UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY llllllli Hill III III II III II III! Ill lllll||l II If AA 000 621 697 2 n\_\rC:uiiA •" / ■^^ < i V 19^ Xi- Issued July 29, 1912. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF STATISTICS— Circular 31. VICTOR H. OLMSTED, Chief of Bureau. ANNUAL AND AVERAGE PRODUCTION OF AND INTER- NATIONAL TRADE IN IMPORTANT AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS, BY COUNTRIES. COMPILED BY ROYAL T. McKENNA From Yearbooks of the Department of Agriculture. y 41668°— Cir. 31—12 1 WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1912 University of California — o> — Plant Patlv'Ji^^v SRLF YRL ccj LliTTKR OF TRANSMrriAI. U. S. Department of Aguiculture, Bureau of Statistics, Wa^liington, D. C, March 21, 1012. Sir: 1 have tlio honor to transmit horo\\'ith manuscript prepared b}^ Eo3'al T. AfcKenna, of this bureau, Avhicli contains a compilation, first, of the annual and average production of important agricultural products in the leading producing countries, with the i)ercentage which each contributes to the so-called "world" production; second, similar data respecting exports of certain agricultural products; and, third, data respecting imports of certain agricultural products. The compilation is useful for ready reference. Much of the cur- rent information of crop production and movement is unintelligible to the average reader, because comparative figures arc not given. Statistical data are of comparative value; for instance, a statement of the yield of wheat in Russia this year would have little value to most })ersons until they learned the average yield to which this year's yield may be compared, and, also, the relative importance of Russia as a wheat-producing country. To supply such data for comparison this manuscript has been prepared, which I recommend to be pubUshed as Circular No. 31 of the Bureau of Statistics, entitled "Aiuiual and Average Production of and International Trade in Important Agricultural Products, by Countries." Very respectfully, Victor II. Olmsted, Cldef of Bu reau. Hon. James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture. CONTENTS Page. Corn 9 WTieat ]0 Wheat flour 12 Oate 12 Barley 13 Rye 13 Potatoes 14 Cotton 14 Cottonseed oil 16 Tobacco 16 Flaxseed 18 Rice 19 Hops 21 Sugar 23 Tea 25 Coffee 25 Oil cake and oil-cake meal 27 Rosin 27 Turpentine 28 India rubber 28 Wood pulp 28 Average production of and international trade in important agricultural products 29 Rank of the United States in the production of and international trade in speci- fied products :iO 5 ANNUAL AND AVERAGE I'RODUCTION OF AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN IMPORTANT AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS, BY COUNTRIES. Annual statistics of production and distribution, to liavo practical value, must be correlated with comparable statistics. A statement that a specified country has produced this year 100,000,000 bushels of wheat has in itself little meaning. The query naturally arises: Is this production unusually large, indicating a liberal supply, or does it indicate a short supply, likely to cause a tendency toward liigher prices? The mere statement of the year's production does not give sufficient information to answer the queries. Furthermore, is the country in question an important factor, either in the production or m the international trade in this product ? Crop news, especially that which appears in the daily or weekly press, frecjuently contains bare facts relative to the indicated pro- duction of a specified country, without comparative data. Traders, who are constantly engaged in the business, may be able to compre- hend such information readily, but man}' readers, although interested in the subject, may not be similarly well informed nor have the necessary comparative data in hand. For the purpose of having in convenient form data of the average production of and trade in certain crops in important countries, the following tables have been prepared. Late, and, in most cases, official data have been used in every instance. The figures of production in the United States relate only to con- tinental United States, except that those relating to coffee and sugar production include Porto Eico and Hawaii. The expression ''world's total production" of crops, used as in trade circles, includes only countries for wliich trustworthy data are available. Official data can be obtamed from most Govern- ments, but there are a few large countries for wliich the olficial data are incomplete; and some, such as Cliina and Persia, for which official data of production are lacking. 