UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES THE GOVERNORS OF fflOESIA a dissertation submitted to the faculty of Princeton University IN June 1910 IN CANDIDACY FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (department of classics) BY SELATIE EDGAR STOUT PRINCETON I9II THE GOVERNORS OF MOESIA a dissertation submitted to the faculty of Princeton University IN June 1910 IN candidacy for the degree of doctor of philosophy (department of classics) BY SELATIE EDGAR STOUT PRINCETON I9II Copies of this dissertation may be obtained from The Library of Princeton University, Princeton, N. J., at seventy-five cents each, postpaid. , .. • .*, • .: .. •'. •• : • , , ' • •• • ..•••!♦• • • ' • • - ... • ••-...•..•• • * . • ••♦ PRINCETON, N. J. THE FALCON PRESS igii 5i TV'-) rf Q, ^^ TO FRANCES BLODGETT STOUT X 89544 PREFACE I wish to acknowledge gratefully the kindness and the help that I have received from all of the teachers with whom I have studied in Princeton University and in The University of Chicago. My thanks are clue especially to Professor Frank Frost Abbott, whom I have followed more closely than any other teacher in my university study. His criticism of this paper, also, during its prepa- ration has been helpful at many points. I have received valuable suggestions also from Professor Duane Reed Stuart, of Princeton University, who read the paper in manuscript, and from Professor Mary B. Peaks, of Vassar College, who read it in the proof. I owe to Miss Peaks also the suggestion that the general field in which the subject of this paper lies was available for a dissertation. I wish also to thank my printer for courtesies extended me during the printing of this paper. S. E. Stout. William Jewell College, Liberty, Mo., September i, 191 1 CONTENTS Page Introduction i^ Governors of Moesia before its Division i Governors of Moesia Superior 22 Governors of Moesia Inferior 43 Conspectus ''- Appendix 86 Indices S9 Vll INTRODUCTION 1. Roman arms were first carried into the territory later known as Moesia by C. Scribonius Curio' in 75-73 B. C. and M. Licinius' in 72 B. C. Their campaigns were not serious attempts to reduce the tribes of this district to Roman rule, although the late historians of the empire usually give them the credit for the conquest of Moesia, but were intended to teach these tribes respect for Roman arms and to deter them from making marauding incursions into Roman territory further south. Dio' places in the mouth of Augustus in 27 B. C. the claim that Julius Caesar had conquered Moesia, but there is no other evidence of any campaign in this region under the auspices of Julius. He probably planned the conquest of the tribes of this territory, but never found leisure from more pressing cares to execute it. Augustus* himself in his campaigns in Illyricum in 35-34 B. C. did not reach the territory of Moesia. In 29-28 B. C. M. Licinius Crassus' made a thorough conquest of this territory; at least there is no evidence of a revolt here at any later time. 2. The government of the country was for a time at least in the hands of allied princes," as was that of Thrace until 46 A. D. The evidence is slight and opinions differ as to just when Roman civil administration was organized here.' There is evidence that this district was regularly occupied in 6 A. D. by Roman troops under a consular commander.*' That it was continuously so occu- pied after this date is certain. I see no valid reason for assuming that civil administration was not in operation here at this date, and believe that this territory was regularly organized as a province some years before this time. 3. When in 15 A. D. Achaia and Macedonia sought relief from the burdens of proconsular government under the Senate and were given to the Emperor, he placed them under the care of the governor ^ Liv. Ep. 92, Florus 1.39.6, Eutrop. 6.2, Oros. 5.23, Ruf. Fest. 7, Front. Strat. 4.1.43. 2 Liv. Ep. 97, Florus 1.39.6, Eutrop. 6.10, Oros. 6.3.4, Ruf. Fest. 9, App. Illyr. 30, .\m. Marc. 27.4.11, Serv. ad Aen. 7.604, Hieron. a. 1946 = 01. 277.2. 3 Dio 53.7. Cf. Strabo 7.3.5, Jordanes Get. 11. ^ App. Illyr. 16 ff., Dio 49..34-38, Suet. Aug. 20-21. 5 Liv. Ep. 134-135, Florus 2.26, Dio 51.23-27, Zon. 10.32. 8 Dio 51.26. Cf. Mommsen, The Provinces of the Roman Empire, Eng. tr., 1 p. 16, n. 2. ' The evidence on tliis subject can be found most completely brought together in an article by A. v. Premerstein, JOI 1 (1898) Beibl. pp. 146-196. He argues for the date 15 A. D. See my note 18 below. This article has been briefly criticised by Gardthausen, Augustus und seine Zeit, 2 p. 786, n. 79. Cf. also Mommsen, 1. c. ^ §§ 6, 7. ix of Moesia. This arrangement continued until 44." It led to a peculiar administrative situation in Moesia which is briefly dis- cussed in § 9. 4. Moesia was divided into two provinces, Moesia Superior and Moesia Inferior, by Domitian, during his Dacian war, a. 86-89. This fact was proved by Gsell/" His evidence is as follows: i) Pliny in his Natural History, published a. ']'], knows only the undi- vided province;" 2) Oppius Sabinus seems to have been governor of the undivided province in 85 or 86;'^ 3) L- Funisulanus Vettoni- anus was governor of Pannonia as late as Sept. 15, 85, and after that he was governor of Moesia Superior,'^ and apparently it was as governor of Moesia Superior that he won the dona militaria during the Dacian war of Domitian ; 4) The exigencies of this war were likely to make the division necessary; 5) The earliest known governor of Moesia Inferior is of the year 100," but Moesia Inferior is mentioned in the time of Domitian.'^ On "5)" it should be added that the discovery of diploma CIII '" gives us the name of a governor of Moesia Superior in that province Sept 16, 93 ; Moesia had there- fore certainly been divided at that time. On 3) it should be noted that in both 3.4013 and 11.571 the reading of the inscriptions is "leg. aug. pr. pr. provinc. Delmatiae, item provinc. Pannoniae, item Moesiae Super.", in which the word provincia is not used with Moesia Superior though used with both Delmatia and Pannonia. This omission may mean that at the time when Funisulanus was in command of the troops of Moesia Superior the division of the forces of the province of Moesia and the assignment of them to two legati were regarded as tentative measures, and that the province had not yet been definitely and formally made into two provinces. It is probable however that the arrangement was made permanent at once. We may conclude from this evidence that the division was made certainly between the years 86 and 93, and probably in 86 or 87. " §§ 8-16. '" Gsell, Essai sur le regne de I'empereur Domitian, Paris, 1894, pp. 135-137. " Plin. N. H. 3.149. Pannoniae iungitur provincia quae Moesia appellatur, ad Pontum usque cum Danuvio decurrens. Incipit a confluente supra dicto (sc. of the Save and Danube). '2 See § 28. '2 Bormann, JOI 1 (1898), p. 174, n. 6, thinl^s that he was governor of Moesia superior before Pannonia (Cf. Lieb. p. 160) and thus fixes on 83 or 84 as the date of the division of Moesia. See § 29 and n. 57. " § 60. Cf. § 59. ^^ Vit. Hadr. 2.3 Post hoc in inferioreni Moesiani translatus e.xtremis iam Dumitiani temporibus. 18 CIL 3 p. 2328™, partly quoted in 30. 5- The province of Moesia before its division and both Moesia Sviperior and Moesia Inferior after the division were governed by imperial legates of consular rank. There is only one exception to this rule." In the troublesome period from the death of Alex- ander Severus to the beginning of the reign of Diocletian, when the central imperial authority was often weakened by dissensions be- tween the armies in different parts of the empire and when the pres- sure of the barbarian hordes was becoming greater and greater along the lower Danube, in order to organize a more effective de- fence, larger commands were often built up from var}'ing combina- tions of the two Moesias, the two Pannonias, Macedonia, and Del- matia. The epigraphical evidence for the governors in this period is slight ; the evidence of the coins ceases under Philip, and the literary evidence must be used with great care. Yet even in this period, so far as we have reliable evidence, the governors were uniformly of consular rank. It has not been my purpose to present and discuss all the evi- dence for the careers of the men treated below, but only such as connects them with Moesia as governors and serves to date that connection. The lower limit of the work is the beginning of the reign of Diocletian. All dates are A. D. unless marked B. C. Most of the abbreviations used will be self-explanatory to those who will make use of this paper. For a few works to which frequent refer- ence is made shorter abbreviations have been adopted as follows : A EM, Archeologisch-Epigrapische Mittheilungen aus Oesterreich, Wien, 1877 — . Bench., F. Beuchel, De Legione Romanorum I Italica, Leipzig, IQ03. IGR, Inscriptiones Graecae ad Res Romanas Pertinentes, Paris, 1901 — . CIL, Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, is referred to by numbers merely, without the usual CIL, where ambiguity would not arise, V. Dom., A. von Domaszewski, the particular article or work being referred to by abbreviation for its title. " This exception occurs in the reign of Alexander Severus (see 11'2), at the beginning of a period of internal disorder in the empire during which many precedents were broken and many changes made in administrative arrangements. The increasing importance of the Moesias from a military standpoint during this period, however, made it necessary to have in charge of them only tried and experienced men, and there is no other certain exception in either province to the rule that their governors had previously held the consulship. For a special arrangement giving praetorian legati Augusti pro praetore in Moesia a. 15-44, who were not however governors of the province, see § 9. xi Des., Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae. ed. Hermannus Dessau, Berlin. 1892 — . Filow, Bog'dan Filow. Die Legionen der Provinz Moesia von Augustus bis auf Diokletian. Klio, Beitrage zur alten Geschichte. Erganzungsband I, Leipzig, 1906. JOI, Jahreshefte des Oesterreichen Archaeologischen Institutes in Wien, Wien, 1898 — . Klein, Josephus Klein. Fasti Consulares inde a Caesaris Nece usque ad Imperium Diocletiani, Lipsiae. 1881. Lieb.. W. Liebenam. Forschungen zur Verwaltungsgeschichte des romischen Kaiserreichs. I Band, Die Legaten in den romischen Provinzen von Augustus bis Diocletian. Leipzig, 1888. P-W., Pauly-Wissowa, Real-Encyclopadie, Stuttgart. 1894 — . Pick, Die antiken Miinzen Nord-Griechenlands, Band I, Dacien und IMoesien, bearbeitet von Behrendt Pick. Berlin, 1899. V. Prem., A. v. Premerstein. Die Anfange der Provinz Moesiens. JOI I (1898) Beibl. pp. 146-196. Pros.. Prosopographia Imperii Romani. Berlin. 1897 — Waddington, Pastes, Waddington, W. H., Pastes des provinces asiatiques de I'empire remain depuis leur origine jusqu'au regne de Diocletien. Paris. 1872. H. v. d. W., H. van de Weerd, Etude historique sur trois legions romaines du Bas-Danube, Paris, 1907. In the articles below, the date which is regarded as certain is placed to the right of the name at the head of the article, while in the discussion that follows an efifort is made to approximate the dates of the beginning and ending of the administration under con- sideration. In printing the inscriptions the brackets used in CIL to indicate restorations have often been omitted when no point in my argument is affected by the restoration or when the restoration is certain. Cross references are to sections unless n. = note, accom- panies the numeral. I have used to indicate that a part of an inscription has been omitted as irrelevant, .... to indicate that a part is missing and cannot be supplied. An asterisk placed after a name indicates that the person to be discussed, though requiring mention in this paper, was not, in my opinion, a governor of Moesia. In giving dates x/y means "at some time within the period beginning in the year x and ending in the year y". and x — y means "throughout the period beginning in the year x and ending in the year y." Xll GOVERNORS OF MOESIA BEFORE ITS DIVISION 6 L. Calpurnius Piso Frugi * It has been thought by some that Piso was legatus August! pro praetore provinciae Moesiae in 13-11 B. C. There is no direct evidence for this hypothesis, but he was in command of a miUtary force with which he subdued the Thracians in these years, and at a later date miHtary operations in Thrace were on several occasions conducted by commanders from Moesia with Moesian troops. Dio, however, states that Piso was sent to Thrace iK IlafKpvXlas ^s ^px^, and his statement is supported not only by Anth. Graec. 10.25, as pointed out in Pros. C 249, but by the circumstances under which he was sent to Thrace. The Bessi had risen against the Thracian kings Rhescu- poris and Rhoemetalces, who were in alliance with Rome, and after killing Rhescuporis they had driven Rhoemetalces into the Thracian Chersonese, and had done much damage there. When affairs had progressed to this point, Piso was sent against them, evidently bringing with him the troops over which he had been in command, for when the Bessi learned of his approach they retired before him into their own country. This looks as if he came from Pamphylia. Had Rhoemetalces fled north of Haemus instead of into the Chersonese it would have been natural to send relief from Moesia. Piso con- tinued his campaign in Thrace for three years. None of the ancient writers who mention these campaigns connects him at that time with any provincial command. Sen. Ep. 12.1.14 Huic et divus Augustus dedit secreta mandata cum ilium praeponeret Thraeciae, quam perdomuit, . Veil. Paterc. 2.98 (quippe legatus Caesaris triennio cum his (Thracis) bellavit ) eiusque patratione Asiae securitatem, Macedoniae pacem reddidit. Tac. Ann. 6.10 - - - - decus triumphale in Thraecia meruerat. He was probably not com- missioned as governor of any province, but under a special commission from the Emperor was assigned the task of restoring the allied king Rhoematalces to his throne and establishing him there by thoroughly reducing the Thracian tribes. If a provincial command aside from his special mission in Thrace must be assumed, the natural supposition would be that he continued to hold his command in Pamphylia from which he brought his troops, but it is not even clear what his official position there had been, for Pamphylia certainly had not yet been organized as a province. I find nothing to warrant the assumption that he was proconsul of Macedonia. (V. Prem. pp. 160-161.) Velleius states that Piso brought securitas to Asia, peace to Macedonia by his conquests in Thrace, and it should be noted that in mentioning the two countries he gives priority to Asia. This would not be the natural order if Piso had been acting in the capacity of proconsul of Macedonia. The prin- cipal sources for his Thracian campaigns are Dio 54.34, Sen. Ep. 12.1.14, Florus 2.27, Veil. Paterc. 2.98.1-2, Liv. Ep. 140, Zon. 10.34; to which it may be well to add Anth. Pal. 10.25, 6.335, 9428, 9.552, 6.241, 6.249, 9.541. 7 A. Caecina Severus 6 Dio 55.29.3 The Pannonian Breuci attack Sirmium but are kept from taking it by KaiKivas 1,eov7Jpos 6 ttjs irXrjcnox'j-'pov Mvaias apx^v. (a. 6) Dio 55.30.4 Kat /iera ravra toO re "^eovqpov is ttjv ^ivffiav 5td re Toiis AaKoi/s Kal S(.a Tovi ^avpofJidTas iropdovvTas avTrjv &TrdpavTos Veil. Paterc. 2.1 12.4 A. Caecina et Silvanus Plautius consulares Tac. Ann. 1.31 (a. 14) Duo apud ripam Rheni exercitus erant : cui nomen superiori, sub C. Silio legato, inferiorem A. Caecina curabat. Caecina is the first governor of Moesia'^ of whom we have record. The earHest reference to him in this capacity is of the year 6 A. D. when he was already a consular. This year may not have been his first in the province. He probably remained until sent to lower Germany, at least we hear of him nowhere else until he is spoken of as being there in 14, and we learn of no other governor of Moesia antedating Poppaeus Sabinus. (See next governor.) His public service seems also to have been continuous. Tac. Ann. 1.64 (a. 15) Ouadragesimum id stipendium Caecina parendi aut imperitandi habebat. 8 C. Poppaeus Q.f. Q.n. Sabinus 11/12—35 Tac. Ann. 1.80 (a. 15) Prorogatur Poppaeo Sabino provincia Moesia, additis Achaia ac Macedonia. Tac. Ann. 4.47 See under Pomponius Labeo, § 14. Tac. Ann. 6.39 Fine anni (sc. a. 35) Poppaeus Sabinus concessit vita, modicus originis, principum amicitia consulatum ac triumphale decus adeptus maximisque provinciis per c[uattuor et viginti annos impositus, nullam ob exiniiam artem, sed quod par negotiis neque supra erat. Dio 58.25.4-5 rioTTTraroy oi ^a^ivos rrjs re Mv fTecn fiera t7]v (XTpaT7]yiav dp^as, Kal ddipu^v pxTO, ttjs ywaLKos ypacpels, iOeXovrl avv avrr) Si.e(p6dpr). Tac. Ann. 4.47 forms part of the narrative of the year 26. The campaign there described ended late in the autumn. Tac. Ann. 4.51 rehquis quo minus vi aut obsidio subigerentur praematura Montis Haemi et saeva hiems subvenit. The first thing mentioned under the year 26 is the bestowal of the triumphal insignia upon Sabinus for this victory, so that the campaign must have been made in 25, This shows that Pomponius Labeo was legatus in Moesia in that year. He killed himself in 34 (Tac. Ann. 6.29) as a result of a charge of bribery lodged against him. ( Dio, 1. c. ) The charge would probably follow soon after the laying down of his command. Dio tells us that he was in Moesia eight years. His term probably began in 25, and ended in s^ or s;^. He had probably been recalled after the death of Sejanus and remained in disfavor as his friend.'"* 15 P. Memmius P.f. Regulus 35—42/44 IG 4.1139c (Asclepieum Epidaurium) 0: ' Axaiol USttXiov M^fifiiov UoirXlov viof 'Vrjy\ov rbv ea.vTG)v evepyiTtfv. Dio 58.25.4-5 Quoted under 8. IG 3.613 niTrXiop M^fJiixiov 'P'^7Xoj' [virariKdv, TTpedjievT^riv Ti^eplov Kaicrapos 'Ee^aaTOv K[al avriar^pdrriyov Kai Tifieplov KXavdiov Kaicrapos 'Ze^aarov Tep/JiaviKov ' Adrjvaiuv 6 iwl tovs OTrXt'ras ffTpar-qyos Kal dyoivod^Tijs tC}v Ti^epiov KXavdLov Kaicrapos Se/SatTToO dyojvuv Nowos ^iKeivov i^ Oi'ov rbv eavTov evepyirrjv iK twc Idicjv dvidr]Kev. Suet. Calig. 