176. f. 63.(2.) See SuBBA-RAU, K. University of Madras. — 1890 . . . notes on the Matriculation . . . Text [i.e. Jaimini-bharata, i.-v.,] etc. 1890. 8°. 14176. f. 63.(1.) LAMB (Chaui-es) and ^Mary Ann). z^orfrfradj;^. The Tempest, pp. "24. 1893. See Periodical Publications. — Mysore. The " Karnataka Grantha- mala '' Series, no. 1. 1893, e^.^. 8°. 14176. k. 16.(no. 1.) LAYER (Johannes). TheGoodWay. ?J(i3 rtr Ezasda. [A Clii'istian tract.] (Bangalore Tract and School Book Society. No. 13.) pp. 68. Wesleyan Mis- sion Press : Bangalore, 1860. 16°. 14176. a. 31.(5.) The Way of Salvation, ds* fira?353oi)^. [A Christian tract.] pp. 36. Basd Mission Pn ss : Mangalore, 1866. 16°. 14176. a. 31.(12.) The Way of Wisdom, jss fj*3rir;^2i^ [A Christian tract. Ninth edition.] pp. 16. Basel Mission Press: Mangalore, 1866. 16°. 14176. a. 32.(5.) LENNIE (William). See Pinnock (W. H.). Pinnock's Catechism of English Grammar, with . . . additions from Lennie's and other ffrani- mars, etc.. 1845. 12°. 14176. h. 16. LIFE. The Married Life. I. The Wedding. (II. Husband and Wife. III. Parents and Children.) roosS^.A 3oi)SJj 'rfoossd rt.oqj^.abd . . . [Translated by Solomon Bhfiskara and Christa- iiujii Vatsa froiii the Marathi.] 3 pts. Bn.til Mission Press: Ma7igalore,i87b. 12°. 14176. h. 6. LIGOBI (Alfonso ^Iahia), Saint. Sec ALtuoxso Maria [de' Ligugki]. 91 LINGA- -LUETHI 92 LINGA, Mantri, son of Virupdknha. Kabbigara kiiipidi. g^zJ riS^^&Qoijozj ^xs^ji^^ns^oib. [A reper- tory of Kannada synonyms, in 100 shat/ia(li verses. Followed by Sabda-ratnakara, 30 similar anony- mous verses. Second edition.] pp. 24. dort?;*j5cl) nercJ^j [Bangalore, 1883.] 8°. 14176. i. 32. LINGANNA, son of Bdmaiuta. See Pur.^nas. [Garuda-purdna.l (ridod^DBfs^.) [Garuda-purana. Translated by Liuganna.] [1900.] 8°. 14177. b. 10. LINGA-RAJE ARASTJ. 00° sirfsS^zio^o Narapati charitam .iouyo^dri-o^Jo. [A treatise on the art of poetry, illustrated by verses in eulogy of the author's father-in-law, the Maharaja Mummadi Krishna-raja of Mysore. Edited by Jayaraya- charya.] pp. iii. viii. 122. 1899. See Periodical PcBLiCATioNS. — Mysore. The " Karnataka Gran- thamala " Series, no. 19. 1893, etc. 8°. 14176. k. 16. (no. 19.) LITURGIES.— England, Church of. The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacra- ments, etc. [Translated into Kannada by H. V. ConoUy.] (?js:p3dr3;j3d3j3jtjjc"?3ri'«*ira irai rJ. ;j?Jj3 b^^Sob- pp.131. il/iWow Press; .Be«an/, 1838. 8°. 1106. c. 22. This translation ends tviih the Catechism. India, Evangelical German Mission-Church in. Liturgie der Evangelisch Deutschen Missions- kirche in Indien. [Compiled from various sources, chiefly Lutheran, and translated by G. Kies and others] ... 7i'4^^s.riT^M^. pp. 193, iii. German Mi.-ah.q [Bangalore, 18G3.] U°. 14176. a. 35. LITURGIES.— Rome, Church of [continued). 000 ^'^.:i ^c:^,ri'?*J3 233 ;3.B?s>nesid ?jo#?3dsA3. [Private prayers of the Roman Church, au abridged Cate- chism, Morning and Evening Prayers, etc. Edited by E.-L. Charbonnaux.] pp. 160. "Jcritfjscjj r>ah.h. [Catholic Mission Fre.^s : Bangalore, 18GG.] 12°. 14176. a. 44. Wesletan Methodists. The Order for the ministration of the Lord's Supper (for the minis- tration of Baptism, for the ministration of Adult Baptism, for the solemnization of Matrimony, for the Burial of the Dead). (Tentative edition.) opts. [Wesleyan Mission Press : Bangalore, ISQb'tl 12°. 14176. a. 54. Occasional Services of the Wes- leyan Methodist Church. dA oijg" d):^;Q?:^ ?i2^oi) aqia^ssrf ^Soris;*o. pp. i. 105. Wesleyan Mission Press : Bangalore, 1871. 12°. 14176. a. 41. LOKA-NATHA KAVI, Srinivasapurada Subba-ra- yappa. See Dandi. '^^^:i rfds'o^iradzio^oiij. [Kan- nada Dasa-kumara-charitreyu. A version by Loka- natha.] [1886.] 8°. 14177. c. 23. See Sanat-kumaea. [Griha-vastu-darpana. Edited with Kannada in- terpretation by Loka-nfitha.] 1894. 8°. 14053. ccc. 17. LOLIMBA-RAJA. sSjsjycUDsa [sic] arf'J^^jid.^s^Jw^ij*. [Vaidya-jivana. A Sanskrit treatise on medicine. With a Kannada commentary called Vaidya-jivana- dipika by A. Putta-sam'-ayya.] pp. 104, ii. Ban- galore, 1878. 8°. 14043. c. 31. LUETHI (Bendicht). See Avetaranian (J.). A Moslem's Autobiography . . . [Translated by B. Liithi from the German.] 1908. 8°. 14176. d. 41. Short Bible Stories in Canarese. Sixth revised edition. d^M Jj3?r.d ?Jra ^c^^Si^J. pp. 142. Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, 1901. 12°. 14176. a. 61.(2.) Shorthand in Canarese . . . ?rS, d^ScoQ Jou ?io-S- 3j cSj. pp. vi. 42, 16. Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, 1906. 8°. 14176. 1. 28. The Life of Dr. Haas. [A Christian tale.] 03^ 0^ 3o3?5ii ^S^r^. pp. 20. Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, 1907. 8°. 14176. b. 53. 93 LUETZE- -MAHA-BHAEATA 94 LUETZE (C. Wilhelm). See Bible.— New Testa- ment. — Gospels, [iwfce.] The Gospel of Luke in Badaga [revised by C.W.Lutze],efc. 1890. 12°. 3070. aaa. 59. LIJTHI. Sec LuETiii. LUTZE. Sff LuETZE. LYTTON (E. G.). See Bulwer, afterwards Lytton. MABEN (Chuistian). See Aesop. Aesop's Fables ... A free translation [by C. Maben], efr. 1907. 12°. 14176. cc. 16. See Mri-iYiL (J.) and Kukiyan (J.). The English Primer . . . Canarese edition [by C. Mabeu and F. Aruone], etc. 1901. 12°. 14176. h. 81. MABEN (T.G.). Kannada Penman's Guide. Con- taining useful document and letter forms . . . ^;B'd,;jcuJc3i3j3?5!S. pp. viii. 112; 1 plate. Basel Mission Press : 3fangalore, 1896. 12°. 14176. h. 27. MAC CULLOCH (John Murray). Selections from McCulloch's third Reading Book and Series of Lessons translated into Canarese for the Board of Education Bombay. {ijZii^A)Ji:iAs^'^'^d 33a3533dri«f jjcrtj^s^.) 2 pts. pp. 91, 92, lith. Mission Press : Mangalore, 1850, 1851. 8°. 14176. i. 8. MACK (J.). See Hymnals. Canarese Hymns for Children . . . [Edited by J. Mack.] 1869. 12°. 14176. a. 40. See Periodical Publications. — Mamjalore. The Illustrated Cauai-ese Journal . . . [Edited by J. Mack], etc. (The Canarese Informer, etc.) 18G2, 1863. 4°. . 14176. k. 12. Kavyapunja. Canarese poetical primer with outlines of prosody, notes and vocabulary. Third edition . . . ss^^ok. pp. xvi. 72. Basel Mission Press : Maugalore, 1885. 1 2°. 14176. f. 20. See Lakshmana Biiatji. Full Notes on Kavyapunja, etc. 1890. 12". 14176 68. 3.(1.) MADHUEA-MUTTU MUDALIYAR, V., ufP.ramliir. ShalidiirtliacliaiKlrica [a vocabulary] containing six languages [viz. Telugu, Kannada, Tamil, English, Hindustani, and Marathi] . a.iT^s.*' j-^- xTojO^jS;'. In Telugu [characters]. Compiled by V. Mathuramuthu Mudaliar. pp. 96. Madras, 1896. 12°. 14174. m. 25. MADHVACHARYA. See Ananda-tIrtha. MADHVA-DASA. [For the verses of this poet included in tlio Dasara padagalu :] See Dasaku. MADHVA-RAU SATYAPA. See Naeayana, son of Trivikrama. n£gf=rjnT»TTm^^° [Madhva- vijaya- bhamini. A Kannada adaptation by Madhva-rau of Narayana's Madhva-vijaya.] [1888.] o«. 8°. 14048. d. 53. MADHVAS. The Madhwa prabandha mala. [A collection of works of the Madhva school with Kannada interpretation and paraphrase. Edited by Killaiiki Sesha-giri Rau.] Madras, 1908, etc. 8'. 14028. bbb. 16. Ill progress. For works published in this collection, see under the heading : — Karayana, son of TriviJcrama. MADRAS. — Government Oriental MSS. Lihranj. Alphabetical Index of Manuscripts in the . . . Library . . . Sanskrit, Telugu, Tamil, Kanarese, etc. 10 pts. Madras, 1893. Fol. 14096. f. 9. Presidencij of. Manual of Geography in Canarese. Ti-anslated [from the English] and adapted to the vernacular schools of the iladras Presidency [by G. Kies] by order of the Director of Public Instruction, jjtor^e^isra^ sSjjou pp. viii. 395 ; 4 plates. Basel Mission Press : Mang(dorc, 1866. 8°. 14176. i. 11. MADRAS RAILWAY COMPANY. See Periodical Publications. — Madras. [Time-table of the Madras Railway Company, June 1856.] [1856 ?] 8°. 14176. k. 1. MAENNER (August). On Demons. ^^ sAoiu Soooii [A missionary tract.] pp. 117. Basel Mission Press: Mangahre, 18G7. 12°. 14176. a. 58.(7.) MAHA-BHARATA. 5,? ... b.fsi.si dsjs 533rf?Oosrf ,oou ^a;3'.i»o^d ^Fid Uets'j. [Krishna- raja - vai.iT - viliisa. A Kannada prose translation of the San- skrit epic Maha-bharata, by Mummadi Kri-shna- rajaOdeyar, Maharaja of Mysore.] i3ort«^ii) Ai^t^d naar-n-JTSi [Bangalore, 1889-1893.] 4°. 14176. g. 7. Bks. 1, 2, 6, 7, 9-18 were printed at Bangalore (Chrnnnn- desvari Press), hks. 3, .'), and 8 at Mysore {Jaganniohnnu Press). Bk. 4 (Virala-parva) is wanting. ^rf dU?5'j. M33ici,. [Krishna-raja-vani-vilasa. The 95 MAHA-BHAEATA MAHA-BHARATA 96 Adi-parva, or bk. i., beinjr the text for the F. A. Examination, 1900, of Madras University.] pp. 2, 2, 95. t3=rtsi'j3!iJ ncrr {Bangalore, 1899.] 8°. 141T6. f. 65.(3.) dJS3Jfi3d^de3^rf oJoji.:! ortfl?S3ajs_„N;3. [Rishya- sringopakliyanavu. The tale of Rishya Sringa, from the Tirtha-yatra-parva of the Aranya-parva, in Sanskrit and Kannada.] See Pattabhirama Sastri. hf, . . . I^esijsi.r! ortJ3?H3a:3_,rf4. [Rishya- snng6pakhyanavu.] pp. 172-208. [1891.] 8°. 14016. c. 45. Sirfjds?^. [Vidura-niti. A series of ethical verses, forming Udyoga-parva xxxiii.-xl. Done into Kannada verse by A. Lakshmi-narasimha Sastri.] pp. ii. 15. 1897. See Periodical Publi- cations. — Ml/sore. The "Karnataka Granthamala^' Series, no. 14. 1893, efc. 8°. 14176. k, 16.(no. 14.) |j?^2o32p3d^iira;raii) osj^yey-r [Banga- lore, 1888-1889.] 4°. 14065. f. 3. The Bhagavat-geeta, or Dialogues of Krishna and Arjoon . . . Sanscrit, Canarese, and English ; in parallel columns. The Canarese newly translated from the Sanscrit, and the English from the translation by Sir Charles Wilkins, with his preface and notes, &c. and the introduction by the Hon. AVarren Hastings Esq. With an appendix containing SchlegePs Latin translation of the Geeta, notes from the German of Baron Humboldt, &c., &c. Edited by Rev. J. Garrett, pp. xvi. 147, 29, Ivii. Wesleyan Mission Press: Bangalore, 1846-1848. 4°. 14060. e. 7. i^rtrfs ?^ tjirida eioJo sda^cib «c?3,oi)ri'i? ;!j^jiu;3sd s'rf^d Jjis^oij Mjb'j [Bhagavad-gita. With Kannada translation.] pp. 128. i3crts;*j3rfj nejwr iWesleyan Jilission Press : Bangalore, 1849.] 8°. 14065. c. 7. The translation is that published in the polyglot edition of 1846-8. MAHA-BHARATA {continued), ^jjeosz^d^ 9?:^ 3ddr- A ^;iracj -uirida ?Joi)J, "^TiM fe3!B^j jjo^ion [Another re- print of the same text and version.] pp. 197. "Jcrt't'jsdo ns75jn[5a«^((?ore, 1881.] 12°. 14176.ee, 12. The sheets a/re of paper of various colours. |j?"ci5rtrfa ?33 [Bhagavad-gita. With a Kan- nada interpretation by Rama-krishna Suri.] pp. i. iv. 396. -^oMsbti^ ntsk.^ [Bangalore, 186S.] 8°. 14065. c. 29. [Bhagavad-gita. The prose version contained in the Maharaja Krishna-raja Odeyar's Krishna-raja- vani-vilasa.] pp. 2, i. 86 ; 1 plate. t3orijcu:03 ni-'tsk. [Bombay, 1886.] 12°. 14176. a. 60. MANJAPP'-AYYA, Tiidimi. rrs^^r s^.g'rijra?^^. [Smarta-nitya-karma-dipika. A Sanskrit guide to the religious duties and offices of Southern Smarta Brahmans, with occasional translations, explanations, and appendices in Kannada.] pp. xiii. 296, xx. 'Jortt^jadJ [Bangalore^ 1908. 8°. 14028. bbb. 9. MARI TONTAD'-ARYA. 5^03 USu ^caa. [Karuata- sabda-maiijari. A vocabulary, in 115 shatpadi verses, with interpretation by a court pandit of the late Maharaja Krishna-raja Odeyar.] pp. i. 98. ^us^Tf n^Tio [Aradras, 1870.] 8°. 14176. i. 6. S,? ... ^jrary Su :ij=aa ;i3Joii [Karnata- sabda-maiijari. 120 verses. Edited with an inter- pretation styled SujanoUasini by N. R. Kari- basava Sastri.] pp. ii. 76. sJj^sirao^ [Mysore,] 1891. 8°. 14176. h. 66. h' . l,?Ad j^d^DSK^. [Siddhesvara- puranavu. A poem of 25 cantos, in vdrdhika shat- padi verse, on the life and theological doctrine (xha/sthala-siddhdnta-lcrama, etc.) of the Vlra- saiva saint Toi.itada Siddha-liiiga Svami (Siddlie- 101 MAEJALI- -MOEGLIXG 102 svara) of Yediyur (Edeyuru), uear Kuui'gal. Eilited by P. R. Kari-basava Sastri.] pp. iv. iv. 318, ii. ±^7^^ neural [Mysore, 1895.] 8°. 14176. b. 36. Mari TonfatV-iirya {a disciple of ParvatenJra, dincijde of Chcnna Nanjesa Sviimi, pontiff of Nandlpura) learned the Saiva doctrine from Giilnrii Siddha-virisvara, who learned it from Bola Basnva Svami, who was taught by Siddha- linya himself. Mari Tonfad'-iirya wrote in Kannada the Siddha-liligi^svara-stofra, Karnnta-sahda-manjari, &c., and in Sanskrit the Vlra-saiviinanda-chandrikri, Vira-saiva-pra- d'ipika, Kaivalya-sdra, Sliai-sthala-d'ipikd, &c. MAKJALI. d53!33r€oi)J33 ?Soira3^ [Marjaliya jiiana- yatre. A fable.] pp.30. [1900.] See Peim- ODiCAL Pl'bi.icaxions. — Mysore. The " Karuataka Granthamala " Series, no. 24. 1893, e^c. 8°. 14176. k. 16.(110. 24.) MARSDEN CEdmund). History of India for Middle Schools. Canarese. Part i. for Form i. . . . Soo- dfld?rici 2^0^ dJooii [Translated by S. G. Nara- simhachur.] (Macmillan's Series of Text-books for Indian Schools.) pp. i. ii. 90. Basel Mission Press: ManM ^oi das^B^d. [Mahisura-sriman- mahu-raja- chama-rajendra-odeyar-avara varnsa-ratnakara. A history of the Odeyar dynasty of Rajas of Mysore, down to the Maharaja Chama-rajendra.] pp. iv. xii. 392 ; 20 plates. &>^A:i:^ nweJi \_Mysore, 1887.] 8°. 14177. g. 1. Government of. Epigraphia Carnataca. [Sanskrit and vernacular] inscriptions . . . Pub- lished ... by B. Lewis Rice. Mysore Govt. Press : Bangalore, 18SG, etc. 4°. 14058. c. 8. Mj'soro Inscriptions, translated for Govern- ment by Lewis Rice. pp. xci. 2, 33(5, xxx.; 2 plates. Govt. Press : Bangalore, 1879. 8°. 14058. c. 6. Karnataka Vagvidhayini. ^asrii'^ sraftj- !?B0iJS- [A grammar of the Kannada language.] Printed for the Department of Public Instruc- tion, pp. ii. 147, iii. Wesleyan 3I{ssio7i Press: Bangalore, 1869. 12°. 14176. h. 29.(3.) Padya sara sid^d [A poetical anthology.] Printed for the Department of Public Instruction, Mysore and Coorg. pp. iv. 124. Mysore Govt. Press: Bangalore, 1868. 12°. 14176. f. 32. Padya sara . . . Revised edition, with notes by S. G. Narasimhachar . . . sdrf.Jrad . . . Second edition. (The Department of Public Instruction, Mysore.) Wesleyan Mission Press : Mysore, 1906, etc. 8°. 14176. ff. 7. In progress. Padya sara prakasika. 5jd,?rad3jj^Si^. Annotations to the Padyasara. By H. Venkat- ramasastri. pp. xii. 147, ii. Bangalore, \81'i. 8°. 14176. f. 33. [Fourth edition.] pp.151, tocrts^'jsdj iBangalore,] 1891. 8°. 14176. f. 55. jjrf,?33ddU?^j. [Padya-sarada tiku. Stanzas contained in the Padya-sara, with interpretation by Padma-raja Paiulita.] 4 pts. i3ort- 80. o o o ;jj53 fjsqj^osESo [Mallinatha-puranarn. A poem in 14 cantos on the life and beatification of Mallinatha, the 19th Jain Saviour.] pp. viii. i. ii. 394. 1895. See Karnataka Kavya-manjari. ^ESsrUBi TO^^dooao e/c. no. 11. 1892-1898. 8°. 14176. ff. l.(no. 11.) The Pampa Ramayana, or Ramachandra charita purana. An ancient Jain poem in the Kannada language. sjos! ODdraodjra Sou csdozSod, ziQ^ s^asra . . . Edited by Lewis Rice. pp. v. ii. 534. Mysore Govt. Fress : Bangalore, 1874. 8°. 14176. f. 40. The Pampa Ramayana . . . Revised edition [of the preceding]. Edited by B. Lewis Rice. [With an English abstract of the poem.] pp. 96, 483, 6. Bangalore, 1892. 8°. 14176. f. 66. Forms no. 3 of the Bibliotheca Carnatioa. NAGA VARMA, sn)i of Ddmodara. Karnataca bhasha bhooshana. oK$T7=P>TTTTTif«l^ '^^^zli'^'^^S!- jjiEsira ^joii [A grammar of Kannada in Sanskrit, with Kannada paraphrase and illustrations. Edited by P. T. Ajasingalacharya.] pp. 88. Mysore, nsjtfo [1880.] 8°. 14176. h. 51. The title is from the cover. This author lived about 1145 A.D. Naga Varmma's Karnataka bhasha-bhu- shana. The oldest grammar extant of the [Kan- nada] language . . . ^rasrlJ^ tpssieij^sica. Edited, with an introduction [upon the author and the Kannada lauguage and literature, and a trans- lation of the aphorisms], by Lewis Rice. pp. i. xliv. 96, 22. Bangalore, 1884. 8°. 14176. k. 9. Forms no. 1 of //te Bibliotheca Camatica. The ajtliorisms, vritii, and examples are given in both Roman and Kannada, characters. (^;j3.;ids?5^fjc)[Kavyaval6kanarn. A treatise on the art of poetry, in aphorisms with commen- tary.] See Karnataka Kavta-manjari. is'rasriJ^ S3^.;i)oK0 dc. no. 24. 1892-1898. 8°. 14176. ff. l.(no. 24.) Incomplete, breaking off in the Niima-praiarana of the Sabda-smriti (j). 144). Nagavarmma'sKavyavalokanara, a standard Kannada work on poetics . . . and the same author's Karnataka bhasha-bhushanam, revised edition, a Kannada grammar in Sanskrit sutras, expanding Sabdasmriti, the first chapter of Kavya- val6kanam , . . 533s.ds3J3?g^B3o . . . s^ESsry^ tiJSSBSjira- sirao. Edited by R. Narasimhachar. pp. 4, 54, 164, 2, 50, 9, 94, i. 24, 7. Mysore Govt. Central Press : Bangalore, 1003. 8°. 14176.1.31. Forms part of the Bibliotheca Camatica. The Arthalankara prakarana of Naga- varma's Kavyavalokana, edited with full notes by B. MuUappah . . . jsartdci. . . . ssn8.^=^??rsjrf era . t)o53c!5d_,g'df3^. pp. i. iv. 62. Mysore, 1882. 8°. 14176. i. 5. NAGA VARMA, son of Vennani'-ayya, of Vevgipalu. See Bana. Karnataka Kadambari ... [A metrical Kannada transhition by Naga Varma.] 1892. 8°. 14176. d. 40. crart;i^r?J ^^d e^od?;o Nagavarma's Cana- rese Prosody [or Chhandombudhi]. Edited with an introduction to the work, [notes,] and an essay on Canarese literature by Rev. F. Kittel. pp. Ixxxii. 160. Basel Mission Pre.'ss : Mangalore, 1875. 8°. 14176. g. 1. This author, a Jain, lived about 990 A.D. NALA. 2(raajs56J^a. ^^liQij. [Nala-charitre. 'A poem upon the epic legend of king Nala, in the bhdmini-shatpadi metre, in 9 chapters and 481 verses.] pp. 70. ticrt's'jsdo n^ao [Bangalore, 1880.] 8°. 14176. f. 38. 109 NALA- -NAEASIMHACHAR 110 NALA (contiitucd). B'ce'y jij^drsd oij^rosS sl<^2io^ djoo ii [Yaksha-gfina Xala-charitre. A poem on the legend of Nula, in the yalsha-gJna style. Second edition.] pp.117. 'Jsrt's'jsdj nsjis. [Banga- lore, 1877.] 8°. 14176. f. 37. NANA PHADNAVIS. Bhand. See Bai.ajI Janardana NANA-SAMBANDHAR (Pii.lai Nayanar). Sec JIai.i.an AUYA, G. iUiava chinta ratnain . . . [Based upon a Tamil story ascribed to Nana- sambandhar.] 1900. 8°. [Kurndtaka Kavi/a- hald-mdlii ] 14176. S. 2.(no. 2.) NANA-SIKHAMANI PILLAI. The Identity of Popery and Heatheuism. eA):jJci) ^ri5" rfo;i)cd 3jjo ii [Translated into Kannada by K. A. Josiah, from the Tamil original.] (Tract and School Book Society.) [No. 15.] pp. Hi. Wedeyan Mins^ion Press: Bangalore, I8b8. 12°. 14176. a. 31.(2.) NANJACHARYA, ChikJca. CHAUYA. See Chikka Nanja- NANJAPPA, Chalcrapuri MnUappa. aoi>A^, oaa tioic »5ou 5:313?*^. [Jaya-simha-rilja-charitarn. A drama in 5 acts, based upon Shakspere's " Cym- belinc."] pp. 83. dcriv^jaio [Bangalore,] 1907. 8°. 14176. e. 5.(5.) NANJ'-UNDA SASTRI, A. M. K., of Tximkur School. Sec Duauma iSC'iii. Narakasura vyayogum . . . [Translated by Nanj'-anda Sistri.] 1902. 8°. [Karndtaka Grantha-mdle.] 14176. k. 16.(no. 32.) NANJ-UNDA SVAMI, disciple of Mahanta Desika, of Guruvaniia Leva's Math. See SnADAKSHARi Deva. Ij? . . . DsaS?^d stotj^ dJOon [Raja-sekhara- vilasavu. Bks. xiii.-xiv., edited with interpreta- tion liy XaiJj'-unda Svami.] 1907. 8°. 14176. ff. 9. NANJ'-UND'-AYYA, H. V. Mt^Srss^ ;±ijoii [Artha- sastra.] (Puliiiciil Economy [with especial re- ference to India.] In Kannada with an English introduction.) pj). xii. 22k Madras, 1001. 8°. 14176. c. 33. NANJ'-UND'-AYYA, S., of Kunigal Oirls' School. Navaratna pakshiya charitre. Sdd;^ Jji cdo J^O^.,- [A story, with occasional Sanskrit verses.] pp.33. jZoMJii^ [Bangalore,] WQ5. 8°. 14177. c. 9. NARA-HAEI SASTRI, Bella ve, of Tumktir Empress Girls' School. The Syaniautaka ratna natakam. Ti.ziiot^6^, paUxs'o. [A drama in 5 acts upon the legend of the sijamantaka jewel obtained by Krishna, and by him given to Satrajit, who gave him in return his daugliter Satyabhama (Bhaga- vata-purana x. 56-7).] pp. 87. i3oriroyrcsa. Ill NAEASIMHACHAE- -NAEAYANA 112 NARASIMHACHAR, Srlrafigapaftanam Govinda- rajar. S'eeBHAVA-BHUTi. (e/u^ciDsrio sJs^o.) [Uttara- rama-charitam. Translated by Narasimhachar.] 1900-1901. 8°. [Karndtalca Grantha-male.'] 14176. k. 16. (no. 18.) (See Kalidasa. Dilipa charite,e/c. [Dilipa- charite and Aja-nripa-cliarite. Kannada metrical versions by Narasiriiliacliar of Eagliu-vamsa i.-iii. and iv.-vii.] [1897, 1900.] 8°. [Earndfalca Gmntha-maU:] 14176. k. 16.(nos. 13, 25.) See Kaenataka Kavya-kala-nidhi. Kar- nataka Kavya Kalanidhi Series . . . Edited ... by S. G. Karasimhachar, etc. 1899-1902. 8°. 14176. fif. 2. See Karnataka Kavya-manjaei. ^ssry^' B3;i.;i)oK0 . . . Edited by S. G. Narasimhachar, etc. 1892-1898. 8°. 14176. ff. 1. See Marsden (E.). History of India . [Translated by S. G. Narasimhachar.] 1901. 12°. 14176. h. 77. See Mysoee, Govt. of. Padya sara . . . Revised edition, with notes by S. G. Narasimha- char, etc. 1906, etc. 8°. 14176. ff. 7. See Narasimhachar, B. A., and Narasimha- char, -S. G. Karnataka-kavi-charite, etc. 1907, etc. 8°. 14177. c. 15, NARASIMHA MADHAVA MAHISHI. Prosody of the Kanuad Language [in English,] etc. pp. 82. Bombay, 1893. 12°. 14176. h. 61.(5.) NARASIMHA PAURANIKA, Kadaluru. sj^jijssi t,jsti ;3o2j h'.'ss 5!otA5sI XBd^. [Paurusha-prakasavu, or Jiiana-vasishtha-saravu. An adaptation in Kan- nada prose of part of the Yoga-vasishtha, bearing on courage.] pp. 68, 88. il/)/sore, 1898. 12°. 14177. a. 2. NARASIMH'-AYYA, BengalUru Hiichehaiigappa. See ScTA. o o o 5^0 ?ij3^^D3cs^. [Suta-puranavu. Translated by Narasimh'-ayya.] 1897. 8°. 14176. b. 50. NARASIMH'-AYYA, HoJh /.•«?/«. See Dasaru. The Dasara Padagnhi . . . [Edited by Narasimh'- ayya.] [1871.] 8°. 14176. f. 25. NARASIMH'-AYYA, Holahillu {continued). See NijA-GUNA Siva-yogi. (^^^Jy.sid 3 jIjoo m) [Kaivalya- paddhati, e:i,cig*y^d- rf^5d roa^c53;i)^?^3 rfjJoii [Venkata-pura-vaishna- vadi-nana-matotpatti. Edited by Narayana.] 189-1. 8°. 14176. b. 37. NARAYANA SASTRI, P. A. See Asvattha-n.xra- yana Sastri. NARAYANA T. SIRALI. A Brief History of India ... by Narayon T. Shirali. (coodj?J3 fJd jJo-S- S 'a.Ssjsrf^.) Third edition, pp. ix. i. 184. Bombay, [1901.] 12°. 14176. h. 75. NAVA PAMPA. See Naga-chandea. NEELAKANTARYA LEVA. See NiLA-KANTii.\iiYA Dkva. NEMI-CHANDRA (Kavi-kaja-kunjaua). s^s^joas 0!O3^'3. [Lilavati. A Jain erotic romance in champu style.] [1890-1891.] See Padma-r.ua Pandita. The Budh.ijana mauoranjani, cfc. pts. l-;j. [1890-1894.] 8°. 14096. c. 11. Unfiniahcd, conlitining only i. l-")7. Nend-chtindra Jlourishcd c. 1170. Hr is aho Ihc aullior of a Nnni-nfilha-jiuriina. (0?o3^3.) [Lilavati.] See Karnataka Kavya-jianjari. ^asrUxf ^sS.djoao itr. no. 21. 1892-1898. 8°. 14176. ff. l.(no. 21.) Incomplete, containing onhj i.-\ i. 70. NESBIT (Robert). The true Atonement, sras 330353 djrarbrf rfssrir^. [A Ciiristiau tract. Trans- I 115 NIJA-GUXA- -NITI-SASTEA IIG lated iuto Knnnada by C. Campbell from the Marathi.] (Bangalore Tract and School Book Society. No. 13.) pp. 42. We.flci/nn Misslmi Press : Bangalore, 1860. 1G°. 14176. a. 32.(1.) NIJA-GUNA SIVA- YOGI, di.'iciple of Sambhu-li/iga. (^^deisJd 3, a!Jd:^djJsd)dJca;g)D3^5Jd ^ap, 3jd;teiqir- n^i.) [Kaivalya-paddhati, a series of 174 ragale .songs in 5 cantos on themes of Saiva theosophy and Yoga; Aravattu-niiiru mandi puratanara trividhi, 77 lalita ragale verses on the 63 Saiva saints; and Paramartha-gite, 11 cantos of like verses on Saiva Vedantic themes. Edited by Holakallu Narasirnh'-ayya.] pp. 88, 32. [Ban- galore, 1870 ?] 8°. 14176. b. 21. Without title-page. The author flourished prohahly lie- twcen 1520 and 1650. S,; . . . ^^dejjijd 3, ^03;^sid3j39, 3dd;iraq3rA?i. [Kaivalya-paddhati, Puratanara trividhi, and Para- martha-gite.] pp. 69, 5, 29. tSoritfJSti) 0^2.2. [Ban- galore, 1877.] 8°. 14176. d. 29 !;-••• 3c!cirfrasi)t?d i3j3;:?. [Paramanubliava- bodhe. A popular manual of the Saiva Vedantic theosophy, consisting of metrical aphorisms with //aJii-verses expanding them. Edited by Hubballi Arudha Svami.] pp.91, i^r^-^ii cfS^z. [Dharwar, 1887.] 8'. 14176. b. 26. ?jU;B3 iidJte)^j^d t3j3?!j ^Joii [Paramauu- bhava-bodhe. With a paraphrastic commentary by Dodclabele Narayana Sastri of Bangalore.] pp. xii. 432. Madras, o-jt^ [1892.] 8°. 14176. b. 34. • o o o sjaci^qJr ^B3Si#ci)J. [Paramartha-pra- kasikeyu. An abridgment in Kannada verse, by Nija-guna, of the Siva-yoga-pradipike, a manual of Saiva theosophy. Second edition.] pp. iii. 85. iSort'^jsdj [Bangalore,'] 1888. 8°. 14176. b. 25. |j° • • • Sdeg'iSossdjrfrtjOiiJ^ [Viveka-chinta- mani. A concordance, in 10 chapters, of Saiva works on theology and philosophy, iu champu style. Edited by Siddhanti Subrahmanya Sastri.] pp. xlii. 564. t5ort'i; [Bangalore,] 1906. 8°. 14176. S. 8. NIRVANA SIVA-y5GI. s^fld tzi^^^^Ts d?roo^. [Pauchikarana-vedanta. Comprising (1) a Guru- stotra; (2) Parainartha-sara, an exposition, in dialogue form, of monistic psycho-physics, in especial reference to Saiva worship, with tabular appendix.] pp. 2, 146, 15. Dharwar, 1893. 12°. 14177. a. 1. NISHTHtJRA SANJ'-AYYA. See Kesi-r.\ja. ^sS- csa^accb Su Sorfdsjrcso . . . Kesiraja's Jewel Mirror of Grammar, with the Commentary of Nishthura- sanjayya. 1872. 8°. 14176. i. 16. 564, xxiii. djc33,;!jj nto-z. [Madras, 1867.] 12°. 1899. 12°. 14176. h. 74. NITI-SASTRA. Si?^33^^ riojoii [Niti-sastra, or Niti-sara-saiigraha. An anthology of Sanskrit ethical verses. With a Kaunada interpretation by Bh. Tirumalacharya.] pp. 40. z3or!^j3dj ntJt.e5 [Bangalore, 1868.] 8°. 14085. c. 22. [Second edition, with a different title-page.] pp. 40. "Jorls;';5dJ [Bangalore,] 1872. 8°. 14085. c. 28.(1.) H" NOEONHA- -PADMA-EAJA 118 NORONHA (G. G.). araoiirfc rf truradj ton.:6 d;jc,i [Apfiyadallina upaya-sangraha, or Jakhiiii janara turtu chikitsa. A treatise on first aid to the in- jured] . . . Second edition corrected & enlarged, pp. 48, 3; 4;)/((ii^ dj?^draa3. [Vachana- megha-mala. Translated by Padma-raja.] [1894.] 8°. 14176. c. 26. See Mysoue, Govt. of. Sjd.^wd rijooii [Padya- sarada tiku. Stanzas with interpretation by Padma-rSja.] 1891. 12°. 14176. f. 60. 1892. 12^ 14176. ee. 1. See Naga-chandra. ss^SjJs^oioi). [Jina- muni-tanaya. Edited by Padma-raja.] [1892.] 8^. 14176. b. 35.(1.) See Padya-sangraha. Sd.jJort^OoUJis'j [Padya- saiigraba. With interpretation by Padma-raja.] [1891..] 8°. 14176. f. 67. See Samayika. ?iU?53?radreca)i53. [Sama- yika. Edited by Padma-raja.] [1901.] 8°. 14100. c. 25.(1.) See S5MA-ri;Ai!iiA -Vciiarya. Asi^ ^jto do ;i)joii [Sukti-muktavali. Edited with Kannada interpretation, etc., by Padma-raja.] [1892.] 8°. 14028. d. 47. See Sujnana-ciiandrika. [Sujiiana-chandrika. Edited by Padma-raja] [1905, etc.] 8°. 14100. d. 17. 119 PADMA-EAJA- -PANCHA-TANTEA 120 PADMA-RAJA PANDITA, son ofBrahvia Suri {con- tlndtiU. 6't'e Udata-kaga. o\)rfo±)D3ri n?;jci5jrf dojo II [Udaya-raga devara padagalu. Edited by Padma- raja.] [1894.] 8°. 14100. b. 3.(3.) See Upendracharya. ^z-A, i a^?od,^Da3. ■as) ^ [Jiueudra-malii. Edited with Kannada paraphrase by Padma-raja,] [18]89. 8°. 14053. c. 59. The Budhajana manoranjani. tJoqiasisi)- Sj5;cioasi?. [A collection of Sanskrit and Kannada writings bearing on the Jain religion.] pts. 1-15. dori^jsii) n-jro-osjrv [Bangalore, 1890-1894.] 8°. 14096. c. 11. ^^ri n3nri"sf ^rfuS ^^s*. [Kannada gade- gala modalane pustuka. A first book of proverbs.] pp. 19. ^-rtv^jsi) rl^STS^ [Bangalore, 1895.] 8°. 14176. d. 53. sa^r^^dsij. [Karka]a-charitre. The history of the town and Jain sanctuary of Karakal, in South Kanara district, Madras, in 4 chapters of prose interspersed with verse.] pp. 56. iSori^j^d) [Bmujalore,] 1892. 12°. 14176. a. 64. ;i)co?Jj3d) 33o^?E!,d sd,^s3 ^3^^^. [Mahisuru- santisvara-pratishtha-natakavu. A play in San- skrit and Kannada on the consecration of the image of the Jain tirthanikara Santisvara at Mysore in 1897.] pp. 20. ;:5crt"siJ3d3 n-j-i [Ban- galore, 1897.] 8°. 14100. b. 3.(6.) ?irfj,ri 5Jrf33S3 ort »)OJ33C3j^^?r;pri'i;*o. [Samyag- darsanashtanga-paiichanuvrata-kathegalu. Stories of Jain saints, illustrating the effects of know- ledge and observance of the minor vows of Jainism.] pp. 46. j3crt??jjidJ n-jr^ [Bangalore, 1893.] 8°. 14176. b. 39. ?JU;53 ?J^ 3 ?icrtjUJ. ■^ ri^o:^^. [Sinriti-sah- graba. A Sanskrit metrical compendium of Jain doctrine and religious practice in 1 1 chapters, with Kannada translation.] pp. viii. 198. ti^rtv'jsrfj osyejej [Bangalore, 1888.] 8°. 14038. c. 38. b,!;±lg~ dJ53D3t33aC3a Si,??r,5S! 03 « ^idoijljdci 3jb3,2p^??r iJcJ,. [Sri-knshna-raja-vadeyaravara pattabbisheka-charitre.] (Contents: 1. Origin and meaning of Karnataka language and Mysore town. 2. Geographical description of the Mysore territory. 