7 8 PRODUCTION AND TRADE IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. In the figures of "world" crop production the crops of wheat and flaxseed harvested in the Southern Hemisphere from November to February of any year are coupled with those harvested in the Northern Hemisphere in the succeeding autumn. Statistics of the exports and imports of products specified in this circular represent substantially the international trade of the world. It should not be expected that the totals of the world's exports and imports in the same year will agree. Among sources of disagreement are these: (1) Imports received in the year subsequent to year of export; (2) different periods of time covered in the year of the various countries; (3) lack of uniformity among different countries in the classification of goods; (4) different practices and varying degrees of failure in recording countries of origin and ultimate desti- nation; (5) different practices of recording reexported goods; (6) different methods of treating free ports. The exports given are of domestic produce, with a few exceptions, and the imports are imports for consumption as far as it is feasible and consistent so to express the facts. While there are some inevitable omissions, on the other hand there are some duplications because of reshipments that do not appear as such in official reports. For the United Kingdom import figures refer to imports for consumption, when available, otherwise total imports less exports of "foreign and colonial merchandise." The exports and imports of the United States include Alaska, Porto Rico, and Hawaii. A revision of the international trade tables is now being made in the Division of Production and Distribution of the Bureau of Sta- tistics. This revision seems advisable on account of (1) a change in the official equivalent of the kilogram recently adopted by the bureau ; (2) a failure in a few cases to use exactly the same classifi- cation from year to year for such composite groups as sugar, wool, and oil cake; (3) new returns received from important countries. The revised totals for world's exports and imports will therefore differ slightly in some cases from the totals published in the Year- books of the department and used in tliis circular. This revision is being made as rapidly as practicable. PRODUCTION AND TRADE IX AORICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 9 CORN. [Exports and imports Include com meal.) Annual production (crop years). Annual exports (including com meal) (calendar years). Annual imtwrt.s (inc liding com meal) (calendar years),-1910... 1901-1905... 1,594,575,000 1, 592, 3;«, 000 32,242,000 29,813,000 2.0 1.9 1,594,575,000 100.0 14 PEODUCTION AND TEADE IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. POTATOES. Annual production. Average annual production, 1905-1909. Crop year. "World." United States. Per cent of "world'' crop grown in United States. Country. Bushels. Per cent of "world" produc- tion. 1911 Busheh. Bushels. 292,737,000 349,032,000 389,195,000 278,985,000 298,262,000 308,038,000 260,741,000 332.830,000 247,128,000 284.633,000 187,598,000 210,927,000 Germany Russia (Euro- pean) 1,689,085,000 1,048,067,000 709,165,000 529,249,000 307,044.000 242,630,000 94,184,000 85,403,000 79,939,000 72,035,000 338,207,000 32.5 1910. . . 5,196,715,000 5,536,522,000 5,2"'3,584,000 5,121,222,000 4, 789, 112, mX) 5,254,598,000 4,298,049,000 4,409,793,000 4,674.000,000 4,669,958,000 4,382,031,000 6.7 7.0 5.3 5.8 6.4 5.0 7.7 5.6 6.1 4.0 4.8 1909 20.2 1908 Austria-Hun- earv . 1907. . 13.7 1906 France 10.2 1905 1904 United States . . . United King- dom 5.9 1903 4.7 1902 Netherlands Spain 1.8 1901 1.6 1900 ... Belgium 1.5 Canada 1.4 Other countries. . "World" total 6.5 5,195,008,000 Average: 1905-1909... 