D U SB Sb? bSS w ORKS ON NEW SOUTH WALE COMPILED AT THE FREE PUBLIC LIBEAEY, SYDNEY, UNDEll THE DIRECTION OE R. C. WALKER, PRlNCirAL LIBRARIAN. U 17-77 [Is.] SYDNEY : THOMAS RICHARDS, GOVERNMENT PRINTER. 1S78. /a~ \ WORKS ON NEW SOUTH WALES. COMPILED AT THE FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, SYDNEY, UNDER THE DIRECTION OE R. C. WALKER, PRINCIPAL LIBRARIAN. r N \\ Mir- i ■ PAUFOK5JIA. U 17—77 [1*.] SYDNEY : THOMAS RICHARDS, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, 1878. WOBKS ON NEW SOUTH WALES, EELATING TO THE FOLLOWING SUBJECTS, viz. :— 1. GEOGRAPHY OF NEW SOUTH WALES- NATURAL. ADMINISTRATIVE OR POLITICAL. 2. CLIMATE. 3. TRADE, AGRICULTURE, AND PRODUCTIONS. 4. INHABITANTS : CHARACTER, PURSUITS, LANGUAGES. 5. HISTORICAL. 6. INTERNAL ADMINISTRATION. 7. FINANCE. 8. MONEYS, WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Note. — Special information on any of the above subjects, contained in the Text, is shown by a corresponding numeral. /^-7 ?^ JFOV WORKS ON NEW SOUTH WALES. Mode of Reference. Full Title, &c. Remarks. Aborigines (4) Aborigines (4) Aborigines (4) Aborigines .. (4.5) Addison . (1.5) Agricultural Company. (3.5) Agricultural Society. (3.5) Allen (3) Allen (1) Plan to ameliorate the condition of the Aboriginal inhabitants and prevent their extermination. Sydney, 1839 4to. Pamph. pp. 4. Aborigines — Extracts from the Papers and Proceedings of the Aborigines' Protection Society. London, 1841. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 176 Eeport of the Parliamentary Select Committee on Aboriginal Tribes, by the Aborigines Protection Society. London, 1837. 8vo Pamph. pp. 140. The Colonial Intelligencer, or Abori- gines' Friend — Comprising the Transactions of the Aborigines Protection Society. London, 1850. 3 vols. 8vo. Balmain ; its Municipality and in- stitutions. By Gr. P. Addison. Sydney, 1875. 12mo. Pamph. pp.24 Australian Agricultural Company Eeports, 1834-40. London. 8to Pamphs. Anniversary Addresses (by the President) ; List of Members, and Rules and Regulations of the Agricultural Society of New South Wales. Sydney, 1823-26. 8vo. Pamphs. Lecture on Protection — Political Economy proper for New South Wales. By W. B. Allen. Sydney. (n. d.) 12mo. Pamph. pp. 24. Journal of an Experimental Trip by the " Lady Augusta" S.S. on the River Murray. By James Allen, jun. Adelaide, 1853. 8vo., pp. 86 Pamph. Refers to the few attempts which have been made to improve the con- dition of the Aborigines, and to their rapid decrease. Portions of these extracts give very interesting accounts of the Aborigines of Australia. Contains a chapter on the relations between Europeans and the Abori- ginal natives of Australia. Contains statements relative to the Aboriginal tribes of Australia and the conduct of the whites towards them. Refers to a suburb of Sydney, its financial and sanitary condition, &c. This Company received a grant of 1,000,000 acres, extending from Port Stephens to the Hastings River ; also valuable concessions in reference to Coal Mines at Newcastle. Subjects : Importation and increase of stock ; Aborigines ; Report on the land and minerals. Instituted on the 5th July, 1822. These reports give many statements of importance, and show the rapid increase of the agricultural wealth of the Colony, &c. Favourable to protective duties on all articles introduced from abroad which can be produced in the Colony. An account of the exploration of a portion of the Murray, Darling, and Murrumbidgee Rivers. WOBES ON HEW SOUTH WALES. Mode of Reference. Full Title, &c. Remarks. Allwood (4) (1.4) Arden (1.4) "Aristides". (1.5) Arthur ... (1.6) Atkinson. (4) Atkinson . (4) Atkinson , (3) Australia . . . (4.5) Australia... (3 to 6) Lectures on the Papal Claim of Jurisdiction, delivered before the Members of, the Church of England Book Society. May and June, 1843. Sydney. 8vo. Savage Life and Scenes in Australia and New Zealand. By George French Angas. London, 1847. 2 vols. 8vo. Arden's Sydney Magazine of Politics and General Literature. Sydney, 1843. 8vo. Approaching Crisis of Britain and Australia. By "Aristides." MeL bourne, 1854. 8vo. Observations upon Secondary Pun- ishments. By Col. George Arthur. To which is added a letter on the same subject by the Archdeacon of New South Wales. Hobart Town, 1833. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 111. Cowandra. The Veteran's Grant. By the Authoress of Gertrude. (Miss Atkinson.) Sydney, 1859. 12mo. Gertrude, the Emigrant : a Tale of Colonial Life, by an Australian Lady. (Miss Atkinson.) Sydney, 1857. Roy. 8vo. On the expediency and necessity of encouraging Distilling and Brew- ing from Grain in New South Wales. By James Atkinson, Esq. Sydney, 1829. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 33. Australia — An appeal to the World on behalf of the younger branch of the family of Shem. Sydncj, 1839. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 88. The Resources of Australia, and the prospects and capabilities of the New Settlement, &c., and remarks on the internal Government of New South Wales. London, 1841. 12mo. Religious controversy. The small portion of the second volume which relates to New South Wales, gives a truthful picture of the habits and manners of the aboriginal in- habitants, with a description of Sydney and the Illawarra District. Contains a political Essay on New South Whales ; a Satire on Colonial Society, and a Biogi"aphical Memoir of Wentworth and other repre- sentatives of the people, besides a variety of other interesting articles. A collection of letters on matters relating to the Colony, specially advocating the formation of the Riverina Territory into a separate Colony, to be called " Albertonia." . The writer advocates transportation and assignment of convicts, rather than imprisonment. Short but entertaining story of life in Australia. A faithful delineation of Australian bush life. A paper on general Agriculture, with special reference to the cultiTation of Barley for malting. A protest against the outrages practised by some of the early settlers tipon the Aborigines ; together with a glance at their manners and language. Gives a short account of the resources and capabilities of the Colony, its internal administration, &c, at that date. WORKS ON NEW SOUTH WALES. Mode of Reference. Full Title, &c. Remarks. Australia.. (1.3.4) Australia (1 to 6) Australia. (3) Australian League. (4.5) Australian Medical Journal (4) Australian Museum (3) Australian Patriotic Association (1.3.4) Australian Settler's Handbook (3) Backhouse .. (3.4.5) Backhouse .. (4) Badham (4) Twenty years experience in Aus- tralia, being the evidence of dis- interested and respectable residents of those Colonies, as to their present state and future prospects. Lon- don, 1839. 12mo. The picture of Australia, exhibiting New Holland, Van Diemen's Land, and all the settlements, from the first at Sydney to the last at Swan River. London, 1829. 12mo. Australia, as it is. Bristol, 1840, 12mo. Pamph. pp. 48. Sessional Papers, &c, &c., of the Australian League Conference held in Hobart Town and Launceston, Van Diemen's Land. Tasmania, 1852. 8yo. Pamph. pp. 45. Australian Medical Journal. Sydney 1846. 4to. Guide to the contents of the Aus tralian Museum. Sydney, 1873 8yo. Pamph. pp. 16. A Letter from the Australian Patriotic Association to C. Buller, junr., Esq., M.P., in reply to his communication of 31st May, 1840. Sydney. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 18. Australian Settler's Handbook Sydney, 1861. 12mo. A narrative of a Visit to the Aus- tralian Colonies. By James Backhouse. London, 1843. 8vo Extracts from the Letters of James Backhouse, now engaged on a Missionary Visit to Van Diemen's Land and New South Wales. London, 1838. 8vo. A compilation from Statistical Reports and official documents, with extracts from letters, &c. Gives a general • description of the Colony, climate, soil, minerals, plants, native population, &c. Statistics to 1833. A faithful repre- sentation of the prospects and re- sources of the Colony, with hints to immigrants. This Association was formed in the year 1851, to secure the Colony against the continuance of Transport- ation. Refers almost entirely to the local practice of Medicine and Surgery. Refers to a great number of specimens of the natural productions of the Colony. Condemns the withholding Free Insti- tutions from New South Wales, and advocates a continuance of transporta- tion to a limited extent, and the assignment of convicts. Relates to the cultivation of land and management of farms in the Colony. Contains trustworthy information rela- tive to the state of the Colony about the year 1838, its inhabitants, pro- ductions, &c. Describes the religious and social con- dition of New South Wales in 1838. An Address to the University Inaugural Address by Professor Bad- Debating Society. By Charles ham, upon the formation of the Badham, D.D. Sydney, 1875. 8vo. Society by members of the Sydney Pamph. pp. 13. University. WOEKS ON NEW SOUTH WALES. Mode of Keference. Pull Title, &c Remarks. Badham . (4.5) Bailliere .. (1) Baird (1 to 7) Baker (2.3.4) Balcombe (4) Balfour ., (2.3) Bannister (4.5) Barrington (4.5) Barrow (5) Bartlett . . (2.3.4) Primary Education. By Charles Badham, D.D., Sydney, 1876. 8vo Pamph. 14 pp. Bailliere's New South Wales Gazetteer and Road Gkride Sydney, 1866. 8vo. The Emigrant's Guide to Austral- asia. By the Rev. James Baird. London, 1868. 12mo. Sydney and Melbourne, with remarks on the present state and future prospects of New South Wales. By C. J. Baker. London, 1845. 12mo. Gold Pen and Pencil Sketches, or the adventures of Mr. John Slasher at the Turon Diggings. By G. F P. (Pickering), with Illustrations by T. Balcombe. Sydney, 1852. 8vo A Sketch of New South Wales. By J. O. Balfour. London, 1845 12mo. On abolishing Transportation, and on reforming the Colonial Office, in a letter to Lord John Russell. By S. Bannister, late Attorney General of New South Wales. London, 1837. 8vo. Pamph. pp. The History of New South Wales. By Geo. Barrington. London, 1802. 8vo. A Voyage to Botany Bay, with a description of the Country, &c. By the celebrated George Barring- ton. London, 1794. 12mo. An Account of a Voyage to New South Wales. By George Bar- rington. London, 1803. 8vo. The eventful history of the Mutiny and Piratical Seizure of H.M.S. "Bounty," its cause and conse- quence. By Sir John Barrow. London, 1835. 18mo. In the form of a letter to Mr. Dalley. It disapproves of the closing of the Denominational Schools altogether, as being unfair both to Roman Catholics and Anglicans. Contains recent and accurate informa- tion as to all places in the Colony. A short, but correct and unbiassed description of New South Wales and adjoining Colonies. Contains accurate and useful informa- tion on the climate and resources of the Colony ; also on the state of Society in Sydney about 1842. A humourous account, descriptive of life at the diggings. Contains some useful information on the climate of New South Wales ; products, sheep-farming, &c. Reviews the Military system of 1792. Abuses of Colonial Government. Severity of General Darling, the Iron Collars, the Press, etc. Evil of Convict System, Remedies, Justice, Female Immigration. Written by the notorious "pickpocket" B. Contains curious information on old matters of Colonial History ; and gives, on the whole, a correct account of the manners and customs of the aboriginal inhabitants. New Holland, its Colonization, Productions, and Resources. By Thomas Bartlett. London, 1843. 12mo. Captain Bligh ($.«.), the Commander of " Bounty," was for a short time Governor of New South Wales. Gives a good deal of information as to farming, and disposal of labour ; also on the natural productions and climate of New South Wales. WOEKS ON NEW SOUTH WALES. Mode of Keference. Full Title, &c. Remarks. Barton.... (4.5) Barton .. (3.4.7) Barton.... (4.5) Barton.... (4.5) Basch (1) Bate. (2.3) Beit. (4.5) Beit. (3) Belcher (5) Bell (3-7) Benevolent Society... (4.5) Report of a Trial promoted by Sir W. E. Parry, of the Australian Agricultural Company v. Account- ant. By W. Barton, Esq. Lon- don, 1832. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 57. Particulars of Joint Stock Insti- tutions in New South Wales, with the interest that has been derived, etc., from the investment of money in that Colony. By W. Barton. Sydney, 1838. 8vo. Pamph., pp. 15 Literature in New South Wales. By G. B. Barton. Sydney, 1866. 8vo The Poets and Prose Writers of New South Wales. Edited by G. B. Barton. Sydney, 1866. 8vo. Atlas of the settled Counties of New South Wales. Published by Basch & Co. Sydney, 1870. Fol. Silk Cultivation. Sydney, 1864. 16. By John M. Bate 8vo. Pamph. pp Proposal for procuring German Immigrants. By J. M. Beit Sydney, 1847. Pol. Pamph. pp. 3 On the Management of Gold Fields Sydney, 1851. Fol. The Mutineers of the " Bounty," and their descendants in Pitcairn and Norfolk Islands. By Lady Belcher. London, 1870. 'l2mo Industry and commerce relieved and increased by means of Free Trade and direct taxation. By Fred. A. Bell, Esq. Sydney, 1866. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 67. Reports of the Committee of the New South Wales Benevolent Society, from 1820 to 1867. Sydney 12mo. Pamphs. A record of the manner in which justice was administered in the early days of the Colony. A letter written at the instance of a capitalist, giving valuable information as to dividends paid by Public Com- panies at that date. As a whole this volume constitutes a valuable contribution to the literary history of the Colony. This work throws much light on the progress of literature in the Colony. Contains extracts from the writings of some of the most prominent of Australian authors. This excellent Atlas contains twenty separate maps of the counties of New South Wales, with geographical and geological information. Showing the advantages and "adapt- ability of the climate" of New South Wales for the production of silk. Mr. Beit suggests that £12,000 be set apart by Government to secure a full supply of immigrants from Germany. A letter written by Mr. Beit to the Chairman of the Committee of the Legislative Council on the manage- ment of Gold Fields, suggesting modes of obtaining revenue. Norfolk Island is under the super- intendence of the Governor of New South Wales. Lady Belcher's ac- count of the islanders is most inter- esting. Proposes to make Sydney a free port, and to adopt direct taxation, " by raising the greatest amount of the State revenue from real property, income, and house taxes." This Society was inaugurated about the year 1818, and has enjoyed the continued support of the public. Its funds are derived from private sub- scriptions and a Government vote. 10 WORKS ON > T EW SOUTH WALES. Mode of Reference. Full Title, &c. Remarks. Bennett (3) Bennett . (3.4) Bennett . (1.5) Bentham , (3) Berncastle (1) Beuzcville (3) (3-4) Biggc (4.5.G) Biggc .... (4.5) Contains interesting information on the Fauna and Flora of New South Wales. The first volume gives a very correct description of several parts of the Colony, and presents many objects of natural history, and traits of social peculiarity. " The history of the Colony has been brought down to the administration of Governor Darling, which lasted from 1825 to 1831. In more than one respect this is the best of our historical productions." — Barton's Literature in N.S.W. The latest and most complete work on the Botany of Australia yet published Gatherings of a Naturalist in Aus- tralia. By Geo. Bennett, F.L.S., &c. London, 1860. 