u':> C\J CM O Q rrf' Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation ' http://www.archive.org/details/commonwealthofreOOhodgrich THE (P i^ WH^Hi^M OP REASON. WRITTEN BY • WILLIAM jHODGSON, ESQ. i. — ■ "" * WHO WAS CX)NFINED TWO YEARS IN NEWGATE , ^N A CHARGE OF SEDITION. The Priyileged Orders may pass away, but the Paople will be eternal. Mirabaud, Liberty is the Right and Happiness of all, for all by Nature are EquA and Free, and no one can, without the utmost injustice, become the sWe of his Vike. '^Inscription on the Athenian Statue of Liberty. ) ilontton: PRINTED AND PUBLISHEIT BY THOMAS DAVISON, 10, DUKE STREET, WEST SMITHFIELD. 1820. Price One Shiiling, yh ADVERTISEMENT. THE Publisher of this little work having been solicited to bring out an impression on a more reasonable scale than the three former Editions^ did not feel himself justified in proceeding^ till he had made every enquiry relative to the wishes of the Author; but after a fruitless research of many months for that highly-valuable man, hejias been urged to produce it at the present price, by JUr, Hodgson's friends, as, from his known good- ness of heart, and philanthropic disposition, he tvouldfeel happy in a wider dissemination of this matchless production. ^ The Publisher has to hope, that should this Jld- vertisement ever meet the eye of Mr. Hodgson, he will not for a moment entertain or attribute any sordid or selfish motives to him, for he is very willing, and it is his intention, to devote the profits (after the expences of publishing, ^c. are de- frayed) to some political object. te42056 PREFACE. As the end of all government is, or ought to be, the security, happiness, and advantage of the governed, and not the exclusive benefit and interest of those intrusted with the legislative or executive power, who should only be considered as the organs by which the majority of the community express their will, and as the servants of the Commonwealth, amenable at all times, for their conduct to the people^ these being the fountain from whence alono can spring legitimate authority; it may not be unacceptable, in these speculative times, when the science of political government appears to have awakened men's curiosity in an extraordinary degree, and the greater part of the world seem bent on the investigation of its principles, and on the destruction of those abuses^ the existence of which has but too long disgraced civilized society, to have some mode pointed out, by which, should any of the present systems, so fraught with ruin, and injurious to the true interests of mankind, be abolished, we can reasonably hope to obtain what ought to constitute the only object of every institution, whether political or social — public happiness, from which source alone can flow individual felicity. . For this desirable purpose, the following Plan for a Commonwealth, to be founded on the broad and durable basis of reason^ lihcrty, fraternity^ and equality, is sub- mitted to the candid consideration and impartial examination of mankind. U^ by the publicalion of it, the author shall • VI PREFACB. be instrumental in removing any single grievance, out of the enormous and almost countless nuniber under which men at present labour, no matter in what part of nature's wide-extended empire, he will consider his eflbrts as amply and honourably rewarded. If, on the contrary, it shall not be found to yield an idea, by which the present miserable and unhappy condition of man can be ameliorated, he shall console himself with the pleasurable reflection that must necessarily result from a conviction, that although his judg* ment may have erred, his intentions were honest, sincere^ and well-meant; and he will retire, without experiencing any other painful sensation, than that of wanting the ability to do good, into that obscurity from which he never wishes [to emanate, but for the purpose of increasing the prosperity and happiness of his fellow-creatures, and which he conceives he can never do more effectually than by pointing out to them the truths and entreating them on every occasion to consult their reason and their experience* CONTENTS. Pag:« Introduction 1 Plan, &c ^ 14 Declaration of Rights ^ 1(5 Representation and Executive Government 19 Committee of Government .* , 24 Finance ib. Agriculture ib. Trade and Provisions , , 25 Administration of the Laws , 27 Liberty of the Press. •..,.......,. 29 Inheritance and Bastardy 30 Price of Labour 31 Register of Births and Burials ib. Public Taxes ib. Religion , 32 Bread and Fuel ib • Marriage 33 Canals, Public Roads, and Rivers 34 Waste Lands 35 Magistracy ib. Lame, Blind, Lunatics, Deaf, and Dumb, (Provisions for) .... 3(5 Public Prisons ib. Abolition of Capital Punishments 37 Education ib* Military Force and Discipline * 42 Provision for the Poor 44 Constitution ib • Calculation of the Expence of a Government upon the foregoing Plan, for a Population of Ten Millions of Mouths, spread over a Territory comprising fifty Millions of Acres. ...... 45 (■fk THE OF RE^^SON. Tq he completed in Twelve Weekly Numbers. FIRST PUBLISHED IN 1795. Experience having proved corruption to be the most dreadful evil that can possibly affect either public or private life, it is of course that which men should be most studious to avoid ; any endeavour, therefore, to raise up barriers . against this all-destructive vice, may be considered as one of -the noblest efforts of the human understanding: — as from thence has proceeded all those arbitrary and diabolical actions we have at different periods witnessed ; and of which such innumerable examples^ that have justly called down the exe- cration of mankind, are furnished in the history of the world. As corruption is generally the result of power long con- tinued in the same individual, and prevention more humane and far better than detection, it is a desire in this little work to make every situation in the Commonwealth, to which is attached either trust or power, — revolutionary or rota- tive ; thereby taking this best remedy for, and precaution against, this most inveterate enemy to public happiness, — .^ this epidemic that has hitherto baffled the most strenuous efforts of the most able physicians, — this political Upas,* under whose baneful and malignant branches every virtue finds immediate death. Philosophers must long since have been convinced that the abuse of power is much more the consequence of long and uninterrupted possession in the hands of individuals, than of any other cause whatever : and as it is an axiom in poli- tics, " that wherever there is power, there will he abuse," it is but right to imagine, that by making the power neces- ' ' ' ■ • '— ■■ ■ . ■ ■■ .■.,.-.... H I I . !■■ I .I.I.I ♦ The nam-e of a pQisoi)'tree in Java, / ' W THE COM\TONlVE4LTH OF REASON. sarily vested in a part to be exercised for the benefit of the whole, as fleeting, and of aa little duration as possible, in the same individual^ we obviate the great error in political insti- tutions^ which seems to be a delegation of those powers, to be exercised without a just control, and for a long and some- times for aninriefinite space of time, that requires the eyes of an Argus, and a frequent change of persons to prevent them from degenerating (by corruption) into tyranny and oppression. / As pretended distinctions amongst men, who are all equal by naturoj and are all, unquestionably, equally help- less in infancy, and equally cold in the embraces of death, have a tendency to create a difference of interests in the «ame coramunitv, in which the weaker is invariably swal- lowed up, and destroyed by the stronger ; and himan beings, otherwise naturally friends and brothers, are thereby set at enmity with each other, for the enjoyment of paltry titles, that do not really distinguish the possessors from the mass of mankind^ except in particular and local ituations. This Flan will propose that no grade, or title of distinction whatever, shall exist among the citizens of the Common- wealth, except what the exercise of superior benevolence and virtue shall obtain from the general respect of society, or what the temporary possession of the public functions shall necessarilj^ demand for the moment. Thus all being citizens, equal in rights, none will have an interest separate from that of his neighbour, since no one will be capable of infringing" or invading the right of another, without involving not only his own, but t hit of the whole Commonwealth, of which he himself makes an integral part ; of course every guch attempt wilL in this state of perfect equality, be re- sisted not only by the citizen attacked, but by the collective force of the whole community, whose, direct interest will ef- fectually point out the absolute necessity of the opposition : whilst daily experience teaches us to know, that in those states where an inequality of righu does exist, it frequently becomes the interest and desire of one class to subvert and destroy the rights of another class, thereby, as they falsely conceive, the more effectually to establish and support what the errors of their constitution have led them to consider as their own. Thus, in such states, it verv rarely, or never happens, that the collective body of the citizens find an oc- casion, where their common interest is united. On this principle we may aecouat for the fall oi those vast and THE COMMONWEAI.TH OF REASOJT. If mighty enjpires whicii