A A cz ■JD 3D 9 — o 5 5 5 ro 4 7 = —1 5 DR. K.M. KHANTAMOUR ARMENIAN COLLECTION j.iW'Jp^'4 r.r.mr-ji'i^^rTi University of California Library Los Angeles THE ARMENIAN RITUAL PART n. THE DIVINE ORDINANCES THE ARMENIAN RITUAL Being a translation from the original tn the Armenian language; (o which is added a few explanatory paragrapiis BY F. JAIMES Dr. ISSAVERDENZ Sleeonil edition VENICE i>S,INTF.D IN THE ARMENIAN MONASTERY OF St. LAZARO 1S73 TO M^ F. COLTON, CONSUL OF THE UNITKD STATES OF AMERICA AT VENICE It wasin Sejdcmborof lout near, that I had the lin- nour to receive yoit, when for the first lime yon came lo visit this Armenian Inslitulion at. Son Lazzaro, in the Lagune of Venice. The day was one of great beauty ^ and you well remember it, as adding so much to the pleasure of your visit ; whi'e I shall ever remember the occasion as being the commencement of your sincere and valued friendship. You were accompanied by some ac- quaintances who, as well as yourself, were much inte" rested in all questions relating to the administration of the Sacraments in the Armenian Church. This led me to write something on the subject, as also lo add It-' teral translations from the Original Armenian; and tiOw iuhen the icork is finished I send it furth, hoping that it niai/ be aqrceable io you, (uid useful to others. Believe me to be always your faithful friend t^» JAMES Dr. ISSAVERDENZ Armenian Monastery of San Lmtaro June. 30. 1867. CONCERNING THE ARMENIAN RITUAL. The first essential and regular arrangement of the Armenian Ritual, as we find mentioned in the Armenian national history, was made towards the beginning of the fifth century ; at which time there lived the most celebrated doctors of the Armenian Church, S'. Isaac and S'. Mesrob-the first, transla- tor of the Bible into Armenian, the latter, inventor of the Armenian Alphabet - and both fitted to adorn the Armenian Church with wise rules and disci- plines, and enrich the Armenian Ritual with such ceremonies as they thought proper to introduce from other systems of the east, in conformity with the national spirit. By such a wise arrangement, principally, the Ar- menians came to possess a ritual of the Church, that, properly may be said, to be one of their high- est national glories, and which after the surname of its principal compiler is called Maslidolz ((/"jM-wny). 6 In the course of succeeding times this Ritual was enriched, by other celebrated Armenian doctors, with such prayers and benedictions, as they thought pro- per to introduce from foreign Rituals. Of this Ritual there are to be found about fifty manuscript copies in the Armenian library in Ve- nice, the oldest of which is a large one, in folio size, written on parchment, and, as it seems probable, in the beginning of the eighth century. It was in 1832 after a scrupulous comparison of all these manuscripts, the first edition of the Arme- nian Ritual was published in Venice, by the Meki- taristican society of San Lazzaro. And now making use of that first edition, I translate, word for word, the prayers of the Sacra- ment of Baptism and Confirmation, as well as those of the ceremony which is to be performed by the mother of the Child. To these I have an idea to join some notices of the administration of other Sacraments, which I think would not be without interest to those who wish to know something in regard to the eastern rites. A FEW NOTICES CONCERNING THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM ACCORDING THE ARMENIAN RITUAL. The first rule we find in the Armenian Ritual for the administration of the Sacrament of Baptism, is the instruction it gives in regard to adults, who, not yet christians through Baptism, aspire to become so. These, the Ritual admonishes not to baptize and not to allow them to enter the Church, before three weeks, or more, during which time they have studied as catechumens, all the doctrines of the faith of the Church of Christ. During this time of exercise, the duty of the teacher will be always to exhort to prayer the person who aspires to baptism. After having been made acquainted with all the truths of the faith of Christ, he may be baptized af- ter the manner adopted for little children. As for little children, they will be baptized on the eighth day after their birth, - except in cases 8 where there is danger of death. - The Godfather brings the child to the Churh, where the priest and the deacons perform the ceremony after the rules of the Ritual. II. It is a custom in the Armenian Church to tic around the head of the newly baptized person, like a crown, a stringer riband, twisted of red and white threads, at the end of which hang-s a small cross. This crowning typefies the graces of the Holy Spi- rit, with whom every newly baptized person is fil- led, through the Sacraments of Baptism and Con- firmation. This kind of crown or string, is prepared or twisted, in the beginning of the ceremony of baptism, while reciting the CXXX. psalm ; at which time they twist together the red and white threads. But it is tied round the head of the Child after he has received the Sacrament of Confirmation, as the reader may find in the course of the prayers of that sacrament. And this crown is to be worn continually for eight days; after which