3. Epochs of ancient Pajas. 4. History of Mysore Rajas. 5. Religions in Mysore. 6. Horo- scope, description and installation of, and prayer for. His Highness the Maharaja of Mysore.) pp.10. '^Qrt nroj [Bangalore, 1902.] 8°. 14176. d. 52,(2.) 5,;djg~ ^cQ3D3J33aD323 Si.Jts^.si DBS ^idoiidrfd ?f II ;rafid ^sssi^rj^isso? 2J3o3j dJoo3d?ooi)jJd siecBodj^ [Sri -krishna -raja -vadeyaravara saubhagyavati- Vanada - pratapa- kumari - bayi - maha- deviyavara parinayavu. A Sanskrit poem, with Kannada translation, upon the wedding of the Maharaja of Mysore with the Princess Pratapa-kumari Bai, with an account of the kings and kingdom of Mysore.] pp. ii. 24. j33;i>D3'a firid nrcc [Mysore, 1900.] 8°. 14076. c. 76. A Treatise on Jain Law and Usages (ex- tracted and collected by Padmaraja Pandit from the original Jain Shastras • . . translated [into English, Marathi, and Kannada] by Mr. Dhara- nindra Jinnappa.) pp. 38. Bomhaij, 1886. 12°. 14038. b. 8. PADMA-EASA, Z"ere?/a (Padmanaeya). [Life.] See Padmanakka. hj . . . 3jrf,03a ^oscso [Padma- raja-puranam.] 1909. 8°. 14176. ff. 10. PADYA-SANGRAHA. sid^^ori^^a^^o [Padya-san- graha. An anthology of 154 verses. With verbal interpretation by Padma-raja Pandita.] pp. 50. siortt'jsA) OSJ1-V [Bangalore, 1894.] 8°. 14176. f. 67. PAMPA. The Pampa bharata or Vikramarjuna vijaya . . . An ancient Jaina poem of 941 A.D. . . . Sj^;irat3^rsi aaoi). Edited, with introduction, by B. Lewis Rice. pp. xiii. six. 344. Banga- lore, 1898. 8°. 14176. ff. 3. Forms no. 4 of the Bibliotlieea Carnatica. Pampa was horn A.D. 902. PAMPA, Ahhinava. See Naga-chandra. PANCHALARU. t,oi3s^ms &M (m^ $, . [Panchala- jatigala utpatti, or Visvakarma-mahatmya. A tract on the mythical origins of the five artificer castes, consisting of extracts from Sanskrit works (chiefly the Padma-purana), with Kannada trans- lation by Vehkata Rango Katti.] pp. 92, lith. !;!3ds33^ nsjii, [Bharwar, 1876.] 12°. 14028. b. 41. PANCHA-TANTRA. See Academies, fie— Madras. - Universitu of Madras. University of Madras. 121 PANCHA-TANTEA- -PEEIODICAL 122 Notes on the . . . Matriculation Text . . . notes on prose [i.e. Paiiclia-tantra, Mitra-bheJa]. 1891. 8°. 14176. f. 63.(3.) The Pancha Tantra or Pancbopakhyaua, five collections of stories. With an introductory sketch of the work, by John Garrett . . . Second edition, with the slokas inserted, and Professor Wilson's analytical account prefixed, pp. lii. 225. Mysore Govt. Press : Bangalore, 1865. 12°. 14176. d. 16. Canarese Panchatantra for the use of schools. [Edited by C. Vatsa. With English preface.] B'rf dijczi^o:^^;^ . . . Second edition, pp. XX. 14G. Basel Mission Press : Afangalore, 1867. 12°. 14176. d. 12. [tioii-ic^jO.) [PaScha-tantra, Durga-simha's version of the fables.] 1896, e!?S?oi) qi^rro^^ [Parasara- madhaviya-dharma-.sastra. The Sanskrit text of Parasara's Smriti with a Kannada translation of the latter and of S.ayana's commentary by Chiii- choli Veiikannacharya.] pp. ii. xiv. xvi. ii. 611, 513. tSorts^jscb nsjro [i?a??^aZore, 1890.] 8°. 14038. d. 31. PARVATESA SVAMI, disciple of Ghinna Viresa. See Bhoja-raja. S,e . . . :^^,5j,B3S53 dJJou [Tattva- prakasika. With Kannada interpretation by Par- vatesa.] 1908. 8°. 14028. ddd. 3. PATHAK (K. B.). See Kasi-natha Bapu Pathaka. PATTABHIRAMA SASTRI, of Bangalore. lj'~ . . ■ If.^^^t^cf^t^s^^^^. [Rishya-sringopakhyanavu. The tale of Rishya Sringa, as told in the Skanda and Bhavishyottara Puranas, Maha-bharata, Riima- yana, Adhyatma-raraayana, and Sangraha-rama- yana. Compiled and edited with Kannada trans- lation, eic, by Pattabhirama.] pp. viii. 275. i3ort- tfj3!Jo nerr n [Brt?i^a/ore, 1891.] 8°. 14016.0.45. PAUL (.Job). See Mortimer (F. L.), Mrs. Line upon Line . . . Translated into Canarese by Job Paul. 1864. 16°. 14176. a. 11. PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. Bangalore. The Arunodaya. An illustrated (Anglo-) Canarese magazine (issued by the Christian Vernacular Education Society for India). Edited by the llov. B. Rice . . . ecbfira?doiJ. vols, i.-vi. Bangalore, \S,Q2- 1867. 8°. 14176. k. 6. Kavyakalpadruinain. 53^.t^u^dij^ri:*. [A magazine for the publication of classical poems in Sanskrit and Kannada. Edited by Kommandur Srinivas'- aiyarigar.] vol. i., pt. 1. Bangalore, 1897. 8°. 14076. CO. I. Apjiarciitly no more has been puhlished. Portiom of Ki'iHdiisa's Kumitra-aamhliava and Mt'gJta-duta and of Sr7- harsha's Naishadha appeared here. 123 PERIODICAL rEEIODICAL 124 PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS {continued). Bangalore {continued) . d^^Tijsd d 33^o:^ ito???). The Mysore vrittanta bo- dhini. [A weekly journal in Kannada and English.] vol. i. 32-52, ii. 16, 21-50, iii. 1-24, 26-43, 45-51, iv. 1-9. Ban^aZore, 1860-1862. 4°. 14176. k. 13. Vidyanandini. snSjSioase. [A monthly Kannada and English magazine.] vol. i., pt. 1. Bangalore, 1897, 8°. 14176. k. 17.(1.) Belgaum. Canarese School Paper. sraossi^^. vol. iii., iv. 1-3, 5-6, 8-12, v., vi. 1-9, 11, vii. 3-4, 6-8. £c/- gaum, o^JKE.-nas.n [1867-1871.] 8°. 14176. k. 4. Lithographed as far as vii. 6. Bellary. Canarese Newspaper. gicsi!;S?jdraj33d4. [Edited by H. Moegling.] vol. i., nos. 7-18. Misxion Press : Bellary, nejvv [1844.] 4°. 14176. k. 14. Dharwar. sBrtJs sira. [Vag-bhushana. A magazine of litera- ture.] vol. xii., etc. r^ti^ssd nroa. [Dharwar, 1907, etc.'] 8°. 14177. c. 18. In progress. Madras. Jlt^f^nrr^^l^. The Madhwa sidhanta dipika. A monthly magazine [in English and Kannada,] devoted mainly to religion, philosophy and litera- ture. Published under the auspices of the S. M. S. O. Sabha [i.e. Sri-madhva-siddhantonnahinI Sabha]. Madras, 1903, etc. 8°. 14176. k. 18. In progress. [Time-table of the Madras Railway Company, June 1856.] pp. 36. [Madras, 1856 ?] 8°. 14176. k. L Veerasaiva prabhakara, a monthly journal in Kanarese devoted to Veerasaivism, science & arts. ^^tii^zi^ifs^i. vol. i., nos. 1-7. Madras, 1906. 8°. 14177. bb. 3. Mangalore. The Canarese Informer, etc. vol. i. 1-8, ii. 1-12. 3f(i«^aZore, 1862-1863. 4°. See below: The Illus- trated Canarese Journal. 14176. k. 12. PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS [continued). Mangalore {continued). The Illustrated Canarese Journal, [in Kannada and English,] published twice a month for the Bombay Canarese Vernacular Society. [Edited by F. Kittel and J. Mack.] 3^3^^ ^:^rdJ3oi ^ot\j^ rfojoii (The Canarese Informer. "aoQob ^^ M?5, !3?rJrf ;rao^^?r.) Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, 1862, 1863. 4°. 14176. k. 12. Contains of the " Illustrated Canarese Journal " vols, i.-iii., and of the " Canarese Informer" vol. i. 1-8, ii. 1-12. The latter was published concurrently with the former, its first no. having been issued with vol. i., »io. 5, of the " Journal." doort'i;*j3d?j;is233d [Mangalura samachara. A news- paper. Edited by H. Moegling.] nos. 1-16. Lith. o'jv^-s? [Mangalore, 1843, 1844.] 4°. 14176. k. 8. 553. oil 7Jori,3o [Nyaya-sangraha.] A Selection of Law Matters published twice a month. vol. i. 2-16, 18-24. Mangalore, 1868. 8°. 14176. c. 21. ?;2p35j;i_, (Sabhapatra.) [A monthly organ of the Basel Mission. With a children's supplement styled Bala-patra. Edited by C. Stolz, J. J. Brigel, and C. Vatsa.] vols, i.-iii. Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, 1868-1871. 8°. 14176. k. 5. Vols, i.-ii. of the Biila-patra are contained in the above. ^J"^.^ ?J-Ki-& Srikristnasukthi . . . Edited by Karody Subba Rao (N. Raja Gopala Krishna Rao). 1906, etc. 8°. See below : Udipi. 14177. c. 10. ?5ji3J3?§Si?. [Subodhini.] A [fortnightly] chronicle of general news. vol. i. 1-14, 17-19. Mangalore, 1871. 8°. 14176. k. 15. Mysore. wdqJd/j eS ?S?>. [Arya-dharmojjivini. A monthly' organ of the Arya-dliarmojjivini-sabhe, to further the cause of Hindu religion. Edited by A. Maha- deva Sastri and others.] dj^^sijscio [Mysore,] 1905, etc. 8°. 14177. b. 12. In progress. «rirajJira?Jifl?. [Avakasa-toshini. A magazine of general literature. Edited by B. Venkatacharya.] vol. i. Mysore, 1906, 1907. 8°. 14176. k. 11. The " Karnataka Granthamala " Series. {^aurU^ rtjoq!riras3. A monthly journal [of literature. Vol. i.-v. 9, edited by M. Sama-rau ; vol. v. 10, 125 PEEIODICAL- -PUKAXAS 12G etc., edited by B. SuLba-nlu].) Mysore, 1S93, 14176. k. 16. this series, see under the 27. Safijlva-chandra Chat- topildhyaya. 28. HitopadCsa. 29. Hari-chandra, son of Ardra-deva. 30. Alasii'igrachar, D. 31. Auantach.iryuiu, E. 32. Dharma Siiri. 33. Bulwer. 34. Vei'ikata-rau, H. 35. Beschi'(C. G. E.). 36. Ayya Sastri. 37. 47. Bamanuj'-ayyan- gSr. 38. Veiikoba Rau. 40. Fielding (H.). 41. Riima-chandra. 42. Jaya-deva. 43. Sri-kantha Sastri. 44. Venkata-raman'-ayya. 45. Sri-kantha Sarma. 46. VenkatiScharya, B. 48. Vi.sakha-datta. etc. 8°. In progress. For numbered ivorJis published in headings : — No. 1. Lamb (C.) and (M. A.). No. 2. Sita-ruma Sastri, M. 3. 21, 39. Harsha-deva. 4. Vadibha-simha. 5. Eanoji Rau. C. Subba Sastri, N. 7, 22. Timma - krishna Rau. 8. N.arayana Bhatta. 9,15. V.asudCv'.ayya,CT. 10. Narasimhiichar, R.A. 11. Vircsa-iiiigam, K. 12,21.* Bankim-chandra Chat topadhyaya. 13, 25. Kaii'dasa. 14. JIaha-bharata. IG. Taylor (Sir H.). 17. Day (T.). 18. Bhava-bhiiti. 19. Linga-raje Arasu. 20. 23. Bana. 24. Marjali. 26. Lakshmi-nrisimhaSa- ■ Btri, V. ' ' ' a;d3^dsio^^B3S# [VIra-saiva-mata-prakasiko. A monthly jourual for tbe publication of texts and treatises in Sanskrit and Kannada bearing on the tenets of the Vira-saiva sect.] vols, i.-iv., vi. dj^Tiffld) nejrn-oejrw [Mysore, 1891-1895.] 8°. 14028. d. 39. S)d?B3?iod. (Vivekananda. The Vidic monthly journal.) [Edited by R. S. Yenkata-krishn'-ayya.] vol. i. 1-9. Ml/sore, 1898. 8°. 14176. k. 17.(2.) Udipi. 5,?i# 3i ?Jfl4^ Srikristnasukthi. A high class monthly journal in Canarese devoted to matters physical political social and religious. Edited by Karody Subba Rao (N. Raja Gopala Krishna Rao). Udipi, 1906, etc. 8°. 14177. c. 10. In progress. Vol. ii., no. 4, a7id subsequent parts have been printed at Mangalorc. PFLEIDERER (Immanoel). Soc Stoi,z (C.) and Plebst (G.). Five Hundred Indian Plants . . . Second edition [revised by I. Pfleiderer], rfr. 1908. 8°. 14176. 0. 36. PHRASE-BOOK. The Phrase Book, or idioraatical exercises. In English and Canarese, arranged under several heads. (School Book Society.) Third edition. pp. iv. 29G. Weslei/an Mission Frrss ; Bangalore, 1854. 12°. 14176. h. 65. Fourth edition, pp. iv. 297. Ban- galore, \8b7. 12°. 14176. h. 50. PICTURE ALPHABET. Picture Alphabet. English and Canarese. pp.32. Wesleyan Mission Press : Bangalore, 1870. 1G°. 14176. h. 5.(4.) PILLAI NAYANAR. See Nana-Sambandhar. PINNOCK (William Henry) . Pinnock's Catechism of English Grammar, with many additions from Lennie's and other Grammars. Interpaged with a Canarese translation, (raoft^jy ^is.B'ats Sj.dra,?:^ u ^^s'^-) pp- i- 163. Wesleyan Mission Fress : Bangalore, 1845. 12°. 14176. h. 16. PLEBST (Georg). See Stolz (C.) and Plebst (G.). Five Hundred Indian Plants, etc. 1908. 8°. 14176. c. 36. POLICE. Tlio Police man's Catechism. ^-tCTf rfj?i)34i^*^'S'23dJ^. pp.96. German Mission Press : Mangalore, n-j^n [1861.] 16°. 14176.0.2.(1.) rj3D30tJ ^00 II [Regulations for police officers.] pp. 150. Basel Mission Press ; Mangalore, 1863. 12°. 14176. c. 2.(2.) POPE (George Uglow). See Bible. — New Testa- ment. — Gospels. [Matthew.] Our Blessed Lord's Sermon on the Mount . . . with . . . grammatical praxis ... by ... G. U. Pope. 1860. 8°. 3068. CO. 11. Zoorfj^sra ;id "aaaoarfOTiJ. [Hindustanada iti- hasa-sara. An abridged Kannada translation by Venkata Raiigo Katti of Pope's " Text-book of Indian History."] pp. vi. 200, xxii., Zi.^xii [Mysore,] 1906. 8°. 14177. b. 19. PURANAS {continued). [Gamda-purana.] (rttiJcS- ^033)4.) [Garuda-purana. Translated into Kan- nada prose by Linganna, son of Ramanna.] pp. iv. 160. t3ori't*J5!Jj [Bangalore, 1900.] 8°. 14177. b. 10. WithoiU title-page. After p. 136 the pagination becomes 157 foil. [Markandeya-pnrana.] [For the Uttara- harischandra-charitre, adapted from this Purana:] See Anantacharyulu, K. [Padma-purana.] Sri Ramasvamedham [or Sesha-ramayanam. A version in 16 chapters of poetical prose, by Muddana, of the story of the horse-sacrifice of Rama told by Sesha to Vatsyayana in this Purana, and derived from the Uttara-kanda of the Ramayana ; in the form of a narration by the translator to his wife Manorame] ... |j? osslss^- d);qSo. pp.ii.i.l97. 1901. See Karnataka Kavta- KALA-NiDHi. Karnataka Kavya Kalanidhi Series, etc. no. 7. 1899-1902. 8°. 14176. ff. 2.(no. 7.) [Visvakarmopakhyana. Tlie legend of Visvakarma, the mythical ancestor of the arti- ficer castes, from the Skandotpatti section of the Bhu-khanda, in Sanskrit, with Kannada trans- lation.] See PANCHALARn. 3jOt33«IS333ri«< ^t,:^- [Panchala-jatigala utpatti.] pp. 31-92. [1876.] 12°. 14028. b. 41. [Skanda-purana.] See M.^hanta Desika. o o ° %-i.mOTi od, ^Joii [Satva-harischandra-maha- rayana charitreyu. A drama founded on the Harischaudropakhyaua purporting to be from the Skanda-purina.] 1896. 8°. 14176. f. 72. [Sani-trayodasi-vrata-kalpa, Svarna-gauri- vratodyapana, and Vara-siddhi- vinayaka-vrata- kalpa. Sanskrit festival lections, ascribed to this Parana, with Kannada translation.] See Nara- yana Sastri, Brahma-srl. S^? . . . ^^zioSj'^ ^Jcii [Vrata-chandrike.] pp. 12-21, 26-34, 41-46. [1880.] 8°. 14028. c. 54. U,3ara ?^ tiiuod^. [Brahmottara-khanda. A — ^ ^, — * * * section of this Purana, in 22 chapters, on Saiva rites and hagiology. Translated into prose by Chama-rtija Odeyar VI., Maharaja of Mysore 129 I'L'KAXAS- -rUEVIKA i:iO (reigned 1617-37 A.D.) J pp. i. 193. zJcrts^jsio n-Jiii [Bangalore, 1872.] 8°. 14176. b. 23. [Another edition.] pp. i. 212. t3ori«'J3tJj n«J«;r [Bani,?oiJ3;.i ortffi^raare.Fi^. [Rishya-sriiigo- pakhyauavu. The tale of Rishya Srihga, as told ill I I chapters of tlic Tiingabhadra-khanda, in San- skrit and Kannada.] See Pattaiihikama Sastui. 5,? . . . 5,?»Jjsl.S cfUiJSJSS^.^^. [Rishva-srii'itjopri- khyauavu.] pp. 1-156. [1891.] 8°. 14016. c. 45. 5,? . . . s!o3'ci?;oioicd)J. [Saiikara-snmhiteyu. raja Odeyar, Maharaja of Jfysore, and forming part of his Krishiia-raja-vani-vilasa. Edited by T. Subba-rau Sastri.] pp. 2, 0, 838. Bavgnhre, 1892. 8°. 14177. b. 14. 5i? . . . tat ^^033^.^ ^<^ ^Dsre^. [Soina- varnsarya-kshatriya-puriinavu. Being ch. 85-96 in the Varna-vivarana-klianda of the Suuat-ku- rnara-sanihita, descriptive of brahiiiauic cosmology and policy, the Solar and Lunar dynasties, and myths and morals chiefly relating to the latter. Sanskrit text with Kannada translation.] pp. iv. 170. i3oris?J3d) nejr« [i?a7?(/u/o)-e, 1895.] 8°. 14016. c 53. [Syamantakopakhyana, or Vinayaka-vrata-katha. A legend of the cult of Viuayaka, purporting to be from the Skanda-purana, with appropriate ritual. Sanskrit text, with Kannada translation.] pp. 22. -iori«'J3ClJ neyro {Bangalore, 1890.] 8°. 14028. d. 58.(1.) [Vishnu-pTirana.] Ijti^ ^osrc. [Vishnu-purana. A Kannada prose version.] See R.\m.\nuj'-ayyan- gar, M. a. Arya matha saujivini, etc. [1890- 1891.] 8". 14176. k. 10. PURANDARA DASA. [For the verses of this poet included in the Dasara padagaju :] See Dasauu. Lieder Kanaresischer Sanger. Uebersetzt von H. Fr. Mogling . . . Proben von Pnr:uidara Dasa und Kanaka Dasa [in German translation], (Kanaresischer Text des ersten Dutzend Dasara padagalu. Zweites Dutzend [in German and Kannada].) (Zcitsclirift der Deutsclien Morgeu- liindischeu Gesellschaft. xiver Bd., pp. 502-516, xviiier Bd., pp. 241-261.) Leipzhj, 1860, l.^i'.l-. 8°. Ac. 8815/2.(Bd. 14, 18) ^?fr«JS'TS'T3?Ja««'«3. [Padagalu. Vaish- A section of this Purana, translated from the San- skrit into Kannada prose by Mummadi Krishna- iiava lyrics.] See Dasaru. ^>Sr&^-!s^}i^ . . . SSA'^G. [Aparoksha-jiiiiuigala padagalu.] pp. 1- 84, 254-260. [1895.] 8°. 14176. b. 41. PURVIKA MATA. ^arfa* ^^d n3.,ara..5!4 n [Pur- vika-matuda vyrikliyrmavii. A R-mian Catholic work on primitive religion. Translated from the Tamil, and edited by fi.-L. Charbonuaux.] pp. 249. tioris,-^!) n:;3i5J [Bangalore, 1858.] 16°. 14176. a. 34. K 131 PUSHrA-DAXTA- -EAGHAVENDEACHAltYA 132 PUSHPA-LANTA. ^h^^ ^°tj^- [Mahimuah- stotram. A Saiva Sanskrit hymn in 35 verses. With Visvaradhya's commentary, and a Kannada translation.] See Visvaeadhya. S?d3^d . . . Srfsjoz^rfrfs [Siva-pancha-stava.] pp. 61-112. 1908. 8°. 14028. bbb. 21. PTTTRA - KAMESHTI. ^^,ra^?&,c3jou oijg'nsFisi,- zJoqJ^. [Putra-kameshti. An operatic poem in yahsha-gana style on the sacrifice of Dasa-ratha to bring about tlie birth of Rama, etc.] pp. 33. i3ort'5ij3tjj n^JieJ [Bangalore, 1878.] 12°. 14176. ee. 4.(1.) PUTTANNA, grandson of Viranagere Bettad'-aijya, of Mijsore. cf^si3?^oi)o;ic! ssUb^o ^joii [Draupadi- svayamvaram. A drama on the legend of Drau- padl's espousals as told in the Maha-bharata.] pp. 80. A.^?iJ3A) \_Mijsorei\ 1901. 8°. 14176. e. 5.(2.) Rati kaliana. das'as.rs [A yal;sha-gdna operatic version of the mythological story of Rati's marriage with Pradyumna.] pp. 48. Ai^^SiJSci) [Mysore;\ 1899. 8°. 14176. f. 57.(4.) PUTTANNA, lf«is«?-u S. See Day (T.). (rfj;!)^- djrfrf dJJoii) [Sumati-madana-kumarara charitre. An adaptation, by Puttanna, of " Sandford and Merton."] [Karnatal:a-grantlia-male.'\ [1897.] 8°. 14176. k. 16.(no. 17.) See Shakspere (W.). A Translation of . . . Cymbeline [by M. S. Puttanna and M. Si-mivas'- aiyaiigar], efc. 1881. 12°. 14176.8.29. See Shakspeke (W.). A Translation of . . . King Lear in Kanarese [by M. S. Puttanna], etc. 1899. 8°. 14176. e. 13.(2.) See Srinivas'-aiyangar, M. Bh., and Put- tanna, M. S. Soods ds^. ?oort,3i. Hindu charitra sangraha, etc. 189G. 12°. 14176. h. 72. See SRiNiVAii'-AiYANGAR, M. Bh., and Put- tanna, M. S. Niticbintamani, etc. ISSt. 8°. 14176. i. 34. See SrInivas'-aiyangar, M. Bli., and Put- tanna, M. S. Nitichintamani . . . Part iii., etc. 1898. 12°. 14176. h. 73. Second Book of Lessons in Cauarese. Pre- j)ared for the Government schools . . . ^?i,d ns^Jrlv* .oddS? ^;^ 5*^. Fifth edition, pp. vi. 138. Basel Mission Press : Mangalore,lS7 3. 12°. 14176. h. 19. PUTTA-SAM'-AYYA, Agarapura. See Lolimba- eaja. ^?ooUD3a . . . d^rf,a?d5i;i:^. [Vaidya- jivana. With Kannada commentary called Vaidya- jlvana-dipika by Putta-sam'-ayya.] 1878. 8°. 14043. c. 31. RAGHAVACHARYA, Veddnta, Courtier of Mum- madi Krishna-raja of Mysore. See Krishna Raja, of Salem, ^? . . . saSsJiBS SSjs^rf^^ ;i)ooii [Nija- dipikii-siroratnavu. With commentary by Ragha- vacharya.] 1893. 8°. 14177. b. 2. See Krishna Raja, of Salem, b. a;i5s ti^^ jjjooi! [Nija-dipika-ratnavu. With com- mentary by Raghavacharya.] [1894.] 8°. 14177. b. 1. RAGHAVANKA, son of Mahd-deva Bhatta. [Life.'] See Chikka Nanj'-acharya. os^^jso^ri^^o. [Raghavaukara kavyam.] 1904. 8°. 14176. £f. 5. (odos! cdj53rf,o.) [Harischandra-kavyam. A poem in vdrdMha shafpadi metre on the legend of king Harischandra.] See Kaenataka Kavya- maijjari. 'dmsrii^ ssd.dJoao etc. no. 22. 1892- u 1898. 8°. 14176. ff. l.(no. 22.) Incomplete, containing only i.-v. 9. Bnijliaviiiika of Hainpe, son of Mahu-cleva Bhatta and disciple and Jiejihew of Hari-hanlrya, flourished about ISQO. He composed Harischandra-lirivya, Vira-hhadri'i shtalca , Sid- dha-rdma-purana, Soma-nntha-charitre, Sarabha-charitre, VirPsvara-charitre, Adaiyana liathe, Hari-hara-mCihiitmya, Anubhava-sikhiimani, &c. RAGHAVENDRA, disciple of SudhJndra. See Ap- panachakya. ^5^1 . . . tniTJHV^ UT* [Raghaven- dra-stotram. A hymn in praise of Raghaveudra.] [1906.] ohl. \2°. 14028. bb. 13.(3.) RAGHAVENDRACHARYA, Edyapdlya. See Nara- yana, son of Trivilcrama. (r3or36-g)^ ^Vj^'S . . . ^4^sSD$§S2icsS> aiooii) [Madhva-vijaya. With Kan- nada interpretation and Sanskrit notes by Ragha- vendrachiirya.] [1888, 1889.] 8°. 14048, bb. 37. See Narayana, son of Trivikrama, }oorSlj-^iS S'ji'>^ eS . . . sSde^sSjozsS [Mani-maiijari. Edited with Sanskrit commentary and Kannada inter- pretation by Raghavendracharya.] [1890.] obi. 8°. 14048. d. 58. 133 llACJHAVENDliA- -i;A:\rA-Kia.sHXA 134 RAGHAVENDRA RATI, ZJ. t>^-^Ji?tfd^ra. [Subodha- darpana. A treatise on social and political con- ditions.] pp. ii. 172, ii. d>^?iBi) orco [Mysore, 1900.] 12°. 14176. d. 13. RAGHAVESVARA BHARATI, of Edmachandrd- viara Maflt. Sec Pcr.^nas. [Skanda-purdna.] tfu^ ?5si),a,c3j3s;'ft?i aod.?^ . . . eru^ 3 riwon [Havyaka- di-avida-briihmanara utpattiya itihasavu. Edited with Kannada translation by Kag-liavesvara.] [1886.] 12°. 14016. b. 21.(1.) RAGHU-NATHA RAU, Rdviandthapura. See Benares. — Central Hindu College. Sanatana dharma dipike. A Kannada translation of tbe Elementary Text Book of Sanatana Dharma . . . by R. Raghunatha Rao, etc. 1908. 8°. 14177. b. 17. Essays on Kannada Grammar, comparative and historical, ^Rsry* jpsss ws.^dflj3?5j53.jJrfjcaO. pp. 9, 4, 118. Bangalore, 18U. 12°. 14176. h. 69. RAJA-GOPALA ZRISHNA-RAU, .V. See Pkriodical Publications. — TJdipi. h°, s' si ?ira* Srikristna- sukthi . . . Edited by Karody Subba Rao (N. Raja Gopala Krishna Rao). 1900, etc. 8°. 14177. c. 10. RAJA-GOPALA PILLAI, A. Anglo-Indian Vydya- chintaiuani. [A Materia Mcdica, with names of drugs in English, Latin, Kannada, Tamil, and Telugu.] "aoft ss^B^craeU^ d^dtJossdorf. pp. 3, 3, i. 201, 20, i. 2, 29. Bangalore, 1899, 8°. 14176. c. 31. RAJA-GOPALU SETTI, B. Telugu, Canarccs [.s-iV], Tamil, Englisli and Hindustani Vocabulary. P:irt iii. In Canarees character . . . jjosizpaiieoij z^^^m^i. pp. G2. Bellary, 1887. 8°. 14176.1.23. rAmA-CHANDRA, son of Chandra-selihara. Ti^-iT- U^ Sv;S aaoij;ra,ojJ3?rto. [Krishna-vijaya. A play on the legend of Krishna. Translated by N. Sri- kantha Sfistri from the Sanskrit.] pp. 38. 1905. See Pekiodical Publications. — Mysore. The " Karnataka Granthaniala " Series, no. 41. 1893, etc. 8°. 14176. k. 16.(rio. 41 ) RAMA-CHANDRA HANAMANT DESAPANDE {con- tinued). Founders & Reformers of IJeligiou in India . . . sjSd^iuorfd qidjrTis^ Ss'djs qiijrjloipsci^'i.'s. pp. ii. 79. Dhdrwdd, 1890. 12°. 14176. a. 69. Nana Fadanavis. ^v^^<^°;^^ ^° " (Brahma su- trartha sangraha. The Brahma Sutras . . . ex- pounded ... by P. Ramachaudra Row.) 1903. 12°. 14048. b. 43. RAMA-CHANDRA SRINIVASA KULKARNI. The Kannada Nursery- Alphabet. '^fi^:i hii'.Ssi^!f^tsT- rfj36. Lith. vm [Puona,] 1890. s. sh. Fol. 14003, e. 2.(25.) The Kannada 'Writing Letters. B^si, d urfijod btsTrts^o. Lilk. 5^ iPoona,] 1890. s. sh. Fol. 14003. e. 2.(26.) RAMA-CHANDRA SRINIVASA NAREGALLA. See Kalidasa. I'^'^^J" [Hagliu-vainsa. Canto ii., with Kannada iuterjjretatiou, paraphrase, etc., by llama- chandra.] [1875.] 8°. 14072. d. 32. RAMA-DASA SVAMI, son of Suryd-panta. See Gdru-linga Janoama. ^^Wrprj^^J)^ ^0 [Maha-raja- ravara viichana. 45 discourses expounding doc- trines of Raina-diisa's Dasa-bodha.] [1908.] 8°. 14177. b. 15. RAMA-KRISHNACHARYA, of Udipi. » o o ^airi^r^ adc3?7SJod033ac3oi) doa^rtjOiji^ [Avantl-snndari-pa- rinayavu. A romantic drama in 5 acts.] ))p. 08. iSortv^JstJj [77<()iy((/oce,] 1907. 8°. 14176. e. 5.(4.) RAMA-KRISHNA GOPALA BHANDARKAR. I'^irst Book of Siinserit, traii.Klateil iiitn Ivaiiarrse. Re- vised according to the sixtli edition of the original 135 EAMA-KRISHNA- ^KAMA KAU 136 by the Kanarese Translator, E. D. [viz. Veiikata Raiigo Katti.] pp. viii. 155. Bombay, Manga- lore [printed], 1880. 12°. 14176. h. 25. RAMA-KRISHNA MANJA-NATHA GOKARNKAR. A l)c•^^L•ription of Aukola (Haliyal, Karwar, Sirsi) Taluka. t5o#j3°03(:^*oira^,55)d;rad, hhT) 33uJS-^S ;irsr;3. 4 pts. 3'jsjSj2 nrob, [Kumpta, 1906.] 12°. 14176. h. 79. RAMA-KRISHNA PANDITA, Writer on Dharma. ■J ^ wl [Nitya-karma-chandrike. A metrical Sanskrit handbook of the regular brahmanic rites. Witli Kannada version by Kammardi Subraya Sastri. Edited by Jammatige Naga Bhatta.] pt. i. pp. 46. ■Jcrii'jsd) nron [Bangalore, 1901.] 8\ 14033. aa. 33. RAMA-KRISHNA StJRI. See Maha-bharata. y. t;Jr!^a?3s [Bhagavad-gita. With Kannada inter- pretation by Rama-krishna.] [1868.] 8°. 14065. c. 29. RAMA-KRISHN'-AYYA, Bdlar. See Dictionaries. A Canarese Vocabulary . . . [With preface signed B. R., i.e. B. Rama-krishn'-ayya.] 1895. 12°. 14176. h. 64. RAMANUJA IYENGAR. Sec Ramandj'-aytangar. RAMANUJ'-AYYA, Tirunagari. 7:T»1T'i;n^^?: ii [Ramayana-saiigraba. A summary of the Rama- yana, in Sanskrit prose and verse.] An in- troduction to Sanskrit. With interlinear and parallel transliteration, resolution of Sandhi, grammatical analysis, and a copious vocabulary, in English and Canarese. ?Jc?3 ^S^rfiir?) . . . [Edited] by B. Lewis Rice. pp. xi. 74. Bangalore, 1868. 8°. 14076. d. 10. RAMANUJ' - AYYANGAR, Mandayam AjL See Kaknataka Kavya-kala-nidhi. Karnataka Kavya Kalanidhi Series . . . Edited ... by ... M. A. Ramanuja Iyengar. 1899-1902. 8°. 14176. ff. 2. (See Kaknataka Kavya-manjaui. ^ndTii"^ raS.SooaO . . . Edited by . . . Ramanuja Iyengar. 1892-1898. 8°. 14176. ff. 1. Arya niatha sanjiviui Series . . . ^fi^!&&- rSc^Sip. [A collection of Kannada stories, essays, poems, etc., published monthly, including talcs from the Maha-bharata, a prose version of the Vishnu-purana, and Chika Deva Raya's Binnapam,] etc. Mysore, nsjro-o [1890-1891.] 8°. 14176. k. 10. TS^SjjrfjodJo ;i)Ooii [Kavi-samayam. A treatise upon the art of poetry, with especial reference to Kannada literature.] pt. i. pp. i. ii. iv. 152. 1908. See Pekiodical Publications. — Mysore. The " Kar- nataka Grantharaala " Series, no. 47. 1893, c& • nada maha-rani Lakshmi-bayi-sahebala charitre. Translated by Rama Ran.] 1903. 8°. 14176. d. 59. RAMA RAU, M. B. usdoSeeSsiOi^. [Charusile- charitre. A drama in 5 acts, founded on the English story " Lady Hutton's Ward," published in the "Family Story-teller."] pp. ii. 2, 146. %so)Y', 1896. 8°. 14176.6.22. RAMA RAU, Palamanda Bhi nia-rau. See Val- jiiKi. Uttara Rama katha sangraha . . . Ex- tracted ... By Palmonda Rama Row, e^7^^ [Mysore,] 1907. 12°. 14176. ee. 4.(2.) RAMA-SVAMI AIYANGAR, Awmani/wrM, of Ihisl-ur School. See TiiiVUXLARY A, Sahadevapurada. Rama- bhyudaya katha kusumamanjari . . . [Edited by Rrima-svami Aiyangar.] [1887.] 8°. 14176. f. 10. RAMA-SVAMI SASTRI, Chdvali. See Rudua BiiATTA. o o o i^j ... artjra^qj aaolio dJJc .i [Jagan- niitha-vijayarn. Edited by Rama-svami.] [1896.] 8°. 14176. f. 70. RAMA VITHALA, Gurit. See Gdeu-rama Vithala. RAM'-AYYA, Siva-dJnjdnada. o o o ^ iijJtji-J^racidotJ t'i^^. [Siva-bhakti-saravu. 107 verses on the cult of Siva. With an interpretation styled Mano- riifijani by Ilosakote Rama Sastri.] pp. 72. t3ort- ^J3dj n-J2.er [7>'((»<7a/or(-, 1878.] 12°. 14176. f. 3. RAMBHA. Rambha sliuka sanvada. dozps ia'si ?iG;jsd4 [«('<;]. [The dialogue of the Nymph Rambha and the sage Suka, iu 39 Sanskrit stanzas, alternately setting forth the attractions of love and philosophy. With Kanuada translation by Krishnaji Bishto.] pp. 3, 20. jJjjoudDj [BomJniy^ 1888. 12°. 14072. b. 8.(3.) RANG A- DAS A, Mdda [Bangalore, 1889.] 8°. 14176. e. 5.(1.) Printed on paper of various colours. SANKAR'-AYYA, Yajamdna (Siva-sankara Yogi) . See xVgamas. [Siddhd gama.l ^? . . . dsdy . . . rf:j3e;- % otjisJ siiJo II [Devala - brahma - Lodhaka - vedokta- mulastambhana. Edited with Kannada transla- tions and commentaries by Saiikar'-ayya.] [1898.] 8°. 14058. b. 37. SANSKRIT VERSES. Sanscrit Verses on various sulijects. %,°^ ?;ort,3o. [Sioka-sangraha. An anthology of Sanskrit ethical verses, with para- phrases and notes in Kannada, and parallel passages from the Bible in English.] pp. i. 67. i3ori«'>radJ neJt,!; [Catholic Press : Bangalore, 1868.] 12°. 14085. b. 14. SANTA KAVI. See Balacharya Sakkari. SANTA - MALLESVARA SVAMI. hj ■ . . o^tjirf djj;3 oi)J. ^ov 2>s3^!iiS33rf.^ [Auubhava-mndreyu. A poetical manual of Saiva doctrine and devotions, in 32 sthalas. Edited by Mahanta Desika.] pp. i. 108. :3orts?j3d) [Bangalore,] 1890. 8°. 14176. b, 31. SANT'-AYYA, Gersappe. (TOdreafV,Koi).) [Ravana- dig-vijaya. A yulisha-gdna poem upon an episode in the Uttara-kanda of the Ramayana.] pp. 65, nth. [Mangalore, 1848.] Fol. 14176. g. 6.(2.) .Wo title-page. SAPPANNA SVAMI (Sarpa-bhushana Siva-yogi), disciple of Guru-siddha Yati, of Bangalore, o o o ^^du.s'u^Su e? sJji?3orts?J rfjoo;i [Kaivalya-kalpa-val- lari. 5 cantos of Saiva devotional, theological, and Yogic poems. Followed by Pushpa-danta's Mahimnah-stotra, Malhana-sf^., Upamauyu's Siva- st°., and Agastya's 2 Siva-stotras, all in Sanskrit.] pp. 144. i3ort«*J3do n5Je53 [Bangalore, 1882.] 12°. 14176. f. 12. [A reprint.] pp. 102. s3crts;'j3do d-jto [Baiigalore, \S9l.] 8°. 