AN Exact List OF THE LORDS LIBRARY I The Earliest Peerage Annual A N Exact List OF THE LORDS Spiritual and Temporal A FACSIMILE REPRINT of ThE First Peerage Directory for 1734, in which occur many Names of Historical and Political Interest LONDON : ELLIOT STOCK 62, Paternoster Row, E.C. 1902 ^8, PREFACE Strange it is indeed what great things come from small beginnings. Though it would be impossible to trace any trade succession, few people who in the present century handle the bulky volumes of Burke' and ' Debrett ' would imagine that they are but the development of the tiny forenmner which is repro- duced in the accompanying fac- s'mile of 'An Exact List of the Lctrds/ This is believed to be the first annual or regularly periodical publication. There had been other books which, in one form and another, had dealt with the Peer- age, its titles and its arms 5 Init writings and pul)lications of this vi Treface character, of which the hst in GuilHm may be instanced, were more of the character of the scholarly ' Complete Peerage ' by ' G. E. C. ' which has recently been completed, than of the nature of a publication intended for handy reference. Collins's ' Peerage ' had of course appeared earlier, in 171 3, with a second edition in the following year, and it continued to appear at uncertain and irregular intervals. Undoubtedly Collins partook more of the nature of a Peerage as we now understand such a book than the accompanying volume. Of arms, dates of creation, and lineage it will be seen that this earliest Peerage takes no cogni- zance, and as a matter of fact it is really not so much a Peerage Book as a Parliamentary' Directoiy. Treface vii It contains an exact list of the House of Peers in order of prece- dence, save that the Archbishops and Bishops are all grouped together at the end. With these latter cer- tain biographical details are given, though these details are confined to the dates of consecration and translation. This is followed by an exact list of the House of Com- mons, arranged first with the con- stituencies in alphabetical order, and secondly with the names in alphabetical order. Members in the previous Parliament who were not in the House in 1734, with the list of the trustees and commis- sioners appointed for settling the Colony of Georgia, complete the book. In each case the address in London is given, and the fact that the seats of Peers in the provinces are all omitted clearly indicates viii Treface that the volume was intended for the purposes of a Parliamentary Directory. Of the then dukedoms, thirty-one in number, the majority are still in existence. After the Prince of Wales as Duke of Corn- wall, a dukedom which has lately been again brought into much prominence, the list is headed by ' Butcher ' Cumberland, of evil and Culloden notoriety. This duke- dom of Cumberland is an earlier creation than that borne in more recent times by the Kings of Hanover. Then come Norfolk, Somerset, Cleveland, Richmond, Grafton, Beaufort, and St. Albans, all owing their ducal titles to royal descent or relationship. Of these, Cleveland is now extinct, the death of the last Duchess of a subsequent creation a few months ago remov- ing the name finally from the Peer- Treface ix age books. A division is made in each rank of the Peerage for those created 'since the Revolution,' and of the Dukes who are so described the titles of Bolton, Buckingham- shire, Montague, Dover, Kent, Ancaster, Kingston, Greenwich, Chandos, Dorset, and Bridgwater are all extinct. One scarcely real- izes, until the figures are put side by side, how short is the average life of a title and how constantly the Peerage is changing. Thirteen out of thirty-one is a large propor- tion, particularly when it is realized also that with the extinction of the dukedoms of Cleveland, Bucking- hamshire, Kent, and Chandos the families themselves in the male line, no less than the Peerages, have become extinct. It is interesting to notice that in the names and titles the little shib- X Treface boleth affectations of spelling which are accepted at the present clay were missing two hundred years ago. The Seymours were then content to so spell their name, the saintly 'St. Maur' being of more modern adoption. The FitzRoys were then content without the capital * R Mn the middle of their name, as to which they are now so particular. Lennox was shorn of the middle ' n,' and Beauclerk was then Beauclair. Montagu was then Mountague, and the Pierrepont family were then content with Pierpoint. The Duke of Portland spelt his name Bentink, and Lord Denbigh's ancestor placed the ' i ' before the ' e.' This would rather seem to discount the celebrated anecdote which is fathered upon the novelist of his lordship's family name. Treface xi Some oF the London addresses sound strange to us at the present time, although, on the other hand, many neigh b,ourhoods (for example, St. James's Place, St. James's Square, and Arlington Street) were then fashionable quarters. It is curious to think of the Duke of Cleveland living in Soho Square, but the resi- dence of the Duke of Montague in the * Cockpit ' was rather more aristocratic than it soimds. The Earl of Abingdon lived in Dirty Lane, wherever that neighbourhood may have been, and the residence of Earl Rivers * at Liege ' needs no further explanation. Lord Macclesfield lived in Thrift Street, Soho ; but Lord Arundel has only 'Petty France' given as his address. The Earl of Orrery was * aliroad,' and the Earl of Kinnovd ' in Turkey.' xii Treface In looking over the list of the House of Commons, one is struck by the recurrence of names which are still known to us in connection with the House ,• but probably the greatest interest will be found in the markings which are explained in a note preceding the list of