25.2 Lolliam Pauhnam, C. Memmio consulari exercitus regenti nuptam, facta mentione aviae eius ut quondam pulcherrimae, subito ex provincia evocavit ac perductam a marito coniunxit sibi brevique missam fecit, interdicto cuiusquam in perpetuam coitu. Cf. Dio 59.12, a. 38, a brief account of the same. 6.2028c, 11. 34-5 [P. Memmius Regulus] ( probable restoration) chosen a frater arvalis. May 24, 38. Ibid., e, 1. 4 [P. Memmius Rejgulus present at meeting of fratres arvales, just before Sept. 22,, 38; ibid., 1. 10, [P. Mem]mius Regulus present Sept. 22,, 38; ibid., f, 1. i, [P. Me]mmius Regulus present Oct. 12, 38. 2'"> Compare the contemporary case of Lentulus Gaetuliciis, Tac. Ann. 6.30. That P. Memmius Regulus was the son of Publius is fully estab- "lished by IG 4.1 139 c." He was consul a.31.'' He became imperial legate of the combined provinces of Moesia, Macedonia, and Achaia a. 35/' succeeding C. Poppaeus Sabinus in this command. IG 3.613 shows that he governed these provinces under both Tiberius and Claudius. The name of Caligula has been omitted from the inscrip- tion as a damnatus, but Suet. Calig. 25.2 and Dio 59.12 show that he continued to hold the command under that emperor. He was absent from his provinces for a time in 38. at least from May until October (6.2028), having been summoned to Rome by the emperor. How long he held the office under Claudius we have no means of determining. He can not have held it later than 44, for in that year Macedonia and Achaia were given back to the Senate."' It may be that the union of the three provinces under one command was discontinued earlier than this in the reign of Claudius. (See n. 26.) This would mean that Regulus was relieved of this com- ^ This inscription should have prevented tlio incorrect restoration [rat'ou] viov in 912a of the same volume of IG. It shows the text of Suet. Calig. 25,2 to be incorrect in giving him the praenomen Gaius. It also justifies Dittenberger's restoration in Arch. Zeit. 35 (1877) p. 191, n. 93, which De^au, Pros. M 342, hesitated to accept. 2= Tac. Ann. 5.11, 6.4; Dio 58.9-11, 13. 23 Dio 58.25.4-5. The date has often been wrongly given as 36, especially in notes on Greek inscriptions. Dio's statement in this passage has been called in question without good reason by Mommsen in his note on 3.7267, an inscription of Epidaurus. [Aesculapio?] d. d.| [q prov. Cretae et Cyren]arum, trib. pi., | [XVvir s]acr. fac, sodalis | [augustalis], leg. Oaesarum | [D]|almatiae et exercitus | [Illyi-ici, procos] provinc Asiae. He restores this inscription in the way indicated above and suggests in his note that its sub- ject may be our P. Memmius Regulus. He adds, "obstat, quod legatus praefuisse dieitiu- non Dalmatiae, sed secundum Dionem 58.25 successit Poppaeo Sabino legato Moesiae utriusque et Macedoniae; (quotes Dio 58.25.5. See above). Sed potest in hac narratione error inesse." Tliere are several objections to the suggestions in this note. Dalmatia is not found as the name of a province so early as the proconsulship of Regulus in Asia. The expression exercitus Illyrieus is also later than this date. No other legatus Dalmatiae et exercitus Illyrici is ijnown. Dio's testimony that Regulus governed Achaia as a legatus Augusti is supported by Greek inscriptions (Cf. IG 3.613 above; and CIG 1076). We know from Tac. Ann. 1.80 and from other passages that Poppaeus Sabinus governed Moesia, Macedonia and Achaia; that this combination should have continued until Macedonia and Achaia were returned to the Senate a. 44 (Dio 60.24, Suet. Claud. 25) is more probable than that the new combination of Dalmatia and Moesia should have been made, especially since the latter would have placed the governor in command of very great forces close to Rome, a situation which would have been avoided. Even without the two legions of Moesia a governor of Dalmatia raised the standard of revolt against Claudius in the second year of his reign. (Dio 60.15, Sent. Claud. 13.) It should be added that Mommsen elsewhere (3.567 n.) accepts this passage of Dio at its face value. I am unable to believe that P. Memmius Regulus was the subject of the inscription 3.7267. ^ Dio 60.24 (quoted n. 26), Suet. Claud. 25. Since we must suppose that the "veteran! qui militaverunt (in leg. V Maced.) sub P. Mem[mi]o Regulo legato Augustali et missi sunt Q. Eutetio Lusio Saturnino M. Seio Verano coss" (3.8753) were mustered out under Regulus tlie date of the consulship of Satuminus and Veranus, which is unknowTi, lies within the period of this administration. manci earlier than 44. We liave no record of any governors who held the joint command of the three provinces except Poppaeus Sabinus and Resrulus. -fe' 16 Martius L.f. Pom. Macer * 41/44 II. 1835 (Arretium). Martio L. f. Pom. [Mac]ro, trib. mil. leg. II, IIII- vir. v[iar. cur., q.,] aed. cur., pr., leg. Ti. Claudi Caes[aris Aug. pr.] pr. provinc. Moesiae leg. IV Scyt[hic. et leg.] V Maced., procos. prov. Achai[ae citr]a sortem, ex d. d. p. Since Martius Macer governed Moesia, with a garrison of two legions, as a praetor, he must have been subordinate to a governor of higher rank who was in charge of Moesia, Macedonia, and Achaia jointly, as Poppaeus Sabinus and Memmius Regulus (see 8 and 15) were. This arrangement was terminated a. 44.^ His legateship in Moesia therefore was in the interval between the accession of Claudius, a. 41, and this date.^*^ 17 C. Avidius Nigrinus * 3.567 (Delphi) is a decree of C. Avidius Nigrinus leg. Aug. pro pr., deciding a boundary dispute between Delphi and Anticyra, by the order of the emperor, who is styled "optimus princeps." Achaia was under a proconsul except from 15 to 44, when, together with Macedonia and Moesia, it was governed by a legatus Augusti pro praetore. It has been suggested that this decree belongs to that period. Mommsen has pointed out (CIL, 1. c.) that "optimus princeps" suits Trajan better than an earlier emperor. (Cf. Hirschfeld on 12.3164.) I have not found the title applied to an earlier emperor than Trajan, nor to Trajan earlier than 109/110 (2.2010). An Avidius Nigrinus was killed in 118, either on the charge of con- spiring against the Emperor Hadrian, after having been designated by Hadrian as his successor (Vit. Hadr. 7.1-3), or merely because of his wealth and influ- ence, as Dio has it (69.2). It is evident that this man can not have been governor of the united provinces Moesia, Achaia, and Macedonia seventy-four years earlier. If there were evidence for a governor of that name and date 25 Dio 60.24; Suet. Claud. 25. ^ From the fact that he was procos. prov. Achaiae citra sortem it seems probable that he was transferred directly from Moesia to Achaia by the favor of Claudius, and that his term in Achaia may have ended rather than begvm in 44. His proeonsulship would then form a transition step between the recent arrangement and the return to the regular order of sena- torial government described by Dio, 60.24, t'^j' re ' Axa/ai' Kal tt]v MaKfdovlav atriboiKev 6 KXavdios t6t€ ti} KX-qpifi Kal roiis arparrjyoiis roiis itrt ttjs dioiKifjcreics KaraKvcras raniais avT7]v Kara to apxawv iwiTpeypev^ . Compare aKKrjpWTi^ used by Dio 58.25.5. in de- scribing the appointment of Regulus, and citra sortem in 11.1835 above, used of the appoint- ment of Macer in Achaia, with airiSwKev tSts (sc. a. 44) ry /cX-^py in this passage. Von Domaszewski lias discussed this inscription in Rh. Mus. 45 (1890) pp. 1 f. 8 we should have to assume that lie was a different Nigrinus from the one killed in 1 18. But there is no such evidence. The most probable assumption is that he was a legatus of the emperor, whose special mission was to the civitates liberae as corrector or curator, such as are met with in Achaia from Trajan's time on, but do not appear earlier than the age of Trajan. The order of the names 'NiypTve Kal Kvvre in Plutarch Moralia 478 B, where he dedicates his Uepi las to them, indicates that he was an older brother of T. Avidius Quietus. (See 26.) He can hardly have been identical with the C. Avidius Nigrinus of 3.7904. (See 58.) 18 A. Didius Gallus 45/46 3.7247 (Olympia) A. Didius G[allus, leg]atus [Ti.]| Claudi Caes[aris] Aug. Ger[mani] |ci, triumphal[ibus o]rnamen[tis| XVvir] s. f., proco[s. . . . . ]e et Sicilia[e, leg. | pro. pr. Moejsiae, pr[aefectu]s equitat. | [ . . . . impe]ratoris [iussu?] | . . . . ^' Tac. Ann. 12.15 At Mithradates Bosporanus amissis opibus vagus, post- quam Didium ducem Romanum roburque exercitus abisse cognoverat, relictos in novo regno Cotyn iuventa rudem et paucas cohortium cum lulio Aquila equite Romano, spretis utrisque, concire nationes, inlicere perfugas, . Catalogue of Greek Coins in the British Museum, Pontus, p. 52, no. i A coin of Cotys, head of Claudius on one side, on the other Ba. K. and BMT. Frontinus, De Aquaed. 2.102 Gallo, Q. Veranio et Pompeio Longo cos., (successit) Cn. Domitius Afer. The expulsion of Mithradates and the estabUshment of Cotys on the throne of Bosporus, which Tacitus here attributes to Gallus, would most naturally have been undertaken by him as governor of Moesia and justifies the reading [Moe]siae in 3.724'/. The coin of Cotys shows that Cotys was ruling in Bosporus Oct. 45/Oct. 46. Gallus was therefore governor of Moesia as early as 45 or 46. After the departure of Gallus from Pontus, Mithradates and Cotys each formed alliances among the neighboring kings and continued the war (Tac. Ann. 12. 15- 17). Mithradates after being defeated sur- rendered to Eunones, and finally after negotiations with Claudius went to Rome, arriving a. 49 (Tac. Ann. 12.18-21). These facts seem to favor the later of the two dates given above as the year of the interference of Gallus in the affairs of Bosporus, for the war ^' I have used the restoration proposed by Moninisen in GIL. A different restoration is proposed by v. Domaszewski, Mitt. d. arch. Inst, zu Rom 6 (1891) pp. 163-167, which Momnisen criticises, CIL 3.12278. As they agi-ee in the restoration at the end of line 4 and the beginning of line 5, their difference does not affect the reading- of the inscription foi' the purpose for whicli I wisli to use it. between Cotys and Mithradates probably did not last more than one year after the withdrawal of the Roman governor. In a. 49 Gallus gave up the curatorship of the aquae at Rome. (Frontinus, 1. c.)'" He must have returned from his province some time, say two or three years, before this. It seems likely therefore that a. 46 or at latest a. 47 was his last in Moesia. 19 Flavius Sabinus 46/54 to 52/60 Tac. Hist. 3.7s Hie exitus viri (sc. Flavi Sabini) baud sane spernendi. Quinque et triginta stipendia in re publica fecerat domi militiaeque clarus. Innocentiam iustitiamque eius non argueres ; sermoni nimius erat : id unum septem annis quibus Moesiam, duodecim quibus praefecturam urbis obtinuit calumniatus est rumor. L. Volusius Saturninus died while prefect of the city in 56 (cf. Tac. Ann. 13.30 with Plin. N. H. 7.14.62). If duodecim is the cor- rect reading" in our passage Sabinus must have been appointed as his successor in 56. Borghesi, Op. 3.327-328, 9.265, emends here, with great probability, as it seems to me. for duodecim or XII totidem -^ The 111s. of Frontinus is corrupt at this point. The photo^'aphic facsimile of the ms. reproduced in Herschel, Frontinus and the Water Supply of Rome, gives the following reading: laenatiaquila iunianus. et nonius asprenate eon|sulebus. M.poreius cato huic successit.postquem serasinius celera. | tonio quintiliano Q. veranius. |et pompeius long"us domitius afer. The division of words, the points, and capitals are those of the nis. The space before tonio quintiliano is at the beginning of the line and the same amount of space in the line above it contains the letters sule. The acta fratrum arvalium In a fragment (see Henzen, Acta Prat. Arv., p. XLV; OIL 6.2028. d. 18) which seems to belong to the year 38 has .... nio Quinctlliano cos., being part of the name of the second of the consules suflfecti of the year to which the fragment belongs. Aquila luliaims and Nonius Asprenas were the consules ordinarii of a. 38. Nipperdey (Philologus, 6 (1851), 378; op. 450) arguing from Tac. Ann. 4.68 and 4.71 that Cato certainly was put to death under Gaius, and comparing the passages in Frontinus and the acta, emends "post quem" to "post mensem", and follovidng his emendation the passage is given in our editions as follows: Laenati Aquila luliano et Nonio Asprenate consulibus M. Porcius Cato. Huic successit post mensem Ser. Asinio Celere A. Nonio Quintiliano consulibus A. Didius Gallus. Gallo Q. Veranio et Pompeio cos. Cn. Domitius Afer. Tliis makes Gallus curator aquarum from a. 38 to a. 49. But we know, as shown above, that lie was governor of Moesia about 45. He could not, of course, have held both these offices at the same time. V. Domaszewski, 1. c, meets this difficulty by making a different restoration of our inscription and supposing that our evidence concerns two Galli, of wliich the curator aquarum and the governor of Britain, 51 or 52 to 57 or 58, is the father, and the governor of Moesia named in Tac. Ann. 12.15 and in this inscription is the son. We know from Tac. Ann. 12.40, Didius senectute gravis et multa copia honorum per ministros agere et arcere hostem satis habebat, that the governor of Britain was too old to keep tlie field in person. His predecessor had been worn to death by the heavy burdens im- posed upon him by tliis war (Tac. Ann. 12.39), and although Gallus made a hasty journey to Britain he foimd affairs in a bad way on his arrival. Tac. Ann. 12.40, Is propere vectus, non tamen integras res invenit, adversa interim legiones pugna. Tacitus |eems to imply that at the time of his appointment it was felt that he was not the proper man for the place, but that a suitable man was not available. Tac. Ann. 12.40 At Caesar, cognita morte legati, ne 10 or A'TT. We know from Tac. Ann. 14.42 that Pedanius Secundus was killed while prefect of the city in 61. It is difficult to account for a break in the prefecture of Sabinus to admit that of Pedanius and suppose that he was a second time appointed to this office in 61. If Sabinus became prefect for the first time in 61, he would have served about seven years by the end of Nero's reign, to which he added a few months under Otho and Vitcllius. We know that in 43 he was an officer in Britain serving under his brother Vespasian who was at that time a legatus legionis. Dio 60.20.3 - - - - iTriSieTre/ii'^e tov re OvecrTraaiavov top ^Xdoviov - - - - Kai rov a8€X(f>ov avrov "^afilvov vTrocrrparruovvTci 01. Suet. Vesp. 4 Nar- cissi gratia legatus legionis in Germaniam missus est (V^espasianus) ; inde in Britanniam translatus . Sabinus probably had not been praetor, since he was serving under a legatus legionis. and would thus have the praetorship and the consulship yet to hold before being sent to Moesia. Vespasian seems at this time to have been ahead of Sabinus in the cursus honorum. It does not seem pio^ancia sine rectore foret, A. Didium suffecit. If there was an A. Didiiis Gallus, the Younger, wlio was governor of Moesia Inferior in 45 or 46, he must have been forty-five years old at least by 51 or 52; he had won triumphal ornaments for success in an independent campaign; he was surely back from Moesia by this time, and would have been much more suitable for the task in Britain than his aged father. Besides, if the elder Didius had a son of this age he must himself have been 65 or 70 years old at the time of his appointment and would hardly have been retained in the province for five or six years, as we know this governor was. These reasons, together with those urged by Mommsen against the novelties in the reading of the inscription proposed bj- v. Domaszewski, make it seem to me very improbable that we are deal- ing in our evidence with two men, father and son. But Nipperdey's emendation of the passage is also open to another objection. The copyist who made tlie manuscript of Montecassino seems to have been a very careful one, and whenever he could not make out the reading of his original his custom was to leave a lacuna or to indicate his uncertainty by a different style of lettering. (See Gunderman's review of Herschel's Frontinus in Berl. Pliil. Woch., Nov. 14, 1903, col. 1454.) He indicates no uncertainty in 'post quem', and paleographically it would be a difficult thing to mistake mensem for quem. Again, post quem followed by the names of the consuls and the name of the new curator occurs a few lines further down, and is thus in harmony with Frontinus's mode of expression, and in this place it furnishes a varia- tion for the dative of the name of the retiring curator or the dative of huie standing for such name, which he has been using down to this point. It seems to me more probable that a line of the copyist's original has been dropt after huic successit, and that this line contained (1) the names of the consuls of some j'ear, possibly the suffecti of 38, and (2) the name of the successor of Cato. This would then be followed by post quem Ser. Asinius Celera .... tonio consulibus A. Didius Gallus. It is not at all certain that Ser. .\sinius Celer was consul in 38. We know from Sen. De Mort. Claud. 13.5 that he was a friend of Claudius, a consular, and that Claudius caused his death. He may have enjoyed the consulsliip also under Claudius; or he may have been consul under or before Caligula, but Plin., N. H. 17.67 does not necessarily imply this. It is also to be seriously questioned whetlier the .... tonio Quintiliano of Frontinus is the ... . nio Quinctiliano of the acta of (probably) a. 38, or the Nonius of our fasti. No A. Nonius Quintilianus is known from any other source, and the 'a' at the end of Celera is plain in the ms., as is the 't' in the .... tonio. However the tangle of the ms. of Frontinus be explained, we can feel reasonably certain that Gallus did not become curator aquarum in 38. The most probable date seems to be 47, after his return from Moesia. The consules suffecti of that year are unknown. II likely that Sabinus would have been promoted faster than Vespasian while Narcissus was alive, especially since Vespasian's record in Britain was notably a fine one"' (Tac. Hist. 3.44; Agric. 