14176. b. 32. SARABHAPPA VIRAPPA MENSINKAI. o o o d.;ja35d SJ^ i^ ^jjoii [Vyavahara-mitranu. A manual of legal practice.] pp. 13, ix. 169, ii. ridri nzcn [Gadag, 1901.] 8°. 14176. c. 34. SARPA-BHUSHANA SIVA-YOGI. See Sappanna SVAMI. SARVAJNA-MURTI. [For extracts from Sarvajna's verses published in Kitttl's Anthology :] See KiTTEL (F.). Tjrfra ^J5.Si" ^drf4- [Sarvajna-miirti- vachanavu. Ethical, religious, and prophetical Saiva verses. Second edition.] pp. 84. dortSACido [Bangalore,] \890. 8°. 14176. f. 58. ;jdra dojs^r ddrf^. [Sarvaiiia-miirti- vachanavu.] pp. 79. :3crt<>/J3bJ [Bangalore,] 1891. 8°. 14176. f. 53.(1.) 153 SATA-KOTI- -SESHO 154 SATA-KOTI RAMA-CHARITA. '^s! dd «dj ^osdra- ciirao. [Adljhutii-i'itinayaiiaiu. An abi-idged sec- tarian adaptation of Vfilmlki's Ramayanaj form- ing part of the collection called Sata-koti Rama- charita. Adapted into poetic prose from the original Sanskrit.] pp. i. 8, 80. 1896. See Karnataka Kavya-manjari. s'nsfli^ TOd-rfJoaO etc. no. 14. 1892-1898. 8°. 14176. flf. 1. (no. 14.) SATHAKOPACHARLU, V. A Manual of Maha- madan Civil Law by V. Sadagopah Charloo . . . dJodrfjaeaJj osafi siori,^^. Translated into Canarese by Lieut. Robert A. Cole. pp. vi. i. i. iii. 70. Mysore Govt. Press: Bangalore, 18G3. 8°. 14176. c. 11. SAYANA. See Parasaka. sjD3s!ddreq5S!oi: ^rfjrss^^ [Parasara-miidhaviya-dharma-sastra. With Kan- nada translation of Sfiyana's commentary.] [1890.] 8°. 14038. d. 31. s'fJ^d 3jo2Sd5i?. [Paiichadasi, or Vedanta-p°. A Sanskrit metrical treatise on the monistic Vedanta philosophy, in 15 cantos. With a Kannada translation by Khando Krishna Biiba Garde.] pp. i. 320; I plate, qsudnsd oeJeJi [Bliar- war, 1887.] 8°. 14048. bb. 38. •J -J »j -u 'J h . . . 33^oiir!5js?9(i3,oU, ^tssrUzpsss ns.aja, Tijjsqiorad ?iy;5333^ oi)e S,?d3d,?n3o^ 3doe^dSioi)J [Vedanta-pan- chadasl. Edited with Kannada word-for-word interpretation, paraphrase, and notes based upon Rama-krishna's commentary Pada-dipika by BbaratI Sach-chid-ananda Sahajananda Svami.] pp. xiv. 691; I 2^1 ate. zi^ia'T^&i nToo [Karnataka Snusha-vijayarn. Trans- lated by Sita-rama.] [1897.] 12°. 14176.6.25.(1.) SITA-RAMA SASTRI, Yallambhat/ara. See Su- eesvakachaeya. 53^; dj,a dJJoii [K.nsi-mriti- moksha-nirnaya. With Kannada interpretation by Sita-rama.] 1878. 8°. 14028. d. 28.(1.) SIVA-BASAYYA, of Eatapuri Math, Sampgaon. tfa a?ci rfj5ao?5i,ci ^JSiy st*?©^. [Adi-vira-mahesvara- iiiula-pithike. An anthology of quotations from Saiva Sanskrit texts, with Kannada interpretation, upon the origin and cult of the Lingayat sect.] pp. iii. 26. qradTOcS nerrn [Dharivar, 1891. ] 12°. 14058. a. 8.(1.) SIVA-LINGASVAMI,HM6&aZ;i". B^rf^d ^s^idi drarfw^; ^sj g'd tssl.odrat^jr^. [Notes on the First Book of Kannada Poetry, pt. ii. Third edition.] pp. 24. ^^oMsii,^ [Bangalore,] 1893. 12°. 14176. h. 70.(2.) SIVANANDA SUBRAHMANYA. See Sdbeahmanya, Sivtlnanihi Vidunta. SIVAPPA SASTRI. Srfd^raucrad-^Js^rfranciod SSfsi Uj3ja??i,cxJjo^dSi3U?r. [Draupadi- svayamvara-na- taka. A play on the legend of Draupadi's choice of a bridegroom. Edited by S. Krishna Sastri.] pp. 43. iSori'tfJSidJ {Bangalore^ 1897. 8°. 14176. e. 10.(6.) i33y^^. [Prabhavati-darbar. A drama on the legend of Prince Vii-a-dhvaja and Prabhavati. Edited by S. Krishna Sastri.] pp. 53. Banga- lore, 1897. 8°. 14176. e. 10.(5.) SIVAPPA SASTRI, V. Nauj'-unda, of Bangalore. See Mallanaeya, (t. |j? . . . |^e 3;dg^s3^ i jiojon [Vira-saivamrita-maba-puranavu. Edited by Sivappa.] 1906, etc. 4°. 14176. bb. 2. SIVA-RAMA BHARADVAJA. Vyayama dipike, elements of gymnastic exercises. Indian system . . . ;ra,oi>3;iJ a;&^ rfjjoii pp. x. 95. Bangalore, 1896. 12°. 14176. c. 29. SIVA-RAMA SASTRI. See Appaya DIkshita. S;339^.. [Sivadhikya. With a commentary, trans- lated from the Sanskrit by Siva-rama.] [1903.] 8°. 14033. aa. 35.(2.) SIVA-RAMA SASTRI, Sivdnanda Vedanta, of Mysore, disciple of Nijdnanda. r!c?r03siccj^^, [Sau- karananda-tattva. Verses on the Advaita philo- sophy.] pp.60. A)^?;jJdJ [J/ysore, 1900.] 12°. 14176. a. 79. SIVA-SANKARA SASTRI. The English translation of Sanuiati Sataka [a series of ethical verses]. See Academies, etc. — Madras. — University of Madras. University of Madras. Notes on the . . . Matriculation Text, ed5ida?S5iosado^j^ doooi: [Madana- mohana-raja-charitravu. A version of the 1- Tales of tbe Prime Minister's son.] pp- 164.. tJcriv'jsdo 05ytf.s [Bangalore, 1882.] 8°. 14176. d. 23. SIVA-SANKARA SASTRI, Siddhdnti, of Sringeri. d^bss dd^^^^tj) dJJoM [Sad-bodbananda-lahari. A collection of Sanskrit verses with Kannada inter- pretation, notes, etc., comprising (1) Subodha- tarangavu, devotional and moral poems, (2) Niti- ratna-male, ethical poems, and (3) Chamatkara- ratua-prabhe, impromptus, riddles, and other amusing verses.] 3 vols. StiidO ^ ?d nrcsj [Tri- pUcane, 1908.] 12°. 14070. b. 36. Forms nos. 1-3 of the Bharata-chakravarti-grantha-malikfi. SMILES (Samuel). :^S,oiDsJ ?Joa?^^. [Svaprayasa- phala-dlpike. An abridged Kannada adapta- tion by P. Veda-mitra of " Self-Help."] See Aca- DEMIKS, etc. — Madras. — University of Madras. The Kauareso Text for the Matriculation Examination of . . . 1909. pp. 25-112. 1908. 8°. 14176, f. 9. ^J.SjjOSniTi ^ua?it? [Svaprayasa-phala-dipike.] Adapted from Smiles' " Self-Help " by P. Veda- mitra. pp. V. 73. Wesleyan Mission Press : My- sore, 1909. 8°. 14177. c. 28. SMITH (Theophilus), of Callee Gunge. The Last DaysofBoosy iw>aoJj s'd; QSrt'c'J [A sequel to Mrs. Sherwood's " Little Henry and his Bearer." Adapted from the original English story signed " Theophilus Smith " and translated by C. Vatsa.] pp. 100. Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, 18G9. 1G°. 14176. a. 31.(15?) SOKKA-LINGAM PILLAI, P. A iManual of Ques- tions and Answers in Canare.se . . . Compiled and arranged for the use of the Mysore Police by P. Chockaliugum Pillai. (dj^;!j;idj ^0;s* w^Jidd Jj^cSjj;- 23?»!iJrjra:i . . . TJsdrtjoqi.) pp. i. 2, xiii. 169. Ban- galore, 1880. 12°. 14176. h. 49. SOMA-NATHA, Pdlhirike. See Somesvara. SOMA-NATH'-AYYA, Belldve. See VIresa-lingam, K. ° 00 ad;3^ tScSj^ Sjoo 11 [Raja-sekhara-charitre. A translation of Vlresa-lingam's novel Viveka- chandrike.] 1895. 8°. 14176. d. 55. rioiraj«oJJsJj^ jjsqDrfraiiia^ dojon [Gayyali- yannu sadhu-maduvike. The story of Shakspere's "Taming of the Shrew," translated from theTelugu of K. Viresa-lingam.] pp. 16. Bangalore, 1897. 8°. 14176. e. 23.(1.) ?;j?rfjri? sjscdj dJJcii [Satimanl-vijaya. The story of Shakspere's "All's Well that Ends Well," translated from the Telugu of K. Viresa-lingam.] pp. 16. Bangalore, 1897. 8°. 14176. e. 23.(2.) SOMA-PRABHA ACHARYA. ?^* dJJ53 d€ rfooGi, [Sukti-muktfivali. 98 Sanskrit verses on Jain ethics and doctrine. Edited with Kannada inter- pretation and paraphrase by Padma-raja Pandita.] pp. 86. i3Grts?j3d) o'JTs [Bangalore, 1892.] 8°. 14028. d. 47. SOMARADHYA, Pdlkurike. See Somesvara. SOMESVARA, Pdlkurike. [Hymns to the Vlra- saiva apostles Basavesa and Chenua-basavesa, and devotional verses on their doctrines, chiefly (perhaps entirely) by Sdmesvara, in Kannada and Sanskrit.] See Kari-basava S.\stki, N. R. ?Jj^a- rfjo^d^s. [Stuti-muktavali.] pp. 1-33. 1903. 12°. 14177. a. 9. ?3js?;i)?;ld t^^^s^. nssJd lidrt^JS. [Somesvara- satakavu. 110 verses in mattehha-vikrldita metre, chiefly on moral themes, written c. 1300 A.D. Followed by the Dasara padagalu.] Edited by the Rev. J. Stephenson, pp. 51. Wesleyan Mis- sion Press : Bangalore, 1810. 16°. 14176. a. 13. ;Sj3?dje:J,d:J^g'. [Somesvara-satakavu. With a commentary by Veiikata Raugo Katti.] pp. 12-t, lith. tpsdnscS naz.» [Dharwar, 1875.] 12°. 14176. f. 14.(1.) h,^ . . . Sd tizi^ta?^^i.^7isi6i [Mysore,] 1901. 12°. 14176. e. 25.(3.) Forms no. 4 of the scries English Classics for Canarese Beaders. SRI-KRISHNA BRAHMA-TANTRA PARAKALA- YATI, Guru of Maharaja Chdma-rajendra. ^os^ts ft?:^ ;i)oaQ?. [Kalyana-gita-maiijari. Songs for weddings and other festivities. Followed by 3 Sanskrit Vaishnava hymns by the same author.] (H.H.The Maharani's Girls' School Series.) pp. 63. ^2o;^dJ nejro [i/i/sore, 1890.] 12°. 14176. f. 54. SRI-KRISHNA RAJA. See Krishna-raja. SRINIVASA AIYANGAR. See SrInivas'-aiyangae. SRINIVASACHAR, M. E. See Tieumal'-ayyangar, son of Saumya Nrisimha. ° ° '^ i3?rc:?;jC3oi)So2!3;is? [Chika-deva-raya-varnsavali. With preface by Srinivasachar.] 1895. 8°. [Karnataka Kdvya- manjari.'] 14176. ff. l.(no. 13.) SRINIVASACHAR YA, Tirumale. See Kanaka Dasa. The Hari-bhakti sara, with notes [by Srlnivasa- charya,] eic. 1890. 12°. 14176. f. 21. SRINIVASA HARI-DASA, Mulki. o o o ssdosi tia^ ;l)jon [Vamana-charitre. A yaksha-gdna poem on the story of the devotee Vamana.] pp. 62. eA)dj& [Udipi,] 1901. 12°. 14176. ee. 3.(2.) SRINIVAS'-AIYA, Munshi. Village Dialogues in Canarese, designed to illustrate the modes of thought and expression, in various classes of native society. SooiiB &^zi tssid) ^ira^sradid sdrf a. pp. iv. 112. Wesley an Mission Tress : Bamjulore, 1847. 12°. 14176. h. 48. — Dialogues in Canarese, by Munshi Shrini- vasiah. With an English translation, [and notes,] by Richard G. Hodson. Revised by the Rev. D. Sanderson. Second edition, pp.vi.226. Weslcyan Mission Press : Bangalore, 1865. 12°. 14176. h. 8. SRINIVAS' -AIYANGAR, B.,of Central High School, Mercara. University of Madras. Full notes on the Matriculation Kanarese Text 1890 [i.e. Bhar- tri-hari's Niti-sataka in K. Veiikata-raman'-ayya's 165 SEIXIVAS'-AIYANGAE- -SEIXIVASA 1G6 metrical version, Kumara Vyasa's Udyoga-parva v.-vi., and Jaimini-bharata i.-v.] with the Text Examiner, pp. 98, 52. Bangalore, 1890. 8°. 14176. f. 63.(2.) See Basappa Sastri. d)y,?ro,53?s;i" «r?j^rf3Sa;e3 rt^oqi;Jii5^ s^jO^ [A criticism on Srinivasa's Notes on the Text for 1890.] [1890.] 8°. 14176. f. 63.(4.) SRiNIVAS'-AIYANGAR, CMunniff, ofChitaldrug. A Manual of the Law of Torts and Damages. In Canarese. teio^Sj* d a3.A)?»'rt'5' 5n).oi)?icrt,so;^. pp. i. i. 2, 79. Bangalore, 1879. 8°. 14176. c. 10. SRINIVAS'-AIYANGAR, Kommdndur. See Peri- odical Publications. — Bangalore. Kavyakalpa- drumam . . . [Edited by Srinivasa.] 1897. 8°. 14076. cc. 1. SRINIVAS'-AIYANGAR, Mandayam Bhtma-rdyan. See Arvargal. The Nityanusandhauam Series . . . with word-for-word meaning, a free paraphrase in the vernacular, and English translation . . . Edited by M. B. Srinivasa Aiyangar. 1898, etc. 8°. 14176. b. 49. See Arvargal. sss.^tJ^ ^zif . [Nityanu- sandhanam. Edited with glossaries, paraphrases, eacU verses, in 3 cantos, de- scribing the city of Mysore and the festivities for the birthday of the Maharaja Mummadi Krishna-raja Odeyar.] pp. i. 21. 1901. See Karnataka Kavya-kala-nidhi. Karnataka Kavya Kalanidhi Series, etc. no. 4. 1899-1902. 8°. 14176. ff. 2. (no. 4.) STATIONS OF THE CROSS. S^, Esa Sjoo li [Silve- hiidi, i.e. " Stations of the Cross." A Eoman Catholic book of devotion.] pp. 82. i3ortii)S3?jS^ siiJoii [Nama-liugii- nusasana. Edited with Kaniiada interpretation by Subrahmanya.] [1881.] 8°. 14093. b. 14. [Kaiidai.] 1908. 8°. 14090. bb. 29. iSee Chahae DarvIsh. Char Durvis . . . [Rendered into Kannada by Subrahmanya.] 1883. 8°. 14177. 0. 20. See Channappa Deva. 5 ? . . . •* Sijfso?e33- dJ^4 ^Joii [Sarana - lilatTiritavu. Edited by Subrahmanya.] [1871.] 8°. 14176. f. 27. See Kumara Vyasa. Notes to Karnata Bharatha Saugraha . . . By . . . Subrahmanya Sastri. 1881. S". 14176. f. 39. iSee KuM.\RA Vyasa. Notes to Karnata Bharatha Saugraha . . . By . . . Subrahmanya Sastri. 1883. 8°. 14176. f. 51. See Maha-bharata. hj . . . sosUsi^ir^. [Virata-parva. With a Kannada woi"d- for- word interpretation called Vyasa-prasudavu and a Kan- nada paraphrase styled Blmratabharanavu, both by Subrahmanya.] [1888-1889.] 4°. 14065. f. 3. 171 SUBKAHMANYA- -SUTA 172 SUBRAHMANYA SASTRI, Velanddu Oragariti Vcn- kalescara, SidJIidiiti, nf Bangalore (continued). See NiJA-GUNA Siva-togi. |^? . . . ad?^^3o3s;±)fl ;jjJo II [Viveka-chintamani. Edited by Subrah- manya.] [1863.] 12°. 14176. ee. 11. eoioodr?d riort^sodcu . . . fcocira d^rf^ssrfj^. [Hindu-vaidya-sastravu, orAyur-veda-sangrahavu. A manual of Hiudu medicine, with additions from English works.] pp. 14, 224. i3or!^j;d) [Banga- lore,] 1876. 8°. 14176. c. 15. ^ Eig'orf sSortjSd rtjoqi^ ^Joii [Jyotisha-sakuna-san- graha. A compendium of divination from omens of various kinds.] pp. iv. i. 95. ticrtv^jscjj n'Jk.T [Bangalore, 1869.] 8^ 14176. c. 17. SUBRAHMANY'-AYYA, Vdnmasi, of Ahur. See Sankara BhaeatI. ^Ab&ijra'^s&'S sSmoIi [Srl- guru-bhajane-paddhati. With preface by Subrah- many'-ayya.] 1908. 12°. 14028. bb. 24. SUBRAYA SASTRI, Eammardi. See Rama-krishna Pandita. s^-'3'3 zioa,€^3oii [Nitya-karma-chan- drike. With Kaunada version by Subraya.] [1901.] 8°. 14033. aa. 33. SUBRAYA SASTRI, T., of Halsur Pet, Bangalore. See SuKA-SAPTATi. oo ° Sos*;:!^^ rfijo II [Suka-sap- tati-kathegalu. Translated by Subraya.] 1905. 8°. 14176. d. 61. See ViiNKATA-PORA. hj . . . |j?dj:5^?o?riJ4d- ^^^^iSi-^i!s;iit!!i';^^ dJJoii [Venkata-pura-vaishna- vadi-nana-matotpatti. Edited by Subraya.] 1894. 8°. 14176. b. 37. SUDHAMA. -^^5&B■8^^cs6^7^=?r. [Sudhama- charitra. An operatic version, in yalcsha-gdna style, of the story of Sudhama, the friend of Krishna, as narrated in the Bhagavata-purana, bk. X., ch. 80-81. Edited by Madakasira Bala- krishna Rau.] pp. 20. ;mJS-o-°|7 ncrF'yl [Madras, 1895.] 12°. 14176. ee. 5.(1.) SUDRAEA. Mrichchakatika prakaram, or The Toy Cart. [A drama.] Translated erom [sic] the original Sanskrit text into Canarese prose ... by Dhondo Narasinha Mulabagal. (^ d b'Us' SjS^irs^.) pp. viii. iii. 225. Dhanvar, 1889. 8^ 14176. e. 9. SUJNANA-CHANDRIKA. A>7Ss_^Moaj^ . [Sujiiana- chaudrika. A collection of Jain works in Sanskrit and Kannada. Edited by Padma-riija Pandita.] iScrt's'jscb nro3< [Bangalore, 1905, etc.] 8°. In progress? 14100. d. 17. STJKA. Rambha shuka sanvada, e^c. 1888. 12°. See Rambha. 14072. b. 8.(3.) SUKA-SAPTATI. o o o vi^^^^^^^ri^i . [Suka-sap- tati-kathegalu. The Tales of a Parrot. Trans- lated from the Sanskrit by T. Subraya Sastri.] pp. iv. 531. Bangalore, 1905. 8°. 14176. d. 61. STJNDARA-RAJA BHATTACHARYA, Elattur Vara- da-rdja. g^cs ti"^ ?iJ,sisa2Sol)c [Karnataka Snusha- vijayarn. A drama of domestic life. Translated by M. Sita-rama Sastri from the Sanskrit.] pp. 42. A)^5Jj3dj n^Tz. [Mysore, 1897.] 12°. 14176. e. 25.(1.) SURANGA, Karndtalia-lcavi-chalcravarti, son of Saihjama. o o o .s^sl^ 4)03 ^jjseraSo »io23?rt,c5!;3 [Tri- shashti-puratana-vilasarn. A champu composition in 63 cantos upon the legends of the 63 saints of the Vira-saiva hagiology. Edited by K. M. Dfinappa Sastri.] pp. vi. 568, 26. ro^irEr^S ntos [Davangere, 1902.] 8°. 14177. b. 9. STJRESVARACHARYA. <= o o ^i^ ^ a djj?^ [sic] sraroi^dou •* rijcri^. [Kasi-mriti-moksha-nirnaya. A Sanskrit tract on the salvation attainable by dying at Benares, ascribed to Sankara's disciple Suresvarn, who is identified with Maiuiana Misra. With Kannada interpretation by Yallanibhattara Sita-rama Sastri.] pp. 24. dcrts^xdo [Bangalore,] 1878. 8°. 14028. d. 28.(1.) SURYA KAVI. Kavi kantha haram . . . g^ag'cd Sosdo. [A metrical repertory of synonyms, in 271 kanda verses.] pp. ii. 39. 1902. See Kar- nataka Kavya-kala kidhi. Karnataka Kavya Kalanidhi Series, etc. no. 8. 1899-1902. 8°. 14176. ff. 2.(no. 8.) Sfirya Kavi, son of Timma Maniri, wrote this work at the instance of Vlra-vehkatudri lifija, so7i of Krishna Si'ija or Dhavalaiilta-hlrima {early llth century). SUTA. o o o ^o rij3^4D3ra4. [Suta-puranavu. A series of Vaishnava myths connected with the mythical sage Suta and the Suta tribe. Trans- 173 SUTTA-PITAKA- -THAG 174 lated from the Sanskrit by B. H. Narasimh'-ayya.] pp. V. 72, i. ; 3 plates. i3oritfJ2ci) \_Bun(jalurc,'\ 1897. 8°. 14176. b. 50. SVTTA.-'BlTAKA.—Khuddahi-nilMija. tjdjrSrfdojj tjjd ft;ioijj djooii (Dharma Pada i?;i)rsjd [i.e. Dhamma-pada, a metrical Buddhist scripture in 26 chapters. Translated from the Pali into Kan- nada prose, with notes and an introduction arguing for the identity of Buddhist and Vedantic doctrines,] by Aswatthanarayana. With an [English] introduction by M. Shama Rao.) pp. xxxviii. 96 ; 3 plates. i3orts?J5i) [Bangalore,] 1908. 8°. 14177. b. 21. The English title is from ike cover. SVARA. :^rfj3o33;ijrl [Svara-chintamani. A tract on divination from the passage of tho breath through the body.] pp. 36, lilh. ^sdOTd o^h.\. [D/iantw, 1866.] 8". 14176. c. 6. Pur^iorts to he derived from the Brahma-yrimala ; see colophon on p. 20. SYAMA-RAU, Rdjapdrtu D. rfjoc33dra;jSjU3iOraol) dou rtJ53? wss^C 53§J^^. [Mandarojjvala-parina- yavu, or Gul i bakavali uatakavu. A drama on the romance called Gul i bakiivali.] pp. 120. tJcri^'Jsrto [Bangalore,] 1905. 8°. 14176. e, 5.(3.) Nalanatakam. ^j'^^ii^^. [A drama upon the epic legend of Nala and DamayantT.] pp. 64. Bangalore, 1897. 8°. 14176. e. 10.(2.) o o o yusrssdOcsoiJ^Sotj. 2J3t53;!jjd53 6J3'^. [Usha- parinayavu, or Baniisui'a-natakavu. A mytho- logical drama.] pp. 82. tSort^'JsciJ [Bangalore,] 1905. 8°. 14176.6.3.(2.) SYAMA-RAYARU. See Syam.\-rao. TAMIL. Canarese Second Book (an abridged translation of the Tamil Rcenud Book, with a few additions fi-oin other sources). s'rf^d ^ddS? ^Sgi. From the Tamil by the Rev. B. Rice, pp. xii. 149. Wesleyan Mission Press : Bangalore, 1861. 16°. 14176. a. 26. Canarese Tliird Book (au abridged trans- lation of the Tamil Third Book, with a few addi- tions from other sources). a's^d dJjjdS? ^^^• From the Tamil by the Rev. B. Rice. pp. iii. iii. 107. Wesleyan, Mission Press : Bangalore, 1800. 12°. 14176. h. 21. TAMMANN A-DASA, disciple of Vijaya-raya. <^-^%- ^5Sr»2r». [Adhyatma-mala. A work on the theo- logy of the Miidhva school, in 160 sections, chiefly metrical, from the Sanskrit. Edited by Madaka- sira Bala-krishna Rau.] pp. iii. 154 ; 1 plnte. s&JS-o-^ no-.'^s_ [Madras, 1896.] 8°. 14177. b. 4. TAMM'-AYYA SASTRI, MaisHru Giri-hhattara. W52j3,!^.di^ rfoort'ciftssarf'i?. [Ashtottara-sata-maii- to -^ gala-gitavali. 108 hymns to various deities, chiefly Vaisluiava.] pp. ii. v. iii. 88, v. dj^sijstiJ [Mysore,] 1897. 12°. 14176. a. 75. TANDAVARAYA MUDALIYAR, F(7/i>«7.7.aOT. w^rs _0 T -^ 'Ji [Katha-maiijari. 78 tales, translated from tlie Tamil of Tandava-rayar. Published by MaisQr Dhati-gopaliicharya.] pp. 55. nsJVi) [Wesleyan Mission Press: Bangalore, \?,\2.] 8°. 14176. d. 26. a'qjB djczso. The Katha manjari, or Bunch of Stories. [76 tales.] Edited by John Garrett. Second edition. pp. xii. 188. Mysore Govt. Press: Bangalore, \Sm. 12^ 14176. d. 14. TATTVA. o o o ^^^rtpan'irya, or Tippayiirya, was son of Bahga by Eaina- giri-Ambikii, and grandson of Kanfhiraviirya ; he was a brahman of the Visvdmitra-giitra, and a disciple of Chandra- rasa. The poetn is dedicated to the deity Ehadri Nrisimha, and was written about 1700 A.D. TIRAKO KALLO UDANDAKAR. See Upanishads. ;:;y;*?33;re&ra,iiS3i3^ [sic]. [Isaviisyopanishad. With Kannada version of Sankara's commentary, etc., by Tirak6.] [1905.] 16°. 14010. a. 11. TIRUMALACHARYA, Bh. See Niti-sastra. r?3- 33gj^ djoo II [Niti-sastra. With Kannada interpre- tation by Tirumalacharya.] [1868.] 8°. 14085. 0. 22. 1872. 8°. 14085. c. 28.(1.) TIRUMALACHARYA, son of Savmya Nrisimha, Kaustka. See Tikumal'-ayyangae. TIRUMALA RAU, A. ^^sSjiSS^-^reJ^c^^D^ s5cn>j3Sj8^"§ sS»rii [Madhva-siddhanta-grantha-ma- likii. A collection of works on the doctrines of the Madhva Vaishnava church, in Kannada and Sanskrit, compiled with commentaries and original essays by Tirumala Rau, and issued in monthly fascicules.] Madras, 1907, etc. 8°. 14177. bb. 1. In progress. II 'gi^sg f « g 1 rt ij ^ H T% ctiT . . . JTra^fg-i II [Ma- dhva-siddhanta-grantha-malika. Another edition of the preceding, in Nagari character. Edited by T. Dvaipayanacharya and others.] Madras, 1909, etc. 8°. 14177. bb. 4. In progress. TIRUMALA RAU, D. Bohkasam, and KRISHNA- CHARYA, Garanl Vaiyakaraija. Begin. Remarks. I propose ... to point out some very patent errors occuring [sic] in the Matriculation text-books for the past four years. pp. 11. Bangalore, 1891. Fol. 14176. g. 10. No title-page. TIRUMALARYA, SahadHvapwada (Timmaya). Ramabhyudaya katha kusumamanjari. |^?c3;lra- ^j doij B^ips ?rj;i)A)^oaO. .iozj, ^^^xi wScd osSeojjes^. [A summary of the various Kannada versions of the epic legends of the Ramayana, in hhdmini-shat- padi verse ; composed in the 17th or 18th century, and dedicated to the god Tirumala-deva of Saha- devapura(nowcalledTimma-raya-svaniiof Sadana- halli). Edited with glossary, etc., by K. Rama- svami Aiyahgar.] pp. 13, i. 416, xxii. ix. •Jcris?jsci> nsro'i [Bangalore, 1887.] 8°. 14176. f. 10. TIRUMAL'-AYYANGAR, son of Sanmya Nrisimha, Kausjka (riKUMALAcu.\UYA). coo a;CjS;ija?di^3^o 177 TIEUMAL'-AYYANGAE- -VADIBHA-SIMHA 178 [Apratima-vira-charitam. A treatise on the art of poetry, in 4 chapters, with examples serving as a poetical panegyric of Chika Deva, Maharaja of Mysore (reigned 1G72-1704), whose minister the author was.] pp. vi. ix. 1-59. 1893. See KaKNATAKA KaVYA-MANJARI. ^RZTU'd 53ri,,;i)oK0 etc. no. 8. 1892-1898. 8°. 14176. ff. l.(no. 8.) This author was son of AJahiija Sihganlrya (Sauwya Nrisimha), a favourite of Maharaja Dodda Deva lii'ija (reigned 1659-72), and was horn about 164.'). He became a friend and finally cJiicf minister of Chika Deva (reigned 1672-1704), and died 170G. Besides the 2>rescnt works and some Safiskrit compositions, he also wrote a Chika-diva- riiya-saiaka and Karnfifaka-kirttanegalu ; and the Sach- chhudrndhikiira-nirnaya (in Sanskrit), Glta-gopala, and Chika-deva-raya-binnajJa are probably by him, although ascribed to Chika Deva. ° ° ° t3^d;rf03a SaoJoo. [Chika-deva-raja- vijayam. A poem in 6 cantos upon tlie history of Maharaja Chika Deva and his ancestors.] pp. v. 216. 189G. See Kaenataka Kavya-manjaui. ^mrti^ 'csrf^^oBO etc. no. 17. 1892-1898. 8°. 14176. ff. l.(no. 17.) o o z3g!:3?;iD3oi)do33;i« [Chika-deva-raya- vamsavali. A history, in ornate prose, of the ancestors of Chika Deva Raya of Mysore. With preface by M. E. Sriuivrisfichar.] pp. xii. 191. 1895. Set' Kaenataka Kavva-manjaui. ^ostU'^ ssrfjjljoao etc. no. 13. 1892-1898. 8°. 14176. ff. l.(no. 13.) TOD (James), Lieutenant-Colonul . See VasudEv'- atya, C. Arya kirti . . . [Biographies, based upon Tod's Annals of Rnjasthan.] [1896, 1898.] 8°. [Karnataka Gra^itha-mdle.l 14176. k. 16,(no. 9, 15.) TONTAD'-ARYA. Srr Maki Tontad'-auya. TONTADA SIDDHA-LINGA. See SiDDiiA-LiJiaA, T. UDAYADITYA, son of Soma-natha Bhripa, of Chula dynnstij. emrfoiraass.yoBscio [Udayadityalaukfirain. A metrical treatise on the art of poetry, composed about 1150 A.D.] pp. i. 16. 189-1. See Kar- nataka Kavya-manjaki. g^ranriJa' esd^^cao etc. * • '0 no. 6. 1892-1898. 8°. 14176. ff. l.(no. 6.) UDAYA-RAGA. eA)rfci>G3rt d?rfrf3jdd ^doS ^jb?^. [Udaya-raga devara padagalu. Jain hymns in the udaya mode of music. Edited by Padma- raja Pandita.] pt. i. pp. 10. ijorts'jsdj n^jrv {liangalore, 1894.] 8°. 14100. b. 3.(3.) UNMATTA-VIRA SASTRI. See VirEsvara Sastri. UPANISHADS. II tTn^Twftxrf^K ^0 [Isavfisya, Kena, and part of the Mandukya Upanishads. Sanskrit text with Kannada translation and com- mentary.] See Krishnacharya, T. 11. ii cR^^m- iltiTt'TrqST »i' [Kannada-blifishantara-mala.] pt. i. 1898. 8°. 14007. b. 14. 7iU!-3-?33n33j?.3jS3S3^ [sic]. [Isavasyopanishad. Sanskrit text. With a Kannada version of Sankara's commentary, etc., by Tirako Kallo Udandakar.] pp. 74. aiizOj*, nroai [i/w/Ji, 1905.] 1G°. 14010. a. 11. ^i3 e?c&ra?SjS3S3^ ... I'zz^c^. [Sikshii-valll, or ch. i., of the Taittirijopanishad. Sanskrit text. With Kannada translation, notes, etc., by R. S. Venkata-krishn'-ayya.] pp. viii.82. -Jirtvjsdj [^arir/aZore,] 1901. 12°. 14010. b. 23. \^Modern and Fictitious UiKtnishads.^ oqi zf!d5!>ra?jjS5i3^ [Devalopanishad and Devanga-sapta- vatara-nirnaya-veda-saropanishad. Two Sanskrit tracts on the divinity of Devala. With Kannada translations.] See Agamas. [Siddlidgama.] 5 ?...:5?;ju . . . djj3t!^otf!si dJOoii [Devala-brahma-bodhaka- vedokta-mula-stambhana.] pp. 82-100. [1898.] 8°. 14058. b. 37. UPENDRACHARYA. TioTi^^^ a;3?odjStea3. [Jinen- dra-mahi. A Jain work on astrology and genoi-a! divination, attributed to Upendracharya, in Sanskrit verse. Edited with Kannada paraphrase by Padma-raja Pandita.] pp. 11(3. ■Jcri'E'jsi) [Bangalore, 18]89. 8°. 14053. c. 59. The pagination springs from p. 72 to p. 81 ; the text is complete. VADIBHA-SIMHA, disciple of Fushpa-sena (Odaya- deva). &i^o^^ziZi4j^ . [Jivandbara-charitram. A Jain romance, being a prose translation of Vadlbha-simha's poem Kshatra-chudamani by Kundalagiry-achfirya.] pp. 88. 1895. See Pkkiodical Publications. — Mysore. The " Karna- taka Granthamala" Series, no. 4. 1893, e^c. 8°. 14176. k. 16.(no. 4.) hj . . . 'i i^dJSGjdjrf^sd.^ [Kshatra-chuda- mani. A metrical Jain Sanskrit romance in 11 chapters. Edited with a Kannada translation and commentary by M. Srinivas'-aiyaiigar.] ]i]i. 468. "Jort^jsdo [Bangalore,] 1900. 8°. 14100. b. 8. N 179 VADI-EAJA- -VAEAHA-DASA 180 VADI-RAJA SVAMI. See Ananda-tietha. ^"i . . . HfTHRTTTTTrtl^fq^'' [Maha-bhiirata- tatparya-nir- naya. Translated by Vadi-raja.] [1891.] ohl. 4°. 14176. g. 9. [For verses of this poet included in devo- tional collections :] See Dasaku. VAIKTJNTHA-DASA. [For the verses of this poet included in devotional collections :] See Dasaku. VALIHAT all See Martyr. A Martyr of Delhi, ... [A tract upon the death of "Valihat Ali " (Wilayat 'All ?), a Christian, during the Sepoy Mutiny.] 18G0. 16°. 14176. a. 31.(4.) VALMIKI. 5,?233;i)D3s2j:i?-3-sa3?i .jou '^^.U osrfraoiica. [Chama-riijokti-vilasa. A prose translation of the Kamayana, the Sanskrit epic ascribed to Valmiki, prepared by Maharaja Chama-raja VI. of Mysore (reigned 1617-37 A.D.).] 7 vols. ■Jortv'jsti) n'JT<^-Tk. [Bcmgalore, 1894-1896.] 4°. 14176. g. 12. !;■••• sxl)3i.^,ortj3J5j3SJ3,.?i^. [Eisliya-sriiigo- pakhyanavu. The tale of Rishya Sringa, from the Bala-kanda of the Ramayana, ix.-xvi., in Sanskrit and Kannada.] See Pattarhirama Sastei. S,? . . . Si sscbsI.El crto;roaj3.?J^. [Rishya-srinoopa- khyauavu.] pp. 209-264. [1891.] 8°. 14016.0.45. 5^f3,d ijsdd 03draoi)t3^. [Kannada Torave-ramayana. A Kannada adaptation of Valmiki's Sanskrit Ramayana, written c. 1590 A.D. by a Smarta Brahman known as Kumara Valmiki. Edited by H. Venkata-rama Sastri.] [1881.] 8°. See Kumara Valmiki. 14176. f. 41. Tlioravaramayana . . . ^ t^sS d, draddjosrira. cijfi;^. [Kannada Torave-ramayana. Second edition.] 1891. 8°. jSee Kumara Valmiki. 14176. f. 59. [For extracts from the Torave-ramayana :] See Kumara Valmiki. See Ayya Sastri, S. Padya kavyam Se- shardmayanam, etc. [1901.] 8°. 14176. ff. 4. See GuNDA Sastri. Si.fDjJJ dssSssd ?rH37io- rt ;»4 ;jooo ii [Vishnu-dasavatara-katha-sangrahavu. A prose account of Vishnu's incarnations, in- cluding a Ramayana-katha-sangrahavu or prose epitome of the Ramayana.] 1906. 8°. 14177. c. 13. See Isvaea-chandra Vidya-sagara. Sita vanavasa ... [A paraphrase of the legend of Sita's banishment, as told in the Ramayana, bk. vii.,] etc. 1884. 8°. 14177. c. 25.(2.) See Ramanuj'- ayya, T. TjmmmiAT- n [Ramayana-sangraha. A summary of the Rama- yana,] etc. 1868. 8°. 14076. d. 10. [For the Ravana-dig-vijaya, based upon an episode of the Uttara-kanda :] See Sant'- ayya, G. [For the Adbhuta-ramayana, adapted from the Valmiki-ramayana :] See Sata-koti Rama- CHARITA. See SrInivas'-aiyangar, M. Bh., and Put- tanna, M. S. Nitichintamani . . . stories from the Ramayana, etc. 1884. 8". 14176. i. 34. 1S98. 12^ 14176. h. 73. '^Ti^Ti l^ejSjroi^oiita ^iira;!icrijao^. [Rama- yana-katha-sangrahavu. Prose tales from the Sanskrit Ramayana.] pp. i. 408. qBdss::^ narr iDharimr, 1899.] 12°. 14176. cc. 2. Uttara Rama katha sangfraha. Kanarese prose. Extracted from the Ramayana [/.<=. a prose paraphrase of the Uttara-kanda]. Part i. to iii. By Palmonda Rama Row. ^mt dcsdja'^a. siortao ^ (Sabhapatra.) [Edited by C. Vatsa.] 1868- 14176. k. 5. 1871. 8°. See Smith (T.). The Last Days of Boosy . . [Translated by C. Vatsa.] 1869. U\ 14176. a. 31.(15.) See Victoria, Queen. The Life of . . . Queen Victoria . . . [Translated into Kannada by C. Vatsa.] 1897. 16°. 14176. cc. 6. See William. The History of little William, etc. (A revised reprint [by C. Vatsa], etc.) 1866. 12°. 14176. a. 58.(6.) Euglish-Canarese Dialogues together with forms of letters, etc. 'a^ft^sis ^^ji ?jo2p3sirsOTiS;^rt=;:^o . . . Second edition. pp. 127. Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, 1879. 12°. 14176. h. 14. On Transmigration. a^^o^d;3?sdi?5^ [A Christian tract.] pp. 24. Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, 1874. 16°. 14176. a. 31.(23.) riig^rT^TcjfTiif An elementary Sanskrit Gram- mar in Canarese, based on the works of Professors Max Miiller, Theodore Benfey, and Ishwara Chandra VidyasSgar. ?Jo?Jj^i ;Jra^ ro.s'dro. pp. viii. 106. Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, 1880. 8°. 14176. i. 7. Three Hundred Canarese Proverbs and their corresponding English Proverbs, pp. 32. Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, 1903. 16°. 14176. d. 43.(2.) Vocabulary to the English First Book of Lessons in Reading . . . Szra ;3*Kbj. pp. 24. Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, 1874. 16°. 14176. a. 22.(2.) VATSA (Christanoja) and WALZ (Theodoe Micha). How Joseph, the Shepherd-boy, became a Prime Minister s^:3rt riarfiisrf o3jj3';;<;?Sc2J oi)JdrtJ3;5raoci^_.. pp. 35. Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, 1876. 12°. 14176. a. 58.(13.) 183 VATSA- -YENKATACHAEYA 184 VATSA (Scvaettappa). GoodWords. s-S-JEsr^JjtpDS*^ S^?icrl:!^?r. [110 Sanskrit ethical and religious verses with Kanuada commentary, for Christian teaching.] pp. 120. Basel Mission Press : 3Ian- galore, 1878. 12°. 14176. a. 58.(12.) • [Third edition.] pp. 107. Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, 1877. 12°. 14176. b. 9.(1.) VEDA-MITRA, P. See Arabian Nights. oiidS cisSiJS? jjjooii [Yavana-yamini-vinoda-kathegalu. A translation of the Arabian Nights, by Veda- mitra.] [1905.] 8°. 14177. c. 12. See [Addenda] Augustine, St. The Con- fessions of Saint Augustine . . . [Translated by Veda-mitra.] 1909. 12°. 14176. aa. 1. See Smiles (S.). .oiras iieja?ij#. [Sva- ]n-ayasa-phala-dipike.] Adapted ... by P. Veda- mitra. 1909. 8°. 14177. 0. 28. VEIL (J. Feiedrich). A Selection of Kurg- Pro verbs. 'Ssiid^ sjQrfj, ^jadrb nsnritfj. pp. 32. Basel Mission Press : Mavgalore, 1886. 8°. 14176. f. 19. VENCATACHAR, B. See Venkatacharya, B. VENCATARAMANIAH. See Venkata-eaman'-ayya. VENKANNACHAEYA, ChiTickm Krishn'-ayya. See PAl;.^sARA. ScsSdjisuJasKij qSrfjrss^^ [Parasara- niadhaviya-dharma-sastra. Parasara's Smriti with a Kannada translation of the latter and of Sayana's commentary by Venkanniicharya.] [1890.] 8°. 14038. d. 31. VENKATACHARYA, A. See Deva-datta. o o o ij. Sj^ Si. ?rfS>t;Sj3S3^. ,0 [Sammeda-saila-mahatmvam. With Kannada interpretation called Bhava-dar- pnna by Venkatacharya.] 1907. 8°. 14100. c. 27. VENKATACHARYA, B., of Mysore. See Bankim- chandra Chattopadhyaya. eSoddod. [Aunnda- matha. Translated by Venkatacharya.] [1899.] 8°. 14177. c. 3. VENKATACHARYA, B., of Mysore (continuecl). See Bankim -CHANDRA Chattopadhyaya. d;a; ifqiJDSc^. [Devi Chaudhurani. Translated by Veiikatacharya.] [1899.] 8°. 14177. c. 2. See Bankim- CHANDRA Chatt6p.\iihyaya. Durg^sa Naudini . . . Translated by B. Venca- tachar ... in Kanarese. 1885. 8°. 14177. c. 19. See Bankim- CHANDRA Chattopadhyaya. •aoQc?. [Indira and Visha-vriksha. Translated by Venkatacharya.] [1897, 1900.] 8°. [Kar- iidtaka Grantha-mdle.] 14176. k. 16.(no. 12, 21.*) See [Addenda] Bankim-chandra Chatt5- prayasa-phala-dipike. An abridged Kannada adaptation by P. Veda-mitra of " Self-Help."] 1908. 8°. [University of Madras: Kanarese Text for the Matrindation Exarnination, Dec. 1909.] 14176. f. 9. See Smiles (S.). ^^^oto?) 5iya?£i^ [Sva- padhyaya. g^^iousrao^ [Kamalakanta. Adapted into Kannada by Venkatacharya.] 1909. 16°. 14176. cc. 18. See [Addenda] Bankim-chandra Chatto- padhyaya. 5*,^ sso^iS enjODtu bjJoii [Krishna-kan- tana Will. Rendered into Kannada by Venkata- charya.] 1909. 8°. 14177. 0. 27. See Isvara-chandra Vidya-sagara. Sita vanavasa . . . [Translated into Kannada] by B. Vencatachar. 1884. 8°. 14177. c. 25.(2.) • See Periodical Poblications. — Mysore. eids3E!^?5ar:?. [Avakasa-to.shini. Edited by Ven- katacharya.] 190G, 1907. 8°. 14176. k. 11. See SanjIva- CHANDRA Chattopadhyaya. d53!;ia?ej33. [Madhavi-lata. Translated by Venka- tacharya.] [1901.] 8°. [Earndfalca Grantha- mule.'] 14176. k. 16.(no. 27.) See YogIndra-natha Vasu. ez^os.z^raoD. [Ahalyfi-bai. A Kannada translation by Ven- katacharya.] [1899.] 12°. 14176. cc. 7. ji3;2j5?d;i). [i\Ian6rame. A novel, based on the Bengali work of Panch-kari Dc.] pp. 210. 1907. See Periodical Publications. — Mysore. The "Karnataka Granthamala" Series, no. 46. 1893, etc. 8°. 14176. k. 16. (no. 46.) Ai;33C3^. [Sita-rama. A novel, founded upon the Bengali work of that name by Bankim- chandra Chattopadhyaya.] pp. ii. 248, i. dj^siBdJ orcn [%sore, 1901.] 8°. 14177. c. 8. 185 A^ENKATACHAEYA- -VENKATA-EAMA 18G VENKATACHARYA, Tuppid, of Bangalore. Sue MAiiA-iiiiAiiATA. o o o s^«n?33!iirnsd^. [Gitartha- saravu. The Bhagavad-glta with notes and com- mentaries, in Kanuada, edited by Veiikatacliarya.] 1808-1901. 8°. 14048. CC.19. VENKATA-DASA. [For the verses of this poet included in tlie Dasara padagiilu :] .SVe Dasaku. VENKAT'-AIYA. S'ee Venkat'-ayya. VENKATA-KRISHNAPPA, /;. Mdod;e?s!. [Amara- seua. A romance, based upon an English story. Second edition.] pp. 57, i. t3crtJC il [Yenkata - pura- vaiohnavadi - nana - matotpatti - siddlianta-sudha-rasavu. An account of the theo- logy, legends, and rituals of the various sects, chiefly Vaishi.iava, who are represented in Veiikata- pura, on the Tiru))ati hill sacred to Vishnu. Edited by Doddabele Narayana Sastri and T. Su- braya Sastri.] pp. xxii.560. "iisMsiti^ [Baiigalore,] 1894. 8^ 14176. b. 37. VENKATA-RAMANA RATI, KopalH. x^mzii^ ss^,- tis' ca HsC^. (Kavya lakshana saram. A treatise on rhetoricj prosody, &c., in Kanarcsc, for use in schools and colleges.) pj). 52. Madra.f, 1904. 12°. 14176. h. 78. VENKATA-RAMAN'-AYYA, Ihilahuru. ^B3r6J># dtiS 7JjS?csdO^_jO. [Susda-charitrain. A romance.] pp. i. 51. 190G. Stfi PEIilOHU'Al, Puiil.ICATIONS. — Mysore. Tlie " Kaniataka Grauthamala " Series. no. 44. 1893, etc. 8°. 14176. k. 16.(iio. 44.) VENKATA-RAMAN'-AYYA, Ilalahuru {continued). a^KBrUs' 5_,;a:JjH3S?jciE!rfjc. [Visva-rupa-sandursa- nani. A version in poetry, mixed with prose, of a Purauic legend, including the story of the destruction of the demon Bhasmasura.] jip. ii. 23. Bangalore, 1907. 8°. 14176. f. 43.(2.) VENKATA-RAMAN'-AYYA, Krish nagiri Nrisijiih a. See Eiiauti:i-hai;i. ii:i 7ai3 . . . Bharthrihari su- bhashita . . . translated ... by . . . Vencatara- maniah, 1883. 8°. 14176. f. 8. See SrIkivas'-aiyangar, B. University of iladras . . . notes on the Matriculation . . . Text 1890 [i.e. Kiti-sataka in Veukata-raman'-ayya's version,] etc. 1890. 8°. 14176. f. 63.(2.) See Subba-eau, K. University of Madras. — 1890 . . . notes on the JMatriculation . . . Text [i.e. Niti-sataka in Venkata-raman'-ayya's ver- sion,] etc. 1890. 8°. 14176. f. 63.(1.) VENKATA RAMA SASTRI, Homkote. See Kumara ValmIki. IjJ . . . ijsdd os^teioiira^. [Kanuada To- rave-ramayana. Edited by Veukata-raraa.] [ISSl.] 8°. 14176. f. 41. See Kdmara ValmTki. The Canarese Text Book in Poetry for the ]\Iatriculation Examination of . . . 1881. With . . . notes [by Veukata-riima,] etc. 1881. 8°. 14176. f. 50. See Kumara Vyasa. Notes [by Vciikata- ram.a] on the Kanarese Text for the Matriculation Examination, e/c. 1877. 8°. 14176. f. 46. See KuMAKA Vyasa. The Canai-eso Text Book . . . for the Matriculation E.Kamination of . . . 1880, with full notes [by Veukata-rama], etc. 1880. 8°. 14176. f. 48. See Mysore, Govt. of. Padya sara praka- sika ... By H. Venkatramasastri. 1879. 8°. 14176. f. 33. 1891. 8°. 14176. f. 55. VENKATA-RAMA SASTRI, Rdnuru. ° ° o ^ciK- dj3;ouND3ss eia^^. [Madana-moliana-rajacharitavu. A version of the 12 Talcs of the Prime Minister's son.] pp. 17G. 'i3ortv'J5!i) [Bangalore,] 1908. 8°. 14177. c. 16. 187 VENKATA-EAM'-AYYA- -VENKATA-EAU 188 VENKATA-EAM'-AYYA, S. V., of Senngapatam. rfjj* ;4ra? S3 S lists' [Mukti-sopana-saptaka. 7 short stories illustrating the progress of the soul to- wards salvation, from the Advaita standpoint.] pp. i. 39. ili/sore, 1908. 1G°. 14177. a. 10.(1.) Forms no. 2 of the Vivekodaya-grantha-mala. VENKATA KANGO KATTI. See Bombay, Presidency of. Gazetteer of the Bombay Karnatik . . . Trans- lated into Kanarese ... by Mr. A^enkat . . . Katti. 1893. 8°. 14177. d. 1. See Bombay, Presidency of. Third Book of Lessons . . . translated by Venkat Eungo, etc. 1866. 12°. 14176. h. 22. See Bombay, Presidency of. Treatise on Mental Arithmetic . . . Eovised and translated . . . by Yeukat Raugo. 1863. 12°. 14176. h. 46.(2.) See EacLiD. oi)J-3- ds! ^Wzi d dojon [Euclid's Geometry, bk. i. Edited by Venkata Katti.] [1875.] 8°. 14176. h. 59.(1.) See Geikie {Sir A.). Physical Geography. Translated from Archibald Geikie's primer ... by Venkat ... Katti. 1880. 12°. 14176. h. 33. [For notes upon the First and Second Books of Kannada Poetry compiled by this author, see under the following headings :] Hanumant SanjIva Sagaka, SiVA-LlNGA SVAMI, H. See Lakshmisa. ^jDJSV^d^^. [Jaimini-bha- rata, ch. i.-iv. With commentary by Venkata Katti.] [1875] 12°. 14176. f. 6. See Panchalaru. sjc!33J3 'Simsx,^) . . . Eevised fifth edition. (The Department of Public Instruction, Bombay.) pp. vi. 123; 1 2^Jciie. Basel Mission Press ; Mangalore, 1909. 12°. 14176. hh. 2. Outlines of Kanarese Grammar {'^^^d y^j ro.Ts'dts) . . . Second edition. (The Department of Public Instruction, Bombay.) pp. 48. Bombay, ilfa?!.^a?ore [printed], 1880. 12°. 14176. h. 29.(4.) sa)3j5J3,?j aro,. [Upanyasa-vidya. A treatise on the art of literary comjjosition.] pp. xi. 107. cpsdsrad ji)cr!s;'J3dj nros. \_D]iarivar,McmgaIore printed, 1907.] 12°. 14176. 0. 37. aqjdri's* ;±)oodfj ?553J33d^ . . . Shaving of Widows Unauthorized. With a summary in Englisy [sic] [and a collection of passages from Sanskrit authors]. pp. 22, 155. cpsdssd n^esr [Dharwar, 1889.] 16°. 14176. c. 24. VENKATA RANGO MUDHOLKAR, See Arabian Nights. The Arabian Nights' Entertainments, translated ... by Veukut Eungo, etc, 1863, 1865. 8°. 14176. d. 20. VENKATA-RAU, Gulavadi. Indira Bai, or The Triumph of Truth and Virtue. A novel in Kana- rese. 'ac303i33o3j tsifws ;5jd Sjt assoij^. pp. ii. 252. Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, 1899. 12°. 14176. cc. 4. Indira Bai, or The Triumph of Truth and Virtue. Translated from the Canarese ... by M. E. Couchman. pp. iv. 238. Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, 1903. 12°. 14176. cc. 9. A?Ji)c,SS . ■ . us33,cCo^oiio. [SImantini. A novel on the misfortunes and final triumph of a 189 VENKATA-EAU- -VEXKATESA l'.)0 young princess, illustrating tlio need of social reform.] pp. 4, v. i. 212. Mangalore, 1003. 12°. 14176. cc. 17. VENKATA-RAU, II., of Kaniur School. S,?^ sS razs t^'^a [Sri-krishna-raja-satakam. 106 stanzas on the coronation of the present Maharaja of Mysore.] pp. 22. [1902.] See Periodical Puhmcations. — Mysore. The " Karnataka Granthamala " Series, no. 34. 1893, etc. 8°. 14176. k. 16.(no. 34.) VENKATA-RAU, Honnudihe. hj . . . doO^mST^. tjiJ.doiJo joz3? sio^^^zjoqio [Chandrahasabhyudayam. A chavipu composition in IG cantos on the legend of the good fortune of the pious Vaishnava Chan- dra-hasa.] pp. ii. ii. 259. Bangalore, 1906. 8°. 14176. fF. 6. VENKATA-RAU, M., Vakil, of Mysore. Pathra- rathnakara. S^Css^s'ci. [A work on the proper forms for bills, contracts, petitions, etc.~\ pp. i. 2, ii. 82. do^TiBciJ o^jtz. [Mysore, 1897.] 8°. 14176. c. 30. VENKATA-SAM'-AIYYAR. See Venkata-svami AlYAU. VENKATA - SUBBA RAU, Bciilala. wrfod a?i^. [Auanda-dlpike. Instructive and entertaining miscellanies, translated from theTelugu.] pp. 188. Madras, 1901. 8°. 14177. c. 6. #e7i0?ao3?j4- [Kesarl-vilasavu. A novel.] pp. 100. Madras, [1895.] 8°. 14176. d. 48. VENKATA-SUBBA SASTRI, .1. See Kanaka Dasa. o o o dddra?;^S^cJoftcl djjoii [Vara-niohaua-taraiigini. Edited by Veukata-subbi.] [1896.] 8°. 14176. f. 2. VENKATA-SUBB'-AYYA. See Thag. cirtd . . . doi.iijj. [Thagar'enibuva pliasl-karara charitreyu. Translated by Vcukata-subb'-ayya and 'Abd al- Kadir.] [1842.] 8°. 14176. d. 36. VENKATA-SUBB'-AYYA, of Kannada School, Sar- jnpur. 5«eBHASKARA Bhatta. ^R3rtJ#J5?Si ^D35^;io [Karnatakoiimatta - rtlghavain. Translated by Veiikata-subb'-ayya.] 1908. 12°. 14176.6.28. VENKATA-SUBB'-AYYA, ViJdanta. See Sankaha- cii.\i!yA. ij? . . . w^;Jj3!?3 rfjjoii [Atina-bodha. With Kannada translation and commentary by Vcnkata-subb'-ayya.] 1902. 12°. 14048. b. 16.(3.) VENKATA-SVAMI AIYAR, K.K. See Bekners (J.). Arogyapravt'sadayini . . . Translated & edited . . . by K. K. Venkataswami Aiyar. 1888. 12°. 14176. c. 39. VENKATA YAJVA, Chintalapa/i. See Kala. » » csosSj,^ 3jjo;i [Kalamr a) Veukata.] 1891. 8°. csosSj,^ 3JJ0 ;i [Kalamrita. With commentary of a) - • 14053. cc. 61. VENKAT' ■ AYYA, Mvhya-Ufeya TirumaU - ayya. (rad^a! '^JSS^ciSs'^.) [Pfirvati-koravauji-kathe. A yaksha-gdna poem on the story of the goddess Parvati, disguised as a gipsy, announcing the birth of a son to Dasa-ratlia's queen Kausalya.] pp.28, naz.3 [Bangalore, 1872.] 8°. 14176. d. 28. Without title-page. VENKATESA, Foet. csi^^ nsS, ^oas ;i^^4- [Chan- dravali-kathe. An operatic version of the story of one of the god Krishiia's amours. Second edi- tion.] pp. 54. "i^art^JSijiJ n'j(Jo [Bangalore, 1880.] 12°. 14176. f. 11. doCT5(rf*e^;!joridcU cios^ nsS^zJoqJ^- [Chan- dravali-prasangavu. Another version, in operatic style, of the same story.] pp. 55. t3cr!«?j3d3 neJis; [Bangalore, 1878.] 12°. 14176. f. 5. VENKA'TESA, Chiuchdll. See Venkannachaeya. VENKA'TESA BHIMA-RAU BHANDIVAD. Kama- laksha and Pdmagandhi [sic], A novel in Caua- rese by Venkatesli Bhimarao Bhandivad (based on Shakespeare's "Romeo & Juliet") . . . s'djass' jJd.rtoqiodj ^4. pp. i. ii. 52. Behjatim, 1881. 8°. 14176. d. 24. VENKA'TESA SASTRI, Sonde. See K.\la. o o o ^sos;!) ^ SjJcr. [Kalamrita. With Kannada para- phrase by VenkatSsa.] 1891. 8°. 14053. cc. 61. See Seshaciiala Nayudu. o o » i.e^si i3J3!a3- .-* a) I'-a ^ rij ^^dJJcii [Sri-krishna-bodhamritavu. Rendered into Kannada by Venkafesa.] 1894. 8°. 14177. c. 5. Hajamarthanda clieritra . . . 0323dJ3D3 erf tiO;^, . . . 3'(33rU3' ddsiTOS.^. [A romance with a religious moral on the story of the generous and humane king Kfija-martanda, son of Raja-sekhara of Padma-pura.] pp i. 080. '<2:>H'ifsi^ [Bangalore,] 1907. 8°. 14177. c. 14. 191 YENKATESA- -VIRA-SAIVAS 192 VENKATESA SASTRI, V. See Keishna Raja, of Salem. t5ii)'4irfd?;3oi)?io. [Anubliava-rasayauam. Edited by Venkatesa.] [1865.] 8°. 14176. b. 22. VENKATESA TIRAKO KULKARNI. ^djaii^. [Padma-nayana. A roiuauce.] (Karnatak Vidya Vardhaka Sangha, Dharwar. Vagbliushana Series uo. 8.) pp. iii. 175. qradrod nt!Asi,^ [Mysore,] 1892. 8°. 14176. d. 42. VILLAGE MUNSIFFS. rw^^;±ijrf5?^ ^ 3i53?e;ci m,^^ . [Rules for Village Munsififs and Patels. Second edition.] pp. 12. German Mission Press : Manga- lore, n-J3?2. [1857.] 4°. 14176. c. 19. VIRANACHARYA, son of Visva-ndtha. cJSri^o? h^iSf si^a?i^ [Dasa-granthi Siva-jiiana-pradipike. 10 Sanskrit aphorisms (dasa-granthi) on the Vira- saiva theology, with Kannada exposition.] [1895.] See Periodical Publications. — Mysore. 3?dfl^d- ;i)^^TO5i^ [Vira-saiva-mata-prakasike.] vol. iv. [1891-1895.] 8°. 14028. d. 39.(vol. 4.) Tnco7nplete. VIRA-NARAYANA, Gadiigu. |j? . • . JJo^esJ 3*?,^ Ds^tooiss)^ dojo II [Sankshepa-kannada-ramayanavu, 21 verses epitomising the Ramayana, and Kini- chit-saiikshepa-ramayanavu, an epitome in 7 verses. Edited by Haradi Srinivasa Rau.] pp.10. i3crtv^j3dj nsyro[Ba»?graZore,1890.] 16°. 14176. f. 62.(1.) The Ind edition, according to the Catalogue of Bools Registered. Vira-ndri'iyana apparently is the local god of Oadag, to whom Kuindra Vyasa's Bhdrata is ascribed. VIRAPPA SASTRI, Magadi S. See Mallanarya, G. 5,? . . . S,? ajd^i^s;!),^ dJoo II [Vira-saivauirita-mabii- puranavu. Edited by Virappa.] 1906, etc. 4°. 14176. bb. 2. VIRA-RAJENDRA ODEYAR, HdlUri, Maharaja of Kurg. Xj3ii^OLfi^'3S:i. (Rajendraname, or History of Coorg, compiled by order of Virarajendra Vof?eya, with an English translation by Lieut. R. Abercrombie, dated Mangalore 10th August 1808. Printed for the Government of Fort St. George.) [Edited by H. Moegling.] 2 pts. pp. ii. 152, 62. German Mission Press : Mangalore, 1857. 4'. 14176. d. 33. VIRA-SAIVAS. [For works published in the Vira- saiva-grantha-prakasika-granthavali, see under the following headings :] No. 1. GuRU-RAJA. No. 2. Shadakshaei Mantfi. No. 3. Bhoja-kaja. IK VIEA-SAIVAS- -VIEUPAKSH'-AYYA 194 VIRA-SAIVAS {continued^ ?jy?5' 3?d£!^d3!S3 S?ci3j [Vira-siiiva diksha-vidhi. A Sanskrit manual of the initiatory rites of the Vira-saivas. Edited with Kannada paraphrase by Kari-basava Sastri.] pp. iii. vii. 84. Mysore, 1897. 8°. 14028. d. 64. ■ ?;u?a' a?dS^;i assadopcxbo [Vira-saiva-vivaha- vidhi. Marriage rites of the Vira-saivas, iu San- skrit. Edited with a Kannada translation by Y. Viriipaksh'-ayya. Second edition.] pp. i. 56, 4. A>^j5j5tio [Mysore,] 1905. 8°. 14033. aa. 23.(5.) VIRESA-LINGAM, Kmduhuri. See Soma-nath'- AYYA, B. rtoiJ3,*oij?i)^ iraqiorfradjo^ rfojoi; [Gayyali- yannu sadhu-maduvike. Translated from the Telugu of Viresa-lingam.] 1S97. 8°. 14176. e. 23.(1.) See S5ma-natu'-ayya,£. ?;a?rfJE^? aaoi) ;jjooii [Satimanl-vijaya. Translated from the Telugu of Viresa-lingam.] 1897. 8°. 14176.6.23.(2.) . °o° adjs* zios^^ ^ou csK^sajd 2^3^. [Raja- sekhara-eharitre. A Kannada translation by Bejlave Soma-nath'-ayya of Viresa - lingam's Telugu novel Viveka-chandrike.] pp. ii. 160; 1 plate. Bangalore, 1895. 8°. 14176. d. 55. Sathyavathigharithre [sic], A translation [by Naiijana-giidu Ananta-narayana Sastri] from Pandit Viresalingam Pantulu's [Telugu] work. Ti^^riaftiOj. [Satyavati-charitre. A novel.] pp.8G. [1897.] See Periodical Publications. — Mysore. The " Karnataka Granthamala " Series, no. 11. 1893, etc. 8°. 14176. k. 16.(no. 11.) VIRESVARA SASTRI, Anulhya (Huchciia-vIra Sastri), of Clidfakapurl. o o o g^ ais3,n.^^ asd- i^ro^oij !^oa,33. [VIra-saivanvaya-chandrika. A Sanskrit treatise in 5 books, expounding and defending the doctrines and practices of the Vira- saivas, and explaining their history and social organisation, with a Kannada paraphrase.] pp. iv. i. 181. i3cri^J3d) ns;eo [Bangalore, 1890.] 8°. 14028. d. 41. [Another edition of the same.] pp. iv. i. 182. ticrt^j^dj nsjrn[Z?a?!5fn/ore, 1891.] 8°. 14028. d. 40. VIRUPAKSHACHARYA. o o o as,sa3^'^idK;Scuiioq!^ [Visva-vidyabharana. A tract in 26 chapters maintaining theVedic and Brahmanic origin of the Vi-sva-brahmanas or artificer-caste, in Sanskrit with Kannada interpretation and commentary.] pp. 48, ii, Ai^Tiatii ntsar [Mysore, 1889.] 8". 14072. cc. 43. VIRUPAKSHA PANDITA, disciple of Slddha Viresa. ti^^VTi^i^usa^. [Chanua-basava-puranavu. A poem on the legends of the Lingayat apostle Channa-basava, etc., in 63 chapters of shalpadi verse, finished in 1585 A.D.] pp. 539, Jilh. ;iJort«'J3l) naxn [Mangulore, 1851.] Fol. 14176. g. 3. See Kari-basava Sastri, N. Ii. jSi^U?id?j5aaaiJo. [Chenna-basavesa-vijayam. A prose account based on Viru]iaksha'.s Purana.] 1906. 8°. 14177. b. 13. University of Madras. First in Arts Ex- amination, 1898. Chanua Basava purana, chapters iv and v. Edited with copious notes, exhaustive questions, an English translation of some of the most important stanzas, and a full introduction . . . etc. by Mangesh Rau Panje. pp. viii. 40. Mau- galore,]897. 8°. 14176. f. 65.(2.) VIRUPAKSHAPPA CHINNAPPA HULL The Practice on [sic] Book-keeping, or Native Ac- counts, etc. (d?^; adrasjzsrsi Sd s. -o-FOr ^ssdr^ 5j2a^.) Fifth edition, pp. vi. 124. Gurag, Man- galure [printed], 1908. 8°. 14176. i. 33. A short Sketch of the History of Iudi:i, etc. (2ood)iJ3^5Jd Jio-3- ^ "33303?!.) Second edition, pp. viii. 159. Dharwar, Mavgalore [printed], 1901. 12°. 14176. h. 76. Third edition, pp. xii. 2() k (luriiy, If ani/rt/ore [printed], 1908. 12°. 14176. hh. 1. VIRUPAKSHA SASTRI, T. M., disciple of Hole Ba- sava, of Telagi HarpanaJialli Math, and GURU- SIDDHA SASTRI, of Hampasagar Araldi Math. o o o rtc?i33d5iyd33rc3 Joi) wd,5ia?i^ [Gochfira- phala-darpana, or Adrishta-dipike. A manual of astrological divination. Edited by Hole Basava Sastri.] pp. 72. uto^O nro2. [BuUary, 1907.] 8^. 14176. 0. 38. VIRUPAKSH'-AYYA, Y. See VIha-saivas. Xkz^^ D!dijd anaisQoioJ [Vira-saiva-vivaha-vidhi. Edited with translation by Virupaksh'-ayya.] 1905. 8°. 14033. aa 23.(5) 195 VISAKHA-DATTA- -WALZ 196 VISAKHA-DATTA. See Alasingalacharya. tssri^^ ^c:^,drfo33 d dJJo II (Chanikja Tantra Chamatcara.) [A summary of the Mudra-rakshasa.] 1880. 16°. 14076. a. 21. See Kempu-nae.\yana. ^iijro, Actui^^ ]\Iudra Manjusha ... (a translation ... of the Sanskrit Drama . . . entitled Mudra Rakshasa, ttr.,) etc. 1905. 8°. 14176. d. 62. ^jn3iD3^?j <33i35'o [Mudra-rakshasa. A drama. Translated by V. Rama-sesha Sastri from the Sanskrit.] pj). ii. 132, v. i. vi. [1908.] Sec Periodical Pdblications. — Mysore. Tiie "Kar- nataka Granthamala " Series, no. 48. 1893, etc. 8°. 14176. k. 16.(no. 48.) VISALAKSHI-VENKATESA, son of Sydma-rciu, Atreya. d^d,?oiJ3?sJd?5i [Vaidya-hitopadesa. A guide to medical diet and toxicology, in 146 Sau'^krit verses with Kannada interpretation.] ])p. 32. 'JioMsii:, oToi. [Bungalore, 1907.] 8"=. 14043. cc. 30.(1.) Founs no. 3 of the Vaidya-sindhu-grantha-male. VISVAEADHYA. SjrfSi^J ^^iTJS ssrfji^.o^sdcSjsrooi) S ?a53,D3ri. adi3:^n3,a!s.?jco^s SrfjjozJ:) ds [Siva-pancha- stava. 5 Sanskrit Saiva hymns — viz. the Mal- hana-stotra, Pushpa-danta's Mahimnah-st°., the Malaya-raj,i-st°., DancH's Anamaya-st°., and the Halayudha-st°. — collected and explained in San- skrit by Visvaradhya. Edited with Kannada translation of the hymns by Chara-murti Basava- liiiga Svami.] pp. iv. 302, iv. ;l)2o!rfJ3clii [Mysore,] 1908. 8°. 14028. bU. 21. The editor sliows reason for bclirving that Visi-rtradhya lived about 1350, and was the son of K urn lira Padina-rasa, son of Kereya Padma-rasa (q.v.), son of Mnyi-deva, son of Mtlda-rasa, son of Malla-rasa, of Kalkakurike. hj°. . . . S?cif^3so^.?J4^a9oi)-). [Vira-saivan- tyeshti-vidhi. Funeral rites of the Vira-saivas, in Sanskrit. Edited with Kannada translation by Siddha-liuga Deva.] pp. 41, vii. i. sScrt^fjadJ nrov [Bangalore, 1904.] S°. 14033. aa. 23.(4.) VITHALA-DASA. [For the verses of this poet included in the Dasara padagalu :] See Dasaru. VITTHALA KRISHNAJI KAIKINIKAR. See Pdea- NAS. [Skanda-purdnn.] bj^ rlf3??rC3r ricsrS [Gokarna- variiane. A Kannada translation, edited by Vitthala.] [1908.] 12°. 14177. a. 8. VOCABULARIES. See Dictionaries. VRITTA-VILASA, disciple of Amara-Tiirtti Bdvala. See Chandra-sagara Vabni. Ij . . . qJcl^3iO?#^ ^jojcn [Dharma-parikshe. Adapted fi-om Vritta-vilasa's Dharma-parikshe.] [1882.] 8°. 14072. cc. 32. VYASA, Krimdra. See Kumara Vyasa. VYASA-RAU VENKATA-RAU RODDA. See Ais.\ Kaisa Hda. The Fall of Chandramukhi ... [A novel extracted from the story " Aisa Kaisa Hua," aud translated into Kannada by Vyfisa-rau.] [1900.] 12°. 14176, cc. 12. VYASA- RAYA SVAMI, of Sadar Math. [For verses of this poet included in devotional collec- tions :] See Dasaru. VYASA-VITHALA-DASA. [For verses of this poet included in devotional collections :] See Dasaru. WALZ (Theodor Micha). See Spurgeon (C, H,). A practical Advice against a far-spread Disease. Adapted . . . [and translated by T. Walz], etc. 1877. 12°. 14176. a. 58.(14,) See Vatsa (C.) and Walz (T.). How Joseph . . . became a Prime Minister, etc. 1870. 12°. 14176. a. 58,(13.) Blindness cured. e3oj;j3DCit3 3jdrfJ3?Jod^bra [A Christian tract.] pp. 16. Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, 1873. 32°. 14176. a. 2.(1.) Counsels to the Young . . . ^cbcsco^ssdnfS [A Christian tract.] pp. 24. Basel Mission Fress : Mangalore, 1873. 12°. 14176. a. 58.(11.) History of Mahomed. ;i)^rfj d^ 2^3^^. pp. 42. Basel Mission Press ; Mangalore, 1869. 16°, 14176, a, 31.(16,) One thousand Canarese Proverbs. ?i*;^ n2?sdJ,:^5'oiJ^. pp. 56. Basel Mission Press ; Mangalore, 1874. 12°. 14176. d. 1.(2.) On Fatalism edssi.ssart^'J. [A Christian tract.] pp.40. Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, 1874. 10°. 14176. a. 31.(11.) The Story of an Actor and of a Princess. ;i53^roi)JS [A Christian tract.] pp. 20. Basil MissionPress: Ma7igalore,l875. 32°. 14176. a. 2.(3,) 197 WALZ- -WUERTH 108 WALZ (Theodor Micha) (continucl). Sulijccts for Consideration. Sasd . . . e;?* .^, ^a'.^jsi) [A Christian tract.] pp. 12. Basel Afissioii Press ; Mangalore, 1875. 32^ 14176. a. 2.(2.) WALZ (Theodor Micha) and GO JAR (C). o3j5?;^e?^otj oiij^rtoesracd^^. [The story of Joseph. With coloured illustrations.] pp.16. Basel Mis- sion Press : Mangalore, [1878.] 1(1°. 14176. a. 4.(9.) WATSA. See Vatsa. WEIGLE (Gottfried). See Bible. — Coviphfe Bibles. The Holy Bible . . . translated ... By a committee of missionaries [viz. G. Weigle and others], ei!c. ISGO. 4°. 14176. bb. 1. 1865. 4°. 1877. 8°. 3070. dd. 23. 3068. f. 2. See Bible. — Complete Bibles. A Commen- tary on the Old Testament [and New Testament] . . . [Being a translation of Barth's commentary by G. Weigle (Gospels), etc] 1861-1875. 8°. 3068. h. 7. [For portions of the Bible in the trans- lation issued by the Committee of missionaries including G. Weigle :] See Biele. See Bunyan (J.), cto^rf si ;!jci33rf^ [Yatra- sthana sarncharavu. The " Pilgrim's Progress," translated by G. Weigle.] [1847, 1849.] 8°. 14176. b. 16. See Bunyan (J.). The Pilgrim's Progress . . . Edited by . . . B. Rico from a translation by . . . G. Weigle and . . . Dr. Moegling. 1801. 12°. 14176. a. 55. See Hymnals. ^^fi?^rtv"j [100 liymns. Edited by H. Moegling and G. Wuigle.] 1848. 12°. 14176. a. 48. First Canarcse Instructor irayi^ ciio. Si.Kth edition. pp. 86. Basel 3fi.ision Press : Mangalore, 1868. 12°. 14176. h. 29.(2.) Ninth edition, jip- 86. Basel ^//x- siou Press ; Mangalore, 1876. 12°. 14176, h. 10.(1.) Canarese Prayers. 333|tiir^rtp. 21. Basil Mission Press : Mangalore, 1868. 12°. 14176. a, 58.(10.) WESLEYAN METHODISTS. First Catcchi.sm, in English and Canarese. issus'cSo ^w6;o s^-sfdiSctps zap ^?sji3?S^. pp. 37. Wesh'i/an Mission Press ; Bangalore, 1842. 16°. 14176. a. 19. (!33 ;ij3?sJ!3s!Jci ^,tjsij^:i ^7ii^.) [Another translation of the Catechism.] pp. 16. [IFcs- leyan Mission Press ; Bangalore, 1860 ?] 16°. 14176. a, 18.(1.) The Catechisms of the Wosleyan Metho- dists : compiled and published by order of the Conference . . . No. ii. Translated into Canarese . . . ^tid;3? K3 ^?5jc3fSd Sj,gj3,e:^ cirt«;*j. pp. 162. Wts- ley an Mission Press: Bangalore, 1861. 16°. 14176. a. 15. WEST {Sir Raymond). Notes of Cases decided by the High Court of Bombay. Published for Govern- ment, in Canarcse by Raymond West . . . .3?^rrts;* ^stbri's'j. pp. 99. Basel Mission Press : Man- galore, 1868. 8°. 14176. c. 8.(2.) WILLIAM. The History of little William. ^0 - oiidjouris! iJO£|. pp. 69. Mission Press : Btllanj, 1843. 16°. 14176. a. 6. The History of little William. mC^z^Zi^ ,oo'j;JS TiOij. (A "revised reprint [by C. Vatsa] of the Bellary edition of 1838.) pp. 48. Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, 1866. 12°. 14176. a. 58.(6.) WUERTH (GoTTLOB Adam). See Aesop. Aesop's Fables . . . [Translated by G. Wiirth], ttc. 1869. 12°. 14176. cc. 15. See Bible. — Complete Bibles. A Commen- tary on the Old Testament [and New Testament] rj9 YADAVA- -ZIEGLEE 200 . . . [Being a translation of Earth's commentary into Kannada by G. A. Wiirth (Genesis), etc.l 1861-1875. 8°. 3068. h. 7. See Hinduism. Hinduism and Christianity contrasted . . . [Edited by G. Wiirth.] 1866. 16°. 14176. a. 32.(4.) Canarese Poetical Anthology, or selections from the standard poetical works of ancient Cana- rese literature with introductions and foot notes [and a vocabulary.] {'^^rii'^ ZJSj'ss zLzir^d.) pp. ix. 577. Mysore Government Press ; Bangalore, 1868. 8°. 14176. f. 30. YADAVA KARBIGA. s^OTJia! liorsolidjojj ^izisJ^^uoS^ (The Kalavatie pariuaya.) [A prose novel.] pp. i. 313. i3ort, 1897.] 8°. 14177. b. 6. YOGINDRA-NATHA VASU. a^cra^UBcaj. [Ahalya- bai. A Kannada translation by B. Venkatacharya of Yogindra-natha's biography of Ahalya-bai Hol- kar, Rani of Indore.] pp. ii. 100. dj^jiraij ncrr [Mysore, 1899.] 12°. 14176. cc. 7. YOHAN AVETARANIAN. See Avetaeanian (J.). ZIEGLER (Feiedrich). See Bible. — New Testa- ment. — Gospels. [Mark.'] The Gospel of Saint Mark. Revised translation [by F. Ziegler and H. Haigh], etc. 1896. 12°. 14176. a. 70.(1.) See Bible. — New Testament. — (lospels. [Luke.] The Gospel of St. Luke. Revised transla- tion [by F. Ziegler and H. Haigh], e/c. 1900. 16°. 14176. a. 70.(2.) See Hymnals. Canarese Hymn-book, [Edited by J. Grater and F. Ziegler], etc. 1867. 12°. 