the House of Commons. From this we learn which of the members voted for and against the Excise Bill and the Septennial Act. These afford us a good insight into the political views of the members, inasmuch as both were pronouncedly 'party measures,' the Whigs favouring each measure. The Septennial Act passed in 1 716, which extended the duration of Parliaments from three years to seven, was of course due to the disturbed state of the countiy after the rebellion of 171 5. The Excise Treface xiii Act ot 1733 was one of the most noteworthy measures of Walpole's tenure of the office of Prime Minister. Originally intended to prevent smuggling by collecting certain taxes within the country as ' Excise/ instead of at the entrance of the commodities into the country as * Customs/ the Act was really a startling bid towards that Free Trade policy which everyone has been brought up to believe in as the foundation of England's pros- perity. Sir Robert Walpole, in advocating the Bill, said 'London would become a free port, and, in consequence, the market of the world/ This Excise Bill aroused the greatest opposition, not only from the Tory party, but also from the country- generally, and consequently Wal- pole, though he had a Whig xiv Treface majority in Parliament, with- drew it. The opinions of the members of the House of Lords are given us concerning the inquiry into the affairs of the South Sea Company, and Peers are also marked as ' Pro- testers against the Hessians ' at various dates. In 1734 there appear to have been 31 Dukes, 2 Marquesses, 84 Earls, 16 Viscounts, and 65 Barons, and 26 Archbishops and Bishops — in all 224, exclusive of the Irish Peerage, none of the members of which figure in the tiny volume. The following figures at the be- ginning of the present year may be useful for comparison : Archbishops, 2 ; Dukes, 22 ; Marquesses, 22 5 Earls, 121 5 Viscounts, 30 5 Bishops, 24 5 Barons, 319. Scottish Peers (of whom sixteen are representative. "Preface xv tliough many sit iiiuler Peerages of Great Britain or the United King- dom) : Dukes, 8 } Marquesses, 4 j Earls, 44. ; Viscounts, 5 j Barons, 25. Peeresses and Irish Peers are not included in either calculation. This little facsimile of the first annual Peerage published in Eng- land will, it is believed, prove of interest to genealogists as furnish- ing a faithful presentation of the form in which our forefathers referred to the ' Burke ' and ' Debrett ' of their day. It will be valuable also as recording the lists of Lords Temporal and Spiritual living in the year 1734, and as showing the principles and classification and grouping of politicians at tiiat period. The facsimile is produced by a photo- graphic process from the only copy extant, which is in the British xvi Treface Museum, and was found bound up in a volume containing Goldsmith's Almanac for 1735. A. C. FOX-DAVIES. Jufiuary, 1902. AN Exad Lift O F T H E LORDS Spiritual and Temporal. ^V I T H A N Alphabetical LIST I. Of the Counties, Cities. and PuDROUGHs, with their Rc- prcfcntative?, P. 20. II. Or the Knights, Citizen's and BuRGESiEs of the prelcnc Parliament, with their Places of Abode, O'C. P. 37. And ocher Proper. Vistisctdss.* LONDON: PrlnreJ and SoU by T.V/a tsov, in l^iirdr-.ic-Ciurt, CreJt Carter Lane, Frjn.Jffferies 'mLuJ^ate-ftreet^ and J.'Bicthertcrt ^niH.Whitteridge, in C'.rnbul; and by the other Bookfel- Xui of UrMn ini, h'cjlmirjicr, J734. /f» EXACT LIST of the Houfe ^/Peeils. 0^ Ttc/f riark'd tbui | xvere fcr tSt £ M Q^u I R Y the jfffjfrs cf the South-6«a Ccmpavyi thus ^ aran.p it i t fntcficn againji the Ht&im ■, It Trotejiers again/} ttx He{SaD» in jy 30. iina *g^rj^ rejeiJis^ tbt Enqui- ry in 1733. • Praejiers in I75V4- () unirr jljre i (, Scotch P/rn ; * dtn't ft: in tb$ Hcuje. DU K£l 3[I. HIS R. Highnefi, FREDERICK Pr. of WaUs, D. of Corsnra// Ha R. Highncfs, WILLIAM () Uuke of CumbtTlAni Edwaxd Howard • St.'t Square. Charlc* Seymour { Cbarin£ir:j''i. William Fitxroy Sobofjujre. Charle* Lenos Arlmgtonjirtct. Charles Ficz.roy 5 St. Jamei's- place. Henry Somerlc: f St. Jamci't Square. Cbarlet Beaudair | St. Jamti'i'ph.c. A Norfolk Somerfe: ClereJaad Richmoii GrattOQ Beaufoit S<. Albaa 4 ^ ^« Exact List Tieff following were created D U X B # (ince the Revolution. ^\ Charles Powlet I • Bolton ' ,\. Hanonierjquare* Thomas Osborne Leeds JohnRuffel |^ • Soutbamptoitbiuje. William Cavendifli 5 Piccadilly. Edmund Sheffield () The Park. Charles Spencer | ' Piccadilly. Francis Scot $ . Grajmenorfirtet. Jtmes Murray $ Pantonfquare* John Manners xAlbemarleflreet, John Mountague 5 Cockpit. Charles Douglas 'Burlington Gardens Kenry de Grey \ St. James's Square; James Hamilton ■ Suffolk]} reet. Teregrine Bertie 5 Lincolnsinnjields. Evelyn Pierpoint *Arlingtor.fireet, Thomas Pelham 5 Liniolminnfiilds. S9dfonl DevonlBIre BuckinghamQj; Marlborough 1733- Buccleugh Athol Rutland ' Mountague Dover Kent Brandon Ancafter Kingfton | NewcaftU ,WilMam Benritjk ^J^hliiid""^' - Privy garden. ■' ^ •*..'^ * ' John Carapbclj I <^r^wlcj • ' Kingftrett GolderJqu\ ■'• '» William Monctgu \ Manfhfftef' v. GrcJ-veporftjuare, James Bridges"} Chando* ' St. Jams' s Sauare. Lionel SickvilleJ- Dorfct IVbiteball, •• ■ Scroop Bgei ton f f | • Bridgwwcc Qlevelandcourt, M A R Q^O B f S E S' X. William Herbirc • Powis '^ Qrmondjinet. WiUiam Kcr $ Lochias ^ Conduit fircet. E AR L J 84. Ceofge Talbot,' «hrflwslii:r# ljl:iv:rtb. .' • jaRicj Stanley ^ Derby. '..\ Theophilus" Haftlngs HuncingtoC \ jirltrgt.njlrert. . | Henry Herbcrcl Peaibioko \ mit.kalL ] Henry Clioton {) Lincola '1 St. Jama's Square . j H«n. Howard- 1733. Suffolk' • J Wiitebjll. ' Jamw Cecil SAliiburr ; *' Alhemarlejirtet. . AJ 1 Brownlow C*cil Enitct , Ue'j) 'Bi:tdjireet. John Siilaejr Lcicifter Leicffterbouff. Izm^sCompion j ' Northampton Sr;>;/t/Zr:-c.'