hisfory informs us once had existence * and of which we have not now a single vestige left, whereby to descry their ancient power and grandeur, except the traditionary detail handed down to us by our ancestors ; for it is an old proverb in England, the truth of Avhich has been universally admitted, — '^ That a house divided AGAINST ITSELF, CANNOT STAND," As the accumulatioii of immense wealth in the hands of individuals, by any other means than personal industry, or equitable inheritance, may with great truth be considered as th^ primary and most effectual means by which the fiend — Corruption, secretly undermines, and finally overturns the btst and wisest institutions; the endeavour to destroy this channel of abuse, this panacea, that infallibly turns all virtue into vice, without rendering injustice to any one, is surely highly deserving the consideration and attention of man- kind ; and as such will form a part of the Plan. See- ing, therefore, ih^i entailed estates^ and laws o^ primoge- nitureship, and other unequal and unjust decrees, respecting the distribution of property, are the causes of these mis- chievous masses of wealth, so highly dangerous to, and incompatible with, the existence of Liberty, and which have been always found to furnish the ready means of cor- liUPTioN, OPPRESSION, and TYRANNY, the only alteration required will be, that in no possible case shall the different children, whether male or female, of the same father, divide in other than equal portions, the property of which the sire may die possessed. Thus we shall prevent that dis- graceful inequality of patrimony in children of the same parent, that at present furnish not unfrequent instances, where the head of the family, as he is called, has a revenue of, perhaps, forty thousand pounds a year^ whilst the younger branches have scarcely a sufficient income to sup- port the appearance that custom has rendered absolutely necessary to enable them to dine at their elder brother's table ; to provide for whom, without injuring the possessions of the elder son, an almost incredible number of sinecure places^ and of trifling and useless offices, have been created finder the ditleient governments the world h-as hitlierto witnessed ; the burthen of which has, without exception, * It is the Publisher's intention of presenting the English Nation with a woik in cheap numbers, giving- a detailed account of the Fall of those Empires, and every drcumslancc conVkfctcd with their Rise and Decline. "•;» 4 THE COMMONWEALTH OF REASON. '••:) ultimatelv fallen on those, who, it must ever be acknowr ^^ jedged, form the g^reat bulwark of every state — the in- vl DUSTRIOUS ARTIZAN AND LABOUKIOUS CULTIVATOR, as the payment of these places is u.Wally provided for by taxes levied on articles of the most general consumption, and of the first necessity: — independent of which, these rich men become themselves the servile tools^ and abject slaves of the executive power ; as upon no other condition can they \ reasonably hope to make provision for their poorer relatives! Thus the only return the citizens receive lor encouraging this immoral and partial distribution of the father's estate, is the deprivation of the independent assistance of those whom, by the most flagrant injustice, they have loaded with riches. For these reasons it will be advisable not to admit in the Commonwealth of any sinecure place^ than the ex- istence of which nothing can be more absurd: for no one can consistently with honesty, accept of payment for ser- vices he has never performed, nor has the remotest in- tention of performing. And when these fellows are inter- rogated as to their nobility^ they turn round with an unparralleled degree of eflVontery, and assert that it is an ^^ iiidecent attack upon the king^s laavful prerogative *.*' In fact, SINECURE PLACES MAY BE LITERALLY denominated—^ robbery committed on the jvjtion, uxder the false colors, AjYd specious pretext, of having a public EMPLOFlMENTj—and the existence and duration of jsuch emoluments can only be built on the disgraceful igno- rance and culpable inattention of the greater part of the •citizens composing the Commonwealth ; — since no man in his senses would, knowingly, pay his baker for a loaf he never had, or was to have. Neither is it necessary to suffer the establishment of any useless office, oremploynient in the Commonwealth, which can only be harassing to the citizens * Suppose Charles George Arden should be asked why he is more particularly entitled to £38,574, than any other individual; — or lord Cathcart to £27,364 ;— or Francis Rawdon Hastings to £2(>,(HJ() ; — or Francis Gerard Lake to £12,(>49; — or the Earl of Talbot to £20,000; they will tell you it is "an indecent attack upoii the king's prerogative." In fact, should we enquire of the 2,344 Pen- sioners and ISinecurists, why they collectively receive £2,474,805, they will furnish you with the same answer, no doubt. In Great Jiiitain alone there has been a calculation made that the Sinecurists and Pensioners deprive ol' sustenance no Iciss a numlxr of individuals than' 381, 525. THE COMMONWEALTH OF REASON, 1% and destructive to their common interest Or to admit any pnormous or disproportionate salary to be annexed to the lexecution of the necessary public functions ; for as no citizen ought to refuse to take upon him, in his turn, that public employment, which a majority of his fellow-citizens shall call him to the exercise of, — and as the due, faithful, and impartial discharge of it is as much for his own security, happiness, and advantage, as for that of the CommonAvealth, so no citizen who really wishes to promote the general prosperity of the Commonwealth, can or ought to have a desire of wickedly enriching himself at the expense of the community; which he certainly does whenever he accepts, as a remuneration for his public services, a sum greater than will defray the necessary expenses and consumption of time that has attended them, or of a sinecure, or of a pension, or of a place of profit, the functions of which produce no general good to the citizens. Therefore, not suffering any of these places or profits, the existence of ichich^ in the governments we have hitherto tvitnesscd, may be justl?/ stiled '^ a radical error ^^^ is the best and most certain way to prevent the dreadful necessity of reforming abases^ that we ourselves are the authors of, by permitting such tempta- tions to be thrown in the way of the evil-disposed, avaricious, and designing men : — for as \i is an axiom in metaphysics, ** that no effect can possibly exist without a cause^'' so it is also an axiom in medicine, '^ that if you can reinove the cause J the effect will cease.^^ As the existence of exclusive privileges is the grand means by which these unhappy jealousies, shameful dis- sentions, and destructive animosities, that have ever been found to be absolutely necessary to the support and existence of arbitrary oppression, despotic power ^ and lawless cor- ruption^ are fomented and kept alive, and which effectually prevent that harmony that ought ever to subsist among the members of the Commonwealth ; it must appear evident to every thinking and reasonable being, that those customs which have no other tendency than to destroy the happy union of interoiits so requisite to the furtherance of the hap- piness and prosperity of the citizens, could only have originated with those monsters, (for they are a disgrace to the name of man,) who, lost to every social virtue, and wishing to trample with impunity on i\\e sacred and indefeasihle rights (f mauy have cunningly introduced a system of oppressing onj: i^ian FOR TiiR PROFIT OF ANOTifi-R, whioh, IVom the extreme ignoraiice of 'mankind and lh(;,r but too general iuatlentiou # THE COMMOXWEALTH OF REASON. to their true and genuine interests, they have been able (o pass on their bhndness and creduHty. as favors and fid van- tages; — and who, by these nefarious means, having acquired the direction of the public force, have, whenever the cheat has been discovered, and men have attempted to regain their original state of happy equality^ made use of that command thus surreptitiously obtained, to per- petuate a system, by which alone such miscreants and viOLATERS OF JUSTICE, knew they could be enabled to commence with safety, and continue with impunity, their diabolical measures, enormous speculations, and sanguinary administration. For these reasons, I propose, that in my Plan no such heterogeneous and corrupt monsters of in- justice, as PRIVILEGED ORDERS, GAME LAWS, MANORIAL RIGHTS, EXCLUSIVE CHARTERS, CORPORATIONS, and OTHER SUCH PARTIAL, WICKED, and OPPRESSIVE PRIVILEGES shall have existence : for nothing- seems more irrational, than that the birds of the air, wild animals, or the fish of a river, which nature certainly has not stamped or marked with any par- ticular man's name, and to which no one man can jnstly and honestly shew ^ superior claim over his neighbour, should be made the exclusive property of the rich man, and the poor man be punished for the killing and appropriation of that which nature seems to have sent for the express purpose of appeasing those appetites she has given him in common with the most wealthy and afiiuent. And it can never, surely, be argued, that the destroying of these creatures is in itself an immoral act ; as, supposing such argument to be just, it could not but be admiited at the