8vo. Wanderings in New South Wales, &c, during 1832-34. By George Bennett, M.D., F.L.S., &c. Lon don, 1834. 2 vols. 8vo. The History of Australian Discovery and Colonization. By Samuel Bennett, Sydney, 1866. 8vo. Flora Australiensis ; a description of the Plants of the Australian Territory. By George Bentham, F.R.S., &c, assisted by Ferdinand Mueller, M.D., &c. London, 1863- 73. 6 vols., 8vo. The defenceless state of Sydney. Suggests a mode of fortifying the har- ITow it can be defended, and how it can be taken. By Dr. Bern- castle. Sydney, 1865. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 34. Practical instructions for the man agement of Silk-worms, according to the best methods of the breeders of the silk-growing countries, &c, adapted to New South Wales. By James Beuzeville, Sydney. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 13. Export of the Commissioner of Inquiry on the state of Agriculture and Trade in the Colony of New South Wales. By Thomas Biggc, C.E. London, 1823. Fol. Bcport of the Commissioner of Inquiry on the Judicial Establish- ments of New South Wales and Van Diemcn's Land. By Thomas Biggc. London, 1823. Fol. Report of the Commissioner of Inquiry on the State of the Colony of New South Wales. By Thomas Bigge. London, 1822. Fol. bour. A handbook for the rearing of Silk- worms. An accurate Report on the state of Agriculture and Trade, character of the population, &c, in the early days of the Colony. The result of inquiries into the state of the criminal and civil judicature of the Colony. This Report refers wholly to the con- dition, treatment, and employment of the convicts. WOEKS ON NEW SOUTH WALES. 11 Mode of Reference. Full Title, &c. Remarks. Bingle.... (4.5) Binney... (4) Blackie ... (1 to 6) Bland .... (4.5) Bland (5) Blaxland . (1) Bligh (5) Bonwick . (1.5) Bonwick (5) Letter to the Right Hon. His Majes ty's Principal Secretary of State for the Colonics, London, from John Bingle, Esq., one of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the Colony of New South Wales, Sydney August 15, 1832, with the Official Correspondence with the Colonial Government of that Co- lony. Sydney, 1832. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 40. Lights and Shadows of Church-life in Australia, including Thoughts on some Things at Home. By the Rev. T. Binney. London, 1860. 8vo. The Imperial Gazetteer, a General Dictionary of Geography: Physical, Political, Statistical, and Descrip tive. Edited by W. G. Blackie, Ph. D. London and Edinburgh 1855. Roy. 8vo. 2 vols. Services rendered to New South Wales by W. Bland. Sydney, 1862. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 15. Letters to Chas. Buller, jr., Esq M.P., from the Australian Patriotic Association. By W. Bland. Sydney, 1849. 8vo. The Journal of a Tour of Discovery across the Blue Mountains, in New South Wales. By G. Blaxland. London, 1823. 12mo. A Voyage to the South Seas in His Majesty's ship " Bounty," with an Account of the Mutiny on board the said ship. By W. Bligh. London, 1792. 4to. Curious Facts of Old Colonial Days. By James Bonwick. London, 1870. 12mo. Discovery and Settlement of Port Phillip, being a history of the country now called Victoria, up to the arrival of Mr. Superintendent Latrobe, in October, 1839. By James Bonwick. Melbourne, 1856. 12mo. Has reference to the punishment by Bingle of three of his assigned ser- vants by administering 100 lashes ; and subsequent proceedings. The Rev. T. Binney visited Australia about 1860, and his book records his impressions of the religious state of the Colonies ; and also contains cor- respondence with various Church Dignitaries. Neio Soiitli Wales is the subject of a very comprehensive article, treating of its coast-line, geology, vegetation, government, etc. Sydney is fully described, and a map of the harbour is given. Large amount of informa- tion regarding the fauna and flora of the continent, under the head of Australia. Refers to the attempt made by the friends of Dr. B. to obtain some recognition of his public services by the Legislature. Dr. Bland was one of the most per- sistent exponents of the principles of the Patriotic Associatiou. These papers are of great historic value. A brief but accurate and interesting description of the interior of New South Wales. The mutiny was occasioned by Bligh's severity ; he was afterwards ap- pointed Governor of the Colony, but was not successful in his administra- tion. A trustworthy book, relating princi- pally to the social state of the Colony in primitive times. During the time to which the details of this volume refer, Port Phillip formed part of the Colony of New South Wales. 12 WORKS ON NEW SOUTH WALES. Mode of Reference. Full Title, &c. Remarks. Botany Bay. (5) Brabazon (3.4) Bradshaw (1.3) Brady Brady .. (3) Brady and ■ Thome. (3) Braim ( Breton .., (3.4.5.) Brodribb . . . ( Broughton .. (4.5) Captain Cook landing in Botany Bay, with Fac Simile of Cook's Chart, and view of Monument to Captain Cook. Gribbs, Shallard, & Co. Sydney. Pamph. pp. 12 Brabazon's New South Wales General Town Directory and Ad vertiser. Sydney, 1843. 8vo. Bradshaw's Almanac and General Guide for 1872-76. Sydney. 8vo Silk. By Chas. Brady, F.L.S. Sydney, 1871. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 25. The Ailant Silkworm — observations on its habit, management, &c, Contributed by Charles Brady, Sydney, 1868. 8to. Pamph. pp. 38. Silk Culture in New South Wales. By Charles Brady. Silk-growing. By Charles Thoriie. Sydney, 1871. 4to. Pamph. pp. 8. History of New South Wales from its settlement to the close of the year 1844. By T. H. Brahn. London, 1846. 2 vols. 8vo. Excursions in New South Wales, Western Australia, and Van Die- man's Land, during the years 1830 to 1833. By Lieut. Breton, E.N London, 1833. 8vo. A plain statement of facts addressed to the small and large capitalists and the labouring classes in Eng land and elsewhere, on the great capabilities and natural advantages of the Australian Colonics, par- ticularly New South Wales and Victoria, for emigration. By W. A. Brodribb, Esq., a late Member of the Legislature of Victoria, and a Magistrate of twelve years stand- ing in that province of New South Wales. London, 1862. Pamph. pp. 32. A letter in vindication of the prin ciples of the Reformation, addres sed to Roger Tlierry, Esq., in con sequence of a speech delivered by him in the Roman Catholic Chapel at Sydney, on Sunday, July 29th, 1832. By the Rev. W. Grant Broughton, M.A., Archdeacon of New South Wales and its depen dencics. Sydney, 1832. pp. 27. An interesting memoir of the first Englishman who landed in New South Wales. This pamphlet was privately printed and circulated by the Hon. Thos. Holt upon the completion of the monument erected by him to the memory of the illustrious navigator. In addition to the Directory, the volume contains a list of the public and pri- vate institutions of Sydney. Contains a postal and road Guide, be- sides other useful information. Contains a good deal of valuable infor- mation on the production of silk in the Colony. Relates to the production of silk in the Colony. Trustworthy account of the operations and experiments carried on in the production of silk in the Colony. A statistical, historical, and political account of the Colony, with a brief sketch of the various administrations to about 1844. Trustworthy. Cliiefly devoted to a description of the Aborigines in various parts of Aus- tralia. Has also short notes on the natural productions and early settle- ments of the Colony. Mr. Brodribb describes the mode of acquiring and of successfully working Station properties ; and places before his readers in a clear manner the advantages winch the Colonies afford to all industrious and sober men, in pastoral and agricidtural pursuits. Describes the Assisted Emigration Scheme of Victoria and the Land Regulations of New South Wales. Religious controversy. WORKS ON NEW SOUTH WALES. 13 Mode of Reference. Full Title, &c. Remarks. Brougliton (4) Broughton (4) Brougliton (4) Brougliton (4) Brougliton (4) Brougliton (4.5) Brown (3) Buchanan., (4.5) Burton . (4.5) A Charge delivered to the Clergy of New South Wales, at the visitation held on Thursday, Feb. 13th, 1834, in the Church of St. James, at Sydney, by W. Grant Brougliton, M.A., etc. Sydney 1834. pp. 21. Education : a Petition. The humble Petition of William Grant Brough ton, Doctor in Divinity, Bishop and Ordinary Pastor of the Diocese of Australia. Sydney, 1836. Pamph. pp.8. The Speech of the Bishop of Aus tralia at the Entertainment given to His Honor Mr. Justice Burton, on his return to the Colony. 27th May, 1841. The Speech of the Lord Bishop of Australia in the Legislative Council, upon the resolution for establishing a system of general Education. By the Right Rev. W. G. Brough- ton, D.D. Sydney, 1839. pp. 43. A Speech delivered at the Com- mittee of Protestants, on Wednes- day, August 3rd, 1836, on Educa- tion, by the Bishop of Australia. Sydney, 1836. 8vo. pp. 23. Circiriar on Roman Catholic Inter- ference. By the Right Rev. W. G. Brougliton, D.D. Sydney, 1847. Fol. pp. 4. Prodromus Florae Novae Hollandia; et Insula? Van Diemen, exhibens characteres Plantarum, quas annis 1802-1805, per oras utriusque insulae, collegit et descripsit Robertus Brown. Norimbergae, 1827. 8vo. Supplementum. Lon- don, 1830. 8vo. Political Portraits of some of the Members of the Parliament of New South Wales. By David Buchanan, Esq., Sydney, 1863. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 56. The state of Religion and Education in New South Wales. By William Westbrook Burton, one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of New South Wales. London, 1840 8vo. Religious. A protest against the proposed system of general Education. Contains arguments in favour of extended and higher education. The Bishop contends that education cannot be properly given without religious instruction ; and that religi- ous instruction can only be given when the children of various denomi- nations are separately taught. Claiming that prayer, the reading of the Bible, and religious instruction, should form part of the duties in State supported Schools. The Rev. W. Bodenham reported to the Bishop that an Episcopalian, residing in his parish, being near death, was visited by a Roman Catho- lic priest and induced to join the Roman Catholic Church. A most important work on the Botany of New South Wales. Sketches of the history and character- istics of some of the leading Public Men of the Colony. A valuable authority on the social con- dition of the Colony. Some of the statements made gave rise to contro- versy. (See Ullathorne.) 14 WOEKS ON NEW SOUTH WALES. Mode of Keference. Full Title, &c. Remarks. Burton ( Busby .... (3.4) Bush Mission (4) Butterfield (4) Byrne .... (3.4) Cameron . . (2.3.4) Campbell. (3) Catholic Al- manac. (4) " Catholicus". (4) Chambers (1 to 6) Chambers. (5) Visitors' Guide to Sydney ; compris- ing description of the City and its Institutions. By Edwin Burton. Sydney, 1874. 12mo. Authentic Information relative to New South Wales, and New Zealand. By James Busby. London, 1832. 12mo. Reports of the New South Wales Bush Missionary Society. Letters to Members, &c, of the N.S.W. Bush Missionary Society By Joseph Palmer and G. Butter field. Sydney, 1864. Twelve years' wanderings in the British Colonies, 1835-47. By J, C. Byrne. London, 1848. 2 vols 8vo. New South Wales ; its progress and resources. (By A. M. Cameron.) Sydney, 1876. 8vo. The Crown Lands of Australia. By William Campbell. Glasgow, 1855. 8vo. The Catholic Almanac and Directory for Divine Service in the Arch- diocese of Sydney. Sydney, 1854- 61. An original Essay on Popular Edu- cation ; its general merits, and special adaptation to the circum- stances of the Colony of New South Wales. By Catholicus. Sydney, 184£. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 16. Chambers's Edinburgh Journal — Conducted by W. & R. Chambers. London, 1833-53. 12 vols., fol. Address to the People of New South Wales ; in opposition to, and refu- tation of the Grievance Petition of the Legislative Council to Parlia- ment ; and displaying the impolicy of the Constitution Bills. By Chas. II. Chambers. Sydney, 1853. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 21. An excellent and correct description of Sydney at the present time. Con- tains valuable statistical information. Contains information for emigrants, and observations on Crown Lands, &c, to 1832. The Bush Missionary Society sends out itinerant missionaries and has local agents in every principal town in the Colony, now numbering about one hundred. Supported by the volun- tary subscriptions of members of all Protestant denominations. See Bush Mission. That part which refers to New South Wales treats principally of the pro- duce, climate, state of society, and mode of government. Some of the statements made are questionable. A short but correct statistical account of the Colony to the end of the year 1874. Contains information on the land regu- lations, and puts fortli the grievances of the tenant s of the Crown, and the alleged infringement of their rights. Contains some useful statistical infor- mation. Suggests a modification of the Denomi- national system, and the use of the Irish School Books. Contains several interesting and (rust- worthy articles on New South Wales. In opposition to the Petition for a new Constitution. ■WOEKS ON NEW SOTJTII WALES. 15 Mode of Eeference. Fall Title, &c. Remarks. Chambers . . (1 to 4) Chapman .. (5) Chisholm. (5) Chisholm. (5) Church . (4.5) Church . (4.5) Church ..... (4.5) Church (4.5) City Mission. (4) City Night Eefuge. (4) Chambers's Encyclopaedia ; a Dicti onary of universal knowledge for the People. Illustrated with Maps and numerous "Wood Engravings By W. & E. Chambers. London, 1874. 10 vols. Eoy. 8vo. Parliamentary Government or Ee- sponsible Ministries for the Australian Colonies. By H. S. Chapman. Tasmania, 1854. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 39. Emigration and transportation re- latively considered, in a letter dedicated by permission to Earl Grey. By Mrs. Chisholm. London, 1847. 12mo. Pamph. pp. 36. "What has Mrs. Chisholm done for New South Wales. Sydney, 1862. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 22. The Church of England, and the Sydney University. Sydney, 1852. Kemp & Fairfax. 