13). Ves- pasian was consul in 51. Unless Sabinus was consul by 48 he could not have served seven years in Moesia, and after that have become praefectus urbis in 56. Even this would have required him to be sent to Moesia immediately after his consulship, which is hardly in accord with the importance of the command at this period. His predecessor was made curator aquarum and he himself praefectus urbis on returning from Moesia, offices filled only by the most ex- perienced and able men in the state at this period. Of the next three governors two had been proconsul of Asia before being sent to Moesia and the other was proconsul of Asia, but we cannot say whether before or after his Moesian command. These considera- tions seem to me to add somewhat to the probability of Borghesi's emendation. While no positive assertion can be made, the years 53 to 60 seem probable dates for his administration of Moesia. 20 Ti. Plautius M.f. Ani. Silvanus Aelianus 61 14.3608 (Tibur) Ti. Plautio M. f. Ani. Silvano Aeliano pontif., sodali Aug., Illvir. a. a. a. f. f., q. Ti. Caesaris, legat. leg. V in Germania, pr. urb., legat. et comiti Claud. Caesaris in Brittannia, consuli, procos. Asiae, legat. pro praet. Moesiae, in qua plura quam centum mill, ex numero Transdanu- vianor. ad praestanda tributa cum coniugib. ac liberis et principibus aut regibus suis transduxit. Motum orientem Sarmatar. compressit quamvis parte magna exercitus ad expeditionem in Armeniam misisset. Ignotos ante aut infensos p. R. reges signa Romana adoraturos in ripam quam tuebatur perduxit. Regibus Bastarnarum et Rhoxolanorum filios, Dacorum fratrum (sic) captos aut hostibus ereptos remisit ; ab aliquis eorum opsides accepit per quem pacem provinciae et confirmavit et protulit ; Scytharum quoque regem a Cherronensi, quae est ultra Borustenen, opsidione summoto. Primus ex ea provincia magno tritici modo annonam p. R. adlevavit. Hunc legatum in Hispaniam ad praefectur. urbis remissum senatus in praefectura triumphalibus ornamentis honoravit, auctore imp. Caesare Augusto Vespasiano verbis ex oratione eius q. i. s. s. : "Moesiae ita praefuit ut non debuerit in me differri honor triumphalium eius ornamentorum; nisi quod latior ei contigit mora titulus praefecto urbis. ^' Tacitus' statement, Hist. 3.75, Quod inter oninis oonstiterit, ante principatum Vespa- siani decus domus apud Sabinum erat, is to be understood only of the time after 51, and is explained by Sent. Vesp. 4, Medium tempus (from his consulship) ad proconsulatum usque in otio secessuque (Vespasianus) egit, Agrippinam tiniens potentem adhuc apud fllium et defuncti quoque Narcissi amici perosam. During- these years Sabinus was holding high offices, and was looked upon as the leading man of the family. 12 Hunc in eadem praefectura urbis imp. Caesar Aug. Vespasianus iterum COS. fecit. Le Bas 3.600 a (Tralles, Asia) N^pwva KXavdiov Kaicrapa Se/Sao-r^v TepfiaviKdv AiiTOKpaTopa debv 6 dijP'Oi 6 Kaicrap^asv KadUptvfffv^ iirl avdvirdrov Ti^eplov IlXavriov 'SiXovavoO AlXiavov . The Greek inscription shows that Silvanus was proconsul of Asia under Nero. It was probably early in Nero's reign, possibly in 55. The Latin inscription shows that the proconsulship in Asia preceded the legateship in Moesia. His date in Moesia was therefore not earlier than 56. \'espasian's words, nt non debuerit in me differri honor triumphalium eius ornamentorum, imply that the deeds for which Silvanus is honored were performed under a former emperor, whom we readily see to have been Nero. This shows the date to have been not later than 68. All who have studied the inscription'" assign a date within these limits. Two statements in the inscription have formed the basis of attempts to date it more closely : per quem pacem provinciae et confirmavit et protulit, and, quamvis parte(m) magna(m) exercitus ad expeditionem in Armenian! misisset. Rea- soninp- from these statements one of two dates has usually been o reached, 57 or 62/63. The earlier date is usually arrived at by interpreting the first statement, per qu[ae] (sc. his deeds) et pacem provinciae confirmavit et [fines] protulit. It is proved by 3.781 and Latyschew i.i, that the era used in Tyra, a city on the coast of the Black sea north of the mouth of the Danube, subject in later years to the governor of Moesia Inferior, began with the year 57. It has been supposed that it was added to the empire and to the province of Moesia by the activity of this governor and began a new era in its chronology because of this. The change in the Latin required to secure this interpretation of the inscription is violent. It leaves Ab aliquis eorum opsides accepit without natural connec- tion with the preceding and the following clauses, changes quem to quae, moves et back to precede pacem, and introduces the word fines which could hardly have been omitted. Moreover it gives a sense that is not in harmony with the whole tenor of the praise bestowed on Silvanus. Nowhere in the inscription is it claimed that ="• Some of these are the following: Borghesi, Op. 4 p. 230, S p. 427; Henzen, Annal. Inst. Arch. 1859 pp. 5 ff . ; Mommsen, Provinces of the Roman Empire, vol. 1, pp. 235 f., Eng. tr.; Dessau, CIL, 1. c. ; v. Domaszewski, Rh. Mus. 47 (1892) pp. 208-210; Vollmer, Rh. Mus. 53 (1898) pp. 636 f. ; Sehmsdorf, Die Germanen in den Balkenlandern, pp. 34-.38; Filow, op. cit., pp. 8 ff. Many others have used it in discussions in such a way as to be compelled to pass judgment on its date. 13 he added to the territory of his province. He is honored for havinsj secured the peace of his province and made it profitable to the Roman people, achievements which Emperor and Senate were well able to appreciate at the time when this decree was passed, just after serious losses at the hands of these same troublesome neighbors, including the life of a consular governor'^' and perhaps the complete annihilation of a Roman legion.^" These events had occurred prob- ably not more than two or three years after the close of his admin- istration, which may have covered seven years. To 100,000 Trans- danuvians he gave homes within the province, changing them from a menace to payers of tribute ; he checked the Sarmatae who were threatening to disturb the peace of the province ; he won the grati- tude of the kings of the Bastarnae and the Rhoxolani, frequent marauders of the province, by helping them against some wandering" foe that had attacked them, probably the lazyges f^ a like service he performed for the kings of the Dacians who had been called fratres^' of the Roman people ; the Bosporan Chersonese, which had long been nominally Roman, he relieved from siege. His province, with the population within its borders increased and the blessings of peace secured, was able to furnish such a supply of grain to Rome as to lower the price in the city. The only change necessary in the passage in question under this interpretation is to change quem to quos,*" "ab aliquis eorum (regum) opsides accepit, per Cjuos pacem provinciae et confirmavit et protulit," through these hostages he both secured^" and prolonged peace for the province. The second date, 62/63, has been arrived at from the statement "quamvis parte [m] magna[m] exercitus ad expeditionem in Arme- niam misisset." In Tac. Ann. 15.6 we find named among the forces received from Corbulo by Paetus legio quinta "quae recens e Moesis excita erat." The further narrative of Tacitus shows that this was legio quinta Macedonica. This is the only expeditio Armenia that we know of for which Moesian troops were drawn in this period, and it seems that it must be the sending of this legion that is re- 31 See 22. 3^ Trommsdorff, Quaestiones duae ad historian! legionum Romanorum spectantes, Leipzig, 1896, pp. 69-85; Filow p. 34. ^ Sehmsdorf, 1. c. s*Vollmer, 1. c. ^ Or quem may be changed to quae, "through these deeds," no other change being made, and this interpretation stands equally well. ^" Cf. Tac. Ann. 2.1 partemque prolis flrmandae amicitiae miserat. 14 ferred to in our inscription. This gives us a date in the administra- tion of Silvanus in Moesia. The account is given in the Annals under the year 62. Schoonover"' has shown that the events de- scribed in Tac. Ann. 15.1-17 covered three winters and two sum- mers, and that the arrival of Paetus and of this division of troops oc- curred in 61. It was probably in the late summer, and the legion may have left Moesia in the spring of that year. It is reasonable to assume that Silvanus had arrived in Moesia by the end of 60. Recently Filow''*' has argued that the part of the Moesian army referred to in our inscription was not legio V Macedonica but legio IV Scythica. Tac. Ann 13.35 adiectaque ex Germania legio cum equitibus alariis et peditatu cohortium, has been shown by Grote- fend ^'■' and Mommsen '" to refer to legio IV Scythica. The account in Tacitus belongs to the year 58. Filow assumes that Tacitus was mistaken in the province and that the legion came to Corbulo from Moesia and not from Germany. His reasons are as follows: (i) We know that legio IV Scythica was in Moesia as late as the be- ginning of the reign of Claudius. (2) We do not know any reason why it should have been sent from Moesia to Germany between that time and the year 58. If it was sent to Germany within this period we must assume that its place in Moesia was taken by legio VIII Augusta from Pannonia. It would have been simpler to send legio VIII Augusta from Pannonia to Germany. (4) No trace of legio IV Scythica has been found in Germany. (5) If legio IV Scythica was sent to Corbulo from Moesia by Silvanus in 58, he sent away one legion out of a force of three legions ; if it was sent to Corbulo from Germany in 58 and Silvanus sent legio V Macedonica to him from Moesia in 62, one legion was sent away out of a force of two legions. The first supposition comports better with the words of the inscription magna [m] parte [m], which would naturally have been written dimidiam partem in the second case. But these considerations hardly furnish a reasonable ground for doubting the direct and detailed statement of Tacitus. Affairs had been quiet for several years along the Rhine in 57 or 58. When the army in the East needed strengthening it was more reasonable to take ^' A Study of Cn. Domitius Corbulo as Found in the Annals of Tacitus, pp. 12 f., pub- lished by The University of Chicago Press. For parallels see 11, 12. ^* Filow, op. cit., pp. 8 ff. 3" Bonn. Jahrb. 11 (1847) pp. 82-85. " Res Gestae^, p. 68, n. 2. 15 away one of the eight German legions in these circumstances than to take two legions from Moesia within the space of three or four years. We can not fix the date when legio lY Scythica was sent to Ger- many, but Filow himself points out that in 46 legio XIII Gemina left Germania Superior and that we do not know what legion took its place if legio IV Scythica did not do so. Though no trace of its stay in Germany from, say 46 to 57, has been found, it is equally true that no trace of it has been found in Moesia after the first years of the reign of Claudius. The saving of a few hundred miles marching would not have been considered if the good of the service seemed to demand a shift for both legio IV Scythica and legio VIII Augusta. It is well known that with each legion stationed in per- manent quarters in a province there was joined about an equal force of auxiliaries. It may well be supposed that when legio V Mace- donica was sent to help out temporarily in the East it took only a small part of its auxiliaries in contrast to legio IV Scythica which was sent there to stay and never again left the East. This is cer- tainly suggested by the difference in the two statements of Tacitus, addita quinta (legione) quae recens e Moesis excita erat, and adiecta ex Germania legio cum equitibus alariis et peditatu cohortium. This being the case only a fourth or a third of his exercitus was given up by Silvanus in sending the fifth legion, that is magna pars and not dimidia pars. I have no hesitancy in believ- ing that the sending of legio V Macedonica is referred to in our inscription. This would show the presence of Silvanus in Moesia probably by the fall of 60. That he remained several years may be inferred from the results that he accomplished. So far as we know his stay may have equalled that of his predecessor. His adminis- tration may then have covered the years 60-67. 21 M. Aponius Saturninus 69 The full name is known from Tac. Hist. 1.79 and 2.85, and from GIL 6.2039-2042, 2044. Saturninus was in Rome as late as a. 66. (6.2044.) As governor of Moesia under Otho he was presented with a triumphal statue for annihilating a predatory band of Sarmatae that had made an incursion into Moesia (Tac. Hist. 1.79). He continued to hold his post in Moesia under Vitellius (Tac. Hist. 2.96), although he had probably been in charge of the Moesian 16 VToops that had gone to Otho's assistance, but had arrived too late for the battle with the Vitellians (Tac. Hist. 2.85). After waver- ing when Vespasian was proclaimed emperor he followed the temper of his troops (Tac. Hist. 2.96) and with the three Moesian legions joined the advance force of Vespasian's party under Antonius" (Tac. Hist. 3.5, 3.9-11). 22 Fonteius Agrippa 69 — 70 Tac. Hist. 3.46 Fonteius Agrippa ex Asia (proconsule earn provinciam annuo imperio tenuerat) Moesiae praepositus est, additis copiis e Vitelliano exercitu, quern spargi per provincias et externo bello inligari pars consilii pacisque erat. los. Bell. lud. 7.4.3 (90-92, ed. Niese. Cf. 89-95) iroWoiis fxiv tQv iirl rrjs (ppovpds 'Pw/maloiv dvaipoOffi (sc, oi 'Sapfxarai) Kal wpea-^evTrjv top vnariKOv ^ovTrjiov AypLTTTrav inravTidcravTa KapTepds fjiaxofJ'-fvou KTeivovffi.^ rrjj' 5' \JTroKeiiJ.ivr)v x<^po-v Eiraaav Karirpexov dyovres Kal cp^povres drip wepLiriiTOi.ev. Oveairacnavbs 8i ra, yeyevTi/xdva Kal TTjv ir6pdT)(riv ttjs Mvcrlas TTvOdpievos 'Pov^piov VdWov iKTri/xirei dU-qv eiriS-qffovTa to2s Tiapp.a.Tai's. lordanes. Get. 13. Quoted under 28 below. The withdrawal of Aponius Saturninus (see 21) with his legions left Moesia open to the attack of the Sarmatae (Daci) from north of the Danube, an opportunity of which they did not fail to take advantage. They had mastered the north bank, were gaining a foothold on the south bank, and preparing to attack the camps of the legions, whose defenders had been in large part drawn away for the Italian campaign. Mucianus on his way from the East to Rome arrived in Moesia in time to save these camps with the sixth legion. He had already heard of the battle of Cremona which had been fought in the last days of October. He probably stopped only long enough to drive the invaders from the south bank, and he probably strengthened temporarily the garrisons in the legionary camps, leaving Fonteius Agrippa, who had just finished his year as proconsul in Asia, in command. This seems to have been about Nov. 15, 69. Soon increased forces were sent to the province from Rome. These can hardly have arrived before the middle of December, perhaps even later. It was some time after this, prob- ** Van de Weerd's reference to "Antonius, le gouverneur de Mesie", p. 73, can not be other than a mere oversight, since tlie least attention to the account of Tacitus will show that Saturninus was the governor of Moesia and that Antonius was the legatua leg. VII. Galb. from Pannonia. 17 ably January or February, that Agrippa lost his life bravely resist- ing another sudden and unexpected attack of the same enemies, who unobserved had again crossed the river in force. 23 Rubrius Gallus 70 los. Bell. lud. 7.4.3 (92). See 22 for text. Gallus was sent out by Vespasian to avenge the death of Agrippa. He probably arrived before the middle of 70. There is no evidence to show how long he remained, except the rather in- definite considerations relied on to date approximately the beginning of the administration of the next governor about 75. There may or may not have been other governors between these two men. From the task that Gallus had to accomplish we should judge that he was there longer than the remaining portion of 70. 24 Sex. Vettulenus Cerealis About 75 Latyschew, Inscr. Antiq. Orae Septentrionalis Ponti Euxini, 1.197 (Cher- SOnesus) [S]^f[Toi'] Ov€TTov\rivbf^ KepiaXii', AiroKparopos Ov^ecr^Traffiavov Kalcrapos Se/SacToO Trpea^evTi^v Kal dvTicrrpdTTjyov, 6 ddfios. Latyschew is sure that the praenomen is Sextus from remains of the lower parts of the first three letters. Waddington (no. 104) shows that the consulship of Cerealis was about yT, or 74. Moesia" was probably his first command after his consulship. His military training in Judaea (los. Bell. lud. 3.7.22, 6.4.3, 7-6.i) made him the logical candidate for this post, which was usually filled in this period by men with military experience. 25 C. Vettulenus Civica Cerealis 82 Dip]. XIV, CIL 3 p. i960 Imp. Caesar divi Vespasiani f. Domitianus Augustus pontifex maximus, tribunic. potestat. II, imp. II, p. p., cos. VIII, designat. Villi, iis qui militaverunt equites et pedites in , quae sunt in Moesia sub C. Vettuleno Civica Cereale . A. d. XII K. Octobr. M. Larcio Magno Pompeio Silone, T. Aurelio Quieto cos. The date of this inscription is Sept. 19, 82. ^ Dessau, Pros. V 351, makes him governor of Moesia Inferior, but the province certainly had not been divided at this time. Note "sunt in Moesia" in diploma of a. 82 (quoted under 25 below), naming as governor of the undivided province at that time, C. Vettulenus Civica Cerealis, whom Dessau thinks to have been a son of our governor. i8 26 T. Avidius Quietus * 6.3828 Tmp. Domitiano [Aug. VIII] T. Flavio Sabi[no cos.] Idibus lu ....,--- - [Av]idio Quieto leg. Aug., ornalissimo viro [deferendum patrocinium] coloniae nostrae esse; - - - - Cum militaverimus in leg. VIII Aug. et, poti[ti honesta missione] a sacratissinio imp., in coloniam Deultum [deducti simus, ei, quod non]dum alicui, secundum sununam human [itatcni dandum esse, ut velit pat]rocinium succipere coloniae n[ostrae, tabulamque de ea re con]scriptam in domu sua poni per[mittere, ut sic coloniae nostrae] humanitate sua increment fum addat, quippe cui omnia singula]que eius nota sint The inscription is dated by the consuls of 82, imp. Domitiano [Aug. VIII] T. Flavio Sabi[no cos.]