same time, that if it is immoral in (he man of poverty, it is equally so in the man of riches: unless, indeed, men can be so weak and stupid as to imagine, that a rich man, lord of the manor, or ocher privileged person, has a licence and authority from Heaven, wluch purges the guilt from him, that attaches on the poor man's shoulders : and yet, ridiculous as this sup- position must appear to every man of common sense, we nevertheless hear of some men whose infallibility is accre- dited, and even held sacred, with a great part of the world : which acknowledgment, on their parts, is absolutely sup- posing the existence of this monstrous and incomprehensible ftbsurdit}-. Neither can anything be more ridiculous, cruel, and unjuf^t, ihaii that A f^^hould have a remedy against his neighbour B, that B hat> not in like cases against his brother i;itizen A, sinix' what is punishable when done by B, can or tiight to be no les«» :^o when committed by A, howoiT THE COMMONWEALTH OF REASO.t. 7 ignorant men, by absurd and nonsensical privileges, ac** corded to A, may bave sbeltered him from common justice' and enabled, and indeed encourag^ed him to commit, without fear of inquiry, or punishment, those acts of dishonesty and oppression to B, for which, but strip him of his talismanic garments, he would be held in utter and general detestatiorf. As what are called, national religious esiablisInnenU^ have been found to be the greatest scourge that ever aiflicted mankind; and have, at different periods, been perverted from what even the original institutors themselves meant should be their object; and have been called into the aid of, incorporated with, and made part of almost every national government, by which means corruption has engeaidered, at the moderate expence of a few mitres and other such baubles, an additional and most implacable enemy to th^i natural independence of man : and have by instilling tht? monstrous and inconj>ruous doctrine of eternal damnation to such as differ in opinion tVom the national theology, robbed a great part of the citizens of their jw5^, necessary and indt- J'easible rights ^ under the specious, and diabolical pretence of heterodoxy; and compelled (he inhabitants of one ct materjal concern ei his life, the salvation of his soul ; not to mention the cruel and murderous wars that have been carried on bv Jews against Gentiles; Christians against Turks ; Turks against Infidels'; and one sect of Christians against another sect of Chris- tians; in which barbarous, bloody, and blasphemous con- tests, millions of infatuated men have lost their lives, with- out the point in dispute being yet- deterniincd ; the com batants havino* been always reduced to the situation of the hare and the hound : — where one teas too fatigued to follow^ and the other too tired to run atcay; therefore, as every establishment in a Commonwealth should be really and truly to promoteyr«^(?r«z7?/among the citizens, and to draw closely the bonds of union in society ; it follows of course, that these institutions, experience having ptoved them to be productive of contrcTry effects, should by every well wisher and friend to the repose and happiness «f mankind be avoided. And as religion se^ms to be a subject on which men may perhaps never be perfectly agreed ; since no one can, by any thing like demonstrative evidence, prove tha|: the tenets of the par- ticular sect to which he belongs, is more acceptable to the Supreme Being, than those of another sect, whether he be Baptist, Jew, Gentile, Mahometan, Armenian, Christian, Anti- christian, Adamite, Dunker, Swedenborgian, Worshipper of the Sun, Worshipper of the Moon, Universalist, Eutychian, Adrammelechian, Philadelphian, Qnartodecimanian, Pre- destinurian, Agonyclite, Bonasian, B^tsilidian, Hottentot, Nestorian, Carpocratian, Antinomian, Maronist, Cartesian, Scotist, Thomist, Scripturist, Sacramentarian, Worshipper ofFo, Gnostic, Idolator, Quietest, Sabattarian, Manichean, Roman Catholic, Trinitarian, Anti-trinitarian, Rhetorian, Mengrelian, Annomaean, Brownist, Whitfieldite, Cataphry- gian, Messalian, Pelagian, Semipelagian, Elcesacitian, An- thropomorphite, Millenarian, Antidicomarionite, Cerdonist, Elaterist, Stercoranist, Jacobite, Georgian, Antitactite, Con- g-regationalist, Colluthean, Berulian, Eudoxiau, Soliiidian, Priscillianist, Melchite. Herodian, Cerinihian, Appollinarian, Ag-ynite, Papist, Quintillian, Sceptic, Circumcellian, Disci- plinarian, Eunomian, Albongist, Metemsychite, Lollard^ Hemerobaptist, Fratricoliian, Avchontick, Eternalist, Dis- senter, Samaritan, Remonstrant, Opinionist, Patripassiant, Artolyrist, Aquarian, Ubiquitarian,Photinian, Marianalatrisf, Sublapsarian, Sopralapsarian, Metamorphist, Ebionite, Jan- senist, Rogatist, Mennonite, Sabean, Apellitian, Marciou'jst, Dulcinist, Catharian, Ascordrigilran, Macedonian, Augusti- niah, Montanist, Chiliast, Muncerian, Libertine, Bongo- milian, Rebaptizer, Bardesanist, Severian, Gentoo, Barulite, Apostolian, Bacchanalian, Avian, Sabellian, Quaker, Bagno- lensiart, Pharisee, Vaudois, Erastian, Petrobrusiari, Timo- thean, Luciferian, Baanite. Eustathian, Flagellant, Mono- tbeist, Socinian, Tritheite, Stoic, Gortinian, Sofee, Braman, Sethian, Faster, Protestant, Sandemonian, Lutheran, Calvi- nist, Fiftbmonarchist, Seleucian, New Jerusalemite, Poly- ^amist. Fatalist, Polytheist, Nazarite, Ganlonite, Fiorinusite, Sabatbian, Valentinian, Jovinianist, Sadducee, Pyrrhonist, Pythagorean, Presbyterian, Methodist, Optimist, Donatist, Moravian, Muggletonian, Deist, Novatian, Tao-sse, Uni- tarian ; — it follows, of course, that setting up one species of religion in preference to others, or nationalizing ity by countenancing, protecting, and supporting in idleness and luxury such drones as Muftis, Popes, Ta-ho-changs, Great Lamas, Parsons, Archbishops, Deaconesses, Rectors, High- Priests, Elders, Fakirs, Bishops, Deacons, Mustaphas, Arch- deacons, Druids, Priestesses, Levites, Priors, Canons, Deans, Priests, Doctors of Divinity, Ho-changs, Nuns, Rabbies, Monks, Abbes, Carmeiites, Jesuits, Carthusians, Dominicans, Franciscans, Lady Abbesses, Masorites, Lamas, Cardinals, Emirs, Vicars, Prophets, Prebends, Talapolins, Bonze.^, Bramins, Apostles, Seers, Primontres, Benedictines, Jaca- bines, Feuillans, Bernardines, Freres de I'Ordre de la Mercy^ Cordeliers, Capuchins, Recollects, Freres de h. Gharite, Minimes, Oratorians, Chartreux, Predicatenrs, Picpuces, Carmes, Augustines, Ursulines, Caiverians, Clerines, Soeurs de la Croix, Barnabites, Sceurs de la Charite, Annonciat^, Soeurs de St. Thomas, CHrmei?de Chaussee, Petit Pc^re?, Dames de St. Claire, Lazarists, Ordre de St. Behoit, Dames de la Visitation, Celestines, Chapitre* Nobles des Femmes, Chanoins, Trapistes, Incas, Friars, Curates, Cler- gymen, Chaplains, and other such useless beings, or as they emphatically style each other^ Impudent impos- tors, who being too proud and lazy to work, have availed themselves of man^s credulity, and the corruption of the executive power, to get laws enacted, enabling them to steal with impunity from the laborious and industrious citizens; and who, not content with thus cheating mart- kind, have contrived to defraud each other in the division of the s{>6il, by giving to one, becjiuse he wears at cap of a 2 10 THS COMMONWEALTH OF REASON. particular form, and of his own invention, ten or twelve THOUSAND POUNDS A YEAR; whllst the poor devils who read all their tenets to the infatuated multitude are allowed by these meek^ moderate^ Uemperate, sober ^ honesty chaste, virtuous^ modesty dignified^ and superior interpreters of what, as they say of each other ^ each impiously chooses to call God's holy uord, perhaps fifteen 0!i twenty pounds A year; but then their motto is patience^ and perhaps I may bea cardinal, bishop, pope, mufti^ Ta-ho-changyGreat Lama, or high-priest; it follows, I say, that these establish- ments, which produce such caterpillars, who pretend that an all just God has sent them to devour the good things of this world, without contributing to the labour of producing *hem, can be attended with no other consequence than that unhappy one of exciting the niiost rancorous animosities and implacable resentments betwixt those whose immediate interest consists in preserving the utmost cordiality, har- mony, and fraternity, with each other, because they are at every instant endeavouring to gain superiority the one over the other, by engendering the most vicious hatred in tneir followers against all who happen to dissent from their par- ticular doctrine ; I therefore propose, as religion is a subject roerely of opinion, and consequently ought to be free as the circumambient air, not to suflfer the building, at other than private expence, any cathedral^ mosque.