time, during a short prayer, it is taken off by the priest. III. The fount or the basin of baptism, is ordinarily placed in a particular chapel, the entrance to which opens iuto the Church. It is always cut in stone, and cannot be made of any other material. The first part of the prayers of the ceremony, arc performed outside of the door of the baptistery, as is recom- mended by the ritual, in the words «OHt of the doors of the Church ». IV. The duty of blessing* the oil they make use of in the ceremony of baptism, belong-s to the priest who performs the ceremony of the sacrament upon the catechumen, and is done during the time he is recit- ing the prayers, and in such quantity only as is sufficient for that one ceremony ; so that nothing of it remains. This we find recommended by the Armenian patriarch, John the Philosopher, (718) in his writings : « It is the priest 's duty » he says, « to bless the oil of baptism during the ceremony, and in as great a quantity as is requisite for the occasion; and in the meantime to finish that by applying it to the person that receives the sa- crament of baptism ; and dare not a second or more times bless the oil that once was blessed. That is to be used only for the unction of the catechumens du- ring the time they are baptized in the fount and dare not make any use of the same in other sacra- ment of unction ». Formerly it was the custom of the Armenian Church to anoint also the catechumen outside the 1* 10 doors of the baptistery with this oil, and introduce him afterwards near the fount. But with time this custom was laid aside, as not an essential ce- remony. The essential part of baptism is to pour water, with the hand, upon the head of the catechumen three times, pronouncing separately, each time, the name of, Falher, Son, and Hohj Ghost. After which they were wont to immerse the catechumen three times under the water; but this ceremony, is secondery, and typefies the participation in the interment of Christ, through which the original sin is buried, and through the grace of Christ the newly baptized be- comes worthy to be inscribed in the number of those that are affiliated to God. VI. In this way is to be baptized immediately the new born child when it is in danger of death; which ceremony may be performed by any one present, though not a churchman, by pouring only water upon the head. But if it recovers from its sickness, it should to be carried into the Church, where they will perform all the ceremony, except the pouring of the water three times upon its bead. OF THE SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION. The Sacrament of Confirmation was regarded by the eastern Church from all antiquity as an essen- tial point to be administrated early to the faithful, that they might acquire the assistance of the grace of the Holy Ghost. The dangers of life which might arise from any cause and under any circumstances through sicknesses or persecutions, persuaded her priests to apply the administration of that holy Sacra- ment immediately after the ceremony of baptism ; so that, on all occasions, the faithful might find them- selves fortified with the graces of the Holy Spirit. It is for the same reason that the Armenians also were accustomed till now to administer that Sacra- ment together with that of baptism. But contrary to the custom of the western Church that Sacrament is performed by the same priest who administers the sa- crament of baptism. After he has ended the ceremony of baptism, he anoints with the holy Chrism the nine members of the body of the newly baptized, as may be seen in the course of the prayers connected with that ceremony. Afterwich he blesses also the clothes of the child, and clothing- him, he crowns his head with the stringer ribbon which they have twisted in the beginning of the ceremony of baptism, which typefies the g-race of the Holy Spirit, as said before. And now if the newly baptized be an adult, he partakes of the holy Sacrament of Communion ; or if a new-born child, they make him partake of that holy Sacrament, by touching his lips with the holy Body of our Lord Christ. (*) These two ceremonies being over, if the newly baptized person be a child, they carry him home; if an adult, there is a rule to observe. He is obliged not to move from the Church for seven days, conti- nually clothed in white dress, and having his head covered with a wbite linen. His duty will be to per- form the service in the church, and spend his time always in prayer, partaking every day of the Holy Sacrament of Counuunion. {') In tills way lliev m:ike Iilm partnke ot (he llolv Comiiitiiiion ; l.ul oidinariiy tlicsc cerenioiiii'S are performed diiriiif; llie Holy jyiass : and tlicn, after the priest lias ounliirncd him and made him woi'shij) before the altar and the Imly (;io'5>, lie hrin^s him to the oflicialinj^ priest at llio lime lie is consumiiij; llie Holy Sacramciil, who weling his forclinjier ill the Holy Uloud, he [iul8 it in the mouth of the ehiM, say in^;: « May ihiw Jjea.s enre to ihv soul and IkkU : I'leniliide of llie Holy Sjiirit ». COMMENCEMENT Ol<' THE CEREMONY FOR THE At)MlNf- STRATION OF THE HOLY SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM. Tliey begin lo recile tlie CXXXsl. psalm, de