12mo. Pamph. pp. 70. Minutes of Proceedings at a Meeting of the Metropolitan and Suffragan Bishops of the Province of Aus tralasia, held at Sydney, 1850 8vo. Pamph. pp. 24. Eeport of a Committee of the Com' mission of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, rela tive to the division in the Presby terian Church of New South "Wales ; and relative documents Edinburgh, 1840. Pamphlet, pp 61. Appendix, pp. 53. Minutes of the Synod of Australia, in connexion with the established Church of Scotland. Sydney, 1840- 1842. 8vo. Pamphlets. Eeports of the Sydney City Mission for 1863. Sydney. 8vo. Pamph pp. 23. City Night Eefuge and Soup Kitchen. Eeport, Sydney, 1870. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 16. Has special articles at considerable length on Australia, Australasia, Neio South Wales, and Sydney ; and contains the latest statistics. Advocates as full and complete adop- tion of the principles of the British Constitution as the circumstances of these Colonies will permit. Mrs. Chisholm recommends a liberal Emigration scheme, and urges that the difficulties in the way of emigra- tion have caused many men to commit crimes that they might be trans- ported, and so obtain a free passage to the Colonies. Describes Mrs. Chisholm' s efforts in the cause of Immigration, and suggests that her services should be recog- nized and rewarded. Documents and correspondence re- printed from the Sydney Morning Herald, showing the demands made by the Church of England for a voice in the affairs of the University. This meeting was held in consequence of doubts existing as to how far the Ecclesiastical laws of England applied to the province of Australasia. Full of interesting information on the past History of the Presbyterian Church of New South Wales. Gives the names of Ministers and other information in reference to the Pres- byterian Church. Inaugurated 1861. Funds derived from private subscription from mem- bers of all sections of Protestant Churches. Instituted July 22nd, 1867. Up- wards of 30,000 meals were given during the first year. In 1870, meals given, 70,000 ; night's shelter, 14,000. 1G WOKKS OX NEW SOUTH WALES. Mode of Reference. Full Title, fee, Remarks. Clacy (4) Clark (1.2.5.) Clarke .... (2.3) Clarke ... (3) Clarke (3) Clarke ... (5) Clarke ... Clarke (5) Clarke ... (-4) Cockburn. (4) Lights and Sbadows of Australian Life. By Mrs. Clacy. London, 1854. 2 vols. 8vo. Sydney Water Supply : Report to the Government pf New South Wales on various projects for supplying Sydney with water. By W. Clarke, C.E., Sydney, 1877 Fol. — Sydney Drainage : Report to the Government of New South Wales on the interception and dis posal of the drainage of the City of Sydney and Suburbs. By. W. Clark, C.E. Sydney, 1877. Fol. Effects of Forest Vegetation on Climate, by the Rev. W. B. Clarke, M.A., F.R.S., &c, &c. Sydney, 1876. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 57. Researches in the Southern Gold Fields of New South Wales. By the Rev. W. B. Clarke, M.A., &c. Sydney, 1860. 12mo. Recent Geological Discoveries in Australasia. By the Rev. W. B. Clarke, M.A., &c. Sydney, 1861, 8vo. Santa Cruz. By the Rev. W. B. Clarke, M.A., &c. Sydney, 1875. 12mo. Pamph. pp. 10. A Sermon preached in St. Thomas's Church, Willoughby, on Sunday, 27th February, 18-48. By the Rev. W. B. Clarke, M.A. Sydney, 1848. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 60. Sermon preached in St. Thomas's Church, Willoughby, on Sunday morning, July 10th, 1864. By the Rev. W. B. Clarke, M.A. Sydney, 1864. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 16. A Sermon preached in the Church of St. James, Svdney, on Thursday 24th June, 1840. By the Rev. W. B. Clarke, M.A., Sydney, 1840 8vo. Pamph. pp. 20. General Education considered with reference to the antagonistic bearings on it of the principles of the National System, defined as Socialism, Socinianism, and Infidelity. By H. N. Cockburn. Sydney, 1859. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 26. A novel founded on incidents of bush life in Australia. Mr. Clark was engaged by the Agent General in England to proceed to this colony for the purpose of advising the Government on the subject of the water supply and the drainage of the City of Sydney. Written to prove the value of forests in conserving moisture in the soil. The disastrous results arising from indiscriminate destruction of forests proved by numerous quotations. Contains valuable facts connected with the great discovery of gold in New South Wales. Contains valuable information as to the physical structure of New South Wales. A short Poem, occasioned by the murder of Commodore Goodenough at Santa Cruz, a small island in the South Pacific Ocean. Refers to the doctrine and practices of the Roman Catholic Church. Preached in aid of funds for the relief of sufferers by the floods in the agricultural districts of the Colony. Preached at the Annivcrsaiy of the Diocesan Committee of the Societies for the Propagation of the Gospel in foreign parts, and for promoting Christian knowledge. Enunciates the views of those favour- able to Denominational Education, asserts that it is the duty of Govern- ment to assist education, but not to control it, and that education is not the province of the Clergy. WOKKS ON NEW SOUTH WALES. 17 Cockerell . (4.5) Collins ( Colman (3) Colonization .. (5) Commerce .. (3.4.7) Connell (6) Constitution., (5) Constitution. (5) Convict Bar racks. (5) Cook (5) Corbyn , (4) and deeds of the Convict Detcc tives of New South Wales, as illus- trated in the Trial which led to th conviction of John Cockerell. By J. T. Cockerell. Brisbane, 1861 Pamph. pp. 50. An account of the English Colony of New South Wales. Compiled from the MSS. of Lieut.-Governor King. By David Collins. London. 1798-1802. 2 vols. 4to. The New South Wales Almanac and Remembrancer for 1848. Pub- lished by W. A. Colman. Sydney, 12mo. The debate upon Mr. Ward's resolu- lutions on Colonization in the House of Commons, Juue 27th, 1839, con taining the speecbes of H. Gr. Ward, Esq., M.P., Sir William Moles^ worth, Bart., M.P., and others London, 1839. 8vo. Pamph., pp. 84. Commerce and Finance of Australia London, 1856. 12mo., pp. 51. The New South Wales Magisterial Digest. By H. Connell. Sydney, 1866. 8vo. The New Constitution. A letter to Henry Parkes, Esq. By Conserva tive Squaretoes. Sydney, 1852 pp. 14. Observations on the proposed New Constitution for New South Wales. By an Old Colonist. Sydney, 1852. Pamph. pp. 16. Government and General Orders, dated 1st May, 1819, relative to the Convict Barracks. Sydney, 1819. 16mo. Pamph. pp. 17. The Three Voyages of Captain James Cook round the World. London, 1821. 7 vols. 8vo. Sydney Revels of Bacchus, Cupid, and Momus, etc. By C. A. Cor byn. Sydney, 1854. 8vo. Scenes behind the Curtain, or acts Cockerell was convicted of unlawful practices in connection with his business as pawnbroker, and exposes the conduct of those who prosecuted him. A detailed, and without doubt, faith- ful account, of events from the foun- dation of the Colony to the end of the year 1800. Full of statistical information. These speeches deserve careful consi- deration, though they refer to an epoch in the Colony's history which has passed away. Especial reference to the Banking Sta- tistics of Australia and the Securities issued by the respective Governments. A valuable legal work. Objections to a proposal to form the Upper House from Members who had been previously elected as Mem- bers of the Council ; suggests that the Upper House should consist of 21 Members, viz. : — 7 Official Mem- bers of the Government, and 14 nominated by the Governor for life. On the effect, influence, and composi- tion of an Upper House for the Colony. The Barracks wore erected for the accommodation of those convicts in the immediate service of the Govern- ment. Contains account of the discovery of New South Wales by Captain Cook, and his landing at Botany Bav, April, 1770. Chiefly consists of amusing incidents derived from Police and Law Reports. 18 WORKS OS NEW SOUTH WALES. Mode of Reference- Full Title, &c. Remarks. Council of Education. (4) Cox Cox (3) (4) Cox & Co. (3) Croker . . . . (4.5) Cunningham. (1 to 5) Cunningham. (3) Darling (5) Darling (5) Darling Darwin . (1,4) Davison (3) Reports of the Council of Education upon the condition of Public Schools. Sydney, 1867-76. Eol. A Monograph of Australian Land Shells. By James C. Cox, M.D., &c. Sydney, 1868. 8vo. Catalogue of Specimens of the Aus- tralian Land Shells, in the col- lection of James C. Cox, M.D., &c. Sydney, 1864. 12mo. Cox & Co.'s Sydney Post Office Directory for 1857. Sydney. 8vo. Memoirs of Joseph Holt. Edited bj T. Crofton Croker. London, 1838. 2 vols. 8vo. Two Years in New South Wales By Peter Cunningham, R.N. Lon- don, 1827. 2 vols. 12mo. Hints for Australian Emigrants By Peter Cunningham. 1841. 8to. London, Governor Darling's refutation of the charges of cruelty and oppression of the soldiers Sudds and Thomp- son, at Sydney, N.S.W., Nov., 1826. By Miles. London, 1832 pp.32. Debates in the House of Commons during the Session of 1835 upon Mr. Maurice O'Connell's motion for a Select Committee to inquire into the conduct of General Darling whilst Governor of New South Wales ; also the case of Captain Robison. London, 1835. Pampl pp. 78. Letter addressed by Lieut. -Gen. R. Darling, late Governor of New South Wales, (o Joseph Hume, Esq., M.P. London, 1832. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 48. Narrative of the Surveying Voyages in His Majesty's ships "Advent ure" and "Beagle" between 1826 and 1836. Journal and Remarks ; by C. Darwin. London, 1839. 3 vols 8vo. The Discovery and Geognosy of Gold Deposits in Australia, &c. By Simpson Davison. London, 1860. 8vo. Very valuable information on social and educatisnal matters. Valuable contributions to the study of Conchology. Contains but little information that is likely to be useful at the present day. Gives a curious and interesting account of New South Wales from about 1800 to 1812. Some of the statements made are questionable. An excellent book of general informa- tion on the Colony. Dates from 1824 to 1826. Contains observations on Australian grasses, methods of irrigation, &c. Two soldiers committed a robbery in Sydney, and being convicted, were loaded with chains and iron-spiked collars of peculiar construction, which were said to have caused Sudds's death. (See " Robison.") In refutation of charges of mal- adminigtration and oppression brought against the Governor by Messrs. Hall and Hume. Chap. 21, vol. 3, is devoted to a des- cription of Sydney, a trip over the Blue Mountains, and a short reference to social matters. Refers to the discovery of gold, the state of the gold-fields, and gives various papers and reports on the Aurageology of New South Wales. "WORKS ON NEW SOUTH WALES. 19 Mode of Reference. Full Title, &c. Remarks. Dawson . (4.5) De Boos . (4) Deniehy . (5) Denison . (4.5) Derwent Star (5) Destitute Children. (4) Dickinson (5) Dobson (2) Donnison. (4.5) Drought (5) Present state of Australia, 1830-31. By R. Dawson. London, 1831. 8vo. Fifty Years ago. An Australian Tale, by Chas. De Boos. Sydney, 1867. 8vo. How I became Attorney General of New Barataria. ByD. H. Deniehy Sydney, 1860. 12mo. Pamph pp. 24. Varieties of Vice-regal Life. By Sir William Denison, K.C.B London, 1870. 2 vols. 8vo. The Derwent Star and Van Diemen's Land Intelligencer. Hobart Town, Tuesday, April 3rd, 1810. Pol. (A reprint.) Society for the Belief of Destitute Children, Bandwick. Eeports Sydney, 1853-71. 8vo. A letter to the Honorable the Speaker of the Legislative Council on the formation of a Second Chamber in the Legislature of New South "Wales. By John Nodes Dickinson, Esq., one of the Judges of the Supreme Court. Sydney, 1852. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 32. Australian Cyclonology, or the Law of Storms in the South Pacific Ocean and on the Coasts of Aus- tralia, Tasmania, New Zealand, etc., etc. By Thomas Dobson, B.A Tasmania, 1853. 8vo. Pamph pp. 103. The Brisbane Water Cases. Being a narrative of the Trials of Messrs. Bean, Donnison, and Moore, and their respective actions against Captain Faunce ; illustrated with a few remarks on the Government of Sir Richard Boxirke, etc. By H. Donnison. Sydney, 1838. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 89. A Form of Prayer with Thanksgiv- ing to be used on Thursday, Nov. 12th, 1829, in all Churches and Chapels of the Establishment throughout New South Wales, in acknowledgment of the mercy of God in putting an end to the late severe drought, etc. By special command of His Excellency the Governor. Sydney, 1829. pp. 9. Contains an excellent and correct des- cription of the manners and customs of the Aboriginal inhabitants. Portraying the peculiarities of our bush population, their modes of thought and expression. A satire on an incident in political affairs. A considerable portion of the first volume is devoted almost exclu- sively to New South Wales, and is full of interesting information on almost every topic. Contains an account of the death and obsequies of Lieut.-Governor Collins. This is an important institution, supported by Government grants and voluntary contributions. Proposes the creation of a Baronetage for New South Wales ; the dignity to be conferred on every fit and proper person who shall purchase a certain quantity of land, and settle a number of married couples as tenants upon it ; the upper House to be formed by election, either by the people or by Parliament, of the required number of Baronets. Mr. Dobson has collected an immense amount of data on the subject of wind currents and hurricanes, and his deductions therefrom appear to have been carefully prepared. Discloses a lax state of law, and various corrupt practices, which have long since ceased in the Colony. Commemorating the close of a long continued and disastrous drought. 20 WOEKS ON NEW SOUTH WALES. Mode of Reference. Remarks. Duncan (5) Duncan (5) Duncan.. (4) Duncan... (4.5) Duncan... (4.5) Duncan .. (4) Duncan ., (5) Dyer (1 to 7) Eagar , (5.7) Duncan's Weekly Register of Poli tics, Facts and General Literature. Sydney, 1843-45. 4to. A plea for the New South Wales Constitution. By W. A. Duncan Sydney, 1856. 8vo. Pamph. pp.23 Lecture on National Education delivered at the School of Arts, Brisbane. By W. A. Duncan Esq. Brisbane, 1850. 8vo. Pamph pp. 23. A letter to the Lord Bishop of Australia, containing remarks upon His Lordship's protest against the Metropolitan and Episcopal Juris- diction of His Grace the Arch- bishop of Sydney. By W. A. Dun- can. Sydney, 1843. 8vo. Pamph pp. 24. A second letter to the Lord Bishop of Australia, in reply to tbe Lec- tizres of the Rev. R. Allwood, B.A., Minister of St. James's, against the Bisbop of Rome's Supremacy. By W. A. Duncan. Sydney, 1843. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 40. On Self-supporting Agricultural Working Unions for the Labouring Classes. By W. A. Duncan. Sydney, 1844. 