^ synagogue^ convent J pagoda^ churchy motiastery.) tabernacle, coni'tnticlcf abbey ^ meeting- house^ nunnery, pantheon^ chap$l^ temple^ altar^ or other ediiice, to be appropriated to the purpose of "what is called national religious worship; or the endow- ment of any monastery or nunnery; or the existence of any tythes, or other provision for what are called the re- gular and national clergy; taking it for granted, that the citizens can never be more happy, or the Commonwealth more flourishing, than when they follow that precept in ethics, of *' Do unto all men as you would they should do -itnto you;'' which great and immutable principle of mondity is invaded, whenever one man attempts to deprive arother of any of his rights, merely because he happens to differ from him in religious opinions; for who will sny, that the Swede, when he castrates the deluded Koman Catholic priest, who has the misfortune to be found in his country, would not think himself ill used by being served in the same manner, whenever he chanced to go to Rome; and never- theless this ia one of those savage cu>tom8, amongst a pro- digious number of others, equally barbarous, that have been THE COMMONWEALTH OF REASOiV. H iiHrodiicod by these religionists, who, with UDblushing eftVonfery and unparalleled impudence, tell you, that in so doing they zealously serve the Supreme Being, promote the happiness of man, and propagate the doctrines of that great and good man, Jesus Christ, of whom it is recorded, in tho New Testament, a book which these hypocrites themselves pretend to believe the truth of, that he was of so meek « disposition, that, in his advice to his disciples and followers, he said, '< If any man smits thee on the right cheeky turn to him the left also.'* And as tlie establishment of laws, however good and wholesome they may be. can be of no real use or service to the citizens, whilst the most effectual care is not taken to obtain a fair, impartial, and speedy execution of them ; and as all experience must have long since convinced men that suffering of the law to be practised by individuals, for their own peculiar benefit and advantage, thereby making a trade of that which should form a principal and prominent feature in the executive power of the Commonwealth, is a principle that is radically founded in error, militates directly against a due and equitable administration of justice, is attended with the most injurious consequences to society ; with the most melancholy examples of ruin and poverty to the parties seek- ing redress, and above all, has become, in the hands of cor- ruption, a very principal means of enslaving nations, of destroying the great and sacred rights of man, and of rending- asunder those fraternal bonds, which should ever unite the citizens in the most brotherly afiection to each other ; and the laws having, in most countries, under the most flimsy pretext and specious assertion of maintaining peace, order, and good government, of every one of whicli they are at p/esent entirely subversive, no doubt, expressly with a view to the particular interests of those legal wolves, who are con- tinually prowling in society, seeking whom they may devour, become so complicated and entangled, that a whole life spent in the most unremitting" study of* them, is not sufficient to ascertain, with precision, what is or is not law, whereby the great bulk of the citizens of most countries are lelt in igno- rance, and the most shameful state of b:intlness, of what ou^ht to constitute their principal instruction, namely, a clear and accurate knowledge of those laws under which they live, are governed, and by which their lives, fovtiincs, and ho- nour, are liable every day to be judged ; and as the present method of administering public jushee inmost countriesis such, that the greater part of the ciiizcns arc imbued with a yi T(1B COMMOIfWyiLTM OF RBASON, Relief that they have no occasion to obtain a knowledge of the laws of their nation, since they can always be able tq find men who have studied them in a manner that is termed professional^ and these, to keep up the delusion and error, purposely contrive to render them so intricate and perplex- ing, that the generality of men are deterred from entering upon an examination of their principles, and, by this trick, the public justice of a country is held up to sale like goods ^t an auction, where the best bidder generally is the pur- chaser, with thig difference, that whereas in the auction, the buyer may perhaps be benefited by his bargain, the gainer of a law-suit is but too generally ruined, and in a worse jj^ondilion than if he had quietly put up with the first injury j indeed, the lawyers are, in fact, in almost all countries the most zealous, and strongest inculcators of Christianity ; for fjxperience soon teaches all their clients, to their cost, that it is much more for their advantage to follow that precept qf Jesus Christ, where he says, " And him that taketh away j^hy cloak forbid him not to take thy coat also, and of him that taketh away thy goods, ask them not again,'' than em- ploy an attorney to recover them, for frequently in attempt- ing to recover his hat, the citizen has the misfortune to los^ his coat, waistcoat, shirt, stockings, and breeches ; it should seem, therefore, that those societies, which are esta- blished for the purpose of propagating the Christian Faith, would do well to recommend to the Pope the supplying all yacant church establishments with these strenuous supr porters of the doctrines of Jesus Christ, instead of those qlergynien, who, by their conduct, seem determined rather to bring Christianity into disesteem than promote its inte- rests; and as distributive justice denaands that every where the laws ought reidly to be what the English judges say the law of their country is, equally open to the poor and the ^ich ', although how far this is the case in niost countries may be best judged of by the daily occurrences, where, if a man have not wherewith to fee an avaricious attorney, his com- plaints, however just, against his neighbour, must remain unheard and unredressed, whilst there are not wanting abundance of in?tances, where the man of w-ealth, by th^ mere dint of money, properly appiiacl, as the men oj' lata professionally term it^ has been able to harass, oppress, and ruin his fellow-citizen, without any just cause whatever ; and to what is .-ill this to be attributed, but that which is qonsidered by. the profession as their sheet anchor, and emr nhatically termed the gioriqas uncej^laintfj nj' the laWy THE POMMON\TSAtTII OF RKASOTf. 13 which readered into plain English, is, whose attorney is the greatest rogue^ who has the longest purse, and the ptost convenient witnesses ; and as this glorious uncertainty of the law, so much valued and boasted of by its professors, is, or ought to be, its greatest reproach, because the law should equally apply to all the citizens, and none be suf- fered to be ignorant of it ; should be definite, and never be 80 made as to admit of two or more constructions ; and as delay in the determination of causes, is of all things the most destructive of justice, by opening a wide and exten- sire field for corruption, perjury, and oppression, and is highly harassing, and cruel to the parties accused ; their being a variety of examples where citizens who were ex- tremely innocent of the crime alledged, have been detained in prison for six, nine, twelve months, and more, without being ever brought to trial, and at last discharged without any thing like evidence being offered of their guilt; there- fore, to remedy these evils, I propose, in my plan, not to suffer any attorney or advocate to be paid at the private ex- pence of (he individual seeking justice, but propose, that the law, the just and equitable administration of which is a circumstance mutually interesting to the whole body of the citizens, should really be what the administrators of English jurisprudence say of their laws, equally attainable by the affluent and the needy, and for this purpose, I pro{)ose, that it should at all times be administered at public expence, and. without any unnecessary delay; thus preventing any use- less and inconvenient disbursement of money on the part of either plaintiff or defendant, and giving every citizen his remedy against oppression; thus restoring Justice to her original purity, by taking out of her beam that bias whick at present but too often causes one of her scales to preponde- rate, and never permitting her sword to strike but whea ^Uth directs the blow. I / H THE COMMONWEALTH OF RBASOJf,' PLAN, &c. I SHALL now proceed to lay down the outlines of my plan for a Commonwealth, and here I must entreat the candid reader to bear in mind, that if any part or the Whole of it, may appear incongruous, I shall feel the greatest plea- sure in seeing my feeble attempts taken up by a more masterly hand, and that happiness, which is the undoubted right of, and which I most fervently wish my fellow creatures to possess, placed by superior abilities, within the reach of oppressed mortals, by the proposition for a rational Govern- ment, to be founded on the indefeasible rights of man, — the non-existence of which in most countries has hitherto so cruelly scourged the human species, sinking them in slavery, sloth, and baseness ; making them hug those chains they pught to rend asunder; corrupting their morals, degene- rating their habits, and submitting them to the cruel and rapacious tyranny of a few crafty knaves and designing villains, that punish the imbecility of those who imitate their example with the most bloody and dreadful tortures ; thus filling their prisons with the wretched victims of their savage policy, or else strewing- the earth with the dead and mangled carcases of those who, left destitute by the negligence of society, have been forced into criminal pursuits to obtain that provision which their physical wants have rendered abso- lutely necessary, but which the injustice and rapacity of these unfeeling gaolers of the human mind has preveiited