1900-1904... 5,195,008,000 4,486,766,000 307,044,000 252,623,000 5.9 5.6 100.0 COTTON. [Bales of 500 pounds, gross weight, or 478 pounds of lint, net.] Annual production. Annual exports (calendar years). Annual imports (calendar years). Crop year. World. United States.o Percent of "world" crop grown in United States. World. United States. Percent of "world" exports from United States. World. United States. Percent of "world" imports into United States. 1910 Bales. 19,992,780 18,051,685 21,320,793 18,820,925 22,108,645 18,342,075 21,005,175 17,278,881 17,3.31,503 15,926,048 15,893,591 Bales. 11,608,616 10,004,949 13,241,799 11,107,179 13,27,3,809 10,575,017 13,438,012 9,8.51,129 10,630,945 9, .509, 745 10,12,3,027 Percent. 58.1 55.4 62.1 59.0 60.0 57.7 64.0 57.0 61.3 59.7 63.7 Bales. 12,424,064 12,68:3,027 12,995,848 13,692,706 11,807,624 12,297,518 10,701,729 10,887,4()6 10,810,171 10,755,334 10,030,020 Bales. 7,289,806 8,149,477 9,152,070 8,769,988 7, 700, 458 8,310,524 6,801,089 7,296,145 7,144,2;il 7,433,84(i 7,108,578 Percent. 58.7 64.3 70.4 64.0 65.2 67.6 63.6 67. tS6. 1 ti9. 1 70.9 Bales. 12,262,384 13,158,212 12,656,018 13,617,895 11,532,746 12,075,230 10,926,922 10,947,408 10, 032,58:3 10,345,lbl 9,695,969 Bales. 178,409 193,940 154,662 236,293 137,415 142,982 102,529 132, 209 178,592 142,817 126,607 Per cent. 1.5 1909 1.5 1908 1.2 1907 1.7 1906 1.2 1905 1.2 1904 .9 1903 1.2 1902 1.7 1901 1.4 1900 1.3 Average: 1905-1909. 1900-1904. 19,728,824 17,487,040 11,640,551 10,710,572 .59.0 61.3 12,695,345 10,636,944 8,416,503 7,156,898 66.3 67.3 12,607,820 10,509,609 173,058 136,551 1.4 1.3 a Excluding linters. PRODUCTION AND TRADE IN ACRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. AVERAGE ANNUAL PRODUCTION, 1905-1909 (CROP YEARS). 15 Country. Balps of 500 Per cent poiinils, KToss of wciKlit, or 478 "world" pounds of lint, pro0,20o,074 615,02(;,599 Pounds. .328,502,030 .351,.5tV4,177 305,45.5,871 317,399,9N0 :i:«i, 7:50, 4.55 292,92.5,181 349,331,0S7 310,325,914 3<>4,009,340 308, 743,. 593 305.033,235 39.3 1909 4.3.2 1908 «J. U 1907 41.0 1906 43. 3 1905 44.4 1904 49.5 1903 *i. 5 1902 48.4 1901 Hi.a 1900 49.5 Average: 1905-1909 757,727,907 082,079,540 320,815,134 328,700,754 42.3 1900-1904 . 48.1 ANNUAL IMPORTS (UNMANUFACTURED). Calendar year. "World." United States. Per cent of "world" imports into United States. 1910 Pounds. 749,4.39,082 739,571,200 752,405.520 728,212,002 086,249,810 723, 428, 407 072,656,403 648, 524, 240 014,142,678 020.052.079 004,110,450 Pounds. 42, 343, .323 44,221.940 37.005.211 34,088,288 41,720.224 33,887,947 30,003,290 32,997,923 .32,192,212 28,01T,550 23.192.105 5.7 1909 6.0 1908 5.0 1907 4.7 1906 6.1 1905 4.7 1904. 4.5 1903 5.1 1902 5.2 1901 4.5 1900 3.8 Average: 1905-1909 725,973,413 633,097,172 38,317.922 29,400,616 5.3 1900-1904 4.6 AVERAGE ANNUAL EXPORTS (UNMANUFACTURED), 1905-1909 (CALENDAR YEARS). Country. United States Dutch East Indies. . Brazil Turkey c Cuba Philippine Islands. . British India Austria-Hungary Santo Domingo Russia Other countries "World" total Pounds. Per cent of "world" exports. 320, 140, 52. 39, 34, 23, 23, 20, 18 17, 62, 815,134 .i25,0tMl 063 207 207 984 018,304 202.510 181,313 384, 1.57 0.58, 000 204,449 407,777 757,727,907 42.3 19.3 6.9 5.2 4.5 3.1 3.1 2.7 2.5 2.3 8.1 100.0 18 PRODUCTION" AlSTD TRADE IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. AVERAGE ANNUAL IMPORTS (UNMANUFACTURED), 1905-1909 (CALENDAR YEARS). Country. Germany United Kingdom. . . France Netherlands Austria-Hungary. . . Italy Spain United States Belgium Egypt Other countries "World" total Pounds. 161,928,393 85,425,596 58,484,234 47,864,305 46,557,022 42,504,043 40,585,002 38,317,922 21,113,582 18,290,606 164,902,708 725,973,413 Per cent of "world" imports. 22.3 11.8 8.1 6.6 6.4 5.9 5.6 5.3 2.9 2.5 22.6 100.0 a Exports 100,200,000 pounds for Java, and production of 48,772,000 pounds for Sumatra. b Exports. c Estimate based on data for year beginning Mar. 14, 1900. FLAXSEED. Annual production. Average annual production, 1905-1909. Crop year. "World." United States. Per cent of "world" crop grown in United States. Country. Bushels. Per cent of "world" produc- tion. 1911 Bushels. Bushels. 