8vo. Pamph pp. 16. Account of a Memorial presented to His Majesty by Captain Pedro Fernandez de Quir, concerning the population and discovery of the fourth part of tbe world, Australia the Unknown. From the Spanish with an introductory Notice, by W. A. Duncan, Esq. Sydney, 1874 8vo. The Sydney Magazine of Science and Art. Edited by Joseph Dyer. Sydney, 1858-59. 8vo. Financial Statement : Speech of the Hon. Geoffrey Eagar, Colonial Treasurer, in moving the first resolution in Committee of Ways and Means, in the Legislative Assembly, on Thursday, the 27th September, 1866. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 39, and Appendix. This journal, which reached only its 127th number, contains many able articles, written during a period of almost unexampled commercial de- pression. In favour of the present tution of the Colony. Consti- Favourable to the National System as opposed to the Denominational. Controversial (religious). Controversy between Protestants and Catholics in reference to Papal Su- premacy. (See Allwood.) Agricultural Unions recommended. A curious account of the supposed discovery of Australia by De Quiros in 1610. Contains a large amount of valuable information on nearly all topics re- lating to New South Wales. Throws a good deal of light on the state of the Colony, financially, about the year 1866. Appended is given an "outline of a project for the estab- lishment of a National Bank." WORKS ON NEW SOUTH WALES. 21 Mode of Eeference. Earl. Full Title, fee. Remarks. (1) Earl. (5) Eden (3.4.5) Education (4.5) Education (4.5) Education (4.5) Education (4.5) Education (4.5) Education (4.5) Education (4.5) Contributions to the Physical Geo- graphy of South-eastern Asia and Australia. By George Windsor Earl, M.R.A.S. London, 1853. 8to. Pamph. pp. 48. The Steam Route from Singapore to Sydney, via Torres Straits. By G. W. Earl. Reprinted from the "Nautical Magazine." London (n.d.) 8to. Pamph. pp. 20. The History of New Holland, from its discovery in 1616 to the present time. By the Right Hon. W. Eden. London, 1787. 8vo. Public Education. Regulations is- sued from the Colonial Secretary's Office, Sydney, 24th September, 1841. 12mo. pp. 4. Minutes of His Excellency Sir Richard Bourke to the Legislative Council, Sydney, 1836. Fol. Concise statement of the principles of the British and Foreign School Society ; with a sketch of the Society's history and system of teaching. By the Australian School Society. Sydney, 1839. 8vo. Pamph, pp. 60. Statement explanatory of the System of Education administered by the National Board of New South Wales. Sydney, 1858. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 22. The Protestant Proceedings Vindi- cated from the imputation of politi- cal faction, etc. ; being the substance of a Speech delivered at the General Committee of Protestants. Sydney, 1836. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 8. General Education Vindicated ; being the Report from the Select Com- mittee on Education, etc. , The Report of the Public Meeting at the School of Arts, on Saturday, Sept. 7th, etc., etc., etc. Sydney, 1844. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 64. National Education : a series of letters in defence of the National System, against the attacks of an anonymous writer in the Sydney Morning Herald. By the Teachers of the National Schools of Sydney. 1857. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 48. A valuable treatise on the relation of Australia to the neighbouring islands, as shown by its physical character and the range of some of its plants and animals. Recommending the Torres Strait route for Mail service. Written by Lord Auckland ; gives a short but correct history of the dis- covery of New South Wales, with an account of its products and inhabit- ants. Defines the manner in which aid will be afforded by Government to Public Schools. With reference to one day in the week besides Sunday being set apart for religious instruction in schools. Refers to the Society's system of reli- gious instruction. Contents : Establishment of schools ; teachers ; list of books sanctioned by the Commissioners ; government of schools ; conduct of schools ; daily routine ; time-table ; non-Tested schools. Opposed to the Irish System of National Education, as being "subversive of the fundamental principle of Protes- tantism," and advocates, in any sys- tem of Education which the State may provide, the free and unrestricted use of the Holy Scriptures. In favour of Lord Stanley's System of Education as a basis for general Edu- cation in this Colonv. The principal points these letters en- deavour to prove are — That the Na- tional System is not expensive ; that it is popular among all classes of the community ; that it has made satis- factory progress, and is exactly suited to the wants of the Colony ; that the National System is fully as religious as the Denominational, &c, &c. 22 WOEKS ON NEW SOUTH WALES. Mode of Reference. Full Title, &c. Remarks. Education (4.5) Eipper... (4) Emigration . ■ (4) Encyclopaedia (1.3.4; Entomological Society. Fairfax . . . (1) Farrer (3) Field (1.3) Fisher ... (4) Fitzgerald (3) Flanagan... (1 to 7) Flinders (1) General Education. The Protestant Resolutions and Petitions to His Excellency the Governor, Sir R. Bourke. Sydney, June 24th, 1836. Fol. Pamph. pp. 6. Statement of the Origin, Condition, and Prospects of the German Mis- sion to the Aborigines at Moreton Bay. By the Rev. C. Eipper. Sydney, 1841. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 16 Direct remission advocated ; being a consideration of the connection between the Waste Lands of the Colonies and Emigration. Sydney, 1848. pp. 20. Encyclopaedia Britannica ; or, Dic- tionary of Arts, Sciences, and Gen- eral Literature. 7th edition. Adam and Chas. Black. Edinburgh, 1842. 24 vols. 4to. Transactions of the Entomological Society of New South Wales, Sydney, 1862-73. 8vo. Handbook of Australasia. By W, Fairfax. Melbourne, 1859. 12mo Grass and Sheep Farming : a Paper, speculative and suggestive. By William Farrer, B.A. Sydney, 1873. 8vo. Geographical Memoirs of New South Wales. By Barron Field, F.L.S London, 1825. 8vo. Colonial Law Reform. By T. J Fisher, Barrister-at-law. Sydney, 1870. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 27. Australian Orchids. By R. D. Fitz gerald, F.L.S. Sydney, 1876-77 Parts 1 — 3. Atlas folio. The History of New South Wales By R. Flanagan. London, 1862. 2 vols. 8vo. Voyage to Terra Australis, 1801-3. London, 1814. 2 vols. 4to. Atlas, fol. In favour of a system of Education combining religious instruction with the general course of lessons. Conducted under the auspices of the Presbyterian (Dr. Lang's) Church. An interesting account of the Abo- rigines, with short vocabulary of their language. " Well worthy of perusal, and throws out one of the most valuable sugges- tions on the subject of Emigration," viz., a proposal to issue to Emigrants "Land Scrip to represent average cost of passage." (Sydney Morning Herald.) See also Immigration. Contains interesting and truthful des- cription of Sydney up to 1836. All the Colonies of Australia are included under the general head Australasia, and the notices are brief. Refers to the structure, uses, habits, and functions of the insect tribes found in New South Wales and other parts of Australia. A useful work of reference, and contains a list of works on Australia. Contains useful observations on the pastoral resources of the Colony, its Land Law, &c. An interesting work. Contains some valuable papers on the Geography, Geology, &c. of the Colony, by other authors. The information respecting the rivers of New South Wales is trustworthy. Refers to the Draft Colonial Law Re- form Act of 1869, the ends in view being — " the facilitating, simplifying, cheapening, and expediting the ad- ministration of justice in the Supreme Court of the Colony." A work of great merit, and an inter- esting display of botanical and artistic talent. Carefully compiled, and forms a very trustworthy and unprejudiced source of information. Has an index. Contains an account of the survey of the East Coast of Australia, its scenery, climate, &c. WORKS ON NEW SOUTII WALES. 23 Mode of Reference. Full Title, &c. Remarks. Ford (1) Ford (7) Forster (4.5) Fowler... (4) Fowlcs... (1) Francis . (1,5) Free Public Library. Fulton... (4.5) Fulton . . . (4) Gcddes (3) Geological (3) Ford's Sydney Commercial Directory for 1851. Sydney. 12mo. Australian Almanac and Repository of Useful Knowledge. Published by W. and F. Ford. Sydney, 1850-54. 12mo. Land and Squatting Q.uestion recon sidered. By William Forster. Syd ney, 1855. 8vo. Paraph, pp. 32 Southern Lights and Shadows. By Frank Fowler. London, 1859 12mo. Sydney in 1848, illustrated by copper- plate Engravings. From Drawings of Joseph Fowles. Sydney, 1848 4to. The present and future Government of New South Wales. By Henry Francis. Sydney, 1869. 8vo Pamph. pp. 48. Catalogue of the Free Public Library, Sydney, 1876. Sydney, 1878. Roy. 8vo. A letter to the Rev. W. B. Ulla- thorne, C.K.G., in answer to "A few words to the Rev. H. Fulton and his readers." By the Rev. II Fulton. Sydney, 1833. 8vo Pamph. pp. 54. Strictures on a letter lately written by Roger Therry, Esq., in New South Wales, to Edward Blount, Esq., M.P. By the Rev. H. Fulton, A.B., Chaplain of Castlereagh, in New South Wales. Sydney, 1833. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 39. Colonial Agriculture. A course of four Lectures delivered in the School of Arts, Maitland, during the year 1845. By William Geddes. Sydney, 1855. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 40. Geological Topographical Sketches of the Province of New Ulster. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 28. In addition to the Directory, it contains a list of the public and private Insti- tutions in Sydney. With the exception of an account of the Revenues of New South Wales and a Table of Public Statutes, it does not contain much information res- pecting the Colony. Valuable suggestions for the occupation of Crown Lands. Squatting system, plan of tendering for runs, etc. A very amusing, but for the most part erroneous and misleading account of Colonial life. Gives a general and accurate description of the City of Sydney, its Public Buildings, Institutions, &e. Refers to Parliamentary corruption and Reform, Revenue and Expendi- ture, Railways, Magistracy, Public Buildings, &c. The Library contained, at the end of 1876, about 30,000 vols., including upwards of 800 works relating to Aus- tralasia. Controversial. See " Ullathorne." One of a series of letters discussing the propriety of Protestants assisting towards the erection of St. Mary's (Roman Catholic) Cathedral. Gives valuable statistical information, and also siiggestions as to crops that might be profitably grown in the Colony. Though treating principally of the Geology of New Ulster, a province of New Zealand, several pages are devoted to the geology and to the then recently discovered auriferous deposits of New South Wales. 24 WOEKS ON NEW SOUTH WALES. Mode of Keference. Full Title, &c. Remarks. Gerstsecker , (1.5) Gordon . (3-7) Gould (3) Graham (4) Gray (3) G r een w o od (4.5) Greville ... (1 to 7) Griffiths .., (3.4.5) Gurner... (5) Hannaford (3) Hargravcs (3.5) Harvov (3) Narrative of a Journey round the World. By F. Gerstaecker. Lon- don, 1853. 3 vols. 8vo. The Australian Handbook and Almanac, and Shippers and Import- ers' Directory for 1876. London (Gordon & Gotch). 8vo. The Birds of Australia. By John Gould, F.R.S. London, 1848. 7 vols. fol. The Mammals of Aus- tralia. London, 1863. 3 vols. fol. By John Gould, F.E.S. Lawrence Struilby ; or observations and experiences during twenty-five years of biish life in Australia Edited by John Graham. London, 1863. 12mo. The Lizards of Australia and New Zealand. By J. E. Gray, Ph. D London, 1867. 4to. New South Wales Public School League for making Primary Educa- tion National, Secular, Compulsory and Free. Summary of facts and principles. By Jas. Greenwood, M.A. Sydney, 1874. 8vo. Pamph pp. 15. Grevillc's Official Post Office Direc- tory and Gazetteer of New South Wales. 1875 to 1877. Sydnev, 1876. 8vo. The present state and prospects of the Port Phillip District of New South Wales. By Charles Griffiths. Post 8vo. Dublin, 1845 Chronicle of Port Phillip, now the Colony of Victoria, from 1770 to 1840. By Henry Field Gurner. Melbourne, 1876. 8vo. Pamph pp. 52. Jottings in Australia ; or Notes on the Flora and Fauna of Victoria By S. Hannaford. Melbourne, 1856. 12mo. Australia and its Gold Fields. By E. H. Hargraves. London, 1855 12mo. Phycologia Australica ; or, a History of Australian Seaweeds. By W. II. Harvev, M.D., &c. London, 1858. 5 vols. Eoy. 8vo. The third volume contains a descrip- tion of Sydney in 1851, at the time of the discovery of gold in the Colony. Contains the most recent information with reference to the resources, trade, population, and general statistics of the Colony. One of the most valuable contributions to the Natural History of Australia. Incidental sketches of bush life, and gives a truthful picture of the habits and character of the Aborigines. An important contribution to the Natural History of the Colony. Opposed to the present system of Denominational Education. Full of information on almost every subject relating to the Colony, to the latest date. Gives an account of that part of the Colony before separation ; its popida- tion, squatting system, &c. An apparently very correct compilation. Refers in some measure to the past history of New South Wales. A useful little book. Has some reference to the Botany of New South Wales. Relates to the discovery and theories as to the source of gold in Australia. Gives ample and interesting informa- tion on Australian Marine Botany, with description of the Marine Algse of New South Wales. WOKKS ON NEW SOUTH WALES. 25 Mode of Reference. Full Title, &e. Remarks. Haygarth (4) Hcllicar . (3.8) Henderson (2.4) Henderson (3) Hill (4) Hodgkinson . (1.3.4.) Hodgson . (3.4) Holman (1) Holt, (4.5) Hood (2 to 5) Hooker (3) Recollections of Bush Life in Aus- tralia. By the Rev. H. W. Hay garth. London, 1861. 12mo. Coin and Currency ; heing an inquiry into the probable effect of legalizing as currency the coinage of the Sydney Mint. By Valentine Hel Hear. Melbourne, 1856. 8vo. Excursions and Adventures in New South Wales. By J. Henderson. London, 1851. 2 vols. 12mo. Observations on the Colonies of New South Wales, &c. By John Hen- derson. Calcutta, 1832. 8vo. What we saw in Australia. By R. and F. Hill. London, 1875. 8vo, Australia, from Port Macquarie to Moreton Bay, with description of the Natives, their manners and customs, etc. By Clement Hodg- kinson. London, 1845. 8vo. Reminiscences of Australia. By C. P. Hodgson. London, 1846. 12mo Voyage round the World, including Africa, Asia, Australasia, &c. By Jas. Holman. London, 1834. 