. Edward Rich 5 Warwick Grrardjfreet. WiHiam fielding f ♦ Denbigh Ticick'.nbam. Thomas Fane WeOfliorlind : Aihemarlijircet. ! Hen. Bowes Howar-) ■i Thomas Onflow MarlhoroKibfireet, Robert Wirtbin "Btirlingtsfifireet* Charles Cadogan PallmsU. Matth. Dqcic Morrao CbarUsfireet St. Jam Rob. Walpole j««* 5 Grrifvenorfireet, John King Lincolnitnnfuldi' John Kobarc JermiBjIrta, JobD Moolba 5 Thomas Wencworrh Lint aim t {mi^eUs. Thoaas Coke ) Gremt Raffel^trt. William SconJiope 5 St. Jaaui'i, Philip York* Cbvits Tklboc I Hid. PsEmt. Onflov Roinntf Docae Walpole Kiog Hobaxt Mottfim Makoo Lorel Harriogcoa Hardwklt «> ^ fg xAn Exact Li « t Archbishops arj Bishops 26. DR. William U'jke, Lord ArchbJ- ftiop v{ Canterbury ; trar.fiatfd io \ 1714, in the room of Dr. Ternifcn j rfeceafed. Prornored firft to the See I of Lincoln in 1705", in the roam of [ Ljtr.bctb. ' Dr. Lancelot 3!jckbufn, Lord Arcbbi- fliop of Tijr/e. Tranfiated in 1724, in the room ai S\r William Dcwei^ de- I ceafed. Promoted firlt to the See of Exeter- XT) jyij, in the room of Dr. "Bl.'iclci!!, deccafed. Dyzvrir.^fir. ! Dr. Edmund G:bj:n, Lord Bi/hop of Lend:::; tranflated in 17251 in the room of DT.Rihinfcn deceafed. Pro- moted 6rfl to the See of Li'icdn in 1716, in the room of Dr. Wuke tran- flited. Coc^;-/? Wbiteball. Dr. Edivard Chandler, Lord Biftiop of Durbami tranHated in 1730,10 the room of Dr. Talbot decealed, Pro- mored firft to theSee of Litchfield zni Coventry, in the room of Dr. Hougb trar.flated. GroJ-vcnorfquare. T>T. benjamin Hcadley, Lord Bifhop of Wincbefieri tranflared in 1754., in the ■ room of Dr. Willis deceafed. Pro- moted firft to the See of "Bargcr in 1716, in the room of'Dr. E-vam de- ceafed. Afterwards to that of Here- fvrdf IB ihe room of Dr. 2//i deceafed. And efibe Hcufe o/" P E e R I. if i And then to Saliibury in 171;, in j • Che room of Dr. Willis tranflatcd. Cbtlfea. t>r. John H.^gh, Lord BifllOp of IF;r. , (ef:er ; cranflatfd in 17171 in the j rcwm of Dr. L/fjideceafed. Promo- 1 ted firft to the See of Oxford Id 1650$ i in the room of j • Afcerward* to that of Litchfi'Jd and j Coventry in i699> in the room of 1 Hart lib cajlle, j tit. Jchn Wftiny Lord Bifiiop of 'Bath and Wellit tranflated in 1727, in the room of Dr. H:cper deceafed. Pror moted firft to the See of Sz, AJuph I . in 171/, in the room of "Dr. Fleet- ^ wood tranflated. Dean'tyard Weftau "Dr. John Pottery Lord Bifhop of Ox- ford. Promoted in 17 ij, in the room of Dr. Talbct tranflated. Old Pal. yd. Dr. Ttomai Sbsrlack, Lord Eifhop of Salisbury; tranfla:ed in 1734-' in the j room of^Dr.H:ji/p' tranQated. Pro- I moted to the ^e ox Han? or in 1718, ' Ml the rooin of Dr. 2^«:u«afUtri. Titr.pU, pr. Thomas Grein, Lord Blfhop of £/y, tranflated in 171^, in the room of Dr. Fleefwocd deceafed. Promotfd firfi to the See oi Norivicb in 1711, j in the room of Dr. Tn'mnel tranflated. j H'Jbc-jrn. j Dr. Richard Reynclds, Lord Fifliop of j Lincoln -^ tranflited in 1723^ in ths ' rootn ' 3« Jin ZxAcr Lnt room c£ Dr. Gihfon trandated. fn* noted firil to the See of "Bangor ta 1711, in the room of Dr. Hoadlef J tranflated. Parkjireet Wtfim^ Dr. 7e/i'/>i Wilcox^ Lord Bifiiop of Ra- chefier i tranflatcd in 1731. in cfae room of TiT.'Br-adfori deceafed. Pro- I moted firft to the See of Ghuetjier in 17x1, iQ the r«)m of Or. Willi* tranflateti. Abbeydo^Jitrt Dr. Robert 'Butts, Lord Biflwp of Nor» ; ^icb. Promoted ini^jt, in the room of Dr. B^i^rdeceafed. Palaccyard. X>t. Lor4 Bifhop of 1 Carlifle. Promoted is 1754, in the room oi Dr. tVaugb deceafed. Ur. Henry Egerton, Lord Bifilop of Bert' ford. Promoted in 1714, in the room of Dr. HW/^j* tranfl. Se.JamsUPi, : Xir. Richard Smallbroke, Lord Bilhop •f Litchjitld and Cwentry \ tranCkfsi ini73o, in the room of Dr. Chandler tranflated. Promotai firft to the See <^ Sc. Da'vid't in 1714, in the room ofDr.O^decetfed. ^,fqu,lVeftm, J t>T. Char lei Cecily Lord Biihop of 3r/- i Jiol, Promoted in i75i» in the room of Dr. 'Zrad{ha"M deceafed. Warwickftreet Gddenf^u'. Dr. StepbenWepTiy Lord BiftiOp of Exe- j ter. Promoted in 1714, in the room ' of Dr. 'Blackburn tranfl. K^nfiagton. . Vr^ Robert Chvtring^ Lord Bifiiop of i^et er borough i tranflated IB 1719* »n I the i '., . — ■ : -^^.-^.:.- •/ tbt Tioufe «/ P E E R I. \^ tfce room of Dr. K^nnet decctfed Pro- footed firft to the See of Laniaff \^ i7Xf, in the room of Dr. lyjtr de» Dr. Samuel ?eploe, Lord hxth.of Chefief^ Promoted in 171$, in the room of Dr. Gaflrel deceafed. Dartmoutbftr. Dr. Francii Hare, Lord Bifhop of CSi' cbefler; tranflared in 17x1 1 in the room of Dr. Waddington deceafedi Promoted fir ft to the See of Sr. Afapb in 17x7. to the room of Dr. Wynn Tranflated. Dear.ernear St. Paurt, Dr. Lord Bifliop of "Bangor. Promoted so 1734, in the room of Dr. Sherlock rranflated. Di» Jcbn Harrist Lord Bi&op of Lan^ daff. Promoted in ijx^, in the foom of Dr. Claverirg tranflated. Whitehallgate', Dr. Lord Bishop of GUuctJitr. Promoted in 1754# in the room of Dr. 5yia/ deceafeA Dr. Tktmai Tanner, Lord Biftiop of St.v1fafh, Promoted in »73»» in Ae room ot Dr. Hart tranflated. New PalaceydriJ Df HtcMas Clagget, Lord Bifliop of St. Da-vid'u ProBOfed in i7?t> in ! the room of Dr. Sydal tranflated. Ficcadilly, \ Lordi Spiritual and Temporal 114 j Ai the DaUi of Kinj CbarUi 17% •fT #f ^ EXACT WST */ tU Houfi tf/ C O M M O KS. • if^ Thofe in tbii Chara^er an Nfib Mrmhers ; tnark'd thui f V:iters againfi the Excise 3i!l ; tbut 'for it i • -voted aftefwardi againfi it j tbUi f * 4gairji tbe^\c\ie a« J Septennial ^|5?; thus : voted for both i ^for, c a^ainji the Repeal of the Septennial A0i y tbui •^cbcjen for tivo Places. ^Ahingdon 'Bcr. T TUcki Robert: ^gmondejham XX Mar-fhjl Henry i "Bucks LulwycheThoroa* t iSt. oilhan'i ^ Aiion Sir Thomas \ -m I Jtfoby Thomas Aldborougb Suf.p^xxwi% C^pr. George > Conclly Waiiatn Aldborougb To, Pelham tlon. Henry • -♦ JefTop William " i^ortballetton. Peirfe Henry ; Torkfj. Smeic Leonard: jindoiJer Hanfs Guidott Will, "t Tdien John Anglefea "Bayley Nicbolat Apulby mjlm. Plumer Walter f Rainfden John : Arundel Sujf. Lumlef John • Shelley Sir fohn* Ajhburton IL'i^.Tuckfield Roger Yon^^e Sir William : — t/yleibury "Buc, Towers Chrifti)pber t Champion Georgi '/' f^e Voufe of CoMMoNl. ti TSrrihufif Oxf. Wallingford L< "^ '7 ' ■ff,if>!,- lh-7f. r>rr€frn.