. The patrocinium coloniae is offered to Quietus. This is done, apparently, either because he is at the time legatus Augusti pro praetore provinciae Thraciae, with whom in their new capacity the colonists will have close relations, or because they have in the recent past as soldiers of legio VIII Augusta been intimately associated with him. Mommsen, EE 5 p. 501, n. 5, assumes that he was leg. Aug. pr. pr. prov. Thraciae at this time, though he gives the date incorrectly as 89.^'* Liebenam, p. 93, Klebs in Pros. A 1 172, V. Rohden in P-W 2 col. 2385 n. 8, agree with Mommsen in making him governor of Thrace. HomoUe is not sure." Thrace was under a proc- urator, a freedman of the emperor, as late as 88/89." Hirschfeld**' and Kalopothakes^' harmonize the evidence of the two inscriptions by assuming that under Domitian Thrace was ruled at times by a freedman procurator and at other times by a legatus Augusti pro praetore. Clearly this assump- tion should not be made except upon very good evidence. No other legatus of Thrace is known earlier than 106/107. Quietus, it should be noticed, is not styled leg. Aug. pr. pr. but simply leg. Aug. Von Premerstein^^ pro- poses a solution of the difficulty. "Wir werden den T. Avidius Quietus wohl ohneweiters als Legaten von Moesia ansprechen diirfen, der im J. 82 die Deduction von Veteranen der legio VIII Augusta nach Deultum leitete." But the difficulties in the way of this solution also are great. We know from CIL 3 p. i960 dipl. XIV (quoted under 25) that C. Vettulenus Civica Cerealis was governor of Moesia Sept. 19, 82. We know too that legio VIII Augusta was stationed in Germania Superior in 82, and had not been in Moesia since 69, and it is a little puzzling to see why Quietus, even if he were governor of Moesia, should be leading a deductio of veterans from this German legion to their new home in Thrace. We can hardly assume that the patronate of the ** This error of date also appears in Lieb. p. 93; Dumont-Homolle, Melanges d'arch^ologie et d'epigraphie, p. 523; and CIL 3 p. 1969, n. 4. " Dumont-Homolle, op. cit., p. 523. ** Dumont-Homolle, op. cit., 72 a, p. 381, whifh is incorrectly dated a. 94 on p. 490, the consular having been mistaken for a tribunicial number. See also Gsell, Essai sur le r6gne de I'empereur Domitien, p. 138. *^ Die Kaiserlichen Verwaltungsbeamten bis auf Diocletian, p. 372, n. 4. *' De Provincia Thracia, pp. 47 f. «0p. cit., p. 184. 19 colony was offered to him because he was governor of Moesia. It seems certain, however, that these veterani had been closely associated with Quietus in the recent past or that they were at the time of the inscription, that they had because of this some claim to a friendly interest in them on his part, and that this led them to make him their first patronus. It seems to me quite possible that he had been their legatus legionis at the time of the missio, and that, having been succeeded in this command by another at that time, under a special commission from the Emperor had led them to their new home and assisted in establishing them there. This would account for the simple form of his title in this official and very formal inscription, and make the "Cum militaverimus in leg. VIII Aug.", as a reason for choosing him patronus, especially applicable. 2/ M. Cornelius M.f. Gal. Nigrinus Curiatius Maternus 2.6013 (Liria, Tarraconensis) M. Cornelio, M. f., G[al.], Nigrino Curiatio Materno cos., leg. Aug. pro pr. provinc. Moes., provinc. Syriae. 2-3783 is a duplicate of this inscription. Mtiratori and Borghesi identify the subject of this article with the Maternus who was consul in 185. Bormann, arguing from an incorrect reading of 2.3783 (See on CIL 1. c, note.) dates him earlier than Domitian. While the use of Moesia without Superior or Inferior after the division is common enough in the authors it is not found in inscriptions set up to governors after the division was made, unless 9.2592 (See 139.)' whose evidence seems to me to be worthless, be considered an exception. The mention of Moesia without distinguishing Superior and Inferior therefore favors a date as early as Domitian. The length of his name is not necessarily inconsistent with this date, and the name Curiatius Maternus appears in a long name in 3.429, 10.1486, in combination with Acilius Strabo, consul suffectus probably in 71. We may then with a fair degree of confidence place him in the number of the governors of the un- divided province." If this be correct he should in all probability precede Oppius Sabinus. 28 Oppius Sabinus'" About 85 or 86 lordanes, Get. 13 Domitiano imperatore regnante Gothi ripam Danubii iam longe possessam ab imperio Romano, deletis militibus cum ^' If his date should be later there Is no means of deciding which Moesia he governed. Without reason he is included among the governors of Moesia Inferior in H. v. d. W., p. 299. =" If C. Oppio, C. f., Vel., Sabino - - - - , 9.5833, is the son of this man, as is assumed in Pros. O 77, we learn from it his praenomen. But the adlectio inter tribunicios a sacratissimo Imp. Hadriano could not have taken place before 117 or 118, which seems a little late for the son of a man who was consul in 84 and dead by 86. It is not impossible, but that he was a grandson is more likely. 20 eorum ducibus vastavcrunt ; cui provinciae tunc post Agrippam''' Oppius prae- erat Sabinus/'" Suet. Doni. 6 (Expeditiones) in Dacos duas (suscepit Domitianus), primam Oppio Sabino consular! oppresso, secundam Cornclio Fusco, prae- fccto cohortium praetorianarum, cui belli sunimam commiserat. Eutrop. 7.23.4 - - - - a Dacis Oppius Sabinus consularis et Cornelius Fuscus praefectus praetorio cum magnis exercitibus occisi sunt. Sabinus was consul in 84, probably went out as governor in 85, and was killed in that year or in 86."" " This expression does not mean that Oppius immediately followed Agrippa in the prov- ince. Fonteius .\grippa is meant, who lost his life in fighting these same enemies in a. 70. (See 22.) After this war was settled the Romans pv wpayp.dTwv Kal aKovra avvoidovct. Krjde/jioviav. Zoii. 12.19 (PI- 625) Qavfxdaas o5v 6 p6i'T[aj] j'o, Trpea^evTTjv Kal dvrio'TpdTrjyov AiiTOKparopos AopLeriavov Kalcrapos Qeov SejSacTTOiJ YepfxaviKov. '0 oijfios. Dipl. XXII = XV, CIL 3 p. 858 Imp. Caesar clivi Vespasiani f. Domitianus Augustus Germanicus pontifex maximus, tribunic. potestat. XI, imperator XXI, censor perpetuus, consul XVI, p. p., iis qui militant in classe Flavia Moesica, quae est sub Sex. Octavio Frontone, . Fronto was consul suffectus in 86. (Dipl. XIX = XI\", CIL 3 p. 857.) The inscription from Chersonesus makes it certain that he was governor of Moesia Inferior.*** Diploma XXII had left the question as to whether he was a governor or merely the prefect of the fleet in some doubt,** though the fact that he had been consul in 86 might have seemed decisive, since the praefecti classium were of the equestrian rank. The Greek inscription may have been set up at the time of his departure from Moesia when his successor was named by Nerva. His administration began as early as 92, the date of the diploma. 60 Q. Pomponius Rufus 99 Dipl. XXXI, 3 p. 1971 Imp. Caesar divi Nervae f. Nerva Traianus Augustus Germanicus pontifex maximus, tribunic. potestat. Ill, cos. II, p. p., ** See 4. Tins inference is based on the supposition that Moesia had already been divided. 55 Of. Mommsen, CIL 3 p. 909, praeses nisi est praefectus classis, and p. 910, praefectus nisi est legatus provinciae. Later in CIL 3 p. 2013 he explains the name following sub in this diploma as nomen praefecti, but on p. 2020 he lists him as praeses and on p. 2023 omits his name from the list of praefecti classium. Fiebiger, P-W 3 p. 2648 names him as prefect of the fleet. This confusion seems to have arisen from the fact that most of our diplomata referring to fleets are concerned with the fleets at Misenum and Ravenna, and name the prae- fectus classis, preceded by the preposition sub. But these fleets of Italy were not subject to any provincial governor. There are only seven diplomata known that are concerned with provincial fleets. Six of these (Dipl. XXX, XXXIII, XXXVI, LIX, CVIII, and the one under discussion, XXII) do not mention the praefectus classis and do name the provinical governor. (The name has been lost in dipl. CVIII.) One of them, dipl. XVIII, the earliest, names the praefectus classis after naming the governor, "sub C. Septimio Vegeto et Claudio Cleniente praefecto classis." In another, dipl. XXV, where classicis seems to be a correct restoration, only the provincial governor is named. A provincial fleet formed a unit in the military forces of a province, just as a legion, a cohort, or an ala, and over this entire force the governor was commander. It would be surprising rather than natural to find the name of the praefectus classis in a diploma in the position occupied by the name of Fronto in this diploma, when the names of legati legionum, and praefecti cohortium et alarum are not so found. 43 equitibus et peditibus qui militant in - - - - et sunt in Moesia Inferiore sub Q. Pomponio Rufo . A. d. XVIIII K. Septembr. Q. Fabio Barbaro, A. Caecilio Faustino, cos. 8.13 (Leptis) Q. Pomponius [Q. f. R]ufus cos., pont., so[dalis . . . ., leg. Aug.] pro pr. provinc[iae M]oesiae, Dalmati[ae .... Dipl. XXXI and XXX = XX. CIL 3 p. 863 show him to have been governor of Moesia Inferior Aug. 14, 99. 61 M'. Laberius Maximus Circa 100 — 102 Plin. ad Traj. 74.1 Appuleius - - - - scripsit mihi quendam nomine Cal- lidromum - - - - indicasse servisse aliquando Laberio Maximo captumque a Susago in Moesia et a Decibalo muneri missum Pacoro, Parthiae regi, pluri- busque annis in ministerio eius fuisse, deinde fugisse atque ita in Nicomediam pervenisse. Dipl. XXXII = dipl. XXI 3 p. 864 . A. d. XIII K. Febr. M'. Laberio Maximo II Q. Atilio Agricola II cos. 6.854 Imp- Caesare Nerv[a Traiano Aug.] Germanico [Dacico II] M. Laberi[o Maximo II cos.] Dio 68.9.4 - - - - Md^tyaos ev tQ a.vT<^ XP^''V '''^^ '''^ a5e\(pr)v aOrov (sc. Ae/ce- /SdXoi/) /cat x'^P'-^^ ■'"' ic^X^P^" f^^c, . Borghesi, Op. 3 p. 70 f., infers that Maximus was governor of Moesia during the first Dacian war of Trajan. This seems very probable from all the evidence. He was cos. II in 103*" first with the Emperor and later with Q. Glitius Atilius Agricola, who was also holding his second consulship. Agricola had won laurels in this war as governor of Pannonia in 100-102." The high honor of a second consulship seems to have been bestowed on both these men this year in recognition of their achievements in the same campaigns. The probable date of the administration of Maximus in Moesia In- ferior is 100-102, during which the preparation for the war and the principal campaigns were made. The praenomen is from the diploma. It is given also in the apparatus to 6.854 as a variant reading for M., though not there printed in the inscription by the editor. 80 6.854 is incorrectly dated a. 104 in CIL. 8' 5.6974-6980. Ritterling, Die Statthalter der pannonischen Provinzen, AEM 20 (1897) p. 14. 44 62 [Fa]bius Postuminus 102/103 3.14451 (Tomi) .... Nervae f. Nerv .... pot. VTI, imp. TTTT, c[os.] .... [Fajbio Postumino [leg. Aug. pr. pr ] This restoration is fairly certain. Postuminus is known as a consular or an ex-praetor, a. 97, from Pliny, Epist. 9.13, and as a proconsul of Asia from coins.'*^ 63 L. Licinius Sura * For text and discussion see 31. 64 A. Caecilius Faustinus 105 Dip]. XXXIII, 3 p. 1972 = XXII, 3 p. 865 Imp. Caesar divi Nervae f. Nerva Traianus Augustus Germanicus Dacicus pontifex maximus, tribunic. potestat. Vim, imp. IV, cos. V, p. p., equitibus et peditibus qui militant in et sunt in Moesia Inferiore sub A. Caecilio Faustino . A. d. Ill Idus Mai C. lulio Basso Cn. Aeranio Dextro cos. The date of this diploma is May 13, 105. 65 P. Calpurnius Macer Caulius Rufus 112 3-777 (Troesmis) Imp. Caes. divi fil. Nervae Traiano Aug. Germ. Dacico pont. max., trib. pot. XVI, imp. VI, cos. V[I], p. p., P. Calpurnio Macro Caulio Rufo, leg. Aug. pro pr. Dipl. XXXVIII, 3 p. 1974 is probably to be restored - - - - et sunt [in Moesia Infjeriore sub P. Ca[lpurnio Macr]o The inscription shows him to have been in Moesia in 112. 66 Q. Roscius Sex.f. Quir. Coelius Murena Silius Decianus Vibullus Pius Julius Eurycles Herclanus Pompeius Falco. 116—117 3.12470 (Tropaeum Traiani) [Imp. Caes. divi Nervae f.] Ner[vae Traiano Op]t. Aug. Germ. Dae. Parthic. [pont. max., trib. p]ot. XX, imp. XII, cos. VI, p. p., [Tra]ianenses Tropaeenses [Q. RJoscio Murena Coelio Pompeio Fal- cone, leg. Aug. pr. [pr.] ** Waddington, Fastes, no. 115. 45 3-7S37 (Alakapu) Imp. Caesari divi Nervae f. Nervae Traiano Optimo Aug. Ger. Dae. Parth. pont. max., trib. pot. [X]XI, imp. XII, cos. VI, p. p., respublica Tomit. Q. Roscio Murena Coelio Po[mp.] Falcone, leg. Aug. pr. pr. 10.6321 (Tarracina) Q. Roscio Sex. f., Quir. Coelio Murenae Silio Deciano Vibullo Pio lulio Eurycli Herclano Pompeio Falconi cos., XVvir s. f., procos. provinc. Asiae, leg. pr. pr. imp. Caes. Traiani Hadriani Aug. provinc. Brittanniae. leg. pr. pr. imp. Caes. Nervae Traiani Aug. Germanici Dacici provinc. Moesiae Inferior., curator! viae Traianae et leg Aug. pr. pr. provinc. ludaeae et leg. X. Fret., leg. pr. pr. prov. Lyciae et Pamphyliae, leg. leg. V Macedonic, [in bello Dacico donis militari]bus donato .... 3.12117 (Budrum) Q. Roscio Sex. f. Qui. Coelio Pompeio Falconi decem- viro stlitibus iudicandis, trib. mil. leg. X Fret., quaestori, trib. pleb., pr. inter cives et peregrinos, leg. Aug. leg. V. Maced., leg. Aug. pr. pr. provin. Lyciae et Pamphyliae, leg. Aug. leg. X Fret, et leg. pr. pr. provinciae ludaeae con- sularis,** XVviro sacris faciundis, curator viae Traianae, leg. Aug. pr. pr. prov. Moes. Inf., IIo^Treroj' ^oKKova ASXos Aa^^pios Ka/xepTvos Kai Xa^epios KafxepTpos vlbs aiiTov eKarovTapxv^ ^ey. E MaKedoviK^s, rbv Idiov (j)l\ov Kai evepyeTrjv eK rod idioVj T€tp.r]S 'iv€Kev, 3.12470 is dated Dec. 10, 115/ Dec. 10, 116. His term may have begun before that time, and probably did, since he seems to have been governor of Judaea by 107. and the curatorship of via Traiana and possibly the consulship (See note 89.) are the only offices that intervened between his administration of Judaea and of Moesia In- ferior. Since in 10.6321 he is styled legatus of Trajan in Moesia Inferior and legatus of Hadrian in his next province, his successor in Moesia probably was appointed at the beginning of Hadrian's reign. 67 [A^]rtorius 120 3.12493 and 3.7539 (Tomi) [Imp. Caesari divi Traiani Pa]rthici [fil. divi Nervae nepot]i Tr[aian]o Hadria[no Aug. pont. max., trib.] pot. IIII, cos. [I] II, respublica Tomita[norum dedicante .... rto]rio, leg. Aug. pr. pr. \KvTOKp. Kats., ^eoO Tpatai'oO] YlapdiKov iity, deov [Nepoi^a wwyfj;, ' KbpiauQ Se/SacTcJS] , apxiepet /xeyiarcf)^ d7)[piapxi-K. e^oi/s. to . . , vwaru) to ... ^ 7} ^ovXr] dijfios TofieiTwv. . . ['AJpraipios Trpecr^evTris tov [I.ejBacTTOu /cat dvT laT pa] Tijy 6s KadiepQcrev. The Latin part of this inscription (3.7539.) is republished as 3.12493.®" its readings being supplemented by the help of an additional fragment. I *' The word consularis in this inscription is puzzling. There was no ludaea consularis. The legates of Judaea were regularly of tlie praetorian rank. If we suppose that by exception Falco was sent to Judaea as a consular, we find him strangely filling next another praetorian office as curator viae Traianae. ^" The reference in OIL is to 7359 by mistake. 46 have given the Latin part from 3.12493 and ihc Greek part from 3.7539. It is republished in IGR 1.606. The date is fixed as 120 by the tribunicial number, from the newer portion of the Latin part of the inscription. 68 Sex. Minicius Faustinus [C. ?| lulius C.f. Serg. Severus 128/131 3.2830 Cf. 3 p. 1059, 3.9891. (Kistagne, Dalmatia) [Sex.] Minicio Fanstino [C. ?] I[uli]o C. ? f]il. Serg. Severo [V. C. se]v[iro] turmae V Eq. [R., I]IITviro viarum curandarum, XVviro s. f., trib. mil. leg. [X]III (or XIIII) Geminae, quaestor, provinciae Macedoniae candidate divi Trai. Partici, trib. pleb. candidate eiusdem, praetor, leg. leg. XIIII Geminae, leg. pr. pr. imp. Traiani Hadriani Aug. provinciae Daciae, cos., leg. pr. pr. pro- vinciae Moesiae Inferioris, leg. pr. pr. provinciae Brittaniae, leg. pr. pr. provinciae ludeae, leg. pr. pr. provinciae Suriae. Huic [senatus] auctore [imp. Tra]iano Hadriano Aug. ornamenta triumphalia decrevit ob res in ludea prospere gestas. d. d. luHus Severus was consul suffectus Oct. 11, 127 (See dipl. XLIV = XXXI, 3 p. 874.), and is probably identical with this gov- ernor. Dio 69.13, speaking of the war in Judea, a. 130-134 (Cf. Schulz. Leben des Kaisers Hadrian, p. 82 f., with Anm. 235.), and apparently under the year 133, says: rdre Sr] rSre tovs KpaTlarovs tQiv (TTpaT-qyOiv 6 'ASpiavbs ^tt' avTovs eirefjApev^ u)v irpwTOS loi/Xtoj 'S,€ov7jpo% VTTrjpx^v^ dvo BpeTTavias ■^s ^px^" f'""' Toys 'lovdaiovs crTaKeis. His administration of Moesia Inferior, falling between his con- sulship and his administration of Britain, belongs within the years 128/131. 69 L. Minicius L.f. Gal. Natalis Quadronius"' Verus 128/133 14-3599 (Tibur) L. Minicio L. f. Gal. Natali Quadronio Vero. cos., pro- cos, prov. Africae, auguri, leg. Aug. pr. pr. provinciae Moesiae Infer., curaton operum publicorum et aedium sacrar., curat, viae Flamin., praef. alimentor., leg. Aug. leg. VI Victr. in Britannia, praetori, trib. pleb. candidate, quaestori candidate divi Hadriani et eodem tempore legate prov. Afric. dioeceseos Carthaginien. procensulis patris sui, trib. mil. leg. I Adiut. P. P., item leg. XI CL. P. F., item leg. Gemin. Martiae Victric, Illviro monetali a. a. a. f. f., patrene municipii, curat, fani Here, - - - - " The cognomen Quadronius was probably assumed in honor of Q. Licinius Silvanus Granianus Quadronius Proculus, his father's colleague in the consulship. 