19,370,000 12,718,000 19,513,000 25,805,000 25,851,000 25,576,000 28,478,000 23,401,000 27,301,000 29,285,000 25,000,000 18,000,000 Argentina 33,912,000 25,045,000 20,209,000 12,622,000 1,575,000 1,445,000 1,408,000 617,000 598,000 351,000 295,000 610,000 34 3 1910 United States Russia (European) . British India Russia (Asiatic) Canada 1909 100,943,000 100,850,000 102,960,000 88,105,000 100,458,000 107,743,000 110,455,000 83,891,000 72,314,000 62,432,000 19.3 25.6 25.1 29.0 28.3 21.7 24.7 34.9 34.6 28.8 25.4 1908 20 5 1907 12.8 1906 1.6 1.5 1905 Austria-Hungary. . . Uruguay 1904 1.4 1903 France . 6 1902 Netherlands Belgium 1901 .4 .3 1900 Other countries "World" total... .6 Average: 1905-1909 1900-1904 98,675,000 87,367,000 25,045,000 24,597,000 25.4 28.2 98,675,000 100.0 o Commercial estimate. PRODUCTION AND TRADE IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. RICE ' (MOSTLY CLEANED RICE). 19 Annual production. Crop year. World. United States." Per cent of "world" crop grown In Lnite(JN 609,537 8,375,629,013 190.5-1909 9,.S5S.190,474 9,129,076,241 193.062,758 144,720,807 2.0 1.6 11 297,164.6.30 10,440,926,423 a Includes only Contmental United Stato.s. '' Exports of rico from the United States to foreign countries for 1906-1910 averapo less than 4.000.000 pound.s per annum; but the average annual shipments to Porto Rico, 1906-1910, average about 97,(KX),(X)0 pounds. 20 PRODUCTION AND TRADE IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. AVERAGE ANNUAL PRODUCTION,o 1905-1909 (CROP YEARS). Country. Pounds. Per cent of "world" produc- tion. British India b Japanese Empire Java Slam French Indo-China Korea c Madagascar Philippme Islands Italy United States (including Hawaii) United States Other countries "World" total 69, 17, 6, 6, 5, 1 720, 400, 000 644,119,000 899,600,000 824, 000, 000 000, 000, 000 200, (XX), 000 953,000,000 716, 000, 000 703,400,000 565, 389, 000 531,989,000 869,851,000 114,095,759,000 61.1 15.5 6.0 6.0 4.4 2.8 .8 .6 .6 .5 .5 1.7 100.0 AVERAGE ANNUAL EXPORTS, 1905-1909 (CALENDAR YEARS). Country. Pounds. Per cent of "world" exports. British India 4, 249, 459, 576 2,177,224,657 1,937,210,237 758,025,271 330,838,501 308,945,219 305,229,571 187, 482, 214 113,028,881 82,711,935 847, 008, 568 37.6 French Indo-Chlna 19.3 Siam ' 17.1 Singapore 6.7 Netherlands 2.9 Germany 2.7 Penang 2.7 Formosa 1.7 Dutch E ast Indies 1.0 France . .7 Other countries 7.6 "World" total 11,297,164,630 100.0 AVERAGE ANNUAL IMPORTS, 1905-1909 (CALENDAR YEARS). Country. Pounds. Singapore Japan China Germany Dutch East Indies. . Ceylon United Kingdom Netherlands France Philippine Islands. . Other countries "World" total 883,134,915 9.0 870, 237, 653 8.8 805, 703, 414 8.2 767,265,942 7.8 709, 550, 294 7.2 686,380,839 7.0 656,562,243 6.7 606,133,366 6.1 421,760,014 4.3 348, 706, 327 3.5 3,102,755,467 31.4 9,858,190,474 Per cent of "world" imports. 100.0 a The United States crop is computed from the official returns, wluch are for rough rice, allowing 45 pounds rough to 1 bushel, and 162 pounds rough to 100 potmds clean. China, which is omitted, has a roughly estimated croi) of .5(),(KKl,()00,l)00 to 60,()()(),UOO,(KH) pounds. Other countries omitted are Afghanis- tan, Algeria, Colombia, Federated Malay .States, I'eisia, Trinidad and Tobago, Tiu'key (Asiatic and European), Venezuela, and a few other countries of small production. bData for British India refer to years beginning April I of the years mentioned in the heading. Pro- duction given here is estimated unoilicially for the entire country on the basis of oflicial returns for about 0.7 per cent of the area harvested. c Estimated from olTicial returns of exports of this country, and from per capita consumption of rice in Japan, ls'.)4-19()3, including food, seed, and waste, but not iucludiug rice used for sake (270 pounds per annum). PRODUCTION AND TRADE IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 21 HOPS. ANNUAL PRODUCTION. Crop year. "World." o linited Slates. Percent of "world" crop prown in United HUtes. 1911 Pounds. 147,. 315, 000 1H2,517,0(K) ll(i,3K<.),000 22.5, 32(1. (KH) 212,413.rXM) 1H0,99S OtH) 277,200,000 178.sn2,00<) 174,457,000 170,00.3,000 201,902,000 Pounds. 