- IK". The. t - Cl.hefi,- Sn J dm * Wade Gfiier. c;'\irgff : Co/iringtci John *TrJurv,:'ii T^«'j/.BuIkri(7 Lord Vifc f - ^ jBedlordfh. Alflon Sir Rowl.aBd : .:, '.? Spppcer Hon. John f - — > TciforJ Sambrookr Sir J?ri f ' Onf^Iey Samuel \ SIop»:r William • Murray CI. P/herf 'iBetklhire Packer Winchcomh f * ■^' Archer William f> 3> ^Brldfcrt D§rf, Bowles WiUnm t c — JtJbUy Solomon BrUbl Eicon Sir Abraham f Coff„by Qvradiik L«« Jame« • > . '' ' SanbopeCbarlejt Vtmhut Wilts Eylet Sir Jofeph t EyktCapt. Francis^ Pevonfliire Courteeay Sir Will, f - Rolle Henry f- Porfctfljire Chafin George f - PleydelEdin.Mor.»^ Porcbefitf Cb«pple Sir William Browo€ foha | * ' Dover Kjftf Retnl Ttomes Papiltw &avV# i ••- J>vu>nton Wilu Puna)mbe Aadiony f J>ro/r?fjv^ JTar.Winningcon Tbomii: Foley Edw^afd f - pumvicb Suff. Downing Si r George : BridgmtD S* Orlando. Vurbam Coun, Hedworth John f . •; Bowes George t* - Durfiaib . Shaftd Jobnf - , " 'Usrfthtw Henry Eaftiow C6rn%}.Trelaivne^ Ediuari"^ > ' Looguettlle Cba, St. ^dmondc* Htrrfey Tliomas c bury SttfibUe NontMi Tbotna*; : ^ffex AbdySir Robertf- firi mfba Tbomii t- of tie Houfe of CauMoi4s. \$ Evejham Wore. Rulhout S'trJoha^P Taylor William Exeter KiDgHon./Qhn4?¥*r-» halle Tbomaa Eje Sufolk CornwalJi«Hon. Sreph. : Cornwallis Hon. John; FUntlhirc Xiojiyn Thomai l^ynn Sir Geo, Fcwey Corn* Raflileigh JonitfalQ f Hedges John: CJtton Surrey Newland William f • Docminique Paal; St. Germsn: 'Baltittitre Lord Cormv. Montagu Cbarks GlamorganCUi re Tti/i-or Hen. WiWum Gloucefterfljire Cbefter Thomat rBatburfi Hin, Bejaamin Gloucefler . Selwyn John: fiaihurfl Beojamin f • Cr^V!j>oundC6r.HiV/k'ms Philip t Halci Thomaa- Cram bam ZJa^.Tytcoaocl Lord Vifc. • Kewton SirMkJi. t- CrimsSy Line. Sutton Sir Robert Knight Rdcrt Eafi Gr'trjitad Middle f ex [Earl cf] SufftK Conyert Edwcd Cui if ard Surrey OauowCol. Richard; . Oiifltrw Hon. Ricta'd Harwich ESt» Lnibej Carteret ' SciiDhop« Char. * Uajltmere S«rr. OgUtborp Jatnei iujid Peter t 1^ -/f** Exact List Hirr.jj'r,^- llereturJiairc Lorr.e-i' "• '"ct-f-- Har ► iicrcfjrd /r lieTefordlKjff n. f - J- } ■ , Jt.. \ ■■ . c/" th< ffrufe 0/ CoMMOKl. 17 tf>J%fficb Sujf. Woollifton W ilium : J\ent Samuel St.lvciCurmu. Rich Sif Rob«rt : I^Ofd Wm. Mackivorr^ ^ilngtcn C^m, Coplefton T homa* ' Lfhfup Ifaac * Kfr.t Dt-rme Sir Edward •- Vane L^^xk. f Deais J(nareshcri'Tor. Slmgiby Sir Henry f - Arundel Hon, Richard: Liacaniire Scanley Sir Edward + - ShJtclewonh Rich, f - LancifttT Lowrher SirTho. t • Ferwict Rtitrt LjuKCrJl.m CcrTi.Mortce 5ir Wil'iiam ft Kin^Hon. John — aPetr, Lcicefterfhire Philips AinbroG/» Srr.itb Edward LeiceHer Deaumont Str'G^o. f • Wr>Rhte George t - LcvtinfitrHtrt Cafwall S.r G«orgc f - " liarUy Rzhtrt LetkardCormv. Efior'RichaTd: Dfr.nit G( r^-f Lrj^TL'irhleU.r.EdgcuTnh Richard : — Lloyd I'hihp- L.-M:ei Sufftx l'<;ham Th;)mis: I'elhjm Thomas: Lincolnfhirc SjunderfonSirTho.f- Vyner Robfrc f ' Linculn M.nfsn Cha-.'.'i Litcbitid Stsf. Vtmon Geo. Vec». Jli.ti ^ »'// Sir Kov)Uni *^ Giliart Richard L o N » o H Pasfca* Hma pJirty f -,* fivnerd Sir John f - Ferry MicajA \ - Wiiiimct Robtrt LudisvSakp Kerbert HeaArtfavt Hsrberr Richvd txiferfhallWiSome Denici ^^ '^ Dfla/Ptter LfmD^fa Hcfllcy Hen. Holt: Scfope Hon. John e LymingmTSa, Cope Sif John: ' ^ Bockl»od Maurice f JCyw ^er/Wi Walpok SirKobett s Tiif DCS Si r Charl<« ■• Maid&ent J^f FiBC^ Hon. John f - Tamer WilL Horjmorti, Maiden Mffem Paribfts Henry : Siiaen Co!. Martu) : MaliReihurj Eirle Gyles* Earie^«na Rawliofon* Jl^/£« 3>iL^. Findi Hon. Heo. * W«itworth Sir M^»s Marlhoreugb L\Qe Edwajdf — fTa//* Seysjour Francia Marlow ^Mki WaUer Sdmond^ • «^ HobySirThomajt J/. Af«w CtfTfi, Van€ Kan. Henry t^ Plamef Ricbardf Mth^n^ K^, ^PoddiDgron H. Geo. :««. w^St^disgcoQ Georg« : AI«rion«tMh. ^aagjka^ Willim Midhurfi Suf. KsugU iolArode Eootle T T wi nM l^idnb Fnodi: LonMd AirpaAwf* St.Mkbat/'t Ori Rahtrt Monmouai&. H«pbar; /oho \ THk^, Moomouth SoomxCk L^ Cha. Mod f I>i0'PabNmU.Uoffmk Loc4¥)&« t -v.> li^ Sir Htmry, Bt< Moo^otneryfix P«TcscaxHoa.Pnctf^ Mantgotamy Corbc: Wilitam * NeiuutriNotit Pdhsa JiiBM t x Suooo Cren. Richtrd: iJexucaJUt Staff Gomts Btpxifi Uf , t- Ncwca£L«^«rTJer.wiac Nichol^t ^^ j ^Uadut Wehtr Ucxv^ort C^rm. Moldmortb ^irjM' Hfrbcrt Hon. TbooMsr Nrfvpcrt Hgnti Buxkr G««r» For tdcnc Will- liTrwtM Lose Shiopeft WiUaiM f « M«acrtegbt. •^ v4« Exact Liiy 'Xoif jlk Bacon Sir SdAnitidr4>^' Woodhoufemifum -4 N6rtha«»pt-fl»- Cartwright Thomaif | liham Sir Jaffinian t-n KortfeampioH Compcon Gforgc i - — ^ * Wilmer U^Uiam <4 Nof(hucS»;Jy;l4tddleron Sir Will, f _^ '^^^^enifon Ralph ^p Norwich A^,fih4 Botift 9f COMMOVf. ft fijmouib Dev. Byng Robf rt ; fitert Anhur e Plympton Dev. EcJgcumb Richird : -• Clutterbnck Thomw : foci -Dorjetiin. Trenchtrd Getfge: Wiodhira Thomai : TmtfrnBtor. Lowther Sir Willwm* Gaiway Lord Vifcounf Tcrijmoutb Cavendijb Philip LewiiTbomtt' Trefton Lane Houghton Str .Hfnry ; . Fiz«kerley Nicholai t - ^etnbwougb Stunderi Sir George : . Evanj Richard : Xtdnorfhire Howarth Sir Hompb. : . LewuTho. : ej HarftM &itadmg 'Bfrkt Portenger Rich, f « Grey Henry Hftfo$JNom Clitcon Sir Aobfftr . ^Vh.tfJohn: RichmondXork. Darcy Sir Cooyera * Voikejobn* Ripfon Ttrk. AVQabic Wiirt«m t ; Duncmht Tboaut « Rochefter Tolhill Diriw. Arfeot Arthur Ri -#«-ExA^CT Lii-r '•v:,<.