them from being capacitated to obtain by other meaiiSj than depredating in their turn upon those who never cease for an instant to pillage and ravage their fellow-citizens, to support themselves in the most shameful debauchery and extravagant dissipation ; — regardless of the misery and wretchedness which they everywhere diffuse by the gratification of those inordinate and desolating- passions that reduce them in the pyes of the honest and virtuous man, far below the level oi' THE COMMONWEAtTH OF REASON* 15 the beasts of the field. Indeed, government, in the most part of the present societies, may be compared to caterpillars and locusts, who destroy> without remorse, the produce oi' the industry and labour of others, without ever dreaming of giving, in any manner, their assistance in return. I can truly say, that the endeavour to point out the means of establishing such a government has been the most promi- nent motive for the present publication ; conscious of the deficiency of my own acquirements in the prosecution of this design, I can flatter myself with nothing more than the hope that 1 may by it excite in the bosom of the philosopher and man of reflection, the desire of ameliorating the miseries of his species ; which, whatever may be the difference of opinion between men on the best means of remedying them, must at all events be universally acknowledged but too fatally to have existence, and to cry aloud for redress: no man of humaniry can look at the cottager, and see him «ieagre, half-famished, and worn down with excessive toil,— - his children naked and uneducated, — and at the same time view the plumpness and healthy appearance of the coach- borse that drags his lord in enervating idleness past the bumble thatch, and not be ready to allow, that wherever such a wicked disparity between the condition of the human and brutal species exists, the government must be radically wrong, infamous, and little calculated to produce the de- sirable end for which government was originally instituted. To the critics, I can only say, I shall cheerfully submit to their lashes, while thev inflict them only in conformity to justice and reason ; and that, far from feehng myself angered by their animadversions, however severe tliey may be, i shall be happy in having my mistakes rectified, and to be drawn from my wanderings into the path of truth; to be imbued with those sublime doctrines, forms the most zealous wish of my heart; and to inculcate the fascinating, beautiful, and delicious tenets of this long-neglected though radiant sun of human felicity, bounds the utmost ambition of my soul ; and should I ever again appear before the public tri- bunal, I shall feel it the most honourable part of my lite, candidly to acknowledge my errors, and thankfully to re- cognize the beuelits that 1 may have received from the im- partial observations of the lenrned, and the honest criticisms oi the friends of humanity and truth. This premised, 1 think it proper and suit-ible to my sub- ject, to set out with a Declaration of Rights, founded "on the broad and permanent basis of Liberty, Fraternity, and li THE €OMMON\fttALTH OF MkaSON. Equality^ as I conceive it \% on the imperiighable foundatioii of these rights alone, that those la\vs afid regulations can be built, which shall truly and faithfully have for object, what ought to be considered the most important of nW huniati pursuits — The happiness of the hitman rac6 living togetht^ in society. DECLARATION OF RIGHTS* Article I. — All men, when they come out of the hand* of Nature, are equal and free. This freedom and equality they can never infringe without committing injusftice to themselves; they ought always to remain equal ahd free: no distinction ought to exist amongst the citizens but what is conducive to the general utility and happiness of society ; any privilege, therefore, granted to a member of society for his own particular advantage, becomes an injustice to the rest of the citizens. Art. 2. — The legitimate end of all association whatever, is the conservation of society, and the preservation of the natural and imprescriptible rights of each of its members : these rights are Liberty, Security, and Resistance against Oppression of every kind, and are founded on the nature of tnan. Art. 3. — The Soverkigntv ought to reside in the ma- jority of the citizens who compose a nation. No body of men of less amount than the absolute majority ; no indivi- dual^ unless authorised by a complete majority, can legiti- mately exercise any authority over the citizens, because Nature has willed that its part shall always remain subor- dinate to the whole. Art. 4. — Liberty consists in the power of doing every thing for the advantage of the individual which does not trench upon the rights of another: thus no restriction ought to be laid on the rights of any man, because, whenever the exercise of a function becomes injurious to society, it ceasei to be Liberty, and becomes licantiousness ; but as every man may not be able to form to himself an accurate and precise idea of what constitutes Licentiousness, the law, tvhich, to be just, must be the ej^pi'essiort of the will of the absoluftc majority of the citizens, fixes boundaries to th6 aresentalion by the deaih or (lioim'^sil of the former member, then the citizens of the district to proceed immciiiatelv to choose another svioernnmerarv. I also propose, that the eleclors shall, at any time v/heii •l ^HB COMMONWEALTH OF REASON, they shall (to the number of tivehe thousand Jive hundred and one^ agree that the representative or his supernumerary has forfeited their confidence, be possessed of the power of removing such deputy or his supernumerary, and proceed to the election of another. HHir^ COMMITTEE OF GOVERNMENT. The representative body, when met, shall proceed to choose from amongst their own body, a Committee of Government^ to be elected by ballot, and each member to be considered only as having his election by having' in his favour an actual Toajority of the representative body : for example, if the deputies consist of four hundred citizens, then it shall be absolutely necessary for each member chosen into tho com- mittee of government, t© have the suffrages of tiro hundred and one representatives. I also propose, that four of the members of the committee shall go out monthly by rotation, and be replaced by four others chosen in the same manner as the first* This committee to have no other power than that of executing the decrees of the representation, and lay- ing before them, for consideration, such measures as they may deem necessary to the pubh'c advantage ; but not to put any measure into execution until after it shall have received the sanction of an absolute majority of the representatives of the people. This committee to have under them six clerks^ to be chosen anually from among- the people, by an absolute majority of the representative body, one month previous to the expiration of each year ; each to be paid two bushels o( wheat per diem, or an equivalent in money at the average price of grain in the district where the represen- tatives shall hold their sittings. COMMITTEE OF FINANCE. I also propose, that the representative body shall choose from amongst themselres, observing the same forms as in the choice of the members composing the Committee of Govern- ment, a Committee of Finance y to consist of twelve members Jour of which shall go out monthly by rotation, and be re- placed in the same manner as the citizens of the committee of government. This committee to have under them six clerks f to be chosen from amjngst the people, in the same manner as the clerks of the Committee of Government ; and each to be paid tno bushels of wheat per diem, or an equi- valent in money according to the value of the wheat at the THB COMMONWEALTH OF REASON. 2^ average market price of such district where the representa- tive body are assembled. The functions of this committee, I propose, t® be the receipt of the taxes ; the care of tlie national treasure ; and the payment of all salaries: the inspection of public roads, buildings, canals, and rivers, and to report to the repre- sentative body, when and where it is necessary to amend old ones, or make new ones ; but not to put them into exe- cution until they shall have been decreed by an absolute nitijorily of the national representation. It shall be their duty to inspect the public w'orks of every sort, and make the necessary payments; but, previous to any such payment taking place, they shall report upon it to the representative body, and receive their sanction. Their accounts to be always subject to the. inspection of the citizens composing the representation , and every month they shall publish an account of their receipts and expenditures, and of the money in their hands, signed by the names of the whole committee, with the names of the districts they represent: these accounts shall be deposited with the registers of each district for ti^e inspection of the citizens. COMMITTEE OP AGRICULTURE, TRaDJ^, AND PROVISIONS. ■t I also propose, that the representative body shall choose from among themselves, a committee of agriculture, trade^ andprovision.s, observing the same forms as in the two other committees, four of whicn shall vacate their stations monthly, by rotation, and be replaced in the same manner as in the other committees. This committee to have under them ^ij; clerks, chosen from among the citizens in the same manner as the clerks to the other committees, and each to be paid ino bushels of wdieat per diem, or an equivalent in money, at the average price of the district where the representation are communed. The functions of this committeee, I propose, to be the in- spection of the agriculture of the country ; the state of the trade; and the taking measures for providing provisions and fuel for the diiforent districts ) they shall every montli make a report to the national rcpresentr.tion, signed by all the mem- bers composing the committee, stating the dislricls which they represent; these reports, 1 propose, shall be sent to the registers of each district for public information. The qualilication forac/^r/t to the comniiltnes to be. having attained the age of twenty-one years, and having elective 4 26 -ffift dOMMONWEALTH OF REASON. franchise, that is to say, uncontaminated with crime, of sane intellect, a native of the country, or naturalized. I also propose, to prevent any stagnation taking place in the prosecution of the public business, that at the dissolution of one representative body, the committees who shall be in office, shall remain until they are replaced by the regular monthly succession of four members of the new repre- sentation. ' And as laws, to be equitable, should always be the expres- sion of the will of the majority of the citizens, 1 propose, that no act, regulation, or decree, shall take place and have effect, or be binding on the citizens, unless it has received the sanction of an absolute majority of the whole repre- sentation ; that is to say, if the deputies are five hundred in number, then to every act that shall have force, two hundred and fifty-one members shall have given their assent; and their names, and those of the districts which they represent, shall be annexed to every such decree on its promulgation, or else it shall be considered as void, and of no effect. Thus every act of the legislature being sanctioned by an absolute majority of the deputies, and these representatives being themselves deputed by an actual majority of the citi- zens, it would be a fair inference to suppose all such acts to be the expression of the public will, and to convey, as nearly as human possibility admits, the genuine sense of the community. The same inference will hold good with respect to the Committee of Executive Government, which, being chosen by an absolute majority of the representative body, to which every citizen is eligible, whatever they do maybe justly considered as springing from the free consent of a ma- jority of the whole citizens. I propose also, that a copy of every act of the legislature be sent, properly signed, to the registers of each district, for public inspection, and also to the offices of the judicial administrators. But as the long possession of power has been found, by experience, to corrupt the human mind, and make men take illegal and surreptitious means to continue the enjoyment of it, I propose, to remedy this evil, hitherto found to be fraught with such destructive consequences to the liberty of the human species, that after having served the office of re- presentative for one year, the citizen shall be incapable of being again chosen for two years after ; this will have two good effects — the one will be, that the representative, being ilecesffitated to return into the mass of the citizens, will be / ■^ THE COMMONWEALTH OF HEASON% g| careful not to give his sanction to any arbitrary measure, be- cause lie will, in that case, be subjected himself, for two years, to all the evils of his own decrees ;-r-the other is, that by this means, the business of legislating and governing will be more generally diffused amongst the people ; and thus the principle of public happiness will become more univer- sally understood, and the opportunities of cor rw/?^»on be con- siderably if not entirely removed. ADMINISTRATION OF THE LAWS. As I conceive that the administration of laws, which ought to be made only with a view to the public good, requires nothing more than integrity and industry ; and, as nothing •can be more unjust, or implicate a greater absurdity, than that those institutions, which are meant for the benefit of all, should be exercised for the particular profit and advantage of a few ; so the establishment of attorneys, counsel, judges, &c. to be paid by the individual who feels it necessary to recur to the justice of his country, seems to be a practicq that has originated in corruption, the continuation of which must ultimately be destructive of all morality, and subversive of that equality of judicial administration, that alone can render it beneficial and estimable in the eyes of men. It is the boast, indeed, of some countries, that the law is equally open to the rich and the poor; the same may be said of a banker's shop ; but as it needs no argumeht to prove, that in the latter instance, the man who is unprovided with a good draft will not be allowed to receive money: so it is equally demonstrable, that, in those countries where the jaw is administered at private expence, the man who is des- titute of a long purse, will be equally unable to obtain either law or justice, Thus, in such countries, the rich man is enabled to lord it over his poorer neighbour with impunity. This generates strife amongst the citizens, and divides their interests, which, that they may retain their liberty, and live in perfect security, they "shquld always endeavour to con- centrate and unite. I propose, therefore, that in each district the citizens shall choose, annually, from amongst their own body, by an abso- lute majority, a citizen, whose duty it shall be to preside over all complaints, both criminal and civil, that may arise in tiie district, and adjudge them, with the assistance of a jury, to be chosen by lot from the registry of the district, according to the laws of the Commonweath. This Judicial / 28 THE COMMONWEALTU OF REASON. administrator^ I propose, to be assisted by three clerks, who shall also be chosen by an absolute majority of the electors of the district yearly : the election to take place one month previously to the expiration of each year. This tribunal, I propose, shall be open every day for the distribution of justice. To all parties accused, I propose giving the right of a pe-r remptory challenge to as many jurymen as the number of which the jury by which they are to be tried shall be com-, posed. Thus suppose fifteen citizens to be a jury, and this is the number I would propose ; thirty shall be summoned by lot, out of which he shall have a right to reject fifteen : the other fifteen to try the cause, with the assistance of the administrator of justice, who shall read the law upon the case, and in the event of the party accused being- found guilty, pass the sentence affixed by the law immediately, and in all those cases, where the punishment is not precisely expressed by the legislature of the Commonwealth, then the jury to award such punishment as they shall deem V^-onsistent with equity; and if the party sentenced under this last circumstance be dissatisfied, then an appeal to lie to the Committee of Executive Government, who shall report the affair to the representation, an absolute majority of which shall finally decide the cause. I also propose, that the same jury shall never try two successive causes, either criminal or civil ; but that for as Diany causes as there are to be tried, so many times thirty jurymen shall be chosen by lot, and summoned to attend ; the names to be enrolled, and called over in rotation, and each fifteen^ as they are left after the challenges, to be the jury to try the cause. This will prevent the possibility of bribing a jury, because it will be utterly impossible to know what jury will try any given cause. The qualification for a judicial administrator to be, having attained his thirtieth year, having been a resident in I he district for three years previous to his election, having the elective franchise, that is to say uncontaminated with crime, and of sane mind. — His remuneration to be fixed at three bushels of wheat per diem, or an equivalent in money, at the average market price of the district. The qualification of a clerk to be, having attained twenty- five years, having resided in the district for two years an'e,- cedent to his election, and having elective franchise : the salary to be two bushels of wheat per diem, or an equivalent jn munev. THE €03fM0NWKALTH OF REiASOIf. 