40,000,000 44,000,000 40,000,000 3'J.00().00(» 54,000.000 ti(),2Hll,C«0 55,.5;itl,0OO 49,12.5,000 44,295,000 39,000,000 38,800,000 Per cent. 27.2 1910 24.1 1909 :j4.4 1908 17.3 1907 2.5.4 1900 :i3.3 1905 20.0 1904 27.5 1903 25.4 1902 .. 22.9 1901 19.2 Average: 1900 1910 183,527,000 200,497,000 47,457,000 45,. 351, 000 25.9 1901-1905 22.6 ANNUAL EXPORTS. Calendar year. 1910 1909 1908 1907 1900 1905 1904 1903 1902 1901 Average: 1906-1910 1901-1905 "World." Pounds. 56,838,892 .55,201,Sf>5 09.159,008 02,909,084 05,795,524 55,185,057 68.181,507 47,003,388 .53.208,000 55,032,255 62,004,995 55,722,053 United States. Pounds. 12.748,617 8,955,533 21,423.869 16,090,959 17,701,430 5,713,682 17,777,608 9,199,448 9,150,244 9,915,434 15,384,083 10,. 352, 483 Per cent of "world" exporta from United States. Per cent. 22. i 16.2 31.0 25.6 26.9 10.4 26.1 19.6 17.2 18.0 24.8 18.6 ANNUAL IMPORTS. Calendar year. 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1903 1902 1901 Average: 1900-1910 1901-1905 "World." Pounds. 50,724. 50.330, 70,2>)0, 02,121, 65,377, .^2..^57, 70,2.'<0, 48, lis. 54,878, 53,588. 2.53 71S 729 955 247 226 440 :J52 173 4:J5 62,171,380 55,844,525 United States;. Pounds. 5,S2<.520 0,S07. (>.>*<» 7,309.rvM 7,lt'>:{,35<} 7.849,548 5,9,488 3,885,974 4,778.144 2,669.045 7,002.759 4,407,637 Per cent of "world" imports into United States. Per cent. 10.3 12.1 10.5 11.5 12.0 11.4 6.7 8.1 8.7 5.0 11.3 7.9 22 PRODUCTION" AND TEADE IN AGRICULTUEAL PRODUCTS. AVERAGE ANNUAL PRODlJCTION, 1906-1910 (CROP YEARS). Country. United States a Germany ; United Kingdom Austria-Hungary Russia (European). . France Belgium Tasmania New Zealand b Victoria Other countries "World" total Pounds. 47,457,000 43,213,000 36,013,000 30,130,000 9,584,000 7,770,000 6,405,000 1,284,000 927,000 181,000 663,000 183,527,000 Per cent of "world" produc- tion. 2.5.9 23.5 19.6 16.4 5.2 4.2 3.5 .7 .5 .1 .4 100.0 a Production in the States of New York, California, Oregon, and Washington only, based on estimates of the "California Fruit Grower" and "American Agriculturist." b Estimate based on olTicial figures of area, multiplied by yield as given in census, 1895, 1,088 pounds. Data for 1909 used for 1910. AVERAGE ANNUAL EXPORTS, 1906-1910 (CALENDAR YEARS). Country. Pounds. Per cent of "world" exports. Germany Austria-Hungary United States Belgium Netherlands United Kingdom Russia New Zealand France Other coim tries "World" total 23,034,652 16,410,428 15,384,083 2,396,742 1,499,590 1,255,834 1,249,272 329, .504 253,266 191,624 62,004,995 37.1 26.5 24.8 3.9 2.4 2.0 2.0 .5 .4 .4 100.0 AVERAGE ANNUAL IMPORTS, 1906-1910 (CALENDAR YEARS). Country. Pounds. Per cent of "world" imports. TTnited Ivinf?dom . . . . ..- 22,365,078 7,002,759 6,538,791 5,849,446 4,894,195 3,172,551 1,311,039 1,215,249 1,191,462 1,160,299 7,470,511 36.0 United States 11.3 10.5 Belgium 9.4 F ranee 7.9 Netherlands 5.1 2.1 Denmark 2.0 Switzerland . . 1.9 Sweden . 1.9 Other (^untries 11.9 "World" total. 62,171,380 100.0 PRODUCTION AND TRADE IN ACRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 23 SUGAR. [Exports given are domestic exports; Imports are imports for consumption.) Annual production. Crop year. "World." a UniU'(l States (contLnnntal). Per cent of "world" crop grown in United States (conti- nental). United States (includinR Hawaii and Porto Rico). Per cent of " world " crop grown in United States. 1910-11 Long tons. 16,418,500 14, 524, 450 14,262,000 13, 665, 900 14, 241,. 500 13,964,988 11,774,114 12,271,659 11,818,400 13,000,822 Long tons. 767,000 746,250 7.50,000 76)6, 000 675, 000 628,145 586, 704 463,102 524,008 484,802 4.7 5.1 5.3 5.6 4.7 4.5 5.0 3.8 4.4 3.7 Long tons. 1,. 564, 900 1,488,750 1,452,400 1,417,000 1,252,700 1,224,370 1,112,280 921,205 1,000,070 887,311 9.5 10.2 10.2 10.4 8.8 8.8 9 4 1909-10 1908-9 1907-8 1906-7 1905-6 1904-5 1903-4 7 5 1902-.3 8 1 1901-2 6 8 Average: 190(>-7 to 1910-11 14,622,470 12,566,009 740,850 537,352 5.1 4.3 l,4.35.1.f) 1,029,047 9 8 1901-2 to 1905-6 8 2 Annual imports. Calendar year. "World." United States. Per cent of "world" imports into United States. Annual " world " exports, b 1910 Long tons. 6, 003, 4.")6 5, 926, 598 5,609,361 5,700,743 6,729,227 5,004,526 5,387,400 4,843,228 5,152,774 5,276,5.37 LoTig tons. 1.872,802 1,703,972 1,660,134 1,728,670 1,729,315 1,668,454 1,847,186 1,486,104 1,711,. 