^ Thirc Cofnzu. Trefufis Robttt /^, Cgurtenay I^elland '' Waiiingford Bj.Huckj William : Towers Thomas* Warwickfliire Digby Hon. Edw.4.- ., Mordai/ntSif ChJ. Bc.)>- Warwick . KeytSirWiUiani f Bromley WiUiaint' Wareham Dor. Pitt Jcbn Drax Henry : Wells Smirf. EdwardsThoma»'/> . ! Hamilton George. Wsndivcr'BuckiHampdenJohn Bottler John Creat Wcnlcck Edwards Sartuel: Forrejltr Wiliiam Wecbly Her, Herbert, WiHiam i, WUiftiiw "Howe /ohn \ *\ '■Talbotjohn Ivoryt-'' IVaodJlacA Spencer Hon. John- •^ Va-wiias James Wootton 'Bajf't. KohinfonNlcb. IfOttg Sh Xobert, BZ' ' ' Wygan Zav. ^raaniii^Srr Roger r Wbraftcia>U# TakingtonS*rHert>. t Worceft^r Sandyj Sarrmd f - LockzcDod Richard Tamsutbtforf. 'W2\po\eEdviTd: TownOiendH, W«|f Tjrmoutb SoutJ>.^o\i\et Lord Harry: — Burrard Paul f Yorkflj. TumerCholmley f c Stapyhon Sir Mile* fork Thompforj Edward : li. ^ye Sir John Lifter ' 1, SCOTLAND. ' ! AberdeeD Forbei 5 StifUogfluf? CacnT^brip; Dumfrin, Oxon Cxf CbrAire 4^ut}and(hJre 9 & Cornwall Com. 44 Salop Sal. ii Cumberland CttXH. 6SQmerret£birc 18 Derbyfhirc 4S<»uf?iampion ilS Devonfture D^v. i6Sca£for'$. g^ Th:Se in th^: C'careSler c-t S'fzo /^emh-r's mari\: rrui f V-.trrt cgmtjt t-be Excift 31.'/, tiui ' fcr iti ^hits : voted f:r l-lby p fc, C .J^--',? the Ref>tai if th: Sep'enr.iaJ Aci, j thui — ck'Un f.T tivo ?U:cK ABDY Sir liob. - 1 Eflex Hcnrtettajlr. j jlic-cromSic Jamet "Banff ! ^ C'.urt Tier^i Heytikury Wilt, Aiflabie William J- Kifpin Tzrkfh, HJliiftrcet. AlftoD Sir Rowland : Bedfordft.- Folandfireet. Andrew* Townfhend* "Bcfjtney Ccrmv, Cranurnfirett. Anflruthfr Sir John* F'ljfjklrt Cergiijircct. A nftrucher Philip : Ditto Ihli, Archpr William/' Berk* .fthemmf.4 CttMlMIt^ ^ 4^coc Arrtmr Trtrtm Dt^-m fa!lf>util. Arvocrt Dirf, Pjrtftreet. Ai\Uf S.rjohnf - Salop Hjdtparkcemer. AHon SirThoffl«t- St.Ulhan*s Jermir/lreet. Bacon Waller: D£AX>. , Norwich ■ 0/(« Exact "BraJJey .Natbatiiel Lomhardjlreit, Xrereto/s Thomas Dukejheet Wejlm. Bridge! George c ■ Titdfcrdrcnu* Bridgman S.'OilanJo * Gr. Georgcji. BriftowRobMi* Colemarftr. 3nyi(nv John Marklane. Srodie Alextnder: Conduit Jirtet. Bromley WxW.jun' f - Her.riettaflr. Cav.ff Bxomley Henry • Grofv.fquare. %rowit Str Raiert L I r.T Hertford Liverpool Latu W'lQchefier Datrwicb Suf, WincbeiJ'is Tiaralfion DcTf Warwick CazQbri<^eOtj lUbe^er Somerp DDrcMUr Browne Tobn | - iaincclminH, Bnidcntll Hoo. Jamcu -Chlc^I^ Dover fir cet. "BucMwortb Sir yohn Weobly Hertf, 'Eroakftrcet. ©ulk^Iey Lord Wlc. f - 'Eeaumdrii W*U Sobofquare, j Buabury Sir ChtrlM* / Ch«<^ .Burchet Jofiah:: Admiraltycffice, Burrard Paul f Arlingthn^rttt', Sandtvlch J(f*f.' Tarmoutb Siuth of th€ noMjk of Gouuows. 4| fiorrel PettT f Hafftmtn Sajf. Leader.hallfireet. Butter Jtmci: Suffoc Pallmll. BfnjfU&bert s ffyaeathDev, "Benr.ctfireet, Campbell Jobot - PembrokrAire ^ •' Crwtar tit Nairn CKfvtm r f jaore . Campbell Co!. Jam«<: Airfhii* tkerardfirtet, C.Mmfbdl Alex, Hum* Berwkiflj"u« Campbell m/luna GlaJi^v, ^, C«mpkeflC iJorfolkfirm, . Carey Wite^-^ - Hem^erfntrt, CmrmkhuimAjmm A!kjrk^9ttU^ fallmall. ..^. CarmnciB- [AUrq. of^ Stt^htf Stg. . St^amti*ii^art. Cntvn^t TiidcDut HodiAmpt. ft. Alhemarhfirttt. fC«fwmn Str George f Lepmrwjier Bv) FtnchurcbJirteZ, ^ . 44 v^wExActLut Cavendi(hL<*JimM*/» Derby T:rkbuildin9i, Cavendiih L^harlet* Deebigh Gnjvtnorjireet. Caoendtfh Philip Finfmeuth G^efnivicb. Cbumfiitn Gicrge _ %Ayle:hury 'Buc\ ... Clementslant, Chafin George f • Dorfej/hire "Bcwjtreet Ctv^garden, Chamb«rIayDe G«o. * >Buckingh4m €ecilfirttu Chappie Sir WilHam Dorchefler Chanctrylane, Cheflrr Thomas. . GlouceflerCii Chefwind Wi'I/iapl Sflffbrd Dover Jireet. CbiW Sir Francii f - UidHtttx Lincolnzinnjitlit, Ckft^r/kr Sir John ^an^t^ Ve^\ Cbf^moBtffiic^Cha.t- C^ffftire Jametfirett Wefim. Cbolmondeleyjamet; CamtlfordC cm, WkitebalL ChorcfciU "Brig. Cturlei: Caper: fa^ thr] Ibid. Clark* Sif Tlio.*tca Prv. Hitrlingtonjircet. CocJt«Jaro«t- Rygate Surr. Scb'.f^uare. CcJringtifi John Bath Coctbura John \ - H^ddinpan XSoldenffuare. '' --* Candoitjohn. _W^'>^^^*St "^ SouchanipK)n Grtat Gecrgeftr:et» Ccn«Uy Wiiliam Aldbirougb Suf, Cop« Sifjobn: Lymngten Uant Copl«flon Thomai' K^Jlinprn^hmi St. Jamt'tpUte, Carb«cW3Bbai'' Momfomwy Corbet Tbommt Saltsjj Cerrmi Wh'rretcll. C*rtct Sir Riihtrd Sto? TCV^TT ^S A« Exact Li«T Cornbury Lord Virc. f Oxford Unir; St. Jamt5*ifquare. Cornwallif Hon. John: Ditto SuffoHJireet. Cornwallii Hon. Sceph. : Rye Suf(dk Oldbondfintt, Cornewal Veltwi f - Kcrefordftiife George ftreet Han.f^u* Cojler Tbomat Briflol Cotton Sir ]: Hy^d f - CambHdge Doverjirett. Courtcnay Sir Will f - Devonfiiife St,Jamei*sJiTeer, durtenay Kc.'/arJ Truro Csrnwtl CeurtcnayfyHIiamun* Honiton Vev. Crtiue John juft* CheSvire Crowle George Jj^ngJ^sn-BttU Leicejierfields, Cunningham uitexander Renfrtio Curion Sir Nathan- f DerhyQiire "Brookjireef. Curxon WtUian CUtber$ Lane, DalfympleHon.Wai.f - Wigfounik DwvCTs Toretvk : Totnefs Drv9» <:belfea, ©arcy Sir Conyeri • RUbmni Xtri J^rivfiardm, tfia* Houfi of CoMMOMt. ^ Dmrt Sir Jermynf- Suffolk Dtlebayejirett, Dnokins Jetties Woodftoek l^tlm/ fetet tmlgrrjiittt Wii Condttitftreet^ ^ ^■ Vtnnh ^iotipt^ Lti^ariCoHimt Dering Sif Edward • - Kent Drrwetix Hen. Pria f - Mwjt^ajfryA* Ctraytinn. 2)i|;byHon*Edw.t - Warwickfliire St. Mattii^kfhectt ., :- Doddington Georff .: MeUomh Reg, Boujlai Roberr: Orkney & Zetf, Haymarkft. ' r Norftlkftneu Drue Henry f l9^ri0)».DB»^- ParkpUce* DrunmondTokn: Puncombe Anthony f Do-umtm Wilts Sobofquare. DuHcmb Tbmas Ri^fon Torhfii, J>anda& R oberi t ' Edinbargh(hire St. James' sflace. EarleGylei" Jklalmethurjf Tsrterjirtli, Erie W.RawUnfon* Ditto Jhid. Edga.n,bKich.rd:- ^^^"^^r' Hancfverjquart* Ed wardi Thomas^ WeUt Somrfef Elmovrt Xtmfle. EdwardjSamuel: Wenhck Saltp Dukejlreet Wtjim* Eliot Richard: LuherdCvnm* Deverjireet. ■' Elton Sir Abraham f firifldi ; Qukejireet St. Jamtfs^ Enk ine Hon* James K^nroft fic Clach Evans Hon, George Wefihur^ Wilts Evans Richard ; $jieei,ior. Kfft Cbelfea CtiUege., Evelyn John: Heljion Cornw. Xsrojv.fqua, Evetifield Charles: Horfham Suffiue Ncrtbjireet Weft. EylcjS.rJofephf Devius Wiitt 'Bi/h^pfgate without. Eyies CaptaiQ Froncif 'Dino ." '. -.