29 I also propijse, that the laws should be o,d ministered im- mediately, and without intermission, allowing only to the parties the time necessary to prepare their documents; and in no case do I propose that the administration of justice shall be attended with one farthing expence to either party, except what a jury shall adjudge against those parties whose suits they may pronounce litigious and vexatious ; for as justice ought to be distributive and impartially administered, nothing can be more absurd than to make the obtaining of it a matter of expence to the citizen who applies for it ; this being, in fact, nothing more than establishing a dangerous pre-eminence in the man of property over his more needy neighbour, and deciding- the point in dispute by the strength of the purse, and completely and effectually secluding poverty^ from obtaining that redress which is equally its right with the greatest ivealth and affluence, LIBERTY OF THE PRESS. This being one of the most sacred rights of a citizen, and perhaps the only means of ascertaining-, what most cerbiinly ought to be the principal object of every citizen's pursuit, truth^ I propose, that in the Commonwealth, in no possible case shall any restriction be laid on the writing, publishing-, or delivering any discourse or opinion, on any subject what- ever. Indeed, truth being the end most desirable in all well regulated states, the investigation of principles ought to bo free to every one, and rather meet with oncouragemont than restraint ; therefore no licence or authority ought to be ne- cessary for the printing, publishing, or delivery of any doc-» trine, or of any animadversion on the public administration ; and these are my reasons; the doctrine, if good, and capable of producing a mrijority of the people to declare in its favour, ought, most assuredly, to be received ; if otherwise, its own want of importance will be its surest and best destruction •with freemen ; and all experience has shewn, that the at- tempt to suppress opinions is the most infallible means of bringing them into esteem : indeed, that which in itself is stupid and irrational, does not want the keen and critical eye of a public accuser to point out its absurdity; and if it is reasonable and just, it only marks the ignorance, folly, and wickedness, of those who are willing to smother it ; for in a Commonwealth, where every one has an equal interest in supporting the happiness and tranquillity of the nation, no pne will be able^ by any arguuiont, however plausible, to 30 THE COSIMONWEALTIl OF REASON. injure a society whose members will, at all times, be ready to resist every attempt at subverting that felicity of which they feel the beneficent effect. Thus, when the govern- ment shall be rational^ just^ and equitable^ all the citizens will find their greatest advantage in defending it from insi- dious attacks, and they will be a much better security for its stability than prosecutions for high treason^or imprison^ Clients for sedition. The wings of /t6ere deemed marriageable. This will have a tendency to lessen those dreadful scenes of wretched pol- iulion that every where disgrace the moral institutions of civilized nations, and which are principally kept iji existence by the impolitic restraints which have been laid on the youth of both sexes entering iiito the hymeneal bonds at a period when nature has given vigour to their passions, and that greediness of wealth that frequently induces parents to oblige their children to render themselves unhappy for life, by an- intermarriage with decrepitude, age, or a person that is their utter aversion, merely because it is what the world very unjustly calls a prudent match. Thus the youth, dis- gusted at home, seeks amongst those unfortunate females, whom a similar policy has driven into a state of prostitution, to satisfy those passions that nature has implanted strongly in his breast. I tJierefore propose, that no consent wliat- ever shall be necessary to the junctidli of a male and female, except their own; for as this is a matter in which their future happiness or misery is concerned, it seems but ra- tional and just that they alone should be consulted on an aflair of such importance to their welfare, 'i'hese regulations would also remedy another evil, which is the immense ex- pence that attends the obtaining of a divorce in most coun- tries, and which frequently obliges a man and a w^oman, for want of the money necessary, to live together, although they are conscious of each other's iniideiity. CANALS, PUBLIC ROADS, AND RIVERS. I also propase, that no canal shall be dug, public road made, or river cleansed, at other than public expence; and this is mv res son, — these thin^js beino; a benefit to the whole com- muoity, either immediately or conyequently, ought to be defrayed by the generality of the citizens ; they will al^o, THE COMMONWEALTH OP BUASOX. ennancnt liberty and durau'e liappincss of man, — the adture of the human mmd and //i? eUiicaiio'i, ■ of the members who compose societij, — anil this should of course torni an institution that d'.ight to be considered of the first con«fyaY thrdugh thcrje d-irk caverns, into which 40 THE COMMONWEALTH OF iiKASOX. * the cunning of priests and tyrants have precipitated ihcm 5 and which their infern:^] policy has always preveuted froia being' enlightened by the sacred and brilliant rays ai' educa- tion^ knowledge, and truth, v. hich alone can conduct them to the groves of happiness. To restore then liberty to long-insulted man, to draw im- mortal and immutable truth oat of those holes and corners into which falsehood, superstition, and tyranny has driven it, and place it on those aUars which are at present occupied by error, and to remove that disgraceful ignorance which debases human nature, rendering it corrupt, venal, and pro- fligate, 1 intend that education shall form a part of the na- tional establishment of the Commonwealth, and be considered as one of the first objects of the legislator's care, because to form good and virtuous citizens for a state, it is absolutely necessary that they should be instructed in their rights, know how to maintain them, and be acquainted with their nature and consequence. J therefore propose, t^iat in each district there shall be erected a sufHcient number of public schools, to educate all the children of the district, and that from the age of four to fourteen, no citizen shall be suffered to withhold his child from receiving an education at one of the public seminaries of the district in which he resides, upon pain of forfeiting his rights as a citizen for ever; and that the rising generation may at all times receive the im- pulse of the public will, and that each parent may have a due share in and controul over the education of his child, 1 propose, that every year the masters^ mistresses, or tutors, shall be elected by ballot, by an absolute majority of the electors of the district, that is to say, by the sufrrage of not less than twelve thousand Jive hundred and one; the new election to take place one month previous to the expiration of each year ; and each master, mistress, or tutor, to receive a salary oifour bnshels of wheat per diem, or an equivalent in money, taking the average market price of the district, and to live rent free in the national school, which shall always be the property of the Commonwealth, and be fitted up with a library, and with mathematical, astronomical, optical, and other scientific apparatus, for the use of the pupils ; the children to be clothed, boarded, and lodged during the ten years of their education, at the public expence, and without any distinction whatever ; the expence to be borne by the inhabitants of the district by assessment. And to prevent abuses taking place in these establish- ments, and to cnyure a punctual and steady conduct in the TftK COMMONWEALTH OP REASOX. 41 hiasters, mistresses, or tutor's, I propose that there shall be chosen, in each district, by a majority of the whole electors, ybr^y persons who shall form a committee of superintendance, ten to go out every three months, by rotation, and to be sup- plied by ten other citizens, who shall also be chosen by an absolute majority of the whole suffrages of the district; these shall be bound to examine once in every month, or as much oftener as they shall think right, all the schools of the district, and make their report to the representative body, and to the district, which report shall be lodged with the register, for public inspection ; they shall also audit the ac- counts of the expenditure attending the public seminaries, and settle the quota of each citizen towards defraying them, every third month, for the ensuing three tnonths; as the members of this committee will be immediately interested in their functiouj?, so I propose, that no salary shall attend the execution of them ; and to prevent the affairs of the district ever getting into the hands of a junto, I propose, that no citizen, after having served on the committee, shall be again eligible to be chosen for twelve months ; they shall also inspect the conduct of the municipal officers, and report thereon. The qualification of a master or tutor to be, having- at- tained thirty years^ having resided in the district for four years^ being father of a family, and having elective fran- chise. The qualification for a mistress to be, having attained twenty -six years f being a mother, and having resided in the district seven years. The qualification for a member of the committee of inspec- tion to be, having attained twenty-one ycars^ having been resident twelve months in the district, having elective franchise, and being father of a family-. I I also propose, that no religious doctrine whatever shall be taught in the national schools; and that any master, mistress, or tutor may be displaced, on twelve thousand five hundred and one of the electors of the district signifying to the register that he or she has lost their confidence, I also propose, that tv/ice in every year the scholars of each district shall assemble at some place, to be previously appointed by the committee of superintendance, to celebrafe civic games, and other exercises that may be productive of* activity and health amongst the youth ; on which days a; so, they shall elect