508 1,657,2.37 31.2 28.8 29.6 .30.3 .30.2 33. 3 34.3 30.7 .33. 2 31.4 Long tons. 6,487,004 1909 6,3-37,738 1908 5,811,386 1907 6,085,277 1906 6,135,M8 1905 5, 195, 026 1904 5, 195, 783 1903 5 20() 973 1902 6, 292, 328 1901 5,389,524 Average: 1906-1910 5,793,877 5,132,893 1,738.979 1,674,098 30.0 32.6 6.171,391 1901-1905 5,255,927 a "World " figures of production for 1906-7 to 1910-11 are based principally on official reports; the figures for 1901-2 to 1905-6 are hasoA principally on the reports of Willet <9,520 34,21^,012 41,802,527 32, 821 , 342 21, 777. 91.0 25.5fvS.821 2.2 IQftQ 1.2 1908 1.4 1907 1.4 iqnfi 1.2 1905 1.0 1904 1.2 Average: 1905-1909 2,693.181.988 33.1,51.873 1.2 26 PRODUCTION AND TRADE IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. ANNUAL IMPORTS. Per cent of "world-' Calendar year. "World." United States. imports into United States. Pounds. Pounds. 1910 2,463,810,219 2,942,428,071 804,417,451 32 6 1909 1,139,826,171 38 7 1908 2,612,243,259 2,714,932,113 9.38,559,889 940, 247, 312 35.9 1907 34.6 1906 2,454,522,010 2,348,055,342 2,530,434,478 857,013,585 34 9 1905 893,889,352 38.1 1904 1,112,709,546 44.0 Average: 1905-1909 2,614,436,159 953,907,262 36 5 AVERAGE ANNUAL PRODUCTION, 1905-1909 (CROP YEARS). Country. Pounds. Per cent of "world" produc- tion. Brazil 1,852,031,000 96,240,000 82,280,000 79,366,000 70,875,000 68,688,000 60,075,000 59,052,000 37,130,000 30,935,000 28,680,000 75,457,000 72.9 Venezuela 3 8 Guatemala 3.2 Colombia . 3.1 West Indies 2.8 Me.xieo 1 2.7 Salvador 2.4 Dutch East Indies 2.3 United States o 1.5 Costa Rica 1.2 British India LI Other countries 3.0 "World" total 2,540,809,000 100.0 AVERAGE ANNUAL EXPORTS, 1905-1909 (CALENDAR YEARS). Country. Pounds. Per cent of "world" exports. Brazil 1,852,045,203 171,983,466 96,240,252 75,587,534 69,449,600 62,620,674 60,097,027 55,265,080 44,439,497 33,151,873 172,301,782 68.8 Netherlands 6.4 Venezuela 3.6 Guatemala 2.8 Colombia 2.6 Salvador 2.3 Dutch East Indies 2.2 Haiti . . 2.1 Mexico 1.7 United States 1.2 Other countries 6.3 "World" total h 2,693,181,988 100.0 a Based upon exports of 35,200,000 pounds from Porto Rico and 1,930,000 pounds from Hawaii. b The excess of exports and imports over jjroduclion is due in a larpe measure to tlie fact that in some countries "domestic" exports include produce of foreign countries wliich has become "nationalized," having been imported ana become part of the domestic trade of that country. PfiOBUCTlON AND TRADE IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. AVERAGE ANNUAL IMPORTS, 1905-1909 (CALENDAR YEARS). 27 Country. United States Germany Netherlands France Belgium Austriarllungarj' Sweden Italy United Kingdom Finland Other countries "World "total a Pounds. 953, 424, 254, 220, 146, 120, 74, 47, 29, 28, 313, 907,262 987,306 514,369 955,071 066,492 129,952 86f),51,s 40fJ,28l 121, 8W 515,543 971,500 2,614,436,159 Per cent of "world" imports. 36.5 16.2 9.7 8.5 5.6 4.6 2.9 1.8 1.1 1.1 12.0 100.0 "The excess of oxporls and iiiiporls of over production is duo in a large moa-suro lo the fact that in some countries "domestic" exports include produce of foreign coimtrics which has become "uational- Ized," having been imported and become part of the domestic trade of that country. OIL CAKE AND OIL-CAKE MEAL." Average aimual exports, 1905-1909 (calendar years). Country. United States Russia Germany France Netherlands Belgium Egypt British India China Austria-Hungary Other countries "World" total Pounds. ,839, ,226, 400, 343, 162, 157. 154, 147, 123, 95 308 605, 094, 296, 070, 585, 084, 593. 192, 863, 672, 289, 364 050 766 146 122 064 525 931 946 472 063 4,958,353,449 Per cent of "world" exports. 37.1 24.7 8.1 6.9 3.3 3.2 3.1 3.0 2.5 1.9 6.2 100.0 Average annual imports, 1905-1909 (calendar years). Country. Germany Denmark United Kingdom Netlierlands Belgium Sweden France Japan Austria-Hungary Dutch East Indies. . . Other countries "World" total. Pounds. 