^ [ c/" tbt Houfe cf Common J. ^^ "Falconer John l^incairdingfh. Fagg Robert Fall Jama Stiyning Sujf. Jedburgby &c. Tavijiock Devi Fane Hofis Charles St. James'splaee. Fane Francii * Tufunton Sitnerf. , Temple. . . * Farakerley Nicholas t " Tr'ejlon Lancajh. Ibid. Fenivjck Rtbcrt Lancafter Lincoln* i inn. Fenwick Nicholw t - Newcaii. utonT. Polavdjlreet. FergufoQ Sir Jaipe* c Sutberlaruijh* Finch Hon. Edw. 'Slcom$buryfjua» Finch William • Jtrmynjireet, Finch Hon. Johnf- Tetitple, Finch Hon, John f- tgvendijhfiittrt. i Finch Hod. Her\« * k Sheppardfir. ' Fiaroy Charles : Otdbandflreet. Foley Thomas jun* Putney. Foley Item a: fep* Wbitxk*U* Cambridge Uoii. Cockermautb ffigbam Ferrer idalton Torijb: Thrtjord Ko*fl\^ C ' i^ A* ^XKtit LlIT 1 ; fbley Edwifd t - Droitwiuh fTor, j C*reyftr*et. Forbw Diraoffi : Fortrcfe, Im;«. The. t • 'Bartfiafe Dtv, Orofvenor (quart. Forteifcue Will. • Newport Battn -Eellyc^ Pmplehar. Fox Stephen : Htnden Wtltt 9arlingtonJhre*t. Fox George Ditto CaverJiJhfqu. - .ir i Frankland Sir Tho. Tb'trxl Jorljhi St. James* street. \ Wranklatid Frederick Ditto | Wrederitk Thmn Sborthm Sag: Tjdelt Ricbari %>ft6n Linf, Liquor ptmdjirtet, Gtge Lord Vjfc. f Tewi^ihur^ Ghut Goldsmfquare. Otge Sir WUliara Seaford Su^, Suffolkfirees. I 0»1 way Lord Vifcounf TontefraB Tork^ i 'hrt^fireet Ran, ffuare. j Oildart Richard Liverftoole riaualltugggice. daBTiUeWiHiiai; BjtkeKeKt e/ the Hcufe tf CoMBfONi. 5-1 Glcnofchy Lord Vifc: Saltafh Coritw, GrDJvtr.crftrcet, Goddard.John Pallmail. Cough Sir Henry Redlionftreet. Ciugh Capt. Henry Cower Witliam Tregonj Corn. 'Bramher Svjf* Ditto Crick/ade Wiltt Co'weTW'".Leveront- Staffbrdflxire "Br^kfir. Crojv fqu. Cower Btpcifl Lev. f Uid. Oraot Sir Timei: Conduitprut* Crty Henry Old "B^ndjirtet. Cr^ory George Redlionfquare, CreenvilU' Rich. Dukeft. St. Jamei's GrifiBch foho Nev/caJiU Stag, InvemeJtftiiTt Reading 'Berkt "Boroughhridgt BuckiDgb»in ijoho: CaroanKWij^. Gr9*t Or ay Jamt 'irilj[itprtm CrofTenor Sir Robf - Cheftaf MiUiank. Cuidotf Will, t L incolntinnfieUt, Cybbon Philip f Geidenffuare. Cihbon adiv^rd tutntj. Rye Su£tn Fetersfidd iUgb C % ^ Jll BxAtT C»«T iidU^memA ftochefffcf ' Halet Th9im* €amffordC .. .. "' Usmiiten Gecrge Wdll^ower/. namiitontd, DtkH, tanerkjhiri Hampden John Wtndffver'StKks H«n Hedworth John f Durham Caml Henley Anthony f - Soutbamptoa Henley Hen. Hnlt : Z^ifs Dor/et Lekejlerfields. . . ■ . . > I Herbcrr Hon. Thomas Ncwptiri Ccmn^ . Grayiinr, \ fterbert Hen. Arthur : Ludlow Saiq^ Herbert Richard Ditto HerberrHon. Robert* ' WUton Wilt* G*orgefireet. j Herbert William D'CtO ' Heron Patrick* KSrkuSrigbt .^uckirighamcourf. Hervey Thomas c StJLdmcindihurj^ Hill Sir Rnoland Litchfield Hinxman Tofeph: . Cbdjicbur^h ^yUlartJfreet. Soutbampt, Hoare Jhnry Ijcw SitUO^ Lincolminnficld:' SA- wf 1 E X A C T Hoby Sir Thomas t 'Buryfirtrt St.Jamst Houghcon Sir Henry : xArtingtonfireet, Holland Rogerj \ Ejfexfireet. Hjimes Thcntas Scmtrfctbouft Hooper Edivard SearUflreet; Horner ThomiJ •- Surreyjir. Howe J ohn f Cor.duitfircet . Hotham Sir Charleii Strettofijireet. Howard Col. Charl«: Maddf.xftrert. Howarjh jJirHumph. J Durbamyard. Hucki William ; tiujfelflreei. HucksRoberc: Ibid. H'Mtgerfard Walter List Marlcno 'Buc\t i. Freftan Lane. Ctippenham Heruton IfU ef Wight Cbrijicburcb SoracTfetfiiire WiJtfhire "Beverly Torkjh^. CarliJleCumbeTt Radnorihire WdUngfori 3Ct tAhinidon 'Btr* Calne Wiln , Huxley Oeorge' Nev>port Ffanti Hetiricttaft. Covgar. Hylton Jobn f - 3edfh Cbancerylant' Carlife Cumb, , BrK»n£hire Rjgtte Sarref /enifon tit\phrp Nor thumberL **^ Goldenfquarit Li ncofntinnJUUt, Jnwen Tbom«f f • Soiuhvtrk 5t,i>iargaret*tbill, lofrtm Hcnrv; Horfham SaJif: Dean'ijard Wcjhx, Jolljg Si. Jf i/iww ?etfnpUHa>trJ Sir Jufllntaa f - KortkMDptih« St. Martin'sjirtet. J^t Sir John Cijier York Kemp Sir Robert f Suffolk prince' icourt fVeJlffu Kat Samuel Ipf-wiib Suffi Fauxtall. KeytSirWiUiaanf- Wirwick TdviJiockraW Cov. go, ^najion WillUm Shrewsbury "Bojntll court. LiticolHsiruifieiJi, Knight BaJftrode MidhurJI Sujp. UJkfirtef. l^ij^ht Rchert Grimihf Line^ Grohjcnarjirett. Ky'i»fi<» E^vfvd 3iJbcpfcaft.Sal l^arfoJkjirtit. t^n^JUt Corbet H«k>p C4 f6 jttt E A Mcr "List Lamhton Henry Durham - Lamche John • 'BcdmiH Ccrmo", PalimalU La'zvtor Jc'rn Kehcafih Staff, Polar, djir. Lawfon SirWnfridf Coclermcu. (aitk, Georgejireet. Txehmere Edmund 'Worcenerfhire ,Hir.ley CaJlU. Leathfs Carteret * Tiamuleb Ejft:^ Pallmali, -«*^..-. : Lee Sir "fliohTat t - IBacKT \ tee George T- 'Bradley Narihi I Dc£iors Commit. I LeTifOp Ifaac •' Lefivfithiei C«r, i ^^Zeflttfiomat ' t^fert,Scc» Nrwbondfiree' . I^wisTho.: •/ Har^tonRidDot St.Jamei^iJir, ljdd«l George:. 'Berwick Kingjir. C(yi/.parden» LidddSh - ^ - Sir Henry, ^t, Morpeth Korih* Fv5 ~ ^n Liflit Tfco. t - Ciitbero £anc^ t^ngftreet S.Jamti*s. Lcckvt9od Richard Worceiler CdhgekUl. Lloyd Walter , (iM ^.ffmsre Ormjr, -'.5»»^V..l Lumlf? John • jinaiJei StffT^ Grof-v. ffua, Lut:er«i Alexafiderf - MiMtht^d Sf^ Pallmall. LtttvycheThomaj f ^^mendefoam ■ Lincsln^iifiji, ^^dh ^ Ljon Tbtma* Forftr i C f >$i yin Exact Ltt y LyttWonSirThomw CamtlfariCtnK Adm. Office. Uu ipr Henry Tingjion on HuU Marfhal Henry St. Mary Hill. Mafter Thomas f - xArlingtonJirtet, MaflfT Legh f - Redliorjquare. Martin Mattbe^jt Marklant. %At^ovrn Sidney f Oli'ver'imount. Medlycoit Thomai c Meijapfl H^". S' Paul f Crof-v.Jireet. UiddUfex {Earl of] m>iteball MWkjtpn Coll.