47 8.4643 (Thagora) [Imp. Caes. T. Aelio] Hadriano [Antonino] Aug. Pio [pont. max., trjib. pot. II, [cos. II. des. Ill], d. d., p. p., [L. Quadroniusl Minicius [Natalis Verus] procos., dedic."" From the second inscription he is known to have been proconsul of Africa in 139. His father was consul in 106''^ and held the pro- consulship of Africa, therefore, not far from 118, which would, therefore, be the date of the son's quaestorship. ( 14.3599, 2.4509, 4510, 451 1.) Both these facts point to about 127/130 as the date of our governor's consulship. (Cf. Borghesi, Op. 8 pp. 46 ff.) His administration of Moesia, therefore, probably immediately pre- ceded or followed that of Julius Severus (see the preceding gover- nor) and certainly came before 139. 70 Sex. lulius Maior 134 Dipl. XLVIII, 3 p. 1979 = XXXIV, 3 p. 877 Imp. Caesar divi Traiani Parthici f. divi Nervae nepos Traianus Hadrianus Aug. pont. max., trib. potest. XVIII, COS. Ill, p. p., equitibus et peditibus qui militaverunt in et sunt in Moesia Inferior, sub lulio Maiore . A. d. IIII Non. Apr., T. Vibio Varo T. Haterio Nepote cos. 8.10296 (Near Constantina, Numidia) Ex auctoritate imp. Caesaris Traiani Hadrian. Aug. pontes viae novae Rusicadensis r. p. Cirtensium sua pecunia fecit Sex. lulio Maiore leg. Aug. leg. Ill Aug. pr. pr. The praenomen is known from the Numidian inscription. From the diploma we learn that he was governor of Moesia Inferior April 2, 134- 92 Other inscriptions of this governor are 2.4509, 4510, 4511, 8.4643, 14.3554, 3599, 11.2925; IG 14.1125 = CIG 5977, IG 7.89. A few other fragmentary inscriptions add nothing to our knowledge of him. Ritterling JOI 10 (1907) pp. 307 ff.) seems to be right also in correcting the restoration of the inscription from Callatis given in AEM 19 (1896) p. 108, n. 63=IGR 1.653 and referring it to this governor. The order of the three military tribuneships is, however, the reverse of what we should expect. The use of the cognomen Nei/ci7<^opos of the fourteenth legion without the other titles seems to be justified by IG 7.89, tliough I have not observed a parallel in a Latin inscription. 93 The date of this consulship is shown by 6.2016, and is wrongly given as 107 in 2.4509, 10.5670, and 8.4676; also in CIG 5977, an inscription of the son there incorrectly assigned to the father. IG 14.1125 re-edits this inscription without mentioning CIG in the list of previous editions of it. 48 / I Antius Rufinus ( ?) 136 3.14422' (Jajdzi) Ex auctoritate imp. Caesaris divi Traiani Parthici filii divi Nervae nepotis Traiani Hadriani Aug. p. p. pontifici maximo, tribuniciae potest. XX, COS. Ill, Ant[ius]''* Rufinus inter Moesos et Thraces fines posuit. 3.749 (Cf. 3 pp. 992, 1338) and 3.12407 are other occurrences of the same inscription. These boundary stones inter Moesos et Thraces were set up by Antius Rufinus in 136 under a special commission from the emperor. Perhaps trouble over jurisdiction had arisen through the aggressiveness of the thriving Thracian municipium of Nicopolis ad Istrum, now about thirty years old, which with its territorium was transferred a half century later from the authority of the governor of Thrace to that of the governor of Moesia Inferior. We are not told in what capacity Antius Rufinus was acting. It has been generally considered that he was a governor of Moesia Inferior."'' More can not be asserted, however, than that he may have been. It seems a little remarkable, if the boundaries were in dispute, that the decision should have been left to the governor of either province.'" If left to either governor, it would naturally have been to the Moesian governor, who had the more important command and was an ex-consul, while his neighbor was only an ex-praetor. But Rufinus may have been a special commissioner, and not the governor of either province." 72 Fuficius Co[rnutus] About 138/146 IGR 1.609 (Tomi) (a) [AvTOKparopi TiTi{j AlXlifi] 'Aopiaix^ 'AvTuveivif} Evcre^eT ^e^acTTi^ kuI [Mdp/cc^ Avpr]\]iifi K[aiaapi\ .... (b) [^]ov(I)(.kIov Koi[vriavov . . . . ] '* The restoration of the nomen Ant[ius] is made certain by the otlier stones bearing the same inscription. The praenomen Marcus, given by v. Prem. p. 189 and with an indication of doubt by Klebs in P-W 1 p. 1265 (not in Pros. A 621), seems to liave no foundation other than a guess in the restoration of 3.749, and is clearly not used in the later copies of the inscription, 3 p. 992 and 3. 14422*. The dative pontifici maximo of 3.749 is corrected to the genitive in the later reading 3 p. 992, but occurs also in 3.12407 and 14422*. ^ Mommsen, CIL 3.749, thought the name might have been Antoninus Rufinus, whom he identified with the consul of that name of a. 131, and on the basis of his having held the consulship thought that he was a governor of Moesia Inferior. The more recently discovered copies of tlie inscription have shovni this identification to be wrong. Klebs accepts him as a governor of Moesia Inferior, but without discussion. ^ In 12.113, referred to by v. Prem. p. 189, the governor of Germania Superior, ex auctoritate imp. Caes. Vespasiani, marlts tlie boundaries inter Viennenses et Ceutrones, neither of which was in his province. ^' Cf. I'annee epig. 1894 n. 65 (Henschir-es-Souar) ex auct. imp. Vespasiani Aug. p. p. fines [provinci]ae novae et veteris derecti qua fossa afuit per Rutiliu[m GJallicum cos. pon[t. et] Sentium Caecilianum praetore[m l]egatos Aug Here we seem to have special com- missioners, an ex-consul and an ex-praetor, to mark the boundaries between the old and the new province. That Gallicus was not the proconsul of Africa at this time seems to be suffi- ciently indicated by the word legatos. 49 These are two of several fragments apparently of the same in- scription. The restoration given is that proposed by Tocilescu. As Fuficius Ouintianus is otherwise unknown, Cagnat proposes with much more probability the restoration Ko[pvovTov]. Fuficius Cornutus is known from dipl. LIX. 3 p. 1984, dated between 138 and 146"^ by peculiarities in its formulas. He was at this time gov- ernor of Pannonia. This date agrees with that of our inscription."" y;^ T. Pomponius Proculus Vitrasius Pollio 139/151 6.1540 [T. Vitrasio f. Pollioni cos. II, ... . Aug]ustorum comit[i M. Antonini et L. Ver]i Augg. expeditio[nis .... Germ]anicae, item comiti [M. Antonini et Comjmodi Augg. expedit[ionis Germanicae Sar]maticae bis donis m[ilitaribus donato corjonis muralibu[s II vallar. II aur. II] has[tis purls nil, vexillis IIII, procos. Asiae, .... leg. Aug. pr. pr. Moesiae Inf.. .... leg. Aug. leg pontif., sjodali Antonin[iano, praef. alimento]rum, praetori, qu[aestori, Illviro monetal]i a. a. a. f. f., - - - - 3.14214^ (Tropaeum Traiani) I. O. M., Her. In., Cer., Lib. Patr., pro sal. imp. Caes. T. Ael. Hadr. Ant. Aug. Pi et Aur. Ces., libero. eo., T. Vitrasio Pollioni leg. Aug. pr. pr., M. Stabius M. f. fil. Fab. Colonus, d. Luca, trib. mil. leg. XI CI. d. d. 3.7420 (Almus) Herculi, pro salute T. Vitrasi Pollion. leg. Aug. pr. pr. L. Messius Primus, (centurio) leg. I Ital. fr. 2.5679 (Leg. VII G. P. R, Conventus Asturum.) Nymphis. T. Pom- ponius Proculus Vitrasius Pollio cos., pontif., pro cos. Asiae, leg. Aug. pr. pr. provinciar. Moesiae Inf. et Hisp. Citer., - - - - 3.762 (Odessus) Imp. Caesare T. Aelio Hadriano Antonino Aug. Pio, p. m., p. p., civitas Odessitanorum aquam novo ductu adduxit, curante T. Vitrasio Pollione, leg. Aug. pr. pr. 'Ayadrji Tvxvh AvTOKparopi Kaiaapi Ttrwt AtXi'wi 'Adpidvcoi ' AvTO)v[€lvui Se/SacTwt] Evce/Se?, dpxi-epfT fJ-eyicTTuij irarpl Trarpidos, i] ir6X[is Odriafft]Tu>v Kaivd 6\kw to vSiljp iffriyayev ■!rpovoovfji.i\^vov Tirov Bi\Tpaaiov IloXXiwvos, wpea^evTov Kal avTiarpar [17701'] . IGR 1.663 (Dionysopolis) 'A. T. [Owrp] dcrioi' UoWiuva, Trpej^evr^v Kai avTicrrpdrriyoi' Se^acrToO Kaiaapos, evepyirrjv /SouXt? dijijios AiovvaoTroXirQv. His full name is given only in 2.5679. He was governor of Moesia Inferior under Antoninus Pius (3.i42i4\ 762), after M. Aurelius became a Caesar (3.14214* and others). It was probably in the early part of the reign since he became proconsul of Asia in 152 (Waddington, Pastes, no. 142), consequently his consulship should have fallen in the early years of Antoninus. ^ IGR, 1. c, gives a. 148, apparently overlooking dipl. LVII, 3 p. 1928. S3 9.6078.91 is also of a Fuficius C!omutus. 50 74 C. Prastina Pacatus Messalinus After 147 15.960 L. Annio Largo C. Prast. Pacat. cos. - - - - 9.4957 Dedic. V L (Sic) — Kal. Mai L. Annio Largo C. Prastina Mcs- salino cos. - - - - 3.7529 (Tomi) Genio loci. C. Prastina Messalinus, leg. Aug. pr. pr. Comparison of 15.960 and 94957 gives us the full natne Tocilescu, AEM 8 (1884) PP- 5-6, editing this inscription, says. "Unser C. Prastina Messalinus ist nach der Buchstabenform ohne Zweifel der Statthalter von Numidien aus dem Jahre 144-146. An Prastina Messalinus, den Statthalter von Moesia Inferior unter Kaiser Philip ist wegen der schonen Schrift keineswegs zu denken." V. Domaszewski, CIL, 1. c. approves this statement. Prastina was consul in 147, hence his administration of Moesia Inferior was later than 147. 75 lulius Crassus'"* 138/161 3.13727 (Razgrad) [Imp. Caesari,"' divji Hadriani f., divi [Traiani Parthici nep., divi Nervae pronepoti, T. Ae]l. Hadriano Anto[nino Aug. Pio p]er lulium Crass [um, leg. Aug. pr. pr. coh ] fecit, cui prae[est .... ]anus. There is no reasonable doubt that leg. Aug. pr. pr. stood in this inscription as restored. The inscription belongs in the reign of Antoninus Pius, and perhaps can not be dated more exactly. "je Tib. Claudius Saturninus 139/160 3.7474 (Viniinacium) I. O. M. pro salute imp. Caes. T. Aeli Hadriani Antonini Aug. Pii et Veri Caes. - - - - . Dedicatum est per Tib. CI. Satur- ninum leg. Aug. pr. pr. Tib. CI. luliano leg. Aug. It is known from dipl. LXX, 3 p. 1990 that Tib. Claudius lulianus was consul with Calpurnius Agricola in some year between 145 and 161. Our inscription, in which he appears as leg. leg., is Kw Not in Prosopographia. 10^ Incorrectly restored Caesar, in CIL. 51 therefore earlier than i6i. Verus became Caesar Jan. i, 139. The date of this inscription is, therefore, within the period 139/160.'°^ ']'] M. Pontius Laelianus C. V. 145/147 or after 149 3.6182 = 774 (Troesmis) M. Pontic Laeliano C. V., patri Pont. Laeliani, leg. Aug. pr. pr., ordo Troesm. Dip]. LX, 3 p. 1985 Imp. Caes. divi Hadr. f. divi Traian. Part. nep. divi Nerv. pronepos T. Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Aug. Pius pent, max., tr. pot. XI, imp. II, cos. nil, p. p. equitib. et peditib. qui militaver. in - - - - et sunt in Pann. Super, sub Pontic Laeliano - - - - . A. d. VII Id. Oct. C. Fabio Agrippino M. Antonio Zeno cos. - - - - Cf. also the following: 6.1497 M. Pontic M. f. Pup. Laeliano Larcio Sabino cos., pontifici, sodali Antoninianc Veriano, fetiali, leg. Aug. pr. pr. prov. Syriae, leg. Aug. pr. pr. prov. Pannon. Super., leg. Aug. pr. pr. Pannon. Infer., comiti divi Veri Aug., donate donis militarib. belle Armeniaco et Parthico ab imp. Antonino Aug. et a dive Vero Aug., [coron.] mu[rali vallari clas]sica aur[ea .... We have in these inscriptions two Laeliani, father and son. The father was governor of Moesia Inferior,"^ and of Pannonia Superior in 148-149."'* The son's cnrsus is given in 6.1497. The son was consul in 163, with A. Junius Pastor™ (Klein), the father in 144/147 ^°- Attempts to date this and allied inscriptions more closely have been unsuccessful. Borghesi (Fasti) thought 158 probable for the date of the consulship of lulianus and Agricola, but he has not been followed in this by later WTiters. In P-W 3 p. 2727 n. 194 v. Rohden dates our inscription not later than 146 because of form of the expression "et Veri Caesar." But Verus is referred to by the simple title of Caesar later than 146, as is shown not only by the exception which v. Rohden himself notes in P-W 1 p. 2284, but also by .3.7466, and especially by 3.8110, almost certainly of the year 160 (see § 35), where the formula is identical with the one used in our inscription. I am inclined to regard as correct the suggestion of Klein that the Claudius lulianus leg. Aug. pro prae. of Germania Inferior a. 160 (Des. 2907) is the Ti Claudius lulianus of our inscription. If this suggestion is correct, the limits of our date are narrowed by at least one year. CIL, 1. c., and P-W 3 p. 2866, n. 334 give the date 139/161. 103 The reading leg(ati) in 3.6182, suggested in Pros. P 599, would make the son the governor of Moesia. It would certainly be remarkable for the capital city of a province to set up a tablet in honor of the father of its governor, and for no other stated reason than that he was the father of the governor. V. Domaszewski's suggestion in Rh. Mus. 45 (1890) p. 206, n. 2, that the inscription was not set up until the son had become a leading man in the state under Marcus acounts much better for the mention of both in the inscription. See note 105 below. i<^Dipl. LX, 3 p. 1985 (a. 148); dipl. LXI, 3 p. 1986 (a. 149). ^"^ Renier, Comptes rendus, 1864, p. 197 f. doubts this, and identifies the Laelianus of 6.1497 with the governor of Moesia in 3.6182. (See note 103 above.) V. Domaszewski, discussing this in the article above referred to, points out that the year 163 for his consulship agrees much better with his cursus as given in 6.1497. In addition to the references given in Klein, a. 163, we may note also the following: IG 4.1534 - - - - [rajv Ai)]7oi^crTWj'. 'TTrdrots Map)C((j YiovTii^ Aaj[Xtai'4j, AiJXcjj \o\xviig\ nci(7Topt Kara, EmSavpiovSj [erovs reffaapaKOffrov] rijs deov 'Adpiavov to irpGiTov els T-qv ['EXXdSa eiriSrip.ias p.7)vbs\ deKdrov TpiffKaideKarrj, - - - - a letter from the emperors 52 with Q. Mustius Priscus. His administration of Moesia may have been in 145/147, or after 149. The latter is more probable as the later date is more consistent with the setting up of tiic stone in his honor in 163/166, or a short time thereafter. 78 T. Flavins Pal. Longinus Q. Marcius Turbo 155 3.7449 (Kutlovica) .... Longini leg. Aug. pr. pr., vexillat. leg. XI CI., sub cura Fl. Maximi (centurionis) leg. eiusdem, Severo et Sabiniano (bene- ficiarius) cos. Ulpius cos. Alexander - - - - 3.7542 = 3.767 (Near Tomi) T. Flavio Longino Q. Marcio Turboni leg. Aug. pr. pr., Titius Crispus, cornicul. eius. IGR 1.622 (Tomi) T. A. "A jSouXa Kal 6 dd/xos raj deoKTiarov 'Hpa/cXeias irelfMCav rbv iavrds vdrpuva /cat evepyirav T. 'i>\. UaXareLuq. Aoyytvov K. MdpKiou Toi^p/SwTO, viraTou, irpea-^. "Le^. Kal d[vTiarpdrriyov i]Trapxelas Mvffias ttjs K[dT(x>, The year of his consulship is unknown. His full name is given by the second and third inscriptions above, the tribe by the third. The year 155 is determined by the consuls in the first inscription. 79 L. lulius Statilius Severus"" Soon after 155, in 159 ? 3.12371 (Kutlovica) Dianae Reginae et ApoUini pro salute L. Iu[l]i Statilii Severi leg. Aug. pr. pr., et liberorum eius. Aelius Artemidorus, (centurio) leg. [I] Ital,, r. The only L. lulius Severus known is the consul of Dec. 11, 155, known from the acta arv., 6.2086.I.62. V. Domaszewski, in a note on 3,12371, thinks that this governor is not the same as T. Statilius lulius Severus, governor of Moesia Inferior in 159. (See 3. 125 13. and next governor below). Neither of the inscriptions, however, Marcus and Verus to the consuls. The restorations in this inscription are based on IG 4.1406, showing Hadrian's presence in Greece between December 10, 123 and December 10, 124 (Sept. 124, Weber), and are so probable as to add support to the other evidence tor 163 as the date of the consulship of Laelianus and Pastor. 6.24162 D. M. Phoebus - - - - natus C. Bellicio Torquato Ti. Claudio Attico Herode cos., defunctus Q. Mustio Prisco M. Pontio Laeliano cos. shows a Pontius Laelianus consul with a different colleague. Phoebus was born in 143, the consulship of Priscus and Laelianus was therefore later than that. Since the Laelianus who was governor of Pannonia Superior in 148 must have been consul before that time, it is probable that he was the colleague of Priscus and that their consulship fell within the period 144/147. The tact that the consulship of the father and son are thus nearer together than twenty years is easily accounted tor by the fact that the father's influence with the emperors and the son's evident ability won a rapid promotion for the younger man. Of. § 90. 106 Pros. I 382, treating this man, has two incorrect references to GIL. S3 has been read by more than one person, and it may yet be found that they refer to the same man. The dates of their legateship in Moesia Inferior come as near to coinciding as do their names. This may be the lulius Severus of 3.7505. If he was consul Dec. II, 155, and governor of Moesia Inferior in or about 159, he may well have been in Syria during the Parthian war of Verus."' 80 T. Statilius lulius Severus 159 3.12513 (Kassabkioi) Imp. Caes. divi Hadr. fil. Trai. nep. T. Ael. Hadr. Ant. Aug. Pius p. m., tr. pot. XXII, cos. IIII, p. p., T. Statilio Jul. Sever., leg. Aug. pr. pr., m. p. XVIIII. See the preceding governor. Tocilescu, AEM 14 (1891), p. 21, editing this inscription says: T. Statilius Severus, der hier zum ersten Male als Statthalter von Moesia Inferior erscheint, ist sicher der Consul des Jahres 171 n. Chr." The governor of Moesia must have been consul before 159, the date of this inscription, and the consul of 171 is nowhere referred to as cos. II. It seems therefore not unreasonable to doubt their identity. 81 C. Zeno * A coin of Antoninus Pius struck in Nicopolis ad Istrum and bearing the name of C. Zeno as governor of the province led Liebenam (Lieb. p. 281) to regard him as a governor of Moesia Inferior. But in the time of Antoninus Pius Nicopolis ad Istrum belonged to Thrace, and Zeno was governor of Thrace and not of Moesia Inferior. See 138. 82 M. Servilius Q.f. Hor. Fabianus Maximus 162 3.12385 (Gromsin) I. O. M. pro salute imp. Caes. M. Aureli Antonini Aug. et imp. Caes. L. Aureli Veri Aug. M. Servilius Fabianus leg. Aug. pr. pr. templum vetustate corruptum a solo per reg. Mont, restituit. 3.12514 (Kassabkioi) Imp. Caesar M. Aurelius Antoninus Aug. pontifex maximus, trib. potestat. X[VI], cos. Ill, et imp. Caesar Lu. Aurelius Verus ^"' Another lulius Severus, with the praenomen Gaius was a consul ordinarius of 155. Of him we know nothing further and it is suggested in 3.7505 n. that he may be the lulius Severus of that inscription. 