14176. a, 39. Arithmetical Exercises for Beginners . . . ^raaro^ rirf3S)!p3,:!j'^, ^4 5ro!33»ciclr!?'j. 2 pts. pp. 31, 30. Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, 1869. 12°. 14176. h. 46.(3.) Arithmetical Exercises for use in Lower Grade Schools ... rlEl33jp3„?jd ourosdciraritfj. pp. 16. Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, 1877. 16°. 14176. h. 5.(6.) Canarese School-grammar. ?rosic^ ssussra.s'dts; Prepared by order of the Director of Public In- struction. Third edition. pp. ii. 131. Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, 1866. 12°. 14176. h. 30. Fifth edition, pp. iv. 124. Govt. Srltool- booh Depot : Mangalore, 1872. 12°. 14176. h. 61.(1.) Method of teaching Arithmetic to Be- ginners. fl!r^^553,oi). pp.100. Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, 1870. 12°. 14176. h. 46.(4.) ADDENDA. AMARAYYA, Narahapuri. Si^s&Ss^rSger tT^Ke-. [Pararaa-raliasya-ratnavali. A Telugu catechism on topics of Saiva mysticism (pp. 4-36), followed by some devotional poems in Kannada (pp. 36- 50).] pp. 50 ; 1 I'JO'ie. 2^^^Q [Bcllar,,, 1908.] ohl. 16°. 14174. a. 45. ANANDA-TIRTHA (MadhvIchabya). See [Ad- denda] Badabayana. Ij? . . . Ijfdjrf, CO jira^epasi. [Bralima-sutra. With the commeutary of Auanda- tirtlia, rendered into Kannada.] 1908, etc. 8°. [Tattva-pralcdsilce.] 14177. b. 23. ■ [Lifu.l See Padma-nabhachakya, K. M. ■zrtH^iZ(f'i^HdkVi\HAH^ qo [Madhva- vijaya- kath.i- mriia.] [19U8.] 8°. 14177. b. 22.(1.) AUGUSTINE, Saint, Bishop of IIlppo. The Con- fessions of Saint Augustine ^'^\,c^ vZ^i^^o [Trans- lated into Kannada by P. Veda-mitra, assisted by Arul-dasappa.] pp. xii. 235. Wesley an Mission Press: Bamjalore, Mysore [printed], 1909. 12°. 14176. aa. 1. BADARAYANA. 5,? . . . l.'.^ri^.-^i^-^i.x^s^,. [Brah- ma-sutra. With the commentary of Ananda-tlrtha, rendered into Kannada.] See [Addenda] Perio- dical Pdblications. — Kavufalam. ^^.sItoS^ . . . (Tatvaprakasika), etc. 1908, etc. 8°. In progress. 14177. b. 23. BANKIM-CHANDRA CHATTOPADHYAYA. See Venkatacharya, B. A?33035io. [Sita-ratna. A novel, founded upon the work of that name by Bankim-chaudra.] [1901.] 8°. 14177. c. 8. ??;ijo353o^ [Kamala-kanta. A series of liurnorous literary sketches. Adapted into Kan- nada by B. Venkatacharya from the Bengali. Second edition] pp. ii. 5i. Mysore, 1909. 16°. 14176. cc. 18. BANKIM-CHANDRA CHATTOPADHYAYA {cnn- tinued). b'.jsI too;^?J erooaje^i — riJ.Sii;^, [Krishna-kiin- tana Will. A novel. Rendered into Kannada by B. Venkatacharya from the Bengali.] pp. ii. 216. Mysore, 1909. 8°. 14177. c. 27. A separate issue of the Kamataka Granthamala Series, no. 50. BASAVA-LINGA SVAMI, Chara-mFirti, of Hosa Math, Mysore. See [Addenda] Mummadi R.\ja. |,e . . . ^;drio23?SRoiJJ [Veda-saujiviniyu. Edited by Basava-liiiga.] [1909.] 8°. 14177. b. 3. See VisVABADHYA. ajdS^d . . . bSsdczS^^Js [Siva-pancha-stava. Edited with Kannada trans- lation of the hymns by Basava-liiiga.] 1908. 8°. 14028. bbb. 21. BESCHI (CosTANzo GiosEPFO EosEBio). Nagega- dalu. [Adapted] by R. Narasimhachar . . . srlrl:^yj. Second edition. pp. i. 112. Bangalore, 1009. 12°. 14176. cc. 20. BIBLE. — Old Testament. — Pentateuch. Tlic Penta- teuch in Canarese. [A tentative edition by the Committee of Missionaries.] Madras Auxiliary Bible Society : Wesleynn Mission Press: Bangalore, 1857. 12°. 3070. i. 8. No pagination ; the sheets hear the signatures A — M, [A] — 2 M. The Genesis is the edition of 1856. E.Kodus. Draft translation [by E. P. Rice] for the use of the Revision Committee. Sjs?- pp. i. 92. Bangalore Aivxiliary Bible Society : Basel Mission Press : Maugalore, 1909. 8°. 14176. b. 56. CHANDRA-SEKHARA SASTRI, MaisUm Vidyartlii (Vknkata-nkisimha). jp:;lijio!oired3r ejKd^ziai,. Bheemainahimadarsa. The life of Bhecinascua [the epic hero, compiled from the Mahii-bharata 203 ADDENDA 20JI and otber legendary literature,] with a short history of the Mahabharata. pp. ii. 166, 2. Mysore, 1909. 8°. 14177. c. 26. The title is from the cover. DANDI. 555ra^oi)?3j3^3,o. [Anamaya-stotram. A Saiva Sanskrit hymn in 32 stanzas, traditionally said to have been composed by Dandi when afflicted with leprosy. With Visvaradhya's com- mentary, and a Kannada translation.] See Vis- VARADHYA. SsdS^ji . . . irfSozi^ds [Siva-paficlia- stava.] pp. 181-224. 1908. 8°. 14028. bbb. 21. DASARTJ. Lieder Kanaresischer Sanger. Ueber- setzt von H. Fr. Mogling, etc. (Kanaresischer Text des ersten Dutzend Dasara padagnlu. Zweites Dutzeud [in German and Kannada] .) (Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft. xiver Bd., pp. 502-516, xviiier Bd., pp. 241-261.) 1860, 1864. 8°. See Pukandara Dasa. Ac. 8815/2. (Bd. 14, 18.) DEVAJI SRINIVASA KULKARNI. radssd ^53 od) rfjii) ^iotS^'^^rU'^d drar^oiij. [Dharavada-jilheya mattu Mumbai-karnatakada varnaneyu. A de- scription of Dharwar and North Kanara Districts, Bombay.] pp. 79. zjto^S nrov [Btllnry, 1909.] 16°. 14176. h. 84.(3.) DHARANAPPA MAKAPPA BARGALE, HuhhaUL See [Addenda] Nemi-chandea Narayana Chavde. !S^?Jci;irar^,;^?rad. [Jaina-dharmamrita-sara. Trans- lated with modifications, and edited by Dharan- appa Bargale.] [1908.] 16°. 14177. a. 11. DICTIONARIES. Dictionarium Canarense Latinum. Ad usum Ma'issurensis Catholici Seminarii. pp. ii. 1008. Bengalori, 1855. 8°. 12906. df. 7. DVARAPALA JINNAPPA JEDI, of Belgaum. o o o '^^oeJ(A^0^5ij'S-5^ liao \\ [Madhva-siddhanta-grantha-malika.] vol. i., etc. 1901, efc. 8°. 14177. bb. 1. (vol. 1, etc.) In progress. JAIMINI. [For Lakshmisa's Jaimini - bharata, adapted from the Asva-medha-parva ascribed to the legendary sage Jaimini, and partly parallel to the Asva-medha-p°. of the Maha-bharata attri- buted to Vyasa :] See Lakshmisa. KANTAPPA SASTRI, V., son of Malle-devar'-ai/i/a, of Naralcanthe Math. S?nsori Jira,?3ra ^ ?JoQoirl^sD . . . ?Sj3,?a3^.;sid,asioi"3;i),^. [Jyotishya-sarva-visha- yamrita. A manual of astrology and cognate modes of divination.] pp. 9, 259; ] plate. Mysore, 1908. 8°. 14176. c. 40. KARKUN (N. B.). Kaekun. See Narayana Bhaskara KITTEL (Ferdinand). A Kannada- English Dic- tionary, pp. 1. 1752. Basel Mission Press : Mangalore, 1894. 4°. 2272. h. 10. KRISHNAJI TRYAMBAKA HAVNUR. djs?E8isayB*si drari^oiiJ. [Rona-talukina varnaneyu. A descrip- tion of Ron Taluk, Dharwar District, Bombay.] pp. 23. ZJOT^O nroT [Bellary, 1909.] 16°. 14176. h. 84.(2.) LAKSHMI-NARASIMHA SASTRI, Vydkarana. See [Addenda] Lamb (C.) and (M. A.), ^t^ hoiiif . . . 5'|rt«;*o Tales from Shakespeare, adapted ... by V. L. Narasimhasastri. 1909. 12°. 14176. d. 65. LAKSHMISA, Dcvapurada Aiinama. Jaiminibha- rata . . . j^^aos zirad^^. pp. iv. 370. Bellary, 1909. 8°. 14176. ff. 11. 205 ADDENDA 20G LAMB (Charles) and (^Iary Ann). sSjb* Jjabo^ ^Ess^acOiod dtS^OTd a':Jrtvj Tales from Sbake- Bpeare, adapted from those written by Charles and Mary Lamb by V. L. Narasiinhasastri. pp. i. i. IGO. Wesleyan Mission Pr ens : Mysore, 1909. 12°. 14176. d. 65. MABEN (P. P.). English Self-guide in Canarese, containing grammatical notes, a vocabulary, and conversations . . . B^^^d "aoftsi) tpssBdJcao rijjon pp. viii. 224. Basel Mission Press ; MunfjaJorc, 1909. 12°. 14176. hh. 3. MAHA ■ BHAEATA. See [Addenda] Chandra- SKKHAKA Sastri. 2p?do^2ojj53!:j5jr . . . Bhcemamahi- madarsa . . . with a short history of the Maha- bharata. 1909. 8°. 14177. c. 26. ^, ^^'s^eJ j&)oli [Bhagavad-gita. San- skrit text, with Kaiinada word-for-word inter- pretation.] See TiR0MALA Rau, ^. ^^)^^%P^o&. ^?r,oaddiya patigalu. Baddi. lirtgabi tadeyuva hiklu. B.lGALU. Bala-gangadhara-tilakara lavani. Krishna Ji Sv.liil- EAU. Balakara gitagalu. Hymnals. Balakara hiudu-desada saukshipta-charitravu. Eama- chandra Hanumant Bevur. Biilakara kannada-pathagala modalane (eradane) pustakavu. Bombay. Balakara modalu voduvantha jiaauopadesavu. Wes- leyan Methodists. Balakaru voda takka pathagalu. Kannada. Bahi-patra. Periodical Publications. — Mangalorc. I'iilaru oduva pathagalu. K.annada. Bala-siksheyu. Weigle (G.). Bala-vyakaranavu. Kannada. Biilopadesa. Eice (B. H.). Balyopadesa. Campbell (C). Baiiasura-natakavu. Sy."vma-r.\u, R. D. Basava-ksbitindra-vamsavali. Shadakshari Mantri. Basava-puranavu. Bhi.ma. Basavesa-pauranavu. Basava-linga. Basavesa-vijaya. Sankakaeadhya. Basel German Mission sabhegala devaradhana-pad- dhati. Liturgies. Basel-misanina suvarta-pakshada sabhegala krama- galu. Basel. Bauddliavatarada kathe. Gunda Sastri. Bayi-leklikhagala pustakavu. Bombay. Bazaar Book. ScUDDER (H. M.). Believe and Live. Hay (J.). ])hadrav' ada abhyangakke ayittav' ag' iruva jnano- padesavu. Catechism. Bhagavad-glta. Mah.a-bharata. [Addenda] JIaha-bh.arata. Bhagavata-purana. Pur.Inas. Bliakta-vijaya. Mahi-pati. Bhakti-rasaj'anavu. Sahajananda. Bhakti-sara. Kanaka Dasa. Bhakti-sudha-rasa. Brahma Sam.aj. Bhanu-sataka. Lakshmi-nrislmha S.Istih, V. Bharata-katha-sangrahavu. IMah.v-bh.Irata. [Ap- pcndix.~\ Bharata-khandada dharma-sthapakaru dharma-sudha- rakaru. Eama-chandea Hanamant Desa- P7VNpE. Bharatha Sangraha. Kum.Ira Vy'asa. Bhartri-hari-subhasliita. Bhartri-haei. Bhasha-maujari [commentary]. Bhatt.Ikalanka Deva. Bhashantara-bodliini. Krishnachar, A. Bhashantara-patha-male. Sangappa Mallappa Ankle. Bhashiya vocabulary. Dictionaries. Bliava-bodhiui [paraplxi-ase]. Siddha-linga Sastri. Bhava-chitita-ratnani. Mallan.arya, G. Bhava-darpana [interpretation]. Venkatach.Irya, A. Bhavyami'ita [in loco]. Bhetala-paSchaviiusati. Vetala-panchavimsati. Bhima-mahimadarsa. [Addenda] Chandea-sekhara S.\STEL Bhojana-kala-nirnaya. Guru-rama Yithala. Bhucthi rasayna. Sahajananda. Bliugolada vivaravu, jyotishavu. Geography. Blmgola-sastra. Madras, Presidency of. Bhiigola-sastrada saiikshepavu. BouTELOUP (A.). Bhugola-sastra, Hiudusthana. KlES (J. G.). Bhugola-sastra-sara. KiES (J. G.). '■ Eice (B. H.). Blmgola-varuaneya modalane pustaka. KiEs(J. G.). Blmgola-vidya modalane pustuka. Bombay. Bhiigola-vidya-sara. KlES (J. G.). Ehiitala Pandya's AHya Sautaua Law. Biiutala Pandya. Bhiita-vidyeyu. Maennee (A.). Bible [in loco']. [Addenda] [in loco]. Bible Stories. Barth (C. G.). Bibliotheca Carnatica [in loco]. Biography of His Highness Sri Chamarajendra Wadiar Bahadur. Singrayya, M. Birth of Clurist. Bible. — New Testament.— Gospels. [Selections.] Blindness cured. Walz (T. M.). Eodhakana sahayaka. Gartihyaite (L.). Book of Common Prayer. Liturgies. Brfihma-dharmauusara. Brahmananda Yogi. Brahma-jiiana-parik.she. Clarkson (W.). ]5rahma-sutra. Badarayana. -. [Addenda] Badarayana. 213 GENERAL INDEX OF TITLES. 214 Brahma-siitra-lihashya [commentary]. [Addenda] AXANDA-TiUTHA. Bralinia-sutiartha-saugraha [commentary]. E.\ma- CHANDRA KaU, P. Bralimottnra-khaiida. I'URANAS. [Skanda-purana^ Brief History of India. NlifAYAXA T. SiR.VLl. Brief Sketch of the History of India. Garrett (J.). I'rihat-katha-nianjari. Rama S.\STRI, GudapaUi. Budlia-jana-mano-raiijani. Padma-raja Paxdita. Burial Sermon ... at the grave of . . . C. Moerike. BlEGER ( ). Biisiya kade-dinagalu. S.mitii (T.). Canarese Almanac. Ephemerides. Canarese Arithmetic. EiCE (B. H.). Canarese-English Pocket Dictionary. [Addenda] Garrett (J.). Canarese First Book. EiCE (B. H.). Canarese Grammar. Kaxsada. Canarese Grammar in Ehyme. Srinivapa KavIsa. Canarese Grammatical Primer. Costa (T.). Canarese Hymn-book. Hymnals. Canarese Hymns for Children. Hymnals. Canarese Informer-. Periodical Publications. — Mangalorc. Canarese Jovirnal. Periodical Publications. — Mangalorc. Canarese Kadambari. B.\XA. Canarese Newspaper. Periodical Publications. — Bdlary. Canarese Panchatantra. Pancha-tantra. Canarese Poetical Anthology. Kittel (F.). Wueeth (G. A.). Canarese Prayers. Weigle (G.). Canarese Primer. Sama-r.vu (J.). Canarese Reading Lessons for Children. Garrett (J.). Eice(B.H.). Canarese School-grammar. K.VNNADA. Ziegler (F.). Canarese School Paper. Periodical Publications. — Belgaum . Canarese Second Book. Tamil. Canarese Sixth Book. Caxdy (T.). Canarese SpelUng Book. Bombay. Canarese Te.\t Book in Poetry for the Matriculation Examination, etc. Kumara V.\LMiKi. Kumara Vyasa. Canarese Tliird Book. Kannada. Tamil. Canarese Yocalnilaiy of some Homonyms and technical "Words. Dictionaries. Carnatca \sic\ Translation of Esop's Fables. Aesop. Catechism \in loco\. Butler (J.). Catechism. Weigle (G.). Catechism of Canarese Grammar. Kies (J. G.). Catechism of English Grammar. Pinnock (W. H.). Catechism of Geography and Astronomy. Geo- graphy. Catechism of Scripture History. Bible. — ApjKndicc. Catechism of the Geogi'aphy and History of Maha- raslitra. Esdaile (D. A.). Catechism of the History of England. Boute- LOur (A.). Catechisms of the Wesleyan Methodists. "Wesley AN Methodists. Chahar darvish \_in loco]. Chalva-narayana-sataka. Alasingeach.\r. Chama-rfijeudra-odeyaravara charitre. Sinorayya, M. Chama-rajendra-odeyaravara vainsa-ratnakara. My- sore. Chama-rajendra-\-ilasavu. Bete-r.Iya DiKSlllTA. Chama-rajokti-vilasa. Yalmiki. Chamatkara-ratna-prabhe. Siva-sankara Sastri, S. Chandd-kausika-natakam. KshemIsvara. Chanda-mfiruta. Lamb (C.) and (M. A.). Chando malike. Srinivasa R.Ighatach.arya. Chandrahasabhyudayam. Venkata-R.Iu, Ronmidihc. C'haudraloka. Jaya-DEVA. Chandraprabha-puranam. Aggala Deva. Chandramukhiya ghatavu. Ais.\ KAIS.I HUA. Chaudravali-kathe. Venkates.\., Poet. Chandravali-prasangavu. Venkath;sa, Poet. Chandra vali-vilasa-uataka. CnAXDR.\.VALT. Chanikya-tantra-chamatkara. Alasingal.Icharya. Channa-basava-puranavu. YiRUP.\KSHA Pandita. Char darvish. Chahar Darvish. Cliarusile-charitre. R.\ma Rau, M. B. Chaturasya-nighantu. Bomma. Chaturdasa-manjarika. Sankar.\CHArya. [Douht/id and St'pposititious TVorks.] Chaturdasa-nompi-kathe. Jains. Cheuna-basavesa-vijayain. Kari-basava S.\.sti;i, A. E. ' ' Chhaudo-malike. SrInivasa Raghavacharya. Chhandombudlii. Naga Yakma, so/i 0/ Vciinam'-aijya. Chid-ananda-liala-lile. Ayyappa. Chieftain's Daughter. Bankim-chandra ChattA- PADIIYAYA. Chika-deva-raja-vijayam. Tirumal'-ayyang.vr. Chika-deva-raya-binnapaiu [anonymous]. Chika Deva R.Iya. Chika-dcva-raya-vainsavali. Tirumal'-ayyang.vk. Chik itsa-prakarana. M.i\i;GA-R.\jA. S.\LVA. Chikka banajigaru. Edgeworth (M.). Chikka-devoiidra-vainsavali [anonymous]. Chika Di":vA Raya. 215 GENERAL INDEX OF TITLES. 216 Cliikkavan' ada Henriyu avana boyiyti. Butt, afterwards Sherwood (M. M.). Cliikkavarige takkantha pathagalu. Garrett (J.). '- EicE (B. H.). Chikkavaru modal' agi patha mada takka veda- bodhane. EiCE (B. H.). Chitra-ketu-riijana kathe. Gueu-e.Iyacharya. Cliiyou-lieiiim. Kanaka (J.). Chora-kathe (Yaksha-gaua). Chora-kathe. Christian Lyrics. Samuel (A.). Christian Names in Canarese. KiES (J. G.). Christlicbe Eeligionslehre. Kurtz (J. H.). Civil Procedure Code. India. Class Book of Natural Theology. Gallaudet (T. H.). Code of Civil Procedure. India. Colenso's Arithmetic. Colenso (J. W.). Collection of Canarese Sermons. Brigel (J. J.) and others. Come to Jesus. Hall (C. N.). Compendious Arithmetic. Arithmetic. Compilation for the Village Police Officers, etc. Narayana Bhaskaka K.Irkun. Confessions of Saint Augustine. [Addenda] Au- gustine, St. Counsels to the Young. Walz (T. M.). Critical . . . notes on the Matiiculatiou Kanarese Text. SUBBA-R.iU, K. Cymbeline. Shakspere (W.). Daily Bread. Bible. — Selections. Daily Text Book. Bihle.— Selections. Daiva-pariksheya. Daiva. Dakshina-kannada . . . grama-udyogasthara kanunu- gala saugrahavu. Krishna-r.Iu, K. Daktar Hasana pravartane. Luethi (B.). Daku-viuiyoga padisuva vidhavannu kurita prasan- gavu. Shortt (J.). Dampatya-sthitiyannu kurit' ada gi-antha-trayavu. Life. Daniel and his Companions (Daniyelu avana jate- gararu). Aaron (D.). Dasa-bodha. Padma-nabha Maha-eaja Talikoti. Dasa-granthi Siva-jiiana-pradipike. VlRANACHAEYA. Dasa-kumara-charitreyu. Dandi. Dasa-ueva-khandane. Samuel (A.). Dasara padagalu. DASARU. De Imitatione Christi. Jesus Christ. Demons. Maenner (A.). Description and History of Karnataka. Venkata Kango Katti- Desi jama-kharchina paddhati. Virupakshappa CiiiNNAPP.l Hull Deva-kriya-suchaka. Gallaudet (T. H.). Dcvala - brahma - bodhaka - vedokta - mula - stambhana. Agamas. [Siddha(/ama.] Devalopanishad. Upanishads. Devanga-charitavu. Muddu-sanga. Devanga - manu - brahma - vedokta - mtila - stambhavu. Benakappa Sastri. Devanga-mata-prakasikeyu. Muddu-sanga. Devanga - saptavatara - nirnaya - veda - saropanishad. Upanishads. DevaraJhana-paddhati. Liturgies. Devara namagalu. Gueu-rama Vithala. Devara vakyada bodhaneya prasnottara. Weigle (G.). Devara vakyada sanna kathegalu. LuETHi (B.). Devaru aiisi tegedaddu tanna bbaktarige uttamav' agide. Simpson (D.). Deva-sahaya Pilleyavara charitreyu. Saint-Cye (L.). Deva-vakya-charitregalannu prasnottaragalinda sari- kshepav' agi torisuva pustakavu. Bible. — Appendix. Deva-vakyada vachana-manjari. Bible. — Selections. Deva-vakya-dvipanchasat. Baeth (C. G.). Deva-vakya-siddhantagalannu kurita prasaugagala sankshepavu. Theology. Deva-vakyodaharana-sangrahavu. Ehenius (C.T.E.). Deva-vicharane. Moegling (H. F.). Devi Chaudhurani. Bankim-ghandea Chatto- padhyaya. Dharavadada vakilara vamane. Channa-basava, son of Basava-linga. Dharavada-jilheya mattu Mumbai-karnatakada var- naneyu. [Addenda] Devaji Sriniv.asa Kul- KAENI. Dharma-pada (Dhamma-p°.). Sutta-pitaka. Dharma-pala-charitre. Sama-eau, N. Dharma-parikslie. Chandea-s.\gara Varni. Dharma-sarmabhyudayam. Hari-chandea. Dialogues in Kanada and English. Dialogues. Dictionarium Canarense Latinum. [Addenda] Dictionaeies. Dictionary, Canarese and English. Eeeve (W.). Dictionary, Carnataca and English. Eeeve (W.). Dictionary, English and Carnataca. Eeeve (W.). Dilipa-charite. Kalidasa. pilli-patnada rakta-sakshi. Maetvr. Dinada rotti. Bible. — Selections. Dipada Kaliyara kavyavu. Channa Mallesa. Discipline in Elementary Schools. Eama li.vu, K. Divya-matrikeyu. Jesus Cheist. Doctrines of the Christian EeUgion. Kurtz (J. H.). Doi-esaniyannu dadiyannu kuritantha kathe. Butt, afterwards Sherwood (M. M.). Draupadi-charitre. Eanga-dasa, S. Draupadi-mana-rakslianavu. GuRU-EAMA Vithala. Draupadi-svayanivara-nataka. Puttanna. — Sivappa Sastei. Dridliikaranada prasnottara. Weigle (G.). 217 GENEEAL INDEX OF TITLES. 218 Durgesa-nandini. Bankim-chandra Chattupa- DIIYAYA. Durvasa-charitre. Guru-rama Vithala. Dvadasa-inanjarika. Sankaraciiarva. [Doubtful and Supposititious Works.^ Dvatrimsat-salabhanjika-kathegalu. Vikramarka. Dvi-iuata-parikshe. Hinduism. Dyuta-parva-katha. Guru-r.\ma Vithai-a. Easy Lessons in English and Canarese. English. Eka-nfitlia-sadlnigala charitramu. Guru-basappa Fakik-appa Halakatti. Elementary Sanskrit Grammar. Vatsa (C). Elementary Text Book of Sanatana Dharma. Be- nares. — Central Hindu Collcije. Elements of Canarese Grammar. Campbell (C). Elements of English Grammar. English. Elements of Geography. Bouteloup (A.). PacE (B. H.). Elements of Geometry. Euclid. Elijah the Prophet, or Jehovah and the Idols. Bible. — Old Testament. — Selections. Empress Nurjahan. Eama-chandra Hanamant Desapande. English and Canarese Instructor. Bouteloup (A.). ?>nglish and Canarese Vocabulary of familiar Words. Dictionaries. English-Canarese Dialogues together with forms of letters, etc. Vatsa (C). English Primer. Garthwaite (L.). MULIYIL (J.) and Kuriyan (J.). English Self-guide in Canarese. [Addenda] Maben (P. P.). English translation of the Kannada Bharata San- graha. Kumara Vyasa. Ephesiaus. Bible. — New Testament. — Epistles. Epigraphia Carnataca. Mysore, Govt. of. Epistles (Ephesians, Philippians, St. James, Peter, Romans). Bible. — New Testament. — Epistles. Epitome of the Bilde. Bible. — Appendix. Eppattu kathegala pustakavu. Kath.v-saptati. Eradane juanopadesada prasnottaragalu. Wesley'AN ilKTIIODlSTS. Eradane prasnottara-bodhe. Catechism. E-sop's Fables. Aesop. Essay on the Second Marriage of Hindoo Widows. Brahman. Essays on Kannada Grammar. IiAGHU-n.\tha Rau. Essence of the Bible. Rice (B. H.). Eternal Wisdom. Samuel (A.). Evidences of the Christian Revelation. Rhenius (C. T. E.). Exodus. ISiBLE. — Old Testament. — Pentateuch. [Addenda] BiBLE. Fall of Chandramnklii. Ais.v KAlS.v IIU.\. Fatalism. Walz (T. M.). First Book of Lessons. Garthwaite (L.). First Book of Lessons in Canarese. Bojibay. First Book of Sanskrit. Rama-krishna Gop.vla Bh.Ind.vrkar. First Canarese-English Translator. Graeter (A.). First Canarese Instructor. Weigle (G.). First Catechism. Catechism. Weigle (G.). Weslkyan Methodists. First Geography. Geography. First History of England. Garrett (J.). Five Hundred Indian Plants. Stolz (C.) and Plebst (G.). Flattich's Household Rules. Flattich (J. F.). Folk-songs of Southern India. GovER (C. E.). Founders & Reformers of Religion in India. R.vma- chandra Hanamant Dpisapande. Full Notes on Kavyapunja. Lakshmana Bhatji. Full notes on the Matriculation Kanarese Text, etc. SrInivas'-aiyang.vr, B. Gada-yuddliam. Ranna. Gadhamrita-kalasavu. Walz (T. M.). Gagana-taravali. Niran.jan.\vadhuta. Gajendra-mokshavu. PuR.\NAS. [Bhcyavata-puruiia. ] Ganitabhyasada udaharanegalu. Ziegler (F.). Ganita-nyaya. Ziegler (F.). Ganitarnava. Lakshmi-Pat'-aiyya. Ganita-sahgraha. Krishnaji Ananta Jak.\t. Ganita-sastrada sankshopavu. Arithmetic. Ganita-vidyavu. RicE (B. H.). Garuda-purana. PuRANAS. Gauda - siirasvata - brahmanakhyana. V-lSUDEVA Syanabhaga. Gayyaliyannu sadhu-maduvike. Soma-nath'-ayya, 7/. Gazetteer of the P.onibay Karnatik. Bombay. Gellert's Hymn (Uellortana gita). Gellekt (C. F.). General History. Rice (B. H.). Genesis. Bible. — Old Testament. — Pentateuch. Geographical Primer. Kies (J. G.). Gitagalu. Hymnals. Ciitartha-saravu. Mah.\-BH.\KATA. Gochara-phala-darpana. VirCp.Iksiia S.v.stri, T. M.. and Guru-siudha S.\stri. God's Choice the best for His People. Simpson (I).). (iokarna-varnane. PUR.VNAS. [Skanda-punma ^\ Go-lakshana [in loco\. Good Way. Layer (J.). Good Words. Vatsa (S.). Gospels. I'.IBLK. — New Tednment. Go-vrishabhadigala saiurakshana-vaidyadigiila kra- mavu. Ganap'-ayya, Ch. Grama-nuinasiplia va patolara kanun. Village MUNSIFES. 219 GENERAL INDEX OF TITLES. 220 Grama-udyogasthara kantinugala sangraliavu. Kkish- NA-K.VU, K. Grammar of the Ancient Dialect of the Canarese Language. Kittel (F.). Grammar of the Ivanuada Language in English. Kittel (F.). Grammatical Vocaliulary in English and Canarese. R-VMA-SAMI, M. (iriha-vastu-darpana. Sanat-kumara. Guide to Kannada-English-Hindustani Conversation. Kaxnada-English-Hixdusta^i Conversation. Gul i bakavali. Syama-r.a.u, R. D. Guru-hhajane-paddhati. Sankara Bh.Irati. Guru-stotra. Nirvana Siva-yOgi. Habha sangyagala vyakhyauavu. EoME, CJiurch of. Hadiliadeya dharmam. Hosnamma. Haidar-nama. Appanna Setti. Hala-gannada-vyakarana-sutragalu. Kittel (F.). Halayudha-stotrara. [Addenda] Hal.a.yudha. Hale - kannadada sankshepa - vyakarana - siitragalu. Kittel (F.). Hale-veda-hosa-vedada sankshepavu. Bible. — Ap- 2}cndLx. Haliyala-talfikina varnane. Eama-krishna Manja- n.\tha Gokarxkar. Halli-sakunavu. Basappa Annajevali. Hamsa-virnsati-kathegalii. Lakshmi-pati, Dh. Handbook of Canarese Proverbs. Narasinga E.\u, Ubhayada. Hanumad-vilasavu. Tippax.Irya. Hari-bliakti-sara. Kanaka D.asa. Hari-kathamrita-sara. Jagannatha E.Iya. [Addenda] Jagann."vtha E.AYA. Harischandra-charitre. Anant.Icharyulu, K. Harischandra-kavyam. Eaghavanka. Harischandra-maha-rayana charitreyu. Mah.vnta Desika. Harischandra-natakam. Sakkaea Sastpj, M. Harsha-charitam. B.ana. Hatamana manorama-eharitravu. Hatim T.v'i. Havyaka - dra vida - brahmanara utpattiya itihasa vu. PuRANAS. [Skanda-imrdna.'] Heart Book \in loco]. Help in acquiring a Knowledge of the English Lan- guage. Eeid (J.). Ilema-chandra-raja-vilasa. SilAKSPERE (W.). Hindu - charitra - saugraha. SkInivas' - ai yangar, M. Bh., and Puttanna, M. S. Hindu-desada charitra-sangraha. Garkett (J.). Hindu-desada charitravu. Morris (H.). Hiudu-desada charitre. Maksden (E.). Hindii-desada janaru mata naduva paddhati. SrI- nivas'-aiya. Hindu-desada saiikshipta-charitravn. E.\ma-chandi:a Hanumant Bevur. Hindii-dharma-sastravu (Hindu Law). Hanamant Yenk.\t£sa Ciiinna.mulgund. Hinduism and Christianity contrasted. Hinduism. Hindu-janaralli pati-hinar' ada strirugalige punar- vivahav' aga takka vishaya. Brahman. Hindustanada itihasa-sara. PoPE (G. U.). Hindustanada sankshipta-itihasavu. Vieupa- KSHAPPA ChINNAPP.I HuLI. Hindusthanada sahkslupta-itihasavu. Narayana T. SiR.VLI. Hindu -vaidya-sastravu. Subrahmanya Sastri, V.O.V. ' Historiie Veteris et Novi Testamenti Compendium. Bible. — Appendix. History of England. MORRIS (H.). History of India. Marsden (E.). Morris (H.). ■ X.AR.lYANA T. SlR.\LI. Srinivas'-aiyang.ar, M. Bli., and Puttanna, M. S. History of Joseph. Joseph. History of little Henry and his Bearer. Butt, afterwards Sherwood (M. M.). History of little William. Willla.m. History of Mahomed. Walz (T. M.). History of the Church. Eeeve (J.). History of the Preformation. Ananda-kaya Kaun- piNYA (H.). Hitopadesa [m loco]. Holy Bible. Bible. Horag' ondu olag' ondu. Walz (T. M.). Hosa-gannada-nudi-chandrike- vyakarana. SrIni- v.\SA KavIsa. Hosa-gannada-nudi-gannadi. Krishnam-ACH.arya, Srlrafujapatnada. Hosa-gannada-vyakaranavu. Ananta Siva-kama Mudbhatkal. Hosa-paddhatiya bhumitiyu. Padma-n.Ibha San- kara Chand.Ivarkar. How Joseph, the Shepherd-boy, liecame a Prime Minister. Vatsa (C.) and Walz (T. M.). Hridaya-darpana. Heart Book. Hubballi-suligeriya varnane. Channa-basava, son of Basava-lihija. Hyder Nameh. Appanna Settl Hymns. Hymnals. Identity of Popery and Heathenism. N.ana-sikh.I- MANI Pillai. Idolatry [in loco]. I"Cfappa-Hegade-vivaha-prahasana. Iggappa Hegade. Ijiptara charitre. Eanoji ElU. Ikkada Maraiyana charitreyu. Mahanta Desika. 221 GENERAL INDEX OF TITLES. •>V2 Ikkattina bagalu. Anstey (G.). Illustrated Cauaiese Joumal. Peuiodical PUBLI- CATIONS. — Mangalorc. Indian Divorce Act. India. Indian I'lants and Drugs. Krishna-RAU M. Nad- karnI. Indira. Bankim-ciiaxdea Ciiattop.\diiy.\ya. Indira Bai. Venkata-kau, G. Indiya mattu anya-desada vartika. Periodical PuiiLlCATlONS. — Mcmgalore. Indra-sablia-natakavu. GuRU-R.\u PiAGHAVENDRa Mamd.IpCr. Ingland-desada charitravu. MonuiS (H.). liigland-desada charitre. Garrett (J.). Ingland-siuieya cliaritreya prasnottarav' ada sankshe- paVU. BOUTELODP (A.). Inglislia-bhasheyalli bareda hosa-gannada-vyakara- navu. Ananta Siva-rama Mudbiiatkal. liiglisli-bhasheyannu kalitu kolluvadakke . . . jiaf lia- ga]u. BouTELOUP (A.). Inglish -lihfisheyannu sadhisuvadakke sahayavu. I;eu) (J.). Inglish . . . kannada . . . nighantu. IiAMA-S.\Ml, M. liigli.sli-karnataka-vaidya-chintamani. Eaja-gOp.\la PiLLAI. Inglishu-kannada-sambliashana-vakyagal u. Vatsa (C). liiglisliu-vyakarana-prasnottara-pustakavu. I'lN- NOCK (W. H.). Inglish-vyakaranavu. Englipu. Instructiijii for Youth. PiiCE (15. II.). Campbell (G.). In whom shall we trust ? Candy (T.). iraru patrike. MoEGLiNG (H. F.). Isavasyopanishad. Upanisiiads. Isopana niti-kathegalu. Aesop. Jagaunatha-parikshe. Jagannatiia. Jagannatha-vijayani. EuDKA Biiatta. Jagattina itihasa-saravu. History. Jaimini-blulrata. Lakshmisa. . [Addenda] LaksiimIsa. Jaina-dharmamrita-sara. [Addenda] Nemi-chandka N.\r..\YANA Ciiavde. Jakhmi janara turtu cliikitsa. Noronha (G. G.). Jala-silpi halli-sakunavu. Basappa Ann."\.jevali. Jamunabai's Wanderungen. B.\ba Padman.jI. Janniantara-viclifirane. Mullens (J.). Janinantaropadesavu. Vatsa (C). Japada pustuljavu. Liturgies. Jati-vicharane. MoEGLiXG (H. F.). Jaya-nripa-kavyam. Manga-rasa. Jaya-siniha-raja-charitam. Nanjappa. Jaya-sunlia-raja-cluiritro. Shakspeue (W.). Jewel Mine of Salvation. I{.\ma-r.\iMA Vasu. Jhansi-sainsthilnada niaha-rani Lakshvni-1 layi-salu"- bala charitre. Dattatkkya Balvaxt 1'.\- kasnIs. Jiliaugirana cliaritravu. Gane.SA-R.vu (P.). Jina-muni-tanaya. Naga-CHANDRA. Jincndra-mala. Upendr.\charya. Jivandhara-charitram. A''adIbha-simiia. Jivantya-smarane. B.\B.i Padmanji. Jnana-bodhakavu. Besciii (C. G. E.). Jiiiina-darpana pada-sangraha. SuBBANNA Prap.ih". Jnana-kirtanegalu. Samuel (A.). Jfiaua-marga-suchane. Layer (J.). Jnana/-sanjivi. Samuel (A.). Jnana-sindlui. Chid-ananda Avadiiuta. Jiiana-vasishtha-saravu. Narasimha Pauranika. Jfiana - yoga- tarangini. Yoga - v.Isisiitha - r.vm.'v - yana. Juanopadesavu. BuTLER (J.). catechis.m. Wesleyan Methodists. John. Bible. — Nmo Testament. Jonah. Bible. — Old Testament. Jvara-vivaranavu. Jagannatham N.Iyadu. Jyotisha-sakuna-sangi'aha. Subrahmanya S.\stri, F. 6. V. Jyotishavu. CrEOGRAPHY. Jyotishya-sarva-vishayfiuirita. [Addenda] Kan- TAPPA Sastri. Kabbigara kai-pidi. Kannada. LiNGA, Mantri. Kabbigara kavam. Andayya. Kadambari. Bana. Kadambari-kathe. B.