- John: K'»if{r. Goldfquare. Myddlcton Jnhn/> Redl'tonjqu. Middleron Sir Will, f p Goldenjqu. Mi?l Sir Richard : prince* sc^urt Wcftm. Moleftvorth Sir John Pemearrem}. Unfon Char let Onxytimt. Aimende/bam "Bucks CirenceJierGlou^ ^e^ton Lane. ColcheOerEJ Cfflterlmry Tavijlock Dev'. Milborn Port. Somerf, "BrackhyNortb, Eafi Grinftead SufftM . \Ah*rdeen» tec'. Denbigh Northomberl, Tenryn Cornio. Newport Corn, Lincoln Mjnoux Sir Humph, f StaihriJgt.Hat Ratbhir.fflace. Montagu Jcbn Ditto Duip. Wonugu Hon, Edvs^. : Huntli^d^ Dyverfirett. ""^'^ hfonlasv Charles St. Germ^^ "Bufhjpark. Corn- Montane Lord Robert Hu&dl^;d^qflu Grojvencrfijuare. "*". WordauntSi'r Cli«. Be. ^ W^iwick^e Clevelandcourt- '■ More Robert; . 'Bijbopstaffs 'Buiingbftr. Torkbull. J^' Morgan Thomu • UQQmag^BUL Kirgjir. St. James's. '^^^ Morgan Sir John Herdoti . MoTBfih Lord Yifc. f - MorpetbKmbu. Sobojqa. "]'''* KloriCe Sir Willum \ LauHeefiftCarti. Next tbe Adm.ogke. ' Mo^ Thomas Flintftltol.^. Gr. Kuff'elftr. "^^^ Monro Sir Robert c i^>Ho«)»Jto* St. Martih'sftr, ^ idurray Col. Robert Cr. ^e^iu Murrjy John 'P SelklrkJ9rf[ , Stonecuttersjir. * Murray Ltrd Jsbn Pertbjvtri,^ Murraj Sir 'Alexari. 7 p , . ^^ .aJb C 6 ^ An. CzACT Lt«f iJedhem Robert OU Sarnn KesvUnd WjJiUffl f - Gattdn 'Sunfy * Careyjlreet. >I«wton Sir Mich, f - Tjraniham Line, 'Eurlir.gC^nJir, NoeiW.lUara* Korfd']Ss^ Grifvmorflreet. PacJref Winch(*fflb .f y'D^fliak • • ■*- Gold^njauare. - '-^ •'A■^^ . .'. Pakingn>fiSnKferb. f Warcfftiarker jirmpd Petetbwo*^ Strand. 'i • H -Ri^ -J Parfoni Humphrey! - London *. St.K^fberine^s,_ ,. - rarfdnj'H^nfy ; Mafdcn'tj^ex ' Via'adll'ingOfice, PearftTfcomMS WcymMtb Dot^,. Naniyc^ce. PtfirfeHeoty; -NorthaUtrtm 1 Nnvbondjireet. fhrkftr.' . > P«lham Thom>i: iXfWfi «yajJB»rX1 Le'nejlerjxtldi. •, ') Pelham Thomii: Dino • ' ISeHvportfircet. „,^ Pelham Hon. Henry. -5;^/^^^^^^^^ Wbiteball. '■ Pe ! h a m Ja mci : Nrwark Uctts Qbarltiftr. St.JamiCi. Priham Thocnai •y^^'j' Hajiirgs SaJ[^H j^id. ■ ' '■*. it xAft Exact tenten Henrf Temiffftoj^ Sir Jofepb Ifirftlkjlreet. PWTot Henr/ f - Cavendijhfquare, Perry Micajah }■ - St. Mary Axe^ Philips Erafmmf - "'Bartlet'ihuil. PhUip« Ambrofe ^ TbUipfonJobn tfavyojfue, Pigot Robert c SoJttbamptGnfi, Fm Thomas* * Tin John . ; iA rlingtonjireet. PlejdelSdiiuKfor.*^ Crtfvenorfireet, Phrafr Richard \ Grafiittn. flumtr Wil^am Ibid. Pluroer Walrer f - Cavetidifhfq. Plumtree John f Jirminjireet, Poliaartb Lord Prince' sjired Hanjj Polhill David* Tbriffjlreet, List Tregcnj Corrra^ Cumberland Oxford/hire Uaverjord Wtjk Xh)Ki. <} ftlUA,^9bn AndcfMr Htnti Limolnsinn: Portenger Rich, f Reading 'Bntt DevereuKcourt, pow«L-H.,Ty. -£::^r//^;f yerminftrtet. Tortman Henry WiiTiam Tauntefi Setner, fowls Richard Orjord Suffolk Nnvbondjireet. Tratd Wm. Mackivortb St. Ives Corniv. Goldenfquare. frict Richard Lincolinti^ei. Polfeney William f j4rlirtg*ot:Jirtet. Proby John Sudbury Suff. Miihnar«r Stamford Line, jildborougb Suf, jipulbj Wtftm, Purvii Capt. George Cravtttjlreft. Ramfden John : fallmall, Raflileigh Jonathan \ Fcwey Carm - Rnrf S*.r Tho. : t^UUudt Wiht Goldenfqua, Rebiw l/aac Lemyng Cokhefler EJf, RevelThomas Viauallirg Office. Rich Sir Robert j Crejvencrjirett. Ridrr Dud'.ey: Linco'niinn. Dover K^t St. Tvet Corn'Ufi Ti'verton Dey, ; Marlbcrcugbf^r. . ■. ■. . ^ Jl»feH4/gh' _ Rcfsfhire RowneyThomai f - OxfoH Cravenjhrcet. Rufhout Sir John * p Eve/ham Wire* ^icomsh.fquare. Rutherford John inn* Roxh»rghfh,' ; SackvilliLfirdJobn S^BKl^HrfU^ ' Sambrooke 5lr Jer. f - Bedford ( St. Jamei'iJ}r!place. Stanhope Charles f Derby St. jamei*sfquare. Scaeley Sir Edward 4v- Liooefhir e St. Jamet*iplace. StapXttoTi SirWilliam | - Ojtfor^&lM, , ^eenjlreet Wefim, . ' ' Stapylton Sir Milct yorkfliire Siepbenfon Biv)»rd Sudhury Su£. I Marklane. Sx^rc Arthur <• Phmutb Dev. Vallmll. . ,,^ ^.,.,. ' ' Scewjfrt J^lliam ^ ^ SJ^mtuttm,, > Marlhgroughpre^. '' Stuart Col. Jatfes jiir,lrwtn^icz» ff^arwickjlreetm Stewart Capt, James Wigtcun, &c« Sfridcland Sir William • Scarborough Tor, Grofventrfqu, Stitjotj Gsn. Richard: iije^ark ^^n, H^4hmgbp. ,-i : .. ..~..w:^^.. - Sa;;mMii Robert '' Wiinii^ Zipf, | Ta!hot Hon. John firecon Lincolminn, Talbot John Ivory t- Wkltf Albemarle fir eet. Talbot Hon. [Villiam GlaoiOfganfiu JLincolnsinnfieldt. Taylor William Eve/b/w ffere, .. Temple^ Thompfon Edward York Thompfbn W» : Scarborough Ton 'Beltortfireet. Towqrs ChTiftopher ; %Aylitburj "Buc, Great Jamtiftreei,' Tow«r«Thoim*_ .W«Uiiigfof*'Ber^ Inner Temple. TownChcnd H.iM^ffl t t Tammtb iforf, "Berkeleyjireet. TowoAiendH.Tho. : Cambridge Uni, ClevilandcourS, TrMCty Rohrf Tiwktbttry Gfoh Tr^Georjje: Clifton, Dart* Wbittball, ny.utbi &c. . yWuallingoffce. T^efu^i Robert T^aro Cornw, l^ertehird Geotgc ? Pool Dorfetjh Tallmall. Tocker Edward *£ Weymouth Ddr^ Unioncourt Uroadjlreet. Vtllartfirtet,- Jc^aS^ - Turner Sir Chirles: Tj'mi^orfolk Saj^olkftrcet. Turner Choi mtey f f Yorkfli. PiaxxaCo-ventgard. ^mu WiU. Ho^mard, MaidJltneKspf, Tyrconnel tordVifc* Crantbam Lini;* Arllngtonflreet, .Tyrel James: "Zsrougbbridgf J^rettovfirett* «8 Jtn Ex ACT Lttr Vane L'^Vifcf DBAO.Kenc I Vane Hon. Hfnryf- I 'Broohjireet. ' t^augkan William St. James'sfireet, ' Verncm<}eo. Vena« t * Tallma'n. ! Vyner Rdbercf- I Cofiiuitjirttt, I ^adtOener. George: IBtirUnftongttrd. Wage^ $lr<3btfiet: Waller Harry f- Pantcnfquare* \ Waller Edmund t- — Lincoln* iinn* ' WaUingfofdL* Se.Jamei'sffimri. WaipokHnn.'Horatio : I IVbitekall, Walpole Edward: .Sr. Jamei^sfquare. Warren Borlac/t Near N.Cb. Strand. pTafti Tiomas Thrcadneedlejireet. ^entworrh 6ir W™ ; Fallmall. Folandjlreet. MerionetbA: LhchfitliStaf^ LUicolQihire Great Marl Peterborough Cavendifhfquat e. Wrlghte George f - Leicefter Ta'vipockJJrectt Wy ndharr^ Si r W™ f 5 Somcrfetniirc " DiV'.rJireC, 7a' Lf« Exact L««»''^^^;j WynnThomair Carnarvor* WynnWatkinWiU.f - Denbighlhlrf