452,207,000 943,369,114 758,541,056 608,751,533 494,023,084 276,816,551 256.675,619 134. 407. 770 30,367,007 19,056,655 188, 0.89, 654 5,162,305,043 Per cent of "world" imports. 28.1 18.3 14.7 11.8 9.6 5.4 5.0 2.6 .6 .4 3.5 100.0 a Oil cake and oil-cake meal is a residue obtained in the manufacture of oil from cottonseed, flaxseed, sun- flower seed, rape seed, hemp seed, peanuts, com, soya beans, and a variety of other oleaginous seeds. ROSIN. Average annual exports, 1905-1909 (calendar years). Average annual imports, 190,5-1909 (calendar years). Country. Pounds. Per cent of "world" exports. Country. Pounds. Per cent of "world" imports. United States.. 609,830,000 71,(«3,305 51,291,185 2,894,223 33,708,404 80.8 8.6 6.2 .3 4.1 Germany 2.38,8.50,608 169,9:18,810 82,.t01,1<)0 72, .541, 912 63, S.^), 710 31,262,110 28,8.39,683 23,640,476 19, 980, .340 13,407,779 69,988,484 29.3 Netherlands United Kingdom 20.9 Gprmanv Netherlands 10.1 A iistTin-HiiiiEriirv Austria-Hungary 8.9 Russia 7.8 Italy 3.8 Brazil 3.5 Argentina 2.9 Canada 2.5 Australia 1.6 Other countries 8.7 "World" total 829,357,117 100.0 "World" total 814,802,072 100.0 28 PRODUCTION AND TRADE IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. TURPENTINE. Average annual exports, 1905-1909 (calendar years). Average annual imports, 1905-1909 (calendar years). Country. Gallons. Per cent of "world" exports. Country. Gallons. Per cent of "world" imports. United States 16,893,726 2,776,626 2,049,308 1,534,381 428,933 808,204 69.0 11.3 8.4 6.3 1.8 3.2 Germany 9, 469, 14^ 7,612,456 2,930,015 2,276,016 976, 751 880, 304 4-18, 209 386,931 352,997 257, 008 1,500,709 35.0 France United Kingdom Netherlands 28 1 Russia. . 10 8 Netherlands Austria-Hungary Canada 8 I Germany 3.6 Other countries Italy Argentina 3 2 1.7 Australia 1.4 Switzerland . . 1.3 Russia .9 Other countries 5 6 "World" total.... "World" total.... 24,491,178 100.0 27, 090, 600 100.0 INDIA RUBBER. Average annual exports, 1905-1909 (calendar years). Country. Brazil Belgium Germany France Belgian Kongo Dutch East Indies Peru Singapore Angola Netherlands Other countries "World" total.. Pounds. 81,163,264 15,405,964 13,421,280 1.3,118,018 9,999,250 7,387,811 6,261,f«7 5,350,507 5,200,000 4,642,814 48,811,250 210,767,845 Per cent of "world" e.xports. 38.5 7.3 0.4 6.2 4.7 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.5 2.2 23^2 100.0 Average annual imports, 1905-1909 (calendar years). Country. United States Germany United Kingdom France Belgium Russia Netherlands Austria-Hungary Italy Canada Other countries "World" total.. Pounds. 74,193,026 40, 134, 987 30,748,801 22,900,951 18,897,475 15,430,826 7,173,002 4,240,581 2, 654, 622 2,490,5.57 11,234,147 Per cent of "world" imports. 230,105,095 32.2 17.4 13.4 10.0 8.2 6.7 3.1 1.8 1.2 1.1 4.9 100.0 WOOD PULP. Average annual exports, 1905-1909 (calendar years). Average annual imports, 1905-1909 (calendar years). Country. Pounds. Per cent of "world" exports. Country. Pounds. Per cent of "world" imports. Norway 1,190,954,849 1,083,267,021 407, 000, 000 224,585,881 175,329,714 137,833,541 02,043,694 23,997,425 12,89.5,870 67,139,515 34.6 31.4 13.0 0.5 .5.1 4.0 1.8 .7 .4 1.9 United Kingdom France 1,486,368,128 603,877,585 514,192,522 2,34,043,042 123,309,343 103,909,573 77,353,947 75,818,237 47,122,271 30,575,849 130,711,171 43.3 Sweden 17.6 Canadao United States 15.0 Germany Belgium 6.8 Austria-Hungary Finland Italy 3.6 Germany 3.0 Belgium Denmark 2.2 United States Spain 2.2 Switzerland . . Russia 1.4 Other countries Argentina. . 1.1 Other countries 3.8 "World "total.... "World "total.... 3,445,648,110 100.0 3,4.33,401,008 100.0 a Estimated from value. PRODUCTION AND TRADE IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 29 AVERAGE PRODUCTION OF AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN IMPORTANT AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. AVERAGE ANNUAL PRODUCTION (CROP YEARS). Product. Five-year period. Com (bushels) Wheat (bushels) Wheat Hour ( Ijarrels) Wheat , including wheat flour (bushels) Oats (bushels) Barley (bushels) Rye (bushv-ls) Potatoes (bushels) Cotton (bales 478 pounds net) Cottonseed oil (gallons) Coffee (pounds) Flaxseed ( bushels) Rice (pounds) Tobacco (pounds) Hops (povmds) Cane sugar (long tons) Cane sugar (long tons) Beet sugar (long tons) All sugar (long tons) All sugar (long tons) 190.