54 Aug. trib. potestat. II, cos. IT, divi fill Pii, divi Hadriani nepotcs, divi Nervae abnepotes, M. Servilius Fabianus Maximus leg. Aug. pr. pr., m. p. XVIIII. Fabianus Maximus was governing Moesia Inferior in 162 (3.12514). He was consul in 158 (Dipl. LXVII, 3 p. 1989.). See § 38 for another inscription and further discussion concerning him. 83 M. lallius M.f. Volt. Bassus Fabius Valerianus 165 3.6169 (Troesmis) Pro sal. imp. x'Vnt. et Veri Aug., leg. V Mac, lalli Bassi, leg. Aug. pr. pr., Marti Veri, leg. Aug., P. Ael. Quintianus, Magni fil., (centurio) leg. V M. 12.2718 (Joyeuse, Gallia Narb.) M. lallio M. f. Volt. Basso Fabio Valeriano cos., prae[f. aer leg. Aug. pr. pr.] provinc. Pannoniae Inferioris, curatori oper. pu[bl., leg. Augg. pr. pr. prov.] Mysiae Inferior., comiti Augustorum Partbicae ex[peditionis?]. 6. 1 1 19 b Locus adsignatus ab lallio Basso et Commodo Orfitiano cur. oper. pub!., C. V. ; cur. M. Caecilio Athenaeo, M. Valerio Midia, L. Aelio Amphitale; dedic. XVIII k. Ian. Augustis n. Antonino III et Vero II cos. Martins Verus, mentioned as leg. Aug. in 3.6169 at the time when lallius Bassus was leg. Aug. pr. pr., was consul March 23, 166. (Dipl. LXXIII. 3 p. 1991 ; Orelli 4038.) As he would be leg. Aug. before being consul. 3.6169 is earlier than March 23, 166. 6.1119 b shows that lallius Bassus was curator operiun publicorum Dec. 14, 161. 12.2718 names him as comes Augg. Parthicae expedi- tionis. Verus returned from this expedition in 165, and it is likely that lallius Bassus was sent at that time to be governor of Moesia Inferior. Cf. Jul. Cap. Verus, 7.8 Confecto sane bello, regna regibus, provincias vero comitibus suis regendas dedit. He may of course have been sent to Moesia earlier and probablv remained later than 165. 84 Antonius Hiberus Before 201 3.781 (Tyra) In a letter from Septimius and Caracalla to their procurator in regard to the iinmunity of the Tyrani are the words, — tamen quoniam divi Antonini parentis nostri litteras, sed et fratrum imperatorum cogitamus, item Antonii Hiberi grivissimi praesidis, . This letter is embodied in a communication from the governor of the province to the people of Tyra, under date of 55 Feb. 17, 201. Antonfus Hiberus was therefore earlier than that date. The fact that there is no mention here of a rescript of Corn- modus on the question shows that the immunity of the Tyrani was not in dispute during his reign. It is not Hkely that the question would be brought before the emperor for decision more than once in the same reign. It had not therefore been decided by Septimius earlier than the present instance in 201. The letter of the governor Antonius Hiberus would therefore most naturally have been written in connection with the case when it was being considered by Marcus Aurelius or by Marcus and Verus. Since rescripts both of Marcus and of Marcus and Verus are mentioned, the case may have been under consideration about the time of the death of Verus, and Antonius Hiberus may have been governing Moesia about 169. He may have been the son of the Antonius Hiberus who was consul in 133- 85 P. Vigellius Raius Plarius Saturninus Atilius Braduanus Caucidius Tertullus 168/175 3.6183 = 3-775 (Troesmis) P. Vigellio Raio Plario Saturnino Atilio Braduano Caucidio Tertullo leg. Aug. ordo Troesmen. ex decreto suo. Acta Sanct. Scillit.,"'' init. Praesente bis et Claudiano consulibus XVI Kalendas Augustas, Kartagine .... Saturninus dixit Tertull. Ad Scap. 3 Vigellius Saturninus qui primus hie gladium in nos egit lumina amisit. P. Vigellius Saturninus was proconsul of Africa July 17, 180. We may then with Dessau"^ place the date of his consulship circa a. 167, If he was leg. Aug. leg. V Mac. at the time of our inscrip- tion the date would then be a short time before 167, if leg. Aug. pr. pr. prov. Moes. Inf. it would be a little later than 167. Legio V Mac. was transferred from Moesia to Dacia probably in 167 or 168"* and was absent from Moesia in whole or in major part with its legatus from 162/164 to 166."' Troesmis was at this period the residence of the leg. Aug. pr. pr. provinciae. In these circumstances we should believe that the subject of our inscription was the gov- ^"S From the text given in Robinaon, Texts and Studies, Cambridge, 1893, vol. 1, p. 112. "'Pros. V 434. "• Pilow pp. 77-78, H. V. d. W. pp. 37-44, v. Dom. in Rh. Mus. 48 (1893) p. 244. "1 H. V. d. W. pp. 85-86, Filow pp. 74-76. 56 ernor of the province rather than that he was the legatus legionis. Inscriptions in honor of a legatus legionis by the ordo of the muni- cipium where the legion had its quarters must be very rare. In a brief search I found no inscriptions of any ordo civitatis honoring a legatus legionis. Inscriptions set up by the ordo of the capital city of a province in honor of the governor of the province are common."" It is not inherently any more probable that, if such an inscription were set up, the last and distinctive part of the title leg. Aug. leg. V Mac. would be omitted than that the last part of the title leg. Aug. pr. pr. should be omitted. It ought to be even less likely when the leg. Aug. leg. was quartered in the capital city of the province when he would be outranked by the consular leg. Aug. In such a city any one seeing a stone set up to the leg. Aug. would think at once of the governor of the province. The more probable explanation of our inscription is that it was set up after the legion had been removed, when there was but one leg. Aug. left in Troesmis, the leg. Aug. pr. pr. provinciae. His administration came after his consulship and probably before that of Pertinax ; that is, within the period 168/175. 86 P. Helvius Pertinax 176/178 See Moesia Superior § 43. 87 M. Macrinius Avitus M.f. Claud. Catonius Vindex 175/179 For reference and discussion see under Moesia Superior § 44. 88 M. Caecilius Servilianus * A coin of Commodus struck in Nicopolis ad Istrum and bearing the name of M. Caecilius Servilianus as governor of the province led Liebenam (Lieb. p. 283) to regard him as a governor of Moesia Inferior. But in the time of Commodus Nicopolis ad Istrum belonged to Thrace, and Servilianus was governor of Thrace and not of Moesia Inferior. Cf. 138. ^12 See 3.6177, 6182 for other instances in Troesmis. 57 89 Cosconius Gentianus 193/197 Pick 1.544 f- coins of Marcianopolis. Ai). K. A. SeTr. Sei/^poj ne.| 'U. K. VevTidvov MapKiavoTToXiTiiv. Pick 1. 1264 ff., coins of Nicopolis ad Istrum. Ai). Kat. A. SeTr. Sei/ijpos Ilep.l 'Vtt. Koctk. TevTidvov. NikottoXi. 7rp6s Icrrp. This governor is known only from coins. Since no coins of other members of the royal family are found bearing his name, his date probably lies between the beginning of the reign a. 193 and a. 197, when Caracalla became Caesar and Imperator Destinatus, or a. 198, when Caracalla became Augustus and Geta Caesar."^ (See Appendix.) 90 Pollenius'" Auspex 196/198 IGR 3.618 - - - - [IloWrjvla] v 'Ovuparav^ eKydvrjv X. AaTpioviavov virariKOv, wovrLcpLKOS, {Trdpxov 'PJifiTjs, /cat AiiffTriKOS vTrariKoO BptTavvias, Mytrt'as, Aa/ccas, ev X'^P? Se/SacTToi; diKdcravTos, TvpoeKybvqv Avctttikos inrariKov, dvOvwdrov A(ppiKr}i, iirdpxov dXetfiivTuv ATTjrtas Kal ^Xafxivias rpis, KVLvdeKepivipov, iv xd}pa 'Ze^affTuv diayvSvTOS, virariKOV AeXfiarias, dvyaripa Tt/3. IIo [XXtjw'oi'] ' Apfxeviov Uepeypeivov .... Pick 1.543. ^^- ^^- ■'^- ^f". ^fvijpos He. { MapKiavoTToXeiTuiv vir. AijcnreKos. Pick 1. 1252 Av. Kat. SeTT. 'Si€vrjpo[s Hep.] 'VTa. IIoX. AijcnriKos NtKOTroXtrw. ■n-phs'Iar. Similar are 1252-1263. From the fact that no members of the royal household except Septimius appear on the coins of Auspex we may conclude that his administration came early in the reign, probably between 193 and 197 or 198. Coins of this governor and the preceding are found, of which one side is made from the same die. This is true both of coins of Nicopolis and of Marcianopolis. From this we may conclude with Pick, Num. Zeitschr. 23 (1891) p. 36, that one of these two governors followed the other immediately. We cannot, however, as he does in Pick i pp. 186, 198, 331, 357, without giving any reason for the order in which he there places them, say which was the earlier. 1^* The incorrect interpretation of the abbreviation of the notnen on the coins by Mionnet accounts for the incorrect fomi of this name, C. CI. Gentianus, given in Lieb. p. 286. "* 6.32327 twice and 8.2743 give this name Pollienus, 6.2101, IGR 3.618 and 556 give it Pollenius. The gi'and-daughter's name is given as Pollenia. Pros. P 410, gives this governor the praenomen A(ulus). This is apparently due to a misinterpretation, or at least to an unsafe interpretation of the letter following vtt on the coins (Cf. Picli 1.1252 above), which usually belongs to tlie abbreviation for inraTevovTOS. Pick warns against tliis interpretation in Num. Zeitschr. 23 (1891) pp. 33 ff. Cf. n. 122. The son (or grandson) of this governor has the praenomen Tiberius. (IGR 3.556.) 58 In the inscription of Pollenia Honorata the senatorial offices held by two Auspexes, her grandfather and her great-grandfather. are given, and we get the impression that none has been intentionally omitted. Her grandfather is said to have governed Moesia. This is not said of her great-grandfather. The mention of the quin- decemvirate and the plural of l€/3aa-T(ov make it practically certain that the great-grandfather is the same as the Pollenins Auspex of 6.32327, a fragment relating to the ludi saeculares Septimi of a. 204. If his son was the governor of Moesia in 193/198 it seems strange that his grandson, the father of Honorata, did not attain the consulship until 244 (See IGR 3.618, 556; CIL 6.413; 7.103;'" Wilm. i486.), thus throwing the consulships of father and son fifty years apart. This is however the best solution of the difficulties presented by our evidence. IGR, 1. c, and Stein, AEM 19 (1896) pp. 148-149, make the great-grandfather the governor of Moesia. but this seems very unlikely since this position is not mentioned among his honors, while his governorship of Delmatia is mentioned, and the governorship of Moesia is given among the grandfather's honors. That the first of these Auspexes was of great influence with Severus is shown by his honors, by the fact that in the list of the quindecemvirs given in 6.32327 but one name separates his from that of the emperors, and by his having been able to shield his nephew from punishment for misconduct in his province (Dio 76.9.2-3). It is likely, therefore, that his son would attain the consulship at the earliest legal age, and that important commands would follow quickly. This is especially likely since the son's own career shows him to have been an able man. He seems to have governed Spain and Dacia before Moesia, though we need not necessarily assume a chronological order in an inscription written so long after the offices were held. His administration of Moesia may have been as late as 196 or 197. His consulship as suffectus may then have fallen in 193 or 194. If he was at this time only ^2, his son may have been born a few years later, say 200/210. The influence of the family may have declined after the death of Septimius, its representative in the third generation may not have been as able or as ambitious as his fathers. We hear nothing of him from any source except as governor of Lycia and consul in the two inscriptions IGR 3.618, 556, and he may not have reached the consulship before the age of forty or forty-five. It therefore ^'^ The date with this inscription is incorrectly given in CIL as a. 22i. 59 seems to me that there is not sufficient reason for assuming, contrary to the authority of our inscription, that the great-grandfather was governor of Moesia in the early years of Severus."" But we do need to assume as late a date as possible for the administration of the younger Auspex in Moesia, and it is therefore better to place him after than before Gentianus. 91 lulius Castus * H. V. d. W. p. 298 gives lulius Castus as governor of Moesia Inferior a. 198-199, referring to L'Annee fipig. 1902, n. 116. This inscription is missing from the copy of L Annee Epig. to which I have access, but its date is there given as 184-185. C. Ovinius Tertullus is also given by H. v. d. W. as governor of Moesia Inferior a. 198-199. (See next governor.) It is well known that lulius Castus was governor of Thrace under Commodus. In addition to the coins quoted in Pros. I 170 and Kalopothakes, De Provincia Thracia, p. 44, n. 22, in support of this, the inscription from Nikopolis ad Istrum given in IGR 1.573, belonging to the years 184-5, may be quoted (Cf. n. 138). I suspect that it is this inscription that has misled van de Weerd in assuming that this man was a governor of Moesia Inferior, and that he has taken the date 198-199 from L'Annee fipig. 190^, n. 115. 92 C. Ovinius Tertullus 198—201 3.14428 (Lometz) Imp. Caes. L. Septimo Severo Pio Pertinaci Aug. Arabico Adiabenico Parth. Max., pont. max., trib. p. VI, imp. XI, cos. II, p. p., pro consuli, dedicante C. Ovinio Tertullo, leg. Augg."' pr. pr., T. Aurelius Aquila, praef. Coh. II Matt., devotus numini eius, de suo posuit. AEM 10 (1886) p. 243, n. 11"* 'Ayadrji Tux^t. 'lovXiav Ad/xvav Beav Se^. IJLr]Tipa KdcTTpwv, avTOKparopos A. SeTrrt/xtoy Hievripov JleprivaKOS 2e;8., Ewe^oCj, "' If Stein and IGR are correct in assuming that the great-grandfather of Honorata was the governor of Moesia in 193/198, we should then on the authority of this inscription assume that his son was also governor of the same province, probably under the sole rule of Caracalla. See § 102. ^^' The inscription is dedicated to one emperor, but in the title of the governor the plural of Augustus is used. The only inscription giving an earlier date than this one for Caracalla Augustus is 8.2465. 6.1052 and 11.3876a are others of the year 198. "8 IGR 1.575 edits this inscription from Dobrusky, Materiaux d'archeologie en Bulgarie 5 (1901), to which I have not access at the time of writing this note. It seems to be from the same original as this inscription though a slight variation, not affecting the sense, is reported as to the condition of the stone in 11. 9 and 10. IGR 1.576 is from another stone bearing the same inscription. 6o TlapdiKov, BpeTavviKoO,^'^^ Apa^iKov, ' \dial3riviKov, dpxtep^ws fjieylffTov, 87]fj.apxiK7Js i^ovaias rb t^'. avTOKpdropas rb la', vrrdrov rb tj', narpbs iraTplbos, yvvaiKa, K^ai) aiTOKpdropos Kalffapos MdpKOV At'pTjX. ' AfTuvlvov 2e/3. K(ai) [A. Y.ewTiiJ.iov Vira Kafo-apos] p.y)Tipa, inraTevovros rrji iirapxelas V. 'Ooveivbv TeprvWov, npeap. "^efi^. dvTiffTp. 7} lepojTdTT} /SoyXr; \'(at) 6 KpdrKjros drjuos OuXirlas NtK0ir6\ews r^s Trpds 'lo'Tpov dvidTriaev. 3.7602 (Near Cernavoda) Imp. Caes. L. Septimius Severus Piu.s Per- tinax Aug. Arab. Adiab. Parthicus Max. pon. max., trib. pot. VIII, imp. XI, p. p., et imp. Caes. M. Aurel. Antoninus Aug., trib. pot. 11,'^" et P. Septimius Geta Caes. Aug., restituerunt per C. Ovinium Tertullum, leg. pr. pr."" 3.781 (Tyra) (Cf. 3 pp. loog, loio, 1366, and 3.12509 11. 41 ff.) : ATred6dri Trpb cy' KoKav^Cbv Maprluv, ArjveQvos tj'. ' Avea-rddT] fTrl MovKiavov Kal ^a^iavov VTrdrcov^ . Pick 1272 Av. K. A. SeTT. Sen^pos 11. I'Vira. '22 'Qovlvi. Tepr^Wov, NtKoiroXcriSj' fTT. "lo-rpoj. Similar are 1271-1283. Coins of NikopoHs bearing the name of Tertullus as governor are found with the names and images of Severus and Caracalla as Augusti (Pick 1449), of Domna (Pick 1450-1452), of Caracalla Augustus (Pick 1516-1534), and of Caracalla Augustus and Geta Caesar (Pick 1622- 1625). 3.14428 shows Tertullus to have been governor of Moesia by July 20, 198. The Greek inscription quoted from AEM 10 (1886) is also of a. 198. 3.7602-7604 and 14461 belong to 200. 3.781 is of date Feb. 17, 201. In 3.7540, of a. 201, the name of Tertullus is correctly restored. "^ The earliest appearance of Britannicus among the titles of Seveiiis is usually stated to be in 209 (Egbert, Lat. Inscr., p. 136) or 210 (Cagnat, Cours d'epigraphie^, p. 195). I am unable to account for its use in these inscriptions (See n. 118). It does not seem possible to assume that tliey were not set up until after that date. ^^^ 3.7603, 7604, and 14461 are similar to this inscription in having VIII for the tribunicial number of Severus and II for that of Caracalla. The former gives us the date 200, the latter 199 according to the usual reckoning. The date 200 is probably correct, since the tribunicial numbers of Severus as the senior emperor were more likely to be given without mistake. Most inscriptions that contain the names of both of these emperors show a difference of five in their tribunicial numbers. In the following however the difference is six: 3.14201, 9.2122, 8.2550, of the year 198; the four inscriptions mentioned above of the year 200; 3.14485a, of 201; and 8.14395, of 209. In 10.7275, a. 199, the difference is seven; in 3.5981 and 4624, a. 201, the difference is eight; in 8.S469 the difference is nine; in 3.13800 and 8.6306, a. 205, the differ- ence is four. This list of exceptions to the rule of five is probably incomplete. It is not the result of a special investigation, but contains only the instances that have forced themselves on my attention in the course of this investigation. ^^ 3.7604 and 14461 also are similar to this one in omitting Aug. from the title of Ter- tullus. ^-- This governor was formerly thought to have the praenomen Lucius through a mistake in reading the A of 'VIIA on the coins as A and connecting it with the name of the governor. Compare n. 114. 6i 93 P- Antonius Faustus * Lieb. p. 286 gives P. Antonius Faustus as a governor of Moesia Inferior, a. 202, quoting Orelli 909. From Liebenam H. v. d. Weerd, p. 298, transfers him to his list of the governors of Moesia Inferior. But OrelH 909 is only an imperfect copy of 3.1685 ( See § 46.) and properly gives us the name of Q. Anicius Faustus, governor of Moesia Superior. The date is 202/210. 