\NA. Kadcge vajiran' ada Yosephan' emba yuva-gopfda- ' ratua. Vatsa (C.) and Walz (T. M.). Kaivalya-kalpa-vallari. Sappanna Sv.\ml Kaivalya-nava-nitavu. Sankarananda. Kaivalya-paddhati. Nija-guna Siva-yogi. Kaladu hoda kuri, etc. BiDLE. — New Testament. — Gospels. [Z »/.:<:.] Kfila-jnauavu. K.\LA. Kalanirita. K.Ila. Kala-tattva-viveka-vallari. Kala. Kaliivati-parinayain. Y.Idava Karbiga. Kali-dharnui-Lodhini. Bkte-R.Iya DiKSilITA. Kalyana-gita-maiijari. Ski-krisiina Brahma-tantra Pahak.\la-yati. Kamala-kanta. [Addenda] BiVNKi.M-ciiANDRA Ciiat- topaduyaya. Kamalilksha-Padniagandliiya kathe. Venkatksa BlliMA-R.\U BlIANlUVAU. Kampeni-natakain. Kama-sesha Sastki, J/. Kanaka-dfisara kathe. Guku-R.\ma Vitiiala. Kanaka-hilfi-parinaya. Ski-kantiia S.Istri, N. 223 GENEEAL INDEX OF TITLES. 224 Kanakaugi-kalj-anada kathe. Asvattha-narayaxa Sastki. Kanarese First Book. Pandu-ranga Venkatesa Chint.amanipethkar. Kanarese Fourth Book. Bombay. Kanarese History of India. Seinivas'-aiyangar, M. Bh., and Puttakxa, M. S. Kanarese Hymns. Hymnals. Kanarese Second Book. Pandu-eanga Venkatesa CllINTAMANirETHKAR. Kanarese, Telugu, Tamil, English, & Hindustani Vocabulary. Dictionaries. Kanarese Text for the Matriculation Examination, etc. Academies, etc — Madras. — University of Madras. KuMARA Vyasa. Kanarese Third Book. Gangadhara Madivale- SVARA TURAMARI. Kanchi-siddhanta-puranavu. Subbannacharya. Kannada Ananda-ramayanavu. Tirumalarya, »S'. Kannada arane pustakavu. Candy' (T.). Kannada Arati-sangraha. Sankaea Narayana KOPPIKAR. Kannada Bala-vyakarana. CoSTA (T.). Kannada Bala-vyakarana dvitiya prasnottara-sam- vada. KiES (J. G.). Kannada - barahada - varnagalu. E.\ma - CHANDRA Skinivasa Kulkarni. Kannada Bhagavad-gite. Maha-biiarata. Kannada Bharata. Kumara Vy'ASA. Kannada-bhashantara-mala. Krishnaciiarya, T. R. Kannada-chhandassu. Naga Varma, son of Ven- nam'-ayya. Kannada Dasa-kumara-charitreyu. Dandi. Kannada-English Dictionary. [Addenda] Kittel(F.). Kannada-English School-dictionary. Bucher (J.). Kannada eradane pustaka. Pandu-r^vnga Ven- katesa Chintamanipethkar. '— Tamil. Kannada-gadegala modalane pustuka. Padma-raja I'ANDITA. Kannada-gadegalu. Moegling (H. F.). Kannada-gadya-sangrahavu. Kannada Prose. Kannada-ihglish-hindusthani bhasha-mailjari. Kan- nada-English-Hlsdustani Conversation. Kannada-iuglish modalane bhashantara-pustakavu. Geaeter (A.). Kannada - inglishu - bliasha - man jari. [Addenda] Maben (P. P.). Kannada -kai-pidi. DhondO Narasimha Mul- b.'vgal. Kannada-kaviteya eradane pustaka. Gangadhara Madivalesvara Turamuri. Kannada-kaviteya eradane pustakada anvayarthavu. Sanjiva Venkatesa Parvati. Kannada-kaviteya modalane pustakada anvayar- thavu. Siva-linga Sv.iMi. Kannada-kaviteya . . . pustakada arthavu. IlANU- MANT Sanjiva Sagara. Kannada-laghu-vyakarana. Venkata Eango KattL Kannada modalane pustaka. Pandu-ranga Ven- katesa Chintamanipethkar. — '- ' EicE (B. H.). Kannada murane pustaka. Gangadhara Madi- valesvara Turamari. Tamil. Kannada-nudi-hidi. LUETHI (B.). Kannada Nursery-Alphabet. Eama-chandra Sri- NivASA Kulkarni. Kannada Panchadasi. Sayana. Kannada Panchangavu. Ephemerides. Kannada-pathagala eradane pustakavu. PuTTANNA, M. S. ' ' ' Kannada-pathagala modalane pustakavu. Gartii- waite (L.). Kannada-pathagala modalane (eradane, murane, nalkane) pustakavu. Bombay'. Kannada-pathagala murane pustakavu. Kittel(F.). Kannada Patra-vyavahilra-bodhini. Abaji Eama- chandra Savant. Kannada Penman's Guide. Maben (T. G.). Kannada Prasahgagalu. Brigel (J. J.) and others. Kannada Eamayana. Valmiki. Kannada Sala-vyakarana. Kannada. Ziegler (F.). Kannada Samacharavu. Periodical Publications. — Bcllary. Kannada-sisu-bodha-varna-male. Eama-chandra Seinivasa Kulkarni. Kannada Torave-ramayana. Kumara Valmiki. Kannada Vachana-kadambari. B.\NA. Kannada-vyakarana-sangrahavu. Kannada. Kannada-vyakarana-saravu. Campbell (C). Kannada Writing Letters. Eama-chandra Sri- NiVASA Kulkarni. Kanunu-sangraha. SuBBANNACHARY'AR. Kanya-vikrayada parinamavu. Iggappa Hegade. Kanya-vitantu. Taylor {Sir H.). Karavara-taliikina varnane. Eama-krishna Manja- NATHA GOKARNKAR. Karkala-charitre. Padma-raja Pandita. Karnata-l:>harata-katha-manjari. Kum.Iea Vy.Isa. Karnata Bharatha Sangraha. KuM.VRA Vyasa. Karnata-lihashakarani. JaY'ARAYACHary'A. Karnata-bhasha-vishayavu. Krishnachaeya, G. V. Karnataka Avanti-sundari-parinayavu. Eama- krishnacharya. 225 GENERAL INDEX OE TITLES. 226 Kaniiltuka-hlmsha-Lhushana. X.lGA Vauma, son of l)diiiodara. Karniitaka-l ihasha-vyilkaranopatiyasa-manjari. Ea- GHU-.NATIIA liAU. Karnataka Cluiuda kousika uatakam. Kshemi- SVAltA. Karnataka Chandraloka. Jaya-deva. Kanifitakada varnaneyu ilihasavu. Venkata Eango Katti. Karnataka Grantha-niale. Periodical Publica- Tioxs. — Mjisorc. Karnataka Kadanibari. Bana. Kamataka-kavi-charite. Narasimhachar, R. A., and Narasimhachar, S. G. Karnataka Kavya-kala-uidhi [in loco\ Karnataka Kavya-Lakshana-saravu. Yenkata- RAMANA PiAU, K. Karnataka Kavya-male. KiTTEL (F.). Karnataka Kavya-manjari \in loco]. Karnataka Na.^ananda-natakam. Harsha-DEVA. Karnataka-ninliantu. Kaxnada. Karnfitaka-pruk-kavya-malike. Wuekth (G. A.). Karnataka Priyadarsika-natike. Harsha-DEVA. Karnataka IMmayana-iiatakani. Ayya Sastri, »S. Kaniataka-sabdanusasanaiu. ]!hattakalanka Deva. Kamataka-sabda-sarani. Kannada. Karnataka Saraiigadhara-natakavu. Guru-sid- dappa. Karnataka Sausha-vijayam. "Sundara-raja Bhatta- chakva. Karnataka Udbhijja-sastra. Sesh.vdei Ayyangar. Karnataka-vag-vidhayini. Mysore, Govt. of. Karnataka Yeni-saiuliara,. Narayana Bhatta. Karnatak6iiniatta-ra;^liavain. Bhaskara Bhatta. Karnata-sabda-maSjari. Mari Tontad'-arya. Kasi-khandavu (Kasi-kanda, Ka.si-kshetra - malia - tmeyu). Pur.\nas. [Skanda-2mru/ja.] Kilsi-nirit-i-nidksha-nirnaya. Suresvarach.\rya. Katha-iuale. BuTT, afterwards SiiEUWOOD (M. M.). KiTTEL (F.). Katha-manjarl. Tandava-raya Mudaliyar. Katha-aai'igralia. Sandeusox (D.). Katha-sa]:)tati [in loco]. Kathegalu. KiES (J. G.). Kavi-kantba-hiirain. SuRYA Kavi. Kavi-kuujai-a-lilavati. Nemi-CHANDRA. Kavi-raja-marga [in loco]. Kavi-samayani. ]1.\.\i.vnuj'-ayyang.\r, M. A. Kaviteya modalane pustakavu. GuRU-R.\u Vithala MoHRE. Kavya-kalpa-druniam. Periodical 1'ublications. — Banijalorc. Kavya-lakshana-.'iaravn. Vexkata-ramana Eau, K. Kfivya-nianjari. KiTTEL (F.). Kavya-punja. Mack (J.). Kavya-puuJa-.sabdarUiavali. Laksii.maxa Bhat.ii. Kavyarthasaya-boJliini [commentary]. Siva-.san- KARA S.lsTRl, Bciigaluru Siddhdtiti. Kavya-saraiii. ViDY.'vNANDA. Kavyavalokanani. Naga VaRiMA, son of Ddmodara. Kenopaniisliad. Upanishads. Kesari-vilasavu. Yexkata-subb.I 1;.\u, R. Kliagendi'a-mani-darpana. Manga-k a.j a . Kichaka-vadlie. PiAXGA-D.\SA, S. Kiiachil-saiikslR'pa-ramayanavti. Vira-NARAYANA. King Lear. Siiakspeee (W.). Kirana-malike. ScuDDER (H. M.). Kirtanegalu. Anstey (L.). Bible. — Old Testament. — Psalms. Kisamwar Glossary. Narasixga Eau, Ullal. Knowledge of the Supreme Spirit. Kittel (F.). Kodagara kulacliaradi-tattvojjivini. Appayya. Kodagu-desada varnane. Graeter (A.). Kodagu-gadegalu. Veil (J. F.). Koda-talukiua vamane. EuDRAYYA VIra-bha- drayy7\.. Kodava-padima. Veil (J. F.). Koslitakavu. Bhikaji Hari S.Imanta. Kotturu-basavesa-pauraiiavu. Basava-LIXGA. Kraista-dharma-boJhane. KuRTZ (J. H.). Kraista-gitagalu. Hymnals. Kreistasabheva Eagagalu. Hymnals. Krishna and Christ compared (Krishna Krista ivara hechchu-kadimc). B.VB.v Padmax.ii. Krishna-bodhamritavu. SESililciIALA N.lYUpU. Krishna-charitre. Kanaka Dasa. Krislina-goj»i-vilasam. Krishna. Krishna-kautana Will (mriti-patra). [Addenda] P>ankim-chandra Chattopadhyaya. Krishna-katha-sara-saiigraha. Krishna-raja Ode- YAR, Mummadi. Krishna- raja -vadeyaravara pattabhisheka-charitre, Kj-islina-raja-vadoyaravara . . . Vanada-pratfipa- kuniari - bayi - malia - duviyavara - p;mnayav«. I'ADMA-RAJA PaNDITA. Krislina-raja-vani-vilasa. Mah.v-bii.\rata. I'URAXAS. Krishnashtami-vichara. Krishna Vasudeva Buatta. Krishniivatarada katlio. Gunda S.vstrl Krishna-vijaya. Eama-chandra. Kristu-nilthara anusaravu. Jesus Christ. Kshatra-chiidamani. VadIbha-SIMHA. Kulachara-pariksho. Caste. Kumaropadesa. Catechism. Knsumakara. Annaji Eau, M. R. Lakslnni-ljuyi-sahebaja charitre. Dattatreya Bal- VANT I'ARASNIS. Last Days of Boosy. Smith (T.). Q 227 GENERAL INDEX OF TITLES. 228 Lehrbuch der Heiligen Gescliichte. Kurtz (J. H.). Lessons on Health. Berneks (J.). Lieder Kanaresischer Sanger. Purandara Dasa. Life and Adventures of Eoljiuson Crusoe. Defoe (D.). Life of Dr. Haas. Luethi (B.). Life of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. Victoria. Life of Hyder Ali. Appanna Setti. Life of Jehangir. Ganesa-r.Iu (P.). Light of the World. Hutcheon (J.). Lilavati. Nemi-chandra. Line upon Line. Mortimer (F. L.), 3frs. Lingaitisin examined (Lingayata - mata - vichiira). Chinnappa (C). Linguistic Survey of India. India. . Linguist's Self-instructor. Eanga-svami E.lu. Little Henry and his Bearer. Butt, afterwards Sherwood (M. M.). Liturgie der Evangelisch Deutschen Missionskirche in Indien. Liturgies. Liturgy of the Basel German Evangelical Mission Churches, etc. Liturgies. Loka-charitravu. HuBER (J.). Loka-charitre. EicE (B. H.). Lokada belaku. HuTCilEON (J.). Lokaradhya- mallikarjuna - panditaradhya - charitam. Guru-raja. Loka-vyavahara-bodhini. Maben (T. G.). . Lukanu bareda suvarte. Bible.— New Testament. — Gospels. [L7(7cc.] Luke. Bible. — Neio Testament. Lyrics. Anstey (L.). Slacbeth. Shakspere (W.). Madagascar, its Mission and its Martyrs. Kamsika (P. G.). Madana- mohana-raja - charitravu. Siva - sankara Sastri, Beiigaluru Siddhanti. — Venkata-rama Sastri, R. Madana-sundari-svayamvara. Ann.ui Varnaru. ]\Iadana-vijaya. Andayya. Madhavana charitre. Guru-eama Vithala. ]Madhavi-lata. Sanjiva-ciiandra Ciiattopadhy.\va. iladhva-siddhanta-dipika. Periodical Publica- tions. — Madras. Madhva - siddhanta - grantha - malika. Tirumala Eau, a. Madhva-siddhanta-sara. Guru-eama Vithala. Madhva-vijaya. Narayana, son of Trivikrama. Madhva-vijaya-bhamini. Narayana, so7i of Trivi- krama. Madhva-vijaya-kathamrita. Padma-N.Ibhacharya K. M. iladliwa praljandha mala. Madhvas. Maha-1 iharata [in loco]. Maha-bharata-tatparya-nirnaya. Ananda-tIrtha. Maha-kallatanada saugati. Spurgeon (C. H.). Mahammadana charitravu. Walz (T. M.). Mahammada Sukriya charitre. Avetaranian (J.). Mahammadiya lavina saiigrahavu. Sathakupa- CHARLU, V. Maha-purana. Guna-bhadra Ach.Irya. ("sangraha). Jina-sena. Maha-rajaravara vachana. Guru-linga Jangama. Maha-rashtra-varnane-charitregala prasnottaragalu. ESDAILE (D. A.). Mahesvari-upadrava-vivechaka-bodhini. Arogyam PiLLAI. Mahimnah-stotram. Pushpa-danta. Mahisura-sriman-maha-raja-chama-rajendra-odeyar- avara vanisa-ratnakara. IVIysore. Mahisuru-siintisvara-pratishtlia-natakavu. Padma- EAJA PaNDITA. Maisura vrittauta-bodhini. Periodical Publica- tions. — Bangalore. Maisiiru-maha - rajadhiraja - sri - chama - raj endra - ode- yaravara charitre. Singrayya, M. Maisuru-polis-aphisarara prayojanarthav' ada . . , sara-grantha. Sokka-llngam Pillai. IVIakara-sankramanada habbavu. SrInivasa E.\ma- ciiandea Savadi. Malati - madhava- prakarana-katha. Sri-kantha Sarma. Malavikagnimitram. Kalid.Isa. Malaya-raja-stotram. [Addenda] JIalaya-RAJA. Malhana-stotram. [Addenda] Malhana. Mallikarjuna-panditaradhya-charitam. Gueu-RAJA. Mallinatha-purauam. Naga-chandea. Mana-kannadi. Heart-book. IManas-chandra-bodhe. Eama-SVAMI, B. Manas-sastra. Venkuba Eau. Mandarqjjvala-parinayavu. Syama-rau, B. D. Mandiikyopanishad. Upanishads. Mai'igaja-gitavali. Tamm'-ayya Sastri. Mangalore Almanac. Ephemerides. Mangalore Tune-book. Hymnals. Mangalura samachara. Periodical Publications. — Mangalore. Mani-maiijari. Nar.Iyana, son of Trivikrama. MaBjari-makarandah [supercommentary]. Bhatta- KALANKA DeVA. Manorame. Venkatacharya, B. Mano-raiijani [interpretation]. 1;.vm7v SaSTRI, H. Man that killed his Neighbours. Man. Manual containing Words from Howard's English Primer. Howard (E. L). Manual of Cattle Breeding. Ganap'-ayya, Ch. Manual of Geography. Madras, Presidency of. Geography. 229 GENEliAL INDEX OF TITLES. 230 Manual of Mahainniad.au Civil Law. Satiiakopa- CHAKLU, V. Manual of Questions and Answers . . . for the use of the Mysore Police. Sokka-lingam Pillai. Manual of Sanskrit and Kanarese Hoots. P.xndu- KANGA YeNKATESA CiUNTAMjU^II'ETHKAK. Manual of the Law of Torls and Damages. Sui- nivas'-aiyangae, C. Maraiyana charitreyu. Maiianta Df:siKA. Marjaliya jnana-yatre. ]\L\uj.\li. Mark. BinLE. — Ncio Testament. Marka Iiarcda loka-ratchagana kade. Bible. — New Testament. — Gospels. [J/ar/j.] Markandoya-natakavu. Gueu-siddappa. Markanu bareda suvarte. BiBLE. — New Testament. — Gospels. \ilark.'\ Married Life. Life. Martyr of Delhi. Maetye. JIarvellous Adventures of Sindbad the Sailor. Arabian Nights. IVrata-vicharane. MOEGLIXG (H. F.). Matriculation Kaunada-pavik.slia-grantliavannu ku- ritu. P>asappa Sastei, Court Pandit. Mattayanu liareda loka-rakshakana charitra (Mathi- likhitah susainvadah). BiBLE. — New Testa- ment. — Gospels. [Mattheiv.] Matthew. Bible. — A'eiv Testament. Megha-mala [in loco]. Merchant of Venice. Shakspeee (W.). Method of teaching Arithmetic. Zieglee (F.). Minor Canarese I'oetical Antlmlogy. Kittel (F.). Mitravinda-goviudam. Haesiia-deva. Modalaue bhugola-sastravu. Geogeapiiy. Modalaue ihglish-pustaka. Gaktiiwaite (L.). Modalane pathagalu. English. Modalanc prasnottara-boJhe. Catechism. Modalane pustakavu. Bombay. Modern Canarese Grammar, etc. Ananta Siva- e.\ma Mudbiiatkal. Moslem's Autobiography. AVETAEANIAN (J.). Mrichchhakatika-prakaranavu. Sudkaka. Mudaiiada jnanigalu. BiBLE. — New Te.stament. — Gospels. [ Selections. ] Mudra-manjushavu. Kempu-NAK.\yana. Mudra-rakshasa. Vis.\kiia-DATTA. Mukti-sopana-saptaka. Venkata-e.\m'-ayya, S. V. Mukundaniala stotram. Kula-skkhaua. Miila-salegala sikshana-krama-paddhali. JI.Lma lUu, K. Mula-stambha-maha-puraiiavu. JIOla-STAMBHA. Mula-stambhavu. BenakaI'I'A SA.STiil. Mumbai-karnatakada varnaneyu. [Addenda] De- VA.II SldNIVASA KULKAKNI. MuragOndra-vijaya. liUUKA Deva. IVIuranc pustakavu. Bo.mbay. GANG.\D1IAEA MAniV.\LKSVAKA TUEAMARI. ■ KiTTEL (F.). Mysore Inscriptions. jMvsuue, Govt. of. Mysore vrittanta bodhini. Peeiodical Pubuca- TIOXS. — Bangalore. Nadateya kuritu madida upadusa. Gueu-linga .Tangama. Nadi-j fiaua-praka.sike. NApi. Nadi-nidana (N'.-prakarana). PjULma-eau. Nagananda-nfitakani. Haesha-DEVA. Nage-gadalu. Beschi (C. G. E.). '■ [Addenda] Beschi (C. G. E.). Nala-charitre. Nala. Nala-natakavu. Syama-k.'vu, Jl. D. Nalkane piistaka. Bombay. Nalku-mandi phakirara kathegalu. Ciiah.Ir Dak- vlsii. Nama-liiiganusasana. Amaea-si.mha. Niimlii, jivishi. Hay (.T.). Namdar-bala-gaiigadhara-tilakara lavani. Krish- na JI Svami-eau. Namma kraista-mandaliyu . . . svatantra honduva hage, etc. Self-suppoet. Nana I'hadnavis. E.Ima-chandra Hanamant Dksa- PANDE. Nanartha-sabdavali mattu sainjnarthagalu. DlCTiox- AEIES. I^fanav-unarttudal. Beschi (C. G. E.). Narakasura-vyayogain. DilAEMA SuEl. Naraka-yatana-vivarauada pustuka. Naraka. Nara-pati-charitani. Linga-r.\jk Arasu. Natakagaranu Gauramma-nija-kumarteyii. Wal/. ■ (T. M.). Nataka-katha-ratna-male. Skinivasa Eau, .>'. Native Accounts. "N'ikupakshappa Chinnappa HfLi. Nava-nirdhara-dvipafichasati. Bakth (C. Vt.). Nava-ratna-pakshiya charitre. Nanj'-UNd'-AYYA, ^S'. New Geometry. Padma-nabha Sankaea Chanha- VAKKAE. New Testament. Bible. \ija-dipika-[sir6-]ratnavu. Keishna B.\ja, (;/' Salem. Nija-linga-sataka. Nija-linga. Nirupama. SeI-kantha S.astri, N. Ni.stara-ratnakaravu. E.\ma-E.\ma Vasu. Niti-chintamani. Seinivas'-aiYjVNG.Ae, M. Bli., and PUTTANNA, M. S. NUi-manjari. Nakasimilvchae, R. A. Niti-raliia-miilo. Siva-sa.\kaea Sastei, ^'. Niti-sara. Jn.\nesvaba PANpn'A- Niti-sastra (Niti-sara-sangraha). NiTl-.s.\.STi;A. Xili-.sataka. BllAETRl-llAlil. 231 GENERAL INDEX OF TITLES. 232 Nitiva upadesada patliagalu. Class Book. Nitya-karma-paddhati. _ Rama-krishna Pandita. Nityanusandhanam. Aevaegal. Noble Women of India. Timma-kkishna E.vu. Note.s of Cases decided by the High Court of Bombay. West {Sir E.). Notes on the Kanarese Matriculation Text. Aca- demies, etc. — Madras. — Univcrsiti/ of Madras. Notes on the Kanarese Text, dc. Kumara Vyasa. Notes to Karnata Bharatha Sangraha. Ku.mara Vy.Isa. Nudi-gattu. DH(JNpO Narasimha Mulb.Igal. Nur-jahan raniyu. Eama-chandra Hanamant Desapaxiie. Nyaya- sangraha. Periodical Publications. — Maiigalore. Occasional Services of the Wesleyan Methodist Church. Liturgies. Oduva murane pustakada sala-pathagala sangrahavu. MacCulloch (.J. M.). Old Testament. Bible. On Asiatic or Epidemic Cholera. Arogyam Pillai. On Demons. Maenner (A.). One thousand Canarese Proverbs. Walz (T. M.). On Fatalism. Walz (T. M.). On Idolatry. Idolatry. On Pantheism. Clarkson (W.). On Eeligion. Moegling (H. F.). On Selfsupport. Self-support. On the Incarnation of Christ. Eeeve (W.). On the Worship of Jugunnath. Jagannatha. On Transmigration. Mullens (J.). Vatsa (C). Oollasini. Bulwer, afterwards Lytton (E. G. E. L.). Order for the ministration of the Lord's Supper, (of Baptism, etc.). Liturgies. Othello. Shakspere (W.). Outlines of Geography. Bombay. KiES (J. G.). Outlines of Kanarese Grammar. Venkata EangO Katti. Outlines of Kannada Botany. Seshadri Ayyangar. Padagalu. Dasaru. Jagannatha Eaya. Kanaka Dasa. Purandara Dasa. Padmakshana kalagavu. Anna.ji Varnaru. Padma-nayana. Venkatesa Tirako Kulkarni. Padma-purana. PuR.\NAS. Padma-rfija-puranain. Padmananka. Padmavati-parinaya. Balvant Bh.Iskara Ma- e.athe. Padya-sangraha [in loco]. Padya-sangraha-tiku [interpretation]. Pai>ma-r.\ja Pandita. Padya-sara. Mysore, Govt. of. I'adya-sarada tiku [interpretation]. Padma-RAJA Pandita. Padya sara prakasika [commentary]. Venkata- r.\ma Sasti;!, If. Paimayasiya lekhkhada vivaravu. Best (S.). Pampa-bharata. Pampa. Pampa-ramayanavu. N.\GA-CHANDRA. Pampa-satakani. Hari-hara Deva. Paiichabhashiya Vocabulary. Eaja-gupalu Setti. Panchadasi. Sayana. Pancha-kalha. Gueu-RAMA VlTllALA. Panchala-jiitigala utpatti. Panch.Ilaru. Pafichali-parinayani. Shakspere (W.). Panchahgavu. Ephemeeides. Paiicha-tantra [in loco]. PaiJchikarana-vedanta. Nirvana Siva-yOgi. Panditiiradhya-charitam. GuRU-R.\JA. Pantheism. Claekson (W.). I'apa-pariharav' aguva maigavu. Nesbit (E.). Parable of the Lost Sheep, etc. Bible. — New Testa- ment. — Gospels. [Zuke.] Paramagama-sara. Chandra-kIetti. Paramanubhava-bodhe. Nija-guna Siva-yOgi. Parama-rahasya-ratnavali. [Addenda] Amaeayya. Paramartha-gite. Nija-guna Siva-yogi. Paramartha-guruvina kathe. Beschi (C. G. E.). Paramartha-prakasikeyu. NlJA-GUNA SiVA-YOGI. Paramartha-sara. Nirvana Siva-yogi. I'aramatma-jnana. Kittel (F.). Paranjotiyii Kripeyu. I\Iullens (H. C). Parasara-madhaviya-dharma-sastra. Pae.\saea. Paraspara - dravya - sahayada kampeni - natakam. Eama-.sesha Sastki, 31. Para-vadi - gajaukusa - taravali. NiLA - kanth arya Deya. Parisuddha-charitravu. KuRTZ (J. H.). I'iirsva - natha - svami - puranam. Guna - biiadea Achaeya. Parvata-prasauga. Bible. — New Testament. — ■ Gospels. [Matthew.] Parvati-koravaiiji-kathe. Venkat'-ayya, M. T. Pati-hinar' ada strirugalige punar-vivahav' aga takka vishaya. Brahman. Pativrata-dharmam. Honnamma. Patra-ratnakara. Venkata-rau, M. I'atra-vyavahara-bodhini. Ab.Iji Eama-CHANDRA Savant. Paurusha-prakasavu. Narasimha Paueanika. Pentateuch. Bible. — Old Testament. [Addenda] Bible. Phalara . . . lakshyakke takkav' addu. Walz (T. M.). 233 GENEPwVL INDEX OF TITLES. 234 Philippians. Bible. — Xew Testameut. — Epistles. I'hraso Buok [in loco]. Phulmoni and Karuna. Muu.Exs (H. C). Physical Cieograpliy. Geikie {Sir A.). Picture Alphabet [in 1000]. Pilgrimage of Christiaua. Kanaka (J.). Pilgrim's Progress. Bunyan (J.). Pleg-hatlu. SrInivasa-murti Pau, D. Police man's Catechism. Police. Polisa-vishayada pustakavu. Nakavana P.iiasicara KarkCn. Polls manushyana kitkijim. P()lice. Polls stesan haus aphisarara . . . saramsa. Police. Political Economy. Nanj'-und'-ayva, E. V. Popular Canarese I'roverbs, dc. Al.MAN (S.) and NaRASINGA PiAU, U. Popular Treatise on Vaccination. Shortt (J.). Prabandhfivali. E.Imanuj'-ayyangar, M. A. Prabhavati-darbar. SiVAPPA S.lsTEi. Prabhavati-suka-maujari. Sama S.Istri, M. V. Practical Advice against a far-spread Disease. Spur- geon (C. H.). Practice of Book-keeping, or Native Accounts. ViRU- P.YKSIIAPP.Y ChINNAPPA HCLL Prahltula-charitre. Cle-passages. ]^)IBLE. — Selections. Selection of Kurg-1'roverbs. Veil (J. F.). Selection of Scripture Stories in Hindu metre. KiTTEL (F.). Selection of Stories and Pievenue Papers in the Karnataca language. Subba-rau, Adakki. Selections from McCulloch's third lieading Book. MacCulloch (J. M.). Self-Help. Smiles (S.). Self-Su]iport \in loco'l. Sermon on the i\Iount. Bible. — New Testament.— Gospels. [Jfa^^Acw.] Sesha-ramayanam. Ayya Sastri, Sosale. PURANAS. [Pudma-puraiia.] Setu-rayara kathe. Guru-rama Vithala. Shalxla lihaskara. Daksiiina-murti Sastri, U. Shabda mani dari)ana. Ke.SI-RAJA. Shabdartiiachandrica. Madhura-muttu Muda- liyau. Shacoontala. Kalid.vsa. Shala-nibandha-male. HoOGWERF (E. H.) and Hanamant GOvinda JOsi. Shankara vijaya sara saugraha. Sayana. Shat-lihasha-sabdartha-chaudrika. Madhura-MUTTU Mudaliyar. Shaving of Widows Unauthorized. Venkata IUngo Katti- Shckspiyar-maha-kaviyinda rachitav' fida kathegalu. [Addenda] Lami! (C.) and (M. A.). ?horli Bible Stories in Canarese. Loetiii (B.). Short Description of Coorg. Graeter (A.). Short Grammar of the Ancient Dialect of the Cana- rese Language. Kittei, (F.). Shorthand in Canarese. LuETiil (B.). Short Sketch of the History of India. ViRL'P.\- KSIIAri'A CjIINNAri'7v IIULI. Short Sketch of the Hi.story of Modern Eurnpo. SrInivasa E.\ma-chandra Sayadi. Short Stories. KiES (J. G.). Sicilian Summer. Taylor {Sir H.). Siddhagama. Agamas. Siddhanta-sara. Guru-RAMA Vitiiala. SiddhC'svara-puriinavu. Mari TOntau'-.\rya. Siksha-vallL UPANISIIADS. Silvo-hfidi. Stations of the Cross. Shnantini. Venkata E.vu, G. Sindbad the Sailor (Sindbful navika). Arahiam Nights. Siriyalana charitrcyu. Mah.Inta Desika. Siriyala-sattva-pariksha-nataka. Balach.Irva Sak- KARL Sirsi-lalukina varnane. PuIma-krishna jMan.ja- natha Gokarnkar. Sita-charitre. Subea Sastri, K Sita-devi-agnata-vasavu. Channa-BASAVA, so/i of Basava-liiuja. Sita-rama. Venkataciiarva, B. Sitaranya-pravesa-nataka. B.\LACHARYA Sakkaiu. Sita-svayanivaram. Sri-kantiiesa Gauda. Sita-svayamvaravu. SIta. Sita-udayavu. Anx.Iji Varnaru. Sita-vana-vasa. Isvara-ciiandra Vidya-sagara. Siva-bhakti-saravu. E.v.m'-ayya, S. Sivadhikya. Appaya Dikshita. Siva-juana-pradipike. Viran.'vch.Irya. Siva-pancha-stava. Visvaradhya. Siva-sarana-lilamritavu. Channappa Deva. Skanda-purana. PuRANAS. Sloka-sangraha. Sanskrit Verses. Smarta-nitya-karma-dipika. SLvnjapp'-ayya. Sniriti-saugraha. Padma-Raja Pandita. Snusha-vijayam. Sundaka-kaja Bhatt.Icharya. Sobagina suggi. Axpayya. Soma-vainsarya-kshatriya-puranavu. Puranas. [Skanda-purana^ Somesvara-.satakavu. Somesvara, P. Song about the Daughter of Zion. Kanaka (.r.). South Canara Village Officers' Manual. Kkisiina- RAU, K. Specimens of S. Indian Dialects. Biisle. — New Testament. — Gospels. [Matthew^ Spelling Exercises. Pv,.\ma-svami AiyaN(;ar, K. Sjielliug with Meanings. Dictionaries. Spiritual Exercises. IGNATIUS, St. Sri-chama-rajendra-odeyai'avaracharitre. SiNGRAYYA. SrI-guru-l)hajane-paddhatL Sankara Bh.\rati. Sri-krislina-bodhamritavu. Sesiiaciiala N.Iyuiw. Sri-k j-islina-katha-sara-sahgraha. Krishna - r.vja Odeyar, Mtimmadi. Sri-krishna-rfija-.satakam. Vknkata-rau, H. Si-i-kri.shna-raja-vadeyaravarapattabliisheka-charilrc, Sri- krishna- raja -vadeyaravara saublulgyavati- Vanada-pratapa- kunifui - bayi - malia - doviyavara parinayavu. 1'adma-raja I'andita. Sri-krishna-raja-vani-vilasa. Maiia-bii.vrata. Puranas. Sri-krishna-sukti. Periodical Publications. — Udijn. Sriman - maha - raja - cliama - rtljendra - odeyaravara vamsa-ratuakara. ]Mysoi;e. 39 GENEEAL INDEX OF TITLES. 240 Sriugara-chaturyollasini. Mueigaradhya. Sriugaradbhuta - jhari - chitra- briliat - katha-manjari. Eama Sastri, G. Sringara-padagalu. Krishkaji Svami-rau. Rriogara-ratnakarain. Ivama-deva. Si-mivasa-kalyana. Balvant Bhaskaua Marathe. .Sri-iama-pattabhishekara. Maha-LAKSHMI. Sii-vaishuava-mata-sara-saugraha. Kondamacharya. Stations of the Cross \in loco]. Story of an Actor and of a Princess. Walz (T. M.). Story of Chaudragupta and Chanakya. Kempu- naeayana. Strait Gate. Anstey (G.). Strictures on Caste. Caste. Strictures on Protestantism. Protestantism. Stri-dharma-sangi-aha. Chidambar'-ayya, H. Student's Guide. Appa-s.Imi Pillai. Studies in the Book. Bible. — New Testament. — Epistles. Stuti-muktavali. Ivari-basava Sastri, N. R. Subahu-kalagaVU. LAKSHiMi-X.\RAYANACHARYA. Subhashita-prasaiiga-sataka. Vatsa (S.). Subhasliita-samudayavu(Subhashitha Series). Eanga E.lu, M. Sul)jects for Consideration. Walz (T. M.). Subodha-darpana. Eaghavendra E.au. Subodha-tarangavu. Sita-sankaea Sastri, S. Suliodhini. Periodical Publications. — Mangcdore. Sulirahmanya-svami-nataka. Appachcha, A. Sudhama-charitra. Sudhama. Sudharisa takka acharanegalu. Yenkata EangO KattI. Sufferings of Christ. Kittel (F.). Sujnana-chandi'ika \in loco]. Suka-maiijari. S.lMA S.lsTRl, M. V. Sukanya-charitre. E.ama-svami Aiyang.Ir, K. Suka-saptati-kathegalu. Suka-saptati. Sukrita - mantragalii jnanopadesada saukshepavu. Liturgies. Sukti-maiijari. Sita-kama S.astri, M. Sukti-muktavali. So.ma-prabha Ach.vrya. Sukumari. MuLlYiL (J.). Sumadhva-vijaya. N.a.RAYA\a, son of Trivikrama. Sumati-madana-kumarara charitre. Day (T.). Sui-a-sena-chai-itre. Shakspere (W.). Suratha - sudhanvakhyana - natakavu. Krishn.aji SeLvivasa Kaulagi. Surya-kanta. Lvkshmana BhIma-r.Iu Gadagkar. Susila-charitram. VENKATA-RAMAN'-An'A, H. Suta-puraiiavu. SC'TA. Sutrada mele stitra. Mortimer (F. L.), Mrs. Svapna-manjari. K.ALA. Svaprayasa-phala-dipike. Smiles (S.). Svara-chintamani. Svara. Svarua-gauri-vratodyapana. Pur.anas. [/SX-amtfa- purdna.] Syamantaka-ratna-natakam. Naea-hari Sastri, B. Syamantakojmkhyana. PuRANAS. [Skanda-purana^ Syllaljus of Lectures on Theology. Theology. Syranagata. Fielding (H.). Taittiriyopanishad. Upanishads. Tales from Shakespeare. [Addenda] Lamb (C.) and (M. A.). Taming of the Shrew. SOma-N.ath'-AYYA, B. Tanna nereyavarannu konda manushyana kathe. Man. Tart va dyamejugala nyaya-sangrahavu. Srinivas'- aiyang.ar, C. Taruna-hitopadesa. Walz (T. M.). Tattva-darpana. Chandra-sekhara Sastri. Tattvagalu. Tattva. Tattva-nidhi. Krishna-r.\ja Odeyae, Mummadi. Tattvanusandhana. BhLm.ivadhCta. Tattva-prakasika (°prakasa). Bhoja-RAJA. Tattva-prakasike. [Addenda] Periodical Publi- cations. — Kavutalam. Teacher's Handbook to the English Primer. Garth- waite (L.). Telugu, Canarese, Tamil, English and Hindustani (Paiichabhashiya) Vocabulary. Eaja-gop.alu Setti. Tempest. Lamb (C.) and (M. A.). Text-book of Indian History. Pope (G. U.). Text-book of Kannada language for the Matricu- lation Examination, etc. Academies, etc. — ^ Madras. — University of Madras. Thagar' embuva phasi-karara charitreyu. Thag. Theist's Hymn Book. Br.Ihma Sam.aj. Theology addressed to Hindoos. Campbell (W.). Third Book of Lessons in Canarese. Bombay. Kittel (F.). Thoravaramayana. Kum.ara ValmIki. Thoughts about Death. Baba Padmanji. Tliree Hundred Canarese Proverbs, etc. Vatsa (C). Three Way-marks. Caldwell (E.). Tirpugala notugalu. West {Sir E.). Tiru-sabheya sahkshepav' ada charitreyu. Eeeve (J.). T(im Jones. Fielding (H.). Torave-ramayana. Kum.ara Valmiki. To the Idle. ' ' Spurgeon (C. H.). Transmigration. Mullens (J.). ^- Vatsa (C). Treatise on Aliya Santana Law, etc. Krishna- K.lu, G. Treatise on Fever. Jagannatham Nayadu. Treatise on Jain Law and Usages. Padma-R.Ija Pandita. Treatise on Mental Arithmetic. Bombay. 241 GENERAL INDEX OF TITLES. 