4 vols. 8vo. Two Speeches on the subject of Edu- cation in New South Wales. De- livered in the Legislative Assembly, Sydney, by the Hon. Thos. Holt, Esq., M.P. Sydney, 1857. Pamph pp. 39. Australia and the East ; being Journal narrative of a voyage to N.S.W. hi an emigrant ship, with a residence of some months Sydney and the bush, etc. By John Hood. London, 1843. 8vo. On the Flora of Australia — its origin, affinities, and distribution. B. J. D. Hooker, M.D. London, 1859. 4to. Gives a truthful description of life in the interior of the Colony. Written to oppose the recognition in Victoria of coin issued by the Sydney Mint. A true account of the climate of New South Wales, and of the manners and customs of the colonists, &c, at the time it was written. Refers principally to the political economy and natural history of the Colony. Written about the year 1830. An excellent and truthful description of the Colony, especially with reference to the various Public and Charitable Institutions at the present time. A faithful description of the physical aspect of the country — its rivers, mountains, etc. ; and of the aborigi- nes — their wars, festivals, etc. Relates principally to life in the interior of the Colony, productions, &c. In the fourth volume there is a short description of New South Wales. An exposition of the principles of State Education, showing the connection between vice and ignorance. An expose of both the Denominational and National systems as at present conducted, and offers suggestions for the alteration of the educational sys- tem of the Colony. Gives a sketch of the history and pro- ductions of the Colony, and of life in the bush, with some account of the aborigines, climate, &c. Contains valuable botanical informa- tion in connection with the Colony. 2G WORKS OX >~EW SOUTH "WALES. Mode of Reference. Full Title, &c. Remarks- Hornby (4) Home (4) Horticultural Magazine ft Houlding ... (4) Houlding (1) Houlding. (4) Hovell . (4.5) and Hovcll Humo. (1.5) Howard . (3.4) Howe (3 to 7) Howe (3 to 7) Howitt (1.5) Howitt . . . (1.5) The Cruise round the World of the Flying Squadron, 1869-70, under the command of Rear-Admiral G. T. Phipps Hornby. (By Lieut Bruce.) London, 1871. 8vo. Australian Facts By R. H. Home. 12rno. and Prospects, London, 1859, Horticultural Magazine and Gar- dener's Calendar of New South Wales. Sydney, 18G5. 8vo. Rural and City Life ; or the For- tunes of the Stubble Family. By Old Boomerang (J. R. Houlding). London, 1870. 8vo. Australian Capers ; or, Christopher Cockle's Colonial Experience. By Old Boomerang (J. R. Houlding). London, 1867. 8vo. Australian Tales and Sketches from Real Life. Bv Old Boomerang (J. R. Houlding). London, 1868. 8vo. An Answer to the Preface to the second edition of Mr. Hamilton Hume's "A Brief Statement of Facts." By W. II. Ilovell. Sydney (ca.)1855." Pamph. 8vo. pp. 10 Journey of Discovery to Port Phillip in 1824-25. By W. H. Hovell and II. Hume. Edited by W. Bland Sydney, 1837. 8vo. Biographical Sketch of the late Allan Cunningham, Esq., F.L.S M.R.G.S.,&c. By Robert Howard, F.L.S. London, 1842. 8vo. New South Wales Pocket Almanack. Compiled and printed by George Howe. Sydney, 1808-26. 12mo. Australian Almanack. Edited, prin- f oil, and compiled by Robert Howe. Sydney, 1827-32. 'l2mo. Australia : Historical, Dcscript ive, and Statistic. By R. Howitt. London, 1815. 12mo. The History of Discovery in Aus- tralia, Tasmania, and New Zea- land, from the eariieri date to the present day. By William Howitt. London, 1865. 2 vols. 8vo. An inaccurate and absurd account of the state of society in Sydney. The small portion which refers to New South Wales gives a fairly correct view of Colonial society, &c. Full of information on all subjects connected with Colonial gardening. A most amusing story of Australian life, full of humour, and contain- taining some picturesque descriptions of Australian scenery. A fictitious but very humourous account of the adventures of an immigrant in Australia. Throws a good deal of light upon the manners and pecu- liarities of the Colonists. Lively and clever sketches, abounding with incident peculiar to Australia. This was written in refutation of certain charges brought against him by Hume (q. v.) in connection with the overland journey to Port Phillip. An early, interesting, and trustworthy description of the interior of New South Wales. An account of the Botany of New South Wales, as described by the in- defatigable and ill-fated botanist, Allan Cunningham. Contains a great deal of information on almost all subjects of interest con- nected with the Colony. Same as the foregoing. Gives a correct description of Australia generally, but little reference is made to New South Wales. Refers, with the exception of an ex- cellent account of the discoveries of the Portugese and Dutch, almost ex- clusively to expeditions into the in- terior of the Colony. WORKS ON" NEW SOUTH WALES. 27 Mode of Reference. Full Title, &c. Eemarks. Hughes . . (2.3.1) Hume (1.4.5) Hunter . . (1.2.5) Illustrated Sydney- News. (3.5) Immigration (45) Immigration (4.5) Immigration (4.5) Immigration (4.5) Immigration (4,5) Immigration (4.5) The Australian Colonies, their origin A short but correct account of the and present condition. By W. Colony, with remarks on the climate, Hughes. London, 1852. 12mo. A Brief Statement of Facts in con- nection with an overland expedi dition from Lake George to Port Phillip, in 1824. By Hamilton Hume. Third edition. Yass, 1874. 8to. Historical Journal of the Trans- actions at Port Jackson and Nor folk Island. By John Hunter, E.N. Lond., 1793. 4to. Illustrated Sydney News Almanac (Saxby) for 1865. Published by Clarson, Shallard & Co. Sydney. 8vo. Debate in the Legislative Council of New South Wales, and other docu- ments, on the subject of Immigra- tion to the Colony. Published under the direction of the Aus- tralian Immigration Association. Sydney, 1840. 870. Pamph. pp 51. Fund for promoting Female Emi gration. First Report of the Com mittee. London, 1851. 8vo Pamph. pp. 87. Expenditure of the Land Fund of New South Wales in the Colony, and principally on Public Works, as a means of promoting and sup- porting Immigration. Sydney, 1842. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 24. A few copies of letters, and some remarks upon sundry documents on the subject of Female Einigra tion. By the Superintendent of the " Layton," emigrant ship. Syd ney, 1836. Pamph. pp. 32. Thoughts on Emigration. By an Old Colonist. Bathurst, 1856. Pamph. pp. 12. Bounty Immigration. A letter to the Members of the Legislative Council. By " One who has handled the Spade." Melbourne, 1855. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 71. &c. The object of this statement was to show that the expedition under Hovell and Hume (q. v.) was conducted by Hume, and that to his exertions its success was chiefly owing. A diary of events, from the sailing of the first expedition under Captain Phillip to the beginning of the year 1792. Written by a former Governor of the Colony. Contains, besides other information, an apparently correct statistical view of the progress of New South Wales, from 1859 to 1863. " In short, any sacrifice must be made rather than not have Emigrants: Emigrants the Colony must have, by some means or other." Mr. R. Jones' speech. See also Emigration. Shows the readiness with which all respectable females were provided with suitable employment at good wages on their arrival at Sydney. Advocates the prosecution of Public Works as a means of encouraging Immigration by creating a demand for labour. Exposes the careless manner in which the system was worked in 1833, and its fearful effect on public morals. In favour of a free, self-supporting system of Immigration. Opposed to the bounty system and assisted Immigration, on the ground that the labouring classes in the Colony woidd suffer by the introduc- tion of others of the same class. 2S WOItKS OX NEW SOUTH WALES. Mode of Reference. Full Title, &c. Remarks. Immigration (3.4.5) Immigration (3.4.5) James (1.3.4.) Jameson ... (2.3.4.) Jenkins ... (4.5) Jobson.... (1.4.) Johnson.. (1) Johnston. (3) Judges.... (4.5.) Jukes (1.3.) The Emigrant's Guide to New South "Wales, Van Diemon's Land, Lower Canada, Upper Canada, and New Brunswick, containing an enume- ration of the advantages which each Colony offers ; with the Regu- lations adopted by His Majesty's Government to facilitate Male and Female Emigration; the price of passage, etc., etc. By the Emi gration Commissioners. London, 1832. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 34. An impartial examination of all the Authors on Australia, Official Documents, and the Reports of private individuals, as evidences of the advantages of Emigration, etc., etc. By an Intending Emigrant London, 1838. 12mo. pp. 92. Six months in South Australia, with some account of Port Philip and Portland Bay, in Australia Felix ; with advice to Emigrants, &c, . Religion. Sydney, 1874, 8vo. Pamph. pp. 48. Official Catalogue of the Natural and Industrial Products of New South Wales, forwarded to the Inter- national Exhibition of 1876, at Philadelphia. Sydney, 1876. 8vo. Debate on the Riverine Petition. Melbourne, 1864. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 240. An important contribution to knowledge of Australian Botany. the Gives a very fair description of the Colony about the year 1850, the character and pursuits of the inhabi- tants, &c. Contains several papers on the Abo- rigines, and a few of their "corrobory" songs set to music. Written with the view to promote Seri- culture in the Colony. Gives a large mass of interesting his- torical and social information. Contains a great deal of useful infor- mation on the state of the Colony in 1843. In addition to sporting matters, this volume contains valuable information with reference to Australian horses. These reports afford valuable informa- tion on all matters relating to live stock and agricultural products, to a late date. Relates almost entirely to the practice of medicine and surgery. Contains also a paper by Dr. Ross on the cli- mate of Australia. Opposed to the teaching of religion in the Public Schools, and to the present system of denominational education. In addition to the list of exhibits, will be found an account of the woods and timber- trees of the Colony, with other information. Speeches in the Legislative Assembly of New South Wales on the proposal to proclaim the Riverine District a Province of New South Wales with special concessions. 40 WORKS ON NEW SOUTH WALES. Mode of Reference. Full Title, &c. Remarks. New South Wales. (3) New South Wales. (5) New South Wales. (3) New South Wales. (3) New South Wales. (4) New South Wales. (3.4) New South Wales. (2 to 7) Mines and Mineral Statistics of New South Wales, and Notes on the Geological Collection of the Depart- ment of Mines. Compiled by direc- tion of the Hon. John Lucas, M.P., Minister for Mines ; also, Remarks on the Sedimentary Formations of New South Wales, by the Rev W. B. Clarke, M.A., &c. ; and Notes on the Iron and Coal De posits, Wallerawang, and on the Diamond Fields, by Professor Liversidge, F.G.S., &c. Sydney, 1875. 8vo. New South Wales Constitution Bill The Speeches in the Legislative Council of New South Wales, on the second reading of the Bill for framing a new Constitution for the Colony. Edited by E. K. Silvester, Sydney, 1853. 8vo. The Colony of New South Wales ; its Agricultural, Pastoral, and Mining Capabilities. London, 1862. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 16. The Journal of the Agricultural Society of New South Wales for 1870-1, 1874-7. Sydney. 8vo. Remarks on the probable origin and antiquity of the Aboriginal Natives of New South Wales. By a Colonial Magistrate. Melbourne, 1846. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 40. The Crown Lands Acts, with the Regulations and Forms thereunder ; also the Commons Regulation Act. Ninth Edition. Sydney, 1873. 8vo The Industrial Progress of New South Wales. Sydney, 1871. 8vo. Contains an immense amount of trust- worthy information on the mineral resources and physical structure of New South Wales. New South Trial by Jury and a Representative Wales. (4.5) New South Wales. (5) Assembly in New South Wales Extracted from the Mirror of Par- liament. London, 1832. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 38. Objections to the project of His Excel- lency Sir George Gipps, for raising a loan to be secured on the ordinary revenue of the Colony, submitted by His Excellency to the Legis- lative Council of New South Wales, 1841. Sydnev, 1842. Pamph. pp 20. A correct report of the debate on the second reading of the Bill to confer a Constitution on the Colony. Many of the speeches are by Mr. Went- worth, and others eminently fitted to express their views on the subject. A lucid and apparently correct des- cription of the Colony. Gives important statistical and other information on the natural produc- tions of the Colony. Contains much curious information as to the manners and customs of the Aboriginal inhabitants, founded on personal observations and on trust- worthy reports of explorers. A very useful and accurate work on Laws and Regulations relating to the Crown Lands of the Colony. Contains a good deal of statistical and other information on the trade, pro- ductions, and resources of the Colony. Debates in the House of Commons. Shows the estimation in which the Colony was held at that time, by leading politicians in England. This project was to raise by Debentures the sum of £200,000, to be secured on and paid out of the ordinary Revenue, and to be applied to Immi- gration purposes. WOEKS ON NEW SOUTH WALES. 41 Mode of Eeference. Full Title, &c. Remarks. New South Wales. (3.4) New South Wales. (4.5) New South Wales. (4.5) New South Wales. (4.5) New Soutli Wales. (4.5) New South Wales. (4.5) New South Wales. (4.5) Norton . (1.4) Norton . (4.5) Norton . (4.5) O'Hara .. (3.4.5) Three years practical experience in New South Wales. Edinburgh, 1838. Pamph. pp. 72. Clarence and New England Railway League — A synopsis of the pro ceedings in the agitation for a Line of Railway from the Clarence to New England. Grafton, 1875 8vo. Pamph. pp. 32. The Causes of the Former Pros perity and Present State of the Colony of New South Wales. Sydney, ca. 1845. Pamph. pp. 12. Observations on the proposed New Constitution for New South Wales, by an Old Colonist. Sydney, 1852. 12mo. Pamph. pp. 16. Illustrations of the Present State and Future Prospects of New South Wales, by an Impartial Observer. Sydney, 1835. Pamph. pp. 70. Report of the Debate in the Legis- lative Council of New South Wales, on the Division of the Territory, and the introduction of a New System for the disposal of Crown Lands. Sydney, 1840. Pamph. pp. 41 and Appendix. Report of the Proceedings and Fi- nancial State of the Association, &c, &c, designated the New Soutli Wales Association for preventing the revival of Transportation ; with Appendices and Supplement. Sydney, 1851. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 64. Port Jackson and the City of Sydney, by James Norton. Sydney, 1853 8vo. Pamph. The Condition of the Colony of New South Wales, by the Honor- able James Norton. Sydney, 1860. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 16. Essays and Reflections in Australia, by a Layman (James Norton) Sydney, 1853. 8vo. Pamph. pp, 106. History of New South Wales. (By O'Hara.) London, 1817. 8vo. A favourable view of the prospects and circumstances of the Colony. The league was formed for the pur- pose of urging the Government to carry out the proposed line, it being considered the most efficient means of securing the trade of the Northern districts, " now being rapidly attracted by Queensland." Gives as first causes of prosperity, free grants of land to capitalists and abundant labour (convict). Depres- sion as caused by the rise in price of waste lands, and the introduction of free immigrants without capital. A statement of the objects to be attained by the formation of a second or Upper Chamber, and makes suggestions as to its composition. Historical review. Granting of land. Evils of a bad system of female immi- gration. Punishments, &c. Most important document, full of statistical information. Regulations for sale of Crown Lands, &c. All the Speakers opposed to dismember- ment. A small but influential body of Colonists found assigned labour ex- tremely profitable, and endeavoured to secure a continuance of trans- portation, but the bulk of the popu- lation was altogether averse to it. A short essay, faithfully describing the aspects of the City and its neighbour- hood. Describes the Colony at a period of depression. Advocates protection to local industries. Refers to the un- satisfactory state of education. Contains some remarks on the Con- stitution of New South Wales, on railways, and other matters. A careful compilation. The writer has confined himself to leading his- torical facts and social events, from the foundation of the Colony to about 1817. 42 WOKKS ON NEW SOUTH WALES. Mode of Reference- Full Title, &c. Remarks. O'Shaughnessey. (3.4.5) Oxley (1.3.5) Page. (3.4) Palmer . (4.5) Paris (3) Parkes... (5) Parkes (3.4.5) Parkes . . . . (4.5) Parkes .... (4.5) Peisley.... (4.5) Peppereornc.. (1.2) Australian Almanack and Sydney Directory. Compiled by E. W. O'Shauglmessey. Sydney, 1833-35. 8vo. Journals of two Expeditions into the interior of New South Wales, 1817-18. By J. Oxley. London, 1820. 4to. The Clarence, New England, and Gwydir Almanac and Gazetteer. Published by Thomas Page, Grafton, 1871-72. 12mo. Kidnapping in the South Seas, being a narrative of a three months' cruise of H.M.S. " Eosario." By Capt. Geo. Palmer, E.N. Edin burgh, 1871, 8vo. Exposition Universelle de 1867, Nouvclle Galles du Sud, Aus- tralia Paris, 1867. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 47. Speeches from 1849 to 1874. By Henry Parkes. Melbourne, 1876 8vo. The Mother of the Australias : a Lecture, by Henry Parkes. Lon- don, 1862. 12mo. Pamph. pp. 15. The Elcctoi^al Act and how to work it. A series of letters on the sub- ject of the approaching Elections. By Henry Parkes. Sydney, 1859. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 20. Murmurs of the Stream. By Henry Parkes. Sydney, 1857. 12mo. Stolen Moments. A short series of Poems. By Henry Parkes. Sydney. 1842. 12mo. A brief Memoir of John Peisley the notorious bushranger, with a full report of Lis trial and condemna- tion for the wilful murder of William Benyen. Bathurst, 1862. Pamph. 12mo., pp. 31. The Eivers of Australia. Published in the Magazine of Science and Art, by F. S. Peppercorne, C.E. Sydney, 1858. pp. 4. Full of general information. Contains a Chronological Table of noteworthy occurrences, from the foundation of the Colony to 1832. Eeprescnts an important step in the progress of exploration ; but the author erroneously concluded that the interior of the Colony was an immense swamp. Affords useful statistical information. Gives an account of the trial of the "Daphne" in the Vice- Admiralty Court of New South Wales, and describes the scene at the Water Police Court, Sydney. The Catalogue of Exhibits contributed by New South Wales to the Paris Exhibition. Contains several papers on the capa- bilities and statistics of the Colony. "As the debates in which these speeches were delivered, and the events out of which the platform addresses arose, belong to the political history of the Colony, this volume constitutes a really acceptable contribution to that history." — Melbourne Argus. A short, but correct account of New South Wales to about 1860. The object of these letters was to effect a reform in the electoral system of the Colony. These collections consist of short lyrical pieces, and political and other poems. Many are descriptive of Colonial life and events. Part of a painf id chapter in the history of New South Wales, when for a time a band of murderers set the police at defiance. A very instructive paper on the Eiver Systems of Australia. WORKS ON NEW SOUTH WALES. 43 Mode of Reference. Full Title, &c. Remarks. Peppercorne , (1.2.3) Peron .... (1.5) Petitions . . (4.5.6) Phillip (5) Pidgeon (4) Pilorgerie (3.4.5) Plunkett (4) Plunkett . (4) Polding . (4.5) Memoir relative to the Improvement of Harbours and Rivers in Aus- tralia, with incidental remarks on Canals and Railways. By Frederick S. Peppercorne. Sydney, 1856. 8vo. Pamph., pp. 31. Voyage de Decouvertes aux Terres Australes sur les Corvettes lc Geographe, le Naturaliste, et la Goelette lc Casuarina, pendant les annees 1800-4. Par. F. Peron et L. Frcycinet. Paris, 1807-16. 2 vols. 4to. Cartes, roy. 4to. Report of the Proceedings of the General Meeting of the supporters of the Petitions to His Majesty and the House of Commons, from Members of Council, Magistrates, Clergy, Landholders, Merchants, and other Free Inhabitants of New South Wales, held at tbe Com- mittee Rooms, George Street, Sydney, 30th May, 1836. Sydney, 1836. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 51. The Voyage of Governor Phillip to Botany Bay. By A. Phillip. London, 1789. 4to. The Life, Experience, and Journal of Nathaniel Pidgeon, City Mis- sionary ; written by himself, Sydney, 1857. 12mo. Histoire de Botany Bay. Par Jules de la Pilorgerie. Paris, 1836. 8vo. The Australian Magistrate ; or a Guide to the duties of a Justice of the Peace for the Colony of New South Wales. Also a brief summary of the Law of Landlord and Tenant. By J. Hubert Plun kctt, A.B. Sydney, 1835. 8vo. The foregoing, corrected and enlarged. By W. II. Wilkinson. Sydney 1866. 8vo. An Answer to the Letter addressed to tbe Lord Bishop of Australia in defence of the Most Rev. Dr Polding's usurpation of the title and dignity of Archbishop of Syd- ney, and Metropolitan of New Holland. By a Layman. Sydney, 8vo. Pamph. pp. 20. The writer shows that the conformation of Australia is specially adapted to the formation of canals. That portion of the work which refers to New South Wales gives an apparently truthful description of Port Jackson, the City of Sydney, its institutions, &c, about the year 1802. The petitions urge the necessity for devoting the revenue derived from Land Sales to the purposes of immi- gration, the consolidation of the laws, modification of judicial regulations, and improved system of police. They protest against the Jury Act, which gives to convicts whose sen- tences have expired the privilege of acting as jurors, &c, &c. An authentic and ample account of the first expedition to New South Wales, and settlement of the Colony, in 1788. Throws some light on the habits of the poorer classes in Sydney, about the year 1850. An interesting sketch ; apparently com- piled from the works of English writers. A digest of the laws in force in the Colony, carefully abbreviated and arranged. Considerable additions made to the original work, and many of the case3 decided in the Supreme Court given. Also forms used for various legal purposes. Religious Controversy. 44 WORKS ON NEW SOUTH WALES. Mode of Reference. Full Title, &c. Remarks. Polehampton (4) Port Phillip , (3.5.7) Powell .. (2.3.4) Pridden . (4.5) Protection (3.7) Prout .... (4.5) Prout .... (4.5) Eae (4) Eae (1.3.4.) Eaggcd School. (4) Eankcn . . . (2 to 7) Kangaroo Land. Polehampton. 12mo. By the Eev. A. London, 1862. A Eeport, Commercial, Statistical, and General, on the District of Port Phillip, New South Wales, for the Half-year ended 31 July, 1846. Melbourne, 1846. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 40. New Homes for the Old Country. By George S. Baden-Powell. Lon- don, 1872. 8vo. Australia, its History and Present Condition. By the Eev. W. Prid den, M.A. London, 1843. 12mo. The Policy of Protection economically and morally considered, with ref- erence in particular to Colonial Industry. Sydney, 1868. 8vo. Pamph. 18 pp. Sydney Illustrated, by J. S. Prout ; with letter-press description, bj J. Eae, M.A. Sydney, 1844. Fol. Memoirs of the life of the Eev. John Williams, Missionary to Polynesia. • By Ebenezer Prout. London, 1843. Gleanings from my Scrap Book. By John Eae, A.M. 2 vols. 8vo. Sydney, 1869. Eailways of New South Wales ; their construction and working, from 1872 to 1875 inclusive. By John Eae, A.M., Commissioner for Eailways. Sydney, 1877. fol. Eeports of the Sussex-street Eagged and Industrial School. 12mo. Pamphs. 1861-76. The Dominion of Australia. An account of its foundations. By W. II. L. Eankcn. London, 1874. 8vo. Gives a truthful picture of Colonial life. At the time this report was issued the Colony of Victoria had not been separated from New South Wales. The separation occurred in 1857. That part which refers to New South Wales gives a tolerably faithful de- scription of the colonists, climate, productions, &c, at the present time. Carefully compiled from trustworthy sources, and treats of the early his- tory of the Colony, manners and customs of the colonists and aborigi- nal inhabitants, &c. A treatise in favour of Protection to Colonial Industries. An excellent description of the City of Sydney and Suburbs, about the year 1843. Describes the Eev. J. Williams' visits to New South Wales, and indicates the relation of the Colony to the Islands of the Pacific. Contains a humourous and sprightly description, in verse, of the Mayor's Fancy Ball, and other social sketches. Full of trustworthy information on everything relating to the Bail-ways of the Colony, with explanatory diagrams and maps. Inaugurated 1860. For information, this work is most valuable ; it gives a survey of the past and present state of the Colony ; refers to the climate, productive properties of the soil, the mineral resources, &c. WORKS ON NEW SOUTH WALES. 45 Mode of Reference. Full Title, to. Remarks. Banken . . (3.4.5) Eaymond Eeid (3.4.5.) Eeid. (5) Eeid. (3) Eeid (1 to 7) Eidley.., (4) Eifle Association. (4.5) Rigg- (4.5) Eitchie... (5) Bush Essays. By Capricornus. Edinburgh, 1872. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 47. The Squatting System of Australia. By Capricornus (George Eanken). Edinburgh, 1875. 8yo. Pamph. pp. 31. Colonization in 1876. By Capri- cornus. Sydney, 1876. 8vo Pamph. pp. 39. Ilomestead Settlement. Crazing Past, Present, and Future. By Capricornus. Sydney, 1877, 8vo, Pamph. pp. 45. The New South Wales Calendar and General Post Office Directory. Compiled by James Eaymond. Sydney, 1832-37. 8vo. Two Voyages to New South Wales, &c. By T. Eeid. London, 1822 8to. The Diplomacy of Victoria on the Postal Question, and the true Policy of New South Wales. By G. H. Eeid. Sydney, 1873. 8ro pp. 14. Five Free Trade Essays. Inscribed to the Electors of Victoria. By Geo. H. Eeid. Melbourne, 1875 8vo. An Essay on New South Wales, the Mother Colony of the Aus- tralias. By G. H. Eeid. Sydney, 1876. Eoy. 8vo. Kamilaroi and other Australian Lan- guages. By the Bev. W. Eidley, M.A. Sydney, 1875. Eoy. 8vo. Ecports of the New South Wales Eifle Association. 1861-76. 8vo A Digest of the Laws and Eegulations of the Australian Wesleyan Con- nection. By Chas. W. Eigg, Wesleyan Minister. Sydney, 1863. 12mo. The British World in the East.— A Guide Historical, Moral, and Com- mercial, to India, China, Australia, etc. By Leitch Eitchie. London,; 1847. 2 vols. 8vo. These papers, besides other valuable information, give a general sketch of the history of the Colony, and throw a great deal of light on the origin and progress of the squatting system in Australia. Contains a good deal of information on trade, land regulations, &c. Gives apparently a faithful account of the Colony, as a convict settlement, including facts and observations relative to the management and con- duct of the convicts. Eefers to the steps taken by the Gov- ernment of the Colony of Victoria to secure to itself the Ocean Mail Service between Australia and Point do Galle. These Essays throw light upon the present position and the free-trade policy of New South Wales, and are well worth perusal. Full of information on all subjects pertaining to the Colony, compiled from official and authentic doc- uments. The dialects of the various tribes inhabiting Australia. A valuable contribution to the science of Phi- lology. Instituted 5th October, 1860. Account of Matches, etc., etc. Sustained by private subscription and Government grant of £200 per annum. Gives authentic facts relating to the Wesleyan Church in New South Wales. Contains a few chapters detailing facts in the early history of the Colony. Statistics for 1843. 46 WORKS OK NEW SOUTH WALES. Mode of Reference. Full Title, &c. Remarks. Robinson ... (1 to 7) Robinson... (1 to 7) Robison (5) Rolleston (3.4.5) Ross (4) Ross (4) Rowcroft (4) Royal Society (3.4) Russell... (2) Russell (2) New South Wales, the oldest and richest of the Australian Colonies. By Charles Robinson. Sydney, 1873. 8to. The Progress and Resources of New South Wales. By Chas. Robinson, Sydney, 1877. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 25. A short statement of the case of R Robison, Esq., late Captain of the New South Wales Veteran Com- panies, as brought forward in the House of Commons by Dr. Lusb- ington, on 11th July, 1833. The sentence of the Court Martial against him on the charges of Lieut. General Ralph Darling, and other documents. London, 1834. 8vo. A letter addressed by R. Robison to the Members of the House of Commons, containing an outline of Evidence against Lieut. -General Darling, late Governor of N. S. W., in reply to a pamphlet privately circulated among them by that officer. London, 1835. 8vo. Statistical Review of the Progress of New South Wales during the last ten years. By Christopher Rolles- ton. Sydney, 1873. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 19. Jottings on Vitality ; or, the Phy- sical Basis of Life. By Andrew Ross, M.D. Sydney, 1872. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 31. Power of Mind over Matter. By AndrewRoss, M.D. Sydney, 1872. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 23. An Emigrant in search of a Colony. By Charles Rowcroft. London, 18*51. 12mo. Transactions of the (Philosophical) Royal Society of New South Wales. 1862-75. Sydney. 