fron^ amongst themselves one of the scholars, 6 42 THB COMMoNWBAkTK •? RBASON^ who shall deliver an oration on liberty^ and the benefits accruing from education; which shall be printed and distri- buted through the Commonwealth, and a copy lodged with the register of the district, signed \}y the youth who pro- nounced it. MILITARY FORCE AND DISCIPLINE. The introduction of what have been termed soldiers, that is to say, men carefully separated from their brother citizens, and exclusively instructed in the art of murdering their fellow-man, has been one of those means of which tyrants have availed themselves to destroy the liberty and indepen- dence of man, and subjugate him to that disgraceful state of slavery and oppression, under which we at present see him groaning and languishing in almost every climate ; and the evil that has resulted to society from this institution is too glaring and notorious to admit of controversy; yet in a state of association, some kind of defence is absolutely ne- cessary to preserve the citizdns from foreign insult, and domestic depredation; now, as every member of the com- munity is equally interested in the preservation of his rights and liberty, and as teaching one man the use of oifensive weapons in preference to another, is giving the one a decided superiority and mastery over his fellow-citizen ; and as cor- ruption has been enabled, by artful men, to spread its baleful influence over these military automatons, and thus to enslave nations to the arbitrary caprice of individuals, I propose, as a remedy for these evils, and to maintain amongst all the citizens that equality of right, from which alone must flow their respective and collective happiness, and security against oppression — That every citizen in the Commonwealth shall be a soldier, and every soldier a citizen. For this purpose, I intend that the science of military tactics shall form a part of the education of youth ; thus placing all the citizens upon a level in the use of arms, after which, if they suffer their liberty to be wrested from them by ambitious and de- signing knaves, it will be their own fault, and they deserve only to be slaves. The man, who having the means of pre- serving his liberty, voluntarily gives it up, is unworthy of being n freemen, I therefore propose, that in every district there shall be erected national military schools, into which the youth, after they have attained the age of fourteen > shall be sent for one year more to learn the exercise and duty of a soldier, and tnn COMMONWEALTH OP RRASOX. 43 defender of himself and bis country. The masters of these schools to be chosen in the same manner as those of the other seminaries of the Commonwealth, and to be paid in the same manner; the same qualifications to be requisite, and the jschools to be under the superintendance of the committee of forty; and the expences attending them to be defrayed by the citizens of the district, in the same manner as those incurred by other public schools. I also propose, that one day in every two months, every citizen from the age of fif- teen to fifty, shall form himself, with his neighbours, into regiments, and go through the martial exercise and military evolutions: this will prevent their forgetting the great prin- ciple of defence, and render them at all times ready and fit to defend their country in case of attack, I also propose, that every citizen who shall have obtained the age of four- teen, shall be furnished by his district, with a firelock and a bayonet, which he shall be boui^d fo keep in complete repair and fit for immediate use, if occasion requires, to defend himself and the Commonwealth. In cases of public emergency, that is to say, of defence, (for I would propose that the citizens should never enter upon offensive war) toe force that shall be deemed necessary by the leg-islature shall be called out by an equal portion from each district, to be chosen by lot, and without distinction of persons. This force to be paid for their services in such manner, and at such rates as the legislative body shall judge fitting and expedient, and to remain on foot only as long as the public danger shall be declared to exist by the national representation. Thus all being adequate to the defence of themselves^ and of their country, it would be impossible to subjugate, as at present, one part of a nation by another, and, at the same time, the society would be preserved from foreign attack, since it would be, in fact, attacking an hornet's nest to attack a nation of armed men, well disciplined, and w^hose common and natural interest would consist in supporting- and protect- ing each other. Thus those bloody and ci'uel wars that have so often depopulated the earth, would receive an eflfectual check \ ambition would not know where to rear its head with any probable chance of success ; cruel and blood-thirsty chiefs would be abandoned by an enlightened people, and we should no more have the misfortune to see either an Alexander or a CcBsar; a Mahomet or a Cortez; a Charles tkr. Twelfth or a Lctvls thn Fourteonthj a William the Cori" 0^ THE eOHJroXWFALTH OF RKASON. queror or a Cs:ar Peter, — Peace would be restored to tlie blood drenched earth ; security would reign in the cottage and the city, and men would no longer be liable to have in- famous and oppressive measures insolently crammed down their throats with the point of a bayonet, or to be cruelly and wickedly kidnapped ; tyranny would receive its vital blow, and despotism become as obsolete and uncommon as it is now prevalent and fashionable. The necessity of reforming abuses would no where exist, because citizens, instructed in their rights, and rendered capable of defending them, would never suft'er a set of wretched and cowardly miscreants to usurp an authority over them not warranted by their nature, nor conducive to the felicity and repose of the people ; spies and informers would get into disuse and disesteem ; gaols would become almost unnecessary, and the science of government really become the art of rendering the Com- monwealth happy and flourishing. PROVISION FOR The poor. Nothing seems more rational than that society should be obliged to provide for all its members, I therefore propose, that in every district there shall be erected national manu* factories of such articles that every citizen wanting employ- ment may be able to assist. In these manufactories, I pro- pose, none should be admitted unless they produce a voucher trom twelve of their neighbouring fellow-citizens, to the propriety of their conduct, their industry, and their incapa- bility of procuring employ. To each of those citizens, who shall have past the ag^e of fifty without having been enabled to provide for their old age, I propose, that upon production of a certificate, signed by twelve of their neighbours, who are citizens, having elective franchise, of their former good conduct, industry, and of their present incapacity, the re- gister of tlie district shall regularly pay four bushels of wheat per week, or the value thereof at the average market price of the district. CONSTITCTIOX. The first business of the Legislattivc Body should be to frame a constitution upon the sacred Rights of Man, and all laws and decrees should be considered as null and of. fto, effect that deviated from the principles of (his consti- lutiou ; and the proposer, and those ccnfcrned, to be at /- THE COMMONWEALTH OF R&ASd^V. 4^ ?iU limes answerable to the people for their conduct, a ma-' jority of whom shall decide their fate ; and in order that the constitution may be such as is convenient and suitable to the people, I propose, that every seven years it shall either receive the .sanction of a majS:c. foi* the office, per annum, ..,».. . 2jJ 46 THE OaMliONWflAI.TII OF ftBASON. Six clerks to the Committee of Agriculture, Trade, ^nd Provisions, at 2 bushels of wheat per diem each....... £1,314 Stationery, &c. for the office, per annum 250 Printing and other contingent expences of the re- 1 presentative body, committees, registers, &c.. , . • 25,000 One hundred and twenty judicial administrators, at three bushels of wheat per diem each • . 99,420 Three clerks to each ji|dicial administrator, at two bushels of wheat per diem each •• . • • 78^840 Stationery, &c. for each office, at £250. per annum 30,000 £528,052 This may be amply provided for by a tax amounting to Qne twentieth part of a bushel of wheat, or about four* pence per acre per annum on the lands of the Common- wealth, which will produce a sum of eight hundred and thirty-three thousand, three hundred and thirty-three pounds J and may be collected without any expence, by the. registers of the districts, and will greatly overbalance all the necessary expences of an honest and rational govern- tnent, leaving every year the considerable sum of three hundred and \five thousand two hundred and eighty-one pounds y to be applied to works of public utility, and other casualties, as they may occur. Taxes, raised by four-pence per acre on land. , . .£833,333 Expences of Government ....•••• t^ ••» t 528,052 Balance remaining yearly in the Public Treasury £305,281 Thus every fourth year the taxes might be remitted to all the citizens; on such years I would propose, that they should celebrate a festival to economy. FINIS, V # UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. /^Mb AUG! 31952 tij LD 21-100m-ll,'49(B7146sl6)476 ^