24- Tieatise on Translation. Kiusiinaciiak, A. Treatise on Vaccination. Siiui;tt (J.). Tri.shasliti-pnratana-vilasani. Sukaxga. True Atonement. Nesiut (1!.). Twelve Letters. JIoec.lixg (H. F.). Two Gentlemen of Verona. Shak.spkre (W.). injhaya-marga-saijirnandiia. N.Ina-.sikh.Imani I'lLI.AI. UdayilditAalankanini. UdaYADITVA. L^daya-raga d{:'\aia padagalu. Udaya-KAGA. Ulliisini. Bulwek, afterwards Lyti'ON (E. G. E. L). Ulliyam embavana charitre. William. L'nmatta-raghava. Bhaskara Hhatta. Upadesa-pada-nialikeyu. [xUldenda] Dvarap.vLA JiNNAPI'A Jei)L LTpanishads [in locu]. I'panishad-vilkyagalu. Benakappa Sastri. I'panyasa-vidya. Vexkata 1!anc;u Katti. Uslm-parinayavu. Sy.vma-k.Iu, E. V. Utpatti. Bible. — Old Testament. — Pentateiich. Uttara-liariscliandra-charitre. Anantacilvryulu, K. Uttara-rama-charitra, °kathe. Bhava-biiCti. Uttara-ratna-katlm-sangraha. ValmIki. Uttara - saliyadriyojagiua liavyaka - dra vida - brahma- nara utpattiya itihasavn. I'uitANAS. [Skimda- 2ri'r('iija.] - Vacliana-kadainbari. Bana. Vachana-megha-mala. Megha-M.Il.I. Vag - bhu.shana. Periodical Publications. — DIia7-wa)\ Vag-devi. Babu-rau, J>. Viig-vritti [commentary]. DAKSiiiNA-MruTi Sastri. Vaidikilrcliana-cliandrike. Daksimn-y-murti Sastri, U. Vaidya-bbiisliana. BllfMA-R.\U. Vaidya-chintamani. Ka.ia-gOpaia Piij-ai. Vaidya-hitopadesa. Visalakshi-venkatesa. Vaidya-jivana. Lolimba-ra.ia. Vaidya-jivana-dipika [commentary]. Putta-Sam'- ayya. Vakeel's Guide. Subbann.vcii.'vryar. Valimuklia-vilasain. Suhba-R.\U, of the Chdma- rujtiulra-harnataka-nataka-sahhc. Vamana-charitre. SRiNlv7vSA Hari-uasa. Vainsa-ratnakara. MY.SORE. Vani-mukura. B.VLA Sastri Nariogalla. Vara-lakslimi-vrata-kalpa. Pukanas. [llhavi- sh !/dltara-2}v ;•«««.] Vara-mohana-taraiigini. Kanaka Dasa. Vara-nandi-kalyanani. Ciialuv.aj'-AMMANNI. Vara-siddiu-viuiiyaka-vrata-kalpa. I'URANAS. [.S7i-rt wJa -pu n'l ii « . ] Varsha-vardhanti-satakam. SiavASA. Vasishtlia-ramayanavu. Yoga-v.\sishtiia-i:.\ma- YAXA. Vasudeva-manana. Vasudeva Yati. Veda-bodbane. PacE (B. H.). Veda-mar-padisuvikeya kbanilane. IIOME, Church aj. V(klanta-jriana-.sikl)aratnavn. [Addenda] Nan.i'- UN1.)A S.lSTRI, K. C. Vedanta-paucbada.si. S.vyaxa. Vedanta-sattva-sai'd. jMan.ia.m.ma. Veda-sangraba. Bible. — Sdixtioiis. V>iMV&.—Aiipiiulix. Yeda-sanjiviniyu. [Addenda] Mu.MMAiu 1!,\ja. Veda-sara. EicE (B. H.). Veda-vakyada vacbana-niafijari. Bible. — Selections. Veda-vakyagalalli torisuva vedada satyagalu. Bible. — Selections. Vedav-udarana-tirattu. lillENlUS (C. T. E.). Veerasaiva prabbakara. Periodical Pljbi.ications. — Madras. Veni-sainlu'ira. N.lu.VYANA Bhatta. Venkata-pura-vaisbnavadi-nana-matotpatti-siddbiui- ta-sudba-rasavu. Vf:NKATA-PURA. Veukatesa-cbarite. Ciialuvaj'-ammanni. Vernacular Preacber's Companion. ScUDDER (H. ]\[.). Vetala-pancbaviiusati [in locu\ Vicbara-dipaka. Brahm.Inanda, Svdmi. Vicbitra-vartamana-sangraba. Periodical Publi- CATIO N S. — Ma nyalo re. Vidbavegala mundana anacharavu. Vexkata Pango Kattt. Vidura-niti. ]\Lvh.\-bh.\rata. Vidya-nandini. Periodical Publications. — Ban- f/idore. Vigrabiiradbaneyannu kuritu. Idolatry. Vikari-sainvatsarada kala-jnanavu. Kala. Vikiina-subluTsbita-prasanga-sataka. Vatsa (S). Vikramaditya-rilyana cbaritre. Vikram.arka. Vikramilrj una- vij aya.. Pampa. Viktoriya-cbakravartini avara jiva-manada vrittan- tavu. Victoria. Village Dialogues in Canarese. Sriniv.vs'-aiya. Vinfiyaka-vrata-katba. Pur.axas. [S/canda-pun'iiiit. | Viprabuablii'ulbbuta-pradarsini. Pama-skhiia Sastiii, M. Vira-saiva-dbarma-siromani. Suai.>aksiiari Maxtki. Vira-saiva-diksba-vidbi. ViUA-SAiVAS. Vira-saiva-mata-prakilsike. Periodical Publica- tions. — Mjisorc. Vira-saivumrita-niaba-puranavu. Mallanarya, (I. Vira-saivantyesbti-vidbi. Visv.iRADilYA. VIra-saivanvaya-cbandrikii. Vna:svARA S.Istiu. Vira-saiva-pralibakara. I'ERiODicAL Publications. — Madras. Vira-saiva-vivrdia-vidbi. Vira-saivas. It 243 GENEEAL INDEX OF TITLES. 244 Virata-parva. Maiia-bhakata. Yisha-vriksha. Bankim-chandka Chattopaphyava. Yishnu-bhakti-saravu. Kanaka Dasa. Vislinu-dasavatara-katha-saiigrahavu. GuNDA Sastri. Yishiiu-purana. PuKANAS. Yisvakaniia-iiulliatmya. Panchalaeu. Yisvakaima-vanisoilaya. Sidda-lingacharya. Yisvakarmopakhyiiua. Pdranas. [Pad7)ia-2mrai)a.] A'isva-rupa-saudarsaiiam. Yenkata-raman'-ayya, IT. Yisva-vidyabharana. YiKf pakshach.Irya. Yivalia-niochaneja Act. IXDIA. Yiveka-cbandrike. YIrksa-linciam, K. Yiveka-chintainani. Nija-guna Siva-yOgi. Yivekananda. Periodical Publications. — Mysm-e. "S^ocaliulary to the English First P>ook, etc. Vatsa (C). Yodi bareyuva pathagalu. Bombay. Yrata-chaiulrike. N.Ir.vyana Sastri, Brahma-sr'i. ^'^ata-lakshana. Jains. Yrata-pliala-varnane. Akalanka. YuUiyam embavaua charitre. William. "\"yakarana-.sangrahain. Honnappa. Yya\-ahaia-mitrauu. Sarabhappa Virappa Men- SINKAI. Yyavahara-nirnaya. Mall.Ir.vdiiya, M. Yyavahara-sahitya. AbajI Pama-chandra S.'vvant. Yyayama-dipike. Siva-rama Bharadvaja. Yydyachintamani. Pi7vja-gopala Pillai, A. Wanderings of Yamunaljay. B.iB.l I'admanji. Way of Salvation. Layei: (J.). Way of Wisdom. Layer (J.). Wesleyan IMetliodist sabheya vidhavidhav' ada krainagalu. Liturgies. Wise iSIcu from the East, etc. Bible. — New Testa- ment. — Gospels. [Selections.] Worship of Jugunnatli. Jagann.Itiia. Yaksha-gana Nala-charitre. Nala. Yaksha-giiua Prahlada-charitre. Hem.I Eei)DI. Yamima-bayiya sainchara. B.\b.\ PaumanjI. Yarannu namlta beku ? Candy (T.). Yasodhara-charitre. Janna. Yatra-kandavu. [Addenda] Bible. Yatrasthana (Yatrikana) saiucliaravu. BuNYAN (J.). Yavana-yiimini-vinoda-kathegalu. Arabian Nights. Yayati-rajanda nataka. Appachcha, A. Yesu-kristana avataravu. Peeve (W.). Yesu-kristana srame-charitra. KiTTEL (F.). Yesuvina ba|ige ba ! Hall (G. N.). Yesuvina janana. Bible. —New Testament. — Gospels. [Sclc-ctio)is.] Yoga-vasishtha-ramayana [in loco]. Yohananu I)areda suvarte (loka-rakshakana charitra). Bible. — New Testament. — Gospels. [John.] Yosephana charitre. Joseph. Yosephan' emlta yuva-gopala-ratna. Vatsa (C.) and Walz (T. M.). Walz (T. M. ) and Gojab (C). Yuklidana siddhantagala modalane pustakavii. Euclid. Yuropa - khandada saukshipta - arvachina - itihasavu. Srinivasa Eama-chandra Savadi. II. SUBJECT-INDEX. The classification in this Index is as follous : — I. KANNADA BOOKS. Ana's AND Sciences. 1. Agi-iculture, Botany, and Farming. 2. Astronomy and Astrology. 3. Letter -writing, Book-keeping, Document- writing, and Shorthand. 4. Medicine, Surgery, and Hygiene. .5. Occult Arts, Divination, and Magic. 6. Sports, Games, and Gymnastics. 7. Other Arts and Sciences. C.iSTE, Ethnography, and Folklore. Education. 1. Dialogues, Phrase-books, and Translation ^Manuals. 2. Dictionaries and Vocabularies. 3. Grammars. (i.) Grammars of Kannada. (ii.) Graiiitiiara of olhtr Ltinijuages. 4. Guides to Essay-writing. 5. Mathematics. 6. Reading-books, Primers, etc. 7. Pedagogy. Etuics, Fables, ani> Polity. Fiction and Legend. Geography and Topography. Hl.STORY. 1. General History, Special Periixls, and Epigraphy. 2. Biographies and Literary History. Law and Administration. Mi.scellanies, Collections, and Literary Periodicals. Philosophy and Theology. 1. Christian. 2. Hindu. Poetical Art (Alankfira). Poetry and Drama. L Anthologies and Works of Mixed Contents. 2. Dramas and Recitative Poetical Tales (Yaksha-ganas, etc.), 3. Ethical Poetry. 4. Heroic, Romantic, Erotic, and Panegyric Poetry. 5. Religious and Philosophical Poems of Doctrine, Devotion, and Narrative, (i.) Christian. (ii.) Hindu. (iii.) Jain. (iv.) Brahma Suiik'ij. 6. Miscellaneous. Politics and Society. Prosody (Chhandas). PROVEUiis AND Adages. Religion. 1 . Christianity. (i.) Bibli; Works on Darlri III, and Tnnts. (ii.) Litiirijiin and, Manuals. 2. Hinduism. (i.) Works on Doctrine and Lnjtiid. (ii.) LiturtjiiH and Manuals. (iii.) Miscillamous. 3. Jainisni. 4. Brahma Samaj. IL BAD AG A BOOKS. III. KUUG BOOKS. 247 SUBJECT-INDEX. 248 I. KANNADA BOOK.S. ARTS AND SCIENCES. 1. AGRICULTUBE, BOTANY, AND FAEMING. Five Hundred Indian Tlauts (Saliasrardha-vriksha- digala vainaue). Stolz (C.) and Tlebst (G.). ( !6-lakshana [in loco]. (io-vrislialilifidigala samrakshana-vaidyadigala kra- mavu (Manual of Cattle Breeding). Ganap'- AYYA, Ch. Outlines of Kannada Botany (Karnataka Udbhijja- sastra). Seshadri Ayyangar. 2. ASTEONOMT AND ASTEOLOGY. Cauarese Almanac (Kannada Panchangavu). Ephe- MEEIDES. Catechism of Geography and Astronomj'. Geo- graphy. ( !5chara-phala-darpana (Adrishta-dipike). VlRU- PAKSHA Sastri, T. M., and Guru-siddha S.Istri. Jinendra-mala. Upendracharya. .Tyotisha-sakuna-sangraha. Subrahmany'A S.iSTRl, V.d. V. .Tyotishya-sarva-vishayamrita. [Addenda] Kan- TAPPA Sastri. Kalilmrita. K.Ila. Kala-tattva-viveka-vallari. Kai.a. iMangalore Almanac (Kannada Panchangavu). Epiie- MEEIDES. Vachana-megha-niala. Megha-m.Ila. 3. LETTEE-WEITINO, BOOK-KEEPING, DOCUMENT-WEITING, AND SHOETHAND. Kannada I'atra-vyavahara-bodhini (Yyavahara-sa- hitya). Ab.vji E.vma-chandka Savaxt. Kannada Penman's Guide (Loka-vyavahiira-bodhini). Maeex (T. G.). Patra-ratnakara, Venkata-r.vu, M, Practice of Book-keeping, or Native Accounts (Desi jama-kharchina paddhati). VjkCp.Ik.shappa Chixnapp.v Hf LI. .Shorthand in Canarese (Kannada-nudi-hidi, sau- kshipta-lipi). Luethi (B.). 4. MEDICINE, SUEGJ^Y, A|fD HYe^ENE. Anglo-Indian Vydyachintamani, PiAJA-gOp.vla PiLLAI. Apayadallina upaya-sangralia (Jaklimi janara turtu chikitsa). Noroxha (G. G.). Ai'ogya-pravesa-dayini (Lessons on Health). Ber- ^•ERS (J.). Ayur-veda-sahgrahavu(Hindii-vaidya-sastravu). Su- PRAIIMANYA S.\STRI, V. 0. V. Indian Plants and Drugs. Kei.shna-rau M. Napkarxi. Jvara-vivaranavu (A Treatise on Fever). Jagaxxa- THAM NaYADLT. Khagendra-mani-darpana. Manga-r.Ija. Mahesvari-upadrava-vivechaka-bodhini (On Asiatic or Epidemic Cholera). Arogyam Pillai. Nadi-juana-prakasike. N.lni. Nadi-nidaua (N°.-prakarana). BiiLma-rau. Popular Treatise on Vaccination (Ihiku-viniyoga padisuva vidhavu). SllORTT (J.). Saugatya. Salva. Yaidya-bhushana. Bhima-r.Iu. Vaidya-hitopadesa. Vis.Ilakshi-venkatesa. Vaidya-jivana. LOlimba-r.\ja. 6. OCCULT AET3, DIVINATION, AND MAGIC. Jala-silpi halli-sakunavu. Basappa Anx.'vjevali. Jinendra-mala. Upexdrach.vry'A. Jyotisha-sakuna-sangi-aha. Subrahmanya Sastri, V. 0. V. Jy6tishya-sarva-\'ishayamrita. [Addenda] Kan- TAPPA S.lSTRI. Svapna-maiijari. K.Ila. Svara-chintamani. Svara. Vachana-megha-mala. Megha-mal.I. Vikari-saiuvatsarada kala-jnanavu. Kala. 6. SFOETS, GAMES, AND GYMNASTICS. Tattva-nidhi. Krishxa-ea.ia Odeyar, Mummadi. Yyayama-dipike. Siva-rama Bh.\radv.Ija. 7, OTEEB ABTS AND SCIENCES. Artha-sastra (Political Economy). Naxj-uxd'-ayya, Baddiya patigalu, P.addi. Mangalore Tune-book (Kreistasabheya Eagagalu). Hymnals, Paimayasiya lekhkhada vivaravu. Best (S.). CASTE, ETHNOGRAPHY, AND FOLKLORE. Devala-brahma - 1 lodhaka - vedok ta - mula - stambhana. Agam as. [Siddli dijama.] Devalopanishad. Upaxishads. Devanga - manu - brahma - vedokta-mula - stambhavu (Upanishad-vakyagalu). Bexakappa Sastri. Devanga-mata-prakasikeyu (D°.-charitavu). MuDDU- SANGA. Devanga - saptavatara - nirnaya - veda - saropanishad. Upaxishads. i49 SUBJECT-INDEX. 250 Gaiiila - sarasvata - biuliniaiiiikhyana. Yasi'DKVA Syanabiiai;.v. Kanchi-siddl anta-pHirtiiavii. SniUAXNACllARVA. Kodagara kulacliaradi-tattvojjiviiii. Apr'-AYYA. Mula-stambha-inalia-puianavii. MfLA-STAMBiiA. raiicliala-jutigala utpalti (Msvakaiiua-milhatmya). rANCllALAKU. Sattada-sii-vaisliuava-jiva-ratna. Eanga- DASA, M. ' yatya-.sadhaua. Baxgaloke. Soma-vanisarya - kshatriya - puniiiavu. Pckanas. \hlcanda-'pumna?[ Suta-puranavu. SC'TA. Uttara-saliyiidriyolagiiia havyaka-dravida-bralima- nara utpattiya itihasavu. Pukanas. Sjiltanda- Vira-saivauvaya-cliandnkii. YIresvara Sastki. Visvakarina-vanisddaya. SiiiDA-LlNG.lcHAiiYA. Yisvakariiio[i:ikliyaija. Pl'Eanas. SJ^aduia-imrmm?^ Visva-vidyabliarana. VlRUPAKSHACHAEYA. EDUCATION. 1. DIALOGUES, PHRASE-BOOKS, AND TEANSLATION MANUALS. Aiiglo-Kanaiese Translation Series (Bhasliantara- patlia-nifde). Sangappa Mallappa Ankle. Dialogues in Kanada and English (Sambhashane- sarani). 1)IAL0GUE.S. Easy Les.'ions in English and Cauarese (ModalanC pathagalu). English. English and Canareise Instructor. Bouteloup (A.). Englisli-Canarese Dialogues (liiglishu-kannada-sani- bhashana-vakyagalu). Vatsa (C). P2nglish Self-guide in Canarese (Kannada-inglishu- bhasha-nianjari). [Addenda] Mauen (P. P.). First Canarese-English Tran.slator. Graeter (A.). Guide to Kannada-P^nglish-Hindustani Conversation. Kannada-English-Hinhu.stani Coxver.sation. Help in acquiring a Knowledge of the English Lan- guage (Inglish-bluisheyannu sadhisuvadakke sahayavu). L'eid (J.). Phrase Book [m loc6\. l!rimriyana-saiigraha(Samskrita-pradarsani). Eama- mm'-ayya, T. Treatise on Translation (Bhiisliantara - bodhini). Kkisiin.\i:iiar, A. Village Dialogues in Canarese (Hindu-desada janaru mala nfuluva paddhati). SrIsivas'-AIYA. 2. DICTIONARIES AND VOCABULARIES. Aiiiara-kosa (Nania-liuganusiisana). Amara-simiia. Canarese-English Pocket Dictionary. [Addenda] Garrett (J.). Canarese Vocabulary of sonie Homonyms and technical Words (Xanurlha-sabdavali). Dic- tionaries. Chaturasya-nigliantu. Bomma. Dictiimarium Cauarense Lalinum. [Addenda] Dictionaries. Dictionary, Canarese and English. Peeve (W.). Dictionary, Carnataca and English. Reeve (W.). Dictionary, English and Carnattca. Peeve (W.). English and Canarese Vocabulary of familiar Words. Dictionaries. Grammatical Vocalnilary in English and Canarese. Ea.ma-s.Imi, M. Kabbigara kai-pidi (Karnataka-nighantu). Kaxnada. Lino a, Mantri. Kanarese, Telugu, Tamil, English, & Hindustani Vocabulary. Dictionaries. Kannada-Englisli Dictionary. [Addenda] Kittel(F.). Kannada-English School-dictionary (^Kannada mattu inglish sala-nighantu). BucilER (J.). Kariiata-bhashakaraiii. Jayar.\vacii.\RYA. Kanultaka-.sabda-sarani. Kannada. Karnata-sabda-manjari. Mari Tontad'-arya. Kavi-kantlia-haraiu. SCkya Kavi. Kisamwar Glossary. Narasinga E.\U, Ullal. Linguist's Self-instructor. 1!anga-svami Eau. Manual containing Words from Howard's English Primer (Sabda-saiigrahavu). Howard (E. L). Manual of Sanskrit and Kanarese Eoots (Samskrita- kannada sabda-vyutpatti). Pandu-ranga Ven- katk.sa Ciiintamanipktiikar. Sabda - mafijari. Gangadiiara Madivali';svara TfRAMARI. Sabda-ratnakara. Sabda. Shat-bhasha-sabdartha-chandrika. Madiiura-muttu MUDAMY.AR. Spelling with Meanings. Dictionaries. Student's Guide. App.\-s.\mi Pillai. Telugu, Canarese, Tamil, Plnglish and Hindustani (Panchaljhiishiya) Vocal )ulary. 1!a,ja-g6palu Setti. Vocabulary to the English First llook, etc. (Sabda- valiyu). Vatsa (C). 3. QRAUUARS. (i.) Grammars of Kannada. Bala-vyakaranavu. Kannada. Canarese Grammar (Kannada vyakarana-sangrahavu). Kannada. Canarese Grammatical Primer (Kannada lnUa-vya- karana). CosTA (T.). Canarese School -grammar (Kannada sfila-vyakarana). Kannada. 251 SUBJECT-INDEX. 252 Canarese School-grammar (Kannada sala-vj-akarana). ZlEGLER (F.). Elements of Canarese Grammar (Kannada vyaka- rana-saravu). Campbell (C). Grammar of the Ancient Dialect of the Canarese Language (Hala-gannada-vyakaraiia-siitragalu) KiTTEL (F.). Grammar of the Kannada Language in English. KiTTEL (F.). Hosft-gannada-uudi-chanclrike-vyakarana (Canarese Grammar in llhyme). SiUNiv.lsA Kavisa. Hosa-gannada-nudi-gannadi. Kkishnam-acharya, Snrahfjapatnada. Kannada-kai-pidi. Dhoxdo Narasimha Mulbagal. Kaniataka-bhasha-bhushana. Naga Vakma, son of Ddrnodara. Karnataka-bliasha-vyakaranopanyasa-maiijari (Essays on Kannada Grammar). Eaghu-natha Eau. Karnataka-sabdanusasanam. BHATT.lKALAifKA Deva. Karnataka-vag-vidhayini. Mysore, Govt. of. Linguistic Survey of India. Ixdia. Modern Canarese Grammar, etc. (lugUsha-ljliasheyalli bareda hosa-gannada-vyakaranavu). Ananta SlVA-nlMA MUDBHATKAL. Nudi-gattu. DhOxdO Narasimiia Mulb.\gal. Outlines of Kanarese Grammar (Kannada-laghu- vyakarana). Yenkata EaxgO Katti. Sabda-bhaskaravu. Dakshixa-mC RTl S-I-STRI, U. Sabda-mani-darpauani. Kesi-kaja. Second Catechism of Canarese Grammar (Kannada bala-vyakarana dvitiya prasuottara-saiuvada). KIES(J. G.).' Short Grammar of the Ancient Dialect of the Cana- rese Language (Hale-kannadada saiikshepa-vya- karana-sutragalu). Kittel (F.). Vani-mukura. B.lLA S.\STRI Naregalla. Yyakarana-saugraham. Hoxnappa. (ii.) Grammars of other Languages. Catechism of English Grammar (Inglishu-\7akarana- prasuottara-pustakavu). I'lXNOCK (W. H.). Elements of English Grammar. English. First Book of Sanskrit. Eama-krishna GOp.Ila Bhand.yekar. Sabda-manjari. .Sabpa. Saiuskrita - vyakaranam (An elementary Sanskrit ' Grammar). Vatsa (C). 4. GUIDES TO ESSAY-WEITINO. Sala - nibandha - male. HoOGWEHF (E. H.) and Haxamant Guvinda Josi. Upauyasa-vidya. Venkata Eakgo KattI. 6. UATHEM&TICS. Aljridged Arithmetic (Ganita-sasti-ada sankshepavu). Arithmetic. Auka-gauitada modalane pustakavu. Arithmetic. Arithmetical Exercises (rflrnauka-ganitiXbhyasakke takka udaharanegnlu). ZlEGLER (F.). Canarese Arithmetic (Ganita-vidyavu). EicE (B. H.). Colenso's Arithmetic. Colexso (J. W.). Compendious Arithmetic (Ganita-sastrada sankshe- pavu). Arithmetic. Elements of Geometry (Eekha-ganita). Euclid. Ganitariiava. LakshmI-pat'-aiyva. Gaiiita-sahgraha. Krishnaji Ananta Jakat. Hosa - paddhatiya bhumitiyu (New Geometry). Padma-nabha Sankara Chand.vvark^uj. Koshtakavu. Bhikaji Hari S.Imanta. Treatise on Mental Arithmetic (Bayi-lekhkhagala pustakavu). Bombay. Yuklidana siddhantagala modalane pustakavu. Euclid. 6. beadinq-booes, fsiuebs, etc. Akshara-male. Akshara. Aksharahka-lipiya pustakavu. Aksh.-vra. Biilakaru voda takka pathagalu. Kannada. Balaru oduva pathagalu. Kannada. Canarese First Book. EiCE (B. H.). Canarese Primer. Sama-r.Iu (J.). Canarese Eeading Lessons for Children (Cliikkava- rige takkantha pathagalu). Garrett (J.). EiCE (B. H.). Canarese Second Book. Tamil. Canarese Sixth Book. Candy (T.). Canarese Spelling Book. Bombay. Canarese Text Book in Poetry for the Matriculation Examination, etc. Kumaea VA.LMiKi. KuM.vRA Yyasa. Canarese Third Book. Kannada. Tamil. Critical . . . notes on the Matriculation Kanarese Text. Subba-rau, K. English Primer (Modalane iuglish-pustaka). Garth- ^YAITE (L.). ■ Muliyil (J.) and Kuriyan (J.). First Book of Le.ssons (Kannada-pathagala modalane pustakavu). Garthwaite (L.). First Book of Lessons in Canarese. Bombay. First Canarese Instructor (Bala-siksheyu). Weigle (G.). Full Notes on Kavyapuhja (Kavya-punja-sabdartha- vali). Lakshmana Bhat.ji. 253 SUr.JECT-IXDEX. 2r.4 Full iifites oil the Matiiculatidii Kanarese Text, etc. SiaXIVA.s'-AIVANGAK, B. Kanarese Fii-st Book. PlNpu-liANGA Venkatesa ClIINTAMANIl'rn'UKAU. Kanarese Fourth Jif)ok. Bo.misay. Kanarese Second Book. Pandu-ranga Vicnka- TKSA CinXTAMAXIPP.THKAn. Kanarese Text for the Matriculation Examination, etc. Academies, etc. — Madras. — University of Madras. KUMAKA YyASA. Kanarese Third Book. Gangadhaka Madivale- svara TCramari. Kannada-gadya-sangrahavu. Kanxada Prose. Kannada-kaviteya eradane pustakada anvayarthavu. Sax.iiva Venkatksa Parvati. Kannada-kaviteya modalane pustakada anvayar- thavu. Siva-lixga Sva.mi. Kannada-kaviteya . . . pustakada arthavu. Hanu- maxt San.iiva Saoaka. Kannada-pathagala modalane (eradane, niurane, nfd- kane) pustakavu. Bombay. Kanuada-sisu-bodlia-varna-male (Kaunada Nursery- Alphabet). E.lMA-CHANDRA SrIXIVASA KuL- karnI. Kaviteya modalane pustakavu. GuRU-RAU A'lTilALA MoIIRE. Linguist's Self-instructor. Eanga-svami Pi.lu. Matricidation Kannada-pariksha-granthavannu ku- ritu. Basapra Sastri, Court rand'it. Notes on the Kanarese Matriculation Text. Aca- demies, etc. — Madras. — University of Madras. Notes on the Kanarese Text, etc. Kum.Ira Vyasa. Notes to Karnata Bharatha Sangraha. Kumara Vy.\sa. Padya-sahgraha-tiku [interpretation]. Padma-r.Ija Pandita. Padya-sarada tiku [interpretation]. Padma-r.\.ja Panuita. Padya sara prakasika [commentar}]. Venkata- r.\ma Sastri, H. Picture Alphal)et \in loco\ Koyal School Primer \iii loco]. Second Book of Kanarese Poetry (Kannada-kaviteya eradane pustaka). Gax(;.\diiara Mauiva- lesvara TOramari. Second Book of Lessons in Canaresc. I'ombay. PlTTAXXA, M. S. Selection of Stories and Revenue Papers in the Karnataca language. • Suhba-Rau, Adakhi. Selections from McCuUoeh's third Heading Book. MacCulloch (J. M.). Spelling Exercises (Akshara-saniyojana niodalaneya pustuka). Pa.ma-sv.Imi Aiyaxg.Ir, K. Spelling with Meanings. Dictionaries. Text-book of Kannada language for the Matricula- tion Examination, etc. Academies, etc. — ]\Iadras. — University of Madras. Third Book of Lessons in Canarese. Bombay. KiTTEL (K). 7. PEDAGOGY. Discipline in Elementary Schools (Mtila-salegala sikshana-krama-paddhati). Eama Eau, A'. Karuata-bhasha-vishayavu. Krishxacii.\RY'A, G. J'. Method of teaching Arithmetic (Ganita-nyaya). ZlEGLEU (F.). Silla-patrike (Canarese School I'aper). Periodical I'UBLICATIONS. — Bclgaum. Teacher's Handbook to the P'nglish Primer (Bodha- kana sahayaka). GARTinvAiTE (L.). ETHICS, FABLES, AND POLITY. Aesop's Faldes (Ii^opana uiti-kathegahi). Aesop. Carnatca [.sic] Translation of Esop's Fables. Aesop. Hitopadesa \in loco]. Marjaliya jnana-yatre. M.\RJ.\li. Niti-chintamani. Srinivas'-aiyaxgar, M. Bh., and PUTTANNA, M. S. Niti-sastra (Xiti-sara-.sahgraha)_. NIti-sastra. Nitiya upadesada pathagahi. Class Book. PaDcha-tantra (Panchopakhyana). Pancha-tantra. Paurusha-praka.sa vu. Nakasi M HA Pa u n.ix i k A. l!and)ha-Suka-sajavadavu. liAMBii.v. Sajjana-chitta-vallabha. Mallishexa. Subhashita-samudayavu (Subhashitha Series). Baxga B.lu, M. Sukti-muktavali. SoMA-PRABliA Acn.\RYA. Svaprayasa-phala-dipikc (Self-Help). Smiles (S.). FICTION AND LEGEND. Abhinava Da.sa-kumara-charite. Dandi. Adlihuta-raraayanain. Sata-kcIti rama-charita. Adu-gfdajjiya kathegalu. Eanga-x.\yaki Amma. Aladiya adbhuta-dipa-stambhada kathe. Arabian Nights. Amara-sena. Venkata-kuisiixapi>a, B. Ananda - matha. Bankim - chaxdra Chatthpa- diiy.vya. Araliian Nights [in loco]. .Vru-beralina knruhu (Sudliarisa takkn ucharanegalu). Venkata 1;anc;o KattI. Ayah and Lady (Dore.saniyannii dadiyannu kuritantha kathe, Katlui-miile). lU'TT, afterwards Sheu- ^vooD (M. M.). 255 SUBJECT-INDEX. 256 BaiuUlliavatarada katlie. Gunda Sastiu. Bharata-katha-saiigraliavu. Maha-bhakata. [Ap- Jjlietala-panchavinisati. Yktala-panchavimsati. Bbima-maliiraailarsa. [Addenda] Chandka-sekhaea Sastri. Brihat-katlia-manjiiri. Kama Sastki, Gwlapalli. Chahar darvisb (Char d°., Nalku-maudi pliakiiMra kathegalu, Adventures of Four Fakirs). Cha- har DaryIsh. Cliania-rajokti-vilasa. Valmiki. Chandrahasabhyudayaiu. Venkata-rau, Ilonmt- (Jikc. Cliandrainukhiya ghatavu (The Fall of Cliandra- mukhi). AlSA KAISA HUA. Chandiapraliha-pui-anani. Aggala Deva. Chanikya-tautra-chamatkara. Alasingalacharya. Cliaturdasa-nompi-kathe. Jains. Chikka banajigaru. Edgeworth (M.). Cynibeline (Jaya-siniba-ruja-cbaritre). Shakspere (W.). Devi Chaudhurani. Banki.m-ghandra Chattopa- DHYAVA. Dharma-pariksbo. Chandra-saga R A A''arni. Dbarnia-sarmabbyudayam. Hari-chandra. Durgesa-nandini (The Chieftain's Daughter). Ban- kim-chandra Chattopadhyaya. Garuda-purana. PuRANAS. Gayyaliyannu sadhu - niaduvike (Taming of the Shrew). Soma-nath'-ayya, B. Hainsa-viiusati-katbegalu. Lak.SHMI-pati, Dh. Hataniana manrirama-charitravu. Hatim T.l'i. Ikkada Maraiyana charitreyu. Mahanta Desika. Indira. Bankim-chandra ChattHpadhyaya. Indira Bai (Sad-dharma-vijayavu). Venkata-r.\u, 6. Ji\andhara-charitram (Kshatra-chtidamani). Vadi- BHA-SIMHA. Kadanibari-katbe. B.lNA. Kalavati-parinayam. Yadava Karbiga. Kamala-kauta. [Addenda] Bankim-chandra Chatto- I'ADHYAYA. Kamalaksha-Padmagandhiya kathe. ViiNKATESA BhLma-rau BHANniV.Vp. Kanakaugi-kalyanada kathe (Sasi-rekha-k°.). Asvat- tha-n.Irayana Sastri. Kannada Dasa-kuiuara-cbaritreyu. Dandi. Kanyil-vitantu (A Sicilian Summer). Taylor \Sir H.). Katha-manjari. T.\NnAVA-R.\YA MuDAl.IYAR. Katha-saugraha. S.a.nderson (D.). Katha-isaptati (Eppattu kathegalu). Kath.\-saptati. Kesari-vilasavu. Venkata-subba PiAU, B. Krislnia-kantana Will (mriti-patra). [Addenda] Bankim-chandra Chattopadhyaya. Kri>!hna-raja-vani-vilasa. Maii.\-BH.\.RATA. Kusumakara. Anna.h K.\u, M. It. Last Days of Boosy (Busiya kade-dinagalu). Smith (T.). Life and Adventures of Kobinson Crusoe. Defoe (D.). Life of Dr. Haas. Luethi (B.). Little Henry and bis Bearer (Chikkavan' ada Henriyu avana boyiyu). Butt, afterwards Sherwood (M. M.). Madaua-mohana-raja-charitravn. Siva-sank ara S.lSTRl, Bcmjaluru Siddhdnti. Venkata-rama Sastri, B. Madhavi-latii. SanjIva-chandra ChattGp.Iphy.wa. Maba-bbarata [in luco]. Maba-purana (°saiigraha). JiNA-SENA. Malati - madbava -prakarana - katha. Sri-kanth a Sarma. Malliuatha-puranain. Naga-CHANDRA. Manas-chandra-boJhe. Eama-svami, B. Manorame. A^enkat.\gii.\rya, B. Marjaliya jnana-yatre. M.vrj.vli. Marvellous Adventures of Sindbad the Sailor. Arabian Nights. Mudra-manjiisbavu. Kempu-NARAYANA. Nage-gadalu. Beschi (C. G. E.). '- [Addenda] Beschi (C. G. E.). Nataka-katlia-ratna-male. Sriniv.Isa PiAU, S. Nava-ratna-paksbiya cliaritre. Nanj'-und'-ayya, S. Niti-chintamani. SrInivas'-aiyangar, M. Bh., and PUTTANNA, M. S. Padma-nayana. Venkatesa Tirako Kulkarni. Paramartha-guruvina kathe. Beschi (C. G. E.). Paranjotiyii Kripeyu. Mullens (H. C). Parsva - natha - svami - puranam. GuNA - BHADRA Acharya. Pilgrim's Progress. Bunyan (J.). Prabbavati-suka-maujari. S7\.ma Sastri, M. V. Paja-martanda-cbaritra. Venkatesa S.vstri, »S. Paja-sekbara-charitre (Viveka-cbandrike). Yiresa- lingam, K. Pamasva-medham (Sesha-ramayanaiu). Puranas. Yradma-inirdna.^ Paniayana-katha-saugrahavu. Gunda Sastri. Valmiki. Pamayana-saugraba (Sainskrita-pradarsaui). ILl- M.\NUJ'-AYYA, T. Piivana-dig-vijaya. Gunda Sastri. Hisbya-sringopakhyanavu. Pattabhirama Sastri. Pobini (Silrasvata-mandala). Ann.\ji I!.\u, G. Sad-bbakti-chandrike. Sach-chid-ananda Juvisa. Sahasrayu-cliaritre. Puranas. [Brahmaiuja- 2? «?•«?/«.] 257 SUBJECT-IXDEX. 258 Sainineila-saila-iimhfilmyain. Dkva-datta. iSaiuyag - darsaurishtiluga - paucliaauvrata - kathegalu. Padma-raja Panuita. Satiiuani-vi Java (All's Well that Ends Well). SGma- nath'-ayva, B. Satyavati-charitre. VIkesa-lingam, K. Selection of Stories, etc. Subda-kau, Adaldi. Sesha-rauulyanani. PuRAN'AS. \^Pad mouth Canara Village Officers' Manual (Dakshina- kannada . . . grama-udyogastliara kununugala sarigi'ahavu). 1viushna-r.\u, IC. Treatise on Aliya Santana Law, etc. Kkishna- RAU, G. Treatise on Jain Law and Usages. Padma-raja Pandita. Vakeel's Guide. Subbannachauyar. Vyavahara-mitranu. Sarabiiappa VIrappa Men- SINKAL Vyavahara-nirnaya. Mallaradhya, Af. MISCELLANIES, COLLECTIONS, AND LITERARY PERIODICALS. Alphabetical Index of Manuscripts. Madras. — Govt. Oriental 3ISS. Library. Ananda-dipike. Venkata-subba Eau, E. Ai-unodaya. PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. — Bangalore. Avakasa-tosliini. Periodical Publications. — Mysore. Bala-patra. Periodical Publications. — Mangalorc. Bibliotheca Carnatica \_in loco\ Budlia-jana-niano-ranjani. Padma-raja Pandita. Karnataka Grantha-mulc. Periodical Publica- tions. — Mysore. Kamataka Kavya-kala-nidhi [in loco]. Kaniataka Kavya-maijjari [in loco]. Kavya-kalpa-drumani. Periodical Publications. — Banyalore. Krishna-raja-vani-vilasa. Maha-bharata. PUR.VNAS. Prabandliavali. Eaii.Inuj'-avyangar, M. A. Sad-bodhananda-lahari. Siva-sankara S.vstri, Siddhdnti. Sala-patrike (Canarese School Paper). Periodical Publications. — Bclyaum. Sri-krishna-sukti. I'eriodical Publications. — Udipi. Vag-bhiishana. Periodical Publications. — Dhar- war. Vidya-naudini. Periodical Publications. — Ban- galore. PHILOSOPHY AND THEOLOGY. 1. christian. Syllabus of Lectures on Theology (Deva-vakya- siddhantagalannu kurita prasaiigagala saukshe- pavu). Theology. Theology addressed to Hindoos (Satya-veda-gnana- praboJhe). Campbell (AV.). 2. HINDU. Adhyatma-mala. Tammanna-dasa. Anu-bhashya. Ananda-tIetua. Anubhavamritavu. Eanga-natha. Anubhava-rasayanain. Krishna E.\ja, of Salem. Arya-dliarmojjivini. Periodical Publications. — 3Iysore. Arya-mata-sanjivini. E.'vmanuj'-ayyangar, jV. A. Atma-bodha. Sankarach.'vrya. Atuianubhava-prakasike. Subraumanya, Vkldnta Sivdnanda. Bhagavad-gita. Maiia-bharata. [Addenda] j\Iaha-bharata. Bhagavata-purana. Puranas. Braliina-sutra. Badaravana. [Addenda] Badarayana. Brahma-sutra-1 ihashya [commentary]. [Addenda] Ananda-tirtiia. Brahma-siitrartha-sangraha [commentary]. Eama- ciiANDRA Eau, /'. 263 SUBJECT-INDEX. 264 Chatuidasa-marijaiik fi. Sankarachaeya. Chid-ananda-bala-lile. Ayyappa. Cliika-deva-ifiya-binnapaiii [anonj'inous]. Chika Deva IMya. Dasa-bodlia. Padma-naiuia Maha-raja TalikOti. Dliarina-pada (Dhanima-p°.). Sutta-pitaka. ] )lmrma-paiik,slie. CiiANDKA-SAGARA Vaeki. 