94 L. Aurelius Callus 202-205 Pick 1632 "PovX. nXavrlWa SejSacr. '\]ir. A. Avp. FaXXoi; 'NeiKonoXiTwv Trpbs I. This governor is known only from coins. Although the number of the extant coins of Plautilla is not large they are of at least nine different varieties from the mint at Nicopolis ad Istrum. As the name of Gallus is on all of them, it is likely that he was governor during all of the time that Plautilla was Augusta. Coins in her honor would almost certainly have been struck immediately after the marriage, which occurred in 202 (Dio 76.1.). Callus's admin- istration seems therefore to have begun by this year. Dio 76.6.3 says that she was banished after the death of her father, and the account implies that her banishment followed his death immediately. If we can fix then the date of his death we should think that Callus's term in Moesia extended at least to near that date, possibly of course beyond it. The Chronicon Paschale. p. 496. ed. Dindorf, has the entry,, 'Utt. TlXavriavov koX Vera, Il\avriavo<; 6 viraro^ ia(f)d>yT] irpb ta KaXavhpSiv (^e^pvaptcov.'"' According to this statement Plautianus was killed January 22, 203, the year of the consulship of Plautianus and the elder Geta. But Herodian, speaking of Plautianus just before his death, says (3.1 1.2) ev re tol<; Sevrepov virarevaaaiv ireTaKTo. Dio, 76.2.4, leading up to the account of the killing of Plautianus says : eTrei Be 6 a8€X4>o^ avrO) FeVa? reXevroiv iravra to, Kara rbv TlXavTtavov iixr^vevaev, oviced^ 6110 loi^ irLfirjaev, aXXa Kal T?}? 8vvdiJL€(o3 consular province.'" The period of the two Augusti would there- fore be too long for 211-212. The general style of the inscription favors the period 198/212 for his career. 96 Flavius Ulpianus 208/209—210 Pick 579 All. K. A. 'EeTTT. "Eevijpos \ 'V. ^\ OvXiriavov MapKiavo ttoKitQiv. Sim- ilar are Pick 578-584 from Marcianopolis, and 1332-1339 from Nicopolis ad Istrnm. Pick 595 Ail. K. A. 2e7r. "Levripos 'lovKla AopLva 2e;8. | 'V. ^\ OvKiriavov MapKiavoiroXiTibv. Similar are Pick 595-602. Pick 622 Av. K. M. Avp. ' Avruvlvos | 'V- 'i'X. OvXiriavov MapKiavoTroKiruv. Sim- ilar are Pick 622-626 from Marcianopolis and 1564-1585 from Nicopolis ad Istrum. Pick 649 Ail. K. M. Av. ' Avrwv'ivos, Av. K. 11. S. T^ras \ "V- *\. OvXiriavov MapKiavoTToXLTibv. Similar are Pick 649-652. Pick 1660 AiiT. K. n. SeTT. Teras Av. | 'V- 4>X. OvXTnav. NiKOTroXtr- irpos 'I. Similar are Pick 1660-1678. This governor is known only from coins. The coins of Severus and of Severus and Domna show that he was governor before the death of Severus, Feb. 4, 211 ; those of Geta Augustus show that he was governor after the beginning of 209. As he is the only governor whose name appears on coins of Geta Augustus or of Caracalla Augustus with Geta Augustus, he was probably already in the province at the time that Geta was made an Augustus, for this event would certainly have been celebrated at once by coins bearing the face and name of the new Augustus. See the text under the next governor, with note 129 for further discussion. 97 L. lulius Faustinianus 211 — 212 3.6177 (Troesmis) L. Itilio Faustiniano, leg. Aug[gg] pr. pr., ordo municipi Troesm. 3.7485 (Axiopolis) luliae Domnae Aug., matri castrorum, nautae universi Danuvi ex r. p. [sua] sub cura L. lul. Faustiniani, leg. Aug. n., n.'" Pick 569 Ail. K. A. ZeTTTt. Sen^pos 11. | 'V- !• ^avcmvdvov MapKLavoTroXirQv. Similar are Pick 560-577. Pick 610 Ail. K. M. 'Avp. 'Ai'Toi^'rvos |'V. 1. ^avcrrLvidvov ^lapKiapoiroXLTdv. Sim- ilar are Pick 610-613. 12s 9.729 is of the same man. So 6.2003.11. See note to 3.7485, where the reading Ti. of 6.2003 is corrected to L. 64 Pick 614 A.VT. M. 'ApijXt. 'Aj'TWJ'erj'os | "V- I- ^avcrrLviduov MapKiavowoXiT iov. Similar are Pick 614-621. In 610-613 the face of Caracalla is without beard, in 614-621 it has a light beard. The three g's in 3.6277 show that Faustinianus was in the prov- ince between 209 and 211 ; the one g in 3.7485 that he continued there until after Caracalla was sole ruler in 212. We should be able to depend on this evidence in this case, for the inscription was set up during his administration and in his own province, so that if there had been more than one Augustus at the time he would surely have been styled legatus Augustorum. The only time when he could have been a legatus of one Augustus was after the death of Geta. Hence I have placed him after Flavins Ulpianus."" 98 Aurelius Pontianus * This man is given by Lieb., p. 286, as a governor of Moesia Inferior under Septimius Severus, on the evidence of coins described in Mionnet Suppl. 2.74, 115. Pick 1.584* shows that these are incorrectly copied, and there is thus no evidence that Pontianus governed Moesia Inferior. '^ Pick p. 18(), places Faustinianus before Ulpianus. "Dagegen kBnnte allerdings einge- wendet werden, dass Caracalla auf den Jliinzen des Faustinianus in der Kegel alter aussieht als auf denjenigen des Ulpianus; auf der ersteren hat er nieistens schon leichten Bart, auf den letzteren ist er unbartig. - - - - Aber es ware doch sehr aufltallend, dass es mit dem Nanieti des letzteren (sc. Faustinianus) gar keine Fiinfer giibe; dass solche mit Caracalla und Geta (ehlen, liesse sich zur Noth durch spatere Einziehung (nach Getas Erniordung) erkltiren; aber warum es keine mit Severus und Donma geben, iiberhaupt das wichtigste Nominal von Marcian- opolis nachdem es einmal eingefiihrt war, gerade unter diesem Statthalter nicht gepragt vvorden sein sollte, ware unverstandlich. Ich glaube daher, dass trotz der Miinzen mit dem unbartigen Gesicht des Caracalla, Ulpianus der spatere Statthalter ist". Pick thus accounts for the absence of Fiinfers under Faustinianus by supposing, against the weight of other evidence, that he was governor before they began to be coined. But the absence of Fiinfers is not sufficient to outweigh the evidence both of the existing coins and of the inscriptions that his administration was later than that of Ulpianus. Pick has sufficiently accounted for the absence of Fiinfers of Caracalla and Geta. If Faustinianus had been governor only during the last year of Geta's life such coins might not have gone largely into circulation at Geta's death, and it would have been easy to destroy the whole mintage of them. He may have been in office only a month or two, or even less at the death of Severus, and in that case it would not be remarkable if no Fiinfers of Severus and Domna had been struck in that time. Fiinfers had been made for the first time under the preceding governor, and while they were popular later, the demand for them may not have been great at firet. Pick, Num. Zeitschr., 23 (1891) p. 37, doubts the reading of three g's in Auggg. in 3.6177, but it seems to be well attested. Even if this difficulty were disposed of, the one g in Aug. in 3.7485 would be difficult to account for on his theory. The fact also that Caracalla is nearly always bearded on the coins of Faustinianus, and never is bearded on those of Ulpianus except on the four Fiinfers where his younger brother is also complimented in the same way, brings strong support to the in- scriptional evidence for the later date of Faustinianus. 65 99 Aurelius Appianus * This man is given by Liebenam, p. 286, as a governor of Moesia Inferior under Septimius Severus on the evidence of coins described in Mionnet Suppl. 2.76 189-131. These coins are shown by Pick 1.600* ff. to have been incorrectly copied and restored, and there is thus no evidence that he gov- erned Moesia Inferior. 100 Quintilianus 211/217 Pick 635 Hioj Au7. ' AvTOJvlvos \ 'Vt. KwriKiavov MapKiavooMXirwv. Similar are Pick 635-648. Some of these read 'Avtuvivos Uios Avyoiia-ros. Pick 653 'AvTOJvivos AiryoviTTOs, 'Iot;Xia AA/uca ] 'Vtt. KvvTi\iavov MapKiavoirvXiTwv. Similar are Pick 653-695. This governor is known only from coins of Antoninus Pius Augustus and Domna.''" These determine his date to be between 201, when Caracalla received the title Pius, and 217, when he died. The absence of coins of Severus and Geta make it probable that the date is between 212 and 217, during the sole reign of Caracalla. loi Pomponius Bassus 212/217 It is uncertain whether he was governor of Moesia Inferior or of Moesia Superior. See § 47. 102 Pollenius Auspex * There is no evidence that there vi?as a governor of this name at this period if my interpretation of IGR 3.618 is correct. See discussion under Pollenius Auspex, § 90 and n. 116. ISO Liebenam, p. 292, gives L. Quintilianus as governor of Moesia Inferior a. 247/249 from two coins reported in Mionnet, Suppl. 2.115, 350, having on one side the heads of the elder Philip and Otaeilia. Pick 1206** says that the heads are those of Caracalla and Domna, and refers them to this governor. Tlie L. is derived as pointed out in n. 122. 66 103 ^- Statius Longinus 217 Pick 1764 AiiT. K. M. 'OTreX. Sei/^pos M.aKp2vos | 'Vtt. Srarfov Aopyivov NtKOTroX. . . . . 7rp6s'Icr. Similar are Pick 1720-1785. Pick 1833 K. M. 'OTreX. ' Avtwv. AiaSovfji.evi.di'os \ "Vjt. ^rarlov Aovyivov Ni/coTroXtTtDj' 7rp6s "la-Tpoi'. Uovriavov NeiKowoXiruv vpbs'la-Tpwv. Similar are Pick 1679-1682. Pick 709 AvT. K. 'OiriWi. I.ev^. MaKpeTvoi | 'Vtt. Uovriavov MapKiavoTroXeirCov. Similar are Pick 708-714. Pick 717 Ail. K. 'Oiri\. Seu. MaKpeTvos, K. M. 'OiriX- ' AvruveTvos K. | 'Vtt. llouTiavov MapKiavoTToXeiTdv. Similar are Pick 715-784. Several of these con- tain also some abbreviation for Diadumenos, the name of the younger Augustus. This governor is known only from coins, the nomen and prae- nomen only from Pick 1681 and 1682. See the next governor for discussion of the date. 105 Marcius Claudius Agrippa 218 Pick 1683 Ail. K. 'OirirdX. ^evrj. MaKpivos | 'Vtt. 'AypiTnra ^ikottoXltwv irpbs'lcrTp. Similar are Pick 1683-1719. The governor's name in 1691 is MdpK. 'Aypiinra, in 1709 KXai/. 'Aypiinra. Pick 1794 K- M. 'OiririX. 'Avroivi. AtaSov/uefidyos | "Vw. ' Ay piwrra '!>iiKO'iro\iTui' Similar are Pick 1792-1826. Pick 785 .... 'Ott^X 7vos K. M. 'OireX. ' AvTwveivo^ MapKiavo-iro\€iTwi>. The name Claudius is froniKXay. in Pick 1709. Several other coins have K. for KXauSto?. At the time of the murder of Cara- calla Agrippa was not yet of consular rank and was prefect of the fleet. (Vit. Caracallae 6.7.) He was enrolled among the consulares by Macrinus and sent to govern Pannonia. He was soon replaced there and sent to Dacia. (Dio 78.1 3.1.) These coins show that he was sent to Moesia Inferior before the end of his reign. The 67 appointment to Moesia was not mentioned by Dio because the other two appointments, both made in the first weeks or months of the reign, were those that aroused the censure of the better element. His administration in Moesia Inferior, then, probably came in the second year of Macrinus. Coins of Macrinus from Moesia Inferior are numerous, and three governors of the province are known in this short reign. Two coins made from the same die, one bearing the name of Pontianus and the other that of Agrippa, indicate that one of these was the immediate successor of the other. (Pick p. 432.) The reasons stated above for putting Agrippa late in the reign make it probable that he, and not Longinus, was the last of the three. If this is true Longinus must have been the first. The probable reason for the sudden promotion of Agrippa and the fre- quent change of governors under Macrinus is that there were not many men of the higher class of the nobility on whose loyalty the emperors could count with assurance. Dessau, Pros. M 165, infers that Agrippa was governor of Dacia and Moesia Inferior at the same time, but this would be unusual. The appointment to Dacia in the first place certainly did not include Moesia, since Moesia is not mentioned by Dio and was a more important command than Dacia. 106 lulius Antonius Seleucus 218/222 Pick 810 Airr. K. M. khpr). 'AvTuvdvos A117. | "Vtt. 'Ioi/X. 'Apt. SeXei/KOU, MapKiavoiroXiTuiv. Similar are Pick 810-875. Pick 935 AiV. K. M. Aiip. ' AvTOjvecvos 'lovXia MaTcra A117. | 'Vtt. 'IoijX. ' Avt. SeXei^Kov, MapKiavoiroirXLTCiv. Similar are 935-974. Pick 979 Avt. K. M. Avp. ' AvTwvelvos Airy, '\ov\ia Zouai/xt's. Similar are Pick 979-981. This governor is known only from coins of Marcianopolis. Pick p. 162, points out that the face of Elagabalus is unbearded on the coins of Seleucus but usually bearded on those of Titianus, and infers from this that the administration of Seleucus is earlier than that of Titianus, 107 T. Flavius Novius Rufus 218/222 3.6170 := 3773 (Troesmis) Imp. Caesari M. Aurelio [Antonino] Pio Fel. Aug. divi Severi [nepoti] divi Antonini [fil.], dedicante T. Fl. Novio Rufo leg. Aug. pr .pr., M. Ulp. Antipater sacerd. provin. et bis duumviral., ob Hon. pontif. 68 Pick 1898 AvT. K. M. Aup. ' AvTuive'ivos \ 'Yir. No^iov "Poi50ou JUikowoXitwp irpbs 'larpu). Similar are Pick 1893-2010. There are no coins of this reign from NicopoHs ad Istrum bear- ing the name of any other governor than Novius Rufus. There is nothing to determine with certainty whether he preceded or followed either or both Seleucus and Titianus. 108 Sergius Titianus 218/222 Pick 876 AiiT. K. M. Avp. ' Apt cave ivos | 'Vxr. ^epy. Tiriavov M.apKLavoiro\iTC)v. Similar are Pick 876-902. Pick 977 AiiT. K. M. Ai/p. ^ AvTWveivos. A117., 'lovXta Matcra 'A117. | 'Vtt. "Siipy. TiTMvoO. 'MapKiavoTToXiruv. Similar are Pick 975-978. Pick p. 262 Fast auf alien gut erhaltenen Miinzen mit dem Namen dieses Statthalters ist das Gesicht des Kaisers leicht bartig; Sergius Titianus scheint also die provinz Moesia inferior erst in der letzten Zeit des Elagabalus verwaltet zu haben, jedenfalls spater als Antonius Seleucus, auf dessen Miinzen der Kaiser immer unbartig ist. 109 lulius Gaetulicus 222? Pick 983 AvT. K. M. Avp. '^levij. 'AX^^avdpos \ 'Yir. 'Ion. TerovXiKOV, ^lapKLaviroXi- Twv. Similar are Pick 982-984. Pick 1068 AvT. K. M. Ail. Iievt]. 'AXi^avSpos, 'lov. Map-p-ia \ 'Vw. 'lov. TerovXiKov, MapKMVOiroXiTw v. Pick p. 281 Von den vier Statthaltern, die unter Alexander auf Miinzen von Markianopolis genannt sind, ist lulius Gaetulicus sicher der erste ; denn auf den Miinzen mit seinem Namen ist das Gesicht des Kaisers ganz iugendlich wie auf den ersten romischen. Fiir die drei anderen (Tib. lulius Festus, Um. Tereventinus, Fir. Phi- lopappus) ist die reihenfolge nicht sicher festzustellen. Our only inscription of a lulius Gaetulicus (8.8421) throws no light on this question. 69 I lo Tib. lulius Festus 222/235 Pick gg6 Aut. K. M. Avp. 'Eevi]. ' AX^^avdpos | 'Vt. Tt/3. 'loi/X. ^t^cttov, MapKiavo- wo\iruv Similar are Pick 995-1022. Pick 1051 AiiT. K. M. Avp. 'Zevij. 'AX^^aeSpos, 'lovXia Maicra \ 'Vtt. Ti^. 'loi^X. ^riffTov MapKiavoTToXiTuiv Similar are Pick 1051-1062. Pick 1070 AvT. K. M. Avp. ^evij. ' AX^^avdpos, 'lovXla Ma/j,tj.aM | 'Vt. TtjS. 'loi^X. ^■^arov MapKiavoiroXiTuiv. Similar are Pick 1070-1075. The coins of Maesa show that his administration came early in the reign of Alexander Severus. Cf. Her. 6.1.4 eVi iroXv 8' ovrco ap')(riip. ^iKoirdTTirov MapKiavoTroXiTuii'. Similar are Pick 1082-1085. See remarks under Um. Tereventinus, above. 114 Anicius Faustus Paulinas 230 37473 Imp. Caes., divi Magni Antonini Pii fil., [divi Severi Pii nep., M. Aur. Severe Alexandre Pio Felici Aug., pon]tif. maximo, t. [p.] IX, cos. Ill, p. p. [et luliae Mammaeae matri] Aug. n. et castrorum balnea coh. II Fl. Britt. Alexandrianae a solo restitutae sub Anicio Fausto Paulino leg. Aug. pr. pr. per Septimium Agathonicum praef. The year is determined to be 230 by the number of the tribunicial power. 115 Q. Decius Valerianus 234 3.12519 (Near Ezibey) Imp. Caesar M. Aurelius Severus Alexander Pius Felix sanctissimus Aug. tribuniciae potestatis XIII, consul III, pater patriae, proconsul, pontes derutos et vias conlapsas restituit, curante Qointo Decio pr. pr. leg. suo, m. p. 3.13724 (Markova Kapii) - - - - Quintus Decius, leg. ac pr(aeses) pro- vinciae. 2.4816 (Tarraconensis) Imp. Caes. C. lulius Verus Maxsiminus P. F. Aug. Germ. Max. Dae. Max. Sar. Max. Pont. Max. trib. pot., imp. V, p. p., cos., proc, et Gains lulius Verus Maxsumus nob. Caes. Germ. Max. Sar. Max. 71 princips iuventut. f. d. n. Imp. C. luli Veri Maximini p. f. Aug-, curante Quinto Decio Valeriano leg. Augg. . 3. 1 25 19 shows him to have been governor of Moesia Inferior in 234, 2.4816 shows him to have been governor in Spain in 237, where he still was in the early part of 238. (2.4756.) His cognomen is given by 2.4816, and fragments of it remain in 2.4831, 4834, and it is corrupted in 2.4828. It is more often however omitted in the inscriptions of Spain (2.4788, 4826, 4853, 4858. 4870, 4886, 4887) as it is in the two from Moesia. This fact seems to make sure the identification of the two men. While it is possible that the later emperor, C. Messius Quintus Traianus Decius, is the same man, the fact that he was proclaimed by the troops of Moesia does not com- pel us to assume this when we consider the circumstances of his proclamation as described in Zosimus 1.21 and Zonaras 12.19. The omission of Valerianus from the name of the emperor seems opposed to it. If they are the same man he was twice governor of Moesia. (See § 52.) 116 Flavius Lucilianus"' 235 3.14462 (Cogelak) [Imp. Caes. C. lul. Verus Maximinus Pi] us Fel. Invictus Aug. et C. lul. Verus Maximus nobilissimus Caes. restituerunt per Fl. Lucilianum leg. pr. pr., m. p. C. 3.7605 is a duplicate of this inscription. The date certainly falls between 235 and 238. It is probably 235, for after Jan. i, 236 we should have had cos. and after Jan. 16, 236 tr. pot. II among the titles of the emperor. 117 Domitius G . . . /'' 236 3.14429 (Near Lometz) Imp. Caesari Caio lulio Vero [Maximino] Aug., pontifici max., tribuniciae potest., cos., p. p., coh. I Cis^adensium, devota numini maiestatiq. eius, d. p. quaestur., dedicante Domitio leg. Aug. pr. pr. There is no further evidence concerning this man. This in- scription is dated a. 236. '^' 9.3608 (Aveia) Imp. Severo Antonino Aug. IIII cos. T. Fl. Lucilianus eq. pub. et T. Avidiaccus Furianus eq. pub. speleum Soli Invicto consummaver., cur. ag. P. Peticen Prime. In this inscription of a. 213 we may have the father of the legatus of 235. L. Flavius Lucili- anus, patronus Ganusii a. 223 (9.338) may be our governor. 134 The letters of the name following Domitio in the inscription have perhaps not been correctly read. ^2 ii8 C. Pe 238 3.7606 (Near Hirschova) Imp. Cae[s.] M. Antonio Gord[iano] Pio Fel[ici in]victo A[ug. p. m.], trib. p[ot. p. p.], pr[ocos., pontes] et vi[a- restituit pe]r C. P[e ] leg. A[ug.] pr. [pr.]. (An inscription of Dioclc' tian was later placed on the same stone.) 3.7607 (Near Hirschova) [Imp. Caes. M. Antonio Gordiano Pio Felici Invicto Aug. p. m., tri]b. pot., p. p., procos., C. Pe !