8vo. Results of Meteorological Observa- tions made in New South Wales, under the direction of H. C. Russell, B.A., &c, Government Astronomer. Sydney, 1870-75. Roy. 8vo. Climate of New South Wales : Des- criptive, Historical, and Tabular. By II. C. Russell, B.A., &c. Sydney, 1877. Roy. 8vo. An accurate description of New South Wales ; its pastoral and mineral wealth and resources, manufacturing industries, &c. Compiled at the close of the Inter- national Exhibition, held at Phila- delphia, by the Secretary to the Commission. Gives a short but excellent description of the Colony. Robison accuses Governor Darling (q. t.) of gross maladministration of justice, of cruelty to prisoners, and of other unlawful acts. Having tried on the irons used for the pun- ishment of Sudds and Thompson, and made remarks upon them which were reported to the Governor, ho was brought to trial, and, by the undue influence of the Governor sentence was recorded against him. A trustworthy source of information on the population, productions, trade and commerce of the Colony. Throws some light on the social and political state of the Colony. Refers principally to two murders committed on the Parramatta River, and to the want of sound moral training. The descriptions of a " Boiling-down," and of tho scenery of the Blue Mountains are, on the whole, accurate. Contains several valuable papers on subjects of interest relating to the Colony. A trustworthy report up to the end of 1869, and from thence to 1875 ; with remarks on the climate. The most complete work of reference devoted to the subject yet published. "WORKS ON NEW SOUTH "WALES. 47 Mode of Reference. Full Title, &c. Remarks. Sailors' Home Eeports of the Sydney Sailors' Home, (4) N.S.W. Sydney. 12mo. St. Paul's (4.5) St. Andrew's. (4) St. Andrew's. (4.5) St. Julian , (3) Sands (3.4) School.... (4.5) Scott (3) Settlers and Convicts. (4.5) Shaw (4) Shaw (4.5) The origin and foundation of St. Paul's College, established within the University of Sydney, and in- corporated by Act of the Legisla- ture, 1855. Sydney, 1856. 8vo. Pam ph. pp. 27. By-laws and Statutes of and relating to St. Paul's College, within the University of Sydney, with some account of its Foundation. Syd- ney, 1863. 12mo. Pamph. pp. 38 Report of the Committee of Trus- tees for the erection of Saint An- drew's Scots' Church, Sydney, 1837 8vo. Pamph. pp. 15. Report of the Building Committee of St. Andrew's Cathedral, Sydney. For 1857. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 12. Productions and Resources of New South Wales. By C. St. Julian and E. K. Silvester. Sydney 1857. 12mo. Sands' Sydney and Suburban Direc tory, 1858-76. Sydney. 8vo. Reports of the Committee of the Sydney School of Industry. Syd- ney. Australian Lepidoptera and their Transformations. Drawn from life, by Harriett and Helena Scott ; with descriptions general and sys- tematic, by A. W. Scott, M.A, Parts 1, 2, & 3. Folio. London, Settlers and Convicts, or Recollections of sixteen years labour in the Australian Backwoods. By an Australian Mechanic. London, 1847. 12mo. " Typical Australians." A Lecture By Mr. J. Shaw, of the Yass Grammar School. Yass, 1872 8vo. Pamph. pp. 11. Tramp to the Diggings ; being notes of a ramble iu Australia and New Zealand. By John Shaw, M.D. London, 1852. 12mo. Instituted 1862. One of the affiliated Colleges con- nected with the University of Sydney. Episcopalian. First Pastor, Rev. J. M'Garvic. steps taken 18th Nov., 1832. First The foundation stone of the Cathedral was laid in 1832. A carefully-written work on the Natural History, Botany, and Statistics of the Colony. In addition to the street and business directory, this work gives a list of Government and other Colonial Insti- tutions, besides a good deal of useful information. Instituted 1826. Managed by a Ladies* Committee for the education of 20 girls. Valuable contribution to the entomo« logical Natural History of the Colony. neXT The sketches of bush life in the earlier days of the Colony, with the various incidents narrated, are very interest- ing, and without doubt truthful. An amusing description of different phases of character to be met with in the Colony. Describes Sydney during the excite- ment caused by the discovery of gold ; also the roads of the Colony, and its politics and statesmen. 48 WORKS ON NEW SOUTH WALES. Mode of Reference. Full Title, &c. Remarks. Shepherd I Lectures on the Horticulture of New (3) Sherriff . (3.4) Sidney (2 to 7) Silver (2 to 7) Silvester ... (4.5) Smiles (4) Smith (4) South Asian Register. (4.5) Southey .. (2.3.5) Stamer... (4) Stephen (4) Stephen . (4.5) Soutli Wales. By Thomas Shep- herd. Sydney, 1835. 8vo. The Australian Almanac for 1865 to 1877. Published by J. L. Sherriff. Sydney, 12mo. The Three Colonies of Australia. By Samuel Sidney. London, 1852. 8vo. Silver's Ginde to Australia. London, 1863. 8xo. New Soutli "Wales Constitution Bill. The Speeches in the Legislative Council of New South Wales on the second reading of the Bill for framing a new Constitution for the Colony. Edited by E. K Sil- vester. Sydney, 1853. 8vo. A Boy's Voyage round the World. Edited by S. Smiles. London, 1872. 12mo. The Law List, 1873, comprising the Judges and Officers of the different Courts of Justice, Counsel, Attor- neys, Notaries, &c, in Victoria, New South Wales, &c. By R. H. Smith. 12mo. Melbourne, 1873. South Asian Register, 1828. Sydney. 8vo. December, The Rise, Progress, and Present State of Colonial Wools, comprising those of Australia, Van Diemen's Land New Zealand, &c, &c. By Thos. Southey. London, 1848. 8vo. The Gentleman Emigrant. By W. Stamer. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1874. Constitution, Rules, and Practice of the Supreme Court of New South Wales. By Alfred Stephen, Esq. Sydney, 1843-5. 8vo. Electoral Bill. Speech of Sir Alfred Stephen, Knt., in the Legis- lative Council of N.S.W., on the second reading of the Bill to amend the Electoral Law. Sydney, 1858. 8vo. Painph. pp. 38. Throws some light on the suitableness of the climate for the production of vegetables and fruit. Contains Statistical Returns, Country Directory, and other useful informa- tion. That part which relates to New South Wales, both historical and descriptive, gives a short but very correct account of the Colony to about 1852. The small portion which refers to New South Wales gives a correct descrip- tion of the Colony. A valuable record of the political progress of the Colony, and of the oratory of its leading men. Contains a brief account of Sydney. Gives a large amount of legal informa- tion. Gives a description of the Colony in 1828 ; also, a curious sketch of Syd- ney life as it then appeared. Traces the various steps taken for the introduction of the merino sheep into the Colony ; its influence on the prosperity of New South Wales ; with statistics showing the rapid increase of the flocks, and the suitability of the climate for their propagation. The last half of the first volume relates almost entirely to Australian bush life, of which it gives a lively and fairly truthful description. This compilation was the work of His Honor Sir Alfred Stephen, late Chief Justice of the Colony, and is of much practical value. Against universal suffrage, favourable to vote by ballot, and to a property qualification for voters. WOBKS ON NEW SOUTH WALES. 49 Stephen . (4.5) Stephen . (4.5) Stokes .... (1.5) Stow (4) Strzelecki (1.2.3) Start ..... (1 to 5) Suttor .... (3.4) Sydney (4) Sydney Gazette (1 to 8) Thoughts on the Constitution of a second Legislative Chamber for New South Wales, in a letter to the Attorney General. By Sir Alfred Stephen, Knt., Chief Jus- tice. Sydney, 1853. 8vo. Pamph pp. 20. Appendix to " Thoughts ontheLegis lative Constitution of New South Wales." By Sir A. Stephen, Knt., Chief Justice. Sydney, 1853. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 7. Discoveries in Australia, with an account of the coasts and river explored and surveyed during the voyage of II.M.S. "Beagle," in the years 1837-43. By Captain J. L. Stokes, E.N. London, 1846 2 vols. 8vo. Conference of Congregational Inde- pendents. Congregationalism ir the Colonies. By the Rev. T. Q. Stow. Sydney, 1855. 8vo. Pamph pp. 27. Physical Description of New South Wales, &c. By P. E. de Strzelecki. London, 1845. 8vo. Two Expeditions into the Interior of Southern Australia during the years 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, with observations on the soil, climate, and general resources of the Colony of New South Wales. By Captain C. Sturt. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1833. The Public Lands — progressive pur- chase, fixed price, mixed farming. homestead villages. By Edwin C Suttor. Sydney, 1871. 12mo Pamph. pp. 18. Inaugural Address, delivered on the opening of the University of Sydney, Mondav, October 11th, 1852. By the Hon. Sir Charles Nicholson, Vice-Provost, and the Rev. J. Woolley, D.C.L. Sydney, 1852. 4to. pp. 32. The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser. Published by authority. Sydney, 1803-42. Fol. Reviews the several proposals for the Constitution of a Second or Upper Chamber, and suggests that it be composed of 25 Members, viz., the Chief Justice for the time being, 12 Members nominated by the Governor to hold their seats for life, and 12 elected, by the Assembly for nine years. Enforces his views previously ex- pressed by comparing his proposition with the Upper House of Canada. A most important work, and contains a large mass of information con- cerning New South Wales. Address delivered to Ministers and Delegates assembled from the four Colonies of N.S. Wales, Victoria, S. Australia, and Tasmania. A valuable work — relates to Colonial agriculture, climate, &c. Full of information on the physical structure, soil, climate, and pro- ductions of the Colony. The object of this pamphlet is to urge an alteration in the existing !sws re- lating to the sale or other disposal of the public lands in the Colony, and to show the necessity of devising some means by which the population may be increased. Gives an account of the ceremony of inauguration. The only record of current events, in the early days of the Colony, extant. 50 WORKS ON NEW SOUTH WALES. Mode Of Reference. I Remarks. Sydney (4) Sydney (3) Sydney... (4) Sydney (1.5) Sydney (4) Sydney (4) Tebbntt (2) Tegg (3.4) Tench .... (4.5) Tench ( Therry . . . . (4.5) Reports of the Sydney Infirmary and Dispensary— 1844 to 1876. 8vo. Pamphs. Sydney G-eneral Trade List. Com- piled weekly, under the authority of the Customs. Sydney, 1828-31. 4to. Reports of the Sydney Bethel Union —1842-76. Reports of the Sydney College New South Wales, with a short statement of the proceedings of the Committee of Management Sydney, 1835. 8vo. Pamph., pp. 16. The Sydney University Calendar. Sydney, 1852-76. 8vo. Vice and its Victims in Sydney ; the cause and cure. By a pupil of the late Professor John Woolley, D.C.L., Principal of Sydney Uni- versity. Sydney, 1873. 8vo Pamph., pp. 77. Meteorological Observations made at the private Observatory of John Tebbutt, the Peninsular, Windsor, New South Wales, in the years 1863-70. By John Tebbutt, F.R.A.S. Sydney, 1868, 1874. Roy. 8vo. and fol. Tegg's New South Wales Pocket Almanack and Remembrancer, Sydney, 1837-44. 12mo. A Narrative of the Expedition to Botany Bay, with an account of New South Wales. Third e lit ion By Captain Watkin Tench. Lon dun, 1789. 8vo. A complete account of the Settle ment at Port Jackson. By Captain Watkin Tench. London, 1793. 4to. An appeal on behalf of the Roman Catholics of N.S.W., in a letter to Edward Blount, Esq., M.P. for Stcvning, from Roger Therry, Esq., occasioned by letters addressed to him by Captain Sir Edward Parry R.N., and the Venerable Arch deacon Broughton. Sydney, 1833 Pamph., pp. 50. Instituted in the year 1844. A most valuable Institution, supported by grants from Government and volun- tary subscriptions. Gives prices current, or value of mer- chandise, &c, during 1828-30. Rates of insurance, exchange, and freight. Instituted as a sailors' mission. Established 1830. Contains the By daws and Acts relating to the University, table of fees, &c. A comment on the state of publio morality in Sydney. A record of daily observations taken at Windsor. The tables are well arranged, and contain valuable infor- mation respecting tho weather, cli- mate, &c. Does not contain much information that is likely to be useful at the pre- sent day. The author sailed with the first fleet to found an establishment at Botany Bay. The book gives an interesting Bud trustworthy account of the pro- ceedings, also of the state of the Colony to the end of the year 1788. A chronicle of events from 1788 to 1791. Contains useful information as to climate, productions, inhabi- tants, &c. Refers to the subscriptions which wero solicited towards the completion of tho Roman Catholic chapel. The Archdeacon, it appears in his letter, stated that the Protestant inhabitants of the Colony could not " subscribe to build a Roman Catholic chapel, without guilt." WOltKS ON NEW SOUTH WALES. 51 Mode of Eeference. Full Title, &c. Remarks. Therry (3.4.5) Therry.... (4.5) Thompson (5) Thomson . (4.5) Threlkeld (4) Tompson . (4.5) Torrens., (5) Reminiscences of Thirty years' resi dcnce in New South Wales and Victoria. By Roger Therry. Lon don, 1863. 8vo. Letter to the Right Hon. W. E Gladstone, Esq., M.P., with the address to the Jury at the opening of the first Circuit Court at Bris bane, Moreton Bay, May 13th, 1850, and Speech at the Dinner given to the Judge and Members of the Circuit by the Magistracy and Gentry of the District. By His Honor Mr. Justice Therry Sydney, 1850. 8to. Report of the Proceedings of the National Banquet held at the Prince of Wales Theatre, Sydney, on the 17th July, 1856, to cele- brate the establishment and in- auguration of Responsible Govern- ment in the Colony of New South Wales. Edited by Richard Thomp- son. Sydney, 1856. 8vo. Pamph, pp. 45. Corrected Report of the Speeches of the Hon. Edward Deas Thomson, Esq., Colonial Secretary of N.S.W., on the first and second reading of the Bill for the division of the Colony into Electoral Districts. Sydney, 1851. 8vo. Pamph., pp. 47. An Australian Grammar, compre- hending the Principles and natural Rules of the Language, as spoken by the Aborigines of New South Wales. By L.E. Threlkeld. Sydney, 1834. 8vo. A Eey to the structure of the Language spoken by the Aborigines of New South Wales. By L. E. Threlkeld. Sydney, 1850. , 8vo. Wild Notes from the Lyre of a Native Minstrel. By Chas. Tomp- son, junr. Sydney, 1826. 