1 ) vadasa-maujarika. Sankaracharya. Gitaitha-saravu. JIaha-bhakata. Isavasyopanisbad. Upanishads. Jnana-yoga-tarangini. Yijga-va.sishtha-kamayaxa. Kaanada - bhashantara - nitila. Xrishxachaeya, t'.r. Kenopanishad. Upanisiiads. ]\Iadbva-siddhaota-dipika. I'ERIODICAL PUBLICA- TIONS. — Madras. Madliva - siddhanta - grautha - malikii. Tirumala Eau, a. Madhwa praltandha mala. M.lDHVAS. ]\Iaba-bhai-ata-tatparya-Eirnaya. Ananda-TIKTHA. Manas-chandra-bodlie. Hama-svami, B. Manas-sastra (Psychology). Venkuba Eau. Mandukyopanishad. UPANISHADS. Mani-manjari. Nakayana, son of Trivikrama. Mukti-sopaua-saptaka. Vexkata-ra.ii'-ayy'A, (S*. V. Panchadasi. Sayana. Panchikarana-vedanta. Nirvana Siva-yogi. Paraiuanuljhava-bodhe. Nija-guna Siva-yOgi. Parania-raha.sya-ratnavalL [Addenda] Amarayya. Paramartha-prakasikeyu. Nija-guna Siva-yogi. Paiamartha-saia. Nirv.\na Siva-yugi. Para - vadi - gajankusa - taravali. Nila-kanthaeya Deva. ' ' . I'aurusba-prakasavu (JSana-vasishtha-saravu). Na- RASIMHA PaURANIKA. Prameya-mukta-manjari. Krishnachari, P. Saiikara-samhiteyu. Pur.\nas. \_Skaii(la-purana.'\ Sat-sampradiiya-dipika. Janardan'-ayyangak. Siksha-valli. Upanishads. Sivadhikya. Appaya DIkshita. Siva-jnana-pradipike. Yiraxacharya. Taittiriyopanishad. Upanishads. Tattva-darpana. Chandra-sekiiara Sastri. Tattvagalu. Tattva. Tattvanusandhana. BhLm.\vadhCta. Tattva-prakasikil ('prakasa). P.nri.iA-RAJA. Tattva-piakasike. [Addenda] 1'eriodical Publi- cations. — Kav^italavi. Upanishads \in loco]. Vasudeva-manana. V.\sudeva Yati. Vedanta-jnana-sikharatuavu. [Addenda] Nanj'- UNpA Sastri, K. C. Vedanta-panchadasi. S.VVANA. Veda-sanjiviniyu. [Addenda] Mummadi Eaja. Venkata - pura - vaishnavadi - nana - matotpatti - sid- dhauta-sudha-rasavu. Venkata-pura. Yichara-dipaka. Bkahm.ananda, ScCiini. Yira-saiva-dliarma-siromani. Shadakshari Mantri. Yira-saiva-mata-prakasike. Periodical Publi- cations. — Mysore. Vii'a-saiva-prabhakara. Periodical Publications. — Madras. Yiveka-chintiunani. NlJA-GUNA Siva-yOgi. Yivekananda. Periodical Publications. — Mysore. Yoga-vasishtha-raniayana \in loco\ POETICAL AET (ALANKARA). Apratinia-vira-charitain. Tirumal'-ayyang.^k. Ai'thalankaia-prakaranavu. Naga Yarma, son of Damodara. Karnataka Chaudraloka. Jaya-deva. Kainataka-kavya - lakshana - saravu. Yenkata- RAMAXA E.AU, K. Kavi-raja-marga [in loco\ Kavi-samayani. E.AM.ANUj'-AY'YAi:G.\R, M. A. Ka\•ya^'a]6kananl. Nag.A. Yarma, son of Damodara. Nara-pati-charitani. Linga-raje Arasu. Easa-ratnakara. Salva. Sriiigara-ratnakaram. K.ama-deva. Udayudityalankarain. Uday.Iditva. POETRY AND DRAMA. 1. anthologies and woeks of mixed contents. Bhartri-hai-i-sul)liashita. Biiartri-hari. Eolk-songs of Sonthern India. Gover (C. E.). Knrnataka-prak-kavya-malike. WuERTH (G. A.). Kavya-manjari. Kittel (F.). Kavya-pufija. Mack (J.). Kavya-saram. Vidyananda. jMinor Canarese Poetical Anthology (Sanna karnataka kavya-male). KiTTEL (F.). Padya-sahgraha [in loco\ Padya-sara. Mysore, Govt. of. SarvajSa-murti-vaclianavu. Sakvajna-.mCrti. 2. DKAMAS AND EEOITATIVE POETICAL TALES (YAKSHA- GANAS, ETC.). Anasuya-charitre. Guru-r.ama Yithala. Avanti-Kundari-parinayavu. E.iMA-KiilSilNACH.lRYA. Chanda-kausika-natakani. KsHf;.MisvARA. Chandravali-kathe. Yenkatesa, Pod. Chandravali-prasaugavu. Yenkatesa, Pod. Chandi-ava|i-vilasa-nataka. Chandr.vvali. Charusile-charitre. E.lMA Eau, M. B. Chitra-ketu-rajana kathe. Guru-r.\ya.charya. Chora-kathe (Yaksha-gana). Chora-kathe. 265 SUBJECT-IXDEX. 266 Dharma-pfila-cliaritre. Sama-k.Iu, N. Di-aupadi-Lharilre (Kichaka-vadhe). E^vnga-DASA, S. Draupadi-svayaiuvara-uataka. Puttaxxa. SlVAPPA Sastki. Durvasa-cliaritre. Guru-eama Vithala. Dj'uta - parva - katha (Draupadi - niana - rakshanavu). Guku-kama A'ithala. Hanmuad-vilasavu. Tippaxarya. Harischandra-natakaju. Saxkaka Sastri, Af. Iggajipa-Hegade-vivrilia-prahasana(Kanya-vikiayada liarinftmavu). Iggappa Hegade. Indra-sabha-natakavu. Guku-Rau IIagiiavendra MamdapCr. Jaya-siinlia-raja-charitam. Nanjappa. Kanaka-lata-parinaya. Sri-kantha Sastki, X. Kaniataka NagiXnanda-iiatakam. Harsha-ueva. Kainfitaka rriyadarsika-nfitike. Harsha-deva. Kaniataka Eamayana-uiitakam. Ayya Sastri, S. Kaniataka Sarangadhara-natakavu. Guru-sid- dappa. Kaniataka Snusha-vijayani. Sundara-raja Bhat- TACHARYA. Karnataka Veni-sainhara. Narayana Bhatta. Kanifitakoumatta-iaghavaiu. ]5iiaskara Bhatta. King Lear (Hema-chandra-raja-vilasa). Shakspere (W.). Krishna- vijaya. Bama-chandra. Madana-sundari-svayaijivava. Annaji Yarnaru. Madhavana chai'itre. Guru-rama Vithala. Malii.suni-santisvara-pratishtha-natakavu. Padma- RA.TA PaXDITA. Malavikiignimitrain. Kalidasa. Mandaioijvala-parinayavu(Gul i bakavali). Sy.\ma- RAU, li. D. Markandeya-natakavu. Guru-siddappa. Mercluuit of Venice (Paucliali-parinayani). Shak- spere (W.). Mitravinda-govindaiii. Harsha-deva. Mi-if:licldiakatika-prakaranavu. SuDRAKA. Muiini-iuksliasa. Vis.\kha-datta. Nala-charitre. Nala. Nala-iifitakavu. Syama-RAU, B. D. Narakiisiira-vyilyogain. Dharma SCri. Ninipania. SrI-kantha Sastki, N. Othello (Sura-sena-charitre). Shakspere (W.). Pailniaksliana kajagavu. • Annaji Yarnaru. I'adiiiuvati-parinaya (Srinivasa-kalyana). Balvant BlIASKARA MaR.\TIIE. Paricha-katha. Guru-R.\ma Yithai.a. Paraspara-dravya-saliayada kanipeni-natakani (Vi- l)ralainbhadbhiita - piadar.sini). Pama - sesha SAsTia, M. Pralihavati-darbar. SiVAPPA Sastri. Pralilrida-cliaiitrc. Guru-RAMA Yitiiala. Prajapakara-kampinigala natakani. Subba-rai', son of Achchappa. Pratapa-rudra-deva (Macbeth). Shakspere CW.). Putra-kanieshti \in loco^ Eati-kalyai.ia. Puttanna. Eatnavaji. Harsiia-deva. Eiivaua-dig-vijaya. Sant'-ayya. Eomeo and Juliet (Eama-varma-Liliivati-charitie). Shakspere (W.). Enkmangada-nataka. Guru-rama Vithala. Sabara-dhanaiujaya-vilasa-nianjari. Adi-duaxam- .TAYA. Sakuntala-natakavu. Kalid.vsa. Sananda-ganesvaraua (°ganesana) kathe. S.\XAXLi.\. Sangitamrita-saravu. Lakshman'-ayya, //. B. J'. Sangita-priyadarsike. Harsha-di:va. Sasi-it'kha-parinayavu. Timma-dasa. Satya-liarischandra-maha-rayana chaiitreyu. ilA- n.\XTA Desika. Siriyala - sattva - pariksha - nataka. Bal.Ich.\rya Sakkarl Sitaranya-prave.sa-nataka. Bal.vciiarya Sakkari. Sita-svayainvaraui. Sri-kaxtiiesa Gauda. Sita-svayamvaravu. SiT.\. Sita-udayavu. Axx.lJi Yarxaru. Subaliu - kalagavu. LakshmI - nar.Iyan.\ch.\rya. Sudhama-charitra. Sudh.\.ma. Suratlia-sudhanvakhyana-natakavu. Krisiix.\.u Srinivasa Kaulagi. Syamantaka-ratna-natakani. Nara-iiari Sastri, I>. Usha-parinayavu (Bfinasura-natakavu). Svama- RAU, 11. D. ITttara-rama-charitra, °katlie. BiiAVA-BiiUTr. Valimukha-vilasam. Subba-r.\u, of the Ckdma- rajeyidra-harnataka-nataka-sahhc. A'amana-charitre. Skixiv.vsa Haki-d7vsa. Yeni-samliiiia. N.vr.Iyaxa Bhatta. Yakslia-gana Nala-charitre. Nala. Yaksha-gana Prahlada-charitre. Hk-M-I PEi.ini. 8. ETHICAL POETKY. Bhanu-sataka. LAKSHMi-xuisiMiiA Sasti:i, V. Canarese Poetical Antliology (Karniitaka-kavya- male). Kittel (F.). (Karnataka - |iri"ik - kavya-nialike). WuERTil (G. A.). Chalva-narayana-satakain. Alasingrachae. Good Words (Vikirna-subhashita-prasaiiga-satakaV Vatsa (S.). Hadibadeya dharmain (rativrala-dh°.). IL>x- XAM.MA. Niti-niafijari. Narasimilvchar, R. A. Niti-ratna-male. Siva-sankara S.lSTRI, S. Niti-siira. JxAXf:svARA Paxdita. 267 SUBJECT-INDEX. 268 Xiti-sataka. Bhartri-hari. Kambha-suka-samvadavu. GuxpA Bhatta Bela- GUPPI. Sanmati Sataka. Siva-sankaka Sastri. Sanscrit Verses (Sloka-saiigraha). Sanskrit Verses. Somesvara-satakavu. Somesvara, P. Stri-dharma-sangraha. CiilDAMHAli'-AYYA, H. yubodha-taraiigavu. Siva-sankara Sastri, S. Sukti-maiijari. Sita-r.Ima S.\stri, M. Yidura-niti. Maha-bh.\rata. 4. HEROIC, romantic, EROTIC, AND PANEGYRIC POETRY. Aja-uripa-charite. Kalidasa. Apratiina-vira-charitam. Tirumal'-ayyang.Ir. Chama-rajendra-vilasavu. Bete-raya DIkshita. (.'hika-dC'va-raja-vijayaiii. Tikumal'-ayyangar. Cliikka-deveudra-vaiusavali [anouymous]. Chika Deva E.Iya. Dilipa-charite. Kalidasa. Gadayuddliani (Saliasa-bhima-vijayam). Banna. Jaimini-bharata. LakshmIsa. [Addenda] LakshmIsa. Jaya-ni-ipa-kavyaiu. JVlAiiGA-RASA. Kabbigara kavam (Sobagina suggi, Madana-vijaya). AXDAYYA. Kannada-bharata (Karnata-bharata-katba - maujari). KUMARA Vyasa. Kannada Bbarata Sangraha. Kumara Vyasa. Karnata Bharatha Sangraha. Kumara Vyasa. Karnataka Kadambari. Bana. Kinicbit-sauksbepa-ramayanavu. A^iRA-NARAYANA. Krishna-gopi-vilasaiii. Krishna. Kshatra-chtidamani. Vadibha-simha. Lilavati. Nemi-chandra. Pampa-bbarata (Vikrauiarjuna-vijaya). Pampa. Pampa-ramayanavu (Eama-chandra-charita-puraiia). Naga-chandra. Parvati-koravaiiji-kathe. Venkat'-ayya, M. T. Eaghu-vamsa. Kalidasa. Piaja-sekhara-vilasavu. Shadakshari Deva. Piauifibliyudaya-katlia-kusuma-mafijari (Ananda-ra- niayana). TlRUMALARY'A, S. Paxma-parijfita. Bh!ma-rau Eaghavendra Aiholi. Eauibha-suka-sanivadavu. Gunda Bhatta Bela- GUPPI. Sabara-saiikara-vilasam. Shadakshari Deva. Sauksbepa-kauuada-bharatavu. Maua-bharata. Saiikshepa-kannada-ramayanavu. Vira-narayana. Sesha-raiiiayanam. Ayya Sa.STRI, S. Sita-chavitre. Subba Sastri, N. Sita-devi-agnata-vasavu. Channa-basava, son of Basava-linga. Sri-ki-ishiia-i-aja-satakani. Venkata-r.Iu, H. Sri-rama-pattabLishekam. Maha-laksh.mi. Snkanya-charitre. E.\ma-sv.\mi Aiyang."vr, K. Torave-iamayana. Kum.vra Val.mIki. Varsha-vardhanti-satakam. SkIvasa. Yasodbara-charitre. Janna. 5. RELIGIOUS AND PHILOSOPHICAL POEMS OF DOCTRINE, DEVOTION, AND NARRATIVE. (i.) Christian. Canarese Hymn-book. Hymnals. Canarese Hymns for Children (Balakara gitagalu). Hymnals. Christian Lyrics (Jiiana-kirtauegalu). Samuel (A.). Gitagalu. Hymnals. Kauarese Hymns. Hymnals. Kraista-gitagalu. Hymnals. Lyrics (Kirtanegalu). Anstey (L). Psalms (Kirtanegalu). Bible. Selection of Scripture Stories in Hindu metre (Katha-male). Kittel (F.). (ii.) Hindu. Adhyatma-mala. Tammanna-d.Isa. Anubhavaniritavu. Eanga-n.Itha. Anubhava-mudreyu. Santa-mallesvaea Svami. Aparoksha-jnanigala padagalu. Dasaru. Aravattu-miiru mandi puratanara trividhi. NlJA- GUNA SiVA-YOGL Aslitottara-sata-mangala-gitavali. Tamm' -ayya Sastri. Basava-puranavu. Bhima. Basavesa-vijaya. Sankar.Iradhya. Bhakti-rasayanavu. Sahajananda. Bhava-chinta-ratnam. Mallanarya, G. Bbojaiia-kala-nirnaya. Guru-r.\ma Vithala. Clianna-basava-puranavu. YirOp.vksha Pandita. Chika-deva-raya-binnapam. Chika Deva Eaya. Dilsara padagalu. Dasaru. Devara namagalu. Guru-RAMA Yithala. Dipada Kaliyara kavyavu. Channa Mallesa. Gagana-taravali. Niranjanavadhuta. Gajendra-moksbavu. Puranas. [^Bharjavata-pu- ranal\ Guru-stotra. Nirv.\na Siva-yogi. Hari-bbakti-sara (Yishiiu-bhakti-s°.). Kanaka DLsA. Hari-kathamrita-sara. jAGANN7vTnA Eaya. [Addenda] Jagannatha E.lYA. Harischaudra-kavyam. Eagiiavanka. Jagannatha-vijayaiu. EuDRA Bhatta. Jfiana-darpana pada-sangraha. Subbanna Prabhu. Jnana-sindhu. Chid-.Inanda Avadhuta. Kaivalya-kalpa-vallari. Sappanna Sv.Imi. Kaivalya-uava-nitavu. Sankar.Inanda. 269 SUBJECT-IXDEX. 270 Kaivalya-paddliati. Nija-guxa Siva-yugi. Kalyana - gita- luanjari. Sui - KRISHXA Brahma - TANTKA PaRAKALA-YATI. Kaiiaka-dasara kathe. Guru-rama Yithala. Kanchi-sicldhaiita-puranavu. Subbaxnacharya. Kannada Arati-sangraha. Sankara Narayana KoppIkar. Kottuiu-ljasavesa-pauranavu. Basava-linga. Lieder Kauaresischer Sanger. Purandaea Dasa. Madhva-siddhanta-sara. Guru-RAMA Vithala. Madliva-vijaya-bliamini. Narayana. Maha-rajaravara vachana (Nadateya kuritu madida upadesa). GURU-LINGA Jangama. Murageudra-vijaya. PiUDRA Deva. Xija-dipika-[sir6-] ratnavu. Krishna Eaja, of Salem. Nija-liiiga-sataka. Nija-linga. Nityanusandlianam. Akvargal. Padagalu. Dasaeu. JaGANNATHA PiAYA. Kanaka Dasa. pcrandara d.\sa. Padma-nija-puranam. Padman.vnka. Pampa-satakain. Hari-hara Deva. Paramanulihava-bodhe. NlJA-GUNA SiVA-YOGl. Parama-rahasya-ratnav^ali. Amakayy'A. Paramartha-gite. NiJA-GUNA Siva-yugi. Prahladopakhyana. SrInivasa-murti R.lu, D. liagliavankara kavyaiii. Chikka NANj'-ACHrvRYA. Sankarananda-tattva. Siva-Kama Sastei, S. V. Sarvajna-murti-vaclianavu. Sarvajna-muuti. Seiu-niyava kathe. Guru-rama Vithala. Siddhesvara-purauavu. Mari Tontad'-arya. Siriyakna charitreyu. Mahanta Desika. Siva-bhakti-saravu. Eam'-ayya, jS". Siva-sarana-lilamritavu. Channappa Deva. Stuti-muktava|i. Kari-basava S.\stri, N. R. yiibodha-taraiigavu. Siva-sankara Sastri, S. Tattvagalu. Tattva. Trisbashti-puratana-vilasai!!. Strang a. Yai'a-m6hana-taraiigiiu(KrisIma-cliantie). Kanaka D.\SA. Vara-nandi-kalyanain. CliALl'VAj'-AMMANNI. Vedanta-sattva-sara. IVIanjamma. Venkatesa-charite. Chai.uv.Ij'-ammanni. Vira-saivainrita-nialia-]mi'ruiavu. Mallanahya. Visva-iupa-taudarsauaiu. Yenkata-RA.MAN'-ayya,//. (iii.) Jain. Aparajitesvara-.satakani. Eatnakara. Bhavyainrita \in loco]. Budha-iana-niaiio-rafijanl. Padma-isa.ia Pandita. Chanilrapralilia-puninaiu. Aggala Dkva. Jina-muni-taniiya. Naga-chandra. Niti-sara. Jnaxksvara Pandita. Parainagama-.sara. CllANDRA-KlRTTl. Eatnakaradhisvara-satakaiu. Hamsa-R.Ija. Udaya-niga devara padagalu. Udaya-R.Iga. Upade.sa-pada-malikeyu. [Addenda] DVARAPALA JiNNAPP.l Jedi. (iv.) Brdhma SamSj, Bhakti-sudha-rasa (Theist's Hymn Book). Br.\hma Samaj. Bi-ahma-dharmanusara. Brahm.Inanda Yugi. 6. MISCELLANEOUS. Bagalu tadeyuva badu. Bagalu. Chaniatkara-ratna-prabhe. SiVA-SANKARA SlSTRl, .?. Dharavadada vakllara vamane. Channa-basava, son of Basava-linga. Hubballi-suligeriya varnane. Channa-basava, son of Basava-linga. Namdar-bala-gangadhara-ti!akara lavani. Kpjsh- naji Svami-r.\u. Pleg-hadu. Srinivasa-murti Eau, D. POLITICS AND SOCIETY. Ai-tha-sastra (Political Economy). Nanj'-UNd'- ay'ya, ff. r. Canarese Informer (Indiya mattu anya-desada var- tika). Periodical Publications. — Maiujahrc Canarese Newspaper (Kannada samacharavu). Peri- odical Publications. — Bcllanj. Illustrated Canarese Journal. Periodical Publi- cations. — Alangalore. Jamunabai's Wanderungen. Baba Padmjvn.ii. Maisura vrittanta-bodhini. Periodical 1'ubli- CATIONS. — Bangalore. Mangalfira samacbiira. PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. — Mangalore. On Selfsupport (Namma kraista-niandaliyu . . . sva- tantra lionduva bage, etc.). Self-support. Sri-krislma-raja-vadeyaravarapattabbislieka-cbaritrc, Sri - krishna - raja - vadeyaravara saubbagyavati- Yanaibi-pratapa-kumrui-bayi-mabu-deviyavara parinayavu. Padma-raja Pandita. Subodlia-darpana. Eaghavendra Eau. Suliodbini. PERIODICAL Publications. — Mangalorc. Wanderings of Yamunabay (Yamiina-bayiya sani- cbara, Jamunabai's Wanderungen). B.\ba Padmanji. PROSODY (CHHANDAS). Chbando-malike. Srinivasa E.\ciHAV.\cnAKYA. Kannada-cbhandassu (Chhaudorabudhi). Naga Yakma, son of Vcnnam'-ayya. 271 SUBJECT-IXDEX. 272 Karniitaka Kavya-lakshana-saravu. Venkata- EAMANA EaU, K. Prosody of the Kannad Language. Naeasimha Madhava Maiiishi. PROVERBS AND ADAGES. Handbook of Canarese Proverbs. Naeasixga Pau, Uhhayacla. Kannad a-giidegala nioilalane pustuka. Padma- R.\JA Pandita. Kannada-gadegalu. Moegling (H. F.). One thousand Canarese Proverlis (Sahasra gadha- mrita-kalasavu). Walz (T. M.). Popular Canarese Proverbs, etc. Aiman (S.) and Nakasinga E.lu, U. Saniati-saugraha. Hanamant Govixda JHsi. Three Hundred Canarese Proverbs, etc. Vatsa (C). RELIGION. 1. CHRISTIANITY, (i.) Bible, Works on Doctritie, and Tracts. Ajnata-vasa (Spiritual Exercises). Ignatius, St. Amore delle Anime (Atma-sneha). Alphonso Maria [de' Liguori], St. Bazaar Book (Vernacular Preacher's Companion, Kirana-nialike). Scuddek (H. M.). Believe and Live (Nambi, jivisiri). Hay (J.). Bhadrav' ada abhyangakke ayittav' ilg' iruva jfiano- padesavu. CATECHISM. Piible [ill loco]. [Addenda] [in loco']. Bible Stories (Deva-vakya-dvipanchasat). Baeth (C. G.). Birth of Christ (Yesuvina janana). Bible. — New Testament. — Gospels. [Selections.] Blindness cured (Andha-harana paraniuuanda-karana). Walz (T. M.). Burial Sermon ... at the grave of . . . C. Moerike. PlEGER ( ). Catechism [in loco]. (Jnanopadesavu). BuTLEE (J.). ('atechism of Scripture History. Bible. — Appendix. C.itechisms of the Wesleyan Methodists. Wesleyan Metiiiidists. Cln'istiau Xames in Canarese. Kies (J. G.). Class Book of Natural Theology(Deva-kriya-suchaka). Gallaudet (T. H.). Collection of Canarese Sermons (Kaimada prasaiiga- galu). Brigel (J. J.) and others. Come to Jesus (Yesuvina balige lifi !). Hall (C. N.). Confessions of Saint Augustine (^^'astin-binnapani). [Addenda] Augustine, St. Counsels to the Young (Taruna-hitopadesa). Walz (T. M.). Daily Bread (Dinada rotti). Bible. — Selectioiis. Daily Text Book (Pratidina-vachana-pustaka). Bible. — Selections. Daiva-pariksheyu. Daiva. Daniel and his Companions (Daniyelu avana jatega- rarii). Aaron (D.). De Imitatione Christi (Kristu-nathara anusaravu). Jesus Christ. Divya-matrikeyu. Jesus Christ. Elijah the Prophet, or Jehovah and the Idols. Bible. — Old Testament. — Selections. Epitome of the Bible (Veda-sahgraha). Bible. — A2ipenclix. Eradane jnanopadesada prasnottaragalu. WESLEYAN Methodists. Essence of the Bible (Veda-sara). Pjce (B. H.). Eternal Wisdom (Jnana-sanjivi). Samuel (A.). Evidences of the Christian Pevelation (Deva-vakyo- daharana-sahgrahavu, Vedav-udilrana-tirattu). Ehenius (C. T. E.). Fii-st Catechism (Modalane prasnottara - bodhe). Catechism. (Devara vakyada bodhaneya pras- nottara). Weigle (G.). (Balakaru modalu voduvantha jijanopadesavu). Wesleyan Methodists. Flattich's Household Eules (Sanisara-kramagala pustakavu). Flattich (J. F.). Gellert's Hymn (Gellertana gita). Gelleet (C. F.). God's Choice the best for His People (Devaru arisi tegedaddu tanna bhaktarige uttamav' agide). Simpson (D.). Good Way (San-marga-vicharavu). Layer (J.). Habba sangyagala vyakhyanavu. Eome, Church of. Heart Book (Hridaya- darpana, Mana - kannadi). Heart Book. Hinduism and Christianity contrasted (Dvi-mala- parikslie). Hinduism. Historiiu Yeteris et Novi Testamenti Compendium. Bible. — Appendix. History of Josepli (Yosephana charitre). Joseph. History of liltle William. William. History of the Church. Eeeve (J.). History of the Ilefonnation. Axanda-e.Iya Kaun- piNVA (H.). How Joseph, the Sliepherd-boy, became a Prime Minister (Kadege vajiran' ada Yosephan' emba yuva-gopala-ratna). Vatsa (C.) and Walz (T. M.). Identity of Popery and Heathenism (Ulihaya-marga- sanuuandha). Nana-siivH.\mani Pillai. Instruction for Youth (Balopadesa). EiCE (B. H.). 273 SUBJECT-INDEX. 274 lustnictiou for Youtli (Baly6paiU"s;i'). Campbell (C). In whnm sliall we trust ? (Yaraiinu uaiuba Leku). Caxdy (T.). iraru patrike (Twelve Letters). JIOEGLING (H. F.). Jati-vichiirane. Moegling (H. F.). Jewel Miue of Salvation (Nistara-ratnakaravu). Eama-k.\ma Vasu. Jnana-liodliakavu- (S^anav-unarttmlal). Beschi (C. G. E.). Kraista-dliarma-hoilhane (Christliche Eeligionslehre, Doctrines of the Clu-Lstian lieligion). Kurtz (J. H.). Elrislina and Christ compared (Krishna Krista ivara hcchchu-kadiine). B.Ib.I rADiiANJi. Kumaropadesa. Catechism. Light of the ^yo^ld (Lokada lielakn). Hutgiieon (J.). Line upon Line (Sutrada niele sutra). Moktlmer (F. L.), Mrs. Lingaitism examined (Liiigayata-mata- vichara). ClIIXXAPPA (C). Madag;iscar, its Mission and its Martyrs. Kamsika (P. G.). Man that killed his Neighbours (Tanna nereyava- raimu kouda maiiushyana kathe). Man. Married Life (Danipatya-stliitiyaiinii kurit' ada grantha-trayavu). Like. Martyr of Delhi (Dilli-patnada rakta-sakshi). Martyr. Mata-vicharane (On Eeligion). Moegling (H. F.). On Demons (Bhuta-vidyeyu). Maexxer (A.). On Fatalism (Adrishta-vadigalu). Walz (T. M.). On Idolatry (Vigraharadhaneyannu kuritu). Idol- atry. On I'antheism (Bi'ahma-jnaua-parikslie). Clark- SON (W.). On the Incarnation of Christ (Yesu-kristana avata- ravu). liEEVE (W.). On the Worship of Jugunnath (Jaganuatha-parikshe). Jagann.\tiia. On Transmigration (Janmantara-vicharane). Mul- lens (J.). '^ (Janmantaropadesavu). Vat.sa (C). I'arablc of the Lost Sheep, etc. (Kaladu hoda kuri, elc). ])IBLE. — New Testament. — Gospels. [TmJx.] Paramfitma-jnana (Knowledge of the Supreme Spirit). Kittel (F.). Parisuddha-charitravu (Lehrbuch der Heiligen Gc- schichte, Sacred History). Kurtz (J. II.). Pilgrim's I'rogress (Yatrastliana samcharavu, Yatri- kana s°., Desantriya prayana). Bunyan (J.). Practical Advice against a far-spread Disease (Maha- kaUatanada sangati). Sl'UliGEON (C. H.). Purvika-matada vyakhyfinavu. Plryika Mata. Refutation of ten Excuses (Dasa-neva-khandane). Samuel (A.). Sahha-patra. Periodical Publications. — Manffn- lorc. Satya-veda-charitregala saukshepavu. Bible. — Appendix. Satya-vcdada parikslieyu. Bible. — Appendix. Scriptural Instruction for CliiMren (Chikkavaru modal' agi patha mada takka veda-bodhane). Bice (B. H.). ' Scripture Selections (Veda-saiigraha). Bible. — Selections. Scripture Truths, in Scripture Language (Yuda-vakj'a- galalli torisuva vedada satyagalu). Bible. — Selections. Second Catechism (Eradane p'rasnottara-bodhe). Cateciilsm. (Dridhikaranada prasnottara). Weigle (G.). Selected Scriptural Sentences (Arisida veda-vakyada vachanagala ratna-male). Bible. — Selections. Selection of Biljle-passages (Veda-vakyada vachana- manjari). Bible. — Selections. Sermon on the Mount (Parvata-prasanga). Bible. — New Testament. — Gospels. [^Mattheiv^ Short Bible Stories in Canarese (Devara vakyada sanna kathegalu). Luethi (B.). Silve-hadi. Stations of the Cross. Strait Gate (Ikkattina bagalu). Anstey (G.). Strictures on Caste (Kulachara-parikshe). Caste. Strictures on Protestantism (Protestant yemba pati- tara marga). Protestantism. Studies in tlie Book (Satya-veda-grantha-dipike, Tlie Epistle to the Eomaus). Bible. — New Testament. — Epistles. Suljjects for Consideration (Phalara . . . lakshyakke ' takkav' iiddu). Walz (T. M.). Sufferings of Christ (Yesu-kristana srame-charitra). Kittel (F.). Thoughts about Death (Jivantya-smarane). B.vB.l I'AD.MAN.li. Three Way-marks (Satya-margada gurutngalu). Caldwell (K.). True Atonement (Papa-pariharav' aguva miirgavu). Nesbit (E.). Veda - mar - padisuvikeya khandanc (Satya - 1 iru - sabheya sukshmav' ada vytikhyanavu). Khmr, Church of. Way of Salvation (Eakshanopfiyavu). Layer {^.). Way of Wisdom (Jfiana-marga-suchane). Layer (J.). Wise Men from the East, etc. (Mudanada jfuinigalu). Bible. — New Testament. — Gospels. [Si-lcctions. | Yosephan' einba yuva-gopfila-ratna. Walz (T. ^I.) and CJojar (C). SUBJECT- INDEX. 276 (ii.) Liturgies and Manuals. Basel-iuisanina suvarta-paksliada sabliegala krania- galu. Basel. Book of Common Prayer. Litukgies. Canarese Prayers (Prarthanegalu). Weigle (G.). Japada pustukavu. Litukgie.s. Liturgie der Evaugeliscli Deutsclien Jlissionskirclie in Indien. Litukgies. Liturgy of the Basel CJerman Evangelical Mission Churches, etc. Litukgies. Occasional Services of the Wesleyan :Methodist Church. Liturgies. Order for the ministration of the Lord's Supper, (of Baptism, etc.). Litukgies. Suki-ita - mantragalti jnfiiiopade.sada saiikshepavu. Liturgies. 2. hinduism, (i.) Works on Doctrine and Legend. Adbhuta-ramayanam. Sata-kmti kama-ciiarita. Adi-vira-mahesvara-mula-pithike. Siva-basayya. Ananta-vrata-katha. PurAnas. [BharisJnjottara- purdna.] Aravattu-miiru mandi puratanara trividhi. Nija- GUNA Siva-yOgi. Bauddhavatarada kathe. Gunda S.vstki. Bhagavad-glta. MailI-bhakata. [Addenda] Maii;v-bii.\kata. Bhagavata-purana. Puk.vnas. ] >hakta-vijaya. Mahi-pati. Bhqjaua-kala-nirnaya. CtURU-R.VMA Yitiiala. llrahmottara-khanda. Pur.Inas. [Skanda-2}ur(hia.] Chama-rajokti-vilasa. V.IlmIki. Chonna-1 lasavesa-vijayam. Kaki-basava S.Istri, ^\ B. ' ' 1 )evala- brahma - 1 lodhaka - vedokta - mula-stambhana. AfSAMAS. [Siddhiti/nma.] I )t'val6panishad. Upanisii aus. Devaiiga-manu-brahma-vedokta-mula-stambha. Be- NAKAPPA SasTKI. Devanga-mata-prakasikeyu. Muddu-sanga. Devanga - saptavatara - nirnaya - veda - saropanishad. Upanisiiads. Essay on the Second Man-iage of Hindoo Widows (Hindu-janaralli pati-hinar' ada stiirugalige punar-viviihav' aga takka vi-shaya). Braii.max. Gokarna-varnane. Pdk.\nas. [Ska7ida-2mrdna.] Kali-dharma-liodhini. I'kte-r.Aya DIksiiita. Kasi-khandavu (Kasi-kanda, Kasi-kshetra-maha- tmeyu). 1'uranas. [SkaMa-purdna.] Kasl-mi'iti-mokslia-nirnaya. SuKESVAK.icH.VKVA. Krislinfislitanii-viclifira. Xkishxa Vasuukva Bhatta. Krishnavatarada kathe. Gunda S.\stri. Makara-sahkramanada habljavu. SkIxiv.vsa ]!.\ma- ciiAxnRA SavauI. Mula-stamblia-maliii-puranavu. Mui,a-stajibiia. Naraka-yatana-vivaranada pustuka. Nakaka. PaScliala-jatigala utpatti. Panciiabaru. Prahhuloiiakliyana. SRlKlVASA-MritTi Pau, D. Rishi-panchami-vrata-katha. 1'ukanas. [Bha- rishj/oltara-jyurdna.^ Kisliya-.sriiigopakhyanavu. Pattahiiiuama Sastki. Sad-bhakti-chandrike. Sach-chid-ananda Juvisa. Sahasrayu-charitre. PuK.\XAS. [BraJivinn.il a - 2m ram /\ Sanatana-dharma-dipike (Elementary Text Book of Sanatana Dhanaa). Benares. Saukara-saiuhiteyu. Puranas. \_Skanda-piirdiia.\ Sattada-sri- vaishnavadi-mata-pradarsini. 1 ! ang a- DASA, M. Sattada-sri - vaishnava - jiva - ratna. Pang a-dasa, M. Sattvika-sri-vaishnava-mata-sara-sangraha. Kox- DAM.XCIIARYA. Suta-puranavu. SuTA. Syamantakopakhyana (Vinayaka-vrata-katha). Pu- R.lNAS. [SkandM-'purdna^ Tattva-darpana. CiiANDRA-siiKiiARA Sastui. Uttara - sahyadriyolagina havyaka - dravida - 1 iralima- narautpattiya itihasavu. Pur.\nas. [Shanda- 2)urdna.\ Yaidikarchana-chandrike. Daksiiix.v-mukti S.vstui, U. Vidhavegala muiulana anacharavu (Shaving of Widows Unauthorized). Venkata Pango KattI. Yira-saiva-dharma-siromani. Shadakshari ]\Lvxtri. Yira-saivami'ita-maha-puranavu. Mablan.'vrya. Yishnu - da.savatara - katha - sangrahavu. Guxi)A Sastki. Yishnu-puriina. Pur.Inas. Visvakarma-vainsodaya. Sidda-lingacii.vi'.va. Yi.svakarmopakliy;Tna. Puranas. [7'((((';/(«-j7yr;-«»ff.J Yisva-vidyiibharana. Yirupaksiiaciiarya. (ii.) Liturgies and Manuals. (iriha-vastu-darpana. Sanat-kum.Ira. Nitya-karma-paddhati. Pama-krishna Panuita. Nityanusandhanaiu. AitVAiaiAL. Sani-trayodasi-vrata-kalpa. Pur.vxas. [Slandu- pimina.^ Smarta-nitya-kariiia-dipika. ALvx.tapp'-avva. Sri-guru-bhajaue-paddliati. Sankaka liii.vKATi. Svarna-gauri-vratodyapana. Puranas. [Skanda- jii'rdtia.] Vara-lakslnni-vrata-kalpa. Pukaxas. [Bhavivh- yb'taru-purdiia.'\ 77 sr IMKCT-INl'KX. 278 Vara-sidilhi - vinayaka - vrata - kalpa. I'iuanas. [SIca n da-]} nrdiia.] "N'ira-saiva-dikshii-vidlii. Viua-saivas. Vira-saivrmtvL'sbti-viillii. YisvAifAUiiVA. Vira-saiva-vivalia-vidlii. ViKA-SAlVA.s. A^rata-chandrike. X.ln.vVAXA .Sa.sti:i, Brahmu-^n. (iii.) Miscellaneous. Anamaya-stotraiu. [Addenda] Dandi. Arya-dharmojjiviiu. rEiiiODiCAi. Pubi.icatioxs. — Mjisorc. Arya-mata-sanjivini. llAMAXUi'-AVYANrjAi:, M. A. Ganuia-puiana. I'iiianas. Halayudha-stotraia. [Addenda] HAr.AvrnuA. Kodagara kulachaiiidi-tattvojjivini. Arr'-AYVA. Ki-islma-raja-vani-vila.sa. 1'uhanas. Mahimnah-stotrain. Pushpa-daxta. ;\[alaya-nija-stotrani. [Addeiida] ^Ialava-ka.ia. Malhana-stOtraiu. [Addenda] IIalhaxa. Mukundamalu stotrani. Kula-skkhaka. ItagliavtMidra-stotrani. Aitaxaciiarya. Sat-sampradaya-dipikil. JANAliDAx'-AYYAXfJAi;. Siva-pancha-stava. VisvARAniiYA. Soma-vainsfirya-ksliatriya-puranavu. Puraxas. \Skanda-'inirana.^ Tattva-nidhi. Krishxa-raja Oheyau, Muiniiuuji. Venkata - puia - vaislinavadi - nana - niatotpatti - sid - dlianta-sudha-rasavu. Vexkata-PUUA. Vira-saivanvaya-chandrika. Virksvara Sastri. 3. JAINISM. Akalaiikilslitaka. Akalaxka. Chatnrdasa-nompi-katlie. JAiNf;. Dhaima-paiikshe. CiiAXDRA-SAnAUA Vauni. Jaina-dliarmanarita-Silra. [Addenda] N kmi-cuanhra Narayaxa Cuayhe. Maha-puriina ('sangralia). Jixa-skna. MahisTiru-santisvara-pratishtha-nfitakaYn. Padiia- RAJA Pandita. Mallinatlia-pnranaiii. Naga-i'Hanhka. Parsva-nulha - SYfuni - pniaiiaiii. (iuXA - huaura ACIIARYA. Sajjaua-chitta-vallaljlia. ^Iallishexa. Samayika. Samayika. Sammeda-saila-mfiliatniyani. Deva-hatta. Samyag- darsanashtanga - panchaiiuvrata - katliegahi. Padma-raja Paxihta. Smriti-saiigi-alia. 1'ai).ma-i;aja Paxiuta. Sujriana-cliandrika [ja loro\. Sukti-niuktilvali. Soma-I'RAUIIa Aciiarya. Treatise on Jain Law and Usages. Pad.ma-iiaia Paxiiita. A^rata-laksliana. Jaixs. Vrata-phala-vaiTiane. Akalaxka. 4 BRAHMA SAMAJ. Bralima-dliarmanusara. Eraii.m axaxda Yui ;i. 11. BADAGA BOOKS. Auga kartag' ibba Yesu Kristana olleya suddiya pastuka, Luka baredaddu. BiiiLE. — New Testa- ment.— G-'os^j'^/s. [^Lukc] Jonah. ]>IBLE. — Old Testament. Mana-kannadi. Heart-book. Markil bareda loka-ratchagana kadc. PjIih.e — Ne\v Testament. — GoR^ids. \^j\Iark.\ Song about the Daughter of Zion (Pilgi-image ot Christiana, Chiyon-lieniiu, cte.). Kaxaka (J.), HI. KURG BOOKS. Selection of Kurg-Proverbs (Kodava padinui, Kmlagu gadegalu). Veil (J. P.). Specimens of S. Indian Dialects. Bir.LE. — Xew Testament. — (luRpd-i. \J\Iatthcii:^ Subrahmanya-svami-nataka. Ai'I'aciuiia, A. Yayali-nljanda nataka. ■ AlTAnicilA, A. o ^y For Reference Not to be taken from this room UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY I'll'f ' 'I '"ll'f I'll "|'||l|'|'l"|'l" D 000 745 881 3 \' 's <>«