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !"', leg. Aug. pr. pr., m. p. Comparison of these two inscriptions makes the restorations fairly certain. They belong to the year 238, the first of the reign of Gordianus III. See the next governor also. 119 Tullius Menophilus 238/241 Pick 1087 AvT. K. M. ' AvT. TopSiavos Aijy. \ 'Vtt. Mr]vo(pi\ov 'MapKiavoiroXi.Twv. Similar are Pick 1087-1097. Pick 1121 Al'T. K. M. 'AvTibvios Topdiavbs Aijy. \'Yir. MTjvo(pl\ov MapKiavoiroXirw., with busts of Gordianus and Serapis. Similar are Pick 1121-1170. Petr. Patr., Exc. 9 (Script. Hist. Byz.) "On Kaprrot €ireiJ.4/av wpbs TvWiov Mr]v6(pi\ov TTpea-^eiav OBtos 5^ 5oi>^ '^v Mvcrtas, Oi di fiera dyavaKTrjcrewi dvex^^pvc^f, '^''' ''^V'' '''O'J M7)vo<(>L\ov apxv" ^'5 Tp^a 'ir-q dwaOetaav ■fjcrvxl'O-i' eaxov. There are no coins of Tranquillina bearing the name of this governor; he seems, therefore, to have preceded Tertullianus. He was governor three years, according to Petrus Patricius. 3.7607 (see preceding governor for copy) proves C. Pe a damnatus, to have been governor in 238. This may have been his last year, however, and Pros. T 281 and IGR 1.580 may be correct in assign- ing the administration of Menophilus to 238-241, though it may have been a year later. 120 Sab(imus?) Modestus 238/244 Pick 2040 AvT. K. M. 'Ait. VopSiavbs Aijy. \ 'Yir. 2aj3. MoSicTov NtKoiroXtTyiD irpbs'IcrTpov. Similar are Pick 2040-2107. Sab(inius?) Modestus may have been a relative of Furia Sabinia Tranquillina, whom Gordian married in 241, and may have owed his appointment to her. If this is so he probably succeeded Menophilus in 241 or 242, and preceded Tertullianus. ^^ The fact that he was a damnatiis, and that we have no evidence that Tullius Menophilus was such, makes it probable that IGR 1.580, an inscription of the time of Gordianus, belongs to him rather than to Menophilus. The inscription adds nothing however that can serve our purpose here. 73 121 P. Rosius (or Prosius) Tertullianus 241/244 AEM 17 (1894) = IGR 1. 581 (Nicopolis ad Istrurti) Avt. [KatVopa] M. ['AvTujv. T]opdi[a]i'[6v Kal I,a]^ivi[ap T]pav-/K[v\\eiva]v 2 [e/3. Avy]ov(rTav [rj] ^ov[Xr] Kal] 6 leptliTaTos [d^fws N«K]o7roXeiTW»' [Oi/XTTias NeiKOTr] 6Xews [dvi(rTTi<7a\v evTvxCos [i']7raTei;o[j'T]os ITROSIOV Tepr [vX] XiawD, 7rpe[(r]/3. [ai']TL(TT[paTTiyov]. Pick 1098 Avt. K. M. 'Avt. Topdiavos Aijy. \ 'Vtt. TepTvWiavov MapKiavoiroXirw. buovoia. Similar are Pick 1098-1100. Pick 1 172 Avt. K. M. 'Ayr. Topdiavbs A£;7. 2^., TpavKvWeTva \ 'Vtt. TepTvWiapov MapKiavoiro\iTu)v. Similar are Pick 1172-1192. The name may be P. Rosius or Prosius. Both Rosius and Prosius are found elsewhere as nomina, but only the former among names of the nobility, so far as I know/'" His coins that bear the name of Tranquillina show that he was governor under Gordian after 241. His term was probably at the close of Gordian's reign. 122 Severianus 244 See § 50 for text and discussion. 123 L. Quintilianus * From an incorrect description of two coins of Marcianopolis in Mionnet, L. (CI.) Quintilianus has been given by some as governor of Moesia Inferior a. 247/249. See n. 130. 124 Prastina Messalinus 244/249 Pick 1 194 Avt. M. 'Iov\. ^IXiiriros Aijy., M. ' WTaK. Se^apa Se. | "Vtt. UpdaT. MeffffoXeLvov MapaawTroXeiTtDv. Similar are Pick 1194-1206. Pick 1207 M. 'Ioi;Xto5 'i>^Xt7r7ros KaTaap. | "Vtt. MeffffaXeivov MapKiavoTroXiTQv. Similar are Pick 1207-1209. This governor is known only from coins. He came later in the reign of Philip than Severianus (see § 122) and earlier than Marinus (see following). There is no evidence that his command extended over Moesia Superior, but it seems probable on general grounds that it did. ^38 The inscription seems to have escaped the notice of Dessau in Pros. T 89, and of van de Weerd, in H. v. d. W. p. 299, where this governor is given without his nomen. Ct. Pros. V 572. There is no doubt that the same man is referred to in the inscription and the coins. 74 125 Ti* Claudius Marinus Pacatianus 248 For texts and discussion see § 51. 126 C. Messius Quintus Traianus Decius 249 For texts and discussion see § 52. 127 P Post 249/250 3.12515 (Kasabkioi) Imp. Caes. [Gaio] Messio [Quin]to Tra[iano] Decci[o P. F. Aug.] G re[stituit] FP per P O C Post .... O leg. Au[g. pr. pr.] R The italicized letters appear to belong to an older inscription on the same stone. Trebonianus Gallus (see next governor) was gov- ernor at the close of the reign of Decius ; this governor's term, there- fore, ended by the close of 250 at least. 128 C. Vibius Trebonianus Gallus 251 Jordanes Get. 18 The Goths attack Novae and are repulsed "a Gallo duce." Also from Thrace the Emperor Decius fled into Moesia "ubi tunc Gallus dux limitis cum plurima manu bellantium morabatur." (19) "Defuncto tunc Decio Gallus et Volusianus regno potiti sunt Romanorum." Zos. 1.23 TdWov 8t] iwKTT-fiffa's ttj tov Tavaidos 6xdjl /J-era Swd/ieus apKO^cr-ris avrbs ToTs XeiwofJiivois ^■jrj/et. Zon. 12.20 TdWov 'iva tQiv rrj's [T]o[s Trjs] iiralpxeias] ro[v] 8ia[(rr]ij.]oTdTOV Avp evTVxC!)^ ^v e/^ [tt] opic^; [N]€i(co(7ro\etTu;j/) Aoi/poT^Xts. The inscription is from Gastilica on the lantras river near Nicopolis. The restoration vTrarevovro'i is certain, Ataarj fioTarov is not used in its later technical sense. Aur .... was clearly a gov- ernor of Moesia Inferior under Aurelian. The omission of the titles Medicus Maximus and Gothicus Maximus seems to indicate a date at the very beginning of the reign, 76 133 Claudius Annius Natalianus IGR 1.582 (Nicopolis ad Istrum) rbv -y^s Kal $a\d(ra-r]s Secrir&rrjv .... Ei't(i'xi7) 2;e(3( atrroi') [r]e[T]tKdi' ? Miyiffrov ]\ap6iK6v yi^yiarov 7} KparlaTt) ^ovXr] Kai 6 iepiiraToi drjfjLos ttjs NeiKOwoXeiTdv wpbs I crrpo f 7r6Xf cos av^cTTTjcrav evrvx^s, VTraT€v(ovroi) KX. 'A»'(i'/ou) N [ot] aXia^'ou Trpe 48,n.77,90,n.i 17.95,97- Augustus Caesar,emperor, i T. Avidiaccus Furianus n.133 Avidius Cassius 2>1 C. Avidius Nigrinus I7,58- T. Avidius Quietus 17,26. Aulus, incorrectly assumed from coins as praenomen, n.114 Aur 132 Aurelian, emperor, 132,133,136. Aurelianus n.77 Marcus Aurelius, emperor, n. 124,84,138; policy of, in appointment of gover- nors, 41 ; Marcomannic wars of, 39,40,41, i40,n. 140; titles of, 39-73. n.140. Aurelius Appianus 99 M. Aurelius Claudius 53.I3I- L. Aurelius Gallus 94 Aurelius Pontianus 98 auxilia 20 Bastarnae 20 C. Bellicius Torquatus n.105 beneficiarius consularis n.65 Bessi 6 bis, with titles, n.73 Bithynia 45 boundary lines, establishment of, '71 Bosporus 18 Breuci 7 Britain I9,n.28,36,4i, 46,68. Caecilius 2)2> A. Caecilius Faustinus 64 C. Caecina Largus 141 M. Caecilius Novatilianus 56 M. Caecilius Servilianus 88 A. Caecina Severus 4.7.8- Caerellius 41 Caerellii Macrinus, Faustinianus, luli- anus, n.70 L. Caesennius Paetus 20 Caligula, emperor, 15. n.28. Calpurnius Agricola 39,n.65,76. Calpurnius lulianus 57-135- P. Calpurnius Macer Caulius Rufus 65 L. Calpurnius Piso Frugi 6 Canusium, patroni of, 49,i03,n.i33. Cappadocia 36 Caracalla, emperor, 45.47,84,n. 116,89,92, 96,97, 1 00, 105, App. I ; tribunicial num- bers of, n.i2o; titles of, 89,n.ii7, App.i. Chersonese, Thracian, 6 Chersonese, Bosporan, 20,61. Christians, persecution of, n.123 Chronicon Paschale, trustworthiness of its dates, 94,n.i24; a source of, n.124. clarissimus vir 56,57.139- classis Misenensis n.85 classis Moesica 59 classis Ravennas n.85 Claudius, emperor, 15,16,18,20. Claudius Annius Natalianus 133 Ti. Claudius Atticus n.105 Claudius Clemens n.85 M. Claudius Fronto 34,39- C. Claudius Gentianus n.113 Claudius lulianus n.102 Ti. Claudius Marinus Pacatianus 51.125. L.Claudius Quintilianus 123 P. Claudius Regalianus, see Regali- anus. Ti. Claudius Saturninus 76 cognomen, of legion, 48 ; of person, n.91. colonia, deductio of, 26 comes Augusti, n. 58,45,83,95. Commodus, emperor, 45,84,91,138. consul, position of, among titles in in- scriptions, 29,n.i27; absens, 42, n.73 ; iterum, 61 ; dates of certain consules suffecti, n.24,n.28,i9,27,n.57, 42,45, n.73,47.69. n.93.73,76,n.i02, n.105, 8o,n.io7,82,83,85.90,94.95,n.i40 ; time between consulships of father and son, 90; consul II, 61. 92 Corbulo, see Domitius. Cornelius Clemens 39 M. Cornelius Nigrinus Curiatius Mater- nus 27 corrector civitatium 17 Cosconius Gentianus 89,90. Cot3-s, king of Bosporus, 18 Cotys, king of Thrace, 11 Cremona, battle of, 22 curator aedium sacrarum 40,138. curator alvei Tiberis 40 curator aquarum 18.19,29. curator civitatium 17 curator cloacarum urbis 36,40. curator operum publicorum 83 curator viarum 137 Curiatius Maternus 2^ Curio, see Scribonius. C. Curtius Justus 35 Daci 20,22. Dacia 39,n.65,42,434548,S3,57,58,85,90, 105,140; Dacia Malvensis, 43; Daciae III, 48. Dalmatia, see Delmatia. damnati 15,118,133. L. Dasumius Tuscus 32 Q. Decius, see the following and Mes- sius. Q. Decius Valerianus 52,115. deductio veteranorum 26 Delmatia n.23,29,40,53,90. destinatus 89 Dexippus n.137 h 10.(7 r\\xJtnaro^ 132 A. Didius Callus 18 dioecesis 139 Diocletian, emperor, 5 diplomata, form of d. classiaria, 59 Domitian, emperor, 4,26,27, 29,n. 53. Cn. Domitius Afer n.28 Cn. Domitius Corbulo 20 Domitius G 117 Domna, see lulia. dona militaria 31,43. dux Illyrici 53,54. dux limitis 53,128. dux vexillationum 45 Tjyeixoveiju} n. 132, n.138, 134,138. Egnatius Marinianus 55 Elagabalus, emperor, 47,106,108. Epiphanius Cyprius n.124 era, of Tyra, 20 Erucius Clarus 45 Eunones 18 Q. Eutetius Lusius Saturninus n.24 exercitator equitum singularium 58 F 136 L. Fabius Cilo 45 Fabius Postuminus 62 Fir. Philopappus 109,110,112,113. T. Flavins Longinus Q. Marcius Turbo 78 Flavins Lucilianus 116 T. Flavins Lucilianus n.133 T. Flavius Novius Rufus 107 Flavins Sabinus 19 Flavius Ulpianus 96,97,n.i29. Fonteius Agrippa 22,23,n. 51. Fratres Arvales 1 5, n. 28,78. fratres populi Romani 20 P. Fu. Pontianus 104,105. Fuficius Cornutus 72 Fuficius Quintianus 72 L. Funisulanus Vettonianus 4,29. Furia Sabinia Tranquillina 119,120,121. C. Furius Octavianus 49 Galatia 45 Gallienus, emperor, 54,55. Germania Inferior 7,n.i02. Germania Superior 20,26,41. Geta, emperor, 48,92,96,97,100. Geta, brother of Septimius Severus, see Septimius Geta. Getae n.51 Q. Glitius Atilius Agricola 61 Gordianus III, emperor, 118,120,121, 136. Goths n.51 Hadrian, emperor, i7.n-50,32.33>66, n.105. Haemus 6 P. Helvius Pertinax 42,45,85,86. Hispania 90,115. 93 M. lallius Bassus Fabius Valerianus 83 lazyges 20 Illyricum i ; exercitus lUyrici, n.23 incerti 136 Ingenuus 54 insignia triumphalia 14 lordanes n.5i,i28,n.i37. Italia Transpadana 40 item, meaning of in inscriptions, 4,n.i3, 29-11.54- ludaea 24,n. 56,68. lulia Domna 92,96,97,100. lulia Maesa 110,112. lulius Antonius Seleucus 106,107,108. lulius Castus 91 C. lulius Caesar i lulius Crassus 75 L. lulius Faustinianus 97 Tib. lulius Festus 109,110. lulius Gaetulicus 109 Sex. lulius Maior 70 A. lulius Pompilius Piso T. Vibius Lae- villus Berenicianus I40,n.i40. lulius Severus, see Minicius, Statilius. C. lulius Severus 79,n.io7. L. lulius Statilius Severus 79 lunius Blaesus n.20 C. lunius Faustinus Postumianus 95 A. lunius Pastor "j"] ius gladii 140 M". Laberius Maximus 61 Latinius Pandusa 11 legatus Augusti 26,83,137. legatus Augusti pro praetore 6,17. legatus consularis 9,12,15,22,28,68,138. legatus imperatoris alicuius 92,n.i2i. legatus iuridicius 139 legatus legati consularis 139 legatus legionis 9,10,16,19,26,85,137,140. legatus praetorianus 9,n.89,i38. legatus pro praetore 31 legatus pro praetore provinciae 139, n.i2i. legatus quaestorius 32,139. legio. Annihilation of, 20; length of ser- vice in, 35,n.6i,n. 73, n.140; cognomen of, 48; legio Mysiae Inferioris 137; I Adiut., n.71 ; I Ital., 137,140; III Aug., i40,n.i4o; IV Flavia, 32,58, i40,n.i4o; IIII Scyth., 20,139; V Mac, 20,n.65,n.83,85,i37,i39; VI Ferr., 22; VII CI., 137; VII Galb., n.41; VIII Aug., 20,26; XI CI., 137; XIII Gem., 20; XV Apol, 137; XVI F. R, n.74(b). Lentulus Gaetulicus n.20a libertus imperatoris 26,n.i39. M. Licinius Crassus i M. Licii>ius LucuUus i Q. Licinius Silvanus Granianus Quad- ronius Proculus n.91 L. Licinius Sura 31,63. Lucius, incorrectly assumed from coins as a praenomen, n.i22,n.i3o. Lucullus, see Licinius. ludi saeculares of Septimius Severus, 90 Lusitania 95 Lycia 90 Macedonia 3,6,8,9,io,i5,n.23,n.24,i6,n.26, 17-50. Macrinus, emperor, 47,105. M. Macrinius Avitus Catonius Vindex 43.87. Maesa, see lulia Maesa. Marcianopolis 106 Marcius Claudius Agrippa 105 Marcomanni 39,40,41. Marcus Aurelius, emperor, 34,36,39,40, 4i,42,43,n.io5,84,95,i40,n.i40. Mariniana 55 Marinus, emperor, see Ti Claudius Marinus Pacatianus. L. Marius Maximus Perpetuus Aurel- ianus n.74(a) L. Marius Perpetuus 48 Martins Macer 16 Martins Verus 83 Mehadia, in Moesia Superior? n.83 P. Memmius Regulus 9,15. C. Messius Quintus Traianus Decius 52,115,126,128. Sex. Minicius Faustinus lulius Severus 68 L. Minicius Natalis Quadronius Verus 32,69. missio 26,35,n.73,n.i40. 94 Mithradates, king of Bosporus, i8 Moesia, conquest of, i ; organized as a province, 2,n.i8; administered for a time jointly with Achaia and Mace- donia, 3,8,9,15,16; as a part of other administrative units, 5,42,50,52,53,54, 105,126,128,129; use of the word Moesia without Superior or Infe- rior in inscriptions, 27; division of, 4,n.43,n.52a,n.55,59; rank of the gov- ernors of, 5,9,19,20; legions of, n.23, 20,21,26,51,54,126,128; receives colo- nists from north of the Danube, 20; sends wheat to Rome, 20. Moesia Inferior becomes a province, 4; rank of governors of, 5,38,n7i, 95,n.i38,r37,i39; forms part of a larger administrative district at va- rious times, 5,50,51,52,53,54,124,128, 129; legions of, n.64,85,137; boun- daries of, 20,71,81,88,138, see also Nicopolis ad Istrum in this index. Moesia Superior becomes a province, 4; rank of governors of, 5,29,34,38, 4i,n.7i,i39; forms part of larger ad- ministrative district at various times, 5,39,40,50,51,52,53,54,124,128,129 ; le- gions of, 32,n.64 ; boundaries of, n.83. Mucianus 22 P. Mummius Sisemia Rutilianus 34 Q. Mustius Priscus 77,n.io5. name, long, as indication of date, 27 Narcissus i9,n.29. Nero, emperor, 19, n. 29,20. Nerva, emperor, 59 Nicomedia 45 Nicopolis ad Istrum 7i,8i,88,i32,n.i38, 138. Niger, see Pescennius. Nonius Asprenas n.28 Nonius Quintilianus n.28 Novius Rufus, see Flavins Novius Rufus. Noricum n.71 Numidia n.56,n.57,46,n.73,n.73a,74,i40. Sex. Octavius Fronto 59 Oppius Sabinus 4,27,28. optimus prmceps 17 Otho, emperor, 19,21. L. Ovinius Rusticus Cornelianus C. Ovinius Tertullus 91,92. 137 Pamphylia 6 Pannonia 4,20,29,n.4i,n.54,n. 56,31, n.6o, 45>5i>52,53,6i,72,77,io5,i29. Pannonia Superior 45,77,n.io5. Parthicus Maximus, a title of Septimius Severus, n.73,App.i. patrocinium (patronus) 26,45,49,103, n.i33- C. Pe 118,119. Pedanius Secundus 19 Perinthus 45 Pertinax, see Helvius Pertinax. Pescennius Niger 45,n.72. Philip, emperor, 50,52,74,124. Philopappus, see Fir. Philopappus. Philippopolis 13 Cn. Pinarius Aemilius Cicatricula Pom- peius Longinus 30 Plautianus 94 Plautilla 94 Ti. Plautius Silvanus Aelianus 20 Pollenia Honorata 90 Pollenius Auspex 90,102. Pollienus, see Pollenius. . . . n. Pompeianus 44 Pompeius Falco, see Roscius. Cn. Pompeius Longinus n.56 Pomponius Bassus 47,101. L. Pomponius Flaccus 10,11,12. Pomponius Labeo 14 T. Pomponius Proculus Vitrasius Pollio Q. Pomponius Rufus 60 M. Pontius Laelianus T] M. Pontius Laelianus Larcius Sabinus V Pontus 18,45. C. Poppaeus Sabinus 7,8,9,10,13,14, n.23. M. Porcius Cato n.28 P. Post 127 praefectus aerari 29,139. praefectus classis 59,105. praefectus praetorio 28,94. 95 praefectus urbis 19.45- praepositus legionibus 140 praepositus vexillationibus 45 praetor 16,19,29,43. praeses provinciae n. 74(b), 56,11. 85. Prastina Messaliiius 124 C. Prastina Pacatus Messaliiius 74 Probus, emperor, 133 proconsul, with numeral, in an inscrip- tion, n.73 procurator provinciae 26,43. prorogatus 8 Prosius, see P. Rosius. quaestor 32,43. quaestorii legati 139 quindecemvir sacris faciundis 90 Quintilianus n.28,100,123. Raetia 4i,n.69,n.7i. Regalianus 54'i30- Regulus, see P. Mumniius Regulus. Rhescuporis 6,10,11,12. Rhoemetalces 6 Rhoxolani 20 Q. Roscius Coelius Murena Silius Deci- anus VibuUus Pius lulius Eurycles Herclanus Pompeius Falco 66 P. Rosius Tertullianus 119,120,121. rtorius 69 Rubrius Gallus 23 Rutilianus, see Mummius. Rutilius Gallicus n.97 n.74('b),n.ii9,App.i-3; tribunicial numbers of, n.74(b),n.i20. C. Septimius Vegetus n.85 Sergianus Titianus 106,107,108. M. Servilius Fabianus Maximus 3840. 82. Severianus 50,122. socii 6 sodalis Hadrianalis 45 Sosius Falco 45 Statilius, see L. lulius Statilius Severus. T. Statilius lulius Severus 80 M. Statins Longinus 103,105. M. Statins Priscus Licinius Italicus 36, 40. T. Suellius Marcianus 138 Syncellus n.137 Syria 37,42,45,79. Tacitus, chronology of the Annals, 11, 12.20. Tertullianus, see Rosius. Thracia,Thraeci, 2,6,10,11,13,26,45,53,71, 81,88,11.138,134,138,141- Tiberius, emperor, 3,9,11,12. Trajan, emperor, 17,31,40,57,61,66. Tranquillina, see Furia. Transpadana 40 Trebonianus Gallus, see Vibius. tribunus milituni 32,110. Troesmis 10,85. Tullius Menophilus n.135,119,120. Tullius Tuscus s^ P. Tullius Varro 32,40. Tyra 20,84. Sab. Modestus 120 M. Salonius Longinius Marcellus I39 Sarmatae 20,21,22,37. C. Scribonius Curio i Scythi 51 Seianus 14 M. Seius Veranus n.24 Sentius Caecilianus n.97 septemvir epulonum 29 Septimius Geta, brother of the emperor Septimius Severus, 45,94- Septimius Severus n.70,4S.n.74(b),84, 9O,92,n.i24,96,97.i0O,i38; titles of. Valerian, emperor, 53 P. Vellaeus 9,13. Q. Veranius n.28 Verus, emperor, 34,n.6o,36,39,43,76,n.i02, n. 105,79,83,84,95- Vespasian, emperor, 19,20,21,23. L. Vettius lubens 134 Sex. Vettulenus Cerealis 24 C. Vettulenus Civica Cerealis n.42,2S, 26. C. Vibius Trebonianus Gallus 127,128, 129. Victorianus Censitus n.73,n.73a. 96 p. Vigellius Raius Plarius Saturninus Um. Tereventinus 109,110,112. Atilius Braduanus Caucidius Ter- L. Volusius Saturninus 19 tullus 85 Volusianus, emperor, 129 Vimiuacium 45.55- worei/w 132, n.ii4,n. 122, 132, n. 138, 134,138. Vitellius, emperor, 19,21. Vitennius luvenis 134 L. Vitrasius Flaminalis 40 C. Zeno 81 L. Vitrasius Flamininus 40 Zonaras, a source of, 52 Vitrasius Pollio, see Pomponius. Zosimus, a source of, 52,128,129. 97 /r book is DUE on the last date stamped below UC SOUTHERN HtGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 682 732 3 r 3 1158 00290 5163 OBXHt :i J' ,1' :< .■■*:/■! Xi-r ■■.r,'&ii^ ^\L, ^.;f:. ■ff;l^