Dytaningftreet, . Wynn Sir Geo. fWXit Ltncohtinnjields , Tata Tbowas Chidie8«r VallmalL j STorlce John » ■ RicBmcndUrk ^ern'sf^u. Ormondjirfet» A 71 I^mlen cf hft Tarliemmt not htbh^ Ctcn V/illiam CcJcnuc Hen. lA^ '- : . W*" Cope Col. Jolin Alington Maxmad-Ccrnc^cllCap. JaS, Anncficy Frsncis Cory ton Sir John Auftcn Sir Robert Cotton Sir Robert BailicGcorgc Cracherocle Anth* Banks Jofcph Cri/pe Thomas Barrington Sir John Croft Sir Atchet Bateman Ld Vifc. Crofle John Bclficld John Cunuingham Hen; Berkeley Hon. Hen. Dalrymple Col. Jo Bertie Hon. James Dalrymple Sir J as. Bigg "John Dcsbouveric Sit E* Bifihopp Sit Cecil DougUfs Williaoft Bladen Thomaa DooglAfs Archib. Bold Peter Drewc Franci« Boone Charles Diuminond Jobs of Bofcawen Hugh Wcg. BritifFe Robert Duff WiDiam Brooke Philip Dunbar PatricL Brooksbank Stamp Button Sir Joha Bruce Hop€ Sir Jn. Eaft^William Burton William Eginont Earl of Cxfar Charles Ellys Sir Richard Campbell John Erskio'Capt. Tho. Carr William F.^ics Sir Johji Charljon Sr. John Kyre Giles ChctiwyAdLord ^ane Col. hL C*^ Chet-wynd John - therlogh Childe Wna Lacon Farrington The. Clarke Godfrey Fitzwillram Vifc Cof&Q Richard Fuller Joko yt Memhen cf tajl Parliament, &e. Furnefe Henry Lloyd Salishj^ Gay Rob«ft Cibfon Tlwaiai GifFotd John Gould Nathaoi^ Gould John Cficafton Vifc# Hales Sir Thomaj Meredith SitRogei Hall Cbatles Mcrril John Mtlaex Sir WiUisa lAnnlcy Hon-ji MackcBsie Sir Geo. M»nncii Ld. WUi. Manfcl Bulfy Martin Thomas Mediycot The. fen* Haoiilton John Hamilton Archib. Haibord Haibord Harrifon George Hariifon Thomas Hope Thomas Hoftc James Jackfon Richard Jennings Sir John Jewkes John lugoldeshy Thom. Inchiquin Earl of Kein*! Henry KeiDcyc Sir Cha. Kemc ys Kdward. Kemj) Robert Kaullys Francis KnoUys Henry Lane Sir Richatd LawfonGilfrid Leigh Hon. Cha. Lcwen George Limeri.-k Lord Lisbume Lord tyftct Rich*td McHifoQ Gcotgc Montague H. iitJw. Mordaijat John Morden William Morton Mat. Duci« Moftyn Sir Roger Mountrach Esriof. Munro Joba Ncalc John Kei^orpe James •Nightingaic JofepE Nurris Cai^ . Matt» ; Offley Crew Orlebar Johtt Page John Parker Sir Phil. Loii, Pelhani Charles i P.ers Coll. William Put Coll. John Poole Sir Wiiiratu Powlctt Ld. Nalfau Powlett Norton fm' Puwleti Norton jun' Puv,lm Ceil. gh«. Xfmhen tf hfl Tartijmnt, jfej. 74 Powlctt William ThonaofoD Rich. Prcndcrgaft Sir Th. •[^^Ornf iUflnJimw Price Uvrdalc Tilfon Chriftopher Pultcney Hcoxj Vaughau RkKsxi Reade Ceorgc Vcrocy Hoo. Jafaa RcyaeU Richaid Vcrnan Edw««i l^m« Qicbfifl V«aan SirChfisl^fi Kobisfpo Thomas "Vineeot H<&jy RobinfonSirTho. Walcotjohn Hudgc Johu WaU^c, Thoaui R^odge £dwoe4 W.a^i John Ruiiherford James W,ftitcr;Pffttr ' Sabine J ofeph Wjirdour Wttti«ai Sambrooicc John Wtf«iTcr John '■ ' • ' St. John Hon. John Webb Borlace S«. Quiotin Mattb. Wiliiarm Hi^ Savilk Sir Ge» Soot Robert iielwyn Chailet Shannon l.otd WiUoughby Tho. Winford Thoqjaf WyndhanfThom** TownfhcndH^or. "TrcUvi^ncySir Jdho Shirley Robert Trcnoa/nc jlrtTsuf Sinclair Col. James Trotmao SampeJ, Spcke George ^^ Tu&iel Sataupl Stanhope Hun. jwin Tylncy Earl S.ilcc Ben}. HosJiin Tyrwhit Sir Join Taylor JpGjb V*ughan WUIia« 4 LIST of thi TutJtTBis appointed for Settling tU Co' 1 /ony of Georgia. ' EARL Egmont John Laroche, E^q-, \ Ld. Carpenter James Ve?rjon, Ejq-^ Edward Digby,£/?i W™ Belicha, £/fi Ja. Oglethorpe, Ejfi Steph. Halit, -4- A/. Geo. Heacbco(e,£/y,' John Burton, S i>» Tho. TowcrsjN£/'<^; Rich. Bundy»;.4 W-, KobertMore, jB/fi Arth,Bedford,><.il/. Hobert Hucki, £/f ; Sam . Smith, t<4. Af. ^ Hog. Hollands £/"f; Ad-wAn Slop«r, £/f,* Tho. Coram Cr^ar. F/ind» Eyle«» S.^» Commissioners appointed ^ thi piid Trusts E8. t.Vifc.TyfConsfil John Page, EJq. JL. Vifc. Limerick WiUiam Piers, Etp JLfOrd Baltimore W. Hathcot^. S/^J Mayor acd Alder- Sami2£JTufibel,£/^5 neo of JJvtrp^l John Crofis, S/f i ^/r John Eyle«, 2/. RaTflini: Earl, Eff, J/rR.MeredithiS'. A. Huchefon, Rfp -Sir M. Decker, 3f- Char. Duboi», -S/^i *J/> Abi. Elton. 3r. Charles Joye, -E^, jS'/rHansSloane,3r. Tho. Rogers* jE/J,- Sir]Q^iti^ Ey\a, /C^ Tho. Rundle, X>, Z>, S'lr joGonion, ^. JaniM Leake J^hfi Scrope* f/f ; i fuji Tuhlljhtd, EIGHT Speeches mode in Parliamcnc, on the following importanc Occafions, vi«. 1. Sir John Knight's Speech in the Year 1^94-, againft the Bill forNa- turalaing Foreigners. a. Mr. Price's Speech in the Year 16^6, for Repealing a Grant mado to Mynheer Beniinck oi feveral Lordfhips in the Principality ai Wales. 3. Mr. Shippen's Speech againft Con- tinuiog the Army, Dec. 4,. 17 17^ 4,. Anoth'Jr by Mr. JefFcries on tht fame Occafion, Dec. 5. 1717. J. Another by Sir Tho. Hanmer, Bart, ca the fame Occafion, the fame Day. 4. The Lord L -down's Speech in ' the Houfe of Lords, Dec 19. 1718. againll the OccafJonal Conloimity Bill. 7. Mr. Huchefon's Speech againft the Repealing of the Triennial AS, Apr. 24.. 171^. 8. Mr. Shippen'8 Speech againft the Propofal for incrcafing the CivU Lift Revenue, Jaly 3. 1737. IL Rarafay's Scotch Songs, the bcfl Edition, with the Mufick. in. The Gentle Shepherd : A Scotclj Paftoral Comedy, By ihc famtf Author, J« Wa T 8 o K, in Wardrobe- Cour:, Great Csrtft Lane. ^ J. /^^ O N j Tj n AL D U T V \^ Set torth tn -1 roJ!e£tion n« ?rpi?ninn<: a-'i .'r'i; «...-? iVcdding- Sftmon'. a Ship. »ft. The I>f i' 3. AVVcdoi:^- 't.'H-. IJy Wilitan-, S' 4. A New -yen I J.Colby. \» Mor. flcadof T S. The virgin 3.],,"y, j _> ; . Mrj*?,. _ IF. FOR MAN'S Defencft of Hie Courage, Condufi aiid Loyilry r,f fhr Irilh Nt'ion, ORru'iO Htc A;;- !n ■ f )prfa, V.' :: n 'nt f^.' - r t by Mr. Sctdo. IV. 'IheTufcan Treat? r "r, Ttr. cjinn's , Overthrow. A Tragedy. A'i it was Adied at the Theatie-^ By a Gentleman lately drfcaltc!, Ktti^d »nd AUeied by Mr. Boiul. t THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DAI STAMPED BELOW. r 23iiii :^^.^