>-1909 190(>-1910 1900-1910 190(^-1910 19W>-1910 1900-1910 1900-1910 1905-19(J9 W)r>-\Wi 190')-19(» 1905-1909 1905-1909 1905-1909 1905-1909 190(>-1910 190C>-7, 10-11 1906-7. 10-U 1906-7,10-11 1905-7,10-11 1905-7, 10-11 'World. 3,595,250,000 3,381,349,000 3.809,3.34,000 1,3.38,003,000 1,594,575,000 5,195,008,000 19,728,824 2,540,809,000 98, 675. 000 114.095.759.000 2,423,5<39,000 183,527,000 7,7()9,7S1 7,769,781 6,852.689 14,022,470 14,622,470 United States. 2, (*9. 714,000 670,484,000 943,99-5.000 109,284,000 32, 242, 000 .307,044,0(W 11,640,551 37,130,000 2.5,045,000 531,989,000 757,483,000 47,457,000 314,861 n 1,009, 101 425,989 740. 8.50 a 1, 435, 150 Per cent of "world" crop grown in United States. a Including Hawaii and Porto Rico. AVERAGE ANNUAL EXPORTS (CALENDAR YEARS). 74.8 19.8 24.4 12. 6 2.0 5.9 59.0 1.5 25.4 0.5 31.3 25.9 4.1 13.0 6.2 5.1 9.8 Relative rank of t'nited States in "world" produc- tion. 1 2 S 5 1 9 2 10 1 1 4 4 5 8 4 Product. Com (bushels) Wheat (bushels) Wheat flour (barrels) Wheat, including wheat flour (bushels) CottoQ (bales 478 pounds net) Cottonseed oil (gallons) Coffee (pD-nnf1?)T77. . . r. Flaxseed ( bushels) Rice (pounds) Tobacco (pounds) Hops (pounds) Tea (pounds) Oilcake and oilcake meal (pounds) — Rosin (pounds) Turpentine (gallons) India rubber (pounds) Wood pulp (pounds) Five-year period. 1905-1909 1900-1910 1900-1910 190(1-1910 1905-1909 1905-1909 1905-1909 1905-1909 190,5-1909 1905-1909 1900-1910 1905-1909 1905-1909 1905-1909 1905-1909 1905-1909 1905-1909 "World." 234,201.012 534,951,459 24,020,625 645,771,273 12,695,345 55, 056, 550 2,693,181,988 11,297,164,630 757.727.907 62,004.995 717. 140, 720 4,958,353,449 829,. 357, 117 24,491,178 210,767,845 3,445,648,110 United States. Per cent of "world" exports from United States. 70.419.857 03,952,241 12,134,305 118,550.884 8,416.503 45, 445, .357 33, 151, 873 320, 815, 134 15,384,083 1,839,605,364 669,830.000 16,893,726 23,997,425 32.6 12.0 49.3 18.4 66.3 82.5 1.2 42.3 24.8 37.1 80.8 69.0 0. Relative rank of United States in "world" exports. ' 2 3 1 2 1 1 10 30 PRODUCTION AND TRADE IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. AVERAGE ANNUAL IMPORTS (CALENDAR YEARS). Product. Corn (bushels) Wheat (l)ushels) Wheat flour (barrels) Wheat, including wheat flour (bushels) Cotton ( bales 478 pounds net) Cottonseed oil (gallons) Coffee (pounds) Flaxseed (bushels) Rice (pounds) Tobacco (pounds) Hops (pounds) All sugar ( long tons) Tea (pounds) Oilcake and oilcake meal (pounds) — Rosin (poxmds) Turpentine (gallons) India rubber (pounds) Wood pulp (pounds) Five-year period. 190.5-1909 1900-1910 1906-1910 1906-1910 1905-1909 1905-1909 1905-1909 1905-1909 1905-1909 1905-1909 1906-1910 1906-1910 1905-1909 1905-1909 1905-1909 1905-1909 1905-1909 1905-1909 'World." 235, 885, 037 517,040,74«i 23,183,680 621,307,306 12, 607, 820 55, 159, 280 2,614,436,159 9, 858, 190, 474 725,973,413 62,171,380 5,793,877 690, 177, 538 5,162,305,043 814,802,072 27, 090, 600 230, 105, 095 3, 433, 401, 668 United States. Per cent of "world" imports into United States. 173, 058 953,907,262 193, 062, 718 38,317,922 7,002,759 1, 738, 979 96, 149, 883 74,193,026 514,192,522 L4 36.5 2.0 5.3 11.3 30.0 13.9 32.2 15.0 Relative rank of United States in "world" imports. 14 8 2 1 3 RANK OF THE UNITED STATES IN THE PRODUCTION OF AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN SPECIFIED PRODUCTS. Relative rank of the United States among the various countries of the worldin production, exports, and imports, based upon the average statistics for a late Jive-year period. Production. Corn 1 Wheat 1 Oats 1 Cotton 1 Tobacco 1 Hops 1 Barley 2 Flaxseed 2 Cane sugar 4 Beet sugar 5 Potatoes 5 Rye 5 Coffee o 9 Rice 10 Exports. Cotton Tobacco Wheat flour Cottonseed oil Oil cake and oil-cake meal Rosin Tiu-pentine Corn 2 Wheat, including wheat flour 2 Wheat 3 Hops 3 Wood pulp 8 Coffee 10 Imports. Coffee 1 Sugar 1 India rubber 1 Hops 2 Tea 3 Wood pulp 3 Tobacco 8 a Porto Rico and Hawaii. 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