4to. The South .Australian System of Conveyance by Registration of Title. Adelaide, 1859. Post 8vo. Written by a late Judge of the Supreme Court. Contains a good deal of curious information relating to the criminal population and colonial society from 1829 to 1859. A number of horrible cases cited to show the necessity for stringent and exem- plary punishment of criminals. "A festival most satisfactory in th£ demeanour and speeches of those present." Shows that the Bill in question was not framed for the protection of any par- ticular interest, but was based on the principles of properly and population combined. Contains statistical state- ment of stock and population. A curious and, on the whole, a correct analysis of the dialect spoken by the Aboriginal inhabitants. A volume of Australian Poems. Con- tains an elegy on the death of Governor Macquarie, and lines on the anniver- sary of the colonization of New South Wales. The principle of transferring landed property by registration of title was introduced into the Colony of N. S. W. with most beneficial results, and is known as " Torrens' Act." 52 WORKS ON NEW SOUTH WALES. Mode Of Reference. Townsend. (3.4) Transporta- tion. (4) Transporta- tion. (4.5) Trollope . . . (3.4.5) Turnbull . (4.5) Tyerman (4) Tyrrell.... (4.5) Ullathorne (4) Ullathorne (4.5) Full Title, &c. Rambles and Observations in New South Wales. By P. J. Townsend London, 1849. 12mo. A letter addressed to the Squatters of New South Wales on the Trans- portation and Labour Questions By a Squatter. Sydney, 1851. 8vo Pamph. pp. 16. Report of the Proceedings and Finan- cial State of the Association formed at a great public meeting of the inhabitants of the Colony, etc., etc., designated the N. S. W. Association for preventing the revival of Transportation. Sydney, 1851. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 64. Remarks Australia and New Anthony Trollope. 2 vols. 8vo. Gives a truthful account of the agri- cultural capabilities and products of the Colony, the character and pursuits of the inhabitants, etc. Opposed to a revival of transportation ; advises the assisted immigration of people with families. Important, as giving the views of some of the leading men of the Colony on the subject of transportation. Voyage round the World in the years 1800 to 1804, in which the Author visits the English settlements of Botany Bay, etc. By John Turn- bull. London, 1813. 4to. A Plea for Freethinkers : being a letter to the Right Rev. Frederick Barker, D.D., Lord Bishop of Sydney, By John Tyerman. Sydney, 1875. 12mo. Pamph. pp. 11. Remarks on the Third Report of the Board of National Education in N. S. W. for 1850. By the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Newcastle. Sydney 1851. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 27. A few words to the Rev. H. Fulton and his readers, with a glance at the Archdeacon, from the Rev W. B. Ullathorne, C.V.Gr. Syd- ney, 1833. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 56. A reply to Judge Burton, of the Supreme Court of N.S.W., on "The State of Religion " in the Colony. By the Rev. W. B. Ullathorne, C.V.Gr., Sydney, 1840. 8vo. Zealand. By That part relating to New South Wales London, 1873. gives an accurate description of the pursuits and manners of the Colonists , together with a general sketch of the history and resources of the Colony. Gives a short account of New South Wales, and of the habits of the Aborigines, in the early days of colonisation. This refers to an address delivered by the Bishop of Sydney at the annual meeting of the New South Wales Association for the Promotion of Morality, on which occasion, it ap- pears, he made some allusion to Mr. T. as an " infidel lecturer." Condemnatory of the National System, and advocating the Denominational. A reply to pamphlets written by the Rev. H. Fulton and Archdeacon Broughton on religious subjects. An exposition of Roman Catholic operations in the Colony at that date, with much statistical information. WORKS ON NEW SOUTH WALES. 53 Mode of Reference. Full Title, &c. Vanderkiste . (4) Vaughan (4) Vicars .... (3.4.) Vineyards (3.4) Wakefield (4.5) Walker . (4.5) Walker . (4.5) Wall (3) Wallis... (5) Wardley (4) Waugh . (4.5) Lost, but not for ever. My personal narrative of starvation and pro- vidence in the Australian Moun- tain Regions. By the Rev. R. W. Vanderkiste. London. 8vo. 1863. Advent Conferences. By Archbishop Vaughan. Sydney, 1876. 8vo. The Tariff, Immigration, and the Labour Question, discussed by John Vicars, Tweed Factory. Syd- ney, 1877. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 20. Report of the Hunter River Vine- yard Association. Sydney, 1854 8vo. Pamph. pp. 55. A letter from Sydney. (By E. G Wakefield.) Edited by R. Gouger, London, 1829. 12mo. The Flood in the Hawkesbury. W. Walker, July, 1850. 4to. Bv Australian Literature. A lecture delivered at the Windsor School of Arts, on the evening of Wed nesday, 20th July, 1864. By Wil- liam Walker, Esq., M.L.A., Pres ident of the Institution. Sydney, 1864. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 31. History and description of the Skeleton of a new Sperm Whale lately set up in the Australian Museum. By William S. Wall. Sydney, 8vo. 1851. An Historical Account of the Colony of New South Wales and its depend- ent Settlements. Illustrated with twelve Views engraved by W. Preston. Folio. London, 1821 Some Phases of Insanity and its treatment popularly considered. By E. Wardley, M.R.C.S.L. Syd- ney. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 38. Waugh and Cox's Directory of Syd ney and its Suburbs for 1855. Sydney. 8vo. Eemarks. Contains a number of incidents of Australian bush life, and religious reflections thereon. Written in defence of the Roman Catholic Faith, in consequence of the attack, alleged to have been made by the Bishop of Sydney, in his speech when laying the foundation stone of the Protestant Hall, Sydney. In favour of protection to native industries and opposed to assisted im- migration. The papers written by the various Vinegrowers contain most valuable information, in reference to the soil, aspect, and culture best adapted for Vines in this Colony. Relates principally to the state of society in Sydney, and is evidently a prejudiced account. • A short poem, descriptive of the great Flood in the Hawkesbury District. Interesting and instructive review of the early publications of the Colony, and its leading literary works. Refers to two new species of the Sperm Whale found off the Coast of New South Wales. Not in the Free Public Library, reference to be found. No Partly refers to some of the causes of insanity in New South Wales. Does not contain information likely to be useful, with the exception of an explanation of the boundaries of the city of Sydney, its wards and parishes. 54 WORKS ON NEW SOUTH WALES. Mode of Reference. Full Title, Sec. Remarks. Waugh (3) Waugh .. (2.3.5) Waugh Cox ... (3) and Welch.... (4.5) Wells (1) Wentworth . (3.4.5) Wentworth . (3 to 7) Wentworth . (4.5) Westgarth . . (3.4.5) Westgarth . (3 to 6) Australian Settler's Handbook. By J. W. Waugh. Sydney. 1861. Waugh's Australian Almanac. Syd- ney, 1858-61. 12mo. Waugh and Cox's Australian Alma- nac. Sydney, 1855-57. 12mo. Convict and Free Labour for New South Wales. By K. P. Welch London, 1847. 8vo. Paniph.,pp. 29 A Geographical Dictionary or Ga- zetteer of the Australian Colonics By W. H. Wells. Sydney, 1848 8vo. A statistical, historical, and political description of the Colony of New South Wales. By W. C. Went- worth. London, 1820. 8vo. A Statistical Account of the British Settlements in Australasia, inclu- ding the Colonies of New South Wales and Van Diernen's Land. By W. C. Wentworth. 2 vols. 8vo London, 1824. Public Funeral of the late William Charles Wentworth, Tuesday, 6th May, 1873. Sydney. 8vo. Eeport, Commercial, Statistical, and General, of the District of Port Phillip, N. S. W., for the half-year ending 31st July, 1846. Mel- bourne. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 7. Australia Felix ; or, a Historical and Descriptive Account of the Settle- ment of Port Phillip, New South Wales ; with particulars of the manners and customs of the Abori- ginal Natives. By W. Westgarth. Edinburgh, 1848. 8vo. Practical hints for the inexperienced on the most simple and practical way of cultivating and improving their land. Contains much useful matter. Full of useful information, and contains valuable data concerning the climate of Australia. Contains, in addition to some useful in- formation, remarks on the pastoral resources of Australia, and on Austra- lian wine. Objects to a proposition to send con- victs from the United Kingdom, whose term of punishment had ex- pired, to New South Wales. A scarce and valuable book ; gives cor- rect information on the geography and topography of the Colony to the date of publication. Contains a useful and trustworthy account of the early history of New South Wales. The author was for many years one of the leading public men in the Colony, and the framer of its present Constitution. This is a valuable work, as it affords authentic information as to the early settlement of the Colony, its explora- tion, products, and politics. "In the hearts of the people there was an earnest desire that the life- long services of Mr. Wentworth should be nationally recognized, and in both Houses of Parliament dis- tinguished Members gave to this great public desire form and eloquent expression." Contains useful information on all sub- jects connected with the Colony. A chapter on the Legislature of New South Wales and the Administration of the Colonies ; zoology and botany ; establishment of the settlement at Port Phillip, now Melbourne, the capital of Victoria. WORKS Otf NEW SOUTH WALES. 55 Mode of Reference. Full Title, &c. Remarks. Wheelwright (4) White (3.4.5) Wilhelmi. (4) Wilkes.... (4.5) Wills (1.5) Wilson ... (1.5) Woods .... (1.5) Wool (3) Wool (3) Woolls.... (4.5) Sporting Sketches at Home and Abroad. By H. W. Wheelwright (The Old Bushnian). London, 1866. 12mo. Journal of a Voyage to New South Wales, with 65 Plates of nonde- script Animals, Plants, &c. By John White, Esq., Surgeon General to the Settlement. London, 1790. 4to. Manners and Customs of the Aus- tralian Natives. By Charles Wil- helmi. Melbourne, 1862. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 43. Narrative of the United States' Ex- ploring Expedition during the years 1838-42. By Charles Wilkes, Ad miral, U.S.N. Philadelphia, 1845 5 vols. 4k>. A successful Expedition through the Interior of Australia, from Mel- bourne to the Gulf of Carpenteria From the journals and letters of William John Wills. Edited by his father, W. Wills. London, 1863. 8vo. Narrative of a Voyage round the World, and description of British Settlements on the Coast of New Holland, &c. By T. B. Wilson, M.D. London, 1835. 8vo. A History of the Discovery and Ex- ploration of Australia. By the Rev. J. E. T. Woods. London, 1865. 2 vols. 8vo. Contains two chapters on hunting and sporting in Australia. Gives a very full and trustworthy account of the early settlement of the Colony, with interesting remarks on the fauna and flora. Specially relates to the Port Lincoln tribes, but is applicable in many of its details to the tribes of New South Wales. That portion which refers to New South Wales givos a truthful descrip- tion of Sydney and the adjoining country, manners of the Aborigines, &c. Full of trustworthy geographical infor- mation. The remarks on New South Wales are very meagre. This history has been brought down to the year 1863. It is well written, and accurate in its details. Abstract of Evidence taken before Interesting, as showing at what an early date in the history of the Colony the superior quality of the wool was recognised in the English market ; and also, the anticipation that New South Wales would prove a great wool-producing country. the Select Committee of the House of Lords, appointed to take into consideration the state of the Brit- ish Wool Trade. London, 1828. 8vo. Pamph. Catalogue of Wools for the London International Exhibition of 1862, and for competition for Messrs. Mort & Co.'s Gold Medal. Syd- ney, 1862. Fol. A short account of the character and labours of the Rev. Samuel Mars- den, formerly principal Chaplain of the Church of England in New South Wales. By W. Woolls. Parramatta, 1844. 12mo. Gives the names of some of the princi- pal wool-growers of New South Wales, with Jurors' awards on their produce. An account of early missionary efforts in New South Wales and New Zea- land. For another account of Mr. Marsden see Wentworth's Statistical Account of British Settlements in Australasia, also Marsden. 5Q WOHKS ON NEW SOUTH WALES. Mode of Reference. Full Title, &c. Remarks. Woolls... (3) Woolls... (3) Woore . . . . (1.4) Woore . . . . (3.4) Woore . . . . (3.4) Woore (1.4.) Wyndham (4.5) Wyndham (4.5) Wyndham (4.5) A contribution to the Flora of Aus- tralia. By William Woolls, F.L.S. Sydney, 1867. 8vo. The progress of Botanical Discovery in Australia : a lecture by W. Woolls, F.L.S. Sydney, 1869. 12mo. Pamph. pp. 41. The Warragamba Water Scheme. By Thomas Woore. Sydney, 1872. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 19. Lectures on Railways, delivered at the Goulburn Mechanics' Institute, by Tlios. Woore, Esq. Sydney, 1855. 12mo. Pamph. pp. 22. Australian Railways and the Sydney University Magazine. By T. Woore. Sydney. (No date.) 8vo. Pamph. pp. 11. Remarks on what New South Wales might become by introducing the light of science into it. By Thomas Woore. Sydney, 1876 8vo. Pamph. pp. 19. Comments on Mr. Clark's Report on Water Supply to Sydney, New South Wales. By Thomas Woore. Sydney, 1877. 8vo. Pamph. pp. 12. The Impending Crisis. By George Wyndham. Maitland, 1847. 12mo. Pamph. pp. 12. A letter to Sir John Bull, Bart, upon the disposal of Crown Lands in the Colonies. By a Squatter (G. Wyndham). Sydney, 1847 8vo. Pamph. pp. 15. The Land Question. — Address of the President (John Wyndham, Esq.), of the Hunter River Agricultural Association. Maitland, Septem- ber, 1873. Sydney, 1873. 8vo Pamph. pp. 8. A valuable addition to our knowledge of the Botany of New South Wales. Contains much information in refer- ence to the Botanists of N. S. W., and the result of their researches. A project to supply Sydney with water from the Warragamba by gravitation A revieAv of railway construction gene- rally, with special reference to the ex- tension of the line to Goulburn. A discussion as to the probable cost of a railway from Sydney to Goulburn, with particulars of cost of similar lines in other countries, etc. Refer principally to the question of Water Supply for Sydney ; are op- posed to the course recommended by Mr. Clark. (2-0.) A chapter from Blackstone on pro- perty ; applied by Mr. Wyndham to the discussion then btfore the public in reference to the tenure of squattages. Advocates that grants of land should be made to all who improve it ; and that as America has been an outlet for European surplus population, so Australia should be to Asia. This pamphlet endeavours to show that the payment for land under the present system is unjust, and pro- poses in lieu thereof that a gift in land be made over by the Crown to the squatters, who, with free selectors and others, should be forced to pay a land tax. 8j dney : Thomas Richards, Government Printer. —1878. 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